Total Books (Psychology) - 10594

CallNo Barcode Title Author Publisher Code Year ISBN Edition Pages Library
150 GLA 05001969 Approaches to Psychology: Glassman, E William Open university press, 2004 0335205453 | 9780335213481 4th ed. 538p.; Knowledge Centre
150 GLA1 05001968 Approaches to Psychology [msc-Psychology Section] Glassman, Weiiliam E Open university press, 2001 0335205453 510p.; Knowledge Centre
150 ATK 00072852 Ask Dr.Mike frequently Asked Questions About Psychology Atkinson, Michael Allyn And Bacon 2001 0205331092 | 9780205331093 188 p. UG Library
150 BAR 00112226 Psychology Baron, A. Robert Perason Education 2005 9788178086231 | 9788177583854 5th Ed. 621 p. UG Library
150 BAR 00060341 Psychology Baron, A. Robert Perason Education 2005 9788178086231 | 9788177583854 5th Ed. 621 p. UG Library
150 BAR 00069612 Psychology Baron, A. Robert Perason Education 2005 9788178086231 | 9788177583854 5th Ed. 621 p. UG Library
150 BAR 00120784 Psychology Baron, A. Robert Perason Education 2005 9788178086231 | 9788177583854 5th Ed. 621 p. UG Library
150 BAR 00060649 Psychology Baron, A. Robert Perason Education 2005 9788178086231 | 9788177583854 5th Ed. 621 p. UG Library
150 BRA 00099271 SPSS for Psylchologists: Palgrave Macmillan, 9780230594593 454 p. UG Library
150 CHA 04002328 Statistical Psychology Chakravarty, Pravir Dominant Publishers 2007 8178884879 337 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 COH 05070496 Psychological Testing and Assessment : Cohen, Ronald Jay McGraw Hill, 2018 0007111260 | 9789353162139 9th ed. 557p.; Knowledge Centre
150 COH 07013377 Psychological Testing and Assessment : Cohen, Ronald Jay McGraw Hill, 2018 0007111260 | 9789353162139 9th ed. 557p.; Library - BR Campus
150 COH 07013378 Psychological Testing and Assessment : Cohen, Ronald Jay McGraw Hill, 2018 0007111260 | 9789353162139 9th ed. 557p.; Library - BR Campus
150 COH 00137331 Psychological Testing and Assessment : Cohen, Ronald Jay McGraw Hill, 2018 0007111260 | 9789353162139 9th ed. 557p.; UG Library
150 COR 00073388 Popular Psychology Cordon, Luis A. Greenwood Press 2005 0313324573 | 9780313324574 274 p. UG Library
150 DAV 04002885 60 Second Sef-Starter Davidson, Jeff Vivabooks Private Limited 2008 9781598698435 158 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 EYS 05015052 Fundamentals of psychology / Eysenck, Michael W. Psychology Press, 9781841693712 (hbk) | 18416937 viii, 702 p. : Knowledge Centre
150 FEL 00072482 Understanding Psychology/ Feldman, S Robert 0070586985 572p UG Library
150 GAZ 07009501 Psychological Science Gazzaniga, Michael S W.W. Norton & Co, 2006 9780393913361 2nd Ed. 657p.: Library - BR Campus
150 GIL 05014251 Foundations of Psychology Apple Accademic Press Inc., 9781926686059 260 p. Knowledge Centre
150 GIL 05014272 Foundations of Psychology Apple Accademic Press Inc., 9781926686059 260 p. Knowledge Centre
150 HIL 00035203 Introduction to Psychology Hilgard, Ernest R. Oxford University Press 1976 6th Ed. 658 p. UG Library
150 HIL 00030287 Introduction to Psychology Hilgard, Ernest R. Oxford University Press 1976 6th Ed. 658 p. UG Library
150 HIL 00017013 Introduction to Psychology Hilgard, Ernest R. Oxford University Press 1976 6th Ed. 658 p. UG Library
150 HIL 00013364 Introduction to Psychology Hilgard, Ernest R. Oxford University Press 1976 6th Ed. 658 p. UG Library
150 HOL 03001825 Understanding Change : Holbeche, Linda. Elsevier, 2008 9788131206492 | 8131206491 455 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
150 IYE 00073635 Introduction to Psychology Iyer Swarna Latha Premier Publishing Co 2006 241p Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 KAR 00119587 Manassanthiyude Padha Karakat, Francis Don Bosco Publications 2014 232p UG Library
150 KAS 05015053 Current Directions in Introductory Psychology [msc.Psychology Section] Kassin, Saul 0131523678 222 Knowledge Centre
150 MOG 03001910 Great Ideas in Psychology : Moghaddam, Fathali M. One World, 2008 9781851683796 | 1851683798 340 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
150 MOR 00060352 A Brief Introduction to Psychology Morgan, Clifford Thomas. McGraw-Hill, 1977 9780070994553 | 0070994552 | 0 2d ed. xi, 499 p. : UG Library
150 MOR 00071904 A Brief Introduction to Psychology Morgan, Clifford Thomas. McGraw-Hill, 1977 9780070994553 | 0070994552 | 0 2d ed. xi, 499 p. : UG Library
150 MUN 00011753 Rajasthan Pal, Dharm Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. 1969 4th Ed. 588 p. UG Library
150 MUN 00011752 Rajasthan Pal, Dharm Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. 1969 4th Ed. 588 p. UG Library
150 MYE 00098223 Psychology: Myers, David G. Worth Pub., 9780716752516 xxx,1495.741 p. | With r>97 p. | With a>14 p. | With I-24 p. UG Library
150 NAT 00029563 Manual of Experiments in Psychology Nataraj, P. Srinivasa Publications 1972 2nd Ed. 448 p. UG Library
150 NAT 00006435 Manual Laboratory of Experiments Nataraj, P. Srinivasa Publications 1970 430 p. UG Library
150 NEL 00068704 Lecture Outlines for Note taking for Atkinson & Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology Nelson, Patrice Dow Thomson Learning 2003 0534586341 14th Ed. 83 p. UG Library
150 PAS 05014261 What is Psychology? Essentials: Pastorino,Ellen Wadsworth Pub. 2010 9780495604143 590 p. | Glassary>17 p. | Reference>37 p. | Index >16 p. Knowledge Centre
150 RAV 00114958 MCQ in Psychology Rao, Ravikanth K. Neelkamal Publications Pvt Ltd 2005 8183160263 425 p. UG Library
150 ROL1 05001971 Classic Case Studies in Psychology Rolls, Geoff Hodder Arnold, 2005 0340886927 171p.; Knowledge Centre
150 SHE 00098117 Psychology Shergill, Hardeep Kaur PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 9788120339781 494 p. UG Library
150 SHE 07001710 Psychology Shergill, Hardeep Kaur PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 9788120339781 494 p. Library - BR Campus
150 SMI 00060991 Atkinson & Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology Smith, E. Edward Thomson Learning 2004 9819812439 | 9789812436979 | 9 14th Ed. 748 p. UG Library
150 SMI 00069640 Atkinson & Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology Smith, E. Edward Thomson Learning 2004 9819812439 | 9789812436979 | 9 14th Ed. 748 p. UG Library
150 STA 05014717 HOW TO THINK STRAIGHT ABOUT PSYCHOLOGY [MSC-COUN.PSY ] Stanovich, Keith E DORLING KINDERSLEY 8131711447 226p Knowledge Centre
150 STA 05014716 How to Think Straight About Psychology. Stanovich, Keith E DORLING KINDERSLEY 8131711447 226p Knowledge Centre
150 VAL 00069294 Study Guide for Rathus's Psychology Valentino Lisa Wardsworth Thomson Learning 0534612393 278 p. UG Library
150 VAL 00097375 Study Guide for Rathus's Psychology Valentino Lisa Wardsworth Thomson Learning 0534612393 278 p. UG Library
150 VAT 00006657 General Psychology Vatsyayan, Kedarnath Ram Nath 1972 5th Ed. 176 p. UG Library
150 VEN 04002019 Chinthana Manthana Veena, G R New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122424737 124 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 WOO 00000276 Psychology Woodworth, Robert S. Methuen & co.Ltd 1963 674 p. UG Library
150 ABR 00019267 Psychology Made Simple Sperling,Abraham P. W.H.Allen 1957 0491005709 269 p. UG Library
150 ABT 07002930 General Psychlogy / Abraham, Amit. Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2011 9780071077996 xxiv,572p.; Library - BR Campus
150 ABT 07002928 General Psychlogy / Abraham, Amit. Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2011 9780071077996 xxiv,572p.; Library - BR Campus
150 ABT 07002929 General Psychlogy / Abraham, Amit. Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2011 9780071077996 xxiv,572p.; Library - BR Campus
150 ABT 05000976 General Psychlogy / Abraham, Amit. Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2011 9780071077996 xxiv,572p.; Knowledge Centre
150 ADA 05011591 The Psychology Companion: Adams,Bridget. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 9780230008182 378 p. Knowledge Centre
150 ADA 05014319 The Psychology Companion: Adams,Bridget. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 9780230008182 378 p. Knowledge Centre
150 AHL 05037478 Principles of Psychology / Ahlawat,Neetu. Vishvabharti Publications, 2009 9788189917739 392p.; Knowledge Centre
150 AHM 00121423 The DBS handbook of psychology Ahmed Ambrien DBS Imprints 2013 9788192372822 657p. UG Library
150 AHM 05045321 Psychology of Learning and Human Development / M S Ahmad Mittal Publications, 2012 ix, 402 p. Knowledge Centre
150 AHM 05040025 Psychology of Learning and Human Development / M S Ahmad Mittal Publications, 2012 ix, 402 p. Knowledge Centre
150 AIU 00020380 Question Bank - Psychology Association of Indian University , AIU 1977 596 p UG Library
150 AJA 00022300 Foundations of Eastern & Western Psychology Ajaya, Swamy Illinois 1977 120 p UG Library
150 ALL 00144864 Empower your success: Allan, Scott Rupa Publications, 2023 9789357021210 197p UG Library
150 AND 00006426 Art of Living Andre, Maurois 1966 1 UG Library
150 ANM 05013936 Modern UGC NET/SLET Psychology By a Team of Experts Anmol Publications Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126118938 477p Knowledge Centre
150 ANN 05036643 Nobody speaks to [ME] / Annaiah,Anil. Brand Radianz, 2013 9789350874165 73p.; Knowledge Centre
150 ANN 05036701 Nobody speaks to [ME] / Annaiah,Anil. Brand Radianz, 2013 9789350874165 73p.; Knowledge Centre
150 APA 05046671 Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association / American Psychological Association, 2011 9781433805615 xviii,272p.: Knowledge Centre
150 ARO 00144856 Peace Psychology / Arora,Dr. Sanjeev. Random Publications, 2022 9789393884442 viii,326p, ; UG Library
150 ATK 00073394 Hilgard's Introduction To Psychology Atkinson Rita L. Harcourt Brace College Publishers 1996 0155015540 | 9780155015548 12th Ed. 776 UG Library
150 ATK 00027572 Introduction To Psychology Atkinson, Rita L. HarcourtBrace & Jovanovoch,Inc 1985 8th Ed. 800 p. UG Library
150 ATK 00066537 Ask Dr.Mike frequently Asked Questions About Psychology Atkinson, Michael Allyn And Bacon 2001 0205331092 | 9780205331093 188 p. UG Library
150 ATK 00016789 Psychology in Progress Atkinson, C Richard W.H Freeman 1975 392 p UG Library
150 BAN 05069521 Psychology : Bansal, Parul, Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353280833 (pbk) xvi,229p.; Knowledge Centre
150 BAN 00136091 Psychology : Bansal, Parul, Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353280833 (pbk) xvi,229p.; UG Library
150 BAN 05014275 Essential psychology : Banyard Philip SAGE, 9781847875372 (hbk.) | 1847875 xiii, 454 p. : Knowledge Centre
150 BAR 00147730 Psychology : Baron, Robert A. Pearson, 2023 9789332558540 5th ed xxx,646p. : UG Library
150 BAR 07015155 Psychology / Baron Robert.A Pearson, 2016 9789332558540 5th ed xii,646p.: Library - BR Campus
150 BAR 00027576 Psychology Understanding Behaviour. Baron, A Robert Hsi 1985 2nd ed, 770 p.: UG Library
150 BAR 05044188 Psychology : Baron Robert.A Pearson, 2014 9788131773444 xxx,649p.: Knowledge Centre
150 BAR 00096231 Psychology, Religion and Mental Health Barker, Montagu G. Rutherford House, 0946068836 102 p. UG Library
150 BAR 00054978 Psychology Baron, Robert A Pearson Education 2001 8178086239 668p UG Library
150 BAR 09000747 Psychology / Baron Robert.A Pearson, 2016 9789332558540 5th ed xii,646p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 BAR 10001806 Psychology / Baron Robert.A Pearson, 2016 9789332558540 5th ed xii,646p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 BAR 10001807 Psychology / Baron Robert.A Pearson, 2016 9789332558540 5th ed xii,646p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 BAR 07005382 Psychology and the Soldier/ Bartlet,F C. Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107455603 Vii,223 Pages,; Library - BR Campus
150 BAR 05014255 Psychology (msw-Section] Baron, Robert A Pearson Education 8178086239 617p Knowledge Centre
150 BAR 07013043 Psychology / Baron Robert.A Pearson, 2016 9789332558540 5th ed xii,646p.: Library - BR Campus
150 BAR 05001883 Psychology / Barker, Lewis M., Prentice Hall, 0136208169 xxxi, 704 p. : Knowledge Centre
150 BAR 00124521 Psychology Baron, Robert A Pearson Education 2001 8178086239 668p UG Library
150 BAR 09001037 Psychology and the Soldier/ Bartlet,F C. Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107455603 Vii,223 Pages,; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 BAR 09001088 Psychology / Baron Robert.A Pearson, 2016 9789332558540 5th ed xii,646p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 BAR 00091586 Psychology / Barker, Lewis M., Prentice Hall, 0136208169 xxxi, 704 p. : UG Library
150 BAR 05014290 Human Evolutionary Psychology: [M.SC Psy] Barrett, Louuise 0333825581 434p Knowledge Centre
150 BAR 07007782 Psychology / Baron Robert.A Pearson, 2016 9789332558540 5th ed xii,646p.: Library - BR Campus
150 BAR 07011640 Psychology / Baron Robert.A Pearson, 2016 9789332558540 5th ed xii,646p.: Library - BR Campus
150 BAR 10003247 Psychology / Baron Robert.A Pearson, 2016 9789332558540 5th ed xii,646p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 BAR 00115293 Psychology Baron, A. Robert Perason Education 2005 9788178086231 | 9788177583854 5th Ed. 621 p. UG Library
150 BAR 00115294 Psychology Baron, A. Robert Perason Education 2005 9788178086231 | 9788177583854 5th Ed. 621 p. UG Library
150 BAS 05014279 Glimpses into Behavioural Science: Methods and Themes in Practice [msc-Psychology Section] Basu, Jayanti UGC Academic Staff College 308p Knowledge Centre
150 BAS 05039420 Ardhanarishwara : Basavana,M. Niruta Publications, 2013 9788192342481 xii,56p.; Knowledge Centre
150 BAS 05039421 Kanasina Kate / Basavanna,M. Lakshmi Mudranalaya, 2012 9789381055908 90p.; Knowledge Centre
150 BAS 05039422 Carl Jung / Basavanna,M Laksmi Mudranalaya, 2011 9789381055571 124p.; Knowledge Centre
150 BAS 05039423 Oedipus complex / Basavanna,M Abhinava, 2012 180p.; Knowledge Centre
150 BAS 05039728 Child issues in applied psychology / Basal,Manisha ABD publishers, 2014 9788183764599 viii,264p.; Knowledge Centre
150 BAS 00023500 Second Course in Psychology Basantani, K T Seth 1980 1 UG Library
150 BAS 00023502 Second Course in Psychology Basantani, K T Seth 1980 1 UG Library
150 BAS 00023501 Second Course in Psychology Basantani, K. T. Deepak Publications 1980 262 p. UG Library
150 BAT 05059420 New handbook of mathematical psychology / Batchelder, William H. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107029088 | 1107029082 < 1 > volumes : Knowledge Centre
150 BAT 07012524 New handbook of mathematical psychology / Batchelder, William H. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107029088 | 1107029082 < 1 > volumes : Library - BR Campus
150 BAU 00060995 Kagan and Segal`s Psychology : An Introduction Baucum, Don Thomson WadsWorth 2004 0155081144 9th Ed 702 p UG Library
150 BAY 00110024 Essential Psychology Banyard, Philip, Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd. 2010 9788132110309 (pbk.) | 9781847 Sage South Asia ed. xiii, 454 p. : UG Library
150 BAY 03008455 Essential Psychology Banyard, Philip, Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd. 2010 9788132110309 (pbk.) | 9781847 Sage South Asia ed. xiii, 454 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
150 BEI 09000704 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 BEI 09000705 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 BEI 09000706 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 BEI 09000707 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 BEI 09000708 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 BEI 09000709 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 BEI 09000749 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 BEI 00112498 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. UG Library
150 BEI 00112499 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. UG Library
150 BEI 00112500 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. UG Library
150 BEI 00112501 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. UG Library
150 BEI 00112502 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. UG Library
150 BEI 00112503 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. UG Library
150 BEI 00112504 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. UG Library
150 BEI 07003954 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. Library - BR Campus
150 BEI 07003955 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. Library - BR Campus
150 BEI 07003956 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. Library - BR Campus
150 BEI 07003957 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. Library - BR Campus
150 BEI 07003958 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. Library - BR Campus
150 BEI 07003959 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. Library - BR Campus
150 BEI 07003960 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. Library - BR Campus
150 BEI 00117591 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. UG Library
150 BEI 00117592 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. UG Library
150 BEI 00117593 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. UG Library
150 BEI 00117594 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. UG Library
150 BEI 00117595 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. UG Library
150 BEI 00117596 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. UG Library
150 BEI 00117597 Handbook of Psychology: Beins, Bernard C Viva Books 2014 9788130924519 158p. UG Library
150 BEL 05014301 Environmental Psychology [msc Psychology ] Bell, A Paul 2001 0155080644 634p Knowledge Centre
150 BER 05014266 Philosophy of psychology : Routledge, 2006 0415368618 | 0415368626 (pbk.) xi,673p.; Knowledge Centre
150 BER 05014314 Philosophy of psychology : Routledge, 2006 0415368618 | 0415368626 (pbk.) xi,673p.; Knowledge Centre
150 BER 05014315 Philosophy of psychology : Routledge, 2006 0415368618 | 0415368626 (pbk.) xi,673p.; Knowledge Centre
150 BER 07010993 Psychology/ Bernstein,Douglas Wadsworth, 2012 9781111344061 xiii,820 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
150 BER 00050399 Essentials of Psychology Bernstein, A Douglas 1999 0395870712 580p UG Library
150 BER 00120782 Essentials of Psychology / Bernstein, Douglas A. Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2011 9780495810773 (pbk. : student 5th Ed. 597p.1 v. (various pagings) : UG Library
150 BER 05062042 Machiavellianism : Bereczkei, Tamas. Routledge, 2018 9781138093317 xii, 158p.; Knowledge Centre
150 BER 00125999 Psycchology in the work Contect Bergh Ziel Oxforod University Press, 2014 9780199048069 5th ed, xix, 594 p.: UG Library
150 BHA 00005345 General Psychology Bhatia, Oxford Charendon Press 1969 1 UG Library
150 BHA 00005630 Elements of Educational Psychology Bhatia, H R Orient Longman 1970 1 UG Library
150 BLO 10004467 The Human mind: A Brief Tour of Everything We Know/ by Paul Bloom Bloom, Paul [Author] Vintage, 2024 9781529925470 1st Ed. 454p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 BOL 05025581 Environment Psychology / Annette Bolger ABD Publishers, 2010 9788183762427 311 p. Knowledge Centre
150 BRA 05014289 Health psychology : Brannon, Linda, Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 9780495601326 | 0495601322 xx, 570 p. : Knowledge Centre
150 BRA 00142258 Health psychology : Brannon, Linda, Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 9780495601326 | 0495601322 xx, 570 p. : UG Library
150 BRE 00016779 Psychology and Human Experience Bernnecke, John H Collins 1974 320 p UG Library
150 BRE 00016782 Significance:The Sturgglewe Share Brennecke, John H Glencoe Press 1971 182 p UG Library
150 BRI 00011234 Intelligence & Psychological Test Bright S, Universities Press 1972 1 UG Library
150 BRO 01015590 An introduction to assessment / Broadfoot, Patricia. Continuum, 9780826496959 (hardcover) | 08 viii, 184 p. : Knowledge Centre
150 BRU 05014253 Psychology: A Self-Teaching Guide.A Complete Course, from Brain Biology to Abnormal Psychology [msc.Psychology Section] Bruno, Frank J 0471443956 276p Knowledge Centre
150 BRY 00115809 How to pass graduate psychometric tests Bryon, Mike. Kogan Page, 2004 9788175542273 2nd ed. 236p UG Library
150 BUR 00089484 Psychology Discourse: Burman, E Taylor & Francis 1996 9780748405046 232p UG Library
150 BUT 03006013 50 Psychology Classics : Butler-Bowdon, Tom. Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2017 9781857886740 2nd ed. 319 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
150 BUT 00140524 50 Self Help Classics Butler-Bowdon,Tom Nicholas Brealey 2017 9781473658288 2nd edition 321p UG Library
150 BUT 00140525 50 Success Classics Butler-Bowdon.Tom Nicholas Brealey 2017 9781473658356 2nd Edition 337p UG Library
150 BUT 07015004 50 Psychology Classics : Butler-Bowdon, Tom. Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2017 9781857886740 2nd ed. 319 p.: Library - BR Campus
150 BUT 00071183 Psychology : a Very Short Introduction Butler,Gillian Oxford University Press 2005 0019567863 | 9780195678635 160 p. UG Library
150 BUT 00085419 Psychology : a Very Short Introduction Butler,Gillian Oxford University Press 2005 0019567863 | 9780195678635 160 p. UG Library
150 BUT 05048910 Psychology : Butler, Gillian, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199670420 (pbk.) Second edition. xiv, 148 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150 BUT 05070483 50 Psychology Classics : Butler-Bowdon, Tom. Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2017 9781857886740 2nd ed. 319 p.: Knowledge Centre
150 BUT 09000593 50 Psychology Classics : Butler-Bowdon, Tom. Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2017 9781857886740 2nd ed. 319 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 BUT 05032681 50 Psychology Classics : Butler-Bowdon, Tom. Nicholas Brealey, 2007 1857883861 | 9781857883862 295 p.: Knowledge Centre
150 BUT 00139331 50 Psychology Classics : Butler-Bowdon, Tom. Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2017 9781857886740 2nd ed. 319 p.: UG Library
150 BUZ 00040175 Use Your Head Buzan, Tony 1995 0056337103 154 p UG Library
150 BUZ 05014285 Mindmap Book: Radiant Thinking: the Major Evolution in Human Thought Buzan, Tony 0563371013 320 p Knowledge Centre
150 BVT 05014287 50 Psychology Classics Who We Are, How We Think, What We Do Insight and Inspiration Form 50 Key Books Bowdon, Tom Butler Nicholas Braeley Pubhlishing 301p Knowledge Centre
150 CAC 07001703 Discovering Psychology : Cacioppo,John T. Cengage Learning, 2013 9788131518977 xxvii,715p.; Library - BR Campus
150 CAC 05032414 Discovering Psychology : Cacioppo,John T. Cengage Learning, 2013 9788131518977 xxvii,715p.; Knowledge Centre
150 CAR 00027568 Psychology the Science of Behaviour Carlson, Neil R. Allyn And Bacon Inc 1985 750 p. UG Library
150 CAR 00091572 Positive Psychology : Carr, Alan, Brunner-Routledge, 2004 1583919902 | 1583919910 (pbk.) xix, 388 p. : UG Library
150 CAR 05055541 Complete A-Z Psychology Hand Book / Cardwell, Mike 2007 0340872691 | 9780340872697 300p.; Knowledge Centre
150 CAR 00115281 IQ and Psychometric Tests Carter, Philip Kogan Page India Private Limited 2004 9788175542624 263 p. UG Library
150 CAR 00059199 Complete A-Z Psychology Handbook Cardwell, Mike. Hodder & Stoughton 2003 0340872691 | 9780340872697 300p UG Library
150 CAR 00094090 Positive Psychology Carr Alan Routledge 2008 9781583919910 388p Knowledge Centre
150 CAR 00094091 Positive Psychology Carr Alan Routledge 2008 9781583919910 388p UG Library
150 CAR 05062721 Learn psychology / Carter, Kenneth. Johes & Bartlett Learning, 2018 9781284124842 | 1284124843 Revised first edition. xxvii, 678 pages : Knowledge Centre
150 CAR 00001741 Man, The Unknown Carrel, Alexis Wilco 1967 234 p.: UG Library
150 CAR 05037609 Learn psychology / Carter, Kenneth, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2013 9780763798987 xxvii, 678 p. : Knowledge Centre
150 CHA 00005343 Dictionary of Psychology Chaplin, J P Dorling Kindersley 1970 537 UG Library
150 CHE 00006599 Elements of Logic Chennakesavan, Saraswathi 1970 1 UG Library
150 CHR 00058284 Psychology Christensen, I. P. Viva Books Private Limited 2001 8176492221 | 9788176492225 313 p. UG Library
150 CHR 05014303 Psychology [msc-Psychology Section] Christensen, I P 0387915923 313p Knowledge Centre
150 CIC 00120628 Psychology : Ciccarelli,Saundra K. Pearson, 2015 9788131713877 14th ed. xxi,753p.; UG Library
150 CIC 00142879 Psychology / Ciccarelli, Saundra K. Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2022 9789356060760 6th ed., xvii,679p.; UG Library
150 CIC 10003011 Psychology / Ciccarelli, Saundra K. Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2022 9789356060760 6th ed., xvii,679p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 CIC 00112227 Psychology : Ciccarelli,Saundra K. Pearson, 2015 9788131713877 14th ed. xxi,753p.; UG Library
150 CIC 05074126 Psychology / Ciccarelli, Saundra K. Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2022 9789356060760 6th ed., xvii,679p.; Knowledge Centre
150 CIC 05060224 Psychology / Ciccarelli, Saundra K. Pearson, 2018 9789352861798 5th ed., xiv, 630 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150 CIC 10000650 Psychology / Ciccarelli, Saundra K. Pearson, 2018 9789352861798 5th ed., xiv, 630 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 CIC 00145704 Psychology / Ciccarelli, Saundra K. Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2022 9789356060760 6th ed., xvii,679p.; UG Library
150 CIC 07010992 Psychology/ Ciccarelli,saundra K Pearson, 2017 9789332579446 4th ED 663 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
150 CIC 05000984 Psychology : Ciccarelli,Saundra K. Pearson, 2015 9788131713877 14th ed. xxi,753p.; Knowledge Centre
150 CIC 00127727 Psychology Ciccarelli, Saundra K. Pearson 2017 9780205972241 (alk. paper) | 0 Fourth edition. 784 p. : UG Library
150 CIC 05070059 Psychology / Ciccarelli, Saundra K. Pearson Education Limited, 2018 9781292159713 Fifth (Global edition). 800p. Knowledge Centre
150 CIC 05070060 Psychology / Ciccarelli, Saundra K. Pearson Education Limited, 2018 9781292159713 Fifth (Global edition). 800p. Knowledge Centre
150 CIC 05070061 Psychology / Ciccarelli, Saundra K. Pearson Education Limited, 2018 9781292159713 Fifth (Global edition). 800p. Knowledge Centre
150 CIC 05060468 Psychology / Ciccarelli, Saundra K. Pearson Education Limited, 2018 9781292159713 Fifth (Global edition). 800p. Knowledge Centre
150 CLA 05014250 Comparative Psychology: [ M.Sc Counseling Psychology] Clamp, Alan 0340697032 165p Knowledge Centre
150 CLE 00123534 Critical Issues in Clinical Practice Clegg, Jennifer. SAGE Publications, 1998 0803975546 | 9780803975552 x, 236 p. : UG Library
150 COH 00071153 Psychological Testing and Assessment Cohen, Ronald Jay McGraw Hill 2005 0007111260 | 9780071112604 562 p. UG Library
150 COH 09000001 Psychological Testing and Assessment : Cohen, Ronald Jay McGraw Hill, 2018 0007111260 | 9789353162139 9th ed. 557p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 COH 09000002 Psychological Testing and Assessment : Cohen, Ronald Jay McGraw Hill, 2018 0007111260 | 9789353162139 9th ed. 557p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 COH 09000003 Psychological Testing and Assessment : Cohen, Ronald Jay McGraw Hill, 2018 0007111260 | 9789353162139 9th ed. 557p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 COH 09000004 Psychological Testing and Assessment : Cohen, Ronald Jay McGraw Hill, 2018 0007111260 | 9789353162139 9th ed. 557p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 COH 09000005 Psychological Testing and Assessment : Cohen, Ronald Jay McGraw Hill, 2018 0007111260 | 9789353162139 9th ed. 557p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 COH 09000006 Psychological Testing and Assessment : Cohen, Ronald Jay McGraw Hill, 2018 0007111260 | 9789353162139 9th ed. 557p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 COH 09000007 Psychological Testing and Assessment : Cohen, Ronald Jay McGraw Hill, 2018 0007111260 | 9789353162139 9th ed. 557p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 COH 05067062 Psychological Testing and Assessment : Cohen, Ronald Jay McGraw Hill, 2018 0007111260 | 9789353162139 9th ed. 557p.; Knowledge Centre
150 COH 05067063 Psychological Testing and Assessment : Cohen, Ronald Jay McGraw Hill, 2018 0007111260 | 9789353162139 9th ed. 557p.; Knowledge Centre
150 COH 05067064 Psychological Testing and Assessment : Cohen, Ronald Jay McGraw Hill, 2018 0007111260 | 9789353162139 9th ed. 557p.; Knowledge Centre
150 COM 00121960 Psychology Around Us Comer Ronald Wiley India, 2011 9788126531899 xliii, 575 p.: UG Library
150 COM 07012152 Psychology around us / Comer, Ronald J. Wiley, 2011 9780471385196 (alk. paper) | 0471385190 (alk. paper) xliii, 575, [118] p. : Library - BR Campus
150 CON 05059866 Psychology : Coon, Dennis. Thomson Wadsworth, 2009 9780495504986 Eleventh Edition xxxi, 720p.+additional pages Knowledge Centre
150 COO 00027564 Introduction to Psychology.Exploration and Application Coon, Dennis Wpc 1985 640 p UG Library
150 COO 00055829 Essentials of Psychology Coon, Dennis Wadsworth 2000 0534264255 | 9780534264253 8th Ed. 665 p. UG Library
150 COO 05001565 Psychology : Coon, Dennis. Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 0495031127 (student ed.) | 053 xxxiv, 688 p. : Knowledge Centre
150 COO 05001926 Psychology : Coon, Dennis. Thomson/Wadsworth, 9780495504962 (cloth ed.) | 04 xxxi, 720 p. : Knowledge Centre
150 COO 00098845 Introduction to Psychology: Coon, Dennis West Publish Co., 9780829903038 xx, 661 p. UG Library
150 COO 00083185 Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behaviour Coon, Dennis Thomson Wadsworth 8131502856 700p UG Library
150 COO 00083188 Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behaviour Coon, Dennis Thomson Wadsworth 8131502856 700p UG Library
150 COO 00083186 Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behaviour Coon, Dennis Thomson Wadsworth 8131502856 700p UG Library
150 COO 00083187 Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behaviour Coon, Dennis Thomson Wadsworth 8131502856 700p UG Library
150 COO 05014308 Introduction to psychology : Coon, Dennis. West Pub. Co., 0829901345 : xxxii, 688 p., [1] leaf of plates : Knowledge Centre
150 COO 05001496 Psychology : Coon, Dennis. Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 0495031127 (student ed.) | 053 xxxiv, 688 p. : Knowledge Centre
150 COO 00071849 Essentials Of Pscyhology Coon, Dennis 2000 0534264255 | 9780534264253 682p UG Library
150 COO 05014257 Essentials Of Pscyhology Coon, Dennis 2000 0534264255 | 9780534264253 682p Knowledge Centre
150 COR 00069635 Popular Psychology Cordon, Luis A. Greenwood Press 2005 0313324573 | 9780313324574 274 p. UG Library
150 COX 05068189 The history and evolution of psychology : Cox, Brian D. Routledge, 2019 9781138207431 viii,526p.; Knowledge Centre
150 COX 05069136 The history and evolution of psychology : Cox, Brian D. Routledge, 2019 9781138207431 viii,526p.; Knowledge Centre
150 COX 09000178 The history and evolution of psychology : Cox, Brian D. Routledge, 2019 9781138207431 viii,526p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 CUR 00139431 The barefoot counsellor : Currie, Joe. ATC Publishers; 2019 9788170860327 191 p. ; UG Library
150 DAD 00119418 Environmental Psychology ed by, Dadhania Dinesh Paradise Publishers, 2014 9789383099337 v. 256 p.: UG Library
150 DAL 00134646 Whither Indian Psychology Dalal,Ajit K Rawat Publications 2019 9788131610121 196p UG Library
150 DAL 00141333 Whither Indian Psychology? / Dalal, Ajit K. Rawat Publications ; 2019 9788131610121 ix, 196 p. ; UG Library
150 DAL 00140802 The Psychic Being : Dalal, A.S. Sri Aurobindo Ashram; 2016 9788170588962 227 p. ; UG Library
150 DAL 00140365 A Greater Psychology: Dalal,A S Sri Aurobindo Ashram 2001 9788170586593 426p UG Library
150 DAL 10001359 Whither Indian Psychology? / Dalal, Ajit K. Rawat Publications ; 2019 9788131610121 ix, 196 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 DAL 00134229 Whither Indian Psychology Dalal,Ajit K Rawat Publications 2019 9788131610121 196p UG Library
150 DAN 00115280 General Psychology Dandapani, S. Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 0818680496 1st Ed. 275 p. UG Library
150 DAN 00061188 Manashastra Mattu Shikshana: Dangdapaani, S Sumantha 2000 115p UG Library
150 DAS 00115282 Essentials of General Psychology Dash, B.N. Dominant Publishers And Distributors 2004 9788178882734 439 p. UG Library
150 DAS 00080576 Working Mind:An Introduction to Psychology Das, J P Sage Publications 2004 278p UG Library
150 DAS 00006185 General Psychology Das, Sunder S Asia 1964 220 p UG Library
150 DAS 05062332 Essentials Of General Psychology : Dash. B.N. Wisdom Press, 2017 9789381052464 439p.; Knowledge Centre
150 DAS 00054865 The Working Mind Das J. P. Sage Publications 1998 8170367190 278 p. UG Library
150 DAV 05001933 21st Century Psychology: A Reference Handbook / Davis, Stephen F Sage Publications, 2008 9781412949682 494p.; Knowledge Centre
150 DAV 05001934 21st Century Psychology: A Reference Handbook / Davis, Stephen F Sage Publications, 2008 9781412949682 494p.; Knowledge Centre
150 DAV 00111687 Mastering psychology Davies,Roger Palgrave, 1995 9780333620502 380p.; UG Library
150 DAV 05014715 Mastering Psychology Davies, Roger 0033362050 380p Knowledge Centre
150 DAV 07008267 21st Century Psychology: A Reference Handbook / Davis, Stephen F Sage Publications, 2008 9781412949682 494p.; Library - BR Campus
150 DAV 07008268 21st Century Psychology: A Reference Handbook / Davis, Stephen F Sage Publications, 2008 9781412949682 494p.; Library - BR Campus
150 DAY 05001929 Complete Psychology / Davey, Graham Hodder Arnold, 2004 0034081568 849p.: Knowledge Centre
150 DEN 00021258 Psychology of Human Behaviour for Nurses Dennis, Lorraine Bradt Oxford 1967 3rd edition 289 p UG Library
150 DEN 00022313 Student Guide to Accompany Psychology Denenberg, Kenneth WM.C. Brown Company Pubshers 1973 194 p. UG Library
150 DES 00031542 Manwatching: A Field Guide to Human Behaviour Desmond, Morris Penguin 1978 320 p UG Library
150 DES 00023488 Fundamentals of Psychology Desouza, Thomas A Sheth 1981 304 p UG Library
150 DES 00023489 Funadamentals of Psychology. De Souza, Thomasna Sheth 1977 305 P] UG Library
150 DEW 05037195 Psychology / Dewey,John. KSK Publishers, 2011 9788175240162 424p.; Knowledge Centre
150 DHA 00139889 The Positive Power of Practicing Persistence Dharmarajan,Hariharan Gangaram 2015 9788192684918 182p UG Library
150 DUA 05014282 Feminist Psychology [msc.Psychology Section] Dua, Aarti MD Publications Pvt Ltd 8175330953 320 Knowledge Centre
150 DUB 05040385 Think like a Freak / Dubner,Stephen J. Penguin Books, 2014 9781846147890 xi,268p.; Knowledge Centre
150 DWO 00073392 Psychology Dworetzky John P 1994 0314024786 671 UG Library
150 DWY 00050217 A Level Psychology Dwyer,Diana Macmillan Press Ltd 1995 0333611713 | 9780333611715 392 p. UG Library
150 ECO 00119275 Take Charge of Your Life With NLP Economakis,Felix Vermilion 2011 9780091939731 244p UG Library
150 ENG 05068463 Expertise in transition : Engestrom, Yrjo. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9780521407854 viii,283p.; Knowledge Centre
150 ERN 00035204 Introduction to Phychology. Ernest, Hilgard R Oxford University Press 1973 658p UG Library
150 ERN 00035205 Introduction to Phychology. Ernest, Hilgard R Oxford University Press 1973 658p UG Library
150 EYS 00086348 Social Cosequences of Modern Psychology Eysenck, Hans J Transaction 2008 9781412807470 331 p UG Library
150 EYS 00060887 Psychology Eysenck, Michael W 2000 0086377475 | 9780863774751 956p UG Library
150 EYS 07003936 Fundamentals of psychology / Eysenck, Michael W. Psychology Press, 9781841693712 (hbk) | 18416937 viii, 702 p. : Library - BR Campus
150 EYS 07003937 Fundamentals of psychology / Eysenck, Michael W. Psychology Press, 9781841693712 (hbk) | 18416937 viii, 702 p. : Library - BR Campus
150 EYS 05013937 Psychology: Eysenck ,Michael W. Psychology, 9780863776656 xi, 326 p. Knowledge Centre
150 EYS 00014583 Uses and Abuses of Psychology Eysnck, H J PENGUIN 1973 318 p UG Library
150 EYS 05004979 A2 Level Psychology / Eysenck,Michael.W Psychology Press, 2009 9781848720091 vii,804 p. Knowledge Centre
150 EYS 00098233 Simply pshchology BY Eysenck, Michael W Psychology press ltd, 9781841693095 xi ; 396 p. UG Library
150 EYS 05001880 Psychology - an International Perspective Eysenck, W Michael Psychology Press 984p Knowledge Centre
150 FEL 00106416 Understanding Psychology Feldman, Robert S. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2002 0070586985 | 9780070586987 | 0072422971 (alk. paper) 6th ed. xxxv, 559,[84] p. : UG Library
150 FEL 00071871 Understanding Psychology: Feldman, S Robert 1997 0074631225 748p UG Library
150 FEL 00042124 Understanding Psychology Feldman, Robert S. Tata Mcgraw Hill 1997 0074631225 4th Ed. 754 p. UG Library
150 FEL 00042125 Understanding Psychology Feldman, Robert S. Tata Mcgraw Hill 1997 0074631225 4th Ed. 754 p. UG Library
150 FEL 00042126 Understanding Psychology Feldman, Robert S. Tata Mcgraw Hill 1997 0074631225 4th Ed. 754 p. UG Library
150 FEL 00042127 Understanding Psychology Feldman, Robert S. Tata Mcgraw Hill 1997 0074631225 4th Ed. 754 p. UG Library
150 FEL 00042128 Understanding Psychology Feldman Robert S Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing 2004 0072422971 6th, Ed. 754 p UG Library
150 FEL 00072250 Understanding Psychology Feldman Robert S Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing 2004 0072422971 6th, Ed. 754 p UG Library
150 FEL 00072251 Understanding Psychology Feldman Robert S Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing 2004 0072422971 6th, Ed. 754 p UG Library
150 FEL 00072252 Understanding Psychology Feldman Robert S Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing 2004 0072422971 6th, Ed. 754 p UG Library
150 FEL 00125821 Psychology and your life / Feldman, Robert S. McGraw/Hill, 2010 9780073377025 (alk. paper) | 0 584 p. : UG Library
150 FEL 09000929 Essentials of understanding psychology Feldman, Robert S. McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2013 9780071318662 10th ed. 557p : . Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 FEL 05037382 Understanding Psychology Feldman, Robert S. McGraw-Hill, | Tata McGraw-Hill, 2011 9781259003059 | 1259003051 | 9 10th ed. lii, 615 p. 1 v. (various paging) : Knowledge Centre
150 FEL 00134010 Understanding psychology / Feldman, Robert S McGraw Hill Publication, 2017 9789352607945 12th ed xxv,612p.; UG Library
150 FEL 00042129 Understanding Psychology Feldman, Robert S. Tata Mcgraw Hill 1997 0074631225 4th Ed. 754 p. UG Library
150 FEL 05073507 Understanding psychology / Feldman, Robert S McGraw Hill Publication, 2017 9789352607945 12th ed xxv,612p.; Knowledge Centre
150 FEL 00110254 Understanding Psychology Feldman, Robert S. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2002 0070586985 | 9780070586987 | 0072422971 (alk. paper) 6th ed. xxxv, 559,[84] p. : UG Library
150 FEL 10001811 Understanding psychology / Feldman, Robert S McGraw Hill education (india) pvt ltd., 2021 9789390727995 15th ed., xxxviii,604p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 FEL 10001812 Understanding psychology / Feldman, Robert S McGraw Hill education (india) pvt ltd., 2021 9789390727995 15th ed., xxxviii,604p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 FEL 05071748 Understanding Psychology Feldman, Robert S. McGraw-Hill, | Tata McGraw-Hill, 2011 9781259003059 | 1259003051 | 9 10th ed. lii, 615 p. 1 v. (various paging) : Knowledge Centre
150 FEL 00115295 Understanding Psychology Feldman Robert S Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing 2004 0072422971 6th, Ed. 754 p UG Library
150 FEL 05053570 Understanding Psychology Feldman, Robert S. McGraw-Hill, | Tata McGraw-Hill, 2011 9781259003059 | 1259003051 | 9 10th ed. lii, 615 p. 1 v. (various paging) : Knowledge Centre
150 FEL 10001422 Understanding Psychology Feldman, Robert S. McGraw-Hill, | Tata McGraw-Hill, 2011 9781259003059 | 1259003051 | 9 10th ed. lii, 615 p. 1 v. (various paging) : Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 FEL 07013369 Understanding psychology / Feldman, Robert S McGraw Hill Publication, 2017 9789352607945 12th ed xxv,612p.; Library - BR Campus
150 FEL 07013370 Understanding psychology / Feldman, Robert S McGraw Hill Publication, 2017 9789352607945 12th ed xxv,612p.; Library - BR Campus
150 FEL 00128796 Essentials of understanding psychology Feldman, Robert S. McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2013 9780071318662 10th ed. 557p : . UG Library
150 FEL 00134262 Understanding psychology / Feldman, Robert S McGraw Hill Publication, 2017 9789352607945 12th ed xxv,612p.; UG Library
150 FEL 00134263 Understanding psychology / Feldman, Robert S McGraw Hill Publication, 2017 9789352607945 12th ed xxv,612p.; UG Library
150 FEL 00134264 Understanding psychology / Feldman, Robert S McGraw Hill Publication, 2017 9789352607945 12th ed xxv,612p.; UG Library
150 FEL 05049206 Understanding Psychology Feldman, Robert S. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2002 0070586985 | 9780070586987 | 0072422971 (alk. paper) 6th ed. xxxv, 559,[84] p. : Knowledge Centre
150 FEL 07012854 Understanding psychology / Feldman, Robert S McGraw Hill Publication, 2017 9789352607945 12th ed xxv,612p.; Library - BR Campus
150 FEL 00118263 Understanding Psychology Feldman, Robert S. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2002 0070586985 | 9780070586987 | 0072422971 (alk. paper) 6th ed. xxxv, 559,[84] p. : UG Library
150 FEL 00117309 Understanding Psychology Feldman, Robert S. McGraw-Hill, | Tata McGraw-Hill, 2011 9781259003059 | 1259003051 | 9 10th ed. lii, 615 p. 1 v. (various paging) : UG Library
150 FEL 00121732 Essentials of understanding psychology Feldman, Robert S. McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2009 9780073370200 | 9780071285346 8th ed. 557, [81] p. : UG Library
150 FEL 00104576 Understanding Psychology Feldman, Robert S. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2002 0070586985 | 9780070586987 | 0072422971 (alk. paper) 6th ed. xxxv, 559,[84] p. : UG Library
150 FEL 00110314 Understanding Psychology Feldman, Robert S. McGraw-Hill, | Tata McGraw-Hill, 2011 9781259003059 | 1259003051 | 9 10th ed. lii, 615 p. 1 v. (various paging) : UG Library
150 FEL 00110315 Understanding Psychology Feldman, Robert S. McGraw-Hill, | Tata McGraw-Hill, 2011 9781259003059 | 1259003051 | 9 10th ed. lii, 615 p. 1 v. (various paging) : UG Library
150 FEL 00110316 Understanding Psychology Feldman, Robert S. McGraw-Hill, | Tata McGraw-Hill, 2011 9781259003059 | 1259003051 | 9 10th ed. lii, 615 p. 1 v. (various paging) : UG Library
150 FEL 00133191 Understanding Psychology Feldman, Robert S. McGraw-Hill, | Tata McGraw-Hill, 2011 9781259003059 | 1259003051 | 9 10th ed. lii, 615 p. 1 v. (various paging) : UG Library
150 FEL 00089713 Understanding Psychology Feldman, Robert S. Tata Mcgraw Hill 1997 0074631225 4th Ed. 754 p. UG Library
150 FEL 07007638 Understanding Psychology Feldman, Robert S. McGraw-Hill, | Tata McGraw-Hill, 2011 9781259003059 | 1259003051 | 9 10th ed. lii, 615 p. 1 v. (various paging) : Library - BR Campus
150 FEL 00137343 Understanding psychology / Feldman, Robert S McGraw Hill Publication, 2017 9789352607945 12th ed xxv,612p.; UG Library
150 FEN 10004395 Red Flags, Green Flags : FenWick, Ali Penguin Random House, 2024 9780241653692 xix, 395 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 FER 00054976 Introduction to Psychology. Fernald Dodge l A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors 2001 8174730907 5th ed, 643p UG Library
150 FER 00062200 Introduction to Psychology Fernald, L. Dodge A.I.T.B.S. Publishers & Distributors 2004 5th Ed. 643 p. UG Library
150 FER 05014273 Psychology Six Perspectives [MSC-PSYCHOLOGY ] Fernald, Dodge Sage 39p Knowledge Centre
150 FER 05014274 Psychology Six Perspectives [msc-Psychology Section] Fernald, Dodge Sage 391p Knowledge Centre
150 FLO 00139438 Crisis counseling : Floyd, Scott. Asian Trading Corporation; 2012 9788170866213 | 8170866219 278 p. ; UG Library
150 FOR 00019257 Introduction to Jung's Psychology. Fordham, Frieda PENGUIN 1978 158 P UG Library
150 FOX 00016807 Psychology as Philosophy, Science and Art Fox, Logan J Good Year 1972 252 p UG Library
150 FRA 00119286 Man's search for ultimate meaning / Frankl, Viktor E. Perseus Pub., 2000 0738203548 (pbk.) : 191 p. ; UG Library
150 FRA 00006230 Psychology Fraser, John Munro Pitman Paperbacks 1968 336 p. UG Library
150 FRA 00029323 The Unconscious God Frankl, E. Viktor Washington Press 1985 162 p. UG Library
150 FRA 05008095 The psychology of happiness : Franklin, Samuel S., Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521191302 (hardback : alk. xii, 179 p. : Knowledge Centre
150 FRE 05007323 Cognition And Neuropsychology : Psychology Press, 2010 9781848720220 (hbk : v. 1) 2 v. 290p Knowledge Centre
150 FUR 04008685 50 Psychology ideas : Furnham, Adrian Quercus, 2008 9781847248527 208p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 GAA 00081183 Sophie`s World: A Novel About the History of Philosophy Gaarder, Jostein 1996 0425152251 523p UG Library
150 GAL 00027255 What is Psychology Gale, Anthony Edward Arnold 1985 9780713164428 88 p. UG Library
150 GAR 00027310 General Psychology Garrett, E Henry Eurasia 1982 650 p UG Library
150 GAR 05014306 Brain and Behavior Garrett, Bob 0534365825 504p Knowledge Centre
150 GAR 00027428 General Psychology. Garrett Henry, E Eurasia 1961 2nd ed 1 UG Library
150 GAR 00092168 General psychology. Garrett, Henry Edward, American Book Co. 1961 2d ed. xii, 649 p. UG Library
150 GAR 00006705 General Psychology: Garrett, Henry E EURASIA 1965 2nd ed 649 p UG Library
150 GAR 05038983 Statistics in Psychology and Education / Garrett Henery.E Paragon International, 2011 9788189253004 xii,491p.: Knowledge Centre
150 GAR 05038984 Statistics in Psychology and Education / Garrett Henery.E Paragon International, 2011 9788189253004 xii,491p.: Knowledge Centre
150 GAR 05038985 Statistics in Psychology and Education / Garrett Henery.E Paragon International, 2011 9788189253004 xii,491p.: Knowledge Centre
150 GAR 00035962 Statistics in Psychology and Education Garrett, E Henry Vikas 1981 489 UG Library
150 GAZ 07003998 Psychological Science / Gazzaniga, Michael. W. W. Norton, 2016 9780393263138 5th ed. xlv,705 p.: Library - BR Campus
150 GAZ 07012000 Psychological Science / Gazzaniga Michael.S W.W.Norton, 2018 9780393640403 6th ed xxxvii,665p.: Library - BR Campus
150 GAZ 00079039 Psychological Science Gazzaniga, Michael S W.W. Norton & Co, 2006 9780393913361 2nd Ed. 657p.: UG Library
150 GAZ 05018228 Psychological Science Gazzaniga, Michael S W.W. Norton & Co, 2006 9780393913361 2nd Ed. 657p.: Knowledge Centre
150 GAZ 09000808 Psychological Science / Gazzaniga Michael.S W.W.Norton, 2018 9780393640403 6th ed xxxvii,665p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 GAZ 03011996 Psychological Science / Gazzaniga, Michael. W. W. Norton, 2016 9780393263138 5th ed. xlv,705 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
150 GAZ 05030792 Psychological Science / Gazzaniga, Michael S W.W Nortan & Company 2005 0393924971 xliii,657p.; Knowledge Centre
150 GAZ 00067933 Psychological Science Gazzaniga, Michael S W.W. Norton & Co 2003 9780393975871 1st Ed. 581 p. UG Library
150 GAZ 00120783 Psychological science / Gazzaniga, Michael S. W. W. Norton, 2011 9780393911572 (hardcover) | 03 4th ed. xxxviii, 725, [109] p. : UG Library
150 GAZ 05044451 Psychological Science / Gazzaniga, Michael. W. W. Norton, 2016 9780393263138 5th ed. xlv,705 p.: Knowledge Centre
150 GAZ 00061003 Psychological Science:mind, Brain, and Behavior Gazzaninga, Michael H W w Norton 589p UG Library
150 GEI 00015169 Looking at Ourselves:An Invitation to Physchology Geiwitz, James Little Brown and Co 1976 1 UG Library
150 GER 00071854 Psychology And Life Gerrig,Richard J 2002 0205341918 | 9780205341917 574p UG Library
150 GER 00073924 Psychology and Life. Gerrig, Richard J Pearson Education Inc. 2005 8177581147 624p UG Library
150 GER 05039771 Psychology and life / Gerrig, Richard J. Pearson, 2013 9780205859139 | 0205859135 20th ed. xxvii, 481, [110] p. : Knowledge Centre
150 GER 05001921 Psychology and Life Gerrig, Richard J Pearson, 2008 0205498469 577p.: Knowledge Centre
150 GER 05047524 Psychology and life / Gerrig, Richard J. Pearson Education, 2014 9781292021621 Discovering psychology updated ed., [20th ed.]. ii,586p.; Knowledge Centre
150 GER 05047525 Psychology and life / Gerrig, Richard J. Pearson Education, 2014 9781292021621 Discovering psychology updated ed., [20th ed.]. ii,586p.; Knowledge Centre
150 GER 05047526 Psychology and life / Gerrig, Richard J. Pearson Education, 2014 9781292021621 Discovering psychology updated ed., [20th ed.]. ii,586p.; Knowledge Centre
150 GER 05047527 Psychology and life / Gerrig, Richard J. Pearson Education, 2014 9781292021621 Discovering psychology updated ed., [20th ed.]. ii,586p.; Knowledge Centre
150 GER 05047528 Psychology and life / Gerrig, Richard J. Pearson Education, 2014 9781292021621 Discovering psychology updated ed., [20th ed.]. ii,586p.; Knowledge Centre
150 GER 07008264 Psychology and life / Gerrig, Richard J. Pearson, 2013 9780205859139 | 0205859135 20th ed. xxvii, 481, [110] p. : Library - BR Campus
150 GHO 00027314 Essentials of Psychology Ghorpade, M.b Himalaya 1977 560 p UG Library
150 GHO 00026342 Essentials of Psychology Ghorpade, M B Himalaya 1977 554 p UG Library
150 GHO 00023503 Psychology for Higher Secondary Ghorpade, M. B. Neelkantha 1982 4th Ed. 176 p. UG Library
150 GHO 00023504 Psychology for Higher Secondary Ghorpade, M. B. Neelkantha 1982 4th Ed. 176 p. UG Library
150 GIB 05034485 Introduction to Counseling and Guidance / Gibson, Robert L Pearson, 2005 8129710293 359 p. Knowledge Centre
150 GIB 05001501 Introduction to Counseling and Guidance / Gibson, Robert L Pearson , 2006 8131701735 6th Ed. 559p. Knowledge Centre
150 GIB 05014302 Introduction to Counseling and Guidance: [ M.Sc Psy] Gibson, L Robert Pearson 8129710293 560p Knowledge Centre
150 GIB 05055223 Introduction to Counseling and Guidance / Gibson, Robert L Pearson , 2017 9789322551831 7th Ed. xviii,523p. Knowledge Centre
150 GIL 05030687 Beginnings Of Modern Psychology: Gilbert,Charles. Apple Academics, 2010 1926686066 263p. Knowledge Centre
150 GIL 00097186 Foundations Of Psychology Gilbert, Charles Apple Academic Press Inc. 9781926686059 260p UG Library
150 GIL 00017170 Psychology Gilmer, Von Haller Harcourt & Row 1970 512 p UG Library
150 GIL 05014292 Thinking and Knowing [ Msc-Psy ] Giles, Bridget Grange Book PLC. 1840138033 192p Knowledge Centre
150 GIL 05014283 Brian and the Mind [ Msc-Psy ] Giles, Bridget Grange Book PLC. 2002 1840138025 192p Knowledge Centre
150 GIL 00019264 Psychology Today Gillham, W E C Teach Your Self Books 1975 285 p UG Library
150 GIL 00098537 Beginnings of modern psychology edited by Gilbert, Charles Apple Academic press, 9781926686066 263 p. UG Library
150 GLA 05046670 The Discovery of Grounded Theory:Strategies for Qualitative Research / Glaser Barney.G AldineTransaction, 2008 9780202302607 x,271p.: Knowledge Centre
150 GLA 00106531 Approaches to psychology Glassman, William E., Open University Press, 2006 0335213480 (pbk.) 4th ed. xxi, 538 p. : UG Library
150 GLA 00123659 Approaches to Psychology: Glassman, E William Open university press, 2004 0335205453 | 9780335213481 4th ed. 538p.; UG Library
150 GLE 00073393 Psychology Gleitman, Henry 2004 0393977676 | 9780393977677 6th ed 720 UG Library
150 GLE 00061106 Psychology Gleitman, Henry W.W. Norton 2004 717p UG Library
150 GLE 05001948 Basic psychology / Gleitman, Henry. W.W. Norton, 0393969169 (pbk.) 1 v. (various pagings) : Knowledge Centre
150 GLE 00091567 Basic psychology / Gleitman, Henry. W.W. Norton, 0393969169 (pbk.) 1 v. (various pagings) : UG Library
150 GLI 07009324 Human Emotions: Glinka,Lukasz Andrzej Viva Books, 2017 9788130926735 VII,93 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
150 GOR 00130380 Formal theory commonsense psychology Gordon, Andrew S New York , 2017 9781107151000 xii, 572 p. : UG Library
150 GRA 00060908 Psychology Gray, Peter 2002 0716751623 748p UG Library
150 GRA 05001943 Psychology Gray, Peter 0716751623 694p Knowledge Centre
150 GRA 00020385 Clues to the Riddle of Man Graham, William K Prentice -Hall 1974 500 p UG Library
150 GRE 05014288 Wrightsman's psychology and the legal system / Greene Thomson/ Wadsworth, 9780534521066 xxiv, 535 p. : Knowledge Centre
150 GRI 00129686 Psychology in your life / Grison, Sarah, W.W. Norton & Company, 2017 9780393265156 Second edition. xxix: 577 p.: UG Library
150 GRO 00098550 Themes, issues, and debates in psychology / Gross, Richard D. Hodder & Stoughton, 9780340975879 | 0340857846 xiii, 346 p. : UG Library
150 GRO 00077201 Key Studies In Psychology Gross, Richard Hodder Education. 2008 9780340947395 | 9780340857854 4th Ed. 751p UG Library
150 GRO 00088959 Key Studies In Psychology Gross, Richard Hodder Education. 2008 9780340947395 | 9780340857854 4th Ed. 751p UG Library
150 GRO 00073925 Psychology:The Science of Mind and Behaviour. Gross, Richard D 1993 0340587369 186p UG Library
150 GRO 00080520 Psychology: Gross, Richard Hodder Arnold 2009 0340900989 5th,Ed. 1007p UG Library
150 GRO 05014277 Themes, Issues and Debates in Psychology [msc-Psychology Section] Gross, Richard Hodder Arnold 383p Knowledge Centre
150 GRO 05014313 Key Studies in Psychology Gross, Richard 0340857854 750p Knowledge Centre
150 GRO 05014260 Psychology the Science of Mind and Behaviour Gross, Richard 0340900989 1007p Knowledge Centre
150 GRO 05014312 Key Studies in Psychology [ Msc-Psy ] Gross, Richard 0000340854 752p Knowledge Centre
150 GRO 05015022 Themes, Issues and Debbates in Psychology.2nd Edition [msc-Psychology Section] Gross, Richard 0340857846 383p Knowledge Centre
150 GRO 05014311 Key Studies in Psychology:4th Edition [msc-Psychology Section] Gross, Richard 0340857854 752p Knowledge Centre
150 GRO 05014259 Psychology : Gross, Richard D. Hodder Arnold, 2005 0340900989 (pbk.) 5th ed. xiii, 1007 p. : Knowledge Centre
150 GRO 05014304 Key Studies in Psychology [msc Counseling Psychology] Gross, Richard 0340857854 752p Knowledge Centre
150 GRO 05001953 Psychology a New Introduction for a Level / Gross, Richard Hodder & Stoughton, 2000 0340776897 923p.: Knowledge Centre
150 GUI 00005346 Fields of Psychology Guilford, J. P. Affiliated East-East Press Pvt Ltd 1968 3rd Ed. 350 p. UG Library
150 GUI 00004324 Fields of Psychology Guilford, J P Van 1966 350 p UG Library
150 GUL 00004317 General Psychology. Guilford, J P Affiliated East-West Press 1965 2nd ed, 587 p UG Library
150 GUL 05017023 General Psychology. Guilford, J P Affiliated East-West Press 1965 2nd ed, 587 p Knowledge Centre
150 HAM 00016806 Human Dynamics in Psychology and Education.Selected Readings. Hemachek, Don E Allyn and Bacon 1968 2nd ed, 667 p UG Library
150 HAN 00109468 Mind Watching Hans Rupa.Co 1995 9781853751943 415 p. UG Library
150 HAR 00112217 Psychology for the third millenium : Harré, Rom SAGE, 2012 9780857022684 (hardback) | 085 viii, 312 p. ; UG Library
150 HAR 05032856 Psychology for the third millenium : Harré, Rom SAGE, 2012 9780857022684 (hardback) | 085 viii, 312 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150 HAR 07010541 Psychology for the third millenium : Harré, Rom SAGE, 2012 9780857022684 (hardback) | 085 viii, 312 p. ; Library - BR Campus
150 HAR 00013488 I Mokyonreot Harri, Thoma A 1973 1 UG Library
150 HAR 05001564 Experimental psychology research trends Nova Science Publishers, 2009 9781604569476 (hardcover) | 97 xi, 262 p. : Knowledge Centre
150 HAR 05069148 The psychology of weather / Harley, Trevor A., Routledge, 2019 9780815394877 (pbk.) | 9780815394846 (hardback) 1 Edition. x,94p.; Knowledge Centre
150 HAR 09000196 The psychology of weather / Harley, Trevor A., Routledge, 2019 9780815394877 (pbk.) | 9780815394846 (hardback) 1 Edition. x,94p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 HAR 00111630 The concept of development; Harris, Dale B., University of Minnesota Press 1957 x, 287 p. UG Library
150 HAR 05068542 The psychology of weather / Harley, Trevor A., Routledge, 2019 9780815394877 (pbk.) | 9780815394846 (hardback) 1 Edition. x,94p.; Knowledge Centre
150 HAR 09000666 Psychology for the third millenium : Harré, Rom SAGE, 2012 9780857022684 (hardback) | 085 viii, 312 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 HAV 00022527 Psychology:An Introduction Havemann, Arnest Kagan Harcourt & Row 1980 648 p UG Library
150 HAY 00072893 Foundations of Psychology Hayes,Nicky Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd 2000 0017490018 | 9780174900184 1117 p. UG Library
150 HAY 05001385 FOUNDATIONS OF Psychology: Hayes, Nicky Thomas Nelson and Sons., 1994 0017490018 1117p.; Knowledge Centre
150 HEM 00138150 How Psychology Works : Hemmings,Jo. Penguin Random House Company, 2018 9780241317693 255p.; UG Library
150 HEM 10002491 How Psychology Works : Hemmings,Jo. Penguin Random House Company, 2018 9780241317693 255p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 HIL 00016801 Introduction to Psychology Hilgard, R. Ernest Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc 1975 6th Ed. 658 p. UG Library
150 HIL 00030286 Introduction to Psychology Hilgard R, Ernest Oup 1975 1 UG Library
150 HIL 09001082 Introduction to Psychology / Hilgard, Ernest R Oxford&IBH, 1975 9788120417618 658p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 HIL 00017014 Introduction to Psychology Hilgard, Ernest R Oxford University Press 1975 658 p UG Library
150 HIL 00027261 Introduction to Psychology Hilgard, R Ernest Oxford University Press 1983 670 p UG Library
150 HIL 00035201 Introduction to Psychology Hilgard, Ernest R. Oxford University Press 1976 6th Ed. 658 p. UG Library
150 HIL 00035202 Introduction to Psychology Hilgard, Ernest R. Oxford University Press 1976 6th Ed. 658 p. UG Library
150 HOC 00061404 Psychology Discovering Hockenbury, H Don 2003 0716757168 576p UG Library
150 HOC 00083327 Psychology Hockenbury, Don H 2003 0716751291 662p UG Library
150 HOC 05069475 Alcohol and humans : Oxford University Press, 2020 9780198842460 First edition. viii,214p.; Knowledge Centre
150 HOC 09000538 Alcohol and humans : Oxford University Press, 2020 9780198842460 First edition. viii,214p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 HOL 04017717 Understanding Change : Holbeche, Linda. Elsevier, 2008 9788131206492 | 8131206491 455 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 HOL 00016784 Using Psychology Holland, Morris K. Little 1975 197 p. UG Library
150 HON 05001741 On Consciousness Honderich, Ted E u Press 230p Knowledge Centre
150 HOO 05047564 Psychology : Hood, Bruce Palgrave, 2016 xxxiv, Knowledge Centre
150 HOP 00070140 Psychology in Action: Huffman, Karen 2001 0471394955 642p UG Library
150 HUF 05001964 Psychology in Action / Huffman, Karen John Wiley & Sons,Inc, 2001 0471394955 628p.: Knowledge Centre
150 HUF 00081505 Psychology in Action Huffman, Karen John Wiley & Sons,Inc. 2000 9780471249320 5th.ed. 122p UG Library
150 HUR 07008979 Developmental Psychology a Life-Span Approach / Hurlock, B Elizabeth Tmh , 1980 9780070993631 477 p.: Library - BR Campus
150 HUR 07008980 Developmental Psychology a Life-Span Approach / Hurlock, B Elizabeth Tmh , 1980 9780070993631 477 p.: Library - BR Campus
150 HUR 07008981 Developmental Psychology a Life-Span Approach / Hurlock, B Elizabeth Tmh , 1980 9780070993631 477 p.: Library - BR Campus
150 HUR 09000748 Developmental Psychology a Life-Span Approach / Hurlock, B Elizabeth Tmh , 1980 9780070993631 477 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 HUR 07001721 Developmental Psychology a Life-Span Approach / Hurlock, B Elizabeth Tmh , 1980 9780070993631 477 p.: Library - BR Campus
150 HUS 07010203 Applied indian psychology new Perspectives/ Husain,Akbar 9788182207684 VII,347 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
150 HUS 09000764 Applied indian psychology new Perspectives/ Husain,Akbar 9788182207684 VII,347 Pages,: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 ISS 00004316 Psychology.The Science of Behaviour Issacson, Robert L Happer and Row 1965 374 p UG Library
150 IYE 00073639 Introduction to Psychology Iyer Swarna Latha Premier Publishing Co 2006 241p Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 IYE 00089930 Introduction to Psychology Iyer Swarna Latha Premier Publishing Co 2006 241p UG Library
150 IYE 00073634 Introduction to Psychology Iyer Swarna Latha Premier Publishing Co 2006 241p UG Library
150 IYE 00073638 Introduction to Psychology Iyer Swarna Latha Premier Publishing Co 2006 241p UG Library
150 IYE 00073637 Introduction to Psychology Iyer Swarna Latha Premier Publishing Co 2006 241p UG Library
150 IYE 00073636 Introduction to Psychology Iyer Swarna Latha Premier Publishing Co 2006 241p UG Library
150 JAI 00129894 UGC NET/JRF/SET Teaching and research aptitude / Jain,Lal Upkar Publication, 2015 9788174820556 108p. UG Library
150 JAI 00129895 UGC NET/JRF/SET Teaching and research aptitude / Jain,Lal Upkar Publication, 2015 9788174820556 108p. UG Library
150 JAI 07008668 UGC NET/JRF/SET Teaching and research aptitude / Jain,Lal Upkar Publication, 2015 9788174820556 108p. Library - BR Campus
150 JAL 00013148 Introduction to Psychology Jalota, S Oxford 1970 227 p UG Library
150 JAL 00013524 Introduction Psychology Jalta, S O v a 1970 1 UG Library
150 JAM 05014316 Principles of Pychology.Vol.2 [msc-Psychology Section] James, Williams Dover Publications Inc 688p Knowledge Centre
150 JAM 00015165 Dictionary of Psychology Drever James Penguin 1955 315. ;p UG Library
150 JAR 05037381 Theoretical approaches in psychology / Jarvis, Matt, Routledge, 2000 0415191084 (pbk.) | 0415191076 xv, 224 p. : Knowledge Centre
150 JHA 07008636 Upkar's UGC NET/JRF/SET Psychology (Paper-III) / Jha Kalika Upkar prakashan, 2013 9789350133033 448 Pages.: Library - BR Campus
150 JOH 00074514 Introduction to Psychology Johnson, Joseph G. Dr Collins 2006 0060881526 | 9780060881528 2nd Ed. 328 p. UG Library
150 JOH 05014718 Study Guide Gleitman Psychology [MSC.PSYCHOLOGY SECTION]/ John, Jonides. W. W. Norton & Company, 1991 0393959570 297p.; Knowledge Centre
150 JOH 00081413 Introduction to Psychology Johnson, Joseph G Harper Collins. 2006 0060881526 328p UG Library
150 JON 05014284 History and Theories of Psychology: A Critical Perspective [msc-Psychology Section] Jones, Dai 0340741171 294p Knowledge Centre
150 JON 00081415 Study Guide Psychology Jonides, John W.W. Notron & Co 1999 9780393973662 5th,ed. 285p UG Library
150 JYA 10002331 Emergence of Psychology : Jyani, Simran. Abhijeet Publications, 2022 9789392816352 184p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 KAG 00025527 Psychology:An Introduction Kagan, Jerome Harcourt & Row 1970 648 p UG Library
150 KAK 05046665 Ecstasy / Kakar Sudhir Penguin Books, 2001 9780141005751 251p.: Knowledge Centre
150 KAK 05046666 Death and Dying / Penguin Groups, 2014 9780670084647 248p.: Knowledge Centre
150 KAK 05046667 The Ascetic of Desire / Kakar Sudhir Penguin Books, 1998 9780140272499 301p.: Knowledge Centre
150 KAK 05046668 The Grimson Throne / Kakar Sudhir Penguin Books, 2012 9780143418634 254p.: Knowledge Centre
150 KAK 00147027 Tagore Oru Manovisakalanam Kakar, Sudhir Current Books 2022 9789356434264 224p UG Library
150 KAL 00129892 Upkar's UGC NET/JRF/SET Psychology (Paper-III) / Jha Kalika Upkar prakashan, 2013 9789350133033 448 Pages.: UG Library
150 KAL 00061017 Introduction to Psychoogy Kalat, W. James Thomson Learning 2002 0534539998 | 9780534539993 714 p. UG Library
150 KAL 00055830 Introduction to Psychoogy Kalat, W. James Thomson Learning 2002 0534539998 | 9780534539993 714 p. UG Library
150 KAS 00123674 Psychology / Kassin, Saul M. Prentice Hall, 1998 013863887X (hardcover : alk. p 2nd ed. 1 v. (various pagings): UG Library
150 KAS 05001932 Psychology / Kassin, Saul M. Prentice Hall, 0130269263 xxiii, 740, [82] p. : Knowledge Centre
150 KAU 00115286 Fundamentals of Psychology Kaushik, Vijaya Kumari Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2002 8126112018 1st Ed. 282 p. UG Library
150 KAU 00086703 Fundamentals of Psychology Kaushik, Vijaya Kumari Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2002 8126112018 1st Ed. 282 p. UG Library
150 KAY 05068357 Freud as a social and cultural theorist : Kaye, Howard L., Routledge, 2019 9781138363151 (hbk) 1 Edition. 238 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150 KEL 00116897 Psych 101 : Kleinman, Paul. Adams Media 2012 9781440543906 | 1440543909 | 288 p. UG Library
150 KEL 05056066 Psych 101 : Kleinman, Paul. Adams Media 2012 9781440543906 | 1440543909 | 288 p. Knowledge Centre
150 KEN 00016387 Basic Psychology Brief Edition Kendler, Howard H 1989 1 UG Library
150 KEN 00016783 Basic Psychology Brief Version Kendler, Howard H W.A.Benjamin 1977 483 p UG Library
150 KHA 00120776 Textbook Psychology Khanam, Mahjabeen 9789381421185 288 p:. UG Library
150 KIM 00027262 Principles of Psychology Kimble, A. Greogory Wiley Eastern Ltd 1984 6th ed. 540 p. UG Library
150 KIM 00013361 Principles of General Psychology Kimble, Gregoru A Ronald 1968 3rd edition 756 p UG Library
150 KIN 00107156 The Science of Psychology King Laura A. McGraw-Hill Higher Education 2008 9780071284035 xxxv: 631 P. UG Library
150 KLE 00143349 Psych 101 : Kleinman, Paul. Adams Media, 2012 9781440543906 (hbk.) | 1440543909 (hbk.) | 9781440543937 (eISBN) | 1440543933 (eISBN) 288 p., [8] p. of plates : UG Library
150 KLE 00132931 Psych 101 : Kleinman, Paul. Adams Media, 2012 9781440543906 (hbk.) | 1440543909 (hbk.) | 9781440543937 (eISBN) | 1440543933 (eISBN) 288 p., [8] p. of plates : UG Library
150 KNI 00005631 Modern Introduction to Psychology Knight, Rex University Tuturial Press. 1966 272 p UG Library
150 KOS 05000896 Fundamentals of psychology in context / Kosslyn, Stephen Michael, Pearson Allyn and Bacon, 2007 0205507573 (pbk.) | 9780205507 3rd ed. xxx, 599, A113, G-14, R-46, I-29, C-2 p. : Knowledge Centre
150 KOS 05072379 Phychology : Kosslyn Stephen M. Pearson Education 2008 9788131716892 3rd ed. xxviii,783p,; Knowledge Centre
150 KOW 00072470 Psychology: Kowalski, Robin 2005 0047165244 692p UG Library
150 KRI 00102473 The Ending of Time Krishnamurti J Krishnamurti Foundation, 9788187326166 268 p. UG Library
150 KUM 00123764 Principles of Psychology Kumari, Geeta Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2015 9788126164103 488 p:. UG Library
150 KUP 00005365 Elementary Experiments in Psychology Kuppuswamy, B Oxford University Press 1954 145 p UG Library
150 KUP 00005367 Elementary Experiments in Psychology Kuppuswamy, B Oxford University Press 1954 145 p UG Library
150 KUP 00005369 Elementary Experiments in Psychology Kuppuswamy, B Oxford University Press 1954 145 p UG Library
150 KUP 00005368 Elementary Experiments in Psychology Kuppuswamy, B Oxford University Press 1954 145 p UG Library
150 KUP 00005366 Elementary Experiments in Psychology Kuppuswamy, B Oxford University Press 1954 145 p UG Library
150 KUT 00112223 Psychology for Bsc (Nursing) Kutty,A.B PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 2013 9788120347830 xvi,247p.; UG Library
150 KUT 00061014 Psychology Major's Handbook Kuther, L. Tara Thomson 2003 0155085115 | 9780155085114 203 p. UG Library
150 LAH 00081869 Essentials of Psychology Lahey, Benjamin B McGraw-Hill__ 2002 9780071121194 482p UG Library
150 LAH 00120785 Psychology : Lahey, Benjamin B. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2009 9780073531984 (pbk. : alk. pap 10th ed. 610p.1 v. (various pagings) : UG Library
150 LAI 00014587 Technique Or Getting Things Done Laird, Donald A TATA McGraw-Hill 1969 310 p UG Library
150 LAN 05014402 Mood Management: A Cognitive-Behavioral Skills-Building Program for Adolescents [msc.Psychology Section] Langelier, Carol A 0000761997 137 Knowledge Centre
150 LAN 05014401 Mood Management: a Cognitive Behavioral Skills Building Program for Adolescents: [msc-Psy] Langelier, A Carol 0761922997 135p Knowledge Centre
150 LAW 05014293 History of Psychology: Globalization, Ideas, and Applications [MSC.PSYCHOLOGY SECTION] Lawson, Robert B Prentice Hall of India 9788120333635 498p Knowledge Centre
150 LAW 05069969 Psychology for the IB Diploma /​ Lawton, Jean-Marc, Hodder Education, 2013 9781510425774 vii, 356p.; Knowledge Centre
150 LEA 00130792 The Routledge guidebook to James's Principles of psychology / Leary, David E., Routledge, 2018 9781138887510 (hbk : alk. pape 1 [edition]. xii,364p.; UG Library
150 LEF 00087253 Mastering Psychology Lefton, Lester A 1983 0205137369 668p UG Library
150 LIE 09000482 Objection : Lieberman, Debra Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190491291 (hardback) | 9780190491314 (epub) xiv, 248 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 LIE 05067866 Objection : Lieberman, Debra Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190491291 (hardback) | 9780190491314 (epub) xiv, 248 pages : Knowledge Centre
150 LIE 01027122 Objection : Lieberman, Debra Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190491291 (hardback) | 9780190491314 (epub) xiv, 248 pages : Knowledge Centre
150 LOT 05046664 Religious Faith,Human Identity : Lott Eric Asian Trading Corporation, 2005 8170863414 419p.: Knowledge Centre
150 MAC 00014720 An Outline of Psychology McDougall, William Methuen 1969 456 p UG Library
150 MAH 00115284 Introduction to Psychology / Mahmud,Jafar A.P.H Publishing Corporation 2004 8176487805 | 9788176487801 315 p. UG Library
150 MAH 00115285 Introduction to Psychology Mahmud, Jafar A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 315 p. UG Library
150 MAH 00115192 Introduction to Psychology Mahmud, Jafar A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 315 p. UG Library
150 MAJ 07015178 NTA UGC NET / JRF / SET : Psychology (Paper-2) / Majumdar, Monika. Arihant Publications (India) Limited, 2019 9789326192576 730p.; Library - BR Campus
150 MAJ 05073147 NTA UGC NET / JRF / SET : Psychology (Paper-2) / Majumdar, Monika. Arihant Publications (India) Limited, 2019 9789326192576 730p.; Knowledge Centre
150 MAL 05058474 Principles of behavior / Malott, Richard W., Pearson, 2014 9780205959495 (paperback : alk Seventh Edition. xx, 456 pages : Knowledge Centre
150 MAL 05014258 Introductory Psychology; Malim,Tony Palgrave Macmillan; 9780333668528 xv; 922; p; i-20 Knowledge Centre
150 MAL 05068756 Summarizing psychology : Malu, Bhasker. White Falcon Publishing, 2019 9789389530469 vii, 135 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150 MAL 00061001 Introductory Psychology Malim,Tony Macmillan Press Ltd 1998 0333668529 | 9780333668528 984 p. UG Library
150 MAL 05044461 Principles of behavior / Malott, Richard W., Pearson, 2014 9780205959495 (paperback : alk Seventh Edition. xx, 456 pages : Knowledge Centre
150 MAN 01011966 Essentials of Educational Psychology Mangal,S. K. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd 2009 9788120330559 x:726 p.; Knowledge Centre
150 MAN 10002493 General Psychology / Mangal, S K Sterling, 2019 9789386245762 416p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 MAN 00107434 Essentials of Educational Psychology Mangal,S. K. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd 2009 9788120330559 x:726 p.; UG Library
150 MAN 00115283 General Psychology / Mangal, S. K. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd, 2005 8120707982 | 9788120707986 x,304 p.; UG Library
150 MAN 00115811 General Psychology / Mangal, S. K. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd, 2005 8120707982 | 9788120707986 x,304 p.; UG Library
150 MAN 05000749 General Psychology / Mangal, S. K. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd, 2005 8120707982 | 9788120707986 x,304 p.; Knowledge Centre
150 MAN 07007478 General Psychology / Mangal, S. K. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd, 2005 8120707982 | 9788120707986 x,304 p.; Library - BR Campus
150 MAN 05041406 General Psychology / Mangal, S. K. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd, 2005 8120707982 | 9788120707986 x,304 p.; Knowledge Centre
150 MAN 09001040 General Psychology / Mangal, S K Sterling, 2019 9789386245762 416p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 MAN 09001115 The Social Detox / Manohar, Fagin G Fagin G Manohar, 2022 9798365847200 109p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 MAR 10004953 Attention span: finding focus for a fulfilling life/ by Gloria Mark. Mark, Gloria [Author] William Collins, 2023 9780008616984 1st Ed. 360 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 MAS 00125829 Comprehensive capsule of Psychology / Masood-ul- assan Global Academic Publishers 2015 9789381695333 2nd. 312p. UG Library
150 MAT 00091879 Psychology / Matlin, Margaret W. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers, 0030295084 xxiv, 757 p. : UG Library
150 MAZ 07013986 Ethics for counselors/ Mazzula, Silvia L. Springer Publishing Company, 2018 9780826181862 xv, 186p;. Library - BR Campus
150 MCC 00027561 Under Standing Human Behaviour Mcconnell, James V Holt,Rinehort 1984 4th edition 700 p UG Library
150 MCD 00050752 A Textbook of Psychology Mcdougall, William Discovery Publishing House 1999 8171415059 450 p. UG Library
150 MCG 00103709 Key research and study skills in psychology / McGee, Sieglinde. SAGE Publications, 2010 9781848600201 (cloth) | 978184 1st ed. 210 p. UG Library
150 MCG 09001085 Key research and study skills in psychology / McGee, Sieglinde. SAGE Publications, 2010 9781848600201 (cloth) | 978184 1st ed. 210 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 MCG 00020379 Contemporaray Studies in Psychology Mcguigan, F J Appleton 1972 321 p UG Library
150 MCH 05014271 Mind With a Heart:Creative Patterns of a Personal Change [ Msc-Psychology Section] Mchugh, Richard P Gujarat Sahuitya Prakash 8187886048 296p Knowledge Centre
150 MCK 00016592 Psychology Mckeachie, Wilbert James Addison-weseley publishing company 1970 0201046075 3rd ed, 604 p. UG Library
150 MCK 00004323 Psychology Mckeachie, Wilbert James Addison 1966 702 p UG Library
150 MCS 00115287 A Text Book of Psychology Mcdoughall, William Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171415059 456 p. UG Library
150 MED 00001742 What Interests You Most in the World Today Medlock, Julie Bby 1961 186p : . UG Library
