Total Books (Computer Science) - 15034

CallNo Barcode Title Author Publisher Code Year ISBN Edition Pages Library
001.55 NEW 00051276 Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics Newman, William M. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company 1979 0074632930 xvi; 541 p UG Library
001.55 NEW 00051278 Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics Newman, William M. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company 1979 0074632930 xvi; 541 p UG Library
001.55 NEW 00051279 Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics Newman, William M. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company 1979 0074632930 xvi; 541 p UG Library
001.55 NEW 00051277 Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics Newman, William M. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company 1979 0074632930 xvi; 541 p UG Library
001.55 FOR 00030189 Business Graphics for the Ibm Pc Ford Nelson, Sybex UG Library
001.55 HEL 00030238 Ibm Pc at Users Reference Manual Gilbert Held, Bpb Publicasions 451 p UG Library
001.55 NEW 00047185 Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics Newman, William M. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company 1979 0074632930 xvi; 541 p UG Library
001.55 NEW 00047186 Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics Newman, William M. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company 1979 0074632930 xvi; 541 p UG Library
001.55 NEW 00047187 Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics Newman, William M. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company 1979 0074632930 xvi; 541 p UG Library
001.55 NEW 00047188 Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics Newman, William M. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company 1979 0074632930 xvi; 541 p UG Library
001.55 NEW 00047189 Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics Newman, William M. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company 1979 0074632930 xvi; 541 p UG Library
001.55 NEW 00038568 Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics Newman, William M. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company 1979 0074632930 xvi; 541 p UG Library
001.55 STA 05067851 IBM PC at users hanbook / Staff WSI. B.P.B. Publications, xii,i-5p.; Knowledge Centre
001.55 SYS 05050365 SYSTAT 7.0 for Windows / SPSS, 1997 9780136769095 xvi,450p.; Knowledge Centre
001.553 DON 08001701 A primer of visual literacy Dondis, Donis A., MIT Press 1973 0262040409 xi, 194 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.5540973 KAH 00033401 Documents of American Broadcasting. Kahn, J Frank P H I 1973 xv,648p. UG Library
001.6 BAR 00033011 Data Communication Network and Systems. Bartee, Thomas C B P B Publications 1985 359 p UG Library
001.6 BAR 00032068 Data Communications Networks And System Bartee,Thomas C. B.P.B. Publications 1985 1st Ed. 359 p. UG Library
001.6 BAR 00032893 Data Communications Networks,And System Bartee, Thomas Manish Jain 1985 359 p UG Library
001.6 BAR 00033010 Data Communication Network and Systems. Bartee, Thomas C B P B Publications 1985 359 p UG Library
001.6 BEH 00129858 Computer Awareness Behera S. R. B. K. Publication 2015 9789380422602 380 p.: UG Library
001.6 CHA 04016893 The Art of Programming Through Flowcharts and Algorithms / Chaudhuri, Anil Bikas FIrewall Media , 2005 9788170087793 160p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.6 CHA 04016894 The Art of Programming Through Flowcharts and Algorithms / Chaudhuri, Anil Bikas FIrewall Media , 2005 9788170087793 160p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.6 GDS 00032900 Elements of Computer Science Sudha Publications 1990 94 p UG Library
001.6 GER 05072670 A FORTRAN course Ratzer, Gerald F. G. Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada; distributed in the U.S. by Winston Press [Minneapolis, Minn., 1972 0039281159 ix, 211 p. Knowledge Centre
001.6 GUR 00134165 Data Communication Networks: Gurm, Jasmeet Singh, Global Vision Publishing House, 2019 9789386603777 xvi,260 p.; UG Library
001.6 KRO 00033281 Database Processing: Fundamentals Design and Implementation Kroenke, M David Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd 1990 xiv; 607 p UG Library
001.6 LIP 00032061 Theory and Problems of Data Processing Lipschutz, Martin M Sehaums 1989 0070990328 218 p UG Library
001.6 LIP 00032062 Theory and Problems of Data Processing Lipschutz, Martin M Sehaums 1989 0070990328 218 p UG Library
001.6 LIP 00033962 Theory and Problems of Data Processing Lipschutz, Martin M Sehaums 1989 0070990328 218 p UG Library
001.6 LIP 00032063 Theory and Problems of Data Processing Lipschutz, Martin M Sehaums 1989 0070990328 218 p UG Library
001.6 LOO 00089815 Data Management and File Processing / Loomis, E S Mary Prentice-Hall of India, 1988 0876926715 488 p. UG Library
001.6 LOO 00032883 Data Management and File Structures Loomis, Mary E S Priyanka 1990 488 p UG Library
001.6 LUC 05016860 Analysis Design and Implementation of Information System / Lucas, Henry C McGraw Hill, 1992 9780071126861 xxvi,550p.; Knowledge Centre
001.6 LUC 05014299 Analysis Design and Implementation of Information System / Lucas, Henry C McGraw Hill, 1992 9780071126861 xxvi,550p.; Knowledge Centre
001.6 LUC 05017206 Analysis Design and Implementation of Information System / Lucas, Henry C McGraw Hill, 1992 9780071126861 xxvi,550p.; Knowledge Centre
001.6 LUC 05017068 Analysis Design and Implementation of Information System / Lucas, Henry C McGraw Hill, 1992 9780071126861 xxvi,550p.; Knowledge Centre
001.6 LUC 05017078 Analysis Design and Implementation of Information System / Lucas, Henry C McGraw Hill, 1992 9780071126861 xxvi,550p.; Knowledge Centre
001.6 QUI 00028905 Desinging Efficient Algorithms for Parallel Computers Quinn, Micheal J Mc Graw Hill 1989 0071002499 xvi; 388 p UG Library
001.6/424 FEI 00096193 Fundamentals of COBOL programming. Feingold, Carl. W. C. Brown Co. 0697081079 xi, 691 p. UG Library
001.604 HEK 05013052 Smt to Cisp Symsbol Shram Hekmathpois, Knowledge Centre
001.61 KAU 05013050 Data Base Design Using Relational Designer Kaujalgi, V B Pccs 235 p Knowledge Centre
001.61 KRI 00033028 Numerical Algorithms Krishna Murthy, E.V Affiliated East-West Press Private Limited 1986 xxiv; 630 p. UG Library
001.61 KRI 00033967 Numerical Algorithms Krishna Murthy, E.V Affiliated East-West Press Private Limited 1986 xxiv; 630 p. UG Library
001.61 KRO 00033034 Data Base Processing Fundamental Design Implementation Kroenke, David M Galgotia Publications, 1990 2nd ed, 607 p.: UG Library
001.61 MAR 00032894 Computer Data-Base Organisation. Martin, James Prentice Hall 1990 710 UG Library
001.61 MOR 00033032 Computer Data Base Organizasion Martin, James Prentice Hall 1990 713 p UG Library
001.61 NCC 00030357 Introducing Systems Analysis and Design Ncc, Apple 1986 556 UG Library
001.62 DON 00038159 Systems Programming : Donovan, J John T M Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 1995 488 p. UG Library
001.62 GOR 00038136 Elements of System Analysis Gore, Marvin Galgotia 1983 1 UG Library
001.62 HWA 00037163 Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing Hwang, Kai M g h 1985 1 UG Library
001.62 NEL 05012790 Data Compression Book Nelson, Mark BPB PUBLICATIONS 1996 0817029729 564 p Knowledge Centre
001.62 RAJ 00039578 Analysis and Design of Information Systems / Rajaraman, V Prentice Hall of India, 1996 8120306937 359 p UG Library
001.62 RAJ 05018241 Analysis and Design of Information Systems / Rajaraman, V. PHI, 2011 9788120343849 3rd ed. 328 p. : Knowledge Centre
001.62 RAJ 04014698 Analysis and Design of Information Systems / Rajaraman, V. PHI, 2011 9788120343849 3rd ed. 328 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.624 AHM 00141562 Operations research Ahmad,Shoeb Renu publishers, 2020 9789385502804 215p.; UG Library
001.624 RAM 00033021 Programming With Fortran 77 Kumar,Ram Tata Mcgraw-Hill Pub Com Ltd 1986 386 p.: UG Library
001.624 RAM 00033022 Programming With Fortran 77 Kumar,Ram Tata Mcgraw-Hill Pub Com Ltd 1986 386 p.: UG Library
001.624 RAM 00035108 Programming With Fortran 77 Kumar,Ram Tata Mcgraw-Hill Pub Com Ltd 1986 386 p.: UG Library
001.624 GUP 00038167 Operations Research / Gupta, P K S Chand & Co. Ltd., 1995 1054 p. UG Library
001.624 JAI 00030235 Best of the Peter Norton Chronicles Davis, Ziff B.P.BPublications 1987 128 p. UG Library
001.624 RAM 00030546 Programming With Fortran 77 Kumar,Ram Tata Mcgraw-Hill Pub Com Ltd 1986 386 p.: UG Library
001.624 RAM 00035104 Programming With Fortran 77 Kumar,Ram Tata Mcgraw-Hill Pub Com Ltd 1986 386 p.: UG Library
001.624 RAM 00035105 Programming With Fortran 77 Kumar,Ram Tata Mcgraw-Hill Pub Com Ltd 1986 386 p.: UG Library
001.624 RAM 00035107 Programming With Fortran 77 Kumar,Ram Tata Mcgraw-Hill Pub Com Ltd 1986 386 p.: UG Library
001.624 RAM 00035109 Programming With Fortran 77 Kumar,Ram Tata Mcgraw-Hill Pub Com Ltd 1986 386 p.: UG Library
001.624 RAM 00035106 Programming With Fortran 77 Kumar,Ram Tata Mcgraw-Hill Pub Com Ltd 1986 386 p.: UG Library
001.624 RAM 00033023 Programming With Fortran 77 Kumar,Ram Tata Mcgraw-Hill Pub Com Ltd 1986 386 p.: UG Library
001.63 RAV 00044186 Data Structure and Software Engineering. Ravishankar, S Himalaya Publishing House, 1998 376 p.: UG Library
001.63 RAV 00034400 Data Structure and Software Engineering. Ravishankar, S Himalaya Publishing House, 1998 376 p.: UG Library
001.63 GUN 00044928 Data Structures And Software Engineering Gundurao, H K United Publishers: 1998 481 p.: UG Library
001.63 GUN 00044929 Data Structures And Software Engineering Gundurao, H K United Publishers: 1998 481 p.: UG Library
001.63 GUN 00044930 Data Structures And Software Engineering Gundurao, H K United Publishers: 1998 481 p.: UG Library
001.63 GUN 00044931 Data Structures And Software Engineering Gundurao, H K United Publishers: 1998 481 p.: UG Library
001.63 GUN 00044932 Data Structures And Software Engineering Gundurao, H K United Publishers: 1998 481 p.: UG Library
001.63 GUN 00005593 Data Structures And Software Engineering Gundurao, H K United Publishers: 1998 481 p.: UG Library
001.63 GUN 00056893 Data Structures And Software Engineering Gundurao, H K United Publishers: 1998 481 p.: UG Library
001.63 HAN 00032906 Design of Computer Data Files Hanson, Owen East-west Press Pvt.Ltd, 1982 358 p,: UG Library
001.63 RAV 00044187 Data Structure and Software Engineering. Ravishankar, S Himalaya Publishing House, 1998 376 p.: UG Library
001.63 RAV 00044189 Data Structure and Software Engineering. Ravishankar, S Himalaya Publishing House, 1998 376 p.: UG Library
001.63 RAV 00044190 Data Structure and Software Engineering. Ravishankar, S Himalaya Publishing House, 1998 376 p.: UG Library
001.63 RAV 00044188 Data Structure and Software Engineering. Ravishankar, S Himalaya Publishing House, 1998 376 p.: UG Library
001.63 RAV 00051454 Data Structure and Software Engineering. Ravishankar, S Himalaya Publishing House, 1998 376 p.: UG Library
001.64 BAN 04004076 Design of Microprocessor Based Systems Bansal, V K New Age International Publishers 2008 9780852260852 154 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.64 BAN 04004077 Design of Microprocessor Based Systems Bansal, V K New Age International Publishers 2008 9780852260852 154 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.64 BAN 04004405 Design of Microprocessor Based Systems Bansal, V K New Age International Publishers 2008 9780852260852 154 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.64 BAN 04004406 Design of Microprocessor Based Systems Bansal, V K New Age International Publishers 2008 9780852260852 154 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.64 CER 04002757 Distributed Databases : Ceri, Stefano Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 9780070265110 393 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.64 CER 04000527 Distributed Databases : Ceri, Stefano Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 9780070265110 393 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.64 KUP 05012791 A Guide to Computer Animation Kuperberg Marcia Focal Press 9780240516714 249p Knowledge Centre
001.64 PRA 00133520 Concept of computer science Pradhan,Manaswini Sarup book suppliers pvt ltd., 2018 9789352081110 xxii,680p.; UG Library
001.64 ABI 10000946 Fundamentals of computers / Abid, Manauallah. Dreatech Press, 2019 9789389520392 x,315p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
001.64 BAR 00034391 Introduction to Computer Science Bartee, Thomas Mc Graw Hill 1989 404 p UG Library
001.64 BAS 00034457 Computerised Accounting Basset, P H BPB Publications 1992 324 p UG Library
001.64 BIS 00030188 Basic Computer Programming Biswas N, Nridendra Radiant 1989 1 UG Library
001.64 BOH 10003863 Information Processing / Bohl, Marilyn Science Research Associates, 1980 0-574-21265-5 3rd Ed., xv, 492 p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
001.64 BOS 00029025 Digital Systems: from Gates to Microprocessors Bose, K Sanjay Wiley 408 p UG Library
001.64 CER 04009153 Distributed Databases : Ceri, Stefano Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 9780070265110 393 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.64 CER 04009154 Distributed Databases : Ceri, Stefano Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 9780070265110 393 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.64 CHI 05012760 Introduction to Microcomputers , Knowledge Centre
001.64 CLA 00034393 WordStar Instant Reference Clark, David J BPB Publishers 1989 xvi; 314 p UG Library
001.64 DIJ 05054298 Selected writings on computing : Dijkstra, Edsger Wybe. Springer-Verlag, 1982 0387906525 xvii, 362 p. ; Knowledge Centre
001.64 ECK 00034458 How to Design and Develop Busines Systems Eckols, Steve Galgotia 1992 278 p UG Library
001.64 ELE 00135963 Computer Hardware and Software Tools / 3G E-Learning 2018 9781680948196 xii,279p.; UG Library
001.64 FAN 03012800 Design and Modeling for Computer Experiments Kai-Tai Fang CRC Press, 2006 9781498797795 xii, 290 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
001.64 FAN 00124384 Design and Modeling for Computer Experiments Kai-Tai Fang CRC Press, 2006 9781498797795 xii, 290 p.: UG Library
001.64 GOL 00034332 Computer Science Goldschlager, L P H I 1982 304 p UG Library
001.64 HER 00031016 Abc `s of Quick C Hergert, Douglas BPB Publications 1989 xix; 309 p UG Library
001.64 HUN 00030207 Computers and Commonsense Hunt, Roger. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1989 0869256210 4th Ed. 208 p. UG Library
001.64 HUN 00089929 Computers and Commonsense Hunt, Roger. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1989 0869256210 4th Ed. 208 p. UG Library
001.64 HUN 00030206 Computers and Commonsense Hunt, Roger. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1989 0869256210 4th Ed. 208 p. UG Library
001.64 HUN 00032037 Computers and Commonsense Hunt, Roger. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1989 0869256210 4th Ed. 208 p. UG Library
001.64 HUN 00032840 Computers and Commonsense Hunt, Roger. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1989 0869256210 4th Ed. 208 p. UG Library
001.64 KAN 05003719 Written Test Questions In Data Structures / Kanetkar, Yashavant. BPB Publications, 2010 9788183333313 viii, 592 p. : Knowledge Centre
001.64 KRI 00096209 Introductory Theory of Computer Science Krishnamurthy, E. V. Affiliated East - West Press Pvt. Ltd., 8185095132 211 p. UG Library
001.64 MAN 00090138 Computers and Data Processing Concepts and Applications. Mandell, Steven L West Publish co 2008 0314632689 480p Yeshwanthpur Campus
001.64 MCC 00034459 Busines Computer Systems McCon, Charlotte Eudy Prentice -Hall 1990 0876926472 xviii; 286 p UG Library
001.64 MEH 00045399 MCA Master in Computer Applications Questionbank Mehta, Subhash Suneel Galgotia 1998 8186340912 UG Library
001.64 MUK 04010095 Textbook on Microprocessor-Based laboratory Experiments and Projects / Mukhopadhyay, A.K I.K. International Publishing House, 2010 9789380578040 3rd ed. 402 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.64 MUK 04018956 Textbook on Microprocessor-Based laboratory Experiments and Projects / Mukhopadhyay, A.K I.K. International Publishing House, 2010 9789380578040 3rd ed. 402 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.64 MUR 00124389 Introduction to Data Technologies Paul Murrell CRC Press, 2009 9781498797740 xxvi, 418 p.: UG Library
001.64 ORI 00029202 Computers and Information Orilia, S Lawerence McGraw Hill Book Company 1987 007Y666091 xxvi; 655 p UG Library
001.64 OSB 00037785 Introduction to Microcomputers: Bais Concepts Osborne,Adam. Mcgraw-Hill 1980 2nd Ed. P.V. Yeshwanthpur Campus
001.64 RAJ 00038792 Fundamentals of Computers Rajaraman, V. Prentice Hall 1996 9788120310032 2nd Ed. 316 p. UG Library
001.64 RAJ 00034395 Fundamentals of Computers Rajaraman, V Prentice Hall 1992 289 p UG Library
001.64 RYA 05050085 Minitab student handbook / Ryan, Thomas A. Duxbury Press, 1976 0878721169 ix, 341 p. : Knowledge Centre
001.64 SAS 05051601 Proceedings of the Twenty Third annual conference / SAS Institute, 1998 9781580251495 1626p. : Knowledge Centre
001.64 SAS 05051602 Proceedings of the Twenty Fourth annual conference / SAS Institute, 1999 9781580254472 1870p. : Knowledge Centre
001.64 SAX 00045973 First Course in Computers Saxena, Sanjay Vikas 8125906347 UG Library
001.64 SUB 00030186 Programming for Basic Subramanian, N H Wheeler 1987 1 UG Library
001.64 SUB 05072646 Programming for Basic / Subramanian, N. Wheeler Publishing, 1983 2nd ed xi, 180p. : Knowledge Centre
001.64 SUB 05053679 Programming for Basic / Subramanian, N. Wheeler Publishing, 1983 2nd ed xi, 180p. : Knowledge Centre
001.64 THA 00118422 Fundamentals of Computers Thareja, Reema. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199452729 xiv:277p.; UG Library
001.64 VEN 00038273 Programming With Pascal and C Venugopal, K R T M Hall 1012 p Knowledge Centre
001.64 WAL 00034398 Understanding Computer Science Alpplications Walker, S Roger Ti 1985 282 p UG Library
001.64 WIR 05012795 Algorithms+dara Structures=programm Wirth, Nickolas 1994 1 Knowledge Centre
001.6403 NAR 00034401 Dictionary of Computers Narang, L Madan Anmol 1992 274 p UG Library
001.6404 BOR 00120994 8085 Microprocessor Architecture and Programming Boroel Pramod Ane Books Pvt, 2014 9789382127581 xii, 371 p.: UG Library
001.64042 ISM 04010389 Analog Vlsi : Ismail, Mohammed McGraw-Hill, 1999 0071133879 | 9788126533459 741 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.64044 APT 00035552 Digital Systems and Microprocessor Fundamentals Apte, Sulabha Jaico Publishers 1993 448 p.: UG Library
001.64044 BAR 00033976 Digital Computer Fundamentals Bartee C Thomas Tata Mcgraw Hill 1991 0074604007 xii; 610 p UG Library
001.64044 BAR 00126666 Digital Computer Fundamentals Bartee, Thomas C Mcgraw Hill 1985 007Y661847 | 9780074604007 6th Ed. xii; 610 p UG Library
001.64044 BAR 00057496 Digital Computer Fundamentals Bartee C Thomas Tata Mcgraw Hill 1991 0074604007 xii; 610 p UG Library
001.64044 BAR 00037254 Digital Computer Fundamentals Bartee, Thomas C Mcgraw Hill 1985 007Y661847 | 9780074604007 6th Ed. xii; 610 p UG Library
001.64044 BAR 00065989 Digital Computer Fundamentals Bartee, Thomas C Mcgraw Hill 1985 007Y661847 | 9780074604007 6th Ed. xii; 610 p UG Library
001.64044 BAR 00065990 Digital Computer Fundamentals Bartee, Thomas C Mcgraw Hill 1985 007Y661847 | 9780074604007 6th Ed. xii; 610 p UG Library
001.64044 BAR 00065991 Digital Computer Fundamentals Bartee, Thomas C Mcgraw Hill 1985 007Y661847 | 9780074604007 6th Ed. xii; 610 p UG Library
001.64044 BAR 00032046 Digital Computer Fundamentals Bartee, Thomas C Mcgraw Hill 1985 007Y661847 | 9780074604007 6th Ed. xii; 610 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
001.64044 BAR 00032047 Digital Computer Fundamentals Bartee, Thomas C Mcgraw Hill 1985 007Y661847 | 9780074604007 6th Ed. xii; 610 p UG Library
001.64044 BAR 00032051 Digital Computer Fundamentals Bartee, Thomas C Mcgraw Hill 1985 007Y661847 | 9780074604007 6th Ed. xii; 610 p UG Library
001.64044 BAR 00032052 Digital Computer Fundamentals Bartee, Thomas C Mcgraw Hill 1985 007Y661847 | 9780074604007 6th Ed. xii; 610 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
001.64044 BAR 00032050 Digital Computer Fundamentals Bartee, Thomas C Mcgraw Hill 1985 007Y661847 | 9780074604007 6th Ed. xii; 610 p UG Library
001.64044 BAR 00032048 Digital Computer Fundamentals Bartee, Thomas C Mcgraw Hill 1985 007Y661847 | 9780074604007 6th Ed. xii; 610 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
001.64044 BAR 00127207 Digital Computer Fundamentals Bartee, Thomas C Mcgraw Hill 1985 007Y661847 | 9780074604007 6th Ed. xii; 610 p UG Library
001.64044 BAR 00037257 Digital Computer Fundamentals Bartee, Thomas C Mcgraw Hill 1985 007Y661847 | 9780074604007 6th Ed. xii; 610 p UG Library
001.64044 JAI 00032016 Digital Electronics and Microprocessors Jain R. P. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing House 1990 524 p. UG Library
001.64044 LEA 00034402 Experiment in Digital Principles Leach, P Donald M G H 1986 2oo p UG Library
001.64044 MAT 00031722 Introduction to Microprocessors Mathur, P Aaidtya Tmh Second Edition 1988 272 p UG Library
001.64044 STA 00034324 Data Base Computer: Principles Architechtures and Techniques Stanley, Y U Su McGraw Hill Book Company: 1988 498 p.: UG Library
001.64044 WAK 05013091 Digital Design- Principles and Practices Second Edition Wakerly, John F 1994 0130599735 840 Knowledge Centre
001.640443397 RAJ 05001455 Digital Computer Deisign Rajaraman, V Prentice -Hall 248 Knowledge Centre
001.640712 MIL 05051084 Facta Universitatis : G V Milovanovic University of Nis., 1988 143 p. Knowledge Centre
001.642 00036359 System Programing and Operating Systems Dhandhere, D M Knowledge Centre
001.642 BAL 00047374 Programming in Basic Balagurusamy, E Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company: 1992 3rd ed. 317 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
001.642 BAL 00047375 Programming in Basic Balagurusamy, E Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company: 1992 3rd ed. 317 p.: UG Library
001.642 BAL 00036473 Programming in Basic Balagurusamy, E Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company: 1992 3rd ed. 317 p.: UG Library
001.642 BAL 00036471 Programming in Basic Balagurusamy, E Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company: 1992 3rd ed. 317 p.: UG Library
001.642 BAL 00030345 Programming in Basic Balagurusamy, E Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company: 1992 3rd ed. 317 p.: UG Library
001.642 BAL 00049040 Programming in Basic Balagurusamy, E Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company: 1992 3rd ed. 317 p.: UG Library
001.642 BOS 00145207 Hardware and Software of Personal Computers / Bose,Sanjay. New Age International Pvt Ltd 2023 9789393159830 3rd ed, 248p. ; UG Library
001.642 BRI 00030358 Using Microcomputers Brightman, Richard W Galgotia Publications. 1989 266 p.: UG Library
001.642 CON 00030352 Basic of Beginners Conley, William E. Galgotia Publicstions Pvt Ltd 1990 160 p. UG Library
001.642 CON 00030353 Basic of Beginners Conley, William E. Galgotia Publicstions Pvt Ltd 1990 160 p. UG Library
001.642 ELE 00136375 Basic computer coding: VISUAL BASIC / 3G E-learning 3G E-learning, 2019 9781984622907 223p.; UG Library
001.642 GRO 00036489 Pascal Programming Fundamentals Grover, P S Allied Publishers: 1994 351 p.: UG Library
001.642 IBM 00031449 IBM Personal Computer Xenix Operating System Version 2.00 Ibm, New Delhi 1991 857 p.: UG Library
001.642 KIN 05050241 The Ms- Dos HandBook Allen King, Richerd BPB Publishers. 1986 2nd ed, 338 p.: Knowledge Centre
001.642 KIN 00034397 The Ms- Dos HandBook Allen King, Richerd BPB Publishers. 1986 2nd ed, 338 p.: UG Library
001.642 NEW 00033960 Theory and Problems of Programming With Structured Cobol Newcomer, Lawrence M.S. McGraw-Hill Book Com 1986 375 p. UG Library
001.642 RAM 04013410 Introduction to Automata and Compiler Design / Ramaiah K. Dasaradh PHI, 2011 9788120342347 379p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.642 RAM 04013411 Introduction to Automata and Compiler Design / Ramaiah K. Dasaradh PHI, 2011 9788120342347 379p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.642 RAO 05057932 Computer Programming FORTRAN and Other Languages / Rao,P.V.S. Tata McGraw Hill, 1982 xx,304p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 WIL 05057952 Manual Lotus 1-2-3 Williams, Robert E B P B 1986 253 p Knowledge Centre
001.642 .DBS 00036301 Dbase III Plus Programme Reference Guide Simpson, Alan Bpb 1030 UG Library
001.642 ABC 00033031 Cobal Programming , 1900 1 UG Library
001.642 AHO 04012380 The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms / Aho, Alfred V. Pearson Education Inc., 1974 9788131702055 x, 470 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.642 AHO 04012381 The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms / Aho, Alfred V. Pearson Education Inc., 1974 9788131702055 x, 470 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.642 AHO 05055411 The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms / Aho, Alfred V. Pearson Education Inc., 1974 9788131702055 x, 470 p. Knowledge Centre
001.642 AIN 00040451 Get Smart in Computers Ainsley, Robert Pustak Mahal 1996 64 p UG Library
001.642 ALA 00030239 Understanding Dbase 111 Plus Simpson, Alan B P B UG Library
001.642 ALV 05050134 An introduction to Genstat / Alvey, Norman. Academic Press, 1982 0120555506 viii, 152 p. : Knowledge Centre
001.642 ARM 00032021 Programmers Reference Manual for IBM Personal Computer Armbrust, Steven Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd 1990 727 p. UG Library
001.642 AWA 00036443 System Analyais & Design Awad, M Elias 1994 1 UG Library
001.642 BAC 00035598 Design of the Unix Operating System Back, J Maurice Pearson, 1993 472 p.: UG Library
001.642 BAL 00033289 Programming in Basic Balagursamy, E T M H 1991 1 UG Library
001.642 BAL 00030542 Fortran for Beginners Including Fortran 77 Balaguruswamy E Tata McGraw Hill 1988 0074515276 x; 196 p UG Library
001.642 BAL 00030834 Wordstar a Guide and Workbook Balaguswamy, E Macmillan India Ltd 1989 viii; 112 p UG Library
001.642 BAL 00038404 Programming in Anci C Balaguruswamy, E 1995 1 Knowledge Centre
001.642 BAL 00038405 Programming in Anci C Balaguruswamy, E 1995 1 UG Library
001.642 BAL 00030836 Computer Oriented Statistical and Numerical Methods Balaguruswamy, E Macmillan India Ltd 1988 333909607 xii; 250 p UG Library
001.642 BAL 00028010 Programming in Basic. Balaguruswamy, E T M H 1994 212 p UG Library
001.642 BAL 00036472 Programming in Basic Third Edition Balagurusamy, E T M H 1994 317 p UG Library
001.642 BAL 00034706 Programming in Basic Balagurusamy, E Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company: 1992 3rd ed. 317 p.: UG Library
001.642 BAL 00034709 Programming in Basic Balagurusamy, E Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company: 1992 3rd ed. 317 p.: UG Library
001.642 BAL 00034710 Programming in Basic Balagurusamy, E Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company: 1992 3rd ed. 317 p.: Knowledge Centre
001.642 BAL 00034707 Programming in Basic Balagurusamy, E Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company: 1992 3rd ed. 317 p.: Knowledge Centre
001.642 BAL 00034708 Programming in Basic Balagurusamy, E Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company: 1992 3rd ed. 317 p.: Knowledge Centre
001.642 BAL 00034721 Programm in Anci-C / Balagurswamy, E Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., 1992 411 p UG Library
001.642 BAL 00034720 Programm in Anci-C / Balagurswamy, E Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., 1992 411 p UG Library
001.642 BAN 00047162 Discrete-Event System Simulation Banks,Jerry Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd 2002 8120320719 | 9788120320710 3rd Ed. 594 p. UG Library
001.642 BAS 00031429 Basic Reference 1989 xvi; 371 p UG Library
001.642 BAS 00031428 Basic Reference 1989 xvi; 371 p UG Library
001.642 BAY 00039132 Oracle 7 the Complete Reference Bayroes, Ivon BPB 1996 1 UG Library
001.642 BEC 05052137 Extending the S system / Becker, Richard A. Wadsworth Advanced Books and Software, 1985 0534050166 (pbk.) viii, 166 p. ; Knowledge Centre
001.642 BER 00102179 Algorithms Berman Course technology; 9788131505212 759 p. UG Library
001.642 BHA 04018254 Computer Database / Bhattachary, Manvendra Centrum Press, 2013 9789350843420 296p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.642 BHA 04018447 Computer Database / Bhattachary, Manvendra Centrum Press, 2013 9789350843420 296p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.642 BHA 00089897 Fundamental Algorithms Bhatt, P C P Narosa 1973 8185015546 636p. UG Library
001.642 BIS 00026350 Fortran Iv Computer Programming Biswas, N N E W P 1985 xii; 229 p UG Library
001.642 BIS 00030341 Basic Computer Programming Biswas, Nripendra U B S 1989 154 p UG Library
001.642 BIS 00030342 Basic Computer Programming Biswas, Nripendra .n Radient Books 1989 154 p.: UG Library
001.642 BOL 00029171 Understanding Fortran 77 With Structured Problem Solving Boillot, Michael Jaico Books 1988 xvi; 592 p UG Library
001.642 BOS. 00089926 Mastering Oracle 7 & Client/ Server Computring Bobrowski, Steven M BPB PUBLICATIONS 8170293766 717p. UG Library
001.642 BRI 00030539 Using Microcomputers Brightman, Richard W Galgotia Publications. 1989 266 p.: UG Library
001.642 BRO 00030559 C for Basic Programmer Brown, T D Tata McGraw Hill 1988 xii; 205 p UG Library
001.642 BRO 00029062 C for Basic Programmer Brown, T D Tata McGraw Hill 1988 xii; 205 p UG Library
001.642 BYE 00031031 Inside the IBM PC AT Byers, T J McGraw Hill Book Company 1988 0071001484 viii; 309 p UG Library
001.642 CHO 00030350 Microcomputer Programming in Basic Tsu-Der Chou, George Harper & Row Publishers 1985 297 p. UG Library
001.642 CJAM 00045812 Jamsa`s C/c++ Programmer`s Bible Jamsa Ph D, Kris Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd 8175152036 925p UG Library
001.642 CKA 00045813 Writing TSRs Through C Kanetkar, Yashavant P BPB PUBLICATIONS 1995 8170295203 356p UG Library
001.642 CLA 00033301 Research Methods in Social Relation Claire, Sellitz 1 UG Library
001.642 CLA 00030557 Wordstar Instant Reference Clark, David J BPB Publisher, 1989 320 p.: UG Library
001.642 CLA 00045817 Object-Oriented Programming in Turbo C++ Lafore, Robert Galgotia Publications 1998 8185623228 739p UG Library
001.642 CLI 00036266 Business Data System. Clifton, H.d PRENTICE-HALL 1988 382 P UG Library
001.642 CNA 00045814 Pointers Simplified. Narang, Pankaj Khanna Publication: 1998 395 p.: UG Library
001.642 COB 00031447 Microsoft Cobol Compiler , 1984 53 p UG Library
001.642 COB 00031448 Microsoft Cobol Compiler , 1984 53 p UG Library
001.642 COB 00031455 Microsoft Cobol Compiler , 1984 viii; 213 p UG Library
001.642 COB 00031423 Mircosoft Cobol Reference Manual Microsoft Corporation 1984 340 p UG Library
001.642 COB 00031425 Microsoft Cobol , 1974 xix; 150 p UG Library
001.642 CON 00033972 Basic of Beginners Conley, William E. Galgotia Publicstions Pvt Ltd 1990 160 p. UG Library
001.642 CST 00039026 Teach Yourself C++ Stevens, Al Bpb 1995 388 p UG Library
001.642 DAN 00030355 Basic Systems Analysis Daniels, Alan Galgotia Publications, 1986 287 p.: UG Library
001.642 DAT 00036419 Introductio to Data Base Systems Date, C J 1994 1 UG Library
001.642 DAV 00041002 Power Builder 4:a developer's guide David Mc Clanahan BPB PUBLICATIONS 8170295882 873 Knowledge Centre
001.642 DBA 00034392 Understanding Dbase Iv 1.1 Simpson, Alan B P B 1991 967 p UG Library
001.642 DBA 00031433 Dbase III Plus Quick Reference Guide, 1989 389 p UG Library
001.642 DBA 00031434 Dbase III Plus Quick Reference Guide, 1989 389 p UG Library
001.642 DES 00040060 Basics of Computers and Programming Desmond T S F Superme Publishing House 1996 269 p UG Library
001.642 DES 00040061 Basics of Computers and Programming Desmond T S F Superme Publishing House 1996 269 p UG Library
001.642 DES 00040062 Basics of Computers and Programming Desmond T S F Superme Publishing House 1996 269 p UG Library
001.642 DES 00040063 Basics of Computers and Programming Desmond T S F Superme Publishing House 1996 269 p UG Library
001.642 DES 00040064 Basics of Computers and Programming Desmond T S F Superme Publishing House 1996 269 p UG Library
001.642 DES 00040065 Basics of Computers and Programming Desmond T S F Superme Publishing House 1996 269 p UG Library
001.642 DES 00040066 Basics of Computers and Programming Desmond T S F Superme Publishing House 1996 269 p UG Library
001.642 DES 00040067 Basics of Computers and Programming Desmond T S F Superme Publishing House 1996 269 p UG Library
001.642 DES 00040068 Basics of Computers and Programming Desmond T S F Superme Publishing House 1996 269 p UG Library
001.642 DES 00040069 Basics of Computers and Programming Desmond T S F Superme Publishing House 1996 269 p UG Library
001.642 DES 00040070 Basics of Computers and Programming Desmond T S F Superme Publishing House 1996 269 p UG Library
001.642 DES 00040071 Basics of Computers and Programming Desmond T S F Superme Publishing House 1996 269 p UG Library
001.642 DES 00047436 Basics of Computers and Programming Desmond T S F Superme Publishing House 1996 269 p UG Library
001.642 DES 00090040 Basics of Computers and Programming Desmond T S F Superme Publishing House 1996 269 p UG Library
001.642 DEY 04012293 Computer Programming and Data Structures / Dey, Pradip. Oxford University Press; 2009 9780198061793 748 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.642 DHE 00031005 Computer Science Vol II Dheenadayalu, R Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, 1989 209 p.: UG Library
001.642 DOW 00030321 Computer Programming in Basic the Easy Way Downing, Douglas Barnes 1986 0812026268 ix 224 p UG Library
001.642 DRO 04007482 How to solve it by computer / Dormey, R. G. Dorling Kindersley, 2009 9788131705629 xxi, 442p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.642 DRO 04007483 How to solve it by computer / Dormey, R. G. Dorling Kindersley, 2009 9788131705629 xxi, 442p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.642 DRO 00036209 How to Solve It By Computer Dromey, R G 1992 1 UG Library
001.642 DRO 10002765 How to solve it by computer / Dormey, R. G. Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2022 9788131705629 xxi, 442p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
001.642 DSO 00032067 Text Book on Computer Literacy Using Basic D`Souza, Eric Br SKW Enterprises, 1985 327 p.: UG Library
001.642 DUN 00029037 Complete Turbo Pascal Duntemann, Jeff Calgotia Publication, 1988 2nd ed, 588 p.: UG Library
001.642 ELI 00036265 Business Data Systems Clifton, H D Prentice -Hall 1988 382 UG Library
001.642 FAR 00039369 Getting Started With Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows Farrell, R Barbara 1995 0471120677 176 p UG Library
001.642 FAS 00031431 Fast Graphs 1989 1 Yeshwanthpur Campus
001.642 FDS 00032899 Programming Fundamentals , Sudha 1992 1989 101 p.: UG Library
001.642 FDS 00032901 Computer Organisation Flas Digest Sudhindra 1987 88 p.: UG Library
001.642 FEI 00030333 Fundamentals of Structured Cobol Programming Feingold, Carl Galgotia 1983 4th ed xvii; 862 p UG Library
001.642 FER 00035594 Bornald C++3.0 for Windows 3.1 Fernandas, Luois Bpb 938 p UG Library
001.642 FIE 00028914 Advanced Cobol Fields, Kent T John Wiley & Sons 1987 0471880205 xv; 380 p UG Library
001.642 FIE 00030219 Advanced Cobol Fields, Kent T John Wiley & Sons 1987 0471880205 xv; 380 p UG Library
001.642 FIE 00030332 Advanced Cobol Fields, Kent T John Wiley & Sons 1987 0471880205 xv; 380 p UG Library
001.642 FLA 00043371 Practical Data Structures in C++ Flamig, Bryan Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd 1998 8175150351 436p UG Library
001.642 FOR 00034322 Programming With Fortran : Lipschutz,Seymour McGraw Hill Book Company, 1988 0070990336 314 p.; UG Library
001.642 FRD 00031432 Fast Graphs 1989 1 UG Library
001.642 FRE 00037359 This Is DTP:A Young Person`s Guide Freedman, Terry Knowledge Centre
001.642 GEA 00090192 Computer Organization and Programming. Gear, William C Mc-Graw-hill Book CO 1988 0070230498 414p UG Library
001.642 GEO 00030334 Mastering Autocad George Omura Tech Publications 1988 2nd ED 739 p.: UG Library
001.642 GOE 00031002 Introduction to Computer Science Goel, M.k Sterling Publishers. 1989 220 p.: UG Library
001.642 GOL 05001788 Programming With Assembly Language / Goldbcrs, E David Schaum's Outline Series, 1988 405p.: Knowledge Centre
001.642 GOT 00088484 Theory and Problems of Programming With Pascal - Schaum Series Gottifried, S Byron Schaum 1996 007462136 420 p UG Library
001.642 GOT 00038793 Theory & problems of Programming With Basic Gottfried, Byron S Tata McGraw Hill 1993 0074601423 3rd ed. 386 p UG Library
001.642 GOT 00047376 Theory & problems of Programming With Basic Gottfried, Byron S Tata McGraw Hill 1993 0074601423 3rd ed. 386 p UG Library
001.642 GOT 00047381 Theory & problems of Programming With Basic Gottfried, Byron S Tata McGraw Hill 1993 0074601423 3rd ed. 386 p UG Library
001.642 GOT 00047380 Theory & problems of Programming With Basic Gottfried, Byron S Tata McGraw Hill 1993 0074601423 3rd ed. 386 p UG Library
001.642 GOT 00047377 Theory & problems of Programming With Basic Gottfried, Byron S Tata McGraw Hill 1993 0074601423 3rd ed. 386 p UG Library
001.642 GOT 00047379 Theory & problems of Programming With Basic Gottfried, Byron S Tata McGraw Hill 1993 0074601423 3rd ed. 386 p UG Library
001.642 GOT 00047378 Theory & problems of Programming With Basic Gottfried, Byron S Tata McGraw Hill 1993 0074601423 3rd ed. 386 p UG Library
001.642 GOT 00030192 Theory and Problems of Programming With Basic Gottfried, Byrons Mc Graw Hill 1988 3th ed 386 p.: UG Library
001.642 GOT 00031994 Theory & problems of Programming With Basic Gottfried, Byron S Tata McGraw Hill 1993 0074601423 3rd ed. 386 p UG Library
001.642 GOT 00049054 Theory & problems of Programming With Basic Gottfried, Byron S Tata McGraw Hill 1993 0074601423 3rd ed. 386 p UG Library
001.642 GOT 00049055 Theory & problems of Programming With Basic Gottfried, Byron S Tata McGraw Hill 1993 0074601423 3rd ed. 386 p UG Library
001.642 GOT 00033959 Theory & problems of Programming With Basic Gottfried, Byron S Tata McGraw Hill 1993 0074601423 3rd ed. 386 p UG Library
001.642 GOT 00030212 Theory and Problems of Programming With Basic Gottfried, Byrons Mc Graw Hill 1988 3th ed 386 p.: UG Library
001.642 GOT 00030213 Theory and Problems of Programming With Basic Gottfried, Byrons Mc Graw Hill 1988 3th ed 386 p.: UG Library
001.642 GOT 00031995 Theory and Problems of Programming With Basic Gottfried, Byrons Mc Graw Hill 1988 3th ed 386 p.: UG Library
001.642 GOT 00032044 Theory and Problems of Programming With Pascal Gottfried,Byron .S McGraw Hill Book Company 1991 0070991081 407 p UG Library
001.642 GOT 00032933 Theory and Problems of Programming With Pascal Gottfried,Byron .S McGraw Hill Book Company 1991 0070991081 407 p UG Library
001.642 GOT 00033290 Theory and Problems of Programming With Pascal Gottfried,Byron .S McGraw Hill Book Company 1991 0070991081 407 p UG Library
001.642 GOT 00033291 Theory and Problems of Programming With Pascal Gottfried, Byron S T M H 1991 0074601431 401 p UG Library
001.642 GOT 05072674 Schaum's outline of theory and problems of programming with basic : Gottfried, Byron S. Schaums Outline Series, 1982 2nd Ed 282p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 GOT 00034722 Schaum Outline Series Theory & Problems of Programming With Basic Gottfried, S Byron T M H 1992 386 p UG Library
001.642 GOT 00034725 Schaum Outline Series Theory & Problems of Programming With Basic Gottfried, S Byron T M H 1992 386 p Knowledge Centre
001.642 GOT 00034724 Schaum Outline Series Theory & Problems of Programming With Basic Gottfried, S Byron T M H 1992 386 p UG Library
001.642 GOT 00034723 Schaum Outline Series Theory & Problems of Programming With Basic Gottfried, S Byron T M H 1992 386 p UG Library
001.642 GOT 00032932 Theory and Problems of Programming With Pascal Gottfried,Byron .S McGraw Hill Book Company 1991 0070991081 407 p UG Library
001.642 GOT 00031996 Theory and Problems of Programming With Basic Gottfried, Byrons Mc Graw Hill 1988 3th ed 386 p.: UG Library
001.642 GOT 00030209 Theory and Problems of Programming With Basic Gottfried, Byrons Mc Graw Hill 1988 3th ed 386 p.: UG Library
001.642 GRE 00044059 Using Visual C++ 5 Special Edition Gregory, Kate Prentice Hall of India 1997 8120313070 956 UG Library
001.642 GRI 05050036 The science of programming / Gries, David, Springer-Verlag, 1981 038790641X xiii, 366 p. ; Knowledge Centre
001.642 GRO 00036488 Pascal Programming Fundamentals Grover, P S Allied Publishers: 1994 351 p.: UG Library
001.642 GRO 00036199 Pascal Programming Fundamendals Grover, Ps 1 UG Library
001.642 GRO 00036200 PASCAL Programming Fundamentals Grover, P S Allied 1994 350 p UG Library
001.642 GRO 00036487 Pascal Programming Fundamentals Grover, P S Allied Publishers: 1994 351 p.: UG Library
001.642 HAB 00031034 Introduction to Operating System Design Habermann, A N Galgotia Publications, 1989 372 p.: UG Library
001.642 HAB 00032909 Introduction to Operating System Design Habermann, A N Galgotia Publications, 1989 372 p.: UG Library
001.642 HAL 00038126 Microprocessors and Interfacing Hall, V Douglas UG Library
001.642 HAL 05003296 Linux Applications And Administration Harnal, Ashok Kumar Tata McGraw - Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., 2009 9780070656758 xiv, 662 p. Knowledge Centre
001.642 HAL 00126027 Basic Computation and Principle of Computer Programming Holder Suman Narosa Publishing House, 2016 9788184874976 xvii, G.5 p.: UG Library
001.642 HAR 00030538 Mastering Wordstar Release Harvey, Grag Bpb 1988 420 p UG Library
001.642 HAS 00030544 Computer Programming in Basic Hasan, M.M Dhanpat Rai & Sons 1988 viii; 362 p UG Library
001.642 HAT 00038455 Programming Using the C Language Hatchinson, C Robert M G H 1988 528 p UG Library
001.642 HEI 00030329 101 parogramming Surprises & Tricks for your IBM PC Heiserman David, L BPB Publications 1987 vii; 598 p UG Library
001.642 HEN 05001801 Spreadsheet Software from Visicalc to 1-2-3 / Staven Hariton, Que Corporate, 1983 xvi,336p.: Knowledge Centre
001.642 HER 00029024 Mastering Turbo Pascal 5 Hergert, Douglas BPB Publications 1989 817029103 xxii; 595 p UG Library
001.642 HER 05013832 C Programme Language Kerninghan, W Brian Knowledge Centre
001.642 HER 00032891 Mastering Turbo Pascal 5 Hergert, Douglas BPB Publications 1989 817029103 xxii; 595 p UG Library
001.642 HOG 00036327 CP/M User Guide Hogan, Thom Mcgraw 1986 327 p.: UG Library
001.642 HOG 00036328 CP/M User Guide Hogan, Thom Mcgraw 1986 327 p.: UG Library
001.642 HOL 00032014 Basic Programming A Complete Course Text, Holmes, B.j English Language Book 1990 3th ed 381 p.: UG Library
001.642 HOL 00035595 Compiler Design in C Holub, I Allan Prentice -Hall 1993 924 p UG Library
001.642 HOL 00030347 Structured Programming in Cobol Holmes, B.j Galgotia Booksource, 1984 384 p.: UG Library
001.642 IBM 00031450 IBM Personal Computer Xenix Text Formatting System Version 2.00 , IBM 1986 vi; X 14 p UG Library
001.642 IBM 00031451 IBM Personal Computer Xenix Operating System Version 2.00 Ibm, New Delhi 1991 857 p.: UG Library
001.642 IBM 00030552 IBM PC Troubleshooting & repair Guide. Brenner, Robert C B.P.B Publications 1985 204 p,: UG Library
001.642 IBM 00031436 Pc-Graw IBM 1987 174 p UG Library
001.642 IBM 00031435 Pc-Graw IBM 1987 174 p UG Library
001.642 JAI 00030194 Basic Computer Programming Jain, V.K Pushpa 1988 169 p UG Library
001.642 JAI 00030543 Basic Computer Programming Jain, V.K Pushpa 1988 169 p UG Library
001.642 JAM 00032000 Using Turbo Basic James, Mike Galgotia 1990 202 p UG Library
001.642 JAR 00039360 Visual Basic 4 Multimedia Adventure Set Jarol, Scott Pustak Mahal 1995 742 p UG Library
001.642 JOB 00031424 Microsoft Cobol Compiler Cobol Tools Microsoft Controller Microsoft Controller 1984 84 p. UG Library
001.642 JOU 00032886 C Express Jourdain, Robert Prentice-Hall of India, 1990 412 p.: UG Library
001.642 KAL 00044032 Operations Research Kalavathy, S Vikas 8125912754 534p Knowledge Centre
001.642 KAN 00043882 Understanding Ponters in C Kanetkar, Yashavant BPB PUBLICATIONS 1997 8170298911 311 UG Library
001.642 KAN 00042452 UNIX Shell Programming Kanetkat, Yashwant Bpb 1996 481 p UG Library
001.642 KAO 00038153 Foxpro 2.6 for Window for Dummies Kaufeld, John Pustak Mahal 1995 1 UG Library
001.642 KEL 00030340 Pc Secrets Kelley, James E Mc Graw Hill 1986 224 p.: UG Library
001.642 KER 00030338 C Programming Language Kernighan, Brian W. Prentice-Hall 1989 2nd Ed. 272 p. UG Library
001.642 KHA 04021342 Computer Programming and Data Structures / Khanna, Rajiv New Age International Publishers, 2011 9788122432060 418 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.642 KIF 04010878 Introduction to operating System Design and Implementation : Kifer, Michael. Springer , 2007 9788184897555 vii, 172 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.642 KNU 00002923 Fundamental Algorthims (the Art of Computer Programming :1) Knuth, E Donald Narosa 1988 634 p UG Library
001.642 KOC 00039604 Oracle: a Complete Reference Koch, George 1995 0078820979 1060 p UG Library
001.642 KOL 00031017 Quick Guide to Dbse. Kolodney, David 1989 382p UG Library
001.642 KOS 00030556 dBase Workbook Koshal, Sathish BPB Publications 1989 122 p UG Library
001.642 KRI 00028891 Numerical Algorthims Krishnamurthy, E V Affiliated East- West Press Pvt Ltd 1986 8185095140 xxiv; 629 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
001.642 KUM 05070140 Operating Systems / Kumar, Sunil M. Thakur Publishers, 2014 9789383922246 304p. ; Knowledge Centre
001.642 KUN 05051343 Fundamental Algorthims (the Art of Computer Programming :1) Knuth, E Donald Narosa 1988 634 p Knowledge Centre
001.642 LAM 00034330 Pascal Programming Lamie, L Edward John Wiley & Sons 1987 420 p.: UG Library
001.642 LIE 00032881 Learning IBM Basic for the Personnel Computer Lien, David A New Delhi 1989 8170290104 ix; 496 p UG Library
001.642 LIE 00032905 Basic Handbook Lien, David A. BPB Publications 1989 3rd Ed. 862 p. UG Library
001.642 LIE 00032882 Learning IBM Basic for the Personnel Computer Lien, David A New Delhi 1989 8170290104 ix; 496 p UG Library
001.642 LIE 00030328 Learning IBM Basic for the Personnel Computer Lien, David A New Delhi 1989 8170290104 ix; 496 p UG Library
001.642 LIF 00030691 Understanding Computers Communications Time-Life Books, Alexandria 1987 128 UG Library
001.642 LIN 00034329 Computer O Rganization and Assembly Language Programming for the Pdp-11 and Lin?, C Wen Harcourt & Row 1985 371 p UG Library
001.642 LIP 05051588 Programming With Fortran : Lipschutz,Seymour McGraw Hill Book Company, 1988 0070990336 314 p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 LIU 00036604 Microcomputer System The 8086/8088 Family Liu, Yu-Cheng Prentice Hall 1994 2nd ed, 620 p: UG Library
001.642 LIU 00038586 Microcomputer System The 8086/8088 Family Liu, Yu-Cheng Prentice Hall 1994 2nd ed, 620 p: UG Library
001.642 LOT 00030535 Manual Lotus 1-2-3 Williams, Robert E B P B 1986 253 p UG Library
001.642 MAC 00033979 Introduction to Computer System Macewen, Glenn H. McGraw-Hill International Editions 1981 463 p. UG Library
001.642 MAC 00035559 Illustrated Turbo Prolog Mick, McAllister BPB Publications 1989 ix; 413 p UG Library
001.642 MAI 00034742 Computer Science Made Simple Maini, A.k Pustak Mahal 1992 450 p.: UG Library
001.642 MAR 00031000 Troubleshooting and Repairing the New Personal Computers Margolis, Art BPB Publications 1988 xi; 401 p UG Library
001.642 MAR 00032055 Computer Networks and Distributed Processing Martin, James Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd 1988 0876925298 xiv; 562 p UG Library
001.642 MAR 00030230 Troubleshooting and Repairing the New Personal Computers Margolis, Art BPB Publications 1988 xi; 401 p UG Library
001.642 MAS 00031999 Principles of Basic Cobol and Fortran Masani, Noshir K Progressive Corporation 1988 3rd ed xvi; 104 p UG Library
001.642 MAS 00030555 Principles of Basic Programming Masani, Noshir K. Progressive Corporation Pvt Ltd 1985 2nd Ed. 86 p. UG Library
001.642 MAT 00030231 Wordstar Professional the Complete Reference Matthews, Carole Boggs MC GRAW HILL 930p UG Library
001.642 MAT 00122598 Dictionary of Computer Science Mathur, Nishit APH Publishing Corporation, 2015 9789331325112 254 p:. UG Library
001.642 MAT 00034699 Dbase III Plus for Beginners. Mathur, Rajiv Galgotia 1992 585 p UG Library
001.642 MAT 00034743 Introduction to Pascal Aditya, P Mathur Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company 320 p.: UG Library
001.642 MAT 00035592 Introduction to Pascal Aditya, P Mathur Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company 320 p.: UG Library
001.642 MAT 00034744 Introduction to Pascal Aditya, P Mathur Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company 320 p.: UG Library
001.642 MEH 00043463 System Software Analysis And Design: SSAD Question Bank Mehta, Subhash Wheeler 1996 9788175440647 95 p UG Library
001.642 MEN 05001326 Wordstar for Eveyone / Menon, K S V Bpb 1995 Knowledge Centre
001.642 MIC 00031441 Microsoft Ms-Dos Microsoft Corporation, Microsoft Corporation 1978 240 p UG Library
001.642 MIC 00111541 Microsoft Manual of Style: Microsoft Corporation. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 2012 9788120345591 4th Ed. xxiv: 438p.; UG Library
001.642 MIC 00031437 Microsoft Macro Assembler Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation 1985 197 p. UG Library
001.642 MIC 00031438 Microsoft , 1989 1 UG Library
001.642 MIL 00030998 The Abc`s of Dos 4 Alan, R Miller B P B Publications, 1989 280 p.: UG Library
001.642 MIL 00030999 Assembly Language Techniques for the IBM PC Miller, Alan R BPB Publications 1988 xvii; 358 p UG Library
001.642 MIL 00033181 Offical Turbo C Survival Guide Miller, H Lawrence John Wiley & Sons 1989 554 p UG Library
001.642 MIL 00031426 IBM Data Files Miller, David PRENTICE-HALL 1981 0835930262 xii; 260 p UG Library
001.642 MIL 00031427 IBM Data Files Miller, David PRENTICE-HALL 1981 0835930262 xii; 260 p UG Library
001.642 MOR 00033966 Introduction Unix System V Morgan, Rachel McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1987 xxv, 612 p.: UG Library
001.642 MUS 00030558 Unix Power Utilities John, Muster BPB Publications 1989 v; 420 p UG Library
001.642 MYL 00030551 Illustrated Lotus 1-2-3 Mylius,Ralph B.P.B. Publications 1987 1st Ed. 281 p.: UG Library
001.642 MYL 00032035 Illustrated Lotus 1-2-3 Mylius,Ralph B.P.B. Publications 1987 1st Ed. 281 p.: UG Library
001.642 NAG 04029777 Introduction to Octave : Nagar, Sandeep Apress, 2018 9781484240175 | 9781484232019 209p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.642 NAG 05067582 Introduction to Octave : Nagar, Sandeep Apress, 2018 9781484240175 | 9781484232019 209p. : Knowledge Centre
001.642 NAP 00031009 Introduction to Data Structures with Pascal / Naps L Thomas Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd., 1994 475 p UG Library
001.642 NAP 00035970 Introduction to Data Structures with Pascal / Naps L Thomas Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd., 1994 475 p UG Library
001.642 NAP 00035971 Introduction to Data Structures with Pascal / Naps L Thomas Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd., 1994 475 p UG Library
001.642 NAR 07006486 Structured Programming Approach / Narula Harish.G Tech-Max Publications, 2012 9789350771525 6-146p.: Library - BR Campus
001.642 NAR 00044061 Pointers Simplified Narang, Pankaj Khanna Publications 1998 390 UG Library
001.642 NAU 00044031 Java: the Complete Reference Naughton, Patrick 1997 0074632922 886 UG Library
001.642 NEA 00029960 Computer Projects Neave, Molclm Picador A Piper Book, 1985 96 p.: UG Library
001.642 NES 00038162 Foxpro 2.5 for Dos at a Glance Nesbitt, D. David Bpb Knowledge Centre
001.642 NEW 00033016 Theory and Problems of Programming With Structured Cobol Newcomer, Lawrence M.S. McGraw-Hill Book Com 1986 375 p. UG Library
001.642 NOR 00030534 Peter Norton`s Dos Guide Revised & expanded Norton, Peter Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd 1989 08769259310 xvi; 350 p UG Library
001.642 OAT 00031048 Pascal-A Short Self-Instructional Course Oatey and Clare Galgotia Booksource. 1985 128 p.: UG Library
001.642 OBE 00030187 Basic Made Essy Oberoi, Sundeep Mgh 1987 114 UG Library
001.642 PAG 00036895 Relational Database: Concepts, Selection and Implementation Page, A J Galgotia 1995 1 UG Library
001.642 PAR 10003799 Understanding computers : Parker, Charles S. The Drydent Press, 1996 9780030138270 Exact edition. xxxii, SOC 2-47, (sectional wise), Yeshwanthpur Campus
001.642 PAS 00035635 Introduction to Computer Science & Programming in Pascal Gupta, Jyothi Learner`s 0019 1 UG Library
001.642 PER 00038765 Understanding Oracle : Perry, T James BPB Publications, 1992 635 p. UG Library
001.642 PHI 00031984 Structured Cobol Philippakis, A.S. Mc Graw Hill 1986 420 p. UG Library
001.642 PHI 00031988 Structured Cobol Philippakis, A.S. Mc Graw Hill 1986 420 p. UG Library
001.642 PHI 00031986 Structured Cobol Philippakis, A.S McGraw Hill Book Company 1986 007Y665192 3rd ed. xv; 421 p UG Library
001.642 PHI 00030322 Structured Cobol / Philippakis, A.s Mc Graw Hill, 1986 418 p UG Library
001.642 PHI 00031989 Structured Cobol / Philippakis, A.s Mc Graw Hill, 1986 418 p UG Library
001.642 PHI 00031987 Structured Cobol / Philippakis, A.s Mc Graw Hill, 1986 418 p UG Library
001.642 PHI 00031983 Structured Cobol / Philippakis, A.s Mc Graw Hill, 1986 418 p UG Library
001.642 PHI 00031985 Structured Cobol / Philippakis, A.s Mc Graw Hill, 1986 418 p UG Library
001.642 PHI 00032036 Information Systems Through Cobol Philippakis Andreas, S. Mcgraw-Hill International Editions 1978 007Y855846 2nd ed. xiii; 606 p. UG Library
001.642 PHI 00033975 Information Systems Through Cobol Philippakis Andreas, S. Mcgraw-Hill International Editions 1978 007Y855846 2nd ed. xiii; 606 p. UG Library
001.642 PHI 00032925 Information Systems Through Cobol Philippakis Andreas, S. Mcgraw-Hill International Editions 1978 007Y855846 2nd ed. xiii; 606 p. UG Library
001.642 PHI 00032069 Advanced Cobol Philippkis A S Mcgraw Hill Book , 1988 2nd ed 714 p.: UG Library
001.642 PRA 04012681 Principles of Compiler Design / Prasad, Nandini K. S. Elsevier ; 2012 9789381269473 2nd ed. 383 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.642 PRA 04019373 Computer Operating System / Prasanalakshmi, B. CBS Publisher, 2010 9788123918464 388p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.642 PRA 04019232 Computer Operating System / Prasanalakshmi, B. CBS Publisher, 2010 9788123918464 388p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.642 PRA 05068688 dbase III plus programming : Prague. Cary N. BPB Publications, 1987 xi,305p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 RAJ 00034728 Computer Programming in Cobol Rajaraman, V PRENTICE-HALL of India Pvt Ltd 2002 08769203010 268 p UG Library
001.642 RAJ 00057679 Computer Programming in Cobol Rajaraman, V PRENTICE-HALL of India Pvt Ltd 2002 08769203010 268 p UG Library
001.642 RAJ 00030233 Computer Programming in Cobol Rajaraman, V PRENTICE-HALL of India Pvt Ltd 2002 08769203010 268 p UG Library
001.642 RAJ 00006887 Principles of Copmputer Programming Rajaraman, V PRENTICE-HALL 1970 176 p.: UG Library
001.642 RAJ 00032042 Computer Programming in Cobol Rajaraman, V PRENTICE-HALL of India Pvt Ltd 2002 08769203010 268 p UG Library
001.642 RAJ 05067729 Computer programming in fortran iv / Rajaraman V. Prentice Hall Of India, 1977 0876920075 235p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 RAJ 00034394 Computer Programming in Pascal Rajaraman, V Manish Jain 1992 319 p UG Library
001.642 RAJ 00035395 Computer Programming in Pascal Rajaraman, V Manish Jain 1992 319 p UG Library
001.642 RAJ 05068684 Computer programming in fortran iv / Rajaraman V. Prentice Hall Of India, 1977 0876920075 235p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 RAJ 05068685 Computer programming in fortran iv / Rajaraman V. Prentice Hall Of India, 1977 0876920075 235p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 RAJ 00034727 Computer Progrmming in Cobol / Rajaraman, V Prentice -Hall, 1992 08769203010 x; 268 p UG Library
001.642 RAJ 00033970 Principles of Computer Programming Rajaraman, V Prentice -Hall 1990 3rd Ed. 246 p.: UG Library
001.642 RAK 00030240 The Ms- Dos HandBook Allen King, Richerd BPB Publishers. 1986 2nd ed, 338 p.: UG Library
001.642 RAM 00031050 Dbase III Plus for Beginners Mathur, Rajiv Galgotia 1989 xix; 478 p UG Library
001.642 RAS 00126503 Computer Networks Rastogi, Kauahal Kishor Global Academic, 2013 9789381695241 298 p.: UG Library
001.642 RAV 00044029 Programming With C++ Ravichandran, D 1996 0007463349 607 UG Library
001.642 RIC 00031047 Microcomputing in Cobol : Structured Interactive Applications Richards, Martin Roy Galgotia Publications 1988 xii; 326 p UG Library
001.642 RIE 00086730 Introduction to Business Computing Coursepack (WMU) Rienzo, Thomas 2007 0135137411 69p UG Library
001.642 ROB 00031044 The ABC`s of dBASE IV tm Robert, Cowart BPB Publications 1989 338 p UG Library
001.642 ROB 00030326 Mastering Dos Robbins, Judd BPB Publications 1989 2nd ed. xxvii; 722 p UG Library
001.642 ROC 05037234 Advanced UNIX programming / Rochkind, Marc J. Prentice-Hall, 1985 0130118184 : | 0130118001 (pbk 728 p. ; Knowledge Centre
001.642 ROD 00032025 Interactive Engineering Graphics Rodriguez, Walter E Gramercy 1989 0071002855 xvii; 535 p UG Library
001.642 ROY 00039591 Cobol Programming Including Ms-Cobol and Cobol - 85 / Roy, M K Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., 1996 0074603183 2nd 494 p UG Library
001.642 ROY 00030336 Cobol Programming Problems and Solutions Roy, M.k Tata McGraw Hill 1988 vi; 309 p UG Library
001.642 RUB 00035599 Pc Magazine Turbo Pascal 6.0 Techniques and Utilities Rubenking, Neil J Ziff-Davis 1991 1562760106 xxx; 892 p UG Library
001.642 RUG 00031001 More Than 32 Basic Programs for the IBM Personal Computer. Rugg Tom, Tech Publications 1988 981309186S xx; 326 p UG Library
001.642 SAH 00111545 Write your First Program/ Saha, Amit. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 2013 9788120347410 xii: 234p.; UG Library
001.642 SAL 00031452 The Inside Track Salter, Brett Data Base, 1989 42 p.: UG Library
001.642 SAM 00030835 Basic Programming Sampath, S Mcmillan India Ltd 1988 333909593 190 p UG Library
001.642 SAN 00031011 Insider`s Guide to IBM PC Hardware and Software Sandler, Corey BPB Publications 1988 xiii; 266 p UG Library
001.642 SAN 00031049 Turbo Prolog : Features for Programmers Sanjiva Nath Galgotia Publication Pvt Ltd 1988 272 p UG Library
001.642 SCH 00032009 Advanced C Herbert, Schildt McGraw Hill 1987 0078813484 2nd ed xi; 403 p UG Library
001.642 SCH 00032024 Schaum's Outline Series Scheid, Francis McGraw Hill 1987 0070990727 281 p UG Library
001.642 SER 10000955 Illustrator CC in Simple Steps / Dreamtech Press, 2019 9789388425261 viii, 277p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
001.642 SET 00043375 Programming Languages Sethi, Ravi Addison Wesley Publishing Company 1996 9780201352245 2nd ed. xv; 640 p UG Library
001.642 SHA 00026349 Programming in Fortran Iv Sharma, K D E W P 1985 240 p UG Library
001.642 SHE 00031052 Using Wordstar Burton,Sharon Galgotia Publishers Pvt Ltd 1989 124 p. UG Library
001.642 SIE 00038151 Mastering Foxpro 2.6 Siegel, Charles BPB Publications 1994 xxx; 956 p UG Library
001.642 SIE 00035445 Mastering Foxpro 2.5 Siegel, Charles BPB Publications 1993 Special Edition xxx; 958 p UG Library
001.642 SIM 00030314 Understanding Dbase III Simpson, Alan BPB Publications 1986 xv; 300 p UG Library
001.642 SIM 00033252 Introduction to Computer Information System for Business Simkin, Mark G S Chand & Company Ltd 1989 8121903831 xxvi; 678 p UG Library
001.642 SIM 00030241 Understanding dBase IV Simpson,Alan BPB Publications 1989 xli; 880 p. UG Library
001.642 SIM 00031032 Introducing System Analysis and Design Simons, G.l Galgotia Booksource 1982 166 p UG Library
001.642 SIM 00030548 Advanced Techniques in Dbase III Simpson, Alan BPB Publications 1986 500 p.: UG Library
001.642 SIM 00030316 Understanding Dbase III Simpson, Alan BPB Publications 1986 xv; 300 p UG Library
001.642 SIM 00031033 Introducing System Analysis and Design Simons, G.l Galgotia Booksource 1982 166 p UG Library
001.642 SIN 00035553 Introduction to Data Structure Bhagat, Singh Galgotia 1991 407p UG Library
001.642 SIN 00035116 Introduction to Data Structure Bhagat, Singh Galgotia 1994 407 p UG Library
001.642 SMI 00031993 Programming the Intel 80386 Smith, Bud E B P B Publications, 1987 346 p.: UG Library
001.642 SOR 00031445 Sort Reference , 1978 x; E-4 UG Library
001.642 SPE 00035117 Clipper Programming Guide Spence, Rick BPB Publications 1992 xx; 648 p UG Library
001.642 SPE 00035118 Cliper Programming Guide Spence, Rick BPB Publications 1991 2nd ed. xxviii; 610 p UG Library
001.642 STA 00043965 Computer Organization and Architecture-Designing for Performance Stallings, William Prentice Hall of India 1996 8120311558 682 UG Library
001.642 STE 00034325 Unix Network Programming Stevens, W Richard Prentice -Hall 1992 772 p UG Library
001.642 STE 00035597 Unix Network Programming Richard, Stevens W Prentice-Hall 1993 772 p UG Library
001.642 STE 00088483 Teaches c an Interactive Tutorial Stevens, A L BPB PUBLICATIONS 1995 8170294436 294 p.: UG Library
001.642 STE 00036477 Structured Cobol Programming Stern, Nancy John Wiley 1994 1 UG Library
001.642 STU 00031046 The Illustrated Dbase III Book Stultz Russell, A Galgotia Publications 1986 320 p.: UG Library
001.642 SUB 00047373 Programming For Basic Subramanian N. Wheeler Publishing 1989 8185614407 4th Ed. xii; 227 p. UG Library
001.642 SUB 00047372 Programming For Basic Subramanian N. Wheeler Publishing 1989 8185614407 4th Ed. xii; 227 p. UG Library
001.642 SUM 00043367 Unix System V 4 Concepts and Applications R Tata Mcgraw Hill 1997 498p UG Library
001.642 SWA 00032892 Mastering Turbo Pascal Tom, Swan BPB Publishers, 1987 450 p.: UG Library
001.642 SYM 00031439 Quick Reference Guide Symphony, AITBS 1989 16 p UG Library
001.642 SYM 00031440 Symphony Version 1.1 , 2000 16 p UG Library
001.642 TAN 00047167 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd, 1998 8120311655 3rd Ed. xvii,814p.: UG Library
001.642 TAN 00035634 Graphics Programming With Turbo Pascal Tanik, Murat M Learner 1992 8171810128 x; 181 p UG Library
001.642 TAN 00036908 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, S 1995 1 UG Library
001.642 TAX 00034399 Dbase IIIPlus Made Simple With Dbase4 and Foxbase+ Taxali, Ravi Kant T M H 1992 470 p UG Library
001.642 TAX 05072680 Wordstar professional 4.0 : Taxali Kant, Ravi. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, 1993 xvii,285p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 TAY 00043370 C/c++ Programme Guide to Using Pc Bios Taylor, Billy Galgotia 1996 1 UG Library
001.642 THO 00030320 Practical Basic for Teachers Thompson, Jim Jerry Scott 1989 189 p. UG Library
001.642 THO 00028009 Basic: a Modular Approach Thompson, G Robert CBS Publishers & Distributors, 1986 2nd ed. 366 p.: UG Library
001.642 THO 00030324 Basic a Modular Approach Thompson, Robert G Cbs Publishers & Distributors, 1986 2nd ed. 366 p.: UG Library
001.642 THO 00040215 Basic: a Modular Approach Thompson, G Robert CBS Publishers & Distributors, 1986 2nd ed. 366 p.: UG Library
001.642 THO 00030323 Basic a Modular Approach Thompson, Robert G Cbs Publishers & Distributors, 1986 2nd ed. 366 p.: UG Library
001.642 TIW 00032913 Increase Capabilities Using PC Story Board Plus Tiwari, V K BPB Publications 1991 158 p UG Library
001.642 TLB 05038115 Artificial Intelligence-Understanding Computers / Time -Life Books, Alexandria, 1987 128p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 TLB 05038102 Computer Languages : Time-Life Books, Alexandria, 1987 128p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 TLB 05038118 Memory and Storage-Understanding Computer / Time Life Books, Alexandria, 1987 128p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 TLB 05038114 Computer Images-Understanding Computer / Time-Life Books, Alexandria, 1987 128p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 TLB 05038112 Computer Security- Understanding Computer / Time-Life Books, Alexandria, 1987 128p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 TLB 00030697 Space-Underestanding Computer Time-Life Books, Alexandria 1987 128 UG Library
001.642 TLB 05038107 Computer Basics Understanding Computer / Time-Life Books, Alexandria, 1987 128p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 TLB 05038104 Robotics-Understanding Computers / Time Life Books, Alexandria : 1987 128p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 TLB 05038103 Speed and Power / Time-Life Books, Alexandria, 1987 128p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 TLB 05038110 Revolution in Science-Understading Computer / Time-Life Books, Alexandria, 1995 128p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 TLB 05038101 Software / Time-Life Books, Alexandria, 1987 128p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 TLB 05038117 Transportation-Understanding Computers / Time-Life Books, Alexandria, 1987 1280p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 TLB 00030704 Military Frontier-Understanding Computer Time-Life Books, Alexandria 1987 128 UG Library
001.642 TLB 05038105 Input-Output Understanding Computers / Time-Life Books, Alexandria, 1987 128 p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 TLB 05038113 Computerized Society- Understanding Computers / Time-Life Books, Alexandria, 1987 128p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 TLB 05038116 Puzzle Master Understanding Computers / Time-Life Books, G Alexandria, 1987 128p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 TLB 05038111 Alternative Computers-Understanding Computers / Time-Life Books, Alexandria, 1987 128p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 TLB 05038108 Personal Computer Understanding Computers / Time-Life Books, Alexandria, 1987 128p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 TLB 05038106 Software Challenge-Understanding Computer / Time-Life Books, Alexandria, 1987 128 p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 TLB 05038109 Memory and Storage - Understanding Computers / Time-Life Books, Alexandria, 1987 128 p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 TON 00032888 The C Answer Book Tondo, Clovis L Prentice Hall 1990 0876925794 2nd ed. 208 p UG Library
001.642 TOW 00031057 Introduction to Turbo Prolog Townsend, Carl BPB Publications 1988 xvii; 315 p UG Library
001.642 TRA 05003301 Comp TIA Linux+ Certification Study Guide Tracy,Robb H Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., 2008 9780070222823 xl, 1038 p. Knowledge Centre
001.642 TRA 00031058 33 Games of Skill & Chance for the IBM PC Traister, Robert J BPB Publications 1987 x; 244 p UG Library
001.642 TRE 00057509 Introduction to Data Structures With Applications Tremblay, Jean-Paul Tata McGraw Hill 1994 0074624717 2nd ed. viii; 861 p UG Library
001.642 TRE 00057510 Introduction to Data Structures With Applications Tremblay, Jean-Paul Tata McGraw Hill 1994 0074624717 2nd ed. viii; 861 p UG Library
001.642 TRE 00057511 Introduction to Data Structures With Applications Tremblay, Jean-Paul Tata McGraw Hill 1994 0074624717 2nd ed. viii; 861 p UG Library
001.642 TRE 00057512 Introduction to Data Structures With Applications Tremblay, Jean-Paul Tata McGraw Hill 1994 0074624717 2nd ed. viii; 861 p UG Library
001.642 TRE 00057513 Introduction to Data Structures With Applications Tremblay, Jean-Paul Tata McGraw Hill 1994 0074624717 2nd ed. viii; 861 p UG Library
001.642 TRE 00051247 Introduction to Data Structures With Applications Tremblay, Jean-Paul Tata McGraw Hill 1994 0074624717 2nd ed. viii; 861 p UG Library
001.642 TRE 00051248 Introduction to Data Structures With Applications Tremblay, Jean-Paul Tata McGraw Hill 1994 0074624717 2nd ed. viii; 861 p UG Library
001.642 TRE 00051249 Introduction to Data Structures With Applications Tremblay, Jean-Paul Tata McGraw Hill 1994 0074624717 2nd ed. viii; 861 p UG Library
001.642 TRE 00034745 Introduction to Data Structures With Applications Tremblay, Jean-Paul Tata McGraw Hill 1994 0074624717 2nd ed. viii; 861 p UG Library
001.642 TRE 00036309 Introduction to Data Structures With Applications Tremblay, Jean-Paul Tata McGraw Hill 1994 0074624717 2nd ed. viii; 861 p UG Library
001.642 TRE 00039092 Designing Systems for Internet Commerce Treese, Winfield G Addison-Wesley 2000 8178080400 xiii; 375 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
001.642 TRE 00044196 Introduction to Data Structures With Applications. Tremblay, Jean-Paul Tata Mcgraw Hill 1998 2nd,Ed. 861p UG Library
001.642 TRO 00030346 Useful Basic Programs for the IBM PC. Trost Stanley, R Berkeley 1983 174 p.: UG Library
001.642 UFF 00036606 8086/8088 Family Uffenbeck, John Prentice Hall of India 1994 8120309332 x, 630 p UG Library
001.642 VAR 00031003 Computer Science for Senior School With Project Work Varma, Rakesh Galgotia Booksource, 1987 220 p.: UG Library
001.642 VEN 00044037 Programming With Fortran Venugopal, K R New Delhi 1997 0074624865 xv; 693 p UG Library
001.642 VEN 00049052 Programming With Fortran Venugopal, K R New Delhi 1997 0074624865 xv; 693 p UG Library
001.642 VEN 00049053 Programming With Fortran Venugopal, K R New Delhi 1997 0074624865 xv; 693 p UG Library
001.642 VEN 05055477 Data structures / Venkatesan,R Wiley India Pvt Ltd., 2015 9788126553044 xv,292p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 VEN 00038407 Programming With Pascal and C / Venugopal, K R Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 1994 1015 p. UG Library
001.642 VEN 05054107 Data structures / Venkatesan,R Wiley India Pvt Ltd., 2015 9788126553044 xv,292p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 VEN 00044041 Programming With Fortran Venugopal, K R New Delhi 1997 0074624865 xv; 693 p UG Library
001.642 VEN 00044040 Programming With Fortran Venugopal, K R New Delhi 1997 0074624865 xv; 693 p UG Library
001.642 VEN 00044038 Programming With Fortran Venugopal, K R New Delhi 1997 0074624865 xv; 693 p UG Library
001.642 VEN 00041555 Programming With Fortran 1900 1 UG Library
001.642 VIC 05050255 Introduction to Machine and Assembly Language : Frank D Vickers Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc., 1971 0030854113 303 p. Knowledge Centre
001.642 WAL 00030351 Programming Exercises in Basic David, Walton Oxford University Press, 1993 100 p.: UG Library
001.642 WEI 05050606 Computer Programming Fundamentals / Leeds, Herbert D Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 1961 459 p. Knowledge Centre
001.642 WIL 00031010 Computers for Everybody. Willis, Jerry Dilithium Press 1984 0880561319 (pbk.) ix; 355 p UG Library
001.642 WOO 05060205 Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 Wood,Brain Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2017 9789332584358 xiv,466p.; Knowledge Centre
001.642 WOR 00032041 Cobol For Beginners Worth Thomas Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, 1990 367 p.: UG Library
001.642 WS 00031446 Wordstar 2000 Plus Reference Guide IBM and Compatible Personal Computers IBM and Compatible Personal Computers 2001 239 p. UG Library
001.642 YAO 00044099 Visual C ++5 Bible Yao, Paul Comdex Publishing 904 Knowledge Centre
001.642 YOU 00039023 Mastering Windows Utilities Programming With C++ / Young, Michael J Tech Publications, 1994 595 p UG Library
001.642 ZAK 00030319 Your First IBM PC Program. Zaks Rodnay SYBEX 1983 0895881713 189 p.: UG Library
001.642 ZAK 05012586 An Introduction to Microcomputers Zake, Rodney BPB Publications , 1990 2nd Ed. 580p. Knowledge Centre
001.642.3 00035630 Lotus 1.2.3 Harish, Srivastava UG Library
001.642.4 00035633 Dbase Harish, Srivastava Knowledge Centre
001.642.CR 00035631 Dos Harish, Srivastava Knowledge Centre
001.642.DBS 00036302 Dbase Iii+ Programme Reference Guide Alan, Simpson BPB Knowledge Centre
001.642.DBS 00036303 Dbase Iii + Programme Reference Guide Alan, Simpson Knowledge Centre
001.642.DBS 00036305 Dbase Iii Plus Programme Reference Guide Alan, Simpson Knowledge Centre
001.642.GOT 00038399 Programming With C Gottfried, S Byron New Delhi 1995 vi. 529 p.: UG Library
001.642.SEL 00033300 Research Method in Social Relation Claire, Sellitz 1 UG Library
001.642.SIE 00041947 Mastering Ofxpro 2.5 With Fast Track Speed Notes Siegel, Charles Bpb 956 p Knowledge Centre
001.642.SRI 00035939 Lets Learn Wordstar Srivastava, Harish 1993 1 UG Library
001.642.TR. 00035632 Word Perfect Harish, Srivastava Knowledge Centre
001.6423 AGA 00035444 Introduction to Analog Coputation & simulation Agarwal, B.m Engineering Book Center, 1992 243 p.: UG Library
001.6423 JAI 00030222 Insight into Flow Charting Jain, Raj K S Chand & Company.: 1988 202 p.: UG Library
001.6423 JAI 00032064 Insight into Flow Charting Jain, Raj K S Chand & Company.: 1988 202 p.: UG Library
001.6423 JAI 00032066 Insight into Flow Charting Jain, Raj K S Chand & Company.: 1988 202 p.: UG Library
001.6423 JAI 00032887 Insight into Flow Charting Jain, Raj K S Chand & Company.: 1988 202 p.: UG Library
001.6423 MAR 10003737 Spreadsheets with Lotus 1-2-3 Release for 5.0 for windows / Martin Edward G Dryden Press, 1996 9780030163074 341 P. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
001.6423 NOV 00087920 Netware: Installation and Operation Novell Toll-Free p v UG Library
001.6423 SHA 00032916 Computer Based Numerical Analysis Kumar, Shatha M Khanna 1989 iii, 334 p UG Library
001.6424 DHA 04004120 Programming With Fortran 77: A Structured Approach Dhaliwal, R S New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 8122400949 408 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.6424 DHA 04004311 Programming With Fortran 77: A Structured Approach Dhaliwal, R S New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 8122400949 408 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.6424 FEU 04000316 C Puzzle Book / Feuer, Alan R Pearson Education, 2008 8177581406 179 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.6424 GOR 00057608 System Simulation Gordon Geoffrey Prentice Hall of India 1999 8120301404 | 9788120301405 2nd Ed. 324 p. UG Library
001.6424 NEW 00030195 Theory and Problems of Programming With Advanced Structured Cobol Newcomer Lawerence, R Schaum Outline Series. 1987 350 p.: UG Library
001.6424 NEW 00033017 Theory and Problems of Programming With Advanced Structured Cobol Newcomer Lawerence, R Schaum Outline Series. 1987 350 p.: UG Library
001.6424 NEW 00033018 Theory and Problems of Programming With Advanced Structured Cobol Newcomer Lawerence, R Schaum Outline Series. 1987 350 p.: UG Library
001.6424 RAJ 00033029 Computer Programming in Fortran 77 Rajaraman, V Prentice Hall of India Pvt. 1993 0876925433 3th ed, 182 p.: UG Library
001.6424 RUS 05050548 Fixed Point Structure Theory / Rus,Ioan A. Cluj University Press, 2006 9736104486 | 9789736104480 215p.; Knowledge Centre
001.6424 SCH 00032920 Illustrated Turbo Pascal 5.5 Paul, L Schlieve PBP Publications, 1990 375 p.: UG Library
001.6424 XAV 04001995 Introduction to Computers and Basic Programming Xavier, C New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122422238 593 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.6424 XAV 04004255 Introduction to Computers and Basic Programming Xavier, C New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122422238 593 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.6424 XAV 04004254 Introduction to Computers and Basic Programming Xavier, C New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122422238 593 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.6424 BAL 00033965 Programming in Basic Balagurusamy, E Tmh 1991 1 UG Library
001.6424 BEA 05051807 The Illustrated C Programming Book / Beam, Emmett J SKW Enterprises, 1986 ix, 286 p. Knowledge Centre
001.6424 DEO 00047160 System Simulation With Digital Computer Deo, Narsingh Prentice Hall of India 1999 8120300289 200p UG Library
001.6424 DEO 00047164 System Simulation With Digital Computer Deo, Narsingh Prentice Hall of India 1999 8120300289 200p UG Library
001.6424 DEO 00047163 System Simulation With Digital Computer Deo, Narsingh Prentice Hall of India 1999 8120300289 200p UG Library
001.6424 DEO 00069468 System Simulation With Digital Computer Deo, Narsingh Prentice Hall of India 1999 8120300289 200p UG Library
001.6424 DEO 00039223 System Simulation With Digital Computer Deo, Narsingh Prentice Hall of India 1993 8120300289 200 UG Library
001.6424 EBA 04018256 Programming Language and Compilers / Ebad, Ryhan Centrum Press, 2013 9789350843383 288p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.6424 EBA 04018434 Programming Language and Compilers / Ebad, Ryhan Centrum Press, 2013 9789350843383 288p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.6424 EDW 00038140 Foxpro 2.5 for Windows Inside & Out Jones, Edward T M H 1995 742 p UG Library
001.6424 GOR 00057609 System Simulation Gordon Geoffrey Prentice Hall of India 1999 8120301404 | 9788120301405 2nd Ed. 324 p. UG Library
001.6424 GOR 00057607 System Simulation Gordon Geoffrey Prentice Hall of India 1999 8120301404 | 9788120301405 2nd Ed. 324 p. UG Library
001.6424 GOR 00057606 System Simulation Gordon Geoffrey Prentice Hall of India 1999 8120301404 | 9788120301405 2nd Ed. 324 p. UG Library
001.6424 GOR 00047509 System Simulation Gordon Geoffrey Prentice Hall of India 1999 8120301404 | 9788120301405 2nd Ed. 324 p. UG Library
