Total Books (Psychology) - 10594
150 GLA |
05001969 |
Approaches to Psychology: |
Glassman, E William |
Open university press, |
2004 |
0335205453 | 9780335213481 |
4th ed. |
538p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GLA1 |
05001968 |
Approaches to Psychology [msc-Psychology Section] |
Glassman, Weiiliam E |
Open university press, |
2001 |
0335205453 |
510p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 ATK |
00072852 |
Ask Dr.Mike frequently Asked Questions About Psychology |
Atkinson, Michael |
Allyn And Bacon |
2001 |
0205331092 | 9780205331093 |
188 p. |
UG Library |
150 BAR |
00112226 |
Psychology |
Baron, A. Robert |
Perason Education |
2005 |
9788178086231 | 9788177583854 |
5th Ed. |
621 p. |
UG Library |
150 BAR |
00060341 |
Psychology |
Baron, A. Robert |
Perason Education |
2005 |
9788178086231 | 9788177583854 |
5th Ed. |
621 p. |
UG Library |
150 BAR |
00069612 |
Psychology |
Baron, A. Robert |
Perason Education |
2005 |
9788178086231 | 9788177583854 |
5th Ed. |
621 p. |
UG Library |
150 BAR |
00120784 |
Psychology |
Baron, A. Robert |
Perason Education |
2005 |
9788178086231 | 9788177583854 |
5th Ed. |
621 p. |
UG Library |
150 BAR |
00060649 |
Psychology |
Baron, A. Robert |
Perason Education |
2005 |
9788178086231 | 9788177583854 |
5th Ed. |
621 p. |
UG Library |
150 BRA |
00099271 |
SPSS for Psylchologists: |
Palgrave Macmillan, |
9780230594593 |
454 p. |
UG Library |
150 CHA |
04002328 |
Statistical Psychology |
Chakravarty, Pravir |
Dominant Publishers |
2007 |
8178884879 |
337 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 COH |
05070496 |
Psychological Testing and Assessment : |
Cohen, Ronald Jay |
McGraw Hill, |
2018 |
0007111260 | 9789353162139 |
9th ed. |
557p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 COH |
07013377 |
Psychological Testing and Assessment : |
Cohen, Ronald Jay |
McGraw Hill, |
2018 |
0007111260 | 9789353162139 |
9th ed. |
557p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150 COH |
07013378 |
Psychological Testing and Assessment : |
Cohen, Ronald Jay |
McGraw Hill, |
2018 |
0007111260 | 9789353162139 |
9th ed. |
557p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150 COH |
00137331 |
Psychological Testing and Assessment : |
Cohen, Ronald Jay |
McGraw Hill, |
2018 |
0007111260 | 9789353162139 |
9th ed. |
557p.; |
UG Library |
150 COR |
00073388 |
Popular Psychology |
Cordon, Luis A. |
Greenwood Press |
2005 |
0313324573 | 9780313324574 |
274 p. |
UG Library |
150 DAV |
04002885 |
60 Second Sef-Starter |
Davidson, Jeff |
Vivabooks Private Limited |
2008 |
9781598698435 |
158 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 EYS |
05015052 |
Fundamentals of psychology / |
Eysenck, Michael W. |
Psychology Press, |
9781841693712 (hbk) | 18416937 |
viii, 702 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 FEL |
00072482 |
Understanding Psychology/ |
Feldman, S Robert |
0070586985 |
572p |
UG Library |
150 GAZ |
07009501 |
Psychological Science |
Gazzaniga, Michael S |
W.W. Norton & Co, |
2006 |
9780393913361 |
2nd Ed. |
657p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 GIL |
05014251 |
Foundations of Psychology |
Apple Accademic Press Inc., |
9781926686059 |
260 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GIL |
05014272 |
Foundations of Psychology |
Apple Accademic Press Inc., |
9781926686059 |
260 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 HIL |
00035203 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Hilgard, Ernest R. |
Oxford University Press |
1976 |
6th Ed. |
658 p. |
UG Library |
150 HIL |
00030287 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Hilgard, Ernest R. |
Oxford University Press |
1976 |
6th Ed. |
658 p. |
UG Library |
150 HIL |
00017013 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Hilgard, Ernest R. |
Oxford University Press |
1976 |
6th Ed. |
658 p. |
UG Library |
150 HIL |
00013364 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Hilgard, Ernest R. |
Oxford University Press |
1976 |
6th Ed. |
658 p. |
UG Library |
150 HOL |
03001825 |
Understanding Change : |
Holbeche, Linda. |
Elsevier, |
2008 |
9788131206492 | 8131206491 |
455 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
150 IYE |
00073635 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Iyer Swarna Latha |
Premier Publishing Co |
2006 |
241p |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 KAR |
00119587 |
Manassanthiyude Padha |
Karakat, Francis |
Don Bosco Publications |
2014 |
232p |
UG Library |
150 KAS |
05015053 |
Current Directions in Introductory Psychology [msc.Psychology Section] |
Kassin, Saul |
0131523678 |
222 |
Knowledge Centre |
150 MOG |
03001910 |
Great Ideas in Psychology : |
Moghaddam, Fathali M. |
One World, |
2008 |
9781851683796 | 1851683798 |
340 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
150 MOR |
00060352 |
A Brief Introduction to Psychology |
Morgan, Clifford Thomas. |
McGraw-Hill, |
1977 |
9780070994553 | 0070994552 | 0 |
2d ed. |
xi, 499 p. : |
UG Library |
150 MOR |
00071904 |
A Brief Introduction to Psychology |
Morgan, Clifford Thomas. |
McGraw-Hill, |
1977 |
9780070994553 | 0070994552 | 0 |
2d ed. |
xi, 499 p. : |
UG Library |
150 MUN |
00011753 |
Rajasthan |
Pal, Dharm |
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. |
1969 |
4th Ed. |
588 p. |
UG Library |
150 MUN |
00011752 |
Rajasthan |
Pal, Dharm |
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. |
1969 |
4th Ed. |
588 p. |
UG Library |
150 MYE |
00098223 |
Psychology: |
Myers, David G. |
Worth Pub., |
9780716752516 |
xxx,1495.741 p. | With r>97 p. | With a>14 p. | With I-24 p. |
UG Library |
150 NAT |
00029563 |
Manual of Experiments in Psychology |
Nataraj, P. |
Srinivasa Publications |
1972 |
2nd Ed. |
448 p. |
UG Library |
150 NAT |
00006435 |
Manual Laboratory of Experiments |
Nataraj, P. |
Srinivasa Publications |
1970 |
430 p. |
UG Library |
150 NEL |
00068704 |
Lecture Outlines for Note taking for Atkinson & Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology |
Nelson, Patrice Dow |
Thomson Learning |
2003 |
0534586341 |
14th Ed. |
83 p. |
UG Library |
150 PAS |
05014261 |
What is Psychology? Essentials: |
Pastorino,Ellen |
Wadsworth Pub. |
2010 |
9780495604143 |
590 p. | Glassary>17 p. | Reference>37 p. | Index >16 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 RAV |
00114958 |
MCQ in Psychology |
Rao, Ravikanth K. |
Neelkamal Publications Pvt Ltd |
2005 |
8183160263 |
425 p. |
UG Library |
150 ROL1 |
05001971 |
Classic Case Studies in Psychology |
Rolls, Geoff |
Hodder Arnold, |
2005 |
0340886927 |
171p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 SHE |
00098117 |
Psychology |
Shergill, Hardeep Kaur |
PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. |
9788120339781 |
494 p. |
UG Library |
150 SHE |
07001710 |
Psychology |
Shergill, Hardeep Kaur |
PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. |
9788120339781 |
494 p. |
Library - BR Campus |
150 SMI |
00060991 |
Atkinson & Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology |
Smith, E. Edward |
Thomson Learning |
2004 |
9819812439 | 9789812436979 | 9 |
14th Ed. |
748 p. |
UG Library |
150 SMI |
00069640 |
Atkinson & Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology |
Smith, E. Edward |
Thomson Learning |
2004 |
9819812439 | 9789812436979 | 9 |
14th Ed. |
748 p. |
UG Library |
150 STA |
05014717 |
Stanovich, Keith E |
8131711447 |
226p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 STA |
05014716 |
How to Think Straight About Psychology. |
Stanovich, Keith E |
8131711447 |
226p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 VAL |
00069294 |
Study Guide for Rathus's Psychology |
Valentino Lisa |
Wardsworth Thomson Learning |
0534612393 |
278 p. |
UG Library |
150 VAL |
00097375 |
Study Guide for Rathus's Psychology |
Valentino Lisa |
Wardsworth Thomson Learning |
0534612393 |
278 p. |
UG Library |
150 VAT |
00006657 |
General Psychology |
Vatsyayan, |
Kedarnath Ram Nath |
1972 |
5th Ed. |
176 p. |
UG Library |
150 VEN |
04002019 |
Chinthana Manthana |
Veena, G R |
New Age Internations (P) Ltd |
2008 |
9788122424737 |
124 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 WOO |
00000276 |
Psychology |
Woodworth, Robert S. |
Methuen & co.Ltd |
1963 |
674 p. |
UG Library |
150 ABR |
00019267 |
Psychology Made Simple |
Sperling,Abraham P. |
W.H.Allen |
1957 |
0491005709 |
269 p. |
UG Library |
150 ABT |
07002930 |
General Psychlogy / |
Abraham, Amit. |
Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, |
2011 |
9780071077996 |
xxiv,572p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150 ABT |
07002928 |
General Psychlogy / |
Abraham, Amit. |
Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, |
2011 |
9780071077996 |
xxiv,572p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150 ABT |
07002929 |
General Psychlogy / |
Abraham, Amit. |
Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, |
2011 |
9780071077996 |
xxiv,572p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150 ABT |
05000976 |
General Psychlogy / |
Abraham, Amit. |
Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, |
2011 |
9780071077996 |
xxiv,572p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 ADA |
05011591 |
The Psychology Companion: |
Adams,Bridget. |
Palgrave Macmillan, |
2009 |
9780230008182 |
378 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 ADA |
05014319 |
The Psychology Companion: |
Adams,Bridget. |
Palgrave Macmillan, |
2009 |
9780230008182 |
378 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 AHL |
05037478 |
Principles of Psychology / |
Ahlawat,Neetu. |
Vishvabharti Publications, |
2009 |
9788189917739 |
392p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 AHM |
00121423 |
The DBS handbook of psychology |
Ahmed Ambrien |
DBS Imprints |
2013 |
9788192372822 |
657p. |
UG Library |
150 AHM |
05045321 |
Psychology of Learning and Human Development / |
M S Ahmad |
Mittal Publications, |
2012 |
ix, 402 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 AHM |
05040025 |
Psychology of Learning and Human Development / |
M S Ahmad |
Mittal Publications, |
2012 |
ix, 402 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 AIU |
00020380 |
Question Bank - Psychology |
Association of Indian University , |
1977 |
596 p |
UG Library |
150 AJA |
00022300 |
Foundations of Eastern & Western Psychology |
Ajaya, Swamy |
Illinois |
1977 |
120 p |
UG Library |
150 ALL |
00144864 |
Empower your success: |
Allan, Scott |
Rupa Publications, |
2023 |
9789357021210 |
197p |
UG Library |
150 AND |
00006426 |
Art of Living |
Andre, Maurois |
1966 |
1 |
UG Library |
150 ANM |
05013936 |
Modern UGC NET/SLET Psychology By a Team of Experts |
Anmol Publications |
Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd |
8126118938 |
477p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 ANN |
05036643 |
Nobody speaks to [ME] / |
Annaiah,Anil. |
Brand Radianz, |
2013 |
9789350874165 |
73p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 ANN |
05036701 |
Nobody speaks to [ME] / |
Annaiah,Anil. |
Brand Radianz, |
2013 |
9789350874165 |
73p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 APA |
05046671 |
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association / |
American Psychological Association, |
2011 |
9781433805615 |
xviii,272p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150 ARO |
00144856 |
Peace Psychology / |
Arora,Dr. Sanjeev. |
Random Publications, |
2022 |
9789393884442 |
viii,326p, ; |
UG Library |
150 ATK |
00073394 |
Hilgard's Introduction To Psychology |
Atkinson Rita L. |
Harcourt Brace College Publishers |
1996 |
0155015540 | 9780155015548 |
12th Ed. |
776 |
UG Library |
150 ATK |
00027572 |
Introduction To Psychology |
Atkinson, Rita L. |
HarcourtBrace & Jovanovoch,Inc |
1985 |
8th Ed. |
800 p. |
UG Library |
150 ATK |
00066537 |
Ask Dr.Mike frequently Asked Questions About Psychology |
Atkinson, Michael |
Allyn And Bacon |
2001 |
0205331092 | 9780205331093 |
188 p. |
UG Library |
150 ATK |
00016789 |
Psychology in Progress |
Atkinson, C Richard |
W.H Freeman |
1975 |
392 p |
UG Library |
150 BAN |
05069521 |
Psychology : |
Bansal, Parul, |
Sage publications india pvt ltd., |
2019 |
9789353280833 (pbk) |
xvi,229p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 BAN |
00136091 |
Psychology : |
Bansal, Parul, |
Sage publications india pvt ltd., |
2019 |
9789353280833 (pbk) |
xvi,229p.; |
UG Library |
150 BAN |
05014275 |
Essential psychology : |
Banyard Philip |
9781847875372 (hbk.) | 1847875 |
xiii, 454 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 BAR |
00147730 |
Psychology : |
Baron, Robert A. |
Pearson, |
2023 |
9789332558540 |
5th ed |
xxx,646p. : |
UG Library |
150 BAR |
07015155 |
Psychology / |
Baron Robert.A |
Pearson, |
2016 |
9789332558540 |
5th ed |
xii,646p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 BAR |
00027576 |
Psychology Understanding Behaviour. |
Baron, A Robert |
Hsi |
1985 |
2nd ed, |
770 p.: |
UG Library |
150 BAR |
05044188 |
Psychology : |
Baron Robert.A |
Pearson, |
2014 |
9788131773444 |
xxx,649p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150 BAR |
00096231 |
Psychology, Religion and Mental Health |
Barker, Montagu G. |
Rutherford House, |
0946068836 |
102 p. |
UG Library |
150 BAR |
00054978 |
Psychology |
Baron, Robert A |
Pearson Education |
2001 |
8178086239 |
668p |
UG Library |
150 BAR |
09000747 |
Psychology / |
Baron Robert.A |
Pearson, |
2016 |
9789332558540 |
5th ed |
xii,646p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 BAR |
10001806 |
Psychology / |
Baron Robert.A |
Pearson, |
2016 |
9789332558540 |
5th ed |
xii,646p.: |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 BAR |
10001807 |
Psychology / |
Baron Robert.A |
Pearson, |
2016 |
9789332558540 |
5th ed |
xii,646p.: |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 BAR |
07005382 |
Psychology and the Soldier/ |
Bartlet,F C. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2014 |
9781107455603 |
Vii,223 Pages,; |
Library - BR Campus |
150 BAR |
05014255 |
Psychology (msw-Section] |
Baron, Robert A |
Pearson Education |
8178086239 |
617p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 BAR |
07013043 |
Psychology / |
Baron Robert.A |
Pearson, |
2016 |
9789332558540 |
5th ed |
xii,646p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 BAR |
05001883 |
Psychology / |
Barker, Lewis M., |
Prentice Hall, |
0136208169 |
xxxi, 704 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 BAR |
00124521 |
Psychology |
Baron, Robert A |
Pearson Education |
2001 |
8178086239 |
668p |
UG Library |
150 BAR |
09001037 |
Psychology and the Soldier/ |
Bartlet,F C. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2014 |
9781107455603 |
Vii,223 Pages,; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 BAR |
09001088 |
Psychology / |
Baron Robert.A |
Pearson, |
2016 |
9789332558540 |
5th ed |
xii,646p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 BAR |
00091586 |
Psychology / |
Barker, Lewis M., |
Prentice Hall, |
0136208169 |
xxxi, 704 p. : |
UG Library |
150 BAR |
05014290 |
Human Evolutionary Psychology: [M.SC Psy] |
Barrett, Louuise |
0333825581 |
434p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 BAR |
07007782 |
Psychology / |
Baron Robert.A |
Pearson, |
2016 |
9789332558540 |
5th ed |
xii,646p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 BAR |
07011640 |
Psychology / |
Baron Robert.A |
Pearson, |
2016 |
9789332558540 |
5th ed |
xii,646p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 BAR |
10003247 |
Psychology / |
Baron Robert.A |
Pearson, |
2016 |
9789332558540 |
5th ed |
xii,646p.: |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 BAR |
00115293 |
Psychology |
Baron, A. Robert |
Perason Education |
2005 |
9788178086231 | 9788177583854 |
5th Ed. |
621 p. |
UG Library |
150 BAR |
00115294 |
Psychology |
Baron, A. Robert |
Perason Education |
2005 |
9788178086231 | 9788177583854 |
5th Ed. |
621 p. |
UG Library |
150 BAS |
05014279 |
Glimpses into Behavioural Science: Methods and Themes in Practice [msc-Psychology Section] |
Basu, Jayanti |
UGC Academic Staff College |
308p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 BAS |
05039420 |
Ardhanarishwara : |
Basavana,M. |
Niruta Publications, |
2013 |
9788192342481 |
xii,56p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 BAS |
05039421 |
Kanasina Kate / |
Basavanna,M. |
Lakshmi Mudranalaya, |
2012 |
9789381055908 |
90p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 BAS |
05039422 |
Carl Jung / |
Basavanna,M |
Laksmi Mudranalaya, |
2011 |
9789381055571 |
124p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 BAS |
05039423 |
Oedipus complex / |
Basavanna,M |
Abhinava, |
2012 |
180p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 BAS |
05039728 |
Child issues in applied psychology / |
Basal,Manisha |
ABD publishers, |
2014 |
9788183764599 |
viii,264p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 BAS |
00023500 |
Second Course in Psychology |
Basantani, K T |
Seth |
1980 |
1 |
UG Library |
150 BAS |
00023502 |
Second Course in Psychology |
Basantani, K T |
Seth |
1980 |
1 |
UG Library |
150 BAS |
00023501 |
Second Course in Psychology |
Basantani, K. T. |
Deepak Publications |
1980 |
262 p. |
UG Library |
150 BAT |
05059420 |
New handbook of mathematical psychology / |
Batchelder, William H. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2017 |
9781107029088 | 1107029082 |
< 1 > volumes : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 BAT |
07012524 |
New handbook of mathematical psychology / |
Batchelder, William H. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2017 |
9781107029088 | 1107029082 |
< 1 > volumes : |
Library - BR Campus |
150 BAU |
00060995 |
Kagan and Segal`s Psychology : An Introduction |
Baucum, Don |
Thomson WadsWorth |
2004 |
0155081144 |
9th Ed |
702 p |
UG Library |
150 BAY |
00110024 |
Essential Psychology |
Banyard, Philip, |
Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd. |
2010 |
9788132110309 (pbk.) | 9781847 |
Sage South Asia ed. |
xiii, 454 p. : |
UG Library |
150 BAY |
03008455 |
Essential Psychology |
Banyard, Philip, |
Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd. |
2010 |
9788132110309 (pbk.) | 9781847 |
Sage South Asia ed. |
xiii, 454 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
150 BEI |
09000704 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 BEI |
09000705 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 BEI |
09000706 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 BEI |
09000707 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 BEI |
09000708 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 BEI |
09000709 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 BEI |
09000749 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 BEI |
00112498 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
UG Library |
150 BEI |
00112499 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
UG Library |
150 BEI |
00112500 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
UG Library |
150 BEI |
00112501 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
UG Library |
150 BEI |
00112502 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
UG Library |
150 BEI |
00112503 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
UG Library |
150 BEI |
00112504 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
UG Library |
150 BEI |
07003954 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
Library - BR Campus |
150 BEI |
07003955 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
Library - BR Campus |
150 BEI |
07003956 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
Library - BR Campus |
150 BEI |
07003957 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
Library - BR Campus |
150 BEI |
07003958 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
Library - BR Campus |
150 BEI |
07003959 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
Library - BR Campus |
150 BEI |
07003960 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
Library - BR Campus |
150 BEI |
00117591 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
UG Library |
150 BEI |
00117592 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
UG Library |
150 BEI |
00117593 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
UG Library |
150 BEI |
00117594 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
UG Library |
150 BEI |
00117595 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
UG Library |
150 BEI |
00117596 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
UG Library |
150 BEI |
00117597 |
Handbook of Psychology: |
Beins, Bernard C |
Viva Books |
2014 |
9788130924519 |
158p. |
UG Library |
150 BEL |
05014301 |
Environmental Psychology [msc Psychology ] |
Bell, A Paul |
2001 |
0155080644 |
634p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 BER |
05014266 |
Philosophy of psychology : |
Routledge, |
2006 |
0415368618 | 0415368626 (pbk.) |
xi,673p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 BER |
05014314 |
Philosophy of psychology : |
Routledge, |
2006 |
0415368618 | 0415368626 (pbk.) |
xi,673p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 BER |
05014315 |
Philosophy of psychology : |
Routledge, |
2006 |
0415368618 | 0415368626 (pbk.) |
xi,673p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 BER |
07010993 |
Psychology/ |
Bernstein,Douglas |
Wadsworth, |
2012 |
9781111344061 |
xiii,820 Pages,: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 BER |
00050399 |
Essentials of Psychology |
Bernstein, A Douglas |
1999 |
0395870712 |
580p |
UG Library |
150 BER |
00120782 |
Essentials of Psychology / |
Bernstein, Douglas A. |
Wadsworth Cengage Learning, |
2011 |
9780495810773 (pbk. : student |
5th Ed. |
597p.1 v. (various pagings) : |
UG Library |
150 BER |
05062042 |
Machiavellianism : |
Bereczkei, Tamas. |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138093317 |
xii, 158p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 BER |
00125999 |
Psycchology in the work Contect |
Bergh Ziel |
Oxforod University Press, |
2014 |
9780199048069 |
5th ed, |
xix, 594 p.: |
UG Library |
150 BHA |
00005345 |
General Psychology |
Bhatia, |
Oxford Charendon Press |
1969 |
1 |
UG Library |
150 BHA |
00005630 |
Elements of Educational Psychology |
Bhatia, H R |
Orient Longman |
1970 |
1 |
UG Library |
150 BLO |
10004467 |
The Human mind: A Brief Tour of Everything We Know/ by Paul Bloom |
Bloom, Paul [Author] |
Vintage, |
2024 |
9781529925470 |
1st Ed. |
454p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 BOL |
05025581 |
Environment Psychology / |
Annette Bolger |
ABD Publishers, |
2010 |
9788183762427 |
311 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 BRA |
05014289 |
Health psychology : |
Brannon, Linda, |
Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, |
9780495601326 | 0495601322 |
xx, 570 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 BRA |
00142258 |
Health psychology : |
Brannon, Linda, |
Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, |
9780495601326 | 0495601322 |
xx, 570 p. : |
UG Library |
150 BRE |
00016779 |
Psychology and Human Experience |
Bernnecke, John H |
Collins |
1974 |
320 p |
UG Library |
150 BRE |
00016782 |
Significance:The Sturgglewe Share |
Brennecke, John H |
Glencoe Press |
1971 |
182 p |
UG Library |
150 BRI |
00011234 |
Intelligence & Psychological Test |
Bright S, |
Universities Press |
1972 |
1 |
UG Library |
150 BRO |
01015590 |
An introduction to assessment / |
Broadfoot, Patricia. |
Continuum, |
9780826496959 (hardcover) | 08 |
viii, 184 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 BRU |
05014253 |
Psychology: A Self-Teaching Guide.A Complete Course, from Brain Biology to Abnormal Psychology [msc.Psychology Section] |
Bruno, Frank J |
0471443956 |
276p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 BRY |
00115809 |
How to pass graduate psychometric tests |
Bryon, Mike. |
Kogan Page, |
2004 |
9788175542273 |
2nd ed. |
236p |
UG Library |
150 BUR |
00089484 |
Psychology Discourse: |
Burman, E |
Taylor & Francis |
1996 |
9780748405046 |
232p |
UG Library |
150 BUT |
03006013 |
50 Psychology Classics : |
Butler-Bowdon, Tom. |
Nicholas Brealey Publishing, |
2017 |
9781857886740 |
2nd ed. |
319 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
150 BUT |
00140524 |
50 Self Help Classics |
Butler-Bowdon,Tom |
Nicholas Brealey |
2017 |
9781473658288 |
2nd edition |
321p |
UG Library |
150 BUT |
00140525 |
50 Success Classics |
Butler-Bowdon.Tom |
Nicholas Brealey |
2017 |
9781473658356 |
2nd Edition |
337p |
UG Library |
150 BUT |
07015004 |
50 Psychology Classics : |
Butler-Bowdon, Tom. |
Nicholas Brealey Publishing, |
2017 |
9781857886740 |
2nd ed. |
319 p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 BUT |
00071183 |
Psychology : a Very Short Introduction |
Butler,Gillian |
Oxford University Press |
2005 |
0019567863 | 9780195678635 |
160 p. |
UG Library |
150 BUT |
00085419 |
Psychology : a Very Short Introduction |
Butler,Gillian |
Oxford University Press |
2005 |
0019567863 | 9780195678635 |
160 p. |
UG Library |
150 BUT |
05048910 |
Psychology : |
Butler, Gillian, |
Oxford University Press, |
2014 |
9780199670420 (pbk.) |
Second edition. |
xiv, 148 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 BUT |
05070483 |
50 Psychology Classics : |
Butler-Bowdon, Tom. |
Nicholas Brealey Publishing, |
2017 |
9781857886740 |
2nd ed. |
319 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150 BUT |
09000593 |
50 Psychology Classics : |
Butler-Bowdon, Tom. |
Nicholas Brealey Publishing, |
2017 |
9781857886740 |
2nd ed. |
319 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 BUT |
05032681 |
50 Psychology Classics : |
Butler-Bowdon, Tom. |
Nicholas Brealey, |
2007 |
1857883861 | 9781857883862 |
295 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150 BUT |
00139331 |
50 Psychology Classics : |
Butler-Bowdon, Tom. |
Nicholas Brealey Publishing, |
2017 |
9781857886740 |
2nd ed. |
319 p.: |
UG Library |
150 BUZ |
00040175 |
Use Your Head |
Buzan, Tony |
1995 |
0056337103 |
154 p |
UG Library |
150 BUZ |
05014285 |
Mindmap Book: Radiant Thinking: the Major Evolution in Human Thought |
Buzan, Tony |
0563371013 |
320 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 BVT |
05014287 |
50 Psychology Classics Who We Are, How We Think, What We Do Insight and Inspiration Form 50 Key Books |
Bowdon, Tom Butler |
Nicholas Braeley Pubhlishing |
301p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 CAC |
07001703 |
Discovering Psychology : |
Cacioppo,John T. |
Cengage Learning, |
2013 |
9788131518977 |
xxvii,715p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150 CAC |
05032414 |
Discovering Psychology : |
Cacioppo,John T. |
Cengage Learning, |
2013 |
9788131518977 |
xxvii,715p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 CAR |
00027568 |
Psychology the Science of Behaviour |
Carlson, Neil R. |
Allyn And Bacon Inc |
1985 |
750 p. |
UG Library |
150 CAR |
00091572 |
Positive Psychology : |
Carr, Alan, |
Brunner-Routledge, |
2004 |
1583919902 | 1583919910 (pbk.) |
xix, 388 p. : |
UG Library |
150 CAR |
05055541 |
Complete A-Z Psychology Hand Book / |
Cardwell, Mike |
2007 |
0340872691 | 9780340872697 |
300p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 CAR |
00115281 |
IQ and Psychometric Tests |
Carter, Philip |
Kogan Page India Private Limited |
2004 |
9788175542624 |
263 p. |
UG Library |
150 CAR |
00059199 |
Complete A-Z Psychology Handbook |
Cardwell, Mike. |
Hodder & Stoughton |
2003 |
0340872691 | 9780340872697 |
300p |
UG Library |
150 CAR |
00094090 |
Positive Psychology |
Carr Alan |
Routledge |
2008 |
9781583919910 |
388p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 CAR |
00094091 |
Positive Psychology |
Carr Alan |
Routledge |
2008 |
9781583919910 |
388p |
UG Library |
150 CAR |
05062721 |
Learn psychology / |
Carter, Kenneth. |
Johes & Bartlett Learning, |
2018 |
9781284124842 | 1284124843 |
Revised first edition. |
xxvii, 678 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 CAR |
00001741 |
Man, The Unknown |
Carrel, Alexis |
Wilco |
1967 |
234 p.: |
UG Library |
150 CAR |
05037609 |
Learn psychology / |
Carter, Kenneth, |
Jones & Bartlett Learning, |
2013 |
9780763798987 |
xxvii, 678 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 CHA |
00005343 |
Dictionary of Psychology |
Chaplin, J P |
Dorling Kindersley |
1970 |
537 |
UG Library |
150 CHE |
00006599 |
Elements of Logic |
Chennakesavan, Saraswathi |
1970 |
1 |
UG Library |
150 CHR |
00058284 |
Psychology |
Christensen, I. P. |
Viva Books Private Limited |
2001 |
8176492221 | 9788176492225 |
313 p. |
UG Library |
150 CHR |
05014303 |
Psychology [msc-Psychology Section] |
Christensen, I P |
0387915923 |
313p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 CIC |
00120628 |
Psychology : |
Ciccarelli,Saundra K. |
Pearson, |
2015 |
9788131713877 |
14th ed. |
xxi,753p.; |
UG Library |
150 CIC |
00142879 |
Psychology / |
Ciccarelli, Saundra K. |
Pearson india education services pvt ltd., |
2022 |
9789356060760 |
6th ed., |
xvii,679p.; |
UG Library |
150 CIC |
10003011 |
Psychology / |
Ciccarelli, Saundra K. |
Pearson india education services pvt ltd., |
2022 |
9789356060760 |
6th ed., |
xvii,679p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 CIC |
00112227 |
Psychology : |
Ciccarelli,Saundra K. |
Pearson, |
2015 |
9788131713877 |
14th ed. |
xxi,753p.; |
UG Library |
150 CIC |
05074126 |
Psychology / |
Ciccarelli, Saundra K. |
Pearson india education services pvt ltd., |
2022 |
9789356060760 |
6th ed., |
xvii,679p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 CIC |
05060224 |
Psychology / |
Ciccarelli, Saundra K. |
Pearson, |
2018 |
9789352861798 |
5th ed., |
xiv, 630 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 CIC |
10000650 |
Psychology / |
Ciccarelli, Saundra K. |
Pearson, |
2018 |
9789352861798 |
5th ed., |
xiv, 630 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 CIC |
00145704 |
Psychology / |
Ciccarelli, Saundra K. |
Pearson india education services pvt ltd., |
2022 |
9789356060760 |
6th ed., |
xvii,679p.; |
UG Library |
150 CIC |
07010992 |
Psychology/ |
Ciccarelli,saundra K |
Pearson, |
2017 |
9789332579446 |
4th ED |
663 Pages,: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 CIC |
05000984 |
Psychology : |
Ciccarelli,Saundra K. |
Pearson, |
2015 |
9788131713877 |
14th ed. |
xxi,753p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 CIC |
00127727 |
Psychology |
Ciccarelli, Saundra K. |
Pearson |
2017 |
9780205972241 (alk. paper) | 0 |
Fourth edition. |
784 p. : |
UG Library |
150 CIC |
05070059 |
Psychology / |
Ciccarelli, Saundra K. |
Pearson Education Limited, |
2018 |
9781292159713 |
Fifth (Global edition). |
800p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 CIC |
05070060 |
Psychology / |
Ciccarelli, Saundra K. |
Pearson Education Limited, |
2018 |
9781292159713 |
Fifth (Global edition). |
800p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 CIC |
05070061 |
Psychology / |
Ciccarelli, Saundra K. |
Pearson Education Limited, |
2018 |
9781292159713 |
Fifth (Global edition). |
800p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 CIC |
05060468 |
Psychology / |
Ciccarelli, Saundra K. |
Pearson Education Limited, |
2018 |
9781292159713 |
Fifth (Global edition). |
800p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 CLA |
05014250 |
Comparative Psychology: [ M.Sc Counseling Psychology] |
Clamp, Alan |
0340697032 |
165p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 CLE |
00123534 |
Critical Issues in Clinical Practice |
Clegg, Jennifer. |
SAGE Publications, |
1998 |
0803975546 | 9780803975552 |
x, 236 p. : |
UG Library |
150 COH |
00071153 |
Psychological Testing and Assessment |
Cohen, Ronald Jay |
McGraw Hill |
2005 |
0007111260 | 9780071112604 |
562 p. |
UG Library |
150 COH |
09000001 |
Psychological Testing and Assessment : |
Cohen, Ronald Jay |
McGraw Hill, |
2018 |
0007111260 | 9789353162139 |
9th ed. |
557p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 COH |
09000002 |
Psychological Testing and Assessment : |
Cohen, Ronald Jay |
McGraw Hill, |
2018 |
0007111260 | 9789353162139 |
9th ed. |
557p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 COH |
09000003 |
Psychological Testing and Assessment : |
Cohen, Ronald Jay |
McGraw Hill, |
2018 |
0007111260 | 9789353162139 |
9th ed. |
557p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 COH |
09000004 |
Psychological Testing and Assessment : |
Cohen, Ronald Jay |
McGraw Hill, |
2018 |
0007111260 | 9789353162139 |
9th ed. |
557p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 COH |
09000005 |
Psychological Testing and Assessment : |
Cohen, Ronald Jay |
McGraw Hill, |
2018 |
0007111260 | 9789353162139 |
9th ed. |
557p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 COH |
09000006 |
Psychological Testing and Assessment : |
Cohen, Ronald Jay |
McGraw Hill, |
2018 |
0007111260 | 9789353162139 |
9th ed. |
557p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 COH |
09000007 |
Psychological Testing and Assessment : |
Cohen, Ronald Jay |
McGraw Hill, |
2018 |
0007111260 | 9789353162139 |
9th ed. |
557p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 COH |
05067062 |
Psychological Testing and Assessment : |
Cohen, Ronald Jay |
McGraw Hill, |
2018 |
0007111260 | 9789353162139 |
9th ed. |
557p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 COH |
05067063 |
Psychological Testing and Assessment : |
Cohen, Ronald Jay |
McGraw Hill, |
2018 |
0007111260 | 9789353162139 |
9th ed. |
557p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 COH |
05067064 |
Psychological Testing and Assessment : |
Cohen, Ronald Jay |
McGraw Hill, |
2018 |
0007111260 | 9789353162139 |
9th ed. |
557p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 COM |
00121960 |
Psychology Around Us |
Comer Ronald |
Wiley India, |
2011 |
9788126531899 |
xliii, 575 p.: |
UG Library |
150 COM |
07012152 |
Psychology around us / |
Comer, Ronald J. |
Wiley, |
2011 |
9780471385196 (alk. paper) | 0471385190 (alk. paper) |
xliii, 575, [118] p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150 CON |
05059866 |
Psychology : |
Coon, Dennis. |
Thomson Wadsworth, |
2009 |
9780495504986 |
Eleventh Edition |
xxxi, 720p.+additional pages |
Knowledge Centre |
150 COO |
00027564 |
Introduction to Psychology.Exploration and Application |
Coon, Dennis |
Wpc |
1985 |
640 p |
UG Library |
150 COO |
00055829 |
Essentials of Psychology |
Coon, Dennis |
Wadsworth |
2000 |
0534264255 | 9780534264253 |
8th Ed. |
665 p. |
UG Library |
150 COO |
05001565 |
Psychology : |
Coon, Dennis. |
Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, |
0495031127 (student ed.) | 053 |
xxxiv, 688 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 COO |
05001926 |
Psychology : |
Coon, Dennis. |
Thomson/Wadsworth, |
9780495504962 (cloth ed.) | 04 |
xxxi, 720 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 COO |
00098845 |
Introduction to Psychology: |
Coon, Dennis |
West Publish Co., |
9780829903038 |
xx, 661 p. |
UG Library |
150 COO |
00083185 |
Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behaviour |
Coon, Dennis |
Thomson Wadsworth |
8131502856 |
700p |
UG Library |
150 COO |
00083188 |
Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behaviour |
Coon, Dennis |
Thomson Wadsworth |
8131502856 |
700p |
UG Library |
150 COO |
00083186 |
Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behaviour |
Coon, Dennis |
Thomson Wadsworth |
8131502856 |
700p |
UG Library |
150 COO |
00083187 |
Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behaviour |
Coon, Dennis |
Thomson Wadsworth |
8131502856 |
700p |
UG Library |
150 COO |
05014308 |
Introduction to psychology : |
Coon, Dennis. |
West Pub. Co., |
0829901345 : |
xxxii, 688 p., [1] leaf of plates : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 COO |
05001496 |
Psychology : |
Coon, Dennis. |
Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, |
0495031127 (student ed.) | 053 |
xxxiv, 688 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 COO |
00071849 |
Essentials Of Pscyhology |
Coon, Dennis |
2000 |
0534264255 | 9780534264253 |
682p |
UG Library |
150 COO |
05014257 |
Essentials Of Pscyhology |
Coon, Dennis |
2000 |
0534264255 | 9780534264253 |
682p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 COR |
00069635 |
Popular Psychology |
Cordon, Luis A. |
Greenwood Press |
2005 |
0313324573 | 9780313324574 |
274 p. |
UG Library |
150 COX |
05068189 |
The history and evolution of psychology : |
Cox, Brian D. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138207431 |
viii,526p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 COX |
05069136 |
The history and evolution of psychology : |
Cox, Brian D. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138207431 |
viii,526p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 COX |
09000178 |
The history and evolution of psychology : |
Cox, Brian D. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138207431 |
viii,526p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 CUR |
00139431 |
The barefoot counsellor : |
Currie, Joe. |
ATC Publishers; |
2019 |
9788170860327 |
191 p. ; |
UG Library |
150 DAD |
00119418 |
Environmental Psychology |
ed by, Dadhania Dinesh |
Paradise Publishers, |
2014 |
9789383099337 |
v. 256 p.: |
UG Library |
150 DAL |
00134646 |
Whither Indian Psychology |
Dalal,Ajit K |
Rawat Publications |
2019 |
9788131610121 |
196p |
UG Library |
150 DAL |
00141333 |
Whither Indian Psychology? / |
Dalal, Ajit K. |
Rawat Publications ; |
2019 |
9788131610121 |
ix, 196 p. ; |
UG Library |
150 DAL |
00140802 |
The Psychic Being : |
Dalal, A.S. |
Sri Aurobindo Ashram; |
2016 |
9788170588962 |
227 p. ; |
UG Library |
150 DAL |
00140365 |
A Greater Psychology: |
Dalal,A S |
Sri Aurobindo Ashram |
2001 |
9788170586593 |
426p |
UG Library |
150 DAL |
10001359 |
Whither Indian Psychology? / |
Dalal, Ajit K. |
Rawat Publications ; |
2019 |
9788131610121 |
ix, 196 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 DAL |
00134229 |
Whither Indian Psychology |
Dalal,Ajit K |
Rawat Publications |
2019 |
9788131610121 |
196p |
UG Library |
150 DAN |
00115280 |
General Psychology |
Dandapani, S. |
Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. |
2004 |
0818680496 |
1st Ed. |
275 p. |
UG Library |
150 DAN |
00061188 |
Manashastra Mattu Shikshana: |
Dangdapaani, S |
Sumantha |
2000 |
115p |
UG Library |
150 DAS |
00115282 |
Essentials of General Psychology |
Dash, B.N. |
Dominant Publishers And Distributors |
2004 |
9788178882734 |
439 p. |
UG Library |
150 DAS |
00080576 |
Working Mind:An Introduction to Psychology |
Das, J P |
Sage Publications |
2004 |
278p |
UG Library |
150 DAS |
00006185 |
General Psychology |
Das, Sunder S |
Asia |
1964 |
220 p |
UG Library |
150 DAS |
05062332 |
Essentials Of General Psychology : |
Dash. B.N. |
Wisdom Press, |
2017 |
9789381052464 |
439p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 DAS |
00054865 |
The Working Mind |
Das J. P. |
Sage Publications |
1998 |
8170367190 |
278 p. |
UG Library |
150 DAV |
05001933 |
21st Century Psychology: A Reference Handbook / |
Davis, Stephen F |
Sage Publications, |
2008 |
9781412949682 |
494p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 DAV |
05001934 |
21st Century Psychology: A Reference Handbook / |
Davis, Stephen F |
Sage Publications, |
2008 |
9781412949682 |
494p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 DAV |
00111687 |
Mastering psychology |
Davies,Roger |
Palgrave, |
1995 |
9780333620502 |
380p.; |
UG Library |
150 DAV |
05014715 |
Mastering Psychology |
Davies, Roger |
0033362050 |
380p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 DAV |
07008267 |
21st Century Psychology: A Reference Handbook / |
Davis, Stephen F |
Sage Publications, |
2008 |
9781412949682 |
494p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150 DAV |
07008268 |
21st Century Psychology: A Reference Handbook / |
Davis, Stephen F |
Sage Publications, |
2008 |
9781412949682 |
494p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150 DAY |
05001929 |
Complete Psychology / |
Davey, Graham |
Hodder Arnold, |
2004 |
0034081568 |
849p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150 DEN |
00021258 |
Psychology of Human Behaviour for Nurses |
Dennis, Lorraine Bradt |
Oxford |
1967 |
3rd edition |
289 p |
UG Library |
150 DEN |
00022313 |
Student Guide to Accompany Psychology |
Denenberg, Kenneth |
WM.C. Brown Company Pubshers |
1973 |
194 p. |
UG Library |
150 DES |
00031542 |
Manwatching: A Field Guide to Human Behaviour |
Desmond, Morris |
Penguin |
1978 |
320 p |
UG Library |
150 DES |
00023488 |
Fundamentals of Psychology |
Desouza, Thomas A |
Sheth |
1981 |
304 p |
UG Library |
150 DES |
00023489 |
Funadamentals of Psychology. |
De Souza, Thomasna |
Sheth |
1977 |
305 P] |
UG Library |
150 DEW |
05037195 |
Psychology / |
Dewey,John. |
KSK Publishers, |
2011 |
9788175240162 |
424p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 DHA |
00139889 |
The Positive Power of Practicing Persistence |
Dharmarajan,Hariharan |
Gangaram |
2015 |
9788192684918 |
182p |
UG Library |
150 DUA |
05014282 |
Feminist Psychology [msc.Psychology Section] |
Dua, Aarti |
MD Publications Pvt Ltd |
8175330953 |
320 |
Knowledge Centre |
150 DUB |
05040385 |
Think like a Freak / |
Dubner,Stephen J. |
Penguin Books, |
2014 |
9781846147890 |
xi,268p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 DWO |
00073392 |
Psychology |
Dworetzky John P |
1994 |
0314024786 |
671 |
UG Library |
150 DWY |
00050217 |
A Level Psychology |
Dwyer,Diana |
Macmillan Press Ltd |
1995 |
0333611713 | 9780333611715 |
392 p. |
UG Library |
150 ECO |
00119275 |
Take Charge of Your Life With NLP |
Economakis,Felix |
Vermilion |
2011 |
9780091939731 |
244p |
UG Library |
150 ENG |
05068463 |
Expertise in transition : |
Engestrom, Yrjo. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2018 |
9780521407854 |
viii,283p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 ERN |
00035204 |
Introduction to Phychology. |
Ernest, Hilgard R |
Oxford University Press |
1973 |
658p |
UG Library |
150 ERN |
00035205 |
Introduction to Phychology. |
Ernest, Hilgard R |
Oxford University Press |
1973 |
658p |
UG Library |
150 EYS |
00086348 |
Social Cosequences of Modern Psychology |
Eysenck, Hans J |
Transaction |
2008 |
9781412807470 |
331 p |
UG Library |
150 EYS |
00060887 |
Psychology |
Eysenck, Michael W |
2000 |
0086377475 | 9780863774751 |
956p |
UG Library |
150 EYS |
07003936 |
Fundamentals of psychology / |
Eysenck, Michael W. |
Psychology Press, |
9781841693712 (hbk) | 18416937 |
viii, 702 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150 EYS |
07003937 |
Fundamentals of psychology / |
Eysenck, Michael W. |
Psychology Press, |
9781841693712 (hbk) | 18416937 |
viii, 702 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150 EYS |
05013937 |
Psychology: |
Eysenck ,Michael W. |
Psychology, |
9780863776656 |
xi, 326 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 EYS |
00014583 |
Uses and Abuses of Psychology |
Eysnck, H J |
1973 |
318 p |
UG Library |
150 EYS |
05004979 |
A2 Level Psychology / |
Eysenck,Michael.W |
Psychology Press, |
2009 |
9781848720091 |
vii,804 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 EYS |
00098233 |
Simply pshchology |
BY Eysenck, Michael W |
Psychology press ltd, |
9781841693095 |
xi ; 396 p. |
UG Library |
150 EYS |
05001880 |
Psychology - an International Perspective |
Eysenck, W Michael |
Psychology Press |
984p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 FEL |
00106416 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman, Robert S. |
McGraw-Hill Higher Education, |
2002 |
0070586985 | 9780070586987 | 0072422971 (alk. paper) |
6th ed. |
xxxv, 559,[84] p. : |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
00071871 |
Understanding Psychology: |
Feldman, S Robert |
1997 |
0074631225 |
748p |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
00042124 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman, Robert S. |
Tata Mcgraw Hill |
1997 |
0074631225 |
4th Ed. |
754 p. |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
00042125 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman, Robert S. |
Tata Mcgraw Hill |
1997 |
0074631225 |
4th Ed. |
754 p. |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
00042126 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman, Robert S. |
Tata Mcgraw Hill |
1997 |
0074631225 |
4th Ed. |
754 p. |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
00042127 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman, Robert S. |
Tata Mcgraw Hill |
1997 |
0074631225 |
4th Ed. |
754 p. |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
00042128 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman Robert S |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing |
2004 |
0072422971 |
6th, Ed. |
754 p |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
00072250 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman Robert S |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing |
2004 |
0072422971 |
6th, Ed. |
754 p |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
00072251 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman Robert S |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing |
2004 |
0072422971 |
6th, Ed. |
754 p |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
00072252 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman Robert S |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing |
2004 |
0072422971 |
6th, Ed. |
754 p |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
00125821 |
Psychology and your life / |
Feldman, Robert S. |
McGraw/Hill, |
2010 |
9780073377025 (alk. paper) | 0 |
584 p. : |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
09000929 |
Essentials of understanding psychology |
Feldman, Robert S. |
McGraw Hill Higher Education, |
2013 |
9780071318662 |
10th ed. |
557p : . |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 FEL |
05037382 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman, Robert S. |
McGraw-Hill, | Tata McGraw-Hill, |
2011 |
9781259003059 | 1259003051 | 9 |
10th ed. |
lii, 615 p. 1 v. (various paging) : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 FEL |
00134010 |
Understanding psychology / |
Feldman, Robert S |
McGraw Hill Publication, |
2017 |
9789352607945 |
12th ed |
xxv,612p.; |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
00042129 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman, Robert S. |
Tata Mcgraw Hill |
1997 |
0074631225 |
4th Ed. |
754 p. |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
05073507 |
Understanding psychology / |
Feldman, Robert S |
McGraw Hill Publication, |
2017 |
9789352607945 |
12th ed |
xxv,612p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 FEL |
00110254 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman, Robert S. |
McGraw-Hill Higher Education, |
2002 |
0070586985 | 9780070586987 | 0072422971 (alk. paper) |
6th ed. |
xxxv, 559,[84] p. : |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
10001811 |
Understanding psychology / |
Feldman, Robert S |
McGraw Hill education (india) pvt ltd., |
2021 |
9789390727995 |
15th ed., |
xxxviii,604p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 FEL |
10001812 |
Understanding psychology / |
Feldman, Robert S |
McGraw Hill education (india) pvt ltd., |
2021 |
9789390727995 |
15th ed., |
xxxviii,604p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 FEL |
05071748 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman, Robert S. |
McGraw-Hill, | Tata McGraw-Hill, |
2011 |
9781259003059 | 1259003051 | 9 |
10th ed. |
lii, 615 p. 1 v. (various paging) : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 FEL |
00115295 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman Robert S |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing |
2004 |
0072422971 |
6th, Ed. |
754 p |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
05053570 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman, Robert S. |
McGraw-Hill, | Tata McGraw-Hill, |
2011 |
9781259003059 | 1259003051 | 9 |
10th ed. |
lii, 615 p. 1 v. (various paging) : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 FEL |
10001422 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman, Robert S. |
McGraw-Hill, | Tata McGraw-Hill, |
2011 |
9781259003059 | 1259003051 | 9 |
10th ed. |
lii, 615 p. 1 v. (various paging) : |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 FEL |
07013369 |
Understanding psychology / |
Feldman, Robert S |
McGraw Hill Publication, |
2017 |
9789352607945 |
12th ed |
xxv,612p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150 FEL |
07013370 |
Understanding psychology / |
Feldman, Robert S |
McGraw Hill Publication, |
2017 |
9789352607945 |
12th ed |
xxv,612p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150 FEL |
00128796 |
Essentials of understanding psychology |
Feldman, Robert S. |
McGraw Hill Higher Education, |
2013 |
9780071318662 |
10th ed. |
557p : . |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
00134262 |
Understanding psychology / |
Feldman, Robert S |
McGraw Hill Publication, |
2017 |
9789352607945 |
12th ed |
xxv,612p.; |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
00134263 |
Understanding psychology / |
Feldman, Robert S |
McGraw Hill Publication, |
2017 |
9789352607945 |
12th ed |
xxv,612p.; |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
00134264 |
Understanding psychology / |
Feldman, Robert S |
McGraw Hill Publication, |
2017 |
9789352607945 |
12th ed |
xxv,612p.; |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
05049206 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman, Robert S. |
McGraw-Hill Higher Education, |
2002 |
0070586985 | 9780070586987 | 0072422971 (alk. paper) |
6th ed. |
xxxv, 559,[84] p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 FEL |
07012854 |
Understanding psychology / |
Feldman, Robert S |
McGraw Hill Publication, |
2017 |
9789352607945 |
12th ed |
xxv,612p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150 FEL |
00118263 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman, Robert S. |
McGraw-Hill Higher Education, |
2002 |
0070586985 | 9780070586987 | 0072422971 (alk. paper) |
6th ed. |
xxxv, 559,[84] p. : |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
00117309 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman, Robert S. |
McGraw-Hill, | Tata McGraw-Hill, |
2011 |
9781259003059 | 1259003051 | 9 |
10th ed. |
lii, 615 p. 1 v. (various paging) : |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
00121732 |
Essentials of understanding psychology |
Feldman, Robert S. |
McGraw Hill Higher Education, |
2009 |
9780073370200 | 9780071285346 |
8th ed. |
557, [81] p. : |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
00104576 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman, Robert S. |
McGraw-Hill Higher Education, |
2002 |
0070586985 | 9780070586987 | 0072422971 (alk. paper) |
6th ed. |
xxxv, 559,[84] p. : |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
00110314 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman, Robert S. |
McGraw-Hill, | Tata McGraw-Hill, |
2011 |
9781259003059 | 1259003051 | 9 |
10th ed. |
lii, 615 p. 1 v. (various paging) : |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
00110315 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman, Robert S. |
McGraw-Hill, | Tata McGraw-Hill, |
2011 |
9781259003059 | 1259003051 | 9 |
10th ed. |
lii, 615 p. 1 v. (various paging) : |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
00110316 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman, Robert S. |
McGraw-Hill, | Tata McGraw-Hill, |
2011 |
9781259003059 | 1259003051 | 9 |
10th ed. |
lii, 615 p. 1 v. (various paging) : |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
00133191 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman, Robert S. |
McGraw-Hill, | Tata McGraw-Hill, |
2011 |
9781259003059 | 1259003051 | 9 |
10th ed. |
lii, 615 p. 1 v. (various paging) : |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
00089713 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman, Robert S. |
Tata Mcgraw Hill |
1997 |
0074631225 |
4th Ed. |
754 p. |
UG Library |
150 FEL |
07007638 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman, Robert S. |
McGraw-Hill, | Tata McGraw-Hill, |
2011 |
9781259003059 | 1259003051 | 9 |
10th ed. |
lii, 615 p. 1 v. (various paging) : |
Library - BR Campus |
150 FEL |
00137343 |
Understanding psychology / |
Feldman, Robert S |
McGraw Hill Publication, |
2017 |
9789352607945 |
12th ed |
xxv,612p.; |
UG Library |
150 FEN |
10004395 |
Red Flags, Green Flags : |
FenWick, Ali |
Penguin Random House, |
2024 |
9780241653692 |
xix, 395 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 FER |
00054976 |
Introduction to Psychology. |
Fernald Dodge l |
A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors |
2001 |
8174730907 |
5th ed, |
643p |
UG Library |
150 FER |
00062200 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Fernald, L. Dodge |
A.I.T.B.S. Publishers & Distributors |
2004 |
5th Ed. |
643 p. |
UG Library |
150 FER |
05014273 |
Psychology Six Perspectives [MSC-PSYCHOLOGY ] |
Fernald, Dodge |
Sage |
39p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 FER |
05014274 |
Psychology Six Perspectives [msc-Psychology Section] |
Fernald, Dodge |
Sage |
391p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 FLO |
00139438 |
Crisis counseling : |
Floyd, Scott. |
Asian Trading Corporation; |
2012 |
9788170866213 | 8170866219 |
278 p. ; |
UG Library |
150 FOR |
00019257 |
Introduction to Jung's Psychology. |
Fordham, Frieda |
1978 |
158 P |
UG Library |
150 FOX |
00016807 |
Psychology as Philosophy, Science and Art |
Fox, Logan J |
Good Year |
1972 |
252 p |
UG Library |
150 FRA |
00119286 |
Man's search for ultimate meaning / |
Frankl, Viktor E. |
Perseus Pub., |
2000 |
0738203548 (pbk.) : |
191 p. ; |
UG Library |
150 FRA |
00006230 |
Psychology |
Fraser, John Munro |
Pitman Paperbacks |
1968 |
336 p. |
UG Library |
150 FRA |
00029323 |
The Unconscious God |
Frankl, E. Viktor |
Washington Press |
1985 |
162 p. |
UG Library |
150 FRA |
05008095 |
The psychology of happiness : |
Franklin, Samuel S., |
Cambridge University Press, |
2010 |
9780521191302 (hardback : alk. |
xii, 179 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 FRE |
05007323 |
Cognition And Neuropsychology : |
Psychology Press, |
2010 |
9781848720220 (hbk : v. 1) |
2 v. 290p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 FUR |
04008685 |
50 Psychology ideas : |
Furnham, Adrian |
Quercus, |
2008 |
9781847248527 |
208p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 GAA |
00081183 |
Sophie`s World: A Novel About the History of Philosophy |
Gaarder, Jostein |
1996 |
0425152251 |
523p |
UG Library |
150 GAL |
00027255 |
What is Psychology |
Gale, Anthony |
Edward Arnold |
1985 |
9780713164428 |
88 p. |
UG Library |
150 GAR |
00027310 |
General Psychology |
Garrett, E Henry |
Eurasia |
1982 |
650 p |
UG Library |
150 GAR |
05014306 |
Brain and Behavior |
Garrett, Bob |
0534365825 |
504p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GAR |
00027428 |
General Psychology. |
Garrett Henry, E |
Eurasia |
1961 |
2nd ed |
1 |
UG Library |
150 GAR |
00092168 |
General psychology. |
Garrett, Henry Edward, |
American Book Co. |
1961 |
2d ed. |
xii, 649 p. |
UG Library |
150 GAR |
00006705 |
General Psychology: |
Garrett, Henry E |
1965 |
2nd ed |
649 p |
UG Library |
150 GAR |
05038983 |
Statistics in Psychology and Education / |
Garrett Henery.E |
Paragon International, |
2011 |
9788189253004 |
xii,491p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GAR |
05038984 |
Statistics in Psychology and Education / |
Garrett Henery.E |
Paragon International, |
2011 |
9788189253004 |
xii,491p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GAR |
05038985 |
Statistics in Psychology and Education / |
Garrett Henery.E |
Paragon International, |
2011 |
9788189253004 |
xii,491p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GAR |
00035962 |
Statistics in Psychology and Education |
Garrett, E Henry |
Vikas |
1981 |
489 |
UG Library |
150 GAZ |
07003998 |
Psychological Science / |
Gazzaniga, Michael. |
W. W. Norton, |
2016 |
9780393263138 |
5th ed. |
xlv,705 p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 GAZ |
07012000 |
Psychological Science / |
Gazzaniga Michael.S |
W.W.Norton, |
2018 |
9780393640403 |
6th ed |
xxxvii,665p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 GAZ |
00079039 |
Psychological Science |
Gazzaniga, Michael S |
W.W. Norton & Co, |
2006 |
9780393913361 |
2nd Ed. |
657p.: |
UG Library |
150 GAZ |
05018228 |
Psychological Science |
Gazzaniga, Michael S |
W.W. Norton & Co, |
2006 |
9780393913361 |
2nd Ed. |
657p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GAZ |
09000808 |
Psychological Science / |
Gazzaniga Michael.S |
W.W.Norton, |
2018 |
9780393640403 |
6th ed |
xxxvii,665p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 GAZ |
03011996 |
Psychological Science / |
Gazzaniga, Michael. |
W. W. Norton, |
2016 |
9780393263138 |
5th ed. |
xlv,705 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
150 GAZ |
05030792 |
Psychological Science / |
Gazzaniga, Michael S |
W.W Nortan & Company |
2005 |
0393924971 |
xliii,657p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GAZ |
00067933 |
Psychological Science |
Gazzaniga, Michael S |
W.W. Norton & Co |
2003 |
9780393975871 |
1st Ed. |
581 p. |
UG Library |
150 GAZ |
00120783 |
Psychological science / |
Gazzaniga, Michael S. |
W. W. Norton, |
2011 |
9780393911572 (hardcover) | 03 |
4th ed. |
xxxviii, 725, [109] p. : |
UG Library |
150 GAZ |
05044451 |
Psychological Science / |
Gazzaniga, Michael. |
W. W. Norton, |
2016 |
9780393263138 |
5th ed. |
xlv,705 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GAZ |
00061003 |
Psychological Science:mind, Brain, and Behavior |
Gazzaninga, Michael H |
W w Norton |
589p |
UG Library |
150 GEI |
00015169 |
Looking at Ourselves:An Invitation to Physchology |
Geiwitz, James |
Little Brown and Co |
1976 |
1 |
UG Library |
150 GER |
00071854 |
Psychology And Life |
Gerrig,Richard J |
2002 |
0205341918 | 9780205341917 |
574p |
UG Library |
150 GER |
00073924 |
Psychology and Life. |
Gerrig, Richard J |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2005 |
8177581147 |
624p |
UG Library |
150 GER |
05039771 |
Psychology and life / |
Gerrig, Richard J. |
Pearson, |
2013 |
9780205859139 | 0205859135 |
20th ed. |
xxvii, 481, [110] p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GER |
05001921 |
Psychology and Life |
Gerrig, Richard J |
Pearson, |
2008 |
0205498469 |
577p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GER |
05047524 |
Psychology and life / |
Gerrig, Richard J. |
Pearson Education, |
2014 |
9781292021621 |
Discovering psychology updated ed., [20th ed.]. |
ii,586p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GER |
05047525 |
Psychology and life / |
Gerrig, Richard J. |
Pearson Education, |
2014 |
9781292021621 |
Discovering psychology updated ed., [20th ed.]. |
ii,586p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GER |
05047526 |
Psychology and life / |
Gerrig, Richard J. |
Pearson Education, |
2014 |
9781292021621 |
Discovering psychology updated ed., [20th ed.]. |
ii,586p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GER |
05047527 |
Psychology and life / |
Gerrig, Richard J. |
Pearson Education, |
2014 |
9781292021621 |
Discovering psychology updated ed., [20th ed.]. |
ii,586p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GER |
05047528 |
Psychology and life / |
Gerrig, Richard J. |
Pearson Education, |
2014 |
9781292021621 |
Discovering psychology updated ed., [20th ed.]. |
ii,586p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GER |
07008264 |
Psychology and life / |
Gerrig, Richard J. |
Pearson, |
2013 |
9780205859139 | 0205859135 |
20th ed. |
xxvii, 481, [110] p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150 GHO |
00027314 |
Essentials of Psychology |
Ghorpade, M.b |
Himalaya |
1977 |
560 p |
UG Library |
150 GHO |
00026342 |
Essentials of Psychology |
Ghorpade, M B |
Himalaya |
1977 |
554 p |
UG Library |
150 GHO |
00023503 |
Psychology for Higher Secondary |
Ghorpade, M. B. |
Neelkantha |
1982 |
4th Ed. |
176 p. |
UG Library |
150 GHO |
00023504 |
Psychology for Higher Secondary |
Ghorpade, M. B. |
Neelkantha |
1982 |
4th Ed. |
176 p. |
UG Library |
150 GIB |
05034485 |
Introduction to Counseling and Guidance / |
Gibson, Robert L |
Pearson, |
2005 |
8129710293 |
359 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GIB |
05001501 |
Introduction to Counseling and Guidance / |
Gibson, Robert L |
Pearson , |
2006 |
8131701735 |
6th Ed. |
559p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GIB |
05014302 |
Introduction to Counseling and Guidance: [ M.Sc Psy] |
Gibson, L Robert |
Pearson |
8129710293 |
560p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GIB |
05055223 |
Introduction to Counseling and Guidance / |
Gibson, Robert L |
Pearson , |
2017 |
9789322551831 |
7th Ed. |
xviii,523p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GIL |
05030687 |
Beginnings Of Modern Psychology: |
Gilbert,Charles. |
Apple Academics, |
2010 |
1926686066 |
263p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GIL |
00097186 |
Foundations Of Psychology |
Gilbert, Charles |
Apple Academic Press Inc. |
9781926686059 |
260p |
UG Library |
150 GIL |
00017170 |
Psychology |
Gilmer, Von Haller |
Harcourt & Row |
1970 |
512 p |
UG Library |
150 GIL |
05014292 |
Thinking and Knowing [ Msc-Psy ] |
Giles, Bridget |
Grange Book PLC. |
1840138033 |
192p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GIL |
05014283 |
Brian and the Mind [ Msc-Psy ] |
Giles, Bridget |
Grange Book PLC. |
2002 |
1840138025 |
192p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GIL |
00019264 |
Psychology Today |
Gillham, W E C |
Teach Your Self Books |
1975 |
285 p |
UG Library |
150 GIL |
00098537 |
Beginnings of modern psychology |
edited by Gilbert, Charles |
Apple Academic press, |
9781926686066 |
263 p. |
UG Library |
150 GLA |
05046670 |
The Discovery of Grounded Theory:Strategies for Qualitative Research / |
Glaser Barney.G |
AldineTransaction, |
2008 |
9780202302607 |
x,271p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GLA |
00106531 |
Approaches to psychology |
Glassman, William E., |
Open University Press, |
2006 |
0335213480 (pbk.) |
4th ed. |
xxi, 538 p. : |
UG Library |
150 GLA |
00123659 |
Approaches to Psychology: |
Glassman, E William |
Open university press, |
2004 |
0335205453 | 9780335213481 |
4th ed. |
538p.; |
UG Library |
150 GLE |
00073393 |
Psychology |
Gleitman, Henry |
2004 |
0393977676 | 9780393977677 |
6th ed |
720 |
UG Library |
150 GLE |
00061106 |
Psychology |
Gleitman, Henry |
W.W. Norton |
2004 |
717p |
UG Library |
150 GLE |
05001948 |
Basic psychology / |
Gleitman, Henry. |
W.W. Norton, |
0393969169 (pbk.) |
1 v. (various pagings) : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GLE |
00091567 |
Basic psychology / |
Gleitman, Henry. |
W.W. Norton, |
0393969169 (pbk.) |
1 v. (various pagings) : |
UG Library |
150 GLI |
07009324 |
Human Emotions: |
Glinka,Lukasz Andrzej |
Viva Books, |
2017 |
9788130926735 |
VII,93 Pages,: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 GOR |
00130380 |
Formal theory commonsense psychology |
Gordon, Andrew S |
New York , |
2017 |
9781107151000 |
xii, 572 p. : |
UG Library |
150 GRA |
00060908 |
Psychology |
Gray, Peter |
2002 |
0716751623 |
748p |
UG Library |
150 GRA |
05001943 |
Psychology |
Gray, Peter |
0716751623 |
694p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GRA |
00020385 |
Clues to the Riddle of Man |
Graham, William K |
Prentice -Hall |
1974 |
500 p |
UG Library |
150 GRE |
05014288 |
Wrightsman's psychology and the legal system / |
Greene |
Thomson/ Wadsworth, |
9780534521066 |
xxiv, 535 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GRI |
00129686 |
Psychology in your life / |
Grison, Sarah, |
W.W. Norton & Company, |
2017 |
9780393265156 |
Second edition. |
xxix: 577 p.: |
UG Library |
150 GRO |
00098550 |
Themes, issues, and debates in psychology / |
Gross, Richard D. |
Hodder & Stoughton, |
9780340975879 | 0340857846 |
xiii, 346 p. : |
UG Library |
150 GRO |
00077201 |
Key Studies In Psychology |
Gross, Richard |
Hodder Education. |
2008 |
9780340947395 | 9780340857854 |
4th Ed. |
751p |
UG Library |
150 GRO |
00088959 |
Key Studies In Psychology |
Gross, Richard |
Hodder Education. |
2008 |
9780340947395 | 9780340857854 |
4th Ed. |
751p |
UG Library |
150 GRO |
00073925 |
Psychology:The Science of Mind and Behaviour. |
Gross, Richard D |
1993 |
0340587369 |
186p |
UG Library |
150 GRO |
00080520 |
Psychology: |
Gross, Richard |
Hodder Arnold |
2009 |
0340900989 |
5th,Ed. |
1007p |
UG Library |
150 GRO |
05014277 |
Themes, Issues and Debates in Psychology [msc-Psychology Section] |
Gross, Richard |
Hodder Arnold |
383p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GRO |
05014313 |
Key Studies in Psychology |
Gross, Richard |
0340857854 |
750p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GRO |
05014260 |
Psychology the Science of Mind and Behaviour |
Gross, Richard |
0340900989 |
1007p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GRO |
05014312 |
Key Studies in Psychology [ Msc-Psy ] |
Gross, Richard |
0000340854 |
752p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GRO |
05015022 |
Themes, Issues and Debbates in Psychology.2nd Edition [msc-Psychology Section] |
Gross, Richard |
0340857846 |
383p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GRO |
05014311 |
Key Studies in Psychology:4th Edition [msc-Psychology Section] |
Gross, Richard |
0340857854 |
752p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GRO |
05014259 |
Psychology : |
Gross, Richard D. |
Hodder Arnold, |
2005 |
0340900989 (pbk.) |
5th ed. |
xiii, 1007 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GRO |
05014304 |
Key Studies in Psychology [msc Counseling Psychology] |
Gross, Richard |
0340857854 |
752p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GRO |
05001953 |
Psychology a New Introduction for a Level / |
Gross, Richard |
Hodder & Stoughton, |
2000 |
0340776897 |
923p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150 GUI |
00005346 |
Fields of Psychology |
Guilford, J. P. |
Affiliated East-East Press Pvt Ltd |
1968 |
3rd Ed. |
350 p. |
UG Library |
150 GUI |
00004324 |
Fields of Psychology |
Guilford, J P |
Van |
1966 |
350 p |
UG Library |
150 GUL |
00004317 |
General Psychology. |
Guilford, J P |
Affiliated East-West Press |
1965 |
2nd ed, |
587 p |
UG Library |
150 GUL |
05017023 |
General Psychology. |
Guilford, J P |
Affiliated East-West Press |
1965 |
2nd ed, |
587 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 HAM |
00016806 |
Human Dynamics in Psychology and Education.Selected Readings. |
Hemachek, Don E |
Allyn and Bacon |
1968 |
2nd ed, |
667 p |
UG Library |
150 HAN |
00109468 |
Mind Watching |
Hans |
Rupa.Co |
1995 |
9781853751943 |
415 p. |
UG Library |
150 HAR |
00112217 |
Psychology for the third millenium : |
Harré, Rom |
2012 |
9780857022684 (hardback) | 085 |
viii, 312 p. ; |
UG Library |
150 HAR |
05032856 |
Psychology for the third millenium : |
Harré, Rom |
2012 |
9780857022684 (hardback) | 085 |
viii, 312 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 HAR |
07010541 |
Psychology for the third millenium : |
Harré, Rom |
2012 |
9780857022684 (hardback) | 085 |
viii, 312 p. ; |
Library - BR Campus |
150 HAR |
00013488 |
I Mokyonreot |
Harri, Thoma A |
1973 |
1 |
UG Library |
150 HAR |
05001564 |
Experimental psychology research trends |
Nova Science Publishers, |
2009 |
9781604569476 (hardcover) | 97 |
xi, 262 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 HAR |
05069148 |
The psychology of weather / |
Harley, Trevor A., |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9780815394877 (pbk.) | 9780815394846 (hardback) |
1 Edition. |
x,94p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 HAR |
09000196 |
The psychology of weather / |
Harley, Trevor A., |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9780815394877 (pbk.) | 9780815394846 (hardback) |
1 Edition. |
x,94p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 HAR |
00111630 |
The concept of development; |
Harris, Dale B., |
University of Minnesota Press |
1957 |
x, 287 p. |
UG Library |
150 HAR |
05068542 |
The psychology of weather / |
Harley, Trevor A., |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9780815394877 (pbk.) | 9780815394846 (hardback) |
1 Edition. |
x,94p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 HAR |
09000666 |
Psychology for the third millenium : |
Harré, Rom |
2012 |
9780857022684 (hardback) | 085 |
viii, 312 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 HAV |
00022527 |
Psychology:An Introduction |
Havemann, Arnest Kagan |
Harcourt & Row |
1980 |
648 p |
UG Library |
150 HAY |
00072893 |
Foundations of Psychology |
Hayes,Nicky |
Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd |
2000 |
0017490018 | 9780174900184 |
1117 p. |
UG Library |
150 HAY |
05001385 |
FOUNDATIONS OF Psychology: |
Hayes, Nicky |
Thomas Nelson and Sons., |
1994 |
0017490018 |
1117p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 HEM |
00138150 |
How Psychology Works : |
Hemmings,Jo. |
Penguin Random House Company, |
2018 |
9780241317693 |
255p.; |
UG Library |
150 HEM |
10002491 |
How Psychology Works : |
Hemmings,Jo. |
Penguin Random House Company, |
2018 |
9780241317693 |
255p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 HIL |
00016801 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Hilgard, R. Ernest |
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc |
1975 |
6th Ed. |
658 p. |
UG Library |
150 HIL |
00030286 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Hilgard R, Ernest |
Oup |
1975 |
1 |
UG Library |
150 HIL |
09001082 |
Introduction to Psychology / |
Hilgard, Ernest R |
Oxford&IBH, |
1975 |
9788120417618 |
658p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 HIL |
00017014 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Hilgard, Ernest R |
Oxford University Press |
1975 |
658 p |
UG Library |
150 HIL |
00027261 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Hilgard, R Ernest |
Oxford University Press |
1983 |
670 p |
UG Library |
150 HIL |
00035201 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Hilgard, Ernest R. |
Oxford University Press |
1976 |
6th Ed. |
658 p. |
UG Library |
150 HIL |
00035202 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Hilgard, Ernest R. |
Oxford University Press |
1976 |
6th Ed. |
658 p. |
UG Library |
150 HOC |
00061404 |
Psychology Discovering |
Hockenbury, H Don |
2003 |
0716757168 |
576p |
UG Library |
150 HOC |
00083327 |
Psychology |
Hockenbury, Don H |
2003 |
0716751291 |
662p |
UG Library |
150 HOC |
05069475 |
Alcohol and humans : |
Oxford University Press, |
2020 |
9780198842460 |
First edition. |
viii,214p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 HOC |
09000538 |
Alcohol and humans : |
Oxford University Press, |
2020 |
9780198842460 |
First edition. |
viii,214p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 HOL |
04017717 |
Understanding Change : |
Holbeche, Linda. |
Elsevier, |
2008 |
9788131206492 | 8131206491 |
455 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 HOL |
00016784 |
Using Psychology |
Holland, Morris K. |
Little |
1975 |
197 p. |
UG Library |
150 HON |
05001741 |
On Consciousness |
Honderich, Ted |
E u Press |
230p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 HOO |
05047564 |
Psychology : |
Hood, Bruce |
Palgrave, |
2016 |
xxxiv, |
Knowledge Centre |
150 HOP |
00070140 |
Psychology in Action: |
Huffman, Karen |
2001 |
0471394955 |
642p |
UG Library |
150 HUF |
05001964 |
Psychology in Action / |
Huffman, Karen |
John Wiley & Sons,Inc, |
2001 |
0471394955 |
628p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150 HUF |
00081505 |
Psychology in Action |
Huffman, Karen |
John Wiley & Sons,Inc. |
2000 |
9780471249320 |
5th.ed. |
122p |
UG Library |
150 HUR |
07008979 |
Developmental Psychology a Life-Span Approach / |
Hurlock, B Elizabeth |
Tmh , |
1980 |
9780070993631 |
477 p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 HUR |
07008980 |
Developmental Psychology a Life-Span Approach / |
Hurlock, B Elizabeth |
Tmh , |
1980 |
9780070993631 |
477 p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 HUR |
07008981 |
Developmental Psychology a Life-Span Approach / |
Hurlock, B Elizabeth |
Tmh , |
1980 |
9780070993631 |
477 p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 HUR |
09000748 |
Developmental Psychology a Life-Span Approach / |
Hurlock, B Elizabeth |
Tmh , |
1980 |
9780070993631 |
477 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 HUR |
07001721 |
Developmental Psychology a Life-Span Approach / |
Hurlock, B Elizabeth |
Tmh , |
1980 |
9780070993631 |
477 p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 HUS |
07010203 |
Applied indian psychology new Perspectives/ |
Husain,Akbar |
9788182207684 |
VII,347 Pages,: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 HUS |
09000764 |
Applied indian psychology new Perspectives/ |
Husain,Akbar |
9788182207684 |
VII,347 Pages,: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 ISS |
00004316 |
Psychology.The Science of Behaviour |
Issacson, Robert L |
Happer and Row |
1965 |
374 p |
UG Library |
150 IYE |
00073639 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Iyer Swarna Latha |
Premier Publishing Co |
2006 |
241p |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 IYE |
00089930 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Iyer Swarna Latha |
Premier Publishing Co |
2006 |
241p |
UG Library |
150 IYE |
00073634 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Iyer Swarna Latha |
Premier Publishing Co |
2006 |
241p |
UG Library |
150 IYE |
00073638 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Iyer Swarna Latha |
Premier Publishing Co |
2006 |
241p |
UG Library |
150 IYE |
00073637 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Iyer Swarna Latha |
Premier Publishing Co |
2006 |
241p |
UG Library |
150 IYE |
00073636 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Iyer Swarna Latha |
Premier Publishing Co |
2006 |
241p |
UG Library |
150 JAI |
00129894 |
UGC NET/JRF/SET Teaching and research aptitude / |
Jain,Lal |
Upkar Publication, |
2015 |
9788174820556 |
108p. |
UG Library |
150 JAI |
00129895 |
UGC NET/JRF/SET Teaching and research aptitude / |
Jain,Lal |
Upkar Publication, |
2015 |
9788174820556 |
108p. |
UG Library |
150 JAI |
07008668 |
UGC NET/JRF/SET Teaching and research aptitude / |
Jain,Lal |
Upkar Publication, |
2015 |
9788174820556 |
108p. |
Library - BR Campus |
150 JAL |
00013148 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Jalota, S |
Oxford |
1970 |
227 p |
UG Library |
150 JAL |
00013524 |
Introduction Psychology |
Jalta, S |
O v a |
1970 |
1 |
UG Library |
150 JAM |
05014316 |
Principles of Pychology.Vol.2 [msc-Psychology Section] |
James, Williams |
Dover Publications Inc |
688p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 JAM |
00015165 |
Dictionary of Psychology |
Drever James |
Penguin |
1955 |
315. ;p |
UG Library |
150 JAR |
05037381 |
Theoretical approaches in psychology / |
Jarvis, Matt, |
Routledge, |
2000 |
0415191084 (pbk.) | 0415191076 |
xv, 224 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 JHA |
07008636 |
Upkar's UGC NET/JRF/SET Psychology (Paper-III) / |
Jha Kalika |
Upkar prakashan, |
2013 |
9789350133033 |
448 Pages.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 JOH |
00074514 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Johnson, Joseph G. Dr |
Collins |
2006 |
0060881526 | 9780060881528 |
2nd Ed. |
328 p. |
UG Library |
150 JOH |
05014718 |
Study Guide Gleitman Psychology [MSC.PSYCHOLOGY SECTION]/ |
John, Jonides. |
W. W. Norton & Company, |
1991 |
0393959570 |
297p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 JOH |
00081413 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Johnson, Joseph G |
Harper Collins. |
2006 |
0060881526 |
328p |
UG Library |
150 JON |
05014284 |
History and Theories of Psychology: A Critical Perspective [msc-Psychology Section] |
Jones, Dai |
0340741171 |
294p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 JON |
00081415 |
Study Guide Psychology |
Jonides, John |
W.W. Notron & Co |
1999 |
9780393973662 |
5th,ed. |
285p |
UG Library |
150 JYA |
10002331 |
Emergence of Psychology : |
Jyani, Simran. |
Abhijeet Publications, |
2022 |
9789392816352 |
184p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 KAG |
00025527 |
Psychology:An Introduction |
Kagan, Jerome |
Harcourt & Row |
1970 |
648 p |
UG Library |
150 KAK |
05046665 |
Ecstasy / |
Kakar Sudhir |
Penguin Books, |
2001 |
9780141005751 |
251p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150 KAK |
05046666 |
Death and Dying / |
Penguin Groups, |
2014 |
9780670084647 |
248p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150 KAK |
05046667 |
The Ascetic of Desire / |
Kakar Sudhir |
Penguin Books, |
1998 |
9780140272499 |
301p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150 KAK |
05046668 |
The Grimson Throne / |
Kakar Sudhir |
Penguin Books, |
2012 |
9780143418634 |
254p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150 KAK |
00147027 |
Tagore Oru Manovisakalanam |
Kakar, Sudhir |
Current Books |
2022 |
9789356434264 |
224p |
UG Library |
150 KAL |
00129892 |
Upkar's UGC NET/JRF/SET Psychology (Paper-III) / |
Jha Kalika |
Upkar prakashan, |
2013 |
9789350133033 |
448 Pages.: |
UG Library |
150 KAL |
00061017 |
Introduction to Psychoogy |
Kalat, W. James |
Thomson Learning |
2002 |
0534539998 | 9780534539993 |
714 p. |
UG Library |
150 KAL |
00055830 |
Introduction to Psychoogy |
Kalat, W. James |
Thomson Learning |
2002 |
0534539998 | 9780534539993 |
714 p. |
UG Library |
150 KAS |
00123674 |
Psychology / |
Kassin, Saul M. |
Prentice Hall, |
1998 |
013863887X (hardcover : alk. p |
2nd ed. |
1 v. (various pagings): |
UG Library |
150 KAS |
05001932 |
Psychology / |
Kassin, Saul M. |
Prentice Hall, |
0130269263 |
xxiii, 740, [82] p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 KAU |
00115286 |
Fundamentals of Psychology |
Kaushik, Vijaya Kumari |
Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd |
2002 |
8126112018 |
1st Ed. |
282 p. |
UG Library |
150 KAU |
00086703 |
Fundamentals of Psychology |
Kaushik, Vijaya Kumari |
Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd |
2002 |
8126112018 |
1st Ed. |
282 p. |
UG Library |
150 KAY |
05068357 |
Freud as a social and cultural theorist : |
Kaye, Howard L., |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138363151 (hbk) |
1 Edition. |
238 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 KEL |
00116897 |
Psych 101 : |
Kleinman, Paul. |
Adams Media |
2012 |
9781440543906 | 1440543909 | |
288 p. |
UG Library |
150 KEL |
05056066 |
Psych 101 : |
Kleinman, Paul. |
Adams Media |
2012 |
9781440543906 | 1440543909 | |
288 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 KEN |
00016387 |
Basic Psychology Brief Edition |
Kendler, Howard H |
1989 |
1 |
UG Library |
150 KEN |
00016783 |
Basic Psychology Brief Version |
Kendler, Howard H |
W.A.Benjamin |
1977 |
483 p |
UG Library |
150 KHA |
00120776 |
Textbook Psychology |
Khanam, Mahjabeen |
9789381421185 |
288 p:. |
UG Library |
150 KIM |
00027262 |
Principles of Psychology |
Kimble, A. Greogory |
Wiley Eastern Ltd |
1984 |
6th ed. |
540 p. |
UG Library |
150 KIM |
00013361 |
Principles of General Psychology |
Kimble, Gregoru A |
Ronald |
1968 |
3rd edition |
756 p |
UG Library |
150 KIN |
00107156 |
The Science of Psychology |
King Laura A. |
McGraw-Hill Higher Education |
2008 |
9780071284035 |
xxxv: 631 P. |
UG Library |
150 KLE |
00143349 |
Psych 101 : |
Kleinman, Paul. |
Adams Media, |
2012 |
9781440543906 (hbk.) | 1440543909 (hbk.) | 9781440543937 (eISBN) | 1440543933 (eISBN) |
288 p., [8] p. of plates : |
UG Library |
150 KLE |
00132931 |
Psych 101 : |
Kleinman, Paul. |
Adams Media, |
2012 |
9781440543906 (hbk.) | 1440543909 (hbk.) | 9781440543937 (eISBN) | 1440543933 (eISBN) |
288 p., [8] p. of plates : |
UG Library |
150 KNI |
00005631 |
Modern Introduction to Psychology |
Knight, Rex |
University Tuturial Press. |
1966 |
272 p |
UG Library |
150 KOS |
05000896 |
Fundamentals of psychology in context / |
Kosslyn, Stephen Michael, |
Pearson Allyn and Bacon, |
2007 |
0205507573 (pbk.) | 9780205507 |
3rd ed. |
xxx, 599, A113, G-14, R-46, I-29, C-2 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 KOS |
05072379 |
Phychology : |
Kosslyn Stephen M. |
Pearson Education |
2008 |
9788131716892 |
3rd ed. |
xxviii,783p,; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 KOW |
00072470 |
Psychology: |
Kowalski, Robin |
2005 |
0047165244 |
692p |
UG Library |
150 KRI |
00102473 |
The Ending of Time |
Krishnamurti J |
Krishnamurti Foundation, |
9788187326166 |
268 p. |
UG Library |
150 KUM |
00123764 |
Principles of Psychology |
Kumari, Geeta |
Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., |
2015 |
9788126164103 |
488 p:. |
UG Library |
150 KUP |
00005365 |
Elementary Experiments in Psychology |
Kuppuswamy, B |
Oxford University Press |
1954 |
145 p |
UG Library |
150 KUP |
00005367 |
Elementary Experiments in Psychology |
Kuppuswamy, B |
Oxford University Press |
1954 |
145 p |
UG Library |
150 KUP |
00005369 |
Elementary Experiments in Psychology |
Kuppuswamy, B |
Oxford University Press |
1954 |
145 p |
UG Library |
150 KUP |
00005368 |
Elementary Experiments in Psychology |
Kuppuswamy, B |
Oxford University Press |
1954 |
145 p |
UG Library |
150 KUP |
00005366 |
Elementary Experiments in Psychology |
Kuppuswamy, B |
Oxford University Press |
1954 |
145 p |
UG Library |
150 KUT |
00112223 |
Psychology for Bsc (Nursing) |
Kutty,A.B |
PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., |
2013 |
9788120347830 |
xvi,247p.; |
UG Library |
150 KUT |
00061014 |
Psychology Major's Handbook |
Kuther, L. Tara |
Thomson |
2003 |
0155085115 | 9780155085114 |
203 p. |
UG Library |
150 LAH |
00081869 |
Essentials of Psychology |
Lahey, Benjamin B |
McGraw-Hill__ |
2002 |
9780071121194 |
482p |
UG Library |
150 LAH |
00120785 |
Psychology : |
Lahey, Benjamin B. |
McGraw-Hill Higher Education, |
2009 |
9780073531984 (pbk. : alk. pap |
10th ed. |
610p.1 v. (various pagings) : |
UG Library |
150 LAI |
00014587 |
Technique Or Getting Things Done |
Laird, Donald A |
TATA McGraw-Hill |
1969 |
310 p |
UG Library |
150 LAN |
05014402 |
Mood Management: A Cognitive-Behavioral Skills-Building Program for Adolescents [msc.Psychology Section] |
Langelier, Carol A |
0000761997 |
137 |
Knowledge Centre |
150 LAN |
05014401 |
Mood Management: a Cognitive Behavioral Skills Building Program for Adolescents: [msc-Psy] |
Langelier, A Carol |
0761922997 |
135p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 LAW |
05014293 |
History of Psychology: Globalization, Ideas, and Applications [MSC.PSYCHOLOGY SECTION] |
Lawson, Robert B |
Prentice Hall of India |
9788120333635 |
498p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 LAW |
05069969 |
Psychology for the IB Diploma / |
Lawton, Jean-Marc, |
Hodder Education, |
2013 |
9781510425774 |
vii, 356p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 LEA |
00130792 |
The Routledge guidebook to James's Principles of psychology / |
Leary, David E., |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138887510 (hbk : alk. pape |
1 [edition]. |
xii,364p.; |
UG Library |
150 LEF |
00087253 |
Mastering Psychology |
Lefton, Lester A |
1983 |
0205137369 |
668p |
UG Library |
150 LIE |
09000482 |
Objection : |
Lieberman, Debra |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780190491291 (hardback) | 9780190491314 (epub) |
xiv, 248 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 LIE |
05067866 |
Objection : |
Lieberman, Debra |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780190491291 (hardback) | 9780190491314 (epub) |
xiv, 248 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 LIE |
01027122 |
Objection : |
Lieberman, Debra |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780190491291 (hardback) | 9780190491314 (epub) |
xiv, 248 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 LOT |
05046664 |
Religious Faith,Human Identity : |
Lott Eric |
Asian Trading Corporation, |
2005 |
8170863414 |
419p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150 MAC |
00014720 |
An Outline of Psychology |
McDougall, William |
Methuen |
1969 |
456 p |
UG Library |
150 MAH |
00115284 |
Introduction to Psychology / |
Mahmud,Jafar |
A.P.H Publishing Corporation |
2004 |
8176487805 | 9788176487801 |
315 p. |
UG Library |
150 MAH |
00115285 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Mahmud, Jafar |
A.P.H. Publishing Corporation |
2004 |
315 p. |
UG Library |
150 MAH |
00115192 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Mahmud, Jafar |
A.P.H. Publishing Corporation |
2004 |
315 p. |
UG Library |
150 MAJ |
07015178 |
NTA UGC NET / JRF / SET : Psychology (Paper-2) / |
Majumdar, Monika. |
Arihant Publications (India) Limited, |
2019 |
9789326192576 |
730p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150 MAJ |
05073147 |
NTA UGC NET / JRF / SET : Psychology (Paper-2) / |
Majumdar, Monika. |
Arihant Publications (India) Limited, |
2019 |
9789326192576 |
730p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 MAL |
05058474 |
Principles of behavior / |
Malott, Richard W., |
Pearson, |
2014 |
9780205959495 (paperback : alk |
Seventh Edition. |
xx, 456 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 MAL |
05014258 |
Introductory Psychology; |
Malim,Tony |
Palgrave Macmillan; |
9780333668528 |
xv; 922; p; i-20 |
Knowledge Centre |
150 MAL |
05068756 |
Summarizing psychology : |
Malu, Bhasker. |
White Falcon Publishing, |
2019 |
9789389530469 |
vii, 135 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 MAL |
00061001 |
Introductory Psychology |
Malim,Tony |
Macmillan Press Ltd |
1998 |
0333668529 | 9780333668528 |
984 p. |
UG Library |
150 MAL |
05044461 |
Principles of behavior / |
Malott, Richard W., |
Pearson, |
2014 |
9780205959495 (paperback : alk |
Seventh Edition. |
xx, 456 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 MAN |
01011966 |
Essentials of Educational Psychology |
Mangal,S. K. |
PHI Learning Pvt Ltd |
2009 |
9788120330559 |
x:726 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 MAN |
10002493 |
General Psychology / |
Mangal, S K |
Sterling, |
2019 |
9789386245762 |
416p. : |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 MAN |
00107434 |
Essentials of Educational Psychology |
Mangal,S. K. |
PHI Learning Pvt Ltd |
2009 |
9788120330559 |
x:726 p.; |
UG Library |
150 MAN |
00115283 |
General Psychology / |
Mangal, S. K. |
Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd, |
2005 |
8120707982 | 9788120707986 |
x,304 p.; |
UG Library |
150 MAN |
00115811 |
General Psychology / |
Mangal, S. K. |
Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd, |
2005 |
8120707982 | 9788120707986 |
x,304 p.; |
UG Library |
150 MAN |
05000749 |
General Psychology / |
Mangal, S. K. |
Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd, |
2005 |
8120707982 | 9788120707986 |
x,304 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 MAN |
07007478 |
General Psychology / |
Mangal, S. K. |
Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd, |
2005 |
8120707982 | 9788120707986 |
x,304 p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150 MAN |
05041406 |
General Psychology / |
