Total Books (Tourism) - 1489

CallNo Barcode Title Author Publisher Code Year ISBN Edition Pages Library
338.47 CHA 07004192 Tourism: Chauhan Ravee Vista International publishing house 9788190860529 272p Library - BR Campus
338.47 GAR 05056808 Sustainable luxury and social entrepreneurship : Greenleaf Publishing, 2016 9781783533718 xiii,161p.; Knowledge Centre
338.47 GRE 07003270 New Industries from New Places : Gregory, Neil Inprint of Stanford Unversity Press 2009 9780821364789 255 p Library - BR Campus
338.47 GRE 01012591 New Industries from New Places : Gregory, Neil Inprint of Stanford Unversity Press 2009 9780821364789 255 p Knowledge Centre
338.47 GRE 00090013 New Industries from New Places : Gregory, Neil Inprint of Stanford Unversity Press 2009 9780821364789 255 p UG Library
338.47 JAN 01021213 The Economics of Services : Jansson, Jan Owen, Edward Elgar, 2013 9780857932174 (hbk) | 08579321 Second Edition. x, 328 pages : Knowledge Centre
338.47 KHA 07003880 HRM Practices in Indian tourism Khan Nafees A Akansha Publishing House 9788183701655 208p Library - BR Campus
338.47 MAS 00099847 India's Silicon Plateau : Mascarenhas, R. C. Orient BlackSwan, 2010 xxvi, 272 p. ; UG Library
338.47 SAW 07004157 Promoting Tourism in India Sawarkar Kranti P Kanishka Publishers 9788184571639 210p Library - BR Campus
338.47 SET 07003269 Economics of Services : Seth, Vijay K Ane Books 2008 8180522059 xvi;225 p. Library - BR Campus
338.47 SET 00106953 Economics of Services : Seth, Vijay K Ane Books 2008 8180522059 xvi;225 p. UG Library
338.47 SHA 07004156 Tourism infrastructure development: Sharma Manoj Kanishka publishers 9788184571783 411p Library - BR Campus
338.47 SHA 00001489 Tourism Development Sharma, Ashok RBSA 8176114405 222p UG Library
338.47 TUN 07000648 Luxury World: Tungate, Mark. Kogan; 2010 9780749460921 241 p.: Library - BR Campus
338.47 TUN 03004595 Luxury World: Tungate, Mark. Kogan; 2010 9780749460921 241 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.4700068 HAY 07003246 Managing Services Haynes, Kathryn Oxford University Press, Incorporated 2014 9780199696086 | 019969608X (Tr xvii,199p.: Library - BR Campus
338.47000954 JHA 10000770 Service sector Management / Jha, Nishikant., Himalaya Publishing House, 2012 9789350519042 265p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
338.47004 DED 07003201 Asia's Computer Challenge : Dedrick, Jason Oxford University Press, 1998 0195122011 360 p Library - BR Campus
338.47004 VOG 07003204 Dogfight Vogelstein, Fred William Collins 2013 9780007544172 260 Library - BR Campus
338.47004092 GER 03000204 Who Says Elephants Can't Dance? : Gerstner, Louis V. Harper Collins, 2008 9780007302956 372 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.47004095 QIA 07003223 China`s Information Revolution : Qiang, Christine Zhen-Wei The World Bank, 2007 0082136720 137p Library - BR Campus
338.470040951WB 01005747 China`s Information Revolution: Managing the Economic and Social Transformation (law Lib) World Bank World Bank 0082136720 137p. Knowledge Centre
338.470040954 BHA 07003217 Information technology (IT) in the Indian economy : Bhatt, M. S., New Century Publications, 2009 9788177082050 | 8177082051 xxxi, 339 p. ; Library - BR Campus
338.470040954 SAI 07003214 Icts and Indian Economic Development / Saith, Ashwani Sage, 2005 0761933395 474 p Library - BR Campus
338.470040954 KAP 07003215 Indian Economy and The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) / Kapoor,Seema. New Century Publications, 2013 9788177083453 xvii,203p.; Library - BR Campus
338.470040954 KAU 00131047 Telecommunication Development and Economic Growth / Kaur, Kawaljeet. Regal Publications, 2017 9788184846331 xv, 251 p. ; UG Library
338.470040954 NIZ 03009652 Decent Work : Nizami, Nausheen. Sage Publications , 2013 9788132111597 278 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.470040954 NIZ 07003256 Decent Work : Nizami, Nausheen. Sage Publications , 2013 9788132111597 278 p.: Library - BR Campus
338.470040954 SHA 03010486 The Long Revolution : Sharma, Dinesh C. HarperCollins Publishers India , 2009 9788172237684 488 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.47004095487 YUE 07003563 Growth and development of the IT industry in Bangalore and Singapore : Yue, Chia Siow Sterling Publishers, 2001 9788120723566 xi, 88 p., [1] p. of plates : Library - BR Campus
338.470040973 ART 03009062 Digital Wars : Arthur, Charles. Kogan Page, 2012 9780749464134 (pbk.) | 0749464 vii, 264 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.470040973 GIB 03010197 R & D Collaboration on Trial : Gibson, David V. Harvard Business School Press, 1994 0875843646 (alk. paper) : | 97 xxix, 607 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.470040973 GIB 07003243 R & D collaboration on trial : Gibson, David V. Harvard Business School Press, 1994 0875843646 (alk. paper) : xxix, 607 p. : Library - BR Campus
338.47004678 DIX 10004144 Read write own : Dixon, Chris, Cornerstone Press, 2024 9781529925630 First edition. xxviii, 287 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
338.47004678 DIX 05074940 Read write own : Dixon, Chris, Cornerstone Press, 2024 9781529925630 First edition. xxviii, 287 pages : Knowledge Centre
338.47004678 WOL 00129202 Valley Of The Gods : Wolfe, Alexandra, Simon and Schuster Paperbacks, 2017 1476778949 | 9781476778945 | 9 First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition. x, 261 p. ; UG Library
338.47005 KOB 07003257 Outsourcing to India : Kobayashi-Hillary, Mark Springer 2004 274 p Library - BR Campus
338.47005068 BAB 07003205 Offshoring It Services / Babu K, Mohn Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2006 0070597561 278 p. Library - BR Campus
338.470050684 SHA 04020674 Leadership Wisdom : Sharma, Robin JAICO, 2008 9788179922316 254p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
338.470050954 M 03002920 India's Silicon Plateau: Development of Informatin and Communication Technology in Bangalore Mascarenhas, R C Orient Black Swan 9788125037088 272 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.470050954 MAS 03003550 India's Silicon Plateau: Development of Informatin and Communication Technology in Bangalore Mascarenhas, R C Orient Black Swan 9788125037088 272 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.470050954 D'CO 07003586 India in the Global Software Industry:innovation, Firm Strategies and Development D`Costa, Anthony P Palgrave macmillan, 2003 1403912521 292p.; Library - BR Campus
338.470050984 BAN 07003587 Indian Software Industry: Business Strategy and Dynamic Co-Ordination Banerjee, Parthasarathi Palgrave Macmillan, 2004 1403905037 268p.: Library - BR Campus
338.470053094 BLI 01020965 Software patents : Blind, Knut, Edward Elgar, 2005 1845424883 xi, 204 p. : Knowledge Centre
338.470057 TAN 05052515 The data industry : Tang, Chunlei, John wiley and sons, 2016 9781119138402 (cloth) xx, 195 pages : Knowledge Centre
338.4700631205957 KUM 05068579 The data economy : Sree Kumar, Routledge, 2019 9781138359574 x,116 pages ; Knowledge Centre
338.4700670979473 LAC 03009412 Once You're Lucky, Twice You're Good : Lacy, Sarah. Gotham, 2008 9781592403820 (hbk.) | 1592403 294 p., [8] p. of plates : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.4702504 RAH 03001119 Blind Men and the Elephant : Rahman, Was. Sage Publications, 2007 9780761936206 317 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.4702504 RAH 03002512 Blind Men and the Elephant: Demystifying the Global IT Services Industry Rahman, Was Sage Publications 9780761936206 317 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.4702504 RAH 00087872 Blind Men and the Elephent Rahman, Was New Delhi 2007 9780761936206 317 p. UG Library
338.47033 WAL 05013177 Hard Drive: Bill Gates and the Making of the Microsoft Office Wallace, James 0471568864 426 p Knowledge Centre
338.4706 NEU 03004776 Managing innovation from the land of ideas and talent : Neumann, Clas Sprenger, 2009 9783540892823 xiv, 260p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.471068 HOL 07003744 Marketing for Tourism Holloway, J C 0582277485 286p Library - BR Campus
338.4710683 SWA 07003020 Human Resources Development in Tourism (MTA ) Swain, Sampad Kumar Abijeet Publications 404p Library - BR Campus
338.4710688 KHA 07003087 Tourism Marketing Khan, M A Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 0812612301 377p Library - BR Campus
338.4720351 RAJ 05059578 Conflicts, religion and culture in tourism / Cabi, 2017 9781786390646 (hardcover : alk x,176p.; Knowledge Centre
338.473 CAR 00147979 Digital Media Economics/ Caraway, Brett Sage, 2024 9781529796490 First. viii,290. ; UG Library
338.473 SHA 07003206 Encyclopedia of media economics; Sharma Hemant Cyber tech publications; 2011 9788178846903 240 p. Library - BR Campus
338.473 THO 07004183 Health Tourism Thompson R. Discovery Publishing House Pvt.Ltd. 2011 9788183569378 278 P. Library - BR Campus
338.473 VER 00112325 Global Media Economics/ Verma P G Advance Learner Press 2013 9788192735726 247p. UG Library
338.4730 ATH 07011499 The Indian media economy / Athique, Adrian Oxford University Press, 2018 0199482659 | 9780199482634 | 0 First edition. 2 volumes ; Library - BR Campus
338.4730 ATH 07011500 The Indian media economy / Athique, Adrian Oxford University Press, 2018 0199482659 | 9780199482634 | 0 First edition. 2 volumes ; Library - BR Campus
338.4730223 ALB 07003249 The media economy / Albarran, Alan B. Routledge, 2010 9780415990455 | 0415990459 | 9 xi, 202 p. : Library - BR Campus
338.4730223 ATH 05062081 The Indian media economy / Athique, Adrian., ed. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199482658 | 0199482659 | 9780199482634 | 0199482632 | 9780199482641 | 0199482640 First edition. 2 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
338.4730223 ATH 05062082 The Indian media economy / Athique, Adrian., ed. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199482658 | 0199482659 | 9780199482634 | 0199482632 | 9780199482641 | 0199482640 First edition. 2 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
338.4730223 DOY 00124135 Understanding media economics / Doyle, Gillian. Sage 2013 9781412930765 (hardcover) | 14 2nd ed. xii, 216 pages : UG Library
338.4730223 HAN 00121965 Media and Economic Achievment Handuja Gurav Vista International Publishing House, 2014 9789381604984 ix, 278 p.: UG Library
338.4730223 PIC 01021220 Handbook on the economics of the media / Edward Elgar, 2015 9780857938886 (hardback) xv,399p.; Knowledge Centre
338.4730223 PIC 01021522 Handbook on the economics of the media / Edward Elgar, 2015 9780857938886 (hardback) xv,399p.; Knowledge Centre
338.4730223 TUN 07000506 Media Monoliths : Tungate Mark Kogan Page, 2005 9780749444037 viii,261p.: Library - BR Campus
338.4730223 TUN 00066968 Media Monoliths Tungate,Mark Kogan Page 2004 0749444037 viii;261 p. UG Library
338.4730223 WIN 05056465 The political economies of media : Bloomsburry, 2017 9789386349415 xxii,310p.; Knowledge Centre
338.473067 CUN 05057273 The Oxford handbook of the economics of prostitution / Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199915248 (hardback) xi, 525 pages : Knowledge Centre
338.4735 LOE 10004176 The Palestine Laboratory : Loewentsein, Antony Macmillan Publishing India Private Limited, 2024 9789361139123 xviii, 265p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
338.4735 MOH 07003216 Arming the Indian arsenal : Mohanty, Deba R. Rupa & Co. in association with Observer Research Foundation, 2009 9788129115195 (jacket) | 81291 xxxii, 255 p. ; Library - BR Campus
338.47355 CUS 07003209 Questioning globalized militarism : Custers, Peter. Tulika Books, 2007 8189487191 xix, 431 p. ; Library - BR Campus
338.4735500947 ROS 01013098 Russia in the 21st century : Rosefielde, Steven. Cambridge University Press, 9780521545297 | 0521545293 (pb xxi, 244 p. : Knowledge Centre
338.4735500973 HEN 07003589 The defense industrial base : Hensel, Nayantara D. Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2015 9781409431046 (hardback : alk. x,290p.: Library - BR Campus
338.473550954 BAR 07003208 Strategic Consequences of India`s Economic Performances / Baru, Sajaya Academic Foundation, 2006 496 p Library - BR Campus
338.4736 KEI 00135304 Theoretical health economics / Keiding, Hans, World scientific publishing, 2018 9789813227811 (hardcover : alk. paper) x, 327 pages ; UG Library
338.473621 DAV 00131418 Health care economics / Davis, John B., Routledge, 2017 9781138183032 (hbk) | 9781138183049 (pbk) xv,218p.; UG Library
338.473621 DEW 05058018 Essentials of health economics / Dewar, Diane M., Jones & Barlett Learning, 2017 9781284054620 (pbk.) Second edition. xxii, 189p. Knowledge Centre
338.473621 ETH 05062500 The future of health economics / Edward Elgar, 2017 9781409445432 (hardback : alk. paper) | 1409445437 (hardback : alk. paper) xxii, 284 pages : Knowledge Centre
338.473621 FOL 00117482 The economics of health and health care Folland, Sherman. Pearson, 2013 9780132773690 (hdbk.) | 013277 7th ed. xxii, 602 p. : UG Library
338.473621 FUC 00107963 Who shall live? Fuchs,Victor R. World Scientific, 2011 9789814354882 | 9789814354882 2nd expanded ed. xlii; 345 p. ; UG Library
338.473621 GLI 05007375 The Oxford handbook of health economics / Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199238828 (alk. paper) | 0 xxiv, 967 p. : Knowledge Centre
338.473621 GRY 07003629 Applied methods of cost-effectiveness analysis in health care / Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199227280 (pbk.) | 0199227 vi, 313 p. : Library - BR Campus
338.473621 JON 07003247 Applied Health Economics / Jones, Andrew M Routledge 2007 9780415397728 335 p Library - BR Campus
338.473621 KUT 07007523 A Primer of Health Systems Economics / Kutty Raman.V Allied Publishers Private Limited, 2010 8170238641 223p.: Library - BR Campus
338.473621 OLS 07003203 Principles in Health Economics and Policy / Olsen, Jan Abel Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199237814 221p Library - BR Campus
338.473621 PAL 07003248 Health Economics / Palmer,George R. Palgrave Macmlillan Pub , 2007 9781403940834 xiv , 304 p . Library - BR Campus
338.473621 PAT 07014340 Health Economics Pattnaik, Pushpalata Black Prints, 2013 9789382036128 xi, 232:. Library - BR Campus
338.473621 PAT 00120838 Health Economics Pattnaik, Pushpalata Black Prints, 2013 9789382036128 xi, 232:. UG Library
338.473621 PER 07003250 Public Ends, Private Means Strategic Purchasing of Health Services Preker, Alexander S The World Bank, 2007 0821365479 414 p Library - BR Campus
338.473621 PHE 00117303 Health economics Phelps, Charles E. Pearson, 2013 9780132948531 | 0132948532 5th ed. xvi: 534p. ; UG Library
338.473621 SIN 07003202 Medical Tourism Singh, Mahesh Chandra Centrum Press; 2010 9789380540313 336 p Library - BR Campus
338.473621 SUN 05033304 Health economics and health care management / Sundar,I. Serials Publications, 2012 9788183874694 xiv,636p.; Knowledge Centre
338.473621 ZEL 04012122 More harm than good : Zelicoff, Alan P., Amacom American Management Association, 2008 9780814400272 | 0814400272 xxi, 250 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
338.473621PRE 01005743 Public Ends, Private Means: Strategic Purchasing of Health Services ( Law Lib ) Alexander S Preker World Bank 0821365479 414p Knowledge Centre
338.4736373874 FUN 07003221 Windfall : Funk, McKenzie. Penguin Book, 2014 9781594204012 (hbk.) | 1594204 310 pages, 16 unnumbered pages of plates : Library - BR Campus
338.4737 BAS 07003590 The WTO and the university Bassett, Roberta Malee Routldge 9780415805810 211p Library - BR Campus
338.4737 CHA 07003222 Education and economics : Chattopadhyay, Saumen. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198082255 | 0198082258 1st ed. xviii, 334 p. ; Library - BR Campus
338.4737 MCG 00142336 Education and development / McGrath, Simon A., Routledge, 2018 9781138211209 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138211285 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiv, 254 pages ; UG Library
338.47370954 BA 03003408 Economic Growth in India: History & Prospect Balakrishnan, Pulapr Oxford Universtiy Press 9780198065470 289 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.47378098 FER 07003241 Closing the Gap in Education and Technology / Ferranti, De David The World Bank, 2003 0821351729 216 p. Library - BR Campus
338.47378098FER 01005758 Closing the Gap in Education and Technology (law Lib) David Ferranti World Bank 0821351729 216p Knowledge Centre
338.473784 WRI 01017184 Academic entrepreneurship in Europe / Edward Elgar, 2007 1845426487 (hbk.) | 9781845426 ix, 228 p. : Knowledge Centre
338.4737854 KAM 00124984 GATS and Indian Higer Education Kamalakar G. Commonwealth, 2014 9788131105276 xxii, 210 p.: UG Library
338.4737CHA 01019182 Education and economics : Chattopadhyay, Saumen. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198082255 | 0198082258 1st ed. xviii, 334 p. ; Knowledge Centre
338.47387736094 SHA 01021279 Airports Privatisation In India : Shafi, Shaik Nazim Ahmed. Asia Law House, 2013 9789382705673 xxxii, 383 p. Knowledge Centre
338.4741 RYA 07003405 Aspects of Tourism: Recreational Tourism Demand and Impacts (MTM) Ryan, Chris Multilingual Matters Limited 8130901773 358p Library - BR Campus
338.476 KNO 07003279 Hospitality Management : Knowles, Tim Addison Wesley Longman Limited, 1994 0058231271 310 p Library - BR Campus
338.476 BLE 03009279 They Made It! : Blendstrup, Angelika. Master Mind Books , 2009 294 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.476 CHE 10001710 Influence Empire : Chen, Lulu Hodder & Stoughton, 2022 9781529346862 xvii, 232p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
338.476 CHE 05073407 Influence Empire : Chen, Lulu Hodder & Stoughton, 2022 9781529346862 xvii, 232p.; Knowledge Centre
338.476 GUB 04022642 Technology Pioneers : Gubitosa, Carlo JAICO, 2012 9788184952018 235p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
338.476 HAR 07003280 Hospitality Mangagement Internship : Harris, Kimberly J. Pearson, 2006 9780131121843 177 p. : Library - BR Campus
338.476 KAM 07003261 Hospitality : Kamra, K Krishan Wheeler Publications 2000 8175441984 293 p Library - BR Campus
338.476 SIN 07004186 Hospitality Operation Management/ Sinha, Aadesh. Centrum Press, 2013 9789381460177 viii:256p.; Library - BR Campus
338.4760 KRI 00137709 High-tech internet start-ups in India / Krishna, H. S., University printing house , 2019 9781108485388 (hardback : alk. paper) xxii,264pages .; UG Library
338.4761 BAN 07004416 Power, Knowledge, Medicine Banerjee Madhulika Orient Blackswan Pvt.Ltd. 9788125035282 330p Library - BR Campus
338.4761 BAN 00094437 Power, Knowledge, Medicine Banerjee Madhulika Orient Blackswan Pvt.Ltd. 9788125035282 330p UG Library
338.4761 BOD 07003585 Understanding the Global Spa Industry : Cohen, Marc Elsevier, 2008 9780750684644 xxvi: 466 p. Library - BR Campus
338.476151 BAN 03003014 Power, Knowledge, Medicine: Ayurvedic Pharmacenticals at Home and in the World Banerjee, Madhulika Orient Black Swan 9788125035282 330 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.476151 MOY 03000783 Selling Sickness : Moynihan, Ray. Viva Books, 2008 9781741145793 254 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.476151 DUK 01021976 Pharmaceuticals, corporate crime and public health / Dukes, M. N. G. Edward Elgar, 2014 9781783471102 (ebook) 1 online resource (418 pages) Knowledge Centre
338.476151 DUK 01020715 Pharmaceuticals, corporate crime and public health / Dukes, M. N. G. Edward Elgar, 2014 9781783471102 (ebook) 1 online resource (418 pages) Knowledge Centre
338.476151 GIL 05073716 The Spectre of Price Inflation / Gillman, Max. Agenda Publishing Limited, 2023 9781788212373 xiii, 247p.; Knowledge Centre
338.476151094 HER 01019360 One political economy,one competitive strategy? Herrmann,Andrea M. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199543434 xvi,202p,; Knowledge Centre
338.4761510954 SRI 03009179 Market Menagerie : Srinivas, Smita. Foundation Books , 2012 9789382993056 323 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.4761510954 SRI 07002781 Market menagerie : Srinivas, Smita, Cambridge univeristy press, 2012 9780804780544 (alk. paper) | 0 xvii, 323 pages ; Library - BR Campus
338.4761510954GOV 01005898 Indian Pharmaceutical Sector: Issues and Options for Health Sector Reform (law Lib) Ramesh Govindaraj World Bank 0821352121 59 p Knowledge Centre
338.476151954 JOS 07003264 Pharmaceutical Industry and Public Policy in Post-Reform India / Joseph.K.Reji Routledge, 2016 9781138191303 xviii, 231p.: Library - BR Campus
338.476151SAN 01003119 Ethics and the Pharmaceutical Industry (law Lib) Michael A Santoro Cambridge University Press 0521854962 492p Knowledge Centre
338.476153 LOF 10004594 The Messenger : Loftus, Peter Harvard Business Review Press, 2022 9781647823191 306 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
338.4762 SIN 07003233 Handbook of global aviation industry and hospitality services / Singh Ratandeep Kanishka Publishers,distributors; 2009 9788184571707 477 p. Library - BR Campus
338.4762 WOM 03000588 Machine that Changed the World : Womack, James P. Free Press Business, 2007 9780743299794 | 0743299795 336 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.4762 COM 05045906 Industrial Organisation of High-Technology Markets : Comino, Stefano. Edward Elgar, 2014 9781781951989 (cased) | 978178 ix, 297 pages ; Knowledge Centre
338.4762 COM 05045486 Industrial Organisation of High-Technology Markets : Comino, Stefano. Edward Elgar, 2014 9781781951989 (cased) | 978178 ix, 297 pages ; Knowledge Centre
338.4762 SAN 03004513 The economics of India's space programme : Sankar, U. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195683455 | 0195683455 xiii, 312 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.4762 STE 07003591 Handbook of research on entrepreneurship and creativity / Edward Elgar, 2014 9781781004425 (hardback) xxii, 411 pages : Library - BR Campus
338.4762 WOM 04026235 The Machine that Changed the World : Womack, James P. Simon & Schuster, 2007 9781847370556 339 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
338.476205 HOD 01009309 New Global Frontiers in Regulation: The Age of Nanotechnology(law Lib) Graeme Hodge EDWARD ELGAR 9781847205186 422p Knowledge Centre
338.4762130973 BAL 07003235 Consumer Electronic / Bali S P Pearson, 2008 9788131717592 xxvi,725p.: Library - BR Campus
338.47624 DAI 07003592 People and culture in construction : Taylor & Francis, 2007 0415348706 (hbk. : alk. paper) xvi, 340 p. : Library - BR Campus
338.47624 MYE 10002449 Construction economics : Myers, Danny, Routledge, 2022 9781032262826 | 9781032262611 Fifth edition. xii,354 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
338.476240285 BER 03006133 Managing performance in construction / Bernold, Leonhard E. Wiley, 2010 9780470171646 (cloth) | 047017 xix, 499 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.476240285 BER 07003551 Managing performance in construction / Bernold, Leonhard E. Wiley, 2010 9780470171646 (cloth) | 047017 xix, 499 p. : Library - BR Campus
338.476240952 LEV 07003212 Japan's Big Six / Levy, Sidney M Mcgraw-hill, Inc 1993 289p Library - BR Campus
338.476240952 LEV 07003211 Japan's Big Six / Levy, Sidney M Mcgraw-hill, Inc 1993 289p Library - BR Campus
338.4762787 SHA 00084875 Social Designs : Shah, Esha Orient Longman Publications, 2003 9788125025092 288 p.; UG Library
338.4762787 SIN 07003234 Agrarian Transformation / Singh,D K. Rawat Publication, 1995 8170332923 216p.; Library - BR Campus
338.47629 BHA 03002793 The Maruti Story : Bhargava, R. C. Collins Business, 2009 9788172237806 xxi, 383 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.47629 PER 04015972 Managing the Dragon : Perkowski, Jack. Crown Business, 2008 9780307393531 | 9780307393531 1st ed. viii, 325 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
338.47629 PER 04015971 Managing the Dragon : Perkowski, Jack. Crown Business, 2008 9780307393531 | 9780307393531 1st ed. viii, 325 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
338.47629 BHA 00116602 The Maruti Story Bhargava R.C. Collins Business, 2013 9789350291825 xxvii, 383 p.: UG Library
338.47629 BHA 07001633 The Maruti Story : Bhargava, R. C. Collins Business, 2009 9788172237806 xxi, 383 p.: Library - BR Campus
338.47629 BHA 04020639 The Maruti Story Bhargava R.C. Collins Business, 2013 9789350291825 xxvii, 383 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
338.47629 BHA 05064026 The Maruti Story : Bhargava, R. C. Collins Business, 2009 9788172237806 xxi, 383 p.: Knowledge Centre
