Total Books (Fiction) - 8250

CallNo Barcode Title Author Publisher Code Year ISBN Edition Pages Library
813 BUK 07010913 Post Office/ Bukowski,Charles Harper Collins Publishers, 1971 9780061177576 196 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
813 COC 00106832 The Penguin Book of American Short Stories Cochrane James Penguin Books 2011 9780241952849 413p. UG Library
813 COO 00068733 Seizure Cook, Robin 2003 0330426362 454 p . UG Library
813 MIT 00087730 Gone With the Wind Mitchell, Margaret 2008 9780330458047 983 p UG Library
813 SHA 00117251 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : UG Library
813 WAL 00022928 The Pigeon Project Wallace, Irving E W P 1979 382 p UG Library
813 ADA 00040268 Shardik Adams, Richard Avon Books 1976 620p UG Library
813 ALL 00049943 Claudia`s Shadow - Even in Death Her Sister Remained a Mystery Allen, Charlotte Vale 1551661772 399p UG Library
813 ALL 00049949 Dreaming in Color Allen, Charlotte Vale 1995 0155166030 440p UG Library
813 ALL 00049953 Somebody`s Baby. Allen, Charlotte Vale 1996 1551660679 402po UG Library
813 ALS 00140658 Gandhi : Alshoala, Abdulnabi Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd.; 2021 9789390547333 252 p. ; UG Library
813 ALS 00140713 Gandhi : Alshoala, Abdulnabi Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd.; 2021 9789390547333 252 p. ; UG Library
813 ARC 00027785 Kane & Abel Archer, Jeffrey Ballantine 476 p UG Library
813 ARC 00029642 Matter of Honour Archer, Jeffrey Pocket Books 1987 410 p UG Library
813 ARC 05036801 Paths of Glory / Archer Jefrey Pan Books, 2009 9780330511667 403p.: Knowledge Centre
813 ARC 00029696 First Among Equals Archer, Jeffrey Corgi 1986 470 p UG Library
813 ARC 00029697 Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less Archer, Jeffrey Coronet Books 1987 255 p UG Library
813 ARC 00031514 Twist in the Tale Archer, Jerffrey Pocket Books 1989 254 p UG Library
813 ARC 05034035 Paths of Glory / Archer Jefrey Pan Books, 2009 9780330511667 403p.: Knowledge Centre
813 ARC 00025706 Shall We Tall the President? Archer, Jeffrey Fawcett 1983 270 p UG Library
813 ARC 00025707 Not a Penny More,Not a Penny Less (novel) Archer, Jeffrey Fawcett 1983 255 p UG Library
813 ARC 00022927 Prodigal Daughter Archer, Jeffrey Linden 464 p UG Library
813 ARN 00040331 The Parent Plan Arnold, Judith Harlequin Books 1994 299p UG Library
813 ASI 00031472 Naked Sun Asimov, Isaac Ballentinee 1983 270p UG Library
813 ASI 00029693 Change Asimov, Issac Corgi 220 p UG Library
813 ASI 00035904 Second Foundation (novel) Asimov, Issac Ballantine 1988 284 p UG Library
813 ASI 00035905 Foundation and Earth Asimov, Isaac Ballantine 1988 494 p UG Library
813 ASI 00029620 Beginning and the End Asimov, Issac Pocket Books 1987 256 p UG Library
813 ASI 00029624 Robots of Dawn Asimov, Issac Ballantine 1983 410 p UG Library
813 AUE 00040323 The Mammoth Hunters / Auel, Jean M Bantam Books, 1985 723 p. : UG Library
813 AUS 00040264 Pride and Prejudice Austen, Jane Bantam Books 1997 454p UG Library
813 BAG 00029646 Night of Error Bagley, Desmond Rupa 1987 320 p UG Library
813 BAG 00029647 Bahama Crisis Bagley, Desmond Rupa 1987 258 p UG Library
813 BAS 00000642 White Sail Bassett, Sara Ware Chapman 1949 245 p UG Library
813 BAS 04016201 Chocolate Guitar Momos / Basumatary, Kenny Deori Westland, 2011 9789380032757 243 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813 BAU 00029645 Juggernaut Bagley, Desmond Rupa 1987 324 p UG Library
813 BEA 00035121 Picturing Will Beattie, Ann Random House 1989 224 p UG Library
813 BEC 00000220 Bedside Book of Famous Franch Stories Becker, Belle Random 1945 pv UG Library
813 BEE 00040299 Spellbound. Beeding, Francis Kensigton 1955 332p UG Library
813 BEN 00031481 Q Clearence Benchley, Peter Berkley 1987 348 p UG Library
813 BEN 00022810 Girl of the Sea of Cortez Benchley, Peter Doubleday 1982 238 p UG Library
813 BEN 00022811 Jaws Benchely, Peter Andre 1975 284 p UG Library
813 BHA 04023056 What young India wants : selected essays and columns / Bhagat, Chetan Rupa publication, 2012 9788129135544 181 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813 BIN 00040338 The Daddy Hunt Bingham, Lisa Harlequin Books 1996 248p UG Library
813 BIN 00040245 Echoes Binchy, Maeve A Dell Book 1985 494 p UG Library
813 BIN 00046109 Circle of Friends Binchy, Maeve 1991 0440211263 596p UG Library
813 BLA 00022842 The Exorcist Blatty, William Peter Corgi Books 1980 312 p UG Library
813 BON 00102503 Time Stops At Shamli : Bond, Ruskin Penguin Books, 9780140128420 180 p. UG Library
813 BON 00102494 The Penguin Book Of Classical Indian Love Stories and Lyrics Bond, Ruskin Penguin Books, 9780140258875 xv, 243 p. UG Library
813 BOO 00040292 THE Hiding Place . Boom, Corrie Ten Bantam Books 241p UG Library
813 BRA 05009311 Modern British Short Stories / Bradbury Malcolm Penguin Books 2011 9780241952863 448p. Knowledge Centre
813 BRA 00022058 Novel Today: Contemporary Writers on Modern Fiction Bradbury, Malcolm Fontana 256 p UG Library
813 BRE 00077177 Kill: Survival Means Another Chance to Die: Vrennan, Allison 2006 0345485238 402p UG Library
813 BRI 00029632 Infidelites Bright, Freda St.Martins 1988 410 p UG Library
813 BRO 00068802 Angels and Demons / Brown, Dan Pocket star Books 2001 0552150738 619p UG Library
813 BRO 03012562 Origin / Brown, Dan. Bantam Press, 2017 9780593078754 461 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813 BRO 04028739 Origin / Brown, Dan. Bantam Press, 2017 9780593078754 461 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813 BRO 00000031 Colorado Bromfield, Louis Hbp 1947 266 p UG Library
813 BRO 07011291 Origin / Brown, Dan. Bantam Press, 2017 9780593078754 461 p. : Library - BR Campus
813 BRO 05028331 Da Vinci Code Brown, Dan Broadway books, 2004 0076792603 467p.; Knowledge Centre
813 BRO 00077139 Alibi: She Was a Woman Who Had Everything Brown, Sandra 1999 0034083644 565p[ UG Library
813 BRO 00040258 Sky Masters Dale Brown Berkley Books 1992 465 p UG Library
813 BRO 00077147 Dan Brown Digital Fortress. Demille, Nelson 2004 0552151696 510p UG Library
813 BRO 00040289 Long Time Coming. Brown, Sandra Bantam Doubleday Dell Pub. Group 1989 231p UG Library
813 BRU 00040241 Brokedown Place Brust, Steven 1986 0099244926 270p UG Library
813 BUC 00010656 With a Delicate Air Buck, S Pearl Longman 1978 240 p UG Library
813 BUR 00069466 The Bedside Book of Famous American Stories, Burrell, John Angus, Random house, inc. 1936 xvii, 3-1273 p. UG Library
813 BUR 00040239 Dixie City Jam Burke, James Lee Hyperion 1994 502p UG Library
813 CAM 00049957 Scandalous - a Stranger on Her Doorstep Camp, Candace 1998 1551661667 390p UG Library
813 CAP 00000072 Grass Harp Capote, Truman New Age 127p UG Library
813 CAR 07005503 Our Game/ Carre,John Le. Penguin Books, 1995 9780241243619 311 Pages ,: Library - BR Campus
813 CAR 00040237 Mortal Friends Carroll, James Dell Books 1978 731 UG Library
813 CAR 00040267 Memorial Bridge Carroll, James Ballantine Books 1991 503p UG Library
813 CHA 00040250 Sensei II: Sword Master Charney, David Berkley 1984 437p UG Library
813 CHI 05064754 Undaunted : Chidambaram P. Rupa Publications, 2019 9789353333737 xvi,222p.; Knowledge Centre
813 CLA 00067555 Patriot Games Clancy Tom Harper Collins Publishers 1987 0006174558 616 p UG Library
813 CLA 00067557 Net Force: Hidden Agendas Clancy, Tom 1999 0747261156 500p UG Library
813 CLA 00067558 Op Center: Divide and Conquer Clancy, Tom 0425174808 372p UG Library
813 CLA 00031509 Savages Shirley Conran, Berkley 1987 470 p UG Library
813 CLA 00045738 Rama II Clarke, Arthur C 0708848265 495p UG Library
813 CLA 00046104 Cardinal of the Kremlin Clancy, Tom 1989 0425116840 547p UG Library
813 CLA 00030895 Hunt for Bed October Clancy, Tom Fontana 1986 480 p UG Library
813 COD 00049935 Kept By a Countess Cody, Pat 1995 0505522403 359p UG Library
813 COL 00030881 Fall From Grace Collins, Larry Penguin 1980 548 p UG Library
813 COL 00040301 Love & Desire & hate Collins, Joan Pocket Books 1990 470p UG Library
813 CON 00031483 Lace II Conran, Shriley Pocket Books 1985 328 p UG Library
813 CON 00035897 Crimson Conran, Shirley Pocket Books 1993 535 p UG Library
813 COO 00029643 Fever Cook, Robin Signet 1987 310 p UG Library
813 COO 00030945 God Player Cook, Robin PAN 296 p UG Library
813 COO 00030963 Brain Cook, Robin PAN 1981 236 p UG Library
813 COO 00022838 Coma Cook, Robin Mc Millan 306 p UG Library
813 COO 00004768 Prairie Cooper, James Fenimore Apc 1964 348 p UG Library
813 COO 04026710 Invasion / Cook, Robin Pan Mcmillan ltd, 1997 9780330352888 393p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813 COO 00002452 Last of the Mohicans Cooper, James Fenimore Bantam Dell 1989 410p UG Library
813 COO 00020880 Sphinx Cook, Robin Nal 310 p UG Library
813 COO 00029629 Mindbend Cook, Robin Signet 348 p UG Library
813 COR 00077162 Her New Bestseler Predator Cornwell, Patricia 2005 0751534048 466p UG Library
813 COU 00040232 Impulse Coulter, Catherine Penguin Books 1991 391p UG Library
813 CRE 00049946 Desires & Deceptions Cresswell, Jasmine 1995 1551660369 400p UG Library
813 CRI 00045735 Terminal Man Crichton Michael 1972 0345354621 268 p UG Library
813 CRI 00045748 Jurassic Park [ Fiction ] Crichton, Michael 0345374738 399p UG Library
813 CRI 00040304 Rising Sun Crichton, Michael Ballantine Books 1992 399p UG Library
813 CUR 00124879 Wisdom Curnow,Trevor Speaking Tiger Publishing 2015 9789386050281 239p UG Library
813 CUS 00035883 Sahara Cussler, Clive Pocket Books 1992 570 p UG Library
813 DAI 00040252 Spring Bouquet. Dailey, Janet Zebra Books 1996 478p UG Library
813 DAL 00040255 Wall of Brass Daley, Robert Warner Books 1994 370p UG Library
813 DAL 00040262 Year of the Dragon Daily, Robert Nal Books 1981 425p UG Library
813 DAS 05028329 Inner Voices Stories Das, Kishori Charan Peguin books, 2004 0143031120 164p.; Knowledge Centre
813 DAS 07004383 Auroral Musings : Orient BlackSwan Private Limited, 2014 9788125055358 146p.: Library - BR Campus
813 DAV 00040339 Gerrity`s Bride Davidson, Carolyn Harlequin Books 1995 296p UG Library
813 DAV 00022818 Collura: Actor With a Gun Davidson, Bill Times Mirror 1980 190 p UG Library
813 DEA 00000223 Scent of Fear Dean, Spencer Sarasa 234 p UG Library
813 DEA 00040305 Eyes of Love. Deauxville, Katherine Kensington Books 1996 349p UG Library
813 DEP 00031562 Moll Flanders:The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Defoe, Daniel Signet 320 p UG Library
813 DES 00084139 Collected Stories Deshpande, Shashi 2004 0143031295 245p UG Library
813 DEV 00040315 Invitation. Deveraux, Jude Pocket Books 1994 376p UG Library
813 DEV 05053264 A Bizarre captives diary / Devi Harish, Anusha. Notion Press, 2016 9781946204936 xi, 250p. Knowledge Centre
813 DEV 05053265 A Bizarre captives diary / Devi Harish, Anusha. Notion Press, 2016 9781946204936 xi, 250p. Knowledge Centre
813 DEV 00045732 Duchess Deveraux, Jude 1991 0067168972 362p UG Library
813 DHA 04026169 03:02 / Dhar, Mainak Westlad, 2016 9789385152962 342p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813 DID 00045752 Playit as It Lays Didion, Joan Pocket Books 1970 213p UG Library
813 DIN 00040327 Purpose of Enasion Dinallo, Greg St.Martin`s Press 1990 327p UG Library
813 DIV 07010614 Arranged Marriage : Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee, Black swan Books, 1995 9780552996693 1st Anchor Books ed. 307 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813 DOU 00002361 Big Fisherman Douglas, Lloyd C Pocket Books 1959 590 p UG Library
813 DOU 00002490 Big Fisherman Douglas, Lloyd C Panther Books 1965 500 UG Library
813 EAG 07012611 How to read Literature/ Ragleton,Terry Seagull Book, 2016 9788170463566 IX,207 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
813 EDO 00040230 Mortal Sins Edouard, Dianne Bantam Books 1991 435p UG Library
813 EVA 00046110 Horse Whisperer. Evans, Nicholas 1996 0552143774 478p UG Library
813 FAS 00040238 Second Generation Fast, Howard Dell 1978 445p UG Library
813 FAW 00024388 Sound and the Fury Faulkner?, William PENGUIN 1982 288 p UG Library
813 FIE 00002652 History of Tom Jones Fielding, Henry Signet 1963 884 p UG Library
813 FIT 00014621 Tender Is the Night a Romance Fitzgerald, F Scott Charles 1951 356 p UG Library
813 FLA 07007138 Madame bouary / Flaubert, Gustave Fingerprint Classics Publication, 2016 9788175993686 320p. Library - BR Campus
813 FOR 00068827 Day of the Jackal Forsyth, Fredrick Cogil 2004 1 UG Library
813 FOR 00035879 Deceiver Forsyth, Frederick Corgi 1992 477 p UG Library
813 FOR 00029612 Day of the Jackal Forsyth, Frederick Corgi 1987 388 p UG Library
813 FOR 00029613 Devils Alternative Forsyth, Frederick Corgi 1987 478 p UG Library
813 FRA 00045756 Come to Girief Francis, Dick 1996 0515119520 368p UG Library
813 FRA 00046115 Decider Francis, Dick 1995 0515116173 341p UG Library
813 FRA 00000226 Dinner a Antories Frances Parkinson, Keyes Skv 422 p. UG Library
813 FRA. 00045739 Bolt Francis, Dick 1986 0449212394 312p UG Library
813 GAB 07015610 Voyager : Gabaldon Diana Arrow Books Limited, 1994 9780099428510 1059p.: Library - BR Campus
813 GAR 00102504 The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor Gabriel Penguin Books, 9780140157550 ix, 106 p. UG Library
813 GAR 00016398 The Authentic Life of Billy the Kid Garrett, Pat F. Univ., of Oklahoma 1974 160 p UG Library
813 GAR 00040246 The Sunlight Dialoggues Gardner, John Ballantine Books 1972 746p UG Library
813 GAR 00040274 The Secret Generations Gardner, John Berkly Group 1985 480p UG Library
813 GIL 00040248 Sight Unseen Gilroy, Dan 1558175202 350p UG Library
813 GIR 00030898 The Rishi Giroux, Leo Penguin 1986 352 p UG Library
813 GOR 00045741 Company of Women [ Fiction ] Gordon, Mary 0345298616 292p UG Library
813 GOU 00035876 Never Too Rich Gould, Judith Onyx 1991 532 p UG Library
813 GRA 00045731 Queen of Hearts Graham, Heather 1985 0821757466 302p UG Library
813 GRE 00035896 Baby, Come Back Green, Billie BANTAM 240 p UG Library
813 GRE. 00045755 Toll Call Greenieaf, Stephen 1987 0345353498 297p UG Library
813 GRI 00035878 The Pelican Brief Grisham, John Island 1993 9780099524465 442 p UG Library
813 GRI 00035884 The Firm Grisham, John Island 1993 504 p UG Library
813 GRI 00068682 Last Juror Grisham, John 0440296315 486p UG Library
813 GRI 00080880 The Firm : Grisham, John. Arrow Books, 2007 9780099830009 490 p.: UG Library
813 GRI 00040223 THE Pelican Brief [novel] Grisham, John Bantam Books 436p UG Library
813 GRI 00040224 The Client John Grisham Doubleday 1993 0038542471 564 p UG Library
813 GRI 00040240 Street Lawyer Grisham, John Atrrow Books; 1998 0099244926 361 p. UG Library
813 GRI 03010714 The Firm : Grisham, John. Arrow Books, 2007 9780099830009 490 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813 GUL 05028302 Two Tales of My Times [ma-English Section] Gulzar RUPA & CO, 2008 9788129113559 192p.; Knowledge Centre
813 GUL 07010864 Autumn moon/ Gulzar Rupa Publications, 1999 9788129109774 XI,112 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
813 HAG 00046106 High Flight Hagberg, David 1996 0812510127 879p UG Library
813 HAI 00015338 The Money Changers Hailey, Arthur 1974 0440158028 492 p UG Library
813 HAI 00045740 The Money Changers Hailey, Arthur 1974 0440158028 492 p UG Library
813 HAI 00035889 Flight into Danger Halley, Arthur Corgi 1991 160 p UG Library
813 HAI 00022922 Overload Hailey, Arthur PAN 1981 478p UG Library
813 HAL 00040278 The Trade Hallahan, William H. Avon Books 1981 319p UG Library
813 HAN 05032587 World Literature and the Politics of the Minority / Han Jihee Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131605769 xi,212p.: Knowledge Centre
813 HAN 07006540 World Literature and the Politics of the Minority / Han Jihee Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131605769 xi,212p.: Library - BR Campus
813 HAQ 07007506 Pakistan between mosque and military/ Haqqani,Husain Penguin Viking, 2016 9780670088560 XIII,449 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
813 HAR 00046107 Brubaker Harrison, William 0345291344 152p UG Library
813 HAR.. 00068782 Hannibal Harris, Thomas 0440224675 546p UG Library
813 HAW 05036311 Great American Short Stories / Hawthorne, Natheneil Octopus Books, 1996 0706450647 632 p Knowledge Centre
813 HAW 00008473 Twice-Told Tales and Other Stories Hawthorne, Nanthaniel Eurasia 430 p UG Library
813 HEF 00040309 Tarnished Blue Heffernan, William Penguin Books 1995 374p UG Library
813 HEM 00009949 For Whom the Bell Tolls Hemingway,Ernest. Charles 1944 9780099908609 470 p UG Library
813 HEM 00000825 Snows of Killimanjaro & Other Stories Hemingway, Charles 154 p UG Library
813 HEM 00017439 Islands in the Stream (novel) Hemingay, Ernest PENGUIN 390 p UG Library
813 HEM 07005625 Islands in the Stream (novel) Hemingay, Ernest PENGUIN 390 p Library - BR Campus
813 HEM 00004584 For Whom the Bell Tolls Hemingway, Ernest PENGUIN 1950 440 p UG Library
813 HEM 00014630 The Enduring Hemingway Hemingway, Charles Scribner's Sons 1971 864 p UG Library
813 HEN 05009312 The Penguin Book of Scottish Short Stories Henry J F Penguin Books 2011 9780241955475 237p Knowledge Centre
813 HEN 00029701 Collected Stories of O.Henry Rupa, Rupa 843 p UG Library
813 HEN 00024354 Pocket Book of O.Henry Stories Ed.By Harry Hansen Henry, O Pocket Books 240 p UG Library
813 HEN 00001204 O. Henry's American Scenes Henry O. Ballantine 1965 128 p UG Library
813 HER 00009889 Java Head Hergesheimer, Joseph Aak 320 p UG Library
813 HIG 00029648 Confessional Higgins, Jack Rupa 1987 256 p UG Library
813 HIG 00024310 Night Kudgement at Sinos Higgins, Jack Caronet 1982 228 p UG Library
813 HIG 00024311 East of Desolation Higgins, Jack Corgi 1981 192 p UG Library
813 HIG 00035902 Cold Harbour Higgins, Jack Pocket 1990 311 p UG Library
813 HIG 00035903 Game for Heroes Higgins, Jack Pocket Books 1990 244 p UG Library
813 HIG 00029618 Passage By Night Higgins, Jack Signet 1986 204 p UG Library
813 HIG 00029621 Luciano's Luck Higgins, Jack Dell 1987 240 p UG Library
813 HIT 00022834 Stories That Go Bump In The Night Hitchcock, Alfred Amanda 1981 160 p UG Library
813 HIT 00027528 Grave Business Hitchcock, Alfred Dell 1985 224 p UG Library
813 HOM 07007158 The Odysses / Homar Fingerprint Classics Publicaion, 2015 9788175993051 368p. Library - BR Campus
813 HOW 00040344 Glittering Images Howatch, Susan Ballantine Books 1987 434p UG Library
813 HOW 00049952 Duncan`s Bride [fiction] Howard, Linda 1998 1551660512 245p UG Library
813 HUG 00040333 Daniel Hughes, Tracy Harlequin Books 1996 299p UG Library
813 HUN 00035134 The Terror Alliance Hunter, Jack D Leisure 1980 312 p UG Library
813 HUS 07010858 Short stories from Pakistan : Hussain,Intizar Sahitya Akademi, 2003 8126015985 xviii, 334 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813 IND 05028326 Aurangzeb Indira Parthasarathy Seagull, 2004 8170462711 68 p Knowledge Centre
813 IRV 05029107 Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Stories Irving, Washington Penguin books, 1999 0014043769 337p Knowledge Centre
813 IRV 00045745 Prayer for Owen Meany. Irving, John 1990 0345361792 617p UG Library
813 JAF 00049942 The Cousins Jaffe, Rona 1995 1551661519 378p UG Library
813 JAG 05024842 Tamasha in Bandargaon / Jagannathan, Navneet Westland, 2011 9789381626269 324 p. : Knowledge Centre
813 JAG 04016192 Tamasha in Bandargaon / Jagannathan, Navneet Westland, 2011 9789381626269 324 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813 JAM 00040340 Man Next Door [novel] James, Ellen Harlequin Books 296p UG Library
813 JAM 00022075 The Portrait Of A Lady James, Henry Oxford 1981 666 p UG Library
813 JAM 00002465 The Portrait Of A Lady James, Henry Oxford 1981 666 p UG Library
813 JAM 07007160 The portait of lady / James, Henry Fingerprint Classics Publication, 2015 9788175992818 704p. Library - BR Campus
813 JAN 00013898 Emma Austen,Jane Collins 1972 380 UG Library
813 JAN 00013899 Emma Austen,Jane Collins 1972 380 UG Library
813 JLB 00040319 The Woman in White Collins,Wilkie Signet Classic 1985 451 p. UG Library
813 JON 00031488 Serenissima: A Novel of Venice Jong, Erica BANTAM 1987 242 p UG Library
813 JOS 07015546 A New Grove / Joseph C.A Kerala Sahitya Akademi, 2017 46p.: Library - BR Campus
813 KAF 00065629 Complete Novels of Kafka Franz Kafka, Franz Shrijees 8182250260 560p UG Library
813 KAL 03004044 Building a new India: Kalam A.P.J.Abdul Penguin books; 2011 9780143416067 150 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813 KAY 00031559 The Far Pa villions Kaye, M M Bantem 1988 1174 p UG Library
813 KEL 00086987 The Girl Most Likely To... Kelly, Dorien Mills & Boon 2004 9780263839999 | 0263839990 216 p. UG Library
813 KEL 00046112 Bad Love. Kellerman, Jonathan 1994 0553568701 483p UG Library
813 KEL 00040296 Self Defense Kellerman, Jonathan Bantam Books 1995 511p UG Library
813 KIN 00035888 The Dark Tower King, Stephen Signet 1992 451 p UG Library
813 KOC 00040302 Murder at City Hall Koch, Edward I Kensington Books 1995 224 p UG Library
813 KOR 00040300 Having It All Korda, Reva Penguin Books 1992 360p UG Library
813 KRE 00040263 Family Man Krentz, Ann Jayne Pocket Books 1992 393p UG Library
813 LAW 07007150 Sons and lovers / Lawrence, D H Fingerprint Classics Publication, 2015 9788175993099 454p. Library - BR Campus
813 LAW 05074972 The Book That Wouldn't Burn : Lawrence, Mark Harper Voyager, 2024 9780008456757 566 p. , Knowledge Centre
813 LAW 10004173 The Book That Wouldn't Burn : Lawrence, Mark Harper Voyager, 2024 9780008456757 566 p. , Yeshwanthpur Campus
813 LAW 00004772 Seven Pillars of Wisdom Lawrence, T E Dell 604 p UG Library
813 LAW 00045760 Hearts and Bones Lawrence, Margaret 1996 0380788799 343p. UG Library
813 LE 00045742 The Tailor of Panama Le Carre, John. 1996 0345420438 1 UG Library
813 LEA 00040308 Passions Leason, Barney Pinnacle Books 1982 471p UG Library
813 LEA 00029616 Rich and Reckless Leason, Barney BANTAM 1988 410 p UG Library
813 LEM 05060735 Fictions of fact and value : LeMahieu, Michael, Oxford university press, 2013 9780199890408 (hc : acidfree p viii, 244p.; Knowledge Centre
813 LEO 00040295 Elmore Leonard Glitz Warner Communications Company 1985 355p UG Library
813 LIN 00040226 Prisoner of My Desire Lindsey, Johanna Avon Books 1991 425p UG Library
813 LIN 00002741 Best American Humarous Short Stories Linscott, Robert N Tml 1945 436 p. UG Library
813 LOW 00049956 Tell Me No Lies Lowell, Elizabeth 1995 1551660962 452p UG Library
813 LUC 00018882 Star Wars Lucas, George Spehere 1977 202 p UG Library
813 LUD 00033471 Gemini Contenders Ludlum Robert Dell 1976 410 p UG Library
813 LUD 00024304 The Parsifal Mosaic Ludlum, Robert Bantam 1983 700 p UG Library
813 LUD 00024306 Rhinemann Exchange Ludlum, Robert Dell 1983 450 p UG Library
813 LUD 00024307 The Matlock Paper Ludlum, Robert Dell 1981 400 p UG Library
813 LUD 00022805 The Road to Gandolfo Ludlum, Robert Penguin 1980 320 p UG Library
813 LUD 00020879 Osterman Weekend Ludlum, Robert A Dell Book 1979 336 p UG Library
813 LUD 00030893 Bourne Supremacy Ludlum, Robert RUPA 695 p UG Library
813 LUD 00040281 The Road to Omaha Ludlum, Robert Bantam Books 1992 570p UG Library
813 LUD 00040282 Bourne Identity Robert Ludlum Bantam Books 1980 1 UG Library
813 LUS 00035873 Kaisho Lustbader, Eric Pocket Books 1950 562 p UG Library
813 LUS 00040284 Miko Van Lustbader, Eric Ballabtine Books 537p UG Library
813 MAC 00040335 Baby Blessed Macomber, Debbie Silhouette Books 1994 250p UG Library
813 MAC 00024556 Fear Iis the Key Maclean, Alistair Fawcett 256 p UG Library
813 MAC 00024558 Good Bye Callifornia Maclean, Alistair Fawcett 316 p UG Library
813 MAC 00024559 Puppet Ona Chain Maclean, Alistair Fawcett 220 p UG Library
813 MAC 00024309 The Satan Bug Maclean, Alistair Fontana 1982 220 p UG Library
813 MAC 00049958 Promise Me Forever Macomber, Debbie 1998 1551660520 250p UG Library
813 MAC 00029615 River of Death Maclean, Alistair Fawcett 1980 216 p UG Library
813 MAC 00029626 Fear Is the Key Maclean, Alistair Fawcett 256 p UG Library
813 MAN 04016186 The reluctant dectective / Manral, Kiran Westland, 2011 9789381626115 180 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813 MAR 00045759 Undue Influence Martini, Steve Steve Martini 1995 0051511605 462 p UG Library
813 MAR 00077169 Simply Unforgettable Mary, Balogh 2008 1 UG Library
813 MCB 00022820 Goldilocks Mcbain, Ed Corgi 1980 206 p UG Library
813 MEL 04011256 The Encantadas and Other Stories Melville,Herman. Dover Publications, 2005 9780486440842 viii,207 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813 MEL 00011962 Billy Budd and Other Tales Melville, Herman New American 1961 334 p UG Library
813 MIC 00040310 The Novel Michener, James A Ballantine Books 1991 435p UG Library
813 MIC 00040321 Poland Michener, James A Ballantine Books 1983 616p UG Library
813 MIC 00031486 Journey Michener, A James Fawcett 1989 244 p UG Library
813 MIL 00040242 Family Pictures Miller, Sue Harcourt & Row 1990 500p UG Library
813 MIL 00040243 Family Pictures Miller, Sue Harper Colophon Books 1990 500p UG Library
813 MIL 00040244 Family Pictures Miller, Sue Harcourt & Row 1990 500p UG Library
813 MIT 00004760 Gone With the Wind Mitchell, Margaret Mc Millan 1012 p UG Library
813 MON 07008767 Anne of Green Gables : Montgomery, L. M. W.W. Norton & Co., 2007 0393926958 (pbk.) | 9780393926 1st ed. xiii, 445 p. : Library - BR Campus
813 MOR 07006695 Toni Morrison Love: Morrison Toni Vintage books; 2003 9780099455493 201 p. Library - BR Campus
813 MOR 00040251 Marrying Stone Morsi, Pamela Berkley Publishing Group 1994 324 p UG Library
813 MOR 00040257 Rightfully Mine Mortman, Doris. Bantam Books 1989 705p UG Library
813 MOR 00029628 Rambo III Morrell, David Jove Books 1988 244 p UG Library
813 MOU 07007488 Committed Teams: Moussa,Mario Wiley, 2016 9788126562510 XI,219 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
813 MUR 00040322 The Destroy Ararabian Nightmare Murphy, Warren Punguin Books 1991 237p UG Library
813 OHA 00010645 And Other Stories O`Hara, John Nal 1960 252 p UG Library
813 ORW 04026594 1984 / Orwell George Penguin Books, 2011 9780143416302 325p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813 ORW 07005025 1984 / Orwell George Penguin Books, 2011 9780143416302 325p.: Library - BR Campus
813 PAD 00040337 Red-Hot Ranchman Pade, Victoria Harlequin Books 1996 250 p UG Library
813 PAG 00009975 Byron Political Works Frederick Page, Oxford University 1970 925p UG Library
813 PAN 04016180 One & a half wife / Pant, Meghna Westland, 2012 9789381626481 296 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813 PAO 00080850 Eragon:Inheritanc Paolini, Christopher 2007 0552554561 517p UG Library
813 PAR 00040293 Pastime Parker, Robert B Berkley Books 1992 342p UG Library
813 PAS 00040329 Love Me Always Pascal`s, Francine 0553570323 232p UG Library
813 PAS 00027508 Doctor Zhivago Pasternak, Boris 1985 0345307593 560 p UG Library
813 PAS 00040286 Doctor Zhivago Pasternak, Boris 1985 0345307593 560 p UG Library
813 PAT 00035900 Along Came a Spider. Patterson, James Warner 1992 504 p UG Library
813 PAU 04017091 The Last Lecture : Pausch, Randy Hodder and Stoughton, 2008 9780340977736 206 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813 PAU 03007004 The Last Lecture : Pausch, Randy Hodder and Stoughton, 2008 9780340977736 206 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813 PEN 05028304 Non-Fic-tion Collection Penguin India Penguin Books, 2007 9780143103561 Vol set Knowledge Centre
813 PEN 05028305 Non-Fic-tion Collection Penguin India Penguin Books, 2007 9780143103561 Vol set Knowledge Centre
813 PEN 05028306 Non-Fic-tion Collection Penguin India Penguin Books, 2007 9780143103561 Vol set Knowledge Centre
813 PER 00040311 The Stranger Returns. Perry, Michael R Pocket Books 1992 420p UG Library
813 PER 00040261 Highgate Rise Perry, Ann Ballantine Books 1991 342p UG Library
813 PIN 00040273 Vanessa Pinchot, Ann A C E 1978 457p UG Library
813 PIZ 00040287 Morningstar Pizzey, Erin Harper Colophon Books 1992 545p UG Library
813 PLA 00040316 Crescent City Belva Plain Dell Books UG Library
813 PLA 00023668 Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams Plath, Sylvia Faber & Faber Limited 1981 352 p. : UG Library
813 POE 00004216 Great Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe Poe, Edgar Allan Wsp 432 p UG Library
813 POE 00002481 The Fall of the House of Usher Poe, Edgar Allan Signet 1960 390 p UG Library
813 PRA 00080837 Hogfather (fiction) Pratchett, Terry 2006 0552145424 444p UG Library
813 PRA 07005477 The Endlessly Quotable/ Pratchett,Terry. Doubleday, 2016 9780857524300 113 Pages. Library - BR Campus
813 PRE 10004498 The Twin/ by Natasha Preston Preston, Natasha [Author] Delacorte Press, 2020 9780593124963 375 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
813 PRE 10004474 The Lake/ by Natasha Preston Preston, Natasha [Author] Delacorte press, 2021 9780593124970 1st Ed. 356p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
813 PRO 00046117 The Shiping News Proulx, E Annie 1993 0671510053 337p UG Library
813 PUZ 00080836 Fools Die (fiction) Puzo, Mario 1992 0099418355 473p UG Library
813 PUZ 00022836 The Dark Arena Puzo, Mario Williiam Heinemann Ltd 1981 256 p UG Library
813 PUZ 00020878 Fools Die Puzo, Mario Nal 532 p UG Library
813 PUZ 07005517 The Godfather Puzo,Mario Arrow books, 1998 9780099429289 446p.; Library - BR Campus
813 PUZ 00040259 The Godfather Puzo, Mario Manhattan 1969 446p UG Library
813 PUZ. 00022807 Fortunate Pilgrim Novel Puzo, Mario New Times Mirror 210 p UG Library
813 QUR 07014781 Being Reshma: Qureshi, Reshma. Pan Macmillan Publishing, 2018 9789386215529 xi,230p. ; Library - BR Campus
813 RAN 00084516 Fountainhead. Rand, Ayn. A Signet Book, 1993 9780451191151 x,704p.; UG Library
813 RAO 00107877 On All Fronts Rao,Gayatri Unisun Publications 2006 9798188234249 208 P. UG Library
813 RAU 00027520 Summer of '42 Raucher, Herman Dell 1982 280 p UG Library
813 RAY 04016183 The mine / Ray, Arnab Westland, 2011 9789381626382 282 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813 RHO 00040247 Bless This House Rhodes, Evan H Berkley Books 1982 384p UG Library
813 RIC 00040341 Gabe Richards, Penny Harlequin Books 1996 299 p UG Library
813 RIV 00040235 Specialist [novel] Rivers, Gayle Berkley 295p UG Library
813 ROB 07011764 The price of everything / Roberts, Russell Princetion University Press, 2008 9780691143354 xi,201p.; Library - BR Campus
813 ROB 00045753 Chance Parker, Robert B Berkely Books 1997 0425157474 327 p UG Library
813 ROB 00049955 Last Honest Woman Roberts, Nora 1998 1551660202 248p UG Library
813 ROL 00040317 Giants in the Earth Rolvaag, O E Haeper 1927 453 p UG Library
813 ROS 00045749 Cross Currents Rostand, Robert 1985 0523423586 307p UG Library
813 ROS 00049948 Legacy of Lies Ross, Joann Mira Books 1995 1551660180 380 p UG Library
813 ROT 00045744 Letting Go Rotth, Philip Bantam Books 628p UG Library
813 ROT 07011371 American pastoral Roth, Philip. Vintage Books. 1997 0395860210 | 9780099771814 423 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813 ROT 07011372 American pastoral Roth, Philip. Vintage Books. 1997 0395860210 | 9780099771814 423 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813 ROT 07011373 American pastoral Roth, Philip. Vintage Books. 1997 0395860210 | 9780099771814 423 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813 SAN 00031484 The Seduction of Peter S. Sanders, Lawrence Berkley 1984 392 p UG Library
813 SAN 00031497 The Timothy Files Sanders, Lawrence. Berkley 1988 360 p UG Library
813 SAN 00022827 The Third Deadly Sin Sanders, Lawrence Penguin 1981 458 p UG Library
813 SAN 03004046 The monk as man : Śaṃkara, Penguin Books, 2011 9780143101192 xiii, 238 p., [14] p. of plates : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813 SAN 00040234 Seventh Commandment Sanders, Lawrence 1991 0042513329 357p UG Library
813 SAN 00027504 Passion of Molly T. Novel Sanders, Lawrence Ballentine 394 p UG Library
813 SAN 00027526 Marlow Chronicles Sanders, Lawerence Berkley 1985 213p UG Library
813 SAN 00027527 Anderson Tapes(fic) Sanders, Lawrence Barnes 324 p UG Library
813 SAN 00027531 The Sixth Commandment Sanders, Lawrence Berkley 1985 363 p. UG Library
813 SAN 00027532 Pleasures of Helen Sanders, Lawrence Barnes 1985 254 p UG Library
813 SAN 00027533 The Tomorrow File Sanders, Lawrence Barnes 1985 550 p UG Library
813 SAN 00027534 The Tangent Objective Sanders, Lawrence Berkley Books 1985 350 p UG Library
813 SAR 07012363 Female alienation and opperession in toni morrisons's fiction : Sarje,S.K Aadi publications, 2018 9788193539392 149p.; Library - BR Campus
813 SAR 07012592 Critical Essays/ Sartre,Jean Paul. Seagull Books, 2017 9780857424495 498 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
813 SAS 00004377 Princess Sasson Jean Batam Books 1988 317 p.: UG Library
813 SCH 00040320 Buffalo Afternoon Schaeffer, Susan Fromberg Ballantine Books 1989 562 p UG Library
813 SEG 00031499 Oliver's Story Segal, Erich BANTAM 1988 200 p UG Library
813 SEG 00017450 Oliver's Story Segal, Erich BANTAM 1988 200 p UG Library
813 SEG 00068749 Class Segal, Erich RHUS, 1988 0553270907 531p UG Library
813 SEG 00029627 Man Women and Child Segal, Erich Ballentine 1986 214 p UG Library
813 SEL 00022843 The Omen Seltzer, David Futura 1981 192 p UG Library
813 SEL 07007495 Forbes/ Sellers,Bob Wiley India, 2010 9788126541591 VII,203 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
813 SEL 00022926 Prophecy Seltzer, David Penguin 1979 248 p UG Library
813 SHA 00002441 Nobel Puraskar Jivetha Bharathiya. Shravan Kumar, Ap 1980 40 UG Library
813 SHA 00027518 The Top of the Hill Shaw, Irwin Dell 1985 394 p UG Library
813 SHA 07007133 Hamlet / Shakespeare, William Fingerprint Classics Publication, 2015 9788175992924 200p. Library - BR Campus
813 SHE 00030932 Morning,Noon and Night Sheldon, Sidney Warner Books 1995 388 p UG Library
813 SHE 00030936 Bloodline Sheldon Sidney Fontana Collins 1978 408 p UG Library
813 SHE 00034778 A Stranger in the Mirror Sheldon Sidney, Harper 1992 348 p UG Library
813 SHE 00034781 Rage of Angels jeffrey archer, HAR-ANAND 1992 504 p UG Library
813 SHE 00024564 Bloodline Sheldon, Sidney Warner 1980 466 p UG Library
813 SHE 00022825 Stranger in the Mirror Sheldon, Sidney PAN 285 p UG Library
813 SHE 00025677 If Tomorrow Comes Sheldon, Sydney Rupa 1984 384 p UG Library
813 SHE 00068700 Morning Noon and Night / Sheldon, Sidney HarperCollins Publishers, 2001 0446602213 388p UG Library
813 SHE 00068723 Rage of Angles Sheldon, Sedney 0446356611 504p UG Library
813 SHE 00040288 Life During Wartime Lucius Shepard Bantam Books 1987 437p UG Library
813 SHE 00068788 If Tomorrow Comes Sheldon, Sidney 1985 0446357421 408p UG Library
813 SHU 00027530 The Rainbow And The Rose Shute, Nevil William 1966 239 p UG Library
813 SIN 00031552 The Jungle Sinclair, Upton Signet 1980 335 p UG Library
813 SIN 00102408 I Shall not hear the nightinggale; Singh Khushwant Penguin books; 9780144000845 271 p. UG Library
813 SIN 00019087 The Estate Singer, Issac Bashevis PENGUIN 1970 336 p UG Library
813 SIN 00019088 The Manor Singer, Issac Bashevis PENGUIN 1967 402 p UG Library
813 SMI 00027522 The Dark of the Sun Smith, Wilber A Dell Book 1985 270 p UG Library
813 SPE 00040265 Vows Spencer, Lavyrle. Longman 1988 416p UG Library
813 SPI 00049947 Red Spindler, Erica 1995 1551660423 472p UG Library
813 SPI 00018883 Close Encounters of the Third Kind Spielberg, Steven Sphere 220 p UG Library
813 STE 00022813 Crocodile Fears Stewart, Michael J. Tower 1981 225 p UG Library
813 STE 00022567 Treasure Island Stevenson, R.l OXFORD 64 P UG Library
813 STE 00045736 Kaleidoscope Steel, Danielle 1987 0440201926 419 p UG Library
813 STE 00010657 Winter of Our Discontent Novel Strinbeck, John PAN 278 p UG Library
813 STE 00049945 Lone Eagle Steel, Danielle 1998 0552148512 495p UG Library
813 STE 00040266 Century Stewart, Fred Mustard. William Morrow 1981 546p UG Library
813 STE 00040279 Palomino Stell, Danielle Dell Books 1981 463 UG Library
813 STO 05058816 Uncle Tom's cabin / Stowe, Harriet Beecher, Orient Blackswan, 2017 9789386296702 Dover thrift ed. 577p. ; Knowledge Centre
813 STO 00031561 Dracula Stoker, Bram Signet 384 p UG Library
813 STO 07007130 Dracula / Stoker, Bram Fingerprint Classics Publication, 2013 9788172344771 367p. Library - BR Campus
813 SUS 00000444 Such Harmony Susan, Goodyear CHARLES 380 p UG Library
813 TAR 03009685 The Gold Finch / Tartt, Donna. Little Brown, 2013 9781408704950 771 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813 THO 00040318 Celebrity Thompson,Thomas. Warner Books 1982 625p UG Library
813 THO 00031478 Die Hard Thorp, Roderick. Ivy 1986 262 p UG Library
813 THO 00029698 Winter Hawk Thomas, Craig Avon 1987 520 p UG Library
813 THO 00022831 Wolfsbane Thomas, Craig BANTAM 1980 310 p UG Library
813 THO 00031492 Snow Falcon Thomas, Craig Harper & Row 1979 530p UG Library
813 THO 00033457 Celebrity Thompson,Thomas. Warner Books 1982 625p UG Library
813 THO 00027507 Lion's Run Thomas, Craig BANTAM 1985 560 p UG Library
813 THO 00040253 Notasa Stranger Thompson, Morton Signet Books 1954 790p UG Library
813 THO 00027519 Jade Tiger Thomas, Craig BANTAM 1984 370 p UG Library
813 THO 00040270 Snow Falcon Thomas, Craig Harper & Row 1979 530p UG Library
813 THU 00122068 Layam (Malayalam) Thundathil, Mathew Carmel International Publishing House 2015 9789380483559 632p. UG Library
813 TIT 00049944 Hot Property - Anything Less Than Everything Is Not Enough Title, Elise 1551660121 378p UG Library
813 TOF 00027506 The Third Wave Toffler, Alvin BANTAM 1985 538 p UG Library
813 TOL 07007126 Anna karenina / Tolstoy, Leo Fingerprint Classics Publication, 2016 9788175993426 760p. Library - BR Campus
813 TOW 07007550 Cambridge Introduction to William Faulkner Towner, Theresa M 2008 9780521671552 112p Library - BR Campus
813 TRO 00002443 The Nun Trouncer, Margaret As 1965 290 p UG Library
813 TRU 00040303 Murder in the CIA Truman, Margaret Ballantine Books 1997 303p UG Library
813 TWA 00001316 Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Twain, Mark Lll 1968 254 p UG Library
813 TWA 00031550 Mysterious Stranger and Other Stories (novel Mark Twain, Signet 1980 256 UG Library
813 TWA 00031551 A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court Twain, Mark Signet 1988 338 p UG Library
813 TWA 00031567 Adventures of Huckeberry Finn Twain, Mark Signet 1987 288 p UG Library
813 TWA 00002459 A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court Twain, Mark Signet 1988 338 p UG Library
813 TWA 00002455 The Prince and the Pauper Twain, Mark Signet 1967 222 p UG Library
813 TYL 00040343 Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant Tyler, Anne 1982 0425071731 | 071831003508 310 p.: UG Library
813 TYL 00045750 Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant Tyler, Anne 1982 0425071731 | 071831003508 310 p.: UG Library
813 UNS 00045737 Rage of the Vulture Unsworth, Barry 1983 0586052380 443p UG Library
813 UPD 00006723 Couples Updike, John PENGUIN 508 p UG Library
813 UTT 04016184 Urban Shots : Uttam, Paritosh Westland, 2012 9789381626412 204 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813 VAI 01025126 Failing to Succeed : Vaitheeswaran, K. Maven Rupa, 2017 9788129148025 xv,205 Pages,; Knowledge Centre
813 VAI 03012384 Failing to Succeed : Vaitheeswaran, K. Maven Rupa, 2017 9788129148025 xv,205 Pages,; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813 VAI 07011023 Failing to Succeed : Vaitheeswaran, K. Maven Rupa, 2017 9788129148025 xv,205 Pages,; Library - BR Campus
813 VIO 00040314 Necessary Losses Viorst, Jusith Ballantine Books 1986 499p UG Library
813 VOA 00000467 Four Good Plays to Read Adn Act Voaden, Herman Longman 2000 297 p UG Library
813 WAL 05064078 Religious Imaginations : Walters, James. Gingko Library, 2018 9781909942202 274p.; Knowledge Centre
813 WAL 00031482 Three Sirens Wallace, Irving Signet 1964 538 p UG Library
813 WAL 00031489 Celestial Bed Wallace, Irving Dell 390 p UG Library
813 WAL 00031493 Twenty Seventh Wife Wallace, Irving Signet 400 p UG Library
813 WAL 00031498 Seventh Secret Wallace, Irving Signet 376 p UG Library
813 WAL 00031503 The R Document Wallace, Irving IBH 1988 320 p UG Library
813 WAL 00015339 Word Wallace, Irwing 1978 690 p UG Library
813 WAL 00025668 Miracle Irving Wallace, Sphere 435 p UG Library
813 WAL 00040228 The World Wallace, Irving Pocket Books 1972 679p UG Library
813 WAL 00029630 Seven Minutes Wallace, Irving Pocket Books 628 p UG Library
813 WAL 00029631 Fabulous Shownman Wallace, Irving Signet 1962 286 p.: UG Library
813 WAR 00008669 The Cave Warren, Robert Penn Signet 1970 358 p UG Library
813 WEI 05068450 The Cambridge Companion to American Gothic / Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107117143 | 9781107539785 xiv,254p.; Knowledge Centre
813 WEI 07013696 The Cambridge Companion to American Gothic / Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107117143 | 9781107539785 xiv,254p.; Library - BR Campus
813 WES 00031501 World Is Made of Glass West, Morris Avon 1983 308 p UG Library
813 WES 00002445 Ambassador West, Morris Sq 244 p UG Library
813 WIL 00027521 Shout at the Devil Novel Wilbur Smith Dell Publishing 1968 407 p UG Library
813 WOR 00049954 Jury Duty Wormer, Lauravan 1551661691 410p UG Library
813 YAM 04016188 Stupid Guy Goes to India / Yamamtsu, Yukichi Westland, 2008 9789381626399 230p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813,52 HAB 00000247 Thousand Shall Fall Habe, Hans Harcourt 420 p UG Library
813,54 STV 00000231 Mark of the Leopard Stevens Alden, G Lippincott 278 UG Library
813,54 WIL 00000169 Live With Lighting Wilson, Mitchell Brown 402 UG Library
813,54 WIL 00000211 House Divided Williams, H.M.Co 148p UG Library
813..54 MAR 07008544 A dance with dragons: I: dreams and dust Martin, George R. R. Bantam Books Trade Paperbacks, 2014 9780007548286 1033 pages ; Library - BR Campus
813.008 WAT 05036938 Granta : Granta, 2013 9781905881710 255p.: Knowledge Centre
813.009 BUE 05040781 The dream of the great American novel / Buell, Lawrence, 9780674051157 | 9780674726321 1 online resource (582 pages) : Knowledge Centre
813.009 PUR 07014332 Why the sister in black works hardest / Purkyastha, Madhumita Atlantic Publication, 2018 9788126925797 viii,436p.; Library - BR Campus
813.009003 ROL 05033361 Notable American novelists / Salem Press, 2008 9781587653933 (set : alk. pape Rev. ed. 3 v. (xix, 1535 p.) : Knowledge Centre
813.009003 ROL 05033362 Notable American novelists / Salem Press, 2008 9781587653933 (set : alk. pape Rev. ed. 3 v. (xix, 1535 p.) : Knowledge Centre
813.009003 ROL 05033363 Notable American novelists / Salem Press, 2008 9781587653933 (set : alk. pape Rev. ed. 3 v. (xix, 1535 p.) : Knowledge Centre
813.00932 BUL 05028319 Novels, maps, modernity : Bulson, Eric. Routledge, 2007 0415976480 (acidfree paper) | xi, 176 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.009353 BRO 05033030 Gay male fiction since Stonewall : Brookes, Les, Routledge, 9780415962445 | 0415962447 ix, 230 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.0093564 HEL 05009471 Domesticity and design in American women's lives and literature : Hellman, Caroline, Routledge, 2011 9780415882729 (alk. paper) x, 133 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.0103 BEN 05028190 A companion to the American short story / Wiley-Blackwell, 9781405115438 (alk. paper) | 1 xiii, 519 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.0108 FRE 10002634 Penguin book of the modern american short story / Penguin Books, 2021 9781984877826 480p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.0108 WAR 04016982 Great Short Strories By American Women / Ward, Candance Dover : 1994 9780486287768 200p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.010806 GAI 04021693 Stories :All New Tales / Headline Publishing, 2010 9780755380343 496p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.010806 GAI 07014540 Stories :All New Tales / Headline Publishing, 2010 9780755380343 496p. : Library - BR Campus
813.0109 FAL 05005414 A reader's companion to the short story in English / Fitzroy Deaborn, 2001 1579583539 xxxiv, 432 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.0109 KUR 07014761 A readers companion to the short story in english / Kurtzleben, James Routledge Publication, 2018 9781138476882 xv,427p.; Library - BR Campus
813.07 WIL 05068453 Young adult fantasy fiction : Wilkins, Kim. Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108445320 76p.; Knowledge Centre
813.087 KLI 07013970 Classic American crime fiction of the 1920s / Pegasus Crime, 2018 1681778610 | 9781681778617 First Pegasus Books edition. xxvi, 1126 pages : Library - BR Campus
813.0872 WEI 07011698 The Cambridge Comanion To American Gothic Weinstock, Jeffrey Andrew Combridgen University, 2017 9781107539785 254 p.: Library - BR Campus
813.087208 HIL 00101926 A New Omnibus Of Crime Hillerman, Tony Oxford University Press, 9780195370713 396 p. UG Library
813.087209 NIC 05028311 The Cambridge companion to American crime fiction Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521199377 (hardback) | 052 xii, 190 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.0876 ASI 05028317 Issac Asimov`s Science Fiction Treasury Asimov, Issac Gramercy books, 1980 9780517336359 786p.; Knowledge Centre
813.0876 HIN 05074536 Teaching Black Speculative Fiction : Hinton, KaaVonia Routledge, 2024 9781032484167 xxix, 176 p, ; Knowledge Centre
813.0876209 CAN 05042846 The Cambridge companion to American science fiction / Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107052468 (hardback) | 978 xxx,254p.; Knowledge Centre
813.0876209 CAN 07008071 The Cambridge companion to American science fiction / Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107052468 (hardback) | 978 xxx,254p.; Library - BR Campus
813.09 SNE 00001030 Shapers of American Fiction Snell, George Dutton 316p UG Library
813.09 WYL 00144074 Reading Contingency : Wylot, David. Routldege, 2020 9781032239521 viii,211p,; UG Library
813.09BIL 07006570 Introduction To Contemporary American Fiction Bilton, Alan 2002 0748613811 256p Library - BR Campus
813.2 FOS 07008746 The coquette, and The boarding school : Foster, Hannah Webster, W. W. Norton & Co., 2013 9780393931679 (pbk.) 1st ed. xxv, 435 p. : Library - BR Campus
813.2 JAM 04011991 The Last of The Mohicans / Cooper. James Fenimore. Atlantic Press, 2010 462 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.2 WIN 07005532 Washington irving / Winkle, Rip Van Penguin Books Publication, 2016 9780241250341 v,44p. Library - BR Campus
813.209 SAM 07001058 Reading the American novel, 1780-1865 Samuels, Shirley. Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 xvi, 185 p. Library - BR Campus
813.23BOOTHJH 00017775 Alice Adams Booth Tarkinghton, Grolier 434 p UG Library
813.3 AMM 07005294 Uncle Tom's cabin : Stowe, Harriet Beecher, W.W. Norton & Co., 2010 9780393933994 (pbk.) | 0393933 2nd ed. xviii, 616 p. : Library - BR Campus
813.3 AMM 07011590 Uncle Tom's cabin : Stowe, Harriet Beecher, W W Norton & Company, 2018 9780393283785 (pbk.) Third edition. 647 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
813.3 HAW 07008757 The scarlett letter / Hawthorne, Nathaniel Norton Publication, 2005 9780393979534 xv,735p. Library - BR Campus
813.3 HAW 07011067 The Blithedale romance / Hawthorne, Nathaniel, Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199554867 (pbk.) l, 256 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.3 HAW 05049130 The scarlett letter / Hawthorne, Nathaniel Norton Publication, 2005 9780393979534 xv,735p. Knowledge Centre
813.3 HAW 07005285 The scarlet letter and other writings : Hawthorne, Nathaniel, W.W. Norton & Co., 2005 0393979539 (pbk.) xv, 744 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.3 HAW 05028899 House of the Seven Gables Hawthorne, Nathaniel Hachette Group. 1995 0140390057 xxxvii,280 p. Knowledge Centre
813.3 HAW 07006035 The scarlet letter and other writings : Hawthorne, Nathaniel, W.W. Norton & Co., 2005 0393979539 (pbk.) xv, 744 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.3 HAY 05028315 Cambridge Introduction to Herman Melville Hayes, Kevin J Cambridge university press, 2007 0521671043 140p.; Knowledge Centre
813.3 LEV 07000480 The new Cambridge companion to Herman Melville / Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107023130 (Hardback : alk. xix, 255 pages : Library - BR Campus
813.3 LEV 07008715 The house of the seven gables : Hawthorne, Nathaniel, W.W. Norton, 2006 0393924769 (pbk.) 1st ed. xix, 502 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.3 MAH 05058395 The Meaning of civilisation : Mahfouz, Naguib. 9789386702234 xv, 198p. Knowledge Centre
813.3 MAH 07012394 The Meaning of civilisation : Mahfouz, Naguib. 9789386702234 xv, 198p. Library - BR Campus
813.3 MCC 07008698 Melville's short novels : Melville, Herman, Norton, 2002 0393976416 (pbk.) 1st ed. ix, 408 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.3 MCI 07005242 Nathaniel Hawthorne's tales : Hawthorne, Nathaniel, W.W. Norton & Co., 2013 9780393935646 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xiii, 536 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.3 MEL 05059667 Pierre; or The ambiguities : Melville, Herman, W W Norton & Company, 2017 9780393938944 (pbk.) First edition. xxi, 593 pages ; Knowledge Centre
813.3 MEL 07011630 Moby-Dick : Melville, Herman, W.W.Norton & Company, 2018 9780393285000 (pbk.) Third edition. xv,706p.: Library - BR Campus
813.3 MEL 07008745 The confidence-man: his masquerade / Melville, Herman Norton Publication, 2006 9780393979275 503p. Library - BR Campus
813.3 MIL 07008714 The Blithedale romance : Hawthorne, Nathaniel, W. W. Norton & Co., 2011 9780393928617 (pbk.) | 0393928 1st ed. xvi, 416 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.3 OLM 04023947 Classic Start Moby - Dick / Olmstesd, Kathleen Sterling, 2010 9781402766442 149p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.3 PAR 07008702 Moby-Dick / Melville, Herman, Norton, 2002 0393972836 (pbk.) 2nd ed., 150th anniversary ed. xv, 726 p. : Library - BR Campus
813.3 PER 05028321 Cambridge Introduction to Nathaniel Hawthorne Person, Leland S Cambridge university press, 2007 0521670969 144p.; Knowledge Centre
813.3 POE 07008711 The selected writings of Edgar Allan Poe : Poe, Edgar Allan, W.W. Norton & Co., 2004 0393972852 liii, 962 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.3 POE 05041906 Tales of mystery and the supernatural / Poe.Edgar Allan. Alam Classics, 2012 9781847492104 311p.; Knowledge Centre
813.3 SAN 05064473 The value of Herman Melville / Sanborn, Geoffrey, Cambridge university press, 2018 9781108471442 (Hardback) | 9781108452915 (Paperback) 161 p.; Knowledge Centre
813.3 STO 07011545 Uncle tom's cabin / Stowe, Harriet Beecher Wordsworth Classics Publication, 2002 9781840224023 xxxvi 438p. Library - BR Campus
813.3 WEI 05028360 Cambridge Companion to Harriet Beecher Stowe Weinstein, Cindy Cambridge universty press, 2004 0521533090 250p.; Knowledge Centre
813.3099287 BEA 05028390 Style, gender, and fantasy in nineteenth-century American women's writing / Beam, Dorri. Cambridge University Press, 9780521769686 vii, 260 p. Knowledge Centre
813.3CLE,5T6 00007429 Family Mark Twain Wister, Owen Harper 345 p UG Library
813.4 07005555 The stolen white elephant / Twain, Mark Penguin Book Publication, 2016 9780241251744 iv,53p. Library - BR Campus
813.4 CHO 05059675 The awakening : Chopin, Kate., W W Norton & Company, 2018 9780393617313 (pbk.) Third edition. xi, 365p. Knowledge Centre
813.4 CHO 07011580 The awakening : Chopin, Kate., W W Norton & Company, 2018 9780393617313 (pbk.) Third edition. xi, 365p. Library - BR Campus
813.4 WAL 04005712 Tale of Christ Wallace, Lew Words Worth Classics 1996 9781853262838 382 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.4 ALC 07007137 Little Women/ Alcott, Louisa May Fingerprint Classics Publication, 2015 9788175992900 550p. Library - BR Campus
813.4 ALC 07006325 Little wmen / Alcott, Louisa Vintage Book Publication, 2012 9780099572961 iv,400p. Library - BR Campus
813.4 ALC 07007344 Little Women / Alcott Louisa May Harper Press, 2013 9780007350995 286p.: Library - BR Campus
813.4 ALG 05028388 Ragged Dick, or, Street life in New York with boot blacks : Alger, Horatio, W. W. Norton & Co., 9780393925890 (pbk.) | 0393925 xii, 281 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.4 BEL 07006603 Looking Backward 2000-1887 / Bellamy Edward Oxford University, 2009 9780199552573 xxxvi,220p.: Library - BR Campus
813.4 BRA 01023290 The Ambassadors / James, Henry, Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107002838 | 1107002834 cv, 560 pages ; Knowledge Centre
813.4 CHO 07003976 The Awakening : Chopin, Kate, W.W. Norton, 1994 0393960579 2nd ed. x, 324 p. : Library - BR Campus
813.4 CHO 07008721 The Awakening / by Chopin, Kate Norton Publication, 1994 9780393960570 ix,323p. Library - BR Campus
813.4 CHO 05036746 The complete works of Kate Chopin / Chopin, Kate, Louisiana State University Press, 2006 0807131512 (pbk.) | 9780807131 Louisiana pbk. ed. 1032 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.4 CHO 07005183 The Awakening : Chopin, Kate, W.W. Norton, 1994 0393960579 2nd ed. x, 324 p. : Library - BR Campus
813.4 CLA 07008713 The adventures of Tom Sawyer : Twain, Mark, W. W. Norton & Co., 2007 0393926036 (pbk.) | 9780393926 viii, 383 p. : Library - BR Campus
813.4 CRA 07005227 Maggie, a girl of the streets : Crane, Stephen, Norton, 1979 0393012220 | 0393950247 (pbk.) 1st ed. xiii, 258 p. : Library - BR Campus
813.4 DAH 04026588 The Secret Garden / Dahl, Sophie Puffin Books, 2015 9780141321066 340p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.4 DEN 00000141 Auntie Mame Dennis, Patrick Van 260 p UG Library
813.4 ERA 00000073 Balstons Eraniford, F Marion Macmillan UG Library
813.4 GER 04024249 Awakening the Entrepreneur Within / Gerber Michael .E Harper Business, 2008 9780062312891 266p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.4 GIL 07006323 Herland / Gilman, Charlotte Perkins Vintage Book Publication, 2015 9781784871024 xi,214p. Library - BR Campus
813.4 HEN 05057364 The outcry / James, Henry, Cambridge University Press, 2016 1107002699 | 9781107002692 lxxxii, 276 pages : Knowledge Centre
813.4 HOW 07008756 The rise of Silas Lapham Howells, William Dean, The L. W. Singer company 1942 2 p. l., 331 p. Library - BR Campus
813.4 JAM 07003997 The portrait of a lady : James, Henry, W.W. Norton, 1995 0393966461 2nd ed. ix, 785 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.4 JAM 10002373 The portrait of a lady / James, Henry. Peacock books, 2022 9788124801512 587 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.4 JAM 07008796 The portrait of a lady : James, Henry, W.W. Norton, 1995 0393966461 2nd ed. ix, 785 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.4 JAM 07008096 The Ambassadors / James, Henry, Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107002838 (hardback) cv, 560 pages : Library - BR Campus
813.4 JAM 07008806 The wings of the dove : James, Henry, Norton, 2003 0393978818 2nd ed. ix, 627 p. : Library - BR Campus
813.4 JAM 07008802 Tales of Henry James : James, Henry, W.W. Norton, 2003 0393977102 2nd ed. x, 524 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.4 JAM 07005293 The turn of the screw James, Henry, Dover Publications, 1991 0486266842 (pbk.) : 87 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.4 JAM 07008741 The american / James, Henry Norton Publication, 1978 9780393090918 ix,493p. Library - BR Campus
813.4 JAM 07008058 The Europeans / James, Henry, Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107004030 (hardback) lxviii, 211 pages ; Library - BR Campus
813.4 JOH 05011566 Henry James and the visual / Johnson, Kendall, Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521880664 (hardback : alk. xv, 246 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.4 MAR 05028301 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain W.W.Norton & Comapny, 2007 0393966402 398p.; Knowledge Centre
813.4 MEL 05065270 Moby Dick : Melville, Herman. Pegasus Books, 2017 9781681778488 533 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.4 MIL 05041904 A strange manuscript found in a copper cylinder / De Mille, James, Oneworld Classics, 2009 9781847491312 (pbk.) | 1847491 204 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.4 PHI 07008695 Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy / Alcott, Louisa May, Norton, 2004 0393976149 (pbk. : alk. paper) xi, 665 p. : Library - BR Campus
813.4 PLY 07010841 The story of King Arthur and his knights Pyle, Howard Fabbri Publication, 1992 1855873478 128p.; Library - BR Campus
813.4 REE. 05059731 The jolly corner and other tales / James, Henry, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107002753 ccciv,566p,: Knowledge Centre
813.4 ROS 07008676 The ambassadors : James, Henry, W.W. Norton, 1994 0393963144 2nd ed. viii, 543 p. : Library - BR Campus
813.4 SAN 05046820 Plagiarama! : Sanborn, Geoffrey. Columbia University Press, 2016 9780231174428 (cloth : acidfre 212 p. Knowledge Centre
813.4 TWA 05049109 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn / Twain Mark W.W.Norton & Company, 1999 9780393966404 xi,398p.: Knowledge Centre
813.4 TWA 07014899 Prince and the Pauper / Twain Mark Penguin Random House, 2019 9780241378496 266p.: Library - BR Campus
813.4 TWA 05028320 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn : Twain, Mark, Norton, 0393966402 xi, 402 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.4 TWA 05028387 Pudd'nhead Wilson ; Twain, Mark, W.W. Norton, 0393925358 (pbk.) xix, 471 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.4 TWA 04017107 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Twain, Mark, Dover Publications, 1998 0486400778 (pbk.) | 9780486400 vii, 184 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.4 TWA 07013952 A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court : Twain, Mark, WW Norton and Company, 2018 9780393284171 First edition. 563 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
813.4 TWA 03007756 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn / Twain, Mark. B. M. C. 1992 9781582881225 404 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.4 TWA 07008765 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn / Twain Mark W.W.Norton & Company, 1999 9780393966404 xi,398p.: Library - BR Campus
813.4 TWA 03009453 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer / Twain, Mark. Jaico Publishing House , 2002 9788172248994 293 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.4 TWI 07010994 A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court / Twain, Mark, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199540587 (pbk.) xxv, 360 p. : Library - BR Campus
813.4 WAL 07007127 Ben - Hur / Wallace, Lew William Collience Books Publication, 2016 9780008124106 464p. Library - BR Campus
813.4 WEG 07005262 Tales of Henry James : James, Henry, W.W. Norton, 2003 0393977102 2nd ed. x, 524 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.4 ZAC 07009890 A Companion to Henry James Zachrias,Greg W. John-Wiley & Sons, 2014 9781118492345 xiii,505p.; Library - BR Campus
813.4 ZAC 05039620 A Companion to Henry James Zachrias,Greg W. John-Wiley & Sons, 2014 9781118492345 xiii,505p.; Knowledge Centre
813.409 CRA 05028330 Cambridge Introduction to the Nineteenth-Century American Novel Crane, Gregg Cambridge university press, 2007 9780521603997 238p.; Knowledge Centre
813.409 LAM 05028318 A Companion to American fiction 1865-1914: Lamp Robert Paul Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 9781405195539 621 p. Knowledge Centre
813.43 JOS 07012771 Miss Laila armed and dangerous / Joseph, Manu, HarperCollins Publishers, 2017 9789352770441 (pISBN) 211 pages ; Library - BR Campus
813.5 HUL 00000448 Sheik a Novel Hull, E M L Burt 300 p UG Library
813.509 MIT 05056493 Mere reading : Mitchell, Lee Clark, Bloomsbury publishing Inc., 2017 9781501329654 (hardcover) | 97 x, 262 pages ; Knowledge Centre
813.509 TEL 01027472 Movies, modernism, and the science fiction pulps / Telotte, J. P., Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190949662 viii,192p.; Knowledge Centre
813.52 BOL 03003141 Sixty Seconds: One Moments Changes Every Thining Bolsta, Phil Atria Books 2008 9781582701936 212 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.52 RAN 05040105 Fountainhead. Rand, Ayn. A Signet Book, 1993 9780451191151 x,704p.; Knowledge Centre
813.52 RAN 04030298 Fountainhead. Rand, Ayn. A Signet Book, 1993 9780451191151 x,704p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.52 AAR 07012504 The Cambridge companion to Saul Bellow / Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107108936 (Hardback) xvi, 199 pages ; Library - BR Campus
813.52 AAR 05057362 The Cambridge companion to Saul Bellow / Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107108936 (Hardback) xvi, 199 pages ; Knowledge Centre
813.52 ALD 00000151 Gentleman from Virginia Alden Seltzer, Charles Grosset and Dunlop pv UG Library
813.52 ANT 00000459 Tony`s Scrap Book Anthony, Wons Reilly pv UG Library
813.52 ARC 03006182 The new collected short stories : Archer, Jeffrey Pan books, 2010 9781447211068 857p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.52 ARC 05043750 The new collected short stories : Archer, Jeffrey Pan books, 2010 9781447211068 857p.; Knowledge Centre
813.52 ARC 05039614 The new collected short stories : Archer, Jeffrey Pan books, 2010 9781447211068 857p.; Knowledge Centre
813.52 ARL 00000133 Green Heart Arlen, Micheal George 1967 333 p UG Library
813.52 ARN 00000047 Sigh Post Arnot Robertson, E Macmillan Co. 240 p UG Library
813.52 ARN 00000458 Riceyman Steps Arnold, Bennett George 380 p UG Library
813.52 ASL 00000104 Star Over Flushing Asling-Riis Stella E Bruce 1939 280 p UG Library
813.52 AUS 00001408 Emma Austin, Jane 1966 1 UG Library
813.52 BAR 00000447 Within This Present Barnes Margaret, Ayer Houghton Mifflin 611 UG Library
813.52 BAS 00000236 Martin`s Summer Basil, Creighton Cosmopolitan 300 p UG Library
813.52 BAU 07014908 The Wizard of OZ / Baum Frank.L PenguinvRandom House, 2019 9780241411209 187p.: Library - BR Campus
813.52 BES 00000433 Mother Mason Bess Streeter, Aldrich Grolier 275 p UG Library
813.52 BLO 07005992 A farewell to arms / Heningway's, Ernest Viva Book Publication, 2011 9788130918754 vii,164p. Library - BR Campus
813.52 BLO 05028374 Zora Neale Hurston's Their eyes were watching God Bloom Harold Viva Books 9788130907314 81p Knowledge Centre
813.52 BLO 05028376 Henry James's The Portrait of a Lady Bloom Harold Viva books 9788130904436 87p Knowledge Centre
813.52 BLO 05028370 F Scott Fitzgerald's The great Gatsby Bloom Harold Viva Books 9788130907321 72p Knowledge Centre
813.52 BLO 05028366 Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin Bloom Harold Viva Books 9788130907321 72p Knowledge Centre
813.52 BLO 05028381 George Eliot's Silas Marner Bloom Harold Viva Books 9788130903644 80p Knowledge Centre
813.52 BLO 05028386 Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice Bloom Harold Viva Books 9788130904542 71p Knowledge Centre
813.52 BLO 05028385 William Shakespeare's Othello Bloom Harold Viva Books 9788130904719 88p Knowledge Centre
813.52 BLO 05028372 John Steinbeck's of Mice and Men Bloom Harold Viva Books 9788130904481 64p Knowledge Centre
813.52 BLO 05028379 Herman Melville's Moby-Dick Bloom Harold Viva Books 9788130903767 86p Knowledge Centre
813.52 BLO 05028368 William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar Bloom Harold Viva Books 9788130904405 72p Knowledge Centre
813.52 BLO 05028371 Homer's Iliad Bloom Harold Viva Books 9788130904511 92p Knowledge Centre
813.52 BLO 05028382 Maya Angelou's I know why the caged bird sings / Bloom Harold Viva Books, 2007 9788130907284 100p.; Knowledge Centre
813.52 BLO 05028375 Joseph's Conrad's heart of darknes & the secret sharer Bloom Harlod Viva Books 9788130944623 95p Knowledge Centre
813.52 BLO 05028369 Charles Dickens's Great Expectations / Bloom Harold Viva Books, 2007 9788130944548 80p Knowledge Centre
813.52 BLO 05028367 Aldous Huxley's brave new world Bloom Harold Viva Books 9788130904535 96p Knowledge Centre
813.52 BLO 05028384 Beowulf Bloom Harold Viva Books 9788130904443 76p Knowledge Centre
813.52 BLO 05028383 Toni Morrison's Beloved Bloom Harold Viva Books 9788130903590 76p Knowledge Centre
813.52 BLO 05028380 William Shakespeare's A midsummer night's dream Bloom Harold Viva Books 9788130904429 96p Knowledge Centre