Mangal, S. K. |
Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd, |
2005 |
8120707982 | 9788120707986 |
x,304 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 MAN |
09001040 |
General Psychology / |
Mangal, S K |
Sterling, |
2019 |
9789386245762 |
416p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 MAN |
09001115 |
The Social Detox / |
Manohar, Fagin G |
Fagin G Manohar, |
2022 |
9798365847200 |
109p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 MAR |
10004953 |
Attention span: finding focus for a fulfilling life/ by Gloria Mark. |
Mark, Gloria [Author] |
William Collins, |
2023 |
9780008616984 |
1st Ed. |
360 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 MAS |
00125829 |
Comprehensive capsule of Psychology / |
Masood-ul- assan |
Global Academic Publishers |
2015 |
9789381695333 |
2nd. |
312p. |
UG Library |
150 MAT |
00091879 |
Psychology / |
Matlin, Margaret W. |
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers, |
0030295084 |
xxiv, 757 p. : |
UG Library |
150 MAZ |
07013986 |
Ethics for counselors/ |
Mazzula, Silvia L. |
Springer Publishing Company, |
2018 |
9780826181862 |
xv, 186p;. |
Library - BR Campus |
150 MCC |
00027561 |
Under Standing Human Behaviour |
Mcconnell, James V |
Holt,Rinehort |
1984 |
4th edition |
700 p |
UG Library |
150 MCD |
00050752 |
A Textbook of Psychology |
Mcdougall, William |
Discovery Publishing House |
1999 |
8171415059 |
450 p. |
UG Library |
150 MCG |
00103709 |
Key research and study skills in psychology / |
McGee, Sieglinde. |
SAGE Publications, |
2010 |
9781848600201 (cloth) | 978184 |
1st ed. |
210 p. |
UG Library |
150 MCG |
09001085 |
Key research and study skills in psychology / |
McGee, Sieglinde. |
SAGE Publications, |
2010 |
9781848600201 (cloth) | 978184 |
1st ed. |
210 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 MCG |
00020379 |
Contemporaray Studies in Psychology |
Mcguigan, F J |
Appleton |
1972 |
321 p |
UG Library |
150 MCH |
05014271 |
Mind With a Heart:Creative Patterns of a Personal Change [ Msc-Psychology Section] |
Mchugh, Richard P |
Gujarat Sahuitya Prakash |
8187886048 |
296p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 MCK |
00016592 |
Psychology |
Mckeachie, Wilbert James |
Addison-weseley publishing company |
1970 |
0201046075 |
3rd ed, |
604 p. |
UG Library |
150 MCK |
00004323 |
Psychology |
Mckeachie, Wilbert James |
Addison |
1966 |
702 p |
UG Library |
150 MCS |
00115287 |
A Text Book of Psychology |
Mcdoughall, William |
Discovery Publishing House |
2004 |
8171415059 |
456 p. |
UG Library |
150 MED |
00001742 |
What Interests You Most in the World Today |
Medlock, Julie |
Bby |
1961 |
186p : . |
UG Library |
150 MEU |
10004356 |
Master Your Thinking : |
Meurisse, Thibaut |
Wisdom Tree, |
2023 |
9788183285971 |
xi, 198 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 MIL |
05046672 |
An Expanded Sourcebook Qualitative Data Analysis / |
Miles Matthew.B |
Sage Publications, |
1994 |
9780803955400 |
2nd ed |
xiv,338p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150 MIN |
00139936 |
2 Minute Quiet Times: |
St. Pauls |
2016 |
9789350152621 |
214p |
UG Library |
150 MIN |
07013030 |
Introduction to Psychology / |
Minn |
AITBS Publishers,India, |
2018 |
9788174730909 |
xxviii,643p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 MIS |
01011958 |
Psychology: |
Mishra,B K |
PHI Learning Pvt Ltd |
9788120333376 |
586p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 MIS |
07014516 |
ICSSR Research Surveys and Explorations: Psychology / |
Oxford University Press, |
2019 |
9780199499663 | 0199499667 | 9780199498840 | 0199498849 | 9780199498857 | 0199498857 | 9780199498864 | 0199498865 | 9780199498871 | 0199498873 | 9780199498833 | 0199498830 |
First edition. |
5 volumes ; |
Library - BR Campus |
150 MIS |
07014517 |
ICSSR Research Surveys and Explorations: Psychology / |
Oxford University Press, |
2019 |
9780199499663 | 0199499667 | 9780199498840 | 0199498849 | 9780199498857 | 0199498857 | 9780199498864 | 0199498865 | 9780199498871 | 0199498873 | 9780199498833 | 0199498830 |
First edition. |
5 volumes ; |
Library - BR Campus |
150 MIS |
07014518 |
ICSSR Research Surveys and Explorations: Psychology / |
Oxford University Press, |
2019 |
9780199499663 | 0199499667 | 9780199498840 | 0199498849 | 9780199498857 | 0199498857 | 9780199498864 | 0199498865 | 9780199498871 | 0199498873 | 9780199498833 | 0199498830 |
First edition. |
5 volumes ; |
Library - BR Campus |
150 MIS |
07014519 |
ICSSR Research Surveys and Explorations: Psychology / |
Oxford University Press, |
2019 |
9780199499663 | 0199499667 | 9780199498840 | 0199498849 | 9780199498857 | 0199498857 | 9780199498864 | 0199498865 | 9780199498871 | 0199498873 | 9780199498833 | 0199498830 |
First edition. |
5 volumes ; |
Library - BR Campus |
150 MIS |
07014520 |
ICSSR Research Surveys and Explorations: Psychology / |
Oxford University Press, |
2019 |
9780199499663 | 0199499667 | 9780199498840 | 0199498849 | 9780199498857 | 0199498857 | 9780199498864 | 0199498865 | 9780199498871 | 0199498873 | 9780199498833 | 0199498830 |
First edition. |
5 volumes ; |
Library - BR Campus |
150 MIS |
00107372 |
Handbook of psychology in India / |
Oxford University Press, |
2011 |
9780198069997 | 0198069995 |
xxii, 373 p. : |
UG Library |
150 MIS |
05009258 |
Psychology: |
Mishra,B K |
PHI Learning Pvt Ltd |
9788120333376 |
586p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 MIS |
05008373 |
Handbook of psychology in India / |
Oxford University Press, |
2011 |
9780198069997 | 0198069995 |
xxii, 373 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 MIS |
00103785 |
Handbook of psychology in India / |
Oxford University Press, |
2011 |
9780198069997 | 0198069995 |
xxii, 373 p. : |
UG Library |
150 MIT |
00053636 |
The Prehistory of the Mind |
Mithen, Steven |
Thames And Hudson |
1990 |
0500050813 | 9780500050811 |
286 p. |
UG Library |
150 MIT |
05039534 |
Psychology : |
Coon, Dennis. |
Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, |
2011 |
9780495811701 | 049581170X | 9 |
4th ed. / |
1 v. (various pagings) : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 MOE |
09000937 |
Exploring psychology and Christian faith : |
Moes, Paul, |
Baker Academic |
2014 |
9780801049262 (pbk.) |
xxiii, 272 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 MOE |
00122119 |
Exploring psychology and Christian faith : |
Moes, Paul, |
Baker Academic |
2014 |
9780801049262 (pbk.) |
xxiii, 272 pages ; |
UG Library |
150 MOE |
07010212 |
Exploring psychology and Christian faith : |
Moes, Paul, |
Baker Academic |
2014 |
9780801049262 (pbk.) |
xxiii, 272 pages ; |
Library - BR Campus |
150 MOH |
05001970 |
Guide to Natuinal Educational Test, State Level Eligibility Test in Psychology / |
Mohanty, Girishbala. |
Kalyani Publications, |
2001 |
8127201995 |
425p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 MOH |
00062593 |
Question Bank Psychology |
Mohanty, Girishbala |
Kalyani |
2002 |
8176635413 |
238p |
UG Library |
150 MOO |
00142725 |
Psychology : |
Moore,Heather. |
States Academic Press, |
2021 |
9781639894512 |
vi,233p.; |
UG Library |
150 MOR |
00012596 |
Introduction Psychology |
Morgan, Clfort |
1971 |
1 |
UG Library |
150 MOR |
00069602 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Morgan, Clifford |
0074622501 |
724p |
UG Library |
150 MOR |
00061431 |
Introduction to Psychology / |
Morgan,Clifford T. |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd, |
2018 |
9780074622506 |
7th Ed. |
713 p.; |
UG Library |
150 MOR |
00026344 |
A Brief Introduction to Psychology |
Morgan, Clifford Thomas. |
McGraw-Hill, |
1977 |
9780070994553 | 0070994552 | 0 |
2d ed. |
xi, 499 p. : |
UG Library |
150 MOR |
00069913 |
Introduction to Psychology / |
Morgan,Clifford T. |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd, |
2018 |
9780074622506 |
7th Ed. |
713 p.; |
UG Library |
150 MOR |
00115810 |
Introduction to Psychology / |
Morgan,Clifford T. |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd, |
2018 |
9780074622506 |
7th Ed. |
713 p.; |
UG Library |
150 MOR |
00029826 |
Introduction to Psychology / |
Morgan,Clifford T. |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd, |
2018 |
9780074622506 |
7th Ed. |
713 p.; |
UG Library |
150 MOR |
00021278 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Morgan, Clifford T |
T M Hall |
1970 |
6th Ed. |
686 p |
UG Library |
150 MOR |
00106417 |
Introduction to Psychology / |
Morgan,Clifford T. |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd, |
2018 |
9780074622506 |
7th Ed. |
713 p.; |
UG Library |
150 MOR |
00089709 |
Introduction to Psychology / |
Morgan,Clifford T. |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd, |
2018 |
9780074622506 |
7th Ed. |
713 p.; |
UG Library |
150 MOR |
00022309 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Mogan, Clifford |
T M Hall |
1982 |
684 p |
UG Library |
150 MOR |
10001801 |
Introduction to Psychology / |
Morgan,Clifford T. |
Affiliated east-west press pvt ltd., |
2022 |
9788176711197 |
7th Ed. |
xx,724p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 MOR |
10001802 |
Introduction to Psychology / |
Morgan,Clifford T. |
Affiliated east-west press pvt ltd., |
2022 |
9788176711197 |
7th Ed. |
xx,724p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 MOR |
07008325 |
Introduction to Psychology / |
Morgan,Clifford T. |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd, |
2018 |
9780074622506 |
7th Ed. |
713 p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150 MOR |
05071746 |
Introduction to Psychology / |
Morgan,Clifford T. |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd, |
2018 |
9780074622506 |
7th Ed. |
713 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 MOR |
07012954 |
Introduction to Psychology / |
Morgan,Clifford T. |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd, |
2018 |
9780074622506 |
7th Ed. |
713 p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150 MOR |
00015087 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Morgan, Clifford T |
Tata Mc Graw |
1976 |
1 |
UG Library |
150 MOR |
00110220 |
A Brief Introduction to Psychology |
Morgan, Clifford Thomas. |
McGraw-Hill, |
1977 |
9780070994553 | 0070994552 | 0 |
2d ed. |
xi, 499 p. : |
UG Library |
150 MOR |
07011717 |
A Brief Introduction to Psychology |
Morgan, Clifford Thomas. |
McGraw-Hill, |
1977 |
9780070994553 | 0070994552 | 0 |
2d ed. |
xi, 499 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150 MOR |
00123681 |
Understanding psychology / |
Morris, Charles G. |
Prentice Hall, |
1996 |
0134329988 (student version) | |
3rd ed. |
xx, 682 p. : |
UG Library |
150 MOR |
07001709 |
Introduction to Psychology / |
Morgan,Clifford T. |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd, |
2018 |
9780074622506 |
7th Ed. |
713 p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150 MOR |
00046613 |
Introdduction to Psychology |
Morgan, Clifford T |
Tata Mcgraw Hill |
UG Library |
150 MOR |
05014305 |
Introduction to Psychology / |
Morgan, Clifford T |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing , |
2005 |
0074622501 |
7th Ed. |
724p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 MOR |
10000016 |
Introduction to Psychology / |
Morgan,Clifford T. |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd, |
2018 |
9780074622506 |
7th Ed. |
713 p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 MUN |
00001752 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Munn, Norman L. |
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co |
1969 |
3rd Ed. |
736 p. |
UG Library |
150 MUN |
00011751 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Munn Norman L |
Oxford University Press |
1973 |
599 p |
UG Library |
150 MUN |
00001753 |
Rajasthan |
Pal, Dharm |
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. |
1969 |
4th Ed. |
588 p. |
UG Library |
150 MUN |
00005200 |
Rajasthan |
Pal, Dharm |
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. |
1969 |
4th Ed. |
588 p. |
UG Library |
150 MUN |
00005199 |
Rajasthan |
Pal, Dharm |
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. |
1969 |
4th Ed. |
588 p. |
UG Library |
150 MUN |
00005198 |
Rajasthan |
Pal, Dharm |
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. |
1969 |
4th Ed. |
588 p. |
UG Library |
150 MUN |
00005197 |
Rajasthan |
Pal, Dharm |
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. |
1969 |
4th Ed. |
588 p. |
UG Library |
150 MUN |
00005195 |
Rajasthan |
Pal, Dharm |
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. |
1969 |
4th Ed. |
588 p. |
UG Library |
150 MUN |
00005194 |
Rajasthan |
Pal, Dharm |
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. |
1969 |
4th Ed. |
588 p. |
UG Library |
150 MUN |
00012820 |
Psychology |
Munn, Norman L. |
Houghton Mifflin Company |
1966 |
5th Ed. |
716 p. |
UG Library |
150 MUN |
00005193 |
Rajasthan |
Pal, Dharm |
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. |
1969 |
4th Ed. |
588 p. |
UG Library |
150 MUN |
00005192 |
Rajasthan |
Pal, Dharm |
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. |
1969 |
4th Ed. |
588 p. |
UG Library |
150 MUN |
00011750 |
Rajasthan |
Pal, Dharm |
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. |
1969 |
4th Ed. |
588 p. |
UG Library |
150 MUN |
00005196 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Munn, Norman L |
Oxford Charendon Press |
1969 |
1 |
UG Library |
150 MUN |
00022312 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Munn, Norman L. |
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co |
1969 |
3rd Ed. |
736 p. |
UG Library |
150 MUR |
00005628 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Murphy, Gardner |
Oxford & IBH |
1964 |
583p : . |
UG Library |
150 MUR |
05014294 |
Amazing Laws of Cosmic Mind Power -Release of Mysterious Cosmic Power |
Murphy, Joseph |
0130238880 |
223 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 MUT |
00102906 |
Psychology of learning and human development; |
Muthuja Babu |
Centrum Press; |
9789380252100 |
320 p. |
UG Library |
150 MYE |
05001927 |
Psychology : |
Myers, David G. |
Worth Publishers, |
1572599804 (pbk.) |
1 v. (various pagings) : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 MYE |
05014256 |
Experimental Psychology [msc.Psychology Section] |
Myers, Anne |
0534634419 |
603p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 MYE |
00083336 |
Exploring Psychology |
Myers, David G |
2002 |
0716752549 |
576p |
UG Library |
150 MYE |
05045022 |
Psychology / |
Myers, David G. |
Worth Publishers, |
2010 |
9781429216388 | 1429216387 |
9th ed. in modules |
xxxi, 734, [160] p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 MYE |
00059443 |
Experimental Psychology |
Myers, Anne |
Wadsworth |
2000 |
0534560121 | 9780534560126 |
5th Ed. |
560p |
UG Library |
150 MYE |
05003395 |
Psychology |
Myers, David G. |
Worth Publisher, |
2010 |
9781429236997 |
9th ed. |
xxix,721 pv. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 MYE |
00081404 |
Exploring Psychology |
Myers, David G |
0716752549 |
576p |
UG Library |
150 MYE |
05003396 |
Psychology |
Myers, David G. |
Worth Publisher, |
2010 |
9781429236997 |
9th ed. |
xxix,721 pv. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 MYE |
09001089 |
Psychology / |
Myers, David G. |
Worth Publishers, |
2010 |
9781429216388 | 1429216387 |
9th ed. in modules |
xxxi, 734, [160] p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 MYE |
00069794 |
Exploring Psychology |
Myers, David G |
2005 |
0716715449 | 9780716715443 |
6th Ed. |
652p |
UG Library |
150 NAI |
00071856 |
Psychology: The Adaptive Mind: |
Narine, S James |
0534357660 |
750p |
UG Library |
150 NAI |
05001937 |
Psychology : |
Nairne, James S., |
Thomson/Wadsworth, |
0495031623 | 049503150X |
xxvii, 665 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 NAI |
00060990 |
Psychology: The Adaptive Mind |
Nairne, James S |
2003 |
0534390579 | 9780534390570 |
679p |
UG Library |
150 NAI |
00073382 |
Psychology the Adaptive Mind |
Nairne James S |
2000 |
0534357660 |
750 |
UG Library |
150 NAT |
00005557 |
Laboratory Experience in Psychology. |
Natraj, P |
T v Memorial Series |
1970 |
1 |
UG Library |
150 NAT |
00005851 |
Laboratory Expreience in Psychology |
Natraj, P |
T v Memorial Series |
1970 |
1 |
UG Library |
150 NAT |
00005852 |
Experimental Psychology |
Nataraj |
1970 |
407 p |
UG Library |
150 NAT |
00029564 |
Manual of Experiments in Psychology |
Nataraj, P. |
Srinivasa Publications |
1972 |
2nd Ed. |
448 p. |
UG Library |
150 NAT |
00029565 |
Manual of Experiments in Psychology |
Nataraj, P. |
Srinivasa Publications |
1972 |
2nd Ed. |
448 p. |
UG Library |
150 NAT |
00028758 |
A manual of Laboratory Experiments in Psychology |
Nataraj P |
T V Memorial Series |
1970 |
407 p |
UG Library |
150 NAT |
00035960 |
Manoroga Vignana |
Nataraj, P |
Srinivas |
1991 |
575 |
UG Library |
150 NAT |
00018646 |
Laboratory Experiments in Psychology. |
Nataraj, |
1970 |
406 p |
UG Library |
150 NCE |
00115448 |
Psychology - Textbook For Class XII |
National Council of Education |
National Council of Educational Research & Tra |
2007 |
8174506608 |
1st Ed. |
208 p |
UG Library |
150 NCE |
00115447 |
Psychology - Textbook For Class XII |
National Council of Education |
National Council of Educational Research & Tra |
2007 |
8174506608 |
1st Ed. |
208 p |
UG Library |
150 NEV |
05001884 |
Psychology: |
Nevid, Jeffrey S. |
Mifflin Company, |
2007 |
9780618475117 |
2nd Edition. |
xxxvii, 655 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 NEV |
05047846 |
An Introduction To Psychology / |
Nevid, Jeffrey.s. |
Wadsworth Cengage Learning, |
2013 |
9780840028198 |
4th ed. |
xl,635 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 NEV |
00133738 |
Essentials of psychology : |
Nevid, Jeffrey S. |
Houghton MIfflin, |
2009 |
9780547014555 (pbk.) | 0547014554 |
2nd ed. |
xxvi, 522, [84] p. : |
UG Library |
150 NEV |
09001066 |
An Introduction To Psychology / |
Nevid, Jeffrey.s. |
Wadsworth Cengage Learning, |
2013 |
9780840028198 |
4th ed. |
xl,635 p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 NEV |
00131775 |
Essentials of Psychology concepts and applications: |
Nevid,Jeffrey S., |
Wadsworth Cengage learning |
2012 |
9781111305475 |
xxxv,G-18 p.; |
UG Library |
150 NEV |
05056277 |
An Introduction To Psychology / |
Nevid, Jeffrey.s. |
Wadsworth Cengage Learning, |
2013 |
9780840028198 |
4th ed. |
xl,635 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 NOB |
09000327 |
The Oxford handbook of attention / |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780199675111 (hbk.) | 0199675112 (hbk.) | 9780198824671 (pbk.) |
xvi, 1242p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 NOB |
05067801 |
The Oxford handbook of attention / |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780199675111 (hbk.) | 0199675112 (hbk.) | 9780198824671 (pbk.) |
xvi, 1242p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 NOL |
10001914 |
Atkinson & Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology / |
Nolen-Hoeksema, Susan, |
Cengage Learning India Private Limited, |
2014 |
9788131528990 |
16th ed. |
xxiv, 728p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 NOL |
10001915 |
Atkinson & Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology / |
Nolen-Hoeksema, Susan, |
Cengage Learning India Private Limited, |
2014 |
9788131528990 |
16th ed. |
xxiv, 728p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 NOL |
10001916 |
Atkinson & Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology / |
Nolen-Hoeksema, Susan, |
Cengage Learning India Private Limited, |
2014 |
9788131528990 |
16th ed. |
xxiv, 728p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 NOR |
09001106 |
Principles of Neural Science / |
North, Jacob |
Medicare Health Sciences, |
2022 |
9781644350836 |
261p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 OKA |
05014286 |
Philosophy of Science: A Very Short Introduction [MA-PHILOSOPHY SECTION] |
Okasha, Samir |
0195681681 |
144p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 ORS |
09000805 |
The Psychology Book/ |
Orsborne,Amy |
D K Publishing, |
2012 |
9781405391245 |
351 Pages,: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 ORS |
07013913 |
The Psychology Book/ |
Orsborne,Amy |
D K Publishing, |
2012 |
9781405391245 |
351 Pages,: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 OSB |
07004523 |
Philosophy: for Beginners. |
Osborne, Richard |
Orient Longman Publications |
2007 |
8125031685 |
184p |
Library - BR Campus |
150 OSB |
00058715 |
Freud for Beginners |
Osborne, Richard |
Orient Longman Publications |
2000 |
8125019146 |
177p |
UG Library |
150 PAN |
10004651 |
Common University Entrance Test (CUET) Psychology : |
Panwar, Amit |
PsyNXT Publications, |
2024 |
9788196450694 |
4th ed |
430p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 PAN |
10004652 |
Common University Entrance Test (CUET) Psychology : |
Panwar, Amit |
PsyNXT Publications, |
2024 |
9788196450694 |
4th ed |
430p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 PAR |
05067780 |
Study and communication skills for psychology / |
Parson, Vanessa. |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780198786122 | 0198786123 |
2nd ed. |
viii, 207p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 PAR |
00115196 |
An Inivitation to Psychology |
Parameswaran, EG |
Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. |
2002 |
8186804447 |
1st Ed. |
802 p. |
UG Library |
150 PAR |
09000306 |
Study and communication skills for psychology / |
Parson, Vanessa. |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780198786122 | 0198786123 |
2nd ed. |
viii, 207p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 PAR |
00005697 |
Manual of Experimental Psychology |
Parameshwaran, U G |
Lalvani |
1968 |
1 |
UG Library |
150 PAR |
00079346 |
An Inivitation to Psychology |
Parameswaran, EG |
Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. |
2002 |
8186804447 |
1st Ed. |
802 p. |
UG Library |
150 PAS |
00124871 |
Psychology/ |
Passer Michael W |
McGraw Hill Education |
2013 |
9781259097218 |
5th ed. |
673p. |
UG Library |
150 PAS |
07001702 |
Psychology/ |
Passer Michael W |
McGraw Hill Education |
2013 |
9781259097218 |
5th ed. |
673p. |
Library - BR Campus |
150 PAS |
00120113 |
Psychology The Science of Mind and Behaviour |
Passer Michael |
Mcgraw-Hill Higher Educations, |
2009 |
9780077118365 |
xxvi, 1036 p.: |
UG Library |
150 PAS |
05014310 |
Psychology : |
Passer Michael |
McGraw-Hill Higher Education ; |
2009 |
9780077122980 |
european edition |
1035 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 PAS |
00083334 |
Psychology |
Passer, Michael W. |
Tata McGraw-Hill Pub Com Ltd |
2004 |
0072563303 | 9780072563306 |
2nd Ed. |
631 p. |
UG Library |
150 PAS |
05014309 |
Psychology the Science of Mind and Behaviour[msc.Psychology SECTION] |
Passer, Michael W |
0072563303 |
631 |
Knowledge Centre |
150 PAS |
00075589 |
Psychology |
Passer, W. Michael |
Tata McGraw-Hill Pub Com Ltd |
2007 |
0070615721 | 9780070615724 |
3rd Ed. |
752 p. |
UG Library |
150 PAS |
00120520 |
Psychology/ |
Passer Michael W |
McGraw Hill Education |
2013 |
9781259097218 |
5th ed. |
673p. |
UG Library |
150 PAS |
05013926 |
Psychology: |
McGraw Hill, |
9780071215022 |
xviii, 631 p. SI - 11 pv. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 PAS |
05001931 |
Psychology : |
Passer, Michael W. |
McGraw-Hill, |
0073657956 (alk. paper) |
xxii, 703, [107] : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 PAU |
00010764 |
Abnormal Person |
Paul, L |
1966 |
1 |
UG Library |
150 PEN |
05014276 |
Advanced Psychology: Child Development, Perspective and Methods |
Pennington, Donald |
0340859342 |
355 |
Knowledge Centre |
150 PEN |
05014262 |
Advanced Psychology Child Development, Perspectives & Methods |
Pennington, Donald |
0340340342 |
356p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 PSY |
00016794 |
Psychology Today:An Introduction |
Others, |
Crm |
1970 |
708 p |
UG Library |
150 RAG |
00016169 |
Psychology |
Rao, T Ragand |
1975 |
1 |
UG Library |
150 RAM |
07010216 |
Hypnotism for Beginners/ |
Ram,Pattabhi B V |
9788122304299 |
152 Pages,: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 RAM |
05038670 |
Human action, consciousness, and problems of representation / |
Ramana,Geeta. |
Oxford University Press, |
2014 |
9780198097266 |
xx,265p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 RAN |
09001143 |
Behavioural Psychology / |
Rani, Asha |
Bio- Green Books, |
2023 |
9789391187934 |
304p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 RAN |
07010222 |
Work Psychology/ |
Rani,Laxmi |
Ishika Publishing House, |
2017 |
9789385302282 |
VII,279 Pages,: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 RAN |
09000773 |
Work Psychology/ |
Rani,Laxmi |
Ishika Publishing House, |
2017 |
9789385302282 |
VII,279 Pages,: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 RAN |
07010495 |
Work Psychology/ |
Rani,Laxmi |
Ishika Publishing House, |
2017 |
9789385302282 |
VII,279 Pages,: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 RAO |
07010218 |
MCQ in Psychology/ |
Rao,Ravikanth |
Neelkamal Publications, |
2016 |
9788183164962 |
VII,425 Pages,: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 RAT |
05014320 |
Psychology: Concepts & Connections:Brief Version [msc-Psychology Section] |
Rathus, Spencer A |
0495172286 |
627p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 RAT |
05042214 |
Psych / |
Rathus Spencer.A |
Wadsworth, |
2012 |
9781111185787 |
370p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150 RAT |
07010991 |
Psychology: |
Rathus,Spencer A |
Wadsworth, |
2012 |
9781111347987 |
10 th Ed |
xxxiii,614 Pages,: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 RAT |
00135228 |
Psychology: Concepts & Connections:Brief Version |
Rathus, Spencer A |
Wadsworth Cengage Learning, |
2013 |
0495172286 | 9781133049845 |
9th ed., |
xxix, 609p. ; |
UG Library |
150 RAT |
00059448 |
Psychology In The New Millennium |
Rathus, Spencer A |
2003 |
0155060678 | 9780155060678 |
8th Ed. |
622p |
UG Library |
150 RAT |
00060985 |
Psychology: Concepts And Connections |
Rathus, Spencer A |
2003 |
0534612369 | 9780534612368 |
7th Ed. |
563p |
UG Library |
150 RAT |
05010481 |
Psychology: Concepts And Connections |
Rathus, Spencer A |
2003 |
0534612369 | 9780534612368 |
7th Ed. |
563p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 RAT |
05014307 |
Psychology / |
Rathus, Spencer A. |
Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, |
0030631777 |
xxv, 645 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 RAT |
00097374 |
Psychology |
Rathus, Spencer A. |
Wardsworth Thomson Learning, |
2004 |
0534612369 |
7 ed. |
563 p. |
UG Library |
150 RAT |
00067942 |
Psychology |
Rathus A. Spencer |
Wadsworth Thomson, |
2004 |
9780534612368 |
7th ed. |
xlii,563 p.: |
UG Library |
150 RAT1 |
05001566 |
Psychology: Concepts And Connections |
Rathus, Spencer A |
2003 |
0534612369 | 9780534612368 |
7th Ed. |
563p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 RAV |
00115195 |
MCQ in Psychology |
Rao, Ravikanth K. |
Neelkamal Publications Pvt Ltd |
2005 |
8183160263 |
425 p. |
UG Library |
150 REA |
00069314 |
To Accompany Discovering Psychology |
Rea, Cornelius |
Worth Publishers |
2003 |
0716757052 |
3rd ed |
xi, 396 p |
UG Library |
150 REB |
00139009 |
Psychology / |
Reber, Rolf, |
Routledge, |
2020 |
9781138552258 | 9781138552265 |
x, 183 p. : |
UG Library |
150 REK |
00140661 |
Mindful Zen habits : |
Reklau, Marc |
Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd.; |
2021 |
9788129144904 |
155 p. ; |
UG Library |
150 ROB |
05004731 |
The primordial mind in health and illness : |
Robbins, Michael, |
Routledge, |
2011 |
9780415454605 (hbk.) | 9780415 |
p. cm. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 ROB |
00005710 |
Contemporary Schools of Psychology |
Robert S, Woodworth |
Methuen |
1970 |
1 |
UG Library |
150 ROG |
00029316 |
Psychic Break Throughs Today |
Rogo D, Scoh |
Acquarian |
1987 |
1 |
UG Library |
150 RUC |
00013174 |
Psychology and Life |
Ruch, Floyd L |
D.B. Taraporevala |
1970 |
758 p |
UG Library |
150 RUC |
00016385 |
Psychology and Life 8th Ed |
Ruch Floyd L |
Foresman and Company |
1971 |
564 p |
UG Library |
150 RUE |
00014711 |
Psychology and Life. |
Ruch, Floyd L |
Scott |
1963 |
6th ed, |
685 p |
UG Library |
150 RUS |
05062357 |
The Analysis Of Mind / |
Russell, Bertrand. |
Knowledge Book Distributors, |
2018 |
9789380350905 |
246p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 SAN |
00065741 |
General Psychology |
Sandhya, K. P. |
Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd |
2005 |
8126126000 |
2nd Ed. |
232 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 SAN |
00065744 |
General Psychology |
Sandhya, K. P. |
Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd |
2005 |
8126126000 |
2nd Ed. |
232 p. |
UG Library |
150 SAN |
00065745 |
General Psychology |
Sandhya, K. P. |
Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd |
2005 |
8126126000 |
2nd Ed. |
232 p. |
UG Library |
150 SAN |
00065743 |
General Psychology |
Sandhya, K. P. |
Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd |
2005 |
8126126000 |
2nd Ed. |
232 p. |
UG Library |
150 SAN |
00123672 |
Psychology / |
Santrock, John W. |
McGraw-Hill, |
2000 |
9780070394698 | 9780072371918 |
6th ed. |
xxxiv, 593 p. : |
UG Library |
150 SAN |
00057877 |
General Psychology |
Sandhya, K. P. |
Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd |
2003 |
8126116730 |
1st Ed. |
199 p. |
UG Library |
150 SAN |
00061807 |
General Psychology |
Sandhya, K. P. |
Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd |
2003 |
8126116730 |
1st Ed. |
199 p. |
UG Library |
150 SAN |
00075594 |
Psychology: Essentials 2 |
Santrock, W. John |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd |
2005 |
0007061573 | 9780070615731 |
2nd Ed. |
602 p. |
UG Library |
150 SAN |
00047816 |
Psychology |
Santrock, John W |
1994 |
0697324265 |
304p |
UG Library |
150 SAN |
00121303 |
General Psychology |
Sandhya K P |
Anmol Publications |
2013 |
9788126159949 |
307p. |
UG Library |
150 SAN |
00109184 |
Psychology / |
Santrock, John W. |
McGraw-Hill, |
2000 |
9780070394698 | 9780072371918 |
6th ed. |
xxxiv, 593 p. : |
UG Library |
150 SAN |
00115198 |
General Psychology |
Sandhya, K. P. |
Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd |
2003 |
8126116730 |
1st Ed. |
199 p. |
UG Library |
150 SAR |
00083417 |
Environmental Psychology |
Saran, A K |
Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd |
2005 |
9788126122165 |
336p |
UG Library |
150 SAT |
05014280 |
Psychology in Context: Voices and Perspectives (msc Psy) (UGC - Autonomous) |
Sattler, David N |
0395959624 |
313p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 SCH |
05074717 |
Introduction to scientific psychology / |
Schlinger, Henry D. |
Plenum Press, |
1998 |
0306457288 | 9780306457289 |
xix, 388 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 SCH |
05001924 |
Psychology |
Schacter, Daniel L |
0716752158 |
663p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 SCH |
05007303 |
Personality, human development, and culture |
Psychology Press, |
2010 |
xvi, 309 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 SCH |
05007064 |
Introduction to scientific psychology / |
Schlinger, Henry D. |
Plenum Press, |
1998 |
0306457288 | 9780306457289 |
xix, 388 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 SCH.S |
05030696 |
History of Modern Psychology |
Schultz, P Duane |
USA: |
2004 |
0534557759 |
534p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150 SDO |
00083337 |
Psychology |
Sdorow, Lester M |
0072358327 |
528p |
UG Library |
150 SEB |
00121782 |
From Restoration of the self to the recovery of human mystery |
Sebastian,Babu |
Claretian Publications |
2014 |
8189851880 |
546p |
UG Library |
150 SEJ |
00131263 |
Foundations of psychology |
Sejwal,Shekhar K> |
Rajat publications, |
2018 |
9788178807782 |
viii,288p.; |
UG Library |
150 SHA |
09000700 |
Psychology and Crime/ |
Sharma,Devendra Kumar. |
Random Publications, |
2019 |
9789352691272 |
VIII,260 Pages,: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 SHA |
05014317 |
Psychcolgy Matters;development, Health and Organization [msc-Psychology Section] |
Sharan, M B |
Allied Publishers |
8184242123 |
179p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 SHA |
00050398 |
Human Behaviour Psychology |
Sharan, A. K. |
Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd |
2000 |
8126103396 |
313 p. |
UG Library |
150 SHA |
05014318 |
Psychology Matters: Development, Health and Organisation [msc.Psychology Section] |
Sharan, M B |
Allied Publishers |
8184242123 |
179p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 SHA |
00115197 |
Human Psychology |
Sharan, A. K. |
Commonwealth Publishers |
1999 |
8171695965 |
1st Ed. |
345 p. |
UG Library |
150 SHA |
07014268 |
Psychology and Crime/ |
Sharma,Devendra Kumar. |
Random Publications, |
2019 |
9789352691272 |
VIII,260 Pages,: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 SHA |
05014291 |
Psychology: A New Introduction: Study Guide: [M.Sc Counselling Psychology] |
Shackleton- Jones, Nick |
0340804157 |
264p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 SHR |
00083492 |
New Concepts and Practices Related to Human Behaviour: Challenges of Globalization Effects. |
Shrivastav, S K |
Multilingual Matters Limited |
2008 |
8130908255 |
338p |
UG Library |
150 SHU |
00132866 |
Modern Psychology and Virtuals: |
Shukla,Sunil, |
Cyber Tech Publications, |
2018 |
9789350536933 |
x,216 p.; |
UG Library |
150 SHU |
00069411 |
General Psychology |
Shukla, K. C. |
Commonwealth Publishers |
2005 |
8171699022 |
386 p. |
UG Library |
150 SHY |
00073036 |
Practical Psychology |
Shukla K. C. |
Commonwealth Publishers. |
2005 |
8171691694 |
466 p. |
UG Library |
150 SIA |
00091824 |
Philosophy in Context |
Sia Santiago |
Dharmaram Publications |
8186861874 |
136p |
UG Library |
150 SID |
00015177 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Davidoff Linda L. |
Mcgraw-Hill Book Com |
1976 |
560 p. |
UG Library |
150 SIE |
00126353 |
Mind : |
Siegel, Daniel J., |
W.W. Norton, |
2017 |
9780393710533 |
First edition. |
378 p.: |
UG Library |
150 SIL |
00105165 |
The threshold of the visible world |
Silverman, Kaja. |
Routledge, |
1996 |
0415910382 (cloth : alk. paper |
x, 254 p. : |
UG Library |
150 SIN |
00130137 |
Behavioural Psychology |
Singh, Shashi Kala |
Ane Books, |
2018 |
9789386761293 |
296 p.: |
UG Library |
150 SIN |
00005885 |
Indian Psychology Emotion and Will |
Sinha, Jadunath |
Sinha Publishing House |
1961 |
1st Ed. |
560 p. |
UG Library |
150 SIN |
00005886 |
Indian Psychology Emotion and Will |
Sinha, Jadunath |
Sinha |
1961 |
555 p |
UG Library |
150 SIN |
00005887 |
Indian Psychology Cognition. |
Sinha, Jadunath |
Sinda |
1958 |
512p : . |
UG Library |
150 SIN |
00005888 |
Indian Psychology Cognition. |
Sinha, Jadunath |
Sinda |
1958 |
512 p |
UG Library |
150 SIN |
00123677 |
Psychology: |
Singh,Punam |
Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd |
2015 |
9788126164110 |
480p. |
UG Library |
150 SIN |
00141276 |
Analysis of Human Behaviour / |
Singh, Agyajit |
S.K. Book Agency; |
2021 |
9789388967402 |
248p |
UG Library |
150 SIN |
00027708 |
A History of Far East in Modren Times |
Singh A K |
Surjeet Publications |
1984 |
xix, 146 p |
UG Library |
150 SIN |
00119410 |
Analytical Approach in Behaviour Psychology |
Singh Poonam |
Ishika Publishing House, |
2014 |
9789382629825 |
viii, 278 p.: |
UG Library |
150 SIN |
07000075 |
Psychology for India / |
Sinha,Durganand. |
Sage, |
2015 |
9789351503675 |
xxxvi,221p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150 SIN |
00123761 |
Handbook of Behavioural Psychology |
Singh, Punam |
9788126161126 |
296 p:. |
UG Library |
150 SIN |
00123760 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Singh, Manoj Kumar |
Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., |
2015 |
9788126164097 |
304 p:. |
UG Library |
150 SIN |
05045325 |
Elements in Behavioural LPsychology / |
Singh, Poonam |
Ishika Publishing House, |
2014 |
9789382629818 |
vii, 280 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150 SIN |
10001583 |
Psychology for India / |
Sinha,Durganand. |
Sage, |
2015 |
9789351503675 |
xxxvi,221p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 SIN |
00125705 |
Psychology for India / |
Sinha,Durganand. |
Sage, |
2015 |
9789351503675 |
xxxvi,221p.; |
UG Library |
150 SIN |
09000665 |
Psychology for India / |
Sinha,Durganand. |
Sage, |
2015 |
9789351503675 |
xxxvi,221p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 SMI |
00140531 |
Grow Your Own Happiness: |
Smith,Deborah |
Aster |
2019 |
9781783253074 |
224p |
UG Library |
150 SMI |
00123676 |
Psychology: |
Smith, Barry D |
McGraw Hill |
1998 |
9780071155458 | 0070586527 |
700p. |
UG Library |
150 SMI |
00060981 |
Atkinson & Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology |
Smith, E. Edward |
Thomson Learning |
2004 |
9819812439 | 9789812436979 | 9 |
14th Ed. |
748 p. |
UG Library |
150 SMI |
00061105 |
Atkinson & Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology |
Smith, E. Edward |
Thomson Learning |
2004 |
9819812439 | 9789812436979 | 9 |
14th Ed. |
748 p. |
UG Library |
150 SMI |
00061103 |
Atkinson & Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology |
Smith, E. Edward |
Thomson Learning |
2004 |
9819812439 | 9789812436979 | 9 |
14th Ed. |
748 p. |
UG Library |
150 SMI |
00061104 |
Atkinson & Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology |
Smith, E. Edward |
Thomson Learning |
2004 |
9819812439 | 9789812436979 | 9 |
14th Ed. |
748 p. |
UG Library |
150 SMI |
05014278 |
Current Systems in Psychology: History, Theory, Research and Applications |
Smith, W Noel |
0830414878 |
422p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 SOU |
00023490 |
Fundamentals of Psychology |
Souza Thomas, A |
Sheth |
1977 |
305 p |
UG Library |
150 SPR |
00005348 |
Morpology of Gymno Sperms |
Sporne, K R |
East West |
1968 |
1 |
UG Library |
150 STA |
00138606 |
Psychology |
Stangroom, Jeremy |
Modern Books, |
2018 |
9781911130741 |
127 p.; |
UG Library |
150 STA |
05014263 |
How to Think Straight About Psychology [msc-Psychology] |
Stanovich, Keith E |
8131711447 |
226p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 STA |
00072347 |
Psychology |
Santrock, Hohn W |
McGraw-Hill Higher Education, |
2000 |
9780070394698 |
6th ed, |
593 p.: |
UG Library |
150 STE |
05064433 |
Guide to publishing in psychology journals / |
Cambridge University Press, |
2019 |
9781108419918 (hardback) | 9781108412360 (pbk.) |
Second Edition. |
xii, 274 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 STE |
00060989 |
Psychology |
Sternberg, Robert J |
2003 |
0053461812 | 9780534618124 |
842p |
UG Library |
150 SUI |
00025458 |
Psychology in Sports. |
Suinn, Richard M |
Surjeet |
1982 |
367 p |
UG Library |
150 SUK |
04026208 |
Looking At Life Differently : |
Sukhabodhananda, Swami |
Prasanna Trust, |
2011 |
8190149687 |
230. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 SUR |
07010394 |
Freud's Mass Psychology: |
Surprenant,Celine. |
Palgrave Macmillan, |
2016 |
9781137604859 |
X,187 Pages,: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 SYE |
00102853 |
Teacher's Hand Book Of Psychology |
Syed M H |
Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., |
9788126134151 |
ix, 264 p. |
UG Library |
150 TAJ |
09000782 |
Advanced applied Psychology/ |
Tajne,Madhukar K. |
Ishika Publishing House, |
2020 |
9789388454223 |
VII,285 Pages,: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 TAJ |
07014289 |
Advanced applied Psychology/ |
Tajne,Madhukar K. |
Ishika Publishing House, |
2020 |
9789388454223 |
VII,285 Pages,: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 TAV |
05014252 |
Psychology in Perspective |
Tavris, Carol |
Longman |
0673983145 |
595p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 TAV |
00090446 |
Psychology in Perspective |
Tavris, Carol |
Longman |
0673983145 |
595p |
UG Library |
150 TEM |
00140550 |
The Rules of Life |
Templar,Richard |
Pearson India |
2019 |
9789353430832 |
255p |
UG Library |
150 THA |
05068111 |
Mind-society : |
Thagard, Paul, |
Oxford University Press, |
2019 |
9780190678722 |
xxi, 462 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 THA |
09000350 |
Mind-society : |
Thagard, Paul, |
Oxford University Press, |
2019 |
9780190678722 |
xxi, 462 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 THO |
00146962 |
Manassum Phobiayum |
Thomas, Joseph E |
DC Books |
2024 |
9788126429646 |
109p |
UG Library |
150 THO |
00147025 |
Swapnangal |
Thomas, Joseph E |
Current Books |
2024 |
9788126425457 |
176p |
UG Library |
150 TOM |
00140559 |
What Would Freud Do? |
Tomley,Sarah |
Cassell Illustrated |
2017 |
9781844039425 |
192p |
UG Library |
150 TRA |
00094816 |
Focus On Psychology |
Trahan Mary |
Worth Publishers |
9780716751632 |
299p |
UG Library |
150 TRE |
00132942 |
Psychosocial assessment in mental health / |
Trenoweth,Steve. |
Sage Publications Ltd., |
2017 |
9781473912847 (pbk.) | 9781473912830 (hardcover) |
1st edition. |
242 p. ; |
UG Library |
150 TUL |
00123758 |
Mind in Everyday Life and Cognitive Science |
Tuli, K L |
Cyber Tech Publications, |
2011 |
9788178848037 |
280 p:. |
UG Library |
150 TUR |
00140527 |
Cracking Neuroscience |
Turney,Jon |
Cassell Illustrated |
2018 |
9781844039524 |
320p |
UG Library |
150 TWI |
05014254 |
Success in Psycholoogy [MSC.PSYCHOLOGY SECTION] |
Twining, Keith |
0719572096 |
562p |
Knowledge Centre |
150 TYS |
05007769 |
Psychology in social context : |
Tyson, Philip John. |
Wiley-Blackwell, |
2011 |
9781405168243 (hardback) | 978 |
xi, 280 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 UPA |
00123679 |
Textbook of psychology |
Upadhyay Bhagwanjee |
Anmol Publications |
2015 |
9788126164080 |
496p. |
UG Library |
150 UPS |
00056155 |
U P S C Civil Services Exam - Psychology Unsolved Papers |
U P S C |
New Vishal Publications |
44p |
UG Library |
150 VAN |
00120780 |
A textbook of Psychology |
Vankhede A N |
Black Prints |
2014 |
9789382036715 |
366p. |
UG Library |
150 VAR |
00034305 |
Psychology |
Varma, A. K. |
Vohra Publishers & Distributors |
1989 |
1st Ed. |
340 p. |
UG Library |
150 VAT |
00010265 |
Child Psychology |
Vatsyayan, |
1973 |
1 |
UG Library |
150 VAT |
00010266 |
Abnormal Psychology |
Vatsyayan, |
1973 |
1 |
UG Library |
150 VAT |
00006655 |
General Psychology |
Vatsyayan, |
Kedarnath Ram Nath |
1972 |
5th Ed. |
176 p. |
UG Library |
150 VAT |
00006656 |
General Psychology |
Vatsyayan, |
Kedarnath Ram Nath |
1972 |
5th Ed. |
176 p. |
UG Library |
150 VAT |
00006658 |
General Psychology |
Vatsyayan, |
Kedarnath Ram Nath |
1972 |
5th Ed. |
176 p. |
UG Library |
150 VER |
00016791 |
Introductory Psychology |
Vernon, M Walter |
T M H |
1974 |
520 p |
UG Library |
150 VIJ |
00062597 |
Outlines of General Psychology |
Kumar,Vijandra |
Sarup and Sons |
2004 |
8176254940 | 9788176254946 |
1st Ed. |
350 p. |
UG Library |
150 WAD |
05039772 |
Psychology / |
Wade, Carole. |
Pearson, |
2014 |
9780205254316 |
Eleventh Edition. |
xix, 615 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 WAD |
05001882 |
Psychology / |
Wade, Carole. |
Prentice Hall, |
0321049314 |
xxxii, 654, [96] p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150 WAR |
05062274 |
Psychology : |
Larsen & keller, |
2017 |
9781635492408 |
284p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 WEI |
09000611 |
Psychology : Themes and Variations, Briefer Version / |
Weiten, Wayne |
Cengage Learining, |
2014 |
9781285062969 |
9th Ed. |
535p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 WEI |
00058817 |
Many Lives, Many Masters |
Weiss,Dr Brian. |
Piatkus, |
1988 |
0749913789 | 9780749913786 |
219 p.; |
UG Library |
150 WEI |
10002199 |
Psychology |
Weiten, Wayne, |
Cengage learning india pvt ltd., |
2017 |
9789353502843 |
10th ed., |
xlvii,565p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150 WEI |
00146981 |
Niravadhi Janmangal Anavadhi Gurukanmar |
Weiss, Brain |
DC Books |
2023 |
9788126450992 |
10th Edition |
155p |
UG Library |
150 WEI |
04023945 |
Many Lives, Many Masters |
Weiss,Dr Brian. |
Piatkus, |
1988 |
0749913789 | 9780749913786 |
219 p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150 WEI |
01016101 |
Many Lives, Many Masters |
Weiss,Dr Brian. |
Piatkus, |
1988 |
0749913789 | 9780749913786 |
219 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150 WEI |
00117735 |
Psychology |
Weiten, Wayne, |
Wadsworth Thomson Learning, |
2008 |
9780495811350 |
8th ed. |
xlv, 697, [144] p. : |
UG Library |
150 WEL |
00069178 |
Psychology |
Weiten Wayne |
Wads worth,books/cole |
2000 |
0534363792 | 9780534363796 |
4th Ed. |
584 p. |
UG Library |
150 WES |
00072345 |
Psychology: Mind Brain And Culture |
Westen, Drew |
2000 |
0471240494 | 9780471240495 |
2nd Ed. |
861 |
UG Library |
150 WHI |
00015088 |
Introduction to Psychology. |
Whittaker, James O |
W.B. Sandres |
1970 |
2nd ed, |
707 p |
UG Library |
150 WIL |
00139947 |
Have You Felt Like Giving Up Lately? |
Wilkerson,David |
Pauline Publications |
2018 |
9788171769155 |
178p |
UG Library |
150 WIL |
03006693 |
Integral psychology : |
Wilber, Ken. |
Shambhala, |
2000 |
1570625549 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
1st pbk. ed. |
xiii, 303 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
150 WIL |
00058884 |
The Bloomsbury Book Of The Mind |
Wilson, Stephen |
2002 |
0747553785 | 9780747553786 |
393p |
UG Library |
150 WIN |
00021281 |
Whole Mind Book |
Winn, Denise |
Fontana |
1980 |
303 p |
UG Library |
150 WIT |
00020381 |
Introduction to Psychology |
Witting, Arno F. |
Mcgraw Hill Book |
1977 |
342 p. |
UG Library |
150 WOD |
00065605 |
Psychology |
Wade, Carole |
1998 |
0321011295 |
746p |
UG Library |
150 WOO |
00017719 |
Psychology |
Woodworth, Robert S. |
Methuen & co.Ltd |
1963 |
674 p. |
UG Library |
150 WOO |
00017720 |
Psychology |
Woodworth, Robert S. |
Methuen & co.Ltd |
1963 |
674 p. |
UG Library |
150 WOO |
05062334 |
Psychology A Study of Mental Life / |
Woodworth Robert.S |
Knowledge Book Distributors, |
2018 |
9789380350912 |
xii,232p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150 WOO |
05062335 |
Psychology A Study of Mental Life / |
Woodworth Robert.S |
Knowledge Book Distributors, |
2018 |
9789380350912 |
xii,232p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150 WOO |
00075094 |
The World of Psychology [WMU] |
Wood, Samuel E |
Pearson Education |
2005 |
625p |
UG Library |
150 WOO |
00075095 |
The World of Psychology [WMU] |
Wood, Samuel E |
Pearson Education |
2005 |
625p |
UG Library |
150 WOO |
00075096 |
The World of Psychology [WMU] |
Wood, Samuel E |
Pearson Education |
2005 |
625p |
UG Library |
150 WOO |
07012280 |
Psychology A Study of Mental Life / |
Woodworth Robert.S |
Knowledge Book Distributors, |
2018 |
9789380350912 |
xii,232p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 WOO |
07012281 |
Psychology A Study of Mental Life / |
Woodworth Robert.S |
Knowledge Book Distributors, |
2018 |
9789380350912 |
xii,232p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150 WOR |
00088846 |
Psychology: Principles and Applications |
Worchel, Stephen |
1983 |
0137324537 |
638p |
UG Library |
150 ZIM |
00123675 |
Psychology : |
Zimbardo, Philip G. |
Allyn and Bacon, |
2000 |
0205356605 (alk. paper) | 9780 |
3rd ed. |
xxiv, 662 p. : |
UG Library |
150. 9 GIL |
05001957 |
Beginning of Modern Psychology |
Gilbert, Charles |
Apple Accademic Press Inc. |
9781926686042 |
263 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.01 BRA |
05014245 |
Psychology and Experience: [ M.Sc Counseling Psychology] |
Bradley, Benjamin |
0052101199 |
242p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.03 BAR |
04002941 |
Encyclopedia of Ethics in Science and Technology |
Barber, Nigel |
Viva Books Pvt Ltd |
2008 |
9788176499958 |
386 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.03 BAS |
00089707 |
Dictionary of Psychology |
Basavanna, M |
Allied |
UG Library |
150.03 COL |
01000344 |
Dictionary of Psychology |
Andrew Colman |
Oxford University Press |
0195671589 |
844p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.03 COR |
00077410 |
Concise Encyclopaedia of Psychology |
Corsini, J Raymond |
1998 |
0471192821 |
928p |
UG Library |
150.03 FER |
05001864 |
Encyclopedia of Psychological Assessment / |
Baallesteros, Rocio Feandez |
Sage Publications, |
2003 |
0761954945 |
567p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.03 MAG |
05001873 |
International Ecncyclopedia of Psychology / |
Magill, Frank N |
Publication Data, |
1996 |
1884964583 |
2 Voumes |
Knowledge Centre |
150.03 MAG |
05001876 |
International Ecncyclopedia of Psychology / |
Magill, Frank N |
Publication Data, |
1996 |
1884964583 |
2 Voumes |
Knowledge Centre |
150.03 MIS |
07007639 |
Psychology The Study of Human Behaviour / |
Mishra Braj Kumar |
PHI Learning Private Limited, |
2016 |
9788120352476 |
xxv,617p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150.03 REB |
01014939 |
Penguin Dictionary of Psychology / |
Reber, Arthur S. |
Penguin, |
9780141030241 | 0141030240 |
xvi,904p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.03 REB |
00027260 |
Penguin Dictionary of Psychology |
Reber, S. Arthur |
Penguin Books |
1985 |
790 p. |
UG Library |
150.03COL |
00118254 |
Dictionary of Psychology |
Andrew Colman |
Oxford University Press |
0195671589 |
844p |
UG Library |
150.03FER.Z |
05001750 |
Encyclopedia of Psychological Assessment / |
Baallesteros, Rocio Feandez |
Sage Publications, |
2003 |
0761954945 |
567p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.05 MUK |
05044571 |
A Textbook of Cognitive Psychology / |
Mukherjee Abir Lal |
Rajat Publications, |
2015 |
9788178806754 |
274p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.072 BAN |
05001936 |
Introducing Psychological Research / |
Banyard, Philip |
Palgrave, |
2000 |
0333912519 |
526p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.072 BAI |
00067924 |
Researcg Methods in Apllied Behavior Analysis |
Bailey Jon, S |
0761925562 |
268p |
UG Library |
150.072 GOO |
05001960 |
Research in Psychology Methods and Design / |
James C |
John Wiley & Sons,Inc, |
1999 |
0471199869 |
528p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.072 PEL |
05014248 |
Conducting Research in Psychology - Measuring the Weight of Smoke |
Pelham, W Brett |
0534520936 |
411p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.072 ROS |
00062197 |
Writing Papers in Psychology |
Rosnow, L. Ralph |
Thomson |
2002 |
0534523951 | 9780534523954 |
6th Ed. |
153 p. |
UG Library |
150.072 ROS |
00103179 |
Writing papers in psychology |
Rosnow, Ralph L. |
Thomson/Wadsworth, |
2006 |
0534533310 | 9780534523954 |
7th ed. |
xxi, 165 p. ; |
UG Library |
150.073 ASC |
00068512 |
Psychological Research |
Asch, M |
Sarupa and Sons |
2005 |
8176255580 |
332p |
UG Library |
150.08 REA |
00016798 |
Readings in Psychology: Annual Edition 1972-73 |
Others, |
Dushkin |
1972 |
4th |
402 p |
UG Library |
150.09 SMI |
00023566 |
Ideas of the Great Psychology |
Smith, Samuel |
Whiteside |
1983 |
306 p |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.09 SMI |
00023506 |
Ideas of the Great Psychologists |
Smith, Samuel |
Barnes |
1980 |
308 p |
UG Library |
150.092 COH |
05014247 |
Psychologists on Psychology: [ M.Sc Counseling Psychology] |
Cohen, David |
0340810750 |
250p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.092 COH |
05014246 |
Psychologists on Psychology [MSC-PSYCHOLOGY SECTION] |
Cohen, David |
0340810750 |
250p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.092 COH |
00083325 |
Psychologists on Psychology |
Cohen, David |
Hodder & Stoughton |
2004 |
9780340810750 |
250p |
UG Library |
150.0954 BHA |
05001935 |
Indian Psychology of Perception |
Bhargava Rajiv |
ABD Publishers, |
9788183762762 |
381 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.0954 NAN |
00147677 |
Perception The Basics/ |
Nanay, Bence |
Routledge, |
2024 |
9781032639543 |
viii,154p. ; |
UG Library |
150.1 HOL |
05014244 |
Performing Psychology: A Postmodern Culture of the Mind: |
Holzman, Lois |
1999 |
0415922054 |
230p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1 MAH |
00125750 |
Psychology |
Mahmud,Jafar, |
A.P.H Publishing Corporation |
2004 |
8176487279 | 9788176487276 |
225 p. |
UG Library |
150.1 BEM |
05014243 |
Theoretical Issues in Psychology and Introduction [MSC-PSYCHOLOGY] |
Bem, Sacha |
0761942017 |
312p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1 BEM |
07010526 |
Theoretical issues in psychology : |
Bem, Sacha, |
Sage |
2013 |
9780857029782 | 9780857029799 |
3rd ed. |
xi, 400 pages ; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.1 BEM |
00123810 |
Theoretical issues in psychology : |
Bem, Sacha, |
Sage |
2013 |
9780857029782 | 9780857029799 |
3rd ed. |
xi, 400 pages ; |
UG Library |
150.1 BEM |
09000905 |
Theoretical issues in psychology : |
Bem, Sacha, |
Sage |
2013 |
9780857029782 | 9780857029799 |
3rd ed. |
xi, 400 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.1 BEM |
00119431 |
Theoretical Issues in Psychology; An Introduction |
by, Bem Sacha |
Sage Publishers, |
2007 |
9780761942016 |
2nd ed |
xv, 312 p.: |
UG Library |
150.1 BER |
05044731 |
Philosophy of psychology : |
Bermúdez, José Luis. |
Routledge, |
2005 |
0415275946 (hardback : alk. pa |
xi, 377 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1 BER |
09000884 |
Philosophy of psychology : |
Bermúdez, José Luis. |
Routledge, |
2005 |
0415275946 (hardback : alk. paper) | 0415275954 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
xi, 377 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.1 BRI |
07011922 |
The process of statistical analysis in psychology / |
McBride,Dawn.M |
Sage Publication India Pvt Ltd, |
2018 |
9781506325224 | 150632522X |
xvii,374p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.1 BRI |
05060089 |
The process of statistical analysis in psychology / |
McBride,Dawn.M |
Sage Publication India Pvt Ltd, |
2018 |
9781506325224 | 150632522X |
xvii,374p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1 DAL |
05014270 |
The life cycle of psychological ideas : |
Kluwer Academic/Plenum, |
0306479982 |
xvi, 364 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1 EYS |
00072343 |
Psychology for A2 Level |
Eysenck, Michael |
Psychology Press |
2003 |
1841692514 |
898po |
UG Library |
150.1 FAR |
05041149 |
Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Psychology / |
Farrell Martin |
Cambridge University Press, |
2014 |
9780521184809 |
xii,447p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1 FES |
00070028 |
Philosophy of Mind. |
Feser, Edward |
Oneworld Publishers |
2006 |
1851683763 |
204p |
UG Library |
150.1 FRE |
00146445 |
Toward the psychological humanities : |
Freeman, Mark |
Routledge, |
2024 |
9781032563305 | 9780367340490 |
xi,101p. ; |
UG Library |
150.1 GUE |
05045969 |
How to rethink psychology : |
Guerin, Bernard, |
Routledge, |
2016 |
9781138916531 (hardback) | 978 |
xii, 170 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1 HAY |
00103895 |
The pursuit of unhappiness : |
Haybron, Daniel M. |
Oxford University Press, |
2010 |
9780199592463 (pbk.) | 0199592 |
xv, 357 p. ; |
UG Library |
150.1 HOL |
05014267 |
Holzman, Lois |
0415900054 |
230p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1 HUG |
09000932 |
Rethinking psychology : |
Hughes, Brian, |
Palgrave, |
2016 |
9781137303943 (paperback) | 9781137303974 (hardback) |
285p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.1 HUG |
07014524 |
Rethinking psychology : |
Hughes, Brian, |
Palgrave, |
2016 |
9781137303943 (paperback) | 9781137303974 (hardback) |
285p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150.1 JAF |
00062584 |
Psychology |
Mahmud,Jafar, |
A.P.H Publishing Corporation |
2004 |
8176487279 | 9788176487276 |
225 p. |
UG Library |
150.1 JAM |
05014241 |
Principles of Psychology: Vol: 1: |
James, William |
2000 |
0486203816 |
702p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1 KIM |
00116545 |
Psychology |
Kimble, Gregory A. |
MIT Press, |
1996 |
0262112043 (alk. paper) |
xii, 153 p. : |
UG Library |
150.1 KIM |
05004161 |
Psychology : |
Kimble, Gregory A. |
MIT Press, |
1996 |
0262112043 (alk. paper) |
xii, 153 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1 KUK |
05014242 |
Methods of Theoretical Psychology: |
Kukla, Andre |
0262112612 |
252p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1 KUK |
00079586 |
Methods of Theoretical Psychology |
Kukla, Andre |
MIT Press |
2001 |
250p |
UG Library |
150.1 LAU |
00146557 |
Levinas for psychologists / |
Laubscher, Leswin |
Routledge, |
2024 |
9781032320083 |
163p. ; |
UG Library |
150.1 LUB |
00146769 |
Let's Talk with Each Other! : |
Lubienetzki, Ulf |
Springer, |
2022 |
9783662643075 |
ix,68p. ; |
UG Library |
150.1 LUI |
07008184 |
Philosophy of psychology : |
Routledge, |
2013 |
9780415671118 (set) | 04156711 |
4 v. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.1 LUI |
07008185 |
Philosophy of psychology : |
Routledge, |
2013 |
9780415671118 (set) | 04156711 |
4 v. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.1 LUI |
07008186 |
Philosophy of psychology : |
Routledge, |
2013 |
9780415671118 (set) | 04156711 |
4 v. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.1 LUI |
07008187 |
Philosophy of psychology : |
Routledge, |
2013 |
9780415671118 (set) | 04156711 |
4 v. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.1 LUI |
01021712 |
Philosophy of psychology : |
Routledge, |
2013 |
9780415671118 (set) | 04156711 |
4 v. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1 LUI |
01021713 |
Philosophy of psychology : |
Routledge, |
2013 |
9780415671118 (set) | 04156711 |
4 v. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1 LUI |
01021715 |
Philosophy of psychology : |
Routledge, |
2013 |
9780415671118 (set) | 04156711 |
4 v. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1 LUI |
01021714 |
Philosophy of psychology : |
Routledge, |
2013 |
9780415671118 (set) | 04156711 |
4 v. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1 MCB |
00131000 |
The process of statistical analysis in psychology / |
McBride,Dawn.M |
Sage Publication India Pvt Ltd, |
2018 |
9781506325224 | 150632522X |
xvii,374p.; |
UG Library |
150.1 MEE |
05004982 |
A Paul Meehl reader : |
Meehl, Paul E. |
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, |
2006 |
0805852506 (hardcover : alk. p |
xiii, 578 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1 PAR |
00096206 |
Revolution in Psychology |
Parker, Ian |
Pluto Press |
780745325354 |
265 p. |
UG Library |
150.1 SIE |
00070039 |
Handbook of Wisdom. |
Sternberg, Robert J |
2005 |
0521541824 |
386p |
UG Library |
150.1 SOY |
00123539 |
Psychology as Metaphor |
Soyland, A. J. |
Sage, Publications, |
1994 |
0803989571 | 9780803989573 |
x, 181 p. ; |
UG Library |
150.1 STE |
00088284 |
Critical Thinking in Psychology |
Sternberg, Robert J |
2008 |
ISB0521608341 |
340pq |
UG Library |
150.1 STE |
05068618 |
The Cambridge handbook of wisdom / |
Cambridge University Press, |
2019 |
9781108700344 |
xiv, 815p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1 STE |
05014268 |
Critical Thinking in Psychology [msc-Psychology] |
Sternberg, Robert J |
0521608341 |
340p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1 STE |
00124947 |
Critical Thinking in Psychology / |
. Sternberg J Robert |
Cambridge University Press, |
2007 |
0521845890 | 0521608341 | 9780 |
xii, 340 p. ; |
UG Library |
150.1 STE |
05014265 |
Handbook of Wisdom: Psychological Perpsectives: [ M.Sc Counseling Psychology] |
Sternberg, J Robert |
0521541824 |
384p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1 SYM |
05007451 |
The Routledge companion to philosophy of psychology / |
Symons, John |
Routledge, |
2009 |
9780415396325 (hardback : alk. |
p. cm. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1 UND |
05021993 |
Experimentation in Psychology / |
Underwood Benton.J |
John Wiley & Sons, |
1975 |
0471896365 |
233 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1 UTT |
00079304 |
Psychomythics |
Uttal, William R |
2003 |
0805845844 |
208p |
UG Library |
150.1 VIT |
00072093 |
Psychology as Religion. |
Vitz, Paul C |
2002 |
0802807259 |
173 |
UG Library |
150.1 WEB |
00070041 |
Legend of Freud. |
Webber, Samuel |
2000 |
0804731217 |
259p |
UG Library |
150.1 WEI |
00122253 |
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Psychology |
Weiskopf, Daniel A., |
Cambridge University Press, |
2015 |
9780521519298 (hardback) | 978 |
xiv, 316 p:. |
UG Library |
150.1 WEI |
07010202 |
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Psychology |
Weiskopf, Daniel A., |
Cambridge University Press, |
2015 |
9780521519298 (hardback) | 978 |
xiv, 316 p:. |
Library - BR Campus |
150.1 WEI |
05074571 |
An introduction to the philosophy of psychology / |
Weiskopf, Daniel A., |
Cambridge University Press, |
2015 |
9780521519298 (hardback) | 978 |
xiv, 316 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1 WEI |
05047200 |
An introduction to the philosophy of psychology / |
Weiskopf, Daniel A., |
Cambridge University Press, |
2015 |
9780521519298 (hardback) | 978 |
xiv, 316 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1 WEI |
00122868 |
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Psychology |
Weiskopf, Daniel A., |
Cambridge University Press, |
2015 |
9780521519298 (hardback) | 978 |
xiv, 316 p:. |
UG Library |
150.1 WEI |
09001034 |
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Psychology |
Weiskopf, Daniel A., |
Cambridge University Press, |
2015 |
9780521519298 (hardback) | 978 |
xiv, 316 p:. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.1 WOL |
05014269 |
Contemporary Theories and Systems in Psychology |
Wolman Benjamin B. |
Freeman Book Company |
613 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1 WOL |
00031110 |
Contemporary Theories and Systems in Psychology |
Wolman, Benjamin B. |
Freeman Book Company |
1979 |
613 p. |
UG Library |
150.1 WOL |
00029837 |
Contemporary Theories and Systems in Psychology |
Wolman, B Benjamin |
Freeman |
1987 |
614 p |
UG Library |
150.1 WUN |
05068163 |
Folk psychology : |
Wilhelm, Wundt. |
Vandana Publication, |
2018 |
9789383386673 |
2 volumes, |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1 WUN |
05068164 |
Folk psychology : |
Wilhelm, Wundt. |
Vandana Publication, |
2018 |
9789383386673 |
2 volumes, |
Knowledge Centre |
150.11 BOK |
00135163 |
Data analytic techniques for dynamical systems |
Boker, steven M. |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9780815349808 |
282 p.; |
UG Library |
150.13 CHA |
00083490 |
Statistical Psychology |
Chakravarty, Pravir |
Dominant Publishers and Distributors |
8178884879 |
337p |
UG Library |
150.13 GRA |
07009527 |
Psychology in Human Affairs |
Gray, Stanley J. |
Abhijeet Publications, |
2015 |
9789350741900 |
646 p:. |
Library - BR Campus |
150.13 GRA |
00123759 |
Psychology in Human Affairs |
Gray, Stanley J. |
Abhijeet Publications, |
2015 |
9789350741900 |
646 p:. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.13 GRA |
00123474 |
Psychology in Human Affairs |
Gray, Stanley J. |
Abhijeet Publications, |
2015 |
9789350741900 |
646 p:. |
UG Library |
150.13 HOS |
07011325 |
Psychological counselling : |
Hosahally,Devaraj Wodeyar. |
Book enclave, |
2017 |
9788181523747 |
310 p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.13 HOS |
09000758 |
Psychological counselling : |
Hosahally,Devaraj Wodeyar. |
Book enclave, |
2017 |
9788181523747 |
310 p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.13 HOS |
05056266 |
Psychological counselling : |
Hosahally,Devaraj Wodeyar. |
Book enclave, |
2017 |
9788181523747 |
310 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.151 BAT |
09001033 |
New handbook of mathematical psychology / |
CUP, |
2017 |
9781108717311 |
605p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.151 CHA |
09000622 |
Applied psychometry / |
Chadha, N. K. |
2009 |
9788132100782 (paper back) | 8 |
xiii, 362 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.151 CHA |
05056251 |
Applied psychometry / |
Chadha, N. K. |
2009 |
9788132100782 (paper back) | 8 |
xiii, 362 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.151 CHA |
05014434 |
Applied psychometry / |
Chadha, N. K. |
2009 |
9788132100782 (paper back) | 8 |
xiii, 362 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.151 CHA |
07011099 |
Applied psychometry / |
Chadha, N. K. |
2009 |
9788132100782 (paper back) | 8 |
xiii, 362 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.151 CHA |
00105620 |
Applied psychometry / |
Chadha, N. K. |
2009 |
9788132100782 (paper back) | 8 |
xiii, 362 p. : |
UG Library |
150.151 LUC |
05052115 |
Readings in mathematical psychology / |
Luce, R. Duncan |
Wiley, |
1963 |
3 v. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.151 LUC |
05052287 |
Readings in mathematical psychology / |
Luce, R. Duncan |
Wiley, |
1963 |
3 v. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.151 LUC |
05051122 |
Readings in mathematical psychology / |
Luce, R. Duncan |
Wiley, |
1963 |
3 v. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.151 LUC |
05051923 |
Readings in mathematical psychology / |
Luce, R. Duncan |
Wiley, |
1963 |
3 v. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.15118 HOY |
05037081 |
Structural equation modeling for social and personality psychology / |
Hoyle, Rick H. |
2011 |
9780857024039 (hbk.) | 0857024 |
110 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1519 FER |
00135432 |
Longitudinal multivariate psychology / |
Ferrer, Emilio, |
9781138064225 (hardback) | 9781138064232 (pbk.) |
pages cm. |
UG Library |
150.15195 COA |
05014432 |
An introduction to psychological assessment and psychometrics |
Coaley, Keith. |
2010 |
9781847874788 (hbk.) | 1847874 |
xiv,291p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.15195 ARO |
09001170 |
Statictics for Psychology / |
Aron, Arthur |
Pearson, |
2023 |
9789353940362 |
6th Ed. |
729p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.15195 ARO |
09001171 |
Statictics for Psychology / |
Aron, Arthur |
Pearson, |
2023 |
9789353940362 |
6th Ed. |
729p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.15195 ARO |
09001172 |
Statictics for Psychology / |
Aron, Arthur |
Pearson, |
2023 |
9789353940362 |
6th Ed. |
729p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.15195 ARO |
09001173 |
Statictics for Psychology / |
Aron, Arthur |
Pearson, |
2023 |
9789353940362 |
6th Ed. |
729p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.15195 ARO |
09001174 |
Statictics for Psychology / |
Aron, Arthur |
Pearson, |
2023 |
9789353940362 |
6th Ed. |
729p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.15195 ARO |
10005381 |
Statictics for psychology / |
Aron, Arthur |
Pearson india education services pvt ltd., |
2020 |
9789353940362 |
6th ed., |
v,729 p. : |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.15195 BEL |
05069527 |
Statistics for psychology using R / |
Belhekar, Vivek M., |
Sage, |
2016 |
9789385985003 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xiv, 378 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.15195 BEL |
05052821 |
Statistics for psychology using R / |
Belhekar, Vivek M., |
Sage, |
2016 |
9789385985003 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xiv, 378 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.15195 BEL |
10002495 |
Statistics for psychology using R / |
Belhekar, Vivek M., |
Sage, |
2016 |
9789385985003 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xiv, 378 pages ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.15195 BEL |
07011140 |
Statistics for psychology using R / |
Belhekar, Vivek M., |
Sage, |
2016 |
9789385985003 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xiv, 378 pages ; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.15195 BEL |
05056268 |
Statistics for psychology using R / |
Belhekar, Vivek M., |
Sage, |
2016 |
9789385985003 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xiv, 378 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.15195 BEL |
09000678 |
Statistics for psychology using R / |
Belhekar, Vivek M., |
Sage, |
2016 |
9789385985003 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xiv, 378 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.15195 BEL |
00130545 |
Statistics for psychology using R / |
Belhekar, Vivek M., |
Sage, |
2016 |
9789385985003 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xiv, 378 pages ; |
UG Library |
150.15195 BRY |
00115406 |
Advanced Numeracy Test Workbook |
Bryon, Mike |
Kogan |
2004 |
249 p. |
UG Library |
150.15195 BRY |
00115407 |
Advanced Numeracy Tests |
Bryon, Mike |
Kogan |
2003 |
210p |
UG Library |
150.15195 CHO |
05005182 |
Statistical methods for modeling human dynamics : |
Routledge, |
2010 |
9781848728257 (hbk. : alk. pap |
xvi, 428 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.15195 COA |
05014433 |
An introduction to psychological assessment and psychometrics |
Coaley, Keith. |
2010 |
9781847874788 (hbk.) | 1847874 |
xiv,291p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.15195 FUR |
05047569 |
Psychometrics : |
Furr, R. Michael. |
Sage, |
2014 |
9781452256801 (hardcover) |
Second edition. |
xxiii, 442 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.15195 HOW |
09000919 |
Understanding statistics in psychology with SPSS / |
Howitt, Dennis, |
Pearson, |
2020 |
9781292282305 |
Eighth edition. |
717 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.15195 HOW |
05014435 |
Introduction to Statistics in Psychology:A Complete Guide for Students |
Howitt, Dennis |
0000130172 |
482p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.15195 MIL |
05043454 |
Understanding and using statistics in psychology : |
Miles, Jeremy, |
2007 |
076194396X (hbk.) | 9780761943 |
356 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.15195 MOH |
05069526 |
Statistics for Behavioural and Social Sciences / |
Mohanty, Banamali, |
Sage, |
2016 |
9789351501817 |
xviii, 895 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.15195 MOH |
05052820 |
Statistics for Behavioural and Social Sciences / |
Mohanty, Banamali, |
Sage, |
2016 |
9789351501817 |
xviii, 895 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.15195 MOH |
07011139 |
Statistics for Behavioural and Social Sciences / |
Mohanty, Banamali, |
Sage, |
2016 |
9789351501817 |
xviii, 895 pages ; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.15195 MOH |
00125710 |
Statistics for Behavioural and Social Sciences / |
Mohanty, Banamali, |
Sage, |
2016 |
9789351501817 |
xviii, 895 pages ; |
UG Library |
150.15195 MOH |
05056279 |
Statistics for Behavioural and Social Sciences / |
Mohanty, Banamali, |
Sage, |
2016 |
9789351501817 |
xviii, 895 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.15195 MOH |
09000677 |
Statistics for Behavioural and Social Sciences / |
Mohanty, Banamali, |
Sage, |
2016 |
9789351501817 |
xviii, 895 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.15195 ZEC |
05043467 |
Data analysis and interpretation in the behavioral sciences / |
Zechmeister, Eugene B., |
Thomson/Wadsworth, |
2003 |
0534529860 | 9780534529864 |
xxiii, 522 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1519535 DUG |
05004960 |
Approaching multivariate analysis : |
Dugard, Pat. |
Routledge, |
2010 |
9780415478281 (hb) |
2nd ed. |
xi, 424 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1519535 DUG |
04017477 |
Approaching multivariate analysis : |
Dugard, Pat. |
Routledge, |
2010 |
9780415478281 (hb) |
2nd ed. |
xi, 424 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.1519535 FER |
10002543 |
Longitudinal multivariate psychology / |
Ferrer, Emilio, |
9781138064225 (hardback) | 9781138064232 (pbk.) |
pages cm. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.1519535 FER |
05068309 |
Longitudinal multivariate psychology / |
Ferrer, Emilio, |
9781138064225 (hardback) | 9781138064232 (pbk.) |
pages cm. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1519535 FER |
09000139 |
Longitudinal multivariate psychology / |
Ferrer, Emilio, |
9781138064225 (hardback) | 9781138064232 (pbk.) |
pages cm. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.15195354 BRO |
05047630 |
Confirmatory factor analysis for applied research / |
Brown, Timothy A. |
Guilford Publications, |
2015 |
9781462517800 | 1462517803 |
Second edition. |
482 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1519542 LEV |
05056700 |
Bayesian psychometric modeling / |
Levy, Roy |
CRC Press, |
2016 |
9781439884676 (alk. paper) |
xxvi, 464 pages |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1574 BUS |
00088845 |
Psychology Boundaries and Frontiers |
Buskist, William |
1990 |
0673380238 |
667p |
UG Library |
150.1574 BUS |
05014421 |
Psychology Boundaries and Frontiers |
Buskist, William |
1990 |
0673380238 |
667p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.15795 GAR |
05001949 |
Psychological Statistics Using Spss for Windows / |
Gardner, Robert C |
Prentice Hall, |
2001 |
0013028324 |
307p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.159 VAI |
00059184 |
Vishnu on Freud`s Desk: a Reader in Psychoanalysis and Hindusim |
Vaidyanathan, T G |
2003 |
0195658353 |
482p |
UG Library |
150.18 RAS |
05051062 |
Studies in Mathematical Psychology I |
G Rasch |
Nielsen & Lydiche, |
1960 |
184 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.182 BOC |
05050990 |
The measurement and prediction of judgment and choice / |
Bock, R. Darrell. |
Holden-Day, |
1968 |
370 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.182 HAR |
05050413 |
Introduction to statistics for the behavioral sciences |
Hardyck, Curtis D. |
Saunders, |
1969 |
0721645208 |
viii, 302 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.182 HOR |
05049284 |
Psychological measurement and prediction / |
Horst, Paul, |
Wadsworth Pub. Co. |
1966 |
xii, 455 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.19 MAH |
00115408 |
Psychology |
Mahmud,Jafar |
A.P.H. Publishers Corporation |
2004 |
8176487260 | 9788176487269 |
225 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.19 BRA |
05014424 |
Unconscious knowing and other essays in psycho-philosophical analysis / |
Brakel, Linda A. W. |
Oxford University Press, |
2010 |
9780199581474 (alk. paper) |
1st ed. |
xii, 170 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.19 DEM |
00127274 |
Psychology's Grand Theorists |
Demorest, Amy. |
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, |
2005 |
0805851070 (alk. paper) | 9780 |
xiii, 202 p. ; |
UG Library |
150.19 HAR |
05014437 |
Key Thinkers in Psychology [MSC-PSYCHOLOGY] |
Harre, Rom |
2006 |
1412903440 |
287p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.19 HAR |
05014436 |
Key Thinkers in Psychology [msc-Psychology] |
Harre, Rom |
Sage |
287p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.19 HEI |
00020388 |
Seven Psychologies |
Heidbrender, Edna |
1971 |
450 p |
UG Library |
150.19 HER |
05032684 |
An introduction to the History of Psychology / |
Hergenhahn B R |
Wadsworth, |
2005 |
9780495506232 |
728 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.19 MAH |
00115130 |
Psychology: Systems and Theories: |
Mahmud, Jafar |
2003 |
8176487279 |
226p |
UG Library |
150.19 MAH |
00061411 |
Psychology |
Mahmud,Jafar |
A.P.H. Publishers Corporation |
2004 |
8176487260 | 9788176487269 |
225 p. |
UG Library |
150.19 MAH |
00061847 |
The Life Balance Programme |
Farwagi,Peta Lyn |
Orion Business Books |
1998 |
8176487260 | 9780752813677 |
225 p. |
UG Library |
150.19 NYE |
05014425 |
Three Psychologies: Perspectives from Freud, Skinner and Rogers |
Bye, D, Robert |
0053436845 |
181p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.19 SCH |
00024094 |
Masters of Social Psychology |
Schellenberg, A James |
Oxford |
1978 |
142 p |
UG Library |
150.19 TOL |
00086245 |
Positivism in Psychology: |
Tolman, Charles W |
Springer-Verlag |
1992 |
0387977007 |
222 p |
UG Library |
150.19088 NIT |
00103078 |
Buddhist and western psychology comparative study: |
Nithiyanendam.V |
Global vision publishing house; |
9788182202931 |
176 p. |
UG Library |
150.192 MAC |
05014281 |
Existentialist Reader. |
Macdonald, Paul S |
2000 |
0748613323 |
346p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.192 MIR |
08001363 |
Being & neonness / |
Miranda, Luis de, |
MIT Press, |
2019 |
9780262039888 (hardcover : alk. paper) |
124 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.192 RUS |
10002531 |
The analysis of mind/ |
Russell, Bertrand |
Routledge, |
2023 |
9781032312293 |
xxii,245 p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.192 SMI |
05001380 |
Interpretative phenomenological analysis : |
Smith, Jonathan A. |
SAGE Publications, |
9781412908337 (cloth) | 978141 |
225 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.192 SPI |
00078828 |
The Interpreted World |
Spinelli, Ernesto |
2005 |
0141290305 | 9781412903059 |
2nd Ed. |
238p |
UG Library |
150.192 SUL |
07009419 |
Cultural-existential psychology : |
Sullivan, Daniel, |
Cambridge univeristy press, |
2016 |
9781107096868 |
xvii,295p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.192 SUL |
05047405 |
Cultural-existential psychology : |
Sullivan, Daniel, |
Cambridge univeristy press, |
2016 |
9781107096868 |
xvii,295p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.193 DRA |
00121286 |
Holistic Guidance |
Drago,C |
St. Pauls |
2002 |
8171098909 |
255p |
UG Library |
150.19333 SIM |
00039476 |
The Common Boundary Graduate Education Guide |
Charles Simkinson |
Relevent |
1994 |
234 p |
UG Library |
150.194092 YOU |
00083265 |
Cambridge Companion to Jung |
Young-Eisendrath, Polly |
Cambridge |
2008 |
9780521685009 |
2nd,Ed. |
340p |
UG Library |
150.194092 YOU |
05014422 |
Cambridge Companion to Jung |
Young-Eisendrath, Polly |
Cambridge |
2008 |
9780521685009 |
2nd,Ed. |
340p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1943 BAU |
00091758 |
Understanding behaviorism : |
Baum, William M. |
Blackwell Pub., |
1405112611 (hbk : alk. paper) |
xii,312 p. : |
UG Library |
150.1943 BHA |
00074614 |
Behaviour Psychology |
Bhargava, Rajiv |
Abd Publishers |
2006 |
8183760570 | 9798183760576 |
363 p. |
UG Library |
150.1943 BRO |
10000347 |
Experimental Design in Behavioural Research / |
Broota, K D. |
New Age International (P) Lit, |
2020 |
9789386418142 |
xvi, 433p, ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.1943 COM |
01024496 |
Quantitative analyses of behavior / |
Routledge, |
2016 |
9781138971394 |
xii,162p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1943 DER |
09001011 |
Histories of human engineering : |
Derksen, Maarten |
CUP, |
2017 |
9781107637177 |
270p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.1943 DER |
07013617 |
Histories of human engineering : |
Derksen, Maarten, |
Cambridge University Press, |
2017 |
9781107057432 |
vii, 270p;. |
Library - BR Campus |
150.1943 DOM |
05001940 |
The principles of Learning and Behavior |
Domjan,Michael |
Wadsworth Cengage learning; |
9780495804611 |
xv;515 p.W-146. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1943 ELE |
00135988 |
Behaviour Psychology |
3G E-Learning, |
2017 |
9781680955552 |
x,248 p.; |
UG Library |
150.1943 FRE |
00016393 |
Exploring Human Behaviour:An Introduction to Psychology |
Fredenburgh, A Franz |
James E Freel |
1973 |
438 p |
UG Library |
150.1943 JAM |
00022303 |
Born to Love |
James, Muriel M |
1980 |
228 p |
UG Library |
150.1943 KEI |
00089179 |
Representation and Behavior |
Keijzer, Fred |
MIT Press |
2001 |
9780262112598 |
276p |
UG Library |
150.1943 KER |
00060144 |
Foundations of Behavioral Research |
Kerlinger, N. Fred |
Surjeet Publications |
2004 |
741 p. |
UG Library |
150.1943 KER |
00020389 |
Foundations of Behavioural Research |
Kerlinger, Fred N |
Surjeet |
1978 |
741 p |
UG Library |
150.1943 KER |
05014430 |
Foundations of Behavioral Research - M.Sc Psychology Shelf |
Kerlinger, N Fred |
0155078976 |
920p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1943 KER |
05021970 |
Foundations of Behavioral Research |
Kerlinger, Fred N |
Surjeet |
740 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1943 KER |
00025525 |
Foundations of Behavioral Research |
Kerlinger, Fred N |
Surjeet |
740 p |
UG Library |
150.1943 MOR |
00031566 |
Pocket Guide to Man Watching |
Morris, Desmond |
Penguin |
1988 |
482 p |
UG Library |
150.1943 MOR |
00025465 |
Manwatching:A Field Guide to Human Behaviour |
Morris, Desmond |
Triad Granada |
1982 |
320 p |
UG Library |
150.1943 PET |
00022055 |
Word Play: What Happens When People Talk |
Peter, Farb |
Bantam |
1987 |
420 p |
UG Library |
150.1943 POL |
00041065 |
Psychology:a Behavioral Overview (WMU) |
Poling Alan |
1900 |
1 |
UG Library |
150.1943 POL |
00041064 |
Psychology:a Behavioral Overview (WMU) |
Poling Alan |
1900 |
1 |
UG Library |
150.1943 RAY |
05014413 |
Methods Toward a Science of Behavior and Experience |
Ray, J William |
0534538673 |
440p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1943 UTT |
00080493 |
War Between Mentalism and Behaviorism:On the Accessibility of Mental Processes |
Uttal, William R |
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. |
2000 |
0805833617 |
205p |
UG Library |
150.1943 WIL |
00031556 |
Misfits:A Study of Sexual Out Siders |
Wilson, Colin |
Penguin |
1989 |
272 p |
UG Library |
150.1943072 KER |
05014412 |
Fundamentals of Behaviour Research |
Kerlinger, N Fred |
Surjeet |
Knowledge Centre |
150.19434 SKI |
00079238 |
Beyond freedom and dignity |
Skinner, B. F. |
Penguin Books |
1971 |
0140216618 |
1st ed. |
225 p. |
UG Library |
150.19434 STA |
04019066 |
Adaptive dynamics : |
Staddon, J. E. R. |
MIT Press, |
2001 |
0262194538 (alk. paper) | 9780 |
xiv, 423 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.19434092 CAR |
05069523 |
Purpose and cognition : |
Carroll, David W., |
Cambridge University Press, |
2017 |
9781107553156 |
xii, 270 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.19434092 CAR |
07013630 |
Purpose and cognition : |
Carroll, David W., |
Cambridge University Press, |
2017 |
9781107122505 |
xii, 270p;. |
Library - BR Campus |
150.19434092 CAR |
09001027 |
Purpose and cognition : |
Carroll, David W., |
Cambridge University Press, |
2017 |
9781107553156 |
xii, 270 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.195 APP |
07010836 |
Introducing freud / |
Appignanesi, Richard |
Gutenberg Press, |
1979 |
9781840468519 |
168p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.195 APP |
09000795 |
Introducing freud / |
Appignanesi, Richard |
Gutenberg Press, |
1979 |
9781840468519 |
168p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.195 AUC |
05045914 |
The psychoanalytic model of the mind / |
Auchincloss, Elizabeth L., |
American Psychiatric Publishing, |
2015 |
9781585624713 (pbk. : alk. pap |
First edition. |
xxiii, 308 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 AUC |
07008143 |
The psychoanalytic model of the mind / |
Auchincloss, Elizabeth L., |
American Psychiatric Publishing, |
2015 |
9781585624713 (pbk. : alk. pap |
First edition. |
xxiii, 308 pages : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.195 BOE |
05045339 |
Insight : |
Ahumada, Jorge L., |
Routledge, |
2011 |
9780415618809 (hbk.) | 9780415 |
254 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 BRO |
00103717 |
Whose Freud? : |
Brooks, Peter, |
Yale University Press, |
2000 |
0300081162 (cloth : alk. paper |
ix, 342 p. : |
UG Library |
150.195 BRO |
09001130 |
Psychoanalytic Thinking on The Unhoused Mind / |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9780367148478 |
141p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.195 CAR |
00133202 |
Psychoanalytic thinking : |
Carveth, Donald L., |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138560710 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138560727 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
xxii,270p.; |
UG Library |
150.195 CAV |
05034250 |
Becoming a Subject |
Cavell, Marcia, |
Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, |
2006 |
9780199287093 | 0199287082 (al |
viii, 182 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 CAV |
00110032 |
Becoming a Subject |
Cavell, Marcia, |
Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, |
2006 |
9780199287093 | 0199287082 (al |
viii, 182 p. ; |
UG Library |
150.195 CIV |
05072643 |
A Short Introduction to Psychoanalysis / |
Civitarese, Giuseppe. |
Routledge |
2020 |
9780367415501 |
viii, 135p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 CLE |
05045114 |
The weary sons of Freud / |
Clément, Catherine, |
Verso, |
2015 |
9781781688854 (PB) | 978178168 |
2015 edition. |
115 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 DAS |
00137418 |
Kama : |
Das, Gurcharan. |
Penguin Allen Lane, |
2018 |
9780670087372 |
xvii, 548p.; |
UG Library |
150.195 DES |
00029819 |
Psychiatry and Modern Life |
Desai, N Arvindrai |
1988 |
296 p |
UG Library |
150.195 DUT |
10002623 |
Black and white thinking : |
Dutton, Kevin. |
Penguin Random House, |
2022 |
9780552175364 |
388p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.195 EAG |
00129954 |
Core Concepts in Contemporary Psychoanalysis : |
Eagle, Morris N., |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138306912 (hbk : alk. pape |
244 p.: |
UG Library |
150.195 ELL |
05056265 |
Psychoanalytic theory : |
Palgrave, |
2015 |
3rd ed. |
x, 206 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 ELL |
05041733 |
Psychoanalytic Theory: |
Elliot,Anthony |
Duke University Press. |
2002 |
9780822330189 |
2nd ed. |
x ,196 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 ESH |
00137856 |
The emergence of analytic oneness : |
Eshel, Ofra, |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138186330 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138186347 (pbk : alk. paper) |
xv,319p.; |
UG Library |
150.195 FRA |
00140312 |
Yes to Life in spite of Everything |
Frankl,Viktor E |
Penguin |
2020 |
9781846046360 |
141p |
UG Library |
150.195 FRE |
05075131 |
A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis / |
Freud, Sigmund, |
Sanage Publishing House, |
2020 |
9789395741163 |
445p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 FRE |
00080993 |
Essentials of Psycho-Analysis |
Freud, Vintage |
2005 |
597p |
UG Library |
150.195 FRO |
00088308 |
Dogma of Christ |
Fromm, Erich |
2008 |
ISB0415289998 |
181p |
UG Library |
150.195 GIL |
07015413 |
Anti - Oedipus : |
Deleuze, Gilles. |
Penguin Classics, |
1977 |
9780143105824 |
xxiv, 400 p. ; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.195 GOL |
00117313 |
Loving Psychoanalysis : |
Golan, Ruth. |
Karnac, |
2006 |
9781855753792 |
xvi, 238 p. : |
UG Library |
150.195 GRI |
05040151 |
The other side of psychoanalysis / |
Lacan, Jacques, |
Norton, |
2006 |
9780393062632 (hardcover) | 03 |
224 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 GUL |
00147667 |
Psychoanalytic Studies of Change : |
Gullestad, Siri Erika |
Routledge, |
2024 |
9781032651903 |
xix,220p. ; |
UG Library |
150.195 HEA |
05014419 |
Wittgenstein and Psychoanalysis [pg.Lib.General Section] |
Heaton, John M |
Worldview Pubications |
73p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 HIL |
00084870 |
Lacan: for Beginners |
Hill, Philip |
Orient Longman Publications |
1997 |
8125022368 |
169p |
UG Library |
150.195 HIL |
00084871 |
Lacan: for Beginners. |
Hill, Philip |
Orient Longman Publications |
1997 |
8125022368 |
169p |
UG Library |
150.195 IMB |
00080468 |
Constructing a Mind: |
Imbasciati, Antonio |
Routledge |
2006 |
9781583917671 |
