Total Books (Philosophy and Theology) - 15027

CallNo Barcode Title Author Publisher Code Year ISBN Edition Pages Library
100 FEI 05023300 Doing Philosophy: Feinberg, Joel Thomson Wadsworth. 2008 0495096075 4th ed 115p Knowledge Centre
100 LAW 04015489 Philosophy / Law, Stephen. DK, 2007 9780756626259 | 0756626250 352 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
100 STR 03001897 Did My Genes Make Me Do It? : Stroll, Avrum. One World, 2008 9781851684489 | 1851684484 242 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
100 ABD 00017281 Christ Abdjhdh, 111 UG Library
100 AHB 00146432 Socrates: ahbel-Rappe, Sara Bloomsbury 2018 9789386950727 187p UG Library
100 ALT 00133031 Philosophy for non-philosophers / Althusser, Louis, Bloomsbury Academic, 2017 9781472592019 (hardback) | 9781474299275 (pbk.) vi, 216 p. ; UG Library
100 ANS 00140357 NTA UGC-NET Paper -1 Asnari,M S Ramesh Publishing House 2021 9789387604636 256+56p UG Library
100 APP 00068571 Thinking It Through Appiah, Kwame Antony 2003 0195160282 412p UG Library
100 BAG 00145849 A Philosophers' Manifesto: Baggini, Julian Cambridge University Press 2022 9781009272667 281p UG Library
100 BAG 00102797 Making Sense : Baggini, Julian Oxford University Press, 9780192805061 304 p. UG Library
100 BAG 00145667 How to Think Like a Philosopher: Baggini, Julian Granta 2023 9781783789801 314p UG Library
100 BAL 05038323 The Cambridge history of philosophy, 1870-1945 / Baldwin, Thomas Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521591041 (hb.) | 05215910 xiii, 959 p. ; Knowledge Centre
100 BAR 00134849 Journey into Philosophy : Baronett, Stan. Routledge, 2017 9781138936478 (hardback) | 9781138936485 (pbk.) 1 [edition]. xxvii, 720 p.; UG Library
100 BAU 07013424 Carnival and cannibal / Baudrillard, Jean Seagull Publication, 2010 9781906497200 92p.; Library - BR Campus
100 BEA 00102307 Philosophy : Beards, Andrew. Liturgical Press, 9780814654743 | 0814654746 | 9 ix, 142 p. ; UG Library
100 BEN 00147633 Nussbaum's politics of wonder : Bendik-Keymer, Jeremy David Bloomsbury Academic, 2023 9781350076075 228 p. ; UG Library
100 BHA 00009216 Philosophy Logic and Language / Bhattacharyya, Kalidas Allied 1965 280p. UG Library
100 BLA 00103390 The big questions; Blackburn Simon Quercus publishing; 9781849160001 208 p. UG Library
100 BLA 00068285 Think Blackburn, Simon 2005 0192100246 311p UG Library
100 BOE 00090355 Consolation of Philosophy Boethus Oxford 9780199540549 171p UG Library
100 BOE 00109835 The Consolation Of Philosophy Boethius Dover Publishings Inc 2002 9780486421636 xxii; 121 p. UG Library
100 BOO 00140358 NTA UGC NET/SLET Paper II: Philosophy Bookhive 2019 244p UG Library
100 BRI 00009728 Introduction to Philosophy / Edgar Sheffield Brightman. Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1963 373p. UG Library
100 BRO 00146123 Philosophy of Science: Brown, James Robert Bloomsbury 2017 9789386643483 263p UG Library
100 BUN 00107829 The Blackwell companion to philosophy Bunnin,Nicholas Blackwell Publishing 2003 9780631219071 | 0631219080 (pb 2nd edition xviii, 951 p. : UG Library
100 BUR 05034544 Philosophy and Contemporary Issues / Burr, John R Prentice Hall of India, 2004 9788120333659 524 p Knowledge Centre
100 BUR 04014565 Philosophy and Contemporary Issues / Burr, John R Prentice Hall of India, 2004 9788120333659 524 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
100 BUT 00142259 50 Philosophy Classics Butler-Bowdon,Tom Nicholas Brealey 2013 9781473655423 325p UG Library
100 CAR 04008489 What philosophy is : Carel, Havi Continuum, 2007 9781846540951 xviii, 325p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
100 CAR 05034433 What Philosophy Is : Carel, Havi Continuum, 2004 0826472427 325 p Knowledge Centre
100 CAR 00094741 What Philosophy Is Carel Havi Continuum 9781846840951 325p UG Library
100 CAR 07005908 What philosophy is : Continuum, 2004 0826472419 | 0826472427 (pbk.) xviii, 325 p. ; Library - BR Campus
100 CAS 00146426 Libertarian Anarchy: Casey, Gerard Bloomsbury 2021 9789354352119 195p UG Library
100 CAV 00073885 Philosophical Passages. Cavell, Stanley 1995 0631192719 200p UG Library
100 CHA 00147438 Philosophy: Chaudhuri, Shatarupa DK Printworld 2020 9780241412992 208p UG Library
100 CHA 00089446 An Introduction to Indian Philosophy Chatterjee, Satish Chandra RUPA & CO 2007 8129111950 | 9788129111951 404p UG Library
100 CHA 04024211 An Introduction to Indian Philosophy Chatterjee, Satish Chandra RUPA & CO 2007 8129111950 | 9788129111951 404p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
100 CHR 05041102 Philosophy for everyone / Routledge, 2014 9780415719452 (hardback) | 978 ix, 145 pages ; Knowledge Centre
100 COL 00023195 Philosophy and Political of Psychotherapy Collier, Andrew New York 1977 214 p. UG Library
100 COX 00117663 How to be a philosopher, or, How to be almost certain that almost nothing is certain / Cox, Gary, Continuum, 2010 9781441144782 viii, 136 p. ; UG Library
100 CRA 05048901 Philosophy : Craig, Edward. Oxford University Press, 2002 0192854216 | 9780192854216 132 p. : Knowledge Centre
100 CRA 00059139 Philosophy : Craig, Edward. Oxford University Press, 2002 0192854216 | 9780192854216 132 p. : UG Library
100 CRA 01016442 Philosophy : Craig, Edward. Oxford University Press, 2002 0192854216 | 9780192854216 132 p. : Knowledge Centre
100 CRE 00070133 Thinking Philosophically. Creel, Richard E 2001 0631219358 342p UG Library
100 CRE 00094051 Thinking philosophically : Creel, Richard E., Blackwell, 063121934X (hbk. : alk. paper) xv, 342 p. ; UG Library
100 CUN 00120875 Everyday examples : Cunning, David. 9781472574640 (hardcover) | 97 ix, 295 pages ; UG Library
100 DAI 00147635 Posthumanism in practice / Bloomsbury Academic, 2023 9781350293809 249 p. ; UG Library
100 DAI 00148360 To climb is Philosophical Dailey, Charles William Motilal Banarsidass; 2025 9789359665566 287p UG Library
100 DAV 00106529 Martin Heidegger : Davis,Bret.W Acumen, 2010 9781844651986 (hardcover) | 18 xvi, 288 p. : UG Library
100 DIL 00130294 Philosophy as criticism : Dilman, İlham. Continuum International Publishing Group, 2011 9781441146915 (pbk.) | 1441146 xi, 163 p. ; UG Library
100 DIL 05045040 Philosophy as criticism : Dilman, İlham. Continuum International Publishing Group, 2011 9781441146915 (pbk.) | 1441146 xi, 163 p. ; Knowledge Centre
100 DOE 00071493 Philosophical Imaginary. Doeff, Le Miche 2000 0826459919 198p UG Library
100 DOR 10004733 The philosophy book / Dorling Kindersley Dorling Kindersley ltd., 2011 0756668611 (hc.) | 9780756668617 (hc.) 2nd ed., 360 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
100 DUP 04008686 50 Philosophy ideas : Dupre, Ben Quercus, 2007 9781847240064 208p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
100 DWI 00146439 The public sphere from outside the west / Dwivedi, Divya Bloomsbury 2019 9781472571939 (hb) | 9789388414876 xii, 340 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : UG Library
100 EWI 00020650 Fundamental Questions of Philosophy / Ewing, A C Allied 1964 260p. UG Library
100 FAL 00105166 Philosophy goes to the movies: Falzon,Christopher. Routledge 2007 2nd ix,267 p. UG Library
100 FEI 00046711 Reason and Responsibility: Readings in Some Basic Problems of Philisophy (WMU) Feinberg, Joel 1999 0534543510 718 p UG Library
100 FEI 00046712 Reason and Responsibility: Readings in Some Basic Problems of Philisophy (WMU) Feinberg, Joel 1999 0534543510 718 p UG Library
100 FEI 00040815 Reason and Responsibility: Readings in Some Basic Problems of Philisophy (WMU) Feinberg, Joel 1999 0534543510 718 p UG Library
100 FEI 00087059 Reason and Responsibility: Readings in Some Basic Problems of Philisophy (WMU) Feinberg, Joel 1999 0534543510 718 p UG Library
100 FEI 00106683 Reason and responsibility : Feinberg,Joel. Thomson/Wadsworth, 2005 9780534625573 (student's ed.) 12th ed. x, 706 p. ; UG Library
100 FEL 00065653 Reason and Responsiblity Readings in Some Basic Problems of Philosophy Feinberg, Joel 0000 0534197221 607p UG Library
100 FES 00147086 Five Proofs of the Existence of God / Feser, Edward, Ignatius Press 2017 9781621641339 330 pages : UG Library
100 FIE 00072088 Philosphical Quetions. Fieser, James 2005 0195139836 656 UG Library
100 FIN 05034451 Nietzxche`s Philosophy / Fink, Eugen Continuum, 2003 0826459986 184 p Knowledge Centre
100 FIS 05005071 Philosophical delusion and its therapy : Fischer, Eugen, Routledge, 2011 9780415331791 | 041533179X xviii, 300 p. ; Knowledge Centre
100 GAR 00002737 Individual and Today`s World / John W. Gardner Macmillan Co. 1965 128p. UG Library
100 GEE 00140558 What Would de Beauvoir Do? Gee,Tabi Jackson Cassell Illustrated 2018 9781788400305 192p UG Library
100 GRI 00102301 The philosophy of Art: Griggs Edward Howard Cosmo publications; 9788130706832 347 p. UG Library
100 GUT 05034468 Reading Philosophy: Selected Texts With a Method for Beginners [ma-Philosophy Section] Gutternplan, Samuel 0631234381 300p Knowledge Centre
100 HAI 00148001 Enlightened spirituality: Fordham University Press 2024 1531505732 | 9781531505738 v, 131 pages ; UG Library
100 HAL 00017492 Concise Introduction to Philosophy / William H Halverson Random House 1968 502p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
100 HAM 05034458 Living Philosophy : Hamilton, Christopher Edinburgh University Press, 2001 0748614184 179 p. Knowledge Centre
100 HEA 00107854 Conceptions of philosophy O'Hear,Anthony Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521138574 | 0521138574 (pb vii, 366 p. ; UG Library
100 HIR 00005111 Essentials of Indian Philosophy Hiriyanna, M 1969 1 UG Library
100 HON 00145839 Public Things: Honing, Bonnie Dev Publishers and Distributors 2019 9789387496125 144p UG Library
100 HOW 05034450 Philosophy for Counselling and Psychotherapy : Howard, Alex Palgrave Macmillan, 2000 9780333750988 380 p Knowledge Centre
100 IRU 00148147 Dreaming to be Human Come True/ Irudayadason, Nishant Alphonse Christian World Imprints, 2023 9789395457309 256p UG Library
100 IRW 05006422 Introducing philosophy through pop culture : Irwin, William Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 9781444334531 (pbk.) viii, 368 p. ; Knowledge Centre
100 JAY 00148135 Can We Ever Know How Much We Don't Know? Jayard, S Stephen Christian World Imprints, 2024 9789395457477 617p UG Library
100 JHA 07013846 Ancient philosophy / Jha, Aniruddh Edukeen Publication, 2019 9788194205647 288p.; Library - BR Campus
100 JOS 00148153 Our Cosmic and Spiritual Destiny/ Joseph, M D Christian World Imprints, 2022 9789351486077 296p UG Library
100 KAI 00107486 Love of wisdom Kaipan Joy sdb Kristu Jyoti Pub 2008 9788187370420 2nd Revised Edition xvi;283 P. UG Library
100 KAI 00107907 Love Of Wisdom Kaipan Joy sdb Kristu Jyothi Publications 2010 9788187380420 3rd Edition xviii;303 P. UG Library
100 KAN 00148143 Thinking and Believing Beyond Boundaries/ Kannanaikkal, Jose Christian World Imprints, 2024 9789360658588 236p UG Library
100 KEK 01020644 The nature of philosophical problems : Kekes, John. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198712756 | 0198712758 1st ed. xv, 238 p. ; Knowledge Centre
100 KOE 00002738 Act of Creation Koesther, Authur 1964 1 UG Library
100 KOL 00071546 Experience of Philosophy: Kolak, Daniel 2004 0195177681 710p UG Library
100 LAG 00129823 A Philosophy of Dirt Lagerspetz,Olli Reakton Books 2018 9781780239187 256p UG Library
100 LAG 07012426 A Philosophy of Dirt Lagerspetz,Olli Reakton Books 2018 9781780239187 256p Library - BR Campus
100 LAN 00147440 The little book of philosophy / Dorling Kindersley Limited 2018 9781465475565 | 9780241341179 | 1465475567 [Abridged edition]. 199 pages : UG Library
100 LAN 00121768 The Philosophy Book / Landau,Cecile. Jonathan Metcalf, 2011 9781405353298 352 p.: UG Library
100 LAN 05046075 The Philosophy Book / Landau,Cecile. Jonathan Metcalf, 2011 9781405353298 352 p.: Knowledge Centre
100 LAN 00141371 The Philosophy Book / Landau,Cecile. Jonathan Metcalf, 2011 9781405353298 352 p.: UG Library
100 LAW 03006397 Philosophy / Law, Stephen. DK, 2007 9780756626259 | 0756626250 352 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
100 LAW 00147632 Hannah Arendt and Simone Weil : Bloomsbury Academic, 2024 9781350344464 234 p. ; UG Library
100 LEV 03006019 I Think, Therefore I Am : Levene, Lesley. Michcal o Mara books Ltd, 2010 9781843174615 192 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
100 LEW 00010638 Discarded Image Lewis, C S Cambridge 1964 ix,231p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
100 LIB 00045025 Child Psychology Hetherington, Maris Mc-Graw-hill 1975 1 UG Library
100 MAL 05040912 Kant's politics in context / Maliks, Reidar. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199645152 x,195p.; Knowledge Centre
100 MAN 00140349 NTA UGC-NET General Paper -1: Manivannan R J Kiran Institute 2019 272p UG Library
100 MAR 00009720 Critical History of Modern Philosophy Marish F, Motilal Banarsidass 1967 1 UG Library
100 MAR 00023180 Introduction to Philosophical Inquiry / Margolis, Joseph Edr , Aak 1974 680p. UG Library
100 max 00026992 Fo Sho Hing Tsan King Max Muller F Monlac 0p Knowledge Centre
100 MAY 00005893 History of Modern Philosophy Mayor, Eurania Publishers 1966 1 UG Library
100 MCK 00146412 American Philosophy from Wounded Knee to the Present McKenna, erin Bloomsbury 2018 9789388002615 421p UG Library
100 MIL 00111697 Philosophy of Scientific method Mill,John Stuart Cosmo publications, 2010 9788130706979 l,461p.; UG Library
100 MIT 05001467 Roots of Wisdom Mitchell, Helen Buss Thomson wadsworth, 2008 0495094854 532p.; Knowledge Centre
100 MOO 00072000 Philosophy: The Power of Ideas. Moore, Brooke Noel 2000 0070611106 582p UG Library
100 MOO 00070515 Philosophy the Power of Ideas Moore, Brooks Noel Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company ltd 2006 0070611106 | 9780070611108 577 p. UG Library
100 MUN 00020669 Ways of Philosophy / Milton K. Munitz Macmillan 1979 372p. UG Library
100 NAG 00107299 What does it all mean? Nagel,Thomas, Oxford University Press, 1987 9780195052169 | 0195052927 101 p. ; UG Library
100 NIC 05001466 Philosophy through science fiction : Routledge, 2009 9780415957564 (hardcover) | 04 xii, 433 p. ; Knowledge Centre
100 OSB 00084853 Philosophy: for Beginners. Osborne, Richard Orient Longman Publications 2007 8125031685 184p Yeshwanthpur Campus
100 OSB 00084852 Philosophy: for Beginners. Osborne, Richard Orient Longman Publications 2007 8125031685 184p UG Library
100 OSB 00084850 Philosophy: for Beginners. Osborne, Richard Orient Longman Publications 2007 8125031685 184p UG Library
100 OSB 00084851 Philosophy: for Beginners. Osborne, Richard Orient Longman Publications 2007 8125031685 184p Yeshwanthpur Campus
100 PAP 00115230 Philosophy Papineau, David Duncan Baird Publishers 2000 1844830454 | 9781844830459 224 p. UG Library
100 PAP 00068528 Philosophy Pa[ineau, David Duncan Baird Publishers 2004 1844830454 224p UG Library
100 PAT 00140678 The Trail to enlightenment : Patnaik, Shuvendu ProLibris Publishing Media; 2018 9789381639993 (Vol.1) | 9789381639986 (Vol.2) | 9789381639979 (Vol.3) 344 p. ; UG Library
100 PAT 00140679 The Trail to enlightenment : Patnaik, Shuvendu ProLibris Publishing Media; 2018 9789381639993 (Vol.1) | 9789381639986 (Vol.2) | 9789381639979 (Vol.3) 344 p. ; UG Library
100 PAT 00140680 The Trail to enlightenment : Patnaik, Shuvendu ProLibris Publishing Media; 2018 9789381639993 (Vol.1) | 9789381639986 (Vol.2) | 9789381639979 (Vol.3) 344 p. ; UG Library
100 PHE 00104560 Philosophy : Phelan, J. W. Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521537428 (pbk.) vi, 346 p : UG Library
100 PHE 07008038 Philosophy : Phelan, J. W. Cambridge University Press, 2005 9780521537421 vi, 346 p : Library - BR Campus
100 PHE 00111500 Philosophy : Phelan, J. W. Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521537428 (pbk.) vi, 346 p : UG Library
100 PRA 05034545 Vishwadharma Dharshana : Prabhushankara Shivarathreswara Grahthamale, 2000 608 p Knowledge Centre
100 PUT 00140012 Paramasoonyam : Puttanani, Jose. S. M. Books & Publications; | Media House; 2018 9789387298521 (PB) 152 p. ; UG Library
100 PUT 00139710 Paramasoonyam : Puttanani, Jose. S. M. Books & Publications; | Media House; 2018 9789387298521 (PB) 152 p. ; UG Library
100 RAJ 04022728 Food For Thought / Rajaram, M. Rupa Publications, 2012 9788129119421 130 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
100 RAJ 00076184 Relevance of Philosophy in 21st Century: Rajani, K R Associated Publishers 2006 8184290365 360p UG Library
100 RAN 07007325 Philosophy Who Needs It / Rand Ayn A Signet Book, 1982 9780451138934 xii,308 p. : Library - BR Campus
100 RAN 05011052 Philosophy Who Needs It / Rand Ayn A Signet Book, 1982 9780451138934 xii,308 p. : Knowledge Centre
100 RAU 00075131 Ultimate Questions Thinkignn About Philosophy [WMU] Rauhut, Nils Ch 0321108930 257p UG Library
100 RAU 05013924 Ultimate Questions : Rauhut, Nils Ch Penguin Academics, 2004 0321108930 257 p Knowledge Centre
100 RAU 05034465 Ultimate Questions : Rauhut, Nils Ch Penguin Academics, 2004 0321108930 257 p Knowledge Centre
100 ROS 07005279 The Norton introduction to philosophy / W.W.Norton & Company.Inc, 2015 9780393932201 (pbk. : alk. pap First Edition. xxvii, 1137 pages ; Library - BR Campus
100 ROS 05048769 The Norton introduction to philosophy / W.W.Norton & Company.Inc, 2015 9780393932201 (pbk. : alk. pap First Edition. xxvii, 1137 pages ; Knowledge Centre
100 ROS 05044452 The Norton introduction to philosophy / W.W.Norton & Company.Inc, 2015 9780393932201 (pbk. : alk. pap First Edition. xxvii, 1137 pages ; Knowledge Centre
100 RUS 05005225 An outline of philosophy / Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2009 9780415473453 (pbk) | 04154734 xiv, 338 p. ; Knowledge Centre
100 RUS 05033321 An outline of philosophy / Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2009 9780415473453 (pbk) | 04154734 xiv, 338 p. ; Knowledge Centre
100 RUS 00020680 Problems of Philosophy Russell, Burtrand Oxford UG Library
100 SAL 04009664 Ten eternal questions : Sallis, Zoe. Chronicle Books, 2005 9780811853675 | 0811853675 215 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
100 SAL 00147430 German Idealism and the Question of System Sallis, John Indiana University Press 2024 9780253069719 170p UG Library
100 SAU 00144863 Doing philosophy: Saunders, Clare Bloomsbury India, 2023 9789354359521 Second Edition 242p UG Library
100 SHA 00011687 Modern Economic Theroy Krishan Dewett, Kewal Chand Co 1973 849 p. UG Library
100 SIA 00103611 Philosophy In Context Sia, Santiago Dharmaram Publications, 9788186861874 136 p. UG Library
100 SIN 00005890 Indian Psychology Sinha, Jadunith Motilal Banarsidass 2008 512p UG Library
100 SIN 00128194 Indian Psychology Sinha, Jadunith Motilal Banarsidass 2008 512p UG Library
100 SIN 00128195 Indian Psychology Sinha, Jadunith Motilal Banarsidass 2008 512p UG Library
100 SIN 00128196 Indian Psychology Sinha, Jadunith Motilal Banarsidass 2008 512p UG Library
100 SMU 00069984 Introduction to philosophy Smullyan, Arthur, [from old catalog] Prentice-Hall of India 1967 ix, 418 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
100 SOB 00070051 Core Questions in Philosophy: a Text With Reading. Sober, Elliott 1995 0002413161 596p UG Library
100 SOL 05013922 Introducing philosophy : Solomon, Robert C. Oxford University Press, 0195155106 xxviii, 724 p. : Knowledge Centre
100 STE 05036975 Fundamentals of philosophy / Stewart, David, Pearson, 2013 9780205242993 | 0205242995 Eighth edtion. x, 531 pages ; Knowledge Centre
100 STE 00092579 Fundamentals of philosophy Stewart David Pearson Education 9788131719435 513p UG Library
100 STE.B 05001461 Fundamentals of Philosophy: Stewart, David Prentice Hall, 1996 0000133973 540 p.; Knowledge Centre
100 STO 05034466 Philosophy : Stokes, Philip Eagle Editions Ltd., 2007 9781841937021 304 p. Knowledge Centre
100 STO 07012907 Philosophy : Stokes, Philip Eagle Editions Ltd., 2007 9781841937021 304 p. Library - BR Campus
100 STO 00106105 Philosophy: Stokes,Philip. Capella. 2002 9781848375949 219 p. UG Library
100 STR 00075011 Did My Genes Make Me Do It? Stroll, Avrum Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851684484 242 p. UG Library
100 TEI 00108127 Philosophy Teichman,Jenny. B. Blackwell, 1995 063119617x 2nd ed. viii, 294 p. ; UG Library
100 TEN 00125730 Introducing philosophy : Tennant, Neil, Routledge 2015 9780415537117 (hardback) | 978 xxii, 433 pages : UG Library
100 THA 00142262 Philosophy for Beginners Thakur,Akarsh Edukeen Publisher 2019 9789389387353 272p UG Library
100 TIT 05034461 What If... Tittle, Peg Pearson, 2005 0321202783 243 p Knowledge Centre
100 TIT 05034459 What If... Tittle, Peg Pearson, 2005 0321202783 243 p Knowledge Centre
100 TIT 05034460 What If... Tittle, Peg Pearson, 2005 0321202783 243 p Knowledge Centre
100 TRI 07008600 UGC NET/SET Philosophy Tripathi A M Danika Publication, 2017 9788189301088 628p.: Library - BR Campus
100 TRI 00073888 Philosophy Matters. Trigg, Roger 2002 0631225455 157p UG Library
100 TRO 00124861 Wise words : Trombley, Stephen, Head of Zeus Ltd 2016 9781784971311 | 1784971316 xi, 404 pages UG Library
100 TRO 00133452 Wise words : Trombley, Stephen, Head of Zeus Ltd 2016 9781784971311 | 1784971316 xi, 404 pages UG Library
100 WAR 00068393 Philosophy the Basics Warburton, Nigle 1992 0415146941 178p UG Library
100 WAR 00111511 Philosophy : Warburton, Nigel, Routledge, 2001 0415239974 (hbk) | 0415239982 2nd ed. ix, 256 p. ; UG Library
100 WAR 05041103 Philosophy : Warburton, Nigel, Routledge, 2013 9780415693165 (pbk. : alk. pap 5th ed. xiv, 182 p. ; Knowledge Centre
100 WAT 00099072 The Philosophy Of Mysticism Watkin, Edward Ingram Cosmo Publications, 9788130706948 412 p. UG Library
100 WEE 00140557 What Would Nietzsche Do? Weeks,Marcus Cassell Illustarted 2017 9781844039265 192p UG Library
100 WEE 07013854 How philosophy works / Penguin Publication, 2019 9780241363188 110p.; Library - BR Campus
100 WEI 00140551 The Socrates Express: Weiner,Eric Avid Reader Press 2020 9781982152093 330p UG Library
100 WEI 07014099 Plato's threefold city and soul / Weinstein, Joshua I Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107170162 vii,289p.; Library - BR Campus
100 WEI 00142031 The Socrates express : Weiner,Eric. Avid readers press, 2020 9781982152093 xix,330p.; UG Library
100 WIL 00073928 Simply Philosophy. Wilson, Brendan 2002 0748615687 224p UG Library
100 WIL 05034467 Simply Philosophy : Wislon, Brendan Edinburgh University Press, 2003 0748618236 208 p. Knowledge Centre
100 WIL 05034431 Simply Philsophy / Wilson, Brendan Edinburgh University Press, 2002 0748615687 224 p Knowledge Centre
100 WIL 07012926 Tetralogue : Williamson Timothy Oxford University Press, 2017 9780198777175 153p.: Library - BR Campus
100.0954 HIR 05034470 Bharathiya Tatvashastrada Roopu Rekhegalu / Hiriyanna, M Abhinava, 2000 432 p Knowledge Centre
100.0954 MOS 00057775 Indian Philosophy in Modern Times Brodov V. Progress Publishers 1984 5010017040 365 p. UG Library
100.095RAG 01005417 Debates in Indian Philosophy:classical, Colonial and Contemporary(law Lib) A Raghuramaraju Oxford University Press 0195671511 139p Knowledge Centre
100.1 CHE 00091834 Experience and Philosophy Chethimattam John B Dharmaram Publications 312p UG Library
100.21TRI 00092630 Philosophy matters : Trigg, Roger. Blackwell Publishers, 0631225463 (pbk. : alk. paper) viii, 157 p. ; UG Library
100.39873 MAR 00078480 Introduciton to Philosophy Maritain,Jacques Continuum 2005 0826477178 | 9780826477170 1st Ed. 178 p. UG Library
100.39875 MAR 00089344 Introduction to Philosophical Problems Margolis, Joseph 266p UG Library
100.543 JHG 00033570 Journalistic Writing and Literary Writing 1987 65 p. UG Library
100.543 JHG 00033571 Journalistic Writing and Literary Writing 1987 65 p. UG Library
100.72 CHA 00086132 Reseach in Philosophy Chatturvedi, D D Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 1999 0812610208 416 p UG Library
100.76 TRI 05028759 UGC NET/SLET : Philosophy Tripathi A M Danika publish co 408p Knowledge Centre
100.76 TRI 05028758 UGC NET/SLET : Philosophy Tripathi A M Danika publish co 408p Knowledge Centre
100.OKA 00085441 Philosophy of Science Okasha, Samir 2008 0195681681 144 p UG Library
100.SOB 00080064 Core Questions in Philosophy:A Text With Readings Sober, Elliott Prentise Schlor 1995 596p UG Library
100.SOL 00068455 Joy of Philosophy Solomon, Robert C 1999 0195165403 269p UG Library
100.THO 00075006 Philosophy of Mind. Teach Yourself 2003 0340867566 166p UG Library
100.TOB 00073884 Parliament of Minds. Tobias, Michael 2000 0791444848 309p UG Library
100BUN 01000087 Blackwell Companion to Philosophy (law Lib) Nicholas Bunnin Blackwell Publishing 0631219080 951p Knowledge Centre
100CRE 01006266 THINKING PHILOSOPHICALLY(LAW LIBRARY) Richard E Creel Blackwell Publishing 0631219358 342p Knowledge Centre
100GUT 01000086 Reading Philosophy:Selected Texts With a Method for Beginners (law Lib) Samuel Guttenplan Blackwell Publishing 0631234381 300p Knowledge Centre
100SOL 01000088 Introducing Philosopy (law Lib) Robert Solomon Oxford University Press 0195155106 723p Knowledge Centre
101 BAD 05006462 Second manifesto for philosophy / Badiou, Alain. Polity, 2011 9780745648613 (hbk) | 07456486 xxxiv, 164 p. ; Knowledge Centre
101 BAD 00126871 Philosophy and the Event Badiou,Alain Polity Press 2013 9780745653952 154p UG Library
101 CHA 00089472 Philosophical Enquiries Chatterjee, Margaret MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1988 8120803167 294p UG Library
101 COL 00073855 Philosophy and Post Structuralist Theory. Colebrook, Claire 2005 0748622276 265p UG Library
101 DEB 00070050 Consolations of Philosophy. De Botton, Alain 2000 0679442766 265p UG Library
101 DEL 00138708 What is Philosophy Deleuze,Gilles Verso 2015 9780860916864 253p UG Library
101 DER 00138710 Who's afraid of philosophy? : Derrida, Jacques. Stanford University Press, 2002 0804742944 (alk. paper) | 0804742952 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 208 p. ; UG Library
101 DOR 00072724 Interventions Dorairaj, A. Joseph Folk Resources and Research Centre 2006 8187905062 180 p. UG Library
101 EDE 00135872 The theory and practice of philosophy / Edel, Abraham, Transaction Publishers, 2009 9781412808224 (alk. paper) | 1412808227 (alk. paper) xxi, 475 p. ; UG Library
101 GAS 00133020 The traveler's guide to classical philosophy Gaskin, J. C. A. Thames & Hudson, 2011 9780500289341 (pbk.) | 0500289344 (pbk.) | 9780500515655 (hbk.) 176 p. UG Library
101 KAI 00118815 Love of Wisdom SDB Kaipan Joy kristu Jyoti Publication, 2014 9788187370826 4th ed. xiv, 315 p.: UG Library
101 KLE 00129673 Philosophy 101 Kleinman,Paul Adams Media 2013 9781440567674 288p UG Library
101 KLE 05058147 Philosophy 101 Kleinman,Paul Adams Media 2013 9781440567674 288p Knowledge Centre
101 MAC 00109838 The Tasks Of Philosophy Macintyre,Alasdair Cambridge University Press 2006 9780521670616 xiv; 230 p. UG Library
101 MAD 07014556 What do philosophers do? : Maddy, Penelope, Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190618698 (hardcover : alk. paper) xi, 248 pages ; Library - BR Campus
101 NAD 00129637 Advances in Experimental Philosophy And Philosophical Methodology Nado,Jennifer Bloomsbury 2016 9781350048577 179p UG Library
101 NOR 05062610 Taking Back Philosophy : Nordan, Van. Columbia University Press, 2017 9780231184373 xxvi,216p.; Knowledge Centre
101 OMU 00143077 The Time of Revolution: O'Murchadha, Felix Blommsbury 2022 9789389391145 246p UG Library
101 OSH 00080983 Sun Rises in the Evening Osho Westland Limited 2008 239p UG Library
101 PET 00126885 Being shephers in the techological world Peter,Jerin Kristu Jyoti Publications 2016 152p UG Library
101 RES 05034482 Philosophical Reasoning : Rescher, Nicholas Balckwell Publishing, 2001 282 p Knowledge Centre
101 ROY 00070016 Theory and Practice: a Collection of Essays. Roy, Krishna Allied 2003 8177644777 142p UG Library
101 RUS 00140788 A Brief Guide to Smart Thinking : Russell, James M. Robinson; 2020 9781472145529 274 p. ; UG Library
101 SEN 00122387 Knowledge truth and realism Sen,Kumar Pranab Indian Council of Philosophical Research 2007 167p UG Library
101 THO 00105176 Hermeneutics and the human sciences : Ricœur, Paul. Cambridge University Press ; | Editions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, 1981 0521234972 | 0521280028 (pbk. viii, 314 p. ; UG Library
101 VER 05034480 Between Philosophy and Poetry : Verdicchio, `Massimo Continuum, 2002 0826460062 222 p Knowledge Centre
101 VER 07007575 Between philosophy and poetry / Verdicchio, Massimo Continuum Publication, 2002 9780826460066 223p. Library - BR Campus
101.03CRA 01006186 Shorter Routledge Encyclpedia of Philosophy(law Lib) Edward Craig ROUTLEDGE 0415324955 1077p. Knowledge Centre
101.4 NAU 00145908 Philosophy and the language of the people : Nauta, Lodi, Cambridge University Press 2021 9781108845960 | 9781108994118 275pages UG Library
101.4 SOR 05045843 Talking Philosophy / Sorabji Richard Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199462889 xiv,140p.: Knowledge Centre
101MAC 01010270 Tasks of Philosphy: Selected Essays (law Lib) Alasdair Macintyre Cambridge University Press Moral relativism, truth, and j 230p Knowledge Centre
101MAC 01009722 Tasks of Philosphy: Selected Essays (law Lib) Alasdair Macintyre Cambridge University Press Moral relativism, truth, and j 230p Knowledge Centre
101MAC 01007059 Tasks of Philosphy: Selected Essays (law Lib) Alasdair Macintyre Cambridge University Press Moral relativism, truth, and j 230p Knowledge Centre
102 COH 00140528 Cracking Philosophy Cohen,Mathew Octopus Publishing 2016 9781844038060 399p UG Library
102 DAV 00012899 Search Formeaning in Life Readings on Philosophy Davidson, Robert F Holt Rinehart & Winston 1966 414 p UG Library
102 EWI 00014846 Fundamental Questions of Philosophy Ewing, A. C. Allied 1964 280 p. UG Library
102 EWI 00018026 Fundamental Questions of Philosophy Ewing, A C 1964 260 p UG Library
102 PHI 00079707 Philosophy and Science Fiction Philips,Michael Prometheus Books 1984 0713652483 | 9790879752483 392 p. UG Library
102 RAJ 03010715 Food For Thought / Rajaram, M. Rupa Publications, 2012 9788129119421 130 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
102 STE 00140013 Philosophy for Busy People: Stephen,Alain Michael O'Mara Books Limited 2019 9781789291605 192p UG Library
102 SWE 00129658 Philosophical Thinking and the Religious Context Sweetman,Brendan Bloomsbury 2015 9781501307683 208p UG Library
102 WEI 00140677 The Socrates express : in search of life lessons from dead philosophers / Weiner, Eric Avid Reader Press; 2020 9781982152093 330 p. ; UG Library
102.07 CAl 05058922 Plato and a platypus walk into a bar-- : Cathcart, Thomas, Penguin Books, 2008 9780143113874 215 p. : Knowledge Centre
102.07 CAl 00125783 Plato and a platypus walk into a bar-- : Cathcart, Thomas, Penguin Books, 2008 9780143113874 215 p. : UG Library
102.07 CAT 00112556 Plato and a platypus walk into a bar-- : Cathcart, Thomas, Penguin Books, 2008 9780143113874 215 p. : UG Library
102.42 ALL 00088024 Primary Reading in Philosophy for Understanding Theology Allen, Diogenes 1992 0664252087 308p UG Library
102.85 BYN 00110721 The digital phoenix : Blackwell Publishers, 1998 0631203524 (pbk.) 412 p. : UG Library
102.85 LAW 05067548 What Am I Doing With My Life? : Law, Stephen. Rider, 2019 9781846046186 xi, 259p.; Knowledge Centre
102NEW 00084305 Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy Newton, Issac 2004 0521538483 148p UG Library
103 AUD 00106134 The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy Audi, Robert Cambridge University Press 1999 9780521637220 | 0521637228 (Tr 2nd ed.,Revised xxxiv;1000 P. UG Library
103 AUD 05055530 Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy / Audii, Robert. 1999 0000521228 1001p.; Knowledge Centre
103 BHL.W 05001464 Fontana Biographical Companion of Modern Thought Bullock, Rlan Fontana, 1984 866 p.; Knowledge Centre
103 BLA 01014545 The Oxford dictionary of philosophy / Blackburn, Simon, Oxford University Press, 9780199541430 407 p. : Knowledge Centre
103 BLA 07005418 The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy / Blackburn, Simon Oxford University Press, Incorporated 1994 9780198735304 | 0198735308 (Tr 3rd ed. x,531p.; Library - BR Campus
103 BLA 05003802 The Oxford dictionary of philosophy / Blackburn, Simon, Oxford University Press, 9780199541430 407 p. : Knowledge Centre
103 BOR 00071504 Encyclopedia of Philosophy in a Set of 10 Vols: Borchert, M, Donald 2004 0028657829 1 UG Library
103 BOR 00071508 Encyclopedia of Philosophy in a Set of 10 Vols: Borchert, M, Donald 2004 0028657829 1 UG Library
103 BOR 00071507 Encyclopedia of Philosophy in a Set of 10 Vols: Borchert, M, Donald 2004 0028657829 1 UG Library
103 BOR 00071506 Encyclopedia of Philosophy in a Set of 10 Vols: Borchert, M, Donald 2004 0028657829 1 UG Library
103 BOR 00071505 Encyclopedia of Philosophy in a Set of 10 Vols: Borchert, M, Donald 2004 0028657829 1 UG Library
103 BOR 00071509 Encyclopedia of Philosophy in a Set of 10 Vols: Borchert, M, Donald 2004 0028657829 1 UG Library
103 BOR 00071513 Encyclopedia of Philosophy in a Set of 10 Vols: Borchert, M, Donald 2004 0028657829 1 UG Library
103 BOR 00071512 Encyclopedia of Philosophy in a Set of 10 Vols: Borchert, M, Donald 2004 0028657829 1 UG Library
103 BOR 00071511 Encyclopedia of Philosophy in a Set of 10 Vols: Borchert, M, Donald 2004 0028657829 1 UG Library
103 BOR 00071510 Encyclopedia of Philosophy in a Set of 10 Vols: Borchert, M, Donald 2004 0028657829 1 UG Library
103 BRO 00115812 Illustrated Dictionary of Philosophy Brown,Sable Lotus 2004 8189093525 | 9788189093525 180 UG Library
103 COH 05034483 The Essentials of Philosophy & Ethics / Cohen, Martin Hodder Head line Group, 2006 0340900288 310 p Knowledge Centre
103 COH 05011587 The essentials of-- philosophy & ethics / Cohen, Martin, Hodder Arnold ; | Distributed in the U.S. of America by Oxford University Press, 2006 9780340900284 xv, 310 p. : Knowledge Centre
103 CRA 00070131 Shorter Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Craig, Edward 2000 0415324955 1071p UG Library
103 DUP 04008683 50 big ideas : Dupre, Ben Quercus 2009 9781847249869 208p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
103 EDM 00130256 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130257 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130258 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130259 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130260 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130261 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130262 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130263 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130264 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130265 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130266 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130267 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130268 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130269 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130270 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130271 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130272 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130273 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130274 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130275 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130276 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130277 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130278 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130279 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130280 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130281 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130282 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130283 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130284 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130285 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 FER 00130210 Encyclopaedia of History of Philosophical Systems Ferm,Vergilius Impact Global Publishinh Inc 2013 9781619520110 307p UG Library
103 FER 00130211 Encyclopaedia of History of Philosophical Systems Ferm,Vergilius Impact Global Publishinh Inc 2013 9781619520110 307p UG Library
103 FER 00130212 Encyclopaedia of History of Philosophical Systems Ferm,Vergilius Impact Global Publishinh Inc 2013 9781619520110 307p UG Library
103 FER 00130213 Encyclopaedia of History of Philosophical Systems Ferm,Vergilius Impact Global Publishinh Inc 2013 9781619520110 307p UG Library
103 FER 00130214 Encyclopaedia of History of Philosophical Systems Ferm,Vergilius Impact Global Publishinh Inc 2013 9781619520110 307p UG Library
103 FER 00130215 Encyclopaedia of History of Philosophical Systems Ferm,Vergilius Impact Global Publishinh Inc 2013 9781619520110 307p UG Library
103 FER 00130216 Encyclopaedia of History of Philosophical Systems Ferm,Vergilius Impact Global Publishinh Inc 2013 9781619520110 307p UG Library
103 FER 00130217 Encyclopaedia of History of Philosophical Systems Ferm,Vergilius Impact Global Publishinh Inc 2013 9781619520110 307p UG Library
103 FER 00130218 Encyclopaedia of History of Philosophical Systems Ferm,Vergilius Impact Global Publishinh Inc 2013 9781619520110 307p UG Library
103 FER 00130219 Encyclopaedia of History of Philosophical Systems Ferm,Vergilius Impact Global Publishinh Inc 2013 9781619520110 307p UG Library
103 HAYS 05001459 Students`s Dictionary of Psychology [m Sc Psychology] Hayes, Nicky 0340873035 319 Knowledge Centre
103 HON 00072011 Oxford Companion to Philosophy: Honderich, Ted 2000 0199264791 1054p UG Library
103 IAN 05040732 Dictionary of World Philosophy / Iannone Pablo.A Routledge, 2013 9780415862608 xviii,554p.: Knowledge Centre
103 KUM 00139996 Encyclopaedia of Philosophy Kumar,Raj Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd 2011 9788131103548 10 Vols UG Library
103 KUM 00139997 Encyclopaedia of Philosophy Kumar,Raj Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd 2011 9788131103548 10 Vols UG Library
103 KUM 00139998 Encyclopaedia of Philosophy Kumar,Raj Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd 2011 9788131103548 10 Vols UG Library
103 KUM 00139999 Encyclopaedia of Philosophy Kumar,Raj Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd 2011 9788131103548 10 Vols UG Library
103 KUM 00140000 Encyclopaedia of Philosophy Kumar,Raj Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd 2011 9788131103548 10 Vols UG Library
103 KUM 00140001 Encyclopaedia of Philosophy Kumar,Raj Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd 2011 9788131103548 10 Vols UG Library
103 KUM 00140002 Encyclopaedia of Philosophy Kumar,Raj Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd 2011 9788131103548 10 Vols UG Library
103 KUM 00140003 Encyclopaedia of Philosophy Kumar,Raj Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd 2011 9788131103548 10 Vols UG Library
103 KUM 00140004 Encyclopaedia of Philosophy Kumar,Raj Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd 2011 9788131103548 10 Vols UG Library
103 KUM 00140005 Encyclopaedia of Philosophy Kumar,Raj Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd 2011 9788131103548 10 Vols UG Library
103 MAT 00021580 Encyclopaedia of Reality Matson, Katinka Granada 1979 366 p UG Library
103 MAU 05003631 The Penguin dictionary of philosophy / Mautner, Thomas. Penguin Books, 1997 9780140512502 Rev. ed. xiii, 641 p. ; Knowledge Centre
103 MAU 01014937 The Penguin dictionary of philosophy / Mautner, Thomas. Penguin Books, 0140512500 xiii, 641 p. ; Knowledge Centre
103 MAU 05001818 The Penguin dictionary of philosophy / Mautner, Thomas. Penguin Books, 1997 0140512500 | 9780140512502 Rev. ed. xiii, 641 p. ; Knowledge Centre
103 MOS 00090711 A to Z of Philosophy Moseley, Alexander Continuum, 2008 9780826499486 261p UG Library
103 PUT 00106143 ACPI Encyclopedia of Philisiphy / Puthenpurackal,Johnson J. Asian Trading Corporation, 2010 9798170865741 2 v.; UG Library
103 PUT 00106144 ACPI Encyclopedia of Philisiphy / Puthenpurackal,Johnson J. Asian Trading Corporation, 2010 9798170865741 2 v.; UG Library
103 PUT 05074413 ACPI Encyclopedia of Philisiphy / Puthenpurackal,Johnson J. Asian Trading Corporation, 2010 9798170865741 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
103 PUT 05074414 ACPI Encyclopedia of Philisiphy / Puthenpurackal,Johnson J. Asian Trading Corporation, 2010 9798170865741 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
103 SUR 00129666 A practical Vedic dictionary / Surya Kanta. Oxford University Press, 1981 0195612981 : | 9780195612981 xvii, 750 p. ; UG Library
103.954 COW 05028219 Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies.Vol.5 [ug.Lib.General Reference Section] Coward, Harold MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 8120804260 609p Knowledge Centre
103.954 LAR 05028230 Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies.Vol.4 Larson MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2006 8120803116 674p Knowledge Centre
103.954 MAL 05028224 Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies.Vol.10 Malvania, Dalsukh MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2007 8120831691 828p Knowledge Centre
103.954 POT 05028229 Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies.Vol.3 Potter, Karl H MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1998 8120803108 635p Knowledge Centre
103.954 POT 05028220 Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies.Vol.6 [ug.Lib General Reference Section] Potter, Karl H MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 8120808940 672p Knowledge Centre
103.954 POT 05028221 Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies.Vol.7 [ug.Lib.General Reference Section] Potter, Karl H MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 8120808959 636p Knowledge Centre
103.954 POT 05028222 Encyclopeadia of Indian Philosophies. Potter, Karl H MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2002 0812081553 827p Knowledge Centre
103.954 POT 05028223 Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies.Vol.9 [ug.Lib.General Reference Section] Potter, Karl H MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 8120819683 762p Knowledge Centre
103.954 POT 05028225 Encyclopeadia of Indian Philosophies.Vol.11 Potter, Karl H MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2006 0812083061 825p Knowledge Centre
103.954 POT 00111189 Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies Volume 1 Bibliography Potter, Karl H MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1974 8120803086 898p.; UG Library
103.954 POT 05028226 Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies Volume 1 Bibliography Potter, Karl H MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1974 8120803086 898p.; Knowledge Centre
103.954 POT 05028227 Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies Volume 1 Bibliography Potter, Karl H MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1974 8120803086 898p.; Knowledge Centre
103.954 POT 05028228 Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies Volume II the Tradition of Nyaya Vaisesika Up to Gangesa [ug.Lib.General Reference Section] Potter, Harl H MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 8120803094 744p Knowledge Centre
105 USE 05038414 Appartenance et globalisation en Education : USEK Saint-Esprit de Kaslik, 2012 10157263 312p.: Knowledge Centre
105.15195 YAN 05051737 New developments in psychometrics : Springer, 2003 4431703438 (alk. paper) | 9784 xvi, 702 p. : Knowledge Centre
105.724 SAN 05034481 Experimental Design and Statistics for Psychology / Sani, Fabio Blackwell Publishing, 2006 1405100249 224 p Knowledge Centre
107 1241 TAY 00125581 100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers Taylor John L Bloomsbury, 2014 9781472909565 viii, 120 p.: UG Library
107 FER 00140584 Book Detail Page Discrimination as Perceived by International Students : A Phenomenological Exploration / Fernandes, Edison Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485438 xvi, 293 p. 24 cm UG Library
107 RAD 05034484 The Dhammapada : Radhakrishnan, S Oxford University Press, 1999 0195640802 194 p Knowledge Centre
107 THO 00064758 Teach Yourself Philosophy Thompson, Mel 2000 0340859695 214p UG Library
107.1 FIN 00125788 The philosophy skills book : Finn, Stephen J Continuum, 2012 9781441198747 (hardcover) | 14 vi, 225 p. ; UG Library
107.11 KEN 07006244 Teaching Philosophy Kenkmann, Andrea Continuum International Publishing Group 2009 9781847062444 21 Library - BR Campus
107.11 KEN 00090726 Teaching Philosophy Kenkmann, Andrea Continuum International Publishing Group 2009 9781847062444 21 UG Library
107.11 KEN 05039475 Teaching Philosophy Kenkmann, Andrea Continuum International Publishing Group 2009 9781847062444 21 Knowledge Centre
107.1141 DUR 07006255 Get set for philosophy / Burnham, Douglas. Edinburgh University Press, 2003 0748616578 viii, 223 p. ; Library - BR Campus
107.1241 TAY 05048520 100 Ideas For Secodary Teachers : Taylor, John L Bloomsburry, 2014 9781472909565 120 p. Knowledge Centre
107.24 PUT 00072198 Philosophical Methods Through the Prevalent to a Relevant Puthenpurackal, Johnson J Asian Trading Corporation 2004 8170863252 289 UG Library
107.6 BAG 10004486 The pig that wants to be eaten : and ninety-nine other thought experiments / by Julian Baggini. Baggini, Julian [Author] Granta, 2005 9781803510477 306 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
108 STU 00020668 Elements of Philosophy Stumpf, Samuel E Mcgraw-Hill 1979 xi,505p. UG Library
108 TIT 00020656 Range of Philosophy Titus, Harold H East-West 1974 xi,386p. UG Library
108.082 PER 07012880 History of Women in Philosophy/ Perumalil,Augustine. Global Vision Publishing House, 2018 9789386603340 XIII,377 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
109 RAD 00005109 History of Philosophy Eastern & western Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1967 390 p. UG Library
109 ALA 00106509 Feminist reflections on the history of philosophy Alanen,Lilli. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004 1402024886 (alk. paper) | 9781 xvii, 252 p. ; UG Library
109 CHA 00131397 Comparative philosophy without borders Chakrabarti,Arindam Bloomsbury academic. 2017 9781350036659 viii,246p.; UG Library
109 CON 00146417 Doing philosophy comparatively / Connolly, Tim. Bloomsbury 2020 9781780938394 (pb) | 9781780936536 (hb) | 9789389351484 ix, 232 pages; UG Library
109 COP 00070118 History of Philosophy in a Set of 11 Volumes. Copleston, Frederick 2003 0826468950 1 UG Library
109 COP 00070119 History of Philosophy in a Set of 11 Volumes. Copleston, Frederick 2003 0826468950 1 UG Library
109 COP 00070121 History of Philosophy in a Set of 11 Volumes. Copleston, Frederick 2003 0826468950 1 UG Library
109 COP 00070120 History of Philosophy in a Set of 11 Volumes. Copleston, Frederick 2003 0826468950 1 UG Library
109 COP 00070122 History of Philosophy in a Set of 11 Volumes. Copleston, Frederick 2003 0826468950 1 UG Library
109 COP 00070128 History of Philosophy in a Set of 11 Volumes. Copleston, Frederick 2003 0826468950 1 UG Library
109 COP 00070127 History of Philosophy in a Set of 11 Volumes. Copleston, Frederick 2003 0826468950 1 UG Library
109 COP 00070126 History of Philosophy in a Set of 11 Volumes. Copleston, Frederick 2003 0826468950 1 UG Library
109 COP 00070125 History of Philosophy in a Set of 11 Volumes. Copleston, Frederick 2003 0826468950 1 UG Library
109 COP 00070124 History of Philosophy in a Set of 11 Volumes. Copleston, Frederick 2003 0826468950 1 UG Library
109 COP 00070123 History of Philosophy in a Set of 11 Volumes. Copleston, Frederick 2003 0826468950 1 UG Library
109 DEL 00070132 Story of Philosophy from Antiquity to the Present. Delius, Christoph Konemann 2000 3829020376 120p UG Library
109 DUR 00144051 The story of philosophy; Durant, Will, Simon and Schuster, 1961 9780671739164 xxx,704p.; UG Library
109 DUR 05047558 The story of philosophy; Durant, Will, Simon and Schuster, 1961 9780671739164 xxx,704p.; Knowledge Centre
109 DUR 00005106 Story of Philosophy Durant, Will WSP 1966 544 p UG Library
109 DUR 00018183 Story of Philosophy Durant, Will WSP 1966 544 p UG Library
109 DUR 10001045 The Story of Philosophy : Durant, Will, Simon and Schuster, 1961 xxx,543p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
109 DUR 00016470 Story of Philosophy Durant, Will Simon & Schuster 1961 xvi,412p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
109 DUR 00020649 Story of Philosophy Durand, Will Simon & Schuster 412p. UG Library
109 DUR 00089345 Story of Philosophy Durand, Will Simon & Schuster 412p. UG Library
109 DUR 07005340 Story of Philosophy Durant, Will WSP 1966 544 p Library - BR Campus
109 FLA 00129639 Berkeley Flage,Daniel E Polity Press 2014 9780745656342 202p UG Library
109 FRI 00129647 Hegel Fritzman,J M Polity 2014 9780745647258 185p UG Library
109 FUL 00019558 History of Philosophy Fuller, B A G Oxford 1976 ix,567p. UG Library
109 FUL 05034469 A History of Philosophy Fuller, B. A. G. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., 1969 3rd Ed. 618 p. Knowledge Centre
109 FUL 00006211 A History of Philosophy Fuller, B. A. G. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., 1969 3rd Ed. 618 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
109 FUL 00005889 A History of Philosophy Fuller, B. A. G. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., 1969 3rd Ed. 618 p. UG Library
109 GAA 00078611 Sophie's World Gaarder, Jostein A Dolphin Paper Back 2003 1858815304 | 9781858815305 482 p. UG Library
109 GAR 05008510 The Oxford handbook of world philosophy / Garfield, Jay L Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195328998 (alk. paper) xxi, 633 p. ; Knowledge Centre
109 GAR 00107921 The Oxford handbook of world philosophy / Garfield, Jay L Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195328998 (alk. paper) xxi, 633 p. ; UG Library
109 GRA 07013858 The history of philosophy / Grayling, A C. Penguin Publication, 2019 9780241304556 xv,611p.; Library - BR Campus
109 HAR 00070117 One Thousand Years of Philosophy. Harre, Rom 2001 0631219013 361p UG Library
109 HEG 05001462 Lectures on the history of philosophy, 1825-6 / Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199568932 (v. 1 : hbk.) | Rev. ed. 323 p. Knowledge Centre
109 HEG 05001463 Lectures on the history of philosophy, 1825-6 / Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199568932 (v. 1 : hbk.) | Rev. ed. 323 p. Knowledge Centre
109 HEG 01017063 Lectures on the history of philosophy, 1825-6 / Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199568932 (v. 1 : hbk.) | Rev. ed. 323 p. Knowledge Centre
109 JOH 05041526 A Brief History of Philosophy From Socrates to Derrida / Johnston Derek Bloomsbury, 2014 9789384052867 211p.: Knowledge Centre
109 LAV 10002010 From socrates to sartre : Lavine, T. Z. Bantam Books, 1984 9780553251616 xviii, 426 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
109 LAV 10002011 From socrates to sartre : Lavine, T. Z. Bantam Books, 1984 9780553251616 xviii, 426 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
109 LAV 10002012 From socrates to sartre : Lavine, T. Z. Bantam Books, 1984 9780553251616 xviii, 426 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
109 LAV 10002013 From socrates to sartre : Lavine, T. Z. Bantam Books, 1984 9780553251616 xviii, 426 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
109 LAV 00068770 From Socrates to Sartre Lavine, T. Z. Bantam Books 1984 0553553259 | 076783007994 423 p. UG Library
109 LEC 00068368 Fifty Great Contemporary Thinkers Lechte, John 2004 0415077088 250p UG Library
109 LEC 05034449 Fifty Great Contemporary Thinkers : Lechte, John Routledge, 2004 0415074088 252 p Knowledge Centre
109 MAS 00008560 Critical History of Modern Philisophy. Masih, Y 1978 260 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
109 PAN 00068330 Form in Forms Panthanmackel, George Pantha Asian Trading Corporation 2002 8170862841 69p UG Library
109 RAD 00005110 History of Philosophy Eastern & western Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1967 390 p. UG Library
109 RAG 00138630 Calibrating Western Philosophy for India Raghuramaraju,A Routledge 2019 9780367360887 102p UG Library
109 RAP 00071982 Great Philosophers. Monk, Ray 2001 0753811367 570 UG Library
109 ROM 05034473 One Thousand Years of Philosophy : Harre, Rom Black Well, 2000 362 p Knowledge Centre
109 ROO 00127536 The Story of Philosophy Rooney,Anne Arcturus 2013 9781782122814 208p UG Library
109 ROS 00139882 The Philosopher's Handbook; Rosen Stanley Random House 2000 9780375720116 628p UG Library
109 ROS 00093240 The Philosopher's Handbook; Rosen Stanley Random House 2000 9780375720116 628p UG Library
109 ROS 03006694 The Philosopher's Handbook; Rosen Stanley Random House 2000 9780375720116 628p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
109 RUS 07008585 History of western philosophy / Russell, Bertrand Routledge, 2004 9781138694750 1st pbk. ed. xi,778 p. ; Library - BR Campus
109 RUS 10003203 History of western philosophy / Russell, Bertrand Routledge, 2004 9781138694750 1st pbk. ed. xi,778 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
109 SCH 05062398 A History Of Philosophy / Schwegler, Albert Dr. Vandana Publications, 2018 9789383386598 384p.; Knowledge Centre
109 SOL 00068397 Passion for Wisdom (a Brief Hisory of Philosophy) Solmon, Robert C 1997 137p UG Library
109 THI 05067263 A History Of Philosophy / Thilly, Frank. Central Publishing House, 2016 xiii, 453p.; Knowledge Centre
109.02 KUL 00106233 Encyclopaedia of World Great Philosophers Kulkarni,Jagmohan. Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 2011 9788131103036 264 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
109.02 KUL 00106234 Encyclopaedia of World Great Philosophers Kulkarni,Jagmohan. Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 2011 9788131103036 264 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
109.02 KUL 00106235 Encyclopaedia of World Great Philosophers Kulkarni,Jagmohan. Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 2011 9788131103036 264 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
109.02 KUL 00106236 Encyclopaedia of World Great Philosophers Kulkarni,Jagmohan. Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 2011 9788131103036 264 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
109.02 KUL 00106237 Encyclopaedia of World Great Philosophers Kulkarni,Jagmohan. Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 2011 9788131103036 264 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
109.02 KUL 00106238 Encyclopaedia of World Great Philosophers Kulkarni,Jagmohan. Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 2011 9788131103036 264 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
109.02 KUL 00106239 Encyclopaedia of World Great Philosophers Kulkarni,Jagmohan. Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 2011 9788131103036 264 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
109.02 KUL 00106240 Encyclopaedia of World Great Philosophers Kulkarni,Jagmohan. Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 2011 9788131103036 264 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
109.2 ARR 05034538 The World's Great Philosophers / Arrington, L Robert Blackwell, 2002 0631231463 360 p Knowledge Centre
109.2 DUI 00101075 The 100 most influential philosophers of all time / Duignan, Brian. Britannica Educational Pub. in association with Rosen Educational Services, 9781615300099 (library binding 367 p. : UG Library
109.2 DUR 05046552 The story of Philosophy / Durant,Will. Blind Persons' Association, 2014 11 Volumes Knowledge Centre
109.2 DUR 05046553 The story of Philosophy / Durant,Will. Blind Persons' Association, 2014 11 Volumes Knowledge Centre
109.2 DUR 05046554 The story of Philosophy / Durant,Will. Blind Persons' Association, 2014 11 Volumes Knowledge Centre
109.2 DUR 05046555 The story of Philosophy / Durant,Will. Blind Persons' Association, 2014 11 Volumes Knowledge Centre
109.2 DUR 05046556 The story of Philosophy / Durant,Will. Blind Persons' Association, 2014 11 Volumes Knowledge Centre
109.2 DUR 05046557 The story of Philosophy / Durant,Will. Blind Persons' Association, 2014 11 Volumes Knowledge Centre
109.2 DUR 05046558 The story of Philosophy / Durant,Will. Blind Persons' Association, 2014 11 Volumes Knowledge Centre
109.2 DUR 05046559 The story of Philosophy / Durant,Will. Blind Persons' Association, 2014 11 Volumes Knowledge Centre
109.2 DUR 05046560 The story of Philosophy / Durant,Will. Blind Persons' Association, 2014 11 Volumes Knowledge Centre
109.2 DUR 05046550 The story of Philosophy / Durant,Will. Blind Persons' Association, 2014 11 Volumes Knowledge Centre
109.2 DUR 05046551 The story of Philosophy / Durant,Will. Blind Persons' Association, 2014 11 Volumes Knowledge Centre
109.2 EDM 00102799 Philosophy Bites Edmonds, David, Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199576326 (hbk.) | 0199576 xxiv, 244 p. ; UG Library
109.2 EDM 00110067 Philosophy Bites Edmonds, David, Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199576326 (hbk.) | 0199576 xxiv, 244 p. ; UG Library
109.2 EDM 00110808 Philosophy Bites Edmonds, David, Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199576326 (hbk.) | 0199576 xxiv, 244 p. ; UG Library
109.2 HET 00135873 What makes a philosopher great? : Hetherington Routledge 2018 9781138936157 (hbk) | 9781138936164 (pbk) x, 272 pages ; UG Library
109.2 MAG 05005581 The Story of Philosophy / Magee, Bryan A Dorling Kindersley book, 1998 9781405353335 240 p. : Knowledge Centre
109.2 MAH 00133553 World great philosophers Mahto,Mahendra ABD publishers, 2019 9788183766500 ix,307p.; UG Library
109.2 PIR 05041929 101 Great Philosophers : Pirie Madsen Bloomsbury, 2014 9789384052904 x,204p.: Knowledge Centre
109.2 STO 05067369 Philosophy : Stokes,Philip. Arcturus, 2011 9781848378506 256p.; Knowledge Centre
109.2COO 01000083 World Philosopers (law Lib) David Cooper Blackwell Publishing 0631232613 571p Knowledge Centre
109.54MUC 00068333 Six Systems of Indian Philosophy Max Muller, Friedrich Chronical Book 8180280101 294p UG Library
109WIL 01009580 Simply Philosophy (law Lib) Brendan Wilson Edinburgh University 9780748615681 224 Knowledge Centre
11 SHA 00015776 National Biographical Dictionary of India Sharma, Sterling 1972 302 p UG Library
11.4KAA 01005212 Rajiv Gandhi Assassination:The Investigation (law Lib) D R Kaarthikeyan New Dawn Press Group 6. Running, but Going Nowhere 260p Knowledge Centre
110 KRI 00102515 Truth And Actuality / Krishnamurti .j. Krishnamurthi Foundation India Pub , 8187326182 171 p. UG Library
110 MAR 05034541 Aristotle Metaphysics : Aristotle. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2006 0198751079 (hbk.) | 0198751087 xlii, 289 p. : Knowledge Centre
110 ARI 00110503 The metaphysics Aristotle. Dover Publications Inc 2007 9780486440873 | 0486440877 Dover ed. 346 p. ; UG Library
110 ARI 00104106 Metaphysics : Aristotle Clarendon Press Oxford ; 2003 9780198240877 2nd Edition 254 p. UG Library
110 ASH 05034537 Negative Dialectics / Ashton, E B Routledge, 1996 0415052211 416 p Knowledge Centre
110 BAD 00099089 Philosophy in the present / Badiou, Alain. Polity, 9780745640969 (hbk.) | 0745640 xii, 104 p. ; UG Library
110 BAD 01012399 Philosophy in the Present / Badiou, Alain. Polity, 9780745640969 (hbk.) | 0745640 xii, 104 p. ; Knowledge Centre
110 BEN 05057123 Oxford studies in metaphysics / Oxford University Press, 2017 978/0198791980 x,319p. : Knowledge Centre
110 CAR 00107841 An introduction to Metaphysics / Carroll, John W. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521826297 (hardback) | 052 ix, 267 p. ; UG Library
110 CAR 05034548 An introduction to Metaphysics / Carroll, John W. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521826297 (hardback) | 052 ix, 267 p. ; Knowledge Centre
110 CHA 00011317 Let Me Explain Chardin, Teilhard De Collins 1970 190 p UG Library
110 CHA 00003660 Phenomenon of Man Charduri, Sevasadan 1959 337 p UG Library
110 CHA 00103651 The Metaphysics of text: Chaudhuri Sukanta Cambridge university press; 2010 9781107400337 225 p. UG Library
110 CHA 04012155 The Metaphysics of text: Chaudhuri Sukanta Cambridge university press; 2010 9781107400337 225 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
110 CHE 00002087 Cnciousness and Reality Chethimattom, John B 1967 1 UG Library
110 CHE 00002162 Consciousness and Reality Chethimattam, B Dharmaram 1965 260 p UG Library
110 CON 00071531 Riddles of Existence: A Guided Tour of Metaphysics: Conee, Earl 2005 0199282269 210p UG Library
110 CRU 05001533 Aristotle-- Metaphysics beta : Crubellier, Michel, Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199546770 (hard : alk. pap 296 p. ; Knowledge Centre
110 DEV 01017069 Putting metaphysics first : Devitt, Michael, Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199576975 (pbk. : alk. pap x, 346 p. ; Knowledge Centre
110 FLE 00018272 God and Philosophy Flew, Antony Huchinson 1968 208p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
110 FRO 00108125 Basic teachings of the great philosophers Frost, S. E., Ancher Books 1942 9780385030076 New and enl. ed. xii; 301 p. ; UG Library
110 GAR 00131320 What is this thing called metaphysics? / Garrett, Brian, Routledge, 2017 9781138832244 (hbk) | 9781138832251 (pbk) | 9781315736105 (ebk) Third edition. xiv, 159 pages ; UG Library
110 GOP 00115232 Janana Maranagalache Gopinath Brilliant 2003 55p UG Library
110 HAL 05069490 Aristotle's Metaphysics : Halper, Edward C. Bloomsbury Academic, 2012 9789386950765 xii, 144p. ; Knowledge Centre
110 HAW 05034535 Metaphysical Essays : Hawthorne, John Oxford Univesity Press, 2008 0199291241 299 p Knowledge Centre
110 HEI 00110538 Introduction to metaphysics Heidegger, Martin. Yale University Press, 2000 0300083270 (hardcover : alk. p xxx, 255 p. ; UG Library
110 HON 00109667 Reification: A New Look At an Old Idea Honneth Axel Oxford University Press 2008 9780199898053 xii; 168 p. UG Library
110 KAI 00109832 Relationalism Kaipayil Joseph JIP Publications 2009 8187664061 84 p. UG Library
110 KAI 00112086 Relationalism Kaipayil Joseph JIP Publications 2009 8187664061 84 p. UG Library
110 KAN 00107482 The Philosopher of Meta-Reason Kannany Thomas Intercultural Publications 2003 8185574545 xix; 528 P. UG Library
110 KAN 00104687 Prolegomena to any future metaphysics that will be able to present itself as a science : Kant, Immanuel, Oxford University Press, 2004 9780198751519 ix, 250 p ; UG Library
110 KIR 05011515 Metaphysics : Aristotle. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 1993 0198240864 : | 0198240872 (pbk 2nd ed. vi, 254 p. : Knowledge Centre
110 KRI 05034542 Truth and Actuality / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 2003 8187326182 171 p Knowledge Centre
110 LAW 00103146 Closure : Lawson, Hilary. Routledge, 0415011388 | 0415136504 (pbk.) xlviii, 372 p. ; UG Library
110 LEP 05034540 Being : Le poidevin Robin Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521735445 (pbk.) | 0521735 viii, 212 p. ; Knowledge Centre
110 LOU 05034536 Metaphysics : Loux, Michael J Routledge, 2002 309 p Knowledge Centre
110 LOU 00131311 Metaphysics : Loux, Michael J., Routledge, 2017 9781138639331 (hbk) | 9781138639348 (pbk) | 9781315637242 (ebk) Fourth edition. xii, 356 pages ; UG Library
110 MAC 05001458 Varieties of Things: Foundations of Contemporary Metaphysics Macdonald, Cynthia Blacker & Sons, 2005 9780631186953 278p.; Knowledge Centre
110 MAC 00073878 Immemorial Silence. Mackendrick, Karmen 2001 0791448789 170p UG Library
110 MAN 05044667 The Bloomsbury Companion to Metaphysics / Bloomsbury, 2015 9781472585851 384p.: Knowledge Centre
110 MAR 07006249 Aristotle Metaphysics : Aristotle. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2006 0198751079 (hbk.) | 0198751087 xlii, 289 p. : Library - BR Campus
110 MAR 01017076 The mind in nature / Martin, C. B. Clarendon Press, 2008 9780199234103 xvi, 224 p. ; Knowledge Centre
110 MIL 00064750 Philosophy of Language Miller, Alexander UCL Press 2000 1857284704 346p UG Library
110 MIL 00103924 Hegel's: Miller A.V Oxford university press; 1977 9780198245971 595 p. UG Library
110 MOL 05001532 Powers : Molnar, George, Oxford University Press, 019925978X xiv, 238 p. : Knowledge Centre
110 MUM 00110119 Metaphysics Mumford, Stephen. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199657124 1st ed. 113 p. : UG Library
110 MUM 05034539 Russell on Metaphysics / Mumford, Stephen Routledge, 2003 0415277450 256 p Knowledge Centre
110 NEE 00103613 Physics Without Metaphysics? Neelamkavil, Raphael Dharmaram Publications, 2006 9788186861890 382 p. UG Library
110 NEY 07010440 Metaphysics : Ney, Alyssa. Routledge, 2014 9780415640749 (hbk) | 97804156 xiv, 310 pages ; Library - BR Campus
110 NIC 00071520 Word Has Been Abroad: A Guide Through Balthasar`s Aesthetics: Nichols, Aidan 2000 0567085945 266p UG Library
110 NOR 00003696 Future of Man Norman Denny, Collins 1969 1 UG Library
110 OCL 05017347 Reification Oxford University Press; 2008 9780199898053 168p Knowledge Centre
110 OHE 00124929 Logic, thought and language O'Hear Anthony Cambridge University Press, 2002 0521529662 (pbk.) vii, 346 p. ; 23 cm. UG Library
110 PAL 00148212 Constructivism and the Metaphysics of Qualitative Research/ Paley, John Routledge, 2025 9781032307183 xv,301p. ; UG Library
110 PAN 00072214 Society in Being. Panthanmackel Msfs, George Asian Trading Corporation 2003 8170863031 216 UG Library
110 POI 05004810 The Routledge companion to metaphysics / Routledge, 2009 9780415396318 (hardback : alk. p. cm. Knowledge Centre
110 POL 05011538 A companion to Heidegger's Introduction to metaphysics / Polt, Richard Yale University Press, 2001 0300085230 (alk. paper) | 0300 xvii, 342 p. ; Knowledge Centre
110 REA 07009218 Metaphysics : Rea, Michael C. Routledge, 2014 9780415574419 (hardback : alk. xiii, 216 pages ; Library - BR Campus
110 RED 05034546 GOD and the Evolving Universe : Redfield, James Penguin Putnam Inc., 2000 1585422029 315 p Knowledge Centre
110 RED 03005965 God and the Evolving Universe : Redfield, James. Penguin, 2002 1585421375 | 9781858421374 321 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
110 RED 04008120 God and the Evolving Universe : Redfield, James. Penguin, 2002 1585421375 | 9781858421374 321 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
110 RIG 00144067 Logic, Everyday Discourse, and Metaphysics Rigamonti, Gianni Springer, 2021 9783030745974 xx,108p.; UG Library
110 ROS 00124903 Scientific metaphysics Ross,Don Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199696499 | 0199696497 243p UG Library
110 ROS 00138200 Experimental metaphysics / Rose, David Bloomsbury publishing Plc., 2017 vii, 242 pages ; UG Library
110 SMI 05034604 Matter matters : Smith, Kurt. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199583652 (hbk.) | 0199583 x, 299 p. : Knowledge Centre
110 SPR 01017200 The importance of subjectivity : Sprigge, Timothy L. S. Clarendon Press, 2011 9780199591541 | 0199591547 xi, 355 p. ; Knowledge Centre
110 STE 00144807 A Plea for Naturalistic Metaphysics : Steinvorth, Ulrich Palgrave macmillan, 2021 9783030726027 v,97p, ; UG Library
110 STU 01026068 Locke's metaphysics / Stuart, Matthew, Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198805595 xvii, 522 pages ; Knowledge Centre
110 TAH 00125890 An introduction to metametaphysics Tahko, Tuomas E., cambridge University Press 2015 9781107077294 (hb : alk. paper ix, 258 pages ; UG Library
110 TAL 00137260 Metaphysics : Tallant, Jonathan. Bloomsbury publishing Plc., 2017 9781441162397 | 1441162399 | 9781441104540 (pbk.) | 1441104542 (pbk.) | 9781350006706 2nd ed., 286p.; UG Library
110 TAL 00131367 Metaphysics : Tallant, Jonathan. Bloomsbury publishing Plc., 2017 9781441162397 | 1441162399 | 9781441104540 (pbk.) | 1441104542 (pbk.) | 9781350006706 2nd ed., 286p.; UG Library
110 UNG 05060733 Empty ideas : Unger, Peter K. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199330812 (hardback : alk. xiv, 258p.; Knowledge Centre
110 VAT 05058155 Of reality : Vattimo, Gianni, Columbia university press, 2016 9780231166966 (cloth : alk. pa x, 235 pages ; Knowledge Centre
110 WU 00147112 In Search of the Lost World : Wu, Tsaiyi Vernon Press, 2023 9781648896309 xxxiv,144p. ; UG Library
110 YAG 01017112 Worlds and individuals, possible and otherwise / Yagisawa, Takashi. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199576890 (hbk. alk. paper xii, 314 p. ; Knowledge Centre
110 YUT 00012458 The Importance of Living Yutang, Lin William 1949 viii,444p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
110 ZIM 05011511 Oxford studies in metaphysics. Zimmerman, Dean W Clarendon Press, 2006 x, 400 p. : Knowledge Centre
110 ZWI 00146499 Elements and Relations: Zwick, Martin Springer, 2023 9783030994020 xviii,702p. ; UG Library
110.82 BAT 00099084 The phenomenal woman : Battersby, Christine, Routledge, 0415920353 (cloth : alk. paper xii, 236 p. ; UG Library
110.954 LAL 05067138 India and civilizational futures : Oxford University Press, 2019 9780199499069 xiv,318p.; Knowledge Centre
111 BAD 00117454 Briefings on existence : Badiou, Alain. State University of New York Press, 2006 0791468038 (hardcover : alk. p xii, 190 p. ; UG Library
111 BAD 00119262 Being and event / Badiou, Alain. Bloomsbury, 2007 9781472511065 (pbk. : alk. pap xxxv,559p.; UG Library
111 BAD 05038756 Being and event / Badiou, Alain. Bloomsbury, 2007 9781472511065 (pbk. : alk. pap xxxv,559p.; Knowledge Centre
111 BOH 00104835 Unfolding Meaning/ Bohm,David Routledge 1985 9780415136389 xiii,177p UG Library
111 BOS 05034534 Confronting Reality : Ram Chandran, Larry Bossidy Random House, 2004 0001844192 264 p Knowledge Centre
111 DCR 00072096 1001 Fascinating Facts. D`Cruuz, Jubel Siga 2005 8171085482 156 UG Library
111 GHO 05066974 Tagore, Einstein And The Nature Of Reality : Routledge, 2019 9780367374945 ix, 241p.; Knowledge Centre
111 INW 00122260 Existence Inwagen, Peter Van Cambidge University Press, 2014 9781107625266 261 p:. UG Library
111 KAI 00112088 An Essay On Ontology Kaipayil Joseph Karunikan Books, 2008 9788190584401 vii, 97 p.: UG Library
111 KAI 00112064 Critical Ontology Kaipayil Joseph Jeevalya Institute of Philosophy, 2002 8187644029 x, 55 p.: UG Library
111 MCM 05056088 Heidegger, authenticity, and the self : Routledge, 2015 9780415672696 (hardback : alk. First edition. xii, 283 pages ; Knowledge Centre
111 MUL 00110941 The Routledge guidebook to Heidegger's Being and time / Mulhall, Stephen, Routledge, 2013 9780415664424 (hardback : alk. xiv, 220 p. ; UG Library
111 NOI 00134666 Becoming within Being Noica,Constatin Marquettee University Press 2009 0874627591 400p UG Library
111 PLU 00098868 Badiou : Pluth, Ed. Polity, 9780745642772 (hbk.) | 9780745 194 p. ; UG Library
111 RAE 05047955 The philosophy of being; Raeymaeker, Louis de. B. Herder Book Co. 1954 xii, 360 p. Knowledge Centre
111 SAR 05040555 Being and Nothongness : Sartre Jean-Paul 142.7 9780415278485 xxi,659p.: Knowledge Centre
111 SAR 05004749 Being and nothingness : Sartre, Jean-Paul, Philosophical Library, 1956 638 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111 WRA 07010272 The Cambridge companion to Heidegger's Being and time / Cambridge University Press, 2013 9780521895958 (hardback) | 978 xx, 426 p. ; Library - BR Campus
111 WRI 00117441 The case for qualia / Wright,Edmond MIT Press, 2008 9780262232661 (hardcover : alk viii, 384 p. ; UG Library
111.092 HAT 05001472 Descartes on forms and mechanisms / Hattab, Helen. Cambridge University Press, 9780521518925 (hardback : alk. x, 236 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111.1 KOO 00107585 Human Dignity Koodapuzha Jose Oriental institute of Religious Studies India: 1998 261 p. UG Library
111.1 KOS 01017152 The structure of objects Koslicki, Kathrin. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199539895 288 p. : Knowledge Centre
111.1 OLS 00107939 An introduction to existentialism. Olson, Robert G. Dover Publications 1962 9780486200552 221 p. UG Library
111.1CHO 00076139 Life After Death: The Books of Answers [ Dharmaram Library] Chopra, Deepak Routledge 1846040574 281p UG Library
111.2 SIN 00080505 Life and Origin Of The Universe Singh, T.D. Bhaktivedanta Institute 2005 8190136933 | 9788190136938 89 p. UG Library