813.52 BLO 05028378 Ernest Hemingway's A farewell to arms Bloom Harold Viva Books 9788130904498 79p Knowledge Centre
813.52 BLO 05028377 Fyodor Dostoevsky's Crime and punishment Bloom Harold Viva Books 9788130904412 88p Knowledge Centre
813.52 BLO 05028373 Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's travels Bloom Harold Viva Books 9788130904474 77p Knowledge Centre
813.52 BOI 00000677 Can of the Deadly Doing Bois Du, William Dunlap 282 UG Library
813.52 BOL 04007989 Sixty Seconds: One Moments Changes Every Thining Bolsta, Phil Atria Books 2008 9781582701936 212 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.52 BOO 00000131 Two Vanrevels Booth, Tarkington Charles 1902 299 p UG Library
813.52 BOR 00000154 Jane Our Stranger Borden Mary, Alfred 1924 352 p UG Library
813.52 BRI 00000132 Last of Summer Brien, Kate Doran 1943 269 p UG Library
813.52 BRO 00000160 Walk in the Sun Brown, Harry Brown 1944 168 p UG Library
813.52 BRU 00000111 Hollow Men Bruce, Hutchison Hamilton 270 p UG Library
813.52 BUL 00000127 Rienz Bulwer, Lytton Boston 438 p UG Library
813.52 BUR 05045989 Ernest Hemingway / Burgess Anthony Tauris Parke Paperbacks, 2015 9781784531188 xi,128p.: Knowledge Centre
813.52 CAM 07007561 The cambridge companion to : Theodore dreiser / Cambridge University Press, 2004 9780521815550 xi,224p. Library - BR Campus
813.52 CAN 00000470 Look to the Mountain Cannon Legrand, J R HENRY 547 UG Library
813.52 CAS 05028310 Cambridge Companion to Theodore Dreiser Cassuto, Leonard Cambridge university press, 2004 0521894654 | 9780521894654 234p Knowledge Centre
813.52 CAS 05034232 Cambridge Companion to Theodore Dreiser Cassuto, Leonard Cambridge university press, 2004 0521894654 | 9780521894654 234p Knowledge Centre
813.52 CLA 05009409 Ernest Hemingway / Routledge, 2011 9780415491204 (set : alk. pape xxxvi,204 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.52 CLA 05009408 Ernest Hemingway / Routledge, 2011 9780415491204 (set : alk. pape xxxvi,204 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.52 CLA 05009407 Ernest Hemingway / Routledge, 2011 9780415491204 (set : alk. pape xxxvi,204 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.52 CLA 05009406 Ernest Hemingway / Routledge, 2011 9780415491204 (set : alk. pape xxxvi,204 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.52 CLA 05008561 F. Scott Fitzgerald : Helm Information, 1991 187340302X (set) 4 v. : Knowledge Centre
813.52 CLA 05008562 F. Scott Fitzgerald : Helm Information, 1991 187340302X (set) 4 v. : Knowledge Centre
813.52 CLA 05008563 F. Scott Fitzgerald : Helm Information, 1991 187340302X (set) 4 v. : Knowledge Centre
813.52 CLA 05008564 F. Scott Fitzgerald : Helm Information, 1991 187340302X (set) 4 v. : Knowledge Centre
813.52 CLE 00000438 Song Bird Cleugh, Sophia Grosset 301 UG Library
813.52 CON 00000430 Deepening Stream Confield, Dorothy Grosset and Dunlop pv UG Library
813.52 CRA 00000076 Boston Crawford, Marion MACMILLAN and Co 328 UG Library
813.52 CRA 00000134 Lady of Rome Crawford Marion, F Macmillan & Co 1906 383 p UG Library
813.52 CUR 07002018 The Cambridge introduction to F. Scott Fitzgerald / Curnutt, Kirk, Cambridge University Press, 2007 0521859093 (hbk.) | 9780521859 viii, 145 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.52 CUR 05028322 Cambridge Introduction to F. Scott Fitzgerald Curnut, Kirk Cambride university press, 2007 0521676002 145p Knowledge Centre
813.52 CUR 00000456 God`s Countryand the Woman Curwood, James Oliver Doubleday 346 UG Library
813.52 DAR 00000152 Old Man Pays Darwin Teilhet, L Little Brown and Co 299 p UG Library
813.52 DIC 00000437 Gilded Man Dickson Carter, Grosset 260 UG Library
813.52 DRE 07004001 Sister Carrie : Dreiser, Theodore, W.W. Norton, 2006 0393927733 (pbk.) 3rd ed. vii, 611 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.52 DRE 07005258 Sister Carrie : Dreiser, Theodore, W.W. Norton, 2006 0393927733 (pbk.) 3rd ed. vii, 611 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.52 EDM 00000463 Drums Along the Mohawk Edmonds Walter, D Little 559 UG Library
813.52 ELI 00001407 Sitar Marner Eliot, George UG Library
813.52 FAU 05049132 The Sound and the Fury : Faulkner, William, W.W.Norton & Company, 2014 9780393912692 (pbk.) Third edition. xv, 528 pages ; Knowledge Centre
813.52 FAU 07008770 As I lay dying : Faulkner, William, W.W. Norton & Co., 2010 9780393931389 (pbk.) 1st ed. xiii, 384 p. : Library - BR Campus
813.52 FAU 07004020 The Sound and the Fury : Faulkner, William, W.W.Norton & Company, 2014 9780393912692 (pbk.) Third edition. xv, 528 pages ; Library - BR Campus
813.52 FER 00000075 So Lig Ferben, Edna Grosset and Dunlop pv UG Library
813.52 FIT 05041889 All the sad young men / Fitzgerald, F. Scott Alma Classics, 2013 9781847493040 210p. : Knowledge Centre
813.52 FIT 05041890 The Basil and Josephine / Fitzgerald, F. Scott Alma Classics, 2014 9781847493422 1st Scribner Paperback Fiction ed. 310p. : Knowledge Centre
813.52 FIT 05041908 The beautiful and damned / Fitzgerald, F. Scott Fingerprint Classics, 2018 9788175993914 367 pages : Knowledge Centre
813.52 FIT 05043749 The Great Gastsby / Fitzberald Scott.F Picador, 2013 9781447225928 xx,232p.: Knowledge Centre
813.52 FIT 05038329 Tales of the jazz age / Fitzgerald, F. Scott Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521170444 (pbk.) Pbk. ed. xxviii, 539 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.52 FIT 07007110 The great gatsby / Fitzerald, F Scott Harper Press Publication. 2012 9780007368655 vii,168p. Library - BR Campus
813.52 FIZ 07010773 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button : Fitzgetald Scott.F Penguin Classics, 2008 9780141190198 201p.: Library - BR Campus
813.52 FOR 00000130 Murder With Southern Hospitality Ford, Leslie Charles 244p UG Library
813.52 FRA 00000431 Murdered: One By One Francis, Beeding Grosset 315 p UG Library
813.52 GAL 00000445 On Forsyte Change Galsworthy, John CHARLES 283 UG Library
813.52 GAR 00143397 The Case of the Duplicate Daughter Gardner, Erle Stanley Orion Paperback 2021 9781471920875 246p UG Library
813.52 GAR 00000443 File No. 113 Garoriau, Emile CHARLES 540 p UG Library
813.52 GEO 00000471 C/o Postmaster St George, Thomas R J b Lippinatt pv UG Library
813.52 GRE 00000079 Lady in the Monk Green, Anne Harper 350 p UG Library
813.52 HEL 05024825 Ayn Rand and the world she made Heller Anne C Tranquebar Press 9789380658018 567p Knowledge Centre
813.52 HEL 04016221 Ayn Rand and the world she made Heller Anne C Tranquebar Press 9789380658018 567p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.52 HEM 03006492 Fiesta : Hemingway, Ernest Arrow Books, 1927 9780099908500 216 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.52 HEM 05040650 Green hills of Africa / Hemingway, Ernest, Scribner, 1998 068484463X 1st Scribner classics ed. 207 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.52 HEM 04026582 A Farewell to Arms / Hemingway, Vintage Vintage Publisher, 2013 9780099582564 328p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.52 HEM 05039011 Island in the Stream / Hemingway Ernest Scribner Classics, 2003 9780743253420 448p.: Knowledge Centre
813.52 HEM 05039024 The snows of Kilimanjaro and other stories / Hemingway, Ernest, Scribner Classics, 1964 0684862212 143 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.52 HEM 03006491 For Whom the Bell Tolls Hemingway,Ernest. Charles 1944 9780099908609 470 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.52 HEM 07006317 For whom the bell tolls / Hemingway, Ernest Vintage Book Publication, 2014 9780099595533 ii,490p. Library - BR Campus
813.52 HEM 05046492 The Old Man and the Sea / Hemingway,Ernest. Blind Person's Association, 2013 p.; Knowledge Centre
813.52 HER 05040635 The sun also rises / Hemingway, Ernest, Scribner, 1996 0684830515 (alk. paper) | 9780 222 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.52 HUG 00000045 Killer and the Slain Hugh Walpole, Doubleday UG Library
813.52 HUT 00000074 Fine and the Wood Hutebison A Farror Ringfort 2008 299 p UG Library
813.52 JAN 00000472 Yours for the Asking. Jane, Abbot Lippincott 300 p UG Library
813.52 JHO 00000059 Gutteemen of Startford Jhon Broghy, UG Library
813.52 JOH 07008803 The autobiography of an ex-colored man : Johnson, James Weldon, W.W.Norton & Company, 2015 9780393972863 (pbk. : alk. pap First edition. lix, 439 pages ; Library - BR Campus
813.52 JOH 00000147 So Little Time John Marquand, P Little Brown and Co 595 p UG Library
813.52 JOH 00000442 Bell for Adano John, Hersey ALFRED 269 p UG Library
813.52 JOS 00000436 Shavings`` a Novel Joseph Lincoln, C Grolier 382 p UG Library
813.52 KAT 00000452 Center of the Web Katharine, Roberts Doubleday pv UG Library
813.52 KEY 00000465 Old Gray Homestead Keyes, Parkinson Butterworth Heinman 301 UG Library
813.52 KIN 00000051 Thread of Flame King, Banil Vintage UG Library
813.52 KNI 00000149 Flying Yorkshireman Knight, Eric Harper 270 p UG Library
813.52 KNI 07007549 The Cambridge introduction to Edith Wharton Knights, Pamela. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521867658 (alk. paper) | 0 xiv, 154 p. : Library - BR Campus
813.52 LAR 00000439 Wagon and the Star Larrimore, Lida Grolier 319 UG Library
813.52 LAW 00000462 There is Today Lawrence, Josephine Little 1943 329 UG Library
813.52 LES 00092962 Forced landing Lesser R.H Gujarat sahitya prakash 74p UG Library
813.52 LIN 05028309 Cambridge Companion to Willa Cather Lindermann, Marilee Cambridge university press, 2005 0521527937 229p.; Knowledge Centre
813.52 LIN 00000440 Nod Lincoln Freeman, Coward 288 UG Library
813.52 LIN 00000451 Thabjfyk`s Inheritance Lincoln, C Joseph Burea 382 UG Library
813.52 LOV 07009346 The new annotated H. P. Lovecraft / Lovecraft, H. P. W W Norton & Company, 2012 9780871404534 First edition. lxx, 852 pages : Library - BR Campus
813.52 MAH 00000354 Eleven Came Back Mahel, Seelay Harcourt & Row 128 p UG Library
813.52 MAR 00000055 Whith Malica Towards Some Margaret Halsey, Simon UG Library
813.52 MAR 00000124 Roman Singer Marion Crawford, F Mc Millan 355 p UG Library
813.52 MAR 00000434 Hand on Her Shoulder Margaret, Widdemer Grolier pv UG Library
813.52 MAR 00000469 Other Lovers Margaret, Widdemer Farrar 275 p UG Library
813.52 MAR 00000473 Roughing It Mark, Twain Harcourt & Row 450 UG Library
813.52 MAT 07008073 The New Cambridge Companion to William Faulkner / Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107050389 (hardback) | 978 xxii,230p.: Library - BR Campus
813.52 MAY 00000108 Strange Beauty Maysie, Grieg Sun Dial 1939 275 p UG Library
813.52 MER 00000135 Skeleton in the Clock Merrivale, William 281 UG Library
813.52 MOO 00000762 Men Who Sell Things Moody, Walter D C m c UG Library
813.52 MOR 00000122 Rudolph and Amina Morley, Christopher John 1930 198 UG Library
813.52 NAL 00000150 Bread and Jam Nalbro, Bartley L Burt 340 p UG Library
813.52 NEL 00000450 This My House Nella Gardner, White Dorling Kindersley pv UG Library
813.52 OPP 00000052 Devies Pan Oppensiem, Philips L Burt Co UG Library
813.52 PAI 00000446 Four Bells Paine, Ralph Houghton 337 UG Library
813.52 PAS 00000081 Steinbeek Pascal, Covici Viking 568p UG Library
813.52 PED 00000435 Distant Dawn Margaret, Pedler Grolier 308 p UG Library
813.52 PED 00000453 Not Heaven Itself Pedler, Margaret Doubleday 300 p UG Library
813.52 PET 00000432 Crimson Horseshoe Peter, Dawson Grolier 274 p UG Library
813.52 PHI 00000676 Cane of the Deadly Diong Philips Oppenheim, E L Burt 325 p UG Library
813.52 PIO 07011043 O pioneers! / Cather, Willa, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199552320 (pbk.) xxxi, 179 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.52 PIZ 07008800 Sister Carrie : Dreiser, Theodore, W.W. Norton, 2006 0393927733 (pbk.) 3rd ed. vii, 611 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.52 PRI 05028341 The Cambridge companion to F. Scott Fitzgerald Cambridge University Press, 2002 0521624479 | 0521624746 (pbk.) 272 Knowledge Centre
813.52 RAN 10002618 Atlas Shrugged / Rand, Ayn Signet Book, 1992 9780451191144 viii, 1078p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.52 RAN 05040104 Atlas Shrugged Rand, Ayn A Signet Book 1957 9780451191144 1079 Knowledge Centre
813.52 RAN 10002627 Fountainhead. Rand, Ayn. A Signet Book, 1993 9780451191151 x,704p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.52 RAN 07013501 Atlas Shrugged Rand, Ayn A Signet Book 1957 9780451191144 1079 Library - BR Campus
813.52 RAN 07007039 Atlas Shrugged / Rand Ayn A Signet Book, 1992 9781101991046 viii,1079p.: Library - BR Campus
813.52 RAW 00000077 Cross Greek Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan Reginald 370 p UG Library
813.52 ROB 00000091 Dardinal ( Ug-English ) Robinson Morton, Henry Simon 56p UG Library
813.52 ROB 00000097 Arundel Roberts, Kenneth Doubleday 486 UG Library
813.52 ROB 00000098 Arundel Roberts, Kenneth Doubleday 486 UG Library
813.52 ROB 00000099 Arundel Roberts, Kenneth Doubleday 486 UG Library
813.52 ROB 00000457 Signpost Behchan Robertson, Arnot Albd 240 p. UG Library
813.52 RUT 00000110 My Sister Eileen Ruth, Mckenney Harcourt & Row 1938 226 p UG Library
813.52 SAN 07002238 The letters of Ernest Hemingway / Hemingway, Ernest, Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521897334 (v. 1) | 0521897 v : Library - BR Campus
813.52 SAN 07008070 The letters of Ernest Hemingway / Hemingway, Ernest, Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521897334 (v. 1) | 0521897 v : Library - BR Campus
813.52 SAN 07008069 The letters of Ernest Hemingway / Hemingway, Ernest, Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521897334 (v. 1) | 0521897 v : Library - BR Campus
813.52 SAN 07008068 The letters of Ernest Hemingway / Hemingway, Ernest, Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521897334 (v. 1) | 0521897 v : Library - BR Campus
813.52 SAU 07011346 Herzog/ Bellow,Saul Penguin books, 2001 9780141184876 341 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
813.52 SAU 07011347 Herzog/ Bellow,Saul Penguin books, 2001 9780141184876 341 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
813.52 SAU 07011348 Herzog/ Bellow,Saul Penguin books, 2001 9780141184876 341 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
813.52 SEE 00000454 Eleven Came Back Seeley Mabel, Doubleday 269 UG Library
813.52 SHA 07012157 The Novels of Ernest Hemingway A Critical Study / Shams Ishteyaque Atlantic, 2018 9788126901678 154p.: Library - BR Campus
813.52 SIM 00000159 Days &nights Simonov, Konstantine Simon 400 p UG Library
813.52 SIN 07015536 The greatest Indian stories ever told / Aleph Book Company, 2023 9789393852878 xii, 512 pages Library - BR Campus
813.52 SIN 07015537 The Greatest Bengali Stories Ever Told / Sinha Arunava Aleph Book Company, 2016 9789382277743 288p.: Library - BR Campus
813.52 SIN 07007538 Women's Perspectives in the Novels of Manju Kapur / Singh, Chandra Bhushan Aadi Publications, 2016 9789382630852 155p.: Library - BR Campus
813.52 SPA 07012487 The Letters Of Earnest Hemingway 1929-31/ Spanier Sandra. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9780521897365 lxxxv,726p,; Library - BR Campus
813.52 SPA 05059744 The Letters Of Earnest Hemingway 1929-31/ Spanier Sandra. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9780521897365 lxxxv,726p,; Knowledge Centre
813.52 STE 10003350 East of Eden / Steinbeck, John, Penguin books ltd., 1980 9780141394893 714 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.52 STE 10003351 East of Eden / Steinbeck, John, Penguin books ltd., 1980 9780141394893 714 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.52 STE 04026587 Of Mice and Men / Steinbeck, John Penguine Books, 2011 9780141185101 106p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.52 STE 00000105 Only the Guilty Marc Stein, Aaron Double Day UG Library
813.52 STE 07005463 East of Eden / Steinbeck,John. Penguin, 1952 9780141185071 xxix,601p.; Library - BR Campus
813.52 STE 05046513 The Moon is Down / Steinbeck John Blind Person's Association, 2014 Volume Two Knowledge Centre
813.52 STE 05046512 The Moon is Down / Steinbeck John Blind Person's Association, 2014 Volume Two Knowledge Centre
813.52 TAR 00000053 Trac of the Cat Tarkington, Booth Charles 300 p UG Library
813.52 TAY 05009306 Saul Bellow : Bellow, Saul. Viking, 2010 9780670022212 | 0670022217 xxxvi, 571 p., [16] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
813.52 THO 07015623 The Greatest Malayalam Stories Ever Told / Thomas A.J Aleph Book Company, 2023 9789390652761 xxvi,438p.: Library - BR Campus
813.52 TRE 05028303 Fitzgerald`s the Great Gatsby:A Readers Guide Tredell, Nicolas Continuum, 2008 9781846841149 134p.; Knowledge Centre
813.52 TRE 05028324 Fitzgerald`s the Great Gatsby Tredell, Nicolas Continuum, 2008 9781846841149 134p.; Knowledge Centre
813.52 VIC 00000460 Marion Alive Vicki, Baum Dorling Kindersley 600 p UG Library
813.52 WAI 05049110 The age of innocence : Wharton, Edith, W.W. Norton & Co., 2003 0393967948 (pbk.) | 9780393967 1st ed. xx, 524 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.52 WAI 07008766 The age of innocence : Wharton, Edith, W.W. Norton & Co., 2003 0393967948 (pbk.) | 9780393967 1st ed. xx, 524 p. : Library - BR Campus
813.52 WAS 00000061 Casper Hanser Wassermann, Jacob World Publishing Co 90p UG Library
813.52 WEL 00000078 Think for Decision Welles, Sumner Harper UG Library
813.52 WHA 05067289 The house of mirth : Wharton, Edith, W.W.Norton, 2019 9780393624540 (softcover) Second edition. xii, 412 pages : Knowledge Centre
813.52 WHI 04023118 Charlottes Web / White, E.B. Puffin Books, 2014 9780141354828 248p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.52 WIL 00000441 Obscure Destinies Willa, Cather ALFRED 230 p UG Library
813.52 WIL 00000449 Forbidden Valley William Byron, Mowery L Burt 294 p UG Library
813.52 WYA 05059711 Hemingway, style, and the art of emotion / Wyatt, David, Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107525290 ix, 270 pages ; Knowledge Centre
813.52LAINGK 00009524 Sea Witch Alexander Laing, Murray 488 p UG Library
813.52MAR 00009525 Late George Apley Marquand, P John Little 335 UG Library
813.52SEEN 00008151 Gentleman from Virginia Charles Alden Seltzer, Grolier 300 p UG Library
813.52WI 00011219 Cabale Wilder Thornton, Modern 229 UG Library
813.52WIL 00009548 Power Lion Feuchtwanger , Viking 425 p UG Library
813.53 HYM 00000464 Lost Continent Hyme, Cutlitte pv UG Library
813.53 NOR 00000157 Three Men and Diana Norris, Kathleen Burea 343 UG Library
813.54 07006328 Nancy and Plum / Macdonald, Betty Vintage Publication, 2014 9780099583356 iv,218p. Library - BR Campus
813.54 07006320 God help the child/ Morrison, Tom Vintage Book Publication, 2015 9780099555926 x,178p. Library - BR Campus
813.54 07006559 Michael Ondaatje's fiction Jodha, Avinash. Rawat Publications, 2011 9788131604526 | 9788131604526 x, 196 p. Library - BR Campus
813.54 GOL 07015332 Assasin's creed : Golden Christie Penguin Books 2016 9781405931502 324 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.54 KAL 03002313 Wings of Fire: An Autobiography Kalam, A P J Abdul Universities Press 9788173711466 180 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 MAR 03002820 Beatrice and Virgil: A Novel Martel, Yann Penguin 9780670084517 189 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 PAT 05068794 The dutch house / Patchett, Ann Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019 9781526618757 337p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 URR 04002373 Keys to the Da Vinci Code Urresti, Mariano Fer Dreamtech Press 2006 9788177224573 188 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 ADE 00000058 Nurse Had Bed Hairs Adelaid, Humphries UG Library
813.54 AIE 04009651 The land of painted caves / Auel, Jean M. Crown Publishers, 2011 9780517580516 (hardcover) | 97 1st ed. x, 757 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 AKI 05066562 Exile / Akhilesh. Harper Perennial, 2018 9789352778973 xvii,426p.; Knowledge Centre
813.54 ALB 07007023 The First Phone Call from Heaven / Albom Mitch Sphere, 2013 9780751541205 308p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 ALL 00000054 Towad the Morning Allen, Harvey Pine Heart & Co UG Library
813.54 ALL 00000085 City in the Dawn Allen Hervey, Rinehart 670 UG Library
813.54 ALL 00000146 Tiger in the Smoke Allingham, Margery Doubleday 1952 254 p UG Library
813.54 ARC 05042264 Mightier Than The Sword / Archer Jeffrey Macmillan, 2015 9781447290599 414p.: Knowledge Centre
813.54 ARC 07014218 The Pocket Book of Angels : Arcturus, 2015 9781784045647 383p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 ARN 00000204 Hunters Horn Arnow, Harriette MACMILLAN and Co 390 p UG Library
813.54 ARO 07014158 The Last Dance A Novel / Arora Anmol Speaking Tiger Publishing Pvt.Ltd, 2019 9789389231014 309p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 ATW 07015379 The handmaid's tale / Atwood, Margaret Penguin Random House Publication, 2017 9781784873189 xv,324p.; Library - BR Campus
813.54 ATW 04026579 The handmaind,s tale / Atwood, Margaret Vintage Book Publication, 1996 9780099740919 324p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 ATW 07014543 The Blind Assassin / Atwood Margaret Virgo Press, 2009 9781860498800 641p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 ATW 07011243 The handmaid's tale / Atwood, Margaret Penguin Random House Publication, 2017 9781784873189 xv,324p.; Library - BR Campus
813.54 ATW 07011242 The handmaid's tale / Atwood, Margaret Penguin Random House Publication, 2017 9781784873189 xv,324p.; Library - BR Campus
813.54 ATW 07011241 The handmaid's tale / Atwood, Margaret Penguin Random House Publication, 2017 9781784873189 xv,324p.; Library - BR Campus
813.54 ATW 07011374 The handmaid's tale / Atwood, Margaret Penguin Random House Publication, 2017 9781784873189 xv,324p.; Library - BR Campus
813.54 ATW 07011375 The handmaid's tale / Atwood, Margaret Penguin Random House Publication, 2017 9781784873189 xv,324p.; Library - BR Campus
813.54 ATW 07011376 The handmaid's tale / Atwood, Margaret Penguin Random House Publication, 2017 9781784873189 xv,324p.; Library - BR Campus
813.54 AUE 05053601 The shelters of stone / Auel, Jean M. Crown, 2002 0609610597 (hardcover) | 97806 1st ed. xii, 753 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.54 BAL 05070473 What the body remembers / Baldwin, Shauna Singh. Vintage Canada, 1999 9780676973181 515p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 BAL 05070474 What the body remembers / Baldwin, Shauna Singh. Vintage Canada, 1999 9780676973181 515p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 BAL 05053605 Wish you well / Baldacci, David. Warner Books, 2000 0446527165 | 9780446527163 viii, 401 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 BAL 07014999 What the body remembers / Baldwin, Shauna Singh. Vintage Canada, 1999 9780676973181 515p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.54 BAL 07012261 No Man's Land / Baldacci David Pan Books, 2016 9781447277491 602p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 BAL 09000588 What the body remembers / Baldwin, Shauna Singh. Vintage Canada, 1999 9780676973181 515p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 BAL 04026231 The Guilty : Baldacci, David Pan Books, 2015 9781447277569 593p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 BAL 04026233 The Last Mile : Baldacci, David Mac Millan, 2016 9781447277835 417p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 BAN 00125161 Before We Visit the Goddess / Banerjee Chitra Simon & Schuster, 2016 9781471146930 210p.: UG Library
813.54 BAN 07006213 Before We Visit the Goddess / Banerjee Chitra Simon & Schuster, 2016 9781471146930 210p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 BAN 04016187 The Forest of Stories / Banker, Ashok K. Westland, 2012 9789381626375 350 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 BAN 05059569 Restless waters of the ichhamati / Bandyopadhyay, Bibhutibhushan. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9788193669501 xxx, 370p. Knowledge Centre
813.54 BAN 05024845 The Forest of Stories / Banker, Ashok K. Westland, 2012 9789381626375 350 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.54 BAR 04019079 The law of averages : Barthelme, Frederick, Counterpoint, 2000 1582431159 (alk. paper) | 9781 xviii, 364 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 BEA 07011244 The sellout / Beatty, Paul A onewold Book Publication, 2017 9781786071460 288p.; Library - BR Campus
813.54 BEA 07011245 The sellout / Beatty, Paul A onewold Book Publication, 2017 9781786071460 288p.; Library - BR Campus
813.54 BEA 07011246 The sellout / Beatty, Paul A onewold Book Publication, 2017 9781786071460 288p.; Library - BR Campus
813.54 BEN 00000046 This and No More Benedict Nancy Freedman Harcourt 1916 406 p UG Library
813.54 BER 07014706 Evening in paradise / Berlin, Lucia Picador Publication, 2018 9781509882311 xi,243p.; Library - BR Campus
813.54 BER 05064830 A place on earth / Berry, Wendell. Counterpoint, 2001 1582431248 (alk. paper) 1st Counterpoint pbk. ed. xi, 321 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 BER 05064831 Hannah Coulter : Berry, Wendell. Couterpoint, 2004 1593760361 | 9781593760786 190 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.54 BER 05064965 The memory of Old Jack / Berry, Wendell. Counterpoint, 1999 1582430438 1st Counterpoint pbk. ed. 170 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 BET 07014097 Vladimir Nabokov in context / Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107108646 x, 320p.; Library - BR Campus
813.54 BHA 07009224 One Indian girl / Bhagat, Chetan, Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2016 9788129142146 | 8129142147 viii, 272 pages ; Library - BR Campus
813.54 BHA 04030619 One Indian girl / Bhagat, Chetan, Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2016 9788129142146 | 8129142147 viii, 272 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 BHA 05055424 One Indian girl / Bhagat, Chetan, Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2016 9788129142146 | 8129142147 viii, 272 pages ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 BHA 04027270 One Indian girl / Bhagat, Chetan, Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2016 9788129142146 | 8129142147 viii, 272 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 BOX 05033028 Don DeLillo : Boxall, Peter. Routledge, 2006 0415309816 (hbk.) | 0203315421 xii, 252 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.54 BOY 00000196 Lueinda Brayford Boyd, Martin E p Duton pv UG Library
813.54 BRA 04026586 Fasrenheit 451 / Bradbury, Ray Simon and Schusters, 2012 9781451690316 158p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 BRI 00001041 Don`t Go Near the Water Brinkley, William Random House 369p UG Library
813.54 BRI 00000115 Jubilee Brick John, Garden City 320 UG Library
813.54 BRO 04021272 The lost symbol : Brown, Dan, Transworld Publishers, 2010 9780552161237 | 0385504225 (hb 1st ed. ; 509 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 BRO 04021270 Digital fortress / Brown, Dan, Transworld Publishers, 2009 9780552161251 | 0312335164 (re Rev ed. 371 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 BRO 03012196 Angels & demons / Brown, Dan, Atria Books, 2005 9780552161268 Special ill. ed., 1st Atria hardcover ed. 510 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 BRO 03012197 The Da Vinci Code / Brown, Dan Transworld Publisers, 2009 9780552161275 590p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 BRO 03012201 Deception point / Brown, Dan Corgi Books, 2001 9780552161244 585 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 BRO 03012199 Inferno : Brown, Dan Transworld Publishers, 2016 9780552172127 619p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 BRO 03012198 Digital fortress / Brown, Dan, Transworld Publishers, 2009 9780552161251 | 0312335164 (re Rev ed. 371 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 BRO 03012200 The lost symbol : Brown, Dan, Transworld Publishers, 2010 9780552161237 | 0385504225 (hb 1st ed. ; 509 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 BRO 04030279 The lost symbol : Brown, Dan, Transworld Publishers, 2010 9780552161237 | 0385504225 (hb 1st ed. ; 509 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 BRO 04030278 The Da Vinci Code / Brown, Dan Transworld Publisers, 2009 9780552161275 590p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 BRO 00143267 Inferno Brown, Dan Corgi Books 2014 9780552174114 619p UG Library
813.54 BRO 00143266 Deception Point Brown, Dan Corgi Books 2020 9780552171366 585p UG Library
813.54 BRO 07005575 Deception Point / Brown Dan Corgi Books, 2009 9780552159722 585p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 BRO 05046280 Angels & demons / Brown, Dan, Atria Books, 2005 9780552161268 Special ill. ed., 1st Atria hardcover ed. 510 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.54 BRO 05046286 Deception point / Brown, Dan Corgi Books, 2001 9780552161244 585 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.54 BRO 05046287 Digital fortress / Brown, Dan, Transworld Publishers, 2009 9780552161251 | 0312335164 (re Rev ed. 371 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 BRO 05046292 Inferno / Brown, Dan Transworld Publishers, 2013 9780552169592 619p. : Knowledge Centre
813.54 BRO 07015424 Digital fortress / Brown, Dan, Transworld Publishers, 2009 9780552161251 | 0312335164 (re Rev ed. 371 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.54 BRO 05046305 The lost symbol : Brown, Dan, Transworld Publishers, 2010 9780552161237 | 0385504225 (hb 1st ed. ; 509 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.54 BRO 10002289 Deception point / Brown, Dan Corgi Books, 2001 9780552161244 585 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.54 BRO 04022297 Angels & demons / Brown, Dan, Atria Books, 2005 9780552161268 Special ill. ed., 1st Atria hardcover ed. 510 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 BRO 07010484 The Da Vinci Code / Brown, Dan Transworld Publisers, 2009 9780552161275 590p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.54 BRO 07010486 The lost symbol : Brown, Dan, Transworld Publishers, 2010 9780552161237 | 0385504225 (hb 1st ed. ; 509 p. : Library - BR Campus
813.54 BRO 04022307 Deception point / Brown, Dan Corgi Books, 2001 9780552161244 585 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 BRO 00000208 Mr.Smith Bromfield, Louis Haprer 278 UG Library
813.54 BRO 04020857 Inferno / Brown, Dan Transworld Publishers, 2013 9780552169592 619p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 BRO 04021271 Inferno / Brown, Dan Transworld Publishers, 2013 9780552169592 619p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 BRU 00000084 World the Flesh and Father Smith Bruce Marshall, Houghton 191 p UG Library
813.54 BUK 07010907 Hollywood / Bukowski, Charles Black Sparrow Press, 1994 9780876857632 239p.; Library - BR Campus
813.54 BUK 07010906 Pulp Bukowski, Charles Virgin Publication, 2009 9780753518175 174p.; Library - BR Campus
813.54 BUR 07010871 Naked lunch / Twentieth Century Fox, | First Independent Films, | Alliance Releasing, 1991 11 reels of 11 on 6 (ca. 10350 ft.) : Library - BR Campus
813.54 BUR 00000068 Pillar of Cloud Burgess, Jackson Putnam`s 250 p UG Library
813.54 BUR 00000092 Ninth Wave Burdich, Eugene Houghtion Mifilin pv UG Library
813.54 CAL 00000217 Sure Hand of God Caldwell, Ershine Pierce pv UG Library
813.54 CAR 05033946 The lives of Norman Mailer : Rollyson, Carl E. Paragon House, 1991 1557781931 : 1st American ed. xxii, 425 p., [8] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
813.54 CAT 00000027 Climb a Lefty Ladden Catten, Madras 128 p UG Library
813.54 CHA 00000243 Flight into Yesterday Charles, Harness L Bouregy 256 p UG Library
813.54 CHA 04017053 Red Earth and Pouring Rain / Chandra, Vikram Penguine, 1995 9780143417989 669p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 CHA 07005587 Red Earth and Pouring Rain / Chandra Vikram Penguin Books, 2001 9780140246124 669p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 CHA 07007297 Red Earth and Pouring Rain / Chandra, Vikram Penguine, 1995 9780143417989 669p. : Library - BR Campus
813.54 CHA 03006022 Keeping The Faith: Chatterjee, Somnath Collins Business, 2010 9788172239251 397 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 CHA 07010902 Tales of ordinary madness Bukowski, Charles Virgin Publication, 2009 9780753513873 224p.; Library - BR Campus
813.54 CHB 07010694 The Perks of Being a Wallflower / Chbosky, Stephen Gallery Books, 2012 9781451696196 213p. : Library - BR Campus
813.54 CHB 07010695 The Perks of Being a Wallflower / Chbosky, Stephen Gallery Books, 2012 9781451696196 213p. : Library - BR Campus
813.54 CHB 04026218 The Perks of Being a Wallflower / Chbosky, Stephen Gallery Books, 2012 9781451696196 213p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 CHE 00001057 Amazing Adventures of fr Brown Chesterton, G K Dell UG Library
813.54 CHI 00143257 Die Trying Child, Lee Bantom Books 2010 9780857500052 556p UG Library
813.54 CHI 10004072 Bad luck and trouble / Child, Lee. Penguin, 2007 9781804991602 517 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.54 CHI 00140287 Blue Moon Child,Lee Bantam Press 2019 9781787630277 373p UG Library
813.54 CHI 07005583 Without fail / Child, Lee Transworld Publishers, 2011 9780857500090 555p. Library - BR Campus
813.54 CHI 10004375 No Plan B / Child, Lee Penguin Random House, 2023 9780552177542 432 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.54 CHI 05074863 Bad luck and trouble / Child, Lee. Penguin, 2007 9781804991602 517 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 CHI 00143258 Tripwire Child, Lee Bantam Books 2000 9780857500069 540p UG Library
813.54 CHI 07005552 Without fail / Child, Lee Transworld Publishers, 2011 9780857500090 555p. Library - BR Campus
813.54 CHO 00127565 Jesus Chopra, Deepak Harper Collins 2008 9788172237776 273 UG Library
813.54 CHR 04016993 A Caribbean Mystry / Christie, Agatha Happers, 1964 9780007299614 287p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 CIX 05006411 Hemlock : Cixous, Hélène, Polity Press, 2011 0745648673 | 9780745648682 (pb English ed. v, 185 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 COL 00001055 Highway Hotters Collins, Zan New Stand pv UG Library
813.54 CON 05045853 The Lizard Cage / Connelly Karen Spiegel & Grau, 2008 9780385525039 442p.: Knowledge Centre
813.54 COO 03006493 Contagion / Cook, Robin PAN Books, 1995 9780330347556 529 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 COO 04026199 Host / Cook, Robin Pan MacMilan, 2016 9781509800728 406p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 COO 01016249 Mortal fear / Cook, Robin, Pan Books, 1988 0399133186 : | 9780330307604 364 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 COO 04026712 Fever / Cook, Robin Pan McMillan Ltd, 1984 9780330269162 303p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 COO 04026718 Crisis / Cook, Robin Pan McMillan, 2011 9780330445528 352p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 COO 04026722 Nano / Cook, Robin Pan McMillan Ltd, 2012 9781447251224 | 9780230768932 436p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 COO 04026711 COMA / Cook, Robin Pan Books, 2014 9780330254106 332p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 COO 01016240 Harmful Intent / Cook, Robin, Pan Books, 1990 0399134816 : | 9780330316194 400 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 COO 04026707 Brain / Cook, Robin Pan Books, 2006 9780330264273 234p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 COO 04026724 Host / Cook, Robin Pan MacMilan, 2016 9781509800728 406p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 COO 04026721 Death Benefit / Cook, Robin Pan Books, 2012 9780330523899 496p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 COO 04026723 CELL / Cook, Robin Pan Books, 2014 9781447270294 402p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 COO 04026706 Shock / Cook, Robin Pan Books, 2002 9780330483056 404p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 COO 04026714 Blindsight / Cook,Robin. Pan Books, 1992 9780330327411 428 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 COO 04026716 Marker / Cook, Robin Pan Books, 2011 0330483072 | 9780330483070 598p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 COO 04026709 Abduction / Cook, Robin Pan Books, 2015 0330369008 | 9780330369008 409p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 COO 04026708 Harmful Intent / Cook, Robin, Pan Books, 1990 0399134816 : | 9780330316194 400 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 COO 04026704 Fatal Cure / Cook, Robin Pan Books, 1994 9780330337021 447p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 COO 04026713 Mutation / Cook, Robin Pan Books, 1989 9780330309783 367p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 COO 05047951 A night at the movies, or, You must remember this : Coover, Robert. Linden Press/Simon & Schuster, 1987 0671617966 : 187 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 COO 03013730 Nano / Cook, Robin Pan McMillan Ltd, 2012 9781447251224 | 9780230768932 436p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 COS 00001044 Darkeness and the Dawn Costain, Omas B Double Day pv UG Library
813.54 COX 04012110 Decoding the Lost symbol : Cox, Simon, Simon & Schuster, 2009 9780743287272 (pbk.) | 9781439 1st Touchstone trade pbk. ed. xv, 233 p., [8] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 COZ 00000070 By Love Possesed Cozzens, James Gould Harcourt UG Library
813.54 CRI 05046741 Timeline / Crichton Michael arrow books, 2006 9780099244721 496p.: Knowledge Centre
813.54 CRI 07013283 Next/ Crichton, Michael/ Thomson Press, 2006 9780007248995 431 p;. Library - BR Campus
813.54 CRI 04026596 Congo / Crichton, Michael Arrow Books, 1995 9780099544319 370p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 CRO 05064966 Jayber crow / Berry, Wendell. Counterpoint, 2000 9781582431604 363 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 CUR 00000164 So Far from Spring Curry Simson, Peggy VIKAS 341p UG Library
813.54 CUS 00090548 Medusa Cussler, Clive Penguin 9780718154691 545p UG Library
813.54 CUS 05046718 white Death / Cussler Clives Penguin Books, 2003 9780140297379 508p.: Knowledge Centre
813.54 DAI 05041942 The Black Hill / Dai Mamang Aleph Book Company, 2014 9789382277231 x,296p.: Knowledge Centre
813.54 DAN 05038412 House of Leaves / Danielewski Mark.Z Pantheon Books, 2000 9780375703768 xxiii,709p.: Knowledge Centre
813.54 DAV 00000082 Winds of Morning Davis, H L Mcleod 344p UG Library
813.54 DAW 00102401 Family values / Dawesar, Abha. Penguin Books, 9780143065951 296 p. ; UG Library
813.54 DEC 00000040 Think Base Bookie Decker, Duane William 167 p UG Library
813.54 DEM 05011319 Kaye Gibbons : DeMarr, Mary Jean, Greenwood Press, 2003 0313319332 (alk. paper) xi, 156 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 DEO 05067529 Sahir : Deol, Surinder. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780199499052 xxix, 276p.; Knowledge Centre
813.54 DES 00001048 Destree , Morrow 600p UG Library
813.54 DES 04017062 The Inheritance of Loss / Desai, Kiran Penguine, 2012 9780143417903 324p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 DES 07007308 The Inheritance of Loss / Desai, Kiran Penguine, 2012 9780143417903 324p. : Library - BR Campus
813.54 DID 03006050 The year of magical thinking / Didion, Joan. Vintage International, 2007 9781400078431 (pbk.) 1st Vintage International ed. 227 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 DIP 00000182 Breaking Point Diphne, Dumanrier Garden City 309 UG Library
813.54 DIV 04023949 One Amazing Thing / Divakaruni, Chitra Benerjee Peguine, 2010 9780143416555 209p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 DIV 04023948 Oleander Girl / Divakruni, Chitra Banerjee penguine, 2013 9780143422495 268p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 DIV 00140297 The Palace of Illusions Divakaruni,Chitra Banerjee Picador India 2018 9789386215963 360p UG Library
813.54 DON 00001120 Bobc Donglas, Jloyd C Pocket Books UG Library
813.54 DUN 04015781 The way we lived then : recollections of a well-known name dropper / Dunne, Dominick. Crown, 1999 9780609603888 1st ed. 218 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 DUN 00000116 My Friend Muriel Jane, Duncan Mc Millan 287 p UG Library
813.54 ELA 07012414 Perhaps Tomarrow : Elayatham Pooranam Speaking Tiger, 2017 9788193314166 ix,244p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 ELI 00000086 Doctor Disagrees Elizabrth Seifert, Dodd 278 p UG Library
813.54 ELI 00000155 Before the Sun Goes Down Elizabeth Metzger Howard, Doubleday 350 p UG Library
813.54 ELL 00147044 American Psycho / Ellis, Bret Easton. Picador, 1991 9781529077155 xiii, 386p. ; UG Library
813.54 ELL 10002329 American Psycho / Ellis, Bret Easton. Picador, 1991 9781529077155 xiii, 386p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.54 ERD 10002662 The sentence/ Erdrich, Louise, Little brown book group, 2021 9781472157010 First edition. 386 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.54 FAI 00000049 Crows Rant Count Fair, A A Doubscedy Co UG Library
813.54 FAI 07007807 Another chance / Faiyaz, Ahmed 9788187330431 217p. Library - BR Campus
813.54 FAN 00001205 Oh Henry American Scenes Fanlkner, William Balan UG Library
813.54 FER 00000187 Great Son Ferber, Eidna Double Day UG Library
813.54 FES 05069897 Safe houses / Fesperman, Dan. Head of Zeus Ltd, 2018 9781788547888 617p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 FEU 00000167 Proud Desting Feuchtwanger, Lion Viking 625p UG Library
813.54 FIC 00001138 Business Administration Courses St Josephs College Bangalore , UG Library
813.54 FIC 00001139 Indian Treaty Manual Samuel, C M 1966 1 UG Library
813.54 FIE 00001137 Time out of Mind Field Racjel, Macmillan Co. 1947 461 UG Library
813.54 FLO 00001102 Syoming Gun Law Floren, Lee Lancer Books UG Library
813.54 FLY 04026242 The Third Option / Vince Flynn Simon & Schuster, 2011 9781849835619 498p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 FLY 04026214 Memorial Day / Flynn, Vince Simon & Schuster, 2011 9781849835817 538p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 FLY 04026223 Separation of Power / Flynn, Vince Simon & Schuster, 2011 9781849835633 436p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 FOL 05040874 Edge of Eternity / Follett Ken Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2014 9781447281993 xi,1000p.: Knowledge Centre
813.54 FOR 00000497 Sky and the Forest Forester, C S Little Brown and Co 313 p UG Library
813.54 FOR 00000043 Sky and the Forest Forester Brown 1948 313 p UG Library
813.54 FOR 00000174 Sky and the Forest Forester Brown 1948 313 p UG Library
813.54 FRA 03006058 Freedom: Franzen, Jonathan Fourth Estate, 2010 9780007318520 562p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 FRA 00001046 Crime for Two Frances, Lippincott 255 p UG Library
813.54 FRA 05058941 Nautanki Diaries / Franks, Dominic. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9788129150745 xxviii, 244p. Knowledge Centre
813.54 FRA 00000057 Chess Players Francisb Parkinson, Keys UG Library
813.54 FRA 00000060 Treasure of Pleasant Village Frank, Yerlay pv UG Library
813.54 FRA 05042864 Nabokov's theatrical imagination / Frank, Sigrun. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107479791 x, 217 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.54 FRA 00000227 Royal Box Frances Parkinson, Keys Julian Mesner Inc 367 UG Library
813.54 GAI 07014563 Anansi boys / Gaiman, Neil Headline Publication, 2013 9780755305094 457p.; Library - BR Campus
813.54 GAN 00000032 Soldier of Fortune Esanest Gann K 2007 266 p UG Library
813.54 GEO 00000118 Fire George Stewart, R Random 336 p UG Library
813.54 GEO 00000184 My Life My Time George, Camden Doubleday 255 p UG Library
813.54 GEO 00000186 Blood in the Royal George, Bagbe Doubleday 220 p UG Library
813.54 GHO 05045688 No Regrets / D.N.Ghosh Rupa Publications India Pvt.Ltd, 2015 9788129137104 375p.: Knowledge Centre
813.54 GHO 07006379 No Regrets / D.N.Ghosh Rupa Publications India Pvt.Ltd, 2015 9788129137104 375p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 GHO 07006645 Anil's Ghost/ Ondaatje,Michael Vintage Books, 2011 9780099554455 307 pages,: Library - BR Campus
813.54 GIR 00098939 Neuromancer Gibson, William, Ace Books, 1984 0441569595 | 9780441569595 271 p. ; UG Library
813.54 GOD 00000137 King-fishers Catch Fire Godden, Rumer Vikas 1953 282 p UG Library
813.54 GOE 00000221 Gie Us Our Dream Goertz Arthemise, Mc Graw Hill 300 UG Library
813.54 GOU 00000237 Pilgrim`s Summer Goudge, Elizabeth Cowardd 346 UG Library
813.54 GRI 07015487 The Firm / Grisham, John. Penguin Random House, 1991 9781784756970 x, 490 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.54 GRI 00143392 The Judge's List Grisham, John Hodder & Stoughton, 2022 9781529342413 373p UG Library
813.54 GRI 07005576 The King of Torts : Grisham, John. Arrow Books , 2003 9780099416173 490 p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 GRI 05043771 The last juror / Grisham, John. Doubleday : 2004 0385510438 1st ed. 355 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 GRI 10002642 Time for Mercy / Grisham, John. Hodder & Stoughton Ltd, 2020 9781529349917 580p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.54 GRI 03010747 The King of Torts : Grisham, John. Arrow Books , 2003 9780099416173 490 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 GRI 00140352 A Time for Mercy Grisham,John Hodder & Stoughton 2020 9781529342338 464p UG Library
813.54 GRI 05046510 Skipping Christmas / Grisham John Blind Person's Association, 2013 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
813.54 GRI 05046511 Skipping Christmas / Grisham John Blind Person's Association, 2013 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
813.54 GUL 00001054 Drum Calls West Gulick, Bull Paper Book pv UG Library
813.54 GUP 07004582 Founts of Knowledge Gupta, Abhijit Orient Blackswan Private Limited, 2016 9788125060536 366 p:. Library - BR Campus
813.54 GUP 07002409 Jim Corbett The Hunter-Conservationist / Gupta Reeta Dutta Rupa.Co, 2006 9788129108937 87p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 GUY 00000037 Ring of Paris Guy, Endore Simon 504 p UG Library
813.54 HAI 05032536 Overload / Hailey Arthur Rupa Publications India Pvt,Ltd, 2005 9798129108059 539p.: Knowledge Centre
813.54 HAI 05032519 Hotel / Hailey Arthur Rupa Publications India Pvt,Ltd, 2012 9798129108004 412p.: Knowledge Centre
813.54 HAL 00000071 Victory of Pual Kent Hale, Garth Dutton 316p UG Library
813.54 HAM 00000041 Week of the Mary Dear Hammond Innes, ALFRED 275 UG Library
813.54 HAM 00000181 View from Pumpys Head Hamilton, Basso Doubleday 409 p UG Library
813.54 HAN 04028981 The Great Alone / Hannah, Kristin Macmillan, 2018 9781447286004 440p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 HAR 05038410 The Silence of the Lambs / Harris Thomas St.Martin's Paperbacks, 1988 367p.: Knowledge Centre
813.54 HAR 04012071 Pompeii / Harris, Robert Random House, 2003 9780812974614 274 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 HAR 00000148 Bride of Fortune Harnett Kane, T Doubleday 302 p UG Library
813.54 HEL 07006651 Catch-22 / Heller, Joseph 9780099536017 569.00 Library - BR Campus
813.54 HEL 00000114 Dark Sails Helen Topping, Miller Dunlap 256 p UG Library
813.54 HEL 05070356 Picture This / Heller, Joseph. Picador, 1989 9780330308885 352p.; Knowledge Centre
813.54 HEL 04012103 Catch-22 / Heller, Joseph. Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 2011 9781451621174 | 1451621175 | 9 50th Anniversary ed. ; Simon & Schuster trade pbk. ed. 523 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 HEM 00000106 Living Forest Heming Arthur Sun Dail 1925 268 p UG Library
813.54 HER 00000062 War Lover Herbey, John Gresect pv UG Library
813.54 HER 07008491 Dune / Herbert, Frank Hodder Publication, 1966 9780340960196 x,556p. Library - BR Campus
813.54 HIG 10004147 The talented Mr. Ripley / Highsmith, Patricia, Vintage, 1983 9781529940886 258 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.54 HIG 05074943 The talented Mr. Ripley / Highsmith, Patricia, Vintage, 1983 9781529940886 258 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 HIL 03006973 Good as gold /​ Hill, Napoleon, jaico book 2010 9788184951868 242p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 HIL 00000063 Time and Time Again Hilton, James Macmillan UG Library
813.54 HIL 00000083 Nothing Sostrane Hilton James, Little 308 UG Library
813.54 HIL 00000170 So Well Remembered Hilton James Brown 1946 281 p UG Library
813.54 HOO 05041708 The Obituary Writer Hood Ann W.W. Norton & Company, 2013 9780393346770 292 p.: Knowledge Centre
813.54 HOW 00000096 Success Howe, Helen Simon 360 p UG Library
813.54 HOW 00000140 Durable Fire Howard Swiggett Houghton 1957 370 p UG Library
813.54 ISA 00000042 Golden Moment Isabella, Holt Wolff 309 p UG Library
813.54 JOH 00000165 Wayward Press John, Steinbeck Viking 312 p UG Library
813.54 JOH 00000474 Point of No Return John Marquand, P Mcclelland 600 p UG Library
813.54 JOR 04019002 CrossRoads of Twilight : Jordan, Robert Orbit, 2003 9781841491400 700p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 JOR 04022306 A memory of light / Jordan, Robert, Orbit, 2012 9781841498713 1st ed. 1005 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 JOS 00000117 Desperate Hours Joseph, Hayes Random 250 p UG Library
813.54 JOY 00102459 Moder classic Selected short Stories; Joyce James Srishti; 9788187075141 284 p. UG Library
813.54 KAL 10002367 Wings of Fire : Kalam, A P J Abdul. Universities Press (India) Private Limited, 2021 9788173711466 180p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.54 KAL 05040888 Wings of Fire: An Autobiography Kalam, A P J Abdul Universities Press 9788173711466 180 p Knowledge Centre
813.54 KAL 10001253 Wings of Fire : Kalam, A P J Abdul. Universities Press (India) Private Limited, 2021 9788173711466 180p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.54 KAL 04022852 Wings of Fire: An Autobiography Kalam, A P J Abdul Universities Press 9788173711466 180 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 KAR 00000142 Stephania Karmel, Flora Houghton 1967 345 p UG Library
813.54 KEN 00000180 Lydia Baily Kenneth, Roberts Doubleday 488 p UG Library
813.54 KER 04026581 On the Road / Kerouac Jack Penguin Biiks, 2015 9780141182674 xxviii,280 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 KER 07010878 On the road / Houbart, Jacques Penguin Book Publication, 2007 9780141189215 401p.; Library - BR Campus
813.54 KER 07007812 On the Road / Kerouac Jack Penguin Biiks, 2015 9780141182674 xxviii,280 p. : Library - BR Campus
813.54 KEY 00000304 Come a Cavalier Keyes Frances Parkinson, Julian 434 UG Library
813.54 KEY 00000228 Came a Cowalier Keyes, Frances Parkinson Julian 600 p UG Library
813.54 KHA 07005936 Wanting Mor/ Khan,Rukhsana. Dukbill Books, 2013 9788192594897 199 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
813.54 KIN 07015035 A Small Place / Kincaid Jamaica Farrar,Straus and Giroux, 2000 9780374527075 81p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 KIN 07006650 Carrie : King Stephen Hodder, 2011 9781444720693 xviii,248p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 KIN 00143276 11.22.63 King, Stephen Hodder & Stoughton, 2012 9781444727333 740p UG Library
813.54 KIN 05046756 Carrie : King Stephen Hodder, 2011 9781444720693 xviii,248p.: Knowledge Centre
813.54 KIN 05067103 The outsider / King, Stephen, Hodder & Stoughton, 2018 9781473676350 First Scribner hardcover edition. 475 pages ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 KIN 04030282 The Shining / King, Stephen Hodder, 2011 9781444720723 497p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 KIN 07006657 The drawing of the three / King, Stephen Hoodder Publication, 1997 9781444723458 xi,455p. Library - BR Campus
813.54 KIN 07006998 Different Sesons / King Stephen Hodder, 2012 9781444723601 679p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 KIN 04030283 'Salem's Lot / King, Stephen Hodder, 2005 9781399713764 751p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 KIN 07006668 On wrinting / King, Stephen Hooder Publication, 2012 9781444723250 xvii,351p. Library - BR Campus
813.54 KIN 07007277 The Dark Tower The Drawing of the Three / King Stephen New English Library, 2003 9780340829769 xvi,455p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 KIN 07007010 King Stephen King Mr Mercedes / King Stephen Hodder & Stoughton, 2014 9781444788655 391p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 KIN 07006676 The dark half / King, Stephen Hooder Publication, 2011 9781444708158 viii,173p. Library - BR Campus
813.54 KIN 07006996 Cujo / King Stephen Hodder & Stoughton, 2011 9781444708127 420p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 KIN 07014545 Stephen King The Institute / King Stephen Hodder & Stoughton, 2019 9781529355390 485p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 KIN 07006652 Cell / King, Stephen Hodder Publication, 2011 9781444707823 473p. Library - BR Campus
813.54 KIN 07007014 Revival / King Stephen Hodder, 2014 9781444789225 390p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 KIN 07006654 Christine / King, Stephen Hodder Publication, 2011 9781444720709 741p. Library - BR Campus
813.54 KIN 07007003 Full Dark,No Stars / King Stephen Hodder, 2011 9781444712568 453p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 KIN 07006997 The Gunslinger The Dark Tower / King Stephen Hodder, 2003 9781444723441 xxvii,238p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 KIN 10002358 Pet sematary / King, Stephen. Hodder & Stoughton Ltd, 1983 9781529378313 xiv, 465p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.54 KIN 04026597 The Stand / King, Stephen Hodder Headline, 2008 9781444720730 1325p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 KNI 00000048 Dynarty Knickerbocker Charles H Doubleday 1962 416 p UG Library
813.54 KNU 00000197 With Cradle and Clock Knud, Stowman Harcourt & Row 292 p UG Library
813.54 KOR 04030292 The Plot / Korelitz, Jean Hanff Bloombury, 2021 9780571368099 322p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 KRU 00000064 Spectacle Kruger, Rayne Mamillan 10:00 PM UG Library
813.54 LAH 05072106 In other words / Lahiri,Jhumpa. Penguin Books, 2017 9780143428855 xvi,203p.; Knowledge Centre
813.54 LAH 07005664 Unaccustomed Earth. Lahiri, Jhumpa. A.A. Knopf, 2008 9780307265739 1st North American ed. 333 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.54 LAH 07011541 Interpreter of Maladies: Lahiri,Jhumpa Harpercollins publishing; 1999 9788172235024 197 p. Library - BR Campus
813.54 LAH 04023944 Interpreter of Maladies: Lahiri,Jhumpa Harpercollins publishing; 1999 9788172235024 197 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 LAH 07015040 In other words / Lahiri,Jhumpa. Penguin Books, 2017 9780143428855 xvi,203p.; Library - BR Campus
813.54 LAH 00143417 The Lowland Lahiri, Jhumpa Penguin Books 2014 9788184005752 415p UG Library
813.54 LAH 07013277 The namesake / Jhumpa Lahiri/ HarperCollins Publishers India, 2003 291p;. Library - BR Campus
813.54 LAH 00143414 Interpreter of Maladies: Lahiri,Jhumpa Harpercollins publishing; 1999 9788172235024 197 p. UG Library
813.54 LAH 00117465 Edge of Apocalypse / LaHaye, Tim F. Zondervan, 2010 9780310326281 (hc) | 031032628 423 p. ; UG Library
813.54 LAH 05054613 In other words / Lahiri,Jhumpa. Penguin Books, 2017 9780143428855 xvi,203p.; Knowledge Centre
813.54 LE 07015074 The Left Hand of Darkness / Le Guin Ursula.K great Britain, 2017 9781473221628 xvii,304p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 LEE 07005650 To kill a mockingbird Lee, Harper Penguin Random House Publication, 2015 0099419785 309p Library - BR Campus
813.54 LEE 07006350 To kill a mockingbird Lee, Harper Vintage Publication, 2015 9781784870799 485p. Library - BR Campus
813.54 LEE 07006707 To kill a mockingbird Lee, Harper Vintage Publication, 2015 9781784870799 485p. Library - BR Campus
813.54 LEE 07010613 Go set a watchman/ Lee,Harper Arrow books, 2015 9781784752460 278 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
813.54 LEE 05038592 Never go back : Lee,Child. Bantam Books, 2013 9780553825541 519p.; Knowledge Centre
813.54 LEE 04026585 To Kill a Mockkingbird / Lee, Happer Arrow Books, 2016 9780099549482 309p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 LEG 00000828 Crown Tree Legette Blythe, John 330 p UG Library
813.54 LEV 05038753 Anatomy of a short story : Continuum, 2012 9781441142634 (pbk. : alk. pap xviii, 410 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.54 LI 05047050 Toni Morrison : Li, Stephanie, Greenwood Press, 2010 9780313378393 (alk. paper) | 0 xx, 160 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.54 LUD 05010329 The Tristan Betrayal / Ludlum Robert St.Martin's Paperbacks / 2003 0312990685 519 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.54 LUD 07010466 Jason Bourne Enigma/ Ludlum,Robert Head Zeus, 2016 9781784979485 420 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
813.54 LUK 05005576 The Dark Shadow : Lukas, Berin Department of Scoiology, 2011 9788184655148 98 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.54 LUK 00107391 The Dark Shadow : Lukas, Berin Department of Scoiology, 2011 9788184655148 98 p. : UG Library
813.54 LUS 03012139 How to Speak with Confidence in Public / Lush, Edie Macmillan, 2016 9781509814534 150p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 LUS 05062194 How to Speak with Confidence in Public / Lush, Edie Macmillan, 2016 9781509814534 150p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 MAC 00000066 Two Solitudes Maclennan, Hugh Coles 375 p UG Library
813.54 MAL 07007321 The Canyon of Souls / Malfi Ronald Silverfish, 2011 9789381626030 303p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 MAN 00000162 Feast Mangaret, Kennady Binheart.Co pv UG Library
813.54 MAN 00000219 Sort of a Saga Manldin, Bill William UG Library
813.54 MAR 05073518 A Game of Thrones : Martin, George R.R. Harper Voyager, 2011 9780007448036 801p, ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 MAR 07008546 A storm of swords: I: Steel and snow / Martin, George R. R. Harper Publication, 2014 9780345543974 (pbk.) Bantam Books trade paperback movie tie-in edition. 623 pages. : Library - BR Campus
813.54 MAR 05073519 A Clash of Kings : Martin, George R.R. Harper Voyager, 2011 9780007447831 913p, ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 MAR 07008547 A clash of kings / Martin, George R. R. Bantam Books, 2012 9780345535412 (pbk.) Bantam Books trade pbk. tie-in ed. 913 p. : Library - BR Campus
813.54 MAR 05073520 A Feast For Crows : Martin, George R.R. Harper Voyager, 2011 9780007447862 852p, ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 MAR 07008548 A game of thrones / Martin, George R R Harper Publication, 2014 9780007548231 801p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 MAR 05073521 A Storm of Swords : Martin, George R.R. Harper Voyager, 2011 9780007447848 623p, ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 MAR 05073522 A Storm of Swords : Martin, George R.R. Harper Voyager, 2011 9780007447848 623p, ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 MAR 05073523 A Dance With Dragons : Martin, George R.R. Harper Voyager, 2011 9780007466061 690p, ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 MAR 05073524 A Dance With Dragons : Martin, George R.R. Harper Voyager, 2011 9780007466061 690p, ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 MAR 05028323 The Environmental Unconscious in the Fiction of Don DeLillo : Martucci Elise.A Routledge ; 2007 9780415803045 193 p. Knowledge Centre
813.54 MAR 04017061 Life of PI / Martel, Yann Penguine, 2001 9780143417897 319p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 MAR 05036802 The facts behind the Helsinki Roccamatios / Martel, Yann. Harcourt, 2004 0151010900 1st U.S. ed. xi, 208 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 MAR 07007508 Self/ Martel,Yann Faber and Faber, 1996 9780571219766 329 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
813.54 MAR 00000034 Anmic Fordan Mary, Brinker Post Doubleday 280 p UG Library
813.54 MAR 05033029 Paul Auster's postmodernity / Martin, Brendan. Routledge, 041596203X | 9780415962032 x, 238 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 MAR 04026176 Game of Thrones : Martin, George R R Happer Collis, 2015 9780007582235 852p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 MAR 00000136 Never Dies the Dream Margaret, Londen Doubleday 1949 309 p UG Library
813.54 MAR 00000173 Britania Maws Margery, Sharp Brown 378 UG Library
813.54 MAR 00000178 Point of No Return Marquand, John P Mcclelland 559 UG Library
813.54 MAR 07008542 A feast for crows / Martin, George R. R. Harper Publication, 2014 9780007548279 Bantam Books Trade Paperback movie tie-in edition. 753 pages : Library - BR Campus
813.54 MAR 07008543 A dance with dragons / Martin, George R. R. 9780007548293 Bantam Books movie tie-in trade paperback edition. 1033 pages : Library - BR Campus
813.54 MAR 04026178 Game of Thrones 3 A Storm of Swords : Martin, Georger R R Happer Collins, 2013 9780007483846 623p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 MAR 07008545 A storm of swords / Martin, George R. R. Harper Publication, 2014 9780007548262 Bantam Books trade paperback movie tie-in edition. 973 pages. : Library - BR Campus
813.54 MAR 04026173 Game of Thrones : 2 A Class of Kings / Martin, George R R Happer Collins, 2012 9780007465828 911p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 MAR 04026174 A Dance with Dragons : Martin, George R R HapperCollins, 2012 9780007466061 690p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 MAR 04026175 A Dance with Dragons : Martin, George R R HapperCollins, 2012 9780007466078 560p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 MAR 04028742 A game of thrones / Martin, George R R Harper Publication, 2014 9780007548231 801p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 MAR 00000229 Other People Mary King, O`Donnell Houghton 343 p UG Library
813.54 MAS 05062252 The Pledge : Masterson, Michael. wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2011 9788126550289 ix,214p.; Knowledge Centre
813.54 MAT 07009217 Stone Mattress/ Atwood,Margaret Bloomsbury, 2014 9781408857168 271 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
813.54 MAU 03005419 More than you know : Mauboussin, Michael Collins, 2008 9788172238025 xviii, 328p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 MAU 00000819 Sort of a Saga Bill Mauldin, John Wiley 301 p UG Library
813.54 MAU 00000209 Seventeenth Summer Maureen Daly DodMead 1963 255 p UG Library
813.54 MCC 07011754 No Country for Old Men / McCarthy Cormac Picador, 2005 9780330454537 305p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 MCC 10002420 The Road / Mccarthy, Cormac. Picador, 2006 9781035003792 xviii, 306p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.54 MEH 05037675 Face to Face / Mehta Ved Penguin Books, 1957 9780143420767 xii,314p.: Knowledge Centre
813.54 MIL 05070357 Paradise Lost / Milton, John. Macmillan Education Ltd, 1974 136p.; Knowledge Centre
813.54 MIT 00000172 Live With Lighting Mitchell, Wilson Little Brown and Co pv UG Library
813.54 MOR 07006693 Home / Morrison, Toni Vintage Book Publication. 2013 9780099555940 145p. Library - BR Campus
813.54 MOR 07006991 Beloved Reading Guide Edition / Morrison Toni Vintage Books, 2010 9780099540977 xiii,321p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 MOR 07007771 Paradise / Morrrison, Toni Vintage Publication, 1999 9780099768210 318p. Library - BR Campus
813.54 MOR 07011238 Song of Solomon Morrison, Toni Vintage Books 2004 9780099768418 337 p Library - BR Campus
813.54 MOR 07011239 Song of Solomon Morrison, Toni Vintage Books 2004 9780099768418 337 p Library - BR Campus
813.54 MOR 07011240 Song of Solomon Morrison, Toni Vintage Books 2004 9780099768418 337 p Library - BR Campus
813.54 MOR 07006706 The bluest eye / Morrison, Toni Vintage Book Publication, 1999 9780099759911 xi,211p. Library - BR Campus
813.54 MOW 00000035 Dog Who Would`nt Be Mowat, Farley Brown and Company 238 UG Library