285p |
UG Library |
150.195 KAK |
07007921 |
The essential Sudhir Kakar. |
Oxford University Press, |
2011 |
9780198072454 |
xxxii, 394 p. ; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.195 KAK |
05014427 |
India analysed / |
Kakar, Sudhir. |
Oxford University Press, |
9780195698930 | 0195698932 |
xvi, 90 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 KAK |
07007882 |
India Analysed / |
Kakar Sudhir |
Oxford University Press, |
2015 |
9780199457540 |
xvi,92p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150.195 KAR |
05014426 |
Psychoanalysis in a new light / |
Karlsson, Gunnar, |
Cambridge University Press, |
9780521198059 (hardback) | 052 |
xvii, 209 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 KEN |
00089560 |
Many Voices of Psychoanalysis. |
Kennedy, Roger |
Routledge |
2007 |
9780415411776 |
297p |
UG Library |
150.195 KENN |
05004180 |
The many voices of psychoanalysis / |
Kennedy, Roger. |
Routledge, |
2007 |
0415411769 (hbk) | 0415411777 |
297 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 KIN |
05001939 |
Freud-Klein Controversies 1941-45 / |
King, Pearl |
Routledge, |
1991 |
0415082749 |
966p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 LAC |
00088769 |
Other Side of Analysis. |
Lacan, Jaques |
2007 |
9780393330403 |
224p |
UG Library |
150.195 LAC |
05014428 |
Ecrits: The First Complete Editon in English. |
Lacan, Jacques |
2006 |
0393061159 |
878p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 LAW |
05042868 |
Psychoanalysis and the unconscious and Fantasia of the unconscious / |
Lawrence, D. H. |
Cambridge Unversity Press, |
2004 |
9781107457461 |
liv, 300 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 LEA |
07010918 |
Introducing Lacan / |
Leader, Darian |
Gutenberg Publication, |
2013 |
9781848311831 |
170p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.195 LEF |
05005157 |
Contemporary psychoanalytic foundations : |
Leffert, Mark. |
Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, |
2010 |
9780881634969 (hbk.) | 9780881 |
299 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 MIL |
05021980 |
Research Methods in Psychopathology / |
Millon Theodore |
John Wiley & Sons,Inc, |
1972 |
047160626X |
xv,191 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 MIL |
05014416 |
Short Introdution to Psychoanalysis [MSC-COUN.PSY ] |
Milton, Jane |
0761971874 |
192p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 MIL |
05014417 |
Other Side of Psychoanalysis [msc.Psychology Section] |
Miller, Jacques-Alain |
9780393330403 |
224p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 MON |
00120794 |
The emptiness of Oedipus : |
Moncayo, Raul. |
Routledge, |
2012 |
9780415608282 (hardback) | 978 |
vii, 217 p. : |
UG Library |
150.195 OLD |
00147841 |
Explorations between psychoanalysis and neuroscience : |
Olds, David D. |
Routledge, |
2024 |
9781032473888 |
284p. ; |
UG Library |
150.195 PIC |
05048909 |
Psychoanalysis : |
Pick, Daniel. |
Oxford University Press, |
2015 |
9780199226818 (pbk.) |
143p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 POL |
09000832 |
A Short Introduction to Psychoanalysis |
Milton, Jane. |
2011 |
9780857020581 (alk. paper) | 0 |
2nd ed. |
vii, 214 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.195 POL |
07008199 |
A Short Introduction to Psychoanalysis |
Milton, Jane. |
2011 |
9780857020581 (alk. paper) | 0 |
2nd ed. |
vii, 214 p. ; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.195 POL |
00024393 |
Critique of the Foundations of Psychology : |
Politzer, Georges, |
Duquesne University Press, |
1994 |
0820702560 (cloth) : | : |
xxxviii, 174 p. ; |
UG Library |
150.195 POL |
00074834 |
Critique of the Foundations of Psychology |
George, Politzer |
Duguesne University |
1994 |
1 |
UG Library |
150.195 POL |
00117763 |
A Short Introduction to Psychoanalysis |
Milton, Jane. |
2011 |
9780857020581 (alk. paper) | 0 |
2nd ed. |
vii, 214 p. ; |
UG Library |
150.195 PRA |
00099912 |
Man's Search for Meaning: |
Frankl, Viktor E. |
Rider, |
9781844132393 |
154 p. |
UG Library |
150.195 RAG |
05040566 |
Lacan and the subject of language / |
Ragland-Sullivan, Ellie, |
Routledge, |
1991 |
0415903076 | 0415903084 (pbk.) |
vii, 227 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 RED |
05042132 |
Psychoanalytic approaches for counselors / |
Redekop, Frederick. |
Sage, |
2015 |
9781452268361 (pbk.) |
xxxi,123p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 ROU |
05067950 |
Lacanian Realism : |
Rousselle, Duane. |
Bloomsbury Academic, |
2019 |
9781350123212 |
xi, 204p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 RUS |
00137287 |
Researching the unconscious : |
Rustin, Michael, |
Routledge , |
2019 |
9781138389199 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781782204374 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
xvii,327 pages.; |
UG Library |
150.195 RUT |
00110518 |
The singularity of being |
Ruti, Mari. |
Fordham University Press, |
2012 |
9780823243143 (cloth : alk. pa |
1st ed. |
ix, 260 p. ; |
UG Library |
150.195 SAM |
05014429 |
Political Psyche |
Samuels, Andrew |
0415081025 |
380p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 SCH |
00147668 |
Outsider art and psychoanalytic psychiatry : |
Schinaia, Cosimo |
Routledge, |
2024 |
xxxvi,130p. ; |
UG Library |
150.195 SHA |
07007907 |
Psychoanalysis, culture, and religion : |
Oxford University Press, |
2014 |
9780198076988 | 0198076983 |
1st ed. |
xxiv, 314 p. ; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.195 SHA |
00106523 |
Understanding psychoanalysis |
Sharpe, Matthew. |
Acumen, |
2008 |
9781844651214 (hardback) | 978 |
ix, 230 p. : |
UG Library |
150.195 SHA |
05011599 |
Understanding psychoanalysis |
Sharpe, Matthew. |
Acumen, |
2008 |
9781844651214 (hardback) | 978 |
ix, 230 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 SMI |
05014420 |
Psychoanalysis in Focus [MSC.COUN.PSY ] |
Livingstone Smith, David |
0761961941 |
157p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 SPI |
00089555 |
Melanie Klein Today: |
Spillius, Elizabeth Bott |
1988 |
0415010454 |
315 p |
UG Library |
150.195 STA |
05040565 |
Outside the dream : |
Stanton, Martin, |
Routledge & Kegan Paul, |
1983 |
9780415732437 |
ix, 131 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195 SUG |
07010221 |
What Freud Really Meant: |
Sugarman,Susan |
Cambridge University Press, |
2016 |
9781107538559 |
X,182 Pages,: |
Library - BR Campus |
150.195 SUG |
09000999 |
What Freud Really Meant: |
Sugarman,Susan |
Cambridge University Press, |
2016 |
9781107538559 |
X,182 Pages,: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.195 VER |
00110264 |
Does the woman exist? |
Verhaeghe, Paul. |
Rebus Press, |
1997 |
1900877058 (pbk.) |
284 p. ; |
UG Library |
150.195 ZIZ |
00098592 |
Enjoy your symptom! : |
Žižek, Slavoj. |
Routledge, |
9780415772594 (pbk.) | 0415772 |
xxiii, 280 p. : |
UG Library |
150.19503 EVA |
00104825 |
An Introdutiory Dictionary of Lacanian Psychoanalysis |
Evans,Dylan. |
Routledge, |
1996 |
9780415135238 |
xxii: 239 P. |
UG Library |
150.19506073 LAN |
05014342 |
History of the Division of Psychoanalysis of the American Psychological Association |
Lane, Robert C |
0805813233 |
372p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.19508 FIO |
00147485 |
Deconstructing the feminine : |
Fiorini, Leticia Glocer |
Routledge, |
2024 |
9781032588940 |
Second edition. |
146p. ; |
UG Library |
150.195082 GYL |
00105008 |
The gendered unconscious : |
Gyler, Louise, |
Routledge, |
2010 |
9780415401708 (hbk. : alk. pap |
x, 196 p. ; |
UG Library |
150.195082 GYL |
05004733 |
The gendered unconscious : |
Gyler, Louise, |
Routledge, |
2010 |
9780415401708 (hbk. : alk. pap |
x, 196 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195082 MIN |
05007396 |
Psychoanalysis and gender : |
Minsky, Rosalind. |
Routledge, |
1996 |
0415092210 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
xv, 317 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.19509 LAC |
00089302 |
Ecrits |
Lacan, Jacques |
Routledge |
1977 |
0415253926 | 9780415253925 |
373 p. |
UG Library |
150.19509 GEL |
05013939 |
Psychoanalytic Movement the Cunning of Unreason [msc-Psychology] |
Gellner, Ernest |
0631234136 |
214p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.19509 LAL |
00078511 |
Ecrits |
Lacan, Jacques |
Routledge |
1977 |
0415253926 | 9780415253925 |
373 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.195092 APO |
05014415 |
Lacan, Politics, Aesthetics [MSCOM] |
Apollon, Willy |
0791423727 |
341 |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195092 GRO |
00105164 |
Jacques Lacan |
Elizabeth A. Grosz |
Routledge, |
2005 |
041525616X (cloth : alk. paper |
vi,218 p. |
UG Library |
150.195092 HOM |
01006140 |
Jacques Lacan |
Elizabeth A. Grosz |
Routledge, |
2005 |
041525616X (cloth : alk. paper |
vi,218 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195092 HOO |
00132490 |
Six Moments in Lacan : |
Hook, Derek, |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138211605 | 9781138211612 |
xii, 208 p. ; |
UG Library |
150.195092 KAK |
05042067 |
India Analysed / |
Kakar Sudhir |
Oxford University Press, |
2015 |
9780199457540 |
xvi,92p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195092 MIC |
00104859 |
The Cambridge companion to Lacan / |
Jean-Michel Rabate |
Cambridge University Press, |
2003 |
0521807441 | 0521002036 (pbk.) |
xxviii, 287 p. : |
UG Library |
150.195092 PAR |
00105005 |
Lacanian Psychoanalysis: |
Parker,Ian. |
Routledge |
2011 |
9780415455435 |
viii,238p. |
UG Library |
150.195092 PAR |
07015627 |
Lacanian Psychoanalysis: |
Parker,Ian. |
Routledge |
2011 |
9780415455435 |
viii,238p. |
Library - BR Campus |
150.195092 RUB |
00080488 |
Kohut`s Freudian Vision |
Rubovits-Seitz, Philip F D |
Analytic Press |
1999 |
9780881632842 |
234p |
UG Library |
150.195092 SEG |
05014341 |
Melanie Klein:Key Figures in Counselling and Psychotherapy [msc-Counselling Psychology Section] |
Segal, Julia |
0761943013 |
162p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1950954 HAR |
00071184 |
Psychoanalysis in Colonial India |
Hartnack, Christiane |
Oxford University Press |
2001 |
0195645421 | 9780195645422 |
243 p. |
UG Library |
150.1950954 KAK |
05008476 |
The essential Sudhir Kakar. |
Oxford University Press, |
2011 |
9780198072454 |
xxxii, 394 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1950954 SHA |
01020604 |
Psychoanalysis, culture, and religion : |
Oxford University Press, |
2014 |
9780198076988 | 0198076983 |
1st ed. |
xxiv, 314 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1952 HAN |
00122179 |
The Freud-Adler Cntroversy |
Handlbauer, Bernhard |
Oneworld Publishers |
2007 |
1851681272 | 9781851681273 |
206 p. |
UG Library |
150.1952 APP |
05014392 |
Introducing Frued (msc Psy) (UGC - Autonomous) |
Appignanesi, Richard |
ICON Books |
1840460547 |
168p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1952 BET |
00027254 |
Freud and Man`s Soul |
Bettelheim, Brunto |
Flamingo |
1984 |
112 p |
UG Library |
150.1952 BOO |
05040563 |
Death and desire : |
Boothby, Richard, |
Routledge, |
1991 |
9780415728584 |
xv, 266 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1952 BRO |
00023049 |
Freud and the Post Freudians |
Brown, J A C |
Fontana |
1981 |
240p |
UG Library |
150.1952 BRU |
05045134 |
Freud : |
Bruce Renaud |
Verso, |
2015 |
9781781688946 |
215p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1952 COH |
05014393 |
How to Read Freud: [ M.Sc Psy] |
Cohen, Josh |
Granta Books |
1862077630 |
135p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1952 DEL |
00078462 |
Anti-Oedipus |
Deleuze |
Continuum |
2005 |
0826476953 | 9780826476951 |
421 p. |
UG Library |
150.1952 DEL |
00076213 |
Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia: |
Deleuze, Gilles |
2005 |
0826476953 |
420p |
UG Library |
150.1952 DEL |
00076217 |
Inteisive Science and Virtual Philosophy: |
Delanda, Manuel |
2003 |
0826479324 |
232p |
UG Library |
150.1952 EAG |
00129946 |
Core Concepts In Classical Psychoanalysis |
Eagle, Morris.N. |
Routledge Publications, |
2018 |
9781138842502 |
318 p.: |
UG Library |
150.1952 EDM |
00109600 |
The Death Of Sigmund Freud |
Edmundson,Mark |
Bloomsbury |
2007 |
9780747592983 |
276 p. |
UG Library |
150.1952 EYS |
05014365 |
Decline & Fall of the Freudian Empire [MSC.PSYCHOLOGY SECTION] |
Eysenck, Hans J |
0765809451 |
224 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1952 FOR |
05057372 |
Freud in Cambridge / |
Forrester, John, |
Cambridge University Press, |
2017 |
9780521861908 (cloth) | 052186 |
xxi, 695 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1952 FRE |
00140946 |
Sigmund Freud : |
Freud, Sigmund |
Riverrun; |
2020 |
9781787479326 |
458 p. ; |
UG Library |
150.1952 FRE |
05014394 |
The psychology of Love ; |
Freud Sigmund |
Penguin books; |
9780141186030 |
xxxii;326 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1952 FRE |
05030272 |
The joke and its relation to the unconscious / |
Freud, Sigmund, |
Penguin, |
2002 |
0141185546 |
xlii, 231 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1952 FRE |
00140760 |
Essays and Papers |
Freud,Sigmund |
Riverrun |
2020 |
9781787479326 |
458p |
UG Library |
150.1952 FRE |
05014397 |
The uncanny / |
Freud, Sigmund, |
Penguin Books, |
0141182377 |
lxv, 161 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1952 FRE |
05014400 |
On Murder, Mourning and Melancholia / |
Freud, Sigmund. |
2005 |
9780141183794 |
243p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1952 FRE |
09000733 |
Psychopathology of Everyday Life / |
Freud, Sigmund |
Penguin Books, |
2002 |
0141184035 | 9780141184036 |
264p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.1952 FRE |
05014395 |
Psychopathology of Everyday Life (msc Psy) (UGC - Autonomous) |
Freud, Sigmund |
0141184035 |
264p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1952 FRE |
07007617 |
Psychopathology of Every Day Life |
Freud, Sigmund |
1976 |
384 p |
Library - BR Campus |
150.1952 FRE |
00015357 |
Introductory Lectures on Psychology Analysis |
Freud, Sigmund |
1976 |
558 p |
UG Library |
150.1952 FRE |
00015358 |
Introductory Lectures on Psychology Analysis |
Freud, Sigmund |
1976 |
558 p |
UG Library |
150.1952 FRE |
00015359 |
Studies an Hysteria |
Breuer, Josef |
1976 |
430 p |
UG Library |
150.1952 FRE |
00015360 |
Interpretation of Dreams |
Freud, Sigmund |
Penguine Books |
1976 |
872 p. |
UG Library |
150.1952 FRE |
00015361 |
Psychopathology of Every Day Life |
Freud, Sigmund |
1976 |
384 p |
UG Library |
150.1952 FRE |
05014398 |
Civilization and Its Discontents [ MSC-PSY ] |
Freud, Sigmund |
0141182369 |
103p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1952 FRI |
07005480 |
Beyond the Pleasure Principle and other Writings/ |
Freud,Sigmund. |
Penguin Books, |
2001 |
9780141184050 |
XXXI,241 Pages ,: |
Library - BR Campus |
150.1952 FRI |
09000735 |
Beyond the Pleasure Principle and other Writings/ |
Freud,Sigmund. |
Penguin Books, |
2001 |
9780141184050 |
XXXI,241 Pages ,: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.1952 FRI |
00133207 |
Freud's Papers on technique and contemporary clinical practice / |
Friedman, Lawrence, |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9780815385745 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9780815385752 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
xiii,239p.; |
UG Library |
150.1952 GOL |
00117312 |
The Consciousness Bearers |
Golan Ruth |
Content De Semrik, |
2013 |
9789655502237 |
428 p.: |
UG Library |
150.1952 HAN |
00078521 |
The Freud-Adler Cntroversy |
Handlbauer, Bernhard |
Oneworld Publishers |
2007 |
1851681272 | 9781851681273 |
206 p. |
UG Library |
150.1952 HAN |
00092396 |
The Freud-Adler Cntroversy |
Handlbauer, Bernhard |
Oneworld Publishers |
2007 |
1851681272 | 9781851681273 |
206 p. |
UG Library |
150.1952 HER |
05062136 |
Cold War Freud : |
Herzog, Dagmar, |
Cambridge University Press, |
2017 |
9781107072398 (hardback : alk. paper) |
viii, 311 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1952 LOW |
05041055 |
Psycho-analysis and education, |
Low, Barbara. |
Routledge, |
1920 |
9780415717144 |
191p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1952 MAR |
05041047 |
Freud and the culture of psychoanalysis : |
Marcus, Steven, |
Routledge, |
1984 |
9780415717205 |
268 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1952 MCG |
00021581 |
Freud, Jung Letters |
Mc Guire, William |
1979 |
320 p |
UG Library |
150.1952 ONE |
05006555 |
The domestic economy of the soul : |
O'Neill, John. |
SAGE Publications, |
2010 |
9781849205856 |
1st ed. |
ix,228 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1952 OSB |
05014399 |
Freud for Beginners. |
Oshorne, Richard |
Orient Longman Publications |
2000 |
8125019146 |
178 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1952 OSH |
00085811 |
Freud for Beginners. |
Oshorne, Richard |
Orient Longman Publications |
2000 |
8125019146 |
178 p |
UG Library |
150.1952 PET |
00091602 |
Freud, psychoanalysis, and symbolism / |
Petocz, Agnes. |
Cambridge University Press, |
9780521021500 (pbk.) | 0521021 |
xi, 284 p. ; |
UG Library |
150.1952 RAZ |
05047269 |
Freud, psychoanalysis and death / |
Razinsky, Liran. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2013 |
9781107009721 |
xi, 303 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1952 SAN |
00135539 |
On Freud's the question of lay analysis : |
Sandler,Paulo Ceaser |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9780367075088 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781782206293 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
xiii,299p.; |
UG Library |
150.1952 STE |
05041056 |
Psychoanalysis; the first ten years, 1888-1898 |
Stewart, Walter A., |
Routledge, |
1967 |
9780415725750 |
viii, 224 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1952 SUR |
00103357 |
Freud: |
Surprenant Celine |
Continuum; |
9780826492784 |
184 p. |
UG Library |
150.1952 WIL |
05014364 |
Introducing the Freud Wars [msc-Psychology Section] |
Wilson, Stephen |
175p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.19520711 JON |
00099472 |
Teaching Freud / |
Oxford University Press, |
9780195157697 | 0195157699 (pb |
xi, 276 p. ; |
UG Library |
150.195209 DUF |
05014423 |
Returns of the "French Freud" : |
Routledge, |
1997 |
0415915252 | 0415915260 (pbk.) |
244 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1952092 GRU |
00080074 |
Back to Freud`s Texts:Making Silent Documents Speak |
Grubrich-Simitis, Ilse |
1996 |
0300066317 |
322p |
UG Library |
150.1952092 LEA |
00084375 |
Freud |
Lear, Jonathan |
2005 |
0415314518 |
278p |
UG Library |
150.1952092 NEU |
01013942 |
The Cambridge companion to Freud / |
Cambridge University Press, |
0521374243 | 9780521377799 | 0 |
ix, 356 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1952092 ROT |
05014431 |
Freud Conflict and Culture Essays on His Life, Work, and Legacy [msc Counseling Psychology] |
Roth, Michael S |
0679772928 |
273p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1952092 STO |
01016421 |
Freud : |
Storr, Anthony. |
Oxford University Press, |
2001 |
0192854550 | 9780192854551 |
167 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1952092 STO |
00110658 |
Freud : |
Storr, Anthony. |
Oxford University Press, |
2001 |
0192854550 | 9780192854551 |
167 p. : |
UG Library |
150.1952092 STO |
05014410 |
Freud: A Very Short Introduction. |
Storr, Anthony |
2007 |
0195687256 |
166p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1952092 STO |
00085437 |
Freud: A Very Short Introduction. |
Storr, Anthony |
2007 |
0195687256 |
166p |
UG Library |
150.1952092 SUG |
07008033 |
What Freud really meant : |
Sugarman, Susan, |
Cambridge University Press, |
2016 |
9781107116399 (hardback) | 978 |
192p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150.1952092 SUG |
00132932 |
What Freud really meant: |
Sugarman,Susan. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2016 |
9781107538559 |
192 p. ; |
UG Library |
150.1952092 WHI |
00141141 |
Freud : |
Whitebook, Joel, |
Cambridge University Press |
2017 |
9780521864183 (hardback) |
484pages |
UG Library |
150.19520922 APP |
05014366 |
Freud, s Women |
Appignanesi, Lisa |
2005 |
0753819163 |
563p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.19520922 HIL |
07013491 |
Freud's India : |
Hiltebeitel Alf |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780190941215 |
xx,301p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150.19520922 HIL |
05067130 |
Freud's India : |
Hiltebeitel Alf |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780190941215 |
xx,301p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.19520924 RIC |
05014409 |
Freud and Philosophy: |
Ricoeur, Paul |
9788120833050 |
573 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.19520924 RIC |
00101088 |
Freud and Philosophy: |
Ricoeur, Paul |
9788120833050 |
573 p |
UG Library |
150.1952BOC |
01006149 |
Sigmund Freud (law College ) |
Robert Bocock |
0415288177 |
145p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1953 ADL |
03004558 |
What Life Could Mean to You / |
Adler, Alfred. |
Oneworld Publications, |
1992 |
1851680225 : | 9781851686704 |
250 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
150.1953 ADL |
03004610 |
What Life Could Mean to You / |
Adler, Alfred. |
Oneworld Publications, |
1992 |
1851680225 : | 9781851686704 |
250 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
150.1953 ADL |
05004100 |
Understaning Human Nature / |
Adler, Alfred. |
Oneworld Publications, |
2011 |
9781851686674 |
239 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1953 ADL |
03004612 |
Understaning Human Nature / |
Adler, Alfred. |
Oneworld Publications, |
2011 |
9781851686674 |
239 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
150.1954 AMU |
00148202 |
Psychological and philosophical studies of Jung's teleology : |
Amundson, Garth |
Routledge, |
2024 |
9781032536248 |
viii,231p. ; |
UG Library |
150.1954 BIS |
05014361 |
Analytical Psychology and german classical aesthetics: |
Bishop Pual |
Routlegde |
9780415430296 |
248P |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1954 FOR |
00022967 |
Introduction to Jung's Psychology |
Fordham, Frieda |
Penguin Books |
1966 |
3rd Ed. |
160 p. |
UG Library |
150.1954 JUN |
00119734 |
Psychology and the East / |
Jung, C. G. |
Princeton University Press, |
1978 |
9780415437448 |
1st Princeton/Bollingen |
211 p. : |
UG Library |
150.1954 JUN |
05014367 |
Aspects of the feminine / |
Jung, C. G. |
Routledge, |
0415307708 |
viii, 213 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1954 JUN |
05014369 |
Four Archetypes |
Jung |
Routledge Kegan paul |
9780415304412 |
201p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1954 JUN |
05057432 |
On the nature of the psyche / |
Jung, Carl Gustav. |
Routledge, |
1960 |
9780415253918 |
viii, 190p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1954 JUN |
00146269 |
On the nature of the psyche / |
Jung, Carl Gustav |
Routledge, |
2022 |
9781032160665 |
viii,190p. ; |
UG Library |
150.1954 JUN |
07005282 |
The Red Book Liber Novus / |
Jung C.G |
W.W.Norton & Company, |
2009 |
9780393089080 |
xviii,582p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150.1954 JUN |
00025679 |
Psychological Reflections |
Jung, C G |
Routledge |
1983 |
392 p |
UG Library |
150.1954 JUN |
00109829 |
Memories,Dreams,Reflections |
Jung C.G. |
Vintage Books |
1963 |
9780679723950 |
xiii; 430 p. |
UG Library |
150.1954 JUN |
00027232 |
Man and His Symbols |
Jung, G Carl |
Picador |
1985 |
410 p |
UG Library |
150.1954 JUN |
00118827 |
The Red Book Liber Novus / |
Jung C.G |
W.W.Norton & Company, |
2009 |
9780393089080 |
xviii,582p.: |
UG Library |
150.1954 JUN |
05040156 |
The Red Book Liber Novus / |
Jung C.G |
W.W.Norton & Company, |
2009 |
9780393089080 |
xviii,582p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1954 JUN |
05014368 |
Memories, Dreams, Reflections [msc-Psychology Section] |
Jung, C G |
0679723951 |
430p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1954 JUN |
00027259 |
Memories,Dreams and Reflections |
Jung, C G |
Flamingo |
1984 |
448 p |
UG Library |
150.1954 JUN |
00076196 |
Essays on Contemporary Events: 1936 - 1946: |
Jung, Carl Ustav |
1958 |
0041527835 |
108p |
UG Library |
150.1954 PLA |
00078898 |
Jung |
Platania, Jon |
Orient Longman Publications |
1997 |
8125031677 | 9788125031673 |
150 p. |
UG Library |
150.1954 PLA |
00084863 |
Jung |
Platania, Jon |
Orient Longman Publications |
1997 |
8125031677 | 9788125031673 |
150 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.1954 PLA |
00084862 |
Jung |
Platania, Jon |
Orient Longman Publications |
1997 |
8125031677 | 9788125031673 |
150 p. |
UG Library |
150.1954 SNO |
00109797 |
Teach Yourself |
Snowden,Ruth |
McGraw-Hill |
2006 |
9780340913413 |
xv; 157 p. |
UG Library |
150.1954 STE |
05041098 |
Minding the Self : |
Stein Murray |
Routledge, |
2014 |
9780415377843 |
132p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1954 THW |
05014391 |
Reading Freud: Psyhcoanalysis as Cultural Theory [msc-Psychology Section] |
Thawaites, Tony |
Sage Publications |
170p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1954 WAL |
00133505 |
Jung and sociological theory : |
Walker, Gavin B., |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138688728 (hardback) | 9781138688735 (pbk.) |
vi,223p.; |
UG Library |
150.1954 WAL |
00131288 |
Jung and sociological theory : |
Walker, Gavin B., |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138688728 (hardback) | 9781138688735 (pbk.) |
vi,223p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.1954072 CAM |
00133205 |
Research in analytical psychology : |
Cambray, Joseph, |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138213265 (hardback) | 9781138213272 (pbk.) |
xiii,269p.; |
UG Library |
150.195408 CAM |
00019256 |
Portable Jung |
Campbell, Joseph |
1977 |
659 p |
UG Library |
150.1954092 PLA |
05009572 |
Jung : |
Platania, Jon |
Orient Longman, |
1997 |
9788125031673 |
150 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1954092 STE |
05014418 |
Jung: A Very Short Introduction. |
Stevens, Anthony |
2007 |
0195682696 |
175p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1954092 STE |
00085435 |
Jung: A Very Short Introduction. |
Stevens, Anthony |
2007 |
0195682696 |
175p |
UG Library |
150.1954092 STE |
05048865 |
Jung : |
Stevens, Anthony. |
Oxford University Press, |
2001 |
0192854585 | 9780192854582 |
175 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.19544 JUN |
00089303 |
The Spirit in Man Art and Literature |
Jung Gustav,Carl |
Routledge Classics |
2001 |
0415304393 | 9780415304399 |
191 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.19544 JUN |
00078589 |
The Spirit in Man Art and Literature |
Jung Gustav,Carl |
Routledge Classics |
2001 |
0415304393 | 9780415304399 |
191 p. |
UG Library |
150.19544 JUN |
00078419 |
Aspects of the Feminine |
Jung, Carl Gustav |
Routledge Classics |
2006 |
0415307708 | 9780415307703 |
213 p. |
UG Library |
150.19544 JUN |
00078453 |
Aspects of the Masculine |
Jung Gustav,Carl |
Routledge Classics |
2003 |
0415307694 | 9780415307697 |
199 p. |
UG Library |
150.19544 GUS |
00078416 |
Essays on Contemporary Events |
Jung Gustav, Carl |
Routledge Classucs |
1958 |
0041527835 | 9780415278355 |
109p |
UG Library |
150.19544 GUS |
00078417 |
Aspects of the Masculine |
Jung Gustav,Carl |
Routledge Classics |
2003 |
0415307694 | 9780415307697 |
199 p. |
UG Library |
150.19544 GUS |
00078418 |
The Spirit in Man Art and Literature |
Jung Gustav,Carl |
Routledge Classics |
2001 |
0415304393 | 9780415304399 |
191 p. |
UG Library |
150.19544 JUN |
00008318 |
Psychology and Relegion |
Jung, Carl Gustav |
Yale University Press |
1970 |
132 p |
UG Library |
150.19544 JUN |
00078415 |
Four Archetypes |
Jung Gustav, Carl |
Routledge Classics |
2001 |
0415304415 | 9780415304412 |
201 p. |
UG Library |
150.19544 JUN |
00078452 |
Aspects of the Feminine |
Jung, Carl Gustav |
Routledge Classics |
2006 |
0415307708 | 9780415307703 |
213 p. |
UG Library |
150.1957 FRO |
00078509 |
The Dogma of Christ |
Fromm, Erich |
Routledge |
2004 |
0415289998 | 9780415289993 |
181 p. |
UG Library |
150.1957 FRO |
00031126 |
Man for Himself:An Inquiry into the Psychology of Ethics |
Fromm, Erich |
Fawcett |
1987 |
256 p |
UG Library |
150.1957 FRO |
00078414 |
The Dogma of Christ |
Fromm, Erich |
Routledge |
2004 |
0415289998 | 9780415289993 |
181 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.195BRO.W |
01000131 |
Whose Freud? Place of Psychoanlysis in Contemporary Culture (law Library ) |
Peter Brooks |
Yale University Press |
339p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195FRO |
01007257 |
Dogma of Christ ( Law Lib.) |
Fromm |
0415289998 |
181p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.195LAC |
01007244 |
Ecrits: A Selection ( Law Lib.) |
Lacan |
0415253926 |
376p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.198 ARO |
00120773 |
Critical Psychology |
Arora Neha |
Book Enclave, |
2014 |
9788181523402 |
iii, 250 p.: |
UG Library |
150.198 BAU |
10005422 |
Positive Psychology / |
Baumgardner, Steve R. |
Pearson India education Services Pvt Ltd, |
2025 |
9789361590993 |
xxviii,404 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.198 BAU |
10004824 |
Positive Psychology / |
Baumgardner, Steve R. |
Pearson India education Services Pvt Ltd, |
2019 |
9789332537927 |
xxiii, 334p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.198 BAU |
10004825 |
Positive Psychology / |
Baumgardner, Steve R. |
Pearson India education Services Pvt Ltd, |
2019 |
9789332537927 |
xxiii, 334p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.198 BAU |
10004826 |
Positive Psychology / |
Baumgardner, Steve R. |
Pearson India education Services Pvt Ltd, |
2019 |
9789332537927 |
xxiii, 334p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.198 BAU |
10004827 |
Positive Psychology / |
Baumgardner, Steve R. |
Pearson India education Services Pvt Ltd, |
2019 |
9789332537927 |
xxiii, 334p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.198 BAU |
05070494 |
Positive Psychology / |
Baumgardner, Steve R. |
Pearson India education Services Pvt Ltd, |
2019 |
9789332537927 |
xxiii, 334p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.198 BAU |
05012168 |
Positive Psychology / |
Baumgardner Steve R. |
Pearson Education, |
2009 |
9788131726983 |
xxi, 338 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.198 BIL |
05014362 |
Hidden Roots of Critical Psychology. |
Biling, Michael |
Sage |
2008 |
9781412947244 |
219 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.198 BIL |
00087243 |
Hidden Roots of Critical Psychology. |
Biling, Michael |
Sage |
2008 |
9781412947244 |
219 p |
UG Library |
150.198 BON |
09000914 |
Positive psychology in a nutshell : the science of happiness / |
Boniwell, Ilona |
Open University Press, |
2012 |
9780335247202 |
202 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.198 COM |
09001113 |
Introduction to Possitive Psychology / |
Compton, William C |
Thomson, |
2005 |
9780534644536 |
276p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.198 DIA |
00021273 |
Your Body Doesn`t Lie |
Diamond, John |
Warner |
1980 |
208 p |
UG Library |
150.198 FOX |
05014363 |
Critical psychology : |
Fox, Dennis, |
9781847871725 (cased) | 184787 |
xxv, 470 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.198 KUM |
05045127 |
Positive Psychology Approach to Education / |
Kumar Pradeep.T |
Apple Academics, |
2011 |
9781926895055 |
264p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.198 LOP |
09000663 |
Positive psychology : |
Lopez, Shane J., |
Sage Publication, |
2019 |
9789354791284 |
Revised. |
495 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.198 LOP |
05006850 |
Encyclopedia of positive psychology / |
Wiley-Blackwell, |
2009 |
9781405161251 (hardback : alk. |
2 v. (xix, 1125 p.) : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.198 LOP |
05006851 |
Encyclopedia of positive psychology / |
Wiley-Blackwell, |
2009 |
9781405161251 (hardback : alk. |
2 v. (xix, 1125 p.) : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.198 MEA |
05014372 |
Person-centred therapy today : |
Mearns, Dave. |
2000 |
0761965602 | 0761965610 (pbk.) |
xi, 239 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.198 PAR |
05004931 |
Critical psychology : |
Routledge, |
2011 |
9780415568593 (set : alk. pape |
v. 428 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.198 PAR |
05004932 |
Critical psychology : |
Routledge, |
2011 |
9780415568593 (set : alk. pape |
v. 428 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.198 PAR |
05004933 |
Critical psychology : |
Routledge, |
2011 |
9780415568593 (set : alk. pape |
v. 428 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.198 PAR |
05004934 |
Critical psychology : |
Routledge, |
2011 |
9780415568593 (set : alk. pape |
v. 428 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.198 PER |
05014371 |
Understanding Cinema: a Psychological Theory of Moving Imagery: [mscomn] |
Persson, Per |
0052181328 |
282p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.198 POT |
05001913 |
Discourse And Psychology |
Potter Jonathan |
Sage Publications |
Knowledge Centre |
150.198 POT |
05001911 |
Discourse And Psychology |
Potter Jonathan |
Sage Publications |
420p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.198 POT |
05001912 |
Discourse And Psychology |
Potter Jonathan |
Sage Publications |
421p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.198 SAN |
00092045 |
Learning and expanding with activity theory / |
Cambridge University Press, |
9780521760751 (hardback) | 052 |
xxi, 367 p. : |
UG Library |
150.198 SNY |
05014404 |
Positive Psychology: The Scientific and Practical Explorations of Human Strenghts [MSC.PSYCHOLOGY SECTION] |
Snyder, C R |
Sage Publications |
2007 |
9788178299242 |
598p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.198 SNY |
00079350 |
Positive Psychology |
Snyder, C R |
2007 |
0076192633 |
598p |
UG Library |
150.198 SNY |
05044460 |
Positive psychology : |
Snyder, C. R. |
2011 |
9788132107507 |
2nd ed. |
xxvi, 588 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.198 SYN |
05014403 |
Positive Psychology |
Snyder, C R |
2007 |
0076192633 |
598p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.198 TAJ |
00125926 |
Positive Psychology The Science of Happiness |
Tajne K. Madhukar |
ABD Publishers, |
2017 |
9788183765336 |
vii, 304 p.: |
UG Library |
150.198 YAD |
00099473 |
Positive health psychology; |
Global vision publishinhg house; |
9788182201958 |
vi;452 p. |
UG Library |
150.1982 SIN |
00084797 |
Gestalt for Beginners |
Sinay,Sergio |
Orient Longman Publications |
1997 |
0812502901 | 9788125029014 |
176 p. |
UG Library |
150.1982 HOU |
00058976 |
Brief Gestalt Therapy. |
Houston, Gaie |
2003 |
0761973494 |
154p |
UG Library |
150.1982 JAM |
00022305 |
Born to Win |
James, Muriel |
New Age |
320 p |
UG Library |
150.1982 KOH |
00019261 |
Gestalt Psychology: An Introduction to New Concepts in Modern Psychology |
Kohler, Wolfgang |
New American Library |
1975 |
224 p |
UG Library |
150.1982 SIN |
00078900 |
Gestalt for Beginners |
Sinay,Sergio |
Orient Longman Publications |
1997 |
0812502901 | 9788125029014 |
176 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.1985 WIN |
07010019 |
The Wiley handbook of personal construct psychology / |
Wiley Blackwell, |
2016 |
9781118508312 (cloth) |
xxix,545p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150.1986 HOU |
00129949 |
Humanistic psychology : |
House, Richard |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138698864 (hardback) | 978 |
xxviii, 310 pages ; |
UG Library |
150.1986 HOU |
05062041 |
Humanistic psychology : |
House, Richard |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138698864 (hardback) | 978 |
xxviii, 310 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1986 SCH |
05044765 |
The handbook of humanistic psychology : |
Schneider, Kirk J. |
Sage, |
2015 |
9781452267746 (alk. paper) |
Second Edition. |
xxviii,800p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1988 BAU |
05045123 |
Positive Psychology / |
Baumgardner Steve |
Pearson, |
2014 |
9781292039619 |
320p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1988 BRO |
09000198 |
The Routledge International Handbook of Critical Positive Psychology / |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138961432 |
xxii,568p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.1988 BRO |
05068273 |
The Routledge International Handbook of Critical Positive Psychology / |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138961432 |
xxii,568p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1988 CHE |
05074432 |
The science and application of positive psychology / |
Cambridge University Press, |
2022 |
9781108460835 |
xix, 460p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1988 DUN |
05069129 |
Positive psychology : |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138698659 (hard back : alk. paper) | 9781138698666 (paper back : alk. paper) |
xiv, 351p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1988 GRE |
00138253 |
Achieve lasting happiness: |
Grenville-Cleave, Bridget |
Icon book ltd., |
2019 |
9781785783852 |
216p.; |
UG Library |
150.1988 GUA |
05068548 |
Mindfulness / |
Routledge, |
2017 |
9781138961890 (set) | 9781138961906 (v. 1) | 9781138961913 (v. 2) | 9781138961920 (v. 3) | 9781138961937 (v. 4) |
4 volumes ; cm. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1988 GUA |
05068549 |
Mindfulness / |
Routledge, |
2017 |
9781138961890 (set) | 9781138961906 (v. 1) | 9781138961913 (v. 2) | 9781138961920 (v. 3) | 9781138961937 (v. 4) |
4 volumes ; cm. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1988 GUA |
05068550 |
Mindfulness / |
Routledge, |
2017 |
9781138961890 (set) | 9781138961906 (v. 1) | 9781138961913 (v. 2) | 9781138961920 (v. 3) | 9781138961937 (v. 4) |
4 volumes ; cm. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1988 GUA |
05068551 |
Mindfulness / |
Routledge, |
2017 |
9781138961890 (set) | 9781138961906 (v. 1) | 9781138961913 (v. 2) | 9781138961920 (v. 3) | 9781138961937 (v. 4) |
4 volumes ; cm. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1988 GUA |
09000143 |
Mindfulness / |
Routledge, |
2017 |
9781138961890 (set) | 9781138961906 (v. 1) | 9781138961913 (v. 2) | 9781138961920 (v. 3) | 9781138961937 (v. 4) |
4 volumes ; cm. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.1988 GUA |
09000144 |
Mindfulness / |
Routledge, |
2017 |
9781138961890 (set) | 9781138961906 (v. 1) | 9781138961913 (v. 2) | 9781138961920 (v. 3) | 9781138961937 (v. 4) |
4 volumes ; cm. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.1988 GUA |
09000145 |
Mindfulness / |
Routledge, |
2017 |
9781138961890 (set) | 9781138961906 (v. 1) | 9781138961913 (v. 2) | 9781138961920 (v. 3) | 9781138961937 (v. 4) |
4 volumes ; cm. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.1988 GUA |
09000146 |
Mindfulness / |
Routledge, |
2017 |
9781138961890 (set) | 9781138961906 (v. 1) | 9781138961913 (v. 2) | 9781138961920 (v. 3) | 9781138961937 (v. 4) |
4 volumes ; cm. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.1988 KRI |
00124640 |
Virtues and vices in positive psychology : |
Kristjánsson, Kristján, |
Cambridge University Press |
2013 |
9781107025202 (hardback) |
x, 254 pages ; |
UG Library |
150.1988 LOP |
07013042 |
Positive psychology : |
Snyder, C. R. |
Sage, |
2015 |
9781452276434 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
Third edition. |
xxvi, 571 pages ; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.1988 LOP |
07013074 |
Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology / |
Oxford University Press, |
2011 |
9780199862160 |
xxxi,709p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150.1988 MCK |
00146619 |
Reality Psychology: |
McKenzie, Stephen Paul |
Springer, |
2022 |
9783030971724 |
xvii, 231p. ; |
UG Library |
150.1988 PLU |
09000431 |
Genetics of psychological well-being : |
Oxford University Press, |
2015 |
9780199686674 | 019968667X |
xxii, 294p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.1988 PLU |
05067666 |
Genetics of psychological well-being : |
Oxford University Press, |
2015 |
9780199686674 | 019968667X |
xxii, 294p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1988 SEL |
01022027 |
Flourish : |
Seligman, Martin E. P. |
NIchilas Brealey Publishing, |
2011 |
9781857885699 |
xii, 349 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1988 SNY |
07005078 |
Positive psychology : |
Snyder, C. R. |
2011 |
9788132107507 |
2nd ed. |
xxvi, 588 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.1988 SNY |
07005079 |
Positive psychology : |
Snyder, C. R. |
2011 |
9788132107507 |
2nd ed. |
xxvi, 588 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.1988 SNY |
07005080 |
Positive psychology : |
Snyder, C. R. |
2011 |
9788132107507 |
2nd ed. |
xxvi, 588 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.1988 SNY |
07005081 |
Positive psychology : |
Snyder, C. R. |
2011 |
9788132107507 |
2nd ed. |
xxvi, 588 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.1988 SNY |
07005082 |
Positive psychology : |
Snyder, C. R. |
2011 |
9788132107507 |
2nd ed. |
xxvi, 588 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.1988 WAR |
07006028 |
Solution-Focused Interviewing : |
Warner Ronald.E |
University of Toronto Press, |
2013 |
9781442615496 |
123p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150.1988 ZEL |
05070992 |
Positive psychology : |
Zelenski, John, |
Sage publications ltd., |
2020 |
9781473902152 | 9781473902145 |
First. |
xiii,377p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.1988 ZEL |
00138888 |
Positive psychology : |
Zelenski, John, |
Sage publications ltd., |
2020 |
9781473902152 | 9781473902145 |
First. |
xiii,377p.; |
UG Library |
150.198803 LOP |
07004705 |
The encyclopedia of positive psychology / |
Wiley, |
2013 |
9781118344675 |
Paperback edition. |
xix, 1125 pages ; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.1988087 WEH |
09000518 |
The Oxford handbook of positive psychology and disability / |
Oxford University Press, |
2014 |
9780190227500 (alk. paper) |
xvi, 544p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.1988087 WEH |
05067806 |
The Oxford handbook of positive psychology and disability / |
Oxford University Press, |
2014 |
9780190227500 (alk. paper) |
xvi, 544p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.19954092 BAI |
00109827 |
Jung a Biography |
Bair,Deirdre |
Little Brown And Company |
2003 |
0031607665 | 9780316076654 |
1st Ed. |
881 p. |
UG Library |
150.19954092 BAI |
00069010 |
Jung a Biography |
Bair,Deirdre |
Little Brown And Company |
2003 |
0031607665 | 9780316076654 |
1st Ed. |
881 p. |
UG Library |
150.1STE |
05014264 |
Critical Thinking in Psychology |
Sternberg, Roert J |
0521608341 |
340p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.2 MOG |
00108193 |
Great Ideas in Psychology |
Moghaddam, M Fathali |
Oneworld Publishers |
2006 |
1851683798 |
xii; 338 p. |
UG Library |
150.2 MOG |
00076148 |
Great Ideas in Psychology |
Moghaddam, M Fathali |
Oneworld Publishers |
2006 |
1851683798 |
xii; 338 p. |
UG Library |
150.2 RUS |
00133940 |
Introduction to psychology for health carers |
Russell, Julia |
Cengage learning, |
2014 |
9781408082874 |
2nd ed., |
viii,285p.; |
UG Library |
150.23 HAL |
01019338 |
Global promise |
Oxford University Press, |
2008 |
9780195306088 (cloth : alk. pa |
xiv, 255 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.23 HAL |
05004153 |
Global promise |
Oxford University Press, |
2008 |
9780195306088 (cloth : alk. pa |
xiv, 255 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.23 HAM |
00144295 |
Building Your Career in Psychology / |
Hammond, Marie S. |
Routledge, |
2022 |
9780367274993 |
xxvii,241p,; |
UG Library |
150.23 HET |
00129446 |
Your Undergraduate Degree in Psychology : |
Hettich, Paul I. |
2014 |
9781412999311 |
xiii, 289 p . ; |
UG Library |
150.23 KUT |
05014407 |
Careers in psychology : |
Kuther, Tara L. |
Wadsworth/Thomson, |
2007 |
9780495090786 | 9781133308423 |
4th ed. |
xx, 218 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.23 KUT |
00103178 |
Careers in psychology : |
Kuther, Tara L. |
Wadsworth/Thomson, |
2007 |
9780495090786 | 9781133308423 |
4th ed. |
xx, 218 p. ; |
UG Library |
150.23 MEL |
09001104 |
Foundations Of Professional Psychology / |
Melchert, Timothy P |
Elsevier, |
2011 |
9780123850799 |
xi, 248 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.23 MEL |
05011292 |
Foundations Of Professional Psychology / |
Melchert, Timothy P |
Elsevier, |
2011 |
9780123850799 |
xi, 248 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.23 MOR |
05014405 |
Life After Graduate School in Psychology (msc Psy) (UGC - Autonomous) |
Morgan, Robert D |
Psychology Press |
0184169410 |
338p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.23 PRI |
05014408 |
Doing Psychology Critically: Making a Difference in Diverse Settings: [ M.Sc Psychology] |
Prilleltensky, Isaac |
0333922840 |
206p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.2373 DAV |
05006849 |
Your career in psychology : |
Wiley-Blackwell, |
2009 |
9781405179423 (hardcover : alk |
xiv, 306 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.2373 OST |
05049047 |
Life as a psychologist : |
Oster, Gerald D. |
Praeger Publishers, |
2006 |
0275985989 (alk. paper) | 9780 |
xviii, 159 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.2436 MES |
05014411 |
Psychology and Social Care [msc Counseling Psychology ] |
Messer, David |
Jessica Kingsley |
1853027626 |
543p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.243613 OBR |
05057186 |
Psychology for social work : |
O'Brien, Emma Zara, |
Palgrave Macmillan, |
2016 |
9781137576620 (pbk.) |
xii,369p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.24362 KAM |
00117995 |
Psychology for Social Work |
Kamei, K.C |
Pearl Books, |
2013 |
9789383026142 |
262p.; |
UG Library |
150.28 KAP |
05001892 |
Psychological Testing:principle, Applications, and Issues / |
Kaplan, Robert |
Wadsworth, |
2001 |
0000534502 |
708p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.2855133 DAL |
07012728 |
Python for experimental psychologists / |
Dalmaijer, Edwin S., |
Routledge, |
2017 |
9781138671560 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138671577 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
xii, 215 pages ; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.2855133 DAL |
09000890 |
Python for experimental psychologists / |
Dalmaijer, Edwin S., |
Routledge, |
2017 |
9781138671560 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138671577 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
xii, 215 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.2855133 PEI |
05062740 |
Building experiments in psychopy / |
Peirce, Jonathan. |
Sage, |
2018 |
9781473991392 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781473991385 (hardback : alk. paper) |
1st edition. |
xi,297p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.28553 MAD |
05042111 |
An introduction to MATLAB for behavioral researchers / |
Madan, Christopher R. |
SAGE Publications, Inc., |
2014 |
9781452255408 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xi, 267 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 BRY |
03000724 |
Ultimate Psychometric Tests : |
Bryon, Mike. |
Kogan Page ; |
2008 |
9788175544710 | 9780749463496 |
250 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
150.287 AIK |
05001886 |
Psychological Testing and Assessment |
Shum, David. |
Pearson |
2000 |
9780190305208 |
501p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 AIK |
05014336 |
Psychological Testing and Assessment |
Shum, David. |
Pearson |
2000 |
9780190305208 |
501p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 AIK |
05014353 |
Psychological Testing and Assessment |
Shum, David. |
Pearson |
2000 |
9780190305208 |
501p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 AIK |
05001942 |
Psychological Testing and Assessment |
Shum, David. |
Pearson |
2000 |
9780190305208 |
501p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 AIK |
05070495 |
Psychological testing and assessment / |
Aiken. Lewis R |
Pearson Publication, |
2009 |
9788131728116 |
12th ed. |
xiii,533p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 AIK |
07011723 |
Psychological testing and assessment / |
Aiken. Lewis R |
Pearson Publication, |
2009 |
9788131728116 |
12th ed. |
xiii,533p. |
Library - BR Campus |
150.287 ANA |
05000849 |
Psychological Testing / |
Anastasi, Anne. |
PHI, |
1997 |
9788120323650 |
7th ed. |
721 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 ANA |
03011123 |
Psychological Testing / |
Anastasi, Anne. |
PHI, |
1997 |
9788120323650 |
7th ed. |
721 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
150.287 ANA |
05014389 |
Psychological Testing (MSC PSY) |
Anustasi, Anne |
Pearson Education |
8178086204 |
614p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 ANA |
05014390 |
Psychological Testing (MSC PSY) |
Anustasi, Anne |
Pearson Education |
8178086204 |
614p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 ANA |
05014388 |
Psychological Testing (MSC PSY) |
Anustasi, Anne |
Pearson Education |
8178086204 |
614p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 ANA |
05014359 |
Psychological Testing |
Anastasi, Anne |
Prentice Hall of India |
8120323653 |
721p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 ANA |
04015621 |
Psychological Testing / |
Anastasi, Anne. |
PHI, |
1997 |
9788120323650 |
7th ed. |
721 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.287 ANA |
00060304 |
Psychological Testing |
Anastasi, Anne |
Pearson Education |
2004 |
9788178086200 |
xiii; 721p |
UG Library |
150.287 ANA |
05014358 |
Psychological Testing |
Anastasi, Anne |
Pearson Education |
2004 |
9788178086200 |
xiii; 721p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 ANN |
00115384 |
Psychological Testing |
Anastasi, Anne |
2006 |
8131701859 |
615p |
UG Library |
150.287 ANN |
00115383 |
Psychological Testing |
Anastasi, Anne |
2006 |
8131701859 |
615p |
UG Library |
150.287 BOO |
05050591 |
Essays on item response theory / |
Springer, |
2001 |
0387951474 (softcover : alk. p |
xv, 438 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 BOO |
05051654 |
Essays on item response theory / |
Springer, |
2001 |
0387951474 (softcover : alk. p |
xv, 438 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 BRO |
05021998 |
Principles of Educational and Psychological Testing / |
Brown Frederick.G |
Holt,Rinehart and Winston, |
1970 |
0030890519 |
2nd ed |
504 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 BRY |
04016660 |
Ultimate Psychometric Tests : |
Bryon, Mike. |
Kogan Page ; |
2008 |
9788175544710 | 9780749463496 |
250 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.287 BRY |
03008065 |
Ultimate Psychometric Tests : |
Bryon, Mike. |
Kogan Page ; |
2008 |
9788175544710 | 9780749463496 |
250 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
150.287 BRY |
05024338 |
Ultimate Psychometric Tests : |
Bryon, Mike. |
Kogan Page ; |
2008 |
9788175544710 | 9780749463496 |
250 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 CHO |
00106532 |
Exercise in Psychological testing and assessment : |
Cohen,Ronald Jay |
Mc Graw Hill, |
2005 |
9780073199047 |
6th ed |
xiii,302 p. |
UG Library |
150.287 CHO |
05004135 |
Exercise in Psychological testing and assessment : |
Cohen,Ronald Jay |
Mc Graw Hill, |
2005 |
9780073199047 |
6th ed |
xiii,302 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 COH |
10004828 |
Psychological testing and assessment: |
Cohen, Ronald Jay, |
McGraw hill education (india) pvt ltd., |
2018 |
9789353162139 |
Ninth Edition. |
xxix, 566 pages ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.287 COH |
10004829 |
Psychological testing and assessment: |
Cohen, Ronald Jay, |
McGraw hill education (india) pvt ltd., |
2018 |
9789353162139 |
Ninth Edition. |
xxix, 566 pages ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.287 COH |
10004830 |
Psychological testing and assessment: |
Cohen, Ronald Jay, |
McGraw hill education (india) pvt ltd., |
2018 |
9789353162139 |
Ninth Edition. |
xxix, 566 pages ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.287 COH |
10004831 |
Psychological testing and assessment: |
Cohen, Ronald Jay, |
McGraw hill education (india) pvt ltd., |
2018 |
9789353162139 |
Ninth Edition. |
xxix, 566 pages ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.287 COH |
10004832 |
Psychological testing and assessment: |
Cohen, Ronald Jay, |
McGraw hill education (india) pvt ltd., |
2018 |
9789353162139 |
Ninth Edition. |
xxix, 566 pages ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.287 COH |
10003695 |
Psychological testing and assessment: |
Cohen, Ronald Jay, |
McGraw hill education (india) pvt ltd., |
2018 |
9789353162139 |
Ninth Edition. |
xxix, 566 pages ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.287 COH |
10003696 |
Psychological testing and assessment: |
Cohen, Ronald Jay, |
McGraw hill education (india) pvt ltd., |
2018 |
9789353162139 |
Ninth Edition. |
xxix, 566 pages ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.287 COO |
05068409 |
Psychological testing : |
Cooper, Colin. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138228887 (hardback) | 9781138228894 (pbk.) |
1 Edition. |
xix,347p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 COO |
00134305 |
Psychological testing : |
Cooper, Colin. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138228887 (hardback) | 9781138228894 (pbk.) |
1 Edition. |
xix,347p.; |
UG Library |
150.287 COO |
09000888 |
Psychological testing : |
Cooper, Colin. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138228887 (hardback) | 9781138228894 (pbk.) |
1 Edition. |
xix,347p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.287 COO |
07014637 |
Psychological testing : |
Cooper, Colin. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138228887 (hardback) | 9781138228894 (pbk.) |
1 Edition. |
xix,347p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.287 COO |
09000154 |
Psychological testing : |
Cooper, Colin. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138228887 (hardback) | 9781138228894 (pbk.) |
1 Edition. |
xix,347p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.287 CRI |
05056865 |
Psychometric testing : |
J. Wiley & Sons, |
2017 |
9781119182986 |
xxi,304 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 DOM |
05001920 |
Psychological Testing: An Introduction |
Domino, George |
Cambridge University Press, |
2006 |
0521861810 |
640p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 DRU |
00127838 |
Assessment procedures for counselors and helping professionals / |
Drummond, Robert J. |
Pearson, |
2016 |
9780132850636 | 013285063X |
Eighth edition. |
xix, 444 p. : |
UG Library |
150.287 ERF |
05001916 |
Assessment for counselors / |
Houghton Mifflin Co., |
2007 |
0618492917 (main student text) |
1st ed. |
xviii, 574 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 ERF |
05042875 |
Assessment for counselors / |
Houghton Mifflin Co., |
2007 |
0618492917 (main student text) |
1st ed. |
xviii, 574 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 FER |
07008971 |
Encyclopedia of Psychological Assessment / |
Sage Publications, |
2003 |
9780761954941 |
xxvi,1164p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150.287 FER |
07008972 |
Encyclopedia of Psychological Assessment / |
Sage Publications, |
2003 |
9780761954941 |
xxvi,1164p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150.287 FIN |
09000097 |
Educational and psychological measurement / |
Finch, W. Holmes |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138963436 (hb : alk. paper) | 9781138963443 (pb : alk. paper) |
xi,456p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.287 FIN |
05068367 |
Educational and psychological measurement / |
Finch, W. Holmes |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138963436 (hb : alk. paper) | 9781138963443 (pb : alk. paper) |
xi,456p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 FRE |
05014370 |
Theory and Practice of Psychological Testing |
Freeman, Frank S |
Oxford |
697p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 FRE |
09001164 |
Theory and Practice of Psychological Testing / |
Freeman, Frank S |
Oxford & IBH Publishing, |
1965 |
8120417070 |
3rd Ed. : |
697p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.287 GOL |
05040064 |
Psychological assessment and report writing / |
Goldfinger, Karen. |
Sage, |
2014 |
9781452259109 (pbk. : alk. pap |
Second edition. |
xiii, 241 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 GOL |
05014381 |
Psychological assessment and report writing / |
Goldfinger, Karen. |
9781412960960 |
x, 147 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 GOL |
05039582 |
Psychological assessment and report writing / |
Goldfinger, Karen. |
Sage, |
2014 |
9781452259109 (pbk. : alk. pap |
Second edition. |
xiii, 241 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 GOL |
05062036 |
Psychological testing in everyday life : |
Goldfinger, Karen, |
Sage, |
2019 |
9781483319315 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
xi, 113 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 GRE |
05000981 |
Psychological testing : |
Gregory, Robert J., |
Pearson, |
2014 |
9789332536715 |
6th ed. |
xx, 668 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 GRE |
05014386 |
Psychological Testing (UGC Outonomous Grant) |
Gregory, Robert J |
Pearson |
8129710277 |
653p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 GRE |
09000746 |
Psychological Testing: History, Principles and Applications: |
Gregory, J Robert |
Allyn Bacon |
2000 |
9789332573819 |
602 p : . |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.287 GRE |
05014414 |
Gregory, Robert J |
Pearson |
8129710277 |
654p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 GRE |
10003007 |
Psychological testing : |
Gregory, Robert J., |
Pearson, |
2014 |
9789332536715 |
6th ed. |
xx, 668 p. : |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.287 GRE |
05014387 |
Psychological Testing |
Gregory, Robert J |
8129710277 |
652p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 GRE |
05014384 |
Psychological Testing |
Gregory, Robert J |
8129710277 |
652p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 GRE |
07010220 |
Psychological testing : |
Gregory, Robert J., |
Pearson, |
2014 |
9789332536715 |
6th ed. |
xx, 668 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.287 GRE |
05045131 |
Psychological testing : |
Gregory, Robert J., |
Pearson, |
2013 |
9780205959259 (alk. paper) | 0 |
Seventh edition. |
xx, 624 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 GRE |
07001708 |
Psychological testing : |
Gregory, Robert J., |
Pearson, |
2014 |
9789332536715 |
6th ed. |
xx, 668 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.287 GRE |
00127462 |
Psychological Testing: History, Principles and Applications: |
Gregory, J Robert |
Allyn Bacon |
2000 |
9789332573819 |
602 p : . |
UG Library |
150.287 GRE |
05041388 |
Psychological testing : |
Gregory, Robert J., |
Pearson, |
2014 |
9789332536715 |
6th ed. |
xx, 668 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 GRE |
05014383 |
Psychological Testing |
Gregory, Robert J |
Pearson |
2005 |
0008129717 | 9788129710277 |
654 |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 GRE |
00072366 |
Psychological Testing |
Gregory, Robert J |
Pearson |
2005 |
0008129717 | 9788129710277 |
654 |
UG Library |
150.287 GRE |
05055230 |
Psychological testing : |
Gregory, Robert J., |
Pearson, |
2014 |
9789332536715 |
6th ed. |
xx, 668 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 GRO |
05047563 |
Handbook of psychological assessment / |
Groth-Marnat, Gary, |
John Wiley & Sons, |
2016 |
9781118960646 (cloth) |
Sixth edition. |
xi, 911 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 HAY |
05005452 |
Scientific foundations of clinical assessment / |
Haynes, Stephen N. |
Routledge, |
2011 |
9780415876506 (hardback) | 978 |
p. cm. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 HOF |
05014360 |
Hoffman, Edward |
0070598754 |
209p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 HOF |
00070344 |
Psychological Testing at Work |
Hoffman, Deward |
2004 |
0070598754 |
209p |
UG Library |
150.287 KAP |
05014379 |
Psychological Testing |
Kaplan, Robert |
0534370969 |
698p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 KAP |
10002499 |
Psychological testing : |
Kaplan, Robert M. |
Cengage learning india pvt ltd., |
2018 |
9789353502188 |
9th ed., |
xxiii,710 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.287 KAP |
05014380 |
Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications and Issues |
Kaplan, M Robert |
Thomson |
9812403833 |
702p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 KAP |
05014352 |
Psychology Tesing Principles, Applications, and Issues.6th Edition [msc-Psychology] |
Kaplan, Robert M |
Thomson Wadsworth |
8131502090 |
745p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 KAP |
05039580 |
Psychological Assessment and Theory : |
Kaplan Robert.M |
Cengage Learning, |
2013 |
9788131520765 |
xxiii,692p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 KAP |
07001711 |
Psychological Assessment and Theory : |
Kaplan Robert.M |
Cengage Learning, |
2013 |
9788131520765 |
xxiii,692p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150.287 KAP |
05014378 |
Psychological Testing - Principles, Applications, and Issues |
Kaplan, M Robert |
Thomson |
9812403833 |
708p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 KAP |
05001891 |
Psychological Testing Principles, Applications, and Issues / |
Kaplan, Robert M |
Thomson Wadsworth, |
2005 |
0534633064 |
6th ed |
745p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 KLI |
05014351 |
Kline, Theresa J B |
Sage Publications |
8178295717 |
355p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 KLI |
05014354 |
Psychological Testing:A Practical Approach to Design and Evaluation [msc-Psychology Section] |
Kline, Theresa J B |
Vistaar |
355p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 LAA |
05036625 |
Understanding psychological assessment : |
Laak, Jan J. F. ter. |
Sage Publications, |
2013 |
9788132110057 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xxxii,564p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 LAA |
07000076 |
Understanding psychological assessment : |
Laak, Jan J. F. ter. |
Sage Publications, |
2013 |
9788132110057 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xxxii,564p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.287 LAA |
09000690 |
Understanding psychological assessment : |
Laak, Jan J. F. ter. |
Sage Publications, |
2013 |
9788132110057 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xxxii,564p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.287 LAA |
05041402 |
Understanding psychological assessment : |
Laak, Jan J. F. ter. |
Sage Publications, |
2013 |
9788132110057 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xxxii,564p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 MCI |
05014355 |
Foundations of Psychological Testing: A Practical Approach. |
Mcintire, Sandra A |
2007 |
9781412924849 |
632p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 MCI |
05001914 |
Foundations of Psychological Testing a Pracctical Approach / |
Mcintire, Sandra A |
Sage Publications, |
2007 |
1412924847 |
632p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 MCT |
05028414 |
Foundations of Psychological Testing a Practical Approach [msc.Psychology Section] |
Mcintire, Sandra A |
1412924847 |
632p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 MEY |
05007522 |
Reliability / |
Meyer, J. Patrick. |
Oxford University Press, |
2010 |
9780195380361 (pbk.) | 0195380 |
148 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 MIL |
05052815 |
Psychological testing : |
Miller, Leslie A. |
SAGE Publications, |
2013 |
9789351502838 |
4th ed. |
xxii, 480 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 MIL |
05034147 |
Measurement in Psychology |
Michell, Joel |
Cambridge University Press, |
2005 |
0521021510 |
246 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 MIL |
07011130 |
Psychological testing : |
Miller, Leslie A. |
SAGE Publications, |
2013 |
9789351502838 |
4th ed. |
xxii, 480 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.287 MIL |
05001878 |
Foundations of psychological testing : |
Miller, Leslie A. |
SAGE Publications, |
2011 |
9781412976398 (cloth) |
3rd ed. |
612 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 MIL |
05056258 |
Foundations of psychological testing : |
Miller, Leslie A. |
Sage, |
9781483369259 (hardcover : aci |
Fifth edition. |
xxv, 608 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 MIL |
00127355 |
Foundations of psychological testing : |
Miller, Leslie A. |
SAGE Publications, |
2011 |
9781412976398 (cloth) |
3rd ed. |
612 p. |
UG Library |
150.287 MIL |
07011724 |
Psychological testing : |
Miller, Leslie A. |
SAGE Publications, |
2013 |
9789351502838 |
4th ed. |
xxii, 480 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.287 MIL |
05059643 |
New developments in quantitative psychology : |
Springer, |
2013 |
9781461493471 (hbk.) | 1461493471 (hbk.) |
ix, 506 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 MIL |
05056278 |
Psychological testing : |
Miller, Leslie A. |
SAGE Publications, |
2013 |
9789351502838 |
4th ed. |
xxii, 480 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 MIL |
09000955 |
Psychological testing : |
Miller, Leslie A. |
SAGE Publications, |
2013 |
9789351502838 |
4th ed. |
xxii, 480 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.287 MUR |
00142913 |
Psychological testing : |
Murphy, Kevin R., |
Pearson india education services pvt ltd., |
2019 |
9789353065799 |
6th ed. |
486p.; |
UG Library |
150.287 NER |
05005268 |
Handbook of polytomous item response theory models / |
Routledge, |
2010 |
9780805859928 (hardcover : alk |
p. cm. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 RAJ |
00132973 |
Psychological testing/ |
Raj,Shabu B. |
A.P.H. Publishing Corporation, |
2018 |
9789387460164 |
206 p. ; |
UG Library |
150.287 RAW |
05014356 |
Psychological Assessment [msc-Psychology Section] |
Rawat, N C |
MD Publications Pvt Ltd |
8175330996 |
367p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 RUS |
00142385 |
Modern psychometrics : |
Rust, John, |
Routledge, |
2021 |
9781138638631 | 9781138638655 |
Fourth edition. |
xiii,180p.; |
UG Library |
150.287 SAH |
03004845 |
Psychometric Testing / |
Sahu, R. K. |
Excel Books, |
2001 |
9788174468994 |
328 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
150.287 SHU |
00080009 |
Measurement Theory In Aciton |
Shultz, Kenneth S |
2005 |
0761927301 |
436p |
UG Library |
150.287 SHU |
09000530 |
Psychological testing and assessment / |
Shum, David. |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780190305208 | 0190305207 |
3rd ed. |
xv, 432p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.287 SHU |
10000233 |
Psychological testing and assessment / |
Shum, David. |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780190305208 |
3rd Ed |
xv,432p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.287 STE |
07006160 |
Student study guide for Foundations of psychological testing / |
Stetz, Thomas A., |
Sage Publication, |
2016 |
9781506308050 | 1506308058 |
vii, 332 pages ; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.287 STE |
09000681 |
Student study guide for Foundations of psychological testing / |
Stetz, Thomas A., |
Sage Publication, |
2016 |
9781506308050 | 1506308058 |
vii, 332 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.287 STV |
05014334 |
Dictionary of Psychological Testing, Assessment and Treatment [msc-Psychology Section] |
Stuart-Hamilton, Ian |
Jessica |
285p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 THO |
00112709 |
The 1000 Most Important questions you will ever ask yourself |
Thomas,Alyss |
Better Yourself Books |
2009 |
8171086233 |
279p |
UG Library |
150.287 TOP |
00070663 |
Psychological Testing : A Manager`s Guide |
Toplis, John |
Jaico Publishing House |
2005 |
8179922421 |
226 p |
UG Library |
150.287 TOP |
05014333 |
Psychological Testing : A Manager`s Guide |
Toplis, John |
Jaico Publishing House |
2005 |
8179922421 |
226 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 URB |
05014357 |
Essentials of Psychological Testing. |
Urbina, Susana |
0471419788 |
325p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287 VAN |
00115380 |
Succeed at Psychological Testing |
Walmsley,Bernice |
Hodder & Stoughton |
2004 |
0340812362 | 9780340812365 |
181 p. |
UG Library |
150.287 VAN |
00115377 |
Succeed at Psychological Testing |
Walmsley,Bernice |
Hodder & Stoughton |
2004 |
0340812362 | 9780340812365 |
181 p. |
UG Library |
150.287 VAN |
00115379 |
Succeed at Psychological Testing |
Walmsley,Bernice |
Hodder & Stoughton |
2004 |
0340812362 | 9780340812365 |
181 p. |
UG Library |
150.287 VAN |
00115132 |
Succeed at Psychological Testing |
Walmsley,Bernice |
Hodder & Stoughton |
2004 |
0340812362 | 9780340812365 |
181 p. |
UG Library |
150.287 VAN |
00115387 |
Succeed at Psychological Testing |
Walmsley,Bernice |
Hodder & Stoughton |
2004 |
0340812362 | 9780340812365 |
181 p. |
UG Library |
150.287 VAN |
00115378 |
Succeed at Psychological Testing |
Walmsley,Bernice |
Hodder & Stoughton |
2004 |
0340812362 | 9780340812365 |
181 p. |
UG Library |
150.2870968 FOX |
09000532 |
Introduction to psychological assessment in the South African context / |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780190418595 | 0190418591 |
Fifth edition. |
xx, 404 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.2870968 FOX |
05068101 |
Introduction to psychological assessment in the South African context / |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780190418595 | 0190418591 |
Fifth edition. |
xx, 404 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.287AIK |
07001716 |
Psychological Testing and Assessment |
Shum, David. |
Pearson |
2000 |
9780190305208 |
501p |
Library - BR Campus |
150.287GRO |
05001915 |
Handbook of Psychological Assessment / |
Gary |
John Wiley & Sons,Inc, |
2003 |
0471419796 |
846p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 ANM |
00115381 |
Advanced Learners Dictionary of Psychology |
Anmol Publications |
Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd |
2001 |
00104441500007 |
230 p. |
UG Library |
150.3 APA |
10002145 |
APA concise dictionary of psychology / |
American Psychological Association, |
2009 |
9781433803918 | 1433803917 |
xi, 583 p. ; 24 cm. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.3 ASC |
00115136 |
Dictionary Of Psychology |
Asch, M |
K S Paperbacks |
2004 |
8189261088 | 9788189261085 |
577p |
UG Library |
150.3 BAS |
05001963 |
Dictionary of Psychology / |
Basavanna, M |
Allied , |
2007 |
8177640305 |
479p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 COL |
05029694 |
Oxford Dictionary of Psychology: {b.Ed] |
Colman, M Andrew |
Oxford |
844p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 COL |
05029698 |
Oxford Dictionary of Psychology / |
Colman, Andrew M |
Oxford University Press, |
2005 |
9780195671582 |
841p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 COL |
01014330 |
A dictionary of psychology / |
Colman, Andrew M. |
Oxford University Press, |
9780199534067 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xi, 882 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 COL |
07007863 |
A dictionary of psychology / |
Colman, Andrew M., |
Oxford University Press, |
2015 |
9780199657681 (pbk.) | 0199657 |
Fourth edition. |
883 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.3 COL |
05003816 |
A dictionary of psychology / |
Colman, Andrew M. |
Oxford University Press, |
2009 |
9780199534067 (pbk. : alk. pap |
3rd ed. |
xi, 882 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 COR |
00071165 |
Popular Psychology |
Cordon, Luis A |
2005 |
0000313323 | 9780313324574 |
274p |
UG Library |
150.3 COR |
00088973 |
Concise Encyclopedia of Psychology |
Corsini, Raymond J |
John & Wiley & Sons |
1998 |
9780471192824 |
2nd,ed. |
928p |
UG Library |
150.3 COR |
05014377 |
Popular Psychology: an Encyclopedia |
Cordon, Luic A |
0313324573 |
274p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 DAV |
05001831 |
Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Psychology / |
Davey, Graham. |
2006 |
0340812389 | 9780340812389 |
484p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 DAY |
05034117 |
Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Psychology / |
Davey, Graham |
Hodder Arnold, |
2006 |
0340812389 |
484 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 FYS |
00017157 |
Encyclopedia of Psychology |
Eysenck, H J |
Search Press |
401 p |
UG Library |
150.3 FYS |
00017158 |
Encyclopedia of Psychology |
Eysenck, H J |
Search Press |
401 p |
UG Library |
150.3 FYS |
00017159 |
Encyclopedia of Psychology |
Eysenck, H J |
Search Press |
401 p |
UG Library |
150.3 HAY |
09000041 |
A student's dictionary of psychology and neuroscience / |
Hayes, Nicky, |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138632417 (pbk.) | 9781138632400 (hardback) |
396p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.3 HAY |
05068379 |
A student's dictionary of psychology and neuroscience / |
Hayes, Nicky, |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138632417 (pbk.) | 9781138632400 (hardback) |
396p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 KAP |
05005165 |
The Routledge Spanish bilingual dictionary of psychology and psychiatry |
Kaplan, Steven M. |
Routledge, |
2011 |
1st ed. |
x, 1188 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 KUP |
00031112 |
Laxicon of Psychology, Psychiatry and Psychonanalysis |
Kuper, Jessica |
Routledge |
1989 |
466 p |
UG Library |
150.3 MAT |
05001962 |
The Cambridge dictionary of psychology / |
Matsumoto, David |
Cambridge University Press, |
9780521854702 (hardback) | 978 |
xviii, 587 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 REB |
00077241 |
Penguin Dictionary of Psychology |
Reber, S. Arthur |
New York |
2001 |
0140514511 | 9780140514513 |
3rd Ed. |
832 p. |
UG Library |
150.3 RIC |
05037378 |
Psychology : |
Richards, Graham. |
Routledge, |
2009 |
9780415432009 (hardback : alk. |
xv, 264 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 SHA |
00115131 |
Dictionary Of Psychology |
Sharma, A S |
Commonwealth Publishers. |
2004 |
8171697712 |
245p |
UG Library |
150.3 SHA |
00115135 |
Dictionary of Psychology. |
Sharma, Sunita |
Anmol Publications |
1989 |
8170412005 |
284p |
UG Library |
150.3 SIN |
05028011 |
World Encyclopedia of Behavioural Science: |
Singh Dr.Uttam Kumar |
Jnanada Prakashan; |
9788171394265 |
2560 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 SIN |
05028012 |
World Encyclopedia of Behavioural Science: |
Singh Dr.Uttam Kumar |
Jnanada Prakashan; |
9788171394265 |
2560 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 SIN |
05028013 |
World Encyclopedia of Behavioural Science: |
Singh Dr.Uttam Kumar |
Jnanada Prakashan; |
9788171394265 |
2560 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 SIN |
05028014 |
World Encyclopedia of Behavioural Science: |
Singh Dr.Uttam Kumar |
Jnanada Prakashan; |
9788171394265 |
2560 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 SIN |
05028015 |
World Encyclopedia of Behavioural Science: |
Singh Dr.Uttam Kumar |
Jnanada Prakashan; |
9788171394265 |
2560 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 SIN |
05028016 |
World Encyclopedia of Behavioural Science: |
Singh Dr.Uttam Kumar |
Jnanada Prakashan; |
9788171394265 |
2560 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 SIN |
05028017 |
World Encyclopedia of Behavioural Science: |
Singh Dr.Uttam Kumar |
Jnanada Prakashan; |
9788171394265 |
2560 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 SMI |
00115382 |
Illustrated Dictionary of Psychology |
Smith, Louis |
Lotus Press |
2003 |
8189093568 | 9788189093563 |
223 p. |
UG Library |
150.3 VAN |
05054459 |
APA dictionary of psychology / |
American Psychological Association, |
2015 |
9781433819445 (hbk.) | 1433819 |
Second Edition. |
xv, 1204 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 WEI |
07006064 |
The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology / |
Wiley, |
9780470170243 |
4 v. (xxii, 1961 p.) : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.3 WEI |
07006065 |
The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology / |
Wiley, |
9780470170243 |
4 v. (xxii, 1961 p.) : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.3 WEI |
07006066 |
The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology / |
Wiley, |
9780470170243 |
4 v. (xxii, 1961 p.) : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.3 WEI |
07006067 |
The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology / |
Wiley, |
9780470170243 |
4 v. (xxii, 1961 p.) : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.3 WEI |
05028022 |
The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology / |
Wiley, |
9780470170243 |
4 v. (xxii, 1961 p.) : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 WEI |
05028019 |
The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology / |
Wiley, |
9780470170243 |
4 v. (xxii, 1961 p.) : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 WEI |
05028024 |
The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology / |
Wiley, |
9780470170243 |
4 v. (xxii, 1961 p.) : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 WEI |
05028021 |
The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology / |
Wiley, |
9780470170243 |
4 v. (xxii, 1961 p.) : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 WEI |
05028018 |
The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology / |
Wiley, |
9780470170243 |
4 v. (xxii, 1961 p.) : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 WEI |
05028023 |
The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology / |
Wiley, |
9780470170243 |
4 v. (xxii, 1961 p.) : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 WEI |
05028020 |
The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology / |
Wiley, |
9780470170243 |
4 v. (xxii, 1961 p.) : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3 WEI |
05028025 |
The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology / |
Wiley, |
9780470170243 |
4 v. (xxii, 1961 p.) : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.3KRI |
00005538 |
Manovijnana |
Krishnan, B |
I K S |
150 p |
UG Library |
150.5 GIL |
05001877 |
Subfields of Comtemporary Psychology |
Apple Accdemic Press Inc., |
9781926686073 |
261 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.574 MYE |
05014345 |
Experimental Pscyhology: [M.Sc Psychology] |
Myers, Anne |
0534066186 |
384p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.7 DUN |
00134855 |
Best practices for teaching statistics and research methods in the behavioral sciences |
Walker, Garthine.- Editor. |
Routledge, |
2012 |
9780815349839 |
xx,292p.; |
UG Library |
150.7 TAL |
05060042 |
The Black Swan : |
Taleb Nassim Nicholas |
Penguin Books, |
2010 |
9780141034591 |
xxxiii,444 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.7 TAL |
05060043 |
The Black Swan : |
Taleb Nassim Nicholas |
Penguin Books, |
2010 |
9780141034591 |
xxxiii,444 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.7 TAL |
05011114 |
The Black Swan : |
Taleb Nassim Nicholas |
Penguin Books, |
2010 |
9780141034591 |
xxxiii,444 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.7 TAL |
05070188 |
The Black Swan : |
Taleb Nassim Nicholas |
Penguin Books, |
2010 |
9780141034591 |
xxxiii,444 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.7 TAL |
07007072 |
The Black Swan : |
Taleb Nassim Nicholas |
Penguin Books, |
2010 |
9780141034591 |
xxxiii,444 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.704 MIL |
00077190 |
Research Methods & Statistics |
Miles, Jeremy |
Crucial |
2001 |
1903337151 | 9781903337158 |
145 p. |
UG Library |
150.711 COP |
00144745 |
Success as a Psychology Major / |
Copeland, David E., |
Sage publications, |
2021 |
9781544334714 |
xiii, 417 pages : |
UG Library |
150.711 DAV |
00079306 |
Teaching of Psychology |
Davis, Stephen F |
2002 |
0805839542 |
521p |
UG Library |
150.711 DAV |
05014344 |
Teaching of Psychology: Essays in Honor of Wilbert j Mckeachie and Charles l Brewer [msc-Psychology Section] |
Davis, Stephen F |
0805839534 |
521p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.711 DUN |
05014373 |
Best practices for teaching introduction to psychology / |
Dunn, Dana. |
L. Erlbaum Associates, |
0805852174 (cloth) | 080585218 |
xvii, 286 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.711 FRE |
05014376 |
Study Skills for Psychology [MSC.PSYCHOLOGY SECTION] |
Freeman, Richard P J |
0761942408 |
165 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.711 GIO |
09001103 |
Your graduate training in psychology : effective strategies for success / |
Sage, |
2012 |
9781412994934 |
326p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.711 GRO |
05066988 |
Internationalizing the undergraduate psychology curriculum : |
American Psychological Association, |
2016 |
9781433821462 | 143382146X |
ix, 304 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.711 HEF |
05014375 |
A student's guide to studying psychology |
Heffernan, Thomas M. |
Psychology Press, |
2005 |
1841693936 (hardcover) | 18416 |
3rd ed. |
230 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.711 HEF |
05047499 |
The student's guide to studying psychology / |
Heffernan, Thomas M. |
Psychology Press, |
2016 |
9781848720787 (hardback) | 978 |
Fourth edition. |
xv, 223 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.711 JOH |
05047544 |
The Oxford handbook of education and training in professional psychology / |
Oxford University Press, |
2014 |
9780199874019 |
xvii, 583 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.711 SIL |
00130840 |
Psychology education and training : |
Silbereisen, Rainer K. |
Routledge, |
2014 |
9781848721517 | 9781315851532 |
xi, 264 p. : |
UG Library |
150.711 WRI |
05014374 |
Get Set for Psychology [MSC.PSYCHOLOGY SECTION] |
Wright, Peter |
9780748620968 |
160 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.71173 DUN |
01017203 |
Best practices for teaching beginnings and endings in the psychology major : |
Oxford University Press, |
2010 |
9780195378214 (cloth : alk. pa |
xxxii, 378 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.7155 BRI |
05054487 |
Service learning in psychology : |
Bringle, Robert G., |
American Psychological Association, |
2016 |
9781433820793 | 143382079X |
First edition. |
xi, 257 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.7155 BRI |
10002161 |
Service learning in psychology : |
Bringle, Robert G., |
American Psychological Association, |
2016 |
9781433820793 | 143382079X |
First edition. |
xi, 257 pages : |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.7155 WIL |
05045878 |
Internships in psychology : |
Williams-Nickelson, Carol. |
American Psychological Association, |
2013 |
9781433812101 (pbk.) | 1433812 |
3rd ed. |
x, 120 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.7155 WIL |
07010523 |
Internships in psychology : |
Williams-Nickelson, Carol. |
American Psychological Association, |
2013 |
9781433812101 (pbk.) | 1433812 |
3rd ed. |
x, 120 p. ; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.72 BRE |
05014719 |
Research Methods in Psychology: [ M.Sc-psy] |
Breakwell, M Glynis |
0761965912 |
450p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 JAN |
00112049 |
Research In Psychology |
Jansari, Ashwin |
Vista Publishers |
2013 |
9789382935056 |
vi; 268 p |
UG Library |
150.72 KER |
00097021 |
Foundations Of Behavioral Research |
Kerlinger Fred N |
Surjeet Publications |
741p |
UG Library |
150.72 MCB |
05059198 |
Research Methods |
Mcburney, Donald H. |
Thomson Wadsworth , |
2001 |
0008131570 | 9788131500477 |
xiii, 450 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 NAM |
00123663 |
Experimental psychology |
Namdeo, Barve Bapurao |
ABD Publishers |
2016 |
9788183764940 |
296p. |
UG Library |
150.72 SIN |
00146762 |
Experimental Psychology |
Singh, Manoj Kumar |
Asia Publishers, |
2023 |
9788119391158 |
ix,240p. ; |
UG Library |
150.72 WIS |
03006075 |
Quirkology: |
Wiseman, Richard ; |
Macmillan, |
2007 |
9780330448116 |
xix,298p.; |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
150.72 ADU |
00135880 |
A step-by-step guide to qualitative data coding / |
Adu, Philip, |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138486850 (hardback) | 9781138486874 (pbk.) |
xxviii,415p.; |
UG Library |
150.72 AGA |
07014271 |
Research Methodology in Psychology/ |
Agarwal,Chetan |
Commonwealth, |
2012 |
9788131103425 |
V,282 Pages,: |
Library - BR Campus |
150.72 ARO |
00083199 |
Statistics for Psychology |
Aron, Arthur |
2007 |
8131714632 |
710p |
UG Library |
150.72 BAN |
05041921 |
Experimental Psychology / |
Pearson, |
2012 |
9788131770214 |
174p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 BAN |
00100162 |
Introducing psychological research / |
Banyard, Philip |
Palgrave Macmillan, |
9781403900388 (alk. paper) | 1 |
xxii, 570 p. |
UG Library |
150.72 BAN |
00107147 |
Qualitative methods in psychology |
Banister,Peter |
Open University Press, |
1994 |
0335191819 | 0335191819 (pbk.) |
vii, 184 p. : |
UG Library |
150.72 BAN |
05014346 |
Introducing Psychological Research |
Banyard, Philip |
0333912519 |
526p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 BAN |
05014343 |
As Core Studies and Research Methods: Psychology [MSC.PSYCHOLOGY SECTION] |
Banyard, Phillip |
Psychology Press |
9781841697284 |
239p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 BEI |
05059756 |
Resarch Methods And Statistics/ |
Beins, Bernard C. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2018 |
9781108444712 |
xvi, 450p,; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 BEI |
05074453 |
Research methods : |
Beins, Bernard, |
Cambridge university press, |
2004 |
9781108470841 | 9781108456746 |
Fourth edition. |
xxi,514p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 BEI |
00111660 |
Successful research projects : |
Beins, Bernard. |
Sage Publications Inc., |
2013 |
9781452203935 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
x, 133p.; |
UG Library |
150.72 BEI |
05064340 |
Research methods : |
Beins, Bernard, |
Cambridge university press, |
2004 |
9781108470841 | 9781108456746 |
Fourth edition. |
xxi,514p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 BOR |
00128888 |
Research design and methods : |
Bordens, Kenneth S. |
McGraw-Hill, |
2008 |
9780073129068 (alk. paper) | 0 |
7th ed. |
xx, 530, [58] p. : |
UG Library |
150.72 BOR |
05014326 |
Research Design and Methods [msc Psy] |
Bordens, Kenneth |
0070615950 |
500p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 BOR |
05014325 |
Research Design and Methods.6th Edition [msc-Psychology] |
Bordens, Kenneth S |
0070615950 |
499p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 BOR |
05014327 |
Research Design and Methods [msc Psy] |
Bordens, Kenneth |
0070615950 |
500p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 BOR |
05014324 |
Research Design and Methods: A Aprocess Approach: [M. Sc Psychology] |
Bordens, S Kenneth |
0070615950 |
492p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 BOR |
05001740 |
Research Design and Methods: A Aprocess Approach: [M. Sc Psychology] |