001.6424 GOR 00039563 System Simulation / Gordon, Geoffrey Prentice Hall of India, 1995 8120320304 324 p Knowledge Centre
001.6424 GOR 00047508 System Simulation Gordon Geoffrey Prentice Hall of India 1999 8120301404 | 9788120301405 2nd Ed. 324 p. UG Library
001.6424 GOR 00047510 System Simulation Gordon Geoffrey Prentice Hall of India 1999 8120301404 | 9788120301405 2nd Ed. 324 p. UG Library
001.6424 GOR 00047161 System Simulation Gordon Geoffrey Prentice Hall of India 1999 8120301404 | 9788120301405 2nd Ed. 324 p. UG Library
001.6424 GOR 00047511 System Simulation Gordon Geoffrey Prentice Hall of India 1999 8120301404 | 9788120301405 2nd Ed. 324 p. UG Library
001.6424 GOR 00071567 System Simulation Gordon Geoffrey Prentice Hall of India 1999 8120301404 | 9788120301405 2nd Ed. 324 p. UG Library
001.6424 GOR 00047507 System Simulation Gordon Geoffrey Prentice Hall of India 1999 8120301404 | 9788120301405 2nd Ed. 324 p. UG Library
001.6424 GOR 00057610 System Simulation Gordon Geoffrey Prentice Hall of India 1999 8120301404 | 9788120301405 2nd Ed. 324 p. UG Library
001.6424 GOT 00033963 Schaum Series Programming With Pascal Gottfried S, Byron 1992 1 UG Library
001.6424 HWA 00032026 Computer Architechture and Parallel Processing Hwang, Kai M G H 1985 848 p UG Library
001.6424 IEC 00032003 Flow Charting for Beginners Iec, Galgotia. Publictions, 1988 66 P.: UG Library
001.6424 KAZ 00054303 Comprehensive Cobol Kazmier, Philippakis Mitchekk McGraw-Hill 1991 0070498288 | 9780071127677 406 p. UG Library
001.6424 KAZ 00054304 Comprehensive Cobol Kazmier, Philippakis Mitchekk McGraw-Hill 1991 0070498288 | 9780071127677 406 p. UG Library
001.6424 KEN 00041458 Complete Idiots Guide to Internet Kent, Peter Prentice Hall of India 1996 8120311698 392p UG Library
001.6424 MCB 00089915 School`s Guide to the Internet Mcbride, Peter 1998 0435999583 154p. UG Library
001.6424 MCG 00032908 Pascal for Science and Engineering James, Gregor Galgotia Publications, 1989 337 p.: UG Library
001.6424 NAS 00030349 IBM PC/XT: Nashlsky, Louis PRENTICE-HALL 1989 0876925913 x, 310 p UG Library
001.6424 NAS 00030310 IBM PC/XT: Nashlsky, Louis PRENTICE-HALL 1989 0876925913 x, 310 p UG Library
001.6424 NEW 00033974 Theory and Problems of Programming With Advanced Structured Cobol Newcomer Lawerence, R Schaum Outline Series. 1987 350 p.: UG Library
001.6424 NEW 00032934 Theory and Problems of Programming With Advanced Structured Cobol Newcomer Lawerence, R Schaum Outline Series. 1987 350 p.: UG Library
001.6424 RAD 05001407 Encyclopaedia C Radcliffe, A Robert B P b Publications 1992 1 Knowledge Centre
001.6424 RAJ 00035110 Computer Programming in Fortran 77 Rajaraman, V Prentice Hall of India Pvt. 1993 0876925433 3th ed, 182 p.: UG Library
001.6424 RAJ 00035112 Computer Programming in Fortran 77 Rajaraman, V Prentice Hall of India Pvt. 1993 0876925433 3th ed, 182 p.: UG Library
001.6424 RAJ 00035113 Computer Programming in Fortran 77 Rajaraman, V Prentice Hall of India Pvt. 1993 0876925433 3th ed, 182 p.: UG Library
001.6424 RAJ 00035114 Computer Programming in Fortran 77 Rajaraman, V Prentice Hall of India Pvt. 1993 0876925433 3th ed, 182 p.: UG Library
001.6424 RAJ 00035111 Computer Programming in Fortran 77 Rajaraman, V Prentice Hall of India Pvt. 1993 0876925433 3th ed, 182 p.: UG Library
001.6424 RAJ 00034396 Computer Programming in Pascal Rajaraman, V Prentice-Hall 1991 0876923716 Revised Edition ix; 219 p UG Library
001.6424 RAJ 00032923 Computer Programming in Pascal Rajaraman, V Prentice-Hall 1991 0876923716 Revised Edition ix; 219 p UG Library
001.6424 ROY 00044208 Cobol Programming Roy, M D Tata McGraw Hill 1991 xx; 496 p UG Library
001.6424 ROY 00044209 Cobol Programming Roy, M D Tata McGraw Hill 1991 xx; 496 p UG Library
001.6424 ROY 00044210 Cobol Programming Roy, M D Tata McGraw Hill 1991 xx; 496 p UG Library
001.6424 ROY 00057448 Cobol Programming Roy, M D Tata McGraw Hill 1991 xx; 496 p UG Library
001.6424 ROY 00057450 Cobol Programming Roy, M D Tata McGraw Hill 1991 xx; 496 p UG Library
001.6424 ROY 00057452 Cobol Programming Roy, M D Tata McGraw Hill 1991 xx; 496 p UG Library
001.6424 ROY 00051229 Cobol Programming Roy, M D Tata McGraw Hill 1991 xx; 496 p UG Library
001.6424 ROY 00051228 Cobol Programming Roy, M D Tata McGraw Hill 1991 xx; 496 p UG Library
001.6424 ROY 00057451 Cobol Programming Roy, M D Tata McGraw Hill 1991 xx; 496 p UG Library
001.6424 ROY 00051230 Cobol Programming Roy, M D Tata McGraw Hill 1991 xx; 496 p UG Library
001.6424 ROY 00035099 Cobol Programming Including Ms Cobol & Cobol 85 Roy, M K T M H 1993 1 UG Library
001.6424 ROY 00033964 Cobol Programming Roy, M D Tata McGraw Hill 1991 xx; 496 p UG Library
001.6424 ROY 00035103 Cobol Programming Roy, M D Tata McGraw Hill 1991 xx; 496 p UG Library
001.6424 ROY 00035098 Cobol Programming Roy, M D Tata McGraw Hill 1991 xx; 496 p UG Library
001.6424 ROY 00035100 Cobol Programming Roy, M D Tata McGraw Hill 1991 xx; 496 p UG Library
001.6424 ROY 00033012 Cobol Programming Roy, M D Tata McGraw Hill 1991 xx; 496 p UG Library
001.6424 ROY 00035102 Cobol Programming Roy, M D Tata McGraw Hill 1991 xx; 496 p UG Library
001.6424 ROY 00032040 Cobol Programming Roy, M D Tata McGraw Hill 1991 xx; 496 p UG Library
001.6424 ROY 00035101 Cobol Programming Roy, M D Tata McGraw Hill 1991 xx; 496 p UG Library
001.6424 ROY 00033013 Cobol Programming Roy, M D Tata McGraw Hill 1991 xx; 496 p UG Library
001.6424 SCH 00032921 Illustrated Turbo Pascal 5.5 Paul, L Schlieve PBP Publications, 1990 375 p.: UG Library
001.6424 SCH 00032928 Advanced Turbo Pascal Programming & Techniques Herbert, Schildt California 1987 276 p.: UG Library
001.6424 SIE 00032915 Teach Yourself C Siegel, Charles BPB Publications 1989 8170290163 xiii, 357 p UG Library
001.6424 STE 00033978 Structured Cobol Programming Robert, A Sten John 1988 815 p UG Library
001.6424 STE 00044199 Structured Cobol Programming. Stern And Stern John Wiley 1997 804p UG Library
001.6424 STE 00044200 Structured Cobol Programming. Stern And Stern John Wiley 1997 804p UG Library
001.6424 STE 00089874 Structured Cobol Programming Stern, Nancy 1997 0471183849 722p. UG Library
001.6424 VER 00061326 Computer Simulation in Phyiscs: Based on Numerical Techniques and FORTRAN Verma, R C Anamaya Publishers 2003 8188342289 212p UG Library
001.6424 WEL 05054376 Introduction to Pascal / Welsh, Jim, Prentice/Hall International, 1979 0134915224 : xiv, 282 p. ; Knowledge Centre
001.642438141 00038141 Foxpro 2.5 for Windows Indside/out Jones, Edward Knowledge Centre
001.64246 LIP 00033961 Schaum Outline Theory and Problems of Programming With Fortran Lipschutz, Seymour McGraw Hill Book Company, 1982 414 p.: UG Library
001.6425 ITL 04011471 Principles Of Compiler Design ITL Education Solutions Limited ITL Education Solutions Limited 2012 9788131761267 178 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.6425 JOS 04004299 System Software Joseph, M Fire Wallmedia 2007 9788131800362 185 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.6425 JOS 04004298 System Software Joseph, M Fire Wallmedia 2007 9788131800362 185 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.6425 BEC 05070159 System Software an Introduction to System Programming Beck, Leland Pearson Education 2008 9788177585551 495p Knowledge Centre
001.6425 CHA 04013472 System Software / Chattopadhyay, Santanu PHI Learning, 2007 9788120330511 195 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.6425 CHA 04013473 System Software / Chattopadhyay, Santanu PHI Learning, 2007 9788120330511 195 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.6425 DEI 00043374 Operating Systems Deitel, H M Addision Wiley Mass 1990 1 UG Library
001.6425 FRE 00122589 Handbook of Serial Communications Interfaces Frenzel Jr., Louis E Newnes, 2016 9780128006290 xii. 325 p:. UG Library
001.6425 GHE 00039529 Fundamentals of Software Engineering / Ghezzi, Carlo Prentice Hall of India, 1995 8120308654 571 p UG Library
001.6425 GIR 00033284 Quick Reference to Dos Giri, Kgv Sevasadan, 1991 84 p.: UG Library
001.6425 GIR 00033285 Quick Reference to Dos Giri, Kgv Sevasadan, 1991 84 p.: UG Library
001.6425 GIR 00033286 Quick Reference to Dos Giri, Kgv Sevasadan, 1991 84 p.: UG Library
001.6425 GIR 00033287 Quick Reference to Dos Giri, Kgv Sevasadan, 1991 84 p.: UG Library
001.6425 GIR 00033283 Quick Reference to Dos Giri, Kgv Sevasadan, 1991 84 p.: UG Library
001.6425 JOS 04010187 System Software Joseph, M Fire Wallmedia 2007 9788131800362 185 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.6425 KOS 00030199 Basic Work Book Koshal, Sathish BPB Publications 1989 120 p.: UG Library
001.6425 KOS 00030202 Basic Work Book Koshal, Sathish BPB Publications 1989 120 p.: UG Library
001.6425 NAM 00038284 Computerized Business Applications : Nambissan, T M Ramachandran Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd., 1995 290 p UG Library
001.6425 NIE 05054371 SPSS: statistical package for the social sciences Nie, Norman H. McGraw-Hill 1970 070465304 xx, 343 p. Knowledge Centre
001.6425 PAU 00034760 Learn Coral Draw in a Day Paulson, Ed Bpb 124 p UG Library
001.6425 REB 05070148 System software / Rebecca, Revina. Thakur Publishers, 2014 9789383922253 272p. ; Knowledge Centre
001.6425 SHA 04022041 System Software / Shalini, A. C. Scitech Publishers, 2014 9788183716048 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.6425 SHA 04022042 System Software / Shalini, A. C. Scitech Publishers, 2014 9788183716048 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.6425 SOM 00044096 Software Engineering Sommerville, Ian 0201435799 742 UG Library
001.6425 THO 00036326 Cp\n User Guide Hogan, Thom MGH 1986 327 P. UG Library
001.6425 VEN 00032910 Introduction to Quantitative Techniques and Data Processing Venkata Rao, S Chand & Company Ltd 1987 256 p UG Library
001.642598 JAI 00038287 O`Level Module 111 System Design & business Application. Jain, V.k 1995 1 UG Library
001.642598 JAI 00038288 O`Level Module 111 System Design & business Application. Jain, V.k 1995 1 UG Library
001.642598 JAI 00089759 O Level Made Simple Module-3: Business Systems Jain, Madhulika Bpb 8176561800 pv UG Library
001.642CDE 00035941 Lets Learn Micro Soft Word Srivastava, Harish Knowledge Centre
001.642CERD 00039024 Teach Yourself Corel Draw!6 Erdos, Dawn Bpb 320 p Knowledge Centre
001.642DIT 00030531 Using Wordstar Ditlea, Steve Knowledge Centre
001.642I 00038152 Foxpro 2 Developers Library Powell, E James Knowledge Centre
001.642I SUM 00030541 1001 Things to Do With Your IBM PC Sawusch Mark, R BPB Publications 1985 viii; 245 p UG Library
001.643 MEZ 00030204 Manual Wordstar Mezejewski, R.h B.P.B 1978 179 p UG Library
001.643 MEZ 00030205 Manual Wordstar Mezejewski, R.h B.P.B 1978 179 p UG Library
001.643 ROY 00030227 Cobol Programming Roy, M K T M H 1989 1 UG Library
001.643 ROY 05072682 Cobol Programming Roy, M K T M H 1989 1 Knowledge Centre
001.643 STE 00030208 Structured Cobol Programming Stern, Nancy John Wiley 1988 1 UG Library
001.6433 JAI 00032065 Insight into Flowcharting Jain, Raj K S Chand 1988 202 p UG Library
001.644 AGR 04017596 Data Communication and Computer Networks / Agrawal, Rajneesh Vikas Publication , 2005 9788125915973 397p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.64404 GUP 00098034 Data Communications And Computer Networks Gupta, Prakash C. PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd., 2009 9788120328464 800 p. UG Library
001.6442 KAT 00034323 Operating System a Pragmatic Approach Katzan, Harry Cbs 450 p UG Library
001.6442 SRI 00035554 Fundamentals of Operating Systems Sridhar, R Dynamam 1993 224 p UG Library
001.6443 HAR 00035447 Computer Graphics: a Programming Approach Harrington, Steven M G H 1987 466 p UG Library
001.6443 HEA 00035602 Computer Graphics Hearn, Donald Prentice -Hall 1993 352 p UG Library
001.6443 LAD 00035593 Graphic User Interface Programming With C Ladymon, F Robert Bpb 1993 356 p UG Library
001.649 TLB 05027547 Compute Languages-Understanding Computer / Time-Life Books, Alexandria; 1987 128p.; Knowledge Centre
001.72 TRO 03000283 Research Methods Trochim, William M K Dreamtech Press 8177223720 362 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
001.9 AND 00068246 Research Questions. Andrews, Richard 2005 0826464769 89p UG Library
001.9 BRO 05046312 Suspicious Minds : Botherton Rob Bloomsbury, 2015 9781472915627 304p.: Knowledge Centre
001.9 EBU 05067254 Outsider theory : Eburne, Jonathan P. University Of Minnesota Press, 2018 9781517905552 xxiv, 435p.; Knowledge Centre
001.9 JAN 00121747 Modern Conspiracy : Jane, Emma A. Bloomsbury, 2014 9781623566814 | 9781623560911 172 p ; UG Library
001.9 LIT 00068243 Using Focus Groups in Research Litosseliti, Lia 2005 0826464726 104p UG Library
001.9 MAC 05070196 Extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds / Mackay, Charles. Wordsworth Editions Limited, 1995 9781853263491 xvi, 606p. ; Knowledge Centre
001.9 PRO 05069138 Psychology of conspiracy theories / Prooijen, Jan-Willem van, Routledge, 2018 9781138696105 (pbk.) | 9781138696099 (hardback) ix,108p.; Knowledge Centre
001.9 PRO 09000185 Psychology of conspiracy theories / Prooijen, Jan-Willem van, Routledge, 2018 9781138696105 (pbk.) | 9781138696099 (hardback) ix,108p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.9 PRO 05068537 Psychology of conspiracy theories / Prooijen, Jan-Willem van, Routledge, 2018 9781138696105 (pbk.) | 9781138696099 (hardback) ix,108p.; Knowledge Centre
001.9 USC 07007849 American conspiracy theories / Uscinski, Joseph E., Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199351817 (pbk.) | 0199351 x, 221 pages : Library - BR Campus
001.94 CAM 00115816 Clue Mysteries Cameron, Vicki Viva 2004 9788176498777 223p UG Library
001.94 CAM 00115815 More Clue Mysteries Cameron, Vicki Viva Books 2004 9788176498890 224p UG Library
001.94 HAM 04009911 Timeless earth : Hammond world atlas, 2008 9780843709933 400 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.94 HAN 00143302 Magicians of the Gods: Hancock, Graham Coronet 2015 9781444779707 591p UG Library
001.94 KAM 00086088 Fabulous Geographies, Catastrophic Histories: The Lost Land of Lemuria Ramaswamy, Sumathi Permanent Black 2005 8178241102 334 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
001.94 MAC 05027809 Mysteries of the Unknown: Mcmanus, Jason Time Life Books, 1988 142p.: Knowledge Centre
001.94 MCM 05027801 Mysteries of the Unknown / Mcmanus, Jason Time Life Books, 1987 142p .: Knowledge Centre
001.94 MCM 05027802 Mysteries of the Unknown:Visions and Prophecies Mcmanus, Jason Time Life Books 160 p Knowledge Centre
001.94 MCM 05027805 Mysteries of the Unknown: Grunwald, Henry Anatole Time Life Books, 1987 160p.: Knowledge Centre
001.94 MCM 05027700 Mysteries of the Unknown: Mcmanus, Jason Time Life Books, 1988 144p.: Knowledge Centre
001.94 MCM 05027803 Mysteries of the Unknown Psychic Powers Grunwald, Henry Anatole Time Life Books 160p Knowledge Centre
001.94 MCM 05027808 Mysteries of the Unknown:Powers of Healing Mcmanus, Jason Time Life Books 144p Knowledge Centre
001.94 MCM 05027806 Mysteries of the Unknown: Mcmanus, Jason Edr Time Life Books, 1987 160p.: Knowledge Centre
001.94 MCM 05043629 Mysteries of the Unknown: Haunting Mcmanus, Jason Time Life Books 144p Knowledge Centre
001.94 MCM 05027804 Cosmic Connections Time-Life Books, Alexandria 160 Knowledge Centre
001.94 MCM 05027810 Ancient Wisdom and Secret Sects / Mcmanus, Jason Edr Time Life Books, 1989 176p.: Knowledge Centre
001.94 MCM 05027807 Mysteries of the Unknown: Mcmanus, Jason Time Life Books, 1988 143p.: Knowledge Centre
001.94 RAM 05009553 Fabulous Geographies, Catastrophic Histories : Ramaswamy, Sumathi Permanent Black, 2004 9788178241104 xv, 334 p. Knowledge Centre
001.94 RDA 00025464 World`s Last Mysteries Readers, Sydney 1978 297 UG Library
001.94 REA 00053716 Last Mysteries of the World Readers Digest Association Readers Digest Association 2001 9781876689421 336 p. UG Library
001.94 WIL 00035492 Unsolved Mysteries:Past & present Wilson, Colin Headline 1988 426p UG Library
001.942 CAW 00060519 World`s Greatest Ufo Sightings Cawthorne, Nigel 2002 0075370563 191p Yeshwanthpur Campus
001.942 CAW 00060521 Worlds Greatest UFO Encounters Cawthorne, Nigel 2000 0753705664 192p UG Library
001.942 DAN 05062184 History is wrong / Daniken Von, Erich. The Career Press, 2009 9781601630865 (pbk.) 223p.; Knowledge Centre
001.942 NAT 09000277 Believing in bits : Oxford University Press, 2020 9780190949983 (hardcover) | 9780190949990 (pbk.) xi,250p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.942 NAT 05067891 Believing in bits : Oxford University Press, 2020 9780190949983 (hardcover) | 9780190949990 (pbk.) xi,250p.; Knowledge Centre
001.942 YEN 04015796 U.F.O. : Yenne, Bill, Gramercy Books, 2007 9780517229743 | 0517229749 160 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
001.954 JHA 10003218 Traditional knowledge system in India/ Jha, Amit., Atlantic publishers and distributors pvt ltd., 2023 9788126912230 xiii,392 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
001.954 CRO 05026847 Transmission of Knowledge in Osuth Asia : Crook, Nigel Oxford University Press, 2001 0195654315 336 p Knowledge Centre
001.954 JHA 00091117 Traditional knowledge system in India Jha Amit Atlantic Publishers 9788126912230 392p Yeshwanthpur Campus
001.96 NUM 07001686 Newton's apple and other myths about science / Harvard University Press, 2015 9780674967984 (cloth) | 067496 xiv, 287 pages : Library - BR Campus
001.9603 OPI 00088305 Dictionary Superstitions Opie, Iona 2008 ISB0192806645 494p UG Library
001.9603 OPI 01014321 A dictionary of superstitions / Oxford University Press, 0192806645 (pbk.) | 9780192806 xiii, 494 p. ; Knowledge Centre
001.GUP 00029084 Numerical Analysis. Gupta, Bali Rajnam 1988 1 UG Library
001.RYA 00033296 Philosophy of Social Science Ryan, Alan UG Library
001.RYA 00033297 Philosophy of Social Science Ryan, Alan UG Library
002 BLA 07013849 Books that changed history / Black, Alexandra Penguin Publication, 2017 9780241289334 255p.; Library - BR Campus
002 FIN 00104547 The book history reader Finkelstein,David. Routledge, 2006 9780415359474 (alk. paper) | 0 2nd ed. xiii, 561 p. : UG Library
002 FIN 00088191 The Book History Research. Finklestein, David 2006 0415359473 561p Yeshwanthpur Campus
002 FIN 05005010 The book history reader Finkelstein,David. Routledge, 2006 9780415359474 (alk. paper) | 0 2nd ed. xiii, 561 p. : Knowledge Centre
002 HOW 05042858 The Cambridge companion to the history of the book / Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107023734 (hardback) | 978 xii, 284 pages : Knowledge Centre
002 LAL 00078642 A Hundred Encounters Lal, Sham Rupa & Co 2007 8171679641 | 9788171679645 535p Yeshwanthpur Campus
002 SEB 00101376 The Groaning shelf: Sebastian Pradeep Hachette; 2010 9789380143033 295 p. UG Library
002 VIS 05044900 Basic Knowledge of Computer and IT / Random Publications, 2014 9789351113133 xv,304p.: Knowledge Centre
002.0688 BAV 03000753 How to Markets Books : Baverstock, Alison. Kogan Page, 2008 9780749454715 4th ed. 324 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
002.0688 BAV 05001567 How to market books : Baverstock, Alison. Kogan Page Ltd., 9780749454715 | 0749450207 xii, 324 p. ; Knowledge Centre
002.09 ELI 05006350 A companion to the history of the book / Blackwell Pub., 2007 9781405192781 | 1405127651 (al xvi, 599 p. : Knowledge Centre
002.09 FIN 00104839 An Introduction to book history Finkelstien, David Routledge 2005 9780415314435 v,160p UG Library
002.09 FIN 00088188 An Introduction to Book History Finkelstein, David 2005 0415314437 160p Yeshwanthpur Campus
002.09 RYH 05068752 Libraries before Alexandria : Oxford University Press, 2019 9780199655359 xvi, 491p. ; Knowledge Centre
002.09 SUA 05017033 The Oxford Companion to the Book / Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198606536 lxv,653 p.: Knowledge Centre
002.09 SUA 05017034 The Oxford Companion to the Book / Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198606536 lxv,653 p.: Knowledge Centre
002.094209 GIL 00104550 The Production of Books in England 1350-1500 Gillespie,Alexandra Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521889797 xx,375p. UG Library
002.0954 FRA 00096935 Book history through postcolonial eyes : Fraser, Robert, Routledge, 9780415402934 (alk. paper) | 9 xii, 210 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
002.0954 GUP 00085016 Print Areas Book Histiry in India Gupta, Abhijit Permanent Black 2004 8178240823 251p Yeshwanthpur Campus
002.0954 GUP 00099883 Book history in India Print Areas Gupta,Abhijit. Permanent black; 9788178243146 ix;251 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
002.0954 GUP 05018075 Print Areas : Book History in India / Gupta, Abhijit Permanent Black 2004 8178240823 251p. Knowledge Centre
002.0954 GUP 01008016 Print Areas : Book History in India / Gupta, Abhijit Permanent Black , 2004 8178240823 251p. Knowledge Centre
003 BAL 04005933 Computer Installation and Servicing Balsubramanian, D Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070591189 200 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003 BAL 04005934 Computer Installation and Servicing Balsubramanian, D Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070591189 200 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003 BAL 04005932 Computer Installation and Servicing Balsubramanian, D Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070591189 200 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003 GUP 04002459 Comdex: Computer Course Kit / Gupta, Vikas Dreamtech Press, 2008 9788177225853 530 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003 GUP 04000396 Comdex: Computer Course Kit / Gupta, Vikas Dreamtech Press, 2008 9788177225853 530 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003 KEN 04001359 Systems Analysis and Design Kendall, Kenneth E Prentice-Hall of Inida 2007 9788120332355 774 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003 RAV 04002300 Applied Combinatirics Tucker, Alan John Wiley and Sons 2008 8126508337 446p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003 RAV 04002488 Applied Combinatirics Tucker, Alan John Wiley and Sons 2008 8126508337 446p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003 SAT 04001641 Systems Analysis and Design Satzinger, John W Thomson South-Western 2007 9788131505328 730 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003 SON 04003685 Computer Business Application Soni, Vishal Himalaya Publishing Houses 2008 280 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003 ALE 00065061 System Requirement & Development Life-Cycle / Alexander, Ian F Wiley India, 2005 8128126515 xxiv,518p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
003 ALE 05018060 System Requirement & Development Life-Cycle / Alexander, Ian F Wiley India, 2005 8128126515 xxiv,518p.; Knowledge Centre
003 ALE 05001605 System Requirement & Development Life-Cycle / Alexander, Ian F Wiley India, 2005 8128126515 xxiv,518p.; Knowledge Centre
003 BAN 05001648 Discrete Event System Simulation / Banks, Jerry Pearson Education, 2001 8178085054 xiv,591p.; Knowledge Centre
003 BAN 05017956 Discrete Event System Simulation / Banks, Jerry Pearson Education, 2001 8178085054 xiv,591p.; Knowledge Centre
003 BED 05069829 A Textbook of Simulation And Modeling / Bedi, Manjeet Kaur. University Science Press, 2011 9789380856957 xiii, 87p.; Knowledge Centre
003 BOY 04007811 Systems Analysis and Modeling : Boyd, Donald W. Academic Press [Imprint] 2000 8178670259 | 0121218511 (Trade 365 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003 BOY 04013992 Systems Analysis and Modeling : Boyd, Donald W. Academic Press [Imprint] 2000 8178670259 | 0121218511 (Trade 365 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003 CHA 05018070 Operations Research Chadrasekhara Rao, K Narosa 8173194734 334p Knowledge Centre
003 CRA 00132784 Probabilistic foundations of statistical network analysis : Crane, Harry CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 2018 9781138630154 (pbk. : alk. paper) xx, 236 pages : UG Library
003 DIX 04010213 Structured System Analysis and Design / Dixit, J. B University Science Press, 2007 9788131806333 435 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003 GLE 00109439 Chaos Gleick,James Vintage Books 1987 9780749386061 352 p. UG Library
003 GLE 07006653 Chaos Gleick,James Vintage Books 1987 9780749386061 352 p. Library - BR Campus
003 HAN 05052277 The statistical theory of linear systems / Hannan, E. J. Wiley, 1988 047180777X xiii, 380 p. ; Knowledge Centre
003 HAR 05051676 The stability of input-output dynamical systems / Harris, C. J. Academic Press, 1983 0123276802 xi, 268 p. : Knowledge Centre
003 HAR 00128841 State Space and Unobserved Component Models : Harvey, Andrew Cambridge University Press, 2004 9780521835954 xiv, 380 p. : UG Library
003 HEY 05033703 Stochastic models in operations research / Heyman, Daniel P. Dover Publication, 2004 0486432599 (pbk.) | 9780486432 2 v : Knowledge Centre
003 HEY 05057693 Stochastic models in operations research / Heyman, Daniel P. Dover Publication, 2004 0486432599 (pbk.) | 9780486432 2 v : Knowledge Centre
003 HEY 05057694 Stochastic models in operations research / Heyman, Daniel P. Dover Publication, 2004 0486432599 (pbk.) | 9780486432 2 v : Knowledge Centre
003 HIM 05051378 Decomposition of large-scale problems / North-Holland Pub. Co.; | American Elsevier Pub. Co., 1973 0720420725 | 0444104275 ix,571p.; Knowledge Centre
003 KAI 05051535 Linear systems / Kailath, Thomas. Prentice-Hall, 1980 0135369614 : xxi, 682 p. : Knowledge Centre
003 KLE 05049358 Design and analysis of simulation experiments / Kleijnen, Jack P. C. Springer, 2008 9780387718125 (hbk.) | 0387718 xiii, 216 p. : Knowledge Centre
003 KUM 00085517 Optimization Techniques Kumar, Mohan DPSP 2003 p v Yeshwanthpur Campus
003 LIN 00112811 Complexity and the arrow of time / Cambridge University Press 2013 9781107027251 (hardback) xii, 357 pages ; UG Library
003 LUC 00038564 Analysis Design and Implementation of Information System Lucas, C Henry 1992 1 UG Library
003 OBE 00134143 Optimization Techniques: Oberoi, Pawan Kumar, Global Vision Publishing House, 2019 9789386603753 ix,385 p.; UG Library
003 ROS 00069159 Simulation Ross, Sheldon M Elsevier 2005 8131201015 271p Yeshwanthpur Campus
003 SEI 05018059 Applied Simulation Modelling Seila, Ceric Thomson Learning 9812436502 456p Knowledge Centre
003 SEN 00044197 Analysis and Design of Information Systems Senn James A TMH 1989 2nd,Ed. 853 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
003 SEN 03006881 Operations Research : Sen, Rathindra P. PHI 2010 9788120339309 xvii,789p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
003 SEN 00070716 Analysis & Design of Information Systems Senn, James A MTH Publishing 2000 0071233008 852 p UG Library
003 SEN 10003288 Analysis and design of information systems / Senn, James.A., McGraw-Hill publishing company, 1989 9780071233002 2nd ed., xvii,853 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
003 SEN 00057457 Analysis and Design of Information Systems Senn, A James Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 1989 0071233008 xviii; 853 p UG Library
003 SEN 00057458 Analysis and Design of Information Systems Senn, A James Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 1989 0071233008 xviii; 853 p UG Library
003 SEN 03006266 Operations Research : Sen, Rathindra P. PHI 2010 9788120339309 xvii,789p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
003 SEN 03006265 Operations Research : Sen, Rathindra P. PHI 2010 9788120339309 xvii,789p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
003 SIL 05057863 Decentralized control of complex systems / Siljak, Dragoslav D. Dover Publications, 2012 9780486486147 (pbk.) | 0486486141 (pbk.) Dover ed. xiv,528p.; Knowledge Centre
003 SKY 00106243 General systems theory : Skyttner, Lars. World Scientific, 2005 9812564675 (pbk.) | 981256389X 2nd ed. x, 524 p. : UG Library
003 TAH 00073176 Operations Research and Introduction/ Taha, Hamdy A Pearson Education Inc. 8177585835 848 UG Library
003 VAN 04014538 Online stochastic combinatorial optimization / Van Hentenryck, Pascal PHI, 2007 9788120332393 232 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.03 BOA 00115189 Jaico Dictionary Of Computers Board Of Editiors Jaico 2001 8172240082 354p UG Library
003.1 NOR 05042368 An introduction to identification / Norton, J. P. Dover Publications, 2009 9780486469355 (pbk.) | 0486469 Dover ed. x, 310 p. : Knowledge Centre
003.1 OGU 00106884 Adaptive nonlinear system identification : Ogunfunmi, Tokunbo. Springer, 2007 9780387263281 (hardcover : alk xv, 229 p, UG Library
003.2 DRA 07012550 How to Research Trends : Dragt Els BIS Publishers, 2017 9789063694333 199p.: Library - BR Campus
003.20285425 LEV 05052007 A STATLIB primer : Levenbach, Hans. Lifetime Learning Publications, 1983 053497936X (pbk.) xii,180p.; Knowledge Centre
003.3 LAW 04000647 Simulation Modeling and Analysis / Law, Averill M Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 9780070667334 768 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 LAW 00057769 Simulation Modeling and Analysis / Law, M Averill. Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing, 2003 9780070582903 | 0070582904 3rd ed, xxi,760p.; UG Library
003.3 SEV 04001161 System Modeling and Simulation Severance, Frank L John Wiley and Sons 2008 8126508337 506p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 SIN 04004217 System Modeling and Simulation Singh, Vp New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 9788122423860 247 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 SIN 04004216 System Modeling and Simulation Singh, Vp New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 9788122423860 247 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 ALT 04007846 Simulation modeling and analysis with arena / Altiok, Tayfur Elsevier, 2007 xxi, 440p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 ALT 04010924 Simulation modeling and analysis with ARENA / Altiok, Tayfur. Academic Press, 2007 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 ALT 04009564 Simulation modeling and analysis with ARENA / Altiok, Tayfur. Academic Press, 2007 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 BAC 05047156 Mathematical Adventures in Performance Analysis Bachmat, Eitan. Birkhauser, 2014 9783319095134 | 9783319095127 xi,290p.; Knowledge Centre
003.3 BAN 04011476 Discrete-event system simulation / Banks, Jerry Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005 9788177585919 4th ed. xvi, 608 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 BIR 04011334 Modelling and Simulation : Birta Lousis Springer, 2007 9788184893656 xvii,454 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 DEO 04000672 System Simulation With Digital Computer Deo, Narsingh Prentice-Hall of Inida 2007 9788120300286 200 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 DEO 04023639 System Simulation With Digital Computer Deo, Narsingh Prentice-Hall of Inida 2007 9788120300286 200 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 DEO 04023640 System Simulation With Digital Computer Deo, Narsingh Prentice-Hall of Inida 2007 9788120300286 200 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 GOM 04021464 Software modeling and design : Gomaa, Hassan. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521764148 (hardback) | 9781107447356 xxv, 550 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 GOR 04023694 System Simulation / Gordon, Geoffrey Prentice Hall of India, 1978 8120301404 | 9788120301405 324p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 GOR 04023695 System Simulation / Gordon, Geoffrey Prentice Hall of India, 1978 8120301404 | 9788120301405 324p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 GOR 04027087 System Simulation / Gordon, Geoffrey Pearson, 2015 9789332550247 324p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 GOR 04025807 System Simulation / Gordon, Geoffrey Pearson, 2015 9789332550247 324p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 GOR 04025808 System Simulation / Gordon, Geoffrey Pearson, 2015 9789332550247 324p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 GOR 04025809 System Simulation / Gordon, Geoffrey Pearson, 2015 9789332550247 324p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 HAF 05067433 Introduction to computer simulations for integrated STEM college education / Hafez, M. M., World Scientific, 2019 9789811209901 | 9789811210761 xv,217p.; Knowledge Centre
003.3 KEL 05062046 Simulation with arena / Kelton, David W. McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2013 9781259098604 Fifth edition xix,636p.; Knowledge Centre
003.3 KLE 04029177 Simulation of dynamic systems with MATLAB and Simulink / Klee, Harold, CRC Press, 2018 9781498787772 (hardback) Third edition. 832p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 KRO 04022047 Information Modeling Methods and Methodologies / Krogstie, John Idea Group Publishing, 2005 9781591403760 356p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 KUN 04025986 Similarity and Modeling in Science and Engineering / Kunes, Josef Viva Books, 2013 9788130922966 440p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 LAW 04023115 Simulation Modeling and Analysis / Law, Averill M Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 9780070667334 768 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 LAW 05018054 Simulation Modeling and Analysis / Law, M Averill. Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing, 2003 9780070582903 | 0070582904 3rd ed, xxi,760p.; Knowledge Centre
003.3 LAW 05069803 Simulation Modeling and Analysis / Law, M Averill. Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing, 2003 9780070582903 | 0070582904 3rd ed, xxi,760p.; Knowledge Centre
003.3 LAW 04023690 Simulation Modeling and Analysis / Law, Averill M Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 9780070667334 768 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 LIN 05067605 Unity virtual reality projects: Linowes, Jonathan. Packt Publishing, 2018 9781788478809 viii, 476 p. ; Knowledge Centre
003.3 MIT 00130590 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulations / Mityushev, Vladimir V., CRC Press, 2018 9781138197657 222 p. : UG Library
003.3 MUN 05006253 Advanced Analytical Models : Mun, Johnathan. Wiley, 2008 xviii,1013p,; Knowledge Centre
003.3 MUN 03005193 Advanced Analytical Models : Mun, Johnathan. Wiley, 2008 xviii,1013p,; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
003.3 NAN 04017748 Introduction to System Modeling and Simulation / Nandini Prasad, K. S. New Delhi : 2012 9789381269909 358p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 NAN 04017749 Introduction to System Modeling and Simulation / Nandini Prasad, K. S. New Delhi : 2012 9789381269909 358p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 OSA 00135903 Computer simulation : Osais, Yahya E. CRC Press, 2018 9781498726825 (hardback : acidfree paper) xxxvii, 275p.; UG Library
003.3 ROS 04020321 Simulation / Ross, Sheldon M. Elesvier Ap, 2013 9780124158252 (hardback) | 9789382291992 Fifth edition. xii, 310 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 ROS 04007942 Simulation / Ross, Sheldon M. Elsevier, 2006 4th ed, xiii, 298p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 ROS 04027181 Simulation / Ross, Sheldon M. Elsevier, 2006 9788131214626 | 9780125980630 4th ed. xiii, 298 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 ROS 04013987 Simulation / Ross, Sheldon M. Elsevier, 2006 9788131214626 | 9780125980630 4th ed. xiii, 298 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 SAX 00126017 Modeling and Simulation Saxena Pratiksha Narosa Publishing House, 2014 9788184874068 2nd ed, xxii, 16:23 p.: UG Library
003.3 SEV 04024001 System Modeling and Simulation : Severance, Frank L. Wiley, 2005 9788126519606 Including Bibliographical References and Index Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 ZEI 04007824 Theory of modeling and simulation : Zeigler, Bernard P Elsiver, 2000 817670437 2nd., xxi,510p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.3 ZEI 04017747 Theory of Modeling and Simulation : Zeigler, Bernard P. Elsevier, 2000 9788131207406 2nd ed. 510p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.35133 KAR 10003858 Modern statistical, systems, and GPSS simulation : the first course / Karian, Zaven A Computer Science Press, 1991 0-7167-8232-4 xvi, 468 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
003.35133 KAR 05051298 Modern statistical, systems, and GPSS simulation : Karian, Zaven A. Computer Science Press, 1991 0716782324 : xvi,468p.; Knowledge Centre
003.5 BHA 04001346 Process Control : Bhanot, Surekha Oxford Universtiy Press, 2008 0195693345 | 9780195693348 452p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.5 BHA 04003466 Process Control : Bhanot, Surekha Oxford Universtiy Press, 2008 0195693345 | 9780195693348 452p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.5 BHA 04003467 Process Control : Bhanot, Surekha Oxford Universtiy Press, 2008 0195693345 | 9780195693348 452p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.5 JAI 04001518 Problems & Solutions of Control Systems Jairath, A K CBS Publishers and Distributors 2007 9788123908960 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.5 PRA 04001517 Problems and Solutions in Control Systems Prasad, S K CBS Publishers and Distributors 2005 8123912013 457 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.5 SIN 04001799 Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems: Theory and Applications Sinha, Naresh K Elsevier 2000 9788131208472 639 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.5 AMO 04008692 Genesis Machines : Amos, Martyn Atlantic books, 2006 9781843542254 xii, 353p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.5 BEY 05018030 Information Systems : Beynon-Davies, Paul. Palgrave, 2002 0333963903 xxvii,595p.; Knowledge Centre
003.5 BHA 04017669 Process Control : Bhanot, Surekha Oxford Universtiy Press, 2008 0195693345 | 9780195693348 452p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.5 BHA 04012338 Process Control : Bhanot, Surekha Oxford Universtiy Press, 2008 0195693345 | 9780195693348 452p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.5 BHA 04017648 Process Control : Bhanot, Surekha Oxford Universtiy Press, 2008 0195693345 | 9780195693348 452p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.5 BLA 01004694 Development in Theory and Practice:Paradigms and Paradoxes : Black Knippers ,Jan. Programed texts 1970 Eng xv.302p.; Knowledge Centre
003.5 KIR 05057739 Optimal control theory : Kirk, Donald E., Dover Publications, 2004 0486434842 (pbk.) | 9780486434841 ix,452p.; Knowledge Centre
003.5 KOM 05052333 Fourier series in control theory / Komornik, V. Springer, 2005 0387223835 (alk. paper) | 9780387223834 ix,226p.; Knowledge Centre
003.5 PRA 04016388 Problems and Solutions in Control Systems Prasad, S K CBS Publishers and Distributors 2005 8123912013 457 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.5 SPI 05018063 Cyber Reader : Spiller, Neil. 2000 9780714840710 319p Knowledge Centre
003.5 ZHA 05001612 Fuzzy modeling and fuzzy control / Zhang, Huaguang, Birkhäuser, 2006 9780817644918 | 0817644911 xiii,416p.; Knowledge Centre
003.52015192 DEV 04021295 A probabilistic theory of pattern recognition / Devroye, Luc. Springer, 1996 9788132214977 xv, 636 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 ASH 04002952 Information Theory Ash, Robert B Dover Publications 2008 0486464202 339p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 ASH 04001077 Information Theory Ash, Robert B Dover Publications 2008 0486464202 339p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 AVU 04006222 Information Coding Techniques Avudaiammal, R Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2010 9780070672826 332 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 AVU 04006221 Infomration Coding Techniques Avudaiammal, R Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2010 9780070672826 2nd ed. xii, 332 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 BER 04001168 Geographic Information Systems an Introduction Bernhardsen, Tor John Wiley and Sons 2007 9788126511389 428 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 BER 04002277 Geographic Information Systems an Introduction Bernhardsen, Tor John Wiley and Sons 2007 9788126511389 428 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 BOS 04000384 Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography / Bose, Ranjan Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 9780070669017 326p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 CHO 04002265 Introduction to Geographic Information Technology Choudhury, Sujit I.K. International Pvt Ltd 2009 9788188237661 276 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 CHO 04001835 Introduction to Geographic Information Technology Choudhury, Sujit I.K. International Pvt Ltd 2009 9788188237661 276 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 COV 04001108 Elements of Information Theory Cover, Thomas M John Wiley and Sons 2006 8126508140 542 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 COV 04002417 Elements of Information Theory Cover, Thomas M John Wiley and Sons 2006 8126508140 542 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 COV 04002481 Elements of Information Theory Cover, Thomas M John Wiley and Sons 2008 9788126508143 542 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 FUJ 04003217 Code Design for Dependable Systems: Theory and Practical Applications Fujiwara, Eiji Willey Publication 2006 9780471756187 701 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 GLA 04002090 Channel Coding in Communication Networkds: from Theory to Turbocodes Glavieux, Alain VIVA BOOK PVT LTD 2006 9781905209248 418 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 MAC 04001251 Infomation Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms Mackay, David J C Cambridge University Press 2008 9780521670517 628p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 RAI 04001132 Introduction to Information System: Supporting and Transforming Business Rainer, John Wiley and Sons 2008 8126508310 411p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 RAI 04002299 Physical Chemistry Silbey, John Wiley and Sons 2008 8126508310 944p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 RAI 04002424 Physical Chemistry Silbey, John Wiley and Sons 2008 8126508310 944p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 RIC 04002077 Modern Coding Therory Richarxddson, Tom Cambridge University Press 2008 9780521852296 572 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 WRI 04001323 Information Security: Contemporary Cases Wright, Marie CBS Publishers and Distributors 2007 8123914741 214p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 AVU 04011508 Infomration Coding Techniques Avudaiammal, R Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2010 9780070672826 2nd ed. xii, 332 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 BAS 05060914 Foundations of information systems : Basden, Andrew, Routledge, 2018 9781138797017 (hardback) xxviii, 433 pages ; Knowledge Centre
003.54 BEN 00125133 Information, entropy, life, and the universe : Ben-Naim, Arieh, World Scientific 2015 9789814651660 (hardcover : alk xxvii, 464 pages : UG Library
003.54 BER 04023832 Geographic Information Systems an Introduction Bernhardsen, Tor John Wiley and Sons 2007 9788126511389 428 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 BER 04012812 Geographic Information Systems an Introduction Bernhardsen, Tor John Wiley and Sons 2007 9788126511389 428 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 BOS 04028796 Information Theory, Coding and cryptography / Bose, Ranjan McGraw Hill, 2016 9789385880568 3rd Ed. ; 463p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 BOS 04028797 Information Theory, Coding and cryptography / Bose, Ranjan McGraw Hill, 2016 9789385880568 3rd Ed. ; 463p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 BOS 04028798 Information Theory, Coding and cryptography / Bose, Ranjan McGraw Hill, 2016 9789385880568 3rd Ed. ; 463p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 BOS 04028799 Information Theory, Coding and cryptography / Bose, Ranjan McGraw Hill, 2016 9789385880568 3rd Ed. ; 463p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 BOS 04028800 Information Theory, Coding and cryptography / Bose, Ranjan McGraw Hill, 2016 9789385880568 3rd Ed. ; 463p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 BUC 00103034 Introduction to cryptography Buchman Johannes.A Springer; 9798181282322 335 p. UG Library
003.54 CHO 04020108 Introduction to Geographic Information Technology Choudhury, Sujit I.K. International Pvt Ltd 2009 9788188237661 276 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 COV 04024807 Elements of Information Theory / Cover, Thomas M. Wiley Publications, 2013 9788126541942 2nd ed. 748p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 COV 04022231 Elements of Information Theory / Cover, Thomas M. Wiley Publications, 2013 9788126541942 2nd ed. 748p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 GIL 00102567 Theory of decision under uncertainty / Gilboa, Itzhak. Cambridge University Press, 9780521517324 (hardback) | 052 xiv, 214 p. ; UG Library
003.54 GIR 04027034 Information Theory and Coding / Giridhar, K Pooja Publications, 2014 442p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 GIR 04027035 Information Theory and Coding / Giridhar, K Pooja Publications, 2014 442p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 HAN 05041270 Coding theory and cryptography : Hankerson, D.R. M. Dekker, 2000 0824704657 (alk. paper) 2nd ed., rev. and expanded. x,350p.; Knowledge Centre
003.54 HAR 05044093 Applied algebra : Hardy, Darel W. CRC Press, 2009 9781420071429 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 1420071424 (hardcover : alk. paper) 2nd ed. 410p.; Knowledge Centre
003.54 HOL 00145455 Introduction to Cryptography Holland, Joey Willford Press 2020 9781682858622 vii:192p. UG Library
003.54 JON 05017945 Information and Coding Theory / Nones Garesh A, J Mary Jones Springer, 2004 8181281632 xi,210p.; Knowledge Centre
003.54 KUL 00130676 Information Theory and Coding / Kulkarni, Muralidhar Wiley, 2015 9788126553051 356p. : UG Library
003.54 KUL 04028791 Information Theory and Coding / Kulkarni, Muralidhar Wiley, 2015 9788126553051 356p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 KUL 04028792 Information Theory and Coding / Kulkarni, Muralidhar Wiley, 2015 9788126553051 356p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 KUL 04024307 Information Theory and Coding / Kulkarni, Muralidhar Wiley, 2015 9788126553051 356p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 KUL 04028793 Information Theory and Coding / Kulkarni, Muralidhar Wiley, 2015 9788126553051 356p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 KUL 04028794 Information Theory and Coding / Kulkarni, Muralidhar Wiley, 2015 9788126553051 356p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 KUL 04028795 Information Theory and Coding / Kulkarni, Muralidhar Wiley, 2015 9788126553051 356p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 KWO 04019485 Optical coding theory with prime / Kwong, Wing C. CRC Press, 2013 9781466567801 (hardback) xxvi, 355 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 LIN 04016273 Introduction to Coading Theory / Lint, J. H. Van Springer, 1999 9788181288400 3rd ed. 227 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 LOG 10000346 Boolean Functions in Coding Theory and Cryptography : Logachev, O A. American Mathematical Society , 2017 9781470437374 xiv, 334p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
003.54 MAC 05018062 Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms / Mackay, David J C Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521670519 xii,628p.; Knowledge Centre
003.54 MID 04012182 Non-Gaussian statistical communication theory / Middleton, David, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2012 9780470948477 (hardback) 1st ed. 631 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 MOS 04017504 A Student's Guide to Coding and Information Theory / Moser, Stefan M. Cambridge, 2012 9781107684577 191p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 NEU 10000380 Coding Theory : Neubauer Andre Wiley India Pvt.Ltd, 2007 9788126534326 xi,340 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
003.54 NEU 04015367 Coding Theory : Neubauer Andre Wiley India Pvt.Ltd, 2007 9788126534326 xi,340 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 NEU 04028026 Coding Theory : Neubauer Andre Wiley India Pvt.Ltd, 2007 9788126534326 xi,340 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 NEU 00136754 Coding Theory : Neubauer,Andre. Wiley India Pvt.Ltd, 2012 9788126534326 xi,340 p.; UG Library
003.54 NEU 04011915 Coding Theory : Neubauer Andre Wiley India Pvt.Ltd, 2007 9788126534326 xi,340 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 PAD 00134286 Introduction to cryptography / Padhye, Sahadeo, CRC Press, 2018 9781138071537 (hardback : acidfree paper) xv,251 p.; UG Library
003.54 PAR 05050484 Coding theorems of classical and quantum information theory / Parthasarathy, K. R. Hindustan Book Agency, 2007 9788185931753 xii,158p.; Knowledge Centre
003.54 PLE 04016404 Handbook of Coding Theory / Pless, V. S. Elesvier, 2010 9789380931111 | 9789380931135 vol-I 1138 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 PLE 04016405 Handbook of Coding Theory / Pless, V. S. Elesvier, 2010 9789380931111 | 9789380931135 vol-I 1138 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 REZ 05057793 An introduction to information theory / Reza, Fazlollah M. Dover, 1994 0486682102 : | 9780486682105 xv,496p.; Knowledge Centre
003.54 RIC 04015337 Modern coding theory / Richardson, Tom Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521165761 xvi , 572 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 SAL 05050813 Measurement uncertainty : Salicone, Simona. Springer, 2007 9780387306551 (alk. paper) | 0387306552 (alk. paper) | 9780387463285 (eISBN) | 0387463283 (eISBN) x,228p.; Knowledge Centre
003.54 SUC 00144698 Probabilistic Graphical Models : Sucar, Luis Enrique Springer, 2021 9783030619459 2na ed. xxviii,355p, ; UG Library
003.54 TAL 03012733 The Black Swan : Taleb, Nassim Nicholas. Penguin Books , 2007 9780141034591 444 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
003.54 TAL 03011264 The Black Swan : Taleb, Nassim Nicholas. Penguin Books , 2007 9780141034591 444 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
003.54 TAL 09000734 The Black Swan : Taleb, Nassim Nicholas. Penguin Books , 2007 9780141034591 444 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 VAN 05017947 Graduate Texts in Mathematics / Van Lint, J H Springer, 2004 8181281527 xiv,227p.; Knowledge Centre
003.54 VAN 00052330 Graduate Texts in Mathematics Van Lint J H Springer 1999 3540780823 227 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
003.54 VAN 05017946 Introduction to Coding Theroy : Lint Van J H Springer, 2004 8181281527 xiv,227p.; Knowledge Centre
003.54 VAU 04016239 A classical introduction to cryptography; Vaudenay Serge Springer; 9788184891959 335 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 VAU 00103032 A classical introduction to cryptography; Vaudenay Serge Springer; 9788184891959 335 p. UG Library
003.54 VED 00109206 Decoding reality Vedral,Vlatko. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199237692 (hc.) | 97801996 x, 229 p. ; UG Library
003.54 VEL 10000840 Information theory and coding : Veluswamy.S. New Age International (P) Ltd, 2014 9788122436723 xvi,276.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
003.54 WES 10000115 Introducing Communication Theory : West, Richard L. McGraw Hill, 2018 9789353162092 xxx, 531p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
003.54 YEU 04013788 A first course in information theory / Yeung, Raymond W., Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2002 9788184897036 xxi, 412 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 YEU 04013789 A first course in information theory / Yeung, Raymond W., Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2002 9788184897036 xxi, 412 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 YEU 04010135 A first course in information theory / Yeung, Raymond W., Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2002 9788184897036 xxi, 412 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54 YEU 04011270 A first course in information theory / Yeung, Raymond W., Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2002 9788184897036 xxi, 412 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.54015 MIC 00124768 Handbook of differential entropy / Bucholtz, Frank. CRC Press 2014 9781466583160 (hardcover : aci xviii, 226 pages : UG Library
003.56 CHA 00121807 Multiobjective decision making : Vira Chankong. Dover Publications, 2008 9780486462899 | 0486462897 Dover ed. xvii, 406 p. : UG Library
003.56 CHA 05042412 Multiobjective decision making : Vira Chankong. Dover Publications, 2008 9780486462899 | 0486462897 Dover ed. xvii, 406 p. : Knowledge Centre
003.56 KOK 05008132 Multiple criteria decision making K�oksalan, M. Murat. World Scientific, 2011 9814335584 | 9789814335584 | 9 xi, 197 p. : Knowledge Centre
003.56 MOS 05004984 Informed by knowledge : Psychology Press, 2011 9781848729117 (hbk. : alk. pap p. cm. Knowledge Centre
003.56 TRA 00118995 Discrete Choice Methods With Simulation Train, Kenneth. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521766555 (hardback) | 052 2nd ed. x, 388 p. : UG Library
003.7 HAK 05052131 Information and self-organization : Haken, H. Springer, 2000 3540662863 (acidfree paper) | 2nd enl. ed. xiv, 222 p. : Knowledge Centre
003.7 LAM 04009205 Stability Analysis of Fuzzy-Model-Based Control Systems / Lam, Hak-Keung Springer 2011 9783642178436 | 364217843X (Tr 226 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.7 REI 05053662 The transition to chaos in conservative classical systems : Reichl, L. E. Springer-Verlag, 1992 0387977538 xvi, 551 p. : Knowledge Centre
003.7 STR 05047913 Sync : Strogatz,Steven. Penguin, 2003 9780141007632 viii,338p.; Knowledge Centre
003.72 CAL 05048885 Networks : Caldarelli, Guido. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199588077 (pbk.) | 0199588 1st ed. xv, 122 p. : Knowledge Centre
003.72 WES 04007872 Complex Webs : West, Bruce J. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521113663 (hardback) x, 375 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.74 STR 04005569 Contemporary Linear Systems Using Matlab Strum, Robert D Thomson South-Western 2000 9788131510070 673 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.74 GAR 04018437 Hierarchical linear modeling : Garson, G. David Sage Publications, 2013 9781412998857 (pbk.) xix, 371 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.74 RIS 05044923 Practical applications of sparse modeling / Rish, Irina The MIT Press, 2014 9780262027724 (hardcover : alk xii, 249 pages : Knowledge Centre
003.74 SIM 05042153 Algorithms for linear-quadratic optimization / Sima, Vasile, Marcel Dekker, 1996 0824796128 (pbk. : alk. paper) vii,366p.; Knowledge Centre
003.74 WAS 04019489 Signals and transforms in linear systems analysis / Wasylkiwskyj, Wasy. Springer, 2013 9781461432869 375p. : cm. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.74 ZAD 04018710 Linear system theory : Zadeh, Lotfi Asker. Dover Publications, 2008 9780486466637 | 0486466639 Dover ed. xxi,627p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.74 ZAD 05057868 Linear system theory : Zadeh, Lotfi Asker. Dover Publications, 2008 9780486466637 | 0486466639 Dover ed. xxi,627p.; Knowledge Centre
003.75 JAZ 04030024 Nonlinear Approaches in Engineering Applications : Springer, 2016 9783319270531 xxxiv, 402p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.75 MAR 05041299 Weakly connected nonlinear systems : Martyni︠u︡k, A. A. CRC Press, 2015 9781466570863 (hardback : acidfree paper) | 1466570865 (hardback : acidfree paper) xv,212p.; Knowledge Centre
003.7505 ENN 00103043 It's a nonlinear world / Enns, Richard H. Springer, 9780387753386 x, 383 p. UG Library
003.76 SEI 00121813 Stochastic control in discrete and continuous time / Seierstad, Atle. Springer, 2009 0387766162 (hbk.) | 9780387766 xii, 291 p. ; UG Library
003.78 COU 05018061 Distributed Systems : Coulouris, George Pearson Education 2002 8178084627 xiii,772p.; Knowledge Centre
003.78 HAD 04023422 Models and analysis in distributed systems / Wiley, 2011 9781848213142 | 184821314X 356 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.78 TAN 00059472 Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms Tanenbaum, S Andrew Prentice Hall of India 2003 8120322150 799 P. Yeshwanthpur Campus
003.8 MAN 04030740 Continuous and Discrete Time Signals and Systems / Mandal, Mrinal. Cambridge University Press; 2007 9780521733137 865 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.8 MAN 04012444 Continuous and Discrete Time Signals and Systems / Mandal, Mrinal. Cambridge University Press; 2007 9780521733137 865 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.83 BAN 04000680 Discrete-Event System Simulation Banks, Jerry Prentice-Hall of Inida 2008 9788120320710 594 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.83 BAN 04024812 Discrete-event system simulation / Banks, Jerry Pearson, 2014 9780136062127 | 9789332518759 5th ed. xviii, 622 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.83 BAN 04024813 Discrete-event system simulation / Banks, Jerry Pearson, 2014 9780136062127 | 9789332518759 5th ed. xviii, 622 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.83 BAN 04018921 Discrete-event system simulation / Banks, Jerry Pearson, 2013 9780136062127 | 0136062121 | 9 5th ed. xviii, 640 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.83 BAN 04030378 Discrete-event system simulation / Banks, Jerry Pearson, 2014 9780136062127 | 9789332518759 5th ed. xviii, 622 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.83 BAN 10000424 Discrete Event System Simulation / Banks, Jerry. Pearson. 2015 9789332518759 564p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
003.83 BAN 04020411 Discrete-event system simulation / Banks, Jerry Pearson, 2013 9780136062127 | 0136062121 | 9 5th ed. xviii, 640 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.83 GOO 05033678 Adaptive filtering prediction and control / Goodwin, Graham C. Dover Publications, 2009 9780486469324 | 0486469328 Dover ed. xii,540p.; Knowledge Centre
003.83 VUN 05051366 Constrained control problems of discrete processes / Vu, Ngoc Phat, World Scientific, 1996 9810227876 (alk. paper) viii,216p.; Knowledge Centre
003.85 SCH 05057830 Invitation to dynamical systems / Scheinerman, Edward R. Dover Publications, 2012 9780486485942 (pbk.) | 0486485943 (pbk.) Dover ed. xvii,373p.; Knowledge Centre
003.85 SIL 00121800 Large-scale dynamic systems : Siljak, Dragoslav D. Dover Publications, 2007 9780486462851 | 0486462854 xviii,416p.; UG Library
003.85 SIL 05042402 Large-scale dynamic systems : Siljak, Dragoslav D. Dover Publications, 2007 9780486462851 | 0486462854 xviii,416p.; Knowledge Centre
003.857 KAU 04008629 Chaos : Kautz, Richard. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199594580 XIII, p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.857 KAU 00102794 Chaos : Kautz, Richard. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199594580 XIII, p. UG Library
003.857 NAG 04012515 Introduction to Chaos : Nagashima, H. Overseas Press ; 2005 978188689124 168 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
003.857 SMI 01016396 Chaos : Smith, Leonard. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195692136 | 0195692136 180 p. Knowledge Centre
003.857 SMI 00105934 Chaos : Smith, Leonard A. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780192853783 | 9780192853783 180 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
003.857 SMI 05018071 Chaos : Smith, Leonard Oxford University Press, 2007 0195692136 180p.; Knowledge Centre
003.857 SMI 00085491 Chaos : Smith, Leonard Oxford University Press, 2007 0195692136 180p.; UG Library
003.857 STR 10000585 Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos : Strogatz, Steven H. CRC Press, 2015 9781138329454 2nd edition. xiii, 513 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 AKE 00059173 From 0 To 1 Akera, Atsushi 2002 0195140257 | 9780195140255 228p UG Library
004 ARD 04011300 GNVQ Core Skill Information Technology : Arden, Trevor . Pitman Publishing , 1995 9780273620549 2nd ed vii, 280 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 BAL 04003592 Fundamentals of Computers Balagurusamy, E Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070141605 476 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 BAL 04006746 Fundamentals of Computers Balagurusamy, E Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070141605 476 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 BAL 04006747 Fundamentals of Computers Balagurusamy, E Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070141605 476 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 BAL 04006748 Fundamentals of Computers Balagurusamy, E Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070141605 476 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 BAL 04003328 Fundamentals of Computers Balagurusamy, E Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070141605 476 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 BAN 04001559 Encyclopaedia of Computer Terminology Banerjee, H R Jaico Publishing House 2007 8179925943 632 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 BAS 00052405 Computers Today Basandra, Suresh K. Suneel Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd 2006 8186340742 | 9788186340745 1616 p. UG Library
004 BHA 00050616 Fundamentals of Information Technology Bharihoke, Deepak Excel Books 2006 8174464816 | 9798174464810 3rd Ed. 653 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 BHA 00088887 Fundamentals of Information Technology Bharihoke, Deepak Excel Books 2006 8174464816 | 9798174464810 3rd Ed. 653 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 BHU 04004083 Information Technology Network and Internet Bhunia, C T New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2005 9788122416626 454 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 BHU 04004082 Information Technology Network and Internet Bhunia, C T New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2005 9788122416626 454 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 COH 05013789 Introduction to Computer Theory : Cohen, Daniel I A John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1991 x, 838 p. Knowledge Centre
004 COH 04001106 Introduction to Computer Theory Cohen, Daniel A John Wiley and Sons 2007 9788126513345 634 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 COH 04002423 Introduction to Computer Theory Cohen, Daniel A John Wiley and Sons 2007 9788126513345 634 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 COH 04003491 Introduction to Computer Theory Cohen, Daniel A John Wiley and Sons 2007 9788126513345 634 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 ERC 04001088 Introduction to Digital Systems Ercegovac, Milos Wiley 2005 9971513102 498 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 FOR 04003295 Basics of Computer Science Forouzan, Behrouz Thomson South-Western 2008 9788131511183 444 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 FOR 04003294 Basics of Computer Science Forouzan, Behrouz Thomson South-Western 2008 9788131511183 444 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 GIL 04000520 PC Hardware: Gilster, Ron Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company. 2001 0070447365 651 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 GIL 04002775 PC Hardware: Gilster, Ron Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company. 2001 0070447365 651 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 GRO 04000759 A+ Complete Study Guide Groth, David Sybex 2008 0782142435 | 9788176568326 954 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 GUP 04001941 It Enabled Practices and Emergintg Management Paradigms Gupta, I C Excel Books 2008 9788174466761 376 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 GUP 05000715 Comdex: Computer Course Kit Gupta, Vikas Dream Tech Press 2002 817722171x 616 p. Knowledge Centre
004 HAR 00060301 Algorithmics Harel, David Addison-Wesley 2000 8178080443 | 9788178080444 2nd Ed. 476 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 HIG 04002911 High-Tech Etiquette: Perfecting the Art of Plugged-In-politeness High, Jana L Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2008 9788176496131 179 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 HOG 04003787 Concepts in Computing Hoganson, Kenneth Jones and Bartlett India P Limited 2010 9789380108155 264 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 HOL 03001357 IT Manager's Handbook : Holtsnider, Bill. Academic Press, 2008 8178670224 337 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004 HUR 04001455 Advances in Computers: Parallel, Distributed, and Pervasive Computing Vol 63 Hurson, Ali R Morgan Kaufmann Pubishers 2005 0120121638 292 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 ICAI 00117246 Information Technology ICAI ICAI, 2013 9788184411362 5.33p. ;G :xi UG Library
004 ITL 04001667 Introduction to Computer Science Itl Education Soluti Pearson Education 2006 8129708000 496p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 KHA 04004151 Computer Concepts and C Programming / Khanna, Rajiv New Age Internations (P) Ltd, 2007 9788122419900 329 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 KIR 04004393 Computational Science Kiryanov, D Fire Wallmedia 2007 9788131801154 400 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 LEN 03000798 Guide to Research / Lenburg, Jeff. Viva Books 2008 8130905396 | 9788130905396 560 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004 LEO 04000198 Fundamentals of Information Technology / Leon, Alexis Leon Vikas, 1999 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 LEO 00057842 Computers for Everyone Leon, Alexis Leon Vikas 2001 8125910301 433 p. UG Library
004 MAI 04004359 Learning Computer Fundamentals Ms Office and Internet & Web Technology Maidasani, Dinesh Fire Wallmedia 2008 9788131804063 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 MAI 04004358 Learning Computer Fundamentals Ms Office and Internet & Web Technology Maidasani, Dinesh Fire Wallmedia 2008 9788131804063 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 MAL 04002058 Principles of Enterprise It Architecture Mallick, Sudeep John Wiley and Sons 2008 9788126508983 429 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 MEH 05013896 Management Information Systems / Mehta, Subhash Wheeler Publications, 1998 8175440600 88 p Knowledge Centre
004 MIS 05001639 Theory Of Computer Science : Mishra, K L P Printice-Hall of India, 2007 9788120329683 3rd Ed. 422 p Knowledge Centre
004 MOR 04000582 Theory of Computation / Moret, Bernard M Pearson Education, 2008 9788131708705 453 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 MOS 05001640 Advances in ubiquitous computing : Mostéfaoui, Soraya Kouadri. IGI Pub., 2008 9781599048406 (hardcover) | 15 xiii, 362 p. : Knowledge Centre
004 NEL 03002138 Issues of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in Education / Nelasco, Shobana. Kanishka Publishers, 2008 9788184571189 229 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004 NOR 03000516 Introduction to Computers Norton, Peter Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 70593744 609p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004 NOR 04000815 Introduction to Computers / Norton, Peter Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2006 9780070593749 xxv, 609 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 NOR 04006456 Introduction to Computers / Norton, Peter Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2006 9780070593749 xxv, 609 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 NOR 04006458 Introduction to Computers / Norton, Peter Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2006 9780070593749 xxv, 609 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 NOR 04006459 Introduction to Computers / Norton, Peter Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2006 9780070593749 xxv, 609 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 NOR 04006460 Introduction to Computers / Norton, Peter Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2006 9780070593749 xxv, 609 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 NOR 04006455 Introduction to Computers / Norton, Peter Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2006 9780070593749 xxv, 609 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 NOR 05003572 Introduction to Computers / Norton, Peter Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2006 9780070593749 xxv, 609 p. Knowledge Centre
004 NOR 05003604 Introduction to Computers / Norton, Peter Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2006 9780070593749 xxv, 609 p. Knowledge Centre
004 PAL 04006808 Introduction to Computing Systems from Bits & Gates to C & Beyond Palt, Yale N Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2004 9780070595002 395 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 PAL 04006068 Introduction to Computing Systems from Bits & Gates to C & Beyond Palt, Yale N Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2004 9780070595002 395 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 RAJ 04000794 Fundamentals of Computers Rajaraman, V Prentice-Hall of Inida 2008 9788120325814 417 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 RAJ 05017979 Fundamentals of Computers Rajaraman, V. Prentice Hall of India, 2004 8120325818 | 9788120325814 4th Ed. 416 p. Knowledge Centre
004 RAJ 05038033 Fundamentals of Computers Rajaraman, V. Prentice Hall of India, 2004 8120325818 | 9788120325814 4th Ed. 416 p. Knowledge Centre
004 RAJ 05017970 Fundamentals of Computers Rajaraman, V. Prentice Hall of India, 2004 8120325818 | 9788120325814 4th Ed. 416 p. Knowledge Centre
004 RAO 04011870 Information Technology For Real World Problems/ Rao Hari Sree V. Universities Press. 2011 9788173717345 xi, 287 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 SAR 04002876 Information and Communication Technology for GCSE: Coursework Book Sargent, Brian Hodder Education 2008 0340816392 140 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 SCH 05001650 Information Technology Project Management / Schwalbe, Kathy Thomson Wadsworth, 2007 0813150123 496 p Knowledge Centre
004 SHE 04001644 Introduction to Computers Shelly, Gary B Thomson South-Western 2008 9788131505809 344 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 SIN 04000657 Computer Fundamentals: Concepts, Systems & Applications Sinha, Pradeep K BPB Publications 2007 9788176567527 457 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 SIV 04002528 Theory of Computation Sivanandam, S N I K International 2009 9789380026206 506 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 SOM 00072629 Computer Business Applications Somashekar, G. R Chand & Co,New Delhi 2006 1st Ed. 299 p. UG Library
004 SOM 00072627 Computer Business Applications Somashekar, G. R Chand & Co,New Delhi 2006 1st Ed. 299 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 SOM 00072628 Computer Business Applications Somashekar, G. R Chand & Co,New Delhi 2006 1st Ed. 299 p. UG Library
004 SUD 04004028 Computers Systems & Applications Sudharsan, P Jaico Publishing House 2008 9788179923542 500 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 TUC 04005780 Computer Scinece Handbook Tucker, Allen B Charpman & Hall / CRC 2004 9781584883609 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 WIL 05036909 MCQS In Computer Science / Williams Timothy J Tata McGraw - Hill Education, 2011 9780071077699 vii, 445 p. Knowledge Centre
004 WIL 04000710 Using Information Technology: A Practical Introduction to Computers & Communications Complete ... Williams, Brain K Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070607491 470 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 YAD 04002011 Foundations of Information Technology Yadav, D S New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122417623 463 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 YAD 04004258 Foundations of Information Technology Yadav, D S New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122417623 463 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 YAD 04004259 Foundations of Information Technology Yadav, D S New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122417623 463 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 AGA 05018298 Computer Fundamentals / Agarwal, Ashish Swan Publications , 2003 8187148063 296p . : Knowledge Centre
004 AGA 10001250 Study Package MCA Entrances : Agarwal, Amit M. Arihant Publications (India) Limited, 2021 9789326190909 792,I-18p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 AIM 00064266 Introduction to Information Technology: PSM04/PMM04: STUDY GUIDE: AIMA All India Managment Association [ AIMA] All India Management Association. 2003 75 p.: UG Library
004 AIM 00064612 Introduction to Information Technology: PSM04/PMM04: STUDY GUIDE: AIMA All India Managment Association [ AIMA] All India Management Association. 2003 75 p.: UG Library
004 AIM 00064339 Introduction to Information Technology: PSM04/PMM04: STUDY GUIDE: AIMA All India Managment Association [ AIMA] All India Management Association. 2003 75 p.: UG Library
004 AIM 00064342 Introduction to Information Technology: PSM04/PMM04: STUDY GUIDE: AIMA All India Managment Association [ AIMA] All India Management Association. 2003 75 p.: UG Library
004 AIM 00064340 Introduction to Information Technology: PSM04/PMM04: STUDY GUIDE: AIMA All India Managment Association [ AIMA] All India Management Association. 2003 75 p.: UG Library
004 AIM 00064341 Introduction to Information Technology: PSM04/PMM04: STUDY GUIDE: AIMA All India Managment Association [ AIMA] All India Management Association. 2003 75 p.: UG Library
004 AIM 00073600 Study Guide.ISO1:Introduction to Information Technology Aima Aima 2006 79p UG Library
004 ANT 04010622 Computer technology and computer programming : Antonakos, James L. Apple Academic Press, 2011 9781926692968 339 P. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 ARO 00062715 Computer Applications in Chemistry Arora, Kishor Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126119160 | 9788126119165 305 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 ARO 00050612 Computer Fundamentals Arora,Ashok Excel Books 1999 8174461663 206 p. UG Library
004 ARO 05017982 Computer Applications in Chemistry / Arora, Kishor Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 2004 8126119160 305 p Knowledge Centre
004 ASH 05075137 Blockchain Applied : ashurst, Stephen. Routledge, 2022 9781032906416 xvi, 275p.; Knowledge Centre
004 AUR 05073114 Sustainable Advanced Computing : Aurelia, Sagaya Springer Nature Singapore Pvt Ltd, 2022 9789811690112 xxxiv, 670 p.; Knowledge Centre
004 BAN 00062894 Dictionary Of IT Terms Bansal, S K APH 2003 8176484601 342p UG Library
004 BAN 05017976 Textbook of Information Technology / Bansal, S K A P H Publishing, 2004 8176486051 494 p Knowledge Centre
004 BAS 00115817 Microsoft Access 97 Bass, D. B.P.B. Publications 2002 202 p. UG Library
004 BAS 00058035 Computer Science Question Bank Basandra, S K Galgotia Publications 2001 8185623082 953p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 BAS 00070376 Computers Today Basandra, Suresh K. Suneel Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd 2006 8186340742 | 9788186340745 1616 p. UG Library
004 BAS 00070377 Computers Today Basandra, Suresh K. Suneel Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd 2006 8186340742 | 9788186340745 1616 p. UG Library
004 BAS 05003277 Computer Science Question Bank Basandra, S K Galgotia Publications 2001 8185623082 953p Knowledge Centre
004 BEN 00109208 Digitized Bentley, Peter. J. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199693795 | 9780199693795 1st ed. xiv, 292 p. : UG Library
004 BHA 04011118 Textbook of Computer Science For Class XII / Bhatnagar Seema Prentice-Hall Of India Private Limited, 2008 9788120335189 xvi,719 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 BHA 05070136 Quantum machine learning / De Gruyter, 2020 9783110670646 1 ed. xiii, 118p. ; Knowledge Centre
004 BHA 05070137 Quantum machine learning / De Gruyter, 2020 9783110670646 1 ed. xiii, 118p. ; Knowledge Centre
004 BHA 05070138 Quantum machine learning / De Gruyter, 2020 9783110670646 1 ed. xiii, 118p. ; Knowledge Centre
004 BHA 00074753 Fundamentals of Information Technology Bharihoke, Deepak Excel Books 2006 8174464816 | 9798174464810 3rd Ed. 653 p. UG Library
004 BHA 00080397 Fundamentals of Information Technology Bharihoke, Deepak Excel Books 2006 8174464816 | 9798174464810 3rd Ed. 653 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 BHA 00080398 Fundamentals of Information Technology Bharihoke, Deepak Excel Books 2006 8174464816 | 9798174464810 3rd Ed. 653 p. UG Library
004 BHA 05017993 Fundamentals of Information Technology / Bharihoke, Deepak Excel Books, 2002 8174462007 660 p Knowledge Centre
004 BHA 04030100 International conference on innovative computing and communications : Springer, 2021 9789811551123 1180p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 BHA 05018081 Fundamentals of Information Technology / Bharihoke, Deepak Excel Books, 2005 8174464816 653 p Knowledge Centre