813.54 MUN 07011540 Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage / Munro, Alice, Vintage,Books 2002 0099422743 | 9780099422747 323 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.54 MUN 07006696 Lying under the apple tree / Munro, Alice Vintage Book Publication, 2014 9780099593775 419p. Library - BR Campus
813.54 MUN 07010850 The beggar maid / Munro, Alice Vintage Books, 2004 9780099458357 193p.; Library - BR Campus
813.54 MUR 07014194 Empress of the Taj : Murari Timeri.N Speaking Tiger Publishing Pvt,Ltd, 2019 9789388874649 241p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 MUR 07012435 Full tilt / Murphy, Dervla Speaking Tiger Publication, 2018 9789387693166 233p.; Library - BR Campus
813.54 MUR 01010414 The journey abandoned : Trilling, Lionel, Columbia University Press, 9780231144506 (acidfree paper) lii,167 p.; Knowledge Centre
813.54 NAB 05001182 Transparent Things / Nabokov,VladimiR . Vintage Books, 1974 9780679725411 104 p. Knowledge Centre
813.54 NAM 05073573 Cherry Red, Cherry Black : Bloomsbury, 2022 9789356400337 ix, 205p, ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 NAR 00001043 Chains of Fear Narokov, N Henry 280 p UG Library
813.54 NIFF 00143259 The time traveler's wife / Niffenegger, Audrey. Vintage, 2005 015602943X (pbk.) | 9781784878290 x, 518 p. ; UG Library
813.54 NIV 00000089 Gentleman from California Niven, Busch Simon 256 p UG Library
813.54 NOR 00000039 Stars of Love Norma, Newcomb Aracadia 224 p UG Library
813.54 OAT 07012419 The Doll-Master and Other Tales of Terror / Oates Joyce Carol A Mysterious Press Book, 2016 9781784971038 317p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 OAT 10004541 Zero-Sum Stories/ by Joyce Carol Oates Oates, Joyce Carol [Author] 4th Estate, 2023 9780008609771 1st Ed. 251 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.54 OND 07010838 The english patient / Ondaatje, Michael Bloombury Publication, 1993 9780330349932 307p.; Library - BR Campus
813.54 PAL 07006697 Make something up/ Palahniuk, Chuck Vintage Book Publication, 2015 9780099587682 310p. Library - BR Campus
813.54 PAN 05044270 The Cursed / Panckridge Michael Black dog books, 2007 9781921167553 278p.: Knowledge Centre
813.54 PAN 05044343 The Immortal / Panckridge Michael Black dog Books, 2009 9781742030845 282p.: Knowledge Centre
813.54 PAR 00140334 Man and Boy Parsons,Tony Harper Collins Publishers India 2019 9780006512134 343p UG Library
813.54 PAT 05037672 Cross My Heart : Patterson James Century, 2013 9781780890142 419p.: Knowledge Centre
813.54 PAT 05037665 12th of Never / Patterson James Arrow Books, 2013 9780099574262 487p.: Knowledge Centre
813.54 PAT 05037678 Mistress / Patterson James Century, 2013 9781780890265 410p.: Knowledge Centre
813.54 PAT 07005562 Merry christmas, alex cross / Patterson, James Arrow Books Publication, 2013 9780099576457 iv,417p. Library - BR Campus
813.54 PAU 00000033 Distant Trumpet Paul, Horgan Samaja UG Library
813.54 PAU 00000212 Excelsior! Paul Hyde, Bonner CHARLES 279 p UG Library
813.54 PEA 07014161 A life of Philip K.Dick : Peake Anthony Arcturus, 2013 9781782122425 256p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 PHY 00000176 Londen Bridge Phyllis, Bottome Little Brown and Co 255 p UG Library
813.54 PIN 00000090 Three O`Clock Dinner Pinckney, Josephine Viking 296p UG Library
813.54 POS 03005563 Staying afloat when the water gets rough : Posen, David Jaico, 2011 232p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 PRA 10004728 The last dance of rationality : Prasad, Rohit Hachette book publishing india pvt ltd., 2023 9789357312752 xxiv, 328 pages Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.54 PUZ 07006672 The Sicilian Puzo, Mario Arrow Boos, 1984 9780099580799 410 p . : Library - BR Campus
813.54 PUZ 07006660 The Family Puzo, Mario Arrow Books Publication, 2009 9780099533269 418 p. : Library - BR Campus
813.54 PUZ 07006679 The Godfather Puzo, Mario Arrow Books Publication, 2009 9780099528128 595 p . : Library - BR Campus
813.54 PUZ 07000479 The Family Corleone Ed Falco / Puzo Mario William Heinemann, 2012 9780434020997 436p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 PYN 07008829 The Crying of lot 49/ Pynchon,Thomas Vintage Books, 1966 9780099532613 142 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
813.54 QUI 07015265 Ishmael / Quinn Daniel Bantam Books, 2017 9780553375404 xxxi,302p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 QUI 07015069 My Ishmael / Quinn Daniel Bantam Books, 1998 9780553379655 286p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 RAJ 07007847 A stranger in my own country : Raja, Khadim Hussain, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780195474411 131 p. : Library - BR Campus
813.54 RAN 07005509 Fountain Head Rand, Ayn Singret Books Library - BR Campus
813.54 RAU 00000087 Vinnie and the Flog Tree Rauch Thompson Mabel, Duell 149 UG Library
813.54 RAW 00000246 Sogourner Rawlings Kinnan, Marjorie Charles 1953 323 p UG Library
813.54 RIC 00000175 Bright Richard, Sherman 9780814408964 302p UG Library
813.54 RIO 04028560 Percy Jackson and The Battle of the Labyrinth / Riordan, Rick Puffin Books, 2013 9780141346830 341p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 RIO 04028563 Percy Jackson and The Titan's Curse / Riordan, Rick Puffin Books, 2008 9780141346816 293p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 RIO 04028561 Percy Jackson and The Lighting Thief / Riordan, Rick Puffin Books, 2010 9780141329994 374p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 RIO 04028562 Percy Jackson and The Sea Of Monsters / Riordan, Rick Puffin Books, 2013 9780141346847 264p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 RIO 04028564 Percy Jackson The Demigod Files / Riordan, Rick Puffin Books, 2010 9780141331461 170p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 ROA 00000185 Rainbow in the Royal Roark, Garland Doubleday 280 p UG Library
813.54 ROB 00000232 Tempest-Tost Robertson, Davies Copp Clark pv UG Library
813.54 ROB 04016990 Under Summer SKies / Roberts, Nora Sillhoustee, 1983 9780263889727 379p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 ROB 05073116 The Ministry for the future / Robinson, Kim Stanley. Orbit, 2020 9780356508863 563p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 ROB 04016987 Without a Trace / Roberts, Nora Silhouette, 1990 9780263887600 329p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 ROB 05044896 The MacKade brothers : Roberts,Nora. Harlequin Books, 2004 9780263867381 249p.; Knowledge Centre
813.54 Roc 05017378 Hunter or Hunted Rochlin,Dave India Private Ltd 2006 8131500217 306p. Knowledge Centre
813.54 ROL 05046713 The Doomsday Key / Rollins James Orion, 2010 9781409102939 477p.: Knowledge Centre
813.54 ROL 05009019 Stephen King : Rolls, Albert Greenwood Press, 2009 9780313345772 xiii, 191 p. Knowledge Centre
813.54 ROP 05046092 Nabokov in America : Roper, Robert. Roli Books, 2013 9780802743633 (hardback) 354 pages : Knowledge Centre
813.54 ROS 00000225 Sunny the New Camp Concular Rosenheim Lucile, G Julian 178 UG Library
813.54 ROT 05049240 The plot against America / Roth, Philip. Vintage, 2004 9780099478560 | LPNCZ004958543 391 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 ROY 05072532 The Shotgun Wedding / Roychowdhury, Suchandra. Aleph, 2022 9789391047214 xiii,193p,; Knowledge Centre
813.54 RUN 00000036 Hope of Earth Runbeack, Lee Margaret Mifflin 501 UG Library
813.54 RUS 05068833 The book of Indian Kings : Rushdie, Salman Aleph Book Company , 2020 9788194365709 120p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 SAC 07010083 Holes / Sachar Louis Bloomsbury, 2015 9781408865231 233p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 SAD 00000218 Forlorn Sunset Sadler, Michael Longman pv UG Library
813.54 SAE 00143345 Aristotle and Dante Drive into the Waters of the World Saenz, Benjamin Alire Simon & Schuster 2021 9781398505278 515p UG Library
813.54 SAL 07005453 The Catcher in the Rye / Salinger,J.D. Penguin, 1958 9780241950425 228p.; Library - BR Campus
813.54 SAL 04026571 The Catcher in The Rye / Salinger, J D Penguine books, 2015 9780241950425 228p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SCH 00000065 Wedding Train Scherf, Margaret Doubleday 382 UG Library
813.54 SCH 05066533 All the Roads are Open : Schwarzenbach,Annemarie. Seagullbooks, 2018 9780857426611 xviii,140p.; Knowledge Centre
813.54 SCH 07014771 All the Roads are Open : Schwarzenbach,Annemarie. Seagullbooks, 2018 9780857426611 xviii,140p.; Library - BR Campus
813.54 SCO 00000069 Story of Mrs Murphy Scott, Natakue Anderson E.P. Dutton Co UG Library
813.54 SCO 00000088 Story of Mrs Murphy Scott, Natalie Anderson Dutton 445 UG Library
813.54 SEG 04023957 Class Segal, Erich RHUS, 1988 0553270907 531p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SET 05074774 A Free Man / Sethi,Aman Penguin, 2011 9788184001341 223p.; Knowledge Centre
813.54 SHA 04022856 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 03009733 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 03009734 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 03009735 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 03009736 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 00097952 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: Sharma Rabin Kaveri Printers Pvt.Ltd 9788179926727 161p UG Library
813.54 SHA 03009737 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 03009738 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 03009739 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04019783 The Saint, The Surfer and The CEO : Sharma, Robin S. Hay House, 2003 9788190565554 xv, 221 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020642 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020643 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020644 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020645 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020646 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020647 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020648 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020649 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020650 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020651 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020652 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020653 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020654 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020655 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020656 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020657 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020658 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020659 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020660 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020661 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020668 The Secrete Letters : Sharma, Robin. Jaico, 2012 9788184952926 223 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020669 The Secrete Letters : Sharma, Robin. Jaico, 2012 9788184952926 223 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020670 The Secrete Letters : Sharma, Robin. Jaico, 2012 9788184952926 223 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 05033056 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.54 SHA 10002633 The Eagle's claw : Shaara, Jeff. Ballantine Books, 2021 9780525619468 xxiii, 321p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.54 SHA 04020751 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 05038301 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.54 SHA 04020752 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 05038302 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.54 SHA 04020753 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 05038303 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.54 SHA 04020754 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 05038304 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.54 SHA 04020755 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 05038305 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.54 SHA 04020756 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 05038306 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.54 SHA 04020757 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020758 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 07011755 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Library - BR Campus
813.54 SHA 04020759 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020760 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020761 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020762 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020763 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 03009442 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020764 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020765 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020766 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020767 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020768 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04020769 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 00000138 Pastrol Shate, Novil World Bank pv UG Library
813.54 SHA 00141645 The Secrete Letters : Sharma, Robin. Jaico, 2012 9788184952926 223 p. : UG Library
813.54 SHA 04022653 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrai : 10 Copies Sharma, Robin JAICO, 2014 9788179929827 v-1 198p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04022142 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04022143 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 04022144 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin S. Jaico Publishing House , 2003 0062515608 (cloth) | 9788179921623 | 0062515675 (pbk.) 1st ed. 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 03009727 The Saint, The Surfer and The CEO : Sharma, Robin S. Hay House, 2003 9788190565554 xv, 221 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 SHA 03009729 The Secrete Letters : Sharma, Robin. Jaico, 2012 9788184952926 223 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 SHE 04029388 The other side of midnight. Sheldon, Sidney Harpercollins publishers, 2013 9788172234935 viii,440p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHE 07012331 Nothing Lasts Forever / Sheldon Sidney HarperCollins Publishers, 2018 9788172234850 292p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 SHE 10002620 If tomorrow comes / Sheldon, Sidney Harper Publication, 2015 9788172234881 501p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.54 SHE 10002624 Nothing Lasts Forever / Sheldon Sidney HarperCollins Publishers, 2018 9788172234850 292p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.54 SHE 07014185 Jwala Kumar and the gift of fire : Shekhar, Hansda Sowvendra, Speaking Tiger Publishing Pvt.Ltd, 2018 9789387693975 121 pages : Library - BR Campus
813.54 SHE 07013797 Queen of the elements : Sheth,Vrinda Mandala Publishing, 2017 9781608876600 XV,297 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
813.54 SHE 07012234 Morning, Noon And Night Sheldon, Sydney Harpercollins Publishers 2017 9788172234843 375 Library - BR Campus
813.54 SHE 04023955 Tell Me Your Dreams / Sheldon, Sidney Happer Collins, 2014 9788172234904 341p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHE 04023958 The Stars Shine Down Sheldon, Sydney Harpercollins Publishers 1992 9788172234799 370 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SHE 07007355 Are you afraid of the dark? / Sheldon, Sidney Happer Publication, 2004 9780007199068 401p. Library - BR Campus
813.54 SHE 07007360 If tomorrow comes / Sheldon, Sidney Harper Publication, 2015 9788172234881 501p. Library - BR Campus
813.54 SHE 07007376 The Best Laid Plans Sheldon, Sydney Harpercollins Publishers 1997 9788172234928 343 Library - BR Campus
813.54 SHE 00000202 Jenkins Fiar Shepard Macmillan Co. 1951 475 p UG Library
813.54 SHE 00000203 Jenkins Fiar Shepard, Odell MACMILLAN and Co 460 p UG Library
813.54 SHE 04029390 Nothing Lasts Forever / Sheldon Sidney HarperCollins Publishers, 2018 9788172234850 292p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SIM 07009056 The 10 Commitments / Simon David Jaico Publishing House, 2012 9788179928363 xiii,191p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 SIN 07012010 Happiness Here and EveryWhere / Singh Just Win Viva Books, 2017 9788130930251 143p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 SIN 07012009 Happiness Always and in all Ways / Singh Just Win Viva Books, 2017 9788130920368 144p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 SIN 07012008 Happiness Now and Forever / Singh Just Win Viva books, 2017 9789386243737 144p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 SIN 04023953 Some One Like You / Singh, Nikita Penguine Books, 2012 9780143417699 250p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SIN 04029201 Happiness Now and Forever / Singh Just Win Viva books, 2017 9789386243737 144p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SIN 04029202 Happiness Always and in all Ways / Singh Just Win Viva Books, 2017 9788130920368 144p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SIN 07015481 Spark of the Divine / Singh Rajinder Sawan Kirpal Publications, 2023 188p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 SLA 05024844 J.D.Salinger A Life raised high / Slawenski Kenneth Tranqueber, 2010 9789381626313 423 p.: Knowledge Centre
813.54 SOL 00000028 Stories From An American Form Carden Soles H Pyramid Books 1960 265 p UG Library
813.54 SPA 04016988 The Last Song / Sparks, Nicholas Hachette, 2009 9780751543261 390p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 SPI 05047660 Michael Ondaatje / Spinks, Lee. Manchester University Press ; | Distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave, 2009 9780719066320 (hardback) | 0719066328 | 9780719066337 (pbk.) | 0719066336 (pbk.) | 9781847793478 (e-book) xvi, 280 p.; Knowledge Centre
813.54 STR 05068809 Olive, again / Strout, Elizabeth, Viking, 2019 9780812996548 289 pages ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 STR 05058917 My name is Lucy Barton : Strout, Elizabeth. Penguin. 2016 9780241248782 2016. Knowledge Centre
813.54 SUR 04019077 The Age of Shiva / Suri, Manil Bloomsbury, 1996 9780747592112 453p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 TAR 07007027 The Goldfinch Tartt Donna Abacus 2013 9780349139630 864 p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 TAR 07007029 The Little Friend / Tartt Donna Bloomsbury, 2005 9780747573647 555p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 TAR 10003805 The Secret History / Tartt Donna Penguin Books, 1992 9780140167771 628p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.54 TAR 07007083 The Secret History / Tartt Donna Penguin Books, 1992 9780140167771 628p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 TAS 05054573 Domino : Tasler, Nick Wiley, 2016 9788126561285 184p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 TAS 03012129 Domino : Tasler, Nick Wiley, 2016 9788126561285 184p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 TAY 00001047 Diplomatic Corpse Taylor Atwood, Atwood, Phebe Little 243 UG Library
813.54 THO 00000153 Dark Window Thomas Walsh, Doubleday 191 p UG Library
813.54 TIK 00132960 Humans on the run of exiles and asylum/ Tiku,Kumar M. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199484812 280 p. ; UG Library
813.54 TIK 07010294 After the Fall : Tikku Mohan.K Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199463503 xix,308p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 TIK 05046940 After the Fall : Tikku Mohan.K Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199463503 xix,308p.: Knowledge Centre
813.54 TIP 07012327 Satire as Inquiry : Tippisetti Suneeti Atlantic Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd, 2018 9788126926237 viii,259p.: Library - BR Campus
813.54 TUR 00000080 Grown of Glory Turnbull, Sligh Agnes Mifflin 403 UG Library
813.54 UPD 03008449 The Rabbit Novels / Updike, John. Ballantine Books, 2003 0345464567 (v. 1 : pbk.) | 978 1st ed. 2 v. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 UPD 03008407 The Rabbit Novels / Updike, John. Ballantine Books, 2003 0345464567 (v. 1 : pbk.) | 978 1st ed. 2 v. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 UPP 05062112 Switch : Uppaluri,Srinivas. Westland Publication Ltd, 2018 9789387578197 xvi,306p.; Knowledge Centre
813.54 UPP 03012968 Switch : Uppaluri,Srinivas. Westland Publication Ltd, 2018 9789387578197 xvi,306p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 UPT 00000166 Another Pamila Upton, Sinclair Viking 302 p UG Library
813.54 URI 03005545 Exodus / Uris,Leon. Bantam Books, 1958 9780553258479 599p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.54 VAI 07005925 Amma's Tales / Vaidyanathan,Hema Amma's Tales, 2011 9788190922913 30 Pages. Library - BR Campus
813.54 VAI 07005929 Amma's Tales / Vaidyanathan,Hema Amma's Tales, 2011 9788190922913 30 Pages. Library - BR Campus
813.54 VAI 07005928 Amma's Tales / Vaidyanathan,Hema Amma's Tales, 2011 9788190922913 30 Pages. Library - BR Campus
813.54 VAS 04024721 Tough Customer / Vasudevan, Vandana Westland, 2014 9789384030377 328p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 VON 07010849 Jailbird : a novel Vonnegut, Kurt Vintage Publication, 1992 9780099999003 246p.; Library - BR Campus
813.54 VON 07010901 Slaughterhouse-Five or The Children's Crusade / Vonnegut, Kurt Vintage Books, 2016 9780099800200 177p. : Library - BR Campus
813.54 VON 07011349 Slaughterhouse-Five or The Children's Crusade / Vonnegut, Kurt Vintage Books, 2016 9780099800200 177p. : Library - BR Campus
813.54 VON 07011350 Slaughterhouse-Five or The Children's Crusade / Vonnegut, Kurt Vintage Books, 2016 9780099800200 177p. : Library - BR Campus
813.54 VON 07011351 Slaughterhouse-Five or The Children's Crusade / Vonnegut, Kurt Vintage Books, 2016 9780099800200 177p. : Library - BR Campus
813.54 VON 04026570 Slaughterhouse-Five or The Children's Crusade / Vonnegut, Kurt Vintage Books, 2016 9780099800200 177p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 WAL 00142064 Meridian Walker,Alice Weidenfeld and Nicolson 2021 9781474622370 242p UG Library
813.54 WAL 00000038 Nicodemus Walworth, Dorothy Houghton 290 p UG Library
813.54 WAL 05048709 The color purple : Walker, Alice, Hachette U K Company, 1983 9781780228716 1st ed. xxi,261 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 WET 00000119 Borden Lord Weton, Jan Crown 464 UG Library
813.54 WHA 10002247 The age of innocence / Wharton, Edith, Peacock books, 2022 9781626860568 (pbk.) | 9788124802298 305p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.54 WHI 00000030 Lord Johnnie White, Leslie Turner Crown 308 p UG Library
813.54 WHI 00000168 Woman at the Window White, Nelia Garder VIKAS 350 p UG Library
813.54 WIL 00000067 Its a Free Country Williams, Ben Ames Houghton 130 p UG Library
813.54 WIL 00000686 Sound and the Furry William, Faulkner Modern 540 p UG Library
813.54 WIN 04026583 The God Father The Lost Years / Winegarder, Mark Arrow Books, 2005 9780099465478 656p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.54 WOL 05036745 The Book Of The New Sun : Wolfe Gene Millennium, 2000 9781857989779 597p.: Knowledge Centre
813.54 WOO 05068812 Red at the bone / Woodson, Jacqueline, Riverheads Books, 2019 9780525535270 | 0525535276 196 pages ; Knowledge Centre
813.54 WOR 00001045 White Oleander Wormsr Anne, Mc Millan 253 UG Library
813.54 WOR 00000100 Jones Girls Worley, Dorothy Avalon 1954 255 p UG Library
813.54 WOU 05058934 The winds of war : Wouk, Herman. Back Bay Books, 1971 9780316952668 885p.; Knowledge Centre
813.5409 ODO 05006467 The American novel now O'Donnell, Patrick, Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 9781405167550 (pbk.) | 9781405 xi, 234 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.5409 BIL 05028389 Introduction to Contemporary American Fiction / Bilton, Alan Edinburgh university press, 2002 0748613811 xii,256p.; Knowledge Centre
813.5409 BIL 05028325 Introduction to Contemporary American Fiction / Bilton, Alan Edinburgh university press, 2002 0748613811 xii,256p.; Knowledge Centre
813.5409 DIX 05047724 The contemporary American novel in context / Dix, Andrew, Continuum International Pub. Group, 2011 9780826419699 (hbk.) | 0826419 viii, 183 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.5409 GEY 05063722 The Cambridge companion to postmodern American fiction / Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107103443 (hardcover) | 9781107502772 (softcover) xviii, 221 pages ; Knowledge Centre
813.5409 GEY 07012485 The Cambridge companion to postmodern American fiction / Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107103443 (hardcover) | 9781107502772 (softcover) xviii, 221 pages ; Library - BR Campus
813.5409 THA 05047333 Jhumpa Lahiri / Thakkar,K.M. Cyber Tech, 2015 9789350534311 168p.; Knowledge Centre
813.54092 BAK 05073451 William S. Burroughs / Baker, Phil, Reaktion, 2010 9781861896636 (pbk.) | 1861896638 (pbk.) 224 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.5439873 MIT 00001734 Game With the Wind Mitechhell, Margaret Pocket Books 1968 1 UG Library
813.54AQI 00002460 Gullivers Travels Aqidr, Jonothan UG Library
813.54ATW 07006664 The handmaind,s tale / Atwood, Margaret Vintage Book Publication, 1996 9780099740919 324p. Library - BR Campus
813.54ATW 07006690 The handmaind,s tale / Atwood, Margaret Vintage Book Publication, 1996 9780099740919 324p. Library - BR Campus
813.54BRO 00071997 Da Vinci Code [dharmaram Library] Brown, Dan 0076792603 463 UG Library
813.54BUE 00004470 Good Earth Buek, Pearl S Pocket Books UG Library
813.54CAM 00009937 Lincoln Lords Cameron, Hawley Brown 556 UG Library
813.54DEF 00002444 Robinson Crusoe Defre, Daniel New Age International UG Library
813.54DIC 00002489 Tom Brown`s School Days Dickens, Charles UG Library
813.54EHR 00072315 Truth and Fiction in the Da Vinci Code: [ Dharmaram Library] Ehrman, D Bart 0195181409 208p UG Library
813.54EM 00002065 Death in the Afternoon Heminghway, Ernest Penguin UG Library
813.54FLE 00004487 Diamonds Are Forever Fleming, Jian UG Library
813.54GAR 00004471 Dubious Bribeg Gardner, Erle Stanley UG Library
813.54GAR1 00004472 Case of Teh Cave Takers Gardner, Erle Stanley Penguin UG Library
813.54GREE 00002439 Burnt Out Case Greene, Graham Boutam Books UG Library
813.54GREE1 00002440 21 Stories of Groham Grene Greene, Graham UG Library
813.54HAW 00002449 Scarlet Letter Hawthorne, Nathiniel UG Library
813.54JER 00002648 Three Men in a Boat Jerome, Jerome K J m Dent UG Library
813.54MATTJJG 00011204 Cue for Murder Matt Bryant, Vance UG Library
813.54MIH 00088008 Next 500 Stories Mihalic, Frank S V D Alpha Media 9788190654036 264p UG Library
813.54MIS 00081179 Fine Balance Mistry, Rohinton 0140003065 19p UG Library
813.54POE 00002482 Wound of the Baskerviler Aln Poe, Edgar UG Library
813.54RAN 00004754 Fountain Head Rand, Ayn Singret Books UG Library
813.54SCO 00002448 Waverly Scot, Walter New Age International UG Library
813.54SHA 00072013 Saint the Surfer and the Ceo [dharmaram Library] Sharma, Robin 1401900593 221 UG Library
813.54SHEL 00002476 Frankestein Shelley, Mary UG Library
813.54SPE1 00004218 Pocket Book of Sjhjort Stories Spease M, Edmwed Washington UG Library
813.54STEVENMJH 00002454 Treasure Island Robert Louis Stevenson, Blackie 224 p UG Library
813.54STON 00002466 Agony Ecstasy Stone, Irving UG Library
813.54TOL 00002457 In Civil Disobedience Non Violence Tolstoy, Leo UG Library
813.54WE1 00002446 Children of the Sun West Morris, Pan Books UG Library
813.54WEL 00002618 Modern Library Wells, H G Modern 397 UG Library
813.54WES 00002458 Shoes of the Fisher Man West, Morris Pan Books UG Library
813.54WEST 00002463 Big Story West, Morris UG Library
813.54WIL1 00002464 Picture of Dorian Gray Wilde, Oscar UG Library
813.6 ACI 05068804 Find me / Aciman, Andre Faber & Faber Limited, 2019 9780571356492 260p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 ATW 05068797 The testaments / Atwood, Margaret chatto & Windus, 2019 9781784742324 419p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 JAM 05068784 Black leopard red wolf / James, Marlon Hamish Hmilton, 2019 9780241315583 620p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 RAM 05068795 The farm : Ramos, Joanne Bloomsbury Publication, 2019 9781526615138 321p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 TRU 03002826 Angelology Trussoni, Danielle Penguin 9780718155599 451 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.6 WHI 05068793 The nickel boys / Whitehead, Colson Fleet, 2019 9780708899434 211p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 ADE 05060831 Children of blood and bone / Adeyemi, Tomi. Macmillan, 2018 9781250170972 (hardcover) First edition. 531p.; Knowledge Centre
813.6 AFS 05072981 Bread of angels / Afshar, Tessa. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 2017 9781496406477 xv, 398p.; Knowledge Centre
813.6 ALB 07007001 The Five People You Meet in Heaven / Albom Mitch Sphere, 2003 9780751536140 231p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 ALB 07007002 For One More Day / Albom, Mitch Brown Book Group: 2006 9780751537536 197 p. Library - BR Campus
813.6 ALB 07007006 Have a Little Faith : Albom, Mitch, Sphere, 2009 9781847440891 | 9780751537529 viii, 254 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.6 ALB 07007030 the MAgic Strings of Frankie Presto / Albom Mitch Sphere, 2015 9781847442277 489p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 ANO 05064922 The Kingfisher secret / Anonymous Century, 2018 9781529123739 372 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 AOK 07015243 Light from Uncommon Stars / Aoki Ryka A Tom Doherty Associates Book, 2021 9781250789068 | 0195472497 xvi, 372p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 ARC 00141433 Over My Dead Body Archer,Jeffrey Harper Collins 2021 9780008476403 363p UG Library
813.6 ASH 00143299 Terms and Conditions Asher, Lauren Piatkus 2022 9780349433455 477p UG Library
813.6 ASH 00143246 The Fine Print Asher, Lauren Piatkus 2021 9780349433448 434p UG Library
813.6 ASH 07010898 Thirteen Reasons why / Asher, Jay Penguin Publication, 2007 9780141328294 288p.; Library - BR Campus
813.6 AVE 04030284 Glass sword Aveyard, Victoria Orion, 2016 9781409150749 444p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 AVE 00143306 Glass sword Aveyard, Victoria Orion, 2016 9781409150749 444p UG Library
813.6 AVE 04030274 Red Queen / Aveyard, Victoria Orion, 2015 9781409150725 388p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 BAG 10002611 Sidney sheldon's mistress of the game / Bagshawe, Tilly Happer Publication, 2009 9780007340569 520p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.6 BAL 04029282 End Game / Baldacci, David MacMillan, 2018 9781447277415 597p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 BAL 00145648 End Game / Baldacci, David MacMillan, 2018 9781447277415 597p. : UG Library
813.6 BAN 00140308 The Forest Enchantments Banerjee,Chitra Harper Collins 2019 9789353573577 361p UG Library
813.6 BAR 10002617 The Final Gambit / Barnes, Jennifer Lynn. Penguin Books, 2022 9780241573631 374p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.6 BAR 07014559 Ninth House / Bardugo, Leigh Gollancz, 2019 9781473227972 458p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.6 BAR 04030275 Shadow and Bone / Bardugo, Leigh 9781510105249 307p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 BAR 05068790 Ninth House / Bardugo, Leigh Gollancz, 2019 9781473227972 458p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 BAT 10002652 The idiot / Batuman, Elif, Penguin random house, 2017 9780099583172 423 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.6 BEN 05073784 Viral justice : Benjamin, Ruha, Princeton University Press, 2022 9780691222882 1st. x, 373p.; Knowledge Centre
813.6 BER 05055398 Games People Play : Berne, Eric. Penguin Publication, 1964 9780241257470 173 p.: Knowledge Centre
813.6 BER 05055399 Games People Play : Berne, Eric. Penguin Publication, 1964 9780241257470 173 p.: Knowledge Centre
813.6 BER 09000803 Games People Play : Berne, Eric. Penguin Publication, 1964 9780241257470 173 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 BER 07007818 Games People Play : Berne, Eric. Penguin Publication, 1964 9780241257470 173 p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 BER 07007098 Games People Play : Berne, Eric. Penguin Publication, 1964 9780241257470 173 p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 BER 03012280 Games People Play : Berne, Eric. Penguin Publication, 1964 9780241257470 173 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.6 BER 03012281 Games People Play : Berne, Eric. Penguin Publication, 1964 9780241257470 173 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.6 BLA 10002567 The Queen of nothing / Black, Holly. Hot Key Books, 2019 9781471409332 305p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.6 BOS 05060828 Across The Universe : Bose, Ajoy. Penguin Random House, 2018 9780670089574 xviii, 314 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 BRA 07014618 New Historicism and Cultural Materialism/ Brannigan,John Palgrave Macmillan, 2017 9781137611925 VI,243 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
813.6 BUR 03008336 Secrets of the Lost Symbol : Burstein, Daniel. William Morrow, 2010 9780061964954 | 0061964956 1st ed. xxii, 410 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.6 CAI 05073582 Feast of fools : Allison & Busby Limited, 2009 9780749079796 367p, ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 CAM 07014758 A dog's journey / Cameron, Bruce W Forge Publication, 2019 9781529013931 336p.; Library - BR Campus
813.6 CAS 07007336 A House of Night Novel Destined / Cast Kristin, 2011 9781905654864 323p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 CEL 00145681 Our Missing Hearts Celeste Ng Abacus Books 2022 9780349145167 335p UG Library
813.6 CEL 00143261 Everything I Never Told You Celeste, Ng Abacus; 2014 9780349134284 297p UG Library
813.6 CHA 05073585 Death's mistress : Penguin Group, 2010 9780141039527 422p, ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 CHA 04030295 The School for Good and Evil : Chainani, Soman Happercollins, 2022 9780008508050 488p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 CHE 05066586 Mary B : Chen, Katherine J. Random House, 2018 9780399592218 (hardcover) 322p.; Knowledge Centre
813.6 CHI 05068786 Exhalation / Chiang, Ted Picador, 2019 9781529014518 350p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 CHO 03005963 Buddha : Chopra, Deepak Harper Collins, 2007 9789350290033 vi,278p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.6 CLA 00143343 City of bones : Clare, Cassandra, Walker Books 2015 1534406255 | 9781406362169 | 9781534406254 505 pages, UG Library
813.6 CLA 04028733 Lady Midnight : Clare, Cassandra Simon & Schuster, 2016 9781471116636 668p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 CLI 04028977 Ready Player One / Cline, Ernest Arrow Books, 2011 9780099560432 374p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 CLI 07015275 Ready Player One / Cline Ernest Penguin Random House, 2012 9780099560432 374p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 COA 05068824 The water dancer : Coates, Ta-Nehisi, Hamish Hamilton, 2019 9780399590597 First edition. 403 pages ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 COL 07013141 Open City / Cole Teju faber and faber, 2011 9780571279425 259p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 COO 05064978 A spy in time / Coovadia, Imraan. Speaking Tiger Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2018 241 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 CRO 05068791 Recursion : Crouch, Blake Macmillan, 2019 9781509866663 329p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 DAV 05046754 Decision Time : Davidson, Richard. Virualbookworm, 2007 9780982916070 180p.: Knowledge Centre
813.6 DEE 00143877 All that really matters / Deese, Nicole, Bethany House 2021 9780764234965 | 9780764238130 410 pages ; UG Library
813.6 DES 00143312 The Marriage Game Desai, Sara Dialogue Books, 2020 9780349703053 338p UG Library
813.6 DIC 07014782 Beverly, right here/ DiCamillo, Kate. Walkers Books, 2019 9781406390704 248 ;. Library - BR Campus
813.6 DOE 05064845 All the light we cannot see : Doerr, Anthony. Fourth Estate, 2014 9780008172428 530 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 DOE 10002657 All the light we cannot see/ Doerr, Anthony, HarperCollins publishers, 2021 9780008485191 531 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.6 DOY 10004449 The Complete Novels of Sherlock Holmes/by Arthur Conan Doyle Doyle, Arthur Conan [Author] Finger Print Classics 2024 9788175994317 536p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.6 DUT 07006358 This Unquiet Land : Dutt Barkha Aleph Book Company, 2016 9789382277163 xviii,324p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 DUT 05046695 This Unquiet Land : Dutt Barkha Aleph Book Company, 2016 9789382277163 xviii,324p.: Knowledge Centre
813.6 FAL 05071301 The Good Girls : Faleiro, Sonia. Penguin Viking, 2021 9780670088829 xxii,314p.; Knowledge Centre
813.6 FAL 07015027 The Good Girls : Faleiro, Sonia. Penguin Viking, 2021 9780670088829 xxii,314p.; Library - BR Campus
813.6 FEE 05066526 Sometimes I lie / Feeney, Alice. Flatiron Books, 2018 9781250144843 (hardcover) First edition. 262 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 FIN 04030299 The woman in the window / FINN, A J Happer Collins, 2020 9780008333324 447p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 FIN 05064030 Woman in the window / Finn, A J. HarperCollins Publication Ltd, 2018 9780008294373 427 p. Knowledge Centre
813.6 FIN 05070025 Judgement / Finder, Joseph. Head of Zeus Ltd, 2019 9781788544580 390p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 FIN 07015331 Woman in the window / Finn, A J. HarperCollins Publication Ltd, 2018 9780008294373 427 p. Library - BR Campus
813.6 FLY 04026241 The Survivor : Mills, Kyle Simon & Schuster, 2015 9781471142000 388p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 FLY 07007005 Gone Girl / Flynn Gillian Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2014 9781780221359 466p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 FLY 00143408 Gone Girl Flynn, Gillian Weidenfeld And Nicolson 2014 9781780228228 475p UG Library
813.6 FLY 04026193 Extreme Measures / Flynn, Vince Simon & Schuster, 2012 9781849835794 516p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 FRE 07014044 Katerina / Frey, James, John murray, 2018 9781982101442 (hardcover) | 9781848543201 First Scout Press hardcover edition. 306 pages ; Library - BR Campus
813.6 GAB 05061002 The Designer / Gabriel, Marius. Lake union publishing, 2017 9781612185811 322p.; Knowledge Centre
813.6 GAY 10003465 What remains of me / Gaylin, Alison, Arrow books, 2016 9780062369857 (hardback) | 9781784756185 First edition. 374 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.6 GEN 05058928 Still Alice : Genova, Lisa. Simon & Schuster, 2007 9781471140822 x,345p.; Knowledge Centre
813.6 GRE 00143270 The Gray Man Greaney, Mark Sphere, 2009 9780751585490 405p UG Library
813.6 GRE 07009228 Paper Town / Green John Bloomsbury, 2015 9789384898403 305p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 GRE 04023950 Paper Towns / Green, John Bloomsburry, 2008 9781408857144 305p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 GRE 07013874 Will grayson, will grayson / Green, John Penguin Publication, 2010 9780141346113 308p.; Library - BR Campus
813.6 GRO 07014884 The Fifth Column Gross,Andrew Macmillan, 2019 9781509878437 325 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
813.6 GUP 05072506 Grit , Ankit Gupta. Rupa Publication. 2022 9789355203359 299p ,; Knowledge Centre
813.6 GUR 07014195 Tibet with My Eyes Closed Stories / Gurung Madhu Speaking Tiger Publishing Pvt,Ltd, 2019 9789389231045 xvi,253p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 HAN 00143238 The Great Alone Hannah, Kristin Pan Books 2019 9781447286035 440p UG Library
813.6 HAN 04030290 We'll always have summer : a Summer / Han, Jenny Penguin, 2011 9780141330563 291p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 HAR 00143321 The sweetness of water / Harris, Nathan, Tinder Press 2021 9780316461276 | 9781472274410 | 031646127X | 9780316362481 | 0316362484 First edition. 410 pages ; UG Library
813.6 HAU 05074779 The Moral Contagion : Hauser, Julia. Harper Collins Publishers, 2024 9789356996205 137 p.; Knowledge Centre
813.6 HAZ 00143373 Love on the Brain Hazelwood, Ali Sphere 2022 9781408725771 354p UG Library
813.6 HAZ 00143372 The Love Hypothesis Hazelwood, Ali Sphere; 2021 9781408725764 373p UG Library
813.6 HEN 03013568 Book Lovers : Henry, Emily Penguin Books, 2022 9780241995341 377p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.6 HEN 03013530 Beach Read / Henry, Emily Penguin Books, 2020 9780241989524 361p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.6 HOC 00143347 The Lost City Hocking, Amanda Pan Books 2020 9781529001303 376p UG Library
813.6 HOC 07010840 Switched / Hocking, Amanda Martin Publication, 2012 9781447205692 334p.; Library - BR Campus
813.6 HOO 00143282 It Ends with Us / Hoover, Colleen Atria Paperback, 2016 9781501110368 376p. : UG Library
813.6 HOO 04028731 It Ends with Us / Hoover, Colleen Atria Paperback, 2016 9781501110368 376p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 HOO 00143285 November 9 Hoover, Colleen Atria Paperback 2015 9781501110344 307p UG Library
813.6 HOO 10002647 This girl : Hoover, Colleen. Atria, 2013 9781476746531 288p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.6 HOO 03013565 Without Merit : Hoover, Colleen, Atria, 2017 9781501170621 | 9781501179761 362p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.6 HOO 03013556 Losing Hope Hoover, Colleen Atria Paperback 2013 9781476746555 321p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.6 HOO 00143289 Losing Hope Hoover, Colleen Atria Paperback 2013 9781476746555 321p UG Library
813.6 HOO 00143286 Verity Hoover, Colleen Sphere 2018 9781408726600 321p UG Library
813.6 HOS 07009123 And the mountains echoed / Hosseini, Khaled. Bloomsbury, 2013 9789384898083 466 pages ; Library - BR Campus
813.6 HOS 07009804 A Thousand Splendid Suns / Hosseini, Khaled. Bloomsbury, 2007 9781408844441 419 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.6 HOS 07009805 The Kite Runner / Hosseini, Khaled. Bloomsbury , 2003 0743530233 | 9781408850251 343 p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 HOS 00143268 The Kite Runner / Hosseini, Khaled. Bloomsbury , 2003 0743530233 | 9781408850251 343 p.: UG Library
813.6 HOS 05048199 The Kite Runner / Hosseini, Khaled. Bloomsbury , 2003 0743530233 | 9781408850251 343 p.: Knowledge Centre
813.6 HOS 05048200 A Thousand Splendid Suns / Hosseini, Khaled. Bloomsbury, 2007 9781408844441 419 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 HOS 05048201 And the mountains echoed / Hosseini, Khaled. Bloomsbury, 2013 9789384898083 466 pages ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 HOS 03006441 A Thousand Splendid Suns / Hosseini, Khaled. Riverhead Books, 2007 9780739482360 372 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.6 HOS 03009440 The Kite Runner / Hosseini, Khaled. Bloomsbury , 2003 0743530233 | 9781408850251 343 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.6 HOS 07008493 A Thousand Splendid Suns / Hosseini, Khaled. Bloomsbury, 2007 9781408844441 419 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.6 HOS 07010165 And the mountains echoed / Hosseini, Khaled. Bloomsbury, 2013 9789384898083 466 pages ; Library - BR Campus
813.6 HOU 04008345 Trace Evidence Houck, Max. M Viva Books 2010 9788130912981 126 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 HOU 01014662 Trace evidence / Houck, Max M. Facts on File, 2009 9788130912981 xvii, 126 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.6 HUR 05066642 Watchlist : Seagull Books, 2019 9780857426819 363p.; Knowledge Centre
813.6 HUT 07015100 A Complicated Love Story Set in Space / Hutchinson Shaun David Simon&Schuster BFYR, 2021 9781534496460 452p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 IVE 07013290 The Snow Child/ Ivey, Ecowyn. Headline Publishing Group, 2012 9780755380534 438 p;. Library - BR Campus
813.6 JAB 04016174 The Clock Work Man / Jablonsky, William Westland, 2011 9789381626535 231 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 JAC 05068787 Good talk : Jacob, Mira Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019 9781408880166 355p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 JAK 00092787 Woman, thou art loosed! : Jakes, T. D. Treasure House 0764200321 (hardcover) 175 p. ; UG Library
813.6 JAM 07010081 A Brief History of Seven Killings / James Marlon A One world Book, 2015 9781780746357 688p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 JEM 07015281 The Stone Sky The Broken Earth:Book Three / Jemisin N.K Little Brown Book Group, 2017 9780356508689 403p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 JEM 07015282 The Obelisk Gate The Broken Earth:Book Two / Jemisin N.K Orbit, 2016 9780356508368 410p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 JEM 07015283 The Fifth Season The Broken Earth:Book One / Jemisin N.K Orbit, 2016 9780356508191 468p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 JOH 05068782 An american marriage / Jones, Tayari Oneworld Publications, 2019 9781786075192 308p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 KAT 03010837 Waterfall : Kate, Lauren. Doubleday , 2014 9780857532312 385 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.6 KEL 10002615 City of the dead / Kellerman, Jonathan. Penguin Books, 2022 9781529158052 319p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.6 KEM 04030286 Forging silver into stars / Kemmerer, Brigid Bloomsbury, 2022 9781526645746 542p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 KEN 05066614 Talk to me / Kenney, John, Putnam, 2019 9780735214378 (hardcover) 304 pages ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 KEN 07014740 Talk to me / Kenney, John, Putnam, 2019 9780735214378 (hardcover) 304 pages ; Library - BR Campus
813.6 KEN 04030285 Glint / Kennedy, Raven Penguin, 2022 9781405955041 462p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 KIN 05060750 Necessary evil : Kinley,David. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190691127 xiii,268p.; Knowledge Centre
813.6 KIN 04016981 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Kinney, Jeff Peguine Group, 2009 9780141324920 216p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 KLU 10003344 The house in the cerulean sea / Klune, TJ, Macmillan, 2020 9781529087949 First edition. 400 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.6 KLU 10003345 The house in the cerulean sea / Klune, TJ, Macmillan, 2020 9781529087949 First edition. 400 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.6 KOS 07015298 The Historian : Kostova Elizabeth Time Warner Books, 2005 9780751537284 ix,704p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 KOY 05066623 The Kyoto list /​ Koyama,Michael S. Seagull Books, 2009 9781906497583 334p.; Knowledge Centre
813.6 KUA 10004534 Yellowface/ by R.F. Kuang. Kuang, Rebecca F [Author] The Borough Press an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, 2023 9780008532819 1st Ed. 323 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.6 KUM 05074577 The Kidnapping of Mark Twain : Kumar, Anuradha Speaking Tiger, 2023 9789354476808 x, 330 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 LAH 05060996 A tide in the affairs of men : Lahiri, Prateep.K Lotus Collection, 2018 9788193626016 xxi,225p.; Knowledge Centre
813.6 LAL 05069376 The other americans / Lalami, Laila. Bloomsbury Circus, LAL 9781526606693 301p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 LEE 07014180 Pachinko / Lee, Min Jin, Apollo, 2017 9781786691378 537 pages ; Library - BR Campus
813.6 LEE 07014181 Free Food for Millionaires / Lee Min Jin Head of Zeus, 2018 9781788543071 xv,648p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 LEE 05040411 Runner / Lee Patrick Penguin Books, 2014 9781405914994 403p.: Knowledge Centre
813.6 LEE 05067374 Pachinko / Lee, Min Jin, Apollo, 2017 9781786691378 537 pages ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 LEN 10004293 Glorious exploits : Lennon, Ferdia, Penguin random house ireland, 2024 9780241617649 First edition. 279p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.6 LEO 07005711 Abandon / Leo Cassia Penguin Random House, 2014 9780552171113 239p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 LI 05068827 Where reasons end : Li, Yiyun, Hamish Hamilton, 2019 9780241366905 First edition. 170 pages ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 MAA 04028732 A Court of mist and fury / Maas, Sarah J. Bloomsbury, 2016 9781408888193 626 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 MAA 07010172 Crown of Midnigt / Maas Sarah.J Bloomsbury India, 2013 9789382951735 422p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 MAH 00102505 Strike Mahadevan, Anand Penguin Books, 9780143065623 274 p. UG Library
813.6 MAH 07006984 The association of small bombs / Mahajan, Karan, HarperCollins Publishers, 2016 9789351777878 (hardback) | 935 276 pages ; Library - BR Campus
813.6 MAN 04030272 Kingdom of the Cursed / Maniscalco, Kerri Hodder, 2021 9781529350494 463p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 MAN 10002610 Kindom of the wicked / Maniscalco, Kerri. Hodder & Stoughton Ltd, 2020 9781529350487 372p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.6 MAS 07014552 The Winter Soldier / Mason Daniel Picador, 2018 9780330458337 336p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 MAS 05054600 All our wrong todays : Mastai, Elan, Penguin, 2016 9780718184087 373 pages ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 MAS 05069898 The psychology of time travel / Mascarenhas, Kate. Head of Zeus Ltd, 2018 9781788540124 360p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 MCI 00117639 How to seduce a ghost / McIntyre, Hope, Mysterious Press, 2005 0892960132 1st ed. 387 p. ; UG Library
813.6 MEA 07010763 Spirit Bound/ Mead,Richelle Penguin Books, 2010 9780141331874 479 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
813.6 MEN 10003689 What mina did/ Menon, Geeta Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353043759 viii,286 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.6 MEY 00143283 Midnight Sun Meyer, Stephenie Atom 2020 9780349003641 756p UG Library
813.6 MEY 00143290 Eclipse Myer, Stephenie Atom 2007 9781904233916 559p UG Library
813.6 MIL 05047727 The Gospel according to David Foster Wallace : Miller, Adam S., Bloomsburry, 2016 1474236979 | 9781474236973 xiii; 114 pages Knowledge Centre
813.6 MIL 05066603 Red war / Mills, Kyle, Simon & Schuster, 2018 9781471170676 First Emily Bestler Books/Atria Books hardcover edition. 370 pages : Knowledge Centre
813.6 MIN 07012081 Fire is your water : Minick, Jim, Ohio University Press,Athens, 2017 9780804011846 (hardcover : acidfree paper) 344 pages ; Library - BR Campus
813.6 MOR 10002674 The night circus Morgenstern, Erin. Penguin random house, 2011 9780099554790 490p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.6 MOR 00143269 Mexican Gothic / Moreno-Garcia, Silvia, Jo Fletcher Books. 2021 9780525620785 | 9781529402681 301 pages ; UG Library
813.6 MOR 05043758 The Second Empress / Moran Michelle Quercus, 2013 9780857388629 358p.: Knowledge Centre
813.6 MOR 05068821 The starless sea / Morgenstern, Erin, Harvill Secker, 2019 9781910701454 First edition. 498 pages ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 MOS 10002574 My year of rest and relaxation / Moshegh, Ottessa. Pengiun Random House, 2018 9781784707422 288p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.6 MUK 07013816 The Body Myth/ Mukherjee,Rheea Penguin Random House, 2019 9780670092789 228 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
813.6 MUR 03011520 Dumplin : Murphy, Julie. Balzer Bray, 2015 9780062327185 (hardcover) First edition. 375 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.6 MUR 00140236 Here,There and Every Where : Murty Sudha Penguin Books, 2018 9780143444343 xi,243p.: UG Library
813.6 MUR 07013289 Here,There and Every Where : Murty Sudha Penguin Books, 2018 9780143444343 xi,243p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 MUR 07011638 Here,There and Every Where : Murty Sudha Penguin Books, 2018 9780143444343 xi,243p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 MUR 07011639 Here,There and Every Where : Murty Sudha Penguin Books, 2018 9780143444343 xi,243p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 NIF 04026569 The Time Traveler's Wife / Niffenegger, Audrey Vintage Publications, 2009 9780099546184 615p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 NIH 03006042 The silent monument / Nihalani, Shobha tara press, 2011 9788183860994 xvi, 303p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.6 NIJ 05065193 This is where it ends / Nijkamp, Marieke. Source Books Fire, 2016 9781492622468 285p.; Knowledge Centre
813.6 OBI 05068783 An orchestra of minorities / Obioma, Chigozie Little, Brown 2019 9780349143194 516p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 OWE 04030293 Where the Crawdads Sing / Owens, Delia Corsair, 2019 9781472154668 368p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 PAT 05037671 Confessions of a Murder Suspect / Patterson James Young Arrow, 2012 9780099567356 389p.: Knowledge Centre
813.6 PAT 04030614 Jacky Ha-Ha : my life is a joke / Patterson, James Penguine, 2017 9781784758455 342p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 PAT 05064902 Revenge / Patterson, James. Century, 2018 9781780899169 355 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 PAT 07005713 House of Robots Robots Go Wild ! / Patterson James Penguin Random House, 2015 9780099568322 314p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 PAT 07005715 Home Room Diaries / Patterson James Random House, 2014 9780099596264 246p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 PAT 07005545 Confessions the murder of an angel / Patterson, James Penguin Random House, 2015 9781784750206 iv,275p. Library - BR Campus
813.6 PIT 00143344 Lies Like Poison Pitcher, Chelsea Simon & Schuster 2020 9781471193149 293p UG Library
813.6 PRA 07009526 Newton's Corpuscles Maxwell's Waves and Einstein's Quanta / Pradhan Trilochan Viva Books, 2017 9788130922157 ix,107p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 PRO 00143294 The Maid Prose, Nita Harper Collins 2022 9780008539047 343p UG Library
813.6 REA 05070346 Reader's Digest Select Editions / Reader's Digest, 2007 606p.; Knowledge Centre
813.6 REA 05070347 Reader's Digest Select Editions / Reader's Digest, 2007 606p.; Knowledge Centre
813.6 REA 05070348 Reader's Digest Select Editions / Reader's Digest, 2007 606p.; Knowledge Centre
813.6 RED 04028980 The Edge of Never / Redmerski, J A Happer Collins, 2013 9780007523184 473p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 RED 04030321 Engineered in India : Reddy, B V R Mohan Penguin, 2022 9780670097340 304p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 RED 05073857 Engineered in India : Reddy, B V R Mohan Penguin, 2022 9780670097340 304p. : Knowledge Centre
813.6 REI 10002651 Malibu rising / Reid, Taylor Jenkins, Penguin randon house, 2022 9781529157147 369 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.6 RIO 05010967 The Throne of Fire / Riordan Rick Puffin Books, 2011 9780141335667 451 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.6 RIO 04028748 Percy Jacson and The Last Olympian / Riordan, Rick Penguin Random House, 2013 9780141346885 360p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 ROD 07014546 The Little Coffe Shop of Kabul : Rodriguez Deborah Sphere, 2013 9780751550405 407p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 ROT 04023940 Allegiant / By Roth, Veronica. FSC; 2014 9780007534944 | 9780007534944 First edition. 526.pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 ROT 04023941 Insurgent By Roth, Veronica. FSC: 2012 9780007442928 525.p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 ROT 04023942 Divergent By Roth, Veronica. FSC: 2013 9780007420421 487.p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 ROT 04030615 The Name of the Wind / Rothfuss, Patrick Gollancz, 2008 9780575081406 661p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 ROT 04023943 Insurgent : Roth, Veronica Happer Collins, 2013 9780007536740 525p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 ROT 04026192 Allegiant / Roth, Veronica Happer Collins, 2016 9780008167899 526p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 ROT 04026190 Divergent / Roth, Veronica Happer Collins, 2016 9780008167905 487p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 ROT 04026191 Insurgent : Roth, Venronica HarperCollins Publisshers, 2016 9780008167912 525p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 ROY 05059566 Missing : Roy, Sumana. Aleph Book Company, 2018 9789386021991 261p. Knowledge Centre
813.6 SAE 00143346 Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe Saenz, Benjamin Alire Simon & Schuster 2012 9781398505247 358p UG Library
813.6 SAH 05064977 Manto Saheb : Manto, Saheb. Speaking Tiger Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789388070256 286 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 SAH 07014171 Manto Saheb : Manto, Saheb. Speaking Tiger Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789388070256 286 p. ; Library - BR Campus
813.6 SAN 05048324 Pythagoras revenge : Sangalli,Arturo. Princeton, 2009 9780691150192 xv,183p.; Knowledge Centre
813.6 SAN 07014595 Mistborn secret history / Sanderson, Brandon Gollancz Publication, 2019 9781473225046 167p.; Library - BR Campus
813.6 SAN 07014553 The Way of Kings : Sanserson Brandon The Orion Publishing, 2010 9780575097360 593p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 SAN 07014542 The Alloy of Law A Mistborn Novel / Sanderson Brandon The Orion Publishing, 2011 9780575105836 332p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 SAN 07014591 Legion: Sanderson, Brandon Gollancz Publication, 2018 9781473225015 xi,233p.; Library - BR Campus
813.6 SAN 07014576 Firefight / Sanderson, Brandon Dragonsteel Publication, 2015 9780575104495 419p.; Library - BR Campus
813.6 SAN 07014571 Edgedancer / Sanderson, Brandon 9781473225039 268p.; Library - BR Campus
813.6 SAV 07007012 The Power of the Dog / Savage Thomas Vintage Books, 2001 9781784870621 282p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 SCH 10003375 The Invisible life of Addie Larue / Schwab, V E, Titan publishing group, 2020 9781789098754 545 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.6 SCH 10003376 The Invisible life of Addie Larue / Schwab, V E, Titan publishing group, 2020 9781789098754 545 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.6 SIL 00143292 Portrait of an Unknown Woman Silva, Daniel Harper Collins, 2022 9780008541125 431p UG Library
813.6 SIL 00143348 They Both Die at the End Silvera, Adam Simon & Schuster 2017 9781471166204 373p UG Library
813.6 SNO 05067520 Permanent Record / Snowden, Edward. Macmillan, 2019 9781529035667 viii, 339p.; Knowledge Centre
813.6 SNO 05067569 Permanent Record / Snowden, Edward. Macmillan, 2019 9781529035667 viii, 339p.; Knowledge Centre
813.6 SOL 00143369 The ex talk / Solomon, Rachel Lynn, Penguin Books 2022 9780593200124 | 9781405954747 First edition. 338 pages ; UG Library
813.6 SOL 03013563 The ex talk / Solomon, Rachel Lynn, Penguin Books 2022 9780593200124 | 9781405954747 First edition. 338 pages ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.6 STI 07015277 The Ravan Boys / Stiefvater Maggie Scholastic Press, 2022 9789390066063 409p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 STI 07015280 The Ravan King Book IV of The Ravan Cycle / Stiefvater Maggie Scholastic Press, 2016 9789390066094 439p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 STI 07015279 Blue Lily Lily Blue Book III of The Raven Cycle / Stiefvater Maggie Scholastic Press, 2022 9789390066087 391p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 STI 07015278 The Dream Thieves Book II of The Raven Cycle / Stiefvater Maggie Scholastic Press, 2013 9789390066070 439p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 STO 07008502 The Help / Stockett, Kathryn Penguin Publication, 2009 9780141047706 v,451p. Library - BR Campus
813.6 SUM 10002614 A certain hunger / Summers, Chelsea G. Faber & Faber Limited, 2020 9780571372324 321p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.6 SUR 05071296 Cages : Surti, Aabid. Penguin viking, 2021 9780670092703 vi,198p.; Knowledge Centre
813.6 SUR 07015023 Cages : Surti, Aabid. Penguin viking, 2021 9780670092703 vi,198p.; Library - BR Campus
813.6 SWA 04012111 Slumdog Millionaire : Swarup, Vikas. Scibner; 2008 9781439136652 318 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 TAH 04028555 An Ember in the Ashes / Tahir, Sabaa Happer Collins, 2015 9780008154479 450p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 TAH 04028554 A Torch Against The Night / Tahir, Sabaa Happer Voyager, 2016 9780008220136 454p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 TAN 07010766 The Scatter Here is too Great/ Tanweer,Bilal Random House india, 2013 9788184004595 199 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
813.6 TAR 05060835 Do we not bleed ? : Tarar,Mehr. Aleph Book Company, 2018 9789386021878 x,229p.; Knowledge Centre
813.6 THI 05073267 Do not say we have nothing : Thien, Madeleine, Granta, 2016 9781783782673 First American edition. vi, 474 pages : Knowledge Centre
813.6 THO 05065191 The Hate U Give / Thomas, Angie. HarperCollins, 2017 9780062498533 444p.; Knowledge Centre
813.6 TIF 04008569 Everyman's rules for scientific living / Tiffony, Carrie Picador, 2005 9780330437776 255p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 TOE 05068800 Women talking / Toews, Miriam, Faber & Faber Limited, 2018 9780571340323 | 0571340326 216 pages ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 TOW 05068780 A gentleman in Moscow / Towels, Amor Windmill books, 2017 9780099558781 462p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 TOW 05073117 The Lincoln highway / Towles, Amor. Hutchinson Heinemann, 2021 9781786332530 576p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 TUT 05041475 In God's Hands / Tutu,Desmond. Bloomsbury, 2014 9781472908377 vi,149p.; Knowledge Centre
813.6 UMR 04019072 The world we found : Umrigar, Thrity N. Harper, 2012 9780061938344 | 0061938343 | 9 1st ed. 308 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.6 VO 07015231 The Empress of Salt and Fortune / Vo Nghi A Tom Doherty Associates Books, 2020 9781250750303 121p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 VUO 07015067 On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous / Vuong Ocean Penguin Random House, 2019 9781529110685 242p.: Library - BR Campus
813.6 WAA 03011904 Dear Caregiver : Waal, Sharon Vander. Xulon press, 2014 9781629524269 311 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
813.6 WAS 05068807 Lot : Washington, Bryan Atlantic Books, 2019 9781786497840 222p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.6 WEI 10002637 Project hail mary / Weir, Andy. Penguin Books, 2021 9781529157468 476p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.6 WES 10004222 A short walk through a wide world/ Westerbeke, Douglas, Jonathan Cape, 2024 9781787335028 First Avid Reader Press hardcover edition. 390 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.6 WHI 00143415 Have You Seen Me? White, Kate Avon, 2020 9780008427238 368p UG Library
813.6 WIN 05074908 In memoriam / Winn, Alice Penguin Books, 2023 9780241567821 385p.; Knowledge Centre
813.6 WIN 10004115 In memoriam / Winn, Alice Penguin Books, 2023 9780241567821 385p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.6 YAN 07013445 The people in the trees / Yanagihara, Hanya. Picador, 2013 9781509892983 368 p;. Library - BR Campus
813.6 YAR 10002671 Last letter / Yarros, Rebecca Penguin random house, 2019 9781804992425 468p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
813.60935873931 LAM 05033027 Children's fiction about 9/11 : Lampert, Jo. Routledge, 9780415996303 | 0415996309 xv, 204 p. : Knowledge Centre