Bordens, S Kenneth |
0070615950 |
492p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 BRE |
05032843 |
Research methods in psychology / |
2012 |
9780857022639 (hbk.) | 0857022 |
4th ed. |
xii, 602 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 BRE |
07004621 |
Research methods in psychology / |
2012 |
9780857022639 (hbk.) | 0857022 |
4th ed. |
xii, 602 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.72 BRI |
05022144 |
Cross-Cultural Research Methods / |
Brislin Richard.W |
John Wiley & Sons, |
1973 |
0471104701 |
351 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 BRO |
00131300 |
Applied qualitative research in psychology |
Brooks, Joanna |
Palgrave, |
2017 |
9781137359124 |
xiv,295p.; |
UG Library |
150.72 BUR |
05014337 |
Research Methods [ MSC PSYCHOLOGY ] |
Mcburney, Donald H |
Thomson |
450p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 CHE |
07008250 |
Methods for behavioral research |
Cherulnik, Paul D., |
Sage Publications, |
2001 |
0761921990 (alk. paper) |
481p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150.72 CHE |
05002206 |
Methods for Behavioral Research: a Systematic Approach / |
Cherulnik, Paul D |
Sage Publications. |
2001 |
0761921990 |
481p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 CHE |
09000954 |
Methods for behavioral research : |
Cherulnik, Paul D., |
Sage Publications, |
2001 |
0761921990 (alk. paper) | 9780761921998 |
xii, 481 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.72 CHI |
07002565 |
Research Methodology in Psychology / |
Chiranjeev, Avinash |
Jnanada Prakashan, |
2013 |
9788171395811 |
vi, 279 p. |
Library - BR Campus |
150.72 CHI |
09000785 |
Research Methodology in Psychology / |
Chiranjeev, Avinash |
Jnanada Prakashan, |
2013 |
9788171395811 |
vi, 279 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.72 CHI |
05040022 |
Research Methodology in Psychology / |
Chiranjeev, Avinash |
Jnanada Prakashan, |
2013 |
vi, 279 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 CLA |
05002198 |
Quantitative psychological research : |
Clark-Carter, David. |
Psychology Press, |
2004 |
1841695203 | 1841692255 (pbk.) |
2nd ed. |
xiii, 649 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 CLA |
05068413 |
Quantitative psychological research : |
Clark-Carter, David. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138226173 (hardback) | 9781138226180 (pbk.) |
4th Edition. |
xxiii, 717 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 CLA |
09000157 |
Quantitative psychological research : |
Clark-Carter, David. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138226173 (hardback) | 9781138226180 (pbk.) |
4th Edition. |
xxiii, 717 p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.72 CLA |
05005389 |
Quantitative psychological research : |
Clark-Carter, David. |
Psychology Press, |
2009 |
9781841696904 (hardback) | 184 |
3rd ed. |
xviii, 694 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 CLE |
05032767 |
Self-observation in the social sciences / |
Joshua W Clegg |
Transaction Publishers, |
2013 |
9781412849494 | 1412849497 |
xiii, 295 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 COO |
05014329 |
Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology |
Coolican, Hugh |
Hodder Arnold |
711p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 COO |
05014328 |
Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology |
Coolican, Hugh |
Hodder Arnold |
711p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 COO |
00083332 |
Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology |
Coolican, Hugh |
0340907576 |
293p |
UG Library |
150.72 COO |
05014330 |
Research Methods and Statistics in Psycholoogy [msc-Psychology Section] |
Coolican, Hugh |
Hodder Arnold |
711p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 COO |
05014332 |
Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology [msc-Psychology Section] |
Coolican, Hugh |
0340907576 |
293p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 COO |
05030793 |
Research methods and statistics in psychology / |
Coolican, Hugh. |
Hodder Education, |
9780340983447 (pbk.) | 0340983 |
ix, 703 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 COO |
01013470 |
Research methods and statistics in psychology / |
Coolican, Hugh. |
Hodder Education, |
9780340983447 (pbk.) | 0340983 |
ix, 703 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 COZ |
00146569 |
Methods in behavioral research / |
Cozby, Paul C. |
McGraw-Hill, |
2024 |
9781266177682 |
15th ed. |
xxvi,483p. : |
UG Library |
150.72 COZ |
00125493 |
Methods in behavioral research / |
Cozby, Paul C. |
McGraw-Hill Higher Education, |
2012 |
9780073370224 (alk. paper) | 9 |
11th ed. |
xvii 416 p. : |
UG Library |
150.72 CRA |
05021944 |
Principles of Research in Social Psychology / |
Crano William.D |
McGraw-Hill Book Company, |
1973 |
0070134553 |
361 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 DAS |
07010031 |
Textbook of Experimental Psychology / |
Dass S.N.Dr |
Sublime Publications, |
2015 |
9788181922717 |
288p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150.72 DET |
00128096 |
Doing collaborative research in psychology : |
Detweiler-Bedell, Jerusha Beth. |
2013 |
9781412988179 (pbk.) |
xxi, 271 p. : |
UG Library |
150.72 DUB |
05014347 |
Research Methods in Psychology [msc-Psychology Section] |
Dubey, K C |
Omega Publications |
275p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 ELM |
05001837 |
Research Methods in Psychology / |
Elmes, David G |
2006 |
0534609767 | 9780495007036 |
460p,; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 ELM |
05001869 |
Research Methods in Psychology / |
Elmes, David G |
Thomson Wadsworth, |
2006 |
0534609767 |
460p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 ELM |
05002200 |
Research methods in psychology / |
Elmes, David G. |
Thomson/Wadsworth, |
2003 |
0534558194 | 9780534558192 |
7th ed. |
xx, 458 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 ELM |
05014349 |
Research methods in psychology / |
Elmes, David G. |
Thomson/Wadsworth, |
2003 |
0534558194 | 9780534558192 |
7th ed. |
xx, 458 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 EVA |
00090873 |
Methods in psychological research / |
Evans, Annabel. |
Sage Publications, |
2008 |
9781412924856 (pbk.) | 1412924 |
xvi, 387 p. : |
UG Library |
150.72 EVA |
05002194 |
Methods in psychological research / |
Evans, Annabel. |
Sage Publications, |
2008 |
9781412924856 (pbk.) | 1412924 |
xvi, 387 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 EVA |
05040045 |
Methods in psychological research / |
Evans, Annabel. |
Sage, |
2014 |
9781452261041 (alk. paper) |
Third edition. |
xxiii, 415 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 EVA |
05001871 |
Methods in psychological research / |
Evans, Annabel. |
SAGE Publications, |
9781412977883 (pbk.) |
385 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 FOR |
05014339 |
Doing Qualitative Research in Psychology |
Forrester Michael |
Sage Publications |
9781847879110 |
262p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 GAV |
05002188 |
Understanding research methods and statistics in psychology / |
Gavin, Helen. |
SAGE Publications, |
2008 |
9781412934411 (hbk.) | 1412934 |
xx,404p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 GOO |
05001872 |
Research in Psychology: Methods and Design / |
Goodwin, C James |
John Wiley & Sons,Inc, |
2003 |
0471452645 |
555p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 GOO |
07008471 |
Research in Psychology : |
Goodwin James.C |
Wiley, |
2014 |
9781118322628 |
xx,506p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150.72 GOO |
05014720 |
Research in Psychology : Methods and Design ( Msc Psy)/ |
Goodwin, C James. |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., |
2002 |
0471398616 |
550p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 GRA |
05014338 |
Research Methods for the Behavioural Sciences: [msc-Psychology Section] |
Gravetter, J Frederick |
0053454911 |
482p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 GRA |
05055521 |
Research methods for the behavioral sciences; |
Gravetter Frederick.J |
Thomson wadsworth; |
9780495091455 |
534 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 GUP |
07005125 |
Research Methodology : |
Gupta,Shashi K. |
Kalyani Publishers, |
2009 |
9788127267223 |
21p |
Library - BR Campus |
150.72 HAC |
00143501 |
Declarative Mapping Sentences in Qualitative Research : |
Hackett, Paul M W |
Routledge, |
2021 |
9781138499829 |
xx,104p, ; |
UG Library |
150.72 HAS |
09001048 |
Research methods and statistics in psychology / |
Haslam, S. Alexander, |
2019 |
9781526423283 | 1526423286 | 9781526423290 | 1526423294 |
Third edition. |
xviii, 558 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.72 HAS |
07008262 |
Research methods and statistics in psychology / |
Haslam, S Alexander. |
Sage, |
2014 |
9781446255964 (hard back) | 97 |
2nd edition. |
xix,523p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150.72 HAS |
05045773 |
Research methods and statistics in psychology / |
Haslam, S Alexander. |
Sage, |
2014 |
9781446255964 (hard back) | 97 |
2nd edition. |
xix,523p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 HAY |
05001745 |
Doing Psychological Research / |
Hayes, Nicky |
Open University Press, |
2000 |
0335203795 |
400p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 HOC |
05037370 |
Forty Stuies that Changed Psychology : |
Hock, Roger R |
Pearson, |
1999 |
0139227253 |
7th ed |
322p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 HOC |
05014348 |
Forty Stuies that Changed Psychology : |
Hock, Roger R |
Pearson, |
1999 |
0139227253 |
7th ed |
322p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 HOL |
05021972 |
Principles and Methods of Social Psychology / |
Hollander Edwin.P |
Oxford University Press, |
1971 |
xxx,711 .: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 HOR |
07008156 |
The psychology research companion : |
Horst, Jessica S., |
Routledge, |
2016 |
9781138785311 | 1138785318 | 9 |
xi, 182 pages ; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.72 HOR |
05046031 |
The psychology research companion : |
Horst, Jessica S., |
Routledge, |
2016 |
9781138785311 | 1138785318 | 9 |
xi, 182 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 HOR |
09000901 |
The psychology research companion : |
Horst, Jessica S., |
Routledge, |
2016 |
9781138785311 | 1138785318 | 9 |
xi, 182 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.72 HOW |
09000232 |
Introduction to qualitative research methods in psychology : |
Howitt, Dennis, |
Pearson, |
2019 |
9781292251202 |
Fourth edition. |
xxix,528p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.72 JAC |
00101199 |
Research Methods and Statistics |
Jackson, Sherri L |
Cengage Learning, |
9788131513811 |
324 p. |
UG Library |
150.72 JAC |
07006933 |
Research Methods and Statistics |
Jackson, Sherri L |
Cengage Learning, |
9788131513811 |
324 p. |
Library - BR Campus |
150.72 JAN |
07002566 |
Research In Psychology |
Jansari, Ashwin |
Vista Publishers |
2013 |
9789382935056 |
vi; 268 p |
Library - BR Campus |
150.72 KER |
05014382 |
Foundations of Behavioral Research |
Kerlinger, N Fred |
Prism Books |
8172860293 |
674 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 KER |
00049569 |
Foundations of Behavioral Research |
Kerlinger, N. Fred |
Prism Books Pvt Ltd |
1986 |
8172860293 |
3rd Ed. |
674 p. |
UG Library |
150.72 KIN |
05001751 |
Statistical Reasoning: in Psychology and Education / |
King, M Bruce |
John Wiley & Sons,Inc, |
2003 |
0471211877 |
548p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 LEO |
05002182 |
The psychology research handbook : |
Sage Publications, |
2006 |
0761930213 (hardcover : alk. p |
2nd ed. |
xvii, 516 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 LOO |
05001747 |
Research Foundations for Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences / |
Loos, Frank |
HarperCollins College Publishers, |
1995 |
0673994813 |
401p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 LYO |
00127173 |
Analysing qualitative data in psychology / |
Lyons, Evanthia |
Sage, |
2016 |
9781446273746 | 9781446273753 |
2nd edition. |
xv, 400 p. : |
UG Library |
150.72 MAR |
00059446 |
Doing Psychology Experiments |
Martin, David W. |
Thomson Wadsw |
2003 |
0053460255 | 9780534602550 |
6th Ed. |
367p |
UG Library |
150.72 MAT |
00100576 |
Cross-cultural research methods in psychology / |
Matsumoto, David |
Cambridge University Press, |
9780521765251 | 9780521758420 |
ix, 392 p. |
UG Library |
150.72 MCB |
00075257 |
Research Methods |
Mcburney, Donald H. |
Thomson Wadsworth , |
2001 |
0008131570 | 9788131500477 |
xiii, 450 p.; |
UG Library |
150.72 MCB |
05001870 |
Research Methods |
Mcburney, Donald H |
Thomson Wadsworth, |
2006 |
0534577628 |
xiii, 450p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 MCB |
09000682 |
The process of research and statistical analysis in psychology / |
McBride, Dawn M., |
9781544361994 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
First Edition. |
xviii, 477 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.72 MCB |
00093834 |
Reaserch Methods |
McBurny,Donald.h |
Akash press |
9788131502105 |
441p |
UG Library |
150.72 MCB |
05039545 |
The process of research in psychology / |
McBride, Dawn M. |
2010 |
9781412960786 (pbk.) | 1412960 |
xiv, 331 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 MCB. |
05030795 |
Research Methods |
Mcburney, Donald H |
Thomson Wadsworth, |
2006 |
0534577628 |
xiii, 450p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 MEL |
09000936 |
Critical thinking about research : |
Meltzoff, Julian, |
American Psycological Association, |
2018 |
9781433827105 |
Second edition. |
xiv, 335 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.72 MEL |
07011998 |
Critical thinking about research : |
Meltzoff, Julian, |
American Psycological Association, |
2018 |
9781433827105 |
Second edition. |
xiv, 335 pages ; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.72 MIN |
00057767 |
Statistical Reasoning in Psychology and Education |
Minium, Edward W. |
John Wiley & Sons |
1995 |
9971511711 |
3rd Ed. |
590 p. |
UG Library |
150.72 MIT |
05001868 |
Research Design Explained |
Mitchell, Mark L |
Wadsworth Cengage Learning, |
9780495803997 |
xxii, 645 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 NAM |
07001707 |
Experimental Psychology / |
Namdeo Barve Bapurao.Dr |
ABD Publishers, |
2016 |
9788183764940 |
296p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150.72 NAM |
09000771 |
Experimental Psychology / |
Namdeo Barve Bapurao.Dr |
ABD Publishers, |
2016 |
9788183764940 |
296p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.72 ONG |
05001739 |
Oxford Handbooks of Methods in Positive Psychology |
Ong, Anthony |
0195172183 |
644p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 ONG |
05014322 |
Oxford Handbooks of Methods in Positive Psychology |
Ong, Anthony |
0195172183 |
644p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 PAR |
05014340 |
Qualitative psychology : |
Parker, Ian, |
Open University Press, |
0335213502 (hbk.) | 0335213499 |
ix, 185 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 PEH |
05002199 |
Conducting research in psychology : |
Pelham, Brett W., |
Thomson/Wadsworth, |
2003 |
0534520936 |
2nd ed. |
xviii, 411 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 PEL |
05014321 |
Conducting Research in Psychology: Measuring the Weight of Smoke |
Pelham, W Brett |
0534357180 |
334p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 RAA |
05045314 |
Research methods : |
Bonds-Raacke, Jennifer. |
Prentice Hall, |
2012 |
9780135022689 (hbk : alk. pape |
xxi, 328 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 RAY |
00144811 |
Research Methods for Psychological Science / |
Ray, William J. |
Sage publications, |
2022 |
9781544389448 |
xix,459p, ; |
UG Library |
150.72 RAY |
05014350 |
Methods toward a science of behavior and experience / |
Ray, William J., |
Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, |
9780495594918 |
xxii, 454 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 RAY |
05004129 |
Methods : |
Ray,William.J |
Thomson wadsworth, |
2006 |
9780495007043 |
8th ed |
xxii,455 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 RIC |
05037082 |
Research methods and design in psychology / |
Richardson, Paul. |
Learning Matters, |
2011 |
9780857254696 (pbk.) | 0857254 |
xiv, 186 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 RIC |
07011526 |
Research methods and design in psychology / |
Richardson, Paul. |
Learning Matters, |
2011 |
9780857254696 (pbk.) | 0857254 |
xiv, 186 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.72 ROO |
09000557 |
Methods in psychological research / |
Rooney, Bryan J., |
Sage, |
2019 |
9781506384931 | 1506384935 |
Fourth edition. |
xxi, 423 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.72 ROS |
07006761 |
Artifacts in behavioral research |
Rosenthal, Robert, |
Oxford University Press, |
2009 |
9780195385540 (alk. paper) | 0 |
xv,886p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150.72 SAL |
09000230 |
Exploring research / |
Salkind, Neil J. |
Pearson, |
2019 |
9789353068677 |
Ninth edition. |
270 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.72 SAL |
05060473 |
Exploring Reserach / |
Salkind, Neil J. |
Pearson, |
2018 |
9781292156293 |
9th ed., |
270 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 SAL |
07014610 |
Exploring Reserach / |
Salkind, Neil J. |
Pearson, |
2018 |
9781292156293 |
9th ed., |
270 p. ; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.72 SAN |
05004176 |
Discovering research methods in psychology : |
Sanders, Lalage D. |
British Psychological Society/Blackwell, |
9781405175319 (hardcover : alk |
vi, 330 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 SAN |
05014323 |
Discovering research methods in psychology : |
Sanders, Lalage D. |
British Psychological Society/Blackwell, |
9781405175319 (hardcover : alk |
vi, 330 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 SAV |
05007052 |
A guide to teaching research methods in psychology / |
Saville, Bryan K. |
Blackwell Pub., |
2008 |
9781405154802 (hardcover : alk |
xvi, 222 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 SCH |
05067873 |
A new narrative for psychology / |
Schiff, Brian, |
Oxford University Press, |
2017 |
9780199332182 (hardcover : alk. paper) |
xi, 266 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 SCH |
00129595 |
Research Methods in Psychology |
Schweigert, Wendy A |
Medtech, |
2017 |
9789384007225 |
Third Edition |
353 p. : |
UG Library |
150.72 SCH |
09000446 |
A new narrative for psychology / |
Schiff, Brian, |
Oxford University Press, |
2017 |
9780199332182 (hardcover : alk. paper) |
xi, 266 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.72 SEL |
00144365 |
A Student Guide to Writing an Undergraduate Psychology Honors Thesis / |
Seligman, Ross A., |
Routledge, |
2023 |
9780367562526 |
87p, ; |
UG Library |
150.72 SHA |
00083328 |
Research Methods in Psychology |
Shaughnessy, John J |
0071198903 |
543p |
UG Library |
150.72 SHA |
05002195 |
Research methods in psychology / |
Shaughnessy, John J., |
McGraw-Hill, |
1997 |
0070572720 (alk. paper) |
4th ed. |
xvii, 524 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 SHA |
05048176 |
Research methods in psychology / |
Shaughnessy, John J., |
McGraw-Hill Higher Education, |
2009 |
9780073382692 (alk. paper) | 0 |
8th ed. |
xiv, 555 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 SHA |
05001836 |
Research methods in psychology / |
Shaughnessy, John J., |
McGraw-Hill, |
2003 |
0072494468 (alk. paper) | 0071 |
6th ed. |
xvi, 543 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 SMI |
00127179 |
Qualitative Psychology: |
Smith,Jonathan A |
Sage Publication, |
2015 |
9781446298466 |
VII,294 Pages,: |
UG Library |
150.72 SMI |
05000728 |
Qualitative psychology : |
SAGE Publications, |
2003 |
0761972315 (pbk.) | 0761972307 |
ix, 258 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 SMI |
00144184 |
Interpretative phenomenological analysis |
Sage, |
2022 |
9781529753790 |
2nd edition. |
225p. : |
UG Library |
150.72 SMI |
07006151 |
Qualitative Psychology: |
Smith,Jonathan A |
Sage Publication, |
2015 |
9781446298466 |
VII,294 Pages,: |
Library - BR Campus |
150.72 SMI |
00106535 |
The psychologist as detective : |
Smith, Randolph A., |
Prentice Hall, |
1997 |
0024125814 | 9780024125811 |
xvi, 486 p. : |
UG Library |
150.72 SMI |
05001744 |
Psychologist as Detective ; an Introduction to Conducting Research in Psychology / |
Smith, Randolph A |
Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River, |
1996 |
0000024124 |
486p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 SMI |
09000956 |
Qualitative Psychology: |
Smith,Jonathan A |
Sage Publication, |
2015 |
9781446298466 |
VII,294 Pages,: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.72 SMI |
05001742 |
Psychologist as Detective: An Introduction to Conducting Research in Psychology / |
Smith, A Randolph |
Prentice Saddle, |
2000 |
0130219827 |
444p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 STE |
05056426 |
Scientists making a difference : |
Cambridge University Press, |
2016 |
9781107127135 (hardback) | 978 |
xxvii, 512 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 SUL |
09000969 |
Doing your qualitative psychology project / |
Sullivan, Cath; |
2012 |
9780857027450 (hbk.) | 085702745X (hbk.) | 9780857027467 (pbk.) | 0857027468 (pbk.) |
x, 222 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.72 SUL |
09000551 |
Doing your qualitative psychology project / |
2012 |
9780857027467 (pbk.) | 085702745X (hbk.) | 9780857027450 (hbk.) | 0857027468 (pbk.) |
x, 222 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.72 SUL |
05032850 |
Doing your qualitative psychology project / |
2012 |
9780857027467 (pbk.) | 085702745X (hbk.) | 9780857027450 (hbk.) | 0857027468 (pbk.) |
x, 222 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 SUL |
07010538 |
Doing your qualitative psychology project / |
2012 |
9780857027450 (hbk.) | 0857027 |
x, 222 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.72 SUL |
00147844 |
Doing your qualitative psychology project / |
Sullivan, Cath |
Sage, |
2024 |
9781529754421 |
Second edition. |
xiv,250p. ; |
UG Library |
150.72 UPT |
07009530 |
Test Yourself Research Methods and Design in Psychology |
by, Upton Dominic |
Learning Matters, |
2011 |
9780857256652 |
xiv, 137 p,: |
Library - BR Campus |
150.72 UPT |
00119426 |
Test Yourself Research Methods and Design in Psychology |
by, Upton Dominic |
Learning Matters, |
2011 |
9780857256652 |
xiv, 137 p,: |
UG Library |
150.72 WEA |
05001965 |
Research methods for the behavioral and social sciences / |
Weathington, Bart L. |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9780470458037 (cloth) | 047045 |
xix, 647 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 WIL |
05001910 |
Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research in Psychology / |
Willig, Carl |
Sage Publications, |
2008 |
9781412907804 |
631p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 WIL |
00131001 |
The Sage handbook of qualitative research in psychology, |
Willig, Carla. |
Sage publications ltd., |
2017 |
9781473925212 |
2nd edition. |
xxix,632p.; |
UG Library |
150.72 WOO |
05014331 |
Psychology: revised edition |
Woodworth, robert.S |
Chapman |
948 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.72 WOO |
00000981 |
Experimental Psychology |
Woodworth, Robert S |
Gulab Primlani, Oxford &IBH CO |
1938 |
946p |
UG Library |
150.721 BEI |
05074431 |
Research methods and statistics in psychology / |
Beins, Bernard, |
Cambridge university press, |
2019 |
9781108423113 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781108436243 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
Second edition. |
xvii, 515 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.721 BEI |
05068626 |
Research methods and statistics in psychology / |
Beins, Bernard, |
Cambridge university press, |
2019 |
9781108423113 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781108436243 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
Second edition. |
xvii, 515 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.721 BEI |
00137713 |
Research methods and statistics in psychology / |
Beins, Bernard, |
Cambridge university press, |
2019 |
9781108423113 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781108436243 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
Second edition. |
xvii, 515 pages : |
UG Library |
150.721 COZ |
10000086 |
Methods in Behavioral Research / |
Cozby, Paul C. |
McGraw Hill, |
2018 |
9789353162108 |
13th ed. |
xix, 428 pages ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.721 HAI |
05044448 |
Investigating the psychological world : |
Haig, Brian D., |
9780262027366 | 9780262322379 |
1 online resource (218 pages). |
Knowledge Centre |
150.721 HAS |
00148194 |
Research methods and statistics in psychology / |
Haslam, S. Alexander, |
Sage, |
2024 |
9781529793666 |
4th ed, |
xiv,582p. ; |
UG Library |
150.721 HEA |
05074568 |
Psychology research methods : |
Heath, Wendy, |
Cambridge University Press, |
2018 |
9781107461116 (alk. paper) |
xviii, 386p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.721 HOW |
05057227 |
Introduction To Qualitative Research Methods In Psychology / |
Howitt, Dennis. |
Pearson, |
2016 |
9781292082998 |
Third ed. |
xviii, 578 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.721 MCA |
05045039 |
Longitudinal data analysis using structural equation models / |
McArdle, John J. |
APA, |
2014 |
9781433817151 | 1433817152 |
xi, 426 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.721 MCB |
09000561 |
The process of research in psychology / |
McBride, Dawn M., |
Sage, |
2020 |
9781544323497 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
4th edition. |
xx, 397p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.721 MCB |
05032847 |
The process of research in psychology / |
McBride, Dawn M. |
SAGE Publications, |
2013 |
9781412999557 (pbk.) | 1412999 |
2nd ed. |
xviii, 359 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.721 MCB |
05048615 |
The Process of Research in Psychology / |
McBride, Dawn M. |
Sage, |
2016 |
9781483347608 (pbk. : alk. pap |
3rd edition. |
xix, 370 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.721 MOR |
05059671 |
Research methods in psychology : |
Morling, Beth. |
W W Norton & Company, |
2018 |
9780393643602 |
3rd ed. |
xxvii, 625p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.721 PRI |
09000553 |
Essentials of statistical analysis "in focus" : |
Privitera, Gregory J., |
Sage, |
2019 |
9781544325842 | 1544325843 |
Second Edition |
xi, 200 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.721 PRI |
00136695 |
Essentials of statistical analysis "in focus" : |
Privitera, Gregory J., |
Sage, |
2019 |
9781544325842 | 1544325843 |
Second Edition |
xi, 200 pages : |
UG Library |
150.721 PRI |
05062750 |
Essentials of statistical analysis "in focus" : |
Privitera, Gregory J., |
Sage, |
2019 |
9781544325842 | 1544325843 |
Second Edition |
xi, 200 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.721 ROG |
00138577 |
Perspectives on social psychology: |
Rogers,Wendy Stainton |
Routledge, |
2020 |
9781138501348 |
xxvi,326p.; |
UG Library |
150.721 SCH |
00135422 |
Situating qualitative methods in psychological science / |
Schiff, Brian, |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9780815353423 (hardback : alk. paper) |
1 Edition. |
xii,115p.; |
UG Library |
150.721 SHA |
00125835 |
Research methods in psychology / |
Shaughnessy, John J., |
McGraw-Hill, |
2012 |
9780078035180 (alk. paper) | 9 |
9th ed. |
xv, 488 p. : |
UG Library |
150.721 STR |
05047840 |
Doing developmental research : |
Striano, Tricia, |
The Guilford Press, |
2016 |
9781462524426 (paperback) | 97 |
xii,177p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.722 MOR |
05002205 |
Single-case research methods for the behavioral and health sciences / |
Morgan, David L. |
2009 |
9781412950398 (pbk. : alk. pap |
viii, 269 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.7221 PEL |
00092618 |
Conducting research in psychology |
Pelham, Brett W |
Thomson Wadsworth |
9780495172093 |
430p |
UG Library |
150.723 KRA |
05045043 |
Single-case intervention research : |
By Kratochwill, Thomas R: |
American Psychological Association, |
2014 |
9781433817519 (alk. paper) | 1 |
xiii, 366 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.723 KRA |
09001062 |
Single-case intervention research : |
By Kratochwill, Thomas R: |
American Psychological Association, |
2014 |
9781433817519 (alk. paper) | 1 |
xiii, 366 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.723 KRA |
07008146 |
Single-case intervention research : |
By Kratochwill, Thomas R: |
American Psychological Association, |
2014 |
9781433817519 (alk. paper) | 1 |
xiii, 366 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.723 LYO |
05002231 |
Analysing qualitative data in psychology / |
2007 |
1412907829 (hbk.) | 9781412907 |
xvi, 275 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 ANA |
00147729 |
Psychological Testing / |
Anastasi, Anne |
Pearson Education, |
2017 |
9789332575585 |
7th ed. |
xii,628p. ; |
UG Library |
150.724 ANA |
05055275 |
Psychological Testing / |
Anastasi, Anne. |
Pearson Education, |
2017 |
9789332575585 |
7th ed. |
xii,628p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 ANA |
05055276 |
Psychological Testing / |
Anastasi, Anne. |
Pearson Education, |
2017 |
9789332575585 |
7th ed. |
xii,628p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 ANA |
05055277 |
Psychological Testing / |
Anastasi, Anne. |
Pearson Education, |
2017 |
9789332575585 |
7th ed. |
xii,628p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 ANA |
05055278 |
Psychological Testing / |
Anastasi, Anne. |
Pearson Education, |
2017 |
9789332575585 |
7th ed. |
xii,628p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 ANA |
05055279 |
Psychological Testing / |
Anastasi, Anne. |
Pearson Education, |
2017 |
9789332575585 |
7th ed. |
xii,628p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 ANA |
09000223 |
Psychological Testing / |
Anastasi, Anne. |
Pearson Education, |
2017 |
9789332575585 |
7th ed. |
xii,628p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.724 ANA |
07014273 |
Psychological Testing / |
Anastasi, Anne. |
Pearson Education, |
2017 |
9789332575585 |
7th ed. |
xii,628p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.724 HAR |
00147408 |
Designing and Reporting Experiments in Psychology/ |
Harris, Peter |
Open University Press, |
2021 |
9780335245956 |
xviii,224p. ; |
UG Library |
150.724 MOO |
00069639 |
Classic Experiments in Psychology |
Mook Douglas |
Greenwood Press |
2004 |
0313318212 | 9780313318214 |
362 p. |
UG Library |
150.724 ABD |
01017026 |
Experimental Design and Analysis for Psychology / |
Herve Abdi |
Oxford University Press, |
2009 |
9780199299881 | 0199299889 |
xx, 538 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 ABD |
05003845 |
Experimental design and analysis for psychology / |
Oxford University Press, |
2009 |
9780198064367 |
xx, 538 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 ABD |
05002217 |
Experimental design and analysis for psychology / |
Oxford University Press, |
2009 |
9780198064367 |
xx, 538 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 ABD |
00117599 |
Experimental Design and Analysis for Psychology / |
Herve Abdi |
Oxford University Press, |
2009 |
9780199299881 | 0199299889 |
xx, 538 p. : |
UG Library |
150.724 ABD |
00098100 |
Experimental design and analysis for psychology / |
Oxford University Press, |
2009 |
9780198064367 |
xx, 538 p. : |
UG Library |
150.724 ANA |
05034116 |
Psychological Testing / |
Anastasi, Anne |
Pearson Education, |
2002 |
712 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 ASC |
05034107 |
Psychological Research / |
Asch M |
Sarupa and Sons, |
2005 |
8176255580 |
332 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 BAL |
00147396 |
Experimental Psychology: |
Bala, Ritu |
Book Enclave, |
2024 |
9789392262999 |
viii,248p. ; |
UG Library |
150.724 BAS |
05039805 |
Child issues in applied psychology / |
Basal,Manisha |
ABD publishers, |
2014 |
978818376459 |
vii,264p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 BRA |
00077189 |
SPSS for Psychologists |
Brace,Nicola |
Palgrave Macmillan |
2003 |
0333986334 | 9780333986332 |
2nd Ed. |
399 p. |
UG Library |
150.724 BRE |
05001862 |
Research methods in psychology / |
Sage Publications, |
2006 |
1412911273 (hardcover) | 97814 |
3rd ed. |
xxiii, 524 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 BRE |
00070129 |
Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint. |
Brentano, Franz |
1997 |
0415106613 |
415p |
UG Library |
150.724 BRO |
05002216 |
Experimental Design in Behavioural Research |
Broota, K D |
New Age International Publishers |
8122402151 |
460p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 BRO |
00067930 |
Experimental Design in Behavioura Research |
Broota, K.D. |
New Age International Publishers |
2003 |
8122402151 |
457 p. |
UG Library |
150.724 BRY |
05030779 |
Times: How to Pass Graduate Psychometric Tests |
Bryon, Mike |
Kogan Page, |
2004 |
8175542276 |
232p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 CHR |
05047194 |
Research methods, design, and analysis / |
Christensen, Larry B., |
Pearson, |
2014 |
9780205961252 (hc : alk. paper |
Twelfth Edition. |
xx, 522 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 CHR |
05047195 |
Research methods, design, and analysis / |
Christensen, Larry B., |
Pearson, |
2014 |
9780205961252 (hc : alk. paper |
Twelfth Edition. |
xx, 522 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 CHR |
05047196 |
Research methods, design, and analysis / |
Christensen, Larry B., |
Pearson, |
2014 |
9780205961252 (hc : alk. paper |
Twelfth Edition. |
xx, 522 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 CHR |
09000234 |
Research methods, design, and analysis / |
Christensen, Larry B., |
Pearson, |
2013 |
9789332536517 |
11th ed. |
546 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.724 CHR |
05002228 |
Experimental Methodology / |
Christensen, B Larry |
Allyn and Bacon, |
2001 |
0205308325 |
452p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 DAV |
07004701 |
Handbook of research methods in experimental psychology |
Blackwell, |
2005 |
9781405132800 |
viii,507 p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.724 GAR |
05030783 |
Great Experimetns in Psychology |
Garrett, Henry E |
Surjeet Publications, |
2007 |
8122902855 |
358p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 HAR |
00067944 |
Designing and Reporting Experiments in Psychology |
Harris, Peter |
Open University Press |
2000 |
0335201466 | 9780335201464 |
224p |
UG Library |
150.724 HAR |
05004149 |
Designing and reporting experiments in pyschology / |
Harris, Peter |
Open University, |
2002 |
0335201474 | 0335201466 (pbk.) |
2nd ed. |
xix, 227 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 HEI |
00071514 |
Research Methods in Psychology: |
Heiman, W Gary |
2000 |
0395646197 |
506p |
UG Library |
150.724 HER |
05035386 |
Single case experimental designs : |
Hersen, Michel. |
Pergamon Press, |
1976 |
0080195113. | 0080195113 |
1st ed. |
xii, 374 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 KAN |
05002214 |
Experimental Psychology / |
Kantowitz, H Barry |
Brooks/Cole, |
2004 |
0534364268 |
590p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 KLI |
05045874 |
Beyond significance testing : |
Kline, Rex B. |
American Psychological Association, |
2013 |
9781433812781 | 1433812789 |
xi, 349 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 KLI |
07010521 |
Beyond significance testing : |
Kline, Rex B. |
American Psychological Association, |
2013 |
9781433812781 | 1433812789 |
xi, 349 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.724 MAC |
07008172 |
Experimental psychology : |
MacLin, M. Kimberly. |
Pearson/Allyn & Bacon, |
2008 |
0205410286 | 9780205410286 |
8th ed. |
xiv, 418 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.724 MAC |
05002224 |
Experimental Psychology: A Case Approach / |
Maclin, Kimberly M |
Pearson, |
2008 |
0205410286 |
418p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 MAN |
00121962 |
A History of Modern Experimental Psychology |
Mandler George |
Prentice Hall of India Pvt, |
2007 |
9788120332379 |
xx, 287 p.: |
UG Library |
150.724 MAN |
05035444 |
History of Modern Experimental Psychology : |
Mandler, George |
Prentice -Hall, |
2007 |
287 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 MCB |
05014438 |
Lab Manual for Psychological Research [MSC.PSYCHOLOGY SECTION] |
Mcbride, Daun M |
9781412962858 |
113p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 MCB |
05032842 |
Lab manual for psychological research / |
McBride, Dawn M. |
SAGE Publications, |
2013 |
9781412999328 (pbk.) |
3rd ed. |
127 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 MCB |
05002203 |
Lab manual for psychological research / |
McBride, Dawn M. |
Sage Publications, |
2008 |
9781412962858 (pbk.) |
vi, 113 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 MCG |
07004295 |
Experimental psychology : |
McGuigan, F. J. |
Prentice Hall, |
1997 |
0133988848 |
7th ed. |
xvi, 480 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.724 MIT |
05034595 |
Research Design Explanied / |
Mitchell, Mark L |
Thomson, |
2007 |
0495093629 |
611 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 MIT |
05002229 |
Research Design Explained / |
Mitchell, Mark L |
Thomson Wadsworth, |
2007 |
0495093629 |
611p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 MOO |
05030296 |
Psychological Research [the Ideas Behind the Methods ] |
Mook, Douglas G |
W.W.Norton & Company, |
2001 |
0393976203 |
573p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 MOO |
05030691 |
Classic Experiments in Psychology |
Mook, Douglas |
Greenwood Press, |
2005 |
0313318212 |
362p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 MOO |
00073387 |
Classic Experiments in Psychology |
Mook Douglas |
Greenwood Press |
2004 |
0313318212 | 9780313318214 |
362 p. |
UG Library |
150.724 MST |
00072841 |
Experimental Psychology |
Matheson, Bruce |
1978 |
0030898919 |
3rd Ed |
390 p |
UG Library |
150.724 PAR |
00115386 |
Experimental Psychology |
Parameshwaran E G |
Neelkamal Publications Pvt Ltd |
2003 |
818680479X |
322 p |
UG Library |
150.724 PAR |
00115385 |
Experimental Psychology |
Parameshwaran E G |
Neelkamal Publications Pvt Ltd |
2003 |
818680479X |
322 p |
UG Library |
150.724 RAJ |
05014439 |
Experimental Psychology (MSC PSY) |
Rajamanickam, M |
Concept Publishing Company |
0008180691 |
534p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 RAJ |
05014440 |
Experimental Psychology (MSC PSY) |
Rajamanickam, M |
Concept Publishing Company |
0008180691 |
534p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 RAJ |
00073000 |
Experimental psychology |
Rajamanickam M |
Concept Publishing company |
1925 |
9788180691102 |
535p |
UG Library |
150.724 RAJ |
00073001 |
Experimental psychology |
Rajamanickam M |
Concept Publishing company |
1925 |
9788180691102 |
535p |
UG Library |
150.724 RIT |
00128226 |
Running behavioral studies with human participants : |
Titter, Frank E. |
2013 |
9781452217420 |
xx, 183 p. : |
UG Library |
150.724 ROD |
00148370 |
Experimental Psychology/ |
Rodrigues, Michael |
Discovery Publishing, |
2024 |
9788119677146 |
272p. ; |
UG Library |
150.724 SAN |
07004700 |
Experimental design and statistics for psychology : |
Sani, Fabio, |
Blackwell Pub., |
2006 |
1405100230 (hardcover : alk. p |
vii, 224 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.724 SHO |
05002227 |
Advances in psychology research / |
Nova Science Publishers, | Nova Science Publishers |
2000 |
9781560728979 | 9781590331248 |
volumes ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 SHO |
05001746 |
Advances in psychology research / |
Nova Science Publishers, | Nova Science Publishers |
2000 |
9781560728979 | 9781590331248 |
volumes ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 SHO |
05002185 |
Advances in psychology research / |
Nova Science Publishers, | Nova Science Publishers |
2000 |
9781560728979 | 9781590331248 |
volumes ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 SHO |
05002186 |
Advances in psychology research / |
Nova Science Publishers, | Nova Science Publishers |
2000 |
9781560728979 | 9781590331248 |
volumes ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 SHO |
05002187 |
Advances in psychology research / |
Nova Science Publishers, | Nova Science Publishers |
2000 |
9781560728979 | 9781590331248 |
volumes ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 SMI |
05038174 |
Qualitative Psychology: a Practical Guide to Research Methods / |
Smith, Jonathan A |
Sage Publications, |
2004 |
0761972315 |
258p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 SOC |
00069627 |
Experimental Psychology a Case Approach |
Solso, Robert L. |
Pearson |
2005 |
8129700077 | 9788129700070 |
7th Ed. |
431 p. |
UG Library |
150.724 SOL |
00060326 |
Experimental Psychology |
Solso, Robert L |
Pearson |
2003 |
8129700077 |
7th Ed. |
418p |
UG Library |
150.724 SOL |
05030299 |
Experimental Psychology |
Solso, Robert L |
Pearson |
2003 |
8129700077 |
7th Ed. |
418p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 THA |
09001150 |
Experimental Psychology / |
Thakur, Lakshameshwar |
Bio-Green Books, |
2023 |
9789391187439 |
296p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.724 TOW |
05049892 |
The stochastic modeling of elementary psychological processes / |
Townsend, James T. |
Cambridge University Press, |
1983 |
0521241812 | 0521274338 (pbk.) |
xix, 501 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.724 WOO |
09001151 |
Experimental psychology |
Woodworth,Robert S |
Oxford and IBH, |
2019 |
9788120417083 |
xi,948p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.724 WOO |
00142909 |
Experimental psychology |
Woodworth,Robert S |
Oxford and IBH, |
2019 |
9788120417083 |
xi,948p.; |
UG Library |
150.724SOL.M |
00112224 |
Experimental Psychology |
Solso, Robert L |
Pearson |
2003 |
8129700077 |
7th Ed. |
418p |
UG Library |
150.7253 COO |
05049975 |
Multivariate procedures for the behavioral sciences / |
Cooley, William W. |
Wiley, |
1962 |
x,211 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.7253 COO |
05049976 |
Multivariate procedures for the behavioral sciences / |
Cooley, William W. |
Wiley, |
1962 |
x,211 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.727 ALL |
05059944 |
Statistics and experimental design for psychologists : |
Allen, Rory |
World Scientific, |
2018 |
9781786340641 (hc : alk. paper |
xxii, 448 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.727 ARO |
05039988 |
Statistics for psychology / |
Aron, Arthur. |
Pearson, |
2013 |
9780205258154 | 0205258158 |
6th ed. |
xvi, 728 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.727 ARO |
05002204 |
Statistics for psychology / |
Aron, Arthur. |
Prentice Hall, |
1999 |
0139140786 (hardcover) |
2nd ed. |
xxiii, 643 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.727 BON |
07008150 |
Applying the Rasch model : |
Bond, Trevor G. |
Routledge, |
2015 |
9780415833417 (hardback) | 978 |
Third edition. |
xx, 383 pages; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.727 BON |
05046024 |
Applying the Rasch model : |
Bond, Trevor G. |
Routledge, |
2015 |
9780415833417 (hardback) | 978 |
Third edition. |
xx, 383 pages; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.727 COO |
05043992 |
Research methods and statistics in psychology / |
Coolican, Hugh. |
Psychology Press, |
2014 |
9781444170115 (pbk.) |
Sixth edition. |
xiii, 773 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.727 COO |
05068412 |
Research methods and statistics in psychology / |
Coolican, Hugh. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138708952 |
viii, 815p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.727 COO |
09000160 |
Research methods and statistics in psychology / |
Coolican, Hugh. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138708952 |
viii, 815p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.727 COO |
07011641 |
Research methods and statistics in psychology / |
Coolican, Hugh. |
Psychology Press, |
2014 |
9781444170115 (pbk.) |
Sixth edition. |
xiii, 773 pages : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.727 COW |
09000974 |
Statistics in psychology : |
Cowles, Michael, |
L. Erlbaum Associates, |
2001 |
0805835091 (alk. paper) | 0805 |
2nd ed. |
xv, 260 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.727 COW |
07003944 |
Statistics in psychology : |
Cowles, Michael, |
L. Erlbaum Associates, |
2001 |
0805835091 (alk. paper) | 0805 |
2nd ed. |
xv, 260 p. ; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.727 GRE |
05030288 |
Learning to Use Statistical Tests in Psychology |
Greene, Judith |
Open University Press |
222p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.727 GRE |
05004154 |
Learning to use statistical tests in psychology / |
Greene, Judith. |
Open University Press, |
1999 |
0335203787 (hardcover) | 03352 |
2nd ed. |
xiv, 222 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.727 GRE |
05001381 |
Learning to Use Statistical Tests in Psychology |
Greene, Judith |
Open University press., |
2004 |
0335203779 |
222p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.727 GUR |
00130824 |
Statistics for research in psychology : |
Gurnsey, Frederick Norman, |
Sage, |
2018 |
9781506305189 (hardcover : alk |
First Edition. |
xxxi, 687 pages ; |
UG Library |
150.727 HOW |
05039541 |
Statistical methods for psychology / |
Howell, David C. |
Thomson Wadsworth, |
2010 |
9780495597858 |
7th ed. |
xxi, 768 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.727 HOW |
05030297 |
Introduction to Statistics in Psychology / |
Howitt, Dennis |
Pearson Education, |
2000 |
0130173142 |
482p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.727 HUR |
00104501 |
Comprehending behavioral statistics |
Hurlburt, Russell T. |
Thomson/Wadsworth, |
2006 |
9780495091837 |
4th ed. |
xxiv, 566 p. : |
UG Library |
150.727 RAS |
09000983 |
Statistics in psychology Using R and SPSS / |
Rasch,Dieter |
John Wiley & Sons, |
2011 |
9780470971246 (cloth) | 978047 |
xi; 552 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.727 RAS |
00108931 |
Statistics in psychology Using R and SPSS / |
Rasch,Dieter |
John Wiley & Sons, |
2011 |
9780470971246 (cloth) | 978047 |
xi; 552 p. |
UG Library |
150.727 RAS |
07003945 |
Statistics in psychology Using R and SPSS / |
Rasch,Dieter |
John Wiley & Sons, |
2011 |
9780470971246 (cloth) | 978047 |
xi; 552 p. |
Library - BR Campus |
150.727 STO |
07012789 |
Activities for teaching statistics and research methods : |
American Psychology Association, |
2017 |
9781433827143 | 143382714X |
xi, 133 pages : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.727 STO |
09001057 |
Activities for teaching statistics and research methods : |
American Psychology Association, |
2017 |
9781433827143 | 143382714X |
xi, 133 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.727 VER |
07004234 |
Statistics for psychology : |
Verma,J.P. |
Tata McGraw Hill, |
2012 |
9781259005053 |
xxv,501p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.727 VER |
07004235 |
Statistics for psychology : |
Verma,J.P. |
Tata McGraw Hill, |
2012 |
9781259005053 |
xxv,501p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.727 ZED |
07002403 |
APA dictionary of statistics and research methods / |
American Psychological Association, |
2014 |
9781433815331 (hbk.) | 1433815 |
First edition. |
xvii, 434 pages ; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.727 ZED |
09001058 |
APA dictionary of statistics and research methods / |
American Psychological Association, |
2014 |
9781433815331 (hbk.) | 1433815 |
First edition. |
xvii, 434 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.72EVA |
00083881 |
Your Psychology Project: The Essential Guide [msc.Psychology Section] |
Evans, Jennifer |
9781412922326 |
271p |
UG Library |
150.72GOO2 |
05001748 |
Research in Psychology Methods and Design / |
Goodwin, C James |
John Wiley & Sons,Inc, |
1999 |
0471199869 |
528p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.76 CBH |
05043985 |
Psychology : |
Cosmos Bookhive |
Cosmos Bookhive, |
2009 |
00124530900001 |
10p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.76 CHA |
05004754 |
AS psychology exam companion / |
Charles, Clare. |
Psychology, |
2010 |
9781848720466 (pbk.) | 1848720 |
260 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.76 DWY |
05005492 |
Revise Psyhology for GCSE Level / |
Jackson-Dwyer, Diana. |
Psychology Press, |
2010 |
9781848720534 |
136 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.76 DWY |
05004827 |
Psychology for GCSE level / |
Dwyer, Diana, |
Psychology Press, |
2007 |
9781841696805 | 1841696803 |
p. cm. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.76 DWY |
05004645 |
Revise Psychology / |
Dwyer Diana Jackson |
Psychology Press, |
2010 |
9781848720480 |
135 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.78 BOR |
05049782 |
Computer applications in the behavioral sciences / |
Borko, Harold, |
Prentice-Hall, |
1962 |
633 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.78 BOR |
05049624 |
Computer applications in the behavioral sciences / |
Borko, Harold, |
Prentice-Hall, |
1962 |
633 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.8 BAR |
05030300 |
Readings in Psycholgoy:Enhancing Human Potential / |
Barnes, Blanche |
Allied |
2006 |
8177649906 |
314p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.8 MOO |
00111634 |
New Heights in Cultural Psychology/ |
Moorthi, K.S. |
Cyber Tech Publications, |
2012 |
9788178849386 |
280p.; |
UG Library |
150.8 RUB |
00031059 |
Taking Sides:Clashing Views on Controvesial Psychological Issues |
Slife, D Brent |
Guildford |
1984 |
3rd edition |
384 p |
UG Library |
150.8 RUB |
00016793 |
Readings in Psychology 1973-74 |
Others, |
Annual Editions |
1974 |
336 p |
UG Library |
150.82 BOO |
00146390 |
Reflections from pioneering women in psychology / |
Routledge |
2023 |
9781108835572 | 9781108812917 |
1 Edition. |
366p. |
UG Library |
150.82 GER |
05030766 |
Feminist Reconstructions in Psychology: Narrative, Gender, and Performance / |
Gergen, Mary |
Sage Publications,Inc., |
2001 |
0761911510 |
229p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.82 MOO |
05033376 |
Readings In Feminist Psychology / |
Moorthi K S |
Cyber Tech Publications, |
2011 |
8178847597 |
272 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.82 MOO |
05030688 |
Readings In Feminist Psychology / |
Moorthi K S |
Cyber Tech Publications, |
2011 |
8178847597 |
272 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.82 ONY |
07012257 |
The Healing Art of Feminist Psychology / |
Onyango Faith.Dr |
Amiga Press, |
2019 |
9789387295148 |
228p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150.82 WIL |
05047749 |
Feminism and discourse : |
Sage, |
1995 |
9780803978027 |
ix, 193 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 BEN |
05045338 |
A brief history of modern psychology / |
Benjamin, Ludy T., |
Wiley, |
2014 |
9781118206775 (pbk. : alk. pap |
2nd Edition. |
xiii, 250 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 BEN |
00124613 |
A brief history of modern psychology / |
Benjamin, Ludy T., |
Wiley, |
2014 |
9781118206775 (pbk. : alk. pap |
2nd Edition. |
xiii, 250 pages : |
UG Library |
150.9 BEN |
05030787 |
A History of psychology : |
Blackwell Pub., |
2009 |
9781405177115 (hbk. : alk. pap |
3rd ed. |
xv, 427 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 BER |
05030690 |
Psychology in Human and Social Development: Lessons from Diverse Cultures |
Berry, W John |
2003 |
0076199534 |
310p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 BER1 |
05030689 |
Psychology in Human and Social Development - Lessons from Diverse Cultures |
Berry, W John |
Sage Publication, |
2003 |
0076199534 |
310p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 BRE |
10002074 |
History and systems of psychology / |
Brennan, James F., |
Cambridge university press, |
2023 |
9781009045834 |
8th ed., |
xxv,497p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.9 BRE |
05074428 |
History and systems of psychology / |
Brennan, James F., |
Cambridge university press, |
2023 |
9781009045834 |
8th ed., |
xxv,497p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 BRE |
05034149 |
History and Systems of Psychology / |
Brennen, James F |
Pearson, |
2003 |
8129703017 |
6th |
358 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 BRE |
05034597 |
History and Systems of Psychology / |
Brennan, James |
Pearson, |
2005 |
8129703017 |
358 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 BRE |
00130394 |
History and systems of psychology / |
Brennan, James F. |
Prentice-Hall, |
1991 |
0133884228 |
3rd ed. |
444 p. : |
UG Library |
150.9 DAI |
00083326 |
History and Theories of Psychology: A Critical Perspective |
Jones, Dai |
2001 |
9780340741177 |
294p |
UG Library |
150.9 GEN |
00127085 |
Foundations of Psychological Thought: |
Gentile, Barbara F |
Sage |
2009 |
9780761930778 |
670p |
UG Library |
150.9 GEN |
09000554 |
Foundations of Psychological Thought: |
Gentile, Barbara F |
Sage |
2009 |
9780761930778 |
670p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.9 GEN |
00088972 |
Foundations of Psychological Thought: |
Gentile, Barbara F |
Sage |
2009 |
9780761930778 |
670p |
UG Library |
150.9 GEN |
05030285 |
Foundations of Psychological Thought: |
Gentile, Barbara F |
Sage |
2009 |
9780761930778 |
670p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 GEN |
05069515 |
Foundations of Psychological Thought: |
Gentile, Barbara F |
Sage |
2009 |
9780761930778 |
670p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 GIL |
05030286 |
History of Psychology |
Giles, Bridget |
Grange Book PLC. |
1840138017 |
192p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 GIL |
00097185 |
Encyclopedia of World Great Psychologists |
Charles Gilbert |
Apple Academic Press Inc. |
9781926686042 |
260 p. |
UG Library |
150.9 GIL |
05002211 |
Encyclopedia of World Great Psychologists |
Charles Gilbert |
Apple Academic Press Inc. |
9781926686042 |
260 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 GIL |
05002212 |
Encyclopedia of World Great Psychologists |
Charles Gilbert |
Apple Academic Press Inc. |
9781926686042 |
260 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 GIL |
05002213 |
Encyclopedia of World Great Psychologists |
Charles Gilbert |
Apple Academic Press Inc. |
9781926686042 |
260 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 GIL |
00071853 |
History Of Psychology |
Giles, Bridget |
Grange Book PLC. |
2002 |
1840138017 | 9781840138016 |
192p |
UG Library |
150.9 GRA |
00116540 |
Historical dimensions of psychological discourse : |
Graumann, Carl F. (editor) |
Cambridge University Press, |
1996 |
0521480213 | 9780521480215 |
vii, 284 p. : |
UG Library |
150.9 GRE |
07010200 |
A conceptual history of psychology : |
Greenwood, John D. |
Cambridge university Press, |
2015 |
9781107057395 (hardback) | 978 |
Second edition. |
x, 562 pages ; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.9 GRE |
09001014 |
A conceptual history of psychology : |
Greenwood, John D. |
Cambridge university Press, |
2015 |
9781107057395 (hardback) | 978 |
Second edition. |
x, 562 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.9 HER |
00052831 |
An Introduction To The History Of Psychology |
Hergenhahn, B R |
2001 |
0534551823 |
649p |
UG Library |
150.9 HOT |
05074429 |
History of psychology / |
Hothersall, David. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2022 |
9781108732994 |
5th ed. |
xiv, 574 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 HUN |
05038000 |
The story of psychology / |
Hunt, Morton M., |
Anchor Books, |
9780307278074 (pbk.) |
xv, 877 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 KAL |
00055895 |
Encyclopaedia of the World Psychologists |
Kalia, H L |
Global Vision |
2002 |
8187746173 |
436p |
UG Library |
150.9 KAL |
00055896 |
Encyclopaedia of the World Psychologists |
Kalia, H L |
Global Vision |
2002 |
8187746173 |
436p |
UG Library |
150.9 KAL |
00055897 |
Encyclopaedia of the World Psychologists |
Kalia, H L |
Global Vision |
2002 |
8187746173 |
436p |
UG Library |
150.9 KAL |
00055898 |
Encyclopaedia of the World Psychologists |
Kalia, H L |
Global Vision |
2002 |
8187746173 |
436p |
UG Library |
150.9 KUM |
09001160 |
Positive Psychology : |
Kumar, Updesh |
Pearson, |
2015 |
9789332541313 |
215p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.9 LAW |
05031004 |
A history of psychology : |
Lawson, Robert B. |
Pearson Prentice Hall, |
2007 |
0130141232 | 9780130141231 |
xxx, 498 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 LEA |
05037369 |
A history of psychology : |
Leahey, Thomas Hardy. |
Pearson, |
2013 |
9780132438490 | 0132438496 |
7th ed. |
xv, 557 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 LEA |
05001890 |
Histroy of Psychology: Main Currents in Psychological Thought (UGC Outonomous Grant) |
Leahey, Thomas Hardy |
Pearson |
8129707691 |
571p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 LEA |
05033377 |
A History of Psychology : |
Leahey, Thomas Hardy |
Pearson, |
2004 |
8129707691 |
6th |
570 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 LEA |
05034596 |
A History of Psychology : |
Leahey, Thomas Hardy |
Pearson, |
2005 |
8129707691 |
569 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 LEA |
05031386 |
History of Psychology : |
Hardy Leahey, Thomas |
Pearson, |
2005 |
8129707691 |
6th |
571 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 LEA |
07000973 |
A history of psychology : |
Leahey, Thomas Hardy. |
Pearson, |
2013 |
9780132438490 | 0132438496 |
7th ed. |
xv, 557 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.9 MAL |
05009257 |
Psychology : |
Malone, John C. |
MIT Press, |
2009 |
9788120341210 |
viii, 560 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 MOG |
05030287 |
Great Ideas in Psychology a Cultural and Historical Introduction / |
Moghaddam, Fathali M |
Oneworld Publishers : |
2007 |
1851683798 |
340p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 OBO |
05030767 |
History of psychology : |
O'Boyle, Cherie Goodenow, |
L. Erlbaum Associates, |
2006 |
0805856099 (casebound : alk. p |
xxiv, 402 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 PAW |
00107944 |
Psychological concepts |
Pawlik,Kurt |
Psychology Press, |
2006 |
9781841695334 |
xiv, 385 p. : |
UG Library |
150.9 PIC |
00099381 |
A history of modern psychology in context / |
Pickren, Wade E. |
Wiley, |
9780470276099 |
xxv, 380 p. : |
UG Library |
150.9 PIC |
07002332 |
The psychology book : |
Pickren, Wade E., |
Sterling, |
2014 |
9781402784811 | 1402784813 |
527 pages : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.9 PIC |
05002219 |
A history of modern psychology in context / |
Pickren, Wade E. |
Wiley, |
9780470276099 |
xxv, 380 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 RIC |
05005099 |
Putting psychology in its place : An Introduction from a Critical Historical Perspective / |
Richards, Graham |
Routledge |
2010 |
9780415455794 (hb) | 9780415455800 (soft cover) |
3rd ed. |
426 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 RIC |
09000563 |
Putting psychology in its place : An Introduction from a Critical Historical Perspective / |
Richards, Graham |
Routledge |
2010 |
9780415455794 (hb) | 9780415455800 (soft cover) |
3rd ed. |
426 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.9 RIC |
00047788 |
Putting psychology in its place : An Introduction from a Critical Historical Perspective / |
Richards, Graham |
Routledge |
2010 |
9780415455794 (hb) | 9780415455800 (soft cover) |
3rd ed. |
426 p. |
UG Library |
150.9 ROO |
07014233 |
The story of psychology / |
Rooney, Anne, |
Arcturus, |
2015 |
9781782129561 | 1782129561 | 9781784046880 (hbk.) |
208 pages : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.9 ROO |
10002201 |
The story of psychology / |
Rooney, Anne, |
Arcturus, |
2015 |
9781782129561 | 1782129561 | 9781784046880 (hbk.) |
208 pages : |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.9 ROO |
05067368 |
The story of psychology / |
Rooney, Anne, |
Arcturus, |
2015 |
9781782129561 | 1782129561 | 9781784046880 (hbk.) |
208 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 SAU |
05074423 |
A history of modern psychology / |
Saugstad, Per, |
Cambridge University Press, |
2018 |
9781107525467 |
xxi,551p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 SAU |
05069505 |
A history of modern psychology / |
Saugstad, Per, |
Cambridge University Press, |
2018 |
9781107525467 |
xxi,551p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 SCH |
05030771 |
A History of Modern Psychology |
Schultz Duane P |
Thomson Wadsworth, |
2004 |
9780495097990 |
558p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 SCH |
05056282 |
Modern Psychology A History / |
Schultz,Duane P. |
Cengage, |
2012 |
9781111344986 |
10th ed. |
xviii,414p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 SHI |
09000547 |
A history of psychology : |
Shiraev, Eric, |
Sage, |
2015 |
9781452276595 (alk. paper) |
2nd edition. |
xx, 493 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.9 SHI |
05002220 |
A History Of Psychology : |
Shiraev, Eric |
Sage Publications, |
2011 |
9781412973830 |
xxv, 533 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 WOO |
05056079 |
A history of psychology : |
Woody, William Douglas, |
Routledge |
2017 |
9781138683716 (hardback : alk. |
Sixth Edition. |
xxiv, 599 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9 WOO |
09000209 |
A history of psychology : |
Woody, William Douglas, |
Routledge |
2017 |
9781138683716 (hardback : alk. |
Sixth Edition. |
xxiv, 599 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.9 YAR |
05070249 |
A History of Psychology / |
Yaroshevsky, Mikhail. |
Progress Publishers, |
1990 |
5010019191 |
415p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.9022 BRI |
07002637 |
A pictorial history of psychology / |
Quintessence Pub., |
1997 |
0867152923 |
xix, 636 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.9022 BRI |
00127081 |
A Pictorial history of psychology |
Bringmann, Wolfgang G |
Quintesseence Publishing |
1997 |
9780867153309 | 9780867152920 |
636p. |
UG Library |
150.9022 BRI |
00121292 |
A Pictorial history of psychology |
Bringmann, Wolfgang G |
Quintesseence Publishing |
1997 |
9780867153309 | 9780867152920 |
636p. |
UG Library |
150.9042 KAS |
00128651 |
Stress understanding & management |
Kashalikar, Shriniwas J |
Bhalani Publishing House, |
2005 |
8185578753 |
2nd Edition |
236p : . |
UG Library |
150.9042 KHU |
00115388 |
Know Your Stress Manage Your Stress |
Khubalkar, Rupashre |
Neelkamal Publications Pvt Ltd |
2008 |
8183161316 | 9788183161312 |
1st Ed. |
200 p. |
UG Library |
150.9042 SCH |
05030686 |
Stress Management for Wellness |
Schafer, Walt |
Wadsworth Group, |
1998 |
0155079433 |
524p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.92 AUR |
05001904 |
GREATER Psychology:An Introduction to Sri Aurobindo`s Psychological Thought |
Aurobindo |
1585420891 |
426p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.92 COL |
00088990 |
Cambridge Companion to Vygotsky |
Cole, Michael |
2007 |
9780521537872 |
462p |
UG Library |
150.92 FLE |
05037190 |
Science, ideology, and the media : |
Fletcher, Ronald, |
Transaction Publishers, |
1991 |
0887383769 |
xxviii, 419 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.92 FLE |
05047959 |
Science, Ideology, and the Media : |
Fletcher, Ronald |
Transaction Publisher, |
2014 |
419 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.92 FRA |
05030770 |
Becoming a Psychologist |
Francis, Ronald D |
Palgrave Macmillian, |
2004 |
0333949560 |
204p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.92 FRI |
07010230 |
Kant's Empirical Psychology |
Frierson, Patrick R., |
9781107032651 |
xii, 278 p:. |
Library - BR Campus |
150.92 FRI |
09000830 |
Kant's empirical psychology / |
Frierson, Patrick R |
Cambridge University Press, |
2017 |
9781316648469 |
278 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.92 FRI |
00122263 |
Kant's Empirical Psychology |
Frierson, Patrick R., |
9781107032651 |
xii, 278 p:. |
UG Library |
150.92 HOL |
09000912 |
Vygotsky at work and play / |
Holzman, Lois, |
Routledge, |
2017 |
9781315676081 (ebook) | 9781138937857 (pbk) |
2nd Edition. |
1 online resource. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.92 HOL |
05001905 |
Vygotsky at Work and Play / |
Holzman, Lois |
Routledge : |
2009 |
9780415422949 |
146p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.92 MIL |
00110897 |
Vygotsky in perspective |
Miller, Ronald, |
Cambridge University Press, |
2011 |
9781107001862 (hardback) | 978 |
xiii, 451 p. : |
UG Library |
150.92 STE |
05056409 |
The transformative mind : |
Stetsenko, Anna, |
Cambridge University Press, |
2017 |
9780521865586 (hardback : alk. |
xi,421p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.92 WEI |
05001901 |
Constructing Scientific Psychology Karl Lashley`s Mind-Brain Debates / |
Weidman, Nadine M |
Cambridge University Press, |
1999 |
0521621623 |
219p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.922 COH |
00086344 |
Psychologists on Psychology |
Cohen, David |
2007 |
0340810750 |
250 p |
UG Library |
150.922 FAN |
05038956 |
Pioneers of Psychology / |
Fancher Raymond.E |
W.W.Norton & Company,Inc, |
2012 |
9780393913378 |
xxxi,691p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.922 KIM |
05030700 |
Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology. Vol. v [msc-Psychology Section] |
Kimble, Gregory A |
New Jersey: |
2003 |
0805844147 |
354p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.92254 BHU |
00131804 |
Eminent Indian psychologists : |
Sage, |
2017 |
9789386446411 (print pdf : alk |
xix, 345 pages ; |
UG Library |
150.92254 BHU |
05058466 |
Eminent Indian psychologists : |
Sage, |
2017 |
9789386446411 (print pdf : alk |
xix, 345 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.92254 BHU |
10001579 |
Eminent Indian psychologists : |
Sage, |
2017 |
9789386446411 (print pdf : alk |
xix, 345 pages ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.92254 BHU |
00132937 |
Eminent Indian psychologists: |
Bhushan,Braj. |
Sage Publications India Pvt.Ltd., |
2017 |
9789386446411 |
345 p. ; |
UG Library |
150.93 MAN |
05041583 |
Research Methodology in Behavioural Science / |
Mangal.S.K |
PHI Learning Private Limited, |
2013 |
9788120348080 |
xxiii,740p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.93 SIN |
05033727 |
Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences / |
Singh, A K |
Bharti Bhavan, |
2003 |
8177094890 |
510 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.93 SIN |
05025901 |
Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences |
Singh, A K |
Bharti Bhavan , |
2002 |
8177094890 |
510p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.93 SIN |
05025902 |
Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences |
Singh, A K |
Bharti Bhavan , |
2002 |
8177094890 |
510p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.93 SIN |
05017510 |
Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences |
Singh, A K |
Bharti Bhavan , |
2002 |
8177094890 |
510p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.93 SIN |
05014249 |
Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences |
Singh, A K |
Bharti Bhavan , |
2002 |
8177094890 |
510p. |
Knowledge Centre |
150.93 SIN |
07015292 |
Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences / |
Singh, A K |
Bharti Bhavan, |
2022 |
9789388704090 |
xv,783p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.93 SIN |
10001808 |
Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences / |
Singh, A K |
Bharti Bhavan, |
2022 |
9789388704090 |
xv,783p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.93 SIN |
10001809 |
Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences / |
Singh, A K |
Bharti Bhavan, |
2022 |
9789388704090 |
xv,783p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.93 SIN |
10001810 |
Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences / |
Singh, A K |
Bharti Bhavan, |
2022 |
9789388704090 |
xv,783p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.93 SIN |
05030267 |
Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences / |
Singh, A K |
Bharti Bhavan, |
2001 |
8177094890 |
498 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.93 SIN |
05034132 |
Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences / |
Singh, A K |
Bharti Bhavan, |
2001 |
8177094890 |
498 p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.93 SIN |
10003544 |
Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences / |
Singh, A K |
9789388704090 |
xv, 774 p. : |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.95 CRA |
00052551 |
Psychoanalysis |
Craib, Ian |
2001 |
0745619797 |
237p |
UG Library |
150.95 KAO |
05030692 |
Asian Perspectives on Psychology |
Kao, Henry S R |
Sage Publications, |
2000 |
8170365287 |
396p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.95 RUS |
05030298 |
Reason and Unreason Psychoanalysis, Science and Politics / |
Rustin, Michael |
Continum, |
2001 |
0826455786 |
248p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.954 PAN |
00115391 |
Psychology in India Revisited |
Pandey,Janak |
Sage Publications |
2004 |
0000761957 | 9780761995753 |
395 p. |
UG Library |
150.954 PAN |
00052544 |
Psychology in India Revisited |
Pandey,Janak |
Sage Publications |
2004 |
0000761957 | 9780761995753 |
395 p. |
UG Library |
150.954 PAN |
00115389 |
Psychology in India Revisited |
Pandey,Janak |
Sage Publications |
2004 |
0000761957 | 9780761995753 |
395 p. |
UG Library |
150.954 JUD |
05030773 |
Eastern Body Western Mind |
Judith, Anodea |
Alchemy, |
2004 |
8180460037 |
502p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.954 KAK |
05030774 |
Indian Identity |
Kakar, Sudhir |
Penguin books, |
2007 |
0143101862 |
413p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.954 KAR |
05030782 |
Analyst and the Mystic : |
Kakar, Sudhir |
Penguin books, |
2007 |
0143101854 |
92p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.954 MIS |
00090869 |
Psychology in India: Vol-1: Basic Psychological Processes and Human Development |
Misra, Girishwar |
2009 |
9788131717448 |
327p |
UG Library |
150.954 MIS |
07005728 |
Handbook of psychology in India / |
Oxford University Press, |
2011 |
9780198069997 | 0198069995 |
xxii, 373 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
150.954 MIS |
09001124 |
Psychology in Modern India : |
Springer, |
2021 |
9789811647048 |
534p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.954 MIS |
05009256 |
Handbook of psychology in India / |
Misra, Girishwar |
Oxford University Press, |
2011 |
9788131718179 |
xxii, 373 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150.954 MIS |
05001902 |
Perspectives on Indigenous Psychology / |
Misra, Girishwar |
Concept Publishing Com, |
2001 |
8170229073 |
523p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.954 MIS |
05030694 |
Perspectives on Indigenous Psychology / |
Misra, Girishwar |
Concept Publishing Com, |
2001 |
8170229073 |
523p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.954 NAN |
05030780 |
Exied at Home: at the Edge of Psychology: the Intimate Enemy: Creating a Nationality |
Nandy, Ashis |
Oxford university press, |
2005 |
0195667921 |
212p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.954 PAN |
00115390 |
Psychology in India Revisited |
Pandey,Janak |
Sage Publications |
2004 |
0000761957 | 9780761995753 |
395 p. |
UG Library |
150.954 PAN |
00052545 |
Psychology In India Revisited |
Pandey, Janak |
2001 |
0761994580 | 9780761994589 |
502p |
UG Library |
150.954 PAN |
05001903 |
Pychology in India Revisited:Developments in the Discipline / |
Pandey, Janak |
Sage Publications, |
2004 |
0761995757 |
396p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.954 PAN |
05001900 |
Psychology in India Revisited:Developments in the Discipline / |
Pandey, Janak |
Sage Publications, |
2000 |
0000761994 |
272p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.954 PAN |
05030768 |
Pandey, Janak |
Publication Publications, |
2004 |
0761994599 |
501p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.954 PAN |
00108088 |
Psychology In India Revisited Development In The Discipline |
Panedey,janak |
Sage Publications |
2004 |
8178293684 |
396 p. |
UG Library |
150.954 PAN1 |
05030693 |
Psychology in India Revisited: Developments in the Discipline [msc.Psychology Section] |
Pandey, Janak |
2004 |
0761995749 |
396p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.954 RAO |
05037963 |
Handbook of Indian Psychology / |
Roa, Ramakrishna |
Foundation Books, |
2008 |
9788175966024 |
xix,648 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.954 RAO |
00086934 |
Handbook of Indian Psychology / |
Roa, Ramakrishna |
Foundation Books, |
2008 |
9788175966024 |
xix,648 p.; |
UG Library |
150.954 RAO |
01012239 |
Handbook of Indian psychology / |
Campridge University Press India, |
9788175966024 |
xix, 648 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
150.954 RAO |
10004809 |
Psychology in the Indian Tradition / |
Rao, K Ramakrishna |
D K Printworld, |
2022 |
9788124608845 |
388p. : |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.954 RAO |
10004810 |
Psychology in the Indian Tradition / |
Rao, K Ramakrishna |
D K Printworld, |
2022 |
9788124608845 |
388p. : |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.954 RAO |
10004811 |
Psychology in the Indian Tradition / |
Rao, K Ramakrishna |
D K Printworld, |
2022 |
9788124608845 |
388p. : |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.954 RAO |
10004812 |
Psychology in the Indian Tradition / |
Rao, K Ramakrishna |
D K Printworld, |
2022 |
9788124608845 |
388p. : |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.954 RAO |
10004813 |
Psychology in the Indian Tradition / |
Rao, K Ramakrishna |
D K Printworld, |
2022 |
9788124608845 |
388p. : |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
150.954 RAO |
09001107 |
Psychology in the Indian Tradition / |
Rao, K Ramakrishna |
D K Printworld, |
2022 |
9788124608845 |
388p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.954 RAO |
07004327 |
Handbook of Indian Psychology / |
Rao,Ramakrishna K. |
Foundation books, |
2014 |
9788175966024. |
xvii,648p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150.954 SIN |
00132941 |
Psychology for India/ |
Sinha,Durganand. |
Sage Publications India Pvt.Ltd., |
2015 |
9789351503675 |
221 p. ; |
UG Library |
150.954 TAP |
07012722 |
Indian Psychology Issues and Problems / |
Tapariya Jignesh.H.Dr |
Cyber Tech Publications, |
2017 |
9789350535219 |
248p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
150.954 TAP |
09000754 |
Indian Psychology Issues and Problems / |
Tapariya Jignesh.H.Dr |
Cyber Tech Publications, |
2017 |
9789350535219 |
248p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
150.954 VIN |
05030695 |
Vindhya, U |
Concept Publishing Company, |
2003 |
8180690296 |
302p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
150.954PAN |
01004051 |
Psychology in India Revisited: Developments in the Discipline(law Library) |
Janak Pandey |
Sage Publications |
0761994424 |
272p |
Knowledge Centre |
150.984 LEB |
00022314 |
Approaches to Modifying Patient Behaviour |
Lebow, Michael D |
Acc |
1976 |
384 p |
UG Library |
150.994 KOW |
07004703 |
Psychology / |
Kowalski, Robin M. |
John Wiley & Sons, |
2011 |
9780470646441 |
6th ed. |
xxii,695p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
150FEL |
01000079 |
Understanding Psychology |
Feldman, Robert S. |
McGraw-Hill Higher Education, |
2002 |
0070586985 | 9780070586987 | 0072422971 (alk. paper) |
6th ed. |
xxxv, 559,[84] p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
150HIL |
01000072 |
Introduction to Psychology( Law Library ) |
E R Hilgard |
Oxford &IBH Publishing Co.Pvt.Ltd |
658p |
Knowledge Centre |
150HOL |
01000949 |
Performining Psychology:A Postmodern Culture of the Mind (law Lib) |
Lois Holzman |
Routledge |
230p |
Knowledge Centre |
150KEN |
00016307 |
Basic Psychology:Brief Edition |
Kendler, Howard H |
Appleton-Century Crofts |
1971 |
495 p |
UG Library |
150MOR |
01000325 |
Introduction to Psychology (law Lib) |
Gifford Morgan |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., |
0074622501 |
724p |
Knowledge Centre |
150SHE |
00082236 |
Fifty Key Thinkers in Psychology [msc-Psychology Section] |
Sheey, Noel |
0415167752 |
275 |
Knowledge Centre |
150WIT |
01000953 |
Introduction to Psychology (law Lib) |
Arno F Wittig |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., |
0007058947 |
318p |
Knowledge Centre |
151 BAS |
00148318 |
So shall it be/ |
Baskar, Ezekiel |
ATC Publishers; |
2023 |
9788119664047 |
119; |
UG Library |
151 HIL |
00147908 |
How to Own Your Own Mind |
Hill, Napoleon |
Sange Publishing House |
2020 |
9789390575633 |
262p |
UG Library |
151.26 SOL |
05051915 |
Studies in item analysis and prediction / |
Solomon, Herbert, |
Stanford University Press, |
1961 |
310 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
151.8 CAR |
00112185 |
Soul Power |
Carteret, Nikki De |
New Age Books, |
2005 |
9788178221458 |
xvii:285p |
UG Library |
151.9651 FRU |
05057966 |
Introduction to factor analysis / |
Fruchter, Benjamin. |
Van Nostrand, |
1954 |
280 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
152 COL |
00017166 |
Experimental Psychology |
Collins, Mary |
Lyall Book Depot |
1976 |
320 p. |
UG Library |
152 EDW |
05049877 |
Experimental Design in Psychological Research / |
Edwards, Allen L. |
Amerind, |
1971 |
3rd ed. |
xix,455 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152 EDW |
05049878 |
Experimental Design in Psychological Research / |
Edwards, Allen L. |
Amerind, |
1971 |
3rd ed. |
xix,455 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152 POS |
00025460 |
Experimental Psychology |
Postman, Leo |
Harcourt & Row |
1949 |
520 p. |
UG Library |
152 POS |
00027313 |
Experimental Psychology |
Postman, Leo |
Harcourt & Row |
1949 |
520 p. |
UG Library |
152 ALC |
05034108 |
Brain : |
Al-Chalabi, Ammar |
One World Publishers, |
2007 |
1851683739 |
212 p |
Knowledge Centre |
152 BRO |
00073892 |
Thomas Reid:An Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense |
Brookes, Derek R |
2000 |
0748613714 |
345p |
UG Library |
152 CAR |
00059047 |
Physiology of Behavior |
Carlson, Neil R |
1986 |
0205086497 |
787p |
UG Library |
152 CAR |
07012965 |
Physiology of Behavior / |
Carlson Neil.R |
Pearson, |
2017 |
9789332585751 |
12th ed |
736p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
152 CAR |
07012966 |
Physiology of Behavior / |
Carlson Neil.R |
Pearson, |
2017 |
9789332585751 |
12th ed |
736p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
152 CAR |
07012967 |
Physiology of Behavior / |
Carlson Neil.R |
Pearson, |
2017 |
9789332585751 |
12th ed |
736p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
152 CAR |
07012968 |
Physiology of Behavior / |
Carlson Neil.R |
Pearson, |
2017 |
9789332585751 |
12th ed |
736p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
152 CAR |
07012969 |
Physiology of Behavior / |
Carlson Neil.R |
Pearson, |
2017 |
9789332585751 |
12th ed |
736p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
152 CAR |
10001908 |
Physiology of Behavior / |
Carlson Neil.R |
Pearson, |
2017 |
9789332585751 |
12th ed |
736p.: |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
152 CAR |
10001909 |
Physiology of Behavior / |
Carlson Neil.R |
Pearson, |
2017 |
9789332585751 |
12th ed |
736p.: |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
152 CAR |
10001910 |
Physiology of Behavior / |
Carlson Neil.R |
Pearson, |
2017 |
9789332585751 |
12th ed |
736p.: |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
152 CAS |
05033734 |
Key Concepts in Sport Psychology / |
Cashmore, Ellis |
Routledge, |
2004 |
0415253225 |
301 p |
Knowledge Centre |
152 CAT |
05050982 |
Handbook of multivariate experimental psychology / |
Cattell, Raymond B. |
Rand McNally, |
1966 |
xxxi, 959 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
152 CHA |
00046464 |
Sports Psychology [ Behaviour, Motivation, and Emotion ] |
Chakraboty, Samiran |
Sports |
1998 |
8186190503 |
60p |
UG Library |
152 CHU |
05034130 |
Neurophilosophy: |
Chuhland Patricia Smith |
A bradford book; |
1986 |
9780262530859 |
ix;546 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
152 COL |
00000815 |
Experimental Psychology |
Collins, Mary |
Lyall Book Depot |
1976 |
320 p. |
UG Library |
152 COL |
00020387 |
Experimental Psychology |
Collins, Mary |
Lyall Book Depot |
1976 |
320 p. |
UG Library |
152 DAL |
05033735 |
South-Western Human Relations / |
Dalton, Marie |
South-Western, |
2000 |
0538722231 |
672 p |
Knowledge Centre |
152 DAM |
00031118 |
Experimental Psychology:Methodology Psychoanalysis and Learning |
D`Amato, M R |
T M H |
1988 |
727 p |
UG Library |
152 DIS |
04008047 |
Evolve your brain : |
Dispenza, Joe |
Westland, |
2007 |
xviii, 510p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152 DMA |
00020386 |
Experimental Psychology |
D`Amato, M R |
T M Hall |
1979 |
727 p |
UG Library |
152 EBH |
00011642 |
Child Psychology |
Thompson |
1900 |
703 p. |
UG Library |
152 EDW |
00021276 |
Experimental Design in Psychological Research / |
Edwards, Allen L. |
Amerind, |
1971 |
3rd ed. |
xix,455 p.; |
UG Library |
152 FRA |
05001908 |
Reliability and Validity in Neuropsychological Assesment:Critical Issues in Neuropsychology / |
Franzen, Michael D |
Kluwer Academic, |
2000 |
0030646344 |
465p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152 GIL |
00072910 |
Brain and the Mind |
Giles,Bridget |
Grange Book PLC. |
2002 |
1840138025 | 9781840138023 |
192 p. |
UG Library |
152 HUS |
00120626 |
Experiments in Psychology |
Hussain, Akbar |
PHI Learning Private limited, |
2014 |
9788120350373 |
xiii, 309 |
UG Library |
152 JEN |
05033736 |
Brain-Based Learning : |
Jensen, Eric |
Pearson, |
2005 |
8129709279 |
385 p |
Knowledge Centre |
152 JEN |
00019884 |
Behaviour of the Lower Organisms |
Jennings, H S |
Oxford & IBH |
1965 |
366 p.: |
UG Library |
152 KAL |
00140221 |
The Happy Human |
Kallayil,Gopi |
Hay House Publishers India |
2018 |
9789386832771 |
193p |
UG Library |
152 KUM |
00115134 |
Encyclopaedia of Experimental Psychology |
Kumar, K |
Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd |
2004 |
8126117486 | 9788126117482 |
776p |
UG Library |
152 KUM |
00124900 |
Experimental Applied Psychology |
Kumar G,Venkatesh |
Global Vision Publishing House |
2016 |
9788182207080 |
250p |
UG Library |
152 KUM |
00115133 |
Encyclopaedia of Experimental Psychology |
Kumar, K |
Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd |
2004 |
8126117486 | 9788126117482 |
776p |
UG Library |
152 LEU |
09001157 |
Introduction to Physiological Psychology / |
Leukel Francis,Ph.D |
CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt.Ltd, |
2002 |
9788123908410 |
xii,514p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152 LEU |
05044127 |
Introduction to Physiological Psychology / |
Leukel Francis,Ph.D |
CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt.Ltd, |
2002 |
9788123908410 |
xii,514p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
152 MAH |
00115409 |
Physiological Psychology |
Mahmud, Jafar |
A.P.H.Publishing Corporation |
2005 |
8176488151 | 9788176488150 |
286 p. |
UG Library |
152 MAH |
05045012 |
A Textbook of Neuropsychology / |
Maheta, M.P. |
Cyber Tech Publications, |
2014 |
9789350533215 |
240p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
152 MAH |
05062549 |
A Textbook of Neuropsychology / |
Maheta, M.P. |
Cyber Tech Publications, |
2014 |
9789350533215 |
240p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
152 MAU |
00019224 |
Make the Most of Your Time |
Maurus, J. |
Better Yourself Bools |
1971 |
260 p. |
UG Library |
152 MOH |
00013937 |
Experiments in Psychology |
Mohsin, S M |
Orient Longmans |
1975 |
340 p |
UG Library |
152 NAT |
00026346 |
Manual of Experiments in Psychology |
Nataraj, P |
Srinivasa |
1984 |
450 p |
UG Library |
152 NAT |
00019037 |
Psychology for Beginners: Part I and II |
Nataraj, P |
Srnivasa Publications |
1979 |
1 |
UG Library |
152 NAT |
00019924 |
Psychology for Beginners: Part I and II |
Nataraj, P |
Srnivasa Publications |
1979 |
1 |
UG Library |
152 NAT |
00019923 |
Psychology for Beginners: Part I and II |
Nataraj, P |
Srnivasa Publications |
1979 |
1 |
UG Library |
152 NAT |
00019039 |
Psychology for Beginners: Part I and II |
Nataraj, P |
Srnivasa Publications |
1979 |
1 |
UG Library |
152 NAT |
00019038 |
Psychology for Beginners: Part I and II |
Nataraj, P |
Srnivasa Publications |
1979 |
1 |
UG Library |
152 NAT |
00019925 |
Psychology for Beginners: Part I and II |
Nataraj, P |
Srnivasa Publications |
1979 |
1 |
UG Library |
152 NAT |
00029567 |
Manual of Experiments in Psychology. |
Natraj, P |
1970 |
440 P |
UG Library |
152 NTR |
00029566 |
Mannual of Exeperiments in Psychology |
Nataraj P. |
Srinivasa Publications |
1981 |
2nd Ed. |
448 p. |
UG Library |
152 PAV |
00133025 |
A guide to the mind / |
Pavek, Gary V. |
Praeger : | WNET, |
1988 |
0275930106 (alk. paper) : |
xii, 364 p. ; |
UG Library |
152 PIN |
00059046 |
Biopsychology |
Pinel, John P J |
Pearson, |
2012 |
0205184456 | 9788131712962 |
6th ed. |
479p |
UG Library |
152 PIN |
00112225 |
Biopsychology |
Pinel, John P J |
Pearson, |
2012 |
0205184456 | 9788131712962 |
6th ed. |
479p |
UG Library |
152 PIN |
05002183 |
Biopsychology / |
Pinel, John P. J. |
Allyn and Bacon, |
1997 |
0205184456 (alk. paper) | 9780 |
3rd ed. |
xxiii, 570 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
152 PLO |
00020382 |
Brain and Behaviour |
Plotnik, Rod |
Canfield Press |
1978 |
416 p. |
UG Library |
152 POS |
00005629 |
Experimental Psychology |
Postman, Leo |
Harcourt & Row |
1949 |
520 p. |
UG Library |
152 ROT |
00015312 |
Clinical Psychology |
Rotter, Julian B |
Prentice Hall |
1964 |
112 p |
UG Library |
152 SCH |
07003943 |
Sensation and perception / |
Schwartz, Bennett L. |
Sage, |
2016 |
1483308103 | 9781483308104 |
xiv, 458 pages : |
Library - BR Campus |
152 SCH |
09000671 |
Sensation and perception / |
Schwartz, Bennett L. |
Sage, |
2016 |
1483308103 | 9781483308104 |
xiv, 458 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152 SNO |
00046658 |
Human Experimental Psychology |
Sanodgrass, Joangay |
1985 |
0195632516 |
484p |
UG Library |
152 SNO |
05033733 |
Human Experimental Psychology / |
Snodgrass, Joangay |
Oxford University Press, |
1993 |
0195632516 |
484 p |
Knowledge Centre |
152 STE |
05001909 |
Handbook of Experimental Psychology / |
Stevens, S S |
John Wiley & Sons,Inc, |
1951 |
1436p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
152 STE |
00121320 |
Textbook of experiemental psychology |
Steinfeld, W A |
Random Exports |
2013 |
9789382226475 |
272p. |
UG Library |
152 THO |
07000701 |
Adair on Teambuilding and Motivation / |
Thomas, Neil |
Viva Books, |
2006 |
8130902222 |
120 p |
Library - BR Campus |
152 THO |
04016627 |
Adair on Teambuilding and Motivation / |
Thomas, Neil. |
Viva Books, |
2010 |
9788130902227 | 8130902222 |
120 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152 THO |