338.47629 WOM 05046735 The Machine That Changed the World / Womack James.P Simon & Schuster, 2007 9781847370556 337p.: Knowledge Centre
338.476292 GEN 04028842 The Motor Car : Genta, Giancarlo Springer ; 2014 9789400785519 xix, 662p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
338.476292 VAL 05067325 The Tesla Way : Valentin, Michael. Kogan Page, 2019 9780749497033 xvii, 203p.; Knowledge Centre
338.476292 VAL 07014021 The Tesla Way : Valentin, Michael. Kogan Page, 2019 9780749497033 xvii, 203p.; Library - BR Campus
338.476292 WIL 00106646 American Business Abroad: Wilkins,Mira. Cambridge University Press. 2011 9781107400238 xxvii,541 p. UG Library
338.47629222 CAR 03006729 Zoom : Carson, Iain Boston, 2007 9780446199629 337p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.476292220112 WOM 03011869 The Machine that Changed the World : Womack, James P. Simon & Schuster, 2007 9781847370556 339 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.476292220951 PER 03006462 Managing the Dragon : Perkowski, Jack. Crown Business, 2008 9780307393531 | 9780307393531 1st ed. viii, 325 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.476292220951 PER 03013263 Managing the Dragon : Perkowski, Jack. Crown Business, 2008 9780307393531 | 9780307393531 1st ed. viii, 325 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.476294 BRE 07003577 The business of space : Brennan, Louis. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 9780230231733 | 023023173X x, 174 p. : Library - BR Campus
338.4762940954 SAN 00078750 The Economics of India's Space Programme: an Exploratory Analysis Sankar U. Oxford University Press 2007 0195683455 | 9780195683455 312 p. UG Library
338.4764 BHU 07004185 Environmental and Facilities Planning in Hotel Industry Buhshan Devesh Anmol Publication Pvt, 2014 9788126160198 vii, 286 p.: Library - BR Campus
338.4764 GUP 07014650 Arrival and Departure Management / Gupta Amit Ishika Publishing House, 2020 9789388454025 230p.: Library - BR Campus
338.4764 KAT 07004187 Hotel Industry Kathuria Anil Sonili Publications, 2008 9788184111385 vi, 297 p.: Library - BR Campus
338.4764 LEV 07004188 Supervision in The Hotel Industry Lever William Discovery Publshing House, 2011 9788183569354 v,240 p.: Library - BR Campus
338.4764 VER 07004191 Arrival And Departure Management/ Verma, Gopal. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd., 2013 9788126149780 248p.; Library - BR Campus
338.47641 SAT 00106365 Environmental Management Sathya J. abhijeet Publications 2010 9789380031477 220 p. UG Library
338.476413374 BRA 07003232 Cadbury's Purple Reign : Bradley, John John Wiley & Sons, 2008 9780470725245 342 p Library - BR Campus
338.47647068 LAS 07003245 Franchising Hospitality Services / Lashley, Conrad Butterworth, 2003 0750647728 274 p Library - BR Campus
338.47647068 BAK 07003747 Internal Control and Fraud Prevention Baker, Kevin Hospitality Press.Pvt.Ltd 1999 174 p. Library - BR Campus
338.47647068 BAK 07004190 Internal Control and Fraud Prevention Baker, Kevin Hospitality Press.Pvt.Ltd 1999 174 p. Library - BR Campus
338.47647068 LAS 07004189 Franchising Hospitality Services Lashley, Conrad Butterworth Heninemann 2003 0750647728 274 p. Library - BR Campus
338.47647068 LAS 07003893 Franchising Hospitality Services Lashley, Conrad Butterworth Heninemann 2003 0750647728 274 p. Library - BR Campus
338.47647068 LAS 07003725 Franchising Hospitality Services Lashley, Conrad Butterworth Heninemann 2003 0750647728 274 p. Library - BR Campus
338.4764794 MOH 07003244 Hotel Industry and Tourism in India / Mohanty, Pragati Ashish Publishing House 1992 8170245079 262 p Library - BR Campus
338.4764794 PRA 07003746 Hotel and Hospitality Marketing Praveen, Sethi Rajat Publications 2000 292p Library - BR Campus
338.4766 ADH 00088609 Production and Technology of Bio-Diesel: Seeding a Change Adholeya, Alok TERI Press 9788179931578 256 p UG Library
338.4766 BAI 07003242 Changing face of processed food industry in India / Baisya, Rajat K. Ane Books India, 2008 9788180521669 | 8180521664 xv, 318 p. : Library - BR Campus
338.4766 RAY 00090744 Case Studies on Global Steel Industry:Getting Bigger and Better Ray, Kumar Satyaki ICFAI, 2008 9788131408476 216 p.; UG Library
338.47660 THA 00143548 Industrial Biotechnology : Thakur, Indu Shekhar. I K International, 2020 9789389795196 x,322p, ; UG Library
338.476606 MCK 01018867 The Economics of Biotechnology/ Mckelvey, Maureen Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2006 1st Ed. viii : 412p Knowledge Centre
338.476606 MCK 01018868 The Economics of Biotechnology/ Mckelvey, Maureen Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2006 1st Ed. viii : 412p Knowledge Centre
338.476606 OLI 00069064 Biotech Age: the Business of Biotech and How to Profit from IT Oliver, Richard W Mcgraw-Hill 2003 0071414894 253 p. UG Library
338.476606 PIS 03005523 Science Business : Pisano, Gary P. Harvard Business School Press, 2006 1591398401 | 9781591398400 xvi, 237 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.476606 PIS 03010214 Science Business : Pisano, Gary P. Harvard Business School Press, 2006 1591398401 | 9781591398400 xvi, 237 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.476606 THA 04008113 The global genome : Thacker, Eugene. MIT Press, 2005 0262201550 (alk. paper) xxiii, 416 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
338.47663203 BRO 05009024 The business of wine : Brostrom, Geralyn Greenwood Press, 2009 9780313354007 (alk. paper) xxi, 304 p. ; Knowledge Centre
338.4766342 SWI 01027225 The economics of beer / Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199693801 | 0199693803 | 9780198833390 (pbk.) xxii,375p.; Knowledge Centre
338.4766342 SWI 05062556 Beeronomics : Swinnen, Johan. Oxford Unibersity Press, 2017 9780198808305 (hardback) | 0198808305 (hardback) First editon. viii, 187 pages : Knowledge Centre
338.47664 ZEL 03001075 Merchants of Zigong : Zelin, Madeleine. Columbia Unversity Press, 2005 9780231135979 406 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.47664 EAS 07003745 Food Supply Chain Management: Issues for the Hospitality and Retail Sectors Eastham, F Jane 0750647620 320p Library - BR Campus
338.476644 ZEL 07003210 Merchants of Zigong Madeleine Zelin Columbia University Press, 2005 9780231135979 406 p Library - BR Campus
338.476644ZEL 01009911 Merchants of Zigong Madeleine Zelin Columbia University Press, 2005 9780231135979 406 p Knowledge Centre
338.476649 ALL 07000434 Management An Approach to Customer Expectations / Allen Gemmy.S South-Western, 2013 9780538480550 xxiii,717p.: Library - BR Campus
338.476649 WOO 00108891 Nutrition And Climate Change ed by,Wood JD. Nottingham University Press: 2011 9781907284779 viii, 217 p. UG Library
338.476659142 BOU 03005968 Cold Steel : Bouquet, Tim Little, Brown Book Group, 2008 9780316027991 339p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.476659142 BOU 07003213 Cold Steel : Bouquet, Tim Little, Brown Book Group, 2008 9780316027991 339p Library - BR Campus
338.4766730954 MEH 05072696 The next stop : Harper Collins, 2021 9789390327430 xiv, 624 p. ; Knowledge Centre
338.4767 DAS 00106358 Title Corporate size, liberalization and profitability Dash S.N Abhijeet Publications, 2010 9789380031484 242 p. UG Library
338.4767 MAJ 00146451 Indian manufacturing sector in Post-reform Period: Manji, Sumit Kumar Palgrave Macmillan, 2022 9789811926655 xv,174p. ; UG Library
338.4767 PUS 07003263 The Dynamics of Competition; Pushpangadan K Oxford University Press; 2009 9780198060796 xviii, 151 p. Library - BR Campus
338.4767 PUS 03004512 The Dynamics of Competition; Pushpangadan K Oxford University Press; 2009 9780198060796 xviii, 151 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.4767 RIE 00118327 The Spinning World : Riello, Giorgio Primus Books, 2012 9780199559442 (hbk.) | 9789380 x, 489 p. [16] p., of plates : UG Library
338.4767 SWA 00094444 The World of the Weaver in Northern Coromandel Swarnalatha P Orient Longman Pvt.Ltd, 2005 9788125028680 255p.; UG Library
338.4767 VIJ 00106388 Textile Exports of India Vijayarani Jeyanthi T. Abhijeet Publications : 2011 9789381136126 vi, 173 p. : UG Library
338.47670951 MID 07003265 Poorly Made in China : Midler, Paul. John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2011 9788126526758 241 p.: Library - BR Campus
338.47670954 ACA 07003267 India`s Manufacturing Sector Policy Framework / Academic Foundation Academic Foundation 2003 8171883117 358 p Library - BR Campus
338.47670954 GOI 07002108 Survey on business regulatory environment for manufacturing : Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199457281 (pbk.) | 0199457 First edition. xxiv, 196 pages : Library - BR Campus
338.47670954 KUM 01003719 International competitiveness and knowledge-based industries in India / Oxford Univ. Press in association with Research and Information System for Developing Countries, 9780195686715 | 0195686713 xviii, 349 p. ; Knowledge Centre
338.47670973 DUE 07003552 U.S. manufacturing : Duesterberg, Thomas J Praeger, 2003 0275980413 (alk. paper) xiv, 249 p. : Library - BR Campus
338.47670973 SMI 07003266 Made in the USA : Smil Vaclav The MIT Press, 2013 9780262528351 xii,263p.: Library - BR Campus
338.47672 GUP 00102653 Public economics in India; Gupta J.R Atlantic; 2007 9788126907540 478 p.; UG Library
338.476750954 SAN 07003262 Trade and Environment : Sankar, U Oxford University Press, 2007 0195683951 299 p Library - BR Campus
338.47677 MAT 00143494 Sustainable textile and Fashion Value Chains: Matthes, Andre. Springer, 2021 9783030220174 xxix,453p, ; UG Library
338.47677 STE 00119839 Oceanscapes Tamil Textiles in The Early Modern World Stephen S. Jeyaseela Primus Books, 2014 9789380607573 xvii, 688 p.: UG Library
338.47677 WIL 00142955 The cotton and textiles industry : Wilson,John F Routledge, 2021 9780367024130 92p.; UG Library
338.476770 FIN 05065478 The archive of loss : Finkelstein, Maura. Duke University Press, 2019 9781478003984 x,252p.; Knowledge Centre
338.476770091724 LAL 07003562 Innovation policies and international trade rules : Palgrave Macmillan, 9780230577435 | 0230577431 xiv, 300 p. : Library - BR Campus
338.47677028 SW 03003015 World of the Weaver in Northern Coromandel C. 1750 - C 1850 Swarnalatha, P Orient Black Swan 9788125028680 255 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.476770354 CRI 07003281 Textiles from India : Crill, Rosemary Seagull 2006 1905422172 388 p Library - BR Campus
338.476770954RAM 01005477 Textiles and Weavers in South India, Second Ed. (law Lib) Vijaya Ramaswamy Oxford University Press 0195676335 271p. Knowledge Centre
338.476772 ZHO 07014221 Institutional change and rural industrialization in China : Zhou, Feizhou, World Scientific, 2019 9789814569910 (hardcover) ix,152p.: Library - BR Campus
338.4768531 KNO 07003239 Economics of Collaboration : Knorringa, Peter Sage Publications, 1996 0817036566 218 p Library - BR Campus
338.47687095496 SHA 07012468 Death of an industry : Shakya, Mallika, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107191266 | 1107191262 xviii, 162 pages : Library - BR Campus
338.477 DAV 07003553 Introducing the creative industries : Davies, Rosamund. SAGE, 2013 9781849205726 (hbk.) | 1849205 x, 269 p. : Library - BR Campus
338.477 FLE 00108795 The Creative Industries Flew, Terry. Sage Publications, 2012 9781847875761 | 9781847875761 232 p. UG Library
338.477 HAD 00147498 Cultural leadership in practice : Hadley, Steven Routledhe, 2024 9781032487724 First edition. xv,253p. ; UG Library
338.477 HES 00124844 The cultural industries Hesmondhalgh, David, SAGE Publications, 2013 9781446209257 3rd ed. xx, 456 p. : UG Library
338.477 JON 01024426 The Oxford handbook of creative industries / Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199603510 (hbk.) | 0199603 First edition. xvii, 554 pages : Knowledge Centre
338.477 JON 07005732 The Oxford handbook of creative industries / Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199603510 (hbk.) | 0199603 First edition. xvii, 554 pages : Library - BR Campus
338.477 SAL 05072924 Cultural Industries and the Covid-19 Pandemic : Salvador, Eliss. ed. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2022 9780367651916 xxii, 272p. ; Knowledge Centre
338.477 TOW 07005396 A Text Book of Cultural Economics / Towse,Ruth. Cabmridge University Press, 2010 9781107646056 xxv, 600p.; Library - BR Campus
338.477 TOW 07003237 A Text Book of Cultural Economics / Towse,Ruth. Cabmridge University Press, 2010 9781107646056 xxv, 600p.; Library - BR Campus
338.477 TOW 07013750 Creating economy : Townley, Barbara, Oxford University Press, 2019 9780198795285 | 0198795289 First edition. x, 224 pages : Library - BR Campus
338.477 TOW 07002725 A Text Book of Cultural Economics / Towse,Ruth. Cabmridge University Press, 2010 9781107646056 xxv, 600p.; Library - BR Campus
338.477 WIL 07014493 The Oxford handbook of the economics of gambling/ Williams, Leighton Vaughan. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199797912 xix, 719p;. Library - BR Campus
338.4778 DAV 00124839 Peer to peer and the music industry : David, Matthew. SAGE, 2010 9780857025388 xiii, 186 p. : UG Library
338.4778 STR 07003238 Music business : Strasser, Richard, Routledge, 2010 9780415995344 (hbk) | 04159953 xiv, 194 p. ; Library - BR Campus
338.4779 ENN 07015541 Sports Marketing : Ennis Sean Palgrave Macmillan, 2020 9783030537395 vii,308p.: Library - BR Campus
338.4779 GRE 00138871 Winning with Data : Green,Fiona. Routledge, 2019 9781138090637 xii,193p.; UG Library
338.47791RIC 01008838 Politics of Tourism in Asia (law Lib) Linda K Richter Manohar 8173043558 263p Knowledge Centre
338.477948 BOS 05046836 Video games : Bossom, Andy. Bloomsbury, 9781472567116 (paperback) pages cm. Knowledge Centre
338.477948 CHA 04012081 Smartbomb : Chaplin, Heather. Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2005 1565123468 | 9781565123465 1st ed. x, 287 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
338.477948 CHA 03009363 Smartbomb : Chaplin, Heather. Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2005 1565123468 | 9781565123465 1st ed. x, 287 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
338.47795 VIR 00122549 Gaming in the new market environment / Viren,Matti Palgrave Macmillan, 2008 9780230500501 (hbk. : alk. pap ix, 224 p. : UG Library
338.477950973 EAE 07003554 Introduction to the Casino Entertainment Industry / Eade, H Vincent Upper Saddle River, 1997 0013400177 277 p.: Library - BR Campus
338.47796 SAN 07003236 The Economics of Sport : Sandy, Robert Palgrave Macmillon, 2004 0333792726 347 p Library - BR Campus
910 HUS 10003803 Fundamentals of Physical Geography / Husain, Majid Rawat Publications, 2006 8170337348 | 9788170337348 635 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
910 MOR 05002627 The Penguin Book of Indian Journeys / Penguin Books, 9780141007649 369p.; Knowledge Centre
910 ADH 00070360 Political Geography Adhikari, Sudeepta Rawat Publications 2006 0817033375 538 p UG Library
910 AGN 07006482 Making Political Geography Agnew John Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131606445 2nd Ed, xii, 283 p.: Library - BR Campus
910 AGN 00120438 Making Political Geography Agnew John Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131606445 2nd Ed, xii, 283 p.: UG Library
910 BEL 07005789 Drives of a lifetime : National Geographic, 2010 9781426206771 | 9781426207730 319 p. : Library - BR Campus
910 BRA 00000559 World Geography Bradley, John Hodgdon Toronto 584 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
910 BUR 05036286 Travel Geography / Burton, Rosemary Longman, 1999 0582315581 514 p Knowledge Centre
910 CLA 05036357 An Introduction to Regional Geography / Claval, Paul Blackwell Publishers, 2002 1557867321 299 p Knowledge Centre
910 CLE 00000545 In Many Lalitudes Clee, David Holt 1960 365 p UG Library
910 CLE 00000547 In Many Lalitudes Clee, David Holt 1960 365 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
910 CLE 00000548 In Many Lalitudes Clee, David Holt 1960 365 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
910 CLE 00000550 In Many Lalitudes Clee, David Holt 1960 365 p UG Library
910 CLE 00000546 In Many Lalitudes Clee, David Holt 1960 365 p UG Library
910 CLE 00000544 In Many Lalitudes Clee, David Holt 1960 365 p UG Library
910 COL 00107247 Global Studies: Japan and the Pacific Rim. Collinwood,Dean. McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc., 2010 9780073379852 | 9780073379852 3th edition x 211 p. UG Library
910 COL 00107248 Global Studies: Japan and the Pacific Rim. Collinwood,Dean. McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc., 2010 9780073379852 | 9780073379852 3th edition x 211 p. UG Library
910 COL 05011173 World Factfile / Collins Collins, 2011 9780007450176 192 p. : Knowledge Centre
910 COO 00091459 Contemporary, Tourism: An International Approach Cooper, Chris Oxford university Press, 9780750663502 377p UG Library
910 DET 00123963 Geography and You Department of State Educational Research and Training Department of State Educational Research and Training 2015 xiii, 292 p,: UG Library
910 DET 00123964 Geography and You Department of State Educational Research and Training Department of State Educational Research and Training 2015 xiii, 292 p,: UG Library
910 DET 00123965 Geography and You. Department of State Educational Research and Training Department of State Educational Research and Training 2015 xii, 200 p.: UG Library
910 DET 00123966 Geography and You. Department of State Educational Research and Training Department of State Educational Research and Training 2015 xii, 200 p.: UG Library
910 DHO 00070296 Question Bank in ICSE Geography Dhoundial, Manu S Chand 2005 8121922399 121 p UG Library
910 DUC 05057047 Cultural tourism / Du Cros, Hilary. Routledge, 2002 9780415833967 (Hbk) Second Edition. xiii, 269 pages ; Knowledge Centre
910 FAR 05066540 Blinding polyphemus : Seagull Books, 2003 9780857423788 236 pages Knowledge Centre
910 GAB 00044289 Essetnials of Physical Geography Gabler, Robert E 1994 0030006589 87 p UG Library
910 GEO 05055041 International Tourism : George, Babu P Abhijeet Publications, 2007 8189886185 183 p Knowledge Centre
910 GEO 05036294 International Tourism : George, Babu P Abhijeet Publications, 2007 8189886185 183 p Knowledge Centre
910 GRI 00000560 Southern Lands Griffith, Taylor Ginn pv UG Library
910 GUP 00070295 Principles of Physical Geography Gupta, A. Das S Chand 2004 8121902584 iv; 455 p UG Library
910 GUP 00070294 Principles of Physical Geography Gupta, A. Das S Chand 2004 8121902584 iv; 455 p UG Library
910 HAG 05029490 Skane - From the Air - Hagberg, Bertil Notitium AB, Angelholm, 9163174375 295 p. Knowledge Centre
910 HAR 05069946 Geography : Harrison,Louise. Hodder Education, 2019 9781510425804 vi,306p.; Knowledge Centre
910 HAR 05036289 The Nature of Geography : Hartshorne, Richard Rawat Publications, 2000 8170336171 504 p Knowledge Centre
910 HAR 05036290 Explanation in Geography / Harvey, David Rawat Publications, 2004 8170337852 520 p Knowledge Centre
910 HAS 00070496 Population Geography Hassan, Mohammad Izhar Rawat Publications 2006 8170339669 413 p UG Library
910 HAY 05026767 Mysore Gazetteer Hayavadana Rao, Neyxre 1928 1472 p Knowledge Centre
910 HUS 05036285 Fundamentals of Physical Geography / Husain, Majid Rawat Publications, 2006 8170337348 | 9788170337348 635 p Knowledge Centre
910 HUS 00070362 Geography Workbook Husain, Majid Rawat Publications 2006 8131600068 295 p UG Library
910 HUS 00070363 Agricultural Geography Husain, Majid Rawat Publications 2006 8170333474 430 p UG Library
910 HUS 01000134 World Geography (law Library ) Majid Husain Yrawat 8170338360 407p Knowledge Centre
910 HUS 00128426 World Geography Husain, Majid, Rawat Publications 2016 9788131608050 5th Edition xviii, 434 p. : UG Library
910 HUS 00070498 World Geography Husain, Majid Rawat Publications 2006 8170338379 426 p UG Library
910 IYE 05074897 Fire on the Ganges : Iyengar, Radhika Harper Collins, 2023 9789356994676 xv, 347 pages Knowledge Centre
910 IYE 10004105 Fire on the Ganges : Iyengar, Radhika Harper Collins, 2023 9789356994676 xv, 347 pages Yeshwanthpur Campus
910 JIG 04024580 Indian and World Geography / Lexis Nexis, 2015 9789351436188 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910 KAJ 00003616 Prinicples of General Geography Kaji, D Joshi C A R S Yeshwanthpur Campus
910 KAN 00142711 Practical Geography / Kannan,Monika. Rawat publications, 2022 9788131612316 x,405p.; UG Library
910 KAY 00056274 Selling Tourism Kay, H Kenner 2003 0827386486 220p UG Library
910 KOZ 00133762 The world's most romantic destinations : Kozolchyk, Abbie, National geographic 2017 9781426217067 (hardback) 254 pages : UG Library
910 KUB 00058134 Human Geography in Action Kuby, Michael 0047118170 13-41p UG Library
910 KUM 00129896 UGC NET/ JRF/ SET Geography II & III Paper Kumar, Ritesh Upkar Prakashan, 2017 9789350132036 695 p.: UG Library
910 LEO 07011735 Certificate Physical and Human Geography / Leong Goh Cheng Oxford University Press, 2018 9780195628166 192.: Library - BR Campus
910 LEO 04030426 Certificate Physical and Human Geography / Leong Goh Cheng Oxford University Press, 2018 9780195628166 192.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910 MAF 00000540 Land Climate & Man Maffray, C.j Windenfe 429 p UG Library
910 MAF 00000541 Land Climate & Man Maffray, C.j Windenfe 429 p UG Library
910 MAF 00000542 Land Climate & Man Maffray, C.j Windenfe 429 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
910 MAF 00000543 Land Climate & Man Maffray, C.j Windenfe 429 p UG Library
910 MAR 05036282 Geographic Information Systems : Martin, David Routledge, 2002 0415125715 210 p Knowledge Centre
910 MAU 05036283 Internet for the Retail Travel Industry / Maurer, Ed Thomson, 2003 0766840719 148 p Knowledge Centre
910 MOR 00095133 The Penguin Book of Indian Journeys / Penguin Books, 9780141007649 369p.; UG Library
910 OAK 05069944 Geography for the IB diploma study and revision guide : Oakes, Simon. Hodder Education, 2017 9781510403543 viii,118p.; Knowledge Centre
910 OAK 05069945 Geography for the IB diploma study and revision guide : Oakes, Simon. Hodder Education, 2017 9781510403550 viii,118p.; Knowledge Centre
910 PAN 04011865 Geographical information science / Panigrahi, Narayan. Universities Press ; | CRC Press [distributor], 2009 9788173716287 | 1439810044 xii, 276 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910 PAN 04009425 Geographical information science / Panigrahi, Narayan. Universities Press ; | CRC Press [distributor], 2009 9788173716287 | 1439810044 xii, 276 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910 PAN 04009424 Geographical information science / Panigrahi, Narayan. Universities Press ; | CRC Press [distributor], 2009 9788173716287 | 1439810044 xii, 276 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910 PAS 05036356 International Tourism ; Pasricha Ashu Regal Publications; 2009 9788189915049 314 p. Knowledge Centre
910 PRE 00015145 Foundation of Geography Preece, D M University Tutorial Press Ltd 1959 364 p. UG Library
910 QAR 00116068 Principles of Physical Geography. Qazi, Prof S A 2004 8176487317 324 UG Library
910 RAM 05065059 Journeys : Ramanujan, A K. Penquin random house, 2019 9780670092086 xxix,351p.; Knowledge Centre
910 RAM 10002394 Journeys : Ramanujan, A K. Penquin random house, 2019 9780670092086 xxix,351p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
910 RAN 00116069 Prakruthika Bhugolashastrada Moola Tatvagalu Ranganath VIDYANIDHI 422p UG Library
910 ROW 05057212 Diversity amid globalization : Rowntree, Lester., Pearson, 2016 9781292058924 Sixth edition. 740p., Knowledge Centre
910 SAN 05049222 The Cannanore of yore Santhosh,Chandini, 2016 9789383952014 224p.; Knowledge Centre
910 SAN 05074934 Panjab : Sandhu, Amandeep. Pengun, 2022 9780143459316 xvi, 577p.; Knowledge Centre
910 SAN 10004138 Panjab : Sandhu, Amandeep. Pengun, 2022 9780143459316 xvi, 577p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
910 SIN 00070216 Georgraphy for the UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Examination Singh, Surender 2004 0070581568 1 UG Library
910 SIN 00070588 Georgraphy for the UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Examination Singh, Surender 2004 0070581568 1 UG Library
910 SKI 00116073 Complete a - Z Geogrphy Handbook Skinner, Malcolm 0340872748 364p UG Library
910 SKI 05041311 Geography A to Z Handbook / Skinner,Malcolm. Viva Books, 2014 9788130927145 vi,353p.; Knowledge Centre
910 SKI 00060782 Complete A-Z Geography Handbook Skinner, Malcolm 0340872748 364p UG Library
910 SLP 05005563 Lands and peoples / Scholastic Library Pub., 2005 0717280241 (set : alk. paper) 6 v. : Knowledge Centre