813.6099287 SMI 05033026 Cosmopolitan culture and consumerism in chick lit / Smith, Caroline J., Routledge, 0415956625 ix 182 p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.91 CHA 00088164 Tribals in Indian English Novel Chaturvedi, A K Atlantic 9788126909445 83p UG Library
813.912 MAS 05071722 Bumpy roads : Masoodi, Ibrahim. yenepoya Printers and Publishers, 2021 9788193485767 3rd ed. 198p. ; Knowledge Centre
813.914 BRO 00001203 Wuthering Heights Broneti, Aelimonos Pan Books UG Library
813.914 COO 04026717 Outbreak [ Fiction ] Cook, Robin London : 1987 0330302078 | 9780330302074 366p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
813.914 ROW 07014575 Fantastic Beasts / Rowling, J K Sphere Publication, 2018 9780751574951 293p.; Library - BR Campus
813.92 HIL 00000144 And Now God Bye Hilton, James William Morrow 278 UG Library
813/6 HOO 00143263 Ugly love : Hoover, Colleen. Atria Paperback 2014 9781476753188 (paperback : alk. paper) | 9781476753188 324 pages ; UG Library
823 00034250 World of Naga Raj Narayan, R K ITP 186 p. UG Library
823 ACH 00117058 There was a Country Achebe, Chinua. Allen Lane, 2012 9781846145766 | 1846145767 333 p. : UG Library
823 ACH 00091423 The contemporary British novel / Edinburgh University Press, 0748618953 (pbk.) | 0748618945 iv, 250 p. ; UG Library
823 ADI 00087732 Purple Hibiscus Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi 2004 9780007272358 307p UG Library
823 ADI 00085960 Half of a Yellow Sun Adichie Chimamanda Ngozi Harper Perennial 2007 9780007272372 433 p UG Library
823 ADI 00087731 Half of a Yellow Sun Adichie Chimamanda Ngozi Harper Perennial 2007 9780007272372 433 p UG Library
823 ADI 00087898 Between the Assasinations Adiga, Aravind 9780330450546 284 UG Library
823 AHL 00085958 Provoked Ahluwalia, Kiranjit Harper Collins 2008 9788172236700 394 p UG Library
823 ALL 00002390 The English Novel Allen, Walter Penguin 1967 382 P UG Library
823 ALL 00001336 The English Novel Allen, Walter Penguin 1967 382 P UG Library
823 ALL 00041158 The English Novel Allen, Walter Penguin 1967 382 P UG Library
823 AMI 00110980 Lionel Asbo Amis, Martin. Vintage Books 2012 9780307958082 | 9780099582052 1st American ed. 275 p. ; UG Library
823 ASH 00085848 Sand and Other Storeies Ashokamitran Orient Longman Publications 2004 8125022686 133 p UG Library
823 ATH 00118452 There and Back Again : Atherton, Mark. I.B. Tauris, 2012 9781780762463 | 1780762461 xiii, 306 p. : UG Library
823 ATK 00088142 Vikram Seth`s: A Suitable Boy Atkins, Angela 2002 0082645707 87p UG Library
823 AUG 00095325 Pride and prejudice Austen Jane W.W.Norton & Company 9780393976045 413P UG Library
823 AUS 00090313 Emma Austen, Jane Oxford 2008 9780199535521 402 UG Library
823 AUS 00090338 Pride and Prejudice Austen, Jane Oxford 9780199535569 333p UG Library
823 AUS 00116688 Pride and Prejudice Austen, Jane W.W.Norton & Company 2002 413p UG Library
823 BAC 05051236 Jonathan Livingston Seagull : Bach, Richard Avon Books, 1986 127p.; Knowledge Centre
823 BAH 00116616 HUL cry rebel! Bahadur, Sanjay, IndiaInk, 2013 9788186939673 (pbk.) | 8186939 xvi, 397 p. ; UG Library
823 BAH 00092131 The sound of water : Bahadur, Sanjay, Atria International, 9788186939468 | 9781416585909 229 p. ; UG Library
823 BAR 00117094 Levels of life Barnes, Julian. Jonathan Cape, 2013 9780224098151 (hbk.) | 0224098 117 p. ; UG Library
823 BAR 00108109 The Annotated Peter Pan Barrie, J. M. W. W. Norton & Co., 2011 9780393066005 1st ed. cviii; 393 p. cm. UG Library
823 BAS 00117052 Riot widows Basheer, A. M., Palimpsest Publishers, 2013 9788192226682 | 8192226689 244 p. ; UG Library
823 BAS 00127277 The Bone Thief Bass, Jefferson. Quercus 2010 9780061284762 | 0061284769 1st ed. 359 p. : UG Library
823 BEE 00004555 Zuleika Dobson Max Beerbohm, PENGUIN 1967 252 p UG Library
823 BEH 00095326 Oroonoko : Behn, Aphra, W.W. Norton, 9780393970142 xvi, 272 p. : UG Library
823 BEN 00097907 Contemporary British Fiction / Bentley, Nick. Edinburgh University Press, 2008 0748624198 (hbk.) | 9780748624 xiv, 245 p. UG Library
823 BHA 00094022 Partition Dialogues alok bhalla Oxford University Press 9780195692990 244p UG Library
823 BHA 00108071 The Sly Company of People Who Care Bhattacharya,Rahul, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011 9780330447492 | 0374265852 (hb 1st American ed. 278 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 BHA 00085078 Rohinton Mistry:An Introduction. Bhautoo-Dewnarain, Nandini Foundation Books 2007 8175963115 126 UG Library
823 BHA 00087821 Memories in Hiding Bhaasi Tooppil Seagull Books 1995 63 p UG Library
823 BOT 00091101 Gothic / Botting, Fred. Routledge, 0415132290 | 0415092191 (pbk.) 201 p. ; UG Library
823 BRE 00077176 The Hunt Brennan, Allison New York 2006 0345480244 384 p UG Library
823 BRO 00108996 A Companion To James Joyce Brown,Richard Wiley-Blackwell 2011 9780470657966 xviii; 440 p. UG Library
823 BUT 07001768 Dickens At Work / Butt,John. Routledge Taylor, 2015 9780415569095 237 p.: Library - BR Campus
823 BYA 00094227 The Oxford book of English short stories / Oxford University Press, 9780199561605 (pbk.) xxx, 439 p. ; UG Library
823 CAI 00000373 Longer Poems Old & new Cairncross, A S Mac Millan 1964 309 p.: UG Library
823 CHA 00118173 Gender and Culture in the works of Indian subcontinent's select women novelists Chakraverty, Lalima Atlantic Publishers and distributors P Ltd 2014 9788126916900 124p. UG Library
823 COE 00147872 The Alchemist: Coelho, Paulo Harper Collins, 2024 9788172234980 161p. ; UG Library
823 CON 00026065 Charles Dickens. Connor, Steven BB 1984 184 P Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 COO 00096335 Last of the Mohicans Cooper, James Fenimore Bantam Dell 1989 410p UG Library
823 COS 00118543 The Wish List Costello, Jane Simon & Schuster, 2013 9780857205568 481p.; UG Library
823 CRA 00024318 50 Great Short Stories Crane, Milton Bantam 1981 360 p UG Library
823 DAH 00092494 Dahlmanac 2 Woodward Kay Penguin Books 9780141323176 156p UG Library
823 DAS 00092284 The Other Woman Das Monica HarperCollins Publishers 2009 9788172238605 270p UG Library
823 DAV 00053045 Cambridge Companion to the Victorian Novel David, Deidre 0521646197 266p UG Library
823 DEF 00126292 Robinson crusone / Defoe, Daniel Norton Publication, 1975 9780393964523 vii,435p. UG Library
823 DEF. 00090326 Furtunes and Misfortunes of the Famous: Moll Flanders Defoe, Daniel Oxford 2008 ISB0192834037 398p UG Library
823 DES 00062887 Diamond Dust Desai, Anita Vintage 1997 0099289644 207p UG Library
823 DHO 00093156 The Bikini Murders Dhondy, Farrukh Harpercollins 2010 9788172237905 272p UG Library
823 DIC 00062672 Life and Works of Charles Dickens Dickens, Charles Raj Publishing House 8187248874 231p UG Library
823 DIC 00125847 Great expectations / Dickens, Charles Norton Publication, 1999 9780393960693 xxvi,492p,. UG Library
823 DIC 00090301 A Tale of Two Cities Dicckens, Charles Oxford 2008 9780199536238 406p UG Library
823 DIC 00035332 Great Expectations By Charles Dickens. John Irving, BANTAM 1986 455 UG Library
823 DIC 00001128 Oliver Twist Dickens, Charles Washington UG Library
823 DIC 00000651 Adventures of Oliver Twist Dickens, Charles Henry Ford 1909 516 p UG Library
823 DIC 00115961 Oliver Twist Dickens, Charles Viva 2003 610p UG Library
823 DIC 00104887 The Cambridge introduction to Charles Dickens / Mee, Jon. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521859141 (hc) | 978052167 xvi, 115 p. : UG Library
823 DID 00092522 Unsettling Partition : Didur, Jill, University of Toronto Press, 2006 9788131712986 | 0802079970 (al x, 201 p. : UG Library
823 DOS 00115956 Brohters of Karamazov Dostoevsky, Fyodor Viva 882p UG Library
823 DOY 00048387 The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes Doyle Conan Arthur New York 1994 0192823752 321 p UG Library
823 DOY 00031544 The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes Doyle Conan Arthur New York 1994 0192823752 321 p UG Library
823 DOY 00055032 The Complete Long Stories of Sherlock Holmes Doyle Arthur Conan Jaico Publishing House 2010 9788172240530 346p UG Library
823 FER 00023179 Images of Women in Literature Ferrguson, Mary Anne HMC 1976 486 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 GAI 00116973 The ocean at the end of the lane Gaiman, Neil, Headline Publishing Group, 2013 9780062255655 | 0062255657 (ha 1st ed. 181p. ; UG Library
823​ GHO 00061314 The Hungry Tide /​ Ghosh, Amitav. HarperCollins Publishers, 2004 9780670082193 402 p. ; UG Library
823 GHO 00132422 Thicker than blood : a novel, Ghosh, Munmun, Jaico Publishing House, 2016 9788184958133 x,249 p.; UG Library
823 GLE 00077670 New Casebooks Jane Eyre : Glen, Heather 1997 0333622464 264 p.: UG Library
823 GOL 00021448 William Golding: a Critical Study. Golding `, William FABER & FABER 1967 258 P Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 GOL 00092566 William Golding Carey, John, Faber and Faber, 2009 9780571231638 (hbk.) | 0571231 x, 573 p., [12] p. of plates : UG Library
823 GOT 00126300 The expendition of humphry clinker / Smollett, Tobias W.W. Nothen Publication, 2015 9780393936711 2nd Ed. ix,551p. UG Library
823 GRI 03010796 The Summons : Grisham, John. Arrow Books , 2007 0099406136 | 9780099406136 391p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
823 HAN 00104896 A history of the Irish novel / Hand, Derek. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521855402 | 0521855403 x, 341 p. ; UG Library
823 HAR 00029908 Return of the Native Thomas, Hardy LONGMAN 1980 0582781124 70p UG Library
823 HAR 00090348 Tess of the D`urbervilles Hardy, Thomas Oxford 9780199537051 443p UG Library
823 HEI 00091993 Critical perspectives on Harry Potter / Routledge, 9780415964845 (pbk. : alk. pap p. cm. UG Library
823 HER 00104910 The waves / Woolf, Virginia, Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521852517 (hardback) | 052 Cambridge ed. cxvii, 456 p. ; UG Library
823 HOD 07009854 A Preface to Shelley/ Hodgart,Patricia Routledge, 2014 9781138695320 XII,204Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 HOS 00068645 Kite Runner Hosseini, Khaled 0747566534 324p UG Library
823 HUS 00104911 Between the acts / Woolf, Virginia, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521847179 lxxviii,312p UG Library
823 ILA 00110993 Untouchable God / Ilaiah, Kancha Samya, 2013 9788185604336 (pbk.) | 9788185 248 p.: UG Library
823 JAY 00132426 Wise enough to be foolish : a novel based on a true story Jayaram, Gauri, Jaico Publishing House, 2013 9788184954562 xiii,205 p.; UG Library
823 JHA 00057866 If You Are Afraid of Heights Jha, Kamal Raj 0330493272 293p UG Library
823 JOH 00108911 A companion to Jane Austen Johnson,Claudia L. Wiley-Blackwell Pub., 2012 9780470672389 | 1405149094 xx, 537 p. : UG Library
823 JOS 07000035 Treatment of Dual Cultures in Arun Joshi's Fiction / Joshi, Prakash M. Aadi Publications, 2014 9789382630265 140 p:. Library - BR Campus
823 JOS 00095720 Hitchhiker Joseph Vinod George Books for Change, 9788182910232 ix, 395 p. ; UG Library
823 KAK 00020085 Silas Marnar Kakar H S Vikas Publishing House 1976 186 p. UG Library
823 KAM 00084858 Prisons We Broke Kamble, Baby Orient Longman Publications 2008 8125033904 | 9788125033905 178p UG Library
823 KAN 00121051 Sita's sister Kané, Kavita Rupa, 2014 9788129134844 | 8129134845 311 pages ; UG Library
823 KAR 00083606 The Return to the Soil Karanth, Shivarama G.K. & Brothers 1955 279 p. UG Library
823 KAT 00123602 Honour Redeemed Katoch, Maj Gen Dhruv C Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd., 2015 9789385436864 xix, 323 p:. UG Library
823 KEN 00025674 Reader`s Guide to Samuel Beckett Kenner, Hugh T 7 H 208 p UG Library
823 KHA 00062673 The Life and Works of D H Lawrence Khan, M I Raj Publishing House 2004 8187248696 250 p UG Library
823 KHA 00142058 City of spies Khan, Sorayya Aleph 2015 9789383064786 239pp UG Library
823 KHA 00094203 Babu Fictions:Alientaion in contemporary indian english novels Khair Tabish Oxford university 2005 9780195679038 407p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 KHA 00111409 Indian Imagination Khatri, C.L. Aadi Publications, 2013 9789380902784 ix:205p.; UG Library
823 KHA 00086085 Amitav Ghosh Khair, Tabish Permanent Black 2008 8178241137 | 9788178241135 185 p UG Library
823 KIN 00134665 Cell King Stephen Hodder and Stoughton, 2011 9781444707823 496 p.; UG Library
823 KIP 00106473 Kim Kipling, Rudyard, Dover Publications, 2005 0486445089 (pbk.) | 9780486445 230 p. UG Library
823 KIP 00090323 Kim Kipling, Rudyard Oxford 2008 9780199536467 306p UG Library
823 KIP 00104465 The jungle book Kipling, Rudyard, Penguin Books 2011 9780143415930 viii, 151 p. : UG Library
823 L:AW 00119737 Sons and Lovers Lawrence, D.H. Atlantic Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd, 2014 9788126918607 vi:159p.; UG Library
823 LAL 00128787 Smitten / Lal, Ranjit. Young Zubaan, 2012 9789381017272 (pbk.) 136 p. ; UG Library
823 LAS 00017918 Jane Austin: and Her Art Lascelles, Mary OUP 1968 224 p UG Library
823 LAW 00119728 Lady Chatterley's Lover Lawrence, D. H. Martin Secker 1932 9788124800973 [Authorized Britsh ed.]. 327p.; UG Library
823 LAW 00004576 D. H. Lawrence: Literature in Perspective Slade, Tony Evans 1969 128 p UG Library
823 LEA 00014316 The Great Tradition Leavis, F R PENGUIN 1967 300 p UG Library
823 LEV 00000584 Essential James Joyce Levin, Harry PENGUIN 550p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 LON 00109974 The Cambridge Introduction to the Eighteenth-Century Novel London, April. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521895354 (hardback) | 978 vii, 250 pages ; UG Library
823 LUD 01016115 The Bourne Objective / Luldum's,Robert. Orion Books, 978140911810 437p.; Knowledge Centre
823 MAC 03002582 Asking Questions Mackay, Ian Universities Press 9788173713040 81 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
823 MAN 00118796 The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher : Mantel, Hilary, Fourth Estate, 2014 9781627792103 (hardback) | 162 First U.S. edition. 242 p.; UG Library
823 MAN 00112782 The Cambridge Companin to Sensation Fiction ed by, Mangham Andrew Cambride University Press, 2013 9780521157094 xvi, 234 p.: UG Library
823 MAN 00097403 Indian English women's Fiction of the 1990's: Manohar, Murali Serials Publications, 9788183872805 | 8183872808 xviii, 193 p. ; UG Library
823 MAR 00082028 General in His Labyrinth Marquez, Gabriel Garcia 1989 0140245294 285p UG Library
823 MAR 00110983 Pleasure City Markandaya, Kamala, Penguin Books 1982 0701126175 : | 9780143102489 375 p. ; UG Library
823 MAR 00027234 Leaf Storm Marquez, Gabriel Garcia Picador, 1985 150 p.: UG Library
823 MAR 00081992 Collected Stories Marquez, Gabriel, Garcia 1996 0140157565 292p UG Library
823 MCC 00101398 C McCarthy TOm Jonathan cape; 2010 9780224090209 310 p. UG Library
823 MCR 03000573 Every Second Counts: The Race to Transplant the First Human Heart Mcrae, Donald Scribner 9781416510956 356p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
823 MEE 00087263 Dreams for the Dying Meena, C K Dronequill Publishers 2008 9788189276096 229 p UG Library
823 MER 00085957 Silent Raga Merchant, Ameen Harper Collins 2008 9788172237233 452 p UG Library
823 MER 00013053 Twentieth-Century Story and Statment Meredith, Michael George G Harrap & Co., 1967 152 p UG Library
823 MIL 00092545 James Joyce and the difference of language / Cambridge University Press, 0521623375 (hardback) xiii, 232 p. ; UG Library
823 MIS 00101992 The Oxford Anthology Of Writings from North-East India : Misra, Tilottoma Oxford University Press, 9780198067498 xi, 332 p. UG Library
823 MIS 00101993 The Oxford Anthology Of Writings from North-East India : Misra, Tilottoma Oxford University Press, 9780198067498 xi, 332 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MOD 00095441 Beloved of the Gods : Modak, Emmanuel Sumitra, Rupa & Co., 2010 9788129116307 (pbk.) | 8129116 xvi, 502 p. ; UG Library
823 MOR 00102036 Salman Rushdie : Morton, Stephen, Palgrave Macmillan, 1403997004 (alk. paper) | 1403 IX, 190 p. UG Library
823 MUK 00094024 Realism and Reality Mukherjee Meenakshi Oxford University Press 1985 9780195634341 218p UG Library
823 MUR 00104383 Norwegian wood Murakami, Haruki Vintage books 2015 9780099448822 389 p.: UG Library
823 MUR 07015380 Norwegian wood Murakami, Haruki Vintage books 2015 9780099448822 389 p.: Library - BR Campus
823 MUR 04026590 Norwegian wood Murakami, Haruki Vintage books 2015 9780099448822 389 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 MUR 00082460 Kafka on the Shore Murakami, Haruki 0099494094 614p UG Library
823 NAB 00103817 Look at the Harlequins! Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovich, Vintage Books, 1990 0679727280 : | 9780679727286 1st Vintage International ed. 253 p. ; UG Library
823 NAI 00102719 Fiction and Travel Writing Naipaul V S Atlantic, 9788126901722 viii, 175 p. UG Library
823 NAI 00091188 V.S. Naipaul: Fiction and Travel Writing Mittapalli, Rajeshwar Atlantic 2002 8126901721 175p UG Library
823 NAM 00096960 The Story That Must Not Be Told Nambisan Kavery Penquin Books India Pvt.Ltd. 2010 9780670084531 272p UG Library
823 NAR 00133478 The Very Best of R. K. Narayan : Narayan, R. K. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd., 2013 9788129131027 378 p.: UG Library
823 NAT 00132420 The guardians of the Halahala / Nath, Shatrujeet, Jaico Publishing House, 2015 9788184956382 xvi, 410 pages ; UG Library
823 NID 00093049 Short Stories From Andhra Pradesh Nidadavolu, Malathi Jaico publishing house 2010 9788179926055 463p UG Library
823 OGO 00068090 Concise Companion to the Victorian Novel Gorman O, Francis Atlantic 2005 277p UG Library
823 OLD 00127272 The Great Betrayal Oldfield, Pamela Severn House 2011 9780727880635 187 p.: UG Library
823 OLI 00078590 Writing Historical Novels Crating the Historical Blockbuster. Oliver, Marina Multilingual Matters Limited 2007 8130907186 227p UG Library
823 PAN 00091295 Encyclopaedia of Sharat Chandra Literature Pandey Ravi Narayan Anmol Publications Pvt ltd 9788126141623 248p UG Library
823 PAR 00116914 Boats on land Pariat, Janice, Randon House Publishers India Private Limited 2012 9788184000740 | 9788184005028 viii, 286 pages ; UG Library
823 PAR 00109041 A Companion To Charles Dickens ed by, Paroissien David Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9780470657942 (pbk.) | 9780470 xv, 515 p. : UG Library
823 PAT 00093133 Postcolonial Poetry in English Patke, Rajeev S Oxford University 2009 9780195688603 205p UG Library
823 PAT 00111391 Exploring of Metaphysics PAttanaik,Bhubanananda Adhyayan publishers & distributors 2012 9788184353297 xi,168p.; UG Library
823 PAU 00025442 Novels of Mulk Raj Anand: Paul, Premila Sterling 1984 184 p UG Library
823 PEA 00094115 Love Besieged Pearce, Charles E Oxford press 2003 9780195658767 235p UG Library
823 PIC 00067913 Companion to Indian Fiction in English Piciucco, Pier Paob Atlantic 2000 8126903104 433p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 PIE 00101185 Lights out in Wonderland / Pierre, D. B. C. Faber and Faber, 9780571228898 (pbk.) 314 p. ; UG Library
823 PIE 00106463 The Dickens Dictionary Pierce, Gilbert A. Dover Publications, 2006 0486447391 | 9780486447391 Rev. ed. with bibliography. viii, 594 p. : UG Library
823 POD 00119721 High Alert Podder, Joygopal Peacock Books, 2011 9788124802519 vii:168p.; UG Library
823 POO 00106582 The Cambridge Companion to English Novelists Poole Adrian Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521871198 (hardback : alk. xi, 464 p. ; UG Library
823 PRA 00026042 Major Indian Novels Pradhan, N S Ah 1983 269 p UG Library
823 PRA 00097543 Arundhati Roy: Sarpur Book Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 2010 9788176256056 xiv.280 P. UG Library
823 PRA 00088649 Last Continent Pratchett Terry 1998 0552146145 411 p UG Library
823 PRA 00088650 Wings Pratchett, Terry 1990 0552551104 236p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 PRA 00088655 Sourcery Pratchett, Terry 2008 9780552131070 269p UG Library
823 PRE 00086417 Illustrated Premuchand: Selected Stort Stories Premuchand 2008 0195684184 88 p.: UG Library
823 R0B 00087564 Shantaram / Roberts, Gregory David. Abacus , 2003 9780349117546 933 p.: UG Library
823 RAB 00025726 Fantastic Worlds Myths , Tales and Stories Rabkin,Eric S. Oxford 1979 478 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 RAJ 00119551 The Sikh Detective Rajamani, KS Manas Publications, 2013 9788170494652 190p.; UG Library
823 RAO 00128831 Kamala Markandaya Rao, Krishna A.V. B.R. Publishing Corporation, 2017 9789386223609 200 p. : UG Library
823 RID 00014609 Short Stories for Discussion Ridout, Albert Stuart K Charles 1965 488 p UG Library
823 ROW 00125605 Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone / Rowling, J. K. Bloomsbury, 1997 9781408810545 223 p. : UG Library
823 ROY 05036410 God of Small Things / Roy, Arundhati India Ink, 1997 8186939008 338 p Knowledge Centre
823 ROY 00127366 The Ministry of Utmost Happiness : Roy, Arundhati, Penguin, 2017 9781524733155 First edition. 445 p.: UG Library
823 RUS 00144437 Salman Rushdies Midnights Children / Rushdies, Salman. Atlantic publishers & distributors, 2022 9788126906888 viii,182p, ; UG Library
823 RUS 00109654 Haroun and the Sea of Stories Rushdie, Salman Penguin Books 1991 9780140140439 218 p. UG Library
823 SAB 00099778 The Cambridge companion to Frances Burney / Sabor, Petter Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521850346 (hbk.) | 0521850 xv, 195 p. ; UG Library
823 SAN 00087527 Chowringhee / Sankar Penguin Books, 2007 9780143101031 403p UG Library
823 SAV 00106758 The Cambridge Introduction to Jean Rhys Savory, Elaine. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521873666 | 9780521695435 xiii, 147 p. ; UG Library
823 SHA 00111868 Polarities in the Fiction of Shashi Deshpande/ Sharma, Shashi Kanta. Discovery Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 2013 9789350562888 206p.; UG Library
823 SHA 00092237 Raja Rao's shorter Fiction: Sharma Roshan Lal Rawat Publications 2009 9788131602638 214p UG Library
823 SHE 04023946 Memories of Midnight Sheldon, Sidney. Harper Collins 1996 9788172234898 | 070993005993 290 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 SIM 00091428 The eighteenth-century novel and contemporary social issues : Sim Stuart Edinburgh University Press 2008 9780748626007 213p UG Library
823 SIN 00093842 Novels of E M Forster Singh Avtar Atlantic Pubs. & Dists. (P) Ltd. 9788171562701 288p UG Library
823 SIR 00102508 The Warrior's Mirror / Sirshree , Penguin Press , 9780143415206 169 P. UG Library
823 SMA 00104913 Ghost-seers, detectives, and spiritualists : Smajic, Srdjan, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521191883 (hardback) xi, 262 p. ; UG Library
823 STA 00052193 Cambridge Companion to Joseph Conrad Stape, J H 0521484847 258p UG Library
823 SWA 00089247 Slumdog Millionaire: Swarup, Vikas 2005 9780552775427 382p UG Library
823 SWA 00068720 Q and A Swarup, Vikas 2005 0385608144 303p UG Library
823 TAM 00130833 Dickens' novels as poetry : Tambling, Jeremy, Routledge, 2015 9781138808270 (hbk) | 9781138062993 viii, 238 pages ; UG Library
823 THA 00091082 Stylistics of Indian English Fiction: Thakur Vijay Singh Serials Publications 2008 9788183871761 336p UG Library
823 TOD 00111928 The Cambridge companion to Pride and prejudice / Todd, Janet M. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9780521279581 (hbk.) | 9781107 xxi, 209 p. : UG Library
823 WAL 00090353 Castle of Otranto Walpole, Horace Oxford 2008 9780199537211 125p UG Library
823 WEL 00091266 The Time Machine Wells H G Heritage Publishers 2007 8170262348 123p UG Library
823 WIC 00107191 Sleeping arrangements Wickham, Madeleine, Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Press, 2008 9780312383428 (alk. paper) | 0 1st ed. 295 p. ; UG Library
823 WIL 00090377 Picture of Dorian Gray Wilde, Oscar Oxford 9780199535989 229p UG Library
823 WIL 00123984 The picture of Dorian Gray / Wilde, Oscar, Dover Publications, 1993 9780486278070 viii, 165 p. ; UG Library
823 WIN 00087733 Stone Gods Winterson, Janette 2007 9780141032603 246p UG Library
823 WOO 00106425 The Voyage Out The Voyage Out Dover Publications, INC. : 2006 9780486450056 vi, 280 p. : UG Library
823 WOO 00004375 Mrs.Dalloway Woolf, Virginia PENGUIN 1968 214 p UG Library
823 ZAM 00112052 Mrs Ali's Road To Happiness / Zama, Farahad. Abacus, 2012 9780349122700 307 p. ; UG Library
823 ABB 00105566 An Evening in Lucknow: Abbas.K.A. HarperPerennial. 2011 9789350291023 226 p. UG Library
823 ABB 00080913 Fear Abbott, Jeff. Sphere 2007 402p UG Library
823 ABD 00055918 Andheri Nagari Khan, Abdul Majeed Sameith Prakashana 2000 8186570217 166p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 ABD 00055919 Andheri Nagari Khan, Abdul Majeed Sameith Prakashana 2000 8186570217 166p UG Library
823 ABO 00117254 Breaking Ties Aboobacker, Sara Central Institute of Indian Languages, 2011 9788173431135 xxi: 106p. ; UG Library
823 ABO 00123989 Breaking Ties Aboobacker, Sara 2001 0333935497 105p .; UG Library
823 ABO 00055069 Breaking Ties Aboobacker, Sara 2001 0333935497 105p .; Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 ACH 07008759 Things fall apart : Achebe, Chinua. W. W. Norton & Co., 2009 9780393932195 (pbk. : alk. pap 1st ed. xxi, 597 p. : Library - BR Campus
823 ACH 00093809 Girls at War and other stories / Achebe,Chinua. Anchor Books A Division of Random House, Inc, 9780385418966 120p.; UG Library
823 ACH 10003352 Things fall apart / Achebe, Chinua. Penguin books ltd., 2001 9780141186887 xiii,151 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 ACH 00112494 Things fall apart : Achebe, Chinua. W. W. Norton & Co., 2009 9780393932195 (pbk. : alk. pap 1st ed. xxi, 597 p. : UG Library
823 ACH 00010561 Nicobar Islands Achudan, M NATIONAL 190 p UG Library
823 ACH 00021561 Things Fall Apart Achebe, Chinua Arnold-Heineman 1975 192 p UG Library
823 ACH 00021562 Things Fall Apart Achebe, Chinua Arnold-Heineman 1975 192 p UG Library
823 ACH 07008832 Things Fall Apart/ Achebe,Chinua Penguin book, 2010 9780141023380 196 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 ACH 00103972 The Education of a British-Protecteed Child: Achebe Chinua Penguin books; 2009 9780141043616 172 p. UG Library
823 ACH 00100243 The Suragi tree / Acharya, Prabhaker. MapinLit, 8188204404 (Mapin) | 189020648 452 p. ; UG Library
823 ACH 00050163 Things Fall Apart - Classic Achebe, Chinua 1994 0385474547 209p UG Library
823 ACH 07005345 Things Fall Apart Achebe, Chinua Arnold-Heineman 1975 192 p Library - BR Campus
823 ADA 00034251 Between Tears and Laughter Anand, Mulk Raj Sterling 1992 130 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 ADA 00029695 Traveller Adams, Richard Ballantine 1987 422 p UG Library
823 ADA 00031516 Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul (novel) Adams, Douglas PAN 246 p UG Library
823 ADA 00068661 Ultimate Hitech Hiker`s Guide to the Galaxy Adams, Douglas 2005 0345453743 815p UG Library
823 ADA 00009365 Surface and Symbol Adams, Robert Martin Galaxy Book 1967 294 P UG Library
823 ADE 00145640 A Spell of Good Things Adebayo, Ayobami Canongate Books, 2023 9781838856052 332p UG Library
823 ADI 00116603 The White Tiger Adiga Aravind Harpercollins Publishers, 2013 9788172238476 319 p.: UG Library
823 ADI 00146264 Sailing through my Eyes Adil, Maira Storydea, 2023 9788126936489 60p. ; UG Library
823 ADI 00116587 Last man in tower Adiga, Aravind. Atlantic Books, 2011 9781848875166 | 1848875169 | 9 421 p. : UG Library
823 ADI 00141978 Amnesty : Adiga,Aravind. Picador India , 2021 9789389104530 255p.; UG Library
823 ADI 00110969 Americanah Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi, Fourth Estate 2013 9780307271082 (hardback) First edition. 477 pages cm UG Library
823 ADI 00147041 Vellakkaduva Adiga, Aravind DC Books 2021 9788126426898 352p UG Library
823 ADI 00087258 Between the Assassinations Adiga, Arvind 9780330450546 284 p UG Library
823 ADI 04026245 The White Tiger Adiga Aravind Harpercollins Publishers, 2013 9788172238476 319 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 ADI 00103994 Between the Assassinations Adiga Aravind Picador 2009 9780330532846 351 p UG Library
823 ADI 00105546 Last man in tower Adiga, Aravind. HarperCollins Publishers 2011 9780385669894 : 421 p. UG Library
823 ADI. 00089963 Thing Around Your Neck Adichie, Chimamnda Ngozi 9780007326778 217p UG Library
823 AES 00105479 Suppliants And Other Drama Aeschylus Hachette Group. 1996 9789380143606 lxiii,253 p. UG Library
823 AES 00105490 The Oresteia Trilogy - Agamemnon, the Libration Bearers and the Furies Aeschylus Hachette Group. 1996 0486292428 150p UG Library
823 AGA 00134351 Social realism: Agarwal,Jyoti Adhyayan publishers, 2017 9788184354799 xviii,167p.; UG Library
823 AGA 07005959 Words to Live By/ Agarwal,Deepa Hachette Book Publishing India, 2016 9789350099452 VII,247 Pages. Library - BR Campus
823 AGA 07005641 What i did not learn at IIT Agarwal,Rajeev. Random House India, 2013 9788184004861 XVII,193 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 AGH 00022982 No Longer at Ease Achebe, Chinua H M 154 p UG Library
823 AGR 00147057 MOIRA : Never planned to fall in love/ Agrawal, Deepak Notion, 2023 0444851690 281p. ; UG Library
823 AGR 00121373 Modern English Fiction Agrawal Rajmohan Crescent Publications 2013 9788183422871 274p. UG Library
823 AHE 00143243 Postscript Ahern, Cecelia Harper Collins 2019 9780008336387 357p UG Library
823 AHE 07007622 Thanks for the Memories/ Ahern,Cecelia Harper, 2008 9780007311309 489 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 AHE 00104616 P.S. I Love You Ahern Cecelia Harper 2007 9780007270101 502 p. UG Library
823 AHL 00139755 Breaking Through: Ahluwalia,Isher Judge Rupa Publications Pvt. Ltd 2020 9789390260287 173 Pages UG Library
823 AHM 07009058 The World in My Hands/ Ahmeed K Anis Random House India 2013 9788184003994 376p. Library - BR Campus
823 AHM 00109339 Velocity Ahmed Ajaz Vermilion 2012 9780091947569 xiii; 256 p. UG Library
823 AHM 00112915 The World in My Hands/ Ahmeed K Anis Random House India 2013 9788184003994 376p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 AHM 00104452 Jimmy, the terrorist / Ahmad, Omair. Hamish Hamilton an imprint of Penguin Books, | Penguin Group, 2010 9780670083640 185 p. ; UG Library
823 AHM 00104478 The wandering falcon / Ahmad Jamil Hamish Hamilton, Penguin Books, 2011 9780670085330 181 p. UG Library
823 AID 00029920 Our Sister Kill joy Or Reflections from a Black-Eyed Squint (novel) Aidoo, Ama Ata David Mckay 1987 136 p UG Library
823 AJA 00142265 Sankaracharya Ajayakumar, K C Rupa Publications 2020 9789389967562 210p UG Library
823 AKB 00129178 Leila A Novel Akbar, Prayaag Simon & Schuster, 2017 9788193355206 205 p.: UG Library
823 AKB 00104036 Blood Brothers : Akbar MJ Roli Books ; 2006 9788174366153 346 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 AKB 00141997 Leila Akbar,Prayaag Simon and schuster, 2019 9789386797605 263p.; UG Library
823 AKU 00059248 Winter Queen Akunin, Boris 0081297221 244 UG Library
823 ALB 00118757 The Time Keeper Albom Mitch Sphere, 2012 9780751541182 238 p.: UG Library
823 ALB 00016032 Exile and the Kingdom (novel) Albert Camus, PENGUIN 152 UG Library
823 ALB 07007033 The Time Keeper Albom Mitch Sphere, 2012 9780751541182 238 p.: Library - BR Campus
823 ALB 00061458 Five People You Meet in Heaven Albom, Mitch Hyperion 196p UG Library
823 ALB 00104413 Leela'sbook Albinia,alice. Random book house. 2011 9788184001228 422p. UG Library
823 ALB 00133991 The magic strings of Frankie Presto: Albom, Mitch, 1958- Sphere, 2016 9780751541229 489 p.; UG Library
823 ALB 07015329 The Time Keeper Albom Mitch Sphere, 2012 9780751541182 238 p.: Library - BR Campus
823 ALB 00060293 Five People You Meet in Heaven Albom, Mitch 0316726613 208p UG Library
823 ALB 00118753 Have a Little Faith : Albom, Mitch, Sphere, 2009 9781847440891 | 9780751537529 viii, 254 p. ; UG Library
823 ALC 00001105 Little Men (novel) Alcott, M Louisa CP 156 p UG Library
823 ALC 00126318 Little Women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy Alcott, Louisa May, Norton, 2004 9780393976144 xi, 665 p. : UG Library
823 ALD 00104474 Periodic Tales Wiiliams,Aldersey,Hugh. Viking,an imprint of penguin books 2011 9780670919468 xvii: 428 p. UG Library
823 ALE 00134357 Nampally Road / Alexander,Meena. Orient BlackSwan, 2018 9789352874040 107p.: UG Library
823 ALE 00049611 Many Rooms Many Voices Alexander, Cheriyan Katha Lok Publications 168p UG Library
823 ALE 00049612 Many Rooms Many Voices Alexander, Cheriyan Katha Lok Publications 168p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 ALE 05065254 Nampally Road / Alexander,Meena. Orient BlackSwan, 2018 9789352874040 107p.: Knowledge Centre
823 ALF 00080873 Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp [fiction] Alfred, Kropp 2006 0747584397 339p UG Library
823 ALI 00057797 Brick Lane Ali, Monica 2003 0552151599 | 9780552151597 491p UG Library
823 ALI 00078268 Stone Woman Ali, Tariq Seagull 2000 8170462975 271 p UG Library
823 ALI 00078294 Book of Saladin [ug.Fiction Section ] Ali, Tariq Seagull 8170462967 367p UG Library
823 ALI 00078297 Street Fighting Years [ug.Fiction Section] Ali, Tariq Seagull 8170462991 403p UG Library
823 ALI 05060841 Running away from Elephants : Ali, Rauf. Speaking Tiger, 2018 9789387164949 222 p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 ALI 00078320 Sultan in Palermo [ug.Fiction Section] Ali, Tariq Seagull 8170462983 246p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 ALI 07014163 Running away from Elephants : Ali, Rauf. Speaking Tiger, 2018 9789387164949 222 p. ; Library - BR Campus
823 ALI 07010061 Diaspora in Fiction: Ali,Farzana S Yking Books, 2016 9789385528316 III,234 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 ALI 00059252 Brick Lane Ali, Monica 2003 0552151599 492p UG Library
823 ALI 00104758 Untold Story Ali, Monica. Doubleday 2011 9780385614603 345 P. UG Library
823 ALK 05072275 Enter stage right : Alkazi, Feisal. Speaking Tiger Books LLP, 2021 9789390477029 246p., Knowledge Centre
823 ALL 00137654 Wish You were Here / Alliott,Catherine. Michael Joseph, 2015 9780718179403 407p.; UG Library
823 ALL 05068420 The Cambridge companion to Sherlock Holmes / Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781316609590 xix,261p.; Knowledge Centre
823 ALL 00080118 Mere Anarchy Allen, Woody Ebury Press 2007 160p UG Library
823 ALL 00004371 English Novel a Short Critical History Allen, Walter PENGUIN 1970 376 UG Library
823 ALM 00062854 Heaven Eyes Almond, David Hodder Children's Books 2004 0340743689 213 p UG Library
823 ALM 00062855 Kit`s Wilderness: Fiction Almond, David 0340727160 231p UG Library
823 ALM 00062856 Secret Heart: Fiction Almond, David 0340743697 202p UG Library
823 ALP 00049290 Kanthapura to Malgudi Alphonse S J, S Xavier Prestige Books 8175510307 183p UG Library
823 ALT 00110188 Rerun at Rialto Alter, Tom, Viking, 2001 0670911291 | 9780670911295 128 p. : UG Library
823 ALT 00141950 Feral Dreams : Alter,Stephen. Aleph, 2020 9789389836189 200p.; UG Library
823 AMB 00095116 The Mask Of Dimitrios Ambler Eric Penguin 2009 9780141190334 226 P UG Library
823 AMI 00137375 Raavan: Amish Westland publications pvt ltd., 2019 9789388754088 xxiii,374p.; UG Library
823 AMI 07014512 Raavan: Amish Westland publications pvt ltd., 2019 9789388754088 xxiii,374p.; Library - BR Campus
823 AMI 05044086 The war against cliche: Amis Martin Vintage; 9780099422228 505 p. Knowledge Centre
823 AMI 00104364 The Pregnant Widow Amis,Martin Vintage Books 2010 9780099554127 470p UG Library
823 AMI 00140336 Raavan: Amish Westland publications pvt ltd., 2019 9789388754088 xxiii,374p.; UG Library
823 AMI 00103479 The inform to Ion: Amis Martin Vintage books; 9780099526698 493 p. UG Library
823 AMI 00018849 Ending Up(novel) Amis, Kingsley Panthar UG Library
823 AMI 00103480 The war against cliche: Amis Martin Vintage; 9780099422228 505 p. UG Library
823 AMU 00071447 Selected Kannada Short Stories: Amur, G S Sahitya Akademi 2000 8172012489 300p UG Library
823 ANA 05047487 Science Fiction : Anandrao, Navle Balaji Atlantic, 2015 324 p. Knowledge Centre
823 ANA 07014191 The Other: Anand,Paro Speaking Tiger, 2018 9789388070119 164 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 ANA 00009149 Seven Summers (sahitya Akadami Award Winners Mulk Raj, Anand Hind Pocket Books Pvt. Ltd 238p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 ANA 07012374 The Other: Anand,Paro Speaking Tiger, 2018 9789388070119 164 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 ANA 00089691 Private Life of and Indian Prince Anand Raj, Mulk Harper Collins 2008 9788172237608 389p. UG Library
823 ANA 00069109 Untouchale / Anand ,Mulk Raj Penguin Pub,Group , 9780143027805 148 P . UG Library
823 ANA 07011504 No guns at my son's funeral / Anand, Paro. IndiaInk, 2005 8186939172 172 p. ; Library - BR Campus
823 ANA 00073482 Seven Summers [fiction ] Anand Mulk Raj PENGUIN 240 UG Library
823 ANA 00102516 Untouchale / Anand ,Mulk Raj Penguin Pub,Group , 9780143027805 148 P . UG Library
823 ANA 07005917 Weed / Anand, Paro. IndiaInk, 2008 9788186939413 142 p. ; Library - BR Campus
823 ANA 00110978 Haunted Anand,Rashmi. Times Group Books 2013 9789382299516 211 p. UG Library
823 ANA 00104410 A golden age Anam,tahmima. Penguin books 2007 9780143415374 317p. UG Library
823 ANA 00104411 The good Muslim Anam, Tahmima, Penguin books. 2011 9780670082896 297p. UG Library
823 ANA 00013806 Coolie Mulk Raj Anand, Longman 315 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 ANA 00013824 Coolie Mulk Raj Anand, Longman 315 p UG Library
823 ANA 00013820 Coolie Mulk Raj Anand, Longman 315 p UG Library
823 ANA 00013822 Coolie Anand, Mulkraj Pocket 308p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 ANA 00013821 Coolie Anand, Mulkraj Pocket 308p UG Library
823 ANA 00013823 Coolie Anand, Mulk Raj HPB 318 p UG Library
823 ANA 00092250 Things Have a Way of Working Out: Anand Mulk Raj Orient paperbacks 1998 8122202187 136p UG Library
823 ANA 00013825 Coolie Anand, Mulk Raj Oreint 320 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 ANA 00088429 Touchable Tales: Publishing and Reading Dalit Literature Anand, S Navayana 8189059009 45p UG Library
823 ANA 00092251 lament on the death of a master of arts mulk raj anand Orient Paperbacks 9788122204148 125p UG Library
823 ANA 04017017 Untouchale / Anand ,Mulk Raj Penguin Pub,Group , 9780143027805 148 P . Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 ANA 00129904 Maharashtra's Maximus Anandan, Sujatha Rupa Publications, 2018 9788129149992 xix p.: 244 p.: UG Library
823 AND 00026857 His Classic Fairy Tales Anderson, Hans Victor 190 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 AND 00141367 Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Anderson Anderson,Hans Christian Embasy Books 2020 9789389995466 297p UG Library
823 AND 00055382 Kenneth Anderson Ominbus: Vol. 1 Anderson, Kenneth Rupa & Co 8171674550 729p UG Library
823 AND 00034945 The Donkey's Fate and other stories (Fiction) Andrade Marina Daughters of St Paul 1993 77 p UG Library
823 ANI 00081991 Better Man Nair, Anita 0140293205 361 UG Library
823 ANO 05036798 Coolie / Anand,Mulk,Raj. Penguin Book, 1936 9780140186802 282p.; Knowledge Centre
823 ANS 00100156 Beyond Silence Ansal, Kusum Roli Books Pvt.Ltd., 9788174368126 247 p. UG Library
823 ANT 00130384 An Unsuitable Woman Antony, Shinie RUPA, 2017 9788129149206 158 p . : UG Library
823 APA 00111865 The Theme of Responsibility in the Novels of Bernard Malamud and James Baldwin Aparna, Palle. Kanishka Publishers, Distributors, 2012 9788184573787 xv: 207.; UG Library
823 AQA 00027514 Patriotic Murders (novel) Agatha Christie, 1945 228 UG Library
823 ARA 00082041 All Is Burning (fiction) Arasanayagam, Jean 1995 0140251685 417p UG Library
823 ARA 00102381 All is burning / Arasanayagam, Jean. Penguin Books, 0140251685 417 p. ; UG Library
823 ARA 01016057 Best Quotations for All Occasions / Arranged. Fawcett, 9780449300374 xii,557p.; Knowledge Centre
823 ARB 00018469 Wide Fields of Home Arbor, Jane Harlequin 1975 190 p UG Library
823 ARC 00052515 As the Crow Flies ( Fiction ) Archer, Jeffrey 1997 0006478700 736p UG Library
823 ARC 00068808 As the Crow Flies Archer, Jeffrey 0330418971 736p UG Library
823 ARC 00034769 Matter of Honour Jeffrey Archer 1900 344 p.: UG Library
823 ARC 00058813 Prison Diary. Archer, Jeffrey 2003 0330426370 310 UG Library
823 ARC 00058814 Prison Diary. Archer, Jeffrey 2003 0330426370 310 UG Library
823 ARC 00127149 The Sins of the Father Archer Jeffrey Macmillan, 2012 9780230748231 383 p.: UG Library
823 ARC 00080842 Prison Diary. Archer, Jeffrey 2003 0330426370 310 UG Library
823 ARC 00057808 As the Crow Flies Archer, Jeffrey 1991 0330418971 736p UG Library
823 ARC 00080840 Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less [fiction] Archer, Jeffrey 0330419048 335p UG Library
823 ARC 00080841 First Among Equals Archer, Jeffrey 2003 0330418998 466 p UG Library
823 ARC 10002568 Next in line / Archer, Jeffrey. Harper Collings Publishers, 2022 9780008523237 378p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 ARC 00080843 Cat O`nine Tales:And Other Stories. Archer, Jeffrey 2006 0330449621 254p UG Library
823 ARC 00080844 Quiver Full of Arrows Archer, Jeffrey 2003 0330419013 266p UG Library
823 ARC 00080845 Twist in the Tale (fiction) Archer, Jeffrey 2003 0330419005 269p UG Library
823 ARC 00055582 To Cut a Long Story Short [ Fiction ] Archer, Jeffrey 2001 0006514693 418p UG Library
823 ARC 00068722 A Quiver Full of Arrows Archer, Jeffrey St Martin's Paperbacks, 2003 9780312937690 274p.; UG Library
823 ARC 00068767 First Among Equals Archer, Jeffrey 1984 0330418998 466p UG Library
823 ARC 00057223 First Among Equals - a Novel Archer, Jeffrey 2000 0006478689 465p UG Library
823 ARM 00035123 White Light: a Novel Armstrong, Campbell William Morrow, 1988 0688077013 381p.; UG Library
823 ARO 00073064 Study of Kamala Markandaya`s Women Arora, Sudhir Kumar Atlantic 8126906480 149p UG Library
823 ARP 00104755 Scent of a Woman Arpino,Giovanni. penguin Classics. 2011 9780141193182 182 P. UG Library
823 ARP 00077680 Perrines Story and Structure Arp, Thomas R Thomson 2002 0155074962 10th ed 747p UG Library
823 ASA 00022984 Rebel Asare, Bedako H M 1980 148 p UG Library
823 ASH 00103833 Slowness / Kundera,Milan. Faber and Faber, 9780571179435 132p.; UG Library
823 ASH 00085852 Mole ! Ashokamitaran Orient Longman Publications 2005 8125026827 161 p UG Library
823 ASH 00141969 The silence of the hyena: Ashraf,Syed Muhammad Aleph book company, 2020 9789389836202 v,218p.; UG Library
823 ASH 00104232 Ruth Prawer Jhabvala : Ashri Dr.Sumita Aadi Publications ; 2010 9789380902142 239 p. UG Library
823 ASH 00062853 The Postmaster Saad, Ashraf 2004 0014303152 342p UG Library
823 ASI 00073485 Best Crime Stories Asimov Isaac Jaico Publishing House 2005 8179920372 325 UG Library
823 ASI 00077580 I Asimov a Memoir [english Fiction] Asimov, Isaac 0055356997 578p UG Library
823 ASI 00035906 Foundation (novel) Isaac Asimov, Ballantine 286 UG Library
823 ASI 00109459 I Asimov: A Memoir Asimov,Isaac Bantam Books 1994 9780553569971 xii; 578 p. UG Library
823 ASI 00022966 Authorised Murder Asimov, Issac PAN 1981 240 p UG Library
823 ASL 00137627 The golden legend Aslam,Nadeem Penguin random house india pvt ltd., 2017 9780143442592 ix,364p.; UG Library
823 ASO 00062914 The Colours of Evil Asokamitran East West Books Pvt.Ltd 2003 8186852050 199p UG Library
823 AST 00017495 The Cyclone Asturias, Miguel Angel HPB 1968 240 p UG Library
823 ATK 00117095 Life after life Atkinson, Kate, Transworld Publishers, 2014 0316176486 (hardback) | 978031 First United States edition. xi, 529 pages ; UG Library
823 ATT 00050490 Joyce Effects - on Language Theroy and History Attridge, Derek 0521777887 208p UG Library
823 ATW 00040249 THE Handmaid`s Tale Atwood, Margaret Ballantine Books 1985 395p UG Library
823 AUS 00004415 Mansfield Park Jane Austen, PENGUIN 1966 465 UG Library
823 AUS 00001040 Sense and Sensibility Austen, Jane JMD 1996 220 p UG Library
823 AUS 00014715 Northanger Abbey and Persuasion [Fiction] Austen, Jane Dent 1966 220 p UG Library
823 AUS 00014717 Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen, J M Dent, 1966 338 p UG Library
823 AUS 00014778 Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen, J M Dent, 1966 338 p UG Library
823 AUS 00014776 Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen, J M Dent, 1966 338 p UG Library
823 AUS 00004437 Pride & Prejudice Novel Austen, Jane David Mckay 418 p UG Library
823 AUS 00004438 Sense and Sensiblity Jane Austen, Washington 1967 334 UG Library
823 AUS 00079259 Northanger Abbey. Austen, Jane Bantam 2007 215p UG Library
823 AUS 00079260 Northanger Abbey. Austen, Jane Bantam 2007 215p UG Library
823 AUS 00001817 Pride and Prejudice Austen, Jane Penguin Books 1994 298p UG Library
823 AUS 00022528 Pride & prejudicee Austen Jane Tower Books 1976 280 p UG Library
823 AUS 00022529 Pride and Prejudice Austen, Jane 92p UG Library
823 AUS 00013901 Emma Austen, Jane Collins 1972 375 p UG Library
823 AUS 00126289 Northanger Abbey : Austen, Jane, W.W. Norton, 2004 9780393978506 xiv, 364 p. ; UG Library
823 AUS 00126319 Mansfield Park : Austen, Jane, W.W. Norton, 1998 9780393967913 1st ed. xxi, 515 p. : UG Library
823 AUS 00004731 Emma Jane Austen, Mc Millan 1966 159 UG Library
823 AUS 00012084 Emma Jane Austen, Mc Millan 1966 159 UG Library
823 AUS 00014775 Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen, Dent 1966 338 UG Library
823 AUS 00014777 Pride and Prejudice Austen, Jane 338p UG Library
823 AUS 00078312 Sense and Sensibility Pride and Prejudice and Mansfield Park Austen, Jane 2007 0230525113 254p UG Library
823 AUS 00090345 Sense and Sensibility Austen, Jane Oxford 2008 9780199535576 327p UG Library
823 AUS 00078575 Pride and Prejudice (fiction) Jausten, Jane W.W Norton 2006 0393976041 413p UG Library
823 AUS 00039666 Pride &prejudice. Austen, Jane Mysore 1975 400 p UG Library
823 AUS 00039667 Emma Austen, Jane. Mysore 1994 445 p UG Library
823 AUS 00137531 Emma Austen,Jane Penguin random house india pvt ltd., 2016 9780143427087 423p.; UG Library
823 AUS 00004544 Persuasion (novel) Austen, Jane PENGUIN 400 p UG Library
823 AUS 00080895 Pride and Prejudice (fiction) Austen, Jane 2006 0747587485 335p UG Library
823 AUS 00011961 Emma Austen, Jane Panther Books, 1972 382p.; UG Library
823 AUS 00066696 Mansfield Park Austen, Jane FORTUNE 2004 8181990900 422p UG Library
823 AUS 00106443 Sanditon ; Austen, Jane, Dover Publications, 2007 9780486457932 (pbk.) | 0486457 x, 97 p. ; UG Library
823 AUS 07006610 Sense and Sensibility Austen, Jane Oxford 2008 9780199535576 327p Library - BR Campus
823 AUS 00106454 Lady Susan Austen, Jane, Dover Publications, 2005 0486444074 (pbk.) | 9780486444 xi,64 p. UG Library
823 AUS 00137573 Persuasion. Austen,Jane Penguin random random house india pvt ltd., 2016 9780143427346 219p.; UG Library
823 AUS 00013900 Emma Austen, Jane Collins 1972 375 p UG Library
823 AYL 00078205 The Night of the Lord Aylen, Elise. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1967 viii, 164 p. UG Library
823 AZA 00122879 Arundhati Roy Azam, Naiyer Sarup Book Publishers (P) Ltd., 2015 9789352080069 168 p:. UG Library
823 AZI 00081586 Galpa: Short Stories By Women from Bangladesh Azim, Firdous Rav Media 2005 8189632051 280p UG Library
823 BAB 00145651 Ravi Subramanian presents Evoked : Babbar, Mansi Harper Collins India Publications 2021 9789356297029 216 pages UG Library
823 BAC 00029921 Illusions: the Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah (novel) Bach, Richard PAN 144 p UG Library
823 BAC 00029923 Jonathan Livingston Seagull: a Story (novel) Bach, Richard PAN 1986 94 p UG Library
823 BAC 00029924 There`s No Such Place as Far Away Bach, Richard Penguin 1987 50 p UG Library
823 BAC 00057862 ONE: a Novel Bach, Richard 0330311735 284p UG Library
823 BAC 05066641 War Diary / Bachmann, Ingeborg. Seagull Books, 2018 9780857425324 vii, 108p.; Knowledge Centre
823 BAD 00140118 The Siege of surapur Badiger,V.R Current publications, 2020 9789390253227 vi,204p.; UG Library
823 BAG 00116705 This Place Bagchi, Amitabha. HarperCollins Publishers India, 2013 9789351160182 251 p. ; UG Library
823 BAG 07012375 When i hid my Caste: Bagul,Baburao. Speaking Tiger, 2018 9789386702920 XII,137 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 BAG 00147062 Sidney Sheldon's The Tides of Memory / Bagshawe, Tilly Happer Collins, 2013 9780007533015 488p. : UG Library
823 BAG 00147063 Sidney Sheldon's Angel of the Dark / Bagshawe, Tilly Happer Collins, 2012 9780007490622 389p. : UG Library
823 BAG 00024922 Windfall Bagley, Desmond Rupa 1982 320 UG Library
823 BAG 05067385 When i hid my Caste: Bagul,Baburao. Speaking Tiger, 2018 9789386702920 XII,137 Pages,: Knowledge Centre
823 BAG 00098528 Children Of A Better God Bagchi, Susmita Penguin Books, 9780143066422 238 p. UG Library
823 BAG 00144555 Dear Stranger I Know How you Feel / Bagrecha, Ashish. Harper collins publishers, 2022 9789356293373 xii,187p, ; UG Library
823 BAH 00100282 The sound of water : Bahadur, Sanjay, Atria International, 9788186939468 | 9781416585909 229 p. ; UG Library
823 BAH 00138255 A Year of Wednesdays / Bahl,Sonia. Fingerprint, 2019 9789388810654 279p.; UG Library
823 BAJ 00141968 The Owl delivered the good news all night long : Bajpai,Lopamudra Maitra.-ed Aleph, 2021 9789390652747 xliii,496p.; UG Library
823 BAK 00074155 Fiction of Postmodernity Baker, Stephen Edinburg University Press 2000 0074861088 217p UG Library
823 BAK 00135171 The code of manavas: Bakshi,Arpit Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2018 9789353041205 x,285p.; UG Library
823 BAK 00142043 Why visit america Baker,Matthew Bloomsbury publishing: 2020 9781526618399 354p.; UG Library
823 BAK 00048624 Critics on George Eliot Baker William Universal Book Stall 1999 8185392234 116p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 BAL 05038206 The Finisher / Baldacci,David. Macmilan Books, 2014 9781447263005 506p.; Knowledge Centre
823 BAL 00008131 No Body Knows My Name (novel) Baldwin, James Corgi 198 p UG Library
823 BAL 00084818 Refuge and Other Stories Balakrishnan, A S Orient Longman Publications 2006 0812501246 135p UG Library
823 BAL 00139326 What the body remembers / Baldwin, Shauna Singh. Vintage Canada, 1999 9780676973181 515p. ; UG Library
823 BAL 00004603 Old Gariot (novel) Balzac, Honore De PENGUIN 1968 305 p UG Library
823 BAL 00109635 What The Body Remembers Baldwin Shauna Singh 1999 9788129117472 608 p. UG Library
823 BAL 00057984 What the Body Rembers Baldwin, Shauna Singh harper Collins 1999 0385600437 475p UG Library
823 BAM 07011424 Just one word / Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199481040 xiii,143p. Library - BR Campus
823 BAM 00068731 Sangati Events Bama 2005 0195670884 126p UG Library
823 BAN 00110114 Hues of Life Bande, Usha Oxford 2012 0198089120 | 9780198089124 x, 100 p. : UG Library
823 BAN 00087720 Corridor Banerjee, Sarnath Penguin Books 2004 0143031384 | 9780143031383 112p UG Library
823 BAN 00103465 By the cungabhadra: Bandopadhyay Saradindu Harperperennial; 9789350290118 253 p. UG Library
823 BAN 00087727 Barn Owl`s Wondrous Capers Banerjee, Sarnath 0014400108 262 p UG Library
823 BAN 00112771 Locating the Anglo-Indian self in Ruskin Bond : Bandyopadhyay, Debashis. Anthem Press, 2011 9789380601045 (alk. paper) | 9 vii; 160 p UG Library
823 BAN 00129166 Before We Visit The Goddess / Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee, Simon and Schuster, 2017 9781476792002 | 9781476792019 210 p. : UG Library
823 BAN 05072705 Panchali : Bandyopadhyay, Sibaji., Penguin Books, 2022 9780143427810 238p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 BAN 00125969 Before We Visit the Goddess / Banerjee Chitra Simon & Schuster, 2016 9781471146930 210p.: UG Library
823 BAN 00098946 What really happened stories Banaphool Penguin books; 9780143414223 ix;327 p. UG Library
823 BAN 00099570 Paul Scott. Banerjee,Jacqueline. Atlantic; 9788126912926 x:97 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 BAN 00119078 Games Girls Play Banan, Aastha Atray Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2014 9788129124692 201p.; UG Library
823 BAN 00104340 Doctor Copernicus : Banville, John. Vintage Books, 1993 0679737995 1st Vintage International ed. 241 p. : UG Library
823 BAN 00094637 Byomkesh Bakshi Bandopadhyay Saradindu Rupa Publications 9788129100962 207p UG Library
823 BAN 00106162 Sikandar: Banerjee,Binayak. Westland Ltd. 2009 9789380658735 236 p. UG Library
823 BAR 00109335 The Tiller of waters Barakat, Hoda. Women Unlimited 2004 977424690X | 9798188965693 200 p. ; UG Library
823 BAR 00145497 The Inheritance Games/ Barbes, Jennifer lynn Penguin Books, 2021 9780241476178 372,p.; UG Library
823 BAR 00145496 The Hawthorne Legacy/ Barbes, Jennifer Lynn Penguin Books, 2023 9780241480724 358p.; UG Library
823 BAR 00103978 Rebirth a novel: Barua Jahnavi Penguin books; 2010 9780143414551 203 p. UG Library
823 BAR 00040276 CITY OF STRANGERS Barnard, Robert DELLPUBLISHING 286p UG Library
823 BAR 00102073 The Women Characters in the Novels of Thomas Hardy Barad, Dilipsinh P Atlantic, 9788126910427 143 p. UG Library
823 BAR 00107053 The sense of an ending Barnes, Julian. Jonathan Cape, 2011 9780224094153 (cloth) 150 p. ; UG Library
823 BAS 05072549 In an Ideal World : Basu, Kunal. Penguin Random House India, 2022 9780670096343 198p, ; Knowledge Centre
823 BAS 00081589 Afsaneh: Short Stories By Iranian Women Basmenji, Kaveh Rav Media, 2007 0818963206 200p.; UG Library
823 BAS 00094485 Dispelling the Silence Baskaran G Blackswan Pvt.Ltd. 9788125037040 132p UG Library
823 BAS 00116642 Terror on the Titanic Basu, Samit Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2013 9788129129673 185 p.; UG Library
823 BAS 00099547 Ted Hughes Bassnett,Susan Atlantic; 9788126912971 x;112 p UG Library
823 BAS 00125343 Khauna Mihir's Mound Basu, Bani Sahitya Akademi, 2016 9788126047574 227 p.: UG Library
823 BAT 00129532 How Sindhis Do Business Paiso Bathija, Maya Penguin Random House, 2017 9780143427773 xvii,; 216 p,; UG Library
823 BAU 07012684 Why hasn't Everything already Disappeared/ Baudrillard,Jean. Seagull Books, 2016 9780857424013 77 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 BAY 00099560 Leo Tolstoy Bayley,John Atlantic 9788126913084 ix; UG Library
823 BEA 00104908 Style, Gnder, and Fantasy in Nineteenth-Century American Women's Writing / Beam, Dorri. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521769686 (cloth) vii, 260 p. ; UG Library
823 BEC 00004561 Malone Dies (novel) Backett, Samuel PENGUIN 144 p UG Library
823 BEC 00027236 Murphy / Beckett, Samuel Picador, 1985 160 p.: UG Library
823 BEC 00027237 The Beckett Trilogy Beckett Samuel Picador 382 UG Library
823 BED 00116801 Lovers' Rock Bedi Ravi Rupa Publications, 2014 9788129124791 353 p.: UG Library
823 BED 05072246 Battlefield / Bedekar, Vishram. Speaking Tiger Books LLP, 2021 9788194490845 210p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 BEH 00078568 Oroonoko [Fiction Section] Behn, Aphara 2005 0393970140 272p UG Library
823 BEI 00022981 Political Spider (novel) Beler, Ulli H M 118 p UG Library
823 BEL 00034766 Chains of Fate [novel] Belle Pamela, PAN 510 p UG Library
823 BEL 00137625 The frozen telescope Bell,Jennifer Penguin random house, 2018 9780552572910 309p.; UG Library
823 BEL 00106739 Petersburg Bely,Andrei Penguin Classics 2011 9780141191744 xxiv;599 P. UG Library
823 BEL 00055916 The Silver Amulet Bell, Eva 1998 8175954213 228p UG Library
823 BEL 00055917 The Silver Amulet Bell, Eva 1998 8175954213 228p UG Library
823 BEN 10002616 Marquez EMS gulam & others selected short stories / Benyamin Harperperennial, 2023 9789356295674 x, 214p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 BEN 00138248 Al arabian novel factory / Benyamin Juggernaut books, 2019 9789353450663 vii,355p.; UG Library
823 BEN 05069366 Al arabian novel factory / Benyamin Juggernaut books, 2019 9789353450663 vii,355p.; Knowledge Centre
823 BER 00018439 Diary of a Country Priest (novel) Bernanos, Geroges Image 234 p UG Library
823 BER 00105466 Philosophical Works Including The Works On Vision Berkeley, Geroge. Hachette Group, 1975 9789350090091 xlii,443 p. UG Library
823 BER 07012639 Prose / Bernhard, Thomas Seagull Publication, 2018 9780857425768 171p.; Library - BR Campus
823 BER 07010054 American Drama of the Twentieth Century/ Berkowitz,Gerald M Routledge, 2016 9781138695009 XI,295 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 BER 00117801 Once Upon a time in India Berry, Nita Trinity Press, 2012 9789351381051 168p.; UG Library
823 BER 00145649 Study for obedience Bernstein, Sarah Granta 2023 9781783789931 192p UG Library
823 BER 00136044 The Malta Exchange / Berry,Steve. Hodder and Stoughton, 2019 9781529346978 401p.; UG Library
823 BER 05066601 Prose / Bernhard, Thomas Seagull Publication, 2018 9780857425768 171p.; Knowledge Centre
823 BET 00106599 Bhog and other stories Betageri Ankur Pilli Books 2010 107p. UG Library
823 BET 00110192 Sunlight on the Garden Beteille,Andre. Penguin Global 2012 9780670086160 292 p. UG Library
823 BHA 00103388 Ruskin bond 7 Susanna's seven husband. Bhardwaj Vishal Penguin books; 2011 9780143416111 206 p. UG Library
823 BHA 00121042 Existential Conflict A Study Of Arun Joshi's Fiction / Bharadwaj,Sandhya. Aadi Publications, 2015 9789382630449 144 p.: UG Library
823 BHA 00138909 Glass Walls : Orient Blackswan, 2019 9789352876792 xvi,200p.; UG Library
823 BHA 00133459 The girl in room 105 Bhagat,Chetan Westland, 2018 9781542040464 viii,304p.; UG Library
823 BHA 00133460 The girl in room 105 Bhagat,Chetan Westland, 2018 9781542040464 viii,304p.; UG Library
823 BHA 00140461 The girl in room 105 Bhagat,Chetan Westland, 2018 9781542040464 viii,304p.; UG Library
823 BHA 00140762 The Oracle of Karuthupuzha Bhattathiri, Manu Aleph 2021 9789390652501 312p UG Library
823 BHA 00143532 One arranged murder / Bhagat, Chetan, Westland 2020 9781542094139 | 9789356291454 | 1542094135 303 pages ; UG Library
823 BHA 00140403 Legal Eagles/ Bhan,Indu Random House, 2015 9788184006353 XXII,233 Pages, UG Library
823 BHA 00132702 The town that Laughed: Bhattathiri,Manu, Aleph Book Company, 2018 9789387561410 x,254 p.; UG Library
823 BHA 05049231 Legal Eagles/ Bhan,Indu Random House, 2015 9788184006353 XXII,233 Pages, Knowledge Centre
823 BHA 00132477 The silence of marital estrangement in Anita Desai's fiction Bhatnagar, Archana Aadi publications, 2017 9789382630890 145p.; UG Library
823 BHA 00062946 Five Point Someone : Bhagat, Chetan Rupa & Co 2003 9788129104595 272p UG Library
823 BHA 04030620 The girl in room 105 Bhagat,Chetan Westland, 2018 9781542040464 viii,304p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 BHA 00129547 The Inheritors Bhasin, Sonu Portfolio/ penguin, 2017 9780143428688 304 p. : UG Library
823 BHA 04030617 One night at the call center Bhagat,Chetan Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2005 9788129135506 xii,257p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 BHA 00141967 The oracle of Karuthupuzha / Bhattathiri,Manu. Aleph, 2021 9789390652501 312p.; UG Library
823 BHA 04030613 One arranged murder / Bhagat, Chetan, Westland 2020 9781542094139 | 9789356291454 | 1542094135 303 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 BHA 00134928 What young India wants : selected essays and columns / Bhagat, Chetan Rupa publication, 2012 9788129135544 181 p. : UG Library
823 BHA 00134946 One night at the call center Bhagat,Chetan Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2005 9788129135506 xii,257p.; UG Library
823 BHA 07005685 Legal Eagles/ Bhan,Indu Random House, 2015 9788184006353 XXII,233 Pages, Library - BR Campus
823 BHA 00078303 Rohinton Mistry and Introduction Dewnarain , Nandin iBhautoo Foundation Books 2007 8175963115 126p UG Library
823 BHA 00071444 Contemporary Indian Short Stories / Desai, Shantinath K. Sahitya Akademi, 1996 9798126015879 | 9798126015893 Series UG Library
823 BHA 00140335 One arranged murder / Bhagat, Chetan, Westland 2020 9781542094139 | 9789356291454 | 1542094135 303 pages ; UG Library
823 BHA 00134935 The 3 Mistakes of My Life Bhagat, Chetan Ropa, 2018 9788129135513 257 p.; UG Library
823 BHA 00074537 Five Point Someone [ Fiction ] Bhagat, Chetan RUPA & CO 8129104598 270p UG Library
823 BHA 07000023 Existential Conflict A Study Of Arun Joshi's Fiction / Bharadwaj,Sandhya. Aadi Publications, 2015 9789382630449 144 p.: Library - BR Campus
823 BHA 00103971 1857 The Real Story of the Great Uprising: Bhatt Vishnu Harper Perenial ; 2011 9789350290361 208 p. UG Library
823 BHA 00074538 One Night @ the Call Center Bhagat, Chetan RUPA & CO 2006 8129108186 291p UG Library
823 BHA 00102670 The Novels Of Anita Desai : Bhatnagar, Manmohan K Atlantic, 9788171568994 v, 280 p UG Library
823 BHA 00147065 Half Girlfriend / Bhagat, Chetan. Rupa Publications, 2014 9788129135728 260 p. : UG Library
823 BHA 00147066 One Indian girl / Bhagat, Chetan Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2016 9788129142146 viii,272p. ; UG Library
823 BHA 00102016 New Insights into the Novels of R K Narayan Bhatnagar M K Atlantic, 9788126901784 290 p. UG Library
823 BHA 00125263 Diaspora allegiance: Bharathi C Aadi Publication, 2016 9789382630821 xiii,176p. UG Library
823 BHA 07009910 Troubled Testimonies : Bharat Meenakshi Routledge, 2016 9781138668546 xi,196p.: Library - BR Campus
823 BHA 00116364 Five Point Someone. Bhagat, Chetan 2004 8129104598 270 UG Library
823 BHA 03006349 Five Point Someone : Bhagat, Chetan Rupa & Co 2003 9788129104595 272p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
823 BHA 05059853 Legal Eagles/ Bhan,Indu Random House, 2015 9788184006353 XXII,233 Pages, Knowledge Centre
823 BHA 04015219 Five Point Some One : Bhagat, Chetan Rupa , 2012 9788129104595 267 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 BHA 00087777 The 3 Mistakes of My Life Bhagat, Chetan STERLING 1983 290 p.; UG Library
823 BHA 00087776 The 3 Mistakes of My Life Bhagat, Chetan STERLING 1983 290 p.; UG Library
823 BHA 00099540 Shashi deshpande Bhalla Amrita Atlantic; 9788126913114 xi;111 p. UG Library
823 BHA 00145643 Ba'az of the Bengal Lancers Bhattacharya, Uttiyo Juggernut Books 2019 9789353450267 352p UG Library
823 BHA 00130023 English Fictional World in the 21st Century Bhattacharya, Ajita Adhyayan Publishers & Distributors, 2017 9788184354768 232 p . : UG Library
823 BHA 07015467 Five Point Someone : Bhagat, Chetan Rupa & Co 2003 9788129104595 272p Library - BR Campus
823 BHA 00025446 Mrityunjay Bhattacharyya B. K Sterling Publishers, 1983 First 290p.; UG Library
823 BHA 00141644 400 Days Bhagat,Chetan Westland 2021 9781542094085 344p UG Library
823 BHA 00140468 One arranged murder / Bhagat, Chetan, Westland 2020 9781542094139 | 9789356291454 | 1542094135 303 pages ; UG Library
823 BHA 00107067 Revolution 2020 Rupa Publications India: 2011 9788129118806 296 p. UG Library
823 BHA 00140214 One arranged murder / Bhagat, Chetan, Westland 2020 9781542094139 | 9789356291454 | 1542094135 303 pages ; UG Library
823 BHA 00118237 The Novels Of Anita Desai : Bhatnagar, Manmohan K Atlantic, 9788171568994 v, 280 p UG Library
823 BHA 00084326 Five Point Someone [ Fiction ] Bhagat, Chetan RUPA & CO 8129104598 270p UG Library
823 BHA 00137813 The town that Laughed: Bhattathiri,Manu, Aleph Book Company, 2018 9789387561410 x,254 p.; UG Library
823 BHE 00068167 Indian Women Novelists in English Bheda, P D Sarupa and Sons 2005 8176255769 134 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 BHE 00073019 Indian Women Novelists in English Bheda, P D Sarupa and Sons 8176255769 134p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 BHE 00097887 Oroonoko ; The rover; and other works / Behn, Aphra, Penguin Books, 9780140433388 384 p. UG Library
823 BHU 00137640 The runways: Bhutto,Fatima Penguin random house india pvt ltd., 2018 9780670088515 421p.; UG Library
823 BHU 00082370 Things of beauty; Bhushan, V. N., Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1969 x, 205 p. UG Library
823 BHU 00137796 The Indigo Sun Bhullar,Rupa Rupa 2018 9788129149602 284p UG Library
823 BHU 05066687 Inside nepal : Bhushan, Amar. Harper Collins Publishers, 2019 9789353570132 95 p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 BHY 07012807 Aavarana S. L Bhyrappa Rupa Publications, 2014 9788129124883 vii, 389 p.: Library - BR Campus