111.5 BUR 00107378 Sunya and nothingness in science, philosophy and religion Burde,Jayant. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited. 2009 9788120833432 | 8120833430 1st ed. xxii, 289 p. : UG Library
111.5 PAN 00121736 Philosophy of Scence and Religion Pandey, Vishwamitra Lobus Press 2012 9789382074588 262 p.: UG Library
111.6 MOO 04003194 Infinite Moore, A W Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 2001 0415252857 268 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
111.6 BAR 03010641 The Infinite Book : Barrow, John D. Vintage Books , 2005 9780099443728 328 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
111.6 HEL 04007882 Infinity : Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107003873 (hardback) | 1107003873 (hardback) xiii, 311 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
111.82 FOR 00143866 The Art of Identification : Forguson, Res. University press, 2021 9780271090573 253p,; UG Library
111.82 LAR 01024125 Theory of identities / Laruelle, François, Columbia university press, 2016 9780231168946 (cloth : alk. pa xxi, 270 pages ; Knowledge Centre
111.82 MAG 05044990 Politics of the one : Continuum, 2013 9781441112828 | 9781441187192 xxii, 256 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111.82 WAL 00123734 Identity Walke Giselle Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521897266 x, 217 p. : UG Library
111.84 DOU 00124621 Aquinas's disputed questions on evil : Dougherty M V Cambridge University Press 2016 9781107044340 (hb : alk. paper xii, 251 pages ; UG Library
111.84 EAG 07012630 On evil / Eagleton, Terry Seagull Publication, 2010 9788170463481 165p.; Library - BR Campus
111.84 MUR 00111975 The sovereignty of good / Murdoch, Iris. Routledge, 2001 041525552X | 0415253993 (pbk.) 105 p. ; UG Library
111.84 MUR 05004625 The sovereignty of good / Murdoch, Iris. Routledge, 2001 041525552X | 0415253993 (pbk.) 105 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111.85 BUR 01017004 Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beatiful / Burke, Edmund. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199537884 xxviii,173p.; Knowledge Centre
111.85 RAN 05055528 The future of the image / Rancière, Jacques. Verso, 9781844672974 [vii], 147 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111.85 ADO 00078461 Aesthetic Theory Adorno, Theodor W Continuum 2005 0826476910 472 p. UG Library
111.85 ADO 05040804 Aestheric Theory / Adorno Theodor.W Bloomsbury, 2013 9781780936598 xxi,489p.: Knowledge Centre
111.85 ADO 07005366 Aestheric Theory / Adorno Theodor.W Bloomsbury, 2013 9781780936598 xxi,489p.: Library - BR Campus
111.85 ADO 00078917 Aesthetic Theory Adorno, Theodor W Continuum 2005 0826476910 472 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
111.85 ARR 00112776 Beauty Ed By, Arrington Lauren Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107693432 xiv, 195 p.: UG Library
111.85 BAR 04015679 The artful universe expanded / Barrow, John D., Oxford University Press, 2005 019280569X (alk. paper) | 9780192805690 [New ed.]. xii, 321 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
111.85 BRE 00073886 Philosophies of Art and Beauty:Introducing Aesthetics. Bredin, Hugh 2000 0748611916 226p UG Library
111.85 BUD 00110025 Aesthetic Essays Budd, Malcolm, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199556175 (alk. paper) | 0 282 p. ; UG Library
111.85 BUD 07006258 Aesthetic Essays Budd, Malcolm, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199556175 (alk. paper) | 0 282 p. ; Library - BR Campus
111.85 BUR 00090300 Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beatiful / Burke, Edmund. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199537884 xxviii,173p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
111.85 BUR 00122873 A philosophical enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful / Burke, Edmund, Oxford University Press 2015 9780199668717 (pbk.) | 0199668 Second edition. xliv, 154 pages ; UG Library
111.85 BUR 00103321 A philosophical enquiry into the sublime and beautiful: Burke Routledge; 9780415453264 198 p. UG Library
111.85 BUR 00090218 Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beatiful Burke, Edmund Oxford 9780199537884 173p UG Library
111.85 CAH 00118782 Aesthetics : Cahn, Steven M. Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405154345 (hardcover : alk xx, 684 p. ; UG Library
111.85 CHA 05058119 The opulence of existence : Chakravarty, Prasanta, Three Essays, 2017 9789383968213 | 9383968214 First edition. x, 296 pages ; Knowledge Centre
111.85 COO 00010703 Tranformation of Nature in Art Coomaraswamy, Ananda K DOVER 1934 250 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
111.85 COS 00109936 The Sublime Costelloe, Timothy M., Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521194372 (hardback) | 978 xiii, 304 pages : UG Library
111.85 CRO 07014568 Critical Aesthetics and Postmodernism Crowther,Paul Oxford University Press 1993 9780198835714 214p Library - BR Campus
111.85 CRO 00138343 Critical Aesthetics and Postmodernism Crowther,Paul Oxford University Press 1993 9780198835714 214p UG Library
111.85 CUP 05056391 The aesthetics of emotion : Cupchik, Gerald C., Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107024458 (hardback) xxv,387p.: Knowledge Centre
111.85 CUP 07010266 The aesthetics of emotion : Cupchik, Gerald C., Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107024458 (hardback) xxv,387p.: Library - BR Campus
111.85 CUP 07009372 The aesthetics of emotion : Cupchik, Gerald C., Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107024458 (hardback) xxv,387p.: Library - BR Campus
111.85 DOR 07008063 The theory of the sublime from Longinus to Kant / Doran, Robert, Cambridg University Press, 2015 9781107101531 xiii,313p.: Library - BR Campus
111.85 FEA 00093258 Aesthetics / Oxford University Press, 0192892754 (pbk.) vii, 418 p. " UG Library
111.85 GAG 08001360 Aesthetics equals politics : MIT Press, 2019 9780262039437 (hardcover : alk. paper) viii, 317 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
111.85 GAG 00130245 Aesthetic theory : Gage,Mark Foster W. W. Norton & Co., 2011 9780393733495 (pbk.) 1st ed. 336 p.; UG Library
111.85 GAU 05055529 The routledge companion to Aesthetics / Gaut Berys Routledge; 2001 9780415327985 705 p.; Knowledge Centre
111.85 GAU 00103913 Art, emotion and ethics / Gaut, Berys Nigel. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199571529 (pbk.) Pbk. [ed.] viii, 269 p. : UG Library
111.85 GAU 01017127 Art, emotion and ethics Gaut, Berys Nigel. Oxford University Press, 2007 0199263213 (hbk. : alk. paper) 269 p. : Knowledge Centre
111.85 HAG 05006360 Art and ethical criticism / Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781444337877 | 1405134836 | 9 xii, 292 p. : Knowledge Centre
111.85 HAY 05040122 Bakhtin reframed : Haynes, Deborah J., 9781780765129 | 9780857724519 1 online resource (160 pages) : Knowledge Centre
111.85 HEN 07012386 Ugliness : Henderson, Gretchen E. Reaktion Books, 2015 9781780239316 240p. : Library - BR Campus
111.85 HEN 05064256 Ugliness : Henderson, Gretchen E. Reaktion Books, 2015 9781780239316 240p. : Knowledge Centre
111.85 HER 00104089 Aesthetics : Herwitz, Daniel Alan, Continuum, 2008 9780826489180 (HB) | 082648918 vi, 193 p. : UG Library
111.85 HOG 05059706 Beauty and sublimity : Hogan, Patrick Colm, Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107535497 ix, 286 pages ; Knowledge Centre
111.85 JOU 00117641 The new aestheticism / Manchester University Press, 2003 0719061385 (hc) | 0719061393 ( vi, 242 p. ; UG Library
111.85 KAU 05034477 Birth of Tragedy and the Case of Wagner / Kaufmann, Walter Vintage Books, 1967 0394703693 223 p Knowledge Centre
111.85 KEM 05034533 Kant's aesthetic theory : Kemal, Salim. St. Martin's Press, 1997 0312121644 (pbk.) 2nd ed. 197 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111.85 KIR 05034478 The aesthetic in Kant : Kirwan, James, Continuum, 2004 0826487785 vi, 200 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111.85 KOR 05001531 Aesthetic: The Big Questions [PHILOSOPHY SECTION] Korsmeyer, Carolyn Balck well Publishing, 1998 0631205942 366p.; Knowledge Centre
111.85 KRA 00103915 Artworld metaphysics / Kraut, Robert. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199587421 (pbk.) | 0199587 ix, 187 p. ; UG Library
111.85 LEE 00124954 The Beautiful; Lee, Vernon, University Press, 1913 9781107401662 viii, 158 p., UG Library
111.85 LYA 00064751 Aesthetics Lyas, Colin UCL Press 2003 1857285808 240p UG Library
111.85 MAG 10004540 Your brain on art : how the arts transform us / by Susan Magsamen and Ivy Ross. Magsamen, Susan [Author] and Ross, Ivy [Author] Canongate Books Ltd, 2023 9781805303305 1st Ed. xvii, 280 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
111.85 MIL 00146419 Eco-aesthetics: Miles, Malcolm, Bloomsbury 2020 9781472529404 (paperback) | 9781472529107 (hardback) | 9789389351491 xii, 241 pages. UG Library
111.85 NEI 05034543 Arguing about art : Neill Alex Routledge; 2008 9780415424516 485 p. Knowledge Centre
111.85 NEI 05001530 Arguing about art : Neill, Alex. Routledge, 0415237386 (alk. paper) | 0415 xiii, 479 p. : Knowledge Centre
111.85 NIE 05053275 The birth of tragedy / Nietzsche, Friedrich. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199540143 (pbk.) xliii, 173 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111.85 NIE 07011066 The birth of tragedy / Nietzsche, Friedrich. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199540143 (pbk.) xliii, 173 p. ; Library - BR Campus
111.85 PAR 05011543 Aesthetics and Nature Parsons, Glenn Continuum, 2008 9780826496768 164p Knowledge Centre
111.85 PAR 00090719 Aesthetics and Nature Parsons, Glenn Continuum, 2008 9780826496768 164p UG Library
111.85 RAN 05006466 The aesthetic unconscious / Rancière, Jacques. Polity, 2009 9780745646435 (hbk.) | 0745646 English ed. v, 95 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111.85 RAN 00093130 The future of the image / Rancière, Jacques. Verso, 9781844672974 [vii], 147 p. ; UG Library
111.85 RAN 07011060 The politics of aesthetics Ranciere, Jacques. Bloomsbury 2000 0826489540 (pbk.) | 9781780935 Pbk. ed. 121 p. ; Library - BR Campus
111.85 RAN 00110985 The politics of aesthetics Ranciere, Jacques. Bloomsbury 2000 0826489540 (pbk.) | 9781780935 Pbk. ed. 121 p. ; UG Library
111.85 SAI 07006241 everyday aesthetics Saito yuriko Oxford University Press 9780199278350 273p Library - BR Campus
111.85 SAI 00094007 everyday aesthetics Saito yuriko Oxford University Press 9780199278350 273p UG Library
111.85 SCH 05011542 Aesthetics and morality / Schellekens, Elisabeth. Continuum, 2007 9780826497628 (pbk.) vii, 162 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111.85 SCH 00107142 Aesthetics and morality Schellekens, Elisabeth. Continuum, 2007 0826485243 (pbk.) | 0826497624 vii, 162 p. ; UG Library
111.85 SCH 00126903 The aesthetic mind : Schellekens,Elisabeth Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199691517 (hbk) | 01996915 xiv, 455 p.; UG Library
111.85 SCR 05053266 Beauty : Scruton, Roger. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199229758 (pbk.) | 9780195 xvi, 186 p. : Knowledge Centre
111.85 SHA 07012153 The sublime / Shaw, Philip, Routledge 2017 9781138859630 (hardback) | 9781138859647 (pbk.) Second edition. xii, 237 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
111.85 SPI 05040762 An Aesthetic Education In The Era of Globalization / Spivak Gayatri Chakravorty Harvard University Press, 2012 9780674072381 xvi,607p.: Knowledge Centre
111.85 WIL 00144413 The Space that Separates : Wilson, Nick. Routledge, 2020 9780367784140 xii,245p, ; UG Library
111.8509 GUY 00123328 Values of beauty : Guyer, Paul, Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521844908 (alk. paper) | 9780 xxi, 359 p. ; UG Library
111.850903 EAG 00104488 The ideology of the aesthetic Eagleton, Terry, Blackwell, 1990 9780631163022 | 0631163026 (pb 426 p. ; UG Library
111.850903 GUY 05039498 A history of modern aesthetics / Guyer, Paul, Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107643222 (set) | 97811070 3 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
111.850903 GUY 05039499 A history of modern aesthetics / Guyer, Paul, Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107643222 (set) | 97811070 3 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
111.850903 GUY 05039500 A history of modern aesthetics / Guyer, Paul, Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107643222 (set) | 97811070 3 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
111.85092 KIR 01013811 The aesthetic in Kant : Kirwan, James, Continuum, 9780826487780 vi, 200 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111.85092 MER 07013601 : Open Books, 2012 9788932915517 | 8932915512 623 p. : Library - BR Campus
111.85092 TOW 05041050 Hume's aesthetic theory : Townsend, Dabney, Routledge, 2001 9780415868167 x, 258 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111.850922 ROS 00124639 The aesthetic ground of critical theory : Ross, Nathan Rowman & Littlefield 2015 9781783482924 (cloth : alk. pa 207p. UG Library
111.85092243 PIL 00110273 Sublime Understanding Pillow, Kirk. MIT Press, 2000 9780262661362 | 0262161923 (al viii, 377 p. ; UG Library
111.850924 KOC 05011525 Heidegger on art and art works / Kockelmans, Joseph J., M. Nijhoff Publishers ; | Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1985 902473102X xiv, 249 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111.850938 BYC 00099112 Greek and Roman aesthetics / Cambridge University Press, 9780521839280 (hbk.) | 0521839 xlii, 249 p. ; UG Library
111.850941 COS 00110868 The British aesthetic tradition Costelloe, Timothy M. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9780521518307 (hardback) | 978 x; 350 p. cm. UG Library
111.85095 CRO 00103883 The Kantian aesthetic : Crowther, Paul. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199579976 (hardback) 209 p. ; UG Library
111.85095 CRO 01017159 The Kantian aesthetic : Crowther, Paul. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199579976 (hardback) 209 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111.850952 KOR 08000321 Wabi-Sabi For Artists, Designers Poets and Philosophers / Koren, Leonard Imperfect Publishing, 2008 9780981484600 94p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
111.850954 CHA 00131306 The Bloomsbury research handbook of Indian aesthetics and the philosophy of art Chakrabarti, Arindam Bloomsbury opublishing Plc., 2018 9781350058026 x,428p.; UG Library
111.850954 POL 05058802 A rasa reader : Permanent Black, 2016 9788178245171 xxiv, 442 pages ; Knowledge Centre
111.85VAL 01009985 Art`s Claim to Truth (law Lib) Gianni Vattimo Columbia University Press 9780231138505 190 p Knowledge Centre
113 ARM 00125912 What is a law of nature? Armstrong, D. M. Cambridge University Press 2016 9781107142312 (hard back : alk Cambridge Philosophy Classics edition. 168p UG Library
113 BAN 05049018 Nature and experience : Rowman & Littlefield, 2016 9781783485208 (cloth : alk. pa xviii,224p.; Knowledge Centre
113 BIS 00138644 Philosophy of Cosmic Science: Biswas, Goutam, Global Vision Publishing House, 2019 9789386603531 xiv,255 p.; UG Library
113 BIS 00134144 Philosophy of Cosmic Science: Biswas, Goutam, Global Vision Publishing House, 2019 9789386603531 xiv,255 p.; UG Library
113 CHA 00011320 Human Energy. Chardin, Teilhard De Collins 1969 191p Yeshwanthpur Campus
113 DAS 08001361 Against nature / Daston, Lorraine, MIT Press, 2019 9780262537339 (pbk. : alk. paper) 78 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
113 FEY 00131828 Philosophy of Nature Feyerabend, Paul, Polity, 2016 9780745651590 | 0745651593 xxxii, 260 p.: UG Library
113 FEY 00124545 Philosophy of Nature Feyerabend, Paul, Polity, 2016 9780745651590 | 0745651593 xxxii, 260 p.: UG Library
113 FRE 00144867 Philosophy of science: French, Steven Bloomsbury, 2023 9789354359149 Second Edition 227p UG Library
113 HEG 00104114 Hegel's philosophy of nature : Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2004 0199272670 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxxi, 450 p. ; UG Library
113 KEE 05074002 Philosophical Physics / Keerthana, T S Notion Press, 2021 9781685230647 xix, 147p. ; Knowledge Centre
113 MAT 00135071 In Search of Cosmic Origins Mathew,Joseph ATC Publications 2014 9788170866930 321p UG Library
113 NAR 05034510 An Introduction to Cosmology Narlikar, Jayant Vishnu, Cambridge University Press, 2002 0521531411 | 9780521531412 | 8 3rd ed. xvii, 541 p. : Knowledge Centre
113 PLA 05034474 Timaeus and Critias / Plato Penguin Books, 1997 9780192807359 167 p Knowledge Centre
113 PLA 00090241 Timaeus and Critias / Plato Penguin Books, 1997 9780192807359 167 p UG Library
113 PLA 00090385 Timaeus and Critias / Plato Penguin Books, 1997 9780192807359 167 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
113 PLA 00090505 Timaeus and Critias / Plato Penguin Books, 1997 9780192807359 167 p UG Library
113 WEB 05072944 The world as idea : Webel, Charles. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 9781138013520 | 9781032115665 vi, 185p. ; Knowledge Centre
113.8 KRI 05053664 The flame of attention Krishnamurti, J. Krishnamurti foundation india , 1983 112p.; Knowledge Centre
113.8 YEO 05034447 If Tomorrow Never Comes / Yeo, Anthony Armour Publishing, 2000 9814045136 107 p Knowledge Centre
114 BAC 08000281 The poetics of space / Bachelard, Gaston, Beacon Press, 1994 9780807064733 xxxix, 241 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
114 TUC 01023684 Place in research : Tuck, Eve, Routledge, 2015 9780415626729 (hardback) | 041 xvii, 195 pages ; Knowledge Centre
115 BAR 00144860 An introduction to the philosophy of time / Baron, Sam, Polity Press, 2019 9781509524518 (hardback) | 9781509524525 (pbk.) vii, 239 pages : UG Library
115 CAL 05007376 The Oxford handbook of philosophy of time / Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199298204 | 0199298203 xiv, 689 p. : Knowledge Centre
115 DAI 00111732 Time and space Dainton, Barry, Acumen, 2010 2nd ed. xvi, 464 p. : UG Library
115 DYK 00124526 A companion to the philosophy of time Wiley-Blackwell, 2013 9781119145691 xvii, 577 p. : UG Library
115 FRA 05006483 The Inhuman : Francois Lyotard, Jean Polity Press, 1988 9780745612386 vi ; 216 p. Knowledge Centre
115 HAR 00129665 Time : Harrington, James Bloomsbury 2015 9781472506474 (pb) | 978147250 First edition. xv, 284 pages ; UG Library
115 HOF 03004609 Time / Hoffman, Eva. Profile Books, 2009 9781846680380 (pbk.) | 1846680 216 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
115 JOK 00092603 Time, Tense, and Reference. MIT Press, 2003 0262100983 (hc : alk. paper) | x, 470 p. : UG Library
115 POI 05001528 The images of time : Le Poidevin, Robin, Oxford University Press, 9780199265893 | 0199575517 (pb xiv, 193 p. ; Knowledge Centre
115 RAJ 05034511 The Eleven Pictures of Time : Raju, C K Sage Publications, 2002 0761996249 587 p Knowledge Centre
115 SKO 05060657 Objective becoming / Skow, Bradford, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198713272 (Hbk.) | 9780198 xi, 249 pages : Knowledge Centre
115 WYL 05072301 What is time : Wyller, Truls. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2020 9781789142365 152p. ; Knowledge Centre
115.092 WIL 05011560 Gilles Deleuze's philosophy of time Williams, James. Edinburgh University Press, 2011 9780748638536 | 0748638539 | 9 ix, 205 p. Knowledge Centre
115.0954 BAL 00090256 Study of Time in Indian Philosophy Balslev, Anindita Niyogi MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1999 9788120833746 200p Yeshwanthpur Campus
115.0954 BAL 00094739 Study of Time in Indian Philosophy Balslev, Anindita Niyogi MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1999 9788120833746 200p UG Library
115JOK 00126877 Time, Tense, and Reference. MIT Press, 2003 0262100983 (hc : alk. paper) | x, 470 p. : UG Library
116 COR 05007284 Emergence in science and philosophy / Corradini, Antonella Routledge, 2010 9780415802161 xiii, 314 p. : Knowledge Centre
117 GLE 07005674 Chaos: The Amazing Sciene of the Unpredictable: Gleick, James 1998 0749386061 350p Library - BR Campus
117 GLE 00076136 Chaos: The Amazing Sciene of the Unpredictable: Gleick, James 1998 0749386061 350p UG Library
117 PAR 00078503 Structuration Parker,John Viva Books Private Limited 2002 8176492760 | 9788176492768 143 p. UG Library
119 PIC 00089990 The Loom of God : Pickover, Clifford A. Sterling, 2008 9781402764004 287 p.: UG Library
119 PIC 03006152 The Loom of God : Pickover, Clifford A. Sterling, 2008 9781402764004 287 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
119.7 FRI 05034405 From Beirut to Jerusalem / Friedman, Thomas L Anchor Books, 1995 0385413726 588 p Knowledge Centre
119.95492 LAL 05056655 India and the Unthinkable : Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199466863 xlvii,228p.: Knowledge Centre
119.95492 LAL 07007192 India and the Unthinkable : Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199466863 xlvii,228p.: Library - BR Campus
120 LOC 00012857 An Essay Concerning Human Understanding Locke,John Meridian Books 1964 474 p. UG Library
120 PAR 05049254 PR AS Persons in Relation : Parackal,Joseph. Educreation Publishing, 2016 9781618135292 xii,195p.; Knowledge Centre
120 SMI 00016397 From Descartes to Kant Smith, T. V. The University Of Chicago Press 1954 878 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
120 SPO 01020643 The laws of belief : Spohn, Wolfgang, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198705857 (pbk.) | 0198705 Paperback edition 598 pages ; Knowledge Centre
120.03 NOR 05034512 The Hutchinson Dictionary of Ideas / Norton, Annie-Lucie Helicon Publishing, 1995 1859860508 583 p. Knowledge Centre
120.03 NOR 05001471 The Hutchinson Dictionary of Ideas / Norton, Annie-Lucie Helicon Publishing, 1995 1859860508 583 p. Knowledge Centre
121 BOE 00112997 Handbook of Philosophy Boersema, David. Viva Books 2012 9780816081592 (alk. paper) | 9 x, 300 p. : UG Library
121 RUS 03002397 Our Knowledge of the External World : Russell, Bertrand. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2010 9780415473477 210 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
121 ADA 00098879 The bounds of cognition / Adams, Frederick. Blackwell Pub., 9781444332704 xiii, 197 p. : UG Library
121 ALC 05034519 Theory of knowledge / Alchin Nicholas Hodder Murray. 2003 9780340914762 380 p. Knowledge Centre
121 ALC 05069977 Theory of knowledge /​ Alchin, Nicholas, Hodder Education, 2014 9781471804151 viii,472p.; Knowledge Centre
121 ALC 00125088 Theory of Knowledge Alchin Nicholas Nicholas Alchin & Company, 2014 9781471804151 3th ed, vii, 472 p.: UG Library
121 AUD 07009233 Rational belief : Audi, Robert, Oxford University, 2015 9780190221836 (pbk. : alk. pap x, 281 pages ; Library - BR Campus
121 AUD 05057059 Epistemology : Audi, Robert, Routledge, 2011 9781138283732 3rd ed. xix, 404 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 BEE 00129636 Advances in Experimental Epistemology Beebe, James R Bloomsbury 2015 9781474257053 210p UG Library
121 BEN 05034506 Keywords Truth : Benmakhaouf, Ali Sage Publications, 2004 8178294702 158 p Knowledge Centre
121 BEN 07009208 Kant's analytic / Bennett, Jonathan, Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107140547 (hardback : alk. Cambridge Philosophy Classics edition. XIII,245 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
121 BER 05034445 Reading Epistemology : Bernecker, Sven Blackwell Publishing, 2006 1405127643 198 p Knowledge Centre
121 BER 05041042 The Routledge Companion to Epistemology / Routledge, 2014 9780415722698 xxiii,911p.: Knowledge Centre
121 BER 05005075 The Routledge companion to epistemology / Routledge, 2011 9780415962193 (hardcover) | 97 xxiii, 911 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 BER 00115202 Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge Berkley, George Cosmo Publications 2000 8177554476 108p UG Library
121 BER 00140047 The Routledge companion to epistemology / Routledge, 2011 9780415962193 (hardcover) | 97 xxiii, 911 p. ; UG Library
121 BIS 00068439 Postmodern Controversy Biswas, Prasenjit Rawat Publications 2005 8170338611 190p UG Library
121 BOE 00112998 Handbook of Philosophy Boersema, David. Viva Books 2012 9780816081592 (alk. paper) | 9 x, 300 p. : UG Library
121 BOE 00112999 Handbook of Philosophy Boersema, David. Viva Books 2012 9780816081592 (alk. paper) | 9 x, 300 p. : UG Library
121 BOE 00113000 Handbook of Philosophy Boersema, David. Viva Books 2012 9780816081592 (alk. paper) | 9 x, 300 p. : UG Library
121 BOE 05037476 Handbook of Philosophy Knowledge,Logic,and Science / Boersema David Viva Books, 2014 9788130924540 xi,294p.: Knowledge Centre
121 BOE 05037477 Handbook of Philosophy Knowledge,Logic,and Science / Boersema David Viva Books, 2014 9788130924540 xi,294p.: Knowledge Centre
121 BOE 05037475 Handbook of Philosophy Knowledge,Logic,and Science / Boersema David Viva Books, 2014 9788130924540 xi,294p.: Knowledge Centre
121 BOE Handbook of Philosophy Boersema, David. Viva Books 2012 9780816081592 (alk. paper) | 9 x, 300 p. : Knowledge Centre
121 BOE 05037046 Handbook of Philosophy Knowledge,Logic,and Science / Boersema David Viva Books, 2014 9788130924540 xi,294p.: Knowledge Centre
121 BRI 05065165 An introduction to the theory of knowledge / O'Brien, Dan, Polity, 2017 9780745664316 (hardback) | 9780745664323 (pbk.) Second edition. xiii, 234 pages ; Knowledge Centre
121 BRI 05034455 Matters of Mind / O'Brien, Dan, Polity Press, 2006 074563317X (pbk.) | 9780745633 xii, 212 p. : Knowledge Centre
121 BUR 01013975 Kant's Critique of pure reason : Buroker, Jill Vance, Cambridge University Press, 052185315X (hardback) | 978052 ix, 326 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 CAS 00110921 The possibility of knowledge / Cassam, Quassim. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199208319 (hbk. : alk. pap x, 234 p. ; UG Library
121 DAR 00138021 Decolonizing Interpretive Research : Darder,Antonia. Routledge, 2019 9781138486614 xvii,135p.; UG Library
121 DEL 07006801 Kant`s Critical Philosophy the Doctrine of the Faculties Deleuze, Gilles Continuum, 2008 9780826432063 67p Library - BR Campus
121 DEL 07010173 Kant`s Critical Philosophy the Doctrine of the Faculties Deleuze, Gilles Continuum, 2008 9780826432063 67p Library - BR Campus
121 DEL 00090710 Kant`s Critical Philosophy the Doctrine of the Faculties Deleuze, Gilles Continuum, 2008 9780826432063 67p UG Library
121 DER 00119901 The case for contextualism / DeRose, Keith, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199564460 (v. 1 : hbk : al v. ;288p. UG Library
121 DWI 00135837 Epistemology and Linguistics Dwivedi,Prabha Shankar Motilal Banarsidass 2019 9788120841949 188p UG Library
121 FAI 07013643 Knowledge, dexterity, and attention : Fairweather, Abrol, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107089822 viii, 196p;. Library - BR Campus
121 FRA 00108167 Epistemology In Theory & Practice Francis,Joseph B. St.PetersPontifical Institute 2005 101 p. UG Library
121 FRA 00108168 Epistemology In Theory & Practice Francis,Joseph B. St.PetersPontifical Institute 2005 101 p. UG Library
121 GAD 07006385 Truth and method / Gadamer, Hans-Georg, Bloomsbury, 2004 9781780936246 (pbk.) | 9781780 First paperback edition / xxxvii,623p.: Library - BR Campus
121 GAD 05039478 Truth and method / Gadamer, Hans-Georg, Bloomsbury, 2004 9781780936246 (pbk.) | 9781780 First paperback edition / xxxvii,623p.: Knowledge Centre
121 GEN 05011509 Oxford studies in epistemology Gendler, Tamar Szabo. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2007 vi, 212 p. : Knowledge Centre
121 GLA 05067171 The Oxford handbook of truth / Oxford University Press, 2018 0199557926 | 9780199557929 First edition. xii, 808 pages : Knowledge Centre
121 GOR 07006252 Conversations on Truth Gordon, Mick Continuum International Publishing Group 2008 9781847064240 208p Library - BR Campus
121 GOR 00090713 Conversations on Truth Gordon, Mick Continuum International Publishing Group 2008 9781847064240 208p UG Library
121 GRE 00070045 Blackwell Guide to Epistemology. Greco, John 2004 0631202919 464p UG Library
121 GUL 05041054 Plato's theory of knowledge / Gulley, Norman. Routledge, 1962 9780415635875 viii, 203 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 GUY 01013808 The Cambridge companion to Kant's Critique of pure reason / Guyer,Paul. Cambridge University Press, 9780521883863 (hardback) | 052 xiv, 461 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 GUY 00108138 The Cambridge companion to Kant's Critique of pure reason Guyer Paul . Cambridge University Press, 9780521883863 (hardback) | 052 461 p UG Library
121 GUY 00084379 Kant Guyer, Paul 2006 0415283361 439p UG Library
121 GUY 00097926 The Cambridge companion to Kant's Critique of pure reason Guyer Paul . Cambridge University Press, 9780521883863 (hardback) | 052 461 p UG Library
121 HAD 01017070 Social epistemology / Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199577477 (hbk.) | 0199577 xviii, 350 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 HEI 00078492 The Essence of Truth Heidegger, Martin London 2005 0826477046 | 9780826477040 253 p. UG Library
121 HEI 05042098 The essence of truth : Heidegger, Martin, Bloomsbury, 2002 9781472525710 (pbk.) | 9781472 xvii,283p.; Knowledge Centre
121 HEI 07006407 The essence of truth : Heidegger, Martin, Bloomsbury, 2002 9781472525710 (pbk.) | 9781472 xvii,283p.; Library - BR Campus
121 HEN 01009683 Mainstream and formal epistemology / Hendricks, Vincent F. Cambridge University Press, 0521857899 (hardback) | 978052 xii, 188 p. : Knowledge Centre
121 HET 00092922 Epistemology futures / Oxford University Press, 0199273324 ( hdbk. : alk. pape 241 p. : UG Library
121 HIR 05007392 Durkheim, Bernard and epistemology / Hirst, Paul Q. Routledge, 2011 9780415563499 (hbk.) vi, 212 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 HOR 00103898 Truth-meaning-reality / Horwich, Paul. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199268917 (pbk.) | 0199268 vii, 341 p. ; UG Library
121 HUG 07009209 Kant's Critique of aesthetic judgement : Hughes, Fiona, Continuum, 2010 9780826497673 (hbk.) | 0826497 viii, 196 p. ; Library - BR Campus
121 HUM 07013096 An Enquiry Concerning Human Undrstanding / Hume David Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199549900 Lxv,238p.: Library - BR Campus
121 HUM 00090219 Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding Hume, David Oxford 9780199211586 238p UG Library
121 HUM 00090303 Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding Hume, David Oxford 9780199211586 238p UG Library
121 HUM 00090492 Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding Hume, David Oxford 9780199211586 238p UG Library
121 HUM 07011000 An Enquiry Concerning Human Undrstanding / Hume David Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199549900 Lxv,238p.: Library - BR Campus
121 HUN 05006582 A practical guide to critical thinking : Hunter, David A. John Wiley & Sons, 2009 9780470167571 (pbk.) | 0470167 xvii, 258 p. : Knowledge Centre
121 HUS 07014880 The DBS Handbook of Epistemology/ Husain,Tasadduq DBS Imprints, 2018 9789386648037 XIII,779 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
121 JHA 00137831 Indian Hermeneutics Jha,Ujjwala New Bharatiya Book Corporation 2013 8183151965 226p UG Library
121 KAN 01013995 Critique of pure reason / Kant, Immanuel, Cambridge University Press, 0521354021 (hardcover) | 97805 xi, 785 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 KAN 07013783 Critique of pure reason / Kant, Immanuel, Dover Publications, 2003 9780486432540 xix, 480 p. ; Library - BR Campus
121 KAN 00090308 Critique of Judgement Kant, Immanuel Oxford 9780199552467 405p UG Library
121 KAN 01013951 Critique of the power of judgment / Kant, Immanuel, Cambridge University Press, 0521344476 | 9780521348928 lii, 423 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 KOE 00133286 Scepticism, knowledge, and forms of reasoning / Koethe, John, Cornell University Press, 2005 0801444322 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9780801444326 (cloth : alk. paper) ix, 161 p. ; UG Library
121 KRI 05034508 On the Teachings / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 2002 8187326336 242 p Knowledge Centre
121 KRI 05034521 On Education / Rishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 1974 0818732600 157 p Knowledge Centre
121 LEM 05034520 An Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge/ Lemos, Noah Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521603096 232 p Knowledge Centre
121 LEM 00088993 An Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge/ Lemos, Noah Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521603096 232 p UG Library
121 LEM 00124927 An introduction to the theory of knowledge Lemos, Noah Marcelino, Cambridge University Press, 2007 0521842131 (hardback : alk. pa x, 232 p.; UG Library
121 LOC 01016971 An essay concerning Human Understanding Locke, John, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199296620 (pbk.) | 0199296 lvi, 520 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 LOC 00090220 An essay concerning Human Understanding Locke, John, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199296620 (pbk.) | 0199296 lvi, 520 p. ; UG Library
121 LOC 00090493 An essay concerning Human Understanding Locke, John, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199296620 (pbk.) | 0199296 lvi, 520 p. ; UG Library
121 LOW 00110940 The Routledge guidebook to Locke's Essay concerning human understanding / Lowe, E. J. Routledge, 2013 9780415664776 (hardback : alk. x, 207 p. ; UG Library
121 LYN 00103899 Truth as one and many / Lynch, Michael P. 2009 0199218730 | 9780199218738 x, 205 p. ; UG Library
121 MOH 05045629 Lectures on Kant's critique of pure reason / Mohanty, J. N. Munshiram Manoharlal, 2014 9788121512770 | 8121512778 261 pages ; Knowledge Centre
121 MOH 00137835 Lectures on Kant's critique of pure reason / Mohanty, J. N. Munshiram Manoharlal, 2014 9788121512770 | 8121512778 261 pages ; UG Library
121 MOS 00142217 The Oxford handbook of epistemology / Moser,Paul K Oxford University Press, 2002 0195130057 (alk. paper) | 9780195301700 x, 595 p. ; UG Library
121 NAG 05047282 Knowledge : Nagel, Jennifer. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199661268 (pbk.) 133p.: Knowledge Centre
121 NET 05005252 Arguing about knowledge / Routledge, 2009 9780415448383 (hardback : alk. xii, 583 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 NEW 01009691 The Cambridge companion to Locke's "Essay concerning human understanding" Cambridge University Press, 0521834333 (hardback) | 978052 486p.; Knowledge Centre
121 NEW 05034479 Cambridge Companion to Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding / Newman, Lex Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521542258 486 p Knowledge Centre
121 NEW1 05001470 Cambridge Companion to Locke`s Essay Concerning Human Understanding Newman, Lex Cambridge university press, 2007 9780521542258 486 p.; Knowledge Centre
121 NOR 05034446 Truth Matters : Norris, Christopher Edinburgh University Press, 2005 0748615989 228 p Knowledge Centre
121 OBR 05034435 An Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge / Brien, Dano Polity Press, 2006 0074563317 212 p. Knowledge Centre
121 OSH 07013646 Kant's Critique of pure reason : O'Shea, James R., Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107074811 xii, 297p;. Library - BR Campus
121 PAN 00119488 An Indian Ending : Rediscovering the Grandeur of Indian Heritage for a Sustainable Future : Essays in Honour of Professor Dr. John Pandikattu, Kuruvilla Serials Publications, 2013 9788183875936 xi:305p.; UG Library
121 PEA 01015766 The realm of reason / Peacocke, Christopher. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 0199270724 (alk. paper) x, 284 p. : Knowledge Centre
121 PHI 00122180 The undercover philosopher : Philips, Michael. Oneworld, 2008 9781851685813 (pbk.) | 1851685 ix, 300 p. ; UG Library
121 PLA 00121776 The Theaetetus Plato Oxford University Press 2014 0915144816 (pbk. : alk. paper) 161 p. ; UG Library
121 POP 05005498 Conjectures and refutations : Popper, Karl R. Routledge, 2002 0415285933 | 9780415285940 | 0 xvi, 582 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 PRO 05005355 The two fundamental problems of the theory of knowledge / Popper, Karl R. Routledge, 2009 9780415394314 (hardback : alk. xl, 510 p. : Knowledge Centre
121 QUE 00110043 Epistemology Smith, Quentin, 2008 9780199264933 (alk. paper) | 0 vi, 330 p. ; UG Library
121 RES 07006842 Epistemetrics / Rescher, Nicholas. Cambridge University Press, 2006 9780521861205 | 0521861209 xi, 112 p. : Library - BR Campus
121 REY 07013644 Knowledge as acceptable testimony / Reynolds, Steven/ Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107197756 1 [edition]. vii, 216p;. Library - BR Campus
121 RHE 00138695 On historicizing epistemology: Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg. Stanford University Press, 2010 9780804762885 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9780804762892 (pbk. : alk. paper) 114 p. ; UG Library
121 RIC 00110492 Berkeley's Principles of Human Knowledge Richmond, Alasdair. Continuum, 2009 9781847060280 (HB) | 184706028 xiii, 187 p. ; UG Library
121 RIC 05034603 When Truth Gives Out / Richard, Mark Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199587285 184 p. Knowledge Centre
121 RIC 00110033 Berkeley's Principles of Human Knowledge Richmond, Alasdair. Continuum, 2009 9781847060280 (HB) | 184706028 xiii, 187 p. ; UG Library
121 ROB 01017093 Intellectual Virtues : Roberts,RObert C. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199283675 viii,329p.; Knowledge Centre
121 RUS 05034507 Our knowledge of the external world : Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2009 9780415473774 (pbk) | 04154737 210 p. Knowledge Centre
121 RUS 05005197 Human knowledge : Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2009 9780415474443 (pbk) | 04154744 xv, 463 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 RUS 00089476 Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits Russel, Bertrand 2005 0415083028 538p UG Library
121 SAV 00073918 Kant`s Critque of Pure Reason. Savile, Anthony 2005 0140512041 148p UG Library
121 SEN 00069890 Rationality and Freedom. Sen, Amartya 2002 0195665287 736p UG Library
121 SEN 05034438 Rationality and Freedom / Sen, Amartya Oxford Univesity Press, 2002 0195678753 736 p Knowledge Centre
121 SEN 05034518 Rationality and Freedom : Sen, Amartya Oxford University Press, 2000 0195665287 735 p Knowledge Centre
121 SHA 00138424 Embodied Cognition / Shapiro,Lawrence. Routledge, 2019 9781138746992 2nd ed. xv,288p.; UG Library
121 SHA 05005047 Embodied cognition / Shapiro, Lawrence A. Routledge, 2011 9780415773416 (hardback : alk. xii, 237 p. : Knowledge Centre
121 SHA 05004173 Embodied cognition / Shapiro, Lawrence A. Routledge, 2011 9780415773416 (hardback : alk. xii, 237 p. : Knowledge Centre
121 SIE 05011531 Relativism refuted : Siegel, Harvey, D. Reidel Pub. Co. ; | Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1987 9027724695 xviii, 210 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 SOS 05001469 Epistemology : Sosa, Ernest. Blackwell Publishers, 0631197230 (alk. paper) | 0631 x, 590 p. : Knowledge Centre
121 SOS 00127994 Epistemology / Sosa, Ernest. Princeton University Press 2017 9780691137490 (cloth : alk. pa 235p. UG Library
121 SOS 01017148 Reflective knowledge / Sosa, Ernest. Clarendon ; | Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199217250 (hbk.) | 0199217 xii, 254 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 SOS 05057058 Epistemology / Sosa, Ernest. Princeton University Press 2017 9780691137490 (cloth : alk. pa 235p. Knowledge Centre
121 SPA 05069976 Theory of knowledge : Sprague, John. Hodder Education, 2017 9781510402478 ix,119p.; Knowledge Centre
121 STE 05034547 Contemporary Debates in Epiostemology / Steup, Matthias 2005 1405107391 348 p Knowledge Centre
121 THE 00130327 In Quest of Truth Therukattil,George JIP 2006 138p UG Library
121 THI 01007942 The heart of judgment : Thiele, Leslie Paul. Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521864445 x, 321 p. : Knowledge Centre
121 VAN 00137987 Variations on Truth/ vandevelde,Pol Bloomsbury 2011 9781472509024 238p UG Library
121 WAT 01013681 Kant's Critique of pure reason : Cambridge University Press, 9780521781626 (hardback) | 052 xiv, 410 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 WEI 00145338 Knowledge and scientific and religious belief / Weingartner, Paul, Walter de Gruyter, 2018 9783110584431 xii, 231 pages ; UG Library
121 WIL 03007591 Consilience Wilson, Edward O. Knopf : | Distributed by Random House, 1999 1st Vintage Books ed. 367 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
121 WIL 03007592 Consilience Wilson, Edward O. Knopf : | Distributed by Random House, 1999 1st Vintage Books ed. 367 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
121 WIL 04015454 Consilience Wilson, Edward O. Knopf : | Distributed by Random House, 1999 1st Vintage Books ed. 367 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
121.03 BLA 00087385 Epistemology A-Z Blaauw, Martijn 2005 0748622136 175 p UG Library
121.05 GEN 05006678 Oxford studies in epistemology / Gendler, Tamar Szabo Clarendon Press, 2005 9780199584086 334 p. : Knowledge Centre
121.09 GER 07006830 Ancient Epistemology / Gerson Lloyd P Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521691895 179 p Library - BR Campus
121.09 GER 05034434 Ancient Epistemology / Gerson Lloyd P Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521691895 179 p Knowledge Centre
121.092 DIC 01013989 Kant on Representation and objectivity / Dickerson,A.B Cambridge University Press, 9780521037198 217p.; Knowledge Centre
121.092 DIC 05001517 Kant on Representation and Objectivity [GENERAL SECTION] Dickerson, A B 0521831210 217p Knowledge Centre
121.093 HET 00133033 The philosophy of knowledge : Hetherington,Stephen. Bloomsbury Academic, 2019 9781474258272 (hardback) 271 p. ; UG Library
121.093 HET 00133032 The philosophy of knowledge : Hetherington,Stephen. Bloomsbury Academic, 2019 9781474258272 (hardback) 271 p. ; UG Library
121.093 HET 00133034 The philosophy of knowledge : Hetherington,Stephen. Bloomsbury Academic, 2019 9781474258272 (hardback) 271 p. ; UG Library
121.093 HET 00133035 The philosophy of knowledge : Hetherington,Stephen. Bloomsbury Academic, 2019 9781474258272 (hardback) 271 p. ; UG Library
121.0954 PRA 00099961 History Of Indian Gpistemology Prasad, Jwala Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 9788121500729 xvi, 244 p. UG Library
121.2 SAN 00117468 The nature and limits of human understanding / Sanford, Anthony J. T & T Clark, 2003 0567089460 | 0567089479 (pbk.) xviii, 259 p. : UG Library
121.21 POP 05034407 Conjectures and refutations : Popper, Karl R. Routledge, 2002 0415285933 | 0415285941 (pbk.) xvi, 582 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121.3 CHU 05060741 Intuition / Chudnoff,Elijah. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198777571 x,245p.; Knowledge Centre
121.3 GOL 01009695 Anti-individualism : Goldberg, Sanford, Cambridge University Press, 9780521880480 (hbk) | 05218804 xiii, 265 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121.34 FIS 00143481 Philosophy of Perception: Fish, William Routledge, 2021 9781032219363 Second Edition 276p UG Library
121.34 FIS 05005072 Philosophy of Perception Fish, William, Routledge, 2010 9780415999113 (hardcover) | 04 ix, 177 p. : Knowledge Centre
121.34 FIS 00110068 Philosophy of Perception Fish, William, Routledge, 2010 9780415999113 (hardcover) | 04 ix, 177 p. : UG Library
121.34 MER 10003209 The World of Perception / Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, Routledge, 2008 9781032160849 viii, 95 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
121.34 NOE 00007890 Action in Perception Noe, Alva MIT Press 2008 277p UG Library
121.34 NOE 05034442 Action in Perception / Noe, Alva The MIT Press, 2004 9780262640633 277 p Knowledge Centre
121.34 PAU 05072964 Perception / Pautz, Adam. Routledge, 2021 9780415486040 | 9780415486057 xi, 263p, ; Knowledge Centre
121.34 PON 07013084 The World of Perception / Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, Routledge, 2009 9780415773812 (pbk.) | 0415773 viii, 95 p. ; Library - BR Campus
121.34 PON 05004660 The World of Perception / Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, Routledge, 2009 9780415773812 (pbk.) | 0415773 viii, 95 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121.34 SEA 05043874 Seeing things as they are : Searle, John R. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199385157 (hardcover : alk xiii, 240 p. Knowledge Centre
121.34 ZEI 07002055 The cognitive penetrability of perception : Zeimbekis, John. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198738916 (hardback) xv,441p.: Library - BR Campus
121.34092 MIA 05011579 Russell's theory of perception, 1905-1919 / Miah, Sajahan. Continuum, 2006 9780826480804 xiii, 242 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121.3422 GEN 05034404 Perceptual experience / Gendler Tamar Szabo Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2006 019928976X (pbk. : alk. paper) viii, 550 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121.4 BUR 00103929 Origins of objectivity / Burge, Tyler. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199581405 (hbk. : alk. paper) | 0199581401 (hbk. : alk. paper) | 9780199581399 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0199581398 (pbk. : alk. paper) xix, 624 p. : UG Library
121.4 CLA 00123540 Representation in Mind : Elsevier, 2004 9780080443942 | 008044394X xxvi, 244 p. : UG Library
121.4 CLA 05001520 Representation in mind : Clapin, Hugh. Elsevier, 008044394X (hardcover : alk. p xxvi, 244 p. : Knowledge Centre
121.4 FOD 07006245 Concepts Fodor, Jerry A. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 1998 0198236379 (alk. paper) | 0198 Library - BR Campus
121.4 FRO 01026634 Reconciling copyright with cumulative creativity : Frosio, Giancarlo F. Edward Elgar, 2018 9781788114172 (cased) vii,390p.; Knowledge Centre
121.4 GAU 05048887 Objectivity : Gaukroger, Stephen. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199606696 (pbk. : acidfree 112 p. : Knowledge Centre
121.4 WAT 00076044 Ideas Watson,Peter Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2005 0029760726 | 9780297607267 822 p. UG Library
121.4 WAT 00068993 Ideas Watson,Peter Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2005 0029760726 | 9780297607267 822 p. UG Library
121.4 WAT 05034401 Ideas : Watson, Peter Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2005 0029760726 822 p Knowledge Centre
121.404 ADA 00088402 Insearch of Truth: Faith and Modern Science Adams, C W Readworthy 2008 297p UG Library
121.404 ADA 00087603 In Search of Truth: Faith and Modern Science Adams, C W Readworthy Publications Ltd 2008 9788189973605 297 p UG Library
121.4LUN 01000082 Contemporary Philosophy of Thought: Truth, World, Content (law Lib) Micheal Luntley Blackwell Publishing 0631190775 398p Knowledge Centre
121.4SUT 01010849 Without Justification (law Lib) Jonathan Sutton MIT Press 9780262693479 180p Knowledge Centre
121.6 BEC 07010276 The Sensitivity Principle in Epistemology / Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107538863 xi,281p.: Library - BR Campus
121.6 DEN 00110954 Institution Pumps And Other Tools For Thinking Dennett,Daniel C. Penguin Books 2013 9781846144752 xii; 496 p. UG Library
121.6 HAW 00110155 Trust Hawley, Katherine, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199697342 | 0199697345 121 p. ; UG Library
121.6 LEV 07006832 Pragmatism and inquiry Levi, Isaac, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199698134 | 0199698139 1st ed. x,260p.; Library - BR Campus
121.6 LEV 05041523 Pragmatism and inquiry Levi, Isaac, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199698134 | 0199698139 1st ed. x,260p.; Knowledge Centre
121.6 MAZ 04017938 Implausible Beliefs : Mazur, Allan Transaction Publisher, 2008 9781412847544 237p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
121.6 RES 05011530 Presumption and the practices of tentative cognition / Rescher, Nicholas. Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521864747 (hardback) | 978052 xiii, 181 p. : Knowledge Centre
121.6 TIT 05045901 Quitting certainties Titelbaum, Michael G. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199658305 | 9780199687602 1st ed. xii,345p.: Knowledge Centre
121.65 PEA 00064785 Sceince: Evidence for Truth Pearce, E K Victor OM BOOKS 2003 8173622965 320p UG Library
121.65 PEA 00064786 Archeology: Evidence for Truth Pearce, E K Victor OM BOOKS 2000 8173622973 272p UG Library
121.65 PEA 00064787 Prophecy: Evidence of Truth Pearce, E K Victor OM BOOKS 2004 8173622981 336p UG Library
121.65 PEA 00064788 Miracles and Angels: Evidence for Truth Pearce, E K Victor OM BOOKS 2003 0817362299 215p UG Library
121.65 SCH 01029641 The Proof : The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2022 9780674279094 xiii, 298p.; Knowledge Centre
121.68 DAL 05038644 Philosophy of language : Daly, Chris. Continuum, 2012 9781441173508 (hardcover) | 97 viii,338p. Knowledge Centre
121.68 DAL 00117673 Philosophy of language : Daly, Chris. Continuum, 2012 9781441173508 (hardcover) | 97 viii,338p. UG Library
121.68 DEL 00078484 The Logic of Sense Deleuze, Gilles Continuum 2005 0082647716 | 9780826477163 403 p. UG Library
121.68 DEL 07006370 Logic of Sense / Deleuze Gilles Bloomsbury, 2015 9781474234887 xii,363p.: Library - BR Campus
121.68 DEL 00068226 Logic of Sense Deleuze, Gilles 2005 0082647716 403p UG Library
121.68 DEL 07006788 Logic of Sense / Deleuze Gilles Bloomsbury, 2015 9781474234887 xii,363p.: Library - BR Campus
121.68 GAN 00094003 Artha Ganeri Jonardon Oxford University Press 9780195671995 258p UG Library
121.68 GIB 01022238 Meaning and normativity Gibbard, Allan. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199646074 (hbk.) | 0199646 1st ed. xiv, 309 p. Knowledge Centre
121.68 HOW 00142094 An introduction to the philosophy of methodology / Howell, Kerry E. Sage 2013 9781446202982 (hbk.) | 1446202984 (hbk.) | 9781446202999 (pbk.) | 1446202992 (pbk.) x, 236 pages ; UG Library
121.68 LAW 05034436 Wittgenstein and Gadamer : Lawn, Chris. Continuum, 2004 9780826493774 xviii, 161 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121.68 LEB 05062506 Bertrand Russell and the nature of propositions : Lebens, Samuel, Routledge, 2017 9781138737457 (hardback : alk. paper) xi, 296 pages ; Knowledge Centre
121.68 LEP 00104703 Meaning, mind, and matter : Lepore, Ernie Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199580781 236 p. ; UG Library
121.68 MAC 00105939 Teleosemantics : Macdonald,Graham. Clarendon Press, 2006 9780199270279 | 0199270260 (hb 232 p. : UG Library
121.68 PEA 00110924 Truly understood / Peacocke, Christopher. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199581979 (pbk. : alk. pap xiii, 341 p. : UG Library
121.68 PUT 00072137 Going to the Rots a Multi Disciplinary Study. O F M Cap, Dr K Luke Asian Trading Corporation 2005 8170863481 361 UG Library
121.68 TIM 00068469 Text in Context Timm, Jeffrey R SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS 1997 0008170300 322p UG Library
121.68 VAT 05006366 Beyond Interpretation : Vattimo,Gianni Polity Press, 1997 9780745617534 129 p. Knowledge Centre
121.68 WEB 00123927 Understanding Representation Webb, Jen. SAGE. 2009 1412919185 (hbk.) | 9781412919 164 p:. UG Library
121.68092 SHO 05001521 Peirce`s Theory of Signs Short, T L 9780521843201 374p Knowledge Centre
121.68092 DAW 01009705 Locke, language, and early-modern philosophy / Dawson, Hannah. Cambridge University Press, 9780521852715 (cased) | 052185 xii, 361 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121.68092 TSO 05034443 John Searle`s Philosophy of Language : Tsohatizidis, Savas L Cambridge Univesity Press, 2007 9780521685344 297 p Knowledge Centre
121.680954 GAN 00104769 Artha Meaning: Jonardon, Ganeri. Oxford University Press 2006 9780198074137 ix: 258 p. UG Library
121.680954GAN 01005406 Artha Meaning: Jonardon, Ganeri. Oxford University Press 2006 9780198074137 ix: 258 p. Knowledge Centre
121.683 MAD 05011536 The politics of postmodernity : Madison, Gary Brent. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001 0792368592 (alk. paper) xv, 273 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121.686 RIC 07006797 From Text to Action Essays in Hermeneutics, II / Ricoeur Paul Continuum, 2008 9780826443953 xii,348p.: Library - BR Campus
121.686 GAD 00078496 Truth and Method Gadamer, Hans-Georg Continuum 2005 0082647697 | 9780826476975 600 p. UG Library
121.686 GAD 05067981 Hermeneutics Betwwen History And Philosophy : Gadamer, Hans-Georg. Bloomsbury Academic, 2019 9781350091405 xxxv, 348p.; Knowledge Centre
121.686 GUT 09000289 Use-Conditional Meaning : Gutzmann, Daniel. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198723837 xvii, 304p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
121.686 GUT 05067830 Use-Conditional Meaning : Gutzmann, Daniel. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198723837 xvii, 304p.; Knowledge Centre
121.686 RIC 00078466 The Conflict of Interpretations Ricoeur,Paul Continuum 2005 0826477097 | 9780826477095 508 p. UG Library
121.686 ZIM 05048854 Hermeneutics : Zimmermann, Jens, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199685356 | 0199685355 First edition. xiv, 159 pages : Knowledge Centre
121.68GIB 01009723 Cambridge Handbook of Metaphor and Thought(law Lib) Raymond W Gibbs Cambridge University Press 9780521600866 550p Knowledge Centre
121.68GIB 05001522 Cambridge Handbook of Metaphor and Thought Gibbs, Jr, Raymond W Cambridge university press, 2008 9780521600866 550p.; Knowledge Centre
121.7 EVA 00068480 Faith Beyound Reason Evans, Stephen C 1998 0748607943 167p UG Library
121.8 HIR 05067081 The Oxford handbook of value theory / Oxford University Press, 2015 9780190927028 (paperback : alk. paper) | 9780199959303 (hardcover : alk. paper) viii, 448 pages ; Knowledge Centre
121.8 KOR 00050191 Human Values Koraddi, V. R. Koraddi 1999 180 p. UG Library
121.8 OSB 00131902 Foundations of the philosophy of value: Osborne, H. Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781316626054 132 p. ; UG Library
121.8 PIR 00072012 Zen and the Art of Motar Cycle Maintenance: Pirsig, M Robert Harper 2000 192p UG Library
121.8 TRI 03009091 Human Values / Tripathi, A. N. New Age International Publishers , 2009 9788122425895 3rd ed. 327 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
121.8 TRI 10000671 Human Values / Tripathi, A. N. New Age International Publishers , 2009 9788122425895 3rd ed. 327 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
121.8072 IGN 00112739 Values for life Ignacimuthu,S St. Pauls 2013 9788171082520 140p UG Library
121.8072 MAC 00112738 Value Education What, Why, How and Who. Maccarthaigh, Brendan Siga 2001 8171084672 215 UG Library
121.8072 MAC 00072229 Value Education What, Why, How and Who. Maccarthaigh, Brendan Siga 2001 8171084672 215 UG Library
121.WAT 05001468 Kant's Critique of Pure Reason Watkins Eric Cambridge University Press 9780521787017 410p Knowledge Centre
121GAD 01007263 Truth and Method (law Lib) Hans-Georg Gadamer Continuum 0082647697 601p Knowledge Centre
121KAN 07011235 Critique of Judgement Kant, Immanuel Oxford 9780199552467 405p Library - BR Campus
121NOR 01009398 On Truth and Meaning: Language Logic and the Grrounds of Belief Christopher Norris Continuum 9780826491282 205p Knowledge Centre
121RIC 01007255 Conflict of Interpretations(law Library) Paul Ricoeur Continuum 0826477097 508p Knowledge Centre
121ROR 01007299 Objectivity Relativism and Truth:Philosophical Papers( Law Lib ) Richard Rorty Cambridge University Press 0521358779 226p Knowledge Centre
121ROR 01007300 Objectivity Relativism and Truth:Philosophical Papers( Law Lib ) Richard Rorty Cambridge University Press 0521358779 226p Knowledge Centre
121ROR 01007301 Objectivity Relativism and Truth:Philosophical Papers( Law Lib ) Richard Rorty Cambridge University Press 0521358779 226p Knowledge Centre
121ROR 01007302 Objectivity Relativism and Truth:Philosophical Papers( Law Lib ) Richard Rorty Cambridge University Press 0521358779 226p Knowledge Centre
121ROR 01009724 Objectivity Relativism and Truth:Philosophical Papers( Law Lib ) Richard Rorty Cambridge University Press 0521358779 226p Knowledge Centre
122 CAR 00116772 Hunting causes and using them : Cartwright, Nancy. Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521860819 (hbk.) | 0521860 x, 270 p. : UG Library
122 JAC 05056919 Causal powers / Jacobs, Jonathan D. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780198796572 (hardback) New product edition. 232p.; Knowledge Centre
122 KLE 05068166 Why : Kleinberg, Samantha Shroff publishers and distributors Pvt. Ltd., 2019 9789352139187 vii, 272p. ; Knowledge Centre
122 MAZ 05009552 Explanation of Natural Events and Human Actions / Mazumdar, Aruna Chronicle Books, 2005 9788180280245 vii, 162 p. Knowledge Centre
122 MOL 07006803 Power A Study in Metaphysics / Molnar George Oxford University Press, 2006 9780199204175 xiv,238p.: Library - BR Campus
122 MUM 05048814 Causation : Mumford, Stephen, Oxford University Press, 2013 019968443X (paperback) | 97801 First edition. 128 pages : Knowledge Centre
122 SIL 05067706 Causality : Silberstein, Ludwik. Macmillan and Co Lmt, 1933 viii,159p.; Knowledge Centre
122 STR 00134680 The secret connexion : Strawson, Galen, Oxford University Press 2014 9780199605842 (hbk.) | 019960584X (hbk.) | 0199605858 (pbk.) | 9780199605859 (pbk.) Revised edition. xv, 246 pages ; UG Library
122 TOM 05001523 Philosophical Perspectives 13, Epistemology, 1999 Tomberlin, James E Blackwell Publishers, Inc. 9780631218265 520 p. Knowledge Centre
122.09032 OTT 01017132 Causation and laws of nature in early modern philosophy / Ott, Walter R. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199570430 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 260 p. ; Knowledge Centre
122.092 WAT 00117467 Kant and the metaphysics of causality / Watkins, Eric, Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521835674 (hard) | 0521543614 xi, 451 p. ; UG Library
123 CRI 00136039 The Science of Fate : Critchlow,Hannah. Hodder and Stoughton, 2019 9781473659292 247p.; UG Library
123 GIB 00146108 Abraham's dice : Giberson, Karl W Oxford University Press 2016 9780190277161 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780190277154 (cloth : alk. paper) xiv, 358 pages ; UG Library
123 RDS 00115231 Inspring People A Reader's Digest selection Rdi Print And Publishing Pvt Ltd 2000 302 p. UG Library
123.3 KLA 10004923 Fluke : chance, chaos, and why everything we do matters / by Brian Klaas. Klaas, Brian [Author] John Murray, 2024 9781399804523 1st Ed. ix, 323 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
123.3 TAL 03005363 Fooled by Randomness : Taleb, Nassim. Random House , 2005 9781400067930 (acidfree paper) 2nd ed., updated. xix, 316 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
123.3 VEN 05057702 The logic of chance / Venn, John, Dover Publications, 2006 0486450554 (pbk.) | 9780486450 xxix, 508 p. : Knowledge Centre
123.5 CAM 05006401 Free will / Campbell, Joseph Keim. Polity Press, 2011 9780745646671 vi, 128 p. ; Knowledge Centre
123.5 CHA 00112385 Gandhi and Gutiérrez : Chathanatt, John Decent Books 2004 8186921281 xvii,284p: UG Library
123.5 GLA 07010213 Free will and the Brain/ Glannon,Walter Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107036031 IX,287 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
123.5 HOD 05033997 Rationality + consciousness = free will / Hodgson, David Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199845309 (alk. paper) | 0 x, 267 p. : Knowledge Centre
123.5 HOD 05017346 Rationality + consciousness = free will / Hodgson, David Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199845309 (alk. paper) | 0 x, 267 p. : Knowledge Centre
123.5 KAN 05072954 Do we have free will? : Kane, Robert. Routledge, 2022 9780367258337 | 9780367258320 xii, 214p, ; Knowledge Centre
123.5 KRI 00102443 On freedom; Krishnamurti.J Krishnamurti Foundation India; 8187326468 148 p. UG Library
123.5 LUT 00076215 Discourse on Free Will: Luther, Erasmus 2003 0826477941 122p UG Library
123.5 MAR 00137527 Creating Freedom : Martinez,Raoul. Canongate, 2016 9781782111887 xi,496p.; UG Library
123.5 PIN 01016420 Free will : Pink, Thomas. Oxford University Press, 2004 9780195681819 132 p. : Knowledge Centre
123.5 PIN 00101773 Free will : Pink, Thomas. Oxford University Press, 0192853589 132 p. : UG Library
123.5 PIN 05034505 Free Will : Pink, Thomas Oxford University Press, 2006 0195681819 132 p Knowledge Centre
123.5 SAP 10004268 Determined : Sapolsky, Robert M., Bodley head, 2023 9781847925541 511 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
123.5 SCH 05001534 The two fundamental problems of ethics / Schopenhauer, Arthur, Cambridge University Press, 9780521871402 lii, 281 p. ; Knowledge Centre
123.5 SHO 05046020 Oxford studies in agency and responsibility. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199694860 | 0199694869 | 9 246p.: Knowledge Centre
123.5 STR 05006675 Freedom and belief / Strawson, Galen. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199247493 (hbk.) | 0199247 Rev. ed. xii, 324 p. : Knowledge Centre
123.5092 MOR 07013647 Kant on freedom and spontaneity / Moran, Kate A Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107125933 xiii, 309p;. Library - BR Campus
123.5092 OKS 01013972 Foucault on freedom / Oksala, Johanna, Cambridge University Press, 0521847796 | 9780521122948 | 9 xiii, 223 p. ; Knowledge Centre
123.50922 KOS 00103922 Freedom and reason in Kant,Schelling and kierkegaard: Kosch Michelle Clarendon Press-Oxford; 2010 9780199577941 236 p. UG Library
123.8 MOR 00012079 John Paul Jone's a Sailor`s Biography. Morsion, Samuel Eliot TIME INCORPORATED 1959 456 P UG Library
124 HOF 00138568 Sketching as design thinking / Hoffman, Alma R., Routledge, 2020 9781138579408 | 9781138579415 xiii,189p.; UG Library
126 ANT 00073891 Selfhood and Authenticity. Anton, Corey 2001 0791449009 181p UG Library
126 ATK 00104484 Self and subjectivity Atkins,kim. Blackwell Pub., 2005 9781405112048 | 1405112042 (pb xi, 317 p. : UG Library
126 BAL 05029015 Enworlded Subjectivity: Its Three Worldsand Beyond .Vol.11.Part.4 [ug.Lib.Philosophy Reference Section] Balasubramanian, R Imh Press 8187586265 832p Knowledge Centre
126 BAY 01017071 The unity of consciousness / Bayne, Tim. New York : | Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199215386 (hbk. : alk. pap xiii, 341 p. : Knowledge Centre
126 BRO 05056483 Inventing agency : Brodsky, Claudia, Bloomsbury publishing Inc., 2017 9781501317149 (hardback) | 978 vi,262p.; Knowledge Centre
126 CAS 05045790 Self and world / Cassam, Quassim. Clarendon ; | Oxford University Press, 1997 9780198235408 viii, 208 p. ; Knowledge Centre
126 CHA 05029003 Philosophical Consciousness and Scientific Knowledge: Conceptual Linkages and Civilizational Background.Vol.11.Part.1 [ug.Lib.Philosophy Reference Sec Chattopadhyaya, D P Imh Press 0818758615 552p Knowledge Centre
126 CHA 05029002 Self, Society and Science: Theoritical and Historical Perspectives.Vol.11.Part.2 [ug.Lib.Philosophy Reference Section] Chattopadyaya, D P Imh Press 8187586206 493p Knowledge Centre
126 COA 09000285 Phenomenal qualities : Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198712718 | 0198712715 First edition. xii, 435 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
126 COA 05068137 Phenomenal qualities : Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198712718 | 0198712715 First edition. xii, 435 pages : Knowledge Centre
126 DAN 01024455 Normative subjects : Dan-Cohen, Meir, Oxford university press , 2016 9780199985203 (hardcover : alk xii, 258 pages : Knowledge Centre
126 FRE 05034550 Consciousness : Anthony Freeman ABC-Clio Publisers, 2003 9791576077916 ix,338 p. Knowledge Centre
126 GAL 01017150 The Oxford handbook of the self Oxford University Press, 2011 (hbk.) | 0199548013 (hbk.) 745 p. : Knowledge Centre
126 HON 05046012 Actual consciousness / Honderich, Ted, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198714385 | 0198714386 First edition. xv, 402 pages ; Knowledge Centre
126 HON 05001527 On Consciousness Honderich Ted Edinburgh University Press 0748618422 230p Knowledge Centre
126 IND 01023084 The self, ethics and human rights : Indaimo, J. A., Routledge, 2015 9780415742108 | 0415742102 xi, 271 pages ; Knowledge Centre
126 JOS 05029001 Consciousness, Indian Psychology.Vol.11.Part.3 [ug.Lib.Philosophy Reference Section] Joshi, Kireet Imh Press 8187586176 495p Knowledge Centre
126 KAR 00081075 Indian Identity:Intimate Relations the Analyst and the Mystic the Colours of Violence Kakar, Sudhir Penguin 1996 413p UG Library
126 KRI 05034549 Subjective consciousness : Kriegel, Uriah. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199570355 333 p. Knowledge Centre
126 KRI 01017136 Subjective consciousness : Kriegel, Uriah. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199570355 333 p. Knowledge Centre
126 LEV 05034437 Constructions of the Self : Levine, George Rutgers University Press, 1992 0813517737 300 p Knowledge Centre
126 LEV 00073872 Constructions of the Self. Levine, George 1992 0813517737 300p UG Library
126 MUR 00143076 The formation of the modern self : Ó Murchadha, Felix, Bloomsbury Academic 2022 9781350245488 | 9781350245471 252p UG Library
126 MUS 07006139 Critical consciousness : Mustakova-Possardt, Elena, Praeger, 2003 0275979113 (alk. paper) xix, 218 p. ; Library - BR Campus
126 NOL 05072972 The unity of a person : Noller, Jorg. Routledge, 2022 9780367722838 | 9780367722869 ix, 231p, ; Knowledge Centre
126 PAU 00117478 Personal identity / Paul,Ellen Frankel Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521617677 xiv, 383 p. ; UG Library
126 PAU 00117458 Autonomy / Paul Ellen Frankel Cambridge University Press, 2003 0521534992 xii, 340 p. ; UG Library
126 PIP 05001525 The persistence of subjectivity: Pippin Robert.B Cambridge university press; 9780521848589 369 p. Knowledge Centre
126 POS 05011264 Critical consciousness : Mustakova-Possardt, Elena, Praeger, 2003 0275979113 (alk. paper) xix, 218 p. ; Knowledge Centre
126 REN 05060753 Self-knowledge : Renz,Ursula. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190226428 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii, 329p.; [2] pages of plates : Knowledge Centre
126 SAR 05004624 The Transcendence of the ego / Sartre Routledge, 2004 9780415610179 vii,72 p. Knowledge Centre
126 SAT 05029018 Vedic Vision of Consciousness and Reality.Vol.12.Part.3 [ug.Lib.Philosophy Reference Section] Singh, Satya Prakash Imh Press 8187586184 492p Knowledge Centre
126 SEA 05001526 Consciousness And Language Searle, John R Cambridge University Press, 9780521592372 269 p. Knowledge Centre
126 SMI 00106113 Mind world : Smith, David Woodruff, Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521832039 | 0521539730 (pbk.) xviii, 309 p. : UG Library
126 THO 00103601 Self And Consciousness Thottakara, Augustine Dharmaram Publications, 219 p. UG Library
126 VEL 05005352 Understanding Consciousness / Velmans, Max, Routledge, 2009 9780415425155 (hardback) | 978 2nd ed. xi, 393 p. : Knowledge Centre
126 ZER 03006388 The Wooden Horse : Zeruneith, Keld. Overlook Duckworth, 2007 9781585678181 | 158567818X (hb 605 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
126 ZIZ 07010916 The ticklish subject / Zizek, Slavoj 9781859842911 401p.; Library - BR Campus
126.09 STE 00124933 Rethinking the Western understanding of the self Steinvorth, Ulrich. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521762748 (hardback) | 978 vii, 222 p. UG Library
126.09 STE 05034444 Rethinking the Western understanding of the self Steinvorth, Ulrich. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521762748 (hardback) | 978 vii, 222 p. Knowledge Centre
126.0922 TAY 00133017 Journeys to selfhood : Taylor, Mark C., Fordham University Press, 2000 0823220583 (hardcover) | 0823220591 (pbk.) xxi, 298 p. ; UG Library
126.0943 SCH 00142766 Apperception and self-consciousness in Kant and German idealism / Schulting, Dennis, Bloomsbury Academic ; 2021 9781350151390 241 p. ; UG Library
126.0954 DAS 00131811 Free will, agency, and selfhood in Indian philosophy / Dasti,Matthew R Oxford University Press 2014 9780199922758 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780199922734 (hardcover : alk. paper) xvi, 312 pages ; UG Library
126.0954 DAS 00131839 Free will, agency, and selfhood in Indian philosophy / Dasti,Matthew R Oxford University Press 2014 9780199922758 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780199922734 (hardcover : alk. paper) xvi, 312 pages ; UG Library
126.09SEI 01007324 Idea of the Self: Thought and Experience in Western Europe Since the Seventeenth Century Law Library) Jerrold Seigel Cambridge University Press 0521605547 724p Knowledge Centre
126ROB 01009899 Consciousness and Mental Life (law Lib) Daniel Robinson Columbia University Press 9780231512800 243 p Knowledge Centre
127 VIL 00068363 Our Creative Consultant Villar, Imeldavirginiagarde Apeca Publication 1997 9719147520 249p UG Library
128 FER 03002784 Humankind : Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe. Oxford University Press, 2004 9780192805751 | 0192805754 190 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
128 FES 03001883 Philosophy of Mind : Feser, Edward. One World, 2008 9781851684786 267 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
128 ABE 04009665 Man is the Measure : Abel, Reuben. Free Press, 1976 9780684836362 xxiv,296 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
128 ABE 03005956 Man is the Measure : Abel, Reuben. Free Press, 1976 9780684836362 xxiv,296 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
128 APP 05046690 The labyrinth : Appleman, Philip, The Quantuck Lane Press, 2014 9781593720575 First Edition. 72 pages ; Knowledge Centre
128 ARI 05062699 On the soul : Aristotle, Oxford University Press, 2018 019958821X | 9780199588213 lxxiv, 276 pages: Knowledge Centre
128 ARI 00134223 On the soul : Aristotle, Oxford University Press, 2018 019958821X | 9780199588213 lxxiv, 276 pages: UG Library
128 BAG 00071548 What`s It All About? Philosophy and the Meaning of Life: Baggint, Julian 2004 0195300084 201p UG Library
128 BIL 05040777 Self-Knowledge and Resentment / Bilgrami Akel Harvard University Press, 2006 9780674064522 396p.: Knowledge Centre
128 BRA 00112120 The posthuman / Braidotti, Rosi. Polity Press, 2013 9780745641577 (hardback) | 074 229 p. ; UG Library
128 COL 05042666 The feeling body : Colombetti, Giovanna, 9780262019958 | 9780262318419 1 online resource (289 pages) Knowledge Centre
128 COR 00108183 Rethinking human nature Corcoran,Kevin,J. Baker Academic, 2006 0801027802 | 9780801027802 (pb 152 p. ; UG Library
128 DAS 00099137 Globalization and humanity / Dasgupta, Samir, Rawat Publications, 8131603490 | 9788131603499 xv, 240 p. ; UG Library
128 DAS 01014184 Globalization and humanity / Dasgupta, Samir, Rawat Publications, 8131603490 | 9788131603499 xv, 240 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128 DE 00102102 Brahman and person : De Smet, Richard. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 9788120834590 294 p. ; UG Library
128 EAG 05053278 The meaning of life Eagleton, Terry, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199532179 | 0199532176 109 p. : Knowledge Centre
128 EAG 05034440 The Meaning of Life / Eagleton, Terry Oxford University Press, 2008 0195693299 187 p Knowledge Centre
128 EAG 00085502 The Meaning of Life / Eagleton, Terry Oxford University Press, 2008 0195693299 187 p UG Library
128 EAG 00105940 The meaning of life Eagleton, Terry, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199532179 | 0199532176 109 p. : UG Library
128 FER 04008123 Humankind : Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe. Oxford University Press, 2004 9780192805751 | 0192805754 190 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
128 FRO 03011948 To have or to be? / Fromm, Erich, Bloomsbury, 1976 9781780936802 (pbk.) xvii,190p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
128 FRO 07006360 To have or to be? / Fromm, Erich, Bloomsbury, 1976 9781780936802 (pbk.) xvii,190p.; Library - BR Campus
