British Council Library

This membership category provides ready access to British Council Library resources and information services including a vast range of electronic resources.

Rules and Regulations

Users can borrow one book, one CD and one serial from British Library subject to the following conditions :

  1. Carry membership card when you visit British Library.
  2. The due date for books is 14 days.
  3. A fine of Rs.25/- will be charged per hour for any overdue materials.
  4. Any due incurred for late return should be borne by the user.
  5. Material lost or damaged should be borne by the user.
  6. British Library materials can be photocopied subject to copyright restrictions and paying a nominal charge of Rs.5/- per A4 and Rs.7/- per A3.

British Library borrowing cards are available with the Main Library and you may request for the same.