823 BHY 00087672 Witness Bhyrappa, S L East West Books Pvt.Ltd 0818685262 346 p UG Library
823 BHY 00116798 Aavarana S. L Bhyrappa Rupa Publications, 2014 9788129124883 vii, 389 p.: UG Library
823 BIL 00072934 Introduction To Contemporary American Fiction Bilton, Alan 2002 0748613811 256p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 BIN 07009864 Freedom in Indian English Fiction: Bindu,K B Prism Books, 2016 9789382037590 244 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 BIN 00112909 Bird in a Banyan Tree Binaramani Rupa Publications India Private Limited 2013 9788129129123 311 p UG Library
823 BIN 07012389 When I grow up I want to be a Tiger / Bindra, Prerna Singh, Speaking Tiger Publishing PVT.LTD 2017 9788193314128 39 pages : Library - BR Campus
823 BIN 00137563 Minding Frankie / Binchy, Maeve. Orion Books, 2010 9781409113966 (hbk.) | 1409113965 (hbk.) 425 p. ; UG Library
823 BIN 03006183 A Shot At History Bindra,Abhinav harperCollins 2011 9789350291122 xv;229 P. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
823 BIR 00102390 Chinnery's hotel; Birjepatil Jaysinh Penguin books; 9780143064763 261 p. UG Library
823 BIS 00102037 A Study of R K Narayan's Novels : Biswas, Sravani Atlantic, 9788126913848 viii, 238 p. UG Library
823 BLA 00030939 Megacorp Black, Jonathan. Penguin 1986 512 p UG Library
823 BLA 00029918 Studying James Joyce Blamires, Harry ESSEX 1987 174 P Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 BLA 00001304 Lorna Doone- a Romance of Exmoor Blackmore, R D Dent 238 p UG Library
823 BLA 00017415 William Blake Songs of Innocence &songs of Experience Dwarakanath, K Wasani 100 p UG Library
823 BLA 00002647 Lorna Doone (novel) Blackmore, Richard Doddridge Mc Millan 1960 160 UG Library
823 BLA 00020837 Lorna Doone Blackmore, R D G Kalaiah 1981 140 p UG Library
823 BLA 00020838 Lorna Doone Blackmore, R D G Kalaiah 1981 140 p UG Library
823 BLA 00020840 Lorna Doone Blackmore, R D G Kalaiah 1981 140 p UG Library
823 BLA 00116802 Murder in Melur Blackburn Stuart Rupa Publication, 2014 9788129130990 261 p.: UG Library
823 BLA 00020841 Lorna Doone Blackmore, R D G Kalaiah 1981 140 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 BLA 00020839 Lorna Doone Blackmore, R D G Kalaiah 1981 140 p UG Library
823 BLA 00001681 Lorna Doone Blackmore, R D Ginn And Company Limited 1966 185 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 BLA 00130892 Queens of fennbirn / Blake, Kendare. Macmillian childrens books, 2018 9780062748287 | 9781509880614 1st edition. 232p.; UG Library
823 BLA 00142013 The boy from Shenkottai / Blackburn,Stuart. Speaking tiger, 2021 9789354470455 268p.; UG Library
823 BLO 00027228 Blood of Others (novel) Simone De Beauvoir, PENGUIN 240 UG Library
823 BLO 00045779 Walk Among the Tombstones Block, Lawrence 1992 0688103502 318p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 BOA 00070741 Popular Short Stories Oxford University Press 2005 0195648684 143p UG Library
823 BOC 00017479 Decameron Boccaccio, Glovanni Everyman`s Library 293p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 BOC 00017480 Decameron (novel) Boccaccio, Giovanni EL 350 p UG Library
823 BOL 00117096 Like This, For Ever Bolton, Sharon Transworld Publishers, 2013 9780552170406 511p. ; UG Library
823 BOL 07009855 A Preface to Joyce/ Bolt,Sydney Routledge, 2016 9781138695399 XI,224 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 BOM 00102376 A Season of Ghosts; Bond Ruskin Penguin books; 9780140287844 210 p. UG Library
823 BON 00103392 The Kitemaker Bond Ruskin Penguin books; 9780143415978 146 p. UG Library
823 BON 00137806 Tales of Long Ago Bond,Ruskin Rupa 2019 9789353335649 120p UG Library
823 BON 00107194 Red Phoenix Bond,Larry Warner Books 1989 588 P. Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 BON 07005657 Secrets/ Bond,Ruskin, Penguin Books, 2011 IX,139 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 BON 00082035 Delhi Is Not Far Bond, Ruskin Penguin Books, 2003 9780144000951 111p;. UG Library
823 BON 00086613 Delhi Is Not Far Bond, Ruskin Penguin Books, 2003 9780144000951 111p;. UG Library
823 BON 00082036 Penguin Books of Classical Love Stories and Lyrics Bond, Ruskin 1996 0140258876 243p UG Library
823 BON 00088853 Collected Fiction Bond, Ruskin 0140256032 946p UG Library
823 BON 00082037 Our Trees Still Grow in Dehra Bond, Ruskin 0140169024 164p UG Library
823 BON 00145673 My India, Longing and Belonging Bond, Ruskin Rupa Publications, 2023 9789357024563 318p UG Library
823 BON 00082039 The Room on the Roof : Vagrants in the Valley Bond Ruskin Penguin Books 1993 0140239596 223 p UG Library
823 BON 00012890 Orphans of Simitra (novel) Bonzon, Paul-Jacques Criterion 158 p UG Library
823 BON 00082042 Strangers in the Night: Two Novels Bond, Ruskin 0140240659 141p UG Library
823 BON 00082043 Rain in the Mountains Bond, Ruskin 1993 0140236910 251p UG Library
823 BON 00102500 The Room on the Roof / Vagrants in the Valley Bond, Ruskin. Penguin Books, 1993 9780140239591 vii, 223 p.; UG Library
823 BON 00137726 A Gallery of Rascals : Bond,Ruskin. Aleph, 2019 9789388292740 viii,196p.; UG Library
823 BON 00102496 The Night Train at Deoli : Bond, Ruskin Penguin Books, 9780140116151 245 p. UG Library
823 BON 00142056 A Gallery of Rascals : Bond,Ruskin. Aleph, 2019 9789388292740 viii,196p.; UG Library
823 BON 00141954 Its a wonderful life : Bond,Ruskin. Aleph, 2021 9789390652402 viii,138p.; UG Library
823 BON 00116631 The Ruskin Bond children's omnibus. Bond, Ruskin. Rupa & Co., 1995 8171672884 | 9788171672882 327 p. : UG Library
823 BON 00116632 The Ruskin Bond children's omnibus. Bond, Ruskin. Rupa & Co., 1995 8171672884 | 9788171672882 327 p. : UG Library
823 BON 07005618 Classic Ruskin Bond / Bond Ruskin Penguin books; 2010 9780143414667 490 p. Library - BR Campus
823 BON 07007265 Classic Ruskin Bond / Bond Ruskin Penguin books; 2010 9780143414667 490 p. Library - BR Campus
823 BON 05064738 Petals On The Ganga / Bond, Ruskin. Rupa Publications, 2019 9789353333973 104p.; Knowledge Centre
823 BON 00137435 The Beauty of all my days : Bond,Ruskin. Penguin Viking, 2018 9780670088133 xv,183p.; UG Library
823 BON 07009210 Lear/ Bond,Edward Bloomsbury, 2013 9789384052560 LIII,111 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 BON 00116641 Tales of Fosterganj Bond, Ruskin. Aleph Book Company, 2013 9789382277477 140p.: UG Library
823 BON 04017034 A Season of Ghosts / Bond,Ruskin. Penguin Books, 2000 0140287841 | 9780140287844 210p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 BON 00057861 Rusty and the Leopard Bond, Ruskin 2003 0143335685 295p UG Library
823 BON 05002852 Strangers in the night; Bond Ruskin Penguin books; 9780140240658 175 p. Knowledge Centre
823 BON 05002842 Our trees still grow in Dehra / Bond, Ruskin. Penguin Books, 0140169024 : xi, 164 p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 BON 00103974 Delhi is not far : Bond, Ruskin. Penguin Books, 1994 0140246061 : xiv, 428 p. ; UG Library
823 BON 00102391 Classic Ruskin Bond / Bond Ruskin Penguin books; 2010 9780143414667 490 p. UG Library
823 BON 00141651 Fright or Flight Bond,Ruskin Rupa 2018 9789353040697 214p UG Library
823 BON 00102398 Dust on the Mountain Collected Stories; Bond Ruskin Penguin books; 9780143067122 613 p. UG Library
823 BON 05059565 Memories of hills and dales / Bond, Ruskin. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9788129151421 viii, 144p. Knowledge Centre
823 BON 00099534 Byron Bone,Drummond Atlantic; 9788126912810 x;86 p. UG Library
823 BON 00102403 Friends in small places : Bond, Ruskin. Penguin Books, 0141004290 xii, 299 p. ; UG Library
823 BON 05059567 My trees in the himalayas / Bond, Ruskin. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9788193669525 viii, 127p. Knowledge Centre
823 BON 00137790 Boyhood Dreams and Other Tales Bond,Ruskin Rupa 2019 9789353336707 215p UG Library
823 BON 00137787 A Gallery of Rascals : Bond,Ruskin. Aleph, 2019 9789388292740 viii,196p.; UG Library
823 BON 07005710 A Face in the Dark and Other Hauntings : Bond Ruskin Penguin Books, 2009 9780143067863 x,197p.: Library - BR Campus
823 BON 04017083 Crazy Times with Uncle Ken / Bond, Ruskin Puffin Books, 2011 9780143331353 157p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 BON 00102439 Notes from a small room / Bond,Ruskin. Penguin Books, India, 9780143067450 (pbk.) | 0143067 xii,171p.; UG Library
823 BON 07005512 Book of Verse Bond's,Ruskin, Penguin Books, 2007 978014342707 XI,133 Pages .: Library - BR Campus
823 BON 07005521 The Kashmiri Storyteller/ Bond,Ruskin Puffin Books, 2011 9780143331568 Vi,103 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 BON 07005520 Earthquake Bond,Ruskin Puffin Books 2016 9780143334057 65 Pages ,: Library - BR Campus
823 BON 00116498 Tales of Fosterganj Bond, Ruskin. Aleph Book Company, 2013 9789382277477 140p.: UG Library
823 BON 07011774 A Face in the Dark and Other Hauntings : Bond Ruskin Penguin Books, 2009 9780143067863 x,197p.: Library - BR Campus
823 BON 07005456 Collected Short Stories / Bond,Ruskin. Penguin, 2016 9780143426554 xii,613p.; Library - BR Campus
823 BON 00102454 Strangers in the night; Bond Ruskin Penguin books; 9780140240658 175 p. UG Library
823 BON 00102456 Scenes from a writer's life / Bond, Ruskin. Penguin Books, 1997 9780140270662 xvi, 178 p., [16] p. of plates : UG Library
823 BON 00062876 Rupa Book of Travellers Tales Bond, Ruskin RUPA & CO 2004 8129102994 198p UG Library
823 BOR 00080119 Book of Imaginary Beings. Borges, Jorge Luis Vintage 2002 171p UG Library
823 BOT 00129554 Who Can You Trust? : Botsman, Rachel. Pebguin Random House, 2017 9780241296172 323 p.: UG Library
823 BOU 00080892 Last Testament [fiction] Bourne, Sam Harper Perennial 2007 567p UG Library
823 BOU 00102744 Hemingway : Bouchard, Donald F. Prometheus Books, 9781591027560 (pbk. : alk. pap 226 p. UG Library
823 BOY 01015871 Armadillo / Boyd,William. Penguin Books, 9780141044187 373p.; Knowledge Centre
823 BRA 00040571 Woman of Substance of Act of Will. Bradford, Barbara Taylor Diamond Books 1993 832p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 BRA 00040573 Voice of the Heart Remember Bradford, Barbara Taylor. Diamond Books 1993 800p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 BRA 00082032 Just Rewards Bradford, Barbara, Taylor 0007252404 540p UG Library
823 BRA 00082033 Power of a Woman Bradford, Barbara, Taylor 0007252439 335p UG Library
823 BRA 00041157 Modern British Novel. Bradbury, Malcolm Penguin Books 515p UG Library
823 BRA 00106829 Modern British Short Stories / Bradbury Malcolm Penguin Books 2011 9780241952863 448p. UG Library
823 BRA 00022819 Off Shore (novel) Brandner, Gary Ha,Lyn 410 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 BRA 00102015 Contemporary American Fiction / Brauner, David, Edinburgh University Press, 2010 9780748622672 (hbk.) | 0748622 xviii, 236 p. ; UG Library
823 BRA 00142009 Something wicked this way comes / Bradbury,Ray. Gollancz, 2020 9781473230583 x,263p.; UG Library
823 BRE 05033297 Lyric / Brewster, Scott. Routledge, 9780415319553 (alk. paper) | 9 167 p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 BRE 00018847 Three Penny Novel (novel) Brecht, Bertolt PENGUIN 364 p UG Library
823 BRE 00121749 Evelyn Waugh : Brennan, Michael G. Bloomsbury, 2013 9781441131119 | 9781441100344 xx, 170 p. ; UG Library
823 BRI 00102044 Reading Virginia Woolf / Briggs, Julia. Edinburgh University Press, 9780748624348 | 0748624341 | 9 xi, 236 p. ; UG Library
823 BRO 00126307 Wuthering Heights : Brontë, Emily, Norton, 2003 9780393978896 4th ed. xiii, 432 p. ; UG Library
823 BRO 00005811 Wuthering Heights: A Critical Analysis in Depth Brontes, Emily Barrister Publishing Co 139p UG Library
823 BRO 00001303 Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte, Dean 248 UG Library
823 BRO 00093024 Karl, aaj aur kal Broacha, Cyrus Random house, 2009 9788184000986 234 p.; UG Library
823 BRO 00022532 Jane Eyre Bronte, Charlotte 45p UG Library
823 BRO 00107219 Play dirty Brown, Sandra, Simon & Schuster, 2007 9780743289351 | 0743289358 1st Simon & Schuster hardcover ed. 404 p. ; UG Library
823 BRO 00022533 Jane Eyre Bronte, Charlotte Oxford University 45 p UG Library
823 BRO 05021634 Jane Eyre Bronte, Charlotte Oxford University 45 p Knowledge Centre
823 BRO 05070390 Jane Eyre Bronte, Charlotte 45p Knowledge Centre
823 BRO 00022534 JANE EYRE Bronte, Charlotte OXFORD BOMBAY 20 P Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 BRO 00083714 Jane Eyre Bronte, Charlotte Viva 2003 526p UG Library
823 BRO 00127169 Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte, Holt, Rinehart and Winston 1970 9780030514890 349 p.: UG Library
823 BRO 00136229 Origin / Brown,Dan. Transworld Publishers, 2017 9780593078754 461p.; UG Library
823 BRO 00066691 Wuthering Heights (fiction) Bronte, Emily FORTUNE 2004 8181991362 296p UG Library
823 BRO 00105454 Villette Bronte, Charlotte Hachette Group, 1993 0553212435 xxxiii,542 p. UG Library
823 BRO 00105455 Wuthering Heights With Selected Poems. Bronte, Emily. Hachette Group. 1993 9789380143637 li,392 p. UG Library
823 BRO 00039117 The Great Novels of the Bronte Sisters Bronte Sisters Magpie Books, 1994 9781854871664 705 p.; UG Library
823 BRO 00105467 Agnes Grey And Poems Bronte, Anne Hachette Group. 1997 9789350090107 xxxii, 185 p. UG Library
823 BRO 07005215 Jane Eyre Bronte, Charlotte Pan Books 1968 9788193387610 489p Library - BR Campus
823 BRO 07007240 This Idea Must Die : Brockman,John. Harper Perennial, 2015 9780062374349 XXI,568 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 BRO 07009879 The Renaissance/ Brown,Alison Routledge, 2016 9781138667822 Second Edition. VIII,132 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 BRO 00078605 Wuthering Heights [Fiction] Bronte, Emily 2005 0393978893 427p UG Library
823 BRO 00080893 Magic Kingdom for Sale Brooks, Terry Orbit 2007 350p UG Library
823 BRO 00001179 Jane Eyre Bronte, Charlotte Pan Books 1968 9788193387610 489p UG Library
823 BRO 00099529 Sylvia Plath Bronfen Elisabeth Atlantic; 9788126913152 ix;143 p. UG Library
823 BRO 00080901 Jane Eyre [fiction] Bronte, Charlotte 0747587493 495p UG Library
823 BRO 00126283 Jane Eyre : Brontë, Charlotte, Norton, 2000 9780393975420 xiv, 321 p. ; UG Library
823 BRO 00080909 Angel Fire East: Book Three of the Word and the Void Brooks, Terry Orbit Book 2006 9781841495460 440p UG Library
823 BRO 00066672 Wuthering Heights (fiction) Bronte, Emily FORTUNE 2004 8181991362 296p UG Library
823 BRO 00115955 Jane Eyre Bronte, Charlotte Viva 2003 526p UG Library
823 BRO 00066690 Jane Eyre. Bronte, Charlitte FORTUNE 2004 8181991338 544 UG Library
823 BRO 00115954 Wuthering Heights Holderness, Graham Viva Books Private Limited 8176494275 99p UG Library
823 BRO 00049151 Wuthering Heights:Penguin Popular Classics Bronte, Emily 1994 0140620125 279p UG Library
823 BRO 00049152 Agnes Grey Bronte, Anne 0140621083 301p UG Library
823 BRO 07010066 A Practical Reader in Contemporary Literary Theory/ Brooker,Peter Routledge, 2016 9781138694934 X,495 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 BRO 00099554 Gerard Manley Hopkins; Brown Daniel Atlantic; 9788126912872 xi;123 p. UG Library
823 BRO 03012640 This Idea Must Die : Brockman,John. Harper Perennial, 2015 9780062374349 XXI,568 Pages,: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
823 BRO 00130891 The Pisces Broder,Melison Bloombury circus, 2018 9781408890998 270p.; UG Library
823 BRO 00091483 Dolley : Brown, Rita Mae. Bantam, 0553088904 : xiv, 382 p. : UG Library
823 BRO 00066973 Jane Eyre [ Fiction ] Bronte, Charlotte 0393975428 534p UG Library
823 BRO 00004365 Wuthering Heights (novel) Emily Bronte, PENGUIN 380 UG Library
823 BRO 00097922 The tenant of Wildfell Hall / Brontë, Anne, Penguin Books, 9780140434743 xxxiv, 535, [1] p. ; UG Library
823 BRO 07007135 Jane Eyre / Bronte, Charlotte Fingerprint Classics Publication, 2016 9788175993655 503p. Library - BR Campus
823 BRO 07014802 Jane Eyre/ Bronte, Charlotte. India Book Distributors, 2017 9788193387610 414 p;. Library - BR Campus
823 BRU 00099510 Partition in Fiction: Bruschi, Isabella Atlantic Publishers, 2010 9788126913763 xiii, 324 p. UG Library
823 BRY 07005673 The Road to Little Dribbling/ Bryson,Bill Penguin Random House, 2015 9780552779838 475 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 BRY 00105476 Selected Poems Byron, Lord. Hachette Group. 1997 xx,106 p. UG Library
823 BRY 00123129 The Road to Little Dribbling : Bryson, Bill, Doubleday: 2015 9780857522344 | 0857522345 384 p,: UG Library
823 BRY 07005459 The Road to Little Dribbling : Bryson, Bill, Doubleday: 2015 9780857522344 | 0857522345 384 p,: Library - BR Campus
823 BRY 07005490 Big Country/ Bryson,Bill. Black Swan, 1998 9781784161842 379 Pages ,: Library - BR Campus
823 BUC 00029547 The Good Earth Buck Pearl. John Day Company 1973 260 p.; UG Library
823 BUC 00002601 Thirty Nine Steps (novel) Buchan, John TN 194 p UG Library
823 BUC 00002603 Martin Chuzzlewit Buckland, A H British 1967 799 UG Library
823 BUC 00019995 Buchwald Stops Here (novel) Buchwald, Art Berkley 340 p UG Library
823 BUC 00046824 Minor Classics of Nineteenth Century Fiction - Vol II Buckler, E William Houghton Mifflin 571 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 BUF 00107188 Swine Not? Buffett, Jimmy. Little, Brown and Co., 2008 9780316114028 (alk. paper) | 9 1st ed. xxi, 233 p. : UG Library
823 BUK 00129053 Post Office/ Bukowski,Charles Harper Collins Publishers, 1971 9780061177576 196 Pages,: UG Library
823 BUL 00106786 The Cambridge Introduction to James Joyce Bulson, Eric Cambridge University Press 2006 0521549655 139 p UG Library
823 BUL 00078277 The Cambridge Introduction to James Joyce Bulson, Eric Cambridge University Press 2006 0521549655 139 p UG Library
823 BUL 00104734 Diabliad and Other Stories Bulgakov,Mikhail. One World Classics. 2010 9781847491534 142 P. UG Library
823 BUN 00014721 Pilgrim`s Progress Bunyan, John Oxford University 310 p UG Library
823 BUN 00090378 Pilgrim`s Progress Bunyan, John Oxford 9780192803610 333p UG Library
823 BUR 00058794 Evelina [ FICTION ] Burney, Frances W.W.Norton & Company 490.p UG Library
823 BUR 00022755 Secret Garden Burnett, Frances Hodgson St.Paul`s Publication 1981 212 p UG Library
823 BUR 00137517 A Little Princess / Burnett,Frances Hodgson. Penguin Books, 2016 9780143427131 195 p.; UG Library
823 BUR 00099013 Goddess of the Market : Burns, Jennifer, Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195324877 (acidfree paper) 369 p., [8] p. of plates : UG Library
823 BUR 00126313 Evelina, Burney, Fanny, W.W. Norton & Co., 1998 9780393971583 1st ed. x, 490 p. ; UG Library
823 BUT 00004408 Way of All Flesh (novel) Butler, Samuel PENGUIN 438 p UG Library
823 BUT 00034767 Fall of Saigon Scenes from the Sudden End of Along War[novel] Butler, David Sphere +50 p UG Library
823 BUT 07012683 Who Sings the Nation State/ Butler,Judith. Seagull Books, 2015 9781906497835 121 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 BUT 00081587 Katha Short Stories By Indian Women Butalia, Urvashi Rav Media 2007 8189632086 189p UG Library
823 BUT 00121038 Dickens At Work / Butt,John. Routledge Taylor, 2015 9780415569095 237 p.: UG Library
823 BYR 00062875 Vamshavriksha - a Kannada Novel Translated into English Byrappa, S L Affiliated Eastwest Press 2000 8185938768 261p UG Library
823 CAB 07010699 Uncle tom's cabin / Stowe, Harriet Beecher Simon and Schuster Paperbacks Publication, 2004 9780743487665 xvii, 586p. : Library - BR Campus
823 CAB 00074150 Princess Diaries (fiction) Cabot, Meg 2000 0330441736 413p UG Library
823 CAI 00031505 The Root of His Evil Cain, James M Heywood 1986 176 p UG Library
823 CAI 00017701 More Poems Old &new Cairncross, A.s Macmillan Co. 220 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 CAI 00001383 Longer Poems Old & new Cairncross, A S Mac Millan 1964 309 p.: UG Library
823 CAL 00013458 Charles Dickens Calder, Angus Longman 1987 330 UG Library
823 CAL 00016094 There Must Be a Lone Ranger Calder, Jenni Allied 242 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 CAL 07008814 If on a Winter`s Night a Traveller Calvino, Vintage VINTAGE BOOKS 1998 258p Library - BR Campus
823 CAL 00081624 Invisible Cities Calvino, Italo Vintage Books, 1997 9780099429838 165p.; UG Library
823 CAL 00081625 Six Memos for the Next Millennium Calvino, Italo Vintage Books, 1996 9780099730514 124p.; UG Library
823 CAL 00081630 If on a Winter`s Night a Traveller Calvino, Vintage VINTAGE BOOKS 1998 258p UG Library
823 CAL 00137533 Everything is lies Callaghan, Helen Peguin random house, 2018 9780718182670 391p.; UG Library
823 CAL 00081636 Difficult Loves Calvino, Italo 1999 9780099430889 250p.; UG Library
823 CAL 00095121 The Complete Cosmicomics Calvino Italo Penguin Books 9780141189680 401P UG Library
823 CAM 00016033 The Fall Camus Albert, Penguin Books ltd, 1957 108p.; UG Library
823 CAM 00016035 A Happy Death Camus, Albert PENGUIN 1966 134 p UG Library
823 CAM 00087460 The Outsider Camus, Albert. 1982. 2000 9780141182506 117 p.; UG Library
823 CAM 00087461 The Outsider Camus, Albert. 1982. 2000 9780141182506 117 p.; UG Library
823 CAM 00087462 The Outsider Camus, Albert. 1982. 2000 9780141182506 117 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 CAM 00016047 Rebel (novel) Camus, Albert PENGUIN 270 p UG Library
823 CAM 07005669 The Rebel/ Camus,Albert. Penguin Books, 2000 9780141182018 IX,249 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 CAM 00021582 Youthful Writings Camus, Albert PENGUIN 1980 220 P UG Library
823 CAM 07009898 The Outsider Camus, Albert. 1982. 2000 9780141182506 117 p.; Library - BR Campus
823 CAM 00025678 Caligula & Others Plays Camus, Albert PENGUIN 1984 384 p UG Library
823 CAM 00049150 The Outsider Camus, Albert Penguin Books, 1982 0140274170 118p.; UG Library
823 CAM 00051466 Myth of Sisyphus Camus, Albert 1975 0141182008 190p UG Library
823 CAM 00049950 Impulse - By the Best Selling Author of Scandalous Camp, Candace 1551662647 398p UG Library
823 CAM 00136070 Gather the fortunes / Camp, Bryan, Titan books, 2019 9781328876713 (hardback) | 9781789091229 602p.; UG Library
823 CAP 05070258 The sense of an ending Barnes, Julian. Jonathan Cape, 2011 9780224094153 (cloth) 150 p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 CAR 00019410 How to Win Friends & Influence People Carnegie, Dale Taraporevala 245 p UG Library
823 CAR 00004675 Alice in Wonderland Carroll, Lewis Dent 1961 180 p UG Library
823 CAR 00130571 Europa's lost expedition. Carroll, Michael Springer international publishing ag, 2017 9783319431581 xiv,224p.; UG Library
823 CAR 00001349 Alice`s Adventures in Wonderland and Thought the Looking Glass Carroll, Lewis Dean & Son Ltd 1969 180 p UG Library
823 CAR 05072995 Sisterhood of swans / Carvalho, Selma. Speaking Tiger Books LLP, 2021 9789354470318 172p.; Knowledge Centre
823 CAR 00135192 Only the ocean Carthew,Natasha Bloomsbury publishing Plc, 2018 9781408868607 257p.; UG Library
823 CAR 00094199 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass Carroll, Lewis. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199558292 (pbk.) p. cm. UG Library
823 CAR 00105457 Alice's adventures in wonderland ; and, Through the looking-glass Carroll, Lewis, Hachette Group. 1993 xxvii,238 p. UG Library
823 CAR 00080859 Beneath the Snow Carver, Caroline 2006 0752878123 326p UG Library
823 CAR 05017279 How to Win Friends and Influence People / Carnegie Dale Simon&Schuster. 2011 9780857207289 xxii,245 p. : Knowledge Centre
823 CAR 00104725 Alice's Adventures in Wonder land & other Stories. Carroll, Lewis. Barnes & Noble; 2010 9781435122949 xiv P. UG Library
823 CAR 00027496 Broca`s Brain Carl Sagan, Ballantine 398p UG Library
823 CAR 00080958 Theft:A Love Story Carey, Peter Faber & Faber 2007 304p UG Library
823 CAR 00030897 Smiley's People Carre, John Le PAN 1980 336 p UG Library
823 CAS 00108731 The Cambridge history of the English novel ed by. Caserio Robert L. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521194952 xiii,944 p. UG Library
823 CAV 00034955 Sower`s Seeds: One Hundred Inspiring Stories for Preaching,Teaching Cavanaugh, Brian St Pauls 87p UG Library
823 CEC 00060819 Much in Evidence Cecil, Henry RUPA & CO 8129102811 202p UG Library
823 CEC 00060820 Independent Witness Cecil, Henry RUPA & CO 8129102803 182p UG Library
823 CEC 00060821 Friends at Court Cecil, Henry RUPA & CO 8129102773 220p UG Library
823 CEC 00060822 According to the Evidence Cecil, Henry RUPA & CO 8129102684 198p UG Library
823 CEC 00060824 The Asking Price Cecil, Henry RUPA & CO 2003 8129102706 188p UG Library
823 CEC 00060825 Full Circle Cecil, Henry RUPA & CO 2003 8129102781 226p UG Library
823 CEC 00060826 Hunt the Slipper Cecil, Henry RUPA & CO 0812910279 148p UG Library
823 CEC 00060827 Cross Purposes Cecil, Henry RUPA & CO 8129102749 196p UG Library
823 CEC 00060828 Painswick Line Cecil, Henry RUPA & CO 8129102854 216p UG Library
823 CEC 00060829 Ways and Means Cecil, Henry RUPA & CO 8129102927 187p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 CEC 00060830 Natural Causes Cecil, Henry RUPA & CO 2003 0812910282 226p UG Library
823 CEC 00060831 The Buttercup Spell Cecil, Henry RUPA & CO 2003 8129102730 161p UG Library
823 CEC 00060832 Sober as a Judge Cecil, Henry RUPA & CO 8129102889 195p UG Library
823 CEC 00060833 No Fear or Favour Cecil, Henry RUPA & CO 2003 8129102846 184p UG Library
823 CEC 00060835 No Bail for the Judge Cecil, Henry RUPA & CO 2003 8129102838 193p UG Library
823 CEC 00060836 Truth With Her Boots on Cecil, Henry RUPA & CO 2003 8129102943 162p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 CEC 00060837 Brief Tales from the Bench Cecil, Henry RUPA & CO 8129102714 158p UG Library
823 CEC 00060838 Tell You What I`ll Do Cecil, Henry RUPA & CO 2002 8129102897 220p UG Library
823 CEC 00060839 The Wanted Man Cecil, Henry Ruoa & Co 2003 8129102919 161 p UG Library
823 CEC 00060840 Portrait of a Judge Cecil, Henry RUPA & CO 8129102862 200p UG Library
823 CEC 00060841 Settled Our of Court Cecil, Henry RUPA & CO 2003 8129102870 197p UG Library
823 CEC 00006718 Brothers in Law Cecil, Henry RUPA & CO 2003 8129102765 248p UG Library
823 CEC 00055822 Accordinf to the Evidence Cecil, Henry House of Stratus 2000 1842320483 205p UG Library
823 CEC 00060786 Unlawful Occasions Cecil, Henry RUPA & CO 2003 8129102765 184p UG Library
823 CEC 00060787 Brothers in Law Cecil, Henry RUPA & CO 2003 8129102765 248p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 CEC 00060789 Fathers in Law Cecil, Henry RUPA & CO 8129102765 231p UG Library
823 CHA 00062884 Strange and Sublime Address Chaudhuri, Amit 2000 0749399619 209 p UG Library
823 CHA 00082002 The Inheritors Chakravarti, Aruna Penguin Books: 2004 0014303216 340 p,; Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 CHA 00117099 Scent of a Game Chandra, Raghav Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9788129131119 388p. ; UG Library
823 CHA 00022756 Jane Eyre (novel) Charlotte Bronte, Paul 206 UG Library
823 CHA 07005656 Odysseus Abroad/ Chaudhuri,Amit. Penguin 2014 9780143425533 243 Pages ,: Library - BR Campus
823 CHA 00100375 The Immortals: Chaudhuri Amit Picador; 9780330455817 404 p. UG Library
823 CHA 00143371 Villainy Chatterjee, Upamanyu Speaking Tiger 2022 9789354472459 325p UG Library
823 CHA 10003532 Jane Eyre Bronte, Charlotte Trident Press International 2001 615269917831 446 Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 CHA 00121408 Childhook in Toni Morrison's fiction Chattaraj Arpita Sarup Publications 2014 9788176259422 153 p.: UG Library
823 CHA 04017019 Way to Go / Chattrjee, Upamanyu Penguine, 2010 9780143416913 359p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 CHA 00090275 First Love: Short Stories Charry, Brinda Harper Collins 2009 9788172238315 211p UG Library
823 CHA 00137800 Murder in the Monastery Chanda,Barun Rupa 2019 978935333379 226p UG Library
823 CHA 00062936 Studies in Tagore: Critical Essays Chakrabarti, Santosh Atlantic 2002 8126903406 | 9788126903405 124p UG Library
823 CHA 00097999 Amitav Ghosh Critical Essays / Choudhury, Bibhash. PHI Learning Prvate Limited, 9788120338654 ix, 181 p. ; UG Library
823 CHA 00078269 The Saratchandra Omnibus Chattopadhyay, Saratchandra 2005 0144000148 738p UG Library
823 CHA 00095829 Keeping The Faith: Chatterjee, Somnath Collins Business, 2010 9788172239251 397 p. UG Library
823 CHA 03004047 Cricket! All you Wanted to Know about the world cup / Chaudhuri, Diptakirti puffin Books 2011 9780143331612 140p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
823 CHA 00009172 Passage to England Chaudhuri, C Nirad Orient 240 p UG Library
823 CHA 00089429 Immortals (fiction) Chaudhari, Amit 2009 9780330455800 405p UG Library
823 CHA 00142069 The baptism of Tony Calangute Chakravarti,Sudeep Aleph 2018 9789386021960 187p UG Library
823 CHA 00103516 Postcolonial Indian english fiction : Chandra NDR Adhyayan publishers & Distributors; 9788184351309 341 p. UG Library
823 CHA 00147922 Fallen City: Chakravti, Sudeep Aleph Book, 2024 9788119635177 xviii,228p. ; UG Library
823 CHA 00141974 A bird from Afar : Chaturvedi,Anshul. Pan Macmillan, 2021 9789390742325 xiv,373p.; UG Library
823 CHA 00125359 Chaso Chandrahas K Sahitya Akademi 2014 9788126043989 207 p.: UG Library
823 CHA 07014824 Kali's daughter / Chandra, Raghav Macmilan Publication, 2019 9789389109214 328p.; Library - BR Campus
823 CHA 00086419 Oxford India Illustrated Children`s Tagore Chaudhuri, Sukanta Oxford University Press 2008 0195684176 | 9780195684179 119 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 CHA 00017438 Banco Charriere, Henri PAN 1975 280 p UG Library
823 CHA 00137519 A Strange and Sublime Address / Chaudhuri, Amit. Penguin Books, 2016 9780670089222 xv,253p.; UG Library
823 CHA 00094566 The Blaft Anthology Of Tamil Pulp Fiction Chakravarthy Pritham K Blaft Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2010 9789380636009 520 p.: UG Library
823 CHA 00117002 Mirrored Mind Chandra Vikram Penguin Books, 2013 9780670086979 xii, 258 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 CHA 00145490 Sim sim / Caturvedī, Gīta Penguin Books, 2023 9780670097289 viii, 237 p. ; UG Library
823 CHA 00094560 The Final Question Chattopadhyay Saratchandra Ravi Dayal Publisher 9780143067788 346p UG Library
823 CHA 00106837 Under The Sun Chatwan, Bruce. Vintage Books 2010 97800999466147 554 P. UG Library
823 CHA 07004377 Rainbow : Orient Blackswan private Limited, 2014 978812505534 v,126 p.; Library - BR Campus
823 CHA 00138259 Shakti : Chakraborti,Rajorshi. Penguin Rndom House, 2019 9780143449904 335p.; UG Library
823 CHA 07012393 The Revenge of the Non Vegetarian/ Chatterjee,Upamanyu Speaking Tiger Publishing PVT.LTD. 2018 9789387693562 127 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 CHA 00119752 The One Night Affair Chauhan, Madhulika Authorspress, 2014 9789382647140 100p.; UG Library
823 CHA 00045255 Across the Lakes Chatterjee, Amal 0140277064 245 p UG Library
823 CHA 05058764 Stories from saratchandra : Chattopadhyay, Saratchandra. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9788129150400 x, 184p. Knowledge Centre
823 CHA 07015504 Reflection / Chandran, Essae. Essae Chandran Institute, 2018 9788190689960 xvii, 110 p. ; Library - BR Campus
823 CHA 00027742 Jane Eyre (novel) Charlotte Bronte, Paul 206 UG Library
823 CHA 00088362 Indulekha / Chandumenon,O. Oxford University press, 2006 9780195678772 2nd impression xviii, 288p.; UG Library
823 CHA 00105496 Three Tales About Marriage: Chaucer, Geoffrey. Hachette Group. 1998 9789350091579 xx,105 p. UG Library
823 CHA 00105497 Troylus And Criseyde Chaucer. Hachette Group. 2000 9789350091494 xxxvi,292 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 CHA 00107695 Clearing a space : Chaudhuri, Amit, Black Kite in association with Rupa & Co., New Delhi, 2008 9788178242378 330 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 CHA 00087901 Famous Short Stories from Prem Chand Chand, Prem Sahni 8175642475 246p UG Library
823 CHA 00106151 First Light Gangopadhyay,Sunil. Penguin Books 2001 9780141004303 xii; 753 P. UG Library
823 CHA 00014635 The American Novel and its Tradition Chase, Richard KALYANI PUBLICATION 1973 264 P Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 CHA 00142030 The Paris Library / Charler, Janet Skeslien. Two Roads , 2021 9781529335453 423 p.; UG Library
823 CHA 00145523 You only live once: Changle, Stuti Penguin Books, 2021 9780143453581 234p. ; UG Library
823 CHA 00096963 Battle For Bittora Chauhan Anuja India Today Group 9789350290026 426p UG Library
823 CHA 00141442 Whisper to Me Your Lies Chakraborty,Novoneel Penguin 2021 9780143449522 284p UG Library
823 CHA 00102444 Once upon a time in aparanta / Chakravarti, Sudeep. Penguin Books, 9780143099970 | 0143099973 220 p. ; UG Library
823 CHA 00073622 Anandamath or the Sacred Brotherhood Chatterji, Bqankimcandra 2006 0195683226 315 p UG Library
823 CHA 00081972 Naked in the Wind Charry, Brinda 0143100890 261 UG Library
823 CHA 00119081 Marry Me, Stranger Chakraborty, Novoneel Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2014 9788184005967 xiv:268p.; UG Library
823 CHA 00093790 Way to go / Chatterjee, Upamanyu. Hamish Hamilton, an imprint of Penguin Books, 9780670083527 viii, 359 p. ; UG Library
823 CHA 00102455 Sacred Games; Chandra Vikram Penguin books; 9780143103073 900 p. UG Library
823 CHA 00081984 A Far Horizon Chand, Meira Penguin Books, 2001 0143028901 361p,; UG Library
823 CHA 00049732 Papillon Charriere, Henri Ruper Hart-Davis 1970 558p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 CHA 00140205 The City of Good Death Champaneri,Priyanka Penguin 2021 9780670094967 432p UG Library
823 CHA 07010761 Marry Me, Stranger Chakraborty, Novoneel Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2014 9788184005967 xiv:268p.; Library - BR Campus
823 CHE 00126297 The Conjure Stories : Chesnutt, Charles W. W.W. Norton & Co., 2012 9780393927801 | 0393927806 1st ed. xxx, 344 p. : UG Library
823 CHE 00121353 The cherry Orchard/ Chekhov, Anton Surjeet Publications 2011 812290257x 191p. UG Library
823 CHE 00141951 Greatest Short Stories Chekhov, Anton Rupa, 2020 9789390260294 438 p.; UG Library
823 CHE 00122816 The enormous room / Cummings, E. E. W W Norton & Company 2014 9780871409287 (pbk.) xx, 392 pages : UG Library
823 CHE 00106434 The House Behind the Cedars Chesnutt W. Charles Dover Publications, LNC. : 2007 9780486461441 iv, 199 p. : UG Library
823 CHE 10002850 Greatest Short Stories Chekhov, Anton Rupa, 2020 9789390260294 438 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 CHE 00004556 Man Who Was Thursday Chesterton, G K PENGUIN 1967 190 p UG Library
823 CHE 07012847 Three Sisters/ Chekhov,Anton. Bloomsbury, 2017 9789386349477 109 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 CHE 00023433 The Penguin Complete Father Brown Chesterton, G K PENGUIN 1982 728 p UG Library
823 CHE 00106444 Favorite Father Brown stories Chesterton, G. K. Dover Publications, 1993 0486275450 : | 9780486275451 v, 89 p. ; UG Library
823 CHE 00106464 The Man Who Knew too Much Chesterton, G. K. Dover Publications, 2003 0486431789 | 9780486431789 v, 159 p. ; UG Library
823 CHE 00091680 Feminist Archetypes in Canadian and Indian fiction Chellappan K Emerald Publishers 8179661776 104p UG Library
823 CHI 07005649 The Hard Way/ Child,Lee Bantam Books, 2006 9780857500137 513 Pages, Library - BR Campus
823 CHI 00147050 Stories of Your Life and Others Chiang, Ted Picador 2020 9781529039436 338p UG Library
823 CHI 03011641 One Little Finger (fiction) / Chib, Malini. Sage Publications; 2011 9788132106326 198 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
823 CHI 00103409 One Little Finger (fiction) / Chib, Malini. Sage Publications; 2011 9788132106326 198 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 CHI 00080849 One Shot (fiction) Child, Lee 2006 0553815865 510p UG Library
823 CHI 00117307 Echo Burning / Child,Lee. Bantam Books, 2001 9780553813302 571 p.: UG Library
823 CHO 07005668 Life After Death : Chopra, Deepak Harmony Books, 2006 0307345785 281 p Library - BR Campus
823 CHO 05059233 Mittabail Yamunakka : Chowta,D.K. Aakrithi Aashya Publications, 2017 9789383765218 xvi,416p.; Knowledge Centre
823 CHO 10001302 Fiction and film : Chopra, Jaskiran. Rawat Publications, 2018 9788131609101 | 8131609103 x,196p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 CHO 00141970 The time of the peacock Chowdhury,Siddharth Aleph book company, 2021 9789390652020 127p.; UG Library
823 CHO 00096965 Day Scholar Chowdhury, Sidharth Replica Press, 2010 9780330514064 161 p. UG Library
823 CHO 00096964 Day Scholar Chowdhury, Sidharth Replica Press, 2010 9780330514064 161 p. UG Library
823 CHO 00091204 Amitav Ghosh's The shadow lines Chowdhary Arvind Atlantic Publishers 2008 9788126902231 225p UG Library
823 CHO 00081970 Circle of Karma Choden, Kunzang Kali for Women 2005 8186706798 316 UG Library
823 CHO 00137884 Fiction and film : Chopra, Jaskiran. Rawat Publications, 2018 9788131609101 | 8131609103 x,196p.; UG Library
823 CHO 10003222 Amitav Ghoshs the shadow lines : Chowdhary, Arvind., Atlantic publishers and distributors, 2022 9788126901951 xiv,225 p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 CHO 00087394 Alternative Gaze: Essays on D. H. Lawrence Choudhury, Sheila Lahiri Chronicle Book 2008 8180280306 | 9788180280306 205 p UG Library
823 CHR 00052528 Miss Marple [ Fiction ] Christie, Agatha 0006499597 717p UG Library
823 CHR 00102419 The Death Of Grass Christopher, John Penguin Books, 9780141190174 x, 195 p. UG Library
823 CHR 00090273 Hercule Poirot: The Complete Short Stories Christie, Agatha Penguin Books 9780006513773 880p UG Library
823 CHR 00092675 The murder on the Links Christie Agatha Harper collins 9780007282302 319p UG Library
823 CHR 00092674 And then there were none. Christie, Agatha, Harper Collins 317 p. UG Library
823 CHR 00092673 Sad cypress (fiction) Christie, Agatha, Harper Collins 1940 9780007299720 | 157912688X 336 p. ; UG Library
823 CHR 00092672 Poirot's early cases / Christie, Agatha, Collins [for] the Crime Club, 9780007293322 253 p. ; UG Library
823 CHR 04026589 And Then There Were None / Christie, Agatha Happers, 2015 9780007282319 317p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 CHR 00052358 Mystery of the Blue Train Christie, Agatha 1994 0006170765 232p UG Library
823 CHR 00052359 Murder on the Orient Express Christie, Agatha 1994 0006170064 233p UG Library
823 CHR 00052361 Mysterious Affair at Styles Christie, Agatha 1994 0006174744 204 p UG Library
823 CHR 00024385 Three Act Tragedy Christie, Agatha PENGUIN 1983 210 p UG Library
823 CHR 00055821 And Then There Were None Christie, Agatha 1966 0312979479 275 p UG Library
823 CHR 00055587 Hercule Poirot Christie, Agatha 1999 0006513778 864 p UG Library
823 CHR 00052449 4.50 from Paddington Christie, Agatha 1999 0006157629 218p UG Library
823 CHR 00027510 They Came to Baghdad Christie, Agatha Berkley 1979 231 p UG Library
823 CHR 00027511 The Under Dog and Other Stories Christie, Agatha BARNES 1985 220 p UG Library
823 CHR 00027512 Moving Finger Christie, Agatha BARNES 1985 220 p UG Library
823 CHR 00027513 The Labors Of Hercules Agatha Christie, Dodd, Mead 1975 240 p UG Library
823 CHR 00027515 Secret of Chimneys (fiction) Christie, Agatha BARNES 1985 250 p UG Library
823 CHR 00000216 Cat Among the Pigeons Christie, Agatha Crime Club 1960 252 p UG Library
823 CHU 00103393 The Quilt stories: Chughtai Ismat Penguin books; 9780143416005 140 p. UG Library
823 CHU 00014978 Martin Chuzzlewit Charles Dickens, Inc 1868 848 p UG Library
823 CHU 00093126 A Very Strange Man : Cug̲h̲tāʼī, ʻIṣmat, Women Unlimited, 2007 8188965367 viii, 231 p. UG Library
823 CHU 00110994 Vintage Chughtai: A Selection Of Her Best Stories Chughtai,Ismat. Women Unlimited 2013 9788188965229 xix; 259 p. UG Library
823 CHU 00106731 Masooma a Novel Ismat Chughtal Women Unlimited 2011 9788188965663 143 P. UG Library
823 CHU 07007823 Making it Big/ Chaudhary,Binod Portfolio, 2016 9780143426035 XXV,411 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 CHU 00103454 Battle hymn of the Tiger mother: Chua Amy Bloomsbury; 9781408813164 235 p. UG Library
823 CLA 00067556 Net Force: Night Moves Clancy, Tom 1999 0747261164 469p UG Library
823 CLA 00067559 Op Centre; Line of Control Clancy, Tom 2001 0006513999 372p UG Library
823 CLA 00034777 The Hunt For Red October Clancy, Tom Fontana 1985 478 UG Library
823 CLA 00107215 I'LL Be Seeing You : Clark Mary Higgins. Simon & Schuster, 1993 0671673661 : 317 p. ; UG Library
823 CLA 00035132 The Sum of All Fears Clancy, Tom Rupa & Co 1980 1030 p UG Library
823 CLA 00089261 Father Clark, Alex Sigrid Rausing 9781905881048 261p UG Library
823 CLA 00118549 Meeting the English / Clanchy, Kate Macmilan, 2013 9780330535281 310p. : UG Library
823 CLA 00142025 The Lost Book of the White Clare, Cassandra Simon & Schuster, 2020 9781471162107 361 p.; UG Library
823 CLA 00057221 Without Remorse Clancy, Tom 2000 0006479189 767p UG Library
823 CLA 00106169 This is not the end of the book : ̀Carriere, Jean-Claude, Harvill Secker, 2011 1846554519 (cloth) 324 p. ; UG Library
823 CLE 00080863 Hinterland Book Two of the Godslayer Chronicles [fiction] Clemens, James Orbit Books 577p UG Library
823 CLE 00095120 Terra Amata Clezio Le J.M.S Penguin 9780141191416 217P UG Library
823 CLI 00137444 The President is missing Clintion, Bill Century, 2018 9781780898407 513 p.; UG Library
823 COB 00127148 Hold Tight Coben Harlan Orion Books, 2011 9781407245607 432 p.: UG Library
823 COB 00127151 Live Wire Coben Harlan An Orion Paperback, 2011 9781407245645 385 p.: UG Library
823 COE 00082012 Manual of the Warrior of Light Coelho, Paulo Harper Collins 2015 8172235143 | 9780008140229 278p UG Library
823 COE 00082013 Fifth Mountain Coelho, Paulo Harper Collins 2015 8172235143 | 9780008140212 245p UG Library
823 COE 00082014 Like the Flowing River Coelho, Paulo 2006 0007246307 232 p.: UG Library
823 COE 05028363 Eleven Minutes Coelho, Paulo Harper Collins 2003 8172235631 | 9788172235635 275 p Knowledge Centre
823 COE 00082016 Witch of Portobello Coelho, Paulo HarperCollins 2017 0007257449 | 9780007257447 329p UG Library
823 COE 00082017 Valkyries Coelho, Paulo Harper Collins 1998 8172235402 245p UG Library
823 COE 00082018 The Pilgrimage: A Contemporary Quest for Ancient Wisdom Coelho, Paulo Harper Collins 2017 8172235399 | 9788172235390 226p UG Library
823 COE 00086601 Paulo Coelho: The Devil and Miss Prym Coelho, Paulo Harper Collins 2017 9788172235154 | 9780007116034 201 p UG Library
823 COE 00116707 Veronika decides to die Coelho, Paulo. HarperCollins, 1998 0722539312 | 0722539924 (pbk) | 9788172235437 191 p. ; UG Library
823 COE 00040334 Alchemist / Coelho, Paulo HarperCollins 2017 0722532938 | 9788172234980 177p UG Library
823 COE 00082027 The Alchemist Coelho, Paulo Harper Collins 1998 9788172234980 161p UG Library
823 COE 03006941 Winner stands alone/ Paulo Coelho Harper Collins publishers 2008 9780007318681 | 9780008140243 373 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
823 COE 01015857 Foe / Coetzee J.M. Penguin Books, 9780241950111 156p.; Knowledge Centre
823 COE 00087734 Disgrace (fiction) Coetzee, J M 2000 220p UG Library
823 COE 00106705 Aleph Coelho,Paulo. Harper Collins Publishers; 2011 9780007456093 | 9780008140175 300 p. UG Library
823 COE 00096333 Winner stands alone/ Paulo Coelho Harper Collins publishers 2008 9780007318681 | 9780008140243 373 p UG Library
823 COE 00106833 The Rotters' Club / Coe Jonathan Penguin publisher 2011 9780241954591 405p. UG Library
823 COE 00108217 Aleph Coelho,Paulo. Harper Collins Publishers; 2011 9780007456093 | 9780008140175 300 p. UG Library
823 COE 00145384 Adultery Coelho, Paulo Penguin Books 2014 9788184006094 287p. UG Library
823 COE 00068674 Youth Coetzee, J M 1999 0099452049 168p UG Library
823 COE 00068675 The Zahir Coelho, Paulo HarperCollins 2015 8172236298 | 9780008140267 342p. UG Library
823 COE 07012173 Eleven Minutes Coelho, Paulo Harper Collins 2003 8172235631 | 9788172235635 275 p Library - BR Campus
823 COE 00081140 Valkyries Coelho, Paulo HarperCollins 2016 9788172235406 245p. UG Library
823 COE 00081143 Fifth Mountain Coelho, Paulo Harper Collins 245p UG Library
823 COE 07015698 Paulo Coelho: The Devil and Miss Prym Coelho, Paulo Harper Collins 2017 9788172235154 | 9780007116034 201 p Library - BR Campus
823 COE 00129233 Adultery Coelho, Paulo Penguin Books 2014 9788184006094 287p. UG Library
823 COE 00129234 Aleph Coelho,Paulo. Harper Collins Publishers; 2011 9780007456093 | 9780008140175 300 p. UG Library
823 COE 00129235 Brida Coelho, Paulo HarperCollins 2008 9780007278596 | 9780008140182 266p UG Library
823 COE 00129236 By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept / Coelho,Paulo. Harpercollins, 1994 8172235305 | 9788172235307 | 9 210p.; UG Library
823 COE 00129237 Eleven Minutes Coelho, Paulo Harper Collins 2003 8172235631 | 9788172235635 275 p UG Library
823 COE 00129238 Like the Flowing River Coelho, Paulo Harper Collins 2017 9780007246304 232p UG Library
823 COE 00129239 Manual of the Warrior of Light Coelho, Paulo Harper Collins 2015 8172235143 | 9780008140229 278p UG Library
823 COE 00129240 Manuscript found in Accra Coelho Paulo HarperCollins 2013 9780007520503 194p. UG Library
823 COE 00116944 Tiger by the Tail Coelho, Venita Hachette Book Publishing India Pvt Ltd., 2013 9789350095508 262p. ; UG Library
823 COE 00129241 Alchemist / Coelho, Paulo HarperCollins 2017 0722532938 | 9788172234980 177p UG Library
823 COE 00129242 Paulo Coelho: The Devil and Miss Prym Coelho, Paulo Harper Collins 2017 9788172235154 | 9780007116034 201 p UG Library
823 COE 00129243 Fifth Mountain Coelho, Paulo Harper Collins 2015 8172235143 | 9780008140212 245p UG Library
823 COE 00129244 The Pilgrimage: A Contemporary Quest for Ancient Wisdom Coelho, Paulo Harper Collins 2017 8172235399 | 9788172235390 226p UG Library
823 COE 00129245 The Spy Coelho, Paulo Vintage 2016 9780670089536 186p. UG Library
823 COE 00129246 Valkyries Coelho, Paulo HarperCollins 2016 9788172235406 245p. UG Library
823 COE 00129247 Winner stands alone/ Paulo Coelho Harper Collins publishers 2008 9780007318681 | 9780008140243 373 p UG Library
823 COE 07015032 Waiting for the barbarians / Coetzee, J M Vintage Books Publication, 2004 9780099465935 vi,170p.; Library - BR Campus
823 COE 00129248 Witch of Portobello Coelho, Paulo HarperCollins 2017 0007257449 | 9780007257447 329p UG Library
823 COE 00129249 The Zahir Coelho, Paulo HarperCollins 2015 8172236298 | 9780008140267 342p. UG Library
823 COE 00129250 Veronika decides to die Coelho, Paulo. HarperCollins, 1998 0722539312 | 0722539924 (pbk) | 9788172235437 191 p. ; UG Library
823 COE 03012858 The Fifth Mountain Coelho, Paulo Harper Collins 2005 8172235143 245p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
823 COE 00140257 The Archer Coelho,Paulo Penguin Books 2003 9780670095209 130p UG Library
823 COE 00059231 Eleven Minutes (fiction) Coelho, Paul Harper Collins 2003 8172235631 275p UG Library
823 COE 00068756 Disgrace. Coetzee, J M 2000 0099284820 219p UG Library
823 COE 00068760 Elizabeth Costello Coetzee, J M 0099474654 230p UG Library
823 COE 00068766 The Fifth Mountain Coelho, Paulo Harper Collins 2005 8172235143 245p UG Library
823 COE 00140215 The Archer Coelho,Paulo Penguin Books 2003 9780670095209 130p UG Library
823 COE 00103377 Diary of a bad year: Coetzee J.M Vintage books; 9780099516194 231 p. UG Library
823 COE 04029389 Eleven Minutes Coelho, Paulo Harper Collins 2003 8172235631 | 9788172235635 275 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 COH 00018473 Burn Baby Burn Cohen,Jerry Avon 1967 280 p UG Library
823 COH 00059244 Favorite Game Cohen, Leonard 2003 1400033624 244p UG Library
823 COL 00068806 Artemis Fowl Colfer, Eoii 2002 0786817089 277p UG Library
823 COL 00029931 Rockstar Collins, Jackie Rupa 1988 460 p UG Library
823 COL 07009619 Artemis Fowl Colfer, Eoii 2002 0786817089 277p Library - BR Campus
823 COL 07009620 Artemis Fowl Colfer, Eoii 2002 0786817089 277p Library - BR Campus
823 COL 07009621 Artemis Fowl Colfer, Eoii 2002 0786817089 277p Library - BR Campus
823 COL 00022815 Fifth Horseman (novel) Collins, Larrylapierre Penguin 580 p UG Library
823 COL 07009622 Artemis Fowl Colfer, Eoii 2002 0786817089 277p Library - BR Campus
823 COL 07009623 Artemis Fowl Colfer, Eoii 2002 0786817089 277p Library - BR Campus
823 COL 07009624 Artemis Fowl Colfer, Eoii 2002 0786817089 277p Library - BR Campus
823 COL 07009606 Artemis Fowl Colfer, Eoii 2002 0786817089 277p Library - BR Campus
823 COL 00016908 Is Paris Burning Collins, Larry Vikas 1978 408 p UG Library
823 COL 00146309 A Death in the Parish Coles, Richard Weidenfeld and Nicolson 2023 9781399607469 414p UG Library
823 COL 00104419 The Emperor's Writing: Collier Dirk: Amaryllis 2011 9788191067361 xix:609 p. UG Library
823 COL 00127263 Airman Colfer, Eoim Puffin, 2008 9780141383361 424 p.: UG Library
823 COL 00059251 The Wish List Colfer, Eoin 2003 0014131592 199 UG Library
823 COL 00118547 Confessions of a Wild Child / Collins, Jackie. Simon & Schuster, 2013 9781250050939 (hardback) 1st U.S. ed. 294 p. ; UG Library
823 COL 00030900 Bitch Collins, Jack PAN 1984 156 p UG Library
823 COL 00145524 A thousand boy kisses/ Coole,Tillie Penguin Books, 2022 9781405955317 343p. ; UG Library
823 COM 00000658 The Secret Agent Comred, Joseph Nelson and Son`s 1950 303 UG Library
823 CON 00040290 The Prince of Tides / Conroy,Pat. Bantam Books, 1986 9780553268881 664p.; UG Library
823 CON 00126288 The nigger of the "narcissus" / Conrad, Joseph Norton Publication, 1979 9780393090192 xiii,369p. UG Library
823 CON 00004406 The Secret Of Agent Conrad, Joseph PENGUIN 1907 250 p UG Library
823 CON 00036289 Joseph Conrad:Heart of Darkness Lall, Ramji RAMA BROTHERS 1994 220 p UG Library
823 CON 00038785 Heart of Darkness Conard, Joseph Rama Brothers 1996 214 p UG Library
823 CON 00038786 Heart of Darkness Conard, Joseph Rama Brothers 1996 214 p UG Library
823 CON 00038787 Heart of Darkness Conard, Joseph Rama Brothers 1996 214 p UG Library
823 CON 01015863 Lord Jim / Conrad,Joseph. Penguin Books, 2007 9780141441610 | 9780553213614 354p.; Knowledge Centre
823 CON 00036288 Heart of Darkness Conard, Joseph Rama Brothers 1996 214 p UG Library
823 CON 00066980 Heart Of Darkness Conrad, Joseph Penguin Books 1994 0140620486 110 p UG Library
823 CON 00078528 Heart Of Darkness Conrad, Joseph Penguin Books 1994 0140620486 110 p UG Library
823 CON 00002571 The Secret Agent (fiction) Conrad, Joseph, Hachette Group. 1997 9781551117843 (pbk.) | 1551117 xxix, 268 p. UG Library
823 CON 00001335 Three Great Tales Conrad, Joseph Random 1962 308 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 CON 00053118 Cambridge Companion to Joseph Conrad Conrad, Joseph 0521484847 257p UG Library
823 CON 00078527 Heart Of Darkness Conrad, Joseph Penguin Books 1994 0140620486 110 p UG Library
823 CON 00078541 Lord Jim Conrad, Joseph 2004 0393963357 506p UG Library
823 CON 00034064 Heart of Darkness Conard, Joseph Orient 94 p UG Library
823 CON 00034065 Heart of Darkness Conrad, Joseph Orient Longman 94 p. UG Library
823 CON 00105458 Almayer's Folly: Cornad,Joseph. Hachette Group. 1995 9789350091104 xlvi,206 p. UG Library
823 CON 00105459 An outcast of the islands Conrad, Joseph, Hachette Group. 1996 0192838407 (pbk.) Rev. ed. xxxviii, 303 p. : UG Library
823 CON 00105465 Nostromo: Conrad, Joseph Hachette Group, 1995 9789350090183 xliii, 466 p. UG Library
823 CON 00004540 Nigger of the narcissus Conrad, Joseph Hachette Group. 1997 362 p UG Library
823 CON 00105481 The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes And The Hound Of The Baskervilles Doyle, Arthur Conan. Hachette Group. 1992 9789350090169 xv,396 p. UG Library
823 CON 00004541 Victory Conrad, Joseph PENGUIN 1966 328 p UG Library
823 CON 05021903 Film / Condon, Sean Fourth Estate : 2004 0007143176 281 p. Knowledge Centre
823 CON 00004542 Nostromo: a Tale of the Seaboard Conrad, Joseph PENGUIN 1966 446 p UG Library
823 CON 00004543 Lord Jim: a Tale (novel Conrad, Joseph PENGUIN UG Library
823 CON 00116369 Heart of Darkness Conrad, Joseph Viva 2000 9780393955521 422p UG Library
823 CON 00105488 Nigger of the narcissus Conrad, Joseph Hachette Group. 1997 362 p UG Library
823 CON 00105492 The Secret Agent (fiction) Conrad, Joseph, Hachette Group. 1997 9781551117843 (pbk.) | 1551117 xxix, 268 p. UG Library
823 CON 00066675 Heart Of Darkness And Other Stories Conrad, Joseph FORTUNE 2004 8181991095 280 p UG Library
823 CON 00115957 Lord Jim Conrad, Joseph Viva 505p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 CON 00049144 Lord Jim Conrad, Joseph UBS 1999 8185944989 316 p UG Library
823 CON 00066688 Lord JIM Conrad, Joseph FORTUNE 8181991311 382p UG Library
823 CON 00077142 Black Abgel: Connolly, John 2005 0340837675 585p UG Library
823 CON 07005533 The Secret Of Agent Conrad, Joseph PENGUIN 1907 250 p Library - BR Campus
823 CON 00049194 Life & Works Conard, Joseph PENGUIN 1990 9781852108113 110p UG Library
823 CON 00081973 The Eastern Stories Conrad, Joseph Penguin Books, 2000 0141003138 356p.; UG Library
823 CON 00049197 Heart Of Darkness Conrad, Joseph Penguin Books 1994 0140620486 110 p UG Library
823 CON 00123983 Heart of darkness / Conrad, Joseph, Dover, 1990 9780486264646 v, 72 p. ; UG Library
823 CON 00012052 Arigato Condon, Richard Huntington 1970 280 p UG Library
823 CON 00105534 The Whisperers Connolly,John. Hodder & Stoughton Ltd. 2010 9780340993521 550 p. UG Library
823 COO 00052526 Outbreak Cook, Robin 1987 0330302078 366p UG Library
823 COO 00145525 Bitch: what does it mean to be female?/ Cooke, Lucy Penguin Books, 2023 9781804990919 xxv,369p. ; UG Library
823 COO 00057807 Vital Signs Cook, Robin 0330321471 396p UG Library
823 COO 00052873 Abduction Cook, Robin 2000 0330369008 409p UG Library
823 COO 00135193 Pandemic / Cook, Robin, Macmillan, 2018 9780525535331 (hardcover) 386 pages ; UG Library
823 COO 00145668 Night Shift Cook, Robin Pan Books 2023 9781529098792 335p UG Library
823 COO 00068693 Marker Cook, Robin 2005 0033390284 532p UG Library
823 COO 04026705 Acceptable Risk / Cook,Robin. Pan Books, 2006 9780330343381 406p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 COO 01016237 Foreign Body / Cook,Robin. Pan Books, 2008 9780330445535 467p.; Knowledge Centre
823 COO 01016227 Acceptable Risk / Cook,Robin. Pan Books, 2006 9780330343381 406p.; Knowledge Centre
823 COO 00106439 The deerslayer Cooper, James Fenimore, Dover Publications, 2007 9780486461366 (pbk.) | 0486461 x, 450 p. ; UG Library
823 COO 00054899 Contagion Cook, Robin 1995 0330347551 529 p UG Library
823 COP 00012883 Collected Tales Coppars, A E Aak 532 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 COP 00104873 The Cambridge companion to Jane Austen / Edward Copeland Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521763080 | 0521763088 | 9 2nd ed. xxvi, 271 p. ; UG Library
823 COR 00107209 Scarpetta / Cornwell Patricia G. P. Putnam's Sons, 2008 9780399155161 500 p. UG Library
823 COR 00107217 Cause of death / Cornwell Patricia Daniels Putnam's Sons 1996 0399141464 (acidfree paper) | 340 p. ; UG Library
823 COR 00134220 Just Tigers Corbett,Jim Aleph 2018 9789387561311 323p UG Library
823 COR 00126308 Alice in Wonderland/ Carroll,Lewis W W Norton & Company, 2013 9780393932348 VII,384 Pages,; UG Library
823 COR 07005178 Alice in Wonderland/ Carroll,Lewis W W Norton & Company, 2013 9780393932348 VII,384 Pages,; Library - BR Campus
823 COR 07012875 Fictions of Dissent/ Cordell,Sigrid Anderson. Routledge, 2010 9781138661240 VIII,137 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 COR 00055584 Tigers and Tigerwallahs Corbett, Jim 2002 0195659848 211p UG Library
823 COR 07010058 English Poetry since 1940/ Corcoran,Neil Routledge, 2016 9781138694989 XIV,303 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 COR 00045772 Cause of Death Cornwell, Patricia 1996 0399141464 340p UG Library
823 COR 00112079 Lessons In Life Corrie Joseph Brian Asian Trading Corporation, 2012 9788170866305 viii,153 p.: UG Library
823 COU 00145392 Jest haven't met you yet Cousens, Sophie Penguin Books, 2021 9781787466814 390p. ; UG Library
823 COU 00080853 Jpod Coupland, Douglas Blooma Bury 2007 554p UG Library
823 COU 00005733 Rosehaven (fiction) Coulter, Catherine 1996 0051512088 370p UG Library
823 COW 00030952 Secrets Cowie, Vera Fontana 1989 526 p UG Library
823 COW 00017416 Mulk Raj Anand Coolie An Assessment Cowasjee, Saros Oxford 1976 62 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 COW 00105477 Selected Poems Cowper,William. Hachette Group. 1999 9789350090336 xxix,97 p. UG Library
823 COW 00051970 Oxford Anthologyof Raj Stories Cowasjee 0195658493 344p UG Library
823 COX 00057809 Selling the Wheel Cox, Jeff 2000 0068485600 255p UG Library
823 COX 00074003 Selling the Wheel Cox, Jeff 2000 0684856018 255p UG Library
823 COX 00089515 Oxford Book of Ghost Stories Cox, Michael Oxford University Press 1986 9780199556304 504p UG Library
823 CRA 00080860 Hostage [fiction] Crais, Robert Orion Books 383p UG Library
823 CRA 00080861 The Monkey's Raincoat Crais Robert Orion Books 2007 237p UG Library
823 CRA 00080862 Two Minute Rule [fiction] Crais, Robert Orion Books 2007 423p UG Library
823 CRA 00080870 Demolition Angel Crais Robert London 2003 0752842935 371 p UG Library
823 CRA 00117033 Great short works of Stephen Crane Crane, Stephen, Perennial Classics, 2004 0060726482 | 9780060726485 xv, 357 p. ; UG Library
823 CRA 00068793 50 Great Short Stories Crane, Milton 0553277456 464p UG Library
823 CRE 00029684 George Eliot a Collection of Critical Essays Creeger George, R PRENTICE-HALL UG Library
823 CRE 00080953 Black Cat Black Dog: Creed, John Faber and faber, 2007 283p.; UG Library
823 CRE 00027524 This Man Did I Kill? Creasey, John Stein And Day 1985 256 p UG Library
823 CRI 00086588 Next Crichton, Michael 0007248997 431 p UG Library
823 CRI 00052877 Congo [ Fiction ] Crichton, Michael 0345378490 313p UG Library
823 CRI 00068712 Prey Crichton, Michael Harper Collins 2002 8172234775 367p UG Library
823 CRO 00001042 Beyond This Place Cronin?, A J Ndi 640 p UG Library
823 CRO 00093114 Lost in Translation Croker Charlie Michael O'Mara Books Limited 2006 9781843172727 176p UG Library
823 CRO 00004762 Citadel Novel Cronin, A J Dorling Kindersley 352 UG Library
823 CRO 00004764 SPANISH GARDENER Crinin, A J Nelson 170 UG Library
823 CRO 00105478 Speeches of oliver cormwell Cormwell. Hachette Group. 1989 9789350091388 xxiii,252 p. UG Library
823 CRO 00000129 Green Years Cornin, A J Lbc 1945 360 p UG Library
823 CRY 00103378 Txtng: Crystal David Oxford university press; 9780199571338 239 p. UG Library
823 CUL 00001016 Conjurer's Coffin Cullingford, Guy PENGUIN 1957 222 p UG Library
823 CUM 00141977 American dirt / Cummins, Jeanine, Tinder press, 2021 9781472261403 457p.; UG Library
823 CUR 00095212 Coffee with Hemingway Curnutt Kirk Duncan Baird Publishers 9781844834686 144p UG Library
823 CUR 00078279 The Cambridge Introduction to F. Scott Fitzgerald Curnutt, Kirk Cambridge University Press 2007 0521676002 145 p UG Library
823 CUR 00106784 The Cambridge introduction to F. Scott Fitzgerald / Curnutt, Kirk, Cambridge University Press, 2007 0521859093 (hbk.) | 9780521859 viii, 145 p. ; UG Library
823 CUR 00012797 What is the Short Story? Current-Garcia, Eugene SCOTT & CO. 1961 502 P UG Library
823 DAD 00022988 Climbie Dadie,Bernard. Chapman 1980 158 p UG Library
823 DAH 00088848 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Dahl, Roald 1964 9780141322711 189p UG Library
823 DAH 00024331 Tales of the Unexpected Dahl, Roald Penguin Books 1982 290 p UG Library
823 DAH 00092240 Going solo / Dahl, Roald. Puffin Books, 9780435123239 209 p. ; UG Library
823 DAI 00073021 Post-Independence Women Short Story Writers In Indian English Daiya, Krishna Sarupa and Sons 2006 8176256455 | 9788176256452 93p UG Library
823 DAI 07005938 Once upon a Moontime/ Dai,Mamang. Katha, 2005 9788189020828 p Library - BR Campus
823 DAI 07005939 Hambreelmai's loom/ Dai,Mamang. Tulika Publishers, 2014 9789350465479 20 pages , : Library - BR Campus
823 DAL 07015606 In Xanadu A Quest / Dalrymple William An Imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, 1990 9780006544159 314p,: Library - BR Campus
823 DAL 00018500 This Tangeed Web Dale, Maxine BANTAM 1973 168 p UG Library
823 DAN 05042355 Kusumabale / Mahadeva Devanoora Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199457014 xxvi,123p.: Knowledge Centre
823 DAN 07000471 Kusumabale / Mahadeva Devanoora Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199457014 xxvi,123p.: Library - BR Campus
823 DAR 00090274 For Pepper and Christ a Novel Daruwall, Keki N Penguin Books 9780143065814 354p UG Library
823 DAS 00126375 Thje Modern English Novel Das Ajay Pearl Books, 2017 9789383026357 v, 224 p.: UG Library
823 DAS 00102469 Sumthing of a mocktale : Das, Soma. Srishti Publishers & Distributors, 8188575615 | 9788188575619 206 p. ; UG Library
823 DAS 07005651 The Elephant Paradigm : Das, Gurucharan Penguine Books, 2002 9780143419266 301p. : Library - BR Campus
823 DAS 00034254 Padmavathi the Harlot and others Stories , Kamla Das A Sterling Paperback 1900 109 p. UG Library
823 DAS 00062926 For Matrimonial Purposes: Novel Daswani, Kavita Harper Collins 2002 8172235534 323 p.: UG Library
823 DAS 00089423 Solo Dasgupta, Rana Harper Collins 2009 9788172238230 357p UG Library
823 DAS 00141958 Padmavati the Harlot and other stories / Das,Kamala. Aleph, 2020 9789389836165 vii,99p.; UG Library
823 DAS 00022564 Told Again Book Two Das, S.k Dayal 88 p UG Library
823 DAS 00130396 I Did It My Way Dasgupth, Bikram Rupa Publications, 2018 9788129150769 221 p.: UG Library
823 DAS 00138258 Voice of the Rain Season / Dasgupta,Subrata. Fingerprint, 2018 9789386538666 253p.; UG Library
823 DAS 00031557 A fine Family Das, Gurcharan Penguin 1989 350 P UG Library
823 DAS 04017425 The Elephant Paradigm : Das, Gurucharan Penguine Books, 2002 9780143419266 301p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 DAS 00119710 Critical Study of Nathaniel Hawthorne's The scarlet Letter Das, Devaleena Atlantic Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd, 2014 9788126919086 x:318p.; UG Library
823 DAS 00093766 A Tiger At Twilight And Cyclones Das,Manoj Penguin 9780143068556 353p UG Library
823 DAS 00138584 The Aryabhata Clan / Das, Sudipto Niyogi Books, 2018 9789386906137 475p. : UG Library
823 DAS 07009112 Radical Rabindranath/ Dasgupta, Sanjukta. Orient Blackswan Pvt Ltd., 2013 9788125050285 sxlvi: 343p.; Library - BR Campus
823 DAS 00125927 Postcolonial Poetry in English Das R.K. Pearl Books, 2017 9789383026258 v, 280 p.: UG Library
823 DAS 00096961 Awakening Dasgupta Subrata Random House: 2010 9788184001259 391p UG Library
823 DAS 00126377 Postcolonial Poetry in English Das R.K. Pearl Books, 2017 9789383026258 v, 280 p.: UG Library
823 DAT 00140273 Our Impossible Love Datta, Durjoy Penguin Metro Reads, 2016 9780143424611 289 p. : UG Library
823 DAT 00145499 World's Best Girlfriend/ Datta, Durjoy Penguin Books, 2023 9780143448365 243p. ; UG Library
823 DAT 00129531 Our Impossible Love Datta, Durjoy Penguin Metro Reads, 2016 9780143424611 289 p. : UG Library
823 DAT 00145536 When I Am With You Datta, Durjoy Penguin Ind 2022 9780143448358 321p. ; UG Library
823 DAT 00141643 You Were My Crush: Datta,Durjoy Penguin India 2011 9780143421559 215p UG Library
823 DAT 00141653 Oh Yes, I'm Single! and So Is My Girlfriend Datta,Durjoy Penguin India 2011 9780143421580 243p UG Library
823 DAV 00107184 The gargoyle Davidson, Andrew. Doubleday, 2008 9780385524940 1st ed. 465 p. ; UG Library
823 DAV 00009121 A Short History of English Novel Dean, M PRAKASH BROTHERS 1973 134 P UG Library
823 DAV 07012484 Reading Jane Austen / Davidson, Jenny Cambridge University, 2017 9781108431835 158 p.: Library - BR Campus
823 DAV 00130359 Reading Jane Austen / Davidson, Jenny Cambridge University, 2017 9781108431835 158 p.: UG Library
823 DAV 00055825 The House of Blue Mangoes David, Davidar Penguin 2002 0670049182 421 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DAV 07013695 Reading Jane Austen / Davidson, Jenny Cambridge University, 2017 9781108431835 158 p.: Library - BR Campus
823 DAV 00107027 Ithaca Davidar,David. Estate,Fourth. 2011 9789350291047 276 P. UG Library
823 DAV 00142024 The last thing he told me / Dave,Laura. Viper, 2021 9781788168588 306p.; UG Library
823 DAV 00001684 English Short Stories Of Today Davin, Dan Oxford University 1966 1st Ed. 246 p UG Library
823 DAV 00115958 Passage to India Davies, Tony Viva 174p UG Library