128 FRO 05060390 Biocultural Creatures : Frost,Samantha , Duke University Press , 2016 9780822361282 xii , 203p , : Knowledge Centre
128 FRO 05042106 To have or to be? / Fromm, Erich, Bloomsbury, 1976 9781780936802 (pbk.) xvii,190p.; Knowledge Centre
128 GRO 00135532 Being Human Gross, Richard Routledge, 2019 9781444128864 | 9780367150983 2nd ed., x,234p.; UG Library
128 HAM 05062186 How to deal with adversity / Hamilton, Christopher. Macmillan, 2014 9780230771666 First U.S. edition. 146p.; Knowledge Centre
128 HAR 05032759 The ascent of man : Harris, James F. Transaction Publishers, 2011 9781412814218 | 1412814219 xiv, 258 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128 JOH 00147401 Every living thing : Johnson, Jenell M., University Press, 2023 9780271094564 xi,185p. ; UG Library
128 JUD 00065567 Chakras - Wheels of Life. Judith, Anodea Jaico Publishing House 8178179922 453 UG Library
128 KAI 00129839 The Sacred and the Homo Religiosus Kaipan,Joy Kristu Jyoti Publications 2017 9788193374559 254p UG Library
128 KHE 05065302 Life after Life : Kher,Rajendra. Celestial Books, 2019 9789352019410 219p.; Knowledge Centre
128 KRI 05034441 To Be Human / Krishnamurthi, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 2005 0818732659 206 p Knowledge Centre
128 KRI 00102512 To Be Human / Krishnamurti .j. Krishnamurthi j 9788187326595 206 p. UG Library
128 LEV 05001524 Constructions of the Self Levine, George Rutgers university press, 1992 0813517729 300p.; Knowledge Centre
128 LUP 00126942 The Cambridge companion to life and death / Luper,Steven Cambridge Uinversity Press 2014 9781107022874 (hardback : alk. xi, 352 pages; UG Library
128 MID 05005307 Beast and man : Midgley, Mary, Routledge, 2002 0415289866 | 0415289874 (pbk.) xlii, 365 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128 MUK 00121147 The Philosophy of man making Mukherji,Santi L New Central Book Agency 2008 535p UG Library
128 NAN 00139419 Exploring identity and alterity : ATC Publishers; |; 2020 9789388968393 336 p. ; UG Library
128 NIE 07015470 Human, All too Human / Nietzsche, Friedrich. Penguin Books, 1984 9780140446173 xxx, 274 p. ; Library - BR Campus
128 NIE 00088745 Human All-Too-human: A Book for Free Spirits Nietzsche, Friedrich Prometheus Books 2008 9781591026785 536p UG Library
128 PAL 05034503 Visions of Human Nature : Palmer, Donald Mayfield Publishing, 2000 1559349719 316 p Knowledge Centre
128 PAZ 05034504 Conjunctons and Disjunctions / Paz, Octavio Arcade Publishing, 1969 1559701374 148 p Knowledge Centre
128 PER 05011513 The retreat of reason : Persson, Ingmar. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2005 0199276900 (alk. paper) vi, 494 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128 PER 05004155 The retreat of reason : Persson, Ingmar. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2005 0199276900 (alk. paper) vi, 494 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128 PFL 05040098 Integral anthropology : Ferreira, J. V. Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131605110 ix, 284 pages ; Knowledge Centre
128 RAY 00125665 Pratyaha Ray, prasanta 9789384082406 333 p. UG Library
128 REA 00108141 Philosophy for life Read, Rupert J., Continuum, 2007 9780826495600 | 0826496091 | 9 xii, 165 p. ; UG Library
128 REA 07006265 Philosophy for life Read, Rupert J., Continuum, 2007 9780826495600 | 0826496091 | 9 xii, 165 p. ; Library - BR Campus
128 RIC 00124549 Philosophical Anthropology / Ricœur, Paul. Polity, 2016 9780745688534 | 9780745688541 xv, 308 p.: UG Library
128 RIC 00092610 Human nature after Darwin : Richards, Janet Radcliffe. Routledge, 041521243X | 0415212448 (pbk.) vii, 313 p. : UG Library
128 RIC 00092920 Human nature after Darwin : Richards, Janet Radcliffe. Routledge, 041521243X | 0415212448 (pbk.) vii, 313 p. : UG Library
128 SAD 00141355 Mind is Your Business / Body The Greatest Gadget Sadguru Jaico Publishing House 2020 9788184956955 2 books in 1 UG Library
128 SCA 05008507 The body in pain : Scarry, Elaine. Oxford University Press, 1985 0195049961 (pbk) : vii, 385 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128 SCH 00106276 Bening Wrong Schuiz Kathryn Portobello Books 2010 9781846270741 viii 405 p. UG Library
128 SMI 05060732 Embodiment / Smith, Justin.E.H. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190490454 (pbk. : alk. pap xv, 365p.; Knowledge Centre
128 SOK 05034502 Phenomenology of the Human Person / Sokolowski Robert Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521717663 345 p Knowledge Centre
128 STE 00103798 Ten Theories Of Human Nature Stevenson, Leslie Oxford University Press, 2004 9780195685671 ix, 259 p. UG Library
128 STE 00129659 The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity Steiner,Rudolf Steiner Publications 1980 0880105771 302p UG Library
128 THA 09000351 Natural philosophy : Thagard, Paul, Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190678739 (volume 3) xix, 335p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
128 THA 05068117 Natural philosophy : Thagard, Paul, Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190678739 (volume 3) xix, 335p. ; Knowledge Centre
128 THO 01024469 Contributions to law, philosophy and ecology : Routledge, 2016 9781138852877 (hbk) xii, 256 pages ; Knowledge Centre
128 THU 00129830 Philosophical Anthropology/ Thuruthiyil, Scaria Kristu Jyoti Publications 2017 9788193374580 320p UG Library
128 VAS 05041008 Snacks for the Soul : Vaswani J.P JAICO Publishing House, 2008 9788179927915 xvi,317p.: Knowledge Centre
128 WAG 00143641 Nothingness and the Meaning of Life: Waghorn, Nicholas Bloomsbury, 2017 9789386643605 299p UG Library
128 WIL 05041223 The meaning of human existence / Wilson, Edward O., W.W.Norton & Company, 2014 9780871401007 (hbk.) | 0871401 First edition. 207 pages ; Knowledge Centre
128 WRI 00117446 Hume's 'A treatise of human nature' : Wright, John P. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521833769 (hardback) | 052 xx, 316 p. ; UG Library
128.02 MCC 00070595 The Magic of Mind Power Mccoll, Duncan Jaico Publishing House 2005 0817992498 | 9798179924982 | 9 177 p. UG Library
128.02 MCC 00070616 The Magic of Mind Power Mccoll, Duncan Jaico Publishing House 2005 0817992498 | 9798179924982 | 9 177 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
128.09032 LOS 00124550 Enlightenment and Action from Descartes to Kant : Losonsky, Michael. Cambridge University Press, 2001 9780521806121 xvii, 221 p. ; UG Library
128.092 COH 05042859 Kant's lectures on anthropology : Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107024915 xvi, 270 pages ; Knowledge Centre
128.092 JAC 01013950 Essays on Kant's anthropology / Cambridge University Press, 0521790387 (hbk) | 97805210378 ix, 265 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.092 SMI 05066644 What It Means To Be Human : Smith, Robert Rowland. 4th Estate, 2018 9780008218522 ix, 369p.; Knowledge Centre
128.1 CRI 00135093 Neuroscience and the soul : Crisp,Thomas M William B Erdmans Publishing Company 2016 9780802874504 (pbk. : alk. paper) vii, 286 pages ; UG Library
128.1 CRI 00135153 Neuroscience and the soul : Crisp,Thomas M William B Erdmans Publishing Company 2016 9780802874504 (pbk. : alk. paper) vii, 286 pages ; UG Library
128.1PON 00088034 Nature and Destiny of Man Pande, Baleshwar Mittal 248p UG Library
128.2 CAV 00058714 The Body for Beginners Cavallaro, Dani Orient Longman Publications 2000 8125020241 | 9788125020240 176 p.: UG Library
128.2 HEG 01016977 Hegel's Philosophy of Mind / Hegel, G.W.F. Oxford University press, 2010 9780199593026 xxvii, 277p.; Knowledge Centre
128.2 MOS 05009222 Last Frontiers of the Mind : Moses, Mohandas Prentice Hall, 2005 9788120328518 xiii, 425 p. Knowledge Centre
128.2 OHE 03002297 Mind and Persons / O'Hear, Anthony. Cambridge University Press, 2003 9780521537339 | 0521537339 274 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
128.2 ALE 07009326 Impossible minds : Aleksander, Igor. Imperial College Press, 2015 9781783265688 (hardback : alk. Revised Edition. xx, 429 pages ; Library - BR Campus
128.2 BAU 07006841 What is thought? Baum, Eric B., MIT Press, 2004 ix, 478 p. : Library - BR Campus
128.2 BAY 05072965 Philosophy of mind : Bayne, Tim. Routledge, 2022 9780415669849 | 9780415669856 xi, 288p, ; Knowledge Centre
128.2 BEA 05001480 Philosophy of Mind: Classical Problems/contemporary Issurs Beakley, Brian 0262524511 1055p Knowledge Centre
128.2 BEA 04014566 Philosophy of Mind:Classical Problems /contemporary Issues / Brian Beakley Prentice-Hall 2007 9788120333154 1055p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
128.2 BEA 05044729 The Philosophy of mind MIT Press, 1992 0262023407 | 0262521679 (pbk.) xvi,433p.: Knowledge Centre
128.2 BEA 05034402 Philosophy of Mind : Beakley, Brian Prentice Hall of India, 2006 9788120333154 1055 p Knowledge Centre
128.2 BUR 00064754 Philosophy of Mind Burwood, Stephen UCL Press 2000 1857285913 224p UG Library
128.2 CAI 00124558 The Philosophy of Cognitive Science Cain, M. J. Polity, 2016 9780745646565 | 9780745646572 vi, 226 p ; UG Library
128.2 CAV 00078912 The Body for Beginners Cavallaro, Dani Orient Longman Publications 2000 8125020241 | 9788125020240 176 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
128.2 CHA 00132190 Mind and body in health and harmony in the Asian systems of medicine / Primus Books, 2017 9789384092023 (hardback) | 9384092029 xvii, 156 pages : UG Library
128.2 CHO 00081123 Ageless Body, Timeless Mind:A Practical Alternative to Growing Old Chopra, Deepak Rider 2003 357p UG Library
128.2 CHO 00081135 Golf for Enlightenment Chopra, Deepak Rider 2003 200p UG Library
128.2 COC 00106089 An introduction to the philosophy of mind Cockburn, David, Palgrave, 2001 0333786378 | 0333961226 (pbk.) xviii, 157 p. : UG Library
128.2 DEL 00117649 Goodbye, Descartes : Devlin, Keith J. Wiley, 1997 0471142166 (cloth : alk. paper x, 301 p. : UG Library
128.2 DEN 05066567 From Bacteria To Bach And Back : Dennett, Daniel C. Penguin Books, 2017 9780141978048 xvi, 476p.; Knowledge Centre
128.2 DEN 05005295 Content and consciousness / Dennett, Daniel Clement. Routledge, 2010 9780415567862 (pbk) | 04155678 xxii, 241 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.2 FES 00087983 Philosophy of Mind an Introduction Feser, Edward Oneworld Publishers 2005 1851683763 204p UG Library
128.2 FES 04012595 Philosophy of Mind Feser Edward Oneworld Publications, 9781851684786 267p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
128.2 FES 00095201 Philosophy of Mind. Feser, Edward Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851683763 204p UG Library
128.2 FES 00095200 Philosophy of Mind Feser Edward Oneworld Publications, 9781851684786 267p UG Library
128.2 GAN 00133132 Attention, not self / Ganeri, Jonardon, Oxford University Press, 2017 9780198757405 | 0198757409 x, 392 p. ; UG Library
128.2 GER 05034403 Arguing About the Mind / Gertler, Brie Routledge, 2007 9780415771634 604 p Knowledge Centre
128.2 GIL 00110274 The World, the flesh and the subject Gilbert, Paul, Edinburgh University Press, 2005 0748614990 | 9780748614998 | 0 164 p. ; UG Library
128.2 HEG 01017066 Hegel's Philosophy of mind / Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2007 019929951X (hbk.) | 9780199299 xxvii, 680 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.2 HEI 00064749 Philosophy of Mind Heil, John 2003 0415130603 238p UG Library
128.2 HEI 05044730 Philosophy of mind : Heil, John. Routledge, 2004 0415283558 | 0415283566 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xiv, 262 p. : Knowledge Centre
128.2 HON 00138770 Mind: Your Consciousness is What and Where Honderich,Ted Reaktion Books 2017 9781780238210 208p UG Library
128.2 JAC 07006840 The Philosophy of Mind: Jacquette, Dale Continuum, 2008 9780826499189 307p Library - BR Campus
128.2 JAC 00124960 The Philosophy of Mind: Jacquette, Dale Continuum, 2008 9780826499189 307p UG Library
128.2 JAC 00090729 The Philosophy of Mind: Jacquette, Dale Continuum, 2008 9780826499189 307p UG Library
128.2 JAC 00117477 The Philosophy of Mind : Jacquette, Dale. Continuum, 2009 9780826499172 (HB) | 082649917 xiii, 307 p. : UG Library
128.2 JAC 00109030 The Philosophy of Mind : Jacquette, Dale. Continuum, 2009 9780826499172 (HB) | 082649917 xiii, 307 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
128.2 JAW 05007046 Philosophy of mind : Jaworski, William. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781444333671 (hardback : alk. x, 411 p. : Knowledge Centre
128.2 JES 07006806 New essays on singular thought / Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199567881 (hbk.) | 0199567 xii, 324 p. : Library - BR Campus
128.2 JES 00128005 New Essays on Singular Thought / Jeshion, Robin/ Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199567881 (hbk.) | 0199567 xii, 324 p. : UG Library
128.2 JES 01017065 New essays on singular thought / Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199567881 (hbk.) | 0199567 xii, 324 p. : Knowledge Centre
128.2 KRI 05034432 Exploration into Insight / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 1979 8187326328 190 p Knowledge Centre
128.2 LUD 00110226 Externalism and Self-Knowledge Ludlow, Peter, CSLI Publications, 1998 1575861070 (hardcover : alk. p x, 382 p. ; UG Library
128.2 MAN 00146424 Key terms in philosophy of mind Mandik, Pete. Continuum, 2010 182 p. ; UG Library
128.2 MAN 05039470 Key terms in philosophy of mind Mandik, Pete. Continuum, 2010 182 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.2 MAR 07013635 A history of mind and body in late antiquity / Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107181212 xi,428p.; Library - BR Campus
128.2 MAR 05068627 A history of mind and body in late antiquity / Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107181212 xi,428p.; Knowledge Centre
128.2 MAT 05008402 The measure of mind : Matthews, Robert J. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199211258 (alk. paper) | 0 x, 267 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.2 MCC 00144364 What is philosophy of mind / McClelland, Tom Polity press, 2021 9781509538768 151p, ; UG Library
128.2 MCL 05029064 The Oxford handbook of philosophy of mind / McLaughlin, Brian P Claredon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199262618 | 0199262616 xv, 815 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.2 MIL 05001514 Topics in early modern philosophy of mind / Springer, 9789048123803 (hbk.) | 9048123 xx, 265 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.2 MOS 00069724 Last Frontiers of the Mind Moses, Mohandas Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd 2005 8120328515 | 9788120328518 425 p. UG Library
128.2 PAT 00142995 Freedom of the Will without Alternatives? Pattarakalayil, James G ATC Publishers 2018 9789386516565 259p UG Library
128.2 PLA 00143468 Phenomenal consciousness : Platchias, Dimitris. Acumen, 2011 9781844652488 (hbk.) | 1844652483 (hbk.) | 1844652491 (pbk.) | 9781844652495 (pbk.) vii, 215 p. ; UG Library
128.2 PRO 00074629 The Philosophy of Body Proudfoot, Mike Blackwell Publishers 2003 1405108959 | 9781405108959 ix, 130 p. : UG Library
128.2 ROB 00076120 Mind in the Making: Robinson, James Jarvey RUPA & CO 2003 8129100096 165p UG Library
128.2 ROB 00068456 Mind Robinson, Daniel 1998 0192893084 388p UG Library
128.2 SAG 00088666 Brocas` Brain:Reflections on the Romance of Science Sagan, Carl 2008 ISB0345336895 398p Yeshwanthpur Campus
128.2 SAG 03005344 Broca's Brain : Sagan, Carl. Presidio Press, 1975 0345336895 | 9780345336897 xiii, 398 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
128.2 SEA 00115201 Mind- a Brief Introduction Saerle, R John 2004 0195157338 321p UG Library
128.2 SEA 05034408 Mind : Searle, John R Oxford University Press, 2004 0195157338 325 p Knowledge Centre
128.2 SLI 09000127 Hermeneutic Moral Realism in Psychology : Routledge, 2019 9781138594531 x,132p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
128.2 SLI 05068240 Hermeneutic Moral Realism in Psychology : Routledge, 2019 9781138594531 x,132p.; Knowledge Centre
128.2 SOT 05046016 The Mind's Construction : Soteriou Mathew Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198747970 xii,385p.: Knowledge Centre
128.2 SYT 05048103 Advances in experimental philosophy of mind / Bloomsbury, 2014 9781474257060 x, 228 pages : Knowledge Centre
128.2 TAL 05040049 Reflections of a metaphysical flâneur : Tallis, Raymond. Acumen, 2013 9781844656660 | 1844656667 xvi, 299 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.2 THO 00064760 Teach Yourself Philosophy of Mind Thompson, Mel 2000 0340867566 168p UG Library
128.2 THO 05052549 Waking, dreaming, being : Thompson, Evan, 9780231137096 | 9780231538312 1 online resource (496 pages) Knowledge Centre
128.2 TRI 05063973 I Am The Mind : Trivedi, Deep. Aatman Innovations, 2018 9789384850098 6th ed. 252p.: Knowledge Centre
128.2 WIL 00116536 Boundaries of the mind Wilson, Robert A. Cambridge University Press, 2004 052183645X | 0521544947 (pbk.) xvii, 369 p. : UG Library
128.2 ZIL 05007289 Evolution, rationality, and cognition : Zilhao, Antonio Routledge, 2005 0415362601 xi, 186 p. : Knowledge Centre
128.203GRE 05001516 Oxford Companion to the Mind (UGC Career Oriented Programme) Gregory, L Oxford university press, 1998 0000198603 856p.; Knowledge Centre
128.21 THO 00088692 Teach Yourself:Philosophy of Mind Thompson, Mel 2008 9780340867563 166p UG Library
128.2BEA 01009385 Philosophy of Mind:Classical Problems /contemporary Issues / Brian Beakley Prentice-Hall 2007 9788120333154 1055p Knowledge Centre
128.2HOR 01000907 Undiscovered Mind: How the Brain Defies Explanation (law Lib) John Horgan Phoenix Poetry 0753810980 352p Knowledge Centre
128.2SHA 01009690 Will: A Dual Aspect Theory Vol:2 (law Lib) Brian O`Shaughnessy Cambridge University Press 9780521619530 617p Knowledge Centre
128.3 BER 00103861 Memory : Bernecker, Sven. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199577569 (hardback) | 019 viii, 276 p. ; UG Library
128.3 BER 01017143 Memory : Bernecker, Sven. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199577569 (hardback) | 019 viii, 276 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.3 GEN 01017097 Intuition, imagination, and philosophical methodology / Gendler, Tamar. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199589760 (hbk.) | 0199589 x, 362 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.3 HED 05048463 The iconic imagination / Hedley, Douglas, Bloomsbury, 2016 9781441194633 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii, 302 pages ; Knowledge Centre
128.3 KEA 05001515 Poetics of Imagining; Modern to Post-Modern Kearney, Richard Edinburgh university press, 1998 0748610537 260p.; Knowledge Centre
128.3 KRI 05034430 On Freedom / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 2004 8187326468 148 p Knowledge Centre
128.3 MAS 05046615 The politics of affect / Massumi, Brian. Polity Press, 2015 9780745689814 (hardcover : alk xvi,228p.: Knowledge Centre
128.3 NIK 05047286 Memory : Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199793846 (paperback) | 97 xv, 397 pages ; Knowledge Centre
128.3 PER 05046247 The faculties : Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199935253 (hardcover : alk 342 pages ; Knowledge Centre
128.3 SAR 05005531 The imaginary : Sartre, Jean-Paul, Routledge, 2010 9780415567848 (pbk) | 97802038 p. cm. Knowledge Centre
128.3 VAS 00142552 Thought : Vassilopoulou,Panayiota Routledge, 2021 9780367000103 x,326p.; UG Library
128.3 WHI 00096693 Memory. Whitehead, Anne, Routledge, 2009 9780415402743 (hardback : alk. 1st ed. 173 p. ; UG Library
128.33 AUD 00125901 Reasons, rights, and values Audi, Robert, Cambridge University Press 2015 9781107096905 x, 301 pages ; UG Library
128.33 OKA 00118787 Evolution and Rationality : Okasha, Samir Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107416840 x, 281 p. : UG Library
128.33 ROB 05034564 Spheres of Reason : Robertson, Simon Oxford University Press, 2009 97801999572939 ix, 223 p. Knowledge Centre
128.33 YOV 00134681 Spinoza on Reason and the Free Man Yovel,Yirmiyahu Little Room Press 2004 0967710235 256p UG Library
128.33SEN 05071536 Rationality and Freedom (law Lib) Amartya Sen Oxford University Press 0195665287 736p. Knowledge Centre
128.33SEN 01006485 Rationality and Freedom (law Lib) Amartya Sen Oxford University Press 0195665287 736p. Knowledge Centre
128.37 GOL 01016981 The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Emotion / Oxford University, 2010 9780199235018 xiv,722p.; Knowledge Centre
128.37 BRA 00134573 Emotion : Brady, Michael S. Routledge: 2019 9781138081376 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138081390 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1 [edition]. vii,168p,: UG Library
128.37 DOD 00129656 The Perfect Loss Dodd,Chip Sage Hill Resources 2010 9780984399109 273p UG Library
128.37 FRA 07010185 Hegel and Marx : Fraser, Ian, Edinburgh University Press, 1998 0748609474 xi, 207 p. : Library - BR Campus
128.37 GOL 05029059 Philosophy of Emotion Goldie Peter Oxford University Press 9780199235018 722p Knowledge Centre
128.37 MOR 00112116 Emotion and imagination / Morton, Adam. Polity Press, 2013 9780745649573 (hbk.) | 0745649 viii, 230 p. : UG Library
128.37 NIK 05073820 Critique of bored reason : Nikulin, Dmitri Columbia University Press, 2022 xxii, 300 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.37092 SOR 07013648 Kant and the faculty of feeling / Sorensen, Kelly. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107178229 x, 276p;. Library - BR Campus
128.4 BAU 00125045 Practical conflicts : Baumann,Peter Cambridge, 2004 0521812712 | 0521012104 (pbk.) vii, 344 p.; UG Library
128.4 BLO 10004495 The sweet spot : suffering, pleasure and the key to a good life / by Paul Bloom. Bloom, Paul [Author] The Bodley Head, 2021 9781529111064 xxvii, 272 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
128.4 COV 05034452 Principle Centered Leadership / Covey, R Stephen Simon & Schuster, 1996 0671792806 332 p Knowledge Centre
128.4 HEA 00137429 The power of moments : Heath, Chip, 9781501147760 | 9780593079263 First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition. 307 pages : UG Library
128.4 HOL 00141419 Stillness is the Key: Holiday, Ryan Profile Books 2019 9781788162050 264p UG Library
128.4 MIS 00141936 Gandhi's philosophy of action / Mishra, Prem Anand, Concept Publishing Company Pvt Ltd 2020 9789388937511 | 9388937511 xvii, 182 pages ; UG Library
128.4 NOE 05039959 Varieties of presence / Noë, Alva. Harvard University Press, 2012 9780674062146 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 174 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.4 OHE 00131827 Philosophy of action / O'Hear,Anthony Cambridge University Press 2017 9781108414890 (paperback) | 1108414893 vii, 288 pages : UG Library
128.4 SCH 05034429 Why Me? : Schuchardt, Erika WCC Publications, 2005 2825414360 142 p Knowledge Centre
128.4 SCH 00096882 On waiting / Schweizer, Harold, Routledge, 9780415775069 (hardback : alk. x, 152 p. : UG Library
128.4 SCH 00103877 Slaves of the passions / Schroeder, Mark Andrew, Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199299508 (alk. paper) | 9 ix, 224 p. : UG Library
128.4 SNE 05038598 Autonomy / Sneddon, Andrew, Bloomsbury, 1988 9781441152312 | 9781441165015 viii,219p.; Knowledge Centre
128.4 WEL 00143631 Human Nature: Wells, Robin Headlam Bloomsbury, 2020 9789389391473 200p UG Library
128.4092 MCC 01013578 Kant's theory of action / McCarty, Richard. Oxford University Press, 9780199567720 (alk. paper) | 0 xxiv, 250 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.4092 MCC 01017098 Kant's theory of action / McCarty, Richard. Oxford University Press, 9780199567720 (alk. paper) | 0 xxiv, 250 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.46 ADA 00087598 The Soul of Love Adams, C W Readworthy Publications Ltd 2008 9788189973636 221 p UG Library
128.46 ADA 00088405 The Soul of Love Adams, C W Readworthy Publications Ltd 2008 9788189973636 221 p UG Library
128.46 FER 00117451 On love : Ferry, Luc. Polity Press, 2013 9780745670171 ((hardback) | 07 English ed. x, 180 p. ; UG Library
128.46 HAL 00135862 Philosophy of love, sex, and marriage : Halwani, Raja, Routledge 2018 9781138280144 (hardback) | 9781138280205 (pbk.) Econd Edition. 423p UG Library
128.46 HAL 00136202 Philosophy of love, sex, and marriage : Halwani, Raja, Routledge, 2018 9781138280144 (hardback) | 9781138280205 (pbk.) Second Edition. 423 p. : UG Library
128.46 PHI 00109799 Socrates in love Phillips, Christopher, W.W. Norton & Co., 2007 0393060179 (hardcover) | 97803 1st ed. 320 p. ; UG Library
128.5 BRA 00126950 The Oxford handbook of philosophy of death Bradley,Ben Oxford University Press, 2013 9780195388923 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 502 p.: UG Library
128.5 LUP 00124544 The Philosophy of Death Luper, Steven. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521882491 | 9780521709125 ix, 253 p. ; UG Library
128.5 RUM 07014080 Immortality and the body in the age of Milton / Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108422338 | 9781108432047 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiii, 243 pages ; Library - BR Campus
128.5 SAD 10002609 Death : Sadhguru Random House India Pvt Ltd, 2020 9780143450832 xv, 349p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
128.5 SCH 00100578 Death and Mortality in Contemporary Philosophy Schumacher, Bernard N Cambridge University Press, 9780521171199 ix, 258 p. UG Library
128.5 SIN 00122390 The Joys of Death Singh,Lake Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers 2005 246p UG Library
128.5 SOU 05042209 Love De Sousa, Ronald, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199663842 | 019966384X First edition 130 pages ; Knowledge Centre
128.5092 PAT 00111681 Heidegger on death : Pattison, George, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2013 9781409466949 (hardcover : alk x,170p.; UG Library
128.5DOL 00079850 Death, Desire and Loss in Western Culture Dollimore, Jonathan 0415937728 384p UG Library
128.6 IRU 00129466 Philosophizing the Body Irudayadason, Nishant A Christian World Imprint 2017 9789351481812 252p UG Library
128.6 MIC 00109900 Images of the body in India Michaels,Axel Routledge, 2009 9780415602303 | 9780415602303 vi, 298 p. : UG Library
128.6 PRO 00110088 The Philosophy of Body Proudfoot, Mike Blackwell Publishers 2003 1405108959 | 9781405108959 ix, 130 p. : UG Library
128.6 PRO 05034453 The Philosophy of Body / Proudfood, Mike Blackwell, 2003 130 p Knowledge Centre
128.6 RAM 05067190 Human being, bodily being : Ram-Prasad, Chakravarthi, Oxford university press, 2018 0198823622 | 9780198823629 First edition. viii, 204 pages ; Knowledge Centre
128.6 SHU 00124957 Thinking through the body Shusterman, Richard. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107019065 (hardback) | 978 xiii, 368 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
128.6 SHU 00110888 Thinking through the body Shusterman, Richard. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107019065 (hardback) | 978 xiii, 368 p. ; UG Library
128.6 WIL 01019063 Bodies for Sale : Wilkinson Stephen Routledge, 2003 9780415266253 248 p.: Knowledge Centre
128.8 KRI 00102397 Don't make a problem of anything; Krishnamurti.J Krishnamurthi foundation India; 9788187326540 286 p. UG Library
128FRO 01007247 Marx`s Concept of Man(law Library) Erich Fromm Continuum 0826477917 206p Knowledge Centre
128SOK 01010278 Phenomenology of the Human Person(law Lib) Robert Sokolowski Thomas Aquinas19 Aristotle18 345p Knowledge Centre
128WOL 01007520 Beyond Transcendence in Law and Philosophy (law Ib) Louis E Wolcher Cavendish 1859419852 250p Knowledge Centre
129 KRI 10005100 Can the Mind be Quiet ? : Krishnamurti, Jiddu Aleph Book Company, 2023 9789395853217 xi, 252 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
129 PIC 04009838 A beginner's guide to immortality : Pickover, Clifford A. Thunder's Mouth Press, 2007 1560259841 (pbk.) | 9781560259 xxv, 323 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
129 SHO 00140392 Preparing for death / Shourie,Arun Penguin 2020 9780670092390 x, 516 pages UG Library
129 WIL 00031558 Afterlife: an Investigation the Evidence for Life After Death Wilson, Colin Penguin 1985 300 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
129.4 CER 05010954 Many Mansion the Edgar Cayce Story on Reincarnation / Cerminara Gina A Signet Book, 1978 9780451168177 ix,291 p. : Knowledge Centre
129.4 IVE 00022304 More Lives Than One? Iverson, Jeffrey Pan 160 p UG Library
130 BRI 05034602 Beyond belief : Bridgstock, Martin, Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521758932 xi, 202 p. : Knowledge Centre
130 BRI 00119156 Beyond belief : Bridgstock, Martin, Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521758932 xi, 202 p. : UG Library
130 BRO 05034522 Outside the Gates of Science / Broderick, Damien Thunders Mouth Press, 2007 357 p Knowledge Centre
130 GRO 00135690 The Psychology of the Paranormal / Groome,David. Routledge, 2019 9781138307889 92p.; UG Library
130 JAS 05021977 Freud : Jastrow Joseph Permabook, 1959 290 p.: Knowledge Centre
130 LAM 00136186 Extraordinary beliefs : Lamont, Peter. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107019331 (hardback) | 9781107688025 (paperback) xi, 321 pages ; UG Library
130 LAM 00110830 Extraordinary beliefs Lamont, Peter. Cambridge University Press 2013 9781107019331 (hardback) | 978 xi, 321 pages ; UG Library
130 ROB 05001519 Parapsychology the Science of Unusual Experience Roberts, Ron Arnold, 2001 0340761687 186p.; Knowledge Centre
130 SMI 00131446 Critical thinking : Smith, Jonathan C., John wiley & sons, 2018 9781119029359 (pbk.) ix, 307 pages : UG Library
130.3 YAT 05004608 The Occult Philosophy In the Elizabeth Age / Yates Routledge, 2010 9780415254090 xi,255 p. Knowledge Centre
130.9 HAN 00108744 Esotericism And The Academy : Hanegraaff, Wouter J. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521196215 x, 468 p. UG Library
130.94309043 ROL 07014151 The Nazis and the Occult : Roland Paul Arcturus, 2018 9781788285254 304p.: Library - BR Campus
131 KOR 03007000 Bring out the magic in your mind /​ Koran, Al. Thorsons, 1972 9789380227979 288 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
131 BUT 05034532 Manage Your Mind : Butler, Gillian Oxford University Press, 1995 438 p. Knowledge Centre
131 BUZ 05034509 The Mindmap Book : Buzan, Tony BBC Books, 1996 0563371013 320 p Knowledge Centre
131 BYR 07012330 How the secret Changed my Life : Byrne Rhonda Simon & Schuster, 2016 9781471158193 262p.: Library - BR Campus
131 BYR 07012235 The Secret / Byrne Rhonda Simon & Schuster, 2016 9781471172397 202p.: Library - BR Campus
131 BYR 00140386 The Secret / Byrne Rhonda Simon & Schuster, 2016 9781471172397 202p.: UG Library
131 MOH 04008030 Cosmic ordering : Mohr, Barbel. Hampton Roads Pub. Co., 2007 9781571745286 (pbk. : alk. pap xv,204 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
131 MOH 04009694 Cosmic ordering : Mohr, Barbel. Hampton Roads Pub. Co., 2007 9781571745286 (pbk. : alk. pap xv,204 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
131 RED 00038359 The Celestine Prophecy Redfield, James Bantam Books 1995 9780553409024 284 p. UG Library
131 STE 00112193 The Inner Guide Meditation Steinbrecher, Edwin C. New Age Books, 2002 9788178220604 xii: 284p UG Library
131 WAL 00117647 The truth behind the secret / Walker, James K. Harvest House, 2007 0736922989 | 9780736922982 168 p. ; UG Library
131 WEI 04021670 Messages From The Masters : Weiss, Brain Piatkus, 2000 9780749921675 262p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
131 WEI 05034410 Messages from the Masters : Weiss, M D Brian Warner Books, 2000 0446676926 264 p Knowledge Centre
131.3 DAV 05034411 The Art of Happiness : Davar, S Rustom U B S Publishers, 1996 214 p Knowledge Centre
131.3 SOM 04008212 One Book for life success : Somineni, Venu G Ocean, 2010 9788191032505 viii, 188p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
131.32 POW 05001975 Why I Am Afraid to Tell You Who I Am?: Insights to Personal Growth Powell, John 1996 1559242795 155 p Knowledge Centre
131.32 BRI 10003659 The magic of believing/ Bristol, Claude M. Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2017 9788129148346 276 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
131.32 MIN 00041345 Maximising Self Confidence. Minchinton, Jerry Jaico 1996 8172245874 255 p UG Library
131.32 POW 00041713 Why I Am Afraid to Tell You Who I Am?: Insights to Personal Growth Powell, John 1996 1559242795 155 p UG Library
131.33 JAG 00027482 Mental Tension and Its Cure Jaggi O.P. Orient Paperbacks 1984 192 p. UG Library
131.3462 FIN 05041046 Freud : Fine, Reuben, Routledge,. 1962 9780415717083 271 p.; Knowledge Centre
132.1 FOU 07008576 Madness and civilization:a history of insanity in the age of reason / Foucault, Michel, Routledge, 1989 0415255392 (hbk) | 0415253853 xiv, 282 p. ; Library - BR Campus
132.1 FOU 05005280 Madness and civilization:a history of insanity in the age of reason / Foucault, Michel, Routledge, 1989 0415255392 (hbk) | 0415253853 xiv, 282 p. ; Knowledge Centre
133 BEN 05001978 Scientific Hand Reading Benham, G William Sagar Book House 635p Knowledge Centre
133 6 LAW 00010882 Hand Analysis Myrah Lawrance, VIKAS 1973 198p. UG Library
133 BLA 00112189 Studies in occultism Blavatsky, H. P New age books, 2004 9788178220871 212p.; UG Library
133 BOL 00029824 Edgar Cayce Speaks / Bolton, Brett Avon 1987 0-380-00553-0 654p. UG Library
133 BUR 00029823 Develop Your Psychic Abilities and Get Then to Work for You Burns, Litany Pocket Books 1988 256 p UG Library
133 CAR 05038652 Varieties of Anomalous Experience : American Psychological Association, 2014 9781433815294 ix,452p.; Knowledge Centre
133 CAS 00029318 Power of Silence Castaneda, Carlos Black Swan 1987 250 p UG Library
133 CAS 00029322 Fire from Within Castaneda, Carlos Blackie 1987 320 p UG Library
133 DRU 00101137 The dictionary of the Esoteric: Drury Nevill Motilal banarsidass publishers private limited; 9788120819894 344 p. UG Library
133 EBO 00031496 Mysterious Pyramid Power / Ebon, Martin Signet 1976 170p. UG Library
133 IRW 05060939 psychology of paranormal belief : Irwin, Harvey J. University of Hertfordshire Press, 2009 9781902806938 viii, 213p. Knowledge Centre
133 LAN 00019428 In Search of Strange Phenomena Landsburg, Alan Corgi 1977 190 p UG Library
133 LEG 00029305 I Ching: Book of Changes Legge, James Tr Bantam 1987 460 p UG Library
133 MAS 05037687 The Occult / Masuo Maiyer Penguin Books, 2013 9780670086993 230p.: Knowledge Centre
133 MON 00021272 Journeys Out of the Body / Monroe, Robert A Anchor 1977 272p. UG Library
133 PET 00031510 The Peter Pyramid Or Will We Ever Get the Point Peter J. Laurence Dr. Bantam Books 1987 190 p. UG Library
133 RAM 00019426 The Third Eye Rampa Lobsang T. Corgi Books 1977 188 p. UG Library
133 RAN 00019431 Parapsychology and the Nature of Life Randall, John L Sphere 1977 256 p UG Library
133 SCH 00029307 Secret Power of Pyramids Schul, Bill Fawcett Gold Medal 1987 0449132668 222 p UG Library
133 SCH 00029313 Living Your Past Lives: Schlotterbeck, Karl Ballantine 1986 320p. UG Library
133 WIL 00029926 Occult Wilson,Colin Penguin 1971 800 p. UG Library
133 YAT 00068258 Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age Yates, Frances 1999 0000415094 255p UG Library
133.03 WEB 05028054 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027858 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027859 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027860 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027861 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027862 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027863 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027864 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027865 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027866 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027867 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027868 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027869 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027870 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027871 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027872 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027873 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027874 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027875 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027876 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027877 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027878 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027879 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027880 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027881 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027882 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.092 BLA 00052111 The Secret Doctrine Blavatsky, H.P. The Theosophical Publishing House 1979 0817059054 695 p. UG Library
133.092 BLA 00052112 The Secret Doctrine Blavatsky, H.P. The Theosophical Publishing House 1979 0817059054 695 p. UG Library
133.092 BLA 00052113 The Secret Doctrine Blavatsky, H.P. The Theosophical Publishing House 1979 0817059054 695 p. UG Library
133.10942 ACK 00107014 The English Ghost Ackroyd,Peter Vintage books 2011 9780099287575 276 P. UG Library
133.142 CLA 04017196 Poltergeists : Clarkson, Michael Freeboooks, 2005 9781554071593 220p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.25 MAC 00134767 Everyone Can Heal Mackwani,Sonia Body and Soul Books 2015 9789381115633 190p UG Library
133.3 CON 00115199 The Coonnolly Book of Numbers Connolly,Eileen Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2004 9788176496087 241 p. UG Library
133.3 CON 05025701 The Coonnolly Book of Numbers Connolly,Eileen Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2004 9788176496087 241 p. Knowledge Centre
133.3 BAN 08001803 Vastu : Barron's, 2002 9780764121067 144p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.3 CON 00115200 The Coonnolly Book of Numbers Connolly,Eileen Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2004 9788176496087 241 p. UG Library
133.3 HOG 00142250 Nastradamis: Hogue,John Element Books Limited 1999 1862043884 961p UG Library
133.3 LEM 00065545 Unknown Nostradamus: the Essential Biography for His 500th Birthday Lemesurier, Peter New Age Books 2004 8178221950 268p UG Library
133.3 LIN 00052488 What Your Face Reveals Lin B, Henry Jaico 2001 0817224861 244p Yeshwanthpur Campus
133.3 MCC 00065566 Nostradamus: the Man Who Saw Through Time Mc Cann, Lee 1992 0517436930 421p UG Library
133.3 RAM 00134061 Advanced course in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism Ramacharaka,Yogi Union Yoga Publishing 1905 9781906828011 231p UG Library
133.3 SAH 00060916 Secrets of Vastushastra Sahasrabudhe, N. H. A Sterling Paperback 2003 8120720423 | 9788120720428 112 p. UG Library
133.3092 REA 07015388 Nostradamus : Reading, Mario. Watkins Publishing, 2007 9781905857920 292 p. ; Library - BR Campus
133.30954 KAK 00024090 Shamans Mystics & Doctors. a Psychological Inquiry into India Kakar, Sudhir Oxford 1982 306 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
133.32 CHE 00031512 The Prophecies of Nostradamus Cheetham, Erika Corgi Books 1973 480 p. UG Library
133.32 CHE 00031513 Further Prophecies of Nostradamus. Cheetham, Erica Corgi 1989 272 p UG Library
133.32 LIN 00029929 Star Signs. the Secret Codes of the Universe Linda, Coodman PAN 1987 480 p UG Library
133.3242 OSH 00092667 Tarot in the spirit of Zen : Osho, St. Martin's Griffin, 0312317670 (pbk.) xv, 206 p. : UG Library
133.32424 FAR 05067999 A Cultural History of Tarot : Farley, Helen. Bloomsbury Academic, 2019 9781788314916 viii, 270p.; Knowledge Centre
133.32424 OSH 00135935 Tarot in the spirit of Zen : Osho, St. Martin's Griffin, 2003 0312317670 (pbk.) | 9780312317676 1st ed. xv, 206 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
133.33 SKI 05001979 Feng Shui: the Traditional Oriental Way to Enhance Your Life Skinner, Stephen Parragon, 2000 0752543873 95p.; Knowledge Centre
133.33 LIP 00067515 Feng Shui for the Home Lip, Evelyn Times Books International 1986 9812040749 | 9789812040749 83 p. UG Library
133.33 MON 05001568 Feng Shui: 365 Steps Towards Harmony Monte, Dumont Dumont Buchverlag, 2003 9783770170241 365p.; Knowledge Centre
133.33 SAN 00052853 Luminous Essence Santos, Daniel New Age Books 1997 8178220334 178 p. UG Library
133.33 SAN 00052854 Feng Shui for the Body Santos,Daniel New Age Books 2000 8178220121 242 p. UG Library
133.3303 COO 07014773 An illustrated encyclopaedia of traditional symbols/ Cooper, Jean C. Thames & Hudson Ltd, 1978 9780500271254 208 p;. Library - BR Campus
133.330954 BHA 00067533 Indian Luck Book How to Bring Luck into Your Life Bharadwaj, Monisha Rupa & Co 2001 1856264211 255p UG Library
133.330954 DWI 00067530 Sampuran Vastu Shastra Dwivedi, Bhojraj Dr. Diamond Pocket Books 2002 8171821952 218 p. UG Library
133.333 KRI 08001804 The vaastu workbook : Krishna, Talavane. Destiny Books, 2001 0892819405 (pbk.) ix, 141 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.334 WIL 00060527 I Ching or Book of Changes Wilhelm, Richard Penguin Books 2003 739 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
133.335 CON 05033680 The Connolly book of numbers / Connolly, Eileen. Borgo Press, 1988 0809561298 (v. 1) : | 08095613 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
133.335 GHY 05058664 The golden number : Ghyka, Matila C. Inner Traditions, 1976 9781594771002 (hardcover) First U.S.edition. xiii, 434 pages ; Knowledge Centre
133.335 GOO 00095228 Numerology:The Complete Goodwin matthew oliver Viva Books 9788176496056 380P UG Library
133.335 GOO 00095281 Numerology :the Complete Guide Vol-2 Goodwin Matthew Oliver Vava Books 9788176496063 794P UG Library
133.335 KAT 05034523 Dial Your Birth Number : Katakkar, M U B S Publishers, 1997 566 p Knowledge Centre
133.335 KHU 04015225 The Essence of Numerology / Khurrana, P. Rupa : 2012 9788129113207 178 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.335 KHU 07007799 The Essence of Numerology / Khurrana, P. Rupa : 2012 9788129113207 178 p. : Library - BR Campus
133.335 LAW 00058527 Secret Science of Numerology: the Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters Lawrence, Shirley Blackwell 2000 0143030124 288p UG Library
133.335 SHA 00086881 Simple Numerology: A Simple Wisdom Book Sharp, Damian Jaico Publishing House 2005 8179923746 123 p UG Library
133.3350951 WEB 00081511 Chinese Numerology: The Way to Prosperity & Fulfillment. Webster, Richard Jaico 2006 8172248024 264p UG Library
133.4 DAV 00030950 Magic and Mystery in Tibet David-Neel, Alexandra RUPA 1989 1 UG Library
133.4 JAM 00040559 Golden Bough Sir James Frazer Wordsworthreference 1996 756p UG Library
133.420954 BHA 00068972 Indian Demonology Bhattacharyya, N. N. Manohar Publishers 2000 8173043094 234 p. UG Library
133.422 NAV 00090856 The Devil Worship of the Tuluvs: Frome the Papaers of Late a c Burnell Navada, A V Aruna Printers 2008 409p UG Library
133.426 SMI 00090258 Deity and Spirit Possession in South Asia Smith, Frederick M MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2008 9788120833722 701p UG Library
133.427 PEC 05034524 Glimpses of the Devil : Peck, M Scott Free Press, 2000 0743254678 259 p Knowledge Centre
133.43 BUC 00112154 An Illustrated guide to Magical and Spiritual Symbolism: Buckland,Raymond New Age Books 2005 8178222051 244p UG Library
133.43 COE 05070331 The Pilgrimage : Coelho, Paulo. HarperCollins, 1998 9780722534878 226p.; Knowledge Centre
133.43 GAS 00101786 Witchcraft : Gaskill,Malcolm Oxford University Prees , 9780199236954 146 P. UG Library
133.43 MAU 00119692 A General Theory of Magic / Mauss, Marcel, Routledge, 2001 0415255503 | 9780415255509 | 0 vi, 183 p. ; UG Library
133.43 RAE 00109569 Celtic wicca Raeburn, Jane. Citadel Press, 2001 0806522291 | 9780806522296 viii; 200 p. ; UG Library
133.43 STE 00060134 Witchcraft Sorcery Rumors and Gossip Stewart, J. Pamela Cambridge University 2004 0052100473 | 9780521004732 228 p. UG Library
133.43019 VYS 07007851 Believing in magic Vyse, Stuart A. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199996926 (pbk. : acidfree Updated edition. xii, 316 pages : Library - BR Campus
133.43019 VYS 00116535 Believing in magic Vyse, Stuart A. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199996926 (pbk. : acidfree Updated edition. xii, 316 pages : UG Library
133.43089924 BOH 00124528 Ancient Jewish Magic : Bohak, Gideon, Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521874571 | 0521874572 ix, 483 p. : UG Library
133.4309 OLD 05004806 The witchcraft reader / Routledge, 2008 9780415415644 (hardcover) | 97 2nd ed. xiii, 408 p. ; Knowledge Centre
133.4309 PAV 05011395 Witch hunts in the western world : Pavlac, Brian Alexander, Greenwood Press, 2009 9780313348730 (alk. paper) | 0 xx, 228 p., 16 p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
133.430954 MIS 00071370 Casting the Evil Eye Mishra, Archana Roli Gokhale Editions Books 2003 8174362142 | 9788174362148 202 p. UG Library
133.4409 DAV 00101971 Grimoires : Davies, Owen Oxford University Press, 9780199204519 xi, 368 p. UG Library
133.5 BHA 00059233 Be Your Own Astrologer Bhambi, Pandit Ajai Wisdom Tree 2004 8186685472 | 9788186685471 318 p. UG Library
133.5 CAN 00112159 Conversations with Nostradamus: Cannon,Dolores New Age Books 2006 8178222930 367p UG Library
133.5 CAN 00112160 Conversations with Nostradamus: Cannon,Dolores New Age Books 2006 8178222930 367p UG Library
133.5 CHA 00061730 An Introduction to Astrology Chaudhuri V. Cosmo Publications 2000 8177557777 316 p. UG Library
133.5 COL 00052477 Success Signs Coleman,Mary Penguin Books 2001 0143027700 | 9780143027706 450 p. UG Library
133.5 GOL 05029470 Personalogy: The Precision Approach to Charting Your Life, Career and Relationships: Goldschneider, Gary 2005 0762422297 928p Knowledge Centre
133.5 GOO 00031526 Love Signs Goodman's, Linda A Pan/Macmillan book 1988 1170 p. UG Library
133.5 KWA 00065551 Concise Book of Astrology, Palmistyry and Numerology Kwatra, Saurabh Academic (india) 2003 8185185980 288p UG Library
133.5 SEA 05058136 Astrology 101 : Sears, Kathleen, Admas media, 2016 9781440594731 | 1440594732 255 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : Knowledge Centre
133.5 VAR 00098753 Brhatsamhita/ Varahamihiracarya Sri Anand printig press; 8172700768 496 p. UG Library
133.5 VEN 00022614 Astrology for Beginners. Kata Raman, IBH 1982 100 p UG Library
133.50954 DEF 05034421 Light on Relationships : De Fouw, Hart Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2002 8120818342 295 p Knowledge Centre
133.52 GOO 00079874 Linda Goodman's Star Signs Goodman's,Linda Pan Books 1987 477 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
133.53 BAN 00060423 Introduction to Feng Shui Bansal, Ashwanie Kumar Fengshui & Vastu Expert 2001 9788190125734 170 p. UG Library
133.54 CHR 00040356 Star Success Christino,Karen Pocket Books 1992 352 p. UG Library
133.54 CUN 00035877 Moon Signs, the Key to Your Inner Life Cunningham, Donna Ballnetine 1993 412 p UG Library
133.54 DAR 00118805 Your Complete Forecast 2015 Horoscope Daruwalla, Bejan HarperCollins Publishers, 2014 9789351363606 xii:526p,; UG Library
133.6 AND 00024346 Palmisstry ( How to Read the Visible Part of Your Brain ) Anderson, Mary Northomptoshire 1982 98p UG Library
133.6 BRI 00148359 The Hand Bril, Talma Motilal Banarsidass; 2025 9789359663432 432p UG Library
133.6 BRI 00030906 Dictionary of Palmistry Bright, J S Bby 1984 240p UG Library
133.6 GER 00065555 Pratical Palmistry Germain, Comte C De Ajay Book Service 2002 8187077301 232p UG Library
133.6 PAN 00052270 How to Read Palmistry Panda, B N Ajay Book Service 2001 8187077174 404p UG Library
133.6 ROB 00059206 Discover Yourself Through Palm Reading Robinson,Rita Penguin Books 2002 0143030957 | 9780143030959 221 p. UG Library
133.6 SEN 00015141 Hart Samudsika Shastra Sen, 1947 1 UG Library
133.8 NIP 04002886 7th Sense: Primordial Strategies for Perosnal and Corporate Success Nippani, Dalyan Saga Viva Books 2008 9788130909257 169 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.8 CAR 00029311 Your Psychic Power and How to Development them Carington, Hereward India Book House 1987 358p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
133.8 CHA 00062915 Sacred Evil Chakraverti, Ipsita Roy Harper Collins Publishers India 2003 0817223452 | 9788172234522 199 p. UG Library
133.8 CHE 00095258 The psychic workshop Chestney, Kim. Adams Media, 2004 1593370210 (pbk.) xiv, 242 p. ; UG Library
133.8 EDP 00031122 Test Your Esp Ebon, Martin New American 1970 140 p UG Library
133.8 MAN 05034423 The Psychic Battlefield : Mandelbaum, W Adam Vision Paperbacks, 2000 1901250466 278 p Knowledge Centre
133.8 MIT 00031129 Out of Body Experiences Mitchell, Janet Dee Ballantine 1981 184p UG Library
133.8 NIC 00060518 World's Greatest Psychics and Mystics. Nicholas, Margaret 2002 0060058612 160p Yeshwanthpur Campus
133.8 RAD 03007492 Entangled Minds : Radin, Dean I. Paraview Pocket Books, 2006 9781416516774 357 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
133.8 RAD 04009691 Entangled Minds : Radin, Dean I. Paraview Pocket Books, 2006 9781416516774 357 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.8 RAO 00101143 Yoga and parapsychology : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2010 9788120834736 1st ed. xix, 516 p. : UG Library
133.8 RAO 00099280 Yoga and parapsychology : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2010 9788120834736 1st ed. xix, 516 p. : UG Library
133.8 SHE 00031124 How to Make Esp Work for You Sherman, Harold Fawcett 1988 1988 UG Library
133.8 WEB 05034424 Practical Guide to Past-Life Memories / Webster, Richard Jaico Publishing House, 2004 8179923207 324 p Knowledge Centre
133.8083 TAN 03006432 Is Your Child Psychic? : Tanous, Alex. Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2009 9781585427383 | 1585427381 1st Jeremy P. Tarcher ed. xix, 204 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
133.8092 CHA 00095138 My life as a psychiatrist : Chakraborty, Ajita. Stree, 2010 9788185604923 | 8185604924 xvi, 220 p. ; UG Library
133.82 WIL 00111713 Thoughts through space : Wilkins, George H. Hampton Roads Pub. Co., 2004 1571743146 (alk. paper) xxiv, 301 p. ; UG Library
133.84 DOU 00029825 Voyage to the New World an Adventure into Unlimitedness Ramtha Douglas James Mahr Fawcett 1987 276p. UG Library
133.892 PRI 00108177 Life-Changing Spiritual Power Prince,Derek Derek Prince Ministries 1997 9789380495019 461 p. UG Library
133.8CHE 00073853 Psychic Workshop a Complete Program for Fulfilling Your Spiritual Potential [DHARMARAM LIBRARY] Chestney, Kim Viva Books Private Limited 1593370210 242p UG Library
133.9 ROM 03006734 Creating money : Roman, Sanaya. H J Kramer Inc., published in a joint venture with New World Library, 2008 9781932073225 (pbk. : alk. pap Rev. ed. xxxiv, 270 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
133.9 AKB 00079810 Spiritual Psychology Husain, Akbar Global Vision Publishing House 2005 8182200954 161p UG Library
133.9 CHA 04008001 Conversations with eternity : Hugo, Victor, New Paradigm Books, 1998 1892138018 1st New Paradigm Books pbk. ed. vi, 260 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.9 EAS 05034527 Discovering Your Hidden Spiritual Resources / Easwaran, Eknath Jaico Publishing, 1996 8172245807 242 p Knowledge Centre
133.9 EBO 00029822 Test Your Esp Ebon, Martin Signet 1971 140p. UG Library
133.9 GIR 00132197 Research as realization : Primus Books, 2017 9789386552150 (hardback) xvi, 351 pages ; UG Library
133.9 KAZ 00012879 Report to Greco Translated from the Greek By P a Bien Kazantzakis, Nikos BANTAM 1970 496p UG Library
133.9 OST 00021268 Handbook of Psychic Discoveries Ostrander, Sheila Barkley 1974 310p UG Library
133.9 TUT 07012178 Studies in the out-lying fields of psychic science / Tuttle, Hudson Amazing Publication, 2018 9789384860325 207p.; Library - BR Campus
133.9013 PAR 05034526 What Happens When We Die : Parnia, Sam Hay House, 2008 241 p Knowledge Centre
133.9013 ATW 04008604 The big book of near-death experiences : Atwater, P. M. H. Hampton Roads Pub., 2007 9781571745477 (pbk. : alk. pap xx, 473 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.9013 CAR 00141323 Science and the Near-Death Experience : Carter, Chris Inner Traditions; 2010 9781594773563 303p UG Library
133.9013 HAL 00052855 A New Look at Past Lives Hall, Judy New Age Books 1998 8178220156 234 p. UG Library
133.9013 HAR 05034525 Reincarnation : Hardo, Trutz Jaico Publishing House, 2004 8179921522 234 p Knowledge Centre
133.9013 MAR 01017144 Out-of-body and near-death experiences : Marsh, Michael N. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199571505 (hbk. : alk. pap xxv, 309 p. : Knowledge Centre
133.9013 MOO 00112167 How to Master Change in Your Life Moore,Mary Carroll New Age Books 2010 8178220369 364p UG Library
133.9013 MYE 04009771 Human personality and its survival of bodily death / Myers, F. W. H. Hampton Roads Pub., 2001 9781571742384 xxv, 352 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.9013 PAR 00127568 What Happens When We Die : Parnia, Sam Hay House, 2008 241 p UG Library
133.9013 SHR 04030584 Paranormal Experiences : Beyond the Realms of Reason / Shrikhande, Mehra Unicorn Books, 2009 9788178061665 224p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.9013 WEB 00070637 Practical Guide to Past-Life Memories Webster,Richard Jaico Publishing House 2004 8179923207 | 9788179923207 242 p. UG Library
133.9013 WEI 04022982 Though Time Into Healing : Weiss, Brian Piakus, 2010 9780749918354 202p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.90135 BAC 00132411 Past Life Exploration: Backman, Dr Linda, Jaico Publishing House, 2015 9788184957570 xvi,241 p.; UG Library
133.91 VAN 04017238 Unfinshed Business : Van Praagh, James Happer One, 2009 9781615237357 236p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.93 CLA 00021269 Psychic Healers / David ST. Clair Bantam 1979 0-553-02056-0 340p. UG Library
133.93 EST 04017090 Money,and the Law of Attraction : Esther Hay House India, 2009 9788189988586 xix,265 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.93 EST 05011071 Money,and the Law of Attraction : Esther Hay House India, 2009 9788189988586 xix,265 p. : Knowledge Centre
133.93 HIC 05011070 The Law Of Altraction / Esther Hay House India, 2006 9788189988159 205 p. : Knowledge Centre
133.93 HIC 04017022 Ask and it is given / Esther Hay House India, 2011 9788190416948 xxviii,314 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.93 HIC 05010986 Ask and it is given / Esther Hay House India, 2011 9788190416948 xxviii,314 p. : Knowledge Centre
133.93 KIR 00130231 Mary's message to the world : Mary, Blue Dolphin Pub., 1991 093189266X : 189 p UG Library
133.93 OST 00021275 Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain / Sheila Ostrander, BANTOM 1970 457p. UG Library
133.93 VIR 04017030 Angel Therapy : Virtue, Doreen Hay House : 1997 9788189988135 221p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.93 WAL 04017004 Conversations with God : Walsch, Neale Donald Hachette, 1997 9780340765449 263p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.93 WAL 04016985 Conversations with God / Walsch, Neale Donald Hodder, 1995 9780340693254 211p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.BRE 00031120 Edgar Cayce Speaks Brett Bolton Avon 1969 xxiv,664p. UG Library
134.165 POP 00121213 Just married Popcak, Gregory Pauline Publications 2014 9788171768219 248p UG Library
134.70973SCH 01004828 Political Campaign Craftsmanship: A Professional`s Guide to Campaigning for Public Office(law Lib.) Edward Schwartzman Transation 0088738742 326p Knowledge Centre
135 ROB 00031061 Seth Dreams and Projection of Consciousness Roberts, Jane BANTAM 1988 320p UG Library
135.3 AHM 00060422 Illustrated A-Z of Understanding Dreams Ahmad Rashid Flame Tree Publishing 2002 0190404174 | 9781904041740 224 p. UG Library
135.3 FRE 01016979 The interpretation of dreams : Freud,Sigmund. Oxford World's Classic, 1999 0815550294 : liv,458p.; Knowledge Centre
135.3 FRE 00125435 The interpretation of dreams : Freud,Sigmund. Oxford World's Classic, 1999 0815550294 : liv,458p.; UG Library
135.3 SOD 00122316 Of Dreams Sodhi,Aditi Talwar Pustak Mahal 2011 9788122312157 207p UG Library
135.45 LIT 07013622 Hermetica II : Litwa, M. David. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107182530 xiii, 373p;. Library - BR Campus
135.45 VAN 00104684 The Arabic Hermes : Van Bladel, Kevin. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195376135 | 9780195376135 xii, 278 p. ; UG Library
136 KUH 05021982 Psychological Studies of Human Development / Kuhlen Raymond.G Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1970 xii,639 p.: Knowledge Centre
136.7 PAN 00132948 Child psychology and development/ Panda,Pratap Kumar. A.P.H.Publishing Corporation, 2018 9789387460355 244 p. ; UG Library
136.7 WAT 00006917 Psychology of the Child Watson, Robert Toppan 1965 1 UG Library
136.7082 REE 05001976 Advances in child development and behavior / Edited by Kail, Robert V. Academic Press, 2000 Knowledge Centre
136.7352 BER 00000812 L Enfant Bernard, Georgette J J Desclee De 1936 1 UG Library
137 GAR 00092189 Instant Hand Writing Analysis : A Key To Personal Success Gardner Ruth Pustak Mahal 1997 9788122304343 147 p UG Library
137 GRO 00038361 The Story Search for the Self Grof, Christina Thorsons 1995 334 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
137 MAU 00020647 How to Win Personal Efficiency Maurus, J. Better Your Self 1973 128 p. UG Library
137 NIC 00007303 The Revolutionary Personality Wolfenstein, Victor E. Princeton 1971 254 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
137 STA 00000800 Psychology of Personality Stagner, Ross Mcgraw-Hill 1961 3rd Ed. 586 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
138 DUB 00132409 Mysteries of Vedic Face Reading: Dubey Hrishikesh, Jaico Publishing House, 2013 9788184951301 xix,299 p.; UG Library
138 GOR 00109798 Spirals Of Reality Gormally Eric P. Dog Ear Publishing 2010 9781608443574 xx; 477 p. UG Library
138 NIE 00031495 How to Read a Person Like a Book Nierenberg, I. Gerard Pocket Books 1973 190 p. UG Library
138 STA 00065632 How to Read Faces in a Set of 2 Vols Stanton, Mary Olmsted Ajay Book Service 2004 8187077115 597p UG Library
138 STA 00065633 How to Read Faces in a Set of 2 Vols Stanton, Mary Olmsted Ajay Book Service 2004 8187077115 597p UG Library
140 EAG 00104356 Ideology Eagleton Terry ABS publishers 2007 9781844671434 xxiv,242p UG Library
140 EAG 00104357 Ideology Eagleton Terry ABS publishers 2007 9781844671434 xxiv,242p Yeshwanthpur Campus
140 FER 00148151 In the Middle of Things/ Ferrao, Victor Christian World Imprints, 2022 9789351486329 136p UG Library
140 FEU 05001562 Ideology and the ideologists / Feuer, Lewis S. Transaction Publishers, 9781412814423 (alk. paper) 210 p. Knowledge Centre
140 FRA 00128637 Philosophy of Mathematics Francis,John Global Vision Publishing House 2017 152p UG Library
140 FRE 05048860 Ideology : Freeden, Michael. Oxford University Press, 2003 019280281X | 9780192802811 142 p. : Knowledge Centre
140 HAR 00140553 Themis: Harrison,Jane Ellen Cambridge University Press 2010 9781108009492 559p UG Library
140 KAN 00148141 Through Pleasure to the Human Good/ Kannanaikkal, Jose Christian World Imprints, 2023 9789395457842 129p UG Library
140 KOU 00135861 Philosophy and Revolution from Kant to Marx Kouvelakis,Stathis Verso 2018 9781786635785 466p UG Library
140 PHE 00112112 Alain Badiou : Phelps, Hollis, 9781844655533 | 9781844655540 ix, 182 pages ; UG Library
140 SPE 00140529 First Principles Spencer,Herbert Cabridge University Press 2009 9781108004183 503p UG Library
140 ZIZ 00088425 Sublime Object of Ideology Zizek, Slavoj Navayana 2008 8189059130 240p UG Library
140.712 ZIZ 00087701 Sublime Object of Ideology Zizek, Slavojj Navayana 1989 8189059130 240p Yeshwanthpur Campus
140BRO 01002801 State of the World 1992(LAW LIB.) Lester R Brown W W Norton & Company 0393308340 256p Knowledge Centre
141 BHA 00094013 Individualism in Social Science Bhargava Rajeev Oxford University Press 9780195695717 270p UG Library
141.0941 BOU 00125057 British idealism: Boucher, David, Continuum, 2012 9780826496775 (hardback) | 082 viii, 196 p.; UG Library
141.0941 MAN 05040909 British idealism : Mander, W. J. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199559299 | 0199559295 xix, 605 p. : Knowledge Centre
141.0943 BUB 00124533 The innovations of idealism / Bubner, Rüdiger, Cambridge University Press, 2003 0521662621 | 9780521662628 x, 274 p. ; UG Library
141.0943 SOL 00088319 Age of German Idealism Solomon, Robert C 2008 0ISB041530878 408p UG Library
141.2 PAT 00138713 Plato and Europe Patočka, Jan, Stanford University Press, 2002 0804738009 (alk. paper) | 0804738017 xxi, 223 p. ; UG Library
141.3 RAJ 00099873 The Humanization of transcendental philosophy. Rajan.R,Sundara Tulika books; 1997 8185229058 vii;229 p. UG Library
141.3 STE 00068461 Transcendental Arguments Stern, Robert 1999 0199261563 327p UG Library
141.30973 GEL 00110255 Varieties of Transcendental Experience Gelpi, Donald L., Liturgical Press, 2000 0814659497 (alk. paper) xii, 364 p. ; UG Library
141.4 GUP 00133280 Indian Philosophies and Philosophers: Gupta, Manpj Kumar Ishwar Book: 2018 9789386806185 vi,320 p.; UG Library
141.409034 CAR 05009477 Break-Out From the Crystal Palace : Carroll John Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1974 9780415562225 188 p. : Knowledge Centre
142 FUC 00142927 Foundations of critical theory : Fuchs, Christian, Routledge, 2022 9781032057866 | 9781032057897 xii,267p.; UG Library
142 JAS 00055219 Critical Thinking Jason,Gary Wads worth 2001 0534573894 | 9780534573898 453 p. UG Library
142 MAC 05034528 The Idea of Pure Critique / Mackenzie, Iain Continuum, 2004 0826468071 114 p Knowledge Centre
142 SCH 05047695 Critical theory in the twenty-first century / Schecter, Darrow. Bloomsbury, 2016 9781441164322 (hardcover : alk 218 pages ; Knowledge Centre
142 SCH 00134856 Critical theory in the twenty-first century / Schecter, Darrow. Bloomsbury, 2016 9781441164322 (hardcover : alk 218 pages ; UG Library
142 SEC 00012392 Classicism: The Critical Idiom Secretan Dominique Methuen & Co Ltd 1973 85 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
142 SIM 00122257 Contemporary Critical Theorists : Simons, Jon. Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131607237 xi, 292 p:. UG Library
142 SIM 10001327 Contemporary Critical Theorists : Simons, Jon. Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131607237 xi, 292 p:. Yeshwanthpur Campus
142 SIM 05034501 Contemporary Critical Theorists : Simons, Jon Atlantic Publishers & Distributors, 2004 9788126904662 xi, 292 p. Knowledge Centre
142 SIM 07000486 Contemporary Critical Theorists : Simons, Jon. Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131607237 xi, 292 p:. Library - BR Campus
142.03 FOW 00068253 Modern Critical Terms Fowler, Roger 2003 0415058848 261p UG Library
142.3 ALL 00071488 Kant`s Transcendental Idealism: Allison, E Henry 2004 0300036299 382p UG Library
142.3 BEI 05057136 The genesis of Neo-Kantianism, 1796-1880 / Beiser, Frederick C., Oxford University Press, 0505 9780198769989 First edition. xiii, 610 pages ; Knowledge Centre
142.3 KAN 00076175 Reason, Morality and Beauty: Essays on the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant: Kant, Immanuel 2007 0195683935 190p UG Library
142.3 KAN 00076189 Terror, Peace and Universalism: Essays on the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant: Kant, Immanuel 2007 0195683943 181p UG Library
142.3 KEM 00007304 Philosophy of Kant Kemp, John Oxford 1968 130p UG Library
142.3 NIK 00017581 Introduction to Kant`s Critique of Pure Reason Nikam, N A BPP 198p UG Library
142.7 CER 05011598 Understanding phenomenology Cerbone,David R. Acumen, 2006 x, 190 p. Knowledge Centre
142.7 CER 00109010 Understanding phenomenology Cerbone,David R. Acumen, 2006 x, 190 p. UG Library
142.7 CRO 00135755 Phenomenology of human understanding Cronin, Brian, Theological Publications in India 2019 9781498292825 x, 289 pages ; UG Library
142.7 DRE 05067776 Skillful Coping : Dreyfus, Hubert L. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198777298 x, 289p.; Knowledge Centre
142.7 DRE 09000303 Skillful Coping : Dreyfus, Hubert L. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198777298 x, 289p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
142.7 KAU 00124538 Phenomenology : Käufer, Stephan. 9780745651484 viii, 235 pages ; UG Library
142.7 KNI 00142770 Crisis and Husserlian phenomenology : Knies, Kenneth, Bloomsbury Academic ; 2021 9781350145214 248 p. ; UG Library
142.7 LEW 00110064 Phenomenology Lewis, Michael, Continuum, 2010 9780826431431 | 0826431437 | 9 vii, 268 p. ; UG Library
142.7 MOR 05005068 The phenomenology reader / Routledge, 2002 0415224217 | 0415224225 (pbk.) x, 614 p. ; Knowledge Centre
142.7 MOR 00068284 Phenomenology Reader Moran, Mooney 2002 0415224225 614p UG Library
142.7 ROM 00105010 Routledge philosophy guidebook to Merleau-Ponty and phenomenology of perception / Romdenh-Romluc, Komarine. Routledge, 2011 9780415343145 (hardback : alk. ix, 260 p. ; UG Library
142.7 ROM 05005095 Routledge philosophy guidebook to Merleau-Ponty and phenomenology of perception / Romdenh-Romluc, Komarine. Routledge, 2011 9780415343145 (hardback : alk. ix, 260 p. ; Knowledge Centre
142.7 SMI 00105012 Phenomenology of perception Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, Routledge, 2002 0415278406 | 9780415278409 | 0 xxiv, 544 p. ; UG Library
142.7 SMI 05004627 Phenomenology of perception Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, Routledge, 2002 0415278406 | 9780415278409 | 0 xxiv, 544 p. ; Knowledge Centre
142.7 STA 07010188 Husserl's Transcendental phenomenology : Staiti, Andrea Sebastiano, Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107066304 (hardcover) xii, 313 pages ; Library - BR Campus
142.7 VAG 00131463 Crafting phenomenological research / Vagle, Mark D. Routledge, 2018 9781138042650 (hardback) | 9781138042667 (pbk.) Second Edition. xvi,198p.; UG Library
142.7 WAL 00141662 Phenomenology: Wallenfang,Donald Theological Publications in India 2021 9789388953504 132p UG Library
142.78 AHO 00129645 Existentialism : Aho, Kevin, Polity Press, 2014 9780745651415 | 0745651410 | 9 xvii, 193 pages ; UG Library
142.78 AHO 01021763 Existentialism : Aho, Kevin, Polity Press, 2014 9780745651415 | 0745651410 | 9 xvii, 193 pages ; Knowledge Centre
142.78 COX 00147805 Existentialism is a Humanism/ Cox, Eben Venus Books, 2024 9788119920747 ix,320p. ; UG Library
142.78 CRO 00110080 The Cambridge Companion to Existentialism Crowell, Steven Galt, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521513340 (hardback) | 978 xii, 412 pages ; UG Library
142.78 CRO 00109983 The Cambridge Companion to Existentialism Crowell, Steven Galt, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521513340 (hardback) | 978 xii, 412 pages ; UG Library
142.78 FLY 05034427 Existentialism : Flynn, Thomas R Oxford University Press, 2006 9780192804280 144 p Knowledge Centre
142.78 FLY 01016418 Existentialism : Flynn, Thomas R. Oxford University Press, 2006 0192804286 (pbk.) 144 p. : Knowledge Centre
142.78 FLY 00088272 Existentialism:A Very Short Introduction Flynn, Thomas 2008 9780192804280 144p UG Library
142.78 HOL 00078373 Simone De Beauvoir Holland,Alison Hodder & Stoughton 2002 9780340850404 91 p. UG Library
142.78 MAC 05007288 The existentialist reader : MacDonald, Paul S. Routledge, 2001 9780415936637 (pbk.) vi, 346 p. ; Knowledge Centre
142.78 MAC 00072937 The Existentialist Reader Mac Donald, S. Paul edinburg Press 2000 0748613323 | 9780748613328 346 p. UG Library
142.78 MAC 05001561 The Existentialist Reader Mac Donald, S. Paul edinburg Press 2000 0748613323 | 9780748613328 346 p. Knowledge Centre
142.78 MAR 00093111 Basic writings of existentialism / Modern Library, 0375759891 xvi, 505 p. ; UG Library
142.78 REK 07009216 Man: Rekha,Chandra Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2014 9788120837034 XI,223 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
142.78 REY 00109023 Understanding existentialism Reynolds,Jack, Acumen, 2006 1844650421 (hbk.) | 9781844650 viii, 192 p. ; UG Library
142.78 SIN 00138345 Jean Paul Sartre on man, society and freedom Singh, Mithilesh Kumar Rajat publications, 2020 9788178801650 x,190p.; UG Library
142.78 SIN 00137955 Jean Paul Sartre on man, society and freedom Singh, Mithilesh Kumar Rajat publications, 2020 9788178801650 x,190p.; UG Library
142.78 TAN 05034426 On Existentialism / Tanzer, Mark Thomson, 2008 0495003557 98 p Knowledge Centre
142.78 TID 05034425 Simone De Beauvoir / Tid, Ursula Routledge, 2007 0415263646 157 p. Knowledge Centre
142.78 VAD 00107579 Heidegger's Vision Of Human Existence In te Expression and The Appropriation of Being Vadakeoram,Paul Dr. Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India 2007 8188456314 xiii;416 P. UG Library
142.78 WAT 00112637 Kierkegaard: Watts, Michael Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851683178 226p UG Library
142.78 WAT 00076150 Kierkegaard: Watts, Michael Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851683178 226p UG Library
142.78 WIC 05068644 Introduction to existentialism : Wicks, Robert L., Bloomsbury Academic, 2020 1 [edition]. vii, 225 p.; Knowledge Centre
142.7DHA 01009400 Phenomenological Ethics:An Introduction (law Lib) Benulal Dhar RAWAT 9788131601938 179p Knowledge Centre
143.052 CLA 00014932 1976-77 Income Tax Rules Contra Law Agency , Cla 1976 1 UG Library
144 ALA 05068279 Realist Responses to Post-Human Society : Routledge, 2019 9780815377849 (hbk) x, 199 pages : Knowledge Centre
144 BAB 00143632 Humanism and embodiment : Babbitt, Susan E. Bloomsbury, 2019 9781472529145 (hardback) | 9789387863552 ix, 195 pages ; UG Library
144 BAK 10004315 Humanly Possible : Bakewell, Sarah Vintage, 2024 9781529924626 454 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
144 DAV 00096698 Humanism / Davies, Tony, Routledge, 9780415420648 (hardback (cased vi, 168 p. ; UG Library
144 DAV 00089338 Humanism Davies, Tony 2008 0415420652 168p UG Library
144 EHR 00019331 The Arrogance of Humanism Ehrenfeld, David W. Oxford University Press 1978 290 p. UG Library
144 GHA 00111817 Philosophy of Humanism/ Ghai, Naresh. Cyber Tech Publications, 2012 9788178849867 256p.; UG Library
144 JAM 00014631 Pragmatism James,William Eurasia Publishing House 1975 270 p. UG Library
144 LAW 00104697 Humanism : Law, Stephen. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199553648 (pbk.) xiv, 150 p. : UG Library
144 LAW 05003892 Humanism : Law, Stephen. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199553648 (pbk.) xiv, 150 p. : Knowledge Centre
144 MUK 00093090 Redefining humanism : Mukerji D P Tulika books, 2010 9788189487621 109 p UG Library
144 MUK 05034428 Redefining humanism : Mukerji D P Tulika books, 2010 9788189487621 109 p Knowledge Centre
144 VAR 00148317 Thinking the human and the pandemic/ Varakkalayil, Jojo J ATC Publishers; 2023 9788119664115 219p UG Library
144 WIL 00000809 Essays in Pragmatism James, William Hafner Publishing and Co 1965 176 p UG Library
144.0954 BAN 00097566 Humanist thought in contemporary India Bandiste D.D. B.R. Publishing Corporation 2008 9788176466066 | 8176466069 viii, 336 p. ; UG Library
144.3 GOO 05005366 Pragmatism : Routledge, 1995 0415909090 | 9780415909105 | 0 317 p. ; Knowledge Centre
144.3 MIS 00110060 New Pragmatists Misak, C. J. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199279982 (pbk.) | 9780199 vii, 195 pages ; UG Library
144.3 TAL 07009230 Pragmatism: A Guid for the Perplexed Talisse, Robert B Continuum, 2008 9780826498588 192p Library - BR Campus
144.3 TAL 00090704 Pragmatism: A Guid for the Perplexed Talisse, Robert B Continuum, 2008 9780826498588 192p UG Library
144.30973 PER 05001537 American Pragmatism and Communication Research Perry, David K Lawrence erlabum associates publishers, 2001 0805835903 264p.; Knowledge Centre
144.6 SEN 05034454 Utilitarianism and Beyond / Sen, Amartya Foundation Books, 1999 8175960582 290 p Knowledge Centre
145 BET 00025528 Idealogis and Intellectuals Beteille,Andre Oxford University Press 1980 51 p. UG Library