150 MEU 10004356 Master Your Thinking : Meurisse, Thibaut Wisdom Tree, 2023 9788183285971 xi, 198 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 MIL 05046672 An Expanded Sourcebook Qualitative Data Analysis / Miles Matthew.B Sage Publications, 1994 9780803955400 2nd ed xiv,338p.: Knowledge Centre
150 MIN 00139936 2 Minute Quiet Times: St. Pauls 2016 9789350152621 214p UG Library
150 MIN 07013030 Introduction to Psychology / Minn AITBS Publishers,India, 2018 9788174730909 xxviii,643p.: Library - BR Campus
150 MIS 01011958 Psychology: Mishra,B K PHI Learning Pvt Ltd 9788120333376 586p.; Knowledge Centre
150 MIS 07014516 ICSSR Research Surveys and Explorations: Psychology / Oxford University Press, 2019 9780199499663 | 0199499667 | 9780199498840 | 0199498849 | 9780199498857 | 0199498857 | 9780199498864 | 0199498865 | 9780199498871 | 0199498873 | 9780199498833 | 0199498830 First edition. 5 volumes ; Library - BR Campus
150 MIS 07014517 ICSSR Research Surveys and Explorations: Psychology / Oxford University Press, 2019 9780199499663 | 0199499667 | 9780199498840 | 0199498849 | 9780199498857 | 0199498857 | 9780199498864 | 0199498865 | 9780199498871 | 0199498873 | 9780199498833 | 0199498830 First edition. 5 volumes ; Library - BR Campus
150 MIS 07014518 ICSSR Research Surveys and Explorations: Psychology / Oxford University Press, 2019 9780199499663 | 0199499667 | 9780199498840 | 0199498849 | 9780199498857 | 0199498857 | 9780199498864 | 0199498865 | 9780199498871 | 0199498873 | 9780199498833 | 0199498830 First edition. 5 volumes ; Library - BR Campus
150 MIS 07014519 ICSSR Research Surveys and Explorations: Psychology / Oxford University Press, 2019 9780199499663 | 0199499667 | 9780199498840 | 0199498849 | 9780199498857 | 0199498857 | 9780199498864 | 0199498865 | 9780199498871 | 0199498873 | 9780199498833 | 0199498830 First edition. 5 volumes ; Library - BR Campus
150 MIS 07014520 ICSSR Research Surveys and Explorations: Psychology / Oxford University Press, 2019 9780199499663 | 0199499667 | 9780199498840 | 0199498849 | 9780199498857 | 0199498857 | 9780199498864 | 0199498865 | 9780199498871 | 0199498873 | 9780199498833 | 0199498830 First edition. 5 volumes ; Library - BR Campus
150 MIS 00107372 Handbook of psychology in India / Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198069997 | 0198069995 xxii, 373 p. : UG Library
150 MIS 05009258 Psychology: Mishra,B K PHI Learning Pvt Ltd 9788120333376 586p.; Knowledge Centre
150 MIS 05008373 Handbook of psychology in India / Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198069997 | 0198069995 xxii, 373 p. : Knowledge Centre
150 MIS 00103785 Handbook of psychology in India / Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198069997 | 0198069995 xxii, 373 p. : UG Library
150 MIT 00053636 The Prehistory of the Mind Mithen, Steven Thames And Hudson 1990 0500050813 | 9780500050811 286 p. UG Library
150 MIT 05039534 Psychology : Coon, Dennis. Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, 2011 9780495811701 | 049581170X | 9 4th ed. / 1 v. (various pagings) : Knowledge Centre
150 MOE 09000937 Exploring psychology and Christian faith : Moes, Paul, Baker Academic 2014 9780801049262 (pbk.) xxiii, 272 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 MOE 00122119 Exploring psychology and Christian faith : Moes, Paul, Baker Academic 2014 9780801049262 (pbk.) xxiii, 272 pages ; UG Library
150 MOE 07010212 Exploring psychology and Christian faith : Moes, Paul, Baker Academic 2014 9780801049262 (pbk.) xxiii, 272 pages ; Library - BR Campus
150 MOH 05001970 Guide to Natuinal Educational Test, State Level Eligibility Test in Psychology / Mohanty, Girishbala. Kalyani Publications, 2001 8127201995 425p.; Knowledge Centre
150 MOH 00062593 Question Bank Psychology Mohanty, Girishbala Kalyani 2002 8176635413 238p UG Library
150 MOO 00142725 Psychology : Moore,Heather. States Academic Press, 2021 9781639894512 vi,233p.; UG Library
150 MOR 00012596 Introduction Psychology Morgan, Clfort 1971 1 UG Library
150 MOR 00069602 Introduction to Psychology Morgan, Clifford 0074622501 724p UG Library
150 MOR 00061431 Introduction to Psychology / Morgan,Clifford T. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd, 2018 9780074622506 7th Ed. 713 p.; UG Library
150 MOR 00026344 A Brief Introduction to Psychology Morgan, Clifford Thomas. McGraw-Hill, 1977 9780070994553 | 0070994552 | 0 2d ed. xi, 499 p. : UG Library
150 MOR 00069913 Introduction to Psychology / Morgan,Clifford T. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd, 2018 9780074622506 7th Ed. 713 p.; UG Library
150 MOR 00115810 Introduction to Psychology / Morgan,Clifford T. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd, 2018 9780074622506 7th Ed. 713 p.; UG Library
150 MOR 00029826 Introduction to Psychology / Morgan,Clifford T. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd, 2018 9780074622506 7th Ed. 713 p.; UG Library
150 MOR 00021278 Introduction to Psychology Morgan, Clifford T T M Hall 1970 6th Ed. 686 p UG Library
150 MOR 00106417 Introduction to Psychology / Morgan,Clifford T. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd, 2018 9780074622506 7th Ed. 713 p.; UG Library
150 MOR 00089709 Introduction to Psychology / Morgan,Clifford T. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd, 2018 9780074622506 7th Ed. 713 p.; UG Library
150 MOR 00022309 Introduction to Psychology Mogan, Clifford T M Hall 1982 684 p UG Library
150 MOR 10001801 Introduction to Psychology / Morgan,Clifford T. Affiliated east-west press pvt ltd., 2022 9788176711197 7th Ed. xx,724p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 MOR 10001802 Introduction to Psychology / Morgan,Clifford T. Affiliated east-west press pvt ltd., 2022 9788176711197 7th Ed. xx,724p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 MOR 07008325 Introduction to Psychology / Morgan,Clifford T. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd, 2018 9780074622506 7th Ed. 713 p.; Library - BR Campus
150 MOR 05071746 Introduction to Psychology / Morgan,Clifford T. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd, 2018 9780074622506 7th Ed. 713 p.; Knowledge Centre
150 MOR 07012954 Introduction to Psychology / Morgan,Clifford T. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd, 2018 9780074622506 7th Ed. 713 p.; Library - BR Campus
150 MOR 00015087 Introduction to Psychology Morgan, Clifford T Tata Mc Graw 1976 1 UG Library
150 MOR 00110220 A Brief Introduction to Psychology Morgan, Clifford Thomas. McGraw-Hill, 1977 9780070994553 | 0070994552 | 0 2d ed. xi, 499 p. : UG Library
150 MOR 07011717 A Brief Introduction to Psychology Morgan, Clifford Thomas. McGraw-Hill, 1977 9780070994553 | 0070994552 | 0 2d ed. xi, 499 p. : Library - BR Campus
150 MOR 00123681 Understanding psychology / Morris, Charles G. Prentice Hall, 1996 0134329988 (student version) | 3rd ed. xx, 682 p. : UG Library
150 MOR 07001709 Introduction to Psychology / Morgan,Clifford T. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd, 2018 9780074622506 7th Ed. 713 p.; Library - BR Campus
150 MOR 00046613 Introdduction to Psychology Morgan, Clifford T Tata Mcgraw Hill UG Library
150 MOR 05014305 Introduction to Psychology / Morgan, Clifford T Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing , 2005 0074622501 7th Ed. 724p. Knowledge Centre
150 MOR 10000016 Introduction to Psychology / Morgan,Clifford T. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd, 2018 9780074622506 7th Ed. 713 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 MUN 00001752 Introduction to Psychology Munn, Norman L. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co 1969 3rd Ed. 736 p. UG Library
150 MUN 00011751 Introduction to Psychology Munn Norman L Oxford University Press 1973 599 p UG Library
150 MUN 00001753 Rajasthan Pal, Dharm Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. 1969 4th Ed. 588 p. UG Library
150 MUN 00005200 Rajasthan Pal, Dharm Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. 1969 4th Ed. 588 p. UG Library
150 MUN 00005199 Rajasthan Pal, Dharm Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. 1969 4th Ed. 588 p. UG Library
150 MUN 00005198 Rajasthan Pal, Dharm Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. 1969 4th Ed. 588 p. UG Library
150 MUN 00005197 Rajasthan Pal, Dharm Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. 1969 4th Ed. 588 p. UG Library
150 MUN 00005195 Rajasthan Pal, Dharm Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. 1969 4th Ed. 588 p. UG Library
150 MUN 00005194 Rajasthan Pal, Dharm Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. 1969 4th Ed. 588 p. UG Library
150 MUN 00012820 Psychology Munn, Norman L. Houghton Mifflin Company 1966 5th Ed. 716 p. UG Library
150 MUN 00005193 Rajasthan Pal, Dharm Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. 1969 4th Ed. 588 p. UG Library
150 MUN 00005192 Rajasthan Pal, Dharm Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. 1969 4th Ed. 588 p. UG Library
150 MUN 00011750 Rajasthan Pal, Dharm Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. 1969 4th Ed. 588 p. UG Library
150 MUN 00005196 Introduction to Psychology Munn, Norman L Oxford Charendon Press 1969 1 UG Library
150 MUN 00022312 Introduction to Psychology Munn, Norman L. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co 1969 3rd Ed. 736 p. UG Library
150 MUR 00005628 Introduction to Psychology Murphy, Gardner Oxford & IBH 1964 583p : . UG Library
150 MUR 05014294 Amazing Laws of Cosmic Mind Power -Release of Mysterious Cosmic Power Murphy, Joseph 0130238880 223 p Knowledge Centre
150 MUT 00102906 Psychology of learning and human development; Muthuja Babu Centrum Press; 9789380252100 320 p. UG Library
150 MYE 05001927 Psychology : Myers, David G. Worth Publishers, 1572599804 (pbk.) 1 v. (various pagings) : Knowledge Centre
150 MYE 05014256 Experimental Psychology [msc.Psychology Section] Myers, Anne 0534634419 603p Knowledge Centre
150 MYE 00083336 Exploring Psychology Myers, David G 2002 0716752549 576p UG Library
150 MYE 05045022 Psychology / Myers, David G. Worth Publishers, 2010 9781429216388 | 1429216387 9th ed. in modules xxxi, 734, [160] p. : Knowledge Centre
150 MYE 00059443 Experimental Psychology Myers, Anne Wadsworth 2000 0534560121 | 9780534560126 5th Ed. 560p UG Library
150 MYE 05003395 Psychology Myers, David G. Worth Publisher, 2010 9781429236997 9th ed. xxix,721 pv. Knowledge Centre
150 MYE 00081404 Exploring Psychology Myers, David G 0716752549 576p UG Library
150 MYE 05003396 Psychology Myers, David G. Worth Publisher, 2010 9781429236997 9th ed. xxix,721 pv. Knowledge Centre
150 MYE 09001089 Psychology / Myers, David G. Worth Publishers, 2010 9781429216388 | 1429216387 9th ed. in modules xxxi, 734, [160] p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 MYE 00069794 Exploring Psychology Myers, David G 2005 0716715449 | 9780716715443 6th Ed. 652p UG Library
150 NAI 00071856 Psychology: The Adaptive Mind: Narine, S James 0534357660 750p UG Library
150 NAI 05001937 Psychology : Nairne, James S., Thomson/Wadsworth, 0495031623 | 049503150X xxvii, 665 p. : Knowledge Centre
150 NAI 00060990 Psychology: The Adaptive Mind Nairne, James S 2003 0534390579 | 9780534390570 679p UG Library
150 NAI 00073382 Psychology the Adaptive Mind Nairne James S 2000 0534357660 750 UG Library
150 NAT 00005557 Laboratory Experience in Psychology. Natraj, P T v Memorial Series 1970 1 UG Library
150 NAT 00005851 Laboratory Expreience in Psychology Natraj, P T v Memorial Series 1970 1 UG Library
150 NAT 00005852 Experimental Psychology Nataraj 1970 407 p UG Library
150 NAT 00029564 Manual of Experiments in Psychology Nataraj, P. Srinivasa Publications 1972 2nd Ed. 448 p. UG Library
150 NAT 00029565 Manual of Experiments in Psychology Nataraj, P. Srinivasa Publications 1972 2nd Ed. 448 p. UG Library
150 NAT 00028758 A manual of Laboratory Experiments in Psychology Nataraj P T V Memorial Series 1970 407 p UG Library
150 NAT 00035960 Manoroga Vignana Nataraj, P Srinivas 1991 575 UG Library
150 NAT 00018646 Laboratory Experiments in Psychology. Nataraj, 1970 406 p UG Library
150 NCE 00115448 Psychology - Textbook For Class XII National Council of Education National Council of Educational Research & Tra 2007 8174506608 1st Ed. 208 p UG Library
150 NCE 00115447 Psychology - Textbook For Class XII National Council of Education National Council of Educational Research & Tra 2007 8174506608 1st Ed. 208 p UG Library
150 NEV 05001884 Psychology: Nevid, Jeffrey S. Mifflin Company, 2007 9780618475117 2nd Edition. xxxvii, 655 p. Knowledge Centre
150 NEV 05047846 An Introduction To Psychology / Nevid, Jeffrey.s. Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2013 9780840028198 4th ed. xl,635 p.; Knowledge Centre
150 NEV 00133738 Essentials of psychology : Nevid, Jeffrey S. Houghton MIfflin, 2009 9780547014555 (pbk.) | 0547014554 2nd ed. xxvi, 522, [84] p. : UG Library
150 NEV 09001066 An Introduction To Psychology / Nevid, Jeffrey.s. Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2013 9780840028198 4th ed. xl,635 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 NEV 00131775 Essentials of Psychology concepts and applications: Nevid,Jeffrey S., Wadsworth Cengage learning 2012 9781111305475 xxxv,G-18 p.; UG Library
150 NEV 05056277 An Introduction To Psychology / Nevid, Jeffrey.s. Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2013 9780840028198 4th ed. xl,635 p.; Knowledge Centre
150 NOB 09000327 The Oxford handbook of attention / Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199675111 (hbk.) | 0199675112 (hbk.) | 9780198824671 (pbk.) xvi, 1242p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 NOB 05067801 The Oxford handbook of attention / Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199675111 (hbk.) | 0199675112 (hbk.) | 9780198824671 (pbk.) xvi, 1242p.; Knowledge Centre
150 NOL 10001914 Atkinson & Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology / Nolen-Hoeksema, Susan, Cengage Learning India Private Limited, 2014 9788131528990 16th ed. xxiv, 728p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 NOL 10001915 Atkinson & Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology / Nolen-Hoeksema, Susan, Cengage Learning India Private Limited, 2014 9788131528990 16th ed. xxiv, 728p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 NOL 10001916 Atkinson & Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology / Nolen-Hoeksema, Susan, Cengage Learning India Private Limited, 2014 9788131528990 16th ed. xxiv, 728p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 NOR 09001106 Principles of Neural Science / North, Jacob Medicare Health Sciences, 2022 9781644350836 261p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 OKA 05014286 Philosophy of Science: A Very Short Introduction [MA-PHILOSOPHY SECTION] Okasha, Samir 0195681681 144p Knowledge Centre
150 ORS 09000805 The Psychology Book/ Orsborne,Amy D K Publishing, 2012 9781405391245 351 Pages,: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 ORS 07013913 The Psychology Book/ Orsborne,Amy D K Publishing, 2012 9781405391245 351 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
150 OSB 07004523 Philosophy: for Beginners. Osborne, Richard Orient Longman Publications 2007 8125031685 184p Library - BR Campus
150 OSB 00058715 Freud for Beginners Osborne, Richard Orient Longman Publications 2000 8125019146 177p UG Library
150 PAN 10004651 Common University Entrance Test (CUET) Psychology : Panwar, Amit PsyNXT Publications, 2024 9788196450694 4th ed 430p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 PAN 10004652 Common University Entrance Test (CUET) Psychology : Panwar, Amit PsyNXT Publications, 2024 9788196450694 4th ed 430p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 PAR 05067780 Study and communication skills for psychology / Parson, Vanessa. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198786122 | 0198786123 2nd ed. viii, 207p.; Knowledge Centre
150 PAR 00115196 An Inivitation to Psychology Parameswaran, EG Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2002 8186804447 1st Ed. 802 p. UG Library
150 PAR 09000306 Study and communication skills for psychology / Parson, Vanessa. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198786122 | 0198786123 2nd ed. viii, 207p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 PAR 00005697 Manual of Experimental Psychology Parameshwaran, U G Lalvani 1968 1 UG Library
150 PAR 00079346 An Inivitation to Psychology Parameswaran, EG Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2002 8186804447 1st Ed. 802 p. UG Library
150 PAS 00124871 Psychology/ Passer Michael W McGraw Hill Education 2013 9781259097218 5th ed. 673p. UG Library
150 PAS 07001702 Psychology/ Passer Michael W McGraw Hill Education 2013 9781259097218 5th ed. 673p. Library - BR Campus
150 PAS 00120113 Psychology The Science of Mind and Behaviour Passer Michael Mcgraw-Hill Higher Educations, 2009 9780077118365 xxvi, 1036 p.: UG Library
150 PAS 05014310 Psychology : Passer Michael McGraw-Hill Higher Education ; 2009 9780077122980 european edition 1035 p. Knowledge Centre
150 PAS 00083334 Psychology Passer, Michael W. Tata McGraw-Hill Pub Com Ltd 2004 0072563303 | 9780072563306 2nd Ed. 631 p. UG Library
150 PAS 05014309 Psychology the Science of Mind and Behaviour[msc.Psychology SECTION] Passer, Michael W 0072563303 631 Knowledge Centre
150 PAS 00075589 Psychology Passer, W. Michael Tata McGraw-Hill Pub Com Ltd 2007 0070615721 | 9780070615724 3rd Ed. 752 p. UG Library
150 PAS 00120520 Psychology/ Passer Michael W McGraw Hill Education 2013 9781259097218 5th ed. 673p. UG Library
150 PAS 05013926 Psychology: McGraw Hill, 9780071215022 xviii, 631 p. SI - 11 pv. Knowledge Centre
150 PAS 05001931 Psychology : Passer, Michael W. McGraw-Hill, 0073657956 (alk. paper) xxii, 703, [107] : Knowledge Centre
150 PAU 00010764 Abnormal Person Paul, L 1966 1 UG Library
150 PEN 05014276 Advanced Psychology: Child Development, Perspective and Methods Pennington, Donald 0340859342 355 Knowledge Centre
150 PEN 05014262 Advanced Psychology Child Development, Perspectives & Methods Pennington, Donald 0340340342 356p Knowledge Centre
150 PSY 00016794 Psychology Today:An Introduction Others, Crm 1970 708 p UG Library
150 RAG 00016169 Psychology Rao, T Ragand 1975 1 UG Library
150 RAM 07010216 Hypnotism for Beginners/ Ram,Pattabhi B V 9788122304299 152 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
150 RAM 05038670 Human action, consciousness, and problems of representation / Ramana,Geeta. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198097266 xx,265p.; Knowledge Centre
150 RAN 09001143 Behavioural Psychology / Rani, Asha Bio- Green Books, 2023 9789391187934 304p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 RAN 07010222 Work Psychology/ Rani,Laxmi Ishika Publishing House, 2017 9789385302282 VII,279 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
150 RAN 09000773 Work Psychology/ Rani,Laxmi Ishika Publishing House, 2017 9789385302282 VII,279 Pages,: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 RAN 07010495 Work Psychology/ Rani,Laxmi Ishika Publishing House, 2017 9789385302282 VII,279 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
150 RAO 07010218 MCQ in Psychology/ Rao,Ravikanth Neelkamal Publications, 2016 9788183164962 VII,425 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
150 RAT 05014320 Psychology: Concepts & Connections:Brief Version [msc-Psychology Section] Rathus, Spencer A 0495172286 627p Knowledge Centre
150 RAT 05042214 Psych / Rathus Spencer.A Wadsworth, 2012 9781111185787 370p.: Knowledge Centre
150 RAT 07010991 Psychology: Rathus,Spencer A Wadsworth, 2012 9781111347987 10 th Ed xxxiii,614 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
150 RAT 00135228 Psychology: Concepts & Connections:Brief Version Rathus, Spencer A Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2013 0495172286 | 9781133049845 9th ed., xxix, 609p. ; UG Library
150 RAT 00059448 Psychology In The New Millennium Rathus, Spencer A 2003 0155060678 | 9780155060678 8th Ed. 622p UG Library
150 RAT 00060985 Psychology: Concepts And Connections Rathus, Spencer A 2003 0534612369 | 9780534612368 7th Ed. 563p UG Library
150 RAT 05010481 Psychology: Concepts And Connections Rathus, Spencer A 2003 0534612369 | 9780534612368 7th Ed. 563p Knowledge Centre
150 RAT 05014307 Psychology / Rathus, Spencer A. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 0030631777 xxv, 645 p. : Knowledge Centre
150 RAT 00097374 Psychology Rathus, Spencer A. Wardsworth Thomson Learning, 2004 0534612369 7 ed. 563 p. UG Library
150 RAT 00067942 Psychology Rathus A. Spencer Wadsworth Thomson, 2004 9780534612368 7th ed. xlii,563 p.: UG Library
150 RAT1 05001566 Psychology: Concepts And Connections Rathus, Spencer A 2003 0534612369 | 9780534612368 7th Ed. 563p Knowledge Centre
150 RAV 00115195 MCQ in Psychology Rao, Ravikanth K. Neelkamal Publications Pvt Ltd 2005 8183160263 425 p. UG Library
150 REA 00069314 To Accompany Discovering Psychology Rea, Cornelius Worth Publishers 2003 0716757052 3rd ed xi, 396 p UG Library
150 REB 00139009 Psychology / Reber, Rolf, Routledge, 2020 9781138552258 | 9781138552265 x, 183 p. : UG Library
150 REK 00140661 Mindful Zen habits : Reklau, Marc Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd.; 2021 9788129144904 155 p. ; UG Library
150 ROB 05004731 The primordial mind in health and illness : Robbins, Michael, Routledge, 2011 9780415454605 (hbk.) | 9780415 p. cm. Knowledge Centre
150 ROB 00005710 Contemporary Schools of Psychology Robert S, Woodworth Methuen 1970 1 UG Library
150 ROG 00029316 Psychic Break Throughs Today Rogo D, Scoh Acquarian 1987 1 UG Library
150 RUC 00013174 Psychology and Life Ruch, Floyd L D.B. Taraporevala 1970 758 p UG Library
150 RUC 00016385 Psychology and Life 8th Ed Ruch Floyd L Foresman and Company 1971 564 p UG Library
150 RUE 00014711 Psychology and Life. Ruch, Floyd L Scott 1963 6th ed, 685 p UG Library
150 RUS 05062357 The Analysis Of Mind / Russell, Bertrand. Knowledge Book Distributors, 2018 9789380350905 246p.; Knowledge Centre
150 SAN 00065741 General Psychology Sandhya, K. P. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2005 8126126000 2nd Ed. 232 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 SAN 00065744 General Psychology Sandhya, K. P. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2005 8126126000 2nd Ed. 232 p. UG Library
150 SAN 00065745 General Psychology Sandhya, K. P. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2005 8126126000 2nd Ed. 232 p. UG Library
150 SAN 00065743 General Psychology Sandhya, K. P. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2005 8126126000 2nd Ed. 232 p. UG Library
150 SAN 00123672 Psychology / Santrock, John W. McGraw-Hill, 2000 9780070394698 | 9780072371918 6th ed. xxxiv, 593 p. : UG Library
150 SAN 00057877 General Psychology Sandhya, K. P. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2003 8126116730 1st Ed. 199 p. UG Library
150 SAN 00061807 General Psychology Sandhya, K. P. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2003 8126116730 1st Ed. 199 p. UG Library
150 SAN 00075594 Psychology: Essentials 2 Santrock, W. John Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd 2005 0007061573 | 9780070615731 2nd Ed. 602 p. UG Library
150 SAN 00047816 Psychology Santrock, John W 1994 0697324265 304p UG Library
150 SAN 00121303 General Psychology Sandhya K P Anmol Publications 2013 9788126159949 307p. UG Library
150 SAN 00109184 Psychology / Santrock, John W. McGraw-Hill, 2000 9780070394698 | 9780072371918 6th ed. xxxiv, 593 p. : UG Library
150 SAN 00115198 General Psychology Sandhya, K. P. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2003 8126116730 1st Ed. 199 p. UG Library
150 SAR 00083417 Environmental Psychology Saran, A K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2005 9788126122165 336p UG Library
150 SAT 05014280 Psychology in Context: Voices and Perspectives (msc Psy) (UGC - Autonomous) Sattler, David N 0395959624 313p Knowledge Centre
150 SCH 05074717 Introduction to scientific psychology / Schlinger, Henry D. Plenum Press, 1998 0306457288 | 9780306457289 xix, 388 p. : Knowledge Centre
150 SCH 05001924 Psychology Schacter, Daniel L 0716752158 663p Knowledge Centre
150 SCH 05007303 Personality, human development, and culture Psychology Press, 2010 xvi, 309 p. Knowledge Centre
150 SCH 05007064 Introduction to scientific psychology / Schlinger, Henry D. Plenum Press, 1998 0306457288 | 9780306457289 xix, 388 p. : Knowledge Centre
150 SCH.S 05030696 History of Modern Psychology Schultz, P Duane USA: 2004 0534557759 534p.: Knowledge Centre
150 SDO 00083337 Psychology Sdorow, Lester M 0072358327 528p UG Library
150 SEB 00121782 From Restoration of the self to the recovery of human mystery Sebastian,Babu Claretian Publications 2014 8189851880 546p UG Library
150 SEJ 00131263 Foundations of psychology Sejwal,Shekhar K> Rajat publications, 2018 9788178807782 viii,288p.; UG Library
150 SHA 09000700 Psychology and Crime/ Sharma,Devendra Kumar. Random Publications, 2019 9789352691272 VIII,260 Pages,: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 SHA 05014317 Psychcolgy Matters;development, Health and Organization [msc-Psychology Section] Sharan, M B Allied Publishers 8184242123 179p Knowledge Centre
150 SHA 00050398 Human Behaviour Psychology Sharan, A. K. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2000 8126103396 313 p. UG Library
150 SHA 05014318 Psychology Matters: Development, Health and Organisation [msc.Psychology Section] Sharan, M B Allied Publishers 8184242123 179p Knowledge Centre
150 SHA 00115197 Human Psychology Sharan, A. K. Commonwealth Publishers 1999 8171695965 1st Ed. 345 p. UG Library
150 SHA 07014268 Psychology and Crime/ Sharma,Devendra Kumar. Random Publications, 2019 9789352691272 VIII,260 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
150 SHA 05014291 Psychology: A New Introduction: Study Guide: [M.Sc Counselling Psychology] Shackleton- Jones, Nick 0340804157 264p Knowledge Centre
150 SHR 00083492 New Concepts and Practices Related to Human Behaviour: Challenges of Globalization Effects. Shrivastav, S K Multilingual Matters Limited 2008 8130908255 338p UG Library
150 SHU 00132866 Modern Psychology and Virtuals: Shukla,Sunil, Cyber Tech Publications, 2018 9789350536933 x,216 p.; UG Library
150 SHU 00069411 General Psychology Shukla, K. C. Commonwealth Publishers 2005 8171699022 386 p. UG Library
150 SHY 00073036 Practical Psychology Shukla K. C. Commonwealth Publishers. 2005 8171691694 466 p. UG Library
150 SIA 00091824 Philosophy in Context Sia Santiago Dharmaram Publications 8186861874 136p UG Library
150 SID 00015177 Introduction to Psychology Davidoff Linda L. Mcgraw-Hill Book Com 1976 560 p. UG Library
150 SIE 00126353 Mind : Siegel, Daniel J., W.W. Norton, 2017 9780393710533 First edition. 378 p.: UG Library
150 SIL 00105165 The threshold of the visible world Silverman, Kaja. Routledge, 1996 0415910382 (cloth : alk. paper x, 254 p. : UG Library
150 SIN 00130137 Behavioural Psychology Singh, Shashi Kala Ane Books, 2018 9789386761293 296 p.: UG Library
150 SIN 00005885 Indian Psychology Emotion and Will Sinha, Jadunath Sinha Publishing House 1961 1st Ed. 560 p. UG Library
150 SIN 00005886 Indian Psychology Emotion and Will Sinha, Jadunath Sinha 1961 555 p UG Library
150 SIN 00005887 Indian Psychology Cognition. Sinha, Jadunath Sinda 1958 512p : . UG Library
150 SIN 00005888 Indian Psychology Cognition. Sinha, Jadunath Sinda 1958 512 p UG Library
150 SIN 00123677 Psychology: Singh,Punam Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd 2015 9788126164110 480p. UG Library
150 SIN 00141276 Analysis of Human Behaviour / Singh, Agyajit S.K. Book Agency; 2021 9789388967402 248p UG Library
150 SIN 00027708 A History of Far East in Modren Times Singh A K Surjeet Publications 1984 xix, 146 p UG Library
150 SIN 00119410 Analytical Approach in Behaviour Psychology Singh Poonam Ishika Publishing House, 2014 9789382629825 viii, 278 p.: UG Library
150 SIN 07000075 Psychology for India / Sinha,Durganand. Sage, 2015 9789351503675 xxxvi,221p.; Library - BR Campus
150 SIN 00123761 Handbook of Behavioural Psychology Singh, Punam 9788126161126 296 p:. UG Library
150 SIN 00123760 Introduction to Psychology Singh, Manoj Kumar Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2015 9788126164097 304 p:. UG Library
150 SIN 05045325 Elements in Behavioural LPsychology / Singh, Poonam Ishika Publishing House, 2014 9789382629818 vii, 280 p. Knowledge Centre
150 SIN 10001583 Psychology for India / Sinha,Durganand. Sage, 2015 9789351503675 xxxvi,221p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 SIN 00125705 Psychology for India / Sinha,Durganand. Sage, 2015 9789351503675 xxxvi,221p.; UG Library
150 SIN 09000665 Psychology for India / Sinha,Durganand. Sage, 2015 9789351503675 xxxvi,221p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 SMI 00140531 Grow Your Own Happiness: Smith,Deborah Aster 2019 9781783253074 224p UG Library
150 SMI 00123676 Psychology: Smith, Barry D McGraw Hill 1998 9780071155458 | 0070586527 700p. UG Library
150 SMI 00060981 Atkinson & Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology Smith, E. Edward Thomson Learning 2004 9819812439 | 9789812436979 | 9 14th Ed. 748 p. UG Library
150 SMI 00061105 Atkinson & Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology Smith, E. Edward Thomson Learning 2004 9819812439 | 9789812436979 | 9 14th Ed. 748 p. UG Library
150 SMI 00061103 Atkinson & Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology Smith, E. Edward Thomson Learning 2004 9819812439 | 9789812436979 | 9 14th Ed. 748 p. UG Library
150 SMI 00061104 Atkinson & Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology Smith, E. Edward Thomson Learning 2004 9819812439 | 9789812436979 | 9 14th Ed. 748 p. UG Library
150 SMI 05014278 Current Systems in Psychology: History, Theory, Research and Applications Smith, W Noel 0830414878 422p Knowledge Centre
150 SOU 00023490 Fundamentals of Psychology Souza Thomas, A Sheth 1977 305 p UG Library
150 SPR 00005348 Morpology of Gymno Sperms Sporne, K R East West 1968 1 UG Library
150 STA 00138606 Psychology Stangroom, Jeremy Modern Books, 2018 9781911130741 127 p.; UG Library
150 STA 05014263 How to Think Straight About Psychology [msc-Psychology] Stanovich, Keith E DORLING KINDERSLEY 8131711447 226p Knowledge Centre
150 STA 00072347 Psychology Santrock, Hohn W McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2000 9780070394698 6th ed, 593 p.: UG Library
150 STE 05064433 Guide to publishing in psychology journals / Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108419918 (hardback) | 9781108412360 (pbk.) Second Edition. xii, 274 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150 STE 00060989 Psychology Sternberg, Robert J 2003 0053461812 | 9780534618124 842p UG Library
150 SUI 00025458 Psychology in Sports. Suinn, Richard M Surjeet 1982 367 p UG Library
150 SUK 04026208 Looking At Life Differently : Sukhabodhananda, Swami Prasanna Trust, 2011 8190149687 230. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 SUR 07010394 Freud's Mass Psychology: Surprenant,Celine. Palgrave Macmillan, 2016 9781137604859 X,187 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
150 SYE 00102853 Teacher's Hand Book Of Psychology Syed M H Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 9788126134151 ix, 264 p. UG Library
150 TAJ 09000782 Advanced applied Psychology/ Tajne,Madhukar K. Ishika Publishing House, 2020 9789388454223 VII,285 Pages,: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 TAJ 07014289 Advanced applied Psychology/ Tajne,Madhukar K. Ishika Publishing House, 2020 9789388454223 VII,285 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
150 TAV 05014252 Psychology in Perspective Tavris, Carol Longman 0673983145 595p Knowledge Centre
150 TAV 00090446 Psychology in Perspective Tavris, Carol Longman 0673983145 595p UG Library
150 TEM 00140550 The Rules of Life Templar,Richard Pearson India 2019 9789353430832 255p UG Library
150 THA 05068111 Mind-society : Thagard, Paul, Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190678722 xxi, 462 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150 THA 09000350 Mind-society : Thagard, Paul, Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190678722 xxi, 462 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 THO 00146962 Manassum Phobiayum Thomas, Joseph E DC Books 2024 9788126429646 109p UG Library
150 THO 00147025 Swapnangal Thomas, Joseph E Current Books 2024 9788126425457 176p UG Library
150 TOM 00140559 What Would Freud Do? Tomley,Sarah Cassell Illustrated 2017 9781844039425 192p UG Library
150 TRA 00094816 Focus On Psychology Trahan Mary Worth Publishers 9780716751632 299p UG Library
150 TRE 00132942 Psychosocial assessment in mental health / Trenoweth,Steve. Sage Publications Ltd., 2017 9781473912847 (pbk.) | 9781473912830 (hardcover) 1st edition. 242 p. ; UG Library
150 TUL 00123758 Mind in Everyday Life and Cognitive Science Tuli, K L Cyber Tech Publications, 2011 9788178848037 280 p:. UG Library
150 TUR 00140527 Cracking Neuroscience Turney,Jon Cassell Illustrated 2018 9781844039524 320p UG Library
150 TWI 05014254 Success in Psycholoogy [MSC.PSYCHOLOGY SECTION] Twining, Keith 0719572096 562p Knowledge Centre
150 TYS 05007769 Psychology in social context : Tyson, Philip John. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781405168243 (hardback) | 978 xi, 280 p. : Knowledge Centre
150 UPA 00123679 Textbook of psychology Upadhyay Bhagwanjee Anmol Publications 2015 9788126164080 496p. UG Library
150 UPS 00056155 U P S C Civil Services Exam - Psychology Unsolved Papers U P S C New Vishal Publications 44p UG Library
150 VAN 00120780 A textbook of Psychology Vankhede A N Black Prints 2014 9789382036715 366p. UG Library
150 VAR 00034305 Psychology Varma, A. K. Vohra Publishers & Distributors 1989 1st Ed. 340 p. UG Library
150 VAT 00010265 Child Psychology Vatsyayan, 1973 1 UG Library
150 VAT 00010266 Abnormal Psychology Vatsyayan, 1973 1 UG Library
150 VAT 00006655 General Psychology Vatsyayan, Kedarnath Ram Nath 1972 5th Ed. 176 p. UG Library
150 VAT 00006656 General Psychology Vatsyayan, Kedarnath Ram Nath 1972 5th Ed. 176 p. UG Library
150 VAT 00006658 General Psychology Vatsyayan, Kedarnath Ram Nath 1972 5th Ed. 176 p. UG Library
150 VER 00016791 Introductory Psychology Vernon, M Walter T M H 1974 520 p UG Library
150 VIJ 00062597 Outlines of General Psychology Kumar,Vijandra Sarup and Sons 2004 8176254940 | 9788176254946 1st Ed. 350 p. UG Library
150 WAD 05039772 Psychology / Wade, Carole. Pearson, 2014 9780205254316 Eleventh Edition. xix, 615 pages : Knowledge Centre
150 WAD 05001882 Psychology / Wade, Carole. Prentice Hall, 0321049314 xxxii, 654, [96] p. : Knowledge Centre
150 WAR 05062274 Psychology : Larsen & keller, 2017 9781635492408 284p.; Knowledge Centre
150 WEI 09000611 Psychology : Themes and Variations, Briefer Version / Weiten, Wayne Cengage Learining, 2014 9781285062969 9th Ed. 535p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 WEI 00058817 Many Lives, Many Masters Weiss,Dr Brian. Piatkus, 1988 0749913789 | 9780749913786 219 p.; UG Library
150 WEI 10002199 Psychology Weiten, Wayne, Cengage learning india pvt ltd., 2017 9789353502843 10th ed., xlvii,565p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150 WEI 00146981 Niravadhi Janmangal Anavadhi Gurukanmar Weiss, Brain DC Books 2023 9788126450992 10th Edition 155p UG Library
150 WEI 04023945 Many Lives, Many Masters Weiss,Dr Brian. Piatkus, 1988 0749913789 | 9780749913786 219 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150 WEI 01016101 Many Lives, Many Masters Weiss,Dr Brian. Piatkus, 1988 0749913789 | 9780749913786 219 p.; Knowledge Centre
150 WEI 00117735 Psychology Weiten, Wayne, Wadsworth Thomson Learning, 2008 9780495811350 8th ed. xlv, 697, [144] p. : UG Library
150 WEL 00069178 Psychology Weiten Wayne Wads worth,books/cole 2000 0534363792 | 9780534363796 4th Ed. 584 p. UG Library
150 WES 00072345 Psychology: Mind Brain And Culture Westen, Drew 2000 0471240494 | 9780471240495 2nd Ed. 861 UG Library
150 WHI 00015088 Introduction to Psychology. Whittaker, James O W.B. Sandres 1970 2nd ed, 707 p UG Library
150 WIL 00139947 Have You Felt Like Giving Up Lately? Wilkerson,David Pauline Publications 2018 9788171769155 178p UG Library
150 WIL 03006693 Integral psychology : Wilber, Ken. Shambhala, 2000 1570625549 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1st pbk. ed. xiii, 303 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
150 WIL 00058884 The Bloomsbury Book Of The Mind Wilson, Stephen 2002 0747553785 | 9780747553786 393p UG Library
150 WIN 00021281 Whole Mind Book Winn, Denise Fontana 1980 303 p UG Library
150 WIT 00020381 Introduction to Psychology Witting, Arno F. Mcgraw Hill Book 1977 342 p. UG Library
150 WOD 00065605 Psychology Wade, Carole 1998 0321011295 746p UG Library
150 WOO 00017719 Psychology Woodworth, Robert S. Methuen & co.Ltd 1963 674 p. UG Library
150 WOO 00017720 Psychology Woodworth, Robert S. Methuen & co.Ltd 1963 674 p. UG Library
150 WOO 05062334 Psychology A Study of Mental Life / Woodworth Robert.S Knowledge Book Distributors, 2018 9789380350912 xii,232p.: Knowledge Centre
150 WOO 05062335 Psychology A Study of Mental Life / Woodworth Robert.S Knowledge Book Distributors, 2018 9789380350912 xii,232p.: Knowledge Centre
150 WOO 00075094 The World of Psychology [WMU] Wood, Samuel E Pearson Education 2005 625p UG Library
150 WOO 00075095 The World of Psychology [WMU] Wood, Samuel E Pearson Education 2005 625p UG Library
150 WOO 00075096 The World of Psychology [WMU] Wood, Samuel E Pearson Education 2005 625p UG Library
150 WOO 07012280 Psychology A Study of Mental Life / Woodworth Robert.S Knowledge Book Distributors, 2018 9789380350912 xii,232p.: Library - BR Campus
150 WOO 07012281 Psychology A Study of Mental Life / Woodworth Robert.S Knowledge Book Distributors, 2018 9789380350912 xii,232p.: Library - BR Campus
150 WOR 00088846 Psychology: Principles and Applications Worchel, Stephen 1983 0137324537 638p UG Library
150 ZIM 00123675 Psychology : Zimbardo, Philip G. Allyn and Bacon, 2000 0205356605 (alk. paper) | 9780 3rd ed. xxiv, 662 p. : UG Library
150. 9 GIL 05001957 Beginning of Modern Psychology Gilbert, Charles Apple Accademic Press Inc. 9781926686042 263 p. Knowledge Centre
150.01 BRA 05014245 Psychology and Experience: [ M.Sc Counseling Psychology] Bradley, Benjamin 0052101199 242p Knowledge Centre
150.03 BAR 04002941 Encyclopedia of Ethics in Science and Technology Barber, Nigel Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2008 9788176499958 386 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.03 BAS 00089707 Dictionary of Psychology Basavanna, M Allied UG Library
150.03 COL 01000344 Dictionary of Psychology Andrew Colman Oxford University Press 0195671589 844p Knowledge Centre
150.03 COR 00077410 Concise Encyclopaedia of Psychology Corsini, J Raymond 1998 0471192821 928p UG Library
150.03 FER 05001864 Encyclopedia of Psychological Assessment / Baallesteros, Rocio Feandez Sage Publications, 2003 0761954945 567p.: Knowledge Centre
150.03 MAG 05001873 International Ecncyclopedia of Psychology / Magill, Frank N Publication Data, 1996 1884964583 2 Voumes Knowledge Centre
150.03 MAG 05001876 International Ecncyclopedia of Psychology / Magill, Frank N Publication Data, 1996 1884964583 2 Voumes Knowledge Centre
150.03 MIS 07007639 Psychology The Study of Human Behaviour / Mishra Braj Kumar PHI Learning Private Limited, 2016 9788120352476 xxv,617p.: Library - BR Campus
150.03 REB 01014939 Penguin Dictionary of Psychology / Reber, Arthur S. Penguin, 9780141030241 | 0141030240 xvi,904p.; Knowledge Centre
150.03 REB 00027260 Penguin Dictionary of Psychology Reber, S. Arthur Penguin Books 1985 790 p. UG Library
150.03COL 00118254 Dictionary of Psychology Andrew Colman Oxford University Press 0195671589 844p UG Library
150.03FER.Z 05001750 Encyclopedia of Psychological Assessment / Baallesteros, Rocio Feandez Sage Publications, 2003 0761954945 567p.: Knowledge Centre
150.05 MUK 05044571 A Textbook of Cognitive Psychology / Mukherjee Abir Lal Rajat Publications, 2015 9788178806754 274p.: Knowledge Centre
150.072 BAN 05001936 Introducing Psychological Research / Banyard, Philip Palgrave, 2000 0333912519 526p.: Knowledge Centre
150.072 BAI 00067924 Researcg Methods in Apllied Behavior Analysis Bailey Jon, S 0761925562 268p UG Library
150.072 GOO 05001960 Research in Psychology Methods and Design / James C John Wiley & Sons,Inc, 1999 0471199869 528p.: Knowledge Centre
150.072 PEL 05014248 Conducting Research in Psychology - Measuring the Weight of Smoke Pelham, W Brett 0534520936 411p Knowledge Centre
150.072 ROS 00062197 Writing Papers in Psychology Rosnow, L. Ralph Thomson 2002 0534523951 | 9780534523954 6th Ed. 153 p. UG Library
150.072 ROS 00103179 Writing papers in psychology Rosnow, Ralph L. Thomson/Wadsworth, 2006 0534533310 | 9780534523954 7th ed. xxi, 165 p. ; UG Library
150.073 ASC 00068512 Psychological Research Asch, M Sarupa and Sons 2005 8176255580 332p UG Library
150.08 REA 00016798 Readings in Psychology: Annual Edition 1972-73 Others, Dushkin 1972 4th 402 p UG Library
150.09 SMI 00023566 Ideas of the Great Psychology Smith, Samuel Whiteside 1983 306 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.09 SMI 00023506 Ideas of the Great Psychologists Smith, Samuel Barnes 1980 308 p UG Library
150.092 COH 05014247 Psychologists on Psychology: [ M.Sc Counseling Psychology] Cohen, David 0340810750 250p Knowledge Centre
150.092 COH 05014246 Psychologists on Psychology [MSC-PSYCHOLOGY SECTION] Cohen, David 0340810750 250p Knowledge Centre
150.092 COH 00083325 Psychologists on Psychology Cohen, David Hodder & Stoughton 2004 9780340810750 250p UG Library
150.0954 BHA 05001935 Indian Psychology of Perception Bhargava Rajiv ABD Publishers, 9788183762762 381 p. Knowledge Centre
150.0954 NAN 00147677 Perception The Basics/ Nanay, Bence Routledge, 2024 9781032639543 viii,154p. ; UG Library
150.1 HOL 05014244 Performing Psychology: A Postmodern Culture of the Mind: Holzman, Lois 1999 0415922054 230p Knowledge Centre
150.1 MAH 00125750 Psychology Mahmud,Jafar, A.P.H Publishing Corporation 2004 8176487279 | 9788176487276 225 p. UG Library
150.1 BEM 05014243 Theoretical Issues in Psychology and Introduction [MSC-PSYCHOLOGY] Bem, Sacha 0761942017 312p Knowledge Centre
150.1 BEM 07010526 Theoretical issues in psychology : Bem, Sacha, Sage 2013 9780857029782 | 9780857029799 3rd ed. xi, 400 pages ; Library - BR Campus
150.1 BEM 00123810 Theoretical issues in psychology : Bem, Sacha, Sage 2013 9780857029782 | 9780857029799 3rd ed. xi, 400 pages ; UG Library
150.1 BEM 09000905 Theoretical issues in psychology : Bem, Sacha, Sage 2013 9780857029782 | 9780857029799 3rd ed. xi, 400 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.1 BEM 00119431 Theoretical Issues in Psychology; An Introduction by, Bem Sacha Sage Publishers, 2007 9780761942016 2nd ed xv, 312 p.: UG Library
150.1 BER 05044731 Philosophy of psychology : Bermúdez, José Luis. Routledge, 2005 0415275946 (hardback : alk. pa xi, 377 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.1 BER 09000884 Philosophy of psychology : Bermúdez, José Luis. Routledge, 2005 0415275946 (hardback : alk. paper) | 0415275954 (pbk. : alk. paper) xi, 377 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.1 BRI 07011922 The process of statistical analysis in psychology / McBride,Dawn.M Sage Publication India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9781506325224 | 150632522X xvii,374p.; Library - BR Campus
150.1 BRI 05060089 The process of statistical analysis in psychology / McBride,Dawn.M Sage Publication India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9781506325224 | 150632522X xvii,374p.; Knowledge Centre
150.1 DAL 05014270 The life cycle of psychological ideas : Kluwer Academic/Plenum, 0306479982 xvi, 364 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.1 EYS 00072343 Psychology for A2 Level Eysenck, Michael Psychology Press 2003 1841692514 898po UG Library
150.1 FAR 05041149 Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Psychology / Farrell Martin Cambridge University Press, 2014 9780521184809 xii,447p.: Knowledge Centre
150.1 FES 00070028 Philosophy of Mind. Feser, Edward Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851683763 204p UG Library
150.1 FRE 00146445 Toward the psychological humanities : Freeman, Mark Routledge, 2024 9781032563305 | 9780367340490 xi,101p. ; UG Library
150.1 GUE 05045969 How to rethink psychology : Guerin, Bernard, Routledge, 2016 9781138916531 (hardback) | 978 xii, 170 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.1 HAY 00103895 The pursuit of unhappiness : Haybron, Daniel M. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199592463 (pbk.) | 0199592 xv, 357 p. ; UG Library
150.1 HOL 05014267 PERFORMING PSYCHOLOGY [ Msc-Psychology ] Holzman, Lois 0415900054 230p Knowledge Centre
150.1 HUG 09000932 Rethinking psychology : Hughes, Brian, Palgrave, 2016 9781137303943 (paperback) | 9781137303974 (hardback) 285p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.1 HUG 07014524 Rethinking psychology : Hughes, Brian, Palgrave, 2016 9781137303943 (paperback) | 9781137303974 (hardback) 285p.: Library - BR Campus
150.1 JAF 00062584 Psychology Mahmud,Jafar, A.P.H Publishing Corporation 2004 8176487279 | 9788176487276 225 p. UG Library
150.1 JAM 05014241 Principles of Psychology: Vol: 1: James, William 2000 0486203816 702p Knowledge Centre
150.1 KIM 00116545 Psychology Kimble, Gregory A. MIT Press, 1996 0262112043 (alk. paper) xii, 153 p. : UG Library
150.1 KIM 05004161 Psychology : Kimble, Gregory A. MIT Press, 1996 0262112043 (alk. paper) xii, 153 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.1 KUK 05014242 Methods of Theoretical Psychology: Kukla, Andre 0262112612 252p Knowledge Centre
150.1 KUK 00079586 Methods of Theoretical Psychology Kukla, Andre MIT Press 2001 250p UG Library
150.1 LAU 00146557 Levinas for psychologists / Laubscher, Leswin Routledge, 2024 9781032320083 163p. ; UG Library
150.1 LUB 00146769 Let's Talk with Each Other! : Lubienetzki, Ulf Springer, 2022 9783662643075 ix,68p. ; UG Library
150.1 LUI 07008184 Philosophy of psychology : Routledge, 2013 9780415671118 (set) | 04156711 4 v. : Library - BR Campus
150.1 LUI 07008185 Philosophy of psychology : Routledge, 2013 9780415671118 (set) | 04156711 4 v. : Library - BR Campus
150.1 LUI 07008186 Philosophy of psychology : Routledge, 2013 9780415671118 (set) | 04156711 4 v. : Library - BR Campus
150.1 LUI 07008187 Philosophy of psychology : Routledge, 2013 9780415671118 (set) | 04156711 4 v. : Library - BR Campus
150.1 LUI 01021712 Philosophy of psychology : Routledge, 2013 9780415671118 (set) | 04156711 4 v. : Knowledge Centre
150.1 LUI 01021713 Philosophy of psychology : Routledge, 2013 9780415671118 (set) | 04156711 4 v. : Knowledge Centre
150.1 LUI 01021715 Philosophy of psychology : Routledge, 2013 9780415671118 (set) | 04156711 4 v. : Knowledge Centre
150.1 LUI 01021714 Philosophy of psychology : Routledge, 2013 9780415671118 (set) | 04156711 4 v. : Knowledge Centre
150.1 MCB 00131000 The process of statistical analysis in psychology / McBride,Dawn.M Sage Publication India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9781506325224 | 150632522X xvii,374p.; UG Library
150.1 MEE 05004982 A Paul Meehl reader : Meehl, Paul E. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2006 0805852506 (hardcover : alk. p xiii, 578 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.1 PAR 00096206 Revolution in Psychology Parker, Ian Pluto Press 780745325354 265 p. UG Library
150.1 SIE 00070039 Handbook of Wisdom. Sternberg, Robert J 2005 0521541824 386p UG Library
150.1 SOY 00123539 Psychology as Metaphor Soyland, A. J. Sage, Publications, 1994 0803989571 | 9780803989573 x, 181 p. ; UG Library
150.1 STE 00088284 Critical Thinking in Psychology Sternberg, Robert J 2008 ISB0521608341 340pq UG Library
150.1 STE 05068618 The Cambridge handbook of wisdom / Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108700344 xiv, 815p.; Knowledge Centre
150.1 STE 05014268 Critical Thinking in Psychology [msc-Psychology] Sternberg, Robert J 0521608341 340p Knowledge Centre
150.1 STE 00124947 Critical Thinking in Psychology / . Sternberg J Robert Cambridge University Press, 2007 0521845890 | 0521608341 | 9780 xii, 340 p. ; UG Library
150.1 STE 05014265 Handbook of Wisdom: Psychological Perpsectives: [ M.Sc Counseling Psychology] Sternberg, J Robert 0521541824 384p Knowledge Centre
150.1 SYM 05007451 The Routledge companion to philosophy of psychology / Symons, John Routledge, 2009 9780415396325 (hardback : alk. p. cm. Knowledge Centre
150.1 UND 05021993 Experimentation in Psychology / Underwood Benton.J John Wiley & Sons, 1975 0471896365 233 p.: Knowledge Centre
150.1 UTT 00079304 Psychomythics Uttal, William R 2003 0805845844 208p UG Library
150.1 VIT 00072093 Psychology as Religion. Vitz, Paul C 2002 0802807259 173 UG Library
150.1 WEB 00070041 Legend of Freud. Webber, Samuel 2000 0804731217 259p UG Library
150.1 WEI 00122253 An Introduction to the Philosophy of Psychology Weiskopf, Daniel A., Cambridge University Press, 2015 9780521519298 (hardback) | 978 xiv, 316 p:. UG Library
150.1 WEI 07010202 An Introduction to the Philosophy of Psychology Weiskopf, Daniel A., Cambridge University Press, 2015 9780521519298 (hardback) | 978 xiv, 316 p:. Library - BR Campus
150.1 WEI 05074571 An introduction to the philosophy of psychology / Weiskopf, Daniel A., Cambridge University Press, 2015 9780521519298 (hardback) | 978 xiv, 316 pages : Knowledge Centre
150.1 WEI 05047200 An introduction to the philosophy of psychology / Weiskopf, Daniel A., Cambridge University Press, 2015 9780521519298 (hardback) | 978 xiv, 316 pages : Knowledge Centre
150.1 WEI 00122868 An Introduction to the Philosophy of Psychology Weiskopf, Daniel A., Cambridge University Press, 2015 9780521519298 (hardback) | 978 xiv, 316 p:. UG Library
150.1 WEI 09001034 An Introduction to the Philosophy of Psychology Weiskopf, Daniel A., Cambridge University Press, 2015 9780521519298 (hardback) | 978 xiv, 316 p:. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.1 WOL 05014269 Contemporary Theories and Systems in Psychology Wolman Benjamin B. Freeman Book Company 613 p. Knowledge Centre
150.1 WOL 00031110 Contemporary Theories and Systems in Psychology Wolman, Benjamin B. Freeman Book Company 1979 613 p. UG Library
150.1 WOL 00029837 Contemporary Theories and Systems in Psychology Wolman, B Benjamin Freeman 1987 614 p UG Library
150.1 WUN 05068163 Folk psychology : Wilhelm, Wundt. Vandana Publication, 2018 9789383386673 2 volumes, Knowledge Centre
150.1 WUN 05068164 Folk psychology : Wilhelm, Wundt. Vandana Publication, 2018 9789383386673 2 volumes, Knowledge Centre
150.11 BOK 00135163 Data analytic techniques for dynamical systems Boker, steven M. Routledge, 2018 9780815349808 282 p.; UG Library
150.13 CHA 00083490 Statistical Psychology Chakravarty, Pravir Dominant Publishers and Distributors 8178884879 337p UG Library
150.13 GRA 07009527 Psychology in Human Affairs Gray, Stanley J. Abhijeet Publications, 2015 9789350741900 646 p:. Library - BR Campus
150.13 GRA 00123759 Psychology in Human Affairs Gray, Stanley J. Abhijeet Publications, 2015 9789350741900 646 p:. Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.13 GRA 00123474 Psychology in Human Affairs Gray, Stanley J. Abhijeet Publications, 2015 9789350741900 646 p:. UG Library
150.13 HOS 07011325 Psychological counselling : Hosahally,Devaraj Wodeyar. Book enclave, 2017 9788181523747 310 p.; Library - BR Campus
150.13 HOS 09000758 Psychological counselling : Hosahally,Devaraj Wodeyar. Book enclave, 2017 9788181523747 310 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.13 HOS 05056266 Psychological counselling : Hosahally,Devaraj Wodeyar. Book enclave, 2017 9788181523747 310 p.; Knowledge Centre
150.151 BAT 09001033 New handbook of mathematical psychology / CUP, 2017 9781108717311 605p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.151 CHA 09000622 Applied psychometry / Chadha, N. K. SAGE, 2009 9788132100782 (paper back) | 8 xiii, 362 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.151 CHA 05056251 Applied psychometry / Chadha, N. K. SAGE, 2009 9788132100782 (paper back) | 8 xiii, 362 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.151 CHA 05014434 Applied psychometry / Chadha, N. K. SAGE, 2009 9788132100782 (paper back) | 8 xiii, 362 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.151 CHA 07011099 Applied psychometry / Chadha, N. K. SAGE, 2009 9788132100782 (paper back) | 8 xiii, 362 p. : Library - BR Campus
150.151 CHA 00105620 Applied psychometry / Chadha, N. K. SAGE, 2009 9788132100782 (paper back) | 8 xiii, 362 p. : UG Library
150.151 LUC 05052115 Readings in mathematical psychology / Luce, R. Duncan Wiley, 1963 3 v. Knowledge Centre
150.151 LUC 05052287 Readings in mathematical psychology / Luce, R. Duncan Wiley, 1963 3 v. Knowledge Centre
150.151 LUC 05051122 Readings in mathematical psychology / Luce, R. Duncan Wiley, 1963 3 v. Knowledge Centre
150.151 LUC 05051923 Readings in mathematical psychology / Luce, R. Duncan Wiley, 1963 3 v. Knowledge Centre
150.15118 HOY 05037081 Structural equation modeling for social and personality psychology / Hoyle, Rick H. SAGE, 2011 9780857024039 (hbk.) | 0857024 110 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.1519 FER 00135432 Longitudinal multivariate psychology / Ferrer, Emilio, 9781138064225 (hardback) | 9781138064232 (pbk.) pages cm. UG Library
150.15195 COA 05014432 An introduction to psychological assessment and psychometrics Coaley, Keith. SAGE, 2010 9781847874788 (hbk.) | 1847874 xiv,291p.; Knowledge Centre
150.15195 ARO 09001170 Statictics for Psychology / Aron, Arthur Pearson, 2023 9789353940362 6th Ed. 729p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.15195 ARO 09001171 Statictics for Psychology / Aron, Arthur Pearson, 2023 9789353940362 6th Ed. 729p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.15195 ARO 09001172 Statictics for Psychology / Aron, Arthur Pearson, 2023 9789353940362 6th Ed. 729p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.15195 ARO 09001173 Statictics for Psychology / Aron, Arthur Pearson, 2023 9789353940362 6th Ed. 729p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.15195 ARO 09001174 Statictics for Psychology / Aron, Arthur Pearson, 2023 9789353940362 6th Ed. 729p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.15195 ARO 10005381 Statictics for psychology / Aron, Arthur Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2020 9789353940362 6th ed., v,729 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.15195 BEL 05069527 Statistics for psychology using R / Belhekar, Vivek M., Sage, 2016 9789385985003 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 378 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.15195 BEL 05052821 Statistics for psychology using R / Belhekar, Vivek M., Sage, 2016 9789385985003 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 378 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.15195 BEL 10002495 Statistics for psychology using R / Belhekar, Vivek M., Sage, 2016 9789385985003 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 378 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.15195 BEL 07011140 Statistics for psychology using R / Belhekar, Vivek M., Sage, 2016 9789385985003 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 378 pages ; Library - BR Campus
150.15195 BEL 05056268 Statistics for psychology using R / Belhekar, Vivek M., Sage, 2016 9789385985003 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 378 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.15195 BEL 09000678 Statistics for psychology using R / Belhekar, Vivek M., Sage, 2016 9789385985003 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 378 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.15195 BEL 00130545 Statistics for psychology using R / Belhekar, Vivek M., Sage, 2016 9789385985003 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 378 pages ; UG Library
150.15195 BRY 00115406 Advanced Numeracy Test Workbook Bryon, Mike Kogan 2004 249 p. UG Library
150.15195 BRY 00115407 Advanced Numeracy Tests Bryon, Mike Kogan 2003 210p UG Library
150.15195 CHO 05005182 Statistical methods for modeling human dynamics : Routledge, 2010 9781848728257 (hbk. : alk. pap xvi, 428 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.15195 COA 05014433 An introduction to psychological assessment and psychometrics Coaley, Keith. SAGE, 2010 9781847874788 (hbk.) | 1847874 xiv,291p.; Knowledge Centre
150.15195 FUR 05047569 Psychometrics : Furr, R. Michael. Sage, 2014 9781452256801 (hardcover) Second edition. xxiii, 442 pages : Knowledge Centre
150.15195 HOW 09000919 Understanding statistics in psychology with SPSS / Howitt, Dennis, Pearson, 2020 9781292282305 Eighth edition. 717 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.15195 HOW 05014435 Introduction to Statistics in Psychology:A Complete Guide for Students Howitt, Dennis 0000130172 482p Knowledge Centre
150.15195 MIL 05043454 Understanding and using statistics in psychology : Miles, Jeremy, SAGE, 2007 076194396X (hbk.) | 9780761943 356 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.15195 MOH 05069526 Statistics for Behavioural and Social Sciences / Mohanty, Banamali, Sage, 2016 9789351501817 xviii, 895 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.15195 MOH 05052820 Statistics for Behavioural and Social Sciences / Mohanty, Banamali, Sage, 2016 9789351501817 xviii, 895 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.15195 MOH 07011139 Statistics for Behavioural and Social Sciences / Mohanty, Banamali, Sage, 2016 9789351501817 xviii, 895 pages ; Library - BR Campus
150.15195 MOH 00125710 Statistics for Behavioural and Social Sciences / Mohanty, Banamali, Sage, 2016 9789351501817 xviii, 895 pages ; UG Library
150.15195 MOH 05056279 Statistics for Behavioural and Social Sciences / Mohanty, Banamali, Sage, 2016 9789351501817 xviii, 895 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.15195 MOH 09000677 Statistics for Behavioural and Social Sciences / Mohanty, Banamali, Sage, 2016 9789351501817 xviii, 895 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.15195 ZEC 05043467 Data analysis and interpretation in the behavioral sciences / Zechmeister, Eugene B., Thomson/Wadsworth, 2003 0534529860 | 9780534529864 xxiii, 522 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.1519535 DUG 05004960 Approaching multivariate analysis : Dugard, Pat. Routledge, 2010 9780415478281 (hb) 2nd ed. xi, 424 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.1519535 DUG 04017477 Approaching multivariate analysis : Dugard, Pat. Routledge, 2010 9780415478281 (hb) 2nd ed. xi, 424 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.1519535 FER 10002543 Longitudinal multivariate psychology / Ferrer, Emilio, 9781138064225 (hardback) | 9781138064232 (pbk.) pages cm. Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.1519535 FER 05068309 Longitudinal multivariate psychology / Ferrer, Emilio, 9781138064225 (hardback) | 9781138064232 (pbk.) pages cm. Knowledge Centre
150.1519535 FER 09000139 Longitudinal multivariate psychology / Ferrer, Emilio, 9781138064225 (hardback) | 9781138064232 (pbk.) pages cm. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.15195354 BRO 05047630 Confirmatory factor analysis for applied research / Brown, Timothy A. Guilford Publications, 2015 9781462517800 | 1462517803 Second edition. 482 p.; Knowledge Centre
150.1519542 LEV 05056700 Bayesian psychometric modeling / Levy, Roy CRC Press, 2016 9781439884676 (alk. paper) xxvi, 464 pages Knowledge Centre
150.1574 BUS 00088845 Psychology Boundaries and Frontiers Buskist, William 1990 0673380238 667p UG Library
150.1574 BUS 05014421 Psychology Boundaries and Frontiers Buskist, William 1990 0673380238 667p Knowledge Centre
150.15795 GAR 05001949 Psychological Statistics Using Spss for Windows / Gardner, Robert C Prentice Hall, 2001 0013028324 307p.: Knowledge Centre
150.159 VAI 00059184 Vishnu on Freud`s Desk: a Reader in Psychoanalysis and Hindusim Vaidyanathan, T G 2003 0195658353 482p UG Library
150.18 RAS 05051062 Studies in Mathematical Psychology I G Rasch Nielsen & Lydiche, 1960 184 p. Knowledge Centre
150.182 BOC 05050990 The measurement and prediction of judgment and choice / Bock, R. Darrell. Holden-Day, 1968 370 p.; Knowledge Centre
150.182 HAR 05050413 Introduction to statistics for the behavioral sciences Hardyck, Curtis D. Saunders, 1969 0721645208 viii, 302 p. Knowledge Centre
150.182 HOR 05049284 Psychological measurement and prediction / Horst, Paul, Wadsworth Pub. Co. 1966 xii, 455 p. Knowledge Centre
150.19 MAH 00115408 Psychology Mahmud,Jafar A.P.H. Publishers Corporation 2004 8176487260 | 9788176487269 225 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.19 BRA 05014424 Unconscious knowing and other essays in psycho-philosophical analysis / Brakel, Linda A. W. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199581474 (alk. paper) 1st ed. xii, 170 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.19 DEM 00127274 Psychology's Grand Theorists Demorest, Amy. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005 0805851070 (alk. paper) | 9780 xiii, 202 p. ; UG Library
150.19 HAR 05014437 Key Thinkers in Psychology [MSC-PSYCHOLOGY] Harre, Rom 2006 1412903440 287p Knowledge Centre
150.19 HAR 05014436 Key Thinkers in Psychology [msc-Psychology] Harre, Rom Sage 287p Knowledge Centre
150.19 HEI 00020388 Seven Psychologies Heidbrender, Edna KALYANI 1971 450 p UG Library
150.19 HER 05032684 An introduction to the History of Psychology / Hergenhahn B R Wadsworth, 2005 9780495506232 728 p Knowledge Centre
150.19 MAH 00115130 Psychology: Systems and Theories: Mahmud, Jafar APH 2003 8176487279 226p UG Library
150.19 MAH 00061411 Psychology Mahmud,Jafar A.P.H. Publishers Corporation 2004 8176487260 | 9788176487269 225 p. UG Library
150.19 MAH 00061847 The Life Balance Programme Farwagi,Peta Lyn Orion Business Books 1998 8176487260 | 9780752813677 225 p. UG Library
150.19 NYE 05014425 Three Psychologies: Perspectives from Freud, Skinner and Rogers Bye, D, Robert 0053436845 181p Knowledge Centre
150.19 SCH 00024094 Masters of Social Psychology Schellenberg, A James Oxford 1978 142 p UG Library
150.19 TOL 00086245 Positivism in Psychology: Tolman, Charles W Springer-Verlag 1992 0387977007 222 p UG Library
150.19088 NIT 00103078 Buddhist and western psychology comparative study: Nithiyanendam.V Global vision publishing house; 9788182202931 176 p. UG Library
150.192 MAC 05014281 Existentialist Reader. Macdonald, Paul S 2000 0748613323 346p Knowledge Centre
150.192 MIR 08001363 Being & neonness / Miranda, Luis de, MIT Press, 2019 9780262039888 (hardcover : alk. paper) 124 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.192 RUS 10002531 The analysis of mind/ Russell, Bertrand Routledge, 2023 9781032312293 xxii,245 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.192 SMI 05001380 Interpretative phenomenological analysis : Smith, Jonathan A. SAGE Publications, 9781412908337 (cloth) | 978141 225 p. Knowledge Centre
150.192 SPI 00078828 The Interpreted World Spinelli, Ernesto 2005 0141290305 | 9781412903059 2nd Ed. 238p UG Library
150.192 SUL 07009419 Cultural-existential psychology : Sullivan, Daniel, Cambridge univeristy press, 2016 9781107096868 xvii,295p.; Library - BR Campus
150.192 SUL 05047405 Cultural-existential psychology : Sullivan, Daniel, Cambridge univeristy press, 2016 9781107096868 xvii,295p.; Knowledge Centre
150.193 DRA 00121286 Holistic Guidance Drago,C St. Pauls 2002 8171098909 255p UG Library
150.19333 SIM 00039476 The Common Boundary Graduate Education Guide Charles Simkinson Relevent 1994 234 p UG Library
150.194092 YOU 00083265 Cambridge Companion to Jung Young-Eisendrath, Polly Cambridge 2008 9780521685009 2nd,Ed. 340p UG Library
150.194092 YOU 05014422 Cambridge Companion to Jung Young-Eisendrath, Polly Cambridge 2008 9780521685009 2nd,Ed. 340p Knowledge Centre
150.1943 BAU 00091758 Understanding behaviorism : Baum, William M. Blackwell Pub., 1405112611 (hbk : alk. paper) xii,312 p. : UG Library
150.1943 BHA 00074614 Behaviour Psychology Bhargava, Rajiv Abd Publishers 2006 8183760570 | 9798183760576 363 p. UG Library
150.1943 BRO 10000347 Experimental Design in Behavioural Research / Broota, K D. New Age International (P) Lit, 2020 9789386418142 xvi, 433p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.1943 COM 01024496 Quantitative analyses of behavior / Routledge, 2016 9781138971394 xii,162p.; Knowledge Centre
150.1943 DER 09001011 Histories of human engineering : Derksen, Maarten CUP, 2017 9781107637177 270p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.1943 DER 07013617 Histories of human engineering : Derksen, Maarten, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107057432 vii, 270p;. Library - BR Campus
150.1943 DOM 05001940 The principles of Learning and Behavior Domjan,Michael Wadsworth Cengage learning; 9780495804611 xv;515 p.W-146. Knowledge Centre
150.1943 ELE 00135988 Behaviour Psychology 3G E-Learning, 2017 9781680955552 x,248 p.; UG Library
150.1943 FRE 00016393 Exploring Human Behaviour:An Introduction to Psychology Fredenburgh, A Franz James E Freel 1973 438 p UG Library
150.1943 JAM 00022303 Born to Love James, Muriel M BANTOM 1980 228 p UG Library
150.1943 KEI 00089179 Representation and Behavior Keijzer, Fred MIT Press 2001 9780262112598 276p UG Library
150.1943 KER 00060144 Foundations of Behavioral Research Kerlinger, N. Fred Surjeet Publications 2004 741 p. UG Library
150.1943 KER 00020389 Foundations of Behavioural Research Kerlinger, Fred N Surjeet 1978 741 p UG Library
150.1943 KER 05014430 Foundations of Behavioral Research - M.Sc Psychology Shelf Kerlinger, N Fred 0155078976 920p Knowledge Centre
150.1943 KER 05021970 Foundations of Behavioral Research Kerlinger, Fred N Surjeet 740 p Knowledge Centre
150.1943 KER 00025525 Foundations of Behavioral Research Kerlinger, Fred N Surjeet 740 p UG Library
150.1943 MOR 00031566 Pocket Guide to Man Watching Morris, Desmond Penguin 1988 482 p UG Library
150.1943 MOR 00025465 Manwatching:A Field Guide to Human Behaviour Morris, Desmond Triad Granada 1982 320 p UG Library
150.1943 PET 00022055 Word Play: What Happens When People Talk Peter, Farb Bantam 1987 420 p UG Library
150.1943 POL 00041065 Psychology:a Behavioral Overview (WMU) Poling Alan 1900 1 UG Library
150.1943 POL 00041064 Psychology:a Behavioral Overview (WMU) Poling Alan 1900 1 UG Library
150.1943 RAY 05014413 Methods Toward a Science of Behavior and Experience Ray, J William 0534538673 440p Knowledge Centre
150.1943 UTT 00080493 War Between Mentalism and Behaviorism:On the Accessibility of Mental Processes Uttal, William R Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 2000 0805833617 205p UG Library
150.1943 WIL 00031556 Misfits:A Study of Sexual Out Siders Wilson, Colin Penguin 1989 272 p UG Library
150.1943072 KER 05014412 Fundamentals of Behaviour Research Kerlinger, N Fred Surjeet Knowledge Centre
150.19434 SKI 00079238 Beyond freedom and dignity Skinner, B. F. Penguin Books 1971 0140216618 1st ed. 225 p. UG Library
150.19434 STA 04019066 Adaptive dynamics : Staddon, J. E. R. MIT Press, 2001 0262194538 (alk. paper) | 9780 xiv, 423 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.19434092 CAR 05069523 Purpose and cognition : Carroll, David W., Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107553156 xii, 270 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.19434092 CAR 07013630 Purpose and cognition : Carroll, David W., Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107122505 xii, 270p;. Library - BR Campus
150.19434092 CAR 09001027 Purpose and cognition : Carroll, David W., Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107553156 xii, 270 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.195 APP 07010836 Introducing freud / Appignanesi, Richard Gutenberg Press, 1979 9781840468519 168p.; Library - BR Campus
150.195 APP 09000795 Introducing freud / Appignanesi, Richard Gutenberg Press, 1979 9781840468519 168p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.195 AUC 05045914 The psychoanalytic model of the mind / Auchincloss, Elizabeth L., American Psychiatric Publishing, 2015 9781585624713 (pbk. : alk. pap First edition. xxiii, 308 pages : Knowledge Centre
150.195 AUC 07008143 The psychoanalytic model of the mind / Auchincloss, Elizabeth L., American Psychiatric Publishing, 2015 9781585624713 (pbk. : alk. pap First edition. xxiii, 308 pages : Library - BR Campus
150.195 BOE 05045339 Insight : Ahumada, Jorge L., Routledge, 2011 9780415618809 (hbk.) | 9780415 254 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.195 BRO 00103717 Whose Freud? : Brooks, Peter, Yale University Press, 2000 0300081162 (cloth : alk. paper ix, 342 p. : UG Library
150.195 BRO 09001130 Psychoanalytic Thinking on The Unhoused Mind / Routledge, 2019 9780367148478 141p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.195 CAR 00133202 Psychoanalytic thinking : Carveth, Donald L., Routledge, 2018 9781138560710 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138560727 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxii,270p.; UG Library
150.195 CAV 05034250 Becoming a Subject Cavell, Marcia, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2006 9780199287093 | 0199287082 (al viii, 182 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.195 CAV 00110032 Becoming a Subject Cavell, Marcia, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2006 9780199287093 | 0199287082 (al viii, 182 p. ; UG Library
150.195 CIV 05072643 A Short Introduction to Psychoanalysis / Civitarese, Giuseppe. Routledge 2020 9780367415501 viii, 135p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.195 CLE 05045114 The weary sons of Freud / Clément, Catherine, Verso, 2015 9781781688854 (PB) | 978178168 2015 edition. 115 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.195 DAS 00137418 Kama : Das, Gurcharan. Penguin Allen Lane, 2018 9780670087372 xvii, 548p.; UG Library
150.195 DES 00029819 Psychiatry and Modern Life Desai, N Arvindrai STERLING 1988 296 p UG Library
150.195 DUT 10002623 Black and white thinking : Dutton, Kevin. Penguin Random House, 2022 9780552175364 388p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.195 EAG 00129954 Core Concepts in Contemporary Psychoanalysis : Eagle, Morris N., Routledge, 2018 9781138306912 (hbk : alk. pape 244 p.: UG Library
150.195 ELL 05056265 Psychoanalytic theory : Palgrave, 2015 3rd ed. x, 206 pages : Knowledge Centre
150.195 ELL 05041733 Psychoanalytic Theory: Elliot,Anthony Duke University Press. 2002 9780822330189 2nd ed. x ,196 p.; Knowledge Centre
150.195 ESH 00137856 The emergence of analytic oneness : Eshel, Ofra, Routledge, 2019 9781138186330 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138186347 (pbk : alk. paper) xv,319p.; UG Library
150.195 FRA 00140312 Yes to Life in spite of Everything Frankl,Viktor E Penguin 2020 9781846046360 141p UG Library
150.195 FRE 05075131 A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis / Freud, Sigmund, Sanage Publishing House, 2020 9789395741163 445p.; Knowledge Centre
150.195 FRE 00080993 Essentials of Psycho-Analysis Freud, Vintage VINTAGE BOOKS 2005 597p UG Library
150.195 FRO 00088308 Dogma of Christ Fromm, Erich 2008 ISB0415289998 181p UG Library
150.195 GIL 07015413 Anti - Oedipus : Deleuze, Gilles. Penguin Classics, 1977 9780143105824 xxiv, 400 p. ; Library - BR Campus
150.195 GOL 00117313 Loving Psychoanalysis : Golan, Ruth. Karnac, 2006 9781855753792 xvi, 238 p. : UG Library
150.195 GRI 05040151 The other side of psychoanalysis / Lacan, Jacques, Norton, 2006 9780393062632 (hardcover) | 03 224 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.195 GUL 00147667 Psychoanalytic Studies of Change : Gullestad, Siri Erika Routledge, 2024 9781032651903 xix,220p. ; UG Library
150.195 HEA 05014419 Wittgenstein and Psychoanalysis [pg.Lib.General Section] Heaton, John M Worldview Pubications 73p Knowledge Centre
150.195 HIL 00084870 Lacan: for Beginners Hill, Philip Orient Longman Publications 1997 8125022368 169p UG Library
150.195 HIL 00084871 Lacan: for Beginners. Hill, Philip Orient Longman Publications 1997 8125022368 169p UG Library
150.195 IMB 00080468 Constructing a Mind: Imbasciati, Antonio Routledge 2006 9781583917671 285p UG Library
150.195 KAK 07007921 The essential Sudhir Kakar. OXFORD Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198072454 xxxii, 394 p. ; Library - BR Campus
150.195 KAK 05014427 India analysed / Kakar, Sudhir. Oxford University Press, 9780195698930 | 0195698932 xvi, 90 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.195 KAK 07007882 India Analysed / Kakar Sudhir Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199457540 xvi,92p.: Library - BR Campus
150.195 KAR 05014426 Psychoanalysis in a new light / Karlsson, Gunnar, Cambridge University Press, 9780521198059 (hardback) | 052 xvii, 209 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.195 KEN 00089560 Many Voices of Psychoanalysis. Kennedy, Roger Routledge 2007 9780415411776 297p UG Library
150.195 KENN 05004180 The many voices of psychoanalysis / Kennedy, Roger. Routledge, 2007 0415411769 (hbk) | 0415411777 297 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.195 KIN 05001939 Freud-Klein Controversies 1941-45 / King, Pearl Routledge, 1991 0415082749 966p.: Knowledge Centre
150.195 LAC 00088769 Other Side of Analysis. Lacan, Jaques 2007 9780393330403 224p UG Library
150.195 LAC 05014428 Ecrits: The First Complete Editon in English. Lacan, Jacques 2006 0393061159 878p Knowledge Centre
150.195 LAW 05042868 Psychoanalysis and the unconscious and Fantasia of the unconscious / Lawrence, D. H. Cambridge Unversity Press, 2004 9781107457461 liv, 300 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.195 LEA 07010918 Introducing Lacan / Leader, Darian Gutenberg Publication, 2013 9781848311831 170p.; Library - BR Campus
150.195 LEF 05005157 Contemporary psychoanalytic foundations : Leffert, Mark. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 2010 9780881634969 (hbk.) | 9780881 299 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.195 MIL 05021980 Research Methods in Psychopathology / Millon Theodore John Wiley & Sons,Inc, 1972 047160626X xv,191 p.: Knowledge Centre
150.195 MIL 05014416 Short Introdution to Psychoanalysis [MSC-COUN.PSY ] Milton, Jane 0761971874 192p Knowledge Centre
150.195 MIL 05014417 Other Side of Psychoanalysis [msc.Psychology Section] Miller, Jacques-Alain 9780393330403 224p Knowledge Centre