823 DAW 00010851 Tales From The Thousand Aan One Nnights Daawood, N J Penguin 1961 402 p UG Library
823 DAW 00081994 Babyji: A Novel Dawesar, Abha 2005 0144000466 399p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DE 00102460 Selective memory : Dé, Shobha, Penguin Books, 0140277846 531 p., [16] p. of plates : UG Library
823 DE 00102461 Sisters; Shobhaa De Penguin books; 9780143032748 360 p. UG Library
823 DE 00102463 Snapshots; De Shobhaa Penguin books; 9780144000494 310 p. UG Library
823 DE 00102466 Stary nights De Shobhaa Penguin books; 9780143032670 401 p. UG Library
823 DE 00102468 Sultry Days De Shobhaa Penguin books; 9780143032687 374 p. UG Library
823 DE 00110390 Sethji De,Shobhaa Penguin Books 2012 9780143102595 290 p. UG Library
823 DE 04017016 Second thoughts / De,Shobhaa. Penguin books, 9780144000500 402 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 DE 00137608 Socialite evenings / Dé,Shobha. Penguin Random House, 2017 9780143429562 381p.; UG Library
823 DE 00102458 Second thoughts / De,Shobhaa. Penguin books, 9780144000500 402 p.; UG Library
823 DEB 00062885 Point of Return Deb, Siddhartha 2004 0330489224 226 p UG Library
823 DEB 00103396 The Mahabharata: Debroy Bibek Penguin books; 9780143416029 129 p. UG Library
823 DEB 00062913 Point of Return: Fiction Deb, Siddhartha 0330489224 226p UG Library
823 DEB 00022832 Spike De Borchgrave, Macdonald Futura 0019 477 p UG Library
823 DEE 05073556 I have not seen mandu : Deepak, Swadesh. Speaking Tiger Books LLP, 2021 9789390477586 xviii, 342p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 DEE 05072268 I have not seen mandu : Deepak, Swadesh. Speaking Tiger Books LLP, 2021 9789390477586 xviii, 342p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 DEE 00133557 Mapping the creative terrain. Deep,Kiran Sarup book publishers pvt ltd., 2018 9789352081318 xi,199p.. UG Library
823 DEF 00126287 Moll Flanders : Defoe, Daniel, W.W. Norton, 2004 9780393978629 xi, 525 p. ; UG Library
823 DEF 00009388 The Life & Adventure Of Robinson Crusoe Defoe,Daniel. Oxford University Press 1963 130 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DEF 00022553 Story of Robinson Crusoe Defoe,Daniel Oxford 1968 95 p UG Library
823 DEF 00078549 Moll Flanders Defoe, Daniel 2003 0039309412 444 p UG Library
823 DEF 00001369 The Life & Adventure Of Robinson Crusoe Defoe,Daniel. Oxford University Press 1963 130 p UG Library
823 DEF 00105456 A journal of the plague year Defoe,Daniel. Hachette Group. 1994 9789350091227 xxiv,240 p. UG Library
823 DEF 05041428 Robinson Crusoe / Defoe,Daniel. UBS Publishers, 2014 9788174760487 316p.; Knowledge Centre
823 DEF 00105464 Moll Flanders Defoe, Daniel W.W. Norton & Company 2005 0039309412 444 p UG Library
823 DEF 00024383 Robinson Crusoe Defoe,Daniel PENGUIN 1981 278 UG Library
823 DEF 00078580 Robinson Crusoe Defoe, Daniel W.W. Norton & Co 2005 0393964523 436 p UG Library
823 DEF 00126284 A Journal of the Plague Year : Defoe, Daniel, W.W. Norton, 1992 9780393961881 1st ed. xiii, 361 p. : UG Library
823 DEF 00066982 Moll Flanders Defoe, Daniel W.W. Norton & Company 2005 0039309412 444 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DEF 00090341 Robinson Crusoe Defoe, Daniel Oxford 2005 0393964523 436p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DEI 00007967 Funeral in Berlin Deighton, Len Jonathan Cape 1964 320 p UG Library
823 DEI 00002568 Coverley Papers from the Spectator Deighton, K Macmillan Co. 1964 197P.; UG Library
823 DEI 00002430 Coverley Papers from the Spectator Deighton, K Mc Millan 189 Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DEI 00006725 Horse Under Water Deighton, Len PENGUIN 1967 232 UG Library
823 DEK 00141992 Guilt and other stories / Deka,Harekrishna. Speaking tiger, 2021 9789354470868 xiii,253p.; UG Library
823 DEL 00105206 End zone. DeLillo, Don. Picador 1972 0395136458 242 p. UG Library
823 DEL 00105203 Cosmopolis DeLillo,Don. Picador 2003 9780330524933 208 p. UG Library
823 DEL 00103490 Don Point omage: Delillo Picador; 9780330512381 117 p. UG Library
823 DEL 00105199 The body artist DeLillo, Don. Picador. 2001 0743518152 : | 9780330524957 131 p. UG Library
823 DEL 00105222 White Noise. DeLillo,Don. Picador. 1984 374 p. UG Library
823 DEL 00105221 Underworld DeLillo,Don. Picador. 1997 827 p. UG Library
823 DEL 00031477 Chances Are (novel) Delinsky, Barbara Mills Boon 224 p UG Library
823 DEL 00127078 Love letters to the dead Dellaira, Ava Hot Key Books 2014 9781471402883 327p. UG Library
823 DEL 00110194 White Noise DeLillo,Don. Pan Macmillan 2012 9781447202806 374 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DEL 00071753 White Noise. DeLillo,Don. Picador. 1984 374 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DEL 00105218 Running dog DeLillo,Don. Picador 1978 276 p. ; UG Library
823 DEL 00105208 Great Jones Street DeLillo,Don. Picador 1972 9780330524896 249 p. UG Library
823 DEL 00105213 The Names DeLillo,Don. Picador, 2011 9780330524865 405 P. UG Library
823 DEL 00105207 Falling man : DeLillo, Don. Picador, 2007 9781416546023 | 1416546022 246 p. ; UG Library
823 DEM 00080910 Wild Fire (fiction) Demille, Nelson Sphere 2007 663p UG Library
823 DEN 00099633 The Victorian novel / Dennis, Barbara, Cambridge University Press, 0521775957 (pbk.) 128 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DEN 00104888 The victorian novel Dennis,Barbara. Cambridge University 2003 9780521775953 128p. UG Library
823 DES 00082000 Matter of Time Deshpande, Shashi 0014026390 246p UG Library
823 DES 00143308 The Village By the Sea / Anita Desai Pufin books, 1982 9780143335498 259p. : UG Library
823 DES 00052025 Contemporary Indian Short Stories Desai, Shantinath K Sahitya Akademi 1998 8126001372 333p UG Library
823 DES 00062906 Fasting Feasting Desai, Anita Vintage 2000 0099289636 225p UG Library
823 DES 00121954 Critical Interpretation of George Bernard Shaw Deswal Jyoti Wisdom Press, 2014 9789382006282 vii 247 p.: UG Library
823 DES 00133467 All about H. Hatterr Desani, G. V Aleph book company, 1986 9789387561441 xvii,289p.; UG Library
823 DES 05070273 All About H. Hatterr : Desani, G.V. Penguin Book Ltd, 1948 316p.; Knowledge Centre
823 DES 04017073 The Village By the Sea / Anita Desai Pufin books, 1982 9780143335498 259p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 DES 00109331 Ships Thats Pass Deshpande,Shashi Rain Tree 2012 9788129119582 viii; 136 p. UG Library
823 DES 05034168 A matter of time / Deshpande, Shashi. Penguin Books, 1996 014026390X | 9780140263909 246 p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 DES 00092249 Cry, the peacock. Desai, Anita Orient Paperbcks 1980 9788122200850 | 81-222-0085-0 184p. UG Library
823 DES 00103425 Deliverance: Deshpande Gauri Kali for Women; 9788188965632 134 p. UG Library
823 DES 05001112 In Custody: Desai,Anita random House India, 2007 9788184000139 xi, 233 p.; Knowledge Centre
823 DES 07004222 In custody Desai,Anita Random house india, 2007 9788184000139 xi,233p.; Library - BR Campus
823 DES 00104399 Silappadikaaram : Desikan,Parthasarathy Marga bandhu 2007 vii,317p UG Library
823 DES 00104400 Silappadikaaram : Desikan,Parthasarathy Marga bandhu 2007 vii,317p UG Library
823 DES 00119726 Fictional World of Joseph Conrad Deshmukhe, Vinaybhushan V Authorspress, 2013 9788172737245 325p.; UG Library
823 DES 00146258 Shashi Deshpande's That Long Silence / Deshpande, Shashi. Atlantic, 2022 9788126926879 xii,144p, ; UG Library
823 DES 00015345 By-bye, Black Bird Desai, Anita Hind Pocket Books Pvt. Ltd 266p UG Library
823 DES 00144486 Shashi Deshpande's That Long Silence / Deshpande, Shashi. Atlantic, 2022 9788126926879 xii,144p, ; UG Library
823 DES 00092254 Voices in the City Desai, Anita Orient Paperbacks 1982 1982 Edn. | 9788122200539 257p UG Library
823 DES 00107404 Baumgartner's Bombay Desai,Anita, Penguin Books, 2007 0140131760 : 273 p. ; UG Library
823 DES 00140391 Fasting,Feasting Desai,Anita Vintage 2008 9788184000580 231p UG Library
823 DES 00095660 The dark sun & the women who wore a hat Desai Kamal Mandira Sen for STREE 978818560407X 166P UG Library
823 DES 00116741 The Inheritance of Loss / Desai, Kiran Penguine, 2012 9780143417903 324p. : UG Library
823 DES 00112436 Journey to Ithaca Desai, Anita Random house india 2013 9788184000771 xii,356p.; UG Library
823 DES 00112435 In custody Desai,Anita Random house india, 2007 9788184000139 xi,233p.; UG Library
823 DES 04017047 Collected Stories / Despande, Shashi Peguin, 2004 9780143031291 245p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 DES 00112434 Fire on the mountain Desai, Anita Random house india, 2012 9788184000573 xii,159p.; UG Library
823 DES 00112433 Clear light of the day Desai,Anita Random houde india, 2012 9788184000153 285p.; UG Library
823 DES 00027481 Voices in the City Desai, Anita Orient Paperbacks 1982 1982 Edn. | 9788122200539 257p UG Library
823 DES 00112429 In custody Desai,Anita Random house india, 2007 9788184000139 xi,233p.; UG Library
823 DES 00050663 Diamond Dust Desai, Anita Vintage 1997 0099289644 207p UG Library
823 DES 05070353 Voices in the City Desai, Anita Orient Paperbacks 1982 1982 Edn. | 9788122200539 257p Knowledge Centre
823 DES 00018844 Games at Twilight & Other Stories Desai, Anita Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd., 1978 138 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DES 00089018 Danderlok De Souza, Eunice 9780143065074 124p UG Library
823 DES 07001060 Critical Interpretation of Thomas Hardy Deswal, Jyoti Wisdom Press, 2014 9789382006268 257p.: Library - BR Campus
823 DES 00104303 The Intrusion and Other Stories Deshpande Shashi Penguin Books ; 1993 9780140236880 157 p. UG Library
823 DES 00092252 Where shall we go this summer Desai, Anita Orient paperbacks 2009 9788122200881 142p UG Library
823 DES 00062898 Baumgartner's Bombay Desai,Anita, Penguin Books, 2007 0140131760 : 273 p. ; UG Library
823 DES 00092253 By-bye, Black Bird Desai, Anita Hind Pocket Books Pvt. Ltd 266p UG Library
823 DES 00117306 In custody Desai,Anita Random house india, 2007 9788184000139 xi,233p.; UG Library
823 DES 00116493 Critical Interpretation of Thomas Hardy Deswal, Jyoti Wisdom Press, 2014 9789382006268 257p.: UG Library
823 DES 05070312 A Matter of Time / Deshpande, Shashi. Penguin Books India (P) Ltd, 1996 246p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 DES 07010852 The Inheritance of Loss / Desai,Kiran. Penguin Book, 2006 0143102788 | 9780143102786 324p.; Library - BR Campus
823 DES 00081968 That Long Silence (fiction) Deshpande, Shashi 1989 0140127232 193p UG Library
823 DES 07005557 Collected Stories / Desai, Anitha Random House Publication, 2008 9788184000566 vi,336p. Library - BR Campus
823 DES 07007275 The Dark Holds No Terrors / Deshpande Shashi Penguin Books, 1990 9780140145984 222p.: Library - BR Campus
823 DES 00105909 The Artist of Disappearance Desai Anita Random house Publishers India (P) Ltd 2011 9788184001556 156p UG Library
823 DES 00081990 The Binding Vine Deshpande, Shashi 1993 0140233369 207p UG Library
823 DES 00081995 Dark Holds no Terrors. Deshpande, Shashi 1980 0140145982 222p UG Library
823 DEV 07014788 Chotti Munda and His Arrow Devi, Mahasweta Seagull 2002 8170461766 | 9780857426772 378p Library - BR Campus
823 DEV 00087713 Book of the Hunter Devi, Mahasweta Seagull ISB8170462045 138p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DEV 00087715 Glory of Sri Ganesh Devi, Mahasweta Seagull ISB8170462061 169p UG Library
823 DEV 00087716 In the Name of the Mother Four Stories Devi, Mahasweta Seagull ISB8170462118 80p UG Library
823 DEV 00087717 Her Life Her Times Devi, Mahasweta Seagull ISB8170462916 73p UG Library
823 DEV 00107213 Legend Deveraux Jude Pocket Books, 1996 0671744615 | 9780671744618 374 p. ; UG Library
823 DEV 00078263 Wrong Number and Other Stories. Devi, Mahasweta Seagull 2005 8170462924 71p UG Library
823 DEV 00078266 Titu Mir Devi, Mahasweta Seagull 2003 0817046174 | 9788170461746 121p UG Library
823 DEV 00078267 Till Death Do Us Part Five Stories Devi, Mahasweta Seagull 2001 8170461863 75p UG Library
823 DEV 07012687 Wrong Number and other Stories/ Devi,Mahasweta. Seagull Books, 2014 9788170462927 56 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 DEV 00078270 Queen of Jhansi[ug.Fiction] Devi, Mahasweta Seagull 8170461758 285p UG Library
823 DEV 07012675 Till death do us part/ Devi,Mahasweta. Seagull Books, 2011 9788170461869 57 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 DEV 07013433 Romtha Devi, Mahasweta Seagull 2004 8170462576 72 p Library - BR Campus
823 DEV 00111233 Narrating Nomadism/ Editor, Devy, G.N. Routledge, 2013 9780415811804 viii: 272p UG Library
823 DEV 00078293 The Book of the Hunter Devi, Mahasweta Seagull 2002 8170462045 | 9788170462040 138p UG Library
823 DEV 00078296 The Armenian Champa Tree Devi, Mahasweta Seagull 2000 8170461464 54p UG Library
823 DEV 00087767 Five Novellas By Women Writers Dev Sen, Nabaneeta Oxford University, 2008 312p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DEV 00078302 Romtha Devi, Mahasweta Seagull 2004 8170462576 72 p UG Library
823 DEV 00078305 Outcast: Four Stories Devi,Mahasweta. Seagull 2002 8170461898 | 9788170461990 114p UG Library
823 DEV 00081607 Bait: Four Stories Devi, Mahasweta Seagull 2004 8170462118 80p UG Library
823 DEV 00081608 Chotti Munda and His Arrow [fiction Section] Devi, Mahasweta Seagull 2002 8170461766 378p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DEV 00078313 In the Name of the Mother: Four Stories Devi, Mahasweta Seagull 2004 8170462118 80 p UG Library
823 DEV 00078318 Bitter Soil Stories. Devi, Mahasweta Seagull 2002 8170461472 150p UG Library
823 DEV 00078319 Bedanabala Her Life, Her Times. Devi, Mahasweta Seagull 2005 8170462916 73p UG Library
823 DEV 00078321 After Kurukshetra. Devi, Mahasweta Seagull 2005 8170462908 49p UG Library
823 DEV 00112912 Indian Tango / Devi, Ananda Vintage Books/ Random House India 2013 9788184004786 200p. UG Library
823 DEV 00091418 Bedanabala / Devi, Mahasweta. Seagull Books, 2009 9878170462918 76p.; UG Library
823 DEV 07005953 The Way- Way Girl/ Devi Mahasweta. Word Bird, 2016 9788181460189 50 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 DEV 00087714 Chotti Munda and His Arrow Devi, Mahasweta Seagull 2002 8170461766 | 9780857426772 378p UG Library
823 DEV 07005954 Our Incredible cow/ Devi,Mahasweta. Tulika Publication, 2015 9789350466759 30 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 DEV 00094644 After taste Devidayal Namita Random House 9788184001082 296p UG Library
823 DEV 00087655 Old Women: Statue and the Fairy Tale of Mohanpur Devi, Mahasweta Seagull 8170461448 104p UG Library
823 DEV 00087657 Rudali: from Fiction to Performance Devi, Mahasweta Seagull 8170461383 156p UG Library
823 DEV4 07013431 Outcast: Four Stories Devi,Mahasweta. Seagull 2002 8170461898 | 9788170461990 114p Library - BR Campus
823 DEW 00125338 Seected Stories of Liao Zhai Zhi Yi Liaozhai Gushixuan Dewu Ma Sahitya Akademi 2016 9788126047505 ix, 102 p.: UG Library
823 DEY 00077664 Dickens Bleak House Dyson, A E Mcmillan 1969 0333054253 284 p UG Library
823 DEY 00087653 Titu Mir Devi, Mahasweta Seagull 2008 0ISB817046174 121 p.: UG Library
823 DHA 00052268 Separate Journeys Dharmarajan Geeta Katha 1998 0140293175 284p UG Library
823 DHA 00103401 A current of blood: Dhasal Namdeo Navayana; 9788189059385 118 p. UG Library
823 DHA 05034172 Shakti : Dhar,Maloy Krishna. Vitasta Publishing Private Limited, 2009 9788189766672 ix,381 p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 DHA 07005647 Kalidasa/ Dharwadker,vinay Penguin Books, 2016 9780670087464 XXIX,333 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 DHI 00104406 Bombay Duck Is a Fish Dhillon,Kanika. Westland ltd 2011 9789380283876 320p. UG Library
823 DHI 04017036 Bombay Duck Is a Fish Dhillon,Kanika. Westland ltd 2011 9789380283876 320p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 DHO 00073486 5 American Masters Henry O, Jack London Jaico Publishing House 2005 8179922189 305 UG Library
823 DHO 00123604 London Company Dhondy, Farrukh Hachette Book Publishing India Pvt. Ltd., 2012 9789350092248 240 p:. UG Library
823 DHO 00078208 Poona company Dhondy, Farrukh. Penguin Books India 1985 149 p. ; UG Library
823 DHU 00141650 Ratno Dholi Dhumketu Haper Collins India 2020 9789390327782 319p UG Library
823 DIA 00091470 The last days of Dogtown : Diamant, Anita. Scribner, 9780743225731 | 0743225732 xvi, 263 p. : UG Library
823 DIB 00080851 Blood Rain [fiction] Dibdin, Michael 0571202888 325p UG Library
823 DIB 00080952 Ratking Dibdin, Michael 1999 0571154212 329p UG Library
823 DIB 00080959 Back to Bologna:An Bureliio Zen Mystery [fiction] Dibdin, Michael 2006 0571227775 263p UG Library
823 DIC 00024572 Great Expectation Dickens, Charles OXFORD 1973 1 UG Library
823 DIC 00014958 Tale of Two Cities Chesterton, G K Mc Millan 1946 338 p UG Library
823 DIC 00094139 Charles Dickens Great Expectations Dickens Charles Oxford University Press 1993 9780195675269 Indian Edition 505p UG Library
823 DIC 10003862 A Tale of Two Cities / Dickens, Charles UBS Publishers Distributors Pvt Limited, 2002 9788185944661 410 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DIC 00027211 Little Dorrit Dickens, Charles FORTUNE 2004 8181991281 | 9788181991287 752 p UG Library
823 DIC 00011671 Hard Times Dickens, Charles Dent 1969 280 p UG Library
823 DIC 00001672 Great Expectations Martin, G C National 1975 180 p UG Library
823 DIC 00066693 Hard Times Dickens, Charles Dent 1969 280 p UG Library
823 DIC 00026059 Dickens a Collection of Critical Essays Martin Price, Prentice 185 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DIC 00011958 Hard Times Dickens, Charles Dent 1969 280 p UG Library
823 DIC 00014977 David Copperfield Charles Dickens, Inc 1868 856 p UG Library
823 DIC 07005188 Bleak House Dickens Charles, 1978 927 p Library - BR Campus
823 DIC 00110118 Little Dorrit Dickens, Charles, Oxford University Press 2012 9780199596485 (pbk.) New edition. xl, 854 pages : UG Library
823 DIC 00022548 Scrooge & the Christmas Spirits Dickens, Charles Oxford University Press 1975 65 p UG Library
823 DIC 00024574 Great Expectation Dickens, Charles OXFORD 1973 1 UG Library
823 DIC 00014979 Great Expectation Charles Dickens, Books, Inc. 1966 486 p UG Library
823 DIC 00022558 Great Expectation Dickens, Charles OXFORD 1973 1 UG Library
823 DIC 00024576 Great Expectation Dickens, Charles OXFORD 1973 1 UG Library
823 DIC 00005809 DICKENS A TALE OF TWO CITIES Dicken`s, Charles Hughes Bpc 136 P UG Library
823 DIC 00014981 Edwin Drood the Old Curiosity Shop Charles Dickens, Books Inc 1870 521 p UG Library
823 DIC 00022531 Nicholas Nickleby Dickens, Charles OXFORD 1976 98 p UG Library
823 DIC 00014982 Little Dorrit Part 1-2 (novel) Dickens, Charles Books Inc., 570 p UG Library
823 DIC 00008124 The Pickwick Papers Charles Dickens, Hachtee Group Company. 1998 130 p. UG Library
823 DIC 00023362 Adventures of Oliver Twist Dickens, Charles Henry Ford 1909 516 p UG Library
823 DIC 00067560 World Great Selected Short Stories Dickens, Charles English Edition Publisher 8189066072 318p UG Library
823 DIC 00034070 Adventures of Oliver Twist Dickens, Charles Henry Ford 1909 516 p UG Library
823 DIC 07005247 Oliver Twist Dickens, Charles Washington Library - BR Campus
823 DIC 00066008 David Copperfield Dickens, Charles Collins 1952 798 p UG Library
823 DIC 00048334 Charles Dickens And Great English Novelists Brandle Alois Orient 224p UG Library
823 DIC 00000281 David Copperfield Dickens, Charles Washington 1966 830 p UG Library
823 DIC 00078525 Hard Times Dickens, Charles Dent 1969 280 p UG Library
823 DIC 00106422 The Haunted House Dickens Charles Dover Publications, INC. : 2008 9780486463094 v 137 p. : UG Library
823 DIC 00022537 Great Expectation Dickens, Charles OXFORD 1973 1 UG Library
823 DIC 00024376 Reader`s Guide to Charles Dicens Hobsbaum, Philip Longmans 1981 316 p UG Library
823 DIC 00000024 Complete Work of Charles Dickens Dickens, Charles Thomas Y Crowell Company 467p UG Library
823 DIC 00038783 A Tale Of Two Cities: Notes Dickens,Charles Signet 1963 367 Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DIC 00038784 A Tale Of Two Cities: Notes Dickens,Charles Signet 1963 367 UG Library
823 DIC 00002608 The Pickwick Papers Dickens, Charles George G. Harrap & Co Ltd 1970 810 p UG Library
823 DIC 00022547 Scrooge & the Christmas Spirits Dickens, Charles Oxford University Press 1975 65 p UG Library
823 DIC 00014761 Great Expectation Charles Dickens, Dent 461 UG Library
823 DIC 00022549 Scrooge & the Christmas Spirits Dickens, Charles Oxford University Press 1975 65 p UG Library
823 DIC 00080309 Hard Times:An Authoritative Text Contexts Criticism. Dickens, Charles 2002 0393975606 480p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DIC 00014762 Great Expectation Charles Dickens, Dent 1969 464 UG Library
823 DIC 00080312 Hard Times:An Authoritative Text Contexts Criticism. Dickens, Charles 2002 0393975606 480p UG Library
823 DIC 00080313 Hard Times:An Authoritative Text Contexts Criticism. Dickens, Charles 2002 0393975606 480p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DIC 00105451 The Old Curiosity Shop. Dickens,Charles. Hachette Group Company 1995 9789350090398 xlii,637 p. UG Library
823 DIC 00080311 Hard Times:An Authoritative Text Contexts Criticism. Dickens, Charles 2002 0393975606 480p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DIC 00105452 The Pickwick Papers Charles Dickens, Hachtee Group Company. 1998 130 p. UG Library
823 DIC 00080310 Hard Times:An Authoritative Text Contexts Criticism. Dickens, Charles 2002 0393975606 480p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DIC 00090310 David Copperfield Dickens, Charles Oxford 0192835785 901p UG Library
823 DIC 00022557 Great Expectations Dickens, Charles Oxford University 130 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DIC 00011346 Great Expectations Dicknes, Charles Mc Millan 1974 140 UG Library
823 DIC 00022563 The Adventures of Oliver Twist Dickens, Charles Oxford University 1960 127 p UG Library
823 DIC 00001365 Great Expectations Charles Dickens, Dean & Son Ltd 1956 247 p UG Library
823 DIC 00016588 Great Expectation Dickens, Charales Mc Millan 134p UG Library
823 DIC 00126323 Oliver Twist : Dickens, Charles, W.W. Norton, 1993 9780393962925 1st ed., Norton critical ed. xii, 611 p. ; UG Library
823 DIC 00034071 Oliver Twist (novel) Dickens, Charles Macmillan 1986 404 p UG Library
823 DIC 05041427 Hard Times / Dickens,Charles. UBS Publishers, 2014 9788186112946 xv,268p.; Knowledge Centre
823 DIC 00011668 Hard Times Dickens, Charles Dent 1969 280 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DIC 00023360 Oliver Twist: Ed. By. Kathleen Tillotson Dickens, Charles OXFORD 364 p UG Library
823 DIC 00001129 A Tale Of Two Cities Dickens, Charles Harper 1967 470 UG Library
823 DIC 00011669 Hard Times Dickens, Charles Dent 1969 280 p UG Library
823 DIC 00105461 Barnaby Rudge: Dickens,Charles. Hachette Group, 1996 9789350090374 xxxvii, 697 p. UG Library
823 DIC 00011670 Hard Times Dickens, Charles Dent 1969 280 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DIC 00023361 Oliver Twist Charles Dickens, OXFORD 1966 365 p UG Library
823 DIC 00002642 Oliver Twist Charles Dickens, OXFORD 1966 365 p UG Library
823 DIC 00106483 The mystery of Edwin Drood Dickens, Charles, Dover Publications, Inc., 2005 0486444996 (pbk.) | 9780486444 x,224 p. UG Library
823 DIC 00039664 The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club Dickens, Charles Mysore 1991 198 p UG Library
823 DIC 00011132 The Pickwick Papers Charles Dickens, Hachtee Group Company. 1998 130 p. UG Library
823 DIC 00105475 Selected Poems Dickinson, Emily Hachette Group. 1997 0486264661 xxviii,98 p. UG Library
823 DIC 05028440 Oliver Twist : Dickens, Charles, W.W. Norton, 1993 9780393962925 1st ed., Norton critical ed. xii, 611 p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 DIC 00047272 A Tale Of Two Cities Dickens Educational 1998 116p UG Library
823 DIC 00115962 Hard Time Dickens, Charl;es Viva 480p UG Library
823 DIC 07005211 Great Expectations Charles Dickens, Dean & Son Ltd 1956 247 p Library - BR Campus
823 DIC 00115960 Selected Works of Charles Dickens Dickens, Charles Shirji Books 2000 9788182250031 800p UG Library
823 DIC 00001184 Great Expectation (novel) Charles Dicknes, Collins UG Library
823 DIC 00034297 A Tale Of Two Cities: Notes Dickens,Charles Signet 1963 367 UG Library
823 DIC 00126282 Hard Times : Dickens, Charles, W.W. Norton & Co., 2001 9780393975604 3rd ed. / edited by Fred Kaplan, Sylvère Monod. xi, 480 p. ; UG Library
823 DIC 00002447 A Tale Of Two Cities: Notes Dickens,Charles Signet 1963 367 UG Library
823 DIC 00023663 Stories from Dickens Dickens, Charles OXFORD 82 p UG Library
823 DIC 00108732 The Manuscript of Great Expectations Dickens Charles Cambridge University Press: 2011 9781108034401 278 p. UG Library
823 DIC 00126280 David Copperfield : Dickens, Charles, Norton, 1990 9780393958287 1st ed. xii, 854 p. : UG Library
823 DIC 00066695 Bleak House (fiction) Dickens, Charles FORTUNE 2004 8181991176 712p UG Library
823 DIC 00012775 Bleak House Dickens Charles, 1978 927 p UG Library
823 DIC 00013850 Hard Times Dickens, Charles Dent 1969 280 p UG Library
823 DIC 00013849 Hard Times Dickens, Charles Dent 1969 280 p UG Library
823 DIC 00104739 The Haunted house Dickens, Charles, One world Classics: 2011 9781847491015 140 P. UG Library
823 DIC 00023465 Collection of Critical Essays Dickens, PRENTICE-HALL UG Library
823 DIC 07005601 Oliver Twist Charles Dickens, OXFORD 1966 365 p Library - BR Campus
823 DIC 00066984 Oliver Twist Dickens, Charles FORTUNE 2004 8181991044 | 9788181991041 416 p UG Library
823 DIC 00066985 Little Dorrit Dickens, Charles FORTUNE 2004 8181991281 | 9788181991287 752 p UG Library
823 DIC 00077668 Great Expectations Sell, Roger D. 1994 0333546075 | 9780333546079 245p UG Library
823 DIC 00025759 Oliver Twist.Critical, Annotated Edition for Indian Sstudents By L.S Dickens, Charles Neyxre 192 p UG Library
823 DIC 00040537 Four Great Novels Dickens, Charles Magpie Books 1994 797p UG Library
823 DIC 00031154 Reader`s Guide to Charles Dicens Hobsbaum, Philip Longmans 1981 316 p UG Library
823 DIC 00021444 Dickens World Dickens, Oxford University 1976 228 P UG Library
823 DIK 00022958 The Marabhi Dance Dikobe, Modikwe Heinemann 1981 118 p UG Library
823 DIS 00026705 Sybil Disraeli, Benjamin Oxford the World Classes 1981 439 p UG Library
823 DIS 00016589 Great Expectations Martin, G C National 1975 178 p UG Library
823 DIV 07014567 Contingency plans for the apocalypse / Divya, S B Hachette Publication, 2019 9789388322430 251p.; Library - BR Campus
823 DIV 00105441 Lives of Strangers Divakaruni,Chitra Banerjee. Abacus 2001 9780349119458 267 p. UG Library
823 DIV 05034170 The Palace of Illusions : Divakaruni,Chitra Banerjee. Pan Macmillan, 2008 9780330458535 xv,360 p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 DIV 00074530 Mistress of Spices Divakaruni, Caitra 0055299670 317p UG Library
823 DIV 00074499 Mistress of Spices Divakaruni, Caitra 0055299670 317p UG Library
823 DIV 10004405 Sister of My Heart / Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee Black Swan Books, 1999 9780552997676 347 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DIV 00099171 Lilamani; Diver Maud Oxford university press; 9780195666229 xxiii;363 p. UG Library
823 DIV 00125968 Arranged Marriage : Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee, Black swan Books, 1995 9780552996693 1st Anchor Books ed. 307 p. ; UG Library
823 DIV 00125967 Victory Song / Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee, Penguin Group, 2014 9780143333319 131 p. : UG Library
823 DIV 00125966 Sister of My Heart / Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee, BlackSwan, 1999 9780552997676 1st ed. 347 p. ; UG Library
823 DIV 00125965 The Vine of Desire : Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee, ABACUS, 2002 0385497296 1st ed. 398. ; UG Library
823 DIV 00077651 Arranged Marriage Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee Black Swan 1997 0552996696 307 p UG Library
823 DIV 00077655 Unknown Errors of Our Lives ( Fiction ) Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee 2003 0349113947 267p UG Library
823 DIV 00077654 Unknown Errors of Our Lives ( Fiction ) Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee 2003 0349113947 267p UG Library
823 DIV 00077656 The Vine of Desire Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee Clays Ltd 2003 0349115842 398 p UG Library
823 DIV 00077657 The Vine of Desire Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee Clays Ltd 2003 0349115842 398 p UG Library
823 DIV 00135665 The forest of enchantments Divakaruni,Chitra Lekha Banerjee Harpercollins, 2019 9789353025984 x,359p.; UG Library
823 DIW 00122541 Hundreds of streets to the palace of lights : Diwakar S Oxford 2015 9780199459681 1st ed. xxvii, 166 pages UG Library
823 DKJ 00004405 Great Expectation (fiction) Charles Dickens, PENGUIN 1968 510]] UG Library
823 DOD 00073020 Perspectives on Indian on English Fiction Dodiya Jaydipsinh K Sarupa and Sons 2006 8176256390 372 UG Library
823 DOG 00147919 Autocrats: Charisma, power, and their lives/ Dogra, Rajiv Rupa Publications, 2024 9789361560095 343p. ; UG Library
823 DON 00119239 Mannerist Fiction : Donoghue, William, University of Toronto Press, 2014 9781442648012 (bound : acidfre 185 p. ; UG Library
823 DON 00096954 Room (fiction) Donoghue, Emma Replica Press, 1955 9780330519922 321 p. UG Library
823 DON 00059257 The Man Who Killed His Brother Donaldson, Stephen R. 2002 0765341255 | 037145007991 231p UG Library
823 DOO 00109973 Frances Burney Doody, Margaret Anne. Rutgers University Press, 1988 081351309X : | 0813513553 (pbk xv, 441 p., [18] p. of plates : Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DOS 00057778 My Uncle's Dream: Stepanchikovo And Its Inhabitants Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Raduga Publishers 1989 5050016681 367p UG Library
823 DOS 00057779 Notes from the Dead House Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Raduga Publishers 5050024412 341p UG Library
823 DOS 00015539 Stories Dostoyevsky, Fyodor PP 360 p UG Library
823 DOS 00015553 Crime and Punishment Dostoyensky, Fyodor Dent 1970 480 p UG Library
823 DOS 07005687 White Nights/ Dostoyevsky,Fyodor Penguin House, 2010 9780241252086 87 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 DOS 00004546 Brothers Karamazov Dostoyevsky, Frodor PENGUIN UG Library
823 DOS 00004547 The Brothers Karamazov Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Penguin Classics 1969 915 p UG Library
823 DOS 00027209 Brothers Karamazov Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Penguin UG Library
823 DOS 00027210 Idiot Dostoyevsky, Fyodor New American 1969 632 p UG Library
823 DOS 00045758 Adolescent Dostoevsky, Fyodor 1971 0393009955 566p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DOS 00066683 The Idiot Dostoevsky, Fyodor FORTUNE 2004 8181991206 | 9788181991201 680p UG Library
823 DOS 00051473 Notes from the Underground - Unbridged Dostoyevsky, Fyodor 1992 0048627053 92p UG Library
823 DOS 00051474 Gambler - Unbridged Dostoyevsky, Fyodor 0486290816 116p UG Library
823 DOS 00049196 Best Short Stories of Dostoevsky Dostoevsky The Modern Library 1992 0679600205 348 p. UG Library
823 DOS 07005265 The Brothers Karamazov Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Penguin Classics 1969 915 p Library - BR Campus
823 DOU 00067552 Sherlock Holmes Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan English Edition 8187853786 245p UG Library
823 DOU 00106430 Three Great African-American Novels Douglasss Frederick dover Publications, LNC. : 2008 9780486468518 v, 287 p. : UG Library
823 DOW 00062860 True Adventures Stories: Daring Exploits of the World`s Greatest Adventures Dowswell, Paul 2004 0074605842 430p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 DOY 00053360 Sherlock Holmes Doyle, Arthur Conan Wordsworth Classics of World Literature 1998 1853268968 1126p UG Library
823 DOY 00055031 Sherlock Holmes Doyle, Arthur Conan Wordsworth Classics of World Literature 1998 1853268968 1126p UG Library
823 DOY 00029933 Study in Scarlet Conan Doyle, Arthur Penguin 1987 9780586201107 160 p. UG Library
823 DOY 00029934 The Valley of Fear Doyle, Arthur Conan Penguin 1987 208 p UG Library
823 DOY 00029690 Complete Short Stories of Sherlock Holmes Novel Dole Arthur Conan, JAICO 763 p UG Library
823 DOY 00001332 Hound of the Baskervilles Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan Oxford University, 1961 129p.; UG Library
823 DOY 00029935 The Hound of the Baskervilles Doyle, Arthur Conan Oxford 2008 0019283519 188p UG Library
823 DOY 00067582 Sherlock Holmes Omnibus Doyle, Arthur Conan English Edition Publisher 2004 8189066013 162p UG Library
823 DOY 00022541 Hound of the Baskervilles Doyle Conan Arthur, John 183 p UG Library
823 DOY 00067551 Sherlock Holmes Doyle, Arthur Conan Wordsworth Classics of World Literature 1998 1853268968 1126p UG Library
823 DOY 00019988 Return of Sherlock Holmes Doyle, Arthur Canon PAN 333 p UG Library
823 DOY 00019989 Lost World Doyle, Arthur Canon PAN 210 p UG Library
823 DOY 00052535 The Original Illustrated 'Strand' Sherlock Holmes Doyle, Arthur Conan 9781853268960 1126 p. UG Library
823 DOY 00141964 The complete novels of Sherlock Holmes / Doyle,Arthur Conan. Rupa, 2021 9789355201225 544p.; UG Library
823 DOY 00106480 The mystery of Cloomber Doyle, Arthur Conan, Dover Publications, 2009 9780486473574 | 0486473570 Dover ed. vii, 146 p. ; UG Library
823 DOY 00092199 The Complete Long Stories of Sherlock Holmes Doyle Arthur Conan Jaico Publishing House 2010 9788172240530 346p UG Library
823 DOY 00017447 The Memories of Sherlock Holmes Doyle, Arthur Conan PENGUIN 1975 220 p UG Library
823 DOY 07009251 The Definitive Sherlock Holmes/ Doyle,Arthur Conan Rupa Publication, 2016 9788129142313 695 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 DOY 00017452 His Lost Bow Doyle, Arthur Canon Penguin 1985 200 p UG Library
823 DOY 00090359 The Hound of the Baskervilles Doyle, Arthur Conan Oxford 2008 0019283519 188p UG Library
823 DOY 00116388 The new annotated Sherlock Holmes Doyle, Arthur Conan, W.W. Norton, 2006 0393059162 (v. 12) | 039305800X (v. 3) 1st ed. 3 v. :907p.: UG Library
823 DOY 00115959 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Doyle, Arthur Canon Shirji Books 2000 832p UG Library
823 DOY 00113593 Complete Works of Sherlock Holmes Doyle, Arthur Canon Shirji Books 820p UG Library
823 DOY 07005629 Sherlock Holmes : Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. Bantam Classic, 1955 9780553212426 | 0553212427 | 9 xviii, 737 p.: Library - BR Campus
823 DOY 00023435 Penguin Complete Sherlock Holmes With a Preface By Christopher Doyle, Conan PENGUIN 1130 p UG Library
823 DOY 00068991 Original Illustrated Sherlock Holmes Doyle, Arthur Conan 1930 0890090572 636p UG Library
823 DOY 00027525 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (novel) Doyles, Sir Arthur Conan Cambridge 109 p UG Library
823 DRA 00054403 George Eliot: The Mill On the Floss, and Silas Marner Draper, Ronald P. 1977 0333212312 260 p. UG Library
823 DRA 00145603 The Curse of Saints Dramis, Kate Penguin Random House Books 2023 9780241630914 478p UG Library
823 DRE 00058810 Sister Carrrie [ FICTION ] Dreiser, Theodore W.W.Norton & Company 580.p UG Library
823 DRE 00126326 Sister Carrie : Dreiser, Theodore, W.W. Norton, 2006 9780393927733 3rd ed. vii, 611 p. ; UG Library
823 DRY 00105468 Selected Poems Dryden, John. Hachette Group. 1998 xxiii,102 p. UG Library
823 DSO 00089268 Konkans: A Novel D`Souza, Tony RUPA & CO 2008 9788129113269 279p UG Library
823 DUB 07014566 Contemporary indian english novels: Dubey Achal deep Sarup book publishers pvt ltd., 2018 9789352081219 xi,287p.; Library - BR Campus
823 DUB 00050761 George Gissing an Apostle of New Morality Dubey, Chandra Shekhar Commonwealth Publishers. 8171694071 205p UG Library
823 DUB 00121399 The spririt of romanticism in Charles Dickens' novels Dubey Lata Sarup Book PUblishers 2014 9788176259613 154p. UG Library
823 DUB 00133556 Contemporary indian english novels: Dubey Achal deep Sarup book publishers pvt ltd., 2018 9789352081219 xi,287p.; UG Library
823 DUG 05074672 The Lost Princess : Duggan, Anne E. Reaktion Books Ltd , 2023 9781789147698 260p.; Knowledge Centre
823 DUG 00080957 Jury Master [ Fiction ] Dugoni, Robert 0446617075 483p UG Library
823 DUM 00001309 The Three Musketeers Alexandre Dumas, Dean & Son Ltd 1956 248 p UG Library
823 DUM 00012385 Three Musketeers Dumas, Alexandre PAN 646 p UG Library
823 DUM 00024384 The Count of Monte Cristo Dumas, Alexandre BANTAM 1982 436 P UG Library
823 DUM 00066687 The Three Musketeers Dumas, Alexandre FORTUNE 2004 0818199129 | 9788181991294 672p UG Library
823 DUM 00000694 Conspirators Dumas, Alexandre Adpb 380 p UG Library
823 DUN 00107190 Don't You Forget About Me Dunn, Jancee. Villard, 2008 9780345501905 (hbk.) 1st ed. 276 p. ; UG Library
823 DUN 00106432 The Sport of the Gods Dunbar Laurence Paul Dover Publications, LNC. : 2008 9780486468501 iv, 118 p. : UG Library
823 DUN 07009240 Shakespeares Sonnets/ Katherine Duncan jones Bloomsbury, 1997 9789382563990 XIII,459 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 DUN 05056672 Shakespeares Sonnets/ Katherine Duncan jones Bloomsbury, 1997 9789382563990 XIII,459 Pages,: Knowledge Centre
823 DUN 00040271 Game of Kings Dunnett, Dorothy 1986 0099949504 619p UG Library
823 DUN 00046113 The Doctor Duncker, Patricia 1999 0060196017 | 9780060196011 371p UG Library
823 DUP 00134925 Ashok and the Nine Unknown/ Dupare, Anshul. Rupa Publication, 2018 9789353047641 224p. ; UG Library
823 DUR 00009484 Justine Durrell, Lawrence Faber & Faber 1969 222 p UG Library
823 DUR 00134934 The conquest of the east Durgadoss, R. Rupa publication, 2018 9789353332600 xx,234 p.; UG Library
823 DUT 00112774 Ambivalence in Hardy : Dutta, Shanta, Anthem Press, 2007 9781843317296 xi, 256 p. ; UG Library
823 DUV 00103947 The Cambridge companion to Don DeLillo / Duvall, John N. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521870658 | 0521870658 | 9 xii, 203 p. ; UG Library
823 DWE 00103472 Where gods dwell : Budhwar, Kusum. Penguin Books, 9780143066026 xxiii, 271 p. : UG Library
823 DYE 00031121 Gifts from Eykis Dyer, Wayne Pocket Books 224 p UG Library
823 DYS 00013037 The English Novel Select Bibligraphyical Guides Dyson, A E OUP 1974 372 P UG Library
823 EAG 00108934 The English Novel An Introduction / Eagleton Terrry Black Well Publishing, 2017 9788126533992 ix; 365 p.: UG Library
823 EAG 00104486 The English novel : Eagleton, Terry, Blackwell Pub., 2005 9781405117067 | 1405117079 (pb ix, 365 p. ; UG Library
823 EAG 00104339 The Novel An Introduction : Eagleton Terry Blackwell Publishing ; 2005 9781405131209 365 p. UG Library
823 EAG 07014883 The English Novel An Introduction / Eagleton Terrry Black Well Publishing, 2017 9788126533992 ix; 365 p.: Library - BR Campus
823 EAG 07014399 The English Novel An Introduction / Eagleton Terrry Black Well Publishing, 2017 9788126533992 ix; 365 p.: Library - BR Campus
823 ECO 07005440 The Island of the day before: Eco Umberto Vintage; 9780749396664 515 p. Library - BR Campus
823 ECO 00103473 The Island of the day before: Eco Umberto Vintage; 9780749396664 515 p. UG Library
823 ECO 00068769 Foucault's Pendulum Eco, Umberto The random House Publishing Group 1989 0345368754 533p UG Library
823 EDE 00009485 The Minister Maurice Edelman, A Penguin Book 1969 223 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 EDG 00101149 Helen : Edgeworth, Maria Sort of Books, 9780956003898 xiv, 511 p. UG Library
823 EDM 00016770 Short Stories Edmund, M Eup 1964 3220 p UG Library
823 EDW 00127271 Original Sins Edwards, Martin Severn House 2010 9781847512987 229 p.: UG Library
823 EDW 07014787 Charlotte Bronte : Edwards,Mike. Macmillan, 2016 9781137608284 viii,235p.; Library - BR Campus
823 EDW 05057040 Charlotte Bronte : Edwards,Mike. Macmillan, 2016 9781137608284 viii,235p.; Knowledge Centre
823 EGE 00129502 The Choice Eger, Edith Rider, 2017 9781846045110 377 p.: UG Library
823 EHR 00094228 Truth and fiction in The Da Vinci code Ehrman, Bart D. Oxford University Press, 2006 0195307135 (pbk.) | 9780195307 207 p. : UG Library
823 EIS 00091054 Reader's Guide to D H Lawrence Eisler Rudolf centrum Press 9789380106762 284p UG Library
823 EIS 00094357 Reader's Guide To Charles Dickens Eisler Rudold Centrum Press 9789380106502 290p UG Library
823 ELB 00144599 American Womens Regionalist Fiction : Elbert, Monika. Palgrave macmillan, 2021 9783030555511 xiii,372p, ; UG Library
823 ELI 00067547 Great Works of George Eliot Eliot, George English Editionpublishers 806p UG Library
823 ELI 00082057 The Mill on the Floss Eliot, George J.M.Dent & Sons Ltd 1956 xiv, 492p. 4 UG Library
823 ELI 00054438 Shakespear`s Macbeth Eliot, George Sri Maruthi Book Depot 1998 142p UG Library
823 ELI 00002613 The Mill on the Floss Eliot ,George Collins 1880 511 p UG Library
823 ELI 00004211 ELIOT`S SILAS MARNER: BAR NOTES Rosenthal, Jacob Bpc 140 P UG Library
823 ELI 00004736 Mill on the Floss George Eliot, Mc Millan 142 UG Library
823 ELI 00011907 Silas Marner George Eliot, House of Kow 224 UG Library
823 ELI 05070291 Silas Marner Eliot George Mysore 1995 168 p Knowledge Centre
823 ELI 00052610 Cambridge Companion to Geoge Eliot Levine George 2001 0052166473 247p UG Library
823 ELI 00004753 Adam Bede Eliot, George Mc Millan 130 p UG Library
823 ELI 00012442 The Mill On The Floss Eliot, George The Pocket Library 1960 559 p UG Library
823 ELI 00039663 Silas Marner Eliot George Mysore 1995 168 p UG Library
823 ELI 00039668 Adam Bede George Eliot Mysore 410 p UG Library
823 ELI 07005235 The Mill on the Floss Eliot ,George Collins 1880 511 p Library - BR Campus
823 ELI 00011135 Silas Marner Eliot George 1900 185 p UG Library
823 ELI 00090365 Lifted Veil Brother Facob Eliot, George Oxford 0192832956 104p UG Library
823 ELI 00020078 Silas Marner Eliot, George PAN 204 Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 ELI 00020079 Silas Marner Eliot, George PAN 204 UG Library
823 ELI 00020077 Silas Marner Eliot, George PAN 202 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 ELI 00020080 Silas Marner Eliot, George PAN 202 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 ELI 00020081 Silas Marner Eliot George Pan Books 2000 846 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 ELI 00020086 Silas Marner Kakar H S Vikas 1976 191 UG Library
823 ELI 00066673 SILAS MARNER Eliot, George FORTUNE 8181991370 200p UG Library
823 ELI 00004590 Adam Bede Eliot, George New American Library 510p UG Library
823 ELI 00049158 Silas Marner Eliot, George Everyman's Libarary 1986 0460111213 214 p UG Library
823 ELI 00004591 Middle March Eliot, George PENGUIN 884 p UG Library
823 ELI 00011998 Life of George Eliot Eliot, 321 UG Library
823 ELI 00028820 The Mill on the Floss Eliot, George S.Chand Company Ltd 1987 112 p UG Library
823 ELI 00028818 Mill on the Floss Eliot, George Chand & Co. 110 p UG Library
823 ELI 00028822 Mill on the Floss Eliot, George Chand & Co. 110 p UG Library
823 ELI 00028819 Mill on the Floss Eliot, George Chand & Co. 110 p UG Library
823 ELI 00028821 Mill on the Floss Eliot, George Chand & Co. 110 p UG Library
823 ELI 07005234 Middlemarch / Eliot,George. Everyman, 9789380143422 xxxiii,813p.; Library - BR Campus
823 ELL 05020982 Fifty Years of Reporting South Asia [ma-English Section] Elliott, John Penguin 405p Knowledge Centre
823 ELL 00029685 Oscar Wilde Ellman, Richard 0876921020 viii+180 UG Library
823 ELL 00016092 Invisible Man Ellison, Ralph Asia 432 p UG Library
823 ELO 00126321 The Mill on the Floss : Eliot, George, W.W. Norton, 1994 9780393963328 1st ed. vii, 613 p. ; UG Library
823 ELO 07005688 The Lifted Veil Eliot,George. Penguin Books, 2016 9780241251232 71 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 EME 05058926 Second-class citizen / Emecheta, Buchi. G. Braziller, 1974 0807610666 (pbk.) : | 97808076 174 p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 EME 05047067 Second-class citizen / Emecheta, Buchi. G. Braziller, 1974 0807610666 (pbk.) : | 97808076 174 p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 EME 05047068 Second-class citizen / Emecheta, Buchi. G. Braziller, 1974 0807610666 (pbk.) : | 97808076 174 p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 EME 05047069 Second-class citizen / Emecheta, Buchi. G. Braziller, 1974 0807610666 (pbk.) : | 97808076 174 p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 ENR 00091477 Taking Pictures / Enright, Anne, Jonathan Cape, 2008 9780224084697 | 9780224085335 226 p. ; UG Library
823 ERD 00142027 The night watchman Erdrich,Louise Corsair: 2020 9781472155368 451p.; UG Library
823 ESS 00030937 Candle in the Wind Essex, Peter Fontana 4122 p UG Library
823 ETT 00092653 The Gold of their Regrets Etteth Ravi Shankar Penguin Books 9780143064886 227p UG Library
823 EUE 00099531 John Keats Everest,Kelvin Atlantic; 9788126913060 xi:123 p. UG Library
823 EVA 00107211 Metro girl / Evanovich Janet Harpercollins, 2004 0060584009 (alk. paper) 296 p. UG Library
823 EVA 00080848 Divide [fiction] Evans, Nicholas 2005 0075153935 438p UG Library
823 EYR 07008449 Jane Eyre / Bronte, Charlotte Fingerprint Classics Publication, 2016 9788175993655 503p. Library - BR Campus
823 EYR 00066975 Jane Eyre King, Jeannette Viva Books Private Limited 2005 8176494437 108 p UG Library
823 FAD 00133998 The casino Job: Fadia Ankit, Westland Publication Lmt, 2018 9789387578265 220 p.; UG Library
823 FAI 00119075 Another Chance Faiyaz, Ahmed Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd, 2014 9788129135353 xiv:214p.; UG Library
823 FAI 04017080 Love, Life and All That Jazz..../ Faiyaz, Ahamed Gre Oak, 2010 9788187330424 258p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 FAI 00004598 Three Gothic Novels Fairclough, Peter PENGUIN 502 p UG Library
823 FAI 00119080 Love, Life and all that jazz... Faiyaz, Ahmed Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2014 9788129129932 286p.; UG Library
823 FAR 00089637 The Story of a Widow Farooqi Musharraf Ali Picador 2008 9780330511131 | 9780330511131 249 p UG Library
823 FAR 00089679 The Story of a Widow Farooqi Musharraf Ali Picador 2008 9780330511131 | 9780330511131 249 p UG Library
823 FAR 00137747 The Merman and the Book of Power / Farooqi,Musharraf Ali. Aleph, 2019 9789388292931 197p.; UG Library
823 FAR 00117048 Rabbit Rap Farooqi, Musharraf Ali Penguin Group, 2012 9780670086405 296p. ; UG Library
823 FAR 00059256 The Last Juror Grisham John Arrow Books 2004 0099457156 375 p UG Library
823 FAS 00035133 Golden Fire: a Novel of Ancient India Fast, Jonathan Sphere 449 p UG Library
823 FAU 00103821 Sanctuary Faulkner William Vintage international; 1993 9780679748144 326 p. UG Library
823 FAU 00000050 Town Faulker, William Vintage 367p UG Library
823 FAU 00022076 Sound and the Fury Faulkner, William Oxford 1981 258 p UG Library
823 FAU 00103966 Flags in the dust Faulkner, William, Vintage Books 1973 0394712390 | 9780394712390 xi, 433 p. UG Library
823 FAU 00103967 Pylon : Faulkner, William, Vintage Books, 1985 0394747410 (pbk.) : | 97803947 Vintage Books ed. vii, 3-329 p. ; UG Library
823 FAU 00126276 As I lay dying : Faulkner, William, W.W. Norton & Co., 2010 9780393931389 (pbk.) 1st ed. xiii, 384 p. : UG Library
823 FAU 00103820 Big woods Faulkner, William, Vintage Books, 1994 0679752528 | 9780679752523 1st Vintage international ed. 198 p. ; UG Library
823 FAY 00103006 Jane Austen, a family record / Le Faye, Deirdre. Cambridge University Press, 0521826918 | 0521534178 (pbk.) xxix, 377 p. : UG Library
823 FAY 00104797 Jane Austens Letters Faye Le Deirdre Oxford University 1995 9780192832979 3th edition xxviii 642 p. UG Library
823 FAZ 00103430 Invitation / Fazli,Shehryar. Tranqueber; 9789380658650 | 9789380658650 385 p. UG Library
823 FEE 00145610 How to Build a Boat Feeney, Elaine Penguin Random House 2023 9781787303461 295p UG Library
823 FEE 00145686 Daisy Darker Feeney, Alice Pan Books 2022 9781529089820 338p UG Library
823 FEI 00022071 Gulliver`s Travels Feingold, Richard Monarch 128 p UG Library
823 FEN 00105484 The Deerslayer Cooper,James Fenimore. Hachette Group. 1993 9789350090329 xxiv,515 p. UG Library
823 FER 05071511 The unmarriageable man / Ferrey, Ashok. Penguin Random House India Pvt Ltd, 2021 9780143452324 264p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 FER 00144601 Geography and the Literary Imagination in Victorian Fictions of Empire : Fernandez, Jean, Routledge, 2021 9781032175577 284p, ; UG Library
823 FIE 07005217 Joseph Andrews Fielding Henry Mysore 310 p Library - BR Campus
823 FIE 00039665 Joseph Andrews Fielding Henry Mysore 310 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 FIN 05070302 The short story series humour / Finn, F.E.S Kings time printing press ltd, 1982 0719535018 116p.; Knowledge Centre
823 FIN 00140299 50 World's Greatest Short Stories Fingerprints Classics 2019 9789386538277 607p UG Library
823 FIT 00137615 Tender is the Night : Fitzgerald,F Scott. Penguin English Library, 2018 0787660175 | 9780241341483 352p.; UG Library
823 FIT 00106819 The best early stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald / Fitzgerald, F. Scott Modern Library, 2005 0812974778 (trade pbk.) Modern Library pbk. ed. vii, 310 p. : UG Library
823 FIT 00002596 Rubainat of Omar Khannam Fitzgerald Edward Jaico Publishing House 1948 178 p UG Library
823 FIT 00129175 I'D Die For You and Other Lost Stories Fitzgerald, F. Scott Scribner, 2017 9781471164712 358 p.: UG Library
823 FIT 00091261 The Great Gatsby Fitzgerald F Scott Heritage Publishers 2007 817026233X | 9788170262336 173p UG Library
823 FIT 00106484 This side of paradise Fitzgerald, F. Scott Dover Publications, 1996 0486289990 (pbk.) | 9780486289 vi, 213 p. ; UG Library
823 FIT 00105480 Tender Is the Night Fitzgerald, F Scott Hachette Group 1993 xxxii,330 p. UG Library
823 FIT 00105486 The Great Gatsby Fitzgerald F Scott Hachette Group. 1993 817026233X xxvii, 164 p. UG Library
823 FIT 00057899 The Great Gatsby Fitzgerald, Scott F Foundation Books 2001 8175960434 192p UG Library
823 FIT 00106438 Bernice Bobs Her Hair and Other Stories Fitzgerald, F. Scott Dover Publications, 2009 9780486470498 | 0486470490 | 9 172 p. ; UG Library
823 FIT 00127637 The Great Gatsby Fitzgerald, F.Scott Orient BlackSwan, 2016 9788125062882 195 p. ; UG Library
823 FIT 00080936 Paint It Black [fiction] Fitch, Janet Virago 434p UG Library
823 FLA 00137536 First Person Flanagan, Richard Chatto & Windus, 2017 9781784742201 392 p.; UG Library
823 FLA 00067546 Great Works of Daniel Defoe Flanders, Moll English Edition Publisher 2004 8189066100 228p UG Library
823 FLA 00107192 A redbird Christmas Flagg, Fannie. Random House, 2004 9781400063048 1st ed. 229 p. ; UG Library
823 FLA 00119172 The Narrow Road to the Deep North / Flanagan, Richard, Chatto & Windus, 2014 9780701189051 | 0701189053 448 p.; UG Library
823 FLA 00045775 Tenants of Time Flanagan, Thomas 1988 0525246193 824 p UG Library
823 FLE 00135650 The House Swap : Fleet,Rebecca. Doubleday, 2018 9780857525482 310p.; UG Library
823 FLE 00102448 Quantum of salace: Fleming Ian Penguin books; 9780141189628 293 p. UG Library
823 FOL 00022803 Man from St.Petersburg Follett, Ken Corgi 298 p UG Library
823 FOL 00080857 Modigliani Scandal [fiction] Follett, Ken 1996 0330345052 279p UG Library
823 FOL 00080858 Triple [fiction] Follett, Ken Pan Books 1998 500p UG Library
823 FOL 00045780 A Dangerous Fortune Follett, Ken 1993 0385311214 533p UG Library
823 FOL 00046116 Lie Down With Lions Follett, Ken 1986 0688058914 1 UG Library
823 FOR 00052519 This United State [ Fiction ] Forbes, Colin 0330374893 533p UG Library
823 FOR 00052527 Tramp in Armour [ Fiction ] Forbes, Colin 0330026860 406p UG Library
823 FOR 00004410 A Passage to India Forster E M PENGUIN 1924 316 p UG Library
823 FOR 00052529 Leader and the Damned [ Fiction ] Forbes, Colin 0330283677 693p UG Library
823 FOR 00029909 York Notes A Passage to India Forster, E M York Press 1985 90 P UG Library
823 FOR 00004669 E. M. Forster's 'A Passage To India' Moody Philippa, Macmillan Co. 1968 70 P Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 FOR 00019173 The Odessa File Forsyth, Frederick Corgi Books 1978 320 p UG Library
823 FOR 00004369 A Passage to India Forster E M PENGUIN 1924 316 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 FOR 00035898 Great Flying Stories Forsyth, Frederick 0552138967 384 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 FOR 00026081 E.M. Forster: A Life the Groth of the Novelist Forster, E M Furaisa 1983 270 P.: UG Library
823 FOR 00002067 Longest Journey Forster, E M PENGUIN 288 p UG Library
823 FOR 07005671 A Passage to India Forster E M PENGUIN 1924 316 p Library - BR Campus
823 FOR 00024337 Where Angels Fear to Tread Forster, E M PENGUIN 180 p UG Library
823 FOR 00135183 Happiness / Forna, Aminatta, Bloomsbury publishing, 2018 9780802127556 | 9781408893319 312 p. ; UG Library
823 FOR 00024351 Collected Short Stories Forster, E M PENGUIN 220 p UG Library
823 FOR 05013808 The Cobra / Forsyth Fredrick Transworld Publishers, 2011 9780552162609 443 p. : Knowledge Centre
823 FOR 00058876 Aspects of the Novel Forster, E M Atlantic 8171565646 141p UG Library
823 FOR 00141407 If I Stay Forman,Gayle Speak 2010 9780142415436 | 9780585421030 261p UG Library
823 FOR 00011682 Passage to India Bradbury, Malcolm Macmillan 250 p UG Library
823 FOR 00080866 Afghan / Forsyth, Frederick. 2006 348p.; UG Library
823 FOR 00024389 Howards End Forster, E M PENGUIN 1982 352 p UG Library
823 FOR 00077342 E m Forsters Novels Interdependence of Themes and Symbols [fiction and Novel] Taj, Nikhat M u Press 187p UG Library
823 FOR 00007796 Passage to India Forster, E M PENGUIN 336 UG Library
823 FOR 00027227 Aspects of the Novel Forster, E M PENGUIN 1985 206 P.; UG Library
823 FOR 00077178 Main Chance: Forbes, Colin 2005 1416511237 366p UG Library
823 FOR. 00052520 The Stockholm Syndicate Forbes, Colin 1981 0330267698 487p UG Library
823 FOS 00012380 Six American Novelists of the Nineteenth Century Foster, Richard Lyall 1968 270p UG Library
823 FOT 00066976 Heart of Darkness: Open Guides to Literature Fothergill, Anthony Viva Books Private Limited 8176494364 134p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 FOT 00115963 Heart of Darkness: Open Guides to Literature Fothergill, Anthony Viva Books Private Limited 8176494364 134p UG Library
823 FOW 00107013 The Ebony tower Fowles,John. Vintage Books 2006 9780099480518 300 P. UG Library
823 FOW 00095123 The French Lieutdent's Woman Fowles,Vintage Vintage Books 9780099478331 470P UG Library
823 FOW 00107010 Daniel Martin Fowles,John. Vintage Books 2004 9780099478348 704 P. UG Library
823 FOW 07010071 Paradise lost/ Fowler,Alastair Routledge, 2016 9781138694804 XXII,679 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 FOW 00010702 French Lieutenant`s Woman Fowles, John PAN 394 p UG Library
823 FRA 00040325 The Sheikh and Dustbin and Other Mcauslan Stories. Fraser, George Macdonald HARIJIT 1989 188p UG Library
823 FRA 00100377 The Corrections Franzen Jonathan Fourth estate; 2001 9780007232444 653 p. UG Library
823 FRA 00129199 Triple Crown / Francis, Felix, Simon and Schuster, 2016 9780399574702 | 9781471162992 437 p. : UG Library
823 FRA 07005662 The Diary of a Young Girl : Frank Anne Penguin Books ; 1998 9780141007212 426 p. Library - BR Campus
823 FRA 00092698 Man's Search For Meaning Frankl, Viktor E. Pocket Books, 1984 9780671023379 221 p. ; UG Library
823 FRA 07010059 English Prose of the Nineteenth century/ Fraser,Hilary Routledge, 2016 9781138226234 X,434 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 FRA 00099563 Victorian Quest Romance. Fraster Robert Atlantic; 2010 9788126913176 xiv;93 p. UG Library
823 FRA 00030892 Jataka Tales Francis, Thomas JAICO 1985 314 p UG Library
823 FRA 05040548 Being Purple / Francis Saranya Partridge, 2014 9781482821178 57p.: Knowledge Centre
823 FRE 00142035 The Unheard / French,Nicci. Simon & Schuster, 2021 9781471179327 452p.; UG Library
823 FRE 00134155 Katerina / Frey, James, John murray, 2018 9781982101442 (hardcover) | 9781848543201 First Scout Press hardcover edition. 306 pages ; UG Library
823 FRE 00004571 The Confdential agent Greene Graham Penguin 2008 205p UG Library
823 FRE 00093145 Masterpieces of mystery French, Joseph Lewis Master mino books 2010 256p UG Library
823 FRI 05029472 Star Trek: New World`s New Civilizations / Friendman, Michael Jan Pocket Books, 2003 0671881035 188p.: Knowledge Centre
823 FRO 00012870 Record of a Friendship Frost, Robert Holt,Rinehort Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 FRO 00132419 The Shakespeare mask : a novel, Frohlich, Newton, Jaico Publishing House, 2015 9788184957068 x,348 p.; UG Library
823 FUN 00027738 30 Days to A More Powerful Vocabulary Funk, Wilfred ITP 1981 240 p UG Library
823 FUR 00080897 Foreign Correspondent [fiction] Furst, Alan Orion Books 278p UG Library
823 FUT 00094161 Zohra Futehally Zeenuth Oxford University Press 9780195667165 263p UG Library
823 FUT 00091397 Zohra Futehally Zeenuth Oxford 0195697014 264p UG Library
823 FYF 00016740 Short Stories of the 19th Century Fyfe, J G B S 210 p UG Library
823 FYO 00057773 Fyodor Dostoyevsky Stories Fyodor Dostoyevsky. 2000 1 UG Library
823 GAC 00028121 Pillars of Society Gacdiener, Dent 1930 316 UG Library
823 GAD 00034267 Women and Other Stories Gadgil, Gangadhar Sterling 1992 184 p. UG Library
823 GAH 00111406 Turmoil and Turn Gahlawat, Dalvir Singh. Adhyayan Publishers & Distributors, 2013 9788184353761 xiv: 231p.; UG Library
823 GAI 00117030 Fortunately, The Milk... Gaiman, Neil Bloomsbury Publishing, 2013 9781408841761 160p. ; UG Library
823 GAL 00106175 The Forsyte Saga: Galsworthy,John. Headline Book Publishing, 2009 9780755340903 320 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 GAL 03007779 The Forsyte Saga: Galsworthy,John. Headline Book Publishing, 2009 9780755340903 320 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
823 GAM 00001543 MR. TOMPKINS IN WONDERLAND OR STORIES OF GANDHI Gamov, G Unic., 94 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 GAN 00116952 The Best of Tenida Gangopadhyay, Narayan Penguin Group, 2014 9780143333012 ix: 181p. ; UG Library
823 GAN 04016228 Ghalib at dusk & other stories / Gandhi, Nighat M. Westland Press, 2009 9789380032856 xiv, 175 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 GAN 00102451 Refuge; Gandhi Gopal Penguin books; 9780143068532 203 p. UG Library
823 GAN 00062872 The Death Trap Gangopadhyay, Sunil RUPA & CO 2004 8129100894 128 p UG Library
823 GAN 00103381 dara Shukoh a play: Gandhi Gopal Tranquebar; 9789380658520 203 p. UG Library
823 GAR 00102467 Strange Pilgrims / Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. Penguin books, 9780140231069 188 p.; UG Library
823 GAR 00145513 Lessons in Chemistry: Garmus, Bonnie Penguin Books, 2023 9781804990926 390p. ; UG Library
823 GAR 00107193 Say goodbye Gardner, Lisa. Bantam Books, 2008 9780553804331 360 p. ; UG Library
823 GAR 07007505 We Need a Revolution/ Garg,Sachin. Grapevine India, 2015 9789381841860 268 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 GAR 00080889 Alone (fiction) Gardner, Lisa 2005 0752865153 362p UG Library
823 GAR 00014876 The Valley of the Wolves/ Garcia, Laura Gallego Arthur A. Levine Books, 2006 0439585546 247p. ; UG Library
823 GAR 00057229 Secret Generations Gardner, John 0044175760 476p UG Library
823 GAT 00023432 Child of Two Worlds Gatheru, R Mugo Heinneman 216 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 GAU 00014716 Indian Short Stories Gausden, M W Mac 130 p UG Library
823 GAV 00102697 Childhood in Edwardian fiction : Gavin, Adrienne E., Palgrave Macmillan, 9780230221611 (hbk.) | 0230221 viii, 236 p. ; UG Library
823 GAY 00102012 Viriginia Woolf's Novels and the Literary past / Gay Jane De Edinburgh University Press Ltd 2007 9780748633029 231p UG Library
823 GEA 00063037 Mirror Geary, Joseph 2004 0743232062 353p UG Library
823 GEM 00080864 Legend [fiction] Gemmell, David Orbit Books 1857236815 432p UG Library
823 GEO 05073499 A blind man's bluff George, arun PublicAffairs 2019 . 246 p.; Knowledge Centre
823 GEO 00102732 Mulk Raj Anand, his art and concerns : Jōrjj, Si. Je., Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 8171564453 : ix, 220 p. ; UG Library
823 GEO 00135278 A blind man's bluff George, arun PublicAffairs 2019 . 246 p.; UG Library
823 GEO 00008761 Kavithayude Bhavi George Irumbayam, Penguin Books 121 UG Library
823 GEO 07013272 A blind man's bluff George, arun PublicAffairs 2019 . 246 p.; Library - BR Campus
823 GEO 04029620 A blind man's bluff George, arun PublicAffairs 2019 . 246 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 GER 00020185 Boston Strangler Gerald, Frank PAN 240 p UG Library
823 GER 00027542 Under the Freeze (novel) George Bartram, Arrow 410 UG Library
823 GHO 00084433 Sea of Poppies Ghosh Amitav Penguin Books 2008 9780670082832 515 p UG Library
823 GHO 00084434 Sea of Poppies Ghosh Amitav Penguin Books 2008 9780670082832 515 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 GHO 00133605 An unifinished song GHosal Mittal publication, 2015 9788183245425 219p.; UG Library
823 GHO 00102477 The Glass Palace Ghosh, Amitav Penguin Books, 9780670082209 591 p. UG Library
823 GHO 04017025 The Circle of Reason / Ghosh Amitav Penguin books, 2008 9780143066507 455 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 GHO 04017082 The Glass Palace Ghosh, Amitav Penguin Books, 9780670082209 591 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 GHO 00141973 Ways of dying: Ghosh,Amitav Aleph book company, 2020 9789389836141 vii,124p.; UG Library
823 GHO 07005621 The Circle of Reason / Ghosh Amitav Penguin books, 2008 9780143066507 455 p. : Library - BR Campus
823 GHO 00143224 The Circle of Reason / Ghosh Amitav Penguin books, 2008 9780143066507 455 p. : UG Library
823 GHO 07005707 The Glass Palace Ghosh, Amitav Penguin Books, 9780670082209 591 p. Library - BR Campus
823 GHO 00147150 Smoke and Ashes : Ghosh, Amitav HarperCollins Publishers, 2023 9789356992757 vii,397p. ; UG Library
823 GHO 00144556 Amitav Ghoshs The Shadow Lines : Ghosh, Amitav Atlantic, 2022 9788126901951 xiv,225p, ; UG Library
823 GHO 00104752 River of Smoke Ghosh,Amitav Penguin books 2011 9780670082155 558 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 GHO 00137607 Sea of poppies / Ghosh,Amitav. Penguin Random House, 2017 9780374174224 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9780143429685 | 0374174229 (hardcover : alk. paper) 515p.; UG Library
823 GIB 00077698 Thomas Hardy Interviews and Recollections [english Fiction] Gibson, James 0312225822 252p UG Library
823 GIB 00068705 Neuromancer Gibson, Willsiam 2005 0441569595 271p UG Library
823 GID 00019412 Sword of Tipu Sultan Gidwani, S Bhagwan Allied 380 p UG Library
823 GID 03005429 The Sword of Tipu Sultan : Gidwani, Bhagwan S. Roopa. co, 2010 9788129114754 xix, 478 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
823 GIF 00024081 Tolstoy Gifford, Henry OUP Oxford 1980 9780192875440 90 p UG Library
823 GIL 00004766 King Aarthur`s Knights Gilber, Henry TNS 1969 304 p UG Library
823 GIL 07010055 Preface to Austen/ Gillie,Christopher Routledge, 2016 9781138695405 XI,187 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 GIL 00130961 The edge of everything / Giles, Jeff, Bloomsbury ya, 2017 9781619637535 (hardback) | 978 359p.; UG Library
823 GIL 00049142 Yellow Wall Paper.(fiction) Gilman, Charlotte Perkins 1995 0146001702 86p UG Library
823 GIM 00076683 The Colour of Law Gimenez, Mark Sphere 2005 9780751537895 465 p UG Library
823 GIN 07012729 Rebel talent: Gino,Francesca Pan Macmillan, 2018 9781509860623 xvii,283p.; Library - BR Campus
823 GIN 00130953 Rebel talent: Gino,Francesca Pan Macmillan, 2018 9781509860623 xvii,283p.; UG Library
823 GIR 00098937 Neuromancer Gibson, William, Ace Books, 1984 0441569595 | 9780441569595 271 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 GIR 00098938 Neuromancer Gibson, William, Ace Books, 1984 0441569595 | 9780441569595 271 p. ; UG Library
823 GIR 00098940 Neuromancer Gibson, William, Ace Books, 1984 0441569595 | 9780441569595 271 p. ; UG Library
823 GLA 00130832 Dickens adapted Glavin, John Routledge, 2017 9781138109971 xxiv,547p.; UG Library
823 GLE 05019615 Jane Eyre / Palgrave, 1997 9780333622469 ix,264 p. : Knowledge Centre
