Total Books (Chemistry) - 4346
540 ARO |
04024923 |
Dictionary of Chemistry: |
Arora, Himanshu |
A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors |
2003 |
8174732349 | 9788174732347 |
379p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 BAL |
04001836 |
Apllied Chemistry I |
Balsaraf, V M |
I K International Publishing |
2008 |
9788189866709 |
200 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 BUR |
04007130 |
Chemistry: Introducing Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry |
Burrows, Andrew |
Oxford Universtiy Press |
2009 |
9780199277896 | 9780199667932 |
1395 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 CAN |
04000323 |
Chemistry for Advanced Level / |
Cann, Peter |
John Murray, |
2008 |
9780719586026 |
686 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 DAT |
00131493 |
College chemistry |
Datta,S.C |
Ane books pvt ltd., |
2017 |
9789382127895 |
513p.; |
UG Library |
540 EBB |
04003309 |
Fundamentals of Chemistry |
Ebbing, Darrell |
Thomson South-Western |
2009 |
9788131512418 |
918 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 EBB |
04003308 |
Fundamentals of Chemistry |
Ebbing, Darrell |
Thomson South-Western |
2009 |
9788131512418 |
918 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 EBB |
00097709 |
Fundamentals of Chemistry |
Ebbing, D. Darrel |
Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd., |
9788131512418 |
918 p. |
UG Library |
540 EDH |
00132817 |
Chemical kinetics |
Edhatiya,D.H |
Cyber tech publications, |
2018 |
9789350536476 |
272p.; |
UG Library |
540 FRY |
04002114 |
VIVA Catchup Chemistry: for the Life and Medical Sciences |
Fry, Mitch |
Viva Books |
2007 |
8130906155 |
190 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 KOT |
00097708 |
Chemistry & chemical reactivity / |
Kotz, John C. |
Thomson Brooks/Cole, |
9780495387039 (student ed.) | |
xxvii, 1095, 133, 35 p. : |
UG Library |
540 LEW |
04001931 |
Chemistry |
Lewis, Rob |
Macmillan |
2008 |
9781403905635 |
465 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 MCP |
00098180 |
Introduction to Chemistry |
McPherson, William |
Apple Accademic Press Inc., |
2010 |
9780981166025 |
391 p. |
UG Library |
540 MCP |
00097439 |
Introduction to Chemistry |
McPherson, William |
Apple Accademic Press Inc., |
2010 |
9780981166025 |
391 p. |
UG Library |
540 OXT |
04003048 |
Modern Chemistry |
Oxtoby, David W |
Thomson South-Western |
2008 |
9788131505205 |
988 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 PAN |
04002663 |
Textbook of Environmental Chemistry |
Pani, Balram |
I K International Publishing |
2007 |
9788189866365 |
554 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 PAU |
04003746 |
General chemistry / |
Pauling, Linus, |
Dover Publications, Inc., |
1988 |
0486656225 (pbk.) | 9780486656 |
xiv, 959 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 RAO |
04003536 |
Understanding Chemistry |
Rao, C N R |
Universities Press |
2006 |
9788173712500 |
298 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 SPI |
04003893 |
Chemistry of the Environment |
Spiro, Thomas G |
Prentice-Hall of Inida | Viva Books |
2003 |
9788120321465 | 9789386105257 |
3rd ed. |
482 p | 615p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 TRO |
00138227 |
Introductory Chemistry Essentials |
Tro,Nivaldo J. |
Pearson, |
2019 |
9781292232195 |
6th ed. |
673p.; |
UG Library |
540 WIL |
00131598 |
Problems in chemistry for JEE |
Wiley |
Wiley india pvt ltd., |
2018 |
9788126573639 |
xiii,510p.; |
UG Library |
540 AGA |
00122861 |
Chemistry finish faster |
Agarwala S K |
Pragati Prakashan |
2012 |
9788189865443 |
5th ed. |
847p. |
UG Library |
540 AGA |
00118145 |
Molecular Symmetry in Chemistry Via Group Theory/ |
Agarwala, U.C. |
Ane Books Pvt.Ltd., |
2013 |
9789381162927 |
xiv: 485p.; |
UG Library |
540 AGA |
00027766 |
I.I.T Guide For Chemistry |
Agarwal O.P. |
Pragathi |
1987 |
855 p |
UG Library |
540 AGA |
00111426 |
Molecular Symmetry in Chemistry Via Group Theory/ |
Agarwala, U.C. |
Ane Books Pvt.Ltd., |
2013 |
9789381162927 |
xiv: 485p.; |
UG Library |
540 AHL |
00084927 |
College Practical Chemistry |
Ahluwalia, V K |
Universities Press |
2005 |
8173715068 |
502p |
UG Library |
540 AHL |
00084945 |
College Practical Chemistry |
Ahluwalia, V K |
Universities Press |
2005 |
8173715068 |
502p |
UG Library |
540 AHL |
00126792 |
Chemistry MCQ |
Ahluwalia,Vinod Kumar |
Bharati Bhawan, |
2016 |
9788177097979 |
5-126 p.: |
UG Library |
540 AHL |
00090069 |
Chemistry of Natural Products |
Ahluwalia, V K |
Vishal Publishing Co |
2008 |
8188646628 |
210p |
UG Library |
540 AHL |
00090071 |
Chemistry of Natural Products |
Ahluwalia, V K |
Vishal Publishing Co |
2008 |
8188646628 |
210p |
UG Library |
540 AHL |
00090070 |
Chemistry of Natural Products |
Ahluwalia, V K |
Vishal Publishing Co |
2008 |
8188646628 |
210p |
UG Library |
540 AHL |
00001143 |
Pre University Chemistry |
Bahl, B S |
UG Library |
540 AHL |
00083448 |
College Practical Chemistry. |
Ahluwalia, V K |
Universities Press |
2005 |
8173715068 |
502p |
UG Library |
540 AIN |
00045854 |
Chemistry in Today`s World |
Ainley, D |
Universal Book Stall |
1997 |
8185274851 |
407p |
UG Library |
540 ALL |
04007726 |
Chemistry, experiment and theory / |
Allen, Thomas L. |
Harper & Row, |
1982 |
0060402091 |
2nd ed. |
xx, 742, [67] p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 AMB |
00012847 |
Elementary Chemical Calculations |
Amba Prasad, |
Asia |
198 |
UG Library |
540 AME |
00045855 |
General, Organic and Biological Chemistry |
Amend, John R |
Sunders College Publishing. |
1990 |
0030469880 | 9780030469886 |
867p |
UG Library |
540 AND |
00003650 |
Fandamental Chemistry |
Andrews |
1900 |
1 |
UG Library |
540 AND |
00013549 |
Fundamental Chemistry |
Andrews, Donald H. |
Wiley Eastern Private Ltd |
1965 |
2d ed. |
xii, 811 p. |
UG Library |
540 ANN |
00052100 |
Chemistry |
Ann |
2000 |
2nd ed |
570 |
UG Library |
540 ARO |
00115162 |
Dictionary of Chemistry |
Arora, Himanshu |
A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors |
2000 |
8174732349 |
379 p |
UG Library |
540 ARO |
00124288 |
A Complete Resource Manual Chemistry |
ed by, R.S. Arora |
Unique Publishers, |
2016 |
9789351873884 |
845 p.: |
UG Library |
540 ATK |
04007683 |
General chemistry / |
Atkins, P. W. |
Scientific American Books ; | Distributed by W.H.Freeman and Co., |
1989 |
0716719401 |
xxiv, 989 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 ATK |
00123142 |
Chemistry |
Atkins, P. W. |
Oxford University Press, |
2015 |
9780199683970 (pbk.) | 0199683 |
First edition. |
xvi, 107 p:. |
UG Library |
540 ATZ |
00130596 |
Functional Molecular Materials |
Atzori, Matteo |
Pan Stanford Publishing, |
2018 |
9789814774765 |
xii, 400 p . : |
UG Library |
540 BAH |
00115586 |
Numerical Problems in Chemistry |
Bahl, B S |
S Chand |
2000 |
9788121085809 |
262p |
UG Library |
540 BAI |
04007735 |
Chemistry / |
Academic Press, |
1984 |
0120728559 |
2nd ed. |
xv, 1135, 30, 19 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 BAI |
00131104 |
Chemistry of the Environment / |
Bailey, Ronald A. |
Elsevier, |
2002 |
9788181477217 |
2nd ed. |
xxiv, 835p. : |
UG Library |
540 BAI |
04017740 |
Chemistry of the Environment / |
Bailey, Ronald A. |
Elsevier, |
2002 |
9788181477217 |
2nd ed. |
xxiv, 835p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 BEN |
00055617 |
Encyclopaedia of Nobel Laureates Chemistry |
Benette, Raymond |
Dominant Publishers and Distributors |
8178880652 |
288p |
UG Library |
540 BEN |
00055618 |
Encyclopaedia of Nobel Laureates Chemistry |
Benette, Raymond |
Dominant Publishers and Distributors |
8178880652 |
288p |
UG Library |
540 BHA |
00115588 |
S Chand's Question Bank in Chemistry / |
Bharadwaj, Shreesh |
S Chand |
2003 |
9788121917278 |
775p |
UG Library |
540 BHA |
00115646 |
I S C Chemistry: Question Bank for Class XII |
Bhardweaj, Shreesh |
S Chand |
2004 |
9788121920643 |
614p |
UG Library |
540 BIS |
00115645 |
ICSE Chemistry for 9th Standred |
Bisht B S |
S Chand & Company |
2005 |
9788121920735 |
370 p |
UG Library |
540 BIS |
00115573 |
ICSE Chemistry |
Bisht B.S. |
S. Chand & Com |
9788121905411 |
340 p. |
UG Library |
540 BIS |
00109303 |
ICSE Chemistry |
Bisht B.S. |
S. Chand & Com |
9788121905411 |
340 p. |
UG Library |
540 BLA |
00127962 |
Chemistry |
Blackman, Allan |
John Wiley, |
2016 |
9780730311058 |
3rd ed, |
xx, 1159 p.: |
UG Library |
540 BLE |
00055623 |
General, Organic, and Biochemistry: Connecting Chemistry to Your Life |
Blei, Ira |
2000 |
0716737477 |
775p |
UG Library |
540 BOH |
00012258 |
Text Book of Organic Chemistry |
Bohe, B S |
Chand |
UG Library |
540 BOI |
04007681 |
Chemical principles / |
Boikess, Robert S. |
Harper & Row, |
1981 |
0060408081 |
2d ed. |
xxi, 803 p., [1] leaf of plates : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 BOY |
05033530 |
The sceptical chymist : |
Boyle, Robert, |
Dover Publications, |
2003 |
0486428257 (pbk.) |
vii, 230 p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
540 BRA |
00102231 |
Chemistry: |
Brady James.E |
John wiley & Sons,inc; |
9788126519590 |
953 p. |
UG Library |
540 BRA |
04007729 |
Chemistry : |
Brady, James E., |
Wiley, |
1993 |
0471530085 |
1 v. (various pagings) : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 BRA |
00033930 |
General Chemistry |
Brady, E James |
John Wiley & Sons |
900 p |
UG Library |
540 BRE |
00015174 |
Chemistry |
Brescia, Frank, |
Saunders, |
1974 |
0721619835 |
xvii, 644, xxii p. |
UG Library |
540 BRO |
04007709 |
Chemistry : |
Brown, Theodore L. |
Prentice Hall, |
1988 |
0131297929 |
4th ed. |
xxiv, 1028 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 BRO |
00039697 |
Chemistry |
Brown, Theodore L. |
Prentice Hall, |
1991 |
0131262025 : | 9780131262027 |
5th ed. |
xxx, 1045, G-19, I-21 p. : |
UG Library |
540 BRO |
00078162 |
Chemistry |
Brown, Theodore L. |
Prentice Hall, |
2002 |
0130669970 (student ed.) | 013 |
9th ed. |
xxxvii, 1046 p. : |
UG Library |
540 BRO |
00063802 |
Chemistry |
Brown, Theodore L. |
Prentice Hall, |
2002 |
0130669970 (student ed.) | 013 |
9th ed. |
xxxvii, 1046 p. : |
UG Library |
540 BRO |
00078163 |
Chemistry |
Brown, Theodore L. |
Prentice Hall, |
2002 |
0130669970 (student ed.) | 013 |
9th ed. |
xxxvii, 1046 p. : |
UG Library |
540 BRO |
00078161 |
Chemistry |
Brown, Theodore L. |
Prentice Hall, |
2002 |
0130669970 (student ed.) | 013 |
9th ed. |
xxxvii, 1046 p. : |
UG Library |
540 BRO |
00015180 |
General Chemistry |
Brown, Theodore L. |
Merrill |
1968 |
2d ed. |
xx, 668 p. |
UG Library |
540 BRO |
05060486 |
Chemistry : |
Brown,Theodore L. |
Pearson, |
2018 |
9781292221229 |
14th edition. |
1245 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
540 BUE |
00063965 |
Chemistry Fundamentals |
Buell, Phyllis. |
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, |
2003 |
0763710741 |
2nd ed. |
xvi, 655 p. : |
UG Library |
540 BUE |
00063964 |
Chemistry Fundamentals |
Buell, Phyllis. |
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, |
2003 |
0763710741 |
2nd ed. |
xvi, 655 p. : |
UG Library |
540 BUE |
00061786 |
Chemistry Fundamentals - an Environmental Perspective |
Buell, Phyllis |
Jones and Bartlett Publishers |
2003 |
655p |
UG Library |
540 BUR |
00120222 |
Chemistry: Introducing Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry |
Burrows, Andrew |
Oxford Universtiy Press |
2009 |
9780199277896 | 9780199667932 |
1395 p |
UG Library |
540 BUR |
00146520 |
Chemistry |
Burdge Julia |
Mc Graw Hill, |
2023 |
9781265122447 |
6th ed. |
xxxv, 1162p.; |
UG Library |
540 BUR |
00146521 |
Chemistry: Atoms first/ |
Burdge, Julia |
Mc Graw Hill, |
2024 |
9781266136788 |
5th ed. |
xxxiv,1124,I-12p.; |
UG Library |
540 BUR |
00098027 |
Chemistry3 : |
Oxford University Press, |
9780199277896 (pbk.) | 0199277 |
xviii, 1395 p. : |
UG Library |
540 BYL |
05070002 |
Chemistry : |
Bylikin, Sergey, |
Oxford University Press, |
2014 |
9780198392125 | 0198392125 |
2014 edition. |
x, 802 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
540 CAM |
04007699 |
Chemical systems: |
Campbell, J. Arthur |
W. H. Freeman |
1970 |
0716701456 |
xiv, 1095 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 CAN |
00061703 |
Chemistry for Advanced Level / |
Cann, Peter |
John Murray, |
2008 |
9780719586026 |
686 p. : |
UG Library |
540 CAR |
00000103 |
Jefferson Selleck |
Carl Jonas |
Mcclelland |
1952 |
300 p |
UG Library |
540 CHA |
00143572 |
Concise Inorganic Chemistry / |
Chandra, Sulekh. |
I K International, |
2020 |
9789389976069 |
ix, 269p, ; |
UG Library |
540 CHA |
00127693 |
General chemistry : |
Chang, Raymond. |
McGraw Hill, |
2013 |
9781259098659 |
Version 3.0. |
xxii, 779 p. |
UG Library |
540 CHA |
00127686 |
Chemistry |
Chang, Ratmond., |
McGraw Hill, |
2013 |
9780071317870 |
xxxiii, 1085 p. |
UG Library |
540 CHA |
00070399 |
Chemistry |
Chang, Raymond. |
McGraw-Hill |
2005 |
0072512644 |
8th ed. |
xxviii, 1039 p |
UG Library |
540 CHA |
00121694 |
Physical Chemistry for the Chemical and Biological Sciences |
Chang, Raymond |
Viva Books Private Limited, |
2015 |
9788130931081 |
xvi, 1018 p:. |
UG Library |
540 CHA |
00069140 |
Chemistry |
Chang, Raymond |
McGraw Hill |
2002 |
0071120726 |
1001 p |
UG Library |
540 CHA |
00051373 |
Chemistry |
Chang, Raymond. |
McGraw-Hill, |
1998 |
007011644X |
6th ed. |
xxxviii, 995, 53 p. : |
UG Library |
540 CHA |
00051377 |
Chemistry |
Chang, Raymond. |
McGraw-Hill, |
1998 |
007011644X |
6th ed. |
xxxviii, 995, 53 p. : |
UG Library |
540 CHA |
00051376 |
Chemistry |
Chang, Raymond. |
McGraw-Hill, |
1998 |
007011644X |
6th ed. |
xxxviii, 995, 53 p. : |
UG Library |
540 CHA |
00051374 |
Chemistry |
Chang, Raymond. |
McGraw-Hill, |
1998 |
007011644X |
6th ed. |
xxxviii, 995, 53 p. : |
UG Library |
540 CHA |
00051375 |
Chemistry |
Chang, Raymond. |
McGraw-Hill, |
1998 |
007011644X |
6th ed. |
xxxviii, 995, 53 p. : |
UG Library |
540 CHA |
00053381 |
Chemistry |
Chang, Raymond. |
McGraw-Hill, |
1998 |
007011644X |
6th ed. |
xxxviii, 995, 53 p. : |
UG Library |
540 CHA |
00125155 |
Understanding experimental planning for advanced level chemistry : |
Chan, Kim Seng. |
World Scientific Publishing |
2015 |
9789814667906 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xv, 289 pages : |
UG Library |
540 CHA |
00069584 |
Chemistry |
Chang, Raymond. |
McGraw-Hill |
2005 |
0072512644 |
8th ed. |
xxviii, 1039 p |
UG Library |
540 CHA |
04007698 |
Chemistry / |
Chang, Raymond. |
McGraw-Hill, |
1991 |
0070105189 : |
4th ed. |
xxv, 1065, [44] p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 CHA |
00039204 |
Chemistry II Puc |
1900 |
1 |
UG Library |
540 CHA |
00125154 |
Understanding Basic Chemistry Through Problem Solving : |
Chan, Kim Seng. |
World Scientific, |
2015 |
9789814641180 |
ix, 457 pages : |
UG Library |
540 CHA |
00041057 |
Chemistry |
Chang, Raymond. |
McGraw-Hill, |
1994 |
0070110034 (acidfree paper) : |
5th ed. |
xxv, 994 p. I 18 :1 v. (various pagings) : |
UG Library |
540 CHA |
00132807 |
Understanding basic chemistry through problem solving : |
Chan, Kim Seng. |
W S Education, |
2017 |
9789813209770 (softcover : alk. paper) |
Revised edition. |
ix, 457 pages ; |
UG Library |
540 CHA |
00035463 |
Chemistry |
Chang, Raymond |
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company |
1989 |
3th ed, |
xxiv, 1121 p, |
UG Library |
540 CHE |
00008841 |
College Chemistry |
Cheriyan, O.A. |
Vidyarthi Mithram Book Depot |
1969 |
226 p. : |
UG Library |
540 CHE |
00001153 |
Chemistry of Some Life Processes |
Cheldelin,Vernon H. |
Chapman & Hall Ltd |
1963 |
120 p. |
UG Library |
540 CNG |
00127690 |
Chemistry |
Karnataka CET and COMEDK 2e |
CENGAGE Learning, |
2014 |
9788131522196 |
vii, 657 p. |
UG Library |
540 COL |
00016467 |
Chemistry in Context |
Coldham, Michael & Mcknight |
Hutchinsons |
100 p |
UG Library |
540 CRO |
00108602 |
Introductory chemistry |
Cracolice,Mark S. |
Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, |
2011 |
9780495558538 (pbk.) | 0495558 |
4th ed. |
xxix, 784 p. : |
UG Library |
540 DAL |
00145459 |
Chemistry: |
Dalton, Remi |
Larsen & Keller |
2022 |
9781641725743 |
viii:232p. |
UG Library |
540 DAL |
00008395 |
Elements of Intermediate Chemistry |
Dalt, |
676p |
UG Library |
540 DAS |
00028241 |
Modern Chemistry |
Metcalfe,Clark H. |
Halt Rinehrt And Winston Publishers |
1982 |
0030579899 |
694 p. |
UG Library |
540 DAT |
00105089 |
Undergraduate Chemistry: |
Datta.S.C. |
Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. |
2011 |
9789380618883 |
xxii,395p. |
UG Library |
540 DAT |
00105090 |
Undergraduate Chemistry: |
Datta.S.C. |
Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. |
2011 |
9789380618883 |
xxii,395p. |
UG Library |
540 DAT |
00105091 |
Undergraduate Chemistry: |
Datta.S.C. |
Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. |
2011 |
9789380618883 |
xxii,395p. |
UG Library |
540 DAT |
00105092 |
Undergraduate Chemistry: |
Datta.S.C. |
Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. |
2011 |
9789380618883 |
xxii,395p. |
UG Library |
540 DES |
00142487 |
A mole of chemistry : |
Desgranges,Caroline. |
CRC Press, |
2020 |
9780367208240 |
xiv,215p.; |
UG Library |
540 DES |
05047084 |
Theory and Numerical Examples in Chemistry / |
Desikachar.S |
Desikachar, |
1969 |
112p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
540 DHA |
00082143 |
Chemistry for Engineering Entrance Examinations and IIT-JEE Screening test 2003 |
Dhawan, Prem |
Tata McGreaw-Hill |
2003 |
xxiii,1417 p. |
UG Library |
540 DIA |
00147607 |
Chemistry Basics |
Diaz Franklin (Author) |
Keya International Press LLP, |
2024 |
9788196667450 |
vii,279p.; |
UG Library |
540 DIS |
00129877 |
NEET Chemistry Guide |
Disha Publication, |
2018 |
9789386320780 |
5th Edition |
760 p . : |
UG Library |
540 DOR |
00059780 |
Teacher`s Guide: Chemistry |
Dorin, Henry |
Allyn and Bacon |
1987 |
0205096212 |
689 p. : |
UG Library |
540 DUT |
00073250 |
Concepts of Chemistry. |
Dutt, P.K. |
Sarat Book Distributors |
2004 |
8187169427 | 8187169435 |
xiii, 719 p. : |
UG Library |
540 DUT |
00073246 |
Concepts of Chemistry. |
Dutt, P.K. |
Sarat Book Distributors |
2004 |
8187169427 | 8187169435 |
xiii, 719 p. : |
UG Library |
540 DUT |
00073248 |
General & Inorganic Chemistry |
Dutt, P K |
Sarat Book Distributors |
2003 |
8187169036 |
621 p. |
UG Library |
540 DUT |
00072882 |
General & Inorganic Chemistry |
Dutt, P K |
Sarat Book Distributors |
2003 |
8187169036 |
621 p. |
UG Library |
540 EAR |
00109284 |
IGCSE Chemistry |
Earl Bryan |
Hodder Education |
2009 |
9780340981887 |
2nd Ed. |
xvi; 295 p. |
UG Library |
540 EAR |
00055616 |
Further Advanced Chemistry |
Earl, B |
John Murray |
2001 |
0719586089 |
266 p |
UG Library |
540 EAR |
00115647 |
IGCSE Chemistry |
Earl, B |
John Murray |
2002 |
9780719586170 |
300p |
UG Library |
540 EAR |
00115650 |
Chemistry: IGCSE |
Earl, B |
John Murray |
2003 |
9780719586170 |
300p |
UG Library |
540 EBB |
00047811 |
Introductory Chemistry |
Ebbing, Darrell D. |
Houghton Mifflin, |
1995 |
0395466253 | 9780395466254 |
xxii, 688 p. : 1 v. (various pagings) : |
UG Library |
540 EBB |
00115651 |
General Chemistry |
Ebbing, D Darrell |
A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors |
8174730753 |
452p |
UG Library |
540 EBL |
00015170 |
Chemistry: A survey of fundamentals |
Eblin, Lawrence Powell, |
Harcourt, Brace & World |
1968 |
xxiv, 676 p. |
UG Library |
540 EBL |
00015171 |
The Elements of Chemistry |
Eblin, Lawrence Powell, |
Harcourt, Brace & World |
1970 |
0155220713 |
2d ed. |
xvii, 492 p. |
UG Library |
540 ELE |
00135314 |
Illustrated handbook of general chemistry |
E-learning |
3G E-Learning, |
2018 |
9781680945676 |
367p.; |
UG Library |
540 FAC |
00096464 |
A2Chemistry: |
Facer George |
Oxfordshire |
9781844892136 |
334 p |
UG Library |
540 FAY |
00055183 |
Chemistry |
Fay, Mcmurry |
2001 |
0013090466 |
3th ed |
1067p |
UG Library |
540 FER |
00007201 |
Modern chemical science |
Fernandez, Jack E., |
Macmillan |
1971 |
xii, 288 p. |
UG Library |
540 FIE |
00056006 |
General Chemistry II Lab Manual |
Western Michigan University |
1991 |
1997 |
0003019234 |
373 p.: |
UG Library |
540 FOG |
00027967 |
Fogiel, M |
Readings, |
1985 |
0878915095 |
943 p.: |
UG Library |
540 FRE |
00015123 |
Essentials of College Chemistry. |
Frey, Paul Reheard. |
Prentice-Hall, |
1960 |
xviii, 520 p. : |
UG Library |
540 FRE |
00015173 |
Essentials of College Chemistry. |
Frey, Paul Reheard. |
Prentice-Hall, |
1960 |
xviii, 520 p. : |
UG Library |
540 FRY |
00133602 |
Chemistry |
Fry, Mitch |
Viva Catchup, |
2019 |
9788130912363 |
2nd ed, |
212 p.: |
UG Library |
540 FUL |
00052091 |
Chemistry |
Fullick, Ann |
Heinemann Educational Publishers |
2000 |
0043557096 | 9780435570965 |
2nd ed |
570 p. : |
UG Library |
540 GAR |
00006495 |
Chemistry in the Space Age |
Gardner, Marjorie H. |
Holt, Rinehart and Winston |
1965 |
176 p. |
UG Library |
540 GHO |
00107228 |
General and Physical Chemistry |
Ghoshal A. |
Books and Allied (p) Ltd. |
2009 |
8187134674 |
v:326 P. |
UG Library |
540 GHO |
00108262 |
General and Physical Chemistry |
Ghoshal A. |
Books and Allied (p) Ltd. |
2009 |
8187134674 |
v:326 P. |
UG Library |
540 GIL |
00128427 |
Chemistry |
Gilbert, Thomas R. |
W. W. Norton & Company, |
2018 |
9780393615159 |
5th ed, |
xxxii, 1095 p.: |
UG Library |
540 GIL |
00135677 |
Chemistry. |
Gilbert, Thomas R. |
W.W. Norton, |
2018 |
9780393926491 | 9780393615203 |
2nd ed. / |
xxxi,1093p.; |
UG Library |
540 GIL |
00061702 |
Chemistry |
Gilbert, Thomas R. |
Norton, |
2015 |
0393975312 | 9780393975314 | 9 |
4th ed., |
xxxiii, 1085 p.: |
UG Library |
540 GIL |
00127004 |
Chemistry |
Gilbert, Thomas R. |
Norton, |
2015 |
0393975312 | 9780393975314 | 9 |
4th ed., |
xxxiii, 1085 p.: |
UG Library |
540 GIL |
00112990 |
Chemistry |
Gilbert, Thomas R. |
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. |
2014 |
9780393912340 (hardcover) |
First edition. |
xxxiii, 978 pages, 116 variously numbered pages : |
UG Library |
540 GIL |
00108021 |
Chemistry |
Gilbert |
W.W.Norton & Company |
2012 |
9780393118278 |
3rd Ed. |
xxx; 1079 p. |
UG Library |
540 GKP |
05058436 |
GATE 2018 : Life science chemistry and general aptitude |
CL Media pvt ltd., |
2018 |
9789386309778 |
5.7p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
540 GLI |
00002544 |
General Chemistry |
Glinka, N |
Foreign Languages Publishing House |
1960 |
694 p. : |
UG Library |
540 GLI |
00027063 |
General Chemistry;vol:I |
Glinka, N L |
Mir |
370 p |
UG Library |
540 GLI |
00027064 |
General Chemistry Vol II |
Glinka, Nikolaĭ Leonidovich, |
Mir Publishers, |
1981 |
[3rd ed.] |
396 p. with illus., 1 l. of tables. |
UG Library |
540 GOL |
04007675 |
College chemistry / |
Goldwhite, Harold. |
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, |
1984 |
0156015617 (pbk.) |
1st ed. |
x, 371 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 GOL |
00055093 |
Fundamentals of Chemistry |
Goldberg, David E. |
WCB/McGraw-Hill, |
1998 |
0697291502 (acidfree paper) | |
2nd ed. |
xxii, 561 p. : |
UG Library |
540 GOP |
00128414 |
Methodology of Chemistry |
Gopinath, Anu |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2015 |
9789382956402 |
208 p.: |
UG Library |
540 GOP |
00128413 |
Methodology of Chemistry |
Gopinath, Anu |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2015 |
9789382956402 |
208 p.: |
UG Library |
540 GOP |
00124668 |
Group Theory in Chemistry |
Gopinathan, M. S. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2013 |
9798188646455 |
154 p.; |
UG Library |
540 GOP |
00124669 |
Group Theory in Chemistry |
Gopinathan, M. S. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2013 |
9798188646455 |
154 p.; |
UG Library |
540 GOP |
00045398 |
Multiple Choice Questions in Chemistry. |
Gopalan, R |
Tata McGraw-Hill |
1996 |
0074621335 |
272p |
UG Library |
540 GOP |
00124671 |
Methodology of Chemistry |
Gopinath, Anu |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2015 |
9789382956402 |
208 p.: |
UG Library |
540 GOP |
00090063 |
Group Theory in Chemistry |
Gopinathan, M S |
Vishal Publishing Co |
8188646458 |
154p |
UG Library |
540 GOP |
00124672 |
Methodology of Chemistry |
Gopinath, Anu |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2015 |
9789382956402 |
208 p.: |
UG Library |
540 GOP |
00090064 |
Group Theory in Chemistry |
Gopinathan, M S |
Vishal Publishing Co |
8188646458 |
154p |
UG Library |
540 GOP |
00090065 |
Group Theory in Chemistry |
Gopinathan, M S |
Vishal Publishing Co |
8188646458 |
154p |
UG Library |
540 GRE |
04008465 |
20th Century Science : Chemistry / |
Greenberg, Arthur |
Viva books, |
2010 |
9788130913018 |
xxvi, 470p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 GUH |
00131590 |
J. D. LEE Concise Inorganic Chemistry for JEE (main & advanced) |
Guha, Sudarsan, |
Wiley India Pvt.Ltd, |
2017 |
9788126566495 |
xxix,114 p.; |
UG Library |
540 GUP |
00048050 |
Conceptual & Numercial Chemistry |
Gupta, Navindu |
Phoenix Publishing House Pvt Ltd |
1999 |
8174840206 |
xi, 631 p. : |
UG Library |
540 GUP |
00055615 |
Conceptual & Numercial Chemistry |
Gupta, Navindu |
Phoenix Publishing House Pvt Ltd |
1999 |
8174840206 |
xi, 631 p. : |
UG Library |
540 HAR |
00115591 |
Chemistry |
Harwood, Richard |
Cambridge University Press |
1999 |
9788175961579 | 9780521666626 |
Cambridge low Price ed |
vii, 415 p. : |
UG Library |
540 HAR |
00115590 |
Chemistry |
Harwood, Richard |
Cambridge University Press |
1999 |
9788175961579 | 9780521666626 |
Cambridge low Price ed |
vii, 415 p. : |
UG Library |
540 HAR |
00061784 |
Chemistry |
Harwood, Richard |
Cambridge University Press |
1999 |
9788175961579 | 9780521666626 |
Cambridge low Price ed |
vii, 415 p. : |
UG Library |
540 HAR |
00047792 |
Chemistry |
Harwood, Richard |
Cambridge University Press |
1999 |
9788175961579 | 9780521666626 |
Cambridge low Price ed |
vii, 415 p. : |
UG Library |
540 HAR |
00052206 |
Chemistry |
Harwood, Richard |
Cambridge University Press |
1999 |
9788175961579 | 9780521666626 |
Cambridge low Price ed |
vii, 415 p. : |
UG Library |
540 HAR |
00052205 |
Chemistry |
Harwood, Richard |
Cambridge University Press |
1999 |
9788175961579 | 9780521666626 |
Cambridge low Price ed |
vii, 415 p. : |
UG Library |
540 HAS |
00041781 |
Chemical Investigations for Changing Times (WMU) |
Hassell, C Alton |
1997 |
0023517018 |
232 p |
UG Library |
540 HAS |
00041782 |
Chemical Investigations for Changing Times (WMU) |
Hassell, C Alton |
1997 |
0023517018 |
232 p |
UG Library |
540 HAY |
00106842 |
Hand book Chemistry and Physics |
Haynes W.M. |
CRC Press |
2011 |
978149855119 |
221 P. |
UG Library |
540 HAY |
00118831 |
Hand book of Chemistry and Physics |
Haynes W.M. |
CRC Press |
2014 |
9781482208672 |
16-60p.; |
UG Library |
540 HEI |
00053367 |
Foundation of College Chemistry |
Hein, Morris |
2000 |
0534363997 |
10th ed |
564 p.: |
UG Library |
540 HEI |
00055625 |
Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry |
Hein, Morris |
0534379982 |
994p |
UG Library |
540 HIL |
00061704 |
Chemistry Counts |
Hill, Graham |
Hodder & Stoughton |
1995 |
0340639342 | 9780340639344 |
2nd ed |
284 p. : |
UG Library |
540 HIl |
00041717 |
Chemistry for Chainging Times |
Hill, W John |
Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs, |
1996 |
0023551003 |
7th ed. |
xxiv, 720 p.: |
UG Library |
540 HIL |
00039696 |
Chemistry for Changing Times |
Hill, John William, |
Macmillan ; | Maxwell Macmillan Canada, |
1992 |
0023550708 | 9780023550706 |
6th ed. |
xxx, 749, [65] p. : |
UG Library |
540 HIL |
00053505 |
Chemistry for Changing Times |
Hill, John William, |
Prentice Hall, |
2001 |
0130874892 |
9th ed. |
xxv, 623 p. : |
UG Library |
540 HIL |
00076443 |
Student’s guide to Brown and LeMay, Chemistry |
Hill, James C |
Prentice Hall | Pearson Education |
2003 |
0130097950 | 9780130097958 |
ix, 580 p. : |
UG Library |
540 HIL |
00076444 |
Student’s guide to Brown and LeMay, Chemistry |
Hill, James C |
Prentice Hall | Pearson Education |
2003 |
0130097950 | 9780130097958 |
ix, 580 p. : |
UG Library |
540 HOR |
00019514 |
Chemistry: Multiple Choice a Level |
Horgan, J M |
Celtic Revision Aids |
1979 |
139 p.: |
UG Library |
540 HOR |
00019515 |
Worked Examples a Level Chemistry |
Horgan, J M |
Middle Sex |
74 p |
UG Library |
540 HUT |
00055614 |
Trends in Science Chemistry |
Hutchinson |
Helicon Publishing |
1859863531 |
278p |
UG Library |
540 IIT |
05060105 |
Pearson IIT Foundation Series Chemistry / |
Trishna Knowledg Systems |
Pearson, |
2018 |
9789352866762 |
7th ed. |
xvii,11.55p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
540 IIT |
05060140 |
Pearson IIT Foundation Series Chemistry / |
Trishna Knowledg Systems |
Pearson, |
2018 |
9789352866731 |
6th ed. |
xv,6.32p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
540 IIT |
05060141 |
Pearson IIT Foundation Series Chemistry / |
Trishna Knowledg Systems |
Pearson, |
2018 |
9789352866748 |
7th ed. |
xv,7.48p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
540 IIT |
05060142 |
Pearson IIT Foundation Series Chemistry / |
Trishna Knowledg Systems |
Pearson, |
2018 |
9789352866755 |
7th ed. |
xvii,9.39p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