004 BHA 05068850 International Conference on Innovative Computing And Communications : Springer, 2019 9789811323539 xxxii, 546p.; Knowledge Centre
004 BHA 05018080 Fundamentals of Information Technology / Bharihoke, Deepak Excel Books, 2005 8174464816 653 p Knowledge Centre
004 BHA 00074752 Fundamentals of Information Technology Bharihoke, Deepak Excel Books 2006 8174464816 | 9798174464810 3rd Ed. 653 p. UG Library
004 BHA 05018082 Fundamentals of Information Technology / Bharihoke, Deepak Excel Books, 2005 8174464816 653 p Knowledge Centre
004 BHA 05017974 Fundamentals of Information Technology / Bharihoke, Deepak Excel Books, 2005 8174464816 653 p Knowledge Centre
004 BHU 05017996 Information Technology Network and Internet / Bhunia, C T New Age International Publishers, 1998 8122416624 454 p Knowledge Centre
004 BHU 05017973 Information Technology Network and Internet / Bhunia, C T New Age International Publishers, 1998 8122416624 454 p Knowledge Centre
004 BLA 05017983 Managing the Testing Process. Black, Rex WP Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd 1999 8178530031 380p Knowledge Centre
004 BOY 05017894 Upgrading Pcs : Boyce, Jim Prentice Hall of India, 1997 8120313119 710 p. Knowledge Centre
004 BRO 04021005 Computer Science An Over View / brookshear,j.Glenn Pearson Education,Inc., 2009 9780321544285 10th ed . 684 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 BRO 05060162 Computer science : Brookshear, J. Glenn. Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2018 9780133760064 | 9789332587618 Twelfth edition. 640p.; Knowledge Centre
004 BRO 05018099 Computer Science: an Overview Brookshear, J Glenn 0805346325 480 p Knowledge Centre
004 BUR 00066922 Pervasive Computing Burkhardt, Jochen Pearson 2002 8129707594 | 9788129707598 432 p. UG Library
004 BYE 05017985 Inside the Ibm Pc at Byers, T J Knowledge Centre
004 CHE 00104265 Cloud computing : Chee, Brian J. S. CRC, 2010 9781439806128 (hardcover : alk xvii, 270 p. : UG Library
004 CHE 05054702 Signal and information processing, networking and computers : CRC Press, 2016 9781138028814 x,404p.; Knowledge Centre
004 CHO 00061358 The A to Z of PC Hardware & Maintenance Choudhury, Subhadeep Dhanpat Rai & Co 2003 9788177000412 1st Ed. 1500 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 CHR 00127556 Algorithms to Live by Christian,Brian William Collins 2016 9780007547999 351p UG Library
004 CIA 05008841 Mobile technology consumption : Ciaramitaro, Barbara Information Science Reference, 2012 9781613501504 (hbk.) xi, 243 p. Knowledge Centre
004 COH 05013762 Introduction to Computer Theory : Cohen, Daniel I A John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1991 x, 838 p. Knowledge Centre
004 COL 01017792 Dictionary of Information Technology / Collin, S M H Universal Book Stall, 1996 8185392927 240 p Knowledge Centre
004 CON 00122977 Explorations in Computing : Conery, John S. CRC Press, 2015 9781466572447 xv, 423 p : UG Library
004 CUR 04025529 Information Technology : Curtin, Dennis P. Tata McGraw Hill, 1999 9780074635582 300p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 CUR 04025530 Information Technology : Curtin, Dennis P. Tata McGraw Hill, 1999 9780074635582 300p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 CUR 04025531 Information Technology : Curtin, Dennis P. Tata McGraw Hill, 1999 9780074635582 300p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 DAL 04007747 Computer science illuminated / Dale, Nell B. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2011 9780763776466 (pbk.) | 0763776 4th ed. xxvii, 643 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 DAL 05044067 Computer science illuminated / Dale, Nell. Jones & Bartlett, 2016 9781284055917 Sixth edition. xxxi, 700 pages ; Knowledge Centre
004 DAL 04021054 Computer science illuminated / Dale, Nell B. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2013 9781449665739 (pbk.) | 1449665 5th ed. xxv, 665 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 DAS 05018093 A+ Certification, Core Hardware and OS Technologies Exams Pastore, Michael Wiley 591p Knowledge Centre
004 DEE 05070147 Advances in modern computing and application trends / TECHMAN-14, Acharya Institute of Technology, 2014 9789384648459 215p. ; Knowledge Centre
004 DEE 05070637 Advances in modern computing and application trends / TECHMAN-14, Acharya Institute of Technology, 2014 9789384648459 215p. ; Knowledge Centre
004 DEE 05073250 Advances in modern computing and application trends / TECHMAN-14, Acharya Institute of Technology, 2014 9789384648459 215p. ; Knowledge Centre
004 DEE 05073251 Advances in modern computing and application trends / TECHMAN-14, Acharya Institute of Technology, 2014 9789384648459 215p. ; Knowledge Centre
004 DEM 00146049 Advances in Data Science / Demir, Ilke Springer., 2021 9783030798932 xx,364p. ; UG Library
004 DIX 04020075 Information and communication Technology / Dixit, J.B Firewal Media, 2010 9788131806593 343 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 DIX 04010188 Information and communication Technology / Dixit, J.B Firewal Media, 2010 9788131806593 343 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 DOE 00058127 Quanbook 'a' Level DOEACC Society BPB Publications 2000 8170299411 1st Ed. 554 p. UG Library
004 DOE 00058126 Quanbook 'a' Level DOEACC Society BPB Publications 2000 8170299411 1st Ed. 554 p. UG Library
004 DRO 00057456 How to Solve It By Computer Dromey, R.G. Prentice-Hall of India Pvt Ltd 2002 9788120303881 442 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 DRO 00057455 How to Solve It By Computer Dromey, R.G. Prentice-Hall of India Pvt Ltd 2002 9788120303881 442 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 EAS 00129859 GATE 2018 Computer & IT Easy,Made Made Easy, 2018 9789351472605 653 p.: UG Library
004 EBA 04018268 Computer Hardware / Ebad, Ryan Centrum Press, 2013 9789350843345 312p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 EBA 04021736 Computer Telecommunication and Networking / Ryhan Ebad Centrum Press, 2013 9789350843321 304p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 EBA 04018440 Computer Hardware / Ebad, Ryan Centrum Press, 2013 9789350843345 312p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 EBA 04018446 Computer Information System / Ebad, Ryhan Centrum Press, 2013 9789350841440 296p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 EBA 04018435 Computer Telecommunication and Networking / Ryhan Ebad Centrum Press, 2013 9789350843321 304p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 EBA 04021625 Foundations of Computer Science / Ebad, Ryhan Centrum Press, 2013 9789350843390 296 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 EBA 04018874 Computer Hardware / Ebad, Ryan Centrum Press, 2013 9789350843345 312p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 ERC 00060207 Introduction to Digital Sytems Ercegovac, Milos D. John Wiley 2000 9971513102 498 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 EVA 00138223 Technology in Action : Evans, Alan Pearson education ltd., 2019 9781292236902 14th ed., 642p.; UG Library
004 EXC 05018079 Information Technology / Excel Books Excel Books, 2002 0817446283 350 p Knowledge Centre
004 FEI 00142370 Workload modeling for computer systems performance evaluation / Feitelson, Dror G. Cambridge university press, 2015 9781107078239 (hardback) xv, 551 pages ; UG Library
004 FRA 00119967 The new ICT ecosystem : Fransman, Martin. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521191319 (hardback) | 052 xxiv, 251 p. : UG Library
004 GAN 00144299 Introduction to Bioinformatics and Clinical Scientific Computing / Ganney, Paul, Crc press, 2023 9781032324135 | 9781032326931 First edition. xiii,390p,; UG Library
004 GAR 04028233 Head First Mobile Web / Gardner, Lyza Danger Oreilly Publication, 2012 9789350236024 1st ed. ; xxxii, 441p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 GAT 05070638 Computer Science & Engineering : Gateforum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. . 409 p. Knowledge Centre
004 GAT 05070639 Computer Science & Engineering : Gateforum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. . 402 p. Knowledge Centre
004 GAT 05070640 Computer Science & Engineering : Gateforum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd, . 208 p. Knowledge Centre
004 GAT 05070641 Computer Science & Engineering : Gateforum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. . 127 p. Knowledge Centre
004 GAT 05070642 Computer Science & Engineering : Gateforum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd, . 334 p. Knowledge Centre
004 GAT 05070643 Computer Science & Engineering : Gateforum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. . 254 p. Knowledge Centre
004 GAT 05070644 Computer Science & Engineering : Gateforum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd, . 217 p. Knowledge Centre
004 GAT 05070645 Computer Science & Engineering : Gateforum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd, . 225 p. Knowledge Centre
004 GAT 05070646 Computer Science & Engineering : Gateforum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd, . 217 p. Knowledge Centre
004 GAT 05070647 Computer Science & Engineering : Gateforum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd, . 7 p. 9 sets Knowledge Centre
004 GAT 05072318 Computer Science & Engineering GATE Question Bank / Gateforum Engineering Success, 526 p.; Knowledge Centre
004 GAU 00146725 Computer Scanner and Antivirus Programmes/ Goutam, Anju Venus Books, 2023 9789395431064 249p. ; UG Library
004 GAU 05037387 Advanced Computer Graphics / Gautam, Anju Dominant Publishers, 2014 9789382007777 280p, : Knowledge Centre
004 GEL 04013847 Fundamental concepts in computer science / Imperial College Press ; | Distributed by World Scientific, 2009 1848162901 | 9781848162907 xi, 159 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 GEO 00115212 Rapidex Computer Course Neogy, J L Pustak Mahal 2005 501p UG Library
004 GIL 05005836 PC Hardware : A Beginner's Guide / Gilster, Ron Tata McGraw Hill, 2001 9780070447363 xx, 651p. : Knowledge Centre
004 GIL 05018636 PC Hardware : A Beginner's Guide / Gilster, Ron Tata McGraw-Hill , 2001 0070447365 848p. Knowledge Centre
004 GKP 05058431 GATE 2018 : Computer Science and Information technology GKP G.K. Publishing, 2018 9789386309792 Pages Knowledge Centre
004 GKP 05065499 GATE 2020 : G K Publications G K publications, 2020 9788193975534 5.15p.; Knowledge Centre
004 GKP 00060464 Gate Computer Science And Engineering G.K. Publishers Pvt Ltd G K PUBLISHERS PVT LTD 2004 8186555285 | 9788186555286 736p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 GOO 05013799 Illustrated Computer Dictionary for Dummies / Gooken, Dan Pustak Mahal, 1997 408 p Knowledge Centre
004 GOR 05017998 101 Key Ideas Information Technology Gorard, Stephen 0071396675 103p Knowledge Centre
004 GRE 05003276 Fundamentals of the Theory Of Computation : Greenlaw, Raymond Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1998 9788131216408 xvi, 336 p. Knowledge Centre
004 GRO 05018087 A+ Complete Study Guide: A+ Core Hardware & Operating System Technologies Exams 220-201, 200-202 Groth, David Bpb 8176566551 912p Knowledge Centre
004 GRO 00071696 A+ Complete Study Guide: Exams 220-301 & 220-302 Groth, David BPB Publications, 2006 9788176568326 3th ed, 946 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 GRO 00071697 A+ Complete Study Guide: Exams 220-301 & 220-302 Groth, David BPB Publications, 2006 9788176568326 3th ed, 946 p.: UG Library
004 GRO 00071698 A+ Complete Study Guide: Exams 220-301 & 220-302 Groth, David BPB Publications, 2006 9788176568326 3th ed, 946 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 GUN 00096154 A text book of Computer Fundamentals Gundam Rao,H,K Sumukha publications 264 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 GUN 00052987 Computer Technology and Computer Programming : Gundurao, H. K. Himalaya Publishing House, 2001 2nd Ed. 357 p. UG Library
004 GUN 00052988 Computer Technology and Computer Programming : Gundurao, H. K. Himalaya Publishing House, 2001 2nd Ed. 357 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 GUP 05018084 Comdex: Computer Course Kit Gupta, Vikas Dream Tech Press 2002 817722171x 616 p. Knowledge Centre
004 GUP 05018083 Comdex: Computer Course Kit Gupta, Vikas Dream Tech Press 2002 817722171x 616 p. Knowledge Centre
004 GUP 05018091 Comdex - Computer Programming Course Kit Gupta, Vikas Dream Tech Press 8177222295 608p Knowledge Centre
004 GUP 05018098 Comdex - Computer Programming Course Kit Gupta, Vikas Dream Tech Press 8177222295 608p Knowledge Centre
004 GUP 00054097 Comdex: Computer Course Kit Gupta, Vikas Dream Tech Press 2002 817722171x 616 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 GUP 00115203 Comdex: Computer Course Kit Gupta, Vikas Dream Tech Press 2002 817722171x 616 p. UG Library
004 GUP 05068843 Big data security / De Gruyter, 2019 9783110605884 ix, 144p.; Knowledge Centre
004 GUP 00115206 Comdex: Computer Knowledge Bank Gupta, Vikas EDU-MAX 2005 1 Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 GUP 00115205 Comdex: Computer Knowledge Bank Gupta, Vikas EDU-MAX 2005 1 UG Library
004 GUP 00115208 Comdex: Computer Knowledge Bank Gupta, Vikas EDU-MAX 2005 1 UG Library
004 GUP 00115207 Comdex: Computer Knowledge Bank Gupta, Vikas Edu-Max 2005 1 Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 GUP 00115204 Comdex: Computer Knowledge Bank Gupta, Vikas Edu-Max 2005 1 UG Library
004 GUP 04010958 Foundation Of Information Technology Gupta Shalini Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2011 9788126149148 1st ED. 272 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 GUR 05069868 Numerical Analysis and Linear Programming / Gururajachar,G B. Subhas Stores, 2014 200620140043 80p.; Knowledge Centre
004 HAH 05060875 Cyber physical computing for IoT-driven services / Hahanov, Vladimir. Springer, 2018 9783319548241 xii, 279 p. : Knowledge Centre
004 HAR 00051150 Algorithmics Harel, David Addison-Wesley 2000 8178080443 | 9788178080444 2nd Ed. 476 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 HAY 00053609 Computer Architechture and Organization Hayes, John P. McGraw-Hill 2001 0071159975 | 9780071159975 3rd Ed. 604 p. UG Library
004 HAY 00053610 Computer Architechture and Organization Hayes, John P. McGraw-Hill 2001 0071159975 | 9780071159975 3rd Ed. 604 p. UG Library
004 HAY 00053611 Computer Architechture and Organization Hayes, John P. McGraw-Hill 2001 0071159975 | 9780071159975 3rd Ed. 604 p. UG Library
004 HAY 00053612 Computer Architechture and Organization Hayes, John P. McGraw-Hill 2001 0071159975 | 9780071159975 3rd Ed. 604 p. UG Library
004 HAY 00053613 Computer Architechture and Organization Hayes, John P. McGraw-Hill 2001 0071159975 | 9780071159975 3rd Ed. 604 p. UG Library
004 HAY 00070864 Computer Architechture and Organization Hayes, John P. McGraw-Hill 2001 0071159975 | 9780071159975 3rd Ed. 604 p. UG Library
004 HAY 00044982 Computer Architechture and Organization Hayes, John P. McGraw-Hill 2001 0071159975 | 9780071159975 3rd Ed. 604 p. UG Library
004 HAY 00036238 Computer Architecture and Organisation Hayes, John P McGraw Hill 1988 0071004793 2nd ed xv; 701 p UG Library
004 HIL 04009707 The pattern on the stone : Hillis, W. Daniel. Basic Books, 1998 9780465025954 1st ed. xi, 164 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 HUS 04022073 Advanced Research in Computing / Allied Publishers, 2013 9788184248760 330p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 ICA 00117218 Information Technology Training Programme The Institute of Chartered Accountants Of India The Institute of Chartered Accountants Of India 2011 9788184410372 488 p.: UG Library
004 ICA 00117219 Information Technology Training Programme The Institute of Chartered Accountants Of India The Institute of Chartered Accountants Of India 2011 9788184410372 488 p.: UG Library
004 ICAI 00073157 Information Technology ICAI Director of Studies, ICAI 512 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 IMA 00065055 Robo Toys:an Illustrated Step by Step Guide to Building Robots. Imahara, Grant Wiley India , 2004 8126504757 506 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 IMA 05017971 Robo Toys:an Illustrated Step by Step Guide to Building Robots. Imahara, Grant Wiley India , 2004 8126504757 506 p.: Knowledge Centre
004 IND 00059782 ABC of Intelligence: Man and Machine Indian, S R J Selva Micro System Engineers 2000 89 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 IND 00059783 ABC of Intelligence: Man and Machine Indian, S R J Selva Micro System Engineers 2000 89 p.: UG Library
004 ITL 04008655 Fundamentals of computers : ITL Education Pearson, 2011 9788131733349 xii, 500p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 ITL 04008654 Fundamentals of computers : ITL Education Pearson, 2011 9788131733349 xii, 500p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 JAC 05017918 Principles of Programme Design / Jackson, M A Academic Press, 1975 299 p. Knowledge Centre
004 JAI 04027244 Fundamentals of Computers and Information Technology / Jaiswal, A Dream Tech Press., 2003 8177223267 793 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 JAI 00126515 Objective Computer Science and Information Technology : Jaiswal, Jushta Source Books, 2016 9788130933658 597p. : UG Library
004 JAI 00125242 Objective Computer Science and Information Technology / Jaiswal, Jushta Viva Books, 2016 9788130910314 597p. : UG Library
004 JAI 05003736 Information Technology Concepts / Jain, Dr.Madhulika BPB Publications, 2000 xx, 487 p. Knowledge Centre
004 JAI 05017969 Fundamentals of Computers & Information Technology. Jaiswal Dream Tech Press 2000 8177223267 794 Knowledge Centre
004 JAI 04020540 Information Technology Today / Jain, Sanjay Kumar Random Publications, 2013 9789351111733 271p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 JAI 05017968 Fundamentals of Computers and Information Technology / Jaiswal, A Dream Tech Press., 2003 8177223267 793 p Knowledge Centre
004 JAI 00057084 Information Technology Today Jaiswal, S Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd 2003 8175152702 1842p UG Library
004 JAI 07008634 SSC combined graduate level examination (For Tier I & II ) / Jain Upkar Publication, 2016 9788174824813 120p. Library - BR Campus
004 JAI 05003737 Information Technology Concepts / Jain, Dr.Madhulika BPB Publications, 2000 xx, 487 p. Knowledge Centre
004 JAI 00087949 Computer Organization and System Software Jain, Dr Madhulika BPB Publications 372p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 JEN 05000481 Recent trends in IT soft computing / Institute of management technollogy, | Excel Books, 9788174465252 vi,210p.; Knowledge Centre
004 JHA 04021617 Theory of Computer Science / Jha, Manish Kumar Asian Books Pvt. Ltd., 2008 9798184120706 519 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 JOH 05017994 Computer Ethics Johnson, C Deborah Pearson Education 0817808306 239p Knowledge Centre
004 KAL 00115241 An Introduction to Computer Studies Kalicharan, Noel Cambridge university Perss, 2005 9780521586856 367 p.: UG Library
004 KAL 00068607 An Introduction to Computer Studies Kalicharan, Noel Cambridge university Perss, 2005 9780521586856 367 p.: UG Library
004 KAM 05030030 Understanding hard disk management on the PC Jenation Kanis, BPB Publications, 1989 500p.; Knowledge Centre
004 KAP 05018096 Citrix: Access Suite 4: Advance Concepts: The Official Guide: [MCA] Kaplan, Steve 0070618445 603p Knowledge Centre
004 KAT 00130645 Fundamentals of Laser Systems and Applications Katiyar A.K Wiley , 2017 9788126568260 xv, 228 p. : UG Library
004 KHA 05068849 International Conference on Innovative Computing And Communications : Springer, 2020 9789811503238 xxvi, 605p.; Knowledge Centre
004 KHA 05003338 Introduction To Computers / Khanna,Rajiv New Age International Pub , 2008 9788122421859 xiv ,296 p. Knowledge Centre
004 KHA 05003339 Introduction To Computers / Khanna,Rajiv New Age International Pub , 2008 9788122421859 xiv ,296 p. Knowledge Centre
004 KRI 04022001 IT Workshop / Krishna, H. Vamsi Scitech Publishers, 2010 9788183713283 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 KRI 04022002 IT Workshop / Krishna, H. Vamsi Scitech Publishers, 2010 9788183713283 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 KRI 05013752 Introductory Theory of Computer Science / Krishnamurthy, E V Afficialted East West Press, 1989 8185095132 211 p Knowledge Centre
004 KRI 05054691 Advances in mobile computing and communications : CRC Press, 2016 9781498701136 xxvii,397p.; Knowledge Centre
004 KUM 00145788 Applications in Ubiquitous Computing / Springer, 2021 9783030352820 viii, 277p.; UG Library
004 LAL 07008639 SSC Combined higher secondary level / Lal Upkar Publication, 2016 9788174824134 168p. Library - BR Campus
004 LAU 05065128 Think Julia : Lauwens, Ben. Shroff Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd., 2019 9789352138296 xviii, 276p. ; Knowledge Centre
004 LEE 00109737 Beginning Windows Phone 7 Development / Lee, Henry. Apress : 2011 9781430235965 | 9788132203759 2nd ed. xxi, 488 p. : UG Library
004 LEO 00115240 Fundamentals of Computer Science and Communication Engineering Leon,Alexis. Leon Techworld 1998 8125906827 P.V. UG Library
004 LEO 00115211 Fundamentals of Information Technology Leon, Alexis Leon Vikas 2000 8125907890 P.V. UG Library
004 LEO 00057841 Computers for Everyone Leon, Alexis Leon Vikas 2001 8125910301 433 p. UG Library
004 LEO 00057840 Computers for Everyone Leon, Alexis Leon Vikas 2001 8125910301 433 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 LEO 05017995 Fundamentals of Computer Science and Communication Engineering Leon, Alexis Leon Techworld 320 Knowledge Centre
004 LEO 05018097 Fundamentals of Computer Science and Communication Engineering Leon, Alexis Leon Techworld 320 Knowledge Centre
004 LEO 05018077 Fundamentals of Information Technology / Leon, Alexis Leon Techworld, 2000 301 p Knowledge Centre
004 LEO 00070452 Computers for Everyone Leon, Alexis Leon Vikas 2001 8125910301 433 p. UG Library
004 LEO 00070453 Computers Today Leon, Alexis LeonVikas 2003 8125915486 | 9788125915485 433 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 LEO 00070454 Introduction to Computers Leon Alexis Leon Tech World 2005 8125907904 432 p UG Library
004 LEO 04017574 Fundamentals of Information Technology / Leon, Alexis Vikas Publication, 1999 9788182092457 2nd ed. 578p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 LEO 04017571 Introduction to Computers / Leon, Alexis Vikas Publication, 2012 9788182092341 vvvv Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 LEO 00057453 Introduction to Computers Leon Alexis Leon Tech World 2005 8125907904 432 p UG Library
004 LEO 00057454 Introduction to Computers Leon Alexis Leon Tech World 2005 8125907904 432 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 LOP 05044912 MATLAB Programming for Numerical Analysis López, César Pérez. Matlab, 2014 9781484202951 | 9781484202968 ix,228p.: Knowledge Centre
004 MAI 00117790 Learning Computer Fundamentals, MS Office and Internet & Web Technology Maidasani, Dinesh Firewall Media, 2014 9788190855938 xiv: 212 + 66p.; UG Library
004 MAI 05017980 Learning Computer Fundamentals, Ms Office and Internet and Web Technology [MCA] Firewall, Media Laxmi Publications (P) LTD 8170087805 220 Knowledge Centre
004 MAR 00044279 Computer Simplified (WMU) Maran, Richard 1993 0130953245 156 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 MAV 00138841 Advances in mobile cloud computing and big data in the 5g era. Mavromoustakis,Constandinos X Springer nature, 2017 9783319451435 viii,382p.; UG Library
004 MCW 04021133 Professional Mobile Application Development / McWherter, Jeff Wiley, 2012 9788126538249 403p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 MEE 00118901 Computer Science and Technology Meena, Manoj Kumar Veenus Books, 2014 9788189922443 283p.; UG Library
004 MEH 04021759 Basics of Information Technology / Mehta, Saroj Anmol Publications, 2014 9788126157655 320p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 MEH 00115210 A Complete Course in ISC Computer Science: Book II for Class XII Mehrotra, Dheeraj S Chand 2004 8121918596 614p UG Library
004 MIL 00141133 The Internet of things : Miller, Michael, Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2015 9780789754004 | 0789754002 | 9789332552456 xiii, 319 pages : UG Library
004 MIN 00076628 The Complete PC Upgrade and Maintenance Guide Minasi,Mark Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt.Ltd 2005 0812650627 | 9788126506279 xlviii; 872 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 MIN 00076627 The Complete PC Upgrade and Maintenance Guide Minasi,Mark Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt.Ltd 2005 0812650627 | 9788126506279 xlviii; 872 p. UG Library
004 MIN 05017977 Information Systems an Emerging Discipline [ MCA ] Mingers, John 0077092953 387p Knowledge Centre
004 MIS 05053606 Information Technology for Masses : Misra, Gopal Concept Publishing Company, 2004 8180692485 | 9788180692482 104 p Knowledge Centre
004 MIS 05017999 Information Technology for Masses : Misra, Gopal Concept Publishing Company, 2004 8180692485 | 9788180692482 104 p Knowledge Centre
004 MIS 04013479 Theory of Computer Science : Mishra, K.L.P PHI Learning, 2011 9788120329683 422 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 MIS 04013480 Theory of Computer Science : Mishra, K.L.P PHI Learning, 2011 9788120329683 422 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 MIS 05018283 Theory Of Computer Science : Mishra, K L P Printice-Hall of India, 2007 9788120329683 3rd Ed. 422 p Knowledge Centre
004 MIS 05018282 Theory Of Computer Science : Mishra, K L P Printice-Hall of India, 2007 9788120329683 3rd Ed. 422 p Knowledge Centre
004 MIS 00077373 Theory Of Computer Science : Mishra, K L P Printice-Hall of India, 2007 9788120329683 3rd Ed. 422 p UG Library
004 MIS 05018284 Theory Of Computer Science : Mishra, K L P Printice-Hall of India, 2007 9788120329683 3rd Ed. 422 p Knowledge Centre
004 MIT 00121507 Data fusion : Mitchell, H.b. Springer, 2012 9783642272219 2nd ed. 344p. cm. UG Library
004 MOR 05038537 Fundamentals of computers Morley,Deborah Cengage learning india Private Ltd., 2008 9788131509234 439p.; Knowledge Centre
004 MUR 05017960 Information Technology / Murthy, C S V Himalayan Publishing House, 2001 8178661624 344 p Knowledge Centre
004 NAR 04024041 Future Computer and Information Technology / Narayan, Gopal Centrum Press, 2015 9789350847916 304p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 NAR 00133099 Computing fundamentals: Narayan, Gopal, Oxford Book Company, 2019 9789350304648 viii,304 p.; UG Library
004 NEO 00073699 Rapidex Computer Course Neogy J. L. Pustak Mahal 2004 9788122308433 533 p. UG Library
004 NOR 00109054 Introduction To Computers Norton, Peter Tata McGrew Hill Educational Pvt Ltd 2011 9780070671201 7th Ed. xxix; 628 p. UG Library
004 NOR 04006457 Introduction to Computers / Norton, Peter Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2011 9780070671201 628p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 OLE 00053651 Computing Essentials: 2000-2001: the World of Information Technology (WMU) Oleary, J Timothy 2001 0072460385 245p UG Library
004 OLE 00053657 Computing Essentials: 2000-2001: the World of Information Technology (WMU) Oleary, J Timothy 2001 0072460385 245p UG Library
004 OLE 05018090 Computing Essentials 1998 - 1999 Oleary, J Timothy 0075610469 242p Knowledge Centre
004 OLE 00044281 Computing Essentials: Annual Edition: 1996 - 97 (WMU) Oleary, J Timothy 1997 0070490910 302 p UG Library
004 PAN 04010070 ICT 4D Information communication Technology for Development / Pannu, Parveen I K 2010 9789380578095 280p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 PAN 04021301 Evolving ideas : computing, communication and networking / Pande, Jeetendra Global Vision Publishing, 2011 9788182204102 714 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 PAR 00061354 New Perspectives on Computer Concepts Parsons, Jamrich June Thomson Learning 2000 0760064997 4th Ed xxiv; 752 p. UG Library
004 PAR 00060452 Advanced Computer Architecture Parthasarathy, K. A. Vijay Nicole Imprints Pvt. Ltd. 2004 9788182090200 336 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 PAT 00066924 Introduction to Computing Systems Patt, Yale N. McGraw-Hill 2005 0072376902 | 9780072376906 526 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 PAT 05017871 INDIA : Patnaik, L M Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing, 1996 520 p Knowledge Centre
004 PAT 05013731 INDIA : Patnaik, L M Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing, 1996 520 p Knowledge Centre
004 PAU 00141539 Computer and Information systems into next frontier : Paul,P K. New Delhi Publishers, 2020 9789388879590 214p.; UG Library
004 PAU 00141568 Trends of Computing and communications with slant to information systems / Paul,P K New Delhi Publishers, 2021 9788195163007 136p.; UG Library
004 PEN 05017958 Emperor`s New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds and the Laws of Physics [ MCA] Penrose, Roger 0019567345 600p Knowledge Centre
004 PEN 05068893 ICSCI 2012 International Conference On Systemics, Cybernetics And Informatics / Pentagram Research Centre Pvt. Ltd., 2012 461p.; Knowledge Centre
004 PHE 05058191 Going Serveless with AWS Lambda : Pherwani,Ajay. SPD, 2017 9789352136438 744p.; Knowledge Centre
004 PIE 05060979 Data science / Pierson, Lillian. John Wiley & Sons, 2017 9781119327639 | 1119327636 2nd edition. xvi, 364 pages : Knowledge Centre
004 POG 03012145 Pogue's Basics : Life Pogue, David Flatiron Boks, 2015 9781250080431 1st ed. ; 228p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004 POG 03012146 Pogue's Basics : Life Pogue, David Flatiron Boks, 2015 9781250080431 1st ed. ; 228p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004 POG 05062218 Pogue's Basics : Life Pogue, David Flatiron Boks, 2015 9781250080431 1st ed. ; 228p. ; Knowledge Centre
004 POS 04008917 Ubiquitous computing : Poslad, Stefan Wiley, 2011 9788126527335 xxiv, 473p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 POS 04008916 Ubiquitous computing : Poslad, Stefan Wiley, 2011 9788126527335 xxiv, 473p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 PRA 05017997 Information Technology : Prakash, Dev Cyber Tech Publications, 2002 8178840308 624 p Knowledge Centre
004 PRA 05073534 ICT Application In ELT / Praveen Chandrasekharan. Notion Press, 2022 9778886063844 290p, ; Knowledge Centre
004 PRE 05017984 Pc Toys: Cool Projects for Home, Office & Entertainment. Press, Barry Wiley India 8126504749 308p Knowledge Centre
004 PRE 00065026 PC Toys Press, Barry Wiley Publishing Inc 2004 8126504749 1st Ed. 308 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 PRI 00116744 Design and Develop Complex Text Documents Price, Cheryl Excel Books, 2012 9789350620731 lv, 371 p. ; UG Library
004 RAB 00115190 Ganaka Yantra Rabanaala, Neelakanta VIDYANIDHI 2003 243p UG Library
004 RAJ 05004247 Fundamentals of Computers : Rajaraman V. PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9788120340114 ix, 438 p. Knowledge Centre
004 RAJ 00066789 Fundamentals of Computers Rajaraman, V. Prentice Hall of India, 2004 8120325818 | 9788120325814 4th Ed. 416 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 RAJ 00052324 Computer Orinted Numerical Methods Rajaraman V. Prentice Hall of India 1998 8120307860 3rd Ed. 195 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 RAJ 04010913 Fundamentals of Computers : Rajaraman V. PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9788120340114 ix, 438 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 RAJ 05018089 Fundamentals of Computers Rajaraman, V Prentice Hall of India 8120315316 350p Knowledge Centre
004 RAJ 04011260 Introduction to Information Technology: Rajaraman V. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd: 2010 9788120324022 xiv, 370 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 RAJ 00063790 Fundamentals of Computers Rajaraman, V. Prentice Hall of India, 2004 8120325818 | 9788120325814 4th Ed. 416 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 RAJ 00115188 Computer Education Rajasekar, S Neelkamal Publications 2005 184 UG Library
004 RAJ 00115234 Computer Education Rajasekar, S Neelkamal Publications 2005 184 UG Library
004 RAJ 00048122 Fundamentals of Computers Rajaraman, V. Prentice Hall of India 1999 8120315316 | 9788120315310 3rd Ed. 351 p. UG Library
004 RAJ 04022729 Fundamentals of Computers / Rajaraman, V. PHI, 2015 9788120350670 428p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 RAJ 05029642 Computer Primer Rajaraman, Dharma Prentice -Hall, 1991 420 p.; Knowledge Centre
004 RAM 00115235 Computer Education: Ramanujam V P Mittal Publication 2001 1 UG Library
004 RAM 04021997 Component Based Technology / Ramesh Sams Publishers, 2010 9788190495349 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 RAM 04021998 Component Based Technology / Ramesh Sams Publishers, 2010 9788190495349 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 RAO 05034046 Research in Information Technology / Rao,Jagannatha K. Pacific Books International, 2013 9789381138366 282 p.; Knowledge Centre
004 RAO 00089911 Text Book Of: Computer Business Applications Rao, Gundu H K Sumukha 2006 272p UG Library
004 RAU 04011320 Parallel programming : Rauber, Thomas. Springer, 2010 9788132203919 1st ed. 455 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 RAU 04010133 Parallel programming : Rauber, Thomas. Springer, 2010 9788132203919 1st ed. 455 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 RAU 04014332 Parallel programming : Rauber, Thomas. Springer, 2010 9788132203919 1st ed. 455 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 REI 00115242 Microsoft Word 2000 Reid, Maria B.P.B Publications 2004 211 p. UG Library
004 ROW 05018092 People and Chips: the Human Implications of Information Technology Rowe, Christopher 0077093453 257p Knowledge Centre
004 SAH 00134241 Fundamentals of Computers, operating systems, information Technology: Sahu, Akhilesh Kumar, Random Publications, 2018 9789352690152 268 p.; UG Library
004 SAL 04009525 Principles of computer system design : Saltzer, J. H., Morgan Kaufmann, 2009 9789380501260 | 9780123749574 526 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 SAM 05069851 National Conference On Emerging Technologies In Computer Science & Applications / Samsmriti, 2014 154p.; Knowledge Centre
004 SAM 00136579 Some Research on Message Security: Samanta, Debabrata Scholar's press, 2014 9783639661620 54p.; UG Library
004 SAN 05017965 Computer Today Donala, H Sandres Knowledge Centre
004 SAN 00032043 Computers Today Sanders,Donald H. McGrawa-Hill Book Co 1988 3rd Ed. 640 p. UG Library
004 SAR 04022038 Computer Fundmentals with MS Office Applications / Saravanan, N. Scitech Publishers, 2002 9788187328889 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 SAR 04022039 Computer Fundmentals with MS Office Applications / Saravanan, N. Scitech Publishers, 2002 9788187328889 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 SAR 00080021 Textbook of Information Technology Kumar, R. Sarvana S Chand & Co Ltd 2003 8121922186 | 9788121922180 1st Ed. 255 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 SAX 04029361 Practical Real-Time Data Processing and Analytics / Saxena, Shilpi Packt, 2017 9781787281202 345p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 SAX 04017639 A First Course in Computers / Saxena, Sanjay Vikas Publication, 2003 9788125914440 2003 ed vvvv Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 SAX 04017572 Introduction to Information Technology / Saxena, Sanjay Vikas Publication, 2010 9788125928577 394p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 SCH 05017987 Information Technology Project Management / Schwalbe, Kathy Thomson Wadsworth, 2007 0813150123 496 p Knowledge Centre
004 SCH 10003817 Invitation to Computer Science / Schneider, G Michael Cengage, 2023 9789355735447 8th Ed., xvii, 11.32 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 SCH 00071044 Complete Computer Upgrade & Repair Book Schmidt, Cheryl A. DreamTech Press 2000 0008177228 | 9788177222364 3rd Ed. P.V. UG Library
004 SCH 00071045 Complete Computer Upgrade & Repair Book Schmidt, Cheryl A. DreamTech Press 2000 0008177228 | 9788177222364 3rd Ed. P.V. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 SCH 00071046 Complete Computer Upgrade & Repair Book Schmidt, Cheryl A. DreamTech Press 2000 0008177228 | 9788177222364 3rd Ed. P.V. UG Library
004 SCS 00060937 CIS: Computer Inforamtion Systems: Custom Edition - WMU Shelly Cashman Series Course Technology 2000 542p UG Library
004 SHA 05074566 A hands-on introduction to data science / Shah, Chirag, Cambridge University Press, 2020 9781108472449 xxiii, 433p.; Knowledge Centre
004 SHA 05073149 NTA UGC NET / JRF / SET : Computer Science & Applications (Paper-2) / Sharma, Surabhi. Arihant Publications (India) Limited, 2019 9789326194969 1127p.; Knowledge Centre
004 SHA 05017989 Introductory Computer Science : Sharma A K Dhanpet Rai, 2000 432 p Knowledge Centre
004 SHA 04022965 Pervasive Communications Handbook / CRC Press, 2012 9781420051094 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 SHA 07008631 SSC combined higher secondary level / Sharma Upkar Publication, 2016 9788174824127 145p. Library - BR Campus
004 SHA 05000500 Foundations of IT / Sharma,Dhiraj. Excel Books, 9788174465894 xiv,492p.; Knowledge Centre
004 SHE 04029291 Introduction to Computers and Technology / Shepherd Robert D. Crest Publishing House, 2018 9788184083910 344p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 SHE 05068890 Emerging Research In Computing, Information, Communication And Applications / Shetty, N.R. Elsevier, 2014 9789351072621 907p.; Knowledge Centre
004 SHE 05001209 Discovering Computer 2002 : Shelly, B Gary Thomson Learning, 2002 0789561859 1.28 p. Knowledge Centre
004 SHE 05017962 Discovering Computer 2002 : Shelly, B Gary Thomson Learning, 2002 0789561859 1.28 p. Knowledge Centre
004 SHE 04027073 Discovering Computers ; Shelly, Gary B. Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131517512 616p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 SHI 04018066 Introduction to Computional Science : Shiflet,Angela.B Overseas Press(India)Private Limited, 2011 9788189938741 xxv,554 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 SHI 05003623 Introduction to Computional Science : Shiflet,Angela.B Overseas Press(India)Private Limited, 2011 9788189938741 xxv,554 p. Knowledge Centre
004 SHN 00059480 Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human Computer Interaction Shneiderman, Ben Pearson Education , 2002 9788178082622 638 p,: Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 SHO 04010726 Securing biometrics applications / Shoniregun, Charles A. Springer, 2008 9780387699325 (hdbk. : acidfre xvi, 189 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 SHR 05017975 Computer Systems and Applications / Shroff, Rustam Himalaya Publishing House, 2000 8174939709 559 p Knowledge Centre
004 SHR 04021636 A Textbook of Information Technology / Shrivastava, Raj Kumar Dominant, 2013 9789382007159 367 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 SIL 04009294 Basic Computer Engineering / Silakari, Sanjay Wiley india, 2011 9788126528844 430 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 SIL 04012849 Basic Computer Engineering / Silakari, Sanjay Wiley india, 2011 9788126528844 430 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 SIN 00112370 How to learn computer, internet and web designing Singh, Manohar Satayam publishers & distributors, 2013 9789382664079 v,250p.; UG Library
004 SIN 07008629 SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level/ Singh Upkar Prakashan, 2016 9788174824127 145 Pages.: Library - BR Campus
004 SIN 00032837 Computer Fundamentals: Concepts Systems & Applications Sinha P.K. BPB Publications 1989 247 p. UG Library
004 SIN 05003731 Computer Fundamentals / Sinha Pradeep.K BPB Publications, 2007 9788176567527 4th ed xxiv,457 p. Knowledge Centre
004 SIN 00069945 Foundamentations of Computing Sinha, Pradeep K Bpb 8176566632 726p UG Library
004 SIN 00069946 Computer Fundamentals - Concepts, Systems & Applications Sinha Pradeep K BPB Publications 2005 8176567523 3rd Ed 404 p UG Library
004 SIN 05069863 International Conference on Communication Computing & Systems / Singh,Satvir. Shaheed Bhagat Singh State Technical Campus, 2014 9789383842681 273p.; Knowledge Centre
004 SIN 05027924 Fundamentals of Computers / Singh, Sukhvir Khanna Publications, 1998 590 p Knowledge Centre
004 SIN 00032838 Computer Fundamentals: Concepts Systems & Applications Sinha P.K. BPB Publications 1989 247 p. UG Library
004 SLA 04028222 Enterprise IOT : Slama, Dirak Shroff Publishers, 2015 9789352132515 1st ed. xvii, 464p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 SOM 00075396 Computer Business Applications Somashekar, G. R Chand & Co,New Delhi 2006 1st Ed. 299 p. UG Library
004 SOM 00075397 Computer Business Applications Somashekar, G. R Chand & Co,New Delhi 2006 1st Ed. 299 p. UG Library
004 SON 10003811 Fundamentals of Computers / Soni, Vishal Himalaya Publishing House, 2010 4th Ed., 300 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 SUB 00030190 Introduction to Computers: Fundamentals of Computer Science Subramanyam N Graw 1988 234 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 SUL 00053501 The New Computer User (WMU) Sullivan, David 1999 0030189578 326p UG Library
004 SUL 00053502 The New Computer User (WMU) Sullivan, David 1999 0030189578 326p UG Library
004 SWA 04021999 Fundamentals of Computing and Programming / Swaminathan Sams Publications, 2009 9788190816588 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 SWA 04022000 Fundamentals of Computing and Programming / Swaminathan Sams Publications, 2009 9788190816588 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 TAT 05017972 Computer Applications Tatpuje, Dipak Indian Society for Technical Education 0818805707 178p Knowledge Centre
004 TEE 05056200 R cookbook / Teetor,Paul. SPD, 2011 9789350233795 xviii,413p.; Knowledge Centre
004 THA 05017959 Data warehousing / Thareja, Reema. Oxford University Press, 9780195699616 | 0195699610 x, 474 p. : Knowledge Centre
004 THA 01027469 Fundamentals of Computers / Thareja,Reema. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780199499274 2nd ed. viii,287p.; Knowledge Centre
004 TKS 05065496 Crack the GATE 2020 : Trishna Knowledge System Pearson, 2019 9789353433949 xxv,8.126p.; Knowledge Centre
004 TOU 05044436 Mathematical Models for Eddy Currents and Magnetostatics Touzani, Rachid. Springer, 2014 9789400702028 | 9789400702011 xii, 305 p. Knowledge Centre
004 TRE 05017966 Complete Book on Information Technology Trehan, Rajesh Cyber Tech Publications 1167p Knowledge Centre
004 TUC 05033575 Computer science handbook / Allen B Tucker Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2004 158488360X (alk. paper) 2nd ed. 1 v. (various pagings) : Knowledge Centre
004 TUR 05017991 Introduction to Information Technology / Turban, Efraim John Wiley & Sons, 2004 9814126918 612 p Knowledge Centre
004 TUR 05017992 Introduction to Information Technology / Turban, Efraim John Wiley & Sons, 2004 9814126918 612 p Knowledge Centre
004 TUR 05068045 The logstash book : Turnbill, James Shroff publishers and distributors Pvt.Ltd. , 2019 9789352138937 vi, 245p. ; Knowledge Centre
004 TUR 05017990 Introduction to Information Technology / Turban, Efraim John Wiley & Sons, 2004 9814126918 612 p Knowledge Centre
004 TUR 05004437 Introduction to Information Technology / Turban, Efraim John Wiley & Sons, 2004 9814126918 612 p Knowledge Centre
004 UPK 07008604 UGC-NET/JRF/SET Computer Science & Applications (Paper-II & III) / Upkar Upkar Prakashana, 9788174825865 979 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
004 UPT 04007931 Information technology tools and applications / Elsevier, 2008 692p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 VAR 00115243 Computer Education: Varanasi, Lalini Neelkamal Publications 2004 8183160182 288p UG Library
004 VAR 00128514 Recent Advancements in Technology and Management Varma A, K. Regal Publications, 2013 9788184842074 xxii,564 p.: UG Library
004 VER 04029775 Internet of Things Converging Technologies for Smart Environments and Integrated Ecosystems / River Publishers, 2013 9788792982735 348p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 VER 00111636 Computer Scanner and Antivirus Programmes/ Verma, Rajesh. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd, 2012 9788126148790 297p.; UG Library
004 VER 00145987 Introduction to Computing Verma, Manoj Random Publications, 2023 9789394137943 1st ed, viii,296p. ; UG Library
004 WAR 04007748 Computer systems / Warford, J. Stanley, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2010 9780763771447 (hardcover) | 07 4th ed. xxviii, 663, A36 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004 WIL 05018299 Information Technology : Wilson, Barbara Thomson , 2002 9812406131 135p.: Knowledge Centre
004 WIL 00040803 Using Information Technology: Prac Intr to Computers & Communication (WMU) Williams, K Brian 1997 0256209812 602 Yeshwanthpur Campus
004 WIL 00040804 Using Information Technology: Prac Intr to Computers & Communication (WMU) Williams, K Brian 1997 0256209812 602 UG Library
004 WIL 00049348 Using Information Technology: Prac Intr to Computers & Communication (WMU) Williams, K Brian 1997 0256209812 602 UG Library
004 WIL 00049352 Using Information Technology: Prac Intr to Computers & Communication (WMU) Williams, K Brian 1997 0256209812 602 UG Library
004 WIL 00049349 Using Information Technology: Prac Intr to Computers & Communication (WMU) Williams, K Brian 1997 0256209812 602 UG Library
004 WIL 00049351 Using Information Technology: Prac Intr to Computers & Communication (WMU) Williams, K Brian 1997 0256209812 602 UG Library
004 WIL 00049350 Using Information Technology: Prac Intr to Computers & Communication (WMU) Williams, K Brian 1997 0256209812 602 UG Library
004. HOG 04008318 Concepts in Computing Hoganson, Kenneth Jones and Bartlett India P Limited 2010 9789380108155 264 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004. HOG 04007413 Concepts in Computing Hoganson, Kenneth Jones and Bartlett India P Limited 2010 9789380108155 264 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004. ITL 04000961 Introduction to Computer Science Itl Education Soluti Pearson Education 2006 8129708000 496p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004. ITL 04003492 Introduction to Computer Science Itl Education Soluti Pearson Education 2006 8129708000 496p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004. ITL 04003493 Introduction to Computer Science Itl Education Soluti Pearson Education 2006 8129708000 496p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004. ITL 04005870 Introduction to Computer Science Itl Education Soluti Pearson Education 2006 8129708000 496p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004. ITL 04005869 Introduction to Computer Science Itl Education Soluti Pearson Education 2006 8129708000 496p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004. WIL 04024410 Using Information Technology: A Practical Introduction to Computers & Communications Complete ... Williams, Brain K Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070607491 470 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004. YAD 04013900 Foundations of Information Technology Yadav, D S New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122417623 463 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004. YAD 04013899 Foundations of Information Technology Yadav, D S New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122417623 463 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004..62 STA 04008701 SNMP, SNMPv2, SNMPv3, and RMON 1 and 2 /​ Stallings William Pearson, 2012 9788131702307 3rd., 635p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004..62 STA 04008702 SNMP, SNMPv2, SNMPv3, and RMON 1 and 2 /​ Stallings William Pearson, 2012 9788131702307 3rd., 635p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004..62 STA 04008703 SNMP, SNMPv2, SNMPv3, and RMON 1 and 2 /​ Stallings William Pearson, 2012 9788131702307 3rd., 635p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004..684 CHE 03001091 Information Technology Strategy and Management : Chew, Eng K. Ideap Group Publishing, 2009 9781599048024 466 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.0 RIC 00131631 Logic and Language Models for Computer Science: Richards, Dana, World scientific Publishing Co.Pte.Ltd, 2018 9789813230507 xv,451 p.; UG Library
004.0076 CLM 04030581 The Handbook of Computer Science & IT / C L Media, 2017 9789386601407 V P. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.01 HAB 04001073 Software Specification Methods Habrias, Henri VIVA BOOK PVT LTD 2007 9781905209347 418p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.01 NAT 10000582 Theory of Computation / Natarajan A.M. New Age International Publishers (P) Ltd Publishers, 2003 8122414737 | 9788122414738 vi, 421 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.01 COH 00060467 Introduction to Computer Theory Cohen, I. A. Daniel John Wiley 2003 9971512203 2nd Ed. 634 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.01 DST 05001642 Programming for Embedded Systems : Dream Tech Software Team Wiley India, 2002 8126502967 532 p Knowledge Centre
004.01 GA 04009261 8 Years solved Papers GATE Computer Science and Information Technology / The GATE Academy Cengage Learning, 2011 9788131514740 284 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.01 GER 04007975 Mathematical structures for computer science : Gersting, Judith L. W.H. Freeman and Co., 2007 071676864X | 9780716768647 6th ed. xvii, 807 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.01 GER 04007976 Mathematical structures for computer science : Gersting, Judith L. W.H. Freeman and Co., 2007 071676864X | 9780716768647 6th ed. xvii, 807 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.01 GRE 00052574 Fundamentals of the Thoery of Computation Greenlaw, Raymond Harcourt India Private Limited 2001 8178670364 335 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.01 GUP 00054095 Comdex: Computer Course Kit Gupta, Vikas Dream Tech Press 2002 817722171x 616 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.01 KRE 05068380 Against nature : Kreps, David, Routledge, 2018 9780815377757 (hbk) 110 pages ; Knowledge Centre
004.01 MAH 04012979 Theory of Computation : Mahesh, Kavi. Wiley India ; 2011 9788126533114 342 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.01 NAT 00072869 Theory of Computation / Natarajan A.M. New Age International Publishers (P) Ltd Publishers, 2003 8122414737 | 9788122414738 vi, 421 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.01 NOR 07009750 Cyberpsychology : Norman, Kent L., Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107102545 (hardback) | 1107102545 (hardback) | 9781107500556 (paperback) | 1107500559 (paperback) 2nd ed. xi, 544 pages : Library - BR Campus
004.01 ROS 00052071 Hardware Bible / Rosch, L Winn Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, 1994 0812031171 3rd Ed xlviii; 1520 p. UG Library
004.014 BCS 05037139 BCS glossary of computing and ICT, 13th edition BCS Academy Glossary Working Party BCS Learning and Development Limited, 2013 9781780171517 (PDF) | 97817801 13th ed. xviii. 450 p. Knowledge Centre
004.014 BUR 03009367 BCS Glossary of Computing and ICT / British Computer Society, 2008 12th ed. 457 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.014 CHA 00116700 Netymology Chatfield, Tom Quercus, 2013 9781780879932 325 p. ; UG Library
004.0151 CAR 04003251 Concept Data Analysis: Theory and Applications Carpineto, Claudio Johb Wiley & Sons 2004 9780470850558 201 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.0151 GOP 04004446 Computation Engineering: Applied Automata Theory and Logic Gopalakrishnan, Gane Springer International 2006 9788184891270 471 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.0151 HAB 04002124 Software Specification Methods Habrias, Henri VIVA BOOK PVT LTD 2007 9781905209347 418p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.0151 HAG 04001628 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Haggard, Gary Thomson South-Western 2006 9788131501214 600 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.0151 HEI 04007003 Discrete Structures, Logic, and Computabiligy Hein, James L Jones and Bartlett India P Limited 2010 9789381010839 1009 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.0151 BAL 00073682 Numerical Methods Balagurusamy, E Tata Mc Graw-Hill 2005 608p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.0151 BAL 05018281 Numerical Methods / Balagurusamy E Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2002 0074633112 608 p.: Knowledge Centre
004.0151 BIS 00127349 Discrete mathematics / Bisht, R. K. Oxford, 2015 9780199452798 xxiv, 600 p. : UG Library
004.0151 BRA 05018294 The Calculus of Computation / Bradlley,Aaron.R New Age International, 2010 9788184893960 366p .: Knowledge Centre
004.0151 BRA 05001210 The Calculus of Computation / Bradlley,Aaron.R New Age International, 2010 9788184893960 366p .: Knowledge Centre
004.0151 BRE 04007875 Modern computer arithmetic / Brent, R. P. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521194693 (hbk.) | 0521194695 (hbk.) xvi, 221 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.0151 CAR 05001603 Concept Data Analysis : Carpineto, Claudio John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2004 0470850558 201 p Knowledge Centre
004.0151 EAS 10002679 Quantum Computing Fundamentals : Easttom, Chuck., Pearon india education services pvt ltd., 2022 9789356062597 xxi,320 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.0151 EAS 10003002 Quantum Computing Fundamentals : Easttom, Chuck., Pearon india education services pvt ltd., 2022 9789356062597 xxi,320 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.0151 EAS 04030420 Quantum Computing Fundamentals : Easttom, Chuck Pearon, 2022 9789356062597 320p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.0151 EAS 05074111 Quantum Computing Fundamentals : Easttom, Chuck., Pearon india education services pvt ltd., 2022 9789356062597 xxi,320 p.; Knowledge Centre
004.0151 GAR 05001658 Discrete mathematics : Garnier, Rowan. CRC Press, 2010 9781439812808 (hbk. : alk. pap 3rd ed. xxi, 821 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.0151 GER 05001604 Mathematical Structures for Computer Science: A Modern Treatment for Discrete Mathematics [MCA-SECTION] Gersting, Judith L W H Freeman and Company, 2003 0716743582 729 p Knowledge Centre
004.0151 GRY 00145773 Computer arithmetic in practice : Gryś, Sławomir, CRC Press 2024 9781032425634 | 9781032425658 First edition. 197p. UG Library
004.0151 HAR 05074462 Introduction to probability for computing / Harchol-Balter, Mor, Cambridge University Press, 2024 9781009309073 xx, 550p.; Knowledge Centre
004.0151 KAL 00062742 Numerical Methods Kalavathy, S. Vijay Nicole 2004 9789812542861 425 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.0151 MAK 05005887 Sets, logic and maths for computing / Makinson, David. Springer, 2008 9781846288449 (pbk.) | 9788184 xv, 301 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.0151 ODO 04013766 Discrete Mathematics using a Computer / O'Donnell, John Springer, 2011 9788184898187 2nd ed. 441p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.0151 PRA 04025933 Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science / Prasad, J. Rajendra University Science Press, 2012 9788131805633 434p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.0151 SAH 04026167 Basic Computation and Programming with C / Saha, Subrata CUP, 2016 9781316601853 642p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.0151 SAN 00144623 Introduction to Computation : Sannella, Donald. Springer, 2021 9783030769079 xvi,366p, ; UG Library
004.0151 SCH 04007877 Relational mathematics / Schmidt, Gunther, Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521762687 (hbk.) | 0521762685 (hbk.) xiii, 567 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.0151 SIN 04023093 Basics of Mathematics for Computers / Singh, Ramanand Anmol Publishers, 2014 9788126162673 272p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.0151 SRI 00136146 Foundations of discrete mathematics with algorithms and programming / Sridharan, Sriraman, CRC press, 2019 9780815378488 (hardback : acidfree paper) xvi,518p.; UG Library
004.0151 SUP 00148019 Algorithms for Constructing Compuutably Enumerable Sets/ Supowit, Kenneth Birkhauser, 2023 9783031269035 xiv,183p. ; UG Library
004.0151 SWA 00147252 Quantum Computing : Swan, Melanie World Scientific,, 2024 9798886130805 xxi,377p. : UG Library
004.0151 SYR 05047165 Theory of fuzzy computation / Syropoulos, Apostolos. Springer, 2014 9781461483786 (alk. paper) | 1 xii, 162 pages : Knowledge Centre
004.0151 TIJ 00147933 A first course in probability for computer and data science / Tijms, H. C. World Scientific, 2024 9798886130942 ix,233p. ; UG Library
004.0151 WAN 00137237 Formal methods in computer science / Wang, Jiacun, CRC Press, 2020 9781498775328 xvii,294 p.; UG Library
004.0151 WUJ 05065181 The beauty of mathematics in computer science / Wu, Jun, CRC Press, 2019 9781138049673 hardback | 9781138049604 paperback xv,268p.; Knowledge Centre
004.015113 RIT 00145767 Introduction to lattice algebra : Ritter, G. X., CRC Press 2022 9780367720292 | 9780367722951 First edition. xiii; 417p. UG Library
004.01513 KOR 05003506 Computer Arithmetic algorithms; Koren,Israel University press; 9788173715334 x; 281 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.01513 KOR 00099344 Computer Arithmetic algorithms; Koren,Israel University press; 9788173715334 x; 281 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.015192 MAT 04007065 Randomized Algorithms Matwani, Rajeev Cambridge University Press 2010 9780521613903 476 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.015193 APT 04007879 Lectures in Game Theory for Computer Scientists/ Apt, Krzysztof R. Cambridge, 2011 9780521198660 xii,295p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.019 NOR 04002086 Cyberpsychology: An Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction Norman, Kent L Cambridge University Press 2008 9780521687027 434 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.019 ROG 04003245 Interaction Design John Wiley Johb Wiley & Sons 2007 9780470018866 773 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.019 ARU 04022070 User Iterface Design / Arulmozhi Sams Publications, 2010 9789380485058 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.019 ARU 04022071 User Iterface Design / Arulmozhi Sams Publications, 2010 9789380485058 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.019 ATT 05067761 The Oxford handbook of cyberpsychology / 0198812744 | 9780198812746 First edition. xxv, 752 pages : Knowledge Centre
004.019 ATT 09000323 The Oxford handbook of cyberpsychology / 0198812744 | 9780198812746 First edition. xxv, 752 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.019 DER 04017230 The unfinished revolution : Dertouzos, Michael L. HarperCollins, 2001 0066620678 xvi, 224 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.019 DIX 05054019 Human-Computer Interaction / Dix, Alan Pearson, 2004 9788131717035 3rd ed. 834p. : Knowledge Centre
004.019 DIX 04018909 Human-Computer Interaction / Dix, Alan Pearson, 2004 9788131717035 3rd ed. 834p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.019 DIX 05055417 Human-Computer Interaction / Dix, Alan Pearson, 2004 9788131717035 3rd ed. 834p. : Knowledge Centre
004.019 DIX 05055418 Human-Computer Interaction / Dix, Alan Pearson, 2004 9788131717035 3rd ed. 834p. : Knowledge Centre
004.019 DIX 04030385 Human-Computer Interaction / Dix, Alan Pearson, 2004 9788131717035 3rd ed. 834p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.019 DIX 00145817 Touchit : Dix, Alan, Oxford University Press, 2022 9780198718581 xv, 580p. ; UG Library
004.019 DUC 05069999 Eye tracking methodology : Duchowski, Andrew T. Springer, 2017 9783319578811 3rd ed. xl, 366 p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.019 DUC 05066728 Eye tracking methodology : Duchowski, Andrew T. Springer, 2017 9783319578811 3rd ed. xl, 366 p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.019 FAU 05005911 The essence of human-computer interaction / Faulkner, Christine, Prentice Hall, 1998 0137519753 xvi, 196 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.019 FRI 08001399 Value sensitive design : Friedman, Batya MIT Press, 2019 9780262039536 229p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.019 GOR 05001615 Cyberpsychology / Gordo-Lopez, Angel, J Macmillar Press Ltd., 1999 0333735773 xii, 244 p. Knowledge Centre
004.019 HAD 05062034 Cybercognition / Hadlington, Lee. Sage, 2017 9781473957190 xii,234p.; Knowledge Centre
004.019 HAY 05058229 Researching UX : Hay,Luke. SPD, 2017 9789352135448 xiii,160p.; Knowledge Centre
004.019 KAL 05007063 Managing psychological factors in information systems work : Kaluzniacky, Eugene. Information Science Pub., 2004 1591401984 (cloth) | 978159140 xii, 276 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.019 KIM 05044601 Human-computer interaction : Kim, Gerard Jounghyun. CRC Press, 2015 9781482233896 (hardback) xiii, 170 pages : Knowledge Centre
004.019 KIN 04028220 Designing with Data : King, Rochelle SPD Pvt Ltd, 2017 9789352135271 337p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.019 MAC 04020300 Human-computer interaction : MacKenzie, I. Scott, Morgan Kaufmann is an imprint of Elsevier, 2013 9780124058651 (pbk. : alk. pap First edition. 351p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.019 MUR 04014988 Inventing the medium : Murray, Janet H. PHI, 2012 9788120345997 465 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.019 NOR 05057392 Cyberpsychology : Norman, Kent L., Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107102545 (hardback) | 1107102545 (hardback) | 9781107500556 (paperback) | 1107500559 (paperback) 2nd ed. xi, 544 pages : Knowledge Centre
004.019 NOR 05069512 Cyberpsychology : Norman, Kent L., Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107102545 (hardback) | 1107102545 (hardback) | 9781107500556 (paperback) | 1107500559 (paperback) 2nd ed. xi, 544 pages : Knowledge Centre
004.019 NOR 05055517 Cyberpsychology : Norman, Kent L., Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107102545 (hardback) | 1107102545 (hardback) | 9781107500556 (paperback) | 1107500559 (paperback) 2nd ed. xi, 544 pages : Knowledge Centre
004.019 OLS 04022750 Human-Computer Interaction / Olsen, Dan R. Cengage Learning, 2010 9788131511374 512p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.019 PAV 05065087 Emotionally intelligent design : Pavliscak, Pamela. Shroff Publishers and distributors, 2018 9759352138092 xii, 269p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.019 SHA 07012715 Cyber Psychology : Sharma Arti Global Vision Publishing House, 2017 9788182208308 x,341p.: Library - BR Campus
004.019 SHE 05001917 Understanding Virtual Reality : Sherman, William R. Morgan Kaufmann [Imprint] | Elsevier Science & Technology Books 9781558603530 | 1558603530 (Tr xxiv, 582 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.019 SHN 04025652 Designing The User Interface : Shneiderman, Ben Pearson, 2014 9789332518735 572p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.019 SHN 04025653 Designing The User Interface : Shneiderman, Ben Pearson, 2014 9789332518735 572p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.019 TAN 05023915 Semiotics of programming / Tanaka-Ishii, Kumiko. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521516556 (hardback) | 052 x, 217 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.019 THA 05033051 Cyber Psychology / Thakur Ravindra Global Vision Publishing House, 2011 9788182203662 x,341p.: Knowledge Centre
004.019 VER 00146761 Fundamental of human computer interaction/ Verma, Gopal Venus Books, 2023 9789386559234 xvi,324p. ; UG Library
004.019 VLA 05064909 Talk to me : Vlahos, James. Random House Business Books, 2019 9781847948069 xvi, 320p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.023 KAL 04002787 Envisioning and Empowered Nation: Technology for Societal Transformation Kalam, A P J Abdul Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2004 9780070659551 255 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.023 KAL 03001133 Envisioning and Empowered Nation: Technology for Societal Transformation Kalam, A P J Abdul Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 70659559 254 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.023 SPE 05013753 Illustrated Computer Dictionary / Spencer, D Donald Universal Book Stall, 1996 8185274193 3rd 328 p Knowledge Centre
004.023 ADL 05018291 Computer Support Dictionary / Adler, Bill McGraw-Hill Inc., 1995 0007000482 295 p Knowledge Centre
004.023 SAD 05018655 IT Careers and Companies [MCA-SECTION] Sadagopan, Sowmyanarayanan ICFAI 8178815176 237 Knowledge Centre
004.0243613 GRE 05043164 Practical computer skills for social work / Gregor, Claire. Learning Matters, 2006 1844450600 (pbk.) | 9781844450 ix, 115 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.024624 PAU 04022449 Computer Applications in Construction / Paulson, Boyd C. Tata McGraw Hill, 1995 9789332902596 610p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.024624 PAU 04023017 Computer Applications in Construction / Paulson, Boyd C. Tata McGraw Hill, 1995 9789332902596 610p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.024624 PAU 04029999 Computer Applications in Construction / Paulson, Boyd C. Tata McGraw Hill, 1995 9789332902596 610p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.024658 AVI 00073280 Methodologies Techniques Tools Avison D.E. The mcGraw-Hill Companies 1998 0070077093 | 9780077092337 2nd Ed. 505 p. UG Library
004.0286 SMI 04021344 Green computing : Smith, Bud E. Auerbach Publications, 2013 9781466503403 (hardback) xix, 240 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.02934 JAI 03002137 Information Technology : Jain, V. K. Atlantic, 2009 9788126910144 465 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.03 ATL 04001049 Encyclopedia of Information Technology / Atlantic Atlantic, 2008 9788126907526 799p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.03 BAN 04001039 Dictionary of IT Terms / Bansal, S K P h Publishing Corporation, 2009 8176483516 341p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.03 HEN 04002939 Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology Henderson, Harry Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2008 9788176497640 450 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.03 PAR 04003107 Encyclopaedia of Information Technology and Communication Science Park, David Anmol Publications 2007 9788126133741 304 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.03 PAR 04003106 Encyclopaedia of Information Technology and Communication Science Park, David Anmol Publications 2007 9788126133741 304 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.03 SHA 04003115 Encyclopaedia of Computer Science and Technology Sharma, Kamal Anmol Publications 2008 8126128607 320 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.03 CHA 00055127 Dictionary of Computers & Internet Chatwal, Gagan HIMALAYA 2000 365p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.03 DAI 01014332 A dictionary of computing. Oxford University Press, 9780199234004 (Oxford pbk. ref 567 p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.03 DAI 05003807 A dictionary of computing. Oxford University Press, 9780199234004 (Oxford pbk. ref 567 p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.03 GOO 05013800 Illustrated Computer Dictionary for Dummies / Gooken, Dan Pustak Mahal, 1997 408 p Knowledge Centre
004.03 MCD 05031573 IBM Dictionary of Computing / Mcdaniel, George McGraw-Hill Inc., 1997 0071133836 3271 p.; Knowledge Centre
004.03 NAR 04022613 Anmol's Dictionary of Computers / Narang, Madan L.. Anmol Publishers, 2010 9788126118199 396p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.03 NAR 00115187 Dictionary Of Computers Narang, Madan L Anmol 1987 396p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.03 PAR 05013887 Mcgraw Hill Dictionary of Computers / Parker, P Sybil Mcgraw.Hill Book Company, 1986 452 p Knowledge Centre
004.03 PFA 05013093 QUE`S Computer & Internet Dictionary / Pfaffenberger, Bryan Prentice Hall of India, 1996 8120310098 6th 574 p Knowledge Centre
004.03 PFA 05018293 Webster`s New World - Computer Dictionary / Pfaffenberger, Bryan Wiley ; 2003 422p. : Knowledge Centre
004.03 REI 04021006 Concise encyclopedia of computer science / Wiley, 2004 9780470090954 xxvi, 875 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.03 SHA 00060451 A Dictionary Of Information Technology Sharma, Arpit Cbs 2003 8123908695 438p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.03076 GKP 04016146 Guide to Public Sector Engineer/Management Trainee Recruitment Exam : G. K. Publisher, 2013 9788183555081 13.26 +18 +14 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.05 PAT 04010080 Proceedings, Fourth International Conference on Information Processing : I.K. International Pub. House, 2010 9789380578460 xiv, 533 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.05 PAT 04010081 Information Processing / Patnaik, L.M I K 2008 9788190694247 682p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.05 ZEL 04010553 Advances in Computers : Academic Press , 2006 9780123121670 | 0120121670 | 0 xv ,329 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.05 ZEL 04010552 Advances in Computers. Zelkowitz, Marvin Academic Press [Imprint] | Elsevier Science & Technology Books 2002 9780120121564 | 0120121565 (Tr xv,400 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.05 ZEL 04010554 Advances in Computers : Academic Press , 2006 9780123121670 | 0120121670 | 0 xv ,329 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.068 AGG 00133676 Information technology infrastructure and its management Aggarwal,Tarun Random publications, 2018 9789352690176 viii,302p.; UG Library
004.068 BRE 03003559 It Service Management : Brewster, Ernest. Viva Books Private Limited, 2011 9781906124199 188 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.068 DAV 03001093 Technologies and Methodologies for Evaluating Information Technology in Business / Davis, Charles K. I R M Press , 2003 9781931777483 | 1931777489 244 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.068 KAM 03001049 Managing Globally with Information Technology / Kamel, Sherif. I R M Press , 2003 193177742X | 9781931777421 300 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.068 WHE 04002893 World Class It Service Delivery Wheatcroft, Peter Viva Books Private Limited 2008 9781902505824 162 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.068 WHE 03000728 World Class IT Service Delivery / Wheatcroft, Peter. Viva Books Private Limited, 2008 9781902505824 | 1902505824 162 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.068 BOT 05041315 Professional Issues in Information Technology / Bott,Frank. Viva Books, 2014 9781780171807 xix,189p.; Knowledge Centre
004.068 GER 00061851 Who Says Elephants Can't Dance? Gerstner, Louis V. HarperCollins Publishers Inc 2002 0060523794 | 9780060523794 372 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.068 GUA 05000907 Managing very large IT projects in businesses and organizations / Guah, Matthew W., Information Science Reference, 9781599045467 (hbk.) | 1599045 xxi, 336 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.068 HIN 05072851 Managing Digital Transformation : Routledge, 2021 9780367441975 | 9780367442682 xiv, 282p.; Knowledge Centre
004.068 HOL 04014399 It Manager`s Handbook : Holtsnider, Bill Harcourt India Private Limited 2001 8178670224 337 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.068 HOL 00088202 It Manager`s Handbook : Holtsnider, Bill Harcourt India Private Limited 2001 8178670224 337 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.068 KHA 05000950 Managing corporate information systems evolution and maintenance / Idea Group Pub., 1591403669 (hardcover) | 15914 xii, 376 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.068 LAC 03004550 Configuration Management : Norfolk, David. British Informatics Society Limited, 2010 142 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.068 MAP 05005964 Making technology investments profitable Keen, Jack M. Wiley, 2011 9780470194003 (hardback) | 978 2nd ed. xxv, 294 p. Knowledge Centre
004.068 MAP 03004929 Making technology investments profitable Keen, Jack M. Wiley, 2011 9780470194003 (hardback) | 978 2nd ed. xxv, 294 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.068 ROB 05022066 Unleashing the power of IT Roberts, Dan John Wiley & Sons, 2011 xviii, 270 p. Knowledge Centre
004.068 SHI 05006696 Enterprise IT governance, business value and performance measurement / Information Science Reference, 2011 9781605663463 (hardcover) | 16 xix, 280 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.068 TAI 00097569 Business & Information Technology Tailor R K Prateeksha Publications; 9788185819259 226p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.068 WHE 05000420 World class IT service delivery / Wheatcroft, Peter. BCS, 1902505824 (pbk.) | 9781902505 xviii, 162 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.0683 NAK 03001052 Managing IT Skills Portfolios : Nakayama, Makoto. Idea Group Publishing , 2005 1591405165 | 9781591405160 260 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.0683 PER 05047565 Human capital in the Indian IT/BPO industry / Pereira, Vijay, Palgrave, 2015 9781137481504 (hardback) xvii, 208 pages ; Knowledge Centre
004.0684 LIE 03001804 Manage It as a Business : Lientz, Bennet P. Elsevier, 2008 9788131207208 | 813120720X 281 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.0684 TAY 03003085 Managing Information Projects: Taylor, James. Amacom , 2004 9780814408117 274 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.0684 AIS 05011204 Cases on e-readiness and information systems management in organizations : Business Science Reference, 2012 9781613503119 (hbk.) | 1613503 xx, 296 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.0684 AUS 03012524 The Adventures of An IT Leader / Austin, Robert D. Harvard Business Review Press, 2016 9781633691667 (alk. paper) xiii, 328 pages : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.0684 AUS 05018295 The Adventures of an IT Leader / Austin, Robert D. Harvard Business Press, 2009 9781422146606 (hardcover : alk vi, 314 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.0684 AUS 05064782 The adventures of an IT leader / Austin, Robert D. Harvard Business Review Press:, 2016 9781633691667 (alk. paper) xiii, 328 pa.; Knowledge Centre
004.0684 AUS 05064783 The adventures of an IT leader / Austin, Robert D. Harvard Business Review Press:, 2016 9781633691667 (alk. paper) xiii, 328 pa.; Knowledge Centre
004.0684 AUS 03004300 The Adventures of an IT Leader / Austin, Robert D. Harvard Business Press, 2009 9781422146606 (hardcover : alk vi, 314 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.0684 AVI 05002593 Information systems project management / Avison, David. SAGE, 9781412957021 (pbk.) | 1412957 xvi, 480 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.0684 AVI 05001445 Information systems project management / Avison, David. SAGE, 9781412957021 (pbk.) | 1412957 xvi, 480 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.0684 BEL 03006563 Lean IT : Bell, Steve. Productivity Press, 2011 9781439817568 (hc) | 143981756 xix, 349 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.0684 BEL 05046140 Lean IT : Bell, Steve. Productivity Press, 2011 9781439817568 (hc) | 143981756 xix, 349 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.0684 CRA 05000221 8 Things We Hate About I.T. : Cramm, Susan. Harvard Business Press, 2010 9781422131664 (pbk. : alk. pap 194 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.0684 CRA 03010106 8 Things We Hate About I.T. : Cramm, Susan. Harvard Business Press, 2010 9781422131664 (pbk. : alk. pap 194 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.0684 CRA 07002530 8 Things We Hate About I.T. : Cramm, Susan. Harvard Business Press, 2010 9781422131664 (pbk. : alk. pap 194 p. : Library - BR Campus
004.0684 KAR 03006993 Managing expectations / Karten, Naomi. Dorset House, 1994 0932633277 xxi, 216 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.0684 NEI 00095858 IT savvy : Weill, Peter. Harvard Business Press, 2009 9781422181010 (hbk. : alk. pap xxv, 182 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.0684 PLE 04010682 Lean management principles for information technology / Plenert, Gerhard Johannes. CRC Press, 2011 9781420078602 (hardback) xxiii, 344 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.0684 ROS 03005567 Effective IT Project Management : Rosen, Anita. AMACOM, 2004 0814408125 (hardcover) | 97808 xiv, 288 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.0684 ROS 04019247 Effective IT project management : Rosen, Anita. AMACOM, 2004 0814408125 (hardcover) | 97808 xiv, 288 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.0684 TAY 04019000 Managing Information Projects: Taylor, James. Amacom , 2004 9780814408117 274 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.0684 TAY 04019061 Managing Information Projects: Taylor, James. Amacom , 2004 9780814408117 274 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.0684 TAY 03009230 Managing Information Projects: Taylor, James. Amacom , 2004 9780814408117 274 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.0684 WEI 05018292 IT savvy : Weill, Peter. Harvard Business Press, 2009 9781422181010 (hbk. : alk. pap xxv, 182 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.0684 WIL 05001631 Outsourcing information systems / Willcocks, Leslie P Sage, 2009 9781848604452 | 1848604459 3 v. : xxi, 349 p. Knowledge Centre