145 BET 00025550 Idealogis and Intellectuals Beteille,Andre Oxford University Press 1980 51 p. UG Library
145 THO 05034517 Ideaology and Modern Culture / Thompson, B John Stanford University Press, 1990 0804718458 362 p Knowledge Centre
145 THO 00138684 Ideaology and Modern Culture / Thompson, B John Stanford University Press, 1990 0804718458 362 p UG Library
146 DEE 03000767 Managing Activism : Deegan, Denise. Kogan Page, 2008 9788175543393 | 8175543396 152 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
146 CAR 01016799 Naturalism and normativity / Columbia University Press, 2010 9780231134668 vi, 368p.; Knowledge Centre
146 GIL 05072967 Responses to naturalism : Giladi, paul. Routledge, 2019 9781315180854 ix, 319p, ; Knowledge Centre
146 HAB 05006365 Between naturalism and religion : Habermas, Jürgen. Polity, 2008 0745638244 (hbk.) | 9780745638 vi, 361 p. ; Knowledge Centre
146 MAD 07006838 Second Philosophy Maddy, Penelope Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199273669 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 448 p. ; Library - BR Campus
146 MAD 00110076 Second Philosophy Maddy, Penelope Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199273669 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 448 p. ; UG Library
146 NIE 00124618 A philosophy of sacred nature : Niemoczynski Leon Lexington Books 2015 9780739199664 (cloth : alk. pa xvi, 202 pages ; UG Library
146 RIT 00106614 Understanding naturalism Ritchie, Jack. Acumen, 2008 1844650782 (hbk.) | 1844650790 x, 218 p. : UG Library
146 RIT 05011597 Understanding naturalism Ritchie, Jack. Acumen, 2008 1844650782 (hbk.) | 1844650790 x, 218 p. : Knowledge Centre
146 RIT 07006256 Understanding naturalism Ritchie, Jack. Acumen, 2008 1844650782 (hbk.) | 1844650790 x, 218 p. : Library - BR Campus
146.3 ELL 05062518 The new politics of materialism : Routledge, 2017 9781138240742 (hbk : alk. paper) x, 328 pages ; Knowledge Centre
146.3 ILT 00090174 Abc of Dialectical and Histirical Materialism Ilitskaya, Lenina Union of Soviet Socialist 2008 398p UG Library
146.3 MOS 05007461 Contemporary materialism : Routledge, 1995 0415108632 | 0415108640 (pbk.) x, 378 p. : Knowledge Centre
146.4 DUM 05040820 Origins of analytical philosophy / Dummett, Michael, Bloomsbury, 2014 9781472532466 (pbk.) xv,189p.: Knowledge Centre
146.4 DUM 07006383 Origins of analytical philosophy / Dummett, Michael, Bloomsbury, 2014 9781472532466 (pbk.) xv,189p.: Library - BR Campus
146.4 DUM 00119269 Origins of analytical philosophy / Dummett, Michael, Bloomsbury, 2014 9781472532466 (pbk.) xv,189p.: UG Library
146.4 GLO 05034462 What Is Analytic Philosophy? Glock, Hans-Jonhann Cambridge Univesity Press, 2008 9780521872676 295 p Knowledge Centre
146.4 GLO 05034463 What Is Analytic Philosophy? Glock, Hans-Jonhann Cambridge Univesity Press, 2008 9780521872676 295 p Knowledge Centre
146.4 GUT 05039480 What philosophers know : Gutting, Gary. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521856218 (hbk. : alk. pap viii, 253 p. ; Knowledge Centre
146.4 MAR 05007747 Analytic philosophy : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781444335705 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xii,581 p. Knowledge Centre
146.4 SAL 05001536 content, cognition, and communication Salmon Nathan Oxford University Press 9780199284726 Knowledge Centre
146.4 SEN 05043852 Externalism and the Mental / Sen, Madhucchanda Oxford University Press, 2015 204 p. Knowledge Centre
146.4 STR 05067461 Thinking off your feet : Strevens, Michael. The Belknap Press Of Harvard University Press, 2019 9780674986527 345p.; Knowledge Centre
146.4 STR 07013869 Thinking off your feet : Strevens, Michael. The Belknap Press Of Harvard University Press, 2019 9780674986527 345p.; Library - BR Campus
146.4 TRI 00068513 Religious Positivity Tripathi, S M Global Vision 2001 8187746017 220p UG Library
146.42 RIC 01009692 The Cambridge companion to logical empiricism Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521791786 (hardback) | 0521791782 (hardback) | 9780521796286 (pbk.) | 0521796288 (pbk.) 430p.; Knowledge Centre
146.42 RIC 07011705 The Cambridge companion to logical empiricism Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521791786 (hardback) | 0521791782 (hardback) | 9780521796286 (pbk.) | 0521796288 (pbk.) 430p.; Library - BR Campus
146.42RIC 05001535 Cambridge Companion to Logical Empiricism Richardson, Alan 9780521791786 430 p Knowledge Centre
146.44 CAR 00110510 The empiricists : Carlin, Laurence. Continuum, 2009 9781847061997 (hbk.) | 9781847 xi, 190 p. ; UG Library
146.44 CAR 05003530 The empiricists : Carlin, Laurence. Continuum, 2009 9781847061997 (hbk.) | 9781847 xi, 190 p. ; Knowledge Centre
146.44 CAR 05011586 The empiricists : Carlin, Laurence. Continuum, 2009 9781847061997 (hbk.) | 9781847 xi, 190 p. ; Knowledge Centre
146.44 CAR 05034601 The empiricists : Carlin, Laurence. Continuum, 2009 9781847061997 (hbk.) | 9781847 xi, 190 p. ; Knowledge Centre
146.44 GUP 05001865 Empiricism and experience / Gupta, Anil, Oxford University Press, 0195189582 | 9780195189582 x, 265 p. : Knowledge Centre
146.44 MEY 00106521 Understanding empiricism Meyers, Robert G., Acumen, 2006 1844650596 ($23.00) | 97818446 viii, 183 p. ; UG Library
146.44 MEY 05011596 Understanding empiricism Meyers, Robert G., Acumen, 2006 1844650596 ($23.00) | 97818446 viii, 183 p. ; Knowledge Centre
146.44 PRA 05034471 The Great Mirror: Pradhan, R. C. Kalki Prakash, 2007 121511801 403 p. ` Knowledge Centre
146.4GLO 01009717 What Is Analytic Philosophy? Johann Hans Glock Cambridge University Press 9780521694261 292p Knowledge Centre
146.5 RUS 00096570 The philosophy of logical atomism Russell Routledge classics 9780415474610 162p UG Library
146.7 KAC 00091812 Process: Kachappilly Kurian Dharmaram Publications 8186861912 142p UG Library
146.7 KEL 00073889 Process and Difference. Keller, Catherine 2002 0791452883 272p UG Library
146.7 MID 00076197 Evolution as a Religion: Strange Hopes and Stanger Fears: Midgley, Mary 2002 9780415278331 212p UG Library
146MAD 01007504 Second Philosophy Maddy, Penelope Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199273669 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 448 p. ; Knowledge Centre
147 DAS 05034472 Tradition Pluralism and Identity : Das, Veena Sage Publications, 1999 0761993819 474 p Knowledge Centre
147 GAI 00071405 The Philosopher's Dog Gaita, Raimond Routledge Taylr & Francis Group 2003 8174362789 214 p. UG Library
147.4 FUM 00133156 Knowledge, thought, and the case for dualism/ Fumerton, Richard A., Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107559257 (paperback) xv, 283 p. ; UG Library
147.4 SCA 07006834 Comparative theories of nonduality Scarborough, Milton, Continuum, 2009 viii, 237 p. : Library - BR Campus
147.4 WRI 05034531 Corporate Abuse : Wright, Lesley Macmillan, 1996 0028612906 262 p Knowledge Centre
148 DAS 00068434 Culture Religion and Philosophy Das, N K Rawat Publications 2003 8170338204 374p UG Library
148 PRI 00106667 Modernity and the reinvention of tradition : Prickett, Stephen. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521517461 viii, 265 p. : UG Library
148ROB 01005375 Empire, Identity and India:liberalism, Modernity and the Nation(law Lib) Peter Robb Oxford University Press 0195681592 231p. Knowledge Centre
148ROB 01006849 Empire, Identity and India:liberalism, Modernity and the Nation(law Lib) Peter Robb Oxford University Press 0195681592 231p. Knowledge Centre
149 ZIM 05001967 Deconstruction and Critical Theory Zima, Peter V Continuum, 2002 0082645934 231p.; Knowledge Centre
149 BEN 05041961 Not half no end Bennington, Geoffrey. Edinburgh University Press, 2010 9780748639854 (hbk.) | 0748639 xiv,165p.: Knowledge Centre
149 BER 00104821 The idea of the postmodern : Bertens,Hans. Routledge, 1995 9780415060127 | 0415060125 (pb ix, 284 p. ; UG Library
149 BLI 05061187 Reality and its structure : Bliss, Ricki. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198755630 (hardback : alk. paper) vi,324p.; Knowledge Centre
149 EAG 00104489 The illusions of postmodernism Eagleton, Terry, Blackwell Publishers, 1996 9780631203230 | 0631203230 (pb x, 147 p. ; UG Library
149 FAI 00053910 Critical Conditions: Postmodernity and the Question of Foundations Fairlamb, L Horace 0521456657 264p UG Library
149 HAL 00110501 Relativism and the foundations of philosophy Hales, Steven D. The MIT Press, 2006 0262083531 (alk. paper) | 9780 x, 216 p. ; UG Library
149 HAL 00117462 Relativism and the foundations of philosophy / Hales, Steven D. MIT Press, 2006 0262083531 (alk. paper) x, 216 p. ; UG Library
149 MCG 05047444 An Introduction to the Sociology of Ignorance : McGoey, Linsey Rotledge, 2014 ix, 131 p. Knowledge Centre
149 MCQ 10002137 Deconstruction: Edinburgh university press, 2000 9780748612567 xv,579p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
149 MUL 00142603 Constructing practical reasons / Muller,Andreas. Oxford University press, 2020 9780198754329 viii,241p.; UG Library
149 POW 00088636 Deconstruction for Beginners Powell, Jim Cataloging 2007 1934389269 156p UG Library
149 RAB 05034475 The Future of Theory / Rabate, Jean-Michel Blackwell Publishers, 2002 0631230122 170 p. Knowledge Centre
149 WOL 07010743 What is posthumanism? / Wolfe, Cary. University of Minnesota Press, 2010 9780816666140 (hc : alk. paper xxxiv, 357 p. : Library - BR Campus
149.1 CHA 01014094 Manusmriti: Chaturvedi,R.G. Universal Law Publishing Co.Pvt.Ltd, 9788175349025 lxx,724p.; Knowledge Centre
149.1BHA 01008686 Conceptualization in the Manusmrti(ccl Lib) Parnasabari Bhattacharyya Manohar 8173041547 207p. Knowledge Centre
149.2 BHA 05070461 Empiricism and the metatheory of the social sciences / Bhaskar, Roy, Routledge, 2018 9781138212510 (hbk) xxvi, 272 pages ; Knowledge Centre
149.2 BHA 05048752 Metatheory for the 21st century : Routledge, 2016 9781138856240 (hardback) | 978 xxxii,325p.; Knowledge Centre
149.2 BUN 05041949 Chasing reality : Bunge, Mario, University of Toronto Press, 2014 9781442628229 (paperback : aci xiv, 342 pages ; Knowledge Centre
149.2 HAR 00070029 Beginner`s Guide to Postmodernism. Hart, Kevin 2005 0851683380 179p UG Library
149.2 KIR 00068306 Relativism and Reality Kirk, Robert 1999 0415208165 192p UG Library
149.2 NOR 00043362 New Idols of the Cave Norris, Christopher Manchester University Press 1997 9780719050930 253 p. UG Library
149.2 PAM 00071503 East-West Interface of Reality: A Scientific and Intuitive Inquiry into the nature of Reality: Pamplany, Augustine ISR 2004 206[p UG Library
149.3 KAT 00107593 Mysticism East &West Kattackal Oriental Institiute Religious Studies India; 1993 267 p. UG Library
149.3 PEE 00018453 Spiritual Canticle Peers,Allison E Image 1961 520 p UG Library
149.7 BAN 00068508 Philosophical Semi-Colons Bandiste, D D B.R PUBLISHING CORPORATION 2005 8176464945 164p UG Library
149.7 BRA 05040776 Reason in Philosophy : Brandon Robert.B The Belknap Press of HArvard University Press, 2009 9780674725836 237p.: Knowledge Centre
149.7 HUE 00106524 Understanding rationalism Huenemann, Charles. Acumen, 2008 9781844651122 (hbk.) | 1844651 ix, 166 p. ; UG Library
149.7 PHE 00110513 The rationalists : Phemister, Pauline. Polity Press, 2006 9780745627441 (pbk.) viii, 238 p. ; UG Library
149.7 PHE 05006488 The rationalists : Phemister, Pauline. Polity Press, 2006 9780745627441 (pbk.) viii, 238 p. ; Knowledge Centre
149.7 ROW 05007301 Popper's critical rationalism : Rowbottom, Darrell P., Routledge, 2011 9780415992442 xii, 185 p. : Knowledge Centre
149.72 POI 00101758 Agnosticism : Le Poidevin, Robin, Oxford University Press, 9780199575268 xiv, 134 p. : UG Library
149.72 POI 00101964 Agnosticism : Le Poidevin, Robin, Oxford University Press, 9780199575268 xiv, 134 p. : UG Library
149.73 AGA 00106130 Philosophy from a skeptical perspective Agassi, Joseph. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521726399 | 9780521726399 xiii, 163 p. UG Library
149.73 AGA 00110066 Philosophy from a skeptical perspective Agassi, Joseph. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521726399 | 9780521726399 xiii, 163 p. UG Library
149.73 BRU 05049147 Essays on skepticism / Brueckner, Anthony, Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199658268 xi,396p.; Knowledge Centre
149.73 BRU 05045716 Essays on skepticism / Brueckner, Anthony, Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199658268 xi,396p.; Knowledge Centre
149.73 LAN 00133771 Skepticism : Landesman, Charles. Blackwell Publishers, 2002 0631213554 | 0631213562 (pbk.) x, 210 p. UG Library
149.73 RUS 05034476 Sceptical Essyas : Russell, Bertrand Routledge, 2007 0415325080 225 p Knowledge Centre
149.73 RUS 05005461 Sceptical essays / Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2004 0415325080 (pbk.) xiii, 225 p. ; Knowledge Centre
149.73 SAN 00014625 Scepticism and Animal Faith Santayana, George Locknow Publishing House 1975 314 p. UG Library
149.73AGA 01010279 Philosophy from Skeptical Perspective(law Lib) Joseph Agassi Cambridge University Press Programed texts 163p Knowledge Centre
149.94 DEL 05048454 Logic of Sense / Deleuze, Gilles Bloomsbury, 1990 362 p. Knowledge Centre
149.94 LOS 00072019 Linguistic Turns in Modern Philosophy. Losonsky, Michael 2006 0052165470 275 UG Library
149.94 TUG 00125911 Traditional and analytical philosophy : Tugendhat, Ernst, Cambridge University Press 2016 9781107145337 (hardback : alk. 435p UG Library
149.946 DEE 00135851 Introducing semiotic : Deely, John N. Indiana University Press, 1982 0253330807 | 0253202876 (pbk.) xvi, 246 p. ; UG Library
149.94MCG 01008707 Sanskrit and Orientalisam: Indology and Comparative Linguistics in Germony 1750-1958 Douglas T Macgetchin Manohar 8173045577 386p. Knowledge Centre
149.94ZAB 01009918 Hermeneutic Nature of Analytic Philosophy Santiago Zabala Disclosedness Beyond Representation [TWO] CORRECTING HEIDEGG 197 p Knowledge Centre
149.96 BEL 05053273 Poststructuralism : Belsey, Catherine. Oxford University Press, 2002 0192801805 | 9780192801807 119 p. : Knowledge Centre
149.96 BEL 00088281 Post Steucturalism Belsey, Catherina 2008 9780195678604 117p UG Library
149.96 BEL 05048906 Poststructuralism : Belsey, Catherine. Oxford University Press, 2002 0192801805 | 9780192801807 119 p. : Knowledge Centre
149.96 BEL 00083956 Poststructuralism: A Very Short Introduction [ma-Philosophy Section] Belsey, Catherine 0195678605 117p UG Library
149.96 HAR 05034513 Beyond Superstructuralism / Harland, Richard Routledge, 1993 0415063590 259 p Knowledge Centre
149.96 JAA 00077328 Simplifications: An Introduction to Structuralism and Post Structuralism Jaaware, Aniket Orient Longman Publications 2005 8125016945 559p UG Library
149.96 JAA 00077327 Simplifications: An Introduction to Structuralism and Post Structuralism Jaaware, Aniket Orient Longman Publications 2005 8125016945 559p Yeshwanthpur Campus
149.96 JAA 00078410 Simplifications: An Introduction to Structuralism and Post Structuralism Jaaware, Aniket Orient Longman Publications 2005 8125016945 559p UG Library
149.96 JAA 00078763 Simplifications: An Introduction to Structuralism and Post Structuralism Jaaware, Aniket Orient Longman Publications 2005 8125016945 559p UG Library
149.96 STU 00088175 Structuralism Sturrock, John 2003 0631232397 170p UG Library
149.96 TIR 00085158 On Theory Tirumalesh, K V Central Institute of English and Foreign Language 2002 102p UG Library
149.96 YOU 00085461 Postcolonialism: A Very Short Introduction. Young, Robert J C 2007 0195679784 178p UG Library
149.96JAA 01007221 Simplifications: An Introduction to Structuralism and Post-Structuralism (law Lib) Aniket Jaaware Orient Longman Private Limited 8125016945 559p Knowledge Centre
149.96YOU 00083955 Postcolonialism: A Very Short Introduction. Young, Robert J C 2007 0195679784 178p UG Library
149.97 CON 05034514 The Cambridge Companion to Postmodernism / Connor, Steven Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521689155 237 p Knowledge Centre
149.97 DOS 00088827 Postmodern Perspectives on Indian Society Doshi, S L Rawat Publications 2008 8131601889 336p UG Library
149.97 DRO 05007260 The postmodernism reader : Drolet, Michael Routledge, 2004 9780415160841 (pbk. : alk. pap xiii, 332 p. ; Knowledge Centre
149.97 GOU 05047619 Postmodernism. what moment? / Manchester University Press ; | Distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave, 2007 9780719073083 | 0719073081 vi, 221 p. ; Knowledge Centre
149.97 LOE 05007227 Post-modernism for psychotherapists : Loewenthal, Del, Brunner-Routledge, 2003 9781583911013 (pbk.) x, 213 p. ; Knowledge Centre
149.97 MAL 00082322 Postmodern Malas, Simon 2007 0415280656 148p UG Library
149.97 MAL 00079119 The Postmodern Malpas,Simon Routledge 2007 0415280656 | 9780415280655 148 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
149.97 MCH 07009248 The Cambridge Introduction to Postmodernism / McHale Brian Cambridge University press, 2015 9781316646984 xii,239p.: Library - BR Campus
149.97 MCL 07003948 Beginning Postcolonialism / McLeod John Viva Books, 2015 9788130919041 xii,274p.: Library - BR Campus
149.97 MCQ 05044651 Deconstruction without Derrida / McQuillan, Martin. Bloomsbury, 2012 9781472534309 | 9781441141224 214 p. Knowledge Centre
149.97 SAR 05034515 Identity, Culture and the Postmodern World / Sarup, Madan Edinburgh University Press, 2005 0074860779 192 p Knowledge Centre
149.97 SAR 00079991 Identity Culture and The Postmodern World Sarup, Madan Edinburgh 2005 0074860779 | 9780748607792 192 p. UG Library
149.97 SIM 00106991 The Routledge companion to postmodernism Sim,Stuart Routledge, 2011 9780415583329 (pbk. : alk. pa 3rd edition. xiv, 328 p. ; UG Library
149.97 SIM 05039901 Fifty key postmodern thinkers / Sim, Stuart. Routledge, 2013 9780415525855 (hardback : alk. x, 252 pages ; Knowledge Centre
149.97 WHI 00103368 Post modernism 101: White Heath Brazospress; 9781587431531 176 p. UG Library
149.97 WOO 05037621 Beginning postmodernism / Woods, Tim. Manchester University Press ; | Distributed exclusively in the USA by St. Martin's Press, Inc., 1999 0719052106 (hdc) | 0719052114 xiv, 284 p. : Knowledge Centre
149.97 WOO 07003949 Beginning Postmodernism / Woods Tim Viva Books, 2015 9788130919034 2nd ed xx,329p.: Library - BR Campus
160 JOS 00009852 Text Book of Logic Professor St.Joseph 1989 164 p. UG Library
160 RES 04003211 Introduction to Substructural Logics Restall, Greg Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 2000 0415215331 381 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
160 ADL 00127086 Reasoning : Adler Jonathan E Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521848152 (hardback) | 978 xiv, 1057 p. : UG Library
160 AGG 00127052 A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning / Aggarwal R.S S.Chand & Company Pvt.Ltd, 2016 9788121919050 224p.: UG Library
160 AGG 07010249 A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning / Aggarwal R.S S.Chand & Company Pvt.Ltd, 2016 9788121919050 224p.: Library - BR Campus
160 ALK 05074765 The rules of logic / Qazwīnī, ʻAlī ibn ʻUmar, New York University Press, 2024 9781479880249 xxviii, 171 pages ; Knowledge Centre
160 ARI 05031928 Aristotle : Aristotle. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 1994 0198240880 (alk. paper) : | 01 2nd ed. xxv, 298 p. ; Knowledge Centre
160 BAR 04009470 Logic \ Baronett, Stan Pearson, 2009 9788131721032 xi, 463 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
160 BAR 00017565 Modern Introduction to Indian Logic Barlingay, S.S National 1965 xiv; 238 p UG Library
160 BAS 00023553 Exprcises in Logic and Scientific Method Basantani, K.T. A R Sheth & Co. 1975 3rd. 244 p. UG Library
160 BAS 00023554 Exprcises in Logic and Scientific Method Basantani, K.T. A R Sheth & Co. 1975 3rd. 244 p. UG Library
160 BAS 00023555 Science, Scientific Mathod Techonological Development Basanthani, K. T. Sheth 1982 330 p. UG Library
160 BAS 00023557 Science, Scientific Mathod Techonological Development Basanthani, K. T. Sheth 1982 330 p. UG Library
160 BAS 00023558 Science, Scientific Mathod Techonological Development Basanthani, K. T. Sheth 1982 330 p. UG Library
160 BAS 00021782 Second Course in Logic Basantani, K. T. Sheth Publishers 1982 160 p. UG Library
160 BAS 00021784 Second Course in Logic Basantani, K. T. Sheth Publishers 1982 160 p. UG Library
160 BAS 00021786 Second Course in Logic Basantani, K. T. Sheth Publishers 1982 160 p. UG Library
160 BAS 07010506 Critical Thinking / Bassham Gregory McGraw Hill Education, 2013 9781259074035 xiv,483p.: Library - BR Campus
160 BAS 00022517 Second Course in Logic Basantani, K. T. Sheth Publishers 1982 160 p. UG Library
160 BAS 00021785 Second Course in Logic Basantani, K. T. Sheth Publishers 1982 160 p. UG Library
160 BAS 00021787 Second Course in Logic Basantani, K. T. Sheth Publishers 1982 160 p. UG Library
160 BAS 00021783 Second Course in Logic Basantani, K. T. Sheth Publishers 1982 160 p. UG Library
160 BAS 00026552 Second Course in Logic Basantani, K. T. Sheth Publishers 1982 160 p. UG Library
160 BAS 00023559 Science, Scientific Mathod Techonological Development Basanthani, K. T. Sheth 1982 330 p. UG Library
160 BAS 00026556 Science, Scientific Mathod Techonological Development Basanthani, K. T. Sheth 1982 330 p. UG Library
160 BEA 05005293 Logic : Beall, J. C. Routledge, 2010 9780415774987 (hc) | 978041577 xv, 184 p. ; Knowledge Centre
160 BON 05040876 Lateral Thinking An Introduction / Bono Edward De Vermilion, 2014 9780091955021 147p.: Knowledge Centre
160 BON 07006100 Lateral Thinking An Introduction / Bono Edward De Vermilion, 2014 9780091955021 147p.: Library - BR Campus
160 BRE 00120551 Nonmonotonic reasoning : Brewka, Gerhard. Cambridge University Press, 2010 0521383943 | 9780521181303 xi, 168 p. : UG Library
160 BUT 07008036 Thinking skills : Butterworth, John, Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107606302 (paperback) Second edition / iv, 348 pages : Library - BR Campus
160 CAR 00010775 Introduction to Symbolic Logic and Its Applications Carnap, Rudolf DOVER 1958 241 p UG Library
160 CHA 00091841 Unity of Knowing and acting in Kant Chackalackal Saju Dharmaram Publications 8186861513 615p UG Library
160 CHA 00127993 Definition in Greek Philosophy / Charles, David : Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199564453 (hbk.) | 0199564 x, 556 p. ; UG Library
160 CHA 05017957 Logic: Informal, Symbolic & Inductive ( Ugc-Autonomous) Chakraborti, Chhanda Prentice Hall of India 8120328558 552p Knowledge Centre
160 CHE 07012660 The Art of Logic : Cheng Eugenia Proofile Books Ltd, 2018 9781788162401 xii,304p.: Library - BR Campus
160 CHE 07012929 The Art of Logic : Cheng Eugenia Proofile Books Ltd, 2018 9781788162401 xii,304p.: Library - BR Campus
160 COH 05068617 An introduction to the philosophy of logic / Cohnitz, Daniel. Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781107110939 | 9781107527720 1st Ed viii,265p.; Knowledge Centre
160 COH 00017569 Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method Cohen, Morris R. Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd 1978 467 p. UG Library
160 COH 00019366 Introduction to Logic Scientific Method. Cohen, Morris R ALLIED 1978 467 p UG Library
160 COH 00017566 Introduction to Logic & Scientific Method Cohen, R. Morris Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd 1968 467 p. UG Library
160 COH 00020678 Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method Cohen, Morris R. Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd 1978 467 p. UG Library
160 COP 05031929 Introudction to Logic / Copi, M Irving Pearson Education, 2001 8178084864 711 p Knowledge Centre
160 COP 00015991 Introduction to Logic Copi Irving, M. Mc Millan 1972 4th Ed. 540 p. UG Library
160 COP 00000805 Introduction to Logic Copi,Irving M. Macmillan Company 1961 2nd Ed. 520 p. UG Library
160 COP 05030883 Introduction to LOGIC / Copi, M Irving Pearson Education, 2001 8178084864 xx,714p. Knowledge Centre
160 COP 00143469 Essentials of Logic Copi, Irving M Routledge, 2019 9780367237868 Second Edition 450p UG Library
160 COP 00019380 Introduction to Logic Copi Irving, M Macmillan Publishing Co.Inc 1978 5th Ed. 590 p. UG Library
160 COP 00065702 Introduction to Logic Copi, Irving M Prentice Hall of India 2001 8120309421 729p UG Library
160 COP 04019848 Introduction to logic / Copi, Irving M. Pearson, 2011 0023248807 | 9788131788653 14th ed. 627 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
160 DAS 00073825 Logic of Knowledge Base. Dash, Keshab Chandra SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS 2000 0817030346 133p UG Library
160 DEW 00120261 Essays in experimental logic / Dewey, John, Dover Publications, 2004 0486437485 (pbk.) iv, 284 p. ; UG Library
160 DIE 05038961 Becoming a critical thinker : Diestler, Sherry. Macmillan ; | Maxwell Macmillan Canada ; | Maxwell Macmillan International, 1994 0023287721 (pbk.) x, 342 p. : Knowledge Centre
160 ENG 00117609 Philosophical logic Englebretsen, George. Continuum, 2011 9781441119117 | 1441119116 | 9781441173850 | 1441173854 | 9789386250162 ix, 198 p. : UG Library
160 ENG 00143644 Philosophical logic Englebretsen, George. Continuum, 2011 9781441119117 | 1441119116 | 9781441173850 | 1441173854 | 9789386250162 ix, 198 p. : UG Library
160 ENG 00121193 Philosophical logic Englebretsen, George. Continuum, 2011 9781441119117 | 1441119116 | 9781441173850 | 1441173854 | 9789386250162 ix, 198 p. : UG Library
160 FEA 00073895 About Thinking (Dharmaram Library) Fearnside, Ward W 1997 0135351898 381p UG Library
160 FEL 04008290 Critical thinking : Feldman, Daniel A Viva books, 2004 9788176495431 vii,101p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
160 FIN 04012157 Arguments about arguments : Finocchiaro, Maurice A., Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521853273 (hardcover) | 9780521618533 | 0521618533 (pbk.) ix, 467 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
160 FIS 00068303 Logic of Real Arguments Fisher, Alec 2004 0521654815 223p UG Library
160 FIS 00109780 Critical thinking Fisher, Alec. Cambridge University Press, 2001 0521009847 | 9780521009843 249 p. ; UG Library
160 FIS 00116611 Critical thinking Fisher, Alec. Cambridge University Press, 2001 0521009847 | 9781107600829 249 p. ; UG Library
160 FIS 00099803 Critical thinking : Fisher, Alec. Cambridge University Press, 0521009847 249 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
160 FIS 05000323 Critical thinking Fisher, Alec. Cambridge University Press, 2001 0521009847 | 9780521009843 249 p. ; Knowledge Centre
160 FIS 07008037 Critical thinking : Fisher, Alec. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107401983 (pbk.) 2nd ed. viii, 294 p. ; Library - BR Campus
160 FOR 05056125 The critical thinking toolkit / Foresman, Galen A., John Wiley & Sons, 2017 9780470659960 (cloth) | 978047 xvi, 358 pages ; Knowledge Centre
160 GAR 00117606 Modal Logic for Philosophers Garson, James W. Cambridge University Press 2006 9781107609525 | 9781107609525 2nd ed, xv,: 488 p,: UG Library
160 GEN 00131347 Introduction to logic / Gensler, Harry J., Routledge, 2010 9780415996501 (hc) | 9780415996518 (pbk.) | 0415996503 (hc) | 0415996511 (pbk.) | 9781138910591 3rd ed., x,414p.; UG Library
160 GHA 00007979 Elements of Logic Ghani, Abdul Padma 1972 viii; 119 UG Library
160 GHA 00026553 Scientific Method Ghani, Abdul Praakasha Sahitya 90 p UG Library
160 GHA 00026557 Scientific Method Ghani, Abdul Praakasha Sahitya 90 p UG Library
160 GHA 00026554 Scientific Method Ghani, Abdul Praakasha Sahitya 90 p UG Library
160 GHA 00007980 Scientific Method Ghani, Abdul Praakasha Sahitya 90 p UG Library
160 GHA 00022518 Logic Scientific Method Ghani, Abdul 1982 1 UG Library
160 GHA 00022521 Scientific Method Ghani, Abdul Praakasha Sahitya 90 p UG Library
160 GHA 00022520 Scientific Method Ghani, Abdul Praakasha Sahitya 90 p UG Library
160 GHA 00007978 Elements of Logic Ghani, Abdul Padma 1972 viii; 119 UG Library
160 GHA 00023556 Scientific Method Ghani, Abdul Praakasha Sahitya 90 p UG Library
160 GHA 00016411 P.U.C. Logic Ghani, Abdul Padma Prakashana 1972 1st Ed. 218 p. UG Library
160 GIL 00101128 Logic in earliest classical India / Gillon, Brendan S. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 9788120834491 | 8120834496 viii, 202 p. : UG Library
160 GIO 00122261 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Giovanni, George di Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107499638 lxxiv, 790 p:. UG Library
160 GIO 00106652 The science of logic Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521832557 | 0521832551 lxxiv, 790 p. ; UG Library
160 GIO 00124625 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Giovanni, George di Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107499638 lxxiv, 790 p:. UG Library
160 GIO 00124626 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Giovanni, George di Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107499638 lxxiv, 790 p:. UG Library
160 GUP 00020675 Logic and Scientific Method Gupta, S. P. Ajanta Publications 1978 115 p. UG Library
160 HAI 00022519 Scientific Method (ii Puc Logic) Abdul, Ghani Padma 1979 111 p UG Library
160 HAL 00112558 The logic manual / Halbach, Volker. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199587834 (hbk. : alk pape x, 194 p. : UG Library
160 HAL 05006682 The logic manual / Halbach, Volker. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199587834 (hbk. : alk pape x, 194 p. : Knowledge Centre
160 HAN 00131339 Critical thinking : Hanscomb, Stuart, Routledge, 2017 9781138826236 (hbk) | 9781138826243 (pbk) 252 pages ; UG Library
160 HUN 05045794 A Practical Guide to Critical Thinking : Hunter David.A Wiley India, 2009 9788126537068 xvii,258p.: Knowledge Centre
160 HUR 05002008 Concise Introduction to Logic Hurley, Patrick J 0495006971 656p Knowledge Centre
160 HUR 00110260 A Concise Introduction to Logic Hurley, Patrick J., Thomson/Wadsworth, 2006 0534585051 | 9780534585051 9th ed. xv, 656 p. : UG Library
160 HUR 05059238 A Concise Introduction to Logic / Hurley, Patrick J. Thomson, 2003 9780534584825 8th ed. x, 662 p. ; Knowledge Centre
160 HUR 41000728 A Concise Introduction to Logic / Hurley, Patrick J Thomson Learning, 2006 9780495006978 9th ed. 656p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
160 HUR 22001376 Concise Introduction to Logic Hurley, Patrick J 0495006971 656p Knowledge Centre
160 HUR 04021007 A Concise Introduction to Logic / Hurley, Patrick J Thomson Learning, 2006 9780495006978 9th ed. 656p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
160 JAC 00106101 A companion to philosophical logic Jacquette,Dale. Blackwell, 2002 0631216715 (alk. paper) | 9780 xiii, 816 p. : UG Library
160 JAN 00094734 Global philosophical and ecological concepts : Jansma, Rudi. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers ; | Prakrit Bharti Academy, 9788120831988 (set) | 97881208 2 v. ; UG Library
160 JAN 00094735 Global philosophical and ecological concepts : Jansma, Rudi. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers ; | Prakrit Bharti Academy, 9788120831988 (set) | 97881208 2 v. ; UG Library
160 JOS 00017180 Text Book of Logic Professor St.Joseph 1989 164 p. UG Library
160 JOS 00108161 An Introduction to Logic Joseph H. W. B. Bharatiya Kala Prakashan 2006 9788180902086 ix; 652 p. UG Library
160 KAN 01013970 Lectures on logic / Kant, Immanuel, Cambridge University Press, 0521360137 | 9780521546911 xxxii, 695 p. ; Knowledge Centre
160 KEL 00040793 Art of Reasoning Kelley, David 1994 0393964663 658 p UG Library
160 KEL 00040794 Art of Reasoning Kelley, David 1994 0393964663 658 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022504 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022510 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022505 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022506 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022511 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022508 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022515 Logic for Puc Second Year Koppar, Ravindra Vijaya 1982 2nd ed. 204 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022514 Logic for Puc Second Year Koppar, Ravindra Vijaya 1982 2nd ed. 204 p UG Library
160 KOP 00021865 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00021866 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00021867 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00021868 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00021869 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022522 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022524 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022507 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022509 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00016410 Logic For Second Year PUC Koppar, Ravindra Vijaya Book Depot 1973 1st Ed. 185 p. UG Library
160 KOP 00018985 Logic For Second Year PUC Koppar, Ravindra Vijaya Book Depot 1973 1st Ed. 185 p. UG Library
160 KOP 00022512 Logic for Puc Second Year Koppar, Ravindra Vijaya 1982 2nd ed. 204 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022513 Logic for Puc Second Year Koppar, Ravindra Vijaya 1982 2nd ed. 204 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022516 Logic for Puc Second Year Koppar, Ravindra Vijaya 1982 2nd ed. 204 p UG Library
160 KOP 00018986 Logic For Second Year PUC Koppar, Ravindra Vijaya Book Depot 1973 1st Ed. 185 p. UG Library
160 KOP 00020671 Logic For Second Year PUC Koppar, Ravindra Vijaya Book Depot 1973 1st Ed. 185 p. UG Library
160 KOP 00020672 Logic For Second Year PUC Koppar, Ravindra Vijaya Book Depot 1973 1st Ed. 185 p. UG Library
160 KOR 00020673 Logic for C.A Entrance Examination Korde Ashok, Himalaya 1979 196 p. UG Library
160 LEB 05042436 Statistical and inductive probabilities / Leblanc, Hugues, Dover Publications, 2006 0486449807 (pbk.) xii, 148 p. ; Knowledge Centre
160 LEB 05051715 Statistical and inductive probabilities / Leblanc, Hugues, Prentice Hall, 1962 xii, 148 p. ; Knowledge Centre
160 LIZ 00009191 Modern Introduction to Logic Vol 1 Lazarus, Aravkar Jamnadas 2008 1 UG Library
160 LYO 00131438 The new critical thinking : Lyons, Jack C., Routledge, 2018 9781138687479 (hbk) | 9781138687486 (pbk.) xvii, 362 pages ; UG Library
160 MAR 00017172 Text Book of Logic Martin, William P. Subhas Stores 1971 132 p. UG Library
160 MAR 00017173 Text Book of Logic Martin, William P. Subhas Stores 1971 132 p. UG Library
160 MAR 00020114 Text Book of Logic - I PUC Martin, W P DPSP 1978 1st ed. 199 p UG Library
160 MAR 00020115 Text Book of Logic - I PUC Martin, W P DPSP 1978 1st ed. 199 p UG Library
160 MAR 00020116 Text Book of Logic - I PUC Martin, W P DPSP 1978 1st ed. 199 p UG Library
160 MAR 00017174 Text Book of Logic Martin, William P. Subhas Stores 1971 132 p. UG Library
160 MAR 00020113 Text Book of Logic - I PUC Martin, W P DPSP 1978 1st ed. 199 p UG Library
160 MAR 00020117 Text Book of Logic Martin, W P DPSP 1978 199 p UG Library
160 MAU 00134149 Think about it : critical skills for academic writing Mauk, John Cengage Learning [distributor], 2014 9781285193847 xiii,324 p.; UG Library
160 MIT 05045638 Studies in Logic : Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 2012 9788190995030 xviii,253p.: Knowledge Centre
160 MIT 00122374 Studies in Logic : Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 2012 9788190995030 xviii,253p.: UG Library
160 MUR 00127992 Critical Reflection : Murray, Malcolm McGill-Queen's University Press, 2005 0773528792 (bound) | 077352880 xi, 516 p. : UG Library
160 MUS 01025894 Reasoning in ethics and law : Routledge, 1999 0754610454 | 9780754610458 ix, 212 p. ; Knowledge Centre
160 NAT 05005105 Simple formal logic : Vander Nat, Arnold. Routledge, 2010 9780415997454 (hardcover) | 04 xi, 347 p. : Knowledge Centre
160 PAN 00008856 Simple Study of Inductive Logic Balkrishna Pandit, S. Surjeet 1967 246 p. UG Library
160 PAN 00009188 Modern Introduction to Logic Pandurangi, H. R. Jamnadas & Sons 1968 132 p. UG Library
160 PAN 00009190 Modern Introduction to Logic Pandurangi, H. R. Jamnadas & Sons 1968 132 p. UG Library
160 PAN 00009189 Modern Introduction to Logic Pandurangi, H. R. Jamnadas & Sons 1968 132 p. UG Library
160 POR 01017215 The Voice of Reason : Porter, Burton F. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195399868 365 p. : Knowledge Centre
160 PRA 00147921 Critical and Analytical Thinking/ Prasad, A. S. Cengage Learning, 2024 9789360532192 xiv,360p. ; UG Library
160 PRI 01016433 Logic : Priest, Graham. Oxford University Press, 2000 0192893203 | 9780192893208 128 p. : Knowledge Centre
160 PRI 01017221 Logic : Priest, Graham. Oxford University Press, 2000 0192893203 | 9780192893208 128 p. : Knowledge Centre
160 PRI 04009705 Logic / Priest, Graham : Sterling, 2000 9781402768965 ix , 182 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
160 PRI 05031919 Logic : Priest, Graham Oxford University Press, 2006 0195682629 128 p Knowledge Centre
160 PRI 00085426 Logic : Priest, Graham Oxford University Press, 2006 0195682629 128 p UG Library
160 QUI 00071489 Philosophy of Logic: [ Dharmaram Library] Quine, W V 2004 0674665635 109p UG Library
160 RAV 00022523 Logic Ravindra, Koppar Padma 1982 114p UG Library
160 RUC 05031938 Infinity and the mind : Rucker, Rudy New Age International, 2010 9788122421101 342 p Knowledge Centre
160 RUC 00093673 Infinity and the mind : Rucker, Rudy New Age International, 2010 9788122421101 342 p UG Library
160 RUM 05060665 The boundary stones of thought : Rumfitt, Ian, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198801351 First edition. xiv, 345 pages : Knowledge Centre
160 SAR 07001646 Second thoughts : Sarna, Navjej HarperCollins, 2015 1559344792 (pbk.) xxvii, 484 p. : Library - BR Campus
160 SCH 00143952 The Critical Thinker Schuster, Steven Jaico Publishing House 2020 9789389305654 178p UG Library
160 SID 01017064 Logic for philosophy / Sider, Theodore. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199575596 (hbk.) | 0199575 xiv, 289 p. : Knowledge Centre
160 SIN 00122388 Fundamentals of Logic Singh,Arindama Indian Council of Philosophical Research 1998 312p UG Library
160 STE 00006130 Modern Introduction to Logic Stebbing, L S Asia 1966 7th ed. xx; 525 p UG Library
160 STE 05053670 A modern elementary logic. Stebbing, L. Susan Methuen and co Ltd., 1943 x,214p.; Knowledge Centre
160 STJ 00017179 Text Book of Logic St Josephs Evening College , St Joseph 1972 1 UG Library
160 STR 00103911 Prior analytics. Aristotle. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199250417 (pbk.) | 0199250 xx, 268 p. : UG Library
160 THO 00134850 Critical reasoning : Thomson, Anne. Routledge, 2009 9780415445863 (hardback : alk. paper) | 0415445868 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9780415445870 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0415445876 (pbk. : alk. paper) 3rd ed. ix,238 p. ; UG Library
160 VAI 00014173 Test Book of Logic Vaidyanathan, S L D 1972 1 UG Library
160 VAI 00014175 Desk Work in Logic Vaidyanathan, S L D S L D 1971 131 p UG Library
160 VAI 00013926 Text Book of Logic Vaidyanathen, S L D 1973 1 UG Library
160 VAI 00013928 Text Book of Logic Vaidyanathen, S L D 1973 1 UG Library
160 VAI 00013927 Text Book of Logic Vaidyanathan, S.l.D. Subhas Publisher's And Distributors 1973 104 p. UG Library
160 VAI 00112380 Text Book of Logic Vaidyanathan, S.l.D. Subhas Publisher's And Distributors 1973 104 p. UG Library
160 VAI 00007595 Text Book of Logic Vaidyanathan, S.l.D. Subhas Publisher's And Distributors 1973 104 p. UG Library
160 VAI 00009192 Text Book of Logic Vaidyanathan, S L D Self 2008 1 UG Library
160 VAI 00009193 Text Book of Logic. Vaidyanathan, S L D 1972 105 p UG Library
160 VAI 00009194 Text Book of Logic Vaidyanathan, S L D Self 2008 1 UG Library
160 VAI 00009195 Text Book of Logic Vaidyanathan, S L D Self 2008 1 UG Library
160 VAI 00009196 Text Book of Logic Vaidyanathan, S L D Self 2008 1 UG Library
160 VAI 00009602 Text Book of Logic Vaidyanathan, S.l.D. Subhas Publisher's And Distributors 1973 104 p. UG Library
160 VAI 00013929 Text Book of Logic Vaidyanathan, S.l.D. Subhas Publisher's And Distributors 1973 104 p. UG Library
160 VAI 00016724 Text Book of Logic , Parimal 1990 234 p UG Library
160 VAI 00007588 Desk Work in Logic Vaidyanathan, S.l.d S.L.D 1971 131 p UG Library
160 VAI 00007589 Desk Work in Logic Vaidyanathan, S.l 1971 57 UG Library
160 VAI 00007592 Desk Work in Logic Vaidyanathan, S.l 1971 57 UG Library
160 VAI 00007590 Desk Work in Logic Vaidyanathan, S. L. D. S. L. D.Vaidyanathan 1987 131 p. UG Library
160 VAI 00014176 Desk Work in Logic Vaidyanathan, S. L. D. S. L. D.Vaidyanathan 1987 131 p. UG Library
160 VAI 00007591 Desk Work in Logic Vaidyanathan S.L.D S.L.D.Vaidyanathan 1989 130 p. UG Library
160 WAR 00062545 A Mensa Book of Logic Puzzles Wareham Alan Orient Paper Backs 2000 8122201482 140 p UG Library
160 WIL 07006825 Key terms in logic Continuum, 2010 9781847061133 | 9781847061140 xviii, 178 p. Library - BR Campus
160 WIL 05040630 Key terms in logic / Continuum, 2010 9781847061133 | 1847061133 | 9 xviii, 178 p. : Knowledge Centre
160 WIL 00138766 Key terms in logic / Continuum, 2010 9781847061133 | 1847061133 | 9 xviii, 178 p. : UG Library
160 WOL 00012897 Textbook of Logic Wolf, A Columbia University Press 1962 351 p UG Library
160 WOL 00020677 Textbook of Logic Wolf, A Surjit 450p UG Library
160.22 CAV 00092611 Logic and contemporary rhertoric Cavender, Nancy M Wadsworth Cengage Learning 9780495804130 412 p UG Library
160.39873 MAR 00017175 Text Book of Logic Martin, P Subhas Prakashana 1971 1 UG Library
160.39873 MAR 00017176 Text Book of Logic Martin, P Subhas Prakashana 1971 1 UG Library
160.712 MAT 05038639 The thinking teacher's toolkit Matthews, Ruth. Continuum International Pub. Group, 2010 9781441125712 (pbk.) 199 p. Knowledge Centre
160.712 MAT 00118415 The thinking teacher's toolkit Matthews, Ruth. Continuum International Pub. Group, 2010 9781441125712 (pbk.) 199 p. UG Library
160.76 CRE 07009678 Working with visual logic a user's guide / Crews, Thad CENGAGE Publication, 2009 9788131511220 107P.; Library - BR Campus
160.9 HAR 00104101 The evolution of logic / Hart, W. D. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521766814 (hardback) | 052 xi, 299 p. ; UG Library
160.92 MAD 05046304 The logical must : Maddy, Penelope, Oxford university press, 2014 9780199391752 (hardback) 135 pages ; Knowledge Centre
160.92 ODE 00117449 The old new logic : Oderberg David S. MIT Press, 2005 0262151138 (alk. paper) | 0262 xii, 242 p. ; UG Library
160.954 GAN 05007416 Indian logic : Curzon, | Routledge, 2001 0700713069 | 9781138502321 | 0700713298 (PBK.) ix, 221 p. ; Knowledge Centre
160.954 GAN 05066768 Indian logic : Curzon, | Routledge, 2001 0700713069 | 9781138502321 | 0700713298 (PBK.) ix, 221 p. ; Knowledge Centre
160.954 MAH 05031939 Indian Logic and Ethics / Maharaj Swami Chidatman Jee Anmol Publications, 2009 9788126136278 273 p Knowledge Centre
160.954 MAH 00091126 Indian Logic and Ethics / Maharaj Swami Chidatman Jee Anmol Publications, 2009 9788126136278 273 p UG Library
160GHAI.8 00026555 Text Book of Logic Scientific Method for II Year Puc Ghai, Abdul Praakasha Sahitya 86p UG Library
160SAL 01009384 Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking (law Lib) Merlilee H Salmon Brooks/cole Publishing Company 9780534626631 492p Knowledge Centre
161 WIL 00128200 Modal logic as metaphysics Williamson, Timothy. 9780199552078 | 019955207X xvi,464 pages ; UG Library
161.0954 CHA 01016348 Classical Indian Philosophy of Induction : Chakrabarti, Kisor Kumar. Lexington Books, 2010 9780739122761 (cloth : alk. pa xv, 311 p. ; Knowledge Centre
162 S-3 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
162 ACK 00104104 Aristotle : Ackrill J.L Clarendon Press : Oxford ; 2002 9780198720867 162 p. UG Library
162 KEA 00005708 Deductive Logica a Programed Introduction Kearns John T New Century Educational Division 1969 461 p UG Library
162 MON 00025364 A Selective Course in Deductive Logic Monga A K Sterling Publishers 1982 140 p UG Library
162 PRA 00068551 Beginer`s Logic Praharaj, D M Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2005 0817888254 160p UG Library
162 ROY 00020670 Textbook of Deductive Logic Roy, Bhola Nath S C Sarkar 1979 368p UG Library
163 F\1 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
163 E\10 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
163 P-4 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
163.3 MEN 05042053 Glimpses of Nazraney Heritage / Menachery George Asaras Book, 2005 8187133082 115p.: Knowledge Centre
164 H\3 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
164 BOO 07012924 Studies in logic and probability / Boole, George, Dover Publications, 2012 9780486488264 (pbk.) | 0486488 500 p. : Library - BR Campus
164 BOO 05057697 Studies in logic and probability / Boole, George, Dover Publications, 2012 9780486488264 (pbk.) | 0486488 500 p. : Knowledge Centre
164 LAN 05057617 An introduction to symbolic logic, Langer, Susanne Katherina Knauth, Dover Publications 1967 9780486601649 3d rev. ed. 367 p. Knowledge Centre
164 MAR 05051187 First order mathematical logic / Margaris, Angelo. Blaisdell Pub. Co. 1967 x, 211 p. Knowledge Centre
164 NOR 00006485 Introduction to Mathematical Logic Noronha F J Bangalore University 1968 54 p UG Library
164 SUP 00005800 Introduction to Logic Suppes, Patrick Konark 305 p UG Library
164 SUP 00005861 Introduction to Logic Suppes, Patrick Konark 305 p UG Library
164 SUP 00005932 Introduction to Logic Suppes, Patrick Konark 305 p UG Library
164.2 BEH 00147334 Alibis and Corroborators: Behl Joshua D. (Editor) Springer, 2022 9783030956653 169p.; UG Library
165 M-4 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
165 X-1 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
165 PIR 03002427 How to Win Every Argument : Pirie, Madsen. Viva Books Private Limited, 2008 9781846841606 182 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
165 CAV 05040004 This sentence is false : Cave, Peter. Continuum, 2009 9781847062192 | 1847062199 | 9 xii, 219 p. ; Knowledge Centre
165 GOL 00142769 Contradiction set free / Goldschmidt, Hermann Levin Bloomsbury Academic ; 2020 9781350079793 152 p. ; UG Library
165 PIR 00119264 How to win every argument : Pirie, Madsen, Continuum, 2006 0826490069 (hbk.) x, 182 p. ; UG Library
165 PIR 04022748 How to Win Every Argument : Pirie, Madsen. Bloomsbury, 2006 9781472916518 182 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
165 PIR 03010531 How to Win Every Argument : Pirie, Madsen. Bloomsbury, 2006 9781472916518 182 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
165 SAI 05031940 Paradoxes / Sainsbury, R. M. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521896320 (cased) | 052189 vii, 182 p. ; Knowledge Centre
165TIN 01003607 Fallacies and Argument Appraisal (law Lib) Christoher W Tindale Cambridge University Press 9780521842082 218p Knowledge Centre
167 O\12 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
167 D\2 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
168 WAL 05002006 Informal Logic: A Pragmatic Approach [GENERAL SECTION] Walton, Douglas Cambridge university press, 2008 9780521713801 347 p.; Knowledge Centre
168 BAR 00073897 Critical Thinking Reading and Writing (Dharmaram Library) Barnet, Sylvan 1999 0312171536 461p UG Library
168 INC 00072820 Critical Thinking and Communication the Use of Rreason in Argument Inch, Edward S 1998 0205272932 371 UG Library
168 INC 05070054 Criticial thinking and communication : Inch, Edward S. Pearson Education Limited, 2015 9781292058825 Seventh (Global edition), 408p. ; Knowledge Centre
168 INC 05070055 Criticial thinking and communication : Inch, Edward S. Pearson Education Limited, 2015 9781292058825 Seventh (Global edition), 408p. ; Knowledge Centre
168 INC 05070056 Criticial thinking and communication : Inch, Edward S. Pearson Education Limited, 2015 9781292058825 Seventh (Global edition), 408p. ; Knowledge Centre
168 WAL 05031942 Media Argumentation : Walton, Douglas Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521700306 386 p Knowledge Centre
168 WAL 05039978 Methods of argumentation / Walton, Douglas N. Cambridge university press, 2013 9781107039308 (hardback) | 110 xii, 308 pages ; Knowledge Centre
168 WAL 05045826 Argument structure : Walton, Douglas N. University of Toronto Press, 1996 0802007686 (alk. paper) | 0802 xiv, 304 p. : Knowledge Centre
168WAL 01010465 Arguementation Schemes (law Lib) Douglas Walton Cambridge University Press 9780521897907 443p Knowledge Centre
169 O\2 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
169 H-3 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
169 M\4 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
170 L-3 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
170 N\9 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
170 GEN 04002501 Happiness for Dummies / Gentry, Doyle W. John Wiley and Sons, 2009 9788126519118 328 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
170 HOL 03002787 What Matters Most : Hollis, James. Gotham Books, 2009 9781592404209 270 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170 KAN 05001988 Practical Philosophy Kant, Immanuel Cambridge university press, 1996 0521654084 668p.; Knowledge Centre
170 NAD 03006016 Ethics for Our Times: Nadkarni, M. V. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198073864 | 0198073860 xv,262 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170 WHI 05002009 Contemporary Moral Problems [PHILOSOPHY SECTION] White, James E Thomson, 2009 0495553204 504 p.; Knowledge Centre
170 ABE 00110509 Ethics for modern life Abelson,Raziel. St. Martin's Press, 1995 0312099673 | 9780312099671 5th ed. ix, 498 p. ; UG Library
170 ANG 00144866 Ethics: Angier, Tom Bloomsbury, 2012 9789354357039 265p UG Library
170 ARI 00067071 Aristotle on Ethics. Hughes, Gerard J 2001 0415415220 238p UG Library
170 ART 00073883 Morality and Moral Controversies (Dharmaram Library) Arthur, John 1999 0139141286 615p UG Library
170 BAS 00068444 Aristotle`s Ethics Bostock, David 2000 0000192652 250p UG Library
170 BAT 09000382 What's wrong with morality? : Batson, C. Daniel. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199355549 | 9780199355570 265p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
170 BAT 05067833 What's wrong with morality? : Batson, C. Daniel. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199355549 | 9780199355570 265p.; Knowledge Centre
170 BEA 00027225 The Ethics of Ambiguity Beauvoir Simone De Citadel Press 1983 080650160-X 160 p UG Library
170 BEN 05005553 What is this thing called ethics? / Bennett, Christopher, Routledge, 2010 9780415491532 (hardback : alk. xx, 169 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 BLA 01016415 Ethics : Blackburn, Simon. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195681666 139 p.; Knowledge Centre
170 BLA 05048838 Ethics : Blackburn, Simon, Oxford University Press, 2001 0192804421 (pbk.) | 9780192804 139 p. : Knowledge Centre
170 BLA 00105935 Ethics : Blackburn, Simon. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195681666 139 p.; UG Library
170 BLA 05031918 Ethics : Blackburn, Simon Oxford University Press, 2006 0195681665 139 p Knowledge Centre
170 BLA 00085452 Ethics : Blackburn, Simon Oxford University Press, 2006 0195681665 139 p UG Library
170 BOB 00131026 The Cambridge Companion to ancient Ethics Bobonich,Christopher Cambridge University Press 2017 9781107652316 395p UG Library
170 BOH 05031935 Ethics in Context : Böhme, Gernot Polity ; | Blackwell Publishers, 2001 0745626386 | 0745626394 (pbk. 189 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 BOH 00110225 Ethics in Context : Böhme, Gernot Polity ; | Blackwell Publishers, 2001 0745626386 | 0745626394 (pbk. 189 p. ; UG Library
170 BON 00105585 Ethics and Human well-being : Bond, E. J. Blackwell Publishers, 1996 0631195491 (alk. paper) | 0631 x, 270 p. ; UG Library
170 BOY 05072950 Basic ethics / Boylan, Michael. Rouledge, 2021 9780367638757 | 9780367638740 3rd ed. xvii, 246, ; Knowledge Centre
170 BUR 00146826 Christian understandings of evil : Burns, Charlene Embrey, Fortress Press 2016 9781451484557 | 1451484550 xi, 218 pages ; UG Library
170 CAH 00125167 Ethics : Cahn,Steven M Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199797264 (pbk. : acidfree 5th ed. x, 982p. ; UG Library
170 CAL 05004969 The continental ethics reader / Routledge, 2003 0415943299 | 0415943302 (pbk.) xii, 299 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 CAR 01014596 Confronting evils : Card, Claudia. Cambridge University Press, 9780521899611 (hardback) | 978 329p. cm. Knowledge Centre
170 CAR 00099705 Confronting evils : Card, Claudia. Cambridge University Press, 9780521899611 (hardback) | 978 329 p. UG Library
170 CAT 05059666 Modern ethics in 77 arguments : Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2017 9781631492983 (hardcover) xi, 435p. Knowledge Centre
170 CAT 07012097 Modern ethics in 77 arguments : Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2017 9781631492983 (hardcover) xi, 435p. Library - BR Campus
170 CHA 00123613 You Are The Key Chamaria, Apurva Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd., 2015 9789385436604 256 p:. UG Library
170 CHA 05010126 Circumstance and dharma / Chatterjee, Margaret, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, 2010 9788179860809 70 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 CHR 00092550 Media Ethics: Christians Clifford G Pearson Education 8177580140 336p UG Library
170 CHR 00121475 Media ethics : Christians, Clifford G Allyn & Bacon, 2012 9780205029044 (pbk.) | 0205029 9th ed. xvii, 310 p. ; UG Library
170 COH 00076191 Contemporary Debates in Applied Ethics: [Dharmaram Library] Cohen, I Andrew 2005 1405115483 347 UG Library
170 CRI 05060666 The cosmos of duty : Crisp, Roger, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198801375 First edition. xxv, 252 pages ; Knowledge Centre
170 CUN 07006243 The Normative Web : Cuneo, Terence, Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199218837 | 9780199218837 263 p. ; Library - BR Campus
170 CUN 00109028 The Normative Web : Cuneo, Terence, Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199218837 | 9780199218837 263 p. ; UG Library
170 DAR 01019272 Morality Athurity,& Law / Darwall Stephen Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199662593 209p.: Knowledge Centre
170 DAR 05045838 Moral psychology and human agency : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198717812 (hardback) 282 pages ; Knowledge Centre
170 DEI 05031933 An introduction to Ethics / Deigh, John. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521772464 (hc) | 978052177 xii, 241 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 DOR 05031932 The Moral Psychology Handbook / Doris,(John Michael), 1963- Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199582143 (hbk. : alk. pap xii, 493 p. : Knowledge Centre
170 DOR 00131406 The ethics of theory : Doran, Robert, Bloomsburry, 2017 9781474225922 (hardback) | 9781474225939 (pbk.) x, 229 pages ; UG Library
170 DOR 00107379 The Moral Psychology Handbook / Doris,(John Michael), 1963- Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199582143 (hbk. : alk. pap xii, 493 p. : UG Library
170 DOR 01016980 The Moral Psychology Handbook / Doris,(John Michael), 1963- Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199582143 (hbk. : alk. pap xii, 493 p. : Knowledge Centre
170 DOR 00117622 The Moral Psychology Handbook Doris, John Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199582143 xii, 493 p. : UG Library
170 DYE 00116550 Wisdom of the ages Dyer, Wayne W. HarperCollins Publishers, 1998 0060192313 1st ed. xix, 268 p. ; UG Library
170 EAG 00104491 Trouble with strangers : Eagleton, Terry, Wiley-Blackwell Pub., 2009 9781405185738 (hbk. : alk. pap vii, 347 p. ; UG Library
170 EDM 00138422 Ethics and the Contemporary world / Edmonds,David. Routledge, 2019 9781138092051 xiv,359p.; UG Library
170 EDW 00007788 Logic of Moral Discourse Edwards, Paul Amerind Publushing House 1955 248 p. UG Library
170 ELL 05062124 The Moral Psychology of Internal Conflict : Ellis,Ralph. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107189959 x,236p.; Knowledge Centre
170 ELL 05061991 Morality and the Regulation of Social Behavior : Ellemers, Naomi. Routledge, 2017 9781138958180 x, 291p.; Knowledge Centre
170 ENG 01013985 Aristotle, Kant, and the Stoics : Cambridge University Press, 0521624975 (pbk.) | 9780521624 ix, 310 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 FER 00126865 Living and value : Ferré, Frederick. State University of New York Press, 2001 0791450600 (pbk. : alk. paper) xix, 364 p.; UG Library
170 FUR 05003531 Ethics : Furrow, Dwight. Continuum, 2005 9789386643537 viii, 172 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 FUR 00073869 Against Theory (Dharmaram Library) Furrow, Dwight 1995 0415910803 224p UG Library
170 GEN 05004904 Ethics : Gensler, Harry J., Routledge, 2011 9780415803861 (hardcover : alk 2nd ed. x, 190 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 GEN 03006321 Happiness for Dummies / Gentry, Doyle W. John Wiley and Sons, 2009 9788126519118 328 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170 GEO 00104779 What Should I Do ? / George, Alexander Oxford University Press , 2011 9780199586127 212 p. UG Library
170 GEO 05003875 What Should I Do ? / George, Alexander Oxford University Press , 2011 9780199586127 212 p. Knowledge Centre
170 GOG 04017360 Human Values and Professional Ethics / Gogate, S B Vikas Publication, 2011 9788125937135 326p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
170 HAI 05031950 The Happiness Hypothesis / Haidt, Jonathan Arrow Books, 2006 297 p Knowledge Centre
170 HAN 05073838 Virtue politics : Hankins, James, Harvard University Press, 2019 9780674237551 xxiii, 736 pages ; Knowledge Centre
170 HAS 05031931 Doing the Right Thing : Hass, Aaron Pocket Books, 1998 0671015125 230 p Knowledge Centre
170 HAT 05031949 Nietzsche's On the Genealogy of Morality : Hatab Lawrence J Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521697705 282 p Knowledge Centre
170 HIL 00130297 The roots and flowers of evil in Baudelaire, Nietzsche, and Hitler Hill, Claire Ortiz. Open Court, 2006 0812695860 (trade pbk. : alk. xviii, 249 p. UG Library
170 HOL 01015534 Egalitarianism : Clarendon Press, 9780199296439 (hbk.) | 0199296 xi, 339 p. : Knowledge Centre
170 HOL 00131393 Introduction to applied ethics / Holmes, Robert L., Bloomsbury academic, 2018 9781350029804 (hardback) | 9781350029811 (pbk.) xiv,527p.; UG Library
170 HOL 07006236 Egalitarianism : Clarendon Press, 9780199296439 (hbk.) | 0199296 xi, 339 p. : Library - BR Campus
170 HUM 05031930 An enquiry concerning the principles of morals / Hume, David, Oxford University Press, 1998 0198751850 (alk. paper) | 0198 292 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 IPH 05060924 Finding common ground - consensus in research ethics across the social sciences / IPHOFEN, RON. EMERALD Group Publishing, 2017 1787141314 | 9781787141315 lx,240p.; Knowledge Centre
170 JAC 05031997 Dimensions of Moral Theory / Jacobs, Jonathan Blackwell Publishing, 2002 0631229647 175 p. Knowledge Centre
170 JAH 10003618 Living in truth: Jahanbegloo, Ramin Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2022 9789355207821 127 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
170 JAN 00117456 Beyond selflessness : Janaway, Christopher Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199570850 (pbk.) | 0199570 Pbk. [ed.] 284 p. ; UG Library
170 KAM 00134938 Are we happy yet?: Kamen, Lisa Cypers Rupa publications, 2018 9788129151469 xiv,301p.; UG Library
170 KAN 00119589 Mukham Moodikku Pinnile Malayali Kannezhath, Boby Don Bosco Publications 2014 180p UG Library
170 KAN 05005399 The moral law : Kant, Immanuel, Routledge, 2005 0415078431 | 0415345472 | 9780 164 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 KAN 07010171 Critique of practical reason / Kant, Immanuel, Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107092716 | 110709271X | 9 Revised edition / xli, 141 pages ; Library - BR Campus
170 KAN 00109988 Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals Kant, Immanuel, Cambridge University Press 2012 9781107008519 (hardback) | 978 Revised edition / xliv, 87 pages ; UG Library
170 KAR 00119586 Naleyude Velluvilikal Karakat,Francis Don Bosco Publications 2014 223p UG Library
170 KAR 00119588 Thiricharivinte Kavadam karakat, Francis Don Bosco Publications 2014 136p UG Library
170 KIE 00141943 The Normativity of Rationality Kiesewetter,Benjamin Oxford University Press 2021 9780192845849 314p.; UG Library
170 KIR 07014707 Everyday ethics : Kirnan, Jean P., Routledge Publication, 2018 9781138052635 | 9781138052673 1 [edition]. xx, 224 pages ; Library - BR Campus
170 KOI 00107860 The Cambridge Companion to Spinoza's Ethics Koistinen,Olli Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521618601 | 0521853397 (ha x, 323 p. ; UG Library
170 KOL 00148142 Beyond the Binaries/ Kollareth, Dolichan Christian World Imprints, 2023 9789395457927 150p UG Library
170 KOU 07006823 Key terms in ethics / Kuusela, Oskari. 2011 9781441166104 | 1441166106 | 9 168 p. ; Library - BR Campus
170 KRA 00070031 Thinking Ethics (Dharmaram) Krasna, Beth Profile Books Ltd 2006 0186197941 150p UG Library
170 KRI 05031944 Commentaries on Living / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation | Krishnamurti Foundation of America, 2003 8187326042 262 p Knowledge Centre
170 KRI 05031943 Commentaries on Living / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 2002 8187326131 250 p Knowledge Centre
170 KRI 05031941 Commentaries on Living : Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 2002 8187326298 372p Knowledge Centre
170 KRI 07005613 Commentaries on Living / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation | Krishnamurti Foundation of America, 2003 8187326042 262 p Library - BR Campus
170 KRI 03007901 Think On These Things / Krishnamurti, J. Krishnamurti Foundation India ; 1964 9788187326687 267 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170 KRI 05061160 What are you doing with your life? / Krishnamurti, J. Rider, 2018 9781846045851 xiii, 257 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 KRI 00102394 Commentaries on Living Krishnamurti.J Penguin; 9780144001521 283 p. UG Library
170 KRI 00102395 Commentaries on Living Krishnamurti.J Penguin; 9780144001521 283 p. UG Library
170 KRI 00102396 Commentaries on Living Krishnamurti.J Penguin; 9780144001521 283 p. UG Library
170 KRI 07005461 Commentaries on Living / Krishmurti,J. Penguin, 2006 9780144001538 vii,413p.; Library - BR Campus
170 KUM 05033843 Uniting in Responsibilities in a Culture of Rights : D Jeevan Kumar Book for Change, 2010 9788182910829 117 p. Knowledge Centre
170 KUM 03008844 Human Values and Professional Ethics / Kumar, Varinder. Kalyani Publishers ; 2013 9789327226102 2nf rv. ed. p. cm School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170 LAM 00133130 An appeal to the world : Lama,Dalai William Collins, 2017 9780008278427 112 p. ; UG Library
170 LAY 05031936 Happiness : Layard, Richard Penguin Press, 2005 1594200394 304 p Knowledge Centre
170 LES 00006428 The Growing Youth Lesser R H St Paul Publications 1962 90 p UG Library
170 LES 00006444 I Wonder Course of Moral Science Lesser, R H St Paul Pub 1968 95 p. UG Library
170 LIL 00003685 Introduction to Ethics Lillie, William Allied 1967 342p UG Library
170 LIL 00003686 Introduction to Ethics Lillie, William Allied 1970 352p UG Library
170 LIL 00003687 Introduction to Ethics Lillie, William Allied 1971 350p UG Library
170 LIL 00003688 Introduction to Ethics Lillie, William Allied 1971 350p UG Library
170 LIS 00092878 Moral competence : Liszka, James Jakób, Prentice Hall, 0139744037 (paper) xviii, 410 p. : UG Library
170 MAC 07002847 Ethics : Mackinnon Barbara Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2012 9781111185909 xviii,508p.: Library - BR Campus
170 MAC 00019550 Manual of Ethics Mackenzie, John S O U P 425 p UG Library
170 MAC 00019551 Manual of Ethics Mackenzie, John S O U P 425 p UG Library
170 MAC 00020664 Ethics Mackie J L Penguin Books 1977 250 p UG Library
170 MAD 00147427 Contemporary Aristotelian ethics: Madigan, Arthur, University of Notre Dame Press 2024 0268207593 | 9780268207595 xi, 271 pages ; UG Library
170 MAG 00133028 Morality in a technological world : Magnani, Lorenzo. Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521877695 | 0521877695 xvi, 288 p. ; UG Library
170 MAR 00133142 Ethics at 3:AM : Marshall,Richard. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190635725 (alk. paper) xi, 343 p. ; UG Library
170 MAY 07002172 Applied ethics : Routledge, 2016 9781138936928 (hardcover : alk Sixth edition. xxxiii,572p.; Library - BR Campus
170 MAY 05042866 Nietzsche's on the genealogy of morality : Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521518802 (hardback) x, 345 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 MAY 00106513 Applied ethics : May,Larry. Prentice Hall, 1994 0130688428 | 9780130688422 xii, 553 p. : UG Library
170 MAY 05047260 Applied ethics : Prentice Hall, 2011 9780205708086 5th ed. x, 576 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 MID 05004808 Wickedness / Midgley, Mary, Routledge, 2001 0415255511 | 0415253985 (pbk.) xvi, 232 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 MID 05005270 Heart and Mind / Midgley Routledge, 2003 9780415304498 xviii,220 p. Knowledge Centre
170 MID 00068255 Midglay Heart and Mind Midglay, Mary 2003 0000415490 220p UG Library
170 MIL 04017272 Ethics done right : Millgram, Elijah. Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521839432 (hb) | 0521548268 (pbk.) x, 344 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
170 MIR 00059158 Identity and the Moral Life Miri, Mrinal Oxford University 2003 9780195660647 132 p. UG Library
170 MIS 05067145 Mahatma Gandhi on moral bankruptcy / Mishra,Anil Dutta. Concept, 2018 9789386682437 viii,85p.; Knowledge Centre
170 MIZ 00133282 Ethics : Mizzoni, John, Wiley Blackwell 2017 9781119150688 (pbk.) Second Edition. 212p UG Library
170 MOR 00145639 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do Morin, Amy Harper Thorsons 2015 9780008135393 260p UG Library
170 MUR 01019293 Punishment and the Moral Emotions : Murphy Jeffrie.G Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199764396 xxiii,322p.: Knowledge Centre
170 MYN 00088026 Proposals for a Comprehesive Moral Methodology Mynatty, Hormis Asian Trading Corporation 2008 8170864658 272p UG Library
170 MYN 00088080 Proposals for a Comprehesive Moral Methodology Mynatty, Hormis Asian Trading Corporation 2008 8170864658 272p UG Library
170 NAD 00119284 Ethics for Our Times: Nadkarni, M. V. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198073864 | 0198073860 xv,262 p.: UG Library
170 NAD 00106242 Ethics for Our Times: Nadkarni, M. V. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198073864 | 0198073860 xv,262 p.: UG Library
170 NAG 05038358 Mortal questions / Nagel, Thomas, Cambridge University Press, 1979 0521223601 : | 0521294606 xiii, 213 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 NAG 00052242 Mortal Questions Nagel Thomas Cambridge University Press 1997 0521406765 213 p UG Library
170 NAN 07007491 Ethical Interface/ Nandhikkara,Jose Dharmaram Publication, 2014 9788189958794 VI,453 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
170 NIE 00090234 On the Genealogy of Morals Apolemic Nietzsche, Friedrich Oxford 2008 9780199537082 170p UG Library
170 NIE 00090466 On the Genealogy of Morals Apolemic Nietzsche, Friedrich Oxford 2008 9780199537082 170p UG Library
170 NOR 05034199 The moral philosophers : Norman, Richard Oxford University Press, 1998 0198752172 (hb : alk. paper) | 2nd ed. 229 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 NOR 05039476 The moral philosophers : Norman, Richard Oxford University Press, 1998 0198752172 (hb : alk. paper) | 2nd ed. 229 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 NUC 00129644 Ethics without intention / Di Nucci, Ezio. Bloomsbury 2014 9781472523006 (hardback) | 978 viii, 266 pages ; UG Library
170 OJH 07011730 The Lexicon for Ethics,Integrity & Aptitude / Chronicle Books, 2018 9789386030474 520p.: Library - BR Campus
170 OVE 00121283 Ethics and AIDS Overbeg R,Kenneth St. Pauls 2009 9788171098460 208p UG Library
170 OWE 00106518 Nietzsche's Genealogy of morality Owen, David, McGill-Queen's University Press, 2007 9780773533486 (bound) | 077353 xii, 179 p. ; UG Library
170 OWE 00109025 Nietzsche's genealogy of morality Owen,David, Acumen, 2007 xii, 179 p. UG Library
170 PAL 01019518 Justice, equality, and morality : Pal, Jagat, Madhav Books, 2012 9789380615035 | 9380615035 203 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 PAL 00070018 Inquiry into the Nature of Moral Principles: [Dharmaram College] Pal, Jagat Abhijeet Publications 2004 8188683221 1529 UG Library
170 PAL 01019380 Justice, equality, and morality : Pal, Jagat, Madhav Books, 2012 9789380615035 | 9380615035 203 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 PAN 00088410 Ludwig Wittgenstein: Ethics and Religion Pandey, Kali Charan Rawat Publications 2008 0813160196 288p UG Library
170 PAN 00148144 Ethics, Artificial Intelligence and Human Destiny/ Pandikattu, Kuruvilla Christian World Imprints, 2023 9789395457422 304p UG Library
170 PAN 00087379 Ludwig Wittgensteing: Ethics and Religion Pandey, Kali Charan Rawat Publications 2008 0813160196 288 p UG Library
170 PAN 00087607 Ludwig Wittgensteing: Ethics and Religion Pandey, Kali Charan Rawat Publications 2008 0813160196 288 p UG Library
170 PAR 00133770 On Moral Law and Quest for Selfhood Parasain,Mohan Routledge 2017 9781138220058 201p UG Library
170 PAR 05031961 Ethics / Spinoza, Benedictus de, Oxford University Press, 2000 0198752148 (pbk. : alk. paper) vi, 359 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 PAR 05034288 On what matters / Parfit, Derek. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199572809 (vol. 1) | 01995 xiii. 825 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 PAR 05034289 On what matters / Parfit, Derek. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199572809 (vol. 1) | 01995 xiii. 825 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 PAR 00112142 On What Matters Parfit,Derek Oxfor University Press 2011 9780199681037 540p UG Library
170 PAR 00112141 On What Matters Parfit,Derek Oxfor University Press 2011 9780199681037 540p UG Library
170 PAT 00020657 Moral Law Paton, H J B I P 1979 142p UG Library
170 PAU 05031937 Objectivism, Subjectivism, and Relativism in Ethics / Paul Ellen Frankel Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521719636 421p Knowledge Centre
170 PAU 00140599 Human flourishing / Paul,Ellen Frank Cambridge University Press, 1999 0521644712 (paperback) xiv, 370 p. ; UG Library
170 PLA 00104117 Protagoras / Plato. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 1991 019823970X : | 0198239343 (pbk Rev. ed. xx, 246 p. ; UG Library
170 PLA 00090228 Gorgias Plato Oxford 2008 9780199540327 172p UG Library
170 POD 00107508 The Challenge of Conscience Podmattam,Felix M. Media House 2009 9788174952509 437 P. UG Library
170 POJ 00087722 Moral Life: An Introductory Reader in Ethics and Literature Pojman, Louis P 2007 9780195308518 1006 p UG Library
170 RAC 05045060 The Elements of Moral Philosophy / Rachels James Mc Graw Hill, 2007 9780071107280 210p.: Knowledge Centre
170 RAC 00128920 The Right Thing to Do : Rachels, Jemes McGraw Hill, 2015 9780078119088 (alk. paper) 7th ed, 382 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
170 RAC 00136929 The right thing to do : Rachels, Stuart, McGraw Hill education, 2015 9780078119088 (alk. paper) | 9789814577403 SEVENTH EDITION. ix, 382 pages ; UG Library
170 RAC 00117638 Can ethics provide answers? : Rachels, James, Rowman & Littlefield, 1997 0847683478 (cloth : alk. paper xii, 245 p. ; UG Library
170 RAN 00004813 Primer of Ethics Rangachar S. Rajaram Book House 1989 160 p. UG Library
170 RAN 00004816 Primer of Ethics Rangachar S. Rajaram Book House 1989 160 p. UG Library
170 RAN 00004814 Primer of Ethics Rangachar S. Rajaram Book House 1989 160 p. UG Library
170 RAN 00004815 Primer of Ethics Rangachar S. Rajaram Book House 1989 160 p. UG Library
170 RAN 00004817 Kavya Parijatha Snathak, Vijayendra National Book 1961 1 UG Library