823 GLE 00066128 Chief Taker (fiction) Gleeson, Janet 2004 0553816349 363p UG Library
823 GOK 00111392 A Journey into Night/ Gokhale, Vijay Anant. Adhyayan Publishers & Distributors; 2012 9788184353389 150p.; UG Library
823 GOK 00068735 Shakuntala / Gokhale, Namita 2005 0670057843 208p UG Library
823 GOK 00104748 Priya in Incredible Indyaa Gokhale,Namita. Penguine, viking. 2011 9780670085767 195 P. UG Library
823 GOL 03009941 The Goal : Goldratt, Eliyahu M. Productivity and Quality Publishing Private Limited., 2013 9788185984568 special ed. 341 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
823 GOL 00118755 My Life My Rules Golani Sonia Westland Ltd, 2012 9789382618270 xiv, 226 p.: UG Library
823 GOL 07007276 Lord of the Flies / Golding,William. Faber and Faber, 1954 9780571200535 230p.; Library - BR Campus
823 GOL 00009128 She Stoops to Conquer. Goldsmith, Oliver Methuen 1965 28 P UG Library
823 GOL 00106769 The Cambridge introduction to Virginia Woolf Goldman, Jane, Cambridge University Press, 2006 9780521838832 (hardback) | 052 xi, 157 p. ; UG Library
823 GOL 00040116 William Golding Kulkarni, Pralhad A Atlas 1994 144p UG Library
823 GOL 00002605 Vicar of Wakefield Goldsmith, Oliver Oliphants 217 p UG Library
823 GOL 00009487 Lord of the Flies William Goldingg, FABER 1954 223 UG Library
823 GOL 00014769 Vicar of Wakefield (novel) Goldsmith, Oliver Oxford University 216 p UG Library
823 GOL 00021563 Lord of the Flies Golding, William Oxford 260 p UG Library
823 GOL 00021564 Lord of the Flies Golding, William Oxford 260 p UG Library
823 GOL 00021565 Lord of the Flies (fiction) Golding, William Oxford 1981 257 UG Library
823 GOL 00124277 Lord of the Flies / Golding,William. Faber and Faber, 1954 9780571200535 230p.; UG Library
823 GOL 00039662 Vicar of Wakefield Oliver Goldsmith Mysore 220 p UG Library
823 GOL 00053574 The Goal : Goldratt, M Eliyahu Productivity Press ( India) Pvt Ltd 1996 8185985030 2nd rv ed. 336 p.: UG Library
823 GOL 05070212 Lord of the Flies / Golding,William. Faber and Faber, 1954 9780571200535 230p.; Knowledge Centre
823 GOL 05070213 Lord of the Flies / Golding,William. Faber and Faber, 1954 9780571200535 230p.; Knowledge Centre
823 GOL 04030080 Lord of the Flies / Golding,William. Faber and Faber, 1954 9780571200535 230p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 GOL 00139316 Lord of the Flies / Golding,William. Faber and Faber, 1954 9780571200535 230p.; UG Library
823 GOL 00012800 Vicar of Wakefield Goldsmith, Oliver Signet 178 p UG Library
823 GOL 07014967 Lord of the Flies / Golding,William. Faber and Faber, 1954 9780571200535 230p.; Library - BR Campus
823 GOL. 03007890 Critical Chain : Goldratt, M Eliyahu. Productivity and Quality Publishing Private Limited, 1997 0884271536 | 9788185984148 246 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
823 GOP 03009673 A Comma In a Sentence : Gopalakrishnan R. Rainlight Rupa, 2013 9788129129772 xx, 164 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
823 GOP 04022675 A Comma In a Sentence : Gopalakrishnan R. Rainlight Rupa, 2013 9788129129772 xx, 164 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 GOP 00040129 Critical Study of the Novels of Anita Desai Gopal, N R Atlantic Publishers and Distributors 1995 81-7156-577-8 117p UG Library
823 GOP 00112908 A Comma In a Sentence : Gopalakrishnan R. Rainlight Rupa, 2013 9788129129772 xx, 164 p.: UG Library
823 GOP 00089282 Indian English Novel: Gopal, Priyamvada 2008 9780199544370 209p UG Library
823 GOP 00105540 The Book of Answers Gopinath.C.Y. HarperCollins Publishers. 2011 9789350291030 ix,337 p. UG Library
823 GOR 00034259 Why Haven`t You Written Gordimer, Nadine Penguin 1992 232 UG Library
823 GOR 00066010 The Poetical Works of Lord Byron Gordon, Lord Byron George Oxford University Press 1957 ix, 923 p UG Library
823 GOR 00019985 Final Payments Gordon, Mary Gorgi 300 p UG Library
823 GOR 00103997 Hickory Dickory Shocki: Gorai Sundip Rupa.Co ; 2011 9788129117311 286 p. UG Library
823 GOR 00022951 Selected Short Stories Gorky, M PP 420 p UG Library
823 GOR 05041505 A sport of nature : Gordimer, Nadine. Knopf : | Distributed by Random House, 1987 0394548027 1st ed. 432 p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 GOS 00129193 The Strange Case of the Alchemist's Daughter Goss, Theodora, Sage Press. 2017 9781481466509 | 9781534409637 First Edition. 402 p. ; UG Library
823 GOS 00116466 Archeology of Voilence Goswami, Suchibrata Adhyayan Publishers & Distributors, 2012 9788184353532 250p.: UG Library
823 GOS 05053279 Burning Sapphires / Goswami,Suresh K. Partridge, 2013 9781482800814 xiv,259p.; Knowledge Centre
823 GOS 07005920 Where we come from, where we go : Goswami, Uddipana, Tranquebar Press, 2015 9789384030926 (paperback) | 93 x, 239 pages : Library - BR Campus
823 GOS 00109660 The man from Chinnamasta Goswami,Indira Katha, 2006 8189020382 | 9798189020384 186 p. ; UG Library
823 GOU 00082004 Sikandar Chowk Park Gour, Neelum, Saran 0144000210 286p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 GOU 00000305 Young Mariner Melville Gould, Jeanley F Eurasia 550 p UG Library
823 GOU 00000306 Young Mariner Melville Gould, Jeanley F Eurasia 550 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 GOV 00139500 Beyond the Water : Govil,Prabodh Kumar. Ayush Books, 2018 9789385398100 151p.; UG Library
823 GRA 00000582 Goodbye to All That Graves, Robert PENGUIN 284 p UG Library
823 GRA 00008072 Tin Drum Grass, Gunter Fawcett 570 p UG Library
823 GRA 00080912 Third Victim (fiction) Gardner, Lisa 2001 0752844830 358p UG Library
823 GRA 00010655 Greek Fire Graham, Winston Collins 224 p UG Library
823 GRA 00099568 C,S,Lewis Gray William Atlantic; 9788126913022 x;114 p. UG Library
823 GRA 00075685 Cat and Mouse Grass, Gunter 2000 0749394803 190p UG Library
823 GRE 00137643 The taming of the queen / Gregory, Philippa. Simon and schuster, 2015 9781476758794 (hardcover) | 9781476758817 (softcover) | 9781471132971 First Touchstone hardcover edition. 450 pages ; UG Library
823 GRE 00124754 Looking for Alaska Green John Harper Collinspublishers, 2015 9780007523528 | LPNHYD8A227935 268 p.: UG Library
823 GRE 00129198 Three Sisters, Three Queens Gregory, Philippa Simon and Schuster 2016 9781471159466 548 p. : UG Library
823 GRE 04028738 Looking for Alaska Green John Harper Collinspublishers, 2015 9780007523528 | LPNHYD8A227935 268 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 GRE 00009489 Power and the Glory Graham Greene, PENGUIN 221 UG Library
823 GRE 00110976 The fault in our stars Green, John. Penguin Books 2012 9780141345659 | 1455869740 316 p. UG Library
823 GRE 00035129 Love Song Andrew Greeley, M Warner Books 1928 442 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 GRE 00080906 Sceret Diary of a Demented Housewife [fiction] Greene, Niamh Penguin Books 1844881369 377p UG Library
823 GRE 00000675 Saint American Greene, Graham RS 208 p UG Library
823 GRE 00004563 Ministry of Fear Greene Graham, PENGUIN 238 p UG Library
823 GRE 00004564 Comedians Greene, Graham PENGUIN 288 p UG Library
823 GRE 00130957 Skylarks Gregory,Karen Bloomsbury ya, 2018 9781408883617 319p.; UG Library
823 GRE 00004566 In Search of a Character Two African Journals Greene, Graham PENGUIN 110 p UG Library
823 GRE 00004567 Our Man in Havana Greene, Graham PENGUIN 218 p UG Library
823 GRE 00004568 Twenty One Stroies Greene, Graham PENGUIN 196 p UG Library
823 GRE 00004569 Burnt Out Case Greene, Graham Pwnguin 202 p UG Library
823 GRE 00004572 Brighton Rock Greene, Graham PENGUIN 250 p UG Library
823 GRE 00145642 Looking for Alaska Green John Harper Collinspublishers, 2015 9780007523528 | LPNHYD8A227935 268 p.: UG Library
823 GRE 00004373 Power and the Glory Graham Greene, 221 UG Library
823 GRE 00102453 Rules for a perfect life; Greene Niamh Penguin books; 9780141048659 325 p. UG Library
823 GRE 00081988 The Idea of Perfection Grenville, Kate New Delhi: 2004 0143032496 401p.; UG Library
823 GRI 00024080 Homer Griffin, Jasper Oxford 85 p UG Library
823 GRI 00127161 The Pelican Brief Grisham, John Island 1993 9780099524465 442 p UG Library
823 GRI 00080879 Painted House (fiction) Grisham, John Arrow Books 2007 466p UG Library
823 GRI 00080882 The Summons : Grisham, John. Arrow Books , 2007 0099406136 | 9780099406136 391p.: UG Library
823 GRI 00080883 The Testament Grisham, John Arrow Books 2007 473p UG Library
823 GRI 00080885 The Last Juror Grisham, John Arrow Books : 2007 9780099457152 506 p, UG Library
823 GRI 00080886 Time to Kill (fiction) Grisham, John Arrow Books 2007 515p UG Library
823 GRI 00080887 Chamber (fiction) Grisham, John Arrow Books 2007 598p UG Library
823 GRI 00080888 Innocent Man (fiction) Grisham, John 2006 0099493578 501p UG Library
823 GRI 00045761 The Client John Grisham Doubleday 1993 0038542471 564 p UG Library
823 GRI 00027266 Fairy Tales Grimm, Airmount 1985 192 p UG Library
823 GRI 00068796 Time to Kill Grisham, John 0440211727 515p UG Library
823 GRO 00009135 Introduction to Literature Gross, Theodore Random 335 p UG Library
823 GRO 05044332 Xavier Herbert A Biography / Groen Frances De University of Queensland Press, 1998 9780702230691 xiii,349p.: Knowledge Centre
823 GRO 00105463 Diary Of A Nobody Grossmith,George. Hachette Group. 1993 9789380143774 xvii,206 p. UG Library
823 GRO 00126347 El Paso : Groom, Winston, Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2016 9781631492242 First edition. xii, 477 p.: UG Library
823 GRU 00118759 Water for eEephants : Gruen, Sara. Two Raads, 2006 9781444715989 1st ed. 335 p. : UG Library
823 GRU 00103979 The Concert Ticket Grushin Olga Penguin books; 2010 9780670919079 314 p. UG Library
823 GRY 00117103 True Grit Grylls, Bear Transworld Publishers, 2013 9780593071069 viii: 358p. ; UG Library
823 GUE 00068701 Motorcycle Diaries: Notes on a Latin American Ourney Guevara, Ernesto Che Harper Perennial 165p UG Library
823 GUE 00082477 Motorcycle Diaries: Notes on a Latin American Ourney Guevara, Ernesto Che Harper Perennial 165p UG Library
823 GUH 00126782 The Picador book of cricket / Guha, Ramachandra Picador, 2001 9780330396134 xv, 476 p. ; UG Library
823 GUH 00126783 The Picador book of cricket / Guha, Ramachandra Picador, 2001 9780330396134 xv, 476 p. ; UG Library
823 GUI 00040342 Dancing With the Devil:The President`s Man Guild, Nicolas 329p UG Library
823 GUL 07005923 Hot choclate is thicker than Blood/ Gulab,Rupa Duckbill Books, 2016 9789383331727 217 Pages: Library - BR Campus
823 GUL 07005931 Daddy Come Lately/ Rupa,Gulab Duckbill books, 2013 9789383331079 154 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 GUL 05070252 Raavi paar and other stories / Gulzar., Harper Collins Publishers India Pvt Ltd, 1997 9788172232757 196p.; Knowledge Centre
823 GUN 00116893 Noon Tide Toll Guneskera Romesh Penguin Books, 2014 9780670087297 x, 237 .: UG Library
823 GUN 00107049 The Sandglass Gunesekera,Romesh. Granta Publications 2011 9781847084194 278 P. UG Library
823 GUN 00107040 Monkfish moon Gunesekera,Romesh. Penguin Books in association with Granta Books, London ; | Granta 1992 0140142185 : 138 p. ; UG Library
823 GUN 00102452 Reef: Gunesekera Romesh Granta books; 9781862070943 180 p. UG Library
823 GUP 00133542 Indian authors in english: Gupta,Ashish Sarup book publishers pvt ltd. 2018 9789352081271 xii,266p.; UG Library
823 GUP 00145647 The Hidden Hindu: Gupta, Akshat Penguin Random House India 2022 9780143455691 206p UG Library
823 GUP 10003537 Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities : Gupta, Sen S P Rama Brothers, 2002 037276067577 xi, 363 p., Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 GUP 00123346 Founts of Knowledge Gupta, Abhijit Orient Blackswan Private Limited, 2016 9788125060536 366 p:. UG Library
823 GUP 00084807 Midnight Train & Other Ghost Stories Gupta, Reeta Dutta Orient Longman Publications 8125015418 108p UG Library
823 GUP 00099518 Indian Ethos In Shobhaa De's Works Gupta, Shashi Kant Atlantic Publishers, 9788126913749 vii, 270 p. UG Library
823 GUP 00145664 The Hidden Hindu: Gupta, Akshat Penguin Random House India 2022 9780143456551 318p UG Library
823 GUP 00138256 Right From The Start She Stole His Heart / Gupta,Prachi. Fingerprint, 2018 9781530402434 223p.; UG Library
823 GUP 00099571 V,S,Naipaul Gupta Suman Atlantic; 9788126912995 xii;110 p. UG Library
823 GUP 07010077 Modern American Poetry and Extended Democrtic Paradigm/ Gupta,Poonam Rani Sunrise Publishers, 2015 9789380207919 III,164 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 GUP 00145474 The Hidden Hindu: Gupta, Akshat Penguin Random House India, 2022 9780143455691 ix,206p. ; UG Library
823 HAC 00096332 King Solomon`s Mines Haggard, Rider H OXFORD 85 p UG Library
823 HAD 00099917 The Curious Incident Of the Doc: Haddon, Mark David Ficking Books, 2010 97818499920414 271 p. UG Library
823 HAG 00022536 King Solomon`s Mines Haggard, Rider H OXFORD 85 p UG Library
823 HAG 00022544 King Solomon`s Mines Haggard, Rider H Oxford University 85 p UG Library
823 HAG 00022535 King Solomon`s Mines Haggard, Rider H OXFORD 85 p UG Library
823 HAI 00018466 In High Places Hailey, Arthur Bantam 1970 370 p UG Library
823 HAI 00134947 Strong medicine Hailey, Arthur Rupa publications, 1984 9798129108028 541p.; UG Library
823 HAI 00080867 Wheels Hailey, Arthur RUPA & CO 2007 8129108062 414p UG Library
823 HAI 00080868 In High Places (fiction) Hailey, Arthur RUPA & CO 2007 8129108046 504p UG Library
823 HAI 00035886 Evening News Hailey, Arthur Coorgi UG Library
823 HAI 00010873 Overload Hailey, Arthur AITBS 1988 643 p UG Library
823 HAI 04024209 Airport / Hailey, Arthur Rupa Publications, 1968 9798129108011 476p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 HAI 00145483 How to Stop Time/ Haig, Matt Canongate: 2022 9781838858476 346p. ; UG Library
823 HAI 00121058 The Money-Changers Hailey Arthur Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd, 2015 9798129108073 436 p:. UG Library
823 HAI 00054901 Wheels Hailey, Arthur 1998 0552136913 507p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 HAL 00019990 Roots Haley, Alex Dell 1977 720 p UG Library
823 HAL 00127290 Dead Beat Hall, Patricia Creme de la Crime 2011 9781780290041 216 p.: UG Library
823 HAL 00111104 The Case of the Deadly Butter Chicken/ Hall, Tarquin, Arrow Books, 2013 9780099561873 360p UG Library
823 HAL 00111105 The Case of the Missing Servant/ Hall, Tarquin Rupa Publications, 2010 9780099525233 312p UG Library
823 HAL 00111120 The Case of the Man Who Died Laughing/ Hall, Tarquin, Arrow Books, 2012 9780099525240 334p.; UG Library
823 HAL 00112432 The case of the love commandos Hall, Tarquin Arrow books, 2013 9780091937423 310p.; UG Library
823 HAM 00110952 How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia Hamid,Mohsin. Penguin Books 2013 9780670086375 228 pages ; UG Library
823 HAM 00059187 Forever Hamill, Pete 2003 0316735698 613p UG Library
823 HAM 00126304 The Wings of the Dove : James, Henry, Norton, 2003 9780393978810 2nd ed. ix, 627 p. : UG Library
823 HAM 00099553 Percy Bysshe Shelley; Hamilton,Paul Atlantic; 9788126912933 xi;99 p. UG Library
823 HAM 00137534 Exit west : Hamid, Mohsin, Penguin, 2017 9780670089888 228 p. ; UG Library
823 HAM 00081980 Moth Smoke Hamid, Mohsin 0140297049 244p UG Library
823 HAN 00095195 101 Things You Didn't know about Jane Austen : Hannon, Patrice. Adams Media, 2007 9781598692846 | 1598692844 xiii, 242 p. ; UG Library
823 HAN 07005658 Livy Hannibal/ Aubrey,de Selincourt. Penguin Books, 1965 9780241250365 54 Pages. Library - BR Campus
823 HAN 00112247 World Literature and the Politics of the Minority / Han Jihee Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131605769 xi,212p.: UG Library
823 HAN 00076657 The Science of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Hanlon, Michael, Macmillan, 2005 9780230008908 (pbk.) | 0230008 vii, 195 p. ; UG Library
823 HAN 00145345 Genetics and the literary imagination Hanson, Clare Oxford University Press 2020 9780198813347 202p. UG Library
823 HAN 00106737 Our lady of Alice Bhatti Hanif mohammed Random House India, 2011 9788184001594 231 p. UG Library
823 HAN 00135932 Between sisters / Hannah, Kristin. Ballantine, 2003 0345450736 1st ed. 430p.; UG Library
823 HAR 00142034 The sweetness of water / Harris,Nathan. Tinder press, 2021 9781472274380 359p.; UG Library
823 HAR 00052521 Hannibal Harris, Thomas A Dell Book 1999 071009007994 546 p. UG Library
823 HAR 00094137 Far from the Madding Crowd Hardy Thomas Oxford University Press 9780199537013 433p UG Library
823 HAR 00002491 The woodlanders Hardy,Thomas. Hachette Group Company. 1994 0788827065 | 9780788827068 xxxiii,378 p. UG Library
823 HAR 00117090 An officer and a spy Harris, Robert, Hutchinson, 2013 9780091944551 (hbk.) | 0091944 483 pages ; UG Library
823 HAR 00123990 Tess of the D` Urbervilles a Pure Woman Hardy, Thomas St Martins Press 446p UG Library
823 HAR 00009129 Mayor of Casterbridge. Hardy, Thomas MEHTUEN 1965 42 P UG Library
823 HAR 00004433 Return of the Native Thomas Hardy, Mc Millan 412 UG Library
823 HAR 00078515 Far from the Madding Crowd. Hardy, Thomas 2005 0393954080 472p UG Library
823 HAR 00141947 Rum: 21 ODD Stories Haris, Nizam Locksley Hall Publishing, 2021 9788195306527 148 p.; UG Library
823 HAR 00105444 Under The Greenwood Tree And Other Humerous Stories Hardy, Thomas. Everyman. 1996 9789380143309 xxxii,278 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 HAR 00105447 Jude the Obscure Hardy, Thomas. Everyman. 1995 420 p. UG Library
823 HAR 00024335 Tales from Wessex Hardy, Thomas PAN 200 p UG Library
823 HAR 00024336 Mayorr of Casterbridge Hardy, Thomas Rupa & Co 1982 8171674224 340 p UG Library
823 HAR 00105448 Outside The Gates Of The World: Hardy, Thomas Everyman. 1996 9789350091050 xxx,428 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 HAR 00049148 Mayorr of Casterbridge Hardy, Thomas Rupa & Co 1982 8171674224 340 p UG Library
823 HAR 00009490 Eustace and Hilda Hartley, L P F & F 309p UG Library
823 HAR 05070326 Far from the Madding Crowd : Hardy, Thomas. Galley Press, 1988 9780861366002 ix, 405p.; Knowledge Centre
823 HAR 00052872 Silence of the Lambs [ Fiction ] Harris, Thomas 1988 0312924585 367p UG Library
823 HAR 00135186 I have become the tide/ Hariharan, Githa. Simon & Schuster, 2019 9789386797384 322p. ; UG Library
823 HAR 00105453 The woodlanders Hardy,Thomas. Hachette Group Company. 1994 0788827065 | 9780788827068 xxxiii,378 p. UG Library
823 HAR 00078545 The Mayor of Casterbridge Hardy, Thomas 2005 0393974987 461p UG Library
823 HAR 00039122 Great Novels Hardy, Thomas Magpie 1993 700 p UG Library
823 HAR 05041431 Jude the Obscure / Hardy,Thomas. UBPSD, 2014 9788174760463 526p.; Knowledge Centre
823 HAR 00078578 Return of the Native Hardy, Thomas 2005 0393097919 500p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 HAR 04019071 The Mayor of Casterbridge far from the Madding Crowd Tess of the D'Urbervilles / Hardy, Thomas Indialog, 2005 9788187981800 915p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 HAR 00126314 Far from the Madding Crowd : Hardy, Thomas, Norton, 1986 9780393954081 1st ed. xii, 472 p. : UG Library
823 HAR 00126303 The Return of the Native : Hardy, Thomas, W.W. Norton, 2006 9780393927870 2nd ed. xx, 552 p. : UG Library
823 HAR 00060964 Tess of the D`urbervilles - A Pure Woman Hardy, Thomas UBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd 2004 8185944571 496 p UG Library
823 HAR 00060966 Tess of the D`urbervilles - A Pure Woman Hardy, Thomas UBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd 2004 8185944571 496 p UG Library
823 HAR 00116386 The Mayor of Casterbridge Hardy, Thomas, W.W. Norton, 2001 0393974987 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xvii, 461 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 HAR 00060965 Tess of the D`urbervilles - A Pure Woman Hardy, Thomas UBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd 2004 8185944571 496 p UG Library
823 HAR 00066667 Tess of the D`urberuilles Hardy, Thomas FORTUNE 2004 8181990633 400p UG Library
823 HAR 00066678 Tess of the D`urberuilles Hardy, Thomas FORTUNE 2004 8181990633 400p UG Library
823 HAR 00066670 Mayor of Casterbridge.(fiction) Hardy, Thomas FORTUNE 2004 8181990641 320p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 HAR 00000671 Jude the Observe Hardy, Thomas Mc Millan 500 p UG Library
823 HAR 00066679 Mayor of Casterbridge.(fiction) Hardy, Thomas FORTUNE 2004 8181990641 320p UG Library
823 HAR 00066677 Far From the Madding Crowd. Hardy, Thomas FORTUNE 2004 8181990625 360p UG Library
823 HAR 00066666 Far From the Madding Crowd. Hardy, Thomas FORTUNE 2004 8181990625 360p UG Library
823 HAR 00066692 Jude the Obscure Hardy, Thomas FORTUNE 2004 0818199096 400p UG Library
823 HAR 00145592 This other Eden Harding, paul Penguin Random House 2023 9781529152548 221p UG Library
823 HAR 00089627 Far from the Madding Crowd. Hardy, Thomas 2005 0393954080 472p UG Library
823 HAR 00066697 The Return of The Nature Hardy, Thomas FORTUNE 2004 0818199065 408p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 HAR 00115964 Return of the Native Hardy, Thomas Viva 2003 9780393097917 492p UG Library
823 HAR 00080947 Down River. Hart, John John Murray 2007 325p UG Library
823 HAR 00099556 Henry James: Hardy Barbara Atlantic; 9788126912896 vii;104 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 HAR 00066970 The Mayor of Casterbridge Hardy, Thomas 2005 0393974987 461p UG Library
823 HAR 00130933 A skinful of shadows / Hardinge, Frances, Macmillian children's books, 2017 9781419725722 | 9781509835508 414p.; UG Library
823 HAR 00066983 Far from the Madding Crowd Hardy, Thomas 2005 0393954080 472p UG Library
823 HAR 00007586 New Tales from Shakespeare Harrion, Gb Ubs 212 p UG Library
823 HAR 00104622 Hannibal Harris, Thomas A Dell Book 1999 071009007994 546 p. UG Library
823 HAR 00105511 A Laodicean - A Story Of Today Hardy, Thomas Hachette Group. 1997 9789350091647 xxx,434 p. UG Library
823 HAR 00030901 Far from the Madding Crowd Thomas Hardy, Mc Millan 397 UG Library
823 HAR 00040549 Great Novels Hardy, Thomas Magpie 1993 700 p UG Library
823 HAR 00010651 Far from the Madding Crowd Thomas Hardy, Mc Millan 397 UG Library
823 HAR 00004631 Tess of the D` Urbervilles a Pure Woman Hardy, Thomas St Martins Press 446p UG Library
823 HAR 00004632 Jude the Obscure Hardy, Thomas Mc Millan 1969 420 p UG Library
823 HAR 07005283 Return of the Native Thomas Hardy, Mc Millan 412 Library - BR Campus
823 HAR 00105522 The Hand Of Ethelberta Hardy, Thomas. Hachette Group. 1998 9789350091654 xxxvii,403 p. UG Library
823 HAR 00004634 Far from the Madding Crowd Hardy, Thomas Mc Millan 440p UG Library
823 HAR 00105528 Two On A Tower Hardy, Thomas. Hachette Group. 1999 9789350091845 xxxiii,281 p. UG Library
823 HAR 00040561 The Works of Thomas Hardy. Hardy Wordsworth Editions Ltd. 1994 916p UG Library
823 HAS 00099913 NETI,NETI Hasan, Anjum. IndiaInk : | Roli Books, 9788186939512 (pbk.) | 8186939 287 p. ; UG Library
823 HAS 00117028 Difficult Pleasures Hasan, Anjum Penguin Group, 2012 9780143420170 247p. ; UG Library
823 HAS 00145407 History's Angel Hasan, Anjum Bloomsbury 2023 9789354357206 279p UG Library
823 HAW 00079995 Studying the Novel. Hawthron, Jeremy Hodder Arnold 2005 0340887877 5th ed 218 p, UG Library
823 HAW 00079996 Studying the Novel. Hawthron, Jeremy Hodder Arnold 2005 0340887877 5th ed 218 p, UG Library
823 HAW 00004672 The House of the Seven Gables Hawthorne, Nathaniel Everyman's Library 1967 310 p. UG Library
823 HAW 00080856 Scarlet Letter Hawthorne, Nathaniel Hachette Group. 1993 0743487567 xxviii,226 p. UG Library
823 HAW 00137788 A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys Hawthorne,Nathaniel Rupa 2019 9789353336875 200p UG Library
823 HAW 00126301 The House of the Seven Gables : Hawthorne, Nathaniel, W.W. Norton, 2006 9780393924763 1st ed. xix, 502 p. ; UG Library
823 HAW 00031563 The Blithedale Romance Hawthorne,Nathaniel. Hachette Group 1994 9789350091821 xliii,227 p. UG Library
823 HAW 00077137 Amitav Ghosh Hwwley, John C Foundation Books 2005 8175962593 213p UG Library
823 HAW 00105506 Scarlet Letter Hawthorne, Nathaniel Hachette Group. 1993 0743487567 xxviii,226 p. UG Library
823 HAW 00105508 House of the Seven Gables Hawthorne, Nathaniel Hachette Group. 1995 0140390057 xxxvii,280 p. UG Library
823 HAW 00127667 The Scarlet Letter and Other Writting Hawthorne,Nathaniel Orient BlackSwan, 2016 9788125062875 x, 362p. UG Library
823 HAW 00105521 The Blithedale Romance Hawthorne,Nathaniel. Hachette Group 1994 9789350091821 xliii,227 p. UG Library
823 HAW 00105523 The Marble Faun Hawthorne, Nathaniel Hachette Group. 1995 9789350091623 xlvii,399 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 HAY 00059058 The Cambridge Companion to Edgar Allan Poe Hayes, Kevin J. 2002 0521797276 | 9780521797276 266p UG Library
823 HAY 00078278 The Cambride Introduction to Herman Melville Hayes, Kervin J Cambridge University Press 2007 0521671043 140 p UG Library
823 HAY 00106774 The Cambridge Introduction to Herman Melville Hayes, Kevin J. Cambridge University Press, 2007 0521854806 (hardback) | 978052 xi, 140 p. ; UG Library
823 HAY 00146322 The future of the book : Hayes, Kevin J, Oxford University Press 2022 9780192856883 New product. 232p. UG Library
823 HAY 00099567 Stephen Crane: Hayes Kevin,J Atlantic; 9788126913138 xii;98 p. UG Library
823 HAZ 00101519 Luck; Haarika Dhruba Penguin books; 9780143068259 156 p. UG Library
823 HAZ 00112911 Grand Delusions Hazra, Indrajit Aleph Book Company 2013 9789382277286 145 p UG Library
823 HEA 00107189 The cat who-- quiz book Headrick Jr,Robert J. Berkley Prime Crime 2003 9780739438121 xiv:255 P. UG Library
823 HEA 00057897 Cambridge Introduction to Modern British Fiction, 1950 - 2000 Head, Dominic Cambridge University Press 2002 0521669669 viii; 306 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 HEA 00024920 South Head,Java. 287 p. UG Library
823 HEA 00107981 Cambridge Introduction to Modern British Fiction, 1950 - 2000 Head, Dominic Cambridge University Press 2002 0521669669 viii; 306 p. UG Library
823 HEB 05062539 Third person singular : Heble, Ayesha, Tara, 2016 9788183861397 viii, 203 pages, 1 unnumbered page ; Knowledge Centre
823 HEL 00145476 The Paper Palace/ Heller, Miranda Cowley Penguin Books, 2022 9780241990452 389p. ; UG Library
823 HEL 00008070 Catch-22 Heller, Joseph 2004 0684833395 453 p.: UG Library
823 HEL 00106827 Notes on scandal Heller Zoe Penquin Books 2011 9780241954553 244p. UG Library
823 HEL 00094571 Ayn Rand and the world she made Heller Anne C Tranquebar Press 9789380658018 567p UG Library
823 HEL 00087587 Catch-22 Heller, Joseph 2004 0684833395 453 p.: UG Library
823 HEL 00027551 Good as Gold Heller, Joseph Corgi 1985 460 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 HEM 00118494 Across the River and into the Trees / Hemingway, Ernest, Scribner, 1998 0684844648 | 9780684844640 1st Scribner classics ed. 272 p. ; UG Library
823 HEM 00118495 For Whom the Bell Tolls / Hemingway, Ernest, Scribner, 1996 0684830485 | 9780684830483 495 p. ; UG Library
823 HEM 00118491 A Farewell to Arms / Hemingway, Ernest, Scribner Classics, 1997 0684837889 (alk. paper) | 9780 1st Scribner classics ed. 297 p. ; UG Library
823 HEM 00069068 The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway, Ernest Quality Paper Back 1993 650p UG Library
823 HEM 00091265 The Old Man The Sea Hemingway Ernest Heritage Publishers 2007 8170262291 104p UG Library
823 HEM 00118512 The Short Stories / Hemingway, Ernest, Scribner Classics, 1997 9780684837864 457 p. ; UG Library
823 HEM 00118537 The Snows of Kilimanjaro and other Stories / Hemingway, Ernest, Scribner Classics, 1995 9780684862217 143 p. ; UG Library
823 HEM 00147152 The old man and the sea / Hemingway, Ernest Peacock Classics, 2023 9788124805336 94p. ; UG Library
823 HEM 00052497 Death in the Afternoon Hemingway, Ernest 2000 0099285029 343p UG Library
823 HEM 00052531 Death in the Afternoon Hemingway, Ernest 2000 0099285029 343p UG Library
823 HEN 00145506 Book Lovers : Henry, Emily Penguin Books, 2022 9780241995341 377p. : UG Library
823 HEN 00107179 The World's Greatest Long And Short Stories Henry O Indiana Publishing House 2010 9788184081725 344 P. UG Library
823 HEN 00107181 Selected Stories Henry O. Indiana Publishing House 2010 9788184082234 433 P. UG Library
823 HEN 10002621 People we meet on vacation / Henry, Emily. Penguin Books, 2021 9780241997024 364p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 HEN 00058550 41 Stories. Henry, O 1984 0451522540 413 UG Library
823 HEN 00103437 Chandra: Hendry Francess Mary Oxforduniversity press; 9780192753472 120 p. UG Library
823 HEN 00070654 5 American Masters Henry, O` Jaico Publishing House 2005 8179922189 305p UG Library
823 HEN 00106830 The Penguin Book of Scottish Short Stories Henry J F Penguin Books 2011 9780241955475 237p UG Library
823 HEN 00121030 Collected Stories of O. Henry Henry, O. Rupa Publications, 2000 9788129131379 viii,843 p.: UG Library
823 HEN 00017449 Narrow Exit Henissart, Paul Arrow 370p UG Library
823 HEN 00004777 58 Short Stories Henry, O Collins UG Library
823 HEN 00002487 58 Short Stories Henry, O Cillins 402p UG Library
823 HEN 07012696 Mastering the new Media Landscape/ Henricks,Barbara Cave. Collins Business, 2016 9781626569492 180 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 HER 00089832 Midnight`s Diaspora Herwitz, Daiel 9780670083435 149p UG Library
823 HER 00105503 Histories Herodotus. Hachette Group. 1992 xxvii,748 p. UG Library
823 HES 00071455 Siddhartha Hesse,Hermann. Harper Collins Publishers 2001 9788172233815 121 p.; UG Library
823 HES 00008130 Siddhartha Hesse, Hermann 1971 0553208845 156 p UG Library
823 HES 00055104 Siddhartha Hesse, Hermann 1971 0553208845 156 p UG Library
823 HES 00067063 Siddhartha Hesse, Hermann 1971 0553208845 156 p UG Library
823 HEW 07010076 ENglish Fiction of the Early Modern Period 1890-1940/ Hewitt,Douglas Routledge, 2016 9781138226425 X,271 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 HEY 07005558 False colour / Heyer, Georgette Arrow Books Publication, 2005 9780099476337 iii,303p. Library - BR Campus
823 HIG 00030931 Savage Day (novel) Higgins, Jack PAN 218 p UG Library
823 HIG 00030934 Wrath of the Lion Higgins, Jack PAN 1985 190p UG Library
823 HIG 00029644 Exocet Higgins, Jack Rupa 1984 240 p UG Library
823 HIG 00030946 Sola Higgins, Jack Plaza 1980 285 p UG Library
823 HIG 00030955 Solo Higgins, Jack PAN 1981 256 p UG Library
823 HIG 00034768 Wonderful Years Wonderful Years Higgins, V George Abacus 1991 240p UG Library
823 HIG 00030960 Violent Enemy Hiiggins, Jack PAN 1986 160 p UG Library
823 HIG 00030961 The Iron Tiger Hggins, Jack PAN 1986 190 p UG Library
823 HIG 00029927 Night of the Fox Higgins, Jackie PAN 1987 316 p UG Library
823 HIG 00034776 The Eagle Has Flown Higgins, Jack RUPA 1992 342p UG Library
823 HIG 00022802 Touch The Devil Hggins, Jack 1982 244 p UG Library
823 HIG 00030894 Game for Heroes Hiiggins, Jack PAN 1985 224 p UG Library
823 HIG 00027535 The Eagle Has Landed Higgins, Jack BANTAM 1985 362 P UG Library
823 HIG 00027536 Storm Warning Higgnis, Jack. BANTAM 1985 276 p UG Library
823 HIG 00027537 Day of Judgement Higgins, Jack BANTAM 274P UG Library
823 HIG 00062870 Bad Company: the New Sean Dillon Thriller (fiction) Higgins, Jack 2003 0007127189 372p UG Library
823 HIG 00019407 Storm Warning Higgins, Jack PAN 1977 238 P UG Library
823 HIL 00016685 Lost Horizon James Hilton, S.G Wasani 174 p UG Library
823 HIL 00016683 Lost Horizon James Hilton, S.G Wasani 174 p UG Library
823 HIL 05044339 Near the Refinery / Hill Barry McPhee Gribble Publishers, 1980 0869140116 128p.: Knowledge Centre
823 HIL 00016684 Lost Horizon James Hilton, S.G Wasani 174 p UG Library
823 HIL 00016686 Lost Horizon James Hilton, UG Library
823 HIL 00045770 Bones and Silence A Daiziel Pascoe Mystery Hill, Reginald 1990 0385301308 332p UG Library
823 HO 00099572 Anita desai Ho Elaine Yee Lin Atlantic; 9788126912803 vii;118 p. UG Library
823 HOA 00080911 Lucky`s Lady (fiction) Hoag, Tami 2004 0752865587 368p UG Library
823 HOA 00080942 Magic [fiction] Hoag, Tami 0752817167 322p UG Library
823 HOB 00000576 Leviathan Hobbes, PENGUIN 1968 710p UG Library
823 HOB 00105516 Leviathan. Hobbes,Thomas. Hachette Group. 1994 9789350091678 liv,466 p. UG Library
823 HOC 00130947 From the earth to the shadows : Hocking, Amanda. Pan Macmilliam, 2018 9781250084804 (trade pbk.) | 9 1st edition. 577p.; UG Library
823 HOG 00059057 Cambridge Companion to Gothic Fiction Hogle, Jerrold E 0521794668 327p UG Library
823 HOJ 00133951 Nation and citizenship in the twentieth-century British novel / Ho, Janice, Cambridge university press, 2015 9781107084469 (hardback) | 9781107446397 (paperback) xi, 229 pages ; UG Library
823 HOJ 05063709 Nation and citizenship in the twentieth-century British novel / Ho, Janice, Cambridge university press, 2015 9781107084469 (hardback) | 9781107446397 (paperback) xi, 229 pages ; Knowledge Centre
823 HOL 00034271 The Inner Courtyard Holmstrom, Lakshmi RUPA 1991 204 p. UG Library
823 HOL 00054398 George Orwell Holderness, Graham 1998 0333679792 | 9780333679791 260p UG Library
823 HOL 07012681 War Diary / Bachmann, Ingeborg. Seagull Books, 2018 9780857425324 vii, 108p.; Library - BR Campus
823 HOL 00130940 Conspiracy: Holiday,Ryan Profile books ltd., 2018 9781788161503 319p.; UG Library
823 HOL 00018472 The Curse Of The Kings Holt, Victoria Fawcest Crest 1974 304 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 HOL 07012583 Conspiracy: Holiday,Ryan Profile books ltd., 2018 9781788161503 319p.; Library - BR Campus
823 HOL 00145534 The Secret Service of Tea and Treason/ Holton, India Penguin Books, 2023 9781405954969 xii,348p. ; UG Library
823 HOL 00104746 The Penguin Book of Norse Myths : Crossley-Holland,Kevin. Penguin books, 2011 9780241953211 xli: 276 P. UG Library
823 HOM 00004585 The Odyssey Homer, WSP 1971 282 p UG Library
823 HOM 00004228 The Iliad of Homer Homwe, Modern Library 1950 459p UG Library
823 HOM 00006436 The Iliad Homer, WSP 1970 408 p.: UG Library
823 HOM 00006437 The Odyssey Homer, WSP 1971 282 p UG Library
823 HOM 07005246 The Odyssey Homer, WSP 1971 282 p Library - BR Campus
823 HOM 00105498 Selected Poems Homer. Hachette Group. 1999 9789350090732 xviii,109 p. UG Library
823 HOM 00105504 The Odyssey Homer Hachette Group. 1992 9789350091661 xvi,396 p. UG Library
823 HON 07009225 Othello/ Honigmann,E A J Bloomsbury, 1997 9789382563211 XV,401 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 HOO 00119222 The Obituary Writer Hood Ann W.W. Norton & Company, 2013 9780393346770 292 p.: UG Library
823 HOO 00129169 Confess : Hoover, Colleen. Atria Paperback, 2015 9781476791456 | 9781501176838 First Atria paperback edition. 308 p. : UG Library
823 HOP 00001370 Prisoner of Zenda Hope, Anthony Osford UG Library
823 HOP 07007260 Buddha/ Hope,Jane ICON, 2013 9781848310117 175 Pages.: Library - BR Campus
823 HOR 00104765 Twentieth-Century Crime Fiction Horsley,Lee Oxford University 2005 9780199253265 xii,313p UG Library
823 HOR 00106824 High Fidelity (fiction) Hornby Nick Penguin Books 1995 9780241954584 | 0241954584 245p UG Library
823 HOS 00110974 Distant traveller Hosain, Attia, Women Unlimited, 2013 9788188965762 (pbk.) | 9788188 234 p. ; UG Library
823 HOW 00126330 The Rise of Silas Lapham : Howells, William Dean, Norton, 1982 9780393091656 1st ed. xiii, 519 p. ; UG Library
823 HOW 00059253 Kill and Tell Howard, Linda 2003 0743475488 305p UG Library
823 HOY 00009491 The Black Cloud Hoyle, Fred PENGUIN 1966 220 p UG Library
823 HOY 00014128 Six Great Modern Short Novels Joyce, James LAUREL 1960 488 p.: UG Library
823 HUG 00002473 Hunchback of Nature Dame Hugo, Victor 512 p UG Library
823 HUG 00007603 Tom Brown`s School Days Hughes, Thomas May Flower Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 HUG 00007604 Tom Brown`s Schooldays. Thomas Hughes, Mayflower 1971 255 UG Library
823 HUL 00000820 The Nun`s Story Kathryn Hulme, Little Brown 1956 339 UG Library
823 HUM 00055586 Riptide Humphreys James Macmillan 2002 9780330480987 337 p.: UG Library
823 HUN 00012374 Modern Short Stories Hunter, Jim Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 HUN 00004737 Tom Brown`s Schooldays Hughes, Thomas Mc Millan 1969 168 UG Library
823 HUN 00081981 Seduction of Silence Hunte, Bem Le 0014100715 433p UG Library
823 HUN 00052500 The Seduction of Silenec Hunte, Bem Le 2000 0014100715 433p UG Library
823 HUR 00015872 Introduction to Short Fiction and Criticism Hurtik, Emil Xerox 1971 415p UG Library
823 HUS 00081588 Kahani: Short Stories By Pakistani Women Hussein, Aamer Rav Media , 2007 9788189632076 170p.; UG Library
823 HUS 00088350 Basti Husain, Intizar 2007 9780195691627 254p UG Library
823 HUX 00019463 Brave New World Huxley, Aldous Grand Publishers 1978 206 UG Library
823 HUX 00019462 Brave New World Huxley, Aldous Grand Publishers 220 p UG Library
823 HUX 00019465 Brave New World Huxley, Aldous Grand Publishers 220 p UG Library
823 HUX 00019464 Brave New World Huxley, Aldous Grand Publishers 220 p UG Library
823 HUX 00015544 Point Counter Point Aldous Huxley, PENGUIN 1975 435 UG Library
823 HUX 00002099 Ape and Essence Huxley, Aldous C W 1949 154 p UG Library
823 HUX 07012949 Brave new world Huxley, Aldous Vintage Book Publication, 2007 9781784870959 xlviii,229p. Library - BR Campus
823 HUX 00004537 After Many a Summer : a Novel Huxley, Aldous PENGUIN 258 p UG Library
823 HUX 00004538 Eyeless N Gaza : a Novel Huxley, Aldous PENGUIN 398 p UG Library
823 HUX 07006309 Brave new world Huxley, Aldous Vintage Book Publication, 2007 9781784870959 xlviii,229p. Library - BR Campus
823 HUX 00004539 Antic Hay Huxley Aldous Triad Panther 1956 249 p, UG Library
823 HUX 00104378 Eyeless In Gaza Huxley Aldous Harper perennial modren classics 1936 9780061724893 xiii,473p UG Library
823 HUX 00001305 Point Counter Point Aldous Huxley, PENGUIN 1975 435 Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 HYD 00100286 Street Singers of Lucknow and Other Stories Hyder, Qurratualain WOMEN UNLIMITED 2008 9788188965533 228p UG Library
823 HYD 00088737 Street Singers of Lucknow and Other Stories Hyder, Qurratualain WOMEN UNLIMITED 2008 9788188965533 228p UG Library
823 IBS 00105485 The Doll's House, The Lady From The Sea, The Wild Duck Isben, Henrik. Hachette Group. 1993 9789380143798 xxxvi, 242 p. UG Library
823 IMA 05072266 Video Mariamman and other stories / Imayam. Speaking tiger, 2021 9789390477920 305p.; Knowledge Centre
823 IMA 00062850 Beasts of Burden - Fiction Imayam East West Books Pvt.Ltd 2002 8186852808 315p UG Library
823 IMA 00142041 Video Mariamman and other stories / Imayam. Speaking tiger, 2021 9789390477920 305p.; UG Library
823 IMT 00116800 Karachi, You're Killing Me! Imtiaz Saba Random House India, 2014 9788184004601 263 p.: UG Library
823 IND 00034276 Phaniyamma Indira, M K MGH 1990 140 UG Library
823 IND 00102666 Shashi Deshpande : Indra Mohan T M J Atlantic, 9788126903092 x, 214 p. UG Library
823 IND 00107176 Popular French Stories Indiana Books Indiana Publishing House 2005 8184081243 281 P. UG Library
823 IQB 05069501 The Cliffhangers : Iqbal, Sabin. Aleph Book Company, 2020 9788194365785 vii, 173p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 IRA 00096952 Dahanu Road Irani, Anosh harper and Collins, 9788172239718 304 p. UG Library
823 IRU 00102699 Jane Austen / Irvine, Robert P., Routledge, 0415314348 (cloth : alk. paper viii, 190 p. ; UG Library
823 IRV 00035880 Trying to Save Piggy Sneed Irving, John Corgi 224 UG Library
823 IRV 00094129 Three American Stories Irving Washington Oxford University Press 0195638018 85p UG Library
823 ISA 05074652 The Collected Short Stories of Kazi Nazrul Islam / Orient BlackSwan, 2024 9789354427121 xli, 265p.; Knowledge Centre
823 ISH 00049748 World in the Evening Isherwood, Christopher PENGUIN 298p UG Library
823 ISH 00139317 Never let me go : Ishiguro, Kazuo Faber and faber ; 2005 9780571258093 282 p. UG Library
823 ISH 00103834 A pale view of hills: Ishiguro Kazuo Faber and faber; 2009 9780571245659 183 p. UG Library
823 ISH 00145393 The Remains of the Day / Ishiguro, Kazuo Faber and Faber, 2005 9780571258246 258p.: UG Library
823 ISH 00093148 Nocturnes Ishiguro, Kazuo Faber and faber 9780571244997 221p UG Library
823 ISH 00145530 Klara and the sun / Ishiguro, Kazuo. Faber & Faber Limited, 2022 9780571364909 340p. ; UG Library
823 IYE 00109324 The Man Within My Head Iyer Pico Penguin Books 2012 9780670086276 241 p. UG Library
823 IYE 00147103 Who painted my money white?: Iyer, Sree Book 1 2019 9781732025622 291p. ; UG Library
823 IYE 00147104 Paper in, Money Out: Iyer,Sree Book 4 of the money series, 2023 9781736533239 342p. ; UG Library
823 IYE 00147102 Who Painted my Future Bright ?: Iyer, Sree Book 3 of the money series, 2023 9781736533222 314p. ; UG Library
823 IYE 00147107 Who Painted my Lust RED?: Iyer, Sree Book 2 of the money series, 2020 9781732025660 314p. ; UG Library
823 IYE 00134929 Draupadi: Iyer, Saiswaroopa. Rupa Publications, 2019 9789353333157 xiii,385. : UG Library
823 IYE 00138257 The strongman's daughter Iyer, Madhuri Fingerprint, 2016 9788175993808 223p.; UG Library
823 IYE 00130027 Incredible Naipaul Iyer N.Sharada Adhyayan Publishers, 2017 9788184354737 xiii, 165 p.: UG Library
823 JAC 00080872 Marlfox: Jacques,Brian Hutchinson childrens Books, 1999 0099264366 386p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 JAC 00104429 Who's Sorry Now ? Jacobson, Howard Vintage books, 2002 9780099437376 325 p. UG Library
823 JAC 00104417 The Act of Love Jacobson, Howard Vintage books, 2008 9780099526735 308 p. UG Library
823 JAC 00104418 Coming From Behind. Jacobson Howard vintage 1983 9780099452034 250 p. UG Library
823 JAC 00104424 Peeping Tom Jacobon, Howard Vintage 1998 9780099288282 266 p. UG Library
823 JAC 00104425 Red back Jacobson,howard Vintage 1998 9780099277484 367 p. UG Library
823 JAC 00104422 The Mighty Walzer Jacobson.Howard Vintage 1999 9780099274728 387 p. UG Library
823 JAC 00104420 The Making of Henry Jacobson.Howard vintage 2004 9780099472162 340 p. UG Library
823 JAC 00098950 The finkler question Jacobson,Howards Bloomsbury; 9781408809105 306 p. UG Library
823 JAI 00103353 Beyond postcolonialism : Jain Jasbir Rawat publications; 9788131600030 304 p. UG Library
823 JAI 07015166 From a Girl who Feels../ Jain Anishka FanatiXx Publication, 2020 9789390328390 86p.: Library - BR Campus
823 JAL 00108072 The Temple and The Mosque Jalil,Rakhshanda Harper Perennial 2011 9789350291528 197 p. UG Library
823 JAM 00145475 The Missus/ James, E. L. Penguin Books, 2023 9781804946961 458p. ; UG Library
823 JAM 00004407 Europeans Henry James, Penguin 173 Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 JAM 00142060 Dead tomorrow James,Peter Pan Books 2019 9781509898879 676p UG Library
823 JAM 00126328 Tales of Henry James : James, Henry, W.W. Norton, 2003 9780393977103 2nd ed. x, 524 p. ; UG Library
823 JAM 00104396 Missykad... JamesHenry ,Malcolm Yeti books 2004 9798188330163 170p UG Library
823 JAM 00126331 The Turn of the Screw : James, Henry, W.W. Norton, 1999 9780393959048 2nd ed. / xiii, 271 p. ; UG Library
823 JAM 00000583 Turn of the Screwof the Other Stories Putt, S Gorley PENGUIN 198 p UG Library
823 JAM 00126325 The Portrait of a Lady : James, Henry, W.W. Norton, 1995 0393966461 2nd ed. ix, 785 p. ; UG Library
823 JAM 07014024 The Turn of the Screw : James, Henry, W.W. Norton, 1999 9780393959048 2nd ed. / xiii, 271 p. ; Library - BR Campus
823 JAM 00126309 The Ambassadors : James, Henry, W.W. Norton, 1994 9780393963144 2nd ed. viii, 543 p. : UG Library
823 JAM 00080847 A Mind to Murder James, P D Faber and Faber. 2005 0571228577 225p.; UG Library
823 JAM 00106482 The turn of the screw James, Henry, Dover Publications, 1991 0486266842 (pbk.) : 87 p. ; UG Library
823 JAM 00108060 Death comes to Pemberley James, P. D., Faber and Faber: 2012 9780571283583 ix,310 p. UG Library
823 JAM 00105482 The Ambassadors James, Henry. Hachette Group, 1999 9789350090961 xxxviii, 457 p. UG Library
823 JAM 00105483 The American James,Henry. Hachette Group. 1997 9781405167550 (pbk.) | 9781405 xi, 234 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 JAM 00105491 The Other House. James,Henry. Hachette Group. 1996 9789350091128 xxx, 218 p. UG Library
823 JAM 00066674 Washington Square James, Henry FORTUNE 2004 8181990978 216p UG Library
823 JAM 00105494 The Wings of the Dove. James,Henry. Hachette Group. 1997 9789350091029 xxxiii, 468 p. UG Library
823 JAM 00011972 Washington Square James, Henry Signet 166 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 JAM 00109993 The Cambridge Companion to Fantasy Literature James, Edward, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521429597 | 9780521728737 xxiv, 268 p. ; UG Library
823 JAN 00009151 Sins Opf Appu`s Mother Janakiraman, T Orient 170p UG Library
823 JAN 00095825 Love in a Headscarf Janmohamed, Shelina Zahra Thomson Press (India) Ltd. 9788191067309 288 p. UG Library
823 JAN 00002442 Pride and Prejudice (novel) Jane Austen, Signet 334 UG Library
823 JAN 00045777 Without Due Process Jance, J A 1992 0688114598 | 9780688114596 302p UG Library
823 JAN 00063571 Pride and Prejudice (novel) Jane Austen, Signet 334 UG Library
823 JAN 00107698 decentering Rushdie Jani Pranavi Orient Blackswan pvt Ltd: 2012 9788125044529 xi, 275 p. UG Library
823 JAU 00029710 Mansfield Park Jane Austen, Rupa 1984 383 UG Library
823 JAY 00103403 Waking is another dream: Jayapalan Cheran V.J.S Navayana; 9788189059378 67 p. UG Library
823 JEA 00142038 Tokyo ever after / Jean, Emiko, Maccmilan, 2021 9781250766601 | 9781250818317 | 9781509899999 First edition. 322p.; UG Library
823 JER 00004587 Three Men in a Boat Jerome, K Jerome PENGUIN 1968 190p UG Library
823 JHA 00040130 Major Themes in the Novels of Ruth Prawer Jhabvala Solanki, Rajni Singh Jain 113p UG Library
823 JHA 07000029 The Enduring Art of Anita Desai / Jha, Jai Ram Aadi Publications, 2015 9789382630500 220 p:. Library - BR Campus
823 JHA 00091441 Heat and dust / Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer Atlantic Publishers, 2006 1582430152 151 p.; UG Library
823 JHA 07001066 Rural Landscapes in Indian English Novels Jha Ram Jai Aadi Publications, 2014 9789382630319 vii, 190 p.: Library - BR Campus
823 JHA 00121050 Rural Landscapes in Indian English Novels Jha Ram Jai Aadi Publications, 2014 9789382630319 vii, 190 p.: UG Library
823 JHA 00133049 Masterpiece of english novelists Jha,Balachandra ABD publishers, 2019 9788183766272 ix,300p.; UG Library
823 JHA 03005987 East into Upper East : Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer. Counter point, 1998 9781582430348 314p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
823 JHA 00121056 The Enduring Art of Anita Desai / Jha, Jai Ram Aadi Publications, 2015 9789382630500 220 p:. UG Library
823 JHA 00118235 The Fiction of Amitav Ghosh ed by, Jha Vivekanand Atlantic Publishers, 2013 9788126917938 xv, 296 p.: UG Library
823 JOA 00034560 Reader's Digest Condensed Books Joanne Perrone, The Reader Digest Association 1900 623 UG Library
823 JOH 00071705 Second degree John, Prashant. Eklavya Education Foundation, 2009 9788190829922 1st ed. 259 p. ; UG Library
823 JOH 00102501 The Salt Road : Johnson, Jane Penguin Books, 9780670917990 390 p. UG Library
823 JOH 00000579 Selected Writings Johnson, Samuel PENGUIN 573 P UG Library
823 JOH 00016087 The Sot-Weed Factor John Barth, Allied Publisher Limited 1976 756 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 JOH 05059925 Taliban Narratives : Johnson ,H Thomas , Hurst & Company , 2017 9781849048439 xxv, 378p ,: Knowledge Centre
823 JOH 07010610 An Unsuitable Boy/ Johar,Karan By Penguin, 2017 9780670087532 XIII,211 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 JOH 00022983 Egyptian Short Stories Johnson-Davies, Denys Heinneman 1981 130 p UG Library
823 JOS 00096114 Saraswati Park Joseph Anjali Harpercollins Publishers india 9788172239947 261 p UG Library
823 JOS 00109640 Another Country Joseph,Anjali Fourth Estate 2012 9780007490677 263 p. UG Library
823 JOS 00121027 Artistic and Realistic Mode in R. K. Narayan's Fiction / Joshi M. Prakash. Aadi Publications, 2014 9789382630272 vii, 158 p.: UG Library
823 JOS 00102388 By the River Pampa I stood : Jose, Geeta Abraham. Srishti Publishers & Distributors, 8188575917 | 9788188575916 142 p. ; UG Library
823 JOS 07000038 Artistic and Realistic Mode in R. K. Narayan's Fiction / Joshi M. Prakash. Aadi Publications, 2014 9789382630272 vii, 158 p.: Library - BR Campus
823 JOS 00121061 Treatment of Dual Cultures in Arun Joshi's Fiction / Joshi, Prakash M. Aadi Publications, 2014 9789382630265 140 p:. UG Library
823 JOS 00105487 The Life Of Herod Josephus. Hachette Group, 1998 9789350090893 xxi, 184 p. UG Library
823 JOS 00138254 First Love / Jose,Sheeja. Fingerprint, 2019 9789389053173 270p.; UG Library
823 JOY 00004412 A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man James Joyce, PENGUIN 1969 253 UG Library
823 JOY 00031487 One on One Jenna Lee Joyce, Mills 1986 221 UG Library
823 JOY 07008720 A portrait of the artist as a young man : Joyce, James, W.W. Norton, 2007 9780393926798 (pbk.) | 0393926 1st ed. xxx, 490 p. : Library - BR Campus
823 JOY 00069101 Ulysses (fiction) Joyce, James 1990 0679722769 783p UG Library
823 JOY 00112473 Dubliners : Joyce, James, W.W. Norton, 2006 0393978516 (pbk.) 1st ed. xliii, 369 p. ; UG Library
823 JOY 00126312 Dubliners : Joyce, James, W.W. Norton, 2006 9780393978513 1st ed. xliii, 369 p. ; UG Library
823 JOY 07005201 Dubliners : Joyce, James, W.W. Norton, 2006 0393978516 (pbk.) 1st ed. xliii, 369 p. ; Library - BR Campus
823 JOY 00112461 A portrait of the artist as a young man : Joyce, James, W.W. Norton, 2007 9780393926798 (pbk.) | 0393926 1st ed. xxx, 490 p. : UG Library
823 Joy 00095119 Wake Finnegans Joyce James Penguin 9780141183114 628P UG Library
823 JOY 00006720 Ulysses. Joyce, James PENGUIN 1968 710p UG Library
823 JOY 00004586 DUBLINERS (novel) Joyce, James PENGUIN 1966 220 p UG Library
823 JUN 00034252 Unvelling India: a Women`s Journery Jung, Anees Penguin 1992 126 p, UG Library
823 JUN 00062904 Beyond the Courtyard: Jung, Anees 2003 0670057770 159p UG Library
823 JUV 00004458 The Sixteen Satires Juvenal, PENGUIN 1967 316 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 KAF 00145626 Metamorphosis Kafka, Franz Rupa Publications, 2021 9789355201065 112p UG Library
823 KAF 00016030 Trial Kafka, Franz PENGUIN 1975 256 p UG Library
823 KAF 00069105 Castle Kafka, Franz 0805211066 328p UG Library
823 KAF 00069108 Trial (fiction) Kafka, Franz 1998 0805209999 271p UG Library
823 KAF 00023076 Kafka Heller, Erich Fontana 1977 158 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 KAF 07011416 The Greatest Works of Franz Kafka/ Kafka,Franz 2016. New Delhi : 9789380703572 558p.: Library - BR Campus
823 KAF 07005353 Trial Kafka, Franz PENGUIN 1975 256 p Library - BR Campus
823 KAI 00087902 Dots and Lines Kaikini, Jayant Indialog Publications 2004 8187981709 242p UG Library
823 KAK 00137441 The Kipling file / Kakar, Sudhir, Penguin random house, 2018 9780670091041 229 p. ; UG Library
823 KAK 00020082 Silas Marner Kakar H S Vikas 1976 191 UG Library
823 KAK 00020084 Silas Marner Kakar H S Vikas 1976 191 UG Library
823 KAK 00104316 The Scetic of Desire : Kakar Sudhir Penguin Books ; 1998 9780140272499 301 p. UG Library
823 KAL 00103394 Building a new India: Kalam A.P.J.Abdul Penguin books; 2011 9780143416067 150 p. UG Library
823 KAL 00096360 The Fated Sky Kaloti Kewal Unistar Books Pvt. Ltd, 8171429581 208 p. UG Library
823 KAL 07005690 The Life Tree/ Kalam,Abdul A P J. Penguin Books, 2015 9780143425847 XI,103 Pages. Library - BR Campus
823 KAL 00033361 In The National Interest Kalb Marvin Simon and Schuster, 1977 in 157 p.: UG Library
823 KAL 00145662 Sivakami's Vow Kalki Ebury Press 2023 9780143460053 268 UG Library
823 KAL 07005944 My Facebook Friends/ Kale,Kavita Singh. Tulika , 2012 8181468244 43 Pages : Library - BR Campus
823 KAM 00142033 The stationery shop of Tehran / Kamali,Marjan. Simon & Schuster, 2019 9781471185014 312p.; UG Library
823 KAN 00103404 Ms Militancy: Kandasamy Meena Navayana; 9788189059347 60 p. UG Library
823 KAN 00134945 Lanka's princess Kané, Kavita Rupa publications pvt ltd., 2017 9788129144515 xiii,298p.; UG Library
823 KAN 00145528 Human Acts: A novel/ Kang, Han Granta: 2020 9781846275975 224p. ; UG Library
823 KAP 00100374 The Immigrant; Kapur Manju Random House India; 2008 9788184000610 334 p. UG Library
823 KAP 00104355 Home Kapar, Manju Random House India 2006 9788184000337 338p UG Library
823 KAP 07005506 Home Kapar, Manju Random House India 2006 9788184000337 338p Library - BR Campus
823 KAP 07012442 The assassinations: Kapur, Vikram Speaking Tiger, 2017 9789386702333 213p.; Library - BR Campus
823 KAP 05067359 The assassinations: Kapur, Vikram Speaking Tiger, 2017 9789386702333 213p.; Knowledge Centre
823 KAP 00103993 Custody : Kapur Manju Random house India ; 2011 9788184001549 415 p. UG Library
823 KAP 07007831 World's Createst Speeches/ Kapoor,Amit Grapevine India, 2015 9789381841655 334 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 KAP 00126379 An Interpretation of The Recent English and American Novel Kapoor Rashmi Pearl Books, 2017 9789383026241 v, 272 p.: UG Library
823 KAR 00132700 The Mulberry Courtesan: Karmali,Sikeena, Aleph Book Company 2018 9789387561328 x,262 p.; UG Library
823 KAR 00018995 Mookajj's Visions Karanth,Shivaram K. I b h 1979 260 p UG Library
823 KAR 00141962 Teaching a horse to sing : Karanjia,Delshad. Aleph, 2021 9789390652570 xvii,346p.; UG Library
823 KAR 00145621 The Power of Curiosity: Karwal, Anita Harper Collins Publishers India 2023 9789356296671 320p UG Library
823 KAR 00057863 My Little Boat Karim, Mariam Penguin Books 2003 0014302941 291 p UG Library
823 KAR 00087892 Wedding Album Karnad, Girish 2009 9780195699944 93p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 KAR 00087893 Wedding Album Karnad, Girish 2009 9780195699944 93p UG Library
823 KAR 00133833 Cultural Dimension of Kamala Markandaya's Novels. Karankal, Rajesh, ABD Publishers 2019 9788183764339 x,132 p.; UG Library
823 KAR 00145470 The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida/ Karunatilaka, Shehan Penguin Books, 2022 9780143459675 386p. ; UG Library
823 KAR 00131028 The Tale of Two Countries Karkra,B K Rupa 2018 9788129151506 183p UG Library
823 KAT 00022572 Stories of Shakespeare's Plays Kates, N Oxford University 1982 70 p UG Library
823 KAT 00112481 Katherine Mansfield's selected stories : Mansfield, Katherine, W.W. Norton, 2006 0393925331 (pbk.) | 9780393925 x, 430 p. ; UG Library
823 KAT 00125444 Honour Redeemed Katoch, Maj Gen Dhruv C Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd., 2015 9789385436864 xix, 323 p:. UG Library
823 KAT 07006198 Honour Redeemed Katoch, Maj Gen Dhruv C Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd., 2015 9789385436864 xix, 323 p:. Library - BR Campus
823 KAT 07008786 Katherine Mansfield's selected stories : Mansfield, Katherine, W.W. Norton, 2006 0393925331 (pbk.) | 9780393925 x, 430 p. ; Library - BR Campus
823 KAU 00116548 The Quiet Riot of Robin Shute P. Kaur, Prabhjot. Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9788129124838 282p. ; UG Library
823 KAU 05054122 Encounters with People and the Angels of Hope / Kaul,H.K. Authors Press, 2017 9789352074631 210p.; Knowledge Centre
823 KAV 00053521 Tapestry Kaval, J Katahalok Publications 2001 8187874015 90 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 KAV 00053520 Tapestry Kaval, J Katahalok Publications 2001 8187874015 90 p UG Library
823 KAV 00055922 Tapestry Kaval, J Katahalok Publications 2001 8187874015 90 p UG Library
823 KAV 00055923 Tapestry Kaval, J Katahalok Publications 2001 8187874015 90 p UG Library
823 KAV 00055921 Tapestry Kaval, J Katahalok Publications 2001 8187874015 90 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 KEA 00105472 Selected Poems Keats,John. Hachette Group. 1996 xviii,109 p. UG Library
823 KEL 00107216 Capital Crimes / Kellerman Faya and Jonathan Ballantine Books, 2006 0345467981 (acidfree paper) | 294 p. ; UG Library
823 KEL 00080865 Sunstroke [fiction] Kellerman, Jesse 0751538159 439p UG Library
823 KEL 00104415 Pigeon English Kelman, Stephen, Bloomsbury, 2011 9781408810637 (pbk.) | 1408810 263 p. : UG Library
823 KEL 00035128 Eleanor of Quitaine and the Four Kings Kelly, Amy Harvard University 1989 426 p UG Library
823 KEL 00112216 The Story of My life Keller,Helen Arrow books, 2005 9780553213874 222p.; UG Library
823 KEP 00145595 Hunter Kepler, Lars Harper Collins Publishers 2019 9780008205935 521p UG Library
823 KER 00095113 Wake Up Kerouce Jack Penguin Books 9780141189468 146P UG Library
823 KER 00116803 Servants of the Goddess Kermorgant Rubin Catherine Random House india. 2014 9788184004625 396 p.: UG Library
823 KER 00099544 George Orwell Kerr Douglas. Atlantic; 9788126913046 xii;100 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 KER 00103983 On the Road: Kerouac Jack Penguin Books; 2008 9780141037486 290 p. UG Library
823 KER 00018853 Dharma Bums Jack Kerouac, Panthar 175 p UG Library
823 KES 00019986 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Kesey, Ken Picador 1979 255 p UG Library
823 KET 00041161 An Introduction to the English Novel.2 Kettle, Arnold Modern 1993 192p UG Library
823 KET 00021569 An Introduction to the English Novel 2 Kettle, Arnold B I P 1978 192p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 KET 00048623 Introduction to the English Novel.1 Kette, Arnold Universal Book Stall 0818539248 189p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 KET 00048635 Introduction to the English Novel 2 Kettle, Arnold Universal Book Stall 8185392498 192p UG Library
823 KHA 00082001 Noor (fiction) Khan, Sorayya 2004 0143031104 223p UG Library
823 KHA 00130040 Shashi Deshpande Khan. Nazneen Adhyayan Publishers and Distributers, 2017 9788184354546 viii, 287 p . : UG Library
823 KHA 00135927 Sita under the crescent moon: Khan,Annie Ali Simon and Schuster india, 2019 9789386797483 312p.; UG Library
823 KHA 00050551 Babu Fictions - Alienation in Contemporary Indian English Novels Khair, Tabish 0195652967 406p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 KHA 07004570 Amitav Ghosh Khair, Tabish Permanent Black 2008 8178241137 | 9788178241135 185 p Library - BR Campus
823 KHA 05046283 Chandrakanta / Khatri,Devaki Nandan. Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2015 9788129131126 398p.; Knowledge Centre
823 KHA 00106140 Mulk Raj Anand (a Critical Spectrum) Khan,Farhana. Shree Niwas Publications 2005 9788188730193 221 P. Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 KHA 00135216 Pyjamas are forgiving Khanna,Twinkle Juggernault books, 2018 9789386228970 221p.; UG Library
823 KHA 00131729 Indian Novels In English: Khatri, C.L., Book Enclave, 2018 9788181524362 x,179 p.; UG Library
823 KHA 07007242 Jihadi Jane/ Khair,Tabish Penguin Books, 2016 9780143426424 239 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 KHA 07012627 Night of happiness / Khair, Tabish Picador Publication, 2018 9789386215338 154p.; Library - BR Campus
823 KHA 00102720 The Lasting Legacies of Mulk Raj Anand : Khan, Rizwan Atlantic, 9788126909834 xxiv, 189 p. UG Library
823 KHA 07012692 Haunted by Chaos/ Khan,Sulmaan Wasif. Harvard university Press, 2018 9780674987760 303 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 KHA 00055920 Andheri Nagari Khan, Abdul Majeed Sameith Prakashana 2000 8186570217 166p UG Library
823 KHO 00129173 Goodbye, vitamin : Khong, Rachel, Scribner, 2017 9781471159480 First edition. 194 p,: UG Library
823 KHO 00129908 Odyssey Of Courage Khorakiwala, Habil Habil Khorakiwala, 2017 9788129148957 xiii p.: 225 p.: UG Library
823 KHU 00082030 Burial at Sea Singh, Khushwant 2004 0143032615 198p UG Library
823 KHU 00063044 Paradise and Other Stories Singh, Khushwant 2004 0670057789 239p UG Library
823 KHU 00040557 Joke Book-2 Khushwant Singh Orient Paperbacks 8122200575 159p UG Library
823 KID 00018496 The Summer Wife Kidd, Flora. Harlequin 1976 186 p UG Library
823 KIE 00106828 The Penguin Book of Irish Short Stories Kiely Benedict Penguin Books 2011 9780241955451 538p UG Library
823 KIN 07006670 Pet Sematary/ King,Stephen. Hodder Publishers, 2011 9781444708134 XIV,461 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 KIN 07006684 The Stand/ King,Stephen. Hoddler, 1978 9781444720730 XIV,1325 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 KIN 07005655 Shopaholic to the Stars/ Kinsella,Sophie. Bantam Press, 2014 9780593070178 392 Pages, Library - BR Campus
823 KIN 00058815 Dark tower King, Stephen 2003 0340832258 584 UG Library
823 KIN 00022814 Cujo King, Stephan Futura 1982 345 p UG Library
823 KIN 00092696 Cell King Stephen Hodder and Stoughton 9780340922743 496p UG Library
823 KIN 00004739 Westward Ho! Kingsley, Charles Macmillan 132 p UG Library
823 KIN 00092683 Black house : King, Stephen, Random House, 9780007337750 624 p. ; UG Library
823 KIN 00055823 Dreamcatcher King, Stephen Pocket Books 2001 0074343627 882 p. UG Library
823 KIN 00141986 Five tuesdays in winter / King,Lily. Picador, 2021 9781529086485 231p.; UG Library
823 KIN 00106760 The Cambridge introduction to Zora Neale Hurston King, Lovalerie. Cambridge University Press, 2008 0521854571 (hbk.) | 9780521670 xiii, 137 p. ; UG Library
823 KIN 07013867 The water-babies : Kingsley, Charles, Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199645602 | 0199645604 xlix, 235 p. : Library - BR Campus
823 KIP 04017102 Just So Stories kipling Rudyard Dover Publications, LNC. : 2001 9780486417226 xi, 99 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 KIP 00106424 The Jungle Book Kipling Rudyard Dover Publications, INC. 2000 9780486410241 iii, 151 p. : UG Library
823 KIP 00106429 Just So Stories kipling Rudyard Dover Publications, LNC. : 2001 9780486417226 xi, 99 p. : UG Library
823 KIP 00083854 Puck of the Pook`s Hill Kipling, Rudyard Ane Marketing 8183120164 152p UG Library
823 KIP 00083855 Stalky & Co. Kipling, Rudyard Ane Marketing 8183120148 158p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 KIP 00105473 Selected poems Kipling,Rudyard. Hachette Group. 1997 9789350091180 xxiv, 101 p. UG Library
823 KIP 07006602 Kim Kipling, Rudyard Oxford 2008 9780199536467 306p Library - BR Campus
823 KIP 00066694 The Jungle Books Kipling, Rudyard FORTUNE 2004 8181991141 | 9788181991140 352 UG Library
823 KIP 00002431 Kim Kipling, Rudyard Oxford 2008 9780199536467 306p UG Library
823 KIP 07010609 The Jungle Books/ Kipling,Rudyard Penguin Books, 2016 9780143427278 VIII,327 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 KIP 00106472 The man who would be king, and other stories Kipling, Rudyard, Dover Publications, 1994 0486280519 (pbk.) : 102 p. ; UG Library
823 KIR 07015055 Sky is my father : Kire, Easterine. Speking Tiger Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789388070447 xv, 175 p. ; Library - BR Campus
823 KIR 00109643 Bitter Wormwood Kire,Easterine Zubaan 2011 9789381017029 269 p. UG Library
823 KIR 05064974 Sky is my father : Kire, Easterine. Speking Tiger Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789388070447 xv, 175 p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 KIS 00119741 Tere Social Status Ki Aisi Ki Taisi Kishore, Rahul Peacock Books, 2014 9788124803103 122p.; UG Library
823 KIT 00025608 Arthurian Legends Kitzhaber, R Albert Holt,Rinehort and Wisdom Inc 1983 96 p UG Library
823 KLU 00142022 The house in the Cerulean sea / Klune,T J. Tom Doherty Associates book, 2020 9781250816498 398p.; UG Library
823 KNI 00127281 According to the Evidence Knight, Bernard Severn House 2010 9781847513175 219 p.: UG Library
823 KNI 00106761 The Cambridge introduction to Edith Wharton Knights, Pamela. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521867658 (alk. paper) | 0 xiv, 154 p. : UG Library
823 KOC 05044349 The Boys in the Island / Koch C.J Angus & Robertson Publishers, 1987 9780207166150 xviii,198p.: Knowledge Centre
823 KOE 00024370 Arthur Koestler: a Collection of Critical Essays Spenrber, A Murray P H I 1981 190 p UG Library
823 KOE 00004557 Arrival and Departure Koestler, Arthur 192 p UG Library
823 KOH 00087909 Modern Indian Short Stories Kohli, Suresh Imprint One 8188861065 230p UG Library
823 KOM 07002465 A Comparative Study of the Novels of Mulk Raj Anand and Chaduranga : Komala D R Sarup Book Publishers, 2015 9789352080175 216 p. Library - BR Campus
823 KON 00104401 Streets that smell of dying roses Kona, Prakash. Yeti Books, 2003 8188330132 227 p. ; UG Library