05034560 |
Adair on Teambuilding and Motivation / |
Thomas, Neil |
Viva Books, |
2006 |
8130902222 |
120 p |
Knowledge Centre |
152 THO |
00030298 |
Child Psychology |
Leonard Carmichael, |
1981 |
713P |
UG Library |
152 THO |
03005783 |
Adair on Teambuilding and Motivation / |
Thomas, Neil. |
Viva Books, |
2010 |
9788130902227 | 8130902222 |
120 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152 THO |
05043975 |
Adair on Teambuilding and Motivation / |
Thomas, Neil |
Viva Books, |
2006 |
8130902222 |
120 p |
Knowledge Centre |
152 TIT |
00147372 |
A Beginner's Psychology/ |
Titchener, Edward Bradford |
Hilltop Publications, |
2024 |
9789390680955 |
x,211p. ; |
UG Library |
152 TYL |
00013173 |
Tests and Measurements |
Tyler, Leona E |
Prentice -Hall |
1969 |
116 p |
UG Library |
152 UND |
05034113 |
Experimental Psychology : |
Underwood Benton J |
The Times of India Press, |
1968 |
637 p |
Knowledge Centre |
152 VAN |
00017956 |
Tears of Silence |
Vanier, Jean |
Griffin |
UG Library |
152 VAT |
00026345 |
Experimental Psychology and Elementary Statistics |
Vatsyayan, |
Meerut |
1984 |
322 p. |
UG Library |
152.1 PAR |
00132869 |
Psycho Diagnostics: |
Parvadia, Jotsna J. |
Cyber Tech Publications, |
2018 |
9789350536247 |
x,224 p.; |
UG Library |
152.1 BRU |
09000568 |
Perception : |
Bruno, Nicola. |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780198725022 (pbk.) | 0198725027 (pbk.) |
First edition. |
xiv, 350 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.1 BRU |
05068135 |
Perception : |
Bruno, Nicola. |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780198725022 (pbk.) | 0198725027 (pbk.) |
First edition. |
xiv, 350 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.1 GOL |
05001840 |
Sensation and perception / |
Goldstein, E Bruce. |
2007 |
0049518778 | 9780495187783 |
438p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.1 GOL |
00057352 |
Sensation and Perception |
Goldstein, Bruce E |
1996 |
0534266223 |
681p |
UG Library |
152.1 GOL |
05002192 |
Blackwell handbook of perception / |
Blackwell, |
2001 |
0631206833 (alk. paper) | 9780 |
xii, 788 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.1 KIN |
05056920 |
Psychophysics : |
Kingdom, Frederick A. A., |
Elsevier; |
2016 |
9780124071568 (hardback) | 012 |
Second edition. |
xiii, 331 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.1 ROS |
00103920 |
Descartes and the puzzle of sensory representation / |
De Rosa, Raffaella. |
Oxford University Press, |
2010 |
9780199570379 (hbk.) | 0199570 |
xiii, 190 p. ; |
UG Library |
152.1 RUS |
05032680 |
Critical Thinking in Psychology / |
Ruscio, John |
Thomson, |
2006 |
226 p |
Knowledge Centre |
152.1 SWE |
05048260 |
Signal detection theory and ROC analysis in psychology and diagnostics : |
Swets, John A., |
L. Erlbaum Associates, |
1996 |
9781138981911 |
xv, 308 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.1095 SER |
00135692 |
Sensing the Everyday : |
Seremetakis,C. Nadia. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9780367187767 |
xiii,249p.; |
UG Library |
152.14 BAL |
05004156 |
Social psychology of visual perception / |
Psychology Press, |
2010 |
9781848728042 (hbk) | 18487280 |
xvi, 334 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.14 BAL |
05005429 |
Social psychology of visual perception / |
Psychology Press, |
2010 |
9781848728042 (hbk) | 18487280 |
xvi, 334 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.14 BRO |
05005475 |
Binding : |
Psychology Press, |
2009 |
9781841698656 |
296 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
152.14 COL |
05004675 |
Tutorials in visual cognition / |
Psychology Press, |
2010 |
9781848728530 (hardcover : alk |
ix, 379 p., [16] p. of plates : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.14 GRE |
00093216 |
Seeing through illusions / |
Gregory, R. L. |
Oxford University Press, |
9780192802859 (hbk.) | 0192802 |
xii, 253 p., [4] p. of plates : |
UG Library |
152.14 HEC |
05002191 |
Time-to-contact / |
Elsevier, |
2004 |
0444510451 | 9780444510457 |
xi, 509 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.14 HOF |
05062720 |
Visual intelligence : |
Hoffman, Donald D. |
W.W. Norton, |
1998 |
0393046699 | 9780393319675 |
1st ed. |
xv, 294 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.14 TAT |
05004906 |
Eye Guidance in natural scenes / |
Psychology Press, |
2009 |
9781848727151 |
1208 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
152.142 HUB |
05066743 |
Spatial biases in perception and cognition / |
Cambridge University Press, |
2018 |
9781107154988 | 1107154987 | 9781316607077 | 1316607070 |
xii, 483 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.145 ELL |
07009398 |
Handbook of color psychology / |
Cambridge University Press, |
2015 |
9781107043237 |
xxi,715p. |
Library - BR Campus |
152.145 LIL |
00056071 |
Modern Colour Therapy |
Lilly, Sue |
Caxton Edition |
2001 |
0184067296 |
95p |
UG Library |
152.148 SEC |
04008025 |
Optical illusions : |
Seckel, Al. |
Firefly Books, |
2006 |
9781554071722 (bound) : | 9781 |
312 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.15 GRE |
10004408 |
Sounds like Misophonia : |
Gregory, Jane |
Green Tree, |
2023 |
9781399404983 |
336 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
152.15 HOW |
00129939 |
Acoustics and Psychoacoustics / |
Howard, David M. |
Routledge, |
2017 |
9781138859876 |
5th edition. |
viii, 510 p . : |
UG Library |
152.158 HIN |
05034115 |
Localization : |
Hines, Colin |
Earthscan, |
2004 |
1853836125 |
288 p |
Knowledge Centre |
152.166 TOT |
10004868 |
On the scent : unlocking the mysteries of smell - and how its loss can change your world / Paola Totaro & Robert Wainwright. |
Totaro, Paola [Author] |
Elliott and Thompson Limited, |
2022 |
9781783967124 |
xiv, 306 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
152.1660954 MCH |
05033998 |
Sandalwood and carrion |
McHugh, James. |
Oxford University Press, |
2013 |
9780199916306 (hardcover : alk |
xix, 322 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.182 DAV |
05034114 |
The Power of Touch / |
Davis, Phyllis K |
Hay House of India, |
2008 |
9788189988142 |
238 p |
Knowledge Centre |
152.182 MIL |
00088398 |
Space and Sense: |
Millar, Susana |
Psychology Press |
2008 |
9781841695259 |
233p |
UG Library |
152.1824 HAD |
05002197 |
Pain : |
Lawrence Erlbaum, |
2004 |
0805842993 (alk. paper) |
xii, 377 p : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.1824 SKE |
00080063 |
Psychology of Pain |
Skevington, Suzanne M |
1995 |
0471957739 |
348p |
UG Library |
152.1824 SKE |
00071481 |
Psychology of Pain: |
Skevington, M Suzzane |
2000 |
0471957712 |
348p |
UG Library |
152.1886 HOC |
05040054 |
The psychology of fatigue : |
Hockey, Robert. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2013 |
9780521762656 (hardback : alk. |
xv, 272 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.1886 HOC |
07002224 |
The psychology of fatigue : |
Hockey, Robert. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2013 |
9780521762656 (hardback : alk. |
xv, 272 pages ; |
Library - BR Campus |
152.1886 HOC |
09001002 |
The Psychology of Fatigue : |
Hockey, Robert |
CUP, |
2013 |
9781107477803 |
272p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.1886 MAD |
05068318 |
Subjective well-being and life satisfaction / |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138282087 (pb : alk. paper) | 9781138282070 (hb : alk. paper) |
ix, 481 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.1886 MAD |
09000168 |
Subjective well-being and life satisfaction / |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138282087 (pb : alk. paper) | 9781138282070 (hb : alk. paper) |
ix, 481 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.1886 SCH |
05052536 |
Exhaustion : |
Schaffner, Anna Katharina, |
Columbia University Press, |
2016 |
9780231172301 (cloth : alk. pa |
ix, 291 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.189 ROG |
05059415 |
Synaesthesia and individual differences / |
Rogowska, Aleksandra Maria, |
Cambridge university press, |
2015 |
9781107096189 (hardback) |
xi, 204 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.189 ROG |
07013681 |
Synaesthesia and Individual Differences/ |
Rogowska,Aleksandra Maria |
Cambridge University Press, |
2017 |
9781107480001 |
X,198 Pages,: |
Library - BR Campus |
152.189 ROG |
09001010 |
Synaesthesia and Individual Differences/ |
Rogowska,Aleksandra Maria |
Cambridge University Press, |
2017 |
9781107480001 |
X,198 Pages,: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.2 MUK |
05033374 |
Personality and the Social Sciences / |
Mukerji, D P |
Rupa & Co., |
2004 |
8129102439 |
310 p |
Knowledge Centre |
152.3 SCO |
00046463 |
Kinesiology [ Analysis of Human Motion ] |
Scott, Gladys |
Sports Publication |
1998 |
443p |
UG Library |
152.33 MAR |
03000857 |
Habit : |
Martin, Neale. |
Pearson Education, |
2009 |
9788131726129 |
191 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.33 GUI |
00141639 |
Mini Habits: |
Guise,Stephen |
Wisdom Tree |
2020 |
9788183285513 |
164p |
UG Library |
152.33 HAR |
00141415 |
Kaizen: |
Harvey,Sarah |
Bluebird |
2019 |
9781529005356 |
272p |
UG Library |
152.33 MAR |
03009683 |
Smart Change : |
Markman, Art. |
Liitle Brown, |
2014 |
9780349404615 |
275 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.33 MAR |
00123153 |
Smart Change : |
Markman, Art. |
Liitle Brown, |
2014 |
9780349404615 |
275 p.: |
UG Library |
152.33 POL |
05072565 |
Hard to break : |
Poldrack, Russell A., |
Princeton University Press, |
2021 |
9780691194325 |
1st. |
xii, 213p, ; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.33 WOO |
05067562 |
Good habits, bad habits : |
Wood, Wendy, |
Macmillan, |
2019 |
978150986744 |
First Edition. |
303 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.332 MCM |
04007163 |
Right Hand, Left Hand / |
Mcmanus, Chris |
phonex, |
2002 |
9780753813553 |
xvii;460p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.334 ROS |
05074336 |
Action, mind, and brain : |
Rosenbaum, David A., |
The MIT Press, |
2022 |
9780262543392 |
xiii, 287 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.335 MCM |
05005431 |
The Right Hand And The Left Hand of History / |
Psychology Press, |
2010 |
9781848727236 |
294p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.335 SMI |
05064223 |
The Puzzle Of Left Handedness / |
Smits, Rik. |
Reaktion Books, |
2010 |
9781780230436 |
304p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.384 HAR |
05006867 |
The New Handbook of Methods in Nonverbal Behavior Research / |
Oxford University Press, |
2008 |
9780198529620 |
viii,539 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 ALD |
04000053 |
Boost Your Intelligence / |
Alder, Harry |
Kogan Page, |
2008 |
9788175541399 |
180 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.4 BUR |
10004097 |
Emotional Ignorance : |
Burnett, Dean. |
Faber, |
2023 |
9781783351732 |
396p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
152.4 CAR |
03002453 |
Test Your EQ : |
Carter, Philip. |
Kogan Page, |
2010 |
9788175545021 |
178 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.4 CIA |
05033118 |
Emotional Intelligence in Everyday Life / |
Ciarrochi, Joseph |
Psychology Press, |
2006 |
1841694355 |
292 p |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 DAL |
00135195 |
Physical intellegence: |
Dale,Claire |
Simon and Schuster ltd., |
2019 |
9781471170904 |
468p.; |
UG Library |
152.4 GOL |
03003142 |
Emotional Intelligence : |
Goleman, Daniel. |
Bantam Books, |
1992 |
9780553840070 | 055384007X |
413 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.4 GOL |
03006970 |
Emotional Intelligence Working with Emotional Intelligence / |
Goleman, Daniel |
Bloomsbury, |
2004 |
9780747574569 |
xiv, 352, xi |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.4 GOL |
00122382 |
Social Intelligence : |
Goleman, Daniel |
Hutchinson, |
2006 |
0091799732 |
403 p |
UG Library |
152.4 GOL |
03008865 |
Working with Emotional Intelligence / |
Coleman, Daniel |
Bantam Books ; |
1998 |
0553553841 | 076783007994 | 97 |
464 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.4 KIT |
09000997 |
Understanding Emotional Intelligence : |
Kay, Frances. |
Kogan Page, |
2011 |
9780749458805 | 9780749459376 |
236 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.4 MCK |
00070634 |
The Power of Emotional Choice |
Mckay, Gary D. |
Jaico Publishing House |
1994 |
8172249403 | 9788172249403 |
277 p. |
UG Library |
152.4 MUR |
05033716 |
A critique of emotional intelligence : |
Kevin R Murphy |
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, |
2006 |
0805853170 (alk. paper) | 0805 |
xiii, 373 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 WOO |
03002450 |
Test Your Emotional Intelligence : |
Wood, Robert. |
Kogan Page, |
2009 |
9788175542082 |
153 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.4 ALB |
05068193 |
The handbook of attitudes / |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138037052 |
2nd ed. |
x, 610 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 ALB |
09000118 |
The handbook of attitudes / |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138037052 |
2nd ed. |
x, 610 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.4 ALL |
00023171 |
William James Reader |
Allen, Gay Wilson |
1973 |
254p |
UG Library |
152.4 ASR |
00141293 |
Emotional Intelligence : |
Asrat, Yihunselam |
Global Vision Publishing House; |
2022 |
9789390423507 |
152 p. |
UG Library |
152.4 BAI |
10004860 |
How to Calm Your Mind: Finding Peace and Productivity in Anxious Times/ by Chris Bailey |
Bailey, Chris [Author] |
Macmillan, |
2022 |
9781035001989 |
1st Ed. |
268 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
152.4 BAR |
05069481 |
Handbook of emotions / |
The Guildford Press, |
2018 |
9781462536368 |
Fourth edition. |
xvi, 928 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 BAR |
09000544 |
Handbook of emotions / |
The Guildford Press, |
2018 |
9781462536368 |
Fourth edition. |
xvi, 928 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.4 BAR |
10004859 |
How emotions are made : the secret life of the brain / by Lisa Feldman Barrett, PhD. |
Barrett, Lisa Feldman [author] |
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, |
2017 |
9781509837526 |
xv, 425 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
152.4 BEA |
05068592 |
The Psychology of Climate Change / |
Beattie, Geoffrey. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138484528 |
112p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 BEA |
05069137 |
The Psychology of Climate Change / |
Beattie, Geoffrey. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138484528 |
112p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 BEA |
09000184 |
The Psychology of Climate Change / |
Beattie, Geoffrey. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138484528 |
112p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.4 BEL |
05034416 |
Cognitive Therapy and the Emotional Disorders / |
Beck, Aaron T |
Penguin Books, |
1991 |
0140156895 |
356 p |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 BHA |
05037962 |
Emotional Intelligence Myth or Reallity / |
Bhattacharya, Mousumi S |
Excel Books, |
2007 |
9788174465436 |
242p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 BOT |
10004492 |
The School of Life: An Emotional Education/ by Alain de Botton |
De Botton, Alain [Author] and The School of Life |
Penguin Random House, |
2020 |
9780241985830 |
1st Ed. |
310 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
152.4 BRA |
05033714 |
Emotional Intelligence Quickbook : |
Bradberry, Travis |
Fireside, |
2005 |
0743273265 |
185 p |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 BRA |
07007492 |
Emotional intelligence 2.0 / |
Bradberry Travis |
TalentSmart, |
2009 |
9780974320625 |
255 p |
Library - BR Campus |
152.4 BRA |
09000740 |
Emotional intelligence 2.0 / |
Bradberry Travis |
TalentSmart, |
2009 |
9780974320625 |
255 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.4 BRA |
05033731 |
Emotional intelligence 2.0 / |
Bradberry Travis |
TalentSmart, |
2009 |
9780974320625 |
255 p |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 BRE |
00144751 |
Mistrust / |
Breakwell, Glynis M, |
Sage publications, |
2021 |
9781529732078 | 9781529732108 |
ix,202p, ; |
UG Library |
152.4 BUC |
07012527 |
Emotion: |
Buck,Ross. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2014 |
9781316635605 |
XXII,423 Pages,: |
Library - BR Campus |
152.4 BUC |
09001006 |
Emotion: |
Buck,Ross. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2014 |
9781316635605 |
XXII,423 Pages,: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.4 BUC |
07002223 |
Emotion : |
Buck, Ross. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2014 |
9780521813167 (hardback) |
xxiii, 448 pages ; |
Library - BR Campus |
152.4 BUR |
05074889 |
Emotional Ignorance : |
Burnett, Dean. |
Faber, |
2023 |
9781783351732 |
396p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 CAR |
04008423 |
Test Your EQ : |
Carter, Philip. |
Kogan Page, |
2010 |
9788175545021 |
178 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.4 CIA |
00089337 |
Emotional Intelligence in Every Day Life |
Ciarrochi, Joseph |
Psychology Press |
2006 |
1841694355 |
292p |
UG Library |
152.4 COL |
09000098 |
Emotion regulation : |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138683204 (pbk : alk. paper) | 9781138683198 (hbk : alk. paper) | 9781351001328 (ebk : alk. paper) |
xvii,283p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.4 COL |
05068342 |
Emotion regulation : |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138683204 (pbk : alk. paper) | 9781138683198 (hbk : alk. paper) | 9781351001328 (ebk : alk. paper) |
xvii,283p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 COO |
01022829 |
The science of attitudes / |
Cooper, Joel. |
Routledge, |
2016 |
9781138820784 (hb : alk. paper |
vi, 346 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 COR |
00072143 |
House Hold Humour. |
Corelius, Judson K |
Siga |
2003 |
8171083986 |
142 |
UG Library |
152.4 COR |
00072167 |
Literary Humour. |
Cornelius, Judson K |
Siga |
2005 |
8171083749 |
153 |
UG Library |
152.4 COT |
00145803 |
Practical feelings : |
Cottingham, Marci D., |
Oxford, |
2022 |
9780197613696 | 9780197613689 |
viii,206 p. : |
UG Library |
152.4 CSI |
00122381 |
Follow |
Csikszentmihalyi,Mihaly |
Rider |
2002 |
303p |
UG Library |
152.4 DAC |
00133209 |
An introduction to emotional intelligence: |
Dacre-Pool, Lorraine, |
The British Psychological Society, |
2018 |
9781119108276 (cloth) | 9781119108269 (pbk.) |
xv,255 p.; |
UG Library |
152.4 DAM |
00060579 |
Measuring Your Emotional Quotient Factor |
D'ambra, Gilles |
Infinity Books |
2002 |
157 p. |
UG Library |
152.4 DAM |
05033732 |
The Feelings of What Happens : |
Damasio, Antonio |
Vintage Books, |
2000 |
9780099288763 |
385 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 DES |
00130871 |
Emotional success : |
DeSteno, David, |
Blue bird, |
2018 |
9780544703100 (hardcover) | 97 |
viii, 227 pages ; |
UG Library |
152.4 EFR |
05033730 |
Ten Most Effective Ways to Overcome Anger : |
Efron, Ron Potter |
Jaico Publishing, |
1997 |
0817224584 |
157 p |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 ELL |
05030699 |
Anger: How to Live With and Without It |
Ellis, Albert |
Jaico, |
1996 |
8172241070 |
282p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 EVA |
01016413 |
Emotion : |
Evans, Dylan, |
Oxford University Press, |
2003 |
0192804618 | 9780192804617 |
139 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 EVA |
00101767 |
Emotion : |
Evans, Dylan, |
Oxford University Press, |
9780192804618 |
139 p. : |
UG Library |
152.4 EVA |
00068446 |
Emotions |
Evans, Dylan |
2001 |
0019285433 |
204p |
UG Library |
152.4 FAZ |
05034561 |
Attitudes : |
Fazio, Russell H |
Psychology Press, |
2008 |
491 p |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 FLA |
09000697 |
The Change Intelligence Factor : |
Flagello Jane.R |
Viva Books, |
2015 |
9788130931098 |
viii,151p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.4 FLA |
07009532 |
The Change Intelligence Factor : |
Flagello Jane.R |
Viva Books, |
2015 |
9788130931098 |
viii,151p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
152.4 FOX |
09000494 |
The nature of emotion : |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780190612573 |
2nd ed. |
xxxv, 596p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.4 FOX |
05067797 |
The nature of emotion : |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780190612573 |
2nd ed. |
xxxv, 596p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 FRA |
10004096 |
Embracing hope : |
Frankl, Viktor E. |
Rider, |
2023 |
9781846047879 |
xxi, 144p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
152.4 FRA |
05074888 |
Embracing hope : |
Frankl, Viktor E. |
Rider, |
2023 |
9781846047879 |
xxi, 144p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 GER |
00107871 |
The Mindful Path to Selfcompassion |
Germer,Christopher K. |
Guilford Publications Inc |
2009 |
9788171087594 |
xiv; 306 P. |
UG Library |
152.4 GLE |
03004524 |
A Kick in the Attitude : |
Glenn, Sam. |
Wiley, |
2010 |
9780470528051 (cloth) | 047052 |
x, 210 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.4 GOL |
03008867 |
Emotional Intelligence Working with Emotional Intelligence / |
Goleman, Daniel |
Bloomsbury, |
2004 |
9780747574569 |
xiv, 352, xi |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.4 GOL |
07012758 |
HBR everyday emotional intelligence : |
Harvard Business Review Press, |
2018 |
9781633694118 |
xiii,362p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
152.4 GOL |
07001170 |
Emotional Intelligence : |
Goleman, Daniel. |
Bloomsbury, |
1994 |
9789382563792 |
xiv,352p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
152.4 GOL |
05057080 |
Emotional Intelligence : |
Goleman, Daniel. |
Bloomsbury, |
1994 |
9789382563792 |
xiv,352p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 GOL |
00067067 |
Working with Emotional Intelligence / |
Coleman, Daniel |
Bantam Books ; |
1998 |
0553553841 | 076783007994 | 97 |
464 p.: |
UG Library |
152.4 GOL |
01016202 |
Emotional Intelligence / |
Goleman,Daniel. |
Bloomsbury, |
1995 |
9780747528302 |
xiv,352p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 GOL |
00060915 |
Emotional Intelligence |
Goleman, Daniel |
Bloomsbury Publishing |
1996 |
0747529825 |
xiv; 352 p. |
UG Library |
152.4 GOL |
00080342 |
Emotional Intelligence |
Goleman, Daniel |
Bantam Books |
1996 |
xv; 413 p. |
UG Library |
152.4 GOL |
05034131 |
Social Intelligence : |
Goleman, Daniel |
Hutchinson, |
2006 |
0091799732 |
403 p |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 GOL |
10005019 |
Optimal : how to sustain excellence every day / by Daniel Goleman & Cary Cherniss. |
Goleman, Daniel [Author] |
HarperCollins Publishers, |
2023 |
9780241609071 |
1st Ed. |
vi, 260 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
152.4 GOL |
04015477 |
Emotional intelligence / |
Goleman, Daniel. |
Bantam Books, |
2005 |
9780553383713 |
xxiv, 358 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.4 GOL |
04022706 |
Emotional Intelligence : |
Goleman, Daniel. |
Bloomsbury, |
1994 |
9789382563792 |
xiv,352p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.4 GOL |
03013301 |
HBR everyday emotional intelligence : |
Harvard Business Review Press, |
2018 |
9781633694118 |
xiii,362p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.4 GOL |
03013412 |
HBR everyday emotional intelligence : |
Harvard Business Review Press, |
2018 |
9781633694118 |
xiii,362p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.4 GOL |
10002332 |
Emotional Intelligence : |
Goleman, Daniel. |
Bloomsbury, |
1995 |
9789354352805 |
xxi, 325p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
152.4 GOM |
00121276 |
Befriending Your Emotions |
Gomes,Janina |
Pauline Publications |
2014 |
8171765734 |
142p |
UG Library |
152.4 GRE |
05002165 |
Emotions : |
Routledge, |
2008 |
9780415425643 (pbk.) | 0415425 |
xxvii, 480 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 GRU |
09000578 |
The Oxford handbook of positive emotion and psychopathology / |
Oxford University Press, |
2019 |
9780190653200 |
xiv, 639p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.4 GRU |
05067805 |
The Oxford handbook of positive emotion and psychopathology / |
Oxford University Press, |
2019 |
9780190653200 |
xiv, 639p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 GUR |
00108152 |
Humiliation : |
Oxford University Press, |
9780198060307 | 0198060300 |
xii, 238 p. ; |
UG Library |
152.4 GUR |
00092219 |
Humiliation : |
Oxford University Press, |
9780198060307 | 0198060300 |
xii, 238 p. ; |
UG Library |
152.4 HAR |
05005029 |
Emotions : |
Routledge, |
2009 |
9780415469296 (hardback : alk. |
1st ed. |
xiii, 418 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 HAR |
00144560 |
Virtual EI : |
Harvard Business Review. |
Harvard Business Review press, |
2022 |
9781647823290 |
ix,152p, ; |
UG Library |
152.4 HBR |
05057556 |
Mindfulness / |
Harvard Business Review, |
2017 |
9781633693197 |
viii, 121p. |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 HBR |
05074586 |
Mindfulness / |
Harvard Business Review, |
2017 |
9781633693197 |
viii, 121p. |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 HBR |
05074587 |
Mindful Listening : |
Harvard Business Review |
Harvard Business Review, |
2019 |
9781633696679 |
ix, 138 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 HBR |
07001699 |
HBR's 10 must reads on emotional intelligence / |
Harvard Business Review Press, |
2015 |
9781633690196 (alk. paper) |
166p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
152.4 HBR |
00140327 |
HBR's 10 must reads on emotional intelligence / |
Harvard Business Review Press, |
2015 |
9781633690196 (alk. paper) |
166p.: |
UG Library |
152.4 HBR |
10004604 |
Curiosity / |
Harvard Buniess Review Press, |
2024 |
9781647826840 |
ix, 165p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
152.4 HBR |
09000806 |
HBR's 10 must reads on emotional intelligence / |
Harvard Business Review Press, |
2015 |
9781633690196 (alk. paper) |
166p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.4 HBR |
09000796 |
HBR's 10 must reads on emotional intelligence / |
Harvard Business Review Press, |
2015 |
9781633690196 (alk. paper) |
166p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.4 HBR |
07001561 |
Emotional intelligence : |
Harvard Business Review |
HBR, |
2015 |
0889372837 (bound) : |
166 p. |
Library - BR Campus |
152.4 HIL |
05065269 |
Affect regulation theory : |
Hill, Daniel. |
W. W. Norton & Company, |
2015 |
9780393707267 (hardcover : alk. paper) |
First edition. |
xxv, 283 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 HOC |
05036814 |
The managed heart |
Hochschild, Arlie Russell, |
University of California Press, |
2012 |
Updated, with a new preface. |
xx, 327 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 HOU |
05004846 |
Cognition and emotion : |
Psychology Press, |
2010 |
9781841698717 (hbk.) | 1841698 |
x, 347 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 KAD |
00103628 |
Changing Patterns Of Thought : |
Kadankavil, Thomas |
Dharmaram Publications, |
2010 |
9788189958367 |
xix, 136 p. |
UG Library |
152.4 KAH |
05068174 |
Analyzing affective societies : |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138388796 (hardback) |
xv,312p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 KAK |
00031119 |
Tales of Love, Sex and Danger |
Kakar, Sudhir |
Oxford University Press |
1986 |
248 p. |
UG Library |
152.4 KAP |
03010769 |
Passion Quotient : |
Kapoor, Virender. |
Bloomsbury india, |
2015 |
9789384052539 |
220 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.4 KAP |
04022792 |
Passion Quotient : |
Kapoor, Virender. |
Bloomsbury india, |
2015 |
9789384052539 |
220 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.4 KAP |
05044624 |
Passion Quotient : |
Kapoor, Virender. |
Bloomsbury india, |
2015 |
9789384052539 |
220 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 KAP |
00060549 |
Emotional Intelligence |
Kapadia, Mala |
BPI Pvt Ltd |
2000 |
9798176931273 |
335 p. |
UG Library |
152.4 KIT |
04012648 |
Understanding Emotional Intelligence : |
Kay, Frances. |
Kogan Page, |
2011 |
9780749458805 | 9780749459376 |
236 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.4 KIT |
07000728 |
Understanding Emotional Intelligence : |
Kay, Frances. |
Kogan Page, |
2011 |
9780749458805 | 9780749459376 |
236 p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
152.4 KIT |
03005923 |
Understanding Emotional Intelligence : |
Kay, Frances. |
Kogan Page, |
2011 |
9780749458805 | 9780749459376 |
236 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.4 KIT |
05008460 |
Understanding Emotional Intelligence : |
Kay, Frances. |
Kogan Page, |
2011 |
9780749458805 | 9780749459376 |
236 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 KRA |
04013501 |
Emotional Intelligence Works : |
Kravitz, S. Michael |
Viva books, |
2011 |
9788130918471 |
3rd ed. |
ii, 115 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.4 KRA |
03005719 |
Emotional Intelligence Works : |
Kravitz, S. Michael |
Viva books, |
2011 |
9788130918471 |
3rd ed. |
ii, 115 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.4 KUP |
05005133 |
Individual differences in emotion components and dynamics / |
Kuppens, Peter |
Psychology press, |
2010 |
9781841698571 |
1464 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 LED |
05030769 |
Emotional Brain: The Mysterious Underpinnings of Emotional Life/ |
Ledoux, Joseph |
Touchstone book, |
2002 |
0684836599 |
384p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 LED |
05034562 |
The Emotional Brain : |
Ledoux, Joseph |
Touchstone Book, |
1996 |
0684836599 |
384 p |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 LED |
05034109 |
The Emotional Brain / |
Ledoux, Joseph |
Phoenix, |
2004 |
0753806703 |
384 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 LEV |
00125790 |
Vital Signs |
Levoy,Gregg |
Penguin |
2015 |
9780399174988 |
491p |
UG Library |
152.4 LYN |
05033364 |
50 Activities for Developing Emotional Intelligence / |
Lynn, Adele B |
Ane Books, |
2003 |
8180520056 |
299 p |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 MAU |
04016745 |
The Power of A Positive Attitude / |
Maurus, J. |
Better yours Books, |
2012 |
9788171088188 |
118p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.4 MCK |
00070604 |
The Power of Emotional Choice |
Mckay, Gary D. |
Jaico Publishing House |
1994 |
8172249403 | 9788172249403 |
277 p. |
UG Library |
152.4 MCK |
00070638 |
The Power of Emotional Choice |
Mckay, Gary D. |
Jaico Publishing House |
1994 |
8172249403 | 9788172249403 |
277 p. |
UG Library |
152.4 MIL |
05045600 |
Humiliation : |
Miller William Ian |
Cornell University Press, |
1993 |
9780801481178 |
xii,270p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 MUL |
03012781 |
Emotional Intelligence Training / |
Mulle, Karl |
Viva Books, |
2019 |
9789387925298 |
251p. ; |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.4 NIE |
00085880 |
Psychology of Emotion: |
Niedenthal, Paula M |
Psychology Press |
2006 |
9781841694023 |
417 p |
UG Library |
152.4 OTI |
09000360 |
Banned emotions : |
Otis, Laura, |
Oxford University Press, |
2019 |
9780190698904 (hardcover : alk. paper) |
xii, 186 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.4 OTI |
05067889 |
Banned emotions : |
Otis, Laura, |
Oxford University Press, |
2019 |
9780190698904 (hardcover : alk. paper) |
xii, 186 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 PAT |
05068364 |
Emotions in late modernity / |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9780815354321 (hardback) |
xxiv,341p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 POW |
00126248 |
Cognition and Emotion : |
Power, Mick |
Psychology Press, |
2016 |
9781848722675 | 9781848722682 |
3rd edition. |
xii, 460 p.: |
UG Library |
152.4 POW |
05002196 |
Cognition and emotion : |
Power, Michael J. |
Psychology Press, |
2008 |
9780415373531 | 9780415373548 |
2nd ed. |
xii, 439 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 PUR |
00141691 |
Emotional intelligence / |
Purushothaman, Rajagopalan, |
Sage publications india pvt ltd., |
2021 |
9789353887506 |
xvi,196p.; |
UG Library |
152.4 PUR |
10001614 |
Emotional intelligence / |
Purushothaman, Rajagopalan, |
Sage publications india pvt ltd., |
2021 |
9789353887506 |
xvi,196p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
152.4 REM |
05074994 |
This Is How You Grow After Trauma : |
Remes, Olivia. |
Ebury Press, |
2023 |
9781529196429 |
200 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 REM |
10004195 |
This Is How You Grow After Trauma : |
Remes, Olivia. |
Ebury Press, |
2023 |
9781529196429 |
200 p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
152.4 ROS |
04015703 |
The emotional revolution : |
Rosenthal, Norman E. |
Citadel Press/Kensington Pub. Corp., |
2002 |
9780806522951 |
xiv, 491 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.4 RYF |
05030778 |
Emotion, Social Relationships and Health: |
Ryff, D Carol |
Oxford university press, |
2004 |
0195145410 |
288p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 SAN |
07007206 |
The Oxford companion to emotion and the affective sciences / |
Oxford University Press, |
2009 |
9780198569633 | 0198569637 | 9 |
xi, 499 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
152.4 SAR |
05004599 |
Sketch for a theory of the emotions / |
Sartre |
Routledge Classics, |
2002 |
9780415267526 |
xvi,64 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 SCH |
05042713 |
Emotion / |
Schirmer, Annett. |
Sage, |
2015 |
9781452226255 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xvii, 508 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 SCH |
07008247 |
Emotion / |
Schirmer, Annett. |
Sage, |
2015 |
9781452226255 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xvii, 508 pages : |
Library - BR Campus |
152.4 SCH |
09000861 |
Emotion / |
Schirmer, Annett. |
Sage, |
2015 |
9781452226255 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xvii, 508 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.4 SEG |
03003856 |
The Language of Emotional Intelligence: |
Segal, Jeanne |
Tata McGraw-Hill, |
2008 |
9780070140639 |
viii;225p. |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.4 SHA |
04026181 |
Are You Feeding Your Hunger or Your Emotions / |
Sharma, Shikha |
Wisdom Tree, |
2015 |
9788183284462 |
234p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.4 SIN |
00129990 |
Find Your Why : |
Sinek, Simon, |
Portfolio Penguin, |
2017 |
9780143111726 | 9780241279267 |
xii, 242 p . : |
UG Library |
152.4 SOU |
00142246 |
Understanding and Dealing with Depression: |
Souter,Keith |
Manjual Publishing House |
2013 |
9788183227179 |
213p |
UG Library |
152.4 STE |
00050685 |
The EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Success |
Stein, Steven J. |
Macmillan |
2000 |
0333935977 |
275p |
UG Library |
152.4 TAL |
07010028 |
Emotional Psychology / |
Talati J.K.Dr |
Paradise Publishers, |
2015 |
9789380033570 |
255p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
152.4 THO |
00070614 |
A New Attitude |
Thomas,Marian |
Jaico Publishing House |
2004 |
8179922022 | 9788179922026 |
120 p. |
UG Library |
152.4 TIE |
00088787 |
Social Life of Emotions |
Tiedens, Larissa Z |
2004 |
0521535298 |
360p |
UG Library |
152.4 VAL |
09000404 |
The psychology of passion : |
Vallerand, Robert J. |
Oxford University Press, |
2015 |
0199777608 | 9780199777600 |
viii, 403p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.4 VAL |
05067812 |
The psychology of passion : |
Vallerand, Robert J. |
Oxford University Press, |
2015 |
0199777608 | 9780199777600 |
viii, 403p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 VER |
00147393 |
Emotional Intelligence of Human Psychology / |
Verma, Subhash |
Book Enclave, |
2024 |
9789392262821 |
244p. ; |
UG Library |
152.4 VOG |
05047571 |
Attitudes and attitude change / |
Vogel, Tobias K., |
Routledge, |
2016 |
9781841696737 (hb : alk. paper |
Second Edition. |
xi, 337 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 WAL |
05030786 |
Natural History of Human Emotions / |
Walton, Stuart |
Grove press, |
2004 |
0802142761 | 9780802142764 |
410p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4 WAR |
00141408 |
The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: |
Ware,Bronnie |
Hay House Publishers |
2021 |
9789382827624 |
244p |
UG Library |
152.4 WEY |
05033136 |
Supporting Young People Coping With Grief, Loss and Death / |
Weymont, Deborah |
Sage Publication, |
2006 |
1412913128 |
131 p |
Knowledge Centre |
152.40287 MAX |
00105312 |
Attitude: |
Maxwell,John.C |
Jaico Publishing House. |
2010 |
9788184951493 |
ix,138 p. |
UG Library |
152.40287 MAX |
03007036 |
Attitude: |
Maxwell,John.C |
Jaico Publishing House. |
2010 |
9788184951493 |
ix,138 p. |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.403 REE |
05008964 |
Encyclopedia of emotion / |
Reevy, Gretchen. |
Greenwood, |
2010 |
9780313345760 (hard copy volum |
2 v. (xxiii, 675 p.) : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.403 REE |
05008965 |
Encyclopedia of emotion / |
Reevy, Gretchen. |
Greenwood, |
2010 |
9780313345760 (hard copy volum |
2 v. (xxiii, 675 p.) : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4095 SCH |
05059601 |
Historicizing emotions : |
Brill, |
2015 |
9789004352957 (hardback : alk. |
xii, 332 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.41 BAG |
05072973 |
The Value of Empathy / |
Baghramian, Maria. |
Routledge, |
2021 |
9780367478186 |
xii, 263p, ; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.41 BRA |
05033738 |
The Psychology of Romantic Love : |
Branden, Nathaniel |
Penguin Books, |
2008 |
205 p |
Knowledge Centre |
152.41 BRE |
05067285 |
The dark sides of empathy / |
Breithaupt, Fritz, |
Cornell University Press, |
2019 |
9781501721649 |
1st edition. |
viii, 277 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.41 COO |
01020640 |
Empathy : |
Oxford University Press, |
2014 |
9780198706427 |
xlvii,382p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.41 GOT |
10002185 |
They call it love : |
Gotby, Alva, |
Verso, |
2023 |
9781839767036 |
xxiii, 167 pages ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
152.41 HBR |
07012600 |
Empathy / |
Harvard Business Review Press, |
2017 |
9781633693258 |
ix, 134p. |
Library - BR Campus |
152.41 HBR |
00129506 |
Empathy. |
Harvard Business Review |
2017 |
9781633693258 |
134 p.: |
UG Library |
152.41 HBR |
05074588 |
Empathy / |
Harvard Business Review Press, |
2017 |
9781633693258 |
ix, 134p. |
Knowledge Centre |
152.41 HBR |
05057558 |
Empathy / |
Harvard Business Review Press, |
2017 |
9781633693258 |
ix, 134p. |
Knowledge Centre |
152.41 MAY |
05069929 |
Love And Will / |
May, Rollo. |
W.W. Norton & Company, |
2007 |
9780393330052 |
352p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.41 PAL |
00128011 |
The Psychology of Love/ |
Paludi, Michele A |
Praeger |
2012 |
9780313393150 |
212p. |
UG Library |
152.41 PAL |
00128012 |
The Psychology of Love/ |
Paludi, Michele A |
Praeger |
2012 |
9780313393150 |
212p. |
UG Library |
152.41 PAL |
00128013 |
The Psychology of Love/ |
Paludi, Michele A |
Praeger |
2012 |
9780313393150 |
212p. |
UG Library |
152.41 PAL |
00128014 |
The Psychology of Love/ |
Paludi, Michele A |
Praeger |
2012 |
9780313393150 |
212p. |
UG Library |
152.41 SHE |
04024745 |
Why We Love The Way Wedo |
Shenoy Preeti |
Westland Ltd, |
2015 |
9789385724183 |
xv, 262 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.41 SIM |
00129179 |
Love what matters : |
Simon & Schuster |
Simon & Schuster |
2017 |
9781501169137 | 1501169130 |
First Threshhold Editions hardcover edition. |
ix, 259 p. : |
UG Library |
152.41 STE |
00050437 |
Cupid's Arrow |
Sternberg, J. Robert |
Cambridge University Press |
1998 |
0521478936 | 9780521478939 |
208 p. |
UG Library |
152.42 HBR |
03013409 |
Influence & persuasion. |
HBR, |
2018 |
9781633693937 |
135 Pages,: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.42 HBR |
03013410 |
Mindfulness / |
Harvard Business Review, |
2017 |
9781633693197 |
viii, 121p. |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.42 MIL |
07009477 |
Scientific Principles of Stress/ |
Mills,James L |
University of the west Indies Press, |
2012 |
9789766402624 |
IX,113 Pages,: |
Library - BR Campus |
152.42 SCH |
03001941 |
Secrets of Happiness |
Schoch, Richard |
Viva Books Private Limited |
9781861979896 |
243 p |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.42 AME |
10004537 |
You, happier : the 7 neuroscience secrets of feeling good based on your brain type / by Daniel G. Amen, MD. |
Amen, Daniel G [Author] |
Wisdom tree, |
2022 |
9788183286169 |
1st Ed. |
343 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
152.42 BAT |
05034105 |
Simple Ways to Manage Stress / |
Batra, Pramod |
Think Inc., |
1996 |
8190054740 |
250 p |
Knowledge Centre |
152.42 BLO |
00105570 |
How pleasure works : |
Bloom, Paul, |
Vintage Books |
2010 |
9780393066326 |
1st ed. |
xvi, 280 p. : |
UG Library |
152.42 BLO |
03011265 |
How Pleasure Works : |
Bloom, Paul. |
Vintage Books , |
2010 |
9780099548768 |
280 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.42 BON |
05054133 |
A Box of Happiness : |
Bond,Ruskin. |
Speaking Tiger, |
2016 |
9789385755941 | 9789385755897 | 9789386050366 | 9789386050298 |
3 v.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.42 BON |
05054134 |
A Box of Happiness : |
Bond,Ruskin. |
Speaking Tiger, |
2016 |
9789385755941 | 9789385755897 | 9789386050366 | 9789386050298 |
3 v.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.42 BON |
05054135 |
A Box of Happiness : |
Bond,Ruskin. |
Speaking Tiger, |
2016 |
9789385755941 | 9789385755897 | 9789386050366 | 9789386050298 |
3 v.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.42 DAR |
09000938 |
The Expression of the emotions in man and animals |
Charles,Darwin |
Harper perennial |
1998 |
9780006387343 | 9781108004831 |
xxxvi,470p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.42 DAR |
00106420 |
The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals / |
Darwin, Charles. |
Dover Publications , |
2007 |
9780486456072 | 0486456072 |
2nd edition |
viii, 394 p. : |
UG Library |
152.42 DAR |
07007288 |
The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals / |
Darwin, Charles. |
Dover Publications , |
2007 |
9780486456072 | 0486456072 |
2nd edition |
viii, 394 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
152.42 DAR |
00104377 |
The Expression of the emotions in man and animals |
Charles,Darwin |
Harper perennial |
1998 |
9780006387343 | 9781108004831 |
xxxvi,470p |
UG Library |
152.42 DAR |
03005977 |
The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals / |
Darwin, Charles. |
Dover Publications , |
2007 |
9780486456072 | 0486456072 |
2nd edition |
viii, 394 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.42 FEL |
01017072 |
What is this thing called happiness? / |
Feldman, Fred, |
Oxford University Press, |
2010 |
9780199571178 (hbk. : alk. pap |
xv, 286 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.42 FEL |
00128025 |
What is This Thing Called Happiness? / |
Feldman, Fred, |
Oxford University Press, |
2012 |
9780199571178 (hbk. : alk. pap |
xv, 286 p. : |
UG Library |
152.42 GAR |
00141640 |
The Ikigai Journey: |
Garcia,Hector |
Tuttle |
2017 |
9780804855334 |
223p |
UG Library |
152.42 HBR |
05074589 |
Happiness / |
Harvard Business Review Press, |
2017 |
9781633693210 |
viii, 162p. |
Knowledge Centre |
152.42 HBR |
05057557 |
Happiness / |
Harvard Business Review Press, |
2017 |
9781633693210 |
viii, 162p. |
Knowledge Centre |
152.42 HBR |
03013408 |
Happiness / |
Harvard Business Review Press, |
2017 |
9781633693210 |
viii, 162p. |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.42 HIC |
07006524 |
Nonverbal Communication / |
Hickson Mark |
Roxbury Publishing Company, |
2004 |
9780195329889 |
xiii,503p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
152.42 HUP |
05004955 |
Happiness and well-being : |
Routledge, |
2011 |
9780415473637 (set : alk. pape |
v. ; 400 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.42 HUP |
05004956 |
Happiness and well-being : |
Routledge, |
2011 |
9780415473637 (set : alk. pape |
v. ; 400 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.42 HUP |
05004957 |
Happiness and well-being : |
Routledge, |
2011 |
9780415473637 (set : alk. pape |
v. ; 400 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.42 HUP |
05004958 |
Happiness and well-being : |
Routledge, |
2011 |
9780415473637 (set : alk. pape |
v. ; 400 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.42 HUP |
05009435 |
Happiness and well-being : |
Routledge, |
2011 |
9780415473637 (set : alk. pape |
v. ; 400 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.42 HUP |
05009436 |
Happiness and well-being : |
Routledge, |
2011 |
9780415473637 (set : alk. pape |
v. ; 400 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.42 HUP |
05009437 |
Happiness and well-being : |
Routledge, |
2011 |
9780415473637 (set : alk. pape |
v. ; 400 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.42 HUP |
05009438 |
Happiness and well-being : |
Routledge, |
2011 |
9780415473637 (set : alk. pape |
v. ; 400 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.42 NG |
00146304 |
Happiness-Concept, Measurement and Promotion/ |
Ng, Yew-Kwang |
Springer |
2022 |
9789813349742 |
183p. |
UG Library |
152.42 TAN |
07006961 |
Joy on demand : |
Tan, Chade-Meng, |
Harper One, |
2016 |
9780062378859 (hardback) | 978 |
First edition. |
vi, 262 pages ; |
Library - BR Campus |
152.42 WAR |
00135878 |
The psychology happiness |
Warr, Peter |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138090798 |
x,110p.; |
UG Library |
152.42 WAR |
05069141 |
The psychology happiness / |
Warr, Peter B. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138090668 (hardback) |
1 Edition. |
x,110p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.42 WAR |
09000189 |
The psychology happiness / |
Warr, Peter B. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138090668 (hardback) |
1 Edition. |
x,110p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.42 WAR |
05068529 |
The psychology happiness / |
Warr, Peter B. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138090668 (hardback) |
1 Edition. |
x,110p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.4209 POT |
00124535 |
The story of joy : |
Potkay, Adam, |
Cambridge University Press, |
2007 |
9780521879118 |
xiii, 304 p. : |
UG Library |
152.43 BAO |
05010931 |
The Future of Post-Human Humor : |
Baofu Peter |
Viva Books, |
2012 |
9788130919980 |
xxii,440 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.43 CAR |
05048859 |
Humour : |
Carroll, Noël, |
Oxford University Press, |
2014 |
0199552223 | 9780199552221 |
First edition. |
126 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.43 COO |
09000086 |
Current Issues in Work and Organizational Psychology: |
Cooper, Cary.- Editor. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138604971(pbk) | 9781138604940(hbk) | 9780429468339(ebk) |
1 Ed. |
xi,424p,: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.43 COO |
00134802 |
Current Issues in Work and Organizational Psychology: |
Cooper, Cary.- Editor. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138604971(pbk) | 9781138604940(hbk) | 9780429468339(ebk) |
1 Ed. |
xi,424p,: |
UG Library |
152.43 COO |
05068505 |
Current Issues in Work and Organizational Psychology: |
Cooper, Cary.- Editor. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138604971(pbk) | 9781138604940(hbk) | 9780429468339(ebk) |
1 Ed. |
xi,424p,: |
Knowledge Centre |
152.43 COO |
05064405 |
Current Issues in Work and Organizational Psychology: |
Cooper, Cary.- Editor. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138604971(pbk) | 9781138604940(hbk) | 9780429468339(ebk) |
1 Ed. |
xi,424p,: |
Knowledge Centre |
152.43 GIB |
05068197 |
An introduction to the psychology of humor / |
Gibson, Janet M. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9780367029081 (pbk.) | 9780367029043 (hardback) |
vii,262p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.43 GIB |
09000050 |
An introduction to the psychology of humor / |
Gibson, Janet M. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9780367029081 (pbk.) | 9780367029043 (hardback) |
vii,262p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.43 GIB |
05069131 |
An introduction to the psychology of humor / |
Gibson, Janet M. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9780367029081 (pbk.) | 9780367029043 (hardback) |
vii,262p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.43 GIB |
00135570 |
An introduction to the psychology of humor / |
Gibson, Janet M. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9780367029081 (pbk.) | 9780367029043 (hardback) |
vii,262p.; |
UG Library |
152.43 LUT |
05047505 |
Laughter a recipe for health and happiness / |
Luthra,V.P. |
Sarup Book Publishers, |
2015 |
9789352080076 |
viii,65p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.43 ROB |
05068555 |
The psychology of humor at work / |
Routledge, |
2017 |
9781138232365 | 9781138944947 (hardback : alk. paper) |
xii, 160 pages " |
Knowledge Centre |
152.43 ROB |
05069142 |
The psychology of humor at work / |
Routledge, |
2017 |
9781138232365 | 9781138944947 (hardback : alk. paper) |
xii, 160 pages " |
Knowledge Centre |
152.43 ROB |
09000191 |
The psychology of humor at work / |
Routledge, |
2017 |
9781138232365 | 9781138944947 (hardback : alk. paper) |
xii, 160 pages " |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.432 LAU |
00135199 |
The anatomy of hate |
Laul,Revati |
Cntxt, |
2018 |
9789387894204 |
223p.; |
UG Library |
152.434 ATT |
00107121 |
Self Health Guides: Anxiety |
Attwell, Khleber Chapman |
Jones and Bartlett India Pvt Ltd |
2010 |
9789380108643 |
207 p |
UG Library |
152.452 OPP |
05022146 |
Questionnaire Design and Attitude Measurement / |
Oppenheim A.N |
Basic Books, |
1966 |
223 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
152.45208 FIS |
05052340 |
Readings in attitude theory and measurement / |
Fishbein, Martin, |
Wiley, |
1967 |
x, 499 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
152.454 HIG |
10002471 |
The biopsychology colouring book / |
Higgs, Suzanne., |
Sage publications ltd., |
2021 |
9781529730913 |
xi,135 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
152.454 ROW |
05030697 |
Stress: an Owner`s Manual |
Rowshan, Arthur |
Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd, |
1994 |
8120716736 |
148p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
152.46 BAU |
05006433 |
Liquid fear / |
Bauman, Zygmunt, |
Polity Press, |
2006 |
9780745636801 (pbk.) |
188 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.46 BEC |
00052499 |
How to Master Your Panic |
Beckfield, Denise |
Jaico |
1998 |
8172249489 |
278p |
UG Library |
152.46 CAR |
00145479 |
Beyond Fear: |
Cardozo, Ian |
Penguin Books, |
2023 |
9780143460367 |
xx,263p. ; |
UG Library |
152.46 CRA |
00060425 |
Conquering Your Fear of Flying |
Crangle, Maeve Byrne |
Newleaf |
2001 |
0717131939 | 9780717131938 |
164 p. |
UG Library |
152.46 DEL |
10005003 |
Reasons not to worry : how to be stoic in chaotic times /by Brigid Delaney. |
Delaney, Brigid [Author] |
Piatkus, |
2022 |
9780349436296 |
294 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
152.46 FRE |
00110098 |
Anxiety |
Freeman, Daniel |
Oxford University Press, |
2012 |
9780199567157 (pbk.) | 0199567 |
xii, 155 p. : |
UG Library |
152.46 GUP |
00081128 |
How to Overcome Fear(ltips for Removing Fears, Anxieties, Worries, Nervousness and Phobias) |
Gupta, M K |
Pustak Mahal |
2007 |
8122300502 |
80p |
UG Library |
152.46 HBR |
10004611 |
Managing your anxiety / |
Harvard Business Review Press, |
2023 |
9781647825645 |
135 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
152.46 JOH |
05067292 |
Worried? : |
Johnson, Lise A., |
W.W.Norton, |
2019 |
9780393712896 (hardcover) |
First Edition. |
vii,371p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.46 KAI |
00112666 |
Coping with fear made easy |
Kaitholil,George |
St. Pauls |
2012 |
9788171088058 |
103p |
UG Library |
152.46 KRI |
00062880 |
On Fear |
Krishnamurti, J. |
Krishnamurti Foundation |
2003 |
0818732645 |
122 p. |
UG Library |
152.46 LEA |
05030781 |
Worry Cure: Seven Steps to Stop Worry from Stopping You |
Leahy, L Robert |
Three River press, |
2005 |
1400097665 |
322p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.46 TRI |
10002328 |
Age of anxiety / |
Tripathi, Amrita. |
Simon & Schuster India, |
2021 |
9788195057160 |
210p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
152.46 VAS |
00123105 |
Kill Fear Before Fear Kills You |
Vaswani, J P |
Wisdom Tree, |
2016 |
9788183284516 |
116 p:. |
UG Library |
152.46082 ROS |
04009885 |
One Less Thing to Worry About : |
Ross, Jerilyn. |
Ballantine Books, |
2009 |
9780345503060 (hardcover : alk |
1st ed. |
xvi, 268 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.46082 ROS |
03009439 |
One Less Thing to Worry About : |
Ross, Jerilyn. |
Ballantine Books, |
2009 |
9780345503060 (hardcover : alk |
1st ed. |
xvi, 268 p. ; |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.4609 GOR |
05057084 |
Worrying : |
Gorman, Francis O' |
Bloomsbury Publishing; |
2016 |
9781501320323 |
xxvi, 173p. |
Knowledge Centre |
152.47 BHA |
03002511 |
Anger Management / |
Bhave, Swati Y. |
Sage Publications , |
2009 |
9788132100850 |
190 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.47 BHA |
04003359 |
Anger Management |
Bhave, Swati Y |
Sage Publications |
2008 |
9788132100850 |
190 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.47 JON |
03000978 |
Overcoming Anger : |
Jones, Carol D. |
Adams Media, |
2006 |
1580629296 | 9781580629294 |
274 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.47 ALL |
03007331 |
Getting Control of Your Anger : |
Allan, Robert, |
McGraw-Hill, |
2006 |
0071448845 (alk. paper) | 9780 |
xx, 252 p. ; |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.47 ANA |
05071726 |
How to manage your anger : |
Anandamurugan, S. |
Shivam Books, |
63p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.47 BHA |
00091061 |
Anger Management / |
Bhave, Swati Y. |
Sage, |
2009 |
9788132100850 (paper back) | 8 |
xviii, 190 p. : |
UG Library |
152.47 GUP |
00081129 |
Hot to Control Anger:The Deadly Enemy |
Gupta, M K |
Pustak Mahal |
2007 |
8122300499 |
85p |
UG Library |
152.47 JON |
05008227 |
Overcoming anger : |
Jones, Carol D., |
Adams Media, |
2004 |
1580629296 |
xiii, 274 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
152.47 LUH |
05034112 |
Managing Anger : |
Luhn, R Rebecca |
Viva Books Private Limited., |
2004 |
8176495867 |
110 p |
Knowledge Centre |
152.47 LUH |
03008093 |
Managing Anger : |
Luhn, Rebecca R. |
Viva books, |
2005 |
9788176495868 |
111p.; |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.47 LUH |
04008299 |
Managing Anger : |
Luhn, Rebecca R. |
Viva books, |
2005 |
9788176495868 |
111p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.47 MIS |
05034086 |
Anger Management / |
Mishra, Rabi Narayana. |
Discovery Publishing House, |
2011 |
9788183567510 |
1st Ed. |
207p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.47LUH |
00058967 |
Managing Anger : |
Luhn, R Rebecca |
Viva Books Private Limited., |
2004 |
8176495867 |
110 p |
Knowledge Centre |
152.48 HAR |
05001959 |
Handbook of jealousy : |
Wiley-Blackwell, |
9781405185790 (hardcover : alk |
xiii, 581 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.48 SMI |
05067919 |
Envy at work and in organizations / |
Oxford University Press, |
2017 |
9780190228057 |
xxi, 522 pages |
Knowledge Centre |
152.48 SMI |
09000519 |
Envy at work and in organizations / |
Oxford University Press, |
2017 |
9780190228057 |
xxi, 522 pages |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.5 |
05033375 |
Motivate to Win : |
Denny, Richard |
UBS Publishers, |
1994 |
160 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
152.5 SHI |
04016750 |
The Miracle of Motivation |
Shinn, George |
Tyndale House |
1991 |
248 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.5 ALL |
00046347 |
How to Be Better at Motivating People |
Allan, John |
Kogan Page |
1998 |
8175540818 |
125 p |
UG Library |
152.5 ATK |
00015188 |
Introduction to Motivation |
Atkinson, John W |
Affiliated East-West |
1966 |
316 p |
UG Library |
152.5 ATK |
00088480 |
Introduction to Motivation |
Atkinson, John W |
Affiliated East-West |
1966 |
316 p |
UG Library |
152.5 COF |
00021252 |
Motivation: Theory and Research |
Cofer, C N |
Wiley |
1980 |
960 p |
UG Library |
152.5 HAY |
04016752 |
What You Can't Get Over Gets Over You / |
Hayley |
Puline Sisters, |
2011 |
9788171767687 |
164p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.5 MAU |
04016748 |
Wake Up to New Life : |
Maurus, J. |
betters yourself books, |
2011 |
9788171087907 |
168p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
152.5 MAU |
00112740 |
Wake Up to New Life : |
Maurus, J. |
betters yourself books, |
2011 |
9788171087907 |
168p. : |
UG Library |
152.5 SHI |
00034949 |
The Miracle of Motivation |
Shinn, George |
Tyndale House |
1991 |
248 p. |
UG Library |
152.5 VRO |
00021256 |
Work and Motivation |
Vroom, Victor H. |
Wiley Eastern Ltd |
1978 |
332 p. |
UG Library |
152.58 GEL |
05030698 |
Motivation in the Real World - Art of Getting Extra Effort from Everyone |
Gellerman, W Saul |
Rupa & Co, |
1996 |
322p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
152.8 THU |
05072050 |
Primary Mental Abilities / |
Thurstone, L.L. |
The University of Chicago Press, |
1968 |
ix,148p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.8 GUI |
05050100 |
Psychometric methods / |
Guilford, J. P. |
McGraw-Hill, |
1954 |
2d ed. |
597 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
152.8 HAR |
05050378 |
Problems in measuring change. |
Harris, Chester William, |
University of Wisconsin Press, |
1963 |
x, 259 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
152.8 HAY |
00021255 |
Quantification in Psychology |
Hays, William L. |
Prentice -Hall |
1969 |
88 p. |
UG Library |
152.8 NUN |
03012560 |
Psychometric Theory / |
Nunnally, Jum C. |
McGraw-Hill, |
1994 |
007047849X (alk. paper) | 0071 |
3rd ed. |
xxiv, 752 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
152.8 TUC |
05072049 |
Formal models for central prediction system / |
Tucker, Ledyard. R |
The Psychometric Society, |
1963 |
xi,167p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
152.9 CAR |
00062888 |
Quick Wits: a Compendium of Critical Thinking Skills |
Caroselli, Marlene |
Ane Books |
2003 |
8180520676 |
302p |
UG Library |
153 SCH |
05044671 |
The Mind & The Brain : |
Schwartz Md, Jeffrey |
Regan Books, |
2002 |
0060988479 |
420 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153 ALE |
00135656 |
Living In A Mindful Universe : |
Alexander,Eben. |
Piatkus, |
2017 |
9780349417431 |
xvi,272p.; |
UG Library |
153 DAW |
04003241 |
Minds and Machines: Connectionsm and Psychological Modeling |
Dawson, Michael R W |
John Wiley and Sons |
2004 |
9781405113496 |
287 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 GAL |
00128641 |
Cognitive Psychology in and Out of the Laboratory |
Galotti, M Kathleen |
Books cole Publishing, |
2004 |
9814057053 |
xxiii, 640p.; |
UG Library |
153 GAM |
03003438 |
Building Mental Muscle : |
Gamon, David. |
Viva Books, |
2010 |
9788130915074 |
320 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153 GAM |
04002969 |
Building Mental Muscle |
Gamon, David |
Viva Books Pvt Ltd |
2008 |
9788176494137 |
320 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 HOF |
04005746 |
I Am a Strange Loop |
Hofstadter, Douglas |
Member of the Perseus Books Group |
2007 |
9780465030798 |
412 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 HUN |
04000450 |
Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology / |
Hunt, Read R |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, |
2008 |
0070615942 |
478 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 MAN |
00138249 |
Every Thing is F*cked : |
Manson,Mark. |
Harper Collins Publishers, |
2019 |
9780062955951 |
273p.; |
UG Library |
153 REE |
05033712 |
Cognition : |
Reed Stephen,K |
Wadsworth Cengage learning, |
2007 |
9780495806684 |
414 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153 SIN |
00131513 |
Cognitive Psychology. |
Singh, S.N. |
Ane Books Pvt.Ltd., |
2018 |
9789386761279 |
vi,288 p.; |
UG Library |
153 AND |
05030279 |
Cognitive Psychology / |
Andrade, Jackie |
Bios Scientific Publishers Limited , |
2007 |
1859962238 |
242p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153 AND |
00107918 |
Religion in mind |
Andresen,Jensine |
Cambridge University Press, |
2001 |
9780521173186 |
xi, 294 p. ; |
UG Library |
153 APP |
05004612 |
Mindreaders : |
Apperly Ian |
Psychology Press, |
2011 |
9781841696973 |
xii,219 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153 ARU |
03006006 |
Study Package for the CAT Online / |
Sharma, Arun. |
TMH, |
2011 |
9780071329415 | 0071329412 |
xvi,Pv.; |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153 ARU |
00115415 |
Consciousness |
Mohan, Aruna G.Dr. |
Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. |
2003 |
8186804838 |
1st Ed. |
184 p. |
UG Library |
153 ASH |
09001070 |
Cognition |
Ashcraft, Mark H. |
Pearson Education International, |
2006 |
9780131982291 |
4th Edition |
624 p . : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 ASH |
00129747 |
Cognition |
Ashcraft, Mark H. |
Pearson Education International, |
2006 |
9780131982291 |
4th Edition |
624 p . : |
UG Library |
153 AUY |
05002153 |
Mind in everyday life and cognitive science / |
Auyang, Sunny Y. |
MIT Press, |
2000 |
0262011816 (alk. paper) | 9780 |
viii,259p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 BAC |
07005538 |
The Agile Mind How Your Brain Makes Creativity Happen / |
Bachrach Estanislao |
Penguin Random House, |
2012 |
9780753556863 |
ix,245p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153 BAE |
00138655 |
Theory of Perception and Perceptual Development |
Baer,Ruth |
Global Vision Publishing House |
2019 |
9789389124064 |
152p |
UG Library |
153 BAL |
00146554 |
Cognitive psychology in a changing world / |
Ball, Linden J. |
Routledge, |
2024 |
9780367703516 |
xvi,729p. ; |
UG Library |
153 BAL |
10004441 |
The Book of Minds: Understanding Ourselves and Other Beings from Animals to Aliens/by Philip Ball |
Ball, Philip [Author] |
Picador |
2022 |
9781529069167 |
1st Ed. |
500p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153 BAL |
05004766 |
The European journal of cognitive psychology |
Psychology Press |
472 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 BAR |
09000239 |
Core knowledge and conceptual change / |
Oxford University Press, |
2016 |
9780190467630 (hardcover : alk. paper) |
xi, 395 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 BAR |
05067906 |
Core knowledge and conceptual change / |
Oxford University Press, |
2016 |
9780190467630 (hardcover : alk. paper) |
xi, 395 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 BAY |
05034128 |
The Oxford companion to consciousness / |
Bayne, Tim |
Oxford University Press, |
2009 |
9780198569510 (hard : alk. pap |
xv, 672 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 BAY |
01020661 |
The Oxford companion to consciousness / |
Bayne, Tim |
Oxford University Press, |
2009 |
9780198569510 (hard : alk. pap |
xv, 672 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 BAY |
07002161 |
The Oxford companion to consciousness / |
Bayne, Tim |
Oxford University Press, |
2009 |
9780198569510 (hard : alk. pap |
xv, 672 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153 BED |
00012926 |
Intelligence and Psychological Tests |
Bedi, C. S. |
Kalyani Publishers |
1974 |
256 p. |
UG Library |
153 BEN |
05002154 |
Cognition / |
Benjafield, John G. |
Oxford University Press, |
2007 |
0195422864 (alk. paper) | 9780 |
3rd ed. |
xi, 500 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 BER |
05074426 |
Cognitive science : |
Bermúdez, José Luis, |
Cambridge University Press, |
2023 |
9781316513378 | 9781009073677 |
Fourth edition. |
xxiv, 385p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 BER |
00101877 |
Cognitive science : |
Bermudez, JoseLuis. |
Cambridge University Press, |
9780521708371 (pbk.) |
xxv, 492 p. : |
UG Library |
153 BES |
05001420 |
Cognitive Psychology (WMU) |
Best, B John |
West publishing company, |
1992 |
0314908943 |
545p\.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 BES1 |
05001419 |
Cognitive Psychology - M.Sc Psychology Shelf |
Best, B John |
0534354173 |
524p |
Knowledge Centre |
153 BLA |
09000857 |
Consciousness / |
Blackmore, Susan J., |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138801301 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138801318 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
3rd edition. |
xiv,617p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 BLA |
07013119 |
Consciousness / |
Blackmore, Susan J., |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138801301 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138801318 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
3rd edition. |
xiv,617p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153 BLA |
05030284 |
Consciousness: an Introduction |
Blackmore, Susan |
Hodder & Stoughton, |
2004 |
0340809094 |
453p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 BLA |
05048827 |
Consciousness : |
Blackmore, Susan J., |
Oxford University Press, |
2005 |
0192805851 (alk. paper) | 9780 |
146 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 BLA |
00077184 |
Consciousness: An Introduction |
Blackmore, Susan |
2003 |
0340809094 | 9780340809099 |
452p |
UG Library |
153 BLA |
00085469 |
Consciousness: An Introduction |
Blackmore, Susan |
2003 |
0340809094 | 9780340809099 |
452p |
UG Library |
153 BLO |
00109976 |
Anthropology and the Cognitive Challenge |
Bloch, Maurice. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2012 |
9780521803557 (hardback) | 978 |
ix, 234 p. : |
UG Library |
153 BOO |
05040772 |
In Praise of Copying / |
Boon Marcus |
Harvard University Press, |
2013 |
9780674072527 |
285p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153 BRA |
00073385 |
The Foundations of Congnitive Science |
Branquinho Joao |
Clarendon Press |
2001 |
0198238894 | 9780198238898 |
235 p. |
UG Library |
153 BRA |
01017135 |
Cognitive psychology / |
Oxford University Press ; | In association with The Open University, |
2005 |
9780199273768 |
xx, 684 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153 BRI |
00013528 |
Intelligence and Psychological Test |
Bright, S. Jagat |
Universal Pub |
1973 |
3rd Ed. |
240 p. |
UG Library |
153 BRO |
05030290 |
Cognitive Psychology / |
Brwon, Carol |
Sage Publications, |
2007 |
223p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153 BUZ |
00051094 |
Mind Map Book |
Buzan, Barry |
2000 |
0563537329 |
269p |
UG Library |
153 BUZ |
00051106 |
Use Your Head |
Buzan, Tony |
2000 |
0563537299 |
159p |
UG Library |
153 BUZ |
05030772 |
Make the Most of Your Mind: High Speed Problem Solving, Speed Reading & Lea |
Buzan, Tony |
Fire Side book, |
1984 |
0671495194 |
157 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 CAP |
07012528 |
Cognitive capitalism : |
Rindermann, Heiner, |
Cambridge University Press, |
2018 |
9781107050167 (hardback) | 978 |
xvi,576p. ; |
Library - BR Campus |
153 CAR |
05034144 |
Increase Your Brainpower : |
Carter, Philip |
Wiley India, |
2005 |
8126507128 |
138 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153 CHA |
00141283 |
Chanakya Neeti / |
Chanakya, Acharya |
Global Vision Publishing House ; |
2022 |
9789390423521 |
vi, 114 p. ; |
UG Library |
153 CHA |
07004199 |
Leading Consciously: a Pilgrimage Toward Self-Mastery |
Chatterjee, Debashis |
Viva Books Private Limited |
8176490067 |
220 p |
Library - BR Campus |
153 CHA |
05030292 |
Leading Consciously: a Pilgrimage Toward Self-Mastery |
Chatterjee, Debashis |
Viva Books Private Limited |
8176490067 |
220 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153 CHO |
05033719 |
Creating Affluence : |
Chopra, Deepak |
Excel Books, |
1996 |
8174460721 |
100 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153 CHU |
05041671 |
Human information processing |
American Psychological Association, |
2013 |
9781433812736 (alk. paper) | 1 |
xx,264p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153 CLA |
00079646 |
Cognitive Psychology |
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Routledge & Kegan Paul, |
1980 |
0710004850 | 0710004869 (pbk.) |
338 p. : |
UG Library |
153 COR |
05033373 |
Consciousness and Its Transformation: |
Cornelissen, Matthijs |
Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, |
2001 |
8170586577 |
408p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 COT |
00129947 |
Performance Psychology |
Cotterill, Stewart |
Routledge, |
2017 |
9781138831292 |
x, 163 p.: |
UG Library |
153 COX |
07010226 |
Cognitive Psychology |
Coxon, Matthew |
SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltd., |
2012 |
9780857255228 |
xi, 171 p:. |
Library - BR Campus |
153 COX |
09001071 |
Critical thinking in psychology: |
Coxon, Matthew |
Learning matters, |
2012 |
9780857255228 |
xi,171 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 COX |
00123951 |
Cognitive Psychology |
Coxon, Matthew |
SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltd., |
2012 |
9780857255228 |
xi, 171 p:. |
UG Library |
153 COX |
10002409 |
Critical thinking in psychology: |
Coxon, Matthew |
Learning matters, |
2012 |
9780857255228 |
xi,171 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153 COX |
09000855 |
Congnitive psychology |
Coxon, Matthew |
Sage |
2012 |
9780857258359 |
171p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 COX |
00123827 |
Congnitive psychology |
Coxon, Matthew |
Sage |
2012 |
9780857258359 |
171p. |
UG Library |
153 COX |
00142113 |
Cognitive Psychology |
Coxon, Matthew |
SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltd., |
2012 |
9780857255228 |
xi, 171 p:. |
UG Library |
153 COX |
09000639 |
Cognitive Psychology |
Coxon, Matthew |
SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltd., |
2012 |
9780857255228 |
xi, 171 p:. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 DAS |
07000127 |
Cognitive planning and executive functions : |
Das, J. P. |
Sage |
2015 |
9789351500360 (hardback : alk. |
xxx, 326 pages : |
Library - BR Campus |
153 DAS |
09000638 |
Cognitive planning and executive functions : |
Das, J. P. |
Sage |
2015 |
9789351500360 (hardback : alk. |
xxx, 326 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 DAS |
00121817 |
Cognitive planning and executive functions : |
Das, J. P. |
Sage |
2015 |
9789351500360 (hardback : alk. |
xxx, 326 pages : |
UG Library |
153 DAS |
07008242 |
Consciousness quest : |
Das, J. P. |
Sage, |
2014 |
9788132113492 (hardback : alk. |
xix,307p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153 DAS |
05058461 |
Consciousness quest : |
Das, J. P. |
Sage, |
2014 |
9788132113492 (hardback : alk. |
xix,307p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153 DAS |
05042700 |
Consciousness quest : |
Das, J. P. |
Sage, |
2014 |
9788132113492 (hardback : alk. |
xix,307p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153 DAS |
09000641 |
Consciousness quest : |
Das, J. P. |
Sage, |
2014 |
9788132113492 (hardback : alk. |
xix,307p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 DE |
07005426 |
The mechanism of mind / |
De Bono, Edward, |
Vermilion Publication, |
2015 |
9781785040085 |
275 p. |
Library - BR Campus |
153 DEB |
05030765 |
Thinking Course: |
De Bono, Edward |
Facts on file Inc., |
2004 |
0816031789 |
196p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 DER |
05005045 |
Emotional States,Attention,and working memory / |
Psychology Press, |
2010 |
9781848727168 |
376 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153 DIE |
05030283 |
Introduction to consciousness : |
Dietrich, Arne. |
Palgrave Macmillan, |
9781403994899 (pbk.) | 1403994 |
xviii, 310 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 DOD |
00052843 |
Brave New Mind |
Dodwell, Peter. |
Oxford University Press |
2000 |
0195089057 | 9780195089059 |
250p |
UG Library |
153 DUF |
05066630 |
The Perils of Perception : |
Duffy, Bobby. |
Atlantic Books, |
2018 |
9781786494566 | 1786494566 |
298 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 DUN |
05002157 |
Metacognition / |
Dunlosky, John. |
2009 |
9781412939720 (pbk. : alk. pap |
ix, 334 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 DUN |
05030280 |
Metacognition / |
Dunlosky, John. |
2009 |
9781412939720 (pbk. : alk. pap |
ix, 334 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 EAG |
00109461 |
Incognito |
Eagleman,David |
Canongate |
2011 |
9781847679406 |
290 p. |
UG Library |
153 EAM |
00115416 |
Cognitive Psychology |
Eamon Fulcher |
Crucial |
1903337135 |
161p |
UG Library |
153 EBB |
00115412 |
Memory |
Ebbinghous, Hermann |
Cosmo Publications |
2004 |
8177554662 | 9788177554663 |
152 p. |
UG Library |
153 ECK |
05030281 |
What is cognitive science? |
Eckardt Barbara Von |
A Bradford book; |
9780262720236 |
ix;466 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153 ELV |
05005017 |
Genes,Cognition and Neuropsychiatry / |
Psychology Press, |
2009 |
9781848727182 |
476 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153 ESG |
05002159 |
An introduction to applied cognitive psychology / |
Psychology Press, |
2004 |
1841693170 | 1841693189 (pbk.) |
p. cm. |
Knowledge Centre |
153 EYS |
00146383 |
Fundamentals of cognition / |
Eysenck, Michael W, |
Routledge |
2024 |
9781032471303 | 9781032471310 |
4th ed. |
624p. |
UG Library |
153 EYS |
00012947 |
Check Your Own I.Q |
Eysenck, H J |
1972 |
192 p |
UG Library |
153 EYS |
00130774 |
Fundamentals of cognition / |
Eysenck, Michael W., |
Routlede, |
2018 |
9781138670433 (hardback : alk. |
Third Edition. |
vii,567p.; |
UG Library |
153 EYS |
05033715 |
Cognitive Psychology : |
Eysenck, Michael W |
Psychology Press Ltd., |
2001 |
0863775519 |
631 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153 EYS |
05004883 |
Cognitive psychology : |
Eysenck, Michael W. |
Psychology Press, |
2010 |
9781841695402 (pbk.) | 9781841 |
6th ed. |
vii, 752 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 EYS |
10001907 |
Cognitive psychology : |
Eysenck, Michael W., |
Routledge, |
2020 |
Eighth edition. |
xxxii, 946p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153 EYS2 |
05001416 |
Blackwell Dictionary of Cognitive Psychology |
Eysenck, Michael W |
0631156828 |
390p |
Knowledge Centre |
153 FLA |
07001106 |
The Change intelligence factor : |
Flagello, Jane R. |
9781939247025 (alk. paper) | 9 |
1st edition. |
151 p. |
Library - BR Campus |
153 FRA |
05056434 |
Man`s Search for Meaning / |
Frankl, E Viktor |
Pocket Books; |
1984 |
0671023373 |
220p |
Knowledge Centre |
153 FRI |
05047980 |
Cognitive science : |
Friedenberg, Jay. |
Sage, |
2016 |
9781483347417 (pbk. : alk. pap |
Third Edition. |
xxv, 549 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 FRI |
00109933 |
Cognitive science |
Friedenberg, Jay. |
Sage Publications, |
2006 |
1412925681 (pbk.) | 9781412925 |
xxiii, 531 p. : |
UG Library |
153 FUL |
00067925 |
Cognitive Psychology |
Fulcher, Eamon |
Crucial |
2003 |
1903337135 |
162p |
UG Library |
153 FUL |
05031002 |
Cognitive Psychology |
Fulcher, Eamon |
Crucial: |
2003 |
1903337135 |
ix, 147p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 GAL |
09000640 |
Cognitive psychology in and out of the laboratory / |
Galotti, Kathleen M., |
Sage, |
2014 |
9789351502777 |
Fifth Edition. |
xix, 403 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 GAL |
05052803 |
Cognitive psychology in and out of the laboratory / |
Galotti, Kathleen M., |
Sage, |
2014 |
9789351502777 |
Fifth Edition. |
xix, 403 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 GAL |
00097632 |
Cognitive Psychology : |
Galotti, Kathleen M. |
Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd., |
2008 |
9788131511077 |
514 p. |
UG Library |
153 GAL |
05040075 |
Cognitive psychology in and out of the laboratory / |
Galotti, Kathleen M., |
Sage, |
2014 |
9781452230320 (hbk. : alk. pap |
Fifth Edition. |
xvii, 475 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 GAL |
05031003 |
Cognitive Psychology in and Out of the Laboratory |
Galotti, M Kathleen |
Books cole Publishing, |
2004 |
9814057053 |
xxiii, 640p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 GAL |
05030777 |
Cognitive Psychology in and Out of the Laboratory |
Galotti, M Kathleen |
Books cole Publishing, |
2004 |
9814057053 |
xxiii, 640p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 GAL |
07011308 |
Cognitive psychology in and out of the laboratory / |
Galotti, Kathleen M., |
Sage, |
2014 |
9789351502777 |
Fifth Edition. |
xix, 403 pages : |
Library - BR Campus |
153 GAL |
05034125 |
Cognitive psychology : |
Galotti, Kathleen M., |
Sage, |
2014 |
0495099635 |
5th Ed |
xix, 681p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 GAL |
09000215 |
Cognitive psychology in and out of the laboratory / |
Galotti, Kathleen M., |
Sage, |
2014 |
9789351502777 |
Fifth Edition. |
xix, 403 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 GAL |
05033618 |
Cognitive Psychology : |
Galotti, Kathleen M. |
Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd., |
2008 |
9788131511077 |
514 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153 GAM |
04016608 |
Building Mental Muscle : |
Gamon, David. |
Viva Books, |
2010 |
9788130915074 |
320 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 GAV |
00088767 |
Text World Theory an Introduction. |
Gavins, Joanna |
2007 |
9780748623006 |
193p |
UG Library |
153 GEL |
05002155 |
Perceptual and cognitive development / |
Academic Press, |
1996 |
0122796608 (alk. paper) |
xviii,454p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 GEL |
05030276 |
Perceptual and Cognitive Development / |
Gelman, Rochel |
Academic Press, |
1996 |
0122796608 |
454p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153 GHO |
00146550 |
An interdisciplinary approach to cognitive modelling : |
Ghose, Partha |
Routledge, |
2024 |
9781032552798 |
xi,125p. ; |
UG Library |
153 GIL |
00074628 |
Thinking and Knowing |
Giles, Bridget |
Grange Book PLC. |
2002 |
1840138033 |
192p |
UG Library |
153 GOL |
05030682 |
Working With Emotional Intelligence / |
Goleman, Daniel |
Bloomsbury, |
1998 |
0747545804 |
xi,382p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153 GOL |
05034099 |
Cognitive Psychology : |
Goldstein E Bruce |
Thomson Wadsworth, |
2008 |
9780495103530 |
2nd Ed. |
552 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153 GOL |
03010539 |
Vital Lies, Simple Truths : |
Goleman, Daniel. |
Bloomsbury, |
1984 |
9789382951759 |
287 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153 GOL |
00131772 |
Cognitive Psychology, |
Goldstein, E. Bruce, |
Wadsworth Cengage learning, |
2011 |
9781111185886 |
xxxiii,444 p.; |
UG Library |
153 GOL |
00131773 |
Cognitive Psychology, |
E.Bruce Goldstein, |
Wadsworth Cengage learning, |
2011 |
9780840033543 |
xviii,165 p.; |
UG Library |
153 GOL |
10003950 |
Cognitive Psychology : |
Goldstein, Bruce E |
Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd, |
2019 |
9789355739001 |
5th ed. |
xxxiii, 493p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153 GOL |
10003951 |
Cognitive Psychology : |
Goldstein, Bruce E |
Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd, |
2019 |
9789355739001 |
5th ed. |
xxxiii, 493p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153 GOL |
10003952 |
Cognitive Psychology : |
Goldstein, Bruce E |
Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd, |
2019 |
9789355739001 |
5th ed. |
xxxiii, 493p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153 GOL |
10003953 |
Cognitive Psychology : |
Goldstein, Bruce E |
Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd, |
2019 |
9789355739001 |
5th ed. |
xxxiii, 493p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153 GOL |
10003954 |
Cognitive Psychology : |
Goldstein, Bruce E |
Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd, |
2019 |
9789355739001 |
5th ed. |
xxxiii, 493p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153 GOL |
04022705 |
Vital Lies, Simple Truths : |
Goleman, Daniel. |
Bloomsbury, |
1984 |
9789382951759 |
287 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 GOL |
00095912 |
Cognitive Psychology : |
Goldstein E Bruce |
Thomson Wadsworth, |
2008 |
9780495103530 |
2nd Ed. |
552 p |
UG Library |
153 GRA |
00147069 |
Men are from mars, women are from venus: |
Gray, John |
Haper collins publishers limited, |
2016 |
9788172235031 |
xi,307p. ; |
UG Library |
153 GRO |
00127181 |
Cognitive psychology : |
Sage Publication, |
2015 |
9781446294468 | 1446294463 | 9 |
xi, 210 pages : |
UG Library |
153 GRO |
05030291 |
Introduction to Cognitive Psychology: Processes and Disorders / |
Groome, David |
Psychology Press , |
2006 |
1841695440 |
449p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153 GRO |
07006125 |
Cognitive psychology : |
Sage Publication, |
2015 |
9781446294468 | 1446294463 | 9 |
xi, 210 pages : |
Library - BR Campus |
153 GRO |
05047548 |
An introduction to applied cognitive psychology / |
Groome, David, |
Routledge, |
2016 |
9781138840126 (hb : alk. paper |
Second Edition. |
x,409p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 GUP |
00060124 |
Cognitive Science - Issues and Perspectives |
Gupta, G C |
ICON Publications Pvt Ltd. |
2001 |
8188086002 |
566p |
UG Library |
153 GUP |
05021899 |
Language and Cognition |
Gupta, G C |
Icon Publications Pvt. Ltd. |
246p |
Knowledge Centre |
153 HAL |
00127798 |
Critical thinking across the curriculum : |
Halpern, Diane F. |
L. Erlbaum Associates, |
1997 |
0805827307 | 0805827315 | 978 |
viii, 284 p. : |
UG Library |
153 HBR |
05074590 |
Self-awareness / |
Harvard Business Review Press, |
2019 |
9781633696617 |
ix, 1620p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 HBR |
05064903 |
Self-awareness / |
Harvard Business Review Press, |
2019 |
9781633696617 |
ix, 1620p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 HIL |
00094518 |
Consciousness / |
Hill, Christopher S. |
Cambridge University Press, |
9780521110228 | 052111022X | 9 |
x, 264 p. : |
UG Library |
153 HOC |
05002178 |
Perception and cognition at century's end / |
Academic Press, |
1998 |
0123011604 (alk. paper) |
xix, 487 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 HOD |
00142816 |
Cognitive psychology: |
Hodges,Julian |
Clanry international, |
2020 |
9781632409737 |
vi,218p.; |
UG Library |
153 HOF |
03007501 |
I Am A Strange Loop / |
Hofstadter, Douglas R., |
Basic Books, |
2007 |
0465030785 | 9780465030781 |
xix, 412 p., [4] p. of plates : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153 HUN |
00069711 |
Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology |
Hunt, R. Reed |
McGraw Hill |
2004 |
0071219161 | 9780071219167 |
478p |
UG Library |
153 HUN |
07001714 |
Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology / |
Hunt Reed.R |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, |
2007 |
9780070615946 |
xx,478p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153 HUR |
05008096 |
Investigating pristine inner experience : |
Hurlburt, Russell T. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2011 |
9781107009943 (hardback) | 110 |
xiii, 457 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 JAC |
00109246 |
A user's guide to thought and meaning |
Jackendoff, Ray, |
Oxford University Press, |
2012 |
9780199693207 | 9780199693207 |
xi, 274 p. : |
UG Library |
153 JAH |
00067589 |
Cognition |
Jahnke, John C. |
Prentice Hall |
1998 |
0131402862 | 9780131402867 |
518 p. |
UG Library |
153 KAK |
00092255 |
Architecture of Knowledge: |
Kak, Subhash |
2004 |
8187586133 |
354p |
UG Library |
153 KAK |
00082411 |
Architecture of Knowledge: |
Kak, Subhash |
2004 |
8187586133 |
354p |
UG Library |
153 KAK |
00040737 |
Culture & Psyche: |
Kakar, Sudhir |
Oxford |
1997 |
9780195639353 |
136 p |
UG Library |
153 KAR |
05041680 |
Cognition and brain development |
American Psychological Association, |
2013 |
9781433812712 | 1433812711 |
xii,328p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153 KEL |
05002179 |
Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / |
Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. |
SAGE Publications, |
2007 |
9781412936927 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xv, 375 p., [7] p. of plates : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 KEL |
09000649 |
Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / |
Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. |
Sage, |
2016 |
9781483347585 (pbk. : alk. pap |
Third Edition. |
xviii, 403 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 KEL |
09000555 |
Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / |
Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. |
Sage, |
2016 |
9781483347585 (pbk. : alk. pap |
Third Edition. |
xviii, 403 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 KEL |
05024346 |
Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / |
Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. |
2012 |
1412977851 (pbk.) | 9788132110 |
2nd ed. |
xvi, 359 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 KEL |
05056259 |
Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / |
Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. |
Sage, |
2016 |
9781483347585 (pbk. : alk. pap |
Third Edition. |
xviii, 403 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 KEL |
07008255 |
Cognitive psychology / |
Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. |
Sage Publications, |
2003 |
0761921303 (alk. paper) |
2nd ed. |
xxii, 525 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153 KEL |
05001396 |
Cognitive Psychology: |
Kellogg, T Ronald |
Sage, |
2003 |
0761921303 |
518p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 KEL |
07005073 |
Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / |
Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. |
2012 |
1412977851 (pbk.) | 9788132110 |
2nd ed. |
xvi, 359 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153 KEL |
07005074 |
Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / |
Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. |
2012 |
1412977851 (pbk.) | 9788132110 |
2nd ed. |
xvi, 359 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153 KEL |
07005075 |
Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / |
Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. |
2012 |
1412977851 (pbk.) | 9788132110 |
2nd ed. |
xvi, 359 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153 KEL |
07005076 |
Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / |
Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. |
2012 |
1412977851 (pbk.) | 9788132110 |
2nd ed. |
xvi, 359 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153 KEL |
07005077 |
Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / |
Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. |
2012 |
1412977851 (pbk.) | 9788132110 |
2nd ed. |
xvi, 359 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153 KEL |
09000219 |
Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / |
Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. |