004.0684 WIL 05001630 Outsourcing information systems / Willcocks, Leslie P Sage, 2009 9781848604452 | 1848604459 3 v. : xxi, 349 p. Knowledge Centre
004.0684 WIL 05001629 Outsourcing information systems / Willcocks, Leslie P Sage, 2009 9781848604452 | 1848604459 3 v. : xxi, 349 p. Knowledge Centre
004.0687 THO 05005788 Managing the risks of IT outsourcing / Tho, Ian. Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005 0750665742 (pbk.) xvii, 206 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.07 MON 05001617 Programming Interviews Exposed : Mongan, John Wiley India, 2006 8126509953 254 p Knowledge Centre
004.07 MON 00076609 Programming Interviews Exposed : Mongan, John Wiley India, 2006 8126509953 254 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.071 MOT 04002877 Information & Communication Technology for A2 Mott, Julian Hodder Education 2008 9780340858226 278 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.071 OBY 04002875 Information & Communication Technology: for Edexcel Applied A2 Single Award Obyrne, Chris Guy-Se Hodder Education 2008 0340926511 370 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.071 AHM 00105243 Teacher's Handbook Of Information Technology Shehzad,Ahmad. Anmol Publications 2007 9788126134588 viii,274 p. UG Library
004.071 CLA 00123556 Teaching Adults ICT Skills Clarke, Alan Learning Matters Ltd, 2006 9781844450404 | 9781844450404 ix, 134 p:. UG Library
004.071 WAL 04030491 Teaching computing : Walker, Henry M., CRC Press, 2018 9781138034433 (paperback. : acidfree paper) | 9781138549784 (hardback : acidfree paper) xvii, 481 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.0712 SIM 00102366 Teaching ICT Simmons Carl Sage; 9788132105251 246 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.0712 SIM 00100509 Teaching ICT Simmons,Carl SAGE Pub. 2009 9788132105251 X,246 P. UG Library
004.0712 SIM 00105600 Teaching ICT Simmons,Carl SAGE Pub. 2009 9788132105251 X,246 P. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.072 EBA 04018279 Research Methodology in Computer Science / Ebad, Ryhan Centrum Press, 2013 9789350843376 296p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 GUP 04004323 Computer Science Question Bank Gupta, Saurabh Fire Wallmedia 2009 9788131805572 587 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 KUM 04002527 Small Business and Entrepreneurship Kumar, Anil S I K International 2008 9788190694230 380p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 KUM 04001877 Multiple Choice Questions in Computer Science Kumar, Ela I K International 2008 9788190694230 352p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 CLM 04016116 GATE Papers Computer Science and Information Technology / G K Publication, 2012 9788183556262 IV/ 20 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 DIS 04028511 GATE 2018 : Computer Science and Information Technology Engineering / Disha Publication Disha Publication, 2018 V p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 GAR 04030626 GATE 2024 : Computer Science and Information Technology / GKP Publications, 2023 9789356812024 V P. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 GK 00131580 Gate 2019: CL Media (p) LTD., 2019 9789387766013 xxiv,19 p.; UG Library
004.076 GKP 04027517 GATE 2018 : GKP G. K. P Publication, 2018 9789386309747 xxiii, 5.18p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 GKP 04029898 GATE 2020: Computer science and information technology / GKP GKP, 2020 9788193975534 vp . : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 GKP 04029899 GATE 2020: Computer science and information technology / GKP GKP, 2020 9788193975534 vp . : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 GKP 04028964 GATE 2019 : Computer Sicence and Information Technology / C L Media, 2019 9789387766013 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 GKP 04029900 GATE 2020: Computer science and information technology / GKP GKP, 2020 9788193975534 vp . : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 GKP 04028965 GATE 2019 : Computer Sicence and Information Technology / C L Media, 2019 9789387766013 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 GKP 04028966 GATE 2019 : Computer Sicence and Information Technology / C L Media, 2019 9789387766013 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 GKP 04028967 GATE 2019 : Computer Sicence and Information Technology / C L Media, 2019 9789387766013 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 GKP 04019625 GATE : Computer science and information technology / G.K. publications (P) ltd, 2011 9788183550208 | 9788183556262 425p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 GKP 04016140 GATE : Computer science and information technology / G.K. publications (P) ltd, 2011 9788183550208 | 9788183556262 425p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 GKP 04023763 GATE 2016 : Computer Science and Information Technology / C L Media, 2016 9789351444947 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 GKP 04023764 GATE 2016 : Computer Science and Information Technology / C L Media, 2016 9789351444947 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 GKP 04009635 GATE 2014 : Computer Science and Information Technology / C L Media, 2014 9788183557887 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 GKP 04026092 GATE 2017 : Computer Science and Information Technology Solved Papers/ C L Media, 2017 9789351449287 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 GKP 04026080 GATE 2017 : Computer Science and Information Technology / C L Media, 2016 9789351448440 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 GKP 04030778 GATE 2025: Computer Science & Information Technology GKP Editorial team G K Publications 2025 9789356814257 1e xxvii+ 8.80p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 GKP 04027604 GATE 2018 : GKP G. K. P Publication, 2018 9789386309747 xxiii, 5.18p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 GKP 04027243 GATE 2017 : Computer Science and Information Technology / C L Media, 2016 9789351448440 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 GKP 04019628 GATE : Computer science and information technology / G.K. publications (P) ltd, 2011 9788183550208 | 9788183556262 425p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 GKP 04021715 GATE : Computer Science and Information Technology / G K Publication, 2015 9789351441908 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 GKP 04027516 GATE 2018 : GKP G. K. P Publication, 2018 9789386309747 xxiii, 5.18p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 GUP 04004322 Computer Science Question Bank Gupta, Saurabh Fire Wallmedia 2009 9788131805572 587 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 JAI 04025983 Objective Computer Science and Information Technology / Jaiswal, Jushta Viva Books, 2016 9788130910314 597p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 JAI 04024619 Objective Computer Science and Information Technology : Jaiswal, Jushta Source Books, 2016 9788130933658 597p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 KAR 04023263 IT Interview Questions : Karumanchi, Narasimha Career Monk Publication, 2014 9788192107585 563 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 KIR 04028319 GATE Tutor 2017 : Computer Science and Engineering : Kirupani, Shanti Arihant Publication, 2017 9789350943588 715p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 KLS 04019275 SAP MM : Kogent Learning Solutions Inc. Dreamtech Press ; 2010 9788177224641 2010 234 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 KLS 04019276 SAP MM : Kogent Learning Solutions Inc. Dreamtech Press ; 2010 9788177224641 2010 234 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 KUM 04021621 Multiple choice question in computer Science / Kumar, Ela I.K. International, 2008 9788190675772 340 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 MAD 04023224 A Handbook on computer science and IT / Made Easy Publication, 2014 9789383643240 355 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 MIT 04023778 GATE Mento 2016 : Computer Science and Information Technology / Mittal, Ajay Cengage Learning, 2015 9788131527924 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 MIT 04023779 GATE Mento 2016 : Computer Science and Information Technology / Mittal, Ajay Cengage Learning, 2015 9788131527924 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 MIT 04026099 Objective Computer Science and Information Technology / Mithal, G K C L Media, 2017 9789351449782 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 MIT 04023126 Objectives Computer Science and Information Technology / Mital, G K C. L. Media, 2014 9789351440451 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 PAR 04018006 Placement Preparation / Parthasarathy, S. New AGe International Publishers, 2006 9788122418910 xiv, 134p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 RAJ 04004275 C Intervew Questions and Answers Rajaram, J Firewall Media 2007 9788170088783 139 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 RAJ 04004274 C Intervew Questions and Answers Rajaram, J Firewall Media 2007 9788170088783 139 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 RAJ 04004276 C # Interview Questions and Answers Rajaram, J Fire Wallmedia 2009 9788131802175 108 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 RAM 04022730 GATE and PGCET : Ramaiah K, Dasaradh PHI, 2014 9788120349810 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 SIN 04022129 UGC NET/SET Computer Science and Applications / Singhal Sanjay Danika Publishing Company, 2014 9788189301026 644p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 TKS 04029045 GATE 2019 Computer Science and Information Technology / Pearson, 2018 9789352868469 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 TRI 04029934 GATE 2020 : Computer science and Information Technology / Trishna Pearson, 2020 9789353433949 vp.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 TRI 04029935 GATE 2020 : Computer science and Information Technology / Trishna Pearson, 2020 9789353433949 vp.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 TRI 04029936 GATE 2020 : Computer science and Information Technology / Trishna Pearson, 2020 9789353433949 vp.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 TRI 04016112 A Complete Guide to the GATE Trishna Pearson, 2013 9788131770283 vp. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 TRI 04027583 GATE 2018 : Trishana's Pearson, 2017 9789332585720 xvi, 3.1077p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 TRI 04028766 GATE 2018 : Trishana's Pearson, 2017 9789332585720 xvi, 3.1077p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 TRI 04028767 GATE 2018 : Trishana's Pearson, 2017 9789332585720 xvi, 3.1077p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.076 VER 04027241 GATE 2017 : Computer Science and Information Technology / Verma, Anil Kumar Wiley, 2016 9788126550869 672p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.082 WB 05018297 Information and communication technologies for women's socioeconomic empowerment Melhem, Samia. World Bank, 2009 0821381334 | 0821381342 (eISBN ix, 85 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.082 XUZ 00145325 Computational Thinking: A Perspective on Computer Science Xu, Zhiwei Springs, 2021 9789811638473 xxvi, 319p.; UG Library
004.09 COR 04001064 LOOKING BACK AND GOING FORWARD IN IT Corniou, Jean-Pierre VIVA BOOK PVT LTD 2008 1905209584 196p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.09 COR 04002100 LOOKING BACK AND GOING FORWARD IN IT Corniou, Jean-Pierre VIVA BOOK PVT LTD 2008 1905209584 196p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.09 BHA 04018969 Scientific Computing / Bhattacharya, Manvendra Centrum Publication, 2013 9789350843505 304p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.092 CHA 03006244 The Gift of Time / Charles, Fiona Dorest House Publsing, 2008 9780932633750 157p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.092 NAI 10005097 A Journey of Honesty : Nair, Geetha Rupa Publications, 2023 9789357021784 xii, 234 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.0922 BHA 04018260 Computer Scientists / Bhattacharya, Manvendra Centrum Press, 2013 9789350843444 294p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.0922 EVA 07012743 Broad band : Evans, Claire Lisa, Portfolio Penguin, 2018 9780735211759 (hardback) 278 pages : Library - BR Campus
004.0922 HEN 05001651 Encyclopedia of Notable Scientists Computer Scientists A to Z / Henderson, Harry Viva Books Private Limited, 2007 8176497983 308 p Knowledge Centre
004.0922 ISA 00118798 The innovators : Isaacson, Walter. Simon & Schuster, 2014 9781476708690 (hbk.) | 1476708 First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition. viii, 542 p.: UG Library
004.0922 ISA 00133995 The innovators : Isaacson, Walter Simon & Schuster, 2015 9781471138805 viii,542 p.; UG Library
004.0922 ISA 07006412 The Innovators / Isaacson Walter Simon & Schuster, 2014 9781471138805 542p.: Library - BR Campus
004.0922 JOB 07007624 The innovators : Isaacson, Walter. Simon & Schuster, 2014 9781476708690 (hbk.) | 1476708 First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition. viii, 542 p.: Library - BR Campus
004.0922 JOB 05046067 The innovators : Isaacson, Walter. Simon & Schuster, 2014 9781476708690 (hbk.) | 1476708 First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition. viii, 542 p.: Knowledge Centre
004.0922 KLE 00144332 Proving Ground : Kleiman, Kathy. Grand central publishing, 2023 9781787388628 xix,296p, ; UG Library
004.0922 MUR 00133533 World great computer scientists Murthy,Sudha ABD publishers, 2019 9788183766494 x,309p.; UG Library
004.0954 KOH 05038581 The IT Revolution in India : Kohli, F. C. Rupa & Co., 2005 9798129108127 | 8129108127 xxix,292p.; Knowledge Centre
004.0954 KOH 03010853 The IT Revolution in India : Kohli, F. C. Rupa & Co., 2005 9798129108127 | 8129108127 xxix,292p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.0954 SHY 05070021 Homi Bhabha and the Computer Revolution / Shyamasundar, R. K. Oxford University Press, 2011 0198072465 | 9780198072461 364 p.: Knowledge Centre
004.0954 SHY 04030069 Homi Bhabha and the Computer Revolution / Shyamasundar, R. K. Oxford University Press, 2011 0198072465 | 9780198072461 364 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.0954 SHY 07014956 Homi Bhabha and the Computer Revolution / Shyamasundar, R. K. Oxford University Press, 2011 0198072465 | 9780198072461 364 p.: Library - BR Campus
004.0954 SHY 03010502 Homi Bhabha and the Computer Revolution / Shyamasundar, R. K. Oxford University Press, 2011 0198072465 | 9780198072461 364 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.1 PAV 04005490 Quantum Computation and Quantum Communication: Theory and Experiments Pavicic, Miaden Springer International 2009 9788181286932 221 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.1 PAV 04005489 Quantum Computation and Quantum Communication: Theory and Experiments Pavicic, Miaden Springer International 2009 9788181286932 221 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.1 PRA 05013756 Programming Languges : Pratt, W Terrence Prentice Hall of India, 1996 8120310381 652 p Knowledge Centre
004.1 SHU 04010888 Nano, Quantum and Molecular Computing : Springer , 2004 9788184893717 xvi, 358 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.1 BAL 05005715 Computer Installation and Servicing / Balasubramanian D McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2010 9780070591189 xiv,200 p. Knowledge Centre
004.1 BAS 05018270 Computers Today Basandra, K Suresh Suneel Galgotia 8186340742 1068 p Knowledge Centre
004.1 BEZ 05075188 Quantum Computation / Bez, H. E., CRC Press, 2023 9781032983738 First edition. xx, 371p.; Knowledge Centre
004.1 BHU 04021653 Introduction to Quantum Computing / Bhunia, C.T New Age International, 2010 9788122430752 95 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.1 BIG 05001641 Troubleshooting, Maintaining and Repairing P Cs / Bigelow, J Stephen Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2001 0070473676 1542 p Knowledge Centre
004.1 COH 00145576 Practical Linear Algebra for Data Science : Cohen, X. Mike, O'Reilly, 2022 9789355422187 First Edition. xiii, 311 pages ; UG Library
004.1 DOL 01014578 Managing Your First Computer : Dolman,Carol. Grolier International Inc., 0717285634 144 p.; Knowledge Centre
004.1 DRE 04024319 Programming for Embedded Systems: Create Tomorrows Embedded Systems Today - P G Lib Dream Tech Software Team Wiley India , 2002 8126502967 | 9788126502967 533p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.1 DTP 05018263 IBM Mainframe TSO /ISPF, JCL, VSAM, DB2, CICS, IMS DB, REXX, and COBOL / Dream Tech Press Dream Tech Press , 2006 8177226967 1180p.; Knowledge Centre
004.1 FLY 04028027 Computer System Design : Flynn, J. Michael. Wiley India ; 2012 9788126535682 xx,334p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.1 FLY 00136755 Computer System Design : Flynn, J. Michael. Wiley India ; 2012 9788126535682 xx,334p.; UG Library
004.1 FLY 04013173 Computer System Design : Flynn, J. Michael. Wiley India ; 2012 9788126535682 xx,334p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.1 FLY 04013174 Computer System Design : Flynn, J. Michael. Wiley India ; 2012 9788126535682 xx,334p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.1 GAY 00119963 Semantic techniques in quantum computation / Gay Simon Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521513746 (hardback) | 052 xiv, 478 p. : UG Library
004.1 JOH 05068054 Programming quantum computers : Johnston, Eric R. Shroff publishers and distributors Pvt.Ltd. , 2019 9789352138678 xiii, 315p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.1 KAK 10004390 Quantum Supremacy : Kaku, Michio Penguin Random House, 2023 9780141999456 viii, 337 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.1 KAK 00145678 Quantum Supremacy Kaku, Michio Allen Lane 2023 9780241555668 337p UG Library
004.1 KUM 05034264 Concepts In Nano Computer : Kumar,Sujeet. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd, 2013 9788126154203 1st ed. 240 p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.1 LEO 05017963 Introduction to Computers Leon, Alexis Leon Techworld 452p Knowledge Centre
004.1 LEO 05017964 Introduction to Computers Leon, Alexis Leon Techworld 452p Knowledge Centre
004.1 NED 04016289 Quantum inspired intelligent systems Springer, 2008 9788132202370 153 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.1 NED 04013712 Quantum inspired intelligent systems Springer, 2008 9788132202370 153 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.1 NED 04013713 Quantum inspired intelligent systems Springer, 2008 9788132202370 153 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.1 NIE 10000654 Quantum Computation and Quantum Information / Nielsen, Michael A., Cambridge University Press, 2010 9781107002173 (hardback) | 9781107619197 10th anniversary ed. xxxi, 676 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.1 NIE 04013272 Quantum Computation and Quantum Information / Nielsen, Michael A., Cambridge University Press, 2010 9781107002173 (hardback) | 9781107619197 10th anniversary ed. xxxi, 676 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.1 RAD 05018266 Computer Installation and Troubleshooting Radhakrishnan, M Indian Society for Technical Education 8188057002 325p Knowledge Centre
004.1 WAN 05067236 High performance computing for big data : CRC Press, 2018 9781498783996 xvii,267p.; Knowledge Centre
004.1 WON 04029787 Quantum Computing / Arcler press, 2015 9781680941432 287p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.1 YAN 04015199 Quantum Computing : Yanofsky, Noson S. CameBridge university Press, 2008 9780521879965 384 p, : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.1 ZUF 05018248 BEA Weblogic Server Bible Zuffoletto, Joe Wiley 946p Knowledge Centre
004.1 ZUF 05018247 BEA Weblogic Server Bible Zuffoletto, Joe Wiley 946p Knowledge Centre
004.11 TOC 05001643 Digital Systems : Tocci, J Ronald Prentice Hall of India, 2003 8120323149 872 p Knowledge Centre
004.11 BAR 00057495 Digital Computer Fundamentals Bartee, C Thomas 0074604007 610p UG Library
004.11 BAR 05018288 Digital Computer Fundamentals / Bartee, C Thomas Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 1985 0074604007 610 p.: Knowledge Centre
004.11 TOC 05034665 Digital Systems : Tocci, J Ronald Prentice Hall of India, 2003 8120323149 872 p Knowledge Centre
004.11 TOC 00108611 Digital Systems Tocci,Ronald J. Pearson 2011 9788131727249 10th Ed. 848 p. UG Library
004.119 DOW 05018296 Engineering The Human Computer Interface / Downton, Andy McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1993 0007707727 334 p Knowledge Centre
004.12 BAB 00061357 Digital Signal Processing Babu Ramesh P. Scitech Publications Pvt Ltd 2003 8187328525 | 9788187328520 2nd Ed. 542 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.13 WIL 00061356 An Introduction to the Design of Small-Scale Embedded Systems Wilmshurst, Tim Palgrave 2001 1403906831 | 9781403906830 411 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.133 JOS 04001220 C++ DESIGN PATTERNS AND DERIVATIVES PRICING Joshi, Mark S Cambridge University Press 2008 9780521540858 292p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.14 KOT 00112918 Embedded Systems Kothari D P New Age International Publishers 2012 9788122433937 240p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.151 SIN 04001976 Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science Singh, Y N New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2005 9788122416671 376 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.151 SIN 04004219 Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science Singh, Y N New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2005 9788122416671 376 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.151 SIN 04004218 Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science Singh, Y N New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2005 9788122416671 376 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.151 DOE 05013818 Applid Discrete Structures for Computer Science / Alan Doerr Galgotia Publications Pvt.Ltd., 1994 523 p. Knowledge Centre
004.151 DOE 05013817 Applid Discrete Structures for Computer Science / Alan Doerr Galgotia Publications Pvt.Ltd., 1994 523 p. Knowledge Centre
004.151 DOE 05013820 Applid Discrete Structures for Computer Science / Alan Doerr Galgotia Publications Pvt.Ltd., 1994 523 p. Knowledge Centre
004.151 DOE 05013819 Applid Discrete Structures for Computer Science / Alan Doerr Galgotia Publications Pvt.Ltd., 1994 523 p. Knowledge Centre
004.151 DOE 05013816 Applid Discrete Structures for Computer Science / Alan Doerr Galgotia Publications Pvt.Ltd., 1994 523 p. Knowledge Centre
004.151 SIN 10000787 Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science Singh, Y N New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2005 9788122416671 376 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.15192 MOT 05018005 Randomized Algorithms Matwani, Rajeev Cambridge University Press 2010 9780521613903 476 p Knowledge Centre
004.16 AYA 04003054 8051 Microcontroller / Ayala, Kenneth Thomson South Western, 2007 9788131502006 412 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 CAD 04007112 Priciples of Microcomputers and Microcontrollers Engineering Cady, Predrick M Oxford Universtiy Press 2009 9780198062264 418 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 CRI 04001890 Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Crisp, John Elsevier 2004 9780750659895 278 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 DES 04006047 Microcontrollers: Theory and Applications Deshmukh, Ajay V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070585959 344 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 DES 04006950 Microcontrollers: Theory and Applications Deshmukh, Ajay V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070585959 344 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 DES 04006046 Microcontrollers: Theory and Applications Deshmukh, Ajay V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070585959 344 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 GAN 04002383 Art of Designing Embedded Systems Ganssle, Jack Elsevier 2008 9780750686440 298 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 HEA 04007774 Embedded Systems Design / Heath, Steve Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2008 9788181479709 430 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 HEA 04001806 Embedded Systems Design / Heath, Steve Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2008 9788181479709 430 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 HEA 04001419 Embedded Systems Design / Heath, Steve Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2008 9788181479709 430 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 HEA 04002692 Embedded Systems Design / Heath, Steve Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2008 9788181479709 430 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAM 04000204 Microcontrollers: Kamal, Raj Pearson Education, 2008 9788131706978 624 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAM 04000899 Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design Kamal, Raj Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070494701 633 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAT 04001400 Embedded Media Processing / Katz, David J Elsevier, 2008 0750679123 389 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAT 04001817 Embedded Media Processing / Katz, David J Elsevier, 2008 0750679123 389 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAT 04000624 Embedded Media Processing / Katz, David J Elsevier, 2008 0750679123 389 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 LEW 05030869 Fundamentals of Embedded Software : Lewis, W Daniel Pearson Education, 2002 8178086042 xvi, 265 p. Knowledge Centre
004.16 LIP 04001418 Introduction to Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming and Interfacing for the Freescale 68HC12 Lipovski, Jack G Elsevier 2004 8131208486 451p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 LIP 04001805 Introduction to Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming and Interfacing for the Freescale 68HC12 Lipovski, Jack G Elsevier 2004 8131208486 451p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 MAR 04001951 Embedded System Design Marwedel, Peter Springer International 2003 9788181284334 241 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 MAR 04004170 Embedded System Design Marwedel, Peter Springer International 2003 9788181284334 241 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 MAR 04004508 Embedded System Design Marwedel, Peter Springer International 2003 9788181284334 241 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 MAR 04004509 Embedded System Design Marwedel, Peter Springer International 2003 9788181284334 241 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 MAR 04004169 Embedded System Design Marwedel, Peter Springer International 2003 9788181284334 241 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 MUE 04005820 Upgrading and Repairing Pcs Mueller, Scott Pearson Education 2006 9788131700716 1582 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 MUE 04001002 Upgrading and Repairing PCs / Mueller, Scott Pearson Education, 2008 9788131718759 1556p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 RAH 05018055 Interfacing to the Power PC Microprocessor / Rahmel, Ron Prentice Hall of India, 1996 8120310675 475 p Knowledge Centre
004.16 SEN 04004763 Understanding 8085 Microprocessor and Peripheral ICS Through Problems and Solutions Sen, S K New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2006 9788122418699 175 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 SEN 04004762 Understanding 8085 Microprocessor and Peripheral ICS Through Problems and Solutions Sen, S K New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2006 9788122418699 175 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 SHE 04002258 Business Data Communications: Introductory Concepts and Techniques Shelly, Gary B Thomson South-Western 2007 9788131503324 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 SIE 04000479 Real-Time Embedded Components and Systems / Siewert, Sam Thomson South-Western, 2007 8131502538 366 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 SIE 04005573 Real-Time Embedded Components and Systems / Siewert, Sam Thomson South-Western, 2007 8131502538 366 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 SIE 04002259 Real-Time Embedded Components and Systems / Siewert, Sam Thomson South-Western, 2007 8131502538 366 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 SIN 04004566 Advanced Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Sing, B P New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122422856 578 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 SIN 04004567 Advanced Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Sing, B P New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122422856 578 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 SIN 04001965 Advanced Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Sing, B P New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122422856 578 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 SIN 04001041 Embedded System / Singh, Amarjeet Maxford, 2008 8181160606 268p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 THE 04002030 Microprocessor and Its Applications / Theagarajan, R New Age Internations (P) Ltd, 2008 9788122410402 394 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 THE 04000029 Microprocessor and Its Applications / Theagarajan, R New Age Internations (P) Ltd, 2008 9788122410402 394 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 THE 04004788 Microprocessor and Its Applications / Theagarajan, R New Age Internations (P) Ltd, 2008 9788122410402 394 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 THE 04004789 Microprocessor and Its Applications / Theagarajan, R New Age Internations (P) Ltd, 2008 9788122410402 394 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 UDY 04006737 8051 Microcontroller: Hardware, Software and Applications Udayashankara, V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070086814 304 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 UFF 04003179 Microcomputers and Microprocessors: The 8080, 8085, and Z-80 Programming, Interfacing and ... Uffenbeck, John Pearson Education 2008 9788131701027 729 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 VAH 04000393 Embedded System Design: Vahid, Frank John Wiley and Sons, 2006 9788126508372 324p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 VAH 04002418 Embedded System Design: Vahid, Frank John Wiley and Sons, 2006 9788126508372 324p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 VAH 04001200 Embedded System Design: Vahid, Frank John Wiley and Sons, 2006 9788126508372 324p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 VAH 04012256 Embedded System Design: Vahid, Frank John Wiley and Sons, 2006 9788126508372 324p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 VAH 04012866 Embedded System Design: Vahid, Frank John Wiley and Sons, 2006 9788126508372 324p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 VAL 05018259 Embedded Microcomputer Systems : Valvano, W Jonathan Thomson, 2000 9812402055 839 p Knowledge Centre
004.16 VAL 05018258 Embedded Microcomputer Systems : Valvano, W Jonathan Thomson, 2000 9812402055 839 p Knowledge Centre
004.16 VAL 05018257 Embedded Microcomputer Systems : Valvano, W Jonathan Thomson, 2000 9812402055 839 p Knowledge Centre
004.16 WOL 04000107 Computers as Components: Wolf, Wayne Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2001 8181475798 662p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 WOL 04001896 Computers as Components: Wolf, Wayne Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2001 8181475798 662p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 WOL 04002444 Computers as Components: Wolf, Wayne Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2001 8181475798 662p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 WOL 04001417 Computers as Components: Wolf, Wayne Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2001 8181475798 662p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 ABL 05003461 Android : Ableson W.Frank Dreamtech Press, 2011 9789350040379 2nd ed xxix,562 p. Knowledge Centre
004.16 ALE 00112330 Microprocessors and its Functioning Alexander, Tom Crescent Publishing Corporation 2014 9788183423168 267p. UG Library
004.16 ANT 05018260 An Introduction to the Intel Family of Microprocessors / Antonakos, L James Prentice-Hall International, Inc., 1999 0139225358 768 p Knowledge Centre
004.16 AZE 04022061 Microprocessors Interfacing and Microcontroller / Azeez, Biju Scitech Publishers, 2010 9788183713474 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 AZE 04022062 Microprocessors Interfacing and Microcontroller / Azeez, Biju Scitech Publishers, 2010 9788183713474 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 BAC 04029516 Microcontroller and Microprocessor / Bachanna, Prashant Subhas Strores, 2017 9789383214778 272p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 BAC 04029517 Microcontroller and Microprocessor / Bachanna, Prashant Subhas Strores, 2017 9789383214778 272p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 BAC 04029518 Microcontroller and Microprocessor / Bachanna, Prashant Subhas Strores, 2017 9789383214778 272p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 BAC 04029519 Microcontroller and Microprocessor / Bachanna, Prashant Subhas Strores, 2017 9789383214778 272p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 BAC 04029520 Microcontroller and Microprocessor / Bachanna, Prashant Subhas Strores, 2017 9789383214778 272p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 BAH 00102180 Microprocessors: Bahadura Nilesh.B PHI Learning private limited; 9788120339422 660 p. UG Library
004.16 BAI 05018623 Embedded Systems Design / Bailey, Oliver Dream Tech Press, 2005 0817722610 472 p Knowledge Centre
004.16 BAI 05018607 Embedded Systems Design / Bailey, Oliver Dream Tech Press, 2005 0817722610 472 p Knowledge Centre
004.16 BHU 04015356 Acvanced Microprocessors and Peripeherals / Bhurchandi, K M Magraw hill, 2013 9781259006135 3rd ed. 692 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 BHU 04027907 Acvanced Microprocessors and Peripeherals / Bhurchandi, K M Magraw hill, 2013 9781259006135 3rd ed. 692 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 BHU 04027908 Acvanced Microprocessors and Peripeherals / Bhurchandi, K M Magraw hill, 2013 9781259006135 3rd ed. 692 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 BHU 04027909 Acvanced Microprocessors and Peripeherals / Bhurchandi, K M Magraw hill, 2013 9781259006135 3rd ed. 692 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 BRE 00037782 The Intel Microprocessors Brey, Barry B. Prentice-Hall 1994 8120309413 3rd Ed. 813 p. UG Library
004.16 CAD 04012423 Priciples of Microcomputers and Microcontrollers Engineering Cady, Predrick M Oxford Universtiy Press 2009 9780198062264 418 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 CAT 04009352 Designing embedded hardware / Catsoulis, John. O'Reilly, 2005 9788184042597 2nd ed. xvi, 377 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 CRO 00119018 Smart Products, Smarter Services : Cronin, Mary J. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521195195 (hardback) | 052 xi, 337 p. : UG Library
004.16 DAS 04019228 Embedded Systems : Das, Lyla B. Pearson, 2013 9788131787663 763p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 DES 04030182 Microcontrollers: Theory and Applications Deshmukh, Ajay V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070585959 344 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 DST 05038038 Programming for Embedded System : Dreamtech Software Team Wiley India, 2002 8126502967 533 p Knowledge Centre
004.16 GAN 04010157 Embedded systems / Elsevier/Newnes, 2008 9789380501444 563 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 GAN 04007821 The art of Designing embedded systems / Ganssle, Jack Elsever, 2008 9788131217849 2nd., viii,298p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 GAN 04013930 The art of Designing embedded systems / Ganssle, Jack Elsever, 2008 9788131217849 2nd., viii,298p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 GAN 04020095 The art of Designing embedded systems / Ganssle, Jack Elsever, 2008 9788131217849 2nd., viii,298p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 GHO 04010989 8051 Microcontroller Ghoshal, Subrata. Pearson , 2010 9788131731437 xxii, 483 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 GIL 05018267 Microprocessors / Gilmore Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 2005 0000071535 556p.: Knowledge Centre
004.16 GIL 05018271 Microprocessors : Gilmore, M Charles Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 1997 0074631535 555 p Knowledge Centre
004.16 GIL 05018286 Microprocessors : Gilmore, M Charles Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 1997 0074631535 555 p Knowledge Centre
004.16 GKP 10003928 GATE 2025: Computer Science & Information Technology GKP Editorial team G K Publications 2025 9789356814257 1e xxvii+ 8.80p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.16 GOO 05018261 Intel Microprocessors : Goody, W Roy Glencoe, 1993 0071125159 436 p.: Knowledge Centre
004.16 HAL 00037779 Microprocessors & Digital System Hall Douglas V. McGraw-Hill 1983 007y663149 2nd Ed. 473 p. UG Library
004.16 HAL 00037780 Microprocessors & Digital System Hall Douglas V. McGraw-Hill 1983 007y663149 2nd Ed. 473 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.16 HAN 05018274 Principles of Mobile Computing / Hansmann, Uwe Springer 2006 8181280733 441p.: Knowledge Centre
004.16 HEA 05003635 Embedded Systems Design / Heath, Steve Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2008 9788181479709 430 p. Knowledge Centre
004.16 HEN 04020693 Designing Embedded Processors : Henkel, Jorg Springer, 2007 9788184898477 550p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 INC 05048826 The computer : Ince, D. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199586592 (pbk) | 01995865 139 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.16 JAI 00050585 Microprocessor Data HandBook Jain A K BPB Publications 2000 8176561851 751 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.16 KAL 00118222 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Kaler R.S. I.K. International Publishing House, 2014 9789382332688 xv, 768 p.: UG Library
004.16 KAM 00136946 Embedded Systems : Kamal, Raj Tata McGraw Hill, 2016 9789332901490 3rd rep ed, 591p. : UG Library
004.16 KAM 05037208 Microcontrollers : Rajkamal Pearson, 2012 9788131759905 861 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.16 KAM 05004275 Embedded Systems : Kamal, Raj KAM 2008 0070667640 681 p Knowledge Centre
004.16 KAM 04021288 Microcontrollers : Rajkamal Pearson, 2012 9788131759905 861 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAM 05018249 Embedded Systems : Kamal, Raj KAM 2008 0070667640 681 p Knowledge Centre
004.16 KAM 05001644 Embedded Systems : Kamal, Raj KAM 2008 0070667640 681 p Knowledge Centre
004.16 KAM 04006443 Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design Kamal, Raj Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070494701 633 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAM 04006444 Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design Kamal, Raj Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070494701 633 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAM 04006445 Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design Kamal, Raj Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070494701 633 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAM 04006570 Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design Kamal, Raj Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070494701 633 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAM 04006571 Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design Kamal, Raj Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070494701 633 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAM 04006572 Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design Kamal, Raj Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070494701 633 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAM 04006852 Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design Kamal, Raj Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070494701 633 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAM 04019937 Embedded Systems / Kamal,Raj Tata McGraw -Hill Pub, 2008 9780070667648 2nd ed . xv ,681 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAM 04027074 Embedded Systems : Kamal, Raj Tata McGraw Hill, 2015 9789332901490 591p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAM 00136993 Microcontrollers : Rajkamal Pearson, 2013 9788131759905 2nd ed., xxvi,861p.; UG Library
004.16 KAM 00136994 Microcontrollers : Rajkamal Pearson, 2013 9788131759905 2nd ed., xxvi,861p.; UG Library
004.16 KAM 04027760 Embedded Systems : Kamal, Raj Tata McGraw Hill, 2015 9789332901490 591p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAM 04027761 Embedded Systems : Kamal, Raj Tata McGraw Hill, 2015 9789332901490 591p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAM 04027762 Embedded Systems : Kamal, Raj Tata McGraw Hill, 2015 9789332901490 591p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAM 04027763 Embedded Systems : Kamal, Raj Tata McGraw Hill, 2015 9789332901490 591p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAM 04027764 Embedded Systems : Kamal, Raj Tata McGraw Hill, 2015 9789332901490 591p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAM 04028694 Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design Kamal, Raj McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt Ltd, 2015 9789332901490 591p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAM 04019175 Embedded Systems / Kamal,Raj Tata McGraw -Hill Pub, 2008 9780070667648 2nd ed . xv ,681 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAM 04019176 Embedded Systems / Kamal,Raj Tata McGraw -Hill Pub, 2008 9780070667648 2nd ed . xv ,681 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAM 04024801 Microcontrollers : Rajkamal Pearson, 2012 9788131759905 861 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAM 00136945 Embedded Systems : Kamal, Raj Tata McGraw Hill, 2016 9789332901490 3rd rep ed, 591p. : UG Library
004.16 KAN 10000038 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers / Kani, A. Nagoor. McGraw Hill, 2020 9789353168308 xx, 5.78p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.16 KAN 00073694 Microprocessor 8086 Programming and Interfacing Kani, Nagoor A RBA Publications 2006 538 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.16 KAN 00102185 Microprocessors microcontrollers : Kant Krishna PHI Learning private limited, 2007 9788120331914 728 p. UG Library
004.16 KAN 00117986 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers : Kant, Krishna PHI Learning private limited, 2014 9788120348530 852 p.; UG Library
004.16 KAN 04009487 Microprocessors microcontrollers : Kant Krishna PHI Learning private limited, 2007 9788120331914 728 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAN 04027925 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers : Kant, Krishna PHI Learning private limited, 2014 9788120348530 852 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAN 04027926 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers : Kant, Krishna PHI Learning private limited, 2014 9788120348530 852 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KAT 04007925 Embedded media processing / Katz, David J. Elsevier, 2006 xxxi, 389p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KEI 04007952 Design of image processing embedded systems using multidimenstional data flow / Keinert, Joachim Springer, 2011 xxv, 311p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KOR 00065021 Modern Microprocessors Korneev V. Dream Tech Press 2005 8177225782 | 9788177225785 3rd Ed. 401 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.16 KOR 05018256 Modern Microprocessors / Korneev, V Dream Tech Press 2006 8177225782 400p Knowledge Centre
004.16 KOR 05018255 Modern Microprocessors / Korneev, V Dream Tech Press 2006 8177225782 400p Knowledge Centre
004.16 KOR 00065272 Modern Microprocessors Korneev V. Dream Tech Press 2005 8177225782 | 9788177225785 3rd Ed. 401 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.16 KOT 04024831 Analysis of Microcontrollers / D P Kothari Scientific International Pvt.Ltd., 2013 9789381714294 xx, 191 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KOT 04028127 Analysis of Microcontrollers / D P Kothari Scientific International Pvt.Ltd., 2013 9789381714294 xx, 191 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KOT 04022384 Analysis of Microcontrollers / D P Kothari Scientific International Pvt.Ltd., 2013 9789381714294 xx, 191 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 KRI 00102186 Ten days with 8085 Microprocessor: Krishnamurthy.K.A PHI Learning private limited; 9788120338548 146 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.16 KRI 00045079 Microprocessor Lab Primer Krishnamurthy K.A. Interline Publishing Pvt Ltd 1995 221 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.16 KRI 00045080 Microprocessor Lab Primer Krishnamurthy K.A. Interline Publishing Pvt Ltd 1995 221 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.16 LAB 05009198 Embedded systems building blocks : Labrosse, Jean J. CMP Books ; | Distributed in the U.S. and Canada by Publishers Group West, 2000 9789380501895 2nd ed. xxii, 611 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.16 LEA 00137295 Internet of things for architects Lea, Perry Packt, 2018 9781788470599 ix,505 p.; UG Library
004.16 LIU 05017901 Microcomputer Systems : The 8086/8088 Family : Liu, Yu-Cheng Prentice Hall of India, 1997 8120304098 2nd 623 p Knowledge Centre
004.16 MAC 04011200 The 8051 Microcontroller / Mackenzie, Scott I . Pearson Publications, 2007 9788131720189 551 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 MAN 04028705 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers : Mandal, Soumitra Kumar McGraw Hill Education, 2016 9780071329200 xiii, 878p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 MAT 00038032 Introduction to Microprocessors Mathur,Aditya P. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1998 3rd Ed. 612 p. UG Library
004.16 MAT 00033971 Introduction to Microprocessors Mathur,Aditya P. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1998 3rd Ed. 612 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.16 MAT 05018250 Microprocessors, PC Hardware and Interface / Mathivanan, N Prentice Hall of India 2005 8120323173 519p Knowledge Centre
004.16 MAT 00045090 Introduction to Microprocessors Mathur,Aditya P. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1998 3rd Ed. 612 p. UG Library
004.16 MAT 00045091 Introduction to Microprocessors Mathur,Aditya P. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1998 3rd Ed. 612 p. UG Library
004.16 MAT 00045094 Introduction to Microprocessors Mathur,Aditya P. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1998 3rd Ed. 612 p. UG Library
004.16 MAT 00045093 Introduction to Microprocessors Mathur,Aditya P. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1998 3rd Ed. 612 p. UG Library
004.16 MAT 00045092 Introduction to Microprocessors Mathur,Aditya P. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1998 3rd Ed. 612 p. UG Library
004.16 MAZ 05018285 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Mazidi, Muhammad Ali Pearson Education 2002 8178085747 428p Knowledge Centre
004.16 MAZ 05019239 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Mazidi, Muhammad Ali Pearson Education Inc. 8177581554 447p Knowledge Centre
004.16 MIL 04008653 easy Computer basics : Miller, Michael Pearson, 2011 9788131758380 xiii, 250p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 MIL 04008652 easy Computer basics : Miller, Michael Pearson, 2011 9788131758380 xiii, 250p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 MUK 05017986 Microprocessor Microcomputer and Their Applications Mykhopadhyay, A K Narosa 8173193150 342 p Knowledge Centre
004.16 MUR 00145336 Design Principles for Embedded Systems/ Murti, KCS Springer, 2022 9789811632921 | 9789811632952 xxvii,450p. ; UG Library
004.16 MUR 00145004 Design Principles for Embedded Systems/ Murti, KCS Springer, 2022 9789811632921 | 9789811632952 xxvii,450p. ; UG Library
004.16 NIC 04023020 Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems / Nicolescu, Gabriela CRC Press, 2010 9781420067842 739p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 NOE 04007801 Embedded systems architecture : Noergaard, Tammy Elsevier, 2005 xiv, 640p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 NOE 04013950 Embedded systems architecture Noergaard, Tammy. Elsevier, 2011 0750677929 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 NOR 03008385 The Invisible Computer : Norman, Donald A. MIT Press, 1998 0262140659 (alk. paper) | 9780262140652 xii, 302 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.16 NOR 04015733 The Invisible Computer : Norman, Donald A. MIT Press, 1998 0262140659 (alk. paper) | 9780262140652 xii, 302 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 PAL 00061365 Microprocessors - Principles and Applications Pal Ajit Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing 2002 0074518267 332 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.16 PAL 04013426 Microcontrollers : Pal, Ajit PHI learning, 2011 9788120343924 374 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 PAL 00045067 Microprocessors: Principles and Applications Pal,Ajit. Tata Mcgraw Hill 1990 0074518267 332 p. UG Library
004.16 PAL 00045068 Microprocessors: Principles and Applications Pal,Ajit. Tata Mcgraw Hill 1990 0074518267 332 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.16 PAL 04009486 Microcontrollers : Pal, Ajit PHI learning, 2011 9788120343924 374 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 PAS 00037776 Microprocessor Technology and Microcomputers Pasahow,Edward J. McGraw-Hill 1988 0071002472 399 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.16 PEC 04028167 Embedded System Peckol James.K Wiley India, 2008 9788126524563 xlvi,810 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 PEC 04023967 Embedded System Peckol James.K Wiley India, 2008 9788126524563 xlvi,810 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 PEC 04010428 Embedded System Peckol James.K Wiley India, 2008 9788126524563 xlvi,810 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 RAF 00037777 Microprocessors Rafiquzzaman Mohamad. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1992 8120308484 468 p. UG Library
004.16 RAF 00037778 Microprocessors Rafiquzzaman Mohamad. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1992 8120308484 468 p. UG Library
004.16 RAF 00037784 Microprocessors and Microcomputer-Based System Design Rafiquzzmman, Mohamed. Universal Book Stall 1990 8185461074 | 9788185461076 1078 p. UG Library
004.16 RAF 00050596 Microprocessors Rafiquzzaman, M. Prentice Hall of India 2000 8120308484 | 9788120308480 468 p. UG Library
004.16 RAF 00050597 Microprocessors Rafiquzzaman, M. Prentice Hall of India 2000 8120308484 | 9788120308480 468 p. UG Library
004.16 RAF 04022403 Microcontroller Theory and Applications with The PIC18F / Rafiquzzaman, M. Wiley, 2011 9788126548354 478p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 RAF 05018287 Microprocessors & Microcompter-Based System Design / Rafiquzzaman, Mohamed Universal Book Stall , 2002 8185461074 1075 Knowledge Centre
004.16 RAF 04011071 Microprocessors and Microcomputer-Based System Design / Rafiquzzaman, Mohamed. CRC Press, 1995 9780849344756 2nd ed. 776 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 RAJ 04011204 Microcontrollers : Rajkamal Pearson, 2012 9788131759905 861 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 RAM 04010249 Advanced microprocessor and microcontrollers Ram, S. K. Venkata University Science Press, 2002 9788131806500 503 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 RAM 00052407 Fundamentals of Microprocess and Microcomputers Ram, B Dhanpat Rai 2000 490p UG Library
004.16 RAM 05018252 Fundamentals of Microprocessor and Microcomputers / Ram, B Ish Kapur 2005 13.15p Knowledge Centre
004.16 RAO 04009375 Embedded Systems / Rao, B. Kanta PHI Learning, 2011 9788120340817 540 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 RAO 04022874 Embedded Systems / Rao, B. Kanta PHI Learning, 2011 9788120340817 540 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 RAY 05018268 Advaned Microprocessors and Peripherals : Ray, A K Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2006 0074638416 666 p Knowledge Centre
004.16 RAY 05018264 Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals : Ray Ajoy Kumar Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2006 0070606587 2nd Ed 689 p.: Knowledge Centre
004.16 ROD 04024292 Beginning Mobile Application Development in the Cloud / Rodger, Richard Wiley, 2012 9788126533480 523p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 ROD 04011286 Beginning mobile application development in the cloud Rodger, Richard. John Wiley & Sons, 2012 9781118203330 (ebk) | 9781118203354 (ebk) | 9781118203347 (ebk) 523 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 SAS 04012687 Embedded systems design with platform FPGAs : Sass, Ron Morgan Kaufmann, 2010 xiii, 389p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 SAS 04007802 Embedded systems design with platform FPGAs : Sass, Ron Morgan Kaufmann, 2010 xiii, 389p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 SHI 00112919 Introduction to Embedded Systems Shibu, K V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070145894 716 p UG Library
004.16 SHI 04006604 Introduction to Embedded Systems Shibu, K V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070145894 716 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 SHI 04006605 Introduction to Embedded Systems Shibu, K V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070145894 716 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 SHI 00118947 Introduction to Embedded Systems Shibu, K V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070145894 716 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.16 SHI 00118948 Introduction to Embedded Systems Shibu, K V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070145894 716 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.16 SHI 00118949 Introduction to Embedded Systems Shibu, K V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070145894 716 p UG Library
004.16 SHI 00118950 Introduction to Embedded Systems Shibu, K V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070145894 716 p UG Library
004.16 SHI 00118951 Introduction to Embedded Systems Shibu, K V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070145894 716 p UG Library
004.16 SHI 00118952 Introduction to Embedded Systems Shibu, K V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070145894 716 p UG Library
004.16 SHI 04006603 Introduction to Embedded Systems Shibu, K V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070145894 716 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 SHI 04019976 Introduction to Embedded Systems Shibu, K V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070145894 716 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 SIM 05038044 An Embedded Software Primer / Simon, E David Pearson Education, 2002 8178080451 xix, 424p. Knowledge Centre
004.16 SIM 05030851 An Embedded Software Primer / Simon, E David Pearson Education, 2002 8178080451 xix, 424p. Knowledge Centre
004.16 SIN 00037781 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Singh, B P Galgotia 1994 695 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.16 SRI 04020414 Embedded Multiprocessors : Sriram, Sundararajan CRC Press, 2009 9781420048018 2nd ed. 361p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 SRI 05038047 Designig Embedded Communications Software / Sridhar, T CMP Books 2003 0157820125 207 p Knowledge Centre
004.16 STE 00130592 High Performance Computing : Sterling, Thomas. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2018 9780124201583 1st edition. xxvii, 689 p. : UG Library
004.16 SWA 04010251 Microprocessor 8085 Lab Manual / Swamy, G.T University Science Press, 2006 9788131806340 70 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 TAB 04023696 Advanced Microprocessors Tabak,Daniel Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd 2012 9781259002748 P.V Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 TAB 04010920 Advanced Microprocessors Tabak,Daniel Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd 2012 9781259002748 P.V Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 THE 04022059 A Textbook of Microprocessors and Microcontrollers / Theagarajan, T. Scitech Publishers, 2014 9788183715225 2nd ed. V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 THE 04022060 A Textbook of Microprocessors and Microcontrollers / Theagarajan, T. Scitech Publishers, 2014 9788183715225 2nd ed. V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 THO 05003839 Embedded Programming with the Microsoft .NET Micro Framework / Thompson, Donald. Microsoft Press, 2007 9780735623651 (perfect bound) xvi, 268 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.16 THO 00143753 Introduction to Embedded Systems / Thomas, Charlie. States academic press, 2022 9781639893041 237p,; UG Library
004.16 UDY 04006736 8051 Microcontroller: Hardware, Software and Applications Udayashankara, V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070086814 304 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 VAH 04012257 Embedded System Design: Vahid, Frank John Wiley and Sons, 2006 9788126508372 324p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 VAH 04025746 Embedded System Design: Vahid, Frank John Wiley and Sons, 2006 9788126508372 324p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 VAH 04025747 Embedded System Design: Vahid, Frank John Wiley and Sons, 2006 9788126508372 324p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 VAH 04025748 Embedded System Design: Vahid, Frank John Wiley and Sons, 2006 9788126508372 324p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 VAL 05003261 Embedded Microcomputer Systems : Valvano Jonathan.W Cengage Learning, 2007 9788131501771 xviii,814 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.16 VAL 04002264 Embedded Microcomputer Systems : Valvano Jonathan.W Cengage Learning, 2007 9788131501771 xviii,814 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 VAL 04024850 Embedded Microcomputer Systems : Valvano, Jonathan W. Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131516324 3rd Ed. 793p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 VAL 04024863 Embedded Microcomputer Systems : Valvano, Jonathan W. Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131516324 3rd Ed. 793p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 VAL 00136965 Introduction to Embedded Systems / Vallathai,Shibu Kizhakke. Mc Graw Hill, 2018 9789339219680 2nd edition (5th REP) xxiv,735p.; UG Library
004.16 VAL 00136966 Introduction to Embedded Systems / Vallathai,Shibu Kizhakke. Mc Graw Hill, 2018 9789339219680 2nd edition (5th REP) xxiv,735p.; UG Library
004.16 VAL 04024878 Embedded Microcomputer Systems : Valvano, Jonathan W. Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131516324 3rd Ed. 793p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 VAL 00066363 Embedded Microcomputer Systems Valvano, Jonathan W. Thomson Learning 2004 9789812542502 556 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.16 VAL 10000530 Introduction to Embedded Systems / Vallathai,Shibu Kizhakke. Mc Graw Hill, 2018 9789339219680 2nd edition (5th REP) xxiv,735p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.16 VAL 04000232 Embedded Microcomputer Systems : Valvano Jonathan.W Cengage Learning, 2007 9788131501771 xviii,814 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 WAL 00032084 Microprocessor: Theory And Operation Walls,Ron. Tab Books 1987 214 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.16 WHI 00109053 How Computers Work White, Ron Tech Media 2002 8176354368 xi; 421 p. UG Library
004.16 WHI 04022741 How Computers Works / White, Ron Pearson, 2012 9788131788134 452p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 WIL 00126506 Designing Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers : Wilmshurst, Tim. Newnes, 2007 9780750667555 1st ed. xxiii, 556 p. : UG Library
004.16 WOL 04007768 Computers as components : Wolf, Wayne Elsevier, 2008 2nd ed. xxiii, 507p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 WOL 04010560 Computers as components : Wolf, Wayne. Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann, 2008 9780123743978 (pbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed. xxiii, 507 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 WOL 04020285 Computers As Components : Wold, Marilyn Elsevier, 2012 9789381269848 3rd Ed. 500p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 WOL 04007920 Computers as components : Wole, Wayne Elsevier, 2008 2nd ed. xxiii, 507p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 WOL 04023402 Computers as components : Wolf, Wayne. Elsevier ; | Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2008 9788131217917 2nd ed. 507p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 WOL 05037268 Computers as components : Wolf, Wayne. Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann, 2008 9780123743978 (pbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed. xxiii, 507 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.16 WOL 04022934 High - Performance Embedded Computing : Wolf, Marilyn Murugan Kaufmann, 2014 9789351072324 484p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16 ZUR 04021180 Embedded systems handbook CRC Press, 2009 9781439807552 (v. 1) | 1439807 2nd ed. V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.160288 PRE 04002342 PC Upgrade and Repair Bible: Desktop Press, Barry John Wiley and Sons 2008 8126505257 1383 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.160288 PRE 04002343 PC Upgrade and Repair Bible: Desktop Press, Barry John Wiley and Sons 2008 8126505257 1383 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.160288 GOO 00130691 Troubleshooting & Maintaining Your PC all-in-one for dummies / Gookin, Dan. Dummies, 2017 9788126569625 3rd edition. 438 p.: UG Library
004.160288 GOO 04029040 Troubleshooting & Maintaining Your PC all-in-one for dummies / Gookin, Dan. Dummies, 2017 9788126569625 3rd edition. 438 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.16070 GAO 05018676 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications : Gaonkar, S Ramesh Penram International Publishing, 1999 9788187972099 5th Ed. 820 p. Knowledge Centre
004.16070 GAO 05018677 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications : Gaonkar, S Ramesh Penram International Publishing, 1999 9788187972099 5th Ed. 820 p. Knowledge Centre
004.16070 GAO 05019282 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications : Gaonkar, S Ramesh Penram International Publishing, 1999 9788187972099 5th Ed. 820 p. Knowledge Centre
004.16070 GAO 05018375 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications : Gaonkar, S Ramesh Penram International Publishing, 1999 9788187972099 5th Ed. 820 p. Knowledge Centre
004.16070 GOA 05031666 Micro Processor Architecture, Programming, and Application : Goankar, S Ramesh New Age International Pvt.Ltd., 1995 2nd. 720 p. Knowledge Centre
004.16070 PAL 05001214 Microprocessors : Pal, Ajit Tata McGraw Hill Publishing, 1990 332 p. Knowledge Centre
004.16076 TOK 05018280 Theory and Problems of Microprocessor Fundamentals / Tokheim, L Roger Schaum's Outline Series , 1990 Second Edition 469p.: Knowledge Centre
004.16092 WAL 03008366 The Dream Machine : Waldrop, M. Mitchell. Viking, 2001 0670899763 (alk. paper) | 9780 502 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.165 ANT 04003180 Introduction to the Intel Family of Microprocessors Antonakos, James L Pearson Education 2008 9788178083124 784 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 AYA 04002397 8086 Microprocessor Programming and Interfacing the PC / Ayala, Kenneth J Thomson South-Western, 1995 9788131501801 672 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 AYA 04003055 8086 Microprocessor Programming and Interfacing the PC / Ayala, Kenneth J Thomson South-Western, 1995 9788131501801 672 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 AYA 04000120 8051 Microcontroller / Ayala, Kenneth Thomson South Western, 2007 9788131502006 412 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 AYA 04001612 8086 Microprocessor Programming and Interfacing the PC / Ayala, Kenneth J Thomson South-Western, 1995 9788131501801 672 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 BRE 04000320 Intel Microprocessors / Brey, Barry B Pearson Education, 2007 8131714284 1024 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 BUR 04003178 Pervasive Computing: Technology and Architecture of Mobile Internet Applications Burkhardt, Jochen Pearson Education 2008 9788177582802 432 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 GAO 00057491 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar, S Ramesh Penram International Publishing (I) Pvt. Ltd. 1989 8187972092 820 p. UG Library
004.165 GAO 04000804 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar, Ramesh S Penram International Publishing 2008 8187972092 820 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 GAO 04005423 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar, Ramesh S Penram International Publishing 2008 8187972092 820 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 GAO 04005424 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar, Ramesh S Penram International Publishing 2008 8187972092 820 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 GAO 04005425 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar, Ramesh S Penram International Publishing 2008 8187972092 820 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 GAO 04005426 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar, Ramesh S Penram International Publishing 2008 8187972092 820 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 GAO 04005427 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar, Ramesh S Penram International Publishing 2008 8187972092 820 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 HAL 04000829 Microprocessors and Interfacing Hall, Douglas V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2012 0070601674 | 9780070601673 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 HAL 04005466 Microprocessors and Interfacing Hall, Douglas V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2012 0070601674 | 9780070601673 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 HAL 04005467 Microprocessors and Interfacing Hall, Douglas V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2012 0070601674 | 9780070601673 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 HAL 04005468 Microprocessors and Interfacing Hall, Douglas V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2012 0070601674 | 9780070601673 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 HAL 04005469 Microprocessors and Interfacing Hall, Douglas V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2012 0070601674 | 9780070601673 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 HAL 04005470 Microprocessors and Interfacing Hall, Douglas V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2012 0070601674 | 9780070601673 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 HAL 04006452 Microprocessors and Interfacing Hall, Douglas V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2012 0070601674 | 9780070601673 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 HAL 04006453 Microprocessors and Interfacing Hall, Douglas V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2012 0070601674 | 9780070601673 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 HAL 04006454 Microprocessors and Interfacing Hall, Douglas V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2012 0070601674 | 9780070601673 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 HAL 04006964 Microprocessors and Interfacing Hall, Douglas V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2012 0070601674 | 9780070601673 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 LIU 04000388 Microcomputer Systems: Liu, Yu-Cheng Prentice-Hall of Inida, 2008 9788120304093 623 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 MAH 04025430 8051 Microcontroller : Architecture, Programming and Application Mahalakshmi, M University Sciece Press, 2012 9789381159248 iv, 218p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 MAH 04025431 8051 Microcontroller : Architecture, Programming and Application Mahalakshmi, M University Sciece Press, 2012 9789381159248 iv, 218p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 MIK 04003237 Programming Mobile Devices: An Introduction Mikkonen, Tommi Johb Wiley & Sons 2007 9780470057384 222 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 RAF 04005653 Microprocessor Theory and Applications With 68000/68020 and Pentium Raiquzzaman, M Johb Wiley & Sons 2008 9780470380314 570 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 RAJ 04004203 Advanced Microprocesors Rajasree, Y New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122416398 328 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 RAJ 04004310 Advanced Microprocesors Rajasree, Y New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122416398 328 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 RAJ 04001987 Advanced Microprocesors Rajasree, Y New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122416398 328 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 SHO 04003664 Microprocessors and Programmed Logic Short, Kenneth L Pearson Education 2009 9788131709160 637 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 SIN 04004572 Microprocessors: Interfacings and Applications Sing, Renu New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122421552 459 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 SIN 04004573 Microprocessors: Interfacings and Applications Sing, Renu New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122421552 459 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 SIN 04004770 Microprocessors: Interfacings and Applications Sing, Renu New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122421552 459 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 SIN 04004771 Microprocessors: Interfacings and Applications Sing, Renu New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122421552 459 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 TRI 04021633 The 8088, 8086 Microprocessors Programming, Interfacing, Software, Hardware and Applications / Triebel, Walter A. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd , 1995 8120309626 | 9788177584813 619 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 UDY 04006738 8051 Microcontroller: Hardware, Software and Applications Udayashankara, V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070086814 304 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 UFF 04000131 80x86 Family Design, Programming and Interfacing / Uffenbeck, Hohn Pearson Education, 2008 8131701972 688 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 UFF 1 04003968 8086/8088 Family: Design, Programming, and Interfacing Uffenbeck, John Prentice-Hall of Inida 1987 9788120309333 630 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 VEN 04000760 Microprocessor X86 Programming Venugopal K R BPB Publications 2007 8170294584 703 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 VEN 04006495 Microprocessor X86 Programming Venugopal K R BPB Publications 2007 8170294584 703 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 VEN 04006496 Microprocessor X86 Programming Venugopal K R BPB Publications 2007 8170294584 703 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 VEN 04006497 Microprocessor X86 Programming Venugopal K R BPB Publications 2007 8170294584 703 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 ANT 00143591 Computer Interfacing and Automation : Antony, J. I K International, 2021 9788194778783 xviii,1006p,; UG Library
004.165 ANT 04026072 The Pentium Microprocessor / Antonakos, James L. Pearson, 2002 9788177582765 555p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 ANT 04026073 The Pentium Microprocessor / Antonakos, James L. Pearson, 2002 9788177582765 555p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 ANT 04026074 The Pentium Microprocessor / Antonakos, James L. Pearson, 2002 9788177582765 555p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 ANT 04024409 The Intel microprocessor family : Antonakos, James L. Cengage Learning, 2007 9788131501788 618 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 ANT 04012261 The Intel microprocessor family : Antonakos, James L. Cengage Learning, 2007 9788131501788 618 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 ANT 04012262 The Intel microprocessor family : Antonakos, James L. Cengage Learning, 2007 9788131501788 618 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 ANT 04011218 The Intel microprocessor family : Antonakos, James L. Cengage Learning, 2007 9788131501788 618 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 AYA 00108775 The 8051 Microcontroller Ayala Kenneth Cengage 2005 9788131502006 xix; 412 p. UG Library
004.165 AYA 00139491 The 8051 Microcontroller / Ayala,Kenneth. Cengage learning , 2013 9788131502006 3rd ed 17th rep xix,412p.; UG Library
004.165 AYA 05003653 The 8051 Microcontroller & Embedded Systems : Ayala,Kenneth.J Cengage Learning, 2010 9788131511053 xix,517 p. Knowledge Centre
004.165 AYA 00050599 The 8086 Microprocessor - Programming & Interfacing The PC Ayala J Kenneth Penram International Publishing 1995 8190082868 672 p UG Library
004.165 AYA 00136967 The 8051 Microcontroller / Ayala,Kenneth. Cengage, 2019 9788131502006 3rd rep edition xix, 412p.; UG Library
004.165 AYA 00136968 The 8051 Microcontroller / Ayala,Kenneth. Cengage, 2019 9788131502006 3rd rep edition xix, 412p.; UG Library
004.165 AYA 05019272 The 8051 Microcontroller / Ayala, Kenneth Thomson Learning, 2005 9812542612 366 p Knowledge Centre
004.165 AYA 05001213 The 8051 Microcontroller / Ayala, Kenneth Thomson Learning, 2005 9812542612 366 p Knowledge Centre
004.165 AYA 00090915 The 8051 Microcontroller / Ayala, Kenneth Thomson Learning, 2005 9812542612 366 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.165 AYA 00090914 The 8051 Microcontroller / Ayala, Kenneth Thomson Learning, 2005 9812542612 366 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.165 BHU 04012167 Acvanced Microprocessors and Peripeherals / Bhurchandi, K M Magraw hill, 2013 9781259006135 3rd ed. 692 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 BHU 04028018 Acvanced Microprocessors and Peripeherals / Bhurchandi, K M Magraw hill, 2013 9781259006135 3rd ed. 692 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 BRE 04021382 The Intel microprocessors : Brey, Barry B. Pearson, 2013 0675213096 | 9788131795415 8th ed. 684p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 BRE 04012268 The Intel microprocessors : Brey, Barry B. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009 0135026458 | 9780135026458 | 9 8th ed. xviii, 925 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 BRE 04012269 The Intel microprocessors : Brey, Barry B. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009 0135026458 | 9780135026458 | 9 8th ed. xviii, 925 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 BRE 04011220 The Intel microprocessors : Brey, Barry B. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009 0135026458 | 9780135026458 | 9 8th ed. xviii, 925 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 BRE 04019117 The Intel microprocessors : Brey, Barry B. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009 0135026458 | 9780135026458 | 9 8th ed. xviii, 925 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 BRE 04019118 The Intel microprocessors : Brey, Barry B. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009 0135026458 | 9780135026458 | 9 8th ed. xviii, 925 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 BRE 04023291 The Intel microprocessors : Brey, Barry B. Pearson, 2013 0675213096 | 9788131795415 8th ed. 684p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 BRE 04025810 The Intel microprocessors : Brey, Barry B. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009 0135026458 | 9780135026458 | 9 8th ed. xviii, 925 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 BRE 04025811 The Intel microprocessors : Brey, Barry B. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009 0135026458 | 9780135026458 | 9 8th ed. xviii, 925 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 BRE 04025812 The Intel microprocessors : Brey, Barry B. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009 0135026458 | 9780135026458 | 9 8th ed. xviii, 925 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 BRE 04023516 The Intel microprocessors : Brey, Barry B. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009 0135026458 | 9780135026458 | 9 8th ed. xviii, 925 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 BRE 05056322 The Intel microprocessors : Brey, Barry B. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009 0135026458 | 9780135026458 | 9 8th ed. xviii, 925 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.165 BUR 05004218 Pervasive Computing: Technology and Architecture of Mobile Internet Applications Burkhardt, Jochen Pearson Education 2008 9788177582802 432 p Knowledge Centre