150.195 MON 00120794 The emptiness of Oedipus : Moncayo, Raul. Routledge, 2012 9780415608282 (hardback) | 978 vii, 217 p. : UG Library
150.195 OLD 00147841 Explorations between psychoanalysis and neuroscience : Olds, David D. Routledge, 2024 9781032473888 284p. ; UG Library
150.195 PIC 05048909 Psychoanalysis : Pick, Daniel. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199226818 (pbk.) 143p.; Knowledge Centre
150.195 POL 09000832 A Short Introduction to Psychoanalysis Milton, Jane. SAGE, 2011 9780857020581 (alk. paper) | 0 2nd ed. vii, 214 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.195 POL 07008199 A Short Introduction to Psychoanalysis Milton, Jane. SAGE, 2011 9780857020581 (alk. paper) | 0 2nd ed. vii, 214 p. ; Library - BR Campus
150.195 POL 00024393 Critique of the Foundations of Psychology : Politzer, Georges, Duquesne University Press, 1994 0820702560 (cloth) : | : xxxviii, 174 p. ; UG Library
150.195 POL 00074834 Critique of the Foundations of Psychology George, Politzer Duguesne University 1994 1 UG Library
150.195 POL 00117763 A Short Introduction to Psychoanalysis Milton, Jane. SAGE, 2011 9780857020581 (alk. paper) | 0 2nd ed. vii, 214 p. ; UG Library
150.195 PRA 00099912 Man's Search for Meaning: Frankl, Viktor E. Rider, 9781844132393 154 p. UG Library
150.195 RAG 05040566 Lacan and the subject of language / Ragland-Sullivan, Ellie, Routledge, 1991 0415903076 | 0415903084 (pbk.) vii, 227 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.195 RED 05042132 Psychoanalytic approaches for counselors / Redekop, Frederick. Sage, 2015 9781452268361 (pbk.) xxxi,123p.: Knowledge Centre
150.195 ROU 05067950 Lacanian Realism : Rousselle, Duane. Bloomsbury Academic, 2019 9781350123212 xi, 204p.; Knowledge Centre
150.195 RUS 00137287 Researching the unconscious : Rustin, Michael, Routledge , 2019 9781138389199 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781782204374 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvii,327 pages.; UG Library
150.195 RUT 00110518 The singularity of being Ruti, Mari. Fordham University Press, 2012 9780823243143 (cloth : alk. pa 1st ed. ix, 260 p. ; UG Library
150.195 SAM 05014429 Political Psyche Samuels, Andrew 0415081025 380p Knowledge Centre
150.195 SCH 00147668 Outsider art and psychoanalytic psychiatry : Schinaia, Cosimo Routledge, 2024 xxxvi,130p. ; UG Library
150.195 SHA 07007907 Psychoanalysis, culture, and religion : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198076988 | 0198076983 1st ed. xxiv, 314 p. ; Library - BR Campus
150.195 SHA 00106523 Understanding psychoanalysis Sharpe, Matthew. Acumen, 2008 9781844651214 (hardback) | 978 ix, 230 p. : UG Library
150.195 SHA 05011599 Understanding psychoanalysis Sharpe, Matthew. Acumen, 2008 9781844651214 (hardback) | 978 ix, 230 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.195 SMI 05014420 Psychoanalysis in Focus [MSC.COUN.PSY ] Livingstone Smith, David 0761961941 157p Knowledge Centre
150.195 SPI 00089555 Melanie Klein Today: Spillius, Elizabeth Bott 1988 0415010454 315 p UG Library
150.195 STA 05040565 Outside the dream : Stanton, Martin, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983 9780415732437 ix, 131 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.195 SUG 07010221 What Freud Really Meant: Sugarman,Susan Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107538559 X,182 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
150.195 SUG 09000999 What Freud Really Meant: Sugarman,Susan Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107538559 X,182 Pages,: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.195 VER 00110264 Does the woman exist? Verhaeghe, Paul. Rebus Press, 1997 1900877058 (pbk.) 284 p. ; UG Library
150.195 ZIZ 00098592 Enjoy your symptom! : Žižek, Slavoj. Routledge, 9780415772594 (pbk.) | 0415772 xxiii, 280 p. : UG Library
150.19503 EVA 00104825 An Introdutiory Dictionary of Lacanian Psychoanalysis Evans,Dylan. Routledge, 1996 9780415135238 xxii: 239 P. UG Library
150.19506073 LAN 05014342 History of the Division of Psychoanalysis of the American Psychological Association Lane, Robert C 0805813233 372p Knowledge Centre
150.19508 FIO 00147485 Deconstructing the feminine : Fiorini, Leticia Glocer Routledge, 2024 9781032588940 Second edition. 146p. ; UG Library
150.195082 GYL 00105008 The gendered unconscious : Gyler, Louise, Routledge, 2010 9780415401708 (hbk. : alk. pap x, 196 p. ; UG Library
150.195082 GYL 05004733 The gendered unconscious : Gyler, Louise, Routledge, 2010 9780415401708 (hbk. : alk. pap x, 196 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.195082 MIN 05007396 Psychoanalysis and gender : Minsky, Rosalind. Routledge, 1996 0415092210 (pbk. : alk. paper) xv, 317 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.19509 LAC 00089302 Ecrits Lacan, Jacques Routledge 1977 0415253926 | 9780415253925 373 p. UG Library
150.19509 GEL 05013939 Psychoanalytic Movement the Cunning of Unreason [msc-Psychology] Gellner, Ernest 0631234136 214p Knowledge Centre
150.19509 LAL 00078511 Ecrits Lacan, Jacques Routledge 1977 0415253926 | 9780415253925 373 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.195092 APO 05014415 Lacan, Politics, Aesthetics [MSCOM] Apollon, Willy 0791423727 341 Knowledge Centre
150.195092 GRO 00105164 Jacques Lacan Elizabeth A. Grosz Routledge, 2005 041525616X (cloth : alk. paper vi,218 p. UG Library
150.195092 HOM 01006140 Jacques Lacan Elizabeth A. Grosz Routledge, 2005 041525616X (cloth : alk. paper vi,218 p. Knowledge Centre
150.195092 HOO 00132490 Six Moments in Lacan : Hook, Derek, Routledge, 2018 9781138211605 | 9781138211612 xii, 208 p. ; UG Library
150.195092 KAK 05042067 India Analysed / Kakar Sudhir Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199457540 xvi,92p.: Knowledge Centre
150.195092 MIC 00104859 The Cambridge companion to Lacan / Jean-Michel Rabate Cambridge University Press, 2003 0521807441 | 0521002036 (pbk.) xxviii, 287 p. : UG Library
150.195092 PAR 00105005 Lacanian Psychoanalysis: Parker,Ian. Routledge 2011 9780415455435 viii,238p. UG Library
150.195092 PAR 07015627 Lacanian Psychoanalysis: Parker,Ian. Routledge 2011 9780415455435 viii,238p. Library - BR Campus
150.195092 RUB 00080488 Kohut`s Freudian Vision Rubovits-Seitz, Philip F D Analytic Press 1999 9780881632842 234p UG Library
150.195092 SEG 05014341 Melanie Klein:Key Figures in Counselling and Psychotherapy [msc-Counselling Psychology Section] Segal, Julia 0761943013 162p Knowledge Centre
150.1950954 HAR 00071184 Psychoanalysis in Colonial India Hartnack, Christiane Oxford University Press 2001 0195645421 | 9780195645422 243 p. UG Library
150.1950954 KAK 05008476 The essential Sudhir Kakar. OXFORD Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198072454 xxxii, 394 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.1950954 SHA 01020604 Psychoanalysis, culture, and religion : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198076988 | 0198076983 1st ed. xxiv, 314 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.1952 HAN 00122179 The Freud-Adler Cntroversy Handlbauer, Bernhard Oneworld Publishers 2007 1851681272 | 9781851681273 206 p. UG Library
150.1952 APP 05014392 Introducing Frued (msc Psy) (UGC - Autonomous) Appignanesi, Richard ICON Books 1840460547 168p Knowledge Centre
150.1952 BET 00027254 Freud and Man`s Soul Bettelheim, Brunto Flamingo 1984 112 p UG Library
150.1952 BOO 05040563 Death and desire : Boothby, Richard, Routledge, 1991 9780415728584 xv, 266 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.1952 BRO 00023049 Freud and the Post Freudians Brown, J A C Fontana 1981 240p UG Library
150.1952 BRU 05045134 Freud : Bruce Renaud Verso, 2015 9781781688946 215p.: Knowledge Centre
150.1952 COH 05014393 How to Read Freud: [ M.Sc Psy] Cohen, Josh Granta Books 1862077630 135p Knowledge Centre
150.1952 DEL 00078462 Anti-Oedipus Deleuze Continuum 2005 0826476953 | 9780826476951 421 p. UG Library
150.1952 DEL 00076213 Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia: Deleuze, Gilles 2005 0826476953 420p UG Library
150.1952 DEL 00076217 Inteisive Science and Virtual Philosophy: Delanda, Manuel 2003 0826479324 232p UG Library
150.1952 EAG 00129946 Core Concepts In Classical Psychoanalysis Eagle, Morris.N. Routledge Publications, 2018 9781138842502 318 p.: UG Library
150.1952 EDM 00109600 The Death Of Sigmund Freud Edmundson,Mark Bloomsbury 2007 9780747592983 276 p. UG Library
150.1952 EYS 05014365 Decline & Fall of the Freudian Empire [MSC.PSYCHOLOGY SECTION] Eysenck, Hans J 0765809451 224 p Knowledge Centre
150.1952 FOR 05057372 Freud in Cambridge / Forrester, John, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9780521861908 (cloth) | 052186 xxi, 695 pages : Knowledge Centre
150.1952 FRE 00140946 Sigmund Freud : Freud, Sigmund Riverrun; 2020 9781787479326 458 p. ; UG Library
150.1952 FRE 05014394 The psychology of Love ; Freud Sigmund Penguin books; 9780141186030 xxxii;326 p. Knowledge Centre
150.1952 FRE 05030272 The joke and its relation to the unconscious / Freud, Sigmund, Penguin, 2002 0141185546 xlii, 231 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.1952 FRE 00140760 Essays and Papers Freud,Sigmund Riverrun 2020 9781787479326 458p UG Library
150.1952 FRE 05014397 The uncanny / Freud, Sigmund, Penguin Books, 0141182377 lxv, 161 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.1952 FRE 05014400 On Murder, Mourning and Melancholia / Freud, Sigmund. 2005 9780141183794 243p.; Knowledge Centre
150.1952 FRE 09000733 Psychopathology of Everyday Life / Freud, Sigmund Penguin Books, 2002 0141184035 | 9780141184036 264p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.1952 FRE 05014395 Psychopathology of Everyday Life (msc Psy) (UGC - Autonomous) Freud, Sigmund 0141184035 264p Knowledge Centre
150.1952 FRE 07007617 Psychopathology of Every Day Life Freud, Sigmund PENGUIN 1976 384 p Library - BR Campus
150.1952 FRE 00015357 Introductory Lectures on Psychology Analysis Freud, Sigmund PENGUIN 1976 558 p UG Library
150.1952 FRE 00015358 Introductory Lectures on Psychology Analysis Freud, Sigmund PENGUIN 1976 558 p UG Library
150.1952 FRE 00015359 Studies an Hysteria Breuer, Josef PENGUIN 1976 430 p UG Library
150.1952 FRE 00015360 Interpretation of Dreams Freud, Sigmund Penguine Books 1976 872 p. UG Library
150.1952 FRE 00015361 Psychopathology of Every Day Life Freud, Sigmund PENGUIN 1976 384 p UG Library
150.1952 FRE 05014398 Civilization and Its Discontents [ MSC-PSY ] Freud, Sigmund 0141182369 103p Knowledge Centre
150.1952 FRI 07005480 Beyond the Pleasure Principle and other Writings/ Freud,Sigmund. Penguin Books, 2001 9780141184050 XXXI,241 Pages ,: Library - BR Campus
150.1952 FRI 09000735 Beyond the Pleasure Principle and other Writings/ Freud,Sigmund. Penguin Books, 2001 9780141184050 XXXI,241 Pages ,: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.1952 FRI 00133207 Freud's Papers on technique and contemporary clinical practice / Friedman, Lawrence, Routledge, 2019 9780815385745 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9780815385752 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiii,239p.; UG Library
150.1952 GOL 00117312 The Consciousness Bearers Golan Ruth Content De Semrik, 2013 9789655502237 428 p.: UG Library
150.1952 HAN 00078521 The Freud-Adler Cntroversy Handlbauer, Bernhard Oneworld Publishers 2007 1851681272 | 9781851681273 206 p. UG Library
150.1952 HAN 00092396 The Freud-Adler Cntroversy Handlbauer, Bernhard Oneworld Publishers 2007 1851681272 | 9781851681273 206 p. UG Library
150.1952 HER 05062136 Cold War Freud : Herzog, Dagmar, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107072398 (hardback : alk. paper) viii, 311 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.1952 LOW 05041055 Psycho-analysis and education, Low, Barbara. Routledge, 1920 9780415717144 191p.; Knowledge Centre
150.1952 MAR 05041047 Freud and the culture of psychoanalysis : Marcus, Steven, Routledge, 1984 9780415717205 268 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.1952 MCG 00021581 Freud, Jung Letters Mc Guire, William PAN 1979 320 p UG Library
150.1952 ONE 05006555 The domestic economy of the soul : O'Neill, John. SAGE Publications, 2010 9781849205856 1st ed. ix,228 p. Knowledge Centre
150.1952 OSB 05014399 Freud for Beginners. Oshorne, Richard Orient Longman Publications 2000 8125019146 178 p Knowledge Centre
150.1952 OSH 00085811 Freud for Beginners. Oshorne, Richard Orient Longman Publications 2000 8125019146 178 p UG Library
150.1952 PET 00091602 Freud, psychoanalysis, and symbolism / Petocz, Agnes. Cambridge University Press, 9780521021500 (pbk.) | 0521021 xi, 284 p. ; UG Library
150.1952 RAZ 05047269 Freud, psychoanalysis and death / Razinsky, Liran. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107009721 xi, 303 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.1952 SAN 00135539 On Freud's the question of lay analysis : Sandler,Paulo Ceaser Routledge, 2019 9780367075088 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781782206293 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiii,299p.; UG Library
150.1952 STE 05041056 Psychoanalysis; the first ten years, 1888-1898 Stewart, Walter A., Routledge, 1967 9780415725750 viii, 224 p.; Knowledge Centre
150.1952 SUR 00103357 Freud: Surprenant Celine Continuum; 9780826492784 184 p. UG Library
150.1952 WIL 05014364 Introducing the Freud Wars [msc-Psychology Section] Wilson, Stephen 175p Knowledge Centre
150.19520711 JON 00099472 Teaching Freud / Oxford University Press, 9780195157697 | 0195157699 (pb xi, 276 p. ; UG Library
150.195209 DUF 05014423 Returns of the "French Freud" : Routledge, 1997 0415915252 | 0415915260 (pbk.) 244 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.1952092 GRU 00080074 Back to Freud`s Texts:Making Silent Documents Speak Grubrich-Simitis, Ilse 1996 0300066317 322p UG Library
150.1952092 LEA 00084375 Freud Lear, Jonathan 2005 0415314518 278p UG Library
150.1952092 NEU 01013942 The Cambridge companion to Freud / Cambridge University Press, 0521374243 | 9780521377799 | 0 ix, 356 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.1952092 ROT 05014431 Freud Conflict and Culture Essays on His Life, Work, and Legacy [msc Counseling Psychology] Roth, Michael S 0679772928 273p Knowledge Centre
150.1952092 STO 01016421 Freud : Storr, Anthony. Oxford University Press, 2001 0192854550 | 9780192854551 167 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.1952092 STO 00110658 Freud : Storr, Anthony. Oxford University Press, 2001 0192854550 | 9780192854551 167 p. : UG Library
150.1952092 STO 05014410 Freud: A Very Short Introduction. Storr, Anthony 2007 0195687256 166p Knowledge Centre
150.1952092 STO 00085437 Freud: A Very Short Introduction. Storr, Anthony 2007 0195687256 166p UG Library
150.1952092 SUG 07008033 What Freud really meant : Sugarman, Susan, Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107116399 (hardback) | 978 192p.: Library - BR Campus
150.1952092 SUG 00132932 What Freud really meant: Sugarman,Susan. Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107538559 192 p. ; UG Library
150.1952092 WHI 00141141 Freud : Whitebook, Joel, Cambridge University Press 2017 9780521864183 (hardback) 484pages UG Library
150.19520922 APP 05014366 Freud, s Women Appignanesi, Lisa 2005 0753819163 563p Knowledge Centre
150.19520922 HIL 07013491 Freud's India : Hiltebeitel Alf Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190941215 xx,301p.: Library - BR Campus
150.19520922 HIL 05067130 Freud's India : Hiltebeitel Alf Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190941215 xx,301p.: Knowledge Centre
150.19520924 RIC 05014409 Freud and Philosophy: Ricoeur, Paul MOTILAL BANARASI DASS , 9788120833050 573 p Knowledge Centre
150.19520924 RIC 00101088 Freud and Philosophy: Ricoeur, Paul MOTILAL BANARASI DASS , 9788120833050 573 p UG Library
150.1952BOC 01006149 Sigmund Freud (law College ) Robert Bocock ROUTLEDGE 0415288177 145p. Knowledge Centre
150.1953 ADL 03004558 What Life Could Mean to You / Adler, Alfred. Oneworld Publications, 1992 1851680225 : | 9781851686704 250 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
150.1953 ADL 03004610 What Life Could Mean to You / Adler, Alfred. Oneworld Publications, 1992 1851680225 : | 9781851686704 250 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
150.1953 ADL 05004100 Understaning Human Nature / Adler, Alfred. Oneworld Publications, 2011 9781851686674 239 p.: Knowledge Centre
150.1953 ADL 03004612 Understaning Human Nature / Adler, Alfred. Oneworld Publications, 2011 9781851686674 239 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
150.1954 AMU 00148202 Psychological and philosophical studies of Jung's teleology : Amundson, Garth Routledge, 2024 9781032536248 viii,231p. ; UG Library
150.1954 BIS 05014361 Analytical Psychology and german classical aesthetics: Bishop Pual Routlegde 9780415430296 248P Knowledge Centre
150.1954 FOR 00022967 Introduction to Jung's Psychology Fordham, Frieda Penguin Books 1966 3rd Ed. 160 p. UG Library
150.1954 JUN 00119734 Psychology and the East / Jung, C. G. Princeton University Press, 1978 9780415437448 1st Princeton/Bollingen 211 p. : UG Library
150.1954 JUN 05014367 Aspects of the feminine / Jung, C. G. Routledge, 0415307708 viii, 213 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.1954 JUN 05014369 Four Archetypes Jung Routledge Kegan paul 9780415304412 201p Knowledge Centre
150.1954 JUN 05057432 On the nature of the psyche / Jung, Carl Gustav. Routledge, 1960 9780415253918 viii, 190p. Knowledge Centre
150.1954 JUN 00146269 On the nature of the psyche / Jung, Carl Gustav Routledge, 2022 9781032160665 viii,190p. ; UG Library
150.1954 JUN 07005282 The Red Book Liber Novus / Jung C.G W.W.Norton & Company, 2009 9780393089080 xviii,582p.: Library - BR Campus
150.1954 JUN 00025679 Psychological Reflections Jung, C G Routledge 1983 392 p UG Library
150.1954 JUN 00109829 Memories,Dreams,Reflections Jung C.G. Vintage Books 1963 9780679723950 xiii; 430 p. UG Library
150.1954 JUN 00027232 Man and His Symbols Jung, G Carl Picador 1985 410 p UG Library
150.1954 JUN 00118827 The Red Book Liber Novus / Jung C.G W.W.Norton & Company, 2009 9780393089080 xviii,582p.: UG Library
150.1954 JUN 05040156 The Red Book Liber Novus / Jung C.G W.W.Norton & Company, 2009 9780393089080 xviii,582p.: Knowledge Centre
150.1954 JUN 05014368 Memories, Dreams, Reflections [msc-Psychology Section] Jung, C G 0679723951 430p Knowledge Centre
150.1954 JUN 00027259 Memories,Dreams and Reflections Jung, C G Flamingo 1984 448 p UG Library
150.1954 JUN 00076196 Essays on Contemporary Events: 1936 - 1946: Jung, Carl Ustav 1958 0041527835 108p UG Library
150.1954 PLA 00078898 Jung Platania, Jon Orient Longman Publications 1997 8125031677 | 9788125031673 150 p. UG Library
150.1954 PLA 00084863 Jung Platania, Jon Orient Longman Publications 1997 8125031677 | 9788125031673 150 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.1954 PLA 00084862 Jung Platania, Jon Orient Longman Publications 1997 8125031677 | 9788125031673 150 p. UG Library
150.1954 SNO 00109797 Teach Yourself Snowden,Ruth McGraw-Hill 2006 9780340913413 xv; 157 p. UG Library
150.1954 STE 05041098 Minding the Self : Stein Murray Routledge, 2014 9780415377843 132p.: Knowledge Centre
150.1954 THW 05014391 Reading Freud: Psyhcoanalysis as Cultural Theory [msc-Psychology Section] Thawaites, Tony Sage Publications 170p Knowledge Centre
150.1954 WAL 00133505 Jung and sociological theory : Walker, Gavin B., Routledge, 2018 9781138688728 (hardback) | 9781138688735 (pbk.) vi,223p.; UG Library
150.1954 WAL 00131288 Jung and sociological theory : Walker, Gavin B., Routledge, 2018 9781138688728 (hardback) | 9781138688735 (pbk.) vi,223p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.1954072 CAM 00133205 Research in analytical psychology : Cambray, Joseph, Routledge, 2018 9781138213265 (hardback) | 9781138213272 (pbk.) xiii,269p.; UG Library
150.195408 CAM 00019256 Portable Jung Campbell, Joseph PENGUIN 1977 659 p UG Library
150.1954092 PLA 05009572 Jung : Platania, Jon Orient Longman, 1997 9788125031673 150 p. Knowledge Centre
150.1954092 STE 05014418 Jung: A Very Short Introduction. Stevens, Anthony 2007 0195682696 175p Knowledge Centre
150.1954092 STE 00085435 Jung: A Very Short Introduction. Stevens, Anthony 2007 0195682696 175p UG Library
150.1954092 STE 05048865 Jung : Stevens, Anthony. Oxford University Press, 2001 0192854585 | 9780192854582 175 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.19544 JUN 00089303 The Spirit in Man Art and Literature Jung Gustav,Carl Routledge Classics 2001 0415304393 | 9780415304399 191 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.19544 JUN 00078589 The Spirit in Man Art and Literature Jung Gustav,Carl Routledge Classics 2001 0415304393 | 9780415304399 191 p. UG Library
150.19544 JUN 00078419 Aspects of the Feminine Jung, Carl Gustav Routledge Classics 2006 0415307708 | 9780415307703 213 p. UG Library
150.19544 JUN 00078453 Aspects of the Masculine Jung Gustav,Carl Routledge Classics 2003 0415307694 | 9780415307697 199 p. UG Library
150.19544 GUS 00078416 Essays on Contemporary Events Jung Gustav, Carl Routledge Classucs 1958 0041527835 | 9780415278355 109p UG Library
150.19544 GUS 00078417 Aspects of the Masculine Jung Gustav,Carl Routledge Classics 2003 0415307694 | 9780415307697 199 p. UG Library
150.19544 GUS 00078418 The Spirit in Man Art and Literature Jung Gustav,Carl Routledge Classics 2001 0415304393 | 9780415304399 191 p. UG Library
150.19544 JUN 00008318 Psychology and Relegion Jung, Carl Gustav Yale University Press 1970 132 p UG Library
150.19544 JUN 00078415 Four Archetypes Jung Gustav, Carl Routledge Classics 2001 0415304415 | 9780415304412 201 p. UG Library
150.19544 JUN 00078452 Aspects of the Feminine Jung, Carl Gustav Routledge Classics 2006 0415307708 | 9780415307703 213 p. UG Library
150.1957 FRO 00078509 The Dogma of Christ Fromm, Erich Routledge 2004 0415289998 | 9780415289993 181 p. UG Library
150.1957 FRO 00031126 Man for Himself:An Inquiry into the Psychology of Ethics Fromm, Erich Fawcett 1987 256 p UG Library
150.1957 FRO 00078414 The Dogma of Christ Fromm, Erich Routledge 2004 0415289998 | 9780415289993 181 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.195BRO.W 01000131 Whose Freud? Place of Psychoanlysis in Contemporary Culture (law Library ) Peter Brooks Yale University Press 339p Knowledge Centre
150.195FRO 01007257 Dogma of Christ ( Law Lib.) Fromm ROUTLEDGE 0415289998 181p. Knowledge Centre
150.195LAC 01007244 Ecrits: A Selection ( Law Lib.) Lacan ROUTLEDGE 0415253926 376p. Knowledge Centre
150.198 ARO 00120773 Critical Psychology Arora Neha Book Enclave, 2014 9788181523402 iii, 250 p.: UG Library
150.198 BAU 10005422 Positive Psychology / Baumgardner, Steve R. Pearson India education Services Pvt Ltd, 2025 9789361590993 xxviii,404 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.198 BAU 10004824 Positive Psychology / Baumgardner, Steve R. Pearson India education Services Pvt Ltd, 2019 9789332537927 xxiii, 334p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.198 BAU 10004825 Positive Psychology / Baumgardner, Steve R. Pearson India education Services Pvt Ltd, 2019 9789332537927 xxiii, 334p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.198 BAU 10004826 Positive Psychology / Baumgardner, Steve R. Pearson India education Services Pvt Ltd, 2019 9789332537927 xxiii, 334p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.198 BAU 10004827 Positive Psychology / Baumgardner, Steve R. Pearson India education Services Pvt Ltd, 2019 9789332537927 xxiii, 334p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.198 BAU 05070494 Positive Psychology / Baumgardner, Steve R. Pearson India education Services Pvt Ltd, 2019 9789332537927 xxiii, 334p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.198 BAU 05012168 Positive Psychology / Baumgardner Steve R. Pearson Education, 2009 9788131726983 xxi, 338 p.; Knowledge Centre
150.198 BIL 05014362 Hidden Roots of Critical Psychology. Biling, Michael Sage 2008 9781412947244 219 p Knowledge Centre
150.198 BIL 00087243 Hidden Roots of Critical Psychology. Biling, Michael Sage 2008 9781412947244 219 p UG Library
150.198 BON 09000914 Positive psychology in a nutshell : the science of happiness / Boniwell, Ilona Open University Press, 2012 9780335247202 202 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.198 COM 09001113 Introduction to Possitive Psychology / Compton, William C Thomson, 2005 9780534644536 276p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.198 DIA 00021273 Your Body Doesn`t Lie Diamond, John Warner 1980 208 p UG Library
150.198 FOX 05014363 Critical psychology : Fox, Dennis, SAGE, 9781847871725 (cased) | 184787 xxv, 470 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.198 KUM 05045127 Positive Psychology Approach to Education / Kumar Pradeep.T Apple Academics, 2011 9781926895055 264p.: Knowledge Centre
150.198 LOP 09000663 Positive psychology : Lopez, Shane J., Sage Publication, 2019 9789354791284 Revised. 495 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.198 LOP 05006850 Encyclopedia of positive psychology / Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 9781405161251 (hardback : alk. 2 v. (xix, 1125 p.) : Knowledge Centre
150.198 LOP 05006851 Encyclopedia of positive psychology / Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 9781405161251 (hardback : alk. 2 v. (xix, 1125 p.) : Knowledge Centre
150.198 MEA 05014372 Person-centred therapy today : Mearns, Dave. SAGE, 2000 0761965602 | 0761965610 (pbk.) xi, 239 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.198 PAR 05004931 Critical psychology : Routledge, 2011 9780415568593 (set : alk. pape v. 428 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.198 PAR 05004932 Critical psychology : Routledge, 2011 9780415568593 (set : alk. pape v. 428 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.198 PAR 05004933 Critical psychology : Routledge, 2011 9780415568593 (set : alk. pape v. 428 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.198 PAR 05004934 Critical psychology : Routledge, 2011 9780415568593 (set : alk. pape v. 428 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.198 PER 05014371 Understanding Cinema: a Psychological Theory of Moving Imagery: [mscomn] Persson, Per 0052181328 282p Knowledge Centre
150.198 POT 05001913 Discourse And Psychology Potter Jonathan Sage Publications Knowledge Centre
150.198 POT 05001911 Discourse And Psychology Potter Jonathan Sage Publications 420p Knowledge Centre
150.198 POT 05001912 Discourse And Psychology Potter Jonathan Sage Publications 421p Knowledge Centre
150.198 SAN 00092045 Learning and expanding with activity theory / Cambridge University Press, 9780521760751 (hardback) | 052 xxi, 367 p. : UG Library
150.198 SNY 05014404 Positive Psychology: The Scientific and Practical Explorations of Human Strenghts [MSC.PSYCHOLOGY SECTION] Snyder, C R Sage Publications 2007 9788178299242 598p Knowledge Centre
150.198 SNY 00079350 Positive Psychology Snyder, C R 2007 0076192633 598p UG Library
150.198 SNY 05044460 Positive psychology : Snyder, C. R. SAGE, 2011 9788132107507 2nd ed. xxvi, 588 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.198 SYN 05014403 Positive Psychology Snyder, C R 2007 0076192633 598p Knowledge Centre
150.198 TAJ 00125926 Positive Psychology The Science of Happiness Tajne K. Madhukar ABD Publishers, 2017 9788183765336 vii, 304 p.: UG Library
150.198 YAD 00099473 Positive health psychology; Global vision publishinhg house; 9788182201958 vi;452 p. UG Library
150.1982 SIN 00084797 Gestalt for Beginners Sinay,Sergio Orient Longman Publications 1997 0812502901 | 9788125029014 176 p. UG Library
150.1982 HOU 00058976 Brief Gestalt Therapy. Houston, Gaie 2003 0761973494 154p UG Library
150.1982 JAM 00022305 Born to Win James, Muriel New Age 320 p UG Library
150.1982 KOH 00019261 Gestalt Psychology: An Introduction to New Concepts in Modern Psychology Kohler, Wolfgang New American Library 1975 224 p UG Library
150.1982 SIN 00078900 Gestalt for Beginners Sinay,Sergio Orient Longman Publications 1997 0812502901 | 9788125029014 176 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.1985 WIN 07010019 The Wiley handbook of personal construct psychology / Wiley Blackwell, 2016 9781118508312 (cloth) xxix,545p.: Library - BR Campus
150.1986 HOU 00129949 Humanistic psychology : House, Richard Routledge, 2018 9781138698864 (hardback) | 978 xxviii, 310 pages ; UG Library
150.1986 HOU 05062041 Humanistic psychology : House, Richard Routledge, 2018 9781138698864 (hardback) | 978 xxviii, 310 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.1986 SCH 05044765 The handbook of humanistic psychology : Schneider, Kirk J. Sage, 2015 9781452267746 (alk. paper) Second Edition. xxviii,800p.; Knowledge Centre
150.1988 BAU 05045123 Positive Psychology / Baumgardner Steve Pearson, 2014 9781292039619 320p.: Knowledge Centre
150.1988 BRO 09000198 The Routledge International Handbook of Critical Positive Psychology /​ Routledge, 2018 9781138961432 xxii,568p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.1988 BRO 05068273 The Routledge International Handbook of Critical Positive Psychology /​ Routledge, 2018 9781138961432 xxii,568p.; Knowledge Centre
150.1988 CHE 05074432 The science and application of positive psychology / Cambridge University Press, 2022 9781108460835 xix, 460p.; Knowledge Centre
150.1988 DUN 05069129 Positive psychology : Routledge, 2018 9781138698659 (hard back : alk. paper) | 9781138698666 (paper back : alk. paper) xiv, 351p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.1988 GRE 00138253 Achieve lasting happiness: Grenville-Cleave, Bridget Icon book ltd., 2019 9781785783852 216p.; UG Library
150.1988 GUA 05068548 Mindfulness / Routledge, 2017 9781138961890 (set) | 9781138961906 (v. 1) | 9781138961913 (v. 2) | 9781138961920 (v. 3) | 9781138961937 (v. 4) 4 volumes ; cm. Knowledge Centre
150.1988 GUA 05068549 Mindfulness / Routledge, 2017 9781138961890 (set) | 9781138961906 (v. 1) | 9781138961913 (v. 2) | 9781138961920 (v. 3) | 9781138961937 (v. 4) 4 volumes ; cm. Knowledge Centre
150.1988 GUA 05068550 Mindfulness / Routledge, 2017 9781138961890 (set) | 9781138961906 (v. 1) | 9781138961913 (v. 2) | 9781138961920 (v. 3) | 9781138961937 (v. 4) 4 volumes ; cm. Knowledge Centre
150.1988 GUA 05068551 Mindfulness / Routledge, 2017 9781138961890 (set) | 9781138961906 (v. 1) | 9781138961913 (v. 2) | 9781138961920 (v. 3) | 9781138961937 (v. 4) 4 volumes ; cm. Knowledge Centre
150.1988 GUA 09000143 Mindfulness / Routledge, 2017 9781138961890 (set) | 9781138961906 (v. 1) | 9781138961913 (v. 2) | 9781138961920 (v. 3) | 9781138961937 (v. 4) 4 volumes ; cm. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.1988 GUA 09000144 Mindfulness / Routledge, 2017 9781138961890 (set) | 9781138961906 (v. 1) | 9781138961913 (v. 2) | 9781138961920 (v. 3) | 9781138961937 (v. 4) 4 volumes ; cm. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.1988 GUA 09000145 Mindfulness / Routledge, 2017 9781138961890 (set) | 9781138961906 (v. 1) | 9781138961913 (v. 2) | 9781138961920 (v. 3) | 9781138961937 (v. 4) 4 volumes ; cm. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.1988 GUA 09000146 Mindfulness / Routledge, 2017 9781138961890 (set) | 9781138961906 (v. 1) | 9781138961913 (v. 2) | 9781138961920 (v. 3) | 9781138961937 (v. 4) 4 volumes ; cm. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.1988 KRI 00124640 Virtues and vices in positive psychology : Kristjánsson, Kristján, Cambridge University Press 2013 9781107025202 (hardback) x, 254 pages ; UG Library
150.1988 LOP 07013042 Positive psychology : Snyder, C. R. Sage, 2015 9781452276434 (pbk. : alk. paper) Third edition. xxvi, 571 pages ; Library - BR Campus
150.1988 LOP 07013074 Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology / Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199862160 xxxi,709p.: Library - BR Campus
150.1988 MCK 00146619 Reality Psychology: McKenzie, Stephen Paul Springer, 2022 9783030971724 xvii, 231p. ; UG Library
150.1988 PLU 09000431 Genetics of psychological well-being : Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199686674 | 019968667X xxii, 294p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.1988 PLU 05067666 Genetics of psychological well-being : Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199686674 | 019968667X xxii, 294p.; Knowledge Centre
150.1988 SEL 01022027 Flourish : Seligman, Martin E. P. NIchilas Brealey Publishing, 2011 9781857885699 xii, 349 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.1988 SNY 07005078 Positive psychology : Snyder, C. R. SAGE, 2011 9788132107507 2nd ed. xxvi, 588 p. : Library - BR Campus
150.1988 SNY 07005079 Positive psychology : Snyder, C. R. SAGE, 2011 9788132107507 2nd ed. xxvi, 588 p. : Library - BR Campus
150.1988 SNY 07005080 Positive psychology : Snyder, C. R. SAGE, 2011 9788132107507 2nd ed. xxvi, 588 p. : Library - BR Campus
150.1988 SNY 07005081 Positive psychology : Snyder, C. R. SAGE, 2011 9788132107507 2nd ed. xxvi, 588 p. : Library - BR Campus
150.1988 SNY 07005082 Positive psychology : Snyder, C. R. SAGE, 2011 9788132107507 2nd ed. xxvi, 588 p. : Library - BR Campus
150.1988 WAR 07006028 Solution-Focused Interviewing : Warner Ronald.E University of Toronto Press, 2013 9781442615496 123p.: Library - BR Campus
150.1988 ZEL 05070992 Positive psychology : Zelenski, John, Sage publications ltd., 2020 9781473902152 | 9781473902145 First. xiii,377p.; Knowledge Centre
150.1988 ZEL 00138888 Positive psychology : Zelenski, John, Sage publications ltd., 2020 9781473902152 | 9781473902145 First. xiii,377p.; UG Library
150.198803 LOP 07004705 The encyclopedia of positive psychology / Wiley, 2013 9781118344675 Paperback edition. xix, 1125 pages ; Library - BR Campus
150.1988087 WEH 09000518 The Oxford handbook of positive psychology and disability / Oxford University Press, 2014 9780190227500 (alk. paper) xvi, 544p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.1988087 WEH 05067806 The Oxford handbook of positive psychology and disability / Oxford University Press, 2014 9780190227500 (alk. paper) xvi, 544p.; Knowledge Centre
150.19954092 BAI 00109827 Jung a Biography Bair,Deirdre Little Brown And Company 2003 0031607665 | 9780316076654 1st Ed. 881 p. UG Library
150.19954092 BAI 00069010 Jung a Biography Bair,Deirdre Little Brown And Company 2003 0031607665 | 9780316076654 1st Ed. 881 p. UG Library
150.1STE 05014264 Critical Thinking in Psychology Sternberg, Roert J 0521608341 340p Knowledge Centre
150.2 MOG 00108193 Great Ideas in Psychology Moghaddam, M Fathali Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851683798 xii; 338 p. UG Library
150.2 MOG 00076148 Great Ideas in Psychology Moghaddam, M Fathali Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851683798 xii; 338 p. UG Library
150.2 RUS 00133940 Introduction to psychology for health carers Russell, Julia Cengage learning, 2014 9781408082874 2nd ed., viii,285p.; UG Library
150.23 HAL 01019338 Global promise Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195306088 (cloth : alk. pa xiv, 255 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.23 HAL 05004153 Global promise Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195306088 (cloth : alk. pa xiv, 255 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.23 HAM 00144295 Building Your Career in Psychology / Hammond, Marie S. Routledge, 2022 9780367274993 xxvii,241p,; UG Library
150.23 HET 00129446 Your Undergraduate Degree in Psychology : Hettich, Paul I. SAGE, 2014 9781412999311 xiii, 289 p . ; UG Library
150.23 KUT 05014407 Careers in psychology : Kuther, Tara L. Wadsworth/Thomson, 2007 9780495090786 | 9781133308423 4th ed. xx, 218 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.23 KUT 00103178 Careers in psychology : Kuther, Tara L. Wadsworth/Thomson, 2007 9780495090786 | 9781133308423 4th ed. xx, 218 p. ; UG Library
150.23 MEL 09001104 Foundations Of Professional Psychology / Melchert, Timothy P Elsevier, 2011 9780123850799 xi, 248 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.23 MEL 05011292 Foundations Of Professional Psychology / Melchert, Timothy P Elsevier, 2011 9780123850799 xi, 248 p. Knowledge Centre
150.23 MOR 05014405 Life After Graduate School in Psychology (msc Psy) (UGC - Autonomous) Morgan, Robert D Psychology Press 0184169410 338p Knowledge Centre
150.23 PRI 05014408 Doing Psychology Critically: Making a Difference in Diverse Settings: [ M.Sc Psychology] Prilleltensky, Isaac 0333922840 206p Knowledge Centre
150.2373 DAV 05006849 Your career in psychology : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 9781405179423 (hardcover : alk xiv, 306 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.2373 OST 05049047 Life as a psychologist : Oster, Gerald D. Praeger Publishers, 2006 0275985989 (alk. paper) | 9780 xviii, 159 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.2436 MES 05014411 Psychology and Social Care [msc Counseling Psychology ] Messer, David Jessica Kingsley 1853027626 543p Knowledge Centre
150.243613 OBR 05057186 Psychology for social work : O'Brien, Emma Zara, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016 9781137576620 (pbk.) xii,369p.; Knowledge Centre
150.24362 KAM 00117995 Psychology for Social Work Kamei, K.C Pearl Books, 2013 9789383026142 262p.; UG Library
150.28 KAP 05001892 Psychological Testing:principle, Applications, and Issues / Kaplan, Robert Wadsworth, 2001 0000534502 708p.: Knowledge Centre
150.2855133 DAL 07012728 Python for experimental psychologists / Dalmaijer, Edwin S., Routledge, 2017 9781138671560 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138671577 (pbk. : alk. paper) xii, 215 pages ; Library - BR Campus
150.2855133 DAL 09000890 Python for experimental psychologists / Dalmaijer, Edwin S., Routledge, 2017 9781138671560 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138671577 (pbk. : alk. paper) xii, 215 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.2855133 PEI 05062740 Building experiments in psychopy / Peirce, Jonathan. Sage, 2018 9781473991392 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781473991385 (hardback : alk. paper) 1st edition. xi,297p.; Knowledge Centre
150.28553 MAD 05042111 An introduction to MATLAB for behavioral researchers / Madan, Christopher R. SAGE Publications, Inc., 2014 9781452255408 (pbk. : alk. pap xi, 267 pages : Knowledge Centre
150.287 BRY 03000724 Ultimate Psychometric Tests : Bryon, Mike. Kogan Page ; 2008 9788175544710 | 9780749463496 250 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
150.287 AIK 05001886 Psychological Testing and Assessment Shum, David. Pearson 2000 9780190305208 501p Knowledge Centre
150.287 AIK 05014336 Psychological Testing and Assessment Shum, David. Pearson 2000 9780190305208 501p Knowledge Centre
150.287 AIK 05014353 Psychological Testing and Assessment Shum, David. Pearson 2000 9780190305208 501p Knowledge Centre
150.287 AIK 05001942 Psychological Testing and Assessment Shum, David. Pearson 2000 9780190305208 501p Knowledge Centre
150.287 AIK 05070495 Psychological testing and assessment / Aiken. Lewis R Pearson Publication, 2009 9788131728116 12th ed. xiii,533p. Knowledge Centre
150.287 AIK 07011723 Psychological testing and assessment / Aiken. Lewis R Pearson Publication, 2009 9788131728116 12th ed. xiii,533p. Library - BR Campus
150.287 ANA 05000849 Psychological Testing / Anastasi, Anne. PHI, 1997 9788120323650 7th ed. 721 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.287 ANA 03011123 Psychological Testing / Anastasi, Anne. PHI, 1997 9788120323650 7th ed. 721 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
150.287 ANA 05014389 Psychological Testing (MSC PSY) Anustasi, Anne Pearson Education 8178086204 614p Knowledge Centre
150.287 ANA 05014390 Psychological Testing (MSC PSY) Anustasi, Anne Pearson Education 8178086204 614p Knowledge Centre
150.287 ANA 05014388 Psychological Testing (MSC PSY) Anustasi, Anne Pearson Education 8178086204 614p Knowledge Centre
150.287 ANA 05014359 Psychological Testing Anastasi, Anne Prentice Hall of India 8120323653 721p Knowledge Centre
150.287 ANA 04015621 Psychological Testing / Anastasi, Anne. PHI, 1997 9788120323650 7th ed. 721 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.287 ANA 00060304 Psychological Testing Anastasi, Anne Pearson Education 2004 9788178086200 xiii; 721p UG Library
150.287 ANA 05014358 Psychological Testing Anastasi, Anne Pearson Education 2004 9788178086200 xiii; 721p Knowledge Centre
150.287 ANN 00115384 Psychological Testing Anastasi, Anne DORLING KINDERSLEY 2006 8131701859 615p UG Library
150.287 ANN 00115383 Psychological Testing Anastasi, Anne DORLING KINDERSLEY 2006 8131701859 615p UG Library
150.287 BOO 05050591 Essays on item response theory / Springer, 2001 0387951474 (softcover : alk. p xv, 438 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.287 BOO 05051654 Essays on item response theory / Springer, 2001 0387951474 (softcover : alk. p xv, 438 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.287 BRO 05021998 Principles of Educational and Psychological Testing / Brown Frederick.G Holt,Rinehart and Winston, 1970 0030890519 2nd ed 504 p.: Knowledge Centre
150.287 BRY 04016660 Ultimate Psychometric Tests : Bryon, Mike. Kogan Page ; 2008 9788175544710 | 9780749463496 250 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.287 BRY 03008065 Ultimate Psychometric Tests : Bryon, Mike. Kogan Page ; 2008 9788175544710 | 9780749463496 250 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
150.287 BRY 05024338 Ultimate Psychometric Tests : Bryon, Mike. Kogan Page ; 2008 9788175544710 | 9780749463496 250 p.: Knowledge Centre
150.287 CHO 00106532 Exercise in Psychological testing and assessment : Cohen,Ronald Jay Mc Graw Hill, 2005 9780073199047 6th ed xiii,302 p. UG Library
150.287 CHO 05004135 Exercise in Psychological testing and assessment : Cohen,Ronald Jay Mc Graw Hill, 2005 9780073199047 6th ed xiii,302 p. Knowledge Centre
150.287 COH 10004828 Psychological testing and assessment: Cohen, Ronald Jay, McGraw hill education (india) pvt ltd., 2018 9789353162139 Ninth Edition. xxix, 566 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.287 COH 10004829 Psychological testing and assessment: Cohen, Ronald Jay, McGraw hill education (india) pvt ltd., 2018 9789353162139 Ninth Edition. xxix, 566 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.287 COH 10004830 Psychological testing and assessment: Cohen, Ronald Jay, McGraw hill education (india) pvt ltd., 2018 9789353162139 Ninth Edition. xxix, 566 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.287 COH 10004831 Psychological testing and assessment: Cohen, Ronald Jay, McGraw hill education (india) pvt ltd., 2018 9789353162139 Ninth Edition. xxix, 566 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.287 COH 10004832 Psychological testing and assessment: Cohen, Ronald Jay, McGraw hill education (india) pvt ltd., 2018 9789353162139 Ninth Edition. xxix, 566 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.287 COH 10003695 Psychological testing and assessment: Cohen, Ronald Jay, McGraw hill education (india) pvt ltd., 2018 9789353162139 Ninth Edition. xxix, 566 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.287 COH 10003696 Psychological testing and assessment: Cohen, Ronald Jay, McGraw hill education (india) pvt ltd., 2018 9789353162139 Ninth Edition. xxix, 566 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.287 COO 05068409 Psychological testing : Cooper, Colin. Routledge, 2019 9781138228887 (hardback) | 9781138228894 (pbk.) 1 Edition. xix,347p.; Knowledge Centre
150.287 COO 00134305 Psychological testing : Cooper, Colin. Routledge, 2019 9781138228887 (hardback) | 9781138228894 (pbk.) 1 Edition. xix,347p.; UG Library
150.287 COO 09000888 Psychological testing : Cooper, Colin. Routledge, 2019 9781138228887 (hardback) | 9781138228894 (pbk.) 1 Edition. xix,347p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.287 COO 07014637 Psychological testing : Cooper, Colin. Routledge, 2019 9781138228887 (hardback) | 9781138228894 (pbk.) 1 Edition. xix,347p.; Library - BR Campus
150.287 COO 09000154 Psychological testing : Cooper, Colin. Routledge, 2019 9781138228887 (hardback) | 9781138228894 (pbk.) 1 Edition. xix,347p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.287 CRI 05056865 Psychometric testing : J. Wiley & Sons, 2017 9781119182986 xxi,304 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.287 DOM 05001920 Psychological Testing: An Introduction Domino, George Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521861810 640p.: Knowledge Centre
150.287 DRU 00127838 Assessment procedures for counselors and helping professionals / Drummond, Robert J. Pearson, 2016 9780132850636 | 013285063X Eighth edition. xix, 444 p. : UG Library
150.287 ERF 05001916 Assessment for counselors / Houghton Mifflin Co., 2007 0618492917 (main student text) 1st ed. xviii, 574 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.287 ERF 05042875 Assessment for counselors / Houghton Mifflin Co., 2007 0618492917 (main student text) 1st ed. xviii, 574 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.287 FER 07008971 Encyclopedia of Psychological Assessment / Sage Publications, 2003 9780761954941 xxvi,1164p.: Library - BR Campus
150.287 FER 07008972 Encyclopedia of Psychological Assessment / Sage Publications, 2003 9780761954941 xxvi,1164p.: Library - BR Campus
150.287 FIN 09000097 Educational and psychological measurement / Finch, W. Holmes Routledge, 2019 9781138963436 (hb : alk. paper) | 9781138963443 (pb : alk. paper) xi,456p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.287 FIN 05068367 Educational and psychological measurement / Finch, W. Holmes Routledge, 2019 9781138963436 (hb : alk. paper) | 9781138963443 (pb : alk. paper) xi,456p.; Knowledge Centre
150.287 FRE 05014370 Theory and Practice of Psychological Testing Freeman, Frank S Oxford 697p Knowledge Centre
150.287 FRE 09001164 Theory and Practice of Psychological Testing / Freeman, Frank S Oxford & IBH Publishing, 1965 8120417070 3rd Ed. : 697p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.287 GOL 05040064 Psychological assessment and report writing / Goldfinger, Karen. Sage, 2014 9781452259109 (pbk. : alk. pap Second edition. xiii, 241 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.287 GOL 05014381 Psychological assessment and report writing / Goldfinger, Karen. SAGE, 9781412960960 x, 147 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.287 GOL 05039582 Psychological assessment and report writing / Goldfinger, Karen. Sage, 2014 9781452259109 (pbk. : alk. pap Second edition. xiii, 241 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.287 GOL 05062036 Psychological testing in everyday life : Goldfinger, Karen, Sage, 2019 9781483319315 (pbk. : alk. paper) xi, 113 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.287 GRE 05000981 Psychological testing : Gregory, Robert J., Pearson, 2014 9789332536715 6th ed. xx, 668 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.287 GRE 05014386 Psychological Testing (UGC Outonomous Grant) Gregory, Robert J Pearson 8129710277 653p Knowledge Centre
150.287 GRE 09000746 Psychological Testing: History, Principles and Applications: Gregory, J Robert Allyn Bacon 2000 9789332573819 602 p : . Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.287 GRE 05014414 PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING [ Msc-Psy ] Gregory, Robert J Pearson 8129710277 654p Knowledge Centre
150.287 GRE 10003007 Psychological testing : Gregory, Robert J., Pearson, 2014 9789332536715 6th ed. xx, 668 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.287 GRE 05014387 Psychological Testing Gregory, Robert J 8129710277 652p Knowledge Centre
150.287 GRE 05014384 Psychological Testing Gregory, Robert J 8129710277 652p Knowledge Centre
150.287 GRE 07010220 Psychological testing : Gregory, Robert J., Pearson, 2014 9789332536715 6th ed. xx, 668 p. : Library - BR Campus
150.287 GRE 05045131 Psychological testing : Gregory, Robert J., Pearson, 2013 9780205959259 (alk. paper) | 0 Seventh edition. xx, 624 pages : Knowledge Centre
150.287 GRE 07001708 Psychological testing : Gregory, Robert J., Pearson, 2014 9789332536715 6th ed. xx, 668 p. : Library - BR Campus
150.287 GRE 00127462 Psychological Testing: History, Principles and Applications: Gregory, J Robert Allyn Bacon 2000 9789332573819 602 p : . UG Library
150.287 GRE 05041388 Psychological testing : Gregory, Robert J., Pearson, 2014 9789332536715 6th ed. xx, 668 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.287 GRE 05014383 Psychological Testing Gregory, Robert J Pearson 2005 0008129717 | 9788129710277 654 Knowledge Centre
150.287 GRE 00072366 Psychological Testing Gregory, Robert J Pearson 2005 0008129717 | 9788129710277 654 UG Library
150.287 GRE 05055230 Psychological testing : Gregory, Robert J., Pearson, 2014 9789332536715 6th ed. xx, 668 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.287 GRO 05047563 Handbook of psychological assessment / Groth-Marnat, Gary, John Wiley & Sons, 2016 9781118960646 (cloth) Sixth edition. xi, 911 p. Knowledge Centre
150.287 HAY 05005452 Scientific foundations of clinical assessment / Haynes, Stephen N. Routledge, 2011 9780415876506 (hardback) | 978 p. cm. Knowledge Centre
150.287 HOF 05014360 PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING AT WORK [ Msw ] Hoffman, Edward 0070598754 209p Knowledge Centre
150.287 HOF 00070344 Psychological Testing at Work Hoffman, Deward 2004 0070598754 209p UG Library
150.287 KAP 05014379 Psychological Testing Kaplan, Robert 0534370969 698p Knowledge Centre
150.287 KAP 10002499 Psychological testing : Kaplan, Robert M. Cengage learning india pvt ltd., 2018 9789353502188 9th ed., xxiii,710 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.287 KAP 05014380 Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications and Issues Kaplan, M Robert Thomson 9812403833 702p Knowledge Centre
150.287 KAP 05014352 Psychology Tesing Principles, Applications, and Issues.6th Edition [msc-Psychology] Kaplan, Robert M Thomson Wadsworth 8131502090 745p Knowledge Centre
150.287 KAP 05039580 Psychological Assessment and Theory : Kaplan Robert.M Cengage Learning, 2013 9788131520765 xxiii,692p.: Knowledge Centre
150.287 KAP 07001711 Psychological Assessment and Theory : Kaplan Robert.M Cengage Learning, 2013 9788131520765 xxiii,692p.: Library - BR Campus
150.287 KAP 05014378 Psychological Testing - Principles, Applications, and Issues Kaplan, M Robert Thomson 9812403833 708p Knowledge Centre
150.287 KAP 05001891 Psychological Testing Principles, Applications, and Issues / Kaplan, Robert M Thomson Wadsworth, 2005 0534633064 6th ed 745p.: Knowledge Centre
150.287 KLI 05014351 PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING a PRACTICAL APPROACH TO DESIGN AND EVALUATION [ MSC-PSY ] Kline, Theresa J B Sage Publications 8178295717 355p Knowledge Centre
150.287 KLI 05014354 Psychological Testing:A Practical Approach to Design and Evaluation [msc-Psychology Section] Kline, Theresa J B Vistaar 355p Knowledge Centre
150.287 LAA 05036625 Understanding psychological assessment : Laak, Jan J. F. ter. Sage Publications, 2013 9788132110057 (pbk. : alk. pap xxxii,564p.; Knowledge Centre
150.287 LAA 07000076 Understanding psychological assessment : Laak, Jan J. F. ter. Sage Publications, 2013 9788132110057 (pbk. : alk. pap xxxii,564p.; Library - BR Campus
150.287 LAA 09000690 Understanding psychological assessment : Laak, Jan J. F. ter. Sage Publications, 2013 9788132110057 (pbk. : alk. pap xxxii,564p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.287 LAA 05041402 Understanding psychological assessment : Laak, Jan J. F. ter. Sage Publications, 2013 9788132110057 (pbk. : alk. pap xxxii,564p.; Knowledge Centre
150.287 MCI 05014355 Foundations of Psychological Testing: A Practical Approach. Mcintire, Sandra A 2007 9781412924849 632p Knowledge Centre
150.287 MCI 05001914 Foundations of Psychological Testing a Pracctical Approach / Mcintire, Sandra A Sage Publications, 2007 1412924847 632p.: Knowledge Centre
150.287 MCT 05028414 Foundations of Psychological Testing a Practical Approach [msc.Psychology Section] Mcintire, Sandra A 1412924847 632p Knowledge Centre
150.287 MEY 05007522 Reliability / Meyer, J. Patrick. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195380361 (pbk.) | 0195380 148 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.287 MIL 05052815 Psychological testing : Miller, Leslie A. SAGE Publications, 2013 9789351502838 4th ed. xxii, 480 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.287 MIL 05034147 Measurement in Psychology Michell, Joel Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521021510 246 p Knowledge Centre
150.287 MIL 07011130 Psychological testing : Miller, Leslie A. SAGE Publications, 2013 9789351502838 4th ed. xxii, 480 p. : Library - BR Campus
150.287 MIL 05001878 Foundations of psychological testing : Miller, Leslie A. SAGE Publications, 2011 9781412976398 (cloth) 3rd ed. 612 p. Knowledge Centre
150.287 MIL 05056258 Foundations of psychological testing : Miller, Leslie A. Sage, 9781483369259 (hardcover : aci Fifth edition. xxv, 608 pages : Knowledge Centre
150.287 MIL 00127355 Foundations of psychological testing : Miller, Leslie A. SAGE Publications, 2011 9781412976398 (cloth) 3rd ed. 612 p. UG Library
150.287 MIL 07011724 Psychological testing : Miller, Leslie A. SAGE Publications, 2013 9789351502838 4th ed. xxii, 480 p. : Library - BR Campus
150.287 MIL 05059643 New developments in quantitative psychology : Springer, 2013 9781461493471 (hbk.) | 1461493471 (hbk.) ix, 506 pages : Knowledge Centre
150.287 MIL 05056278 Psychological testing : Miller, Leslie A. SAGE Publications, 2013 9789351502838 4th ed. xxii, 480 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.287 MIL 09000955 Psychological testing : Miller, Leslie A. SAGE Publications, 2013 9789351502838 4th ed. xxii, 480 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.287 MUR 00142913 Psychological testing : Murphy, Kevin R., Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2019 9789353065799 6th ed. 486p.; UG Library
150.287 NER 05005268 Handbook of polytomous item response theory models / Routledge, 2010 9780805859928 (hardcover : alk p. cm. Knowledge Centre
150.287 RAJ 00132973 Psychological testing/ Raj,Shabu B. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation, 2018 9789387460164 206 p. ; UG Library
150.287 RAW 05014356 Psychological Assessment [msc-Psychology Section] Rawat, N C MD Publications Pvt Ltd 8175330996 367p Knowledge Centre
150.287 RUS 00142385 Modern psychometrics : Rust, John, Routledge, 2021 9781138638631 | 9781138638655 Fourth edition. xiii,180p.; UG Library
150.287 SAH 03004845 Psychometric Testing / Sahu, R. K. Excel Books, 2001 9788174468994 328 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
150.287 SHU 00080009 Measurement Theory In Aciton Shultz, Kenneth S 2005 0761927301 436p UG Library
150.287 SHU 09000530 Psychological testing and assessment / Shum, David. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190305208 | 0190305207 3rd ed. xv, 432p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.287 SHU 10000233 Psychological testing and assessment / Shum, David. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190305208 3rd Ed xv,432p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.287 STE 07006160 Student study guide for Foundations of psychological testing / Stetz, Thomas A., Sage Publication, 2016 9781506308050 | 1506308058 vii, 332 pages ; Library - BR Campus
150.287 STE 09000681 Student study guide for Foundations of psychological testing / Stetz, Thomas A., Sage Publication, 2016 9781506308050 | 1506308058 vii, 332 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.287 STV 05014334 Dictionary of Psychological Testing, Assessment and Treatment [msc-Psychology Section] Stuart-Hamilton, Ian Jessica 285p Knowledge Centre
150.287 THO 00112709 The 1000 Most Important questions you will ever ask yourself Thomas,Alyss Better Yourself Books 2009 8171086233 279p UG Library
150.287 TOP 00070663 Psychological Testing : A Manager`s Guide Toplis, John Jaico Publishing House 2005 8179922421 226 p UG Library
150.287 TOP 05014333 Psychological Testing : A Manager`s Guide Toplis, John Jaico Publishing House 2005 8179922421 226 p Knowledge Centre
150.287 URB 05014357 Essentials of Psychological Testing. Urbina, Susana 0471419788 325p Knowledge Centre
150.287 VAN 00115380 Succeed at Psychological Testing Walmsley,Bernice Hodder & Stoughton 2004 0340812362 | 9780340812365 181 p. UG Library
150.287 VAN 00115377 Succeed at Psychological Testing Walmsley,Bernice Hodder & Stoughton 2004 0340812362 | 9780340812365 181 p. UG Library
150.287 VAN 00115379 Succeed at Psychological Testing Walmsley,Bernice Hodder & Stoughton 2004 0340812362 | 9780340812365 181 p. UG Library
150.287 VAN 00115132 Succeed at Psychological Testing Walmsley,Bernice Hodder & Stoughton 2004 0340812362 | 9780340812365 181 p. UG Library
150.287 VAN 00115387 Succeed at Psychological Testing Walmsley,Bernice Hodder & Stoughton 2004 0340812362 | 9780340812365 181 p. UG Library
150.287 VAN 00115378 Succeed at Psychological Testing Walmsley,Bernice Hodder & Stoughton 2004 0340812362 | 9780340812365 181 p. UG Library
150.2870968 FOX 09000532 Introduction to psychological assessment in the South African context / Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190418595 | 0190418591 Fifth edition. xx, 404 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.2870968 FOX 05068101 Introduction to psychological assessment in the South African context / Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190418595 | 0190418591 Fifth edition. xx, 404 pages : Knowledge Centre
150.287AIK 07001716 Psychological Testing and Assessment Shum, David. Pearson 2000 9780190305208 501p Library - BR Campus
150.287GRO 05001915 Handbook of Psychological Assessment / Gary John Wiley & Sons,Inc, 2003 0471419796 846p.: Knowledge Centre
150.3 ANM 00115381 Advanced Learners Dictionary of Psychology Anmol Publications Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 2001 00104441500007 230 p. UG Library
150.3 APA 10002145 APA concise dictionary of psychology / American Psychological Association, 2009 9781433803918 | 1433803917 xi, 583 p. ; 24 cm. Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.3 ASC 00115136 Dictionary Of Psychology Asch, M K S Paperbacks 2004 8189261088 | 9788189261085 577p UG Library
150.3 BAS 05001963 Dictionary of Psychology / Basavanna, M Allied , 2007 8177640305 479p.: Knowledge Centre
150.3 COL 05029694 Oxford Dictionary of Psychology: {b.Ed] Colman, M Andrew Oxford 844p Knowledge Centre
150.3 COL 05029698 Oxford Dictionary of Psychology / Colman, Andrew M Oxford University Press, 2005 9780195671582 841p.: Knowledge Centre
150.3 COL 01014330 A dictionary of psychology / Colman, Andrew M. Oxford University Press, 9780199534067 (pbk. : alk. pap xi, 882 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.3 COL 07007863 A dictionary of psychology / Colman, Andrew M., Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199657681 (pbk.) | 0199657 Fourth edition. 883 p. : Library - BR Campus
150.3 COL 05003816 A dictionary of psychology / Colman, Andrew M. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199534067 (pbk. : alk. pap 3rd ed. xi, 882 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.3 COR 00071165 Popular Psychology Cordon, Luis A 2005 0000313323 | 9780313324574 274p UG Library
150.3 COR 00088973 Concise Encyclopedia of Psychology Corsini, Raymond J John & Wiley & Sons 1998 9780471192824 2nd,ed. 928p UG Library
150.3 COR 05014377 Popular Psychology: an Encyclopedia Cordon, Luic A 0313324573 274p Knowledge Centre
150.3 DAV 05001831 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Psychology / Davey, Graham. 2006 0340812389 | 9780340812389 484p.; Knowledge Centre
150.3 DAY 05034117 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Psychology / Davey, Graham Hodder Arnold, 2006 0340812389 484 p Knowledge Centre
150.3 FYS 00017157 Encyclopedia of Psychology Eysenck, H J Search Press 401 p UG Library
150.3 FYS 00017158 Encyclopedia of Psychology Eysenck, H J Search Press 401 p UG Library
150.3 FYS 00017159 Encyclopedia of Psychology Eysenck, H J Search Press 401 p UG Library
150.3 HAY 09000041 A student's dictionary of psychology and neuroscience / Hayes, Nicky, Routledge, 2018 9781138632417 (pbk.) | 9781138632400 (hardback) 396p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.3 HAY 05068379 A student's dictionary of psychology and neuroscience / Hayes, Nicky, Routledge, 2018 9781138632417 (pbk.) | 9781138632400 (hardback) 396p.; Knowledge Centre
150.3 KAP 05005165 The Routledge Spanish bilingual dictionary of psychology and psychiatry Kaplan, Steven M. Routledge, 2011 1st ed. x, 1188 p. Knowledge Centre
150.3 KUP 00031112 Laxicon of Psychology, Psychiatry and Psychonanalysis Kuper, Jessica Routledge 1989 466 p UG Library
150.3 MAT 05001962 The Cambridge dictionary of psychology / Matsumoto, David Cambridge University Press, 9780521854702 (hardback) | 978 xviii, 587 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.3 REB 00077241 Penguin Dictionary of Psychology Reber, S. Arthur New York 2001 0140514511 | 9780140514513 3rd Ed. 832 p. UG Library
150.3 RIC 05037378 Psychology : Richards, Graham. Routledge, 2009 9780415432009 (hardback : alk. xv, 264 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.3 SHA 00115131 Dictionary Of Psychology Sharma, A S Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 8171697712 245p UG Library
150.3 SHA 00115135 Dictionary of Psychology. Sharma, Sunita Anmol Publications 1989 8170412005 284p UG Library
150.3 SIN 05028011 World Encyclopedia of Behavioural Science: Singh Dr.Uttam Kumar Jnanada Prakashan; 9788171394265 2560 p. Knowledge Centre
150.3 SIN 05028012 World Encyclopedia of Behavioural Science: Singh Dr.Uttam Kumar Jnanada Prakashan; 9788171394265 2560 p. Knowledge Centre
150.3 SIN 05028013 World Encyclopedia of Behavioural Science: Singh Dr.Uttam Kumar Jnanada Prakashan; 9788171394265 2560 p. Knowledge Centre
150.3 SIN 05028014 World Encyclopedia of Behavioural Science: Singh Dr.Uttam Kumar Jnanada Prakashan; 9788171394265 2560 p. Knowledge Centre
150.3 SIN 05028015 World Encyclopedia of Behavioural Science: Singh Dr.Uttam Kumar Jnanada Prakashan; 9788171394265 2560 p. Knowledge Centre
150.3 SIN 05028016 World Encyclopedia of Behavioural Science: Singh Dr.Uttam Kumar Jnanada Prakashan; 9788171394265 2560 p. Knowledge Centre
150.3 SIN 05028017 World Encyclopedia of Behavioural Science: Singh Dr.Uttam Kumar Jnanada Prakashan; 9788171394265 2560 p. Knowledge Centre
150.3 SMI 00115382 Illustrated Dictionary of Psychology Smith, Louis Lotus Press 2003 8189093568 | 9788189093563 223 p. UG Library
150.3 VAN 05054459 APA dictionary of psychology / American Psychological Association, 2015 9781433819445 (hbk.) | 1433819 Second Edition. xv, 1204 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.3 WEI 07006064 The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology / Wiley, 9780470170243 4 v. (xxii, 1961 p.) : Library - BR Campus
150.3 WEI 07006065 The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology / Wiley, 9780470170243 4 v. (xxii, 1961 p.) : Library - BR Campus
150.3 WEI 07006066 The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology / Wiley, 9780470170243 4 v. (xxii, 1961 p.) : Library - BR Campus
150.3 WEI 07006067 The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology / Wiley, 9780470170243 4 v. (xxii, 1961 p.) : Library - BR Campus
150.3 WEI 05028022 The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology / Wiley, 9780470170243 4 v. (xxii, 1961 p.) : Knowledge Centre
150.3 WEI 05028019 The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology / Wiley, 9780470170243 4 v. (xxii, 1961 p.) : Knowledge Centre
150.3 WEI 05028024 The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology / Wiley, 9780470170243 4 v. (xxii, 1961 p.) : Knowledge Centre
150.3 WEI 05028021 The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology / Wiley, 9780470170243 4 v. (xxii, 1961 p.) : Knowledge Centre
150.3 WEI 05028018 The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology / Wiley, 9780470170243 4 v. (xxii, 1961 p.) : Knowledge Centre
150.3 WEI 05028023 The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology / Wiley, 9780470170243 4 v. (xxii, 1961 p.) : Knowledge Centre
150.3 WEI 05028020 The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology / Wiley, 9780470170243 4 v. (xxii, 1961 p.) : Knowledge Centre
150.3 WEI 05028025 The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology / Wiley, 9780470170243 4 v. (xxii, 1961 p.) : Knowledge Centre
150.3KRI 00005538 Manovijnana Krishnan, B I K S 150 p UG Library
150.5 GIL 05001877 Subfields of Comtemporary Psychology Apple Accdemic Press Inc., 9781926686073 261 p. Knowledge Centre
150.574 MYE 05014345 Experimental Pscyhology: [M.Sc Psychology] Myers, Anne 0534066186 384p Knowledge Centre
150.7 DUN 00134855 Best practices for teaching statistics and research methods in the behavioral sciences Walker, Garthine.- Editor. Routledge, 2012 9780815349839 xx,292p.; UG Library
150.7 TAL 05060042 The Black Swan : Taleb Nassim Nicholas Penguin Books, 2010 9780141034591 xxxiii,444 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.7 TAL 05060043 The Black Swan : Taleb Nassim Nicholas Penguin Books, 2010 9780141034591 xxxiii,444 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.7 TAL 05011114 The Black Swan : Taleb Nassim Nicholas Penguin Books, 2010 9780141034591 xxxiii,444 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.7 TAL 05070188 The Black Swan : Taleb Nassim Nicholas Penguin Books, 2010 9780141034591 xxxiii,444 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.7 TAL 07007072 The Black Swan : Taleb Nassim Nicholas Penguin Books, 2010 9780141034591 xxxiii,444 p. : Library - BR Campus
150.704 MIL 00077190 Research Methods & Statistics Miles, Jeremy Crucial 2001 1903337151 | 9781903337158 145 p. UG Library
150.711 COP 00144745 Success as a Psychology Major / Copeland, David E., Sage publications, 2021 9781544334714 xiii, 417 pages : UG Library
150.711 DAV 00079306 Teaching of Psychology Davis, Stephen F 2002 0805839542 521p UG Library
150.711 DAV 05014344 Teaching of Psychology: Essays in Honor of Wilbert j Mckeachie and Charles l Brewer [msc-Psychology Section] Davis, Stephen F 0805839534 521p Knowledge Centre
150.711 DUN 05014373 Best practices for teaching introduction to psychology / Dunn, Dana. L. Erlbaum Associates, 0805852174 (cloth) | 080585218 xvii, 286 p. Knowledge Centre
150.711 FRE 05014376 Study Skills for Psychology [MSC.PSYCHOLOGY SECTION] Freeman, Richard P J 0761942408 165 p Knowledge Centre
150.711 GIO 09001103 Your graduate training in psychology : effective strategies for success / Sage, 2012 9781412994934 326p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.711 GRO 05066988 Internationalizing the undergraduate psychology curriculum : American Psychological Association, 2016 9781433821462 | 143382146X ix, 304 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.711 HEF 05014375 A student's guide to studying psychology Heffernan, Thomas M. Psychology Press, 2005 1841693936 (hardcover) | 18416 3rd ed. 230 p. Knowledge Centre
150.711 HEF 05047499 The student's guide to studying psychology / Heffernan, Thomas M. Psychology Press, 2016 9781848720787 (hardback) | 978 Fourth edition. xv, 223 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.711 JOH 05047544 The Oxford handbook of education and training in professional psychology / Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199874019 xvii, 583 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.711 SIL 00130840 Psychology education and training : Silbereisen, Rainer K. Routledge, 2014 9781848721517 | 9781315851532 xi, 264 p. : UG Library
150.711 WRI 05014374 Get Set for Psychology [MSC.PSYCHOLOGY SECTION] Wright, Peter 9780748620968 160 p Knowledge Centre
150.71173 DUN 01017203 Best practices for teaching beginnings and endings in the psychology major : Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195378214 (cloth : alk. pa xxxii, 378 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.7155 BRI 05054487 Service learning in psychology : Bringle, Robert G., American Psychological Association, 2016 9781433820793 | 143382079X First edition. xi, 257 pages : Knowledge Centre
150.7155 BRI 10002161 Service learning in psychology : Bringle, Robert G., American Psychological Association, 2016 9781433820793 | 143382079X First edition. xi, 257 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.7155 WIL 05045878 Internships in psychology : Williams-Nickelson, Carol. American Psychological Association, 2013 9781433812101 (pbk.) | 1433812 3rd ed. x, 120 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.7155 WIL 07010523 Internships in psychology : Williams-Nickelson, Carol. American Psychological Association, 2013 9781433812101 (pbk.) | 1433812 3rd ed. x, 120 p. ; Library - BR Campus
150.72 BRE 05014719 Research Methods in Psychology: [ M.Sc-psy] Breakwell, M Glynis 0761965912 450p Knowledge Centre
150.72 JAN 00112049 Research In Psychology Jansari, Ashwin Vista Publishers 2013 9789382935056 vi; 268 p UG Library
150.72 KER 00097021 Foundations Of Behavioral Research Kerlinger Fred N Surjeet Publications 741p UG Library
150.72 MCB 05059198 Research Methods Mcburney, Donald H. Thomson Wadsworth , 2001 0008131570 | 9788131500477 xiii, 450 p.; Knowledge Centre
150.72 NAM 00123663 Experimental psychology Namdeo, Barve Bapurao ABD Publishers 2016 9788183764940 296p. UG Library
150.72 SIN 00146762 Experimental Psychology Singh, Manoj Kumar Asia Publishers, 2023 9788119391158 ix,240p. ; UG Library
150.72 WIS 03006075 Quirkology: Wiseman, Richard ; Macmillan, 2007 9780330448116 xix,298p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
150.72 ADU 00135880 A step-by-step guide to qualitative data coding / Adu, Philip, Routledge, 2019 9781138486850 (hardback) | 9781138486874 (pbk.) xxviii,415p.; UG Library
150.72 AGA 07014271 Research Methodology in Psychology/ Agarwal,Chetan Commonwealth, 2012 9788131103425 V,282 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
150.72 ARO 00083199 Statistics for Psychology Aron, Arthur DORLING KINDERSLEY 2007 8131714632 710p UG Library
150.72 BAN 05041921 Experimental Psychology / Pearson, 2012 9788131770214 174p.: Knowledge Centre
150.72 BAN 00100162 Introducing psychological research / Banyard, Philip Palgrave Macmillan, 9781403900388 (alk. paper) | 1 xxii, 570 p. UG Library
150.72 BAN 00107147 Qualitative methods in psychology Banister,Peter Open University Press, 1994 0335191819 | 0335191819 (pbk.) vii, 184 p. : UG Library
150.72 BAN 05014346 Introducing Psychological Research Banyard, Philip 0333912519 526p Knowledge Centre
150.72 BAN 05014343 As Core Studies and Research Methods: Psychology [MSC.PSYCHOLOGY SECTION] Banyard, Phillip Psychology Press 9781841697284 239p Knowledge Centre
150.72 BEI 05059756 Resarch Methods And Statistics/ Beins, Bernard C. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108444712 xvi, 450p,; Knowledge Centre
150.72 BEI 05074453 Research methods : Beins, Bernard, Cambridge university press, 2004 9781108470841 | 9781108456746 Fourth edition. xxi,514p.; Knowledge Centre
150.72 BEI 00111660 Successful research projects : Beins, Bernard. Sage Publications Inc., 2013 9781452203935 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 133p.; UG Library
150.72 BEI 05064340 Research methods : Beins, Bernard, Cambridge university press, 2004 9781108470841 | 9781108456746 Fourth edition. xxi,514p.; Knowledge Centre
150.72 BOR 00128888 Research design and methods : Bordens, Kenneth S. McGraw-Hill, 2008 9780073129068 (alk. paper) | 0 7th ed. xx, 530, [58] p. : UG Library
150.72 BOR 05014326 Research Design and Methods [msc Psy] Bordens, Kenneth 0070615950 500p Knowledge Centre
150.72 BOR 05014325 Research Design and Methods.6th Edition [msc-Psychology] Bordens, Kenneth S 0070615950 499p Knowledge Centre
150.72 BOR 05014327 Research Design and Methods [msc Psy] Bordens, Kenneth 0070615950 500p Knowledge Centre
150.72 BOR 05014324 Research Design and Methods: A Aprocess Approach: [M. Sc Psychology] Bordens, S Kenneth 0070615950 492p Knowledge Centre
150.72 BOR 05001740 Research Design and Methods: A Aprocess Approach: [M. Sc Psychology] Bordens, S Kenneth 0070615950 492p Knowledge Centre
150.72 BRE 05032843 Research methods in psychology / SAGE, 2012 9780857022639 (hbk.) | 0857022 4th ed. xii, 602 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.72 BRE 07004621 Research methods in psychology / SAGE, 2012 9780857022639 (hbk.) | 0857022 4th ed. xii, 602 p. : Library - BR Campus
150.72 BRI 05022144 Cross-Cultural Research Methods / Brislin Richard.W John Wiley & Sons, 1973 0471104701 351 p.: Knowledge Centre
150.72 BRO 00131300 Applied qualitative research in psychology Brooks, Joanna Palgrave, 2017 9781137359124 xiv,295p.; UG Library
150.72 BUR 05014337 Research Methods [ MSC PSYCHOLOGY ] Mcburney, Donald H Thomson 450p Knowledge Centre
150.72 CHE 07008250 Methods for behavioral research Cherulnik, Paul D., Sage Publications, 2001 0761921990 (alk. paper) 481p.: Library - BR Campus
150.72 CHE 05002206 Methods for Behavioral Research: a Systematic Approach / Cherulnik, Paul D Sage Publications. 2001 0761921990 481p.: Knowledge Centre
150.72 CHE 09000954 Methods for behavioral research : Cherulnik, Paul D., Sage Publications, 2001 0761921990 (alk. paper) | 9780761921998 xii, 481 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.72 CHI 07002565 Research Methodology in Psychology / Chiranjeev, Avinash Jnanada Prakashan, 2013 9788171395811 vi, 279 p. Library - BR Campus
150.72 CHI 09000785 Research Methodology in Psychology / Chiranjeev, Avinash Jnanada Prakashan, 2013 9788171395811 vi, 279 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.72 CHI 05040022 Research Methodology in Psychology / Chiranjeev, Avinash Jnanada Prakashan, 2013 vi, 279 p. Knowledge Centre
150.72 CLA 05002198 Quantitative psychological research : Clark-Carter, David. Psychology Press, 2004 1841695203 | 1841692255 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xiii, 649 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.72 CLA 05068413 Quantitative psychological research : Clark-Carter, David. Routledge, 2019 9781138226173 (hardback) | 9781138226180 (pbk.) 4th Edition. xxiii, 717 p.; Knowledge Centre