2012 |
1412977851 (pbk.) | 9788132110 |
2nd ed. |
xvi, 359 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 KEL |
09001059 |
Cognitive Psychology: |
Kellogg, T Ronald |
Sage, |
2003 |
0761921303 |
518p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 KEL |
00110404 |
Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / |
Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. |
2012 |
1412977851 (pbk.) | 9788132110 |
2nd ed. |
xvi, 359 p. : |
UG Library |
153 KEL |
05041755 |
Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / |
Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. |
SAGE Publications, |
2007 |
9781412936927 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xv, 375 p., [7] p. of plates : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 KEL |
05069516 |
Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / |
Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. |
Sage, |
2016 |
9781483347585 (pbk. : alk. pap |
Third Edition. |
xviii, 403 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 KEM |
01027481 |
Concepts in the brain : |
Kemmerer, David L., |
Oxford University Press, |
2019 |
9780190682620 |
xii, 354 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 KEM |
09000354 |
Concepts in the brain : |
Kemmerer, David L., |
Oxford University Press, |
2019 |
9780190682620 |
xii, 354 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 KEM |
05067904 |
Concepts in the brain : |
Kemmerer, David L., |
Oxford University Press, |
2019 |
9780190682620 |
xii, 354 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 KHA |
00006605 |
Admission Test: Master Guide |
Khanna, O P |
Khanna Pub |
1971 |
1 |
UG Library |
153 KIL |
00104762 |
The overflowing brain : |
Klingberg, Torkel, |
Oxford University Press, |
2009 |
9780195372885 (alk. paper) | 0 |
xiv, 202 p. : |
UG Library |
153 KOL |
05002163 |
Cognitive science : |
Routledge, |
2006 |
9780415221016 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780415221009 (hbk. : alk. paper) | 0415221013 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0415221005 (hbk. : alk. paper) |
ix, 243 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 KOL |
05001835 |
Cognitive science : |
Routledge, |
2006 |
9780415221016 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780415221009 (hbk. : alk. paper) | 0415221013 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0415221005 (hbk. : alk. paper) |
ix, 243 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 KOL |
09000229 |
Cognitive science : |
Routledge, |
2006 |
9780415221016 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780415221009 (hbk. : alk. paper) | 0415221013 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0415221005 (hbk. : alk. paper) |
ix, 243 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 KON |
03003752 |
MAT Management Aptitude Test / |
G.K Publications, |
2010 |
9788183550994 | 8183550991 |
P.V.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153 KON |
03003755 |
Guide to SBI : |
Koncepts Books; |
2011 |
9788183553155 |
P. V. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153 KON |
03003754 |
State Bank of India : |
Koncept Books, |
2011 |
9788183554367 |
6.176 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153 KUM |
00144418 |
Cognitive Science : |
Kumar Mishra, Ramesh, |
Routledge, |
2023 |
9781032326566 |
xiv,241p, ; |
UG Library |
153 LAC |
05068210 |
Invariances in human information processing / |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138048904 (hardback) |
1 Edition. |
x,307p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 LAC |
09000137 |
Invariances in human information processing / |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138048904 (hardback) |
1 Edition. |
x,307p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 LAN |
05002164 |
Drawing and the non-verbal mind : |
Cambridge University Press, |
2008 |
9780521872058 (hardback) | 052 |
viii, 351 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 LEM |
05068527 |
Cognitive development from a strategy perspective : |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138711372 |
xviii, 244p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 LEM |
09000074 |
Cognitive development from a strategy perspective : |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138711372 |
xviii, 244p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 LEM |
00129952 |
Cognitive development from a strategy perspective : |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138711372 |
xviii, 244p.; |
UG Library |
153 LIN |
00077784 |
Human Information Processing |
Lindsay, Peter H. |
Academic Press, |
1977 |
0124509606 |
2d ed |
xxiii, 777 p. : |
UG Library |
153 LLO |
05048620 |
Cognitive variations : |
Lloyd, G. E. R. |
Clarendon Press ; |
2007 |
9780199214617 (alk. paper) | 0 |
viii, 201 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 LOR |
05033370 |
Secrets of Mind Power / |
Lorayne, Harry |
Pustak Mahal, |
1996 |
184 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 LOR |
00017470 |
How to Develop a Super Power Memory |
Lorayne, Harry |
1978 |
190 p. |
UG Library |
153 LUC |
05049760 |
Mathematical Psychology / |
Luce, Duncan R |
John Wiley and Sons, Inc., |
1967 |
606 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153 LUK |
05054464 |
Cognition, meaning and action : |
Lodz University Press, |
2015 |
9788323339205 |
194p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 MAC |
05034111 |
Language, logic, and concepts : |
Ray Jackendoff |
MIT Press, |
2002 |
0262600463 |
xxvii, 470 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 MAN |
03012859 |
Mindpower Secrets : |
Manser, Martin |
Collins, |
2010 |
9780007346769 |
128p. ; |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153 MAN |
00140309 |
Every Thing is F*cked : |
Manson,Mark. |
Harper Collins Publishers, |
2019 |
9780062955951 |
273p.; |
UG Library |
153 MAN |
09001109 |
The Light of Consciousness : |
Mann, Richard D |
Satguru Publications, |
1984 |
8170302978 |
177p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 MAT |
00049568 |
Cognition |
Matlin W. Margaret |
Prism Books |
1995 |
8172860307 |
3rd Ed. |
554 p. |
UG Library |
153 MAT |
05019411 |
Cognition (msc Psychology) |
Matlin, Margaret W |
0470002212 |
591p |
Knowledge Centre |
153 MAT |
00050195 |
Cognition |
Matli,W. Margaret |
Harcourt Brace College Publishers |
1998 |
0155040812 | 9780155040816 |
4th Ed. |
562 p. |
UG Library |
153 MAT |
05002156 |
Cognition / |
Matlin, M Margaret. |
John Wiley, |
2003 |
0470002212 | 9780470002216 |
5th ed. |
xxv,591p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 MCB |
07008241 |
Cognitive psychology : |
McBride, Dawn M. |
Sage, |
2016 |
9781452288796 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xxi, 361 pages : |
Library - BR Campus |
153 MCB |
09000228 |
Cognitive psychology : |
McBride, Dawn M. |
Sage, |
2016 |
9781452288796 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xxi, 361 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 MCB |
05044454 |
Cognitive psychology : |
McBride, Dawn M. |
Sage, |
2016 |
9781452288796 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xxi, 361 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 MCB |
05062031 |
Cognitive psychology : |
McBride, Dawn M., |
Sage, |
2019 |
9781506383866 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
Second Edition. |
xxv, 382 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 MCC |
05002158 |
Mechanisms of cognitive development : |
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, |
0805832750 (cloth : alk. paper |
xii, 421 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 MED |
05002207 |
Cognitive Psychology / |
Medin, Douglas L |
Harcourt College Publishers, |
2001 |
0000155081 |
633p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153 MEH |
05030776 |
Cognition on cognition / |
MIT Press, |
1995 |
9780262631679 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
xi, 486 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 MEH |
05071414 |
Cognition on cognition / |
MIT Press, |
1995 |
9780262631679 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
xi, 486 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 MEH |
05002160 |
Cognition on cognition / |
MIT Press, |
1995 |
0262631679 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
xi, 486 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 MID |
05033052 |
The social psychology of experience |
Middleton, David |
2005 |
0803977565 (cased) | 978080397 |
xi,252p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153 MID |
00120778 |
The Social Psychology of Experience : |
Middleton, David |
SAGE, Publication, |
2005 |
0803977565 | 0803977573 |
xi, 252 p. : |
UG Library |
153 MID |
05056270 |
The social psychology of experience |
Middleton, David |
2005 |
0803977565 (cased) | 978080397 |
xi,252p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153 MIN |
00140660 |
How to think : understanding the way we decide, remember and make sense of the world / |
Minda, John Paul |
Robinson; |
2021 |
9781472143037 |
360 p. ; |
UG Library |
153 MIN |
04008076 |
The emotion machine : |
Minsky, Marvin Lee, |
Simon & Schuster, |
2006 |
0743276639 | 9780743276634 | 9 |
387 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 MIT |
00016759 |
Hand Book of Educational Psychology and Guidance |
Mital, H. C. |
Doaba House |
1968 |
4th Ed. |
252 p. |
UG Library |
153 MOH |
00090229 |
Lectures on Consciousness and Interpretation |
Mohanty, J N |
Oxford |
9780195698510 |
177p |
UG Library |
153 MOO |
00109438 |
The Mammoth Book of Fun Brain-Training. |
Moore,Gareth |
Running Press Book Pub |
2011 |
9780762440931 | 0762440937 | 9 |
351 p. |
UG Library |
153 MUK |
04016199 |
Building Brainpower Turning Grey Matter Into Gold / |
Mukerjea, Dilip |
Westland, |
2003 |
9789380032498 |
320 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 MYS |
05064744 |
Super Tips for Super Memory / |
Mysorekar,Sushant. |
Rupa Publications, |
2019 |
9789353333508 |
viii,200p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 NEW |
09000294 |
The Oxford Handbook of 4E Cognition / |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
0198735413 | 9780198735410 |
xiii, 940p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 NEW |
05067798 |
The Oxford Handbook of 4E Cognition / |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
0198735413 | 9780198735410 |
xiii, 940p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 NOV |
05069012 |
Cognitive and working memory training : |
Novick, Jared M, |
Oxford University Press, |
2020 |
9780199974467 |
xxi,566p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 NOV |
09000416 |
Cognitive and working memory training : |
Novick, Jared M, |
Oxford University Press, |
2020 |
9780199974467 |
xxi,566p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 NUN |
07002047 |
New directions in consciousness studies : |
Nunn, Chris, |
Routledge, |
2016 |
9781138923850 (hardcover) | 97 |
1 Edition. |
139 pages ; |
Library - BR Campus |
153 NUN |
09000882 |
New directions in consciousness studies : |
Nunn, Chris, |
Routledge, |
2016 |
9781138923850 (hardcover) | 97 |
1 Edition. |
139 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 ORN |
00078516 |
The Psychology of Consciousness |
Ornstein, Robert E. |
W.H Freeman |
1972 |
0670581984 | 0716707977 (pbk. |
xii, 247 p. |
UG Library |
153 OVE |
05067643 |
Behavioral methods in consciousness research / |
Oxford University Press, |
2015 |
9780199688890 | 0199688893 |
First edition. |
ix, 268 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 OVE |
09000424 |
Behavioral methods in consciousness research / |
Oxford University Press, |
2015 |
9780199688890 | 0199688893 |
First edition. |
ix, 268 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 PER |
05047403 |
The unity of mind, brain, and world : |
Pereira, Alfredo, |
Cambridge university press, |
2013 |
9781107617292 (pbk) | 97811070 |
xi, 344 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 PEW |
07006335 |
Penrose, Roger |
2005 |
9780099582113 |
457p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
153 PEW |
09000744 |
Penrose, Roger |
2005 |
9780099582113 |
457p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 PEW |
05030756 |
Penrose, Roger |
2005 |
9780099582113 |
457p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 PIN |
07005474 |
How the mind works / |
Pinker,Steven. |
Penguin, |
1997 |
9780141980782 |
xx,660p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
153 PIN |
07004913 |
How the mind works / |
Pinker,Steven. |
Penguin, |
1997 |
9780141980782 |
xx,660p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
153 PIN |
09000731 |
How the mind works / |
Pinker,Steven. |
Penguin, |
1997 |
9780141980782 |
xx,660p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 PIN |
00087792 |
How the Mind Works |
Pinker, Steven |
9780140244915 |
660.p |
UG Library |
153 PIN |
10004680 |
How the mind works / |
Pinker,Steven. |
Penguin, |
1997 |
9780141980782 |
xx,660p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153 PIN |
00065443 |
How the Mind Works |
Pinker, Steven |
9780140244915 |
660.p |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153 PRO |
05067733 |
Metacognitive diversity : |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780198789710 (hardback) | 0198789718 (hardback) |
First edition. |
xii, 443 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 PRO |
09000298 |
The Philosophy Of Metacognition : |
Proust, Joelle. |
Oxford University Press, |
2015 |
9780198748175 |
vii, 366p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 PRO |
05067808 |
The Philosophy Of Metacognition : |
Proust, Joelle. |
Oxford University Press, |
2015 |
9780198748175 |
vii, 366p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 PRO |
09000433 |
Metacognitive diversity : |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780198789710 (hardback) | 0198789718 (hardback) |
First edition. |
xii, 443 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 PUR |
03005986 |
Corporate Seer : |
Purang, Arun. |
Ritika It Soulutions, |
2011 |
9788184654325 |
176 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153 RAJ |
05041183 |
Cognitive Science In India : |
TR Publications, |
2014 |
9788182860148 |
xiii,297p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 RAM |
04008329 |
The emerging mind : |
Ramachandran, Vilayanur |
Profile books, |
2010 |
9781861973030 |
xvi, 208p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 REE |
05001894 |
Congnition: Theory and Applications / |
Reed, Stephen K |
Thomson Wadsworth, |
2007 |
0495187585 |
426p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153 REI |
05004184 |
Cognition : |
Reisberg, Daniel. |
W. W. Norton, |
2007 |
9780393930542 | 0393930548 |
3rd media ed. |
xvi, 529, [45] p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 REV |
05004964 |
Consciousness : |
Revonsuo, Antti. |
Psychology Press, |
2010 |
9781841697253 (hb) | 184169725 |
xxviii, 324 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 ROB |
05034124 |
Cognitive Psychology : |
Robinson-Riegler Bridget |
Pearson Education, |
2008 |
9788131718766 |
584 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153 ROB |
00133021 |
The Cambridge handbook of situated cognition / |
Robbins,Philip. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2009 |
9780521848329 | 9780521612869 (pbk.) |
xi, 520 p. : |
UG Library |
153 ROB |
05031001 |
The Cambridge handbook of situated cognition / |
Cambridge University Press, |
2009 |
9780521848329 | 9780521612869 |
xi, 520 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 ROB |
00085710 |
Cognitive Psychology:Applying the Science of the Mind. |
Robinson-Riegler, Gregory |
2008 |
9788131718766 |
584p |
UG Library |
153 ROS |
00073931 |
Future of the Brain (dharmaram Library) |
Rose, Stven |
2005 |
0019530893 |
344p` |
UG Library |
153 ROS |
00142722 |
Handbook of Cognitive Psychology / |
Rose,Alexandra. |
States Academic Press, |
2022 |
9781639892549 |
vi,236p.; |
UG Library |
153 ROS |
04009747 |
The future of the brain : |
Rose, Steven P. R. |
Oxford University Press, |
2006 |
019530893X (pbk.) | 9780195308938 (pbk.) |
Oxford University Press pbk. |
viii, 344 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 ROS |
05034110 |
Future of the Brain : |
Rose, Steven |
Oxford Univesity Press, |
2005 |
0019530893 |
344 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153 SAL |
03011549 |
Brain Changer : |
Salvo, David D. |
Benbella, |
2013 |
9781393529008 |
245 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153 SAL |
07010355 |
Mind myths : exploring popular assumptions about the mind and brain / |
John Willy and Sons |
2002 |
9780471983033 |
xi,286p. |
Library - BR Campus |
153 SAL |
05001899 |
Mind Myths: Exploring Popular Assumptions About the Mind and Brain / |
Sala, Sergio Della |
John Wiley & Sons, |
2002 |
0471983039 |
291 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153 SAN |
05034150 |
Scientific and Philosophical Studies on Consciousness |
Menon, Sangeetha |
National Institute of Advanced Studies, |
1999 |
392 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153 SCH |
07009043 |
Getting Through : |
Schuller Robert.A |
Jaico Publishing House, |
2013 |
9788184950557 |
xviii,191p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153 SCH |
00140356 |
Verbal Reasoning (Rapid Reasoning Tests) |
Schofield |
Prism Books |
2015 |
9788172869243 |
Vols |
UG Library |
153 SCH |
00140355 |
Verbal Reasoning (Rapid Reasoning Tests) |
Schofield |
Prism Books |
2015 |
9788172869243 |
Vols |
UG Library |
153 SCH |
07002473 |
Basic communication skills |
Sheridan, Donald H. |
Nisha Publications, |
2015 |
9788192485492 |
294 p. |
Library - BR Campus |
153 SCH |
03007042 |
Getting Throuch What you are going through / |
Schuller, Robert a |
A Jaico Book. |
2011 |
9788184950557 |
191p. |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153 SCH |
05034563 |
The Mind & The Brain : |
Schwartz Md, Jeffrey |
Regan Books, |
2002 |
0060988479 |
420 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153 SHA |
01017102 |
Embodiment and the inner life : |
Shanahan, Murray. |
Oxford University Press, |
2010 |
9780199226559 | 0199226555 |
x, 218 p., [4] p. of col. plates : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 SHA |
01000934 |
Abnormal Psychology / |
Rachana Sharma |
Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, |
2006 |
8126901985 |
381p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 SHA |
05068075 |
The logic of consciousness : |
Sharma, Rachana |
Yking books, |
2019 |
9789387945746 |
viii, 249p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 SHA |
03005472 |
Chanakya Neeti : |
Sharma, Vishwamitra. |
Manoj Publications; |
2008 |
9788181333391 |
167 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153 SHA |
00019539 |
Manual of Experiment in Psychology |
Rao, Suryanarayana |
K. E. S |
1976 |
192 p |
UG Library |
153 SHA |
05065548 |
Teach Yourself Quantitative Aptitude Useful for all Competitive Examinations / |
Sharma,Arun. |
McGraw Hill, |
2019 |
9789353166946 |
2nd ed. |
xviii,25.677p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 SIN |
07011318 |
Cognitive Psychology / |
Singh Arimardan.Dr |
Book Enclave, |
2017 |
9788181524072 |
286p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153 SIN |
00132475 |
Cognitive psychology |
Singh, Arimardan |
Book enclave, |
2017 |
9788181524041 |
286p.; |
UG Library |
153 SIN |
09000334 |
Cognition / |
Sinnett, Scott, |
Oxford University Press, |
2016 |
9780199019700 |
Sixth edition. |
xxii, 502 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 SIN |
09000761 |
Cognitive Psychology / |
Singh Arimardan.Dr |
Book Enclave, |
2017 |
9788181524072 |
286p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 SIN |
00130140 |
Cognitive Psychology |
Singh, S. N |
Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. |
2018 |
9789386761279 |
vi, 288 p . : |
UG Library |
153 SIN |
05067897 |
Cognition / |
Sinnett, Scott, |
Oxford University Press, |
2016 |
9780199019700 |
Sixth edition. |
xxii, 502 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 SMI |
00104557 |
The signs of a savant : |
Smith,Neil. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2011 |
9780521852272 | 0521852277 | 9 |
xiv, 219 p. : |
UG Library |
153 SMI |
00140792 |
Overloaded : |
Smith, Ginny |
Bloomsbury Sigma; |
2021 |
9781472969354 |
336 p. ; |
UG Library |
153 SMI |
07008324 |
Cognitive Psychology Mind and Brain / |
Smith Edward.E |
Pearson, |
2015 |
9789332550452 |
624p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153 SMI |
07010987 |
Cognitive Psychology Mind and Brain / |
Smith Edward.E |
Pearson, |
2015 |
9789332550452 |
624p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153 SMI |
04014749 |
Cognitive Psychology : |
Smith, Edward E. |
PHI, |
2009 |
9788120333727 |
610 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 SMI |
00142747 |
Cognitive Psychology Mind and Brain / |
Smith Edward.E |
Pearson, |
2015 |
9789332550452 |
624p.: |
UG Library |
153 SMI |
07007643 |
Cognitive Psychology Mind and Brain / |
Smith Edward.E |
Pearson, |
2015 |
9789332550452 |
624p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153 SOL |
05034123 |
Cognitive Psychology / |
Solso Robert L |
Pearson Education, |
2009 |
9788131701805 |
6th |
602 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153 SOL |
05000970 |
Cognitive Psychology / |
Solso Robert L |
Pearson Education, |
2009 |
9788131701805 |
6th |
602 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153 SOL |
00060127 |
Cognitive Psychology |
Solso Robert L. |
Pearson Education |
2004 |
8129703335 | 9788129703330 |
6th Ed. |
602 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153 SOL |
00060128 |
Cognitive Psychology |
Solso Robert L. |
Pearson Education |
2004 |
8129703335 | 9788129703330 |
6th Ed. |
602 p. |
UG Library |
153 SOL |
07014277 |
Cognitive Psychology |
Solso Robert L. |
Pearson Education |
2004 |
8129703335 | 9788129703330 |
6th Ed. |
602 p. |
Library - BR Campus |
153 SOL |
00060327 |
Cognitive Psychology |
Solso Robert L. |
Pearson Education |
2004 |
8129703335 | 9788129703330 |
6th Ed. |
602 p. |
UG Library |
153 SOL |
00069626 |
Cognitive Psychology |
Solso Robert L. |
Pearson Education |
2004 |
8129703335 | 9788129703330 |
6th Ed. |
602 p. |
UG Library |
153 SOM |
05030758 |
Understanding Consciousness: Its Fucntion and Brain Process: |
Sommerhoff, Gerd |
Sage publications Ltd., |
2004 |
0761967753 |
184p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 SOM |
00054861 |
Understanding Consciousness |
Sommerhoff, Gerd |
Sage Publications |
2000 |
0761967753 | 9780761967750 |
186 p. |
UG Library |
153 SPE |
05030761 |
Current Directions in Cognitive Science |
Spellman, Barbara A |
Pearson Education Inc., |
2005 |
0131919911 |
184p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 STA |
05030757 |
Words and Thoughts |
Stainton Robert J |
Oxford University Press, |
2006 |
9780199250394 |
248p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 STE |
05030282 |
Cognition and Intelligence Indentifiying the Mechanicms of th Mind / |
Sternberg, Robert J |
Cambridge University, |
2005 |
0521534798 |
345p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153 STE |
00138969 |
Cognitive psychology / |
Sternberg, Robert. |
Cengage learning, |
2017 |
9781305644656 |
7th edition. |
xxvii,596p.; |
UG Library |
153 STE |
05034126 |
Cognitive Psychology / |
Sternberg, Robert J |
Thomson Wadsworth, |
2006 |
8131501310 |
595 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153 STE |
05044574 |
Cognitive Psychology / |
Sternberg Robert.J |
Thomson Wadsworth, |
2006 |
9780495006992 |
xxvii,595p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153 SUN |
05002162 |
Duality of the mind : |
Sun, Ron, |
L. Erlbaum Associates, |
2002 |
0805838805 (hardcover : alk. p |
xiv, 283 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 SUN |
05067637 |
Anatomy of the mind : |
Sun, Ron, |
Oxford University Press, |
2016 |
9780199794553 |
xvi, 455 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 SUN |
09000448 |
Anatomy of the mind : |
Sun, Ron, |
Oxford University Press, |
2016 |
9780199794553 |
xvi, 455 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 SUR |
00101074 |
Readings in philosophy and cognitive science |
Surana D.K |
Cyber tech publications; |
9788178847603 |
262 p. |
UG Library |
153 SWE |
03007577 |
Brainworks : |
Sweeney, Michael S. |
National Geographic, |
2011 |
9781426207570 (hardcover : alk |
223 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153 SWE |
04015430 |
Brainworks : |
Sweeney, Michael S. |
National Geographic, |
2011 |
9781426207570 (hardcover : alk |
223 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 TAL |
00146549 |
The psychology of cognition : |
Talsma, Durk |
Routledge, |
2023 |
9781032333618 |
xiv,821p, ; |
UG Library |
153 TAR |
05005098 |
The taxonomy of metacognition / |
Tarricone, Pina. |
PsyPress, |
2011 |
9781841698694 (hb) |
264 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 TAY |
00092921 |
The race for consciousness |
Taylor John G |
MIT Press |
0262700867 |
380p |
UG Library |
153 TAY |
05033739 |
The mind : |
Taylor, John Gerald, |
John Wiley, |
2006 |
0470022221 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
xvi, 286 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 THO |
07015169 |
Course in Mental Ability & Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations / |
Thorpe,Edgar. |
McGraw Hill, |
2018 |
9789387572324 |
4th ed. |
6.96p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
153 THO |
03013560 |
Course in Mental Ability & Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations / |
Thorpe,Edgar. |
McGraw Hill, |
2018 |
9789387572324 |
4th ed. |
6.96p.; |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153 TUR |
05070456 |
Cognitive science and the social : |
Turner, Stephen P., |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9780815385677 (hardcover) | 9780815385691 (pbk.) |
1 Edition. |
xi,226p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 TUR |
00131408 |
Cognitive science and the social : |
Turner, Stephen P., |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9780815385677 (hardcover) | 9780815385691 (pbk.) |
1 Edition. |
xi,226p.; |
UG Library |
153 WAR |
10002189 |
The student's guide to social neuroscience / |
Ward, Jamie, |
Routledge, |
2017 |
9780367241643 |
2nd ed., |
viii,421p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153 WAR |
00059222 |
Thinking from A to Z |
Warburton, Nigel |
2002 |
0415222818 |
150 |
UG Library |
153 WBG |
05041678 |
Mind,Society and Behavior / |
The World Bank, |
2015 |
9781464803420 |
xv,215p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153 WBG |
07009310 |
Mind,Society and Behavior / |
The World Bank, |
2015 |
9781464803420 |
xv,215p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153 WEB |
00125428 |
Mind Reading |
Webster,Richard |
Jaico Publishing House |
2016 |
226p |
UG Library |
153 WEI |
00046822 |
Nonverbal Communication: Readings With Commentary |
Weitz, Shirley |
0195024478 |
430 p |
UG Library |
153 WEN |
00022316 |
How to Increase Your Intelligence |
Wenger, Win |
Bobbs |
1975 |
144 p |
UG Library |
153 WIE |
09000107 |
Executive function : |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138655553 (pb : alk. paper) | 9781138655546 (hb : alk. paper) |
xiii, 286 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 WIE |
05068341 |
Executive function : |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138655553 (pb : alk. paper) | 9781138655546 (hb : alk. paper) |
xiii, 286 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 WIE |
05069134 |
Executive function : |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138655553 (pb : alk. paper) | 9781138655546 (hb : alk. paper) |
xiii, 286 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 WIL |
09001154 |
Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology / |
Wilson, Angela |
American Acadimic Publisher, |
2024 |
9798886263619 |
302 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 WIL |
05074424 |
Cognition : |
Willingham, Daniel T., |
Cambridge University Press, |
2019 |
9781107525122 (paperback) |
Fourth edition. |
x, 466p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 WIS |
00002398 |
Intelligence and Ability.Selected Readings |
Wiseman, Stepehen |
Penguin |
1967 |
367 p. |
UG Library |
153 YOU |
05072962 |
Mind, Cognition, and Neuroscience : |
Young, Benjamin D. |
Routledge, |
2022 |
9781138392342 |
xvi,523p, ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153 ZEL |
07006238 |
The Cambridge handbook of consciousness / |
Cambridge University Press, |
0521857430 (hardback) | 978052 |
xiv, 981p., [4] p. of plates : |
Library - BR Campus |
153 ZEL |
05002152 |
The Cambridge handbook of consciousness / |
Cambridge University Press, |
0521857430 (hardback) | 978052 |
xiv, 981p., [4] p. of plates : |
Knowledge Centre |
153 ZEL |
09000829 |
The Cambridge handbook of consciousness / |
Cambridge University Press, |
0521857430 (hardback) | 978052 |
xiv, 981p., [4] p. of plates : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153 ZER |
00144640 |
The Adaptable Mind : |
Zerilli, John, |
Oxford university press, |
2021 |
9780190067885 |
xi, 172 pages ; |
UG Library |
153.01 COO |
05033721 |
Cognitive Dissonance : |
Cooper, Joel |
Sage Publications, |
2007 |
197 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.011 BUS |
05033723 |
Cognitive modeling / |
Busemeyer, Jerome R. |
Sage, |
2010 |
9780761924500 (pbk. : alk. pap |
ix, 211 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.011 BUS |
00104497 |
Cognitive modeling / |
Busemeyer, Jerome R. |
Sage, |
2010 |
9780761924500 (pbk. : alk. pap |
ix, 211 p. : |
UG Library |
153.0113 SUN |
05002218 |
Cambridge Handbook of Computational Psychology / |
Sun, Ron |
Cambridge University Press, |
2008 |
9780521674102 |
753p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.0113 SUN |
07010281 |
Cambridge Handbook of Computational Psychology / |
Sun, Ron |
Cambridge University Press, |
2008 |
9780521674102 |
753p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.0113 SUN |
09001032 |
Cambridge Handbook of Computational Psychology / |
Sun, Ron |
Cambridge University Press, |
2008 |
9780521674102 |
753p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.015118 FAR |
05059771 |
Computational modeling of cognition and behavior / |
Farrell, Simon, |
Cambridge University Press, |
2018 |
9781107109995 (hardback) | 978 |
xxii,461p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.015118 FAR |
05059708 |
Computational modeling of cognition and behavior / |
Farrell, Simon, |
Cambridge University Press, |
2018 |
9781107109995 (hardback) | 978 |
xxii,461p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.015118 LEW |
05004146 |
Computational modeling in cognition : |
Lewandowsky, Stephan. |
Sage Publications, |
2011 |
9781412970761 (pbk.) |
x, 359 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.0285467 VAR |
05034136 |
Making Sense of Psychology on the Web : |
Varnhagen, Connie K |
Worth Publishers, |
2002 |
0716753596 |
150 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.03 EYS |
05004182 |
The Blackwell dictionary of cognitive psychology / |
Blackwell Reference, |
1990 |
0631156828 : |
xvi, 390 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.03 EYS |
07008451 |
The Blackwell dictionary of cognitive psychology / |
Blackwell, |
1991 |
0631156828 : | 0631192573 (pb) |
xvi, 390 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.03 HOU |
07008163 |
Dictionary of cognitive science : |
Psychology Press, |
2004 |
1579582516 |
xxxv, 428 p. ; |
Library - BR Campus |
153.03 HOU |
05001502 |
Dictionary of Cognitive Science: Neuroscience, Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics, and Philosophy |
Houde, Olivier |
Psychology Press, |
2004 |
1579582516 |
428p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.03 HOU |
09000982 |
Dictionary of Cognitive Science: |
Psychology Press, |
2004 |
1579582516 |
428p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.03 WIL |
05002151 |
The MIT encyclopedia of the cognitive sciences / |
MIT Press, |
1999 |
9780262232005 |
cxxxii, 964 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.072 SPI |
00144374 |
New Methods in Cognitive Psychology / |
Spieler, Daniel H. |
Routledge, |
2020 |
9781848726314 |
viii,292p, ; |
UG Library |
153.076 REE |
05017384 |
ZAPS : |
Reeves, Lauretta. |
W.W. Norton, |
2007 |
9780393931051 (pbk.) | 0393931 |
v, 238 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.076 UPT |
00119428 |
Test Yourself Cognitive Psychology |
By by, Upton Dominic |
Learning Matters, |
2011 |
9780857256690 |
xv, 119 p.: |
UG Library |
153.09 BOD |
05002149 |
Mind as machine : |
Boden, Margaret A. |
Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, |
2006 |
019929237X (hbk. : vol. 1) | 9 |
2 v. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.09 BOD |
05002150 |
Mind as machine : |
Boden, Margaret A. |
Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, |
2006 |
019929237X (hbk. : vol. 1) | 9 |
2 v. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.09 THO |
00068554 |
Course in Mental Ability and Quantitative Aptitude |
Thorpe, Edger |
2005 |
0074639390 |
435p |
UG Library |
153.095 SPE |
09000380 |
The Psychological And Cultural Foundations of East Asian Cognition : |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780199348541 |
xix, 638p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.095 SPE |
05068467 |
The Psychological And Cultural Foundations of East Asian Cognition : |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780199348541 |
xix, 638p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.0954 SHU |
05034138 |
Culture, cognition, and behaviour / |
Aradhana Shukla |
Concept Pub. Co., |
2009 |
8180696391 | 9788180696398 |
352 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.1 BUZ |
05034139 |
Use Your Memory / |
Buzan, Tony |
BBC Books, |
1996 |
0563371021 |
192 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.1 BUZ |
05033742 |
Use Your Head / |
Buzan, Tony |
BBC Books, |
1996 |
0056337103 |
154 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.1 BAD |
04024241 |
Your Memory : A User's Guide / |
Baddeley, Alan |
Rupa Publications, |
2000 |
9781853752131 |
390p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.1 BRA |
00115413 |
Exercises For the Whole Brain |
Bragdon,Allen D. |
Viva Books Pvt Ltd |
2003 |
9788130928784 |
128 p. |
UG Library |
153.1 BRA |
07000597 |
Exercises For the Whole Brain |
Bragdon,Allen D. |
Viva Books Pvt Ltd |
2003 |
9788130928784 |
128 p. |
Library - BR Campus |
153.1 BUD |
05034137 |
The Right Way to Improve Your Memory / |
Budworth, Geoffrey |
Jaico Publishing House, |
1996 |
8172244673 |
122 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.1 BUZ |
07001680 |
The Ultimate Book of Mind Maps / |
Buzan Tony |
Thorson, |
2005 |
9780007212910 |
235p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.1 BUZ |
05030763 |
Use Your Memory / |
Buzan, Tony |
BBC Books , |
1995 |
0563371021 |
191 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.1 DIN |
05033060 |
Remembering Made Easy : |
Dineen, Jacqueline |
Jaico Publishing House, |
1996 |
8172243138 |
94 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.1 GAT |
05005107 |
Memory / |
Gathercole, Susan E. |
Psychology Press, |
2010 |
9781848727250 |
240 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.1 HOL |
10004248 |
Build a better brain: |
Hollins, Peter |
Wisdom tree , |
2023 |
9788183286091 |
vi,133 p; .; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.1 HUN |
00020376 |
Memory |
Hunter, Ian M. L. |
Penguin Books |
1964 |
328 p. |
UG Library |
153.1 LIE |
05010832 |
Human Learning & MEmory / |
Lieberman David.A |
Cambridge University Press, |
2012 |
9780521701396 |
xix,583 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.1 LOR |
07005444 |
The memory book / |
Lorayne, Harry. |
Ballantine Books, |
1996 |
9780345410023 |
237p. |
Library - BR Campus |
153.1 LOR |
09000772 |
The memory book / |
Lorayne, Harry. |
Ballantine Books, |
1996 |
9780345410023 |
237p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.1 SET |
10004075 |
Being you : |
Seth, Anil |
Faber & Faber Ltd, |
2021 |
9780571337729 |
358 pages : |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.1 SET |
05074866 |
Being you : |
Seth, Anil |
Faber & Faber Ltd, |
2021 |
9780571337729 |
358 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.1 SMI |
05034142 |
The brain's behind it : |
Smith, Alistair. |
Network Educational Press, |
2002 |
1 85539 083 3 |
1st ed. |
312 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.1 TER |
05047559 |
Learning and memory : |
Terry, W. Scott. |
Pearson/AandB, |
2009 |
9780205658626 | 0205658628 |
4th ed. |
xxv, 451 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.1 TUC |
00034951 |
Improve Your Memory Study and Reading Skills Creatively |
Tucker V. |
Better Yourself Books |
1989 |
172 p. |
UG Library |
153.12 MOO |
00135658 |
Memory Coach : |
Moore,Gareth. |
Michael O'Mara Books Limited, |
2019 |
9781789290189 |
191p.; |
UG Library |
153.12 NEA |
00067932 |
Human Memory |
Neath,Ian |
Thomson |
2003 |
0534595626 | 9780534595623 |
2nd Ed. |
474 p. |
UG Library |
153.12 BAB |
00111829 |
Memory, metaphors, and meaning : |
Babuts, Nicolae. |
Transaction Publishers, |
2012 |
9781412845830 (pbk.) | 1412845 |
xxvi, 219 p. ; |
UG Library |
153.12 BAC |
05005005 |
Memory, aging and the brain : |
Psychology Press, |
2010 |
9781841696928 |
viii, 355 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.12 BAD |
09000110 |
Exploring working memory : |
Baddeley, Alan D., |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138066908 (hardback : alk. paper) |
xii,381p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.12 BAD |
05068345 |
Exploring working memory : |
Baddeley, Alan D., |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138066908 (hardback : alk. paper) |
xii,381p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.12 BAD |
05005051 |
Memory / |
Baddeley, Alan D., |
Psychology Press, |
2009 |
9781848720008 (hbk.) | 1848720 |
xii, 451 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.12 BAD |
05044860 |
Memory / |
Baddeley, Alan D., |
Psychology Press, |
2015 |
9781848721838 (hb : alk. paper |
Second edition. |
xiv, 531 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.12 BOY |
00099737 |
Memory in mind and culture / |
Cambridge University Press, |
9780521760782 (hardback) | 052 |
viii, 323 p. : |
UG Library |
153.12 BOY |
05034141 |
Memory in mind and culture / |
Boyer,Pascal |
Cambridge University Press, |
2009 |
9780521758925 (pbk.) |
viii, 323 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.12 BRA |
00069630 |
Brain Building Games |
Bragdon, Allen D |
Eswar Press |
2003 |
8178740028 |
223p |
UG Library |
153.12 BRU |
07002054 |
The preservation of memory / |
Routledge, |
2016 |
9781138840188 (hardback) | 978 |
1 Edition. |
xiv,231p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.12 BUD |
00053324 |
Right Way to Improve Your Memory |
Budworth, Geoffrey |
Jaico |
2000 |
8172244673 |
125p |
UG Library |
153.12 BUZ |
00051095 |
Use Your Memory |
Buzan, Tony |
B.B.C Books |
2000 |
0563537302 | 9780563537304 |
192 p. |
UG Library |
153.12 BUZ |
03008221 |
Age-Proof Your Brain : |
Buzan, Tony. |
Harper Thorsons , |
2007 |
9781435100732 (pbk.) | 9780007 |
viii, 344 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.12 BUZ |
00080940 |
Master Your Memory. |
Buzan, Tony |
2004 |
0563487003 |
191p |
UG Library |
153.12 BUZ |
00037814 |
Use Your Memory |
Buzan, Tony |
B.B.C Books |
2000 |
0563537302 | 9780563537304 |
192 p. |
UG Library |
153.12 BUZ |
00080918 |
Use Your Memory |
Buzan, Tony |
B.B.C Books |
2000 |
0563537302 | 9780563537304 |
192 p. |
UG Library |
153.12 BUZ |
00045537 |
Use Your Memory |
Buzan, Tony |
B.B.C Books |
2000 |
0563537302 | 9780563537304 |
192 p. |
UG Library |
153.12 CLE |
00073950 |
Just in Time Brain Power. |
Clegg, Brain |
Kogan Page |
1999 |
8175541156 |
117p |
UG Library |
153.12 CRE |
05041959 |
Memory and Migration : |
University of Toronto Press, |
2014 |
9781442626881 |
xv,329p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.12 DAV |
05004158 |
Current issues in applied memory research / |
Psychology Press, |
2010 |
9781841697277 (hardback) |
xii, 262 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.12 DAV |
05004797 |
Current issues in applied memory research / |
Psychology Press, |
2010 |
9781841697277 (hardback) |
xii, 262 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.12 DUD |
00056054 |
Double Your Learning Power |
Dudley, Geoffrey A. |
Gaurav Publishing House |
2002 |
8187061235 | 9788187061236 |
190 p. |
UG Library |
153.12 EBB |
00115807 |
Memory / |
Ebbinchous, Hermann |
Cosmo Publications |
2004 |
9788177554663 |
151p. |
UG Library |
153.12 FAR |
00077205 |
Memory |
Fara, Patricia |
Cambridge University Press |
1998 |
0052157210 | 9780521572101 |
201 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.12 FAR |
00077206 |
Memory |
Fara, Patricia |
Cambridge University Press |
1998 |
0052157210 | 9780521572101 |
201 p. |
UG Library |
153.12 FAR |
00077207 |
Memory |
Fara, Patricia |
Cambridge University Press |
1998 |
0052157210 | 9780521572101 |
201 p. |
UG Library |
153.12 FAR |
00045903 |
Memory |
Fara, Patricia |
0052157210 |
201p |
UG Library |
153.12 FOS |
00102137 |
Memory : |
Foster, Jonathan K. |
Oxford University Press, |
9780192806758 (pbk.) | 0192806 |
142 p. : |
UG Library |
153.12 FOS |
00100933 |
Memory: |
Foster, Jonathan K |
Oxford University Press, |
9780192806758 |
142 p. |
UG Library |
153.12 GRE |
07009692 |
Introduction to human memory / |
Gregg, Vernon H., |
Routledge & Kegan Paul, |
1986 |
0710096879 : | 0710207085 (pbk |
xiv, 321 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.12 GRE |
09000877 |
Introduction to Human Memory / |
Gregg, Vernon H |
psychology press, |
2015 |
9781138992634 |
321p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.12 HOW |
05002169 |
Human memory : |
Howes, Mary B., |
SAGE Publications, |
2007 |
9781412916295 (pbk.) | 1412916 |
xvi, 452 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.12 HOW |
05002168 |
Human memory : |
Howes, Mary B., |
SAGE Publications, |
2007 |
9781412916295 (pbk.) | 1412916 |
xvi, 452 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.12 HUM |
00130583 |
Thinking about human memory / |
Humphreys, Michael S., |
Cambridge university press, |
2016 |
9781107087149 | 9781107451926 |
ix, 227 pages ; |
UG Library |
153.12 HUM |
09000984 |
Thinking about human memory / |
Humphreys, Michael S., |
Cambridge university press, |
2016 |
9781107087149 | 9781107451926 |
ix, 227 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.12 HUM |
07009373 |
Thinking about Human Memory / |
Humphreys Michael.S |
Cambridge University Press, |
2016 |
9781107087149 |
227p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.12 JEF |
05068312 |
Social aspects of memory : |
Jeftic, Alma, |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9780415789554 (hardback) |
1 Edition. |
xi,142p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.12 JEF |
09000166 |
Social aspects of memory : |
Jeftic, Alma, |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9780415789554 (hardback) |
1 Edition. |
xi,142p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.12 JEF |
00138025 |
Social aspects of memory : |
Jeftic, Alma, |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9780415789554 (hardback) |
1 Edition. |
xi,142p.; |
UG Library |
153.12 KAP |
00064918 |
Increasing Memory Power |
Kapadia, Mahesh |
Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd |
2000 |
8120722736 |
144p |
UG Library |
153.12 LAR |
05068290 |
Memory and recovery in times of crisis / |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9780367271787 |
xiii, 207 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.12 LOR |
00115411 |
Complete Guide to Memory Mastery: Organising and Developing the Power of Your Mind |
Loraynle, Harry |
Pustak Mahal |
2002 |
8122308953 |
302p |
UG Library |
153.12 MEA |
09000427 |
Collaborative remembering : |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
0198737866 | 9780198737865 |
First edition. |
xi, 492 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.12 MEA |
05067651 |
Collaborative remembering : |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
0198737866 | 9780198737865 |
First edition. |
xi, 492 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.12 MIR |
05062583 |
Memory in the age of amnesia : |
Mirza, Saeed Akthtar. |
Westland publications private limited, |
2018 |
9789387578159 |
219p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.12 MON |
00062980 |
365 Brainpower Tips |
Monte,Dumont |
Dumont Monte |
2001 |
3770170849 | 9783770170845 |
365 p. |
UG Library |
153.12 NEA |
00060148 |
Human Memory |
Neath,Ian |
Thomson |
2003 |
0534595626 | 9780534595623 |
2nd Ed. |
474 p. |
UG Library |
153.12 NEA |
05033724 |
Human Memory / |
Neath, Ian |
Thomson, |
2003 |
0534595626 |
474 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.12 ORT |
00115410 |
Memory Efficiency |
Orton, Louis J. |
Jaico Publishers |
2005 |
8172249896 | 9788172249892 |
112 p. |
UG Library |
153.12 ORT |
00067110 |
Memory Efficiency |
Orton, Louis J. |
Jaico Publishers |
2005 |
8172249896 | 9788172249892 |
112 p. |
UG Library |
153.12 PER |
05040047 |
The SAGE handbook of applied memory / |
Sage, |
2014 |
9781446208427 (hbk.) | 1446208 |
xxi, 729 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.12 RAD |
05068188 |
Human memory / |
Radvansky, Gabriel A., |
Routledge, |
2017 |
9781138665408 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138665415 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
Third edition. |
xvii, 656 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.12 RAD |
09000134 |
Human memory / |
Radvansky, Gabriel A., |
Routledge, |
2017 |
9781138665408 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138665415 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
Third edition. |
xvii, 656 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.12 RAD |
05044459 |
Human memory / |
Radvansky, Gabriel A. |
Allyn & Bacon, |
2011 |
9780205734825 | 0205734820 |
2nd ed. |
xviii, 414 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.12 RUM |
05068554 |
Prospective memory / |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138545830 (pbk.) | 9781138545809 (hardback) |
viii,201p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.12 RUM |
10000237 |
Prospective memory / |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138545830 (pbk.) | 9781138545809 (hardback) |
viii,201p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.12 SCH |
05042124 |
Memory : |
Schwartz, Bennett L. |
Sage, |
2014 |
9781452259116 (pbk. : alk. pap |
2nd ed. |
xix, 457 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.12 SCH |
05040061 |
Memory : |
Schwartz, Bennett L. |
Sage, |
2014 |
9781452259116 (pbk. : alk. pap |
2nd ed. |
xix, 457 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.12 SCH |
00107775 |
Memory |
Schwartz,Bennett L. |
SAGE,Publications |
2011 |
9781412972536 |
xviii, 479 p. : |
UG Library |
153.12 SCH |
05002171 |
Tip-of-the-tongue states : |
Schwartz, Bennett L. |
L. Erlbaum, |
2002 |
0805834451 (alk. paper) |
x, 181 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.12 SHR |
09001141 |
Not anymore dude / |
Shreeya S |
Parent Teening Publication, |
2021 |
71 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.12 SUM |
00147672 |
The psychology of memory / |
Sumeracki, Megan, |
Routledge, |
2024 |
9781032488639 |
First Edition. |
x,132p. ; |
UG Library |
153.12 SUR |
05004633 |
Principles of memory / |
Surprenant, Aimée M. |
Psychology Press, |
2009 |
9781841694221 (hardcover : alk |
ix, 191 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.12072 OTA |
05068399 |
Handbook of research methods in human memory / |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138217959 |
xvi, 474 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.12072 OTA |
09000126 |
Handbook of research methods in human memory / |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138217959 |
xvi, 474 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.122 FOG |
05045672 |
Improving your memory : |
Fogler, Janet. |
Johns Hopkins University Press, |
2014 |
9781421415703 (pbk. : alk. pap |
Fourth edition. |
viii, 153 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.124 WIL |
10002542 |
Psychoanalytic perspectives on knowing and being known : |
Willock, Brent |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138318793 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138318816 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
xi,227 p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.125 CON |
00092008 |
How modernity forgets / |
Connerton, Paul. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2009 |
9780521762151 (hbk. : alk. pap |
viii, 149 p. ; |
UG Library |
153.125 SAL |
05001893 |
Forgetting / |
Psychology Press, |
9781848720121 (hb) | 184872012 |
xiv, 338 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.12I DD |
00066137 |
Memory Boosters |
Iddon Jo.Dr |
Hamlyn |
2005 |
0600613240 | 9780600613244 |
144 p. |
UG Library |
153.13 BER |
05034029 |
Understanding autobiographical memory : |
Cambridge University Press, |
2012 |
9781107007307 | 9780521189330 |
xvi, 364 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.13 CIL |
09000056 |
Autobiographical memory and the self : |
Cili, Soljana. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138093010 (hardback) |
xiv, 128p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.13 CIL |
05068481 |
Autobiographical memory and the self : |
Cili, Soljana. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138093010 (hardback) |
xiv, 128p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.13 KLI |
05033725 |
Prospective memory : |
Matthias Kliegel |
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, |
2008 |
9780805858587 (alk. paper) | 0 |
xxi, 452 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.13 MAR |
05004977 |
The development of autobiographical memory / |
Markowitsch, Hans J., |
Psychology Press, |
2010 |
9781848720206 (hardback) | 184 |
vii, 279 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.13 MCD |
00086246 |
Prospective Memory: |
Mcdaniel, Mark A |
Sage |
2007 |
9781412924696 |
264 p |
UG Library |
153.13 MIY |
00050401 |
Models of Working Memory |
Miyake,Akira |
Cambridge University press |
1999 |
0521587212 | 9780521587211 |
506 p. |
UG Library |
153.13 MOU |
05004988 |
Episodic momory and healthy ageing / |
Moulin, Chris |
Psychology Press, |
2009 |
9781848727083 |
260 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.13 WAT |
09001007 |
Clinical perspectives on autobiographical memory / |
CUP, |
2017 |
9781108402699 |
387p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.13 WAT |
07009393 |
Clinical perspectives on autobiographical memory / |
Watson, Lynn A |
Cambridge University Press. |
2015 |
9781107039872 |
xiv,377p. |
Library - BR Campus |
153.14 ARD |
04002496 |
Improving Your Memory for Dummies |
Arden, John B |
John Wiley and Sons |
2008 |
9788126514052 |
312 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.14 CAM |
00134926 |
Maximize your Memory / |
Campayo, Ramón, |
Rupa Publications, |
2018 |
9781601631176 (pbk.) | 9788129147356 |
274p. : |
UG Library |
153.14 DOM |
03008294 |
Learn to Remember : |
O'Brien, Dominc. |
Duncan Baird Publishers |
2000 |
9781900131933 |
159 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.14 DOM |
04012090 |
Learn to Remember : |
O'Brien, Dominc. |
Duncan Baird Publishers |
2000 |
9781900131933 |
159 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.14 HAG |
00076653 |
Memory Power |
Hagwood, Scott |
Free Press |
2006 |
9780743272681 |
204 p. |
UG Library |
153.14 HAN |
00112282 |
Brilliant memory training : |
Hancock, Jonathan, |
Pearson Prentice Hall, |
2011 |
9780273745815 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xiii, 242 p. : |
UG Library |
153.14 HER |
03008232 |
Blueprints for Memory : |
Hersey, William D. |
1990 |
0814459617 |
xii, 148 p. ; |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.14 JOS |
05010953 |
Moonwalking with Einstein : |
Foer Joshua |
Penguin Books, |
2011 |
9781846140297 |
307 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.14 KAT |
03007035 |
Where did Noah park the ark? : |
Katz, Eran. |
Three Rivers Press, |
2010 |
9780307591975 | 0307591972 |
1st ed. |
xii, 244 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.14 LOR |
05070370 |
Harry loraynes Page a minute memory book / |
Lorayne, Harry. |
Ballantine Books, |
1985 |
070999003504 |
161p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.14 SIN |
07005473 |
How to Memorize Anything : |
Singhal Aditi |
Random House India, |
2015 |
9788184005219 |
322p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.14 SIN |
09000738 |
How to Memorize Anything : |
Singhal Aditi |
Random House India, |
2015 |
9788184005219 |
322p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.14 SIN |
05046377 |
How to Memorize Anything : |
Singhal Aditi |
Random House India, |
2015 |
9788184005219 |
322p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.14 STE |
05059570 |
Smart guide for awesome memory / |
Stephen, Shireen. |
Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, |
2018 |
9788129151483 |
278p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.14 WOR |
05004755 |
Mnemonology : |
Worthen, James B. |
Psychology Press, |
2010 |
9781841698946 (hardcover : alk |
p. cm. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.142 BEA |
03000649 |
Experiential Learning : |
Beard, Collin. |
Kogan Page , |
2008 |
9780749448974 |
314 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.142 BEA |
03009584 |
Experiential Learning : |
Beard, Collin. |
Kogan Page , |
2008 |
9780749448974 |
314 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.15 RAT |
05033726 |
Psychology of Learning and Development / |
Rather, A R |
Discovery Publishing House, |
2004 |
8171418155 |
294 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.15 COL |
07008114 |
Neuroscience for learning and development : |
Collins, Stella, |
KoganPage, |
2016 |
9780749474614 |
ix,232p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.15 COL |
05067277 |
Neuroscience for learning and development : |
Collins, Stella, |
KoganPage, |
2019 |
9781789660098 | 9780749493264 |
Second edition. |
ix, 294 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.15 COL |
09000993 |
Neuroscience for learning and development : |
Collins, Stella, |
KoganPage, |
2019 |
9781789660098 | 9780749493264 |
Second edition. |
ix, 294 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.15 COL |
07000290 |
Neuroscience for learning and development : |
Collins, Stella, |
KoganPage, |
2016 |
9780749474614 |
ix,232p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.15 COL |
05045929 |
Neuroscience for learning and development : |
Collins, Stella, |
KoganPage, |
2016 |
9780749474614 |
ix,232p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.15 DOE |
05034140 |
Learning, Practice and Assessment : |
Doel, Mark |
Jessica Kingsley, |
2002 |
1853029769 |
176 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.15 DOU |
07013487 |
Let them Choose : |
Douglas Jillian |
ATD Press, |
2016 |
9781562866402 |
128p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.15 FRI |
05048616 |
Learning : |
Frieman, Jerome, |
Sage Publication, |
2016 |
9781483359236 | 1483359239 |
xvii, 579 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.15 FRI |
07006156 |
Learning : |
Frieman, Jerome, |
Sage Publication, |
2016 |
9781483359236 | 1483359239 |
xvii, 579 pages : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.15 FRI |
09000878 |
Learning : |
Frieman, Jerome, |
Sage Publication, |
2016 |
9781483359236 | 1483359239 |
xvii, 579 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.15 JHA |
00123757 |
Psychology of Learning and Development |
Jha, Ankit |
Sonali Publications, |
2014 |
272 p:. |
UG Library |
153.15 KAU |
05037686 |
The First 20 Hours : |
Kaufman Josh |
Portfolio Penguin, |
2013 |
9780670921911 |
xi,268p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.15 LEF |
05034100 |
Theories of Human Learning : |
Lefrancois, R Guy |
Wadsworth, |
2000 |
0534362206 |
4th |
385 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.15 LUC |
00123550 |
Discover Your Hidden Talents |
Lucas, Bill |
Network Educational Press Ltd., |
2005 |
9781855391635 |
319 p:. |
UG Library |
153.15 MAR |
05056032 |
Psychology of Teaching and Learning : |
Martinez-Pons, Manuel. |
2004 |
0826453554 |
270p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.15 MEH |
00130320 |
Encyclopedia of Psychology in Life Skill Development |
Mehta, M. P. |
Cyber Tech, |
2017 |
9789350535868 |
216 p.: |
UG Library |
153.15 MEH |
00130321 |
Encyclopedia of Psychology in Life Skill Development |
Mehta, M. P. |
Cyber Tech, |
2017 |
9789350535868 |
216 p.: |
UG Library |
153.15 MEH |
00128794 |
Encyclopedia of Psychology in Life Skill Development |
Mehta, M. P. |
Cyber Tech, |
2017 |
9789350535868 |
216 p.: |
UG Library |
153.15 MEH |
00128795 |
Encyclopedia of Psychology in Life Skill Development |
Mehta, M. P. |
Cyber Tech, |
2017 |
9789350535868 |
216 p.: |
UG Library |
153.15 NAK |
00080682 |
Children and Learning Difficulties. |
Nakra, Onita |
Allied Publishers |
2007 |
8184242018 |
172p |
UG Library |
153.15 PAH |
05030764 |
Psychology of Learning and Development |
Pahuja, N P |
Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., |
2004 |
8126116676 |
326p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.15 PEA |
05052868 |
The science of learning / |
Pear, Joseph. J. |
Routledge, |
2016 |
9781848724723 (hb : alk. paper |
Second Edition. |
xi, 503p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.15 PEA |
09000902 |
The science of learning / |
Pear, Joseph. J. |
Routledge, |
2016 |
9781848724723 (hb : alk. paper |
Second Edition. |
xi, 503p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.15 PEA |
07010468 |
The science of learning / |
Pear, Joseph. J. |
Routledge, |
2016 |
9781848724723 (hb : alk. paper |
Second Edition. |
xi, 503p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.15 RAO |
00016170 |
Correlates of Learning in Albino Rats |
Rao, Raghavendra T. |
Srikanta Publications |
1975 |
1st Ed. |
113 p. |
UG Library |
153.15 ROS |
05004179 |
The Psychology of learning and motivation : |
Elsevier Academic press, |
2004 |
9780125433457 |
x,297 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.15 ROS |
01020778 |
The Psychology of Learning and Motivation / |
Elsevier, |
2014 |
9780128002834 |
x,330p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.15 RUD |
00130984 |
Learning and memory / |
Rudmann, Darrell S., |
Sage publications Inc., |
2018 |
9781483374833 (pbk. : alk. pap |
First Edition. |
xiii, 345 pages ; |
UG Library |
153.15 SAL |
05033722 |
Interaction of Media, Cognition, and Learning / |
Salomon, Gavriel |
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, |
1994 |
0805815457 |
282 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.15 SHA |
00107455 |
Psychology of Learning And Development |
Sharma R.A Dr. |
R.Lall Book Depot |
2007 |
viii:350 P. |
UG Library |
153.15 TAP |
00132895 |
Life skill development |
Tapariya,Jignesh H |
Rawat publications, |
2018 |
9789386687869 |
176p.; |
UG Library |
153.15 TOM |
05011375 |
The psychology of skill : |
Tomporowski, Phillip D., |
Praeger, |
2003 |
9780275975937 |
x, 305 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.152 BEA |
04028293 |
Experiential Learning : |
Beard, Colin |
Koganpage, |
2002 |
9780749467654 |
3th ed, |
ix, 331 p, : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.152 BEA |
00126809 |
Experiential Learning : |
Beard, Colin |
Koganpage, |
2002 |
9780749467654 |
3th ed, |
ix, 331 p, : |
UG Library |
153.152 BEA |
09000784 |
Experiential Learning : |
Beard Colin |
Kogan Page, |
2010 |
9788175545410 |
2nd ed |
314p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.152 BEA |
07000598 |
Experiential Learning : |
Beard Colin |
Kogan Page, |
2010 |
9788175545410 |
2nd ed |
314p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.152 VEA |
05033728 |
Experiential Learning / |
Beard, Colin |
Kogan Page, |
2007 |
0000749470 |
314 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.1532 HAR |
00053325 |
Improving Your Concentration Skills |
Harris, Godfrey |
Jaico |
2000 |
0817224732 |
106p |
UG Library |
153.1534 CHU |
00121218 |
7 mantras for Teenage Success |
Chulani,Varkha |
Pauline Publications |
2013 |
8171764851 |
127p |
UG Library |
153.1534 HAY |
00121281 |
Minding the Whole Person |
Haynes F,William |
Better Yourself Books |
2003 |
8171083730 |
180p |
UG Library |
153.1534 IRW |
05007071 |
The Psychology of Learning and Motivation : |
Irwin, David E. |
Academic Press, |
2003 |
9780125433426 |
332 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.1534 KAI |
00121251 |
Unlock Your Hidden Power |
Kaitholil,George |
Better Yourself Books |
2015 |
9788171088645 |
124p |
UG Library |
153.1534 MAS |
05034487 |
Motivation and Personality / |
Maslow, Abraham H |
Pearson Education, |
2005 |
8178089351 |
329 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.1534 MAU |
00121285 |
The Power of Gentleness |
Maurus,J |
Better Yourself Books |
2015 |
9788171088621 |
109p |
UG Library |
153.1534 PIN |
07012795 |
Drive : |
Pink, Daniel H. |
Canongate , |
2009 |
9781847677693 |
242 p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.1534 PIN |
03010529 |
Drive : |
Pink, Daniel H. |
Canongate , |
2009 |
9781847677693 |
242 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.1534 PIN |
00130901 |
Drive : |
Pink, Daniel H. |
Riverhead Books, |
2009 |
9781594488849 | 9781847677693 |
xii, 242 p. : |
UG Library |
153.1534 ROS |
00098346 |
The psychology of learning and motivation/ |
Academic press; |
0125433417 |
372 p. |
UG Library |
153.1534 ROS |
05044862 |
The Psychology of learning and motivation : |
Ross, Brian H |
Academic Press, |
1967 |
x, 363 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.1534 ROS |
05002170 |
The Psychology of learning and motivation / |
Academic Press, |
2002 |
0125433417 | 9780125433419 |
x,372p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.1534 RYA |
00121222 |
Attitudes of Gratitude |
Ryan,M J |
Pauline Publications |
2013 |
817176486x |
150p |
UG Library |
153.1534 STO |
00121237 |
The Ultimate Gift |
Stovall,Jim |
Embassy Books |
2015 |
9788188452040 |
144p |
UG Library |
153.15AGG |
01000333 |
Pschycology of Learning and Development (law Lib) |
Aggarwal |
286p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.1GUP |
01005321 |
Learning to Forget the Anti-Memories of Modernity(law Lib.0 |
Dipankar Gupta |
Oxford University Press |
0195674332 |
258p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.1GUP |
01003217 |
Learning to Forget the Anti-Memories of Modernity(law Lib.0 |
Dipankar Gupta |
Oxford University Press |
0195674332 |
258p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.2 FER |
05002226 |
Ideas That Changed the World / |
Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe |
DK Publishing,Inc, |
2003 |
0789496097 |
400p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.2 FOS |
00115414 |
101 Ways to Generate Great Ideas |
Foster, Timothy Rv |
Kogan Page |
2001 |
0817554144 |
125p |
UG Library |
153.2 FRA |
05051143 |
Number and time : |
Franz, Marie-Luise von, |
Northwestern University Press, |
1974 |
0810104296 |
xi, 332 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.2 GLA |
05034121 |
The Tipping Point : |
Glad Well, Malcolm |
2004 |
0349114463 |
278 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.2 GLA |
05034572 |
The Tipping Point : |
Glad Well, Malcolm |
2004 |
0349114463 |
278 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.2 GOL |
05034570 |
Working With Emotional Intelligence / |
Goleman, Daniel |
Random Books, |
1998 |
0553840231 |
452 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.2 HAR |
00070650 |
Improving Your Concentration Skills |
Harris,Godfrey |
Jaico Publishing House |
2004 |
0817224732 | 9788172246143 |
2nd Ed. |
109 p. |
UG Library |
153.2 HAR |
00081113 |
Improving Your Concentration Skills:Learning to Focus on the Business at Hand |
Harris, Godfrey |
Jaico |
2007 |
0817224732 |
112p |
UG Library |
153.2 HBR |
05073890 |
HBR Guide to critical thinking / |
Harvard Business Review Press. |
Harvard Business Review Press. |
2023 |
9781647824464 |
xiii,227p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.2 LAN |
03011569 |
Mastering Coaching : |
Landsberg, Max. |
Profile Books , |
2015 |
9781781254073 |
248 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.2 POT |
05008104 |
Formal approaches in categorization / |
Cambridge University Press, |
2011 |
9780521190480 (hardback) | 978 |
xii, 336 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.2 TUR |
05038693 |
The origin of ideas : |
Turner, Mark, |
Oxford University Press, |
2014 |
9780199988822 |
vii,300p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.21 KRI |
05034145 |
Nature of the New Mind / |
Krishnamurti, J |
Krishnamurti Foundation, |
2003 |
8187326190 |
276 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.22 REE |
05001477 |
Cognition |
Reed Stephen K |
Wadsworth |
9780495806684 |
414p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.3 HUX |
00019433 |
Between Heaven and Earth |
Huxley Laura, Archera |
Avon |
1976 |
308 p. |
UG Library |
153.3 LIU |
05005985 |
Imagination First : |
Liu, Eric. |
Jossey-Bass, |
2009 |
9781118013687 |
xx, 245 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.3 LIU |
03004954 |
Imagination First : |
Liu, Eric. |
Jossey-Bass, |
2009 |
9781118013687 |
xx, 245 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.3 LIV |
05059817 |
Why? : |
Livio, Mario. |
Simon & Schuster Paperbacks , |
2017 |
9781501175435 |
xiii, 252p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.3 NAN |
05062588 |
Cognitive imaginations Volume II : |
Nandan, Khosla D. |
Creative Apprehensions, |
2013 |
324p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.3 PHI |
05004152 |
Imagination and its pathologies / |
MIT Press, |
2003 |
0262162148 |
viii, 276 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.3 SER |
05068321 |
Performing fantasy and reality in contemporary culture / |
Seregina, Anastasia, |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138088948 (hbk) |
200 pages, 6 unnumbered pages of plates : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.3 ZIT |
09000464 |
Handbook of imagination and culture / |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780190468712 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9780190468729 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
viii, 380p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.3 ZIT |
05067669 |
Handbook of imagination and culture / |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780190468712 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9780190468729 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
viii, 380p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.3 ZOM |
05059787 |
Bored and brilliant: |
Zomorodi, Manoush. |
Pan Macmillan, |
2017 |
9781509869725 |
185p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.3 ZOM |
05062160 |
Bored and brilliant: |
Zomorodi, Manoush. |
Pan Macmillan, |
2017 |
9781509869725 |
185p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.3.OSB |
00019221 |
Your Creative Power |
Osborn, Alex |
Better Yourself |
1977 |
288 p |
UG Library |
153.3/5 POP |
00097908 |
Creativity : |
Pope, Rob. |
Routledge, |
041534915X (hbk. : alk. paper) |
xviii, 302 p. ; |
UG Library |
153.30954 SHU |
05039941 |
More than real |
Shulman, David Dean, |
Harvard University Press, |
2012 |
0674059913 (alk. paper) | 9780 |
xi, 333 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.32 OSH |
05004985 |
Interpretation in social life, social science, and marketing / |
O'Shaughnessy, John, |
Routledge, |
2009 |
9780415777582 (hardback : alk. |
viii, 227 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.32 REE |
05005087 |
Thinking visually / |
Reed, Stephen K. |
Psychology Press, |
2010 |
9780805860672 (hardcover : alk |
xv, 222 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.32 ROS |
05033979 |
Visual Methodologies : |
Rose, Gillian |
Sage Publications, |
2003 |
0076196665 |
229 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.33 ALD |
05033717 |
CQ Boost Your Creative Intelligence : |
Alder, Harry |
Kogan Page, |
2003 |
8175542268 |
231 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 BAY |
00135652 |
How to Steal Fire : |
Bayley,Stephen. |
Bantam Press, |
2019 |
9780593080085 |
244p.; |
UG Library |
153.35 BON |
04016979 |
Lateral thinking : |
De Bono, Edward, |
Penguin, |
1970 |
9780141033082 |
260 p. : ill. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.35 CRU |
03002567 |
Thinking Creativity at Work : |
Cruz, Premilla D. |
Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd., |
2008 |
9788178298535 |
220 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.35 RAW |
04000461 |
Creative and Brain Storing Thinking / |
Rawlinson, Geoffrey |
Jaico Publishing House, |
2008 |
8172243480 |
129 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.35 THA |
04005784 |
Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life |
Tharp, Twyla |
Free Press Business |
2003 |
9780743235266 |
243 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.35 ABR |
05064468 |
The neuroscience of creativity / |
Abraham, Anna, |
Cambridge University Press, |
2018 |
9781107176461 | 9781316629611 |
xv,369p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 ADA |
05000475 |
The art of creative thinking: |
Adair,John |
Kogan page india private a limited., |
2011 |
9788175544918 |
x,133p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 BHA |
00055725 |
Meta-Reality |
Bhaskar, Roy |
Sage Publications |
2002 |
0761997156 | 9780761997153 |
364 p. |
UG Library |
153.35 BOA |
00078559 |
On Creativity |
Bhom, David |
Routledge |
2004 |
0415336406 | 9780415336406 |
153 p. |
UG Library |
153.35 BOD |
05034133 |
Creative Mind Myths and Mechanisms / |
Boden, A Margaret |
Routledge, |
2004 |
0415314534 |
342 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 BOH |
00104829 |
On Creativity |
Bohm,David |
Routledge |
1998 |
9780415173957 |
xxiv,125p. |
UG Library |
153.35 BOH |
05004779 |
On creativity / |
Bohm, David, |
Routledge, |
2004 |
9780415336406 |
xxxvi, 153 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 BON |
05071735 |
Serious creativity : |
Bono, Edward De. |
Profile Books Ltd, |
2003 |
338p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 BON |
00071926 |
Serious creativity : |
De Bono, Edward, |
HarperBusiness, |
1992 |
0887305660 |
1st ed. |
xiv, 338 p. : |
UG Library |
153.35 BON |
05011192 |
How TO Have Creative Ideas / |
Bono Edward De |
Vermilion, |
2007 |
9780091910488 |
180 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 BRA |
07009713 |
The Runaway Species : |
Brandt Anthony |
Canongate, |
2017 |
9780857862075 |
296p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.35 CAM |
05062229 |
The Artist's Way : |
Cameron, Julia. |
Macmillan, |
1993 |
9781509829477 |
xvi, 223p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 CAM |
07015418 |
The artist's way : |
Cameron, Julia. |
Pan Books, |
1995 |
9780330343589 |
xvi, 223 p. ; |
Library - BR Campus |
153.35 CLE |
00062999 |
Crash Course in Creativity |
Clegg,Brian |
Kogan |
2004 |
0074944231 | 9780749442316 |
243 p. |
UG Library |
153.35 CRO |
05034120 |
The Dark Side of Creativity / |
David H Cropley |
Cambridge University Press, |
2010 |
394 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 CSI |
05034103 |
Creativity : |
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly |
Harper Perennial, |
2000 |
0060171332 |
456 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 CSI |
05034104 |
Creativity : |
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly |
Harper Perennial, |
2000 |
0060171332 |
456 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 CSI |
00090297 |
Creativity : |
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly |
Harper Perennial, |
2000 |
0060171332 |
456 p |
UG Library |
153.35 DAS |
00135551 |
A cognitive historical approach to creativity / |
Dasgupta, Subrata, |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9780367145699 (hardback) | 9780367145712 (pbk.) |
1 Edition. |
xvi,278p. |
UG Library |
153.35 DCE |
00086112 |
Thinking Creatively at Work: A Source Book |
D`Cruz, Premilla |
Sage Publications |
2008 |
9788178298535 |
220 p |
UG Library |
153.35 DCR |
00087526 |
Thinking Creative at Work |
D`Cruz, Premilla |
Sage Publications |
2008 |
9788178298535 |
220 |
UG Library |
153.35 DCR |
00091348 |
Thinking Creatively at Work: A Source Book |
D`Cruz, Premilla |
Sage Publications |
2008 |
9788178298535 |
220 p |
UG Library |
153.35 DUG |
05045447 |
Strategic intuition : |
Duggan, William R. |
Columbia Business School Pub., |
2007 |
9780231142687 (cloth : alk. pa |
xii, 192 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 EDW |
09000741 |
Serious creativity / |
De Bono Edward |
Vermilion |
2015 |
9780091939700 |
472p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.35 EDW |
07001627 |
Serious creativity / |
De Bono Edward |
Vermilion |
2015 |
9780091939700 |
472p. |
Library - BR Campus |
153.35 EDW |
00120511 |
Serious creativity / |
De Bono Edward |
Vermilion |
2015 |
9780091939700 |
472p. |
UG Library |
153.35 GAR |
05033588 |
Creating Minds : |
Gardner, Howard |
Basic Books, |
1993 |
0465014542 |
464 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 GAR |
05034091 |
Art Mind and Brain : |
Gardner, Howard |
Basic Books, |
1982 |
0465004458 |
380 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 GEL |
03005473 |
Think Like Da Vinci : |
Gelb, Michael J. |
Harper Element; |
2009 |
9780007341696 |
xiv,318 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.35 GEL |
00080917 |
Discover Your Genius:How to Think Like History`s Ten Most Revolutionary Minds |
Gelb, Michael J |
2003 |
0060937904 |
356p |
UG Library |
153.35 GLA |
09000493 |
The creativity reader / |
Oxford University Press, |
2019 |
9780190841706 (hardcover : alk. paper) |
x, 592p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.35 GLA |
00119226 |
Thinking Through Creativity and Culture : |
Glǎveanu, Vlad Petre. |
Transaction Publishers |
2014 |
9781412854016 |
xiv, 316 p, : |
UG Library |
153.35 GLA |
05067789 |
The creativity reader / |
Oxford University Press, |
2019 |
9780190841706 (hardcover : alk. paper) |
x, 592p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 GLA |
07009356 |
Thinking Through Creativity and Culture : |
Glǎveanu, Vlad Petre. |
Transaction Publishers |
2014 |
9781412854016 |
xiv, 316 p, : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.35 GOD |
10004979 |
The practice : shipping creative work / by Seth Godin. |
Godin, Seth [Author] |
Portfolio/Penguin, |
2020 |
9780241470046 |
261 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.35 GRA |
09000745 |
Originals / |
Grant, Adam |
Penguine, |
2016 |
9780753548080 |
322p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.35 GRA |
07012631 |
Originals : |
Grant, Adam M., |
W H Allen, |
2016 |
9780753556986 |
xii, 322 pages : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.35 GRA |
05054593 |
Originals : |
Grant, Adam M., |
W H Allen, |
2016 |
9780753556986 |
xii, 322 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 HAR |
00144604 |
Creative agency / |
Harris, Dan |
Palgrave macmillan, |
2021 |
9783030774332 |
xi,189p, ; |
UG Library |
153.35 HIN |
10004255 |
Collide: |
Hin, Tay Guan |
Penguin random house, |
2024 |
9789815127119 |
284p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.35 HUS |
09000328 |
Art, aesthetics, and the brain / |
Oxford University Press, |
2015 |
9780199670000 | 9780198825234 | 0199670005 |
First edition. |
xx, 545 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.35 HUS |
05067888 |
Art, aesthetics, and the brain / |
Oxford University Press, |
2015 |
9780199670000 | 9780198825234 | 0199670005 |
First edition. |
xx, 545 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 JOH |
05034089 |
Creators : |
Johnson, Paul |
HarperCollins Publishers, |
2006 |
310 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 JOH |
05034090 |
Creative Collaboration / |
John-Steiner, Vera |
Oxford University Press, |
2000 |
0195067940 |
527 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 JOS |
04016751 |
Equip Yourself with Life Skills / |
Joseph, K. S. |
Better yourself Books, |
2008 |
9788171086870 |
187p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.35 JUD |
00140797 |
The Art of Creative Thinking / |
Judkins, Rod |
Hodder & Stoughton, |
2015 |
9781444794489 |
281p. : |
UG Library |
153.35 JUD |
05053124 |
The Art of Creative Thinking / |
Judkins, Rod |
Hodder & Stoughton, |
2015 |
9781444794489 |
281p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 JUD |
05073377 |
The Art of Creative Thinking / |
Judkins, Rod, |
Hodder & Stoughton, |
2015 |
9781444794496 |
First edition. |
vii,281 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 JUD |
10001664 |
The Art of Creative Thinking / |
Judkins, Rod, |
Hodder & Stoughton, |
2015 |
9781444794496 |
First edition. |
vii,281 pages ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.35 JUD |
04026227 |
The Art of Creative Thinking / |
Judkins, Rod |
Hodder & Stoughton, |
2015 |
9781444794489 |
281p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.35 KAK |
07005603 |
On creativity / |
Penguin Group, |
2015 |
9780670088072 |
xiii, 189 pages : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.35 KAU |
05068634 |
The Cambridge Handbook Of Creativity / |
Cambridge University Press, |
2019 |
9781316638545 |
2nd Ed |
xix,761p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 KAU |
05034119 |
The international handbook of creativity / |
James C Kaufman |
Cambridge University Press, |
2006 |
0521838428 (hardcover) | 05215 |
xii, 526 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 KAU |
05059712 |
The Cambridge handbook of creativity across domains / |
Cambridge University Press, |
2017 |
9781107526662 |
xv,668p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 KAU |
09001022 |
Creativity and reason in cognitive development / |
Cambridge University Press. |
2016 |
9781107438835 (pbk.) | 9781107 |
Second edition. |
xvii, 394 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.35 KAU |
07009392 |
Creativity and reason in cognitive development / |
Cambridge University Press. |
2016 |
9781107438835 (pbk.) | 9781107 |
Second edition. |
xvii, 394 pages ; |
Library - BR Campus |
153.35 KAU |
05034305 |
Creativity and reason in cognitive development / |
Kaufman,James C. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2006 |
0521843855 (hardback) | 052160 |
xv, 369 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 KHA |
04025169 |
Lifelong creativity : an unending quest / |
Khandwalla, Pradip N. |
Tata McGraw Hill, |
2004 |
9780070499591 |
xvi , 418 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.35 KHA |
03007147 |
Lifelong creativity : an unending quest / |
Khandwalla, Pradip N. |
Tata McGraw Hill, |
2004 |
9780070499591 |
xvi , 418 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.35 KIN |
04025991 |
Test Your Creative Thinking : |
King Lloyd |
Source Books, |
2016 |
9788130934167 |
152p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.35 KIN |
07002286 |
Test Your Creative Thinking : |
King Lloyd |
Source Books, |
2016 |
9788130934167 |
152p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.35 KLE |
08001404 |
Keep going : |
Kleon, Austin, |
Work Man Publishing, |
2019 |
9781523506644 (alk. paper) |
213 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.35 KLE |
08001405 |
Steal like an artist : |
Kleon, Austin. |
Workman Pub. Co., |
2012 |
0761169253 | 9780761169253 |
140, p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.35 KOU |
09000470 |
Innovating minds : |
Koutstaal, Wilma. |
Oxford University Press, |
2015 |
9780199316021 |
xiii, 342 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.35 KOU |
05067673 |
Innovating minds : |
Koutstaal, Wilma. |
Oxford University Press, |
2015 |
9780199316021 |
xiii, 342 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 LEH |
00109460 |
Imaine:How Creativity Works |
Lehrer,Jonah |
Canongate |
2012 |
9781847677877 |
xx; 279 p. |
UG Library |
153.35 LEW |
09000816 |
Too fast to think : |
Lewis, Chris, |
Kogan Page, |
2016 |
9780749478865 (paperback) |
1st Edition. |
xv, 212 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.35 LEW |
07009357 |
Too fast to think : |
Lewis, Chris, |
Kogan Page, |
2016 |
9780749478865 (paperback) |
1st Edition. |
xv, 212 pages ; |
Library - BR Campus |
153.35 MAY |
03006680 |
In pursuit of elegance : |
May, Matthew E. |
Broadway Books, |
2010 |
9780385526500 |
vii, 216 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.35 MAY |
03006691 |
In pursuit of elegance : |
May, Matthew E. |
Broadway Books, |
2010 |
9780385526494 |
vii, 216 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.35 MCC |
05075149 |
Critical thinking, idea innovation, and creativity / |
McCuen, Richard H., |
CRC Press, |
2023 |
9781041000846 |
First edition. |
xvii, 314 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 MIC |
05011130 |
Creative thinkering : |
Michalko, Michael, |
New World Library, |
2011 |
9781608680245 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xxi, 232 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 MIL |
05005191 |
Art and human development / |
Psychology Press, |
2010 |
9780415965538 | 0415965535 |
xvi, 286 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 MIL |
00050194 |
Flash of Brilliance |
Miller, C. William |
Perseus Books |
1999 |
0738200182 | 9780738200187 |
296 p. |
UG Library |
153.35 PAN |
10003265 |
Condemned to be creative/ |
Panthalookaran, Varghese., |
Pallikkutam publications, |
2019 |
9788193945216 |
315p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.35 PAN |
10003266 |
Condemned to be creative/ |
Panthalookaran, Varghese., |
Pallikkutam publications, |
2019 |
9788193945216 |
315p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.35 PAN |
10003267 |
Condemned to be creative/ |
Panthalookaran, Varghese., |
Pallikkutam publications, |
2019 |
9788193945216 |
315p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.35 POR |
07007820 |
Idiot's guides : |
Poreba, Doreen Marcial. |
Penguin Books, |
2015 |
9781615647729 (alk. paper) |
XI,311 Pages,: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.35 RAT |
00048340 |
Creativity |
Rather, A. R. |
Sarupa and Sons |
1998 |
8176250279 |
1st Ed. |
165 p. |
UG Library |
153.35 RAW |
05034146 |
Creative Thinking and Brainstorming / |
Rawlinson, J Geoffrey |
Jaico Publishing, |
1996 |
8172243480 |
118 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 RAZ |
03004853 |
The Riddle : |
Razeghi, Andrew. |
Jossey-bass, |
2008 |
9788126520480 |
249 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.35 REI |
05060819 |
The imagination gap / |
Reich, Brian, |
Emerald, |
2017 |
1787142078 | 9781787142077 |
xxiv, 246 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 ROB |
03012144 |
Out of Our Minds : |
Robinson, Ken |
Wiley, |
2011 |
9788126561339 |
xiii, 315p. ; |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.35 ROB |
05033617 |
Sparks Of Genius : |
Robert |
Houghton Mifflin Company, |
1999 |
0395907713 |
402 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 ROB |
05062217 |
Out of Our Minds : |
Robinson, Ken |
Wiley, |
2011 |
9788126561339 |
xiii, 315p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 RUT |
07008246 |
Cracking the Creativity Code : |
Ruttenberg, Arie. |
Sage, |
2014 |
9788132119685 |
157p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.35 RUT |
05042705 |
Cracking the Creativity Code : |
Ruttenberg, Arie. |
Sage, |
2014 |
9788132119685 |
157p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 RUT |
07000110 |
Cracking the Creativity Code : |
Ruttenberg, Arie. |
Sage, |
2014 |
9788132119685 |
157p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.35 RUT |
03011178 |
Cracking the Creativity Code : |
Ruttenberg, Arie. |
Sage, |
2014 |
9788132119685 |
157p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.35 RUT |
09000644 |
Cracking the Creativity Code : |
Ruttenberg, Arie. |
Sage, |
2014 |
9788132119685 |
157p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.35 SAR |
04015301 |
Out of the Box Thinking : |
Sarma, A.R.K |
Sri Sardada Book House, |
2012 |
176 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.35 SEE |
05053520 |
InGenius: |
Seelig, Tina. |
Harper Collins, |
2011 |
9780062020710 |
216p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 SEE |
05053117 |
Insight out : |
Seelig, Tina Lynn. |
Harper One, |
2015 |
9780062400185 |
First edition. |
xiii, 233 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.35 SHE |
09000943 |
Creative workshop : |
Sherwin, David. |
HOW Books, |
2010 |
9781600617973 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 1600617972 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
1st ed. |
231 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.35 SHE |
07013023 |
Creative workshop : |
Sherwin, David. |
HOW Books, |
2010 |
9781600617973 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 1600617972 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
1st ed. |
231 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.35 SHE |
07013024 |
Creative workshop : |
Sherwin, David. |
HOW Books, |
2010 |
9781600617973 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 1600617972 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
1st ed. |
231 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.35 SHE |
07012950 |
Creative workshop : |
Sherwin, David. |
HOW Books, |
2010 |
9781600617973 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 1600617972 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
1st ed. |
231 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.35 SIL |
03010652 |
Think Like A Genius : |
Siler, Todd. |
Bantam Books , |
1996 |
9780553379280 |
294 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.35 SON |
04030514 |
Penguine, |
2020 |
9780670094097 |
363p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.35 THA |
04009716 |
The creative habit : |
Tharp, Twyla. |
Simon & Schuster, |
2003 |
9780743235266 |
vii, 243 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.35 TRO |
03012143 |
one + One = Three : |
Trott, Dave |
Macmillan Publishers, |
2015 |
9781447287056 |
223p. ; |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.35 VOG |
05053118 |
Breakthrough thinking : |
Vogel, Thomas. |
How Books, |
2014 |
9781440333262 | 1440333262 |
1st ed. |
203 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.3502854678 GAU |
00107632 |
Making is connecting |
Gauntlett,David. |
Polity Press, |
2011 |
9780745650029 | 9780745650029 |
x, 286 p. : |
UG Library |
153.350846 AMI |
05068516 |
Creativity in later life : |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138293793 (hardback) |
xiv, 277p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.350922 GAR |
00109443 |
Creating minds |
Gardner, Howard, |