910 SLP 05005564 Lands and peoples / Scholastic Library Pub., 2005 0717280241 (set : alk. paper) 6 v. : Knowledge Centre
910 SLP 05005565 Lands and peoples / Scholastic Library Pub., 2005 0717280241 (set : alk. paper) 6 v. : Knowledge Centre
910 SLP 05005566 Lands and peoples / Scholastic Library Pub., 2005 0717280241 (set : alk. paper) 6 v. : Knowledge Centre
910 SLP 05005567 Lands and peoples / Scholastic Library Pub., 2005 0717280241 (set : alk. paper) 6 v. : Knowledge Centre
910 SLP 05005568 Lands and peoples / Scholastic Library Pub., 2005 0717280241 (set : alk. paper) 6 v. : Knowledge Centre
910 SPE 00124516 Geography Frank R. Spellman Rawat Publications, 2010 9788131608036 viii, 343 p.: UG Library
910 SYL 00123967 Helpmate To The Teaching of Geography Sylvette A.C. Carmel Vidyajythi Books, 2013 In viii, 96 p.: UG Library
910 SYL 00123968 Helpmate To The Teaching of Geography Sylvette A.C. Carmel Vidyajythi Books, 2013 In viii, 96 p.: UG Library
910 SYL 00123969 Geography of Karnataka Sylvette A.C. Carmel Convent Ashanikrtan, 2015 IN 50 p.: UG Library
910 SYL 00123970 Geography of Karnataka Sylvette A.C. Carmel Convent Ashanikrtan, 2015 IN 50 p.: UG Library
910 SYL 00139551 Helpmate to the teaching of geography / Sylvette A C, M. Carmel Vidyajyothi books, 2013 viii,96p.; UG Library
910 THO 05058651 Answer book : Thorton,Kathryn. National Geographic, 2009 9788192088808 470 p. : Knowledge Centre
910 WID 00115965 GCSE Geography in Focus Widdowson, John 2003 0719575583 385p UG Library
910 WRI 00058010 How to Be a Successful Traveller Wright, Andrew 1993 0521275466 86p UG Library
910.01 BOT 07013051 The Art of Travel / Botton Alain De Penguin Books, 2014 9780241970065 261p.: Library - BR Campus
910.01 BOT 07013052 The Art of Travel / Botton Alain De Penguin Books, 2014 9780241970065 261p.: Library - BR Campus
910.01 BUT 00102885 The moralisation of tourism : Butcher, Jim, Routledge, 0415296552 | 0415296560 165 p. : UG Library
910.01 COU 00123813 A student's introduction to geographical thought : Couper, Pauline. Sage 2015 9781446282953 (c) | 9781446282 256pages UG Library
910.01 HUS 00070497 Evolution of Geographical Thought (UGC Minority) Husain, Majid Rawat Publications 8170339049 518p UG Library
910.01 JAC 00097609 Tourism and Intercultural Exchange Jack, Gavin CBS Publishers & Distributors; 9788123917146 181p UG Library
910.01 KUB 22000545 Human Geography in Action Kuby, Michael 0047118170 13-41p Knowledge Centre
910.01 LEN 05036284 A Companion to Tourism / Lew, Alan A Blackwell, 2004 1405133740 622 p Knowledge Centre
910.01 RUD 00040894 Some Problems of Marx`s Theory of History Rudra, Ashok Orient Longman 75p UG Library
910.014 JAW 05037026 Discourse, Communication and Tourism Jaworski, Adam CBS Publishers & Distributors; 9788123917122 249p Knowledge Centre
910.015195 LIO 04012346 Spatial data analysis : Lloyd, Christopher D. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199554324 | 9780199596942 xi, 206 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.019 PEA 07010626 Tourist behaviour Pearce, Philip L. Viva Books Private Limited 2006 9788130903026 (pbk) | 97818454 vii, 241 p. : Library - BR Campus
910.02 STR 04002313 Physicall Geography: Science and Systems of the Human Environment Strahler, Alan John Wiley and Sons 2009 9788126511921 748 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.02 CHR 00047687 Elemental Geosystems (WMU) Christopherson, W Robert 1998 0137435355 548 p UG Library
910.02 KOU 00056223 Fundamentals of Physical Geography: T.B. for Class XI ( Semester I) Koul, M N NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDU & RESR TRAINING 8174500669 156p UG Library
910.02 KOU 00056224 Fundamentals of Physical Geography: T.B. for Class XI ( Semester I) Koul, M N NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDU & RESR TRAINING 8174500669 156p UG Library
910.02 KUM 07014844 Physical Geography / Kumar Sanjay Ishwar Books, 2019 9789386806390 vi,280p.: Library - BR Campus
910.02 SIN 00027351 Rudiments of Physical Geography Singh, D K Kalyani, 1984 238 p.; UG Library
910.02 SIN 00025543 Rudiments of Physical Geography Singh, D K Kalyani, 1984 238 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
910.02 SON 08000596 Khazan ecosystems of GOA : Sonak, Sangeeta M. Springer, 2014 9789400772014 137 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.02 STR 41000058 Physicall Geography: Science and Systems of the Human Environment Strahler, Alan John Wiley and Sons 2009 9788126511921 748 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.02015953 MAT 05051124 Computational methods of multivariate analysis in physical geography / Mather, Paul M. Wiley, 1976 0471576263 xi, 532 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.020285 WEN 04030539 Remote sensing time series image processing / CRC Press, 2018 9781138054592 (hardback : alk. paper) 231 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.0203 WHI 01014935 The Dictionary of Physical Geography / Whittow,John B. Penguin Books,, 0631204725 (hc : alk. paper) | 590.; Knowledge Centre
910.02094 BRA 05036298 Planning Your Trip to Europe : Brahblett, Reid Prentice Hall of India, 2001 8120316320 602 p. Knowledge Centre
910.020954 RAM 05060316 Terrestrial lessons : Ramaswamy, Sumathi. Orient Blackswan, 2017 9789352870790 xx, 429p. Knowledge Centre
910.020971 BRA 00000551 Geography for Canadians Braunds, W Bruce M G H 330 p. UG Library
910.020971 BRA 00000552 Geography for Canadians Braunds, W Bruce M G H 330 p. UG Library
910.020971 BRA 00000556 Geography for Canadians Braunds, W Bruce M G H 330 p. UG Library
910.020971 BRA 00000553 Geography for Canadians Braunds, W Bruce M G H 330 p. UG Library
910.020971 BRA 00000555 Geography for Canadians Braunds, W Bruce M G H 330 p. UG Library
910.020971 BRA 00000554 Geography for Canadians Braunds, W Bruce M G H 330 p. UG Library
910.0215 INN 05036847 Malabar : Innes C.A The State Kerala Gazetteers, 1997 8188449292 537p.: Knowledge Centre
910.0215483 LOG 01009000 Malabar / Logan, William, Charithram Publications, v. <1 > : Knowledge Centre
910.0215483 LOG 01009001 Malabar / Logan, William, Charithram Publications, v. <1 > : Knowledge Centre
910.02DAS.K 00025224 Principle of Physical Geography Das Gupta, A S Chand 426 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
910.02LON 00004275 Handbook for Geography Teachers Long, M E L B S 534 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
910.02SIN/.B 00025223 Rudiments of Physical Geography Singh, D K Kalyani, 1984 238 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
910.03 WHI 00056163 Penguin Dictionary of Physical Geography Whittow, John 0140514503 590p UG Library
910.0684 SCO 07010638 Network Analysis And Tourism Scott, Noel CBS Publishers & Distributors; 9788123917153 259p Library - BR Campus
910.07 JOG 00116571 Teaching of Geography Joglekar, Gaurav Saurabhi Publishing House, 2009 9798189005053 Reprint 282 p.; UG Library
910.07 MUJ 05036299 Teaching of Geography / Mujibul Hasan Siddiqui APH Publishing, 2003 8176486566 244 p Knowledge Centre
910.07 SID 00061092 Teaching of Geography Mujibul Hasan Siddiqui APH Publishing Corporation 2004 8176486566 | 9788176486569 244 p UG Library
910.074 MIS 05036300 Research Methodology in Geography : Misra, H N Rawat Publications, 2002 0817033425 474 p Knowledge Centre
910.08 GOO 00056166 Penguin Dictionary of Human Geography Goodall, Brian 0140510958 509p UG Library
910.09 LIN 05008032 Voyage to goa and back, 1583 - 1592, with his account of the east indies : Linschoten, Jan Huygen van Forschungsreisender. Asian Educational Services, 2004 8120619285 xxiv, 126 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.091 GAR 07008831 The story of a shipwrecked sailor : Marquez,Gabriel Garcia. Penguin Books, 9780140157550 ix,106p.; Library - BR Campus
910.091636 GAR 01015874 The story of a shipwrecked sailor : Marquez,Gabriel Garcia. Penguin Books, 9780140157550 ix,106p.; Knowledge Centre
910.091636 GAR 07010588 The story of a shipwrecked sailor : Marquez,Gabriel Garcia. Penguin Books, 9780140157550 ix,106p.; Library - BR Campus
910.091636 GAR 05036358 The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor / Garcia Marquez, Gabriel Penguin Books, 1986 0140157557 106 p Knowledge Centre
910.0954 BRU 00119278 Search in Secret India Brunton, Paul Churivalan 1970 305 P UG Library
910.0954 BRU 00025646 Search in Secret India Brunton, Paul Churivalan 1970 305 P UG Library
910.0954076 HUS 07015174 Objective Indian and World Geography General Studies Paper-1 Husain Majid McGraw Hill, 2020 9789389949216 PY.418p.: Library - BR Campus
910.14 SAV 00056215 Lands and Peoples: Part III - T.B. for Class VIII Savita, Sinha National Centre for Advocacy Training 180p UG Library
910.14 SAV 00056216 Lands and Peoples: Part III - T.B. for Class VIII Savita, Sinha National Centre for Advocacy Training 180p UG Library
910.2 DAV 05007479 Business travel : Davidson, Rob. Prentice Hall Financial Times, 2003 0582404444 (pbk.) | 9780582404 xiv, 290 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.2 MEN 07012433 Loitering with intent / Menon, Ritu Speaking Tiger Publication, 2016 9789386050847 235p.; Library - BR Campus
910.202 GRA 04015793 Top islands of the world / Gray, William New Hollend, 2005 9781845371784 159 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.202 GRO 04012131 The 100 best volunteer vacations to enrich your life / Grout, Pam. National Geographic, 2009 9781426204593 | 1426204590 (p 287 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.202 LYE 04009861 100 Great Journeys : Hammond World Atlas Corporation, 2008 9780843709940 191p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.202 SAH 04017808 Adventure Sites of the World / Sahaney Ranee Lustre Press Roli Books, 2010 9788174367457 142 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.202 SAH 05009696 Adventure Sites of the World / Sahaney Ranee Lustre Press Roli Books, 2010 9788174367457 142 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.202 WAT 03005286 Unforgettable things to do before you die / Watkins, Steve. Firefly Books, 2005 9781554070640 256 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
910.2020954 GHO 00056091 India Ghose, Aruna 2002 0751333565 824p UG Library
910.2020954 SAR 00056089 India Singh, Sarina Lonely Planet 2001 1864502460 1080p UG Library
910.202CHA 00057257 Travel Agency Management: an Introduction Text - B.Com Tourism Chand, Mohinder Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126105836 305p UG Library
910.21 BAR 05052231 Elementary statistics for geographers / Barber, Gerald M. Guilford Press, 1988 089862777X xi, 513 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.21 GRI 05049357 Statistical analysis for geographers / Griffith, Daniel A. Prentice Hall, 1991 0138441847 | 9780138441845 xviii, 478 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.21 MAN 00123020 Statistics For Geographers and Social Scientists Mandal R,B Concept Publishing Company Pvt, 2014 9789351250654 xv, 555 p.: UG Library
910.22(948.14)SWA 00018780 Hasuru Honnu Swamy, B G L Kavyalaya UG Library
910.222 DEV 07004526 A nomad called thief : Devy, G. N., Orient Longman, 2006 8125030212 199 p. ; Library - BR Campus
910.222 DEV 05048939 A nomad called thief : Devy, G. N., Orient Longman, 2006 8125030212 199 p. ; Knowledge Centre
910.222 MCC 05036359 Travel Photography / Cartney, M C Allworth Press / 1992 1880889005 383 p Knowledge Centre
910.222 NAI 03006003 Visions of Paradise / Anderson. National Geographic, 2007 978426203381 P.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
910.222 NAT 04015804 Visions of paradise. National Geographic Society, 2008 9781426203381 | 1426203381 303 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.23 FIR 00138984 Employabilty and skills handbook for tourism, hospitality and events students / Firth, Miriam, Routledge, 2020 9781138493940 | 9781138493971 xxx, 414 p.; UG Library
910.285 CHA 04002984 Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems Chakrabotry, Debashi Viva Books 2008 9788130900414 258 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.285 FAZ 04005329 Geographic Information Systems: Terminiology Fazal, Shahab New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 9788122420876 144 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.285 FAZ 04005330 Geographic Information Systems: Terminiology Fazal, Shahab New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 9788122420876 144 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.285 MES 04003226 Integration of Gis: And Remote Sensing Mesev, Victory Johb Wiley & Sons 2007 9780470864098 296 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.285 ALL 05056765 GIS tutorial 2 : Allen,David W. Esri Press, 2016 9781589484535 viii, 407 pages : Knowledge Centre
910.285 BEL 04010735 Spatial data on the Web : Springer, 2007 9783540698777 | 3540698779 xi, 313 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.285 BEN 07015305 Tourism information technology / Benckendorff, Pierre, CABI, 2019 9781786393432 (Paperback : alk. paper) Third Edition. xxvi,374p.: Library - BR Campus
910.285 BHA 00131209 Geospatial technology and ecosystem assessment Bharti,Chhavi Kumar Discovery publishing house pvt ltd., 2018 9789386841360 211p.; UG Library
910.285 BHA 04012341 Remote sensing and GIS / Bhatta, B. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198072393 | 0198072392 2nd ed. xxiv, 716 p., 16 p. of plates : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.285 BHA 41000648 Remote sensing and GIS / Bhatta, B. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198072393 | 0198072392 2nd ed. xxiv, 716 p., 16 p. of plates : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.285 BHA 04020578 Remote sensing and GIS / Bhatta, B. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198072393 | 0198072392 2nd ed. xxiv, 716 p., 16 p. of plates : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.285 BHA 41000707 Remote sensing and GIS / Bhatta, B. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198072393 | 0198072392 2nd ed. xxiv, 716 p., 16 p. of plates : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.285 BRE 00129026 3d geoinformation science / Breunig,Martin Springer 2015 9783319121802 258p. UG Library
910.285 BRU 00133390 Geocomputation : Brunsdon, Chris. Sage publications ltd., 2015 9781446272923 (c) | 9781446272930 (p) | 9781473901506 (e) | 9781473906303 (e) 1st edition. xx,369p.; UG Library
910.285 BRU 05062764 Geocomputation : Brunsdon, Chris. Sage publications ltd., 2015 9781446272923 (c) | 9781446272930 (p) | 9781473901506 (e) | 9781473906303 (e) 1st edition. xx,369p.; Knowledge Centre
910.285 BUR 04012335 Principles of geographical information systems / Burrough, P. A. Oxford University Press, 1998 0198233655 | 9780199228621 | 0198233663 xiii, 333 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.285 CHA 04024837 Introduction to geographic information systems / Chang, Kang-Tsung. McGraw-Hill, 2011 9780073369310 | 9780070658981 6th ed. 450p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.285 CHA 41000828 Introduction to geographic information systems / Chang, Kang-Tsung. McGraw-Hill, 2011 9780073369310 | 9780070658981 6th ed. 450p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.285 CHU 00112956 Spatial Statistics & Geostatistics : Chun, Yongwan. SAGE, 2013 9781446201732 (hbk.) | 9781446 xiv, 181 p. : UG Library
910.285 DEM 00130644 Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems / Demers, Michael N. Wiley, 2009 9788126537211 4th Ed. 443p. : UG Library
910.285 DEM 04024305 Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems / Demers, Michael N. Wiley, 2009 9788126537211 4th Ed. 443p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.285 DEM 04008808 Fundamentals of geographic information systmes / DeMers, Michael N. Wiley, 2011 9788126516865 3rd ed. xi, 468p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.285 DEM 04008809 Fundamentals of geographic information systmes / DeMers, Michael N. Wiley, 2011 9788126516865 3rd ed. xi, 468p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.285 DEM 04012829 Fundamentals of geographic information systmes / DeMers, Michael N. Wiley, 2011 9788126516865 3rd ed. xi, 468p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.285 FAV 04030525 Handbook on advances in remote sensing and geographic information systems. Springer, 2017 9783319523064 415 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.285 FAZ 04011427 GIS Basics / Fazal, Shahab. New Age International , 2008 9788122423761 ix, 339 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.285 GOR 05056764 GIS tutorial 1 : Gorr, Wilpen L., Esri Press, 2013 9781589484566 (alk. paper) [Sixth edition] x, 478 pages : Knowledge Centre
910.285 HEY 05066926 An introduction to geographical information systems / Heywood, D. Ian. Prentice Hall, 2011 9780273722595 (pbk.) 4th ed. xxxiv, 446 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.285 KIT 05062028 Understanding spatial media / Kitchin, Rob. Sage, 2017 9781473949676 (hardcover) | 9781473949683 (pbk.) 1st edition. x,250p.; Knowledge Centre
910.285 KOR 00052136 The Gis Book Korte B, George Onword Press Thomson Learning 2000 9812402284 | 9789812402288 380 p UG Library
910.285 KUM 04030538 REMOTE SENSING AND GISCIENCE : challenges and future directions Springer, 2021 9783030550912 272 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.285 LIU 00146192 Computational methods and GIS applications in social sciences : Liu, Lingbo, CRC Press 2024 9781032302928 | 9781032302430 Third edition. xvii;265p. UG Library
910.285 NYE 00119678 The Sage handbook of GIS and society / Nyerges, Timothy L Sage, 2011 9781412946452 (cloth) 1st ed. xvi, 559 p. : UG Library
910.285 PAL 00147595 Remote Sensing and Gepgraphical information Systems/ Pal, Yash Book Enclave, 2024 9788181525567 ix,286p. ; UG Library
910.285 PAN 00125509 Computing in geographic information systems / Panigrahi, Narayan. CRC Press 2014 9781482223149 (hardback) xxvii, 275 pages ; UG Library
910.285 RAO 00061779 Geographic Information Systems Rao, R. Ram Mohan Rawat Publications 2002 8170337143 | 9788170337140 200 p. : UG Library
910.285 RAO 05057766 Geographic Information Systems Rao, R. Ram Mohan Rawat Publications 2002 8170337143 | 9788170337140 200 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.285 RYC 04010723 Satellite navigation systems : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003 1402016786 (alk. paper) | 9781402016783 xviii, 266 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.2850954 GISI 42000108 GIS India. GIS India, v. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.2854678 MAU 00060976 Internet for the Retail Travel Industry Maurer, Ed Thomson Delmar Learning 2003 0766840719 148 p UG Library
910.2855133 ZAN 05056793 Python scripting for ArcGIS / Zandbergen, Paul A., Esri Press, 2013 9781589483712 First edition. xiv, 343 pages : Knowledge Centre
910.28553 LAW 05056763 Getting to know ArcGIS pro / Law, Michael, Esri Press, 2016 9781589484573 (pbk. : alk. pap x, 467 pages ; Knowledge Centre
910.28553 YAN 07012724 Introduction to GIS programming and fundamentals with Python and ArcGIS / Yang, Chaowei, CRC Press, 2017 9781466510081 (hardback : alk. paper) xxvi, 302 pages ; Library - BR Campus
910.2855678 SHA 07010630 Tourism Informatics : Nalin Sharda. Information Science Reference, 2010 9781605668185 | 9781605668192 xviii, 334 p. : Library - BR Campus
910.28557 KAR 05044584 Big data : CRC Press, 2014 9781466586512 (hardback : acid xiv, 298 pages : Knowledge Centre
910.28557 KAR 05044961 Big data : Karimi, Hassan A CRC Press, 2014 9781466586512 (hardback : acid xiv, 298 pages : Knowledge Centre
910.2856 ASH 00121508 Geospatial semantics and the semantic Web : Ashish Naveen Springer 2011 9781441994455 (hardcover : aci xii, 165 pages : UG Library
910.3 BHU 00143213 Remote Sensing anf GIS in Natural Resource management / Bhunia, Gouri Sankar. Rawat Publications, 2022 9788131612521 xxi,312p,; UG Library
910.3 CLA 01014936 The Penguin dictionary of geography / Clark, Audrey N. Penguin Books, 0140515054 ix, 467 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.3 DRA 01008767 Mathura, a gazetteer / Brockman,D L Drake. Usha Publications , 2, 339, xxxviii, vii p. : Knowledge Centre
910.3 HUS 05065544 Objective Indian & World Geography General Studies Paper-1 : Husain,Majid. McGraw Hill, 2018 9789387572515 3rd ed. III.125p.; Knowledge Centre
910.3 MAY 01014547 A Dictionary of Geography / Mayhew, Susan Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199231812 (hbk.) | 9780199 4th Ed. 551p. : Knowledge Centre
910.3 MAY 00121187 A Dictionary of Geography / Mayhew, Susan Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199231812 (hbk.) | 9780199 4th Ed. 551p. : UG Library
910.3 MAY 05003815 A Dictionary of Geography / Mayhew, Susan Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199231812 (hbk.) | 9780199 4th Ed. 551p. : Knowledge Centre
910.3 MYS 01008651 Imperial Gazetteer of India: Usha Jain, 365p Knowledge Centre
910.3 PEN 00075826 Penguin Guide to the Countries of the World Penguin Publications Penguin Books 2005 0144000520 458 p UG Library
910.3 RAO 00115222 Dictionary of Geography Rao, M S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 1988 8126117176 | 9788126117178 408 p UG Library
910​.3 ROJ 04010845 A Dictionary of Geography/ Rojoshky H. CBS Publishers Distributors PVT.LTD. 1994 8123911300 266 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.3 STA 07007996 A guide to countries of the world Stalker, Peter. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199580729 (pbk.) | 0199580 3rd ed. X,421 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
910.3 STE 00115224 Illustrated Dictionary of Geography Stephen, R Jermic Lotus 2004 8189093347 200 p UG Library
910.3 WAL 04008486 Encyclopedia of Exploration: Waldman Carl Viva , 2010 978-81309-1413-8 xxiii,710p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.3 WAL 04008487 Encyclopedia of Exploration: Waldman Carl Viva , 2010 978-81309-1413-8 xxiii,710p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.3 WHI 00115223 Penguin Dictionary of Physical Geography Whittow, John Penguin Books 2004 0140514503 | 9780140514506 590 p UG Library
910.3095 KHA 05057094 Gazetteer of Sikkim 2013 / Government of Sikkim, 2013 9788192043717 xxiv,656p.; Knowledge Centre
910.30954133OMA 01008680 Puri: Gazetteer( Law Lib.) L S S Omalley Usha Jain 311p. Knowledge Centre
910.309548 KAM 05053155 Karnataka State Gazetteer / Suryanath, U.kamath. Government of Karnataka, 1989 1010p.; Knowledge Centre
910.309548 KAN 05053156 Karnataka State Gazetteer / Suryanath, U.kamath. Government of Karnataka, 1983 1505p.; Knowledge Centre
910.3095481 KAN 05011212 Karnataka State Bangalore District / Suryanath, Kamath Lotus Printers Bangalore, 1990 1105p Knowledge Centre
910.3095482 USH 01008682 Madras Usha Publications Usha Jain 563p. Knowledge Centre
910.3095482 USH 01008683 Madras Usha Publications Usha Jain 563p. Knowledge Centre
910.30954KAM.1 00032988 Karnataka State Gazetter Kamath, Suryanath U Sevasadan 1077 p UG Library
910.4 KEA 03002828 Mammoth Book of Travel in Dangerous Places: First-Hand Accounts of Exploration Keay, John Robinson 9781849013116 487 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
910.4 BEL 04017205 Secret Journeys of a Lifetime : Bellows, Keith National Geographic, 2011 9781426206467 319 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.4 BEL 07005787 Secret Journeys of a Lifetime : Bellows, Keith National Geographic, 2011 9781426206467 319 p. : Library - BR Campus
910.4 BEL 03008344 Secret Journeys of a Lifetime : Bellows, Keith National Geographic, 2011 9781426206467 319 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
910.4 BUT 05008022 The travels of Ibn Battūta, A.D. 1325-1354 / Battuta, Ibn. Hakluyt Society, | Asian Educational Services, 1994 vii,, 398p. ; Knowledge Centre
910.4 DOD 00006094 Spirit of Adventre Dodd, E Macmillan 1967 128 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
910.4 ELW 05007988 Narrative of a journey overland from England, by the continent of Europe, Egypt, and the Red sea to India : Elwood, Colonel. Asian Educational Services : | National Archives of India, 2011 9788120620483 | 8120620488 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
910.4 ELW 05007987 Narrative of a journey overland from England, by the continent of Europe, Egypt, and the Red sea to India : Elwood, Colonel. Asian Educational Services : | National Archives of India, 2011 9788120620483 | 8120620488 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