170 REA 00111656 Kant's Critique of Practical Reason : Reath, Andrews. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107675384 xi: 226p.; UG Library
170 RIS 00068312 Real Ethics Rist, John M 2001 0521006082 295p UG Library
170 RIS 05031934 Real Ethics : Rist, M John Cambridge University Press, 2002 0521006082 294 p Knowledge Centre
170 ROB 07010835 Introducing ethics / Robinson, Dave Clays Publication, 2013 9781848310087 175p.; Library - BR Campus
170 ROC 10002485 Moral acrobatics : Rochat, Philippe, Oxoford university press, 2021 9780190057657 xx, 165 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
170 ROW 05072963 Moral disagreement / Rowland, Richard. Routledge, 2021 9781138589841 | 9781138589858 viii, 258p, ; Knowledge Centre
170 RUS 00089474 Human Society in Ethics and Politics Russell, Bertrand 1992 0415083001 242p UG Library
170 SAN 00020666 Ethics and Mathaethics Sanyal, B S Vikas 1970 264p UG Library
170 SAR 00142988 Advances in experimental moral psychology / Bloomsbury 2022 9781472509383 (hardback) xii, 256 pages : UG Library
170 SAT 05049148 Extraordinary responsibility : Satkunanandan, Shalini, Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107082724 (hardback) | 110 x, 254 pages ; Knowledge Centre
170 SCH 05047182 Guilt about the past / Schlink, Bernhard. Anansi, 2009 9780887849596 | 0887849598 143 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 SCH 00014948 Civilization and Ethics Schweitzer, Albery Unwin Books 1966 260 p. UG Library
170 SHA 00125071 The fundamentals of ethics Shafer-Landau, Russ. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195320862 (pbk. : alk. pap 322p UG Library
170 SHA 00138698 Plato's anti-hedonism and the Protagoras Shaw, J. Clerk, Cambridge University Press 2015 9781107046658 (hardback) 222p UG Library
170 SIN 04009231 Practical ethics / Singer, Peter Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107602571 3rd ed. 337 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
170 SIN 00068447 Ethics Singer, Peter 2005 0192892452 415p UG Library
170 SKO 05005445 The Routledge companion to ethics / Routledge, 2010 9780415413626 (hardback : alk. xxiv, 850 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 SMI 05058935 The theory of moral sentiments / Smith, Adam, Enhanced Media, 2016 9781540584946 x,298 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 SMI 07011498 The theory of moral sentiments / Smith, Adam, Enhanced Media, 2016 9781540584946 x,298 p. ; Library - BR Campus
170 SMI 05011523 Ethics and the a priori : Smith, Michael, Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521809878 | 0521007739 (pbk.) xii, 388 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 SMI 01017698 The theory of moral sentiments / Smith, Adam, Liberty Classics, 1976 0865970122 (pbk.) : | 97808659 x, 412 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 SOL 00109764 Morality and the good life Solomon, Robert C. McGraw-Hill College, 1999 0072899115 (alk. paper) | 9780 3rd ed. xix, 479 p. ; UG Library
170 SOS 00102305 social,political,and legal philosophy; Sosa Ernest Blackwell publishers ; 9780631230274 557 p. UG Library
170 SPI 00079851 Ethics (ethic Ordine Geometrico Demonstrate) Spinoza, Benedict De Cosmo Publications 2000 283p UG Library
170 STE 05036977 Introducing ethics : Sterba, James P. Pearson, 2012 9780205226689 | 020522668X Student edition. x, 150 p. : Knowledge Centre
170 SUL 05001986 Globalization of Ethics: Religious and Secular Perspectives [GENERAL SECTION] Sullivan, William M 9780521700214 305 p Knowledge Centre
170 TAY 00020665 Principles of Ethics Taylor, Paul W Dickenson 234p UG Library
170 THO 00088687 Ethics Thomson, Mel 2006 9780340926963 246p UG Library
170 TIB 05073766 What do you want out of life? : Tiberius, Valerie, Princeton University Press, 2023 9780691240688 xx, 182p.; Knowledge Centre
170 TIT 00020845 Range of Ethics Introductory Readings Titus Harold, H Affiliated 1972 418p UG Library
170 TOM 00128845 Values, Ethics and Social Responsibility Tomar T. S. B. R. Publishing, 2017 9789386223821 357 p.: UG Library
170 ULE 00093250 An introduction to Kant's Moral Philosophy Uleman Jennifer K Cambridge University Press 9780521136440 189p UG Library
170 VAT 00020655 Ethics Made Easy (questions and Answers) Vatsyayan, Kedar Nath Ram Nath 1979 252p UG Library
170 VAU 07004313 Beginning ethics : Vaughn, Lewis, W.W.Norton & Company.Inc, 2015 9780393937909 (pbk.) | 0393937 First edition. 192 pages ; Library - BR Campus
170 VAU 05044445 Beginning ethics : Vaughn, Lewis, W.W.Norton & Company.Inc, 2015 9780393937909 (pbk.) | 0393937 First edition. 192 pages ; Knowledge Centre
170 VAU 07005972 Beginning ethics : Vaughn, Lewis, W.W.Norton & Company.Inc, 2015 9780393937909 (pbk.) | 0393937 First edition. 192 pages ; Library - BR Campus
170 VOG 00141987 Desiring the good : Vogt, Katja Maria, Oxford university press, 2021 9780190692476 | 0190692472 xi, 219 pages ; UG Library
170 VOO 00106231 Conversations on ethics Voorhoeve, Alex. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199215379 (alk. paper) | 9 x, 259 p. : UG Library
170 WAR 00073901 Nature and Morality:Recollections of a Philosopher in Public Life (dharmaram Library) Warnock, Mary 2003 0826459404 225p UG Library
170 WAR 00020676 Ethics Since 1900 Warnock, Mary Oxford 1978 150p UG Library
170 WES 00088057 Practical Companion to Ethics. Weston, Anthony 2006 ISB0195189906 94p UG Library
170 WHI 05057191 Right and wrong : White, Thomas I., Wiley, 2017 9781119099338 (cloth) | 978111 Second edition. xiii, 166 pages ; Knowledge Centre
170 WIL 05042658 Moral psychology MIT Press, 2008 9780262195614 (vol. 1 : hardco xvii,474p.: Knowledge Centre
170 WOL 05064988 Readings in moral philosophy / Wolff, Jonathan. W W Norton & Company, 2018 9780393923605 (pbk.) xviii, 638 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 WOL 07012064 An Introduction to Moral Philosophy / Wolff,Jonathan , W.W.Narton & Company , 2018 9780393644081 xvi ,280p ,: Library - BR Campus
170 WOL 05060383 An Introduction to Moral Philosophy / Wolff,Jonathan , W.W.Narton & Company , 2018 9780393644081 xvi ,280p ,: Knowledge Centre
170 ZIG 00117671 Morality Zigon, Jarrett. Berg, 2008 9781845206581 (cloth) | 978184 vi, 180 p. ; UG Library
170.0 CHA 05060646 Knowing what to do : Chappell,Sophie Grace. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198798859 viii,339p.; Knowledge Centre
170.1 FRO 00076199 Man for Himself: [Dharmaram Library] Fromm, Erich 2006 0415307716 198p UG Library
170.1 FUL 00079836 Handbook of Ethical Theory Fullerton, George Stuart Cosmo Publications 2003 395p UG Library
170.1 JAC 00067923 Dimensions of Moral Theory Jacobs, Jonathan Blackwell 2002 0631229647 | 9780631229643 175 p. UG Library
170.19 ALF 05056263 Moral psychology : Alfano, Mark, Polity Press, 2016 9780745672243 (hardback : alk. x,213p.; Knowledge Centre
170.19 WRI 00079237 The Psychology of Moral Behaviour Wright, Derek Stuart Penguin 1971 0140212922 288 p. UG Library
170.202 ALB 00029633 Golden Book of Manners and Etiquette Albuquerque, Roy Ibh 1986 134p UG Library
170.202 PEA 00131845 You can if you think you can. Peale, Norman Vincent, Prentice-Hall 1974 0139725474 xiv, 321 p. UG Library
170.202 RAN 00020648 Eternal Values for a Changing Soceity Ranganathananda, Swamy Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 1971 881p UG Library
170.20208 KRI 05031952 You Are the World / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation | Krishnamurti Fountation, 2001 8187326026 164 p Knowledge Centre
170.39873 MAR 00079855 Moral Philosophy Maritain, Jacques Cosmo Publications 2003 8177556762 389p UG Library
170.39873 MAR 00079856 Moral Philosophy Maritain, Jacques Cosmo Publications 2003 8177556762 389p UG Library
170.42 ALM 05068298 Moral rights and their grounds / Alm, David, Routledge, 2019 9781138102590 (hardback) 1 [edition]. ix,257p.; Knowledge Centre
170.42 AUD 00112175 Moral knowledge and ethical character / Audi, Robert, Oxford University Press, 1997 019511468X (cloth : acidfree p xi, 304 p. ; UG Library
170.42 CHR 00131327 What is this thing called metaethics / Chrisman, Matthew, Routledge, 2017 9781138827608 (hardback) | 9781138827622 (pbk.) xxiv, 152 pages ; UG Library
170.42 LAR 05031956 Autonomy of Morality / Larmore, Charles Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521717823 277 p Knowledge Centre
170.42 LON 05011510 Oxford studies in metaethics. Russ Shafer-Landau Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2007 272 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170.42 LON 07007537 Oxford studies in metaethics. Russ Shafer-Landau Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2007 272 p. ; Library - BR Campus
170.42 MAC 00110967 After Virtue Macintre,Alasdair. Bloomsbury 1981 9781780936253 xx: 333 p. UG Library
170.42 MAC 07006200 After Virtue Macintre,Alasdair. Bloomsbury 1981 9781780936253 xx: 333 p. Library - BR Campus
170.42 PRA 00133384 Metaethics Prasad,Shiva Nath Concept Publishing Company 2018 9351251535 176p UG Library
170.42 SET 00117445 Internal reasons : Setiya,Kieran MIT Press, 2012 9780262016483 (hardcover : alk viii, 385 p. ; UG Library
170.42 SHA 07006816 Oxford Studies in Metaethic / Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199588602 324p.: Library - BR Campus
170.42 SHA 00140602 Oxford Studies in Metaethics / Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198784654 xii,344p.; UG Library
170.42 SHA 05057122 Oxford Studies in Metaethics / Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198784654 xii,344p.; Knowledge Centre
170.42 THO 07006809 Value and context Thomas, Alan, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2006 0198250177 (alk. paper) | 9780 347p.: Library - BR Campus
170.42 WIL 00143005 Reasons / Wiland, Eric. Continuum, 2011 9781441153081 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781441145192 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9781441187338 (ebook (epub) : alk. paper) | 9781441166388 (ebook pdf : alk. paper) | 9789354352027 186p. UG Library
170.42 WIL 05004876 Ethics and the limits of philosophy / Williams, Bernard Arthur Owen. Harvard University Press, 1985 0674268571 (alk. paper) | 0674 ix, 230 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170.42 WIL 00125067 Reasons / Wiland, Eric. Continuum, 2011 9781441153081 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781441145192 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9781441187338 (ebook (epub) : alk. paper) | 9781441166388 (ebook pdf : alk. paper) | 9789354352027 186p. UG Library
170.42 WIL 05038621 Reasons / Wiland, Eric. Continuum, 2011 9781441153081 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781441145192 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9781441187338 (ebook (epub) : alk. paper) | 9781441166388 (ebook pdf : alk. paper) | 9789354352027 186p. Knowledge Centre
170.42 ZIM 05005398 Moral epistemology / Zimmerman, Aaron Routledge, 2010 9780415485531 (hardback : alk. x, 246 p. : Knowledge Centre
170.44 00117475 The reflective life : Tiberius, Valerie. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199202867 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 222 p. ; UG Library
170.44 DYE 04024277 Wisdom of the Ages : Dyer, Wayne W. Happer Collins, 1998 9780062337320 268p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
170.44 IZZ 03000502 Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die / Izzo, John. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 9780070229570 | 0070229570 178 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170.44 SHA 03003528 Who Will Cry When You Die : Sharma, Robin. Jaico Publishing House , 2010 9788184950625 | 9788179922323 210 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170.44 BAN 04023312 Arise, Awake / Bansal, Rashmi Westland, 2015 9789384030872 183p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
170.44 BAN 00123093 Arise, Awake / Bansal, Rashmi Westland, 2015 9789384030872 183p. : UG Library
170.44 BEN 00119630 The Journey to Greatness : BenShea, Noah. Corwin Press, 2009 9781412972086 (pbk.) | 1412972 xvi, 141p. ; UG Library
170.44 BIS 05043879 The good life : Bishop, Michael A. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199923113 (hardcover : alk xi, 235 p. Knowledge Centre
170.44 BLA 03005601 What matters most : Smith, Hyrum W. A Fireside book, 2000 249p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170.44 BOB 00129122 Warpath to Gandhipath Bobade, Bhujang Ramrao B. R. Publishing, 2017 9789386223043 408 p.: UG Library
170.44 CAS 00112466 The book of the courtier : Castiglione, Baldassarre, W.W. Norton & Co., 2002 0393976068 (pbk.) xvi, 404 p. ; UG Library
170.44 COV 05064869 Everyday greatness / Covey, Stephen R. Thomas Nelson, 2006 9781404111608 xvii, 445 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170.44 COV 07013728 Everyday greatness / Covey, Stephen R. Thomas Nelson, 2006 9781404111608 xvii, 445 p. ; Library - BR Campus
170.44 DOR 05067757 Talking to our selves : Doris, John M. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199570393 | 0199570396 First Edition. xi, 264 pages ; Knowledge Centre
170.44 DOR 09000440 Talking to our selves : Doris, John M. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199570393 | 0199570396 First Edition. xi, 264 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
170.44 DWO 05039937 Justice for hedgehogs Dworkin, Ronald. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2011 xi, 506 p. Knowledge Centre
170.44 DWO 01028620 Justice for hedgehogs / Dworkin, Ronald. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2011 9780674260535 xi, 506 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170.44 DWO 01018547 Justice For Hedgehogs / Dworkin Ronald Harvard University Press, 2011 9780674046719 xi,506 p. : Knowledge Centre
170.44 GAN 00137626 The gift: Gandhi, Arun Penguin books, 2017 9781405931090 vii,292p.; UG Library
170.44 GAN 05054610 The gift of anger : Gandhi, Arun, Penguin, 2017 9780718187514 vii,292p.; Knowledge Centre
170.44 GOU 03005515 Character is Destiny : Gough, Russell W. Forum, 1998 0761511636 | 9780761511632 xxiv, 167 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170.44 GOU 04009655 Character is destiny : Gough, Russell Wayne. Forum, 1998 9780761511632 xxiv, 167 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
170.44 HOW 00095857 Ethics for the real world : Howard, Ronald A. Harvard Business Press, 9781422121061 | 1422121062 212 p. : UG Library
170.44 HOW 00095856 Ethics for the real world : Howard, Ronald A. Harvard Business Press, 9781422121061 | 1422121062 212 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
170.44 HOW 03010350 Ethics for the Real World : Howard, Ronald A. Harvard Business Press, 2008 9781422121061 | 1422121062 212 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170.44 HOW 05000534 Ethics for the Real World : Howard, Ronald A. Harvard Business Press, 2008 9781422121061 | 1422121062 212 p. : Knowledge Centre
170.44 KOK 00123745 Living Good Not Leaving Good Kokandakar J.R. Central Techno Publications, 2011 9788189904869 75 p.: UG Library
170.44 LIA 00140951 The Power of Ethics : Liautaud,Susan Simon and Schuster 2021 9781471188572 294 pages UG Library
170.44 LIA 00140763 The Power of Ethics : Liautaud,Susan Simon and Schuster 2021 9781471188572 294 pages UG Library
170.44 PET 05072979 12 Rules for Life An Antidote to Chaos / Peteron Jordan.B Penguin Random House, 2018 9780241351642 | 9780141988511 xxxv,408p.: Knowledge Centre
170.44 PET 07012939 12 Rules for Life An Antidote to Chaos / Peteron Jordan.B Penguin Random House, 2018 9780241351642 | 9780141988511 xxxv,408p.: Library - BR Campus
170.44 PET 07015415 12 Rules for Life An Antidote to Chaos / Peteron Jordan.B Penguin Random House, 2018 9780241351642 | 9780141988511 xxxv,408p.: Library - BR Campus
170.44 PET 04029590 12 Rules for Life An Antidote to Chaos / Peteron Jordan.B Penguin Random House, 2018 9780241351642 | 9780141988511 xxxv,408p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
170.44 PET 05071506 Beyond order : Peterson, Jordan B. Allen Lane, 2021 9780241407639 xxviii, 402p. ; Knowledge Centre
170.44 PRA 03009295 Shining Through : Prather, Hugh. Conari Press, 2004 1573249548 (pbk.) | 9781573249 xiv, 169 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170.44 PRA 00133385 Normative Ethics and Virtue Ethics Prasad,Shiva Nath Concept Publishing Company 2018 9351251543 267p UG Library
170.44 RUS 05031945 The conquest of happiness / Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2006 0415378478 1st ed. 183 p. Knowledge Centre
170.44 RUS 10003210 The conquest of happiness / Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2006 9781138370333 1st ed. xi,183 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
170.44 SHA 31000102 Who Will Cry When You Die : Sharma, Robin. Jaico Publishing House , 2010 9788184950625 | 9788179922323 210 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170.44 SHA 05041006 Who Will Cry When You Die : Sharma, Robin. Jaico Publishing House , 2010 9788184950625 | 9788179922323 210 p.: Knowledge Centre
170.44 SHA 03009730 Who Will Cry When You Die : Sharma, Robin. Jaico Publishing House , 2010 9788184950625 | 9788179922323 210 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170.44 SHA 03009731 Who Will Cry When You Die : Sharma, Robin. Jaico Publishing House , 2010 9788184950625 | 9788179922323 210 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170.44 SHA 03009732 Who Will Cry When You Die : Sharma, Robin. Jaico Publishing House , 2010 9788184950625 | 9788179922323 210 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170.44 SON 04013604 100 Lessons to live life Blooming / Sonkia, Gopal Das Pustak Mahal, 2012 9788122312805 304 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
170.44 STE 00126862 Compassionate living for healing wholeness and harmony Stepaniak Joanne Keats Publishing 2001 0658010883 178p UG Library
170.44 STO 05073818 Why We Are Restless : Storey, Benjamin Princeton university Press, 2021 9780691220116 xii, 252 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170.44 WAR 05006634 Dishonest to God / Warnock, Mary. Continuum, 2010 9781441127129 (hbk.) 172 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170.440952 STE 03001289 Art of the Samurai Steben, Barry D Duncan Baird Publishers 9781844835942 272p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170.6 OMO 00039474 Building Your Own Conscience O`Malley,William Sj Tabor Publishing 1992 9780782901122 308 p. UG Library
170.71 LAW 00106992 The war for children's minds Law, Stephen. Routledge, 2006 9780415427685 (hbk.) | 0203969 x, 198 p. ; UG Library
170.8 KAU 00093160 On the genealogy of morals Kaufmann, Walter Vintage books 9780679724629 367p UG Library
170.82 PAR 05002025 Ethics of Gender Parsons, Susan Frank Blackwell, 2002 0631215174 202p.; Knowledge Centre
170.82 PAR 00107128 The ethics of gender / Parsons, Susan Frank. Blackwell Publishers 2002 0631215166 (alk. paper) | 0631 x, 202 p. ; UG Library
170.82 PRA 00141935 Ethics in Feminism Prasad,Shiva Nath Concept Publishing Company Pvt Ltd 2016 9788180699788 260p UG Library
170.835 KRI 00102519 What are you Doing with your Life? Krishnamurti J Krishnamurti Foundation, 9788187326352 xi, 264 p. UG Library
170.86 SIN 00096295 Secular & Global moral and Ethical Values Singh Manmohan.Dr Relum Printec Chandigarh 8190197819 30 p UG Library
170.86 SIN 00096294 Secular & Global moral and Ethical Values Singh Manmohan.Dr Relum Printec Chandigarh 8190197819 30 p UG Library
170.86 SIN 00096293 Secular & Global moral and Ethical Values Singh Manmohan.Dr Relum Printec Chandigarh 8190197819 30 p UG Library
170.8996 PAR 00142227 Virtues and values : Paris, Peter J., Fortress Press, 2004 0800636619 (alk. paper) xi, 84 p. ; UG Library
170.9 BAR 00128487 Ethics in Ancient Israel / Barton, John, Oxford University Press 2017 0199660433 | 9780199660438 First edition. viii, 316 pages ; UG Library
170.9 DAR 00145907 Modern moral philosophy : Darwall, Stephen L., Cambridge University Press 2023 9780521860475 382pages UG Library
170.9 GOL 00139784 The Cambridge history of moral philosophy / Golob,Sacha Cambridge University Press 2017 9781107033054 (hardback) xii, 751 pages ; UG Library
170.9 MAC 05005108 A short history of ethics MacIntyre, Alasdair C. Macmillan 1966 9780415287494 viii, 280 p. Knowledge Centre
170.9 MAC 00071492 Short History of Ethics: [Dharmaram Library] Macintyre, Alasdair 2004 0415173981 278p UG Library
170.9 RIC 00110487 Why be good? Richter, Duncan. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195325041 (hbk. : alk. pap viii, 214 p. ; UG Library
170.9 RIC 00088748 Why be good? Richter, Duncan. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195325041 (hbk. : alk. pap viii, 214 p. ; UG Library
170.9 SCH 01017762 Essays on the history of moral philosophy / Schneewind, J. B. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199563012 (hbk.) | 0199563 xvii, 447 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170.9 SHE 07001169 The moral arc : Shermer, Michael. Henry Holt, 2015 9780805096910 (hardback) First edition. 541 pages : Library - BR Campus
170.9 SHE 05062245 The Moral Arc : Shermer,Michael. St Martins Griffin, 2016 9781250081322 541p.; Knowledge Centre
170.92 ARI 00079858 350 Bc Nicomachean Ethics Ross, W D Cosmo Publications 2003 8177556681 250p UG Library
170.92 BRI 00050541 Mind and Morality - an Examination of Hume`s Moral Psychology Bricke, John 2000 0198250118 262p UG Library
170.92 BRI 00110863 Socratic moral psychology Brickhouse, Thomas C. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521198431 (hardback) | 978 vii, 276 p. ; UG Library
170.92 BUR 00091832 Proximity with the other: Burggraeve Roger Dharmaram Publications 8189958267 152p UG Library
170.92 BUT 05046428 Unbecoming subjects Thiem, Annika. Fordham University Press, 2008 9780823228980 (cloth alk. pape 1st ed. x, 310 p. Knowledge Centre
170.92 CAM 00110087 Peter Singer and Christian Ethics Camosy, Charles Christopher. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521199155 (hardback) | 978 viii, 278 p. ; UG Library
170.92 DEA 07006819 The value of humanity in Kant's moral theory Dean, Richard. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2006 0199285721 (hbk. : alk. paper) ix,270p.: Library - BR Campus
170.92 FAU 05008086 An Anthropology of Ethics Faubion, James D. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107004948 (hardback) | 978 x, 306 pages ; Knowledge Centre
170.92 FAU 00106229 An Anthropology of Ethics Faubion, James D. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107004948 (hardback) | 978 x, 306 pages ; UG Library
170.92 FLE 00147856 Proximity as Method: Flemmer, Riccarda Routledge, 2024 9781032801803 xii,257p. ; UG Library
170.92 HUT 00110918 Levinas Hutchens, B C Continuum 2004 0826472834 vii,191p UG Library
170.92 JAM 00087981 Singer and His Critics Jamieson, Dale 1999 1557869081 368p UG Library
170.92 LEI 00142751 Moral psychology with Nietzsche / Leiter, Brian, Oxford University Press 2021 0199696500 | 9780192897930 First edition. x, 198 pages ; UG Library
170.92 LEI 05031946 Nietzsche and Morality / Leiter, Brian Oxrord University Press, 2007 9780199285938 vii, 308 p. Knowledge Centre
170.92 LYS 00144597 Kant on Morality Humanity and Legality : Lyssy, Ansgar. Palgrave macmillan, 2021 9783030540524 x,280p, ; UG Library
170.92 MID 00078526 Heart and Mind the Varieties of Moral Experience Midgley, Mary Routledge Classics 2003 0415304490 | 9780415304498 220 p. UG Library
170.92 OLE 00138714 Foucault : O'Leary, Timothy, Continuum, 2002 082645626X | 0826456278 (pbk.) xi, 212 p. ; UG Library
170.92 ONE 00122252 Acting on principle : O'Neill, Onora, Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107035591 (hardback) | 110 Second edition. vi, 292 pages ; UG Library
170.92 ONE 00125050 Acting on principle : O'Neill, Onora, Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107035591 (hardback) | 110 Second edition. vi, 292 pages ; UG Library
170.92 ONE 05038354 Acting on principle : O'Neill, Onora, Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107035591 (hardback) | 110 Second edition. vi, 292 pages ; Knowledge Centre
170.92 PFO 00116873 Between Ethics and Politics : ed by, Pfostl Routledge taylor& Francis, 2014 9780415710640 | 9780415710640 xii, 184 p ; UG Library
170.92 SOB 05006628 Walls and vaults : Sobel, Jordan Howard. John Wiley & Sons, 2009 9780470127612 (pbk.) | 0470127 xiii, 414 p. : Knowledge Centre
170.92 WAL 00140917 Kant and the Moral Law Walker, Ralph Weidenfeld and Nicolson 2021 9781474616799 60p UG Library
170.922 CRI 00127932 The ethics of deconstruction : Critchley, Simon, Edinburg University press 2014 9780748689316 (hardback) | 978 Third edition. xxi, 324 pages ; UG Library
170.9224 RAJ 05009506 Truth and Eros / Rajchman John Routledge, 1991 9780415562119 155 p. Knowledge Centre
170.92WOO 01009671 Kantian Ethics (law Lib) Allen W Wood Cambridge University Press 9780521671149 342p Knowledge Centre
170.92WOO 01010589 Kantian Ethics (law Lib) Allen W Wood Cambridge University Press 9780521671149 342p Knowledge Centre
170.937 LAN 07013594 Exemplary ethics in ancient Rome / Langlands, Rebecca, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107040601 xi, 368 pages ; Library - BR Campus
170.938 COO 00079838 Reason and Emotion Cooper, John M Princeton University Press 1999 588p UG Library
170.938 MEY 00143466 Ancient ethics : Meyer, Susan Sauvé. Routledge, 2008 9780415940269 | 9780415940276 xi, 244 p. ; UG Library
170.938 REI 00110094 The Virtuous Life in Greek Ethics Reis, Burkhard. Cambridge University Press, 2006 9780521125369 (pbk.) | 9780521 x, 277 p. ; UG Library
170.951 WON 00136180 Confucian ethics in Western discourse / Wong, Wai-ying, Bloomsbury Academic, 2019 9781474285872 (hb) | 9781350109087 (PB) xiii, 279 pages ; UG Library
170.954 PRA 03002125 History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization: A Historical-Developmental Study ... Prasad, Rajendra Concept Publishing Company 9788180695957 562 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170.954 BIL 05062599 Indian Ethics : Bilimoria, Purushottama. Routledge, 2007 9781138062696 x,431p.; Knowledge Centre
170.954 BIL 00087639 Indian Ethics: Classical Traditions and Contemoporary Challenges Bilimoria, Purushottama 2008 9780195696325 431 p UG Library
170.954 CHA 00145030 Understanding ethics Chaturvedi, Vibha Motilal Banarsidass 2020 9788194137436 Revised edition 348p UG Library
170.954 GEO 00138635 Indian Ethics:a New Perspective George,V C Global Vision Publishing House 2019 9789388612395 359p UG Library
170.954 PAN 00106241 Ethical life in South Asia Pandian,Anand. Oxford University Press. 2010 9780253355287 (cloth : alk. pa viii, 290 p. ; UG Library
170.954 PAN 05007377 Ethical life in South Asia / Indiana University Press, 2010 9780253355287 (cloth : alk. pa viii, 290 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170.954 PRA 00141942 Socio-Political Ethics Prasad,Shiva Nath Concept Publishing Company Pvt Ltd 2017 9788180699795 233p.; UG Library
170.954 PRA 05029006 A historical-developmental study of classical Indian philosophy of morals / Prasad, Rajendra Concept Pub. Co. : | Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy and Culture, Centre for Studies in Civilizations, 9788180695957 | 8180695956 xxxv, 562 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170.954 PRA 05029017 Conceptual-Analytic Study of Classical Indian Philosophy of Morals:History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization [PHILOSOPHY SECT] Prasad, Rajendra Concept Publishing Company 9788180695445 452p Knowledge Centre
170.954 SIN 00142263 Philosophy and Ethics Sinha,Kumkum B R Publishing Corporation 2018 9789387587489 351p UG Library
170.954 TAN 00067511 Contemporary India Ethics Tandon, Dr Nirmala English Edition 2000 8187853494 266 p. UG Library
170.954BIL 01007499 Indian Ethics: Classical Traditions and Contemporary Challenges ( Law Lib.) Purushottama Bilimoria ASHGATE 9780754633013 431p. Knowledge Centre
170.973 WOL 00106112 Moral freedom : Wolfe, Alan, W.W. Norton, 2001 0393048438 1st ed. 256 p. ; UG Library
170.973 WOL 07006018 Moral Freedom : Wolfe Alan W.W.Norton & Company, 2001 9780393323023 256p.: Library - BR Campus
170GAS 01004017 Ethics of Development(law Lib) Des Gasper SAGE Publication 8178295962 255p Knowledge Centre
170GUP 01006781 CIT Consciousness (law Lib) Bina Gupta Oxford University Press 0195661133 203p. Knowledge Centre
170HAT 01010271 Nietzsche`s on the Genealogy of Morality: An Introduction (law Lib) Lawrence J Hatab The second essay5 The first essay4 282p Knowledge Centre
170HAT1 01004718 Ethics and HRD (law Lib) Tim Hatcher RAWAT 8131601439 254p Knowledge Centre
170KAN 01007260 Moral Law (LAW LIB) Immanuel Kant ROUTLEDGE 0415345472 164p Knowledge Centre
170MILL 01003690 Ehics Done Right:Practical Reasoning as a Foundation for Moral Theory(law Library) Elijah Millgram Cambridge University Press 0521548268 344p Knowledge Centre
170MUK.R 00047534 Ethics, Religion and Culture: Facets of Mahatma Gandhi - 4 Mukherjee, Subrata Deep and Deep Publications 452 p Knowledge Centre
170SUL 01009684 Globalization of Ethics:Religious and Seular Perpectives (law Lib) William M Sullivan Cambridge University Press 9780521700214 305p Knowledge Centre
170TIM 01009703 Kant`s Grounwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (law Lib) Jens Timmentary Cambridge University Press 9780521862820 192p Knowledge Centre
170WHI 01005195 Contemporary Moral Problems (law Lib) James E White Brooks/cole Publishing Company 0534585361 640p Knowledge Centre
171 J-5 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
171 D\5 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
171 ANN 00127990 Cicero's De Finibus : Annas, Julia and Betegh, Gabor : Cambridge University Press 2016 9781107074835 (hardback) vii, 266 pages ; UG Library
171 COP 00071995 Oxford Handbook of Ethical Theory: [dharmaram Library] Copp, David 2000 0195147790 662p UG Library
171 COP 00071532 Oxford Handbook of Ethical Theory: [ Dharmaram Library] Copp, David 2003 0195147790 640p UG Library
171 DAV 00073876 Gift of Kinds(dharmaram Library) Ross, Stephen David 1999 0791442543 323p UG Library
171 DRE 05031947 Contemporary Debates in Moral Theory / Dreier, James Blackwell Publishing, 2006 1405101792 331 p. Knowledge Centre
171 GRA 10004386 Philosophy and Life : Grayling, A C Viking 2023 9780241523803 426p Yeshwanthpur Campus
171 GRA 00145614 Philosophy and Life : Grayling, A C Viking 2023 9780241523803 426p UG Library
171 GRA 05005093 Theories of ethics : Graham, Gordon, Routledge, 2011 9780415999465 (hardcover) | 97 x, 388 p. ; Knowledge Centre
171 GRA 00099079 Eight theories of ethics / Graham, Gordon, Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group, 0415315883 | 9780415315801 (pb x, 221 p. ; UG Library
171 GRI 00107919 The Grounds Of Moral Judgement. Grice,Geoffrey Russell. Cambridge U.P., 1967 9780521180092 xi, 208 p. UG Library
171 KIR 00013470 Dimensions of Authoritarianism Kirscht, John P U K P 168p UG Library
171 MID 00070043 Beast and Man (Dharmaram) Midgley, Mary 1995 0415127408 374p UG Library
171 MUM 00147478 Ethics at the beginning of life : Mumford, James. Oxford University Press, 2013 0199673969 | 9780199673964 1st ed. xvi, 212 p. ; UG Library
171 WOO 07011686 Formulas of the moral law / Wood Allen Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781108413176 83p.; Library - BR Campus
171.1 DSO 00088032 Christian Ethics and Moral Values D`Souza, Albert Mittal Publications ISB8170999936 327p UG Library
171.2 BRO 05011573 Moral virtue and nature / Brown, Stephen R. Continuum, 2008 9780826498717 viii, 151 p. ; Knowledge Centre
171.2 CIC 07011045 On Obligations. Cicero Oxford 2008 9780199540716 218p Library - BR Campus
171.2 CIC 00090375 On Obligations. Cicero Oxford 2008 9780199540716 218p UG Library
171.2 FOR 05031948 The Fear of Freedom / Fromm Routledge, 2001 0415253888 258 p Knowledge Centre
171.2 GRA 00068451 Meditatioms for the Humanist Grayling, A G 2001 0195168909 207p UG Library
171.2 JEN 05045674 Knowing the natural law : Jensen, Steven J., The Catholic University of America Press, 2015 9780813227337 (pbk. : alk. pap ix, 238 pages ; Knowledge Centre
171.2 KAL 00117607 Moral Fictionalism Kalderon, Mark Eli Oxford University Press, 2005 0199275971 | 9780199275977 x, 193 p. : UG Library
171.2 KAL 07006817 Moral Fictionalism Kalderon, Mark Eli Oxford University Press, 2005 0199275971 | 9780199275977 x, 193 p. : Library - BR Campus
171.2 KAS 00118813 Intuitionism / Kaspar, David. Bloomsbury, 2012 9781441114464 (alk. paper) | 9 x, 214 p.: UG Library
171.2 LLO 01013683 Morality in the philosophy of Thomas Hobbes : Lloyd, S. A., Cambridge University Press, 9780521861670 (hardback) xvi, 419 p. : Knowledge Centre
171.2 PRI 01017074 The emotional construction of morals / Prinz, Jesse J. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199283019 | 019928301X ix, 334 p. : Knowledge Centre
171.2 REI 00099074 Sartre's phenomenology / Reisman, David, Continuum, 0826487254 | 9780826487254 150 p. ; UG Library
171.2 SIN 00136193 The ideal of a rational morality : Singer, Marcus George, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2002 0198250215 (alk. paper) xix, 333 p. ; UG Library
171.2092 KNO 00147426 Aquinas and the infused moral virtues / Knobel, Angela, University of Notre Dame Press 2021 0268201099 | 9780268201098 xi, 214 pages ; UG Library
171.2GEO 01009670 Body-Self Dualism in Contemporary Ethics and Politics (law Lib) Patrick Lee Cambridge University Press 9780521882484 222 Knowledge Centre
171.3 NAT 05002045 Aristotle: Nicomachean ethics. Natali, Carlo, Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199558445 | 0199558442 296 p. ; Knowledge Centre
171.3 ARI 00147823 The Ethics of Aristotle Aristotle Sanage Publishing House 2021 9789391316952 344p UG Library
171.3 ARI 00104701 Eudemian Ethics Books. I.II.&VIII Woods Michael Oxford University 2005 9780198240204 2Edition xii 212 p. UG Library
171.3 ARI 07010254 Nicomachean ethics / Aristotle, Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107039605 (hardback) | 978 Revised edition. xlii, 210 pages ; Library - BR Campus
171.3 ARI 00090374 Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle Oxford 9780199213610 277p UG Library
171.3 ARI 00100932 The Nicomachean ethics / Aristotle. Oxford University Press, 9780199213610 xliii, 277 p. ; UG Library
171.3 ATH 00126880 Virtue ethics Athanassoulis, Nafsika, Bloomsbury, 2013 9781441118196 (hardcover : alk xii, 175 p.; UG Library
171.3 CEL 07010241 Aristotle's ethics and medieval philosophy : Celano, Anthony J. Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107134850 ix, 263 pages ; Library - BR Campus
171.3 MIL 00125042 The Reception of Aristotle's Ethics Miller,Jon Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521513883 (hardback) x, 310 pages; UG Library
171.3 MIL 00111650 Aristotle's Nicomachean ethics Miller, Jon. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521514484 | 0521514487 | 9 viii: 290p.; UG Library
171.3 POL 07010268 Cambridge companion to Aristotle's Nicomachean ethics / Cambridge University Press, 2014 9780521192767 (hardback : alk. xii, 474 pages ; Library - BR Campus
171.3 TAY 00104107 Aristotle : Taylor C.C.W Clarendon Press Oxford ; 2006 9780198250678 258 p. UG Library
171.301 RIC 00089902 Dimensions of Communication Richardson, Lee Appleton Century Crofts 1969 488p. UG Library
171.4 DHA 00087608 Phenomenological Ethics an Introduction Dhar, Benulal Rawat Publications 8131601935 179 p UG Library
171.4 DHA 00088409 Phenomenological Ethics an Introduction Dhar, Benulal Rawat Publications 8131601935 179 p UG Library
171.4 KIT 00135841 Beatific enjoyment in medieval scholastic debates : Kitanov, Severin. Lexington Books 2014 9780739174159 (cloth : alk. paper) xix, 285 pages ; UG Library
171.4MOO 01008917 Conflict of Interest: Challenges and Solutions in Business, Law, Medicine, and Public Policy (law Lib.) Don A Moore Cambridge University Press 0521844398 300p. Knowledge Centre
171.5 BYK 00120971 Utilitarianism : Bykvist, Krister. Continuum, 2010 9780826498083 | 0826498086 | 9 viii, 176 p. : UG Library
171.5 CRI 00103900 Utilitarianism / Mill, John Stuart, Oxford University Press, 1998 019875163X | 0198751621 vii, 157 p. ; UG Library
171.5 MUL 05044701 Future People : Mulgan Tim Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199556731 384p.: Knowledge Centre
171.5 MUL 07006257 Understanding utilitarianism Mulgan,Tim. Acumen, 2007 9781844650903 v,194 p. Library - BR Campus
171.5 MUL 00106525 Understanding utilitarianism Mulgan,Tim. Acumen, 2007 9781844650903 v,194 p. UG Library
171.5 ODE 00132674 On consequentialist ethics: Odell, S. Jack, Thomson/Wadsworth, 2004 0534595758 191 p. ; UG Library
171.5 PER 00134584 God, the good, and utilitarianism : Perry,John Cambridge University Press 2014 9781107050754 x, 221 pages ; UG Library
171.509 HOL 05072767 A History of Utilitarian Ethics : Hollander, Samuel. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2020 9780367785307 xiv, 400p. ; Knowledge Centre
171.5092 WES 00068300 Introduction to Mill`s Utilitarian Ethics West, Henry R 2004 0521535417 216p UG Library
171.6 STR 05008475 Conscience : Strohm, Paul, Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199569694 133 p. : Knowledge Centre
171.609024 BRA 05006489 The Renaissance conscience Braun, Harald E Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781444335668 (pbk.) x, 164 p. Knowledge Centre
171.7 LUK 03001723 Moral Relativism / Lukes, Steven. Viva Books Private Limited, 2008 9781846680090 176 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
171.7 BRE 05007189 Marx's ethics of freedom / Brenkert, George G. Routledge & K. Paul, 1983 0710094612 : | 9780415555913 xii, 263 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
171.7 CLA 00092981 Evolution and ethics : W.B. Eerdmans Pub., 0802826954 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 339 p. ; UG Library
171.7 DAR 00117464 Contractarianism, contractualism / Darwall Stephen Blackwell Pub., 2003 0631231099 | 0631231102 (pbk. vii, 286 p. ; UG Library
171.7 HAM 00109836 The Intrinsic Worth Of Persons Hampton Jean Cambridge University Press 2007 9780521673259 xiii; 223 p. UG Library
171.7 HAV 00081019 Moral Minds Hauser, Marc D 2006 0060780703 489p UG Library
171.7 KEL 00138691 Moral relativism, moral diversity & human relationships Kellenberger, James. Pennsylvania State University Press, 2001 0271021497 (alk. paper) xi, 236 p. ; UG Library
171.7 SPE 00109960 The Data of Ethics Spencer, Herbert, Cambridge University Press 2012 9781108040853 xxxi, 334 p. ; UG Library
171.7ALE 01009702 Structural Evolution of Morality (law Lib) Mckenzie J Alexander Cambridge University Press 9780521870320 300p Knowledge Centre
171.7JAM 01009771 Ethics and the Environment: An Introduction Dale Jamieson Cambridge University Press 9780521682848 221p Knowledge Centre
172 C\4 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
172 D\7 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
172 BEL 01014320 Ethics and world politics / Oxford University Press, 9780199548620 (pbk.) | 0199548 xxi, 440 p. ; Knowledge Centre
172 CAR 00124631 Lincoln's ethics Carson, Thomas L., Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107030145 (hardback) xxvii, 427 pages.: UG Library
172 CIU 00060551 Ethics of Leadership Ciulla, B Joanne Thomson Learning 2003 9812436553 276p UG Library
172 DAS 00107999 Political Violence in Assam Das Sanghita Centrum Press: 2011 9789380921662 288 p. UG Library
172 GIU 00055767 Ethics of Leadership Ciulla, Joanne B 0155063170 276p UG Library
172 HAL 05073834 Political ethics : Princeton University Press, 2022 9780691241135 | 9780691179681 x, 288p.; Knowledge Centre
172 PAR 05064074 Moral obligations and sovereignty in international relations : Paras, Andrea, Routledge, 2019 9781138560178 (hardback) xii,186p.; Knowledge Centre
172 PER 01025354 A global political morality : Perry, Michael J., Cambridge university press, 2017 9781107158511 (hardback) | 978 x, 197 pages ; Knowledge Centre
172 REA 00094519 The philosophy of need / Cambridge University Press, 0521678447 (pbk. : alk. paper) v, 251 p. ; UG Library
172 VAZ 05049020 Political responsibility : Vázquez Arroyo, Antonio Y., Columbia University Press, 2016 9780231174848 (cloth : alk. pa xxi,334p.; Knowledge Centre
172 WAL 05059762 Democracy and goodness : Wallach, John R., Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108422574 (hardback : alk. xii,310p,; Knowledge Centre
172 WEL 05046044 A guide to ethics and public policy : Welch, D Don. Routledge, 2014 9781138013773 (hardback) | 9781138013797 (pbk) 168p.; Knowledge Centre
172 WID 00109007 Global Ethics Widdows Heather Acumen Publishing Limited 2011 9781844652822 ix; 294 p. UG Library
172 WIT 00033387 Politics and Ethics Patterns in Partnership Witers, X Francis Paulist 1975 122p UG Library
172.0951 CIJ 07002792 Moral China in the age of reform / Ci, Jiwei, Cambridge univeristy press, 2014 9781107038660 (hardback) | 978 x, 230 pages ; Library - BR Campus
172.0954 KAP 00131039 Ethical Facts Of Governance / Regal Publications, 2016 9788184846003 xvi, 268 p. ; UG Library
172.0954 KAP 00131040 Ethics In Governance : Regal Publications, 2016 9788184846102 xiv, 231 p. ; UG Library
172.1 COA 00081040 Morality and Political Violence Coady, C A Cambridge University Pess 2008 317p UG Library
172.1 HEL 05003878 How terrorism is wrong Held, Virginia. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195329599 (alk. paper) | 0 x, 205 p. Knowledge Centre
172.1 HON 05031962 Terrorism for Humanity : Honderich, Ted Pluto Press, 2003 0074532133 216 p Knowledge Centre
172.1 MOO 05046593 Privacy, security, and accountability : Rowman & Littlefield, 2016 9781783484751 (cloth : alk. pa vii,262p.: Knowledge Centre
172.1 NAT 05031954 Terrorism and the ethics of war / Nathanson, Stephen, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521199957 (hbk.) | 0521199 x, 317 p. ; Knowledge Centre
172.1 NAT 01014383 Terrorism and the ethics of war / Nathanson, Stephen, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521199957 (hbk.) | 0521199 x, 317 p. ; Knowledge Centre
172.1 TAN 05066746 The ethics of multiple citizenship / Tanasoca, Ana, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108429153 (hbk) xv, 204 pages ; Knowledge Centre
172.1 TAY 05072927 Ethics and Terrorism / Taylor, Max. ed. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2021 9781032120652 x, 191p. ; Knowledge Centre
172.1 WEL 01003524 Is There a Duty to Obey the Law? / Christopher Heath Wellman Cambridge University Press, 2000 0521537843 200p.; Knowledge Centre
172.1 WEL 01003605 Is There a Duty to Obey the Law? / Christopher Heath Wellman Cambridge University Press, 2000 0521537843 200p.; Knowledge Centre
172.1COA 01009681 Morality and Political Violence(law Lib) C A J Coady Cambridge University Press 9780521705486 317p Knowledge Centre
172.2 BAN 01024977 Criminal justice ethics : Banks, Cyndi, Sage, 2017 9781506326054 (pbk. : alk. pap Fourth edition. xviii, 452 pages ; Knowledge Centre
172.2 BAN 05056222 Criminal justice ethics : Banks, Cyndi, Sage, 2017 9781506326054 (pbk. : alk. pap Fourth edition. xviii, 452 pages ; Knowledge Centre
172.2 BAN 01014396 Criminal justice ethics : Banks, Cyndi. SAGE, 9781412958325 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 418 p. : Knowledge Centre
172.2 BAN 01014397 Criminal justice ethics : Banks, Cyndi. SAGE, 9781412958325 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 418 p. : Knowledge Centre
172.2 BAN 01019400 Criminal justice ethics/ Banks,Cyndi Sage Publication, 2013 9781412995450 3rd ed. xiv,369p.; Knowledge Centre
172.2 CLA 05031963 Social Work Ethics : Clark, Chris L Palgrave, 2002 0333719344 227 p Knowledge Centre
172.2 FRE 04014847 Ethics in public management / Frederickson, H. George PHI Learning, 2005 9788120328730 viii , 390 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
172.2 KOL 01015776 Justice and Equity / Kolm,serge-Christophe. MIT Press, 026211223X (alk. paper) | 9780 ix, 265 p. : Knowledge Centre
172.2 KRA 01022632 Torture and moral integrity : Kramer, Matthew H., Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198714200 (hbk.) | 0198714 First edition. xv, 339 pages ; Knowledge Centre
172.2 MAC 00129333 The ethics of surveillance : Macnish, Kevin, Routledge 2017 9781138643789 (hbk : alk. pape vi, 215 pages ; UG Library
172.2 POR 00135082 Justice as a virtue : Porter, Jean, William B Erdmans Publishing Company 2016 9780802873255 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiii, 286 pages ; UG Library
172.2 RAM 00124348 Ethics, Integrity And Values In Public Service Ramesh.K.Arora New Age 2014 9788122436563 498 UG Library
172.2 REA 05031964 Social Work Values and Ethics / Reamer, Frederic G Rawat Publications, 2005 8170339154 247 p Knowledge Centre
172.2 SAN 01024717 Justice : Sandel,Michael J. Penguin Books, 2009 9780141041339 295 Pages,: Knowledge Centre
172.2 SCH 01003108 Elements of justice / Schmidtz, David. Cambridge University Press, 0521831644 (hbk.) | 0521539366 ix, 243 p. : Knowledge Centre
172.2 SCH 01003689 Elements of justice / Schmidtz, David. Cambridge University Press, 0521831644 (hbk.) | 0521539366 ix, 243 p. : Knowledge Centre
172.2 TAN 00123488 Justice without borders : Tan, Kok-Chor, Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521834546 | 0521542324 (pb.) xiii, 219 p. ; UG Library
172.2 UPA 00130543 Ethics, integrity and aptitude in governance Upadhyay, Ranvijay Sage 2018 9789386446626 550p. UG Library
172.2 WOL 01025930 The ethics of justice without illusions / Wolcher, Louis E., Routledge, 2016 9781138855649 (hbk) | 97808153 xiv, 250 pages ; Knowledge Centre
172.209 JOH 05006344 A brief history of justice / Johnston, David, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781405155762 (hardback) | 978 265 p. : Knowledge Centre
172.2GIB 01003132 Ethics and Politics of Asylum (law Lib.) Mattew J Gibney Cambridge University Press 0521009375 287p Knowledge Centre
172.2TAN 01000167 Justice Without Borders, Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism and Patriotism (law Library) Kok-Chor Tan Cambridge University Press 0521542324 219p Knowledge Centre
172.2TAN 01004715 Justice Without Borders, Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism and Patriotism (law Library) Kok-Chor Tan Cambridge University Press 0521542324 219p Knowledge Centre
172.4 BAD 00073782 Business Ethics Badi, Ravindranath V. Vrinda Publications (p) Ltd 2006 8182810302 499 p. UG Library
172.4 BEA 01013376 Justice and morality : Beattie, Amanda Russell. Routledge, 9780754675228 (hardback : alk. vi, 206 p. ; Knowledge Centre
172.4 FRA 03005900 The Ethics of Global Governance /​ Franceschet, Antonio. Viva Books, 2010 9788130912424 205 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
172.4 HEL 05048306 Global political theory / Held, David Polity Press, 2016 9780745685175 (hardback) | 978 xi, 332 p. Knowledge Centre
172.4 PRI 00085743 Moral Limit and Possibility in World Politics. Price, Richard M 2008 9780521716208 309 p UG Library
172.4 SCH 00136927 The ethics of armed humanitarian intervention / Scheid, Don E., Cambridge university press, 2014 9781107036369 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781107610675 (pbk. : alk. paper) xii, 282 pages ; UG Library
172.4 SMI 00067288 Ethics and Foreign Policy Smith Karen E Cambridge University Press 2001 0521009308 223 p UG Library
172.42 ALK 01020783 Fighting for rights : Alkopher, Tal Dingott. Ashgate, 2013 9781409445395 (alk. paper) | 1 viii, 209 p. ; Knowledge Centre
172.42 ATA 05031953 The ethics of peace and war : Atack, Iain. Edinburgh University Press, 2005 0748615253 | 0748622454 (hard) ix, 173 p. ; Knowledge Centre
172.42 BAR 05059750 War In International Thought/ Bartelson, Jens. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108410496 x, 241p. Knowledge Centre
172.42 BER 05007387 War, ethics, and justice : Bergman, Annika Routledge, 2011 9780415552349 xvi, 190 p. : Knowledge Centre
172.42 BRU 05059621 The ethics of war and peace revisited : Georgetown University Press, 2018 9781626165069 | 9781626165076 vii, 336 pages ; Knowledge Centre
172.42 DEM 01020746 Military ethics and emerging technologies / New York : | Routledge, 2014 0415737109 | 9780415737104 313 p. ; Knowledge Centre
172.42 FIN 05059367 Terrorism And The Right To Resist; Finlay Christopher J. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107612563 xiii,339p,; Knowledge Centre
172.42 FIN FIN. 07012463 Terrorism And The Right To Resist; Finlay Christopher J. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107612563 xiii,339p,; Library - BR Campus
172.42 FOT 04008488 War & Ethics : Fotion, Nicholas Continuum, 2008 9781846841682 viii, 178p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
172.42 FOT 00143664 War and Ethics: Fotion, Nicholas Bloomsbury, 2017 9789386606884 178p UG Library
172.42 FOT 01015597 War and Ethics : Fotion, Nicholas. Continuum, 9780826492609 (pbk : alk. pape viii, 178 p. ; Knowledge Centre
172.42 FRO 05004873 The ethics of war and peace : Frowe, Helen. Routledge, 2011 9780415492393 (hardback : alk. p. cm. Knowledge Centre
172.42 FRO 05040911 How We fight Frowe, Helen. Oxford University Press, 2014 xiii,196p.; Knowledge Centre
172.42 GRO 07002804 The ethics of insurgency : Gross, Michael L., Cambridge 2015 9781107019072 (hardback : alk. 323p. Library - BR Campus
172.42 GRO 00121661 The ethics of insurgency : Gross, Michael L., Cambridge 2015 9781107019072 (hardback : alk. 323p. UG Library
172.42 GRO 00107823 Moral Dilemmas Of Modern War Gross, Michael L., Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521685108 | 0521866154 (ha xiii, 321 p. ; UG Library
172.42 HIM 05046801 Drones and the ethics of targeted killing / Himes, Kenneth R., Rowman and Littlefield 9781442231559 (cloth : alk. pa xv,196p. Knowledge Centre
172.42 JOH 01025918 Ethics and the use of force : Johnson, James Turner. Routledge, 2016 9781138248755 vi,174p.; Knowledge Centre
172.42 KAP 10003621 Mission accomplished applying military principles to real life/ Kapoor, Virender Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2021 9789390547944 x,266 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
172.42 KIN 03005903 The Morality of War : Kinsella, David. Viva Books, 2008 9788130908069 | 8130908069 viii,414 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
172.42 MAY 00110026 After War Ends May, Larry. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107018518 (hardback) | 978 ix, 248 pages ; UG Library
172.42 OMA 05062703 Principled spying : Omand, David. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198785590 x, 286p. Knowledge Centre
172.42 REN 01019273 Just War and International Order : Rengger Nicholas Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107644748 xviii,205p.: Knowledge Centre
172.42 REN 01019729 Just War and International Order : Rengger Nicholas Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107644748 xviii,205p.: Knowledge Centre
172.42 SAM 01029020 Beyond the responsibility to protect in international law : Samara, Angeliki. Routledge, 2021 9780367429706 xi, 206p, ; Knowledge Centre
172.42 STE 01029132 The Ethics of War and the Force of Law : Steinhoff, Uwe. Routledge, 2021 9780367621421 xiv, 321p. ; Knowledge Centre
172.42 WEN 05041956 Inventing peace : Wenders, Wim. I.B.Tauris, 2013 9780857722706 (ebook) 1 online resource (224 pages) : Knowledge Centre
172.420954 ROY 00110836 Hinduism and the ethics of warfare in South Asia Roy, Kaushik, Cambridge University Press 2012 9781107017368 (hardback) | 978 xix, 288 pages ; UG Library
172.422 DOY 05073568 Nuclear ethics in the twenty-first century : Doyle, Thomas E II. Rowman & Littefield, 2022 9781538164136 ix, 207p, ; Knowledge Centre
172.42COH 01010740 Democracies at War Against Terrorism (law Lib) Samy Cohen PALGRAVE MACMILLAN 9780230604568 269p Knowledge Centre
172.42REE 01007331 Price of Peace: Just War in the Twenty-First Century(law Lib) Charles Reed Cambridge University Press 0521677858 340p Knowledge Centre
172/.42092 REI 00131921 Thomas Aquinas on war and peace / Reichberg, Gregory M. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107019904 (hardback) 302 p. ; UG Library
172MOR 01011214 Classics of Moral and Political Theory (law Lib) Michael L Morgan Hackett Publishing Co 0872205770 1094p Knowledge Centre
172PAR 01009721 Paradoxes of Political Ethics (law Lib) John M Parrish Cambridge University Press 9780521873550 283p Knowledge Centre
173 ARI 00126939 Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle, Oxford University 1980 282p UG Library
173 ARI 00022086 Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle, Oxford University 1980 282p UG Library
173 BOO 00000827 Twist Twele & twenty. Boone, Pat Prentice -Hall 1978 171 p UG Library
173 EDA 00135758 Strangers to Spouses Edathumparambil,Binu Theological Publications in India 2019 9789388953108 198p UG Library
173 JAC 00093015 The morality of adoption : W.B. Eerdmans, 0802829791 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxix, 337 p. ; UG Library
173 RUS 05031955 Marriage and morals / Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2009 9780415482882 (pbk) 195 p. Knowledge Centre
173 RUS 00089477 Marriage and Morals Rusell, Bertrand 0415079179 203p UG Library
173 RUS 10003208 Marriage and morals / Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2009 9781138302099 vi, 195 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174 ANU 04002632 Ethics in Management: Insights from Ancient Indian Wisdom Anubhavananda, Swami Ane Books 2008 8180522903 350 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 BAJ 03000255 Business Ethics : Bajaj, P. S. Dreamtech Press, 2008 9788177221671 | 8177221671 316 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 BAU 04001402 Engineering Ethics Baura, Gail D Elsevier 2008 8131206661 220 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 BAU 04002693 Engineering Ethics Baura, Gail D Elsevier 2008 8131206661 220 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 CAN 03002658 High-Performance Ethics : Cantrell, Wes. Jaico Publishing House, 2008 9788179929308 254 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 CRA 03003530 Business Ethics / Crane, Andrew. Oxford Universtiy Press , 2010 9780199564330 614 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 FER 03000254 Business Ethics : Ferrell, O. C. Dreamtech Press, 2008 9788177225136 | 8177225138 461 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 GHO 03000071 Ethics in Management and Indian Ethos / Ghosh, Biswanath. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2008 9788125920595 | 8125920595 307 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 GOV 04003913 Engineering Ethics: Includes Human Values Govindarajan, M Prentice-Hall of Inida 2004 9788120325784 181 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 HAR 04000238 Engineering Ethics: Harris, Charles E Thomson South Western, 2008 8131500330 238 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 HAR 04003148 Engineering Ethics: Harris, Charles E Thomson South Western, 2008 8131500330 238 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 HAR 1 04003300 Engineering Ethics Harris, Charles E Thomson South-Western 2009 9788131511121 213 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 HAR 1 04003301 Engineering Ethics Harris, Charles E Thomson South-Western 2009 9788131511121 213 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 LOM 03001166 Six Steps to Super Womandom : Lomas, Margaret. John Wiley and Sons, 2008 8126514558 | 9788126514557 120 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 MAR 04001747 Ethics in Engineering Martin, Mike W Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 1996 9780070540736 439 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 MAR 04006798 Ethics in Engineering Martin, Mike W Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 1996 9780070540736 439 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 NAA 04005129 Textbook on Professional Ethics and Human Values Naagarazan, R S New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2006 9788122419382 169 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 NAA 04005130 Textbook on Professional Ethics and Human Values Naagarazan, R S New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2006 9788122419382 169 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 PIN 03002235 Human Resource Management : Pinnington, Ashly. Oxford Universtiy Press , 2007 9780199562008 347 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 PRI 03002296 Leadership Ethics : Price, Terry L. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521699112 252 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 REY 04001639 Ethics in Information Technology Reynolds, George W Thomson South-Western 2007 9788131503652 350 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 RUN 03001900 Ethics : Runzo, Joseph. One World, 2008 9781851682478 | 1851682473 381 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 SHE 03002331 Ethics in Management / Sherlekar, S. A. Himalaya Publishing House, 2008 9788183188296 166 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 SPI 04005736 Ethics Spinoza, Benedict Words Worth Editon 2009 9781840221190 270 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 BAB 03011728 Professional Ethics and Human Values / Babu, Dhinesh S. University Science Press , 2016 9789380386249 130 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 BAB 03011729 Professional Ethics and Human Values / Babu, Dhinesh S. University Science Press , 2016 9789380386249 130 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 BAG 03007928 The Professional / Bagchi,Subroto. Penguin Portfolio, 2009 9780670082957 xxi,217p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 BAJ 04012801 Business Ethics : Bajaj, P. S. Dreamtech Press, 2008 9788177221671 | 8177221671 316 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 BAJ 04014109 Business Ethics : Bajaj, P. S. Dreamtech Press, 2008 9788177221671 | 8177221671 316 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 BRU 05007255 Reciprocity, altruism and the civil society : Bruni, Luigino, Routledge, 2008 9780415569644 xiii, 158 p. : Knowledge Centre
174 CHR 00091475 Media ethics : Christians, Clifford G. Longman, 0582284473 | 058228371X (pbk.) xix, 332 p. : UG Library
174 CHR 00110038 Communication Ethics and Universal Values Christians, Clifford G. Sage Publications, 1997 9780761905851 | 0761905847 (ac xvi, 384 p. : UG Library
174 CRO 05031965 Ethics of Global Development : Croker, David A Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521885195 416 p Knowledge Centre
174 CRO 05001995 Ethics of Global Development:agency, Capability, and Deliberative Democracy [GENERAL SECTION] Crocker, David A Cambridge 416p Knowledge Centre
174 DAN 00134830 Ethics in science : D'Angelo, John, CRC press, 2019 9781138035423 Second edition. xv, 144 p.; UG Library
174 DAT 00095795 Modern handbook Media Ethics Datta.K.B ACE Books india 9788190974325 295P UG Library
174 DAV 01025906 Reason and professional ethics / Davson-Galle, Peter. Routledge., 2009 9781138274365 ix, 298 p. : Knowledge Centre
174 DAY 00059440 Ethics in Media Communications: Cases and Controversies Day, Louis Alvin 2003 0534562353 468p UG Library
174 FEN 05002089 Aspects of Tourism, Tourism Ethics / Fennell, David A. Viva Books Pvt. Ltd. 2010 9788130912325 404 p. Knowledge Centre
174 GOO 00106612 Ethics and entertainment : Good,Howard. McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2010 9780786439096 (softcover : alk viii, 319 p. ; UG Library
174 GOV 04026698 Engineering Ethics: Includes Human Values Govindarajan, M Prentice-Hall of Inida 2004 9788120325784 181 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 GOV 04026699 Engineering Ethics: Includes Human Values Govindarajan, M Prentice-Hall of Inida 2004 9788120325784 181 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 GOV 04019918 Engineering Ethics: Includes Human Values Govindarajan, M Prentice-Hall of Inida 2004 9788120325784 181 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 GRE 00115297 Ethics in research Gregory, Ian, Continuum, 2003 9780826464774 xi, 80 p. ; UG Library
174 HAR 04024970 Engineering Ethics : Concepts and Cases / Harris, Charles E. Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131517291 302p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 HAV 01007988 Economic analysis, moral philosophy, and public policy / Hausman, Daniel M., Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521846293 | 052160866X (pbk.) 2nd ed. x, 342 p. : Knowledge Centre
174 HOS 05031957 The Ethics of Management / Hosmer, Larue Tone Universal Book Stall, 1999 185 p Knowledge Centre
174 JOS 00139191 Human Values and Ethics : Joshi,Madhuri. Kalyani Publishers, 2018 9789353594503 119p.; UG Library
174 KRO 00101084 Thinking Ethics Krasna Beth Profile books; 9781861979414 vii;150 p. UG Library
174 MAC 05005444 Researching with integrity : Macfarlane, Bruce, Routledge, 2009 041542903X (hardback : alk. pa xv, 190 p. : Knowledge Centre
174 MAN 04014490 Values and Ethics in Business and Profession / Manna, Samita PHI, 2012 9788120340985 188p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 MAN 05068878 Values and Ethics in Business and Profession / Manna, Samita PHI, 2012 9788120340985 188p. : Knowledge Centre
174 MAR 04026695 Ethics in Engineering / Martin, Mike W. McGraw Hill, 2014 9789339204457 340p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 MAR 04026694 Ethics in Engineering / Martin, Mike W. McGraw Hill, 2014 9789339204457 340p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 MIL 00102784 Globalizing justice : Miller, Richard W., Oxford University Press, 9780199581993 (pbk.) 341 p. ; UG Library
174 MIL 01015346 Globalizing justice : Miller, Richard W., Oxford University Press, 9780199581993 (pbk.) 341 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174 MOH 03008214 A Global Lesson : Mohn, Reinhard, Crown Publishers, 2009 9780307587688 | 0307587681 (hb 1st American ed. 188 p., [8] p. of plates : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 MOH 03009278 A Global Lesson : Mohn, Reinhard, Crown Publishers, 2009 9780307587688 | 0307587681 (hb 1st American ed. 188 p., [8] p. of plates : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 MOO 01026742 In House Lawyers' Ethics : Moorhead, Richard. HART Publishing, 2019 9781509905942 (hardback : alk. paper) xi,248p.; Knowledge Centre
174 NAA 04026696 A Textbook on Professional Ethics and Human Values / Naagarazan, R S New Age International Publishers, 2016 9788122439724 191p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 NAA 04026697 A Textbook on Professional Ethics and Human Values / Naagarazan, R S New Age International Publishers, 2016 9788122439724 191p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 NAA 00145289 A textbook on professional ethics and human values / Naagarazan, R.S. New age international publishers, 2023 9788122479270 3rd Ed xvii,266p.; UG Library
174 NAD 05040486 Ethics for Our Times : Nadkarni M.V Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199450534 xx,331p,: Knowledge Centre
174 OTT 03005582 Adam Smith's Marketplace of Life / Otteson, James R. Cambridge University Press, 2002 0521816254 | 0521016568 (pbk.) xiii, 338 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 PEC 00139318 A world waiting to be born/ Peck, M. Scott Bantam Books 1994 9780553373172 366p. UG Library
174 PEC 05022031 Investment ethics / Peck, Sarah W., John Wiley & Sons, 2011 9780470434536 (pbk. : acidfree xxiii, 282 p. : Knowledge Centre
174 PER 05002003 Real-World Media Aethics:Inside the Broadcast and Entertainment Industries Perebinossoff, Philippe Elsevier 9780240809212 327p Knowledge Centre
174 PIN 05003854 Human Resource Management : Pinnington, Ashly. Oxford Universtiy Press , 2007 9780199562008 347 p.: Knowledge Centre
174 PIN 03008903 Human Resource Management : Pinnington, Ashly. Oxford Universtiy Press , 2007 9780199562008 347 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 RAU 05010123 Ethics : Raut, Kalicharan. Indian Institute of Advanced Study, 2010 9788179860762 xx, 147 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174 ROS 05041002 The moral foundation of economic behavior / Rose, David C. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199360598 xiii, 269 p. : Knowledge Centre
174 RUN 00108191 Ethics : Runzo, Joseph. One World, 2008 9781851682478 | 1851682473 381 p.: UG Library
174 SAN 05048086 What money can't buy : Sandel,Michael J. Penguin, 2012 LPNHY160901599 | 9780241954485 viii,244p.; Knowledge Centre
174 SAR 00097638 Values & Ethics Of Profession & Business Sarangi S K Asian Books Pvt.Ltd.; 9788184120523 243p UG Library
174 SED 05007873 Economics of Good and Evil : Sedlacek, Tomas. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199767205 (alk. paper) xii, 352 p. : Knowledge Centre
174 SED 03005678 Economics of Good and Evil : Sedlacek, Tomas. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199767205 (alk. paper) xii, 352 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 SED 00107332 Economics of Good and Evil : Sedlacek, Tomas. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199767205 (alk. paper) xii, 352 p. : UG Library
174 SEN 03004167 On Ethics and Economics / Sen, Amartya. B. Blackwell, 1987 0631154949 : | 9780195627619 | xiii, 131 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 SEN 01013815 On Ethics and Economics / Sen, Amartya. B. Blackwell, 1987 0631154949 : | 9780195627619 | xiii, 131 p. : Knowledge Centre
174 SHA 05031959 Morality of Markets / Shah, J Parth Academic Foundation, 2004 8171883664 358 p Knowledge Centre
174 SHA 05031960 Morality of Markets / Shah, J Parth Academic Foundation, 2004 8171883664 358 p Knowledge Centre
174 SHA 05031966 Social & Personal Ethics / Shaw, Willliam H Wadsworth, 2002 0534561705 514 p Knowledge Centre
174 SHA 05074746 Artificial Intelligence and Social Ethics : Shah, Neepa. Rawat Publications, 2024 9788131613450 220p.; Knowledge Centre
174 SUB 04025165 Professional Ethics / Subramanian, R. OUP, 2013 9780198086345 504p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 SUB 04019823 Professional Ethics / Subramanian, R. OUP, 2013 9780198086345 504p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 SUB 09001123 Professional ethics / Subramanian, R. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199475070 2nd ed. xiv,457 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 SUB 07009668 Professional Ethics / Subramanian, R. OUP, 2013 9780198086345 504p. : Library - BR Campus
174 SUB 03009610 Professional Ethics / Subramanian, R. OUP, 2013 9780198086345 504p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 SUG 05064072 Methods in medical ethics / Sugarman,Jeremy. Georgetown University Press, 2010 9781589017016 (pbk. : alk. paper) 2nd ed. xiii, 353 p. : Knowledge Centre
174 T2S 00059989 Ethics in Business - CD Train to Success Zenith Global Consultants Limited UG Library
174 T2S 22000621 Ethics in Business - CD Train to Success Zenith Global Consultants Limited Knowledge Centre
174 THO 05037170 Restoring responsibility : Thompson, Dennis F. Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521838304 | 0521547229 (pb.) viii, 349 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174 VEL 03006306 Business Ethics : Velasquez, Manuel G. PHI, 2011 9788120329706 6th. ed. x,437 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 VEL 04014729 Business Ethics : Velasquez, Manuel G. PHI, 2011 9788120329706 6th. ed. x,437 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 VEL 00119666 Business Ethics : Velasquez, Manuel G. PHI, 2011 9788120329706 6th. ed. x,437 p.: UG Library
174 VEL 41000370 Business Ethics : Velasquez, Manuel G. PHI, 2011 9788120329706 6th. ed. x,437 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 VER 05008067 Ethical dimensions of the economy Ver Eecke, Wilfried. Springer, 2008 9783540771104 (hardcover : alk 1st ed. xiii,301 p. Knowledge Centre
174.2 CRI 05001999 Health and the good society : Cribb, Alan. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780199242733 xiv, 236 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.2 HAR 04002782 Perspectives in Business Ethics Hartman, Laura Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070620049 483 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.2 SAN 03002493 Ethics and Values in Business Management / Sanjeev, Rinku. Ane Books, 2009 9788180522147 | 8180522148 256 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.2 SAN 04002631 Ethics and Values in Business Management Sanjeev, Rinku Ane Books 2008 9788180522147 257 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.2 AGA 05044485 Truly human enhancement : Agar, Nicholas. The MIT Press, 2014 9780262026635 (hardcover : alk 214 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.2 ARR 07014900 The Routledge Companion to Bioethics / Routledge, 2018 9781138476578 xxiv,607p.: Library - BR Campus
174.2 BAK 05002116 The Cambridge world history of medical ethics / Baker, Robert B Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521888790 (hardback) | 052 xxviii, 876 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.2 BAY 00139753 Bioethics in action / Baylis,Francoise Cambridge University Press 2018 9781107120891 (hardback) | 9781107543935 (pbk. ) vii, 177 pages ; UG Library
174.2 BEA 00132519 Contemporary issues in bioethics Beauchamp, Tom L Wadsworth cengage learning, 2014 9781133935292 xiv,777p.; UG Library
174.2 BER 05045754 Essentials of public health ethics / Bernheim, Ruth Gaare, Jones & Bartlett, 2015 9780763780463 xi, 259 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.2 BER 05045926 Essentials of public health ethics / Bernheim, Ruth Gaare, Jones & Bartlett, 2015 9780763780463 xi, 259 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.2 BLA 05042655 Humanity enhanced : Blackford, Russell, The MIT Press, 2014 9780262026611 (hardcover : alk 231 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.2 BLE 10004034 Medical Humanities: Bleakley, Alan [Author] Routledge 2024 9781032467849 1 ed. xviii, 192p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.2 BUC 05060718 Better than human : Buchanan, Allen E., Oxford University Press, 2011 9780190664046 xii,199p.; Knowledge Centre
174.2 CAM 07010206 Bioethics : Campbell, Alastair V. Routledge, 2013 9780415504096 (hardback) | 041 x, 188 pages ; Library - BR Campus
174.2 CAM 00142753 Mormonism, medicine, and bioethics / Campbell, Courtney S., Oxford University Press 2021 9780197538524 x, 288 pages ; UG Library
174.2 CAP 01025732 International biolaw and shared ethical principles : Routledge, 2018 9781472483980 (hardback) | 978 xiii, 164 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.2 COL 07008903 Medical humanities : Cole, Thomas R., Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107015623 (Hardback) | 978 xii, 450 pages : Library - BR Campus
174.2 COR 05031970 Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions / Corey, Gerald Brooks/Cole, 2003 0053435615 506 p Knowledge Centre
174.2 DEM 05062093 Bioethics : DeMarco, Joseph P., Broadview press, 2017 9781554813575 | 1554813573 392 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.2 EVA 05017350 The history and future of bioethics : Evans, John Hyde, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199860852 (alk. paper) | 0 li, 199 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.2 EVA 00112192 The history and future of bioethics : Evans, John Hyde, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199860852 (alk. paper) | 0 li, 199 p. ; UG Library
174.2 FOR 05002118 Ethical Reasoning for Mental Health Professinals / Ford, Gary G Sage, 2006 0761930930 392 p Knowledge Centre
174.2 FUL 05031975 Healthcare Ethics and Human Values : Fulford, K W M Blackwell, 2004 0631202242 496 p Knowledge Centre
174.2 HAM 05054735 Health care management and the law / Hammaker, Donna K., Jones & Bartlett, 2018 9781284777349 Second edition. xxxiii,830p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.2 HAM 05056770 Health care management and the law / Hammaker, Donna K., Jones & Bartlett, 2018 9781284117349 Second edition. xxxiii, 830 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.2 HAR 04009726 Perspectives in Business Ethics Hartman, Laura Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070620049 483 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.2 HAR 05057579 Ethical health informatics : Jones & Bartlett, 2017 9781284053708 (paper.) | 12840 Third edition. xxxviii, 763 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.2 HOL 00129640 Bioethics : Holland, Stephen 9780745690599 (hardcover : alk Second edition. pages cm UG Library