004.165 BUR 04026156 Pervasive Computing: Technology and Architecture of Mobile Internet Applications Burkhardt, Jochen Pearson Education 2008 9788177582802 432 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 CRI 05018300 Introduction to Distributed and Parallel Computing / Crichlow, M Joel Prentice Hall of India , 2000 8120313674 238p.: Knowledge Centre
004.165 DAS 04020082 The 86 Microprocessors / Das,Lyla B. Pearson Education Pub, 2010 9788131732465 xiii,643 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 DIX 00117827 Excel with Information and Communications Technology Dixit, J.B. Firewal Media, 2010 9788131806593 342p.; UG Library
004.165 DUL 05005719 CompTIA A+ complete review guide (exams 220-701/220-702) / Dulaney, Emmett A. Wiley Technology Pub., 2009 9780470486504 1st ed. p. cm. Knowledge Centre
004.165 DYS 00090186 Pocket Dictionary Dyson, Peter BPB PUBLICATIONS 2008 8170297303 643p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.165 GAO 00057490 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar, S Ramesh Penram International Publishing (I) Pvt. Ltd. 1989 8187972092 820 p. UG Library
004.165 GAO 04027837 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with 8085 / Gaonkar, Ramesh Penram Publishing House, 2013 9788187972884 814p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 GAO 04027838 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with 8085 / Gaonkar, Ramesh Penram Publishing House, 2013 9788187972884 814p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 GAO 04027839 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with 8085 / Gaonkar, Ramesh Penram Publishing House, 2013 9788187972884 814p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 GAO 04027840 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with 8085 / Gaonkar, Ramesh Penram Publishing House, 2013 9788187972884 814p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 GAO 00090928 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar S. Ramesh Penram International Publishing India Pvt Ltd 1999 8187972092 5th Ed. 820 p. UG Library
004.165 GAO 00090929 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar S. Ramesh Penram International Publishing India Pvt Ltd 1999 8187972092 5th Ed. 820 p. UG Library
004.165 GAO 00090930 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar S. Ramesh Penram International Publishing India Pvt Ltd 1999 8187972092 5th Ed. 820 p. UG Library
004.165 GAO 00045099 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar S. Ramesh Penram International Publishing India Pvt Ltd 1999 8187972092 5th Ed. 820 p. UG Library
004.165 GAO 00045097 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar S. Ramesh Penram International Publishing India Pvt Ltd 1999 8187972092 5th Ed. 820 p. UG Library
004.165 GAO 00065822 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar S. Ramesh Penram International Publishing India Pvt Ltd 1999 8187972092 5th Ed. 820 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.165 GAO 00065821 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar S. Ramesh Penram International Publishing India Pvt Ltd 1999 8187972092 5th Ed. 820 p. UG Library
004.165 GAO 00065820 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar S. Ramesh Penram International Publishing India Pvt Ltd 1999 8187972092 5th Ed. 820 p. UG Library
004.165 GAO 00045098 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar S. Ramesh Penram International Publishing India Pvt Ltd 1999 8187972092 5th Ed. 820 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.165 GAO 00080026 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar S. Ramesh Penram International Publishing India Pvt Ltd 1999 8187972092 5th Ed. 820 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.165 GAO 04025657 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with 8085 / Gaonkar, Ramesh Penram Publishing House, 2013 9788187972884 814p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 GAO 04025658 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with 8085 / Gaonkar, Ramesh Penram Publishing House, 2013 9788187972884 814p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 GAO 04025659 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with 8085 / Gaonkar, Ramesh Penram Publishing House, 2013 9788187972884 814p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 GAO 04025660 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with 8085 / Gaonkar, Ramesh Penram Publishing House, 2013 9788187972884 814p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 GAO 04016840 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications with the 8085 / Gaonkar, Ramesh S. Penram International Publishing Pvt Ltd, 1989 9788187972099 5th ed. x, 820 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 GAO 04016841 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications with the 8085 / Gaonkar, Ramesh S. Penram International Publishing Pvt Ltd, 1989 9788187972099 5th ed. x, 820 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 GAO 00065939 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar S. Ramesh Penram International Publishing India Pvt Ltd 1999 8187972092 5th Ed. 820 p. UG Library
004.165 GAO 00065940 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar S. Ramesh Penram International Publishing India Pvt Ltd 1999 8187972092 5th Ed. 820 p. UG Library
004.165 GAO 05003826 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications with the 8085 / Gaonkar, Ramesh S. Penram International Publishing Pvt Ltd, 1989 9788187972099 5th ed. x, 820 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.165 GAO 00049486 Microprocessor, Architecture, Programming and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar, S. Ramesh Penram International Publishing, 2000 8190082809 4th Ed. 736 p. UG Library
004.165 GAO 00049489 Microprocessor, Architecture, Programming and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar, S. Ramesh Penram International Publishing, 2000 8190082809 4th Ed. 736 p. UG Library
004.165 GAO 00051271 Microprocessor, Architecture, Programming and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar, S. Ramesh Penram International Publishing, 2000 8190082809 4th Ed. 736 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.165 GAO 00051273 Microprocessor, Architecture, Programming and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar, S. Ramesh Penram International Publishing, 2000 8190082809 4th Ed. 736 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.165 GAO 00051274 Microprocessor, Architecture, Programming and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar, S. Ramesh Penram International Publishing, 2000 8190082809 4th Ed. 736 p. UG Library
004.165 GAO 00051272 Microprocessor, Architecture, Programming and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar, S. Ramesh Penram International Publishing, 2000 8190082809 4th Ed. 736 p. UG Library
004.165 GAO 00049487 Microprocessor, Architecture, Programming and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar, S. Ramesh Penram International Publishing, 2000 8190082809 4th Ed. 736 p. UG Library
004.165 GAO 00108771 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar S. Ramesh Penram International Publishing India Pvt Ltd 1999 8187972092 5th Ed. 820 p. UG Library
004.165 GAO 00049488 Microprocessor, Architecture, Programming and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar, S. Ramesh Penram International Publishing, 2000 8190082809 4th Ed. 736 p. UG Library
004.165 GAO 05001449 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications with the 8085 / Gaonkar, Ramesh S. Penram International Publishing Pvt Ltd, 1989 9788187972099 5th ed. x, 820 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.165 GAO 00057493 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar S. Ramesh Penram International Publishing India Pvt Ltd 1999 8187972092 5th Ed. 820 p. UG Library
004.165 GAO 00045095 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar, Ramesh S Penram International Publishing; 1997 8190082809 3th ed 735 p. UG Library
004.165 GAO 00045096 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications With the 8085 Gaonkar, Ramesh S Penram International Publishing; 1997 8190082809 3th ed 735 p. UG Library
004.165 GHO 04000684 0000 to 8085 Introduction to Microprocessors for Engineers and Scientists Ghosh, P K Prentice-Hall of Inida 2008 9788120309784 316 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 GIL 05018254 The Undocumented PC : A Programmer's Guide to I/0, CPU'S and Fixed Meomry Are Gilluwe, Frank Van Addison-Wesley Developers Press, 1997 0201479508 1120 p Knowledge Centre
004.165 GOA 00037250 Micropreocessor Architecture Programming and Application Gaonkar, S. Ramesh New Age International (P) Ltd., 1995 8122407102 2nd Ed. xii,720p.; UG Library
004.165 GUP 04026925 Microprocessors / Gupta, Sumit Kumar Khanna Publishers, 2015 9788174092533 327p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 HAL 10000031 Microprocessors and Interfacing / Hall, Douglas V Magrawhill : 2012 9781259006159 3rd ed. I-7 Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.165 HAL 04015362 Microprocessors and Interfacing / Hall, Douglas V Magrawhill : 2012 9781259006159 3rd ed. I-7 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 HAL 04023616 Microprocessors and Interfacing / Hall, Douglas V Magrawhill : 2012 9781259006159 3rd ed. I-7 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 HAL 04023617 Microprocessors and Interfacing / Hall, Douglas V Magrawhill : 2012 9781259006159 3rd ed. I-7 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 HAL 04025779 Microprocessors and Interfacing / Hall, Douglas V Magrawhill : 2012 9781259006159 3rd ed. I-7 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 HAL 04025780 Microprocessors and Interfacing / Hall, Douglas V Magrawhill : 2012 9781259006159 3rd ed. I-7 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 HAL 04025781 Microprocessors and Interfacing / Hall, Douglas V Magrawhill : 2012 9781259006159 3rd ed. I-7 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 HAL 04026265 Microprocessors and Interfacing Hall, Douglas V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2012 0070601674 | 9780070601673 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 KAN 04029937 8086 Microprocessor and ITS Applications / Kani, A. Nagoor Tata McGraw Hill : 2012 9780071077675 2nd ed. I. 7 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 KAN 04015359 8086 Microprocessor and ITS Applications / Kani, A. Nagoor Tata McGraw Hill : 2012 9780071077675 2nd ed. I. 7 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 KUM 04027387 Microprocessors and Interfacing, 8086, 8051, 8096, and Advanced Processors / Kumar, N. Senthil. [] Oxford University Press ; 2012 9780198079064 810 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 KUM 04012712 Microprocessors and Interfacing, 8086, 8051, 8096, and Advanced Processors / Kumar, N. Senthil. [] Oxford University Press ; 2012 9780198079064 810 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 LEE 05005682 Beginning iPad application development / Lee, Wei-Meng. Wiley Pub., Inc., 2010 9788126527137 xxxi, 563 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.165 LIU 04012259 Microcomputer Systems: Liu, Yu-Cheng Prentice-Hall of Inida, 2008 9788120304093 623 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 LIU 04012260 Microcomputer Systems: Liu, Yu-Cheng Prentice-Hall of Inida, 2008 9788120304093 623 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 LIU 04027991 Microcomputer Systems : Liu, Yu-Cheng Pearson, 2016 9789332550087 623p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 MAC 05003344 The 8051 Microcontroller / Mackenzie, Scott I . Pearson Publications, 2007 9788131720189 551 p. Knowledge Centre
004.165 MAT 04018456 Microprocessor 8086 : Mathur, Sunil PHI Learning, 2011 9788120340879 672 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 MAT 04018457 Microprocessor 8086 : Mathur, Sunil PHI Learning, 2011 9788120340879 672 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 MAT 04018458 Microprocessor 8086 : Mathur, Sunil PHI Learning, 2011 9788120340879 672 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 MAT 04018459 Microprocessor 8086 : Mathur, Sunil PHI Learning, 2011 9788120340879 672 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 MAT 04013219 Microprocessor 8086 : Mathur, Sunil PHI Learning, 2011 9788120340879 672 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 MEI 05005854 Professional Android 2 application development / Meier, Reto. Wiley Pub., 2010 9788126525898 xxxii, 543 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.165 MEI 05055441 Professional Android 2 application development / Meier, Reto. Wiley Pub., 2010 9788126525898 xxxii, 543 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.165 NUD 04022206 Android Design Patterns : Nudelman, Greg Wiley Publications, 2013 9788126541737 423p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 OBA 04010364 Pervasive computing and networking / John Wiley & Sons, 2011 9780470747728 (cloth) | 978047 xxi, 322 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 PHI 04021308 Adventures in Raspberry Pi / Philbin, Carrie Anne. Wiley, 2013 9781118751220 (ebook) 258 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 RAJ 04029398 Microprocessors 8086 Series / Rajput, Shailendra Kumar Prism books, 2014 9788172868260 395p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 RAJ 04020107 Advanced Microprocessors / Rajasree, Y. New Age International Publisher, 2013 9788122435368 3rd ed. 397p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 RAV 00132596 Introduction Of Microprocessor 8085 Programming: Raval, K.G. Oxford Book Company, 2018 9789350303672 viii,264 p.; UG Library
004.165 SAV 04024281 8086 Programming and Advance Processor Architecture / Savaliya, M. T. Wiley, 2012 9788126530915 330p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 SHA 05018306 8051 microcontrollers: Shah,Satish Oxford university press, 2010 9780198063575 xvi: 608 p.: Knowledge Centre
004.165 SHA 05018307 Pentium Pro and Pentium II System Architecture / Shanley, Tom Addison-Wesley, 1997 0201309734 2nd 587 p. Knowledge Centre
004.165 SHO 04018959 Microprocessors and Programmed Logic Short, Kenneth L Pearson Education 2009 9788131709160 637 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 SUN 05069853 All-In-One Sunstar Exam Scanner B.E. CSE & ISE / Sunstar Publisher, 2014 68p.; Knowledge Centre
004.165 TRI 04019698 The 8088, 8086 Microprocessors Programming, Interfacing, Software, Hardware and Applications / Triebel, Walter A. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd , 1995 8120309626 | 9788177584813 619 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 TRI 00037783 The 8088, 8086 Microprocessors Programming, Interfacing, Software, Hardware and Applications / Triebel, Walter A. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd , 1995 8120309626 | 9788177584813 619 p.: UG Library
004.165 UDA 00050579 Advanced Microprocessors & IBM-PC Assembly Language Programming Kumar K Udaya Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing 2000 0074634305 462 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.165 UDA 00050580 Advanced Microprocessors & IBM-PC Assembly Language Programming Kumar K Udaya Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing 2000 0074634305 462 p UG Library
004.165 UDA 00108774 8051 Microcontroller: Hardware, Software and Applications Udayashankara, V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070086814 304 p UG Library
004.165 UDY 00137006 8051 Microcontroller: Udayashankara, V McGraw hill education india pvt ltd., 2016 9780070086814 304 p..; UG Library
004.165 UDY 00137005 8051 Microcontroller: Udayashankara, V McGraw hill education india pvt ltd., 2016 9780070086814 304 p..; UG Library
004.165 UDY 04023432 8051 Microcontroller: Hardware, Software and Applications Udayashankara, V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070086814 304 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 UFF 00037793 The 8086/8088 Family: Design Programming And Interfacing Ufferbeck,John. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1987 8120309332 630 p. UG Library
004.165 VEE 04013895 Advanced Microprocessors / Veeranna, V. K. Eastren Book Promoters Belaguem, 2007 00115011900016 433p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 VEN 00052364 Microprocessor X86 Programming Venugopal K R BPB Publications 2007 8170294584 703 p UG Library
004.165 VEN 00037794 Microprocessor X86 Programming Venugopal K R BPB Publications 2007 8170294584 703 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.165 WEN 04021332 Raspberry Pi / Wentk, Richard. John Wiley & Sons, 2014 1118768191 | 9781118768198 307 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.165 YAD 04010255 Microprocessor 8085, 8086 / Yadav, Abhishek University Science Press, 2008 9788131803561 488 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.1654 UPA 04004234 Mobile Computing: Implementing Pervasive Information and Ocmmunications Technologies Upadhyaya, Shambhu Springer International 2002 9788184891317 216 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.1654 UPA 04004235 Mobile Computing: Implementing Pervasive Information and Ocmmunications Technologies Upadhyaya, Shambhu Springer International 2002 9788184891317 216 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.1654 UPA 04004598 Mobile Computing: Implementing Pervasive Information and Ocmmunications Technologies Upadhyaya, Shambhu Springer International 2002 9788184891317 216 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.1654 UPA 04004599 Mobile Computing: Implementing Pervasive Information and Ocmmunications Technologies Upadhyaya, Shambhu Springer International 2002 9788184891317 216 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.167 DAN 04013752 Beginning iOS Apps with Facebook and Twitter APIS : Dannen, Chris. Apress ; 2012 9788132204541 307 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.167 DAN 04012701 Beginning iOS Apps with Facebook and Twitter APIS : Dannen, Chris. Apress ; 2012 9788132204541 307 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.167 DAN 00109736 Beginning iOS Apps with Facebook and Twitter APIS : Dannen, Chris. Apress ; 2012 9788132204541 307 p.: UG Library
004.167 PIL 05056191 Head first iPhone and iPad development / Pilone, Tracey, SPD, 2014 9789351104254 3rd edition. xxxii, 331 pages : Knowledge Centre
004.167 SUL 04029075 Designing for wearables : Sullivan, Scott Shroff Publishers, 2017 9781491944158 (pbk.) | 9789352135042 | 1491944153 (pbk.) First edition. xviii, 172 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.167 WIC 05067586 Practical Android : Wickham, Mark. Apress, 2018 9781484240236 xxix,228p.; Knowledge Centre
004.167 ZHA 00145331 Mobile edge computing/ Springer 2022 9783030839437 xiv;113p. UG Library
004.1675 POH 04011355 Requirments Engineering : Pohl Klaus Springer, 2011 9788132203933 xvii,813 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.1675 DAR 00134693 Android Cookbook: Darwin, Ian F. Shroff Publishers & Distributers, 2017 9789352135554 2nd,ed. xiii,741p,: UG Library
004.1675 LEE 05040203 Beginning Android 4 Application Development / Lee,Wei-Meng. Wiley Publications, 2012 9788126535576 xxvi,553p.; Knowledge Centre
004.1675 LEE 05040204 Beginning Android 4 Application Development / Lee,Wei-Meng. Wiley Publications, 2012 9788126535576 xxvi,553p.; Knowledge Centre
004.1675 LEE 05034728 Beginning Android 4 Application Development / Lee,Wei-Meng. Wiley Publications, 2012 9788126535576 xxvi,553p.; Knowledge Centre
004.1675 LEE 05039991 Beginning Android 4 Application Development / Lee,Wei-Meng. Wiley Publications, 2012 9788126535576 xxvi,553p.; Knowledge Centre
004.1675 LEE 05039992 Beginning Android 4 Application Development / Lee,Wei-Meng. Wiley Publications, 2012 9788126535576 xxvi,553p.; Knowledge Centre
004.1675 LEE 05034551 Beginning Android 4 Application Development / Lee,Wei-Meng. Wiley Publications, 2012 9788126535576 xxvi,553p.; Knowledge Centre
004.1675 POH 04016290 Requirments Engineering : Pohl Klaus Springer, 2011 9788132203933 xvii,813 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.1675 POH 04026068 Requirments Engineering : Pohl Klaus Springer, 2011 9788132203933 xvii,813 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.1675 POH 04025113 Requirments Engineering : Pohl Klaus Springer, 2011 9788132203933 xvii,813 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.1675 SCH 04027113 The Android Developer's Cookbook : Schwarz, Ronan Pearson, 2013 9789332523876 436p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.1675 TRA 04013786 DROIDS : Trautschold, Martin Apress, 2011 9788132203551 585p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.1675 TRA 04013787 DROIDS : Trautschold, Martin Apress, 2011 9788132203551 585p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.19 CAP 05001822 Computers : Capron, H L Prentice Hall, 2000 0201476592 6th 576 p.; Knowledge Centre
004.19 CAP 05018304 Computers : Capron, H L Prentice Hall, 2000 0201476592 6th 576 p.; Knowledge Centre
004.19 CAP 00051553 Computers : Capron, H L Prentice Hall, 2000 0201476592 6th 576 p.; UG Library
004.19 CAP 05018305 Computers : Capron, H L Prentice Hall, 2000 0201476592 6th 576 p.; Knowledge Centre
004.19 PRA 00127896 Research Methods In Human-Computer Interaction Prabhu, T. K. Oxford, 2018 9789350303511 288 p.: UG Library
004.19 PRA 04029886 Research Methods In Human-Computer Interaction Prabhu, T. K. Oxford, 2018 9789350303511 288 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.19 ULM 00144339 Analog computing / Ulmann, Bernd, De gruyter, 2023 9783110787610 | 311078761X Second edition. xvii,440P, ; UG Library
004.2 BRO 04001725 Perl: The Complete Referemce Brown, Martin C Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2001 9780070444805 1207 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.2 GAR 04014531 Workbook on Systems Analysis and Design Garg, Kumar Vinod Prentice Hall of India 2002 8120317246 | 9788120317246 2nd Ed. 249 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.2 AWA 00051257 Systems Analysis and Design Awad, M Elias Galgotia 2003 524p UG Library
004.2 AWA 00064661 Systems Analysis and Design Awad, M Elias Galgotia 2003 524p UG Library
004.2 AWA 00051258 Systems Analysis and Design Awad, M Elias Galgotia 2003 524p UG Library
004.2 AWA 00051259 Systems Analysis and Design Awad, M Elias Galgotia 2003 524p UG Library
004.2 AWA 00089801 Systems Analysis and Design Awad, M Elias Galgotia 2003 524p UG Library
004.2 AWA 00080418 Systems Analysis and Design Awad, M Elias Galgotia 2003 524p UG Library
004.2 AWA 00087936 Systems Analysis and Design Awad, M Elias Galgotia 2003 524p UG Library
004.2 AWA 00032033 Systems Analysis and Design Awad, M Elias Galgotia 2003 524p UG Library
004.2 AWA 00032898 Systems Analysis and Design Awad, M Elias Galgotia 2003 524p UG Library
004.2 AWA 00033280 Systems Analysis and Design Awad, M Elias Galgotia 2003 524p UG Library
004.2 AWA 00057514 Systems Analysis and Design Awad, M Elias Galgotia 2003 524p UG Library
004.2 AWA 00057515 Systems Analysis and Design Awad, M Elias Galgotia 2003 524p UG Library
004.2 AWA 00057516 Systems Analysis and Design Awad, M Elias Galgotia 2003 524p UG Library
004.2 AWA 00057517 Systems Analysis and Design Awad, M Elias Galgotia 2003 524p UG Library
004.2 AWA 00057518 Systems Analysis and Design Awad, M Elias Galgotia 2003 524p UG Library
004.2 AWA 00051255 Systems Analysis and Design Awad, M Elias Galgotia 2003 524p UG Library
004.2 BIY 00069952 System Analysis and Modeling Boyd, Donald W. Harcourt India Private Limited 2001 8178670259 365 p. UG Library
004.2 BLA 00050374 Managing the Testing Process Black, Rex WP Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd 1999 8178530031 | 9788178530031 382 p. UG Library
004.2 BOX 05052064 Performance evaluation of parallel and distributed systems : Boxma O J Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, 1994 0818668075 155 p. Knowledge Centre
004.2 CUL 00069982 Parallel Computer Architecture : Culler, David E Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2004 818147189X xxix,1025p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.2 EXC 05018334 Business Systems / Excel Books Excel Books , 2002 8174462481 434p.: Knowledge Centre
004.2 FLY 00048147 Computer Architechture: Pipelined and Parallel Processor Design Flynn, J Michael Narosa 1998 0817319100 787 p UG Library
004.2 GAR 00061283 Workbook on Systems Analysis and Design Garg, Kumar Vinod Prentice Hall of India 2002 8120317246 | 9788120317246 2nd Ed. 249 p. UG Library
004.2 HAW 00052410 Introduction to Systems Abalysis and Design Hawryszkiewycz,Igor Prentice Hall of India 2001 8120316703 | 9788120316706 490 p. UG Library
004.2 HOF 00058026 Modern Systems Analysis and Design Hoffer, A Jeffrey Pearson Education 2001 0817808337 854 p UG Library
004.2 HOF 00057135 Modern Systems Analysis and Design / Hoffer, A Jeffrey Pearson Education, 2002 8178087812 3rd 730 p UG Library
004.2 JOH 05018350 Computer Ethics / Johnson, G Deborah Pearson Education , 2001 0817808306 240p.: Knowledge Centre
004.2 KEN 00057678 Systems Analysis and Design Kendall, E Kenneth Prentice Hall of India 2003 8120321553 885p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.2 KOC 05065410 Creative selection : Kocienda, Ken, Macmillan, 2018 9781529004717 First edition. 291 pages : Knowledge Centre
004.2 KOR 04007927 Fault-tolerant systems / Koren, Israel Elsevier, 2007 xix, 378p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.2 KOR 04013955 Fault-tolerant systems Koren, Israel, Elsevier, 2008 9788131215302 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.2 MAN 05001622 Computer System Architecture / Mano, M Morris Prentice -Hall, 2007 525 p Knowledge Centre
004.2 MAN 00057651 Computer System Architecture Mano, Morris M Prentice Hall of India 2003 8120308557 525p UG Library
004.2 MAT 00085518 System Analysis and Design Mathew, Sajan Pooja 2001 194p UG Library
004.2 MUR 00085519 System Analysis and Design Murthy, C S V HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2001 8178661128 244 p UG Library
004.2 ODO 00076568 Object Oriented Analysis and Design O' Docherty, Mike John Wiley & Sons Ltd 2005 8126506067 | 9788126506064 559 p. UG Library
004.2 PRI 05004462 Mastering : Price Brad Wiley India Pvt.Ltd, 2007 9788126514748 xxiii,431 p. Knowledge Centre
004.2 ROY 05018324 Sybase Performance Tuning / Roy, Shaibal Prentice Hall PTR, 1996 0134429974 622p.: Knowledge Centre
004.2 SAT 05018332 System Analysis and Design in a Changing World / Satzinger, W John Course technology, 2000 0760058792 590p.: Knowledge Centre
004.2 STA 00070869 Computer Organization & Architecture Stallings,William. Prentice Hall of India 2006 8120329627 | 9788120329621 7th Ed. 777 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.2 STA 00070844 Computer Organization & Architecture Stallings,William. Prentice Hall of India 2006 8120329627 | 9788120329621 7th Ed. 777 p. UG Library
004.2 THA 00051513 System Analysis and Design : Tharakan, Thomas Surabhi Books, 2001 1st Ed. 372 p. UG Library
004.2 THA 05001621 System Analysis and Design : Tharakan, Thomas Surabhi Books, 2001 1st Ed. 372 p. Knowledge Centre
004.2 THA 00052399 System Analysis and Design : Tharakan, Thomas Surabhi Books, 2001 1st Ed. 372 p. UG Library
004.2 THA 05001645 System Analysis and Design : Tharakan, Thomas Surabhi Books, 2001 1st Ed. 372 p. Knowledge Centre
004.2 THA 00052398 System Analysis and Design : Tharakan, Thomas Surabhi Books, 2001 1st Ed. 372 p. UG Library
004.2 THA 00052400 System Analysis and Design : Tharakan, Thomas Surabhi Books, 2001 1st Ed. 372 p. UG Library
004.2 THA 00056899 System Analysis and Design : Tharakan, Thomas Surabhi Books, 2001 1st Ed. 372 p. UG Library
004.2 THI 00032020 Systems Analysis and Design Thierauf, Robert.j S.K Jain 1989 680 p UG Library
004.2 UYE 00054632 A First Course in Digital Systems Design Uyemura, John P. Brooks/Cole 2000 9812400575 | 9789812400574 495 p. UG Library
004.2 WDT 05018341 Interaction Design: Wiley Dream Tech Wiley India , 2006 8126503939 517p.: Knowledge Centre
004.2 YOU 05018310 Modern Structured Analysis / Yourdon, Edward Prentice Hall of India, 2001 8120310519 670p.: Knowledge Centre
004.21 KEN 05018340 Systems Analysis and Design / Kendall, E Kenneth Prentice Hall of India, 2003 8120321553 5th 910 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 CAR 04024793 Computer Architecture and Organization / Carter, Nicholas P. MacGraw Hill, 2009 9780070141797 V p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 DAN 04002043 Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Design Dandamudi, Sivarama Springer International 2008 9788181280244 1060 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 DAN 04002873 Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Design Dandamudi, Sivarama Springer International 2008 9788181280244 1060 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 DAN 04003162 Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Design Dandamudi, Sivarama Springer International 2008 9788181280244 1060 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 DEN 04001360 Systems Analysis Design Dennis, Alan John Wiley and Sons 2007 9788126508808 555 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 DEN 04007055 Systems Analysis and Design Dennis, Alan John Wiley and Sons 2010 9788126523955 551 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 DEN 04000099 systems Analysis and Design with UML Version 2.0: Dennis, Alan Wiley; 2005 9788126508648 2nd. Ed. 525 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 DEN 04002287 Systems Analysis Design Dennis, Alan John Wiley and Sons 2007 9788126508808 555 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 DEN 04002435 Systems Analysis Design Dennis, Alan John Wiley and Sons 2007 9788126508808 555 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 DEN 04001111 Systems Analysis Design Dennis, Alan John Wiley and Sons 2007 9788126508808 555 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 GUP 04004694 Introduction to Systems Gupta, Rajiv New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2005 9788122415995 551 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 GUP 04004695 Introduction to Systems Gupta, Rajiv New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2005 9788122415995 551 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 KRI 04000538 Computer Organization / Krishnanda, L Viralaury, 2008 434 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 PAT 04001426 Computer Organization and Design: Patterson, David A Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2005 9788181475343 621p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 PAT 04001816 Computer Organization and Design: Patterson, David A Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2005 9788181475343 621p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 PAT 04002443 Computer Organization and Design: Patterson, David A Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2005 9788181475343 621p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 PAT 04000324 Computer Organization and Design: Patterson, David A Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2005 9788181475343 621p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 RAJ 05030025 Analysis and Design of Information Systems / Rajaraman, V Prentice Hall of India, 1996 8120306937 359 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 STA 04000328 Computer Oraganization & Architecture: Stallings, William Prentice-Hall of Inida, 2006 9788120329621 778 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 ANA 00139860 System analysis and design Anand,Aishwarya Rajat publications, 2020 9788178801216 280p.; UG Library
004.21 AWA 05018309 System Analysis and Design / Awad, M Elias Galgotia, 2001 525p.: Knowledge Centre
004.21 AWA 05012787 System Analysis and Design / Awad, M Elias Galgotia Publications P.Ltd., 1995 530 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 AWA 05030132 System Analysis and Design / Awad, M Elias Galgotia Publications P.Ltd., 1995 530 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 AWA 05012788 System Analysis and Design / Awad, M Elias Galgotia Publications P.Ltd., 1995 530 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 AWA 05012786 System Analysis and Design / Awad, M Elias Galgotia Publications P.Ltd., 1995 530 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 AWA 05029635 System Analysis and Design / Awad, M Elias Galgotia Publications P.Ltd., 1995 530 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 AWA 05018308 Systems Analysis and Design / Awad Elias M Galgotia Publications (P) Ltd., 1998 0194370828 2nd Ed. 524 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 AWA 05013759 System Analysis & Design / Awad, M Elias Galgotia Publications, 1994 515 p. Knowledge Centre
004.21 AWA 05012784 System Analysis and Design / Awad, M Elias Galgotia Publications P.Ltd., 1995 530 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 AWA 05027923 System Analysis and Design / Awad, M Elias Galgotia Publications P.Ltd., 1995 530 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 AWA 05003279 Systems Analysis and Design / Awad, Elias M. Galgotia Publications Pvt.Ltd., 1997 9788175156180 2nd ed. xiv, 524 p. Knowledge Centre
004.21 BER 04020703 Embedded Systems Design : Berger, Arnold S. CMP Books, 2002 9789380501741 237p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 BOY 05001478 Systems Analysis and Modeling : Boyd, Donald W. Academic Press [Imprint] 2000 8178670259 | 0121218511 (Trade 365 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.21 BRA 05004561 Systems design in a database environment / Brathwaite, Ken S. Intertext Publications : | McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1989 9780070072503 xvi, 308 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.21 CHA 04018264 Embedded System Design / Chattopadhyay, Santanu PHI, 2013 9788120347304 2nd ed. 226p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 CLA 05036792 Information Systems Strategy to Design / Clare, Chris Galgotia, 1995 1850322597 272 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 CLA 05016277 Information Systems Strategy to Design / Awad, M Elias International Thomson Computer Press, 1995 1850322597 274 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 DAN 04005819 Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Design Dandamudi, Sivarama Springer International 2008 9788181280244 1060 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 DEN 04012951 Systems Analysis and Design Dennis, Alan John Wiley and Sons 2010 9788126523955 551 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 DEN 04008806 Systems Analysis and Design Dennis, Alan John Wiley and Sons 2010 9788126523955 551 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 DEN 04010510 Systems Analysis and Design with UML Version 2.0 : Dennis,Alan Wiley India, 2006 8126508647 2nd ed xvii,525 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 DEN 00060482 System Analysis and Design Dennis, Alan John Wiley & Sons 2002 9971513919 516 p. UG Library
004.21 DEN 05003450 Systems Analysis and Design with UML Version 2.0 : Dennis,Alan Wiley India, 2006 8126508647 2nd ed xvii,525 p. Knowledge Centre
004.21 EXC 05018348 System Analysis Design and MIS / Excel Books Excel Books, 2002 8174462864 340p.: Knowledge Centre
004.21 EXC 05018349 System Analysis Design and MIS / Excel Books Excel Books, 2002 8174462864 340p.: Knowledge Centre
004.21 FER 05013049 System Analysis and Design : Fertuck, Len Brown Publishers, 1992 644 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 FIT 05012783 Fundamentals of System Analysis / Fitzgerald, Jerry John Wiley & Sons, 1987 832 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 FOR 04021300 Embedded control system design : Forrai, Alexandru. Springer, 2013 9783642285943 (hbk. : alk. pap xii, 261 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 GAN 05017899 Systems Analysis and Design : Gandoff Martin Heinemann Newnes, 1989 209 p. Knowledge Centre
004.21 GAR 05068026 Building intelligent cloud applications : Garcia, Vicente Herrera Shroff publishers and distributors Pvt.Ltd. , 2019 9789352139019 xi, 138p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.21 GAT 04014371 Computer Organisation : GateAspire, 2012 219p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 GHO 05030015 0000to 8085 Introduction to Microprocessors for Engineers and Scientists Ghosh, P K Prentice Hall of India, 1991 8120309782 318 Knowledge Centre
004.21 GOR 10001036 System Analysis and Design : Gornale, Shivanand S. I.K. International Pvt. Ltd., 2019 9789389520385 xii, 296p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.21 GOY 04013474 System Analysis and Design Goyal, Arunesh. PHI Learning Private Limited 2011 9788120342842 xx: 216 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 GOY 04013475 System Analysis and Design Goyal, Arunesh. PHI Learning Private Limited 2011 9788120342842 xx: 216 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 GOY 03004027 Systems Analysis and Design / Goyal, Arunesh. PHI, 2011 9788120342842 XX; 216 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.21 GOY 03004026 Systems Analysis and Design / Goyal, Arunesh. PHI, 2011 9788120342842 XX; 216 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.21 GOY 00104545 System Analysis and Design Goyal, Arunesh. PHI Learning Private Limited 2011 9788120342842 xx: 216 p. UG Library
004.21 GOY 00104544 System Analysis and Design Goyal, Arunesh. PHI Learning Private Limited 2011 9788120342842 xx: 216 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.21 GRE 05036791 Information Systems Design / Green, Steve Galgotia, 2001 1850321752 452 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 GRO 04018812 DOT NET Technology / Grover, Daminni International Publishing House, 2011 9789381141342 360p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 GRO 10000922 DOT NET Technology / Grover, Daminni Wiley, 2019 9789389698695 xv, 360p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.21 GRO 00143595 DOT NET Technology / Grover, Daminni Wiley, 2019 9789389698695 xv, 360p. : UG Library
004.21 HAW 05017887 Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design / Hawryszkiewycz, I T Prentice Hall of India, 1997 8120311752 3rd 490 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 HAW 05018339 Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design / Hawryszkiewycz, Igor Prentice Hall of India, 2001 8120316703 483p .: Knowledge Centre
004.21 HOF 05018313 Modern Systems Analysis and Design / Hoffer, A Jeffrey Pearson Education, 2002 8178087812 3rd 730 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 HOF 05018312 Modern Systems Analysis and Design / Hoffer, A Jeffrey Pearson Education, 2002 8178087812 3rd 730 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 HOF 05003250 Modern Systems Analysis & Design / Hoffer,Jeffrey A. Pearson Education, 2002 8178087812 | 9788131726259 5th ed. xxx,554p.; Knowledge Centre
004.21 HOF 05002714 Modern Systems Analysis & Design / Hoffer,Jeffrey A. Pearson Education, 2002 8178087812 | 9788131726259 5th ed. xxx,554p.; Knowledge Centre
004.21 KEN 04014676 Systems Analysis and Design / Kendall E.Kenneth PHI Learning Private Learning, 2011 97881203420640 xxxviii,572 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 KEN 05005905 Systems Analysis and Design / Kendall E.Kenneth PHI Learning Private Learning, 2011 97881203420640 xxxviii,572 p. Knowledge Centre
004.21 KEN 05018311 Systems Analysis and Design / Kendall, E Kenneth Prentice Hall of India, 2003 8120321553 5th 910 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 KNI 05067590 UX For Developers : Knight, Westley. Apress, 2019 9781484246788 xvii, 166p.; Knowledge Centre
004.21 LAN 04011199 Analysis and design of information systems / Langer, Arthur M. Springer, 2008 9788132204404 3rd ed. 412 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 LAN 04010144 Analysis and design of information systems / Langer, Arthur M. Springer, 2008 9788132204404 3rd ed. 412 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 LAN 04013927 Advanced Systems Design with Java, UML and MDA Lano, Kevin Elsver india pvt ltd, | Elsevier 2010 9780750664967 | 0750664967 (Tr Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 LEE 05013056 Inroducing System Analysis and Design / Lee Galgotia Book Source, 1979 166 p. Knowledge Centre
004.21 LEE 05013055 Inroducing System Analysis and Design / Lee Galgotia Book Source, 1979 166 p. Knowledge Centre
004.21 LEE 05013054 Inroducing System Analysis and Design / Lee Galgotia Book Source, 1979 166 p. Knowledge Centre
004.21 LEE 05012799 Inroducing System Analysis and Design / Lee Galgotia Book Source, 1979 166 p. Knowledge Centre
004.21 LEE 05029648 Introducing Systems Analysis and Design / Lee Galgotia Booksource, 1994 556 p. Knowledge Centre
004.21 LEE 05029649 Introducing Systems Analysis and Design / Lee Galgotia Booksource, 1994 556 p. Knowledge Centre
004.21 LEE 05013057 Inroducing System Analysis and Design / Lee Galgotia Book Source, 1979 166 p. Knowledge Centre
004.21 LEE 05012798 Introducing Systems Analysis and Design / Lee Galgotia Booksource, 1994 556 p. Knowledge Centre
004.21 LEE 05012800 Introducing Systems Analysis and Design / Lee Galgotia Booksource, 1994 556 p. Knowledge Centre
004.21 LEE 05013048 Introducing Systems Analysis and Design / Lee Galgotia Booksource, 1994 556 p. Knowledge Centre
004.21 LEV 05036668 Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms / Levitin, Anany Pearson Education, 2003 0817808984 497 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 PAT 04017173 Computer Organization and Design : Patterson, David A RELX, 2014 9789351073376 575p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 PAT 04030260 Computer Organization and Design : Patterson, David A RELX, 2014 9789351073376 575p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 RAJ 01018241 Analysis and Design of Information Systems / Rajaraman, V. PHI, 2011 9788120343849 3rd ed. 328 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.21 RAJ 05030029 Analysis and Design of Information Systems / Rajaraman, V Prentice Hall of India, 1996 8120306937 359 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 RAJ 00120574 Analysis and Design of Information Systems / Rajaraman, V. PHI, 2011 9788120343849 3rd ed. 328 p. : UG Library
004.21 RAJ 04019871 Analysis and Design of Information Systems / Rajaraman, V. PHI, 2000 9788120317277 2nd ed. 292p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 REG 04020119 Computer-Aided Analysis and Design / Regalla, Srinivasa Prakash I K 2010 9789380026459 270p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 ROB 05018345 System Analysis Techniques / Robinson, Barbara Galgotia, 1996 1850321833 272p.: Knowledge Centre
004.21 ROB 05018346 System Analysis Techniques / Robinson, Barbara Galgotia, 1996 1850321833 272p.: Knowledge Centre
004.21 SAT 00052133 System Analysis and Design in a Changing World / Satzinger, W. John Thomson Learing, 2000 9812402063 | 9789812402066 637 p. UG Library
004.21 SAT 05018337 System Analysis and Design in a Changing World / Satzinger, W. John Thomson Learing, 2000 9812402063 | 9789812402066 637 p. Knowledge Centre
004.21 SCH 04024826 A practical introduction to hardware/software codesign / Schaumont, Patrick R. Springer, 2010 9788132203629 396p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 SCH 04013825 A practical introduction to hardware/software codesign / Schaumont, Patrick R. Springer, 2010 9788132203629 396p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 SCH 04013824 A practical introduction to hardware/software codesign / Schaumont, Patrick R. Springer, 2010 9788132203629 396p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 SCH 04010120 A practical introduction to hardware/software codesign / Schaumont, Patrick R. Springer, 2010 9788132203629 396p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 SCH 04014334 A practical introduction to hardware/software codesign / Schaumont, Patrick R. Springer, 2010 9788132203629 396p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 SCH 04014335 A practical introduction to hardware/software codesign / Schaumont, Patrick R. Springer, 2010 9788132203629 396p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 SEN 05017951 Analysis & Design of Information Systems / Senn McGraw-Hill Publishing, 1900 853 p. Knowledge Centre
004.21 SEN 05017953 Analysis and Design of Information Systems / Senn, A James McGraw-Hill, 1989 853 p. Knowledge Centre
004.21 SEN 05017952 Analysis & Design of Information Systems / Senn McGraw-Hill Publishing, 1900 853 p. Knowledge Centre
004.21 SHE 05018333 Systems Analysis and Design / Shelly, B Gary Thomson Learning, 2003 9812431233 314p.: Knowledge Centre
004.21 SHI 04028212 Computer Organization, Design, and Architecture / Shiva, Sajjan G. CRC Press, 2017 9781138705494 703p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 SHI 05058181 Computer Organization, Design, and Architecture / Shiva, Sajjan G. CRC Press, 2017 9781138705494 703p. : Knowledge Centre
004.21 SIN 05003741 Foundations of Computing / Sinha, Pradeep K. BPB Publications, 2008 9788176566636 xxv, 726 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.21 SIN 05003742 Foundations of Computing / Sinha, Pradeep K. BPB Publications, 2008 9788176566636 xxv, 726 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.21 THA 05001726 Systems Analysis and Design Methods / Whitten, Jeffrey L Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd., 2000 8175152591 723 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 VAL 04014845 Essential Systems Analysis and Design / Valacich, Joseph S. PHI, 2012 9788120345584 5th ed. 417 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.21 WET 05030148 System Analysis & Design / Wetherbe, C James Galgotia, 1990 396 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 WET 05030149 System Analysis & Design / Wetherbe, C James Galgotia, 1990 396 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 WHI 05035789 Systems Analysis and Design Methods / Whitten, Jeffrey L Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd., 2000 8175152591 723 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 WHI 05036672 Systems Analysis and Design Methods / Whitten, Jeffrey L Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd., 2000 8175152591 723 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 WHI 05035790 Systems Analysis and Design Methods / Whitten, L Jeffrey Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd., 1999 8175152591 716 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 WHI 05038261 Systems Analysis and Design Methods / Whitten, L Jeffrey Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd., 1999 8175152591 716 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 WHI 05038283 Systems Analysis and Design Methods / Whitten, L Jeffrey Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd., 1999 8175152591 716 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 WHI 05038262 Systems Analysis and Design Methods / Whitten, L Jeffrey Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd., 1999 8175152591 716 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 WHI 05018321 Systems Analysis and Design Methods / Whitten, L Jeffrey Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd, 2000 8175152591 724 p Knowledge Centre
004.21 WHI 00051242 Systems Analysis and Design Methods Whitten, Jeffrey L Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd 2001 8175152591 724p UG Library
004.21 WHI 00051243 Systems Analysis and Design Methods Whitten, Jeffrey L Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd 2001 8175152591 724p UG Library
004.21 WHI 00051244 Systems Analysis and Design Methods Whitten, Jeffrey L Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd 2001 8175152591 724p UG Library
004.21 WHI 00051245 Systems Analysis and Design Methods Whitten, Jeffrey L Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd 2001 8175152591 724p UG Library
004.21 WIE 00032019 Systems Analysis and Design Wetherbe, James C Galgotia Publications, 1990 3rd, Ed. 395 p.: UG Library
004.21 WIE 00032922 Systems Analysis and Design Wetherbe, James C Galgotia Publications, 1990 3rd, Ed. 395 p.: UG Library
004.21 YIN 00145769 Embedded software system testing : Yin, Yongfeng, CRC Press 2024 9781032488189 | 9781032488196 xxi,305p. UG Library
004.21AWA 05017344 System Analysis and Design / Awad, M Elias Galgotia, 2001 525p.: Knowledge Centre
004.22 BAE 04007061 Microprocessor Architecture: from Simple Pipelines to Chip Multiprocessors Baer, Jean-Loup Cambridge University Press 2010 9780521187350 366 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 BAR 04000922 Computer Architecture and Logic Design Bartee, Thomas C Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780071125543 628 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 BAR 04006063 Computer Architecture and Logic Design Bartee, Thomas C Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780071125543 628 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 BAS 05021072 Software Architecture in Practice / Bass, Len Pearson. 1998 9788177589962 xxiii,452p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 BER 04001414 Hardware and Computer Organization Berger, Arnold S Elsevier 2008 9780750678865 492 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 BER 04001821 Hardware and Computer Organization Berger, Arnold S Elsevier 2008 9780750678865 492 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 BOS 04004090 Hardware and Software of Personal Computers Bose, Sanjay K New Age Internations (P) Ltd 1991 8122403034 259 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 BOS 04004091 Hardware and Software of Personal Computers Bose, Sanjay K New Age Internations (P) Ltd 1991 8122403034 259 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 BOS 04004410 Hardware and Software of Personal Computers Bose, Sanjay K New Age Internations (P) Ltd 1991 8122403034 259 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 BOS 04004411 Hardware and Software of Personal Computers Bose, Sanjay K New Age Internations (P) Ltd 1991 8122403034 259 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 CAR 04001726 Computer Architecture Carter, Nicholas Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070593725 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 COL 05004472 Network security Bible / Cole, Eric. Wiley Pub., Inc., 2009 9780470502495 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9788126523313 | 0470502495 (pbk. : alk. paper) 2nd ed. xliv,891p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 DRO 05013909 How to Solve It by Computer / Dromey, R G Prentice Hall of India, 1982 8120303881 441 p. Knowledge Centre
004.22 DRO 05017917 How to Solve it by Computer / Dromey, R G Prentice-Hall of India Pvt.Ltd., 1992 xxi,422p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 DRO 05013095 How to Slove It By Computer / Dromy, R G Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd., 1992 xxi,442p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 ELE 00135971 Computer Systems and Architecture / 3G E-Learning, 2017 9781680957976 xii,268p.; UG Library
004.22 GUP 04002734 Comdex Hardware and Networking Course Kit Gupta, Vikas Dreamtech Press 2008 9788177226072 680 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HAM 04005666 Computer Organization / Hamacher, Carl Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2002 9780071204118 805 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HAM 04005667 Computer Organization / Hamacher, Carl Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2002 9780071204118 805 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HAM 04005668 Computer Organization / Hamacher, Carl Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2002 9780071204118 805 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HAM 04005665 Computer Organization / Hamacher, Carl Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2002 9780071204118 805 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HEN 04000667 Computer Architecture; a Quantitative Approach Hennessy, John L Elsevier 2007 9788131207260 423p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HEN 04000669 Computer Architecture; a Quantitative Approach Hennessy, John L Elsevier 2007 9788131207260 423p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HEN 04001391 Computer Architecture; a Quantitative Approach Hennessy, John L Elsevier 2007 9788131207260 423p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HEN 04001818 Computer Architecture; a Quantitative Approach Hennessy, John L Elsevier 2007 9788131207260 423p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HEN 04002442 Computer Architecture; a Quantitative Approach Hennessy, John L Elsevier 2007 9788131207260 423p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 MAN 05018278 Computer System Architecture / Mano, M Morris Prentice Hall of India, 1994 8120308557 xiii,525p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 MAN 05036549 Computer System Architecture / Mano, M Morris Prentice Hall of India, 1994 8120308557 xiii,525p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 MAN 04000331 Computer System Architecture / Mano, Morris M. Pearson, 2013 9788131700709 3rd ed., xviii,520 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 MAN 04005664 Computer System Architecture / Mano, Morris M. Pearson, 2013 9788131700709 3rd ed., xviii,520 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 MAN 04005663 Computer System Architecture / Mano, Morris M. Pearson, 2013 9788131700709 3rd ed., xviii,520 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 MAN 00122686 Computer System Architecture / Mano, Morris M. Pearson, 2013 9788131700709 3rd ed., xviii,520 p.: UG Library
004.22 MAN 00122687 Computer System Architecture / Mano, Morris M. Pearson, 2013 9788131700709 3rd ed., xviii,520 p.: UG Library
004.22 MAN 00073812 Computer System Architecture / Mano, Morris M Prentice Hall of India, 1993 8120308557 xviii,525p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 MEH 00133519 Computer sytem architecture Meher,J.K Dominant publishers, pvt ltd., 2018 9789384207991 527p.; UG Library
004.22 MUE 04004007 Computer Architecture: Complexity and Correstness Mueller, Silvia M Springer International 2000 9788184893045 553 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 MUE 04004008 Computer Architecture: Complexity and Correstness Mueller, Silvia M Springer International 2000 9788184893045 553 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 NUL 05001653 The Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture / Null, Linda Jones and Bartlett, 2003 0076370444 673 p Knowledge Centre
004.22 PAR 04003390 Computer Architecture Parhami, Behrooz Oxford Universtiy Press 2008 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 PAR 04001565 Computer Architecture Parhami, Behrooz Oxford Universtiy Press 2008 0195686136 556p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 PAT 10000045 The 8051 Microcontroller Based Embedded Systems / Patel, Manish K. McGraw Hill, 2014 9789332901254 xvii, 558p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.22 PUD 04001437 Distributed System Architecture Puder, Arno Morgan Kaufman Publishers 2008 1558606483 323p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 PUD 04001822 Distributed System Architecture Puder, Arno Morgan Kaufman Publishers 2008 1558606483 323p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 RAM 04004205 Computer Fundamentals Architecture and Organization Ram, B New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2007 9788122420432 | 9788122436105 v.p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 RAM 04001986 Computer Fundamentals Architecture and Organization Ram, B New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2007 9788122420432 | 9788122436105 v.p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 RAM 04004204 Computer Fundamentals Architecture and Organization Ram, B New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2007 9788122420432 | 9788122436105 v.p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 RAO 04003895 Computer System Architecture Rao, P V S Prentice-Hall of Inida 2009 9788120335943 500 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 SAD 04002048 Distributied Component Architecture / Sadasivam, Sudha G John Wiley and Sons, 2008 9788126514649 xv,416p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 STA 04005363 Computer Organization & Architecture Designing for Performance Stallings, William Pearson Education 2006 9788177589931 778 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 STA 04005362 Computer Organization & Architecture Designing for Performance Stallings, William Pearson Education 2006 9788177589931 778 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 TAN 04000500 Structured Computer Organization / Tanenbaum, Andrew S Pearson Education, 2007 9788131705728 777 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 TAN 1 04000329 Distributed Systems: Tanenbaum, Andrew S Prentice-Hall of Inida, 2008 9788120322158 803 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 VAI 04004236 Computer Architecture and Systems Design Vaideeswaran, J New Age Internations (P) Ltd 1999 9788122412031 200 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 VAI 04004237 Computer Architecture and Systems Design Vaideeswaran, J New Age Internations (P) Ltd 1999 9788122412031 200 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 VAI 04004602 Computer Architecture and Systems Design Vaideeswaran, J New Age Internations (P) Ltd 1999 9788122412031 200 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 VAI 04004603 Computer Architecture and Systems Design Vaideeswaran, J New Age Internations (P) Ltd 1999 9788122412031 200 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 ABE 05018328 IBM PC Assembly Language and Programming / Abel, Peter. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1998 0138965315 xvi,606p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 AGA 04010217 Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing / Agarwal, Bharat Bhushan University Science press, 2009 9788131804988 183 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 ALB 05003427 The art of software architecture : Albin, Stephen T., Wiley Pub., 2003 8126503874 xxiv, 312 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.22 ALE 00112367 Computer architecture and organization Alexander,Tom Crescent publishing corporation, 2014 9788183423243 v,274p.; UG Library
004.22 ARR 05066650 Computer architecture : Arroz, Guilherme, World Scientific, 2019 9789813238336 (hc : alk. paper) xxiii, 725 pages : Knowledge Centre
004.22 AYA 05018632 8051 Microcontroller Architechture Programming and Applications / Ayala, J Kenneth Penram Publishing Company 2003 8190082841 xv,367p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 BAE 04021145 Microprocessor architecture : Baer, Jean-Loup. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521769921 (hardback) | 052 xiv, 367 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 BAE 04026264 Microprocessor Architecture: from Simple Pipelines to Chip Multiprocessors Baer, Jean-Loup Cambridge University Press 2010 9780521187350 366 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 BAS 05036600 Software Architecture in Practice / Bass, Len Pearson. 1998 9788177589962 xxiii,452p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 BAS 05030865 Software Architecture in Practice / Bass, Len Pearson Education, Inc., 2006 9788177589962 2nd ed. xxii,528p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 BAS 04017592 Computer Organization and Architecture / Basu, P N Vikas Publisher, 2010 9788125939917 288p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 BAS 05004220 Software Architecture in Practice / Bass, Len Pearson Education, Inc., 2006 9788177589962 2nd ed. xxii,528p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 BER 05003636 Hardware and Computer Organization : Berger Arnold.S Newnes An Imprint of Elsevier, 2005 9788131201350 xvii,492p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 BHA 04021631 Computer System Architecture and Design / Bhattacharya, Manvendra Centrum Press, 2013 9789350843413 312 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 BLA 05018317 Computer Architechture : Blaauw, A Gerrit Addison-Wesley, 1997 0201105578 xlviii,1213p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 BOS 05013783 Hardware and Software of Personal Computers / Bose, K Sanjay New Age International Publishers, 1995 8122403034 xii,259p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 BUS 05036772 Pattern - Oriented Software Architecture : Buschmann, Frank John Wiley & Sons, 2001 9971514214 xvi,467p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 BUS 00043366 Hardware and Software of Personal Computers / Bose,Sanjay. New Age International Pvt Ltd 2023 9789393159830 3rd ed, 248p. ; UG Library
004.22 BUS 05030856 Pattern-Oriented Software Architechture : Buschmann, Frank John Wiley, 2001 9971514214 vol-1. xvi,467p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 BUS 05036773 Pattern - Oriented Software Architecture : Buschmann, Frank John Wiley & Sons, 2001 9971514214 xvi,467p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 CAR 05018342 Computer Systems: Carpinelli, D John Pearson Education , 2001 8178082683 xxiii,584p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 CAR 05037207 Computer systems organization & architecture / Carpinelli, John D. Addison-Wesley, 2001 0201612534 xxiii,584p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 CAR 04019234 Computer Systems Organization and Architecture / Carpinelli, John D. Pearson, 2001 9788177587678 584p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 CHA 00126501 Computer Architecture and Organization : Chakraborty, P. Jaico, 2006 9788179924693 549p. : UG Library
004.22 CHA 04013330 Computer Organization And Design Chaudhuri Pal P PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd. 9788120335110 897p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 CHA 04013331 Computer Organization And Design Chaudhuri Pal P PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd. 9788120335110 897p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 CHA 00098033 Computer Organization And Design Chaudhuri Pal P PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd. 9788120335110 897p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.22 CHA 04018991 Computer Architecture and Organization : Chakraborty, P. Jaico, 2006 9788179924693 549p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 CHE 04010583 Server architectures Chevance, René J. Elsevier/Digital Press, 2005 XLi, 739p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 CLE 00132682 Computer organization and architecture : Clements, Alan, Cengage Learning, 2014 9781111987046 | 1111987041 | 9781111987084 xxxv, 898 p. : UG Library
004.22 CLE 05005742 Evaluating software architectures : Clements, Paul. Addison-Wesley, 2002 9788131715925 xxv,323p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 CON 00063232 Principles of Computer Security Conklin,Arthur Dreamtech 2004 8177225103 665 p. UG Library
004.22 CON 05018384 Principles of Computer Security : Conklin, Arthur Dreamtech, 2004 665 p Knowledge Centre
004.22 CON 05018386 Principles of Computer Security : Conklin, Arthur Dreamtech, 2004 665 p Knowledge Centre
004.22 CON 05018385 Principles of Computer Security : Conklin, Arthur Dreamtech, 2004 665 p Knowledge Centre
004.22 CUL 05018381 Parallel Computer Architecture : Culler, David E Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2004 818147189X xxix,1025p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 CUL 05018616 Parallel Computer Architecture : Culler, David E Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2004 818147189X xxix,1025p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 CUL 05018303 Parallel Computer Architecture : Culler, David E Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2004 818147189X xxix,1025p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 CUL 05018615 Parallel Computer Architecture : Culler, David E Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2004 818147189X xxix,1025p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 CUL 05001623 Parallel Computer Architecture : Culler, David E Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2004 818147189X xxix,1025p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 CUM 05001374 Enterprise Integration: Commins, A Fred. Wiley, 2004 xxiv,468p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 CUM 05001309 Enterprise Integration: Commins, A Fred. Wiley, 2004 xxiv,468p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 DAN 00065013 Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Design / Dandamudi, P Sivarama Springer, 2004 xxviii,1060p.; UG Library
004.22 DAN 00063276 Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Design / Dandamudi, P Sivarama Springer, 2004 xxviii,1060p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.22 DAN 00063275 Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Design / Dandamudi, P Sivarama Springer, 2004 xxviii,1060p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.22 DAN 05018373 Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Design / Dandamudi, P Sivarama Springer, 2004 xxviii,1060p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 DAN 05018372 Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Design / Dandamudi, P Sivarama Springer, 2004 xxviii,1060p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 DAN 05018371 Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Design / Dandamudi, P Sivarama Springer, 2004 xxviii,1060p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 DAN 00066918 Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Design / Dandamudi, P Sivarama Springer, 2004 xxviii,1060p.; UG Library
004.22 DET 00126789 Introduction to 80 X 86 Assembly language and Computer Architecture / Detmer, Richard C. Jones & Bartlett Learning 2015 9781284036121 | 128403612 Third editiion. xi, 346 p.: UG Library
004.22 DRO 05001456 How to Solve It By Computer Dromey, R G Prentice Hall of India 1996 8120303881 xxi,441p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 DRO 05001457 How to Solve It By Computer Dromey, R G Prentice Hall of India 1996 8120303881 xxi,441p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 DRO 05001453 How to Solve It By Computer Dromey, R G Prentice Hall of India 1996 8120303881 xxi,441p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 DRO 05001454 How to Solve It By Computer Dromey, R G Prentice Hall of India 1996 8120303881 xxi,441p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 EBA 04018270 Computer System Organization / Ebad, Ryhan Centrum Press, 2013 9789350843352 272p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 EBA 04018438 Computer System Organization / Ebad, Ryhan Centrum Press, 2013 9789350843352 272p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 ELE 00135969 Computer Organization / 3G E-Learning, 2018 9781680948110 2nd edition xii,311p.; UG Library
004.22 ENG 00060483 The Architecture of Computer Hardware an Systems Software Englander, Irv John Wiley & Sons Inc 2000 9971513242 2nd Ed, 764 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.22 ERL 05074103 Service-Oriented Architecture : Erl, Thomas. Pearson, 2022 9789390325801 2nd ed. xvii, 393p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 EXC 05018094 Computer Organisation and System Software / Jain, Madhulika Excel Books 2002 8174462929 viii,250p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 FAR 04013143 Digital design and computer organization / Farhat, Hassan A. CRC Press, 2004 9780849311918 487 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 FAR 05018301 Digital design and computer organization / Farhat, Hassan A. CRC Press, 2004 0849311918 (alk. paper) 487p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 FAR 04013207 Digital design and computer organization / Farhat, Hassan A. CRC Press, 2004 9780849311918 487 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 FUR 04025719 ARM System on Chip Architecture / Furber, Steve Pearson, 2016 9789332555570 365p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 FUR 04025720 ARM System on Chip Architecture / Furber, Steve Pearson, 2016 9789332555570 365p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 FUR 04025721 ARM System on Chip Architecture / Furber, Steve Pearson, 2016 9789332555570 365p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 FUR 04025722 ARM System on Chip Architecture / Furber, Steve Pearson, 2016 9789332555570 365p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 FUR 04025723 ARM System on Chip Architecture / Furber, Steve Pearson, 2016 9789332555570 365p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 FUR 04025724 ARM System on Chip Architecture / Furber, Steve Pearson, 2016 9789332555570 365p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 GAD 04030762 Getting Started with Stellaris ARM Cortex-M Embedded Processors / Universities press, 2013 9788173718816 148p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 GAO 05001656 Micropreocessor Architecture Programming and Application Gaonkar, S. Ramesh New Age International (P) Ltd., 1995 8122407102 2nd Ed. xii,720p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 GAR 05030614 Large-Scale Software Architechture : Garland, Jeff Wiley, 2004 8126503637 xvi,254 p Knowledge Centre
004.22 GAR 05030615 Large-Scale Software Architechture : Garland, Jeff Wiley, 2004 8126503637 xvi,254 p Knowledge Centre
004.22 GEA 05013728 Computer Organisation and Programming : Gear C, Wiliams McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1985 4th. xiii,411p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 GEA 05013767 Computer Organisation and Programming : Gear C, Wiliams McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1985 4th. xiii,411p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 GEA 05017869 Computer Organisation and Programming : Gear C, Wiliams McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1985 4th. xiii,411p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 GEA 05017870 Computer Organisation and Programming : Gear C, Wiliams McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1985 4th. xiii,411p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 GIL 04010257 Digital Design and Computer Organisation / Gill, Nasib S. University Science Press, 2008 9788131803455 396 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 GOA 05018275 Micropreocessor Architecture Programming and Application Gaonkar, S. Ramesh New Age International (P) Ltd., 1995 8122407102 2nd Ed. xii,720p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 GOA 05018276 Micropreocessor Architecture Programming and Application Gaonkar, S. Ramesh New Age International (P) Ltd., 1995 8122407102 2nd Ed. xii,720p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 GOV 05018400 Computer Architecture and Organization: Govindarajalu, B Tata McGraw-Hill, 2004 0070532362 xx,698p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 GOV 05003574 Computer Architecture and Organization : Govindarajalu.B Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2004 9780070532366 xx,698 p. Knowledge Centre
004.22 GRO 04028227 Hadoop Application Architectures : Grover, Mark Oreilly Publication, 2016 9789352131419 1st ed. ; xi, 371p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 GUP 04023262 Comdex Hardware and Networking Course Kit / Gupta, Vikas. Dreamtech Press, 2014 9789351192657 652 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 GUP 04019237 Computer Organization / Gupta, Prabhakar World Press, 2010 9789380257136 248p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HAM 04027758 Computer Organization / Hamacher, Carl Tata McGraw-Hill, 2013 9781259005275 xv, 805 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HAM 04027759 Computer Organization / Hamacher, Carl Tata McGraw-Hill, 2013 9781259005275 xv, 805 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HAM 00057755 Computer Organization Hamacher, Carl. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2002 0071204113 | 9780071204118 5th Ed. 805 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.22 HAM 00037774 Computer Organisation Hamacher,Carl V. McGraw-Hill Publishing Co 1990 9780071007429 3rd Ed. 617 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.22 HAM 00043369 Computer Organisation Hamacher,Carl V. Mcgraw-Hill Companies 1996 4th Ed. 555 p. UG Library
004.22 HAM 00048069 Computer Organisation Hamacher,Carl V. Mcgraw-Hill Companies 1996 4th Ed. 555 p. UG Library
004.22 HAM 00048071 Computer Organisation Hamacher,Carl V. Mcgraw-Hill Companies 1996 4th Ed. 555 p. UG Library
004.22 HAM 00048070 Computer Organisation Hamacher,Carl V. Mcgraw-Hill Companies 1996 4th Ed. 555 p. UG Library
004.22 HAM 04023418 Computer Organization / Hamacher, Carl Tata McGraw-Hill, 2013 9781259005275 xv, 805 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HAM 05018326 Computer Organisation / Hamacher, Carl V The McGraw-Hill, 1996 0071143238 xix,555p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 HAM 05003322 Computer Organization / Hamacher, Carl Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2002 9780071204118 805 p Knowledge Centre
004.22 HAM 05013882 Computer Organisation / Hamacher, Carl V The McGraw-Hill, 1996 0071143238 xix,555p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 HAM 05013883 Computer Organisation / Hamacher, Carl V The McGraw-Hill, 1996 0071143238 xix,555p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 HAM 05013884 Computer Organisation / Hamacher, Carl V The McGraw-Hill, 1996 0071143238 xix,555p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 HAM 05027929 Computer Organisation / Hamacher, Carl V The McGraw-Hill, 1996 0071143238 xix,555p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 HAM 05013835 Computer Organization / Hamacher, V Carl McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1990 xvii,617p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 HAM 05013834 Computer Organization / Hamacher, V Carl McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1990 xvii,617p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 HAM 05013833 Computer Organization / Hamacher, V Carl McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1990 xvii,617p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 HAM 00056894 Computer Organisation Hamacher,Carl V. Mcgraw-Hill Companies 1996 4th Ed. 555 p. UG Library
004.22 HAM 04005386 Computer Organization / Hamacher, Carl Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2002 9780071204118 805 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HAM 00089910 Computer Organisation Hamacher,Carl V. McGraw-Hill Publishing Co 1990 9780071007429 3rd Ed. 617 p. UG Library
004.22 HAM 05036895 Computer Organization / Hamacher, Carl Tata McGraw-Hill, 2013 9781259005275 5th xv,805p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 HAM 05018361 Computer Organization / Hamacher, V Carl McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1990 xvii,617p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 HAM 04019632 Computer Organization / Hamacher, V Carl McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1990 xvii,617p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HAM 04027757 Computer Organization / Hamacher, Carl Tata McGraw-Hill, 2013 9781259005275 xv, 805 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HAY 00136587 Computer Architecture and Organization / Hayes, P John McGraw Hill, 2015 9781259028564 3rd ed., 604 p.: UG Library
004.22 HAY 00136588 Computer Architecture and Organization / Hayes, P John McGraw Hill, 2015 9781259028564 3rd ed., 604 p.: UG Library
004.22 HAY 05013725 Computer Architechture and Organisation / Hayes, P John McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1988 2nd xii,702p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 HAY 05018302 Computer Architecture and Organization / Hayes, P John McGraw Hill, 2015 9781259028564 3rd ed., 604 p.: Knowledge Centre
004.22 HAY 00037288 Computer Architecture and Organization / Hayes, P John McGraw Hill, 2015 9781259028564 3rd ed., 604 p.: UG Library
004.22 HAY 00126667 Computer Architecture and Organization / Hayes, P John McGraw Hill, 2015 9781259028564 3rd ed., 604 p.: UG Library