150.72 CLA 09000157 Quantitative psychological research : Clark-Carter, David. Routledge, 2019 9781138226173 (hardback) | 9781138226180 (pbk.) 4th Edition. xxiii, 717 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.72 CLA 05005389 Quantitative psychological research : Clark-Carter, David. Psychology Press, 2009 9781841696904 (hardback) | 184 3rd ed. xviii, 694 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.72 CLE 05032767 Self-observation in the social sciences / Joshua W Clegg Transaction Publishers, 2013 9781412849494 | 1412849497 xiii, 295 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.72 COO 05014329 Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology Coolican, Hugh Hodder Arnold 711p Knowledge Centre
150.72 COO 05014328 Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology Coolican, Hugh Hodder Arnold 711p Knowledge Centre
150.72 COO 00083332 Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology Coolican, Hugh 0340907576 293p UG Library
150.72 COO 05014330 Research Methods and Statistics in Psycholoogy [msc-Psychology Section] Coolican, Hugh Hodder Arnold 711p Knowledge Centre
150.72 COO 05014332 Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology [msc-Psychology Section] Coolican, Hugh 0340907576 293p Knowledge Centre
150.72 COO 05030793 Research methods and statistics in psychology / Coolican, Hugh. Hodder Education, 9780340983447 (pbk.) | 0340983 ix, 703 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.72 COO 01013470 Research methods and statistics in psychology / Coolican, Hugh. Hodder Education, 9780340983447 (pbk.) | 0340983 ix, 703 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.72 COZ 00146569 Methods in behavioral research / Cozby, Paul C. McGraw-Hill, 2024 9781266177682 15th ed. xxvi,483p. : UG Library
150.72 COZ 00125493 Methods in behavioral research / Cozby, Paul C. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2012 9780073370224 (alk. paper) | 9 11th ed. xvii 416 p. : UG Library
150.72 CRA 05021944 Principles of Research in Social Psychology / Crano William.D McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1973 0070134553 361 p.: Knowledge Centre
150.72 DAS 07010031 Textbook of Experimental Psychology / Dass S.N.Dr Sublime Publications, 2015 9788181922717 288p.: Library - BR Campus
150.72 DET 00128096 Doing collaborative research in psychology : Detweiler-Bedell, Jerusha Beth. SAGE, 2013 9781412988179 (pbk.) xxi, 271 p. : UG Library
150.72 DUB 05014347 Research Methods in Psychology [msc-Psychology Section] Dubey, K C Omega Publications 275p Knowledge Centre
150.72 ELM 05001837 Research Methods in Psychology / Elmes, David G 2006 0534609767 | 9780495007036 460p,; Knowledge Centre
150.72 ELM 05001869 Research Methods in Psychology / Elmes, David G Thomson Wadsworth, 2006 0534609767 460p.: Knowledge Centre
150.72 ELM 05002200 Research methods in psychology / Elmes, David G. Thomson/Wadsworth, 2003 0534558194 | 9780534558192 7th ed. xx, 458 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.72 ELM 05014349 Research methods in psychology / Elmes, David G. Thomson/Wadsworth, 2003 0534558194 | 9780534558192 7th ed. xx, 458 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.72 EVA 00090873 Methods in psychological research / Evans, Annabel. Sage Publications, 2008 9781412924856 (pbk.) | 1412924 xvi, 387 p. : UG Library
150.72 EVA 05002194 Methods in psychological research / Evans, Annabel. Sage Publications, 2008 9781412924856 (pbk.) | 1412924 xvi, 387 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.72 EVA 05040045 Methods in psychological research / Evans, Annabel. Sage, 2014 9781452261041 (alk. paper) Third edition. xxiii, 415 pages : Knowledge Centre
150.72 EVA 05001871 Methods in psychological research / Evans, Annabel. SAGE Publications, 9781412977883 (pbk.) 385 p. Knowledge Centre
150.72 FOR 05014339 Doing Qualitative Research in Psychology Forrester Michael Sage Publications 9781847879110 262p Knowledge Centre
150.72 GAV 05002188 Understanding research methods and statistics in psychology / Gavin, Helen. SAGE Publications, 2008 9781412934411 (hbk.) | 1412934 xx,404p.; Knowledge Centre
150.72 GOO 05001872 Research in Psychology: Methods and Design / Goodwin, C James John Wiley & Sons,Inc, 2003 0471452645 555p.: Knowledge Centre
150.72 GOO 07008471 Research in Psychology : Goodwin James.C Wiley, 2014 9781118322628 xx,506p.: Library - BR Campus
150.72 GOO 05014720 Research in Psychology : Methods and Design ( Msc Psy)/ Goodwin, C James. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2002 0471398616 550p.; Knowledge Centre
150.72 GRA 05014338 Research Methods for the Behavioural Sciences: [msc-Psychology Section] Gravetter, J Frederick 0053454911 482p Knowledge Centre
150.72 GRA 05055521 Research methods for the behavioral sciences; Gravetter Frederick.J Thomson wadsworth; 9780495091455 534 p Knowledge Centre
150.72 GUP 07005125 Research Methodology : Gupta,Shashi K. Kalyani Publishers, 2009 9788127267223 21p Library - BR Campus
150.72 HAC 00143501 Declarative Mapping Sentences in Qualitative Research : Hackett, Paul M W Routledge, 2021 9781138499829 xx,104p, ; UG Library
150.72 HAS 09001048 Research methods and statistics in psychology / Haslam, S. Alexander, SAGE, 2019 9781526423283 | 1526423286 | 9781526423290 | 1526423294 Third edition. xviii, 558 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.72 HAS 07008262 Research methods and statistics in psychology / Haslam, S Alexander. Sage, 2014 9781446255964 (hard back) | 97 2nd edition. xix,523p.: Library - BR Campus
150.72 HAS 05045773 Research methods and statistics in psychology / Haslam, S Alexander. Sage, 2014 9781446255964 (hard back) | 97 2nd edition. xix,523p.: Knowledge Centre
150.72 HAY 05001745 Doing Psychological Research / Hayes, Nicky Open University Press, 2000 0335203795 400p.: Knowledge Centre
150.72 HOC 05037370 Forty Stuies that Changed Psychology : Hock, Roger R Pearson, 1999 0139227253 7th ed 322p.: Knowledge Centre
150.72 HOC 05014348 Forty Stuies that Changed Psychology : Hock, Roger R Pearson, 1999 0139227253 7th ed 322p.: Knowledge Centre
150.72 HOL 05021972 Principles and Methods of Social Psychology / Hollander Edwin.P Oxford University Press, 1971 xxx,711 .: Knowledge Centre
150.72 HOR 07008156 The psychology research companion : Horst, Jessica S., Routledge, 2016 9781138785311 | 1138785318 | 9 xi, 182 pages ; Library - BR Campus
150.72 HOR 05046031 The psychology research companion : Horst, Jessica S., Routledge, 2016 9781138785311 | 1138785318 | 9 xi, 182 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.72 HOR 09000901 The psychology research companion : Horst, Jessica S., Routledge, 2016 9781138785311 | 1138785318 | 9 xi, 182 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.72 HOW 09000232 Introduction to qualitative research methods in psychology : Howitt, Dennis, Pearson, 2019 9781292251202 Fourth edition. xxix,528p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.72 JAC 00101199 Research Methods and Statistics Jackson, Sherri L Cengage Learning, 9788131513811 324 p. UG Library
150.72 JAC 07006933 Research Methods and Statistics Jackson, Sherri L Cengage Learning, 9788131513811 324 p. Library - BR Campus
150.72 JAN 07002566 Research In Psychology Jansari, Ashwin Vista Publishers 2013 9789382935056 vi; 268 p Library - BR Campus
150.72 KER 05014382 Foundations of Behavioral Research Kerlinger, N Fred Prism Books 8172860293 674 p Knowledge Centre
150.72 KER 00049569 Foundations of Behavioral Research Kerlinger, N. Fred Prism Books Pvt Ltd 1986 8172860293 3rd Ed. 674 p. UG Library
150.72 KIN 05001751 Statistical Reasoning: in Psychology and Education / King, M Bruce John Wiley & Sons,Inc, 2003 0471211877 548p.: Knowledge Centre
150.72 LEO 05002182 The psychology research handbook : Sage Publications, 2006 0761930213 (hardcover : alk. p 2nd ed. xvii, 516 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.72 LOO 05001747 Research Foundations for Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences / Loos, Frank HarperCollins College Publishers, 1995 0673994813 401p.: Knowledge Centre
150.72 LYO 00127173 Analysing qualitative data in psychology / Lyons, Evanthia Sage, 2016 9781446273746 | 9781446273753 2nd edition. xv, 400 p. : UG Library
150.72 MAR 00059446 Doing Psychology Experiments Martin, David W. Thomson Wadsw 2003 0053460255 | 9780534602550 6th Ed. 367p UG Library
150.72 MAT 00100576 Cross-cultural research methods in psychology / Matsumoto, David Cambridge University Press, 9780521765251 | 9780521758420 ix, 392 p. UG Library
150.72 MCB 00075257 Research Methods Mcburney, Donald H. Thomson Wadsworth , 2001 0008131570 | 9788131500477 xiii, 450 p.; UG Library
150.72 MCB 05001870 Research Methods Mcburney, Donald H Thomson Wadsworth, 2006 0534577628 xiii, 450p.: Knowledge Centre
150.72 MCB 09000682 The process of research and statistical analysis in psychology / McBride, Dawn M., 9781544361994 (pbk. : alk. paper) First Edition. xviii, 477 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.72 MCB 00093834 Reaserch Methods McBurny,Donald.h Akash press 9788131502105 441p UG Library
150.72 MCB 05039545 The process of research in psychology / McBride, Dawn M. SAGE, 2010 9781412960786 (pbk.) | 1412960 xiv, 331 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.72 MCB. 05030795 Research Methods Mcburney, Donald H Thomson Wadsworth, 2006 0534577628 xiii, 450p.: Knowledge Centre
150.72 MEL 09000936 Critical thinking about research : Meltzoff, Julian, American Psycological Association, 2018 9781433827105 Second edition. xiv, 335 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.72 MEL 07011998 Critical thinking about research : Meltzoff, Julian, American Psycological Association, 2018 9781433827105 Second edition. xiv, 335 pages ; Library - BR Campus
150.72 MIN 00057767 Statistical Reasoning in Psychology and Education Minium, Edward W. John Wiley & Sons 1995 9971511711 3rd Ed. 590 p. UG Library
150.72 MIT 05001868 Research Design Explained Mitchell, Mark L Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 9780495803997 xxii, 645 p. Knowledge Centre
150.72 NAM 07001707 Experimental Psychology / Namdeo Barve Bapurao.Dr ABD Publishers, 2016 9788183764940 296p.: Library - BR Campus
150.72 NAM 09000771 Experimental Psychology / Namdeo Barve Bapurao.Dr ABD Publishers, 2016 9788183764940 296p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.72 ONG 05001739 Oxford Handbooks of Methods in Positive Psychology Ong, Anthony 0195172183 644p Knowledge Centre
150.72 ONG 05014322 Oxford Handbooks of Methods in Positive Psychology Ong, Anthony 0195172183 644p Knowledge Centre
150.72 PAR 05014340 Qualitative psychology : Parker, Ian, Open University Press, 0335213502 (hbk.) | 0335213499 ix, 185 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.72 PEH 05002199 Conducting research in psychology : Pelham, Brett W., Thomson/Wadsworth, 2003 0534520936 2nd ed. xviii, 411 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.72 PEL 05014321 Conducting Research in Psychology: Measuring the Weight of Smoke Pelham, W Brett 0534357180 334p Knowledge Centre
150.72 RAA 05045314 Research methods : Bonds-Raacke, Jennifer. Prentice Hall, 2012 9780135022689 (hbk : alk. pape xxi, 328 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.72 RAY 00144811 Research Methods for Psychological Science / Ray, William J. Sage publications, 2022 9781544389448 xix,459p, ; UG Library
150.72 RAY 05014350 Methods toward a science of behavior and experience / Ray, William J., Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, 9780495594918 xxii, 454 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.72 RAY 05004129 Methods : Ray,William.J Thomson wadsworth, 2006 9780495007043 8th ed xxii,455 p. Knowledge Centre
150.72 RIC 05037082 Research methods and design in psychology / Richardson, Paul. Learning Matters, 2011 9780857254696 (pbk.) | 0857254 xiv, 186 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.72 RIC 07011526 Research methods and design in psychology / Richardson, Paul. Learning Matters, 2011 9780857254696 (pbk.) | 0857254 xiv, 186 p. : Library - BR Campus
150.72 ROO 09000557 Methods in psychological research / Rooney, Bryan J., Sage, 2019 9781506384931 | 1506384935 Fourth edition. xxi, 423 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.72 ROS 07006761 Artifacts in behavioral research Rosenthal, Robert, Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195385540 (alk. paper) | 0 xv,886p.: Library - BR Campus
150.72 SAL 09000230 Exploring research / Salkind, Neil J. Pearson, 2019 9789353068677 Ninth edition. 270 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.72 SAL 05060473 Exploring Reserach / Salkind, Neil J. Pearson, 2018 9781292156293 9th ed., 270 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.72 SAL 07014610 Exploring Reserach / Salkind, Neil J. Pearson, 2018 9781292156293 9th ed., 270 p. ; Library - BR Campus
150.72 SAN 05004176 Discovering research methods in psychology : Sanders, Lalage D. British Psychological Society/Blackwell, 9781405175319 (hardcover : alk vi, 330 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.72 SAN 05014323 Discovering research methods in psychology : Sanders, Lalage D. British Psychological Society/Blackwell, 9781405175319 (hardcover : alk vi, 330 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.72 SAV 05007052 A guide to teaching research methods in psychology / Saville, Bryan K. Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405154802 (hardcover : alk xvi, 222 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.72 SCH 05067873 A new narrative for psychology / Schiff, Brian, Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199332182 (hardcover : alk. paper) xi, 266 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.72 SCH 00129595 Research Methods in Psychology Schweigert, Wendy A Medtech, 2017 9789384007225 Third Edition 353 p. : UG Library
150.72 SCH 09000446 A new narrative for psychology / Schiff, Brian, Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199332182 (hardcover : alk. paper) xi, 266 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.72 SEL 00144365 A Student Guide to Writing an Undergraduate Psychology Honors Thesis / Seligman, Ross A., Routledge, 2023 9780367562526 87p, ; UG Library
150.72 SHA 00083328 Research Methods in Psychology Shaughnessy, John J 0071198903 543p UG Library
150.72 SHA 05002195 Research methods in psychology / Shaughnessy, John J., McGraw-Hill, 1997 0070572720 (alk. paper) 4th ed. xvii, 524 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.72 SHA 05048176 Research methods in psychology / Shaughnessy, John J., McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2009 9780073382692 (alk. paper) | 0 8th ed. xiv, 555 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.72 SHA 05001836 Research methods in psychology / Shaughnessy, John J., McGraw-Hill, 2003 0072494468 (alk. paper) | 0071 6th ed. xvi, 543 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.72 SMI 00127179 Qualitative Psychology: Smith,Jonathan A Sage Publication, 2015 9781446298466 VII,294 Pages,: UG Library
150.72 SMI 05000728 Qualitative psychology : SAGE Publications, 2003 0761972315 (pbk.) | 0761972307 ix, 258 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.72 SMI 00144184 Interpretative phenomenological analysis Sage, 2022 9781529753790 2nd edition. 225p. : UG Library
150.72 SMI 07006151 Qualitative Psychology: Smith,Jonathan A Sage Publication, 2015 9781446298466 VII,294 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
150.72 SMI 00106535 The psychologist as detective : Smith, Randolph A., Prentice Hall, 1997 0024125814 | 9780024125811 xvi, 486 p. : UG Library
150.72 SMI 05001744 Psychologist as Detective ; an Introduction to Conducting Research in Psychology / Smith, Randolph A Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River, 1996 0000024124 486p.: Knowledge Centre
150.72 SMI 09000956 Qualitative Psychology: Smith,Jonathan A Sage Publication, 2015 9781446298466 VII,294 Pages,: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.72 SMI 05001742 Psychologist as Detective: An Introduction to Conducting Research in Psychology / Smith, A Randolph Prentice Saddle, 2000 0130219827 444p.: Knowledge Centre
150.72 STE 05056426 Scientists making a difference : Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107127135 (hardback) | 978 xxvii, 512 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.72 SUL 09000969 Doing your qualitative psychology project / Sullivan, Cath; SAGE, 2012 9780857027450 (hbk.) | 085702745X (hbk.) | 9780857027467 (pbk.) | 0857027468 (pbk.) x, 222 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.72 SUL 09000551 Doing your qualitative psychology project / SAGE, 2012 9780857027467 (pbk.) | 085702745X (hbk.) | 9780857027450 (hbk.) | 0857027468 (pbk.) x, 222 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.72 SUL 05032850 Doing your qualitative psychology project / SAGE, 2012 9780857027467 (pbk.) | 085702745X (hbk.) | 9780857027450 (hbk.) | 0857027468 (pbk.) x, 222 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.72 SUL 07010538 Doing your qualitative psychology project / SAGE, 2012 9780857027450 (hbk.) | 0857027 x, 222 p. : Library - BR Campus
150.72 SUL 00147844 Doing your qualitative psychology project / Sullivan, Cath Sage, 2024 9781529754421 Second edition. xiv,250p. ; UG Library
150.72 UPT 07009530 Test Yourself Research Methods and Design in Psychology by, Upton Dominic Learning Matters, 2011 9780857256652 xiv, 137 p,: Library - BR Campus
150.72 UPT 00119426 Test Yourself Research Methods and Design in Psychology by, Upton Dominic Learning Matters, 2011 9780857256652 xiv, 137 p,: UG Library
150.72 WEA 05001965 Research methods for the behavioral and social sciences / Weathington, Bart L. John Wiley & Sons, 9780470458037 (cloth) | 047045 xix, 647 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.72 WIL 05001910 Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research in Psychology / Willig, Carl Sage Publications, 2008 9781412907804 631p.: Knowledge Centre
150.72 WIL 00131001 The Sage handbook of qualitative research in psychology, Willig, Carla. Sage publications ltd., 2017 9781473925212 2nd edition. xxix,632p.; UG Library
150.72 WOO 05014331 Psychology: revised edition Woodworth, robert.S Chapman 948 p Knowledge Centre
150.72 WOO 00000981 Experimental Psychology Woodworth, Robert S Gulab Primlani, Oxford &IBH CO 1938 946p UG Library
150.721 BEI 05074431 Research methods and statistics in psychology / Beins, Bernard, Cambridge university press, 2019 9781108423113 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781108436243 (pbk. : alk. paper) Second edition. xvii, 515 pages : Knowledge Centre
150.721 BEI 05068626 Research methods and statistics in psychology / Beins, Bernard, Cambridge university press, 2019 9781108423113 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781108436243 (pbk. : alk. paper) Second edition. xvii, 515 pages : Knowledge Centre
150.721 BEI 00137713 Research methods and statistics in psychology / Beins, Bernard, Cambridge university press, 2019 9781108423113 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781108436243 (pbk. : alk. paper) Second edition. xvii, 515 pages : UG Library
150.721 COZ 10000086 Methods in Behavioral Research / Cozby, Paul C. McGraw Hill, 2018 9789353162108 13th ed. xix, 428 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.721 HAI 05044448 Investigating the psychological world : Haig, Brian D., 9780262027366 | 9780262322379 1 online resource (218 pages). Knowledge Centre
150.721 HAS 00148194 Research methods and statistics in psychology / Haslam, S. Alexander, Sage, 2024 9781529793666 4th ed, xiv,582p. ; UG Library
150.721 HEA 05074568 Psychology research methods : Heath, Wendy, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107461116 (alk. paper) xviii, 386p.; Knowledge Centre
150.721 HOW 05057227 Introduction To Qualitative Research Methods In Psychology / Howitt, Dennis. Pearson, 2016 9781292082998 Third ed. xviii, 578 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.721 MCA 05045039 Longitudinal data analysis using structural equation models / McArdle, John J. APA, 2014 9781433817151 | 1433817152 xi, 426 pages : Knowledge Centre
150.721 MCB 09000561 The process of research in psychology / McBride, Dawn M., Sage, 2020 9781544323497 (pbk. : alk. paper) 4th edition. xx, 397p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.721 MCB 05032847 The process of research in psychology / McBride, Dawn M. SAGE Publications, 2013 9781412999557 (pbk.) | 1412999 2nd ed. xviii, 359 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.721 MCB 05048615 The Process of Research in Psychology / McBride, Dawn M. Sage, 2016 9781483347608 (pbk. : alk. pap 3rd edition. xix, 370 pages : Knowledge Centre
150.721 MOR 05059671 Research methods in psychology : Morling, Beth. W W Norton & Company, 2018 9780393643602 3rd ed. xxvii, 625p. Knowledge Centre
150.721 PRI 09000553 Essentials of statistical analysis "in focus" : Privitera, Gregory J., Sage, 2019 9781544325842 | 1544325843 Second Edition xi, 200 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.721 PRI 00136695 Essentials of statistical analysis "in focus" : Privitera, Gregory J., Sage, 2019 9781544325842 | 1544325843 Second Edition xi, 200 pages : UG Library
150.721 PRI 05062750 Essentials of statistical analysis "in focus" : Privitera, Gregory J., Sage, 2019 9781544325842 | 1544325843 Second Edition xi, 200 pages : Knowledge Centre
150.721 ROG 00138577 Perspectives on social psychology: Rogers,Wendy Stainton Routledge, 2020 9781138501348 xxvi,326p.; UG Library
150.721 SCH 00135422 Situating qualitative methods in psychological science / Schiff, Brian, Routledge, 2019 9780815353423 (hardback : alk. paper) 1 Edition. xii,115p.; UG Library
150.721 SHA 00125835 Research methods in psychology / Shaughnessy, John J., McGraw-Hill, 2012 9780078035180 (alk. paper) | 9 9th ed. xv, 488 p. : UG Library
150.721 STR 05047840 Doing developmental research : Striano, Tricia, The Guilford Press, 2016 9781462524426 (paperback) | 97 xii,177p.; Knowledge Centre
150.722 MOR 05002205 Single-case research methods for the behavioral and health sciences / Morgan, David L. SAGE, 2009 9781412950398 (pbk. : alk. pap viii, 269 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.7221 PEL 00092618 Conducting research in psychology Pelham, Brett W Thomson Wadsworth 9780495172093 430p UG Library
150.723 KRA 05045043 Single-case intervention research : By Kratochwill, Thomas R: American Psychological Association, 2014 9781433817519 (alk. paper) | 1 xiii, 366 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.723 KRA 09001062 Single-case intervention research : By Kratochwill, Thomas R: American Psychological Association, 2014 9781433817519 (alk. paper) | 1 xiii, 366 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.723 KRA 07008146 Single-case intervention research : By Kratochwill, Thomas R: American Psychological Association, 2014 9781433817519 (alk. paper) | 1 xiii, 366 p. : Library - BR Campus
150.723 LYO 05002231 Analysing qualitative data in psychology / SAGE, 2007 1412907829 (hbk.) | 9781412907 xvi, 275 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.724 ANA 00147729 Psychological Testing / Anastasi, Anne Pearson Education, 2017 9789332575585 7th ed. xii,628p. ; UG Library
150.724 ANA 05055275 Psychological Testing / Anastasi, Anne. Pearson Education, 2017 9789332575585 7th ed. xii,628p.; Knowledge Centre
150.724 ANA 05055276 Psychological Testing / Anastasi, Anne. Pearson Education, 2017 9789332575585 7th ed. xii,628p.; Knowledge Centre
150.724 ANA 05055277 Psychological Testing / Anastasi, Anne. Pearson Education, 2017 9789332575585 7th ed. xii,628p.; Knowledge Centre
150.724 ANA 05055278 Psychological Testing / Anastasi, Anne. Pearson Education, 2017 9789332575585 7th ed. xii,628p.; Knowledge Centre
150.724 ANA 05055279 Psychological Testing / Anastasi, Anne. Pearson Education, 2017 9789332575585 7th ed. xii,628p.; Knowledge Centre
150.724 ANA 09000223 Psychological Testing / Anastasi, Anne. Pearson Education, 2017 9789332575585 7th ed. xii,628p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.724 ANA 07014273 Psychological Testing / Anastasi, Anne. Pearson Education, 2017 9789332575585 7th ed. xii,628p.; Library - BR Campus
150.724 HAR 00147408 Designing and Reporting Experiments in Psychology/ Harris, Peter Open University Press, 2021 9780335245956 xviii,224p. ; UG Library
150.724 MOO 00069639 Classic Experiments in Psychology Mook Douglas Greenwood Press 2004 0313318212 | 9780313318214 362 p. UG Library
150.724 ABD 01017026 Experimental Design and Analysis for Psychology / Herve Abdi Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199299881 | 0199299889 xx, 538 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.724 ABD 05003845 Experimental design and analysis for psychology / Oxford University Press, 2009 9780198064367 xx, 538 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.724 ABD 05002217 Experimental design and analysis for psychology / Oxford University Press, 2009 9780198064367 xx, 538 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.724 ABD 00117599 Experimental Design and Analysis for Psychology / Herve Abdi Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199299881 | 0199299889 xx, 538 p. : UG Library
150.724 ABD 00098100 Experimental design and analysis for psychology / Oxford University Press, 2009 9780198064367 xx, 538 p. : UG Library
150.724 ANA 05034116 Psychological Testing / Anastasi, Anne Pearson Education, 2002 712 p Knowledge Centre
150.724 ASC 05034107 Psychological Research / Asch M Sarupa and Sons, 2005 8176255580 332 p Knowledge Centre
150.724 BAL 00147396 Experimental Psychology: Bala, Ritu Book Enclave, 2024 9789392262999 viii,248p. ; UG Library
150.724 BAS 05039805 Child issues in applied psychology / Basal,Manisha ABD publishers, 2014 978818376459 vii,264p.; Knowledge Centre
150.724 BRA 00077189 SPSS for Psychologists Brace,Nicola Palgrave Macmillan 2003 0333986334 | 9780333986332 2nd Ed. 399 p. UG Library
150.724 BRE 05001862 Research methods in psychology / Sage Publications, 2006 1412911273 (hardcover) | 97814 3rd ed. xxiii, 524 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.724 BRE 00070129 Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint. Brentano, Franz 1997 0415106613 415p UG Library
150.724 BRO 05002216 Experimental Design in Behavioural Research Broota, K D New Age International Publishers 8122402151 460p Knowledge Centre
150.724 BRO 00067930 Experimental Design in Behavioura Research Broota, K.D. New Age International Publishers 2003 8122402151 457 p. UG Library
150.724 BRY 05030779 Times: How to Pass Graduate Psychometric Tests Bryon, Mike Kogan Page, 2004 8175542276 232p Knowledge Centre
150.724 CHR 05047194 Research methods, design, and analysis / Christensen, Larry B., Pearson, 2014 9780205961252 (hc : alk. paper Twelfth Edition. xx, 522 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.724 CHR 05047195 Research methods, design, and analysis / Christensen, Larry B., Pearson, 2014 9780205961252 (hc : alk. paper Twelfth Edition. xx, 522 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.724 CHR 05047196 Research methods, design, and analysis / Christensen, Larry B., Pearson, 2014 9780205961252 (hc : alk. paper Twelfth Edition. xx, 522 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.724 CHR 09000234 Research methods, design, and analysis / Christensen, Larry B., Pearson, 2013 9789332536517 11th ed. 546 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.724 CHR 05002228 Experimental Methodology / Christensen, B Larry Allyn and Bacon, 2001 0205308325 452p.: Knowledge Centre
150.724 DAV 07004701 Handbook of research methods in experimental psychology Blackwell, 2005 9781405132800 viii,507 p.; Library - BR Campus
150.724 GAR 05030783 Great Experimetns in Psychology Garrett, Henry E Surjeet Publications, 2007 8122902855 358p.; Knowledge Centre
150.724 HAR 00067944 Designing and Reporting Experiments in Psychology Harris, Peter Open University Press 2000 0335201466 | 9780335201464 224p UG Library
150.724 HAR 05004149 Designing and reporting experiments in pyschology / Harris, Peter Open University, 2002 0335201474 | 0335201466 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xix, 227 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.724 HEI 00071514 Research Methods in Psychology: Heiman, W Gary 2000 0395646197 506p UG Library
150.724 HER 05035386 Single case experimental designs : Hersen, Michel. Pergamon Press, 1976 0080195113. | 0080195113 1st ed. xii, 374 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.724 KAN 05002214 Experimental Psychology / Kantowitz, H Barry Brooks/Cole, 2004 0534364268 590p.: Knowledge Centre
150.724 KLI 05045874 Beyond significance testing : Kline, Rex B. American Psychological Association, 2013 9781433812781 | 1433812789 xi, 349 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.724 KLI 07010521 Beyond significance testing : Kline, Rex B. American Psychological Association, 2013 9781433812781 | 1433812789 xi, 349 p. : Library - BR Campus
150.724 MAC 07008172 Experimental psychology : MacLin, M. Kimberly. Pearson/Allyn & Bacon, 2008 0205410286 | 9780205410286 8th ed. xiv, 418 p. : Library - BR Campus
150.724 MAC 05002224 Experimental Psychology: A Case Approach / Maclin, Kimberly M Pearson, 2008 0205410286 418p.: Knowledge Centre
150.724 MAN 00121962 A History of Modern Experimental Psychology Mandler George Prentice Hall of India Pvt, 2007 9788120332379 xx, 287 p.: UG Library
150.724 MAN 05035444 History of Modern Experimental Psychology : Mandler, George Prentice -Hall, 2007 287 p Knowledge Centre
150.724 MCB 05014438 Lab Manual for Psychological Research [MSC.PSYCHOLOGY SECTION] Mcbride, Daun M 9781412962858 113p Knowledge Centre
150.724 MCB 05032842 Lab manual for psychological research / McBride, Dawn M. SAGE Publications, 2013 9781412999328 (pbk.) 3rd ed. 127 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.724 MCB 05002203 Lab manual for psychological research / McBride, Dawn M. Sage Publications, 2008 9781412962858 (pbk.) vi, 113 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.724 MCG 07004295 Experimental psychology : McGuigan, F. J. Prentice Hall, 1997 0133988848 7th ed. xvi, 480 p. : Library - BR Campus
150.724 MIT 05034595 Research Design Explanied / Mitchell, Mark L Thomson, 2007 0495093629 611 p Knowledge Centre
150.724 MIT 05002229 Research Design Explained / Mitchell, Mark L Thomson Wadsworth, 2007 0495093629 611p.: Knowledge Centre
150.724 MOO 05030296 Psychological Research [the Ideas Behind the Methods ] Mook, Douglas G W.W.Norton & Company, 2001 0393976203 573p.: Knowledge Centre
150.724 MOO 05030691 Classic Experiments in Psychology Mook, Douglas Greenwood Press, 2005 0313318212 362p.: Knowledge Centre
150.724 MOO 00073387 Classic Experiments in Psychology Mook Douglas Greenwood Press 2004 0313318212 | 9780313318214 362 p. UG Library
150.724 MST 00072841 Experimental Psychology Matheson, Bruce 1978 0030898919 3rd Ed 390 p UG Library
150.724 PAR 00115386 Experimental Psychology Parameshwaran E G Neelkamal Publications Pvt Ltd 2003 818680479X 322 p UG Library
150.724 PAR 00115385 Experimental Psychology Parameshwaran E G Neelkamal Publications Pvt Ltd 2003 818680479X 322 p UG Library
150.724 RAJ 05014439 Experimental Psychology (MSC PSY) Rajamanickam, M Concept Publishing Company 0008180691 534p Knowledge Centre
150.724 RAJ 05014440 Experimental Psychology (MSC PSY) Rajamanickam, M Concept Publishing Company 0008180691 534p Knowledge Centre
150.724 RAJ 00073000 Experimental psychology Rajamanickam M Concept Publishing company 1925 9788180691102 535p UG Library
150.724 RAJ 00073001 Experimental psychology Rajamanickam M Concept Publishing company 1925 9788180691102 535p UG Library
150.724 RIT 00128226 Running behavioral studies with human participants : Titter, Frank E. SAGE, 2013 9781452217420 xx, 183 p. : UG Library
150.724 ROD 00148370 Experimental Psychology/ Rodrigues, Michael Discovery Publishing, 2024 9788119677146 272p. ; UG Library
150.724 SAN 07004700 Experimental design and statistics for psychology : Sani, Fabio, Blackwell Pub., 2006 1405100230 (hardcover : alk. p vii, 224 p. : Library - BR Campus
150.724 SHO 05002227 Advances in psychology research / Nova Science Publishers, | Nova Science Publishers 2000 9781560728979 | 9781590331248 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
150.724 SHO 05001746 Advances in psychology research / Nova Science Publishers, | Nova Science Publishers 2000 9781560728979 | 9781590331248 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
150.724 SHO 05002185 Advances in psychology research / Nova Science Publishers, | Nova Science Publishers 2000 9781560728979 | 9781590331248 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
150.724 SHO 05002186 Advances in psychology research / Nova Science Publishers, | Nova Science Publishers 2000 9781560728979 | 9781590331248 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
150.724 SHO 05002187 Advances in psychology research / Nova Science Publishers, | Nova Science Publishers 2000 9781560728979 | 9781590331248 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
150.724 SMI 05038174 Qualitative Psychology: a Practical Guide to Research Methods / Smith, Jonathan A Sage Publications, 2004 0761972315 258p.: Knowledge Centre
150.724 SOC 00069627 Experimental Psychology a Case Approach Solso, Robert L. Pearson 2005 8129700077 | 9788129700070 7th Ed. 431 p. UG Library
150.724 SOL 00060326 Experimental Psychology Solso, Robert L Pearson 2003 8129700077 7th Ed. 418p UG Library
150.724 SOL 05030299 Experimental Psychology Solso, Robert L Pearson 2003 8129700077 7th Ed. 418p Knowledge Centre
150.724 THA 09001150 Experimental Psychology / Thakur, Lakshameshwar Bio-Green Books, 2023 9789391187439 296p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.724 TOW 05049892 The stochastic modeling of elementary psychological processes / Townsend, James T. Cambridge University Press, 1983 0521241812 | 0521274338 (pbk.) xix, 501 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.724 WOO 09001151 Experimental psychology Woodworth,Robert S Oxford and IBH, 2019 9788120417083 xi,948p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.724 WOO 00142909 Experimental psychology Woodworth,Robert S Oxford and IBH, 2019 9788120417083 xi,948p.; UG Library
150.724SOL.M 00112224 Experimental Psychology Solso, Robert L Pearson 2003 8129700077 7th Ed. 418p UG Library
150.7253 COO 05049975 Multivariate procedures for the behavioral sciences / Cooley, William W. Wiley, 1962 x,211 p. Knowledge Centre
150.7253 COO 05049976 Multivariate procedures for the behavioral sciences / Cooley, William W. Wiley, 1962 x,211 p. Knowledge Centre
150.727 ALL 05059944 Statistics and experimental design for psychologists : Allen, Rory World Scientific, 2018 9781786340641 (hc : alk. paper xxii, 448 pages : Knowledge Centre
150.727 ARO 05039988 Statistics for psychology / Aron, Arthur. Pearson, 2013 9780205258154 | 0205258158 6th ed. xvi, 728 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.727 ARO 05002204 Statistics for psychology / Aron, Arthur. Prentice Hall, 1999 0139140786 (hardcover) 2nd ed. xxiii, 643 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.727 BON 07008150 Applying the Rasch model : Bond, Trevor G. Routledge, 2015 9780415833417 (hardback) | 978 Third edition. xx, 383 pages; Library - BR Campus
150.727 BON 05046024 Applying the Rasch model : Bond, Trevor G. Routledge, 2015 9780415833417 (hardback) | 978 Third edition. xx, 383 pages; Knowledge Centre
150.727 COO 05043992 Research methods and statistics in psychology / Coolican, Hugh. Psychology Press, 2014 9781444170115 (pbk.) Sixth edition. xiii, 773 pages : Knowledge Centre
150.727 COO 05068412 Research methods and statistics in psychology / Coolican, Hugh. Routledge, 2019 9781138708952 viii, 815p.; Knowledge Centre
150.727 COO 09000160 Research methods and statistics in psychology / Coolican, Hugh. Routledge, 2019 9781138708952 viii, 815p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.727 COO 07011641 Research methods and statistics in psychology / Coolican, Hugh. Psychology Press, 2014 9781444170115 (pbk.) Sixth edition. xiii, 773 pages : Library - BR Campus
150.727 COW 09000974 Statistics in psychology : Cowles, Michael, L. Erlbaum Associates, 2001 0805835091 (alk. paper) | 0805 2nd ed. xv, 260 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.727 COW 07003944 Statistics in psychology : Cowles, Michael, L. Erlbaum Associates, 2001 0805835091 (alk. paper) | 0805 2nd ed. xv, 260 p. ; Library - BR Campus
150.727 GRE 05030288 Learning to Use Statistical Tests in Psychology Greene, Judith Open University Press 222p Knowledge Centre
150.727 GRE 05004154 Learning to use statistical tests in psychology / Greene, Judith. Open University Press, 1999 0335203787 (hardcover) | 03352 2nd ed. xiv, 222 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.727 GRE 05001381 Learning to Use Statistical Tests in Psychology Greene, Judith Open University press., 2004 0335203779 222p.; Knowledge Centre
150.727 GUR 00130824 Statistics for research in psychology : Gurnsey, Frederick Norman, Sage, 2018 9781506305189 (hardcover : alk First Edition. xxxi, 687 pages ; UG Library
150.727 HOW 05039541 Statistical methods for psychology / Howell, David C. Thomson Wadsworth, 2010 9780495597858 7th ed. xxi, 768 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.727 HOW 05030297 Introduction to Statistics in Psychology / Howitt, Dennis Pearson Education, 2000 0130173142 482p.: Knowledge Centre
150.727 HUR 00104501 Comprehending behavioral statistics Hurlburt, Russell T. Thomson/Wadsworth, 2006 9780495091837 4th ed. xxiv, 566 p. : UG Library
150.727 RAS 09000983 Statistics in psychology Using R and SPSS / Rasch,Dieter John Wiley & Sons, 2011 9780470971246 (cloth) | 978047 xi; 552 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.727 RAS 00108931 Statistics in psychology Using R and SPSS / Rasch,Dieter John Wiley & Sons, 2011 9780470971246 (cloth) | 978047 xi; 552 p. UG Library
150.727 RAS 07003945 Statistics in psychology Using R and SPSS / Rasch,Dieter John Wiley & Sons, 2011 9780470971246 (cloth) | 978047 xi; 552 p. Library - BR Campus
150.727 STO 07012789 Activities for teaching statistics and research methods : American Psychology Association, 2017 9781433827143 | 143382714X xi, 133 pages : Library - BR Campus
150.727 STO 09001057 Activities for teaching statistics and research methods : American Psychology Association, 2017 9781433827143 | 143382714X xi, 133 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.727 VER 07004234 Statistics for psychology : Verma,J.P. Tata McGraw Hill, 2012 9781259005053 xxv,501p.; Library - BR Campus
150.727 VER 07004235 Statistics for psychology : Verma,J.P. Tata McGraw Hill, 2012 9781259005053 xxv,501p.; Library - BR Campus
150.727 ZED 07002403 APA dictionary of statistics and research methods / American Psychological Association, 2014 9781433815331 (hbk.) | 1433815 First edition. xvii, 434 pages ; Library - BR Campus
150.727 ZED 09001058 APA dictionary of statistics and research methods / American Psychological Association, 2014 9781433815331 (hbk.) | 1433815 First edition. xvii, 434 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.72EVA 00083881 Your Psychology Project: The Essential Guide [msc.Psychology Section] Evans, Jennifer 9781412922326 271p UG Library
150.72GOO2 05001748 Research in Psychology Methods and Design / Goodwin, C James John Wiley & Sons,Inc, 1999 0471199869 528p.: Knowledge Centre
150.76 CBH 05043985 Psychology : Cosmos Bookhive Cosmos Bookhive, 2009 00124530900001 10p.; Knowledge Centre
150.76 CHA 05004754 AS psychology exam companion / Charles, Clare. Psychology, 2010 9781848720466 (pbk.) | 1848720 260 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.76 DWY 05005492 Revise Psyhology for GCSE Level / Jackson-Dwyer, Diana. Psychology Press, 2010 9781848720534 136 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.76 DWY 05004827 Psychology for GCSE level / Dwyer, Diana, Psychology Press, 2007 9781841696805 | 1841696803 p. cm. Knowledge Centre
150.76 DWY 05004645 Revise Psychology / Dwyer Diana Jackson Psychology Press, 2010 9781848720480 135 p. Knowledge Centre
150.78 BOR 05049782 Computer applications in the behavioral sciences / Borko, Harold, Prentice-Hall, 1962 633 p. Knowledge Centre
150.78 BOR 05049624 Computer applications in the behavioral sciences / Borko, Harold, Prentice-Hall, 1962 633 p. Knowledge Centre
150.8 BAR 05030300 Readings in Psycholgoy:Enhancing Human Potential / Barnes, Blanche Allied 2006 8177649906 314p.: Knowledge Centre
150.8 MOO 00111634 New Heights in Cultural Psychology/ Moorthi, K.S. Cyber Tech Publications, 2012 9788178849386 280p.; UG Library
150.8 RUB 00031059 Taking Sides:Clashing Views on Controvesial Psychological Issues Slife, D Brent Guildford 1984 3rd edition 384 p UG Library
150.8 RUB 00016793 Readings in Psychology 1973-74 Others, Annual Editions 1974 336 p UG Library
150.82 BOO 00146390 Reflections from pioneering women in psychology / Routledge 2023 9781108835572 | 9781108812917 1 Edition. 366p. UG Library
150.82 GER 05030766 Feminist Reconstructions in Psychology: Narrative, Gender, and Performance / Gergen, Mary Sage Publications,Inc., 2001 0761911510 229p.; Knowledge Centre
150.82 MOO 05033376 Readings In Feminist Psychology / Moorthi K S Cyber Tech Publications, 2011 8178847597 272 p. Knowledge Centre
150.82 MOO 05030688 Readings In Feminist Psychology / Moorthi K S Cyber Tech Publications, 2011 8178847597 272 p. Knowledge Centre
150.82 ONY 07012257 The Healing Art of Feminist Psychology / Onyango Faith.Dr Amiga Press, 2019 9789387295148 228p.: Library - BR Campus
150.82 WIL 05047749 Feminism and discourse : Sage, 1995 9780803978027 ix, 193 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.9 BEN 05045338 A brief history of modern psychology / Benjamin, Ludy T., Wiley, 2014 9781118206775 (pbk. : alk. pap 2nd Edition. xiii, 250 pages : Knowledge Centre
150.9 BEN 00124613 A brief history of modern psychology / Benjamin, Ludy T., Wiley, 2014 9781118206775 (pbk. : alk. pap 2nd Edition. xiii, 250 pages : UG Library
150.9 BEN 05030787 A History of psychology : Blackwell Pub., 2009 9781405177115 (hbk. : alk. pap 3rd ed. xv, 427 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.9 BER 05030690 Psychology in Human and Social Development: Lessons from Diverse Cultures Berry, W John 2003 0076199534 310p Knowledge Centre
150.9 BER1 05030689 Psychology in Human and Social Development - Lessons from Diverse Cultures Berry, W John Sage Publication, 2003 0076199534 310p.: Knowledge Centre
150.9 BRE 10002074 History and systems of psychology / Brennan, James F., Cambridge university press, 2023 9781009045834 8th ed., xxv,497p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.9 BRE 05074428 History and systems of psychology / Brennan, James F., Cambridge university press, 2023 9781009045834 8th ed., xxv,497p.; Knowledge Centre
150.9 BRE 05034149 History and Systems of Psychology / Brennen, James F Pearson, 2003 8129703017 6th 358 p Knowledge Centre
150.9 BRE 05034597 History and Systems of Psychology / Brennan, James Pearson, 2005 8129703017 358 p Knowledge Centre
150.9 BRE 00130394 History and systems of psychology / Brennan, James F. Prentice-Hall, 1991 0133884228 3rd ed. 444 p. : UG Library
150.9 DAI 00083326 History and Theories of Psychology: A Critical Perspective Jones, Dai 2001 9780340741177 294p UG Library
150.9 GEN 00127085 Foundations of Psychological Thought: Gentile, Barbara F Sage 2009 9780761930778 670p UG Library
150.9 GEN 09000554 Foundations of Psychological Thought: Gentile, Barbara F Sage 2009 9780761930778 670p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.9 GEN 00088972 Foundations of Psychological Thought: Gentile, Barbara F Sage 2009 9780761930778 670p UG Library
150.9 GEN 05030285 Foundations of Psychological Thought: Gentile, Barbara F Sage 2009 9780761930778 670p Knowledge Centre
150.9 GEN 05069515 Foundations of Psychological Thought: Gentile, Barbara F Sage 2009 9780761930778 670p Knowledge Centre
150.9 GIL 05030286 History of Psychology Giles, Bridget Grange Book PLC. 1840138017 192p Knowledge Centre
150.9 GIL 00097185 Encyclopedia of World Great Psychologists Charles Gilbert Apple Academic Press Inc. 9781926686042 260 p. UG Library
150.9 GIL 05002211 Encyclopedia of World Great Psychologists Charles Gilbert Apple Academic Press Inc. 9781926686042 260 p. Knowledge Centre
150.9 GIL 05002212 Encyclopedia of World Great Psychologists Charles Gilbert Apple Academic Press Inc. 9781926686042 260 p. Knowledge Centre
150.9 GIL 05002213 Encyclopedia of World Great Psychologists Charles Gilbert Apple Academic Press Inc. 9781926686042 260 p. Knowledge Centre
150.9 GIL 00071853 History Of Psychology Giles, Bridget Grange Book PLC. 2002 1840138017 | 9781840138016 192p UG Library
150.9 GRA 00116540 Historical dimensions of psychological discourse : Graumann, Carl F. (editor) Cambridge University Press, 1996 0521480213 | 9780521480215 vii, 284 p. : UG Library
150.9 GRE 07010200 A conceptual history of psychology : Greenwood, John D. Cambridge university Press, 2015 9781107057395 (hardback) | 978 Second edition. x, 562 pages ; Library - BR Campus
150.9 GRE 09001014 A conceptual history of psychology : Greenwood, John D. Cambridge university Press, 2015 9781107057395 (hardback) | 978 Second edition. x, 562 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.9 HER 00052831 An Introduction To The History Of Psychology Hergenhahn, B R 2001 0534551823 649p UG Library
150.9 HOT 05074429 History of psychology / Hothersall, David. Cambridge University Press, 2022 9781108732994 5th ed. xiv, 574 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.9 HUN 05038000 The story of psychology / Hunt, Morton M., Anchor Books, 9780307278074 (pbk.) xv, 877 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.9 KAL 00055895 Encyclopaedia of the World Psychologists Kalia, H L Global Vision 2002 8187746173 436p UG Library
150.9 KAL 00055896 Encyclopaedia of the World Psychologists Kalia, H L Global Vision 2002 8187746173 436p UG Library
150.9 KAL 00055897 Encyclopaedia of the World Psychologists Kalia, H L Global Vision 2002 8187746173 436p UG Library
150.9 KAL 00055898 Encyclopaedia of the World Psychologists Kalia, H L Global Vision 2002 8187746173 436p UG Library
150.9 KUM 09001160 Positive Psychology : Kumar, Updesh Pearson, 2015 9789332541313 215p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.9 LAW 05031004 A history of psychology : Lawson, Robert B. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007 0130141232 | 9780130141231 xxx, 498 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.9 LEA 05037369 A history of psychology : Leahey, Thomas Hardy. Pearson, 2013 9780132438490 | 0132438496 7th ed. xv, 557 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.9 LEA 05001890 Histroy of Psychology: Main Currents in Psychological Thought (UGC Outonomous Grant) Leahey, Thomas Hardy Pearson 8129707691 571p Knowledge Centre
150.9 LEA 05033377 A History of Psychology : Leahey, Thomas Hardy Pearson, 2004 8129707691 6th 570 p Knowledge Centre
150.9 LEA 05034596 A History of Psychology : Leahey, Thomas Hardy Pearson, 2005 8129707691 569 p Knowledge Centre
150.9 LEA 05031386 History of Psychology : Hardy Leahey, Thomas Pearson, 2005 8129707691 6th 571 p Knowledge Centre
150.9 LEA 07000973 A history of psychology : Leahey, Thomas Hardy. Pearson, 2013 9780132438490 | 0132438496 7th ed. xv, 557 p. : Library - BR Campus
150.9 MAL 05009257 Psychology : Malone, John C. MIT Press, 2009 9788120341210 viii, 560 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.9 MOG 05030287 Great Ideas in Psychology a Cultural and Historical Introduction / Moghaddam, Fathali M Oneworld Publishers : 2007 1851683798 340p.: Knowledge Centre
150.9 OBO 05030767 History of psychology : O'Boyle, Cherie Goodenow, L. Erlbaum Associates, 2006 0805856099 (casebound : alk. p xxiv, 402 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.9 PAW 00107944 Psychological concepts Pawlik,Kurt Psychology Press, 2006 9781841695334 xiv, 385 p. : UG Library
150.9 PIC 00099381 A history of modern psychology in context / Pickren, Wade E. Wiley, 9780470276099 xxv, 380 p. : UG Library
150.9 PIC 07002332 The psychology book : Pickren, Wade E., Sterling, 2014 9781402784811 | 1402784813 527 pages : Library - BR Campus
150.9 PIC 05002219 A history of modern psychology in context / Pickren, Wade E. Wiley, 9780470276099 xxv, 380 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.9 RIC 05005099 Putting psychology in its place : An Introduction from a Critical Historical Perspective / Richards, Graham Routledge 2010 9780415455794 (hb) | 9780415455800 (soft cover) 3rd ed. 426 p. Knowledge Centre
150.9 RIC 09000563 Putting psychology in its place : An Introduction from a Critical Historical Perspective / Richards, Graham Routledge 2010 9780415455794 (hb) | 9780415455800 (soft cover) 3rd ed. 426 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.9 RIC 00047788 Putting psychology in its place : An Introduction from a Critical Historical Perspective / Richards, Graham Routledge 2010 9780415455794 (hb) | 9780415455800 (soft cover) 3rd ed. 426 p. UG Library
150.9 ROO 07014233 The story of psychology / Rooney, Anne, Arcturus, 2015 9781782129561 | 1782129561 | 9781784046880 (hbk.) 208 pages : Library - BR Campus
150.9 ROO 10002201 The story of psychology / Rooney, Anne, Arcturus, 2015 9781782129561 | 1782129561 | 9781784046880 (hbk.) 208 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.9 ROO 05067368 The story of psychology / Rooney, Anne, Arcturus, 2015 9781782129561 | 1782129561 | 9781784046880 (hbk.) 208 pages : Knowledge Centre
150.9 SAU 05074423 A history of modern psychology / Saugstad, Per, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107525467 xxi,551p.; Knowledge Centre
150.9 SAU 05069505 A history of modern psychology / Saugstad, Per, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107525467 xxi,551p.; Knowledge Centre
150.9 SCH 05030771 A History of Modern Psychology Schultz Duane P Thomson Wadsworth, 2004 9780495097990 558p.; Knowledge Centre
150.9 SCH 05056282 Modern Psychology A History / Schultz,Duane P. Cengage, 2012 9781111344986 10th ed. xviii,414p.; Knowledge Centre
150.9 SHI 09000547 A history of psychology : Shiraev, Eric, Sage, 2015 9781452276595 (alk. paper) 2nd edition. xx, 493 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.9 SHI 05002220 A History Of Psychology : Shiraev, Eric Sage Publications, 2011 9781412973830 xxv, 533 p. Knowledge Centre
150.9 WOO 05056079 A history of psychology : Woody, William Douglas, Routledge 2017 9781138683716 (hardback : alk. Sixth Edition. xxiv, 599 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.9 WOO 09000209 A history of psychology : Woody, William Douglas, Routledge 2017 9781138683716 (hardback : alk. Sixth Edition. xxiv, 599 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.9 YAR 05070249 A History of Psychology / Yaroshevsky, Mikhail. Progress Publishers, 1990 5010019191 415p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.9022 BRI 07002637 A pictorial history of psychology / Quintessence Pub., 1997 0867152923 xix, 636 p. : Library - BR Campus
150.9022 BRI 00127081 A Pictorial history of psychology Bringmann, Wolfgang G Quintesseence Publishing 1997 9780867153309 | 9780867152920 636p. UG Library
150.9022 BRI 00121292 A Pictorial history of psychology Bringmann, Wolfgang G Quintesseence Publishing 1997 9780867153309 | 9780867152920 636p. UG Library
150.9042 KAS 00128651 Stress understanding & management Kashalikar, Shriniwas J Bhalani Publishing House, 2005 8185578753 2nd Edition 236p : . UG Library
150.9042 KHU 00115388 Know Your Stress Manage Your Stress Khubalkar, Rupashre Neelkamal Publications Pvt Ltd 2008 8183161316 | 9788183161312 1st Ed. 200 p. UG Library
150.9042 SCH 05030686 Stress Management for Wellness Schafer, Walt Wadsworth Group, 1998 0155079433 524p.: Knowledge Centre
150.92 AUR 05001904 GREATER Psychology:An Introduction to Sri Aurobindo`s Psychological Thought Aurobindo JEFREMY P TARCHER 1585420891 426p Knowledge Centre
150.92 COL 00088990 Cambridge Companion to Vygotsky Cole, Michael 2007 9780521537872 462p UG Library
150.92 FLE 05037190 Science, ideology, and the media : Fletcher, Ronald, Transaction Publishers, 1991 0887383769 xxviii, 419 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.92 FLE 05047959 Science, Ideology, and the Media : Fletcher, Ronald Transaction Publisher, 2014 419 p. Knowledge Centre
150.92 FRA 05030770 Becoming a Psychologist Francis, Ronald D Palgrave Macmillian, 2004 0333949560 204p.; Knowledge Centre
150.92 FRI 07010230 Kant's Empirical Psychology Frierson, Patrick R., 9781107032651 xii, 278 p:. Library - BR Campus
150.92 FRI 09000830 Kant's empirical psychology / Frierson, Patrick R Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781316648469 278 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.92 FRI 00122263 Kant's Empirical Psychology Frierson, Patrick R., 9781107032651 xii, 278 p:. UG Library
150.92 HOL 09000912 Vygotsky at work and play / Holzman, Lois, Routledge, 2017 9781315676081 (ebook) | 9781138937857 (pbk) 2nd Edition. 1 online resource. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.92 HOL 05001905 Vygotsky at Work and Play / Holzman, Lois Routledge : 2009 9780415422949 146p.: Knowledge Centre
150.92 MIL 00110897 Vygotsky in perspective Miller, Ronald, Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107001862 (hardback) | 978 xiii, 451 p. : UG Library
150.92 STE 05056409 The transformative mind : Stetsenko, Anna, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9780521865586 (hardback : alk. xi,421p.; Knowledge Centre
150.92 WEI 05001901 Constructing Scientific Psychology Karl Lashley`s Mind-Brain Debates / Weidman, Nadine M Cambridge University Press, 1999 0521621623 219p.: Knowledge Centre
150.922 COH 00086344 Psychologists on Psychology Cohen, David 2007 0340810750 250 p UG Library
150.922 FAN 05038956 Pioneers of Psychology / Fancher Raymond.E W.W.Norton & Company,Inc, 2012 9780393913378 xxxi,691p.: Knowledge Centre
150.922 KIM 05030700 Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology. Vol. v [msc-Psychology Section] Kimble, Gregory A New Jersey: 2003 0805844147 354p.: Knowledge Centre
150.92254 BHU 00131804 Eminent Indian psychologists : Sage, 2017 9789386446411 (print pdf : alk xix, 345 pages ; UG Library
150.92254 BHU 05058466 Eminent Indian psychologists : Sage, 2017 9789386446411 (print pdf : alk xix, 345 pages ; Knowledge Centre
150.92254 BHU 10001579 Eminent Indian psychologists : Sage, 2017 9789386446411 (print pdf : alk xix, 345 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.92254 BHU 00132937 Eminent Indian psychologists: Bhushan,Braj. Sage Publications India Pvt.Ltd., 2017 9789386446411 345 p. ; UG Library
150.93 MAN 05041583 Research Methodology in Behavioural Science / Mangal.S.K PHI Learning Private Limited, 2013 9788120348080 xxiii,740p.: Knowledge Centre
150.93 SIN 05033727 Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences / Singh, A K Bharti Bhavan, 2003 8177094890 510 p Knowledge Centre
150.93 SIN 05025901 Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences Singh, A K Bharti Bhavan , 2002 8177094890 510p. Knowledge Centre
150.93 SIN 05025902 Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences Singh, A K Bharti Bhavan , 2002 8177094890 510p. Knowledge Centre
150.93 SIN 05017510 Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences Singh, A K Bharti Bhavan , 2002 8177094890 510p. Knowledge Centre
150.93 SIN 05014249 Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences Singh, A K Bharti Bhavan , 2002 8177094890 510p. Knowledge Centre
150.93 SIN 07015292 Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences / Singh, A K Bharti Bhavan, 2022 9789388704090 xv,783p.; Library - BR Campus
150.93 SIN 10001808 Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences / Singh, A K Bharti Bhavan, 2022 9789388704090 xv,783p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.93 SIN 10001809 Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences / Singh, A K Bharti Bhavan, 2022 9789388704090 xv,783p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.93 SIN 10001810 Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences / Singh, A K Bharti Bhavan, 2022 9789388704090 xv,783p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.93 SIN 05030267 Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences / Singh, A K Bharti Bhavan, 2001 8177094890 498 p Knowledge Centre
150.93 SIN 05034132 Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences / Singh, A K Bharti Bhavan, 2001 8177094890 498 p Knowledge Centre
150.93 SIN 10003544 Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences / Singh, A K 9789388704090 xv, 774 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.95 CRA 00052551 Psychoanalysis Craib, Ian 2001 0745619797 237p UG Library
150.95 KAO 05030692 Asian Perspectives on Psychology Kao, Henry S R Sage Publications, 2000 8170365287 396p.: Knowledge Centre
150.95 RUS 05030298 Reason and Unreason Psychoanalysis, Science and Politics / Rustin, Michael Continum, 2001 0826455786 248p.: Knowledge Centre
150.954 PAN 00115391 Psychology in India Revisited Pandey,Janak Sage Publications 2004 0000761957 | 9780761995753 395 p. UG Library
150.954 PAN 00052544 Psychology in India Revisited Pandey,Janak Sage Publications 2004 0000761957 | 9780761995753 395 p. UG Library
150.954 PAN 00115389 Psychology in India Revisited Pandey,Janak Sage Publications 2004 0000761957 | 9780761995753 395 p. UG Library
150.954 JUD 05030773 Eastern Body Western Mind Judith, Anodea Alchemy, 2004 8180460037 502p.; Knowledge Centre
150.954 KAK 05030774 Indian Identity Kakar, Sudhir Penguin books, 2007 0143101862 413p Knowledge Centre
150.954 KAR 05030782 Analyst and the Mystic : Kakar, Sudhir Penguin books, 2007 0143101854 92p.; Knowledge Centre
150.954 MIS 00090869 Psychology in India: Vol-1: Basic Psychological Processes and Human Development Misra, Girishwar DORLING KINDERSLEY 2009 9788131717448 327p UG Library
150.954 MIS 07005728 Handbook of psychology in India / Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198069997 | 0198069995 xxii, 373 p. : Library - BR Campus
150.954 MIS 09001124 Psychology in Modern India : Springer, 2021 9789811647048 534p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.954 MIS 05009256 Handbook of psychology in India / Misra, Girishwar Oxford University Press, 2011 9788131718179 xxii, 373 p. : Knowledge Centre
150.954 MIS 05001902 Perspectives on Indigenous Psychology / Misra, Girishwar Concept Publishing Com, 2001 8170229073 523p.: Knowledge Centre
150.954 MIS 05030694 Perspectives on Indigenous Psychology / Misra, Girishwar Concept Publishing Com, 2001 8170229073 523p.: Knowledge Centre
150.954 NAN 05030780 Exied at Home: at the Edge of Psychology: the Intimate Enemy: Creating a Nationality Nandy, Ashis Oxford university press, 2005 0195667921 212p.; Knowledge Centre
150.954 PAN 00115390 Psychology in India Revisited Pandey,Janak Sage Publications 2004 0000761957 | 9780761995753 395 p. UG Library
150.954 PAN 00052545 Psychology In India Revisited Pandey, Janak 2001 0761994580 | 9780761994589 502p UG Library
150.954 PAN 05001903 Pychology in India Revisited:Developments in the Discipline / Pandey, Janak Sage Publications, 2004 0761995757 396p.: Knowledge Centre
150.954 PAN 05001900 Psychology in India Revisited:Developments in the Discipline / Pandey, Janak Sage Publications, 2000 0000761994 272p.: Knowledge Centre
150.954 PAN 05030768 PSYCHOLOGY IN INDIA REVISITED Pandey, Janak Publication Publications, 2004 0761994599 501p.; Knowledge Centre
150.954 PAN 00108088 Psychology In India Revisited Development In The Discipline Panedey,janak Sage Publications 2004 8178293684 396 p. UG Library
150.954 PAN1 05030693 Psychology in India Revisited: Developments in the Discipline [msc.Psychology Section] Pandey, Janak 2004 0761995749 396p.: Knowledge Centre
150.954 RAO 05037963 Handbook of Indian Psychology / Roa, Ramakrishna Foundation Books, 2008 9788175966024 xix,648 p.; Knowledge Centre
150.954 RAO 00086934 Handbook of Indian Psychology / Roa, Ramakrishna Foundation Books, 2008 9788175966024 xix,648 p.; UG Library
150.954 RAO 01012239 Handbook of Indian psychology / Campridge University Press India, 9788175966024 xix, 648 p. ; Knowledge Centre
150.954 RAO 10004809 Psychology in the Indian Tradition / Rao, K Ramakrishna D K Printworld, 2022 9788124608845 388p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.954 RAO 10004810 Psychology in the Indian Tradition / Rao, K Ramakrishna D K Printworld, 2022 9788124608845 388p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.954 RAO 10004811 Psychology in the Indian Tradition / Rao, K Ramakrishna D K Printworld, 2022 9788124608845 388p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.954 RAO 10004812 Psychology in the Indian Tradition / Rao, K Ramakrishna D K Printworld, 2022 9788124608845 388p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.954 RAO 10004813 Psychology in the Indian Tradition / Rao, K Ramakrishna D K Printworld, 2022 9788124608845 388p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
150.954 RAO 09001107 Psychology in the Indian Tradition / Rao, K Ramakrishna D K Printworld, 2022 9788124608845 388p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.954 RAO 07004327 Handbook of Indian Psychology / Rao,Ramakrishna K. Foundation books, 2014 9788175966024. xvii,648p.; Library - BR Campus
150.954 SIN 00132941 Psychology for India/ Sinha,Durganand. Sage Publications India Pvt.Ltd., 2015 9789351503675 221 p. ; UG Library
150.954 TAP 07012722 Indian Psychology Issues and Problems / Tapariya Jignesh.H.Dr Cyber Tech Publications, 2017 9789350535219 248p.: Library - BR Campus
150.954 TAP 09000754 Indian Psychology Issues and Problems / Tapariya Jignesh.H.Dr Cyber Tech Publications, 2017 9789350535219 248p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
150.954 VIN 05030695 PSYCHOLOGY IN INDIA: Vindhya, U Concept Publishing Company, 2003 8180690296 302p.: Knowledge Centre
150.954PAN 01004051 Psychology in India Revisited: Developments in the Discipline(law Library) Janak Pandey Sage Publications 0761994424 272p Knowledge Centre
150.984 LEB 00022314 Approaches to Modifying Patient Behaviour Lebow, Michael D Acc 1976 384 p UG Library
150.994 KOW 07004703 Psychology / Kowalski, Robin M. John Wiley & Sons, 2011 9780470646441 6th ed. xxii,695p.; Library - BR Campus
150FEL 01000079 Understanding Psychology Feldman, Robert S. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2002 0070586985 | 9780070586987 | 0072422971 (alk. paper) 6th ed. xxxv, 559,[84] p. : Knowledge Centre
150HIL 01000072 Introduction to Psychology( Law Library ) E R Hilgard Oxford &IBH Publishing Co.Pvt.Ltd 658p Knowledge Centre
150HOL 01000949 Performining Psychology:A Postmodern Culture of the Mind (law Lib) Lois Holzman Routledge 230p Knowledge Centre
150KEN 00016307 Basic Psychology:Brief Edition Kendler, Howard H Appleton-Century Crofts 1971 495 p UG Library
150MOR 01000325 Introduction to Psychology (law Lib) Gifford Morgan Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., 0074622501 724p Knowledge Centre
150SHE 00082236 Fifty Key Thinkers in Psychology [msc-Psychology Section] Sheey, Noel 0415167752 275 Knowledge Centre
150WIT 01000953 Introduction to Psychology (law Lib) Arno F Wittig Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., 0007058947 318p Knowledge Centre
151 BAS 00148318 So shall it be/ Baskar, Ezekiel ATC Publishers; 2023 9788119664047 119; UG Library
151 HIL 00147908 How to Own Your Own Mind Hill, Napoleon Sange Publishing House 2020 9789390575633 262p UG Library
151.26 SOL 05051915 Studies in item analysis and prediction / Solomon, Herbert, Stanford University Press, 1961 310 p. Knowledge Centre
151.8 CAR 00112185 Soul Power Carteret, Nikki De New Age Books, 2005 9788178221458 xvii:285p UG Library
151.9651 FRU 05057966 Introduction to factor analysis / Fruchter, Benjamin. Van Nostrand, 1954 280 p. Knowledge Centre
152 COL 00017166 Experimental Psychology Collins, Mary Lyall Book Depot 1976 320 p. UG Library
152 EDW 05049877 Experimental Design in Psychological Research / Edwards, Allen L. Amerind, 1971 3rd ed. xix,455 p.; Knowledge Centre
152 EDW 05049878 Experimental Design in Psychological Research / Edwards, Allen L. Amerind, 1971 3rd ed. xix,455 p.; Knowledge Centre
152 POS 00025460 Experimental Psychology Postman, Leo Harcourt & Row 1949 520 p. UG Library
152 POS 00027313 Experimental Psychology Postman, Leo Harcourt & Row 1949 520 p. UG Library
152 ALC 05034108 Brain : Al-Chalabi, Ammar One World Publishers, 2007 1851683739 212 p Knowledge Centre
152 BRO 00073892 Thomas Reid:An Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense Brookes, Derek R 2000 0748613714 345p UG Library
152 CAR 00059047 Physiology of Behavior Carlson, Neil R 1986 0205086497 787p UG Library
152 CAR 07012965 Physiology of Behavior / Carlson Neil.R Pearson, 2017 9789332585751 12th ed 736p.: Library - BR Campus
152 CAR 07012966 Physiology of Behavior / Carlson Neil.R Pearson, 2017 9789332585751 12th ed 736p.: Library - BR Campus
152 CAR 07012967 Physiology of Behavior / Carlson Neil.R Pearson, 2017 9789332585751 12th ed 736p.: Library - BR Campus
152 CAR 07012968 Physiology of Behavior / Carlson Neil.R Pearson, 2017 9789332585751 12th ed 736p.: Library - BR Campus
152 CAR 07012969 Physiology of Behavior / Carlson Neil.R Pearson, 2017 9789332585751 12th ed 736p.: Library - BR Campus
152 CAR 10001908 Physiology of Behavior / Carlson Neil.R Pearson, 2017 9789332585751 12th ed 736p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
152 CAR 10001909 Physiology of Behavior / Carlson Neil.R Pearson, 2017 9789332585751 12th ed 736p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
152 CAR 10001910 Physiology of Behavior / Carlson Neil.R Pearson, 2017 9789332585751 12th ed 736p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
152 CAS 05033734 Key Concepts in Sport Psychology / Cashmore, Ellis Routledge, 2004 0415253225 301 p Knowledge Centre
152 CAT 05050982 Handbook of multivariate experimental psychology / Cattell, Raymond B. Rand McNally, 1966 xxxi, 959 p. Knowledge Centre
152 CHA 00046464 Sports Psychology [ Behaviour, Motivation, and Emotion ] Chakraboty, Samiran Sports 1998 8186190503 60p UG Library
152 CHU 05034130 Neurophilosophy: Chuhland Patricia Smith A bradford book; 1986 9780262530859 ix;546 p. Knowledge Centre
152 COL 00000815 Experimental Psychology Collins, Mary Lyall Book Depot 1976 320 p. UG Library
152 COL 00020387 Experimental Psychology Collins, Mary Lyall Book Depot 1976 320 p. UG Library
152 DAL 05033735 South-Western Human Relations / Dalton, Marie South-Western, 2000 0538722231 672 p Knowledge Centre
152 DAM 00031118 Experimental Psychology:Methodology Psychoanalysis and Learning D`Amato, M R T M H 1988 727 p UG Library
152 DIS 04008047 Evolve your brain : Dispenza, Joe Westland, 2007 xviii, 510p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152 DMA 00020386 Experimental Psychology D`Amato, M R T M Hall 1979 727 p UG Library
152 EBH 00011642 Child Psychology Thompson 1900 703 p. UG Library
152 EDW 00021276 Experimental Design in Psychological Research / Edwards, Allen L. Amerind, 1971 3rd ed. xix,455 p.; UG Library
152 FRA 05001908 Reliability and Validity in Neuropsychological Assesment:Critical Issues in Neuropsychology / Franzen, Michael D Kluwer Academic, 2000 0030646344 465p.; Knowledge Centre
152 GIL 00072910 Brain and the Mind Giles,Bridget Grange Book PLC. 2002 1840138025 | 9781840138023 192 p. UG Library
152 HUS 00120626 Experiments in Psychology Hussain, Akbar PHI Learning Private limited, 2014 9788120350373 xiii, 309 UG Library
152 JEN 05033736 Brain-Based Learning : Jensen, Eric Pearson, 2005 8129709279 385 p Knowledge Centre
152 JEN 00019884 Behaviour of the Lower Organisms Jennings, H S Oxford & IBH 1965 366 p.: UG Library
152 KAL 00140221 The Happy Human Kallayil,Gopi Hay House Publishers India 2018 9789386832771 193p UG Library
152 KUM 00115134 Encyclopaedia of Experimental Psychology Kumar, K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126117486 | 9788126117482 776p UG Library
152 KUM 00124900 Experimental Applied Psychology Kumar G,Venkatesh Global Vision Publishing House 2016 9788182207080 250p UG Library
152 KUM 00115133 Encyclopaedia of Experimental Psychology Kumar, K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126117486 | 9788126117482 776p UG Library
152 LEU 09001157 Introduction to Physiological Psychology / Leukel Francis,Ph.D CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt.Ltd, 2002 9788123908410 xii,514p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152 LEU 05044127 Introduction to Physiological Psychology / Leukel Francis,Ph.D CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt.Ltd, 2002 9788123908410 xii,514p.: Knowledge Centre
152 MAH 00115409 Physiological Psychology Mahmud, Jafar A.P.H.Publishing Corporation 2005 8176488151 | 9788176488150 286 p. UG Library
152 MAH 05045012 A Textbook of Neuropsychology / Maheta, M.P. Cyber Tech Publications, 2014 9789350533215 240p.: Knowledge Centre
152 MAH 05062549 A Textbook of Neuropsychology / Maheta, M.P. Cyber Tech Publications, 2014 9789350533215 240p.: Knowledge Centre
152 MAU 00019224 Make the Most of Your Time Maurus, J. Better Yourself Bools 1971 260 p. UG Library
152 MOH 00013937 Experiments in Psychology Mohsin, S M Orient Longmans 1975 340 p UG Library
152 NAT 00026346 Manual of Experiments in Psychology Nataraj, P Srinivasa 1984 450 p UG Library
152 NAT 00019037 Psychology for Beginners: Part I and II Nataraj, P Srnivasa Publications 1979 1 UG Library
152 NAT 00019924 Psychology for Beginners: Part I and II Nataraj, P Srnivasa Publications 1979 1 UG Library
152 NAT 00019923 Psychology for Beginners: Part I and II Nataraj, P Srnivasa Publications 1979 1 UG Library
152 NAT 00019039 Psychology for Beginners: Part I and II Nataraj, P Srnivasa Publications 1979 1 UG Library
152 NAT 00019038 Psychology for Beginners: Part I and II Nataraj, P Srnivasa Publications 1979 1 UG Library
152 NAT 00019925 Psychology for Beginners: Part I and II Nataraj, P Srnivasa Publications 1979 1 UG Library
152 NAT 00029567 Manual of Experiments in Psychology. Natraj, P NATRAJ 1970 440 P UG Library
152 NTR 00029566 Mannual of Exeperiments in Psychology Nataraj P. Srinivasa Publications 1981 2nd Ed. 448 p. UG Library
152 PAV 00133025 A guide to the mind / Pavek, Gary V. Praeger : | WNET, 1988 0275930106 (alk. paper) : xii, 364 p. ; UG Library
152 PIN 00059046 Biopsychology Pinel, John P J Pearson, 2012 0205184456 | 9788131712962 6th ed. 479p UG Library
152 PIN 00112225 Biopsychology Pinel, John P J Pearson, 2012 0205184456 | 9788131712962 6th ed. 479p UG Library
152 PIN 05002183 Biopsychology / Pinel, John P. J. Allyn and Bacon, 1997 0205184456 (alk. paper) | 9780 3rd ed. xxiii, 570 p. : Knowledge Centre
152 PLO 00020382 Brain and Behaviour Plotnik, Rod Canfield Press 1978 416 p. UG Library
152 POS 00005629 Experimental Psychology Postman, Leo Harcourt & Row 1949 520 p. UG Library
152 ROT 00015312 Clinical Psychology Rotter, Julian B Prentice Hall 1964 112 p UG Library
152 SCH 07003943 Sensation and perception / Schwartz, Bennett L. Sage, 2016 1483308103 | 9781483308104 xiv, 458 pages : Library - BR Campus
152 SCH 09000671 Sensation and perception / Schwartz, Bennett L. Sage, 2016 1483308103 | 9781483308104 xiv, 458 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152 SNO 00046658 Human Experimental Psychology Sanodgrass, Joangay 1985 0195632516 484p UG Library
152 SNO 05033733 Human Experimental Psychology / Snodgrass, Joangay Oxford University Press, 1993 0195632516 484 p Knowledge Centre
152 STE 05001909 Handbook of Experimental Psychology / Stevens, S S John Wiley & Sons,Inc, 1951 1436p.: Knowledge Centre
152 STE 00121320 Textbook of experiemental psychology Steinfeld, W A Random Exports 2013 9789382226475 272p. UG Library
152 THO 07000701 Adair on Teambuilding and Motivation / Thomas, Neil Viva Books, 2006 8130902222 120 p Library - BR Campus
152 THO 04016627 Adair on Teambuilding and Motivation / Thomas, Neil. Viva Books, 2010 9788130902227 | 8130902222 120 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152 THO 05034560 Adair on Teambuilding and Motivation / Thomas, Neil Viva Books, 2006 8130902222 120 p Knowledge Centre
152 THO 00030298 Child Psychology Leonard Carmichael, SURJEET 1981 713P UG Library
152 THO 03005783 Adair on Teambuilding and Motivation / Thomas, Neil. Viva Books, 2010 9788130902227 | 8130902222 120 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152 THO 05043975 Adair on Teambuilding and Motivation / Thomas, Neil Viva Books, 2006 8130902222 120 p Knowledge Centre
152 TIT 00147372 A Beginner's Psychology/ Titchener, Edward Bradford Hilltop Publications, 2024 9789390680955 x,211p. ; UG Library
152 TYL 00013173 Tests and Measurements Tyler, Leona E Prentice -Hall 1969 116 p UG Library
152 UND 05034113 Experimental Psychology : Underwood Benton J The Times of India Press, 1968 637 p Knowledge Centre
152 VAN 00017956 Tears of Silence Vanier, Jean Griffin UG Library
152 VAT 00026345 Experimental Psychology and Elementary Statistics Vatsyayan, Meerut 1984 322 p. UG Library
152.1 PAR 00132869 Psycho Diagnostics: Parvadia, Jotsna J. Cyber Tech Publications, 2018 9789350536247 x,224 p.; UG Library
152.1 BRU 09000568 Perception : Bruno, Nicola. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198725022 (pbk.) | 0198725027 (pbk.) First edition. xiv, 350 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.1 BRU 05068135 Perception : Bruno, Nicola. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198725022 (pbk.) | 0198725027 (pbk.) First edition. xiv, 350 pages : Knowledge Centre
152.1 GOL 05001840 Sensation and perception / Goldstein, E Bruce. 2007 0049518778 | 9780495187783 438p.; Knowledge Centre
152.1 GOL 00057352 Sensation and Perception Goldstein, Bruce E 1996 0534266223 681p UG Library
152.1 GOL 05002192 Blackwell handbook of perception / Blackwell, 2001 0631206833 (alk. paper) | 9780 xii, 788 p. : Knowledge Centre
152.1 KIN 05056920 Psychophysics : Kingdom, Frederick A. A., Elsevier; 2016 9780124071568 (hardback) | 012 Second edition. xiii, 331 pages : Knowledge Centre
152.1 ROS 00103920 Descartes and the puzzle of sensory representation / De Rosa, Raffaella. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199570379 (hbk.) | 0199570 xiii, 190 p. ; UG Library
152.1 RUS 05032680 Critical Thinking in Psychology / Ruscio, John Thomson, 2006 226 p Knowledge Centre