910.4 GIL 05025900 Eat Pray Love: One Woman`s Search for Everything. Gilbert, Elizabeth 2007 9780747585664 349p Knowledge Centre
910.4 HAS 03005430 Exploring the West : Oxford University Press, 2009 9780198063117 | 0198063113 1 v. (various pagings) : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
910.4 IYE 10004284 Falling off the map : Iyer, Pico. Penguin random house india pvt ltd., 2004 9780143032106 1st American ed. ix, 190 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
910.4 KUE 07010621 Travel writing, form, and empire : Routledge, 9780415962940 (hbk.) | 0415962 vi, 255 p. : Library - BR Campus
910.4 LAM 05074776 Three Centuries of Travel Writing by Muslim Women : ed. Lambert-Hurley, Siobhan. Zubaan , 2024 9789390514663 xv, 514 p.; Knowledge Centre
910.4 MAN 07006616 The book of marvels and travels Mandeville, John, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199600601 | 0199600600 (p xxxviii, 178 p. : Library - BR Campus
910.4 MAN 05033981 The book of marvels and travels Mandeville, John, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199600601 | 0199600600 (p xxxviii, 178 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.4 MAX 03007516 100 Countries, 5000 Ideas : National Geographic Society, 2011 9781426207587 (softcover : alk 399 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
910.4 MCC 05046072 World's best travel experiences : National Geographic, 2012 9781426209598 (hardcover) 319 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.4 MEZ 05041139 Seven Wonders A Novel / Mezrich Ben William Heinemann, 2014 9780434023448 311p.: Knowledge Centre
910.4 NG 01015090 Journeys of a lifetime : National Geographic Society, 9781426201257 400 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.4 SIN 00119077 Beyond Horizons Singh, Major A.K Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd, 2014 9788129130068 xiv:363p.; UG Library
910.4 SIN 04022692 Beyond Horizons Singh, Major A.K Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd, 2014 9788129130068 xiv:363p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.4 SIN 03010678 Beyond Horizons Singh, Major A.K Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd, 2014 9788129130068 xiv:363p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
910.4 SMI 07010853 Twitchhiker/ Smith, Paul Jaico 2011 9788179929490 333p. Library - BR Campus
910.4 SMI 00124195 Twitchhiker/ Smith, Paul Jaico 2011 9788179929490 333p. UG Library
910.4 THE 05010969 The Tao Of Travel / Theroux Paul Penguin Books, 2011 9780241145258 x,285 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.4 TRE 05036354 The Other Side Of The Lantern : Treves, Frederick Asian Educational Services, 2000 978812061531X 424 p. Knowledge Centre
910.4 VAK 07010642 Gateway to America Vakil, C Arun Indo American Society 1996 125 p Library - BR Campus
910.4 WAL 05032878 Adventure Tourism / Walsh,Thomas. Discovery Publishing House, 2011 9788183568920 256p.; Knowledge Centre
910.409031 MAN 05008512 Travel narratives from the age of discovery : Mancall, Peter C Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195155976 (pbk. : alk. pap xv, 413 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.409031 RUB 00134861 Travellers and Cosmographers : Rubiés, Joan-Pau. Routledge, 2016 0754659364 (alk. paper) | 9780754659365 (alk. paper) xiv,448p,: UG Library
910.41 MEN 00014836 Journey Round the World Menon, K. P. S BVB, 1966 233p.; UG Library
910.41 MOR 00000346 Atlantic Meeting Morton, H V Methuen 196 UG Library
910.41 REA. 00056268 Guide to Places of World Readers Digest Anmol 1987 742p UG Library
910.41 ROG 04014101 The ultimate Rokad Trip ; Rogers, Jim Willey India, 2007 9788126514205 357p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.41 TWA 00106470 Following the equator: Twain,Mark. Dover Publications. 1989 9780486261133 712 p. UG Library
910.41 VER 05011038 Around the World in eighty days / Verne Jules Penguin Books, 1994 9780140623680 245 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.45 ARM 07014079 Oceanic histories / Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108423182 | 9781108434829 (paperback : alk. paper) x, 328 pages : Library - BR Campus
910.45 BAL 04008008 Adventures in ocean exploration : Ballard, Robert D. National Geographic, 2001 0792279921 | 0792279085 (regul 288 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.45 BRA 05008973 Flying the black flag : Bradford, Alfred S. Praeger, 2007 9780275977818 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 210 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.45 SCH 00014146 Periplus of the Erythrean Sea Schoff, H Wilfred Orient 1972 323 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
910.45 SEK 03005527 Terror on the seas : Sekulich, Daniel. Thomas Dunne Books, 2009 9780312375829 (alk. paper) | 0 1st ed. xi, 308 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
910.45092 KOS 07012408 Bicycle dreaming / Koshy, Mridula, Speaking Tiger Publishing Pvt.Ltd, 2016 9789385755163 viii, 231 pages ; Library - BR Campus
910.453 UNE 08000425 Art treasures of the world : A complete guide to the UNESCO World Heritage sites / Herper Colliins, 2010 9780007892129 856 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.46 TIM 07010643 Tourism and the lodging sector / Timothy, Dallen J. Butterworth-Heinemann/Elsevier, 9780750686594 (pbk.) | 0750686 ix, 270 p. : Library - BR Campus
910.460688 SHO 05007556 Marketing leadership in hospitality and tourism : Shoemaker, Stowe. Pearson, 2007 9780131182400 4th ed. xxv, 661 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.4620954022 CHO 07007134 India in luxury / Chopra, Tarun Prakash Books Publication, 2009 9788172342890 249.00 Library - BR Campus
910.4GIL 05070295 Eat Pray Love: One Woman`s Search for Everything. Gilbert, Elizabeth 2007 9780747585664 349p Knowledge Centre
910.4SHE 00002743 This Great Small World Sheorey, Anant Gopal Vora 208 p. UG Library
910.5 GOL 42000618 National Geographic : Ack meida, 2017 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.5 GOL 42000619 National Geographic : Ack meida, 2017 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.5 GOL 42001005 National Geographic : Ack meida, 2017 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.5 GOL 42001006 National Geographic : Ack meida, 2017 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.5 GRO 00000574 National Geographic / National Book, 1951 Volumes UG Library
910.5 GRO 00000575 National Geographic / National Book, 1951 Volumes UG Library
910.54 AAA 07010629 Europe Travelbook American Automobile Associatio AAA Publishing 1999 1562512706 638 p Library - BR Campus
910.68 HAL 05036297 Lake Tourism : C Michael Hall CBS Publishers & Distributors; 2009 9788123917092 235 p Knowledge Centre
910.68 CAM 05064080 The branding of tourist destinations : Camilleri, Anthony Mark. Emerald Publishing, 2019 9781787693746 First edition. xx,241p.; Knowledge Centre
910.68 COO 05060527 Tourism : Cook,Roy A. Pearson, 2018 9781292221670 Sixth Edition. 448p.; Knowledge Centre
910.68 COO 05055144 Tourism : Cook, Roy A. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006 0131189808 3rd ed. xvii, 489 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.68 COO 07014664 Tourism : Cook,Roy A. Pearson, 2018 9781292221670 Sixth Edition. 448p.; Library - BR Campus
910.68 EVA 07014625 Strategic management for tourism, hospitality and events / Evans, Nigel, Routledge, 2020 9781138345935 | 9781138345942 Third Edition. VIII,773 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
910.68 GET 05055142 The family business in tourism and hospitality / Getz, Donald, CABI Pub., 0851998089 (alk. paper) xvii, 214 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.68 KOZ 05041233 Managing and Marketing Tourist Destinations : Kozak Metin Routledge, 2014 9780415811484 xx,242p.: Knowledge Centre
910.68 KOZ 05041443 Managing and Marketing Tourist Destinations : Kozak Metin Routledge, 2014 9780415811484 xx,242p.: Knowledge Centre
910.68 LAW 07010622 Tourist destination governance Laws, Eric CAB International, 2011 xiv, 222 p. : Library - BR Campus
910.68 MAS 07002193 Tourism impacts, planning and management / Mason, Peter, Routledge, 2016 9781138016309 (hbk.) | 9781138 Third edition. xvii, 253 pages ; Library - BR Campus
910.68 OTG 05044985 Industrial Tourism : Otgaar Alexander.H.J Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2015 9788186268445 229p.: Knowledge Centre
910.68 PAB 05008798 Global hospitality and tourism management technologies / Pablos, Patricia Ordonez de Business Science Reference, 2012 9781613500415 (hardcover) viii, 260 p. Knowledge Centre
910.68 WAL 05055143 Tourism : Walker, John R., Prentice Hall, 9780138142452 | 0138142459 xxxviii, 537 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.684 LAW 07010627 Crisis management in tourism CABI Pub., 2007 9781845931360 | 1845930479 (al xvii, 392 p. Library - BR Campus
910.684 LAW 07010641 Marine Wildlife and Tourism Management : ed by. James Higham CABI Publications: 2008 9781845933456 | 9781845933456 xxviii, 395 p. : Library - BR Campus
910.684 RIT 07010633 Tourism Crisis and Disaster Management in The Asia-Pacific Ritchie, Brent W., 2015 9781780643250 xvi,268 p:. Library - BR Campus
910.684 DOD 05067431 Overtourism : De Gruyter, 2019 9783110620450 | 9783110604085 x, 288 pages : Knowledge Centre
910.684 EVA 07009962 Strategic management for tourism, hospitality and events / Evans, Nigel, Routledge, 2015 9780415837279 (hardback) | 978 Second edition. xx, 708 pages ; Library - BR Campus
910.684 LAN 05055145 Crisis management in tourism CABI Pub., 2007 9781845931360 | 1845930479 (al xvii, 392 p. Knowledge Centre
910.684 MAN 07010619 Tourism Security and Safety from Theory and Practice Mansfeld, Yoel Elsevier 2006 0750650674 | 9780750678988 359 p Library - BR Campus
910.684 MCL 01021334 Knowledge networks and tourism / Routledge, 2015 9780415840163 (hardback) xiii, 175 pages ; Knowledge Centre
910.684 MOU 05059475 Strategic management in tourism / Cabi, 2018 9781786390240 (Paperback : alk Third Edition. xv,362p.; Knowledge Centre
910.684 PAR 05045450 Sustainability, social responsibility, and innovations in tourism and hospitality / 9781926895673 (alk. paper) xxii, 348 pages : Knowledge Centre
910.684 TAR 05045444 Tourism security : Tarlow, Peter E. Elsevier, 2014 9780124115705 (pbk.) xxix, 278 pages ; Knowledge Centre
910.684 TRA 07010644 Planning for tourism, leisure and sustainability : Travis, Anthony Selwyn. CAB International, 2011 9781845937423 (alk. paper) | 1 xxv, 330 p. : Library - BR Campus
910.684 VIK 07010635 Tourism Destination Development : Viken, Arvid. Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2014 9781472416582 xii, 278 p, : Library - BR Campus
910.684 YAN 07010634 Planning for Ethnic Tourism Yang, Li Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2014 9780754673842 xii, 293 p:. Library - BR Campus
910.687 SOG 05041240 Tourism supply chain management / Song, Haiyan. Routledge, 2012 9780415581554 (hardback : alk. 1st ed. xiv, 202 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.688 CHH 05037012 Sustainable marketing of cultural and heritage tourism / Chhabra, Deepack, Routledge, 2010 9780415777049 (hbk) | 04157770 xii, 238 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.688 DEC 07010617 Vacation Decision Making Decrop, Alain. CABI Pub., 2006 9781845930400 (alk. paper) | 9 xxiii, 226 p. : Library - BR Campus
910.688 KAY 05036295 Selling Tourism / Kay, H Kenner Thomson, 2003 0827386486 220 p Knowledge Centre
910.688 KOZ 05055147 Handbook of tourist behavior : Routledge, 2009 9780415993609 | 0415993601 xviii, 267 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.688 KOZ 07010620 Advances in Tourism Destination Marketing Kozak Metin Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 9780415492386 257p Library - BR Campus
910.688 MAN 00098454 Selling Destinations: Mancini, Marc Delmar Cengage Learning, 9781435485815 xii: 567 p. UG Library
910.688 MAR 07010645 Tourism behaviour : March, Roger. CABI Pub., 2005 0851990215 (alk. paper) | 9780 vii, 280 p. : Library - BR Campus
910.688 MOI 05021038 How to brand nations, cities and destinations : Moilanen, Teemu. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 9780230220928 | 0230220924 ix, 202 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.688 MOI 07004707 How to brand nations, cities and destinations : Moilanen, Teemu. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 9780230220928 | 0230220924 ix, 202 p. : Library - BR Campus
910.688 MOR 05041234 Marketing and managing tourism destinations / Morrison, Alastair M. Routledge, 2013 9780415672498 (hbk : alk. pape xxxiii, 596 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.688 NOE 05037014 Tourist customer service satisfaction : Noe, Francis P., Routledge, 2010 9780415578042 (hardback) ix, 193 p. ; Knowledge Centre
910.688 PIK 07002182 Destination marketing / Pike, Steven, Routledge, 2016 9781138912915 (hdk) | 97811389 Second edition. xx,344p.; Library - BR Campus
910.688 PLD 05036296 Leisure Travel : Plog, Stanley C Pearson, 2003 0130493171 258 p Knowledge Centre
910.688 SIN 07010637 Destination Branding: Singh Amit Kumar The Icfai university press; 9788131407134 250 p. Library - BR Campus
910.688PLD 05007552 Leisure Travel : Plog, Stanley C Pearson, 2003 0130493171 258 p Knowledge Centre
910.7 DOU 05004164 The history, psychology, and pedagogy of geographic literacy / Douglass, Malcolm P. Praeger, 1998 0275961389 (alk. paper) xviii, 190 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.71041 LEE 05046155 100 ideas for teaching geography / Leeder, Andy. Continuum, 2006 9780826485380 (pbk.) | 0826485 xi, 128 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.712 MUT 00097498 Teaching Of Geography - I Muthuja, Babu Centrum Press; 9789380252780 288p Yeshwanthpur Campus
910.712 MUT 00097499 Teaching Of Geography - II Muthuja Centrum Press; 9789380252384 436p Yeshwanthpur Campus
910.712 SAR 05009600 Practical Geography : Sarkar, Ashis Orient Blackswan Pvt. Ltd., 1997 9788125035299 408 p. Knowledge Centre
910.71241 SMI 05005126 Teaching Geography in Secondary Schools : Smith, Maggie Routledge, 2002 9780415260794 330 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.712SAR 00084770 Practical Geography a Systematic Approach Sarkar, Ashis Orient Longman Publications 0812501148 270p Yeshwanthpur Campus
910.72 CLI 05036288 Key methods in geography / Clifford, Nicholas Sage Publications, 2010 9781412935081 (cloth) | 978141 2nd ed. 545 p. Knowledge Centre
910.72 KUM 00142268 Application of Tracking technologies to research on tourist mobility / Kumar,Chandan. Random publications, 2020 9789352695706 viii,305p.; UG Library
910.72 RAK 05045475 An introduction to visual research methods in tourism / Routledge, 2012 9780415570046 (hardback) | 978 xii, 218 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.72 RAK 05041229 An introduction to visual research methods in tourism / Routledge, 2012 9780415570046 (hardback) | 978 xii, 218 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.72 WIL 00116067 Understanding Geographical and Environmental Education Williams, Michael 2000 0304332739 | 9780304332731 306p UG Library
910.72MOS 00073874 Feminist Geography in Practice(dharmaram Library) Moss, Pamela 0631220208 274p UG Library
910.76 KAR 00092185 History: Quiz book Karir Sonjai Pustak Mahal 9788122303643 224p UG Library
910.9 2VAS 00018594 Manushar Vasudevan Nair M T, Poorna 95 UG Library
910.9 BEL 04008084 The seventy great journeys in history / Thames & Hudson, 2006 0500251290 (hbk.) | 9780500251 304 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.9 GEO 00000299 Isabel and the Sea George, Millae London 408 p. UG Library
910.9 LAF 04017186 Mapping the World : Laffon, Caroline Firefly, 2010 9781554077816 189p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.9 TEN 03007057 The Seventy Great Journeys in History / Hanbury-Tenison, Robin. Thames & Hudson, 2006 0500251290 (hbk.) | 9780500251 304 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
910.9 TEN 04008024 The Seventy Great Journeys in History / Hanbury-Tenison, Robin. Thames & Hudson, 2006 0500251290 (hbk.) | 9780500251 304 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.903 WAL 00116113 Encyclopaedia of Exploration in 2 Vol Waldman, Carl Multilingual Matters Limited 2004 8130900653 | 9788130900650 710 UG Library
910.903 WAL 00116112 Encyclopaedia of Exploration in 2 Vol Waldman, Carl Multilingual Matters Limited 2004 8130900653 | 9788130900650 710 UG Library
910.91 HOB 07010631 Fundamentals of World Regional Geography / Hobbs, Joseph J. Cengage Learning, 2013 9781133113782 | 9781133113904 3rd Ed. xviii, 443 p.: Library - BR Campus
910.911 BLU 05065479 The news at the ends of earth : Blum, Hester. Duke University Press, 2019 9781478003878 xxv,298p.; Knowledge Centre
910.9113 EHR 03005326 In the empire of ice : Ehrlich, Gretel. National Geographic, 2010 9781426205743 (hardcover) | 14 319 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
910.9113 WEL 00126343 A Wretched and Precarious Situation : Welky, David, W.W.Norton, 2017 9780393254419 502 p.: UG Library
910.9154 EHL 01008832 Shahjahanabad, old Delhi : Ehlers,Eckart. Manohar Publications & Distributions, 9788173044649 134 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.9154 KHA 07009504 The Ruling Elite : Khan,Mohammad Afzal. Viva Books, 2016 9788130913704 XXIII,412 pages,: Library - BR Campus
910.9154 KHA 07005284 The Ruling Elite : Khan,Mohammad Afzal. Viva Books, 2016 9788130913704 XXIII,412 pages,: Library - BR Campus
910.916 WEL 00109505 Titanic Welshman, John. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199595570 (hardback) | 978 1st ed xxii, 324 p. : UG Library
910.9162 CAT 07010616 Marine Ecotourism : Cater, Carl. CABI Pub, 2007 9781845932596 | 9781845932596 viii, 307 p. : Library - BR Campus
910.9163 BAL 04003743 Return to Titanic: A New Look at the World's Most Famous Lost Ship Ballard, Robert D National Geographic 2004 0792272889 192 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.91634 PIP 04008014 The Titanic / Pipe, Jim, Firefly Books, 2007 9781554073030 (bound) : | 1554 [30] p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.9164 PHI 07007056 In the Heart of the Sea : Philbrick Nathaniel William Collins, 2000 9780008126834 xvi,302p.: Library - BR Campus
910.91732 LAT 00100316 Key concepts in urban geography / Latham, Alan. SAGE Publications, 9781412930413 (hardpack) | 978 viii, 232 p. : UG Library
910.91824 MOU 05066700 Monsoon postcards : Mould, David H., Ohio University Press, 2019 9780821423714 (hc : alk. paper) viii, 303 pages : Knowledge Centre
910.919 SIN 05036287 Handbook of Space travel and tourism : Singh Percy.K Kanishka publishers,distributors; 2010 9788184572391 326 p. Knowledge Centre
910.92 SUB 03008986 Career and Legend VASCO DA GAMA Subrahmanyam, Sanjya Foundation Books 8175962267 400p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
910.92 GRA 00096892 Postcolonialism, psychoanalysis and Burton : Grant, Ben, Routledge, 9780415450867 | 0415450861 209 p. : UG Library
910.92 PAN 00018598 Keralathile Africa Panoor, K S P C S 153 UG Library
910.92 WOL 00127153 My father, Sandy Wollaston, Nicholas, Short Books, 2003 1904095445 | 9781904095446 191 p. : UG Library
910.922 DE 04017154 Explorers : De Porti, Andrea, Firefly Books, 2005 1554071011 | 9781554071012 56 folded pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.922 HAN 05046108 The modern explorers / Thames & Hudson, 2013 9780500516843 (hbk.) 304 pages : Knowledge Centre
910.922 MAC 04009908 Explorers : Macleod, Alasdair, DK in association with the Smithsonian Institution, 2010 9780756667375 (hbk.) | 0756667 1st American ed. 360 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
910.924 BUR 05007981 The life of Captain Sir Richard F. Burton : Burton, Isabel. Asian educational service, 1999 xxiii, 606 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.924 BUR 05007982 The life of Captain Sir Richard F. Burton : Burton, Isabel. Asian educational service, 1999 xxiii, 606 p. : Knowledge Centre
910.92JEA 00072171 Livingstone With a New Preface [dharmaram Library] Jeal, Tim 0300091028 425 UG Library
910.95 DAM 00096063 The book of Duarte barbosa: Dames Mansel Longworth Asian Education serbices 8120604512 286P UG Library
910.95 DAM 00096062 The book of Duarte barbosa: Dames Mansel Longworth Asian Education serbices 8120604512 286P UG Library
910.9515 CAR 05036293 Travel and Adventure in Tibet / Carey, William Mittal Publication, 2002 282 p Knowledge Centre
910.954 BRU 00023421 Search in Secret India Bruntonbi, Paulnohar Chetan 310 p UG Library
910.954 GAU 10003484 Geography of India/ Gautam, Alka. International publishing house, 2002 8175790016 549 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
910.954 KEA 07010618 India Discovered Keay, John Rupa Co 221p Library - BR Campus
910.954 KEA 07010640 Into India Keay, John RUPA 220 p. Library - BR Campus
910.954 NOO 00056217 India: Physical Environment: T.B. of Grography for Class XI Noor, Mohammad NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDU & RESR TRAINING 8174501673 112 UG Library
910.954 NOO 00056218 India: Physical Environment: T.B. of Grography for Class XI Noor, Mohammad NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDU & RESR TRAINING 8174501673 112 UG Library
910.954 PAR 00056221 Geography of India: a T.B. for Class X Parakh, B S National Centre for Advocacy Training 166p UG Library
910.954 PAR 00056222 Geography of India: a T.B. for Class X Parakh, B S National Centre for Advocacy Training 166p UG Library
910.954 SHA 00070222 Agricultural Geography Shafi, Mohammad Pearson Education Inc. 2006 0817758149 503 p UG Library
910.954 SIN 00097611 Indian Cultural Heritage Perspective For Tourism Singh Isha Books; 8182054753 272p UG Library
910.954 SIN 05004020 Indian Geography : Singh, Ravi S. Rawat Publications, 2009 9788131602287 xvii, 1414 p. ; Knowledge Centre
910.954 SIN 10003554 Geography of India / Singh, Gopal. Atma Ram & Sons, 2000 8170430992 vi, 569p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
910.954 TIR 05036353 Geography of India / Tirtha, Ranjit Rawat Publications, 2004 8170336007 436 p Knowledge Centre
910.95416 BRU 00023424 Message from Arunchala Brunton, Paul B.I.publications, 1980 143p.; UG Library
910.9591CEC 00056033 Survey of Thai Arts and Architectural Attractions - Assumption Univ Cen Chulalongkorn University 255p UG Library
910.973 CHA 00013483 Travels in America Chateaubriand, Kentucky 1969 220 p. UG Library
910AMB 00006135 Annihilation of Earth Ambedkar, B R 1968 UG Library
910BEL 00080914 Journeys of a Lifetime 500 of the World`s Greatest Trips [ug.Lib.History Reference Section] Bellows, Keith NATIONAL BOOK 400p UG Library
910DAS 00012319 Economic and Commercial Geography Das, Gupta Mukheerjee UG Library
910DAS 00012320 Economic and Commercial Geography Das, Gupta Mukheerjee UG Library
910DAS 00012322 Economic and Commercial Geography Das, Gupta Mukheerjee UG Library
910ENG 00033413 Natinal Governments Around the World Engle, Eloise Flooet Press 212 Yeshwanthpur Campus
910GUP1 00011605 Economic and Commerical Geography Gupta A, Das R Mukerjee & Co UG Library
910GUP1 00011608 Economic and Commerical Geography Gupta A, Das R Mukerjee & Co UG Library
910JEMHYT 00013499 New Viewpoints in Geography Preston James, E National UG Library
910MAJ 00010306 Advanced History of India Majumudhur, UG Library
910MAT 00085501 Geigraphy: A Very Short Introduction Matthews, John A 9780199211289 181 p UG Library
910PIC 00015138 Geography Pickles, T Bennet 331 p UG Library
910SPR.J 00072234 Window on the World: [ Dharmaram Library] Spraggett, Daphne WEO International 1850783586 222p UG Library
910VER 00012876 Lands of the Western Hemispeare Veronica, Mary Doubleday 374 p. UG Library
911 OLI 04017816 The Atlas of The Ancient World : Oliphant, Margaret Ebury Press, 1992 9780091770402 220p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
911 PAC 00108306 Historical Geography: Progree And Prospect Michael Pacione Croom Helm 1987 9780415615334 x; 309 p. UG Library
911 SNO 05067505 History Of The World Map By Map / Penguin Random House, 2018 9780241226148 360p.; Knowledge Centre
911 WID 00116055 GCSE Geography Murry, John 2001 0719575583 387p UG Library
911.03LOD 00065690 Academic`s Dictionary of Geography Lodha, R M Academic (india) 8185185190 451p UG Library
911.5 NEB 00103336 Mapping the silk road and beyond: Nebenzahl Kenneth Phaidon press limited; 9780714844091 176 p. UG Library
911.54 KAP 00137501 Mapping place names of india Kapur,Anu Routledge, 2019 9780367337667 xi,234p.; UG Library
911.54 KAP 00135586 Mapping place names of India / Kapur, Anu. Routledge, 2019 9781138350816 (hbk : alk. paper) | 9780367149185 (pbk : alk. paper) xi,234p.; UG Library