540 IND |
00051440 |
College Chemistry [ Vol.2 ] |
Indira |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1998 |
21.13 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00042421 |
College Chemistry - I |
Indira, L |
Himalayan |
2004 |
269p |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00080020 |
College Chemistry -II |
Indira, L |
Himalaya Publishing House |
2005 |
232 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00042422 |
College Chemistry Vol-1 |
Indira L |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1997 |
483 p |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00042423 |
College Chemistry Vol-1 |
Indira L |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1997 |
483 p |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00042424 |
College Chemistry Vol-1 |
Indira L |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1997 |
483 p |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00042425 |
College Chemistry Vol-1 |
Indira L |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1997 |
483 p |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00042426 |
College Chemistry Vol-1 |
Indira L |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1997 |
483 p |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00042427 |
College Chemistry Vol-1 |
Indira L |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1997 |
483 p |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00042428 |
College Chemistry Vol-1 |
Indira L |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1997 |
483 p |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00042429 |
College Chemistry Vol-1 |
Indira L |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1997 |
483 p |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00042430 |
College Chemistry Vol-1 |
Indira L |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1997 |
483 p |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00052732 |
College Chemistry Vol-1 |
Indira L |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1997 |
483 p |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00052733 |
College Chemistry Vol-1 |
Indira L |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1997 |
483 p |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00047002 |
College Chemistry-Vol III |
Indira, L |
Himalaya Publishing House, |
1999 |
8174936777 |
248 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00052736 |
College Chemistry Vol-1 |
Indira L |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1997 |
483 p |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00047003 |
College Chemistry-Vol III |
Indira, L |
Himalaya Publishing House, |
1999 |
8174936777 |
248 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00052735 |
College Chemistry Vol-1 |
Indira L |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1997 |
483 p |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00047004 |
College Chemistry-Vol III |
Indira, L |
Himalaya Publishing House, |
1999 |
8174936777 |
248 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00052734 |
College Chemistry Vol-1 |
Indira L |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1997 |
483 p |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00047005 |
College Chemistry-Vol III |
Indira, L |
Himalaya Publishing House, |
1999 |
8174936777 |
248 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00047006 |
College Chemistry-Vol III |
Indira, L |
Himalaya Publishing House, |
1999 |
8174936777 |
248 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00054425 |
College Chemistry-Vol III |
Indira, L |
Himalaya Publishing House, |
1999 |
8174936777 |
248 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00038739 |
Text Book of Chemistry Vol II |
Indira, L |
Subhas Publications |
1996 |
372 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00063536 |
College Chemistry - I |
Indira, L |
Himalayan |
2004 |
269p |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00089782 |
College Chemistry - I |
Indira, L |
Himalayan |
2004 |
269p |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00051441 |
College Chemistry - II B.Sc |
Indita, L |
Himalaya |
212p |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00044810 |
College Chemistry [ Vol.2 ] |
Indira |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1998 |
21.13 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00044811 |
College Chemistry [ Vol.2 ] |
Indira |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1998 |
21.13 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00044812 |
College Chemistry [ Vol.2 ] |
Indira |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1998 |
21.13 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00044813 |
College Chemistry [ Vol.2 ] |
Indira |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1998 |
21.13 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00044815 |
College Chemistry [ Vol.2 ] |
Indira |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1998 |
21.13 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00044817 |
College Chemistry [ Vol.2 ] |
Indira |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1998 |
21.13 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00044819 |
College Chemistry [ Vol.2 ] |
Indira |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1998 |
21.13 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00044818 |
College Chemistry [ Vol.2 ] |
Indira |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1998 |
21.13 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00044816 |
College Chemistry [ Vol.2 ] |
Indira |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1998 |
21.13 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00044814 |
College Chemistry [ Vol.2 ] |
Indira |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1998 |
21.13 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00038732 |
Text Book of Chemistry Vol I |
Indira, L |
Subhas Publications | Subhas Stores |
1995 |
398 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00038738 |
Text Book of Chemistry Vol I |
Indira, L |
Subhas Publications | Subhas Stores |
1995 |
398 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00038733 |
Text Book of Chemistry Vol I |
Indira, L |
Subhas Publications | Subhas Stores |
1995 |
398 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00038734 |
Text Book of Chemistry Vol I |
Indira, L |
Subhas Publications | Subhas Stores |
1995 |
398 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00038735 |
Text Book of Chemistry Vol I |
Indira, L |
Subhas Publications | Subhas Stores |
1995 |
398 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00038736 |
Text Book of Chemistry Vol I |
Indira, L |
Subhas Publications | Subhas Stores |
1995 |
398 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00038740 |
Text Book of Chemistry Vol II |
Indira, L |
Subhas Publications |
1996 |
372 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00038746 |
Text Book of Chemistry Vol II |
Indira, L |
Subhas Publications |
1996 |
372 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00038745 |
Text Book of Chemistry Vol II |
Indira, L |
Subhas Publications |
1996 |
372 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00038741 |
Text Book of Chemistry Vol II |
Indira, L |
Subhas Publications |
1996 |
372 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00038742 |
Text Book of Chemistry Vol II |
Indira, L |
Subhas Publications |
1996 |
372 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00038743 |
Text Book of Chemistry Vol II |
Indira, L |
Subhas Publications |
1996 |
372 p. : |
UG Library |
540 IND |
00063796 |
College Chemistry - I |
Indira, L |
Himalayan |
2004 |
269p |
UG Library |
540 JAI |
00115585 |
Conceptual Chemistry |
Jain, S K |
S Chand |
2004 |
9788121916233 |
1481p |
UG Library |
540 JAI |
00115587 |
Conceptual Chemistry |
Jain, S K |
S Chand |
2004 |
9788121916233 |
1481p |
UG Library |
540 JAI |
00033932 |
Engineering Chemistry |
Jain, P C |
Drs |
915 p |
UG Library |
540 JOE |
00061912 |
World of Chemistry |
Joesten, Melvin D. |
Brooks/Cole, |
2004 |
0534559093 |
3rd ed. / |
xxv, 544 p. : |
UG Library |
540 JOE |
04007682 |
World of chemistry / |
Saunders College Pub., |
1991 |
003030167X |
xxvi, 760, 21, 27 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 JOL |
00050744 |
History of Chemistry |
Jolly, D |
Ivy Publishing House |
2000 |
8176251674 |
385 p. : |
UG Library |
540 JON |
00115589 |
Chemistry |
Jones, Mary |
Cambridge University Press |
1999 |
9788175960565 |
2nd ed. |
216 p.: |
UG Library |
540 JON |
00052198 |
Chemistry |
Jones, Mary |
Cambridge University Press |
1999 |
9788175960565 |
2nd ed. |
216 p.: |
UG Library |
540 JON |
00052199 |
Chemistry |
Jones, Mary |
Cambridge University Press |
1999 |
9788175960565 |
2nd ed. |
216 p.: |
UG Library |
540 JON |
00015168 |
Lab Manual for Chemistry Man and Society |
Jones, Mark.m |
Wbs |
338 p |
UG Library |
540 KAM |
00124697 |
University Practical Chemistry |
Kamboj, P C |
Vishal Publishing Co |
2008 |
8188646431 |
543p |
UG Library |
540 KAM |
00124698 |
University Practical Chemistry |
Kamboj, P C |
Vishal Publishing Co |
2008 |
8188646431 |
543p |
UG Library |
540 KAM |
00090060 |
University Practical Chemistry |
Kamboj, P C |
Vishal Publishing Co |
2008 |
8188646431 |
543p |
UG Library |
540 KAM |
00124691 |
Systematic Practical Chemistry BSc I, II & IIIrd YearDelhi: |
Kamboj, P. C |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2015 |
9788188646944 |
366 p.: |
UG Library |
540 KAM |
00090061 |
University Practical Chemistry |
Kamboj, P C |
Vishal Publishing Co |
2008 |
8188646431 |
543p |
UG Library |
540 KAM |
00124692 |
Systematic Practical Chemistry BSc I, II & IIIrd YearDelhi: |
Kamboj, P. C |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2015 |
9788188646944 |
366 p.: |
UG Library |
540 KAM |
00090062 |
University Practical Chemistry |
Kamboj, P C |
Vishal Publishing Co |
2008 |
8188646431 |
543p |
UG Library |
540 KAM |
00124651 |
Advanced University Practical Chrmistry-I |
Kamboj, P. C |
VIshal Publishing Co., |
2013 |
9789382956082 |
726 p.: |
UG Library |
540 KAM |
00124652 |
Advanced University Practical Chrmistry-I |
Kamboj, P. C |
VIshal Publishing Co., |
2013 |
9789382956082 |
726 p.: |
UG Library |
540 KAM |
00124653 |
Advanced University Practical Chrmistry-II |
Kamboj, P. C |
VIshal Publishing Co., |
2015 |
9789382956082 |
750 p.: |
UG Library |
540 KAM |
00124654 |
Advanced University Practical Chrmistry-II |
Kamboj, P. C |
VIshal Publishing Co., |
2015 |
9789382956082 |
750 p.: |
UG Library |
540 KAP |
05001042 |
Quantitative analysis : |
Kaplan,INC, |
2012 |
272p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
540 KAP |
00016481 |
Text Book of Numerical Problems in Chemistry |
Kapil, P N |
S Chand |
252 p |
UG Library |
540 KAP |
00016482 |
Text Book of Numercial Problens in Chemistry |
Kapil, P N |
S C |
252 p |
UG Library |
540 KAS |
00017837 |
General Chemistry for Puc |
Kasturi Rangacharya, T L |
Ravi |
430 p |
UG Library |
540 KAU |
00038478 |
Definitions and Formulae in Chemistry |
Kaushik, R.K. |
Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd |
1996 |
8174881603 |
viii, 361 p. : |
UG Library |
540 KEE |
00006934 |
General College Chemistry |
Wood, Jesse Hermon. |
Harper & Row |
1961 |
2d ed. |
750 p. |
UG Library |
540 KEE |
00002536 |
General College Chemistry |
Wood, Jesse Hermon. |
Harper & Row |
1961 |
2d ed. |
750 p. |
UG Library |
540 KIN |
00123893 |
Pre University Chemistry |
Kini, Rao |
UG Library |
540 KOL |
00132572 |
Experiments in green and sustainable chemistry |
Kolb,Carl J |
Agrotech press, |
2019 |
9789387160392 |
viii,264p.; |
UG Library |
540 KOR |
00144417 |
Understanding General Chemistry / |
Korchef, Atef, |
CRC press, |
2022 |
9781032189147 | 9781032189406 |
First edition. |
xiii, 266 pages : |
UG Library |
540 KOT |
04007679 |
Chemistry & chemical reactivity / |
Kotz, John C. |
Saunders College Pub., |
1991 |
0030475627 |
2nd ed. |
1 v. (various pagings) : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 KUM |
00054410 |
Comprehensible Chemistry III |
Kumar, B. Vinod |
United Publishers |
2000 |
624 p. : |
UG Library |
540 KUM |
00054411 |
Comprehensible Chemistry III |
Kumar, B. Vinod |
United Publishers |
2000 |
624 p. : |
UG Library |
540 KUM |
00044656 |
Comprehensible Chemistry II |
Kumar, B Vinod |
United Publishers |
1998 |
474 p. : |
UG Library |
540 KUM |
00044658 |
Comprehensible Chemistry II |
Kumar, B Vinod |
United Publishers |
1998 |
474 p. : |
UG Library |
540 KUM |
00044659 |
Comprehensible Chemistry II |
Kumar, B Vinod |
United Publishers |
1998 |
474 p. : |
UG Library |
540 KUM |
00044660 |
Comprehensible Chemistry II |
Kumar, B Vinod |
United Publishers |
1998 |
474 p. : |
UG Library |
540 KUM |
00080031 |
Essential Chemistry III |
Kumar, B. Vinod |
Surabhi Books |
2005 |
1st ed |
vi, 294 p. : |
UG Library |
540 KUM |
00044747 |
Comprehensible Chemistry II |
Kumar, B Vinod |
United Publishers |
1998 |
474 p. : |
UG Library |
540 KUM |
00080022 |
Comprehensible Chemistry II |
Kumar, B Vinod |
United Publishers |
1998 |
474 p. : |
UG Library |
540 KUM |
00047548 |
Comprehensible Chemistry- III |
Kumar, B. Vinod |
United Publishers |
1999 |
615 p. : |
UG Library |
540 KUM |
00047547 |
Comprehensible Chemistry- III |
Kumar, B. Vinod |
United Publishers |
1999 |
615 p. : |
UG Library |
540 KUM |
00051898 |
Comprehensible Chemistry- III |
Kumar, B. Vinod |
United Publishers |
1999 |
615 p. : |
UG Library |
540 KUM |
00056895 |
Comprehensible Chemistry - II |
Vinod kumar B |
United Pub |
2001 |
476p |
UG Library |
540 KUM |
00096273 |
Comprehensible Chemistry- III |
Kumar, B. Vinod |
United Publishers |
1999 |
615 p. : |
UG Library |
540 KUM |
00033823 |
Comprehensible Chemistry II |
Kumar, B Vinod |
United Publishers |
1998 |
474 p. : |
UG Library |
540 KUN |
00044657 |
Comprehensible Chemistry II |
Kumar, B Vinod |
United Publishers |
1998 |
474 p. : |
UG Library |
540 KUN |
00044661 |
Comprehensible Chemistry II |
Kumar, B Vinod |
United Publishers |
1998 |
474 p. : |
UG Library |
540 LAI |
00033745 |
Chemical Kinetics |
Laidler J, Keith |
Pearson Education |
1987 |
9788131709726 |
3rd Ed. |
531 p. |
UG Library |
540 LAI |
00091774 |
Chemical Kinetics |
Laidler J, Keith |
Pearson Education |
1987 |
9788131709726 |
3rd Ed. |
531 p. |
UG Library |
540 LAI |
00109173 |
Chemical Kinetics |
Laidler J, Keith |
Pearson Education |
2011 |
9788131709726 |
3rd Ed. |
531 p |
UG Library |
540 LAI |
00109174 |
Chemical Kinetics |
Laidler J, Keith |
Pearson Education |
2011 |
9788131709726 |
3rd Ed. |
531 p |
UG Library |
540 LAI |
00109175 |
Chemical Kinetics |
Laidler J, Keith |
Pearson Education |
2011 |
9788131709726 |
3rd Ed. |
531 p |
UG Library |
540 LAI |
00109176 |
Chemical Kinetics |
Laidler J, Keith |
Pearson Education |
2011 |
9788131709726 |
3rd Ed. |
531 p |
UG Library |
540 LAI |
00109177 |
Chemical Kinetics |
Laidler J, Keith |
Pearson Education |
2011 |
9788131709726 |
3rd Ed. |
531 p |
UG Library |
540 LAK |
00115648 |
Chemistry for CBSE X Std: Science and Technology |
Lakhmir, Singh |
S Chand |
2004 |
9788121922869 |
204p |
UG Library |
540 LAN |
00131126 |
The Development Of Chemical Principles / |
Langford, Cooper H. |
Dover Publications Inc., |
1969 |
9780486683591 |
384 p. ; |
UG Library |
540 LAV |
05033577 |
Elements Of Chemistry / |
Antoine Lavoisier |
Dover Publications Inc., |
1965 |
9780486646244 |
511 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
540 LEW |
00052582 |
Chemistry. |
Lewis, Rob |
Palgrave |
2001 |
0333962575 | 9780333962572 |
2nd ed |
465 p. : |
UG Library |
540 LOW |
00040829 |
Laboratory Experiments in General Chemistry |
Lowry, G George |
0882521462 |
330 p |
UG Library |
540 LOW |
00040830 |
Laboratory Experiments in General Chemistry |
Lowry, G George |
0882521462 |
330 p |
UG Library |
540 LOW |
00005926 |
Intermediate Chemistry |
Lowry, T. M. |
Macmillan, |
1968 |
in |
964 p.: |
UG Library |
540 MAD |
00141103 |
Chemistry for degree students |
Madan, R L |
S Chand & Co. |
2016 |
9788121935333 |
927p. |
UG Library |
540 MAD |
00141102 |
Chemistry for degree students |
Madan, R L |
S Chand & Co. |
2016 |
9788121932301 |
965p. |
UG Library |
540 MAD |
00128173 |
Chemistry for dgree students / |
Madan, R L |
S Chand & Co. |
2016 |
9788121935388 |
1103p. |
UG Library |
540 MAD |
00117087 |
ISC Chemistry for Class XI |
Madam, R D |
S Chand |
2004 |
8121915422 |
845p |
UG Library |
540 MAD |
00128152 |
Chemistry for degree students |
Madan, R L |
S Chand & Co. |
2016 |
9788121935333 |
927p. |
UG Library |
540 MAD |
00128154 |
Chemistry for degree students |
Madan, R L |
S Chand & Co. |
2016 |
9788121932301 |
965p. |
UG Library |
540 MAD |
00142628 |
Chemistry for B.Sc.students: |
Madan, R L |
S Chand & Co., |
2022 |
9789355013842 |
pages |
UG Library |
540 MAH |
00137064 |
University Chemistry |
Mahan, Bruce H. |
Narosa, |
1998 |
8185015805 |
3rd rep ed, |
896 p.; |
UG Library |
540 MAH |
00137065 |
University Chemistry |
Mahan, Bruce H. |
Narosa, |
1998 |
8185015805 |
3rd rep ed, |
896 p.; |
UG Library |
540 MAH |
00115574 |
University Chemistry |
Mahan, H Bruce |
Narosa |
8185015805 |
890p |
UG Library |
540 MAH |
00139511 |
University chemistry / |
Mahan, Bruce H. |
Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Co., |
2011 |
9788131729571 |
4th ed. |
xxv, 1076 p. : |
UG Library |
540 MAI |
00033513 |
Basic Concepts of Chemistry |
Malone, J Leo |
John Wiley & Sons |
604 p |
UG Library |
540 MAL |
00008454 |
Laboratory Manual for Chemistry |
Malm, Lloyd E |
National Council for Educational Research and Training | W H Freeman and Company |
1964 |
Indian Edition |
xi, 137 p. : |
UG Library |
540 MAL |
00109301 |
Super Simplified Science Chemistry |
Malhotra S.K. |
S.P.Jain |
2011 |
9788176082150 |
27th Ed. |
xvi; 120 p. |
UG Library |
540 MAN |
00033753 |
Theoretical Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Manku, G S |
T M H |
1980 |
563 p |
UG Library |
540 MAP |
00055628 |
Advanced Chemistry |
Maple, James |
John Murray |
1996 |
0719571499 |
624 p |
UG Library |
540 MAR |
00000102 |
Duchess Hotspur |
Marshall Rosamond |
Preeger |
1946 |
301 p |
UG Library |
540 MAS |
00098183 |
General Chemistry : |
Masterton, William L., |
Thomson-Brooks/Cole, |
2004 |
9780534408787 (student ed. wit |
5th ed. |
xxviii, 676 p. : |
UG Library |
540 MAS |
00127687 |
Chemistry : |
Masterton, William L., |
Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, |
2012 |
9781111427108 |
7e / |
xxv, 774 p. : |
UG Library |
540 MAS |
04007694 |
Chemical principles : |
Masterton, William L. |
Saunders College publishing/CBS, |
1981 |
5th ed. |
x, |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 MAS |
04007730 |
Chemical principles with qualitative analysis / |
Masterton, William L., |
Saunders, |
1978 |
0721661750 |
912 p. in various, [7] leaves of plates : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 MAS |
00055094 |
Chemistry: Principles and Reactions |
Masterton, William L |
Harcourt College Publishers |
2001 |
0030260361 |
649 p |
UG Library |
540 MAT |
00115649 |
Advanced Chemistry: Physical and Industrial |
Matthews, Philip |
Foundation Books |
2003 |
9788175961562 |
970p |
UG Library |
540 MAV |
00146595 |
Green and Sustainable Chemistry/ |
Mavi, Renu |
Book Enclave, |
2023 |
9789392262272 |
262p. ; |
UG Library |
540 MCM |
04017202 |
Chemistry |
Mcmurry, John |
Prentice Hall |
1995 |
0133502813 | 9788131721230 |
1007 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 MCM |
00052092 |
Chemistry |
Mc Murry, Fay |
Prentice Hall International Inc |
1995 |
0137904606 |
1025 p |
UG Library |
540 MCM |
00120226 |
Chemistry |
Mcmurry, John |
Prentice Hall |
1995 |
0133502813 | 9788131721230 |
1007 p |
UG Library |
540 MCM |
00129281 |
General chemistry : |
McMurry, John. |
Pearson |
2014 |
9780321809261 | 0321809262 |
2nd ed. |
973p.1 C-2 |
UG Library |
540 MCM |
00047810 |
Chemistry |
Mcmurry, John |
Prentice Hall |
1995 |
0133502813 | 9788131721230 |
1007 p |
UG Library |
540 MCM |
00128913 |
Chemistry / |
McMurry, John. E |
Pearson Education Limited, |
2016 |
9781292092751 |
7th ed. |
1060 p. : |
UG Library |
540 MCQ |
04007719 |
General chemistry / |
McQuarrie, Donald A. |
W.H. Freeman, |
1987 |
0716718065 |
2nd ed. |
xxi, 876 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 MCQ |
05011297 |
General chemistry / |
McQuarrie, Donald A. |
University Science Books, |
2011 |
9781891389733 (pbk. : alk. pap |
4th ed. / |
1 v. (various pagings) : |
Knowledge Centre |
540 MEH |
00010242 |
Numerical Problems in Chemistry |
Mehta, R.N. |
Ram Chand &Co |
1972 |
6th ed |
206 p. : |
UG Library |
540 MEH |
00005857 |
Practical Chemistry |
Mehta, R N |
R Chand and Co |
1970 |
533 p. : |
UG Library |
540 MEH |
00005858 |
Modern Chemistry |
Metha, R N |
R Chand & Co , |
1971 |
ii, 140 p.: |
UG Library |
540 MEN |
00019000 |
Inroduction to Chemical Calculations |
Mendiratta, M R |
S Chand |
1970 |
244 p. : |
UG Library |
540 MET |
00033501 |
Modern Chemistry |
Clark Metcalfe, H |
Windenfe |
694 p |
UG Library |
540 MID |
00127005 |
Chemistry in context : |
Middlecamp, Catherine H. |
McGraw-Hill, |
2012 |
9780073375663 | 0073375667 |
7th ed. |
1 v. (various paging) : |
UG Library |
540 MIL |
00115601 |
Core Chemistry |
Mills, John |
Foundation Books | Cambridge University Press |
1999 |
8175961732 | 9788175961739 |
190 p. : |
UG Library |
540 MIL |
00027764 |
Chemistry Structured and Dynamics |
Miller, Francis Marion |
International |
892 p |
UG Library |
540 MIL |
00011777 |
General chemistry |
Miller, Walter E. |
W.C. Brown | Scientific Book Agency |
1965 |
xii, 691 p. |
UG Library |
540 MOH |
00127689 |
Chemistry for Beginners : |
Mohapatra, Ranjan Kumar |
Medtech, |
2017 |
9789385998096 |
xvi,243 p. |
UG Library |
540 MOH |
00132623 |
Chemistry for Beginners : |
Mohapatra, Ranjan Kumar |
Medtech, |
2017 |
9789385998096 |
xvi,243 p. |
UG Library |
540 MOO |
00108603 |
Chemistry |
Moore,John W. |
Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, |
2011 |
9781439049303 | 9781439049662 |
4th ed. |
xxxvii; 1076 p. v. (various pagings) : |
UG Library |
540 MOO |
00055622 |
Chemistry: The Molecular Science |
Moore, John W |
0534166970 |
1017p |
UG Library |
540 MOR |
00059781 |
Chemistry |
Mortimer, Charles E. |
Wadsworth Pub. Co., |
1983 |
0534011845 |
5th ed. |
xvi, 758 p. : |
UG Library |
540 MUK |
00107229 |
Advanced practical chemistry |
Mukhopadhayay Raghupati. |
Books And Allied (p) Ltd |
2010 |
109, 95, 55,158,133,8,11. p. : |
UG Library |
540 MUK |
00110012 |
Textbook of Practical Chemistry |
Mukherjee, K.S |
New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd |
2008 |
8173815836 | 9788173815836 |
xix, 338 p, ; |
UG Library |
540 MUN |
00056923 |
Principles of Chemistry |
Munowitz, Michael |
0393972887 |
1850 |
UG Library |
540 MUN |
00056924 |
Principles of Chemistry |
Munowitz, Michael |
0393972887 |
1850 |
UG Library |
540 MUR |
00057921 |
Experiments In General Chemistry |
Murov, Steven L |
Thomson Brooks Cole |
2003 |
0534424627 |
477 p |
UG Library |
540 NAD |
00110020 |
An Advanced Course in Practical Chemistry |
NAD, A.K. |
New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd |
2007 |
8173813027 |
3rd ed. |
xiv, 472 p. xi ; |
UG Library |
540 NAN |
00145883 |
Essentials of Chemistry |
Nandi, M. M. |
New Age Publishers, |
2023 |
9789388818858 |
xi,395p. ; |
UG Library |
540 NAR |
00021424 |
Inorganic Chemistry - II |
Narayana Reddy, |
Bangalore University |
188p |
UG Library |
540 NCE |
00115602 |
Chemistry Part II : Textbook for Class XI |
2006 |
8174505350 |
322 p. : |
UG Library |
540 NCE |
00115599 |
Chemistry : Textbook for Class XI |
Ncert |
2007 |
8174506489 (Part I) | 81745071 |
463 p. : |
UG Library |
540 NCE |
00115598 |
Chemistry : Textbook for Class XI |
Ncert |
2007 |
8174506489 (Part I) | 81745071 |
463 p. : |
UG Library |
540 NEW |
04007420 |
The New Chemistry Food Chemistry / |
Newton, David E |
Viva |
2010 |
9788130913001 |
xii,212p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 NEW |
04007419 |
The New Chemistry Food Chemistry / |
Newton, David E |
Viva |
2010 |
9788130913001 |
xii,212p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 NEW |
04007418 |
The New Chemistry Food Chemistry / |
Newton, David E |
Viva |
2010 |
9788130913001 |
xii,212p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 NEW |
04007417 |
The New Chemistry Food Chemistry / |
Newton, David E |
Viva |
2010 |
9788130913001 |
xii,212p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 NEW |
04007416 |
The New Chemistry Food Chemistry / |
Newton, David E |
Viva |
2010 |
9788130913001 |
xii,212p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 NEW |
04007415 |
The New Chemistry Food Chemistry / |
Newton, David E |
Viva |
2010 |
9788130913001 |
xii,212p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 NIN |
04007454 |
Viva Studymates Chemistry: |
Ninan, Aleyamma; |
Viva |
2010 |
9788130913049 |
149p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 NOR |
00063953 |
General Chemistry: Laboratory Manual |
Norton, Thomas |
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company |
2002 |
9780757505812 |
56 p.: |
UG Library |
540 NOR |
00063952 |
General Chemistry: Laboratory Manual |
Norton, Thomas |
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company |
2002 |
9780757505812 |
56 p.: |
UG Library |
540 NUF |
00004501 |
Nuffield chemistry : The sample scheme, stage III |
Nuffield Foundation |
Longmans Green; | Penguin, |
1966 |
297 p. : |
UG Library |
540 NUF |
00004512 |
Chemistry Laboratory Investigations Stage 1B |
Nuffield Chemistry Publication, |
Nuffield Chemistry Publications |
UG Library |
540 NUF |
00063794 |
Chemistry |
, |
Longman Books |
1968 |
139 p |
UG Library |
540 OCO |
00007202 |
Chemistry: Experiments and principles |
O'Connor, Paul R. |
Oxford & IBH Publihing Co |
1968 |
ix, 447 p. |
UG Library |
540 OLM |
00060187 |
Chemistry |
Olmsted, John. |
Mosby, |
1997 |
0815184506 |
2nd ed. |
xxi, 1056, 133 p. : |
UG Library |
540 OLM |
00055092 |
Chemistry |
Olmsted, John. |
Mosby, |
1997 |
0815184506 |
2nd ed. |
xxi, 1056, 133 p. : |
UG Library |
540 OXT |
00037334 |
Chemistry |
Oxtoby, David W. |
Saunders College Pub., |
1990 |
0030048141 | 9780030048142 |
xix, 1103, 65, 31 p. : |
UG Library |
540 OXT |
00060188 |
Chemistry |
Oxtoby, David W. |
Saunders College Pub., |
1998 |
0030200881 | 9780030200885 |
3rd ed. |
xxiv, 993 p. :1 v. (various pagings) : |
UG Library |
540 OXT |
04007700 |
Chemistry : |
Oxtoby, David W. |
Saunders College Pub., |
1990 |
0030048141 |
xix, 1103, 65, 31 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 OXT |
04010934 |
Modern Chemistry |
Oxtoby, David W |
Thomson South-Western |
2008 |
9788131505205 |
988 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 PAD |
00051434 |
College Chemistry - Vol IV - Bio and Organic Chemistry |
Padma, M R |
Himalaya |
2000 |
8174937757 |
372p |
UG Library |
540 PAN |
00141111 |
Practical chemistry |
Pandey,O.P |
S Chand and company pvt ltd., |
2016 |
9788121908122 |
x,284p.; |
UG Library |
540 PAN |
00098777 |
Basic Chemistry; |
Pandey,H,K |
Campus books; |
9788180302589 |
v;276 p. |
UG Library |
540 PAN |
00121724 |
The DBS Handbook of Chemistry |
Pandey, Kamal Kant |
DBS Imprints, |
2013 |
9788192372815 |
xiv, 713 p,: |
UG Library |
540 PAU |
00017889 |
College Chemistry |
Pauling, Linus, |
W. H. Freeman |
1964 |
3d ed. |
xxiv, 832 p. |
UG Library |
540 PAU |
00000607 |
Nature of the Chemical Bond |
Pauling, Linus |
Ibh |
1970 |
644 p |
UG Library |
540 PAU |
05066675 |
Linus Pauling : |
Pauling, Linus, |
World Scientific, |
2001 |
9810227841 (set) | 9810229399 (vol. 1) | 9810229402 (vol. 2) |
v-2. (xii, 1573 p.) : |
Knowledge Centre |
540 PAU |
00001171 |
General Chemistry |
Pauling, Linus |
Vakils, Feffer and Simons Pvt Ltd |
1967 |
2nd ed |
710 p. : |
UG Library |
540 PAU |
00033868 |
College Chemistry |
Pauling, Linus |
Vakils, Feffer and Simons Pvt Ltd. |
1967 |
832 p. : |
UG Library |
540 PAU |
00017871 |
College Chemistry |
Pauling, Linus, |
W. H. Freeman |
1964 |
3d ed. |
xxiv, 832 p. |
UG Library |
540 PAU |
00018052 |
College Chemistry |
Pauling, Linus, |
W. H. Freeman |
1964 |
3d ed. |
xxiv, 832 p. |
UG Library |
540 PAU |
00009692 |
College Chemistry |
Pauling, Linus, |
W. H. Freeman |
1964 |
3d ed. |
xxiv, 832 p. |
UG Library |
540 PAU |
00005245 |
College Chemistry |
Pauling, Linus, |
W. H. Freeman |
1964 |
3d ed. |
xxiv, 832 p. |
UG Library |
540 PAU |
00001167 |
College Chemistry |
Pauling, Linus, |
W. H. Freeman |
1964 |
3d ed. |
xxiv, 832 p. |
UG Library |
540 PAU |
00017872 |
College Chemistry |
Pauling, Linus, |
W. H. Freeman |
1964 |
3d ed. |
xxiv, 832 p. |
UG Library |
540 PAU |
05057875 |
General chemistry / |
Pauling, Linus, |
Dover Publications, Inc., |
1988 |
0486656225 (pbk.) | 9780486656 |
xiv, 959 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
540 PER |
00019516 |
Chemistry |
Perkins, E.J. |
Celtic Revision Aids |
1979 |
0177511818 |
108 p. : |
UG Library |
540 PER |
00019517 |
Chemistry |
Perkins, E J |
Celtic Revision Aids |
1979 |