004.22 HAY 00126034 Basics of Computer Organization and Architecture Rao,S.S.S.P Narosa, 2014 9788184873245 298 p.: UG Library
004.22 HAY 00127192 Computer Architecture and Organization / Hayes, P John McGraw Hill, 2015 9781259028564 3rd ed., 604 p.: UG Library
004.22 HAY 05013726 Computer Architechture and Organisation / Hayes, P John McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1988 2nd xii,702p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 HAY 05013727 Computer Architechture and Organisation / Hayes, P John McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1988 2nd xii,702p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 HAY 05013724 Computer Architechture and Organisation / Hayes, P John McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1988 2nd xii,702p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 HAY 04030552 Computer Architecture and Organization / Hayes, P John McGraw Hill, 2015 9781259028564 3rd ed., 604 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HEN 04007200 Computer Architecture; a Quantitative Approach Hennessy, John L Elsevier 2007 9788131207260 423p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HEN 04007201 Computer Architecture; a Quantitative Approach Hennessy, John L Elsevier 2007 9788131207260 423p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HEN 04007202 Computer Architecture; a Quantitative Approach Hennessy, John L Elsevier 2007 9788131207260 423p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HEN 04020403 Computer Architecture : Hennessy, L. John. Elsevier ; 2012 9789381269220 xxviii,493[i-84]p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HEN 04023407 Computer Architecture : Hennessy, L. John. Elsevier ; 2012 9789381269220 xxviii,493[i-84]p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HEN 04030237 Computer Architecture : Hennessy, L. John. Elsevier ; 2012 9789381269220 xxviii,493[i-84]p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HEN 04019971 Computer Architecture : Hennessy, L. John. Elsevier ; 2012 9789381269220 xxviii,493[i-84]p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HEN 04013937 Computer Architecture : Hennessy, L. John. Elsevier ; 2012 9789381269220 xxviii,493[i-84]p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HEN 04007792 Computer Architecture; a Quantitative Approach Hennessy, John L Elsevier 2007 9788131207260 423p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HEN 05054006 Computer Architecture : Hennessy, L. John. Elsevier ; 2012 9789381269220 xxviii,493[i-84]p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 HEN 04012666 Computer Architecture : Hennessy, L. John. Elsevier ; 2012 9789381269220 xxviii,493[i-84]p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HEU 05018691 Computer Systems Design and Architechture / Heuring, P Vincent Pearson Education, 2001 8178080095 xvii,571p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 HEU 05018391 Computer Systems Design and Architechture / Heuring, P Vincent Pearson Education, 2001 8178080095 xvii,571p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 HWA 05030006 Computer Arctitecture and Parallel Processing / Hwang, Kai McGraw-Hill International, 1985 9780070663541 xviii,846p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 HWA 05018277 Computer Arctitecture and Parallel Processing / Hwang, Kai McGraw-Hill International, 1985 9780070663541 xviii,846p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 HWA 05013086 Computer Architechture and Parallel Processing / Hwang, Kai McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1984 0070663548 xviii,845p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 HWA 05013088 Computer Architechture and Parallel Processing / Hwang, Kai McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1984 0070663548 xviii,845p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 HWA 05013087 Computer Architechture and Parallel Processing / Hwang, Kai McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1984 0070663548 xviii,845p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 HWA 05030013 Computer Architechture and Parallel Processing / Hwang, Kai McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1984 0070663548 xviii,845p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 HWA 04015357 Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing / Hwang, Kai Magrawhill, 2012 9781259029141 846 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 HWA 05003582 Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing / Hwang, Kai Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 9780070663541 xviii,846 p Knowledge Centre
004.22 HWA 05036897 Computer architecture and parallel processing / Hwang, Kai. McGraw-Hill, 1984 0070315566 : xviii, 846 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.22 INM 00122590 Data Architecture Inmon, W H Morgan Kaufmann, 2015 9780128020449 1st edi. xxi, 355 p:. UG Library
004.22 KAI 05004242 Advanced Computer Architecture : Kain, Richard Y. PHI Learning Private Ltd., 1996 9788120313774 xxvii,907p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 KAM 05004543 Service-Oriented Architecture : Kambhampathy Shankar Wiley India Pvt.Ltd , 2008 9788126516384 xiv,245 p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 KAM 00118943 Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design Kamal, Raj McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt Ltd, 2015 9789332901490 591p.; UG Library
004.22 KAM 00118944 Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design Kamal, Raj McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt Ltd, 2015 9789332901490 591p.; UG Library
004.22 KOG 05018331 Architecture of Symbolic Computers / Kogge, Peter M McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1991 0071007849 xxi,739p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 KRI 04019941 Computer Organization / Krishnananda,L. PRISM Book , 2012 9788172866976 xiv, 529 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 KRI 04011347 Computer Organization / Krishnananda,L. PRISM Book , 2012 9788172866976 xiv, 529 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 MAL 05018335 Principles of Enterprise IT Architencture / Mallick, Sudeep Wiley India, 2006 8126508981 xxxv,1121 p. Knowledge Centre
004.22 MAL 05018336 Principles of Enterprise IT Architencture / Mallick, Sudeep Wiley India, 2006 8126508981 xxxv,1121 p. Knowledge Centre
004.22 MAN 00136591 Computer System Architecture / Mano, M Morris Pearson, 2019 9789332585607 3rd Rev ed, 586 p. : UG Library
004.22 MAN 00136592 Computer System Architecture / Mano, M Morris Pearson, 2019 9789332585607 3rd Rev ed, 586 p. : UG Library
004.22 MAN 04028533 Computer System Architecture / Mano, M Morris Pearson, 2017 9789332585607 586p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 MAN 05055407 Computer System Architecture / Mano, Morris M. Pearson, 2013 9788131700709 3rd ed., xviii,520 p.: Knowledge Centre
004.22 MAN 04030376 Computer System Architecture / Mano, M Morris Pearson, 2017 9789332585607 586p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 MAN 05018322 Computer System Architecture / Mano, Morris M Prentice Hall of India, 1993 8120308557 xviii,525p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 MAN 05018628 Computer System Architecture / Mano, Morris M Prentice Hall of India, 1993 8120308557 xviii,525p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 MAN 05003385 Computer System Architecture / Mano,Morris M. Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, 2008 9788120308558 3rd ed xiii,525 p. Knowledge Centre
004.22 MAN 00127195 Computer System Architecture / Mano, Morris M. Pearson, 2013 9788131700709 3rd ed., xviii,520 p.: UG Library
004.22 MAN 00126702 Computer System Architecture / Mano, Morris M. Pearson, 2013 9788131700709 3rd ed., xviii,520 p.: UG Library
004.22 MAN 04027894 Computer System Architecture / Mano, Morris M. Pearson, 2013 9788131700709 3rd ed., xviii,520 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 MAN 04027895 Computer System Architecture / Mano, Morris M. Pearson, 2013 9788131700709 3rd ed., xviii,520 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 MAN 04027896 Computer System Architecture / Mano, Morris M. Pearson, 2013 9788131700709 3rd ed., xviii,520 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 MAN 00037259 Computer System Architecture / Mano, M Morris Prentice Hall of India, 1994 8120308557 xiii,525p.; UG Library
004.22 MAN 00037260 Computer System Architecture / Mano, M Morris Prentice Hall of India, 1994 8120308557 xiii,525p.; UG Library
004.22 MAN 05018374 Computer System Architecture / Mano, M Morris Prentice Hall of India, 1994 8120308557 xiii,525p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 MAN 05018627 Computer System Architecture / Mano, M Morris Prentice Hall of India, 1994 8120308557 xiii,525p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 MAN 00039521 Computer System Architecture / Mano, M Morris Prentice Hall of India, 1994 8120308557 xiii,525p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 MAR 04022045 Computer Organization and Architecture / Mary, S. Grace Sams publications, 2013 9789380485294 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 MAR 04022046 Computer Organization and Architecture / Mary, S. Grace Sams publications, 2013 9789380485294 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 MAR 05038300 Computer Data-Base Organization / Martin, James Prentice-Hall of India, 2002 9788120303362 xviii,713p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 MAR 05013051 Computer Data Base Organisation / Martin, James. Prentice -Hall, 1994 2nd xviii,713p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 MAR 05038018 Computer Data-Base Organization / Martin, James Prentice-Hall of India, 2002 9788120303362 xviii,713p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 MCL 04018806 Computer Architecture: Mcloughlin, Ian Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2012 9781259025563 498p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 MCL 05036896 Computer Architecture: Mcloughlin, Ian Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2012 9781259025563 498p. : Knowledge Centre
004.22 NAG 05070156 Fundamentals of computer organisation / Nagarajan, G. Thakur Publishers, 2014 9789382249474 352p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.22 NOE 04020295 Embedded Systems Architecture : Noergaard, Tammy Elsevier , 2013 9780123821966 | 0123821967 (Tr 2nd ed. 653p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 NUL 04007753 The essentials of computer organization and architecture / Null, Linda. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2006 0763737690 (casebound) | 97807 2nd ed. xxxii, 799 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 NUL 04007752 The Essentials of computer Organization and Architecture / Null, Linda Jones & Bartlett Learning 2011 9789380853239 3rd., xxxiii;844p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 NUL 00133961 Essentials of computer organization and architecture / Null, Linda, Jones & Bartlett, 2019 9781284123036 Fifth edition. xxxi,744 p.: UG Library
004.22 NUL 00118439 The essentials of computer organization and architecture / Null, Linda. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2015 9781284045611 4th ed. xxxii, 879 p. : UG Library
004.22 NUL 00120412 The essentials of computer organization and architecture Null Linda Jones & Bartlett 2015 9789380853949 4th ed. 879p. UG Library
004.22 NUL 05041160 The essentials of computer organization and architecture / Null, Linda. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2015 9781284045611 4th ed. xxxii, 879 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.22 PAG 04011377 A Practical Introduction To Computer Architecture / Page, Daniel Stephen. Springer, 2009 9788132202967 xxii,641p.; : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 PAG 05047327 A Practical Introduction To Computer Architecture / Page, Daniel Stephen. Springer, 2009 9788132202967 xxii,641p.; : Knowledge Centre
004.22 PAG 04010142 A Practical Introduction To Computer Architecture / Page, Daniel Stephen. Springer, 2009 9788132202967 xxii,641p.; : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 PAR 05003209 Computer Architecture : Parhami Behrooz Oxford University press, 2005 9780195686135 xix,556 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.22 PAR 04011664 Advanced computer architecture Parthasarathy K.A. Vijay Nicole Imprints Pvt Ltd | Order from IEEE Computer Society, 2012 0818606673 (pbk.) | 0818646675 (microfiche) | 9788182093126 3rd Ed. xvi,374p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 PAR 05036891 Advanced computer architecture Parthasarathy K.A. Vijay Nicole Imprints Pvt Ltd | Order from IEEE Computer Society, 2012 0818606673 (pbk.) | 0818646675 (microfiche) | 9788182093126 3rd Ed. xvi,374p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 PAR 04003389 Computer Architecture : Parhami Behrooz Oxford University press, 2005 9780195686135 xix,556 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 PAR 04017655 Computer Architecture / Parhami, Behrooz OUP, 2005 9780198084075 556p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 PAT 04018301 Computer organization and design : Patterson, David A. Morgan Kaufmann, 2011 9788131222744 4th ed. 689 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 PAT 05018316 Computer Organization & Design : Patterson, A David Harcourt Asia Pvt. Ltd., 1998 xxix,759p [i-32]p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 PAT 00066899 Computer Organization and Design Patterson, David A. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 2005 8181475348 | 9788181475343 621 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.22 PAT 04009330 Computer organization and design : Patterson, David A. Morgan Kaufmann, 2011 9788131222744 4th ed. 689 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 PAT 04013939 Computer organization and design : Patterson, David A. Morgan Kaufmann, 2011 9788131222744 4th ed. 689 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 PAT 05018315 Computer Organization & Design : Patterson, A David Harcourt Asia Pte Ltd., 2000 0155860491 862 p Knowledge Centre
004.22 PAT 05018314 Computer Organization & Design : Patterson, A David Harcourt Asia Pte Ltd., 2000 0155860491 862 p Knowledge Centre
004.22 PEA 04000776 Design With Pic Microcontrollers Peatman, John B Pearson Education 2008 8177585517 274 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 PLY 00070728 Computer Architecture Flynn, Michael J. Narosa Publishing House 1995 0817319100 785 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.22 PUD 04007797 Distributed Systems Architecture Puder, Arno Elsevier | Elsever, 2008 9788131216651 | 0080454704 (EB Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 PUD 04013947 Distributed Systems Architecture Puder, Arno Elsevier | Elsever, 2008 9788131216651 | 0080454704 (EB Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 RAF 00073693 Modern Computer Architecture Rafiquzzaman, Chandra Suneel Galgotia 2005 8186340084 580 UG Library
004.22 RAJ 04013328 Computer Organization and Architecture / Rajaraman, V PHI Learning, 2011 9788120332003 493 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 RAJ 04013329 Computer Organization and Architecture / Rajaraman, V PHI Learning, 2011 9788120332003 493 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 RAJ 05009194 Digital Logic and Computer Organization / V Rajaraman Prentice Hall of India, 2006 9788120329799 ix,513p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 RAJ 05009195 Digital Logic and Computer Organization / V Rajaraman Prentice Hall of India, 2006 9788120329799 ix,513p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 RAJ 04000076 Parallel Computers : Rajaraman V Prentice-Hall of India, 2008 9788120316218 xii,376p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 RAJ 05018246 Parallel Computers : Rajaraman V Prentice-Hall of India, 2008 9788120316218 xii,376p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 RAJ 04011205 Digital Logic and Computer Organization / V Rajaraman Prentice Hall of India, 2006 9788120329799 ix,513p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 RAJ 04022935 Digital Logic and Computer Organization / V Rajaraman Prentice Hall of India, 2006 9788120329799 ix,513p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 RAJ 00137922 Applications of Computer / Raja,Tariq Ahmad. Rajat Publications, 2020 9788178808383 vi,144p.; UG Library
004.22 RAM 04021598 Computer Fundamentals Architecture and Organization Ram, B New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2007 9788122420432 | 9788122436105 v.p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 RAV 04030727 MSP430 Microcontroller in Embedded System Projects / Elite Publishing, 2011 9788188901463 vii, 194p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 SAD 05004397 Distributied Component Architecture / Sadasivam, Sudha G John Wiley and Sons, 2008 9788126514649 xv,416p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 SAD 04012863 Distributied Component Architecture / Sadasivam, Sudha G John Wiley and Sons, 2008 9788126514649 xv,416p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 SHA 05030860 Software Architecture : Shaw, Mary Prentice Hall of India, 1996 8120314700 xxi,242p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 SHI 04021236 Advanced computer architectures / Shiva, Sajjan G. CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2006 0849337585 (alk. paper) xiv, 335 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 SHI 00120995 Advanced Computer Architectures Shiva, Sajjan G. CRC Taylor & Francis, 2006 9780849337581 xiv, 335 p. : UG Library
004.22 SHR 00120393 Computer system architecture Shrivastava, Raj Kumar Dominant Publishers 2014 9789382007401 444p. UG Library
004.22 SHR 04020535 Computer System Arthitecture / Shrivastava, Raj Kumar Dominant Publisher, 2014 9789382007401 444p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 SIM 05018323 Advanced Computer Architechture : Sima, Dezso Pearson Education, 2003 8178085429 xxiii,766p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 SIN 00133340 computer assisted communication Singh,Samir Kumar Jnanada prakashan, 2018 9788171398980 224p.; UG Library
004.22 SLO 00032032 Computer Hardware and Organization: An Introduction Sloan M.E. Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd 1986 2nd Ed. 514 p. UG Library
004.22 SLO 05013891 Computer Hardware and Organisation / Sloan, M E Galgotia Publications Pvt.Ltd., 1992 514 p. Knowledge Centre
004.22 SLO 05013866 Computer Hardware and Organisation / Sloan, M E Galgotia Publications Pvt.Ltd., 1992 514 p. Knowledge Centre
004.22 SLO 05013889 Computer Hardware and Organisation / Sloan, M E Galgotia Publications Pvt.Ltd., 1992 514 p. Knowledge Centre
004.22 SLO 05014295 Computer Hardware and Organisation / Sloan, M E Galgotia Publications Pvt.Ltd., 1992 514 p. Knowledge Centre
004.22 SPI 00145441 Computer Architecture/ Spiner, Ken Larsen & Keller 2020 9781641722643 vii:230p. UG Library
004.22 STA 04030377 Computer Organization and Architecture : Stallings, William Pearson, 2022 9789356061590 11th Ed. 889p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 STA 05074115 Computer Organization and Architecture : Stallings, William Pearson, 2022 9789356061590 11th Ed. 889p. : Knowledge Centre
004.22 STA 05004378 Computer Organization & Architecture Designing for Performance Stallings, William Pearson Education 2006 9788177589931 778 p Knowledge Centre
004.22 STA 05030857 Computer Organisation and Architechture : Stallings, William Prentice Hall, 1996 9813076631 4th xiv,680p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 STA 04015718 Computer Organization and Architecture : Stalling, William. Pearson Education, 2010 9788131732458 8th ed. 792 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 STA 05074300 Computer Organization and Architecture : Stallings, William Pearson, 2022 9789356061590 11th Ed. 889p. : Knowledge Centre
004.22 STA 04020205 Computer Organization and Architecture : Stallings, Williams Pearson, 2010 9789332518704 9th ed. 682p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 STA 00126701 Computer Organization and Architecture Stalling, William. Pearson Education, 2017 9789332570405 10th ed. 857 p. UG Library
004.22 STA 05018325 Computer Organization and Architechture / Stallings, William Pearson Education, 2001 8178084465 xix,748p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 STA 00127194 Computer Organization and Architecture Stalling, William. Pearson Education, 2017 9789332570405 10th ed. 857 p. UG Library
004.22 STA 04019236 Computer Organization and Architecture : Stalling, William. Pearson Education, 2010 9788131732458 8th ed. 792 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 STA 05003251 Computer Organization and Architecture : Stalling, William. Pearson Education, 2010 9788131732458 8th ed. 792 p. Knowledge Centre
004.22 STA 00136547 Computer Organization and Architecture Stalling, William. Pearson Education, 2017 9789332570405 10th ed. 857 p. UG Library
004.22 STA 00136548 Computer Organization and Architecture Stalling, William. Pearson Education, 2017 9789332570405 10th ed. 857 p. UG Library
004.22 STA 04023584 Computer Organization and Architecture : Stallings, Williams Pearson, 2010 9789332518704 9th ed. 682p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 STA 04027897 Computer Organization and Architecture Stalling, William. Pearson Education, 2017 9789332570405 10th ed. 857 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 STA 04027898 Computer Organization and Architecture Stalling, William. Pearson Education, 2017 9789332570405 10th ed. 857 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 STA 04027899 Computer Organization and Architecture Stalling, William. Pearson Education, 2017 9789332570405 10th ed. 857 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 STA 04027900 Computer Organization and Architecture Stalling, William. Pearson Education, 2017 9789332570405 10th ed. 857 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 STA 04028695 Computer Organization and Architecture Stalling, William. Pearson Education, 2017 9789332570405 10th ed. 857 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 TAN 05013760 Suctrured Comptuer Organization / Tanerbaum, S Andrews Prentice-Hall of india Pvt Ltd., 1993 8120306678 3rd xvii,587p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 TAN 05013880 Suctrured Comptuer Organization / Tanerbaum, S Andrews Prentice-Hall of india Pvt Ltd., 1993 8120306678 3rd xvii,587p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 TAN 05018633 Structured Computer Organization / Tanenbaum, S. Andrew Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 1999 8178086921 | 9788120315532 4th xviii,669p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 TAN 00059475 Structured Computer Organization / Tanenbaum, S. Andrew Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 1999 8178086921 | 9788120315532 4th xviii,669p.; UG Library
004.22 TAN 00073697 Structured Computer Organization Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd 2006 8120329139 | 9788120329133 5th Ed. 777 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.22 TAN 05004237 Structured Computer Organization / Tanenbaum, Andrew S. PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9788120329133 5th ed. xx,777p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 TAN 04022898 Structured computer organization / Tanenbaum, Andrew S., Prentice Hall, 2013 0138546622 : | 9788120347205 6th ed. 769p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 TAN 05012782 Structured Computer Oranization / Tanenbaum, S Andrew Prentice-Hall of India, 1993 3rd 587 p. Knowledge Centre
004.22 TAN 05030012 Suctrured Comptuer Organization / Tanerbaum, S Andrews Prentice-Hall of india Pvt Ltd., 1993 8120306678 3rd xvii,587p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 TAN 04023637 Structured computer organization / Tanenbaum, Andrew S., Prentice Hall, 2013 0138546622 : | 9788120347205 6th ed. 769p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 TAN 04023638 Structured computer organization / Tanenbaum, Andrew S., Prentice Hall, 2013 0138546622 : | 9788120347205 6th ed. 769p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 TAN 05003288 Structured computer organization / Tanenbaum, Andrew S., PHI Learning Private Limited, 2006 9788120329133 5th ed. xx,777p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 TAY 05003331 Software Architecture : Taylor, Richard N Wiley India Pvt.Ltd., 2005 9788126528028 xxiv,712p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 TAY 05003442 Software Architecture : Taylor, Richard N Wiley India Pvt.Ltd., 2005 9788126528028 xxiv,712p.; Knowledge Centre
004.22 USH 04024295 Computer System Architecture and Organization / Usha, M. Wiley, 2013 9788126522842 275p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.22 VAH 00060461 Embedded System Design Vahid,Frank John Wiley & Sons 2003 9971514052 324 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.22 VIS 00120391 Computer Organization and Architecture / Vishwa Alka I.K.International Publishing House Pvt.Ltd , 2013 9789382332473 372p.: UG Library
004.22 VIS 10000902 Computer Organization and Architecture / Vishwa, Alka. Wiley, 2019 9789389307627 xi, 372p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.22 WIL 00051007 Computer Architecture Wilkinson,Barry Prentice Hall 1996 0013518200 | 9780135182000 463 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.22 YAD 05054494 Computer systems architecture / Yadin, Aharon, CRC Press, 2016 9781482231052 (hbk. : acidfree paper) xxi,445p.; Knowledge Centre
004.24 AMM 04002080 Introduction to Software Testing Ammann, Paul Cambridge University Press 2008 9780521880381 322 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.24 JAI 04002227 Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis : Jain, Raj. John Wiley and Sons, 2009 9788126519057 xxvii,685p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.24 JAI 04002882 Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis : Jain, Raj. John Wiley and Sons, 2009 9788126519057 xxvii,685p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.24 JAI 04002045 Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis : Jain, Raj. John Wiley and Sons, 2009 9788126519057 xxvii,685p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.24 AMM 00121708 Introduction to software testing / Ammann, Paul Camebridge University Press , 2009 9780521175821 322 p. : UG Library
004.24 FOR 04007921 Computer systems performance evaluation and prediction / Fortier, Paul J. Elsevier, 2003 xiii, 525p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.24 FOR 04013940 Computer Systems Performance Evaluation and Prediction Fortier, Paul Digital Press [Imprint] | Elsevier, 2012 9788181476197 | 1555582605 (Tr Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.24 JAI 05003470 The art of computer systems performance analysis : Jain, Raj. Wiley, 1991 0471503363 xxvii,658p.; Knowledge Centre
004.24 JAI 05004564 Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis : Jain, Raj. John Wiley and Sons, 2009 9788126519057 xxvii,685p.; Knowledge Centre
004.24 KAM 05018393 Embedded Systems : Kamal, Raj Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2006 0070494703 xvi,633p.; Knowledge Centre
004.24 KAM 05018394 Embedded Systems : Kamal, Raj Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2006 0070494703 xvi,633p.; Knowledge Centre
004.24 KAM 05018395 Embedded Systems : Kamal, Raj Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2006 0070494703 xvi,633p.; Knowledge Centre
004.24 KAM 05018396 Embedded Systems : Kamal, Raj Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2006 0070494703 xvi,633p.; Knowledge Centre
004.24 KAM 00057643 Embedded Systems Kamal, Raj Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 2003 0070494703 | 9780070494701 633 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.24 KAM 05018392 Embedded Systems : Kamal, Raj Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2006 0070494703 xvi,633p.; Knowledge Centre
004.24 LOW 00132248 Analytical methods for network congestion control Low, Steven H Morgan and claypool pub lishers, 2017 9781627057332 xx,191p.; UG Library
004.24 PAU 04015333 Introduction to software testing / Ammann, Paul Camebridge University Press , 2009 9780521175821 322 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.24 PEA 04012715 Design With PIC Microcontrollers / Peatman, B John Pearson Education 2002 8178085089 xi,250p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.24 PEA 04012716 Design With PIC Microcontrollers / Peatman, B John Pearson Education 2002 8178085089 xi,250p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.24 PEA 05018398 Design With PIC Microcontrollers / Peatman, B John Pearson Education 2002 8178085089 xi,250p.; Knowledge Centre
004.25 KNO 03000815 Systems Analysis & Design Fundamentals : Knock, Ned. Sage Publications Pvt Ltd, 2008 9788178299174 321 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.25 AVI 00066895 Information Systems Development Avison, David 2005 0077096266 592 p UG Library
004.2FOR 00049863 TCP/IP Protocol Suite [MCA-SECTION] Forouzan, A Behrouz 0070434743 836p Knowledge Centre
004.3 DAN 04004116 Guide to RISC Processors for Programmers and Engineers Dandamudi, Sivarama Springer International 2005 9788181286635 387 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.3 DAN 04004117 Guide to RISC Processors for Programmers and Engineers Dandamudi, Sivarama Springer International 2005 9788181286635 387 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.3 DAN 04004430 Guide to RISC Processors for Programmers and Engineers Dandamudi, Sivarama Springer International 2005 9788181286635 387 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.3 DAN 04004431 Guide to RISC Processors for Programmers and Engineers Dandamudi, Sivarama Springer International 2005 9788181286635 387 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.3 HAN 04010039 Classic operating systems : Springer, 2001 9780387951133 x, 597 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.3 MC 05003373 Microsoft Dictionary/ PHI Learning Private Limited, 2010 9788120320550 5th ed ix,637p.; Knowledge Centre
004.3 SHN 10001051 Computer Dictionary / Shnier, Mitchell. Que, 1998 9780789716705 ix, 798 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.32 DON 04002621 Sourcebook of Parallel Computing Dongarra, Jack Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 2003 9788181476135 842 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 LAP 04000615 Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis / Laplante, Phillip John Wiley and Sons, 2008 9788126508303 504p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 LAP 04001181 Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis / Laplante, Phillip John Wiley and Sons, 2008 9788126508303 504p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 LAP 04002470 Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis / Laplante, Phillip John Wiley and Sons, 2008 9788126508303 504p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 MAL 04003184 Real-Time Systems: Theory and Practice Mall, Rajib Pearson Education 2008 9788131700693 226 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 PRA 04006446 Embedded/real-Time Systems: Concepts, Design & Programming (black Book) Prasad, K V K K Dreamtech Press 2010 9788177224610 639 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 PRA 04006447 Embedded/real-Time Systems: Concepts, Design & Programming (black Book) Prasad, K V K K Dreamtech Press 2010 9788177224610 639 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 PRA 04006448 Embedded/real-Time Systems: Concepts, Design & Programming (black Book) Prasad, K V K K Dreamtech Press 2010 9788177224610 639 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 SHA 04001162 Real Time Systems and Software Shaw, Alan C John Wiley and Sons 2008 8126508337 215p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 SIM 04001680 Embedded Sofware Primer Simon, David E Pearson Education 2008 8129708000 443p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 VAH 05003447 Embedded System Design : Vahid, Frank John Wiley & Sons, 2005 9971514052 xxi,324p.; Knowledge Centre
004.33 VER 05056209 Embedded System Design for Students / Verma,Gaurav. SPD, 2015 9789351107712 xvi,372p.: Knowledge Centre
004.33 ELL 04024320 Real-time analytics : Ellis, Byron. Wiley, 2014 9788126552160 412 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 FOS 00069167 The Grid 2 Foster, Lan Morgan Kaufmann Publisers 2004 8131202003 | 9788131202005 748 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.33 GRA 00052575 Design Principles for Interactive Software Gram, Christian Chapman & Hall 1996 0412724707 | 9780412724701 1st Ed. 248 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.33 IYE 05001295 Embedded Realtime Systems Programming / Iyer, Sriram V Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 2004 0070482845 xviii,321p.; Knowledge Centre
004.33 IYE 05018383 Embedded Realtime Systems Programming / Iyer, Sriram V Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 2004 0070482845 xviii,321p.; Knowledge Centre
004.33 IYE 04026048 Embedded Realtime Systems Programming / Iyer, Sriram V Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2004 0070482845 | 9780070482845 321p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 KRI 04019183 Real-time systems / Krishna, C. M. McGraw-Hill, 1997 9780070701151 xvi, 448 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 KRI 04019184 Real-time systems / Krishna, C. M. McGraw-Hill, 1997 9780070701151 xvi, 448 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 KRI 05005877 Real Time Systems / Krishna, C M The McGraw-Hill Co.Inc., 2003 0071142436 xvi,448p.; Knowledge Centre
004.33 KRI 05018379 Real Time Systems / Krishna, C M The McGraw-Hill Co.Inc., 2003 0071142436 xvi,448p.; Knowledge Centre
004.33 LAK 04029071 Data Science on the Google Cloud Platform : Lakshmanan, Valliappa Shroff Publishers, 2018 9781491974568 | 9789352136766 391p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 LAP 05038193 Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis an Engineer`s Handbook / Laplante, Philip A Prentice Hall of India , 1997 8120316843 xxi,360p.; Knowledge Centre
004.33 LI 04009541 Real-Time Concepts for Embedded Systems / Li, Qing CMP books , 2003 9789380501987 xi;,294p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 Li 04007818 Real-Time Concepts for Embedded Systems / Li, Qing CMP books , 2003 9789380501987 xi;,294p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 LI 04013985 Real-Time Concepts for Embedded Systems / Li, Qing CMP books , 2003 9789380501987 xi;,294p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 OLD 00127001 Real-time Systems : Olderog, E.-R. Cambridge University Press, 2008 0521883334 | 9780521883337 xvi, 320 p. : UG Library
004.33 PRA 05019292 Embedded / Real - Time Systems : K V K K Prasad Dreamtech Press, 2005 639p.; Knowledge Centre
004.33 PRA 05038039 Embedded / Real - Time Systems : K V K K Prasad Dreamtech Press, 2005 639p.; Knowledge Centre
004.33 PRA 05019201 Embedded / Real - Time Systems : K V K K Prasad Dreamtech Press, 2005 639p.; Knowledge Centre
004.33 PRA 05018359 Embedded / Real - Time Systems : K V K K Prasad Dreamtech Press, 2005 639p.; Knowledge Centre
004.33 PRA 05018358 Embedded / Real - Time Systems : K V K K Prasad Dreamtech Press, 2005 639p.; Knowledge Centre
004.33 PRA 05038040 Embedded / Real - Time Systems : K V K K Prasad Dreamtech Press, 2005 639p.; Knowledge Centre
004.33 PRA 05038041 Embedded / Real - Time Systems : K V K K Prasad Dreamtech Press, 2005 639p.; Knowledge Centre
004.33 PRA 05038042 Embedded / Real - Time Systems : K V K K Prasad Dreamtech Press, 2005 639p.; Knowledge Centre
004.33 PRA 05019291 Embedded / Real - Time Systems : K V K K Prasad Dreamtech Press, 2005 639p.; Knowledge Centre
004.33 PRA 05004405 Embedded / Real - Time Systems : K V K K Prasad Dreamtech Press, 2005 639p.; Knowledge Centre
004.33 PRA 00137168 Embedded/real-Time Systems: Concepts, Design & Programming (black Book) Prasad, K V K K Dreamtech Press, 2015 9788177224610 640p.; UG Library
004.33 PRA 00137169 Embedded/real-Time Systems: Concepts, Design & Programming (black Book) Prasad, K V K K Dreamtech Press, 2015 9788177224610 640p.; UG Library
004.33 PRA 04012258 Embedded/real-Time Systems: Concepts, Design & Programming (black Book) Prasad, K V K K Dreamtech Press 2010 9788177224610 639 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 PRA 05073965 Embedded / Real - Time Systems : K V K K Prasad Dreamtech Press, 2005 639p.; Knowledge Centre
004.33 PRA 04008923 Embedded/real-Time Systems: Concepts, Design & Programming (black Book) Prasad, K V K K Dreamtech Press 2010 9788177224610 639 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 PRA 04008922 Embedded/real-Time Systems: Concepts, Design & Programming (black Book) Prasad, K V K K Dreamtech Press 2010 9788177224610 639 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 SHA 00060480 Real Time Systems and Software Shaw, Alan C. John Wiley & Sons 2001 9814126578 215 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.33 SHY 04015203 Real time programming : Shyamasundar, R K World Scientific P, 2010 9789810225667 245 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 SIM 04012266 An embedded software primer / Simon, David E. Pearson, 2012 9788177581546 xix, 424 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 SIM 04012267 An embedded software primer / Simon, David E. Pearson, 2012 9788177581546 xix, 424 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 SIM 04026258 An embedded software primer / Simon, David E. Pearson, 2012 9788177581546 xix, 424 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 SIM 05037236 An Embedded Software Primer / David E Simon Pearson, 1999 9788177581546 442p.; Knowledge Centre
004.33 SIM 04023569 An embedded software primer / Simon, David E. Pearson, 2012 9788177581546 xix, 424 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 SIM 04023570 An embedded software primer / Simon, David E. Pearson, 2012 9788177581546 xix, 424 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.33 VAH 05018355 Embedded System Design : Vahid, Frank John Wiley & Sons, 2005 9971514052 xxi,324p.; Knowledge Centre
004.33 VAH 05018352 Embedded System Design : Vahid, Frank John Wiley & Sons, 2005 9971514052 xxi,324p.; Knowledge Centre
004.33 VAH 05018353 Embedded System Design : Vahid, Frank John Wiley & Sons, 2005 9971514052 xxi,324p.; Knowledge Centre
004.33 VAH 05018356 Embedded System Design : Vahid, Frank John Wiley & Sons, 2005 9971514052 xxi,324p.; Knowledge Centre
004.33 VAH 05018354 Embedded System Design : Vahid, Frank John Wiley & Sons, 2005 9971514052 xxi,324p.; Knowledge Centre
004.33 VAH 05018351 Embedded System Design : Vahid, Frank John Wiley & Sons, 2005 9971514052 xxi,324p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 BHU 04004079 Parallel Computing Bhujade, M R New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 9788122423877 278 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 BHU 04004078 Parallel Computing Bhujade, M R New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 9788122423877 278 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 BHU 04004407 Parallel Computing Bhujade, M R New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 9788122423877 278 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 BHU 04004409 Parallel Computing Bhujade, M R New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 9788122423877 278 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 CUL 04001383 Parallel Computer Architecture: Culler, David E Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1999 9781558603431 1025 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 CUL 04000178 Parallel Computer Architecture: Culler, David E Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1999 9781558603431 1025 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 CUR 04001381 Embedded Multitasking / Curtis, Keith E Elsevier, 2008 8131208370 400p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 CUR 04000623 Embedded Multitasking / Curtis, Keith E Elsevier, 2008 8131208370 400p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 HWA 04001629 Digital Logic and Microprocessor Design With VHDL Hwang, Enoch O Thomson South-Western 2006 9788131501948 588 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 HWA 04002249 Digital Logic and Microprocessor Design With VHDL Hwang, Enoch O Thomson South-Western 2006 9788131501948 588 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 HWA 1 04000917 Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing / Hwang, Kai Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 9780070663541 xviii,846 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 QUI 04000070 Parallel Computing: Quinn, Michael J Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 0070495467 446 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 QUI 05018369 Parllel Computing : Quinn, Michael Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Inc., 2004 0070495467 xvii,446p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 SIM 04000144 Advanced Computer Architectures : Sima, Dezso Pearson Education, 2008 8131702081 | 9788131702086 790 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 ADA 04030493 From Parallel to Emergent Computing / CRC Press, 2019 9780367656607 608p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 BAL 05056713 Programming models for parallel computing / Balaji, Pavan. The MIT Press, 2015 9780262528818 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0262528819 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxv,458p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 BEN 05018397 Principles of concurrent and distributed programming / Ben-Ari, M., Addison-Wesley, 2006 032131283X (pbk.) | 9780321312839 (pbk.) xv,361p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 BER 05049371 Parallel and distributed computation : Bertsekas, Dimitri P. Prentice Hall, 1989 0136487009 : xix,715p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 CUL 04013979 Parallel computer architecture : Culler, David E. Elesvier, 2012 9788181471895 xxix, 1025 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 CUL 04007835 Parallel computer architecture : Culler, David E. Elsevier, 1999 xxix, 1025p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 DON 05018382 Sourcebook of Parallel Computing / Dongarra, Jack ELSEVIER , 2005 8181476131 xvi,842p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 GEB 04026673 Algorithms and Parallel Computing / Gebali,Fayez Wiley, 2015 9788126553891 341p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 GRA 10003750 Introduction to parallel computing / Grama, Ananth Pearson, 2008 9788131708071 2nd ed. xx, 636p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.35 GRA 04008975 Introduction to parallel computing / Grama, Ananth Pearson, 2008 9788131708071 2nd ed. xx, 636p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 HAG 04029322 Introduction to high performance computing for scientists and engineers / Hager, Georg. CRC Press, 2012 9781439811924 (alk. paper) xxv, 330 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 HWA 05018390 Advanced Computer Architecture : Hwang, Kai Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 2006 0007053070 xxiv,770p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 HWA 05018389 Advanced Computer Architecture : Hwang, Kai Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 2006 0007053070 xxiv,770p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 HWA 10000050 Advanced computer architecture : Hwang, Kai. McGraw-Hill, 2016 9789339220921 3rd ed. xxiv, 743 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.35 HWA 04007206 Advanced Computer Architecture : Hwang, Kai McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1993 0071133429 xxiv,770p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 HWA 04007207 Advanced Computer Architecture : Hwang, Kai McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1993 0071133429 xxiv,770p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 HWA 04007208 Advanced Computer Architecture : Hwang, Kai McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1993 0071133429 xxiv,770p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 HWA 00057070 Advanced Computer Architechture: Parallelism - Scalability - Progrmmability Hwang, Kai 2003 0007053070 770p UG Library
004.35 HWA 00128451 Advanced computer architecture : Hwang, Kai. McGraw-Hill, 2016 9789339220921 3rd ed. xxiv, 743 p. : UG Library
004.35 HWA 04023522 Advanced computer architecture : Hwang, Kai. McGraw-Hill, 1993 9780070702103 xxiv, 771 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 HWA 04023523 Advanced computer architecture : Hwang, Kai. McGraw-Hill, 1993 9780070702103 xxiv, 771 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 HWA 04023524 Advanced computer architecture : Hwang, Kai. McGraw-Hill, 1993 9780070702103 xxiv, 771 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 HWA 05001296 Parallel Processing for Supercomputers and Artificial Intelligence / Hwang, Kai McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1989 0071007490 xix,673p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 HWA 05018318 Advanced Computer Architecture : Hwang, Kai McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1993 0071133429 xxiv,770p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 HWA 05036890 Advanced computer architecture : Hwang, Kai. McGraw-Hill, 1993 0070316228 : xxiv,771p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 HWA 05018387 Advanced Computer Architecture : Hwang, Kai Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 2006 0007053070 xxiv,770p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 HWA 05018388 Advanced Computer Architecture : Hwang, Kai Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 2006 0007053070 xxiv,770p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 HWA 04024790 Advanced computer architecture : Hwang, Kai. McGraw-Hill, 2016 9789339220921 3rd ed. xxiv, 743 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 HWA 04024791 Advanced computer architecture : Hwang, Kai. McGraw-Hill, 2016 9789339220921 3rd ed. xxiv, 743 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 HWA 04024792 Advanced computer architecture : Hwang, Kai. McGraw-Hill, 2016 9789339220921 3rd ed. xxiv, 743 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 HWA 05001772 Advanced Computer Architecture : Hwang, Kai Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 2006 0007053070 xxiv,770p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 HWA 05018380 Computer Architechture and Parallel Processing / Hwang, Kai McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1985 0070663548 xviii,846p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 HWA 05001446 Computer Architechture and Parallel Processing / Hwang, Kai McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1985 0070663548 xviii,846p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 ISA 04021238 Software Pipelines and SOA : Isaacson, Cory Pearson : 2012 9788131734797 382p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 KHE 04020957 Data flow analysis Khedker, Uday. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2009 9780849328800 (hardcover : alk 386p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 KHE 00120998 Data Flow Analysis : Khedker, Uday. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2009 9780849328800 xiii, 386 p. : UG Library
004.35 KIR 04007844 Programming massively parallel processors : Kirk, David B. Elsevier, 2010 2nd ed xviii,258p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 KIR 04012670 Programming massively parallel processors : Kirk, David B. Elsevier, 2010 2nd ed xviii,258p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 KIR 04020319 Programming massively parallel processors : Kirk, David B Elsvier Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2013 9780123814722 (alk. paper) | 9 2nd ed. 496p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 KIR 05031039 Programming massively parallel processors : Kirk, David B. Elsevier, 2010 2nd ed xviii,258p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 KIR 05031052 Programming massively parallel processors : Kirk, David B. Elsevier, 2010 2nd ed xviii,258p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 KUM 00146765 Scientific parallel computing / Kumar, Sujeet Random, 2023 9789394137783 ix,272p. : UG Library
004.35 NAR 00123058 Advances in Computer Architecture and Implementation Narayan, Gopal Centrum Press, 2015 9789350847893 304 p:. UG Library
004.35 NUM 00135902 Parallel Programming with Co-arrays / Numrich,Robert W. CRC Press, 2019 9781439840047 ix,209p.; UG Library
004.35 PET 04012321 Introduction to Parallel Computing : Petersen, W. P. Oxford University Press; 2011 9780199560868 259 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 QUI 05018364 Parllel Computing : Quinn, Michael Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Inc., 2004 0070495467 xvii,446p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 QUI 05018363 Parllel Computing : Quinn, Michael Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Inc., 2004 0070495467 xvii,446p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 QUI 05018366 Parllel Computing : Quinn, Michael Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Inc., 2004 0070495467 xvii,446p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 QUI 05018368 Parllel Computing : Quinn, Michael Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Inc., 2004 0070495467 xvii,446p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 QUI 05018367 Parllel Computing : Quinn, Michael Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Inc., 2004 0070495467 xvii,446p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 QUI 05018362 Parllel Computing : Quinn, Michael Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Inc., 2004 0070495467 xvii,446p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 QUI 05004267 Parllel Computing : Quinn, Michael Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Inc., 2004 0070495467 xvii,446p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 QUI 05003312 Parllel Computing : Quinn, Michael Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Inc., 2004 0070495467 xvii,446p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 QUI 05018365 Parllel Computing : Quinn, Michael Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Inc., 2004 0070495467 xvii,446p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 RAU 00146626 Parallel Programming: Rauber, Thomas Springer, 2023 9783031289231 3rd ed, xiii,554p. ; UG Library
004.35 RID 04021595 Scientific parallel computing / Scott, L. Ridgway. New Age Internationa pub, 2005 069111935X (hbk.) | 9788122431 374 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 ROS 04024824 Understanding concurrent systems / Roscoe, A.W. Springer, 2011 9788132204121 1st. ed. 527 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 ROS 04010123 Understanding concurrent systems / Roscoe, A.W. Springer, 2011 9788132204121 1st. ed. 527 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 ROS 04011237 Understanding concurrent systems / Roscoe, A.W. Springer, 2011 9788132204121 1st. ed. 527 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 ROS 04011100 Understanding concurrent systems / Roscoe, A.W. Springer, 2011 9788132204121 1st. ed. 527 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 RYA 00134695 AWS System Administration: Ryan,Mike. Shroff Publishers & Distributors, 2018 9789352137503 ix,362p,: UG Library
004.35 SIM 04007203 Advanced Computer Architectures : Sima, Dezso Pearson Education, 2008 8131702081 | 9788131702086 790 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 SIM 04007204 Advanced Computer Architectures : Sima, Dezso Pearson Education, 2008 8131702081 | 9788131702086 790 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 SIM 04007205 Advanced Computer Architectures : Sima, Dezso Pearson Education, 2008 8131702081 | 9788131702086 790 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 SIM 04018918 Advanced Computer Architectures : Sima, Dezso Pearson Education, 2008 8131702081 | 9788131702086 790 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 SIM 05037386 Advanced Computer Architectures : Sima, Dezso Pearson Education, 2008 8131702081 | 9788131702086 790 p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 SIM 04009270 Advanced Computer Architectures : Sima, Dezso Pearson Education, 2008 8131702081 | 9788131702086 790 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 SOL 00122981 Fundamentals of Parallel Multicore Architecture / Solihin, Yan CRC Press, 2016 9781482211184 468p. : UG Library
004.35 SOL 04024645 Fundamentals of Parallel Multicore Architecture / Solihin, Yan CRC Press, 2016 9781482211184 468p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.35 STA 05018378 Computer Organization and Architecture : Stallings, William. Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2006 8120329627 | 9788120329621 | 0131856448 7th ed. xiv,778p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 STA 05018377 Computer Organization and Architecture : Stallings, William. Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2006 8120329627 | 9788120329621 | 0131856448 7th ed. xiv,778p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 STA 05018376 Computer Organization and Architecture : Stallings, William. Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2006 8120329627 | 9788120329621 | 0131856448 7th ed. xiv,778p.; Knowledge Centre
004.35 WEI 00144620 Principles of Parallel Scientific Computing : Weinzierl, Tobias. Springer, 2021 9783030761936 xiii,314p, ; UG Library
004.358 HWA 04024678 Scalable parallel computing : Hwang, Kai. WCB/McGraw-Hill, 1998 0070317984 | 9780070317987 xxiv, 802 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 ANS 04004061 Practical Handbook of Thin-Client Implementation Ansaru, Nasimuddin New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2005 9788122416855 214 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 ANS 04004060 Practical Handbook of Thin-Client Implementation Ansaru, Nasimuddin New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2005 9788122416855 214 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 GAR 04001090 Elements of Distributed Computing Garg, Vijay K John Wiley & Sons 2006 9812532382 423 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 JOS 04000468 Grid Computing / Joseph, Joshy Pearson Education, 2008 9788131708859 400 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 MAR 05013792 Computer Networks And Distributed Processing : Jamesmartin, Prentice Hall of India, 1988 562 p. Knowledge Centre
004.36 SIN 05045242 Cloud Computing / Singh,Virendra. Astha Publishers, 2015 9789382126584 vi,264p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 SIT 04013969 Moving to the Cloud : Sitaram, Dinkar. Syngress, Elsevier ; 2012 9781597497251 (pbk.) | 9789381 xxviii, 448 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 WRI 04011056 Pro SharePoint Designer 2010 / Wright Steve Springer, 2011 9788132204305 xix,454 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 YAN 00116506 Security for cloud storage systems Yang, Kan Springer, 2014 9781461478720 xi: 83p.: UG Library
004.36 ABB 04025469 Grid computing : Abbas, Ahmar. Firewall Media, 2011 xxiii, 408 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 ABB 04010185 Grid computing : Abbas, Ahmar. Firewall Media, 2011 xxiii, 408 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 ABB 05018679 Grid Computing : Abbas, Ahmar Laxmi Publications (P) LTD., 2004 8170086264 408 p. Knowledge Centre
004.36 ATT 05003484 Distributed Computing: Attiya, Hagit Wiley India, 2010 9788126509164 2nd ed xv,414p.: Knowledge Centre
004.36 ATT 04010422 Distributed Computing: Attiya, Hagit Wiley India, 2010 9788126509164 2nd ed xv,414p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 ATT 04012864 Distributed Computing: Attiya, Hagit Wiley India, 2010 9788126509164 2nd ed xv,414p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 BEN 04028213 Data Analytics with Hadoop : Bengfort, Benjamin SPD Pvt Ltd, 2016 9789352133741 268p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 BER 04008844 Grid Computing : Berman, Fran Wiley, 2011 9788126527229 xlvi, 1012p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 BER 04008845 Grid Computing : Berman, Fran Wiley, 2011 9788126527229 xlvi, 1012p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 BER 04026153 Grid Computing : Berman, Fran Wiley, 2011 9788126527229 xlvi, 1012p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 BRO 04018257 Practical Distributed Processing / Brooke,Phillip.J Springer, 2008 9788184897494 xiv,270 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 BRO 05005843 Practical Distributed Processing / Brooke,Phillip.J Springer, 2008 9788184897494 xiv,270 p. Knowledge Centre
004.36 BUR 05068042 Kubernetes : Up and Running : Burns, Brendan Shroff publishers and distributors Pvt.Ltd. , 2019 9789352139163 2nd ed. xviii, 255p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.36 BUR 00134703 Designing distributed systems: Burns, Brendan, SPD, 2018 9781491983645 | 9789352136988 First edition. xi, 149 p. : UG Library
004.36 BUY 05054121 Cloud Computing : Buyya, Rajkumar John Wiley, 2013 9788126541256 xxv,637p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 CHI 04022020 Grid Computing / Chaithra Sams Publishers, 2010 9789380485027 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 COU 05003664 Distributed Systems : Coulouris,George Pearson Education, 2009 9788131718407 4th ed xiv,849p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 COU 04023404 Distributed Systems : Coulouris,George Pearson Education, 2009 9788131718407 4th ed xiv,849p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 COU 04022192 Distributed Systems : Coulouris,George Pearson Education, 2009 9788131718407 4th ed xiv,849p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 COU 04022193 Distributed Systems : Coulouris,George Pearson Education, 2009 9788131718407 4th ed xiv,849p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 COU 04022194 Distributed Systems : Coulouris,George Pearson Education, 2009 9788131718407 4th ed xiv,849p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 COU 04022195 Distributed Systems : Coulouris,George Pearson Education, 2009 9788131718407 4th ed xiv,849p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 COU 04028820 Distributed Systems : Coulouris, George Pearson, 2018 9789332575226 xi, 1047p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 COU 04022873 Distributed Systems : Coulouris,George Pearson Education, 2009 9788131718407 4th ed xiv,849p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 DEW 05018660 Client Server Computing / Dewire, Dawna Travis. McGraw Hill, 1993 0071132708 xxvii,339p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 DUB 05067578 Cloud Computing and Beyond : Dubey Sanjiv Shankar. I.K.International, 2018 9789386768148 xxi,276p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 DUB 04022391 Data Mining Techniques in Grid Computing Environments / Wiley Blackwell, 2008 9788126552054 266p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 DUB 10000896 Cloud Computing and Beyond : Dubey ,Sanjiv Shankar. Wiley, 2019 9789389520477 2nd ed. xxi,276p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.36 DUB 05037279 Cloud Computing and Beyond Shankar Dubey, Sanjiva I.K. International Publishing House, 2012 9789381141854 xvi,235p.: Knowledge Centre
004.36 DUN 05005846 Pro BizTalk 2009 / Dunphy, George Apress L. P. 2009 9781430219811 | 978818489417 New Edition xxvi,740p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 EAD 04029877 Hadoop 2 quick-start guide : Eadline, Doug Pearson, 2019 9789332570351 xvii, 278 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 EAD 10000497 Hadoop 2 quick-start guide : Eadline, Doug Pearson, 2019 9789332570351 xvii, 278 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.36 ELE 00135731 Grid Computing / Learning,3G E. 3G E-Learning, 2018 9781680948158 xii,251p.; UG Library
004.36 ELE 00136378 Core concepts in computer science:cloud computing Elearning 3G E-Learning, 2019 9781984620682 260p.; UG Library
004.36 FAY 05048272 Cloud Computing : Faynberg, Igor Wiley, 2016 9781118501214 xii,363p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 FOS 04007813 The Grid 2 : Elsevier, 2004 xix, 748p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 GHO 04015853 Distributed systems Ghosh, Sukumar. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2007 1584885645 | 9781584885641 402p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 GHO 05005735 Distributed systems Ghosh, Sukumar. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2007 1584885645 | 9781584885641 402p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 GOT 05032789 Grids for the Internet and other Digital Media / Gotz Veruschka Switzerland, 2002 9782884790031 159 p.: Knowledge Centre
004.36 GRI 05018370 Professional DCOM Programming : Grimes, Richard Wrox, 1997 0186100060 xix,565p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 HEN 05049282 A distributed pi-calculus / Hennessy, Matthew. Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521873307 (hbk.) | 0521873304 (hbk.) xvi,259p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 HIC 00050364 Managing Distributed Applications Hicks,Mike Prentice Hall 2001 0130177644 | 9780130177643 309 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.36 HUR 05055500 Cloud computing for dummies / Hurwitz, Judith. Wiley Pub., 2010 9788126524877 xxii, 310 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.36 HUR 05005707 Cloud computing for dummies / Hurwitz, Judith. Wiley Pub., 2010 9788126524877 xxii, 310 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.36 HUR 05055501 Cloud computing for dummies / Hurwitz, Judith. Wiley Pub., 2010 9788126524877 xxii, 310 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.36 JAM 00116505 Cloud Computing Jamsa, Dr. Kris. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2012 9781449647407 | 1449647405 xix: 322p.: UG Library
004.36 JAY 05055455 Cloud Computing Black Book / Jayaswal, Kailash Dreamtech Press, 2014 9789351194187 xxvi,457p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 JAY 00130663 Cloud Computing Black Book / Jayaswal, Kailash Dreamtech Press, 2014 9789351194187 xxvi,457p.; UG Library
004.36 JAY 10000897 Cloud Computing Black Book / Jayaswal, Kailash Dreamtech Press, 2014 9789351194187 xxvi,457p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.36 JAY 05045798 Cloud Computing Black Book / Jayaswal, Kailash Dreamtech Press, 2014 9789351194187 xxvi,457p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 JOS 05004215 Grid Computing : Joseph, Joshy Pearson Education Inc., 2004 9788131708859 400p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 JOS 04023243 Grid Computing / Joseph, Joshy Pearson Education, 2008 9788131708859 400 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 JOS 04023603 Grid Computing / Joseph, Joshy Pearson Education, 2008 9788131708859 400 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 KAM 04008899 Service-Oriented Architecture : Kambhampaty, Shankar Wiley India Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9788126519897 2nd ed. xxxii,328p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 KAM 04008898 Service-Oriented Architecture : Kambhampaty, Shankar Wiley India Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9788126519897 2nd ed. xxxii,328p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 KAM 05004542 Service-Oriented Architecture : Kambhampaty, Shankar Wiley India Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9788126519897 2nd ed. xxxii,328p.: Knowledge Centre
004.36 KEJ 05058174 The Art of Planning : Kejariwal,Arun. SPD, 2017 9789352136421 2nd ed. xv,216p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 KLS 05005885 SAP MM : Kogent Learning Solutions Inc. Dreamtech Press, 2010 9788177224641 vi,234p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 KRI 04026655 Principles of Grid Computing Concepts & Applications Krishna Venkata P. Ane Books Pvt, 2016 9789380618159 xvii, 246 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 KRI 00118071 Principles of Grid Computing Concepts & Applications Krishna Venkata P. Ane Books Pvt, 2016 9789380618159 xvii, 246 p.: UG Library
004.36 KSH 04013838 DIstributed computing : Kshemkalyani, Ajay D. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9781107648906 xvii , 736 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 KUM 00126500 Client Server Computing Kumar, Devendra Global Academic, 2015 9789381695159 203 p.: UG Library
004.36 LAM 04019607 Hadoop In Action / Lam, Chuck Dreamtech Press, 2011 9788177228137 xxi,311p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 LAM 05005755 Hadoop In Action / Lam, Chuck Dreamtech Press, 2011 9788177228137 xxi,311p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 MAG 03008820 Grid Resource Management : Magoulès, F. CRC Press, 2009 9781420074048 (hbk. : alk. pap xxi, 300 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.36 MAH 05003206 Distributed Computing / Mahajan, Sunita Oxford Universtiy Press 2010 9780198061861 xviii,598p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 MCG 05018659 Enterprise Service Oriented Architectures Mcgovern, James Springer, 2010 9788184890235 408p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 MCG 05001294 Enterprise service oriented architectures : Mcgovern,James. Springer, 2010 9788184890235 xxxv,408p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 MIL 05009180 Cloud Computing : Miller,Michael. Pearson Publications, 2008 9788131725337 xiii,293p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 MIL 05002725 Cloud Computing : Miller,Michael. Pearson Publications, 2008 9788131725337 xiii,293p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 MIN 05054099 A networking approach to grid computing / Minoli, Daniel, Wiley, 2005 0471687561 xvii,377p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 NAR 00127892 Desktop Grid Computing Narayan, Rajneesh Oxford, 2018 9789350303382 344 p.: UG Library
004.36 ORF 05004368 Client /Server Survival Guide : Orfali,Robert Wiley-India Pub , 1999 9788126510870 Third Edition . {3rd Edition } v ,762p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 ORF 04010401 Client /Server Survival Guide : Orfali,Robert Wiley-India Pub , 1999 9788126510870 Third Edition . {3rd Edition } v ,762p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 ORF 05018067 Instant Corba / Orfali, Robert John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1997 0471183334 313 p. Knowledge Centre
004.36 ORF 04012740 Client /Server Survival Guide : Orfali,Robert Wiley-India Pub , 1999 9788126510870 Third Edition . {3rd Edition } v ,762p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 PLA 05003264 Grid Computing : Plaszczak, Pawel Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2006 9788131202920 xv,261p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 PLA 04010951 Grid computing Plaszczak, Pawel. Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann, 2006 0127425039 (alk. paper) | 9780 xx; 261 p. cm. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 PRA 04013400 Grid and Cluster Computing / Prabhu, C. S. R. PHI Learning Private Limited ; 2012 9788120334281 240 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 PRA 04013401 Grid and Cluster Computing / Prabhu, C. S. R. PHI Learning Private Limited ; 2012 9788120334281 240 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 PRE 05011257 Computational and data grids : Preve Nikolaos Information Science Reference, 2012 9781613501139 (hardcover) xiv, 384 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.36 PRE 05044599 Grid computing Springer-Verlag, 2011 9780857296757 | 0857296752 xv,312p.: Knowledge Centre
004.36 SAM 05056189 Hadoop Operations / Sammer, Eric Sharoff Publishers, 2012 9789350239261 282p. : Knowledge Centre
004.36 SAM 04024335 Hadoop Operations / Sammer, Eric Sharoff Publishers, 2012 9789350239261 282p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 SAR 04020532 Large scale network-centric distributed systems / John Wiley, 2014 9780470936887 (pbk.) lviii, 700 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 SAU 04012963 Cloud Computing : Saurabh Dr.Kumar Wiley India, 2011 9788126528837 xxvii,208 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 SAU 10000898 Cloud Computing : Saurabh, Kumar. Wiley Publications, 2018 9788126570966 4th ed. xxvii, 267p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.36 SAU 05003436 Cloud Computing : Saurabh Dr.Kumar Wiley India, 2011 9788126528837 xxvii,208 p. Knowledge Centre
004.36 SAU 05045800 Cloud Computing : Saurabh, Kumar Wiley Publications, 2014 9788126546251 3rd ed. xiv,220p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 SCH 05013850 Novells Guide to Client-Server Applications and Architecture / Schank, D Jeffrey BPB Publications, 1994 xix,455p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 SES 05018630 COM AND DCOM : Sessions, Roger John Wiley & Sons, 1997 0047119381 xx,492p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 SES 05018619 COM and DCOM - Microsoft's Vision for Distributed Objects / Sessions, Roger john Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1998 0047119381 xx,492p,; Knowledge Centre
004.36 SHA 05045799 Cloud Computing : Sharma, Rishabh Wiley, 2015 9788126553068 xvi,214p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 SHE 05018658 Inside Atl-Create Light Weight Components / Shepherd, George WP Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd, 2000 8178530007 xxii,444p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 SHR 04029119 Using Flume / Shreedharan, Hari. Shroff Publisher, 2015 1449368301 | 9789351108580 xiii, 221 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 SHU 05018399 Architechture of Distributed Computer Systems / Shuey, L Richard Addison-Wesley, 1997 xxiii,401p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 SIL 05018088 Grid Computing for Developers / Silva, Vladimir Dream Tech Press, 2006 8177226827 xxiv,547p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 SIN 05054014 Distributed Operating Systems: Sinha, Pradeep K Prentice-Hall of Inida, 2008 9788120313804 743 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.36 SOS 05003333 Cloud Computing : Sosinsky Barri Wiley India Pvt.Ltd ; 2011 9788126529803 xxviii,497 p. Knowledge Centre
004.36 STA 04014505 Windows server 2008 / Stanek, William R. PHI, 2008 9788120334489 647p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 STA 04014517 Windows server 2008 / Stanek, William R. PHI, 2008 9788120334489 647p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 VEL 10002768 Cloud computing : Velte, Anthony T. McGraw-Hill, 2010 9780070683518 xviii,334p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.36 VEL 05055406 Cloud computing : Velte, Anthony T. McGraw-Hill, 2010 9780070683518 xviii,334p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 WAN 04018276 Grid computing : Wang, Lizhe CRC Press, 2009 9781420067668 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9781420067668 | 1420067664 (hardcover : alk. paper) xvi,512p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 WAN 05032421 Grid computing : Wang, Lizhe CRC Press, 2009 9781420067668 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9781420067668 | 1420067664 (hardcover : alk. paper) xvi,512p.; Knowledge Centre
004.36 WIL 04026351 Grid Computing : Wilkinson, Barry CRC Press, 2010 9781420069532 365p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.36 WU 05018661 Semantic Grid: Wu, Zhaohui Springer, 2008 9783540794530 | 3540794530 xiii,230p.: Knowledge Centre
004.36 WU 04022110 Semantic Grid: Wu, Zhaohui Springer, 2008 9783540794530 | 3540794530 xiii,230p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.3605 ATT 04001101 Distributed Computing: Attiya, Hagit John Wiley and Sons, 2008 8126508337 414p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.3605 KSH 04001243 Distributed Computing: Principles, Algorithms, and Systems Kshemkalyani, Ajay D Cambridge University Press 2008 9780521670517 730p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.3605 MAH 04007102 Distributed Computing / Mahajan, Sunita Oxford Universtiy Press 2010 9780198061861 xviii,598p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.3605 ATT 04000092 Distributed Computing: Attiya, Hagit John Wiley and Sons, 2008 8126508337 414p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.3605 ATT 04002416 Distributed Computing: Attiya, Hagit John Wiley and Sons, 2008 8126508337 414p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.3605 ATT 04008789 Distributed Computing: Attiya, Hagit John Wiley and Sons, 2008 8126508337 414p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.3605 MAH 04022075 Distributed Computing / Mahajan, Sunita. OUP, 2013 9780198093480 Second edition. xviii, 616 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.3605 MAH 04021140 Distributed Computing / Mahajan, Sunita OUP, 2013 9789350041246 2nd ed. 616p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.3605 MIS 10000895 Cloud and Distributed Computing : Misra, Rajiv. Wiley, 2020 9788126520275 xxiii, 432p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.5 VAS 04001800 Network Recovery: Protection and Restoration of Optical, SONET-SDH, IP, and MPLS Vasseur, Jean-Philip Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 2004 8181476476 521 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.5 ARN 05056198 OpenStack Swift : Arnold, Joe, SPD, 2015 9789351108528 First edition. xx, 314p.: Knowledge Centre
004.5 DES 00064999 Data Warehosing Using Oracle Deshpande, P. S. Dream Tech Press 2005 8177225847 | 9788177225846 544 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.5 GOR 04018392 Data-intensive computing : Gorton, Ian Camebridge, 2013 9780521191951 (hardback) viii, 290 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.5 KIM 00065062 Data warehouse ETL Toolkit Kimball,Ralph Wiley India 2004 8126505540 | 9788126505548 491 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.5 MUR 05058197 Interactive data visualization for the web / Murray, Scott SPD, 2017 9781449339739 | 1449339735 | 9781449361082 | 1449361080 2nd ed. xvi,447p.; Knowledge Centre
004.5028558 LIG 05043938 The art of memory forensics : Ligh, Michael Hale Wiley, 2014 9788126552214 xxii,886p.; Knowledge Centre