152.1 SWE 05048260 Signal detection theory and ROC analysis in psychology and diagnostics : Swets, John A., L. Erlbaum Associates, 1996 9781138981911 xv, 308 p. : Knowledge Centre
152.1095 SER 00135692 Sensing the Everyday : Seremetakis,C. Nadia. Routledge, 2019 9780367187767 xiii,249p.; UG Library
152.14 BAL 05004156 Social psychology of visual perception / Psychology Press, 2010 9781848728042 (hbk) | 18487280 xvi, 334 p. : Knowledge Centre
152.14 BAL 05005429 Social psychology of visual perception / Psychology Press, 2010 9781848728042 (hbk) | 18487280 xvi, 334 p. : Knowledge Centre
152.14 BRO 05005475 Binding : Psychology Press, 2009 9781841698656 296 p. Knowledge Centre
152.14 COL 05004675 Tutorials in visual cognition / Psychology Press, 2010 9781848728530 (hardcover : alk ix, 379 p., [16] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
152.14 GRE 00093216 Seeing through illusions / Gregory, R. L. Oxford University Press, 9780192802859 (hbk.) | 0192802 xii, 253 p., [4] p. of plates : UG Library
152.14 HEC 05002191 Time-to-contact / Elsevier, 2004 0444510451 | 9780444510457 xi, 509 p. : Knowledge Centre
152.14 HOF 05062720 Visual intelligence : Hoffman, Donald D. W.W. Norton, 1998 0393046699 | 9780393319675 1st ed. xv, 294 p. : Knowledge Centre
152.14 TAT 05004906 Eye Guidance in natural scenes / Psychology Press, 2009 9781848727151 1208 p. Knowledge Centre
152.142 HUB 05066743 Spatial biases in perception and cognition / Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107154988 | 1107154987 | 9781316607077 | 1316607070 xii, 483 pages : Knowledge Centre
152.145 ELL 07009398 Handbook of color psychology / Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107043237 xxi,715p. Library - BR Campus
152.145 LIL 00056071 Modern Colour Therapy Lilly, Sue Caxton Edition 2001 0184067296 95p UG Library
152.148 SEC 04008025 Optical illusions : Seckel, Al. Firefly Books, 2006 9781554071722 (bound) : | 9781 312 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.15 GRE 10004408 Sounds like Misophonia : Gregory, Jane Green Tree, 2023 9781399404983 336 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
152.15 HOW 00129939 Acoustics and Psychoacoustics / Howard, David M. Routledge, 2017 9781138859876 5th edition. viii, 510 p . : UG Library
152.158 HIN 05034115 Localization : Hines, Colin Earthscan, 2004 1853836125 288 p Knowledge Centre
152.166 TOT 10004868 On the scent : unlocking the mysteries of smell - and how its loss can change your world / Paola Totaro & Robert Wainwright. Totaro, Paola [Author] Elliott and Thompson Limited, 2022 9781783967124 xiv, 306 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
152.1660954 MCH 05033998 Sandalwood and carrion McHugh, James. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199916306 (hardcover : alk xix, 322 p. ; Knowledge Centre
152.182 DAV 05034114 The Power of Touch / Davis, Phyllis K Hay House of India, 2008 9788189988142 238 p Knowledge Centre
152.182 MIL 00088398 Space and Sense: Millar, Susana Psychology Press 2008 9781841695259 233p UG Library
152.1824 HAD 05002197 Pain : Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004 0805842993 (alk. paper) xii, 377 p : Knowledge Centre
152.1824 SKE 00080063 Psychology of Pain Skevington, Suzanne M 1995 0471957739 348p UG Library
152.1824 SKE 00071481 Psychology of Pain: Skevington, M Suzzane 2000 0471957712 348p UG Library
152.1886 HOC 05040054 The psychology of fatigue : Hockey, Robert. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9780521762656 (hardback : alk. xv, 272 pages ; Knowledge Centre
152.1886 HOC 07002224 The psychology of fatigue : Hockey, Robert. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9780521762656 (hardback : alk. xv, 272 pages ; Library - BR Campus
152.1886 HOC 09001002 The Psychology of Fatigue : Hockey, Robert CUP, 2013 9781107477803 272p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.1886 MAD 05068318 Subjective well-being and life satisfaction / Routledge, 2018 9781138282087 (pb : alk. paper) | 9781138282070 (hb : alk. paper) ix, 481 pages ; Knowledge Centre
152.1886 MAD 09000168 Subjective well-being and life satisfaction / Routledge, 2018 9781138282087 (pb : alk. paper) | 9781138282070 (hb : alk. paper) ix, 481 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.1886 SCH 05052536 Exhaustion : Schaffner, Anna Katharina, Columbia University Press, 2016 9780231172301 (cloth : alk. pa ix, 291 pages ; Knowledge Centre
152.189 ROG 05059415 Synaesthesia and individual differences / Rogowska, Aleksandra Maria, Cambridge university press, 2015 9781107096189 (hardback) xi, 204 pages : Knowledge Centre
152.189 ROG 07013681 Synaesthesia and Individual Differences/ Rogowska,Aleksandra Maria Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107480001 X,198 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
152.189 ROG 09001010 Synaesthesia and Individual Differences/ Rogowska,Aleksandra Maria Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107480001 X,198 Pages,: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.2 MUK 05033374 Personality and the Social Sciences / Mukerji, D P Rupa & Co., 2004 8129102439 310 p Knowledge Centre
152.3 SCO 00046463 Kinesiology [ Analysis of Human Motion ] Scott, Gladys Sports Publication 1998 443p UG Library
152.33 MAR 03000857 Habit : Martin, Neale. Pearson Education, 2009 9788131726129 191 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.33 GUI 00141639 Mini Habits: Guise,Stephen Wisdom Tree 2020 9788183285513 164p UG Library
152.33 HAR 00141415 Kaizen: Harvey,Sarah Bluebird 2019 9781529005356 272p UG Library
152.33 MAR 03009683 Smart Change : Markman, Art. Liitle Brown, 2014 9780349404615 275 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.33 MAR 00123153 Smart Change : Markman, Art. Liitle Brown, 2014 9780349404615 275 p.: UG Library
152.33 POL 05072565 Hard to break : Poldrack, Russell A., Princeton University Press, 2021 9780691194325 1st. xii, 213p, ; Knowledge Centre
152.33 WOO 05067562 Good habits, bad habits : Wood, Wendy, Macmillan, 2019 978150986744 First Edition. 303 pages : Knowledge Centre
152.332 MCM 04007163 Right Hand, Left Hand / Mcmanus, Chris phonex, 2002 9780753813553 xvii;460p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.334 ROS 05074336 Action, mind, and brain : Rosenbaum, David A., The MIT Press, 2022 9780262543392 xiii, 287 pages : Knowledge Centre
152.335 MCM 05005431 The Right Hand And The Left Hand of History / Psychology Press, 2010 9781848727236 294p.; Knowledge Centre
152.335 SMI 05064223 The Puzzle Of Left Handedness / Smits, Rik. Reaktion Books, 2010 9781780230436 304p.; Knowledge Centre
152.384 HAR 05006867 The New Handbook of Methods in Nonverbal Behavior Research / Oxford University Press, 2008 9780198529620 viii,539 p. Knowledge Centre
152.4 ALD 04000053 Boost Your Intelligence / Alder, Harry Kogan Page, 2008 9788175541399 180 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.4 BUR 10004097 Emotional Ignorance : Burnett, Dean. Faber, 2023 9781783351732 396p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
152.4 CAR 03002453 Test Your EQ : Carter, Philip. Kogan Page, 2010 9788175545021 178 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.4 CIA 05033118 Emotional Intelligence in Everyday Life / Ciarrochi, Joseph Psychology Press, 2006 1841694355 292 p Knowledge Centre
152.4 DAL 00135195 Physical intellegence: Dale,Claire Simon and Schuster ltd., 2019 9781471170904 468p.; UG Library
152.4 GOL 03003142 Emotional Intelligence : Goleman, Daniel. Bantam Books, 1992 9780553840070 | 055384007X 413 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.4 GOL 03006970 Emotional Intelligence Working with Emotional Intelligence / Goleman, Daniel Bloomsbury, 2004 9780747574569 xiv, 352, xi School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.4 GOL 00122382 Social Intelligence : Goleman, Daniel Hutchinson, 2006 0091799732 403 p UG Library
152.4 GOL 03008865 Working with Emotional Intelligence / Coleman, Daniel Bantam Books ; 1998 0553553841 | 076783007994 | 97 464 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.4 KIT 09000997 Understanding Emotional Intelligence : Kay, Frances. Kogan Page, 2011 9780749458805 | 9780749459376 236 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.4 MCK 00070634 The Power of Emotional Choice Mckay, Gary D. Jaico Publishing House 1994 8172249403 | 9788172249403 277 p. UG Library
152.4 MUR 05033716 A critique of emotional intelligence : Kevin R Murphy Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 2006 0805853170 (alk. paper) | 0805 xiii, 373 p. : Knowledge Centre
152.4 WOO 03002450 Test Your Emotional Intelligence : Wood, Robert. Kogan Page, 2009 9788175542082 153 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.4 ALB 05068193 The handbook of attitudes / Routledge, 2019 9781138037052 2nd ed. x, 610 p. : Knowledge Centre
152.4 ALB 09000118 The handbook of attitudes / Routledge, 2019 9781138037052 2nd ed. x, 610 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.4 ALL 00023171 William James Reader Allen, Gay Wilson HMC 1973 254p UG Library
152.4 ASR 00141293 Emotional Intelligence : Asrat, Yihunselam Global Vision Publishing House; 2022 9789390423507 152 p. UG Library
152.4 BAI 10004860 How to Calm Your Mind: Finding Peace and Productivity in Anxious Times/ by Chris Bailey Bailey, Chris [Author] Macmillan, 2022 9781035001989 1st Ed. 268 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
152.4 BAR 05069481 Handbook of emotions / The Guildford Press, 2018 9781462536368 Fourth edition. xvi, 928 pages : Knowledge Centre
152.4 BAR 09000544 Handbook of emotions / The Guildford Press, 2018 9781462536368 Fourth edition. xvi, 928 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.4 BAR 10004859 How emotions are made : the secret life of the brain / by Lisa Feldman Barrett, PhD. Barrett, Lisa Feldman [author] Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017 9781509837526 xv, 425 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
152.4 BEA 05068592 The Psychology of Climate Change /​ Beattie, Geoffrey. Routledge, 2019 9781138484528 112p.; Knowledge Centre
152.4 BEA 05069137 The Psychology of Climate Change /​ Beattie, Geoffrey. Routledge, 2019 9781138484528 112p.; Knowledge Centre
152.4 BEA 09000184 The Psychology of Climate Change /​ Beattie, Geoffrey. Routledge, 2019 9781138484528 112p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.4 BEL 05034416 Cognitive Therapy and the Emotional Disorders / Beck, Aaron T Penguin Books, 1991 0140156895 356 p Knowledge Centre
152.4 BHA 05037962 Emotional Intelligence Myth or Reallity / Bhattacharya, Mousumi S Excel Books, 2007 9788174465436 242p.; Knowledge Centre
152.4 BOT 10004492 The School of Life: An Emotional Education/ by Alain de Botton De Botton, Alain [Author] and The School of Life Penguin Random House, 2020 9780241985830 1st Ed. 310 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
152.4 BRA 05033714 Emotional Intelligence Quickbook : Bradberry, Travis Fireside, 2005 0743273265 185 p Knowledge Centre
152.4 BRA 07007492 Emotional intelligence 2.0 / Bradberry Travis TalentSmart, 2009 9780974320625 255 p Library - BR Campus
152.4 BRA 09000740 Emotional intelligence 2.0 / Bradberry Travis TalentSmart, 2009 9780974320625 255 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.4 BRA 05033731 Emotional intelligence 2.0 / Bradberry Travis TalentSmart, 2009 9780974320625 255 p Knowledge Centre
152.4 BRE 00144751 Mistrust / Breakwell, Glynis M, Sage publications, 2021 9781529732078 | 9781529732108 ix,202p, ; UG Library
152.4 BUC 07012527 Emotion: Buck,Ross. Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781316635605 XXII,423 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
152.4 BUC 09001006 Emotion: Buck,Ross. Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781316635605 XXII,423 Pages,: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.4 BUC 07002223 Emotion : Buck, Ross. Cambridge University Press, 2014 9780521813167 (hardback) xxiii, 448 pages ; Library - BR Campus
152.4 BUR 05074889 Emotional Ignorance : Burnett, Dean. Faber, 2023 9781783351732 396p.; Knowledge Centre
152.4 CAR 04008423 Test Your EQ : Carter, Philip. Kogan Page, 2010 9788175545021 178 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.4 CIA 00089337 Emotional Intelligence in Every Day Life Ciarrochi, Joseph Psychology Press 2006 1841694355 292p UG Library
152.4 COL 09000098 Emotion regulation : Routledge, 2018 9781138683204 (pbk : alk. paper) | 9781138683198 (hbk : alk. paper) | 9781351001328 (ebk : alk. paper) xvii,283p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.4 COL 05068342 Emotion regulation : Routledge, 2018 9781138683204 (pbk : alk. paper) | 9781138683198 (hbk : alk. paper) | 9781351001328 (ebk : alk. paper) xvii,283p.; Knowledge Centre
152.4 COO 01022829 The science of attitudes / Cooper, Joel. Routledge, 2016 9781138820784 (hb : alk. paper vi, 346 pages : Knowledge Centre
152.4 COR 00072143 House Hold Humour. Corelius, Judson K Siga 2003 8171083986 142 UG Library
152.4 COR 00072167 Literary Humour. Cornelius, Judson K Siga 2005 8171083749 153 UG Library
152.4 COT 00145803 Practical feelings : Cottingham, Marci D., Oxford, 2022 9780197613696 | 9780197613689 viii,206 p. : UG Library
152.4 CSI 00122381 Follow Csikszentmihalyi,Mihaly Rider 2002 303p UG Library
152.4 DAC 00133209 An introduction to emotional intelligence: Dacre-Pool, Lorraine, The British Psychological Society, 2018 9781119108276 (cloth) | 9781119108269 (pbk.) xv,255 p.; UG Library
152.4 DAM 00060579 Measuring Your Emotional Quotient Factor D'ambra, Gilles Infinity Books 2002 157 p. UG Library
152.4 DAM 05033732 The Feelings of What Happens : Damasio, Antonio Vintage Books, 2000 9780099288763 385 p.; Knowledge Centre
152.4 DES 00130871 Emotional success : DeSteno, David, Blue bird, 2018 9780544703100 (hardcover) | 97 viii, 227 pages ; UG Library
152.4 EFR 05033730 Ten Most Effective Ways to Overcome Anger : Efron, Ron Potter Jaico Publishing, 1997 0817224584 157 p Knowledge Centre
152.4 ELL 05030699 Anger: How to Live With and Without It Ellis, Albert Jaico, 1996 8172241070 282p.: Knowledge Centre
152.4 EVA 01016413 Emotion : Evans, Dylan, Oxford University Press, 2003 0192804618 | 9780192804617 139 p. : Knowledge Centre
152.4 EVA 00101767 Emotion : Evans, Dylan, Oxford University Press, 9780192804618 139 p. : UG Library
152.4 EVA 00068446 Emotions Evans, Dylan 2001 0019285433 204p UG Library
152.4 FAZ 05034561 Attitudes : Fazio, Russell H Psychology Press, 2008 491 p Knowledge Centre
152.4 FLA 09000697 The Change Intelligence Factor : Flagello Jane.R Viva Books, 2015 9788130931098 viii,151p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.4 FLA 07009532 The Change Intelligence Factor : Flagello Jane.R Viva Books, 2015 9788130931098 viii,151p.: Library - BR Campus
152.4 FOX 09000494 The nature of emotion : Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190612573 2nd ed. xxxv, 596p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.4 FOX 05067797 The nature of emotion : Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190612573 2nd ed. xxxv, 596p.; Knowledge Centre
152.4 FRA 10004096 Embracing hope : Frankl, Viktor E. Rider, 2023 9781846047879 xxi, 144p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
152.4 FRA 05074888 Embracing hope : Frankl, Viktor E. Rider, 2023 9781846047879 xxi, 144p.; Knowledge Centre
152.4 GER 00107871 The Mindful Path to Selfcompassion Germer,Christopher K. Guilford Publications Inc 2009 9788171087594 xiv; 306 P. UG Library
152.4 GLE 03004524 A Kick in the Attitude : Glenn, Sam. Wiley, 2010 9780470528051 (cloth) | 047052 x, 210 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.4 GOL 03008867 Emotional Intelligence Working with Emotional Intelligence / Goleman, Daniel Bloomsbury, 2004 9780747574569 xiv, 352, xi School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.4 GOL 07012758 HBR everyday emotional intelligence : Harvard Business Review Press, 2018 9781633694118 xiii,362p.: Library - BR Campus
152.4 GOL 07001170 Emotional Intelligence : Goleman, Daniel. Bloomsbury, 1994 9789382563792 xiv,352p.; Library - BR Campus
152.4 GOL 05057080 Emotional Intelligence : Goleman, Daniel. Bloomsbury, 1994 9789382563792 xiv,352p.; Knowledge Centre
152.4 GOL 00067067 Working with Emotional Intelligence / Coleman, Daniel Bantam Books ; 1998 0553553841 | 076783007994 | 97 464 p.: UG Library
152.4 GOL 01016202 Emotional Intelligence / Goleman,Daniel. Bloomsbury, 1995 9780747528302 xiv,352p.; Knowledge Centre
152.4 GOL 00060915 Emotional Intelligence Goleman, Daniel Bloomsbury Publishing 1996 0747529825 xiv; 352 p. UG Library
152.4 GOL 00080342 Emotional Intelligence Goleman, Daniel Bantam Books 1996 xv; 413 p. UG Library
152.4 GOL 05034131 Social Intelligence : Goleman, Daniel Hutchinson, 2006 0091799732 403 p Knowledge Centre
152.4 GOL 10005019 Optimal : how to sustain excellence every day / by Daniel Goleman & Cary Cherniss. Goleman, Daniel [Author] HarperCollins Publishers, 2023 9780241609071 1st Ed. vi, 260 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
152.4 GOL 04015477 Emotional intelligence / Goleman, Daniel. Bantam Books, 2005 9780553383713 xxiv, 358 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.4 GOL 04022706 Emotional Intelligence : Goleman, Daniel. Bloomsbury, 1994 9789382563792 xiv,352p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.4 GOL 03013301 HBR everyday emotional intelligence : Harvard Business Review Press, 2018 9781633694118 xiii,362p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.4 GOL 03013412 HBR everyday emotional intelligence : Harvard Business Review Press, 2018 9781633694118 xiii,362p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.4 GOL 10002332 Emotional Intelligence : Goleman, Daniel. Bloomsbury, 1995 9789354352805 xxi, 325p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
152.4 GOM 00121276 Befriending Your Emotions Gomes,Janina Pauline Publications 2014 8171765734 142p UG Library
152.4 GRE 05002165 Emotions : Routledge, 2008 9780415425643 (pbk.) | 0415425 xxvii, 480 p. : Knowledge Centre
152.4 GRU 09000578 The Oxford handbook of positive emotion and psychopathology / Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190653200 xiv, 639p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.4 GRU 05067805 The Oxford handbook of positive emotion and psychopathology / Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190653200 xiv, 639p.; Knowledge Centre
152.4 GUR 00108152 Humiliation : Oxford University Press, 9780198060307 | 0198060300 xii, 238 p. ; UG Library
152.4 GUR 00092219 Humiliation : Oxford University Press, 9780198060307 | 0198060300 xii, 238 p. ; UG Library
152.4 HAR 05005029 Emotions : Routledge, 2009 9780415469296 (hardback : alk. 1st ed. xiii, 418 p. ; Knowledge Centre
152.4 HAR 00144560 Virtual EI : Harvard Business Review. Harvard Business Review press, 2022 9781647823290 ix,152p, ; UG Library
152.4 HBR 05057556 Mindfulness / Harvard Business Review, 2017 9781633693197 viii, 121p. Knowledge Centre
152.4 HBR 05074586 Mindfulness / Harvard Business Review, 2017 9781633693197 viii, 121p. Knowledge Centre
152.4 HBR 05074587 Mindful Listening : Harvard Business Review Harvard Business Review, 2019 9781633696679 ix, 138 p. ; Knowledge Centre
152.4 HBR 07001699 HBR's 10 must reads on emotional intelligence / Harvard Business Review Press, 2015 9781633690196 (alk. paper) 166p.: Library - BR Campus
152.4 HBR 00140327 HBR's 10 must reads on emotional intelligence / Harvard Business Review Press, 2015 9781633690196 (alk. paper) 166p.: UG Library
152.4 HBR 10004604 Curiosity / Harvard Buniess Review Press, 2024 9781647826840 ix, 165p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
152.4 HBR 09000806 HBR's 10 must reads on emotional intelligence / Harvard Business Review Press, 2015 9781633690196 (alk. paper) 166p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.4 HBR 09000796 HBR's 10 must reads on emotional intelligence / Harvard Business Review Press, 2015 9781633690196 (alk. paper) 166p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.4 HBR 07001561 Emotional intelligence : Harvard Business Review HBR, 2015 0889372837 (bound) : 166 p. Library - BR Campus
152.4 HIL 05065269 Affect regulation theory : Hill, Daniel. W. W. Norton & Company, 2015 9780393707267 (hardcover : alk. paper) First edition. xxv, 283 p. ; Knowledge Centre
152.4 HOC 05036814 The managed heart Hochschild, Arlie Russell, University of California Press, 2012 Updated, with a new preface. xx, 327 p. Knowledge Centre
152.4 HOU 05004846 Cognition and emotion : Psychology Press, 2010 9781841698717 (hbk.) | 1841698 x, 347 p. ; Knowledge Centre
152.4 KAD 00103628 Changing Patterns Of Thought : Kadankavil, Thomas Dharmaram Publications, 2010 9788189958367 xix, 136 p. UG Library
152.4 KAH 05068174 Analyzing affective societies : Routledge, 2019 9781138388796 (hardback) xv,312p.; Knowledge Centre
152.4 KAK 00031119 Tales of Love, Sex and Danger Kakar, Sudhir Oxford University Press 1986 248 p. UG Library
152.4 KAP 03010769 Passion Quotient : Kapoor, Virender. Bloomsbury india, 2015 9789384052539 220 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.4 KAP 04022792 Passion Quotient : Kapoor, Virender. Bloomsbury india, 2015 9789384052539 220 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.4 KAP 05044624 Passion Quotient : Kapoor, Virender. Bloomsbury india, 2015 9789384052539 220 p.: Knowledge Centre
152.4 KAP 00060549 Emotional Intelligence Kapadia, Mala BPI Pvt Ltd 2000 9798176931273 335 p. UG Library
152.4 KIT 04012648 Understanding Emotional Intelligence : Kay, Frances. Kogan Page, 2011 9780749458805 | 9780749459376 236 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.4 KIT 07000728 Understanding Emotional Intelligence : Kay, Frances. Kogan Page, 2011 9780749458805 | 9780749459376 236 p.: Library - BR Campus
152.4 KIT 03005923 Understanding Emotional Intelligence : Kay, Frances. Kogan Page, 2011 9780749458805 | 9780749459376 236 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.4 KIT 05008460 Understanding Emotional Intelligence : Kay, Frances. Kogan Page, 2011 9780749458805 | 9780749459376 236 p.: Knowledge Centre
152.4 KRA 04013501 Emotional Intelligence Works : Kravitz, S. Michael Viva books, 2011 9788130918471 3rd ed. ii, 115 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.4 KRA 03005719 Emotional Intelligence Works : Kravitz, S. Michael Viva books, 2011 9788130918471 3rd ed. ii, 115 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.4 KUP 05005133 Individual differences in emotion components and dynamics / Kuppens, Peter Psychology press, 2010 9781841698571 1464 p. : Knowledge Centre
152.4 LED 05030769 Emotional Brain: The Mysterious Underpinnings of Emotional Life/ Ledoux, Joseph Touchstone book, 2002 0684836599 384p.; Knowledge Centre
152.4 LED 05034562 The Emotional Brain : Ledoux, Joseph Touchstone Book, 1996 0684836599 384 p Knowledge Centre
152.4 LED 05034109 The Emotional Brain / Ledoux, Joseph Phoenix, 2004 0753806703 384 p. Knowledge Centre
152.4 LEV 00125790 Vital Signs Levoy,Gregg Penguin 2015 9780399174988 491p UG Library
152.4 LYN 05033364 50 Activities for Developing Emotional Intelligence / Lynn, Adele B Ane Books, 2003 8180520056 299 p Knowledge Centre
152.4 MAU 04016745 The Power of A Positive Attitude / Maurus, J. Better yours Books, 2012 9788171088188 118p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.4 MCK 00070604 The Power of Emotional Choice Mckay, Gary D. Jaico Publishing House 1994 8172249403 | 9788172249403 277 p. UG Library
152.4 MCK 00070638 The Power of Emotional Choice Mckay, Gary D. Jaico Publishing House 1994 8172249403 | 9788172249403 277 p. UG Library
152.4 MIL 05045600 Humiliation : Miller William Ian Cornell University Press, 1993 9780801481178 xii,270p.: Knowledge Centre
152.4 MUL 03012781 Emotional Intelligence Training / Mulle, Karl Viva Books, 2019 9789387925298 251p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.4 NIE 00085880 Psychology of Emotion: Niedenthal, Paula M Psychology Press 2006 9781841694023 417 p UG Library
152.4 OTI 09000360 Banned emotions : Otis, Laura, Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190698904 (hardcover : alk. paper) xii, 186 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.4 OTI 05067889 Banned emotions : Otis, Laura, Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190698904 (hardcover : alk. paper) xii, 186 pages : Knowledge Centre
152.4 PAT 05068364 Emotions in late modernity / Routledge, 2019 9780815354321 (hardback) xxiv,341p.; Knowledge Centre
152.4 POW 00126248 Cognition and Emotion : Power, Mick Psychology Press, 2016 9781848722675 | 9781848722682 3rd edition. xii, 460 p.: UG Library
152.4 POW 05002196 Cognition and emotion : Power, Michael J. Psychology Press, 2008 9780415373531 | 9780415373548 2nd ed. xii, 439 p. ; Knowledge Centre
152.4 PUR 00141691 Emotional intelligence / Purushothaman, Rajagopalan, Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2021 9789353887506 xvi,196p.; UG Library
152.4 PUR 10001614 Emotional intelligence / Purushothaman, Rajagopalan, Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2021 9789353887506 xvi,196p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
152.4 REM 05074994 This Is How You Grow After Trauma : Remes, Olivia. Ebury Press, 2023 9781529196429 200 p.; Knowledge Centre
152.4 REM 10004195 This Is How You Grow After Trauma : Remes, Olivia. Ebury Press, 2023 9781529196429 200 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
152.4 ROS 04015703 The emotional revolution : Rosenthal, Norman E. Citadel Press/Kensington Pub. Corp., 2002 9780806522951 xiv, 491 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.4 RYF 05030778 Emotion, Social Relationships and Health: Ryff, D Carol Oxford university press, 2004 0195145410 288p.; Knowledge Centre
152.4 SAN 07007206 The Oxford companion to emotion and the affective sciences / Oxford University Press, 2009 9780198569633 | 0198569637 | 9 xi, 499 p. : Library - BR Campus
152.4 SAR 05004599 Sketch for a theory of the emotions / Sartre Routledge Classics, 2002 9780415267526 xvi,64 p. Knowledge Centre
152.4 SCH 05042713 Emotion / Schirmer, Annett. Sage, 2015 9781452226255 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii, 508 pages : Knowledge Centre
152.4 SCH 07008247 Emotion / Schirmer, Annett. Sage, 2015 9781452226255 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii, 508 pages : Library - BR Campus
152.4 SCH 09000861 Emotion / Schirmer, Annett. Sage, 2015 9781452226255 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii, 508 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.4 SEG 03003856 The Language of Emotional Intelligence: Segal, Jeanne Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008 9780070140639 viii;225p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.4 SHA 04026181 Are You Feeding Your Hunger or Your Emotions / Sharma, Shikha Wisdom Tree, 2015 9788183284462 234p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.4 SIN 00129990 Find Your Why : Sinek, Simon, Portfolio Penguin, 2017 9780143111726 | 9780241279267 xii, 242 p . : UG Library
152.4 SOU 00142246 Understanding and Dealing with Depression: Souter,Keith Manjual Publishing House 2013 9788183227179 213p UG Library
152.4 STE 00050685 The EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Success Stein, Steven J. Macmillan 2000 0333935977 275p UG Library
152.4 TAL 07010028 Emotional Psychology / Talati J.K.Dr Paradise Publishers, 2015 9789380033570 255p.: Library - BR Campus
152.4 THO 00070614 A New Attitude Thomas,Marian Jaico Publishing House 2004 8179922022 | 9788179922026 120 p. UG Library
152.4 TIE 00088787 Social Life of Emotions Tiedens, Larissa Z 2004 0521535298 360p UG Library
152.4 VAL 09000404 The psychology of passion : Vallerand, Robert J. Oxford University Press, 2015 0199777608 | 9780199777600 viii, 403p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.4 VAL 05067812 The psychology of passion : Vallerand, Robert J. Oxford University Press, 2015 0199777608 | 9780199777600 viii, 403p.; Knowledge Centre
152.4 VER 00147393 Emotional Intelligence of Human Psychology / Verma, Subhash Book Enclave, 2024 9789392262821 244p. ; UG Library
152.4 VOG 05047571 Attitudes and attitude change / Vogel, Tobias K., Routledge, 2016 9781841696737 (hb : alk. paper Second Edition. xi, 337 pages ; Knowledge Centre
152.4 WAL 05030786 Natural History of Human Emotions / Walton, Stuart Grove press, 2004 0802142761 | 9780802142764 410p.; Knowledge Centre
152.4 WAR 00141408 The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: Ware,Bronnie Hay House Publishers 2021 9789382827624 244p UG Library
152.4 WEY 05033136 Supporting Young People Coping With Grief, Loss and Death / Weymont, Deborah Sage Publication, 2006 1412913128 131 p Knowledge Centre
152.40287 MAX 00105312 Attitude: Maxwell,John.C Jaico Publishing House. 2010 9788184951493 ix,138 p. UG Library
152.40287 MAX 03007036 Attitude: Maxwell,John.C Jaico Publishing House. 2010 9788184951493 ix,138 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.403 REE 05008964 Encyclopedia of emotion / Reevy, Gretchen. Greenwood, 2010 9780313345760 (hard copy volum 2 v. (xxiii, 675 p.) : Knowledge Centre
152.403 REE 05008965 Encyclopedia of emotion / Reevy, Gretchen. Greenwood, 2010 9780313345760 (hard copy volum 2 v. (xxiii, 675 p.) : Knowledge Centre
152.4095 SCH 05059601 Historicizing emotions : Brill, 2015 9789004352957 (hardback : alk. xii, 332 pages ; Knowledge Centre
152.41 BAG 05072973 The Value of Empathy / Baghramian, Maria. Routledge, 2021 9780367478186 xii, 263p, ; Knowledge Centre
152.41 BRA 05033738 The Psychology of Romantic Love : Branden, Nathaniel Penguin Books, 2008 205 p Knowledge Centre
152.41 BRE 05067285 The dark sides of empathy / Breithaupt, Fritz, Cornell University Press, 2019 9781501721649 1st edition. viii, 277 pages : Knowledge Centre
152.41 COO 01020640 Empathy : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198706427 xlvii,382p.; Knowledge Centre
152.41 GOT 10002185 They call it love : Gotby, Alva, Verso, 2023 9781839767036 xxiii, 167 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
152.41 HBR 07012600 Empathy / Harvard Business Review Press, 2017 9781633693258 ix, 134p. Library - BR Campus
152.41 HBR 00129506 Empathy. Harvard Business Review HBR 2017 9781633693258 134 p.: UG Library
152.41 HBR 05074588 Empathy / Harvard Business Review Press, 2017 9781633693258 ix, 134p. Knowledge Centre
152.41 HBR 05057558 Empathy / Harvard Business Review Press, 2017 9781633693258 ix, 134p. Knowledge Centre
152.41 MAY 05069929 Love And Will / May, Rollo. W.W. Norton & Company, 2007 9780393330052 352p.; Knowledge Centre
152.41 PAL 00128011 The Psychology of Love/ Paludi, Michele A Praeger 2012 9780313393150 212p. UG Library
152.41 PAL 00128012 The Psychology of Love/ Paludi, Michele A Praeger 2012 9780313393150 212p. UG Library
152.41 PAL 00128013 The Psychology of Love/ Paludi, Michele A Praeger 2012 9780313393150 212p. UG Library
152.41 PAL 00128014 The Psychology of Love/ Paludi, Michele A Praeger 2012 9780313393150 212p. UG Library
152.41 SHE 04024745 Why We Love The Way Wedo Shenoy Preeti Westland Ltd, 2015 9789385724183 xv, 262 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.41 SIM 00129179 Love what matters : Simon & Schuster Simon & Schuster 2017 9781501169137 | 1501169130 First Threshhold Editions hardcover edition. ix, 259 p. : UG Library
152.41 STE 00050437 Cupid's Arrow Sternberg, J. Robert Cambridge University Press 1998 0521478936 | 9780521478939 208 p. UG Library
152.42 HBR 03013409 Influence & persuasion. HBR, 2018 9781633693937 135 Pages,: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.42 HBR 03013410 Mindfulness / Harvard Business Review, 2017 9781633693197 viii, 121p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.42 MIL 07009477 Scientific Principles of Stress/ Mills,James L University of the west Indies Press, 2012 9789766402624 IX,113 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
152.42 SCH 03001941 Secrets of Happiness Schoch, Richard Viva Books Private Limited 9781861979896 243 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.42 AME 10004537 You, happier : the 7 neuroscience secrets of feeling good based on your brain type / by Daniel G. Amen, MD. Amen, Daniel G [Author] Wisdom tree, 2022 9788183286169 1st Ed. 343 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
152.42 BAT 05034105 Simple Ways to Manage Stress / Batra, Pramod Think Inc., 1996 8190054740 250 p Knowledge Centre
152.42 BLO 00105570 How pleasure works : Bloom, Paul, Vintage Books 2010 9780393066326 1st ed. xvi, 280 p. : UG Library
152.42 BLO 03011265 How Pleasure Works : Bloom, Paul. Vintage Books , 2010 9780099548768 280 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.42 BON 05054133 A Box of Happiness : Bond,Ruskin. Speaking Tiger, 2016 9789385755941 | 9789385755897 | 9789386050366 | 9789386050298 3 v.; Knowledge Centre
152.42 BON 05054134 A Box of Happiness : Bond,Ruskin. Speaking Tiger, 2016 9789385755941 | 9789385755897 | 9789386050366 | 9789386050298 3 v.; Knowledge Centre
152.42 BON 05054135 A Box of Happiness : Bond,Ruskin. Speaking Tiger, 2016 9789385755941 | 9789385755897 | 9789386050366 | 9789386050298 3 v.; Knowledge Centre
152.42 DAR 09000938 The Expression of the emotions in man and animals Charles,Darwin Harper perennial 1998 9780006387343 | 9781108004831 xxxvi,470p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.42 DAR 00106420 The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals / Darwin, Charles. Dover Publications , 2007 9780486456072 | 0486456072 2nd edition viii, 394 p. : UG Library
152.42 DAR 07007288 The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals / Darwin, Charles. Dover Publications , 2007 9780486456072 | 0486456072 2nd edition viii, 394 p. : Library - BR Campus
152.42 DAR 00104377 The Expression of the emotions in man and animals Charles,Darwin Harper perennial 1998 9780006387343 | 9781108004831 xxxvi,470p UG Library
152.42 DAR 03005977 The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals / Darwin, Charles. Dover Publications , 2007 9780486456072 | 0486456072 2nd edition viii, 394 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.42 FEL 01017072 What is this thing called happiness? / Feldman, Fred, Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199571178 (hbk. : alk. pap xv, 286 p. : Knowledge Centre
152.42 FEL 00128025 What is This Thing Called Happiness? / Feldman, Fred, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199571178 (hbk. : alk. pap xv, 286 p. : UG Library
152.42 GAR 00141640 The Ikigai Journey: Garcia,Hector Tuttle 2017 9780804855334 223p UG Library
152.42 HBR 05074589 Happiness / Harvard Business Review Press, 2017 9781633693210 viii, 162p. Knowledge Centre
152.42 HBR 05057557 Happiness / Harvard Business Review Press, 2017 9781633693210 viii, 162p. Knowledge Centre
152.42 HBR 03013408 Happiness / Harvard Business Review Press, 2017 9781633693210 viii, 162p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.42 HIC 07006524 Nonverbal Communication / Hickson Mark Roxbury Publishing Company, 2004 9780195329889 xiii,503p.: Library - BR Campus
152.42 HUP 05004955 Happiness and well-being : Routledge, 2011 9780415473637 (set : alk. pape v. ; 400 p. : Knowledge Centre
152.42 HUP 05004956 Happiness and well-being : Routledge, 2011 9780415473637 (set : alk. pape v. ; 400 p. : Knowledge Centre
152.42 HUP 05004957 Happiness and well-being : Routledge, 2011 9780415473637 (set : alk. pape v. ; 400 p. : Knowledge Centre
152.42 HUP 05004958 Happiness and well-being : Routledge, 2011 9780415473637 (set : alk. pape v. ; 400 p. : Knowledge Centre
152.42 HUP 05009435 Happiness and well-being : Routledge, 2011 9780415473637 (set : alk. pape v. ; 400 p. : Knowledge Centre
152.42 HUP 05009436 Happiness and well-being : Routledge, 2011 9780415473637 (set : alk. pape v. ; 400 p. : Knowledge Centre
152.42 HUP 05009437 Happiness and well-being : Routledge, 2011 9780415473637 (set : alk. pape v. ; 400 p. : Knowledge Centre
152.42 HUP 05009438 Happiness and well-being : Routledge, 2011 9780415473637 (set : alk. pape v. ; 400 p. : Knowledge Centre
152.42 NG 00146304 Happiness-Concept, Measurement and Promotion/ Ng, Yew-Kwang Springer 2022 9789813349742 183p. UG Library
152.42 TAN 07006961 Joy on demand : Tan, Chade-Meng, Harper One, 2016 9780062378859 (hardback) | 978 First edition. vi, 262 pages ; Library - BR Campus
152.42 WAR 00135878 The psychology happiness Warr, Peter Routledge, 2019 9781138090798 x,110p.; UG Library
152.42 WAR 05069141 The psychology happiness / Warr, Peter B. Routledge, 2019 9781138090668 (hardback) 1 Edition. x,110p.; Knowledge Centre
152.42 WAR 09000189 The psychology happiness / Warr, Peter B. Routledge, 2019 9781138090668 (hardback) 1 Edition. x,110p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.42 WAR 05068529 The psychology happiness / Warr, Peter B. Routledge, 2019 9781138090668 (hardback) 1 Edition. x,110p.; Knowledge Centre
152.4209 POT 00124535 The story of joy : Potkay, Adam, Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521879118 xiii, 304 p. : UG Library
152.43 BAO 05010931 The Future of Post-Human Humor : Baofu Peter Viva Books, 2012 9788130919980 xxii,440 p. : Knowledge Centre
152.43 CAR 05048859 Humour : Carroll, Noël, Oxford University Press, 2014 0199552223 | 9780199552221 First edition. 126 pages : Knowledge Centre
152.43 COO 09000086 Current Issues in Work and Organizational Psychology: Cooper, Cary.- Editor. Routledge, 2019 9781138604971(pbk) | 9781138604940(hbk) | 9780429468339(ebk) 1 Ed. xi,424p,: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.43 COO 00134802 Current Issues in Work and Organizational Psychology: Cooper, Cary.- Editor. Routledge, 2019 9781138604971(pbk) | 9781138604940(hbk) | 9780429468339(ebk) 1 Ed. xi,424p,: UG Library
152.43 COO 05068505 Current Issues in Work and Organizational Psychology: Cooper, Cary.- Editor. Routledge, 2019 9781138604971(pbk) | 9781138604940(hbk) | 9780429468339(ebk) 1 Ed. xi,424p,: Knowledge Centre
152.43 COO 05064405 Current Issues in Work and Organizational Psychology: Cooper, Cary.- Editor. Routledge, 2019 9781138604971(pbk) | 9781138604940(hbk) | 9780429468339(ebk) 1 Ed. xi,424p,: Knowledge Centre
152.43 GIB 05068197 An introduction to the psychology of humor / Gibson, Janet M. Routledge, 2019 9780367029081 (pbk.) | 9780367029043 (hardback) vii,262p.; Knowledge Centre
152.43 GIB 09000050 An introduction to the psychology of humor / Gibson, Janet M. Routledge, 2019 9780367029081 (pbk.) | 9780367029043 (hardback) vii,262p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.43 GIB 05069131 An introduction to the psychology of humor / Gibson, Janet M. Routledge, 2019 9780367029081 (pbk.) | 9780367029043 (hardback) vii,262p.; Knowledge Centre
152.43 GIB 00135570 An introduction to the psychology of humor / Gibson, Janet M. Routledge, 2019 9780367029081 (pbk.) | 9780367029043 (hardback) vii,262p.; UG Library
152.43 LUT 05047505 Laughter a recipe for health and happiness / Luthra,V.P. Sarup Book Publishers, 2015 9789352080076 viii,65p.; Knowledge Centre
152.43 ROB 05068555 The psychology of humor at work / Routledge, 2017 9781138232365 | 9781138944947 (hardback : alk. paper) xii, 160 pages " Knowledge Centre
152.43 ROB 05069142 The psychology of humor at work / Routledge, 2017 9781138232365 | 9781138944947 (hardback : alk. paper) xii, 160 pages " Knowledge Centre
152.43 ROB 09000191 The psychology of humor at work / Routledge, 2017 9781138232365 | 9781138944947 (hardback : alk. paper) xii, 160 pages " Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.432 LAU 00135199 The anatomy of hate Laul,Revati Cntxt, 2018 9789387894204 223p.; UG Library
152.434 ATT 00107121 Self Health Guides: Anxiety Attwell, Khleber Chapman Jones and Bartlett India Pvt Ltd 2010 9789380108643 207 p UG Library
152.452 OPP 05022146 Questionnaire Design and Attitude Measurement / Oppenheim A.N Basic Books, 1966 223 p.: Knowledge Centre
152.45208 FIS 05052340 Readings in attitude theory and measurement / Fishbein, Martin, Wiley, 1967 x, 499 p. Knowledge Centre
152.454 HIG 10002471 The biopsychology colouring book / Higgs, Suzanne., Sage publications ltd., 2021 9781529730913 xi,135 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
152.454 ROW 05030697 Stress: an Owner`s Manual Rowshan, Arthur Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd, 1994 8120716736 148p.: Knowledge Centre
152.46 BAU 05006433 Liquid fear / Bauman, Zygmunt, Polity Press, 2006 9780745636801 (pbk.) 188 p. ; Knowledge Centre
152.46 BEC 00052499 How to Master Your Panic Beckfield, Denise Jaico 1998 8172249489 278p UG Library
152.46 CAR 00145479 Beyond Fear: Cardozo, Ian Penguin Books, 2023 9780143460367 xx,263p. ; UG Library
152.46 CRA 00060425 Conquering Your Fear of Flying Crangle, Maeve Byrne Newleaf 2001 0717131939 | 9780717131938 164 p. UG Library
152.46 DEL 10005003 Reasons not to worry : how to be stoic in chaotic times /by Brigid Delaney. Delaney, Brigid [Author] Piatkus, 2022 9780349436296 294 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
152.46 FRE 00110098 Anxiety Freeman, Daniel Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199567157 (pbk.) | 0199567 xii, 155 p. : UG Library
152.46 GUP 00081128 How to Overcome Fear(ltips for Removing Fears, Anxieties, Worries, Nervousness and Phobias) Gupta, M K Pustak Mahal 2007 8122300502 80p UG Library
152.46 HBR 10004611 Managing your anxiety / Harvard Business Review Press, 2023 9781647825645 135 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
152.46 JOH 05067292 Worried? : Johnson, Lise A., W.W.Norton, 2019 9780393712896 (hardcover) First Edition. vii,371p.; Knowledge Centre
152.46 KAI 00112666 Coping with fear made easy Kaitholil,George St. Pauls 2012 9788171088058 103p UG Library
152.46 KRI 00062880 On Fear Krishnamurti, J. Krishnamurti Foundation 2003 0818732645 122 p. UG Library
152.46 LEA 05030781 Worry Cure: Seven Steps to Stop Worry from Stopping You Leahy, L Robert Three River press, 2005 1400097665 322p.; Knowledge Centre
152.46 TRI 10002328 Age of anxiety / Tripathi, Amrita. Simon & Schuster India, 2021 9788195057160 210p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
152.46 VAS 00123105 Kill Fear Before Fear Kills You Vaswani, J P Wisdom Tree, 2016 9788183284516 116 p:. UG Library
152.46082 ROS 04009885 One Less Thing to Worry About : Ross, Jerilyn. Ballantine Books, 2009 9780345503060 (hardcover : alk 1st ed. xvi, 268 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.46082 ROS 03009439 One Less Thing to Worry About : Ross, Jerilyn. Ballantine Books, 2009 9780345503060 (hardcover : alk 1st ed. xvi, 268 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.4609 GOR 05057084 Worrying : Gorman, Francis O' Bloomsbury Publishing; 2016 9781501320323 xxvi, 173p. Knowledge Centre
152.47 BHA 03002511 Anger Management / Bhave, Swati Y. Sage Publications , 2009 9788132100850 190 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.47 BHA 04003359 Anger Management Bhave, Swati Y Sage Publications 2008 9788132100850 190 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.47 JON 03000978 Overcoming Anger : Jones, Carol D. Adams Media, 2006 1580629296 | 9781580629294 274 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.47 ALL 03007331 Getting Control of Your Anger : Allan, Robert, McGraw-Hill, 2006 0071448845 (alk. paper) | 9780 xx, 252 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.47 ANA 05071726 How to manage your anger : Anandamurugan, S. Shivam Books, 63p. ; Knowledge Centre
152.47 BHA 00091061 Anger Management / Bhave, Swati Y. Sage, 2009 9788132100850 (paper back) | 8 xviii, 190 p. : UG Library
152.47 GUP 00081129 Hot to Control Anger:The Deadly Enemy Gupta, M K Pustak Mahal 2007 8122300499 85p UG Library
152.47 JON 05008227 Overcoming anger : Jones, Carol D., Adams Media, 2004 1580629296 xiii, 274 p. : Knowledge Centre
152.47 LUH 05034112 Managing Anger : Luhn, R Rebecca Viva Books Private Limited., 2004 8176495867 110 p Knowledge Centre
152.47 LUH 03008093 Managing Anger : Luhn, Rebecca R. Viva books, 2005 9788176495868 111p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.47 LUH 04008299 Managing Anger : Luhn, Rebecca R. Viva books, 2005 9788176495868 111p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.47 MIS 05034086 Anger Management / Mishra, Rabi Narayana. Discovery Publishing House, 2011 9788183567510 1st Ed. 207p.; Knowledge Centre
152.47LUH 00058967 Managing Anger : Luhn, R Rebecca Viva Books Private Limited., 2004 8176495867 110 p Knowledge Centre
152.48 HAR 05001959 Handbook of jealousy : Wiley-Blackwell, 9781405185790 (hardcover : alk xiii, 581 p. ; Knowledge Centre
152.48 SMI 05067919 Envy at work and in organizations / Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190228057 xxi, 522 pages Knowledge Centre
152.48 SMI 09000519 Envy at work and in organizations / Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190228057 xxi, 522 pages Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.5 05033375 Motivate to Win : Denny, Richard UBS Publishers, 1994 160 p. Knowledge Centre
152.5 SHI 04016750 The Miracle of Motivation Shinn, George Tyndale House 1991 248 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.5 ALL 00046347 How to Be Better at Motivating People Allan, John Kogan Page 1998 8175540818 125 p UG Library
152.5 ATK 00015188 Introduction to Motivation Atkinson, John W Affiliated East-West 1966 316 p UG Library
152.5 ATK 00088480 Introduction to Motivation Atkinson, John W Affiliated East-West 1966 316 p UG Library
152.5 COF 00021252 Motivation: Theory and Research Cofer, C N Wiley 1980 960 p UG Library
152.5 HAY 04016752 What You Can't Get Over Gets Over You / Hayley Puline Sisters, 2011 9788171767687 164p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.5 MAU 04016748 Wake Up to New Life : Maurus, J. betters yourself books, 2011 9788171087907 168p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
152.5 MAU 00112740 Wake Up to New Life : Maurus, J. betters yourself books, 2011 9788171087907 168p. : UG Library
152.5 SHI 00034949 The Miracle of Motivation Shinn, George Tyndale House 1991 248 p. UG Library
152.5 VRO 00021256 Work and Motivation Vroom, Victor H. Wiley Eastern Ltd 1978 332 p. UG Library
152.58 GEL 05030698 Motivation in the Real World - Art of Getting Extra Effort from Everyone Gellerman, W Saul Rupa & Co, 1996 322p.: Knowledge Centre
152.8 THU 05072050 Primary Mental Abilities / Thurstone, L.L. The University of Chicago Press, 1968 ix,148p.; Knowledge Centre
152.8 GUI 05050100 Psychometric methods / Guilford, J. P. McGraw-Hill, 1954 2d ed. 597 p. Knowledge Centre
152.8 HAR 05050378 Problems in measuring change. Harris, Chester William, University of Wisconsin Press, 1963 x, 259 p. Knowledge Centre
152.8 HAY 00021255 Quantification in Psychology Hays, William L. Prentice -Hall 1969 88 p. UG Library
152.8 NUN 03012560 Psychometric Theory / Nunnally, Jum C. McGraw-Hill, 1994 007047849X (alk. paper) | 0071 3rd ed. xxiv, 752 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
152.8 TUC 05072049 Formal models for central prediction system / Tucker, Ledyard. R The Psychometric Society, 1963 xi,167p.; Knowledge Centre
152.9 CAR 00062888 Quick Wits: a Compendium of Critical Thinking Skills Caroselli, Marlene Ane Books 2003 8180520676 302p UG Library
153 SCH 05044671 The Mind & The Brain : Schwartz Md, Jeffrey Regan Books, 2002 0060988479 420 p Knowledge Centre
153 ALE 00135656 Living In A Mindful Universe : Alexander,Eben. Piatkus, 2017 9780349417431 xvi,272p.; UG Library
153 DAW 04003241 Minds and Machines: Connectionsm and Psychological Modeling Dawson, Michael R W John Wiley and Sons 2004 9781405113496 287 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 GAL 00128641 Cognitive Psychology in and Out of the Laboratory Galotti, M Kathleen Books cole Publishing, 2004 9814057053 xxiii, 640p.; UG Library
153 GAM 03003438 Building Mental Muscle : Gamon, David. Viva Books, 2010 9788130915074 320 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153 GAM 04002969 Building Mental Muscle Gamon, David Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2008 9788176494137 320 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 HOF 04005746 I Am a Strange Loop Hofstadter, Douglas Member of the Perseus Books Group 2007 9780465030798 412 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 HUN 04000450 Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology / Hunt, Read R Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 0070615942 478 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 MAN 00138249 Every Thing is F*cked : Manson,Mark. Harper Collins Publishers, 2019 9780062955951 273p.; UG Library
153 REE 05033712 Cognition : Reed Stephen,K Wadsworth Cengage learning, 2007 9780495806684 414 p Knowledge Centre
153 SIN 00131513 Cognitive Psychology. Singh, S.N. Ane Books Pvt.Ltd., 2018 9789386761279 vi,288 p.; UG Library
153 AND 05030279 Cognitive Psychology / Andrade, Jackie Bios Scientific Publishers Limited , 2007 1859962238 242p.: Knowledge Centre
153 AND 00107918 Religion in mind Andresen,Jensine Cambridge University Press, 2001 9780521173186 xi, 294 p. ; UG Library
153 APP 05004612 Mindreaders : Apperly Ian Psychology Press, 2011 9781841696973 xii,219 p. Knowledge Centre
153 ARU 03006006 Study Package for the CAT Online / Sharma, Arun. TMH, 2011 9780071329415 | 0071329412 xvi,Pv.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153 ARU 00115415 Consciousness Mohan, Aruna G.Dr. Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2003 8186804838 1st Ed. 184 p. UG Library
153 ASH 09001070 Cognition Ashcraft, Mark H. Pearson Education International, 2006 9780131982291 4th Edition 624 p . : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 ASH 00129747 Cognition Ashcraft, Mark H. Pearson Education International, 2006 9780131982291 4th Edition 624 p . : UG Library
153 AUY 05002153 Mind in everyday life and cognitive science / Auyang, Sunny Y. MIT Press, 2000 0262011816 (alk. paper) | 9780 viii,259p.; Knowledge Centre
153 BAC 07005538 The Agile Mind How Your Brain Makes Creativity Happen / Bachrach Estanislao Penguin Random House, 2012 9780753556863 ix,245p.: Library - BR Campus
153 BAE 00138655 Theory of Perception and Perceptual Development Baer,Ruth Global Vision Publishing House 2019 9789389124064 152p UG Library
153 BAL 00146554 Cognitive psychology in a changing world / Ball, Linden J. Routledge, 2024 9780367703516 xvi,729p. ; UG Library
153 BAL 10004441 The Book of Minds: Understanding Ourselves and Other Beings from Animals to Aliens/by Philip Ball Ball, Philip [Author] Picador 2022 9781529069167 1st Ed. 500p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
153 BAL 05004766 The European journal of cognitive psychology Psychology Press 472 p. : Knowledge Centre
153 BAR 09000239 Core knowledge and conceptual change / Oxford University Press, 2016 9780190467630 (hardcover : alk. paper) xi, 395 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 BAR 05067906 Core knowledge and conceptual change / Oxford University Press, 2016 9780190467630 (hardcover : alk. paper) xi, 395 pages ; Knowledge Centre
153 BAY 05034128 The Oxford companion to consciousness / Bayne, Tim Oxford University Press, 2009 9780198569510 (hard : alk. pap xv, 672 p. : Knowledge Centre
153 BAY 01020661 The Oxford companion to consciousness / Bayne, Tim Oxford University Press, 2009 9780198569510 (hard : alk. pap xv, 672 p. : Knowledge Centre
153 BAY 07002161 The Oxford companion to consciousness / Bayne, Tim Oxford University Press, 2009 9780198569510 (hard : alk. pap xv, 672 p. : Library - BR Campus
153 BED 00012926 Intelligence and Psychological Tests Bedi, C. S. Kalyani Publishers 1974 256 p. UG Library
153 BEN 05002154 Cognition / Benjafield, John G. Oxford University Press, 2007 0195422864 (alk. paper) | 9780 3rd ed. xi, 500 p. : Knowledge Centre
153 BER 05074426 Cognitive science : Bermúdez, José Luis, Cambridge University Press, 2023 9781316513378 | 9781009073677 Fourth edition. xxiv, 385p.; Knowledge Centre
153 BER 00101877 Cognitive science : Bermudez, JoseLuis. Cambridge University Press, 9780521708371 (pbk.) xxv, 492 p. : UG Library
153 BES 05001420 Cognitive Psychology (WMU) Best, B John West publishing company, 1992 0314908943 545p\.; Knowledge Centre
153 BES1 05001419 Cognitive Psychology - M.Sc Psychology Shelf Best, B John 0534354173 524p Knowledge Centre
153 BLA 09000857 Consciousness / Blackmore, Susan J., Routledge, 2018 9781138801301 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138801318 (pbk. : alk. paper) 3rd edition. xiv,617p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 BLA 07013119 Consciousness / Blackmore, Susan J., Routledge, 2018 9781138801301 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138801318 (pbk. : alk. paper) 3rd edition. xiv,617p.: Library - BR Campus
153 BLA 05030284 Consciousness: an Introduction Blackmore, Susan Hodder & Stoughton, 2004 0340809094 453p.; Knowledge Centre
153 BLA 05048827 Consciousness : Blackmore, Susan J., Oxford University Press, 2005 0192805851 (alk. paper) | 9780 146 p. ; Knowledge Centre
153 BLA 00077184 Consciousness: An Introduction Blackmore, Susan 2003 0340809094 | 9780340809099 452p UG Library
153 BLA 00085469 Consciousness: An Introduction Blackmore, Susan 2003 0340809094 | 9780340809099 452p UG Library
153 BLO 00109976 Anthropology and the Cognitive Challenge Bloch, Maurice. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521803557 (hardback) | 978 ix, 234 p. : UG Library
153 BOO 05040772 In Praise of Copying / Boon Marcus Harvard University Press, 2013 9780674072527 285p.: Knowledge Centre
153 BRA 00073385 The Foundations of Congnitive Science Branquinho Joao Clarendon Press 2001 0198238894 | 9780198238898 235 p. UG Library
153 BRA 01017135 Cognitive psychology / Oxford University Press ; | In association with The Open University, 2005 9780199273768 xx, 684 p.: Knowledge Centre
153 BRI 00013528 Intelligence and Psychological Test Bright, S. Jagat Universal Pub 1973 3rd Ed. 240 p. UG Library
153 BRO 05030290 Cognitive Psychology / Brwon, Carol Sage Publications, 2007 223p.: Knowledge Centre
153 BUZ 00051094 Mind Map Book Buzan, Barry 2000 0563537329 269p UG Library
153 BUZ 00051106 Use Your Head Buzan, Tony 2000 0563537299 159p UG Library
153 BUZ 05030772 Make the Most of Your Mind: High Speed Problem Solving, Speed Reading & Lea Buzan, Tony Fire Side book, 1984 0671495194 157 p.; Knowledge Centre
153 CAP 07012528 Cognitive capitalism : Rindermann, Heiner, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107050167 (hardback) | 978 xvi,576p. ; Library - BR Campus
153 CAR 05034144 Increase Your Brainpower : Carter, Philip Wiley India, 2005 8126507128 138 p Knowledge Centre
153 CHA 00141283 Chanakya Neeti / Chanakya, Acharya Global Vision Publishing House ; 2022 9789390423521 vi, 114 p. ; UG Library
153 CHA 07004199 Leading Consciously: a Pilgrimage Toward Self-Mastery Chatterjee, Debashis Viva Books Private Limited 8176490067 220 p Library - BR Campus
153 CHA 05030292 Leading Consciously: a Pilgrimage Toward Self-Mastery Chatterjee, Debashis Viva Books Private Limited 8176490067 220 p Knowledge Centre
153 CHO 05033719 Creating Affluence : Chopra, Deepak Excel Books, 1996 8174460721 100 p Knowledge Centre
153 CHU 05041671 Human information processing American Psychological Association, 2013 9781433812736 (alk. paper) | 1 xx,264p.: Knowledge Centre
153 CLA 00079646 Cognitive Psychology , Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980 0710004850 | 0710004869 (pbk.) 338 p. : UG Library
153 COR 05033373 Consciousness and Its Transformation: Cornelissen, Matthijs Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, 2001 8170586577 408p.; Knowledge Centre
153 COT 00129947 Performance Psychology Cotterill, Stewart Routledge, 2017 9781138831292 x, 163 p.: UG Library
153 COX 07010226 Cognitive Psychology Coxon, Matthew SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2012 9780857255228 xi, 171 p:. Library - BR Campus
153 COX 09001071 Critical thinking in psychology: Coxon, Matthew Learning matters, 2012 9780857255228 xi,171 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 COX 00123951 Cognitive Psychology Coxon, Matthew SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2012 9780857255228 xi, 171 p:. UG Library
153 COX 10002409 Critical thinking in psychology: Coxon, Matthew Learning matters, 2012 9780857255228 xi,171 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153 COX 09000855 Congnitive psychology Coxon, Matthew Sage 2012 9780857258359 171p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 COX 00123827 Congnitive psychology Coxon, Matthew Sage 2012 9780857258359 171p. UG Library
153 COX 00142113 Cognitive Psychology Coxon, Matthew SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2012 9780857255228 xi, 171 p:. UG Library
153 COX 09000639 Cognitive Psychology Coxon, Matthew SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2012 9780857255228 xi, 171 p:. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 DAS 07000127 Cognitive planning and executive functions : Das, J. P. Sage 2015 9789351500360 (hardback : alk. xxx, 326 pages : Library - BR Campus
153 DAS 09000638 Cognitive planning and executive functions : Das, J. P. Sage 2015 9789351500360 (hardback : alk. xxx, 326 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 DAS 00121817 Cognitive planning and executive functions : Das, J. P. Sage 2015 9789351500360 (hardback : alk. xxx, 326 pages : UG Library
153 DAS 07008242 Consciousness quest : Das, J. P. Sage, 2014 9788132113492 (hardback : alk. xix,307p.: Library - BR Campus
153 DAS 05058461 Consciousness quest : Das, J. P. Sage, 2014 9788132113492 (hardback : alk. xix,307p.: Knowledge Centre
153 DAS 05042700 Consciousness quest : Das, J. P. Sage, 2014 9788132113492 (hardback : alk. xix,307p.: Knowledge Centre
153 DAS 09000641 Consciousness quest : Das, J. P. Sage, 2014 9788132113492 (hardback : alk. xix,307p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 DE 07005426 The mechanism of mind / De Bono, Edward, Vermilion Publication, 2015 9781785040085 275 p. Library - BR Campus
153 DEB 05030765 Thinking Course: De Bono, Edward Facts on file Inc., 2004 0816031789 196p.; Knowledge Centre
153 DER 05005045 Emotional States,Attention,and working memory / Psychology Press, 2010 9781848727168 376 p. Knowledge Centre
153 DIE 05030283 Introduction to consciousness : Dietrich, Arne. Palgrave Macmillan, 9781403994899 (pbk.) | 1403994 xviii, 310 p. : Knowledge Centre
153 DOD 00052843 Brave New Mind Dodwell, Peter. Oxford University Press 2000 0195089057 | 9780195089059 250p UG Library
153 DUF 05066630 The Perils of Perception : Duffy, Bobby. Atlantic Books, 2018 9781786494566 | 1786494566 298 p.; Knowledge Centre
153 DUN 05002157 Metacognition / Dunlosky, John. SAGE, 2009 9781412939720 (pbk. : alk. pap ix, 334 p. : Knowledge Centre
153 DUN 05030280 Metacognition / Dunlosky, John. SAGE, 2009 9781412939720 (pbk. : alk. pap ix, 334 p. : Knowledge Centre
153 EAG 00109461 Incognito Eagleman,David Canongate 2011 9781847679406 290 p. UG Library
153 EAM 00115416 Cognitive Psychology Eamon Fulcher Crucial 1903337135 161p UG Library
153 EBB 00115412 Memory Ebbinghous, Hermann Cosmo Publications 2004 8177554662 | 9788177554663 152 p. UG Library
153 ECK 05030281 What is cognitive science? Eckardt Barbara Von A Bradford book; 9780262720236 ix;466 p. Knowledge Centre
153 ELV 05005017 Genes,Cognition and Neuropsychiatry / Psychology Press, 2009 9781848727182 476 p. Knowledge Centre
153 ESG 05002159 An introduction to applied cognitive psychology / Psychology Press, 2004 1841693170 | 1841693189 (pbk.) p. cm. Knowledge Centre
153 EYS 00146383 Fundamentals of cognition / Eysenck, Michael W, Routledge 2024 9781032471303 | 9781032471310 4th ed. 624p. UG Library
153 EYS 00012947 Check Your Own I.Q Eysenck, H J PENGUIN 1972 192 p UG Library
153 EYS 00130774 Fundamentals of cognition / Eysenck, Michael W., Routlede, 2018 9781138670433 (hardback : alk. Third Edition. vii,567p.; UG Library
153 EYS 05033715 Cognitive Psychology : Eysenck, Michael W Psychology Press Ltd., 2001 0863775519 631 p Knowledge Centre
153 EYS 05004883 Cognitive psychology : Eysenck, Michael W. Psychology Press, 2010 9781841695402 (pbk.) | 9781841 6th ed. vii, 752 p. : Knowledge Centre
153 EYS 10001907 Cognitive psychology : Eysenck, Michael W., Routledge, 2020 Eighth edition. xxxii, 946p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153 EYS2 05001416 Blackwell Dictionary of Cognitive Psychology Eysenck, Michael W 0631156828 390p Knowledge Centre
153 FLA 07001106 The Change intelligence factor : Flagello, Jane R. 9781939247025 (alk. paper) | 9 1st edition. 151 p. Library - BR Campus
153 FRA 05056434 Man`s Search for Meaning / Frankl, E Viktor Pocket Books; 1984 0671023373 220p Knowledge Centre
153 FRI 05047980 Cognitive science : Friedenberg, Jay. Sage, 2016 9781483347417 (pbk. : alk. pap Third Edition. xxv, 549 pages ; Knowledge Centre
153 FRI 00109933 Cognitive science Friedenberg, Jay. Sage Publications, 2006 1412925681 (pbk.) | 9781412925 xxiii, 531 p. : UG Library
153 FUL 00067925 Cognitive Psychology Fulcher, Eamon Crucial 2003 1903337135 162p UG Library
153 FUL 05031002 Cognitive Psychology Fulcher, Eamon Crucial: 2003 1903337135 ix, 147p.; Knowledge Centre
153 GAL 09000640 Cognitive psychology in and out of the laboratory / Galotti, Kathleen M., Sage, 2014 9789351502777 Fifth Edition. xix, 403 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 GAL 05052803 Cognitive psychology in and out of the laboratory / Galotti, Kathleen M., Sage, 2014 9789351502777 Fifth Edition. xix, 403 pages : Knowledge Centre
153 GAL 00097632 Cognitive Psychology : Galotti, Kathleen M. Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd., 2008 9788131511077 514 p. UG Library
153 GAL 05040075 Cognitive psychology in and out of the laboratory / Galotti, Kathleen M., Sage, 2014 9781452230320 (hbk. : alk. pap Fifth Edition. xvii, 475 pages : Knowledge Centre
153 GAL 05031003 Cognitive Psychology in and Out of the Laboratory Galotti, M Kathleen Books cole Publishing, 2004 9814057053 xxiii, 640p.; Knowledge Centre
153 GAL 05030777 Cognitive Psychology in and Out of the Laboratory Galotti, M Kathleen Books cole Publishing, 2004 9814057053 xxiii, 640p.; Knowledge Centre
153 GAL 07011308 Cognitive psychology in and out of the laboratory / Galotti, Kathleen M., Sage, 2014 9789351502777 Fifth Edition. xix, 403 pages : Library - BR Campus
153 GAL 05034125 Cognitive psychology : Galotti, Kathleen M., Sage, 2014 0495099635 5th Ed xix, 681p. : Knowledge Centre
153 GAL 09000215 Cognitive psychology in and out of the laboratory / Galotti, Kathleen M., Sage, 2014 9789351502777 Fifth Edition. xix, 403 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 GAL 05033618 Cognitive Psychology : Galotti, Kathleen M. Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd., 2008 9788131511077 514 p. Knowledge Centre
153 GAM 04016608 Building Mental Muscle : Gamon, David. Viva Books, 2010 9788130915074 320 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 GAV 00088767 Text World Theory an Introduction. Gavins, Joanna 2007 9780748623006 193p UG Library
153 GEL 05002155 Perceptual and cognitive development / Academic Press, 1996 0122796608 (alk. paper) xviii,454p.; Knowledge Centre
153 GEL 05030276 Perceptual and Cognitive Development / Gelman, Rochel Academic Press, 1996 0122796608 454p.: Knowledge Centre
153 GHO 00146550 An interdisciplinary approach to cognitive modelling : Ghose, Partha Routledge, 2024 9781032552798 xi,125p. ; UG Library
153 GIL 00074628 Thinking and Knowing Giles, Bridget Grange Book PLC. 2002 1840138033 192p UG Library
153 GOL 05030682 Working With Emotional Intelligence / Goleman, Daniel Bloomsbury, 1998 0747545804 xi,382p. Knowledge Centre
153 GOL 05034099 Cognitive Psychology : Goldstein E Bruce Thomson Wadsworth, 2008 9780495103530 2nd Ed. 552 p Knowledge Centre
153 GOL 03010539 Vital Lies, Simple Truths : Goleman, Daniel. Bloomsbury, 1984 9789382951759 287 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153 GOL 00131772 Cognitive Psychology, Goldstein, E. Bruce, Wadsworth Cengage learning, 2011 9781111185886 xxxiii,444 p.; UG Library
153 GOL 00131773 Cognitive Psychology, E.Bruce Goldstein, Wadsworth Cengage learning, 2011 9780840033543 xviii,165 p.; UG Library
153 GOL 10003950 Cognitive Psychology : Goldstein, Bruce E Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd, 2019 9789355739001 5th ed. xxxiii, 493p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153 GOL 10003951 Cognitive Psychology : Goldstein, Bruce E Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd, 2019 9789355739001 5th ed. xxxiii, 493p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153 GOL 10003952 Cognitive Psychology : Goldstein, Bruce E Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd, 2019 9789355739001 5th ed. xxxiii, 493p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153 GOL 10003953 Cognitive Psychology : Goldstein, Bruce E Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd, 2019 9789355739001 5th ed. xxxiii, 493p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153 GOL 10003954 Cognitive Psychology : Goldstein, Bruce E Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd, 2019 9789355739001 5th ed. xxxiii, 493p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153 GOL 04022705 Vital Lies, Simple Truths : Goleman, Daniel. Bloomsbury, 1984 9789382951759 287 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 GOL 00095912 Cognitive Psychology : Goldstein E Bruce Thomson Wadsworth, 2008 9780495103530 2nd Ed. 552 p UG Library
153 GRA 00147069 Men are from mars, women are from venus: Gray, John Haper collins publishers limited, 2016 9788172235031 xi,307p. ; UG Library
153 GRO 00127181 Cognitive psychology : Sage Publication, 2015 9781446294468 | 1446294463 | 9 xi, 210 pages : UG Library
153 GRO 05030291 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology: Processes and Disorders / Groome, David Psychology Press , 2006 1841695440 449p.: Knowledge Centre
153 GRO 07006125 Cognitive psychology : Sage Publication, 2015 9781446294468 | 1446294463 | 9 xi, 210 pages : Library - BR Campus
153 GRO 05047548 An introduction to applied cognitive psychology / Groome, David, Routledge, 2016 9781138840126 (hb : alk. paper Second Edition. x,409p.; Knowledge Centre
153 GUP 00060124 Cognitive Science - Issues and Perspectives Gupta, G C ICON Publications Pvt Ltd. 2001 8188086002 566p UG Library
153 GUP 05021899 Language and Cognition Gupta, G C Icon Publications Pvt. Ltd. 246p Knowledge Centre
153 HAL 00127798 Critical thinking across the curriculum : Halpern, Diane F. L. Erlbaum Associates, 1997 0805827307 | 0805827315 | 978 viii, 284 p. : UG Library
153 HBR 05074590 Self-awareness / Harvard Business Review Press, 2019 9781633696617 ix, 1620p. ; Knowledge Centre
153 HBR 05064903 Self-awareness / Harvard Business Review Press, 2019 9781633696617 ix, 1620p. ; Knowledge Centre
153 HIL 00094518 Consciousness / Hill, Christopher S. Cambridge University Press, 9780521110228 | 052111022X | 9 x, 264 p. : UG Library
153 HOC 05002178 Perception and cognition at century's end / Academic Press, 1998 0123011604 (alk. paper) xix, 487 p. : Knowledge Centre
153 HOD 00142816 Cognitive psychology: Hodges,Julian Clanry international, 2020 9781632409737 vi,218p.; UG Library
153 HOF 03007501 I Am A Strange Loop / Hofstadter, Douglas R., Basic Books, 2007 0465030785 | 9780465030781 xix, 412 p., [4] p. of plates : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153 HUN 00069711 Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology Hunt, R. Reed McGraw Hill 2004 0071219161 | 9780071219167 478p UG Library
153 HUN 07001714 Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology / Hunt Reed.R Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2007 9780070615946 xx,478p.: Library - BR Campus
153 HUR 05008096 Investigating pristine inner experience : Hurlburt, Russell T. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107009943 (hardback) | 110 xiii, 457 p. : Knowledge Centre
153 JAC 00109246 A user's guide to thought and meaning Jackendoff, Ray, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199693207 | 9780199693207 xi, 274 p. : UG Library
153 JAH 00067589 Cognition Jahnke, John C. Prentice Hall 1998 0131402862 | 9780131402867 518 p. UG Library
153 KAK 00092255 Architecture of Knowledge: Kak, Subhash PHISPC 2004 8187586133 354p UG Library
153 KAK 00082411 Architecture of Knowledge: Kak, Subhash PHISPC 2004 8187586133 354p UG Library
153 KAK 00040737 Culture & Psyche: Kakar, Sudhir Oxford 1997 9780195639353 136 p UG Library
153 KAR 05041680 Cognition and brain development American Psychological Association, 2013 9781433812712 | 1433812711 xii,328p.: Knowledge Centre
153 KEL 05002179 Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. SAGE Publications, 2007 9781412936927 (pbk. : alk. pap xv, 375 p., [7] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
153 KEL 09000649 Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. Sage, 2016 9781483347585 (pbk. : alk. pap Third Edition. xviii, 403 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 KEL 09000555 Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. Sage, 2016 9781483347585 (pbk. : alk. pap Third Edition. xviii, 403 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 KEL 05024346 Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. SAGE, 2012 1412977851 (pbk.) | 9788132110 2nd ed. xvi, 359 p. : Knowledge Centre
153 KEL 05056259 Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. Sage, 2016 9781483347585 (pbk. : alk. pap Third Edition. xviii, 403 pages : Knowledge Centre
153 KEL 07008255 Cognitive psychology / Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. Sage Publications, 2003 0761921303 (alk. paper) 2nd ed. xxii, 525 p. : Library - BR Campus
153 KEL 05001396 Cognitive Psychology: Kellogg, T Ronald Sage, 2003 0761921303 518p.; Knowledge Centre
153 KEL 07005073 Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. SAGE, 2012 1412977851 (pbk.) | 9788132110 2nd ed. xvi, 359 p. : Library - BR Campus
153 KEL 07005074 Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. SAGE, 2012 1412977851 (pbk.) | 9788132110 2nd ed. xvi, 359 p. : Library - BR Campus
153 KEL 07005075 Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. SAGE, 2012 1412977851 (pbk.) | 9788132110 2nd ed. xvi, 359 p. : Library - BR Campus
153 KEL 07005076 Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. SAGE, 2012 1412977851 (pbk.) | 9788132110 2nd ed. xvi, 359 p. : Library - BR Campus
153 KEL 07005077 Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. SAGE, 2012 1412977851 (pbk.) | 9788132110 2nd ed. xvi, 359 p. : Library - BR Campus
153 KEL 09000219 Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. SAGE, 2012 1412977851 (pbk.) | 9788132110 2nd ed. xvi, 359 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 KEL 09001059 Cognitive Psychology: Kellogg, T Ronald Sage, 2003 0761921303 518p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 KEL 00110404 Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. SAGE, 2012 1412977851 (pbk.) | 9788132110 2nd ed. xvi, 359 p. : UG Library
153 KEL 05041755 Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. SAGE Publications, 2007 9781412936927 (pbk. : alk. pap xv, 375 p., [7] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
153 KEL 05069516 Fundamentals of cognitive psychology / Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. Sage, 2016 9781483347585 (pbk. : alk. pap Third Edition. xviii, 403 pages : Knowledge Centre
153 KEM 01027481 Concepts in the brain : Kemmerer, David L., Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190682620 xii, 354 pages ; Knowledge Centre
153 KEM 09000354 Concepts in the brain : Kemmerer, David L., Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190682620 xii, 354 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 KEM 05067904 Concepts in the brain : Kemmerer, David L., Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190682620 xii, 354 pages ; Knowledge Centre
153 KHA 00006605 Admission Test: Master Guide Khanna, O P Khanna Pub 1971 1 UG Library
153 KIL 00104762 The overflowing brain : Klingberg, Torkel, Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195372885 (alk. paper) | 0 xiv, 202 p. : UG Library
153 KOL 05002163 Cognitive science : Routledge, 2006 9780415221016 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780415221009 (hbk. : alk. paper) | 0415221013 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0415221005 (hbk. : alk. paper) ix, 243 p. : Knowledge Centre
153 KOL 05001835 Cognitive science : Routledge, 2006 9780415221016 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780415221009 (hbk. : alk. paper) | 0415221013 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0415221005 (hbk. : alk. paper) ix, 243 p. : Knowledge Centre
153 KOL 09000229 Cognitive science : Routledge, 2006 9780415221016 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780415221009 (hbk. : alk. paper) | 0415221013 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0415221005 (hbk. : alk. paper) ix, 243 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 KON 03003752 MAT Management Aptitude Test / G.K Publications, 2010 9788183550994 | 8183550991 P.V.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153 KON 03003755 Guide to SBI : Koncepts Books; 2011 9788183553155 P. V. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153 KON 03003754 State Bank of India : Koncept Books, 2011 9788183554367 6.176 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153 KUM 00144418 Cognitive Science : Kumar Mishra, Ramesh, Routledge, 2023 9781032326566 xiv,241p, ; UG Library
153 LAC 05068210 Invariances in human information processing / Routledge, 2018 9781138048904 (hardback) 1 Edition. x,307p.; Knowledge Centre
153 LAC 09000137 Invariances in human information processing / Routledge, 2018 9781138048904 (hardback) 1 Edition. x,307p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 LAN 05002164 Drawing and the non-verbal mind : Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521872058 (hardback) | 052 viii, 351 p. : Knowledge Centre
153 LEM 05068527 Cognitive development from a strategy perspective : Routledge, 2018 9781138711372 xviii, 244p.; Knowledge Centre
153 LEM 09000074 Cognitive development from a strategy perspective : Routledge, 2018 9781138711372 xviii, 244p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 LEM 00129952 Cognitive development from a strategy perspective : Routledge, 2018 9781138711372 xviii, 244p.; UG Library
153 LIN 00077784 Human Information Processing Lindsay, Peter H. Academic Press, 1977 0124509606 2d ed xxiii, 777 p. : UG Library