174.2 HOL 07014783 Bioethics : Holland, Stephen 9780745690599 (hardcover : alk Second edition. pages cm Library - BR Campus
174.2 HOL 05021009 Arguing about bioethics / Routledge, 2011 9780415476324 (hardback : alk. xvi, 602 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.2 JEC 00098951 Bioethics : Jecker, Nancy S Jones & Bartlett , 9789380108094 vii, 545 p. UG Library
174.2 JEC 00101081 Bioethics; Jecker Nancy,S Jones and bartlet; 9789380108094 545 p. UG Library
174.2 JEN 05062754 Professional practice in counselling and psychotherapy : Jenkins, Peter. Sage, 2017 9781446296639 x,228p.; Knowledge Centre
174.2 JUL 00117403 Ethics of Artificial Reproductive Technologies Julian,Baiju Asian Trading Corporation 2012 8170866383 92p UG Library
174.2 LEW 05042060 The biological foundations of bioethics / Lewens, Tim. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198712657 1st edition. 222p.: Knowledge Centre
174.2 MAC 00129153 Ethics in Global Health : Macklin, Ruth, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199890453 xxiv, 408 p. ; UG Library
174.2 MAN 05007316 Health and human rights : Mann, Jonathan M Routledge, 1999 9780415921022 (pbk.) 505 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.2 MCC 00134616 Handbook on critical life issues / McCarthy,Donald G Theological Publications in India 2013 9780935372588 (alk. paper) Rev. 3rd ed. vii, 213 p. ; UG Library
174.2 MCC 00134617 Handbook on critical life issues / McCarthy,Donald G Theological Publications in India 2013 9780935372588 (alk. paper) Rev. 3rd ed. vii, 213 p. ; UG Library
174.2 MOR 05061245 Second generation biometrics : Mordini, Emilio., ed. Springer, 2012 9789400738911 (hbk. : alk. paper) | 9400738919 (hbk. : alk. paper) | 9789400738928 (eISBN) x, 353 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.2 MOS 00133140 Ethics and health care : Moskop, John C., Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107015470 (hardback) | 9781107601758 (paperback) xi, 376 p. ; UG Library
174.2 MUN 00132685 Intervention and reflection : Munson, Ronald, Wadsworth cengage learning, 2012 9780495095026 | 0495095028 | 9781285071527 xx,523p.; UG Library
174.2 MUR 01011671 Critical interventions in the ethics of healthcare : Ashgate, 2009 9780754673965 (hardback : alk. xiii, 241 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.2 MUR 01024508 Critical interventions in the ethics of healthcare : Ashgate, 2009 9780754673965 (hardback : alk. xiii, 241 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.2 PAT 05031974 Emerging values in health care Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2010 9781843109471 253 p. Knowledge Centre
174.2 PEC 05042566 Public health ethics and practice Peckham Stephen Policy, 2010 9781847421036 (hbk.) | 1847421 xii,224 p. Knowledge Centre
174.2 POD 00139695 Biomedical ethics: 10 Vol.set / Podimattam, Felix. Media House; 2014 9789374955475 (HB) 399 p. ; UG Library
174.2 POD 00139696 Biomedical ethics: 10 Vol.set / Podimattam, Felix. Media House; 2014 9789374955475 (HB) 399 p. ; UG Library
174.2 POD 00139697 Biomedical ethics: 10 Vol.set / Podimattam, Felix. Media House; 2014 9789374955475 (HB) 399 p. ; UG Library
174.2 POD 00139698 Biomedical ethics: 10 Vol.set / Podimattam, Felix. Media House; 2014 9789374955475 (HB) 399 p. ; UG Library
174.2 POD 00139699 Biomedical ethics: 10 Vol.set / Podimattam, Felix. Media House; 2014 9789374955475 (HB) 399 p. ; UG Library
174.2 POD 00139700 Biomedical ethics: 10 Vol.set / Podimattam, Felix. Media House; 2014 9789374955475 (HB) 399 p. ; UG Library
174.2 POD 00139701 Biomedical ethics: 10 Vol.set / Podimattam, Felix. Media House; 2014 9789374955475 (HB) 399 p. ; UG Library
174.2 POD 00139702 Biomedical ethics: 10 Vol.set / Podimattam, Felix. Media House; 2014 9789374955475 (HB) 399 p. ; UG Library
174.2 POD 00139703 Biomedical ethics: 10 Vol.set / Podimattam, Felix. Media House; 2014 9789374955475 (HB) 399 p. ; UG Library
174.2 POD 00139704 Biomedical ethics: 10 Vol.set / Podimattam, Felix. Media House; 2014 9789374955475 (HB) 399 p. ; UG Library
174.2 PRA 00133376 Biomedical Ethics. Prasad,Shiva Natha Concept Publishing Company 2018 8180699803 269 UG Library
174.2 PRA 00133377 Biomedical Ethics. Prasad,Shiva Natha Concept Publishing Company 2018 8180699803 269 UG Library
174.2 SAL 01025917 Ethics and professionalism in healthcare : Salloch,Sabine Taylor and fransis group , 2046 9781472479518 (hardback : alk. xv,182pages. Knowledge Centre
174.2 SAL 01024471 Ethics and professionalism in healthcare : Salloch,Sabine Taylor and fransis group , 2046 9781472479518 (hardback : alk. xv,182pages. Knowledge Centre
174.2 SAN 03012180 Ethics and Values in Business Management / Sanjeev, Rinku. Ane Books, 2009 9788180522147 | 8180522148 256 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.2 SAN 01024293 Ethics and Values in Business Management / Sanjeev, Rinku. Ane Books, 2009 9788180522147 | 8180522148 256 p.: Knowledge Centre
174.2 SAT 00086630 Bioethics and Biosafety Satessh, M K I K International 9788190675703 796 p UG Library
174.2 SCH 01025910 Clinical ethics consultation: Schildmann, Jan Routledge, 2010 9781138254466 xiv,221p.; Knowledge Centre
174.2 SVA 05040155 The ethics primer for public administrators in government and nonprofit organizations / Svara, James H. 9781449619015 (pbk.) | 1449619 Second edition. xiii, 259 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.2 SZA 07009321 Faith in Freedom: Szasz,Thomas Transaction Publishers, 2015 9781412855778 XXVII,241 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
174.2 TEA 01022559 Global bioethics and human rights : Rowman & Littlefield, 2014 9781442232143 xi,443p.; Knowledge Centre
174.2 TJE 05031971 Ethics and Values in Psychotherapy / Tjeltveit, C Alan Routledge, 1999 0415156645 338 p Knowledge Centre
174.2 WAR 05067794 The Healing Virtues : Waring, Duff R. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199689149 vi, 232p.; Knowledge Centre
174.2 WAR 09000401 The Healing Virtues : Waring, Duff R. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199689149 vi, 232p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.201 ELL 00110946 Slow cures and bad philosophers : Duke University Press, 2001 0822326574 (cloth : alk. paper x, 197 p. ; UG Library
174.201 KIN 05045533 Bioethics,Public Moral Argument,and Social Responsibility / Routledge, 2012 9781138788664 xv,179p.: Knowledge Centre
174.2076 CAM 00129641 Bioethics : Campbell, Alastair V. Routledge 2017 9780415790307 (hardback : alk. Second edition. xii, 202 pages ; UG Library
174.2094 MCL 01022498 The voices and rooms of European bioethics / Riutledge, 2015 9780415737197 (hardback) | 978 xxii,209p.; Knowledge Centre
174.20973 BAI 05048302 Ethics for behavior analysts / Bailey, Jon S., Routledge, 2016 9781317363439 | 1317363434 | 9 3rd edition. 1 online resource (xxi, 381 pages) : Knowledge Centre
174.20973 BAI 00135693 Analyzing Ethics Questions from Behavior Analysts : Bailey,Jon S. Routledge, 2019 9780815360698 xv,178p.; UG Library
174.24 COH 00092881 Toward a good Christian death : Morehouse Pub., 0819218006 (pbk.) xi, 147 p. ; UG Library
174.24 COM 00117554 Toward a good Christian death : Morehouse Pub., 1999 0819218006 (pbk.) xi, 147 p. ; UG Library
174.25 FUK 05002046 Our Posthuman Future:Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution Fukuyama, Francis Farrar Straus & Giroux ISB0374236437 256p Knowledge Centre
174.26 BRO 05031973 Ethics Out of Economics : Broome, John Cambridge University Press, 1999 0521644917 266 p Knowledge Centre
174.26 BRO 05031989 Economics, Ethics, and Environmental Policy : Bromley, Daniel W Blackwell Publishing, 2002 0631229698 286 p Knowledge Centre
174.26 SEN 05031995 On Ethics and Economics Sen, Amartya 2003 0019562761 131p Knowledge Centre
174.26 SEN 00069888 On Ethics and Economics Sen, Amartya 2005 0019562761 131p UG Library
174.26 SEN 05034490 On Ethics and Economics : Sen, Amartya Oxford University Press, 2006 0019562761 131 p Knowledge Centre
174.26 SIN 00061271 One World Singer,Peter Orient Longman Publications 2003 8125026584 236 p. UG Library
174.26 SMI 01016967 Distributive justice and the new medicine / Smith, George Patrick, Edward Elgar, 2008 9781847207579 (hbk.) | 1847207 xii, 187 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.26 UMA 05031958 Economics and Ethics / Umadevi, S Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 8176294322 176 p Knowledge Centre
174.28 DRE 00125778 Galileo's middle finger : Dreger, Alice Domurat, Penguin Books 2015 9781594206085 (hardcover) 337 pages ; UG Library
174.28 GOT 05042471 The global politics of human embryonic stem cell science : Gottweis, Herbert, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 9780230002630 (hardback) | 023 ix, 225 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.28 HYU 05038341 Bioethics and the future of stem cell research / Hyun, Insoo, Cambridge University Press, 2013 9780521768696 (hardback) | 978 xii, 225 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.28 KUR 00084370 Science and Ethics: Can Science Help Us Make Wise Moral Judgements? Kurtz, Paul Prometheus Books 2007 9781591025375 359p UG Library
174.28 SMI 00110215 A Christian Response to the New Genetics Smith, David H., Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2003 0742514986 (cloth : alk. paper xiv, 190 p. ; UG Library
174.28MAN 01004750 Rethinking Informed Consent in Bioethics(law Library) Neil C Manson Cambridge University 212p Knowledge Centre
174.28PLO 01007521 Law and Ethics of Medical Research: International Biothics and Human Rights ( Law Lib.) Aurora Plomer Cavendish 0185941687 158p. Knowledge Centre
174.29004 FLO 05046015 The Ethics of Information / Floridi Luciano Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198748052 xix,357p.: Knowledge Centre
174.2928233 GAZ 04015709 The Ethical Brain : Gazzaniga, Michael S. HarperPerennial, 2006 9780060884734 (pbk. : alk. pap xix, 202, 16 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.2928233 GAZ 03008371 The Ethical Brain : Gazzaniga, Michael S. HarperPerennial, 2006 9780060884734 (pbk. : alk. pap xix, 202, 16 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.295538 WUJ 05034008 Well-mannered medicine Wujastyk, Dagmar. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199856268 (hardcover : alk 238 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.296042 BER 00132915 Ethical dilemmas in genetics and genetic counseling : Berliner, Janice L., Cambridge university press, 2015 9780199944897 (pbk : alk. paper) ix, 226 pages ; UG Library
174.296042 CHA 01020981 The right to know and the right not to know : Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107076075 (hardback) | 110 Second edition. xiii, 216 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.296042 MIS 07000835 Ethics Governance & Sustainability / Mishra, Bhuwneshwar Taxmann Publishing, 2015 398 p. Library - BR Campus
174.296042HAY 01009478 Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Database:European Perpectives (law Lib) Matti Hayry Cambridge University Press 9780521856621 283p Knowledge Centre
174.296042OVE 01010929 Gene Patents and Collaborative Licensing Models (law Lib) Geertrui Van Overwalle Cambridge University Press 9780521896733 477p Knowledge Centre
174.2968 GIO 00126873 Scientific and philosophical perspectives in neuroethics Giordano, James J Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521878555 (hardback : alk. xxix, 388 p.: UG Library
174.2968 SZA 05067238 Ethics and law for neurosciences clinicians : Szalados, James E., Rutgers University Press, 2019 9780813593883 xi, 177 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.29689 BHU 05006680 Psychiatry's contract with society : Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199566778 (pbk. : alk. pap 1st ed. xi, 254 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.29689 BOG 05034489 Values and Ethics in Mental Health Practice : Bogg, Daisy Learning Matters Ltd., 2010 9781844453757 ix, 166 p. Knowledge Centre
174.29689 KNA 05054472 Ethical dilemmas in psychotherapy : Knapp, Samuel, American Psychological Association, 2015 9781433820120 (pbk.) | 1433820 First edition. x, 202 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.29689 WID 05044695 Empirical ethics in psychiatry / Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199297368 (pbk. : alk. pap viii, 255 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.2968914 BHO 10002029 Ethical Issues in counselling and psychotherapy practice : Bhola, Poornima., ed. Springer Nature, 9789811018060 xviii, 245p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.29698023 GRO 01025924 Military medical ethics for the 21st century / Gross, Michael L., Routledge, 2013 9781409438984 (hbk. : alk. pap xiii, 304 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.297954 WIL 01023172 Ethics and the acquisition of organs Wilkinson, T. M., Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199607860 (hbk. : alk. pap x,209p.; Knowledge Centre
174.3 BAN 00091830 The Quest for postmodern ethics Bannon Brad Dharmaram Publcations 2007 8189958077 269p Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.3 BAN 00106082 The Quest for postmodern ethics Bannon Brad Dharmaram Publcations 2007 8189958077 269p Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.3 BAN 01013790 The Quest for postmodern ethics Bannon Brad Dharmaram Publcations 2007 8189958077 269p Knowledge Centre
174.3 BAN 00094653 The Quest for postmodern ethics Bannon Brad Dharmaram Publcations 2007 8189958077 269p UG Library
174.3 BOO 01022234 Lawyers' ethics and professional responsibility / Boon, Andrew, Hart Publishing, 2015 9781849467841 | 1849467846 xxxvi, 424 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.3 CAP 01025026 Ethical rationalism and the law / Hart, 2017 9781849467865 (hardback : alk. viii, 268 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.3 COL 01027340 The judge : Collins, Ronald K. L., Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190490140 (hardback) xxiii, 265 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.3 COL 07013817 The judge : Collins, Ronald K. L., Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190490140 (hardback) xxiii, 265 pages ; Library - BR Campus
174.3 HEF 01021820 Dimensions of justice : Heffernan, William C., Jones & Bartlett, 2015 9781449634056 (pbk.) | 1449634 xx, 326 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.3 HER 01026104 Legal ethics / Herring, Jonathan. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780198788928 (pbk) Second edition. xxiv, 477p.; Knowledge Centre
174.3 HER 01020600 Legal ethics / Herring, Jonathan, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198703457 | 0198703457 xxiii, 446 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.3 KLE 05031972 Ethics and Criminal Justice : Kleingig, John Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521682831 283 p Knowledge Centre
174.3 POP 01020881 International rule of law and professional ethics / Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2014 9781472428035 (hbk.) | 1472428 viii, 224 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.3 SAR 05040913 Professional ethics at the international bar / Sarvarian, Arman, Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199679461 | 0199679460 First edition. xxvi, 306 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.3 SCH 01019010 Ethical problems in the practice of law / Lerman, Lisa G. Aspen Publishers, 2005 0735529140 (hardcover) xlv, 738 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.3 SHA 01024625 A theory of mediators' ethics : foundations, rationale, and application Shapira, Omer Cambridge university press, 2016 9781107143043 xxxi,466p.; Knowledge Centre
174.3 TIM 07006805 Oxford studies in normative ethics Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199693269 (v. 1 : hbk.) | 338p.: Library - BR Campus
174.3 TIM 07006839 Oxford studies in normative ethics Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199693269 (v. 1 : hbk.) | 338p.: Library - BR Campus
174.3 WEN 00124624 Ethics and law : Wendel, W. Bradley, Cambridge University Press 2014 9781107617247 (pbk.) | 1107617 x, 251 pages ; UG Library
174.30941 MCP 01027124 Professional ethics / Oxford University Press, 2018 0198823177 | 9780198823179 18th edition. xi, 253 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027516 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027517 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027518 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027519 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027520 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027521 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027522 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027523 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027524 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027525 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027526 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027527 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027528 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027529 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027530 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027531 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027532 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027513 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027514 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027515 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30973 ORL 00132146 Ethics for the legal professional / Orlik, Deborah K. Pearson, 2014 9780133109290 (pbk.) | 0133109291 (pbk.) 8th ed. xxii, 329 p. : UG Library
174.30973 VIS 00112920 Martin Luther King Jr. and the morality of legal practice : Vischer, Robert K. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107031227 (hardback) x, 316 p. ; UG Library
174.30973SCH 01009729 Paralegal Ethics (law Lib) Angela Schneeman West Legal Studies 9780766809499 282p Knowledge Centre
174.309747 ABE 01014004 Lawyers in the dock : Abel, Richard L. Oxford University Press, 9780195374230 (hardback : alk. x, 573 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.30994 EVA 01015617 Assessing Lawyers' Ethics : Evans, Adrian Helli. Cambridge University Press, 9780521764223 (pbk.) xii, 267 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.30994 EVA 01017240 Assessing Lawyers' Ethics : Evans, Adrian Helli. Cambridge University Press, 9780521764223 (pbk.) xii, 267 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.30994 EVA 01016887 Assessing Lawyers' Ethics : Evans, Adrian Helli. Cambridge University Press, 9780521764223 (pbk.) xii, 267 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.3ECO 01000256 Ethical Challenges to Legal Education & Conduct (law Lib) Kim Economides Hart 1901901362116 366p Knowledge Centre
174.3LUB 01009375 Legal Ethics and Human Dignity (law Lib) David Luban Cambridge University Press 9780521862851 337p Knowledge Centre
174.3LUB 01009719 Legal Ethics and Human Dignity (law Lib) David Luban Cambridge University Press 9780521862851 337p Knowledge Centre
174.3MON 01010573 Essential Professional Conduct: Legal Ethics (law Lib) Geoff Monahan Routledge-Cavendish 9781876905279 137p Knowledge Centre
174.3SIR 01004790 Profssional Ethics, Accountancy for Lawyers and Bench Bar Relation (law Library) J P S Sirohi Allahabad Law Agency 462p Knowledge Centre
174.4 05038584 Business Ethics: DeGeorge,Richard,T. Pearson, 2011 9788131763353 xi,524p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 ALB 03003543 Business Ethics : Albuquerque, Daniel. Oxford Universtiy Press, 2010 9780195699647 | 0195699645 325 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 ANU 03001207 Ethics in Management : Anubhavananda, Swami. Ane Books, 2008 8180522903 | 9788180522901 350 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 BAD 05029823 Business Ethics / Badi, R V Vrinda, 2005 8182810302 xxii,499p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 BAJ 04002240 Business Ethics: An Indian Perspective Bajaj, P S Dreamtech Press 2008 9788177221671 316 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 BOA 10002936 Ethics and the conduct of business / Boatright, John R Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd. , 2018 9789352862306 8th ed. xvii, 555p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 BOA 10002937 Ethics and the conduct of business / Boatright, John R Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd. , 2018 9789352862306 8th ed. xvii, 555p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 BOA 10002938 Ethics and the conduct of business / Boatright, John R Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd. , 2018 9789352862306 8th ed. xvii, 555p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 BOA 10002939 Ethics and the conduct of business / Boatright, John R Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd. , 2018 9789352862306 8th ed. xvii, 555p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 CRA 03002229 Business Ethics : Crane, Andrew. Oxford Universtiy Press, 2007 9780195691658 | 0195691652 566 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 10000351 Business Ethics : Ferrell, O.C. Rajiv Book Binding House, 2022 9789355730978 12th ed. xvii, 585p,; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 FER 04002239 Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases Ferell, O C Dreamtech Press 2008 9788177225136 461 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 GUP 03002533 Ethics Incorporated : Gupta, Dipankar. Sage Publications, 2006 9780761934714 | 0761934715 203 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 HAR 00104635 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman,Laura P. Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing com Ltd, 2005 9780070620049 3rd ed. xii,483p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 HAR 05003134 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman,Laura P. Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing com Ltd, 2005 9780070620049 3rd ed. xii,483p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 HOR 03002639 Ethics in Marketing / Horowitz, Shel. Jaico Books, 2009 9788179927663 160 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 HOY 03001755 Ethical Executive : Hoyk, Robert. Kogan Page, 2008 9780749457204 136 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 JEN 03001556 Cases in Business Ethics / Jennings, Marianne M. Thomson South-Western, 2008 9788131505106 | 8131505103 474 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 JEN 03001555 Cases in Business Ethics / Jennings, Marianne M. Thomson South-Western, 2008 9788131505106 | 8131505103 474 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 JOH 03000810 Ethics in the Workplace : Johnson, Craig E. Sage Publications , 2008 9781412905398 | 1412905397 335 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 KIT 03001285 Ethical Organisation Kitson, Alan Palgrave Macmillan 9780230542242 252 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MON 03001334 Corpocracy Monks, Robert A G Johb Wiley & Sons 9780470145098 252p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MOR 10004747 Business Ethics : Morrison, Janet. Bloomsbury , 2015 9789356403215 xx,404p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 MOR 05074725 Business Ethics : Morrison, Janet. Bloomsbury , 2015 9789356403215 xx,404p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 PAI 03000454 Business Ethics as Practice : Painter-Morland, Mollie. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521877459 302 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 SAD 05054150 The Theory and Practice of Managerial Ethics / Sadri,Sorab. Jaico Publishing House, 2001 8172248172 | 9788172248178 xxix,488p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 SAD 03002678 Theory and Practice of Managerial Ethics / Sadri, Jayashree. Jaico Publishing House, 2008 8172248172 | 9788172248178 488 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 SEK 03002532 Ethical Choices in Business / Sekhar, R. C. Response Books, 2002 0761997180 (pbk. : alk. paper) 2nd ed. 308 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 SET 03001054 Economic Imperatives and Ethical Values in Global Business : Sethi, S. Prakash Kluwer Academic Publlishers , 2000 792378938 | 9780792378938 423 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 SHA 05029803 Business Ethics / Shaw, William H. Thomson, 2005 9789812403582 | 9812403582 4th Edition xii,432p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 SHE 03000177 Integrity at Work Shelton, Ken East West Books 217 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 SIM 03001179 Integrity Dividend : Simons, Tony. John Wiley & Sons, 2008 9780470185667 244 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 SIM 03000158 Integrity Dividend : Simons, Tony. John Wiley & Sons, 2008 9780470185667 244 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 03003505 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W. Thomson South-Western, 2009 9788131509814 | 8131509818 380 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 05017793 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning , 2009 9788131509814 380p. Knowledge Centre
174.4 ABL 05060818 The handbook of business and corruption : Abbländer, Michael S.; Hudson, Sarah, Emerald, 2017 9781786354464 xviii,551p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 AGU 05031988 Managing Corporate Ethics / Aguilar, J Francis Oxford University Press, 1994 0195085345 176 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 ALB 03008879 Business Ethics : Albuquerque, Daniel. Oxford Universtiy Press, 2010 9780195699647 | 0195699645 325 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 ALB 05032018 Business ethics : Albuquerque, Daniel. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195699647 | 0195699645 xvii, 597 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 ALB 05001798 Business ethics : Albuquerque, Daniel. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195699647 | 0195699645 xvii, 597 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 ALB 05003968 Business ethics : Albuquerque, Daniel. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195699647 | 0195699645 xvii, 597 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 ALB 07007653 Business ethics : Albuquerque, Daniel. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195699647 | 0195699645 xvii, 597 p. : Library - BR Campus
174.4 ALB 07015127 Business ethics : Albuquerque, Daniel. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195699647 | 0195699645 xvii, 597 p. : Library - BR Campus
174.4 AND 00095841 The MBA oath : Anderson, Max. Portfolio, 9781591843351 256 p. UG Library
174.4 ARD 00069878 Ethics and Accountability in Government and Business Arora, Ramesh K Rawat 2005 0818735920 232p UG Library
174.4 ARV 05048350 The ethical economy : Arvidsson, Adam. Columbia University Press, 2013 9780231152648 (cloth : alk. pa xx, 186 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 BAD 04022157 Defining Moments : Badaracco, Joseph. Harvard Business School Press, 1997 0875848036 (alk. paper) | 9780 xi, 147 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 BAD 00069875 Business Ethics / Badi, R V Vrinda, 2005 8182810302 xxii,499p.; UG Library
174.4 BAD 03009291 Defining Moments : Badaracco, Joseph. Harvard Business School Press, 1997 0875848036 (alk. paper) | 9780 xi, 147 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 BAD 05000364 Defining moments : Badaracco, Joseph. Harvard Business School Press, 1997 0875848036 (alk. paper) xi, 147 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 BAG 07005505 The Professional : Bagchi, Subroto Portfolio, 2009 9780670085958 239 p. Library - BR Campus
174.4 BAG 05009275 The Professional : Bagchi, Subroto Portfolio, 2009 9780670085958 239 p. Knowledge Centre
174.4 BAJ 05000633 Business Ethics : Bajaj, P.S Biztantra, 2004 9788177221671 316 P.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 BAJ 05001305 Business Ethics : Bajaj, P.S Biztantra, 2004 9788177221671 316 P.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 BAN 00143515 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance / Bansal, Sandeep K. Kalayani Publication, 2021 9789327285208 482p, ; UG Library
174.4 BAN 10003715 Business Ethics Bansal, Sanjeev K Kalyani Paublishers 9789327249132 13.9+23p Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 BAN 00074794 Foundations of Ethics in Management Banerjee P, Bani. Excel Books, 2005 8174464360 | 9798174464360 xvii,176p.; UG Library
174.4 BAR 00074798 Comparative Ethics in Management Barat, Nikhil Excel Books 2005 8174464433 | 9798174464438 138 p. UG Library
174.4 BEA 05002125 Ethical Theory and Business / Beauchamp, L Tom Prentice Hall, 2003 0133985202 656 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 BEC 05032049 Values & Ethics in Social Work : Beckett, Chris Sage Publications, 2006 1412901405 200 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 BHA 05032053 Business Ethics and Managerial Values / Bhatia, S K Deep& Deep Publications Pvt Ltd., 2003 8176293946 208 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 BHO 03008509 CORPORITUAL : Bhowmik, Raj. MACMILLAN ; 2008 9780230635470 144 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 BHO 05046790 The Subaltern Speaks : Bhowal,Sanatan. Orient BlacSwan, 2016 9788125062790 xxiv,184p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 BIJ 10000071 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance / Bijalwan, Jyotsna Ghildiyal. McGraw Hill, 2020 9789353168414 xix, 363p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 BLA 05071736 The Power of Ethical Management / Blanchard, Kenneth. William Morrow, 1988 9780091826659 139p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 BOA 05059197 Ethics and the conduct of business / Boatright, John Raymond, Pearson, 2003 9788178089867 4th ed. xi, 452 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 BOA 00088564 Ethics and the Conduct of Business. Boatright, John R Dorling Kindersley 2008 461p UG Library
174.4 BOA 10002810 Ethics and the conduct of business / Boatright, John R Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd. , 2018 9789352862306 8th ed. xvii, 555p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 BOA 05060257 Ethics and the conduct of business / Boatright,John.R. Pearson, 2018 9789352862306 Eighth Edition. xvi,555p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 BOA 05032050 Ethics and the Conudct of Business / Boatright, R John Prentice Hall, 2003 0013083145 3rd. 416 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 BOA 00066954 Ethics and the Conduct of Business Boatright, John R. Prentice Hall 1997 0135517982 | 9780135517987 401 p. UG Library
174.4 BOA 07013576 Ethics in finance / Boatright, John Raymond, John Wiley & Sons,Inc, 2014 9781118615829 Third edition. xi, 282 pages ; Library - BR Campus
174.4 BRA 05059215 Ethical managing : Brady, F. Neil. Macmillan, | Collier Macmillan, 1990 0023133414 xiii, 218 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 BRA 05032541 Screw Business As Usual : Branson, Richard. Virgin Books , 2013 9780753540596 386 p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 BRA 03009077 Screw Business As Usual : Branson, Richard. Virgin Books , 2013 9780753540596 386 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 BRE 01012338 The Oxford handbook of business ethics / Oxford University Press, 9780195307955 (hardcover : alk xii, 733 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 BRE 05000198 The Oxford handbook of business ethics / Oxford University Press, 9780195307955 (hardcover : alk xii, 733 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 BRE 07011143 Applied Business A. Bredeson Dean South - Western, 2012 9780538453974 xxiv, 358 p.: Library - BR Campus
174.4 BRE 00126913 Applied Business A. Bredeson Dean South - Western, 2012 9780538453974 xxiv, 358 p.: UG Library
174.4 BRO 07011150 Business Professional Ethics For Directors, Executives & Accountants Brooks J. Leonard South Western, 2012 9780538478403 6th ed. xxvii, 716 p.: Library - BR Campus
174.4 BUC 05062495 Restructuring capitalism : Buchholz, Rogene A., Routledge, 2017 9781138636682 (hbk) 1 Edition. xx, 551 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 CAM 03008527 The Ethical Organisation / Campbell, Robert. MacMillan India Ltd , 2009 9780230327825 267 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 CHA 03004493 Ethics In Management : Chakraborty, S. K. Oxford University Press, 1995 9780195640922 | 0195640926 294 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 CHA 00073414 The Management And Ethics Omnibus Chakraborty S. K. Oxford University Press 2003 0019565565 | 9780195656237 273 p. UG Library
174.4 CHA 00094036 Values and Ethics for Organizations : Chakraborty, S. K. Oxford University Press, 1998 9780195647648 | 0195647645 272 p.: UG Library
174.4 CHA 03004130 Values and Ethics for Organizations : Chakraborty, S. K. Oxford University Press, 1998 9780195647648 | 0195647645 272 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 CHA 03004067 Ethics In Management : Chakraborty, S. K. Oxford University Press, 1995 9780195640922 | 0195640926 294 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 CHA 00094145 Management By Values Chakraborty Oxfor University Press 9780195632187 322p UG Library
174.4 CHA 05032037 Ethics In Management : Chakraborty, S. K. Oxford University Press, 1995 9780195640922 | 0195640926 294 p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 CHA 00080215 Values and Ethics for Organizations: Theory and Practice. Chakraborty, S K 2004 0195647645 272p UG Library
174.4 COV 05047519 The Speed of Trust : Covey, Stephen M.R. Simon and Schuster UK Ltd. 2006 9781847392718 354 p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 COV 04015651 Smart trust : Covey, Stephen M. R. Free Press, 2012 9781451651454 | 9781451651478 1st Free Press hardcover ed. xxiii, 296 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 CRA 05002126 Business Ethics / Crane, Andrew. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195691658 | 9780199697595 2nd ed. xxiii, 566 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 CRA 05032024 Business Ethics / Crane, Andrew. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195691658 | 9780199697595 2nd ed. xxiii, 566 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 CRA 07013490 Business Ethics : Crane Andrew Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198755968 xv,569p.: Library - BR Campus
174.4 CRA 03008880 Business Ethics / Crane, Andrew. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195691658 | 9780199697595 2nd ed. xxiii, 566 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 CRA 05032023 Business Ethics / Crane, Andrew. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195691658 | 9780199697595 2nd ed. xxiii, 566 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 CRA 05047121 Business Ethics / Crane, Andrew. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195691658 | 9780199697595 2nd ed. xxiii, 566 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 CRA 07011431 Business Ethics : Crane Andrew Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198755968 xv,569p.: Library - BR Campus
174.4 CRA 07011432 Business Ethics : Crane Andrew Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198755968 xv,569p.: Library - BR Campus
174.4 CRA 05002253 Business ethics : Crane, Andrew, Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199564330 3rd ed. xxv, 614 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 CRA 07007657 Business Ethics / Crane, Andrew. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195691658 | 9780199697595 2nd ed. xxiii, 566 p. ; Library - BR Campus
174.4 CRA 00105925 Business Ethics / Crane, Andrew. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195691658 | 9780199697595 2nd ed. xxiii, 566 p. ; UG Library
174.4 CUL 00144272 Business, Ethics and Society : Cullen, John G. Sage publication, 2022 9781526495235 xx,320p,; UG Library
174.4 DAS 00069879 Ethics in Business Concept, Cases and Context Das Ananda, Gupta Rawat Publications 2005 8170338557 200p UG Library
174.4 DEG 00123583 Business Ethics DeGeorge, Richard T Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd., 2015 9789332536524 7th edi. 550 p:. UG Library
174.4 DEM 03005019 You've Got to Be Kidding! : Demars, Nan. Wiley, 2011 9780470947517 xxiii,288 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 DEM 05006058 You've Got to Be Kidding! : Demars, Nan. Wiley, 2011 9780470947517 xxiii,288 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 DON 03010263 Ties that Bind : Donaldson, Thomas. Harvard Business School Press, 1999 0875847277 (alk. paper) | 9780 x, 306 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 DON 05000658 Ties that bind : Donaldson, Thomas, Harvard Business School Press, 1999 0875847277 (alk. paper) x, 306 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 DUP 04008289 Business Etiquette & Professionalism Dupont, M. Kay Viva books, 2005 9788176495240 | 8176495247 viii, 110p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 EKS 05068561 Economics, ethics and power : Ekstedt, Hasse, Routledge, 2019 9781138281028 (hardback : alk. paper) ix, 287 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 END 05046258 Ethical Innovation in Business and the Economy / Enderle, Georges Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015 xv, 317 p. Knowledge Centre
174.4 ESS 05032013 Fast Forward Leadership : Essex, Louellen Pearson Education, 2000 0273642014 197 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 EVE 05032059 Adam Smith's Moral Philosophy / Evensky, Jerry Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521852471 329 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 FEL 00073846 Memory as a Moral Decision the Role of Ethics in Organizational Cultaure [Dharmaram Library] Dwlsmn, Steven P 2004 0765805863 249 UG Library
174.4 FER 07014476 Business Ethics : Ferrell O. C. Cengage Learning, 2017 9788131533093 | 8131533093 xviii,514p. ; Library - BR Campus
174.4 FER 00127313 Business Ethics Ferrell, O. C. Cengage Learning 2017 1305500849 (paperback) | 97813 Eleventh edition. xviii, 654 p. ; UG Library
174.4 FER 00127051 Business Ethics : Ferrell O. C. Cengage Learning, 2017 9788131533093 | 8131533093 xviii,514p. ; UG Library
174.4 FER 04008132 Business Ethics : Fernando, A. C. Pearson , 2014 9788131774342 2nd ed. 549 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 00081772 Business Ethics : Ferrell, O C Dream Tech Press, 2007 9788177225136 6th ed. 461 p UG Library
174.4 FER 05002122 Business Ethics : Ferrell, O C Dream Tech Press, 2007 9788177225136 6th ed. 461 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 FER 00143684 Business Ethics : Fernando, A.C. Pearson, 2019 9789353437442 xxviii, 588p.; UG Library
174.4 FER 00129370 Business Ethics Fernando.A.C Pearson, 2016 9788131774342 2nd xxv, 549 p.; UG Library
174.4 FER 00129371 Business Ethics Fernando.A.C Pearson, 2016 9788131774342 2nd xxv, 549 p.; UG Library
174.4 FER 03009945 Business Ethics : Fernando, A. C. Pearson , 2014 9788131774342 2nd ed. 549 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 10002815 Business ethics : Ferrell O. C Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd. , 2019 9789355730978 12th ed. xviii, 585p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 FER 03004242 Business Ethics : Fernando, A. C. Pearson Education Inc., 2009 9788131711736 508 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 04027362 Business Ethics : Ferrell O. C. Cengage Learning, 2017 9788131533093 | 8131533093 xviii,514p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 04013112 Business Ethics : Fernando, A. C. Pearson Education Inc., 2009 9788131711736 508 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 05004226 Business Ethics : Fernando, A. C. Pearson Education Inc., 2009 9788131711736 508 p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 FER 03013272 Business Ethics : Fernando, A.C. Pearson, 2019 9789353437442 xxviii, 588p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 03013273 Business Ethics : Fernando, A.C. Pearson, 2019 9789353437442 xxviii, 588p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 04014108 Business Ethics : Ferrell, O C Dream Tech Press, 2007 9788177225136 6th ed. 461 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 03011440 Business Ethics : Fernando, A. C. Pearson , 2014 9788131774342 2nd ed. 549 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 03011441 Business Ethics : Fernando, A. C. Pearson , 2014 9788131774342 2nd ed. 549 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 04012759 Business Ethics : Ferrell, O C Dream Tech Press, 2007 9788177225136 6th ed. 461 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 03012226 Business Ethics : Ferrell O. C. Cengage Learning, 2017 9788131533093 | 8131533093 xviii,514p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 10000137 Business Ethics : Fernando, A.C. Pearson, 2019 9789353437442 xxviii, 588p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 FER 10000138 Business Ethics : Fernando, A.C. Pearson, 2019 9789353437442 xxviii, 588p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 FER 10000139 Business Ethics : Fernando, A.C. Pearson, 2019 9789353437442 xxviii, 588p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 FER 03013038 Business Ethics : Fernando, A. C. Pearson , 2014 9788131774342 2nd ed. 549 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 03011779 Business Ethics : Fernando, A. C. Pearson , 2014 9788131774342 2nd ed. 549 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 03013039 Business Ethics : Fernando, A. C. Pearson , 2014 9788131774342 2nd ed. 549 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 03011780 Business Ethics : Fernando, A. C. Pearson , 2014 9788131774342 2nd ed. 549 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 03011781 Business Ethics : Fernando, A. C. Pearson , 2014 9788131774342 2nd ed. 549 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 05044151 Business Ethics / Fernando.A.C Pearson, 2014 9788131774342 2nd xxv,549p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 FOR 07012122 The sincerity edge : Fort, Timothy L., Stanford Business Books, 2017 9780804797450 (cloth : alk. paper) ix, 161 pages ; Library - BR Campus
174.4 FRA 07002297 Global business ethics : Francis, Ronald D. KoganPage, 2016 9780749473952 viii, 236 pages ; Library - BR Campus
174.4 FRA 07005983 Global business ethics : Francis, Ronald D. KoganPage, 2016 9780749473952 viii, 236 pages ; Library - BR Campus
174.4 FRA 05001365 Business Ethics : Francis, Ronald D. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2009 9780070152595 xiv,248p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 FRA 07010566 Business Ethics : Francis, Ronald D. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2009 9780070152595 xiv,248p.; Library - BR Campus
174.4 FRE 00069871 Business Ethics Ethical Decision Making and Cases Ferrell, O C Dream Tech Press 2006 8177225138 461p UG Library
174.4 FRE 05002558 Stakeholder theory : Cambridge University Press, 9780521190817 | 0521190819 | 9 xvii, 343 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 GAR 00079231 Responsiblity at Work: How Leading Pofessionals Act (or Don`t Act) Responsibly Gardner, Howard John Wiley and Sons 2007 348p UG Library
174.4 GAR 05031982 Good Work When Excellence and Ethics Meet [msc COUN.PSY ] Gardner, Howard Basic Books, 2001 0465026087 291 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 GAR 03004384 Responsibility at Work : Gardner, Howard. Jossey-Bass, 2007 9780787994754 (cloth) 1st ed. 348 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 GAV 05071737 Business Ethics / Gavai, A K. Himalaya Publishing House, 2008 9789350247303 193p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 GEL 05059196 Ethics in decision making / Glenn, James R. John Wiley & Sons, 1986 0471822442 xvii, 253 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 GEO 05059217 Business ethics / De George, Richard T. Macmillan ; | Collier Macmillan, 1990 0023280115 3rd ed. x, 486 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 GEO 05057272 The Oxford handbook of professional economic ethics / Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199766635 (alk. paper) xxii, 777 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 GHI 10003144 Business ethics : Ghillyer, Andrew W., McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2010 9780073377100 (alk. paper) | 0073377104 (alk. paper) 2nd ed. xx, 359 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 GHO 04022972 Business Ethics Ghosh.P.K Vrinda Publications 2009 9788182811355 431 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 GRA 05072777 Ethics and Economics : Graafland, Johan. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2022 9781032020983 | 9781032020624 1st ed. xvii,251p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 GRA 05031994 HRM Ethics : Gravett, Linda Dream Tech Press., 2003 8177223879 206 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 GRA 05031992 HRM Ethics : Gravett, Linda Dream Tech Press., 2003 8177223879 206 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 GRA 05031993 HRM Ethics : Gravett, Linda Dream Tech Press., 2003 8177223879 206 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 GUP 05040336 Ethics incorporated : Gupta, Dipankar, Response Books, 2006 0761934707 (hbk.) | 0761934715 Rev. ed. 203 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 GUP 00074803 Management By Consciousness in 21st Century G. P. Gupta Excel Books 2004 8174463801 202 p. UG Library
174.4 GUP 05039133 Ethics incorporated : Gupta, Dipankar, Response Books, 2006 0761934707 (hbk.) | 0761934715 Rev. ed. 203 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 GUP 04015922 Ethics incorporated : Gupta, Dipankar Happer, 2004 9798172235658 220p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 HAM 05031996 The Ethics of Cyberspace / Hamelink, Cees J., Sage Publications, 2000 9780761966692 (pbk.) | 0761966 xi, 207 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 HAR 00117183 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, P Laura Tata McGraws-Hill, 2007 0070620040 | 9780070620049 3rd ed. x, 483 p UG Library
174.4 HAR 00123859 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, P Laura Tata McGraws-Hill, 2007 0070620040 | 9780070620049 3rd ed. x, 483 p UG Library
174.4 HAR 07001951 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, P Laura Tata McGraws-Hill, 2007 0070620040 | 9780070620049 3rd ed. x, 483 p Library - BR Campus
174.4 HAR 07001952 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, P Laura Tata McGraws-Hill, 2007 0070620040 | 9780070620049 3rd ed. x, 483 p Library - BR Campus
174.4 HAR 00069877 Perspectives in Business Ethics (dharmarm Library) Hartman, Laura P 2002 0070582432 810p UG Library
174.4 HAR 01012141 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman,Laura P. Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing com Ltd, 2005 9780070620049 3rd ed. xii,483p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 HAR 03011221 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, Laura P. McGraw-Hill, 2005 0072881461 | 0070620040 | 9780 3rd ed. x,483 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 HAR 03011222 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, Laura P. McGraw-Hill, 2005 0072881461 | 0070620040 | 9780 3rd ed. x,483 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 HAR 03011223 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, Laura P. McGraw-Hill, 2005 0072881461 | 0070620040 | 9780 3rd ed. x,483 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 HAR 03011224 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, Laura P. McGraw-Hill, 2005 0072881461 | 0070620040 | 9780 3rd ed. x,483 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 HAR 05047115 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, P Laura Tata McGraws-Hill, 2007 0070620040 | 9780070620049 3rd ed. x, 483 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 HAR 10000103 Business Ethics : Hartman, Laura P Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2011 9781259098277 2nd ed xvi,608p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 HAR 00087359 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, P Laura Tata McGraws-Hill, 2007 0070620040 | 9780070620049 3rd ed. x, 483 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 HAR 05031991 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, P Laura Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2002 0070582432 806 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 HAR 01024281 Business Ethics : Hartman, Laura P Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2011 9781259098277 2nd ed xvi,608p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 HAR 05002325 Case Studies on Business Ethics and Corporate Governance - Promoing Social Responsibility / Harish, R Icfai Center for Management Research, 2008 326 p. Knowledge Centre
174.4 HAR 03013768 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, Laura P. McGraw-Hill, 2005 0072881461 | 0070620040 | 9780 3rd ed. x,483 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 HAR 03011672 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, Laura P. McGraw-Hill, 2005 0072881461 | 0070620040 | 9780 3rd ed. x,483 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 HAR 05030926 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, Laura P. McGraw-Hill, 2005 0072881461 | 0070620040 | 9780 3rd ed. x,483 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 HAR 05032019 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, P Laura Tata McGraws-Hill, 2007 0070620040 | 9780070620049 3rd ed. x, 483 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 HAR 05032020 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, P Laura Tata McGraws-Hill, 2007 0070620040 | 9780070620049 3rd ed. x, 483 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 HAR 05032022 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, P Laura Tata McGraws-Hill, 2007 0070620040 | 9780070620049 3rd ed. x, 483 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 HAR 05032021 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, P Laura Tata McGraws-Hill, 2007 0070620040 | 9780070620049 3rd ed. x, 483 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 HAT 00079873 Ethics and HRD Hatcher,Tim Rawat Publications 2007 8131601439 | 9788131601433 254 p. UG Library
174.4 HAU 10001960 Economic Analysis Moral Philosophy and Public Policy / Hausman, Danie., et al. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781316610886 Third edition xx, 397p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 HAU 05074477 Economic Analysis Moral Philosophy and Public Policy / Hausman, Danie., et al. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781316610886 Third edition xx, 397p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 HAY 05067318 The business guide to effective compliance and ethics : Hayward, Andrew. Kogan Page, 2019 9780749482978 xxiv, 355p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 HBP 05000021 Doing business ethically / LES50NS/[Harvard Business Press], 2010 9781422139851 (pbk.) | 1422139859 (pbk.) x, 99 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 HBR 05032011 Harvard Business Review on Corporate Ethics / Harvard Business School Press, 2003 0159139273 194 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 HBR 00062291 Harvard Business Review on Corporate Ethics Havard Business Review Harvard Business School Press 0159139273 194p UG Library
174.4 HBS 05032048 Harvard Business Review on Corporate Ethics / Harvard Business School Press, 2003 159139273X (alk. paper) vii, 194 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 HBS 05032076 Harvard Business Review on Corporate Ethics / Harvard Business School Press, 2003 159139273X (alk. paper) vii, 194 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 HBS 03004183 Harvard Business Review on corporate Ethics / Harvard Business School Press Harvard Business School Press, 2003 9781591392736 | 159139273X 194 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 HEI 03010396 High Performance with High Integrity / Heineman, Benjamin W. Harvard Business Press, 2008 9781422122952 | 1422122956 198 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 HEI 05000203 High Performance with High Integrity / Heineman, Benjamin W. Harvard Business Press, 2008 9781422122952 | 1422122956 198 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 HIN 00131997 Ethics : Hinman, Lawrence M. Wadsworth Pub Co, 2013 9781133050018 | 9781133310099 | 1133050018 5th ed. xviii, 376 p. : UG Library
174.4 HOR 05031990 Ethics in Marketing / Horowitz, Shel Jaico Publishing House, 2005 8179923657 160 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 HOS 05059227 The ethics of management / Hosmer, Larue Tone. Irwin, 1987 025603480X | 0870949675 (Dow J xiii, 185 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 HOY 07000707 The Ethical Executive Hoyk, Robert Kogan Page 2009 9780749457204 1st 136 Library - BR Campus
174.4 HUN 03006086 Winners Never Cheat : Huntsman, Jon M. pearson, 2010 9788131729311 xxii,224 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 JAC 03004277 International Management Ethics: Jackson, Terence. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521618656 viii,300 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 JAC 03004636 International Management Ethics: Jackson, Terence. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521618656 viii,300 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 JAC 00105184 International Management Ethics: Jackson, Terence. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521618656 viii,300 p.: UG Library
174.4 JEN 03006403 The Seven Signs of Ethical Collapse : Jennings, Marianne. St. Martin's Press, 2006 0312354304 | 9780312354305 1st ed. xvi, 334 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 JEN 05032005 Cases in Business Ethics / Jennings, Marianne M Cengage Learning, 2007 9788131505106 476 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 JEN 05002136 Cases in Business Ethics / Jennings, Marianne M Cengage Learning, 2007 9788131505106 476 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 JEN 05032052 Cases in Business Ethics / Jennings, Marianne M Cengage Learning, 2007 9788131505106 476 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 JEN 10003128 Cases in Business Ethics / Jennings, Marianne M Cengage Learning, 2007 9788131505106 476 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 JEN 00123854 Cases in Business Ethics / Jennings, Marianne M Cengage Learning, 2007 9788131505106 476 p UG Library
174.4 JEN 05032051 Business Ethics : Jennings, M Marianne Thomson, 2004 0324110804 523 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 JOH 05034488 Absolute Honesty : Johnson,Larry PHI Private Ltd., 2007 9788120333086 292 p. Knowledge Centre
174.4 JOH 05044812 Organizational ethics : Johnson, Craig E. SAGE Publications, 2016 9781483344409 | 1412987962 (pb 3rd ed. xxxii, 509 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 JOH 04014686 Absolute Honesty : Johnson,Larry PHI Private Ltd., 2007 9788120333086 292 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 JOH 03007553 Absolute Honesty : Johnson, Larry, AMACOM, American Management Association, 2003 0814407811 | 9780814407813 ix, 292 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 JOS 00146456 Research ethics in applied economics : Josephson, Anna Routledge, 2024 9780367457419 xviii,378p. ; UG Library
174.4 JOS 00134892 Business Ethics : Sison, Alejo G., Routledge, 2018 9781138242562 | 9781138242579 1st ed. xxiii, 207 p. ; UG Library
174.4 JUR 05059669 Radical thoughts on ethical leadership / Information age publishing, 2017 9781681239880 (pbk.) | 9781681239897 (hardcover) xiii, 228 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 KAM 10000876 Business Ethics : Kamatchi, P. Wiley, 2019 9789389520699 ix,355p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 KAM 10000877 Business Ethics : Kamatchi, P. Wiley, 2019 9789389520699 ix,355p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 KAM 10000878 Business Ethics : Kamatchi, P. Wiley, 2019 9789389520699 ix,355p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 KAP 05008786 The balanced company : Kaptein, Muel. Oxford University Press, 2002 0199255504 (hbk. : alk. paper) 344 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 KER 07002276 Business Ethics An Interactive Introduction / Kernohan Andrew Broadview Press, 2015 9781554811502 xi,248p.: Library - BR Campus
174.4 KLI 00118170 Ethics and project management Kliem, Ralph L. CRC Press, 2012 9781439852613 224p.: UG Library
174.4 KLI 05039693 Ethics and project management Kliem, Ralph L. CRC Press, 2012 9781439852613 224p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 KWA 05068615 Markets and morals : Ng, Yew-Kwang. Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781316646571 xi,209p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 LAD 01021427 Mastering the ethical dimensions of organizations : Ladkin, Donna. Edward Elgar, 2015 9781781954089 (hardback) | 978 xi,224p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 LEI 05042615 Ethical leadership : Leigh, Andrew. Kogan Page, 2013 9780749469566 (pbk.) viii, 232 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 LEI 00111889 Ethical leadership : Leigh, Andrew. Kogan Page, 2013 9780749469566 (pbk.) viii, 232 pages ; UG Library
174.4 LEI 07000595 Ethical leadership : Leigh, Andrew. Kogan Page, 2013 9780749469566 (pbk.) viii, 232 pages ; Library - BR Campus
174.4 LYN 00050601 Human Integrity Ethics Lynch, J. J. Infinity Books 2000 8187233648 | 9788187233640 297 p. UG Library
174.4 MAC 05042553 Conscious capitalism : Mackey, John, Harvard Business Review Press, 2013 9781422144206 (hbk.) | 9781422 xiv, 344 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 MAC 05000250 Conscious capitalism : Mackey, John, Harvard Business Review Press, 2013 9781422144206 (hbk.) | 9781422 xiv, 344 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 MAC 07002517 Conscious capitalism : Mackey, John, Harvard Business Review Press, 2013 9781422144206 (hbk.) | 9781422 xiv, 344 p. : Library - BR Campus
174.4 MAC 03009195 Conscious Capitalism : Mackey, John. Harvard Business Review Press, 2013 9781422144206 (hbk.) | 9781422 xiv, 344 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MAC 05000314 Conscious capitalism : Mackey, John, Harvard Business Review Press, 2013 9781422144206 (hbk.) | 9781422 xiv, 344 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 MAD 04013502 Ethics in Business : Maddux, Dorothy J. Viva books, 2011 9788130918150 2nd ed. ii, 82 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 MAD 05002121 Ethics in Business / Maddux, Robert B Viva Books Private Limited., 2004 8176495646 70 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 MAD 00038871 Essentials of Business Ethics: Madsen, P Meridian 1990 9780452010444 407p UG Library
174.4 MAD 03005720 Ethics in Business : Maddux, Dorothy J. Viva books, 2011 9788130918150 2nd ed. ii, 82 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MAI 05066783 Transforming Systems : Maira, Arun. Rupa, 2019 9789353335748 xxv, 221p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 MAN 03004154 Ethics in Business and Corporate Governance/ Mandal, S. K. T M H, 2010 9780070682016 | 0070682011 369 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MAN 03010631 Being Ethical : Manikutty, S. Random House India , 2011 9788184001389 237 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MAN 03009142 Being Ethical : Manikutty, S. Random House India , 2011 9788184001389 237 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MAN 03010867 Ethics in Business and Corporate Governance / Mandal, S. K. McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., 2012 1259004856 | 9781259004858 500 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MAN 07011388 Ethics in Business and Corporate Governance / Mandal, S. K. McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., 2012 1259004856 | 9781259004858 500 p.: Library - BR Campus
174.4 MAN 05032060 Executive's Handbook of Model Business Conduct Codes / Manley, W Walter Prentice Hall, 1991 0013296757 274 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 MAN 05038580 Ethics in Business and Corporate Governance/ Mandal, S. K. T M H, 2010 9780070682016 | 0070682011 369 p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 MAN 05038579 Ethics in Business and Corporate Governance/ Mandal, S. K. T M H, 2010 9780070682016 | 0070682011 369 p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 MAR 00134879 Ethical leadership : Marques, Joan, Routledge, 2018 9781138636538 (hbk) | 9781138636552 (pbk) 1 Edition. vi,215p.; UG Library
174.4 MAT 07010112 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibilites / Mathur S. P. New Age International Ltd, 2017 9789385923791 xiv, 189 p.: Library - BR Campus
174.4 MAT 00069876 Corporate Governance and Business Ethics Text Cases Mathur, U C 2005 1403928592 305p UG Library
174.4 MAT 00124328 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibilites / Mathur S. P. New Age International Ltd, 2017 9789385923791 xiv, 189 p.: UG Library
174.4 MAT 03012323 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibilites / Mathur S. P. New Age International Ltd, 2017 9789385923791 xiv, 189 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MAX 03006457 The Power of One : Maxwell, John C. Nelson Reference & Electronic , 1798 9780785260059 | 0785260056 x , 238 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MAX 05032042 There's No Such Thing As Business Ethics : Maxwell, C John WarnerBooks, 2003 0446532290 142 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 MCD 05048570 Business ethics : Mcdonald, Gael. Cambridge Univ Press, 2014 1107674050 | 9781107674059 xix,461p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 MED 05073103 The conscientious manager : Medicharla, Phani. Sage, 2021 9789391370732 xxii,258p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 MED 10001417 The conscientious manager : Medicharla, Phani. Sage, 2021 9789391370732 xxii,258p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 MEL 05064980 Are markets moral? / Melzer, Arthur M., ed. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018 9780812250527 (hardcover : alk. paper) vi, 250 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 MIS 05041569 Business Ethics : Mishra, Rajiv K. Rupa Publications, 2006 9788129109248 | 8129109247 xiii, 208p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 MIS 03010686 Business Ethics : Mishra, Rajiv K. Rupa Publications, 2006 9788129109248 | 8129109247 xiii, 208p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MIS 04017973 Business Ethics : Mishra, Rajiv K. Rupa Publications, 2006 9788129109248 | 8129109247 xiii, 208p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 MOD 00073913 Ethical Management : Modh, Satish Macmillan India Ltd , 2005 1403926786 216 p.: UG Library
174.4 MOD 03011726 Ethical Management : Modh, Satish. Trinity , 2015 9789351381303 274 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MOD 03011727 Ethical Management : Modh, Satish. Trinity , 2015 9789351381303 274 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MOD 03008519 Ethical Management : Modh, Satish Macmillan India Ltd , 2005 1403926786 216 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MOO 05032006 Business ethics / Economist, 2001 1861972814 | 9781861972811 xi, 206 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 MOO 05032007 Business ethics / Economist, 2001 1861972814 | 9781861972811 xi, 206 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 MRU 04018243 Business Ethics and Value Systems / Mruthyunjaya, H.C PHI Learing, 2013 9788120346314 xxv, 749 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 MUR 07015374 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance / Murthy C.S.V Himalaya Publishing House Pvt.Ltd, 2018 9789350971499 434p.: Library - BR Campus
174.4 MUR 00123853 Business Ethics Murthy, C S V Himalaya Publishing House, 2007 8183181481 629 p:. UG Library
174.4 MUR 07000811 Business Ethics : Murthy, C.S.V. Himalaya Publishing House, 2010 9789350518120 629p. : Library - BR Campus
174.4 MUR 07015417 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance / Murthy C.S.V Himalaya Publishing House Pvt.Ltd, 2018 9789350971499 434p.: Library - BR Campus
174.4 MUR 04017465 Business Ethics : Murthy, C.S.V. Himalaya Publishing House, 2010 9789350518120 629p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 MUR 05062338 Business Ethics : Murthy. C.S.V. Himalaya Publishing House, 2018 9789351422570 629p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 MUR 00131303 Ethics in marketing : Murphy, Patrick E., Routledge, 2017 9781138648081 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138648098 (pbk. : alk. paper) Second edition. xii,198p.; UG Library
174.4 NAG 00124362 Indian Ethos and Values Nagarajan K. New Age International Publishers, 2011 9788122431919 xviii, 147 p.: UG Library
174.4 NAG 10000745 Indian Ethos and Values Nagarajan K. New Age International Publishers, 2011 9788122431919 xviii, 147 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 NAN 07001405 Indian Ethos and Values in Management / Nandagopal.R Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2011 9780071067799 xvi,343p.: Library - BR Campus
174.4 NAS Ethics without the sermon / Nash, Laura L. Harvard Business Press, 2009 9781422140260 (pbk. : alk. pap v, 77 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 NAS 05000027 Ethics without the sermon / Nash, Laura L. Harvard Business Press, 2009 9781422140260 (pbk. : alk. pap v, 77 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 NAS 05000329 Good intentions aside : Nash, Laura L. Harvard Business School Press, 1990 0875842259 (alk. paper) xv, 259 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 NAS 05000558 Ethics without the sermon / Nash, Laura L. Harvard Business Press, 2009 9781422140260 (pbk. : alk. pap v, 77 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 NIR 07010580 Business ethics and corporate governance / Nirmala, K Himalaya Publication, 2013 9789351421573 376p.: Library - BR Campus
174.4 OHA 00126338 Something for Nothing : O'Hara, Maureen, W.W. Norton, 2016 9780393285512 First edition. x, 223 p.: UG Library
174.4 OTS 00144984 Thinking About Statistics : Otsuka, Jun Routledge, 2023 9781032326108 ix,193p.; UG Library
174.4 PAI 05024396 Business Ethics as Practice : Painter-Morland, Mollie. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521877459 302 p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 PAL 03009376 From Principles to Profit : Palmarossa, Paul. Arcturus, 2006 0572031920 | 9780572031923 288 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 PAR 05071742 Concepts and realities in business ethics (COREBE) : Parthasarathy, S. Sadagopan Publishers, 2003 300p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 PEP 03008821 Extreme Trust : Peppers, Don. Portfolio/Penguin, 2012 9781591844679 viii, 326 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 PET 04014730 Business ethics : Peterson, Robert A. PHI Learning, 2005 9788120327382 xii , 286 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 PRA 00141934 Ethics in Busines, Applied and Environment Prasad,Shiva Nath Concept Publishing Company Pvt Ltd 2015 978818069771 294p UG Library
174.4 RAJ 00047259 Study in Business Ethics. Rituparna, Raj Himalaya Publishers 1999 8174936998 166 p, UG Library
174.4 RAO 00072633 Business Ethics and Professional Values / Rao, A. B. Excel Books, 2006 8174464794 | 9788174464798 195 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 RAO 00072634 Business Ethics and Professional Values / Rao, A. B. Excel Books, 2006 8174464794 | 9788174464798 195 p.: UG Library
174.4 RAO 00072635 Business Ethics and Professional Values / Rao, A. B. Excel Books, 2006 8174464794 | 9788174464798 195 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 RAO 03009489 Business Ethics and Professional Values / Rao, A. B. Excel Books, 2006 8174464794 | 9788174464798 195 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 RAO 00074708 Business Ethics and Professional Values / Rao, A. B. Excel Books, 2006 8174464794 | 9788174464798 195 p.: UG Library
174.4 RAO 05037197 Business Ethics / Rao K.B ABD Publishers, 2013 9788183763691 264p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 RAO 00119668 Business ethics and professional values Rao A B Excel Books 2009 9798174464797 195p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 RAO 03011602 Humanising Management : Rao, G. P. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 2016 9789380156385 217 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 RAO 10000879 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance / Rao, K. Viyyanna. Wiley, 2019 9789389633245 xx,561p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 RIJ 05032012 A Study in Business Ethics / Raj, Rituparna Himalaya Publishing, 1999 8174937005 166 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 ROD 07000738 Business ethics and corporate social responsibility / Rodriques,M.V. Concept Publishing Co, 2015 9789351251330 xx,304p.; Library - BR Campus
174.4 RUG 00117125 Just business : Ruggie, John Gerard, WW Norton & company Ltd 2013 9780393062885 (hardcover) l, 251 pages ; UG Library
174.4 SAD 05032088 The Theory and Practice of Managerial Ethics / Sadri,Sorab. Jaico Publishing House, 2001 8172248172 | 9788172248178 xxix,488p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 SAD 05031967 Business Ethics : Sadri, Sorab Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 1998 0074633791 319 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SAD 05031968 Business Ethics : Sadri, Sorab Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 1998 0074633791 319 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SAH 00130046 Business Ethics Sahoo, Jayadev. Adhyayan Publishers, 2017 9788184354942 xviii, 157 p.: UG Library
174.4 SAN 00124958 Wall Street Values : Santoro, Michael A. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107017351 (hardback : alk. xv, 232 p. ; UG Library
174.4 SAN 03008983 What Money Can't Buy : Sandel, Michael. Penguin Books , 2012 9781846144721 244 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 SAR 05032028 Values and Ethics of Profession and Business : Sarangi, S K VMP Books, 2004 0818183027 368 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SAR 05032027 Values and Ethics of Profession and Business : Sarangi, S K VMP Books, 2004 0818183027 368 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SAW 07011930 Ethics in business and management / Sawant, V K International Publication, 2018 9789387556058 v,304p.; Library - BR Campus
174.4 SCH 03007894 Managerial Ethics : Routledge, 2010 9781848728332 (hardcover : alk 316 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 SCH 04021122 Managerial ethics : Routledge, 2010 9781848728332 (hardcover : alk 316p. cm. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 SEK 05036604 Ethical Choices in Business / Sekhar, R. C. Response Books, 2002 0761997180 (pbk. : alk. paper) 2nd ed. 308 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 SEK 00123855 Ethical Choices in Business Sekhar, R C Response Books, 2002 9790761997183 2nd edi. 308 p:. UG Library
174.4 SEK 05031977 Ethical Choices in Business / Sekhar, R C Sage Publications, 1996 8170366194 264 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SEK 00116667 Ethical choices in business Sekhar, R. C., Response Books, 2002 0761997180 (pbk. : alk. paper) 2nd ed. 308 p. : UG Library
174.4 SEK 00042689 Ethical Choices in Business / Sekhar, R C Sage Publications, 1996 8170366194 264 p UG Library