Basic Books, |
2011 |
9780465027743 (pbk.) | 9780465 |
xxv, 436 p. : |
UG Library |
153.39 KIC |
04027263 |
SSC CGL Combined Graduate Level TIER-II Online Exam : |
Kiran Prakashan, |
2016 |
928p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.4 ARI |
03003626 |
The Upside of Irrationality : |
Ariely, Dan. |
Harper, |
2011 |
xi, 334 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.4 BON |
03003082 |
How You Can Be More Interesting / |
Bono, Edward De. |
New Millennium Press, |
2000 |
9781893224063 | 1893224066 |
296 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.4 GAL |
00139521 |
Cognitive Psychology / |
Galotti,Kathleen M. |
Cengage learning , |
2008 |
9788131500828 |
xx,647p.; |
UG Library |
153.4 WAT |
03007621 |
Everything Is Obvious : |
Watts, Duncan J., |
Crown Business, |
2011 |
9780385531689 | 9780307951793 |
1st ed. |
xvi, 342 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.4 ARI |
03005355 |
The Upside of Irrationality : |
Ariely, Dan. |
Harper, |
2011 |
xi, 334 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.4 BAS |
10004393 |
Reason to be Happy : |
Basu, Kaushik |
Penguin Random House, |
2024 |
9781911709282 |
219 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.4 BAT |
03008667 |
Brainstorming for Creativity and Innovation / |
Batra, Promod. |
Macmillan India Ltd , |
2008 |
9780230634626 |
2nd ed. |
368 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.4 BON |
03010653 |
Think! : |
Bono, Edward De. |
Vermilion , |
2009 |
9780091924096 |
258 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.4 BON |
09000742 |
Think! : |
Bono, Edward De. |
Vermilion , |
2009 |
9780091924096 |
258 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.4 BON |
03008282 |
How You Can Be More Interesting / |
Bono, Edward De. |
New Millennium Press, |
2000 |
9781893224063 | 1893224066 |
296 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.4 BON |
07001636 |
Think! : |
Bono, Edward De. |
Vermilion , |
2009 |
9780091924096 |
258 p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.4 BON |
07005946 |
Think! : |
Bono, Edward De. |
Vermilion , |
2009 |
9780091924096 |
258 p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.4 BON |
01012717 |
How you can be more interesting / |
De Bono, Edward, |
New Millennium Press, |
9780140258370 |
vii, 296 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.4 BRA |
00068637 |
The Logic Works Version 7.0 |
Brady, Rob R |
Harcourt brace & Company |
1994 |
0155019422 |
iv, 44 p |
UG Library |
153.4 BUZ |
07013565 |
How to mind map / |
Buzan, Tony |
9780007294602 |
xv,99p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
153.4 BUZ |
09000800 |
How to mind map / |
Buzan, Tony |
9780007294602 |
xv,99p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.4 BYR |
09000430 |
Evolving insight / |
Byrne, Richard W. |
Oxford University Press, |
2016 |
9780198757078 | 0198757077 |
200p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.4 BYR |
05067665 |
Evolving insight / |
Byrne, Richard W. |
Oxford University Press, |
2016 |
9780198757078 | 0198757077 |
200p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.4 CEL |
00110474 |
Essentials of Formal Logic |
Celesine, Fr. Sahaya |
Kristu Jyoti College |
2012 |
9788187370680 |
xiv, 98 p. : |
UG Library |
153.4 CUM |
07009436 |
Good Thinking : |
Cummins, Denise D. |
CUP, |
2012 |
9781107644595 |
199p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.4 CUM |
04018081 |
Good Thinking : |
Cummins, Denise D. |
CUP, |
2012 |
9781107644595 |
199p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.4 CUM |
09000760 |
Good Thinking: |
Cummins, Denise D |
Cambridge, |
2021 |
9781108827324 |
356p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.4 EVA |
00138739 |
Hypothetical Thinking : |
Evans,Jonathan St B T. |
Routledge, |
2020 |
9780367423636 |
xvi,206p.; |
UG Library |
153.4 FLE |
05073382 |
Know thyself : |
Fleming, Stephen M. |
John Murray Press, |
2021 |
9781529345063 |
290p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.4 FLE |
10001645 |
Know thyself : |
Fleming, Stephen M. |
John Murray Press, |
2021 |
9781529345063 |
290p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.4 FOR |
05019654 |
Consider : |
Forrester, Daniel. |
Palgrave Macmillan, |
2011 |
9780230106079 (hardback) |
xviii, 238 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.4 FUL |
05034148 |
Cognitive Psychology / |
Fulcher, Eamon |
Crucial, |
2003 |
1903337135 |
162 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.4 GAL |
00069644 |
Cognitive Psychology in and Out of the Laboratory |
Galotti, Kathleen M. |
Wadsworth |
2004 |
9814057053 | 9789814057059 |
2nd Ed. |
646 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.4 GAL |
00069643 |
Cognitive Psychology in and Out of the Laboratory |
Galotti, Kathleen M. |
Wadsworth |
2004 |
9814057053 | 9789814057059 |
2nd Ed. |
646 p. |
UG Library |
153.4 GLA |
00057350 |
Cognition |
Glass, Lewis Arnold |
1979 |
0201024497 |
521p |
UG Library |
153.4 GLA |
05033740 |
Blink : |
Gladwell, Malcolm |
Penguin Books, |
2005 |
0071399844 |
277 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.4 HER |
03006709 |
On second thought : |
Herbert, Wray. |
Crown Publishers, |
2010 |
9780307461636 | 0307461637 |
1st ed. |
289 p. ; |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.4 HOL |
03010099 |
The Oxford Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning / |
Oxford University Press, |
2012 |
9780199734689 |
xix, 836 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.4 HOL |
05021606 |
The Oxford Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning / |
Oxford University Press, |
2012 |
9780199734689 |
xix, 836 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.4 HOO |
04009688 |
The science of superstition : |
Hood, Bruce M. |
HarperCollins, |
2010 |
9780061452659 (pbk.) |
1st HarperCollins pbk. ed. |
302 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.4 IRV |
00122182 |
Aha! : |
Irvine, William Braxton, |
Oxford University Press |
2015 |
9780199338870 (hardback) |
x, 362 pages |
UG Library |
153.4 JOH |
00013465 |
Conditions of Man |
Johnson, Willoughby |
Houghton |
1968 |
322 p |
UG Library |
153.4 KAE |
00086811 |
Psychophysics Beyond Sensation: |
Kaernbach, Christian |
Lawrence Erlbaum Assocites. |
2003 |
0805842500 |
526 p |
UG Library |
153.4 LAM |
05021228 |
Handbook of Cognition: |
Lamberts, Koen |
2004 |
0761972773 |
452p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.4 MAN |
10004984 |
Think for yourself : restoring common sense in an age of experts & artificial intelligence / by Vikram Mansharamani. |
Mansharamani, Vikram [Author] |
Harvard Business Review Press, |
2020 |
9781633699212 |
xi, 289 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.4 MAN |
07004592 |
Cognition, Exprience and Creativity / |
By Manjaly, Jaison A. |
Orient BlackSwan, |
2015 |
9788125057314 |
ix, 290.p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
153.4 MAN |
05044936 |
Cognition, Exprience and Creativity / |
By Manjaly, Jaison A. |
Orient BlackSwan, |
2015 |
9788125057314 |
ix, 290.p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.4 MAR |
05068657 |
Strategies for managing uncertainty : |
Marcus, Alfred A. |
Cambridge university press, |
2019 |
9781107191150 | 9781316641682 |
xiii, 551 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.4 MAR |
05033372 |
Open Mind : |
Markova, Dawna |
Conari Press, |
2002 |
1573240648 |
202 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.4 MAR |
00137714 |
Strategies for managing uncertainty : |
Marcus, Alfred A. |
Cambridge university press, |
2019 |
9781107191150 | 9781316641682 |
xiii, 551 pages : |
UG Library |
153.4 MAT |
00057353 |
Cognition |
Martlin, W Margaret |
Harcourt |
2000 |
482p |
UG Library |
153.4 MAT |
05002223 |
Cognitiion / |
Matlin, W Margaret |
John Wiley & Sons,Inc, |
2003 |
0470002212 |
.5th Edition |
591p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.4 NIS |
05034134 |
Georgraphy of Thought : |
Nisbett, E Richard |
Free Press, |
2003 |
0743255356 |
263 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.4 NIS |
07007825 |
Mindware : tools for smart thinking / |
Nisbett, Richard E. |
Penguin Publication, |
2015 |
9780141976273 |
309p. |
Library - BR Campus |
153.4 OET |
05068556 |
The psychology of thinking about the future / |
The Guilford Press, |
2018 |
9781462534418 (hardcover : alk. paper) |
xiii,554p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.4 OET |
05069887 |
The psychology of thinking about the future / |
The Guilford Press, |
2018 |
9781462534418 (hardcover : alk. paper) |
xiii,554p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.4 OET |
09000194 |
The psychology of thinking about the future / |
The Guilford Press, |
2018 |
9781462534418 (hardcover : alk. paper) |
xiii,554p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.4 PEN |
00130777 |
The new reflectionism in cognitive psychology : |
Pennycook, Gordon, |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138208087 (hardback : alk. |
147p.; |
UG Library |
153.4 RIP |
00130537 |
Lines of thought : |
Rips, Lance J. |
Oxford University Press, |
2011 |
9780195183054 (alk. paper) |
xxxii, 441 p. : |
UG Library |
153.4 RUD |
00040805 |
Invitation to Critical Thinking. |
Rudinow, Joel |
1994 |
0155003747 |
542 p |
UG Library |
153.4 RUD |
00040806 |
Invitation to Critical Thinking. |
Rudinow, Joel |
1994 |
0155003747 |
542 p |
UG Library |
153.4 SCH |
05002499 |
Scripts, plans, goals, and understanding : |
Schank, Roger C., |
L. Erlbaum Associates ; | distributed by the Halsted Press Division of John Wiley and Sons, |
1977 |
0470990333 | 9780898591385 |
248 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.4 SMI |
05039613 |
Cognitive Psychology : |
Edward E.Smith |
PHI Learning Private Limited, |
2013 |
978812033727 |
xiii,610p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.4 SOL |
05001403 |
Cognitive Psychology |
Solso, Robert L |
Pearson |
2004 |
8129703335 |
602p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.4 SOL |
00057351 |
Theories in Cognitive Psychology: the Loyola Symposium |
Solso, L Robert |
1974 |
0470812281 |
386p |
UG Library |
153.4 SRI |
00098078 |
Advances in Cognitive Science |
Sage Publications , |
9788132104445 |
295p |
UG Library |
153.4 STE |
07004323 |
Applied intelligence / |
Sternberg, Robert J. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2008 |
9780521884280 (hardcover) | 97 |
xi, 419 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.4 STE |
09001030 |
Applied intelligence / |
Sternberg, Robert J. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2008 |
9780521884280 (hardcover) | 97 |
xi, 419 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.4 STU |
05002166 |
Dictionary of cognitive psychology / |
Stuart-Hamilton, Ian. |
J. Kingsley, |
1996 |
1853022020 (hb) | 1853021482 ( |
1st pbk. rev. ed. |
viii, 140 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.4 THO |
00086880 |
How to Think Like Leinstein |
Thorpe, Scott |
Dream Tech Press |
2008 |
8177227912 |
231 p |
UG Library |
153.4/3 |
01012238 |
The psychology of problem solving / |
Cambridge University Press, |
0521793335 (hardback) | 052179 |
xi, 394 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.405 MAT |
07004697 |
Cognitive psychology / |
Matlin,Margaret W. |
Wiley, |
2014 |
9781118318690 |
8th ed. |
xxvi,610p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
153.42 ADA |
03001951 |
Art of Creative Thinking : |
Adair, John. |
Kogan Page, |
2008 |
9788175543683 | 817554368X |
133 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.42 BON |
03000179 |
Laterarl Thinking : |
Bono, Edward De |
Collins Business ; |
1970 |
9780060903251 | 9780141033082 |
396 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.42 BON |
03000189 |
Six Thinking Hats / |
Bono, Edward De. |
Black Bay Books, |
1999 |
0316178314 | 9780316178310 |
173 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.42 TOI |
03004769 |
The Habits of S.U.C.C.S.S : |
Toi, Henry. |
Embassy Books, |
2009 |
9789380227221 | 9380227221 |
196 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.42 BAD |
10004942 |
Step back : how to bring the art of reflection into your busy life / by Joseph L. Badaracco. |
Badaracco, Joseph L [Author] |
Harvard Business Review Press, |
2020 |
9781633698741 |
1st Ed. |
163 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.42 BAR |
00089571 |
Thinking and Deciding |
Baron, Jonathan |
Cambridge |
2008 |
9780521680431 |
Forth Edition |
584p |
UG Library |
153.42 BAY |
05048935 |
Thought : |
Bayne, Tim. |
Oxford University Press, |
2013 |
9780199601721 (pbk.) | 0199601 |
1st ed. |
126 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42 BLA |
00142989 |
An A to Z of Critical Thinking |
Black, Beth |
Bloomsbury |
2021 |
9789354352164 |
186p |
UG Library |
153.42 BON |
05024817 |
The Importance of Possibili / |
Bono,Edward,De. |
Westland, |
9789380032009 |
61p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42 BON |
07007299 |
I am Right You are Wrong / |
Bond Edward De |
Penguin Books, |
2011 |
9780141040875 |
xvii,293p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.42 BON |
04017037 |
Six Thinking Hats : |
Bono, Edward De |
Penguine, |
1999 |
9780141033051 |
177p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.42 BON |
03006996 |
Laterarl Thinking : |
Bono, Edward De |
Collins Business ; |
1970 |
9780060903251 | 9780141033082 |
396 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.42 BON |
05011093 |
Intelligence is not enough / |
Bono Edward De |
Westland, |
2006 |
9789380032023 |
62 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42 BON |
07005683 |
Teach Yourself to Think |
Bono,Edward de |
Penguin Book |
9780141033105 |
254p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
153.42 BON |
05011044 |
Why So Stupid ?: |
Bono Edward De |
Westland Ltd, |
2008 |
9788189975371 |
123 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42 BON |
03007032 |
Why So Stupid ?: |
Bono Edward De |
Westland Ltd, |
2008 |
9788189975371 |
123 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.42 BON |
05046721 |
De Bono's Thinking Course / |
Bono Edward de |
BBC Books, |
2004 |
9780563522041 |
159p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42 BON |
05024814 |
Why So Stupid ?: |
Bono Edward De |
Westland Ltd, |
2008 |
9788189975371 |
123 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42 BON |
03007005 |
Six Thinking Hats / |
Bono, Edward De. |
Black Bay Books, |
1999 |
0316178314 | 9780316178310 |
173 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.42 BON |
00137604 |
Practical Thinking : |
Bono,Edward de. |
Vermilion, |
2017 |
9781785041112 |
ix,197p.; |
UG Library |
153.42 BON |
01012721 |
Teach Yourself to Think |
Bono,Edward de |
Penguin Book |
9780141033105 |
254p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42 BON |
04016232 |
Why So Stupid ?: |
Bono Edward De |
Westland Ltd, |
2008 |
9788189975371 |
123 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.42 BON |
01012718 |
Lateral Thinking: |
De Bono, Edward |
Ward Lock Educational, |
1970 |
9780140137798 |
300 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42 BON |
01012719 |
Six thinking hats / |
De Bono, Edward, |
Advanced Practical Thinking Training, |
1993 |
9780140296662 |
123 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42 COT |
09001044 |
Critical thinking skills: |
Cottrell, Stella |
Palgrave, |
2017 |
9781137550507 |
3rd ed., |
xvi,309p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.42 COT |
07011938 |
Critical thinking skills: |
Cottrell, Stella |
Palgrave, |
2017 |
9781137550507 |
3rd ed., |
xvi,309p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
153.42 COT |
00131455 |
Critical thinking skills: |
Cottrell, Stella |
Palgrave, |
2017 |
9781137550507 |
3rd ed., |
xvi,309p.; |
UG Library |
153.42 COT |
05059865 |
Critical thinking skills : |
Cottrell, Stella. |
Palgrave Macmillan, |
2011 |
9780230285293 |
Second edition |
xiv, 282p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42 DEB |
07001617 |
The Mechanism of Mind / |
De Bono, Edward |
Penguin Books, |
1990 |
0140137874 |
280 p. |
Library - BR Campus |
153.42 DEB |
05032971 |
The Mechanism of Mind / |
De Bono, Edward |
Penguin Books, |
1990 |
0140137874 |
280 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42 DEB |
05034101 |
5 Day Course in Thinking / |
De Bono, Edward |
Penguin Books, |
1996 |
0140137890 |
160 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42 DEB |
05034102 |
Future Positive / |
De Bono, Edward |
Penguin Books, |
1996 |
0140137785 |
232 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42 DEB |
05033729 |
Practical Thinking : |
De Bono, Edward |
Penguin Books, |
1971 |
0140137831 |
188 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42 DEB |
00086572 |
Six Thinking Hats |
De Bono, Edward |
Penguin Books |
1985 |
9780140296662 |
175 p. |
UG Library |
153.42 DEW |
00115435 |
How We Think |
Dewey,John |
Cosmo Publications |
2004 |
8177558420 |
241 p. |
UG Library |
153.42 DOB |
05053115 |
The art of thinking clearly / |
Dobelli, Rolf, |
Hachette, |
2013 |
9781444759549 |
First edition. |
x, 326 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42 DOB |
00141405 |
The art of thinking clearly / |
Dobelli, Rolf, |
Hachette, |
2013 |
9781444759549 |
First edition. |
x, 326 pages ; |
UG Library |
153.42 GLI |
05034135 |
Optimal Thinking : |
Glickman, Rosalenw |
Manjul Books Pvt. Ltd., |
2005 |
8189631004 |
246 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42 GRA |
10004270 |
Diffrent kinds of minds: |
Grandin, Temple |
Rider, |
2023 |
9781846048043 |
213 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.42 GRA |
00145381 |
Think Again: |
Grant, Adam |
WH Allen, |
2021 |
9780753553893 |
307p. ; |
UG Library |
153.42 GRA |
00140469 |
Think Again: |
Grant,Adam |
WH Allen |
2021 |
9780753553893 |
307p |
UG Library |
153.42 GRA |
05071512 |
Think again : |
Grant, Adam. |
WH Allen, |
2021 |
9780753553893 |
307p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42 HAY |
00042753 |
Loving Thoughts for Loving Yourself. |
Hay, L Louise |
Excel Books |
1997 |
8174460527 |
1 |
UG Library |
153.42 HAY |
00042755 |
Loving Thoughts for Loving Yourself. |
Hay, L Louise |
Excel Books |
1997 |
8174460527 |
1 |
UG Library |
153.42 HAY |
00042756 |
Loving Thoughts for Loving Yourself. |
Hay, L Louise |
Excel Books |
1997 |
8174460527 |
1 |
UG Library |
153.42 HAY |
00042754 |
Loving Thoughts for Loving Yourself. |
Hay, L Louise |
Excel Books |
1997 |
8174460527 |
1 |
UG Library |
153.42 HUR |
03003864 |
Think Better : |
Hurson, Tim. |
Tata McGraw-Hill, |
2008 |
9780070223592 | 0070223599 |
xvii;292 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.42 KAH |
00116704 |
Thinking, Fast and Slow / |
Kahneman, Daniel. |
Penguin Books, |
2011 |
9781846146060 | 9780141033570 |
499 p.: |
UG Library |
153.42 KAH |
07001670 |
Thinking, Fast and Slow / |
Kahneman, Daniel. |
Penguin Books, |
2011 |
9781846146060 | 9780141033570 |
499 p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.42 KAH |
09000737 |
Thinking, Fast and Slow / |
Kahneman, Daniel. |
Penguin Books, |
2011 |
9781846146060 | 9780141033570 |
499 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.42 KAH |
10005564 |
Thinking, Fast and Slow / |
Kahneman, Daniel. |
Penguin Books, |
2011 |
9781846146060 | 9780141033570 |
499 p.: |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.42 KAH |
10005565 |
Thinking, Fast and Slow / |
Kahneman, Daniel. |
Penguin Books, |
2011 |
9781846146060 | 9780141033570 |
499 p.: |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.42 KAH |
07007501 |
Thinking, Fast and Slow / |
Kahneman, Daniel. |
Penguin Books, |
2011 |
9781846146060 | 9780141033570 |
499 p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.42 KAH |
03006189 |
Thinking, Fast and Slow / |
Kahneman, Daniel. |
Penguin Books, |
2011 |
9781846146060 | 9780141033570 |
499 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.42 KAH |
04017392 |
Thinking, Fast and Slow / |
Kahneman, Daniel. |
Penguin Books, |
2011 |
9781846146060 | 9780141033570 |
499 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.42 KAH |
01024966 |
Thinking, Fast and Slow / |
Kahneman, Daniel. |
Penguin Books, |
2011 |
9781846146060 | 9780141033570 |
499 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42 LEV |
07001024 |
The Organized Mind : |
Levitin Daniel |
Penguin Books, |
2014 |
9780241965788 |
xxii,496p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.42 LEV |
09000723 |
Think like a freak / |
Lavitt, Steven D |
Penguin Publication, |
2014 |
9780141980119 |
286p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.42 LEV |
00129963 |
A field guide to lies and Statistics |
Levitin, Daniel |
Viking Penguin, |
2016 |
9780241240007 |
xi, 292 p. ; |
UG Library |
153.42 MAS |
00020699 |
How Your Mind Can Keep You Well |
Masters Roy, |
Better Your Self |
1977 |
220 p |
UG Library |
153.42 MAY |
05001897 |
Thinking, Problem Solving, Cognition / |
Mayer, E Richard |
W.H.Freeman and Company, |
1991 |
0716722151 |
560p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42 MCG |
05001898 |
Thinking Psychologically / |
McGhee, Patrick |
Palgrave, |
2001 |
0033373596 |
272p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42 MCG |
05033371 |
Thinking Psychologically / |
Mcghee, Patrick |
Palgrave, |
2001 |
0033373596 |
272 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42 MCG |
00077186 |
Thinking Psychologically |
McGhee, Patrick |
Palgrave |
2001 |
0033373596 | 9780333735961 |
272 p. |
UG Library |
153.42 MIN |
00127176 |
The psychology of thinking : |
Minda, John Paul, |
Sage, |
2015 |
9781446272473 | 9781446272466 |
xi, 260 p. : |
UG Library |
153.42 MON |
10004976 |
The age of magical overthinking : notes on modern irrationality /by Amanda Montell. |
Montell, Amanda [Author] |
One Signal Publishers/Atria, |
2024 |
9780008701123 |
1st Ed. |
257 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.42 MUL |
00096042 |
The Scince of thought: |
Muller Max.F |
Asian Educational services |
8120604237 |
vi,95 p |
UG Library |
153.42 NAD |
05034129 |
Creative Solution Finding : |
Nadler, Gerald |
Excel Books, |
1998 |
8174460888 |
498 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42 PAL |
05053114 |
Un Think / |
Paley,Chris. |
Coronet, |
2014 |
9781473610583 |
xiii,257p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42 PAU |
05047193 |
Critical thinking : |
Paul, Richard. |
Pearson, |
2012 |
9780132180917 (alk. paper) |
3rd ed. |
xxxii, 493 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42 PER |
10004917 |
Third millennium thinking : creating sense in a world of nonsense / by Saul Perlmutter, John Campbell, Robert MacCoun. |
Perlmutter, Saul [Author] |
Hodder & Stoughton, |
2024 |
9781399705509 |
1st Ed. |
viii, 305 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.42 PIN |
00141424 |
Rationality: |
Pinker,Steven |
Allen Lane |
2021 |
9780241380284 |
412p |
UG Library |
153.42 RAV |
00070621 |
Thinking About Thinking |
Ravi, K .R. |
Jaico Books |
2006 |
8179965161 |
176 p. |
UG Library |
153.42 SEH |
00135835 |
Being a Brilliant Thinker |
Sehgal,Gayatri Kalara |
Rupa Publications |
2019 |
9789353334840 |
200p |
UG Library |
153.42 SEH |
00135836 |
Being a Creative Genius |
Sehgal,Gayatri Kalra |
Rupa Publications |
2019 |
9789353334802 |
264p |
UG Library |
153.42 SEH |
00136074 |
Being a Brilliant Thinker |
Sehgal,Gayatri Kalara |
Rupa Publications |
2019 |
9789353334840 |
200p |
UG Library |
153.42 SEH |
00136075 |
Being a Creative Genius |
Sehgal,Gayatri Kalra |
Rupa Publications |
2019 |
9789353334802 |
264p |
UG Library |
153.42 SLO |
07012709 |
The Knowledge Illusin Why We Never Think Alone / |
Sloman, Steven |
Macmillan, |
2017 |
9781509813070 |
296p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
153.42 SLO |
05064810 |
The Knowledge Illusin Why We Never Think Alone / |
Sloman, Steven |
Macmillan, |
2017 |
9781509813070 |
296p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42 STE |
05074386 |
Wisdom : |
Sternberg, Robert J., |
Cambridge University Press, |
2022 |
9781108841559 | 9781108841566 |
1 Edition. |
xi, 201p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42 WAL |
00042737 |
Do It Now: 366 Wisdom Thoughts |
Walters, J Donald |
Excel Books |
1997 |
8174460594 |
178 p |
UG Library |
153.42 WHA |
05065083 |
Design for how people think : |
Whalen, John |
Shroff Publishers and distributors, |
2019 |
9789352138241 |
xx, 216p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.4209 FER |
05067102 |
Out of our minds : |
Fernández-Armesto, Felipe, |
Simon & Schuster, |
2019 |
9789386797582 |
First Edition. |
xvi,464p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42BAR |
01009686 |
Thinking and Deciding (law Lib) |
Jonathan Baron |
Cambridge University Press |
9780521680431 |
584p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42BON |
01000308 |
New Thinking for the New Millennium |
Edward Bono |
Penguin Books |
0140287760 |
288 |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42BON,1 |
01000309 |
Teach Yourself to Think (law Lib) |
Edward Bono |
Penguin Books |
0140230777 |
254p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42BON,2 |
01000310 |
Lateral Thinking |
Edward Bono |
Penguin Books |
0000147793 |
260p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42KIN |
01000312 |
Test Your Creative Thinking (law Lib) |
Lloyd King |
Kogan Page Ltd. |
8175542683 |
156p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.42MCG1 |
00071525 |
Thinking Psychologically: [dharmaram Library] |
McGhee, Patrick |
0033373596 |
272p |
UG Library |
153.43 AGG |
04021277 |
Modern Approach to Verbal & Non - Verbal Reasoning / |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand & Company Ltd., |
2015 |
8121905516 | 9788121905510 |
431 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.43 AGG |
04021278 |
Modern Approach to Verbal & Non - Verbal Reasoning / |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand & Company Ltd., |
2015 |
8121905516 | 9788121905510 |
431 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.43 AGG |
04024544 |
Modern Approach to Verbal & Non - Verbal Reasoning / |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand & Company Ltd., |
2015 |
8121905516 | 9788121905510 |
431 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.43 AGG |
04024545 |
Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning / |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S Chand , |
2015 |
8121905524 | 9788121905527 |
158 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.43 AGG |
03010872 |
Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning / |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S Chand , |
2015 |
8121905524 | 9788121905527 |
158 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.43 AGG |
05069858 |
Modern Approach to Verbal & Non - Verbal Reasoning / |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand & Company Ltd., |
2015 |
8121905516 | 9788121905510 |
431 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.43 AGG |
03003620 |
Moderen Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning |
Aggarwal, R S |
S. Chand and Company |
8121905516 |
592 p. |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.43 AGG |
03010668 |
Modern Approach to Verbal & Non - Verbal Reasoning / |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand & Company Ltd., |
2015 |
8121905516 | 9788121905510 |
431 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.43 AGG |
00111350 |
Modern Approach to Verbal & Non - Verbal Reasoning / |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand & Company Ltd., |
2015 |
8121905516 | 9788121905510 |
431 p.: |
UG Library |
153.43 AGG |
00111351 |
Modern Approach to Verbal & Non - Verbal Reasoning / |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand & Company Ltd., |
2015 |
8121905516 | 9788121905510 |
431 p.: |
UG Library |
153.43 AGG |
00111352 |
Modern Approach to Verbal & Non - Verbal Reasoning / |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand & Company Ltd., |
2015 |
8121905516 | 9788121905510 |
431 p.: |
UG Library |
153.43 AGG |
00140353 |
Modern Approach to Verbal & Non - Verbal Reasoning / |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand & Company Ltd., |
2015 |
8121905516 | 9788121905510 |
431 p.: |
UG Library |
153.43 AGG |
00043108 |
Modern Approach to Verbal & Non - Verbal Reasoning / |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand & Company Ltd., |
2015 |
8121905516 | 9788121905510 |
431 p.: |
UG Library |
153.43 AGG |
00092167 |
Modern Approach to Non Verbal Reasoning |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand |
2005 |
8121905532 |
431 p. |
UG Library |
153.43 BRY |
03001708 |
How to Pass Diagrammatic Reasoning Tests : |
Bryon, Mike. |
Kogan Page, |
2008 |
9788175544734 |
232 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.43 AGG |
07015191 |
A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning / |
Aggarwal, R S. |
S Chand and Company Limited, |
2020 |
9789352832170 |
Revised edition. |
8.6p. ; |
Library - BR Campus |
153.43 AGG |
07015184 |
A Modern ASpproach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning / |
Aggarwal, R S. |
S Chand and Company Limited, |
2018 |
9789352832163 |
Revised edition. |
1216p. ; |
Library - BR Campus |
153.43 AGG |
05072401 |
A Modern ASpproach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning / |
Aggarwal, R S. |
S Chand and Company Limited, |
2018 |
9789352832163 |
Revised edition. |
1216p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.43 AGG |
10000258 |
A Modern ASpproach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning / |
Aggarwal, R S. |
S Chand and Company Limited, |
2018 |
9789352832163 |
Revised edition. |
1216p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.43 AGG |
10000259 |
A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning / |
Aggarwal, R S. |
S Chand and Company Limited, |
2020 |
9789352832170 |
Revised edition. |
8.6p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.43 AGG |
10003790 |
A Modern approach to verbal & non verbal reasoning / |
Aggarwal, R S. |
S Chand & Company Ltd, |
2004 |
9788121905510 |
430p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.43 AGG |
00070254 |
Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning / |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S Chand , |
2015 |
8121905524 | 9788121905527 |
158 p.: |
UG Library |
153.43 AGG |
00070255 |
Modern Approach to Non Verbal Reasoning |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand |
2005 |
8121905532 |
431 p. |
UG Library |
153.43 AGG |
00070256 |
Modern Approach to Verbal & Non - Verbal Reasoning / |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand & Company Ltd., |
2015 |
8121905516 | 9788121905510 |
431 p.: |
UG Library |
153.43 AGG |
00056159 |
Moderm Approach to Verbal & Non Verbal Reasoning |
Aggarwal, R S |
S Chand |
8121905516 |
421 |
UG Library |
153.43 AGG |
04027746 |
A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning / |
Aggarwal, R S |
S Chand, |
2017 |
9789352535316 |
592p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.43 AGG |
04027747 |
A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning / |
Aggarwal, R S |
S Chand, |
2017 |
9789352535316 |
592p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.43 ANA |
04027265 |
Verbal Ability and Reasoning : |
Anand P. A |
Wiley, |
2016 |
9788126554294 |
ix, 429p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.43 BAN |
00091906 |
A Handbook of Verbal Reasoning |
Banerjee, Surendra Nath |
New Age International Publishers |
9788122422351 |
351p |
UG Library |
153.43 BRY |
07000505 |
How to Pass Diagrammatic Reasoning Tests : |
Bryon, Mike. |
Kogan Page, |
2008 |
9788175544734 |
232 p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.43 BRY |
09000788 |
How to Pass Diagrammatic Reasoning Tests : |
Bryon, Mike. |
Kogan Page, |
2008 |
9788175544734 |
232 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.43 FRE |
10004367 |
Move Fast and Fix Things : |
Frei, Frances |
Harvard Business Review Press, |
2023 |
9781647822873 |
xii, 210 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.43 GRE |
00135662 |
Stop Guessing : |
Greene,Nat. |
Berrett-Koehler Publishers,Inc., |
2017 |
9781523086795 |
xiv,142p.; |
UG Library |
153.43 GUP |
04024579 |
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations / |
Gupta, Varun. |
LexiNexis, |
2015 |
9789351435679 |
723 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.43 GUP |
03012024 |
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations / |
Gupta, Varun. |
LexiNexis, |
2015 |
9789351435679 |
723 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.43 ISA |
05033619 |
Creative approaches to problem solving : |
Isaksen, Scott G. |
2011 |
9781412977739 (pbk.) | 1412977 |
3rd ed. |
xxv, 292 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.43 JON |
05034097 |
The Thinkers Toolkit : Fourteen Skills for Making Smarter Decisions in Business and in life / |
Jones, D Morgan |
Random House, |
1995 |
0812926013 |
342 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.43 JON |
05005454 |
The science of reason : |
Psychology Press, |
2011 |
9781848720152 (hbk.) | 1848720 |
xv, 456 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.43 KUM |
04021549 |
Analytical Reasoning for CAT : |
Kumar, Kaushal |
CBS Publishers, |
2005 |
8123912307 |
434p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.43 LAV |
07007118 |
Think like a freak / |
Lavitt, Steven D |
Penguin Publication, |
2014 |
9780141980119 |
286p. |
Library - BR Campus |
153.43 MAC |
00050462 |
Tests of Reasoning |
Macmillan India Ltd |
Macmillan India Ltd |
1995 |
0033392701x |
262 p. |
UG Library |
153.43 MAR |
00140794 |
Smart Thinking : |
Markman Art |
Piatkus, |
2012 |
9780749957681 |
x,259p.: |
UG Library |
153.43 MAR |
07002343 |
Smart Thinking : |
Markman Art |
Piatkus, |
2012 |
9780749957681 |
x,259p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.43 MUD |
07001751 |
The HEAD game : |
Mudd, Philip. |
Liveright Publishing Corporation, |
2015 |
9780871407887 (hardcover) |
First edition. |
xix,266p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
153.43 MUD |
01021825 |
The HEAD game : |
Mudd, Philip. |
Liveright Publishing Corporation, |
2015 |
9780871407887 (hardcover) |
First edition. |
xix,266p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.43 NIC |
09000509 |
Conditional reasoning : |
Nickerson, Raymond S. |
Oxford University Press, |
2015 |
9780190202996 |
viii, 460 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.43 NIC |
09000346 |
Conditional reasoning : |
Nickerson, Raymond S. |
Oxford University Press, |
2015 |
9780190675660 |
viii, 460 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.43 NIC |
05067905 |
Conditional reasoning : |
Nickerson, Raymond S. |
Oxford University Press, |
2015 |
9780190675660 |
viii, 460 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.43 NIC |
05067652 |
Conditional reasoning : |
Nickerson, Raymond S. |
Oxford University Press, |
2015 |
9780190202996 |
viii, 460 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.43 NLE |
05000264 |
Why Not? : |
Nalebuff, Barry. |
Harvard Business School Press, |
2006 |
9781422104347 | 1422104346 |
xv, 238 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.43 NLE |
03010282 |
Why Not? : |
Nalebuff, Barry. |
Harvard Business School Press, |
2006 |
9781422104347 | 1422104346 |
xv, 238 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.43 PRE |
05069358 |
Design thinking : |
Pressman, Andrew, |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138673458 (hb : alk. paper) | 9781138673472 (pb : alk. paper) |
xxi,154p,; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.43 PRE |
00134572 |
Design thinking : |
Pressman, Andrew, |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138673458 (hb : alk. paper) | 9781138673472 (pb : alk. paper) |
xxi,154p,; |
UG Library |
153.43 SAV |
10004911 |
The four workarounds : How the world's scrappiest organizations for tackle complex problems / by Paulo Savaget. |
Savaget, Paulo [Author] |
John Murray, |
2023 |
9781529346053 |
1st Ed. |
x, 288 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.43 SHA |
04025173 |
How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT / |
Sharma, Arun |
McGraw Hill, |
2014 |
9789339205584 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.43 SHA |
10001210 |
How to prepare for data interpretation for CAT : |
Sharma, Arun. |
McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, |
2021 |
9789354600616 |
7th Ed |
xxxi,iii.25p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.43 SHA |
10001211 |
How to prepare for logical reasoning for CAT : |
Sharma, Arun. |
McGraw HIll Education (India) Private Limited, |
2021 |
9789354600555 |
6th Ed |
xx,iii.136p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.43 SHA |
07015203 |
How to prepare for data interpretation for CAT : |
Sharma, Arun. |
McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, |
2021 |
9789354600616 |
7th Ed |
xxxi,iii.25p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
153.43 SHA |
04030440 |
How to prepare for logical reasoning for CAT : |
Sharma, Arun. |
McGraw HIll Education (India) Private Limited, |
2021 |
9789354600555 |
6th Ed |
xx,iii.136p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.43 SHA |
04025301 |
How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT / |
Sharma, Arun |
McGraw Hill, |
2014 |
9789339205584 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.43 SHA |
04027286 |
How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for the CAT : |
Sharma, Arun. |
McGraw Hill Education India Pvt. Ltd., |
2015 |
9339222687 | 9789339222680 |
3rd ed. |
p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.43 SHA |
07015194 |
How to prepare for logical reasoning for CAT : |
Sharma, Arun. |
McGraw HIll Education (India) Private Limited, |
2021 |
9789354600555 |
6th Ed |
xx,iii.136p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
153.43 SIJ |
04030423 |
A New Apporach to Reasoning : |
Sijwali, B S |
Arihant, |
2022 |
9789325299474 |
V P. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.43 SIJ |
07015647 |
A New Apporach to Reasoning : |
Sijwali, B S |
Arihant, |
2022 |
9789325299474 |
V P. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.43 SIN |
04025984 |
Reasoning Test : |
Singh, K P |
Viva Books, |
2016 |
9788130928722 |
760p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.43 SIN |
04030464 |
Reasoning : |
Sinha, Nishit K |
Pearson, |
2019 |
9789353436599 |
V P. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.43 SMI |
04022624 |
How to Think Like : |
Smith, Daniel |
Manjul Publishing House, |
2014 |
9788183224772 |
192p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.43 SMI |
00090010 |
Numerical Reasoning Tests |
Smith, Heidi |
Kogan |
2004 |
9788175542679 |
229p |
UG Library |
153.43 SMI |
00115436 |
Numerical Reasoning Tests |
Smith, Heidi |
Kogan |
2004 |
9788175542679 |
229p |
UG Library |
153.43 STA |
01017206 |
Rationality and the reflective mind / |
Stanovich, Keith E., |
Oxford University Press, |
2011 |
9780195341140 (hardback) | 019 |
xi, 328 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.43 SUR |
00117997 |
Human Reasoning and Cognitive Science |
Surana, D.K. |
Cyber Tech Publications, |
2011 |
9788178847887 |
264p.; |
UG Library |
153.43 THO |
04026344 |
Test of Reasoning for Competitive Examinations / |
Thorpe, Edgar |
Tata McGraw Hill, |
2013 |
0070499519 | 9780070499515 |
3rd Ed. |
644p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.43 THO |
07015180 |
Test of Reasoning : |
Thorpe, Edgar. |
McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, |
2021 |
9789389811513 |
7th ed. |
x, 203p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
153.43 THO |
00070217 |
Test of Reasoning for Competitive Examinations |
Thorpe, Edgar |
2005 |
0070499519 |
644p |
UG Library |
153.43 THO |
10001252 |
Test of Reasoning : |
Thorpe, Edgar. |
McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, |
2021 |
9789389811513 |
7th ed. |
x, 203p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.43 VAN |
05034096 |
Brain Boosters for Business Advantage / |
Vangundy, Arthur B |
Pfeiffer, |
1993 |
0893842672 |
345 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.43 VER |
03005315 |
Passion : |
Verma, Yasho V. |
Biztantra, |
2007 |
8177228536 | 9788177228533 |
xix, 185 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.43 WAT |
07004314 |
Change : |
Watzlawick, Paul, |
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc |
2011 |
9780393707069 | 9780393707069 |
xxi, 176 p. ; |
Library - BR Campus |
153.43 WAT |
00106709 |
Change : |
Watzlawick, Paul, |
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc |
2011 |
9780393707069 | 9780393707069 |
xxi, 176 p. ; |
UG Library |
153.43 WAT |
09000986 |
Change : |
Watzlawick, Paul, |
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc |
2011 |
9780393707069 | 9780393707069 |
xxi, 176 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.43 WRI |
00144192 |
Design Thinking Pedagogy : |
Wrigley, Cara. |
Routledge, |
2023 |
9781032279831 |
xix,223p,; |
UG Library |
153.4303 WAR |
00068395 |
Thinking from A to Z |
Warburton, Nigel |
2004 |
0415222818 |
150p |
UG Library |
153.44 KLE |
03003664 |
Power of Intuition : |
Klein, Gary. |
Currency, |
2003 |
9780385502894 |
333 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.44 CHO |
05017294 |
The intuitive compass |
Cholle, Francis P., |
Jossey-Bass, |
2012 |
9781118077542 | 9781118119082 |
1st ed. |
xxxi, 254 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.44 CHO |
03007056 |
The intuitive compass |
Cholle, Francis P., |
Jossey-Bass, |
2012 |
9781118077542 | 9781118119082 |
1st ed. |
xxxi, 254 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.44 GLA |
05034122 |
Blink : |
Gladwell, Malcolm |
Penguin Books, |
2005 |
0071399844 |
277 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.44 GLO |
05004857 |
Foundations for tracing intuition : |
Psychology Press, |
2010 |
9781848720190 (hbk.) |
p. cm. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.44KLE |
05034098 |
Power of Intuition / |
Klein, Gary |
Currency Double Way, |
2003 |
333 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.45 ANC |
00044846 |
Grow Free Live Free: a Source Book for Value Education |
Anchukandam, Thomas |
Kristhu Jyothi College |
428 p |
UG Library |
153.45 GUP |
00050346 |
Human Values in Education |
Gupta, N L |
Concept Publishing Com |
2000 |
8170228476 |
271p |
UG Library |
153.45 IGN |
00039461 |
Values for Life. |
Ignacimuthu, S |
Bettery |
1995 |
150 p |
UG Library |
153.45 KOI |
00034853 |
Live Your Values |
Koikara, Felix |
Don Bosco Publications |
1990 |
8171083013 |
112 p. |
UG Library |
153.45 KOI |
00044841 |
Live Your Values |
Koikara, Felix |
Don Bosco Publications |
1990 |
8171083013 |
112 p. |
UG Library |
153.45 KOI |
00039470 |
Live Your Values |
Koikara, Felix |
Better Yourself Books |
1995 |
5th Ed. |
230 p. |
UG Library |
153.45 KOI |
00039472 |
Live Your Values |
Koikara, Felix |
Better Yourself Books |
1995 |
5th Ed. |
230 p. |
UG Library |
153.45 KOI |
00034854 |
Live Your Values |
Koikara, Felix |
Better Yourself Books |
1995 |
5th Ed. |
230 p. |
UG Library |
153.45 KOI |
10001048 |
Live Your Values : |
Koikara, Felix |
Don Bosco Youth Animation Centre, |
1990 |
vii, 233 p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.45 KOI |
00044842 |
Live Your Values |
Koikara, Felix |
Better Your Self |
1998 |
8171083021 |
viii, 232 p. |
UG Library |
153.45 KOL |
00039469 |
Live Your Values |
Koikara Felix |
Better Yourself Books |
1995 |
230 p. |
UG Library |
153.45 MAC |
00039455 |
Value Education |
Maccarthaigh, Brendan |
Better Yourself Books |
1992 |
190 p. |
UG Library |
153.45 MAC |
00034942 |
Value Education.What,Why and How? |
Maccarthaigh, Brendan |
Bby |
1992 |
199 p |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.45 MAS |
00038440 |
Family Life Education : Value Education |
Mascarenhas Marie Mignon |
Centre for Research Education Serviced & Training |
1993 |
5th Ed. |
300 p. |
UG Library |
153.45 MAS |
00038441 |
Family Life Education : Value Education |
Mascarenhas Marie Mignon |
Centre for Research Education Serviced & Training |
1993 |
5th Ed. |
300 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.45 MAS |
00039463 |
Family Life Education : Value Education |
Mascarenhas Marie Mignon |
Centre for Research Education Serviced & Training |
1993 |
5th Ed. |
300 p. |
UG Library |
153.45 MUS |
00119807 |
Value Education |
by, Mustafa A |
Manglam Publishers, |
2015 |
9789382816188 |
v, 436 p.: |
UG Library |
153.45 PEC |
00044847 |
Road Less Travelled and Beyond: |
Peck, M Scott |
Arrow |
1990 |
345 p |
UG Library |
153.45 PEC PEC |
07005507 |
Road Less Travelled and Beyond: |
Peck, M Scott |
Arrow |
1990 |
345 p |
Library - BR Campus |
153.45 PUT |
05034127 |
Fair Deal : |
Putti, Joseph |
Kristhu Jyothi College, |
1993 |
510 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.45 VAL |
07002571 |
An invitation to cultural psychology / |
Valsiner, Jaan. |
Sage, |
2014 |
xii, 290 p. |
Library - BR Campus |
153.45LAU |
01007689 |
Understanding Cross-Cultural Psychology ( Law Lib ) |
Pittu D Laungani |
SAGE Publication |
9788178297989 |
264p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.46 KIM |
01026298 |
Judgment and decision-making : |
Kim,Nancy S. |
Palgrave, |
2018 |
9781137269553 |
xv,305p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.4FUL |
01000129 |
Cognitive Psychology (law Library ) |
Eamon Fulcher |
Curcial |
1903337135 |
161p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.4LAM.G |
05039816 |
Handbook of Cognition: |
Lamberts, Koen |
2004 |
0761972773 |
452p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.5 KOL |
00039471 |
Live Your Values |
Koikara Felix |
Better Yourself Books |
1995 |
230 p. |
UG Library |
153.53 WES |
05033718 |
Creativity for Critical Thinkers / |
Weston, Anthony |
Oxford University Press, |
2007 |
0019530621 |
80 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.6 BOB |
04002983 |
Fire Up Your Communication Skills: Get People to Listen, Understand, and Give You What You Want |
Bob, Captain |
Viva Books |
2008 |
9788130900353 |
315 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.6 ASR |
00143052 |
Interpersonal Relationship in Social Psychology |
Asrat, Yihunselam |
Global Vision Publishing House |
2021 |
9788194402350 |
361p |
UG Library |
153.6 BAX |
00086269 |
Engaging Theories in Interpersonal Communication:Multiple Perspectives |
Baxter, Leslie A |
Sage |
2008 |
9781412938525 |
423 p |
UG Library |
153.6 BOB |
00073914 |
Fire Up Your Communication Skills. |
Bob, Captain |
Viva |
2000 |
342 |
UG Library |
153.6 BRA |
00121827 |
Engaging theories in interpersonal communication : |
Braithwaite Dawn O |
Sage |
2015 |
9781452261409 (pbk. : acidfree |
2nd ed. |
xviii, 453 pages ; |
UG Library |
153.6 DEV |
00064313 |
The Interpersonal Communication Reader: [WMU] |
Devito, A Joseph |
2002 |
0000321520 |
189p |
UG Library |
153.6 DEV |
00064314 |
The Interpersonal Communication Reader: [WMU] |
Devito, A Joseph |
2002 |
0000321520 |
189p |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.6 DUH |
10004154 |
Supercommunicators : |
Duhigg, Charles, |
Penguin, |
2024 |
9781529939606 |
First edition. |
xviii, 299 pages ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.6 DUH |
05074950 |
Supercommunicators : |
Duhigg, Charles, |
Penguin, |
2024 |
9781529939606 |
First edition. |
xviii, 299 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.6 EKM |
05062582 |
Telling lies : |
Ekman, Paul. |
W.W. Norton, |
2009 |
9780393337457 (pbk.) |
[4th ed.]. |
402 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.6 GAS |
10004511 |
Unlocked: the power of you/ by Gezim Gashi |
Gashi, Gezim [Author] |
Penguin Random House, |
2023 |
9780143463887 |
178 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.6 GUE |
00129213 |
Close encounters : |
Guerrero, Laura K. |
2011 |
9781412977371 (pbk.) | 1412977 |
3rd ed. |
xix, 482 p. : |
UG Library |
153.6 GUE |
07011307 |
Close encounters : |
Guerrero, Laura K., |
Sage, |
2018 |
9781506376721 (pbk. : alk. pap |
Fifth edition. |
xxii, 528 pages : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.6 GUE |
00129147 |
Close Encounters : |
Guerrero, Laura K. |
2014 |
9781452217109 (pbk.) |
Fourth Edition. |
xviii, 509 p. ; |
UG Library |
153.6 GUF |
00087505 |
Close Encounters: |
Guerrero, Laura K |
Sage |
2007 |
9781412949538 |
2nd,Ed. |
354p |
UG Library |
153.6 HAR |
05004610 |
Skilled interpersonal communication : |
Hargie, Owen. |
Routledge, |
2011 |
9780415432030 (hbk.) | 9780415 |
5th ed. |
xiv, 614 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.6 HAR |
00131376 |
Skilled interpersonal communication : |
Hargie, Owen, |
Routledge, |
2017 |
9781138823778 (pbk.) | 9781138823761 (hardback) |
6th edition. |
xv, 642 pages ; |
UG Library |
153.6 LUB |
00144957 |
How we talk to each other |
Lubienetzki, ULF |
Springer, |
2022 |
9783662644362 |
ix,78p.; |
UG Library |
153.6 MAY |
05057523 |
How to win any argument : |
Mayer, Robert. |
Rupa Publications, |
2017 |
9788129145512 |
244p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.6 MAY |
03009467 |
How to Win Any Argument : |
Mayer, Robert. |
Jaico Publishing House , |
2008 |
9788179927809 |
223 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.6 MOR |
05002225 |
Expressing oneself/expressing one's self : |
Psychology Press, |
9781848728868 (hbk. : alk. pap |
224 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.6 ORB |
00096176 |
Contemporary Issues in Interpersonal Communication / |
Orbe, Mark P. |
Roxbury Pub., |
2005 |
1931719586 (alk. paper) |
xix, 363 p. : |
UG Library |
153.6 ORB |
05030254 |
Contemporary Issues in Interpersonal Communication / |
Orbe, Mark P. |
Roxbury Pub., |
2005 |
1931719586 (alk. paper) |
xix, 363 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.6 ORB |
00096178 |
Contemporary Issues in Interpersonal Communication / |
Orbe, Mark P. |
Roxbury Pub., |
2005 |
1931719586 (alk. paper) |
xix, 363 p. : |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.6 ORB |
00073530 |
Contemporary Issues in Interpersonal Communication / |
Orbe, Mark P. |
Roxbury Pub., |
2005 |
1931719586 (alk. paper) |
xix, 363 p. : |
UG Library |
153.6 ORB |
00073531 |
Contemporary Issues in Interpersonal Communication / |
Orbe, Mark P. |
Roxbury Pub., |
2005 |
1931719586 (alk. paper) |
xix, 363 p. : |
UG Library |
153.6 ORB |
00073532 |
Contemporary Issues in Interpersonal Communication / |
Orbe, Mark P. |
Roxbury Pub., |
2005 |
1931719586 (alk. paper) |
xix, 363 p. : |
UG Library |
153.6 PAT |
05030252 |
Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High / |
Patterson, Kerry |
McGraw-Hill, |
2002 |
0071401946 |
238p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.6 PAT |
05030253 |
Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High / |
Patterson, Kerry |
McGraw-Hill, |
2002 |
0071401946 |
238p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.6 PUR |
00135587 |
The future of reading / |
Purchase, Eric, |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138319493 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138319523 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
x,180p.; |
UG Library |
153.6 ROD |
10005067 |
The Art of Arguing : |
Roden, Nary |
Rupa Publications, |
2022 |
9788129145512 |
xi, 185 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.6 SMI |
05030251 |
New directions in interpersonal communication research / |
Smith Sandi W |
9781412959407 (cloth) | 141295 |
xviii, 339 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.6 STO |
05040517 |
Difficult conversations : |
Stone,Douglas. |
Penguin Books, |
1999 |
9780670921348 |
xxxiii,315p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.6 SUL |
00077376 |
Good Listner |
Sullivan, E James |
Better Yourself Books |
2005 |
152 p. |
UG Library |
153.6 TIE |
00058208 |
101 Ways to Better Communication. |
Tierney, Elizabeth |
Kogan Page |
2002 |
8175541520 |
90 |
UG Library |
153.6 TRE |
00052834 |
Interpersonal Communication |
Trenholm, Sarah |
2000 |
0534561519 |
430 |
UG Library |
153.6 TRE |
05030261 |
Interprsonal Communication / |
Trenholm, Sarah |
Oxford University Press, |
2004 |
0195170741 |
434p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.6 TRE |
05001896 |
Interpersonal Communication / |
Trenholm, Sarah |
Oxford University Press, |
2008 |
9780195312904 |
442 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.6 TUH |
10003585 |
Communication skills training: |
Tuhovsky,Ian |
Rupa publications india pvt ltd., |
2019 |
9789353336806 |
xiv,201 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.6 VRI |
01013018 |
Detecting lies and deceit : |
Vrij, Aldert. |
John Wiley, |
9780470516256 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xii, 488 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.6 WOO |
05021896 |
Interpersonal Everyday Encounters Communcation / |
Wood Julia T |
Thomson Wadsworth, |
2007 |
0049500653 |
394p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.6 WOO |
00073527 |
Interpersonal Everyday Encounters Communcation / |
Wood Julia T |
Thomson Wadsworth, |
2007 |
0049500653 |
394p.: |
UG Library |
153.6 WOO |
05030262 |
Interpersonal Everyday Encounters Communcation / |
Wood Julia T |
Thomson Wadsworth, |
2007 |
0049500653 |
394p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.6 WOO |
00117750 |
Interpersonal communication |
Wood, Julia T. |
Thomson/Wadsworth, |
2007 |
049500653X (student ed. : pbk. |
Ed. 5 |
xix, 394 p. : |
UG Library |
153.6 WOO |
00055591 |
Interpersonal Communication Everyday Encounters |
Wood, Julia T |
2002 |
0534548865 | 9780534548865 |
3rd Ed. |
444p |
UG Library |
153.6 YIN |
00127118 |
A lifetime of communication / |
Yingling, Julie |
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers |
2004 |
9780805840933 |
420p. |
UG Library |
153.64 CRA |
05034106 |
Dictionary of Dreams and Their Meanings : |
Craze, Richard |
Anness Publishing Ltd., |
2004 |
1844773930 |
254p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.64 CRA |
05001888 |
Dictionary of Dreams and Their Meanings : |
Craze, Richard |
Anness Publishing Ltd., |
2004 |
1844773930 |
254p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.68 AHU |
00058209 |
How to Develop Profitable Listening Skills |
Ahuja, Pramila |
Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd |
2000 |
8120720202 |
216 |
UG Library |
153.68 STO |
05040536 |
Thanks for the feedback : |
Stone,Douglas. |
Penguin Books, |
2014 |
9780670922611 |
348p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.69 KUH |
04002502 |
Body Language for Dummies |
Kuhnke, Elizabeth |
John Wiley and Sons |
2008 |
9788126518555 |
308 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.69 LEW |
03002711 |
Body Language : |
Lewis, Hedwig. |
Sage Publications, |
2009 |
9780761994916 | 0761994912 |
207 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.69 LEW |
03002513 |
Body Language : |
Lewis, Hedwig. |
Sage Publications, |
2009 |
9780761994916 | 0761994912 |
207 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.69 BOW |
03007209 |
Winning Body Language : |
Bowden, Mark. |
McGraw-Hill, |
2010 |
9780071700573 (alk. paper) | 9 |
xix, 234 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.69 BOW |
04017430 |
Winning Body Language : |
Bowden, Mark. |
McGraw-Hill, |
2010 |
9780071700573 (alk. paper) | 9 |
xix, 234 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.69 CLA |
00068901 |
Body Language at Work |
Clayton, Peter |
Duncan Petersen Pubshing Ltd |
2006 |
0600615235 | 9780600615231 |
168 p. |
UG Library |
153.69 DCR |
00104233 |
Body Language and Communication Skills : |
Dcruze Teresa |
Aadi Publications ; |
2011 |
9789380902234 |
266 p. |
UG Library |
153.69 EKM |
05046397 |
What the face reveals |
Oxford University Press, |
2005 |
0195179641 (hardcover : alk. p |
2nd ed. |
xxi,639p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.69 FER |
09000254 |
The science of facial expression / |
Oxford University Press, |
2017 |
9780190613501 (hardcover : alk. paper) |
xii, 540p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.69 FER |
05067815 |
The science of facial expression / |
Oxford University Press, |
2017 |
9780190613501 (hardcover : alk. paper) |
xii, 540p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.69 FEY |
00129944 |
The Cognitive Psychology of Speech-Related Gesture / |
Feyereisen, Pierre, |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138702738 | 9781138702745 |
ix, 224 p . : |
UG Library |
153.69 HOG |
03004706 |
The Secreat of Language of Business : |
Hogan, Kevin. |
Times Group Books, |
2008 |
9788126520909 |
xxvii;,227 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.69 LEW |
00063903 |
Body Language: a Guide for Professionals: |
Lewis, Hedwig |
2004 |
0761994912 |
208[p |
UG Library |
153.69 LEW |
00112951 |
Body Language : |
Lewis, Hedwig, |
2012 |
9788132107200 |
3rd ed. |
xx, 239 p. : |
UG Library |
153.69 LEW |
00049941 |
Body Language |
Lewis, Hedwig |
Response Books |
1998 |
0761992340 |
213 p. |
UG Library |
153.69 LEW |
05030264 |
Body Language |
Lewis, Hedwig |
Response Books |
1998 |
0761992340 |
213 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.69 LEW |
05030232 |
Body Language |
Lewis, Hedwig |
Response Books |
1998 |
0761992340 |
213 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.69 LEW |
00058895 |
Body Language |
Lewis, Hedwig |
Response Books |
2000 |
0761994912 | 9780761994916 |
2nd Ed. |
198 p. |
UG Library |
153.69 LEW |
03008451 |
Body Language : |
Lewis, Hedwig. |
2012 |
9788132107200 (pbk. : alk. pap |
3rd ed., rev. ed. |
xx, 239 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.69 MAT |
07006308 |
Body Languege Secrets / |
Mather, Diana |
Hodder Publication, |
2012 |
9781444176773 |
x,198p. |
Library - BR Campus |
153.69 MAT |
09000753 |
Body Languege Secrets / |
Mather, Diana |
Hodder Publication, |
2012 |
9781444176773 |
x,198p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.69 MAT |
05054460 |
APA handbook of nonverbal communication / |
American Psychological Association, |
2016 |
9781433819698 | 1433819694 |
First edition. |
xxiv, 626 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.69 MCN |
05047408 |
Why we gesture : |
McNeill, David, |
Cambridge univeristy press, |
2016 |
9781107137189 (Hardback) | 978 |
xviii, 206 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.69 NAV |
05045823 |
What Every Body is Saying : |
Navarro, Joe. |
Collins, |
2008 |
9780061438295 (pbk.) | 0061438 |
1st ed. |
xviii, 250 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.69 NAV |
03005314 |
What Every Body is Saying : |
Navarro, Joe. |
Collins, |
2008 |
9780061438295 (pbk.) | 0061438 |
1st ed. |
xviii, 250 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.69 PEA |
05047627 |
Body Language : |
Pease, Allan. |
Manjul Publishing House, |
2014 |
9788183224109 |
229p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.69 REI |
05042784 |
The Power of Body Language : |
Reiman, Tonya. |
Pocket Books, |
2009 |
9781416561095 |
xi,334p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.69 REI |
00118556 |
The Power of Body Language : |
Reiman, Tonya. |
Pocket Books, |
2009 |
9781416561095 |
xi,334p.; |
UG Library |
153.69 SEN |
07005378 |
Communication and Language Skills/ |
Sen,Sanghita. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2015 |
9781107497016 |
297 Pages,: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.69 SHA |
05030233 |
Body Language:Your Success Mantra [pg.Lib.General Section] |
Verma, Shalini |
S Chand |
8121925509 |
173p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.69 SHA |
00080687 |
Body Language |
Verma, Shalini |
S Chand |
2008 |
8121925509 | 9788121925501 |
1st Ed. |
173 p. |
UG Library |
153.69 WAI |
00071990 |
Body Language Teach Yourself. |
Wainwright, Gordon R |
2003 |
0340859997 |
184 |
UG Library |
153.69 WAI |
00076222 |
Teach Yourself Body Language: |
Wainwright, R Gordon |
2003 |
0340859997 |
184p |
UG Library |
153.6903 NAV |
05064914 |
The dictionary of body language : |
Navarro, Joe, |
Harper Collins, |
2018 |
9780008322014 |
x, 197 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.69LEW |
01000061 |
Body Language Guide Professionals(law Library ) |
Hedwing Lewis |
Sage Publications |
0761994912 |
207p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.69WAI |
00071146 |
Teach Yourself Body Language (UGC Autonomous Grant) (MSC PSY) |
Wainwright, Gordon R |
0340859997 |
184p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.7 MAH |
00115437 |
Psychological Perfection/ |
Mahmud, Jafar |
A.P.H. Publishing Corporation, |
2004 |
8176486523 | 9788176486521 |
156p. ; |
UG Library |
153.7 ANN |
05036642 |
Simple perceptions/ |
Annaiah,Anil |
Brand Radianz, |
2013 |
9789351370598 |
157p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.7 ANN |
05036702 |
Simple perceptions/ |
Annaiah,Anil |
Brand Radianz, |
2013 |
9789351370598 |
157p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.7 COR |
00106504 |
Sensation and Perception |
Coren,Stanley. |
John Wiely & Sons, INC. |
2003 |
9780470002261 |
ix,656 p. |
UG Library |
153.7 DEB |
00042657 |
Textbook of Wisdom |
De Bono, Edward |
Penguin Books |
1996 |
0140258388 | 9780140258387 |
276 p. |
UG Library |
153.7 HEF |
03009687 |
Wilful Blindness : |
Heffernan, Margaret. |
Simon & Schuster, |
2012 |
9781847399052 |
391 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.7 HOC |
00021254 |
Perception |
Hochberg, Julian E |
Prentice -Hall |
1969 |
120 p |
UG Library |
153.7 JAF |
05033365 |
Psychological Perception : |
Jafar, Mahmud |
APH Publishing, |
2003 |
8176486523 |
156 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.7 MAH |
00068202 |
Psychological Perfection/ |
Mahmud, Jafar |
A.P.H. Publishing Corporation, |
2004 |
8176486523 | 9788176486521 |
156p. ; |
UG Library |
153.7 MAT |
05047459 |
Foundations of sensation and perception / |
Mather, George, |
Routledge, |
2016 |
9781848723436 (hb) | 978184872 |
Third edition. |
x, 470 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.7 MES |
05001906 |
The mind in context / |
Guilford Press, |
9781606235539 (hbk.) | 1606235 |
x, 371 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.7 NAD |
10004258 |
Consciousness is all there is: |
Nader, Tony |
Hay house india pvt ltd., |
2024 |
9788119554249 |
xxxii,469 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.7 ROT |
00086824 |
Perception and Representation Current Issues |
Roth, Ilona |
Open University. |
2002 |
0335194745 |
2nd.Ed. |
222 p |
UG Library |
153.7 VER |
00078240 |
The psychology of perception |
Vernon, Magdalen Dorothea, |
Penguin, |
1971 |
0140205306 |
2nd ed. |
251 p. |
UG Library |
153.7 WAG |
05005176 |
Studies in perception and action X : |
Psychology Press, |
2009 |
9781848728806 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xiv, 174 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.7 ZAN |
03010404 |
The Art of Possibility / |
Zander, Rosamund Stone. |
Harvard Business School Press, |
2000 |
0875847706 (alk. paper) | 9780 |
ix, 206 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.7 ZAN |
05000291 |
The Art of Possibility / |
Zander, Rosamund Stone. |
Harvard Business School Press, |
2000 |
0875847706 (alk. paper) | 9780 |
ix, 206 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.70954 MAT |
05030669 |
Preception an Essay on Classical Indian Theories of Knowledge (msc Psy) (UGC - Autonomous) |
Matilal, Bimal Krishna |
Oxford University Press: |
2002 |
0195662768 |
438p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.733 EYA |
07013740 |
Indistractable : |
Eyal Nir |
Bloomsbury Publishing, |
2019 |
9781526619297 |
ix,319p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
153.733 GOL |
09000801 |
Focus : |
Goleman Daniel |
Bloomsbury, |
2014 |
9789384052980 |
311p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.733 GOL |
07010177 |
Focus : |
Goleman Daniel |
Bloomsbury, |
2014 |
9789384052980 |
311p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.733 JOH.P |
05030670 |
Attention: |
Johnson, Addie |
London, |
2002 |
0761927611 |
474p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.733 MIT |
01017099 |
Attention and associative learning : |
Oxford University Press, |
2010 |
9780199550531 (hbk.) | 0199550 |
x, 411 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.733 POS |
07010224 |
Attention in a Social World / |
Posner Michael.I |
Oxford University Press, |
2014 |
9780199361021 |
xx,195p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.74 CHA |
00106283 |
The invisible gorilla |
Chabris, Christopher F. |
Harper Collins |
2010 |
9780007412648 |
xi, 306 p. |
UG Library |
153.753 GRO |
00147674 |
The psychology of time / |
Gross, Richard |
Routledge, |
2024 |
9781032696195 |
138p. ; |
UG Library |
153.753 LIN |
09000715 |
When The Future Begins : |
Lindkvist, Magnus |
Viva Books, |
2017 |
9789386105165 |
159p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.753 LIN |
05054740 |
When The Future Begins : |
Lindkvist, Magnus |
Viva Books, |
2017 |
9789386105165 |
159p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.753 LIN |
04026001 |
When The Future Begins : |
Lindkvist, Magnus |
Viva Books, |
2017 |
9789386105165 |
159p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.753 LIN |
07006040 |
When The Future Begins : |
Lindkvist, Magnus |
Viva Books, |
2017 |
9789386105165 |
159p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.753 PIN |
00130927 |
When : the scientific secrets of perfect timing |
Pink, Daniel H. |
Canongate book ltd., |
2018 |
9781782119890 |
258p.; |
UG Library |
153.758 MAR |
05061241 |
Face recognition in adverse conditions / |
Marsico, Maria De., |
Information Science Reference, |
2014 |
9781466659667 (hardcover) |
xxiv, 480 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.8 GOR |
03002437 |
Motivation : |
Gorman, Tom. |
Vivabooks Private Limited, |
2010 |
9781598690910 |
183 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.8 BAU |
05068310 |
Self-regulation and self-control : |
Baumeister, Roy F., |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138039544 (hbk) |
viii,387p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.8 BAU |
05036959 |
Willpower : |
Baumeister, Roy F. |
Allen Lane ; |
2011 |
9781846146107 |
291 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.8 BAU |
09000164 |
Self-regulation and self-control : |
Baumeister, Roy F., |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138039544 (hbk) |
viii,387p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.8 BAU |
03007918 |
Willpower : |
Baumeister, Roy F. |
Allen Lane ; |
2011 |
9781846146107 |
291 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.8 BUR |
03009118 |
The Charge : |
Burchard, Brendon. |
Simon & Schuster , |
2012 |
9781849837019 |
254 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.8 CAL |
01017090 |
Free Will and Responsibility : |
Callender,John S. |
Oxford University Press, |
2010 |
9780199545551 |
xi,394p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.8 COO |
04015291 |
Motivate yourself and reach your goals /. |
Coombes, Frances |
Hachette , |
2010 |
9781444103274 |
366 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.8 DEN |
00058257 |
Motivate to Win |
Denny, Richard |
Kogan Page |
2003 |
8175541571 |
160p |
UG Library |
153.8 DIA |
10004346 |
Level Up : |
Dial, Rob |
Penguin Random House, |
2023 |
9781911709008 |
viii, 241 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.8 DUR |
04016749 |
Perpetual Motivation: |
Durand, Dave |
Better Yourself Book, |
2006 |
9788171086962 |
173p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.8 DWE |
10001917 |
Mindset / |
Dweck, Carol S. |
Robinson, |
2017 |
9781780332000 |
Updated ed. |
xi, 301p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.8 DWE |
10001918 |
Mindset / |
Dweck, Carol S. |
Robinson, |
2017 |
9781780332000 |
Updated ed. |
xi, 301p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.8 DWE |
00140975 |
Mindset : |
Dweck, Carol S., |
Robinson, |
2006 |
9781780332000 |
1st ed. |
x, 277 p. ; |
UG Library |
153.8 DWE |
05049136 |
Mindset : |
Dweck, Carol S., |
Robinson, |
2006 |
9781780332000 |
1st ed. |
x, 277 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.8 DWE |
05072694 |
Mindset / |
Dweck, Carol S. |
Robinson, |
2017 |
9781780332000 |
Updated ed. |
xi, 301p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.8 DWE |
07012937 |
Mindset : |
Dweck, Carol S., |
Robinson, |
2006 |
9781780332000 |
1st ed. |
x, 277 p. ; |
Library - BR Campus |
153.8 DWE |
10003785 |
Mindset / |
Dweck, Carol S. |
Robinson, |
2017 |
9781780332000 |
Updated ed. |
xi, 301p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.8 DWE |
04015585 |
Mindset : |
Dweck, Carol S., |
Ballantine Books, |
2008 |
9780345472328 (pbk.) |
Ballantine Books trade pbk. ed. |
x, 277 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.8 DWE |
05065712 |
Mindset : |
Dweck, Carol S. |
Random House, |
2016 |
9781400062751 |
xi, 301 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.8 DWE |
05065713 |
Mindset : |
Dweck, Carol S. |
Random House, |
2016 |
9781400062751 |
xi, 301 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.8 DWE |
07012625 |
Mindset : |
Dweck, Carol S., |
Robinson, |
2006 |
9781780332000 |
1st ed. |
x, 277 p. ; |
Library - BR Campus |
153.8 DWE |
05065714 |
Mindset : |
Dweck, Carol S. |
Random House, |
2016 |
9781400062751 |
xi, 301 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.8 DWE |
03009257 |
Mindset : |
Dweck, Carol S., |
Ballantine Books, |
2008 |
9780345472328 (pbk.) |
Ballantine Books trade pbk. ed. |
x, 277 p. ; |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.8 ELL |
05068187 |
Handbook of competence and motivation : |
The Guiford Press, |
2017 |
9781462536030 |
Second edition. |
xiv, 722 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.8 ELL |
09000120 |
Handbook of competence and motivation : |
The Guiford Press, |
2017 |
9781462536030 |
Second edition. |
xiv, 722 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.8 EOW |
05002175 |
Motivation & emotion : |
Edwards, David C. |
Sage, |
1999 |
0761908323 (hardcover : alk. p |
xviii, 467 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.8 EPS |
05030656 |
Big Book of Motivation Games / |
Epstein, Robert |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited; |
2001 |
0070589629 |
xix,224p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.8 FOR |
05005301 |
The psychology of attitudes and attitude change / |
Psychology Press, |
2010 |
9781848729087 (hardcover : alk |
xii, 302 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.8 FRA |
05002222 |
Human Motivation / |
Ranken, Robert E |
Thomson Wadsworth, |
2007 |
0495090816 |
464p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.8 GAN |
00070365 |
Great Little Book of Motivation |
Ganesh, S. G. |
Thomson |
2005 |
9812653139 | 9789812653130 |
122 p. |
UG Library |
153.8 GAN |
10003560 |
3 tips: |
Gandhi, Meera |
Rupa publications india pvt ltd., |
2022 |
9789355208781 |
xiv,122 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.8 GRA |
10004301 |
Hidden potential : |
Grant, Adam, |
WH Allen, |
2023 |
9780593653159 | 9780753560051 |
290 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.8 GRA |
10004401 |
Sensitive : |
Granneman, Jenn. |
Penguin, |
2023 |
9780241993255 |
260p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.8 GRA |
05073935 |
Sensitive : |
Granneman, Jenn. |
Penguin, |
2023 |
9780241993255 |
260p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.8 HEC |
05002174 |
Motivation and action |
Cambridge University Press, |
2008 |
9780521852593 (hardback) | 052 |
xvii, 508 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.8 HER |
04008359 |
Get motivated / |
Herald, Justin |
Allen&Unwin, |
2005 |
9781853835575 |
x, 169p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.8 JON |
10004327 |
Influence : |
Jones, Justin Hempson |
9780008478698 |
291 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.8 KAY |
03004599 |
Obliquity : |
Kay, J. A. |
Profile Books, |
2010 |
1846682886 | 9781846682889 (hb |
xiv, 210 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.8 KIM |
03007038 |
1,001 ways to motivate yourself and others / |
Kim, Sang H |
Jaico Book, |
2006 |
9788172246303 |
175p. |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.8 KOP |
05068595 |
The motivation-cognition interface : |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138651081 (pb : alk. paper) | 9781138651074 (hb : alk. paper) |
xvii, 200 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.8 KOP |
09000180 |
The motivation-cognition interface : |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138651081 (pb : alk. paper) | 9781138651074 (hb : alk. paper) |
xvii, 200 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.8 MCG |
03007913 |
The Willpower Instinct : |
McGonigal, Kelly. |
Avery, |
2012 |
9781583334386 | 1583334386 |
275 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.8 MEU |
10004502 |
Think Better Thoughts: Master Your Thoughts and Grow Your Potential/ by Thibaut Meurisse |
Meurisse, Thibaut [Author] |
Penguin Business, |
2019 |
9780143465171 |
ix, 195 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.8 MUR |
03007302 |
Hard Goals : |
Murphy, Mark A. |
McGraw-Hill, |
2011 |
9780071753463 (hdbk. : alk. pa |
viii, 181 p. ; |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.8 MUR |
04017409 |
Hard Goals : |
Murphy, Mark A. |
McGraw-Hill, |
2011 |
9780071753463 (hdbk. : alk. pa |
viii, 181 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.8 NIE |
03010735 |
How to Read A Person Like a Book : |
Nierenberg, Gerard I, |
Rupa Publications, |
2012 |
9788129119186 |
118 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.8 NIE |
00111110 |
How to Read A Person Like a Book : |
Nierenberg, Gerard I, |
Rupa Publications, |
2012 |
9788129119186 |
118 p.: |
UG Library |
153.8 NIE |
04021318 |
How to Read A Person Like a Book : |
Nierenberg, Gerard I, |
Rupa Publications, |
2012 |
9788129119186 |
118 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.8 NOR |
05074983 |
The Ritual Effect : |
Norton, Michael. |
Penguin Life, |
2024 |
9780241465448 |
272 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.8 NOR |
10004184 |
The Ritual Effect : |
Norton, Michael. |
Penguin Life, |
2024 |
9780241465448 |
272 p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.8 OSH |
00085073 |
Will: A Dual Aspect Theory. |
O`Shaughnessy, Brian |
2008 |
9780521619530 |
617p |
UG Library |
153.8 PIN |
09000794 |
Drive : the surprising truth about what motivates us / |
Pink, Daniel H |
Penguine, |
2009 |
9781786891709 |
Including Bibliographical References and Index |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.8 PIN |
10002411 |
Drive : the surprising truth about what motivates us / |
Pink, Daniel.H., |
Canongate books ltd., |
2018 |
9781786891709 |
xii,242 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.8 REI |
09000525 |
Perceived control : |
Oxford University Press, |
2017 |
9780190257040 (hardback) |
x, 356 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.8 REI |
05068134 |
Perceived control : |
Oxford University Press, |
2017 |
9780190257040 (hardback) |
x, 356 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.8 SIN |
10004269 |
Dialed in: |
Sinclair, Dana |
Simon and schuster inc., |
2024 |
9781982181871 |
xx,232 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.8 STE |
10001663 |
Sustain your game : |
Stein, Alan, |
Hachette Books, |
2022 |
9780306926259 |
xix, 283p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.8 STE |
05073389 |
Sustain your game : |
Stein, Alan, |
Hachette Books, |
2022 |
9780306926259 |
xix, 283p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.8 STU |
10004345 |
Lessons for Living : |
Stutz, Phil |
Penguin Random House, |
2023 |
9781785044960 |
xiii, 183 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.8 TAY |
00129558 |
Willpower |
Taylor, Ros |
Capstone, |
2017 |
9788126569397 |
160 p.: |
UG Library |
153.8 TIM |
10004930 |
The 0.1% Academy: Master the 7 Mindsets to Maintain Peak Performance/ by Gareth Timmins |
Timmins, Gareth [Author] |
John Murray, |
2024 |
9781399814850 |
1st Ed. |
xv, 204 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.8 ZOM |
09000824 |
From self to social relationships : an essentially relational perspective on social motivation / |
Zomeren, Martijn van |
Cambridge University Press, |
2018 |
9781107474727 |
194 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.8 ZOM |
07009395 |
From self to social relationships : |
Zomeren, Martijn van, |
Cambridge University Press, |
2016 |
9781107093799 (hardback) |
x, 194 pages : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.8 ZUK |
03008092 |
Influence : |
Zuker, Elaina. |
Viva Books Private Limited ; |
2004 |
9788176495783 |
75 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.808834 KEV |
01013689 |
Motivating Techniques For Lawers : |
Kevin,Tim. |
Universal Law Publishing, |
9788175348561 |
177p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.83 BOU |
03001034 |
Emotional Logic and Decision Making : |
Bourion, Christian. |
Palgrave Macmillan, |
2008 |
140394508X |
234 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.83 HBP |
03002168 |
Harvard Business Review Pocket Mentor Making Decisions : |
Harvard Business Press |
Harvard Business Press, |
2008 |
9781422128718 |
100 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.83 HBP |
03003586 |
Harvard Business Review Pocket Mentor Making Decisions : |
Harvard Business Press |
Harvard Business Press, |
2008 |
9781422128718 |
100 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.83 ZUK |
03002825 |
Mind of the Soul : |
Zukav, Gary. |
Free Press, |
2003 |
0743254406 | 9780743254403 |
215 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.83 ARI |
04022977 |
Predictably Irrational : |
Ariely, Dan |
Happers, |
2008 |
9780007368549 |
280p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.83 BAN |
00138431 |
Evidence-Based Decision-Making : |
Banasiewicz,Andrew D. |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138485297 |
xii,269p.; |
UG Library |
153.83 BER |
10002108 |
Decision theory and rationality / |
Bermúdez, José Luis |
Oxford university press, |
2009 |
9780199596249 |
189 p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.83 DEL |
01017761 |
Decision making, affect, and learning : |
Oxford University Press, |
2011 |
9780199600434 (hbk.) | 0199600 |
xvii, 555 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.83 GAL |
05034143 |
Making Decisions That Matter : |
Galotti, Kathleen M |
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, |
2002 |
0080583396 |
177 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.83 GIN |
07001455 |
Sidetracked : |
Gino, Francesca. |
Harvard Business Review Press, |
2013 |
9781422142691 (alk. paper) |
viii, 260 p. ; |
Library - BR Campus |
153.83 GIN |
05000287 |
Sidetracked : |
Gino, Francesca. |
Harvard Business Review Press, |
2013 |
9781422142691 (alk. paper) |
viii, 260 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.83 HAL |
07001615 |
Inside the Nudge Unit |
Halpern, David |
Penguin Random House, |
2015 |
9780753556542 |
xiv, 383 p:. |
Library - BR Campus |
153.83 HAL |
00123104 |
Inside the Nudge Unit |
Halpern, David |
Penguin Random House, |
2015 |
9780753556542 |
xiv, 383 p:. |
UG Library |
153.83 HAM |
07001433 |
Smart choices : |
Hammond, John S., |
Harvard Business School Press, |
1999 |
0875848575 (hardcover : alk. p |
x, 244 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.83 HAM |
07002557 |
Smart choices : |
Hammond, John S., |
Harvard Business School Press, |
1999 |
0875848575 (hardcover : alk. p |
x, 244 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.83 HAM |
05000431 |
Smart choices : |
Hammond, John S., |
Harvard Business School Press, |
1999 |
0875848575 (hardcover : alk. p |
x, 244 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.83 HAM |
03010226 |
Smart Choices : |
Hammond, John S. |
Harvard Business School Press, |
1999 |
0875848575 (hardcover : alk. p |
x, 244 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.83 HAR |
05057041 |
Choice : |
Harper, Richard, |
Polity Press, |
2016 |
9780745683867 (hardcover : alk |
vii, 270 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.83 HAS |
05030652 |
Rational choice in an uncertain world : |
Hastie, Reid. |
2010 |
9781412959032 (pbk. : acidfree |
2nd ed. |
xii, 374 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.83 HBP |
03010171 |
Harvard Business Review Pocket Mentor Making Decisions : |
Harvard Business Press |
Harvard Business Press, |
2008 |
9781422128718 |
100 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.83 HBP |
05000081 |
Harvard Business Review Pocket Mentor Making Decisions : |
Harvard Business Press |
Harvard Business Press, |
2008 |
9781422128718 |
100 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.83 HIG |
03011285 |
Judgement and Decision Making at Work : |
Highhouse, Scott. |
Routledge Taylor & Francis Group , |
2014 |
9780415886864 |
386 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.83 KAH |
10004867 |
Noise; A Flaw in Human Judgement/ by Daniel kahneman, Olivier Sibony and Cass R. Sunstein |
Kahneman, Daniel [Author] |
William Collins; an imprint of Harper Collins Publishers, |
2021 |
9780008309008 |
1st Ed. |
ix, 454 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.83 KRO |
05046743 |
The Decision Book |
ed by. Krogerus Mikael |
Profile Books, |
2008 |
9781846683954 |
173 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.83 KRO |
00119154 |
The Decision Book |
ed by. Krogerus Mikael |
Profile Books, |
2008 |
9781846683954 |
173 p.: |
UG Library |
153.83 LIC |
00128727 |
The Construction of Preference / |
Lichtenstein, Sarah |
Cambridge University Press, |
2006 |
9780521834285 | 0521834287 | |
xviii, 790 p. ; |
UG Library |
153.83 MCK |
09000711 |
Essentialism : |
Mckeown, Greg. |
Random House, |
2014 |
9780753555163 |
260p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.83 MCK |
05038828 |
Essentialism : |
Mckeown, Greg. |
Random House, |
2014 |
9780753555163 |
260p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.83 MCK |
07012717 |
Essentialism : |
Mckeown, Greg. |
Random House, |
2014 |
9780753555163 |
260p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
153.83 MOL |
03004851 |
Think or Sink : |
Mollicone-long, Gina. |
Embassy Books, |
2010 |
9789380227573 |
212 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.83 MON |
04009658 |
How we Make Decisions / |
Montague, Read |
A Plume book, |
2008 |
9780452288843 |
335p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.83 NEW |
05005184 |
Straight choices : |
Newell, Benjamin R., |
Psychology Press, |
2007 |
9781841695884 | 9781841695891 |
xi, 252 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.83 OFL |
00019213 |
How to Make Up Your Mind |
Oflaherty, Vincent M |
St.Paul |
1968 |
1 |
UG Library |
153.83 OFL |
00020145 |
How to Make Up Your Mind |
O`Flaherty, V M |
St.Paul`s Publication |
1968 |
159 p |
UG Library |
153.83 PAR |
10004090 |
Clear thinking : |
Parrish, Shane, |
Penguin, |
2023 |
9781529915952 |
xv, 267 pages : |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.83 PAR |
05074883 |
Clear thinking : |
Parrish, Shane, |
Penguin, |
2023 |
9781529915952 |
xv, 267 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.83 POU |
05062187 |
How to Predict the Unpredictable : |
Poundstone, William |
One world Publications, |
2016 |
9781780747200 |
284p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.83 POU |
03012138 |
How to Predict the Unpredictable : |
Poundstone, William |
One world Publications, |
2016 |
9781780747200 |
284p. ; |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.83 REY |
05041676 |
The neuroscience of risky decision making / |
American Psychological Association, |
2014 |
9781433816628 | 1433816628 |
First edition. |
xviii, 214 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.83 SCH |
04023164 |
The Paradox of Choice : |
Schwartz, Barry |
Happer Collins, |
2005 |
9780062312785 |
265p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.83 WEL |
05046748 |
10Minutes-10Months-10Years A Life Transforming Idea / |
Welch Suzy |
Simon Schuster, |
2009 |
9781847374394 |
226p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.83 ZUK |
04017222 |
The Mind of the Soul : |
Zukav, Gary |
Free Press, |
2003 |
9780743254403 |
106p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.830151 GRE |
05008193 |
Modeling ordered choices : |
Greene, William H., |
Cambridge University Press, |
2010 |
9780521194204 (hbk.) | 0521194 |
xv, 365 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.83015192 GIG |
09000490 |
Simply rational : |
Gigerenzer, Gerd. |
Oxford University Press, |
2015 |
9780199390076 (hbk. : acidfree paper) | 019939007X (hbk. : acidfree paper) |
x, 312 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.83015192 GIG |
05067754 |
Simply rational : |
Gigerenzer, Gerd. |
Oxford University Press, |
2015 |
9780199390076 (hbk. : acidfree paper) | 019939007X (hbk. : acidfree paper) |
x, 312 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.83072 SCH |
05005281 |
A handbook of process tracing methods for decision research : |
Psychology Press, |
2011 |
9781848728646 (hbk.) | 9780203 |
p. cm. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.85 HAB |
00138478 |
Attitude is Everything : |
Habib,Jawed. |
Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, |
2020 |
9789353287993 |
212p.; |
UG Library |
153.85 HAB |
10005149 |
Attitude is Everything : |
Habib,Jawed. |
Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, |
2020 |
9789353287993 |
212p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.85 PAT |
03001274 |
Influencer : |
Patterson, Kerry. [] |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, |
2008 |
9780070222922 | 0070222924 |
297 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.85 CAM |
05022056 |
The Great Life Redesign / |
Cameron Caroline |
John Wiley & S0ns Ltd, |
2012 |
9780730377474 |
xvii,285 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.85 CRA |
05002173 |
Attitudes and attitude change / |
Psychology Press, |
9781841694818 (hbk. : alk. pap |
xiv, 439 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.85 CRA |
03008997 |
Change the Way You See Everything Through Asset-Based Thinking / |
Cramer, Kathryn D. |
Running Press, |
2006 |
9780762427239 | 076242723X |
133 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.85 FIS |
05005357 |
Predicting and Changing Behavior : |
Fishbein, Martin. |
Psychology Press, |
2010 |
9780805859249 (hard back : alk |
xix, 518 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.85 FUL |
03010925 |
A Toolkit of Motivational Skills : |
Fuller, Catherine. |
Wiley , |
2008 |
9788126550647 |
2nd ed. |
296 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.85 FUL |
05047737 |
A Toolkit of Motivational Skills : |
Fuller, Catherine. |
Wiley , |
2008 |
9788126550647 |
2nd ed. |
296 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.85 GAR |
03007584 |
Changing Minds : |
Gardner, Howard, |
Harvard Business School Press, |
2004 |
1578517095 | 9781578517091 |
xi, 244 p. ; |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.85 GAR |
07001456 |
Changing Minds : |
Gardner, Howard. |
harvard Business School Press, |
2006 |
9781422103296 | 1422103239 |
244 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.85 GAR |
05000171 |
Changing Minds : |