153 LLO 05048620 Cognitive variations : Lloyd, G. E. R. Clarendon Press ; 2007 9780199214617 (alk. paper) | 0 viii, 201 p. : Knowledge Centre
153 LOR 05033370 Secrets of Mind Power / Lorayne, Harry Pustak Mahal, 1996 184 p.; Knowledge Centre
153 LOR 00017470 How to Develop a Super Power Memory Lorayne, Harry 1978 190 p. UG Library
153 LUC 05049760 Mathematical Psychology / Luce, Duncan R John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1967 606 p. Knowledge Centre
153 LUK 05054464 Cognition, meaning and action : Lodz University Press, 2015 9788323339205 194p.; Knowledge Centre
153 MAC 05034111 Language, logic, and concepts : Ray Jackendoff MIT Press, 2002 0262600463 xxvii, 470 p. : Knowledge Centre
153 MAN 03012859 Mindpower Secrets : Manser, Martin Collins, 2010 9780007346769 128p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153 MAN 00140309 Every Thing is F*cked : Manson,Mark. Harper Collins Publishers, 2019 9780062955951 273p.; UG Library
153 MAN 09001109 The Light of Consciousness : Mann, Richard D Satguru Publications, 1984 8170302978 177p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 MAT 00049568 Cognition Matlin W. Margaret Prism Books 1995 8172860307 3rd Ed. 554 p. UG Library
153 MAT 05019411 Cognition (msc Psychology) Matlin, Margaret W 0470002212 591p Knowledge Centre
153 MAT 00050195 Cognition Matli,W. Margaret Harcourt Brace College Publishers 1998 0155040812 | 9780155040816 4th Ed. 562 p. UG Library
153 MAT 05002156 Cognition / Matlin, M Margaret. John Wiley, 2003 0470002212 | 9780470002216 5th ed. xxv,591p.; Knowledge Centre
153 MCB 07008241 Cognitive psychology : McBride, Dawn M. Sage, 2016 9781452288796 (pbk. : alk. pap xxi, 361 pages : Library - BR Campus
153 MCB 09000228 Cognitive psychology : McBride, Dawn M. Sage, 2016 9781452288796 (pbk. : alk. pap xxi, 361 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 MCB 05044454 Cognitive psychology : McBride, Dawn M. Sage, 2016 9781452288796 (pbk. : alk. pap xxi, 361 pages : Knowledge Centre
153 MCB 05062031 Cognitive psychology : McBride, Dawn M., Sage, 2019 9781506383866 (pbk. : alk. paper) Second Edition. xxv, 382 pages : Knowledge Centre
153 MCC 05002158 Mechanisms of cognitive development : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 0805832750 (cloth : alk. paper xii, 421 p. : Knowledge Centre
153 MED 05002207 Cognitive Psychology / Medin, Douglas L Harcourt College Publishers, 2001 0000155081 633p.: Knowledge Centre
153 MEH 05030776 Cognition on cognition / MIT Press, 1995 9780262631679 (pbk. : alk. paper) xi, 486 p. : Knowledge Centre
153 MEH 05071414 Cognition on cognition / MIT Press, 1995 9780262631679 (pbk. : alk. paper) xi, 486 p. : Knowledge Centre
153 MEH 05002160 Cognition on cognition / MIT Press, 1995 0262631679 (pbk. : alk. paper) xi, 486 p. : Knowledge Centre
153 MID 05033052 The social psychology of experience Middleton, David SAGE, 2005 0803977565 (cased) | 978080397 xi,252p.: Knowledge Centre
153 MID 00120778 The Social Psychology of Experience : Middleton, David SAGE, Publication, 2005 0803977565 | 0803977573 xi, 252 p. : UG Library
153 MID 05056270 The social psychology of experience Middleton, David SAGE, 2005 0803977565 (cased) | 978080397 xi,252p.: Knowledge Centre
153 MIN 00140660 How to think : understanding the way we decide, remember and make sense of the world / Minda, John Paul Robinson; 2021 9781472143037 360 p. ; UG Library
153 MIN 04008076 The emotion machine : Minsky, Marvin Lee, Simon & Schuster, 2006 0743276639 | 9780743276634 | 9 387 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 MIT 00016759 Hand Book of Educational Psychology and Guidance Mital, H. C. Doaba House 1968 4th Ed. 252 p. UG Library
153 MOH 00090229 Lectures on Consciousness and Interpretation Mohanty, J N Oxford 9780195698510 177p UG Library
153 MOO 00109438 The Mammoth Book of Fun Brain-Training. Moore,Gareth Running Press Book Pub 2011 9780762440931 | 0762440937 | 9 351 p. UG Library
153 MUK 04016199 Building Brainpower Turning Grey Matter Into Gold / Mukerjea, Dilip Westland, 2003 9789380032498 320 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 MYS 05064744 Super Tips for Super Memory / Mysorekar,Sushant. Rupa Publications, 2019 9789353333508 viii,200p.; Knowledge Centre
153 NEW 09000294 The Oxford Handbook of 4E Cognition / Oxford University Press, 2018 0198735413 | 9780198735410 xiii, 940p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 NEW 05067798 The Oxford Handbook of 4E Cognition / Oxford University Press, 2018 0198735413 | 9780198735410 xiii, 940p.; Knowledge Centre
153 NOV 05069012 Cognitive and working memory training : Novick, Jared M, Oxford University Press, 2020 9780199974467 xxi,566p.; Knowledge Centre
153 NOV 09000416 Cognitive and working memory training : Novick, Jared M, Oxford University Press, 2020 9780199974467 xxi,566p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 NUN 07002047 New directions in consciousness studies : Nunn, Chris, Routledge, 2016 9781138923850 (hardcover) | 97 1 Edition. 139 pages ; Library - BR Campus
153 NUN 09000882 New directions in consciousness studies : Nunn, Chris, Routledge, 2016 9781138923850 (hardcover) | 97 1 Edition. 139 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 ORN 00078516 The Psychology of Consciousness Ornstein, Robert E. W.H Freeman 1972 0670581984 | 0716707977 (pbk. xii, 247 p. UG Library
153 OVE 05067643 Behavioral methods in consciousness research / Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199688890 | 0199688893 First edition. ix, 268 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : Knowledge Centre
153 OVE 09000424 Behavioral methods in consciousness research / Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199688890 | 0199688893 First edition. ix, 268 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 PER 05047403 The unity of mind, brain, and world : Pereira, Alfredo, Cambridge university press, 2013 9781107617292 (pbk) | 97811070 xi, 344 pages : Knowledge Centre
153 PEW 07006335 SHADOWS of the MIND a SEARCH FOR the MISSING SCIENCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS Penrose, Roger VINTAGE BOOKS 2005 9780099582113 457p.; Library - BR Campus
153 PEW 09000744 SHADOWS of the MIND a SEARCH FOR the MISSING SCIENCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS Penrose, Roger VINTAGE BOOKS 2005 9780099582113 457p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 PEW 05030756 SHADOWS of the MIND a SEARCH FOR the MISSING SCIENCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS Penrose, Roger VINTAGE BOOKS 2005 9780099582113 457p.; Knowledge Centre
153 PIN 07005474 How the mind works / Pinker,Steven. Penguin, 1997 9780141980782 xx,660p.; Library - BR Campus
153 PIN 07004913 How the mind works / Pinker,Steven. Penguin, 1997 9780141980782 xx,660p.; Library - BR Campus
153 PIN 09000731 How the mind works / Pinker,Steven. Penguin, 1997 9780141980782 xx,660p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 PIN 00087792 How the Mind Works Pinker, Steven 9780140244915 660.p UG Library
153 PIN 10004680 How the mind works / Pinker,Steven. Penguin, 1997 9780141980782 xx,660p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153 PIN 00065443 How the Mind Works Pinker, Steven 9780140244915 660.p Yeshwanthpur Campus
153 PRO 05067733 Metacognitive diversity : Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198789710 (hardback) | 0198789718 (hardback) First edition. xii, 443 pages : Knowledge Centre
153 PRO 09000298 The Philosophy Of Metacognition : Proust, Joelle. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198748175 vii, 366p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 PRO 05067808 The Philosophy Of Metacognition : Proust, Joelle. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198748175 vii, 366p.; Knowledge Centre
153 PRO 09000433 Metacognitive diversity : Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198789710 (hardback) | 0198789718 (hardback) First edition. xii, 443 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 PUR 03005986 Corporate Seer : Purang, Arun. Ritika It Soulutions, 2011 9788184654325 176 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153 RAJ 05041183 Cognitive Science In India : TR Publications, 2014 9788182860148 xiii,297p.; Knowledge Centre
153 RAM 04008329 The emerging mind : Ramachandran, Vilayanur Profile books, 2010 9781861973030 xvi, 208p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 REE 05001894 Congnition: Theory and Applications / Reed, Stephen K Thomson Wadsworth, 2007 0495187585 426p.: Knowledge Centre
153 REI 05004184 Cognition : Reisberg, Daniel. W. W. Norton, 2007 9780393930542 | 0393930548 3rd media ed. xvi, 529, [45] p. : Knowledge Centre
153 REV 05004964 Consciousness : Revonsuo, Antti. Psychology Press, 2010 9781841697253 (hb) | 184169725 xxviii, 324 p. : Knowledge Centre
153 ROB 05034124 Cognitive Psychology : Robinson-Riegler Bridget Pearson Education, 2008 9788131718766 584 p Knowledge Centre
153 ROB 00133021 The Cambridge handbook of situated cognition / Robbins,Philip. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521848329 | 9780521612869 (pbk.) xi, 520 p. : UG Library
153 ROB 05031001 The Cambridge handbook of situated cognition / Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521848329 | 9780521612869 xi, 520 p. : Knowledge Centre
153 ROB 00085710 Cognitive Psychology:Applying the Science of the Mind. Robinson-Riegler, Gregory DORLING KINDERSLEY 2008 9788131718766 584p UG Library
153 ROS 00073931 Future of the Brain (dharmaram Library) Rose, Stven 2005 0019530893 344p` UG Library
153 ROS 00142722 Handbook of Cognitive Psychology / Rose,Alexandra. States Academic Press, 2022 9781639892549 vi,236p.; UG Library
153 ROS 04009747 The future of the brain : Rose, Steven P. R. Oxford University Press, 2006 019530893X (pbk.) | 9780195308938 (pbk.) Oxford University Press pbk. viii, 344 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 ROS 05034110 Future of the Brain : Rose, Steven Oxford Univesity Press, 2005 0019530893 344 p Knowledge Centre
153 SAL 03011549 Brain Changer : Salvo, David D. Benbella, 2013 9781393529008 245 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153 SAL 07010355 Mind myths : exploring popular assumptions about the mind and brain / John Willy and Sons 2002 9780471983033 xi,286p. Library - BR Campus
153 SAL 05001899 Mind Myths: Exploring Popular Assumptions About the Mind and Brain / Sala, Sergio Della John Wiley & Sons, 2002 0471983039 291 p.: Knowledge Centre
153 SAN 05034150 Scientific and Philosophical Studies on Consciousness Menon, Sangeetha National Institute of Advanced Studies, 1999 392 p Knowledge Centre
153 SCH 07009043 Getting Through : Schuller Robert.A Jaico Publishing House, 2013 9788184950557 xviii,191p.: Library - BR Campus
153 SCH 00140356 Verbal Reasoning (Rapid Reasoning Tests) Schofield Prism Books 2015 9788172869243 Vols UG Library
153 SCH 00140355 Verbal Reasoning (Rapid Reasoning Tests) Schofield Prism Books 2015 9788172869243 Vols UG Library
153 SCH 07002473 Basic communication skills Sheridan, Donald H. Nisha Publications, 2015 9788192485492 294 p. Library - BR Campus
153 SCH 03007042 Getting Throuch What you are going through / Schuller, Robert a A Jaico Book. 2011 9788184950557 191p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153 SCH 05034563 The Mind & The Brain : Schwartz Md, Jeffrey Regan Books, 2002 0060988479 420 p Knowledge Centre
153 SHA 01017102 Embodiment and the inner life : Shanahan, Murray. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199226559 | 0199226555 x, 218 p., [4] p. of col. plates : Knowledge Centre
153 SHA 01000934 Abnormal Psychology / Rachana Sharma Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2006 8126901985 381p.; Knowledge Centre
153 SHA 05068075 The logic of consciousness : Sharma, Rachana Yking books, 2019 9789387945746 viii, 249p. ; Knowledge Centre
153 SHA 03005472 Chanakya Neeti : Sharma, Vishwamitra. Manoj Publications; 2008 9788181333391 167 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153 SHA 00019539 Manual of Experiment in Psychology Rao, Suryanarayana K. E. S 1976 192 p UG Library
153 SHA 05065548 Teach Yourself Quantitative Aptitude Useful for all Competitive Examinations / Sharma,Arun. McGraw Hill, 2019 9789353166946 2nd ed. xviii,25.677p.; Knowledge Centre
153 SIN 07011318 Cognitive Psychology / Singh Arimardan.Dr Book Enclave, 2017 9788181524072 286p.: Library - BR Campus
153 SIN 00132475 Cognitive psychology Singh, Arimardan Book enclave, 2017 9788181524041 286p.; UG Library
153 SIN 09000334 Cognition / Sinnett, Scott, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199019700 Sixth edition. xxii, 502 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 SIN 09000761 Cognitive Psychology / Singh Arimardan.Dr Book Enclave, 2017 9788181524072 286p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 SIN 00130140 Cognitive Psychology Singh, S. N Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 2018 9789386761279 vi, 288 p . : UG Library
153 SIN 05067897 Cognition / Sinnett, Scott, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199019700 Sixth edition. xxii, 502 pages ; Knowledge Centre
153 SMI 00104557 The signs of a savant : Smith,Neil. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521852272 | 0521852277 | 9 xiv, 219 p. : UG Library
153 SMI 00140792 Overloaded : Smith, Ginny Bloomsbury Sigma; 2021 9781472969354 336 p. ; UG Library
153 SMI 07008324 Cognitive Psychology Mind and Brain / Smith Edward.E Pearson, 2015 9789332550452 624p.: Library - BR Campus
153 SMI 07010987 Cognitive Psychology Mind and Brain / Smith Edward.E Pearson, 2015 9789332550452 624p.: Library - BR Campus
153 SMI 04014749 Cognitive Psychology : Smith, Edward E. PHI, 2009 9788120333727 610 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 SMI 00142747 Cognitive Psychology Mind and Brain / Smith Edward.E Pearson, 2015 9789332550452 624p.: UG Library
153 SMI 07007643 Cognitive Psychology Mind and Brain / Smith Edward.E Pearson, 2015 9789332550452 624p.: Library - BR Campus
153 SOL 05034123 Cognitive Psychology / Solso Robert L Pearson Education, 2009 9788131701805 6th 602 p Knowledge Centre
153 SOL 05000970 Cognitive Psychology / Solso Robert L Pearson Education, 2009 9788131701805 6th 602 p Knowledge Centre
153 SOL 00060127 Cognitive Psychology Solso Robert L. Pearson Education 2004 8129703335 | 9788129703330 6th Ed. 602 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
153 SOL 00060128 Cognitive Psychology Solso Robert L. Pearson Education 2004 8129703335 | 9788129703330 6th Ed. 602 p. UG Library
153 SOL 07014277 Cognitive Psychology Solso Robert L. Pearson Education 2004 8129703335 | 9788129703330 6th Ed. 602 p. Library - BR Campus
153 SOL 00060327 Cognitive Psychology Solso Robert L. Pearson Education 2004 8129703335 | 9788129703330 6th Ed. 602 p. UG Library
153 SOL 00069626 Cognitive Psychology Solso Robert L. Pearson Education 2004 8129703335 | 9788129703330 6th Ed. 602 p. UG Library
153 SOM 05030758 Understanding Consciousness: Its Fucntion and Brain Process: Sommerhoff, Gerd Sage publications Ltd., 2004 0761967753 184p.; Knowledge Centre
153 SOM 00054861 Understanding Consciousness Sommerhoff, Gerd Sage Publications 2000 0761967753 | 9780761967750 186 p. UG Library
153 SPE 05030761 Current Directions in Cognitive Science Spellman, Barbara A Pearson Education Inc., 2005 0131919911 184p.; Knowledge Centre
153 STA 05030757 Words and Thoughts Stainton Robert J Oxford University Press, 2006 9780199250394 248p.; Knowledge Centre
153 STE 05030282 Cognition and Intelligence Indentifiying the Mechanicms of th Mind / Sternberg, Robert J Cambridge University, 2005 0521534798 345p.: Knowledge Centre
153 STE 00138969 Cognitive psychology / Sternberg, Robert. Cengage learning, 2017 9781305644656 7th edition. xxvii,596p.; UG Library
153 STE 05034126 Cognitive Psychology / Sternberg, Robert J Thomson Wadsworth, 2006 8131501310 595 p Knowledge Centre
153 STE 05044574 Cognitive Psychology / Sternberg Robert.J Thomson Wadsworth, 2006 9780495006992 xxvii,595p.: Knowledge Centre
153 SUN 05002162 Duality of the mind : Sun, Ron, L. Erlbaum Associates, 2002 0805838805 (hardcover : alk. p xiv, 283 p. ; Knowledge Centre
153 SUN 05067637 Anatomy of the mind : Sun, Ron, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199794553 xvi, 455 pages : Knowledge Centre
153 SUN 09000448 Anatomy of the mind : Sun, Ron, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199794553 xvi, 455 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 SUR 00101074 Readings in philosophy and cognitive science Surana D.K Cyber tech publications; 9788178847603 262 p. UG Library
153 SWE 03007577 Brainworks : Sweeney, Michael S. National Geographic, 2011 9781426207570 (hardcover : alk 223 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153 SWE 04015430 Brainworks : Sweeney, Michael S. National Geographic, 2011 9781426207570 (hardcover : alk 223 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 TAL 00146549 The psychology of cognition : Talsma, Durk Routledge, 2023 9781032333618 xiv,821p, ; UG Library
153 TAR 05005098 The taxonomy of metacognition / Tarricone, Pina. PsyPress, 2011 9781841698694 (hb) 264 p. : Knowledge Centre
153 TAY 00092921 The race for consciousness Taylor John G MIT Press 0262700867 380p UG Library
153 TAY 05033739 The mind : Taylor, John Gerald, John Wiley, 2006 0470022221 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvi, 286 p. : Knowledge Centre
153 THO 07015169 Course in Mental Ability & Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations / Thorpe,Edgar. McGraw Hill, 2018 9789387572324 4th ed. 6.96p.; Library - BR Campus
153 THO 03013560 Course in Mental Ability & Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations / Thorpe,Edgar. McGraw Hill, 2018 9789387572324 4th ed. 6.96p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153 TUR 05070456 Cognitive science and the social : Turner, Stephen P., Routledge, 2018 9780815385677 (hardcover) | 9780815385691 (pbk.) 1 Edition. xi,226p.; Knowledge Centre
153 TUR 00131408 Cognitive science and the social : Turner, Stephen P., Routledge, 2018 9780815385677 (hardcover) | 9780815385691 (pbk.) 1 Edition. xi,226p.; UG Library
153 WAR 10002189 The student's guide to social neuroscience / Ward, Jamie, Routledge, 2017 9780367241643 2nd ed., viii,421p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153 WAR 00059222 Thinking from A to Z Warburton, Nigel 2002 0415222818 150 UG Library
153 WBG 05041678 Mind,Society and Behavior / The World Bank, 2015 9781464803420 xv,215p.: Knowledge Centre
153 WBG 07009310 Mind,Society and Behavior / The World Bank, 2015 9781464803420 xv,215p.: Library - BR Campus
153 WEB 00125428 Mind Reading Webster,Richard Jaico Publishing House 2016 226p UG Library
153 WEI 00046822 Nonverbal Communication: Readings With Commentary Weitz, Shirley 0195024478 430 p UG Library
153 WEN 00022316 How to Increase Your Intelligence Wenger, Win Bobbs 1975 144 p UG Library
153 WIE 09000107 Executive function : Routledge, 2018 9781138655553 (pb : alk. paper) | 9781138655546 (hb : alk. paper) xiii, 286 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 WIE 05068341 Executive function : Routledge, 2018 9781138655553 (pb : alk. paper) | 9781138655546 (hb : alk. paper) xiii, 286 pages ; Knowledge Centre
153 WIE 05069134 Executive function : Routledge, 2018 9781138655553 (pb : alk. paper) | 9781138655546 (hb : alk. paper) xiii, 286 pages ; Knowledge Centre
153 WIL 09001154 Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology / Wilson, Angela American Acadimic Publisher, 2024 9798886263619 302 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 WIL 05074424 Cognition : Willingham, Daniel T., Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781107525122 (paperback) Fourth edition. x, 466p.; Knowledge Centre
153 WIS 00002398 Intelligence and Ability.Selected Readings Wiseman, Stepehen Penguin 1967 367 p. UG Library
153 YOU 05072962 Mind, Cognition, and Neuroscience : Young, Benjamin D. Routledge, 2022 9781138392342 xvi,523p, ; Knowledge Centre
153 ZEL 07006238 The Cambridge handbook of consciousness / Cambridge University Press, 0521857430 (hardback) | 978052 xiv, 981p., [4] p. of plates : Library - BR Campus
153 ZEL 05002152 The Cambridge handbook of consciousness / Cambridge University Press, 0521857430 (hardback) | 978052 xiv, 981p., [4] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
153 ZEL 09000829 The Cambridge handbook of consciousness / Cambridge University Press, 0521857430 (hardback) | 978052 xiv, 981p., [4] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153 ZER 00144640 The Adaptable Mind : Zerilli, John, Oxford university press, 2021 9780190067885 xi, 172 pages ; UG Library
153.01 COO 05033721 Cognitive Dissonance : Cooper, Joel Sage Publications, 2007 197 p Knowledge Centre
153.011 BUS 05033723 Cognitive modeling / Busemeyer, Jerome R. Sage, 2010 9780761924500 (pbk. : alk. pap ix, 211 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.011 BUS 00104497 Cognitive modeling / Busemeyer, Jerome R. Sage, 2010 9780761924500 (pbk. : alk. pap ix, 211 p. : UG Library
153.0113 SUN 05002218 Cambridge Handbook of Computational Psychology / Sun, Ron Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521674102 753p.: Knowledge Centre
153.0113 SUN 07010281 Cambridge Handbook of Computational Psychology / Sun, Ron Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521674102 753p.: Library - BR Campus
153.0113 SUN 09001032 Cambridge Handbook of Computational Psychology / Sun, Ron Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521674102 753p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.015118 FAR 05059771 Computational modeling of cognition and behavior / Farrell, Simon, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107109995 (hardback) | 978 xxii,461p.; Knowledge Centre
153.015118 FAR 05059708 Computational modeling of cognition and behavior / Farrell, Simon, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107109995 (hardback) | 978 xxii,461p.; Knowledge Centre
153.015118 LEW 05004146 Computational modeling in cognition : Lewandowsky, Stephan. Sage Publications, 2011 9781412970761 (pbk.) x, 359 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.0285467 VAR 05034136 Making Sense of Psychology on the Web : Varnhagen, Connie K Worth Publishers, 2002 0716753596 150 p Knowledge Centre
153.03 EYS 05004182 The Blackwell dictionary of cognitive psychology / Blackwell Reference, 1990 0631156828 : xvi, 390 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.03 EYS 07008451 The Blackwell dictionary of cognitive psychology / Blackwell, 1991 0631156828 : | 0631192573 (pb) xvi, 390 p. : Library - BR Campus
153.03 HOU 07008163 Dictionary of cognitive science : Psychology Press, 2004 1579582516 xxxv, 428 p. ; Library - BR Campus
153.03 HOU 05001502 Dictionary of Cognitive Science: Neuroscience, Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics, and Philosophy Houde, Olivier Psychology Press, 2004 1579582516 428p.: Knowledge Centre
153.03 HOU 09000982 Dictionary of Cognitive Science: Psychology Press, 2004 1579582516 428p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.03 WIL 05002151 The MIT encyclopedia of the cognitive sciences / MIT Press, 1999 9780262232005 cxxxii, 964 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.072 SPI 00144374 New Methods in Cognitive Psychology / Spieler, Daniel H. Routledge, 2020 9781848726314 viii,292p, ; UG Library
153.076 REE 05017384 ZAPS : Reeves, Lauretta. W.W. Norton, 2007 9780393931051 (pbk.) | 0393931 v, 238 p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.076 UPT 00119428 Test Yourself Cognitive Psychology By by, Upton Dominic Learning Matters, 2011 9780857256690 xv, 119 p.: UG Library
153.09 BOD 05002149 Mind as machine : Boden, Margaret A. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2006 019929237X (hbk. : vol. 1) | 9 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
153.09 BOD 05002150 Mind as machine : Boden, Margaret A. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2006 019929237X (hbk. : vol. 1) | 9 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
153.09 THO 00068554 Course in Mental Ability and Quantitative Aptitude Thorpe, Edger 2005 0074639390 435p UG Library
153.095 SPE 09000380 The Psychological And Cultural Foundations of East Asian Cognition : Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199348541 xix, 638p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.095 SPE 05068467 The Psychological And Cultural Foundations of East Asian Cognition : Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199348541 xix, 638p.; Knowledge Centre
153.0954 SHU 05034138 Culture, cognition, and behaviour / Aradhana Shukla Concept Pub. Co., 2009 8180696391 | 9788180696398 352 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.1 BUZ 05034139 Use Your Memory / Buzan, Tony BBC Books, 1996 0563371021 192 p Knowledge Centre
153.1 BUZ 05033742 Use Your Head / Buzan, Tony BBC Books, 1996 0056337103 154 p Knowledge Centre
153.1 BAD 04024241 Your Memory : A User's Guide / Baddeley, Alan Rupa Publications, 2000 9781853752131 390p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.1 BRA 00115413 Exercises For the Whole Brain Bragdon,Allen D. Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2003 9788130928784 128 p. UG Library
153.1 BRA 07000597 Exercises For the Whole Brain Bragdon,Allen D. Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2003 9788130928784 128 p. Library - BR Campus
153.1 BUD 05034137 The Right Way to Improve Your Memory / Budworth, Geoffrey Jaico Publishing House, 1996 8172244673 122 p Knowledge Centre
153.1 BUZ 07001680 The Ultimate Book of Mind Maps / Buzan Tony Thorson, 2005 9780007212910 235p.: Library - BR Campus
153.1 BUZ 05030763 Use Your Memory / Buzan, Tony BBC Books , 1995 0563371021 191 p. Knowledge Centre
153.1 DIN 05033060 Remembering Made Easy : Dineen, Jacqueline Jaico Publishing House, 1996 8172243138 94 p Knowledge Centre
153.1 GAT 05005107 Memory / Gathercole, Susan E. Psychology Press, 2010 9781848727250 240 p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.1 HOL 10004248 Build a better brain: Hollins, Peter Wisdom tree , 2023 9788183286091 vi,133 p; .; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.1 HUN 00020376 Memory Hunter, Ian M. L. Penguin Books 1964 328 p. UG Library
153.1 LIE 05010832 Human Learning & MEmory / Lieberman David.A Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521701396 xix,583 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.1 LOR 07005444 The memory book / Lorayne, Harry. Ballantine Books, 1996 9780345410023 237p. Library - BR Campus
153.1 LOR 09000772 The memory book / Lorayne, Harry. Ballantine Books, 1996 9780345410023 237p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.1 SET 10004075 Being you : Seth, Anil Faber & Faber Ltd, 2021 9780571337729 358 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.1 SET 05074866 Being you : Seth, Anil Faber & Faber Ltd, 2021 9780571337729 358 pages : Knowledge Centre
153.1 SMI 05034142 The brain's behind it : Smith, Alistair. Network Educational Press, 2002 1 85539 083 3 1st ed. 312 p. Knowledge Centre
153.1 TER 05047559 Learning and memory : Terry, W. Scott. Pearson/AandB, 2009 9780205658626 | 0205658628 4th ed. xxv, 451 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.1 TUC 00034951 Improve Your Memory Study and Reading Skills Creatively Tucker V. Better Yourself Books 1989 172 p. UG Library
153.12 MOO 00135658 Memory Coach : Moore,Gareth. Michael O'Mara Books Limited, 2019 9781789290189 191p.; UG Library
153.12 NEA 00067932 Human Memory Neath,Ian Thomson 2003 0534595626 | 9780534595623 2nd Ed. 474 p. UG Library
153.12 BAB 00111829 Memory, metaphors, and meaning : Babuts, Nicolae. Transaction Publishers, 2012 9781412845830 (pbk.) | 1412845 xxvi, 219 p. ; UG Library
153.12 BAC 05005005 Memory, aging and the brain : Psychology Press, 2010 9781841696928 viii, 355 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.12 BAD 09000110 Exploring working memory : Baddeley, Alan D., Routledge, 2018 9781138066908 (hardback : alk. paper) xii,381p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.12 BAD 05068345 Exploring working memory : Baddeley, Alan D., Routledge, 2018 9781138066908 (hardback : alk. paper) xii,381p.; Knowledge Centre
153.12 BAD 05005051 Memory / Baddeley, Alan D., Psychology Press, 2009 9781848720008 (hbk.) | 1848720 xii, 451 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.12 BAD 05044860 Memory / Baddeley, Alan D., Psychology Press, 2015 9781848721838 (hb : alk. paper Second edition. xiv, 531 pages : Knowledge Centre
153.12 BOY 00099737 Memory in mind and culture / Cambridge University Press, 9780521760782 (hardback) | 052 viii, 323 p. : UG Library
153.12 BOY 05034141 Memory in mind and culture / Boyer,Pascal Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521758925 (pbk.) viii, 323 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.12 BRA 00069630 Brain Building Games Bragdon, Allen D Eswar Press 2003 8178740028 223p UG Library
153.12 BRU 07002054 The preservation of memory / Routledge, 2016 9781138840188 (hardback) | 978 1 Edition. xiv,231p.: Library - BR Campus
153.12 BUD 00053324 Right Way to Improve Your Memory Budworth, Geoffrey Jaico 2000 8172244673 125p UG Library
153.12 BUZ 00051095 Use Your Memory Buzan, Tony B.B.C Books 2000 0563537302 | 9780563537304 192 p. UG Library
153.12 BUZ 03008221 Age-Proof Your Brain : Buzan, Tony. Harper Thorsons , 2007 9781435100732 (pbk.) | 9780007 viii, 344 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.12 BUZ 00080940 Master Your Memory. Buzan, Tony 2004 0563487003 191p UG Library
153.12 BUZ 00037814 Use Your Memory Buzan, Tony B.B.C Books 2000 0563537302 | 9780563537304 192 p. UG Library
153.12 BUZ 00080918 Use Your Memory Buzan, Tony B.B.C Books 2000 0563537302 | 9780563537304 192 p. UG Library
153.12 BUZ 00045537 Use Your Memory Buzan, Tony B.B.C Books 2000 0563537302 | 9780563537304 192 p. UG Library
153.12 CLE 00073950 Just in Time Brain Power. Clegg, Brain Kogan Page 1999 8175541156 117p UG Library
153.12 CRE 05041959 Memory and Migration : University of Toronto Press, 2014 9781442626881 xv,329p.: Knowledge Centre
153.12 DAV 05004158 Current issues in applied memory research / Psychology Press, 2010 9781841697277 (hardback) xii, 262 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.12 DAV 05004797 Current issues in applied memory research / Psychology Press, 2010 9781841697277 (hardback) xii, 262 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.12 DUD 00056054 Double Your Learning Power Dudley, Geoffrey A. Gaurav Publishing House 2002 8187061235 | 9788187061236 190 p. UG Library
153.12 EBB 00115807 Memory / Ebbinchous, Hermann Cosmo Publications 2004 9788177554663 151p. UG Library
153.12 FAR 00077205 Memory Fara, Patricia Cambridge University Press 1998 0052157210 | 9780521572101 201 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.12 FAR 00077206 Memory Fara, Patricia Cambridge University Press 1998 0052157210 | 9780521572101 201 p. UG Library
153.12 FAR 00077207 Memory Fara, Patricia Cambridge University Press 1998 0052157210 | 9780521572101 201 p. UG Library
153.12 FAR 00045903 Memory Fara, Patricia 0052157210 201p UG Library
153.12 FOS 00102137 Memory : Foster, Jonathan K. Oxford University Press, 9780192806758 (pbk.) | 0192806 142 p. : UG Library
153.12 FOS 00100933 Memory: Foster, Jonathan K Oxford University Press, 9780192806758 142 p. UG Library
153.12 GRE 07009692 Introduction to human memory / Gregg, Vernon H., Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986 0710096879 : | 0710207085 (pbk xiv, 321 p. : Library - BR Campus
153.12 GRE 09000877 Introduction to Human Memory / Gregg, Vernon H psychology press, 2015 9781138992634 321p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.12 HOW 05002169 Human memory : Howes, Mary B., SAGE Publications, 2007 9781412916295 (pbk.) | 1412916 xvi, 452 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.12 HOW 05002168 Human memory : Howes, Mary B., SAGE Publications, 2007 9781412916295 (pbk.) | 1412916 xvi, 452 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.12 HUM 00130583 Thinking about human memory / Humphreys, Michael S., Cambridge university press, 2016 9781107087149 | 9781107451926 ix, 227 pages ; UG Library
153.12 HUM 09000984 Thinking about human memory / Humphreys, Michael S., Cambridge university press, 2016 9781107087149 | 9781107451926 ix, 227 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.12 HUM 07009373 Thinking about Human Memory / Humphreys Michael.S Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107087149 227p.: Library - BR Campus
153.12 JEF 05068312 Social aspects of memory : Jeftic, Alma, Routledge, 2019 9780415789554 (hardback) 1 Edition. xi,142p.; Knowledge Centre
153.12 JEF 09000166 Social aspects of memory : Jeftic, Alma, Routledge, 2019 9780415789554 (hardback) 1 Edition. xi,142p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.12 JEF 00138025 Social aspects of memory : Jeftic, Alma, Routledge, 2019 9780415789554 (hardback) 1 Edition. xi,142p.; UG Library
153.12 KAP 00064918 Increasing Memory Power Kapadia, Mahesh Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2000 8120722736 144p UG Library
153.12 LAR 05068290 Memory and recovery in times of crisis / Routledge, 2018 9780367271787 xiii, 207 pages : Knowledge Centre
153.12 LOR 00115411 Complete Guide to Memory Mastery: Organising and Developing the Power of Your Mind Loraynle, Harry Pustak Mahal 2002 8122308953 302p UG Library
153.12 MEA 09000427 Collaborative remembering : Oxford University Press, 2018 0198737866 | 9780198737865 First edition. xi, 492 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.12 MEA 05067651 Collaborative remembering : Oxford University Press, 2018 0198737866 | 9780198737865 First edition. xi, 492 pages : Knowledge Centre
153.12 MIR 05062583 Memory in the age of amnesia : Mirza, Saeed Akthtar. Westland publications private limited, 2018 9789387578159 219p. Knowledge Centre
153.12 MON 00062980 365 Brainpower Tips Monte,Dumont Dumont Monte 2001 3770170849 | 9783770170845 365 p. UG Library
153.12 NEA 00060148 Human Memory Neath,Ian Thomson 2003 0534595626 | 9780534595623 2nd Ed. 474 p. UG Library
153.12 NEA 05033724 Human Memory / Neath, Ian Thomson, 2003 0534595626 474 p Knowledge Centre
153.12 ORT 00115410 Memory Efficiency Orton, Louis J. Jaico Publishers 2005 8172249896 | 9788172249892 112 p. UG Library
153.12 ORT 00067110 Memory Efficiency Orton, Louis J. Jaico Publishers 2005 8172249896 | 9788172249892 112 p. UG Library
153.12 PER 05040047 The SAGE handbook of applied memory / Sage, 2014 9781446208427 (hbk.) | 1446208 xxi, 729 pages ; Knowledge Centre
153.12 RAD 05068188 Human memory / Radvansky, Gabriel A., Routledge, 2017 9781138665408 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138665415 (pbk. : alk. paper) Third edition. xvii, 656 pages : Knowledge Centre
153.12 RAD 09000134 Human memory / Radvansky, Gabriel A., Routledge, 2017 9781138665408 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138665415 (pbk. : alk. paper) Third edition. xvii, 656 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.12 RAD 05044459 Human memory / Radvansky, Gabriel A. Allyn & Bacon, 2011 9780205734825 | 0205734820 2nd ed. xviii, 414 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.12 RUM 05068554 Prospective memory / Routledge, 2019 9781138545830 (pbk.) | 9781138545809 (hardback) viii,201p.; Knowledge Centre
153.12 RUM 10000237 Prospective memory / Routledge, 2019 9781138545830 (pbk.) | 9781138545809 (hardback) viii,201p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.12 SCH 05042124 Memory : Schwartz, Bennett L. Sage, 2014 9781452259116 (pbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed. xix, 457 pages : Knowledge Centre
153.12 SCH 05040061 Memory : Schwartz, Bennett L. Sage, 2014 9781452259116 (pbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed. xix, 457 pages : Knowledge Centre
153.12 SCH 00107775 Memory Schwartz,Bennett L. SAGE,Publications 2011 9781412972536 xviii, 479 p. : UG Library
153.12 SCH 05002171 Tip-of-the-tongue states : Schwartz, Bennett L. L. Erlbaum, 2002 0805834451 (alk. paper) x, 181 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.12 SHR 09001141 Not anymore dude / Shreeya S Parent Teening Publication, 2021 71 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.12 SUM 00147672 The psychology of memory / Sumeracki, Megan, Routledge, 2024 9781032488639 First Edition. x,132p. ; UG Library
153.12 SUR 05004633 Principles of memory / Surprenant, Aimée M. Psychology Press, 2009 9781841694221 (hardcover : alk ix, 191 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.12072 OTA 05068399 Handbook of research methods in human memory / Routledge, 2019 9781138217959 xvi, 474 p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.12072 OTA 09000126 Handbook of research methods in human memory / Routledge, 2019 9781138217959 xvi, 474 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.122 FOG 05045672 Improving your memory : Fogler, Janet. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014 9781421415703 (pbk. : alk. pap Fourth edition. viii, 153 pages : Knowledge Centre
153.124 WIL 10002542 Psychoanalytic perspectives on knowing and being known : Willock, Brent Routledge, 2019 9781138318793 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138318816 (pbk. : alk. paper) xi,227 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.125 CON 00092008 How modernity forgets / Connerton, Paul. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521762151 (hbk. : alk. pap viii, 149 p. ; UG Library
153.125 SAL 05001893 Forgetting / Psychology Press, 9781848720121 (hb) | 184872012 xiv, 338 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.12I DD 00066137 Memory Boosters Iddon Jo.Dr Hamlyn 2005 0600613240 | 9780600613244 144 p. UG Library
153.13 BER 05034029 Understanding autobiographical memory : Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107007307 | 9780521189330 xvi, 364 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.13 CIL 09000056 Autobiographical memory and the self : Cili, Soljana. Routledge, 2019 9781138093010 (hardback) xiv, 128p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.13 CIL 05068481 Autobiographical memory and the self : Cili, Soljana. Routledge, 2019 9781138093010 (hardback) xiv, 128p.; Knowledge Centre
153.13 KLI 05033725 Prospective memory : Matthias Kliegel Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2008 9780805858587 (alk. paper) | 0 xxi, 452 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.13 MAR 05004977 The development of autobiographical memory / Markowitsch, Hans J., Psychology Press, 2010 9781848720206 (hardback) | 184 vii, 279 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.13 MCD 00086246 Prospective Memory: Mcdaniel, Mark A Sage 2007 9781412924696 264 p UG Library
153.13 MIY 00050401 Models of Working Memory Miyake,Akira Cambridge University press 1999 0521587212 | 9780521587211 506 p. UG Library
153.13 MOU 05004988 Episodic momory and healthy ageing / Moulin, Chris Psychology Press, 2009 9781848727083 260 p.: Knowledge Centre
153.13 WAT 09001007 Clinical perspectives on autobiographical memory / CUP, 2017 9781108402699 387p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.13 WAT 07009393 Clinical perspectives on autobiographical memory / Watson, Lynn A Cambridge University Press. 2015 9781107039872 xiv,377p. Library - BR Campus
153.14 ARD 04002496 Improving Your Memory for Dummies Arden, John B John Wiley and Sons 2008 9788126514052 312 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.14 CAM 00134926 Maximize your Memory / Campayo, Ramón, Rupa Publications, 2018 9781601631176 (pbk.) | 9788129147356 274p. : UG Library
153.14 DOM 03008294 Learn to Remember : O'Brien, Dominc. Duncan Baird Publishers 2000 9781900131933 159 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.14 DOM 04012090 Learn to Remember : O'Brien, Dominc. Duncan Baird Publishers 2000 9781900131933 159 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.14 HAG 00076653 Memory Power Hagwood, Scott Free Press 2006 9780743272681 204 p. UG Library
153.14 HAN 00112282 Brilliant memory training : Hancock, Jonathan, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2011 9780273745815 (pbk. : alk. pap xiii, 242 p. : UG Library
153.14 HER 03008232 Blueprints for Memory : Hersey, William D. AMACOM, 1990 0814459617 xii, 148 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.14 JOS 05010953 Moonwalking with Einstein : Foer Joshua Penguin Books, 2011 9781846140297 307 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.14 KAT 03007035 Where did Noah park the ark? : Katz, Eran. Three Rivers Press, 2010 9780307591975 | 0307591972 1st ed. xii, 244 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.14 LOR 05070370 Harry loraynes Page a minute memory book / Lorayne, Harry. Ballantine Books, 1985 070999003504 161p.; Knowledge Centre
153.14 SIN 07005473 How to Memorize Anything : Singhal Aditi Random House India, 2015 9788184005219 322p.: Library - BR Campus
153.14 SIN 09000738 How to Memorize Anything : Singhal Aditi Random House India, 2015 9788184005219 322p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.14 SIN 05046377 How to Memorize Anything : Singhal Aditi Random House India, 2015 9788184005219 322p.: Knowledge Centre
153.14 STE 05059570 Smart guide for awesome memory / Stephen, Shireen. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9788129151483 278p. Knowledge Centre
153.14 WOR 05004755 Mnemonology : Worthen, James B. Psychology Press, 2010 9781841698946 (hardcover : alk p. cm. Knowledge Centre
153.142 BEA 03000649 Experiential Learning : Beard, Collin. Kogan Page , 2008 9780749448974 314 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.142 BEA 03009584 Experiential Learning : Beard, Collin. Kogan Page , 2008 9780749448974 314 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.15 RAT 05033726 Psychology of Learning and Development / Rather, A R Discovery Publishing House, 2004 8171418155 294 p Knowledge Centre
153.15 COL 07008114 Neuroscience for learning and development : Collins, Stella, KoganPage, 2016 9780749474614 ix,232p.: Library - BR Campus
153.15 COL 05067277 Neuroscience for learning and development : Collins, Stella, KoganPage, 2019 9781789660098 | 9780749493264 Second edition. ix, 294 pages ; Knowledge Centre
153.15 COL 09000993 Neuroscience for learning and development : Collins, Stella, KoganPage, 2019 9781789660098 | 9780749493264 Second edition. ix, 294 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.15 COL 07000290 Neuroscience for learning and development : Collins, Stella, KoganPage, 2016 9780749474614 ix,232p.: Library - BR Campus
153.15 COL 05045929 Neuroscience for learning and development : Collins, Stella, KoganPage, 2016 9780749474614 ix,232p.: Knowledge Centre
153.15 DOE 05034140 Learning, Practice and Assessment : Doel, Mark Jessica Kingsley, 2002 1853029769 176 p Knowledge Centre
153.15 DOU 07013487 Let them Choose : Douglas Jillian ATD Press, 2016 9781562866402 128p.: Library - BR Campus
153.15 FRI 05048616 Learning : Frieman, Jerome, Sage Publication, 2016 9781483359236 | 1483359239 xvii, 579 pages : Knowledge Centre
153.15 FRI 07006156 Learning : Frieman, Jerome, Sage Publication, 2016 9781483359236 | 1483359239 xvii, 579 pages : Library - BR Campus
153.15 FRI 09000878 Learning : Frieman, Jerome, Sage Publication, 2016 9781483359236 | 1483359239 xvii, 579 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.15 JHA 00123757 Psychology of Learning and Development Jha, Ankit Sonali Publications, 2014 272 p:. UG Library
153.15 KAU 05037686 The First 20 Hours : Kaufman Josh Portfolio Penguin, 2013 9780670921911 xi,268p.: Knowledge Centre
153.15 LEF 05034100 Theories of Human Learning : Lefrancois, R Guy Wadsworth, 2000 0534362206 4th 385 p Knowledge Centre
153.15 LUC 00123550 Discover Your Hidden Talents Lucas, Bill Network Educational Press Ltd., 2005 9781855391635 319 p:. UG Library
153.15 MAR 05056032 Psychology of Teaching and Learning : Martinez-Pons, Manuel. 2004 0826453554 270p.; Knowledge Centre
153.15 MEH 00130320 Encyclopedia of Psychology in Life Skill Development Mehta, M. P. Cyber Tech, 2017 9789350535868 216 p.: UG Library
153.15 MEH 00130321 Encyclopedia of Psychology in Life Skill Development Mehta, M. P. Cyber Tech, 2017 9789350535868 216 p.: UG Library
153.15 MEH 00128794 Encyclopedia of Psychology in Life Skill Development Mehta, M. P. Cyber Tech, 2017 9789350535868 216 p.: UG Library
153.15 MEH 00128795 Encyclopedia of Psychology in Life Skill Development Mehta, M. P. Cyber Tech, 2017 9789350535868 216 p.: UG Library
153.15 NAK 00080682 Children and Learning Difficulties. Nakra, Onita Allied Publishers 2007 8184242018 172p UG Library
153.15 PAH 05030764 Psychology of Learning and Development Pahuja, N P Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 2004 8126116676 326p Knowledge Centre
153.15 PEA 05052868 The science of learning / Pear, Joseph. J. Routledge, 2016 9781848724723 (hb : alk. paper Second Edition. xi, 503p.: Knowledge Centre
153.15 PEA 09000902 The science of learning / Pear, Joseph. J. Routledge, 2016 9781848724723 (hb : alk. paper Second Edition. xi, 503p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.15 PEA 07010468 The science of learning / Pear, Joseph. J. Routledge, 2016 9781848724723 (hb : alk. paper Second Edition. xi, 503p.: Library - BR Campus
153.15 RAO 00016170 Correlates of Learning in Albino Rats Rao, Raghavendra T. Srikanta Publications 1975 1st Ed. 113 p. UG Library
153.15 ROS 05004179 The Psychology of learning and motivation : Elsevier Academic press, 2004 9780125433457 x,297 p. Knowledge Centre
153.15 ROS 01020778 The Psychology of Learning and Motivation / Elsevier, 2014 9780128002834 x,330p.: Knowledge Centre
153.15 RUD 00130984 Learning and memory / Rudmann, Darrell S., Sage publications Inc., 2018 9781483374833 (pbk. : alk. pap First Edition. xiii, 345 pages ; UG Library
153.15 SAL 05033722 Interaction of Media, Cognition, and Learning / Salomon, Gavriel Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 1994 0805815457 282 p Knowledge Centre
153.15 SHA 00107455 Psychology of Learning And Development Sharma R.A Dr. R.Lall Book Depot 2007 viii:350 P. UG Library
153.15 TAP 00132895 Life skill development Tapariya,Jignesh H Rawat publications, 2018 9789386687869 176p.; UG Library
153.15 TOM 05011375 The psychology of skill : Tomporowski, Phillip D., Praeger, 2003 9780275975937 x, 305 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.152 BEA 04028293 Experiential Learning : Beard, Colin Koganpage, 2002 9780749467654 3th ed, ix, 331 p, : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.152 BEA 00126809 Experiential Learning : Beard, Colin Koganpage, 2002 9780749467654 3th ed, ix, 331 p, : UG Library
153.152 BEA 09000784 Experiential Learning : Beard Colin Kogan Page, 2010 9788175545410 2nd ed 314p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.152 BEA 07000598 Experiential Learning : Beard Colin Kogan Page, 2010 9788175545410 2nd ed 314p.: Library - BR Campus
153.152 VEA 05033728 Experiential Learning / Beard, Colin Kogan Page, 2007 0000749470 314 p Knowledge Centre
153.1532 HAR 00053325 Improving Your Concentration Skills Harris, Godfrey Jaico 2000 0817224732 106p UG Library
153.1534 CHU 00121218 7 mantras for Teenage Success Chulani,Varkha Pauline Publications 2013 8171764851 127p UG Library
153.1534 HAY 00121281 Minding the Whole Person Haynes F,William Better Yourself Books 2003 8171083730 180p UG Library
153.1534 IRW 05007071 The Psychology of Learning and Motivation : Irwin, David E. Academic Press, 2003 9780125433426 332 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.1534 KAI 00121251 Unlock Your Hidden Power Kaitholil,George Better Yourself Books 2015 9788171088645 124p UG Library
153.1534 MAS 05034487 Motivation and Personality / Maslow, Abraham H Pearson Education, 2005 8178089351 329 p Knowledge Centre
153.1534 MAU 00121285 The Power of Gentleness Maurus,J Better Yourself Books 2015 9788171088621 109p UG Library
153.1534 PIN 07012795 Drive : Pink, Daniel H. Canongate , 2009 9781847677693 242 p.: Library - BR Campus
153.1534 PIN 03010529 Drive : Pink, Daniel H. Canongate , 2009 9781847677693 242 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.1534 PIN 00130901 Drive : Pink, Daniel H. Riverhead Books, 2009 9781594488849 | 9781847677693 xii, 242 p. : UG Library
153.1534 ROS 00098346 The psychology of learning and motivation/ Academic press; 0125433417 372 p. UG Library
153.1534 ROS 05044862 The Psychology of learning and motivation : Ross, Brian H Academic Press, 1967 x, 363 p. Knowledge Centre
153.1534 ROS 05002170 The Psychology of learning and motivation / Academic Press, 2002 0125433417 | 9780125433419 x,372p.; Knowledge Centre
153.1534 RYA 00121222 Attitudes of Gratitude Ryan,M J Pauline Publications 2013 817176486x 150p UG Library
153.1534 STO 00121237 The Ultimate Gift Stovall,Jim Embassy Books 2015 9788188452040 144p UG Library
153.15AGG 01000333 Pschycology of Learning and Development (law Lib) Aggarwal SHIPRA PUBLICATIONS 286p Knowledge Centre
153.1GUP 01005321 Learning to Forget the Anti-Memories of Modernity(law Lib.0 Dipankar Gupta Oxford University Press 0195674332 258p Knowledge Centre
153.1GUP 01003217 Learning to Forget the Anti-Memories of Modernity(law Lib.0 Dipankar Gupta Oxford University Press 0195674332 258p Knowledge Centre
153.2 FER 05002226 Ideas That Changed the World / Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe DK Publishing,Inc, 2003 0789496097 400p.: Knowledge Centre
153.2 FOS 00115414 101 Ways to Generate Great Ideas Foster, Timothy Rv Kogan Page 2001 0817554144 125p UG Library
153.2 FRA 05051143 Number and time : Franz, Marie-Luise von, Northwestern University Press, 1974 0810104296 xi, 332 p.; Knowledge Centre
153.2 GLA 05034121 The Tipping Point : Glad Well, Malcolm ABACUS, 2004 0349114463 278 p Knowledge Centre
153.2 GLA 05034572 The Tipping Point : Glad Well, Malcolm ABACUS, 2004 0349114463 278 p Knowledge Centre
153.2 GOL 05034570 Working With Emotional Intelligence / Goleman, Daniel Random Books, 1998 0553840231 452 p Knowledge Centre
153.2 HAR 00070650 Improving Your Concentration Skills Harris,Godfrey Jaico Publishing House 2004 0817224732 | 9788172246143 2nd Ed. 109 p. UG Library
153.2 HAR 00081113 Improving Your Concentration Skills:Learning to Focus on the Business at Hand Harris, Godfrey Jaico 2007 0817224732 112p UG Library
153.2 HBR 05073890 HBR Guide to critical thinking / Harvard Business Review Press. Harvard Business Review Press. 2023 9781647824464 xiii,227p.; Knowledge Centre
153.2 LAN 03011569 Mastering Coaching : Landsberg, Max. Profile Books , 2015 9781781254073 248 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.2 POT 05008104 Formal approaches in categorization / Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521190480 (hardback) | 978 xii, 336 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.2 TUR 05038693 The origin of ideas : Turner, Mark, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199988822 vii,300p.; Knowledge Centre
153.21 KRI 05034145 Nature of the New Mind / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 2003 8187326190 276 p Knowledge Centre
153.22 REE 05001477 Cognition Reed Stephen K Wadsworth 9780495806684 414p Knowledge Centre
153.3 HUX 00019433 Between Heaven and Earth Huxley Laura, Archera Avon 1976 308 p. UG Library
153.3 LIU 05005985 Imagination First : Liu, Eric. Jossey-Bass, 2009 9781118013687 xx, 245 p.: Knowledge Centre
153.3 LIU 03004954 Imagination First : Liu, Eric. Jossey-Bass, 2009 9781118013687 xx, 245 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.3 LIV 05059817 Why? : Livio, Mario. Simon & Schuster Paperbacks , 2017 9781501175435 xiii, 252p. Knowledge Centre
153.3 NAN 05062588 Cognitive imaginations Volume II : Nandan, Khosla D. Creative Apprehensions, 2013 324p. Knowledge Centre
153.3 PHI 05004152 Imagination and its pathologies / MIT Press, 2003 0262162148 viii, 276 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.3 SER 05068321 Performing fantasy and reality in contemporary culture / Seregina, Anastasia, Routledge, 2019 9781138088948 (hbk) 200 pages, 6 unnumbered pages of plates : Knowledge Centre
153.3 ZIT 09000464 Handbook of imagination and culture / Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190468712 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9780190468729 (pbk. : alk. paper) viii, 380p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.3 ZIT 05067669 Handbook of imagination and culture / Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190468712 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9780190468729 (pbk. : alk. paper) viii, 380p.; Knowledge Centre
153.3 ZOM 05059787 Bored and brilliant: Zomorodi, Manoush. Pan Macmillan, 2017 9781509869725 185p. Knowledge Centre
153.3 ZOM 05062160 Bored and brilliant: Zomorodi, Manoush. Pan Macmillan, 2017 9781509869725 185p. Knowledge Centre
153.3.OSB 00019221 Your Creative Power Osborn, Alex Better Yourself 1977 288 p UG Library
153.3/5 POP 00097908 Creativity : Pope, Rob. Routledge, 041534915X (hbk. : alk. paper) xviii, 302 p. ; UG Library
153.30954 SHU 05039941 More than real Shulman, David Dean, Harvard University Press, 2012 0674059913 (alk. paper) | 9780 xi, 333 p. Knowledge Centre
153.32 OSH 05004985 Interpretation in social life, social science, and marketing / O'Shaughnessy, John, Routledge, 2009 9780415777582 (hardback : alk. viii, 227 p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.32 REE 05005087 Thinking visually / Reed, Stephen K. Psychology Press, 2010 9780805860672 (hardcover : alk xv, 222 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.32 ROS 05033979 Visual Methodologies : Rose, Gillian Sage Publications, 2003 0076196665 229 p Knowledge Centre
153.33 ALD 05033717 CQ Boost Your Creative Intelligence : Alder, Harry Kogan Page, 2003 8175542268 231 p Knowledge Centre
153.35 BAY 00135652 How to Steal Fire : Bayley,Stephen. Bantam Press, 2019 9780593080085 244p.; UG Library
153.35 BON 04016979 Lateral thinking : De Bono, Edward, Penguin, 1970 9780141033082 260 p. : ill. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.35 CRU 03002567 Thinking Creativity at Work : Cruz, Premilla D. Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2008 9788178298535 220 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.35 RAW 04000461 Creative and Brain Storing Thinking / Rawlinson, Geoffrey Jaico Publishing House, 2008 8172243480 129 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.35 THA 04005784 Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life Tharp, Twyla Free Press Business 2003 9780743235266 243 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.35 ABR 05064468 The neuroscience of creativity / Abraham, Anna, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107176461 | 9781316629611 xv,369p.; Knowledge Centre
153.35 ADA 05000475 The art of creative thinking: Adair,John Kogan page india private a limited., 2011 9788175544918 x,133p.; Knowledge Centre
153.35 BHA 00055725 Meta-Reality Bhaskar, Roy Sage Publications 2002 0761997156 | 9780761997153 364 p. UG Library
153.35 BOA 00078559 On Creativity Bhom, David Routledge 2004 0415336406 | 9780415336406 153 p. UG Library
153.35 BOD 05034133 Creative Mind Myths and Mechanisms / Boden, A Margaret Routledge, 2004 0415314534 342 p Knowledge Centre
153.35 BOH 00104829 On Creativity Bohm,David Routledge 1998 9780415173957 xxiv,125p. UG Library
153.35 BOH 05004779 On creativity / Bohm, David, Routledge, 2004 9780415336406 xxxvi, 153 p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.35 BON 05071735 Serious creativity : Bono, Edward De. Profile Books Ltd, 2003 338p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.35 BON 00071926 Serious creativity : De Bono, Edward, HarperBusiness, 1992 0887305660 1st ed. xiv, 338 p. : UG Library
153.35 BON 05011192 How TO Have Creative Ideas / Bono Edward De Vermilion, 2007 9780091910488 180 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.35 BRA 07009713 The Runaway Species : Brandt Anthony Canongate, 2017 9780857862075 296p.: Library - BR Campus
153.35 CAM 05062229 The Artist's Way : Cameron, Julia. Macmillan, 1993 9781509829477 xvi, 223p.; Knowledge Centre
153.35 CAM 07015418 The artist's way : Cameron, Julia. Pan Books, 1995 9780330343589 xvi, 223 p. ; Library - BR Campus
153.35 CLE 00062999 Crash Course in Creativity Clegg,Brian Kogan 2004 0074944231 | 9780749442316 243 p. UG Library
153.35 CRO 05034120 The Dark Side of Creativity / David H Cropley Cambridge University Press, 2010 394 p. Knowledge Centre
153.35 CSI 05034103 Creativity : Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly Harper Perennial, 2000 0060171332 456 p Knowledge Centre
153.35 CSI 05034104 Creativity : Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly Harper Perennial, 2000 0060171332 456 p Knowledge Centre
153.35 CSI 00090297 Creativity : Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly Harper Perennial, 2000 0060171332 456 p UG Library
153.35 DAS 00135551 A cognitive historical approach to creativity / Dasgupta, Subrata, Routledge, 2019 9780367145699 (hardback) | 9780367145712 (pbk.) 1 Edition. xvi,278p. UG Library
153.35 DCE 00086112 Thinking Creatively at Work: A Source Book D`Cruz, Premilla Sage Publications 2008 9788178298535 220 p UG Library
153.35 DCR 00087526 Thinking Creative at Work D`Cruz, Premilla Sage Publications 2008 9788178298535 220 UG Library
153.35 DCR 00091348 Thinking Creatively at Work: A Source Book D`Cruz, Premilla Sage Publications 2008 9788178298535 220 p UG Library
153.35 DUG 05045447 Strategic intuition : Duggan, William R. Columbia Business School Pub., 2007 9780231142687 (cloth : alk. pa xii, 192 p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.35 EDW 09000741 Serious creativity / De Bono Edward Vermilion 2015 9780091939700 472p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.35 EDW 07001627 Serious creativity / De Bono Edward Vermilion 2015 9780091939700 472p. Library - BR Campus
153.35 EDW 00120511 Serious creativity / De Bono Edward Vermilion 2015 9780091939700 472p. UG Library
153.35 GAR 05033588 Creating Minds : Gardner, Howard Basic Books, 1993 0465014542 464 p Knowledge Centre
153.35 GAR 05034091 Art Mind and Brain : Gardner, Howard Basic Books, 1982 0465004458 380 p Knowledge Centre
153.35 GEL 03005473 Think Like Da Vinci : Gelb, Michael J. Harper Element; 2009 9780007341696 xiv,318 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.35 GEL 00080917 Discover Your Genius:How to Think Like History`s Ten Most Revolutionary Minds Gelb, Michael J 2003 0060937904 356p UG Library
153.35 GLA 09000493 The creativity reader / Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190841706 (hardcover : alk. paper) x, 592p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.35 GLA 00119226 Thinking Through Creativity and Culture : Glǎveanu, Vlad Petre. Transaction Publishers 2014 9781412854016 xiv, 316 p, : UG Library
153.35 GLA 05067789 The creativity reader / Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190841706 (hardcover : alk. paper) x, 592p.; Knowledge Centre
153.35 GLA 07009356 Thinking Through Creativity and Culture : Glǎveanu, Vlad Petre. Transaction Publishers 2014 9781412854016 xiv, 316 p, : Library - BR Campus
153.35 GOD 10004979 The practice : shipping creative work / by Seth Godin. Godin, Seth [Author] Portfolio/Penguin, 2020 9780241470046 261 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.35 GRA 09000745 Originals / Grant, Adam Penguine, 2016 9780753548080 322p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.35 GRA 07012631 Originals : Grant, Adam M., W H Allen, 2016 9780753556986 xii, 322 pages : Library - BR Campus
153.35 GRA 05054593 Originals : Grant, Adam M., W H Allen, 2016 9780753556986 xii, 322 pages : Knowledge Centre
153.35 HAR 00144604 Creative agency / Harris, Dan Palgrave macmillan, 2021 9783030774332 xi,189p, ; UG Library
153.35 HIN 10004255 Collide: Hin, Tay Guan Penguin random house, 2024 9789815127119 284p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.35 HUS 09000328 Art, aesthetics, and the brain / Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199670000 | 9780198825234 | 0199670005 First edition. xx, 545 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.35 HUS 05067888 Art, aesthetics, and the brain / Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199670000 | 9780198825234 | 0199670005 First edition. xx, 545 pages : Knowledge Centre
153.35 JOH 05034089 Creators : Johnson, Paul HarperCollins Publishers, 2006 310 p Knowledge Centre
153.35 JOH 05034090 Creative Collaboration / John-Steiner, Vera Oxford University Press, 2000 0195067940 527 p Knowledge Centre
153.35 JOS 04016751 Equip Yourself with Life Skills / Joseph, K. S. Better yourself Books, 2008 9788171086870 187p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.35 JUD 00140797 The Art of Creative Thinking / Judkins, Rod Hodder & Stoughton, 2015 9781444794489 281p. : UG Library
153.35 JUD 05053124 The Art of Creative Thinking / Judkins, Rod Hodder & Stoughton, 2015 9781444794489 281p. : Knowledge Centre
153.35 JUD 05073377 The Art of Creative Thinking / Judkins, Rod, Hodder & Stoughton, 2015 9781444794496 First edition. vii,281 pages ; Knowledge Centre
153.35 JUD 10001664 The Art of Creative Thinking / Judkins, Rod, Hodder & Stoughton, 2015 9781444794496 First edition. vii,281 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.35 JUD 04026227 The Art of Creative Thinking / Judkins, Rod Hodder & Stoughton, 2015 9781444794489 281p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.35 KAK 07005603 On creativity / Penguin Group, 2015 9780670088072 xiii, 189 pages : Library - BR Campus
153.35 KAU 05068634 The Cambridge Handbook Of Creativity / Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781316638545 2nd Ed xix,761p.; Knowledge Centre
153.35 KAU 05034119 The international handbook of creativity / James C Kaufman Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521838428 (hardcover) | 05215 xii, 526 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.35 KAU 05059712 The Cambridge handbook of creativity across domains / Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107526662 xv,668p.; Knowledge Centre
153.35 KAU 09001022 Creativity and reason in cognitive development / Cambridge University Press. 2016 9781107438835 (pbk.) | 9781107 Second edition. xvii, 394 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.35 KAU 07009392 Creativity and reason in cognitive development / Cambridge University Press. 2016 9781107438835 (pbk.) | 9781107 Second edition. xvii, 394 pages ; Library - BR Campus
153.35 KAU 05034305 Creativity and reason in cognitive development / Kaufman,James C. Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521843855 (hardback) | 052160 xv, 369 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.35 KHA 04025169 Lifelong creativity : an unending quest / Khandwalla, Pradip N. Tata McGraw Hill, 2004 9780070499591 xvi , 418 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.35 KHA 03007147 Lifelong creativity : an unending quest / Khandwalla, Pradip N. Tata McGraw Hill, 2004 9780070499591 xvi , 418 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.35 KIN 04025991 Test Your Creative Thinking : King Lloyd Source Books, 2016 9788130934167 152p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.35 KIN 07002286 Test Your Creative Thinking : King Lloyd Source Books, 2016 9788130934167 152p.: Library - BR Campus
153.35 KLE 08001404 Keep going : Kleon, Austin, Work Man Publishing, 2019 9781523506644 (alk. paper) 213 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.35 KLE 08001405 Steal like an artist : Kleon, Austin. Workman Pub. Co., 2012 0761169253 | 9780761169253 140, p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.35 KOU 09000470 Innovating minds : Koutstaal, Wilma. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199316021 xiii, 342 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.35 KOU 05067673 Innovating minds : Koutstaal, Wilma. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199316021 xiii, 342 pages : Knowledge Centre
153.35 LEH 00109460 Imaine:How Creativity Works Lehrer,Jonah Canongate 2012 9781847677877 xx; 279 p. UG Library
153.35 LEW 09000816 Too fast to think : Lewis, Chris, Kogan Page, 2016 9780749478865 (paperback) 1st Edition. xv, 212 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.35 LEW 07009357 Too fast to think : Lewis, Chris, Kogan Page, 2016 9780749478865 (paperback) 1st Edition. xv, 212 pages ; Library - BR Campus
153.35 MAY 03006680 In pursuit of elegance : May, Matthew E. Broadway Books, 2010 9780385526500 vii, 216 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.35 MAY 03006691 In pursuit of elegance : May, Matthew E. Broadway Books, 2010 9780385526494 vii, 216 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.35 MCC 05075149 Critical thinking, idea innovation, and creativity / McCuen, Richard H., CRC Press, 2023 9781041000846 First edition. xvii, 314 pages : Knowledge Centre
153.35 MIC 05011130 Creative thinkering : Michalko, Michael, New World Library, 2011 9781608680245 (pbk. : alk. pap xxi, 232 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.35 MIL 05005191 Art and human development / Psychology Press, 2010 9780415965538 | 0415965535 xvi, 286 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.35 MIL 00050194 Flash of Brilliance Miller, C. William Perseus Books 1999 0738200182 | 9780738200187 296 p. UG Library
153.35 PAN 10003265 Condemned to be creative/ Panthalookaran, Varghese., Pallikkutam publications, 2019 9788193945216 315p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.35 PAN 10003266 Condemned to be creative/ Panthalookaran, Varghese., Pallikkutam publications, 2019 9788193945216 315p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.35 PAN 10003267 Condemned to be creative/ Panthalookaran, Varghese., Pallikkutam publications, 2019 9788193945216 315p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.35 POR 07007820 Idiot's guides : Poreba, Doreen Marcial. Penguin Books, 2015 9781615647729 (alk. paper) XI,311 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
153.35 RAT 00048340 Creativity Rather, A. R. Sarupa and Sons 1998 8176250279 1st Ed. 165 p. UG Library
153.35 RAW 05034146 Creative Thinking and Brainstorming / Rawlinson, J Geoffrey Jaico Publishing, 1996 8172243480 118 p Knowledge Centre
153.35 RAZ 03004853 The Riddle : Razeghi, Andrew. Jossey-bass, 2008 9788126520480 249 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.35 REI 05060819 The imagination gap / Reich, Brian, Emerald, 2017 1787142078 | 9781787142077 xxiv, 246 pages ; Knowledge Centre
153.35 ROB 03012144 Out of Our Minds : Robinson, Ken Wiley, 2011 9788126561339 xiii, 315p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.35 ROB 05033617 Sparks Of Genius : Robert Houghton Mifflin Company, 1999 0395907713 402 p Knowledge Centre
153.35 ROB 05062217 Out of Our Minds : Robinson, Ken Wiley, 2011 9788126561339 xiii, 315p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.35 RUT 07008246 Cracking the Creativity Code : Ruttenberg, Arie. Sage, 2014 9788132119685 157p.: Library - BR Campus
153.35 RUT 05042705 Cracking the Creativity Code : Ruttenberg, Arie. Sage, 2014 9788132119685 157p.: Knowledge Centre
153.35 RUT 07000110 Cracking the Creativity Code : Ruttenberg, Arie. Sage, 2014 9788132119685 157p.: Library - BR Campus
153.35 RUT 03011178 Cracking the Creativity Code : Ruttenberg, Arie. Sage, 2014 9788132119685 157p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.35 RUT 09000644 Cracking the Creativity Code : Ruttenberg, Arie. Sage, 2014 9788132119685 157p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.35 SAR 04015301 Out of the Box Thinking : Sarma, A.R.K Sri Sardada Book House, 2012 176 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.35 SEE 05053520 InGenius: Seelig, Tina. Harper Collins, 2011 9780062020710 216p. Knowledge Centre
153.35 SEE 05053117 Insight out : Seelig, Tina Lynn. Harper One, 2015 9780062400185 First edition. xiii, 233 pages : Knowledge Centre
153.35 SHE 09000943 Creative workshop : Sherwin, David. HOW Books, 2010 9781600617973 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 1600617972 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1st ed. 231 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.35 SHE 07013023 Creative workshop : Sherwin, David. HOW Books, 2010 9781600617973 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 1600617972 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1st ed. 231 p. : Library - BR Campus
153.35 SHE 07013024 Creative workshop : Sherwin, David. HOW Books, 2010 9781600617973 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 1600617972 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1st ed. 231 p. : Library - BR Campus
153.35 SHE 07012950 Creative workshop : Sherwin, David. HOW Books, 2010 9781600617973 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 1600617972 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1st ed. 231 p. : Library - BR Campus
153.35 SIL 03010652 Think Like A Genius : Siler, Todd. Bantam Books , 1996 9780553379280 294 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.35 SON 04030514 DESIGN YOUR THINKING : Penguine, 2020 9780670094097 363p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.35 THA 04009716 The creative habit : Tharp, Twyla. Simon & Schuster, 2003 9780743235266 vii, 243 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.35 TRO 03012143 one + One = Three : Trott, Dave Macmillan Publishers, 2015 9781447287056 223p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.35 VOG 05053118 Breakthrough thinking : Vogel, Thomas. How Books, 2014 9781440333262 | 1440333262 1st ed. 203 pages : Knowledge Centre
153.3502854678 GAU 00107632 Making is connecting Gauntlett,David. Polity Press, 2011 9780745650029 | 9780745650029 x, 286 p. : UG Library
153.350846 AMI 05068516 Creativity in later life : Routledge, 2019 9781138293793 (hardback) xiv, 277p.; Knowledge Centre
153.350922 GAR 00109443 Creating minds Gardner, Howard, Basic Books, 2011 9780465027743 (pbk.) | 9780465 xxv, 436 p. : UG Library
153.39 KIC 04027263 SSC CGL Combined Graduate Level TIER-II Online Exam : Kiran Prakashan, 2016 928p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.4 ARI 03003626 The Upside of Irrationality : Ariely, Dan. Harper, 2011 xi, 334 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.4 BON 03003082 How You Can Be More Interesting / Bono, Edward De. New Millennium Press, 2000 9781893224063 | 1893224066 296 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.4 GAL 00139521 Cognitive Psychology / Galotti,Kathleen M. Cengage learning , 2008 9788131500828 xx,647p.; UG Library
153.4 WAT 03007621 Everything Is Obvious : Watts, Duncan J., Crown Business, 2011 9780385531689 | 9780307951793 1st ed. xvi, 342 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.4 ARI 03005355 The Upside of Irrationality : Ariely, Dan. Harper, 2011 xi, 334 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.4 BAS 10004393 Reason to be Happy : Basu, Kaushik Penguin Random House, 2024 9781911709282 219 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.4 BAT 03008667 Brainstorming for Creativity and Innovation / Batra, Promod. Macmillan India Ltd , 2008 9780230634626 2nd ed. 368 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.4 BON 03010653 Think! : Bono, Edward De. Vermilion , 2009 9780091924096 258 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.4 BON 09000742 Think! : Bono, Edward De. Vermilion , 2009 9780091924096 258 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.4 BON 03008282 How You Can Be More Interesting / Bono, Edward De. New Millennium Press, 2000 9781893224063 | 1893224066 296 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.4 BON 07001636 Think! : Bono, Edward De. Vermilion , 2009 9780091924096 258 p.: Library - BR Campus
153.4 BON 07005946 Think! : Bono, Edward De. Vermilion , 2009 9780091924096 258 p.: Library - BR Campus
153.4 BON 01012717 How you can be more interesting / De Bono, Edward, New Millennium Press, 9780140258370 vii, 296 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.4 BRA 00068637 The Logic Works Version 7.0 Brady, Rob R Harcourt brace & Company 1994 0155019422 iv, 44 p UG Library
153.4 BUZ 07013565 How to mind map / Buzan, Tony 9780007294602 xv,99p.; Library - BR Campus
153.4 BUZ 09000800 How to mind map / Buzan, Tony 9780007294602 xv,99p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.4 BYR 09000430 Evolving insight / Byrne, Richard W. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198757078 | 0198757077 200p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.4 BYR 05067665 Evolving insight / Byrne, Richard W. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198757078 | 0198757077 200p.; Knowledge Centre
153.4 CEL 00110474 Essentials of Formal Logic Celesine, Fr. Sahaya Kristu Jyoti College 2012 9788187370680 xiv, 98 p. : UG Library
153.4 CUM 07009436 Good Thinking : Cummins, Denise D. CUP, 2012 9781107644595 199p. : Library - BR Campus
153.4 CUM 04018081 Good Thinking : Cummins, Denise D. CUP, 2012 9781107644595 199p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.4 CUM 09000760 Good Thinking: Cummins, Denise D Cambridge, 2021 9781108827324 356p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.4 EVA 00138739 Hypothetical Thinking : Evans,Jonathan St B T. Routledge, 2020 9780367423636 xvi,206p.; UG Library
153.4 FLE 05073382 Know thyself : Fleming, Stephen M. John Murray Press, 2021 9781529345063 290p.; Knowledge Centre
153.4 FLE 10001645 Know thyself : Fleming, Stephen M. John Murray Press, 2021 9781529345063 290p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.4 FOR 05019654 Consider : Forrester, Daniel. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 9780230106079 (hardback) xviii, 238 p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.4 FUL 05034148 Cognitive Psychology / Fulcher, Eamon Crucial, 2003 1903337135 162 p. Knowledge Centre
153.4 GAL 00069644 Cognitive Psychology in and Out of the Laboratory Galotti, Kathleen M. Wadsworth 2004 9814057053 | 9789814057059 2nd Ed. 646 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.4 GAL 00069643 Cognitive Psychology in and Out of the Laboratory Galotti, Kathleen M. Wadsworth 2004 9814057053 | 9789814057059 2nd Ed. 646 p. UG Library
153.4 GLA 00057350 Cognition Glass, Lewis Arnold 1979 0201024497 521p UG Library
153.4 GLA 05033740 Blink : Gladwell, Malcolm Penguin Books, 2005 0071399844 277 p. Knowledge Centre