174.4 SEK 05031978 Ethical Choices in Business / Sekhar, R C Sage Publications, 1996 8170366194 264 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SEK 00046672 Ethical Choices in Business / Sekhar, R C Sage Publications, 1996 8170366194 264 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SEK 05031981 Ethical Choices in Business / Sekhar, R C Sage Publications, 1996 8170366194 264 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SEK 05031976 Ethical Choices in Business / Sekhar, R C Sage Publications, 1996 8170366194 264 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SEK 05031980 Ethical Choices in Business / Sekhar, R C Sage Publications, 1996 8170366194 264 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SEK 05031979 Ethical Choices in Business / Sekhar, R C Sage Publications, 1996 8170366194 264 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SEK 05002324 Ethical Choices in Business / Sekhar, R C Sage Publications, 1996 8170366194 264 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SEK 07009701 Ethical choices in business / Sekhar, R. C., Response Books, 2002 0761997180 (pbk. : alk. paper) 2nd ed. 308 p. : Library - BR Campus
174.4 SEN 10001537 Mindful communication for sustainable development: Seneviratne,Kalinga. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789352805518 353 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 SEN 00136123 Mindful communication for sustainable development : Seneviratne, Kalinga, Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2018 9789352805518 xiv, 353 pages : UG Library
174.4 SEN 10005323 Mindful communication for sustainable development: Seneviratne,Kalinga. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789352805518 353 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 SEN 00131910 Mindful communication for sustainable development: Seneviratne,Kalinga. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789352805518 353 p. ; UG Library
174.4 SEN 03012757 Mindful communication for sustainable development: Seneviratne,Kalinga. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789352805518 353 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 SHA 00110599 Sage Brief Guide to Business Ethics Lisa Shaw SAGE, 2012 9781412997218 (pbk. : acidfree x, 391 p. ; UG Library
174.4 SHA 00124511 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility : Sharma, Sanju. Rawat Publications, 2016 9788131607602 xii, 202 p, : Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 SHA 07010579 Business ethics and corporate governance / Sharma R K Kalyani Publication, 2009 9788127253004 18.18p.: Library - BR Campus
174.4 SHA 07010111 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility : Sharma, Sanju. Rawat Publications, 2016 9788131607602 xii, 202 p, : Library - BR Campus
174.4 SHA 05037831 General Studies For Civil Services Preliminary Examination Sharma, Arun McGraw Hill Education 2014 9781259064388 Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 SHA 00069872 Business Ethics / Shaw, William H. Thomson, 2005 9789812403582 | 9812403582 4th Edition xii,432p.; UG Library
174.4 SHA 05002322 Business Ethics / Shaw, H William Thomson, 2001 9812403582 430 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SHA 05031999 Business Ethics / Shaw H, William Thomson, 2005 9812403582 4th. 432 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SHA 01014186 Business ethics / Shaw, William H., Thomson Wadsworth, 9780495095019 | 049509501X xi, 468 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 SHA 10001345 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility : Sharma, Sanju. Rawat Publications, 2016 9788131607602 xii, 202 p, : Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 SHA 03011854 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility : Sharma, Sanju. Rawat Publications, 2016 9788131607602 xii, 202 p, : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 SHA 00128296 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility : Sharma, Sanju. Rawat Publications, 2016 9788131607602 xii, 202 p, : UG Library
174.4 SIM 07013953 A contemporary look at business ethics / Sims, Ronald R., IAP, 2017 9781681239545 (pbk.) | 9781681239552 (hardcover) xi, 565 pages ; Library - BR Campus
174.4 SIN 00118203 Ethics / Singh,K.K. APH Publishing Corp, 2014 9789331321626 viii,228p.; UG Library
174.4 SIN 05037391 Ethics / Singh,K.K. APH Publishing Corp, 2014 9789331321626 viii,228p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 SIN 05062163 Caring economics : Singer,Tania. Picador, 2015 1250064120 (hardcover) | 9781250064127 (hardcover) | 9781250071248 (softcover) | 1250071240 (softcover) | 9781250064165 (ebook) First edition. x,228p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 SIN 05037148 Business and Human Rights / Sage, 2013 9788132111399 xiv,401p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 SPI 05002124 Humanism in Business / Spitzeck Heiko Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521727624 438 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SPI 07002850 Global capitalism, culture, and ethics / Spinello, Richard A. Routledge, 2014 9780415843942 (hardback : alk. xv, 285 pages ; Library - BR Campus
174.4 STA 05046571 Understanding business ethics / Stanwick, Peter Allen, Routledge, 2016 9781506303239 (pbk. : alk. pap Third edition. xxvii, 568 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.4 STE 05031987 Just Business : Sternberg, Elaine Oxford Univesity Press, 2000 0198296622 2nd. 302 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SWA 05073105 Good values great business / Swaroopa, Prasanna Br. Sage, 2019 9789353284558 xix,239p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 SWA 10005180 Good values great business / Swaroopa, Prasanna Br. Sage, 2019 9789353284558 xix,239p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 SWA 00138133 Good values, great business Swaroopa, Br. Prasanna Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353284558 xix,239p.; UG Library
174.4 SWA 03005421 Corruption and Corporate Governance in India : Swamy, Subramanian. Har-Anand, 2009 9788124114865 180p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 TAY 10004302 Higher ground : Taylor, Alison HBR Press, 2024 9781647823436 xi, 285 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 TAY 05075020 Higher ground : Taylor, Alison HBR Press, 2024 9781647823436 xi, 285 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.4 TOF 05072814 Corporate Responsibility and Political Philosophy : Toft, Kristian Høyer, Routledge, 2020 9781138065543 xi, 170p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 TRE 05007107 Managing business ethics : Treviño, Linda Klebe. John Wiley, 2011 9780470343944 (pbk. : alk. pap 5th ed. xix, 460 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 TRE 05032047 Managing Business Ethics : Trevino, K Linda John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003 0471598488 332 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 TRI 05045889 Business ethics : Tricker, R. Ian Routledge, 2014 9780415815000 (hardback) | 978 xiv, 441 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.4 VEL 00086332 Business Ethics : Velasquez, Manuel Pearson Education, 2006 9788131706930 6th ed, 447 p.: UG Library
174.4 VEL 05032016 Business Ethics : Velasquez, Manuel Pearson Education, 2006 9788131706930 6th ed, 447 p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 VEL 05032015 Business Ethics : Velasquez, Manuel Pearson Education, 2006 9788131706930 6th ed, 447 p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 VEL 00054934 Business Ethics - Concepts and Cases. Velasquez, Manuel G Prentice Hall of India 2002 0812032109 5th,Ed. 528p UG Library
174.4 VEL 00069873 Business Ethics Concepts and Cases Velasquez, Manuel G Pearson Education Inc. 2006 8177583905 544p UG Library
174.4 VEL 00055790 Business Ethics Velasquez, G. Manuel Pearson Education 2002 8178086336 | 9788178086330 527 p. UG Library
174.4 VEL 05059251 Business ethics : Velasquez, Manuel G. Prentice Hall, 1992 9780130960252 3rd ed. x, 448 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 VEL 00059486 Business Ethics Velasquez, G. Manuel Pearson Education 2002 8178086336 | 9788178086330 527 p. UG Library
174.4 VEL 22001829 Business Ethics : Velasquez, Manuel Pearson Education, 2006 9788131706930 6th ed, 447 p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 VEL 00060538 Business Ethics Velasquez, G. Manual Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd 2002 0812032109 | 9788120321090 5th Ed. 528 p. UG Library
174.4 VIS 05060418 Introduction to Business Ethics / Viswan V.Vivek. Viva Books, 2018 9789387692244 ix,220p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 VIS 07011597 Introduction to Business Ethics/ Viswan V,Vivek Viva Books, 2018 9789387692244 IX,206 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
174.4 VOP 07013967 Business ethics / Vopat, Mark C Peterborough Publication, 2018 9781554814305 407p.; Library - BR Campus
174.4 WAT 05011305 How honesty pays : Watson, Charles E. Praeger Publishers, 2005 0275987876 (alk. paper) viii, 185 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 WEI 00117182 Business Ethics: Weiss, Joseph W Thomson, | South-Western Cengage Learning, 2009 9780324597042 508p.: UG Library
174.4 WEI 05017734 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning , 2009 9788131509814 380p. Knowledge Centre
174.4 WEI 00081769 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 2003 0000813152 487 p. UG Library
174.4 WEI 05002323 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 2003 0000813152 487 p. Knowledge Centre
174.4 WEI 05031969 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 2003 0000813152 487 p. Knowledge Centre
174.4 WEI 05032017 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 2003 0000813152 487 p. Knowledge Centre
174.4 WEI 04013095 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 04013096 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 05060018 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning , 2009 9788131509814 380p. Knowledge Centre
174.4 WEI 03004750 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W. Thomson South-Western, 2009 9788131509814 | 8131509818 380 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 00122621 Business Ethics: Weiss, Joseph W Thomson, | South-Western Cengage Learning, 2009 9780324597042 508p.: UG Library
174.4 WEI 00123850 Business Ethics Weiss, Joseph W South-Western, 2003 9788131500422 3rd edi. xvi, 487 p:. Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 WEI 07007245 Business Ethics Weiss, Joseph W Barrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. 2014 9781626564244 6th edi. xxix, 613 p:. Library - BR Campus
174.4 WEI 03006876 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W. Thomson South-Western, 2009 9788131509814 | 8131509818 380 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 03006877 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W. Thomson South-Western, 2009 9788131509814 | 8131509818 380 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 05032010 Business Ethics: Weiss, Joseph W Thomson, | South-Western Cengage Learning, 2009 9780324597042 508p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 WEI 03006878 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W. Thomson South-Western, 2009 9788131509814 | 8131509818 380 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 03006879 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W. Thomson South-Western, 2009 9788131509814 | 8131509818 380 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 03006880 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W. Thomson South-Western, 2009 9788131509814 | 8131509818 380 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 05010941 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning , 2009 9788131509814 380p. Knowledge Centre
174.4 WEI 00123571 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning , 2009 9788131509814 380p. UG Library
174.4 WEI 05017752 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning , 2009 9788131509814 380p. Knowledge Centre
174.4 WEI 03007066 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W. Thomson South-Western, 2009 9788131509814 | 8131509818 380 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 00123599 Business Ethics Weiss, Joseph W Barrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. 2014 9781626564244 6th edi. xxix, 613 p:. UG Library
174.4 WEI 03000329 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W. Thomson South-Western, 2006 9780324306002 | 0324306008 4th ed. 517 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 05034851 Business Ethics: Weiss, Joseph W Thomson, | South-Western Cengage Learning, 2009 9780324597042 508p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 WEI 05038818 Business Ethics: Weiss, Joseph W Thomson, | South-Western Cengage Learning, 2009 9780324597042 508p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 WEI 03004899 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W. Thomson South-Western, 2009 9788131509814 | 8131509818 380 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 03004898 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W. Thomson South-Western, 2009 9788131509814 | 8131509818 380 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 00050690 Business Ethics Weiss,Joseph The Dryden Press 1998 0030247470 | 9780030247477 335 p. UG Library
174.4 WEI 00104673 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 WEI 00117089 Business Ethics: Weiss, Joseph W Thomson, | South-Western Cengage Learning, 2009 9780324597042 508p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 WEI 00090156 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. UG Library
174.4 WEI 04009967 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 04009966 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 04009965 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 04009964 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 04009963 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 04009962 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 04009961 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 04009972 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 04009971 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 04009970 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 04009969 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 04009968 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 00100519 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 WER 05034027 Obstacles to ethical decision-making : Werhane, Patricia Hogue. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107000032 (hard cover) viii,246 p,: Knowledge Centre
174.4 WIT 05070047 The Ethical Leader Witzel,Morgen Bloomsbury 2018 9781472965714 229p Knowledge Centre
174.4 WIT 00138787 The Ethical Leader Witzel,Morgen Bloomsbury 2018 9781472965714 229p UG Library
174.4 ZAD 00116833 The Civil Corporation / Zadek, Simon. Earthscan, 2007 9781844074310 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 288 p. : UG Library
174.4 ZIN 00144333 The challenge of leading an ethical and successful organization / Zinkin, John, De gruyter, 2023 9783110780819 1st xvi,157p, ; UG Library
174.40952 DEM 00047686 Japanese Euiquette and Ethics in Business [ WMU ] Demente, Boye Lafayette 0844285307 190 p UG Library
174.40954 FRA 07010091 Ethics,Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility in India Issues and Perspectives / Kalpaz Publications, 2016 9789351281955 258p.: Library - BR Campus
174.40973 EIC 05047968 The rise and fall of corporate social responsibility / Eichar, Douglas M. Transaction Publishers, 2015 9781412856904 (hbk. : alk. pap xi, 382 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.40994 MOO 03000736 Business ethics Economist, 2001 1861972814 | 9781861972811 | 9 xi, 206 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.40994 MOO 03001886 Business ethics Economist, 2001 1861972814 | 9781861972811 | 9 xi, 206 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4FER 05032000 Business Ethics : Ferrell, O C Dream Tech Press, 2007 9788177225136 6th ed. 461 p Knowledge Centre
174.4GAR2 00081552 Responsiblility at Work [msc.Psychology Section] Garndner, Howard Wiley 348p Knowledge Centre
174.4GIB 01011500 Ethics and Business: An Introduction (law Lib) Kevin Gibson Cambridge University Press 9780521682459 255p Knowledge Centre
174.4HIR 01007899 Corporate Social Responsibility and the Shaping of Global Public Policy (law Lib) Matthew J Hirschland Palgrave Macmillan 1403974535 202p. Knowledge Centre
174.4SHA 00054535 Business Ethics / Shaw, H William Thomson, 2001 9812403582 430 p Knowledge Centre
174.4SHA 05070174 Business Ethics / Shaw, H William Thomson, 2001 9812403582 430 p Knowledge Centre
174.4VEL3 22001828 Business Ethics : Velasquez, Manuel Pearson Education, 2006 9788131706930 6th ed, 447 p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4WEL 00069874 Business Ethics Weiss, Joseph W Thomson Learning 9812549722 487p UG Library
174.6 ROS 05032046 Rethinking Business Ethics : Rosenthal, B Sandra Oxford University Press, 1999 0195117360 204 p Knowledge Centre
174.6 ROS 05002142 Rethinking Business Ethics : Rosenthal, B Sandra Oxford University Press, 1999 0195117360 204 p Knowledge Centre
174.72MAY 01009331 War Crimes and Just War (law Lib) Larry May Cambridge University Press 9780521691536 343p Knowledge Centre
174.9 CAT 04001463 Engineering Ethics Peace, Justice, and the Earth Catalano, George D Morgan and Claypool Publishers 2008 9781598294835 69 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.9 ACH 05073847 Joseph Conrad and Ethics / Columbia University, 2021 9788322794579 vii, 316p.; Knowledge Centre
174.9 MER 05002128 The handbook of social research ethics / Donna M Mertens Sage Publications, 2009 9781412949187 (cloth) xvi, 667 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.9 PHA 00086482 Media and Journalism Ethics Phadke, S P Abd Publishers 2008 9788183761406 334 p UG Library
174.9 WIL 05002127 Computer ethics etiquette & safety : Willard Nancy E Viva Books, 2009 9788130909042 85 p Knowledge Centre
174.9 WIL 00095290 Computer Ethics Etiquette & Safety:For the 21st-Century Student Willard Nancy.E Viva Books 9788130909042 85P UG Library
174.9001 HOO 07014573 Essential of thinking ethically in qualitative research / Hoonaard, Van Den Routledge Publication, 2018 9780815349990 159p.; Library - BR Campus
174.90014 CHO 00147686 Research and publication ethics : Chowdhary, Nimit Routledge, 2024 xi,284p. ; UG Library
174.90014 CHO 05075189 Research and publication ethics : Chowdhary, Nimit, Routledge, 2024 9781032904986 xi, 284p.; Knowledge Centre
174.90014 COO 05054471 Ethical choices in research : Cooper, Harris M., American Psychological Association, 2016 9781433821684 | 1433821680 xi, 240 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.90014 NIC 05039899 Research integrity and responsible conduct of research Nichols-Casebolt, Ann, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780195378108 (pbk. : alk. pap 160p.: Knowledge Centre
174.90014 THO 00147566 Research and publication ethics / Thomas, Joseph I. Book Enclave, 2024 115p. ; UG Library
174.900142 CMC 00146410 The politics and ethics of representation in qualitative research : Critical Methodologies Collective Routledge 2022 9780367281014 | 9780367281038 154p. UG Library
174.900142 PAN 05005433 Handbook of ethics in quantitative methodology / Panter, A. T. Routledge, 2011 9781848728547 (hbk. : alk. pap p. cm. Knowledge Centre
174.9004 FLO 05008196 The Cambridge handbook of information and computer ethics / Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521888981 (hbk.) | 0521888 xv, 327 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.9004 LAN 00070115 Internet Ethics: [ Dharmaram College] Langford, Duncan 2000 0333776267 281p UG Library
174.9004 QUI 07010388 Ethics for the information Age/ Quinn,Michael J. Pearson, 2015 9781292061238 6th Edition. 527 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
174.9004 REY 00075333 Ethics In Information Technology Reynolds,George Thomson 2004 9789812542632 255 p. UG Library
174.9004 WEC 01025965 Computer ethics / Weckert, John. Ashgate, 2007 0754625982 (hbk.) | 9780754625 xxvii, 487 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.90057 SAE 05068266 The politics of big data : Routledge, 2018 9781138293748 (hardback) xi, 345 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.90058 MAN 00131318 Cybersecurity ethics : Manjikian, Mary, Routledge, 2018 9781138717497 (hardback) | 9781138717527 (pbk.) xiii,232p.; UG Library
174.90063 BLA 05075013 Ethical machines : Blackman, Reid, HBR Press, 2022 9781647822811 204 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.90068 VIC 01019348 Human-tech : Vicente, Kim J. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199765140 (hardback) | 019 xviii, 276 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.9025042 COH 07002217 Confronting the Internet's dark side : Cohen-Almagor, Raphael. Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107105591 (hardback) | 978 xv, 389 pages ; Library - BR Campus
174.9030223 VER 05032057 Media Ethics in the 21st Century / Verma, N K Sumit Enterprises, 2006 8184200064 226 p Knowledge Centre
174.907 BLA 00107904 Doing ethics in media : Black, Jay. Routledge, 2011 9780415881500 (hardback) | 041 xiv, 441 p. : UG Library
174.907 BLA 05005550 Doing ethics in media : Black, Jay. Routledge, 2011 9780415881500 (hardback) | 041 xiv, 441 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.907 BLA 00110042 Doing ethics in media : Black, Jay. Routledge, 2011 9780415881500 (hardback) | 041 xiv, 441 p. : UG Library
174.907 DES 00097306 Media Ethics And Social Change Desai, Kapil Swastik Publications; 9789380138169 256p UG Library
174.907 DIX 05040646 Ethics in media and journalism / Dixit,Manoj. Enkay Publishing House, 2012 9789380995366 vi,264p.; Knowledge Centre
174.907 FOR 07002845 The ethical journalist : Foreman, Gene. John Wiley & Sons,Ltd, 2016 9781119031734 (paperback) Second edition. xx,396p.: Library - BR Campus
174.907 FOR 05032041 The Ethical Journalist : Foreman, Gene. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 9781405184458 (hardcover : alk xxiv, 408 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.907 FOR 05056126 The ethical journalist : Foreman, Gene. John Wiley & Sons,Ltd, 2016 9781119031734 (paperback) Second edition. xx,396p.: Knowledge Centre
174.907 FRI 05033395 Online journalism ethics : Friend, Cecilia, PHI Learning, 2009 9788120337701 xxvi, 246 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.907 LUG 00136885 Ethical reporting of sensitive topics / Luce, Ann, Routledge, 2019 9780815348658 (hardcover) | 9780815348665 (softcover) xiv, 294 pages ; UG Library
174.907 MCB 00121649 The new ethics of journalism : McBride Kelly New Age 2014 9781604265613 (pbk. : acidfree xii, 243 pages : UG Library
174.907 MEY 01016976 Journalism Ethics : Meyers, Christopher Oxford university Press, 2010 9780195370799 xi, 368 p. Knowledge Centre
174.907 MEY 00099041 Journalism Ethics : Meyers, Christopher Oxford university Press, 2010 9780195370799 xi, 368 p. UG Library
174.907 PAT 05037098 Journalism ethics : Patching, Roger, Routledge, 2014 9780415656757 (hardback) | 978 xx,300p.: Knowledge Centre
174.907 PAT 07009815 Journalism ethics : Patching, Roger, Routledge, 2014 9780415656757 (hardback) | 978 xx,300p.: Library - BR Campus
174.907 PAT 05072896 Journalism ethics at the crossroads : Patching, Roger, Routledge, 2022 9780367197278 | 9780367197285 xvi, 289p, : Knowledge Centre
174.907 SAX 00111275 Journalism Ethics/ Saxena, Pawan Kumar. Random Publications, 2012 9789381421659 viii:272p.; UG Library
174.907 SHA 05032043 Journalism Ethics and Code / Shamsi, Nayyar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 2005 8126123273 394 p Knowledge Centre
174.907 SMI 05044519 Ethics in journalism / Smith, Ron F. Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405159340 (pbk. : alk. pap 6th ed. xi, 367 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.907 SMI 07002846 Ethics in Journalism / Smith Ron.F Wiley, 2014 9788126550654 6th ed 367p.: Library - BR Campus
174.907 THA 07009652 Media Ethics Thakurta Guha Paranjoy Oxford University Press 2012 019807087x | 9780198070870 2nd Ed. xxi; 542 p. Library - BR Campus
174.907 THA 05003945 Media ethics : Guha Thakurta, Paranjoy. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195697957 (pbk.) xxviii, 334 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.907 TSE 00143030 Transparency, public relations, and the mass media : Tsetsura, Katerina Routledge, 2017 9780367607456 104 pages ; UG Library
174.907 UPA 07012247 Ethics and Codes in Modern Journalism / Upadhyay Aman ABD Publishers, 2018 9788183765398 292p.: Library - BR Campus
174.907 WAR 05056124 Radical media ethics : Ward, Stephen J. A. 9781118477588 | 9781118477595 1 online resource (260 pages) Knowledge Centre
174.907 WAR 05039875 Global media ethics Wiley-Blackwell, 2013 xiii, 326 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.907 WYA 05042185 The ethics of journalism : I.B.Tauris & Co.Ltd, 2015 9781780765853 | 978-1780766744 xxiv, 279 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.9074 RAJ 00085322 Journalsim Ethics and Objectives Rajsekhar, T Sonali Publications 2007 8184110707 274 p UG Library
174.907940 SIN 00133349 European codes of journalism ethics Singh, Pushpendra P Jnanada prakashan, 2018 9788171397280 pages UG Library
174.90904 SAL 03001081 Ethical Issues of Information Systems / Salehnia, Ali. I R M Press, 2002 1931777152 | 9781931777155 301p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.90904 SPI 05002079 Case Studies in Information and Computer Ethics / Spinello, Richard A Prentice Hall, 1997 0013533845 285 p Knowledge Centre
174.90904 KIZ 00107628 Ethical and social issues in the information age Kizza,Joseph Migga. Springer-Verlag, 2003 9780387954219 2nd edition xxiii, 374 p. : UG Library
174.90904 REY 04021650 Ethics in information technology / Reynolds, George Walter, Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131518755 | 1111534128 (pbk.) | 9781111534134 (instructor ed.) | 1111534136 (instructor ed.) 4th ed. xxi, 498 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.9097 ALI 01005167 Violation of journalistic ethics and public taste : Jacob, Alice, N.M. Tripathi, xvi, 138 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.9097 ARO 00119916 Journalism Ethics and Mass Management by, Aroro Neha Random Publications, 2014 9789351112143 282 p.: UG Library
174.9097 COH 05002078 Speech, Media, And Ethics / Cohen Raphael Palgrave, 2001 9780333770764 216 p Knowledge Centre
174.9097 HAK. 00045844 Media Ethics and Laws Hakemulder, Dr Jan R Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126100702 355p UG Library
174.9097 LOG 01005162 Violation of freedom of the press : Loghani, Usha. N.M. Tripathi, xxviii, 142 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.9097 MAT 00142396 Ethical Journalism : Mathewson,Joe. Routledge, 2022 9780367690779 vi,192p,; UG Library
174.9097 MAT 05072889 Ethical Journalism : Mathewson,Joe. Routledge, 2022 9780367690779 vi,192p,; Knowledge Centre
174.9097 MUL 00144572 Undercover reporting, deception, and betrayal in journalism / Muller, Denis, Routledge, 2023 9780367464936 | 9781032414003 viii, 95 pages ; UG Library
174.9097 SCH 00033527 The Responsibilities of Journalism Schmuhl, Robert East West Press 1989 8185336016 138 p. UG Library
174.915 WEL 10002580 Ethics in Counselling & Psychotherapy : Welfel, Elizabeth Reynolds Brooks/Cole 2010 9781439042021 | 9789353503383 4 ed. 574 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.915 WEL 00142745 Ethics in Counselling & Psychotherapy : Welfel, Elizabeth Reynolds Brooks/Cole 2010 9781439042021 | 9789353503383 4 ed. 574 p. UG Library
174.915 BAN 00110534 Ethical issues and guidelines in psychology Banyard, Philip. Routledge, 2005 041526880X (hardcover) | 97804 xiii; 173 p. cm. UG Library
174.915 DUR 05074624 Conducting research with human participants : Durdella, Nathan, Sage publications inc., 2023 9781544348636 | 1544348630 xxv, 302 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.915 DUR 10002487 Conducting research with human participants : Durdella, Nathan, Sage publications inc., 2023 9781544348636 | 1544348630 xxv, 302 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.915 FIS 05002077 Decoding the ethics code : Fisher, Celia B. Sage Publications, 2009 9781412959162 (pbk.) | 1412959 xxxvi, 358 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.915 FIS 05004130 Decoding the ethics code : Fisher, Celia B. Sage Publications, 2012 9781412994378 (pbk.) 2nd ed., updated ed. 366 p. Knowledge Centre
174.915 FIS 05058285 Decoding the ethics code : Fisher, Celia B. Sage, 2017 9781483369297 (pbk. : alk. pap Fourth edition. xli, 523 pages P: Knowledge Centre
174.915 FIS 05034208 Decoding the ethics code : Fisher, Celia B. SAGE, 2013 9781412997607 (pbk.) 3rd ed. xxxii, 423 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.915 KIT 05004855 Foundations of ethical practice, research, and teaching in psychology and counseling / Kitchener, Karen S. Brunner-Routledge, 2010 9780415965415 (hardback : alk. 2nd ed. p. cm. Knowledge Centre
174.915 KNA 05069507 APA handbook of ethics in psychology / American Psychological Association, 2012 143381000X | 9781433810015 (v. 1) | 1433810018 (v. 1) | 9781433810022 (v. 2) | 1433810026 (v. 2) 1st ed. 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
174.915 KNA 05069508 APA handbook of ethics in psychology / American Psychological Association, 2012 143381000X | 9781433810015 (v. 1) | 1433810018 (v. 1) | 9781433810022 (v. 2) | 1433810026 (v. 2) 1st ed. 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
174.915 KOO 05004181 Ethics in psychology : Koocher, Gerald P. Oxford University Press, 1998 0195092015 (hardcover : alk. p 2nd ed. ix, 502 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.915 KOO 00141298 Ethics in psychology : Koocher, Gerald P. Oxford University Press, 1998 9780195092011 2nd ed. ix, 502 p. : UG Library
174.915 ODO 05032063 Handbook of Professional Ethics for Psychologists / Odonohue, William Sage Publications, 2003 0761911898 472 p Knowledge Centre
174.915 PEL 00137860 The elements of Ethical Practice : Routledge, 2019 9780367187941 xvi,241p.; UG Library
174.915 TIE 05034302 Ethics for psychologists : Tien,Liang. SAGE Publications, 2012 9781412978217 (pbk.) | 1412978 xvi, 551 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.915 TIE 05069514 Ethics for psychologists : Tien,Liang. SAGE Publications, 2012 9781412978217 (pbk.) | 1412978 xvi, 551 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.915 TRI 05042342 Handbook of professional and ethical practice for psychologists, psychotherapists and counsellors / Routledge, 2015 9780415705288 (hbk) | 97804157 2nd edition. xv,341p.; Knowledge Centre
174.915 WEL 05032061 Ethics in Counselling & Psychotherapy : Welfel, Elizabeth Reynolds Brooks/Cole 2010 9781439042021 | 9789353503383 4 ed. 574 p. Knowledge Centre
174.9150971 TRU 05032036 Ethics for the Practice of Psychology in Canada / Truscott, Derek University of Alberta Press, 2004 0888644221 202 p Knowledge Centre
174.91583 COH 07012255 Counseling Ethics for the 21st Century : Cohen Elliot.D Sage, 2019 9781506345475 xxi,248p.: Library - BR Campus
174.91583 COT 05002117 Counseling Ethics and Decision Making / Cottone, R Rocco Pearson, 2007 0131710052 516 p Knowledge Centre
174.91583 HER 05042876 ACA ethical standards casebook / Herlihy, Barbara. American Counseling Association, 2006 1556202555 (alk. paper) 6th ed. xv, 264 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.91583 HOU 05032062 Culturally Relevant Ethical Decision Making in Counseling / Houser, Rick Sage Publications, 2006 1412905877 334 p Knowledge Centre
174.91583 HOU 00130460 Ethics in Counseling & Therapy : Houser, Rick. A SAGE Publications, 2013 9781412981378 | 1412981379 xix, 375 p. : UG Library
174.91583 PRO 05042770 Values and ethics in counselling and psychotherapy / Proctor, Gillian. Sage Publication, 2014 9781849206136 (hardback) | 978 1st edition. pages cm Knowledge Centre
174.91583 REM 07002198 Ethical, legal, and professional issues in counseling / Remley, Theodore Phant, Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall, 2007 0131789619 Updated 2nd ed. xviii, 462 p. : Library - BR Campus
174.91587 LEF 05068348 Ethics and values in industrial-organizational psychology / Lefkowitz, Joel, Routledge, 2017 9781138189935 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781138189928 (hardback : alk. paper) Second edition. x, 603 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.93 ISR 05002076 Research Ethics for Social Scientists : Mark, Israel Sage Publications, 2006 1412903890 193 p Knowledge Centre
174.93 FLY 00128610 Case Studies for Ethics in Academic Research in the social Sciences / Flynn, Leisa R. SAGE Publications, 2013 9781412996389 xv, 82 p. ; UG Library
174.93 ISR 05032034 Research Ethics for Social Scientists : Mark, Israel Sage Publications, 2006 1412903890 193 p Knowledge Centre
174.93 ISR 05032033 Research Ethics for Social Scientists : Mark, Israel Sage Publications, 2006 1412903890 193 p Knowledge Centre
174.93 ISR 05032035 Research Ethics for Social Scientists : Mark, Israel Sage Publications, 2006 1412903890 193 p Knowledge Centre
174.93 ISR 05042136 Research Ethics and Integrity for Social Scientists : Israel Mark Sage, 2015 9781446207499 2nd ed xi,247p.: Knowledge Centre
174.93 JEA 00133334 The relational ethics of narrative inquiry / Clandinin, D. Jean, Routledge, 2018 9781138285705 (hardback) | 9781138285729 (pbk.) viii, 219 pages ; UG Library
174.93 MIL 00110453 Ethics in Qualitative Research Miller,Tina. Sage 2012 9781446210895 2nd Ed. viii; 194 p. UG Library
174.93 MIL 05024311 Ethics in Qualitative Research Miller,Tina. Sage 2012 9781446210895 2nd Ed. viii; 194 p. Knowledge Centre
174.93 SIE 00129619 Planning ethically responsible research Sieber, Joan E. SAGE, 2013 9781452202594 2nd ed. xix, 238 p. UG Library
174.930072 DEN 05066960 Ethical futures in qualitative research : Routledge, 2018 9780815349877 279p.; Knowledge Centre
174.9302 THA 00109821 Media Ethics Thakurta Guha Paranjoy Oxford University Press 2012 019807087x | 9780198070870 2nd Ed. xxi; 542 p. UG Library
174.9302 THA 01020770 Media Ethics Thakurta Guha Paranjoy Oxford University Press 2012 019807087x | 9780198070870 2nd Ed. xxi; 542 p. Knowledge Centre
174.9302 THA 00108074 Media Ethics Thakurta Guha Paranjoy Oxford University Press 2012 019807087x | 9780198070870 2nd Ed. xxi; 542 p. UG Library
174.9302 THA 00108075 Media Ethics Thakurta Guha Paranjoy Oxford University Press 2012 019807087x | 9780198070870 2nd Ed. xxi; 542 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.930223 BHA 05032045 Media and Communication Ethics / Bhatia, Arun Akansha Publishing House, 2005 8183700233 268 p Knowledge Centre
174.930223 BHA 00068505 Media and Communication Ethics Bhatia, Arun Akansha Publishing House 2005 8183700233 268p UG Library
174.930223 DAY 05032014 Ethics in Media Communications : Day, Louis, Alvin Thomson, 2003 9780534562359 468 p Knowledge Centre
174.9306 ZYL 05032026 The Ethics of Cultural Studies / Zylinska Joanna Continuum, 2010 9780826475244 176 P Knowledge Centre
174.93321 IIB 00137758 Ethics in banking Indian institute of banking and finance Taxmann publications, 2018 9789388266338 399.00 UG Library
174.9355 CHA 00119525 Military Philosophy Chavanavar S. V Manas Publications, 2014 9788170494935 183 p.: UG Library
174.9361 REA 05030953 Social Work Values and Ethics / Ramer, Frederic G. Rawat Publications, 2005 8170339154 | 9788170339151 xi,247p Knowledge Centre
174.9361 WRO 05058939 Human rights and social justice : Wronka, Joseph, Sage Publications, 2017 9781483387178 (pbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed., xlix, 420 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.9361 WRO 00091620 Human rights and social justice : Wronka, Joseph, Sage Publications, 9781412938723 (cloth) | 141293 xxxi, 335 p. : UG Library
174.93613 BAN 05032044 Ethics and Values in Social Work / Banks, Sarah Palgrave, 2001 0333947983 217 p Knowledge Centre
174.93613 BAR 00137672 Ethics and values in social work : Barsky, Allan Edward. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190678111 2nd edition. xv, 552p.; UG Library
174.93613 PUL 05040632 The ethical foundations of social work / Pullen-Sansfaçon, Annie. Pearson, 2012 9781408224434 | 1408224437 xxiii, 208 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.9362 BEC 05062075 Values & ethics in social work / Beckett, Chris, Sage, 2017 9781473974807 | 1473974801 | 9781473974814 | 147397481X 3rd edition. xvi, 179p.; Knowledge Centre
174.9362 BEC 05045334 Values & ethics in social work : Beckett, Chris, Sage, 2005 1412901391 (hbk.) | 1412901405 200 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.9362 SER 00109077 Youth work ethics Sercombe, Howard Sage Publications, 2010 9781847876034 | 9781847876041 x; 182 p. UG Library
174.93625 LIC 00112784 Distant strangers : Lichtenberg, Judith. Cambridge University Press 2014 9780521763318 | 9780521124621 276p; UG Library
174.93625 LIC 07002787 Distant strangers : Lichtenberg, Judith. Cambridge University Press 2014 9780521763318 | 9780521124621 276p; Library - BR Campus
174.93632 FYF 01025688 Moral issues in intelligence-led policing / Fyfe, Nicholas R., Routledge, 2018 9780415373791 (hardback) xvii, 312 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.93632 MaC 00126820 Police Ethics and Values MacVean, Allyson Sage, 2012 9780857253859 154 p.: UG Library
174.936323 FIT 05037330 Law enforcement ethics : Fitch, Brian D. SAGE Publications, 2014 9781452258171 (pbk.) p. cm. Knowledge Centre
174.936325 BOW 01027773 Ethics and the practice of forensic science / Bowen, Robin T., CRC Press , 2018 9781498777131 (hardback : alk. paper) Second Edition. xvii, 253 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.936325 DOW 01019011 Ethics in forensic science / Academic, 2012 9780123850195 (hbk.) | 0123850 xiii, 454 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.9364 BRA 01021974 Justice, crime, and ethics / Elsevier, 2015 9780323262279 Eighth edition. xvii,482p.; Knowledge Centre
174.9364 BRA 05055224 Justice, crime, and ethics / Elsevier, 2015 9780323262279 Eighth edition. xvii,482p.; Knowledge Centre
174.9364 ROB 01021234 Ethics for criminal justice professionals / Roberson, Cliff, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2010 9781420086706 (hc : alk. paper x, 285 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.93646 KLS 01004923 Correctional ethics / Ashgate, 0754624315 (alk. paper) xxviii, 590 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.937 ART 00123554 Professional Values and Practice Arthur, James RoutledgeFalmer, 2005 9780415317276 | 9780415317276 x, 179 p:. UG Library
174.937 LEV 05058420 Dilemmas of educational ethics : Harvard University Press, 2016 9781612509327 | 9781612509334 255 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.9371713 JAC 05069317 Ethics and law for school psychologists / Jacob, Susan. John Wiley & Sons inc, 2016 9781119157069 (hardback) Seventh edition. xv, 431 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.9372 KNO 00128240 Thinking Through Ethics and Values in Primary Education / Knowles, Gianna. Sage Publications, 2012 9780857257338 1st ed. 163 p.: UG Library
174.9381 BRE 03000436 Marketing Ethics / Brenkert, George G. Blackweel Publishing, 2008 9780631214236 256 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.9382 KEI 00079283 The Ethics of Teaching a Case Book Keith-Spiegel, Patricia 2002 0080584063 273 p UG Library
174.95 SEE 04001574 Fundamentals of Ethics Seebauer, Edmund G Oxford Universtiy Press 2008 0195686136 269p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.95 BRI 00130251 Ethics and science : Briggle, Adam. Cambridge University Press 2012 9780521878418 (hardback) | 978 xviii, 370 pages: UG Library
174.95 ORE 03006148 Merchants of Doubt : Oreskes, Naomi. Bloomsbury, 2010 9781408824665 355 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.95 PIE 00123446 The Honest Broker Pielke, Roger A., Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521873208 (hbk.) | 0521873 x, 188 p:. UG Library
174.95 SEE 04012318 Fundamentals of Ethics For Scientists and Engineers / Seebauer, G. Edmund. Oxford University Press; 2001 9780195698480 269 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.9503 BAR 05002087 Encyclopedia of Ethics in Science and Technology / Barber, Nigel Viva Books Private Limited, 2005 8176499951 386 p Knowledge Centre
174.957 JON 04005429 Britannica Guide to Genetics: The Most Exciting Development in Life Science-From Mendel to the ... Jones, Steve Robinson 2009 9781845299446 380 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.957 SIN 00122284 The Cambridge textbook of bioethics / Singer Peter.A Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521872843 (hardback) | 978 xvi, 538 p. : UG Library
174.957 BED 00119994 The ethics of protocells : Bedau Mark A MIT Press, 2009 9780262012621 (hardcover : alk x, 365 p. ; UG Library
174.957 BUR 00142980 A companion to genethics / Blackwell Publishers, 2002 0631206981 (alk. paper) | 9781405120289 xvi, 489 p. ; UG Library
174.957 GHO 00077942 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Bioethics. Ghosh, S K Global Vision 2003 8187746807 962p UG Library
174.957 GHO 00077943 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Bioethics. Ghosh, S K Global Vision 2003 8187746807 962p UG Library
174.957 GHO 00077944 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Bioethics. Ghosh, S K Global Vision 2003 8187746807 962p UG Library
174.957 GOE 00128198 IPR, Biosafety and Bioethics Goel, Deepa Pearson 2013 9788131774700 233p UG Library
174.957 GUI 00076186 Handbook of Bioethics and Religion: [Dharmaram Library] Guinn, E David 2006 0195178734 436p UG Library
174.957 HON 01016356 Genomics and Bioethics : Medical Information Science Reference, 2011 9781616928834 (h/c) | 97816169 xxii,307p.; Knowledge Centre
174.957 IGN 00116849 Bioethics S. Ignacimuthu Narosa Plishing House, 2009 9788173199660 xiii, 5:50 p.: UG Library
174.957 JON 00079816 Bioethics;when the Chllenges of Life Become Too Difficult Jones, Gareth Atf Press 255p UG Library
174.957 LIN 00117628 Naturalized bioethics : Lindemann,Hilde Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521895248 (hardback) | 052 xiii, 275 p. ; UG Library
174.957 OAK 01011691 Bioethics Oakley, Justin. Ashgate, 9780754625971 (alk. paper) 559p. cm. Knowledge Centre
174.957 OUE 00106230 Bioethics and disability : Ouellette, Alicia. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521110303 (hardback) xiv, 371 p. ; UG Library
174.957 POL 00126860 Bioscience ethics Pollard, Irina. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521768283 (hardback) xiv, 317 p.: UG Library
174.957 POL 00091989 Bioscience ethics / Pollard, Irina. Cambridge University Press, 9780521745277 xiv, 317 p. : UG Library
174.957 RAS 00128728 The Ethics of Inheritable Genetic Modification : Rasko, John E.J Cambridge University Press, 2006 9780521822770 | 0521822777 | xxxv, 315 p. : UG Library
174.957 SCU 00106118 Feminist bioethics : Scully,Jackie Leach. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010 9780801894244 (hardcover : alk xvi, 307 p. ; UG Library
174.957 SIN 05034500 The Cambridge textbook of bioethics / Singer Peter.A Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521872843 (hardback) | 978 xvi, 538 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.957 SUT 00125733 Christian Bioethics : Sutton, Agneta. T & T Clark, 2008 9780567031969 (hbk.) | 0567031 180 p. ; UG Library
174.957 VAL 04020281 Biomedical ethics for engineers : Vallero, Daniel A. Elsevier/Academic Press, 2007 0750682272 | 9780750682275 | 9 xxiii, 408 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.957RAM 00080084 Bioethics and Biosafety Rallapalli, Ramamurthi P h Publishing Corporation 308p UG Library
174.96 JAS 00127361 The Ethics of Invention Jasanoff, Sheila, W.W. Norton & Company 2016 9780393078992 (hardcover) First edition. x,306p.; UG Library
174.96 JAS 05053716 The Ethics of Invention Jasanoff, Sheila, W.W. Norton & Company 2016 9780393078992 (hardcover) First edition. x,306p.; Knowledge Centre
174.962 ALA 03009558 Professional Ethics and Human Values / Alavudeen, A. University Science Press , 2010 9789380386003 333 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.962 BAI 04021067 Engineering and social justice : Purdue University Press, 2012 9781557536068 | 1557536066 (pb xii, 209 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.962 GON 00146774 Ethics and Responsible Research and Innovation in Practice: Gonzalez-Esteban, Elsa Springer, 2023 9783031331763 xii,247p. ; UG Library
174.962 UNG 04012978 Controlling Technology : Unger, H. Stephen. Wiley India ; 2011 9788126533435 2nd ed. 353 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.962 WHI 04017507 Ethics in Engineering Practice and Research / Whitbeck, Caroline CUP, 2011 9781107668478 2nd ed. 414p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.962 WHI 04008185 Ethics in Engineering Practice and Research / Whitbeck, Caroline. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521897976 (hardback) | 9780521723985 (paperback) Second edition. p. cm Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.963 NOR 05045185 Agricultural and food controversies : Norwood, F. Bailey, Oxford University Pr, 2015 9780199368426 | 0199368422 | 0 viii, 155 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.964794 JAS 05007544 Ethical decision making in the hospitality industry / Jaszay, Christine. Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2006 9780131136809 xxi, 436 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.9652 GIL 00108650 Accountants' truth Gill,Matthew Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199603107 | 9780199603107 Pbk. ed. x, 198 p. ; UG Library
174.9657 BRO 00126916 Business Professional Ethics For Directors, Executives & Accountants Brooks J. Leonard South Western, 2012 9780538478403 6th ed. xxvii, 716 p.: UG Library
174.9657 FIS 05000934 Accountants Responses to Ethical Issues at work / Fisher, C. CIMA Publishing, 1859714609 vii, 150 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.9657 SCH 05021065 Research on Accounting Ethics / Schwartz, Bill N Elsevier Science Inc., 2000 9780762307432 vii, 284 p. Knowledge Centre
174.96572 PAR 00073951 Ethics in Public Relations(dharmaram Library) Parsons, Patricia J 2005 0749444061 187p UG Library
174.96572 PAR 05032098 Ethics in Public Relations : Parsons, J Patricia Kogan Page, 2006 0749444061 188 p Knowledge Centre
174.9658 CHA 00094006 in Management vedantic perspectives Chakraborty Oxford University Press 294p UG Library
174.9664 BAR 00085909 Ethical Sourcing in the Global Food System Barrientos, Stephanie Earthscan 2006 1844071995 204 p UG Library
174.982 BEK 05002090 Screenwriting with a conscience Beker, Marilyn. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004 080584127X (alk. paper) | 0805 xx, 245 p. Knowledge Centre
174.991 SHR 00098382 Tourism Ethics: Shrivastavea,Atul Centrum Press, 9789380540092 viii , 320 p. UG Library
174.991 BUT 05002086 Aspects of Tourism, The Tourism Area Life Cycle : Butler, Richard W. Viva Books Pvt. Ltd., 2010 9788130912295 385 p. Knowledge Centre
174.991 BUT 05002088 Aspects of Tourism, The Tourism Area Life Cycle : Butler, Richard W. Viva Books Pvt. Ltd., 2010 9788130912295 385 p. Knowledge Centre
174.991 FEN 00107262 Codes of Ethics in Tourism Fennell A. David Viva Books 2010 9788130912332 viii,186 p. UG Library
174.991 LOV 05035909 The ethics of tourism : Lovelock, Brent. Routledge, 2013 9780415575577 (hbk : alk. pape 1st ed. xvi, 368 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.991 SAH 00118978 Handbook of Tourism Ethics Sah Kumar Rakesh Anmol Publications Pvt, 2014 9788126160914 vii, 290 p.: UG Library
174.991 SMI 00102889 The ethics of tourism development / Smith, Mick, Routledge, 0415266858 | 0415266866 (pbk.) x, 195 p. : UG Library
174.9KEL 05032056 Ethics at Work / Kelly, Bob Gower, 2004 0566081504 201 p Knowledge Centre
174/.957 MEP 00098133 Bioethics : Mepham, T. B. Oxford University Press, 9780199214303 | 0199214301 xviii, 418 p. : UG Library
174MUR 00051483 Ethics in Organizations Murray, David Crest 8124202087 239p Knowledge Centre
174OAK 01009477 Virture Ethics and Professional Roles (law Lib) Justin Oakley Cambridge University Press 9780521027298 188p Knowledge Centre
175 KIE 05001996 Media Ethics Kieran, Matthew Routledge, 2005 0415168384 195p.; Knowledge Centre
175 WIL 03001689 Computer Ethics Etiquette & Safety : Willard, Nancy E. Viva Books, 2008 9788130909042 | 8130909049 85 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
175 BIV 00145409 Mixed media : Bivins, Thomas H. Routledge 2023 9781000891058 | 9781003290674 4th ed. ix:339p. UG Library
175 BIV 00130093 Mixed Media : Bivins, Thomas H. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2018 9781138700970 | 9781138700987 Third edition. xiii, 337 p . : UG Library
175 CHA 00063670 Ethics of Reporting the News: Role of the Press and the Moral Code: Chaturvdi, G D ABD Publishers 2004 8189011189 245p UG Library
175 CHR 00143493 Media Ethics: Christians, Clifford G Routledge; 2017 9780815366577 405p UG Library
175 CHR 05056120 Media ethics : Christians, Clifford G. Routledge, 2017 9781138672383 (hardback) | 978 10th edition. xv,405p.; Knowledge Centre
175 COU 05042118 Ethics of media / Palgrave Macmillan, 2013 9780230347830 xi, 298 pages : Knowledge Centre
175 COU 05042232 Ethics of media / Palgrave Macmillan, 2013 9780230347830 xi, 298 pages : Knowledge Centre
175 DAV 01023482 Controversies in digital ethics / Davisson, Amber L., Bloomsbury publishing Inc., 2016 9781501310560 (hardback : alk. viii, 380 pages : Knowledge Centre
175 DAY 00091060 Media communicatin ethics Day Louis Alvin Cengage Learning 9788131505946 382p UG Library
175 ESS 07009812 Digital media ethics: digital media and society series / Ess,Charles Polity Publication, 2014 9780745656069 2nd Ed. xx,284p. Library - BR Campus
175 ESS 05002085 Digital Media Ethics : Ess, Charles. Polity Press, 2009 9780745641645 xxi, 256 p. ; Knowledge Centre
175 ESS 05006389 Digital Media Ethics : Ess, Charles. Polity Press, 2009 9780745641645 xxi, 256 p. ; Knowledge Centre
175 FOR 00131456 World media ethics : Fortner, Robert S., John Wiley & sons, 2018 9781118989999 (hardback) | 9781118990001 (paper) vii, 249 pages ; UG Library
175 HOR 05044475 Understanding media ethics / Horner, David Sanford. Sage, 2015 9781849207874 (hbk.) | 9781849 x, 256 pages ; Knowledge Centre
175 JON 05037151 Ethics at the cinema Oxford University Press, 2011 9780195320398 (hardcover : alk viii,341p.: Knowledge Centre
175 LUM 05032104 Remote Control : Lumby,Catharine Cambridge University Press, 2003 0521534275 | 9780521534277 256 p. Knowledge Centre
175 LUM 00077279 Remote Control : Lumby,Catharine Cambridge University Press, 2003 0521534275 | 9780521534277 256 p. UG Library
175 MCN 05002129 The ethics of sports : Mike McNamee Routledge, 2010 9780415478618 (hardback : alk. 1st ed. xiv, 505 p. : Knowledge Centre
175 PLA 05042741 Media ethics : Plaisance, Patrick Lee. Sage, 2014 9781452258089 (alk. paper) xvii, 267 pages : Knowledge Centre
175 SHA 00050553 Deciding What We Watch Shaw,Colin Oxford University 2000 9780198159360 184 p. UG Library
175 TES 00109404 Compassion, morality, and the media Tester,Keith, Open University, 2001 0335205143 | 0335205135 (pbk.) viii, 152 p. ; UG Library
175 WIL 05002338 The handbook of mass media ethics / Wilkins, Lee and Clifford G Christians Routledge, 2008 9780805861914 | 9780805861921 398 p. Knowledge Centre
175.1 BER 05032099 Digital Dilemmas : Berkman, Robert I Surjeet Publications, 2005 8122901867 386 p Knowledge Centre
175.1 BHA 05032101 Media and Communication Ethics / Bhatia, Arun Akansha Publishing House, 2005 8183700233 268 p. Knowledge Centre
175.1 DAY 00058849 Ethics in Media Communications Day, Louis, Alvin Thomson 2002 0534562353 | 9780534562359 4th Ed. 468 p. UG Library
175.1 HAK 05037929 Media Ethics and Laws. Hakemulder, Jan R Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2005 8126100702 355p Knowledge Centre
175.1 Rai 00146013 Media Ethics and Laws / Rai, Ramesh Asia Publishers & Distributors, 2023 9788119391820 xi,240p. ; UG Library
175.1 SHA 05032100 Ethics of Journalism in Transition / Sharma, Jitendra Kumar Authors Press, 2005 8172732120 271 p Knowledge Centre
175SPI 01011227 Cyberethics: Morality and Law in Cyberspace (law Lib) Richard A Spinello Jones and Bartlett Publisher 9780763737832 232p Knowledge Centre
176 COM 00091491 Sexual Behavior in Society Comfort Alex Viking Press 157p UG Library
176 VAT 00104467 Kamasutra Vatsyayana Penguin Books 2011 9780143416081 143 p. UG Library
176.22 MAC 01018952 Human cloning : Macintosh, Kerry Lynn. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107031852 (hardback : alk. xvi, 307 p. ; Knowledge Centre
176.4 HAL 09000161 Revenge pornography : Hall, Matthew, Routledge, 2018 9781138124400 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781138124394 (hardback : alk. paper) ix,151p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
176.4 HAL 05068271 Revenge pornography : Hall, Matthew, Routledge, 2018 9781138124400 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781138124394 (hardback : alk. paper) ix,151p.; Knowledge Centre
176.4 WEE 05057301 What is sexual history? / Weeks, Jeffrey, Polity, 2016 9780745680248 (hardcover : alk xi, 187 pages ; Knowledge Centre
176.7 MON 05006455 Porn : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 9781405199629 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 262 p. : Knowledge Centre
176GAV 01007613 Defending the Genetic Supermarket: Law and Ethics of Selecting the Next Generation ( Law Lib.) Colin Gavaghan UCL 9781844720583 238p. Knowledge Centre
176IRI 01007239 Ethics of Sexual Difference ( Law Lib ) Irigaray Continuum 0826477127 179p Knowledge Centre
177 CLU 00000811 Social Atitude Clump, Cyril C St.Paul`s Publication 1962 104 p UG Library
177 DAL 05059189 Caring to Know : Dalmiya, Vrinda. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199464760 First Edition xi, 327pages ; Knowledge Centre
177 WEB 07004411 Shanti Sena: Philosophy, History and Action Weber, Thomas Orient Longman Publications 2009 9788125036838 290p Library - BR Campus
177 WEB 00089430 Shanti Sena: Philosophy, History and Action Weber, Thomas Orient Longman Publications 2009 9788125036838 290p UG Library
177.1 LAS 05002084 In Search of Hospitality : Lashley, Conrad Butterworth, 2002 0750645628 299 p Knowledge Centre
177.1 LAS 05032038 In Search of Hospitality : Lashley, Conrad Butterworth, 2002 0750645628 299 p Knowledge Centre
177.1 LAS 00056536 In Search of Hospitality Lashley,Conrad Butterworth Heinemann 2000 0750645628 | 9780750645621 300 p. UG Library
177.1 LAS 05045336 In search of hospitality : Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000 9780750654319 xviii, 300 p. : Knowledge Centre
177.1 LAS 05010615 In Search of Hospitality Lashley,Conrad. Butterworth Heinemann 2000 0750645628 | 9780750645621 300 p. Knowledge Centre
177.2 RAN 05066723 The concept of conversation : Randall, David. Edinburg University Press Ltd, 2019 9781474430111 266 p. ; Knowledge Centre
177.3 CAR 05032039 Lying and deception : Carson Thomas.L Oxford university press, 2010 9780199577415 280 p. Knowledge Centre
177.3 MCG 05004744 The interplay of truth and deception : Routledge, 2010 9780415995665 | 0415995663 | 9 xviii, 198 p. : Knowledge Centre
177.3 ROW 00143332 Why We Lie Row, Dorothy Fourth Estate, 2010 9780007412532 364p UG Library
177.3 SUL 05032040 The Concise Book of Lying / Sullivan, Evelin Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2001 0374128685 334 p Knowledge Centre
177.3 SVE 10002240 A philosophy of lying/ Svendsen, Lars Reaktion books ltd., 2022 9781789145632 136p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
177.62 FRA 03007373 Click : Fraser, George C. Tata McGraw-Hill ; 2008 9780070264779 TMH ed. 213 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
177.62 JES 00135562 Friendship and social media: a philosophical exploration / Jeske, Diane, Routledge, 2019 9781138629448 (hbk : alk. paper) | 9781138387409 (pbk : alk. paper) xiii,160p. UG Library
177.62VER 01006642 Philosophy of Friendship(law Library) Mark Vernon PALGRAVE MACMILLAN 0230517145 182p Knowledge Centre
177.7 AND 10004326 Infectious Generosity : Anderson, Chris WH Allen, 2024 9780753560501 xi, 242 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
177.7 ARM 00119298 Twelve steps to a compassionate life / Armstrong, Karen, Alfred A. Knopf, 2010 9780307595591 1st ed. 222 p. ; UG Library
177.7 ARM 00119297 Twelve steps to a compassionate life / Armstrong, Karen, Alfred A. Knopf, 2010 9780307595591 1st ed. 222 p. ; UG Library
177.7 ARM 03008423 Twelve Steps To A Compassionate Life / Armstrong, Karen. Thorndike Press, 2011 9781410435033 (hardcover) | 97 Large print ed. 307 p. (large print) ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
177.7 HAN 07013642 Love's enlightenment : Hanley, Ryan Patrick, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107105225 xv, 182p;. Library - BR Campus
177.7 JAM 03009256 The Power of Giving : Jamal, Azim Jaico, 2013 9788179925744 158p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
177.7 SCH 05060650 Loving justice, living Shakespeare / Schwartz, Regina M., Oxford University Press, 2016 0198795211 | 9780198795216 First edition. x, 141 pages ; Knowledge Centre
177.7 STA 09000251 The roots of goodness and resistance to evil : Staub, Ervin. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780190607982 xiii, 389 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
177.7 STA 05069014 The roots of goodness and resistance to evil : Staub, Ervin. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780195382037 xiii, 389 pages ; Knowledge Centre
177.7 STA 05067766 The roots of goodness and resistance to evil : Staub, Ervin. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780195382037 xiii, 389 pages ; Knowledge Centre
177.7 STA 10003551 The roots of goodness and resistance to evil : Staub, Ervin. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780190607982 xiii, 389 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
177.7 SUN 05032058 Beyond Business : Sundar, Pushpa Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2000 0074631071 384 p Knowledge Centre
177.7 WAH 05062203 Kindness Boomerang : Wahba, Orly. Flatiron Books, 2017 9781250152312 P.; Knowledge Centre
177.7 ZIZ 00109557 The Neighbor Zizek, Slavoj. University of Chicago Press, 2005 0226707385 (cloth : alk. paper 190 p. : UG Library
178 J\6 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
178 KHA 00143359 Barkat: Khanna, Vikas Ebury Press 2021 9780670095162 150p UG Library
178 SHA 05032025 Social and Personal Ethics / Shaw, H William Wadsworth Publishing, 1998 0053454360 519 p Knowledge Centre
179 JOH 04003063 Computer Ethics Johnson, Deborah G Pearsoneducation 2008 8177585932 202 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
179 CAL 05060743 Japanese environmental philosophy / Callicott,Baird.J Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190456320 (cloth : alk. pa xxiii, 310p.; Knowledge Centre
179 DEB 05060730 Dignity : Debes,Remy., Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199385997 (cloth : alk. pa xix, 408p.; [2] pages of plates : Knowledge Centre
179 GAR 05060727 Debating climate ethics / Gardiner, Stephen Mark, Oxford university Press, 2016 9780199996483 (pbk. : alk. pap vi, 272p.; Knowledge Centre
179 HAU 00018441 Should Anyone Say Forever? on Making, Keeping and Breaking Commitments Haughey, John C Image 1977 1 UG Library
179 HOS 05032029 Unsustainable : Hossay, Patrick Zed Books, 2006 1842776576 280 p Knowledge Centre
179 HOS 05032030 Unsustainable : Hossay, Patrick Zed Books, 2006 1842776576 280 p Knowledge Centre
179 HOS 01015762 Unsustainable : Hossay, Patrick, Zed Books ; | Distributed in the USA by Palgrave Macmillan, 2006 1842776568 (hbk.) | 1842776576 vii, 280 p. : Knowledge Centre
179 MEN 04022290 Gifted : Inspiring stories of people with disabilities / Menon, Sudha Random House, 2014 9788184005455 260 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
179 MEN 07005553 Gifted : Inspiring stories of people with disabilities / Menon, Sudha Random House, 2014 9788184005455 260 p. : Library - BR Campus
179 MEN 00141411 Gifted : Inspiring stories of people with disabilities / Menon, Sudha Random House, 2014 9788184005455 260 p. : UG Library
179 MIL 05060758 The character gap : Miller, Christian B. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190264222 | 0190264225 xvii, 276p.; Knowledge Centre
179 STA 05042797 The new behaviorism : Staddon, J. E. R. Psychology Press, 2014 9781848726888 (pbk) | 97818487 ix, 282 pages : Knowledge Centre
179 STA 07002056 The new behaviorism : Staddon, J. E. R. Psychology Press, 2014 9781848726888 (pbk) | 97818487 ix, 282 pages : Library - BR Campus
179.09 LEA 00070647 Art of Thank You (UGC Minority) Leas, Connie Jaico Publishing House 2005 8179925226 187p UG Library
179.1 ATT 05042231 Environmental ethics : Attfield, Robin, Polity, 2014 9780745652535 (paperback) Second edition. vii, 272 pages ; Knowledge Centre
179.1 BRE 05054502 Ethical values and the integrity of the climate change regime / Ashgate, 2015 9781472469595 (hardback : alk. xx,288p.; Knowledge Centre
179.1 BRU 00117447 The fanaticism of the apocalypse : Bruckner, Pascal, 9780745669762 | 074566976X 204 pages ; UG Library
179.1 CHA 05074492 The promise of multispecies justice / Duke, 2022 9781478016250 | 9781478018896 xi, 284 pages : Knowledge Centre
179.1 GAG 05067248 Caring for glaciers : Gagne, Karine. University Of Washington Press, 2018 9780295744001 xxv, 231p.; Knowledge Centre
179.1 GAR 01017162 Climate Ethics: Gardiner Stephen M. Oxford university press; 2010 9780195399615 351 p.: Knowledge Centre
179.1 GAR 00089697 Ethics of Climate Change: Right and Wrong in a Warming World Garvey, James Continuum 1846841666 179p. UG Library
179.1 GAR 03005366 Climate Ethics: Gardiner Stephen M. Oxford university press; 2010 9780195399615 351 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
179.1 GAR 00103771 Climate Ethics: Gardiner Stephen M. Oxford university press; 2010 9780195399615 351 p.: UG Library
179.1 GOT 05068614 Morality and the environmental crisis / Gottlieb, Roger S., Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781316506127 xi, 240p.; Knowledge Centre
179.1 KAW 00142245 The virtues of sustainability / Kawall,Jason Oxford University Press 2021 9780190919856 | 9780190919825 | 9780190919849 | 9780190919832 270p UG Library
179.1 LAM 00140664 Our only home : Lama, Dalai Bloomsbury Sigma; 2019 144 p. ; UG Library
179.1 OHE 00125054 Philosophy and the environment Ohear,Anthony Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107696075 (pbk.) | 1107696 vii, 277 p : UG Library
179.1 ROS 00131322 Climate justice : Roser, Dominic, Routledge, 2017 9781138845282 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138845275 (pbk. : alk. paper) ix, 229 pages : UG Library
179.1 SAN 05034034 The ethics of species : Sandler, Ronald L. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107023468 (hardback) | 110 xii, 235 p. ; Knowledge Centre
179.1 SCR 05036939 Green philosophy : Scruton,Roger. Atalantic Books, 2012 9781848872028 457p.; Knowledge Centre
179.1 SHR 00061951 Environmental Ethics Shrivastava, A. K. A P H Publshing Corporation 2004 8176485977 | 9788176485975 462 p. UG Library
179.1 SKR 00125744 Future ethics : Skrimshire,Stefan Continuum, 2010 9781441176554 | 1441176551 | 9 xvi, 290 p. ; UG Library
179.1 SRI 00068440 Readings in Environmental Ethics Srivastava, D C Rawat Publications 0817033893 316p UG Library
179.1 VAN 05032087 Bio Politics : Vandana, Shiva Zed Books, 1995 1856493369 294 p Knowledge Centre
179.1 VAN 05032086 Monocultures of the Mind : Vandana, Shiva Third World Network, 1995 9839747045 183 p Knowledge Centre
179.1 WAN 05034494 Genetic Engineering Dreams of Nightmares? Ho, Mae-Wan Research Foundation, 1997 218 p Knowledge Centre
179.1SAN 01009991 Character and Environment: A Virture Oriented Approach to Environmental Ethics (law Lib) Ronald L Sandler Lawyers & Judges Publishing Company 201p Knowledge Centre
179.3 ADA 07006430 The sexual politics of meat : Adams, Carol J., Bloomsbury, 2015 9781501312830 (paperback) | 15 Bloomsbury revelations edition. lii, 281 pages : Library - BR Campus
179.3 ADA 00143640 Neither Man Nor Beast: Adams. Carol J Bloomsbury, 2018 9781350040205 272p UG Library
179.3 ARM 05005224 The animal ethics reader / Routledge, 2008 9780415775397 (pbk.) | 0415775 2nd ed. xxvii, 646 p. : Knowledge Centre
179.3 CAV 04015675 The animal question : Cavalieri, Paola, Oxford University Press, 2001 0195143809 (alk. paper) | 9780195173659 viii, 184 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
179.3 COL 05046811 Beating hearts : Colb, Sherry F., 9780231175142 (cloth : alk. pa vii,237p. Knowledge Centre
179.3 COR 00112522 The Politics of Species : Ed By, Corbey Raymond Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107032606 Xiv, 295. P.: UG Library
179.3 DEG 00102827 Animal rights : DeGrazia, David. Oxford University Press, 2002 0192853600 | 9780192853608 131 p. : UG Library
179.3 DEG 05048805 Animal rights : DeGrazia, David. Oxford University Press, 2002 0192853600 | 9780192853608 131 p. : Knowledge Centre
179.3 LIN 00104676 Why animal suffering matters : Linzey, Andrew. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195379778 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 206 p. ; UG Library
179.3 MIL 05006631 Beyond animal rights : Milligan, Tony. Continuum, 2010 9781441194862 xii, 168 p. ; Knowledge Centre
179.3 NEW 00104999 Animals in Greek and Roman thought : Newmyer, Stephen Thomas. Routledge, 2011 9780415773348 (hardback) | 041 xviii, 130 p. ; UG Library
179.3 OSB 00103921 Dumb beasts and dead philosophers : Osborne, Catherine. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199568277 (pbk.) | 0199568 xi, 262 p. UG Library
179.3 ROC 00132994 Animal ethics in animal research / Röcklinsberg, Helena, Cambridge university press, 2017 9781108420617 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781108430685 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvii,179p.; UG Library
179.30954 KAR 00091345 Savage humans and stray dogs : Karlekar, Hiranmay, SAGE Publications, 9788178298795 (paper back) p. cm. UG Library
179.3DON 01009975 Feminist Care Tradition in Animal Ethics (law Lib) Josephine Donovan Columbia University Press 9780231140393 392p Knowledge Centre
179.50903 CAB 00127144 Blasphemy : Cabantous, Alain. Columbia University Press, 2002 0231118767 | 9780231118767 x, 288 p. ; UG Library
179.6 FUR 00133974 How Fear Works: Furedi, Frank Bloomsbury Publising Lmt, 2018 9781472947727 306 p.; UG Library
179.6 HOL 10004261 Courage is calling : Holiday, Ryan, Profile books ltd., 2021 9780593191675 | 9781788166270 xxiii, 278 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
179.6 HOL 00141429 Courage is Calling: Holiday,Ryan Profile Books 2021 9781788166270 278p UG Library
179.6 ROB 05059783 The 5 Second Rule: Robbins, Mel. A Savio Republic Book, 2017 9781682612385 231p. Knowledge Centre
179.6 ROB 00140795 The 5 Second Rule: Robbins, Mel. A Savio Republic Book, 2017 9781682612385 231p. UG Library
179.6 ROB 07012658 The 5 Second Rule: Robbins, Mel. A Savio Republic Book, 2017 9781682612385 231p. Library - BR Campus
179.6 ROB 00138784 The 5 Second Rule: Robbins, Mel. A Savio Republic Book, 2017 9781682612385 231p. UG Library
179.6092 HOB 05002083 Plato and the Hero : Hobbs, Angela Cambridge University Press, 2000 9780521417334 xvi, 280 P. Knowledge Centre
179.7 YOU 05002081 Medically Assisted Death / Young, Robert Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521880244 251 p Knowledge Centre
179.7 BAT 01007033 Death, dying and the ending of life / Ashgate Pub., 075462174X (hbk. : alk. paper) 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
179.7 BAT 01007034 Death, dying and the ending of life / Ashgate Pub., 075462174X (hbk. : alk. paper) 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
179.7 BER 00117648 Violence : Bernstein, Richard J., 0745670636 | 9780745670638 | 0 ix, 228 pages ; UG Library
179.7 CHA 01013789 Euthanasia : Chackalackal,Saju Dharmaram Publication, 818686119X 85p.; Knowledge Centre
179.7 CHA 00091808 The Sanctity of life Vs The Quality of life Chamakala Lucose CMI Dharmaram Publications 8186861815 255p UG Library
179.7 DUB 00137404 Against humanity : Dubal, Sam University of california press, 2018 9780520296091 | 9780520296107 xix, 274 p. ; UG Library
179.7 EAS 00065544 Dialogue With Death: a Journey Through Consciousness Easwaran, Eknath Jaico 2005 8172247575 239p UG Library
179.7 HAB 05006477 The future of human nature / Habermas, Jurgen. Polity ; | Distributed in the USA by Blackwell Pub., 2003 0745629865 (alk. paper) | 9780 viii, 127 p. ; Knowledge Centre
179.7 JAI 00107361 Peace,Non-Violence and Gandian Concerns Jain Vidya Rawat Publications 2011 9788131604571 xix:288 P. UG Library
179.7 MER 05054126 Gandhi on non-violence / Speaking Tiger, 2007 9789386050472 152p.; Knowledge Centre
179.7 PET 00107480 Advancing the Culture of Death Peter Hung Manh Tran C.Ss.R Pauline Sisters Bombay Society 2011 9788171767441 492 P. UG Library
179.7 POJ 00117547 Life and death : Pojman, Louis P. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 1992 086720334X xvi, 175 p. : UG Library
179.7 PRA 05032054 Choosing to Die : Prado, C G Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521874847 211 p Knowledge Centre
179.7 RIE 10004253 Catastrophe ethics: Rieder, Travis Duckworth, 2024 9780715655511 321 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
179.7 ROS 05040767 Dignity Rosen, Michael, Harvard University Press, 2012 0674064437 | 9780674064430 | 9 xvii, 176 p. Knowledge Centre
179.7 SUM 01019939 Assisted death Sumner, L. W. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199687473 xii,236p.; Knowledge Centre
179.7 TUL 00110933 Euthanasia, choice and death / Tulloch, Gail. Edinburgh University Press, 2005 0748622470 (hard) | 9780748622 xiii, 158 p. ; UG Library
179.7 WAT 01026110 Scarlet A : Watson, Katie. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190624866 (updf) | 9780190 viii,280p.; Knowledge Centre
179.7 WOO 00120876 Death's dominion Woods, Simon, Open University Press, 2007 xiv, 178 p. UG Library
179.7 YOR 01024559 The right to life and the value of life : Ashgate, | Routledge, 2016 9781138251113 xvi, 448 p. ; Knowledge Centre
179.76 PAS 00072156 Is the Fetus Human? [dharmaram Library] Pastuszek, Eric 1991 0895554860 87 UG Library
179.7DEG 01003522 Human Identity and Bioethics(law Library) David Degrazia Cambridge University Press 0052153268 300p Knowledge Centre
179.7KEO 01003557 Euthanasia, Ethics and Public Policy: An Argument Against Legalisation (law Lib) John Keown Cambridge University Press 0521009332 318p. Knowledge Centre
179.7MCL 01007568 Impairment and Disability: Law and Ethics at the Beginning and End of Life ( Law Lib.) Sheila A M Mclean UCL 9781844720408 207p. Knowledge Centre
179.7PRO 01010581 Choosing to Die: Elective Death and Multiculturalism (law Lib0 C G Prado Cambridge University Press 9780521697583 211p Knowledge Centre
179.8 CIV 00147849 On arrogance : Civitarese, Giuseppe Routledge, 2024 9781032677118 1 Editionn. 134p. ; UG Library
179.8 POT 05032055 Ten Most Effective Ways to Overcome Anger : Potter-Efron, Ron Jaico, 1996 0817224584 156 p Knowledge Centre
179.809 EVA 07011740 A (brief) history of vice : Evans, Robert, Plume, 2016 9780147517609 (hardcover) xii, 259 pages ; Library - BR Campus
179.9 GRI 03002295 Forgivenss : Griswold, Charles L. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521703512 242 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
179.9 BAS 00018486 Let`s Start Praying Again Basset, Bernard Image 1972 120 p UG Library
179.9 BRE 00069093 Simple Abundance Journal of Gratitude Breathnach, Sarah ban A Tome Warner Company 2000 0044644652 | 9780446521062 100 p. UG Library
179.9 CLO 04024244 Integrity : Cloud, Henry Happer Collins, 2006 9780060849696 292p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
179.9 FIA 00110498 Tolerance and the ethical life Fiala, Andrew G. Continuum, 2005 0826478441 | 9780826499882 vi, 194 p. ; UG Library