Gardner, Howard. |
harvard Business School Press, |
2006 |
9781422103296 | 1422103239 |
244 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.85 GAR |
03007034 |
Changing Minds : |
Gardner, Howard. |
harvard Business School Press, |
2006 |
9781422103296 | 1422103239 |
244 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.85 GAR |
03004288 |
Changing Minds : |
Gardner, Howard. |
harvard Business School Press, |
2006 |
9781422103296 | 1422103239 |
244 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.85 GRE |
05043916 |
Influencer : the power to change anything |
Grenny, Joseph |
Mcgrawhill education Pvt Ltd., |
2013 |
9781259098536 |
x,318p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.85 HAN |
05011383 |
Thought manipulation |
Handelman,Sapir. |
Praeger, |
2009 |
9780313355325 | 0313355320 (ha |
xiv, 163 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.85 HAN |
Thought manipulation |
Handelman,Sapir. |
Praeger, |
2009 |
9780313355325 | 0313355320 (ha |
xiv, 163 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.85 HAN |
00108085 |
Thought manipulation |
Handelman,Sapir. |
Praeger, |
2009 |
9780313355325 | 0313355320 (ha |
xiv, 163 p. : |
UG Library |
153.85 HAR |
09000799 |
Attitude is Everything : |
Harrell, Keith |
Happer Collins, |
2005 |
9780062313041 |
251p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.85 HAR |
07001153 |
Attitude is Everything : |
Harrell, Keith |
Happer Collins, |
2005 |
9780062313041 |
251p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.85 HAR |
04024253 |
Attitude is Everything : |
Harrell, Keith |
Happer Collins, |
2005 |
9780062313041 |
251p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.85 HAR |
00123095 |
Attitude is Everything : |
Harrell, Keith |
Happer Collins, |
2005 |
9780062313041 |
251p. : |
UG Library |
153.85 HAR |
07001176 |
Attitude is Everything : |
Harrell, Keith |
Happer Collins, |
2005 |
9780062313041 |
251p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.85 KAZ |
05002180 |
Behavior modification in applied settings / |
Kazdin, Alan E. |
Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, |
2001 |
0534348998 (alk. paper) |
6th ed. |
xiii, 512 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.85 KAZ |
05030293 |
Behavior modification in applied settings / |
Kazdin, Alan E. |
Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, |
2001 |
0534348998 (alk. paper) |
6th ed. |
xiii, 512 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.85 KEL |
03006060 |
Attitude Is Everything; |
KEller, Jeff |
Embassy Book Distributors, |
2007 |
9788188452767 |
ix,130p.; |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.85 MAI |
05030677 |
The psychology of attitudes and attitude change / |
Maio, Gregory R. |
2009 |
1412929752 (pbk.) |
xii, 276 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.85 MAX |
03005558 |
Attitude : |
Maxwell, John C. |
Jaico, |
2010 |
9788184951493 |
ix, 138 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.85 MIL |
00127446 |
Behaviour Modification |
Miltenberger Raymond G |
Wadsworth cengage learning, |
2008 |
9781111306120 |
International edition |
548p : . |
UG Library |
153.85 MIL |
09001067 |
Behavior modification : |
Miltenberger, Raymond G., |
Cengage learning indin pvt ltd., |
2016 |
9781305109391 (paperback) | 9789353503376 |
Sixth edition. |
xxii,562 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.85 MIL |
00142907 |
Behavior modification : |
Miltenberger, Raymond G., |
Cengage learning indin pvt ltd., |
2016 |
9781305109391 (paperback) | 9789353503376 |
Sixth edition. |
xxii,562 pages : |
UG Library |
153.85 PAT |
00129817 |
Influencer : |
Patterson, Kerry |
McGraw-Hill, |
2008 |
9780071484992 | 007148499X |
x, 299 p. ; |
UG Library |
153.85 SAR |
05048279 |
Applied behavior analysis : |
Sarafino, Edward P., |
Wiley, |
2012 |
9780470571521 (pbk. : acid fre |
xxiii, 472 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.85 SUN |
09000625 |
Behavior change in the human services : |
Sundel, Martin, |
Sage, |
2018 |
9781483384610 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
Sixth edition. |
xxi,449p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.85 SUN |
07012202 |
Behavior change in the human services : |
Sundel, Martin, |
Sage, |
2018 |
9781483384610 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
Sixth edition. |
xxi,449p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
153.85 SUN |
05062030 |
Behavior change in the human services : |
Sundel, Martin, |
Sage, |
2018 |
9781483384610 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
Sixth edition. |
xxi,449p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.85 THA |
05009672 |
Delta theory and psychosocial systems : |
Tharp, Roland G., |
Cambridge University Press, |
2012 |
9781107014916 (hardback) |
xix, 185 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.85 THA |
07010209 |
Delta theory and psychological System/ |
Tharp,Roland G |
Cambridge university Press, |
2012 |
9781107531734 |
XIX,181 Pages,: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.852 CAR |
00147997 |
Commnicate to captivate: |
Carneige, Dale |
Rupa publications india pvt ltd., |
2024 |
9789357029902 |
175 p. ; |
UG Library |
153.852 PAN |
03007003 |
Instant influence : |
Pantalon, Michael V. |
Business Plus, |
2011 |
9780755363339 |
240p. |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.852 ASA |
03011587 |
The Business of Belied : |
Asacker, Tom. |
Westland Ltd., |
2014 |
9789384030964 |
123 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.852 AXE |
04014913 |
Getting your way everyday : |
Axelrod, Alan |
PHI Learning, |
2011 |
9788120343184 |
vii , 293 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.852 AXE |
05030678 |
Getting Your Way Everyday: |
Axelrod, Alan |
American Management Association, |
2007 |
0814473350 |
293p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.852 BOR |
03007887 |
Persuasion : |
Borg, James. |
Prentice Hall/Business, |
2004 |
0273688383 (alk. paper) | 9780 |
255 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.852 CAR |
10003584 |
Commnicate to captivate: |
Carneige, Dale |
Rupa publications india pvt ltd., |
2024 |
9789357029902 |
175 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.852 CIA |
03006646 |
Influence: |
Cialdini, Robert B |
Collins, |
2007 |
9780061241895 |
xiv, 320 p. |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.852 CIA |
00123148 |
Influence: |
Cialdini, Robert B |
Collins, |
2007 |
9780061241895 |
xiv, 320 p. |
UG Library |
153.852 CIA |
07011410 |
Influence: |
Cialdini, Robert B |
Collins, |
2007 |
9780061241895 |
xiv, 320 p. |
Library - BR Campus |
153.852 CIA |
09000791 |
Influence : The Psychology of Persuasion / |
Cialdini, Robert B |
Happer Collins, |
2021 |
9780063138803 |
568p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.852 CIA |
04022978 |
Influence: |
Cialdini, Robert B |
Collins, |
2007 |
9780061241895 |
xiv, 320 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.852 CIA |
09001042 |
Influence: |
Cialdini, Robert B |
Collins, |
2007 |
9780061241895 |
xiv, 320 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.852 CRI |
05057516 |
7 secrets of persuasion : |
Crimmins, James C. |
Rupa Publications, |
2016 |
9788129141927 |
218p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.852 CRI |
00141654 |
7 secrets of persuasion : |
Crimmins, James C. |
Rupa Publications, |
2016 |
9788129141927 |
218p.; |
UG Library |
153.852 FOR |
03008491 |
The Gentle Art of Getting Your Own Way : |
Forsyth, Patrick. |
Macmillan ; |
2007 |
9780230638822 | 0230638821 |
160 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.852 GRA |
07012557 |
Reinforcements : |
Grant Heidi |
Harvard Business Review Press, |
2018 |
9781633692350 |
200p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.852 GRA |
07012730 |
Reinforcements : |
Grant Heidi |
Harvard Business Review Press, |
2018 |
9781633692350 |
200p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.852 GRA |
09000797 |
Reinforcements : |
Grant Heidi |
Harvard Business Review Press, |
2018 |
9781633692350 |
200p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.852 HAL |
00146552 |
People skills for behavior analysts / |
Hall, Carmen |
Routledge, |
2024 |
9781032292236 |
xxi,329p. ; |
UG Library |
153.852 HAR |
05057522 |
Get People To Do What You Want : |
Hartley, Gregory. |
Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd., |
2016 |
9788129141897 |
283 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.852 HAR |
03011876 |
Get People To Do What You Want : |
Hartley, Gregory. |
Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd., |
2016 |
9788129141897 |
283 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.852 HIL |
03007543 |
27 Powers of Persuasion : |
St. Hilaire, Chris. |
Prentice Hall Press, |
2010 |
9780735204515 | 0735204519 |
1st ed. |
xxxi, 204 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.852 OKE |
05044779 |
Persuasion : |
O'Keefe, Daniel J., |
Sage, |
2016 |
9781452276670 (pbk. : acidfree |
Third edition. |
xix, 387 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.852 PER |
05005549 |
The dynamics of persuasion : |
Perloff, Richard M. |
Routledge, |
2010 |
9780415805674 (hbk) | 04158056 |
4th ed. |
xvi, 425 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.852 PIT |
07006982 |
Persuadable : |
Pittampalli Al |
Harper Business, |
2016 |
9780062333896 |
242p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.853 STR |
05015091 |
Brainwash: The Secret History of Mind Control [msc-Psychology Section] |
Streatfeild, Dominic |
0340831618 |
440 |
Knowledge Centre |
153.8FRA1 |
05030657 |
Human Motivation |
Franken, Robert E |
USA: |
2007 |
0495171719 |
6th ed. |
464p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.8SAR |
05030658 |
How to Motivate People |
Sargent, Andrew |
Jaico Pubilishing House: |
2001 |
8172243928 |
94p., |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 BAR |
00058067 |
Test Yourself ! |
Barrett,Jim |
Kogan Page |
2000 |
8175541385 | 9788175541382 |
254 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.9 BAR |
00115444 |
Test Yourself ! |
Barrett,Jim |
Kogan Page |
2000 |
8175541385 | 9788175541382 |
254 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.9 GUH |
00073701 |
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations |
Guha, Abhijit |
Tata McGraw-Hil Publishing Co.Ltd |
2004 |
0070581894 | 9780070581890 |
3rd Ed. |
P.V. |
UG Library |
153.9 GUH |
04000818 |
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examiniations |
Guha, Abhijit |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2008 |
9780070581890 |
p v |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.9 GUH |
00070411 |
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations |
Guha, Abhijit |
Tata McGraw-Hil Publishing Co.Ltd |
2004 |
0070581894 | 9780070581890 |
3rd Ed. |
P.V. |
UG Library |
153.9 GUH |
00075630 |
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations |
Guha, Abhijit |
Tata McGraw-Hil Publishing Co.Ltd |
2004 |
0070581894 | 9780070581890 |
3rd Ed. |
P.V. |
UG Library |
153.9 GUH |
00070410 |
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations |
Guha, Abhijit |
Tata McGraw-Hil Publishing Co.Ltd |
2004 |
0070581894 | 9780070581890 |
3rd Ed. |
P.V. |
UG Library |
153.9 THO |
00070369 |
Course in Mental Ability and Quantitative Aptitude |
Thorpe, Edgar |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd |
2002 |
0074639390 | 9780074639399 |
2nd Ed. |
435 p. |
UG Library |
153.9 THO |
00070218 |
Course in Mental Ability and Quantitative Aptitude |
Thorpe, Edgar |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd |
2002 |
0074639390 | 9780074639399 |
2nd Ed. |
435 p. |
UG Library |
153.9 THO |
00060312 |
Course in Mental Ability and Quantitative Aptitude |
Thorpe, Edgar |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd |
2002 |
0074639390 | 9780074639399 |
2nd Ed. |
435 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.9 THO |
05001153 |
The Pearson Guide to MBA Entrance Examinations / |
Thorpe, Edgar. |
Pearson Education, |
9788131721285 |
xiv, p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 TOL |
00115441 |
How to Pass Verbal Reasoning Tests |
Tolley,Harry |
Kogan Page |
2002 |
8175541628 | 9788175541627 |
2nd Ed. |
131 p. |
UG Library |
153.9 VER |
03003619 |
Complete Kit for MBA Entrance Examination |
Verma, Sanjeev |
S. Chand and Company |
8121927951 |
1072 p. |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.9 ZOH |
03002803 |
SQ - Spiritual Inteligence the Ultimate Intelligence / |
Zohar, Danah. |
Bloomsbury, |
2009 |
9780747546764 |
324 p |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.9 ADA |
00137315 |
The Genius within : |
Adam,David. |
Picador, |
2018 |
9781509805006 |
326p.; |
UG Library |
153.9 AGG |
04020268 |
Quantitative Aptitude/ |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand Company, |
2011 |
9788121924986 | 8121924987 |
756 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.9 ALD |
00115438 |
Boost Your Intelligence |
Alder,Harry |
Kogan Page |
2000 |
9788175541399 |
179 p. |
UG Library |
153.9 ALD |
04012597 |
Boost Your Intelligence: Tested Techniques for Improving Your IQ and EQ |
Alder, Harry |
Kogan Page |
8175541393 |
180p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.9 ALD |
05030263 |
Boost Your Intelligence: Tested Techniques for Improving Your IQ and EQ |
Alder, Harry |
Kogan Page |
8175541393 |
180p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 AZZ |
00052275 |
A Complete Book for Developing Your IQ |
Azzopardi, Gilles |
Infinity Books |
2001 |
8187233923 |
301 p. |
UG Library |
153.9 AZZ |
00060558 |
How to Develop a High EQ |
Azzopardi, Gilles |
Infinity Books |
2003 |
9788179290606 |
159 p. |
UG Library |
153.9 BAR |
00115440 |
Test Your Own Aptitude |
Barrett, Jim |
Kogan Page |
2002 |
9788175541641 |
2nd Ed. |
213 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.9 BAR |
00058065 |
Test Your Own Aptitude |
Barrett, Jim |
Kogan Page |
2002 |
9788175541641 |
2nd Ed. |
213 p. |
UG Library |
153.9 BAR |
00058066 |
Career,Aptitude & Selection Tests |
Barrett, Jim |
Kogan Page |
2002 |
8175541652 | 9788175541658 |
199 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.9 BAR |
05033366 |
Aptitude, Personality & Motivation Tests : |
Barrett, Jim |
Kohan Page, |
2004 |
2nd |
227 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 BAR |
00115439 |
Test Yourself ! |
Barrett,Jim |
Kogan Page |
2000 |
8175541385 | 9788175541382 |
254 p. |
UG Library |
153.9 BIL |
07014116 |
The neuroscience of expertise / |
Bilalić, Merim, |
Cambridge University Press, |
2017 |
9781107084599 (hbk) | 9781107446519 (pbk) |
xvi, 300 pages ; |
Library - BR Campus |
153.9 BRI |
10004517 |
Ways of being : animals, plants, machines : the search for a planetary intelligence / by James Bridle. |
Bridle, James [Author] |
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, |
2022 |
9780141994260 |
1st Ed. |
xiv, 364 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.9 BRO |
05030248 |
Intelligent Thought |
Brockman, John |
Vintage Books, |
2006 |
0307277224 |
256p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 BRO |
05030249 |
Intelligent Thought |
Brocman, John |
0307277224 |
256p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 CAR |
00115443 |
How to Solve IQ Puzzles |
Carter, Philip |
Viva Books Pvt Ltd |
2005 |
9798176499513 |
176 p |
UG Library |
153.9 COL |
00134002 |
Talent is overrated : |
Colvin, Geoffrey |
Nicholas Brealey, |
2014 |
9781857885194 |
228 p.; |
UG Library |
153.9 COY |
07005708 |
The Little Book of Talent / |
Coyle Daniel |
Business Books, |
2012 |
9781847946799 |
xix,124p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.9 DAH |
05075269 |
More Numbers Every Day : |
Dahlen, Micael. |
Octopus Publishing Group Ltd , |
2023 |
9781800961067 |
xix, 264 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 DAV |
00060350 |
Original Intelligence |
David |
2004 |
0070586195 | 9780070532854 |
274p |
UG Library |
153.9 DEA |
01016429 |
Intelligence : |
Deary, Ian J. |
Oxford University Press, |
2001 |
0192893211 | 9780192893215 |
132 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 DEA |
05030680 |
Intelligence: |
Deary, Ian J |
Oxford University Press, |
2008 |
0195671872 |
132p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 DEA |
00085434 |
Intelligence: |
Deary, Ian J |
Oxford University Press, |
2008 |
0195671872 |
132p. |
UG Library |
153.9 DEA |
00105936 |
Intelligence : |
Deary, Ian J. |
Oxford University Press, |
2001 |
0192893211 | 9780192893215 |
132 p. : |
UG Library |
153.9 DHA |
05039584 |
Personality Development and Psychology / |
Dhaka Suresh |
Book Enclave, |
2013 |
9788181523273 |
280p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 DOW |
00135537 |
Individual differences in arithmetic : |
Dowker, Ann, |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9781138800335 (hardback) | 9781138800342 (pbk.) |
2nd edition. |
x,396p.; |
UG Library |
153.9 EPS |
00137480 |
Range : |
Epstein,David. |
Macmillan, |
2019 |
9781509843503 |
339p.; |
UG Library |
153.9 ERI |
00120330 |
Development of professional expertise : |
Ericsson K Anders |
Cambridge University Press, |
2009 |
9780521518468 (hardback) | 978 |
xv, 552 p. : |
UG Library |
153.9 EYE |
00078326 |
The Intelligence Controversy |
Eysenck, H. J. |
Wiley, |
1981 |
0471088846 |
192 p. : |
UG Library |
153.9 FLY |
04018311 |
What is intelligence? : |
Flynn, James Robert, |
Cambridge University Press, |
2009 |
9780521741477 (pbk.) | 0521741475 (pbk.) | 9780521880077 |
1st expanded pbk. ed. |
xiv, 259 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.9 GAR |
05030257 |
Multiple Intelligences / |
Howard, Gardner |
Basic Books, |
2006 |
9780465047680 |
300p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 GAR |
10005001 |
Multiple Intelligences / |
Howard, Gardner |
Basic Books, |
2006 |
9780465047680 |
300p.: |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.9 GAR |
00088641 |
Multiple Intelligences |
Gardner, Howard |
2006 |
0465047688 |
300p |
UG Library |
153.9 GAR |
05020903 |
Inteligence Reframed Multiple Intelligences for The 21st Century. |
Gardner, Howard |
1999 |
0465026117 |
292p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 GAR |
00088688 |
Inteligence Reframed Multiple Intelligences for The 21st Century. |
Gardner, Howard |
1999 |
0465026117 |
292p |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.9 GAR |
05030668 |
Gardner, Howard |
2004 |
440p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 GAR |
00109462 |
Intelligence Reframed |
Gardner,Howard |
A Member Of The Perseus Books Group |
1999 |
9780465026111 |
304 p. |
UG Library |
153.9 GIL |
00133921 |
An introduction to mathematical cognition / |
Gilmore, Camilla, |
Routledge, |
2018 |
9781138923942 (hbk) | 9781138923959 (pbk) |
xv, 248 pages ; |
UG Library |
153.9 GOL |
05030247 |
Emotional Intelligence: |
Goleman, Daniel |
Bantam Books, |
1997 |
0055384007 | 9789354352805 |
viii,412p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 GOL |
05030681 |
Emotional Intelligence: |
Goleman, Daniel |
Bantam Books, |
1997 |
0055384007 | 9789354352805 |
viii,412p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 GOL |
05030784 |
Emotional Intelligence: |
Goleman, Daniel |
Bantam Books, |
1997 |
0055384007 | 9789354352805 |
viii,412p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 GOL |
00141641 |
Emotional Intelligence: |
Goleman, Daniel |
Bantam Books, |
1997 |
0055384007 | 9789354352805 |
viii,412p. |
UG Library |
153.9 GUH |
04020262 |
Quantitative Aptitude : |
Guha, Abhijit |
Tata McGraw Hill, |
2011 |
9780070706354 |
4th ed. |
v p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.9 GUH |
00055311 |
Quantitative Aptitude for MBA Entrance Examinations |
Guha, Abhijit |
0070402264 |
UG Library |
153.9 GUH |
00070234 |
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations |
Guha, Abhijit |
Tata McGraw-Hil Publishing Co.Ltd |
2004 |
0070581894 | 9780070581890 |
3rd Ed. |
P.V. |
UG Library |
153.9 GUH |
03009671 |
Quantitative Aptitude : |
Guha, Abhijit |
Tata McGraw Hill, |
2011 |
9780070706354 |
4th ed. |
v p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.9 HAI |
05074450 |
The science of human intelligence / |
Haier, Richard J., |
Cambridge University Press, |
2024 |
9781108701969 |
Second edition. |
xvii, 423p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 HAT |
05004989 |
Intelligence and intelligence testing / |
Hattie, John. |
Routledge, |
2011 |
9780415600910 (hbk.) |
1st ed. |
ix,108p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 HAT |
00106075 |
Intelligence and intelligence testing / |
Hattie, John. |
Routledge, |
2011 |
9780415600910 (hbk.) |
1st ed. |
ix,108p. |
UG Library |
153.9 HOW |
00086075 |
All About Intelligence |
Howard, Robert W |
Universities Press |
2000 |
8173713278 |
247 p |
UG Library |
153.9 HUN |
07004620 |
Human intelligence / |
Hunt, Earl B. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2011 |
9780521881623 (hardback) | 052 |
xiv, 507 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.9 HUR |
07009709 |
Smarter : |
Hurley Dan |
Penguin Life, |
2017 |
9780241257432 |
xxiv,275p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.9 JAC |
05030685 |
Understanding Psychological Testing / |
Jackson, Charles |
Jaico, |
2001 |
8172249209 |
viii,174p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 KAD |
09000315 |
The Oxford handbook of numerical cognition / |
Oxford University Press, |
2016 |
9780198795759 |
xxx, 1176 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.9 KAD |
05068129 |
The Oxford handbook of numerical cognition / |
Oxford University Press, |
2016 |
9780198795759 |
xxx, 1176 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 KHA |
00070434 |
The Pearson Guide To Quantitative Aptitude |
Khattar, Dinesh |
Pearson |
2005 |
8129707853 | 9788129707857 |
857p |
UG Library |
153.9 KOU |
00068740 |
Succeed at Psychometric Testing |
Kourdi, Jeremy |
Hodder & Stoughton |
2004 |
0340812354 | 9780340812358 |
175 p. |
UG Library |
153.9 LEW |
00058295 |
Test Your Aptitude and Ability |
Lewis Gareth |
Hodder & Stoughton |
2000 |
0340780053 |
90 p |
UG Library |
153.9 MAC |
05030684 |
The Mind Game / |
Macdonald, Hector |
Michael Josehp, |
2001 |
0718144481 |
325p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 MAN |
00120624 |
Emotional Intelligence |
Mangal S.K. |
PHI Learning Pvt, |
2015 |
9788120350854 |
xvii, 310 p.: |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.9 MAN |
00112749 |
Why can't you be Normal Like Me |
Mani,Joseph |
Better Yourself Books |
2009 |
9788171087143 |
152p |
UG Library |
153.9 MAN |
00120126 |
Emotional Intelligence |
Mangal S.K. |
PHI Learning Pvt, |
2015 |
9788120350854 |
xvii, 310 p.: |
UG Library |
153.9 MAN |
00120127 |
Emotional Intelligence |
Mangal S.K. |
PHI Learning Pvt, |
2015 |
9788120350854 |
xvii, 310 p.: |
UG Library |
153.9 MAR |
07007872 |
Future bright : |
Martinez, Michael E. |
oxfrod University press, |
2013 |
9780199781843 (hardcover) | 01 |
XIII,291 Pages,: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.9 MCC |
05024823 |
You Unlimited : |
McCrudden Colin |
Kate Lyn and Maureen, |
2005 |
9789380032740 |
274 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 MEP |
00129860 |
Reasoning & Aptitude |
by Made Easy Publications |
Made Easy Publications, |
2017 |
9789351472728 |
303 p.: |
UG Library |
153.9 MIL |
05030266 |
Mind Magic. |
Papert, Seymour P Hd |
McGraw-Hill, |
2005 |
0071468056 |
282p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 PIA |
00119755 |
The Psychology of Intelligence |
Piaget, Jean |
Routledge, |
2012 |
9780415254014 |
xi:202p.; |
UG Library |
153.9 PIL |
00134953 |
Chanakya in the classroom: |
Pillai,Radhakrishnan |
Rupa publiations india pvt ltd., |
2018 |
9789353049393 |
xii,148p.; |
UG Library |
153.9 PIL |
10003583 |
Chanakya in the classroom: |
Pillai,Radhakrishnan |
Rupa publiations india pvt ltd., |
2018 |
9789353049393 |
xii,148p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.9 PRA |
04020265 |
Quantitative Aptitude and Resoning / |
Praveen, R. V. |
PHI, |
2013 |
9788120347779 |
2nd ed. |
757p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.9 PRA |
04020266 |
Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning / |
Praveen, R.V |
PHI, |
2012 |
9788120344310 |
220 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.9 PRA |
05025556 |
Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning / |
Praveen, R.V |
PHI, |
2012 |
9788120344310 |
220 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 PRA |
04014617 |
Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning / |
Praveen, R.V |
PHI, |
2012 |
9788120344310 |
220 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.9 RAO |
04020264 |
Quantitative Aptitude : |
Rao, U. Mohan |
Scitech Publication, |
2012 |
9788183714631 |
v p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.9 RAO |
04021926 |
Quantitative Aptitude : |
Rao, U. Mohan |
Scitech Publication, |
2012 |
9788183714631 |
v p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.9 RAO |
03010441 |
Quantitative Aptitude : |
Rao, U. Mohan |
Scitech Publication, |
2012 |
9788183714631 |
v p |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.9 RAO |
03010442 |
Quantitative Aptitude : |
Rao, U. Mohan |
Scitech Publication, |
2012 |
9788183714631 |
v p |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.9 ROB |
05064920 |
The intelligence trap : |
Robson, David . |
Hodder & Stoughton, |
2019 |
9781529311433 (hardcover) |
viii, 337 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 SCH |
00009756 |
Assessment and Testing |
Schofield Harry |
George Allen & Unwin Ltd |
1972 |
0043700411 |
180 p |
UG Library |
153.9 SHA |
10001251 |
Teach Yourself Quantitative Aptitude : |
Sharma, Arun. |
McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, |
2019 |
9789353166946 |
2nd ed. |
xviii,25.677p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.9 SIN |
04020270 |
SSC Quantitative Aptitude ; |
Singh, Nitika |
Arihant Publication, |
2014 |
9789350944509 |
441p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.9 STE |
00099739 |
Wisdom, intelligence, and creativity synthesized / |
Sternberg, Robert J. |
Cambridge University Press, |
0521802385 | 0521002710 (pbk.) |
xviii, 227 p. : |
UG Library |
153.9 STE |
00060133 |
Psychology of Abilities, Competencies, and Expertise |
Sternberg, Robert J. |
Cambridge University Press |
2003 |
0521007763 | 9780521007764 |
280 p. |
UG Library |
153.9 STE |
07004619 |
Handbook of intelligence / |
Cambridge University Press, |
2000 |
0521593719 (hardcover) | 05215 |
xiii, 677 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.9 STE |
09000828 |
Human intelligence : an introduction / |
Sternberg, Robert J. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2020 |
9781108703864 |
495 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.9 STE |
05059713 |
The nature of human intelligence / |
Cambridge University Press, |
2018 |
9781107176577 (hardback) | 978 |
xiv,335p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 STE |
05030667 |
Successful Intelligence: How Practical and Creative Intelligence Determine |
Sternberg, J Robert |
1996 |
0684814102 |
303p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 STE |
05008120 |
The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence / |
Cambridge University Press, |
2011 |
9780521518062 | 9780521739115 |
xix, 984 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 STE |
05002177 |
The general factor of intelligence : |
L. Erlbaum Associates, |
2002 |
0805836756 (alk. paper) |
xi, 505 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 THO |
04023060 |
Course in Mental Ability & Qunatitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations / |
Thorpe, Edgar. |
Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited ; |
2013 |
9781259003660 |
3rd. ed. |
963 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.9 THO |
04020261 |
Course in Mental Ability & Qunatitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations / |
Thorpe, Edgar. |
Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited ; |
2013 |
9781259003660 |
3rd. ed. |
963 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.9 THO |
04022119 |
Course in Mental Ability & Qunatitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations / |
Thorpe, Edgar. |
Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited ; |
2013 |
9781259003660 |
3rd. ed. |
963 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.9 THO |
00055313 |
Course in Mental Ability and Quantitative Aptitude |
Thorpe, Edgar |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd |
2002 |
0074639390 | 9780074639399 |
2nd Ed. |
435 p. |
UG Library |
153.9 THO |
00056160 |
Course in Mental Bility and Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinati |
Thorpe, Edgar |
0074639390 |
434p |
UG Library |
153.9 TOL |
00058064 |
How to Pass Verbal Reasoning Tests |
Tolley,Harry |
Kogan Page |
2002 |
8175541628 | 9788175541627 |
2nd Ed. |
131 p. |
UG Library |
153.9 TOR |
00017488 |
Guiding Creative Talent |
Torrance, Paul E. |
Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd |
1962 |
278 p. |
UG Library |
153.9 TRE |
00129222 |
Expertise, Communication, and Organizing / |
Treem W. Jeffrey |
Oxford University Press, |
2016 |
0198739230 | 9780198739234 | |
xix, 284 p. : |
UG Library |
153.9 TRI |
04020263 |
Quantitative Aptitude : |
Trivedi, Kashyap R. |
Tata McGraw HIll, |
2009 |
9780070263598 |
539p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.9 TRI |
04020269 |
Quantitative Aptitude : |
Pearson, |
2013 |
9788131787816 |
v p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.9 TRI |
03009672 |
Quantitative Aptitude : |
Pearson, |
2013 |
9788131787816 |
v p |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.9 VAS |
05074990 |
The Smart and the Dumb : |
Vasanthakumar, Vishal. |
Penguin Random House, |
2024 |
9780670098637 |
xiv, 179 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 VPH |
00121818 |
Quantitative aptitude for competitive examinations |
Vikas Publishing House |
Vikas Publishing house |
2015 |
9789325976078 |
40.36p. |
UG Library |
153.9 WEN |
00051077 |
Einstein Factor |
Wenger,Win Ph D, |
Prime Publishing |
1996 |
0076150186 | 9780761501862 |
332 p. |
UG Library |
153.9 WEN |
05030655 |
Einstein Factor: a Proven New Method for Increasing Your Intelligence |
Wenger, Win |
Prima Publishing: |
1996 |
0761501862 |
332 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.9 ZOH |
03008341 |
SQ - Spiritual Inteligence the Ultimate Intelligence / |
Zohar, Danah. |
Bloomsbury, |
2009 |
9780747546764 |
324 p |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.9 ZOH |
05030235 |
Spiritual Intelligence the Ultimate Intelligence / |
Zohar, Danah |
Bloomsbury , |
2001 |
0747546762 |
322p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.92 CAR |
03002451 |
Test and Assess Your Brain Quotient : |
Carter, Philip. |
Kogan Page, |
2009 |
9788175544741 |
229 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.92 KPS |
05073591 |
KP & The Genie : |
K P, Sudharshan. |
IQ Genie Pvt, |
2022 |
9788195859009 |
176p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.93 BRI |
03010082 |
My Way |
O'Brien, Derek |
Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd., |
2014 |
9788129130884 |
142 p.; |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 BRI |
04022783 |
My Way |
O'Brien, Derek |
Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd., |
2014 |
9788129130884 |
142 p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 BRY |
03002422 |
How to Pass Data Interpretation Tests : |
Bryon, Mike. |
Kogan Page, |
2010 |
9788175545069 |
213 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 CAR |
03001923 |
IQ and Psychometric Text Workbook / |
Carter, Philip. |
Kogan Page, |
2008 |
9788175543973 | 8175543973 |
266 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 CAR 1 |
03001922 |
IQ and Aptitude Tests |
Carter, Philip |
Kogan Page |
9788175543935 |
180 p |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 DUB |
00138170 |
Inkbolt personality test: |
Dubey,Bankey Lal |
Sage ppublications india pvt ltd., |
2019 |
9789353284619 |
xxii,479p.; |
UG Library |
153.93 DUB |
07013781 |
Inkbolt personality test: |
Dubey,Bankey Lal |
Sage ppublications india pvt ltd., |
2019 |
9789353284619 |
xxii,479p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
153.93 DUB |
09000654 |
Inkbolt personality test: |
Dubey,Bankey Lal |
Sage ppublications india pvt ltd., |
2019 |
9789353284619 |
xxii,479p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 DUB |
00139767 |
Inkbolt personality test: |
Dubey,Bankey Lal |
Sage ppublications india pvt ltd., |
2019 |
9789353284619 |
xxii,479p.; |
UG Library |
153.93 DUB |
10005314 |
Inkbolt personality test: |
Dubey,Bankey Lal |
Sage ppublications india pvt ltd., |
2019 |
9789353284619 |
xxii,479p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.93 DUB |
10001566 |
Inkbolt personality test: |
Dubey,Bankey Lal |
Sage ppublications india pvt ltd., |
2019 |
9789353284619 |
xxii,479p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.93 KON |
03003748 |
CAT Common Admission Test : |
Koncept Books, |
2011 |
9788183553544 |
p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 RUS |
03001712 |
Book of IQ Tests / |
Russell, Ken. |
Kogan Page, |
2002 |
9788175541665 | 8175542802 |
193 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 RUS |
03001713 |
Book of IQ Tests / |
Russell, Ken. |
Kogan Page, |
2002 |
9788175541665 | 8175542802 |
193 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 RUS |
03001714 |
Book of IQ Tests / |
Russell, Ken. |
Kogan Page, |
2002 |
9788175541665 | 8175542802 |
193 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 RUS |
03001711 |
Book of IQ Tests / |
Russell, Ken. |
Kogan Page, |
2002 |
9788175541665 | 8175542802 |
193 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
04006127 |
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the Cat |
Sharma, Arun |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2011 |
9780070704824 |
p v |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
03003303 |
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT / |
Sharma, Arun. |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, |
2011 |
9780070704824 | 0070704821 |
3rd ed. |
p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
04006128 |
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the Cat |
Sharma, Arun |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2011 |
9780070704824 |
p v |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
03003305 |
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT / |
Sharma, Arun. |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, |
2011 |
9780070704824 | 0070704821 |
3rd ed. |
p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 AGG |
07015198 |
Quantitative Aptitude / |
Aggarwal, R S |
S Chand, |
2017 |
9789352534029 |
952p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.93 AGG |
05072402 |
Quanitative aptitude : |
Aggarwal, R S. |
S Chand and Company Limited, |
2017 |
9789352534029 |
Revised edition ; |
952p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.93 AGG |
10000653 |
Quanitative aptitude : |
Aggarwal, R S. |
S Chand and Company Limited, |
2017 |
9789352534029 |
Revised edition ; |
952p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.93 AGG |
07015646 |
Quantitative Aptitude: |
Aggarwal, R S |
S Chand, |
2022 |
9789355012326 |
910p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.93 AGG |
03013114 |
Quantitative Aptitude / |
Aggarwal, R S |
S Chand, |
2017 |
9789352534029 |
952p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 AGG |
03013115 |
Quantitative Aptitude / |
Aggarwal, R S |
S Chand, |
2017 |
9789352534029 |
952p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 AGG |
04027730 |
Quantitative Aptitude / |
Aggarwal, R S |
S Chand, |
2017 |
9789352534029 |
952p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 AGG |
04027731 |
Quantitative Aptitude / |
Aggarwal, R S |
S Chand, |
2017 |
9789352534029 |
952p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 AGG |
00140354 |
Quantitative Aptitude / |
Aggarwal, R S |
S Chand, |
2017 |
9789352534029 |
952p. : |
UG Library |
153.93 AGG |
04027732 |
Quantitative Aptitude / |
Aggarwal, R S |
S Chand, |
2017 |
9789352534029 |
952p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 AGG |
04030452 |
Quantitative Aptitude: |
Aggarwal, R S |
S Chand, |
2022 |
9789355012326 |
910p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 AGG |
04027733 |
Quantitative Aptitude / |
Aggarwal, R S |
S Chand, |
2017 |
9789352534029 |
952p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 AGG |
04030453 |
Quantitative Aptitude: |
Aggarwal, R S |
S Chand, |
2022 |
9789355012326 |
910p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 AGG |
04027734 |
Quantitative Aptitude / |
Aggarwal, R S |
S Chand, |
2017 |
9789352534029 |
952p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 AGG |
05066602 |
Quantitative Aptitude / |
Aggarwal, R S |
S Chand, |
2017 |
9789352534029 |
952p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.93 AZZ |
00060559 |
How to Succeed in IQ Tests |
Azzopardi, Gilles |
Infinity Books |
2003 |
9788179290637 |
221p |
UG Library |
153.93 AZZ |
00060560 |
How to Succeed in IQ Tests |
Azzopardi, Gilles |
Infinity Books |
2003 |
9788179290637 |
221p |
UG Library |
153.93 BAR |
00122756 |
Measuring intelligence : |
Bartholomew, David J. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2004 |
0521836190 | 0521544785 (pbk.) |
xiv, 172 p. ; |
UG Library |
153.93 BIR |
05049754 |
Statistical theories of mental test scores |
Birnbaum A |
Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. |
1968 |
xvii, 568 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.93 BRI |
00116622 |
My Way |
O'Brien, Derek |
Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd., |
2014 |
9788129130884 |
142 p.; |
UG Library |
153.93 BRY |
07000622 |
How to pass advanced verbal reasoning tests / |
Bryon, Mike. |
Kogan Page, |
2010 |
9780749467937 | 0749460792 (pb |
2nd ed. |
x, 244 p. ; |
Library - BR Campus |
153.93 BRY |
04017920 |
How to pass advanced verbal reasoning tests / |
Bryon, Mike. |
Kogan Page, |
2010 |
9780749467937 | 0749460792 (pb |
2nd ed. |
x, 244 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 BRY |
09000777 |
How to pass advanced verbal reasoning tests / |
Bryon, Mike. |
Kogan Page, |
2010 |
9780749467937 | 0749460792 (pb |
2nd ed. |
x, 244 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 CAR |
07012012 |
Test Your IQ : |
Carter, Philip |
Viva Books, |
2016 |
9788130934112 |
172p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.93 CAR |
09000720 |
IQ Testing : |
Carter, Philip |
Viva Books, |
2016 |
9788130934129 |
165p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 CAR |
09000719 |
Test and Assess Your IQ : |
Carter Philip |
Source Books, |
2016 |
9788130934105 |
178p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 CAR |
09000718 |
Test and Assess Your Brain Quotient : |
Carter Philip |
Source Books, |
2016 |
9788130934143 |
vii,229p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 CAR |
09000710 |
Succeed At IQ Tests : |
Carter Philip |
Source Books, |
2016 |
9788130934136 |
195p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 CAR |
00060890 |
IQ and Psychometric Tests: Assess Your Personality Aptitude and Intelligence |
Carter, Philip |
Kogan Page |
8175542624 |
264p |
UG Library |
153.93 CAR |
04025980 |
IQ Testing : |
Carter, Philip |
Viva Books, |
2016 |
9788130934129 |
165p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 CAR |
04025993 |
Test Your IQ : |
Carter, Philip |
Viva Books, |
2016 |
9788130934112 |
172p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 CAR |
04025990 |
Test and Assess Your IQ : |
Carter Philip |
Source Books, |
2016 |
9788130934105 |
178p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 CAR |
04025992 |
Test Your EQ : |
Carter, Philip |
Viva Books, |
2016 |
9788130934174 |
178p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 CAR |
07002283 |
Succeed At IQ Tests : |
Carter Philip |
Source Books, |
2016 |
9788130934136 |
195p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.93 CAR |
07002285 |
Test and Assess Your IQ : |
Carter Philip |
Source Books, |
2016 |
9788130934105 |
178p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.93 CAR |
09000717 |
Test Your IQ : |
Carter, Philip |
Viva Books, |
2016 |
9788130934112 |
172p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 CAR |
07002284 |
Test and Assess Your Brain Quotient : |
Carter Philip |
Source Books, |
2016 |
9788130934143 |
vii,229p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.93 CAR |
05002176 |
IQ and personality tests / |
Carter, Philip J. |
Kogan Page Ltd., |
9780749449544 | 9788175543713 |
207 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.93 CAR |
04025988 |
Succeed At IQ Tests : |
Carter Philip |
Source Books, |
2016 |
9788130934136 |
195p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 CAR |
04025989 |
Test and Assess Your Brain Quotient : |
Carter Philip |
Source Books, |
2016 |
9788130934143 |
vii,229p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 CAR |
07000726 |
Ultimate IQ tests : |
Carter, Philip J. |
Kogan Page, |
2012 |
9780749464073 (pbk.) |
2nd ed. |
316 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.93 CAR |
04008422 |
Test your IQ : |
Carter, Philip |
Kogan page, |
2010 |
9788175545090 |
2nd ed. |
172p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 CAR |
00068425 |
IQ and Psychometric Tests |
Carter, Philip |
Kogan Page |
2005 |
8175542624 |
263p |
UG Library |
153.93 CAR |
00086470 |
IQ and Psychometric Tests |
Carter, Philip |
Kogan Page |
2005 |
8175542624 |
263p |
UG Library |
153.93 CAR |
04008509 |
IQ tests to keep you sharp / |
Carter, Philip J. |
Orient Paperbacks, |
2009 |
9788122203721 |
160p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 CAR |
00096523 |
IQ and personality tests / |
Carter, Philip J. |
Kogan Page Ltd., |
2007 |
9780749449544 | 0749449543 |
207 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.93 CAR |
05033368 |
IQ and personality tests / |
Carter, Philip J. |
Kogan Page Ltd., |
2007 |
9780749449544 | 0749449543 |
207 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.93 CL |
04009540 |
Reading Comprehension for CAT / |
Cengage Learning, |
2011 |
9788131514481 |
380 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 FLA |
07003934 |
Contemporary intellectual assessment : |
Guilford Press, |
2012 |
9781609189952 (harcover) |
3rd ed. |
xviii, 926 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.93 GUH |
04030463 |
Quantitative Aptitude : |
Guha, Abhijit |
McGraw Hill, |
2020 |
9789389811544 |
7th Ed. |
V P. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 JAC |
00053368 |
Understanding Psychological Testing |
Jackson, Charles |
Jaico |
2001 |
8172249209 |
174p |
UG Library |
153.93 KAP |
09001087 |
Psychological Testing : |
Kaplan, Robert M. |
Wadsworth, |
2009 |
9780495506355 |
7th ed. |
715p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 KAU |
07003939 |
Intelligent testing : |
Cambridge University Press, |
2009 |
9781107423558 |
xii, 243 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.93 KAU |
05024416 |
Intelligent testing : |
James C Kaufman |
Cambridge University Press, |
2009 |
9780521861212 (hbk.) | 0521861 |
xii, 252 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.93 KAU |
09001004 |
Intelligent testing : |
Cambridge University Press, |
2009 |
9781107423558 |
xii, 243 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 KIC |
04027271 |
Quantitative Aptitude : |
Kiran Prakashan, |
2016 |
1280p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 KRA |
07003931 |
Assessing intelligence in children and adolescents : |
Kranzler, John H. |
The Guiford Press, |
2013 |
9781462511211 (pbk.) |
xiv, 258 pages : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.93 MEP |
04023109 |
GATE 2015 : Verbal & Numerical Ability / |
Made Easy Publications, |
2014 |
9789383643349 |
442p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 PUR |
04028968 |
28 Topic Wise and Year Wise Solved Papers for CAT 2018 : |
Puri, Gautam |
C L Media, |
2018 |
9789387444515 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 RUS |
09000714 |
IQ Tests : |
Russell, Ken |
Source Books, |
2016 |
9788130934198 |
974p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 RUS |
07000634 |
IQ Tests : |
Russell, Ken |
Source Books, |
2016 |
9788130934198 |
974p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.93 RUS |
04008507 |
Check your IQ / |
Russell, Ken |
Orient Paperbacks, |
2010 |
9788122202069 |
160p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 RUS |
04024618 |
IQ Tests : |
Russell, Ken |
Source Books, |
2016 |
9788130934198 |
974p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 RUS |
09000996 |
Ultimate IQ tests : |
Carter, Philip J. |
Kogan Page, |
2015 |
9780749474300 (paperback) |
Third edition. |
315 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
03011691 |
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT / |
Sharma, Arun. |
McgrawHill, |
2015 |
9789339222697 | 9339222695 |
6th Ed. |
V P |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
04025172 |
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT / |
Sharma, Arun. |
McgrawHill, |
2015 |
9789339222697 | 9339222695 |
6th Ed. |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
03011693 |
How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT / |
Sharma, Arun |
McGraw Hill, |
2014 |
9789339205584 |
V P |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
04028974 |
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading commprehension for CAT / |
Sharma, Arun |
Tata McGraw Hill, |
2018 |
9789353160197 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
10001213 |
How to prepare for verbal ability and reading comprehension for CAT : |
Sharma, Arun. |
McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, |
2021 |
9789389811414 |
9th Ed |
xxiii,886p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.93 SHA |
04030462 |
Teach Yourself Quantitative Aptitude Useful for all Competitive Examinations / |
Sharma,Arun. |
McGraw Hill, |
2019 |
9789353166946 |
2nd ed. |
xviii,25.677p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
03002367 |
Complete CAT Digest |
Sharma, Arun |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
9780070619920 |
p v |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
03010877 |
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT / |
Sharma, Arun. |
Tata McGraw Hill, |
2014 |
9789339205133 | 9339205138 |
5th Ed. |
V P |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
07010416 |
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT / |
Sharma, Arun |
Tata McGraw Hill, |
2017 |
9789352602261 |
V P |
Library - BR Campus |
153.93 SHA |
04025302 |
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT / |
Sharma, Arun. |
McgrawHill, |
2015 |
9789339222697 | 9339222695 |
6th Ed. |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
03012025 |
How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT / |
Sharma, Arun. |
McGraw Hill, |
2014 |
9789339205126 | 933920512X |
713 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
04016138 |
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT / |
Sharma, Arun |
McGraw hill, |
2011 |
9780071332132 |
6.19 |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
04027606 |
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT / |
Sharma, Arun |
Tata McGraw Hill, |
2017 |
9789352602261 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
04027607 |
How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CAT / |
Sharma, Arun |
McGraw Hill, |
2017 |
9789352602254 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
04027577 |
How to prepare for logical reasoning for the cat / |
Sharma, Arun |
Mc Graw Hill Publication, |
2017 |
9789352602230 |
xv,3.336p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
03004035 |
How to Prepare for Data Interpretation & Logical Reasonging for the CAT : |
Sharma, Arun. |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, |
2011 |
9780070704817 | 0070704817 |
5th ed. |
P.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
03004034 |
How to Prepare for Data Interpretation & Logical Reasonging for the CAT : |
Sharma, Arun. |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, |
2011 |
9780070704817 | 0070704817 |
5th ed. |
P.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
03004032 |
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT / |
Sharma, Arun. |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, |
2011 |
9780070704824 | 0070704821 |
3rd ed. |
p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
03004033 |
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT / |
Sharma, Arun. |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, |
2011 |
9780070704824 | 0070704821 |
3rd ed. |
p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
03013572 |
How to prepare for data interpretation for CAT : |
Sharma, Arun. |
McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, |
2021 |
9789354600616 |
7th Ed |
xxxi,iii.25p.; |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
04022665 |
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT / |
Sharma, Arun. |
Tata McGraw Hill, |
2014 |
9789339205133 | 9339205138 |
5th Ed. |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
03013573 |
How to prepare for logical reasoning for CAT : |
Sharma, Arun. |
McGraw HIll Education (India) Private Limited, |
2021 |
9789354600555 |
6th Ed |
xx,iii.136p.; |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
05000996 |
How to Prepare for Data Interpreration for the CAT / |
Sharma, Arun |
Tata Mcgrawhill, |
2012 |
9781259003837 |
12.16 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.93 SHA |
04027260 |
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT / |
Sharma, Arun |
Tata McGraw Hill, |
2017 |
9789352602261 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
03011862 |
How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT / |
Sharma, Arun |
McGraw Hill, |
2014 |
9789339205584 |
V P |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
03011860 |
How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for the CAT : |
Sharma, Arun. |
McGraw Hill Education India Pvt. Ltd., |
2015 |
9339222687 | 9789339222680 |
3rd ed. |
p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
03011861 |
How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for the CAT : |
Sharma, Arun. |
McGraw Hill Education India Pvt. Ltd., |
2015 |
9339222687 | 9789339222680 |
3rd ed. |
p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
04016130 |
How to Prepare for Data Interpreration for the CAT / |
Sharma, Arun |
Tata Mcgrawhill, |
2012 |
9781259003837 |
12.16 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 SHA |
00019408 |
Test Your Own I.Q |
Sharma, R S |
Kumar |
1978 |
260p |
UG Library |
153.93 SIN |
04008095 |
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT / |
Sinha, Nishit K. |
Pearson, |
2016 |
9789332570023 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 SIN |
03012394 |
Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT / |
Sinha, Nishit K |
Pearson, |
2016 |
9789332570016 |
7th ed. ; |
xviii, 5.27p. ; |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 SIN |
04028976 |
Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT / |
SInha, Nishit K |
Pearson, |
2016 |
9789332571211 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 SIN |
04027601 |
Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT / |
SInha, Nishit K |
Pearson, |
2016 |
9789332571211 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 SIN |
04027595 |
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT / |
Sinha, Nishit K. |
Pearson, |
2016 |
9789332570023 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 SIN |
04027596 |
Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT / |
Sinha, Nishit K |
Pearson, |
2016 |
9789332570016 |
7th ed. ; |
xviii, 5.27p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 SIN |
03013611 |
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT / |
Sinha, Nishit K |
Pearson, |
2022 |
9789356062887 |
4th Ed. : |
xvii, 7.30p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 SIN |
03013596 |
Quantitative Aptitude for CAT / |
Sinha, Nishit K |
Pearson, |
2022 |
9789356062870 |
5th Ed. : |
l, 4.26p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.93 SIN |
10003038 |
Quantitative Aptitude for CAT / |
Sinha, Nishit K |
Pearson, |
2022 |
9789356062870 |
5th Ed. : |
l, 4.26p. : |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.93 SRE |
00120643 |
Intelligence and Personality of Prospective Teachers |
Sreenivas Gittaboina |
Discovery Publishing House |
2012 |
9789350561010 |
234 p.: |
UG Library |
153.93 THO |
05065549 |
Test of Reasoning for All Competitive Examinations / |
Thorpe, Edgar |
McGraHill, |
2017 |
9789352604951 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre |
153.93 THO |
04027594 |
Test of Reasoning for All Competitive Examinations / |
Thorpe, Edgar |
McGraHill, |
2017 |
9789352604951 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 TOL |
04008364 |
How to pass verbal reasoning tests / |
Tolley, Harry |
Kogan page, |
2008 |
9788175543904 |
3rd ed. |
vii, 163p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 VER |
04027670 |
Quantitative Aptitude Quantum CAT / |
Verma, Sarvesh K |
Arihant Publications, |
2017 |
9789311123875 |
807p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 VER |
05073754 |
Introduction to modeling cognitive processes / |
Verguts, Tom, |
The MIT Press, |
2022 |
9780262045360 |
xi, 245 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.93 VER |
04030451 |
Quantitative Aptitude : Quantum CAT/ |
Verma, Sarvesh K |
Arihant, |
2022 |
9789326193351 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 WEI |
09001133 |
Rorschach assessment of senior adults / |
Routledge, |
2019 |
9780367243838 |
223p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.93 ZAH |
03007415 |
McGraw-Hill's Conquering the New GRE Verbal and Writing / |
Zahler, Kathy A. |
McGraw-Hill, |
2011 |
0071495983 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
vii, 229 p. ; |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.932 RUS |
03001949 |
Test Your IQ : |
Russell, Ken. |
Kogan Page, |
2008 |
9788175541375 | 8175541377 |
186 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.932 STI |
03002831 |
Mammoth Book of Brain Treasers : |
Stickels, Terry. |
Robinson, |
2009 |
9781845298609 |
515 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.932 ARO |
04025170 |
Step by Step Approach to Mental Ability NTSE and othe Talent Search Exams / |
Arora, Ashish |
C L Media, |
2015 |
9789351445951 |
483p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.932 RUS |
00058068 |
Test Your IQ : |
Russell, Ken. |
Kogan Page, |
2008 |
9788175541375 | 8175541377 |
186 p.: |
UG Library |
153.9323 SIM |
04000274 |
Brain-Flexing IQ Tests / |
Simpson, Fraser |
Orient Paper Backs, |
2008 |
9788122203714 |
158 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.9323 SAB |
00029836 |
Lucky Stars Tests of Reasoning (verbal Tests) |
Sabharwal, Y P |
Surjeet |
1988 |
280 p |
UG Library |
153.9323 SAB |
00029840 |
Lucky Star`s Comprehensive Top Intelligence Tests |
Sabharwal, Y P |
Surjeet |
1988 |
308 p |
UG Library |
153.9323 SIM |
04008508 |
Brain-Flexing IQ Tests / |
Simpson, Fraser |
Orient Paper Backs, |
2008 |
9788122203714 |
158 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.933 CEG |
00042370 |
Group Discussion |
Current Events Guides |
English Book Depot |
1997 |
185p |
UG Library |
153.933 SAR |
00032848 |
Group Discussions |
Sarbadhikary, Debabratha |
Dattatreya Prakashan |
1991 |
1st Ed. |
173 p. |
UG Library |
153.933 SHA |
00017163 |
Group Dynamics:The Psychology of Small Group Behaviour |
Shaw, Marvin E |
T M H |
1977 |
464 p |
UG Library |
153.94 AGA |
00129882 |
Quantitative Aptitude |
Agarwal, Deepak |
Sisha Publication, |
2018 |
9789384905323 |
534 p . : |
UG Library |
153.94 BAR |
03002401 |
Career, Aptitude & Selection Tests : |
Barrett, Jim. |
Kogan Page, |
2008 |
9788175543928 |
3rd ed. |
186 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.94 BAR |
03001890 |
Career, Aptitude & Selection Tests : |
Barrett, Jim. |
Kogan Page, |
2008 |
9788175543928 |
3rd ed. |
186 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.94 BAR 1 |
03002392 |
Aptitude, Personality & Motivation Tests : |
Barrett, Jim. |
Kogan Page, |
2008 |
9788175543942 | 8175543949 |
2nd ed. |
227 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.94 BAR 1 |
03001872 |
Aptitude, Personality & Motivation Tests : |
Barrett, Jim. |
Kogan Page, |
2008 |
9788175543942 | 8175543949 |
2nd ed. |
227 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.94 BRY |
03001916 |
How to Pass Advanced Numeracy Tests : |
Bryon, Mike. |
Kogan Page, |
2008 |
9788175543966 | 8175543965 |
210 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.94 HEA |
04005719 |
More How to Win at Aptitude Tests: A Complete Practical Guide With Exercises, Tips, Examples |
Healy, Liam |
Harper Collins |
2007 |
9780007272624 |
209 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 KHA |
03003611 |
Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations |
Khattar, Dinesh |
Pearson Education |
9788131719565 |
100 p. |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.94 SHA |
04006134 |
How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the Cat |
Sharma, Arun |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2011 |
9780070703421 |
622 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 SHA |
04023096 |
Study Package for the CAT Online / |
Sharma, Arun |
Tata McGraw Hill, |
2012 |
9781259027031 |
2nd ed. |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 SHA |
04023097 |
Test Series for the CAT Online / |
Sharma, Arun |
Tata McGraw Hill, |
2012 |
9781259027239 |
2nd ed. |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 SHA |
00032850 |
Every Body`s Guide to Ssb Interviews |
Sharma, Man Mohan |
Dp |
1991 |
216 p.; |
UG Library |
153.94 SHA |
03003304 |
How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT / |
Sharma, Arun. |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company , |
2011 |
9780070703421 | 0070703426 |
622 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.94 SHA |
04006135 |
How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the Cat |
Sharma, Arun |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2011 |
9780070703421 |
622 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 SHA |
03003306 |
How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT / |
Sharma, Arun. |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company , |
2011 |
9780070703421 | 0070703426 |
622 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.94 SIN |
03003612 |
Pearson Complete Guide To The CAT |
Sinha, Nishit K |
Pearson Education |
2010 |
9788131722091 |
100 p. |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.94 STE |
00060135 |
Dynamic Testing |
Sternberg, J. Robert |
Cambridge University Press |
2002 |
0052177814 | 9780521778145 |
218 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.94 TRI |
04000141 |
Quantitative Aptitude / |
Pearson Education, |
2008 |
9788131700303 |
771 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 ACC |
04028187 |
Quantitative Aptitude for CAT / |
Balasubramanian, Rajesh |
Access Publishing, |
2014 |
9789383454198 |
xi, 27.19p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 AGA |
00052154 |
Course in Quantitative Aptitude for Competititve Examinations |
Agarwal, P K |
Cyber Tech Publications |
2001 |
8178840049 |
402p |
UG Library |
153.94 AGG |
04021275 |
Quantitative Aptitude/ |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand Company, |
2011 |
9788121924986 | 8121924987 |
756 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 AGG |
04021276 |
Quantitative Aptitude/ |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand Company, |
2011 |
9788121924986 | 8121924987 |
756 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 AGG |
05017451 |
Quantitative Aptitude/ |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand Company, |
2011 |
9788121924986 | 8121924987 |
756 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.94 AGG |
00090902 |
Quantitative Aptitude:For Competitive Examinations(fully Solved) |
Aggarwal, R S |
S Chand |
2010 |
8121924987 |
726p |
UG Library |
153.94 AGG |
07010196 |
Quantitative Aptitude/ |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand Company, |
2011 |
9788121924986 | 8121924987 |
756 p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.94 AGG |
03004036 |
Quantitative Aptitude/ |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand Company, |
2011 |
9788121924986 | 8121924987 |
756 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.94 AGG |
03004037 |
Quantitative Aptitude/ |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand Company, |
2011 |
9788121924986 | 8121924987 |
756 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.94 AGG |
03004038 |
Quantitative Aptitude/ |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand Company, |
2011 |
9788121924986 | 8121924987 |
756 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.94 AGG |
03004039 |
Quantitative Aptitude/ |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand Company, |
2011 |
9788121924986 | 8121924987 |
756 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.94 AGG |
03004040 |
Quantitative Aptitude/ |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand Company, |
2011 |
9788121924986 | 8121924987 |
756 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.94 AGG |
00115445 |
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations |
Aggarwal, R S |
S Chand |
2004 |
9788121924986 |
726 p. |
UG Library |
153.94 AGG |
04023249 |
Quantitative Aptitude/ |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand Company, |
2011 |
9788121924986 | 8121924987 |
756 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 AGG |
04023250 |
Quantitative Aptitude/ |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand Company, |
2011 |
9788121924986 | 8121924987 |
756 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 AGG |
00111349 |
Quantitative Aptitude/ |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand Company, |
2011 |
9788121924986 | 8121924987 |
756 p.: |
UG Library |
153.94 AGG |
04020856 |
Quantitative Aptitude/ |
Aggarwal, R. S. |
S. Chand Company, |
2011 |
9788121924986 | 8121924987 |
756 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 BAL |
04026340 |
Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT / |
Balasubramanian, Rajesh |
Access Publishing, |
2015 |
9789383454402 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 BAR |
07000722 |
Ultimate Aptitude Tests : |
Barrett, James. |
Kogan Page, |
2008 |
9780749452674 | 9788175544680 | 9780749463175 |
vi, 201 p. : |
Library - BR Campus |
153.94 BAR |
03008060 |
Ultimate Aptitude Tests : |
Barrett, James. |
Kogan Page, |
2008 |
9780749452674 | 9788175544680 | 9780749463175 |
vi, 201 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.94 BAR |
04025972 |
Aptitude,Personality and Motivation Tests : |
Barrett Jim |
Source Books, |
2016 |
9788130934181 |
x,244p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 BAR |
07002275 |
Aptitude,Personality and Motivation Tests : |
Barrett Jim |
Source Books, |
2016 |
9788130934181 |
x,244p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.94 BAR |
00115442 |
Career, Aptitue & Selection Tests |
Barrett, Jim |
Kogan Page |
2002 |
9788175541658 |
199p |
UG Library |
153.94 BAR |
04008467 |
Ultimate Aptitude Tests : |
Barrett, James. |
Kogan Page, |
2008 |
9780749452674 | 9788175544680 | 9780749463175 |
vi, 201 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 BAR |
03008128 |
Career, Aptitude and Selection Tests : |
Barrett, James. |
Kogan Page, |
2009 |
9780749456955 (pbk.) | 9788175 |
3rd ed. |
215 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.94 BAR |
00125508 |
Ultimate Aptitude Tests : |
Barrett, James. |
Kogan Page, |
2008 |
9780749452674 | 9788175544680 | 9780749463175 |
vi, 201 p. : |
UG Library |
153.94 BAR |
00087634 |
Aptitude, Personality Et Motivation Tests. |
Barrett, Jim |
Kogan Page |
2008 |
8175543949 |
227p |
UG Library |
153.94 BAR |
09000995 |
Ultimate aptitude tests : |
Barrett, James, |
Kogan Page, |
2018 |
9780749482084 | 0749482087 |
Fourth edition. |
vi, 270 pages : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 BUT |
00024931 |
Test Your I.Q. |
Butler, Eamonn |
Rupa |
1984 |
128 p. |
UG Library |
153.94 CL |
04009336 |
Data Analysis and Logical Reasoning for CAT / |
Cengage Learning india, |
2011 |
9788131514467 |
213 .p : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 CL |
04009539 |
Quantitative Aptitude for CAT / |
Cengage Learning, |
2011 |
9788131514474 |
558 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 DEO |
07006163 |
Quantitative Aptitude / |
Deo, Shripad. |
Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., |
2014 |
9788184248784 |
666 p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.94 DEO |
03009978 |
Quantitative Aptitude / |
Deo, Shripad. |
Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., |
2014 |
9788184248784 |
666 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.94 DIS |
04028497 |
Quantitative Aptitude : |
Disha Publications, |
2017 |
9789384905323 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 DIS |
04016093 |
Quantitative Aptitude for CAT and Other Entrance Exams / |
Disha Publication, |
2008 |
702 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 DIS |
04028498 |
Verbal Ability and Comprehension fo CAT / |
Disha Publication |
Disha Publication, |
2017 |
9789384905347 |
2nd ed. ; |
C.196p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 ETH |
05043892 |
Aptimithra |
Ethnus consultency services |
McGraw Hill education Pvt Ltd., |
2013 |
9781259058738 |
484p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.94 FRE |
00019327 |
Theory and Practice of Psychological Testing |
Freeman, Frank S |
Oxford & IBH |
1976 |
3rd edition |
697 p |
UG Library |
153.94 GHO |
00023494 |
Introduction to Psychological Testing |
Ghorpade,Madhavarao B. |
Deepak Pub |
1975 |
1st Ed. |
388 p. |
UG Library |
153.94 GHO |
00023496 |
Introduction to Psychological Testing |
Ghorpade,Madhavarao B. |
Deepak Pub |
1975 |
1st Ed. |
388 p. |
UG Library |
153.94 GHO |
00023495 |
Introduction to Psychological Testing |
Ghorpade,Madhavarao B. |
Deepak Pub |
1975 |
1st Ed. |
388 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.94 GKP |
05065511 |
RRB NTPC Grduate & Under Graduate Posts : |
G K Publications |
G K Publications, |
2019 |
9788193975732 |
p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.94 GUH |
04022697 |
CAT Mathematics / |
Guha, Abhijit |
PHI, |
2014 |
9788120350274 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 GUH |
04022798 |
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations / |
Guha, Abhijit |
Tata McGrawHill, |
2014 |
9789351343554 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 GUH |
07008627 |
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations / |
Guha, Abhijit |
Tata McGrawHill, |
2014 |
9789351343554 |
V P |
Library - BR Campus |
153.94 GUH |
04023033 |
CAT Mathematics / |
Guha, Abhijit |
PHI, |
2014 |
9788120350274 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 GUH |
03010774 |
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations / |
Guha, Abhijit |
Tata McGrawHill, |
2014 |
9789351343554 |
V P |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.94 GUH |
00075629 |
Quantitative Aptitude for MBA Entrance |
Guha, Abhijit |
2005 |
0070402264 |
452p |
UG Library |
153.94 GUH |
04023130 |
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations / |
Guha, Abhijit |
Tata McGrawHill, |
2014 |
9789351343554 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 GUL |
00037942 |
New Light Medical Guide |
Gulshan Rai, Raizada |
0000 |
1 |
UG Library |
153.94 GUN |
03002366 |
Quantitative Aptitude for MBA Entrance Examinations |
Guha, Abhijit |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
9780070635791 |
p v |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.94 HEN |
05037845 |
The Pearson Complete Guide to the SAT / |
Henderson |
Pearson, |
2011 |
9788131759547 |
xv,p.v. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.94 KHA |
04027602 |
The Perarson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination / |
Khattar, Dinesh |
Pearson, |
2017 |
9789332546998 |
3rd ed. ; |
40.14p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 KHA |
04027603 |
The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude for MBA Entrance Examination / |
Khattar, Dinesh |
Pearson, |
2015 |
9789332546981 |
4th ed. ; |
38.12p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 KUM |
04028504 |
Koncepts of Logical Resoning for CAT / |
Kumar, Gajendra |
Disha Publications, |
2017 |
9789386146137 |
322p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 KUM |
04010828 |
Mathematics For CAT Common Admission Test Problems and solutions/ |
Kumar Kaushal |
CBS Publisher & Distributors PVT.LTD. |
2008 |
9798123913154 |
vi,1074 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 KUM |
04001554 |
Mathematics for CAT / |
Kumar, Kaushal |
CBS Publishers and Distributors, |
2008 |
812391315X |
1074p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 KUM |
05034713 |
Mathematics for CAT / |
Kumar, Kaushal |
CBS Publishers and Distributors, |
2008 |
812391315X |
1074p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.94 KUM |
04028495 |
Koncepts of Numbers in Quantitative Aptittude : |
Kumar, Gajendra |
Disha Publication, |
2017 |
9789384089801 |
2nd ed. ; |
308p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 LAL |
05065508 |
Upkar's Railway Recruitment Board : |
Lal |
Upkar Prakashan, |
2016 |
9789350132869 |
p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.94 LLO |
00133184 |
Psychological testing |
Lloyd,Bev |
ED-Tech press, |
2018 |
9781788823913 |
x,324p.; |
UG Library |
153.94 MIT |
04016136 |
Common Admission Test CAT Complete Course / |
Mittal, Dharmendra |
Upkar, |
2012 |
9789350131985 |
744 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 PUR |
04027510 |
Quantitative Aptitude for CAT 2017 : |
Puri, Gautam |
G.K.Publication, |
2017 |
9789386309457 |
5.16p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 PUR |
00037940 |
General Mental Ability Test of Recalling & General Intelligence |
Puri, K Gopal |
1995 |
1 |
UG Library |
153.94 SHA |
04024530 |
How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT / |
Sharma, Arun. |
McGraw Hill, |
2014 |
9789339205126 | 933920512X |
713 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 SHA |
03010879 |
How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for the CAT / |
Sharma, Arun |
Tata McGraw Hill, |
2014 |
9789339205591 |
2nd ed. |
V P |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.94 SHA |
04006138 |
How to Prepare for Data Interpretation & Logical Reasonging for the CAT : |
Sharma, Arun. |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, |
2011 |
9780070704817 | 0070704817 |
5th ed. |
P.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 SHA |
04027505 |
How to prepare for quantitative aptitude / |
Sharma, Arun |
Mc Graw Hill, |
2016 |
9789352602247 |
xvi,827p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 SHA |
04028973 |
How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT / |
Sharma, Arun |
Tata McGraw Hill, |
2018 |
9789353160180 |
8th Ed, |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 SHA |
10001212 |
How to prepare for quantitative aptitude for CAT : |
Sharma, Arun. |
McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, |
2021 |
9789389811407 |
9th ed |
xxv,vii.18p.; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.94 SHA |
04027576 |
How to prepare for quantitative aptitude / |
Sharma, Arun |
Mc Graw Hill, |
2016 |
9789352602247 |
xvi,827p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 SHA |
04022127 |
How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT / |
Sharma, Arun. |
McGraw Hill, |
2014 |
9789339205126 | 933920512X |
713 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 SHA |
04022125 |
How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT / |
Sharma, Arun |
McGraw Hill, |
2014 |
9789339205584 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 SHA |
04022980 |
How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for the CAT / |
Sharma, Arun |
Tata McGraw Hill, |
2014 |
9789339205591 |
2nd ed. |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 SHA |
00032849 |
Every Body`s Guide to Intelligence Tests |
Sharma, Man Mohan |
Dp |
1991 |
156 p |
UG Library |
153.94 SHA |
00125831 |
How to pass psychometric tests |
Shavick, Andrea |
Howtobooks |
2011 |
9781845284473 |
132p. |
UG Library |
153.94 SHA |
04025134 |
How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT / |
Sharma, Arun. |
McGraw Hill, |
2014 |
9789339205126 | 933920512X |
713 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 SHA |
04006139 |
How to Prepare for Data Interpretation & Logical Reasonging for the CAT : |
Sharma, Arun. |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, |
2011 |
9780070704817 | 0070704817 |
5th ed. |
P.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 SHA |
04016133 |
How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT / |
Sharma, Arun |
Tata Mcgrawhill, |
2012 |
9781259027017 |
5th ed. |
639 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 SIN |
04027508 |
Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT / |
Sinha, Nishit K |
Pearson, |
2016 |
9789332570016 |
7th ed. ; |
xviii, 5.27p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 SIN |
04027509 |
Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT / |
Sinha, Nishit K |
Pearson, |
2016 |
9789332570016 |
7th ed. ; |
xviii, 5.27p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 SIN |
05065509 |
Upkar's Railway Recruitment Board : |
Singh,B.K. |
Upkar Prakashan, |
2018 |
9789350135440 |
416p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
153.94 SIN |
04025131 |
The Pearson Complete Guide to the CAT |
Sinha, Nishit K. |
Pearson Publication ; |
2016 |
9789332528819 |
xiv,433p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 SIN |
04025130 |
The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation for the CAT |
Sinha, Nishit K. |
Pearson Publication; |
2014 |
9789332528826 |
xiv, Verious Page. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 STE |
00077216 |
Dynamic Testing |
Sternberg, J. Robert |
Cambridge University Press |
2002 |
0052177814 | 9780521778145 |
218 p. |
UG Library |
153.94 STE |
00077218 |
Dynamic Testing |
Sternberg, J. Robert |
Cambridge University Press |
2002 |
0052177814 | 9780521778145 |
218 p. |
UG Library |
153.94 STE |
00077220 |
Dynamic Testing |
Sternberg, J. Robert |
Cambridge University Press |
2002 |
0052177814 | 9780521778145 |
218 p. |
UG Library |
153.94 STE |
00077219 |
Dynamic Testing |
Sternberg, J. Robert |
Cambridge University Press |
2002 |
0052177814 | 9780521778145 |
218 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
153.94 STE |
00077217 |
Dynamic Testing |
Sternberg, J. Robert |
Cambridge University Press |
2002 |
0052177814 | 9780521778145 |
218 p. |
UG Library |
153.94 STE |
05033700 |
Dynamic testing : |
Sternberg, Robert J. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2002 |
0521771285 | 052177814X (pb.) |
xi, 218 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
153.94 THO |
04022949 |
Test of Reasoning / |
Thorpe, Edgar |
McGraw hill education, |
2013 |
9781259063985 |
5th ed. |
v.p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 THO |
04023182 |
Test of Reasoning / |
Thorpe, Edgar |
McGraw hill education, |
2013 |
9781259063985 |
5th ed. |
v.p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 THO |
00024091 |
Measurements and Evalution in Psychological and Education |
Thorndike, Robert L |
Wishwa Prakash |
1982 |
693p : . |
UG Library |
153.94 THO |
03007292 |
Course in Mental Ability & Qunatitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations / |
Thorpe, Edgar. |
Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited ; |
2013 |
9781259003660 |
3rd. ed. |
963 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.94 TKS |
04009337 |
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning for the CAT / |
pearson, |
2010 |
9788131733141 |
p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94 TRI |
03003616 |
Quantitative Aptitude for CAT and Other MBA Entrance Examination/ |
Pearson Education, |
2010 |
9788131734452 |
100 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
153.94 VAI |
04002241 |
Cracking the CAT / |
Vaishnav, Jagdeep I |
Dreamtech Press |
2007 |
9788177223491 |
768 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94076 SHA |
07015200 |
How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT : |
Sharma Arun |
McGraw Hill, |
2022 |
9789355321626 |
10th ed |
xxvii,vi.31p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
153.94076 SHA |
04030441 |
How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT : |
Sharma Arun |
McGraw Hill, |
2022 |
9789355321626 |
10th ed |
xxvii,vi.31p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94AGG |
04024591 |
Quantitative Aptitude:For Competitive Examinations(fully Solved) |
Aggarwal, R S |
S Chand |
2013 |
8121924987 | 9789352534029 |
726p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94AGG |
04024592 |
Quantitative Aptitude:For Competitive Examinations(fully Solved) |
Aggarwal, R S |
S Chand |
2013 |
8121924987 | 9789352534029 |
726p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94AGG |
04024593 |
Quantitative Aptitude:For Competitive Examinations(fully Solved) |
Aggarwal, R S |
S Chand |
2013 |
8121924987 | 9789352534029 |
726p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94AGG |
04024594 |
Quantitative Aptitude:For Competitive Examinations(fully Solved) |
Aggarwal, R S |
S Chand |
2013 |
8121924987 | 9789352534029 |
726p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.94AGG |
04024595 |
Quantitative Aptitude:For Competitive Examinations(fully Solved) |
Aggarwal, R S |
S Chand |
2013 |
8121924987 | 9789352534029 |
726p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
153.98 GAR |
00109450 |
Extraordinary minds |
Gardner, Howard, |
Basic Books, |
1997 |
0465045154 | 9780465021253 |
1st ed. |
xii, 178 p. : |
UG Library |
153.98 GAR |
05030265 |
Extraordinary Minds Portraits of 4 Exceptinal Individuals and an Examination of Our Own Extraordinariness [msc Counseling Psychology] |
Gardner, Howard |
0465021255 |
178p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.98 HOW |
05033367 |
Psychology of High Abilities / |
Howe, Michael J A |
Macmillan, |
1999 |
0333750977 |
198 p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.98 KUR |
05073668 |
The Singularity is near : |
Kurzweil, Ray. |
Penguin House, |
2005 |
9780143037880 |
xvii,652p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
153.98 STE |
05030234 |
Psychology of Abilities, Competencies and Expertise [ [M.Sc Counselling Psychology] |
Sternberg, J Robert |
0521007763 |
280p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.980922 ROB |
05030243 |
Sudden Genius? |
Robinson, Andrew |
Oxford University Press, |
9780199569953 |
xvii, 371 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
153.980922 ROB |
00101985 |
Sudden Genius? |
Robinson, Andrew |
Oxford University Press, |
9780199569953 |
xvii, 371 p. |
UG Library |
153.9BAR.W |
00060657 |
Test Your Aptitude: Test and Questionnaires to Show Your Abilities, Personality and Motivation |
Barrett, Jim |
Kogan Page |
8175541644 |
210p |
Knowledge Centre |
153.SRI |
05001895 |
Advances in Cognitive Science |
Srinivasan Narayanan |
Sage Publications India Pvt.Ltd. |
9780761936497 |
456p |
Knowledge Centre |
153GEL |
05033369 |
Introducing : |
Gellatly, Angus |
Icon Books, |
2005 |
1840466383 |
176 p |
Knowledge Centre |
154 DEV |
00107752 |
Voice and Memory |
Devy G.N. |
Orient Blackswan Private Limited |
2011 |
9788125042228 |
xxv; 341 P. |
UG Library |
154 FUR |
00017711 |
India Through the Ages |
Furtado, J.V |
Mc Millan |
1963 |
626 p.: |
UG Library |
154 LAN |
00017154 |
Illusions |
Lanners, Edi |
Thames and Hudson |
1976 |
160 p. |
UG Library |
154 MAL |
00029317 |
Psyco Cybernetics |
Maltz, Maxwell |
Wilshire |
1960 |
0879801271 |
xxiv; 256 p |
UG Library |
154 NAC |
05030244 |
Cosiousness and Behaviour / |
Wallace, Benjanmin |
Allyn and Bacon, |
1991 |
0205126499 |
295p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
154 PRO |
00020384 |
Depth Psychology and Modern Man |
Progoff, Ira |
Julian Press |
1959 |
277 p. |
UG Library |
154.2 BAL |
00147681 |
The unconscious in neuroscience and psychoanalysis : |
Balzarini, Marco Máximo |
Routledge, |
2024 |
9781032602844 |
xi,162p. ; |
UG Library |
154.2 BAR |
05039710 |
Social psychology and the unconscious : |
Psychology Press, |
2006 |
9781841694726 (hardback : alk. |
x,342p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
154.2 BAR |
07008826 |
Social psychology and the unconscious : |
Psychology Press, |
2006 |
9781841694726 (hardback : alk. |
x,342p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
154.2 CHO |
03005530 |
The Shadow Effect : |
Chopra, Deepak. |
Harper One, |
2010 |
9780061962646 |
193 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
154.2 CHO |
04017228 |
The shadow effect : |
Chopra, Deepak. |
HarperOne, |
2010 |
9780061962653 (hardback) | 006 |
1st ed. |
193 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
154.2 EVA |
00137434 |
The art of losing control : |
Evans, Jules, |
Canongate books ltd., |
2017 |
9781782118688 (paperback) | 9781782118671 |
xxvi, 267 pages : |
UG Library |
154.2 FRE |
07004946 |
The Unconscious / |
Freud,Sigmund. |
Penguin, |
2005 |
9780141183886 |
xxvi,105p.; |
Library - BR Campus |
154.2 JAI |
00117098 |
One Mind Many Thoughts |
Jain, Pravesh |
Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd., |
2014 |
9788129124654 |
xvi: 172p.; |
UG Library |
154.2 JAI |
10003623 |
One Mind Many Thoughts: |
Jain, Pravesh |
Rupa publications india pvt. ltd., |
2014 |
9788129124654 |
xvi, 172 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
154.2 KAN |
07015668 |
The Age of Insight : |
Kandel Eric.R |
Random House, |
2012 |
9781400068715 |
xviii,636p.: |
Library - BR Campus |
154.2 MAL |
00148226 |
The Battle for Consciousness Theory |
Malhotra, Rajiv [Author], Sastry, Manogna [Author] and Singh, Kundan [Author] |
BluOne Ink Pvt.Ltd |
2024 |
9788197223167 |
1st Rd. |
xliv, 485p. |
UG Library |
154.2 MAL |
10004437 |
The Battle for Consciousness Theory |
Malhotra, Rajiv [Author], Sastry, Manogna [Author] and Singh, Kundan [Author] |
BluOne Ink Pvt.Ltd |
2024 |
9788197223167 |
1st Rd. |
xliv, 485p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
154.2 MUR |
07007161 |
The power of your subconscious mind / |
Murphy, Joseph |
Fingerprint Classics Publication, |
2015 |
9788172345662 |
241p. |
Library - BR Campus |
154.2 MUR |
04009659 |
Putting the power of your subconscious mind to work : |
Murphy, Joseph, |
Prentice Hall Press, |
2009 |
9780735204362 (pbk.) |
1st ed. |
xiv, 238 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
154.2 MUR |
00141314 |
Maximize Your Potential Through the Power of Your Subconscious Mind to Develop Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem / |
Murphy, Joseph |
Manjul Publishing House; |
2019 |
9788183226226 |
208p |
UG Library |
154.2 MUR |
03009441 |
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind / |
Murphy, Joseph. |
Embassy Books , |
2012 |
9781585427680 | 9789380227580 |
254 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
154.2 MUR |
09000789 |
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind / |
Murphy, Joseph |
Sristhi Publications, |
2020 |
9788194790839 |
219p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
154.2 MUR |
10003669 |
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind / |
Murphy, Joseph |
Rupa publications india pvt ltd., |
2020 |
9789353338459 |
xii,212 p. ; |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
154.2 MUR |
00116647 |
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind / |
Murphy, Joseph. |
Embassy Books , |
2012 |
9781585427680 | 9789380227580 |
254 p.: |
UG Library |
154.2 MUR |
00134593 |
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind / |
Murphy, Joseph. |
Embassy Books , |
2012 |
9781585427680 | 9789380227580 |
254 p.: |
UG Library |
154.2 SIN |
00088077 |
Consciouness India and Western Prespectives |
Singh, Raghwendra Pratap |
Atlantic |
2008 |
9788126909773 |
543p |
UG Library |
154.22 MER |
05030271 |
Unconscious wisdom : |
Merkur, Daniel. |
State University of New York Press, |
0791449475 (hbk.) | 0791449483 |
xxi, 163 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
154.24 MAU |
00034845 |
How to Use Your Complexes |
Maurus, J. |
Better Your Self |
1976 |
280 p. |
UG Library |
154.24 MAU |
00034906 |
How to Use Your Complexes |
Maurus, J. |
Better Your Self |
1976 |
280 p. |
UG Library |
154.24 MAU |
00019225 |
How to Use Your Complexes |
Maurus, J. |
Better Your Self |
1976 |
280 p. |
UG Library |
154.24JON |
01003115 |
Conflict (law Lib) |
Martin Jones |
Cambridge University Press |
0521839602 |
176p |
Knowledge Centre |
154.363 GED |
00056625 |
Dictionary of Dreams |
Geddes |
Geddes & Grosset |
2001 |
1855348861 |
285p |
UG Library |
154.4 KOT |
03012523 |
Stealing Fire : |
Kotler, Steven. |
HarperCollins Publishers, |
2017 |
9780062429650 | 0062429655 |
First edition. |
ix, 293 pages ; |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
154.4 KOT |
05057131 |
Stealing Fire : |
Kotler, Steven. |
HarperCollins Publishers, |
2017 |
9780062429650 | 0062429655 |
First edition. |
ix, 293 pages ; |
Knowledge Centre |
154.6 BAU |
00089526 |
Indian Night: Sleep and Dreams in Indian Culture |
Bautze-Picron, Claudine |
Rupa Co |
2009 |
661p |
UG Library |
154.6 BRA |
00077236 |
Sleep: The Brazelton Way |
Brazelton, T. Berry |
Viva Books Pvt Ltd |
2006 |
8130901307 | 9788130901305 |
128 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
154.6 BRA |
00077238 |
Sleep: The Brazelton Way |
Brazelton, T. Berry |
Viva Books Pvt Ltd |
2006 |
8130901307 | 9788130901305 |
128 p. |
UG Library |
154.6 BRA |
00077239 |
Sleep: The Brazelton Way |
Brazelton, T. Berry |
Viva Books Pvt Ltd |
2006 |
8130901307 | 9788130901305 |
128 p. |
UG Library |
154.6 BRA |
00077240 |
Sleep: The Brazelton Way |
Brazelton, T. Berry |
Viva Books Pvt Ltd |
2006 |
8130901307 | 9788130901305 |
128 p. |
UG Library |
154.6 BRA |
00077237 |
Sleep: The Brazelton Way |
Brazelton, T. Berry |
Viva Books Pvt Ltd |
2006 |
8130901307 | 9788130901305 |
128 p. |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
154.62 PAU |
00019425 |
The Sleep Book |
Paupst, C. James |
Sphere Books Ltd |
1977 |
176 p. |
UG Library |
154.62PAU |
00018851 |
Sleep Book |
Paupst, James C |
Sphere Books |
174 p |
UG Library |
154.63 BRI |
00076142 |
Teach Yourself Dream Interpretation: [ Dharmaram Library] |
Bright, Leila |
2003 |
0340867728 |
172p |
UG Library |
154.63 CON |
05074686 |
Dreamwork : |
Connor, Steven |
Reaktion Books Ltd, |
2023 |
9781789147568 |
254 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
154.63 CUS |
09000906 |
Therapy with dreams and nightm |