0177511125 |
83 p. : |
UG Library |
540 PET |
04007720 |
General chemistry : |
Petrucci, Ralph H. |
Prentice Hall, |
1997 |
0135334985 |
7th ed. / |
xxvi, 989 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 PET |
04007715 |
Problem solving for Chemistry / |
Peters, Edward I |
W. B. Saunders Company, |
1976 |
2nd ed. |
xiii, 326p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 PET |
04007733 |
General chemistry : |
Petrucci, Ralph H. |
Collier Macmillan, |
1982 |
0023950102 |
3rd ed. |
xvii, 764 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 PET |
04007724 |
General chemistry : |
Petrucci, Ralph H. |
Macmillan ; | Maxwell Macmillan Canada, |
1993 |
0023949317 |
6th ed. / |
xx, 119 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 POR |
05054404 |
Chemistry for the Modern World / |
Porter, George |
English Language Book Society, |
1962 |
ix,116 p : |
Knowledge Centre |
540 POR |
00007937 |
Chemistry for the Modern World / |
Porter, George |
English Language Book Society, |
1962 |
ix,116 p : |
UG Library |
540 POR |
00007996 |
Chemistry for the Modern World / |
Porter, George |
English Language Book Society, |
1962 |
ix,116 p : |
UG Library |
540 POR |
00004233 |
Chemistry for the Modern World / |
Porter, George |
English Language Book Society, |
1962 |
ix,116 p : |
UG Library |
540 PRA |
00001141 |
Advanced Chemical Calculations |
Prakash, Satya |
S Chand & Co. |
1968 |
5th ed |
vi, 427 p. : |
UG Library |
540 PRE |
00007293 |
Intermediate Chemistry, Inorganic and Physical. |
Prescott, Frederick, |
University Tutorial Press |
1965 |
[9th ed.] |
828 p. : |
UG Library |
540 PUR |
00005035 |
Numerical Problems |
Puri, A.n |
300 p |
UG Library |
540 RAK |
00121693 |
Textbook Of Organic Chemistry |
Rakesh K. Parashar |
Viva Books, |
2015 |
9788130917740 |
xv, 486 p.: |
UG Library |
540 RAK |
00121681 |
Textbook Of Organic Chemistry |
Rakesh K. Parashar |
Viva Books, |
2015 |
9788130917740 |
xv, 486 p.: |
UG Library |
540 RAM |
00115597 |
A Text Book of Chemistry for I PUC |
Ramanath, M N |
Sapna Book House , |
2004 |
9798128002877 |
302 p.: |
UG Library |
540 RAM |
00048049 |
Computers in Chemistry |
Raman, K V |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd |
1998 |
0074601237 |
xv, 596 p. : |
UG Library |
540 RAM |
00007096 |
General Chemistry |
Rangacharya, T.L. Kasturi |
Sri Ravishankar Publications |
1971 |
v, 438 p. : |
UG Library |
540 RAN |
00007099 |
General Chemistry |
Rangacharya, T.L. Kasturi |
Sri Ravishankar Publications |
1971 |
v, 438 p. : |
UG Library |
540 RAO |
00084900 |
Understanding Chemistry. |
Rao, C N R |
Universities Press |
1999 |
8173712506 | 9788173712500 |
298p |
UG Library |
540 RAO |
00084901 |
Understanding Chemistry. |
Rao, C N R |
Universities Press |
1999 |
8173712506 | 9788173712500 |
298p |
UG Library |
540 RAO |
00117814 |
University General Chemistry |
Rao, C N R |
Macmillan |
670 p |
UG Library |
540 RAO |
00061174 |
University Chemistry |
Rao, Pratima |
Subas Stores |
2005 |
1st ed |
256 p |
UG Library |
540 RAO |
00073049 |
Chemistry Text Book |
Rao, D.Shripathi |
Deepa Publishers |
2007 |
493 p |
UG Library |
540 RAO |
00013507 |
Experiments in General Chemistry |
Rao, C N R |
Aew |
1973 |
264 p |
UG Library |
540 RAO |
00006214 |
Handbook of Chemistry and Physics |
Rao, C.N.R. |
Affiliated |
1967 |
367p |
UG Library |
540 RAO |
05069875 |
Chemistry Text Book : |
Rao, D.Shripathi |
Prakash Offset Printers, |
2013 |
679p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
540 RAO |
00123563 |
Chemistry |
Rao, D Shripathi |
Deepa Publishers, |
2007 |
480 p:. |
UG Library |
540 RAT |
00115604 |
Chemistry: AS and a Level |
Ratcliff, Brian |
Cambridge University Press |
2004 |
9780521544719 |
442p. |
UG Library |
540 RAT |
00115605 |
Chemistry: AS and a Level |
Ratcliff, Brian |
Cambridge University Press |
2004 |
9780521544719 |
442p. |
UG Library |
540 RED |
00032836 |
Felicitation Volume |
Nanje Gowda, N.m |
178 p |
UG Library |
540 REG |
00108595 |
Chemistry, principles & practice |
Reger,Daniel L. |
Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning |
2010 |
9780495559832 |
xxxi, 952, 68, 15 p. : |
UG Library |
540 REN |
05049427 |
Quantitative Analysis for Management / |
Render, Barry |
Allyn and Bacon, Inc., |
1982 |
0205076203 |
363 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
540 RET |
00055619 |
Integrated Chemistry |
Rettich, Timothy R |
Houghton Mifflin Company |
2000 |
0395980933 |
536 p |
UG Library |
540 ROB |
05074138 |
Chemistry / |
Robinson, Jill K. |
Pearson, |
2022 |
9789356063419 |
8th ed. |
1051 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
540 ROB |
00055025 |
General Chemistry |
Robinson, R William |
A.I.T.B.S. Publishers & Distributors |
1999 |
8174730745 | 0669354821 |
10th ed |
959 p. : C-50 |
UG Library |
540 ROB |
05074316 |
Chemistry / |
Robinson, Jill K. |
Pearson, |
2022 |
9789356063419 |
8th ed. |
1051 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
540 ROE |
00122467 |
Experiments in Green and Sustainable Chemistry |
Roesky, Herbert W |
Wiley-VCH, |
2009 |
9783527325467 |
xxiv, 283 p:. |
UG Library |
540 ROS |
00024533 |
College Chemistry |
Rosenberg, L Jerome |
Mgh |
312 p |
UG Library |
540 RUM |
00134724 |
CRC handbook of chemistry and physics: |
Rumble, John R.- Editor. |
CRC press, |
2018 |
9781138561632 |
99th ed., |
pages |
UG Library |
540 SAN |
00036868 |
Low Cost Chemical Insrtumentation |
Sane, K V |
1991 |
1 |
UG Library |
540 SAR |
00011766 |
Numerical Problems in Chemistry |
Sarin, N.N. |
Sultan chand & Sons |
1974 |
11th ed |
x, 386 p. : |
UG Library |
540 SCH |
04007721 |
Schaum's Ouline Series Theory and Problems of college Chemistry : |
Schamum,s Outlines Series |
1966 |
256p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 SCO |
00038477 |
Scott, Andrew |
1989 |
192 p.: |
UG Library |
540 SEA |
00118770 |
Introductory Chemistry for Today |
Seager, Spencer L. |
Wadsworth, Cengage, |
2010 |
9780538734868 |
7th ed. |
xxvi: 406p.;A-1,B1-24,C1-16,G1-7,I1-9 |
UG Library |
540 SEA |
00061913 |
Introductory chemistry for today |
Seager, Spencer L. |
Brooks/Cole, |
2000 |
0534365493 |
4th ed. |
ix, 411 p. 1 v. (various pagings) : |
UG Library |
540 SEA |
00061710 |
Chemistry for Today |
Seager, Spencer L. |
Brooks/Cole, |
2000 |
0534372902 | 0534422551 | 9780 |
4th ed. |
xxv, 784 p. 1 v. (various pagings) : |
UG Library |
540 SEA |
00061336 |
Chemistry for Today |
Seager, Spencer L. |
Brooks/Cole, |
2000 |
0534372902 | 0534422551 | 9780 |
4th ed. |
xxv, 784 p. 1 v. (various pagings) : |
UG Library |
540 SEB |
00008167 |
Textbook of Chemistry |
Sebastian, M P |
Scientific Book Agency |
1970 |
xv, 640 p. : |
UG Library |
540 SEG |
04007710 |
Chemistry : |
Segal, Bernice G. |
Wiley, |
1989 |
0471849294 |
2nd ed. |
xxiv, 1008 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 SEL |
00007198 |
General Chemistry |
Selwood, P W |
Amerind Publishing Co |
1965 |
4th ed |
xii, 626 p. : |
UG Library |
540 SEL |
00131472 |
Chemistry in the marketplace / |
Selinger, B. K. |
CSIRO Publishing |
2017 |
9781486303328 (paperback) |
6th ed. |
xvi, 535 pages : |
UG Library |
540 SER |
00122462 |
Nanochemistry |
Sergeev, G. B. |
Elsevier, |
2013 |
9780444593979 (hbk.) | 0444593 |
2nd edi. |
xii, 359 p:. |
UG Library |
540 SHA |
00055185 |
Chemistry: Objcetive & Subjective Type Soled Question |
Sharma, R K |
Dream Tech Press |
8177222333 |
1627p |
UG Library |
540 SHA |
00027068 |
Chemistry |
Shasrma, J L |
Cbs |
1984 |
424 p.: |
UG Library |
540 SHA |
00115603 |
ISC Practical Chemistry: Vol: II |
Sharma, S P |
S Chand |
2004 |
9788121912969 |
120p |
UG Library |
540 SHA |
00022866 |
Numerical Examples in Chemistry |
Sharma, Y R |
Kalyani Publishers |
1982 |
274 p. vi, iv : |
UG Library |
540 SHA |
00072512 |
New College Chemistry |
Sharma, Y R |
Kalyani Publishers |
2006 |
8127229199 |
143 p. : |
UG Library |
540 SHA |
00061302 |
An Introduction to Practical Chemistry |
Sharma, K K |
Vikas Publishing House |
2003 |
0706987462 |
304 p. : |
UG Library |
540 SHE |
05069871 |
Chemistry : |
Shetty,Nityananda. |
Boscoss Publications, |
2014 |
560p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
540 SIE |
00013706 |
Chemistry |
Sienko, Michell J. [from old catalog] |
McGraw-Hill |
1966 |
622 p. |
UG Library |
540 SIE |
00000101 |
Chemistry |
Sienko, Michell J. [from old catalog] |
McGraw-Hill |
1966 |
622 p. |
UG Library |
540 SIE |
00009876 |
Chemistry |
Sienko, Michell J. |
McGraw-Hill |
1971 |
0070573344 |
4th ed. |
viii, 638 p. |
UG Library |
540 SIN |
04014745 |
Chemistry In Daily Life / |
Singh, Kirpal |
PHI, |
2012 |
9788120346178 |
174 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 SIN |
00111493 |
Advanced Problems In Chemistry For IIT - JEE |
Singh Jagdamba |
Pragati Pakashan, |
2009 |
2nd ed, |
424 p.: |
UG Library |
540 SIN |
00111494 |
Recent Trends and Advances in IIT-JEE Organic Chemistry/s |
Singh, Jagdamba. |
Pragati Publication, |
2007 |
9789350064214 |
8th Ed. |
xvi: 708p.; |
UG Library |
540 SIN |
00119359 |
Recent Trends and Advances in IIT-JEE Organic Chemistry/s |
Singh, Jagdamba. |
Pragati Publication, |
2007 |
9789350064214 |
8th Ed. |
xvi: 708p.; |
UG Library |
540 SIN |
00119360 |
Recent Trends and Advances in IIT-JEE Organic Chemistry/s |
Singh, Jagdamba. |
Pragati Publication, |
2007 |
9789350064214 |
8th Ed. |
xvi: 708p.; |
UG Library |
540 SIN |
00119346 |
Advanced Problems In Chemistry For IIT - JEE |
Singh Jagdamba |
Pragati Pakashan, |
2009 |
2nd ed, |
424 p.: |
UG Library |
540 SIN |
00124308 |
The Chemistry for JEE Main 2017 |
Atul Singhal |
Pearson, |
2016 |
9789332570290 |
vi, 35.19 p.: |
UG Library |
540 SIN |
00122841 |
Advanced Practical Chemistry |
Singh, Jagdamba |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2015 |
9789350069806 |
6th edi. |
xvi, I-60 p:. |
UG Library |
540 SIN |
00111481 |
Advanced Practical Chemistry/ |
Singh, Jagdamba. |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2008 |
9789350063941 |
Reprint Ed. |
xvi: 251p.; |
UG Library |
540 SIV |
00032691 |
General & Inorganic Chemistry |
Sivanandaiah, K.M |
Pracharabya University of Bangalore |
1989 |
1st |
233 p.: |
UG Library |
540 SNY |
00128325 |
The Extraordinary Chemistry of Ordinary Things |
Snyder, H. Carl |
Wiley Publisher |
2003 |
9780471423591 |
4th Edition |
175 p. : |
UG Library |
540 SON |
00019175 |
B.Sc Practical Chemistry |
Soni, P L |
S Chand & Co., |
1978 |
368 p.; |
UG Library |
540 SON |
00019008 |
Problems in Chemistry |
Soni, P L |
Sultan Chand |
1977 |
2nd |
738 p.: |
UG Library |
540 SON |
00019009 |
Problems in Chemistry |
Soni, P L |
S Chand |
1977 |
734 p.: |
UG Library |
540 SON |
00014020 |
Textbook of Physical Chemistry |
Soni, P L |
Sultan Chand & Sons |
1973 |
xvi, 5.128 p, xvii. : |
UG Library |
540 SON |
00014022 |
Textbook of Physical Chemistry |
Soni, P L |
Sultan Chand & Sons |
1973 |
xvi, 5.128 p, xvii. : |
UG Library |
540 SON |
00124464 |
Solved papers and Practices Sets IIT Jam |
Soni Kumar Raj |
Arihant Prakashan, |
2016 |
9789352513321 |
264 p.: |
UG Library |
540 SON |
00001144 |
College Chemistry |
Soni P L |
S Chand & Co. |
1p |
UG Library |
540 SOR |
00027765 |
How to Slove General Chemistry Problems |
Sorum, C H |
Phi |
1985 |
5th |
301 p.: |
UG Library |
540 SPI |
00125219 |
Chemistry of the Environment |
Spiro, Thomas G |
Prentice-Hall of Inida | Viva Books |
2003 |
9788120321465 | 9789386105257 |
3rd ed. |
482 p | 615p. |
UG Library |
540 SRI |
00045595 |
Text Book of Chemistry Vol I |
Srinivasan, A |
Subhas Publications |
1998 |
564 p. : |
UG Library |
540 SRI |
00005258 |
Advanced Numerical Chemistry |
Srivastava, S N |
Narain Prakashan |
1969 |
ii, 267 p. : |
UG Library |
540 SRI |
00111495 |
IIT-JEE Physical Chemistry/ |
Srivastava, H.C. |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2008 |
9789350061893 |
2nd Ed. |
xii:690p.; |
UG Library |
540 SRI |
00119355 |
IIT-JEE Physical Chemistry/ |
Srivastava, H.C. |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2008 |
9789350061893 |
2nd Ed. |
xii:690p.; |
UG Library |
540 SRI |
00119356 |
IIT-JEE Physical Chemistry/ |
Srivastava, H.C. |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2008 |
9789350061893 |
2nd Ed. |
xii:690p.; |
UG Library |
540 STE |
00015572 |
General Chemistry |
Steiner, Luke E. |
Macmillan |
1955 |
675 p. |
UG Library |
540 SUB |
05028790 |
Chemistry and Chemical Techniques in India.Vol.4.Part.1 |
Subbarayappa, B V |
Imh Press |
0818758601 |
381p |
Knowledge Centre |
540 SUC |
00073580 |
Conceptual Chemistry |
Suchocki, John. |
Benjamin Cummings, |
2004 |
0805332286 |
2nd ed. |
1 v. (various pagings) : |
UG Library |
540 SUC |
00073581 |
Conceptual Chemistry |
Suchocki, John. |
Benjamin Cummings, |
2004 |
0805332286 |
2nd ed. |
1 v. (various pagings) : |
UG Library |
540 SUC |
00073582 |
Conceptual Chemistry |
Suchocki, John. |
Benjamin Cummings, |
2004 |
0805332286 |
2nd ed. |
1 v. (various pagings) : |
UG Library |
540 THO |
00080041 |
Practical Chemistry |
Thomas, A O |
Scientific Book Centre |
496p |
UG Library |
540 TIM |
00128906 |
Basic Chemistry / |
Timberlake, Karen C. |
Pearson, |
2017 |
9781292170244 |
Fifth edition. |
719 p.: |
UG Library |
540 TIM |
00127688 |
Chemistry : |
Timberlake, Karen C. |
Pearson, |
2015 |
9781292061320 |
704 p. |
UG Library |
540 TIM |
05060481 |
Basic Chemistry / |
Timberlake, Karen C. |
Pearson, |
2017 |
9781292170244 |
Fifth edition. |
719 p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
540 TMH |
00070419 |
Course in Chemistry for IIT-JEE |
Tata Mcgraw Hill Publications |
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company |
2006 |
0070588511 |
545 p |
UG Library |
540 TMH |
00048048 |
Course in Chemistry for IIT JEE |
0 |
0007463934 |
990p |
UG Library |
540 TOO |
04007671 |
Foundations of chemistry / |
Toon, Ernest R. |
Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, |
1978 |
0039200663 : |
2d ed. |
xii, 769 p., [2] leaves of plates : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 TRO |
00127696 |
Introductory chemistry essentials |
Tro, Nivaldo J. |
Prentice Hall, |
2011 |
9781292061337 | 0321725999 |
4th ed. |
675 p. |
UG Library |
540 TRO |
00138228 |
Introductory chemistry / |
Tro, Nivaldo J |
Pearson education limited , |
2019 |
9781292229683 |
6th edi., |
768pages.; |
UG Library |
540 TRO |
00128880 |
Principles of Chemistry / |
Tro, Nivaldo J |
Pearson |
2016 |
9781292097282 |
3rd ed. |
833p.I-33 |
UG Library |
540 TRO |
00128912 |
Chemistry : |
Tro, Nivaldo J. |
Pearson Educatin Limited, |
2017 |
9780134112831 | 9781292152387 |
Fourth edition. |
xxvii, 1195 p. : |
UG Library |
540 TUL |
00001148 |
Chemistry |
Tuly, G D |
UG Library |
540 TYA |
00073398 |
Introduction to Practical Chemistry |
Tyagi, Amar |
Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd |
2006 |
8126126817 | 9788126126811 |
vii, 361 p. : |
UG Library |
540 TYA |
00082693 |
Introduction to Practical Chemistry |
Tyagi, Amar |
Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd |
2006 |
8126126817 | 9788126126811 |
vii, 361 p. : |
UG Library |
540 UC |
00115608 |
Chemistry: GCE Level Examinations Past Papers With Answer Guides |
University of Cambridge |
Foundation Books |
2003 |
9788175961791 |
380p |
UG Library |
540 VAT |
05066692 |
Comprehensive Chemistry : |
Vats,Tanvi. |
Viva Books, |
2019 |
9789389166880 |
ix,372p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
540 VEN |
00046872 |
University Chemistry-3 [ for Final Year Bsc ] |
Venugopal, R |
Subhas |
543p |
UG Library |
540 VEN |
00046873 |
University Chemistry-3 [ for Final Year Bsc ] |
Venugopal, R |
Subhas |
543p |
UG Library |
540 VEN |
00046874 |
University Chemistry-3 [ for Final Year Bsc ] |
Venugopal, R |
Subhas |
543p |
UG Library |
540 VEN |
00046875 |
University Chemistry-3 [ for Final Year Bsc ] |
Venugopal, R |
Subhas |
543p |
UG Library |
540 VEN |
00046876 |
University Chemistry-3 [ for Final Year Bsc ] |
Venugopal, R |
Subhas |
543p |
UG Library |
540 VEN |
00054409 |
University Chemistry-3 [ for Final Year Bsc ] |
Venugopal, R |
Subhas |
543p |
UG Library |
540 VEN. |
00044361 |
University Chemistry [ for Second Year B.Sc ] |
Venugopal, R |
Subhas |
180p |
UG Library |
540 VER |
00090970 |
Applied Chemistry Theory and Practice |
Vermani, O P |
New Age International Publishers |
8122408141 |
322p |
UG Library |
540 VER |
00090971 |
Applied Chemistry Theory and Practice |
Vermani, O P |
New Age International Publishers |
8122408141 |
322p |
UG Library |
540 VER |
00109295 |
Comprehensive Practical Chemistry |
Verma N.K. |
Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd |
2005 |
9788131801499 |
xii; 176 p. |
UG Library |
540 VIN |
00047544 |
Comprehensible Chemistry- III |
Kumar, B. Vinod |
United Publishers |
1999 |
615 p. : |
UG Library |
540 VIN |
00047545 |
Comprehensible Chemistry- III |
Kumar, B. Vinod |
United Publishers |
1999 |
615 p. : |
UG Library |
540 VIN |
00047546 |
Comprehensible Chemistry- III |
Kumar, B. Vinod |
United Publishers |
1999 |
615 p. : |
UG Library |
540 WAN |
00145693 |
Nanochemistry : |
Wang, Xuan |
De Gruyter |
9783110739855 |
1st ed. |
617p. |
UG Library |
540 WAS |
00015181 |
Chem One |
Waser, Jürg. |
McGraw-Hill, |
1976 |
0070684200 |
xviii, 810 p. : |
UG Library |
540 WAT |
00041054 |
Study Guide to Accompany Raymond Chang Chemistry |
Watkins, Kenneth W. |
McGraw Hill Inc |
1996 |
0070110050 | 9780070110052 |
5th ed |
viii, 472 p. : |
UG Library |
540 WAT |
00041055 |
Study Guide to Accompany Raymond Chang Chemistry |
Watkins, Kenneth W. |
McGraw Hill Inc |
1996 |
0070110050 | 9780070110052 |
5th ed |
viii, 472 p. : |
UG Library |
540 WEL |
00008176 |
Semimicro Qualitative Analysis |
Welcher, Frank J |
Affiliated |
1955 |
497 p |
UG Library |
540 WHI |
04007680 |
General chemistry / |
Whitten, Kenneth W. |
Saunders College Pub., |
1988 |
0030128188 |
3rd ed. |
xxxii, 884, 36, 8 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 WHI |
04007847 |
General chemistry with qualitative analysis / |
Whitten, Kenneth W. |
Saunders College Pub., |
1992 |
003075156X |
4th ed. |
xxxii, 1233, 48, 14 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 WHI |
00087055 |
Chemistry (WMU) |
Whitten, Kenneth W |
Thomson |
2007 |
1066p |
UG Library |
540 WIL |
00065434 |
Solutions to Exercises to Brown and LeMay, Chemistry |
Wilson, Roxy |
Prentice Hall |
2003 |
0130097985 | 9780130097989 |
9th ed |
vi, 653 p. : |
UG Library |
540 WIL |
00014264 |
Instrumental Methods of Analysis |
Willard, Hobart H |
Affiliated East-West Press Ltd |
1965 |
4th ed |
xviii, 784 p. : |
UG Library |
540 WIL |
00065435 |
Solutions to Exercises to Brown and LeMay, Chemistry |
Wilson, Roxy |
Prentice Hall |
2003 |
0130097985 | 9780130097989 |
9th ed |
vi, 653 p. : |
UG Library |
540 WIN |
00109359 |
Chemistry for sustainable technologies |
Winterton, Neil. |
RSC Pub., |
2011 |
9781847558138 (hbk.) | 9781847 |
xix, 480 p. : |
UG Library |
540 WOL |
00115607 |
Test Yourself College Chemistry |
Wolfe, Drew H. |
NTC Learning Works | Viva Books Pvt Ltd |
2000 |
8176490393 |
vii, 180 p. : |
UG Library |
540 WOO |
00015178 |
Fundamentals of College Chemistry |
Wood, Jesse Hermon. |
Harper & Row |
1972 |
0060472022 |
3d ed. |
ix, 563 p. |
UG Library |
540 WUE |
04007676 |
General introductory chemistry / |
Visaid Devices, |
1986 |
233p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 YAD |
00008010 |
Practical in Organic & Physical Chemistry |
Yadav, J B |
Goel Publishing House |
1970 |
iv, 235 p. : |
UG Library |
540 ZUM |
04007693 |
Chemistry / |
Zumdahl, Steven S. |
Houghton Mifflin, |
1997 |
0669417947 (student text) |
4th ed. |
xxiii, 1118, 89 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540 ZUM |
00045729 |
Chemistry. |
Zumdahl, Steven S |
D.C.Health and Company. |
1989 |
0669167088 | 9780669167085 |
2nd ed. |
1091p |
UG Library |
540 ZUM |
00124311 |
Basic Chemistry |
Steven S. Zumdahl |
Houghton Mifflin Company, |
2000 |
9780395955390 |
4th ed. |
xxiv, 509 p.: |
UG Library |
540 ZUM |
00124314 |
Introductory Chemistry |
Steven S. Zumdahl |
Houghton Mifflin Company, |
2000 |
9780395955383 |
4th ed. |
xxiv, 607 p.: |
UG Library |
540.01 KHI |
00058822 |
Teaching of Chemistry |
Khirwadkar, Anjali |
Sarupa and Sons |
2002 |
8176253669 |
1st ed |
xv, 300 p : |
UG Library |
540.02 LAN |
00004326 |
Handbook of Chemistry |
Norbert Adolph Lange, |
McGraw-Hill |
1967 |
2001 p |
UG Library |
540.02854 KUM |
00108854 |
Computers and Their Applications To Chemistry |
Kumari,Ramesh |
Narosa Publishing House |
2002 |
9788173196669 |
xiv; 340 p. |
UG Library |
540.03 BIS |
04003131 |
Encyclopaedia of Chemistry |
Biswas, Amit |
Anmol Publications |
2006 |
8126130458 |
305 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.03 RIT |
04002120 |
Encyclopedia of Chemistry / |
Rittner, Don |
Viva Books, |
2008 |
9788130902340 |
342 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.03 RIT |
04000002 |
Encyclopedia of Chemistry / |
Rittner, Don |
Viva Books, |
2008 |
9788130902340 |
342 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.03 ATE |
00047807 |
Advanced Learner`s Dictionary of Chemistry |
0 |
Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd |
8126104627 |
281p |
UG Library |
540.03 DEL |
00138301 |
Advance Dictionary of Chemistry / |
Delvin,Samuel. |
Karan Paperbacks, |
2019 |
9789381759639 |
487p.; |
UG Library |
540.03 RIT |
00105251 |
Viva-Facts On File: Encyclopedia Of Chemistry |
Rittner,Don. |
Viva Books |
2010 |
9788130915395 |
x,342 p. |
UG Library |
540.03 RIT |
04007458 |
Viva-Facts On File: Encyclopedia Of Chemistry |
Rittner,Don. |
Viva Books |
2010 |
9788130915395 |
x,342 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.03 SHA |
00066767 |
A Dictionary of Chemistry |
Sharma, J L |
CBS Publishers & Distributors |
1991 |
8123909292 |
641 p.: |
UG Library |
540.03 SHA |
00035462 |
A Dictionary of Chemistry |
Sharma, J L |
CBS Publishers & Distributors |
1991 |
8123909292 |
641 p.: |
UG Library |
540.03 SHA |
00075933 |
The Penguin Dictionary of Chemistry: |
Ed by W.A. Sharpe |
2005 |
0140514457 |
435p |
UG Library |
540.03 SIN |
00132166 |
Nutritional Biochemistry: |
Singh B.K.P, |
Amiga Press INC. |
2018 |
9789384533182 |
viii,220 p.; |
UG Library |
540.0421 RAO |
00041442 |
New Directions in Solid State Chemistry |
Rao, C N R |
Cambridge University Press. |
1996 |
0521499070 | 9780521499071 |
2nd Ed. |
550 p |
UG Library |
540.07 ISA |
00033866 |
Chemistry teacher`s and Students' Guide Book |
Isaac, Fr |
Nuffield |
1970 |
352 p.: |
UG Library |
540.07 ISA |
00033856 |
Chemistry teacher`s and Students' Guide Book |
Isaac, Fr |
Nuffield |
1970 |
352 p.: |
UG Library |
540.07 ISA |
00033860 |
Chemistry teacher`s and Students' Guide Book |
Isaac, Fr |
Nuffield |
1970 |
352 p.: |
UG Library |
540.07 ISA |
00033863 |
Chemistry teacher`s and Students' Guide Book |
Isaac, Fr |
Nuffield |
1970 |
352 p.: |
UG Library |
540.07 ISA |
00033867 |
Chemistry teacher`s and Students' Guide Book |
Isaac, Fr |
Nuffield |
1970 |
352 p.: |
UG Library |
540.070218 CHA |
00145706 |
10 Things You Must Know About the International Chemistry Olympiad (ICHO) : |
Chang, I-Jy, |
World Scientific |
2023 |
9789811217371 |
Revised edition. |
xxi, 202 pages : |
UG Library |
540.0712 NUF |
00004499 |
Nuffield Chemistry : Introduction and Guide |
Longmans Green; | Penguin, |
1966 |
166 p. : |
UG Library |
540.0712 NUF |
00004500 |
Nuffield Chemistry: The sample scheme, stage I and II |
Nuffield Foundation |
Longmans Green; | Penguin, |
1966 |
473 p . : |
UG Library |
540.0712 NUF |
00004503 |
Nuffield chemistry : Collected Experiments |
Nuffield Foundation |
Longmans Green; | Penguin, |
1966 |
xix, 367 p. : |
UG Library |
540.076 CEN |
04002400 |
Chemistry for AIEEE 2009 |
Cengage Learning |
Thomson South-Western |
2008 |
9788131508602 |
p v |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.076 GOL |
04011562 |
3000 Solved Prolems In Chemistry |
Goldberg David E. |
Mcgraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd, |
1988 |
9780070085312 |
xii; P:, |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 BAK |
04001546 |
Engineering Chemistry |
Bakshi, S P |
CBS Publishers and Distributors |
2008 |
8123916094 |
143p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 GAD |
04000011 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Gadag, R V |
I.K. International Pvt Ltd, |
2008 |
8188237833 |
346 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 GAD |
04001857 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Gadag, R V |
I.K. International Pvt Ltd, |
2008 |
8188237833 |
346 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 GOY |
04001936 |
Textbook of Engineering Chemistry |
Goyal, R N |
Ane Books |
2008 |
9788180520631 |
373 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 GOY |
04002809 |
Textbook of Engineering Chemistry |
Goyal, R N |
Ane Books |
2008 |
9788180520631 |
373 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 GOY |
04003829 |
Textbook of Engineering Chemistry |
Goyal, R N |
Ane Books |
2008 |
9788180520631 |
373 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 GOY |
04002639 |
Textbook of Engineering Chemistry |
Goyal, R N |
Ane Books |
2008 |
9788180520631 |
373 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 KRI |
04003912 |
Engineering Chemistry |
Krihnamurthy, N |
Prentice-Hall of Inida |
2008 |
9788120336667 |
280 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 KUL |
04025677 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Kulkarni, V R |
New Age International Pubishers, |
2016 |
9788122439908 |
xv, 245p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 KUL |
04025678 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Kulkarni, V R |
New Age International Pubishers, |
2016 |
9788122439908 |
xv, 245p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 MAL |
04001059 |
Engineering Chemistry |
Mallick, Abhijit |
Viva Books |
2008 |
9788130909264 |
703 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 MAL |
04002978 |
Engineering Chemistry |
Mallick, Abhijit |
Viva Books |
2008 |
9788130909264 |
703 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 MAL |
04004015 |
Engineering Chemistry |
Mallick, Abhijit |
Viva Books |
2008 |
9788130909264 |
703 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 MAL |
04002987 |
Engineering Chemistry |
Mallick, Abhijit |
Viva Books |
2008 |
9788130909264 |
703 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 PAL |
04006835 |
Engineering Chemistry |
Palanna, O G |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2009 |
9780071068345 | 9780070146105 |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 PAL |
04006836 |
Engineering Chemistry |
Palanna, O G |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2009 |
9780071068345 | 9780070146105 |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 PAL |
04006834 |
Engineering Chemistry |
Palanna, O G |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2009 |
9780071068345 | 9780070146105 |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 PRA |
04002163 |
Chemistry for Engineering Students |
Pradash, B S |
Subhas Stores |
2008 |
254 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 PRA |
04002165 |
Chemistry for Engineering Students |
Prakash, B S |
Subhas Stores |
2008 |
254 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 PRA |
04002166 |
Chemistry for Engineering Students |
Prakash, B S |
Subhas Stores |
2008 |
254 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 PRA |
04002167 |
Chemistry for Engineering Students / |
Prakash, B S |
Subhas Stores, |
2008 |
266 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 PUS |
04024968 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Pushpalatha, K |
Wiley, |
2014 |
9788126551842 |
375 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 SHU |
04003299 |
Engineering Chemistry |
Shultz, Mary Jane |
Thomson South-Western |
2007 |
9788131509258 |
489 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 SHU |
04003298 |
Engineering Chemistry |
Shultz, Mary Jane |
Thomson South-Western |
2007 |
9788131509258 |
489 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 SIN |
04001973 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Singh, S K |
New Age Internations (P) Ltd, |
2008 |
9788122422016 |
272 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 SIN |
04000050 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Singh, S K |
New Age Internations (P) Ltd, |
2008 |
9788122422016 |
272 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 SIV |
04002572 |
Engineering Chemistry |
Sivasankar, B |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2008 |
9780070669321 |
565 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 SIV 1 |
04003325 |
Engineering Chemistry |
Sivakumar, R |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2009 |
9780070261013 |
p v |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 SIV 1 |
04003324 |
Engineering Chemistry |
Sivakumar, R |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2009 |
9780070261013 |
p v |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 UPP |
04005862 |
Engineering Chemeistry (chemical Technology) |
Uppal, M M |
Khanna Publishers |