179.9 FIA 00106099 Tolerance and the ethical life Fiala, Andrew G. Continuum, 2005 0826478441 vi, 194 p. ; UG Library
179.9 FRI 05007347 The ethics of forgiveness : Fricke, Christel Routledge, 2011 9780415885430 (hbk.) | 0415885 vi, 212 p. ; Knowledge Centre
179.9 GAR 00109487 Truth, beauty, and goodness reframed Gardner, Howard, Basic Books, 2011 9780465021925 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 244 p. : UG Library
179.9 GAR 00125613 Truth, beauty, and goodness reframed Gardner, Howard, Basic Books, 2011 9780465021925 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 244 p. : UG Library
179.9 HAR 05031998 An Attitude of Gratitude : Harrell, D Keith Hay House, 2003 1401902006 235 p Knowledge Centre
179.9 HBR 10004574 HBR's 10 Must reads on trust / Harvard Business Review Press, 2023 9781647825249 165 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
179.9 HOO 05011600 Understanding virtue ethics Hooft, Stan van. Acumen, 2006 1844650448 (hardcover) | 18446 v, 184 p. Knowledge Centre
179.9 HOO 00106526 Understanding virtue ethics Hooft, Stan van. Acumen, 2006 1844650448 (hardcover) | 18446 v, 184 p. UG Library
179.9 HOR 05007179 Aspects of toleration : Methuen, 1985 0416392903 : | 9780415555821 180 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
179.9 JOS 00018484 Love Is All Joseph Image Books 1973 156 p. UG Library
179.9 KLE 00134677 On Loyalty and Loyalties Kleining,John Oxford University Press 2014 9780199371266 315p UG Library
179.9 KOF 00107479 Healing Relationships Kofler,Len St Pauls 2007 9788171099542 287 P. UG Library
179.9 KOF 00140146 Healing Relationships Kofler,Len St Pauls 2007 9788171099542 287 P. UG Library
179.9 KWN 00018452 Joy of Being Human Kennedy, Eugene Image 1976 354 p UG Library
179.9 MAG 05038957 Sincerity : Magill, R. Jay Norton, 2012 9780393080988 (hardcover) 1st ed. 272 p. ; Knowledge Centre
179.9 MER 00018437 Thomas Merton Reader. By Thomas P. Mc Donnell Merton, Image 1974 514 p UG Library
179.9 MER 00018474 Conjectures of a Guilty By Stander Merton, Thomas Image Books 1968 358 p UG Library
179.9 MER 00018495 Conjectures of a Guilty By Stander Merton, Thomas Image Books 1968 358 p UG Library
179.9 MER 00018478 Contemplation in a World of Action Merton, Thomas Image Books 1973 350 p.: UG Library
179.9 MER 00018499 Thomas Merton: Contemplative Prayer Merton, Thomas Image 1969 116 p UG Library
179.9 OPP 05005455 The science of giving : Psychology Press, 2011 9781848728851 (hbk. : alk. pap p. cm. Knowledge Centre
179.9 PEP 00134682 Trust : Peperzak, Adriaan Theodoor, Fordham University Press 2013 9780823244881 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9780823244898 (pbk. : alk. paper) First edition ix, 190 pages ; UG Library
179.9 ROG 05072971 The Authority of Virtue : Rogers, Tristan J. Routledge, 2021 9780367857431 viii, 169p, ; Knowledge Centre
179.9 STE 05062777 Tolerance in world history / Stearns, Peter N., Routledge, 2017 9780415789301 ix,197p.; Knowledge Centre
179.9 TRI 00118356 Pursuit of Human Excellence Tripathi A.N Altantic Publishers, 2013 9788126917655 xiv, 290 p.: UG Library
179.9 ULA 05072974 Virtue, Narrative, and Self : Ulatowski, Joseph. Routledge, 2021 9780367418205 viii, 257p, ; Knowledge Centre
179.92 MER 00018445 Contemplation in a World of Action Merton, Thomas Image 396 p UG Library
179.9GRI 01009689 Forgiveness:A Philosophical Exploration (law Lib) Charles L Griswold Cambridge University Press 9780521703512 242p Knowledge Centre
179/.3 FEL 00128002 The Moral Menagerie : Fellenz, Marc R., University of Illinois Press, 2007 9780252031182 (alk. paper) | 0 301 p. ; UG Library
18 W-6 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
180 O\5 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
180 J-6 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
180 H\10 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
180 ADA 00145339 Philosophy and jurisprudence in the Islamic world / Wlater de Gruyter, 2019 9783110551976 (hbk. ; xi, 316 pages ; UG Library
180 ADS 01020638 Classical philosophy : Adamson, Peter. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199674534 xx,346p.; Knowledge Centre
180 ALL 00108126 Greek philosophy Allen.Reginald E. Free Press ; | Maxwell Macmillan Canada ; | Maxwell Macmillan International, 1991 0029004950 3rd ed., rev. and expanded. vii, 446 p. ; UG Library
180 ALL 04008035 Greek philosophy Allen.Reginald E. Free Press ; | Maxwell Macmillan Canada ; | Maxwell Macmillan International, 1991 0029004950 3rd ed., rev. and expanded. vii, 446 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
180 ANN 00102826 Ancient philosophy : Annas, Julia. Oxford University Press, 2000 0192853570 (pbk.) | 9780192853 127 p. : UG Library
180 ANN 05048802 Ancient philosophy : Annas, Julia. Oxford University Press, 2000 0192853570 (pbk.) | 9780192853 127 p. : Knowledge Centre
180 ARP 00140793 Philosophy Hacks : Arp, Robert Cassell; 2018 9781788400398 207 p. ; UG Library
180 BEN 05064426 Dialectic after Plato and Aristotle / Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108471909 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781108458573 (pbk. : alk. paper) First [edition]. xi,391p.; Knowledge Centre
180 BEN 07013624 Dialectic after Plato and Aristotle / Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108471909 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781108458573 (pbk. : alk. paper) First [edition]. xi,391p.; Library - BR Campus
180 BUR 00110045 Explorations in ancient and Modern Philosophy Burnyeat, Myles. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107400061 (2 vol. set) | 1 x, 382 p. : UG Library
180 CHA 00072233 Where Will East and West Meet? [Dharmaram Library] Chakkalakal C M I, Werner Asian Trading Corporation 2005 8170863651 121 UG Library
180 DES 00139667 Ancient, Medieval and Modern Philosophy : Desbruslais, Cyril. Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth; | Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485193 285 p. ; UG Library
180 DES 00148156 Contemporary Philosophy : Desbruslais, Cyril. Christian World Imprints; | Jnana Deepa; 2021 9789351485421 xii, 343 p. 24 cm. UG Library
180 DES 00148161 Ancient, Medieval and Modern Philosophy : Desbruslais, Cyril. Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth; | Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485193 285 p. ; UG Library
180 DES 00140575 Contemporary Philosophy : Desbruslais, Cyril. Christian World Imprints; | Jnana Deepa; 2021 9789351485421 xii, 343 p. 24 cm. UG Library
180 DIO 00139986 Lives of eminent philosophers / Diogenes Laertius, 9780521886819 (hbk.) | 9781316642856 xi, 943 pages ; UG Library
180 FUR 00088315 From Aristotale to Augustine Furley, Davide 2008 9780415308748 457p UG Library
180 IRW 00090267 Classical Philosophy Irwin, Terence Oxford 0192892533 433p UG Library
180 LEE 05041000 Strategies of argument : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199890477 (hardback) xvii, 399 pages : Knowledge Centre
180 LLO 01020607 The ideals of inquiry : Lloyd, G. E. R. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198705604 | 0198705603 1st ed. ix, 163 p. ; Knowledge Centre
180 MAY 00131003 a Sketch of Ancient Philosophy From Thales to Cicero Mayor,Joseph B Cambridge Uiversity Press 2016 254p UG Library
180 MCE 00107683 The shape of ancient thought McEvilley,Thomas, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited | School of Visual Arts, 2002 9788120833395 xxxvi, 731 p. : UG Library
180 MIK 00103923 Greek popular religion in Greek philosophy / Mikalson, Jon D., Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199577835 (hbk.) | 0199577 xii, 302 p. ; UG Library
180 OLS 05034589 Introduction to Exist Ential Ism / Olson, Robert G Dover Publications, Inc. 1962 0486200558 221 p Knowledge Centre
180 PER 05066948 Ancient philosophy : Routledge, 2018 9781138668812 xxx, 805 pages ; Knowledge Centre
180 SHI 00064753 Classical Philosophy Shields, Christopher` 2004 0415233984 162p UG Library
180 SHI 00070044 Black Well Guide to Ancient Philosopher (Dharmaram) Shields, Christopher 2003 0631222154 328p UG Library
180 SIN 07014814 The great philosophers and their ideas / Singh, Mahesh Kumar Book Shores Publication, 2018 9789386807014 v,191p.; Library - BR Campus
180 SME 00111190 Understanding Sankara Smet de,Richard motilal Banarsidass 2013 9788120836136 xii,525p UG Library
180 SME 00110810 Understanding Sankara Smet de,Richard motilal Banarsidass 2013 9788120836136 xii,525p UG Library
180 TAY 00088314 From the Beginning to Plato Taylor, C C W 2008 ISD0415308739 494p UG Library
180.5 CAS 05060658 Oxford Studies In Ancient Philosophy : Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198795803 308 pages ; Knowledge Centre
180.5 INW 00117479 oxford studies in ancient philosophy Inwood Brad oxford University Press 2010 9780199597123 318p UG Library
180.5 INW 00103864 Oxford studies in ancient philosophy: Inwood Brad Oxford university press; 2009 9780199575572 300 p. UG Library
180.5 INW 00103865 Oxford studies in ancient Philosophy: Inwood Brad Oxford university press; 2010 9780199586813 310 p. UG Library
180.5 INW 00128008 Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy: Vol.47 Inwood, Brad : Oxford University Press 2014 9780198722724 308p. : UG Library
180.5 SED 05011508 Oxford studies in ancient philosophy Sedley, David Oxford University Press, 2007 viii, 428 p. Knowledge Centre
180.5 SED 05002080 Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy / Sedley, David Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199227310 394 p Knowledge Centre
180.938 CAS 05057121 Oxford studies in ancient philosophy / Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198778233 336p.; Knowledge Centre
180PET 01009576 On Ancient Philosophy (law Lib) John Peterman Brooks/cole Publishing Company 9780534595722 228p Knowledge Centre
180SED 01007317 Cambridge Companion to Greek and Roman Philosophy (law Lib) David Sedley Cambridge University Press 0521775035 396p Knowledge Centre
181 E-2 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
181 I-3 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
181 KRI 00102491 The Nature of the New Mind / Krishanamurthi ,J . Krishanamurth Fondation India , 8187326190 276 P. UG Library
181 RAD 04006245 Indian Philosophy Radhakrishnan, S Oxford Universtiy Press 2008 9780195698411 650 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
181 RAD 04006246 Indian Philosophy Radhakrishnan, S Oxford Universtiy Press 2008 9780195698411 650 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
181 RAM 04005709 Eastern Philosophy Ram-Prasad, Chakrava Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2005 9780297847441 256 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
181 BAI 00138643 Philosophical Psychology of Soul Mechanism Bailey,A Global Vision Publishing House 2019 9789388612562 132p UG Library
181 BAN 00148220 An Introduction to the Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda/ Bandyapadhyay, Saikat Motilal Banarsidass; 2024 9789359661681 250p UG Library
181 BAR 00142061 Dharma: Barman,Ranjit Kumar Abhijeet Publications 2021 9789388865609 230p UG Library
181 BEN 00145202 The Universe in the World: Benjamin, Veronica M T Motilal Banarsidass 2023 9789357600309 423p UG Library
181 CHA 00148223 Rethinking saint Sankaradeva Chaliha, Anjana Motilal Banarsidass; 2024 9789359665740 388p UG Library
181 CHA 05029005 Philosophical Concepts Revevant to Sciences in Indian Tradition [PHILOSOPHY SECTION] Chattopadhyaya, D P Imh Press 0ISB818758629 579p Knowledge Centre
181 CHA 00122372 Indian Philosophical Systems Chari,s m s Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers 2011 250p UG Library
181 CHE 00131798 An Indian Rational Theology Chemparathy,George Motilal Banarsidass 2018 9788120842021 202p UG Library
181 DAS 05074852 A History of Indian Philosophy / Dasgupta, S N Classics, 2024 9789358566512 xxiii, 621p.; Knowledge Centre
181 DAV 00145822 Buddhist psychology; Davids, Caroline A. F. Rhys G. Bell and sons ltd., 1914 9789381406106 xii, 212 p. UG Library
181 DK 10004907 Philosophers Who Changed History DK Publishing Dorling kindersley, 2024 9780241656822 22 368 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
181 FRA 00076103 Study in the History of Oriental Religion: [ Dharmaram Library] Frazer, G James RUPA & CO 2003 8129100800 240p UG Library
181 GAN 00110065 Philosophy as Therapeia Carlisle, Clare, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521165150 (pbk.) | 0521165 vii, 245 p. ; UG Library
181 GOM 00145830 How Buddhism Began Gombrich, Richard F Routledge 2018 9781138328938 180p UG Library
181 GUP 00130184 Friendships of Largeness and Freedom Gupta,Uma Das Oxford University Press 2018 0199481210 502p UG Library
181 JAI 00129679 The Making of Brahmanic Hegemony Jaiswal,Suvira Tulika Books 2016 9789382381839 244p UG Library
181 JOS 00131797 An Inquiry into Understanding of Truth Joseph,Eugene,Newman Theological Publications in India 2018 9789383163809 241p UG Library
181 KAP 00122386 The Philosophy and Religion of Sri Caitanya Kapoor, O B L Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers 2008 248p UG Library
181 KIN 07006239 Indian Philosophy:An Introduction to Hindu and Buddhist Thought (law Lib) Richard King Edinburgh University 9780748609543 263 Library - BR Campus
181 KOL 00136179 Asian philosophies / Koller, John M., 9781138629714 (hardback) | 9781138629721 (pbk.) Seventh Edition. 395 p. ; UG Library
181 KRI 10005091 What are you looking for? Krishnamurti, Jiddu Aleph Book Company, 2023 9789395853644 152p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181 KRI 00144874 What are you looking for? Krishnamurti, Jiddu Aleph Book Company, 2023 9789395853644 152p UG Library
181 KUD 00068398 Learning Asian Philosophy Kupperman, Joel J 1999 208p UG Library
181 KUP 00088013 Classic Asian Philosophy: A Guide to the Essential Texts Kupperman, Joel 2007 0195189817 189p UG Library
181 KUP 00087789 Classic Asian Philosophy. Kupperman, Joel J 2001 ISB0195133358 164p UG Library
181 KUR 00046387 Between Partners Kachappilly, Kurian Asian Trading Corporation 1999 8170862310 xvi; 130 p UG Library
181 KUR 00046388 Between Partners Kachappilly, Kurian Asian Trading Corporation 1999 8170862310 xvi; 130 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181 LEA 00068378 Key Concepts in Eastern Philosophy Leaman, Oliver 2004 0415173699 319p UG Library
181 LEA 00064237 Key Concepts in Eastern Philosophy Leaman, Oliver Routledge 2004 0415173639 xxx; 319 p UG Library
181 LEA 00068383 Eastern Philosophy Leamon, Oliver 2004 0000415582 305p UG Library
181 MAC 00096281 Orientalism A Reader Macfie,A,L Edinburgh university press 0748614427 382p UG Library
181 MAR 00137822 A Critical Examination of Nyaya Marathe,M P New Bharatiya Book Corporation 2017 8183153097 310p UG Library
181 MCL 05055233 Understanding Asian philosophy : McLeod, Alexus, Bloomsbury, 2014 9789386349200 ix, 192 pages : Knowledge Centre
181 MEH 00133387 The Call of the Upanishads Mehata,Rohit Motilal Banarsidass 2017 9788120807496 320p UG Library
181 ORI 01001310 Orientalism : A L Macfie Edinburgh University 0748614427 382p. Knowledge Centre
181 PAL 00133386 Socio religious Thoughts of Gandhi and Ambedkar: Paliwal, Anurag Crescent Publishing Corporation 2018 9788183424837 200p UG Library
181 PAN 00130303 The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Chinese Philosophy and Gender Pang-White,Ann A Bloomsbury 2018 9781350058033 413p UG Library
181 RAD 04008614 Indian Philosophy Radhakrishnan, S Oxford Universtiy Press 2008 9780195698411 650 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
181 RAM 03007489 Eastern Philosophy Ram-Prasad, Chakrava Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2005 9780297847441 256 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
181 RAM 03007614 Eastern Philosophy Ram-Prasad, Chakrava Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2005 9780297847441 256 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
181 SAM 00142757 Vivekacudamani of sri Samkara Bhagavatapada Sankaranarayanan, P Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 2022 9788172764203 7th Edition 503p UG Library
181 SHA 00024340 Thinkers of the East Idries Shah, Penguin 1971 198 p UG Library
181 STA 00145025 Sacred sound and language in classical Śaiva Siddhānta : Stamm, Mikael Motilal Banarsidass 2022 9789391430771 406p UG Library
181 SWA 00139880 A Million Thoughts Swami,OM Jaico Publishing House 2018 9788184959451 334p UG Library
181 THO 00135781 A Christian Response to Gandhian Satyagraha Thomas, T K Christava Sahitya Samiti 2004 8178210150 152p UG Library
181 TYA 00148225 Sustainable Promises : Tyagi, Naresh. Motilal Banarsidass, 2024 9789359662299 xviii, 208p.; UG Library
181 TYA 05075197 Sustainable Promises : Tyagi, Naresh. Motilal Banarsidass, 2024 9789359662299 xviii, 208p.; Knowledge Centre
181 VAS 00145848 Yoga Philosophy: Vasu, Srisa Chandra Dev Publishers and Distributors 2013 9789381406212 97p UG Library
181 VIT 00001310 Yoga System of Health Vital Das, Yogi Karnos 1969 1 UG Library
181 WOO 00135838 Principles of Tantra Woodroffe,John New Age Books 2014 9788178224541 512p UG Library
181-48 CAR 00139758 Consciousness and Individuality in the Advaita Vedanta of Shankara Carri,Sebastian Global Vision Publishing House 2019 9789388612142 2nd Edition 124Pages UG Library
181.009 COL 00068372 Fifteen Great Eastern Thinkers Collison, Diane 2003 0415202841 418p UG Library
181.04 HAR 00112613 The Six Systems of Hindu Philosophy Harshananda,Swami Ramakrishna Math 2000 114p UG Library
181.04/4 MOO 00129677 The Jaina philosophy of non-absolutism, Mookerjee, Satkari. Abhijeet Publications 2017 9789350742877 323p : . UG Library
181.043 FRA 00107880 The philosophy of Buddhism = Frauwallner, Erich, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 9788120834811 xxxiii, 578 p. ; UG Library
181.043 FRA 00094737 The philosophy of Buddhism = Frauwallner, Erich, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 9788120834811 xxxiii, 578 p. ; UG Library
181.043 BAU 00072312 Void and Fullness in the Buddhist, Hindu and Christian Traditions[dharmaram Library] Baumer, Bettina D k Print World 2005 8124603405 292 UG Library
181.043 BHA 00103077 Philosophy of Buddhism: Bhardwaj Manohar Cyber tech publications; 9788178845357 288 p. UG Library
181.043 BUR 00131430 Buddhism : Burton, David, Routledge, 2017 9780415789141 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9780415789158 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1st [edition]. vii, 211 pages ; UG Library
181.043 CAR 00145831 Indian Buddhist philosophy / Carpenter, Amber D., Routledge 2014 9781844652976 (hardcover) | 9781032634302 | 9781844652983 (paperback) xviii, 313 pages ; UG Library
181.043 CON 00145823 Buddhist thought in India : Conze, Edward, Allen & Unwin, 1983 0042941288 : | 9789387496675 Repr. with corrections, 1983. 302 p. ; UG Library
181.043 GAR 05043851 Engaging Buddhism : Garfield, Jay L., Oxford University Press, 2015 9780190204341 (paperback) | 97 xxi, 376 pages ; Knowledge Centre
181.043 HUM 00019561 Buddist Way of Action Humphreys, Christmas Vikas 1977 190 p UG Library
181.043 KRI 00102389 Can humanity change? Krishnamurti.J Krishnamurti foundation India; 9788187326571 224 p. UG Library
181.043 LAU 07009437 An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy / Laumakis Stephen.J Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781316635704 xv,283p.: Library - BR Campus
181.043 NIT 00068483 Buddhist Philosophy of Social Activism Nithiyanandam, V Global Vision 2004 8187746602 216p UG Library
181.043 PAN 05047937 Buddhism : Panjvani, Cyrus Broadview Press, 2014 307 p. Knowledge Centre
181.043 PAN 00110850 Nietzsche and Buddhist philosophy Panaioti, Antoine, Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107031623 (hardback) | 978 xiii, 244 pages ; UG Library
181.043 RAM 00089459 Nagarjuna`s Philosophy as Presented in the Maha-Prajnaparamita Sastra Ramanan, Venkata K MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2002 8120801598 379p UG Library
181.043 RAM 00089460 Nagarjuna`s Philosophy as Presented in the Maha-Prajnaparamita Sastra Ramanan, Venkata K MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2002 8120801598 379p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.043 SID 05057133 Studies in Buddhist philosophy / Siderits, Mark, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198754862 | 0198754868 First Edition. viii, 313 pages ; Knowledge Centre
181.043 SIN 00138754 Contemporary Indian Buddhism: Singh,N K Global Vision Publishing House 2018 9788182209510 191p UG Library
181.043LAU 01009713 Introduction Buddhist Philosophy (law Lib) Stephen J Laumakis Cambridge University Press 9780521670081 283p Knowledge Centre
181.044 MOO 00128802 The Jaina philosophy of non-absolutism, Mookerjee, Satkari. Abhijeet Publications 2017 9789350742877 323p : . UG Library
181.044 PAT 00019566 Jainism Caillat, Colette Macmillan 1974 92p UG Library
181.045 PAL 00099955 Basic principles of Indian philosophy of language / Palit, Piyali. Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 8121511232 xvii, 170 p. ; UG Library
181.045 SEN 04030277 The Modern Monk : Sengupta, Hindol Penguin, 2016 9780143426646 207p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
181.046 SON 00068491 Grace of God and Guru in Sikh Philosophy Sondhi, S P Global Vision 2002 8187746173 198p UG Library
181.06 BUB 05040815 I and thou / Buber, Martin, Bloomsbury, 2013 9781472511461 (pbk.) | 9781472 Bloomsbury revelations edition. 95p.: Knowledge Centre
181.06 BUB 07006356 I and thou / Buber, Martin, Bloomsbury, 2013 9781472511461 (pbk.) | 9781472 Bloomsbury revelations edition. 95p.: Library - BR Campus
181.06 FRA 05004832 The Jewish philosophy reader / Routledge, 2000 0415168597 | 0415168600 xvii, 618 p. ; Knowledge Centre
181.06 MAI 00117659 Essay on transcendental philosophy Maimon, Salomon, Continuum, 2010 9781441113849 (pbk.) lxvii, 282 p. : UG Library
181.06 MOR 05032072 Cambridge Companion to Modern Jewish Philosophy / Morgan, Michael L Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521813129 382 p Knowledge Centre
181.07 ADM 05062701 Philosophy in the Islamic world : Adamson, Peter. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198818618 | 0198818610 | 9780199577491 | 0199577498 xxi, 511 pages : Knowledge Centre
181.07 JAC 05040549 What is Islamic philosophy? / Jackson, Roy, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2014 9780415632027 (hbk.) | 9780415 x,190 pages ; Knowledge Centre
181.07 KHA 00088293 Medieval Islamic Philosophical Writings Khalidi, Muhammad Ali 2008 ISB0521529638 186p UG Library
181.07 LAL 00073948 Islamic Philosophy of Religion(dharmaram Library) Laliwala, Jaferhusein I Sarupa and Sons 2005 8176254762 226p UG Library
181.07 SHA 00122251 Philosophy and Philosophers Shand, John. UCL Press, 1993 1857280741 xi, 348 p:. UG Library
181.0703 AHM 00107876 Fundamentals of Islamic Philosophy Ahmed, Sharif Cyber Tech Publications 9788178844404 344 p UG Library
181.0703 AHM 00087602 Fundamentals of Islamic Philosophy Ahmed, Sharif Cyber Tech Publications 9788178844404 344 p UG Library
181.0703 AHM 00088401 Fundamentals of Islamic Philosophy Ahmed, Sharif Cyber Tech Publications 9788178844404 344 p UG Library
181.0703 LEA 01024134 The biographical encyclopedia of Islamic philosophy Leaman, Oliver Bloombury Academic, 2015 9781472569448 xlviii,508p.; Knowledge Centre
181.09 CHA 00082402 Language Logic and Science in India Some Conceptual and Historical Perspectives Chattopadhyaya, D P Munshiram Manoharlal 8121506891 91p UG Library
181.09 SEN 00082399 Science, Philosophy and Culture: in Historical Perspective Sen, S N Munshiram Manoharlal 8121506867 185p UG Library
181.09512 CLE 00104605 Confucius Clements Jonathan Induse Source Books 2006 9798188569037 xxii: 136 p. UG Library
181.09512 CON 00141387 The analects (Lun yü) / Confucius. Penguin Books, 1979 0140443487 : 249 p. ; UG Library
181.1 JHA 00137844 The Philosophical Discipline Jha,Ganganantha Bharatiya Vidya Prakashan 2007 8121701261 126p UG Library
181.1 RAM 05032073 Eastern Philosophy / Ram-Prasad, Chakravarthi Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2005 0297847449 256 p Knowledge Centre
181.11 CON 00028098 The Wisdom of Confucius Confucius Peter Pauper Press 1963 61 p. UG Library
181.11 DAW 00022084 Confucius Dawson, Raymond Oxford University 1987 94p. UG Library
181.11 HAI 00109986 Chinese Philosophy Wen, Haiming, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521186766 (pbk.) | 0521186 Updated ed. 164 p. : UG Library
181.11 HAI 00110035 Chinese Philosophy Wen, Haiming, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521186766 (pbk.) | 0521186 Updated ed. 164 p. : UG Library
181.11 HOC 00055181 On Chuang Tzu Hochsmann, Hyun 2001 0534583717 96p UG Library
181.11 LAI 07014077 An introduction to Chinese philosophy / Lai, Karyn, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107103986 (hardback) | 9781107504097 (pbk.) 2nd Ed. xiii, 361 pages ; Library - BR Campus
181.11 LAI 01009710 An Introduction to Chinese Philosophy / Lai, Karyn L Cambridge University Press 2008 9780521608923 307p. Knowledge Centre
181.11 LAI 00145903 An introduction to Chinese philosophy / Lai, Karyn, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107103986 (hardback) | 9781107504097 (pbk.) 2nd Ed. xiii, 361 pages ; UG Library
181.11 LAI 00090691 An Introduction to Chinese Philosophy Lai, Karyn L Cambridge, 2008 9780521608923 307 p. UG Library
181.11 YUT 05032074 The Importance of Living / Yutang, Lin Jaico, 2005 8172248296 488 p Knowledge Centre
181.11 YUT 05032066 The Importance of Living / Yutang, Lin Jaico, 2005 8172248296 488 p Knowledge Centre
181.112 MAL 05067430 What philosophers should know about truth / Stoutland, Fred. De Gruyter, 2019 9783110618242 (print) | 9783110620788 (ebk. (pdf)) | 9783110618303 (ebk. (epub)) | 9783110618754 1st edition. xvi,367p.; Knowledge Centre
181.112 PEI 05046798 Confucius : Ni, Peimin. Rowman and Littlefield, 2016 9781442257412 (hardcopy) | 978 xvii,165p. Knowledge Centre
181.112 WAT 01010035 Analects of Confucius (law Lib) Burton Watson Columbia University Press 9780231141642 162 p Knowledge Centre
181.112 WIN 05032297 Tong Sing : Windridge, Charles Rupa & Co., 2003 1856263487 285 p Knowledge Centre
181.112WAT 01010855 Analects of Confucius (law Lib) Burton Watson Columbia University Press 9780231141642 162p Knowledge Centre
181.114 GRE 00133970 Effortless living : Gregory, Jason, Inner Traditions, 2018 9781620557136 (pbk.) xix, 187 pages ; UG Library
181.114 HOF 07014903 The Tao of Pooh and the TE of Piglet : Hoff Benjamin Egmost, 2019 9781405293778 424p.: Library - BR Campus
181.12 PAR 07009377 Japanese Confucianism A Cultural History / Paramore Kiri Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107635685 xii,231p.: Library - BR Campus
181.2 KHA 00070032 Wine of Wisdom (Dharmaram) Khayyam, Omar Oneworld Publishers 2005 1851683550 396p UG Library
181.2 ROV 10004071 Anaximander and the Nature of science / Rovelli, Carlo, Allen Lane, 2007 9780241655856 xx, 209 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.2 ROV 05074862 Anaximander and the Nature of science / Rovelli, Carlo, Allen Lane, 2007 9780241655856 xx, 209 pages : Knowledge Centre
181.4 ALL 00135507 Gandhi after 9/11: Allen,Douglas Oxford university press, 2019 9780199491490 viii,277p.; UG Library
181.4 AHU 04024221 Gurus Ancient Medieval and Modern : Achuja M.L. Rupa.Cp : 2009 9788129114075 xvi,231 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
181.4 AHU 05035179 Gurus Ancient Medieval and Modern : Achuja M.L. Rupa.Cp : 2009 9788129114075 xvi,231 p. Knowledge Centre
181.4 AKR 00138651 Spiritual Psychology Akbar, Husain Global Vision Publishing House 2005 8182200954 161 p UG Library
181.4 AKR 00067928 Spiritual Psychology Akbar, Husain Global Vision Publishing House 2005 8182200954 161 p UG Library
181.4 AMB 00068521 Thought and Philosophy of Dr. Br. Ambedkar Naik, C D Sarupa and Sons 2005 0008176255 475p UG Library
181.4 AUR 00013269 Vision of Sri Aurobindo Aurobindo, Dipti 1973 190p UG Library
181.4 AUR 00056204 Essential Writings of Aurobindo Aurobindo,Sri Oxford University Press 1999 0195649761 | 9780195649765 388 p. UG Library
181.4 AYR 00002356 Life Divine Aurobindo, Aurobindo 1960 1272 UG Library
181.4 BAD 07011008 Chaturvedi Badrinath : Badrinath, Chaturvedi, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199465187 (paperback) | 01 First edition. xviii, 158 pages, 1 unnumbered page ; Library - BR Campus
181.4 BAD 04017024 Swami Vivekananda, the Living Vedanta / Badrinath, Chaturvedi. Penguin Books, 2006 9780143062097 | 0143062093 xxviii, 452 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
181.4 BAD 01014952 Swami Vivekananda, the Living Vedanta / Badrinath, Chaturvedi. Penguin Books, 2006 9780143062097 | 0143062093 xxviii, 452 p. : Knowledge Centre
181.4 BAD 03010454 Swami Vivekananda, the Living Vedanta / Badrinath, Chaturvedi. Penguin Books, 2006 9780143062097 | 0143062093 xxviii, 452 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
181.4 BAH 00019553 Wisdom of Sankhya Bahadur, K P Sterling 1978 222 p UG Library
181.4 BAL 00017953 Foundations of Indian Philosophy Balbir Singh, Crient Longman 1971 302p UG Library
181.4 BAL 00073858 Essays in Indian Philosophy, Religion and Literature (Dharmaram Library) Balcerowicz, Piotr MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2004 8120819780 510p UG Library
181.4 BAL 00096227 Essays in Indian Philosophy, Religion & Literature Balcerowicz, Piotr Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 8120819780 510 p. UG Library
181.4 BAN 10001437 Art and science of management in the digital era : Banerjee, R. P., Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2022 9789353885076 xvii, 515p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 BAN 00112388 Integral philosophy of Sri Aurobindo Banerjee, Aparna Centre for Sri Aurobindo studies Jadavpur University Kolkata in collaboration with Decent Books 2012 9788186921579 152p; UG Library
181.4 BAN 00146317 A Companion to Indian Philosophy Banerji, Sures Chandra B R Publishing Company 2023 9788170187431 496p UG Library
181.4 BAR 00109338 Unmaking War Remaking Men Barry Kathleen Women Unlimited 2010 9781889657158 x; 235 p. UG Library
181.4 BAR 00138751 An Introduction to Indian philosophy : Bartley, Christopher. Bloomsbury Academic India, 2015 9789388002585 2nd ed. xi, 324p. ; UG Library
181.4 BAR 00074627 Indian Philosophy A-Z Bartely, Christopher Edinburgh University Press 2005 0748620281 viii; 196 p UG Library
181.4 BAR 00124862 A History of Pre-Buddhist Indian Philosophy Barua,Benimadhab Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 2016 9788120807969 448p UG Library
181.4 BAR 05069489 An Introduction to Indian philosophy : Bartley, Christopher. Bloomsbury Academic India, 2015 9789388002585 2nd ed. xi, 324p. ; Knowledge Centre
181.4 BAS 00092899 Some Aspects of India`s Philosophical and Scientific Heritage Bhattacharyya, Sibajiban Munshiram Manoharlal 8121506875 117p UG Library
181.4 BER 00142779 Indian and intercultural philosophy : Berger, Douglas L., Bloomsbury Academic ; 2021 9781350174177 231 p. ; UG Library
181.4 BHA 00071448 Indology Bhate, Saroja Sahitya Akademi 2002 8126014121 | 9788126014125 237 p UG Library
181.4 BHA 00095122 A taste of life : Bhatt, Mahesh, Penguin Books India, 9780143067160 (pbk.) 161 p. ; UG Library
181.4 BHA. 00089976 Taste of Life: The Last Days of U.G Krishnamurti Bhatt, Mahesh 9780143067160 161p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 BHU 05007872 Contrary thinking : Krishna, Daya. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199795550 (alk. paper) xiii,327 p. Knowledge Centre
181.4 BHU 05016791 Indian philosophy in English : Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199769254 (pbk. : alk. pap xxvii, 644 p. : Knowledge Centre
181.4 BIS 00022149 Indian Thought Bishop, Donald G Wiley 1975 430p UG Library
181.4 BOA 00112921 Philosphical perspectives of K Satchidananda Murty Boaz, Pusuluri K K Printworld ( P) Ltd 2013 9788124606780 156p. UG Library
181.4 BRO 00007272 Man in the Universe Brown, Norman W Oxford 1974 114 p UG Library
181.4 CEN 05032120 The Hindu Personality in Education / Cenkner, William Manohar Publishers, 1994 8173040400 230 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 CHA 00096097 Indigenous Philosophizing India Horizons Chacklackal Saju Dharmaram Publications 9788189958336 586 p UG Library
181.4 CHA 00135212 Truth Eternal ; Chandra, Ram. Shri Rama Chandra Mission, 2018 9789388095167 3rd ed. 174p, : UG Library
181.4 CHA 00103630 Indigenous Philosophizing India Horizons Chacklackal Saju Dharmaram Publications 9788189958336 586 p UG Library
181.4 CHA 00092901 Language Logic and Science in India Some Conceptual and Historical Perspectives Chattopadhyaya, D P Munshiram Manoharlal 8121506891 91p UG Library
181.4 CHA 00092900 Mathematics, Astronomy and Biology in Indian Tradition Some Conceptual Preliminaries Chattopadhyaya, D P Munshiram Manoharlal 8121506883 128p UG Library
181.4 CHA 00095238 Knowledge and freedom in indian philosophy Chatterjea Tara Viva Books 9788130903187 159P UG Library
181.4 CHA 05075193 Socio-political ideas of Aurobindo Ghose / Chakrabarty, Bidyut, Routledge, 2024 9781032824581 ix, 252p.; Knowledge Centre
181.4 CHA 00124864 An Introduction to Indian Philosophy Chatterjee,Satischandra Motilal Banersidass Publishers 2016 9788120840171 442p UG Library
181.4 CHE 00068552 Concepts of Parinama in Indian Philosophy Chenchulakshmi, Kolla Sundeep Prakashan 2005 8175741600 137p UG Library
181.4 DAL 00138634 Humanistic Philosophy of Tagore and Vivekanda Dalai,Anita Kumud Publications 2019 9789382885474 184p UG Library
181.4 DAL 00140009 J. Krishnamurti: Dalal,Roshen Maxmillan 2020 9789389109412 382p UG Library
181.4 DAM 00006980 Indian Thought: a Critical Survey Damodaran, K Asia 1967 500p UG Library
181.4 DAN 00132981 Sri Aurobindo and India's rebirth/ Danino,Michel. Rupa Publications India Pvt.Ltd., 2018 9789353040567 263 p. ; UG Library
181.4 DAS 00006147 History of Indian Philosophy Dasgupta, S N Kitab Mahal 1969 228p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 DAS 00006148 History of Indian Philosophy Dasgupta, S N Kitab Mahal 1969 230p UG Library
181.4 DAS 00089462 History of Indian Philosophy Dasgupta, Surendranath MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2006 8120804120 528p UG Library
181.4 DAS 00089463 History of Indian Philosophy Dasgupta, Surendranath MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2006 8120804139 620p UG Library
181.4 DAS 00089464 History of Indian Philosophy: Vol III Dasgupta, Surendranath MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2000 8120804147 614p UG Library
181.4 DAS 00089466 History of Indian Philosophy Dasgupta, Surendra Nath MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1973 9788120804166 204p UG Library
181.4 DAS 05062846 History of Indian Philosophy / Dasgupta, Surendranath. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789353041083 | 9789353041090 | 9789353041106 xxvi, 825p. Knowledge Centre
181.4 DAS 05062847 History of Indian Philosophy / Dasgupta, Surendranath. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789353041083 | 9789353041090 | 9789353041106 xxvi, 825p. Knowledge Centre
181.4 DAS 05062848 History of Indian Philosophy / Dasgupta, Surendranath. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789353041083 | 9789353041090 | 9789353041106 xxvi, 825p. Knowledge Centre
181.4 DAS 00019560 History of Indian Philosophy Dasgupta, Surendranath Motilal 1975 514p UG Library
181.4 DAS 00089465 History of Indian Philosophy Dasgupta, Surendranath Motilal 1975 514p UG Library
181.4 DAS 10004063 A History of Indian Philosophy : Dasgupta, S N Fingerprint Classics, 2024 9789358566512 xxiii, 621p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 DEV 00017584 Vacanas of Basavanna Deveerappa, H Annana Balaga 1967 496p UG Library
181.4 DUC 05073485 Dignāga's investigation of the percept : Duckworth, Douglas S. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780190623708 (paperback) | 9780190623692 (cloth) xxx, 353 pages ; Knowledge Centre
181.4 GAN 00131838 The Oxford handbook of Indian Philosophy / Ganeri,Jonardon Oxford University Press 2017 0199314624 | 9780199314621 | 9780190885007 | 0190885009 xvii, 807 pages : UG Library
181.4 GAN 00093236 Philosophy in classical India: Ganeri Jonardon Motilal Banarsidasss 9788120833371 207p UG Library
181.4 GAN 00109506 The Self Ganeri,Jonardon Oxford University Press 2012 9780199652365 1st Ed. xii; 374 p. UG Library
181.4 GAN 00122194 The Self Ganeri,Jonardon Oxford University Press 2012 9780199652365 1st Ed. xii; 374 p. UG Library
181.4 GAN 00076176 Artha: Meaning: Foundations of Philosophy in India [Dharmaram Library] Gangeri, Jonardon 2006 0195671996 258p UG Library
181.4 GHO 05043554 Essays in philosophy and yoga / Ghose, Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1998 9788170589747 604p.; Knowledge Centre
181.4 GUP 00144859 An introduction to Indian philosophy : Gupta, Bina, Routledge, 2021 9780429345210 | 0429345216 | 9781000371765 | 100037176X | 9781000371772 | 1000371778 Second edition. 477p UG Library
181.4 GUP 00119048 Reason and experience in Indian philosophy / Gupta, Bina, Indian Council of Philosophical Research ; | Distributed by Motilal Banarsidass, 9788189963071 xii, 305 p. ; UG Library
181.4 GUP 00101133 Reason and experience in Indian philosophy / Gupta, Bina, Indian Council of Philosophical Research ; | Distributed by Motilal Banarsidass, 9788189963071 xii, 305 p. ; UG Library
181.4 GUP 05072949 An introduction to Indian philosophy : Gupta, Bina, Routledge, 2021 9780367363086 2nd ed. xviii; 477p. cm. Knowledge Centre
181.4 GUP 00108326 An introduction to Indian philosophy Gupta, Bina, Routledge, 2011 9780415800037 | 9780415800037 xiii; 343 p. cm. UG Library
181.4 HAL 00141271 Philosophy of Gandhi / Halu, Anilkumar B. ABD Publishers; 2021 9788183767484 296 p. ; UG Library
181.4 HAL 00142897 Philosophy of Gandhi / Halu, Anilkumar B. ABD Publishers; 2021 9788183767484 296 p. ; UG Library
181.4 HAM 01016428 Indian Philosophy : Hamilton, Sue. Oxford University Press, 2006 0195678672 | 9780195678673 154 p. Knowledge Centre
181.4 HAM 05027922 Indian Philosophy : Hamilton, Sue Oxford University Press, 2006 0195678672 153 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 HAM 00085438 Indian Philosophy : Hamilton, Sue Oxford University Press, 2006 0195678672 153 p UG Library
181.4 HIN 00019559 Comparative Ethics in Hindu and Buddist Traditions Hindery, Roderick Motilal 1978 306 p UG Library
181.4 HIR 00065577 Outlines of Indian Philosophy Hiriyanna, M MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2005 8120810996 419p UG Library
181.4 HIR 00065578 Essential of Indian Philosophy Hiriyanna, M MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2005 8120813308 216p UG Library
181.4 HIR 00017534 Outlines of Indian Philosophy Hiriyanna, M George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1970 420 UG Library
181.4 HIR 00017585 Outlines of Indian Philosophy Hariyanna, M Prasaranga University 1970 390 p.: UG Library
181.4 HOL 00112172 Krishnamurti Holroyd, Stuart New Age Books, 2006 9788178222684 162p UG Library
181.4 HUC 00112394 Sri Aurobindo : Huchzermeyer, Wilfried D K Printworld (P) Ltd 2013 9788124607022 335p; UG Library
181.4 HUS 00079799 Applied Indian Psychology New Perspectives Husain, Akbar Global Vision Publishing House 2005 8182201101 352p UG Library
181.4 IYE 00086315 Moral and Political Thought of Mahatma Gandhi Iyer, Raghavan N 2007 0195651952 499 p UG Library
181.4 KAD 00009739 Philosophy of the Absolute Kadanakavikl, Kurian T Dharmaram 1972 224p UG Library
181.4 KAD 00009342 The Philosophy of the Absolute Kadanakavil Kurian T Dharmaram Publications 1972 224 p UG Library
181.4 KAM 00095314 Prapanch kanya : Kamal, Ritu. Viva Books, 9788130905297 | 8130905299 xxxiv, 411 p. : UG Library
181.4 KAP 00121176 Indian Philosophical Foundation of Human Rights Kapurderiya,Meghraj R P Publications 2013 9789382398028 200p UG Library
181.4 KAS 00013276 Space Time and Karma. Kashava Murthi, Y 1967 1 UG Library
181.4 KAT 00107591 Indian Philosophy Jocob Kattackal Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India: 1999 8186063544 544 p UG Library
181.4 KES 00013234 Sri Aurobindo:The Hope of Man. Keshava, Murthy Dipti 1974 524 p.: UG Library
181.4 KIN 00103770 Indian Philosophy:An Introduction to Hindu and Buddhist Thought (law Lib) Richard King Edinburgh University 9780748609543 263 UG Library
181.4 KRI 05032089 The Krishnamurti Reader / Krishnamurti Penguin Books, 2002 0143029134 250 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 KRI 05032079 The Wholly Different Way of Living / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 2002 0818732614 269 p.; Knowledge Centre
181.4 KRI 05032093 Timeless Spring : Krishnamurthi Krishnamurti Foundation | Krishnamurti Foundation, 2001 8187326093 216 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 KRI 05032078 The Way of Intelligence / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 2004 8187326476 242 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 KRI 05032068 Questions and Answers / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 2001 8187326247 107 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 KRI 05032092 Life Ahead / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 2002 8187326158 204 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 KRI 05032082 Tradition and Revolution / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation | Krishnamurti Foundation, 2003 8187326077 253 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 KRI 05032091 Don't Make a Problem of Anything : Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 2007 8187326654 286 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 KRI 00073947 Indian Philosophy a Counter Perspedctive (Dharmaram Library) Krishna, Daya SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS 2006 8170308453 595p UG Library
181.4 KRI 00115296 The Mind of J. Krishnamurti / Krisnamurti, J. Jaico Publishing House , 2002 8172242131 | 9788172242138 282 p.: UG Library
181.4 KRI 05032064 The Awakening of Intelligence / Krishnamurti, J Penguin Books, 2000 0140296492 538 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 KRI 00104831 The Limits of Thought/ Krishnamurti.J Routledge 1999 9780415193986 x,131p UG Library
181.4 KRI 00102513 Total Freedom : Krishnamurti J Krishnamurti Foundation, 9788187326344 xi, 370 p. UG Library
181.4 KRI 00102474 The First Step is the Last Step Krishnamurti J Krishnamurti Foundation, 9788187326565 286 p. UG Library
181.4 KRI 00102379 A wholly different way of living; Krishnamurti.J Krishnamurti fondation India; 818732614X 269 p. UG Library
181.4 KRI 00068438 New Perspectives in Indian Philosophy Krishna, Daya Rawat Publications 2004 0817033652 268p UG Library
181.4 KRI 00102428 Krishnamurti for beginners an anthology; Krishnamurti.J Krishnamurti foundation India; 8187326018 246 p. UG Library
181.4 KRI 00102430 Krishnamurti's notebook; Krishnamurti.J Krishnamurti foundation India; 8187326484 386 p. UG Library
181.4 KRI 00115326 Krishnamurti Reader Lutyens Mary Penguin Books 2004 0143029142 | 9780143029144 318 p. UG Library
181.4 KUM 00119047 Sri Yantra and The Feophilosophy of India Kumar,Niraj D K Printworld 2014 9788124607268 242p UG Library
181.4 KUM 00124711 A critical Survey of Indian Philosophy Kumari,Arti Centrum Press 2016 9789350848494 264p UG Library
181.4 LEE 00013271 To Raise a Laugh Leena, Vasanthi 1978 36p UG Library
181.4 LUT 05032067 The Second Krishnamurti Reader / Lutyens, Mary Penguin Books, 2002 0143029142 317 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 LUT 00089987 Lifr and Death of Krishnamurti Lutyens, Mary Sristhi 1990 8187075449 235p UG Library
181.4 LUT 00102488 The Life and Death of Krishnamurti Lutyens, mary John Murray, 9788187326588 ix, 232 p. UG Library
181.4 MAD 00076236 Sri Aurobindo`s Philosophy of Evolution: [Dharmaram Library] Madhusudan, Reddy V Institute of Human Study 2004 8185853118 370p UG Library
181.4 MAH 00118251 Modern Indian Philosophical Thoughts Mahajan,Sonia Book Enclave 2014 9788181523549 247p UG Library
181.4 MAT 00071540 Epistemology, Logic and Grammar in Indian Philosophical Analysis: [Dharmaram Library] Matilal, Bimal Krishna 2004 0195666585 150p UG Library
181.4 MAY 05042748 Philosophy as saṃvāda and svarāj : Sage, 2014 9788132111214 (HB) xlvi, 305 pages ; Knowledge Centre
181.4 MEA 00101124 J.Krishnamurti and the nameless experience Mehta Rohit Motilalbanarsidass publishers private limited; 8120805895 495 p. UG Library
181.4 MEH 00068558 Hindu Philosophy in Action Mehta, Mahesh Team Spirit 2005 0817897018 357p UG Library
181.4 MEH 00055828 J.Krishnamurti and the Nameless Experience. Mehta, Rohit MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1999 8120805909 495p UG Library
181.4 MEH 00065648 Dialogue With Death Mehta, Rohit MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2003 8120812239 370p UG Library
181.4 MER 00135056 From the Upanishads to Aurobindo Mercier,Jean L Asian Trading Corporation 2002 817086268X 134p UG Library
181.4 MIL 00019556 Vedas: Harmony Meditation and Fullfilment Miller, Jeanine B I 1975 240 p UG Library
181.4 MOH 00145824 Classical Indian Philosophy Mohanty, J N Oxford University Press 2001 0195662512 ix; 180 p UG Library
181.4 MOH 00079831 Essays on Indian Philosophy Mohanty, J N Oxford Univeristy Press 2002 347p UG Library
181.4 MOH 00059181 Classical Indian Philosophy Mohanty, J N Oxford University Press 2001 0195662512 ix; 180 p UG Library
181.4 MOH 00059185 Essays on Indian Philosophy. Mohanty, J N Oxford University Press 2003 0195658787 xxxvii; 347 p UG Library
181.4 MOH 05070034 Gandhi and philosophy : Mohan, Shaj. Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt Ltd, 2019 9789388414432 ix, 272p. ; Knowledge Centre
181.4 MOH 05039354 Sri Aurobindo, a contemporary reader / Mohanty, Sachidananda Routledge, 2008 9780415460934 xiv, 235 p. : Knowledge Centre
181.4 MON 00019552 Indian Wisdom Monier, Williams COSMOS 1978 576 p UG Library
181.4 MOO 00101138 The India mind: Moore Charles.A Motilal Banarsidass Publishers private limited; 9788120832794 458 p. UG Library
181.4 MOO 00007267 Indian Mind Moore, Charles A East West 1967 454p UG Library
181.4 MUL 00085851 Six Systems of Indian Philosophy Muller, Max F Chronical Book 2004 8180280101 294 p UG Library
181.4 MUL 00110481 Philosophy India Muller, F. Max Lotus Press Publishers & Distributers 2011 9788183822749 xiv, 270 p. UG Library
181.4 MUN 00082394 Pageant of great lives. , Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1964 3 viii, 86 p. UG Library
181.4 NAG 00019557 Fundamentals of Indian Philosophy Nagaraja Rao, P Ibc 1974 206p UG Library
181.4 NAT 00014440 You Are a Torrent of Boundless Energy Nathmal, Muni Kamlesh 1956 100 p UG Library
181.4 NIC 05046650 Unifying Hinduism : Nicholson, Andrew J. Permanent Black, 2015 9788178244730 xii,266p.; Knowledge Centre
181.4 NUM 00014405 Acharya Bhikshu: Numi Nathmal, Acharya 1973 170p UG Library
181.4 OLI 05058793 A dharma reader : Olivelle, Patrick, Permanent Black, 2016 9788178244945 xii,410p.; Knowledge Centre
181.4 OLI 00101119 Dharma: Olivelle Patrick Motilal banarsidass publish; 9788120833388 492 p. UG Library
181.4 OLS 05032065 Indian Philosophers and Postmodern Thinkers : Olson, Carl Oxford University Press, 2003 0195653904 332 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 PAD 00112387 Indian Philosophy and religion: Padhi, Bibhu D K Printworld (P) Ltd 2005 9788124601167 413p; UG Library
181.4 PAN 00099964 Sri Aurobindo Pandit M P Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 9788121507898 118 p. UG Library
181.4 PAN 00125785 Reflections Pandey,Brijendra Coomaraswamy Foundation 2016 9788183877527 179p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013238 Adoration of the Divione Mother Pandit, M P Dipti 1972 88p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013239 Dialogues and Prespectives Pandit, M P Dipti 1975 204 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013240 What Life Has Taught Me?and Other Writings Pandit, M P Dipti 1973 228 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013241 Breath of Grace Pandit, M P Aurobindo 1973 368 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013242 Meditations Pandit, M P Dipti 80 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013245 Gems from the Tantars Pandit, M P Ganesh 1970 114 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013251 Something Else Something More Pandit, M P Dipti 1975 64 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013252 Guide to Savitri(vol I) Pandit, M P Dipti 1973 280 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013253 Kularnava Tantra Pandit, M P Ganesh 1973 128 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013257 Highways of God Pandit, M P Dipti 1969 208 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013259 Kundalini Yoga Pandit, M P Ganesh 1972 1 UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013261 Lights of the Tantra Pandit, M P Ganesh 1971 104 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013263 Glossary:Of the Sanskrit Terms in Sri Aurbindo`s Works Pandit, M P Aurobindo Mandal 1966 84 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013267 Epigrams in Savitri Pandit, M P Dipti 1971 60 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013272 50th Birthday Commenmoration. Pandit, M P Krishna Murthy 1968 288 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013281 Sri Aurobindo : a Survey (1872-1972 Pandit, M P Dipti 80p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013282 Homage and a Pledge Pandit, M P Dipti 1972 70 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013283 Current Problems in the Light of Sri Aurobindo Pandit, M P Dipti 1969 38 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013284 Call and the Grace Pandit, M P Dipti 1972 84 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013285 Thought of a Shaktha Pandit, M P Ganesh 1965 44 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013286 Memorable Moments With the Mother Pandit, M P Dipti 1975 42 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013287 Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Pandit, M P 1975 65 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013292 Mother of Love Pandit M P Dipti 1972 364 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013295 Mother of Love Pandit M P Dipti 1972 364 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013294 Mother of Love Pandit M P Dipti 1972 364 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013293 Mother of Love Pandit M P Dipti 1972 364 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013296 Readings in Savitri Pandit, M. P. Dipti Publications 1975 700 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013304 Readings in Savitri Pandit, M. P. Dipti Publications 1975 700 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013297 Readings in Savitri Pandit, M. P. Dipti Publications 1975 700 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013300 Readings in Savitri Pandit, M. P. Dipti Publications 1975 700 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013298 Readings in Savitri Pandit, M. P. Dipti Publications 1975 700 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013301 Readings in Savitri Pandit, M. P. Dipti Publications 1975 700 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013299 Readings in Savitri Pandit, M. P. Dipti Publications 1975 700 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013302 Readings in Savitri Pandit, M. P. Dipti Publications 1975 700 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013303 Readings in Savitri Pandit, M. P. Dipti Publications 1975 700 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013305 Gems from Sri Aurobindo Pandit, M P Dipti 388 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013306 Gems from Sri Aurobindo Pandit, M P Dipti 1973 224 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013307 Gems from Sri Aurobindo Pandit, M P Dipti 1974 204 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013308 Gems from Aurobindo Pandit, M P Dipti 1972 94 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013309 Grace of the Great And Other Essays Pandit, M P Arun Bose 1971 114 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013310 Japa: Pandit, M P Dipti 1971 42 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013311 Basic of Tantra Sadhana. Pandit, M P 1972 1 UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013312 Bases of Tantra Sadhana Pandit, M P Dipti 1970 iv; 45 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013314 Light from Sri Aurobindo Pandit, M P Mysore 1970 1 UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013315 Sidelights of the Mother Pandit, M P Dipti 1975 68 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013316 Project Universal Man Pandit, M P Dipti 1974 136 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013318 Sri Aurobindo : Studies in the Light of His Thought Pandit, M P Aurobindo 248p UG Library
181.4 PAR 00085582 Gandhi`s Philosophy and Quest for Harmony Parel, Anthony J 2006 9780521727488 226p UG Library
181.4 PAR 00087381 Gandhi`s Philosophy and Quest for Harmony Parel, Anthony J 2006 9780521727488 226p UG Library
181.4 PAR 00084366 Gandhi`s Philosophy and the Quest for Harmony Parel, Anthony J 2007 9780521727488 226p UG Library
181.4 PAR 05032075 Gandhi's Philosophy and the Quest for Harmony / Parel, Anthony J Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521727488 226 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 PAT 00013268 My Pilgrimage to the Spirit Patel, Govindbhai Dipti 1974 136 p UG Library
181.4 PER 00124713 An introduction to Indian philosophy / Perrett, Roy W., Cambridge University Press 2016 9780521853569 | 0521853567 | 9 xv, 249 pages ; UG Library
181.4 PER 00124616 An introduction to Indian philosophy / Perrett, Roy W., Cambridge University Press 2016 9780521853569 | 0521853567 | 9 xv, 249 pages ; UG Library
181.4 PER 07009378 An Introduction to Indian Philosophy / Perrett Roy.W Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781316634820 xv,249p.: Library - BR Campus
181.4 PER 07010162 An Introduction to Indian Philosophy / Perrett Roy.W Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781316634820 xv,249p.: Library - BR Campus
181.4 PNA 00013255 Shining Harvest Pnadit, M P Gamesh 1969 268 p UG Library
181.4 PNA 00013258 Life Behind Life Pandit, M P Dipti 1969 138 p UG Library
181.4 POT 00107879 Presuppositions of India's philosophies Potter, Karl H. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 1991 9788120807792 1st Indian edition xi, 276 p. : UG Library
181.4 POT 00089467 Presuppositions of India`s Philosophy Potter, Karl H MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2002 8120807790 276p UG Library
181.4 POT 00122059 Encyclopedia of Indian Phiolosphies Potter,Karl H Motilal Banarsidass 2015 9788120836464 610p. UG Library
181.4 PRA 00135957 From vedanta to whatsapp: Prasad, Dev. Rupa Publications India Pvt ltd, 2019 9789353334475 250p.; UG Library
181.4 RAD 10002369 Indian Philosophy/ Radhakrishnan, S. Oxford Universtiy Press, 2008 9780195698411 | 9780195698428 2nd ed., xix,650 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 RAD 10002370 Indian Philosophy/ Radhakrishnan, S. Oxford Universtiy Press, 2008 9780195698411 | 9780195698428 2nd ed., xix,650 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 RAD 00081793 Indian Philosophy: Radhakrishnan, S 1923 0000198204 807p UG Library
181.4 RAD 00089471 Indian Philosophy: Radhakrishnan, S 1923 0000198204 807p UG Library
181.4 RAD 00006191 Contemporary Indian Philosophy Radhakrishnan, S George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1966 648 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 RAD 00006601 Indian Philosophy Radhakrishnan, S George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1966 808 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 RAD 05032008 Indian Philosophy / Radhakrishnan, S Oxford University Press, 2003 0195638190 737 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 RAD 05032009 Indian Philosophy / Radhakrishnan, S Oxford University Press, 2003 0195638190 737 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 RAD 00006192 Indian Philosophy Radhakrishnan, S George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1966 808 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 RAD 00005108 A Source Book in Indian Philosophy Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli. Princetown, 1970 684 p.: UG Library
181.4 RAD 01013876 Indian philosophy / Radhakrishnan, S. Oxford University Press, 9780195698428 (v. 2) | 0195698 2 v. ; Knowledge Centre
181.4 RAD 01013877 Indian philosophy / Radhakrishnan, S. Oxford University Press, 9780195698428 (v. 2) | 0195698 2 v. ; Knowledge Centre
181.4 RAD 00099133 Indian Philosophy: Radhakrishnan, S 1923 0000198204 807p UG Library
181.4 RAD 00141228 Indian philosophy / Radhakrishnan, S. Oxford University Press, 9780195698428 (v. 2) | 0195698 2 v. ; UG Library
181.4 RAD 01025332 My search for truth / Radhakrishnan, S. MPP House, 2017 103p.; Knowledge Centre
181.4 RAD 00140731 Indian philosophy / Radhakrishnan, S. Oxford University Press, 9780195698428 (v. 2) | 0195698 2 v. ; UG Library
181.4 RAD 01025391 My search for truth / Radhakrishnan, S. MPP House, 2017 103p.; Knowledge Centre
181.4 RAD 00140377 Indian philosophy / Radhakrishnan, S. Oxford University Press, 9780195698428 (v. 2) | 0195698 2 v. ; UG Library
181.4 RAG 00069854 Debates in Indian Philosophy: Classical, Colonial, and Contemporary Raghuramaraju, A 2006 0195671511 139p UG Library
181.4 RAG 00088774 Debates in Indian Philosophy: Classical, Colonial, and Contemporary Raghuramaraju, A 2006 0195671511 139p UG Library
181.4 RAG 00118511 Enduring colonialism : Raghuramaraju, A., Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198081708 (pbk) x, 153 p. ; UG Library
181.4 RAG 00132234 Debates in Indian Philosophy: Classical, Colonial, and Contemporary Raghuramaraju, A 2006 0195671511 139p UG Library
181.4 RAG 00089489 Enduring Colonialism: Classical Presences and Modern Absences in Indian Philosophy Raghuramaraju, A 2009 9780195699364 153p UG Library
181.4 RAG 05010515 Enduring colonialism : Raghuramaraju, A., Oxford University Press, 019569936X | 9780195699364 x, 153 p. ; Knowledge Centre
181.4 RAG 05039313 Ramchandra Gandhi : A.Raghuramaraju Routledge, 2013 9780415824354 | 0415824354 viii, 355 pages, 10 unnumbered pages of plates ; Knowledge Centre
181.4 RAG 00071533 Debates in Indian Philosophy: Classical, Colonial and Contemporary: [ Dharmaram Library] Raghuramaraju, A 2004 0195671511 141p UG Library
181.4 RAG 07006254 Enduring colonialism : Raghuramaraju, A., Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198081708 (pbk) x, 153 p. ; Library - BR Campus
181.4 RAG 05039468 Enduring colonialism : Raghuramaraju, A., Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198081708 (pbk) x, 153 p. ; Knowledge Centre
181.4 RAG 00094174 Enduring colonialism : Raghuramaraju, A., Oxford University Press, 019569936X | 9780195699364 x, 153 p. ; UG Library
181.4 RAG 00099110 Debates in Indian Philosophy: Raghuramaraju A Oxford University Press; 9780195693027 ix, 139 p. UG Library
181.4 RAG 00118230 Ramchandra Gandhi : A.Raghuramaraju Routledge, 2013 9780415824354 | 0415824354 viii, 355 pages, 10 unnumbered pages of plates ; UG Library
181.4 RAJ 00117560 The philosophical traditions of India Raju, P. T. UMotilal Banarsidass 2009 0822911051 256 p. UG Library
181.4 RAM 05041696 Reading Gandhi in the Twenty-First Century: Ramakrishnan,Niranjan Palgrave Macmillan, 2013 9781137325143 viii,138 p.; Knowledge Centre
181.4 RAM 00112386 Indian Philosophy of religion Ramamurthy A Decent Books 2002 8186921222 144p: UG Library
181.4 RAN 00007402 Early Indian Thought Rangachar, S Rao 1964 v; 220 p UG Library
181.4 RAN 00007405 Early Indian Thought Rangachar, S Rao 1964 v; 220 p UG Library
181.4 RAN 00007404 Early Indian Thought Rangachar, S Rao 1964 v; 220 p UG Library
181.4 RAN 00007403 Early Indian Thought Rangachar, S Rao 1964 v; 220 p UG Library
181.4 RAO 00104351 The Biology Of Enlightenment Rao Mukunda Thomos Press(India Limited 2010 9789350290095 xiv,370p UG Library
181.4 RAO 00109337 U.G. Krishnamurti Reader Rao,Mukunda Penguin Books 2007 9780143101024 257 p. UG Library
181.4 RED 00143082 Adi Sankara and Sri Aurobindo / Reddy,V Narayan Karan. B R Publishing Corporation, 2022 9788170187264 85p.; UG Library
181.4 REY 00018246 Concept of Maya from the Vedas to the 20th Century Reyna, Ruth Asia 1962 120 p UG Library
181.4 REY 00017583 Introduction to Indian Philosophy Reyna, Ruth Tata Mcgraw-Hill 1971 xvii; 257 p UG Library
181.4 RIC 05032077 Indian Philosophy : Richard King Edinburgh University, 1999 263 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 SAR 00082412 Indian Philosophy and Philosophy of Science Sarukkai, Sundar Imh Press 8187586222 268p UG Library
181.4 SAR 04015302 Winning Friendship : Swami Vivekananda's Ways / Sarma, A.R.K. Sri Sarada , 2011 176 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
181.4 SAR 04015303 Swami Vivikananda's Winning Formulas : Sarma, A.R.K. Sri Sarada BooK House , 2011 3rd ed. 176 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
181.4 SAR 00134594 The Vivekanada Way Sarma,ARK Jaico 2018 9789386867711 237p UG Library
181.4 SAS 00013235 Way of Light Sastri, Kapali T V Aurobindo 1973 240 p UG Library
181.4 SAS 00013236 Way of Light Sastri, Kapali T V Aurobindo 1973 240 p UG Library
181.4 SAS 00013274 Sidelights on the Tantra Sastry, Kapali T V Dipti 1979 96 p UG Library
181.4 SAS 00013278 Sadhana. Sastry Kapali T V Dipti 1973 46 p UG Library
181.4 SAS 00018635 Rigveda Samhita. Sastry, Kapali T V Aurobindo 1952 168 p UG Library
181.4 SEN 00092898 Science, Philosophy and Culture: in Historical Perspective Sen, S N Munshiram Manoharlal 8121506867 185p UG Library
181.4 SEN 05029004 Philosophical Concepts Relevant to Sciences in Indian Tradition.Vol.3.Part.4 [ug.Lib.Philosophy Reference Section] Sen, Pranab Kumar Imh Press 8187586273 827p Knowledge Centre
181.4 SHA 00089444 Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy Sharma, Chandrakumar MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1987 8120803655 414p UG Library
181.4 SHA 00089458 Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy Sharma, Chandradhar MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2003 8120803655 414p UG Library
181.4 SHA 00143491 Contemporary Indian Philosophy Sharma, R N Atlantic Publishers, 2021 9788171562633 297p UG Library
181.4 SHA 00013237 Quintessence of Sri Vidya. Shankaranarayanan, S Dipti 1971 60 p UG Library
181.4 SHA 00125792 Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy Sharma, Chandradhar MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2003 8120803655 414p UG Library
181.4 SHA 00013264 Ten Great Cosmic Powers Shankaranarayanan, S Dipti 1972 132 p UG Library
181.4 SHA 00013265 Sri Chakra Shankaranarayanan, S Dipti 1973 122 p UG Library
181.4 SHA 00013266 Glory of the Divine Mother(devimahatmyam) Shankaranarayanan, S Dipti 1973 328 p UG Library
181.4 SHA 00020846 Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy Sharma, Chandradhar Motilal 1979 414 p UG Library
181.4 SHA 00065636 Philosophy of Sri Madhavacarya Sharma, B N K MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2002 8120800680 483p UG Library
181.4 SHA 00065685 Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy Sharma, Chandradhar MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2003 8120803655 414p UG Library
181.4 SHO 05071574 Hinduism essence and consequence : Shourie, Arun. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 1979 0706908341 407p. ; Knowledge Centre
181.4 SHU 00013277 Fundamentals of Yoga Shubhanarayanan, N Dipti 1974 114 p UG Library
181.4 SIN 00006613 Indian Epistemology of Perception Sinha, Jadunath Sinda 1969 224 p UG Library
181.4 SIN 00005891 Outlines of Indian Philosophy Sinha, Jadunath Sinda 1963 440 p UG Library
181.4 SIN 00005892 Outlines of Indian Philosophy Jadunath Sinha, Mathurbhumy 1963 450 p UG Library
181.4 SIN 00011151 Outlines of Indian Philosophy Sinha, Jadunath Mathurbhumy 1963 430 p UG Library
181.4 SIN 00124720 Modern Concepts in Hindu Philosophy Singh,Mahesh Kumar Centrum Press 2016 9789350848500 288p UG Library
181.4 SIN 00102306 Advaita Philosophy; Singh N.K Global vision publishing house; 9788182203709 546 p. UG Library
181.4 SOL 00130333 Philosophical Life of Mahatma Gandhi Solanki,Summer D Pacafic Books International 2017 280p UG Library
181.4 SOR 00132740 Gandhi and the Stoics : Sorabji, Richard. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199644339 (hbk.) | 9780198708667 (pbk.) | 0199644330 (hbk.) 1st ed. xiv, 224 p. : UG Library
181.4 SOR 05060738 Gandhi and the Stoics : Sorabji, Richard. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199644339 (hbk.) | 9780198708667 (pbk.) | 0199644330 (hbk.) 1st ed. xiv, 224 p. : Knowledge Centre
181.4 SRI 00015112 Existentialist Concepts and the Hindu Philosophical Systems Srinivasa, G Udayana 1970 285 p UG Library
181.4 STE 00140039 Russia looks at India : Stepanyants,Marietta Indian Council of Philosophical Research and D.K. Printworld, 2010 9788124605851 | 8124605858 xiv, 378 p. ; UG Library
181.4 SWA 00134590 The Ancient Science of Mantras Swami, O M Jaico 2018 9789386348715 471p UG Library
181.4 SWA 00072227 Truth, Power, Money a Postmodern Reading [Dharmaram Library] Swamikannu, Stanislaus Asian Trading Corporation 2004 8170863317 210 UG Library
181.4 THA 05074220 The Less You Preach The More You Learn : Tharoor, Shashi Aleph Book Company, 2023 9789395853903 xv, 182 p. , Knowledge Centre
181.4 THA 00072220 Subaltern Persepectives Philosophizing in Context [Dharmaram Library] Thandathil, George Asian Trading Corporation 2005 0817086366 305 UG Library
181.4 THE 00017825 Confluence of Indian Thought Thera, Acharya Mmm 1971 90 p UG Library
181.4 THO 05045369 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: Knowledge Centre
181.4 THO 00091847 Western Encounter with indian philosophy Thottakara Augustine Dharmaram Publications 8186861408 362p UG Library
181.4 THO 05045370 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: Knowledge Centre
181.4 THO 00123567 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: UG Library
181.4 THO 04024194 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
181.4 THO 05049192 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: Knowledge Centre
181.4 THO 05049193 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: Knowledge Centre
181.4 THO 05049194 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: Knowledge Centre
181.4 THO 05049195 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: Knowledge Centre
181.4 THO 05049196 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: Knowledge Centre
181.4 THO 05047094 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: Knowledge Centre
181.4 THO 05047095 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: Knowledge Centre
181.4 THO 05047096 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: Knowledge Centre
181.4 THO 05047097 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: Knowledge Centre
181.4 THO 05047098 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: Knowledge Centre
181.4 THO 00094654 Western Encounter with indian philosophy Thottakara Augustine Dharmaram Publications 8186861408 362p UG Library
181.4 THU 00130329 Integral Person Thundathil,Jose JIP 2003 308p UG Library
181.4 TOL 03010071 Indian and Western Philosophies : Tola, Fernando. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited , 2013 9788120835092 373 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
181.4 TUK 00065589 Poems of Tukarama Fraser, Nelson J MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2000 8120808517 522p UG Library
181.4 TUS 00131396 Indian epistemology and metaphysics / Tuske, Joerg, Bloomsbury academic, 2017 9781472529534 (hb) xi,436p.; UG Library
181.4 TYA 00115260 Philosophy of Radhakrishnan Tyagi, R. S. Bluejay Books 2000 8187075740 | 9788187075745 191 p. UG Library
181.4 VAS 00101125 J.Krishnamurti: Vas Luis S,R Motilal banarsidass publishers private limited; 9788120820517 191 p. UG Library
181.4 VAS 03009458 The Mind of J. Krishnamurti / Krisnamurti, J. Jaico Publishing House , 2002 8172242131 | 9788172242138 282 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
181.4 VAT 05029009 Aesthetic Theories and Forms in Indian Tradition:History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization [PHILOSOPHY SECTION] Vatsyayan, Kapila Imh Press ISB8187586354 611p Knowledge Centre
181.4 VIK 00112663 Classical Indian Philosophy Vikrant,Swami Kristu Jyoti Publications 2007 124p UG Library
181.4 WAD 00107375 Indian philosophy and text science Wada Toshihiro Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2010 9788120834057 xii, 206 p. ; UG Library
181.4 WAD 00094738 Indian philosophy and text science Wada Toshihiro Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2010 9788120834057 xii, 206 p. ; UG Library
181.4 WAT 00070019 Integrated Science of the Absolute (Dharmaram Library) Guru, Nataraja D k Print World 2001 8124601860 537p UG Library
181.4 WAT 00070020 Integrated Science of the Absolute (Dharmaram Library) Guru, Nataraja D k Print World 2001 8124601860 537p UG Library
181.4 WEE 00101127 J.Krishnamurti as I Knew Hin Weeraperuma Susunaga Motilal banarsidass publishers private limited; 9788120814271 184 p. UG Library
181.4 WEE 00101115 Bliss of Reality: Weeraperuma Susunaga Motilal banarsidass publishers private limited; 8120814231 137 p. UG Library
181.4 WIL 00107906 Indian Wisdom Williams,Monier Cambridge University Press 2009 9781108007955 xlviii; 542 P. UG Library
181.4 WIL 00019562 Modern Hinduism Wilkins, W J Rupa Co 1975 426 p UG Library
181.4 WIL 00070034 Indian Wisdom or Examples of the Religion, Philosophical and Ethical Doctrines of the Hindus (Dharmaram) Williams, Monier Rupa & Co 2003 8171676081 634p UG Library
181.4 WOR 00004447 Life and Philosophy: Nathmal, Muni Adharshya Sahitya 1969 148p UG Library
181.4 YAD 00095180 Gandhi Yadav Jainendra ABD Publishers 978818376268 280p UG Library
181.4003 BAR 00101123 Indian Philosophy A-Z Bartley Christopher New Age Books; 9788178223131 x:196 p. UG Library
181.403 PAN 00087193 Encyclpaedia of Indian Philosophers Pandey, B K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126135240 256 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.403 PAN 00087197 Encyclpaedia of Indian Philosophers Pandey, B K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126135240 256 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.403 PAN 00087199 Encyclpaedia of Indian Philosophers Pandey, B K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126135240 256 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.403 PAN 00087202 Encyclpaedia of Indian Philosophers Pandey, B K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126135240 256 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.403 PAN 00087201 Encyclpaedia of Indian Philosophers Pandey, B K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126135240 256 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.403 PAN 00087200 Encyclpaedia of Indian Philosophers Pandey, B K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126135240 256 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.403 PAN 00087198 Encyclpaedia of Indian Philosophers Pandey, B K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126135240 256 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.403 PAN 00087196 Encyclpaedia of Indian Philosophers Pandey, B K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126135240 256 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.403 PAN 00087194 Encyclpaedia of Indian Philosophers Pandey, B K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126135240 256 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.403 PAN 00087195 Encyclpaedia of Indian Philosophers Pandey, B K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126135240 256 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.409 BHA 00082400 Some Aspects of India`s Philosophical and Scientific Heritage Bhattacharyya, Sibajiban Munshiram Manoharlal 8121506875 117p UG Libr