911.54 SAN 03008981 Land of the Seven Rivers : Sanyal, Sanjeev. Viking, 2012 9780670086399 | 0670086398 331 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
911.5487RAO 00018761 Historical Atlas of Karnataka Rao Bra, Shree 42p UG Library
911.5491 HAI 00133632 Nation, territory, and globalization in Pakistan : Haines, Chad. Routledge, 2012 9780415587785 (hardback) | 9780203125373 (ebook) | 9781138227026 xii, 151 p. : UG Library
912 ENC 04001940 Encyclopaedia Britannica World Atlas Encyclopaedia Britan Encyclopaedia Britannica 2008 1593392389 366 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
912 NGM 03006744 Atlas of the world / National Geographic Society, 2011 9781426206337 (hardcover) 9th ed. 1 atlas (1 v. (various pagings)) : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
912 ALL 00047683 Student Atlas of Environmental Issues (WMU) Allen, L John 1997 118 p UG Library
912 ALL 00056005 Student Atlas of World Politics (WMU) Allen, John L 2000 0072352159 170p UG Library
912 ANJ 00062567 Geoinfomatics for Environmental Management Reddy, M Anji B s Publications 2004 8178000644 464p UG Library
912 ATL 04013200 National Geographic : National Geographic ; 2010 9781426206344 9th ed. 153 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
912 BAR 04016013 Satellite World Atlas / Barnes & Noble, 2006 9780760785300 486p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
912 BHA 10004525 Why We Travel: A Journey into Human Motivation/ by Ash Bhardwaj Bhardwaj, Ash [Author] Bedford Square Publishers, 2024 9781915798794 1st Ed. 261 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
912 BLA 05060378 The Orient Blackswan : Orient Blackswan, 2016 9788125063711 Third Mini Edition. 100p.; Knowledge Centre
912 BLA 05060345 The Orient blackswan atlas for competitive exams / Orient Blackswan, 2017 9789352872008 124p. Knowledge Centre
912 BRI 05053153 World Atlas / Britannica, Encyclopedia Encyclopedia Britannica, 2005 1593392389 366p.; Knowledge Centre
912 BRI 05053148 Britannica Atlas : Castiglioni, Manlio. Chicago, 1990 196 p. Knowledge Centre
912 CLA 05055227 Maps that changed the world / Batsford, 2015 9781849942973 | 1849942978 255 pages : Knowledge Centre
912 DBK 05053147 Great World Atlas / DORLING KINDERSLEY BOOK 2002 0751346381 492.; Knowledge Centre
912 DKC 00114689 Essential World Atlas Darling Kindersly Cartography Dorling Kindersley Cartography 2001 0075133376 | 9780751333763 256p UG Library
912 DOU 01015886 The complete Earth / Palmer, Douglas. Quercus, 9781905204311 | 1905204310 1 atlas (224 p.) : Knowledge Centre
912 EAL 04015577 Map:satellite / Eales, Philip. DK Publishing, 2007 9780756626419 (hbk.) | 0756626 1st American ed. 360 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
912 GEO 04015609 Encyclopedic world atlas / Oxford University Press, 2002 9780195219203 6th ed. 1 atlas (viii, 280 p.) : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
912 GEO 04015511 Gramercy family world atlas / Gramercy Books, 2007 9780517230053 2007 ed. 1 atlas (viii, 57 p.) : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
912 GOO 00076445 Goode's World Atlas[ WMU ] Veregin, Howard 2005 0528650009 371p UG Library
912 GOO 00076446 Goode's World Atlas[ WMU ] Veregin, Howard 2005 0528650009 371p UG Library
912 GUP 00116056 School Atlas Gupta, Prashanth Dreamland Publications, 2004 0817301230 151p.; UG Library
912 HAY 05029076 Cassell Atlas of World History - the Ancient & Classical Worlds Haywood, John 0304355151 450p Knowledge Centre
912 HAY 05029077 Cassell Atlas of World History - the Ancient & Classical Worlds Haywood, John 0304355151 450p Knowledge Centre
912 HAY 05029078 Cassell Atlas of World History - the Ancient & Classical Worlds Haywood, John 0304355151 450p Knowledge Centre
912 NAT 01015088 National Geographic visual atlas of the world / National Geographic Society, 9781426203329 (slipcover) | 97 1 atlas (416 p.) : Knowledge Centre
912 NG 01015093 Atlas of the World National Geographic 153 p. Knowledge Centre
912 OLN 00056178 Orient Longman School Atlas Orient Longman Publications Orient Longman Publications 8125023437 u94p UG Library
912 RAJ 00077106 Boopatagala Moolaka Aithihasika Stalagalu Mattu Avugala Mahatva Rajayya Sapna Book House 2004 66p UG Library
912 RAJ 00077107 Boopatagala Moolaka Aithihasika Stalagalu Mattu Avugala Mahatva Rajayya Sapna Book House 2004 66p UG Library
912 RAV 00056154 TTK School Atlas Ravi, S Ttk Healthcare Ltd 8170531640 60p UG Library
912 RAV 00056179 TTK School Atlas Ravi, S Ttk Healthcare Ltd 8170531640 60p UG Library
912 RDA 05053143 Readers Digest Great World Atlas / , Reader Digit Association, 1990 145p.; Knowledge Centre
912 RED 00062566 Textbook of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems / Reddy, Anji BS Publications , 2012 9789381075975 4th Ed. 607p. : UG Library
912 RED 04016527 Textbook of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems / Reddy, Anji BS Publications , 2012 9789381075975 4th Ed. 607p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
912 RMS 00012880 World Atlas Rand Mcnally, Rand Mcnally Company, 1982 383 p.; UG Library
912 STA 00033897 Build Ypur Own World Starworth, I J Putnam UG Library
912 STO 00047682 Goode`s World Atlas: Study Guide (WMU) Stoltman, P Joseph 1995 120 po UG Library
912 VER 00073526 Goode's World Atlas [WMU] Vergin Howard Goods Wotld Atlas 2005 371 UG Library
912 VER 00075127 Goode's World Atlas [WMU] Vergin Howard Goods Wotld Atlas 2005 371 UG Library
912 VER 00075126 Goode's World Atlas [WMU] Vergin Howard Goods Wotld Atlas 2005 371 UG Library
912 VER 00073525 Goode's World Atlas [WMU] Vergin Howard Goods Wotld Atlas 2005 371 UG Library
912.01 RUD 00030622 Some Problems of Marx`s Theory Of History Rudha, Ashok Orient 1980 75 p UG Library
912.014854 MAL 05073123 India urban atlas : Malladi, Teja. Indian Institute for Human Settlements, 2017 151p. ; Knowledge Centre
912.09 BRO 07002320 Greatmaps / Brotton Jerry DK, 2014 9781409345718 256p.: Library - BR Campus
912.09 BRO 04027557 Greatmaps / Brotton Jerry DK, 2014 9781409345718 256p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
912.09 EHR 04008023 Mapping the world : Ehrenberg, Ralph E., National Geographic, 2006 0792265254 256 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
912.09 HAR 03008419 To The Ends Of The Earth : Harwood, Jeremy. David & Charles Book ; 2006 9780715325391 192 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
912.1 BRI 05027546 Encyclopaedia Britannica World Atlas (law Lib) Britannica Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. 1593392389 366p Knowledge Centre
912.1 CON 01015813 Concise Atlas of The World / Penguin Publishers, xxxii,350p.; Knowledge Centre
912.1 MAR 05038977 La Terre Vue Du Ciel : Depuis, 1999 9782732444024 431p.; Knowledge Centre
912.1 ULL 01015882 Geographica : Ullmann,H.F. Random House Publisging, 9783833159459 xxi,610p.; Knowledge Centre
912.102 BAL 00076470 Atlas of World Religions Balkhash L 2005 0131938851 63p UG Library
912.102 BAL 00076471 Atlas of World Religions Balkhash L 2005 0131938851 63p UG Library
912.102 BAL 00076469 Atlas of World Religions Balkhash L 2005 0131938851 63p UG Library
912.132954 MAR 05041457 Election Atlas of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana / Markandey Kalpana Concept Publishing Company Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9789351250562 xiv,180p.: Knowledge Centre
912.13871 LLO 01021262 Lloyd's maritime atlas of world ports and shipping places / Lloyd Informa, 2011 9781843119494 iv,169p.; Knowledge Centre
912.162 PER 00068999 Atlas of the Oceans Pernetta, John 0540060887 208p UG Library
912.254DAV 00020596 Historical Atlas of the Indian Peninsula Davis, Collin C Oxford 47 p. UG Library
912.254DAV 00020597 Historical Atlas of the Indian Peninsula Davis, Collin C Oxford 47 p. UG Library
912.5 PEN 05036338 States and Union Territories of India / Penguin Books Penguin Books, 2005 0014033395 296 p Knowledge Centre
912.54 COA 08002330 Cultural Resources Mapping : Council of Architecture, 2023 9789384204242 102p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
912.54 COA 08002331 Cultural Resources Mapping : Council of Architecture, 2023 9789384204242 102p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
912.54 HAB 05021602 Atlas of Ancient Indian History / Habib Irfan Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198065647 xvii,133 p. : Knowledge Centre
912.54 HAB 07004749 Atlas of Ancient Indian History / Habib Irfan Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198065647 xvii,133 p. : Library - BR Campus
912.54 MAD 00045811 Indian Cartography Madan, P. L. Manohar Publishers & Distributors, 1997 8173041776 144 p. : UG Library
912.54 NAG 01014980 National atlas of India / The Organisation, 1 atlas (9 v.) : Knowledge Centre
912.54 NAG 01014981 National atlas of India / The Organisation, 1 atlas (9 v.) : Knowledge Centre
912.54 NAG 01014982 National atlas of India / The Organisation, 1 atlas (9 v.) : Knowledge Centre
912.54 NAG 01014983 National atlas of India / The Organisation, 1 atlas (9 v.) : Knowledge Centre
912.54 NAG 01014984 National atlas of India / The Organisation, 1 atlas (9 v.) : Knowledge Centre
912.54 NAG 01014985 National atlas of India / The Organisation, 1 atlas (9 v.) : Knowledge Centre
912.54 NAG 01014986 National atlas of India / The Organisation, 1 atlas (9 v.) : Knowledge Centre
912.54 NAG 01014987 National atlas of India / The Organisation, 1 atlas (9 v.) : Knowledge Centre
912.54 NAG 01014988 National atlas of India / The Organisation, 1 atlas (9 v.) : Knowledge Centre
912.54 NAG 01014989 National atlas of India / The Organisation, 1 atlas (9 v.) : Knowledge Centre
912.54 OXF 01015806 Oxford Reference Atlas For India and The world / Oxford University Press, 9780195684438 | 0195684435 1 atlas (311 p.) : Knowledge Centre
912.54 OXF 05053163 Oxford reference atlas for India and the world / Oxford University Press, 9780195684438 | 0195684435 1 atlas (311 p.) : Knowledge Centre
912.54 OXF 05064024 Oxford Student Atlas For India / Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199485123 | 9780199485130 2nd ed. 160p. : Knowledge Centre
912.54 PEN 05036355 States and Union Territories of India : Penguin Publications Penguin Books, 2005 0143033395 298 p Knowledge Centre
912.54 PRA 00114684 Atlas of India / Gupta, Prakash Dreamland Publications 2001 9781730148095 150p UG Library
912.54 QUA 00077104 Boopatagala Moolaka Bharatada Ethihasa Adyayana Quadras, Steven Shivakumar Agency 2005 242p UG Library
912.54 QUA 00077105 Boopatagala Moolaka Bharatada Ethihasa Adyayana Quadras, Steven Shivakumar Agency 2005 242p UG Library
912.5487 KUM 00138381 Karnataka : Kumar,Raj. Nation Press, 2019 9789387436527 364p.; UG Library
912.73 BIR 01007846 An outline of American geography Birdsall, Stephen S. U.S. Dept. of State, International Information Programs, 1 electronic text : Knowledge Centre
912.73 LES 03005423 The fourth part of the world : Lester, Toby Free Press, 2009 xii, 462p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
912.94 RAW 00077119 Map Study of European History Rawat, R C SBD Publishers 2000 120p UG Library
912.94 RAW 00077120 Map Study of European History Rawat, R C SBD Publishers 2000 120p UG Library
912.95483TTK 00081166 Road Atlas of Kerala TTK Healthcare Limited Ttk Healthcare Ltd 8170531802 46p UG Library
91247793.319 SAH 00091247 The story of a dance: Bharata Natyam Sahai Krishna Indialog Publications pvt ltd 9788187981510 237p UG Library
912COL 00029968 World Atlas Collins, William 64 p UG Library
912DAR 05053146 Millennium World Atlas / Darling,Kindersley. 1999 0751307181 492p.; Knowledge Centre
912KON 00065602 GEOGRAPHICA Konemann Konemann 3833112603 610p UG Library
912PHI. 00065600 ATLAS OF the WORLD Philip`S 0540077127 304p UG Library
912TTK 00056099 India Deleisce Guide T t k T k k UG Library
912TTK1 00056098 Karnataka Deluxe Guide T t k T k k UG Library
912TTK2 00056097 World Deluxe Guide ( Map) T t k T k k UG Library
913 CAN 00029971 100 Great Adventures Canning, John Rupa 672 p. UG Library
913 FOR 05036352 The Negotiator / Forsyth, Frederick 1996 0552134759 510 p Knowledge Centre
913 RAN 05036336 Anthem / Rand, Ayn Penguin Books, 1996 0451191137 254 p Knowledge Centre
913 RAN 05036310 Atlas Shrugged / Rand, Ayan Penguin Group, 1996 0451191145 1070 p. Knowledge Centre
913,.03154CAR.18 00017972 ARCHEOLOGICAL SURVELY OF INDIA REPORT OF A TOUR IN THE GORAKGPUR Carlleyle, A C L All India Association 200 UG Library
913. 03154 BEG 00017646 Archeological Survey of Inda Report of a Tour in Bundelkhend and Malwa Begler, J D Indo 300 p. UG Library
913.02NEG 00027350 Physical Geography Negi, B S Sjp 246 p. UG Library
913.02RNS 00027349 Physical Geography Enayat Ahmed, Kalyani 158 . UG Library
913.03154 BEG 00018044 Archeological Survey of Inda Report of a Tour in Bundelkhend and Malwa Begler, J D Indo 300 p. UG Library
913.03154 BEG 00017974 Archeological Survey of Inda Report of a Tour in Bundelkhend and Malwa Begler, J D Indo 300 p. UG Library
913.03154 BEG 00017611 Archeological Survey of Inda Report of a Tour in Bundelkhend and Malwa Begler, J D Indo 300 p. UG Library
913.03154 BEG 00017978 Archeological Survey of Inda Report of a Tour in Bundelkhend and Malwa Begler, J D Indo 300 p. UG Library
913.03154 CUN 00017946 Aroheological Survey of india Report Cunningham, Alexander Indo 1966 300 P. UG Library
913.03154 CUN 00017976 Archeological Survey of Idia Report of a Tour in Eastern Rajputana Cunningham, Alexander All India Association 200 UG Library
913.03154BEG.13 00017947 Rcheological Survey of India Report of Tours in the South Eastern Peovinv Berlaer, J D Indo 200 p. UG Library
913.03154BEG.8 00018045 Archeological Survey of India Report of a Rour Through the Bengal Begler, J D Indo 280 p. UG Library
913.03154CAR.12 00018048 Archeological Survey of India Report of Tours in the Central and Gorakhpur Carlleyle, A C L Indo 350 l UG Library
913.03154CAR.6 00018042 Archeological Surevey of India Reoprot of a Tour in Eastern Rajputana Carlleyle A, A C L Indo 300 p. UG Library
913.03154CUN.11 00018049 Archeological Sursvey of India Reoprt O F Tours in the Gangetic Cunningham, Aleaxnder Indo 300 UG Library
913.03154CUN.16 00018047 Arheological Survey of India Report of Tours in North and South Cunningham, Alexander All India Association 280 p. UG Library
913.03154CUN.17 00017973 Archeological Surevy of India Report of a Tour in the Central Provinces and Cunningham, Alexander All India Association 240 p. UG Library
913.03154CUN.21 00017936 Archeological Survey of India Reprts of a Tour in Bundelkhand and Rewa in a Cunningham, Alexander All India Association 280 p. UG Library
913.03154CUN.25 00018041 Archeological Survey of India Report of a Tour in Bihar and Bengal Cunnigham, Alexander 200 p. UG Library
913.03154CURN.3 00017970 ARCHOLOGICAL SURVEY FO INDIA REPORT FOR THE YEAR Cunnigham, Alexander ONDOLOGICAL 250 P. UG Library
913.03154GAR,23 00018043 ARCHEOLOGICAL SURVEY F INDIA REPORT OF A TOUR IN THE PUNJAB AND RAJPUTANA Garrick, H B W All India Association 200 P. UG Library
913.03159 SMI 00018034 Dravidian Suniti Kumar Chatterji, All India Association 83p UG Library
913.03159EME 00017896 Collected Papers Emeneau, M B Annamalai 487p UG Library
913.031954MAN 00040886 Ayodhya Archaeology After Demolition. Mandal, D Orient Longman 69p UG Library
913.072 NAR 00132870 Research In Ancient History: Narayanan, Awadh, Swastika Publications, 2018 9789387367111 viii,240 p.; UG Library
913.072 SIN 00090221 Ancient India New Research Singh, Upinder Oxford 9780198060284 306p UG Library
913.081 SET 00018659 Arhaeological Survey of Mysore Annual Reports:1906-1909 Settar,S. Karnataka University 1976 216 p. UG Library
913.081 SET 00018660 Archaeological Survey of Mysore Annual Reports 1910-1911 Settar,S. Karnataka University 1976 260 p. UG Library
913.081 SET 00018661 Archological Surevey of Mysore Annual Reports Settar, S Karnataka University 1977 192 p. UG Library
913.0954 SIN 00049996 Travellers History of India Sinharaja, Tammita-Delgoda Mastermind Books 1997 2nd ed 282p UG Library
913.0956 NAI 00023050 Among the Believers and Islamic Journey Naipaul, V S PENGUIN 1982 400 P. UG Library
913.34003 DOW 00096008 A Classical Dictionary: Dowson John Asian educational services 812061786X 411P UG Library
913.3402 AUB 03002792 Daily Life in Ancient India: from 200 Bc to 700 AD Auboyer, Jeannine Killian Strong 9781842125915 344 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
913.3403 BAS 00088122 Wonder That Was India: A Survey of History and Culture of the Muslim Subcontinent Before the Coming of the Muslims Basham, A L 2004 9780330439091 572p Yeshwanthpur Campus
913.3403 BAS 00088112 Wonder That Was India: A Survey of History and Culture of the Muslim Subcontinent Before the Coming of the Muslims Basham, A L 2004 9780330439091 572p UG Library
913.3403 MAR 00100653 Mohenjo - Daro And The Indus Civilization: Marshall, John Arthur Probsthain, xxv, 364 p. UG Library
913.3403 MAR 00100652 Mohenjo - Daro And The Indus Civilization: Marshall, John Arthur Probsthain, xxv, 364 p. UG Library
913.3403 MAR 00100651 Mohenjo - Daro And The Indus Civilization: Marshall, John Arthur Probsthain, xxv, 364 p. UG Library
913.34031 PRI 05008000 Essays on Indian antiquities : Prinsep, James. Asian Educational Services, 1995 2 V. : Knowledge Centre
913.34031 PRI 05008001 Essays on Indian antiquities : Prinsep, James. Asian Educational Services, 1995 2 V. : Knowledge Centre
913.3403RIZ 00088111 Wonder That Was India Volume II: A Survey of the History and Culture of the Indian Subcontinent from the Coming of the Muslim to the British 1200-1700 Rizvi, S A A Picador, 2005 9780330439107 416p Yeshwanthpur Campus
913.3403RIZ 03006045 Wonder That Was India Volume II: A Survey of the History and Culture of the Indian Subcontinent from the Coming of the Muslim to the British 1200-1700 Rizvi, S A A Picador, 2005 9780330439107 416p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
913.3403RIZ1 00088123 Wonder That Was India II Rizvi, S A A 9780330439107 416p UG Library
913.375 HEU 04017146 Daily Life of The Etruscans / Heurgon, Jacques Profix, 2002 9781842125922 308p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
913.4 MCC 05045619 Ancient India as described by Megasthenes and Arrian : McCrindle John.W Munshiram Manoharlal, 2015 9788121509480 xiii,227p.: Knowledge Centre
913.7003 SMI 01014650 A dictionary of Greek and Roman geography / I.B. Tauris, 1845110013 | 9781845110017 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
913.7003 SMI 01014651 A dictionary of Greek and Roman geography / I.B. Tauris, 1845110013 | 9781845110017 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
913.7003 SMI 01014648 A dictionary of Greek and Roman culture / I. B. Tauris, 9781845110000 (set) 2 v. (2061 p.) : Knowledge Centre
913.7003 SMI 01014649 A dictionary of Greek and Roman culture / I. B. Tauris, 9781845110000 (set) 2 v. (2061 p.) : Knowledge Centre
913.7003 SMI 05028214 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology [HISTORY SECTION] Smith, William I b Tauris & Co Ltd 9781845110024 1093 p Knowledge Centre
913.7003 SMI 05028215 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology [HISTORY SECTION] Smith, William I b Tauris & Co Ltd 9781845110024 1093 p Knowledge Centre
913.7003 SMI 05028216 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology [HISTORY SECTION] Smith, William I b Tauris & Co Ltd 9781845110024 1093 p Knowledge Centre
913HEM 00041270 Essetnial Hemingway Hemingway, Ernest 0099339315 521 UG Library
913KAP 00080375 Travels With Herodotus [ug.Lib.History Section] Kapuscinski, Ryszard Penguin Books 275p UG Library
913UGC1 00016693 Geography UGD Association of India , I u UG Library
914 LON 07007596 Best Escapes Hills : Lonely Planet, 2014 9781743219706 304p.; Library - BR Campus
914 VAR 03002834 Becoming Indian: The Unfinished Revolution of Culture and Identity Varma, Pavan K Penguin 9780670083466 275 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
914 BAI 07007599 Denmark/ Bain,Carolyn Lovenly Planet. 2016 9781742206219 304 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
914 BAL 00122356 Karthavaya Yesuvinteyum Mosayudeyum Nattil Balachandran,Mangad Current Books 2015 183p UG Library
914 BRA 00000295 Land of William Tell Bragodn Lillian, Lillian J Lippincott 101 UG Library
914 GEO 05036322 Let`s Go Western Europe : George, Tabby Macmillan, 2004 1405033231 1060 p Knowledge Centre
914 GEO 05036332 Let's Go Europe : George, Tabby Macmillan, 2004 1405033037 1082 p Knowledge Centre
914 LEY 05036321 Let's Go Barcelona : Levner, Stef Macmillan, 2004 1405033258 348 p Knowledge Centre
914 LON 07007608 London: Lonely Planet Lonely Planet Publications, 2012 9781743215326 236 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
914 LON 07007597 Best Escapes Malaysia/ Lonely Planet. Lonely Planet Publication, 2013 9781743219744 260 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
914 LON 07007598 China: Lonely Planet Lonely Planet, 2015 9781743215364 250 pages,: Library - BR Campus
914 LON 07007595 Best Escapes Japan/ Lonely Planet Lonely Planet. 2015 9781743602799 254 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
914 LON 07007601 Discover Europe/ Lonely Planet Lonely Planet Publications, 2015 9781743214008 797 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
914 LON 07007605 Dubai: Lonely Planet. Lonely Planet, 2016 9781743215302 224 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
914 LON 07007609 Rajasthan,Delhi & Agra/ Lonely Planet Lonely planet, 2016 9781742205779 287 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
914 LON 07007583 Amsterdam/ Lonely Planet Lonely Planet, 2016 9781743218570 327 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
914 LON 07007594 50 Great Adventures/ Lonely Planet Lonely Planet, 2016 9781743219737 252 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
914 LON 07007612 Spain: Lonely Planet. Lonely Planet, 2016 9781743216712 304 pages,: Library - BR Campus
914 LON 07007593 Beach Escapes/ Lonely Planet Lonely Planet, 2015 9781743219652 254 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
914 LON 07007606 India/ Singh,Sarina Lonely Planet Publications, 2015 9781743216767 1245 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
914 LOU 07007602 Discover New York City/ Louis,Regis St Lovenly Planet, 2016 9781742208978 304 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
914 LOV 07007607 Italy: Lonely, Planet. Lonely Planet, 2016 9781743215333 298 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
914 MAC 00094503 Reflections on Cambridge / Macfarlane, Alan. Social Science Press : | Distributed by Orient Blackswan, 9788187358480 xx, 223 p. : UG Library
914 MAC 07004464 Reflections on Cambridge / Macfarlane, Alan. Social Science Press : | Distributed by Orient Blackswan, 9788187358480 xx, 223 p. : Library - BR Campus
914 NOB 07007610 South India & Kerala/ Nobel,John Lonely Planet Publications, 2015 9781743216774 542 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
914 RAW 07007603 Discover New Zealand/ Rawlings,charles Lonely Planet, 2016 9781742207889 381 pages,: Library - BR Campus
914 REB 05029440 100 Most Beautiful Squares of the World (MTA ) Rebo Rebo 208p Knowledge Centre
914 SEH 07007614 Short Escapes From Bengaluru/ Sehgal,Supriya lonely Planet, 2013 9781743215395 324 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
914 SES 07004446 Ideas and Institutions in Medieval India : Seshan, Radhika. Orient Blackswan Pvt Ltd., 2013 9788125051756 | 9788125051749 xxii: 218p.; Library - BR Campus
914 SES 00111408 Ideas and Institutions in Medieval India : Seshan, Radhika. Orient Blackswan Pvt Ltd., 2013 9788125051756 | 9788125051749 xxii: 218p.; UG Library
914 SIN 05074864 Banaras : Singh, Vertul. Penguin, 2024 9780670098408 xxiv, 341p.; Knowledge Centre
914 VAR 03004056 Becoming Indian: The Unfinished Revolution of Culture and Identity Varma, Pavan K Penguin 9780670083466 275 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
914 WIL 07007604 Discover Switzerland/ Williams,Nicola lovely Planet. 2016 9781743216736 3128 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
914 WIL 07007611 Southeast Asia: Williams,China lonely Planet, 2015 9781742207537 973 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
914 ZIM 07007613 Washington DC/ Zimmerman,Karla Lonely Planet, 2015 9781743215791 319 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
914 ZIM 07007600 Discover Canada: Zimmerman,Karla Lonely Planet Publication, 2014 9781742205625 365 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