153.4 HER 03006709 On second thought : Herbert, Wray. Crown Publishers, 2010 9780307461636 | 0307461637 1st ed. 289 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.4 HOL 03010099 The Oxford Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning / Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199734689 xix, 836 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.4 HOL 05021606 The Oxford Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning / Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199734689 xix, 836 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.4 HOO 04009688 The science of superstition : Hood, Bruce M. HarperCollins, 2010 9780061452659 (pbk.) 1st HarperCollins pbk. ed. 302 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.4 IRV 00122182 Aha! : Irvine, William Braxton, Oxford University Press 2015 9780199338870 (hardback) x, 362 pages UG Library
153.4 JOH 00013465 Conditions of Man Johnson, Willoughby Houghton 1968 322 p UG Library
153.4 KAE 00086811 Psychophysics Beyond Sensation: Kaernbach, Christian Lawrence Erlbaum Assocites. 2003 0805842500 526 p UG Library
153.4 LAM 05021228 Handbook of Cognition: Lamberts, Koen 2004 0761972773 452p Knowledge Centre
153.4 MAN 10004984 Think for yourself : restoring common sense in an age of experts & artificial intelligence / by Vikram Mansharamani. Mansharamani, Vikram [Author] Harvard Business Review Press, 2020 9781633699212 xi, 289 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.4 MAN 07004592 Cognition, Exprience and Creativity / By Manjaly, Jaison A. Orient BlackSwan, 2015 9788125057314 ix, 290.p.; Library - BR Campus
153.4 MAN 05044936 Cognition, Exprience and Creativity / By Manjaly, Jaison A. Orient BlackSwan, 2015 9788125057314 ix, 290.p.; Knowledge Centre
153.4 MAR 05068657 Strategies for managing uncertainty : Marcus, Alfred A. Cambridge university press, 2019 9781107191150 | 9781316641682 xiii, 551 pages : Knowledge Centre
153.4 MAR 05033372 Open Mind : Markova, Dawna Conari Press, 2002 1573240648 202 p Knowledge Centre
153.4 MAR 00137714 Strategies for managing uncertainty : Marcus, Alfred A. Cambridge university press, 2019 9781107191150 | 9781316641682 xiii, 551 pages : UG Library
153.4 MAT 00057353 Cognition Martlin, W Margaret Harcourt 2000 482p UG Library
153.4 MAT 05002223 Cognitiion / Matlin, W Margaret John Wiley & Sons,Inc, 2003 0470002212 .5th Edition 591p.: Knowledge Centre
153.4 NIS 05034134 Georgraphy of Thought : Nisbett, E Richard Free Press, 2003 0743255356 263 p Knowledge Centre
153.4 NIS 07007825 Mindware : tools for smart thinking / Nisbett, Richard E. Penguin Publication, 2015 9780141976273 309p. Library - BR Campus
153.4 OET 05068556 The psychology of thinking about the future / The Guilford Press, 2018 9781462534418 (hardcover : alk. paper) xiii,554p.; Knowledge Centre
153.4 OET 05069887 The psychology of thinking about the future / The Guilford Press, 2018 9781462534418 (hardcover : alk. paper) xiii,554p.; Knowledge Centre
153.4 OET 09000194 The psychology of thinking about the future / The Guilford Press, 2018 9781462534418 (hardcover : alk. paper) xiii,554p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.4 PEN 00130777 The new reflectionism in cognitive psychology : Pennycook, Gordon, Routledge, 2018 9781138208087 (hardback : alk. 147p.; UG Library
153.4 RIP 00130537 Lines of thought : Rips, Lance J. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780195183054 (alk. paper) xxxii, 441 p. : UG Library
153.4 RUD 00040805 Invitation to Critical Thinking. Rudinow, Joel 1994 0155003747 542 p UG Library
153.4 RUD 00040806 Invitation to Critical Thinking. Rudinow, Joel 1994 0155003747 542 p UG Library
153.4 SCH 05002499 Scripts, plans, goals, and understanding : Schank, Roger C., L. Erlbaum Associates ; | distributed by the Halsted Press Division of John Wiley and Sons, 1977 0470990333 | 9780898591385 248 p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.4 SMI 05039613 Cognitive Psychology : Edward E.Smith PHI Learning Private Limited, 2013 978812033727 xiii,610p.: Knowledge Centre
153.4 SOL 05001403 Cognitive Psychology Solso, Robert L Pearson 2004 8129703335 602p Knowledge Centre
153.4 SOL 00057351 Theories in Cognitive Psychology: the Loyola Symposium Solso, L Robert 1974 0470812281 386p UG Library
153.4 SRI 00098078 Advances in Cognitive Science Sage Publications , 9788132104445 295p UG Library
153.4 STE 07004323 Applied intelligence / Sternberg, Robert J. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521884280 (hardcover) | 97 xi, 419 p. : Library - BR Campus
153.4 STE 09001030 Applied intelligence / Sternberg, Robert J. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521884280 (hardcover) | 97 xi, 419 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.4 STU 05002166 Dictionary of cognitive psychology / Stuart-Hamilton, Ian. J. Kingsley, 1996 1853022020 (hb) | 1853021482 ( 1st pbk. rev. ed. viii, 140 p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.4 THO 00086880 How to Think Like Leinstein Thorpe, Scott Dream Tech Press 2008 8177227912 231 p UG Library
153.4/3 01012238 The psychology of problem solving / Cambridge University Press, 0521793335 (hardback) | 052179 xi, 394 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.405 MAT 07004697 Cognitive psychology / Matlin,Margaret W. Wiley, 2014 9781118318690 8th ed. xxvi,610p.; Library - BR Campus
153.42 ADA 03001951 Art of Creative Thinking : Adair, John. Kogan Page, 2008 9788175543683 | 817554368X 133 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.42 BON 03000179 Laterarl Thinking : Bono, Edward De Collins Business ; 1970 9780060903251 | 9780141033082 396 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.42 BON 03000189 Six Thinking Hats / Bono, Edward De. Black Bay Books, 1999 0316178314 | 9780316178310 173 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.42 TOI 03004769 The Habits of S.U.C.C.S.S : Toi, Henry. Embassy Books, 2009 9789380227221 | 9380227221 196 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.42 BAD 10004942 Step back : how to bring the art of reflection into your busy life / by Joseph L. Badaracco. Badaracco, Joseph L [Author] Harvard Business Review Press, 2020 9781633698741 1st Ed. 163 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.42 BAR 00089571 Thinking and Deciding Baron, Jonathan Cambridge 2008 9780521680431 Forth Edition 584p UG Library
153.42 BAY 05048935 Thought : Bayne, Tim. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199601721 (pbk.) | 0199601 1st ed. 126 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.42 BLA 00142989 An A to Z of Critical Thinking Black, Beth Bloomsbury 2021 9789354352164 186p UG Library
153.42 BON 05024817 The Importance of Possibili / Bono,Edward,De. Westland, 9789380032009 61p.; Knowledge Centre
153.42 BON 07007299 I am Right You are Wrong / Bond Edward De Penguin Books, 2011 9780141040875 xvii,293p.: Library - BR Campus
153.42 BON 04017037 Six Thinking Hats : Bono, Edward De Penguine, 1999 9780141033051 177p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.42 BON 03006996 Laterarl Thinking : Bono, Edward De Collins Business ; 1970 9780060903251 | 9780141033082 396 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.42 BON 05011093 Intelligence is not enough / Bono Edward De Westland, 2006 9789380032023 62 p.: Knowledge Centre
153.42 BON 07005683 Teach Yourself to Think Bono,Edward de Penguin Book 9780141033105 254p.; Library - BR Campus
153.42 BON 05011044 Why So Stupid ?: Bono Edward De Westland Ltd, 2008 9788189975371 123 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.42 BON 03007032 Why So Stupid ?: Bono Edward De Westland Ltd, 2008 9788189975371 123 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.42 BON 05046721 De Bono's Thinking Course / Bono Edward de BBC Books, 2004 9780563522041 159p.: Knowledge Centre
153.42 BON 05024814 Why So Stupid ?: Bono Edward De Westland Ltd, 2008 9788189975371 123 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.42 BON 03007005 Six Thinking Hats / Bono, Edward De. Black Bay Books, 1999 0316178314 | 9780316178310 173 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.42 BON 00137604 Practical Thinking : Bono,Edward de. Vermilion, 2017 9781785041112 ix,197p.; UG Library
153.42 BON 01012721 Teach Yourself to Think Bono,Edward de Penguin Book 9780141033105 254p.; Knowledge Centre
153.42 BON 04016232 Why So Stupid ?: Bono Edward De Westland Ltd, 2008 9788189975371 123 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.42 BON 01012718 Lateral Thinking: De Bono, Edward Ward Lock Educational, 1970 9780140137798 300 p. Knowledge Centre
153.42 BON 01012719 Six thinking hats / De Bono, Edward, Advanced Practical Thinking Training, 1993 9780140296662 123 p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.42 COT 09001044 Critical thinking skills: Cottrell, Stella Palgrave, 2017 9781137550507 3rd ed., xvi,309p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.42 COT 07011938 Critical thinking skills: Cottrell, Stella Palgrave, 2017 9781137550507 3rd ed., xvi,309p.; Library - BR Campus
153.42 COT 00131455 Critical thinking skills: Cottrell, Stella Palgrave, 2017 9781137550507 3rd ed., xvi,309p.; UG Library
153.42 COT 05059865 Critical thinking skills : Cottrell, Stella. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 9780230285293 Second edition xiv, 282p. Knowledge Centre
153.42 DEB 07001617 The Mechanism of Mind / De Bono, Edward Penguin Books, 1990 0140137874 280 p. Library - BR Campus
153.42 DEB 05032971 The Mechanism of Mind / De Bono, Edward Penguin Books, 1990 0140137874 280 p. Knowledge Centre
153.42 DEB 05034101 5 Day Course in Thinking / De Bono, Edward Penguin Books, 1996 0140137890 160 p Knowledge Centre
153.42 DEB 05034102 Future Positive / De Bono, Edward Penguin Books, 1996 0140137785 232 p Knowledge Centre
153.42 DEB 05033729 Practical Thinking : De Bono, Edward Penguin Books, 1971 0140137831 188 p Knowledge Centre
153.42 DEB 00086572 Six Thinking Hats De Bono, Edward Penguin Books 1985 9780140296662 175 p. UG Library
153.42 DEW 00115435 How We Think Dewey,John Cosmo Publications 2004 8177558420 241 p. UG Library
153.42 DOB 05053115 The art of thinking clearly / Dobelli, Rolf, Hachette, 2013 9781444759549 First edition. x, 326 pages ; Knowledge Centre
153.42 DOB 00141405 The art of thinking clearly / Dobelli, Rolf, Hachette, 2013 9781444759549 First edition. x, 326 pages ; UG Library
153.42 GLI 05034135 Optimal Thinking : Glickman, Rosalenw Manjul Books Pvt. Ltd., 2005 8189631004 246 p Knowledge Centre
153.42 GRA 10004270 Diffrent kinds of minds: Grandin, Temple Rider, 2023 9781846048043 213 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.42 GRA 00145381 Think Again: Grant, Adam WH Allen, 2021 9780753553893 307p. ; UG Library
153.42 GRA 00140469 Think Again: Grant,Adam WH Allen 2021 9780753553893 307p UG Library
153.42 GRA 05071512 Think again : Grant, Adam. WH Allen, 2021 9780753553893 307p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.42 HAY 00042753 Loving Thoughts for Loving Yourself. Hay, L Louise Excel Books 1997 8174460527 1 UG Library
153.42 HAY 00042755 Loving Thoughts for Loving Yourself. Hay, L Louise Excel Books 1997 8174460527 1 UG Library
153.42 HAY 00042756 Loving Thoughts for Loving Yourself. Hay, L Louise Excel Books 1997 8174460527 1 UG Library
153.42 HAY 00042754 Loving Thoughts for Loving Yourself. Hay, L Louise Excel Books 1997 8174460527 1 UG Library
153.42 HUR 03003864 Think Better : Hurson, Tim. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008 9780070223592 | 0070223599 xvii;292 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.42 KAH 00116704 Thinking, Fast and Slow /​ Kahneman, Daniel. Penguin Books, 2011 9781846146060 | 9780141033570 499 p.: UG Library
153.42 KAH 07001670 Thinking, Fast and Slow /​ Kahneman, Daniel. Penguin Books, 2011 9781846146060 | 9780141033570 499 p.: Library - BR Campus
153.42 KAH 09000737 Thinking, Fast and Slow /​ Kahneman, Daniel. Penguin Books, 2011 9781846146060 | 9780141033570 499 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.42 KAH 10005564 Thinking, Fast and Slow /​ Kahneman, Daniel. Penguin Books, 2011 9781846146060 | 9780141033570 499 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.42 KAH 10005565 Thinking, Fast and Slow /​ Kahneman, Daniel. Penguin Books, 2011 9781846146060 | 9780141033570 499 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.42 KAH 07007501 Thinking, Fast and Slow /​ Kahneman, Daniel. Penguin Books, 2011 9781846146060 | 9780141033570 499 p.: Library - BR Campus
153.42 KAH 03006189 Thinking, Fast and Slow /​ Kahneman, Daniel. Penguin Books, 2011 9781846146060 | 9780141033570 499 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.42 KAH 04017392 Thinking, Fast and Slow /​ Kahneman, Daniel. Penguin Books, 2011 9781846146060 | 9780141033570 499 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.42 KAH 01024966 Thinking, Fast and Slow /​ Kahneman, Daniel. Penguin Books, 2011 9781846146060 | 9780141033570 499 p.: Knowledge Centre
153.42 LEV 07001024 The Organized Mind : Levitin Daniel Penguin Books, 2014 9780241965788 xxii,496p.: Library - BR Campus
153.42 LEV 09000723 Think like a freak / Lavitt, Steven D Penguin Publication, 2014 9780141980119 286p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.42 LEV 00129963 A field guide to lies and Statistics Levitin, Daniel Viking Penguin, 2016 9780241240007 xi, 292 p. ; UG Library
153.42 MAS 00020699 How Your Mind Can Keep You Well Masters Roy, Better Your Self 1977 220 p UG Library
153.42 MAY 05001897 Thinking, Problem Solving, Cognition / Mayer, E Richard W.H.Freeman and Company, 1991 0716722151 560p.: Knowledge Centre
153.42 MCG 05001898 Thinking Psychologically / McGhee, Patrick Palgrave, 2001 0033373596 272p.: Knowledge Centre
153.42 MCG 05033371 Thinking Psychologically / Mcghee, Patrick Palgrave, 2001 0033373596 272 p Knowledge Centre
153.42 MCG 00077186 Thinking Psychologically McGhee, Patrick Palgrave 2001 0033373596 | 9780333735961 272 p. UG Library
153.42 MIN 00127176 The psychology of thinking : Minda, John Paul, Sage, 2015 9781446272473 | 9781446272466 xi, 260 p. : UG Library
153.42 MON 10004976 The age of magical overthinking : notes on modern irrationality /by Amanda Montell. Montell, Amanda [Author] One Signal Publishers/Atria, 2024 9780008701123 1st Ed. 257 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.42 MUL 00096042 The Scince of thought: Muller Max.F Asian Educational services 8120604237 vi,95 p UG Library
153.42 NAD 05034129 Creative Solution Finding : Nadler, Gerald Excel Books, 1998 8174460888 498 p Knowledge Centre
153.42 PAL 05053114 Un Think / Paley,Chris. Coronet, 2014 9781473610583 xiii,257p.; Knowledge Centre
153.42 PAU 05047193 Critical thinking : Paul, Richard. Pearson, 2012 9780132180917 (alk. paper) 3rd ed. xxxii, 493 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.42 PER 10004917 Third millennium thinking : creating sense in a world of nonsense / by Saul Perlmutter, John Campbell, Robert MacCoun. Perlmutter, Saul [Author] Hodder & Stoughton, 2024 9781399705509 1st Ed. viii, 305 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.42 PIN 00141424 Rationality: Pinker,Steven Allen Lane 2021 9780241380284 412p UG Library
153.42 RAV 00070621 Thinking About Thinking Ravi, K .R. Jaico Books 2006 8179965161 176 p. UG Library
153.42 SEH 00135835 Being a Brilliant Thinker Sehgal,Gayatri Kalara Rupa Publications 2019 9789353334840 200p UG Library
153.42 SEH 00135836 Being a Creative Genius Sehgal,Gayatri Kalra Rupa Publications 2019 9789353334802 264p UG Library
153.42 SEH 00136074 Being a Brilliant Thinker Sehgal,Gayatri Kalara Rupa Publications 2019 9789353334840 200p UG Library
153.42 SEH 00136075 Being a Creative Genius Sehgal,Gayatri Kalra Rupa Publications 2019 9789353334802 264p UG Library
153.42 SLO 07012709 The Knowledge Illusin Why We Never Think Alone / Sloman, Steven Macmillan, 2017 9781509813070 296p.; Library - BR Campus
153.42 SLO 05064810 The Knowledge Illusin Why We Never Think Alone / Sloman, Steven Macmillan, 2017 9781509813070 296p.; Knowledge Centre
153.42 STE 05074386 Wisdom : Sternberg, Robert J., Cambridge University Press, 2022 9781108841559 | 9781108841566 1 Edition. xi, 201p.; Knowledge Centre
153.42 WAL 00042737 Do It Now: 366 Wisdom Thoughts Walters, J Donald Excel Books 1997 8174460594 178 p UG Library
153.42 WHA 05065083 Design for how people think : Whalen, John Shroff Publishers and distributors, 2019 9789352138241 xx, 216p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.4209 FER 05067102 Out of our minds : Fernández-Armesto, Felipe, Simon & Schuster, 2019 9789386797582 First Edition. xvi,464p.; Knowledge Centre
153.42BAR 01009686 Thinking and Deciding (law Lib) Jonathan Baron Cambridge University Press 9780521680431 584p Knowledge Centre
153.42BON 01000308 New Thinking for the New Millennium Edward Bono Penguin Books 0140287760 288 Knowledge Centre
153.42BON,1 01000309 Teach Yourself to Think (law Lib) Edward Bono Penguin Books 0140230777 254p Knowledge Centre
153.42BON,2 01000310 Lateral Thinking Edward Bono Penguin Books 0000147793 260p Knowledge Centre
153.42KIN 01000312 Test Your Creative Thinking (law Lib) Lloyd King Kogan Page Ltd. 8175542683 156p Knowledge Centre
153.42MCG1 00071525 Thinking Psychologically: [dharmaram Library] McGhee, Patrick 0033373596 272p UG Library
153.43 AGG 04021277 Modern Approach to Verbal & Non - Verbal Reasoning / Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand & Company Ltd., 2015 8121905516 | 9788121905510 431 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.43 AGG 04021278 Modern Approach to Verbal & Non - Verbal Reasoning / Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand & Company Ltd., 2015 8121905516 | 9788121905510 431 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.43 AGG 04024544 Modern Approach to Verbal & Non - Verbal Reasoning / Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand & Company Ltd., 2015 8121905516 | 9788121905510 431 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.43 AGG 04024545 Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning / Aggarwal, R. S. S Chand , 2015 8121905524 | 9788121905527 158 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.43 AGG 03010872 Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning / Aggarwal, R. S. S Chand , 2015 8121905524 | 9788121905527 158 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.43 AGG 05069858 Modern Approach to Verbal & Non - Verbal Reasoning / Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand & Company Ltd., 2015 8121905516 | 9788121905510 431 p.: Knowledge Centre
153.43 AGG 03003620 Moderen Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning Aggarwal, R S S. Chand and Company 8121905516 592 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.43 AGG 03010668 Modern Approach to Verbal & Non - Verbal Reasoning / Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand & Company Ltd., 2015 8121905516 | 9788121905510 431 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.43 AGG 00111350 Modern Approach to Verbal & Non - Verbal Reasoning / Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand & Company Ltd., 2015 8121905516 | 9788121905510 431 p.: UG Library
153.43 AGG 00111351 Modern Approach to Verbal & Non - Verbal Reasoning / Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand & Company Ltd., 2015 8121905516 | 9788121905510 431 p.: UG Library
153.43 AGG 00111352 Modern Approach to Verbal & Non - Verbal Reasoning / Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand & Company Ltd., 2015 8121905516 | 9788121905510 431 p.: UG Library
153.43 AGG 00140353 Modern Approach to Verbal & Non - Verbal Reasoning / Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand & Company Ltd., 2015 8121905516 | 9788121905510 431 p.: UG Library
153.43 AGG 00043108 Modern Approach to Verbal & Non - Verbal Reasoning / Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand & Company Ltd., 2015 8121905516 | 9788121905510 431 p.: UG Library
153.43 AGG 00092167 Modern Approach to Non Verbal Reasoning Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand 2005 8121905532 431 p. UG Library
153.43 BRY 03001708 How to Pass Diagrammatic Reasoning Tests : Bryon, Mike. Kogan Page, 2008 9788175544734 232 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.43 AGG 07015191 A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning / Aggarwal, R S. S Chand and Company Limited, 2020 9789352832170 Revised edition. 8.6p. ; Library - BR Campus
153.43 AGG 07015184 A Modern ASpproach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning / Aggarwal, R S. S Chand and Company Limited, 2018 9789352832163 Revised edition. 1216p. ; Library - BR Campus
153.43 AGG 05072401 A Modern ASpproach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning / Aggarwal, R S. S Chand and Company Limited, 2018 9789352832163 Revised edition. 1216p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.43 AGG 10000258 A Modern ASpproach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning / Aggarwal, R S. S Chand and Company Limited, 2018 9789352832163 Revised edition. 1216p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.43 AGG 10000259 A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning / Aggarwal, R S. S Chand and Company Limited, 2020 9789352832170 Revised edition. 8.6p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.43 AGG 10003790 A Modern approach to verbal & non verbal reasoning / Aggarwal, R S. S Chand & Company Ltd, 2004 9788121905510 430p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.43 AGG 00070254 Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning / Aggarwal, R. S. S Chand , 2015 8121905524 | 9788121905527 158 p.: UG Library
153.43 AGG 00070255 Modern Approach to Non Verbal Reasoning Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand 2005 8121905532 431 p. UG Library
153.43 AGG 00070256 Modern Approach to Verbal & Non - Verbal Reasoning / Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand & Company Ltd., 2015 8121905516 | 9788121905510 431 p.: UG Library
153.43 AGG 00056159 Moderm Approach to Verbal & Non Verbal Reasoning Aggarwal, R S S Chand 8121905516 421 UG Library
153.43 AGG 04027746 A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning / Aggarwal, R S S Chand, 2017 9789352535316 592p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.43 AGG 04027747 A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning / Aggarwal, R S S Chand, 2017 9789352535316 592p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.43 ANA 04027265 Verbal Ability and Reasoning : Anand P. A Wiley, 2016 9788126554294 ix, 429p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.43 BAN 00091906 A Handbook of Verbal Reasoning Banerjee, Surendra Nath New Age International Publishers 9788122422351 351p UG Library
153.43 BRY 07000505 How to Pass Diagrammatic Reasoning Tests : Bryon, Mike. Kogan Page, 2008 9788175544734 232 p.: Library - BR Campus
153.43 BRY 09000788 How to Pass Diagrammatic Reasoning Tests : Bryon, Mike. Kogan Page, 2008 9788175544734 232 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.43 FRE 10004367 Move Fast and Fix Things : Frei, Frances Harvard Business Review Press, 2023 9781647822873 xii, 210 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.43 GRE 00135662 Stop Guessing : Greene,Nat. Berrett-Koehler Publishers,Inc., 2017 9781523086795 xiv,142p.; UG Library
153.43 GUP 04024579 Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations / Gupta, Varun. LexiNexis, 2015 9789351435679 723 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.43 GUP 03012024 Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations / Gupta, Varun. LexiNexis, 2015 9789351435679 723 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.43 ISA 05033619 Creative approaches to problem solving : Isaksen, Scott G. SAGE, 2011 9781412977739 (pbk.) | 1412977 3rd ed. xxv, 292 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.43 JON 05034097 The Thinkers Toolkit : Fourteen Skills for Making Smarter Decisions in Business and in life / Jones, D Morgan Random House, 1995 0812926013 342 p Knowledge Centre
153.43 JON 05005454 The science of reason : Psychology Press, 2011 9781848720152 (hbk.) | 1848720 xv, 456 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.43 KUM 04021549 Analytical Reasoning for CAT : Kumar, Kaushal CBS Publishers, 2005 8123912307 434p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.43 LAV 07007118 Think like a freak / Lavitt, Steven D Penguin Publication, 2014 9780141980119 286p. Library - BR Campus
153.43 MAC 00050462 Tests of Reasoning Macmillan India Ltd Macmillan India Ltd 1995 0033392701x 262 p. UG Library
153.43 MAR 00140794 Smart Thinking : Markman Art Piatkus, 2012 9780749957681 x,259p.: UG Library
153.43 MAR 07002343 Smart Thinking : Markman Art Piatkus, 2012 9780749957681 x,259p.: Library - BR Campus
153.43 MUD 07001751 The HEAD game : Mudd, Philip. Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2015 9780871407887 (hardcover) First edition. xix,266p.; Library - BR Campus
153.43 MUD 01021825 The HEAD game : Mudd, Philip. Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2015 9780871407887 (hardcover) First edition. xix,266p.; Knowledge Centre
153.43 NIC 09000509 Conditional reasoning : Nickerson, Raymond S. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780190202996 viii, 460 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.43 NIC 09000346 Conditional reasoning : Nickerson, Raymond S. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780190675660 viii, 460 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.43 NIC 05067905 Conditional reasoning : Nickerson, Raymond S. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780190675660 viii, 460 pages ; Knowledge Centre
153.43 NIC 05067652 Conditional reasoning : Nickerson, Raymond S. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780190202996 viii, 460 pages ; Knowledge Centre
153.43 NLE 05000264 Why Not? : Nalebuff, Barry. Harvard Business School Press, 2006 9781422104347 | 1422104346 xv, 238 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.43 NLE 03010282 Why Not? : Nalebuff, Barry. Harvard Business School Press, 2006 9781422104347 | 1422104346 xv, 238 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.43 PRE 05069358 Design thinking : Pressman, Andrew, Routledge, 2019 9781138673458 (hb : alk. paper) | 9781138673472 (pb : alk. paper) xxi,154p,; Knowledge Centre
153.43 PRE 00134572 Design thinking : Pressman, Andrew, Routledge, 2019 9781138673458 (hb : alk. paper) | 9781138673472 (pb : alk. paper) xxi,154p,; UG Library
153.43 SAV 10004911 The four workarounds : How the world's scrappiest organizations for tackle complex problems / by Paulo Savaget. Savaget, Paulo [Author] John Murray, 2023 9781529346053 1st Ed. x, 288 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.43 SHA 04025173 How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT / Sharma, Arun McGraw Hill, 2014 9789339205584 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.43 SHA 10001210 How to prepare for data interpretation for CAT : Sharma, Arun. McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2021 9789354600616 7th Ed xxxi,iii.25p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.43 SHA 10001211 How to prepare for logical reasoning for CAT : Sharma, Arun. McGraw HIll Education (India) Private Limited, 2021 9789354600555 6th Ed xx,iii.136p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.43 SHA 07015203 How to prepare for data interpretation for CAT : Sharma, Arun. McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2021 9789354600616 7th Ed xxxi,iii.25p.; Library - BR Campus
153.43 SHA 04030440 How to prepare for logical reasoning for CAT : Sharma, Arun. McGraw HIll Education (India) Private Limited, 2021 9789354600555 6th Ed xx,iii.136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.43 SHA 04025301 How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT / Sharma, Arun McGraw Hill, 2014 9789339205584 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.43 SHA 04027286 How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for the CAT : Sharma, Arun. McGraw Hill Education India Pvt. Ltd., 2015 9339222687 | 9789339222680 3rd ed. p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.43 SHA 07015194 How to prepare for logical reasoning for CAT : Sharma, Arun. McGraw HIll Education (India) Private Limited, 2021 9789354600555 6th Ed xx,iii.136p.; Library - BR Campus
153.43 SIJ 04030423 A New Apporach to Reasoning : Sijwali, B S Arihant, 2022 9789325299474 V P. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.43 SIJ 07015647 A New Apporach to Reasoning : Sijwali, B S Arihant, 2022 9789325299474 V P. : Library - BR Campus
153.43 SIN 04025984 Reasoning Test : Singh, K P Viva Books, 2016 9788130928722 760p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.43 SIN 04030464 Reasoning : Sinha, Nishit K Pearson, 2019 9789353436599 V P. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.43 SMI 04022624 How to Think Like : Smith, Daniel Manjul Publishing House, 2014 9788183224772 192p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.43 SMI 00090010 Numerical Reasoning Tests Smith, Heidi Kogan 2004 9788175542679 229p UG Library
153.43 SMI 00115436 Numerical Reasoning Tests Smith, Heidi Kogan 2004 9788175542679 229p UG Library
153.43 STA 01017206 Rationality and the reflective mind / Stanovich, Keith E., Oxford University Press, 2011 9780195341140 (hardback) | 019 xi, 328 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.43 SUR 00117997 Human Reasoning and Cognitive Science Surana, D.K. Cyber Tech Publications, 2011 9788178847887 264p.; UG Library
153.43 THO 04026344 Test of Reasoning for Competitive Examinations / Thorpe, Edgar Tata McGraw Hill, 2013 0070499519 | 9780070499515 3rd Ed. 644p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.43 THO 07015180 Test of Reasoning : Thorpe, Edgar. McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2021 9789389811513 7th ed. x, 203p.; Library - BR Campus
153.43 THO 00070217 Test of Reasoning for Competitive Examinations Thorpe, Edgar 2005 0070499519 644p UG Library
153.43 THO 10001252 Test of Reasoning : Thorpe, Edgar. McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2021 9789389811513 7th ed. x, 203p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.43 VAN 05034096 Brain Boosters for Business Advantage / Vangundy, Arthur B Pfeiffer, 1993 0893842672 345 p. Knowledge Centre
153.43 VER 03005315 Passion : Verma, Yasho V. Biztantra, 2007 8177228536 | 9788177228533 xix, 185 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.43 WAT 07004314 Change : Watzlawick, Paul, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc 2011 9780393707069 | 9780393707069 xxi, 176 p. ; Library - BR Campus
153.43 WAT 00106709 Change : Watzlawick, Paul, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc 2011 9780393707069 | 9780393707069 xxi, 176 p. ; UG Library
153.43 WAT 09000986 Change : Watzlawick, Paul, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc 2011 9780393707069 | 9780393707069 xxi, 176 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.43 WRI 00144192 Design Thinking Pedagogy : Wrigley, Cara. Routledge, 2023 9781032279831 xix,223p,; UG Library
153.4303 WAR 00068395 Thinking from A to Z Warburton, Nigel 2004 0415222818 150p UG Library
153.44 KLE 03003664 Power of Intuition : Klein, Gary. Currency, 2003 9780385502894 333 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.44 CHO 05017294 The intuitive compass Cholle, Francis P., Jossey-Bass, 2012 9781118077542 | 9781118119082 1st ed. xxxi, 254 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.44 CHO 03007056 The intuitive compass Cholle, Francis P., Jossey-Bass, 2012 9781118077542 | 9781118119082 1st ed. xxxi, 254 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.44 GLA 05034122 Blink : Gladwell, Malcolm Penguin Books, 2005 0071399844 277 p. Knowledge Centre
153.44 GLO 05004857 Foundations for tracing intuition : Psychology Press, 2010 9781848720190 (hbk.) p. cm. Knowledge Centre
153.44KLE 05034098 Power of Intuition / Klein, Gary Currency Double Way, 2003 333 p Knowledge Centre
153.45 ANC 00044846 Grow Free Live Free: a Source Book for Value Education Anchukandam, Thomas Kristhu Jyothi College 428 p UG Library
153.45 GUP 00050346 Human Values in Education Gupta, N L Concept Publishing Com 2000 8170228476 271p UG Library
153.45 IGN 00039461 Values for Life. Ignacimuthu, S Bettery 1995 150 p UG Library
153.45 KOI 00034853 Live Your Values Koikara, Felix Don Bosco Publications 1990 8171083013 112 p. UG Library
153.45 KOI 00044841 Live Your Values Koikara, Felix Don Bosco Publications 1990 8171083013 112 p. UG Library
153.45 KOI 00039470 Live Your Values Koikara, Felix Better Yourself Books 1995 5th Ed. 230 p. UG Library
153.45 KOI 00039472 Live Your Values Koikara, Felix Better Yourself Books 1995 5th Ed. 230 p. UG Library
153.45 KOI 00034854 Live Your Values Koikara, Felix Better Yourself Books 1995 5th Ed. 230 p. UG Library
153.45 KOI 10001048 Live Your Values : Koikara, Felix Don Bosco Youth Animation Centre, 1990 vii, 233 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.45 KOI 00044842 Live Your Values Koikara, Felix Better Your Self 1998 8171083021 viii, 232 p. UG Library
153.45 KOL 00039469 Live Your Values Koikara Felix Better Yourself Books 1995 230 p. UG Library
153.45 MAC 00039455 Value Education Maccarthaigh, Brendan Better Yourself Books 1992 190 p. UG Library
153.45 MAC 00034942 Value Education.What,Why and How? Maccarthaigh, Brendan Bby 1992 199 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.45 MAS 00038440 Family Life Education : Value Education Mascarenhas Marie Mignon Centre for Research Education Serviced & Training 1993 5th Ed. 300 p. UG Library
153.45 MAS 00038441 Family Life Education : Value Education Mascarenhas Marie Mignon Centre for Research Education Serviced & Training 1993 5th Ed. 300 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.45 MAS 00039463 Family Life Education : Value Education Mascarenhas Marie Mignon Centre for Research Education Serviced & Training 1993 5th Ed. 300 p. UG Library
153.45 MUS 00119807 Value Education by, Mustafa A Manglam Publishers, 2015 9789382816188 v, 436 p.: UG Library
153.45 PEC 00044847 Road Less Travelled and Beyond: Peck, M Scott Arrow 1990 345 p UG Library
153.45 PEC PEC 07005507 Road Less Travelled and Beyond: Peck, M Scott Arrow 1990 345 p Library - BR Campus
153.45 PUT 05034127 Fair Deal : Putti, Joseph Kristhu Jyothi College, 1993 510 p Knowledge Centre
153.45 VAL 07002571 An invitation to cultural psychology / Valsiner, Jaan. Sage, 2014 xii, 290 p. Library - BR Campus
153.45LAU 01007689 Understanding Cross-Cultural Psychology ( Law Lib ) Pittu D Laungani SAGE Publication 9788178297989 264p Knowledge Centre
153.46 KIM 01026298 Judgment and decision-making : Kim,Nancy S. Palgrave, 2018 9781137269553 xv,305p.; Knowledge Centre
153.4FUL 01000129 Cognitive Psychology (law Library ) Eamon Fulcher Curcial 1903337135 161p Knowledge Centre
153.4LAM.G 05039816 Handbook of Cognition: Lamberts, Koen 2004 0761972773 452p Knowledge Centre
153.5 KOL 00039471 Live Your Values Koikara Felix Better Yourself Books 1995 230 p. UG Library
153.53 WES 05033718 Creativity for Critical Thinkers / Weston, Anthony Oxford University Press, 2007 0019530621 80 p Knowledge Centre
153.6 BOB 04002983 Fire Up Your Communication Skills: Get People to Listen, Understand, and Give You What You Want Bob, Captain Viva Books 2008 9788130900353 315 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.6 ASR 00143052 Interpersonal Relationship in Social Psychology Asrat, Yihunselam Global Vision Publishing House 2021 9788194402350 361p UG Library
153.6 BAX 00086269 Engaging Theories in Interpersonal Communication:Multiple Perspectives Baxter, Leslie A Sage 2008 9781412938525 423 p UG Library
153.6 BOB 00073914 Fire Up Your Communication Skills. Bob, Captain Viva 2000 342 UG Library
153.6 BRA 00121827 Engaging theories in interpersonal communication : Braithwaite Dawn O Sage 2015 9781452261409 (pbk. : acidfree 2nd ed. xviii, 453 pages ; UG Library
153.6 DEV 00064313 The Interpersonal Communication Reader: [WMU] Devito, A Joseph 2002 0000321520 189p UG Library
153.6 DEV 00064314 The Interpersonal Communication Reader: [WMU] Devito, A Joseph 2002 0000321520 189p Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.6 DUH 10004154 Supercommunicators : Duhigg, Charles, Penguin, 2024 9781529939606 First edition. xviii, 299 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.6 DUH 05074950 Supercommunicators : Duhigg, Charles, Penguin, 2024 9781529939606 First edition. xviii, 299 pages ; Knowledge Centre
153.6 EKM 05062582 Telling lies : Ekman, Paul. W.W. Norton, 2009 9780393337457 (pbk.) [4th ed.]. 402 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.6 GAS 10004511 Unlocked: the power of you/ by Gezim Gashi Gashi, Gezim [Author] Penguin Random House, 2023 9780143463887 178 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.6 GUE 00129213 Close encounters : Guerrero, Laura K. SAGE, 2011 9781412977371 (pbk.) | 1412977 3rd ed. xix, 482 p. : UG Library
153.6 GUE 07011307 Close encounters : Guerrero, Laura K., Sage, 2018 9781506376721 (pbk. : alk. pap Fifth edition. xxii, 528 pages : Library - BR Campus
153.6 GUE 00129147 Close Encounters : Guerrero, Laura K. SAGE, 2014 9781452217109 (pbk.) Fourth Edition. xviii, 509 p. ; UG Library
153.6 GUF 00087505 Close Encounters: Guerrero, Laura K Sage 2007 9781412949538 2nd,Ed. 354p UG Library
153.6 HAR 05004610 Skilled interpersonal communication : Hargie, Owen. Routledge, 2011 9780415432030 (hbk.) | 9780415 5th ed. xiv, 614 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.6 HAR 00131376 Skilled interpersonal communication : Hargie, Owen, Routledge, 2017 9781138823778 (pbk.) | 9781138823761 (hardback) 6th edition. xv, 642 pages ; UG Library
153.6 LUB 00144957 How we talk to each other Lubienetzki, ULF Springer, 2022 9783662644362 ix,78p.; UG Library
153.6 MAY 05057523 How to win any argument : Mayer, Robert. Rupa Publications, 2017 9788129145512 244p.; Knowledge Centre
153.6 MAY 03009467 How to Win Any Argument : Mayer, Robert. Jaico Publishing House , 2008 9788179927809 223 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.6 MOR 05002225 Expressing oneself/expressing one's self : Psychology Press, 9781848728868 (hbk. : alk. pap 224 p. Knowledge Centre
153.6 ORB 00096176 Contemporary Issues in Interpersonal Communication / Orbe, Mark P. Roxbury Pub., 2005 1931719586 (alk. paper) xix, 363 p. : UG Library
153.6 ORB 05030254 Contemporary Issues in Interpersonal Communication / Orbe, Mark P. Roxbury Pub., 2005 1931719586 (alk. paper) xix, 363 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.6 ORB 00096178 Contemporary Issues in Interpersonal Communication / Orbe, Mark P. Roxbury Pub., 2005 1931719586 (alk. paper) xix, 363 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.6 ORB 00073530 Contemporary Issues in Interpersonal Communication / Orbe, Mark P. Roxbury Pub., 2005 1931719586 (alk. paper) xix, 363 p. : UG Library
153.6 ORB 00073531 Contemporary Issues in Interpersonal Communication / Orbe, Mark P. Roxbury Pub., 2005 1931719586 (alk. paper) xix, 363 p. : UG Library
153.6 ORB 00073532 Contemporary Issues in Interpersonal Communication / Orbe, Mark P. Roxbury Pub., 2005 1931719586 (alk. paper) xix, 363 p. : UG Library
153.6 PAT 05030252 Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High / Patterson, Kerry McGraw-Hill, 2002 0071401946 238p.: Knowledge Centre
153.6 PAT 05030253 Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High / Patterson, Kerry McGraw-Hill, 2002 0071401946 238p.: Knowledge Centre
153.6 PUR 00135587 The future of reading / Purchase, Eric, Routledge, 2019 9781138319493 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138319523 (pbk. : alk. paper) x,180p.; UG Library
153.6 ROD 10005067 The Art of Arguing : Roden, Nary Rupa Publications, 2022 9788129145512 xi, 185 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.6 SMI 05030251 New directions in interpersonal communication research / Smith Sandi W SAGE, 9781412959407 (cloth) | 141295 xviii, 339 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.6 STO 05040517 Difficult conversations : Stone,Douglas. Penguin Books, 1999 9780670921348 xxxiii,315p.; Knowledge Centre
153.6 SUL 00077376 Good Listner Sullivan, E James Better Yourself Books 2005 152 p. UG Library
153.6 TIE 00058208 101 Ways to Better Communication. Tierney, Elizabeth Kogan Page 2002 8175541520 90 UG Library
153.6 TRE 00052834 Interpersonal Communication Trenholm, Sarah 2000 0534561519 430 UG Library
153.6 TRE 05030261 Interprsonal Communication / Trenholm, Sarah Oxford University Press, 2004 0195170741 434p.: Knowledge Centre
153.6 TRE 05001896 Interpersonal Communication / Trenholm, Sarah Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195312904 442 p.: Knowledge Centre
153.6 TUH 10003585 Communication skills training: Tuhovsky,Ian Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353336806 xiv,201 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.6 VRI 01013018 Detecting lies and deceit : Vrij, Aldert. John Wiley, 9780470516256 (pbk. : alk. pap xii, 488 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.6 WOO 05021896 Interpersonal Everyday Encounters Communcation / Wood Julia T Thomson Wadsworth, 2007 0049500653 394p.: Knowledge Centre
153.6 WOO 00073527 Interpersonal Everyday Encounters Communcation / Wood Julia T Thomson Wadsworth, 2007 0049500653 394p.: UG Library
153.6 WOO 05030262 Interpersonal Everyday Encounters Communcation / Wood Julia T Thomson Wadsworth, 2007 0049500653 394p.: Knowledge Centre
153.6 WOO 00117750 Interpersonal communication Wood, Julia T. Thomson/Wadsworth, 2007 049500653X (student ed. : pbk. Ed. 5 xix, 394 p. : UG Library
153.6 WOO 00055591 Interpersonal Communication Everyday Encounters Wood, Julia T 2002 0534548865 | 9780534548865 3rd Ed. 444p UG Library
153.6 YIN 00127118 A lifetime of communication / Yingling, Julie Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers 2004 9780805840933 420p. UG Library
153.64 CRA 05034106 Dictionary of Dreams and Their Meanings : Craze, Richard Anness Publishing Ltd., 2004 1844773930 254p.; Knowledge Centre
153.64 CRA 05001888 Dictionary of Dreams and Their Meanings : Craze, Richard Anness Publishing Ltd., 2004 1844773930 254p.; Knowledge Centre
153.68 AHU 00058209 How to Develop Profitable Listening Skills Ahuja, Pramila Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2000 8120720202 216 UG Library
153.68 STO 05040536 Thanks for the feedback : Stone,Douglas. Penguin Books, 2014 9780670922611 348p.; Knowledge Centre
153.69 KUH 04002502 Body Language for Dummies Kuhnke, Elizabeth John Wiley and Sons 2008 9788126518555 308 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.69 LEW 03002711 Body Language : Lewis, Hedwig. Sage Publications, 2009 9780761994916 | 0761994912 207 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.69 LEW 03002513 Body Language : Lewis, Hedwig. Sage Publications, 2009 9780761994916 | 0761994912 207 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.69 BOW 03007209 Winning Body Language : Bowden, Mark. McGraw-Hill, 2010 9780071700573 (alk. paper) | 9 xix, 234 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.69 BOW 04017430 Winning Body Language : Bowden, Mark. McGraw-Hill, 2010 9780071700573 (alk. paper) | 9 xix, 234 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.69 CLA 00068901 Body Language at Work Clayton, Peter Duncan Petersen Pubshing Ltd 2006 0600615235 | 9780600615231 168 p. UG Library
153.69 DCR 00104233 Body Language and Communication Skills : Dcruze Teresa Aadi Publications ; 2011 9789380902234 266 p. UG Library
153.69 EKM 05046397 What the face reveals Oxford University Press, 2005 0195179641 (hardcover : alk. p 2nd ed. xxi,639p.: Knowledge Centre
153.69 FER 09000254 The science of facial expression / Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190613501 (hardcover : alk. paper) xii, 540p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.69 FER 05067815 The science of facial expression / Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190613501 (hardcover : alk. paper) xii, 540p.; Knowledge Centre
153.69 FEY 00129944 The Cognitive Psychology of Speech-Related Gesture / Feyereisen, Pierre, Routledge, 2018 9781138702738 | 9781138702745 ix, 224 p . : UG Library
153.69 HOG 03004706 The Secreat of Language of Business : Hogan, Kevin. Times Group Books, 2008 9788126520909 xxvii;,227 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.69 LEW 00063903 Body Language: a Guide for Professionals: Lewis, Hedwig 2004 0761994912 208[p UG Library
153.69 LEW 00112951 Body Language : Lewis, Hedwig, SAGE, 2012 9788132107200 3rd ed. xx, 239 p. : UG Library
153.69 LEW 00049941 Body Language Lewis, Hedwig Response Books 1998 0761992340 213 p. UG Library
153.69 LEW 05030264 Body Language Lewis, Hedwig Response Books 1998 0761992340 213 p. Knowledge Centre
153.69 LEW 05030232 Body Language Lewis, Hedwig Response Books 1998 0761992340 213 p. Knowledge Centre
153.69 LEW 00058895 Body Language Lewis, Hedwig Response Books 2000 0761994912 | 9780761994916 2nd Ed. 198 p. UG Library
153.69 LEW 03008451 Body Language : Lewis, Hedwig. SAGE, 2012 9788132107200 (pbk. : alk. pap 3rd ed., rev. ed. xx, 239 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.69 MAT 07006308 Body Languege Secrets / Mather, Diana Hodder Publication, 2012 9781444176773 x,198p. Library - BR Campus
153.69 MAT 09000753 Body Languege Secrets / Mather, Diana Hodder Publication, 2012 9781444176773 x,198p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.69 MAT 05054460 APA handbook of nonverbal communication / American Psychological Association, 2016 9781433819698 | 1433819694 First edition. xxiv, 626 pages : Knowledge Centre
153.69 MCN 05047408 Why we gesture : McNeill, David, Cambridge univeristy press, 2016 9781107137189 (Hardback) | 978 xviii, 206 pages : Knowledge Centre
153.69 NAV 05045823 What Every Body is Saying : Navarro, Joe. Collins, 2008 9780061438295 (pbk.) | 0061438 1st ed. xviii, 250 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.69 NAV 03005314 What Every Body is Saying : Navarro, Joe. Collins, 2008 9780061438295 (pbk.) | 0061438 1st ed. xviii, 250 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.69 PEA 05047627 Body Language : Pease, Allan. Manjul Publishing House, 2014 9788183224109 229p.; Knowledge Centre
153.69 REI 05042784 The Power of Body Language : Reiman, Tonya. Pocket Books, 2009 9781416561095 xi,334p.; Knowledge Centre
153.69 REI 00118556 The Power of Body Language : Reiman, Tonya. Pocket Books, 2009 9781416561095 xi,334p.; UG Library
153.69 SEN 07005378 Communication and Language Skills/ Sen,Sanghita. Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107497016 297 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
153.69 SHA 05030233 Body Language:Your Success Mantra [pg.Lib.General Section] Verma, Shalini S Chand 8121925509 173p Knowledge Centre
153.69 SHA 00080687 Body Language Verma, Shalini S Chand 2008 8121925509 | 9788121925501 1st Ed. 173 p. UG Library
153.69 WAI 00071990 Body Language Teach Yourself. Wainwright, Gordon R 2003 0340859997 184 UG Library
153.69 WAI 00076222 Teach Yourself Body Language: Wainwright, R Gordon 2003 0340859997 184p UG Library
153.6903 NAV 05064914 The dictionary of body language : Navarro, Joe, Harper Collins, 2018 9780008322014 x, 197 p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.69LEW 01000061 Body Language Guide Professionals(law Library ) Hedwing Lewis Sage Publications 0761994912 207p Knowledge Centre
153.69WAI 00071146 Teach Yourself Body Language (UGC Autonomous Grant) (MSC PSY) Wainwright, Gordon R 0340859997 184p Knowledge Centre
153.7 MAH 00115437 Psychological Perfection/ Mahmud, Jafar A.P.H. Publishing Corporation, 2004 8176486523 | 9788176486521 156p. ; UG Library
153.7 ANN 05036642 Simple perceptions/ Annaiah,Anil Brand Radianz, 2013 9789351370598 157p.; Knowledge Centre
153.7 ANN 05036702 Simple perceptions/ Annaiah,Anil Brand Radianz, 2013 9789351370598 157p.; Knowledge Centre
153.7 COR 00106504 Sensation and Perception Coren,Stanley. John Wiely & Sons, INC. 2003 9780470002261 ix,656 p. UG Library
153.7 DEB 00042657 Textbook of Wisdom De Bono, Edward Penguin Books 1996 0140258388 | 9780140258387 276 p. UG Library
153.7 HEF 03009687 Wilful Blindness : Heffernan, Margaret. Simon & Schuster, 2012 9781847399052 391 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.7 HOC 00021254 Perception Hochberg, Julian E Prentice -Hall 1969 120 p UG Library
153.7 JAF 05033365 Psychological Perception : Jafar, Mahmud APH Publishing, 2003 8176486523 156 p Knowledge Centre
153.7 MAH 00068202 Psychological Perfection/ Mahmud, Jafar A.P.H. Publishing Corporation, 2004 8176486523 | 9788176486521 156p. ; UG Library
153.7 MAT 05047459 Foundations of sensation and perception / Mather, George, Routledge, 2016 9781848723436 (hb) | 978184872 Third edition. x, 470 pages ; Knowledge Centre
153.7 MES 05001906 The mind in context / Guilford Press, 9781606235539 (hbk.) | 1606235 x, 371 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.7 NAD 10004258 Consciousness is all there is: Nader, Tony Hay house india pvt ltd., 2024 9788119554249 xxxii,469 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.7 ROT 00086824 Perception and Representation Current Issues Roth, Ilona Open University. 2002 0335194745 2nd.Ed. 222 p UG Library
153.7 VER 00078240 The psychology of perception Vernon, Magdalen Dorothea, Penguin, 1971 0140205306 2nd ed. 251 p. UG Library
153.7 WAG 05005176 Studies in perception and action X : Psychology Press, 2009 9781848728806 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 174 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.7 ZAN 03010404 The Art of Possibility / Zander, Rosamund Stone. Harvard Business School Press, 2000 0875847706 (alk. paper) | 9780 ix, 206 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.7 ZAN 05000291 The Art of Possibility / Zander, Rosamund Stone. Harvard Business School Press, 2000 0875847706 (alk. paper) | 9780 ix, 206 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.70954 MAT 05030669 Preception an Essay on Classical Indian Theories of Knowledge (msc Psy) (UGC - Autonomous) Matilal, Bimal Krishna Oxford University Press: 2002 0195662768 438p.: Knowledge Centre
153.733 EYA 07013740 Indistractable : Eyal Nir Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019 9781526619297 ix,319p.; Library - BR Campus
153.733 GOL 09000801 Focus : Goleman Daniel Bloomsbury, 2014 9789384052980 311p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.733 GOL 07010177 Focus : Goleman Daniel Bloomsbury, 2014 9789384052980 311p.: Library - BR Campus
153.733 JOH.P 05030670 Attention: Johnson, Addie London, 2002 0761927611 474p.: Knowledge Centre
153.733 MIT 01017099 Attention and associative learning : Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199550531 (hbk.) | 0199550 x, 411 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.733 POS 07010224 Attention in a Social World / Posner Michael.I Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199361021 xx,195p.: Library - BR Campus
153.74 CHA 00106283 The invisible gorilla Chabris, Christopher F. Harper Collins 2010 9780007412648 xi, 306 p. UG Library
153.753 GRO 00147674 The psychology of time / Gross, Richard Routledge, 2024 9781032696195 138p. ; UG Library
153.753 LIN 09000715 When The Future Begins : Lindkvist, Magnus Viva Books, 2017 9789386105165 159p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.753 LIN 05054740 When The Future Begins : Lindkvist, Magnus Viva Books, 2017 9789386105165 159p. : Knowledge Centre
153.753 LIN 04026001 When The Future Begins : Lindkvist, Magnus Viva Books, 2017 9789386105165 159p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.753 LIN 07006040 When The Future Begins : Lindkvist, Magnus Viva Books, 2017 9789386105165 159p. : Library - BR Campus
153.753 PIN 00130927 When : the scientific secrets of perfect timing Pink, Daniel H. Canongate book ltd., 2018 9781782119890 258p.; UG Library
153.758 MAR 05061241 Face recognition in adverse conditions / Marsico, Maria De., Information Science Reference, 2014 9781466659667 (hardcover) xxiv, 480 pages ; Knowledge Centre
153.8 GOR 03002437 Motivation : Gorman, Tom. Vivabooks Private Limited, 2010 9781598690910 183 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.8 BAU 05068310 Self-regulation and self-control : Baumeister, Roy F., Routledge, 2018 9781138039544 (hbk) viii,387p.; Knowledge Centre
153.8 BAU 05036959 Willpower : Baumeister, Roy F. Allen Lane ; 2011 9781846146107 291 p.: Knowledge Centre
153.8 BAU 09000164 Self-regulation and self-control : Baumeister, Roy F., Routledge, 2018 9781138039544 (hbk) viii,387p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.8 BAU 03007918 Willpower : Baumeister, Roy F. Allen Lane ; 2011 9781846146107 291 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.8 BUR 03009118 The Charge : Burchard, Brendon. Simon & Schuster , 2012 9781849837019 254 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.8 CAL 01017090 Free Will and Responsibility : Callender,John S. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199545551 xi,394p.; Knowledge Centre
153.8 COO 04015291 Motivate yourself and reach your goals /. Coombes, Frances Hachette , 2010 9781444103274 366 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.8 DEN 00058257 Motivate to Win Denny, Richard Kogan Page 2003 8175541571 160p UG Library
153.8 DIA 10004346 Level Up : Dial, Rob Penguin Random House, 2023 9781911709008 viii, 241 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.8 DUR 04016749 Perpetual Motivation: Durand, Dave Better Yourself Book, 2006 9788171086962 173p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.8 DWE 10001917 Mindset / Dweck, Carol S. Robinson, 2017 9781780332000 Updated ed. xi, 301p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.8 DWE 10001918 Mindset / Dweck, Carol S. Robinson, 2017 9781780332000 Updated ed. xi, 301p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.8 DWE 00140975 Mindset : Dweck, Carol S., Robinson, 2006 9781780332000 1st ed. x, 277 p. ; UG Library
153.8 DWE 05049136 Mindset : Dweck, Carol S., Robinson, 2006 9781780332000 1st ed. x, 277 p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.8 DWE 05072694 Mindset / Dweck, Carol S. Robinson, 2017 9781780332000 Updated ed. xi, 301p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.8 DWE 07012937 Mindset : Dweck, Carol S., Robinson, 2006 9781780332000 1st ed. x, 277 p. ; Library - BR Campus
153.8 DWE 10003785 Mindset / Dweck, Carol S. Robinson, 2017 9781780332000 Updated ed. xi, 301p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.8 DWE 04015585 Mindset : Dweck, Carol S., Ballantine Books, 2008 9780345472328 (pbk.) Ballantine Books trade pbk. ed. x, 277 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.8 DWE 05065712 Mindset : Dweck, Carol S. Random House, 2016 9781400062751 xi, 301 p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.8 DWE 05065713 Mindset : Dweck, Carol S. Random House, 2016 9781400062751 xi, 301 p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.8 DWE 07012625 Mindset : Dweck, Carol S., Robinson, 2006 9781780332000 1st ed. x, 277 p. ; Library - BR Campus
153.8 DWE 05065714 Mindset : Dweck, Carol S. Random House, 2016 9781400062751 xi, 301 p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.8 DWE 03009257 Mindset : Dweck, Carol S., Ballantine Books, 2008 9780345472328 (pbk.) Ballantine Books trade pbk. ed. x, 277 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.8 ELL 05068187 Handbook of competence and motivation : The Guiford Press, 2017 9781462536030 Second edition. xiv, 722 pages ; Knowledge Centre
153.8 ELL 09000120 Handbook of competence and motivation : The Guiford Press, 2017 9781462536030 Second edition. xiv, 722 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.8 EOW 05002175 Motivation & emotion : Edwards, David C. Sage, 1999 0761908323 (hardcover : alk. p xviii, 467 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.8 EPS 05030656 Big Book of Motivation Games / Epstein, Robert Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited; 2001 0070589629 xix,224p.: Knowledge Centre
153.8 FOR 05005301 The psychology of attitudes and attitude change / Psychology Press, 2010 9781848729087 (hardcover : alk xii, 302 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.8 FRA 05002222 Human Motivation / Ranken, Robert E Thomson Wadsworth, 2007 0495090816 464p.: Knowledge Centre
153.8 GAN 00070365 Great Little Book of Motivation Ganesh, S. G. Thomson 2005 9812653139 | 9789812653130 122 p. UG Library
153.8 GAN 10003560 3 tips: Gandhi, Meera Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2022 9789355208781 xiv,122 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.8 GRA 10004301 Hidden potential : Grant, Adam, WH Allen, 2023 9780593653159 | 9780753560051 290 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.8 GRA 10004401 Sensitive : Granneman, Jenn. Penguin, 2023 9780241993255 260p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.8 GRA 05073935 Sensitive : Granneman, Jenn. Penguin, 2023 9780241993255 260p.; Knowledge Centre
153.8 HEC 05002174 Motivation and action Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521852593 (hardback) | 052 xvii, 508 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.8 HER 04008359 Get motivated / Herald, Justin Allen&Unwin, 2005 9781853835575 x, 169p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.8 JON 10004327 Influence : Jones, Justin Hempson 9780008478698 291 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.8 KAY 03004599 Obliquity : Kay, J. A. Profile Books, 2010 1846682886 | 9781846682889 (hb xiv, 210 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.8 KIM 03007038 1,001 ways to motivate yourself and others / Kim, Sang H Jaico Book, 2006 9788172246303 175p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.8 KOP 05068595 The motivation-cognition interface : Routledge, 2018 9781138651081 (pb : alk. paper) | 9781138651074 (hb : alk. paper) xvii, 200 pages ; Knowledge Centre
153.8 KOP 09000180 The motivation-cognition interface : Routledge, 2018 9781138651081 (pb : alk. paper) | 9781138651074 (hb : alk. paper) xvii, 200 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.8 MCG 03007913 The Willpower Instinct : McGonigal, Kelly. Avery, 2012 9781583334386 | 1583334386 275 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.8 MEU 10004502 Think Better Thoughts: Master Your Thoughts and Grow Your Potential/ by Thibaut Meurisse Meurisse, Thibaut [Author] Penguin Business, 2019 9780143465171 ix, 195 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.8 MUR 03007302 Hard Goals : Murphy, Mark A. McGraw-Hill, 2011 9780071753463 (hdbk. : alk. pa viii, 181 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.8 MUR 04017409 Hard Goals : Murphy, Mark A. McGraw-Hill, 2011 9780071753463 (hdbk. : alk. pa viii, 181 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.8 NIE 03010735 How to Read A Person Like a Book : Nierenberg, Gerard I, Rupa Publications, 2012 9788129119186 118 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.8 NIE 00111110 How to Read A Person Like a Book : Nierenberg, Gerard I, Rupa Publications, 2012 9788129119186 118 p.: UG Library
153.8 NIE 04021318 How to Read A Person Like a Book : Nierenberg, Gerard I, Rupa Publications, 2012 9788129119186 118 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.8 NOR 05074983 The Ritual Effect : Norton, Michael. Penguin Life, 2024 9780241465448 272 p.; Knowledge Centre
153.8 NOR 10004184 The Ritual Effect : Norton, Michael. Penguin Life, 2024 9780241465448 272 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.8 OSH 00085073 Will: A Dual Aspect Theory. O`Shaughnessy, Brian 2008 9780521619530 617p UG Library
153.8 PIN 09000794 Drive : the surprising truth about what motivates us / Pink, Daniel H Penguine, 2009 9781786891709 Including Bibliographical References and Index Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.8 PIN 10002411 Drive : the surprising truth about what motivates us / Pink, Daniel.H., Canongate books ltd., 2018 9781786891709 xii,242 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.8 REI 09000525 Perceived control : Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190257040 (hardback) x, 356 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.8 REI 05068134 Perceived control : Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190257040 (hardback) x, 356 pages ; Knowledge Centre
153.8 SIN 10004269 Dialed in: Sinclair, Dana Simon and schuster inc., 2024 9781982181871 xx,232 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.8 STE 10001663 Sustain your game : Stein, Alan, Hachette Books, 2022 9780306926259 xix, 283p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.8 STE 05073389 Sustain your game : Stein, Alan, Hachette Books, 2022 9780306926259 xix, 283p.; Knowledge Centre
153.8 STU 10004345 Lessons for Living : Stutz, Phil Penguin Random House, 2023 9781785044960 xiii, 183 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.8 TAY 00129558 Willpower Taylor, Ros Capstone, 2017 9788126569397 160 p.: UG Library
153.8 TIM 10004930 The 0.1% Academy: Master the 7 Mindsets to Maintain Peak Performance/ by Gareth Timmins Timmins, Gareth [Author] John Murray, 2024 9781399814850 1st Ed. xv, 204 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.8 ZOM 09000824 From self to social relationships : an essentially relational perspective on social motivation / Zomeren, Martijn van Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107474727 194 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.8 ZOM 07009395 From self to social relationships : Zomeren, Martijn van, Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107093799 (hardback) x, 194 pages : Library - BR Campus
153.8 ZUK 03008092 Influence : Zuker, Elaina. Viva Books Private Limited ; 2004 9788176495783 75 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.808834 KEV 01013689 Motivating Techniques For Lawers : Kevin,Tim. Universal Law Publishing, 9788175348561 177p.; Knowledge Centre
153.83 BOU 03001034 Emotional Logic and Decision Making : Bourion, Christian. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008 140394508X 234 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.83 HBP 03002168 Harvard Business Review Pocket Mentor Making Decisions : Harvard Business Press Harvard Business Press, 2008 9781422128718 100 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.83 HBP 03003586 Harvard Business Review Pocket Mentor Making Decisions : Harvard Business Press Harvard Business Press, 2008 9781422128718 100 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.83 ZUK 03002825 Mind of the Soul : Zukav, Gary. Free Press, 2003 0743254406 | 9780743254403 215 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.83 ARI 04022977 Predictably Irrational : Ariely, Dan Happers, 2008 9780007368549 280p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.83 BAN 00138431 Evidence-Based Decision-Making : Banasiewicz,Andrew D. Routledge, 2019 9781138485297 xii,269p.; UG Library
153.83 BER 10002108 Decision theory and rationality / Bermúdez, José Luis Oxford university press, 2009 9780199596249 189 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.83 DEL 01017761 Decision making, affect, and learning : Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199600434 (hbk.) | 0199600 xvii, 555 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.83 GAL 05034143 Making Decisions That Matter : Galotti, Kathleen M Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002 0080583396 177 p Knowledge Centre
153.83 GIN 07001455 Sidetracked : Gino, Francesca. Harvard Business Review Press, 2013 9781422142691 (alk. paper) viii, 260 p. ; Library - BR Campus
153.83 GIN 05000287 Sidetracked : Gino, Francesca. Harvard Business Review Press, 2013 9781422142691 (alk. paper) viii, 260 p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.83 HAL 07001615 Inside the Nudge Unit Halpern, David Penguin Random House, 2015 9780753556542 xiv, 383 p:. Library - BR Campus
153.83 HAL 00123104 Inside the Nudge Unit Halpern, David Penguin Random House, 2015 9780753556542 xiv, 383 p:. UG Library
153.83 HAM 07001433 Smart choices : Hammond, John S., Harvard Business School Press, 1999 0875848575 (hardcover : alk. p x, 244 p. : Library - BR Campus
153.83 HAM 07002557 Smart choices : Hammond, John S., Harvard Business School Press, 1999 0875848575 (hardcover : alk. p x, 244 p. : Library - BR Campus
153.83 HAM 05000431 Smart choices : Hammond, John S., Harvard Business School Press, 1999 0875848575 (hardcover : alk. p x, 244 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.83 HAM 03010226 Smart Choices : Hammond, John S. Harvard Business School Press, 1999 0875848575 (hardcover : alk. p x, 244 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.83 HAR 05057041 Choice : Harper, Richard, Polity Press, 2016 9780745683867 (hardcover : alk vii, 270 pages ; Knowledge Centre
153.83 HAS 05030652 Rational choice in an uncertain world : Hastie, Reid. SAGE, 2010 9781412959032 (pbk. : acidfree 2nd ed. xii, 374 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.83 HBP 03010171 Harvard Business Review Pocket Mentor Making Decisions : Harvard Business Press Harvard Business Press, 2008 9781422128718 100 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.83 HBP 05000081 Harvard Business Review Pocket Mentor Making Decisions : Harvard Business Press Harvard Business Press, 2008 9781422128718 100 p.: Knowledge Centre
153.83 HIG 03011285 Judgement and Decision Making at Work : Highhouse, Scott. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group , 2014 9780415886864 386 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.83 KAH 10004867 Noise; A Flaw in Human Judgement/ by Daniel kahneman, Olivier Sibony and Cass R. Sunstein Kahneman, Daniel [Author] William Collins; an imprint of Harper Collins Publishers, 2021 9780008309008 1st Ed. ix, 454 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.83 KRO 05046743 The Decision Book ed by. Krogerus Mikael Profile Books, 2008 9781846683954 173 p.: Knowledge Centre
153.83 KRO 00119154 The Decision Book ed by. Krogerus Mikael Profile Books, 2008 9781846683954 173 p.: UG Library
153.83 LIC 00128727 The Construction of Preference / Lichtenstein, Sarah Cambridge University Press, 2006 9780521834285 | 0521834287 | xviii, 790 p. ; UG Library
153.83 MCK 09000711 Essentialism : Mckeown, Greg. Random House, 2014 9780753555163 260p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.83 MCK 05038828 Essentialism : Mckeown, Greg. Random House, 2014 9780753555163 260p.; Knowledge Centre
153.83 MCK 07012717 Essentialism : Mckeown, Greg. Random House, 2014 9780753555163 260p.; Library - BR Campus
153.83 MOL 03004851 Think or Sink : Mollicone-long, Gina. Embassy Books, 2010 9789380227573 212 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.83 MON 04009658 How we Make Decisions / Montague, Read A Plume book, 2008 9780452288843 335p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.83 NEW 05005184 Straight choices : Newell, Benjamin R., Psychology Press, 2007 9781841695884 | 9781841695891 xi, 252 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.83 OFL 00019213 How to Make Up Your Mind Oflaherty, Vincent M St.Paul 1968 1 UG Library
153.83 OFL 00020145 How to Make Up Your Mind O`Flaherty, V M St.Paul`s Publication 1968 159 p UG Library
153.83 PAR 10004090 Clear thinking : Parrish, Shane, Penguin, 2023 9781529915952 xv, 267 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.83 PAR 05074883 Clear thinking : Parrish, Shane, Penguin, 2023 9781529915952 xv, 267 pages : Knowledge Centre
153.83 POU 05062187 How to Predict the Unpredictable : Poundstone, William One world Publications, 2016 9781780747200 284p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.83 POU 03012138 How to Predict the Unpredictable : Poundstone, William One world Publications, 2016 9781780747200 284p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.83 REY 05041676 The neuroscience of risky decision making / American Psychological Association, 2014 9781433816628 | 1433816628 First edition. xviii, 214 pages : Knowledge Centre
153.83 SCH 04023164 The Paradox of Choice : Schwartz, Barry Happer Collins, 2005 9780062312785 265p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.83 WEL 05046748 10Minutes-10Months-10Years A Life Transforming Idea / Welch Suzy Simon Schuster, 2009 9781847374394 226p.: Knowledge Centre
153.83 ZUK 04017222 The Mind of the Soul : Zukav, Gary Free Press, 2003 9780743254403 106p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.830151 GRE 05008193 Modeling ordered choices : Greene, William H., Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521194204 (hbk.) | 0521194 xv, 365 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.83015192 GIG 09000490 Simply rational : Gigerenzer, Gerd. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199390076 (hbk. : acidfree paper) | 019939007X (hbk. : acidfree paper) x, 312 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.83015192 GIG 05067754 Simply rational : Gigerenzer, Gerd. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199390076 (hbk. : acidfree paper) | 019939007X (hbk. : acidfree paper) x, 312 pages : Knowledge Centre
153.83072 SCH 05005281 A handbook of process tracing methods for decision research : Psychology Press, 2011 9781848728646 (hbk.) | 9780203 p. cm. Knowledge Centre
153.85 HAB 00138478 Attitude is Everything : Habib,Jawed. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2020 9789353287993 212p.; UG Library
153.85 HAB 10005149 Attitude is Everything : Habib,Jawed. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2020 9789353287993 212p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.85 PAT 03001274 Influencer : Patterson, Kerry. [] Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 9780070222922 | 0070222924 297 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.85 CAM 05022056 The Great Life Redesign / Cameron Caroline John Wiley & S0ns Ltd, 2012 9780730377474 xvii,285 p.: Knowledge Centre
153.85 CRA 05002173 Attitudes and attitude change / Psychology Press, 9781841694818 (hbk. : alk. pap xiv, 439 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.85 CRA 03008997 Change the Way You See Everything Through Asset-Based Thinking / Cramer, Kathryn D. Running Press, 2006 9780762427239 | 076242723X 133 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.85 FIS 05005357 Predicting and Changing Behavior : Fishbein, Martin. Psychology Press, 2010 9780805859249 (hard back : alk xix, 518 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.85 FUL 03010925 A Toolkit of Motivational Skills : Fuller, Catherine. Wiley , 2008 9788126550647 2nd ed. 296 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.85 FUL 05047737 A Toolkit of Motivational Skills : Fuller, Catherine. Wiley , 2008 9788126550647 2nd ed. 296 p.: Knowledge Centre
153.85 GAR 03007584 Changing Minds : Gardner, Howard, Harvard Business School Press, 2004 1578517095 | 9781578517091 xi, 244 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.85 GAR 07001456 Changing Minds : Gardner, Howard. harvard Business School Press, 2006 9781422103296 | 1422103239 244 p. : Library - BR Campus
153.85 GAR 05000171 Changing Minds : Gardner, Howard. harvard Business School Press, 2006 9781422103296 | 1422103239 244 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.85 GAR 03007034 Changing Minds : Gardner, Howard. harvard Business School Press, 2006 9781422103296 | 1422103239 244 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.85 GAR 03004288 Changing Minds : Gardner, Howard. harvard Business School Press, 2006 9781422103296 | 1422103239 244 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.85 GRE 05043916 Influencer : the power to change anything Grenny, Joseph Mcgrawhill education Pvt Ltd., 2013 9781259098536 x,318p.; Knowledge Centre
153.85 HAN 05011383 Thought manipulation Handelman,Sapir. Praeger, 2009 9780313355325 | 0313355320 (ha xiv, 163 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.85 HAN Thought manipulation Handelman,Sapir. Praeger, 2009 9780313355325 | 0313355320 (ha xiv, 163 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.85 HAN 00108085 Thought manipulation Handelman,Sapir. Praeger, 2009 9780313355325 | 0313355320 (ha xiv, 163 p. : UG Library
153.85 HAR 09000799 Attitude is Everything : Harrell, Keith Happer Collins, 2005 9780062313041 251p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.85 HAR 07001153 Attitude is Everything : Harrell, Keith Happer Collins, 2005 9780062313041 251p. : Library - BR Campus
153.85 HAR 04024253 Attitude is Everything : Harrell, Keith Happer Collins, 2005 9780062313041 251p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.85 HAR 00123095 Attitude is Everything : Harrell, Keith Happer Collins, 2005 9780062313041 251p. : UG Library
153.85 HAR 07001176 Attitude is Everything : Harrell, Keith Happer Collins, 2005 9780062313041 251p. : Library - BR Campus
153.85 KAZ 05002180 Behavior modification in applied settings / Kazdin, Alan E. Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2001 0534348998 (alk. paper) 6th ed. xiii, 512 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.85 KAZ 05030293 Behavior modification in applied settings / Kazdin, Alan E. Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2001 0534348998 (alk. paper) 6th ed. xiii, 512 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.85 KEL 03006060 Attitude Is Everything; KEller, Jeff Embassy Book Distributors, 2007 9788188452767 ix,130p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.85 MAI 05030677 The psychology of attitudes and attitude change / Maio, Gregory R. SAGE, 2009 1412929752 (pbk.) xii, 276 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.85 MAX 03005558 Attitude : Maxwell, John C. Jaico, 2010 9788184951493 ix, 138 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.85 MIL 00127446 Behaviour Modification Miltenberger Raymond G Wadsworth cengage learning, 2008 9781111306120 International edition 548p : . UG Library
153.85 MIL 09001067 Behavior modification : Miltenberger, Raymond G., Cengage learning indin pvt ltd., 2016 9781305109391 (paperback) | 9789353503376 Sixth edition. xxii,562 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.85 MIL 00142907 Behavior modification : Miltenberger, Raymond G., Cengage learning indin pvt ltd., 2016 9781305109391 (paperback) | 9789353503376 Sixth edition. xxii,562 pages : UG Library