004.53 BES 04001459 Web Caching and Content Delivery: Proceeding of the Sixth International Web Content Caching and ... Bestavros, A Elsevier 2001 9780444509505 348 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.53 ESS 04008186 Nanoscale MOS transistors : Esseni, D. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521516846 (hardback) xvii, 470 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.565 MAT 05044522 E-Media / R N Mathur Advance Learner Press, 2013 9789383028023 287p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 ASH 04001802 Designer's Guide to the Cypress Psoc TM Ashby, Robert Elsevier 2005 9780750677806 245 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 BAI 00066890 Embedded System Design Bailey,Oliver DreamTech Press 2005 0817722610 | 9788177226102 472 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 BAR 04002092 Computer Networking Illuminated Barrett, Diane Viva Books 2008 9788130909769 832 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 BAR 04002945 Computer Networking Illuminated Barrett, Diane Viva Books 2008 9788130909769 832 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 BAR 04001593 Computer Networking Illuminated Barrett, Diane Viva Books 2008 9788130909769 832 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 BER 04000870 Data Networks Bertsejas, Dimitri Pearson Education 2008 8131701042 556 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 BID 04000470 Handbook of Computer Networks: Bidgoli, Hossein Willey Publication, 2008 9780471784616 1022 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 BID 04000471 Handbook of Computer Networks: Bidgoli, Hossein Willey Publication, 2008 9780471784616 1022 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 BID 04000472 Handbook of Computer Networks: Bidgoli, Hossein Willey Publication, 2008 9780471784616 1022 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 DUA 04002703 Interconnection Networks: An Engineering Approach Duato, Jose Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 2003 9788181474759 600 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 FAR 04001406 Internet and Its Protocols: A Comparative Approach Farrel, Adrian Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 2004 8181476433 809 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 FAR 04001794 Internet and Its Protocols: A Comparative Approach Farrel, Adrian Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 2004 8181476433 809 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 FAR 04002624 Internet and Its Protocols: A Comparative Approach Farrel, Adrian Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 2004 8181476433 809 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 FAR 04001276 Mobile Computing Principles Far, Reza B Cambridge University Press 2008 9780521670517 861 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 FIT 04001115 Business Data Communication and Networking Fitzgerald, Jerry John Wiley and Sons 2008 8126508337 546p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 FOR 04001730 Data Communications and Networking Forouzan, Behrouz A Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070634145 | 9780070499355 1134 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 FOR 04000912 Data Communications and Networking Forouzan, Behrouz A Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070634145 | 9780070499355 1134 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 FOR 04006554 Data Communications and Networking Forouzan, Behrouz A Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070634145 | 9780070499355 1134 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 FOR 04006555 Data Communications and Networking Forouzan, Behrouz A Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070634145 | 9780070499355 1134 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 FOR 04006556 Data Communications and Networking Forouzan, Behrouz A Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070634145 | 9780070499355 1134 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 FOR 04006557 Data Communications and Networking Forouzan, Behrouz A Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070634145 | 9780070499355 1134 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 FOR 04006877 Data Communications and Networking Forouzan, Behrouz A Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070634145 | 9780070499355 1134 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 FOR 04006878 Data Communications and Networking Forouzan, Behrouz A Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070634145 | 9780070499355 1134 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 GAH 04001038 Data Communications and Networking / Gahlot, Ashok Cyber Tech Publications, 2009 9788178844091 234p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 GOD 04006171 Data Communications and Networks / Godbole, Achyut S Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 0070472971 503 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 GOD 04006968 Data Communications and Networks / Godbole, Achyut S Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 0070472971 503 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 GOD 04000410 Data Communications and Networks / Godbole, Achyut S Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 0070472971 503 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 GUP 04003896 Data Communications and Computer Networks / Gupta, Prakash C Prentice-Hall of Inida, 2006 9788120328464 800 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 HAL 04002779 Networking: A Beginners's Guide Hallberg, Bruce Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070607910 450 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 IRV 04001175 Data Communications and Networks: An Engineering Approach / Irvine, James. John Wiley and Sons, 2006 9788126507658 xvii, 268p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 IRV 04002464 Data Communications and Networks: An Engineering Approach / Irvine, James. John Wiley and Sons, 2006 9788126507658 xvii, 268p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 ITL 04011469 Data Communications And Computer Networks ITL Education Solutions Limited ITL Education Solutions Limited 2012 9788131761274 298 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 JOH 04000146 Routers and Routing Basics: Johnson, Allan Pearson Education, 2008 9788131710746 405 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 KAR 04023041 Elements of computer networking : an integrated approach / Karumanchi, Narasimha Careemonk Publication, 2014 9788192107578 509 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 LOW 04002339 Networking for Dummies Lowe, Doug John Wiley and Sons 2007 9788126519194 412 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 MIC 04005815 Developing Xml Web Services and Server Components With Microsoft Visual Basic.Net and Microsoft ... Micro Soft Prentice-Hall of Inida 2003 9788120322622 651 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 MIR 05003661 Computer and Communication Networks / Mir, Nader F. Pearson Education, 2007 9788131715437 xxxii,617p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 MIR 04019640 Computer and Communication Networks / Mir, Nader F. Pearson Education, 2007 9788131715437 xxxii,617p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 MOH 04005627 AD HOC Networks Technologies and Protocols Mohapatra, Prasant Springer International 2009 9788184891423 270 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 MUL 04000504 Upgrading and Repairing Networks / Mueller`S, Scot Pearson Education, 2008 9788131705520 1178 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 ODO 04000873 Computer Networking First-Step Odom, Wendell Pearson Education 2008 8129706075 513 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 OLI 04000096 Computer Networks : Olifer, Natalia John Wiley and Sons, 2008 9788126509171 973 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 PET 04001403 Computer Networks / Peterson, Larry L Elsevier, 2008 9788131210451 806 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 PET 04001811 Computer Networks / Peterson, Larry L Elsevier, 2008 9788131210451 806 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 PET 04000670 Computer Networks / Peterson, Larry L Elsevier, 2008 9788131210451 806 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 POE 04002224 Storage Area Networks for Dummies Poelker, Christopher John Wiley and Sons 2009 9788126519804 438 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 PUJ 04001065 Management Control and Evolution of IP Networks Pujolle, Guy VIVA BOOK PVT LTD 2008 1905209479 642p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 RAO 04000214 Multimedia Communication Systems: Rao, K R Pearson Education, 2008 9788131708439 531 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 REI 04000668 Network Programming In.Net: With C# and Visual Basic. Net Reid, Fiach Elsevier 2008 8131203026 541 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 SAR 04004027 Computer Networks: A Pragmatic Approach Sarma, C R Jaico Publishing House 2008 9788179925157 315 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 SHI 04004214 Computer Network / Shinde, S S New Age Internations (P) Ltd., 2008 9788122425772 | 9788194369653 2nd ed. 404 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 SHI 04004215 Computer Network / Shinde, S S New Age Internations (P) Ltd., 2008 9788122425772 | 9788194369653 2nd ed. 404 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 SHI 04001980 Computer Network / Shinde, S S New Age Internations (P) Ltd., 2008 9788122425772 | 9788194369653 2nd ed. 404 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 SIN 04004347 Networking Sing, Balvir Fire Wallmedia 2009 9788131805169 189p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 SIN 04004346 Networking Sing, Balvir Fire Wallmedia 2009 9788131805169 189p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 STA 04012376 Data and Computer Commiunications / Stallings, William. Pearson Education, 2007 9788131715369 8th ed. xvi,834p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 STA 04012377 Data and Computer Commiunications / Stallings, William. Pearson Education, 2007 9788131715369 8th ed. xvi,834p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 STA 05003663 Data and Computer Commiunications / Stallings, William. Pearson Education, 2007 9788131715369 8th ed. xvi,834p. : Knowledge Centre
004.6 STO 05018640 Windows 95 Networking Secrets Stoltz, Kevin Pustak Mahal, 1996 xvi, 749p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 SUB 04000249 Network Management: Subramanian, Mani Pearson Education, 2008 9788177588200 662 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 SUG 04004309 Real-World Network Troubleshooting Manaual, Tools, Techniques, and Scenarios Sugano, Alan Fire Wallmedia 2007 9788131800140 396 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 SUG 04004308 Real-World Network Troubleshooting Manaual, Tools, Techniques, and Scenarios Sugano, Alan Fire Wallmedia 2007 9788131800140 396 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TAN 04000878 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, Andrew S Pearson Education 2008 9788177581652 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TAN 04003692 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, Andrew S Pearson Education 2008 9788177581652 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TAN 04003693 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, Andrew S Pearson Education 2008 9788177581652 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TAN 04003695 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, Andrew S Pearson Education 2008 9788177581652 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TAN 04003691 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, Andrew S Pearson Education 2008 9788177581652 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 WAL 04000414 Voice Over Ip First-Step / Wallace, Kevin Pearson Education, 2008 8131700437 304 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 WHI 04001717 Data Communications and Networking White, Curt M Thomson South-Western 2007 9788131505571 421 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 ZAC 04000741 Networking: The Complete Reference Zacker, Craig Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070474161 1109 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 ZHE 04003445 Networks for Computer Scientists and Engineers Zheng, Youlu Oxford Universtiy Press 2002 9780195685756 575 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 ZHE 04007108 Networks for Computer Scientists and Engineers Zheng, Youlu Oxford Universtiy Press 2002 9780195685756 575 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 ZHE 04003444 Networks for Computer Scientists and Engineers Zheng, Youlu Oxford Universtiy Press 2002 9780195685756 575 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 AGR 04017630 Data Communication and Networking / Agrawal, Rajneesh Vikash publication, 2011 9788125942498 263p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 ALE 00112369 Data communication and networking Alexander,Tom Crescent publishing corportion, 2014 9788183423236 x,272p.; UG Library
004.6 AMM 04029717 The art of wireless sensor networks. Springer, 2014 9783642400087 830 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 ANA 04025476 Mobile Computing : Anand, Rishabh University Science Press, 2015 9789383828494 306p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 ANA 04025477 Mobile Computing : Anand, Rishabh University Science Press, 2015 9789383828494 306p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 ARO 07009020 Communication Media and Internet/ Arora,Antra Random Publications, 2015 9789351115069 281 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
004.6 BAI 00076518 Embedded System Design Bailey,Oliver DreamTech Press 2005 0817722610 | 9788177226102 472 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 BAI 00076519 Embedded System Design Bailey,Oliver DreamTech Press 2005 0817722610 | 9788177226102 472 p. UG Library
004.6 BAI 00076520 Embedded System Design Bailey,Oliver DreamTech Press 2005 0817722610 | 9788177226102 472 p. UG Library
004.6 BAN 00104650 In The Shade The Commons Babsal Lipika Towards a Culture of Open Network 2006 174 p. UG Library
004.6 BAR 04023452 QOS enabled networks : Wiley, 2011 9780470686973 | 9780470976814 xx, 222 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 BAR 04010322 Communicating systems with UML2 : Garduno Barrera, David. Wiley, 2011 9781848212992 (hardback) xii, 262 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 BAS 04020287 Computer Networks I / Basavaraju, T. G. Filip Learning, 2013 9789382291480 344p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 BAT 04000632 Voices & Data Communication Handbook Bates, Regis McGraw Hill Education, 2007 9780070647664 5th Ed. 651 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 BER 00098035 Data Networks / Bertsekas, Dimitri. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd , 9788120307803 xix, 556 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 BER 04013205 Data Networks / Bertsekas, Dimitri. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd , 9788120307803 xix, 556 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 BFA 04009230 Mobile computing principles : B'Far, Reza. Cambridge University Press, 2005 861 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 BIR 04011161 Reliable distributed systems : Birman, Kenneth P. Springer, 2005 0387215093 (alk. paper) | 9780 xxxi, 668 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 BLA 04025655 Computer Network : Black, Uyless Pearson, 2015 9789332549524 436p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 BLA 04025656 Computer Network : Black, Uyless Pearson, 2015 9789332549524 436p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 BLA 00126035 Computer Network : Black, Uyless Pearson, 2015 9789332549524 436p. : UG Library
004.6 BLA 05004385 Data communications and distributed networks / Black, Uyless D. PHI Learning Pvt, 2009 0132034646 | 9788120309258 3rd ed. xvi,426p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 CAP 00070652 How to Change Your Life With Technology Capstick, B Anthony Jaico Publishing House 2004 0817992274 | 9788179922743 196 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 CAU 00045518 Sams Teach Yourself MCSE TCP/IP in 14 Days Causey, F James Techmedia 8176351024 554 p UG Library
004.6 CHO 04011191 Computer Networks and Communications / Choudhar, Ritu Centrum Press, 2011 9789381293096 288 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 CLA 05003392 CompTIA Network+ Certification Study Guide : Clarke, Glen E. Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2009 9780070670877 Fouth Edition xxxii,767p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 COM 05068869 Computer Networks And Internets With Internet Applications / Comer, Douglas E. Pearson, 2011 9788177589276 4th ed. xxviii, 589p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 COM 00120584 Internetworking with TCP/IP / Comer, Douglas. Prentice Hall of India 2014 0130183806 (v. 1) | 9788120348 6th ed. v. <1- > :698p. UG Library
004.6 COM 04023545 Internetworking with TCP/IP / Comer, Douglas. Prentice Hall of India 2014 0130183806 (v. 1) | 9788120348 6th ed. v. <1- > :698p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 COW 05005709 Communications and networking : Cowley, John Springer, 2007 9788184894394 vii,230p,; Knowledge Centre
004.6 COW 04010289 Communications and networking : Cowley, John Springer, 2007 9788184894394 vii,230p,; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 CRI 04013380 Distributed Systems : Crichlow, Joel M. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd, 2009 9788120338104 197p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 CRI 04013381 Distributed Systems : Crichlow, Joel M. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd, 2009 9788120338104 197p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 CSI 05004367 CIsco Networking Academy Program : Pearson Education, 2001 9788178087443 2nd ed. xxxii,719p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 DA 04018321 Multimedia communications and networking / Da Silva, Mario Marques. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2012 9781439874844 | 1439874840 xv, 488 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 DAS 04013429 Mobile Computing DasBit, Sipra. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd. , 2009 9788120339521 xiii, 182 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 DAS 04013430 Mobile Computing DasBit, Sipra. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd. , 2009 9788120339521 xiii, 182 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 DAS 00098048 Mobile Computing DasBit, Sipra. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd. , 2009 9788120339521 xiii, 182 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 DIW 05018603 Computer Networks Driven E-Commerce Technologies / Diwan, Parag Amexcel Publishers, 2000 8187495243 vii.550p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 DIW 05018601 Computer Networks Driven E-Commerce Technologies / Diwan, Parag Amexcel Publishers, 2000 8187495243 vii.550p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 DIW 05018602 Computer Networks Driven E-Commerce Technologies / Diwan, Parag Amexcel Publishers, 2000 8187495243 vii.550p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 DIW 00070742 Computer Networks Driven E-Commerce Technologies Diwan, Parag Amexcel Publishers Pvt Ltd 2000 8187495243 1st Ed. 550 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 DIW 5018604 Computer Networks Driven E-Commerce Technologies / Diwan, Parag Amexcel Publishers, 2000 8187495243 vii.550p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 DON 05068023 Arista Warrior : Donahue, Gary A. Shroff publishers and distributers Pvt.Ltd., 2019 9789352138654 2nd ed. xxiv, 542p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.6 DON 05003668 CCNP Quick Reference : Donohue, Denise Pearson Education, 2009 9788131726198 xxiii,351p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 DST 00076538 IBM Mainframe Dreamtech Software Team Dream Tech Press 2006 8177226967 | 9788177226966 xxxi; 1174 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 DUM 04018975 Priniciples of Computer Networks and Communications / Dumas, M. Barry Pearson, 2012 9788131790625 519p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 DUN 04029785 Principles of Mobile Computing / Ed-Tech Press, 2018 9781788820936 314p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 ELR 05003336 Data, Network, And Internet Communications Technology / Elahi, Ata Ph.D Delmar Learning Indian Pvt Ltd , 2006 9788131506837 xvi ,570 p. Knowledge Centre
004.6 FAR 04007937 Network management : Abeck, Sebastian. Morgan Kaufmann Pub., 2009 9788131221563 xiii, 384 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 FAR 04022915 The Internet and Its Protocols Farrel, Adrian Morgan Kaufmann [Imprint] | Elsevier, 2011 9788181476432 | 155860913X (Tr 809p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 FAR 04007823 Internet and Its Protocols: A Comparative Approach Farrel, Adrian Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 2004 8181476433 809 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 FAR 05018605 Internet and Its Protocols (UGC Outonomous Grant )(MCA) Farrel, Adrian ELSEVIER 8181476433 809p Knowledge Centre
004.6 FAR 04013962 The Internet and Its Protocols Farrel, Adrian Morgan Kaufmann [Imprint] | Elsevier, 2011 9788181476432 | 155860913X (Tr 809p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 FAR 04013975 Network management : Abeck, Sebastian. Morgan Kaufmann Pub., 2009 9788131221563 xiii, 384 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 FEL 00144104 Mobile Technology and Social Transformations : Felsberger, Stefanie. Routledge, 2021 9780367545246 xviii,180p,; UG Library
004.6 FIT 04008781 Fundamentals of business data communications / FitzGerald, Jerry Wiley, 2011 9788126521500 10th ed. xiii, 593p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 FIT 04008782 Fundamentals of business data communications / FitzGerald, Jerry Wiley, 2011 9788126521500 10th ed. xiii, 593p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 FOR 04023537 Data Communications and Networking / Forouzan, Behrouz A. Tata McGraw Hill, 2013 9781259064753 5th Ed. 1226p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 FOR 04023538 Data Communications and Networking / Forouzan, Behrouz A. Tata McGraw Hill, 2013 9781259064753 5th Ed. 1226p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 FOR 10002882 Computer networks : Forouzan, Behrouz A. McGraw hill education india pvt ltd., 2012 9789355324900 1st ed. xx,931 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 FOR 00136599 Data Communications and Networking / Forouzan,Behrouz A. Tata McGraw Hill, 2019 9781259064753 5th Ed. xxxviii,1226p.; UG Library
004.6 FOR 00136600 Data Communications and Networking / Forouzan,Behrouz A. Tata McGraw Hill, 2019 9781259064753 5th Ed. xxxviii,1226p.; UG Library
004.6 FOR 04017163 Data Communications and Networking Forouzan, Behrouz A Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070634145 | 9780070499355 1134 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 FOR 04017211 Data Communications and Networking Forouzan, Behrouz A Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070634145 | 9780070499355 1134 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 FOR 00126685 Data Communications and Networking / Forouzan, Behrouz A. Tata McGraw Hill, 2013 9781259064753 5th Ed. 1226p. : UG Library
004.6 FOR 04024519 Data Communications and Networking / Forouzan, Behrouza Tata McGraw Hill, 2006 0070634149 | 9780070634145 1134p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 FOR 05069859 Data Communications and Networking Forouzan, Behrouz A Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070634145 | 9780070499355 1134 p Knowledge Centre
004.6 FOR 00127197 Data Communications and Networking / Forouzan, Behrouz A. Tata McGraw Hill, 2013 9781259064753 5th Ed. 1226p. : UG Library
004.6 FOR 04030257 Data Communications and Networking / Forouzan, Behrouz A. Tata McGraw Hill, 2013 9781259064753 5th Ed. 1226p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 FOR 05036900 Data communications and networking / Forouzan, Behrouz A. McGraw-Hill, 2012 9780073376226 (alk. paper) 5th ed. xxxvii, 1226 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.6 GAL 05001436 Computer Communications and Networking Technologies Gallo, Michael A Thomson, 2002 9789812403544 xxiii,630p,; Knowledge Centre
004.6 GAM 05063678 Network Information theory / Gamal, Abbas. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781108453240 xxviii, 685p. Knowledge Centre
004.6 GAR 04019336 Mobile Computing : Garg, Kumkum Pearson, 2010 9788131731666 218p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 GAR 04019337 Mobile Computing : Garg, Kumkum Pearson, 2010 9788131731666 218p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 GAR 04019338 Mobile Computing : Garg, Kumkum Pearson, 2010 9788131731666 218p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 GAR 04019339 Mobile Computing : Garg, Kumkum Pearson, 2010 9788131731666 218p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 GOL 00119003 A Survey of Statistical Network Models. Goldenberg, Anna Now Publishers, 2010 9781601983213 | 9781601983206 108p.; UG Library
004.6 GOO 05017981 Teach yourself Assembler Goodwin, Mark Bpb Publications 1994 296 p Knowledge Centre
004.6 GRA 05003345 Routing Protocols and Concepts / Graziani, Rick Pearson Publication, 2008 9788131720288 xxxiii,606p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 GUN 00049382 Computer Networks and Graph Theory / Gundu, Rao, H K United Publisher, 2000 284p.; UG Library
004.6 GUN 00049384 Computer Networks and Graph Theory / Gundu, Rao, H K United Publisher, 2000 284p.; UG Library
004.6 GUP 05017939 Data Communications / Gupta,Prakash C. Prentice Hall of India, 1996 8120311183 xiii,475p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 GUP 04013343 Data ckommunications and Computer Networks / Gupta, Prakash C. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd, 2009 9788120328464 880p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 GUP 00059414 Data Communications Gupta, C. Prakash Prentice Hall of India 2002 8120311183 | 9788120311183 472 p. UG Library
004.6 HAL 00050384 Data Communications, Computrer Networks and Open Systems Halsall, Fred Pearson Education 2000 8178080982 4th Ed xvi; 899 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 HAL 00057757 Data Communications, Computrer Networks and Open Systems Halsall, Fred Pearson Education 2000 8178080982 4th Ed xvi; 899 p. UG Library
004.6 HAN 05034810 Principles of Mobile Computing / Hansmann, Uwe Springer, 2003 8181280733 2nd edition xx,447p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 HAN 05034817 Principles of Mobile Computing / Hansmann, Uwe Springer, 2003 8181280733 2nd edition xx,447p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 HEI 05019247 Switching Technology in the Local Network : Hein, Mathias international thomson Computer press, 1998 1850321663 | 9781850321668 x,483p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 HEL 10003837 Data Communications : Held, Gil McGraw Hill, 1995 9780070280496 3rd Ed., xix, 587 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 HEL 05018051 Understanding Data Communications / Held, Gilbert Prentice Hall of India, 1996 8120310802 430 p Knowledge Centre
004.6 HOF 05004382 Content Networking : Beaumont, Leland R. Morgan Kaufmann [Imprint] | Elsevier Science & Technology Books 2005 9781558608344 | 1558608346 (Trade Cloth) xiv,358p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 ILY 04021632 Mobile computing handbook / Auerbach Publications, 2005 0849319714 (alk. paper) | 9780 xxxviii, 1028 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 IMI 04014252 Mobile computing / Imielinski, Tomasz Springer, 1996 9788184896626 xxii , 728 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 ISR 04011581 Data Communication And Computer Networls ISRD Group Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited 2007 9780070616820 xxiv; 340 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 KAC 04015132 Microsoft System center configuration manager 2007 administrator's companion / Kaczmarek, Steven D. PHI, 2008 9788120334939 851 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 KAM 05018629 Mobile Computing Kamal, Raj Oxford University, 2009 9780195686777 582p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 KAM 04017666 Mobile Computing / Kamal, Raj OUP, 2007 9780198068914 2nd ed. 627p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 KAM 04012420 Mobile Computing Kamal, Raj Oxford University, 2009 9780195686777 582p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 KAM 04020572 Mobile Computing / Kamal, Raj OUP, 2007 9780198068914 2nd ed. 627p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 KAM 04003440 Mobile Computing Kamal, Raj Oxford Universtiy Press 2008 9780195686777 582p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 KAM 04003441 Mobile Computing Kamal, Raj Oxford Universtiy Press 2008 9780195686777 582p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 KAM 04012279 Mobile Computing Kamal, Raj Oxford University, 2009 9780195686777 582p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 KAM 04001335 Mobile Computing Kamal, Raj Oxford Universtiy Press 2008 9780195686777 582p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 KAT 00076534 Fundamentals of Digital Design Katz, Bruce F. DreamTech Press 2006 8177226622 | 9788177226621 283 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 KES 04000135 An engineering Approach to computer Networking / Keshav S PENGUIN VIKING, 2004 9788178081458 642 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 KRU 05004502 Pro SMS 2003 / Kruetzfeld, Rod Apress, 2006 1590596986 | 9781590596982 | 9788181286260 xviii,227p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 KUN 04013389 Fundamental of Computer Networks : Kundu, Sadakshina PHI, 2008 9788120334526 2nd ed. 287 p . : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 KUN 04013388 Fundamental of Computer Networks : Kundu, Sadakshina PHI, 2008 9788120334526 2nd ed. 287 p . : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 KUR 04003144 Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet Kurose, James F Pearson Education 2008 9788177588781 813 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 KUR 04029868 Computer Networking : Kurose, James F Pearson, 2017 9789332585492 6th Ed. ; 888p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 KUR 10002684 Computer Networking : Kurose, James.F., Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2022 9789356061316 8th ed., 794 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 KUR 05074124 Computer Networking : Kurose, James.F., Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2022 9789356061316 8th ed., 794 p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 KUR 00147750 Computer Networking : Kurose, James F Pearson, 2023 9789356061316 8th ed, 794p. : UG Library
004.6 KUR 04008699 Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet Kurose, James F Pearson Education 2008 9788177588781 813 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 KUR 04008700 Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet Kurose, James F Pearson Education 2008 9788177588781 813 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 KUR 05074293 Computer Networking : Kurose, James.F., Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2022 9789356061316 8th ed., 794 p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 KUR 04025734 Computer Networking : Kurose, James F. Pearson, 2012 9788131790540 5th Ed. 888p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 KUR 04025735 Computer Networking : Kurose, James F. Pearson, 2012 9788131790540 5th Ed. 888p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 KUR 04025736 Computer Networking : Kurose, James F. Pearson, 2012 9788131790540 5th Ed. 888p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 KUR 04000973 Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet Kurose, James F Pearson Education 2008 9788177588781 813 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 KUR 04030386 Computer Networking : Kurose, James F Pearson, 2022 9789356061316 794p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 KUR 04023582 Computer Networking : Kurose, James F. Pearson, 2012 9788131790540 5th Ed. 888p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 KUR 04023583 Computer Networking : Kurose, James F. Pearson, 2012 9788131790540 5th Ed. 888p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 KUR 04028692 Computer Networking : Kurose, James F Pearson, 2017 9789332585492 6th Ed. ; 888p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 KYA 05018644 Internet Security: Kyas, Othmar International Thomson, 1997 0185032302 | 9781850323020 xiv,302p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 LAM 05009177 Cisco Certified Network Associate : Lammle, Todd John Wiley & Sons, 2011 9788126531257 xl,822p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 LES 00048472 Internet Investigations in Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Leshin, B Cynthia Prentice Hall 1999 0134959469 xii; 180 p UG Library
004.6 LID 00076525 Expert .Net 2.0 IL Assembler / Lidin, Serge Springer, 2007 9798181285354 501 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 LIN 05003495 Wireless and mobile all-IP networks Lin, Jason Yi-Bing. Wiley Publishing, 2005 9788126506897 xxiii,504p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 LIN 04023242 Wireless and mobile all-IP networks Lin, Jason Yi-Bing. Wiley Publishing, 2005 9788126506897 xxiii,504p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 LIN 04021630 Wireless and mobile all-IP networks Lin, Jason Yi-Bing. Wiley Publishing, 2005 9788126506897 xxiii,504p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 LIU 04019111 Distributed Computing : Liu, M L. Pearson, 2004 9788131713327 448p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 LIU 04019112 Distributed Computing : Liu, M L. Pearson, 2004 9788131713327 448p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 LIU 05037249 Distributed Computing : Liu, M L. Pearson, 2004 9788131713327 448p. : Knowledge Centre
004.6 LIU 05018698 Distributed Computing Liu, M. L. Pearson Education, 2004 9788129704870 xix,428p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 LIU 00063605 Distributed Computing Liu, M. L. Pearson Education, 2004 9788129704870 xix,428p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 LIU 00063606 Distributed Computing Liu, M. L. Pearson Education, 2004 9788129704870 xix,428p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 LIU 05018697 Distributed Computing Liu, M. L. Pearson Education, 2004 9788129704870 xix,428p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 LOW 04022266 Networking all-in-one for dummies / Lowe, Doug, Wiley Pub, 2013 9781118380994 | 9781118381007 5th ed. 876p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 MAC 04015076 MCSA/MCSE self-paced training kit (exam 70-291) : implementing, managing, and maintaining a Microsoft windows server 2003 network infrastructure Mackin, J. C PHI, 2006 9788120330351 V p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 MAU 04021304 Mobile computing : principles, designing and development / Maurya, Rajesh K Global Vision Publishing, 2012 9788182204867 208 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 MCQ 05003571 Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices, Part 1 (ICND1) : McQuerry, Steve Pearson Education, 2008 9788131719923 2nd ed xxv,491p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 MCQ 05004362 CCNA Self-Study : McQuerry, Steve Pearson, 2004 1587051427 | 9788177581607 2nd ed. xxii,471p. : Knowledge Centre
004.6 MEI 00123419 Digital Communication Meinel, Christoph Springer Heidelberg, 2014 9783642543302 | 9783642543302 x, 400 p:. UG Library
004.6 MER 04013278 Hands-on networking : Merani, Maria Luisa. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521869850 (hbk.) | 0521869854 (hbk.) xii, 259 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 MIE 04013252 Performance analysis of communications networks and systems / Van Mieghem, Piet. Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521855152 (hbk.) xii, 530 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 MIL 04011044 Introduction to Digital and Data Communications / Miller, Michael A . Jaico Publishing House , 2006 9788172245344 xvii, 435 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 MIL 05018685 Voice Over IP Technologies: Miller, Mark A Wiley India, 2002 0812650286 xvi,528p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 MIL 04018964 Introduction to Digital and Data Communications / Miller, Michael A . Jaico Publishing House , 2006 9788172245344 xvii, 435 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 MIL 05019203 Introduction to Digital and Data Communications Miller, A Michael Jaico Publishing house, 1999 8172245343 434p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 MIL 05018643 Data and Network Communications Miller, A Michael Vikas , 2001 9812400583 | 9789812400581 xii,522p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 MIL 05018699 Data and Network Communications Miller, A Michael Vikas , 2001 9812400583 | 9789812400581 xii,522p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 MIN 05018686 Delivering Voice Over IP Networks/ Minoli, Daniel Wiley India, 2003 8126503459 second Edition xvi,488p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 MIR 05018614 Computer and Communication Networks / Mir, Nader F. Pearson Education, 2007 9788131715437 xxxii,617p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 MIS 05067567 Machine-to-machine communications : CRC Press, 2019 9780367268671 xvi, 332 pages : Knowledge Centre
004.6 MOH 10000945 Fundamentals of computer networks / Mohan, Chandra I. Dreamtech, 2019 9789389447514 xxvi,253p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 MOR 05001430 Database Driven Websites Morrison, Mike Vikas Publishing, 2001 9789812402465 xvi,431p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 MUR 04013941 data communications and computer networks / Murali, C Elsever, 2012 9789381269923 668p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 NAD 05056202 SDN : Nadeau, Thomas D., SPD, 2013 9789351102649 First edition. xxvii,352p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 NAR 00123059 Advances in Computer Network Security Narayan, Rajneesh Centrum Press, 2015 9789350847909 288 p:. UG Library
004.6 NII 04014716 Basics of Networking / NIIT PHI, 2010 9788120324893 290p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 NIIT 04014964 Internetworking through wide area networks / NIIT PHI Learning 2003 9788120324145 xi , 410 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 NIIT 04015174 Networking protocols and standards / NIIT PHI Learning, 2003 9788120324121 ix , 322 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 OBA 04010326 Cooperative networking / Wiley, 2011 9780470749159 (cloth) xxii, 330 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 ODO 05004361 CCNA ICND Exam Certification Guide / Odom Wendell Pearson Education, 2004 9788177586954 xxxiii,626p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 ODO 05003568 CCNA ICND2 official exam certification guide / Odom, Wendell. Pearson Education, 2008 9781587201813 | 158720181X 2nd ed. xlv,690p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 ODO 05003569 CCIE Routing and Switching Certification Guide / Odom, Wendell. Pearson Education, 2010 9781587059803 | 1587059800 4th ed. xlv,1016p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 ODO 05003567 CCENT/CCNA ICND1 : Odom, Wendell Pearson Education, 2008 9788131715727 2nd ed xlv,641p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 OLS 05003570 Authorized Self-Study Guide Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager : Olsen, Chris Pearson Education, 2009 9788131726525 xxiii,495p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 PAR 05018646 Principles and Implementation of Data Warehousing [MCA] Parida, Rajeev Laxmi Publications (P) LTD 8170088518 483 Knowledge Centre
004.6 PAT 04024844 Fundamentals of Mobile Computing / Pattnaik, Prasant Kumar PHI, 2016 9788120351813 2nd Ed. 268p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 PAT 04007793 computer organization and design : Patterson, David A. Elsevier, 2009 xxv,689p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 PAT 04019322 Fundamentals of Mobile Computing / Pattnaik, Prasant Kumar PHI, 2012 9788120346321 238p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 PAT 04019323 Fundamentals of Mobile Computing / Pattnaik, Prasant Kumar PHI, 2012 9788120346321 238p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 PAT 04019324 Fundamentals of Mobile Computing / Pattnaik, Prasant Kumar PHI, 2012 9788120346321 238p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 PAT 04019325 Fundamentals of Mobile Computing / Pattnaik, Prasant Kumar PHI, 2012 9788120346321 238p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 PAT 05037267 Computer organization and design : Patterson, David A. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2010 9780123744937 | 0123744938 4th ed. xxv,689p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 PEP 00059469 MPLS and VPN Architectures Pepelnjak,Ivan Pearson Education 2002 9788178087757 | 9788178087757 482 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 PET 04009148 Computer Networks/ Peterson, Larry Elsevier, 2012 9789380501932 5th 884p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 PET 04020309 Computer networks : Peterson, Larry L. Elsvier Morgan Kaufmann, 2012 9780123850591 (hardback) | 978 5th ed. 192 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 PET 04022896 Computer networks : Peterson, Larry L. Elsvier Morgan Kaufmann, 2012 9780123850591 (hardback) | 978 5th ed. 192 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 PET 04007329 Computer Networks/ Peterson, Larry Elsevier, 2012 9789380501932 5th 884p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 PET 04007330 Computer Networks/ Peterson, Larry Elsevier, 2012 9789380501932 5th 884p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 PET 00136545 Computer Networks : Peterson,Larry L. Elsevier, 2018 9789380501932 5th edition xxxi,884p.; UG Library
004.6 PET 00136546 Computer Networks : Peterson,Larry L. Elsevier, 2018 9789380501932 5th edition xxxi,884p.; UG Library
004.6 PET 04013938 Computer Networks/ Peterson, Larry Elsevier, 2012 9789380501932 5th 884p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 PET 04027912 Computer Networks/ Peterson, Larry Elsevier, 2012 9789380501932 5th 884p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 PET 04026501 Computer Networks : Peterson, Larry L. Elsevier, 2008 9788131216897 196p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 PET 04027913 Computer Networks/ Peterson, Larry Elsevier, 2012 9789380501932 5th 884p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 PET 04027914 Computer Networks/ Peterson, Larry Elsevier, 2012 9789380501932 5th 884p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 PIL 04023113 Network Design : Piliouras, Teresa C. CRC Press, 2005 9780849316081 674p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 PRA 04012748 Principles of Digital Communication Systems and Computer Networks/ Prasad Dr.K.V.K.K. Dreamtech Press, 2010 9788177223620 2nd ed xxii,742p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 PRA 05003515 Mobile Computing : CSR Prabhu University Press, 2003 9788173714047 | 8173714045 vi,208p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 PRA 04008953 Principles of Digital Communication Systems and Computer Networks/ Prasad Dr.K.V.K.K. Dreamtech Press, 2010 9788177223620 2nd ed xxii,742p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 PRA 04008952 Principles of Digital Communication Systems and Computer Networks/ Prasad Dr.K.V.K.K. Dreamtech Press, 2010 9788177223620 2nd ed xxii,742p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 PRA 00141224 Wifi technology: Prasad,Vishnu Random publications, 2021 9789352697625 viii,308p.; UG Library
004.6 PRA 10001016 Principles of Digital Communication Systems and Computer Networks/ Prasad Dr.K.V.K.K. Dreamtech Press, 2010 9788177223620 2nd ed xxii,742p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 PRA 05054079 Principles of Digital Communication Systems and Computer Networks/ Prasad Dr.K.V.K.K. Dreamtech Press, 2010 9788177223620 2nd ed xxii,742p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 PRA 04024318 Principles of Digital Communication Systems and Computer Networks/ Prasad Dr.K.V.K.K. Dreamtech Press, 2010 9788177223620 2nd ed xxii,742p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 PRA 00061280 Mobile Computing : CSR Prabhu University Press, 2003 9788173714047 | 8173714045 vi,208p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 PUJ 04002101 Management Control and Evolution of IP Networks Pujolle, Guy VIVA BOOK PVT LTD 2008 1905209479 642p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 RAC 00070430 Networking in Easy Steps Rackley,Steve Dream Tech Press 2004 8177225006 1st Ed. 192 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 RAJ 00051647 Computer Networks Rajesh, R. S. Vikas Publidhing House Pvt Ltd 2002 0812591238 245 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 RAN 05004363 CCNP ONT official exam certification guide / Ranjbar, Amir S. Cisco Press, 2007 9781587201769 (hardcover w/cd) xxiii, [3]-373 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.6 RAO 05053542 Computer Networks and Graph Theory / Gundu, Rao, H K United Publisher, 2000 284p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 RED 04029881 Mobile Ad Hoc Networks : Bio-inspired Quality of Service Aware Routing Protocols Reddy, G Ram Mohana CRC Press, 2017 9781498746854 180 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 REI 05018692 Teleworking : Reid, Alastair NCC Blackwell Publishers, 1993 1855543265 212p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 ROB 04014285 Computer networks and systems : Robertazzi, Tomas G. Springer, 2000 3540781196 3rd ed. xiii , 409 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 ROB 04014286 Computer networks and systems : Robertazzi, Tomas G. Springer, 2000 3540781196 3rd ed. xiii , 409 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 ROB 04010154 Computer networks and systems : Robertazzi, Thomas G. Springer, 2000 9788181285218 3rd ed. xiii, 409 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 ROB 04023530 Computer networks and systems : Robertazzi, Thomas G. Springer, 2000 9788181285218 3rd ed. xiii, 409 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 ROB 04023531 Computer networks and systems : Robertazzi, Thomas G. Springer, 2000 9788181285218 3rd ed. xiii, 409 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 ROB 04010940 Computer networks and systems : Robertazzi, Thomas G. Springer, 2000 9788181285218 3rd ed. xiii, 409 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 SAB 00138884 Multi-Access Edge Computing in Action / Sabella,Dario. CRC Press, 2020 9780367173944 xx,210p.; UG Library
004.6 SEM 05018666 MCSE Readiness Review : Semick, James Microsoft Press, 2001 0073560536 xix,393p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 SES 00050358 Com+ and the Battle for the Middle Tier Sessions, Roger John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2000 0471317179 | 9780471317173 442p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 SEY 05018694 RS-232 Made Easy Connecting Computers, Printers, Terminals and Modems Seyer, D Martin Pretice Hall: 1991 0137498705 Second Edition xii,468p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 SHA 05068891 Proceedings of The International Conference On Issues And Challenges In Networking, Intelligence And Computing Technologies / Sharma, Arun. Nandani Prakashan Pvt. Ltd., 2011 9789381126271 847p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 SHA 00060945 Understanding Data Communications and Networks (WMU) Shay, A William 2000 0053495054 706p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 SHA 05018668 Understanding data communications and networks / Shay, William A. Vikas publishing House, 1999 0534202446 | 9789812400505 2nd edition xvi,710p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 SHA 05018618 Understanding data communications and networks / Shay, William A. Vikas publishing House, 1999 0534202446 | 9789812400505 2nd edition xvi,710p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 SHA 00054818 Computer Communication Networks Shanmugam, A Indian Society for Technical Education 2002 8188057037 xii; 900 UG Library
004.6 SHA 05019202 Underdtanding Data Communications & Networks Shay, William A. Vikas publishing, 1999 978812400505 2nd edition xx,711p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 SHE 05018696 Business Data Communications Shelly, Gary B. Thomson Learning, 2003 9812431101 | 9789812431103 Third Edition 15.13p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 SHE 05068896 Multimedia And Applications / Sehrawat, D.S. S.K. Kataria & Sons, 2012 9788188458912 x, 263p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 SHE 00146766 Network Protocols, Definition and Overiew/ Shekhar, Shashi Venus Books, 2023 9789386559531 ix,268p. ; UG Library
004.6 SHI 10000777 Computer Network / Shinde, S S New Age Internations (P) Ltd., 2008 9788122425772 | 9788194369653 2nd ed. 404 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 SIN 00111546 Network Security and Management/ Singh, Brijendra. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd, 2013 9788120344976 3rd Ed. 400p.; UG Library
004.6 SIN 04013344 Data Communications and Computer Networks / Singh, Brijendra PHI Learning, 2011 9788120344662 3rd ed. 399 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 SIN 04013345 Data Communications and Computer Networks / Singh, Brijendra PHI Learning, 2011 9788120344662 3rd ed. 399 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 SMI 00051177 Internet Cryptography Smith, E Richard Addison- Wesley 2000 9812359796 | 9789812359797 xx; 356 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 SOL 05037623 Fundamentals of Communications and Networking / Solomon, Michael G. Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2013 9781449649173 | 9781284060140 484p. : Knowledge Centre
004.6 SOL 04020534 Fundamentals of Communications and Networking / Solomon, Michael G. Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2013 9781449649173 | 9781284060140 484p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 SOL 00120400 Fundamentals of Communications and Networking / Solomon, Michael G. Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2013 9781449649173 | 9781284060140 484p. : UG Library
004.6 SOL 04017936 Fundamentals of Communications and Networking / Solomon, Michael G. Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2013 9781449649173 | 9781284060140 484p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 SPA 05055436 Storage Networks : Spalding, Robert. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003 0070532923 | 9780070532922 xxxii,526p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 SPA 05001442 Storage Networks : Spalding, Robert. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003 0070532923 | 9780070532922 xxxii,526p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 STA 05018647 Data and Computer Copmmunications Stallings, William Prentice Hall: 1997 0024154253 | 9780024154255 Fifth Edition xviii,798p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 STA 00136598 Data and computer communications / Stallings,William. Pearson india education services pvt ltd, 2018 9789332586932 10th ed., 907p.; UG Library
004.6 STA 05060210 Data and computer communications Stallings, William Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2017 9789332586932 10th ed., 907p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 STA 04019115 High Speed Networks and Internets : Stalling William Pearson Education , 2002 9788177585698 2 ed xvii,715 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 STA 04019116 High Speed Networks and Internets : Stalling William Pearson Education , 2002 9788177585698 2 ed xvii,715 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 STA 00136597 Data and computer communications / Stallings,William. Pearson india education services pvt ltd, 2018 9789332586932 10th ed., 907p.; UG Library
004.6 STA 04010945 Policy-based network management Strassner, John. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2004 1558608591 (alk. paper) | 9781558608597 xvii, 516 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 STA 04008697 Data and Computer Commiunications / Stallings, William. Pearson Education, 2007 9788131715369 8th ed. xvi,834p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 STA 04008698 Data and Computer Commiunications / Stallings, William. Pearson Education, 2007 9788131715369 8th ed. xvi,834p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 STA 00120397 Data and computer communications / Stallings, William. Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt.Ltd 2014 9780131392052 (hc : alk. paper 9th ed. xxv, 863 p. : UG Library
004.6 STA 00073288 Business Data Communications Stamper, David A The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc 1994 0080537728 | 9780805377286 xxviii; 608 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 STA 04007328 Data and Computer Commiunications / Stallings, William. Pearson Education, 2007 9788131715369 8th ed. xvi,834p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 STA 04007327 Data and Computer Commiunications / Stallings, William. Pearson Education, 2007 9788131715369 8th ed. xvi,834p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 STA 04007326 Data and Computer Commiunications / Stallings, William. Pearson Education, 2007 9788131715369 8th ed. xvi,834p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 STA 04007325 Data and Computer Commiunications / Stallings, William. Pearson Education, 2007 9788131715369 8th ed. xvi,834p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 SUB 04008695 Network Management: Subramanian, Mani Pearson Education, 2008 9788177588200 662 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 SUB 04008696 Network Management: Subramanian, Mani Pearson Education, 2008 9788177588200 662 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TAH 05064836 Big data and software defined networks / Taheri, Javid. ed. Institution of engineering and technology, 2018 9781785613043 xvi, 748 p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.6 TAL 04019332 Mobile Computing : Talukder, Asoke K Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9780070144576 2nd ed. xliii,627p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TAL 04019333 Mobile Computing : Talukder, Asoke K Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9780070144576 2nd ed. xliii,627p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TAL 04019334 Mobile Computing : Talukder, Asoke K Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9780070144576 2nd ed. xliii,627p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TAL 04019335 Mobile Computing : Talukder, Asoke K Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9780070144576 2nd ed. xliii,627p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TAL 05003324 Mobile Computing : Talukder, Asoke K Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9780070144576 2nd ed. xliii,627p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 TAL 04019760 Mobile Computing : Talukder, Asoke K Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9780070144576 2nd ed. xliii,627p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TAL 04027076 Mobile Computing : Talukder, Asoke K Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9780070144576 2nd ed. xliii,627p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TAL 04019601 Mobile Computing : Talukder, Asoke K Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9780070144576 2nd ed. xliii,627p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TAL 05003836 Mobile Computing : Talukder, Asoke K Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9780070144576 2nd ed. xliii,627p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 TAL 05004280 Mobile Computing : Talukder, Asoke K Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9780070144576 2nd ed. xliii,627p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 TAN 00136589 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Pearson, 2019 9789332518742 5th Rev Edition 804 p.: UG Library
004.6 TAN 00136590 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Pearson, 2019 9789332518742 5th Rev Edition 804 p.: UG Library
004.6 TAN 10002881 Computer Networks : Tanenbaum, Andrew S Pearson, 2022 9789356063600 6th Ed. 920p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 TAN 05030016 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd, 1998 8120311655 3rd Ed. xvii,814p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 TAN 05074125 Computer Networks : Tanenbaum, Andrew S Pearson, 2022 9789356063600 6th Ed. 920p. : Knowledge Centre
004.6 TAN 04019105 Computer networks / Tanenbaum, Andrew S., Pearson , 2012 9780132126953 (alk. paper) | 9 5th ed. xxii, 951 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TAN 04019106 Computer networks / Tanenbaum, Andrew S., Pearson , 2012 9780132126953 (alk. paper) | 9 5th ed. xxii, 951 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TAN 00141119 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Pearson, 2019 9789332518742 5th Rev Edition 804 p.: UG Library
004.6 TAN 00119683 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Pearson, 2014 9789332518742 5th Edition 804 p.: UG Library
004.6 TAN 00119684 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Pearson, 2014 9789332518742 5th Edition 804 p.: UG Library
004.6 TAN 04023411 Computer networks / Tanenbaum, Andrew S., Pearson , 2012 9780132126953 (alk. paper) | 9 5th ed. xxii, 951 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TAN 00126698 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Pearson, 2014 9789332518742 5th Edition 804 p.: UG Library
004.6 TAN 05069867 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, Andrew S Pearson Education 2008 9788177581652 Knowledge Centre
004.6 TAN 04003694 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Pearson, 2014 9789332518742 5th Edition 804 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TAN 04030387 Computer Networks : Tanenbaum, Andrew S Pearson, 2022 9789356063600 6th Ed. 920p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TAN 00127193 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Pearson, 2014 9789332518742 5th Edition 804 p.: UG Library
004.6 TAN 04023532 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Pearson, 2014 9789332518742 5th Edition 804 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TAN 04023533 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Pearson, 2014 9789332518742 5th Edition 804 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TAN 05013867 Computer Networks / S. Tanenbaum, Andrew Prentice-Hall of India Pvt.Ltd. 1996 9788120311657 Thrid Edition xvii,813p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 TAN 10002997 Computer Networks : Tanenbaum, Andrew S Pearson, 2022 9789356063600 6th Ed. 920p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6 TOM 04026467 Introduction to data communications and networking / Tomasi, Wayne. Prentice Hall, 2012 9788131709306 xvii, 967 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TOM 04026468 Introduction to data communications and networking / Tomasi, Wayne. Prentice Hall, 2012 9788131709306 xvii, 967 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TOM 04009447 Introduction to data communications and networking / Tomasi, Wayne. Prentice Hall, 2012 9788131709306 xvii, 967 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TOM 04026261 Introduction to data communications and networking / Tomasi, Wayne. Prentice Hall, 2012 9788131709306 xvii, 967 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TRI 04017656 Computer Networks / Trivedi, Bhushan OUP, 2011 9780198066774 682p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TRI 04020566 Computer Networks / Trivedi, Bhushan OUP, 2011 9780198066774 682p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TRO 04008907 Storage networks explained : Troppen, Ulf Wiley, 2011 9788126518326 xxxi, 400p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TRO 04008906 Storage networks explained : Troppen, Ulf Wiley, 2011 9788126518326 xxxi, 400p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 TUR 05068049 The packer book / Turnbill, James Shroff publishers and distributors Pvt.Ltd. , 2019 9789352138920 iv, 136p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.6 UNI 05018663 Information and Communication Technology for Peace: United Nations United Nations Information and Communication Technologies Task Force, 2005 9789211045567 vii,101p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 VAS 04010607 Autonomic communication / Springer, 2009 9780387097527 (hbk.) | 0387097 xviii, 374 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 VEN 05068874 Wireless Networks and Computational Intelligence : Venugopal, K. R. Springer, 2012 9783642316869 | 9783642316852 xvii,657p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 VEN 05068879 Computer Networks and Intelligent Computing : Venugopal, K.R. Springer, 2011 9783642227851 (alk. paper) xviii, 685p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 VEN 05070648 Communication Networks : ELSEVIER, 2015 18770509 223 p. Knowledge Centre
004.6 VEN 05046737 Wireless Networks and Computational Intelligence : Venugopal, K. R. Springer, 2012 9783642316869 | 9783642316852 xvii,657p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6 WAL 05018693 Communication Networks Walrand, Jean Tata McGraw-Hill, 2002 0070530742 2nd ed. xv,336p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 WAN 00134813 Software defined-wan for the digital age Wang, david W. CRC press, 2019 9781138345997 xviii,127 p.; UG Library
004.6 WEL 05056723 The future X network : Weldon, Marcus K., Edward Elgar, 2016 9781498779142 (Hardback) | 149877914X (Hardback) | 9781498759267 | 1498759262 x,472p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6 WIL 04010190 Next generation network services : Wilkinson, Neill. J. Wiley, 2002 0471486671 (acidfree paper) | xiii, 196 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 ZAC 04019908 Networking: The Complete Reference Zacker, Craig Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070474161 1109 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 ZAC 04015083 MCSE self-paced training kit : Zacker, Craig PHI Learning, 2006 9788120330368 xxxv , i-27 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 ZHE 04023040 Networks for computer scientists and engineers / Zheng, Youlu Oxford University press, 2006 9780198084068 575 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6 ZHE 04013988 Smart Phone and Next Generation Mobile Computing / Zheng, Pei Elsevier, 2005 9788131219812 | 0120885603 (Pe 551 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.60113 PET 04007938 Network simulation experiments manual / Peterson, Larry L. Elsevier, 2008 2nd ed. 196p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6028 BIG 04002753 Troubleshooting, Maintaining & Repairing Pcs / Bigelow, Stephen J Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 9780070473676 645 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6028 BIG 04000645 Troubleshooting, Maintaining & Repairing Pcs / Bigelow, Stephen J Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 9780070473676 645 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.603 MIC 05001292 Internet and Networking Dictionary. Microsoft Press Prentice Hall of India, 2003 8120322746 vi,327p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6076 ODO 04000136 Routers and Routing Basics: Odom, Wendell Pearson Education, 2008 9788131705674 473 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6076 DEA 04000830 CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associated Study Guide (exam 640-801) Deal, Richard Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 0070583005 504 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6076 DEA 05001426 Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide / Deal, Richard Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003 0000073005 | 9780070583009 il,816p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6076 HIN 05060157 CCNA data center DCIN 200-150: Hintz,Chad Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2018 9789352866519 xliv,916p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6076 LAM 04002729 CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate: Fast Pass Lammle,Todd Wiley India, 2005 9788126506798 366 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6076 LAM 04002730 CCNA INTRO: Introduction to Cisco Networking Technologies Study Guide Lammle, Todd John Wiley and Sons 2007 9788126510207 473 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6076 LAM 04002731 CCNA: Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide Lammle, Todd John Wiley and Sons 2008 9788126514632 965 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6076 LAM 04022219 CCNA Data Center : Lammle, Todd Wiley Publications, 2013 9788126543311 515p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6076 LAM 04003668 CCNA: Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide Lammle, Todd John Wiley and Sons 2008 9788126514632 965 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6076 LAM 04021619 Network+ study guide / Lammle, Todd Wiley india, 2012 9788126534524 752 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6076 LAM 04021014 CCNA : Routing and Switiching Study Guide / Lammle, Todd Wiley, 2013 9788126544684 1100p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6076 LAM 10000373 CCNA : Routing and Switiching Study Guide / Lammle, Todd Wiley, 2013 9788126544684 1100p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6076 ODM 04027090 CCNA Data Center : Odom, Wendell CiSco Press, 2015 9789332543478 667p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6076 ODO 04027115 CISCO CCENT/ CCNA : Odom, Wendell Pearson, 2014 9789332520967 899p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6076 SAN 05066931 CCNA Cyber Ops : Santos, Omar, 2017 9781587147036 xxix,318p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6076 SHA 05060158 CCNA data center DCIN 200-155 Shamsee,Navaid Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2018 9789352866526 xlvi,794p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6076 TEA 05037248 Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions (DESGN) (Authorized CCDA Self-Study Guide) (Exam 640-863) Teare, Diane. Pearson Education, 2011 2nd ed. xxxi,960p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6076 ZAC 05037292 CompTIA Network + rapid review (Exam N10-005) / Zacker, Craig. O'Reilly Media, 2012 9780735666832 (pbk.) | 0735666 334 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.61 BAR 04002223 Storage Area Network for Dummies. Barker, Richard John Wiley and Sons 2008 9788126518272 498 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.61 KUM 04001699 Multimedia Communication: Kumar, Krishna D N. Pearson Education, 2008 8188849472 | 9788131732380 xvii,343p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.61 HEU 00085511 Computer Systems Design and Architechture / Heuring, P Vincent Pearson Education, 2001 8178080095 xvii,571p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.61 KUM 05005817 Multimedia Communication: Kumar, Krishna D N. Pearson Education, 2008 8188849472 | 9788131732380 xvii,343p.: Knowledge Centre
004.61 SHN 05018606 Designing the User Interface Shneiderman, Ben Pearson Education 8178082624 653p Knowledge Centre
004.616 JAM 04015878 PC interfacing and data acquisition : James, Kevin. Newnes, 2000 9789380931517 xi, 448 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 BUR 04002226 TCP? IP Analysis and Troubleshooting Toolkit Burns, Kevin John Wiley and Sons 2003 8126504579 412 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 COM 00057670 Internetworking With TCP/IP Vol III Comer, E. Douglas Pearson Education 2002 8178084880 | 9788178084886 2nd Ed. 519 p. UG Library
004.62 DAS 04004291 Enabling IP Routing With CISCO Routers Das, R Firewall Media 2006 9788170087489 486 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 DAS 04004290 Enabling IP Routing With CISCO Routers Das, R Firewall Media 2006 9788170087489 486 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 FEI 04002765 TCP/IP: ARCHITECTURE, PROTOCOLS, and Implementation With Ipv6 and IP Security Feit, Sidnie Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 0070264961 577 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 FOR 04006087 TCP/IP: Protocol Suite Forouzan, Behruouz A Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company : 2010 9780070706521 4th ed. 979 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 FOR 04006088 TCP/IP: Protocol Suite Forouzan, Behruouz A Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company : 2010 9780070706521 4th ed. 979 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 FOR 04006089 TCP/IP: Protocol Suite Forouzan, Behruouz A Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company : 2010 9780070706521 4th ed. 979 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 FOR 04006090 TCP/IP: Protocol Suite Forouzan, Behruouz A Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company : 2010 9780070706521 4th ed. 979 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 HAG 04001413 Ipv6 Network Programming Hagino, Jun-Ichiro-i Elsevier 2005 9788131202142 361p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 HEA 05018073 An Introduction to OSI / Heap, N W Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1993 0632026995 146 p Knowledge Centre
004.62 HOF 04001815 Content Networking: Architecture, Protocols, and Practice Hofmann, Markus Elsevier 2005 9788131200513 358 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 HOF 04002446 Content Networking: Architecture, Protocols, and Practice Hofmann, Markus Elsevier 2005 9788131200513 358 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 HUA 04002065 Bluetooth Essentials for Programmers Huang, Albert S Cambridge University Press 2008 9780521703758 198 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 JON 04004313 TCP/IP Application Layer Protocols for Embedded Systems Jones, M Tim Firewall Media 2004 9788170083573 460 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 JON 04004312 TCP/IP Application Layer Protocols for Embedded Systems Jones, M Tim Firewall Media 2004 9788170083573 460 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 KEL 04002233 Volp for Dummies Kelly, Timothy V John Wiley and Sons 2005 9788126506378 272 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 MOR 04001434 Developing Ip-Based Services Morrow, Monique Morgan Kaufman Publishers 2008 9781558607798 313p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 SIN 04001681 Wap-The Wireless Application Protocol Singhal, Sandeep Pearson Education 2001 9788131701287 698 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 STA 05018053 ISDN and Broadband ISDN With Frame Relay and ATM / Stallings, William Prentice-Hall Inc., 1995 0013180944 3rd 580 p Knowledge Centre
004.62 STA 05019283 Wireless Communications and Networks / Stallings, William Pearson Education, 2002 8178085607 582 p Knowledge Centre
004.62 STA 04000977 ISDN and Broadband ISDN With Frame Relay and ATM Stallings, William Pearson Education 2008 8131705633 | 9788131705636 553 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 BLA 00050359 Internet Architechture Black, Uyless Prentice Hall PTR 2000 0130199060 | 9780130199065 xviii; 380 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.62 BLA 00050373 TCP/IP Jumpstart Blank, G. Andrew BPB Publications 2000 8176562289 282 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.62 COM 04003183 Internetworking With TCP/IP Vol III: Client-Server Programming and Applications Comer, Doublas E Prentice-Hall of Inida 2008 9788120325531 519 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 COM 04013404 Internetworking with TCP/IP : Comer Douglas.E PHI Learning Private Limited, 2009 9788120322851 xxi,660 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 COM 04013405 Internetworking with TCP/IP : Comer Douglas.E PHI Learning Private Limited, 2009 9788120322851 xxi,660 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 COM 00052409 Internetworking With Tcp/ip-Volume I-Principles, Protocols & Architechture Comer, E Douglas Prentice Hall of India 2001 8120310535 610p UG Library
004.62 COM 04023608 Internetworking with TCP/IP / Comer, Douglas. Prentice Hall of India 2014 0130183806 (v. 1) | 9788120348 6th ed. v. <1- > :698p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 COM 04013402 Internetworking with TCP/IP : Comer, Douglas E. PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9788120329980 5th ed. xxix, 650 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 COM 04013403 Internetworking with TCP/IP : Comer, Douglas E. PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9788120329980 5th ed. xxix, 650 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 COM 04023607 Internetworking with TCP/IP : Comer Douglas.E PHI Learning Private Limited, 2009 9788120322851 xxi,660 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 COM 00057411 Internetworking With TCP/IP Vol II: Design, Implementation, and Internals Comer, E Douglas Pearson 2003 8129701081 | 9788129701084 xxi; 660 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.62 COM 00057412 Internetworking With TCP/IP Vol II: Design, Implementation, and Internals Comer, E Douglas Pearson 2003 8129701081 | 9788129701084 xxi; 660 p. UG Library
004.62 COM 00057413 Internetworking With TCP/IP Vol II: Design, Implementation, and Internals Comer, E Douglas Pearson 2003 8129701081 | 9788129701084 xxi; 660 p. UG Library
004.62 COM 00057414 Internetworking With TCP/IP Vol II: Design, Implementation, and Internals Comer, E Douglas Pearson 2003 8129701081 | 9788129701084 xxi; 660 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.62 COM 00057415 Internetworking With TCP/IP Vol III Comer, E. Douglas Pearson Education 2002 8178084880 | 9788178084886 2nd Ed. 519 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.62 COM 00057418 Internetworking With TCP/IP Vol III Comer, E. Douglas Pearson Education 2002 8178084880 | 9788178084886 2nd Ed. 519 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.62 COM 00057416 Internetworking With TCP/IP Vol III Comer, E. Douglas Pearson Education 2002 8178084880 | 9788178084886 2nd Ed. 519 p. UG Library
004.62 COM 00057417 Internetworking With TCP/IP Vol III Comer, E. Douglas Pearson Education 2002 8178084880 | 9788178084886 2nd Ed. 519 p. UG Library
004.62 COM 04023544 Internetworking with TCP/IP / Comer, Douglas. Prentice Hall of India 2014 0130183806 (v. 1) | 9788120348 6th ed. v. <1- > :698p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 COM 04023546 Internetworking with TCP/IP / Comer, Douglas. Prentice Hall of India 2014 0130183806 (v. 1) | 9788120348 6th ed. v. <1- > :698p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 COM 05001293 Internetworking With TCP/IP Principles, Protocols, and Architecture [mca]5th Edition Comer, Douglas E Prentice Hall of India 8120329988 650p Knowledge Centre
004.62 DAV 05035298 Wireless Local Area Networks / Davis, Peter T McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1995 0071133917 250 p. Knowledge Centre
004.62 FOR 05001443 TCP/IP Protocol Suite Forouzan, A Behrouz Tata McGraw-hill Publishing Company Limited, 2002 0070495513 942p.: Knowledge Centre
004.6​2 GAU 04010427 Elements of Network Protocol Design / Gauda Mohqmed.G John Wiley & Sons,Inc, 2009 9788126516476 xviii,506 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 GOS 04010163 Internet protocols : Goswami, Subrata, Springer, 2003 9788184898491 x, 316 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 GUP 04021348 Inside Bluetooth Low Energy / Gupta, Naresh C. Artech House Publishers, 2013 9781608075799 (hbk.) | 1608075 xxvi, 395 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 HAN 05018683 ATM Networks: Concepts, Protocols and Applications Handel, Rainer Addison Wesley 326 p Knowledge Centre
004.62 HAS 04024539 High Performance TCP/IP Networking : Hassan, Mahbub PHI, 2015 9788120328129 383p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 HUN 05068876 TCP/IP Network Administration / Hunt, Craig. Shroff Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., 2002 9788173664670 3rd ed. xvii, 725p.; Knowledge Centre
004.62 JON 04010184 TCP/IP Application Layer Protocols for Embedded Systems Jones, M Tim Firewall Media 2004 9788170083573 460 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 KIR 00095824 The Facebook Effect Kirkpartick David Virgin Books 9780753522745 372p UG Library
004.62 LOS 00069955 Tcp/ IP Clearly Explained. Loshin, Pete Harcourt India Private Limited 1999 8178670380 3rd Ed xxiii; 512 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.62 MAN 04013022 The wireless application protocol / Mann, Steve Wiley, 2002 9788126522217 xiv, 210p; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 MAN 00050362 Programming Applications With the Wireless Application Protocol Mann, Steve John Wiley & Sons, Inc 1999 0471327549 xvi; 226 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.62 MAN 00050363 The Wireless Application Protocol Mann, Steve John Wiley & Sons Inc 2000 0471399922 | 9780471399926 210 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.62 MAN 04008903 The wireless application protocol / Mann, Steve Wiley, 2002 9788126522217 xiv, 210p; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 MAN 04008902 The wireless application protocol / Mann, Steve Wiley, 2002 9788126522217 xiv, 210p; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 MIL 04024861 TCP/IP : Miller, Philip M. Dreamtech Press, 2011 9789350041604 1009p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 MOR 04020406 Developing IP-Based Services : Morrow, Monique Murugan Kaufman, 2003 9781558607798 313p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 MOR 04010565 Developing IP-Based Services Morrow, Monique Morgan Kaufmann, | Elsevier [Distributor] 2002 9780080504131 | 9781558607798 xxi,313 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 RAO 05056709 Handbook on session initiation protocol : Roy, Radhika Ranjan, CRC Press, 2016 1498747701 | 9781498747707 xxxi, 860 pages : Knowledge Centre
004.62 RAP 05037215 Wireless communications : Rappaport, Theodore S., Prentice Hall PTR, 1996 0133755363 xvi, 641 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.62 ROB 05004303 Accessing transport networks : Robertson, Don. McGraw-Hill, 1996 0070531994 (hc : acidfree pape xi, 514 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.62 SAN 04028244 MPLS in the SDN Era / Sanchez-Monge SPD Pvt Ltd, 2016 9789352133000 890p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 SHA 04010186 Essentials of TCP/IP / Shanmugarathinam, G University Science Press, 2011 9788131806159 206 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 SIE 04001362 TCP\IP Illustrated, Vol 3: TCP for Transactions, HTTP, NNTP and the UNIX Domain Protocols Stevens, Richard W Pearson Education 2005 9788178083407 327 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 SLA 05004305 Advanced IP routing in Cisco networks / Slattery, Terry. McGraw-Hill, 2000 0072128178 (electronic bk.) | 2nd ed. xvi, 624 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.62 STA 05005716 Computer Networking with internet protocols and technology / Stallings,William Pearson, 2004 9788131709351 660 p. Knowledge Centre
004.62 STA 05036675 Wireless Communications and Networks / Stallings, William Pearson Education, 2002 8178085607 582 p Knowledge Centre
004.62 STA 05001444 Wireless Communications and Networks / Stallings, William Pearson Education, 2002 8178085607 582 p Knowledge Centre