914.031 SHA 00096309 Origins of Modern Europe Shakoor, Abida Aakar Books, 8187879343 462 p. UG Library
914.04 GHO 00099890 The Westward traveller; Ghose,Durgabati; Orient blackswan; 9788125039914 104 p. UG Library
914.04 GHO 07004518 The Westward traveller; Ghose,Durgabati; Orient blackswan; 9788125039914 104 p. Library - BR Campus
914.0422 TAL 00099195 Westward bound : Abū Ṭālib Khān, Oxford University Press, 9780195666045 | 0195666046 xxxvii, 346 p. ; UG Library
914.04232 MOR 10004731 The long strider in Jehangir's Hindustan : Moraes, Dom Speaking tiger books llp., 2024 9789354475276 x, 384 pages Yeshwanthpur Campus
914.0428 KHA 07007852 Between worlds : Kambalposh, Yūsuf K̲h̲ān̲, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198099086 | 0198099088 First edition. xxiii, 174 pages ; Library - BR Campus
914.0428 KHA 05043842 Between worlds : Kambalposh, Yūsuf K̲h̲ān̲, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198099086 | 0198099088 First edition. xxiii, 174 pages ; Knowledge Centre
914.0452 HUN 00133983 Walking the woods and the water : Hunt, Nick, Nicholas brealey publishing, 2016 9781857886177 (pbk.) | 9781857886436 vi, 330 pages : UG Library
914.0456 EUR 01015201 Europe on a Shoestring / Masters,Tom. Lonely Planet, 9781741048551 1324p.; Knowledge Centre
914.1 DOU 05036344 Let's Go Britain & Ireland : Douglas, Charlotte Macmillan, 2004 1405032960 832 p Knowledge Centre
914.1047 ITE 00094445 The Wonders of Vilayet Haq Kaiser Chronicle Books 9788180280320 425p UG Library
914.10481 SEN 05036345 Travels to Europe : Sen, Simonti Orient Longman Publications, 2005 8125027386 226 p Knowledge Centre
914.10481 SEN 00094498 Travels to Europe : Sen, Simonti Orient Longman Publications, 2005 8125027386 226 p UG Library
914.104859SHA 00086604 Bill Bryson Shakespeare 9780007274024 200 p UG Library
914.10486 BRI 01015198 Walking in Britain / Else,David. Lonely Planet, 9781741042023 492p.; Knowledge Centre
914.110486 SCO 01015223 Scotland / Wilson,Nell. Lonely planet, 9781741047257 484p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
914.134 CAM 05036324 Edinburgh : Campbell, Donald Signal Books, 2004 1902669738 278 p Knowledge Centre
914.2036 HIL 05005201 The century of revolution, 1603-1714 Hill, Christopher, Sphere Books, 1969 0722145551 [New ed.] 301 p. Knowledge Centre
914.21 ASH 05062373 The social history of England / Ashok,Padmaja. Orient BlackSwan, 2011 158 p. : Knowledge Centre
914.21 SOD 05036342 Let's Go London : Sodroski, Noble Andrew Macmillan, 2004 1405033339 383 p Knowledge Centre
914.2104 PIL 00105637 London and Paris through Indian spectacles Paramaswaran Pillai, G. Sahitya Akademi, 2006 9788126017959 xxxi, 90 p. : UG Library
914.210481 KHA 00118267 A voyage to modernism / Khan, Syed Ahmed Primus Books, 2011 9789380607078 xi, 252 p. : UG Library
914.210486 LON 01015196 London : Masters,Tom. Lonely Planet, 9781741792263 412p.; Knowledge Centre
914.2194 HOW 05036330 Kingston : Howard, David Signal Books, 2004 1902669371 261 p Knowledge Centre
914.2574 HOR 05036319 Oxford : Hiran, David Signal Books, 2004 1902669053 246 p Knowledge Centre
914.2659 GAR 05036318 Cambridge : Garret, Martin Signal Books, 2004 1902669797 266 p Knowledge Centre
914.3 MIL 05036320 Let's Go Germany : Miller, L Thomas Macmillan, 2004 1405033053 666 p Knowledge Centre
914.304090511 CEN 01015208 Central Europe / Dunford,Lisa. Lonely Planet, 9781741049992 644p.; Knowledge Centre
914.304883 GER 01015204 Germany / Schulte-Peevers,Andrea. Lonely Planet, 9781741047813 828p.; Knowledge Centre
914.36 BLA 05036335 Let's Go Austria & Switzerland : Blanchfield, Patrick Macmillan, 2004 1405032952 576 p Knowledge Centre
914.3704 CAN 01015213 Canada / Zimmciman,Karla. Lonely Planet, 9781741045710 912p.; Knowledge Centre
914.37045 CZE 01015212 Czech & Slovak Republics / Dunford,Lisa. Lonely Planet, 9781741045048 412p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
914.3712 BUR 05036325 Prague : Burton, Richard Signal Books, 2004 1902669630 242 p Knowledge Centre
914.380457 POL 01015231 Poland / Bedford,Neal. Lonely Planet, 9781741044799 564p.; Knowledge Centre
914.390454 HUN 01015192 Hungary / Bedford,Neal. Lonely Planet, 9781741046946 420p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
914.39120454 BUD 01015175 Budapest : Fallon,Steve. Lonely Planet, 9781740598149 244p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
914.4 BAX 04019090 France : Baxter, Colin Colin Boxter, 1998 9781900455503 112p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
914.4 CUM 05036334 Let;s Go France : Cummings, Briana Macmillan, 2004 1405033045 812 p. Knowledge Centre
914.4 TUL 00074535 No Full Stop in India Tully, Mark 1992 0140104801 336p UG Library
914.40484 FRA 01015169 France / Williams,Nicola. Lonely Planet, 9781741049152 1012p.; Knowledge Centre
914.436 ORW 00091259 Down and out in Paris and London Orwell George Heritage Publishers 8170262097 248p UG Library
914.4361 JOS 05036323 Let's Go Paris : Joseph, K Abigail Macmillan, 2004 1405033282 399 p Knowledge Centre
914.436104 PAR 01015234 Paris : Fallon,Steve. Lonely Planet, 9781740598507 440p.; Knowledge Centre
914.5 POP 05036331 Let's Go ITALY : Popescu, Roxana Macmillan, 2004 1405033118 782 p Knowledge Centre
914.5 SAC 04015827 Wonders of Italy : Sacerdoti, Annie VMB, 2006 9788854005105 320 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
914.50493 ITA 01015180 Italy / Simonis,Damien. Lonely Planet, 9781741792294 948p.; Knowledge Centre
914.56 MUS 08000359 The Vatican city monumental / Vaticani, Edizioni Musei Edizioni Musei Vaticani, 118p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
914.563 BRU 05057443 Rome and the vatican Briuschini,Enrico ATS Italia Editrice s.r.l. 2006 9788875712198 159p.; Knowledge Centre
914.5632 BLE 05067424 Rome and the Guidebook Tradition : De Gruyter, 2019 3110610442 | 9783110610444 viii, 357 pages : Knowledge Centre
914.563204 ROM 01015189 Rome : Garwood,Duncan. Lonely Planet, 9781741793239 324p.; Knowledge Centre
914.5730493 NAP 01015245 Naples & The Amalfi Coast / Bonetto,Christian. Lonely Planet, 9781741045093 336p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
914.6 PHI 05036350 Let's Go Spain & Portugal Including Morocco : Philips, M Catherine Macmillan, 2004 1405033193 828 p Knowledge Centre
914.604 MAD 01015238 Madrid : Ham,Anthony. Lonely Planet, 9781741048957 300p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
914.604 SPA 01015215 Spain / Simonis,Damien. Lonely Planet, 9781741790009 940p.; Knowledge Centre
914.6904 POR 01015232 Portugal / Louis,Regis St. Lonely Planet, 9781741790153 548p.; Knowledge Centre
914.69425 BUC 05036329 Lisbon : Buck, Paul Signal Books, 2002 1902669355 245 p Knowledge Centre
914.8 STR 00000371 Skoal Scandinavia Strater, Edward Harper Perennial pv UG Library
914.81 AUN 05064133 Norway / Aune Forlag As, 9788280570260 127p. Knowledge Centre
914.81045 NOR 01015248 Norway / Ham,Anthony. Lonely Planet, 9781741045796 452p.; Knowledge Centre
914.83SUR 00065594 TOURIST GUIDE TO BANGALORE Sur Books Sura Books 8174780211 142p UG Library
914.85 JAN 00000342 Nomads of the North Jannes,Elly The Macmillan Company 1953 1 UG Library
914.89046 DEN 01015202 Denmark / Bain,Carolyn. Lonely Planet, 9781741046694 364p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
914.8970434 FIN 01015168 Finland / Symington,Andy. Lonely Planet, 9781741047714 396p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
914.8971 KEN 05036328 Helsinki : Kent, Neil Signal Books, 2004 1902669754 248 p Knowledge Centre
914.8SUR 00065593 Tourist Guide South India Sura Books Sura Books 8174781757 308p UG Library
914.91 ROT 00000347 Iceland Rothery, Agnes VIKAS 214 UG Library
914.923520473 AMS 01015177 Amsterdam : Zimmerman,Karla. Lonely Planet, 9781741793123 284p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
914.9332 VRI 05036327 Brussels : Bries, De Andre Signal Books, 2004 1902669479 264 p Knowledge Centre
914.94 SWI 01015216 Switzerland / Williams,Nicola. Lonely Planet, 9781741047851 404p.; Knowledge Centre
914.95 STE 05036343 Let's Go Greece : Steinhaus, August Joel Macmillan, 2004 1405033061 649 p Knowledge Centre
914.950476 GRE 01015203 Greece / Miller,Konna. Lonely Planet, 9781741792287 804p.; Knowledge Centre
914.9512 SMI 05036326 Athens : Smith, Michael Llewellyn Signal Books, 2004 1902669819 256 p. Knowledge Centre
914.9604 DUR 07009483 Blaze in the Balkans : Durham, M. E. I B Tauris, 2014 1848857101 | 9781848857100 xiii, 214 pages : Library - BR Campus
914.97204 CRO 01015206 Croatia / Maric,Vesna. Lonely Planet, 9781741049169 340p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
914.980432 ROM 01015190 Romania / Pettersen.Leif. Lonely Planet, 9781741048926 356p.; Knowledge Centre
91475 II-2 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
91487 hh-11 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
91490 II-5 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
914CRA 00059752 Let`s Go Amsterdam: City Guide Crawford, A M James 0140503324 349p UG Library
915 EMM 03005035 Frommer's Southeast Asia / Emmon's, Ron Wiley, 2011 9781118009796 7th ed, 662p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
915 EMM 05006073 Frommer's Southeast Asia / Emmon's, Ron Wiley, 2011 9781118009796 7th ed, 662p.; Knowledge Centre
915 MUR 07002086 Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Asia Murray, Hugh Logos Press, 2015 9788172682453 xii, 236 p:. Library - BR Campus
915 MUR 07002087 Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Asia Murray, Hugh Logos Press, 2015 9788172682453 xii, 236 p:. Library - BR Campus
915 MUR 07002088 Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Asia Murray, Hugh Logos Press, 2015 9788172682453 xii, 236 p:. Library - BR Campus
915 MUR 00122723 Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Asia Murray, Hugh Logos Press, 2015 9788172682453 xii, 236 p:. UG Library
915 MUR 00122724 Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Asia Murray, Hugh Logos Press, 2015 9788172682453 xii, 236 p:. UG Library
915 MUR 00122725 Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Asia Murray, Hugh Logos Press, 2015 9788172682453 xii, 236 p:. UG Library
915 NAI 00055095 Beyond Belief Naipaul, V S 0140279350 437p UG Library
915 OUT 00096245 Outlook traveller gatway: Driving holiday Across India Driving Holiday Across India 8189449176 537 p UG Library
915 OWY 03004978 Frommer's Shanghai Owyang, Sharon Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2011 9780470643778 6th 312 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
915 OWY 05006016 Frommer's Shanghai Owyang, Sharon Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2011 9780470643778 6th 312 p. Knowledge Centre
915 RAM 00001113 Physical Geography of India Ramuthu, Pie C S NATIONAL BOOK UG Library
915 SIN 10004073 Banaras : Singh, Vertul Penguin Random House India Pvt Ltd, 2024 9780670098408 xxiv, 341p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915 SRI 00001078 India`s Villages Srinivas, M N Aisa PUBLISHING House 1960 222p UG Library
915 YOU 05034731 The Heart of a Continent 1884-1894 / Younghusband Francis Edward Rupa Publications India Pvt,Ltd, 2013 9788129124395 309p.: Knowledge Centre
915.04 GOR 03001988 When Asia Was the World Gordon, Stewart Da Capo Press 9780306817397 228 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
915.04 GOR 05033941 When Asia was the world / Gordon, Stewart, Da Capo Press, 2008 9780306815560 (hardcover : alk viii, 228 p., [16] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
915.04 GOR 04008028 When Asia was the world / Gordon, Stewart, Da Capo Press, 2008 9780306815560 (hbk. : alk. pap viii, 228 p., [16] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
915.042 GEM 00132699 The Hippie Trail : Gemie, Sharif; Aleph Book Company, 2017 9789387561335 x,246 p.; UG Library
915.042 KOH 00138602 A Life Full of Adventure : Kohli,M S. Lotus Collection, 2019 9788194206828 xii,324p.; UG Library
915.042 MAS 05008028 The travels of Macro Polo the venetian / Masefield, John. Asian Educational Service, 2009 xviii, 461 p. : Knowledge Centre
915.042092 BEL 04008091 In the Footsteps of Marco Polo / Belliveau, Denis. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers ; | Distributed by National Book Network, 2008 9780742556836 (cloth : alk. pa viii, 280 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
915.042092 BEL 04008577 In the Footsteps of Marco Polo / Belliveau, Denis. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers ; | Distributed by National Book Network, 2008 9780742556836 (cloth : alk. pa viii, 280 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
915.042092 HAN 03007125 In the Footsteps of Marco Polo / Belliveau, Denis. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers ; | Distributed by National Book Network, 2008 9780742556836 (cloth : alk. pa viii, 280 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
915.0442 SIN 01020754 Asian Encounters : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198099802 xxiv,235p.: Knowledge Centre
915.0442 THE 05011110 The Great Railway Bazar / Theroux Paul Penguin Books, 2008 9780141038841 369 p. : Knowledge Centre
915.04425092THE 00087749 Ghost Train to the Eastern Star Therux, Paul 9780241142547 496 p UG Library
915.04428 DAL 01016208 In Xanadu : Dalrymple, William. Penguin Books, 1990 0679728538 : | 9780143031079 314 p. : Knowledge Centre
915.0443 THE 07012952 The Great Railway Bazaar / Theroux Paul Penguin Classics, 2008 9780141189147 379p.: Library - BR Campus
915.0954 PUR 05036304 Indian Odyssey : Portway, Christopher Impact Books, 1993 1874687145 210 p Knowledge Centre
915.0954 SHE 05032300 Indian Odyssey : Shetty Shanker.K Dr.K.Shanker Shetty, 2011 xvi,432p.: Knowledge Centre
915.0954 SIN 05036305 India / Sinclair, Toby Guide Book Company, 1995 9622173578 310 p Knowledge Centre
915.0954 SUB 05036306 Devalaya : Subhadra, Sen Gupta Rupa & Co., 2001 8171675050 198 p Knowledge Centre
915.09548 MEE 00052443 South India Meena V. Hari Kumari Arts 2000 124p UG Library
915.09548 SUR 05036361 South India : Sura Sura Books Pvt.Ltd., 2013 278 p. Knowledge Centre
915.095496 SAN 05036340 Illustrated Guide to the Kathmandu Valley / Sanday, John Guide Books, 1989 200 p Knowledge Centre
915.1 PAR 00109966 An American Engineer in China Parsons, William Barclay, Cambridge University Press 2012 9781108052764 321 p. : UG Library
915.10432 REN 05036312 Ancient Accounts Of India And China : Renaudot, Eusebius Asian Educational Services, 1995 xxxvii,260 p. Knowledge Centre
915.1045 DAW 07010225 China Behind the Miracle / Dawra Sumita Bloomsbury, 2015 9789385436345 239p.: Library - BR Campus
915.1045 DAW 05046374 China Behind the Miracle / Dawra Sumita Bloomsbury, 2015 9789385436345 239p.: Knowledge Centre
915.1046 CHI 01015252 China / Harper,Damian. Lonely Planet, 9781741048667 1032p.; Knowledge Centre
915.113204 SHA 01015224 Shanghai : Pitts,Christopher. Lonely Planet, 9781741792836 292p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.115604 BEI 01015172 Beijing : Harper,Damian. Lonely Planet, 9781741048773 276p.; Knowledge Centre
915.1249045 TAI 01015227 Taiwan / Kelly,Robert. Lonely Planet, 9781741045482 392p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.125046 HON 01015193 Hong Kong & Macau : Stone,Andrew. Lonely Planet, 9781741792256 388p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.15 ARU 04015441 Call of the divine : Arundale, Sheela Chandralekha. Shivani Pub. ; | International Distributors, Bibliophile South Asia, 2010 9788190480901 | 8190480901 1st ed. xiii, 341 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
915.15 BHA 07014213 Bells of Shangri-La : Bhaṭṭācārya, Parimala. Speaking Tiger, 2019 9789388326926 261p.; Library - BR Campus
915.15 BHA 05067401 Bells of Shangri-La : Bhaṭṭācārya, Parimala. Speaking Tiger, 2019 9789388326926 261p.; Knowledge Centre
915.15 THU 05011150 To A Mountain In Tibet / Thubron Colin Vintage Books, 2011 9780099532644 227 p. : Knowledge Centre
915.150243 DAS 07012434 Journey to Lhasa : Das, Sarat Chandra, Speaking Tiger Publication, 2017 9789386702081 xiv, 265p.; Library - BR Campus
915.1504 TRA 05036314 To The Forbidden Land : Trans-Himalaya, Sven Hedin's Asian Educational Services, 1988 9788120603907 148 p. Knowledge Centre
915.150458 SET 05070170 From heaven lake / Seth, Vikram. Penguin Random House India Pvt Ltd, 2015 9780143420224 xvii, 221p. ; Knowledge Centre
915.150458 SET 07014989 From heaven lake / Seth, Vikram. Penguin Random House India Pvt Ltd, 2015 9780143420224 xvii, 221p. ; Library - BR Campus
915.150458 SET 04030074 From heaven lake / Seth, Vikram. Penguin Random House India Pvt Ltd, 2015 9780143420224 xvii, 221p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
915.15046 TIB 01015228 Tibet / Mayhew,Bradley. Lonely Planet, 9781741045697 384p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.1704 MON 01015240 Mangolia / Kohn,Michael. Lonely Planet, 9781741045789 312p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.2 ELS 05036313 Let's Go Japan : Elsey, Teresa Macmillan, 2004 1405033657 752 p Knowledge Centre
915.2 SHI 05021941 Japan Almanac2000 / Shimbun Asahi Asahi Shimbun Japan Almanac, 2000 9784022196002 327 p.: Knowledge Centre
915.2045 JAP 01015191 Japan / Rowthorn,Chris. Lonely Planet, 9781741790429 880p.; Knowledge Centre
915.3 BOT 00033415 First Book of India Bothwell, Jean Franklin 832 o, UG Library
915.3044 DOU 00096515 Wanderings in arabia: Doughty Charles I.B.Tauris 9781845117665 607p UG Library
915.380 WOO 07014564 Arabia / Wood, Levison Hodder and Stoughton Publication, 2018 9781473676329 345p.; Library - BR Campus
915.4 RAJ 00116606 Around India in 80 trains Rajesh, Monisha. Lotus Collection, 2012 9788174369130 (pbk.) | 8174369 xiv, 243 p. ; UG Library
915.4 SUN 05035844 Little Kingdoms : Sundarji, Vikram Penguin Books, 1998 0140269878 x,223 p.; Knowledge Centre
915.4 WES 04005764 Timesless India Westwell, Ian Chartwell Books 2009 9780785823179 160 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
915.4 APP 00109231 India's World Appadurai,Arjun Rain Tree 2012 9788129119575 xv; 266 p. UG Library
915.4 BRA 00029993 India: The Perpetual Paradox Brata, Sasthi Rupa & Co, 1986 340 p.; UG Library
915.4 BUC 05027836 A Journey from Madras Through the Countries of Mysore, Canara, and Malabar Buchanan, Francis Asian Educational Services 812060386-9 566 p. Knowledge Centre
915.4 BUC 05065020 A Journey from Madras Through the Countries of Mysore, Canara, and Malabar Buchanan, Francis Asian Educational Services 812060386-9 566 p. Knowledge Centre
915.4 BUC 05065021 A Journey from Madras Through the Countries of Mysore, Canara, and Malabar Buchanan, Francis Asian Educational Services 812060386-9 566 p. Knowledge Centre
915.4 CHA 00146270 India of Mahatma Gandhi's Dreams: Miles Away / Chavan, Sheshrao Atlantic, 2022 9788126933938 300p. ; UG Library
915.4 CHA 00145376 Shadows at Noon/ Chatterji, Joya Penguine Books, 2023 9780670091850 841p. ; UG Library
915.4 CHO 00034772 The India You Do Not Know Chopra, P N Sterling, 1992 378 p. UG Library
915.4 CHO 00070198 Majestic India Chopra, Tarun Prakashana 2005 128p UG Library
915.4 CHO 00070199 India Exotic Destination ( UGC - Minority Commu UGCM ) Chopra, Tarun Prakashana 240p UG Library
915.4 COO 05045642 The Dance of Shiva : Coomaraswamy Ananda.K Munshiram Manoharlal, 2012 9788121501538 196p.: Knowledge Centre
915.4 COO 00110972 The dance of Shiva Coomaraswamy, Ananda Rupa Publications 2013 9788129120908 176 p. : UG Library
915.4 COR 00000254 Jungle Lore Corbett, Jim University 168 UG Library
915.4 COR 00132692 My India: Corbett, Jim, Rupa Publications India Pvt.Ltd, 2018 9789353040666 xv,179 p.; UG Library
915.4 COR 00099174 My India Corbett,Jim Oxford university press; 9780195623413 188 p. UG Library
915.4 DAM 10004683 In pursuit of freedom: damodaran, Pradeep HarperCollins publishers, 2024 9789362138958 x,349 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.4 DEP 05061045 India's legendary East Coast / De, P. K. Niyogi Books, 2015 9789381523124 159 pages : Knowledge Centre
915.4 DES 05036307 India : Deshpande, Aruna Crest Publishing House, 2001 8124201714 602 p Knowledge Centre
915.4 DES 00060777 India a Travel Guide Deshpande, Aruna Crest 2004 8124201714 | 9788124201718 533 p UG Library
915.4 DEV 04017175 India : The Eternal Magic / Dev Sen, Antara Roli Books, 2007 9788174370259 96p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
915.4 FOD 00006229 Fodor`s India 1971 Fodor,Eugene. Eugene Fodor 1970 656 p UG Library
915.4 FTP 00035908 Fodor's India Fodor's Travel Publications Inc. Fodor 1993 610 UG Library
915.4 GAN 05046250 India of My Dreams / Gandhi, Mahatma Rajpal and Sons., 2008 9788170287407 300 p Knowledge Centre
915.4 GAN 05036315 India of My Dreams / Gandhi, Mahatma Rajpal and Sons., 2008 9788170287407 300 p Knowledge Centre
915.4 GHO 05055146 India : Ghose, Aruna DK, 2003 0751333565 | 9780751333565 790p.; Knowledge Centre
915.4 GUP 05036317 Devalaya : Gupta, Subhadra Sen Rupa & Co., 2001 8171675050 199 p Knowledge Centre
915.4 HUS 07011489 Geography of India / Husain, Majid McGraw Hill Publication, 2018 9789352606221 xxx,M.29p. Library - BR Campus
915.4 HUS 05065533 Geography of India / Husain, Majid McGraw Hill Publication, 2018 9789352606221 xxx,M.29p. Knowledge Centre
915.4 IYR 00063058 Sun After Dark Iyer, Pico 2004 9780670057856 223p UG Library
915.4 JAF 05037343 Performing heritage : Jafa, Navina, Sage Publications Ltd, 2012 9788132106999 (pbk. : alk. pap xxix, 216 p. : Knowledge Centre
915.4 JAF 05033454 Performing heritage : Jafa, Navina, Sage Publications Ltd, 2012 9788132106999 (pbk. : alk. pap xxix, 216 p. : Knowledge Centre
915.4 KUL 00051506 Bharat Darshan Kulkarni, S L Leela Publications 1997 418p UG Library
915.4 LAN 05043557 Wanderings in India : Lang,John. Rupa Publications, 2015 9788129136848 x,436p.; Knowledge Centre
915.4 LEO 07012184 Life and travel in india / Leonowens, Anna Harriette Rohit Publication, 2017 9789383382545 333p.; Library - BR Campus
915.4 LOB 05065282 Ballalarayana durga : Lobo, J W. ATC Publishers, 2019 9789388968027 129p. ; Knowledge Centre
915.4 LOB 00138929 Ballalarayana durga : Lobo, J W. ATC Publishers, 2019 9789388968027 129p. ; UG Library
915.4 LOC 00095965 The First English man in India: Locke, J. Courtenay Asian Educational Services, 812061035-0 229 p. UG Library
915.4 LOT 05007963 India / Loti, Pierre. AES, 1995 283 p. : Knowledge Centre
915.4 MAC 00068785 Holy Cow! Macdonald, Sarah. 2002 0553816012 | 9780553816013 318p UG Library
915.4 MIS 00068676 India In Mind Mishra, Pankaj 2005 0330439529 | 9780330439527 335p UG Library
915.4 MOR 05036309 The Penguin Book of Indian Journeys / Moraes, Dom Penguin Books, 2005 362 p Knowledge Centre
915.4 MUK 00100047 The Culture and Art of India Mukerjee, Radhakamal Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 1959 434 p.; UG Library
915.4 NAI 00074533 India: A Million Mutinies Now Naipal, V S 1998 0749399201 | 9780749399207 519p UG Library
915.4 NAI 00055827 Area of Darkness.Hisdiscovery of India Naipaul, V S Piador 2002 0330487167 289 p . UG Library
915.4 OAT 00095980 Eropean Traveller in India: Oaten E.F Asian Educational Services 8120607112 271 p UG Library
915.4 PAN 00005149 Geographical Factors in Indian History / Panikkar, K. M Bharatiya vidya bavana, 1969 128p.; UG Library
915.4 PAZ 00062756 In Light of India Paz, Octavio Rupa Co 209p UG Library
915.4 PER 00116996 If it's Monday it Must be Madurai : Perur, Srinath. Penguin Viking, 2013 9780670087013 | 0670087017 284 p. : UG Library
915.4 PER 05040377 If it's Monday it must be Madurai : Perur,Srinath. Penguin Books, 2013 9780670087013 284p.; Knowledge Centre
915.4 PER 07007821 If it's Monday it Must be Madurai : Perur, Srinath. Penguin Viking, 2013 9780670087013 | 0670087017 284 p. : Library - BR Campus
915.4 PLA 05007968 Indian states : Asian Educational Services, 2006 812061965X 835 p. : Knowledge Centre
915.4 PRA 07009200 Women in India : Viva Books, 2017 9789386105936 viii,192p.: Library - BR Campus
915.4 QAZ 00061976 Geography of India Qazi, S A APH Publishing Corporation 2000 8176481467 284 p UG Library
915.4 RAJ 05046084 Around India in 80 Trains / Rajesh, Monisha. Lotus Collection, 2012 9788174369130 (pbk.) | 8174369139 (pbk.) xiv, 243 p. ; Knowledge Centre
915.4 RAJ 03009001 Around India in 80 Trains / Rajesh, Monisha. Lotus Collection, 2012 9788174369130 (pbk.) | 8174369139 (pbk.) xiv, 243 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
915.4 RAM 05074718 The Himalayas, an expedition to the Indian range / Ramanan, Vrinda. THG Publishing, 2023 9789393875150 325p.; Knowledge Centre