2009 |
1442 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 UPP |
04005863 |
Engineering Chemeistry (chemical Technology) |
Uppal, M M |
Khanna Publishers |
2009 |
1442 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 UPP |
04005864 |
Engineering Chemeistry (chemical Technology) |
Uppal, M M |
Khanna Publishers |
2009 |
1442 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 UPP |
04005865 |
Engineering Chemeistry (chemical Technology) |
Uppal, M M |
Khanna Publishers |
2009 |
1442 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 UPP |
04005866 |
Engineering Chemeistry (chemical Technology) |
Uppal, M M |
Khanna Publishers |
2009 |
1442 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 UPP |
04005867 |
Engineering Chemeistry (chemical Technology) |
Uppal, M M |
Khanna Publishers |
2009 |
1442 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 UPP |
04005868 |
Engineering Chemeistry (chemical Technology) |
Uppal, M M |
Khanna Publishers |
2009 |
1442 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 AGA |
04027353 |
Engineering Chemistry : |
Agarwal, Shikha |
Cambridge University Press, |
2016 |
9781107476417 |
xxi, 1179p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 AGG |
04026848 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Aggarwal, O.P |
Khanna Publication, |
2016 |
8174091033 |
1030 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 AGG |
04026849 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Aggarwal, O.P |
Khanna Publication, |
2016 |
8174091033 |
1030 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 AGG |
04026850 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Aggarwal, O.P |
Khanna Publication, |
2016 |
8174091033 |
1030 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 AGG |
04026851 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Aggarwal, O.P |
Khanna Publication, |
2016 |
8174091033 |
1030 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 AHL |
04027980 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Ahluwalia, V K |
Ane Books, |
2016 |
9789380618913 |
416p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 AMB |
04025309 |
Chemistry for Engineers / |
Ambasta, B K |
University Science Press, |
2014 |
9788131805855 |
4th Ed. |
321p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 BAI |
05060617 |
Philosophy of chemistry : |
Baird, Davis., ed. |
Springer, |
2006 |
9781402032561 (hbk.) | 9781402032615 (ebook) | 1402032560 (hbk.) | 1402032617 (ebook) |
vii, 362 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
540.1 BAP |
04025926 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Bapna, Renu |
Mac Millan Publishers, |
2010 |
9780230330764 |
431p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 BAP |
04025927 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Bapna, Renu |
Mac Millan Publishers, |
2010 |
9780230330764 |
431p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 BHA |
04019356 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Bhatia, S. C. |
CBS Publisher, |
2001 |
9788123907666 |
881p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 CHA |
04021795 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Chary, M. Thirumala |
Scitech Publishers, |
2012 |
9788183714716 |
269p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 CHA |
04021796 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Chary, M. Thirumala |
Scitech Publishers, |
2012 |
9788183714716 |
269p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 CHA |
04021787 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Chandrasekhar, K. B. |
Scitech Publishers, |
2009 |
9788183712477 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 CHA |
04021788 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Chandrasekhar, K. B. |
Scitech Publishers, |
2009 |
9788183712477 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 CHA |
04025315 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Chauhan, B S |
University Science Press, |
2009 |
9788131805794 |
879p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 CHA |
04025316 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Chauhan, B S |
University Science Press, |
2009 |
9788131805794 |
879p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 CHA |
04025462 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Chauhan, B S |
University Science Press, |
2009 |
9788131805794 |
879p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 CHA |
04027249 |
Basuchandra's Engineering Chemistry / |
Chandrashekar, B M |
Banbayalu, |
2014 |
00135215300002 |
294p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 DAR |
04027738 |
A Textbook of Engineerig Chemistry / |
Dara S S |
S. Chand & Company, |
2014 |
9788121903592 |
xvi, 972p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 DAR |
04027739 |
A Textbook of Engineerig Chemistry / |
Dara S S |
S. Chand & Company, |
2014 |
9788121903592 |
xvi, 972p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 DAR |
04027740 |
A Textbook of Engineerig Chemistry / |
Dara S S |
S. Chand & Company, |
2014 |
9788121903592 |
xvi, 972p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 DAR |
04027741 |
A Textbook of Engineerig Chemistry / |
Dara S S |
S. Chand & Company, |
2014 |
9788121903592 |
xvi, 972p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 DAR |
04027742 |
A Textbook of Engineerig Chemistry / |
Dara S S |
S. Chand & Company, |
2014 |
9788121903592 |
xvi, 972p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 DAR |
04027743 |
A Textbook of Engineerig Chemistry / |
Dara S S |
S. Chand & Company, |
2014 |
9788121903592 |
xvi, 972p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 DAR |
04027744 |
A Textbook of Engineerig Chemistry / |
Dara S S |
S. Chand & Company, |
2014 |
9788121903592 |
xvi, 972p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 DAR |
04027745 |
A Textbook of Engineerig Chemistry / |
Dara S S |
S. Chand & Company, |
2014 |
9788121903592 |
xvi, 972p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 DAR |
00137119 |
A Textbook of Engineerig Chemistry / |
Dara,S S. |
S. Chand & Company, |
2017 |
9788121903592 |
xvi, 972p. ; |
UG Library |
540.1 DAR |
00137120 |
A Textbook of Engineerig Chemistry / |
Dara,S S. |
S. Chand & Company, |
2017 |
9788121903592 |
xvi, 972p. ; |
UG Library |
540.1 DAS |
04021793 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Dash, U. N. |
Scitech Publishers, |
2009 |
9788183711746 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 DAS |
04021794 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Dash, U. N. |
Scitech Publishers, |
2009 |
9788183711746 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 DAS |
04017614 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Dasmohaptra, Gourkrishna |
Vikas Publication, |
2011 |
9788125949527 |
612p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 EC |
04009376 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Wiley India, |
2011 |
9788126519880 |
906 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 EC |
04011144 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Wiley India, |
2011 |
9788126519880 |
906 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 EMI |
04028175 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Emichs, Friedrich |
Medtech, |
2017 |
9789385998935 |
2nd ed. ; |
xxviii, 988p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 EMI |
04024978 |
Engineering Chemistry |
Emich, Friedrich |
MedTech |
2014 |
xxvii:906p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 GAD |
04026392 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Gadag, R V |
I K International Publishing House, |
2014 |
9789384588021 |
284p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 GAD |
04026393 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Gadag, R V |
I K International Publishing House, |
2014 |
9789384588021 |
284p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 GAD |
04026394 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Gadag, R V |
I K International Publishing House, |
2014 |
9789384588021 |
284p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 GAD |
04002550 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Gadag, R. V. |
I. K. International, |
2010 |
9789380578590 |
2nd Ed. |
307p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 GAD |
04002164 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Gadag, R.V |
I.K. International Pub. |
2010 |
9789380578590 |
2nd ed. |
307 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 GAD |
04027250 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Gadag, R V |
I K International Publishing House, |
2014 |
9789384588021 |
284p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 GOP |
04011228 |
Textbook of Engineering Chemistry / |
Gopalan, R |
Vikas Publishing, |
1999 |
9788125921547 |
3rd ed. |
Various p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 GOP |
04019854 |
Textbook of Engineering Chemistry / |
Gopalan, R. |
Vikas Publication, |
2013 |
9789325969018 |
4th ed. |
592p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 GOP |
04017613 |
Engineering Chemistry-II / |
Gopalan, R. |
Vikas Publication, |
2011 |
9788125942337 |
249p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 GOY |
04027997 |
Textbook of Engineering Chemistry / |
Goyal, R N |
Ane Books, |
2015 |
9789384726034 |
466p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 JAI |
04007222 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Jain |
Dhanpat Rai, |
2016 |
9789352161317 |
1414p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 JAI |
04027389 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Jain |
Dhanpat Rai Publishing, |
2013 |
16th Ed. |
1404p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 JAI |
04017130 |
Chemistry for Engineering Students : |
Jai Prakash, B. S. |
Subhas Stores, |
2012 |
0000000001119 |
268p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 JAI |
04023412 |
Chemistry for Engineering Students : |
Jai Prakash, B. S. |
Subhas Stores, |
2012 |
0000000001119 |
268p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 JAI |
04023431 |
Chemistry for Engineering Students : |
Jai Prakash, B. S. |
Subhas Stores, |
2012 |
0000000001119 |
268p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 JAI |
04027038 |
Chemistry for Engineering Students : |
Jai Prakash, B. S. |
Subhas Stores, |
2012 |
0000000001119 |
268p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 JAI |
04027039 |
Chemistry for Engineering Students : |
Jai Prakash, B. S. |
Subhas Stores, |
2012 |
0000000001119 |
268p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 JAI |
04027040 |
Chemistry for Engineering Students : |
Jai Prakash, B. S. |
Subhas Stores, |
2012 |
0000000001119 |
268p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 JAI |
04027041 |
Chemistry for Engineering Students : |
Jai Prakash, B. S. |
Subhas Stores, |
2012 |
0000000001119 |
268p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 JAI |
04027042 |
Chemistry for Engineering Students : |
Jai Prakash, B. S. |
Subhas Stores, |
2012 |
0000000001119 |
268p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 JAI |
04030579 |
Chemistry for Engineering Students : |
Jai Prakash, B. S. |
Subhas Stores, |
2012 |
0000000001119 |
268p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 JAI |
04016790 |
Chemistry for Engineering Students : |
Jai Prakash, B. S. |
Subhas Stores, |
2012 |
0000000001119 |
268p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 JAI |
04016791 |
Chemistry for Engineering Students : |
Jai Prakash, B. S. |
Subhas Stores, |
2012 |
0000000001119 |
268p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 JAI |
04027683 |
Chemistry for Engineering Students : |
Jai Prakash, B. S. |
Subhas Stores, |
2012 |
0000000001119 |
268p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 JAI |
04027684 |
Chemistry for Engineering Students : |
Jai Prakash, B. S. |
Subhas Stores, |
2012 |
0000000001119 |
268p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 JAI |
04027685 |
Chemistry for Engineering Students : |
Jai Prakash, B. S. |
Subhas Stores, |
2012 |
0000000001119 |
268p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 JAI |
04027686 |
Chemistry for Engineering Students : |
Jai Prakash, B. S. |
Subhas Stores, |
2012 |
0000000001119 |
268p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 JAI |
04027687 |
Chemistry for Engineering Students : |
Jai Prakash, B. S. |
Subhas Stores, |
2012 |
0000000001119 |
268p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 JAI |
04015392 |
Chemistry for Engineering Students : |
Jai Prakash, B. S. |
Subhas Stores, |
2012 |
0000000001119 |
268p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 JAY |
04019364 |
Engineering Chemistry-I |
Jayaprakash, R. |
CBS Publisher, |
2011 |
9788123919386 |
232p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 JAY |
04011584 |
Engineering Chemistry/ |
Jayaveera K.N. |
Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, |
2012 |
9780071328852 |
3th ed. |
xvi, 246 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 KAU |
04011372 |
Engineering Chemistry With Laboratory Experiments/ |
Kaurav M.S. |
PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd, |
2011 |
9788120341746 |
xviii, 354 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 KAV |
04021789 |
Engineering Chemistry - I / |
Kavitha, Helen P. |
Scitech Publishers, |
2008 |
9788183711555 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 KAV |
04021790 |
Engineering Chemistry - I / |
Kavitha, Helen P. |
Scitech Publishers, |
2008 |
9788183711555 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 KUM |
04021593 |
Fundamentals of Engineering Chemistry / |
Kumar, Hari Mohan |
Anmol Publication, |
2014 |
9788126161706 |
280 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 KUM |
04023266 |
A Textbook of Engineering Chmeistry / |
Kumar, Uday |
Centrum press, |
2013 |
9789350843062 |
288 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 PAL |
04006833 |
Engineering Chemistry |
Palanna, O G |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2009 |
9780071068345 | 9780070146105 |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 PAL |
04011658 |
Engineering Chemistry |
Palanna, O G |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2009 |
9780071068345 | 9780070146105 |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 PAL |
04027694 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Palanna, O G |
Tata McGraw Hill, |
2017 |
9789352605774 |
2nd Ed. |
868p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 PAL |
04027695 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Palanna, O G |
Tata McGraw Hill, |
2017 |
9789352605774 |
2nd Ed. |
868p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 QAN |
04014813 |
Engineering chemistry / |
Qanungo, Kushal |
PHI Learning, |
2009 |
9788120338180 |
ix , 182 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 RAM |
04011682 |
Chemistry For Engineers Supp;ementary Book/ |
Ramachandran T. |
Vijay Nicole Imprints Pvt. Ltd, |
2005 |
9788182092358 |
78 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 RAM |
04023416 |
Chemistry for Engineers / |
Ramachandran, T. |
Vijay Nicol, |
2006 |
9788182091368 |
261p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 SAC |
04011135 |
Basics Of the Hard Sciences Basics Of Engineering Chemistry |
Sachdeva Mamta V. |
Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd |
2011 |
9788126148004 |
1st Ed. |
259 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 SEN |
04025317 |
Advanced Engineering Chemistry / |
Senapati, M. |
Firewall Media, |
2010 |
9788131801970 |
531p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 SEN |
04025318 |
Advanced Engineering Chemistry / |
Senapati, M. |
Firewall Media, |
2010 |
9788131801970 |
531p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 SHA |
04028196 |
Textbook of Engineering Chemistry / |
Sharma, Deepa |
Med Tech Publication, |
2015 |
9789381714287 |
772 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 SHA |
04028197 |
Textbook of Engineering Chemistry / |
Sharma, Deepa |
Med Tech Publication, |
2015 |
9789381714287 |
772 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 SHA |
04024059 |
Textbook of Engineering Chemistry / |
Sharma, Deepa |
Med Tech Publication, |
2015 |
9789381714287 |
772 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 SHA |
04024060 |
Textbook of Engineering Chemistry / |
Sharma, Deepa |
Med Tech Publication, |
2015 |
9789381714287 |
772 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 SHA |
04024061 |
Textbook of Engineering Chemistry / |
Sharma, Deepa |
Med Tech Publication, |
2015 |
9789381714287 |
772 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 SHA |
00131125 |
Textbook of Engineering Chemistry / |
Sharma, Deepa |
Med Tech Publication, |
2015 |
9789381714287 |
772 p. : |
UG Library |
540.1 SIN |
04026745 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Singh, N B |
University Press, |
2012 |
9788173718106 |
270p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 SIN |
04001847 |
Comprehensive Engineering Chemistry (including Practicals) |
Singh, Devender |
I K International Publishing |
2007 |
9788189866556 |
343 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 SIN |
04024491 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Singh, Ajay |
CBS Publishers, |
2013 |
9788123922874 |
495p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 SIN |
04002540 |
Comprehensive Engineering Chemistry (including Practicals) |
Singh, Devender |
I K International Publishing |
2007 |
9788189866556 |
343 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 SIV |
04011739 |
A Concise Laboratory Manual On Engineering Chemistry/ |
Sivakumar R. |
Vijay Nicole Imprints Pvt.Ltd, |
2004 |
9788182090569 |
vi, 110 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 SIV |
04011741 |
Engineering Chemistry |
Sivasankar, B |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2008 |
9780070669321 |
565 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 SRI |
04011415 |
A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry - I / |
Srivastava, Ashima |
Acme learning private , |
2010 |
9789380408484 |
x, 278 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 SRI |
04011498 |
A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry - I / |
Srivastava, Ashima |
Acme learning private , |
2010 |
9789380408484 |
x, 278 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 SRI |
04025458 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Srinivas, B N |
University Science Press, |
2015 |
9789383828456 |
187p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 SRI |
04025459 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Srinivas, B N |
University Science Press, |
2015 |
9789383828456 |
187p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 SUN |
04030583 |
Sunstar Exam Scanner Chemistry : |
Sunstar Publishers, |
2020 |
9789385155826 |
V P. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 VAI |
04020200 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Vairam, S. |
Wiley, |
2013 |
9788126543038 |
982p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 VAI |
04022233 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Vairam, S. |
Wiley Publications, |
2013 |
9788126543342 |
274p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 VIJ |
04023280 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Vijayasarathy P.R |
PHI Learning Private Limited, |
2011 |
9788120342798 |
2nd ed |
310 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 VIJ |
04011241 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Vijayasarathy P.R |
PHI Learning Private Limited, |
2011 |
9788120342798 |
2nd ed |
310 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 WIL |
04022232 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Wiley Publications, |
2013 |
9788126543205 |
2nd Ed. |
1026p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.1 WIL |
00131107 |
Engineering Chemistry / |
Wiley Publications, |
2013 |
9788126543205 |
2nd Ed. |
1026p. : |
UG Library |
540.112 HAR |
00138947 |
Practical alchemy : |
Harrison, Walter A. |
World Scientifi/ |
2019 |
9789813278318 |
176 p. : |
UG Library |
540.112 KLO |
07014770 |
Alchemy; |
Klossowski de Rola, Stanislas. |
Thames & Hudson Pvt Ltd. |
2013 |
9780500810552 |
128 p;. |
Library - BR Campus |
540.112094209023 HUG |
05038636 |
The rise of alchemy in fourteenth-century England : |
Hughes, Jonathan, |
Continuum, |
2012 |
9781441181831 (pbk.) | 1441181 |
xv, 279 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
540.151 WHI |
00072916 |
Mathematics for Chemistry |
Whitmore G. |
IVY Publishing House |
2006 |
8178901374 |
1st Ed. |
166 p. |
UG Library |
540.151 COC |
00091557 |
Maths for Chemists - Numbers, Functions and Calculus |
Cockett, Martin |
royal society of chemistry cambridge |
0854046771 |
183p |
UG Library |
540.151 COC |
00061698 |
Maths for Chemists - Numbers, Functions and Calculus |
Cockett, Martin |
royal society of chemistry cambridge |
0854046771 |
183p |
UG Library |
540.151 COC |
00138727 |
Maths for Chemists |
Cockett, Martin |
royal society of chemistry, |
2012 |
9781849733595 |
2nd ed, |
387 p.; |
UG Library |
540.151 DAH |
00129682 |
Calculations in chemistry : |
Dahm, Donald J. |
W. W. Norton & Co., |
2013 |
9780393614367 |
2nd ed, |
xix, 501. : |
UG Library |
540.151 SCH |
05062290 |
Chemical Calculations Mathematics For Chemistry / |
Schmidt, Cyril. |
Oxford Book Company, |
2019 |
9789350304631 |
viii, 304p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
540.151 YAT |
00144979 |
Chemical calculations : |
Yates, Paul |
CRC Press, |
2023 |
9780367488673 |
Third edition. |
xvii,370p.; |
UG Library |
540.151 YAT |
00119947 |
Chemical calculations : |
Yates, Paul, |
CRC Press, |
2007 |
0849391644 (pbk. : acidfree pa |
2nd ed. |
xi, 366 p. : |
UG Library |
540.15122 AME |
00134559 |
Symmetry and group theory in chemistry / |
Ameta, Rameshwar |
New age international, |
2019 |
189856339X (pbk) | 9789386649454 |
2nd ed, |
xi, 566 p. : |
UG Library |
540.15122 AME |
00135265 |
Symmetry and group theory in chemistry / |
Ameta, Rameshwar |
New age international, |
2019 |
189856339X (pbk) | 9789386649454 |
2nd ed, |
xi, 566 p. : |
UG Library |
540.2 MAT |
00052197 |
Advanced Chemistry |
Matthews, Philip |
Cambridge University Press |
1998 |
0521566983 | 9780521566988 |
976 p. : |
UG Library |
540.2 MAT |
00052196 |
Advanced Chemistry |
Matthews, Philip |
Cambridge University Press |
1998 |
0521566983 | 9780521566988 |
976 p. : |
UG Library |
540.202 LID |
00082642 |
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics |
Lide, David R. |
CRC Press |
2003 |
0849304881 | 9780849304880 |
88th Ed. |
P.V. |
UG Library |
540.202 LID |
00052171 |
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics |
Lide, R David |
C.R.C Press |
1999 |
0849304806 | 9780849304804 |
80th Ed. |
P.V |
UG Library |
540.212 ARO |
00045850 |
S-Block Elements |
Arora M G |
Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. |
1997 |
8174885625 |
110p |
UG Library |
540.212 EMS |
00045865 |
Elements |
Emsley, John |
Oxford University Press |
1998 |
9780198558187 |
3rd ed. |
UG Library |
540.23 KIS |
00106843 |
Opportunity in Chemistry |
Kislaya,Shardendu |
Discovery Publishing House PVT.LTD. |
2011 |
9788183568067 |
265 P. |
UG Library |
540.246 KUR |
04006379 |
Chemistry in Engineering and Technology |
Kuriacose, J C |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2010 |
9780074517369 |
696 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.246 KUR |
04006380 |
Chemistry in Engineering and Technology |
Kuriacose, J C |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2010 |
9780074517369 |
696 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.246 KUR |
04006417 |
Chemistry in Engineering and Technology |
Kuriacose, J C |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2010 |
9780074517369 |
696 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.246 KUR |
04006418 |
Chemistry in Engineering and Technology |
Kuriacose, J C |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2010 |
9780074517369 |
696 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.246 KUR |
04011615 |
Chemistry in Engineering and Technology |
Kuriacose, J C |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2010 |
9780074517369 |
696 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.246 KUR |
04011614 |
Chemistry in Engineering and Technology/ |
Kuriacose J.C |
Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, |
1984 |
9780074517352 |
xx, 672 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.246 KUR |
04027688 |
Chemistry in Engineering and Technology |
Kuriacose, J C |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2010 |
9780074517369 |
696 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.246 KUR |
04027689 |
Chemistry in Engineering and Technology |
Kuriacose, J C |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2010 |
9780074517369 |
696 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.2461 ARM |
00120082 |
General, organic, and biochemistry : |
Armstrong, James. |
Brooks/Cole ; | Cengage Learning [distributor], |
2011 |
9780840068286 (pbk.) | 0840068 |
1 v. (various pagings) : |
UG Library |
540.28 ALY |
00014289 |
Microchemistry Projected |
Alyea,Hubert N. |
Vakils Feffer And Simons Pvt Ltd |
1970 |
3rd Ed. |
181 p. |
UG Library |
540.28 ALY |
00008025 |
Microchemistry Projected |
Alyea,Hubert N. |
Vakils Feffer And Simons Pvt Ltd |
1970 |
3rd Ed. |
181 p. |
UG Library |
540.28 ALY |
00014288 |
Microchemistry Projected |
Alyea,Hubert N. |
Vakils Feffer And Simons Pvt Ltd |
1970 |
3rd Ed. |
181 p. |
UG Library |
540.28076 JOH |
05033552 |
Problems and solutions in quantum chemistry and physics / |
Johnson, Charles S. |
Dover, |
1986 |
048665236X (pbk.) |
xviii, 429 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
540.3 VEN |
00054408 |
University Chemistry-3 [ for Final Year Bsc ] |
Venugopal, R |
Subhas |
543p |
UG Library |
540.3 COO |
04019059 |
Lotus Illustrated Dictionary of Chemistry / |
Cook, David |
Lotous Press, |
2011 |
9788189093211 |
230p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.3 DAI |
00058073 |
Tha Facts on File Dictionary Of Chemistry |
Daintith, Ph D, John |
1988 |
0816018669 |
249 |
UG Library |
540.3 DAI |
00073253 |
A Dictionary of Chemistry |
Daintith, John |
Oxford University Press |
2006 |
0195672542 | 9780195672541 |
5th ed |
601 p. : |
UG Library |
540.3 DAI |
01014342 |
A dictionary of chemistry / |
Oxford University Press, |
9780199204632 |
584 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
540.3 DAI |
00059456 |
Oxford Dictionary of Chemistry |
Daintith, John |
0192801015 |
580p |
UG Library |
540.3 KAU |
00115159 |
Dictionary of Chemistry |
Kaushik, R K |
Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd |
1987 |
8126118180 |
263p |
UG Library |
540.3 KAU |
00015159 |
Annual Sacred Heart College EKM 1975 x |
S h College , |
S h c |
UG Library |
540.3 KAU |
00115160 |
Dictionary of Chemistry |
Kaushik, R K |
Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd |
1987 |
8126118180 |
263p |
UG Library |
540.3 MAS |
00028878 |
How to Prepare for College Board Achievement Tests: Chemistry; |
Mascetta,A. Joseph |
Barron's Educational Series,Inc |
1987 |
3rd Ed |
310 p. |
UG Library |
540.3 SHA |
00115161 |
Dictionary of Chemistry: |
Sharma, L K |
Sahni |
2003 |
8175640006 |
354p |
UG Library |
540.3 SHA |
01014933 |
The Penguin dictionary of chemistry / |
Penguin Books, |
0140514457 |
434 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
540.3 SHA |
00115157 |
Pengion Dictionary of Chemistry: |
Sharp, David W.A. |
Penguin Books |
2003 |
0140514457 | 9780140514452 |
3rd Ed. |
434 p. |
UG Library |
540.3 VEN |
00041056 |
Chemistry |
0 |
UG Library |
540.321 DAI |
00033835 |
Dictionary Cgenistry |
John Daintith |
Warner Books |
1987 |
070993007959 |
300 p |
UG Library |
540.321 SAX |
00045032 |
Hawley`s Condensed Chemical Dictionary |
Sax, Irving N |
CBS Publishers |
1987 |
0442280971 |
Eleventh Edition |
1288 |
UG Library |
540.3BAC |
00027965 |
Dictionary of Chemistry |
Backett, A H |
Cbs |
304p |
UG Library |
540.3KHA |
00065660 |
Dictionary of Chemistry |
Khan, H J |
Academic (india) |
8185185301 |
356p |
UG Library |
540.71 SIN |
00105241 |
Teacher's Handbook Of Chemistry |
Singh.M.P. |
Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd, |
2007 |
9788126134502 |
x,266 p. |
UG Library |
540.712 BAR |
00122460 |
Essentials of Chemical Education |
Barke, Hans-Dieter, |
Springer Verlag, |
2012 |
9783642217555 | 3642217559 (al |
xx,326 p:. |
UG Library |
540.712 PAT |
00117528 |
Teaching of Chemistry |
Patil, R.S |
Jayadev M. Menasagi, |
2009 |
386p. ; |
UG Library |
540.72 BAI |
00061707 |
Communicating Chemistry |
Bailey, Patrick D. |
Royal Society of Chemistry |
1999 |
0854049045 |
viii, 141 p. : |
UG Library |
540.72 KUM |
00121165 |
Research Methodology and Techniques in Chemistry |
Kumar, Uday |
Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, |
2014 |
9788126161768 |
336 p:. |