004.62 STA 04023717 ISDN and Broadband ISDN With Frame Relay and ATM Stallings, William Pearson Education 2008 8131705633 | 9788131705636 553 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 STA 04029586 ISDN and Broadband ISDN With Frame Relay and ATM Stallings, William Pearson Education 2008 8131705633 | 9788131705636 553 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 STA 04029587 ISDN and Broadband ISDN With Frame Relay and ATM Stallings, William Pearson Education 2008 8131705633 | 9788131705636 553 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 STA 05019210 SNMP, Snmpv2 and Rmon-Practical Network Management Stallings, William 0201634791 478p Knowledge Centre
004.62 STE 00051174 TCP/IP Illustrated Stevens, Richard W. Pearson Education 2000 0817808340 | 9788178083407 328 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.62 STE 00057403 TCP/IP Illustrated Stevens, Richard W. Pearson Education 2000 0817808340 | 9788178083407 328 p. UG Library
004.62 STE 00057404 TCP/IP Illustrated Stevens, Richard W. Pearson Education 2000 0817808340 | 9788178083407 328 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.62 STE 00057405 TCP/IP Illustrated Stevens, Richard W. Pearson Education 2000 0817808340 | 9788178083407 328 p. UG Library
004.62 VUJ 04021244 WAP integration / Vujosevic, Srdjan, Wiley, 2001 9780471417675 xiii, 397 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.62 WRI 00057402 TCP/IP Illustrated Wright, R. Gary Pearson Education 1996 8178081652 | 9788178081656 1174 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.621 SAR 04011849 Embedded Systems Engineering/ Sarma C.R Universities Press, 2011 9788173716768 viii, 199 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.64 JOH 04002049 IT Professionals's Business and Communications Guinde Johnson, Steven John Wiley and Sons 2008 9788126512508 202 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.64 LIN 04003262 Broadband Optical Access Networks and Fiber-To-the-home: Systems Technologies and Deployment ... Lin, Chinlon Johb Wiley & Sons 2006 9780470094785 302 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.64 REE 04001468 Introduction to Lobic Synthesis Using Verilog HDL Reese, Robert B Morgan and Claypool Publishers 2006 9781598294040 75 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.64 JAM 00057602 Computer Networks and Distributed Processing : Martin,James Prentice Hall of India, 2003 8120305299 | 9788120305298 562 p. UG Library
004.64 JAM 00057603 Computer Networks and Distributed Processing : Martin,James Prentice Hall of India, 2003 8120305299 | 9788120305298 562 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.64 JAM 00057605 Computer Networks and Distributed Processing : Martin,James Prentice Hall of India, 2003 8120305299 | 9788120305298 562 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.64 JAM 05018687 Computer Networks and Distributed Processing : Martin,James Prentice Hall of India, 2003 8120305299 | 9788120305298 562 p. Knowledge Centre
004.64 TAN 00047166 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, S Andrew Prentice-Hall of India Pvt Ltd 2003 8120321758 4th Ed 891 p UG Library
004.64 TAN 00047165 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, S Andrew Prentice-Hall of India Pvt Ltd 2003 8120321758 4th Ed 891 p UG Library
004.64 TAN 00047168 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd, 1998 8120311655 3rd Ed. xvii,814p.: UG Library
004.64 TAN 00057597 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, S Andrew Prentice-Hall of India Pvt Ltd 2003 8120321758 4th Ed 891 p UG Library
004.64 TAN 00057599 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, S Andrew Prentice-Hall of India Pvt Ltd 2003 8120321758 4th Ed 891 p UG Library
004.64 TAN 00057598 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, S Andrew Prentice-Hall of India Pvt Ltd 2003 8120321758 4th Ed 891 p UG Library
004.64 TAN 00057600 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, S Andrew Prentice-Hall of India Pvt Ltd 2003 8120321758 4th Ed 891 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.64 TAN 00057601 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, Andrew S Prentice Hall of India 2003 8120321758 | 9788120321755 892p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.64 TAN 00055333 Computer Network Tanenbaum, Andrew Pearson Educations 2003 1 UG Library
004.642 MCC 05019226 I Hate Windows - but His Book Makes It Easy Mccomb, Gordon Prentice Hall of India 8120310292 336 p Knowledge Centre
004.64241 TRE 04000838 Introduction to Data Structures With Application Tremblay, Joan-Paul Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780074624715 860 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.64241 TRE 04006742 Introduction to Data Structures With Application Tremblay, Joan-Paul Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780074624715 860 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.64241 TRE 04006743 Introduction to Data Structures With Application Tremblay, Joan-Paul Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780074624715 860 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.64241 TRE 10001815 Introduction to Data Structures With Application / Tremblay, Joan-Paul McGraw hill education (india) pvt ltd., 2017 9780074624715 2nd ed., xviii,861p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.64241 TRE 10001816 Introduction to Data Structures With Application / Tremblay, Joan-Paul McGraw hill education (india) pvt ltd., 2017 9780074624715 2nd ed., xviii,861p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 BEA 05005822 Networking / Beasley, Jeffrey S. Pearson, 2010 9788131727065 2nd ed. xxiv, 693 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.65 CLA 05003669 Network Management : Claise,Benoit Pearson Education, 2007 9788131720813 xxxi,631 p. Knowledge Centre
004.65 CRO 05019235 Network Processor Design : Crowley, Patrick Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2004 8181474635 338 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 CRO 05019289 Network Processor Design : Crowley, Patrick Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2004 8181474635 338 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 ELE 00136372 Core concepts in computer science: COMPUTER NETWORKS / 3G E-learning 3G E-learning, 2019 9781984620668 272p.; UG Library
004.65 GAL 04003543 Computer Communications and Networking Technologies / Gallo, Michael A Thomson South-Western, 2008 9788131503645 632 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.65 GAL 04001622 Computer Communications and Networking Technologies / Gallo, Michael A Thomson South-Western, 2008 9788131503645 632 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.65 HAL 04000767 Computer Networking and the Internet Halsall, Fred Pearson Education 2008 9788177584752 678 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.65 HOL 05031015 Real-World Networking with NT 4 / Holderby, William Corolis Group Books, 1996 1576100553 598 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 KAU 04013433 Network Security Kaufman, Charlie Prentice Hall of India 2002 8120322134 | 9788120322134 2nd Ed. 712 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.65 KAU 04013434 Network Security Kaufman, Charlie Prentice Hall of India 2002 8120322134 | 9788120322134 2nd Ed. 712 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.65 KAU 10005379 Network security: private communications in a public world / Kaufman, Charlie, Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2024 9788196874339 3rd ed., xxi,365 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 KUR 05004212 Computer Networking : Kurose, James F Pearson Education Inc., 2005 9788177588781 813 p. Knowledge Centre
004.65 MAT 05005824 Networking : Mathur, Pradeep. Dreamtech Press, 2011 9788177227959 122 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.65 PAT 00134231 Cryptography and network security Pathak,Jay Ram Random publications, 2019 9789352691067 viii,260p.; UG Library
004.65 PFU 04005816 CCNP: Cisco Internetwork Trouble Shooting Study Guide Pfund, Arthur BPB Publications 2004 9788176568883 511 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.65 PRA 04013012 Embedded / Real-Time Systems : Prasad, Dr K V K K Dream Tech Press. 2007 8177224611 | 9788177224610 2005 639 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.65 STE 00057401 TCP/IP Illustrated Stevens, W. Richard Addison-Wesley, 2000 8178081016 | 9788178081014 572 p.; UG Library
004.65 WIL 05004474 Networking complete / Wiley India Sybex, 2000 0782126103 xxxi, 999 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.65 WOO 05030027 The ABC's of Novell NetWare / Woodward Jeff Tech Publication, 1989 9813005025 281 p.: Knowledge Centre
004.65 ZAC 05019242 Networking : Zacker, Craig Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2005 0070474168 1109 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 ABE 05001938 Network management : Abeck, Sebastian. Morgan Kaufmann Pub., 2009 9788131221563 xiii, 384 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.65 AGG 05004287 Mobile Ad Hoc Networks : Aggelou, George Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2005 9780070677487 475 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 ALP 00147791 Introduction to The Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services/ Alpe, Harper Venus Books, 2024 9788119920266 x,310p. ; UG Library
004.65 ALV 05005875 QoS for IP/MPLS networks / Alvarez, Santiago. Cisco Press, 2006 1587052334 (alk. paper) xix, 299 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.65 AND 05018611 Head first Networking Anderson Al Shroff publishers & Distributors pvt,ltd; 2009 9788184047301 xxv;500 p. Knowledge Centre
004.65 BAR 05018613 Computer networking illuminated / Barrett diane Viva Books, 2009 832 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 BAR 04020327 Web services, service-oriented architectures, and cloud computing : Barry, Douglas K. Elsevier Science, 9780123983572 (pbk.) | 9789351070368 | 0123983576 (pbk.) Second edition. 226p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.65 BAR 05055435 Storage Area Network Essentials : Barker Richard Wiley India Pvt.Ltd, 2002 9788126518586 xxvii,498 p. Knowledge Centre
004.65 BAR 05003425 Storage Area Network Essentials : Barker Richard Wiley India Pvt.Ltd, 2002 9788126518586 xxvii,498 p. Knowledge Centre
004.65 BHA 05019230 Computer-Mediated Communication (MS COMMUNICATIONS) Bhatia, Arun Akansha Publishing House 8183700241 278p Knowledge Centre
004.65 BOR 05018667 Internetworking : Borowka, Petra Galgotia, 1997 0185032137 734 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 BRE 05019236 Mastering Network Security / Brenton, Chris BPB Publications, 1999 0817656074 672 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 BUF 04013978 P2P networking and applications Koegel Buford, John F. Elsevier, 2009 9788131222492 | 0123742145 (hb Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.65 BUF 04007786 P2P : Buford, John F. Elsevier, 2009 xxi, 415p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.65 CHE 00106551 Real Time Systems: Cheng,Albert.M.K. Wiley India 2002 9788126527854 xxiii,524 p. UG Library
004.65 CHE 04012957 Real Time Systems: Cheng,Albert.M.K. Wiley India 2002 9788126527854 xxiii,524 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.65 COL 00065024 Network Security Bible Cole, Eric Dr. Wiley Publishing India 2005 8126505761 | 9788126505760 660 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 COL 05019277 Network Security Bible / Cole, Eric Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2005 8126505761 660 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 COL 00065023 Network Security Bible Cole, Eric Dr. Wiley Publishing India 2005 8126505761 | 9788126505760 660 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 COL 00065274 Network Security Bible Cole, Eric Dr. Wiley Publishing India 2005 8126505761 | 9788126505760 660 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 COM 00132397 Computer Networks and Internets: Comer, Douglas E., Pearson Indai Education Services pvt. Ltd, 2018 9789352869152 x,667 p.; UG Library
004.65 COM 00056335 TCP/IP Illustrated Stevens, W. Richard Addison-Wesley, 2000 8178081016 | 9788178081014 572 p.; UG Library
004.65 COM 00056337 TCP/IP Illustrated Stevens, W. Richard Addison-Wesley, 2000 8178081016 | 9788178081014 572 p.; UG Library
004.65 COM 00056338 TCP/IP Illustrated Stevens, W. Richard Addison-Wesley, 2000 8178081016 | 9788178081014 572 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 COM 00056339 TCP/IP Illustrated Stevens, W. Richard Addison-Wesley, 2000 8178081016 | 9788178081014 572 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 COM 00056345 Internetworking With TCP/ IP Comer, Douglas E Pearson Education 2002 8178084449 4th Ed xxviii, 750 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 COM 00056346 Internetworking With TCP/ IP Comer, Douglas E Pearson Education 2002 8178084449 4th Ed xxviii, 750 p UG Library
004.65 COM 00056347 Internetworking With TCP/ IP Comer, Douglas E Pearson Education 2002 8178084449 4th Ed xxviii, 750 p UG Library
004.65 COM 00056348 Internetworking With TCP/ IP Comer, Douglas E Pearson Education 2002 8178084449 4th Ed xxviii, 750 p UG Library
004.65 COM 00057406 Internetworking With TCP/ IP Comer, Douglas E Pearson Education 2002 8178084449 4th Ed xxviii, 750 p UG Library
004.65 COM 00057407 Internetworking With TCP/ IP Comer, Douglas E Pearson Education 2002 8178084449 4th Ed xxviii, 750 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 COM 00057409 Internetworking With TCP/ IP Comer, Douglas E Pearson Education 2002 8178084449 4th Ed xxviii, 750 p UG Library
004.65 COM 00057410 Internetworking With TCP/ IP Comer, Douglas E Pearson Education 2002 8178084449 4th Ed xxviii, 750 p UG Library
004.65 COM 00057408 Internetworking With TCP/ IP Comer, Douglas E Pearson Education 2002 8178084449 4th Ed xxviii, 750 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 COM 00036903 Internet Work With TCP/IP Corner, E Douglas Prentice Hall Of India 1995 812030926X 2nd ed. xxiii; 547 p UG Library
004.65 COM 00059458 Computer Networks And Internets Comer, Douglas E 2003 719p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 COM 00068680 Internetworking With TCP/ IP Comer, Douglas E Pearson Education 2002 8178084449 4th Ed xxviii, 750 p UG Library
004.65 CON 05038249 Networking the Desktop : Connor, Deni A P Professional, 1997 0121858650 367 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 CRO 05019290 Network Processor Design : Crowley, Patrick Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2004 8181474635 338 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 DAV 10000384 Computer Networks / Dave, Mayank. Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131509869 400p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 DAV 05074119 CCNP Collaboration Call Control and Mobility CLACCM 300-815 Official Cert Guide / Davis, Kyzer. Pearson, 2022 9789356060289 xxxi, 653p.; Knowledge Centre
004.65 DAV 05074294 CCNP Collaboration Call Control and Mobility CLACCM 300-815 Official Cert Guide / Davis, Kyzer. Pearson, 2022 9789356060289 xxxi, 653p.; Knowledge Centre
004.65 DHA 00123065 Computer Networking and the Internet Dhaka, Pankaj Centrum Press, 2015 9789350847466 272 p:. UG Library
004.65 DYE 05004204 Network Fundamentals : Dye, Mark A. Pearson Education Inc., 2008 9788131719824 xxiv, 528 p. Knowledge Centre
004.65 DYE 05003667 Network Fundamentals : Dye, Mark A. Pearson Education Inc., 2008 9788131719824 xxiv, 528 p. Knowledge Centre
004.65 EDG 05074120 CCNP and CCIE Enterprise Core ENCOR 350-401 Official Cert Guide / Edgeworth, Bradley. Pearson, 2022 9789390531882 xliv, 973p.; Knowledge Centre
004.65 EDG 05074299 CCNP and CCIE Enterprise Core ENCOR 350-401 Official Cert Guide / Edgeworth, Bradley. Pearson, 2022 9789390531882 xliv, 973p.; Knowledge Centre
004.65 ELE 00135964 Computer Network / 3G E-Learning, 2017 9781680956962 x,250p.; UG Library
004.65 FEH 05019266 Wireless Digital Communications : Feher, Dr Kamilo Prentice Hall of India, 2002 8120314727 524 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 FOR 05036898 Computer Networks : Forouzan Behrouz A McGraw Hill Education, 2012 9781259001567 921 p. Knowledge Centre
004.65 GAL 05003704 Computer Communications and Networking Technologies / Gallo, Michael A Thomson South-Western, 2008 9788131503645 632 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 GUP 00120580 Cryptography and network security Gupta, Prakash C PHI 2015 9788120350458 456p. UG Library
004.65 HAL 05004288 Networking / Hallberg,Bruce . Tata McGraw Publishing, 2010 9780070700413 5th ED , xviii,430. p. Knowledge Centre
004.65 HAL 05003325 Networking / Hallberg,Bruce . Tata McGraw Publishing, 2010 9780070700413 5th ED , xviii,430. p. Knowledge Centre
004.65 HAL 00089909 Networking: A Beginner`s Guide. Hallberg, Bruce A 2005 0070607915 4th,edition 455p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 HEN 05074102 CCNP Enterprise Wireless Desogn ENWLSD 300-425 and Implementation ENWLSI 300-430 : Henry, Jerome. Pearson, 2022 9789356063518 xxxii, 543p.; Knowledge Centre
004.65 HEN 05074302 CCNP Enterprise Wireless Desogn ENWLSD 300-425 and Implementation ENWLSI 300-430 : Henry, Jerome. Pearson, 2022 9789356063518 xxxii, 543p.; Knowledge Centre
004.65 HJE 05019273 Convergence Architechture Between GPS Positioning in Mobile Networks Hjelm, Johan Wiley India 8126503777 450p Knowledge Centre
004.65 HOF 05019288 Content Networking : Hofmann, Markus Elsevier, 2005 8131200515 358 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 HOF 05036586 Content Networking : Hofmann, Markus Elsevier, 2005 8131200515 358 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 HOL 04011129 Network Performance Analysis / Holt Alan Springer, 2012 9788132204497 xiv,215 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.65 HOL 04010143 Network Performance Analysis / Holt Alan Springer, 2012 9788132204497 xiv,215 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.65 HOL 05000707 Network Performance Analysis / Holt Alan Springer, 2012 9788132204497 xiv,215 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.65 HOR 05019258 Communications Systems and Networks / Horak, Ray Wiley India, 2002 0812650336 3rd 678 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 JIA 05005734 Distributed Network Systems : Jia Weijia Springer, 2005 9788184894127 xx,513 p. Knowledge Centre
004.65 KAH 00073679 Cryptography and Network Security / Kahate, Atul Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2006 0070494835 435 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 KAU 00070834 Network Security Kaufman, Charlie Prentice Hall of India 2002 8120322134 | 9788120322134 2nd Ed. 712 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 KES 04027118 An engineering approach to computer networking : Keshav, Srinivsan. Addison-Wesley, 2002 9788131711453 xviii, 660 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.65 KES 05005662 An engineering approach to computer networking : Keshav, Srinivsan. Addison-Wesley, 2002 9788131711453 xviii, 660 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.65 KES 05018684 Engineering Approach to Computer Entworking : Keshav, S Pearson Education, 2001 8178081458 655 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 KIZ 05005655 A Guide to Computer Network Security / Kizza, Joseph Migga. McFarland, 2002 9788184894387 vi, 185 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.65 KUR 05018624 Computer Networking : Kurose, F James Pearson Education, 2000 8178082470 712 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 KUR 05019256 Computer Nwtorking : Kurose, F James Pearson Education, 2002 8178087871 752 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 LAM 05005712 CompTIA Network + Deluxe Study Guide / Lammle Todd Wiley India Pvt.Ltd, 2009 9788126521586 lviii,827 p. Knowledge Centre
004.65 LOO 05005837 Peer- to -Peer Computing : Wai-Sing Loo, Alfred. Springer, 2007 9788184893922 x, 268 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.65 LOO 04021634 Peer- to -Peer Computing : Wai-Sing Loo, Alfred. Springer, 2007 9788184893922 x, 268 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.65 LOW 00076567 Networking All-In-one Desk Reference Lowe, Doug Wiley India 2004 0812650515x 842 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 LOW 05019299 Networking : Lowe, Doug Wiley India, 2005 0812650515 842 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 LOW 05019279 Networking : Lowe, Doug Wiley India, 2006 0812650515 842 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 LOW 05019221 Networking for Dummies / Lowe, Doug Wiley India, 2002 0812650160 395 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 MAI 05036587 Fundamentals of Network Security / Maiwald, Eric Dream Tech Press, 2004 8177223895 645 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 MAI 05019286 Fundamentals of Network Security / Maiwald Eric Dreamtech, 2004 645 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 MAI 00063231 Starting Out With Java / Tony Gaddis dreamtech, 2004 8177224026 645 p UG Library
004.65 MAI 05019264 Fundamentals of Network Security / Maiwald, Eric Dream Tech Press, 2004 8177223895 645 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 MAL 05074108 CCNP and CCIE Data Center Core DCCOR 350-601 Official Cert Guide / Maloo, Somit. Pearson, 2022 9789390325726 xxxix, 1013p.; Knowledge Centre
004.65 MAL 05074288 CCNP and CCIE Data Center Core DCCOR 350-601 Official Cert Guide / Maloo, Somit. Pearson, 2022 9789390325726 xxxix, 1013p.; Knowledge Centre
004.65 MAR 05029630 Computer Networks and Distributed Processing : james martin Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd., 1988 0876925298 562p.; Knowledge Centre
004.65 MAR 05019267 Computer Networks and Distributed Processing : Martin, James Prentice Hall of India, 2002 8120305299 582 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 MEN 00102184 Network security and cryptography; Menezes Bernard. Cengage Learning; 434 p. UG Library
004.65 MEY 05036599 Managing and Troubleshooting Networks / Meyers, Mike Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2006 0070598525 619 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 MIL 05019268 Voice Over IP Technologies: Miller, A Mark Wiley India , 2002 0812650286 528p .: Knowledge Centre
004.65 MUR 05003692 Ad Hoc Wireless Networks : Murthy, C. Siva Ram. Pearson, 2004 9788131759059 xxii, 857 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.65 MUR 05009161 Ad Hoc Wireless Networks : Murthy, C. Siva Ram. Pearson, 2004 9788131759059 xxii, 857 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.65 NAD 04028256 SDN ; Software Defined Networks / Nadeau, Thomas D. SPD Pvt Ltd, 2016 9789351102649 352p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.65 NAR 05058203 Kafka The Definitive Guide : Narkhede,Neha. SPD, 2017 9789352136384 xix,297p.; Knowledge Centre
004.65 NEW 04019930 Understanding SOA with Web Services / Newcomer, Eric Pearson, 2005 9788131711132 444p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.65 NEW 05037263 Understanding SOA with Web services / Newcomer, Eric. Addison-Wesley, 2005 0321180860 xxxii, 444 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.65 OLE 05019287 Implementing 802.11, 802.16, and 802.20 Wireless Networks With Planning, Troubleshooting, and Operations Olexa, Ron Elsevier 8131200469 232 Knowledge Centre
004.65 OLI 05055478 Computer Networks : Olifer, Natalia John Wiley and Sons, 2008 9788126509171 973 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.65 OLI 05004377 Computer Networks : Olifer, Natalia John Wiley and Sons, 2008 9788126509171 973 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.65 PAC 00120579 Cryptography and information security Pachghare V K PHI 2015 9788120350823 2nd ed. 395p. UG Library
004.65 PAL 05018678 Guide to Designing and Implementing Local and Wide Area Network Palmer, Michael Thomson 9812403965 440p Knowledge Centre
004.65 PAN 05019250 Corporate Computer and Network Security Panko, R Raymond Pearson 8129701111 415p Knowledge Centre
004.65 PAN 00061281 Computer Networking Pankaj, S APH 2004 8176486876 266p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 PAR 05019276 LAN Times Guide to Building High-Spped Networks Parnell, Tere 0074637932 356 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 PEP 04027116 MPLS and VPN Architectures / Pepelnjak, Ivan Pearson, 2002 9788131706824 481p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.65 PEP 04025651 MPLS and VPN Architectures Vol-II / Pepelnjak, Ivan Pearson, 2010 9788131725917 470p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.65 PER 05005767 Interconnections : Periman, Radia Pearson Education Inc., 2000 9788177589696 xiii, 537 p. Knowledge Centre
004.65 PET 05003267 Computer Networks / Peterson, Larry L Elsevier, 2008 9788131210451 806 p. Knowledge Centre
004.65 PET 05019257 Computer Networks : Pererson, L Larry Harcourt India Private Limited., 2001 8178671212 737 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 PKO 05037388 Computer Networking / Pkohriyal,Pradeep. APH Publishing Corp, 2012 9788131313510 xi,151p.; Knowledge Centre
004.65 PLA 00052788 Introducing Microsoft .NET Platt, S. David WP Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd 2001 8178530554 | 790145137708 218 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 RAJ 05019901 Mobile and Personal Communication Systems and Services / Rajpandya Prentice Hall of India, 2003 8120317106 332 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 RAJ 05036671 Computer Networks : Rajesh, R S Vikas, 2005 0812591238 245 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 RAN 05019233 VOIP Security ( Ugc-Autonomous) Ransome, James F Elsevier 8131203018 402p Knowledge Centre
004.65 RAN 05009254 Professional Windows phone 7 application development Randolph, Nick, Wiley Pub., 2011 xxx, 594 p. Knowledge Centre
004.65 REL 00069165 Network Programming In .Net Reid, Fiach An Imprint Elsevier 2004 8131203026 | 9788131203026 541 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 SAH 04010166 Networking infrastructure for pervasive computing : Saha, Debashis, Kluwer Academic, 2003 140207249X (alk. paper) | 9788 xviii, 287 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.65 SAN 05074121 Cisco CyberOps Associate CBROPS 200-201 Official Cert Guide / Santos Omar Pearson, 2022 9789356060364 xxxix, 640p.; Knowledge Centre
004.65 SAN 05074292 Cisco CyberOps Associate CBROPS 200-201 Official Cert Guide / Santos Omar Pearson, 2022 9789356060364 xxxix, 640p.; Knowledge Centre
004.65 SAN 05003231 End-to-End Network Security : Santos Omar Pearson Education, 2008 9788131717554 xxiii,444p.; Knowledge Centre
004.65 SCH 05018670 Telecommunication Networks : Schwartz, Mischa Pearson, 2004 8129703149 749 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 SHA 05030933 Computer Communication Networks Shankugam, A Indian Society for Technical Education 8188057037 421p Knowledge Centre
004.65 SHE 05038048 Encylopedia of Networking / Sheldon, Tom Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 1998 0074633899 1164 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 SHI 05003340 Computer Network / Shinde, S S New Age Internations (P) Ltd., 2008 9788122425772 | 9788194369653 2nd ed. 404 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 SKA 05005823 Network administrator street smarts : Skandier, Toby. Wiley, 2006 9788126511839 | 9780470047248 xxii, 337 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.65 SOS 05004473 Networking bible / Sosinsky, Barrie Paul. WIley Pub., inc., 2009 9788126523726 | 0470431318 (pb 1st ed. 890 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.65 SPO 05036590 Networking Essentials / Sportack, A Mark Techmedia, 1997 580 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 STA 05019223 Network Security Essentials : Stallings, William Pearson, 2007 8131703665 374 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 STA 05019222 Network Security Essentials : Stallings, William Pearson, 2007 8131703665 374 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 STA 05019224 Network Security Essentials : Stallings, William Pearson, 2007 8131703665 374 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 STA 05017518 Cryptography and Network Security : Stallings, Williams Pearson Education, 2007 9788177587746 4th ed. xvi,680p,; Knowledge Centre
004.65 STA 04025654 High Speed Networks and Internets : Stallings, William Pearson, 2013 9788177585698 715p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.65 STA 00070747 High-Speed Networks and Internets Stallings, William Pearson Education 2004 0817808578 | 9788178085784 714 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 STA 00056400 Network Security Essentials Stallings,William Pearson Education 2000 8178083078 | 9788178083070 366 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 STA 05003232 High Speed Networks and Internets : Stalling William Pearson Education , 2002 9788177585698 2 ed xvii,715 p. Knowledge Centre
004.65 STA 04025753 High Speed Networks and Internets : Stalling William Pearson Education , 2002 9788177585698 2 ed xvii,715 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.65 STA 04025754 High Speed Networks and Internets : Stalling William Pearson Education , 2002 9788177585698 2 ed xvii,715 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.65 STA 00057704 Network Analysis With Applications Stanley, D. William Pearson 2003 8129702649 | 9788129702647 4th Ed. 662 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 STA 00057705 Network Analysis With Applications Stanley, D. William Pearson 2003 8129702649 | 9788129702647 4th Ed. 662 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 STA 00057706 Cryptography and Network Security - Principles and Practices Stallings, William Pearson Education 2003 8178089025 681 p UG Library
004.65 STA 00057707 Cryptography and Network Security - Principles and Practices Stallings, William Pearson Education 2003 8178089025 681 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 STA 05036589 Network Security Essentials : Stallings, William Pearson Education, 2001 8178083078 366 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 STA 04023604 High Speed Networks and Internets : Stalling William Pearson Education , 2002 9788177585698 2 ed xvii,715 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.65 STA 04023605 High Speed Networks and Internets : Stalling William Pearson Education , 2002 9788177585698 2 ed xvii,715 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.65 STA 04023606 High Speed Networks and Internets : Stalling William Pearson Education , 2002 9788177585698 2 ed xvii,715 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.65 STE 00056334 TCP/IP Illustrated Stevens, W. Richard Addison-Wesley, 2000 8178081016 | 9788178081014 572 p.; UG Library
004.65 STR 10003097 Networking and Kubernetes : Strong, James O'Reilly media inc., 2021 9781492081654 First edition. xi, 325 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 SUB 05019234 Networking Management : Subramanian, Mani Pearson Education Inc., 2007 8177588206 662 p. Knowledge Centre
004.65 SUB 05019214 Networking Management : Subramanian, Mani Pearson Education Inc., 2007 8177588206 662 p. Knowledge Centre
004.65 SUB 05019237 Networking Management : Subramanian, Mani Pearson Education Inc., 2007 8177588206 662 p. Knowledge Centre
004.65 SUB 05019280 Networking Management : Subramanian, Mani Pearson Education Inc., 2007 8177588206 662 p. Knowledge Centre
004.65 SUB 05001428 Networking Management : Subramanian, Mani Pearson Education Inc., 2007 8177588206 662 p. Knowledge Centre
004.65 SUB 05019209 Network Management : Subramanian, Mani Pearson Education, 2002 0817808595 644 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 TAN 10003835 Computer Networks / Tanenbaum, Andrew S Prentice Hall of India, 1999 9788120311657 3rd Ed., xvii, 813 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 TAN 05019207 Computer Networks / Tanenbaum, Andrew S Prentice Hall of India, 2005 8120321758 891 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 TAN 05018033 Computer Networks / Tanenbaum, S Andrew Prentice -Hall of India Pvt.Ltd., 1996 658 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 TAN 05017955 Computer Networks / Tanenbaum, S Andrew Prentice -Hall of India Pvt.Ltd., 1996 658 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 TAN 05018037 Computer Networks / Tanenbaum, S Andrew Prentice -Hall of India Pvt.Ltd., 1996 658 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 TAN 05018038 Computer Networks / Tanenbaum, S Andrew Prentice -Hall of India Pvt.Ltd., 1996 658 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 TAN 05019206 Computer Networks [MCA] Tanenbaum, Andrew S Prentice Hall of India 8120321758 891p Knowledge Centre
004.65 TAN 05019205 Computer Networks [MCA] Tanenbaum, Andrew S Prentice Hall of India 8120321758 891p Knowledge Centre
004.65 TAN 00055334 Computer Networks. Tanenbaum, Andrew Pearson Education 2003 8178087855 891p UG Library
004.65 TAN 05038002 Computer Networks / Andrew, S Tanenbaum Prentice Hall of India, 1993 658 p. Knowledge Centre
004.65 TAN 05018034 Computer Networks / Tanenbaum, S Andrew Prentice -Hall of India Pvt.Ltd., 1996 658 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 TAN 05017851 Computer Networks / Andrew, S Tanenbaum Prentice Hall of India, 1993 658 p. Knowledge Centre
004.65 TAN 05019248 Computer Networks / Tanenbaum, Andrew S Prentice Hall of India, 1996 8120311655 813 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 TAY 05019270 Networking Handbook / Taylor, E D Tata McGraw-Hill, 2002 0070402345 876 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 TIT 00069609 Theory And Problems Of Computer Networking Tittel, Ed Tata McGraw-Hill Pub Com Ltd 2005 0070495483 | 9780070495487 318 p. UG Library
004.65 TIT 05018688 Network Design Essentials : Tittel, Ed AP Professional, 1996 0126913951 282 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 VAN 05019265 Cdma 2000 System for Mobile Communications [ MCA ] Vanghi, Vieri Pearson 8129707551 501p Knowledge Centre
004.65 VAS 00069166 Network Recovery : Protection and Restoration of Optical, Sonet-SDH, IP and MPLS Vasseur, Jean Philippe Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 2005 8181476476 521 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65 VEN 05070146 Computer Networks / Venkatesh, Chethan. Thakur Publishers, 9789351631118 319p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.65 ZAC 05003311 Networking : Zacker, Craig Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2005 0070474168 1109 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 ZAC 05019243 Networking : Zacker, Craig Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2005 0070474168 1109 p Knowledge Centre
004.65 ZAK 00049868 HTML 4 How-To: the Definitive HTML 4 Problem Solver Zakour, John Techmedia 8176350540 1062p UG Library
004.6503 MIC 05001441 Microsoft Internet & Networking Dictionary Microsoft Prentice Hall of India 8120322746 327p Knowledge Centre
004.651 HAG 05019225 IPV6 Network Programming ( Ugc-Autonomous) Hagino, Jun-Ichiro Itojun Elsevier 8131202143 361p Knowledge Centre
004.652 NOA 00127126 Peer-to-peer video : Noam, Eli M Springer, 2008 9780387764498 (hbk.) | 0387764 xxv, 307 p. : UG Library
004.654 ERL 04030060 SOA with REST : Erl, Thomas Pearson, 2014 9789332523845 xxxiii, 577p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.654 ERL 04030061 SOA with REST : Erl, Thomas Pearson, 2014 9789332523845 xxxiii, 577p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.654 ERL 04030062 SOA with REST : Erl, Thomas Pearson, 2014 9789332523845 xxxiii, 577p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.654 ERL 04030063 SOA with REST : Erl, Thomas Pearson, 2014 9789332523845 xxxiii, 577p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.654 ERL 04030064 SOA with REST : Erl, Thomas Pearson, 2014 9789332523845 xxxiii, 577p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.654 GAL 04030053 SOA Patterns / Gal-Oz, Arnon Rotem Dreamtech Press, 2018 9789386052902 xii, 269p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.654 GAL 04030065 SOA Patterns / Gal-Oz, Arnon Rotem Dreamtech Press, 2018 9789386052902 xii, 269p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.658 MAL 00076579 Principles of Enterprise IT Architechture Mallick,Sudeep Wiley India 2006 8126508981 | 9788126508983 288 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.658 MAL 00076580 Principles of Enterprise IT Architechture Mallick,Sudeep Wiley India 2006 8126508981 | 9788126508983 288 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.65S HAR 00054764 Computer Communication Networks Shankugam, A Indian Society for Technical Education 8188057037 421p Knowledge Centre
004.66 BEN 04001070 Multimedia Multicast on the Internet Benslimane, Abderrah VIVA BOOK PVT LTD 2008 1905209428 366p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.66 KAS 04006643 Atm Networks: Concepts and Protocols Kasera, Sumit Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2006 9780070583535 466 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.66 KAS 04006644 Atm Networks: Concepts and Protocols Kasera, Sumit Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2006 9780070583535 466 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.66 KAS 04006645 Atm Networks: Concepts and Protocols Kasera, Sumit Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2006 9780070583535 466 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.66 KAS 04006061 Atm Networks: Concepts and Protocols Kasera, Sumit Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2006 9780070583535 466 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.66 MUT 04006581 Introduction to High Performance Networks Muthukumaran, B Mcgraw Hill Education 2005 9788182090828 426 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.66 MUT 04006580 Introduction to High Performance Networks Muthukumaran, B Mcgraw Hill Education 2005 9788182090828 426 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.66 BOI 05019251 ATM Technology: An Introduction Boisseau, Marc Galgotia 1850323046 129p Knowledge Centre
004.66 PAD 05069850 Visual Programming / Padmageetha, B.G. Skyward Publishers, 2016 9789384494490 xii, 11.22 [B.6] p.; Knowledge Centre
004.66 PAT 04025666 Switching theory : Pattavina, Achille. J. Wiley, 2012 0471963380 | 9780471963387 xvi, 415 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.66 PIO 00067170 Routing, Flow, and Capacity Design in Communication and Computer Networks Pioro,Michal. An Imprint Of Elsevier 2004 8181477057 | 9798181477056 765 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.66 TUR 05019246 Decision Support Systems and Iuntelligent Systems Turban, Efraim Pearson Education 8178083671 856p Knowledge Centre
004.66 WAN 04023935 High-speed wireless communications : Wang, Jiangzhou World Scientific P, 2008 9780521881531 316 p .: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.66 WAN 04015216 High-speed wireless communications : Wang, Jiangzhou World Scientific P, 2008 9780521881531 316 p .: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.665 SEQ 05060159 CCNA routing and switching 200-125 exam cram Sequeira, Anthony Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2018 9789386873590 xxxii,542p.; Knowledge Centre
004.67 MIN 04002563 Internet & Intranet Engineering: Technologies, Protocols, and Applications Minoli, Daniel Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2005 9780074637432 424 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.67 ANG 05019294 Internet Business Companion: Growing Your Business in the Electronic Age Angell, David 0201408503 240 p Knowledge Centre
004.67 BRO 03012615 Is the Internet Changing the Way You Think? : Brockman, John. Harper Perennial, 2011 9780062020444 | 0062020447 1st ed. xxxii, 408 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.67 CHA 05060878 Research Advances in Cloud Computing / Chaudhary, Sanjay., ed. Springer Publication, 2017 9789811050251 xiii, 464 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.67 ETE 04021147 WIMAX technology and network evolution / Etemad, Kamran. Wiley, 2010 9780470343876 (pbk.) xxxiv, 499 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.67 HAN 05019212 ATM Networks: Concepts, Protocols and Applications Handel, Rainer Pearson Education 8178083388 326p Knowledge Centre
004.67 JAM 04014459 The Interner : James, K. L. PHI, 2010 978812034299 2nd ed. 432p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.67 LED 00135728 Cloud computing and virtualization / Le, Dac-Nhuong. Wiley, 2018 9781119487906 (cloth) xxvii,205p.; UG Library
004.67 LEO 05019216 Internet in a Nutshell Leon, Alexis Vikas 8125906185 163p Knowledge Centre
004.67 LEU 05019293 Peer to Peer: Collaboration and Hsaring Over the Internet - PG Leuf, Bo Pearson Education 8178087626 424p Knowledge Centre
004.67 NUC 04013836 Design, measurement and management of large-scale IP networks : Nucci, Antonio, Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521880695 (hbk.) xii, 394 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.67 POP 04010698 Network empowerment / IOS Press, 2004 9781586034276 ix, 136 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.67 SIN 05068035 Edge computing / Singh, Ajit Shroff Publishers and ddistributors Pvt.Ltd., 2019 9789352138883 89p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.67 SOL 00137721 Handbook of IoT and Big Data / CRC Press, 2019 9781138584204 xv,331p.; UG Library
004.67 SON 00147244 Internet of Everything: Song, Hang World Scientific, 2023 9781944660826 xxiv,813p. ; UG Library
004.6703 EXP 00047970 Advanced Learner`s Dictionary of Internet Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2000 8126104686 256p UG Library
004.678 COO 04002577 Google Power Tools Coombs, Ted John Wiley and Sons 2007 8126512024 613p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 COO 04001320 Google Power Tools Coombs, Ted John Wiley and Sons 2007 8126512024 613p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 GRE 04006770 In-Line/ On-Line Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web Greenlaw, Raymond Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2002 9780070611139 696 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 GRE 04006769 In-Line/ On-Line Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web Greenlaw, Raymond Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2002 9780070611139 696 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 LED 04002578 Google Powered: Productivity With Online Tools Ledford, Jerri L John Wiley and Sons 2007 9788126511624 290 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 MIN 05019295 Internet and Intranet Engineering : Minoli, Daniel. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd : 2001 0074637436 | 9780074637432 424 p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.678 NEL 04004184 MBA'S Guide to the Internet Nelson, Stephen L New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 9788122416305 675 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 NEL 04004183 MBA'S Guide to the Internet Nelson, Stephen L New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 9788122416305 675 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 PAN 04001052 World of Internet Pankaj, S P h Publishing Corporation 2008 350p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 REU 00135643 Conquer the Web / Reuvid,Jonathon. Legend Business Ltd., 2018 9781787198623 215p.; UG Library
004.678 SEB 04001678 Programming With World Wide Web Sebesta, Robert W Pearson Education 2008 8129708000 752p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 SIN 05045241 Internet and Web Designing / Singh,Manohar. Satyam Publishers, 2014 9789382664123 242p.; Knowledge Centre
004.678 SKL 00130747 Principles of Web Design Sklar, Joel Cengage learning india pvt ltd., 2009 0981240077 | 97881315096162 391p.; UG Library
004.678 SON 04003283 Internet Application Development Soni, Manish University Book House 2007 9788181980519 216 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 SON 04003284 Internet Application Development Soni, Manish University Book House 2007 9788181980519 216 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 SON 04003282 Internet Application Development Soni, Manish University Book House 2007 9788181980519 216 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 SUT 04002961 Understanding the Internet: A Clear Guide to Internet Technologies Sutherland, Keith Elsevier 2008 9780750645553 153 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 YOU 04000820 Internet: The Complete Reference Young, Margaret Levi Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070486997 857 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 YOU 04001783 Internet: The Complete Reference Young, Margaret Levi Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070486997 857 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 ABR 00120997 Computational Social Network Analysis Springer, 2009 9781848822283 | 9788132231578 xii, 485 p.: UG Library
004.678 AHS 05001954 Cloud computing and software services : Ahson Syed A CRC Press, 2011 9781439803158 (hardcover : alk xiv, 442 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.678 AHS 04022385 Cloud computing and software services : Ahson Syed A CRC Press, 2011 9781439803158 (hardcover : alk xiv, 442 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 AIN 05013829 Get Smart on the Internet / Ainsley, Robert Pustak Mahal, 1996 64 p Knowledge Centre
004.678 ALE 00112375 World wide web Alexander,Tom Crescent Publishing Corporation, 2014 9788183423205 v,260p.; UG Library
004.678 ALE 04010515 Thinking on the Web : Alesso Peter.H Wiley India(P)Ltd, 2009 9788126524143 xxvii,291 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 ALE 05019215 Complete Beginner's Guide to the.Internet / Alexander, Laurel Jaico Publishing House | Jaico Publishing, 2004 0817992260 230 p Knowledge Centre
004.678 ARM 00115239 30 MinutesTo Master the Internet Armstrong,Steven Kogan 2003 9788175542280 62 p. UG Library
004.678 AUE 00145612 Meganets : Auerbach, David Public Affairs 2023 9781541774445 First edition. 339 pages ; UG Library
004.678 BAN 00145795 Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) Banafa, Ahmed River Publishers, 2023 9788770224451 x, 66p.; UG Library
004.678 BRE 04018391 Semantic Web : Breitman, K. K. Springer, 2007 9781846285813 (hbk.) | 9788184 xiv, 327 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 BRE 05005886 Semanntic Web : Breitman, Karin K. Springer, 2007 9788184893977 xiv, 327 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.678 BRU 05013821 The Internet for Beginners / Brunner, Laurel Icon Books, 1997 1874166846 172 p Knowledge Centre
004.678 BUR 05019217 Pervasive Computing (MCA) Burkhhardt, Jochen Pearson 8129707594 432p Knowledge Centre
004.678 BUR 10004045 Everyday Data Cultures/ by Jean Burgess, Kath Albury, Anthony MaCosker and Rowan Wilken Burgess, Jean [Author] 9781509547555 207p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.678 CAS 05036775 Internet Galaxy : Castells, Manuel Oxford University Press, 2001 0199241538 288 p Knowledge Centre
004.678 COH 07000322 Producing New and Digital Media : Cohen, James, Focal Press, 2016 9781138830103 (pbk.) | 9781138 x,266p.: Library - BR Campus
004.678 COH 07002067 Producing New and Digital Media : Cohen, James, Focal Press, 2016 9781138830103 (pbk.) | 9781138 x,266p.: Library - BR Campus
004.678 COM 05003367 The Internet: Comer Douglas.E PHI Learning Private Limited, 2009 9788120336964 4th ed xxvii,380 p. Knowledge Centre
004.678 COM 04000428 Internet Book / Comer, Douglas E Prentice-Hall of Inida, 2008 9788120322868 351 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 COM 00134898 The Internet Book : Comer, Douglas E. CRC Press, 2019 9781138330290(pbk) 5th ed. xxv, 376p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.678 CON 05018622 The Whole Internet : Conner-Sax, Kiersten Shroff Publishers & Distributors, 2002 8173661308 541 p Knowledge Centre
004.678 CON 05018621 The Whole Internet : Conner-Sax, Kiersten Shroff Publishers & Distributors, 2002 8173661308 541 p Knowledge Centre
004.678 CRU 05030008 The Internet Dictionary : Crumlish,Christian. BPB Publications : 1995 8170296099 130 p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.678 CUN 00142612 The Internet of Things Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Cunningham, James A Palgrave, 2020 9783030473631 xv,144p.; UG Library
004.678 DES 00147121 Building Enterprise IoT Solutions with Eclipse IoT Technologies: Desbiens, Frederic Apress, 2023 9781484288818 xxviii,364p. ; UG Library
004.678 DEV 00120413 Webs of Influence Dev Rahul Random Publications 2014 9789351112495 280p. UG Library
004.678 DOC 05019220 Internet Research Skills [mca-Section] Dochartaigh, Niall O Sage Publications 169p Knowledge Centre
004.678 DOR 00067553 The Internet a Writer's Guide Dorner, Jane Unistar Books Pvt Ltd 2001 2nd Ed. 196 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.678 DOY 05019296 Beginning Apache Struts:From Novice to Professional Doray, Arnold Springer 8181284429 508p Knowledge Centre
004.678 DRE 10001041 Web Technologies : Dream tech. Dream Tech Press, 2018 9789386052490 xi,390p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.678 DUN 03010552 Internet Management / Dundee, Nathan. Venus Books, 2014 9788189922146 xii:320 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.678 DUN 00120405 Internet Management Dundee, Nathan Random Publications 2014 9789351114420 320p. UG Library
004.678 DUN 00118888 Internet Management / Dundee, Nathan. Venus Books, 2014 9788189922146 xii:320 p.: UG Library
004.678 EXC 05035312 Internet and Web Page Designing : Excel Books Excel Books : 2002 8174462872 245 p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.678 EXC 00058216 Internet and WEB Page Designing Books, Excel Excel Books 2002 8174462872 469 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.678 FOR 00143767 Data science and Internet of Things : Fortino, Giancarlo Springer, 2021 9783030671969 xii,182p,; UG Library
004.678 GAR 00144544 Internet of Things : Garnett, Romeo. NY research press, 2023 9781647254179 225p, ; UG Library
004.678 GAS 05029382 Broadband Bible : Gaskin, E James WileyPublishing Inc., 2004 8126505443 1st ed. 584 p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.678 GAS 05029381 Broadband Bible : Gaskin, E James WileyPublishing Inc., 2004 8126505443 1st ed. 584 p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.678 GHO 00117788 Web Technology with Advanced Java Ghosh, Soumadip University Science Press, 2014 9789380856780 xvii: 718p.; UG Library
004.678 GhO 00144975 Optimal Localization of Internet of Things Nodes / Ghorpade, Sheetal N Springer, 2022 9783030880941 xii,119p.; UG Library
004.678 GOE 00121436 Internet management Goel S K Wisdom Press 2013 9789382006169 289p. UG Library
004.678 GOR 00107638 Net locality Gordon,Eric, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781405180603 | 9781405180603 ix, 187 p. : UG Library
004.678 GRA 04022743 How the Internet Works / Gralla, Preston. Pearson, 2012 9788131788158 416 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 GRA 03010731 How the Internet Works / Gralla, Preston. Pearson, 2012 9788131788158 416 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.678 GRE 05019297 In-Line/on-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web Greenlaw, Raymond 0071183434 549p Knowledge Centre
004.678 GUI 10000868 Building the Web of Things : Guinard, Dominique D. Dreamtech Press, 2016 9789351199397 xxiii, 320p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.678 HAH 05018610 The Internet Complete Reference / Hahn, Harley Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 2002 0074631624 802 p Knowledge Centre
004.678 HAH 05018609 The Internet Complete Reference / Hahn, Harley Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 2002 0074631624 802 p Knowledge Centre
004.678 HAH 05034861 The Internet Complete Reference / Hahn, Harley Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 2002 0074631624 802 p Knowledge Centre
004.678 HAH 00057429 The Internet Complete Reference Hahn, Harley Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd 1997 0074631624 | 0074631624 2nd Ed. 802 p. UG Library
004.678 HAH 00057430 The Internet Complete Reference Hahn, Harley Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd 1997 0074631624 | 0074631624 2nd Ed. 802 p. UG Library
004.678 HAH 00057433 The Internet Complete Reference Hahn, Harley Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd 1997 0074631624 | 0074631624 2nd Ed. 802 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.678 HAH 00057432 The Internet Complete Reference Hahn, Harley Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd 1997 0074631624 | 0074631624 2nd Ed. 802 p. UG Library
004.678 HAH 00057431 The Internet Complete Reference Hahn, Harley Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd 1997 0074631624 | 0074631624 2nd Ed. 802 p. UG Library
004.678 HAH 05035027 The Internet Complete Reference / Hahn, Harley Osborne McGraw-Hill, 1997 0078819806 816 p Knowledge Centre
004.678 HAM 00136878 Fundamentals of internet of things for non-engineers / Hammons, Rebecca, CRC press, 2019 9781138610859 (paperback : acidfree paper) xvi,430p.; UG Library
004.678 HAN 05060169 IOT fundamentals : Hanes, David. Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2018 9781587144561 (pbk. : alk. pap 3rd edition. xxxi,543p.; Knowledge Centre
004.678 HAN 05067187 IOT fundamentals : Hanes, David. Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2018 9781587144561 (pbk. : alk. pap 3rd edition. xxxi,543p.; Knowledge Centre
004.678 HAS 05067564 Internet of things : CRC Press, 2019 9780367111878 xvii, 418 pages ; Knowledge Centre
004.678 HBR 10004600 Web3 / Harvard Busines Review Press, 2023 9781647824976 viii, 140 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.678 HER 00144707 Fundamentals of Iot Communication Technologies / Herrero, Rolando, Springer, 2022 9783030700829 xix,249p, ; UG Library
004.678 HER 00146699 Practical Internet of things Networking: Herrero, Rolando Springer, 2023 9783031284427 xxiii,526p. ; UG Library
004.678 HOF 05017931 The Internet Instant Reference / Hoffman, E Paul BPB Publications, 1996 3rd 322 p Knowledge Centre
004.678 JAB 00144972 Towards the Internet of Things EAI/Springer, 2020 9783030184674 x,134p.; UG Library
004.678 JAM 05017911 Internet Programming / Jamsa, Kris Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd., 1996 8175150386 586 p Knowledge Centre
004.678 JON 01014577 Using the Internet : Jones,Graham. Grolier International Inc., 071728560X 120 p.; Knowledge Centre
004.678 KAM 00147754 Internet of Things: Kamal, Raj McGraw Hill, 2023 9789390727384 xxix,325p. ; UG Library
004.678 KIN 10003104 Programming the internet of things: King, Andy O'Reilly Media Inc. 2021 9789391043520 xxviii,388p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.678 KIN 00145581 Programming the internet of things: King, Andy O'Reilly Media Inc. 2021 9789391043520 xxviii,388p. UG Library
004.678 KRE 00115238 Getting Started on the Internet Krechowiecka, Irene Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2000 9788176491471 83 p. UG Library
004.678 LAV 00118074 HTML 5 Lavanya R. Ane Book Pvt, 2011 9789380618869 xii, 211 p.: UG Library
004.678 LEO 04017627 Internet For Everyone / Leon, Alexis Lieon Vikas, 2012 9788182093188 216p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 LEV 05030005 Internet for Dummies Levine, John R Comdex Computer Publishing 374 Knowledge Centre
004.678 LEV 05030003 Internet for Dummies Levine, John R Comdex Computer Publishing 374 Knowledge Centre
004.678 MAS 05004364 Cisco secure virtual private networks (CSVPN) : Cisco Press, 2004 1587051451 | 9788129707079 2nd ed. xxiii, 455 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.678 MIL 00073687 Faster Smarter Web Page Creation Millhollon,Mary Prentice Hall of India 2003 8120322452 | 9788120322455 353 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.678 MIN 00060351 Internet and Internet Engineering Minoli, Daniel Tata McGraw-Hill Pub Com Ltd 1997 0074637436 | 9780074637432 424 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.678 MIR 00076536 Hack Proofing Your Network Mirza Ahmed, R. David Dream Tech Press 2006 8177222384 2nd Ed. 789 p. UG Library
004.678 MIS 00146783 Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0/ Misra, Sudip CRC Press, 2024 9781032146751 xxx,369p. ; UG Library
004.678 MOH 00144618 Internet of Things and Its Applications / Mohanty, Sachi Nandan. Springer, 2022 9783030775278 xvi,573p, ; UG Library
004.678 MOR 04016255 Developing services for the wireless Internet / Morisio, Maurizio Springer, 2006 9788181286406 | 9781846280313 viii, 162 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 MOR 05005730 Developing Services for the Wireless Internet / Morisio Maurizio Springer, 2006 viii,162 p. Knowledge Centre
004.678 ORE 05019213 IP Routing (MCA) Malhotra, Ravi Shroff Publishers & Distributors 8173663378 219p Knowledge Centre
004.678 ORF 04012741 Client server programming with java and cobra / Orfali, Robert Wiley India, 1998 9788126511730 2nd ed. xxxvi , 1022 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 PAR 04009758 The filter bubble : Pariser, Eli. Penguin Press, 2011 9781594203008 (hardback) | 159 294 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 PAS 05001434 Evolution and Structure of the Internet : Pastor-Statorras Romualdo Cambridge University Press, 2004 9780521826983 xv,267p.: Knowledge Centre
004.678 PER 05072769 An introduction to IoT analytics / Perros, Harry G. CRC Press, 2021 9780367687823 | 9780367686314 1st ed. xvii, 354 p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.678 RAJ 00073690 Internet and Web Technologies Kamal,Raj Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd 2006 0070472963 | 9780070472969 519 p. UG Library
004.678 RAJ 00144629 Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, and the Internet of Things : Raj, Pethuru Springer, 2022 9783030776367 x,213p, ; UG Library
004.678 RAJ 05075143 Cognitive Internet of things : Raj, Pethuru, CRC Press, 2022 9781032851198 xv, 309 pages : Knowledge Centre
004.678 RAM 04007873 Next-generation internet : Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521113687 (hardback) | 0521113687 (hardback) xxiii, 409 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 RAM 00120404 Internet and Java programming Ramanandi Neha Global Academic Publishers 2012 9789381695173 442p. UG Library
004.678 RAY 00146629 Internet of Things from Hype to Reality: Rayes, Ammar Springer, 2022 9783030901608 3rd ed, xxx,451p. ; UG Library
004.678 ROB 00096342 Ten first steps on the internet Roblyer,M.D. Upper Saddle River New Jersey 2001 9780130305022 52 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.678 SAB 00145335 Multi-access Edge Computing: Springer 2021 xv;409p. UG Library
004.678 SAC 05013856 Instant Internet With Websurfer / Sachs, David P T R Prentice Hall, 1997 0132106752 218 p Knowledge Centre
004.678 SAP 05013734 Mastering ISDN / Sapien, Mike BPB Publications, 1996 8170297761 572 p Knowledge Centre
004.678 SAP 05013733 Mastering ISDN / Sapien, Mike BPB Publications, 1996 8170297761 572 p Knowledge Centre
004.678 SAR 00115237 The World of Internet: Saravanan, T APH 2004 8176488011 221p UG Library
004.678 SAT 00145876 Machine learning and internet of things for societal issues / Satyanarayana, Ch. (Editor) Springer, 2022 9789811650895 xviii, 157p.; UG Library
004.678 SHA 00122985 E-World Emerging Trends in Information Technology Sharma Rohan Random Publications, 2015 9789351116752 xii, 272 p.: UG Library
004.678 SKL 00061353 Principles of Web Design Sklar, Joel Thomson Learning 2001 0981240077 | 9789812400772 288 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.678 SNA 05003700 VPNs illustrated : Snader, Jon C., Pearson Education, 2006 032124544X (pbk. : alk. paper) xv, 461 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.678 SOL 04030673 Building blocks for IoT analytics : River Publication, 2017 9788793519039 | 8793519036 xxx, 261 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 STA 05019204 High-Speed Networks & Internets : Stallings, William Pearson Education, 2002 0817808578 2nd 715 p Knowledge Centre
004.678 STA 05018631 ISDN and Broadband ISDN With Frame Relay and ATM / Stallings, William Pearson Education, 2004 8178084228 542 p Knowledge Centre
004.678 STA 05018645 ISDN and Broadband ISDN With Frame Relay and ATM : Stallings, William. Pearson Education : 2001 8178084228 | 978178084220 4th ed. 540 p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.678 STI 03004442 Wired for Thought : Stibel, Jeffrey M. Harvard Business Press, 2009 9781422146644 (hbk. : alk. pap xxxi, 202 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
004.678 STI 00105373 Wired for Thought : Stibel, Jeffrey M. Harvard Business Press, 2009 9781422146644 (hbk. : alk. pap xxxi, 202 p.: UG Library
004.678 STI 05000618 Wired for Thought : Stibel, Jeffrey M. Harvard Business Press, 2009 9781422146644 (hbk. : alk. pap xxxi, 202 p.: Knowledge Centre
004.678 SUT 05019219 Understanding the Internet : Sutherland, Keith Butterworth, 2003 0750645555 153 p Knowledge Centre
004.678 SYB 00060485 XML Complete Sybex BPB Publications 2001 9788176565134 975 p. UG Library
004.678 TAY 00073683 Networking Handbook Taylor E. D. Tata McGraw 2000 0007007040 | 9780071354516 879 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.678 TRA 01021215 The geography of the Internet : Tranos, Emmanouil. Edward Elgar Pub., 2013 9781781953365 (hardback) | 178 vii, 231 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.678 TUR 05068060 The terraform book / Turnbull, James Shroff Publishers and distributors Pvt.Ltd., 2019 9789352138906 vii, 324p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.678 VAN 00070431 Creating Web Pages in Easy Steps Vandome, Nick Dreamtech Press 2005 192 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.678 VAS 10000929 Essentials of Internet Programming / Vasudevan, Shriram K. Wiley, 2019 9789389633108 xii, 339p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.678 VEN 00060466 Internet Broadband Multimedia Wireless Venkatesh,Ramamurthy Scitech Publications (India) Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8188429406 | 9798188429409 P.V Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.678 VOS 04013994 Unleashing Web 2.0 : Vossen, Gottfried. Elsevier, 2007 9788131223208 xiv, 353 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.678 WHI 05001504 The Internet - the Basics / Whittaker, Jason Routledge, 2003 0415257468 228p.: Knowledge Centre
004.678 XAV 00060336 World Wide Web Design With HTML Xavier C. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd 2000 0074639714 257 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.678 XIA 05003750 Wireless Network Security / Xiao Y Springer, 2007 9788184892376 | 0387280405 viii, 422 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.67807 ANA 00115236 Internet Education Anand, Rohit International Scientific Publishing Academy 2005 8182930049 196p UG Library
004.678071 DAS 05041040 Reinventing writing : Davis, Vicki A. Routledge, 2014 9780415734660 (hardback) | 978 xv, 250 pages ; Knowledge Centre
004.678071 LE 05008851 Technologies for enhancing pedagogy, engagement, and empowerment in education : Thao Le Information Science Reference, 2012 9781613500743 (hardcover) xvi, 320 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.678071 RIC 00109890 Learning on the blog Richardson, Will. Corwin Press, 2012 9781412995702 (pbk.) | 9781412 ix,130 p. : UG Library
004.678082 SOR 05026500 Technologies of inclusion : Srensen, Knut H. Tapir Academic Press, 2011 9788251928465 (pbk.) | 8251928 300 p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.6780835 FRE 05056680 The happiness effect : Freitas, Donna, Oxford university press, 2017 9780190239855 (cloth : alk. pa xix, 339 pages : Knowledge Centre
004.6780835 JAM 05041985 The digital disconnect : James, Carrie, 9780262028066 | 9780262325561 1 online resource (198 pages). Knowledge Centre
004.6780835 TIL 05068253 Youth in the digital age : Tilleczek, Kate C. Routledge, 2019 9781138613126 (hardback) 1 Edition. ix,143p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6780835 WIL 00128214 Cyber Savvy : Willard, Nancy E. Corwin, 2012 9781412996211 | 141299621X xi, 160 p. ; UG Library
004.6780951 SCH 05064009 China's Digital Nationalism / Schneider, Florian. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190876807 xxi, 291p. : Knowledge Centre
004.678104 FOX 04010493 Profeesional SharePoint 2010 Cloud-Based Solutions / Fox Steve Wiley India Pvt.Ltd, 2012 9788126533923 xxviii,349 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 MAC 04028878 The Usbone Guide to the Internet / Mackinnon, Mairi Scholastic Inc., 2000 0439283299 2001 ed. 128p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 PSE 05048602 Theory & Practice Book Computer Science & IT / Made Easy Publications, 2012 9789381069325 671p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6782 VEL 05054004 Cloud computing : Velte, Anthony T. McGraw-Hill, 2010 9780070683518 xviii,334p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6782 ABB 04024294 Cloud Management and Security / Abbadi, Imad M. Wiely, 2014 9788126556236 216p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 ABB 05054104 Cloud Management and Security / Abbadi, Imad M. Wiely, 2014 9788126556236 216p. : Knowledge Centre
004.6782 AMB 04029908 Practical Microsoft Azure IaaS : Migrating and Building Scalable and Secure Cloud Solutions Ambi Karthikeyan, Shijimol Apress, 2019 9781484245569 307 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 ANT 04023344 Cloud Computing : Springer, 2010 9788132204435 379p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 ANT 04029773 Essentials of cloud computing and security B.Anthony Vincent Tejas publishers and distributors, 2018 9788193609033 202p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 ANT 00132580 Essentials of cloud computing and security B.Anthony Vincent Tejas publishers and distributors, 2018 9788193609033 202p.; UG Library
004.6782 ARU 05065075 Cloud native devops with kubernetes : Arundel, John. Shroff Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd., 2019 9789352138098 xxiii, 317p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.6782 BAH 10000379 Cloud Computing: A Hands-on approach / Bahga, Arshdeep University Press, 2014 9788173719233 454 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6782 BAH 04028975 Internet of Things : Bahga, Arshdeep University Press, 2015 9788173719547 520p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 BAH 00136615 Internet of Things : Bahga, Arshdeep University Press, 2018 9788173719547 rep ed, 520 p. : UG Library
004.6782 BAH 00136616 Internet of Things : Bahga, Arshdeep University Press, 2018 9788173719547 rep ed, 520 p. : UG Library
004.6782 BAH 04026741 Cloud Computing: A Hands-on approach / Bahga, Arshdeep University Press, 2014 9788173719233 454 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 BAH 10000526 Internet of Things : Bahga, Arshdeep University Press, 2015 9788173719547 520p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6782 BAH 04026751 Internet of Things : Bahga, Arshdeep University Press, 2015 9788173719547 520p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 BAH 04024366 Cloud Computing: A Hands-on approach / Bahga, Arshdeep University Press, 2014 9788173719233 454 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 BAH 04029591 Internet of Things : Bahga, Arshdeep University Press, 2015 9788173719547 520p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 BAI 04027103 Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions / Bai, Haishi. PHI, 2016 9788120351912 400p, : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 BAM 00123560 Cloud Computing in Academic Libraries Bamane, Dhanawanti Sunil Shubham Publications, 2015 9789383144051 327 p:. UG Library
004.6782 BAN 00147757 Hands-on TinyML: Banerjee, Rohan BPB, 2023 9789355518446 xvii,287p. ; UG Library
004.6782 BEL 00145349 Snowflake Essentials: Bell Frank Apress, 2022 9781484273159 xiii, xv, xvii, 337p.; UG Library
004.6782 BHO 05074569 Cloud Computing / Bhowmik, Sandeep, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781316638101 (pbk. : alk. pap xxiii, 407 pages ; Knowledge Centre
004.6782 BHO 05059422 Cloud Computing / Bhowmik, Sandeep, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781316638101 (pbk. : alk. pap xxiii, 407 pages ; Knowledge Centre
004.6782 BRI 05068061 Terraform up and running : Brikman, Yevgeniy Shroff publishers and distributors Pvt.Ltd. , 2019 9789352139040 2nd ed. xx, 339p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.6782 BUY 04017148 Cloud Computing : Buyya, Rajkumar John Wiley, 2013 9788126541256 xxv,637p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 BUY 04024832 Cloud Computing : Buyya, Rajkumar John Wiley, 2013 9788126541256 xxv,637p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 BUY 04027028 Internet of Things : Morgan Kaufamann, 2016 9780128053959 354p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 BUY 04028135 Cloud Computing : Buyya, Rajkumar John Wiley, 2013 9788126541256 xxv,637p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 BUY 04017881 Cloud Computing : Buyya, Rajkumar John Wiley, 2013 9788126541256 xxv,637p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 BUY 04017882 Cloud Computing : Buyya, Rajkumar John Wiley, 2013 9788126541256 xxv,637p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 BUY 04017883 Cloud Computing : Buyya, Rajkumar John Wiley, 2013 9788126541256 xxv,637p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 BUY 04023824 Cloud Computing : Buyya, Rajkumar John Wiley, 2013 9788126541256 xxv,637p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 BUY 04023825 Cloud Computing : Buyya, Rajkumar John Wiley, 2013 9788126541256 xxv,637p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 BUY 04019789 Cloud Computing : Buyya, Rajkumar John Wiley, 2013 9788126541256 xxv,637p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 BUY 04021129 Mastering Cloud Computing / Buyya, Rajkumar Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2013 9781259029950 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 BUY 04023552 Mastering Cloud Computing / Buyya, Rajkumar Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2013 9781259029950 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 CHA 04026674 Cloud computing networking : Chao, Lee, CRC Press, 2016 9781482254815 (alk. paper) xix, 507 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 CHA 05055460 The Internet of things : Chaouchi,Hakima. Wiley Indi, 2010 9788126566839 xvi,265p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6782 CHA 05047453 Cloud computing networking : Chao, Lee, CRC Press, 2016 9781482254815 (alk. paper) xix, 507 pages : Knowledge Centre
004.6782 CHA 05054118 The Internet of things : Chaouchi,Hakima. Wiley Indi, 2010 9788126566839 xvi,265p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6782 CHE 04020401 Cloud computing : Chee, Brian J. S. CRC, 2010 9781439806128 (hardcover : alk xvii, 270 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 CHE 04019249 Cloud computing : Chee, Brian J. S. CRC, 2010 9781439806128 (hardcover : alk xvii, 270 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 CHO 04022610 Cloud Computing Strategies / Chorafas, Dimitris N. CRC Press, 2011 9781439834534 340p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 CHO 04028384 Cloud Computing / Chopra, Rajiv New Age International Publishers, 2017 9789386286918 150p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 CHO 04022386 Cloud Computing Strategies / Chorafas, Dimitris N. CRC Press, 2011 9781439834534 340p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 CHO 04027093 Cloud Computing Strategies / Chorafas, Dimitris N. CRC Press, 2011 9781439834534 340p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 COM 04027071 The Internet Book / Comer, Douglas E. Pearson, 2015 9789332549784 380p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 COS 10003078 Google Cloud cookbook : Costa, Rui O'Reilly media, inc., 2022 9781492092896 | 1492092894 First edition. xiii, 266 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6782 CRO 04018868 Cloud Computing: Crookes, David Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2012 9781259061042 192p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 CUL 10003067 AWS cookbook : Culkin, John O'Relly media inc., 2022 9781492092605 First edition. xxiv, 330 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6782 DED 05056712 Mobile cloud computing : De, Debashis, CRC Press, 2016 9781482242836 (hardback : alk. xxv, 351 pages : Knowledge Centre
004.6782 DOT 05065115 Practical cloud security : Dotson, Chris. Shroff Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd ., 2019 9789352138159 xii, 180p. ; Knowledge Centre
004.6782 DUB 04026475 Cloud Computing and Beyond Shankar Dubey, Sanjiva I.K. International Publishing House, 2012 9789381141854 xvi,235p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 DUB 04018780 Cloud Computing and Beyond Shankar Dubey, Sanjiva I.K. International Publishing House, 2012 9789381141854 xvi,235p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 ERL 00147763 Cloud Computing : Erl, Thomas Pearson, 2024 9788196943219 2nd ed, xlii,453p. ; UG Library
004.6782 ERL 04022892 Cloud computing : Erl, Thomas. Pearson, 2014 9780133387520 | 9789332535923 487p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 FAY 04026675 Cloud Computing : Faynberg, Igor Wiley, 2016 9781118501214 xii,363p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 FOS 05059529 Cloud computing for science and engineering / Foster, Ian, The MIT Press, 2017 9780262037242 xvi, 372 pages ; Knowledge Centre
004.6782 FRE 10003069 Data science on AWS : Fregly, Chris, O'Relly media inc., 2021 9781492079392 | 9788194722991 First edition. xix, 500 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6782 GAN 05075155 Digital Twin : Ganguli Ranjan CRC Press, 2023 9781032934198 xii, 239p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6782 GON 00145352 Cloud Native Architecture and Design: Goniwada Shivakumar Apress, 2022 9781484272251 xxvii, xxix, xxxi, xxxiii, 716p.; UG Library
004.6782 GUP 04017878 Cloud Computing-Based Projects Using Distributed Architecture / Gupta, Pranab Kumar Das PHI, 2013 9788120346710 324p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 GUP 04017879 Cloud Computing-Based Projects Using Distributed Architecture / Gupta, Pranab Kumar Das PHI, 2013 9788120346710 324p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 GUP 04017880 Cloud Computing-Based Projects Using Distributed Architecture / Gupta, Pranab Kumar Das PHI, 2013 9788120346710 324p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 HAU 04022221 Cloud essentials Hausman, Kalani Kirk. Wiley Pub, 2013 9781118432518 | 9781118417942 268p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 HER 05055461 The Internet of Things : Hersent, Olivier John Wiley, 2012 9788126557653 344p. : Knowledge Centre
004.6782 HER 04026701 The Internet of Things : Hersent, Olivier John Wiley, 2012 9788126557653 344p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 HER 04026702 The Internet of Things : Hersent, Olivier John Wiley, 2012 9788126557653 344p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 HER 04026703 The Internet of Things : Hersent, Olivier John Wiley, 2012 9788126557653 344p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 HER 05054119 The Internet of Things : Hersent, Olivier John Wiley, 2012 9788126557653 344p. : Knowledge Centre
004.6782 HIL 04018357 Guide to cloud computing : Hill, Richard Springer, 2013 9781447146025 (alk. paper) | 1 xxi, 278 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 HOF 05060161 Cloud Native Go : Hoffman, Kevin, Pearson india education pvt ltd., 2018 0672337797 | 9780672337796 | 9 x, 243 pages : Knowledge Centre
004.6782 HUR 04024557 Cloud computing for dummies / Hurwitz, Judith. Wiley Pub., 2010 9788126524877 xxii, 310 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 HUR 04022252 Hybrid Cloud for Dummies / Hurwitz, Judith Wiley Publications, 2012 9788126542918 338p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 HWA 04012669 Distributed and Cloud Computing : Hwang, Kai. Elsevier ; 2012 9789381269237 648 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 HWA 04023288 Distributed and Cloud Computing : Hwang, Kai. Elsevier ; 2012 9789381269237 648 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 HWA 10000429 Distributed and Cloud Computing : Hwang, Kai. Elsevier ; 2012 9789381269237 648 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
004.6782 JAM 05017257 Cloud computing : Jamsa, Kris A. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2013 9781449647391 1st ed. xix, 322 p. : Knowledge Centre
004.6782 JAM 05041306 Cloud computing : Jamsa, Kris, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2013 xix,322p.; Knowledge Centre
004.6782 JAM 04012458 Cloud computing : Jamsa, Kris A. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2013 9781449647391 1st ed. xix, 322 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 JAM 04017932 Cloud computing : Jamsa, Kris A. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2013 9781449647391 1st ed. xix, 322 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
004.6782 JAY 04023996 Cloud Computing Blac