915.4 RAM 10005375 Moutains of our destiny the himalayas: Ramanan, Vrinda. THG publishing pvt ltd., 2022 9789393875150 325p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.4 RAY 05035213 Symbols of India / Ray, Hem Shanker. Rupa Publications India, 2012 9788129117793 | 8129117797 xxiv, 399 p. : Knowledge Centre
915.4 RAY 03010800 Symbols of India / Ray, Hem Shankar. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd., 2012 9788129117793 399 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
915.4 ROE 05008023 Travels in India in the seventeenth century / Roe, Thomas. Trübner, | Asian Educational Services, 1873 474 p. ; Knowledge Centre
915.4 ROU 05061026 India and its native princes : Rousselet, Louis, Niyogi Books, 1882 9788192091204 xx, 619 p. : Knowledge Centre
915.4 RUD 00118785 Destination India Rudolph, Lloyd L. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199450558 xiii:201p.; UG Library
915.4 SAI 05046105 A passage through India / Saili,Ganesh. Lustre, 1992 9788174361141 136p.; Knowledge Centre
915.4 SAN 07013265 Picturesque India : Sangeeta. Niyogi Books, 2018 9789385285912 423p. Library - BR Campus
915.4 SAN 05064050 Picturesque India : Sangeeta. Niyogi Books, 2018 9789385285912 423p. Knowledge Centre
915.4 SAW 01000896 India Special Places to Stay / Sawday,Toby Globe Pequot Press, 191901970361 Knowledge Centre
915.4 SEN 05007969 Indian travels of Thevenot and Careri : National Archives of India, 1949 lxiv, 434 p. Knowledge Centre
915.4 SHA 00059230 River Dog Shand, Mark 2003 0349115141 340 p UG Library
915.4 SIN 00137803 On India / Singh,Khushwant. Rupa Publications, 2017 9788129148469 vii,141p.; UG Library
915.4 SIN 05057531 On India / Singh,Khushwant. Rupa Publications, 2017 9788129148469 vii,141p.; Knowledge Centre
915.4 TAY 00009757 Richer By Asia Taylor, Edmund Houghton 1964 414 p. UG Library
915.4 THA 00130397 Indian cultures as heritage : Thapar, Romila. Aleph Book Company, 2018 9789384067359 xl, 222p. UG Library
915.4 THA 05059564 Indian cultures as heritage : Thapar, Romila. Aleph Book Company, 2018 9789384067359 xl, 222p. Knowledge Centre
915.4 THA 01025758 Indian cultures as heritage : Thapar, Romila. Aleph Book Company, 2018 9789384067359 xl, 222p. Knowledge Centre
915.4 TIK 08000983 Theory of settlements : Tiku, Neerja, Copal Publishing, 2018 9789383419562 | 9383419563 111 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
915.4 TRE 07010082 Essential India : Random House,Inc, 2011 9781400005291 497p.: Library - BR Campus
915.4 TUL 07005421 No Full Stops in India / Tully, Mark Penguin Books, 2000 0140104801 338 p Library - BR Campus
915.4 TUL 03004055 The Heart of India / Tully, Mark Penguin Books, 1995 9780140179651 241p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
915.4 TUL 05036308 No Full Stops in India / Tully, Mark Penguin Books, 2000 0140104801 338 p Knowledge Centre
915.4 TUL 07005452 The Heart of India / Tully, Mark Penguin Books, 1995 9780140179651 241p. Library - BR Campus
915.4 URW 05007964 India illustrated with pen and pencil / Urwick, William. Hurst, | AES, 1891 Rev. and enl. / 197 p. : Knowledge Centre
915.4 VIV 05029435 India's Contribution to World Thought and Culture / Vivekananda Rock MEmorial Committe, 1970 704p.: Knowledge Centre
915.4 WDH 05072502 Delhi in thy Name , Roychowdhury Adrija. Rupa Publication. 2021 9789355200396 xxxvii,209p ,; Knowledge Centre
915.4 WIL 05011129 Maharani : Williams Elaine Rupa.Co, 2008 9780595094288 iv,246 p. : Knowledge Centre
915.4 WOR 00118329 Through Town and Jungle : Workman, William Hunter, Primus Books, 2013 9789380607696 xxiv, 380 p. : UG Library
915.4 WRI 05036370 India And Its Inhabitants Wright, Caleb Asian Educational Services, 9788120611756 304 p. Knowledge Centre
915.4 YAN 05036351 LET'S Go India & Nepal : Yang, Jane Macmillan, 2004 1405033088 956 p Knowledge Centre
915.4/406 04008092 India sublime : Levick, Melba. Rizzoli International Publications, 2007 9780847829798 1st ed. 272 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
915.400222 ANS 01015087 India : Essential encounters I' Anson, Richard Lonely Planet, 9780646530512 384 p. Knowledge Centre
915.400222 MOU 05042491 India : Mouton, Laurence Thames & Hudson, 2008 9780500287446 252 p .; Knowledge Centre
915.4003 KAP 05048607 Encylopaedia of Ancient Indian Geography / Subodh, Kapoor Cosmo Publications, 2002 8177552988 xi, 364p.; Knowledge Centre
915.4003 KAP 05048608 Encylopaedia of Ancient Indian Geography / Subodh, Kapoor Cosmo Publications, 2002 8177552988 xi, 364p.; Knowledge Centre
915.402 PUR 00108051 Geography of India Purty Vijay Chandra ABD Publishers: 2011 9788183763110 vi, 288 p. UG Library
915.403 FRE 00103424 India : French Patrick Allen Lane; 2011 9780670085514 435 p. UG Library
915.403 FRE 01016090 India : French Patrick Allen Lane; 2011 9780670085514 435 p. Knowledge Centre
915.403 JOH 00052565 Geographical Dictionary of India Johnson, B L C Vision Books 2001 8170944287 | 9788170944287 575 p UG Library
915.403 KOS 00087303 Introduction to the Study of Indian History Kosambi, Damodar Dharmanand Popular Prakashan 1975 8171540384 415 p UG Library
915.403 MEH 05037681 Portrait of India / Mehta Ved Penguin books, 1970 9780143422303 614p.: Knowledge Centre
915.403 RAD 05070318 Radhakrishnan Reader : Radhakrishnan, S. Bharatiya Vidhya Bhavan, 1990 xi, 680p. ; Knowledge Centre
915.403 SAC 00095963 Alberuni's India: Sachau, Edward C. Asian Educational Services, 812060862-3 431 p. UG Library
915.403 SAC 00095962 Alberuni's India: Sachau, Edward C. Asian Educational Services, 812060862-3 408 p. UG Library
915.40322 SAC 00099974 Alberuni's India Sachau, Edward C Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 9788121505628 l, 431 p. UG Library
915.4034 SAB 05002826 India since 1947 : Sabharwal, Gopa. Penguin Books, 9780143102748 | 0143102745 392 p. ; Knowledge Centre
915.4034 SAB 00137549 India Since 1947 : Sabharwal, Gopa. Penguin Books, 2017 9780143441823 xix,515p.; UG Library
915.4034SAB 00084306 India Since 1947: The Independent Years Sabharwal, Gopa 0143102745 392p UG Library
915.404 DYS 00094197 A Various Universe Dyson Ketaki Kushari Oxford University Press 9780195682861 406p Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.404 FOR 05027835 India: Forbes-Lindsay C H Hendy T.Coates & Co., 9788120616588 338 p. Knowledge Centre
915.404 FOR 05036385 India : Forbes-Lindsay Asian Educational Services, 2002 320 p. Knowledge Centre
915.404 GAN 05061046 Intriguing India : Gantzer, Hugh. Niyogi Books, 2011 9788192091273 (paperback) | 8192091279 (paperback) 169 pages : Knowledge Centre
915.404 GAN 05061048 Intriguing India : Gantzer, Hugh. Niyogi Books, 2012 9789381523414 (pbk.) | 938152341X (pbk.) 178 p. : Knowledge Centre
915.404 GHO 04016229 Chai Chai : Ghosh Bishwanath Tranqueber Press, 2009 9789380032863 214 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
915.404 GHO 05010972 Chai Chai : Ghosh Bishwanath Tranqueber Press, 2009 9789380032863 214 p. : Knowledge Centre
915.404 GHO 05036384 Memsahibs Abraod : Ghose, Indira Oxford University Press, 2008 0195663845 298 p Knowledge Centre
915.404 LAN 07012432 In the court of the Ranee of Jhansi and other travels in India / Lang, John, Speaking Tiger, 2015 9789385288227 201p.; Library - BR Campus
915.404 LAN 05067404 In the court of the Ranee of Jhansi and other travels in India / Lang, John, Speaking Tiger, 2015 9789385288227 201p.; Knowledge Centre
915.404 MIS 00103431 Temptations of the west: Mishra Pankaj Picador; 9780330434683 438 p. UG Library
915.404 SHA 10003573 Andamanush Nicobarese: Sharma, Partha Sarthi Sen Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2022 9789355208675 viii,264 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.404 SIN 00132229 Speaking rivers : Singh, Vipul, Primus Books, 2018 9789386552822 | 9386552825 | 9789386552839 | 9386552833 xxiv, 228 pages : UG Library
915.404 VER 05037039 Dynamics of Indian Tourism : Verma Jagdish Cyber Tech Publications, 2007 9788178842981 302p.: Knowledge Centre
915.404 VIC 05049014 Other Orientalisms : Vicente Filipa Lowndes Orient BlackSwan, 2012 9788125047582 xiv,346p.: Knowledge Centre
915.404 VIC 05031179 Other Orientalisms : Vicente Filipa Lowndes Orient BlackSwan, 2012 9788125047582 xiv,346p.: Knowledge Centre
915.40425 ALA 00126817 Indo-Persian Travels in The Age of Discoveries 1400-1800 Alam Muzaffar Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521898522 xvi, 399 p.: UG Library
915.4043 CAL 00109965 Journal of A Residence in India Callcott, Maria Cambridge University Press 2012 9781108046268 xii, 215 p. : UG Library
915.40431 HAS 01005464 Seamless boundaries : Hasan,Mushirul. Oxford University Press, 9780195676778 xxii, 260 p. ; Knowledge Centre
915.404314 FAN 07007805 Begums, thugs and englishmen / Parkes, Fanny Penguin Publication, 2003 9780143029885 xxix,354p. Library - BR Campus
915.40431DYS 00087487 Various Universe: A Study of the Journals and Memorirs of Brisths Men and Women in the Indian Subcontinent, 1765-1856 Dyson, Ketaki Kushari 9780195682861 406 p UG Library
915.404352 STO 05007961 Illustrated India, its princes and people : Stone, Julia A. Asian Educational Services, 2000 8120614534 xvi, 628 p. : Knowledge Centre
915.404353 PRI 05007962 Imperial India : Prinsep, Val C. Asian Educational Services, 1879 9788120620490 360 p. : Knowledge Centre
915.404354 DEU 05036379 My Indian Reminisences / Deussen, Paul Natesan & Co., 1893 262 p. Knowledge Centre
915.4044 NAI 05062242 The Indian Trilogy / Naipaul, V.S. Pan Mcmillan, 2016 9789382616900 xix,1079p.; Knowledge Centre
915.40442 SNY 03009003 Passage Through India / Snyder, Gary. Shoemaker & Hoard, 2007 9781593761493 | 159376149X Expanded and illustrated ed. 136 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
915.40452 BLA 03005964 Arrow of the Blue-skinned God : Blank, Jonah Penguin, 1992 9780140283150 350p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
915.40452 AIT 05000033 Footlosse in the Himalaya / Aitken Bill Permanent Black, 2011 9788178242811 258p.: Knowledge Centre
915.40452 DAL 00102417 The Age Of Kali : Dalrymple, William Penguin Books, 9780143031093 xvi, 385 p. UG Library
915.40452 DAL 05002854 The Age Of Kali : Dalrymple, William Penguin Books, 9780143031093 xvi, 385 p. Knowledge Centre
915.40452 FER 00135918 Upon a sleepless isle Fernando,Andrew Fidel Pan macmillan publishing indi pvt ltd., 2019 9789389109009 244p.; UG Library
915.40452 GAN 05061049 Intriguing India : Gantzer, Hugh. Niyogi Books, 2012 9789381523100 (pbk.) | 938152310X (pbk.) 206 p. : Knowledge Centre
915.40452 KUS 03009543 India / Kusy, Frank. Globe Pequot Press, 1987 0871068354 (pbk.) : ix, 406 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
915.40452 NAI 05036382 India: A Million Mutinies Now [HISTORY SECTION] Naipaul, V S 9780749399207 607p Knowledge Centre
915.40452 ROB 03005318 Empire of the soul : Roberts, Paul William. Riverhead Books, 1996 1573220477 (alk. paper) 1st American ed. xvi, 368 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
915.40452 SHA 04015535 Incredible India : Life & landscapes / Sharada Prasad, H. Y., Wisdom Tree, 2007 8183280692 | 9788183280693 102 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
915.40452 SHA 05067384 Travels on my elephant / Shand, Mark. Speaking Tiger, 1991 9789387693081 206 p., Knowledge Centre
915.40453 REI 01015256 Traveler's Tales India : Solas House Inc, 692077361018 | 9781932361018 xx,485p.; Knowledge Centre
915.404532 BUC 00127143 An Indian Odyssey Buckley Martin Vintage Books, 2009 9780099458906 355 p.: UG Library
915.404532 IND 01015183 India / Singh,Sarina. Lonely Planet, 9781741791518 1244p.; Knowledge Centre
915.404532 RAJ 01015186 Rajasthan,Delhi & Agra / Brown,Lindsay. Lonely Planet, 9781741046908 420p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.41 BIS 05061044 Brahmaputra and the Assam valley / Biswas, Ranjita, Niyogi Books, 2013 9789383098057 | 9383098058 162 pages : Knowledge Centre
915.41 CAR 05036381 Travel and Adventures in Tibet : Carey, William Mittal Publication, 2002 285 p Knowledge Centre
915.41 GAN 05061047 Intriguing India : Gantzer, Hugh. Niyogi Books, 2013 9789381523551 (pbk.) | 938152355X (pbk.) 218 pages : Knowledge Centre
915.41 GUP 05009523 After Elwin : Gupta, Prosenjit Das, Chronicle Books : | Distributed by Orient Longman, 2007 9788180280283 xiii, 175 p. : Knowledge Centre
915.41 HAK 10003568 Across the chicken neck: Nandita,Haksar Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2015 9788129135636 272 p .; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.41 IMA 00132732 The Ganga: Imam, Md. Jafar, Writers World, 2018 9789388162555 viii,232 p.; UG Library
915.41 SHA 00058463 Travel And Memoirs Of Tibet Sharma S.K. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 1997 8174884513 257 UG Library
915.4104 NDR 01015244 Northeast India / Bindloss,Joe. Lonely Planet, 9781741793192 384p.; Knowledge Centre
915.41045 HAK 00112423 Across the chicken neck: Haksar,Nandita Rain Light: 2013 9788129129017 272p.; UG Library
915.4104532 OIN 00133634 Northeast India: Oinam,Bhagat Routledge, 2018 9781138095151 xix,469 p.: UG Library
915.412 KUM 00116533 A Matter of Rats Kumar, Amitava Aleph Book Company, 2013 9789382277224 142p. ; UG Library
915.413 DON 05036383 Konark : Donaldson, Thomas Oxford University Press, 2002 0195664892 85 p Knowledge Centre
915.4133 DAS 08000975 Memory of a Stream: Gandhabati / Das, Piyush Copal Publications, 2016 9789383419401 122p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
915.414 SAR 07004458 The Stormy Decades Calcutta / Orient BlackSwan, 2015 9789383166077 xii,474p.; Library - BR Campus
915.414 SAR 05043568 The Stormy Decades Calcutta / Orient BlackSwan, 2015 9789383166077 xii,474p.; Knowledge Centre
915.4164 JOH 05035161 Under a Cloud : John,Binoo K. Rupa Publications, 2004 9788129124197 xxiii,198p.; Knowledge Centre
915.4165 HUT 05036349 Diaries of Two Tours in the Unadministered Area East Of The Naga Hills / Hutton, J H Mittal Publication, 2000 70 p Knowledge Centre
915.4167 DUF 00120516 Sikkim / Duff Andrew Random House Publishers 2015 9788184006964 380p. UG Library
915.41670452DAS 00084886 Sikkim: A Travellers Guide [HISTORY SECTION] Das, Sujoy Permanent Black 8178240084 160p UG Library
915.42 DHA 05036378 Sanchi : Dhavalikar, M K Oxford University Press, 2002 0195663136 120 p Knowledge Centre
915.42 HUN 00078203 The Ascent of Everest Hunt, John Orient Longman Ltd 1954 160 p. UG Library
915.42 HUN 00078951 The Ascent of Everest Hunt, John Orient Longman Ltd 1954 160 p. UG Library
915.42 MAJ 05041199 Banaras : Majumdar, Nandini, Roli Books, 2014 9788174369161 (pbk.) | 8174369 184 pages : Knowledge Centre
915.42 MIS 00061990 Holy Pushkar Mishra, Rajani Kanishka Publishers 2003 0817391186 178p UG Library
915.42 SAR 05036348 Taj Mahal : Shalini Saran Lustre Press 2004 8174370579 77 p. Knowledge Centre
915.42 SIN 05036347 India : Singh, R L Sarada Ranganahtan Trust, 1998 8185273189 992 p Knowledge Centre
915.4204 SMI 07004630 Agra : Smith, Thomas, Chronicles Books : | Distributed by Orient Longman, 2007 8180280292 | 9788180280290 xxv, 126 p. : Library - BR Campus
915.4204 SMI 00104130 Agra : Smith, Thomas, Chronicles Books : | Distributed by Orient Longman, 2007 8180280292 | 9788180280290 xxv, 126 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.43 DES 05036373 Khajuraho : Desai, Devangana Oxford University Press, 2002 0195656431 106 p Knowledge Centre
915.4304 BAL 00116905 Waters Close Over Us Bal Singh Hartosh Fourth Estate , 9789350297056 242 p.: UG Library
915.4404 KAN 07005793 Palace on Wheels : Kanwar,Dharmendar. Prakash Books, 2008 9788172341831 178p.; Library - BR Campus
915.4404 KAN 05046071 Palace on Wheels : Kanwar,Dharmendar. Prakash Books, 2008 9788172341831 178p.; Knowledge Centre
915.440452 HOO 00097238 Constructing Rajpootana--Rajasthan : Rawat Publications, 8131603284 xiv, 394 p. ; UG Library
915.45 MEH 05037673 Daddyji / Mehta Ved Penguin Books, 1972 9780143421030 199p.: Knowledge Centre
915.452 GIL 00103483 Himalayan wonderland : Gill, Manohar Singh, Penguin Books India : | Viking, 9780670084135 xx, 268 p., [19] p. of plates : UG Library
915.456 CHA 07010759 Delhi, mostly harmless : Chatterjee, Elizabeth, Random House India, 2013 9788184003567 (pbk.) | 8184003 283 pages ; Library - BR Campus
915.456 PRA 07007320 Delirious Delhi : Praeger, Dave. HarperCollins Publishers India, a joint venture with the India Today Group, 2011 9789350291313 (pbk.) | 9350291 390 p. : Library - BR Campus
915.456 SAH 07007129 Delhi, agra, jaipur / Sahai, Surendra Prakash Book Publication, 2005 8172340079 93p. Library - BR Campus
915.45BAS 00067512 DELHI AGRA & JAIPUR Bose, Biraj Lustre Press 8178174370 96p UG Library
915.46 BHA 05069542 Ladakh : Bhattacharya, Nabarun. Niyogi Books, 2020 9789389136463 146p.; Knowledge Centre
915.46 BHA 07014936 Ladakh : Bhattacharya, Nabarun. Niyogi Books, 2020 9789389136463 146p.; Library - BR Campus
915.46 DHA 05036337 Window on Kashmir / Dhar, T N Mittal Publications, 2003 8170998948 186 p Knowledge Centre
915.46 NOR 04027561 Forever Ladakh : Norzin, Jigmet Roli Books, 2016 9789351941774 295p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
915.46 PAR 00065075 Kashmir: The Paradice Of Asia Parashar, Parmanand Sarupa and Sons 2004 8176255181 | 9788176255189 366p UG Library
915.46 SHA 00061974 Kashmir Through Ages Sharma, Prakash Sanjay RBSA 2004 8176112283 | 9788176112284 272p UG Library
915.46 VAS 00124573 Shimla Sumit Raj Vashisht B.R. Publishing Corporation, 2016 9788176467278 viii, 142 p.: UG Library
915.47 WES 05036372 History of the Bombay Karnatak : West E W Asian Educational Services, 1989 9788120604689 670 pv. Knowledge Centre
915.478 NOR 05035192 Inside Goa : Noronha, Frederick. Rupa & Co. in association with IL&FS Education & Technology Services, Mumbai, 2008 9788129113399 1st ed. 124 p. : Knowledge Centre
915.47804532 DEH 04023326 Goa of Sun N Sand / Prakash Books, 2008 9788172341411 95p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
915.47804532 GOA 01015205 Goa & Mumbai / Thomas,Amelia. Lonely Planet, 2009 9781741048940 5th ed. 268p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.4792 PAN 00067508 Ajanta And Ellora Pant, Pushpesh Lustre Press 2000 0008174374 80 p UG Library
915.4792 PIN 00102385 Bombay,meri jaan; Pinto Jerry Penguin; 9780143029663 348 p. UG Library
915.4792 PIN 07005567 Bombay,meri jaan; Pinto Jerry Penguin; 9780143029663 348 p. Library - BR Campus
915.4792 VER 00132223 Mumbai: Socio - cultural Perspectives, Primus Books, 2018 9789386552600 x,256 p.; UG Library
915.4792003 BRP 00132312 Bombay Presidency: B.R. Publishing Corporation, B.R Publishing Corporation, 2018 9789387587090 xxxi,587 p.; UG Library
915.4792003 BRP 00132311 Bombay Presidency: B.R. Publishing Corporation, B.R Publishing Corporation, 2018 9789387587090 xxxi,587 p.; UG Library
915.48 ROU 05036360 South India : Abraham, David The Rough Guides, 1999 1858284694 634 p Knowledge Centre
915.48 ANI 05036374 Where the Rain Is Born : Anita, Nair Penquin Books, 2005 0143029193 312 p Knowledge Centre
915.48 CAU 03006054 Love Bengaluru : Caulfield, Fiona Love travel guides, 2007 9788190432245 132p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
915.48 MAR 05007995 A phrenologist amongst the Todas, or, The study of a primitive tribe in south India : Marshall, William E. Longmans, Green, | Asian Educational Sstems, 1873 xx, 271 p., [18] leaves of plates : Knowledge Centre
915.48 MUR 00060441 On A Shoestring To Coorg Murphy, Dervla 2003 0071956512 | 9780719565120 273p UG Library
915.48 RUB 05036368 Travel and Ethnology in the Renaissance : Rubies, Joan-Pau Cambridge University Press, 2000 0521770556 442 p Knowledge Centre
915.480451 MUR 05058770 On a shoestring to Coorg : Murphy, Dervla. Speaking Tiger, 2018 9789387164666 254p.; Knowledge Centre
915.4804532 SOU 01015218 South India / Singh,Sarina. Lonely Planet, 9781741791556 576p.; Knowledge Centre
915.482 PAR 05036375 Lenend of Nandan : Parthasarathy, Indira Oxford University Press, 2002 0195664213 82 p Knowledge Centre
915.482 SUA 05036376 L'Inde Tamoule : Suau, Pierre S J Asian Educational Services, 1997 248 p. Knowledge Centre
915.482003 AES 05007929 Alphabetical list of villages in the Taluks and districts of the Madras Presidency : Reprinted by the Superintendent, Govt. Press, 1933 v, 766 p. ; Knowledge Centre
915.482003 RAM 05064130 Icons of Madras : Ramakrishnan, Kamala. THG Publishing Private Limited, 2018 9789387791213 150p. Knowledge Centre
915.482003 RAM 00135276 Icons of Madras : Ramakrishnan, Kamala. THG Publishing Private Limited, 2018 9789387791213 150p. UG Library
915.48204 RAO 00088411 Kanchipuram: Land of Legends, Saints and Temples Rao, Narasimha P V L Readworthy Publications Ltd 9788189973056 188p UG Library
915.48204NAR 00087606 Kancipuram: Land of Legends, Saints and Temples Narasimha Rao, P V L Readworthy Publications Ltd 9788189973544 188 p UG Library
915.482SES 00090646 Cauvery Aleap and Turn Seshanarayana Chandana Jaikumar 9788190817905 296p UG Library
915.482SUR 00065695 Tourist Guide to Tamil Nadu Sura`s Sura Books 8174781773 142p UG Library
915.482SUR.1 00065664 TOURIST GUIDE CHENNAI 0 Sura Books 8174780408 118p UG Library
915.483 MAH 05032458 Social Change among The Cultivators / Mahendrakumar,M.S. Discovery Publishing, 2012 106p.; Knowledge Centre
915.483 STA 05029451 Kerala [history] Stark World Stark World Publishing 816p Knowledge Centre
915.48304052 VAR 04017209 Stark World Kerala / Varghese, Theresa. Stark World Pub., 2006 8190250515 | 9788190250511 Ed. 1. 816 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
915.484 JAC 05036369 Journal Of Francis Buchanan 1811 - 1812 Patna & Gaya / Jackson V H Asian Educational Services, 1989 9788120604598 xxvi, 244 p. xiii. Knowledge Centre
915.486 COR 07005772 Pondicherry : Cortés, Sebastian Lustre Press : | Roli Books, 2012 9788174368720 | 8174368728 152 p. ; Library - BR Campus
915.486 COR 05042519 Pondicherry : Cortés, Sebastian Lustre Press : | Roli Books, 2012 9788174368720 | 8174368728 152 p. ; Knowledge Centre
915.487 GOW 00096016 Village names of Mysore District : Javare Gowda, Deve Gowda, Place Names Society of India, in collaboration with Asian Educational Services, New Delhi, 8120613902 159 p. ; UG Library
915.487 JOH 07012379 The Curry Coast/ John,Binoo K. Speaking Tiger, 1999 9789386050687 177 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
915.487 JOH 05062571 The Curry Coast/ John,Binoo K. Speaking Tiger, 1999 9789386050687 177 Pages,: Knowledge Centre
915.487 LON 05036371 Hampi Ruins : Longhurst A H Asian Educational Services, 2010 144 p. Knowledge Centre
915.487 MIC 05036377 Pattadakal : Michell, George Oxford University Press, 2000 0195660579 96 p Knowledge Centre
915.487003 GHO 05035203 Postcards from Mysore / Ghosh, Somdatta. Rupa & Co., 2003 812910248X 72 p. : Knowledge Centre
915.487003 RIC 05027833 Mysore : Rice, Lewis B Asian Educational Services, xix, 834 p. Knowledge Centre
915.487003 RIC 05027834 Mysore : Rice, Lewis B Asian Educational Services, xix, 834 p. Knowledge Centre
915.48704 DE 04015590 Multiple city Writing on Bangalore / Penguin Books, 9780143100256 xvii,316p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
915.48704 DE 07005679 Multiple city Writing on Bangalore / Penguin Books, 9780143100256 xvii,316p.; Library - BR Campus
915.48704 DE 00140395 Multiple city Writing on Bangalore / Penguin Books, 9780143100256 xvii,316p.; UG Library
915.48704 DE 01014944 Multiple city Writing on Bangalore / Penguin Books, 9780143100256 xvii,316p.; Knowledge Centre
915.48704 PAI 10002237 Cubbon Park: Pai, Roopa. Speaking tiger, 2022 9789354472183 176p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.487ARY 00065674 BANGALORE TOURIST GUIDE AND MAP Arya, R P INDIAN MAP SERVICE 8187460660 8p UG Library
915.487SUR 00065697 Tourism Guide to Karnataka Sura`s Books Pvt Ltd Sura Books 8174780629 86p UG Library
915.48804 BER 05061050 Nicobar Islands : Bera, Tilak Ranjan, Niyogi Books, 2015 9789383098668 | 938309866X 292 pages : Knowledge Centre
915.48LAC 00089740 India in the Eyes of Europe: The Sixteenth Century Lach, Donald F University of Chicago 492 p UG Library
915.49 BAN 01015174 Bangladesh / Butler,Stuart. Lonely planet, 9781741045475 208p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.49 KAP 05036316 Ladakh : Kapur, Teg Bahadur Mittal Publications, 2003 8170990114 175 p Knowledge Centre
915.49 MAI 05036339 Enchanting Himalayas : Maitra, Kiranshankar Mittal Publications, 2003 8170998557 120 p Knowledge Centre
915.49 REE 05031985 Enchanting India / Reeta & Rupinder Khullar 2013 9788190757867 144p.: Knowledge Centre
915.491 GHA 10004660 An indian woman in islamabad (1997-2000)/ Ghanashyam, Ruchi Penguin random house india pvt ltd., 2024 9780143466987 229 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.4913 MUR 05058768 Where the Indus is young : Murphy, Dervla. Speaking Tiger, 2018 9789387164642 266p.; Knowledge Centre