UG Library |
540.74 GUP |
00126066 |
UGC CSIR NET/SET(JRF & LS) Chemical Sciences |
Gupta Preeti |
Arihant Publications (India) Limited |
2017 |
9789350940877 |
1434p. |
UG Library |
540.74 GUP |
00126067 |
UGC CSIR NET/SET(JRF & LS) Chemical Sciences |
Gupta Preeti |
Arihant Publications (India) Limited |
2017 |
9789350940877 |
1434p. |
UG Library |
540.76 AND |
00007559 |
Chemical Calculations. |
Anderson, H. V. |
McGraw-Hill, |
1955 |
6th ed. |
305 p. |
UG Library |
540.76 DEL |
04007701 |
Problem solving in general chemistry / |
DeLorenzo, Ronald A. |
Wm. C. Brown Publishers, |
1993 |
069716411X |
2nd ed. |
xiv, 402 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.76 GOL |
00045039 |
Schaum's 3000 Solved Problems in Chemistry |
Goldberg, David E. |
McGraw-Hill, |
1988 |
0070236658 (pbk.) |
v, 606 p. : |
UG Library |
540.76 GOL |
00033937 |
Schaum's 3000 Solved Problems in Chemistry |
Goldberg, David E. |
McGraw-Hill, |
1988 |
0070236658 (pbk.) |
v, 606 p. : |
UG Library |
540.76 GOL |
04007727 |
Schaum's 3000 Solved Problems in Chemistry |
Goldberg, David E. |
McGraw-Hill, |
1988 |
0070236658 (pbk.) |
v, 606 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.76 HAL |
00091929 |
UGC- CSIR JRF/NET - Chemical Sciences (Chemistry) |
Halder Kangkan |
Danika Publishing Company |
8189301039 |
608p |
UG Library |
540.76 HUN |
00058862 |
The Complete A-Z Chemistry Handbook |
Hunt, J. A. |
Hodder & Stoughton, |
1998 |
9780340872710 | 0340872713 | 0 |
3rd ed |
viii, 402 p. : |
UG Library |
540.76 HUN |
00058762 |
The Complete A-Z Chemistry Handbook |
Hunt, J. A. |
Hodder & Stoughton, |
1998 |
9780340872710 | 0340872713 | 0 |
3rd ed |
viii, 402 p. : |
UG Library |
540.76 HUN |
00115158 |
The Complete A-Z Chemistry Handbook |
Hunt, J. A. |
Hodder & Stoughton, |
1998 |
9780340872710 | 0340872713 | 0 |
3rd ed |
viii, 402 p. : |
UG Library |
540.76 KUM |
00091943 |
UGC-CSIR Chemical Sciences |
Kumar,Surinder |
Cosmos Bookhive (p) Ltd |
565p |
UG Library |
540.76 LON |
00049798 |
Problem Exercises for General Chemistry |
Long,Gilbert G. |
John Wiley & Sons |
1986 |
0471828408 |
448 p. |
UG Library |
540.76 MUK |
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Modern apporach to chemical calculations: |
Mukerjee,R.C540.76 |
Bharati bhawan publishers, |
2018 |
9788177096415 |
xi,874p.; |
UG Library |
540.76 MUK |
00147071 |
Modern apporach to chemical calculations: |
Mukerjee, R. C |
Bharati bhawan publishers, |
2017 |
9788177096415 |
xi,872p. ; |
UG Library |
540.76 NAN |
00138927 |
Theory and problems for Chemistry Olympiad : |
Nan, Zhinan, |
World Scientific, |
2020 |
9789813238992 | 9789811210419 |
546 p.; |
UG Library |
540.76 RAS |
00132570 |
Chemistry practicals |
Rastogi,K.N |
ABD Publishers, |
2018 |
9788189011925 |
viii,138p.; |
UG Library |
540.76 TAL |
05069934 |
Chemistry for the IB diploma : |
Talbot, Christopher. |
Hodder Education, |
2017 |
9781471899713 |
viii,288p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
540.76 TER |
05069935 |
Chemistry for the IB MYP 4 & 5 : |
Termaat, Annie. |
Hodder Education, |
2016 |
9781471841767 |
316p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
540.76 UGC |
00126052 |
Joint CSIR - UGC NET Chemical Sciences Part - B & C |
Gupta's R. |
Ramesh Publishing House |
2017 |
9789350125731 |
264p; |
UG Library |
540.76 UGC |
00126053 |
Joint CSIR - UGC NET Chemical Sciences Part - B & C |
Gupta's R. |
Ramesh Publishing House |
2017 |
9789350125731 |
264p; |
UG Library |
540.76076 PRI |
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Chemistry for AIEEE 2012 : |
Prince, A.J |
Cengage Learning, |
2012 |
9788131515532 |
Various p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
540.77 RUN |
00014291 |
Chemical Principles |
Runquist, Olaf Allan. |
Burgess Pub. Co. | Vakils, Feffer and Simons Pvt Ltd |
1968 |
2 v. (iv, 462 p.) |
UG Library |
540.77 RUN |
00014290 |
Chemical Principles |
Runquist, Olaf Allan. |
Burgess Pub. Co. | Vakils, Feffer and Simons Pvt Ltd |
1968 |
2 v. (iv, 462 p.) |
UG Library |
540.78 BRO |
00138229 |
Chemistry : |
Brown, Theodore L & LeyMay jr, H Eugene |
Pearson education limited , |
2019 |
9781292221335 |
14th edi.; |
673 pages.; |
UG Library |
540.78 ELI |
00055612 |
Collection of Interesting General Chemistry Experiments |
Elias, Anil J. |
Universities Press |
2002 |
8173714215 | 9788173714214 |
xi, 132 p. : |
UG Library |
540.78 JAH |
00063516 |
Experiments in Chemistry |
Jahagirdar, D V |
8178666790 |
478p |
UG Library |
540.7SHA |
00028883 |
Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis |
Sharma, B K |
Goel |
878 p |
UG Library |
540.9 DAT |
00115840 |
The Story of Chemistry |
Datta, N C |
Universities Press Pvt.Ltd |
2000 |
9788173715303 |
473 p |
UG Library |
540.9 DAT |
00067904 |
The Story of Chemistry |
Datta, N C |
Universities Press Pvt.Ltd |
2000 |
9788173715303 |
473 p |
UG Library |
540.9 DAT |
00107744 |
The Story of Chemistry |
Datta, N C |
Universities Press Pvt.Ltd |
2000 |
9788173715303 |
473 p |
UG Library |
540.9 GRE |
00097066 |
From alchemy to chemistry in picture and story / |
Greenberg, Arthur. |
Wiley-Interscience, |
9780471751540 | 0471751545 |
xxiii, 637 p., [24] p. of plates : |
UG Library |
540.9 OHR |
00116572 |
The last alchemist in Paris |
Ohrstrom, Lars. |
Oxford University Press, |
2013 |
9780199661091 (hardback) |
xiii: 257 p.; |
UG Library |
540.9 PAT |
00112360 |
Advanced study in chemistry |
Patel,Dinesh R. |
Shree niwas publications, |
2013 |
9789350320501 |
iii,250p.; |
UG Library |
540.9 RAY |
00111700 |
A history of Hindu chemistry: |
Ray,P.C |
Cosmo Publications, |
2012 |
9788130712116 |
cxxxii,295p.; |
UG Library |
540.9 SIN |
00122859 |
Chemical Science for CSIR/JRF/NET/SLET |
Singh, Jagdamba |
Pragati Prakashan |
2014 |
9789351400776 |
4th ed. |
364p. |
UG Library |
540.92 BAR |
05066838 |
Walther Nernst : |
Bartel, Hans-Georg. |
World Scientific, |
2007 |
9812565604 (hbk.) | 9789812565600 (hbk.) |
xii, 394 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
540.92 BIR |
05046461 |
Marie Curie : |
Birch,Beverley. |
Blind Person's Association, | Orient Longman Pvt, |
2015 |
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Knowledge Centre |
540.92 CHE |
05066816 |
Personal and scientific reminiscences : |
World Scientific, |
2018 |
9781786344632 |
xvi, 284 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
540.92 DOU |
05065565 |
Reminiscences of Ahmed H. Zewail : |
World Scientific, |
2018 |
9789813231535 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 981323153X (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9789813231658 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9813231653 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
xxi, 404p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
540.92 HEE |
05065563 |
Never lose your nerve! / |
Heeger, Alan J. |
World Scientific, |
2016 |
9789814704854 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9814704857 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9789814704861 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9814704865 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
xvi, 271p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
540.92 MAN |
00033857 |
The Chemist in Action |
Mansell, A.L. |
Nuffield Advanced Science | Penguin Books |
1971 |
ix, 149 p. : |
UG Library |
540.92 RAO |
03006309 |
Climbing the Limitless Ladder : |
Rao, C. N. R. |
World Scientific, |
2010 |
9788175969124 |
ix, 222 p. : |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
540.92 ZEW |
05066815 |
Voyage through time : |
Zewail, Ahmed H. |
World Scientific Publishing, |
2002 |
9812383409 (pbk.) |
xii, 287 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
540.922 CUL |
00078938 |
Chemistry |
Cullen, Katherine E. |
Viva Books Pvt Ltd |
2006 |
9788130903606 | 8130903601 | 0 |
xxii 170 p. : |
UG Library |
540.922 RAO |
00125138 |
Lives and Times of Great Pioneers in Chemistry : |
Rao, C. N. R. |
World Scientific, |
2016 |
9789814689052 | 9789814689922 |
x, 312 pages : |
UG Library |
540.925209 RAY |
00142635 |
Pioneering British women chemists : |
Rayner-Canham, Marelene |
World scientific europe ltd., |
2020 |
9781786347688 |
xix,581p.; |
UG Library |
540ACHY |
00028215 |
Complete Course in Practical Chemistry |
emil ludwig, R C |
Kalyani |
255 p |
UG Library |
540AGA1 |
00008007 |
Synthetic Organic Chemistry |
Agarwal, |
Goel |
UG Library |
540AKT |
00013707 |
Text Book of Chemistry Puc |
Aktl, Walter |
Anand Publishers |
UG Library |
540AKT |
00013708 |
Text Book of Chemistry Puc |
Aktl, Walter |
Anand Publishers |
UG Library |
540ALL |
00033676 |
Structures of Organic Molecules |
Allinger L, Norman |
Phi |
UG Library |
540ATK |
00033731 |
Basic Chemical Thermodynamics |
Atkins, J |
Clarendran |
UG Library |
540ATK1 |
00033772 |
Physical Chemistry |
Atkins, P W |
UG Library |
540AVE |
00033709 |
Basic Physical Chemistry Calculation |
Avery, H E |
UG Library |
540AWA |
00033752 |
Introductio to Biological Chemistry |
Awapara, J |
Phi |
UG Library |
540BAH |
00006663 |
Modern Approach Ist Year Chemistry |
Bahl, B S |
S Chand & Co. |
UG Library |
540BAH1 |
00006665 |
Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry |
Bahl, B S |
S Chand & Co. |
UG Library |
540BAH2 |
00010243 |
Comphrensive Inorganic Chemistry |
Bahl, B S |
R Chand & Co |
UG Library |
540BAR |
00033693 |
Physicsl Chemistry |
Barrow M, Gordon |
Mgh |
UG Library |
540BHA |
00007997 |
P u c Chemistry |
Bhatta, Subbha |
N s Vasavi |
UG Library |
540BHA |
00007998 |
P u c Chemistry |
Bhatta, Subbha |
N s Vasavi |
UG Library |
540BHA |
00007999 |
P u c Chemistry |
Bhatta, Subbha |
N s Vasavi |
UG Library |
540BLA |
00033699 |
Some Aspects of Basic Plymer Science |
Blackadder, D A |
R I c |
UG Library |
540BOH |
00012260 |
Text Book of Organic Chemistry |
Bohe, B S |
Chand |
UG Library |
540BOM |
00009599 |
Elements of Chemistry |
Bommanavar, S S |
Continental |
UG Library |
540CAM |
00015172 |
General Chemistry |
Campbell, Steven |
Harecourt |
UG Library |
540CAN1 |
00027865 |
Lecture Notes on Biochemistry |
Candlish, J K |
Blackwell |
UG Library |
540CAR |
00033706 |
Principles of Crystal Chemistry |
Carmell, E |
R I c |
UG Library |
540CHA10 |
00033760 |
Biochemistry Lab Techniques |
Chaykin, Sterling |
Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd |
UG Library |
540CHA8 |
00010707 |
Text Book of Physical Chemistry |
Chakravarthi, |
Asia |
UG Library |
540CHA9 |
00033715 |
Industrial Chemistry |
Chakraborty, B N |
Oup |
UG Library |
540CHE2 |
00002208 |
Laboratory Guide to Analysis |
Dept of Chemistry , |
L f Press |
UG Library |
540CHE24 |
00005632 |
College Chemistry for Pre Degree |
Cherian, |
Vidyarthi Mithram |
UG Library |
540CHI |
00033724 |
Principles of Metallic Corrosion |
Chilton, J P |
C s |
UG Library |
540COB |
00033691 |
Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry Part 3 Quantitaive Org Analysis |
Cobol I Arthur , |
UG Library |
540CON |
00033770 |
Outlines of Biochemistry |
Conn E, Eric |
John Wiley |
UG Library |
540COS |
00016598 |
Laboratory Manual |
Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540COS |
00016602 |
Laboratory Manual |
Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540COS |
00016611 |
Laboratory Manual |
Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540COS |
00016610 |
Laboratory Manual |
Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540COS |
00016609 |
Laboratory Manual |
Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540COS |
00016608 |
Laboratory Manual |
Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540COS |
00016607 |
Laboratory Manual |
Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540COS |
00016606 |
Laboratory Manual |
Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540COS |
00016605 |
Laboratory Manual |
Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540COS |
00016604 |
Laboratory Manual |
Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540COS |
00016603 |
Laboratory Manual |
Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540COS |
00016622 |
Laboratory Manual |
Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540COS |
00016621 |
Laboratory Manual |
Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540COS |
00016620 |
Laboratory Manual |
Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540COS |
00016619 |
Laboratory Manual |
Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540COS |
00016618 |
Laboratory Manual |
Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540COS |
00016617 |
Laboratory Manual |
Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540COS |
00016616 |
Laboratory Manual |
Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540COS |
00016615 |
Laboratory Manual |
Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540COS |
00016614 |
Laboratory Manual |
Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540COS |
00016613 |
Laboratory Manual |
Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540COS |
00016612 |
Laboratory Manual |
Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540COS |
00016601 |
Laboratory Manual |
Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540COS |
00016599 |
Laboratory Manual |
Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540COS |
00016600 |
Laboratory Manual |
Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540COS1 |
00032688 |
General & Inorganic Chemistry I Bsc |
Cossip University , |
Prashant |
UG Library |
540COS1 |
00032690 |
General & Inorganic Chemistry I Bsc |
Cossip University , |
Prashant |
UG Library |
540COS1 |
00032692 |
General & Inorganic Chemistry I Bsc |
Cossip University , |
Prashant |
UG Library |
540COS1 |
00032689 |
General & Inorganic Chemistry I Bsc |
Cossip University , |
Prashant |
UG Library |
540COS2 |
00032706 |
General & Inorganic Chemistry for II Year Bsc Course |
Cossip University , |
Prashant |
UG Library |
540COS2 |
00032707 |
General & Inorganic Chemistry for II Year Bsc Course |
Cossip University , |
Prashant |
UG Library |
540COS2 |
00032708 |
General & Inorganic Chemistry for II Year Bsc Course |
Cossip University , |
Prashant |
UG Library |
540COS2 |
00032709 |
General & Inorganic Chemistry for II Year Bsc Course |
Cossip University , |
Prashant |
UG Library |
540COT |
00033690 |
Basic Inorganic Chemistry |
Cotton F, Albert |
John Wiley |
UG Library |
540COU |
00033738 |
Shape and Structore of Molecules |
Coulson, C A |
Clarendran |
UG Library |
540CSR |
00025714 |
Chemistry : for Admission Trestt to Engineering and Medical Colleges |
Csr, |
Csr |
200 |
UG Library |
540CSR12 |
00029979 |
Chemistry for j e e Conducted By Itis 1987-88 |
Competition Success Review , |
Comp Review |
UG Library |
540CUN |
00033703 |
Chemical Aspects of Teh Automic Nuclious |
Cunninghame, J G |
R I c |
UG Library |
540DAN |
00033696 |
Physical Chemistry |
Daniels, Farrington |
John Wiley |
UG Library |
540DAS |
00014381 |
Industrial Chemistry |
Das, R K |
Asia |
UG Library |
540DAY1 |
00033749 |
Quantitative Analysis |
Day, R A |
Phi |
UG Library |
540DAY2 |
00033766 |
Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry |
Day, M Clyde |
E w Press |
UG Library |
540DEA |
00033747 |
Langes Hand Book of Chemistry |
Dean A, John |
M G H |
UG Library |
540DEB |
00010230 |
Semi Micro Chemistry |
Debruyme, Kink |
Oxford Charendon Press |
UG Library |
540DES |
00007354 |
Theory and Numerical Examples in Chemistry |
Desikachars, S |
National |
UG Library |
540DES.3 |
00028770 |
Text Book of Chemistry |
Desikachar, S |
Vasantha |
535 p |
UG Library |
540DES1 |
00007779 |
Theory and Numerical Examples in Chemistry |
Desikachar, |
UG Library |
540DES1 |
00007782 |
Theory and Numerical Examples in Chemistry |
Desikachar, |
UG Library |
540DES1 |
00007783 |
Theory and Numerical Examples in Chemistry |
Desikachar, |
UG Library |
540DES1 |
00007784 |
Theory and Numerical Examples in Chemistry |
Desikachar, |
UG Library |
540DES1 |
00007785 |
Theory and Numerical Examples in Chemistry |
Desikachar, |
UG Library |
540DES1 |
00007781 |
Theory and Numerical Examples in Chemistry |
Desikachar, |
UG Library |
540DES1 |
00007780 |
Theory and Numerical Examples in Chemistry |
Desikachar, |
UG Library |
540DES10 |
00037346 |
Text Book of I Puc Chemistry |
Desikachar, S |
Excellent |
UG Library |
540DES10 |
00037355 |
Text Book of I Puc Chemistry |
Desikachar, S |
Excellent |
UG Library |
540DES10 |
00037354 |
Text Book of I Puc Chemistry |
Desikachar, S |
Excellent |
UG Library |
540DES10 |
00037349 |
Text Book of I Puc Chemistry |
Desikachar, S |
Excellent |
UG Library |
540DES10 |
00037350 |
Text Book of I Puc Chemistry |
Desikachar, S |
Excellent |
UG Library |
540DES10 |
00037351 |
Text Book of I Puc Chemistry |
Desikachar, S |
Excellent |
UG Library |
540DES10 |
00037353 |
Text Book of I Puc Chemistry |
Desikachar, S |
Excellent |
UG Library |
540DES10 |
00037352 |
Text Book of I Puc Chemistry |
Desikachar, S |
Excellent |
UG Library |
540DES10 |
00037348 |
Text Book of I Puc Chemistry |
Desikachar, S |
Excellent |
UG Library |
540DES10 |
00037347 |
Text Book of I Puc Chemistry |
Desikachar, S |
Excellent |
UG Library |
540DES2 |
00024678 |
Text Book of Pre-University |
Deshikachar, Collin |
S Chand & Co. |
UG Library |
540DES4 |
00024680 |
Text Book of Pre University |
Deshikachar, |
S Chand & Co |
UG Library |
540DES5 |
00028244 |
Text Book of Chemistry for I Puc |
Desikachar, S |
Excellent |
UG Library |
540DES6 |
00028767 |
II Puc Chemistry Text |
Desikachar, S |
Excellent |
UG Library |
540DES6 |
00028768 |
II Puc Chemistry Text |
Desikachar, S |
Excellent |
UG Library |
540DES6 |
00028771 |
II Puc Chemistry Text |
Desikachar, S |
Excellent |
UG Library |
540DES6 |
00028769 |
II Puc Chemistry Text |
Desikachar, S |
Excellent |
UG Library |
540DES7 |
00029120 |
Text Book of I Puc Chemistry II |
Desikachar, S |
UG Library |
540DES7 |
00029121 |
Text Book of I Puc Chemistry II |
Desikachar, S |
UG Library |
540DES7 |
00029119 |
Text Book of I Puc Chemistry II |
Desikachar, S |
UG Library |
540DES7 |
00029118 |
Text Book of I Puc Chemistry II |
Desikachar, S |
UG Library |
540DES7 |
00029117 |
Text Book of I Puc Chemistry II |
Desikachar, S |
UG Library |
540DES8 |
00029122 |
Text Book of II Puc Chemistry II |
Desikachar, S |
Excellent |
UG Library |
540DES8 |
00029124 |
Text Book of II Puc Chemistry II |
Desikachar, S |
Excellent |
UG Library |
540DES8 |
00029125 |
Text Book of II Puc Chemistry II |
Desikachar, S |
Excellent |
UG Library |
540DES8 |
00029126 |
Text Book of II Puc Chemistry II |
Desikachar, S |
Excellent |
UG Library |
540DES8 |
00029123 |
Text Book of II Puc Chemistry II |
Desikachar, S |
Excellent |
UG Library |
540DES9 |
00031315 |
I Puc Text Book of Chemistry |
Deshikachar, S |
Excellent |
UG Library |
540DES9 |
00031318 |
I Puc Text Book of Chemistry |
Deshikachar, S |
Excellent |
UG Library |
540DES9 |
00031317 |
I Puc Text Book of Chemistry |
Deshikachar, S |
Excellent |
UG Library |
540DES9 |
00031316 |
I Puc Text Book of Chemistry |
Deshikachar, S |
Excellent |
UG Library |
540DHA |
00052097 |
Question Bank in Chemistry for Class XI |
Dhavan, Pran |
T M H |
UG Library |
540DIS |
00038920 |
Pre-University Chemistry |
Disouza, A |
UG Library |
540DSO |
00038699 |
II Puc Chemistry |
D`Souza, A |
UG Library |
540DSO |
00038702 |
II Puc Chemistry |
D`Souza, A |
UG Library |
540DSO |
00038701 |
II Puc Chemistry |
D`Souza, A |
UG Library |
540DSO |
00038700 |
II Puc Chemistry |
D`Souza, A |
UG Library |
540DSO1 |
00049067 |
Puc Chemistry II Puc |
Dsouza, A |
Himalayan |
UG Library |
540DYE |
00033716 |
Application of Absorption Spectroscopy of Organixation Compounds |
Dyer R, John |
UG Library |
540EAR1 |
00033734 |
Chemistry of the Transition Elements |
Earnshaw A, |
Clarendran |
UG Library |
540ELI |
00033677 |
Elements of Stereochemistry |
Eliel L, Evnesr |
John Wiley |
UG Library |
540ELI1 |
00084957 |
General Chemistry Experiments [MSC.CHEMISTRY SECTION] |
Elias, Anil J |
Universities Press |
9788173715990 |
144p |
UG Library |
540FER1 |
00033689 |
Modern Structured Theory of Organic Chemistry |
Ferguson N, Uoyd |
Phi |
UG Library |
540FIA |
00033729 |
Principles of Bio Inorganic Chemistry |
Fiabane, M Anna |
C s |
UG Library |
540FIN |
00033758 |
Problems and Theri Solution in Organic Chemistry |
Finar, I L |
UG Library |
540FIN1 |
00033759 |
Organic Chemistry Vol 1 |
Finar, I L |
UG Library |
540FIN2 |
00033764 |
Organic Chemistry Vol 2 |
Finar, G P |
UG Library |
540FRE1 |
00033740 |
Chemsit in Industry (3) Managment & Economics |
Freemantle, M H |
Clarendran |
UG Library |
540GAR1 |
00006176 |
Practical Physical Chemistry |
Garg, V C |
R Chand & Co |
UG Library |
540GAS |
00033732 |
Entropy and Energy Levels |
Gasser, R P H |
Clearendron |
UG Library |
540GEO |
00002535 |
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry |
George, C D |
S Chand |
UG Library |
540GEO1 |
00007938 |
Chemistry for the Modern World |
George, Porton |
UG Library |
540GLA |
00030845 |
Text Book of Physical Chemistry |
Glasstone, Samuel |
Macmillan |
UG Library |
540GLA1 |
00033756 |
Introduction to Electro Chemistry |
Glasstone, Samuel |
E w Press |
UG Library |
540GOL.D |
00016386 |
College Chemistry |
Goldberg, E David & Dillard |
Macmillan Co. |
620 p |
UG Library |
540GOP1 |
00006727 |
Principles of Organic Evolution |
Goplakrishnana, |
Pearl |
UG Library |
540GOP2 |
00015581 |
II Year Puc Practical Chemistry |
Gopal L, Kappor |
UG Library |
540GRI |
00033702 |
Ion Exchange Introduction to Theory and Practice |
Grimshaw, R W |
R I c |
UG Library |
540GUL |
00009546 |
B Sc Inorganic Chemistry |
Guli, G D |
Premier Pub Co |
UG Library |
540GUN |
00033714 |
Introduction Course in Practical Organic Chemistry |
Gunstone, F D |
Champaman |
UG Library |
540HAM |
00033757 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry |
Hamill H, William |
Phi |
UG Library |
540HAR |
00068581 |
Chemistry |
Harwood, Richard |
Foundation Books |
0008175960 |
415p |
UG Library |
540HAR2 |
00033700 |
Elements of Organic Metallic Chemistry |
Hartley, F R |
R I c |
UG Library |
540HEG.V |
00020850 |
Textbook of Chemistry I Puc |
Hegde, K B |
Naveen Publication |
240p |
UG Library |
540HEG.V |
00020853 |
Textbook of Chemistry I Puc |
Hegde, K B |
Naveen Publication |
240p |
UG Library |
540HEG.V |
00020851 |
Textbook of Chemistry I Puc |
Hegde, K B |
Naveen Publication |
240p |
UG Library |
540HEG.V |
00020854 |
Textbook of Chemistry I Puc |
Hegde, K B |
Naveen Publication |
240p |
UG Library |
540HEG.V |
00020852 |
Textbook of Chemistry I Puc |
Hegde, K B |
Naveen Publication |
240p |
UG Library |
540HEN |
00033721 |
Naming Open Chain Compound |
Henderson, S |
Oup |
UG Library |
540HEN1 |
00033761 |
Organic Chemistry |
Hendrickson, B Jame |
Mgh |
UG Library |
540HIL.K |
00041718 |
Chemistry for Chainging Times |
Hill, W John |
Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs, |
1996 |
0023551003 |
7th ed. |
xxiv, 720 p.: |
UG Library |
540HRW |
00089781 |
Modern Chemistry |
Holt, Rinehart, Winston |
0030145139 |
222p |
UG Library |
540IND |
00042112 |
Chemistry [ Text Book I P U C ] |
Indira, L |
Jupiter Books |
436p |
UG Library |
540IND |
00042113 |
Chemistry [ Text Book I P U C ] |
Indira, L |
Jupiter Books |
436p |
UG Library |
540IND |
00042114 |
Chemistry [ Text Book I P U C ] |
Indira, L |
Jupiter Books |
436p |
UG Library |
540IND |
00042115 |
Chemistry [ Text Book I P U C ] |
Indira, L |
Jupiter Books |
436p |
UG Library |
540IND |
00042116 |
Chemistry [ Text Book I P U C ] |
Indira, L |
Jupiter Books |
436p |
UG Library |
540IND.1 |
00038737 |
Text Book of Chemistry Vol I |
Indira, L |
Subhas Publications | Subhas Stores |
1995 |
398 p. : |
UG Library |
540IND.2 |
00038731 |
Text Book of Chemistry for Bsc Vol II |
Indira, L |
Subhas Publications |
372 |
UG Library |
540IND2 |
00038744 |
Text Book of Chemistry Vol II |
Indira, L |
Subhas Publications |
1996 |
372 p. : |
UG Library |
540IND4 |
00041698 |
II Your Puc Chemistry |
Indira, L |
Jupiter Books |
UG Library |
540IND5 |
00042117 |
II Year Puc Chemistry |
Indira, L |
Jupiter |
UG Library |
540IND5 |
00042118 |
II Year Puc Chemistry |
Indira, L |
Jupiter |
UG Library |
540IND5 |
00042120 |
II Year Puc Chemistry |
Indira, L |
Jupiter |
UG Library |
540IND5 |
00042119 |
II Year Puc Chemistry |
Indira, L |
Jupiter |
UG Library |
540IND5 |
00042121 |
II Year Puc Chemistry |
Indira, L |
Jupiter |
UG Library |
540ISR.II |
00021740 |
Second Course in Chemistry for II Puc |
Israel, O P |
Sheth |
340 p |
UG Library |
540ISR.II |
00021743 |
Second Course in Chemistry for II Puc |
Israel, O P |
Sheth |
340 p |
UG Library |
540ISR.II |
00021744 |
Second Course in Chemistry for II Puc |
Israel, O P |
Sheth |
340 p |
UG Library |
540ISR.II |
00021742 |
Second Course in Chemistry for II Puc |
Israel, O P |
Sheth |
340 p |
UG Library |
540ISR.II |
00021745 |
Second Course in Chemistry for II Puc |
Israel, O P |
Sheth |
340 p |
UG Library |
540ISR.II |
00021741 |
Second Course in Chemistry for II Puc |
Israel, O P |
Sheth |
340 p |
UG Library |
540ISR2 |
00026421 |
Second Course in Chemistry |
Israel, O P |
Sheth Pub |
UG Library |
540ISR2 |
00026423 |
Second Course in Chemistry |
Israel, O P |
Sheth Pub |
UG Library |
540ISR2 |
00026422 |
Second Course in Chemistry |
Israel, O P |
Sheth Pub |
UG Library |
540JAD |
00038678 |
Text Book of II Puc Chemistry |
Jadhav, S F |
UG Library |
540JAD |
00038679 |
Text Book of II Puc Chemistry |
Jadhav, S F |
UG Library |
540JAD |
00038680 |
Text Book of II Puc Chemistry |
Jadhav, S F |
UG Library |
540JAD1 |
00038935 |
Text Book of Chemistry II Puc |
Jadhav, S F |
UG Library |
540JAF.O1 |
00033896 |
Symmetry in Chemistry |
Jaffe, H.h |
R.Kundaji |
190 p |
UG Library |
540JAU |
00036792 |
Modern`s Abc of Chemistry for I P U C |
Jauhar, S P |
Modern |
320 p |
UG Library |
540JAU |
00036795 |
Modern`s Abc of Chemistry for I P U C |
Jauhar, S P |
Modern |
320 p |
UG Library |
540JAU |
00036793 |
Modern`s Abc of Chemistry for I P U C |
Jauhar, S P |
Modern |
320 p |
UG Library |
540JAU |
00036794 |
Modern`s Abc of Chemistry for I P U C |
Jauhar, S P |
Modern |
320 p |
UG Library |
540JAU |
00036791 |
Modern`s Abc of Chemistry for I P U C |
Jauhar, S P |
Modern |
320 p |
UG Library |
540JAU1 |
00038631 |
Modern ABC`s of Chemistry |
Jauhar, S P |
Modern |
UG Library |
540JAU1 |
00038634 |
Modern ABC`s of Chemistry |
Jauhar, S P |
Modern |
UG Library |
540JAU1 |
00038633 |
Modern ABC`s of Chemistry |
Jauhar, S P |
Modern |
UG Library |
540JAU1 |
00038632 |
Modern ABC`s of Chemistry |
Jauhar, S P |
Modern |
UG Library |
540JAU2 |
00038937 |
Modern ABC of Chemistry II Puc |
Jauhar, S P |
Modern |
UG Library |
540JAU3 |
00041701 |
Modern`s ABC of Chemistry |
Jauhar, S P |
Modern Pub |
UG Library |
540JAU4 |
00045077 |
Modern`s ABC of Chemistry I Puc |
Jauhar, S P |
Modern Pub |
UG Library |
540JAU4 |
00045078 |
Modern`s ABC of Chemistry I Puc |
Jauhar, S P |
Modern Pub |
UG Library |
540JAY |
00033717 |
Lab Manual in Biochemistry |
Jayaraman, J |
Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd |
UG Library |
540JAY1 |
00039411 |
Text Book of Chemistry for II Puc |
Jayaraman, S |
Saraswati |
UG Library |
540JAY1 |
00039413 |
Text Book of Chemistry for II Puc |
Jayaraman, S |
Saraswati |
UG Library |
540JAY1 |
00039415 |
Text Book of Chemistry for II Puc |
Jayaraman, S |
Saraswati |
UG Library |
540JAY1 |
00039414 |
Text Book of Chemistry for II Puc |
Jayaraman, S |
Saraswati |
UG Library |
540JAY1 |
00039412 |
Text Book of Chemistry for II Puc |
Jayaraman, S |
Saraswati |
UG Library |
540JOH |
00007567 |
Atoms, Molecular and Chemical Usage |
Johnsen, Russel H |
Prentice Hall |
UG Library |
540JOL1 |
00006039 |
Text Book of Organic Chemistry |
Jlloyd N, Fergajon |
East West |
UG Library |
540JON1 |
00033711 |
Chemstry and Industry |
Jones, D J |
Oxford Charendon Press |
UG Library |
540KAR |
00038947 |
Pre-University Chemistry |
Karajagi, G |
S Chand & Co |
UG Library |
540KAR1 |
00038952 |
Pre-University Chemistry II |
Karajagi, G |
S Chand & Co |
UG Library |
540KAR1 |
00038955 |
Pre-University Chemistry II |
Karajagi, G |
S Chand & Co |
UG Library |
540KAR1 |
00038953 |
Pre-University Chemistry II |
Karajagi, G |
S Chand & Co |
UG Library |
540KAR1 |
00038954 |
Pre-University Chemistry II |
Karajagi, G |
S Chand & Co |
UG Library |
540KAS1 |
00026416 |
II Puc Chemistry Text |
Lasrhoo, D`Souza |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540KAS1 |
00026420 |
II Puc Chemistry Text |
Lasrhoo, D`Souza |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540KAS1 |
00026419 |
II Puc Chemistry Text |
Lasrhoo, D`Souza |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540KAS1 |
00026417 |
II Puc Chemistry Text |
Lasrhoo, D`Souza |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540KAS1 |
00026418 |
II Puc Chemistry Text |
Lasrhoo, D`Souza |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540KEE1 |
00087058 |
Student Solutions Manual Forwhitten, Davis, Peck, and Stanley`s Chemistry |
Kenney-Kennicutt, Wendy L |
0495014540 |
426 p |
UG Library |
540KEE1 |
00087056 |
Student Solutions Manual Forwhitten, Davis, Peck, and Stanley`s Chemistry |
Kenney-Kennicutt, Wendy L |