153.85 PAT 00129817 Influencer : Patterson, Kerry McGraw-Hill, 2008 9780071484992 | 007148499X x, 299 p. ; UG Library
153.85 SAR 05048279 Applied behavior analysis : Sarafino, Edward P., Wiley, 2012 9780470571521 (pbk. : acid fre xxiii, 472 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.85 SUN 09000625 Behavior change in the human services : Sundel, Martin, Sage, 2018 9781483384610 (pbk. : alk. paper) Sixth edition. xxi,449p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.85 SUN 07012202 Behavior change in the human services : Sundel, Martin, Sage, 2018 9781483384610 (pbk. : alk. paper) Sixth edition. xxi,449p.; Library - BR Campus
153.85 SUN 05062030 Behavior change in the human services : Sundel, Martin, Sage, 2018 9781483384610 (pbk. : alk. paper) Sixth edition. xxi,449p.; Knowledge Centre
153.85 THA 05009672 Delta theory and psychosocial systems : Tharp, Roland G., Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107014916 (hardback) xix, 185 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.85 THA 07010209 Delta theory and psychological System/ Tharp,Roland G Cambridge university Press, 2012 9781107531734 XIX,181 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
153.852 CAR 00147997 Commnicate to captivate: Carneige, Dale Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2024 9789357029902 175 p. ; UG Library
153.852 PAN 03007003 Instant influence : Pantalon, Michael V. Business Plus, 2011 9780755363339 240p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.852 ASA 03011587 The Business of Belied : Asacker, Tom. Westland Ltd., 2014 9789384030964 123 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.852 AXE 04014913 Getting your way everyday : Axelrod, Alan PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343184 vii , 293 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.852 AXE 05030678 Getting Your Way Everyday: Axelrod, Alan American Management Association, 2007 0814473350 293p. Knowledge Centre
153.852 BOR 03007887 Persuasion : Borg, James. Prentice Hall/Business, 2004 0273688383 (alk. paper) | 9780 255 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.852 CAR 10003584 Commnicate to captivate: Carneige, Dale Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2024 9789357029902 175 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.852 CIA 03006646 Influence: Cialdini, Robert B Collins, 2007 9780061241895 xiv, 320 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.852 CIA 00123148 Influence: Cialdini, Robert B Collins, 2007 9780061241895 xiv, 320 p. UG Library
153.852 CIA 07011410 Influence: Cialdini, Robert B Collins, 2007 9780061241895 xiv, 320 p. Library - BR Campus
153.852 CIA 09000791 Influence : The Psychology of Persuasion / Cialdini, Robert B Happer Collins, 2021 9780063138803 568p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.852 CIA 04022978 Influence: Cialdini, Robert B Collins, 2007 9780061241895 xiv, 320 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.852 CIA 09001042 Influence: Cialdini, Robert B Collins, 2007 9780061241895 xiv, 320 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.852 CRI 05057516 7 secrets of persuasion : Crimmins, James C. Rupa Publications, 2016 9788129141927 218p.; Knowledge Centre
153.852 CRI 00141654 7 secrets of persuasion : Crimmins, James C. Rupa Publications, 2016 9788129141927 218p.; UG Library
153.852 FOR 03008491 The Gentle Art of Getting Your Own Way : Forsyth, Patrick. Macmillan ; 2007 9780230638822 | 0230638821 160 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.852 GRA 07012557 Reinforcements : Grant Heidi Harvard Business Review Press, 2018 9781633692350 200p.: Library - BR Campus
153.852 GRA 07012730 Reinforcements : Grant Heidi Harvard Business Review Press, 2018 9781633692350 200p.: Library - BR Campus
153.852 GRA 09000797 Reinforcements : Grant Heidi Harvard Business Review Press, 2018 9781633692350 200p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.852 HAL 00146552 People skills for behavior analysts / Hall, Carmen Routledge, 2024 9781032292236 xxi,329p. ; UG Library
153.852 HAR 05057522 Get People To Do What You Want : Hartley, Gregory. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd., 2016 9788129141897 283 p.: Knowledge Centre
153.852 HAR 03011876 Get People To Do What You Want : Hartley, Gregory. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd., 2016 9788129141897 283 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.852 HIL 03007543 27 Powers of Persuasion : St. Hilaire, Chris. Prentice Hall Press, 2010 9780735204515 | 0735204519 1st ed. xxxi, 204 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.852 OKE 05044779 Persuasion : O'Keefe, Daniel J., Sage, 2016 9781452276670 (pbk. : acidfree Third edition. xix, 387 pages ; Knowledge Centre
153.852 PER 05005549 The dynamics of persuasion : Perloff, Richard M. Routledge, 2010 9780415805674 (hbk) | 04158056 4th ed. xvi, 425 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.852 PIT 07006982 Persuadable : Pittampalli Al Harper Business, 2016 9780062333896 242p.: Library - BR Campus
153.853 STR 05015091 Brainwash: The Secret History of Mind Control [msc-Psychology Section] Streatfeild, Dominic 0340831618 440 Knowledge Centre
153.8FRA1 05030657 Human Motivation Franken, Robert E USA: 2007 0495171719 6th ed. 464p Knowledge Centre
153.8SAR 05030658 How to Motivate People Sargent, Andrew Jaico Pubilishing House: 2001 8172243928 94p., Knowledge Centre
153.9 BAR 00058067 Test Yourself ! Barrett,Jim Kogan Page 2000 8175541385 | 9788175541382 254 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.9 BAR 00115444 Test Yourself ! Barrett,Jim Kogan Page 2000 8175541385 | 9788175541382 254 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.9 GUH 00073701 Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations Guha, Abhijit Tata McGraw-Hil Publishing Co.Ltd 2004 0070581894 | 9780070581890 3rd Ed. P.V. UG Library
153.9 GUH 04000818 Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examiniations Guha, Abhijit Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070581890 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.9 GUH 00070411 Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations Guha, Abhijit Tata McGraw-Hil Publishing Co.Ltd 2004 0070581894 | 9780070581890 3rd Ed. P.V. UG Library
153.9 GUH 00075630 Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations Guha, Abhijit Tata McGraw-Hil Publishing Co.Ltd 2004 0070581894 | 9780070581890 3rd Ed. P.V. UG Library
153.9 GUH 00070410 Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations Guha, Abhijit Tata McGraw-Hil Publishing Co.Ltd 2004 0070581894 | 9780070581890 3rd Ed. P.V. UG Library
153.9 THO 00070369 Course in Mental Ability and Quantitative Aptitude Thorpe, Edgar Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd 2002 0074639390 | 9780074639399 2nd Ed. 435 p. UG Library
153.9 THO 00070218 Course in Mental Ability and Quantitative Aptitude Thorpe, Edgar Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd 2002 0074639390 | 9780074639399 2nd Ed. 435 p. UG Library
153.9 THO 00060312 Course in Mental Ability and Quantitative Aptitude Thorpe, Edgar Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd 2002 0074639390 | 9780074639399 2nd Ed. 435 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.9 THO 05001153 The Pearson Guide to MBA Entrance Examinations / Thorpe, Edgar. Pearson Education, 9788131721285 xiv, p. Knowledge Centre
153.9 TOL 00115441 How to Pass Verbal Reasoning Tests Tolley,Harry Kogan Page 2002 8175541628 | 9788175541627 2nd Ed. 131 p. UG Library
153.9 VER 03003619 Complete Kit for MBA Entrance Examination Verma, Sanjeev S. Chand and Company 8121927951 1072 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.9 ZOH 03002803 SQ - Spiritual Inteligence the Ultimate Intelligence / Zohar, Danah. Bloomsbury, 2009 9780747546764 324 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.9 ADA 00137315 The Genius within : Adam,David. Picador, 2018 9781509805006 326p.; UG Library
153.9 AGG 04020268 Quantitative Aptitude/ Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand Company, 2011 9788121924986 | 8121924987 756 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.9 ALD 00115438 Boost Your Intelligence Alder,Harry Kogan Page 2000 9788175541399 179 p. UG Library
153.9 ALD 04012597 Boost Your Intelligence: Tested Techniques for Improving Your IQ and EQ Alder, Harry Kogan Page 8175541393 180p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.9 ALD 05030263 Boost Your Intelligence: Tested Techniques for Improving Your IQ and EQ Alder, Harry Kogan Page 8175541393 180p Knowledge Centre
153.9 AZZ 00052275 A Complete Book for Developing Your IQ Azzopardi, Gilles Infinity Books 2001 8187233923 301 p. UG Library
153.9 AZZ 00060558 How to Develop a High EQ Azzopardi, Gilles Infinity Books 2003 9788179290606 159 p. UG Library
153.9 BAR 00115440 Test Your Own Aptitude Barrett, Jim Kogan Page 2002 9788175541641 2nd Ed. 213 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.9 BAR 00058065 Test Your Own Aptitude Barrett, Jim Kogan Page 2002 9788175541641 2nd Ed. 213 p. UG Library
153.9 BAR 00058066 Career,Aptitude & Selection Tests Barrett, Jim Kogan Page 2002 8175541652 | 9788175541658 199 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.9 BAR 05033366 Aptitude, Personality & Motivation Tests : Barrett, Jim Kohan Page, 2004 2nd 227 p Knowledge Centre
153.9 BAR 00115439 Test Yourself ! Barrett,Jim Kogan Page 2000 8175541385 | 9788175541382 254 p. UG Library
153.9 BIL 07014116 The neuroscience of expertise / Bilalić, Merim, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107084599 (hbk) | 9781107446519 (pbk) xvi, 300 pages ; Library - BR Campus
153.9 BRI 10004517 Ways of being : animals, plants, machines : the search for a planetary intelligence / by James Bridle. Bridle, James [Author] Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2022 9780141994260 1st Ed. xiv, 364 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.9 BRO 05030248 Intelligent Thought Brockman, John Vintage Books, 2006 0307277224 256p.: Knowledge Centre
153.9 BRO 05030249 Intelligent Thought Brocman, John 0307277224 256p Knowledge Centre
153.9 CAR 00115443 How to Solve IQ Puzzles Carter, Philip Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2005 9798176499513 176 p UG Library
153.9 COL 00134002 Talent is overrated : Colvin, Geoffrey Nicholas Brealey, 2014 9781857885194 228 p.; UG Library
153.9 COY 07005708 The Little Book of Talent / Coyle Daniel Business Books, 2012 9781847946799 xix,124p.: Library - BR Campus
153.9 DAH 05075269 More Numbers Every Day : Dahlen, Micael. Octopus Publishing Group Ltd , 2023 9781800961067 xix, 264 p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.9 DAV 00060350 Original Intelligence David 2004 0070586195 | 9780070532854 274p UG Library
153.9 DEA 01016429 Intelligence : Deary, Ian J. Oxford University Press, 2001 0192893211 | 9780192893215 132 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.9 DEA 05030680 Intelligence: Deary, Ian J Oxford University Press, 2008 0195671872 132p. Knowledge Centre
153.9 DEA 00085434 Intelligence: Deary, Ian J Oxford University Press, 2008 0195671872 132p. UG Library
153.9 DEA 00105936 Intelligence : Deary, Ian J. Oxford University Press, 2001 0192893211 | 9780192893215 132 p. : UG Library
153.9 DHA 05039584 Personality Development and Psychology / Dhaka Suresh Book Enclave, 2013 9788181523273 280p.: Knowledge Centre
153.9 DOW 00135537 Individual differences in arithmetic : Dowker, Ann, Routledge, 2019 9781138800335 (hardback) | 9781138800342 (pbk.) 2nd edition. x,396p.; UG Library
153.9 EPS 00137480 Range : Epstein,David. Macmillan, 2019 9781509843503 339p.; UG Library
153.9 ERI 00120330 Development of professional expertise : Ericsson K Anders Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521518468 (hardback) | 978 xv, 552 p. : UG Library
153.9 EYE 00078326 The Intelligence Controversy Eysenck, H. J. Wiley, 1981 0471088846 192 p. : UG Library
153.9 FLY 04018311 What is intelligence? : Flynn, James Robert, Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521741477 (pbk.) | 0521741475 (pbk.) | 9780521880077 1st expanded pbk. ed. xiv, 259 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.9 GAR 05030257 Multiple Intelligences / Howard, Gardner Basic Books, 2006 9780465047680 300p.: Knowledge Centre
153.9 GAR 10005001 Multiple Intelligences / Howard, Gardner Basic Books, 2006 9780465047680 300p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.9 GAR 00088641 Multiple Intelligences Gardner, Howard 2006 0465047688 300p UG Library
153.9 GAR 05020903 Inteligence Reframed Multiple Intelligences for The 21st Century. Gardner, Howard 1999 0465026117 292p Knowledge Centre
153.9 GAR 00088688 Inteligence Reframed Multiple Intelligences for The 21st Century. Gardner, Howard 1999 0465026117 292p Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.9 GAR 05030668 FRAMES OF MIND / Gardner, Howard 2004 440p Knowledge Centre
153.9 GAR 00109462 Intelligence Reframed Gardner,Howard A Member Of The Perseus Books Group 1999 9780465026111 304 p. UG Library
153.9 GIL 00133921 An introduction to mathematical cognition / Gilmore, Camilla, Routledge, 2018 9781138923942 (hbk) | 9781138923959 (pbk) xv, 248 pages ; UG Library
153.9 GOL 05030247 Emotional Intelligence: Goleman, Daniel Bantam Books, 1997 0055384007 | 9789354352805 viii,412p. Knowledge Centre
153.9 GOL 05030681 Emotional Intelligence: Goleman, Daniel Bantam Books, 1997 0055384007 | 9789354352805 viii,412p. Knowledge Centre
153.9 GOL 05030784 Emotional Intelligence: Goleman, Daniel Bantam Books, 1997 0055384007 | 9789354352805 viii,412p. Knowledge Centre
153.9 GOL 00141641 Emotional Intelligence: Goleman, Daniel Bantam Books, 1997 0055384007 | 9789354352805 viii,412p. UG Library
153.9 GUH 04020262 Quantitative Aptitude : Guha, Abhijit Tata McGraw Hill, 2011 9780070706354 4th ed. v p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.9 GUH 00055311 Quantitative Aptitude for MBA Entrance Examinations Guha, Abhijit 0070402264 UG Library
153.9 GUH 00070234 Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations Guha, Abhijit Tata McGraw-Hil Publishing Co.Ltd 2004 0070581894 | 9780070581890 3rd Ed. P.V. UG Library
153.9 GUH 03009671 Quantitative Aptitude : Guha, Abhijit Tata McGraw Hill, 2011 9780070706354 4th ed. v p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.9 HAI 05074450 The science of human intelligence / Haier, Richard J., Cambridge University Press, 2024 9781108701969 Second edition. xvii, 423p.; Knowledge Centre
153.9 HAT 05004989 Intelligence and intelligence testing / Hattie, John. Routledge, 2011 9780415600910 (hbk.) 1st ed. ix,108p. Knowledge Centre
153.9 HAT 00106075 Intelligence and intelligence testing / Hattie, John. Routledge, 2011 9780415600910 (hbk.) 1st ed. ix,108p. UG Library
153.9 HOW 00086075 All About Intelligence Howard, Robert W Universities Press 2000 8173713278 247 p UG Library
153.9 HUN 07004620 Human intelligence / Hunt, Earl B. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521881623 (hardback) | 052 xiv, 507 p. : Library - BR Campus
153.9 HUR 07009709 Smarter : Hurley Dan Penguin Life, 2017 9780241257432 xxiv,275p.: Library - BR Campus
153.9 JAC 05030685 Understanding Psychological Testing / Jackson, Charles Jaico, 2001 8172249209 viii,174p. Knowledge Centre
153.9 KAD 09000315 The Oxford handbook of numerical cognition / Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198795759 xxx, 1176 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.9 KAD 05068129 The Oxford handbook of numerical cognition / Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198795759 xxx, 1176 pages : Knowledge Centre
153.9 KHA 00070434 The Pearson Guide To Quantitative Aptitude Khattar, Dinesh Pearson 2005 8129707853 | 9788129707857 857p UG Library
153.9 KOU 00068740 Succeed at Psychometric Testing Kourdi, Jeremy Hodder & Stoughton 2004 0340812354 | 9780340812358 175 p. UG Library
153.9 LEW 00058295 Test Your Aptitude and Ability Lewis Gareth Hodder & Stoughton 2000 0340780053 90 p UG Library
153.9 MAC 05030684 The Mind Game / Macdonald, Hector Michael Josehp, 2001 0718144481 325p. Knowledge Centre
153.9 MAN 00120624 Emotional Intelligence Mangal S.K. PHI Learning Pvt, 2015 9788120350854 xvii, 310 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.9 MAN 00112749 Why can't you be Normal Like Me Mani,Joseph Better Yourself Books 2009 9788171087143 152p UG Library
153.9 MAN 00120126 Emotional Intelligence Mangal S.K. PHI Learning Pvt, 2015 9788120350854 xvii, 310 p.: UG Library
153.9 MAN 00120127 Emotional Intelligence Mangal S.K. PHI Learning Pvt, 2015 9788120350854 xvii, 310 p.: UG Library
153.9 MAR 07007872 Future bright : Martinez, Michael E. oxfrod University press, 2013 9780199781843 (hardcover) | 01 XIII,291 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
153.9 MCC 05024823 You Unlimited : McCrudden Colin Kate Lyn and Maureen, 2005 9789380032740 274 p.: Knowledge Centre
153.9 MEP 00129860 Reasoning & Aptitude by Made Easy Publications Made Easy Publications, 2017 9789351472728 303 p.: UG Library
153.9 MIL 05030266 Mind Magic. Papert, Seymour P Hd McGraw-Hill, 2005 0071468056 282p.: Knowledge Centre
153.9 PIA 00119755 The Psychology of Intelligence Piaget, Jean Routledge, 2012 9780415254014 xi:202p.; UG Library
153.9 PIL 00134953 Chanakya in the classroom: Pillai,Radhakrishnan Rupa publiations india pvt ltd., 2018 9789353049393 xii,148p.; UG Library
153.9 PIL 10003583 Chanakya in the classroom: Pillai,Radhakrishnan Rupa publiations india pvt ltd., 2018 9789353049393 xii,148p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.9 PRA 04020265 Quantitative Aptitude and Resoning / Praveen, R. V. PHI, 2013 9788120347779 2nd ed. 757p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.9 PRA 04020266 Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning / Praveen, R.V PHI, 2012 9788120344310 220 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.9 PRA 05025556 Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning / Praveen, R.V PHI, 2012 9788120344310 220 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.9 PRA 04014617 Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning / Praveen, R.V PHI, 2012 9788120344310 220 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.9 RAO 04020264 Quantitative Aptitude : Rao, U. Mohan Scitech Publication, 2012 9788183714631 v p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.9 RAO 04021926 Quantitative Aptitude : Rao, U. Mohan Scitech Publication, 2012 9788183714631 v p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.9 RAO 03010441 Quantitative Aptitude : Rao, U. Mohan Scitech Publication, 2012 9788183714631 v p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.9 RAO 03010442 Quantitative Aptitude : Rao, U. Mohan Scitech Publication, 2012 9788183714631 v p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.9 ROB 05064920 The intelligence trap : Robson, David . Hodder & Stoughton, 2019 9781529311433 (hardcover) viii, 337 p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.9 SCH 00009756 Assessment and Testing Schofield Harry George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1972 0043700411 180 p UG Library
153.9 SHA 10001251 Teach Yourself Quantitative Aptitude : Sharma, Arun. McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2019 9789353166946 2nd ed. xviii,25.677p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.9 SIN 04020270 SSC Quantitative Aptitude ; Singh, Nitika Arihant Publication, 2014 9789350944509 441p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.9 STE 00099739 Wisdom, intelligence, and creativity synthesized / Sternberg, Robert J. Cambridge University Press, 0521802385 | 0521002710 (pbk.) xviii, 227 p. : UG Library
153.9 STE 00060133 Psychology of Abilities, Competencies, and Expertise Sternberg, Robert J. Cambridge University Press 2003 0521007763 | 9780521007764 280 p. UG Library
153.9 STE 07004619 Handbook of intelligence / Cambridge University Press, 2000 0521593719 (hardcover) | 05215 xiii, 677 p. : Library - BR Campus
153.9 STE 09000828 Human intelligence : an introduction / Sternberg, Robert J. Cambridge University Press, 2020 9781108703864 495 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.9 STE 05059713 The nature of human intelligence / Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107176577 (hardback) | 978 xiv,335p.; Knowledge Centre
153.9 STE 05030667 Successful Intelligence: How Practical and Creative Intelligence Determine Sternberg, J Robert 1996 0684814102 303p.: Knowledge Centre
153.9 STE 05008120 The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence / Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521518062 | 9780521739115 xix, 984 pages : Knowledge Centre
153.9 STE 05002177 The general factor of intelligence : L. Erlbaum Associates, 2002 0805836756 (alk. paper) xi, 505 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.9 THO 04023060 Course in Mental Ability & Qunatitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations / Thorpe, Edgar. Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited ; 2013 9781259003660 3rd. ed. 963 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.9 THO 04020261 Course in Mental Ability & Qunatitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations / Thorpe, Edgar. Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited ; 2013 9781259003660 3rd. ed. 963 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.9 THO 04022119 Course in Mental Ability & Qunatitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations / Thorpe, Edgar. Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited ; 2013 9781259003660 3rd. ed. 963 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.9 THO 00055313 Course in Mental Ability and Quantitative Aptitude Thorpe, Edgar Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com Ltd 2002 0074639390 | 9780074639399 2nd Ed. 435 p. UG Library
153.9 THO 00056160 Course in Mental Bility and Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinati Thorpe, Edgar 0074639390 434p UG Library
153.9 TOL 00058064 How to Pass Verbal Reasoning Tests Tolley,Harry Kogan Page 2002 8175541628 | 9788175541627 2nd Ed. 131 p. UG Library
153.9 TOR 00017488 Guiding Creative Talent Torrance, Paul E. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1962 278 p. UG Library
153.9 TRE 00129222 Expertise, Communication, and Organizing / Treem W. Jeffrey Oxford University Press, 2016 0198739230 | 9780198739234 | xix, 284 p. : UG Library
153.9 TRI 04020263 Quantitative Aptitude : Trivedi, Kashyap R. Tata McGraw HIll, 2009 9780070263598 539p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.9 TRI 04020269 Quantitative Aptitude : Pearson, 2013 9788131787816 v p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.9 TRI 03009672 Quantitative Aptitude : Pearson, 2013 9788131787816 v p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.9 VAS 05074990 The Smart and the Dumb : Vasanthakumar, Vishal. Penguin Random House, 2024 9780670098637 xiv, 179 p.; Knowledge Centre
153.9 VPH 00121818 Quantitative aptitude for competitive examinations Vikas Publishing House Vikas Publishing house 2015 9789325976078 40.36p. UG Library
153.9 WEN 00051077 Einstein Factor Wenger,Win Ph D, Prime Publishing 1996 0076150186 | 9780761501862 332 p. UG Library
153.9 WEN 05030655 Einstein Factor: a Proven New Method for Increasing Your Intelligence Wenger, Win Prima Publishing: 1996 0761501862 332 p Knowledge Centre
153.9 ZOH 03008341 SQ - Spiritual Inteligence the Ultimate Intelligence / Zohar, Danah. Bloomsbury, 2009 9780747546764 324 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.9 ZOH 05030235 Spiritual Intelligence the Ultimate Intelligence / Zohar, Danah Bloomsbury , 2001 0747546762 322p.: Knowledge Centre
153.92 CAR 03002451 Test and Assess Your Brain Quotient : Carter, Philip. Kogan Page, 2009 9788175544741 229 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.92 KPS 05073591 KP & The Genie : K P, Sudharshan. IQ Genie Pvt, 2022 9788195859009 176p.; Knowledge Centre
153.93 BRI 03010082 My Way O'Brien, Derek Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9788129130884 142 p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 BRI 04022783 My Way O'Brien, Derek Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9788129130884 142 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 BRY 03002422 How to Pass Data Interpretation Tests : Bryon, Mike. Kogan Page, 2010 9788175545069 213 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 CAR 03001923 IQ and Psychometric Text Workbook / Carter, Philip. Kogan Page, 2008 9788175543973 | 8175543973 266 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 CAR 1 03001922 IQ and Aptitude Tests Carter, Philip Kogan Page 9788175543935 180 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 DUB 00138170 Inkbolt personality test: Dubey,Bankey Lal Sage ppublications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353284619 xxii,479p.; UG Library
153.93 DUB 07013781 Inkbolt personality test: Dubey,Bankey Lal Sage ppublications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353284619 xxii,479p.; Library - BR Campus
153.93 DUB 09000654 Inkbolt personality test: Dubey,Bankey Lal Sage ppublications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353284619 xxii,479p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 DUB 00139767 Inkbolt personality test: Dubey,Bankey Lal Sage ppublications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353284619 xxii,479p.; UG Library
153.93 DUB 10005314 Inkbolt personality test: Dubey,Bankey Lal Sage ppublications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353284619 xxii,479p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.93 DUB 10001566 Inkbolt personality test: Dubey,Bankey Lal Sage ppublications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353284619 xxii,479p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.93 KON 03003748 CAT Common Admission Test : Koncept Books, 2011 9788183553544 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 RUS 03001712 Book of IQ Tests / Russell, Ken. Kogan Page, 2002 9788175541665 | 8175542802 193 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 RUS 03001713 Book of IQ Tests / Russell, Ken. Kogan Page, 2002 9788175541665 | 8175542802 193 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 RUS 03001714 Book of IQ Tests / Russell, Ken. Kogan Page, 2002 9788175541665 | 8175542802 193 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 RUS 03001711 Book of IQ Tests / Russell, Ken. Kogan Page, 2002 9788175541665 | 8175542802 193 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 04006127 How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the Cat Sharma, Arun Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2011 9780070704824 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 03003303 How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT / Sharma, Arun. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2011 9780070704824 | 0070704821 3rd ed. p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 04006128 How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the Cat Sharma, Arun Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2011 9780070704824 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 03003305 How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT / Sharma, Arun. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2011 9780070704824 | 0070704821 3rd ed. p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 AGG 07015198 Quantitative Aptitude / Aggarwal, R S S Chand, 2017 9789352534029 952p. : Library - BR Campus
153.93 AGG 05072402 Quanitative aptitude : Aggarwal, R S. S Chand and Company Limited, 2017 9789352534029 Revised edition ; 952p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.93 AGG 10000653 Quanitative aptitude : Aggarwal, R S. S Chand and Company Limited, 2017 9789352534029 Revised edition ; 952p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.93 AGG 07015646 Quantitative Aptitude: Aggarwal, R S S Chand, 2022 9789355012326 910p. : Library - BR Campus
153.93 AGG 03013114 Quantitative Aptitude / Aggarwal, R S S Chand, 2017 9789352534029 952p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 AGG 03013115 Quantitative Aptitude / Aggarwal, R S S Chand, 2017 9789352534029 952p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 AGG 04027730 Quantitative Aptitude / Aggarwal, R S S Chand, 2017 9789352534029 952p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 AGG 04027731 Quantitative Aptitude / Aggarwal, R S S Chand, 2017 9789352534029 952p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 AGG 00140354 Quantitative Aptitude / Aggarwal, R S S Chand, 2017 9789352534029 952p. : UG Library
153.93 AGG 04027732 Quantitative Aptitude / Aggarwal, R S S Chand, 2017 9789352534029 952p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 AGG 04030452 Quantitative Aptitude: Aggarwal, R S S Chand, 2022 9789355012326 910p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 AGG 04027733 Quantitative Aptitude / Aggarwal, R S S Chand, 2017 9789352534029 952p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 AGG 04030453 Quantitative Aptitude: Aggarwal, R S S Chand, 2022 9789355012326 910p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 AGG 04027734 Quantitative Aptitude / Aggarwal, R S S Chand, 2017 9789352534029 952p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 AGG 05066602 Quantitative Aptitude / Aggarwal, R S S Chand, 2017 9789352534029 952p. : Knowledge Centre
153.93 AZZ 00060559 How to Succeed in IQ Tests Azzopardi, Gilles Infinity Books 2003 9788179290637 221p UG Library
153.93 AZZ 00060560 How to Succeed in IQ Tests Azzopardi, Gilles Infinity Books 2003 9788179290637 221p UG Library
153.93 BAR 00122756 Measuring intelligence : Bartholomew, David J. Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521836190 | 0521544785 (pbk.) xiv, 172 p. ; UG Library
153.93 BIR 05049754 Statistical theories of mental test scores Birnbaum A Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. 1968 xvii, 568 p. Knowledge Centre
153.93 BRI 00116622 My Way O'Brien, Derek Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9788129130884 142 p.; UG Library
153.93 BRY 07000622 How to pass advanced verbal reasoning tests / Bryon, Mike. Kogan Page, 2010 9780749467937 | 0749460792 (pb 2nd ed. x, 244 p. ; Library - BR Campus
153.93 BRY 04017920 How to pass advanced verbal reasoning tests / Bryon, Mike. Kogan Page, 2010 9780749467937 | 0749460792 (pb 2nd ed. x, 244 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 BRY 09000777 How to pass advanced verbal reasoning tests / Bryon, Mike. Kogan Page, 2010 9780749467937 | 0749460792 (pb 2nd ed. x, 244 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 CAR 07012012 Test Your IQ : Carter, Philip Viva Books, 2016 9788130934112 172p. : Library - BR Campus
153.93 CAR 09000720 IQ Testing : Carter, Philip Viva Books, 2016 9788130934129 165p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 CAR 09000719 Test and Assess Your IQ : Carter Philip Source Books, 2016 9788130934105 178p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 CAR 09000718 Test and Assess Your Brain Quotient : Carter Philip Source Books, 2016 9788130934143 vii,229p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 CAR 09000710 Succeed At IQ Tests : Carter Philip Source Books, 2016 9788130934136 195p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 CAR 00060890 IQ and Psychometric Tests: Assess Your Personality Aptitude and Intelligence Carter, Philip Kogan Page 8175542624 264p UG Library
153.93 CAR 04025980 IQ Testing : Carter, Philip Viva Books, 2016 9788130934129 165p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 CAR 04025993 Test Your IQ : Carter, Philip Viva Books, 2016 9788130934112 172p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 CAR 04025990 Test and Assess Your IQ : Carter Philip Source Books, 2016 9788130934105 178p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 CAR 04025992 Test Your EQ : Carter, Philip Viva Books, 2016 9788130934174 178p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 CAR 07002283 Succeed At IQ Tests : Carter Philip Source Books, 2016 9788130934136 195p.: Library - BR Campus
153.93 CAR 07002285 Test and Assess Your IQ : Carter Philip Source Books, 2016 9788130934105 178p.: Library - BR Campus
153.93 CAR 09000717 Test Your IQ : Carter, Philip Viva Books, 2016 9788130934112 172p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 CAR 07002284 Test and Assess Your Brain Quotient : Carter Philip Source Books, 2016 9788130934143 vii,229p.: Library - BR Campus
153.93 CAR 05002176 IQ and personality tests / Carter, Philip J. Kogan Page Ltd., 9780749449544 | 9788175543713 207 p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.93 CAR 04025988 Succeed At IQ Tests : Carter Philip Source Books, 2016 9788130934136 195p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 CAR 04025989 Test and Assess Your Brain Quotient : Carter Philip Source Books, 2016 9788130934143 vii,229p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 CAR 07000726 Ultimate IQ tests : Carter, Philip J. Kogan Page, 2012 9780749464073 (pbk.) 2nd ed. 316 p. : Library - BR Campus
153.93 CAR 04008422 Test your IQ : Carter, Philip Kogan page, 2010 9788175545090 2nd ed. 172p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 CAR 00068425 IQ and Psychometric Tests Carter, Philip Kogan Page 2005 8175542624 263p UG Library
153.93 CAR 00086470 IQ and Psychometric Tests Carter, Philip Kogan Page 2005 8175542624 263p UG Library
153.93 CAR 04008509 IQ tests to keep you sharp / Carter, Philip J. Orient Paperbacks, 2009 9788122203721 160p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 CAR 00096523 IQ and personality tests / Carter, Philip J. Kogan Page Ltd., 2007 9780749449544 | 0749449543 207 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.93 CAR 05033368 IQ and personality tests / Carter, Philip J. Kogan Page Ltd., 2007 9780749449544 | 0749449543 207 p. ; Knowledge Centre
153.93 CL 04009540 Reading Comprehension for CAT / Cengage Learning, 2011 9788131514481 380 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 FLA 07003934 Contemporary intellectual assessment : Guilford Press, 2012 9781609189952 (harcover) 3rd ed. xviii, 926 p. : Library - BR Campus
153.93 GUH 04030463 Quantitative Aptitude : Guha, Abhijit McGraw Hill, 2020 9789389811544 7th Ed. V P. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 JAC 00053368 Understanding Psychological Testing Jackson, Charles Jaico 2001 8172249209 174p UG Library
153.93 KAP 09001087 Psychological Testing : Kaplan, Robert M. Wadsworth, 2009 9780495506355 7th ed. 715p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 KAU 07003939 Intelligent testing : Cambridge University Press, 2009 9781107423558 xii, 243 p. : Library - BR Campus
153.93 KAU 05024416 Intelligent testing : James C Kaufman Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521861212 (hbk.) | 0521861 xii, 252 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.93 KAU 09001004 Intelligent testing : Cambridge University Press, 2009 9781107423558 xii, 243 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 KIC 04027271 Quantitative Aptitude : Kiran Prakashan, 2016 1280p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 KRA 07003931 Assessing intelligence in children and adolescents : Kranzler, John H. The Guiford Press, 2013 9781462511211 (pbk.) xiv, 258 pages : Library - BR Campus
153.93 MEP 04023109 GATE 2015 : Verbal & Numerical Ability / Made Easy Publications, 2014 9789383643349 442p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 PUR 04028968 28 Topic Wise and Year Wise Solved Papers for CAT 2018 : Puri, Gautam C L Media, 2018 9789387444515 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 RUS 09000714 IQ Tests : Russell, Ken Source Books, 2016 9788130934198 974p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 RUS 07000634 IQ Tests : Russell, Ken Source Books, 2016 9788130934198 974p. : Library - BR Campus
153.93 RUS 04008507 Check your IQ / Russell, Ken Orient Paperbacks, 2010 9788122202069 160p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 RUS 04024618 IQ Tests : Russell, Ken Source Books, 2016 9788130934198 974p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 RUS 09000996 Ultimate IQ tests : Carter, Philip J. Kogan Page, 2015 9780749474300 (paperback) Third edition. 315 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 03011691 Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT / Sharma, Arun. McgrawHill, 2015 9789339222697 | 9339222695 6th Ed. V P School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 04025172 Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT / Sharma, Arun. McgrawHill, 2015 9789339222697 | 9339222695 6th Ed. V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 03011693 How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT / Sharma, Arun McGraw Hill, 2014 9789339205584 V P School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 04028974 How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading commprehension for CAT / Sharma, Arun Tata McGraw Hill, 2018 9789353160197 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 10001213 How to prepare for verbal ability and reading comprehension for CAT : Sharma, Arun. McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2021 9789389811414 9th Ed xxiii,886p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.93 SHA 04030462 Teach Yourself Quantitative Aptitude Useful for all Competitive Examinations / Sharma,Arun. McGraw Hill, 2019 9789353166946 2nd ed. xviii,25.677p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 03002367 Complete CAT Digest Sharma, Arun Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 9780070619920 p v School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 03010877 How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT / Sharma, Arun. Tata McGraw Hill, 2014 9789339205133 | 9339205138 5th Ed. V P School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 07010416 How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT / Sharma, Arun Tata McGraw Hill, 2017 9789352602261 V P Library - BR Campus
153.93 SHA 04025302 Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT / Sharma, Arun. McgrawHill, 2015 9789339222697 | 9339222695 6th Ed. V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 03012025 How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT / Sharma, Arun. McGraw Hill, 2014 9789339205126 | 933920512X 713 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 04016138 How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT / Sharma, Arun McGraw hill, 2011 9780071332132 6.19 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 04027606 How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT / Sharma, Arun Tata McGraw Hill, 2017 9789352602261 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 04027607 How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CAT / Sharma, Arun McGraw Hill, 2017 9789352602254 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 04027577 How to prepare for logical reasoning for the cat / Sharma, Arun Mc Graw Hill Publication, 2017 9789352602230 xv,3.336p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 03004035 How to Prepare for Data Interpretation & Logical Reasonging for the CAT : Sharma, Arun. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2011 9780070704817 | 0070704817 5th ed. P.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 03004034 How to Prepare for Data Interpretation & Logical Reasonging for the CAT : Sharma, Arun. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2011 9780070704817 | 0070704817 5th ed. P.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 03004032 How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT / Sharma, Arun. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2011 9780070704824 | 0070704821 3rd ed. p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 03004033 How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT / Sharma, Arun. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2011 9780070704824 | 0070704821 3rd ed. p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 03013572 How to prepare for data interpretation for CAT : Sharma, Arun. McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2021 9789354600616 7th Ed xxxi,iii.25p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 04022665 How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT / Sharma, Arun. Tata McGraw Hill, 2014 9789339205133 | 9339205138 5th Ed. V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 03013573 How to prepare for logical reasoning for CAT : Sharma, Arun. McGraw HIll Education (India) Private Limited, 2021 9789354600555 6th Ed xx,iii.136p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 05000996 How to Prepare for Data Interpreration for the CAT / Sharma, Arun Tata Mcgrawhill, 2012 9781259003837 12.16 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.93 SHA 04027260 How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT / Sharma, Arun Tata McGraw Hill, 2017 9789352602261 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 03011862 How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT / Sharma, Arun McGraw Hill, 2014 9789339205584 V P School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 03011860 How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for the CAT : Sharma, Arun. McGraw Hill Education India Pvt. Ltd., 2015 9339222687 | 9789339222680 3rd ed. p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 03011861 How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for the CAT : Sharma, Arun. McGraw Hill Education India Pvt. Ltd., 2015 9339222687 | 9789339222680 3rd ed. p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 04016130 How to Prepare for Data Interpreration for the CAT / Sharma, Arun Tata Mcgrawhill, 2012 9781259003837 12.16 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 SHA 00019408 Test Your Own I.Q Sharma, R S Kumar 1978 260p UG Library
153.93 SIN 04008095 Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT / Sinha, Nishit K. Pearson, 2016 9789332570023 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 SIN 03012394 Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT / Sinha, Nishit K Pearson, 2016 9789332570016 7th ed. ; xviii, 5.27p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 SIN 04028976 Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT / SInha, Nishit K Pearson, 2016 9789332571211 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 SIN 04027601 Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT / SInha, Nishit K Pearson, 2016 9789332571211 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 SIN 04027595 Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT / Sinha, Nishit K. Pearson, 2016 9789332570023 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 SIN 04027596 Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT / Sinha, Nishit K Pearson, 2016 9789332570016 7th ed. ; xviii, 5.27p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 SIN 03013611 Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT / Sinha, Nishit K Pearson, 2022 9789356062887 4th Ed. : xvii, 7.30p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 SIN 03013596 Quantitative Aptitude for CAT / Sinha, Nishit K Pearson, 2022 9789356062870 5th Ed. : l, 4.26p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.93 SIN 10003038 Quantitative Aptitude for CAT / Sinha, Nishit K Pearson, 2022 9789356062870 5th Ed. : l, 4.26p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.93 SRE 00120643 Intelligence and Personality of Prospective Teachers Sreenivas Gittaboina Discovery Publishing House 2012 9789350561010 234 p.: UG Library
153.93 THO 05065549 Test of Reasoning for All Competitive Examinations / Thorpe, Edgar McGraHill, 2017 9789352604951 V P Knowledge Centre
153.93 THO 04027594 Test of Reasoning for All Competitive Examinations / Thorpe, Edgar McGraHill, 2017 9789352604951 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 TOL 04008364 How to pass verbal reasoning tests / Tolley, Harry Kogan page, 2008 9788175543904 3rd ed. vii, 163p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 VER 04027670 Quantitative Aptitude Quantum CAT / Verma, Sarvesh K Arihant Publications, 2017 9789311123875 807p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 VER 05073754 Introduction to modeling cognitive processes / Verguts, Tom, The MIT Press, 2022 9780262045360 xi, 245 pages : Knowledge Centre
153.93 VER 04030451 Quantitative Aptitude : Quantum CAT/ Verma, Sarvesh K Arihant, 2022 9789326193351 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 WEI 09001133 Rorschach assessment of senior adults / Routledge, 2019 9780367243838 223p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.93 ZAH 03007415 McGraw-Hill's Conquering the New GRE Verbal and Writing / Zahler, Kathy A. McGraw-Hill, 2011 0071495983 (pbk. : alk. paper) vii, 229 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.932 RUS 03001949 Test Your IQ : Russell, Ken. Kogan Page, 2008 9788175541375 | 8175541377 186 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.932 STI 03002831 Mammoth Book of Brain Treasers : Stickels, Terry. Robinson, 2009 9781845298609 515 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.932 ARO 04025170 Step by Step Approach to Mental Ability NTSE and othe Talent Search Exams / Arora, Ashish C L Media, 2015 9789351445951 483p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.932 RUS 00058068 Test Your IQ : Russell, Ken. Kogan Page, 2008 9788175541375 | 8175541377 186 p.: UG Library
153.9323 SIM 04000274 Brain-Flexing IQ Tests / Simpson, Fraser Orient Paper Backs, 2008 9788122203714 158 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.9323 SAB 00029836 Lucky Stars Tests of Reasoning (verbal Tests) Sabharwal, Y P Surjeet 1988 280 p UG Library
153.9323 SAB 00029840 Lucky Star`s Comprehensive Top Intelligence Tests Sabharwal, Y P Surjeet 1988 308 p UG Library
153.9323 SIM 04008508 Brain-Flexing IQ Tests / Simpson, Fraser Orient Paper Backs, 2008 9788122203714 158 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.933 CEG 00042370 Group Discussion Current Events Guides English Book Depot 1997 185p UG Library
153.933 SAR 00032848 Group Discussions Sarbadhikary, Debabratha Dattatreya Prakashan 1991 1st Ed. 173 p. UG Library
153.933 SHA 00017163 Group Dynamics:The Psychology of Small Group Behaviour Shaw, Marvin E T M H 1977 464 p UG Library
153.94 AGA 00129882 Quantitative Aptitude Agarwal, Deepak Sisha Publication, 2018 9789384905323 534 p . : UG Library
153.94 BAR 03002401 Career, Aptitude & Selection Tests : Barrett, Jim. Kogan Page, 2008 9788175543928 3rd ed. 186 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.94 BAR 03001890 Career, Aptitude & Selection Tests : Barrett, Jim. Kogan Page, 2008 9788175543928 3rd ed. 186 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.94 BAR 1 03002392 Aptitude, Personality & Motivation Tests : Barrett, Jim. Kogan Page, 2008 9788175543942 | 8175543949 2nd ed. 227 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.94 BAR 1 03001872 Aptitude, Personality & Motivation Tests : Barrett, Jim. Kogan Page, 2008 9788175543942 | 8175543949 2nd ed. 227 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.94 BRY 03001916 How to Pass Advanced Numeracy Tests : Bryon, Mike. Kogan Page, 2008 9788175543966 | 8175543965 210 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.94 HEA 04005719 More How to Win at Aptitude Tests: A Complete Practical Guide With Exercises, Tips, Examples Healy, Liam Harper Collins 2007 9780007272624 209 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 KHA 03003611 Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations Khattar, Dinesh Pearson Education 9788131719565 100 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.94 SHA 04006134 How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the Cat Sharma, Arun Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2011 9780070703421 622 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 SHA 04023096 Study Package for the CAT Online / Sharma, Arun Tata McGraw Hill, 2012 9781259027031 2nd ed. V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 SHA 04023097 Test Series for the CAT Online / Sharma, Arun Tata McGraw Hill, 2012 9781259027239 2nd ed. V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 SHA 00032850 Every Body`s Guide to Ssb Interviews Sharma, Man Mohan Dp 1991 216 p.; UG Library
153.94 SHA 03003304 How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT / Sharma, Arun. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company , 2011 9780070703421 | 0070703426 622 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.94 SHA 04006135 How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the Cat Sharma, Arun Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2011 9780070703421 622 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 SHA 03003306 How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT / Sharma, Arun. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company , 2011 9780070703421 | 0070703426 622 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.94 SIN 03003612 Pearson Complete Guide To The CAT Sinha, Nishit K Pearson Education 2010 9788131722091 100 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.94 STE 00060135 Dynamic Testing Sternberg, J. Robert Cambridge University Press 2002 0052177814 | 9780521778145 218 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.94 TRI 04000141 Quantitative Aptitude / Pearson Education, 2008 9788131700303 771 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 ACC 04028187 Quantitative Aptitude for CAT / Balasubramanian, Rajesh Access Publishing, 2014 9789383454198 xi, 27.19p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 AGA 00052154 Course in Quantitative Aptitude for Competititve Examinations Agarwal, P K Cyber Tech Publications 2001 8178840049 402p UG Library
153.94 AGG 04021275 Quantitative Aptitude/ Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand Company, 2011 9788121924986 | 8121924987 756 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 AGG 04021276 Quantitative Aptitude/ Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand Company, 2011 9788121924986 | 8121924987 756 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 AGG 05017451 Quantitative Aptitude/ Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand Company, 2011 9788121924986 | 8121924987 756 p.: Knowledge Centre
153.94 AGG 00090902 Quantitative Aptitude:For Competitive Examinations(fully Solved) Aggarwal, R S S Chand 2010 8121924987 726p UG Library
153.94 AGG 07010196 Quantitative Aptitude/ Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand Company, 2011 9788121924986 | 8121924987 756 p.: Library - BR Campus
153.94 AGG 03004036 Quantitative Aptitude/ Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand Company, 2011 9788121924986 | 8121924987 756 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.94 AGG 03004037 Quantitative Aptitude/ Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand Company, 2011 9788121924986 | 8121924987 756 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.94 AGG 03004038 Quantitative Aptitude/ Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand Company, 2011 9788121924986 | 8121924987 756 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.94 AGG 03004039 Quantitative Aptitude/ Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand Company, 2011 9788121924986 | 8121924987 756 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.94 AGG 03004040 Quantitative Aptitude/ Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand Company, 2011 9788121924986 | 8121924987 756 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.94 AGG 00115445 Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations Aggarwal, R S S Chand 2004 9788121924986 726 p. UG Library
153.94 AGG 04023249 Quantitative Aptitude/ Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand Company, 2011 9788121924986 | 8121924987 756 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 AGG 04023250 Quantitative Aptitude/ Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand Company, 2011 9788121924986 | 8121924987 756 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 AGG 00111349 Quantitative Aptitude/ Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand Company, 2011 9788121924986 | 8121924987 756 p.: UG Library
153.94 AGG 04020856 Quantitative Aptitude/ Aggarwal, R. S. S. Chand Company, 2011 9788121924986 | 8121924987 756 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 BAL 04026340 Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT / Balasubramanian, Rajesh Access Publishing, 2015 9789383454402 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 BAR 07000722 Ultimate Aptitude Tests : Barrett, James. Kogan Page, 2008 9780749452674 | 9788175544680 | 9780749463175 vi, 201 p. : Library - BR Campus
153.94 BAR 03008060 Ultimate Aptitude Tests : Barrett, James. Kogan Page, 2008 9780749452674 | 9788175544680 | 9780749463175 vi, 201 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.94 BAR 04025972 Aptitude,Personality and Motivation Tests : Barrett Jim Source Books, 2016 9788130934181 x,244p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 BAR 07002275 Aptitude,Personality and Motivation Tests : Barrett Jim Source Books, 2016 9788130934181 x,244p.: Library - BR Campus
153.94 BAR 00115442 Career, Aptitue & Selection Tests Barrett, Jim Kogan Page 2002 9788175541658 199p UG Library
153.94 BAR 04008467 Ultimate Aptitude Tests : Barrett, James. Kogan Page, 2008 9780749452674 | 9788175544680 | 9780749463175 vi, 201 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 BAR 03008128 Career, Aptitude and Selection Tests : Barrett, James. Kogan Page, 2009 9780749456955 (pbk.) | 9788175 3rd ed. 215 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.94 BAR 00125508 Ultimate Aptitude Tests : Barrett, James. Kogan Page, 2008 9780749452674 | 9788175544680 | 9780749463175 vi, 201 p. : UG Library
153.94 BAR 00087634 Aptitude, Personality Et Motivation Tests. Barrett, Jim Kogan Page 2008 8175543949 227p UG Library
153.94 BAR 09000995 Ultimate aptitude tests : Barrett, James, Kogan Page, 2018 9780749482084 | 0749482087 Fourth edition. vi, 270 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 BUT 00024931 Test Your I.Q. Butler, Eamonn Rupa 1984 128 p. UG Library
153.94 CL 04009336 Data Analysis and Logical Reasoning for CAT / Cengage Learning india, 2011 9788131514467 213 .p : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 CL 04009539 Quantitative Aptitude for CAT / Cengage Learning, 2011 9788131514474 558 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 DEO 07006163 Quantitative Aptitude / Deo, Shripad. Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9788184248784 666 p.: Library - BR Campus
153.94 DEO 03009978 Quantitative Aptitude / Deo, Shripad. Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9788184248784 666 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.94 DIS 04028497 Quantitative Aptitude : Disha Publications, 2017 9789384905323 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 DIS 04016093 Quantitative Aptitude for CAT and Other Entrance Exams / Disha Publication, 2008 702 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 DIS 04028498 Verbal Ability and Comprehension fo CAT / Disha Publication Disha Publication, 2017 9789384905347 2nd ed. ; C.196p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 ETH 05043892 Aptimithra Ethnus consultency services McGraw Hill education Pvt Ltd., 2013 9781259058738 484p.; Knowledge Centre
153.94 FRE 00019327 Theory and Practice of Psychological Testing Freeman, Frank S Oxford & IBH 1976 3rd edition 697 p UG Library
153.94 GHO 00023494 Introduction to Psychological Testing Ghorpade,Madhavarao B. Deepak Pub 1975 1st Ed. 388 p. UG Library
153.94 GHO 00023496 Introduction to Psychological Testing Ghorpade,Madhavarao B. Deepak Pub 1975 1st Ed. 388 p. UG Library
153.94 GHO 00023495 Introduction to Psychological Testing Ghorpade,Madhavarao B. Deepak Pub 1975 1st Ed. 388 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.94 GKP 05065511 RRB NTPC Grduate & Under Graduate Posts : G K Publications G K Publications, 2019 9788193975732 p.; Knowledge Centre
153.94 GUH 04022697 CAT Mathematics / Guha, Abhijit PHI, 2014 9788120350274 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 GUH 04022798 Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations / Guha, Abhijit Tata McGrawHill, 2014 9789351343554 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 GUH 07008627 Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations / Guha, Abhijit Tata McGrawHill, 2014 9789351343554 V P Library - BR Campus
153.94 GUH 04023033 CAT Mathematics / Guha, Abhijit PHI, 2014 9788120350274 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 GUH 03010774 Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations / Guha, Abhijit Tata McGrawHill, 2014 9789351343554 V P School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.94 GUH 00075629 Quantitative Aptitude for MBA Entrance Guha, Abhijit 2005 0070402264 452p UG Library
153.94 GUH 04023130 Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations / Guha, Abhijit Tata McGrawHill, 2014 9789351343554 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 GUL 00037942 New Light Medical Guide Gulshan Rai, Raizada 0000 1 UG Library
153.94 GUN 03002366 Quantitative Aptitude for MBA Entrance Examinations Guha, Abhijit Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 9780070635791 p v School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.94 HEN 05037845 The Pearson Complete Guide to the SAT / Henderson Pearson, 2011 9788131759547 xv,p.v. Knowledge Centre
153.94 KHA 04027602 The Perarson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination / Khattar, Dinesh Pearson, 2017 9789332546998 3rd ed. ; 40.14p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 KHA 04027603 The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude for MBA Entrance Examination / Khattar, Dinesh Pearson, 2015 9789332546981 4th ed. ; 38.12p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 KUM 04028504 Koncepts of Logical Resoning for CAT / Kumar, Gajendra Disha Publications, 2017 9789386146137 322p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 KUM 04010828 Mathematics For CAT Common Admission Test Problems and solutions/ Kumar Kaushal CBS Publisher & Distributors PVT.LTD. 2008 9798123913154 vi,1074 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 KUM 04001554 Mathematics for CAT / Kumar, Kaushal CBS Publishers and Distributors, 2008 812391315X 1074p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 KUM 05034713 Mathematics for CAT / Kumar, Kaushal CBS Publishers and Distributors, 2008 812391315X 1074p.: Knowledge Centre
153.94 KUM 04028495 Koncepts of Numbers in Quantitative Aptittude : Kumar, Gajendra Disha Publication, 2017 9789384089801 2nd ed. ; 308p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 LAL 05065508 Upkar's Railway Recruitment Board : Lal Upkar Prakashan, 2016 9789350132869 p.: Knowledge Centre
153.94 LLO 00133184 Psychological testing Lloyd,Bev ED-Tech press, 2018 9781788823913 x,324p.; UG Library
153.94 MIT 04016136 Common Admission Test CAT Complete Course / Mittal, Dharmendra Upkar, 2012 9789350131985 744 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 PUR 04027510 Quantitative Aptitude for CAT 2017 : Puri, Gautam G.K.Publication, 2017 9789386309457 5.16p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 PUR 00037940 General Mental Ability Test of Recalling & General Intelligence Puri, K Gopal IIMS 1995 1 UG Library
153.94 SHA 04024530 How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT / Sharma, Arun. McGraw Hill, 2014 9789339205126 | 933920512X 713 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 SHA 03010879 How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for the CAT / Sharma, Arun Tata McGraw Hill, 2014 9789339205591 2nd ed. V P School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.94 SHA 04006138 How to Prepare for Data Interpretation & Logical Reasonging for the CAT : Sharma, Arun. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2011 9780070704817 | 0070704817 5th ed. P.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 SHA 04027505 How to prepare for quantitative aptitude / Sharma, Arun Mc Graw Hill, 2016 9789352602247 xvi,827p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 SHA 04028973 How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT / Sharma, Arun Tata McGraw Hill, 2018 9789353160180 8th Ed, V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 SHA 10001212 How to prepare for quantitative aptitude for CAT : Sharma, Arun. McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2021 9789389811407 9th ed xxv,vii.18p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.94 SHA 04027576 How to prepare for quantitative aptitude / Sharma, Arun Mc Graw Hill, 2016 9789352602247 xvi,827p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 SHA 04022127 How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT / Sharma, Arun. McGraw Hill, 2014 9789339205126 | 933920512X 713 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 SHA 04022125 How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT / Sharma, Arun McGraw Hill, 2014 9789339205584 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 SHA 04022980 How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for the CAT / Sharma, Arun Tata McGraw Hill, 2014 9789339205591 2nd ed. V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 SHA 00032849 Every Body`s Guide to Intelligence Tests Sharma, Man Mohan Dp 1991 156 p UG Library
153.94 SHA 00125831 How to pass psychometric tests Shavick, Andrea Howtobooks 2011 9781845284473 132p. UG Library
153.94 SHA 04025134 How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT / Sharma, Arun. McGraw Hill, 2014 9789339205126 | 933920512X 713 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 SHA 04006139 How to Prepare for Data Interpretation & Logical Reasonging for the CAT : Sharma, Arun. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2011 9780070704817 | 0070704817 5th ed. P.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 SHA 04016133 How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT / Sharma, Arun Tata Mcgrawhill, 2012 9781259027017 5th ed. 639 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 SIN 04027508 Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT / Sinha, Nishit K Pearson, 2016 9789332570016 7th ed. ; xviii, 5.27p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 SIN 04027509 Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT / Sinha, Nishit K Pearson, 2016 9789332570016 7th ed. ; xviii, 5.27p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 SIN 05065509 Upkar's Railway Recruitment Board : Singh,B.K. Upkar Prakashan, 2018 9789350135440 416p.: Knowledge Centre
153.94 SIN 04025131 The Pearson Complete Guide to the CAT Sinha, Nishit K. Pearson Publication ; 2016 9789332528819 xiv,433p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 SIN 04025130 The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation for the CAT Sinha, Nishit K. Pearson Publication; 2014 9789332528826 xiv, Verious Page. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 STE 00077216 Dynamic Testing Sternberg, J. Robert Cambridge University Press 2002 0052177814 | 9780521778145 218 p. UG Library
153.94 STE 00077218 Dynamic Testing Sternberg, J. Robert Cambridge University Press 2002 0052177814 | 9780521778145 218 p. UG Library
153.94 STE 00077220 Dynamic Testing Sternberg, J. Robert Cambridge University Press 2002 0052177814 | 9780521778145 218 p. UG Library
153.94 STE 00077219 Dynamic Testing Sternberg, J. Robert Cambridge University Press 2002 0052177814 | 9780521778145 218 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
153.94 STE 00077217 Dynamic Testing Sternberg, J. Robert Cambridge University Press 2002 0052177814 | 9780521778145 218 p. UG Library
153.94 STE 05033700 Dynamic testing : Sternberg, Robert J. Cambridge University Press, 2002 0521771285 | 052177814X (pb.) xi, 218 p. : Knowledge Centre
153.94 THO 04022949 Test of Reasoning / Thorpe, Edgar McGraw hill education, 2013 9781259063985 5th ed. v.p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 THO 04023182 Test of Reasoning / Thorpe, Edgar McGraw hill education, 2013 9781259063985 5th ed. v.p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 THO 00024091 Measurements and Evalution in Psychological and Education Thorndike, Robert L Wishwa Prakash 1982 693p : . UG Library
153.94 THO 03007292 Course in Mental Ability & Qunatitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations / Thorpe, Edgar. Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited ; 2013 9781259003660 3rd. ed. 963 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.94 TKS 04009337 Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning for the CAT / pearson, 2010 9788131733141 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94 TRI 03003616 Quantitative Aptitude for CAT and Other MBA Entrance Examination/ Pearson Education, 2010 9788131734452 100 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
153.94 VAI 04002241 Cracking the CAT / Vaishnav, Jagdeep I Dreamtech Press 2007 9788177223491 768 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94076 SHA 07015200 How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT : Sharma Arun McGraw Hill, 2022 9789355321626 10th ed xxvii,vi.31p.: Library - BR Campus
153.94076 SHA 04030441 How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT : Sharma Arun McGraw Hill, 2022 9789355321626 10th ed xxvii,vi.31p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94AGG 04024591 Quantitative Aptitude:For Competitive Examinations(fully Solved) Aggarwal, R S S Chand 2013 8121924987 | 9789352534029 726p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94AGG 04024592 Quantitative Aptitude:For Competitive Examinations(fully Solved) Aggarwal, R S S Chand 2013 8121924987 | 9789352534029 726p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94AGG 04024593 Quantitative Aptitude:For Competitive Examinations(fully Solved) Aggarwal, R S S Chand 2013 8121924987 | 9789352534029 726p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94AGG 04024594 Quantitative Aptitude:For Competitive Examinations(fully Solved) Aggarwal, R S S Chand 2013 8121924987 | 9789352534029 726p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.94AGG 04024595 Quantitative Aptitude:For Competitive Examinations(fully Solved) Aggarwal, R S S Chand 2013 8121924987 | 9789352534029 726p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
153.98 GAR 00109450 Extraordinary minds Gardner, Howard, Basic Books, 1997 0465045154 | 9780465021253 1st ed. xii, 178 p. : UG Library
153.98 GAR 05030265 Extraordinary Minds Portraits of 4 Exceptinal Individuals and an Examination of Our Own Extraordinariness [msc Counseling Psychology] Gardner, Howard 0465021255 178p Knowledge Centre
153.98 HOW 05033367 Psychology of High Abilities / Howe, Michael J A Macmillan, 1999 0333750977 198 p Knowledge Centre
153.98 KUR 05073668 The Singularity is near : Kurzweil, Ray. Penguin House, 2005 9780143037880 xvii,652p.; Knowledge Centre
153.98 STE 05030234 Psychology of Abilities, Competencies and Expertise [ [M.Sc Counselling Psychology] Sternberg, J Robert 0521007763 280p Knowledge Centre
153.980922 ROB 05030243 Sudden Genius? Robinson, Andrew Oxford University Press, 9780199569953 xvii, 371 p. Knowledge Centre
153.980922 ROB 00101985 Sudden Genius? Robinson, Andrew Oxford University Press, 9780199569953 xvii, 371 p. UG Library
153.9BAR.W 00060657 Test Your Aptitude: Test and Questionnaires to Show Your Abilities, Personality and Motivation Barrett, Jim Kogan Page 8175541644 210p Knowledge Centre
153.SRI 05001895 Advances in Cognitive Science Srinivasan Narayanan Sage Publications India Pvt.Ltd. 9780761936497 456p Knowledge Centre
153GEL 05033369 Introducing : Gellatly, Angus Icon Books, 2005 1840466383 176 p Knowledge Centre
154 DEV 00107752 Voice and Memory Devy G.N. Orient Blackswan Private Limited 2011 9788125042228 xxv; 341 P. UG Library
154 FUR 00017711 India Through the Ages Furtado, J.V Mc Millan 1963 626 p.: UG Library
154 LAN 00017154 Illusions Lanners, Edi Thames and Hudson 1976 160 p. UG Library
154 MAL 00029317 Psyco Cybernetics Maltz, Maxwell Wilshire 1960 0879801271 xxiv; 256 p UG Library
154 NAC 05030244 Cosiousness and Behaviour / Wallace, Benjanmin Allyn and Bacon, 1991 0205126499 295p.: Knowledge Centre
154 PRO 00020384 Depth Psychology and Modern Man Progoff, Ira Julian Press 1959 277 p. UG Library
154.2 BAL 00147681 The unconscious in neuroscience and psychoanalysis : Balzarini, Marco Máximo Routledge, 2024 9781032602844 xi,162p. ; UG Library
154.2 BAR 05039710 Social psychology and the unconscious : Psychology Press, 2006 9781841694726 (hardback : alk. x,342p.: Knowledge Centre
154.2 BAR 07008826 Social psychology and the unconscious : Psychology Press, 2006 9781841694726 (hardback : alk. x,342p.: Library - BR Campus
154.2 CHO 03005530 The Shadow Effect : Chopra, Deepak. Harper One, 2010 9780061962646 193 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
154.2 CHO 04017228 The shadow effect : Chopra, Deepak. HarperOne, 2010 9780061962653 (hardback) | 006 1st ed. 193 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
154.2 EVA 00137434 The art of losing control : Evans, Jules, Canongate books ltd., 2017 9781782118688 (paperback) | 9781782118671 xxvi, 267 pages : UG Library
154.2 FRE 07004946 The Unconscious / Freud,Sigmund. Penguin, 2005 9780141183886 xxvi,105p.; Library - BR Campus
154.2 JAI 00117098 One Mind Many Thoughts Jain, Pravesh Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9788129124654 xvi: 172p.; UG Library
154.2 JAI 10003623 One Mind Many Thoughts: Jain, Pravesh Rupa publications india pvt. ltd., 2014 9788129124654 xvi, 172 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
154.2 KAN 07015668 The Age of Insight : Kandel Eric.R Random House, 2012 9781400068715 xviii,636p.: Library - BR Campus
154.2 MAL 00148226 The Battle for Consciousness Theory Malhotra, Rajiv [Author], Sastry, Manogna [Author] and Singh, Kundan [Author] BluOne Ink Pvt.Ltd 2024 9788197223167 1st Rd. xliv, 485p. UG Library
154.2 MAL 10004437 The Battle for Consciousness Theory Malhotra, Rajiv [Author], Sastry, Manogna [Author] and Singh, Kundan [Author] BluOne Ink Pvt.Ltd 2024 9788197223167 1st Rd. xliv, 485p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
154.2 MUR 07007161 The power of your subconscious mind / Murphy, Joseph Fingerprint Classics Publication, 2015 9788172345662 241p. Library - BR Campus
154.2 MUR 04009659 Putting the power of your subconscious mind to work : Murphy, Joseph, Prentice Hall Press, 2009 9780735204362 (pbk.) 1st ed. xiv, 238 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
154.2 MUR 00141314 Maximize Your Potential Through the Power of Your Subconscious Mind to Develop Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem / Murphy, Joseph Manjul Publishing House; 2019 9788183226226 208p UG Library
154.2 MUR 03009441 The Power of Your Subconscious Mind / Murphy, Joseph. Embassy Books , 2012 9781585427680 | 9789380227580 254 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
154.2 MUR 09000789 The Power of Your Subconscious Mind / Murphy, Joseph Sristhi Publications, 2020 9788194790839 219p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
154.2 MUR 10003669 The Power of Your Subconscious Mind / Murphy, Joseph Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2020 9789353338459 xii,212 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
154.2 MUR 00116647 The Power of Your Subconscious Mind / Murphy, Joseph. Embassy Books , 2012 9781585427680 | 9789380227580 254 p.: UG Library
154.2 MUR 00134593 The Power of Your Subconscious Mind / Murphy, Joseph. Embassy Books , 2012 9781585427680 | 9789380227580 254 p.: UG Library
154.2 SIN 00088077 Consciouness India and Western Prespectives Singh, Raghwendra Pratap Atlantic 2008 9788126909773 543p UG Library
154.22 MER 05030271 Unconscious wisdom : Merkur, Daniel. State University of New York Press, 0791449475 (hbk.) | 0791449483 xxi, 163 p. ; Knowledge Centre
154.24 MAU 00034845 How to Use Your Complexes Maurus, J. Better Your Self 1976 280 p. UG Library
154.24 MAU 00034906 How to Use Your Complexes Maurus, J. Better Your Self 1976 280 p. UG Library
154.24 MAU 00019225 How to Use Your Complexes Maurus, J. Better Your Self 1976 280 p. UG Library
154.24JON 01003115 Conflict (law Lib) Martin Jones Cambridge University Press 0521839602 176p Knowledge Centre
154.363 GED 00056625 Dictionary of Dreams Geddes Geddes & Grosset 2001 1855348861 285p UG Library
154.4 KOT 03012523 Stealing Fire : Kotler, Steven. HarperCollins Publishers, 2017 9780062429650 | 0062429655 First edition. ix, 293 pages ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
154.4 KOT 05057131 Stealing Fire : Kotler, Steven. HarperCollins Publishers, 2017 9780062429650 | 0062429655 First edition. ix, 293 pages ; Knowledge Centre
154.6 BAU 00089526 Indian Night: Sleep and Dreams in Indian Culture Bautze-Picron, Claudine Rupa Co 2009 661p UG Library
154.6 BRA 00077236 Sleep: The Brazelton Way Brazelton, T. Berry Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2006 8130901307 | 9788130901305 128 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
154.6 BRA 00077238 Sleep: The Brazelton Way Brazelton, T. Berry Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2006 8130901307 | 9788130901305 128 p. UG Library
154.6 BRA 00077239 Sleep: The Brazelton Way Brazelton, T. Berry Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2006 8130901307 | 9788130901305 128 p. UG Library
154.6 BRA 00077240 Sleep: The Brazelton Way Brazelton, T. Berry Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2006 8130901307 | 9788130901305 128 p. UG Library
154.6 BRA 00077237 Sleep: The Brazelton Way Brazelton, T. Berry Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2006 8130901307 | 9788130901305 128 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
154.62 PAU 00019425 The Sleep Book Paupst, C. James Sphere Books Ltd 1977 176 p. UG Library
154.62PAU 00018851 Sleep Book Paupst, James C Sphere Books 174 p UG Library
154.63 BRI 00076142 Teach Yourself Dream Interpretation: [ Dharmaram Library] Bright, Leila 2003 0340867728 172p UG Library
154.63 CON 05074686 Dreamwork : Connor, Steven Reaktion Books Ltd, 2023 9781789147568 254 p. ; Knowledge Centre
154.63 CUS 09000906 Therapy with dreams and nightm