915.49143 KHA 00137547 Imagining Lahore : Khalid, Haroon. Penguin Viking, 2018 9780670089994 | 0670089990 xii, 289p.; UG Library
915.49504 MAL 01015251 Maldives / Masters,Tom. Lonely Planet, 9781741790139 200p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.496 BAN 04008016 Everest : Band, George HarperColins publishers Ltd. 2003 256p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
915.496 JOS 07005784 Unknown Himalayas / Joshi, Himanshu. Lustre Press, Roli Books, 2008 9788174365668 | 8174365664 160 p. : Library - BR Campus
915.496 LIN 05069903 Into the heart of the himalayas / Lineen, Jono. Speaking Tiger Books LLP, 2020 9788194446828 327p. ; Knowledge Centre
915.496 SAR 00133847 The Sherpas Across The Eastern Himalayas: Sarkar, Anjashi Abhijeet Publications, 2018 9789350742655 xii,184 p.; UG Library
915.496 WEA 07014942 Kashmir : Weare,Garry. Niyogi Books, 2020 9789389136449 336p.; Library - BR Campus
915.49604 ALT 00137817 Wild Himalaya Alter,Stephen Aleph 2019 9789388292771 402p UG Library
915.49604 BON 07014203 Himalaya : Speaking Tiger, 2016 9789388070898 x,448p.: Library - BR Campus
915.49604 IND 01015230 Trekking Weare,Garry. Lonely Planet, 9781740597685 260p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.49604 NAO 05008539 Himalayan vignettes : Naoroji, Kekoo. Himalayan Club ; | Distributed in North America by Antique Collectors' Club ; | Distributed in India and Asia by Mapin Pub., 2003 8188204234 (Mapin) | 189020660 236 p. : Knowledge Centre
915.49604 NEP 01015243 Nepal / Bindloss,Joe. Lonely Planet, 2009 9781741048322 8th ed. 420p.; Knowledge Centre
915.49604 NEP 01015229 Trekking In Nepal Himalaya / Mayhew,Bradley. Lonely Planet, 9781741041880 436p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.49604 PAL 05036380 Himalaya / Palin, Michael Phoenix, 2005 0753819902 296 p Knowledge Centre
915.49604 RAO 04024396 Himalayan Desert / Rao, Nina Roli & Janssen, 2007 9788174364135 125p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
915.49604 SIN 00102771 Pilgrimage tourism in Nepal; Singh N.Dinamani Sumit Enterprises; 9788184201437 288 p. UG Library
915.49604 WEA 05069548 Kashmir : Weare,Garry. Niyogi Books, 2020 9789389136449 336p.; Knowledge Centre
915.49804 BHU 01015250 Bhutan / Brown,Lindsay. Lonely Planet, 9781740595292 296p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.4AOD 00022889 Fodor`s 1982 Guide to India and Nepal Fodor, Hodder 600 p. UG Library
915.4CHA 00090000 History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization: Vol-2 Part-5: A Social History of Early India Chattopadhyaya, B D DORLING KINDERSLEY 9788131719589 305p UG Library
915.4DAS 00027560 Indian:A Tourist`s Paradise Das, Manoj STERLING UG Library
915.4KUM 00005143 History of Indian and Indonesian Art Kumaraswamy, Anand K Dover UG Library
915.4SAC 00089356 Alberuni`s India Sachau, Edward C Fine Art Press 9788175364332 431p UG Library
915.4SUR 00065696 Tourism Guide to India Sura`s Book Pvt Ltd Sura Books 8185629072 46p UG Library
915.4TTK 00035609 Traveller`s Companion: a Pocket Road Guide to Indian and Neighbouring Maps, T T Ttmaps 282 UG Library
915.5 ALT 05074551 The Cobra's Gaze : Alter, Stephen. Aleph Book Company, 2024 9788119635351 412 p.: Knowledge Centre
915.5 ALT 10005113 The Cobra's Gaze : Alter, Stephen. Aleph Book Company, 2024 9788119635351 412 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.50435 DAV 05066660 My journey to Lhasa : David-Neel, Alexandra. Harper & brothers publishers 1927 xxxix, 317 p. ; Knowledge Centre
915.54 GOK 10004333 Jaipur Journals / Gokhale, Namita Penguin Books, 2021 9780143453390 201 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.5484 NAI 07013094 The promise of the metropolis : Nair, Janaki. Oxford University Press, 9780195690446 xviii, 454 p. : Library - BR Campus
915.5484 NAI 01003724 The promise of the metropolis : Nair, Janaki. Oxford University Press, 9780195690446 xviii, 454 p. : Knowledge Centre
915.5484 NAI 08000930 The promise of the metropolis : Nair, Janaki. Oxford University Press, 9780195690446 xviii, 454 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
915.6 LON 05037659 Best Escapes Hills : Lonely Planet, 2014 9781743219706 304p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.6 LON 05037660 Best Escapes Jammu & Kashmir / Lonely Planet, 2014 9781743219690 216p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.6 LON 05036364 India : Planet, Lonely Lonely Planet, 2003 1740594215 1087 p Knowledge Centre
915.6 SIN 05036346 India / Singh, Sarina Lonely Planet, 2001 1864502460 1080 p Knowledge Centre
915.604 DAL 00139708 From the holy mountain : Dalrymple, William. Penguin Random House India; 1997 9780143031086 (paper) x, 483 p. ; UG Library
915.60454 MID 01015188 Middle East / Ham,Anthony. Lonely Planet, 9781741046922 700p.; Knowledge Centre
915.61044 TUR 01015226 Turkey / Bainbridge,James. Lonely Planet, 9781741049275 732p.; Knowledge Centre
915.8 DWI 05035184 In quest of the Buddha : Dwivedi, Sunita. Rupa & Co., 2009 9788129115218 | 8129115212 xliii, 351 p. : Knowledge Centre
915.804 SIN 05035158 Travels in Transoxiana : Singh, Jaswant, Rupa & Co., 2006 8129110024 153 p. : Knowledge Centre
915.80443 THU 01020330 Shadow of the Silk Road / Thubron Colin Harper Perennial, 2006 9780061231773 363p.: Knowledge Centre
915.810447 ANA 05067413 Kabul blogs : Anand, Anita, Women Unlimited, 2016 9788188965847 (paperback) | 8188965847 (paperback) 226 pages : Knowledge Centre
915.87 BUR 05008025 Travels into Bokhara : Burnes, Alexander. Asian Educational Services, 2009 9788120607927 | 8120607929 3 v. ; Knowledge Centre
915.87 BUR 05008026 Travels into Bokhara : Burnes, Alexander. Asian Educational Services, 2009 9788120607927 | 8120607929 3 v. ; Knowledge Centre
915.87 BUR 05008027 Travels into Bokhara : Burnes, Alexander. Asian Educational Services, 2009 9788120607927 | 8120607929 3 v. ; Knowledge Centre
915.871 DTK 00068663 Karnataka: Visitors Guide Directrate, Karnataka Data&expo India Pvt Ltd 2000 256p UG Library
915.904 FAR 00027488 Asia Year Book 1986 Far Eastern Economic Review Far Eastern Economic Review 1986 123 p. UG Library
915.904 SOU 01015214 Southeast Asia : Williams,China. Lonely Planet, 9781741792331 1004p.; Knowledge Centre
915.91 MAY 01015241 Myanmar ( Burma ) / Reid,Robert. Lonely Planet, 9781741047189 400p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.910454 EIM 00136064 A savage dreamland: Eimer,David Bloomsbury publishing plc., 2019 9781526615220 vi,374 p.; UG Library
915.930444 THA 01015181 Thailand's Islnads & Beaches / Burke,Andrew. Lonely Planet, 9781741794137 464p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.930444 THA 01015179 Thailand / Willliams,China. Lonely planet, 9781741791570 2009. Knowledge Centre
915.95 SEO 01015217 Seoul : Robinson,Martin. Lonely Planet, 9781741047745 208p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.950454 MAL 01015187 Malaysia,Singapore & Brunei / Richmond,Simon. Lonely Planet, 9781741048872 636p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.95704 SIN 01015221 Singapore : Oakley,Mat. Lonely Planet, 9781741046649 220p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.95704 SRI 01015222 Sri Lanka / Atkinson,Brett. Lonely Planet, 9781741048353 340p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
915.982 OEY 05036363 Java : Periplus Editions Periplus Editions, 2000 9625932445 411 p Knowledge Centre
915.9904 PHI 01015233 Philippines / Bloom,Greg. Lonely Planet, 9781741047219 484p.; Knowledge Centre
916 HUG 00051926 Exploration of Africa from Cairo to the Cape Hugon, Anne 2000 0500300275 | 9780500300275 176 p UG Library
916.042 BAR 05007941 A description of the coasts of East Africa and Malabar : Barbosa, Duarte. Asian Educational Systems, 1995 xi, 233 p. : Knowledge Centre
916.0433 AFR 01015255 Africa / Ham,Anthony. Lonely Plane Pvt, 9781741049886 1216p.; Knowledge Centre
916.2 SHA 05036365 Let's Go Egypt : Shabot, Joey Macmillan, 2003 1405000643 342 p Knowledge Centre
916.2042 GHO 07005608 In An Antique Land / Ghosh Amitav Penguin Books, 2008 9780143066491 336 p. : Library - BR Campus
916.2042 GHO 04021603 In An Antique Land / Ghosh Amitav Penguin Books, 2008 9780143066491 336 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
916.2042 GHO 07007296 In an Antique / Ghosh Amitav Penguin Books, 2008 9780143417941 336p.: Library - BR Campus
916.20455 BAR 04017203 Peace / Bartley, Jim. Raincoast Books, 2006 1551929635 p. cm. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
916.216 BEA 05036362 Cairo : Beattie, Andrew Signal Books, 2004 1902669770 234 p Knowledge Centre
916.29043 LIE 04007995 The last expedition : Liebowitz, Daniel, W.W. Norton, 2005 0393059030 1st ed. xix, 355 p., [16] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
916.704 AFR 01015170 East Africa / Fitzpatrick,Mary. Lonely Planet, 9781741047691 664p.; Knowledge Centre
916.704 LEI 07012636 Phantom Africa / Leiris, Michel, Seagull Books, 2017 9780857423771 | 0857423770 711 pages : Library - BR Campus
916.8 JAN 00000389 Look Out Forthe Ostriches Jan, Juta ALFRED pv UG Library
916.80466 SOU 01015185 South Africa,Lesotho & Swaziland / Bainbridge,James. Lonely Planet, 2009 9781741048902 8th ed. 684p.; Knowledge Centre
916.8735504 CAP 01015209 Cape Town : Richmond,Simon. Lonely Planet, 9781741048919 260p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
916.8940442 ZAM 01015197 Zambia & Malawi / Murphy,Alan. Lonely Planet, 9781741794335 336p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
916.9104 MAD 01015242 Madagascar & Comoros / Andrew,David. Lonely Planet, 9781741046083 320p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
916.962CRE 00052158 Egypt Crescimbene, Simonetta Tiger Books International 1855012901 126p UG Library
916DES 00087756 Portuguese in the East: A Cultural History of a Maritime Trading Empire Jayasurya, Shihan De Silva I b Tauris & Co Ltd 9781845115852 212p UG Library
917 BAI 00128663 Frommers Texas by Baird david Wiley Publishing 2011 9781118002841 6th ed 470 p, ; UG Library
917 MER 00063951 Major Problems in American Environmental History [WMU] Merchant, Carolyn 0669249939 560p UG Library
917 MUR 05036366 Let's Go San Francisco : Murphy, B Michael Macmillan, 2004 1405033304 353 p Knowledge Centre
917 SAM 00000365 Lost Paradise Samuel, Chotginoft Alfred a pv UG Library
917.1428045 MON 01015237 Montreal & Ouebec City : Louis,Regis St. Lonely Planet, 9781741791709 288p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
917.252 CAI 05036393 Mexico City : Caistor, Nick Signal Books, 2004 0190266907 228 p Knowledge Centre
917.25304 MEX 01015239 Maxico City : Schechter,Daniel C. Lonely Planet, 9781740591829 288p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
917.29 PAU 00059237 The Middle Passage Nai, Paul 2001 0033048706 | 9780330487061 243p UG Library
917.2904 CAR 01015211 Caribben Islands / Berkmoes,Ryan Ver. Lonely Planet, 9781740595759 880p.; Knowledge Centre
917.29123 LIG 05036392 Havana : Lightfoot, Claudia Signal Books, 2004 1902669339 273 p Knowledge Centre
917.3 ERN 00000317 My American Adventure Erna, Barschak Washington 248 p UG Library
917.3 FOD 05036397 USA : Fodor's Fodor, 2000 0679005617 1054 p Knowledge Centre
917.3 FRI 04015230 That Used To Be US : Friedman, Thomas L. Hodder Education Hachette, 2011 9780349000091 380p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
917.3 HAL 00000296 Folls at Home Halsey, Margaret Simon 275 UG Library
917.3 JOH 00000839 American the Beautiful John, F Coountry Beatuiful Foundation 93 p UG Library
917.3 KER 05058295 Historic Documents of 2015 / Sage, 2016 9781506333519 xli, 696 pages ; Knowledge Centre
917.3 SEN 00094429 Of the People Biswarup Sen Chronicle Books 9788180280276 241p UG Library
917.3 TOD 05036390 Let`s Go USA : Todd, Jeremy Macmillan, 2004 1405033223 1077 p Knowledge Centre
917.3 WHI 04017134 Complete national parks of the United States : White, Mel, National Geographic, 2009 9781426205279 (hardcover) | 97 527 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
917.30392 NAR 04023028 The State of The Nation / Nariman, Fali S. Hay Housing, 2013 9789384544065 416p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
917.304920924 PIR 07006354 Zen and the art of motors / Pirsig, Robert M Vintage Books Publication, 2004 9780099786405 xii,417p. Library - BR Campus
917.304920924 PIR 05070307 Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance / Pirsig, Robert M. 1974 380p.; Knowledge Centre
917.304927 ALT 00054056 American Ways:A Guide for Foreigners in the United States (WMU) Althen, Gary 1988 0933662688 171p UG Library
917.304927 ALT 00054057 American Ways:A Guide for Foreigners in the United States (WMU) Althen, Gary 1988 0933662688 171p Yeshwanthpur Campus
917.304927 ALT 00054058 American Ways:A Guide for Foreigners in the United States (WMU) Althen, Gary 1988 0933662688 171 UG Library
917.304927 ALT 00054059 American Ways:A Guide for Foreigners in the United States (WMU) Althen, Gary 1988 0933662688 171p UG Library
917.304927 ALT 00076435 American Ways a Guide for Foreigners in the United States [ WMU ] Althen, Garv 0933662688 171p Yeshwanthpur Campus
917.3049290922 RIC 04012153 Zen and now : Richardson, Mark, Alfred A. Knopf, 2008 9780307269706 (alk. paper) | 0 1st ed. ix, 274 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
917.304931 SCH 05029478 America`s National Parks - the Spectacular Forces That Shaped Our Treasured Lands / Schullery, Paul DK Publishing, 2000 0789480166 391p.: Knowledge Centre
917.304932 USA 01015182 U S A / Benson,Sara. Lonely Planet, 9781741792355 1216p.; Knowledge Centre
917.3BEN 00016597 American Ourneys Bennet, E D Tv UG Library
917.40444 NEW 01015247 New England / Vorhees,Mara. Lonely Planet, 9781741046748 568p.; Knowledge Centre
917.43 DAN 00000268 Vermont a Guide the Green Moutain State Dana, Dotten Houghtion Mifilin 234 p UG Library
917.446104 BOS 01015173 Boston : Vorhees,Mara. Lonely Planet, 9781741791785 280p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
917.4492 THO 00106467 Cape Cod Thoreau, Henry David, Dover Publications, 2004 0486434931 (pbk.) | 9780486434 vii, 192 p. ; UG Library
917.45 LOU 00000267 Rhode Island Louis, W Cappalli Houghton 500 UG Library
917.46 WIL 00000272 Connecticut Wilbur Cross, L Houghton 1989 595 p UG Library
917.471 HOM 05036394 New York City : Homberger, Eric Signal Books, 2004 1902669436 258 p Knowledge Centre
917.471 RAJ 00116623 New York City landmarks Rajs, Jake. Antique Collectors' Club, 2012 9781851496693 | 1851496696 236 p. : UG Library
917.47104 NYC 01015246 NYC : Otis,Ginger Adams. Lonely Planet, 9781741795912 448p.; Knowledge Centre
917.48 AME 00000250 Pennsylvania American Guide, Series Universal 659 UG Library
917.52 CAR 00000255 Maryland Carmody, M John Oxford 561 p UG Library
917.5304 WAS 01015199 Washington,DC : Karlin,Adam. Lonely Planet, 9781741790450 264p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
917.59 FRA 00000270 New Hampshire Francis, P Murphy Houghton 559 p UG Library
917.59 HAR 00000251 Florida a Guide to the Southern most State Harring F C Oxford 1949 456 p UG Library
917.6 CHA 00000264 Missouri Charles Van, Ramaswamy Avon 654 p UG Library
917.61 CAR 00000261 Alabama Carmody, John M Hastings 1959 442p UG Library
917.67 RAY 00000386 Ozark Country Rayburn, Otto Ernest Duell 350 p UG Library
917.68 HAR 00000266 Tennessee a Guide to the State Harrington, J C Hastings 558 p UG Library
917.71 CAR 00000253 Ohio Guide Carmody, M Jhon Oxford 1948 634 p UG Library
917.71 PAR 05036388 Let's Go New York City : Parker, A David Macmillan, 2004 1405033274 400 p Knowledge Centre
917.72 JHO 00000252 Indian amit Jhon, M Crmody University 548 UG Library
917.731104 CHI 01015207 Chicago : Zimmerman,Karla. Lonely Planet, 9781741047677 280p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
917.76 DEN 00000396 Story of Minneapolis in Pictures Dension, T S & Company 94 UG Library
917.77 BEN 00000256 Iowa Beny, Shambaugh F Hastings 583 UG Library
917.8 LIS 00000260 South Dakota Lisle Reese, M Hastings 1952 pv UG Library
917.81 HAR 00000257 Kansas Harrington, F C Hastings 538 UG Library
917.82 FED 00000620 Nebraska Federal, Writers Hastings 424 p UG Library
917.86 HAR 00000263 Montana Harrington, F C Hasting Houses UG Library
917.89 CAR 00000262 New Mexico Carmody, M John Hastings 458 UG Library
917.90434 SOU 01015253 Southwest USA / Blond,Becca. Lonely Planet, 9781741047134 568p.; Knowledge Centre
917.91 HEN 00000258 Arizona the Grand Canyon State a State Guide Henry Alsberg, G Hastings 532 p UG Library
917.931350434 VEG 01015195 Las Vegas : Benson,Sara. Lonely Planet, 9781741046779 264p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
917.94 HER 00033416 Nation`s Capital Cavaliers, Heritage Heritage Cavaliers 327p UG Library
917.94 JOH 00000842 Beautiful California Johnson Paul, C Lane Book Company, 1963 319 p.; UG Library
917.94 LIN 05036386 Let`'s Go California : Lin, Jennie Macmillan, 2004 1405032979 592 p. Knowledge Centre
917.940454 CAL 01015184 California / Benson,Sara. Lonely Planet, 9781741047394 768p.; Knowledge Centre
917.9447 BRO 03009534 Yosemite : Brower, Kenneth. National Geographic Society, 1990 0870447890 : | 0870447947 (lib 199 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
917.9461 SIN 05036391 San Francisco : Sinclair, Mick Signal Books, 2004 1902669657 254 p Knowledge Centre
917.946104 SAN 01015225 San Francisco : Bing,Alison. Lonely Planet, 9781741791686 336p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
917.95 WEL 05036367 Let's Go Pacific Northwest : Wells, G B Enjamin Macmillan, 2004 1405032936 434 p Knowledge Centre
917.972 TAR 00052159 Mexico Tarralo, Pietro 0765192780 122p UG Library
917.9753 DIC 05036387 Let's Go Washington, D.C. : Dickey, Dunia Macmillan, 2004 1405033312 369 p Knowledge Centre
917.98 BUT 00000349 Alaska Butler Evelyn, I Viking 159] UG Library
917.98 SCH 05036389 Let`s Go Alaska : Schmeller, D Greg Macmillan, 2004 1405033673 422 p Knowledge Centre
917.9WOO 00033352 Enchantment of America: Lakes Hils and Prairies: Wood, E Frances Childrens Press 96 p. UG Library
918 GUE 00086610 Motorcycle Diaries Guevara, Ghe Ernesto 2003 9780007272907 165 p UG Library
918 GUE 07013144 Motorcycle Diaries Guevara, Ghe Ernesto 2003 9780007272907 165 p Library - BR Campus
918 NAI 05036399 A Turn in the South / Nai, Paul Picador, 1989 0330487183 307 p Knowledge Centre
918.044 SOU 01015219 South America : louis,Regis St. Lonely Planet, 9781741049237 1064p.; Knowledge Centre
918.1 REG 05037024 Let`s Go Brazil: Travel Guide Rego, Luis Macmillan, 2004 1405033649 542p Knowledge Centre
918.10465 BRA 01015176 Brazil / Louis,Regis St. Lonely Planet, 9781741042979 768p.; Knowledge Centre
918.20464 ARG 01015178 Argentina / Palmerlee,Danny. Lonely Planet, 9781741047028 676p.; Knowledge Centre
918.21104 BUE 01015249 Buenos Aires : Bao,Sandra. Lonely Planet, 9781741046991 248p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
918.21104 BUE 01015171 Buenos Aires : Bao,Sandra. Lonely Planet, 9781741046991 248p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
918.50465 PER 01015235 Peru / Miranda,Carolina. Lonely planet, 9781741790146 580p.; Knowledge Centre
918.525 HIG 05036398 Lima : Higgins, James Signal Books, 2004 1902669983 244 p Knowledge Centre
918.6104 COL 01015210 Colombia / Porup,Jens. Lonely Planet, 9781741048278 352p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
918.704642 VEN 01015200 Venezuela / Raub,Kevin. Lonely Planet, 9781741791587 312p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
919 DUF 00000370 Through the Frozen Fronties Dufek George, J Harcourt 190 UG Library
919 LO 00057055 Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information Systems / Albert K W Yeung Prentice Hall of India, 2002 8120322304 492 p UG Library
919 LOP 00040357 Arctic Dreams Lopez, Barry Bantam Books 1986 417 p UG Library
919 PAN 00131672 Geographic Information System: Pandey Jatin, The Energy and Resource Institute (TERI) 2014 9788179935378 xvii,151 p.; UG Library
919 STE 00000562 Oxford Geographical Note Books Stembridge, Jasper H Oxford UG Library
919 STE 00000565 Oxford Geographical Note Books Stembridge, Jasper H Oxford UG Library
919 STE 00000566 Oxford Geographical Note Books Stembridge, Jasper H Oxford UG Library
919 STE 00000568 Oxford Geographical Note Books Stembridge, Jasper H Oxford UG Library
919 STE 00000570 Oxford Geographical Note Books Stembridge, Jasper H Oxford UG Library
919 STE 00000572 Oxford Geographical Note Books Stembridge, Jasper H Oxford UG Library
919 STE 00000573 Oxford Geographical Note Books Stembridge, Jasper H Oxford UG Library
919 STE 00000571 Oxford Geographical Note Books Stembridge, Jasper H Oxford UG Library
919 STE 00000569 Oxford Geographical Note Books Stembridge, Jasper H Oxford UG Library
919 STE 00000567 Oxford Geographical Note Books Stembridge, Jasper H Oxford UG Library
919 STE 00000563 Oxford Geographical Note Books Stembridge, Jasper H Oxford UG Library
919 STE 00000564 Oxford Geographical Note Books Stembridge, Jasper H Oxford UG Library
919 YEU 05036400 Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information Systems / Albert K W Yeung Prentice Hall of India, 2002 8120322304 492 p Knowledge Centre
919.1632 IMB 00069024 North Pole South Pole Journey to the Ends of the Earth Imbert, Bertrand 2000 0810928817 191 p UG Library
919.4 BRY 07012951 Down under / Bryson, Bill Black Swan, 2015 9781784161835 426p.; Library - BR Campus
919.4 LES 05036333 Let's Go Australia : Lester, Amelia Macmillan, 2004 1405032944 768 p Knowledge Centre
919.4047 AUS 01015254 Australia / Vaisutis,Justine. Lonely Planet, 9781741791600 1116p.; Knowledge Centre
919.45 RAM 05067545 The Wild Heart Of India : Raman, T.R. Shankar. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780199494743 xxxi, 476p.; Knowledge Centre
919.504 SOU 01015220 South Pacific / McKinnon,Rowan. Lonely Planet, 9781741047868 680p.; Knowledge Centre
919.53045 PAP 01015236 Papua New Guinea & Solomon Islands / McKinnon,Rowan. Lonely Planet, 9781741045802 352p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
919.690442 HAW 01015194 Hawaii / Campbell,Jeff. Lonely Planet, 9781741791501 616p.; Knowledge Centre
919.8 CHE 04015655 Spirit of the polar regions / Cheshire, Gerard, Parrogon, 2007 9781405486705 256p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
919.8 PRY 05074824 North Pole : Bravo, Michael. Reaktion Books, 2019 9781789140088 254p.; Knowledge Centre
919.89 LEA 05075208 South Pole: Leane, Elizabeth. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2018 9781780235967 232 p.; Knowledge Centre
919.89 QAS 05066876 Antarctica: Bharat Ki Himani Mahadwip Ke Liye Yatra (Antarctica: India's Journey To The Frozen Continent) (Bahuvachan) (Hindi Edition) / Qasim, S. Z. Niyogi Books, 2019 9789386906571 160p.; Knowledge Centre
919.8904 ARN 03005319 No horizon is so far : Arnesen, Liv. Da Capo Press, 2003 0738207942 253 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
919.8904 HEA 04015643 Shackleton, the Antarctic challenge / Heacox, Kim. National Geographic Society, 1999 0792275365 215 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
919.8904 QAS 05033441 Antarctica : Qasim, S. Z. Niyogi Books, 2013 9789381523742 153 pages : Knowledge Centre
919.8904SCO 00090321 Journal Scott, Robert Falcon Oxford 0199297525 529p UG Library
919.9 CHA 00000298 Snow Ice and Pengvins Charles, Lee Dodd 417 p UG Library
919.9 CLA 00011158 On the Ice Petter Clarke, Rand Mcnally Company 1966 103 p UG Library
919.9/204 DET 04008121 Voyager's grand tour : Dethloff, Henry C. Smithsonian Books, 2003 1588341240 (alk. paper) x, 278 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
919.904 SAG 00104384 Pale Blue Dot Sagan, Carl Ballantine books 1994 9780345376596 xxi,360p UG Library
919.9204 PYN 04012051 Voyager : Pyne, Stephen J., Viking, 2010 9780670021833 xix, 444 p., [8] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
919.92304 CHA 04009761 A passion for Mars : Chaikin, Andrew, Abrams, 2008 9780810972742 | 0810972743 279 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
919.92304 ZUB 03007764 The Case for Mars : Zubrin, Robert. Free Press, 2011 9780684827575 | 9781451608113 Rev. and updated. xxxi, 383 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
919.94 FOD 05036395 Australia : The Guide for All Budgets Where to Stay, Eat and Explore on and Off the Beaten Path / Fodor`s 2003 Fodor, 2000 0140001042 590 p Knowledge Centre
919.969 FRO 05036396 Hawaii : Foster, Jeanette Macmillan, 2000 0028629841 641 p Knowledge Centre
919.994 ROG 05030108 Australia - a Visual Celebration Rogge, Otto New Holland Publishers 1864362995 192p Knowledge Centre