0495014540 |
426 p |
UG Library |
540KEE1 |
00087057 |
Student Solutions Manual Forwhitten, Davis, Peck, and Stanley`s Chemistry |
Kenney-Kennicutt, Wendy L |
0495014540 |
426 p |
UG Library |
540KEN |
00002534 |
Laboratory Outline of Smith`s General Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry |
Kendall, James |
G Bell and Sons |
198p |
UG Library |
540KIN1 |
00011643 |
Pre University Chmistry |
Kini, |
Authors |
UG Library |
540KIN1 |
00011644 |
Pre University Chmistry |
Kini, |
Authors |
UG Library |
540KIN1 |
00011645 |
Pre University Chmistry |
Kini, |
Authors |
UG Library |
540KIN1 |
00011646 |
Pre University Chmistry |
Kini, |
Authors |
UG Library |
540KIN10 |
00017893 |
Pre University Chemistry |
Kini, Rao |
UG Library |
540KIN10 |
00017894 |
Pre University Chemistry |
Kini, Rao |
UG Library |
540KIN11 |
00026411 |
II Puc Chemistry Text |
Kini, |
UG Library |
540KIN11 |
00026412 |
II Puc Chemistry Text |
Kini, |
UG Library |
540KIN12 |
00028226 |
Text Book of Chemistry II Puc |
Kini, K |
M/s Kini & Rao |
UG Library |
540KIN12 |
00028228 |
Text Book of Chemistry II Puc |
Kini, K |
M/s Kini & Rao |
UG Library |
540KIN12 |
00028229 |
Text Book of Chemistry II Puc |
Kini, K |
M/s Kini & Rao |
UG Library |
540KIN12 |
00028230 |
Text Book of Chemistry II Puc |
Kini, K |
M/s Kini & Rao |
UG Library |
540KIN12 |
00028227 |
Text Book of Chemistry II Puc |
Kini, K |
M/s Kini & Rao |
UG Library |
540KIN13 |
00028299 |
Pre University Chemistry I |
Kini K, Damodara |
Kini |
UG Library |
540KIN13 |
00028301 |
Pre University Chemistry I |
Kini K, Damodara |
Kini |
UG Library |
540KIN13 |
00028303 |
Pre University Chemistry I |
Kini K, Damodara |
Kini |
UG Library |
540KIN13 |
00028302 |
Pre University Chemistry I |
Kini K, Damodara |
Kini |
UG Library |
540KIN13 |
00028300 |
Pre University Chemistry I |
Kini K, Damodara |
Kini |
UG Library |
540KIN14 |
00028304 |
Pre University Chemistry II |
Kini K, Dmmodara |
Kini |
UG Library |
540KIN14 |
00028311 |
Pre University Chemistry II |
Kini K, Dmmodara |
Kini |
UG Library |
540KIN14 |
00028313 |
Pre University Chemistry II |
Kini K, Dmmodara |
Kini |
UG Library |
540KIN14 |
00028312 |
Pre University Chemistry II |
Kini K, Dmmodara |
Kini |
UG Library |
540KIN14 |
00028310 |
Pre University Chemistry II |
Kini K, Dmmodara |
Kini |
UG Library |
540KIN14 |
00028305 |
Pre University Chemistry II |
Kini K, Dmmodara |
Kini |
UG Library |
540KIN14 |
00028307 |
Pre University Chemistry II |
Kini K, Dmmodara |
Kini |
UG Library |
540KIN14 |
00028308 |
Pre University Chemistry II |
Kini K, Dmmodara |
Kini |
UG Library |
540KIN14 |
00028309 |
Pre University Chemistry II |
Kini K, Dmmodara |
Kini |
UG Library |
540KIN14 |
00028306 |
Pre University Chemistry II |
Kini K, Dmmodara |
Kini |
UG Library |
540KIN15 |
00028772 |
Pre University Chemistry |
Kini, Rao |
Kini |
UG Library |
540KIN15 |
00028775 |
Pre University Chemistry |
Kini, Rao |
Kini |
UG Library |
540KIN15 |
00028776 |
Pre University Chemistry |
Kini, Rao |
Kini |
UG Library |
540KIN15 |
00028774 |
Pre University Chemistry |
Kini, Rao |
Kini |
UG Library |
540KIN15 |
00028773 |
Pre University Chemistry |
Kini, Rao |
Kini |
UG Library |
540KIN16 |
00031307 |
II Puc Chemistry Text |
Kini K, Damodara |
Kini & Rao |
UG Library |
540KIN16 |
00031310 |
II Puc Chemistry Text |
Kini K, Damodara |
Kini & Rao |
UG Library |
540KIN16 |
00031309 |
II Puc Chemistry Text |
Kini K, Damodara |
Kini & Rao |
UG Library |
540KIN16 |
00031308 |
II Puc Chemistry Text |
Kini K, Damodara |
Kini & Rao |
UG Library |
540KIN17 |
00031311 |
I Puc Chemistry Text |
Kini K, Damodara |
Kini |
UG Library |
540KIN17 |
00031312 |
I Puc Chemistry Text |
Kini K, Damodara |
Kini |
UG Library |
540KIN17 |
00031314 |
I Puc Chemistry Text |
Kini K, Damodara |
Kini |
UG Library |
540KIN17 |
00031313 |
I Puc Chemistry Text |
Kini K, Damodara |
Kini |
UG Library |
540KIN2 |
00026409 |
II Puc Chemistry Text |
Kini, Rao |
K r |
UG Library |
540KIN2 |
00026410 |
II Puc Chemistry Text |
Kini, Rao |
K r |
UG Library |
540KIN3 |
00011770 |
Pre University of Chemistry |
Kini, Rao |
Manipal |
UG Library |
540KIN3 |
00011771 |
Pre University of Chemistry |
Kini, Rao |
Manipal |
UG Library |
540KIN4 |
00012241 |
Puc Chemistry |
Kini, |
UG Library |
540KIN4 |
00012248 |
Puc Chemistry |
Kini, |
UG Library |
540KIN4 |
00012247 |
Puc Chemistry |
Kini, |
UG Library |
540KIN4 |
00012242 |
Puc Chemistry |
Kini, |
UG Library |
540KIN4 |
00012243 |
Puc Chemistry |
Kini, |
UG Library |
540KIN4 |
00012246 |
Puc Chemistry |
Kini, |
UG Library |
540KIN5 |
00013699 |
Pre University Chemistry |
Kini, Rao |
UG Library |
540KIN5 |
00013703 |
Pre University Chemistry |
Kini, Rao |
UG Library |
540KIN5 |
00013702 |
Pre University Chemistry |
Kini, Rao |
UG Library |
540KIN5 |
00013700 |
Pre University Chemistry |
Kini, Rao |
UG Library |
540KIN5 |
00013701 |
Pre University Chemistry |
Kini, Rao |
UG Library |
540KIN6 |
00015092 |
Pre University Chemistry |
Kini, K Damodara |
UG Library |
540KIN7 |
00015105 |
Pre University Chemistry II 4th Edition |
Kini, K Damodaran |
Authors |
UG Library |
540KIN7 |
00015106 |
Pre University Chemistry II 4th Edition |
Kini, K Damodaran |
Authors |
UG Library |
540KIN7 |
00015108 |
Pre University Chemistry II 4th Edition |
Kini, K Damodaran |
Authors |
UG Library |
540KIN7 |
00015107 |
Pre University Chemistry II 4th Edition |
Kini, K Damodaran |
Authors |
UG Library |
540KIN8 |
00016334 |
Puc Chemistry II |
Kini, |
Author |
UG Library |
540KIN8 |
00016335 |
Puc Chemistry II |
Kini, |
Author |
UG Library |
540KIN8 |
00016336 |
Puc Chemistry II |
Kini, |
Author |
UG Library |
540KIN8 |
00016337 |
Puc Chemistry II |
Kini, |
Author |
UG Library |
540KIN9 |
00017192 |
Pre University Chemistry |
Kini, Ram |
UG Library |
540KIN9 |
00017193 |
Pre University Chemistry |
Kini, Ram |
UG Library |
540KINR |
00026402 |
I Puc Chemistry Text |
Kini, Rao |
K r |
UG Library |
540KINS2 |
00007090 |
P u c Chemistry Vol 2 |
Kini, Damodarak |
UG Library |
540KINS2 |
00007091 |
P u c Chemistry Vol 2 |
Kini, Damodarak |
UG Library |
540KINS2 |
00007095 |
P u c Chemistry Vol 2 |
Kini, Damodarak |
UG Library |
540KINS2 |
00007094 |
P u c Chemistry Vol 2 |
Kini, Damodarak |
UG Library |
540KINS2 |
00007092 |
P u c Chemistry Vol 2 |
Kini, Damodarak |
UG Library |
540KOP |
00011775 |
Practical Chemistry |
Koppari, G L |
UG Library |
540LAK |
00039260 |
Chemistry Text Book for I Puc |
Lakshmana Rao, K S |
New Age |
UG Library |
540LAK |
00039261 |
Chemistry Text Book for I Puc |
Lakshmana Rao, K S |
New Age |
UG Library |
540LAK |
00039262 |
Chemistry Text Book for I Puc |
Lakshmana Rao, K S |
New Age |
UG Library |
540LAK |
00039264 |
Chemistry Text Book for I Puc |
Lakshmana Rao, K S |
New Age |
UG Library |
540LAK |
00039263 |
Chemistry Text Book for I Puc |
Lakshmana Rao, K S |
New Age |
UG Library |
540LAK1 |
00039265 |
Chemistry Text Book for II Puc |
Lakshmana Rao, K S |
New Age |
UG Library |
540LAK1 |
00039269 |
Chemistry Text Book for II Puc |
Lakshmana Rao, K S |
New Age |
UG Library |
540LAK1 |
00039266 |
Chemistry Text Book for II Puc |
Lakshmana Rao, K S |
New Age |
UG Library |
540LAK1 |
00039267 |
Chemistry Text Book for II Puc |
Lakshmana Rao, K S |
New Age |
UG Library |
540LAK1 |
00039268 |
Chemistry Text Book for II Puc |
Lakshmana Rao, K S |
New Age |
UG Library |
540LAK2 |
00041743 |
Chemistry Vol 1: Text Book for I Puc |
Lakshmana Rao |
New Age International |
UG Library |
540LAS.D |
00020913 |
Textbook of Chemistry - New Syllabus |
Lasrado, V S |
United Pub |
347 P |
UG Library |
540LAS.D |
00020917 |
Textbook of Chemistry - New Syllabus |
Lasrado, V S |
United Pub |
347 P |
UG Library |
540LAS.D |
00020915 |
Textbook of Chemistry - New Syllabus |
Lasrado, V S |
United Pub |
347 P |
UG Library |
540LAS.D |
00020918 |
Textbook of Chemistry - New Syllabus |
Lasrado, V S |
United Pub |
347 P |
UG Library |
540LAS.D |
00020914 |
Textbook of Chemistry - New Syllabus |
Lasrado, V S |
United Pub |
347 P |
UG Library |
540LAS.D |
00020916 |
Textbook of Chemistry - New Syllabus |
Lasrado, V S |
United Pub |
347 P |
UG Library |
540LAS.D.II |
00021800 |
Textbook of Chemistry II |
Lasrado, V S |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LAS.D.II |
00021801 |
Textbook of Chemistry II |
Lasrado, V S |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LAS.D.II |
00021802 |
Textbook of Chemistry II |
Lasrado, V S |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LAS.D.II |
00021803 |
Textbook of Chemistry II |
Lasrado, V S |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LAS.D.II |
00021804 |
Textbook of Chemistry II |
Lasrado, V S |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LAS1 |
00011647 |
Text Book of Chemistry |
Lasarado, |
UG Library |
540LAS1 |
00011649 |
Text Book of Chemistry |
Lasarado, |
UG Library |
540LAS1 |
00011651 |
Text Book of Chemistry |
Lasarado, |
UG Library |
540LAS1 |
00011652 |
Text Book of Chemistry |
Lasarado, |
UG Library |
540LAS1 |
00011650 |
Text Book of Chemistry |
Lasarado, |
UG Library |
540LAS1 |
00011648 |
Text Book of Chemistry |
Lasarado, |
UG Library |
540LAS1 |
00019278 |
Text Book of Chemistry for PUC Vol 1 |
Lasrado, |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LAS1 |
00019281 |
Text Book of Chemistry for PUC Vol 1 |
Lasrado, |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LAS1 |
00019280 |
Text Book of Chemistry for PUC Vol 1 |
Lasrado, |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LAS1 |
00019279 |
Text Book of Chemistry for PUC Vol 1 |
Lasrado, |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LAS1 |
00019282 |
Text Book of Puc Chemistry Vol II |
Lasrado, |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LAS1 |
00019284 |
Text Book of Puc Chemistry Vol II |
Lasrado, |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LAS1 |
00019283 |
Text Book of Puc Chemistry Vol II |
Lasrado, |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LAS1 |
00019285 |
Text Book of Puc Chemistry Vol II |
Lasrado, |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LAS1 |
00051439 |
Text Book of Chemistry for II PUC |
Lasrado, V S |
United |
520p |
UG Library |
540LAS10 |
00028231 |
Text Book of Chemistry II Puc |
Lasrado, V S |
United |
UG Library |
540LAS10 |
00028235 |
Text Book of Chemistry II Puc |
Lasrado, V S |
United |
UG Library |
540LAS10 |
00028232 |
Text Book of Chemistry II Puc |
Lasrado, V S |
United |
UG Library |
540LAS10 |
00028233 |
Text Book of Chemistry II Puc |
Lasrado, V S |
United |
UG Library |
540LAS10 |
00028234 |
Text Book of Chemistry II Puc |
Lasrado, V S |
United |
UG Library |
540LAS11 |
00028294 |
Text Book of Chemistry I Puc |
Lasrado, D`Souza |
United |
UG Library |
540LAS11 |
00028298 |
Text Book of Chemistry I Puc |
Lasrado, D`Souza |
United |
UG Library |
540LAS11 |
00028295 |
Text Book of Chemistry I Puc |
Lasrado, D`Souza |
United |
UG Library |
540LAS11 |
00028296 |
Text Book of Chemistry I Puc |
Lasrado, D`Souza |
United |
UG Library |
540LAS11 |
00028297 |
Text Book of Chemistry I Puc |
Lasrado, D`Souza |
United |
UG Library |
540LAS12 |
00028314 |
Text Book of Chemistry II Puc |
Lasrado, D`Souza |
UG Library |
540LAS12 |
00028316 |
Text Book of Chemistry II Puc |
Lasrado, D`Souza |
UG Library |
540LAS12 |
00028317 |
Text Book of Chemistry II Puc |
Lasrado, D`Souza |
UG Library |
540LAS12 |
00028319 |
Text Book of Chemistry II Puc |
Lasrado, D`Souza |
UG Library |
540LAS12 |
00028321 |
Text Book of Chemistry II Puc |
Lasrado, D`Souza |
UG Library |
540LAS12 |
00028323 |
Text Book of Chemistry II Puc |
Lasrado, D`Souza |
UG Library |
540LAS12 |
00028320 |
Text Book of Chemistry II Puc |
Lasrado, D`Souza |
UG Library |
540LAS12 |
00028318 |
Text Book of Chemistry II Puc |
Lasrado, D`Souza |
UG Library |
540LAS12 |
00028315 |
Text Book of Chemistry II Puc |
Lasrado, D`Souza |
UG Library |
540LAS13 |
00031303 |
I Puc Chemistry Text |
Lasrado, D, Souza |
United |
UG Library |
540LAS13 |
00031304 |
I Puc Chemistry Text |
Lasrado, D, Souza |
United |
UG Library |
540LAS13 |
00031306 |
I Puc Chemistry Text |
Lasrado, D, Souza |
United |
UG Library |
540LAS13 |
00031305 |
I Puc Chemistry Text |
Lasrado, D, Souza |
United |
UG Library |
540LAS14 |
00037203 |
I Puc Chemistry Text |
Lasrado, V S |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LAS14 |
00037205 |
I Puc Chemistry Text |
Lasrado, V S |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LAS14 |
00037207 |
I Puc Chemistry Text |
Lasrado, V S |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LAS14 |
00037206 |
I Puc Chemistry Text |
Lasrado, V S |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LAS14 |
00037204 |
I Puc Chemistry Text |
Lasrado, V S |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LAS15 |
00038829 |
Text Book of Chemistry |
Lasrado, V S |
United |
UG Library |
540LAS15 |
00038831 |
Text Book of Chemistry |
Lasrado, V S |
United |
UG Library |
540LAS15 |
00038830 |
Text Book of Chemistry |
Lasrado, V S |
United |
UG Library |
540LAS16 |
00038917 |
Text Book of Chemistry II Puc |
Lasrado, V S |
United |
UG Library |
540LAS2 |
00008566 |
Text Book of Chemistry Vol 2 |
Lasrado, V S |
St Allocious College |
UG Library |
540LAS3 |
00008656 |
Practical Chemistry |
Sasrado, |
United |
UG Library |
540LAS4 |
00016897 |
Puc Chemistry |
Lasrado, |
United |
UG Library |
540LAS4 |
00016901 |
Puc Chemistry |
Lasrado, |
United |
UG Library |
540LAS4 |
00016902 |
Puc Chemistry |
Lasrado, |
United |
UG Library |
540LAS4 |
00016900 |
Puc Chemistry |
Lasrado, |
United |
UG Library |
540LAS4 |
00016898 |
Puc Chemistry |
Lasrado, |
United |
UG Library |
540LAS4 |
00016899 |
Puc Chemistry |
Lasrado, |
United |
UG Library |
540LAS9 |
00027975 |
Text Book of II Puc Chemistry |
Lasrado, D Souza |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LAS9 |
00027979 |
Text Book of II Puc Chemistry |
Lasrado, D Souza |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LAS9 |
00027976 |
Text Book of II Puc Chemistry |
Lasrado, D Souza |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LAS9 |
00027977 |
Text Book of II Puc Chemistry |
Lasrado, D Souza |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LAS9 |
00027978 |
Text Book of II Puc Chemistry |
Lasrado, D Souza |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LASD |
00024673 |
Chemistry for Pre-University |
Lasrado, D`Souza |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LASD |
00024675 |
Chemistry for Pre-University |
Lasrado, D`Souza |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LASD |
00024676 |
Chemistry for Pre-University |
Lasrado, D`Souza |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LASD |
00024674 |
Chemistry for Pre-University |
Lasrado, D`Souza |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LASD |
00024677 |
Chemistry for Pre-University |
Lasrado, D`Souza |
United Pub |
UG Library |
540LEE |
00005855 |
Concise Inorganic Chemistry |
Lee, J D |
UG Library |
540LEV |
00033713 |
Findlay`s Practical Physical Chemistry |
Levitt, B P |
Longman |
UG Library |
540LUC |
00011779 |
Organic Chemistry |
Lucas, H J |
Elseiver |
UG Library |
540MAH |
00070486 |
University Chemistry [ UGC Minotiry Community] |
Mahan, H Bruce |
Narosa |
8185015805 |
895p |
UG Library |
540MAH1 |
00033688 |
University Chemistry |
Mahan H, Bruce |
Addition Wesley |
830 p |
UG Library |
540MAL |
00041702 |
Moderns ABC of Mathematics |
Malhotra, S S |
Modern Pub |
UG Library |
540MAL |
00041703 |
Moderns ABC of Mathematics |
Malhotra, S S |
Modern Pub |
UG Library |
540MAT |
00068583 |
Advanced Chemistry |
Matthews, Philip |
Foundation Books |
0008175962 |
976p |
UG Library |
540MBD |
00047445 |
Companion Chemistry Tax I Puc |
Mbd |
UG Library |
540MCG |
00033726 |
Physico Chemical Quantities & Units |
McGlashan, M L |
C s |
UG Library |
540MEH1 |
00010241 |
Numerical Problems in Chemistry |
Mehata, R N |
R Chand & Co |
UG Library |
540MOR1 |
00033692 |
Biiologistics Physical Chemistry |
Morris J, Garetn |
UG Library |
540MUK |
00033767 |
Course in Chemical Analysis |
Mukhedkar, A J |
Orient Longman |
UG Library |
540MUK1 |
00033774 |
Reaction Mechansism in Organic Chemistry |
Mukherji, S M |
Macmillan India Limited |
UG Library |
540MUR1 |
00016720 |
Puc Chemistry |
Murthy, Prasad |
Maruthi b d |
UG Library |
540NAR |
00021416 |
Inorganic Chemistry - II |
Narayana Reddy, |
Bangalore University |
UG Library |
540NAR |
00021419 |
Inorganic Chemistry - II |
Narayana Reddy, |
Bangalore University |
UG Library |
540NAR |
00021421 |
Inorganic Chemistry - II |
Narayana Reddy, |
Bangalore University |
UG Library |
540NAR |
00021423 |
Inorganic Chemistry - II |
Narayana Reddy, |
Bangalore University |
UG Library |
540NAR |
00021425 |
Inorganic Chemistry - II |
Narayana Reddy, |
Bangalore University |
UG Library |
540NAR |
00021422 |
Inorganic Chemistry - II |
Narayana Reddy, |
Bangalore University |
UG Library |
540NAR |
00021420 |
Inorganic Chemistry - II |
Narayana Reddy, |
Bangalore University |
UG Library |
540NAR |
00021418 |
Inorganic Chemistry - II |
Narayana Reddy, |
Bangalore University |
UG Library |
540NAR |
00021417 |
Inorganic Chemistry - II |
Narayana Reddy, |
Bangalore University |
UG Library |
540NUF.2 |
00004513 |
Chemistry Laboratory Investigations Stage 1B |
Nuffield Chemistry Publications, |
Nuffield Chemistry Publications |
UG Library |
540NUF.3 |
00004511 |
Chemistry Laboratory Investigations Stage 1A |
Nuffield Chemistry Publications, |
Nuffield Chemistry Publications |
UG Library |
540NUF.5 |
00004514 |
Chemistry Laboratory Investigations Stage 3 |
Nuffield Chemistry Publications, |
UG Library |
540ORC |
00010246 |
Importance of Autobiotic Orbitals |
Orchin, Milton |
Oxford |
UG Library |
540OSC |
00007661 |
Design & Analysis of Experiments |
Oscar, Kempthorne |
C c l |
UG Library |
540PAD.2 |
00026414 |
II PUC Chemistry Text. |
Padmavathamma, V |
W E |
470 p |
UG Library |
540PAD.V.1 |
00036752 |
Text Book of Ipuc Chemistry |
Padmavathamma, V |
Schaum Series |
202 p |
UG Library |
540PAD1 |
00026403 |
I Puc Chemistry Text |
Padmavathamma, |
Wel |
UG Library |
540PAD1 |
00026404 |
I Puc Chemistry Text |
Padmavathamma, |
Wel |
UG Library |
540PAD3 |
00026413 |
II Puc Chemistry Text |
Padmavathamma, |
W e |
UG Library |
540PAD3 |
00026415 |
II Puc Chemistry Text |
Padmavathamma, |
W e |
UG Library |
540PAD4 |
00036748 |
Pre University Chemistry I Puc |
Padmavathamma, V |
Intelive |
UG Library |
540PAD4 |
00036750 |
Pre University Chemistry I Puc |
Padmavathamma, V |
Intelive |
UG Library |
540PAD4 |
00036751 |
Pre University Chemistry I Puc |
Padmavathamma, V |
Intelive |
UG Library |
540PAD4 |
00036749 |
Pre University Chemistry I Puc |
Padmavathamma, V |
Intelive |
UG Library |
540PAD5 |
00038644 |
II Puc Chemistry |
Padmavathamma, V |
Interline |
UG Library |
540PAD5 |
00038652 |
II Puc Chemistry |
Padmavathamma, V |
Interline |
UG Library |
540PAD5 |
00038651 |
II Puc Chemistry |
Padmavathamma, V |
Interline |
UG Library |
540PAD5 |
00038646 |
II Puc Chemistry |
Padmavathamma, V |
Interline |
UG Library |
540PAD5 |
00038647 |
II Puc Chemistry |
Padmavathamma, V |
Interline |
UG Library |
540PAD5 |
00038648 |
II Puc Chemistry |
Padmavathamma, V |
Interline |
UG Library |
540PAD5 |
00038650 |
II Puc Chemistry |
Padmavathamma, V |
Interline |
UG Library |
540PAD5 |
00038649 |
II Puc Chemistry |
Padmavathamma, V |
Interline |
UG Library |
540PAD5 |
00038645 |
II Puc Chemistry |
Padmavathamma, V |
Interline |
UG Library |
540PAD6 |
00038747 |
Pre University Chemistry Vol II |
Padmavathamma, V |
Interline Pub |
UG Library |
540PAD6 |
00038748 |
Pre University Chemistry Vol II |
Padmavathamma, V |
Interline Pub |
UG Library |
540PAD6 |
00038750 |
Pre University Chemistry Vol II |
Padmavathamma, V |
Interline Pub |
UG Library |
540PAD6 |
00038751 |
Pre University Chemistry Vol II |
Padmavathamma, V |
Interline Pub |
UG Library |
540PAD6 |
00038749 |
Pre University Chemistry Vol II |
Padmavathamma, V |
Interline Pub |
UG Library |
540PAD7 |
00038934 |
Pre University Chemistry |
Padmavathamma, V |
Interline Pub |
UG Library |
540PAI |
00012265 |
Text Book of Puc Chemistry |
Pai, G V |
Geetha Book House |
UG Library |
540PAI |
00012271 |
Text Book of Puc Chemistry |
Pai, G V |
Geetha Book House |
UG Library |
540PAI |
00012274 |
Text Book of Puc Chemistry |
Pai, G V |
Geetha Book House |
UG Library |
540PAI |
00012273 |
Text Book of Puc Chemistry |
Pai, G V |
Geetha Book House |
UG Library |
540PAI |
00012272 |
Text Book of Puc Chemistry |
Pai, G V |
Geetha Book House |
UG Library |
540PAI |
00012270 |
Text Book of Puc Chemistry |
Pai, G V |
Geetha Book House |
UG Library |
540PAI |
00012266 |
Text Book of Puc Chemistry |
Pai, G V |
Geetha Book House |
UG Library |
540PAI |
00012267 |
Text Book of Puc Chemistry |
Pai, G V |
Geetha Book House |
UG Library |
540PAI |
00012268 |
Text Book of Puc Chemistry |
Pai, G V |
Geetha Book House |
UG Library |
540PAI |
00012269 |
Text Book of Puc Chemistry |
Pai, G V |
Geetha Book House |
UG Library |
540PAI1 |
00028224 |
Text Book of II Puc Chemistry |
Pai, Varadaraja |
M/s Kini & Rao |
UG Library |
540PAI1 |
00028225 |
Text Book of II Puc Chemistry |
Pai, Varadaraja |
M/s Kini & Rao |
UG Library |
540PAI2 |
00028397 |
Text Book of II Puc Chemistry |
Pai G, Varadaraya |
Himalaya |
UG Library |
540PAI2 |
00028401 |
Text Book of II Puc Chemistry |
Pai G, Varadaraya |
Himalaya |
UG Library |
540PAI2 |
00028400 |
Text Book of II Puc Chemistry |
Pai G, Varadaraya |
Himalaya |
UG Library |
540PAI2 |
00028398 |
Text Book of II Puc Chemistry |
Pai G, Varadaraya |
Himalaya |
UG Library |
540PAI2 |
00028399 |
Text Book of II Puc Chemistry |
Pai G, Varadaraya |
Himalaya |
UG Library |
540PAN |
00052102 |
Questions Bank in Chemistry |
Pande, D |
T M H |
UG Library |
540PAR |
00002553 |
General and Inorganic Chemistry |
Partington, J R |
Macmillan |
UG Library |
540PET |
00087054 |
Study Guid for Whitten, Davis, Peck, and Stanley`s Chemistry |
Petrich, James A |
0495014532 |
387 p |
UG Library |
540PHI |
00033748 |
Introductio to Crystallography |
Phillips, F C |
UG Library |
540PLU |
00033768 |
Introduction to Practical Biochemistry |
Plummer T, David |
UG Library |
540PLU1 |
00033769 |
Introduction to Practical Biochemistry |
Plummer T, David |
T M H |
UG Library |
540PURI |
00030643 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry |
Puri, B R |
S Chand & Co |
UG Library |
540PURI |
00030645 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry |
Puri, B R |
S Chand & Co |
UG Library |
540RAM1 |
00026593 |
Chemistry Entrance Exam Exercise |
Ramachandra, R |
Excellent |
UG Library |
540RAN1 |
00006664 |
General Chemistry |
Rangacharya, T L K |
Ravishankar |
UG Library |
540RANV |
00007097 |
General Chemistry |
Rangacharya, Kasturi T L |
Ravishankar Publications |
437p |
UG Library |
540RANV |
00007098 |
General Chemistry |
Rangacharya, Kasturi T L |
Ravishankar Publications |
437p |
UG Library |
540RANV |
00007100 |
General Chemistry |
Rangacharya, Kasturi T L |
Ravishankar Publications |
437p |
UG Library |
540RAO |
00033929 |
University General Chemistry |
Rao, C N R |
Macmillan |
670 p |
UG Library |
540RAO2 |
00016998 |
Pre University Physics II Year |
Rao, B V N |
Ambika |
UG Library |
540RAO2 |
00016999 |
Pre University Physics II Year |
Rao, B V N |
Ambika |
UG Library |
540RAO2 |
00017002 |
Pre University Physics II Year |
Rao, B V N |
Ambika |
UG Library |
540RAO2 |
00017003 |
Pre University Physics II Year |
Rao, B V N |
Ambika |
UG Library |
540RAO2 |
00017001 |
Pre University Physics II Year |
Rao, B V N |
Ambika |
UG Library |
540RAO3 |
00017005 |
Pre University Physics Volume 2 |
Ramchandra, Rao |
Geetha Book House |
UG Library |
540RAO4 |
00033323 |
Text Book of II Puc Chemistry |
Ranga Rao, K |
Prakash Sahithya |
UG Library |
540RAO4 |
00033324 |
Text Book of II Puc Chemistry |
Ranga Rao, K |
Prakash Sahithya |
UG Library |
540RAO5 |
00033744 |
Experiments in General Chemistry |
Rao, C N |
E w Press |
UG Library |
540ROB1 |
00033730 |
Ions in Solution an Introduction to Electrochemistry |
Robins, J |
Oxford Charendon Press |
UG Library |
540ROB2 |
00033762 |
Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry |
Roberts D, John |
W a b |
UG Library |
540RUN |
00008026 |
Chemical Principles |
Runquist, O A |
V f |
UG Library |
540SAL3 |
00026408 |
II Puc Chemistry Text |
Salimath, |
K r |
UG Library |
540SAM |
00005915 |
Elements of Physical Chemistry |
Samuel, Glasstone |
Macmillan |
UG Library |
540SAM1 |
00033697 |
Industrial Chemistry Organic |
Samuel, D M |
R I c |
UG Library |
540SAM2 |
00033708 |
Industrial Chemistry (inorganic) |
Samuel, D M |
R I c |
UG Library |
540SAR |
00009675 |
Modern Organic Chemistry |
Sarkar, P B |
UG Library |
540SAR1 |
00008001 |
Modern Organic Chemistry |
Sarkar, P B |
P b Sarkar |
UG Library |
540SCH |
00016466 |
College Chemistry |
Scham, Rosen Berg |
UG Library |
540SEL1 |
00033750 |
General Chemistry |
Selwood, P W |
Arvind |
UG Library |
540SHA |
00024530 |
AMIE Studentship Text Series Chemistry |
Sharma, J L |
Cbs |
423 p |
UG Library |
540SHA2 |
00016921 |
General Chemistry |
Shadhakraswamy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540SHA2 |
00016922 |
General Chemistry |
Shadhakraswamy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540SHA2 |
00016923 |
General Chemistry |
Shadhakraswamy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540SHA2 |
00016924 |
General Chemistry |
Shadhakraswamy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540SHA3 |
00033681 |
Modern Aspects of Inorganic Chemistry |
Sharma, K K |
Vani |
UG Library |
540SHA4 |
00033712 |
Introduction to Practical Chemistry |
Sharma, K K |
Vani |
UG Library |
540SHA5 |
00033722 |
Principles of Oxidation & Reduction |
Sharpe, A G |
Chemical Sociology |
UG Library |
540SHE |
00011772 |
Text Book of Puc Chemistry |
Shenoy, Pai G V |
UG Library |
540SHE1 |
00013688 |
Text Book of Pre Nniversity Chemistry Vol Sets |
Shenoy, E G |
Geetha Book House |
UG Library |
540SHE1 |
00013691 |
Text Book of Pre Nniversity Chemistry Vol Sets |
Shenoy, E G |
Geetha Book House |
UG Library |
540SHE1 |
00013694 |
Text Book of Pre Nniversity Chemistry Vol Sets |
Shenoy, E G |
Geetha Book House |
UG Library |
540SHE1 |
00013697 |
Text Book of Pre Nniversity Chemistry Vol Sets |
Shenoy, E G |
Geetha Book House |
UG Library |
540SHE1 |
00013696 |
Text Book of Pre Nniversity Chemistry Vol Sets |
Shenoy, E G |
Geetha Book House |
UG Library |
540SHE1 |
00013695 |
Text Book of Pre Nniversity Chemistry Vol Sets |
Shenoy, E G |
Geetha Book House |
UG Library |
540SHE1 |
00013692 |
Text Book of Pre Nniversity Chemistry Vol Sets |
Shenoy, E G |
Geetha Book House |
UG Library |
540SHE1 |
00013690 |
Text Book of Pre Nniversity Chemistry Vol Sets |
Shenoy, E G |
Geetha Book House |
UG Library |
540SHE1 |
00013689 |
Text Book of Pre Nniversity Chemistry Vol Sets |
Shenoy, E G |
Geetha Book House |
UG Library |
540SHE2 |
00017840 |
Chemistry |
Shenoy, |
UG Library |
540SHE3 |
00018120 |
Text Book of Chemistry |
Shenoy, |
UG Library |
540SHO |
00033737 |
Correlation Analysis in Organic Chemistry |
Shorter, John |
Clarendran |
UG Library |
540SHO1 |
00033754 |
Exp in Physical Chemistry |
Shoemaker P, David |
Mgh |
UG Library |
540SHR1 |
00038945 |
Chemistry a Text Book for II Puc |
Shripathi Rao |
Deepa |
UG Library |
540SHR2 |
00038956 |
Chemistry Text Book for II Puc |
Shripathi Rao, D |
Deepa |
UG Library |
540SHR2 |
00038958 |
Chemistry Text Book for II Puc |
Shripathi Rao, D |
Deepa |
UG Library |
540SHR2 |
00038959 |
Chemistry Text Book for II Puc |
Shripathi Rao, D |
Deepa |
UG Library |
540SHR2 |
00038957 |
Chemistry Text Book for II Puc |
Shripathi Rao, D |
Deepa |
UG Library |
540SHR3 |
00040899 |
C e t Chemistry |
Shripathi Rao, D |
Deepa |
UG Library |
540SHR4 |
00052683 |
Chemistry Text Book- II Puc |
Shripathi Rao, D |
Deepa |
2001 |
0 |
UG Library |
540SHR4 |
00052681 |
Chemistry Text Book- II Puc |
Shripathi Rao, D |
Deepa |
2001 |
0 |
UG Library |
540SHRI |
00052679 |
Text Book of Chemistry [ Second Year P U C ] |
Shripathi Rao, Dr D |
Deepa |
528p |
UG Library |
540SHRI |
00052680 |
Text Book of Chemistry [ Second Year P U C ] |
Shripathi Rao, Dr D |
Deepa |
528p |
UG Library |
540SHRI |
00052682 |
Text Book of Chemistry [ Second Year P U C ] |
Shripathi Rao, Dr D |
Deepa |
528p |
UG Library |
540SHRM |
00049561 |
Chemistry: a Text Book for I PUC |
Shripathi, Rao D |
Deepa |
374p |
UG Library |
540SHRM |
00049562 |
Chemistry: a Text Book for I PUC |
Shripathi, Rao D |
Deepa |
374p |
UG Library |
540SHRM |
00049563 |
Chemistry: a Text Book for I PUC |
Shripathi, Rao D |
Deepa |
374p |
UG Library |
540SHRM |
00052674 |
Chemistry: a Text Book for I PUC |
Shripathi, Rao D |
Deepa |
374p |
UG Library |
540SHRM |
00052678 |
Chemistry: a Text Book for I PUC |
Shripathi, Rao D |
Deepa |
374p |
UG Library |
540SHRM |
00052675 |
Chemistry: a Text Book for I PUC |
Shripathi, Rao D |
Deepa |
374p |
UG Library |
540SHRM |
00052676 |
Chemistry: a Text Book for I PUC |
Shripathi, Rao D |
Deepa |
374p |
UG Library |
540SHRM |
00052677 |
Chemistry: a Text Book for I PUC |
Shripathi, Rao D |
Deepa |