823 KOO 00107212 Velocity / Koontz Dean Bantam Dell 2005 0553804154 400 p. ; UG Library
823 KOR 00057228 Fortune - Novel Korda, Michael 0446356956 560p UG Library
823 KOT 00145676 Siddhartha: Kottary, Advait Hachette India 2023 9789357311441 316p UG Library
823 KRI 00088852 Town Called Malgudi Krishnan, S Penguin Books 2002 0140289194 | 9780140289190 642p UG Library
823 KRI 07005955 The World of Asian Stories: Krishnaswamy,Uma Tulika Publishers, 2007 8181463544 147 P,: Library - BR Campus
823 KRI 07005680 Town Called Malgudi Krishnan, S Penguin Books 2002 0140289194 | 9780140289190 642p Library - BR Campus
823 KRI 00129227 On the Far Side of Memory Krishnan, Mini Oxford, 2017 9780199477784 xxv, 174 p.: UG Library
823 KRI 07011426 On the Far Side of Memory Krishnan, Mini Oxford, 2017 9780199477784 xxv, 174 p.: Library - BR Campus
823 KRI 00039679 Convergence a Book of Short Stories Krishnaraj, D Mysore 120 p UG Library
823 KRI 04016189 The Tigerclaw Tree / Krishnan P.A Tranquebar, 1998 9789380658629 323 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 KRI 00094183 Short Fiction from South India:kannada, Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu Oxford Press, 0195692462 130 p. UG Library
823 KRI 03003912 Against All Odds; Krishnamurthy, A G Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008 9780070077188 xxviii;132p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
823 KRU 00136049 Iron Lake : Krueger, William Kent. Simon and Schuster Inc., 2019 0671016962 | 9781982117504 330 p. ; UG Library
823 KUL 00144497 The Novels of William Golding / Kulkarni, Indu. Atlantic, 2022 9788126931064 197p, ; UG Library
823 KUL 00096120 A Journey Forever: Kulkarni, G. A. Leadstart Publishing Pvt. Ltd., 9789380154435 332 p. UG Library
823 KUL 07005433 Eat my dust! : Kulling, Monica Random Book House Publication, 2004 9780375815102 48p. Library - BR Campus
823 KUM 00052021 Contemporary Indian Short Stories in English Kumar, Shiv K Sahitya Akademi 8172010591 241p UG Library
823 KUM 00103398 The present in Delhi's Pasts: Kumar Sunil Three Essays; 9788188789443 138 p. UG Library
823 KUM 00064965 Survey of Indian English Novel Satish Kumar Prakash 316p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 KUM 00064964 Survey of Indian English Novel Satish Kumar Prakash 316p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 KUM 00112928 Thematic Interpretations of the Novels of Shobha De Kumar Sudhir Book Enclave, 2013 9788181523136 v, 204 p.: UG Library
823 KUM 00121360 The novels of Amitav Ghosh Major themes Kumar, Anjan Adhyayan Publishers 2013 9788184353808 188p. UG Library
823 KUM 00135959 Tagore: Kumar, K C Ajay. Rupa Publications India Pvt ltd, 2019 9789353335397 377p.; UG Library
823 KUM 00093070 Ecidence of Suspicion Kumar, Amitava Picador press 2010 9780330514026 223p UG Library
823 KUM 00085836 To Nun With Love and Other Stories Kumar, Shiv K Orient Longman Publications 2002 8125021930 134 p UG Library
823 KUM 00134330 Psychic Odyssey of Women: Kumar, Dr. Neeraj. 9788184355840 vii, 184p: UG Library
823 KUM 00105664 Contemporary Indian short stories in English Kumar,Shiv Kumar. Sahitya Akademi, 1991 9788172010591 vi, 241 p. ; UG Library
823 KUM 00141971 A time outside this time / Kumar,Amitava. Aleph, 2021 9789390652143 226p.; UG Library
823 KUM 00111579 Diasporic transformations Kumar, Sanjiv Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131605219 | 8131605213 viii, 240 p. ; UG Library
823 KUM 00112250 Masterpiece of English novelists Kumar,Anil Centrum Press, 2013 9789381938430 ix,300p.; UG Library
823 KUM 07005958 Across the Seven Seas: Kumar,Anuradha, Hachette Book Publication, 2013 9789350098264 168 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 KUM 07006567 Diasporic transformations Kumar, Sanjiv Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131605219 | 8131605213 viii, 240 p. ; Library - BR Campus
823 KUM 07005550 Super 30 Kuamr, Anand Penguin Book Publication, 2016 9780143426448 xv,230p. Library - BR Campus
823 KUM 00118236 The Fiction of Bharati Mukherjee Kumar Nagendra Atlantic Publishers, 2013 9788126900428 vii. 158 p.: UG Library
823 KUN 00144458 Anita Desai's Fire on the Mountain / Kundu, Rama. Atlantic, 2022 9788126904709 198p, ; UG Library
823 KUN 00135179 Cut : Kundu, Sreemoyee Piu. Bloomsbury Publications, 2019 9789388271585 279p. ; UG Library
823 KUN 00076063 Impressionist: [fiction - PG] Kunzru, Hari 0143029762 478p UG Library
823 KUN 00146254 Anita Desai's Fire on the Mountain / Kundu, Rama. Atlantic, 2022 9788126904709 198p, ; UG Library
823 KUN 05065338 Cut : Kundu, Sreemoyee Piu. Bloomsbury Publications, 2019 9789388271585 279p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 KUN 00130928 White tears / Kunzru, Hari, Penguin books, 2017 9780451493699 (hardcover) | 97 First edition. 271 pages ; UG Library
823 KUN 00123125 The Lost Generation Kundalia, Nidhi Dugar Random House India, 2015 9788184007374 xvi, 247 p:. UG Library
823 KUN 00025670 Laughable Loves Kundera, Millan Enguin UG Library
823 KUN 00108062 Gods Without Men Kunzru Hari Hamish Hamilton: 2011 9780241145319 383 p. UG Library
823 KUO 00111896 Changing Worlds,Changing Nations: Kuortti, Joel. Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131605196 xi:284p.; UG Library
823 KUO 07006494 Changing Worlds,Changing Nations: Kuortti, Joel. Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131605196 xi:284p.; Library - BR Campus
823 KUR 05060317 Agnipariksha : Kureshi, Hamid. Orient Blackswan, 2018 9789352871964 xv, 67p. Knowledge Centre
823 KUR 00116998 The Last Word / Kureishi, Hanif. Faber & Faber 2014 9780571277520 286 ; UG Library
823 KUS 00137421 The Mars Room / Kushner, Rachel Vintage Publishing , 2018 9781910702680 340 pages.; UG Library
823 KUV 00087774 The House of Kanooru Kuvempu Penguin Books 1999 483p UG Library
823 KUZ 00082115 My Revolutions [FICTION] Kunzru, Hari 9780241143780 276p UG Library
823 KWA 00129997 Rich People Problems Kwan, Kevin Tyersall Park , 2017 9780385543606 397 p.: UG Library
823 LAB 00144806 Reading Jane Austen after Reading Charlotte Smith / Labbe, Jacqueline M Palgrave macmillan, 2020 9783030388317 xiii,136p, ; UG Library
823 LAH 00081999 Intepreter of Maladies: Stories Lahiri, Jhumpa Harper Collins 0817223502 198p UG Library
823 LAH 00092677 Unaccustomed Earth. Lahiri, Jhumpa. A.A. Knopf, 2008 9780307265739 1st North American ed. 333 p. ; UG Library
823 LAH 00117001 The Lowland A Novel Lahiri Jhumpa Random House India, 2013 9788184003864 339 p.: UG Library
823 LAH 07005620 The Lowland A Novel Lahiri Jhumpa Random House India, 2013 9788184003864 339 p.: Library - BR Campus
823 LAH 00078060 The Namesake Lahiri, Jhumpa Harper Collins Publishers 2007 291p UG Library
823 LAH 00078059 The Namesake Lahiri, Jhumpa Harper Collins Publishers 2007 291p UG Library
823 LAH 00078058 The Namesake Lahiri, Jhumpa Harper Collins Publishers 2007 291p UG Library
823 LAH 05020973 The Namesake Lahiri, Jhumpa Harper Collins Publishers 2007 291p Knowledge Centre
823 LAH 00078061 The Namesake Lahiri, Jhumpa Harper Collins Publishers 2007 291p UG Library
823 LAH 00100158 Interpreter of Maladies: Lahiri,Jhumpa Harpercollins publishing; 1999 9788172235024 197 p. UG Library
823 LAH 00058804 The Namesake Lahiri, Jhumpa Harper Collins Publishers 2007 291p UG Library
823 LAH 00141437 Whereabouts Lahiri,Jhumpa Penguin 2018 9780670095414 157p UG Library
823 LAJ 00086587 Lajja Shame Nasrin,Taslima Penguin Books, 1994 9780143031840 216 p UG Library
823 LAK 00132690 Hungry Gods: Lakhere, Richa, Rupa Publications India Pvt.Ltd, 2018 9789353040796 x,196 p.; UG Library
823 LAK 05065192 Pomegranate Dreams & Other Stories / Lakshmi, Vijay. Indialog Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2002 9788187981251 230p.; Knowledge Centre
823 LAK 00022973 You Said It Laxman, R K India Book House 1982 100 p UG Library
823 LAL 07013436 Twist in the Folktale: Lal Ananda. Seagull Books, 2004 VII,159 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 LAL 00078772 Gifted Lalwani, Nikita 2007 0143103059 | 9780143103059 272p UG Library
823 LAL 00102493 The Night Of Kaamini Lal, Bela Penguin Books, 9780143101550 373 p. UG Library
823 LAL 00103429 Deewaar: Lal Vinay HarperCollins publishers ; 9789350290231 190 p. UG Library
823 LAL 07012677 Twist in the Folktale: Lal Ananda. Seagull Books, 2004 VII,159 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 LAL 00134942 The diary on the fifth floor Lalwani,Raisha Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2018 9789353049355 xiii,167p.; UG Library
823 LAL 00109634 The Village Lalwani,Nikita Penguin 2012 9780670081035 240 p. UG Library
823 LAL 00081993 Battle for No.19 Lal, Ranjit 2007 0143330349 182p UG Library
823 LAM 00137555 Louis L'Amour's lost treasures / L'Amour, Louis, Penguin random house, 2017 9780399177545 (alk. paper) First edition. volumes ; UG Library
823 LAN 00004483 The Iliad of Homer Andrew Lang Modern Library 1950 464p UG Library
823 LAN 00104305 The Postcolonial Novel Lane Richard J. Polity ; 2006 9780745602295 146 p. UG Library
823 LAP 00026854 The City of Joy Lapierre, Dominique Arrow 1985 516 p UG Library
823 LAP 00061464 Is New York Burning? Lapierre, Dominique Full Circle 8176211575 307p UG Library
823 LAT 00018450 Banking on Death Lathen, Emma Pocket Books 1975 174 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 LAW 00027838 Sons and Lovers Lawrence, D H Piper 1987 447 p. UG Library
823 LAW 00012082 In All Walks of Life Lawrence, Josephine Harcourt & Row 1968 185 p UG Library
823 LAW 00017678 Short Stories Lawrence, D.H. Hachette Group. 1994 9789350091739 liii,456 p. UG Library
823 LAW 00096336 Sons and Lovers Lawrence, D H PENGUIN 1970 510 p UG Library
823 LAW 00087746 Fox, the Captain`s Doll, the Lady Bird Lawrence, D H 2006 9780141441832 238p UG Library
823 LAW 00001366 Women in Love Lawrence, D H PENGUIN 510 p UG Library
823 LAW 00080846 Cannibals:The Curse of the Jolly Stone Trilogy-Book II [fiction] Lawrence, Iain Laue Lief 230p UG Library
823 LAW 00004574 The Rainbow Lawrence, D H FORTUNE 2004 8181991249 496p UG Library
823 LAW 00027212 Sons and Lovers Lawerence, D H Rupa & Co 1994 xxxvi,471 p. UG Library
823 LAW 00024324 The Rainbow Lawrence, D H FORTUNE 2004 8181991249 496p UG Library
823 LAW 00048628 Critics on D.H Lawrence Lawrence, D H Universal Book Stall 0818539220 126p UG Library
823 LAW 00066685 The Rainbow Lawrence, D H FORTUNE 2004 8181991249 496p UG Library
823 LAW 00004575 Kangaroo Lawrence D H PENGUIN 1968 400 p UG Library
823 LAW 00066689 Women in Love Lawrence, D H FORTUNE 2004 0818199132 502p UG Library
823 LAW 00066644 Women in Love Lawrence, D H PENGUIN 510 p UG Library
823 LAW 00105500 Short Stories Lawrence, D.H. Hachette Group. 1994 9789350091739 liii,456 p. UG Library
823 LAW 00105501 Sons and Lovers Lawerence, D H Rupa & Co 1994 xxxvi,471 p. UG Library
823 LAW 00027265 Selected Novels and Stories Lawrence, D H UG Library
823 LAW 00004366 Sons and Lovers Lawrence, D H PENGUIN 1970 510 p UG Library
823 LAX 00026071 Idle Hours Laxman, R K IBH 1985 170 p UG Library
823 LAX 00125261 Critical Readings On The Fictional World of Manju Kapur Laxmiprasad P. V Aadi Publications, 2016 9789382630883 246 p.: UG Library
823 LAX 00059224 Iceland's Bell Laxness, Halldor 2003 1400034256 | 9781400034253 425p UG Library
823 LAX 05070344 Idle Hours / Laxman, R.K. IBH Publishing Company, 1982 167p.; Knowledge Centre
823 LEA 00009145 D.H. Lawrence : Novelist Leaveis, F. R Oenguin 334 p UG Library
823 LEA 00112800 The Two Cultures? : Leavis, F. R. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107617353 iii, 118 p.: UG Library
823 LEA 00025676 Fiction and the Reading Public Leavis, Q D PENGUIN 1983 274 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 LEA 00004592 The Great Tradition Leavis, F R PENGUIN 1967 300 p UG Library
823 LEB 00146201 Thinking about stories: Lebens, Samuel Routledge 2024 9780367647513 278p. UG Library
823 LED 00099552 Henrik Ibsen Ledger Sally Atlantic; 9788126912889 xiii;81 p. UG Library
823 LEE 00029686 Marlowe: A Collection of Critical Essays Leech, Clifford Prentice 1979 184 p UG Library
823 LEE 00096474 To kill a mockingbird / Lee, Harper. HarperCollins, 1960 0060935464 (pbk.) 1st Perennial classics ed. 323 p. ; UG Library
823 LEE 05073732 To Kill a Mockingbird / Lee, Harper William Heinemann, 2018 9781785151552 272p.; Knowledge Centre
823 LEE 00068159 To kill a mockingbird Lee, Harper Penguin Random House Publication, 2015 0099419785 309p UG Library
823 LEE 00052459 Where the Hearts Lee Hatcher, Robin 0843943343 450p UG Library
823 LEG 07009859 English Drama: Leggatt,Alexander Routledge, 2016 9781138226821 IX,295 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 LEH 00100159 The Nameasake Lahiri,Jhumpa Harper collins publishers; 2003 9780007258918 291 p. UG Library
823 LEH 07010698 The Nameasake Lahiri,Jhumpa Harper collins publishers; 2003 9780007258918 291 p. Library - BR Campus
823 LEI 00142001 Luster / Leilani,Raven. Picador, 2020 9781529035995 227p.; UG Library
823 LEI 00105510 Philosophical Writings Leibniz. Hachette Group. 1973 9789350091920 xxxvi,267 p. UG Library
823 LEN 00103948 New Essays on White Noise / Lentricchia, Frank. Cambridge University Press, 1991 0521392918 | 0521398932 (pbk.) x, 115 p. ; UG Library
823 LER 00141960 Rumble in a village / Leruth,Luc. Aleph, 2020 9789389836127 xiv,292p.; UG Library
823 LER 00099565 Philip Larkin Lerner Laurence. Atlantic; 9788126912940 xi;60 p. UG Library
823 LES 00081619 Grass Is Singing (fiction) Lessing, Doris Flamingo 1994 206p UG Library
823 LES 00081621 Fifth Child Lessing, Doris Flamingo 2001 159p UG Library
823 LES 00081622 Cleft Lessing, Doris Harper Perennial 2008 260p UG Library
823 LES 00081623 Love, Again (fiction) Lessing, Doris VINTAGE BOOKS 1997 339p UG Library
823 LEW 00012888 Gideon's Trupet Lewis, Anthony Vintage 1966 260 p UG Library
823 LEW 00137616 The 2020 Commission Report on the North Korean nuclear attacks against the United States : Lewis, Jeffrey. WH Allen, 2018 9781328573919 (paperback) | 9780753553169 x, 294p.; UG Library
823 LEW 00044938 The Giant Book of War Stories Lewis, Jon E Robinson 1993 0185487604 575 p UG Library
823 LEW 00080876 Prince Caspian Lewis, C. S. HarperCollins, 2001 0007115563 239p.; UG Library
823 LEW 00080877 The Horse and His Boy Lewis, C. S. HarperCollins, 2006 0007233809 239p.; UG Library
823 LEY 04016219 The Big Book of Business Advice / Lley, Gerd de Westland Ltd., 2006 9789380032702 188 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 LIE 00145537 With You Forever/ Liese, Chloe Penguin Books, 2023 9781804944752 350p. ; UG Library
823 LIM 00094688 Hindu Limbale Sharankumar Samya 9788185604954 155p UG Library
823 LIM 00095694 Hindu a novel Limbale Sharankumar Samya 9788185604959 155P UG Library
823 LIN 00078281 Cambridge Companion to Willa Cather Lindemann, Marilee 2005 0521527937 229p UG Library
823 LIN 00040227 Man of My Dreams Lindsey, Johanna Avon Books 1992 405p UG Library
823 LIN 00105502 Speeches and Letters. Lincoln,Abraham. Hachette Group. 1993 9789350091951 xviii,300 p. UG Library
823 LIT 00078411 Favourite Fiction II Little Magazine The Little Magazine 2007 327 p UG Library
823 LLE 00095114 How Green Was My Valley Llewellyn Richard Penguin Book 9780141185859 447P UG Library
823 LOC 00143399 Family of liars / Lockhart, E., Hot Key Books 2022 9780593485859 | 9781471412356 | 9780593485866 First edition. 297ppages cm UG Library
823 LOD 00104361 A Man Of Parts Lodge David Harvill Secker 2011 9781846554971 565p UG Library
823 LOD 00105577 Therapy Lodge,David. Vintage Books. 1995 9780099554196 320 p. UG Library
823 LOD 00105576 The Practice of Writing Lodge,David. Vintage Books. 1996 9780099554257 xi,340 p. UG Library
823 LON 00031473 Cowboy (novel) London, Cait Mills Boon 187 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 LON 07009246 The Cambridge Introduction to the Eighteenth-Century Novel London, April. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521895354 (hardback) | 978 vii, 250 pages ; Library - BR Campus
823 LON 00145615 White Fang London, Jack Fingerprint Classics 2023 9789358560794 224p UG Library
823 LON 00106449 The Sea-Wolf London,Jack. DoverPublications 2000 9780486411088 iv,244 p. UG Library
823 LON 00106450 White Fang London,Jack. Dover Publications. 1991 9780486269689 viii,152 p. UG Library
823 LON 00106451 Five Great Short Stories London,Jack. Dover Publications. 1992 9780486270630 v,89 p. UG Library
823 LON 00106452 The Call of the Wild London,Jack. Dover Publications 1990 9780486264721 62 p. UG Library
823 LOR 00105474 Selected Poems Lord Tennyson, Alfred Hachette Group. 1996 9780140424430 384p UG Library
823 LUC 00015354 Style Lucas, F L Cassel UG Library
823 LUD 00107218 The Paris Option Ludlum,Robert. St.Martin's Griffin 2002 033500015953 425 P. UG Library
823 LUD 00018470 Scarlatti Inheritance Ludlum, Robert Dell UG Library
823 LUD 00080871 Chancellor Manuscript.(fiction) Ludlum, Robert Orion Books 2004 488p UG Library
823 LUD 00025708 The Aquitaine Progression Ludlum, Robert BANTAM 1982 696 UG Library
823 LYM 00018255 How to Win Friends and Influence People Lyman, Abbott Pocket 252p UG Library
823 LYN 00146974 Name Please Animal Thing Lyndem, Daribha DC Books 2020 9789357323796 232p UG Library
823 LYN 00145609 Prophet Song Lynch, Paul Oneworld Book 2023 9780861546862 309p UG Library
823 LYN 00100239 Mission to Kabul / Lynton, H. Ronken MapinLit, 8188204722 (Mapin) | 189020695 284 p. : UG Library
823 LYT 00001372 The Last Days of Polpeii Lytton, Lord Oxford University 1960 160 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MAA 00022828 Serrpico Novel Maas, Peter Fontana 260p UG Library
823 MAA 00130932 A court frost of and starlight Maas,Sarah J Bloomsbury publishing plc, 2018 9781526603883 228p.; UG Library
823 MAC 00022993 Night Without End Alistair Maclean, Fawcett 225 p UG Library
823 MAC 00022994 Circus Maclean, Alistair Crest 1975 268 p UG Library
823 MAC 00135929 The doll factory Macneal, Elizabeth Pan Macmillan, 2019 9781529002416 376p.; UG Library
823 MAC 00082009 Fear Is the Key (fiction) Maclean, Alistair Harper Collins 2004 8172236166 372p UG Library
823 MAC 00082010 HMS Ulysses Maclean, Alistair Harper Collins 8172236204 467p UG Library
823 MAC 00082011 Force 10 from Navarone Maclean, Alistair Harper Collins, 2005 8172236190 325p.; UG Library
823 MAC 00105645 In wild Maratha battle ; Macmillan, Michael, Sahitya Akademi 2008 9788126025848 239 p. UG Library
823 MAC 00123993 River of Death Maclean, Alistair Rupa & Co. 1981 in 192 p:. UG Library
823 MAC 00018457 The Rainbow Days Macleod, S Jean Harlequin Books 1973 192 p UG Library
823 MAC 00104391 Hindutva, sex, and adventure : MacLithon, John. IndiaInk, Roli Books, 2010 9788186939499 166 p. ; UG Library
823 MAC 00018465 Two Paths Macleod, Jean S Harlequin Books 1975 192 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MAC 00018490 House of Oliver Macleod, S Jean Harlequin Book 1975 192 p UG Library
823 MAC 00022839 Partisans Maclean, Alistair Collins 1982 240 p UG Library
823 MAC 00022840 Air Force One Is Down Maclean's, Alister Fontana 1981 224 p UG Library
823 MAC 00035894 The Way to Dusty Death Maclean, Alistair Crest 1973 250 p UG Library
823 MAC 00024918 Bear Island Maclean, Alistar Crest UG Library
823 MAC 00024919 Caravan to Vaccares Maclean, Alistair W E L 1983 98 p UG Library
823 MAC 00130884 Truth : Macdonald, Hector Transworld publishers, 2018 9780316510820 | 9780593079331 346p.; UG Library
823 MAC 00008133 The Prince Niccolo Machiavelli, PENGUIN 1971 155 p UG Library
823 MAC 00035871 San Andreas Maclean, Alistair Ballantine Books 1984 346p UG Library
823 MAC 00045765 The Last Frontier Maclean, Alistair Berkeley 2004 1885171080 | 9788172235994 229p UG Library
823 MAC 00034918 H.M.S. Ulysses Maclean, Alistair Ballantine Books 1955 320 p UG Library
823 MAC 00025727 The Science Fiction of H.G Wells Mcconnell,Frank. Oxford 1981 236 p UG Library
823 MAC 00099564 T,S,Eliot MacCabe Colin Atlanic; 9788126913169 xiii;95 p. UG Library
823 MAC 07014882 The doll factory Macneal, Elizabeth Pan Macmillan, 2019 9781529002416 376p.; Library - BR Campus
823 MAC 00040294 San Andreas Maclean, Alistair Ballantine Books 1984 346p UG Library
823 MAD 00058796 Princess of Cleves Lafayette, Marie Madeleine De W.W.Norton & Company 1994 296 p UG Library
823 MAD 00102520 You are here / Madhavan, Meenakshi Reddy. Penguin Books, 9780143064343 255 p. ; UG Library
823 MAD 00105704 Clarinda, a historical novel Mādhavaiā, A., Sahitya Akademi 2005 xlvii, 321 p. ; UG Library
823 MAD 05037753 You are here / Madhavan, Meenakshi Reddy. Penguin Books, 9780143064343 255 p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 MAD 00103985 Litanies of Dutch battery / Mādhavan, En. Es., Penguin Books, 2010 9780143065029 ix, 312 p. ; UG Library
823 MAF 00137652 Whichwood Mafi, Tahereh Penguin tandom house, 2017 9780735231573 360p.; UG Library
823 MAH 00105639 A child even in arms of stone Mahapatra,Sitakant. Sahitya Akademi, 2000 8126007699 ix, 80 p. : UG Library
823 MAH 04022781 Miles to Run Before I Sleep : Mahajan, Sumedha. Rupa Publications, 2015 9788129135469 176 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 MAH 03010759 Miles to Run Before I Sleep : Mahajan, Sumedha. Rupa Publications, 2015 9788129135469 176 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
823 MAH 00057230 Not Without My Daughter Mahmoody, Betty 2000 423p UG Library
823 MAI 00027238 Ancient Evengings Mailer, Norman Picador 1985 690 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MAI 00081987 The Flood Maine, David 2004 9780143033592 259p UG Library
823 MAL 00009140 Spy in Amber Malgonkar, Monohar Orient 1970 176 p UG Library
823 MAL 00004459 Le Morte D'Arthur Malory, Thomas PENGUIN 1969 467 p. UG Library
823 MAL 00004460 Le Morte D`Arthur Malory, Sir Thomas PENGUIN, 1969 550 p.; UG Library
823 MAL 00101161 Cactus Country Malgonkar, Manohar Roli Books Pvt.Ltd., 9788186939574 391 p. UG Library
823 MAL 05071503 Homeward bound / Malu, Bhasker. White Falcon Publishing, 2020 9781636401003 xviii, 140p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 MAL 00145650 Bird Box Malerman, Josh Harper Voyage 2018 9780008319748 381p UG Library
823 MAL 00116807 Women Extraordinaire A Novel Malick Suchita Rupa Publications, 2014 9788129131010 295.00 p.: UG Library
823 MAL 00136577 Remembering Babylon Malouf, David VIntage, 1994 9780099589730 182p.; UG Library
823 MAL 00064941 Fly Away Peter Malouf, David 2003 0099273829 141 p UG Library
823 MAL 00064943 Fly Away Peter Malouf, David 2003 0099273829 141 p UG Library
823 MAL 00064942 Fly Away Peter Malouf, David 2003 0099273829 141 p UG Library
823 MAN 00137645 This house of clay and water Manasab,Faiqa Penguin random house india pvt ltd., 2017 9780670089420 270p.; UG Library
823 MAN 07010035 A Preface to Shakespeare's Comedies 1594-1603/ Mangan,Michael Routledge, 2016 9781138695108 VIII,294 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 MAN 00061455 The Christ Commission Mandino Og 1981 0553277421 | 076783007505 260p UG Library
823 MAN 07010391 Fatal Accidents of Birth: Mander,Harsh Speaking Tiger, 2016 9789386050878 XII,187 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 MAN 00006714 Magic Mountain Mann, Thomas PENGUIN 1969 720 p UG Library
823 MAN 00011970 Don Quixote Mancha,De La Washington 1967 446 UG Library
823 MAN 00142020 The Glass hotel / Mandel,Emily St. John. Picador, 2020 9781509882830 301p.; UG Library
823 MAN 00143281 The Collected Stories of Saadat Hasan Manto Manto, Saadat Hasan Aleph 2022 9789390652778 548p UG Library
823 MAN 00095445 Tiger Hills Mandanna Sarita Penquin Viking 9780670084845 451p UG Library
823 MAN 00097546 Indian English women's Fiction of the 1990's: Manohar, Murali Serials Publications, 9788183872805 | 8183872808 xviii, 193 p. ; UG Library
823 MAN 00109314 Bring Up The Bodies Mantel Hilary Fourth Estate 2012 9780007490783 xiii; 411 p. UG Library
823 MAN 00059255 The Last Legion Manfredi, Valerio Massimo 2003 0330427571 425 p UG Library
823 MAN 00049199 Doctor Faustus Mann, Thomas 1999 0375701168 534p UG Library
823 MAN. 00098432 India english women's fiction of the 1990's:/ Manohar Dr,Murali Serials Publications; 9788173544446 xiii; 125 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MAP 07009237 Selected short Stories of the World/ Maple,Press Maple Press, 2016 9789380005829 668 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 MAR 00102464 Some Inner fury; Markandaya Kamala Penguin books; 9780143102533 250 p. UG Library
823 MAR 10003360 ഒന്നര കാഷ്വൽ ലീവും റിട്ടയർമെൻ്റും (one and half casual leave and retirement)/ മാർട്ടിൻ ജോഷി (Martin, Joshy) Logos Books, 2024 9789390165872 122 P.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MAR 00027580 Two Virgins Markandaya, Kamala Orient 1983 250 p UG Library
823 MAR 00013923 Great Expectations Martin, G C National 1975 180 p UG Library
823 MAR 00094690 Beatrice and Virgil Martel Yann Penquin Books 2010 9780670084517 190p UG Library
823 MAR 00067057 Collected Stories Marquez, Gabriel Garcia 1996 0140157565 | 9780140157567 292p UG Library
823 MAR 00137618 Ther beetle Marsh,Richard Penguin random house, 2018 9780241341353 vi,361p.; UG Library
823 MAR 07013787 Love In The Time of Cholera / Marquez,Gabriel Garcia. Penguin Books, 9780140123890 348p.; Library - BR Campus
823 MAR 00069098 The Autumn of the Patriarch Marquez, Gabrielfarcia Penguin Books 1975 0140157530 229 p UG Library
823 MAR 05070393 Leaf Storm Marquez, Gabriel Garcia Picador, 1985 150 p.: Knowledge Centre
823 MAR 07010591 Collected Stories Marquez, Gabriel Garcia 1996 0140157565 | 9780140157567 292p Library - BR Campus
823 MAR 00104940 Joyce and Wagner: Timothy Peter Martin Cambridge University Press 1991 9780521119719 xviii,287p. UG Library
823 MAR 07010590 The Autumn of The Patriarch / MArquez,Gabriel Garcia. Penguin Books, 1975 9780140157536 229p.; Library - BR Campus
823 MAR 00029966 The Autumn Of The Patriarch Marquez, Gabriel Garcia Panther Books 1987 210 p UG Library
823 MAR 07008816 Love In The Time of Cholera / Marquez,Gabriel Garcia. Penguin Books, 9780140123890 348p.; Library - BR Campus
823 MAR 07008828 The Autumn of The Patriarch / MArquez,Gabriel Garcia. Penguin Books, 1975 9780140157536 229p.; Library - BR Campus
823 MAR 07008827 Strange Pilgrims / Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. Penguin books, 9780140231069 188 p.; Library - BR Campus
823 MAR 07014210 Evil Women / Maelowe John Hinkler Books Pty Ltd, 2012 9781848588325 384p.: Library - BR Campus
823 MAR 00106433 Brown Girl, Brownistones Marshall Paule Dover Publications, LNC. : 1957 9780486468327 iii, 268 p. : UG Library
823 MAR 07008815 Innocent Erendira Marquez, Gabriel Garcia Picador 1985 128 p Library - BR Campus
823 MAR 00021571 One Hundred Years of Solitude Marquez, Gabriel Garcia PAN 336 p UG Library
823 MAR 00031553 Nectar in a Sieve Markandaya, Kamala Signet 1982 190 p UG Library
823 MAR 10002641 Love In The Time of Cholera / Marquez,Gabriel Garcia. Penguin Books, 9780140123890 348p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MAR 00105469 Selected Poems Marvell,Andrew. Hachette Group. 1997 260 p UG Library
823 MAR 00110987 A silence of desire Markandaya, Kamala. John Day Co. 1960 9780143102519 179 p. UG Library
823 MAR 07005919 The White Zone/ Marsden,carolyn Duckbill Books, 2013 9788192594873 161 Pages,; Library - BR Campus
823 MAR 00066684 The Children of the New Forest Maryyat, Captain FORTUNE 2004 8181991214 376p UG Library
823 MAR 00066671 The Children of the New Forest Maryyat, Captain FORTUNE 2004 8181991214 376p UG Library
823 MAR 00055075 News of a Kidnapping Marquez, Gabriel Garcia 1996 0140267832 291p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MAR 00013922 Great Expectations Martin, G C National 1975 178 p UG Library
823 MAR 00045776 Compelling Evidence Martini, Steve G P Putnam's Sons 1992 0399137122 379 p UG Library
823 MAR 00059223 Living to Tell the Tale Marquez, Gabriel Garcia 1400041341 483p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MAR 00016722 Great Expectations Martin, G C National 1975 178p UG Library
823 MAR 00027233 No One Writes to the Colonel Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. Picador, 1985 9780141005768 67p.; UG Library
823 MAR 00059225 Casa Rossa Marciano, Francesca 2002 0375726373 340p UG Library
823 MAR 00027235 Innocent Erendira Marquez, Gabriel Garcia Picador 1985 128 p UG Library
823 MAR 00013925 Great Expectations Martin, G C National 1975 178 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MAR 00016738 Great Expectations Martin, G C National 1975 178 p UG Library
823 MAR 00107445 Life of Pi Martel,Yann. Penguin Books, 2001 9780143028482 xii,319p.; UG Library
823 MAR 00070785 Strange Pilgrims Marquez, Gabriel Garcia 2000 0140231064 188p UG Library
823 MAR 00097919 Victorian fiction / Marshall, Gail, Arnold ; | Distributed in the U.S.A. by Oxford University Press, 0340763280 | 0340763299 (pbk.) 161 p. ; UG Library
823 MAR 00030904 Possesson Markandaya, Kamala JAICO 1980 232 p UG Library
823 MAR 05057049 D.H.Lawrence : Marsh,Nicholas. Palgrave, 2016 9781137608352 xi,258p.; Knowledge Centre
823 MAR 00093764 A handful of rice Markandya Kamala penguin books 9780140123890 280p UG Library
823 MAR 00001019 Pitiless Choice Margaret, Pedler Ambika 1969 320p UG Library
823 MAR 00001733 Pitiless Choice Margaret, Pedler Ambika 1969 320p UG Library
823 MAR. 07008810 Collected Stories Marquez, Gabriel Garcia 1996 0140157565 | 9780140157567 292p Library - BR Campus
823 MAS 00101436 Nightrunners of Bengal Master John Penguin books; 9780143064336 381 p. UG Library
823 MAS 07009231 Queen of Shadows/ Maas,Sarah J Bloomsbury, 2015 9781408858615 648 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 MAS 00068660 Tyrant Massimo, Valerio 2005 0330439642 405p UG Library
823 MAS 00006721 Bhowani Junction Masters, John PENGUIN 1970 380 p UG Library
823 MAS 00130897 All our wrong todays : Mastai, Elan, Penguin random house , 2016 9781101985137 | 9781101985151 390p.; UG Library
823 MAS 00081978 Skin Mascarenhas, Margaret 0141004657 257p UG Library
823 MAT 00103387 The department of denials / Mathur, Anurag. Penguin Books, 0143032003 177 p. ; UG Library
823 MAT 00117102 The Country is Going to the Dogs Mathur, Anurag Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd., 2014 9788129131102 168p. ; UG Library
823 MAT 00082006 Department of Denials Mathur, Anurag 1998 0143032003 177p UG Library
823 MAT 00062924 The Modern Novel Matz, Jesse 2004 1405127015 | 9781405127011 193p UG Library
823 MAT 00121383 A study of Raja Rao's Novels/ Mathur O P Sarup Book Publishers 2014 9788176259712 103p. UG Library
823 MAT 00102421 The Diary Of An Unreasonable Man Mathur, Madhav Penguin Books, 9780143065449 xi, 188 p. UG Library
823 MAT 00062676 The Modern Novel Matz, Jesse 2004 1405127015 | 9781405127011 193p UG Library
823 MAT 00103365 Post-1947 Indian English Novel: Mathur O.P Sarup book publishers; 9788176259989 181 p. UG Library
823 MAT 00095819 Shadow Country / Matthiessen, Peter. Maclehose Press; 9780857050007 892 p. UG Library
823 MAT 00104334 The Modern Novel : Matz Jesse Atlantic ; 2004 9781405127011 194 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MAU 00089633 Collected Short Stories: Volume 2 Maugham, W Somerset VINTAGE BOOKS 2000 532 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MAU 00089634 Collected Short Stories: Volume 3 Maugham, W Somerset VINTAGE BOOKS 280 p UG Library
823 MAU 00089635 Collected Short Stories: Volume 4 Maugham, W Somerset VINTAGE BOOKS 562 p UG Library
823 MAU 00022752 More Wisdom Stories Maurus, Byb 94 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MAU 00058552 Of Human Bondage / Maugham,W Somerset. Bantam Classic, 0451525566 | 9780553213928 xv,712p.; UG Library
823 MAU 00002068 Human Bondage Maugham, Somerset W. PENGUIN 1968 580 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MAU 00002072 My Cousin Rachel Dumaurier, Daphne PENGUIN 1968 282 p UG Library
823 MAU 00070635 5 French Masters (U.G.C Minority Grant) Maupassant, Guy De Jaico Publishing House 2004 8179922219 280p UG Library
823 MAU 00012426 The Maugham Reader Maugham, Somerset W GC 1950 1218 p UG Library
823 MAU 00022070 The Summing Up Maugham, Somerset W PAN 1976 208 p UG Library
823 MAU 00002388 Razor`s Edge Somerset Maugham, W PENGUIN 315 p UG Library
823 MAU 00002389 Collected Short Stories Somerset Maugham, W PENGUIN 464 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MAU 00012438 Worlds Ten Great Novels Maugham, Somerset W Hind Pocket Books Pvt. Ltd 240p UG Library
823 MAU 01016106 Of Human Bondage / Maugham,W Somerset. Bantam Classic, 0451525566 | 9780553213928 xv,712p.; Knowledge Centre
823 MAU 00017981 Disraeli Andre Maurois, Blackie 300 p UG Library
823 MAU 00004548 Then & Now Maugham, Somerset W. PENGUIN 1967 216 p UG Library
823 MAU 00004550 The Magician Maugham, Somerpet W. PENGUIN 1968 198 p UG Library
823 MAU 00004551 The Narrow Corner Maugham, Somerset W. PENGUIN 1968 220 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MAU 00055588 Selected Short Stories Maupassant, Guy De Sristhi 1999 8187075368 439p UG Library
823 MAU 00017758 Disraeli Maurois, Andre TML 1928 370 p UG Library
823 MAU 00034902 Wisdom Stories J Maurus, UG Library
823 MAU 00034903 More Wisdom Stories Maurus, J Better Yourself Books 1991 106 p UG Library
823 MAU 00023428 Collected Short Stories. I - IV Vol. Maugham, W Somerset PAN UG Library
823 MAU 00068725 Rebecca (fiction) Maurier Du, Dephne Virago Press 2003 1844080382 428p UG Library
823 MAU 00004355 Moon and Sixpence Maugham, W Somerset PENGUIN 1968 230 p UG Library
823 MAU 00004356 Collected Short Stories Somerset Maugham, W PENGUIN 1970 440 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MAU 00008234 The Complete Short Stories Somerset Maugham, W Doubleday 1952 700 p UG Library
823 MAU1 00089632 Collected Short Stories: Volume 1 Maugham, W Somerset VINTAGE BOOKS 536 p UG Library
823 MAX 07012667 The Only Life: Maxwell,Rashid. Simon & Schuster, 2017 9789386797049 IX,305 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 MAX 00099546 Swinburne Maxwell Catherine Atlantic; 9788126913145 xiii;144 p. UG Library
823 MCA 00145522 Wrong Place Wrong Time/ McAllister, Gillian Penguin Books, 2023 9781405949842 402p. ; UG Library
823 MCB 00045778 Kiss A Novel of The 87th Precinct Mcbain, E D 1992 0688102204 351p UG Library
823 MCB 00080939 Fiddlers [fiction] Mcbain, Ed Orion Books 229p UG Library
823 MCC 00105202 Cities of the plain McCarthy, Cormac, Picador 1998 0679423907 (alk. paper) 1st ed. 291 p. ; UG Library
823 MCC 00105201 Child of God McCarthy,Cormac. Picador 1973 9780330511209 185 p. UG Library
823 MCC 00105198 Blood meridian, or, The evening redness in the West McCarthy, Cormac, Picador. 1985 0679728759 : 1st Vintage International ed. 352 p. ; UG Library
823 MCC 00105220 Suttree McCarthy, Cormac, Picador. 1979 0394482131 1st ed. 471 p. ; UG Library
823 MCC 00034779 An Indecent Obsession Mccllough, Colleen Futura 1988 310 p UG Library
823 MCC 00021570 Four Postwar Amercian Novelists Mc Connell, Frank D UCP 206 p UG Library
823 MCC 00104295 The Sunset Limited : McCarthy, Cormac, Vintage Books, 2006 0307278360 | 9780307278364 1st Vintage International ed. 143 p. ; UG Library
823 MCC 00107064 The Border Trilogy McCarthy Cormac Picador; 1998 9780330334617 1037 p. UG Library
823 MCC 00105217 The Road McCarthy,Cormac. Picador 2006 9780330469487 306 p. UG Library
823 MCC 00105216 Outer Dark McCarthy,Cormac. Picador 1968 9780330511223 251 p. UG Library
823 MCC 00105215 The Orchard Keeper. McCarthy,Cormac. Picador 1965 9780330511254 259 p. UG Library
823 MCC 00105214 No country for old men McCarthy,Cormac. Picador, 1955 9780330511216 308 p. UG Library
823 MCC 00105204 The crossing : McCarthy, Cormac, Picador | , 1994 0394574753 : 1st ed. 425 p. ; UG Library
823 MCD 00130942 King slomon's curse Mcdermott,Andy Headline publishing group, 2017 9781472236883 551p.; UG Library
823 MCD 00141980 Betty / McDaniel,Tiffany. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2020 9781474617543 465p.; UG Library
823 MCD 01016169 The Secret of Excalibur : McDermott,Andy. Headline Publishers, 9780755345502 596p.; Knowledge Centre
823 MCE 00129172 Ghost Sniper : McEwen, Scott, Poket Books, 2016 9781501126154 First Touchstone Hardcover Edition. 450 p. ; UG Library
823 MCE 00103433 I love you ; Mcewan Ian Vintage books; 9780099552161 371 p. UG Library
823 MCF 00145379 The Housemaid's Secret/ McFadden, Freida Penguin Books, 2023 9780143462491 365p. ; UG Library
823 MCF 00145687 The Housemaid's Secret/ McFadden, Freida Penguin Books, 2023 9780143462491 365p. ; UG Library
823 MCF 00145380 The Locked Door/ McFadden, Freida Penguin Books, 2023 9780143461166 269p. ; UG Library
823 MCF 00080948 Face of Death [fiction] Mcfadyen, Cody 2007 452p UG Library
823 MCG 00129192 The North Water McGuire, Ian, Scribner, 2016 9781627795944 | 9781471151262 First U.S. edition. 342 p. : UG Library
823 MCG 00022823 Final Conflict : Omen III Mcgill, Gordon Futura 1980 192 p UG Library
823 MCG 00031555 Abomination: Omen V Mcgill, Gordon Futura 1985 190 p UG Library
823 MCK 00131439 The student's guide to Shakespeare / McKenzie, William, Edinburgh university press, 2017 9781474413510 | 147441351X | 9781474413534 | 1474413536 xiv, 241 pages ; UG Library
823 MCK 00046841 The Process of Fiction: Contemporary Stories and Criticism Mckenzie, Barbara Harcourt & Row 1969 558 p UG Library
823 MCL 00067549 Black Cabs Mc Laren, John 2000 0671022830 390p UG Library
823 MCM 00130913 One of us is lying / McManus, Karen M., Penguin books, 2017 9781524714680 (hc) | 978152471 First edition. 359p.; UG Library
823 MCM 00145377 The cousins/ McManus, Karen M. Penguin Books, 2020 9780241376942 325p. ; UG Library
823 MCM 00145362 You'll be the death of me / McManus, Karen M. Penguin Books, 2021 9780241473665 First edition. 326p. ; UG Library
823 MDA 00117053 Sculptors of Mapungubwe Mda, Zakes. Seagull Books, 2013 085742095X | 9780857420954 | 9 262 p. ; UG Library
823 MEA 03006188 Lucknow boy : Mehta, Vinod Penguin Viking, 2011 9780670085293 xiv, 325p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
823 MED 00016037 Ten Years After Ivan Denisovich Medvedev, Zhores A. PENGUIN 1967 254 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MEE 00137742 The Angel's Beauty Spots : Meera,K R. Aleph, 2019 9789388292832 129p.; UG Library
823 MEE 00145672 Assassin Meera, K R Harper Collins India 2023 9789356296268 654p UG Library
823 MEE 00109670 Seven Days to Somewhere Meena C.K. Dronequill Fiction 2012 9788189276171 207 p. UG Library
823 MEE 00138785 The Angel's Beauty Spots : Meera,K R. Aleph, 2019 9789388292832 129p.; UG Library
823 MEE 00109315 Close Too Close Meenu Tranquebar Press 2012 9789381626153 xvi; 216 p. UG Library
823 MEH 00089986 Eunuch Park: Fifteen Stories of Love and Destruction Mehrotra, Palash Krishna 2009 9780143099925 185p UG Library
823 MEH 07010039 Women in The Novels of R.K. Narayan A Critical Study Mehta Paresh Kashmira Sarup Book Publishers, 2016 9789352080397 xii, 171 p.: Library - BR Campus
823 MEH 00057864 Mila in Love Mehta, Dina 2002 0143030191 | 9780143030195 268 UG Library
823 MEH 00075807 Raj Mehta, Gita 2000 0140236791 463 p UG Library
823 MEH 00049127 Raj Mehta, Gita 2000 0140236791 463 p UG Library
823 MEH 00049419 Karma Cola Mehta, Gita 1990 0014023683 192 p UG Library
823 MEH 00125933 Women in The Novels of R.K. Narayan A Critical Study Mehta Paresh Kashmira Sarup Book Publishers, 2016 9789352080397 xii, 171 p.: UG Library
823 MEL 00126286 Moby-Dick Melville, Herman, Norton, 2002 9780393972832 2nd ed. xv, 726 p. : UG Library
823 MEL 00126320 Melville's Short Novels : Melville, Herman, Norton, 2002 9780393976410 1st ed. ix, 408 p. ; UG Library
823 MEL 00106442 The Encantadas and Other Stories Melville,Herman. Dover Publications, 2005 9780486440842 viii,207 p. UG Library
823 MEL 00014636 Mardi Mellville, Herman Signet 554 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MEL 00066974 Moby-Dick Melville, Herman 2005 0393972836 726p UG Library
823 MEL 00106469 Moby-Dick Melville, Herman, Dover Publications, 2003 0486432157 (pbk.) viii, 452 p. ; UG Library
823 MEN 05024866 Thunder god : Menon Rajiv.G Westland Ltd, 2012 9789381626979 384 p.: Knowledge Centre
823 MEN 00039674 Etchings: A Short Story Collection Menon, Sankaran Kutty M Mysore 1992 109p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MEN 00079629 Indulekha: A Novel From Malabar Menon, O Chandru Tarjuma 2007 277p UG Library
823 MEN 00099551 Charles Dickens Mengham,Rod Atlantic; 9788126913039 ix;134 p. UG Library
823 MEN 00000190 Some Stories Men,Famous. MGS 1915 122 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MER 00014959 Great Irish Short Stories Merol, Vivian LAUREL 390 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MER 00103382 Yaraana: Merchant Hoshang Penguin books; 9780143064947 264 p. UG Library
823 MER 00126299 The Egoist : Meredith, George, Norton, 1979 9780393091717 1st ed. ix, 561 p. ; UG Library
823 MES 00078275 Cambridge Introduction to Mark Twain Messent, Peter 2007 0521670756 138p UG Library
823 MEY 00029692 A Reader's Guide to George Orwell Meyers Jeffrey Thames and Hudson 1984 191 p.: UG Library
823 MIC 00027544 Caravans Michener, James A Corgi 1985 370 p UG Library
823 MIC 00027546 The Drifters Michener,James A Corgi 1985 820 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MIC 00105519 Selected Poems Michelangelo Hachette Group. 1998 9789350090664 xix,107 p. UG Library
823 MID 00102692 Joseph Conrad / Middleton, Tim, Routledge, 0415268516 (hbk. : alk. paper) xv, 201 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MIL 00029917 York Notes on the English Novel Milligan, Ian York Press 1985 128 p UG Library
823 MIL 00129185 Order To Kill : Mills, Kyle, Simon and Schuster, 2017 9781476783482 | 1476783489 | First Emily Bestler books/Atria Books hardcover edition. 374 p. ; UG Library
823 MIL 00099545 Jane Austen Miles Robert Atlantic; 9788126912902 x;175 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MIL 00126295 The Blithedale romance : Hawthorne, Nathaniel, W. W. Norton & Co., 2011 9780393928617 (pbk.) | 0393928 1st ed. xvi, 416 p. ; UG Library
823 MIL 00027246 English Novel. Milligan, Ian York Hand Books 126 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MIL 00080950 Innocent Mage: Kingmaker Kingbreaker Book One [fiction] Miller, Karen Orbit Books 613p UG Library
823 MIL 00062862 Storming Heaven - Fiction Mills, Kyle 2004 0340838477 513p UG Library
823 MIL 00004392 Paradise Lost Paradise Regained Samson Agonistes Milton, John Collins Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MIN 07005915 Survival Tips for Lunatics/ Minhas,Shandana Hachette Book Publication, 2014 9789350098295 183 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 MIR 00080973 Ammi;letter to a Democratic Mother (fiction) Mirza, Saeed Akthar Westland Limited 2008 307p UG Library
823 MIS 00130041 The Novels Of Shashi Deshpande: Miskra, Arun Kumar Adhyayan Publishers and Distributers, 2017 9788184354973 xii, 153 p . : UG Library
823 MIS 00136080 Oxygen manifesto : Misra, Atulya. Rupa Publications India pvt ltd, 2019 9789353334109 195p.; UG Library
823 MIS 00058549 A Fine Balance Mistry,Rohinton. Faber and Faber, 1998 0571218784 | 9780571230587 614 p UG Library
823 MIS 00082040 Minister`s Wife Misra, Amaresh 2002 0143028162 193p UG Library
823 MIS 00120436 Writing Nation's History : Mishra, Amar Rawat Publications, 2014 9788131606636 | 8131606635 x, 190 pages ; UG Library
823 MIS 05047583 Modren Novels and Poetics of Self / Veerendra Kumar Mishra Authorspress, 2014 277 p. Knowledge Centre
823 MIS 07014548 The Prospect of Miracles / Mistry Cyrus Aleph Book Company, 2019 9789388292993 201p.: Library - BR Campus
823 MIS 00141972 Vultures of Paradise / Misra,Atulya. Rupa, 2021 9789391256630 vii,211p.; UG Library
823 MIS 00141985 Fidelity / Missiroli,Marco. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2021 9781474613354 241p.; UG Library
823 MIS 00102490 The Minister's Wife Misra, Amaresh Penquin Books, 9780143028161 193 p. UG Library
823 MIS 00074531 Family Matters Mistry, Rohinton. Faber and Faber, 2000 0571218741 | 9780571230556 500p; UG Library
823 MIS 00089760 Tales from Firozsha Baag Mistry, Rohinton 0140278133 250 p UG Library
823 MIS 00141441 Karna: Missal, Kevin Simon and Schuster 2021 9788195131792 523p UG Library
823 MIS 00145491 Sinbad and the Rise of Iblis/ Missal, Kevin Penguin Books, 2023 9780143449690 234p. ; UG Library
823 MIS 00111107 Corpse Bearer/ Mistry, Cyrus, Aleph Book Company, 2012 9788192328058 247p UG Library
823 MIS 04016975 A Fine Balance Mistry,Rohinton. Faber and Faber, 1998 0571218784 | 9780571230587 614 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 MIS 00077135 Introduction Nandinin Bhautoo Dewnarain Mistry, Rohinton Foundation Books 2007 8175963115 126p UG Library
823 MIS 00106159 A Scandalius Secret Misra,Jaishree Avon 2011 9780007447411 378 P. UG Library
823 MIS 07005523 Afterwards / Misra, Jaishree, Penguin Books, 2004 0143030299 (cover) viii, 276 p. ; Library - BR Campus
823 MIT 00078298 Snake and Other Stories Mitra, Premendra Seagull 1990 8170460778 133p UG Library
823 MIT 00058893 Commonwealth Fiction: 21st Century Readings Mittapalli, Rajeshwar Atlantic 8126901764 278p UG Library
823 MIT 00095442 The Thousand Autumns of jacob de zoet Mitchell David Sceptre 9780340921562 469P UG Library
823 MIT 00093865 Commonwealth Fiction:Twenty-First Century Readings Mittapall,Rajeshwar Atlantic 9788126901760 280p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MIT 07011447 Postcolonial Indian fiction in English and masculinity / Mittapalli,Rajeshwar Atlantic Publishers & Distributors, 2009 9788126910984 | 8126910984 xiv, 225 p. ; Library - BR Campus
823 MIT 00102730 E.M.Forster's A Passage to India Mitra, Reena Atlantic, 9788126910045 125 p. UG Library
823 MIT 07005639 Making the elephant dance : Mithas, Sunil, Penguin Publication, 2015 9780670088287 xxiii, 318 pages ; Library - BR Campus
823 MIT 00093785 Uttara Yogi / Mitra, Arup. Niyogi Books, 9788189738556 576 p. ; UG Library
823 MIT 00106734 Mosquito and other Stories Mitra, Premendra Penguin books 2004 9780143063902 xii;170 P. UG Library
823 MIT 00142039 Utopia Avenue / Mitchell,David. Sceptre, 2021 9781444799477 561p.; UG Library
823 MOH 00140756 Harijan Mohanty,Gopinath Aleph 2021 9789390652808 322p UG Library
823 MOH 04008588 Brick by red brick Mohan, T T Ram Rupa.Co, 2011 xiv, 281p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 MOH 00141953 Harijan : Mohanty,Gopinath. Aleph book company, 2021 9789390652808 322p.; UG Library
823 MOH 00140926 Harijan Mohanty,Gopinath Aleph 2021 9789390652808 322p UG Library
823 MOH 00048389 Paraja Mohanty, Gopinath 0195623916 373p UG Library
823 MOH 00147469 What the rain foretold / Mōhanan, En., Niyogi Books, 2022 9789391125844 171p. ; UG Library
823 MOH 00147470 What the rain foretold / Mōhanan, En., Niyogi Books, 2022 9789391125844 171p. ; UG Library
823 MOK 00090007 BPO-SUTRA: True Stories from Inside India's BPOs & Call Centres Mokhasi, Sudhindra Rupa & Co 2009 9788129114358 383 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MON 00106818 Amitava Ghosh Mondal Anshuman A Viva Books 2011 9788130914510 211p. UG Library
823 MON 00112462 Anne of Green Gables : Montgomery, L. M. W.W. Norton & Co., 2007 0393926958 (pbk.) | 9780393926 1st ed. xiii, 445 p. : UG Library
823 MON 00099548 Rudyard Kipling Montefiore,Jan Atlantic: 9788126912957 xiii;189 p. UG Library
823 MON 05063907 My journey from the village : Monteiro, A D. A D Monteiro, 2002 432 p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 MON 00077665 Emma Monaghan, David 1992 0333552792 198p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MON 05047656 Amitav Ghosh / Mondal, Anshuman A. Manchester University Press, 2007 xviii, 211 p.; Knowledge Centre
823 MOO 07009616 The Victorian novel in context / Moore, Grace, Continuum, 2012 9781847064882 (hardcover) | 97 p. cm. Library - BR Campus
823 MOO 07009906 The Victorian novel in context / Moore, Grace, Continuum, 2012 9781847064882 (hardcover) | 97 p. cm. Library - BR Campus
823 MOO 00112251 The Victorian novel in context / Moore, Grace, Continuum, 2012 9781847064882 (hardcover) | 97 p. cm. UG Library
823 MOO 00023429 Best Of Somerset Maugham Moon P b D Publication 2000 8182130042 319 p UG Library
823 MOO 00099543 Samuel Beckett Mooney Sinead Atlantic; 9788126912964 xiii;130 p. UG Library
823 MOR 00116708 White dog fell from the sky Morse, Eleanor Lincoln. Viking, 2013 9780670026401 | 9780143124436 354 p. ; UG Library
823 MOR 00031475 Hawk`s Prey (novel) Mortimer, Carole Mills Boon 194 p UG Library
823 MOR 00137623 The executor / Morrison,Blake. Chatto & Windus, 2018 9781784742140 | 1784742147 290p.; UG Library
823 MOR 00087718 Song of Solomon Morrison, Toni Vintage Books 2004 9780099768418 337 p UG Library
823 MOR 07006694 Jazz Morrison, Toni Vintage Books 2004 9780099750918 238p Library - BR Campus
823 MOR 00087728 Jazz: A Novel Morrison, Toni 1400076218 229 p UG Library
823 MOR 00127293 The Dancing Bear Morpurgo, Michael Harpercollins Chidren's 1994 9780006745112 61 p.: UG Library
823 MOR 00069107 Beloved Morrison, Toni London: 2004 9780099760115 275p.: UG Library
823 MOR 00009494 Pumpkin Water (fiction) Mortimer, Penelope PENGUIN 1970 160 p UG Library
823 MOR 07008448 Beloved Morrison, Toni London: 2004 9780099760115 275p.: Library - BR Campus
823 MOR 00103950 The Quest for Epics in Contemporary American Fiction: Morley Catherine Routledge; 2009 9780415888516 218 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MOR 00015349 Wayward Wife and Other Stories Moravia, Alberto PAN 218 p UG Library
823 MOR 00103476 Sula: Morriscon Toni Vintage books; 9780099760016 174 p. UG Library
823 MOR 00103477 Toni Morrison Love: Morrison Toni Vintage books; 2003 9780099455493 201 p. UG Library
823 MOR 00103478 A Mercy: Morrison Toni Vintage books; 9780099535331 165 p. UG Library
823 MOR 05033296 Fictions of India : Morey, Peter. Edinburgh University Press, 2000 0748611819 | 9780748611812 viii, 216 p ; Knowledge Centre
823 MOR 00109320 Home Morrison,Toni. Chatto & Windus, 2012 9780701186074 (hbk.) | 9780701 145 p. ; UG Library
823 MOS 00018760 Killers On Two Legs Moses, R J 1978 68 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MOX 00095148 Outlaw Moxham Roy Rider 9781846041822 214p UG Library
823 MSI 00099562 Wole Soyinka Msiska Mpaliva-Hangson Atlantic; 9788126913237 xiii;98 p. UG Library
823 MUC 00009210 The Structure of The Novel Mnir, Edwin ALLIED 1928 151 P UG Library
823 MUE 00137548 In Other Rooms, Other Wonders / Mueenuddin,Daniyal. Vintage, 2017 9780143429777 250p.; UG Library
823 MUJ 00078295 Best of Satyajit Ray. Majumdar, Gopa 2001 0143028057 301p UG Library
823 MUK 00108925 Novel : Theories And Practice Mukhopadhay,Partha Kumar Atlantic Publishers & Distributors 2012 9788126916641 xvii; 228 p. UG Library
823 MUK 07011556 Daughters of the sun : Mukhoty, Ira. Aleph Book Company, 2018 9789386021120 xxvii, 276p. Library - BR Campus
823 MUK 07009032 Perfect Tangerine: Mukherjee,Sam Happy Squirrel, 2014 9789381576021 241 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 MUK 00141961 Song of Draupadi : Mukhoty,Ira. Aleph, 2021 9789390652242 xxii,289p.; UG Library
823 MUK 00142055 A Ballad of remittent fever Mukhopadhyay,Ashoke Aleph 2020 9789389836028 293p UG Library
823 MUK 00105660 Early novels in India Mukherjee Meenakshi Sahitya Akademi, 2002 9788126013425 xix, 278 p. ; UG Library
823 MUK 00137518 A State of Freedom / Mukherjee,Neel. Penguin, 2017 9780670090150 275p.; UG Library
823 MUK 00058898 The Perishable Empire Mukherjee, Meenakshi 2002 0195662709 | 9780195662702 212p UG Library
823 MUK 07014757 A death in the himalayas Mukherjee, Udayan Picador Publication, 2019 9789389109184 274p.; Library - BR Campus
823 MUK 05060685 Daughters of the sun : Mukhoty, Ira. Aleph Book Company, 2018 9789386021120 xxvii, 276p. Knowledge Centre
823 MUK 00119748 The Happiness Code Mukhopadhyay, Suvasish Peacock Books, 2011 9788124801567 107p.; UG Library
823 MUK 00059211 Toad In My Garden Mukerjee, Ruchira 1999 0330369512 | 9780330369510 218p UG Library
823 MUK 00104144 Let's Go Home and other stories : Mukherjee Meenakshi Orient BlackSwan ; 2009 9788125037453 126 p. UG Library
823 MUK 00105918 The tree bride : Mukherjee, Bharati. Rupa & Co 2011 9788129117991 1st ed. 293 p. ; UG Library
823 MUK 00087375 Forster and Further: Mukherjee, Sujit 1993 0863112897 304 p UG Library
823 MUK 00062864 Desirable Daughters Mukherjee, Bharati RUPA & CO 2003 8129100959 | 9788129100955 309p UG Library
823 MUK. 00087819 Mareech, the Legend and Jagannath Mukherjee, Arun Seagull 1999 124p UG Library
823 MUL 00004215 English Novel Mullik, B R Chand & Co. 1967 134 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MUL 00096124 The Appointment: Muller Hert Portobello books 9781846272905 214 p UG Library
823 MUN 05070956 Dear Life / Munro Alice Vintage Books, 2013 9780099578642 319 p.: Knowledge Centre
823 MUN 04030082 Dear Life / Munro Alice Vintage Books, 2013 9780099578642 319 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 MUN 00116988 Dance of the Happy Shades Munro Alice Vintage Books, 1968 9780099273776 224 p.: UG Library
823 MUN 07014978 Dear Life / Munro Alice Vintage Books, 2013 9780099578642 319 p.: Library - BR Campus
823 MUN 00116989 Dear Life / Munro Alice Vintage Books, 2013 9780099578642 319 p.: UG Library
823 MUN 00116992 Friend of My Youth Munro Alice Vintage Books 1990 9780099820604 273 p.: UG Library
823 MUN 00116994 Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage / Munro, Alice, Vintage,Books 2002 0099422743 | 9780099422747 323 p. ; UG Library
823 MUN 00116999 Lives of Girls and Women / Munro, Alice, Vintage Contemporaries, 2001 9780375707490 277 p. ; UG Library
823 MUN 00117000 The love of a Good Woman Munro Alice Vintage Books, 2000 9780099287865 339 p.: UG Library
823 MUN 00117014 Too Much Happiness Munro Alice Vintage Books, 2010 9780099552444 303 p.: UG Library
823 MUN 00117019 The View From Castle Rock Stories Munro Alice Vintage Books, 2007 9780099497998 ix, 349 p.: UG Library
823 MUN 00117005 Open Secrets Munro, Alice Vintage, 1995 9780099459712 294p. ; UG Library
823 MUN 00117008 Runaway Munro, Alice Vintage, 2006 9780099472254 335p. ; UG Library
823 MUN 00117006 The progress of love Munro, Alice, Knopf : | Distributed by Random House, 1986 0394552725 : | 9780099741312 1st ed. 309 p. ; UG Library
823 MUN 00117011 Selected stories Munro, Alice, Vintage Contemporaries, 1997 067976674X : | 9780099732419 1st Vintage Contemporaries ed. 412 p. ; UG Library
823 MUN 00116936 New selected stories Munro, Alice, Chatto & Windus, 2011 9780701179885 (cased) | 978070 434 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 MUN 05070211 Dear Life / Munro Alice Vintage Books, 2013 9780099578642 319 p.: Knowledge Centre
823 MUR 00145371 Mahashweta Murty, Sudha Penguin Books, 2007 9780143103295 154p. ; UG Library
823 MUR 00145516 Something Happened on the Way to Heaven / Murty, Sudha Penguine, 2014 9780143423928 201p. : UG Library
823 MUR 00145511 How I Taught my grandmother to read and other stories/ Murty, Sudha Penguin Books, 2015 9780143333647 xi,188p. ; UG Library
823 MUR 00062909 Seasons of the Palm: Fiction Murugan, Perumal Books for Change 8186211829 318p UG Library
823 MUR 07005437 The Day I Stopped Drinking Milk / Murty, Sudha. Penguin Books , 2012 9780143418658 212 p.: Library - BR Campus
823 MUR 00104387 Spuntnik sweetheart Murakami, Haruki Vintage books 2011 9780099448471 229p UG Library
823 MUR 00143404 Spuntnik sweetheart Murakami, Haruki Vintage books 2011 9780099448471 229p UG Library
823 MUR 07006674 Spuntnik sweetheart Murakami, Haruki Vintage books 2011 9780099448471 229p Library - BR Campus
823 MUR 07005666 How i taught my Grand Mother to read and other Stories/ Murty,Sudha. Puffin Books, 2015 9780143333647 XI,183Pages,: Library - BR Campus
823 MUR 00009495 The Sandcastle Murdoch,Iris PENGUIN 1957 313 p UG Library
823 MUR 04026591 Spuntnik sweetheart Murakami, Haruki Vintage books 2011 9780099448471 229p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
823 MUR 00147007 Randu Ammakkathakal Murthy, Sudha DC Books 2023 9788126465071 190p UG Library
823 MUR 00094441 Famous Indian stories Murthy M G Narasimha Orient BlackSwam 9788125034285 116p UG Library
823 MUR 00145370 House of Cards/ Murty,Sudha Penguin Books, 2013 9780143420361 232p. ; UG Library
823 MUR 00137309 Correspondents / Murphy,Tim. Picador, 2019 9781529020403 440p.; UG Library
823 MUR 00068689 Mahashweta Sudha, Murthy East West Books ( Madras ) Pvt Ltd 2005 8188661252 171p UG Library
823 MUR 00145532 Life Ceremony: Stories/ Murata, Sayaka Granta, 2022 9781783787388 266p. ; UG Library
823 MUR 00091400 Famous Indian stories Murthy M G Narasimha Orient BlackSwam 9788125034285 116p UG Library
823 MUR 00145527 Earthlings: Murata Sayaka Granta Publications, 2021 9781783785698 247p. ; UG Library
823 MUR 00145688 You Said I was Your Favorite Murphy, Monica Penguin Books 2023 9781405963367 483p UG Library
823 MUR 00082461 Dance Dance Dance Murakami, Haruki Vintage Books 2003 393p UG Library
823 MUR 00082462 Underground: The Tokyo Gas Attack and the Japanese Psyche Murakami, Haruki 2003 9780099461098 309p UG Library
823 MUR 00140475 Grandparents' Bag of Stories Murty,Sudha Penguin Books 2020 9780143451846 228p UG Library
823 MUR 00082463 Elephant Vanishes Murakami, Haruki Vintage 327p UG Library
823 MUR 00082464 Wild Sheep Chase Murakami, Haruki 2003 0099448777 294p UG Library
823 MUR 00082465 South of the Border, West of the Sun Murakami, Haruki Vintage 2003 0099448572 186 p. UG Library
823 MUR 00082476 After Dark Murakami, Haruki Vintage 201p UG Library
823 MUR 00145514 The mother i never knew: Murty, Sudha Penguin Books, 2014 9780143422259 207p. ; UG Library
823 MUR 00104380 Hard-boiled wonderland and the end of the world Murakami Haruki Vintage Books 1985 9780099448785 400p UG Library
823 MUR 07005566 Mahashweta / Murty Sudha Penguin books, 2007 9780143103295 154p.: Library - BR Campus
823 MUT 00022940 Africa South Contemporary Writings Mutloatse, Mothobi Heinemann 1980 200 p UG Library
823 NA 00023431 Collected Short Stories Vol I Naugham, W PAN UG Library
823 NAB 00093131 Vintage Nabokov Nabokov, Vladimir Vintage books 2010 9781400034017 199 p.: UG Library
823 NAB 00012080 Bend Simisster (novel) Nabokov, Vladimir Dorling Kindersley 218 p UG Library
823 NAB 07013441 Lolita / NAbokov, Vladimir / Penguin Books, 1955 9780241953242 360p;. Library - BR Campus
823 NAB 00140300 Lolita / NAbokov, Vladimir / Penguin Books, 1955 9780241953242 360p;. UG Library
823 NAB 00092283 The original of Laura (Dying is fun) / Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovich, Alfred A. Knopf, 2009 9780307271891 (alk. paper) 278 p.: UG Library
823 NAB 05037755 Lolita / Nabokov, Vladimir Penguin Books, 1995 9780141182537 331 p. Knowledge Centre
823 NAB 00101173 The Real life of Sebastian Knight / Nabokov, Vladimir Penguin Books, 2001 9780141185996 1st Vintage international ed. 180p. ; UG Library
823 NAB 00101176 The eye Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovich, Vintage Books, 1990 9780679727231 1st Vintage international ed. 104 p. ; UG Library
823 NAB 00101177 Strong opinions / Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovich, Vintage Books, 9780679724098 xvii, 335 p. ; UG Library
823 NAB 00101183 Look at the Harlequins! Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovich, Vintage Books, 1990 9780679727280 : | 978067972728 1st Vintage International ed. 253 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
823 NAG 00138238 All Rights Reserved for You / Nagarkar,Sudeep. Ebury Press, 2016 9788184007435 xvi,238p.; UG Library
823 NAG 00102511 Tomorrow Is One More Day Nagarajan G. Penguin Pub , 9780143414124 99 P . UG Library
823 NAG 00059200 Seven 6s are 43 Nagarkar, Kiran Katha, 2003 8187649747 823p UG Library
823 NAG 00103767 Anthology of the American short story / Nagel, James Houghton Mifflin, 2008 9780618732203 (instructor's co xii, 975 p. ; UG Library
823 NAG 00138239 She Swiped Right into my Heart / Nagarkar,Sudeep. Ebury Press, 2016 9788184007459 ix,226p.; UG Library
823 NAG 00062858 Cuckold Nagarkar, Kiran Harper Collins 2004 8172233604 | 9781722336042 608p UG Library
823 NAI 00093132 Vintage Naipaul Naipaul V S Vintage books 2010 9781400034000 198p UG Library
823 NAI 00140460 Eating Wasps Nair,Anita Contxt 2018 9789389152647 256p UG Library
823 NAI 00049757 A Way in the World Naipaul, V S Minerva 1994 366p UG Library
823 NAI 00062899 Video: Ten Stories That Read Like Parables Nair, Meera 2004 0038572103 189p UG Library
823 NAI 00103460 Master of life skills: Nair Vijay Harpercollins publishers India; 9788172235666 215 p. UG Library
823 NAI 07006959 IDRIS: Nair,Anita Fourt estate, 2014 9789350297810 380p.; Library - BR Campus
823 NAI 05074500 Hot Stage / Nair, Anita HarperCollons, 2023 9789356995901 425 p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 NAI 00110961 The Reluctant Fundamentalist From Book To Film Nair Mira Penguin Studio, 2013 9780143420620 179 p.: UG Library
823 NAI 00093150 Lessons in forgetting Nair, Anita Harpercollons press 9788172239046 329p UG Library
823 NAI 00102489 The Masque Of Africa : Naipaul V S Picador, 9780330472050 325 p. UG Library
823 NAI 00058877 The Mystic Masseur Naipaul, V S 0330487043 207p UG Library
823 NAI 00058878 V.S. Naipaul: Fiction and Travel Writing Mittapalli, Rajeshwar Atlantic 2002 8126901721 175p UG Library
823 NAI 00060412 Guerrillas Naipaul, V S 0330487132 259p UG Library
823 NAI 00093726 Bear with me, mother Nair, Vasudevan M T Viva books pvt ltd 9788130909608 342p UG Library
823 NAI 00081634 Ladies Coupe Nair, Anita 2001 0141005955 276p UG Library
823 NAI 00068168 Reading and Writing Naipul, V S 2000 0940322382 | 9780940322387 64p UG Library
823 NAI 00088795 Naalukettu/ Nair, Vasudevan M T Oxford 2008 9780195685961 208p UG Library
823 NAI 00055826 Half A Life Naipaul, V S 2001 0330485172 | 9780330485173 226p UG Library
823 NAI 00111111 Lessons in Forgetting/ Nair, Anita, HarperCollins Publishers India, 2012 9789350294536 368p UG Library
823 NAI 00020076 Selections From C P Snow Nair, Gopalan V Orient Longmans 1975 102p UG Library
823 NAI 00006708 A House for Mr.Biswas/ Naipaul, V S PENGUIN 1971 580- p UG Library
823 NAI 00006715 Miguel Street Naipaul, V S PENGUIN 1971 176 p UG Library
823 NAI 00098525 The Masque Of Africa : Naipaul V S Picador, 9780330472050 325 p. UG Library
823 NAI 00079647 Naalukettu/ Nair, Vasudevan M T Oxford 2008 9780195685961 208p UG Library
823 NAI 05036940 IDRIS: Nair,Anita Fourt estate, 2014 9789350297810 380p.; Knowledge Centre
823 NAI 07005947 Palanquin Bearers/ Naidu,Sarojini. Katha, 2012 9788189934941 50 Pages ,: Library - BR Campus
823 NAI 00059238 Enigma of Arrival Naipaul, V S 0330487159 386p UG Library
823 NAI 00084180 Mimic Men Naipaul, V S Picador 1967 0330487108 274p UG Library
823 NAI 07003977 Bear with me, mother Nair, Vasudevan M T Viva books pvt ltd 9788130909608 342p Library - BR Campus
823 NAI 00062881 The Mystic Masseur Naipaul, V S Penguin Books 2003 0330487043 207 p UG Library
823 NAM 03008870 The Scent of Pepper / Nambisan, Kavery. New York, N.Y. : | Penguin Books, 1996 0140264434 | 9780143415572 277 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
823 NAM 00117105 A Town Like Ours Nambisan, Kavery Aleph Book Company, 2014 9789383064007 242p. ; UG Library
823 NAM 00141976 A luxury called health: Nambisan, Kavery. Speaking Tiger Books, 2021 9789354470691 303p. ; UG Library
823 NAM 05072270 A luxury called health: Nambisan, Kavery. Speaking Tiger Books, 2021 9789354470691 303p. ; Knowledge Centre
823 NAN 00140745 Raja Rao: Nanda,Nagendrappa Current publications, 2021 9789391542887 273p.; UG Library
823 NAN 03010816 The Night it Rained Guns : Nandy, Chandan. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2014 9788129134721 xxvii:273 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
823 NAN 00119085 The Night it Rained Guns : Nandy, Chandan. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2014 9788129134721 xxvii:273 p.: UG Library
823 NAN 00135667 The stranger in my home: Nandy Manish Harpercollins publishers, 2019 9789353026936 xvi,276p.; UG Library
823 NAP 00145369 Hello Beautiful/ Napolitano, Ann Penguin Books, 2023 9780241628270 387p. ; UG Library
823 NAQ 00093149 Home boy Naqvi, H M Harpercollons press 2010 9788172238407 216p UG Library
823 NAR 00017336 Waiting for the Mahatma Narayan, R K ITP 166 p UG Library
823 NAR 00017337 The Vendor of Sweets Naraya