374p |
UG Library |
540SHU |
00033755 |
Text Book of Chemical Technology |
Shukla, S D |
Vikas |
UG Library |
540SIE.S |
00015175 |
Chemistry: a Basic Approach |
Siebring, B Richard |
272p |
UG Library |
540SIN |
00010710 |
Modern Organic Chemistry |
Singh, Jagandar |
Aatmaram |
UG Library |
540SIN1 |
00011710 |
Principles of Genetics |
Sinnott, Edmard W |
Emkay |
UG Library |
540SIN1 |
00011711 |
Principles of Genetics |
Sinnott, Edmard W |
Emkay |
UG Library |
540SIN2 |
00033742 |
Experimental Organization Chemistry |
Singh, P R |
T M H |
UG Library |
540SIN3 |
00033751 |
Exp. Organic Chemistry |
Singh, P R |
T M H |
UG Library |
540SIS |
00090617 |
University Chemistry |
Siska, Peter |
9788131713686 |
816p |
UG Library |
540SIV1 |
00030364 |
Physical Chemistry I Bsc |
Sivanandaiah, K M |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SIV1 |
00030368 |
Physical Chemistry I Bsc |
Sivanandaiah, K M |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SIV1 |
00030367 |
Physical Chemistry I Bsc |
Sivanandaiah, K M |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SIV1 |
00030365 |
Physical Chemistry I Bsc |
Sivanandaiah, K M |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SIV1 |
00030366 |
Physical Chemistry I Bsc |
Sivanandaiah, K M |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SIV2 |
00030369 |
Organic Chemistry I & II Bsc |
Sivanandaiah, K M |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SIV2 |
00030372 |
Organic Chemistry I & II Bsc |
Sivanandaiah, K M |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SIV2 |
00030373 |
Organic Chemistry I & II Bsc |
Sivanandaiah, K M |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SIV2 |
00030370 |
Organic Chemistry I & II Bsc |
Sivanandaiah, K M |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SMI |
00033718 |
Essentials of Organic Nomenclatus |
Smith, R D |
O u p |
UG Library |
540SON2 |
00004507 |
Bsc Practical Chemistry |
Soni, P L |
S Chand & Co. |
UG Library |
540SON3 |
00007375 |
Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry |
Soni, P |
S Chand & Co. |
UG Library |
540SON7 |
00014869 |
Organic Chemistry |
Sony`, P L |
Sultan |
UG Library |
540SPE |
00033704 |
Hydrogen Bond |
Speakman J, Clare |
R I c |
UG Library |
540SPE1 |
00033725 |
Molecular Structure |
Speakman J, Clare |
C s |
UG Library |
540SRI1 |
00056878 |
University Chemistry |
Srinivasan, A |
564p |
UG Library |
540SRI1 |
00038913 |
Txt Book of Chemistry II Puc |
Srinivasan, A |
Expert |
UG Library |
540SRI2 |
00038653 |
Text Book of Chemistry II Puc |
Srinivasan, A |
Expert Edu Pub |
UG Library |
540SRI2 |
00038655 |
Text Book of Chemistry II Puc |
Srinivasan, A |
Expert Edu Pub |
UG Library |
540SRI2 |
00038656 |
Text Book of Chemistry II Puc |
Srinivasan, A |
Expert Edu Pub |
UG Library |
540SRI2 |
00038654 |
Text Book of Chemistry II Puc |
Srinivasan, A |
Expert Edu Pub |
UG Library |
540STE1 |
00033735 |
Chemist in Industry Fine Chemicals for Polymers |
Stern, E S |
Clarendran |
UG Library |
540SUB |
00002147 |
High School Chemistry |
Iyer, Subramanay |
T c Anantha |
UG Library |
540SUB1 |
00003653 |
Chemistry for Puc Course |
Subhabhatta, K |
UG Library |
540SUB2 |
00008412 |
Chemistry for Puc II Year |
Subbabhatta, K |
N s Vasavi |
UG Library |
540SUB3 |
00011658 |
Puc Chemistry |
Subha, Bhatta K |
M s Vasan & Co |
UG Library |
540SUB3 |
00011659 |
Puc Chemistry |
Subha, Bhatta K |
M s Vasan & Co |
UG Library |
540SUB3 |
00011660 |
Puc Chemistry |
Subha, Bhatta K |
M s Vasan & Co |
UG Library |
540SUN |
00041705 |
Puc Biology Vol II |
Sundara Rajan |
Vardhana Pub |
UG Library |
540SUP |
00033728 |
Principles of Photochemisttry |
Suppan, P |
C s |
UG Library |
540SWA |
00002094 |
Quantitative Analysis |
Iyer, V Swammatha |
UG Library |
540SWA1 |
00016456 |
Chemistry:General Chemsitry |
Swamy, Shadekram A |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540SWA1 |
00016458 |
Chemistry:General Chemsitry |
Swamy, Shadekram A |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540SWA1 |
00016459 |
Chemistry:General Chemsitry |
Swamy, Shadekram A |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540SWA1 |
00016457 |
Chemistry:General Chemsitry |
Swamy, Shadekram A |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540SWA1 |
00016460 |
Chemistry:General Chemsitry |
Swamy, Shadekram A |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540SWA1 |
00016463 |
Chemistry:General Chemsitry |
Swamy, Shadekram A |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540SWA1 |
00016465 |
Chemistry:General Chemsitry |
Swamy, Shadekram A |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540SWA1 |
00016464 |
Chemistry:General Chemsitry |
Swamy, Shadekram A |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540SWA1 |
00016462 |
Chemistry:General Chemsitry |
Swamy, Shadekram A |
Blr University |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018564 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018565 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018567 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018569 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018571 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018580 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018579 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018578 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018577 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018576 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018575 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018574 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018573 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018572 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018589 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018588 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018587 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018586 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018585 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018584 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018583 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018582 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018581 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018593 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018592 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018591 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018590 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018570 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018568 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SWA2 |
00018566 |
General Chemistry |
Swamy, Sadakshara |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
540SYK |
00033720 |
Guide Book to Mechamsm in Organic Chemistry |
Sykes, Peter |
Orient Longman |
UG Library |
540TAL |
00033763 |
Text Book of Biochemistry & Human Biology |
Talwar, G P |
Phi |
UG Library |
540TEW |
00028874 |
Text Book of Organic Chemistry |
Tewari, K S |
Vikas |
UG Library |
540TEW1 |
00033682 |
Text Book of Organic Chemistry Vol I |
Tewari, K S |
Vikas |
UG Library |
540TEW2 |
00033777 |
Text Book of Organic Chemistry Vol II |
Tewari, K S |
Vikas |
UG Library |
540THA |
00033710 |
Royal Institute of Chemistry Monographs for Teachers (phenomenon) |
Thain, J F |
R I c |
UG Library |
540TIM |
00037335 |
Chemistry |
Timberlake, Karen |
Harcourt |
110 p |
UG Library |
540TUL1 |
00011164 |
Essentials of Physical Chemistry |
Tuli, Bahl |
Chand Co |
UG Library |
540TULS |
00033854 |
Chemical Calculations |
Tuli, G D |
M G H |
UG Library |
540UPA |
00033678 |
Text Book of Inorganic Ehemistry Vol I |
Upadhyaya, K W |
Vani |
UG Library |
540UPA1 |
00033683 |
Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry II & III |
Upadhyaya, K N |
Vani |
UG Library |
540UPA1 |
00033684 |
Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry II & III |
Upadhyaya, K N |
Vani |
UG Library |
540VAR |
00003681 |
Laboratory Text Book of Pre Degree Chemistry |
Vargheese, M V |
M v Varun |
UG Library |
540VEE |
00047400 |
Modern ABC`s Chemistry |
Veerabhadrappa, S R |
Nadesh |
UG Library |
540VEE |
00047398 |
Modern ABC`s Chemistry |
Veerabhadrappa, S R |
Nadesh |
UG Library |
540VEE |
00047401 |
Modern ABC`s Chemistry |
Veerabhadrappa, S R |
Nadesh |
UG Library |
540VEE |
00047399 |
Modern ABC`s Chemistry |
Veerabhadrappa, S R |
Nadesh |
UG Library |
540VEN.2 |
00044356 |
University Chemistry |
Venugopal, R |
Subhas |
180p |
UG Library |
540VEN.2. |
00044357 |
University Chemistry [ for Second Year B.Sc ] |
Venugopal, R |
Subhas |
180p |
UG Library |
540VEN.2. |
00044359 |
University Chemistry [ for Second Year B.Sc ] |
Venugopal, R |
Subhas |
180p |
UG Library |
540VEN.2. |
00044358 |
University Chemistry [ for Second Year B.Sc ] |
Venugopal, R |
Subhas |
180p |
UG Library |
540VEN.2. |
00044360 |
University Chemistry [ for Second Year B.Sc ] |
Venugopal, R |
Subhas |
180p |
UG Library |
540VEN.A.2 |
00024846 |
Pre-University Chemistry II |
Venu Gopak, R |
Konark |
320 p |
UG Library |
540VEN.A.2 |
00024848 |
Pre-University Chemistry II |
Venu Gopak, R |
Konark |
320 p |
UG Library |
540VEN.A.2 |
00024850 |
Pre-University Chemistry II |
Venu Gopak, R |
Konark |
320 p |
UG Library |
540VEN.A.2 |
00024847 |
Pre-University Chemistry II |
Venu Gopak, R |
Konark |
320 p |
UG Library |
540VEN.A.2 |
00024849 |
Pre-University Chemistry II |
Venu Gopak, R |
Konark |
320 p |
UG Library |
540VIN4 |
00044655 |
Comprehensible Chemistry- III |
Kumar Vinod B |
United Publisher |
624p |
UG Library |
540VOE |
00033775 |
Text Book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis |
Voeel, A I |
UG Library |
540VOG |
00033695 |
Practical Organic Chemistry |
Vogel I, Arthur |
UG Library |
540WEA |
00033776 |
Crs Hand Book of Physics and Chemistry |
Weast C, Robert |
Crc Florida |
UG Library |
540WOR |
00033733 |
Diffreaction Methods |
Wormald, John |
Oxford Charendon Press |
UG Library |
540WYA |
00033707 |
Molecular Basis of Entropy and Chemical Equilibrium |
Wyatt, P A H |
R I c |
UG Library |
540WYN |
00033723 |
Chemical Processing in Industry |
Wynne, M D |
C s |
UG Library |
541 ARO |
00097706 |
Magnetochemistry and Related Topics |
Arora, G. D. |
Ivy PUblishing House, |
9788178902142 |
78 p. |
UG Library |
541 ATK |
04001310 |
Elements of Physical Chemistry |
Atkins, Peter |
Oxford Universtiy Press |
2008 |
0195672526 |
627p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 ATK2 |
04001288 |
Physical Chemistry |
Atkins, Peter |
Oxford Universtiy Press |
2008 |
0195685229 |
1064p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 BAL |
04003361 |
Physical Chemistry |
Ball, David W |
Thomson |
2003 |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 BAL |
04000118 |
Physical Chemistry / |
Ball, David W |
Thomson South Western, |
2003 |
837 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 CHA |
04006865 |
Chemistry/ |
Chang, Raymond |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2007 |
9780070648197 |
9th ed |
xxx, 1063 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 CHA |
04006864 |
Chemistry/ |
Chang, Raymond |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2007 |
9780070648197 |
9th ed |
xxx, 1063 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 LAD |
04002087 |
Introduction to Physical Chemistry |
Ladd, Mark |
Cambridge University Press |
2008 |
9780521578813 |
511 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 LEV |
04001741 |
Physical Chemistry |
Levine, Ira N |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2008 |
9780070648494 |
991 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 MCQ |
04002110 |
Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach |
Mcquarrie, Donald A |
Viva Books Pvt Ltd |
2008 |
9788176490016 |
1270 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 MET |
04006014 |
Physical Chemistry |
Metz, Clyde R |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2009 |
9780070085534 |
p v p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 MET |
04006013 |
Physical Chemistry |
Metz, Clyde R |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2009 |
9780070085534 |
p v p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 PUJ |
04003276 |
Basics of Physical Chemistry |
Pujhari, Prabir |
Anmol Publications |
2008 |
9788126135486 |
297 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 SIL |
04001136 |
Physical Chemistry |
Silbey, |
John Wiley and Sons |
2008 |
8126508310 |
944p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 SIL |
04002307 |
Physical Chemistry |
Silbey, |
John Wiley and Sons |
2008 |
8126508310 |
944p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 AMO |
00122464 |
Understanding Physical Chemistry |
Ben-Amotz, Dor |
Wiley, |
2014 |
9781118298152 |
xiv, 400 p:. |
UG Library |
541 ATK |
00045858 |
The Elements of Physical Chemistry |
Atkins, P. W. |
W.H. Freeman, |
1997 |
0198559534 | 9780198559535 | 0 |
2nd ed. |
xi, 499 p. : |
UG Library |
541 ATK |
00028870 |
Physical Chemistry. |
Atkins, P.w |
Elbs |
1987 |
0194424235 |
3rd ed. |
855 p |
UG Library |
541 ATK |
04027152 |
Physical Chemistry : |
Atkins, Peter |
Oxford University Press, |
2014 |
1429290196 | 9780198728726 | 9 |
10th ed. |
xxv: 1008 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 ATK |
04024972 |
Elements of Physical Chemistry / |
Atkins, Peter |
OUP, |
2013 |
9780198737940 |
6th Ed. |
591p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 ATK |
04024027 |
Atkins' Physical chemistry / |
Atkins, P. W. |
Oxford University Press, |
2006 |
9780198700722 (acidfree paper) | 0198700725 (acidfree paper) |
8th ed. |
xxx, 1064 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 ATK |
04020889 |
Atkins Physical Chemistry / |
Arkins, Peter |
OUP, |
2010 |
9780199599592 |
9th ed. |
972p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 ATK |
04020890 |
Atkins Physical Chemistry / |
Arkins, Peter |
OUP, |
2010 |
9780199599592 |
9th ed. |
972p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 ATK |
04027728 |
Physical Chemistry : |
Atkins, Peter |
Oxford University Press, |
2014 |
1429290196 | 9780198728726 | 9 |
10th ed. |
xxv: 1008 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 ATW |
00116872 |
Elementary Chemistry |
Atwood Paul |
Random Exports , |
2013 |
9789382226581 |
xi, 312 p.: |
UG Library |
541 BAH |
00051635 |
Essentials of Physical Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
S Chand & Co Pvt Ltd |
1997 |
0812190546 | 9788121905466 |
24th Ed. |
866 p. |
UG Library |
541 BAH |
00014868 |
Essential Of Physical Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
S Chand & Co Pvt Ltd |
1971 |
18th Ed. |
498 p. |
UG Library |
541 BAH |
00045037 |
Essentials of Physical Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
S Chand & Co Ltd |
1977 |
0812190546 |
24th Ed. |
866 p. |
UG Library |
541 BAH |
00014734 |
Essential Of Physical Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
S Chand & Co Pvt Ltd |
1971 |
18th Ed. |
498 p. |
UG Library |
541 BAH |
00003654 |
Essential Of Physical Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
S Chand & Co Pvt Ltd |
1971 |
18th Ed. |
498 p. |
UG Library |
541 BAH |
00016479 |
Essentials of Physical Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
Popular |
1972 |
20th Ed. |
736 p. |
UG Library |
541 BAH |
00030635 |
Essential of Physical Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
S Chand & Co |
1987 |
0812190046 |
22nd Ed. |
844 p. |
UG Library |
541 BAH |
00001173 |
Essential Of Physical Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
S Chand & Co Pvt Ltd |
1971 |
18th Ed. |
498 p. |
UG Library |
541 BAH |
00024526 |
Essential of Physical Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
S Chand & Co |
1987 |
0812190046 |
22nd Ed. |
844 p. |
UG Library |
541 BAH |
00014764 |
Essential Of Physical Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
S Chand & Co Pvt Ltd |
1971 |
18th Ed. |
498 p. |
UG Library |
541 BAK |
04010710 |
Physical inorganic chemistry : |
Bakac, Andreja |
Wiley, |
2010 |
9780470224205 | 0470224207 |
xii, 597 p., [8] p. of plates : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 BAK |
00121729 |
Physical inorganic chemistry : |
Bakac, Andreja |
Wiley, |
2010 |
9780470224205 | 0470224207 |
xii, 597 p., [8] p. of plates : |
UG Library |
541 BAL |
04030693 |
Organic Name Reactions / |
Academic Press, |
2023 |
9789395546270 |
219p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 BAR |
04011514 |
Physical Chemistry/ |
Barrow Gordon M. |
Tata McGraw Hill education Pvt. Ltd. |
2007 |
9780070647749 |
5th ed. |
xvi, 859 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 BRO |
04007717 |
Introduction to physical chemistry |
Brown, G. I. |
Logman, |
1983 |
viii, 584p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 CAS |
00005248 |
Physical Chemistry |
Castellan, Gilbert William, |
Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. |
1964 |
xv, 717 p. |
UG Library |
541 CHA |
04026465 |
Physical Chemistry : |
Chang, Raymond |
Viva Books, |
2015 |
9789386105554 |
1018p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 CHA |
04011533 |
Chemistry/ |
Chang, Raymond |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2007 |
9780070648197 |
9th ed |
xxx, 1063 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 CHA |
00120747 |
Physical Chemistry for the Chemical Sciences |
Chang, Raymond. |
University Science Books, |
2014 |
9781891389696 | 9781782620877 |
xvi, 951 p, : |
UG Library |
541 DON |
00014292 |
The Neutron Story |
Hughes, Donald .J |
Vakils, Feffer and Simons Pvt Ltd |
1965 |
158 p. : |
UG Library |
541 EAM |
00067902 |
Stereochemistry at a Glance |
Peach, J Eames |
0632053755 |
131p |
UG Library |
541 ENG |
00083542 |
Quantum Chemistry & Spectroscopy. |
Engel, Thomas |
2006 |
8131712850 |
507p |
UG Library |
541 ENG |
00083543 |
Quantum Chemistry & Spectroscopy. |
Engel, Thomas |
2006 |
8131712850 |
507p |
UG Library |
541 FOU |
00122463 |
Physical Chemistry for Engineering and Applied Sciences |
Foulkes, Frank R |
CRC Press, |
2013 |
9781466518469 |
xxvii, A12-8 |
UG Library |
541 GEO |
00017911 |
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry |
George, C D |
S Chand |
1970 |
609 p.: |
UG Library |
541 GLA |
04007685 |
Textbook of Physical Chemistry / |
Glasstone, Samuel |
D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., |
1940 |
2nd ed. |
xiii, 1320p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 GLA |
00030846 |
Text Book of Physical Chemistry |
Glasstone, Samuel |
S.G Wasani |
1318 p |
UG Library |
541 HIL |
00022320 |
Principles of Chemistry |
Hildebrand, Joel H |
Macmillan |
1966 |
7th |
406 p.: |
UG Library |
541 HIL |
00022327 |
Multiple-Choice Questions in O`level Chemistry |
Hillman, Robin A H |
Heinemann |
1978 |
124 p.; |
UG Library |
541 HOU |
00018062 |
Chemical Process Principles |
Hougen, A Olaf |
Asia |
1970 |
504 p.: |
UG Library |
541 JET |
00135397 |
Textbook of inorganic and physical chemistry |
Jethwa,P.N |
Cyber tech publications, |
2016 |
9789350534601 |
240p.; |
UG Library |
541 KAU |
00010272 |
Advanced Concepts in Physical Chemistry |
Kaufman, Ernest D. |
McGraw-Hill |
1966 |
xii, 271 p. |
UG Library |
541 KAU |
00033855 |
Advanced Concepts in Physical Chemistry |
Kaufman, D |
Mcgraw Hill Book |
1966 |
271 p.: |
UG Library |
541 KOL |
00132119 |
Physical chemistry : |
Kolasinski, Kurt W. |
Wiley and Sons, |
2017 |
9781118751121 (pbk.) | 9781118751213 (adobe PDF) |
xvii, 726 pages : |
UG Library |
541 KUM |
00137593 |
Principles of Chemical Equilibrium with Application / |
Kumar,Dheeraj. |
Random Publications, |
2019 |
9789352692774 |
viii,277p.; |
UG Library |
541 LAD |
00052203 |
Introduction to physical chemistry |
Ladd, Mark |
Cambridge University Press, |
1998 |
9780521658218 | 0521658217 | 0 |
3rd ed. |
xix, 513 p. : |
UG Library |
541 LAD |
00082610 |
Introduction to Physical Chemistry. |
Ladd, Mark |
1998 |
0521578817 |
513p |
UG Library |
541 LAD |
00052202 |
Introduction to physical chemistry |
Ladd, Mark |
Cambridge University Press, |
1998 |
9780521658218 | 0521658217 | 0 |
3rd ed. |
xix, 513 p. : |
UG Library |
541 LAH |
04024975 |
Concept of Physical Chemistry |
Lahiri J.M |
Scientific Internationl Pvt, |
2014 |
9789381714706 |
x, 230 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 LEV |
04024982 |
Physical Chemistry |
Levine Ira N. |
Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd |
2011 |
9780071321211 |
6th Ed. |
xviii; 989 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 LEV |
00109393 |
Physical Chemistry |
Levine Ira N. |
Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd |
2011 |
9780071321211 |
6th Ed. |
xviii; 989 p. |
UG Library |
541 LEV |
04007665 |
Physical Chemistry / |
Levine, Ira N. |
McGraw-Hill Book Company |
1983 |
007037421 |
2nd ed |
xix, 890p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 LEV |
00083554 |
Quantum Chemistry. |
Levine, Ira N |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2007 |
8177585258 |
7th ed. |
739p |
UG Library |
541 LEV |
00083555 |
Quantum Chemistry. |
Levine, Ira N |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2007 |
8177585258 |
7th ed. |
739p |
UG Library |
541 LEV |
04007708 |
Physical Chemistry / |
Levine, Ira N. |
McGraw-Hill Book Company, |
1978 |
v, 276p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 LEV |
00112231 |
Quantum Chemistry. |
Levine, Ira N |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2007 |
8177585258 |
7th ed. |
739p |
UG Library |
541 LIB |
04020596 |
Introduction to Physics and Chemistry of Combustion |
Liberman, M. A. |
Springer, |
2008 |
9783540787587 (hbk.) | 9788132203599 | 3540787585 (hbk.) |
360p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 LOV |
05060860 |
Modern nuclear chemistry / |
Loveland, Walter D. |
John Wiley & Sons, |
2017 |
9780470906736 (cloth) | 047090 |
Second edition. |
xviii, 744p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
541 MAM |
04011233 |
Elements of Physical Chemistry / |
Mamta |
Anmol Publications, |
2011 |
9788126148318 |
280 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 MAT |
00007565 |
Mechanics |
Mathur, D S |
824 p |
UG Library |
541 MCQ |
00106935 |
Physical Chemistry |
McQuarrie,Donald A. |
Viva Books |
2011 |
978813091919 |
xxi;1270 P. |
UG Library |
541 MCQ |
00106937 |
Quantum Chemistry |
Mcquarrie, A Donald |
Viva Books Private Limited |
2003 |
8176494232 | 9788176494236 |
x, 517 p. : |
UG Library |
541 MCQ |
00058688 |
Quantum Chemistry |
Mcquarrie, A Donald |
Viva Books Private Limited |
2003 |
8176494232 | 9788176494236 |
x, 517 p. : |
UG Library |
541 MCQ |
00082681 |
Quantum Chemistry. |
Mcquarrie, Donald A |
Viva Books Private Limited |
2007 |
8176494232 |
517p |
UG Library |
541 MET |
04011632 |
Physical Chemistry/ |
Metz Clyde R |
Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd, |
1989 |
9780070085534 |
2nd ed. |
xviii, 24.16 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 MET |
00131932 |
Physical Chemistry/ |
Metz Clyde R |
Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd, |
1989 |
9780070085534 |
2nd ed. |
xviii, 24.16 p.: |
UG Library |
541 MON |
00118146 |
Physical Chemistry: |
Monk, Paul |
Wiley, |
2004 |
9788126540273 |
586p. : |
UG Library |
541 MON |
04018121 |
Physical Chemistry: |
Monk, Paul |
Wiley, |
2004 |
9788126540273 |
586p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 MOR |
00110712 |
Comprehensive Industrial Chemistry |
More, Prakash G. |
Pragati Prakashan |
2010 |
9789350061664 |
1st Ed. |
xvi; 364 p. |
UG Library |
541 MOU |
00058331 |
Instant Notes Physical Chemistry |
Whittaker, A G |
Viva Books Private Limited |
8176492140 |
286p |
UG Library |
541 NAR. |
00084916 |
Chemical and Electrochemical Energy Systems. |
Narayana, R |
Universities Press |
2008 |
8173710694 |
256p |
UG Library |
541 NEG |
00098028 |
Elementary surface chemistry |
Negi Arjun Singh |
Cyber tech publications |
9788178847115 |
264p |
UG Library |
541 NUR |
00138093 |
Green Photo-active Nanomaterials : |
Nuraje,Nurxat. |
RSC Publishing, |
2016 |
9781849739597 |
xvii,414p.; |
UG Library |
541 PAL |
00010236 |
Elementary Physical Chemistry |
Palit, S R |
2000 |
438 p . : |
UG Library |
541 POT |
04007668 |
Stereochemistry / |
Potapov, V.M. |
MIR Publishers, |
1979 |
677p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 PUR |
00045030 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry |
Puri, B R |
Shoban Lal Nagin Chand & Co |
1359p |
UG Library |
541 PUR |
04027189 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry/ |
Puri, B.R. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9789382956785 |
47th ed; |
xii,1366 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 PUR |
04027190 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry/ |
Puri, B.R. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9789382956785 |
47th ed; |
xii,1366 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 PUR |
04027191 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry/ |
Puri, B.R. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9789382956785 |
47th ed; |
xii,1366 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 PUR |
04027192 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry/ |
Puri, B.R. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9789382956785 |
47th ed; |
xii,1366 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 PUR |
04027193 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry/ |
Puri, B.R. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9789382956785 |
47th ed; |
xii,1366 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 PUR |
04027194 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry/ |
Puri, B.R. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9789382956785 |
47th ed; |
xii,1366 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 RAJ |
05051487 |
Nanodynamics / |
Rajendran, E. S. |
Mohna Publications, |
2015 |
8190204823 |
xxv, 269p. |
Knowledge Centre |
541 ROU |
00139795 |
A Life Scientist's Guide to Physical Chemistry / |
Roussel,Marc R. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2012 |
9780521186964 |
xiv,442p.; |
UG Library |
541 SAN |
04026761 |
Text Book of Phycal Chemistry |
Sanganarayana M. V. |
University PressPrivate Limited |
2011 |
9788173717260 |
586 P. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 SAT |
00042816 |
Text Book of Physical Chemistry. |
Satija, Balwant Rai |
1997 |
334 p.: |
UG Library |
541 SAT |
00042817 |
Text Book of Physical Chemistry [ Vol II ] |
Satija, Balwant Rai |
1997 |
248 p.: |
UG Library |
541 SEL |
00022318 |
Chemical Principles |
Selwood, P W |
Holt |
1964 |
582 p.: |
UG Library |
541 SIN |
00090984 |
Physical Chemistry |
Singh, N B |
New Age International Publishers |
2009 |
8122420389 |
591p |
UG Library |
541 SIN |
00090985 |
Physical Chemistry |
Singh, N B |
New Age International Publishers |
2009 |
8122420389 |
591p |
UG Library |
541 SMI |
00119471 |
Basic Physical Chemistry : |
Smith, E. Brian |
Imperial College Press, |
2013 |
9781783262939 | 9781783262946 |
Revised edition. |
xxii, 308 p,: |
UG Library |
541 TAN |
00105985 |
Understanding advanced physical inorganic chemistry : |
Tan, Jeanne. |
World Scientific, |
2010 |
9789814317269 (pbk. : alk. pap |
xv,472 p. |
UG Library |
541 TIN |
04022964 |
Physical Chemistry: |
Tinoco, Ignacio |
2002 |
8131709752 | 9788131709757 |
4th ed. |
764p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 TRI |
00118780 |
Physical Chemistry |
Trimm, Harold H. |
Apple Academic Press, Incorporated | Taylor & Francis Group [Distributor] |
2011 |
9781926692616 | 1926692616 (Tr |
357p.; |
UG Library |
541 TRO |
00124312 |
Chemistry in Focus |
Nivaldo J.Tro |
Thomson Brooks/Cole, |
2007 |
9780495019565 |
3rd ed. |
xxvii, 552 p.: |
UG Library |
541 TUL |
00022330 |
Language of Chemistry or Chemical Equations |
Tuli, G.D |
S Chand & Co |
1981 |
19th ed. |
vi, 101 p. : |
UG Library |
541 VEM |
04018249 |
Physical Chemistry / |
Vemulapalli, G.K |
PHI Learning, |
2012 |
9788120311428 |
991 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 VEM |
00105990 |
Invitation to physical chemistry |
Vemulapalli, G. K. |
Imperial College Press ; | Distributed by World Scientific, |
2010 |
9781848163010 | 1848163010 |
xvi, 222 p. : |
UG Library |
541 VIS |
04023818 |
Practical Physical Chemistry / |
Viswanathan, B. |
Viva Books, |
2015 |
9788130920696 |
359p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 VIS |
04007439 |
Practical Physical Chemistry / |
Viswanathan, B |
Viva books, |
2009 |
9788130900612 |
xii,356p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541 VIS |
00108849 |
Catalysts And Surfaces |
Vishwanathan B. |
Narosa Publishing Hpuse |
2010 |
9788173197352 |
4th ed. |
ix; 11.13 p. cm. |
UG Library |
541 YAD |
00120866 |
Advanced Practical Physical Chemistry |
Yadav J.B. |
Krishan Prakashan Media, |
2014 |
9788182835924 |
xx,494 p.: |
UG Library |
541 YAD |
00022319 |
Advanced Practical Physical Chemistry |
Yadav, J B |
Goel |
1987 |
410 p.: |
UG Library |
541 YAT |
00109877 |
Molecular physical chemistry for engineers |
Yates, John T., |
University Science Books, |
2007 |
1891389270 (acidfree paper) | |
xii, 482 p. : |
UG Library |
541.0113 LEW |
00082673 |
Computational Chemistry: Introduction to the Theory and Applications of Molecular and Quantum Mechanics. |
Lewars, Errol |
Springer |
2006 |
8181284763 |
471p |
UG Library |
541.0151 SCH |
00128432 |
Introduction to computational physical chemistry |
Schrier, Joshua, |
University Science Books, |
2017 |
9781938787904 (alk. paper) |
474p : . |
UG Library |
541.0151 SCH |
00129287 |
Introduction to computational physical chemistry |
Schrier, Joshua, |
University Science Books, |
2017 |
9781938787904 (alk. paper) |
474p : . |
UG Library |
541.0285 CRA |
05074080 |
Essentials of computational chemistry : |
Cramer, Christopher J., |
Wiley, |
2004 |
9780470091821 | 0470091819 (cloth : alk. paper) |
2nd ed. |
xx, 596 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.04 DAR |
04001538 |
Physical Chemistry of Metals |
Darken, Lawrence S |
CBS Publishers and Distributors |
2008 |
8123908423 |
535p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.042 ROP |
04002526 |
Solid State Chemistry |
Ropp, R C |
Elsevier |
2003 |
9788131215715 |
446 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.042 WES |
04001201 |
Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications |
West, Anthony R |
John Wiley and Sons |
2008 |
9788126511075 |
734 |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.042 ARO |
00059561 |
Solid State Chemistry |
Arora, M G |
Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. |
1997 |
8174884645 |
170 p. : |
UG Library |
541.042 CHA |
00132079 |
Solid State Chemistry: |
Chakrabarty D.K, |
New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, |
2017 |
9788122442779 |
xiii,217 p.; |
UG Library |
541.042 CHO |
04010961 |
Encyclopaedia Of Solid State Chemistry |
Choudhary C.K. |
Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd |
2011 |
9788126142446 |
300 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.042 WES |
04023201 |
Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications |
West, Anthony R |
John Wiley and Sons |
2008 |
9788126511075 |
734 |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.042 WES |
00130066 |
Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications |
West, Anthony R |
John Wiley and Sons |
2016 |
9788126511075 |
734p. |
UG Library |
541.042 WES |
00130067 |
Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications |
West, Anthony R |
John Wiley and Sons |
2016 |
9788126511075 |
734p. |
UG Library |
541.042 WES |
00130068 |
Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications |
West, Anthony R |
John Wiley and Sons |
2016 |
9788126511075 |
734p. |
UG Library |
541.042 WES |
00130492 |
Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications |
West, Anthony R |
John Wiley and Sons |
2016 |
9788126511075 |
734p. |
UG Library |
541.042 WES |
00037655 |
Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications |
West, Antony R |
Joh Wiley |
1989 |
734 p |
UG Library |
541.0421 CHA |
00091004 |
Solid State Chemistry |
Chakrabarty, D K |
New Age International Publishers |
8122408354 |
259 |
UG Library |
541.0421 CHA |
00091005 |
Solid State Chemistry |
Chakrabarty, D K |
New Age International Publishers |
8122408354 |
259 |
UG Library |
541.0421 DAN |
00138466 |
Reactions and characterization of solids / |
Dann, Sandra E. |
The royal society of chemistry, |
2000 |
0471224812 | 9780854046126 |
vi, 201 p. : |
UG Library |
541.0421 HOF |
00145700 |
Solid-state chemistry / |
Hoffmann, Frank, |
De Gruyter |
2023 |
9783110657241 | 3110657244 |
xii, 370 pages : |
UG Library |
541.0421 MOO |
00141583 |
Solid state chemistry : |
Moore, Elaine |
CRC press, |
2021 |
9780367135720 | 9780367135805 |
Fifth edition. |
xxv,442p.; |
UG Library |
541.0421 RAS |
00125871 |
Solid State Chemistry |
Rastogi Arun |
Wisdom Press, |
2016 |
9789383318735 |
v, 253 p.: |
UG Library |
541.0421 ROP |
00082975 |
Solid State Chemistry. |
Ropp, R C |
Elsevier |
2008 |
447p |
UG Library |
541.0421 WES |
00060179 |
Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications |
West, Anthony R. |
John Wiley & Sons |
2003 |
9812530037 |
vii, 734 p. : |
UG Library |
541.078 GUR |
00110624 |
Advanced Physical Chemistry Experiments |
Gurtu J.N. |
Pragati Prakashan |
2011 |
9789350063989 |
5th Ed. |
xx; 516 p. |
UG Library |
541.078 GUR |
00122832 |
Advanced Physical Chemistry |
Gurtu J.N. |
Pragati Prakashan |
2015 |
9789351401995 |
18th Ed. |
736p. |
UG Library |
541.078 GUR |
00122840 |
Advanced Physical Chemistry Experiments |
Gurtu J.N. |
Pragati Prakashan |
2011 |
9789350063989 |
5th Ed. |
xx; 516 p. |
UG Library |
541.1 KAM |
00074199 |
Mechanics of Particles, Waves and Oscillations |
Kamal, Anwar |
New Age International Publishers |
2003 |
8122414761 |
552 p |
UG Library |
541.1 KUC |
00027939 |
Physics of Waves |
Kuchela, Kn |
Prasaranga |
176p |
UG Library |
541.1 KUC |
00027940 |
Physics of Waves |
Kuchela, Kn |
Prasaranga |
176p |
UG Library |
541.2 SIM |
04005645 |
Introduction to Theoretical Chemistry |
Simons, Jack |
Cambridge University Press |
2005 |
9780521670463 |
459 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.2 BAJ |
00141116 |
Advanced Physical Chemistry |
Bajpai, D.N. |
S. Chand, |
2020 |
9788121904087 |
1038 p.: |
UG Library |
541.2 GLA |
00123896 |
Theoretical Chemistry |
Glasstone, Samuel |
East-West Press Pvt. Ltd., |
1966 |
515 p:. |
UG Library |
541.2 GUP |
00110709 |
Advanced Physical Chemistry |
Gupta, V K |
1982 |
1188 p.: |
UG Library |
541.2 GUP |
00110710 |
Advanced Physical Chemistry |
Gupta, V K |
1982 |
1188 p.: |
UG Library |
541.2 GUP |
00022317 |
Advanced Physical Chemistry |
Gupta, V K |
1982 |
1188 p.: |
UG Library |
541.2 KEE |
04012403 |
Chemical structure and reactivity : |
Keeler, James. |
Oxford University Press, |
2008 |
9780199289301 (pbk.) | 0199289301 (pbk.) |
xviii, 925 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.2 MAT |
00142633 |
Manual for theoretical chemistry : |
Matyushov, Dmitry, |
World scientific publishing, |
2022 |
9789811228896 | 9789811230110 | 9781944660024 |
1st edition. |
xv,356p.; |
UG Library |
541.2 RAN |
05062287 |
Solved and Unsolved Problems of Structural Chemistry / |
Randic, Milan. |
CRC Press, |
2016 |
9781498711517 |
xx, 472p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
541.2 SIM |
00068932 |
An Introduction to Theoretical Chemistry |
Simons, Jack. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2003 |
0521823609 | 0521530474 (pbk.) |
xiii, 461 p. : |
UG Library |
541.2 SIM |
00059449 |
An Introduction to Theoretical Chemistry |
Simons, Jack. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2003 |
0521823609 | 0521530474 (pbk.) |
xiii, 461 p. : |
UG Library |
541.2 SWA |
00093931 |
Group Theory in Chemistry |
Swarnalakshmi S |
Universities Press |
9788173716232 |
147p |
UG Library |
541.22 BAN |
00137387 |
Comprehensive coordination chemistry |
Banerjee,S.P |
Books and allied pvt ltd., |
2019 |
9788194243731 |
783p.; |
UG Library |
541.22 BAN |
00137388 |
Comprehensive coordination chemistry |
Banerjee,S.P |
Books and allied pvt ltd., |
2019 |
9788194243731 |
783p.; |
UG Library |
541.22 BAN |
00137389 |
Comprehensive coordination chemistry |
Banerjee,S.P |
Books and allied pvt ltd., |
2019 |
9788194243731 |
783p.; |
UG Library |
541.22 COM |
00021069 |
Chemical Bonding |
Companion, Audrey L |
T M Hall |
180 p |
UG Library |
541.22 SIN |
00139857 |
Stereochemistry Conformation and Mechanism / |
Singh,Jagjeet. |
Random Publications, |
2020 |
9789352694914 |
viii,294p.; |
UG Library |
541.22 ARU |
04018242 |
Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy / |
Aruldhas, G. |
PHI, |
2007 |
9788120332157 |
2nd ed. |
427 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.22 ARU |
00126726 |
Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy / |
Aruldhas, G. |
PHI, |
2007 |
9788120332157 |
2nd ed. |
427 p.: |
UG Library |
541.22 ARU |
00126727 |
Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy / |
Aruldhas, G. |
PHI, |
2007 |
9788120332157 |
2nd ed. |
427 p.: |
UG Library |
541.22 ARU |
00127026 |
Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy / |
Aruldhas, G. |
PHI, |
2007 |
9788120332157 |
2nd ed. |
427 p.: |
UG Library |
541.22 ARU |
00127027 |
Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy / |
Aruldhas, G. |
PHI, |
2007 |
9788120332157 |
2nd ed. |
427 p.: |
UG Library |
541.22 BAL |
05048881 |
Molecules : |
Ball, Philip, |
Oxford University Press, |
2003 |
0192854305 | 9780192854308 |
170 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.22 BAN |
00106922 |
Coordination Chemistry. |
Banerjea, D |
Asian Books Pvt Ltd |
2007 |
8184120176 |
2nd Edition |
751 p. |
UG Library |
541.22 BAN |
00082660 |
Coordination Chemistry. |
Banerjea, D |
Asian Books Pvt Ltd |
2007 |
8184120176 |
2nd Edition |
751 p. |
UG Library |
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00001155 |
Physical Methods for Determining Molecular Geometry |
Brey, Wallace S. |
Reinhold Pub. Corp. |
1965 |
ix, 117 p. |
UG Library |
541.22 BUN |
04012531 |
Molecular symmetry and spectroscopy |
Bunker, Philip R. |
Overseas press, |
2012 |
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2nd ed. |
1 online resource (xx, 752 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.22 BUN |
00095579 |
Molecular Symmetry And Spectroscopy |
Bunker Philip R |
Overseas Press India Pvt.Ltd. |
9798188689155 |
747p |
UG Library |
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00102237 |
Chemical applications of group theory. |
Cotton F.Albert |
Wiley India; |
2003 |
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3rd ed. |
461 p. |
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00107243 |
Chemical applications of group theory. |
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Wiley India; |
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3rd ed. |
461 p. |
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3rd ed. |
461 p. |
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00130504 |
Chemical applications of group theory. |
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Wiley India; |
2003 |
9788126519255 |
3rd ed. |
461 p. |
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00035156 |
Accurate Molecular Structures |
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International Union of Crystallography ; | Oxford University Press, |
1992 |
0198555563 (hbk) : | 978019855 |
xii, 590 p. : |
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05042441 |
The irreducible tensor method for molecular symmetry groups / |
Griffith, J. S. |
Dover Publications, |
2006 |
0486450473 | 9780486450476 |
Dover ed. |
ix, 134 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
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00001158 |
An Introduction to Molecular Kinetic Theory. |
Hildebrand, Joel Henry, |
Reinhold Pub. Corp. |
1963 |
105 p. |
UG Library |
541.22 KAL |
00085723 |
Stereochmistry: Conformation and Mechanism. |
Kalsi, P S |
New Age International Publishers |
2008 |
9788122423563 | 8122415644 |
6th ed |
xviii, 628 p. : |
UG Library |
541.22 KAL |
00072877 |
Stereochmistry: Conformation and Mechanism. |
Kalsi, P S |
New Age International Publishers |
2008 |
9788122423563 | 8122415644 |
6th ed |
xviii, 628 p. : |
UG Library |
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00122853 |
Coordination Chemistry |
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Pragati Prakashan, |
2015 |
9789351403609 |
xvi, 784 p:. |
UG Library |
541.22 ROU |
05040873 |
Topology in chemistry : |
Horwood Pub., |
2002 |
1898563764 | 9781898563761 |
387 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.22 RUT |
00143136 |
Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory An Introduction / |
Ruth,Sara. |
States academic press, |
2022 |
9781639893669 |
viii,237p, ; |
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00143599 |
Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory An Introduction / |
Ruth,Sara. |
States academic press, |
2022 |
9781639893669 |
viii,237p, ; |
UG Library |
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00001156 |
Chemical Bonding and the Geometry of Molecules. |
Ryschkewitsch, George E. |
Reinhold |
1963 |
116 p. |
UG Library |
541.22 SIN |
00124733 |
A Textbook of Coordination Chemistry |
Singh Rajbir |
Mittal Publications, |
2016 |
9788183246668 |
v, 240 p.: |
UG Library |
541.22 WIL |
05033518 |
Electron correlation in molecules / |
Wilson, S. |
Dover Publications, |
2007 |
0486458792 (pbk.) | 9780486458 |
Dover ed. |
x, 281 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
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00120259 |
Electron correlation in molecules / |
Wilson, S. |
Dover Publications, |
2007 |
0486458792 (pbk.) | 9780486458 |
Dover ed. |
x, 281 p. : |
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541.22 YAU |
05055409 |
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Yau, Nathan |
Wiley, |
2013 |
9788126550845 |
300p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.22 YAU |
04022973 |
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Yau, Nathan |
Wiley, |
2013 |
9788126550845 |
300p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.22 YAU |
05045804 |
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Yau, Nathan |
Wiley, |
2013 |
9788126550845 |
300p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.22015 AME |
00118605 |
Symmetry and group theory in chemistry |
Ameta R |
New Age Publishers |
2013 |
9788122434132 |
566p. |
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00118606 |
Symmetry and group theory in chemistry |
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New Age Publishers |
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566p. |
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00118607 |
Symmetry and group theory in chemistry |
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New Age Publishers |
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566p. |
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00118608 |
Symmetry and group theory in chemistry |
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9788122434132 |
566p. |
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541.22015 DOG |
00118601 |
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New Age Publishers |
2014 |
9788122436174 |
505p. |
UG Library |
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00118602 |
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Dogra S K |
New Age Publishers |
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505p. |
UG Library |
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00118603 |
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Dogra S K |
New Age Publishers |
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9788122436174 |
505p. |
UG Library |
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00118604 |
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Dogra S K |
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9788122436174 |
505p. |
UG Library |
541.22015 RAJ |
00120854 |
Group Theory & Symmetry in Chemistry |
Raj, Gurdeep |
Krishna Prakashan Media, |
2015 |
9788182835214 |
5th ed, |
300 p:. |
UG Library |
541.220151 DEZ |
05051961 |
Geometry of chemical graphs : |
Deza, M., |
Cambridge University Press, |
2008 |
9780521873079 (hbk.) |
x, 306 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.22015122 BIS |
05033659 |
Group theory and chemistry / |
Bishop, David M. |
Dover, |
1993 |
0486673553 (pbk.) : |
xiv, 300 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.22015122 CAR |
00084908 |
Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory. |
Carter, Robert L |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc |
2005 |
9812530975 |
299p |
UG Library |
541.22015122 MUK |
05065265 |
Group Theory in Chemistry : |
Mukherjee,Asok K. |
Universities Press, |
2018 |
9789386235190 |
516p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
541.2215 CAR |
00130489 |
Molecular symmetry and group theory / |
Carter, Robert L., |
John Wiley, |
2018 |
9788126524235 |
x, 299 p. ; |
UG Library |
541.223 ARO |
00047791 |
Stereochemistry in Organic Compounds |
Arora, M G |
Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. |
1997 |
8174885595 |
88 p.: |
UG Library |
541.223 KAL |
00045612 |
Streochemistry [ Conformation and Mechanism ] |
Kalsi, P S |
New Age International Publishers |
1997 |
8122410952 |
4th |
555 p.; |
UG Library |
541.223 KAL |
00084942 |
Stereochmistry: Conformation and Mechanism. |
Kalsi, P S |
New Age International Publishers |
2008 |
9788122423563 | 8122415644 |
6th ed |
xviii, 628 p. : |
UG Library |
541.223 KAL |
00085722 |
Stereochmistry: Conformation and Mechanism. |
Kalsi, P S |
New Age International Publishers |
2008 |
9788122423563 | 8122415644 |
6th ed |
xviii, 628 p. : |
UG Library |
541.223 KAL |
00145880 |
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New Age publishers, |
2022 |
9789393159946 |
11th ed. |
665p.; |
UG Library |
541.223 KAL |
00131122 |
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Kalsi, P S. |
New Age International (P) Limited., |
2017 |
9788122443158 |
9th Ed. |
xix, 635 p. ; |
UG Library |
541.223 NAS |
00131123 |
Stereochemistry of organic compounds : |
Nasipuri, D. |
New Age International (P) Limited., |
2011 |
9788122430295 |
Third Ed. |
xxii, 537 p. ; |
UG Library |
541.224 JOH |
04002330 |
Supramolecular and Cluster Chemistry |
John, D |
Sarup & Sons Publishers |
2008 |
9788176258692 |
233 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.224 BAR |
00138468 |
Structure and bonding / |
Barrett, Jack. |
Royal Society of Chemistry, |
2001 |
9780854046478 |
vi, 181 p. : |
UG Library |
541.224 BRO |
00013603 |
A New Guide to modern Valency Theory, |
Brown, G. I. |
Longman Group | The English Language Book Society |
1973 |
0582351251 | 0582350247 |
2nd ed. |
ix, 238, [4] p. |
UG Library |
541.224 BRO |
00014270 |
A New Guide to modern Valency Theory, |
Brown, G. I. |
Longman Group | The English Language Book Society |
1973 |
0582351251 | 0582350247 |
2nd ed. |
ix, 238, [4] p. |
UG Library |
541.224 BRO |
00014271 |
A New Guide to modern Valency Theory, |
Brown, G. I. |
Longman Group | The English Language Book Society |
1973 |
0582351251 | 0582350247 |
2nd ed. |
ix, 238, [4] p. |
UG Library |
541.224 BRO |
00013602 |
A New Guide to modern Valency Theory, |
Brown, G. I. |
Longman Group | The English Language Book Society |
1973 |
0582351251 | 0582350247 |
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ix, 238, [4] p. |
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541.224 COU |
00013550 |
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2nd |
406 p.: |
UG Library |
541.224 DAT |
00145692 |
Lectures on chemical bonding and quantum chemistry / |
Datta, Sambhu N., |
World Scientific |
2024 |
9789811200007 | 9780000991546 | 9811200009 |
445 pages : |
UG Library |
541.224 DAT |
00136034 |
Lectures on chemical bonding and quantum chemistry / |
Datta,S.N |
World scientific publishing, |
2019 |
9789811200007 | 9811200009 |
445 pages : |
UG Library |
541.224 MUR |
00014274 |
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Murrell, J. N. |
John Wiley & Sons Ltd | The English Language Book Society |
1965 |
0471626899 | 0471626880 |
2d ed. |
xv, 428 p. |
UG Library |
541.224 NAN |
00121159 |
Chemical Bonding |
Nandan, Sharda |
Anmol Publications |
2014 |
9788126161638 |
296p. |
UG Library |
541.224 ORC |
00007199 |
Importance of Anti Bonding Orbitals |
Orchin, Milton |
Oxford & IBH Publishing Com, |
1967 |
104 p, |
UG Library |
541.224 SET |
00061909 |
Chemical Bonding |
Sethi, M S |
Discovery Publishing House |
1992 |
vii, 146 p. |
UG Library |
541.224 SET |
00038476 |
Chemical Bonding |
Sethi, M S |
Discovery Publishing House |
1992 |
vii, 146 p. |
UG Library |
541.224 YAD |
00086337 |
Chemical Bonding. |
Yadav, M S |
Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd |
2000 |
8126107219 |
213 p |
UG Library |
541.2242 DEE |
00146654 |
Coordination Chemistry. |
Deepshikha, |
Academic, |
2023 |
9789395546171 |
x,347p. ; |
UG Library |
541.2242 DEV |
00125880 |
Coordination Chemistry |
Devi Aruna M |
RBSA Publishers, |
2015 |
9788176117326 |
v, 295 p.: |
UG Library |
541.2242 FIG |
00131143 |
Ligand Field Theory And Its Applications / |
Figgis, Brian N. |
Wiley, |
2000 |
9788126528455 |
xviii, 354 p. ; |
UG Library |
541.2242 GIS |
00086663 |
Coordination Chemistry. |
Gispert, Joan Ribas |
Wiley VCH |
2008 |
9783527318025 |
600 p |
UG Library |
541.2242 GOP |
00055609 |
Concise Coordination Chemistry |
Gopalan, R |
Vikas Publishing House |
2001 |
8125909346 |
403 p,: |
UG Library |
541.2242 KUR |
00146515 |
Concise Coordination Chemistry |
Kumar, Sanju |
Venus House, |
2023 |
9789386559104 |
viii,403p, : |
UG Library |
541.2242 LAW |
00097707 |
Introduction to coordination chemistry / |
Lawrance, Geoffrey A. |
Wiley, |
9780470519301 (hbk.) | 0470519 |
xiii, 290 p. : |
UG Library |
541.2242 YAM |
04011389 |
Polyoxometalate Chemistry for Nano-Composite Design |
Yamase, Toshihiro |
Springer (India) Pvt.Ltd.; |
9788184893076 |
viii: 235 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.2242 YAM |
00098466 |
Polyoxometalate Chemistry for Nano-Composite Design |
Yamase, Toshihiro |
Springer (India) Pvt.Ltd.; |
9788184893076 |
viii: 235 p. |
UG Library |
541.224BRO5 |
00082977 |
Chemical Bond in Inorganic Chemistry: The Bond Valence Model [msc.Chemistry Section] |
Brown, David L |
0195694163 |
278p |
UG Library |
541.225 BRE |
04007689 |
Physical Methods for Determining Molecular Geometry / |
Brey, Wallace S |
Chapman & Hall Ltd., |
1965 |
117p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.2254 GUJ |
04028529 |
Modeling and Simulation in Polymers / |
Wiley Inida, |
2017 |
9788126568468 |
541p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.2254 ODR |
00001163 |
The Nature and Chemistry of High Polymers |
Odriscoll, Kenneth F |
Champaman & Hall |
1964 |
108 p. : |
UG Library |
541.226 LEH |
04022461 |
Supramolecular chemistry |
Lehn, J.-M. |
J Wiley, |
1995 |
3527293124 | 3527293116 | 97 |
271p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.226 RAM |
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Supramolecular photochemistry : |
V Ramamurthy |
Wiley, |
2011 |
9780470230534 (hardback) | 047 |
xii, 623 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.23 TIW |
05017364 |
Celebtating Bihar : |
Tiwary Nishant |
Oxford University Press, |
2012 |
9780198083757 |
93 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.233GUN |
00033679 |
Guide Book to Stereochemistry |
Gunstone, F D |
Longman |
UG Library |
541.24 AHL |
00124695 |
Understanding Chemistry |
Ahluwalia, V. K |
Milestone Publishers & Distributors, |
2015 |
in |
110+136 P.: |
UG Library |
541.24 AHL |
00124696 |
Understanding Chemistry |
Ahluwalia, V. K |
Milestone Publishers & Distributors, |
2015 |
in |
110+136 P.: |
UG Library |
541.24 BAR |
00061709 |
Atomic Structure and Periodicity |
Barrett, Jack. |
Wiley-Interscience ; | Royal Society of Chemistry, |
2002 |
0854046577 |
vi, 178 p. : |
UG Library |
541.24 CHA |
05065190 |
Atomic Structure And Chemical Bond : |
Chanda, Manas. |
I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., |
2019 |
9789386768360 |
x, 382p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
541.24 CHA |
00037666 |
Atomic Structure and Chemical Bond |
Chand, Manas |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing |
1994 |
3rd Ed |
474 p. |
UG Library |
541.24 CHA |
00035459 |
Atomic Structure and Chemical Bond |
Chandra, Manas |
UG Library |
541.24 DEF |
00108586 |
Nanoscale |
Deffeyes Kenneth S. |
The MIT Press |
2009 |
9780262516716 |
133 p. |
UG Library |
541.24 DIC |
00015176 |
Understanding Chemistry:From Atoms to Attitudes |
Dickson, T R |
1974 |
0471212857 |
361p |
UG Library |
541.24 MAN |
00010231 |
Atomic Structure and Chemical Bond. |
Chanda, Manas |
Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing Company |
1972 |
380 p. : |
UG Library |
541.24 MAN |
00035932 |
Atomic Structure &chemical Bond |
Manas Chanda, |
1992 |
463p |
UG Library |
541.24 THO |
00125289 |
Atomic Chemistry |
Thore, Shivajirao. N |
Oxford Book Company, |
2017 |
9789350303016 |
300 p.: |
UG Library |
541.251 QUI |
04002801 |
Computational Quantum Chemistry: An Interactive Guide to Basis Set Theory |
Quinn, Charles M |
Elsevier |
2002 |
9788131217344 |
237 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.26 BHA |
00131124 |
Stoichiometry / |
Bhatt, Bharat I. |
McGraw Hill Education, |
2010 |
9780070681149 |
4th Ed. |
xiii, 723 p. ; |
UG Library |
541.26 SYL |
00067350 |
Problems in Stoichiometry |
Sylvin, Morris |
Sarupa and Sons |
8176254312 |
222p |
UG Library |
541.28 GRI |
04003232 |
Quantum in Chemistry: An Experimentalist's View |
Grinter, Roger |
Johb Wiley & Sons |
2005 |
9780470013182 |
459 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.28 MCQ |
04002112 |
Quantum Chemistry |
Mcquarrie, Donald A |
Viva Books Pvt Ltd |
2007 |
8176494232 |
517 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.28 QUI |
04002802 |
Computational Quantum Chemistry II: The Group Theory Calculatior |
Quinn, Charles M |
Elsevier |
2005 |
9788131217351 |
188 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.28 ATK |
00098029 |
Quanta,Matter,and Change: |
Atkins Peter |
Oxford University |
9780199206063 |
782p |
UG Library |
541.28 CHA |
00024532 |
Introductory Quantum Chemistry |
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T M H |
1983 |
290 p |
UG Library |
541.28 CHA |
00013504 |
Introductory Quantum Chemistry |
Chandra, A K |
T M H |
1983 |
290 p |
UG Library |
541.28 CHA |
00109388 |
Introductory Quantum Chemistry / |
Chandra A.K. |
Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd, |
1994 |
9780074620540 | 0074620541 |
4th Ed. |
xiii; 389 p.; |
UG Library |
541.28 CHA |
05052330 |
Introductory Quantum Chemistry / |
Chandra A.K. |
Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd, |
1994 |
9780074620540 | 0074620541 |
4th Ed. |
xiii; 389 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
541.28 CHO |
00122403 |
An Introduction to Quantum Chemistry |
Choudhary, N L |
Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., |
2014 |
9788126159215 |
280 p:. |
UG Library |
541.28 COO |
00105997 |
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Cook, David B. |
Imperial College Press ; | Distributed by World Scientific Pub., |
2008 |
9781848162655 | 1848162650 |
xiv, 261 p. : |
UG Library |
541.28 DEV |
04021791 |
Quantum Chemistry / |
Devanarayanan, S. |
Scitech Publishers, |
2013 |
9788183714822 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.28 DEV |
04021792 |
Quantum Chemistry / |
Devanarayanan, S. |
Scitech Publishers, |
2013 |
9788183714822 |
V P |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.28 DEV |
00118509 |
Quantum Chemistry / |
Devanarayanan, S. |
Scitech Publishers, |
2013 |
9788183714822 |
V P |
UG Library |
541.28 ENG |
00136575 |
Quantum chemistry and spectroscopy / |
Engel, Thomas, |
Pearson india educvation , |
2015 |
9789332544956 |
3rd ed. |
450p.; |
UG Library |
541.28 ENG |
00136576 |
Quantum chemistry and spectroscopy / |
Engel, Thomas, |
Pearson india educvation , |
2015 |
9789332544956 |
3rd ed. |
450p.; |
UG Library |
541.28 EYR |
00033833 |
Quatum Chemistry |
Eyring, Henry |
John Wiley |
1944 |
394 p |
UG Library |
541.28 EYR |
00021070 |
Quantum Chemistry |
Eyring, Henry |
John Wiley |
1944 |
394 p.: |
UG Library |
541.28 FUK |
05066794 |
Frontier orbitals and reaction paths : |
Fukui, Kenʾichi, |
World Scientific, |
1997 |
9810222416 |
xvii, 543 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.28 GIT |
00122274 |
Introduction to Quantum Chemistry |
Gitmore, Melany |
Apple Academic Press Inc, |
2010 |
9781926686974 |
304 p:. |
UG Library |
541.28 GUP |
00132071 |
Quantum biology |
Gupta,S.P |
New age international pvt ltd. publishers, |
2018 |
9789386418838 |
ix,102p.; |
UG Library |
541.28 GUP |
00111467 |
Essentials of Bio-Inorganic Chemistry/ |
Gupta, Neerja. |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2011 |
9789350063897 |
3rd Ed. |
viii:140p.; |
UG Library |
541.28 HAY |
00138465 |
Quantum mechanics for chemists |
Hayward, David O |
The royal society of chemistry, |
2002 |
9780854046072 |
vii,184p.; |
UG Library |
541.28 HIC |
00145464 |
Modern Quantum Chemistry/ |
Hicks, Declan |
NY Research Press |
2023 |
9781647253691 |
viii:209p. |
UG Library |
541.28 HOU |
00072885 |
Fundamentals of Quantum Chemistry |
House, J. E. |
Academic Press, |
2004 |
8181476409 | 9798181476400 | 0 |
2nd ed. |
xv, 291 p. : |
UG Library |
541.28 HOU |
00106931 |
Fundamentals of Quantum Chemistry |
House, J. E. |
Academic Press, |
2004 |
8181476409 | 9798181476400 | 0 |
2nd ed. |
xv, 291 p. : |
UG Library |
541.28 LIN |
00082679 |
Propagators in Quantum Chemistry. |
Linderberg, Jan |
2004 |
0471662577 |
267p |
UG Library |
541.28 LOW |
04016400 |
Quantum Chemistry / |
Lowe, John P. |
Elsevier, |
2006 |
9789382291039 |
3rd ed, |
703 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.28 LOW |
00126236 |
Quantum Chemistry / |
Lowe, John P. |
Elsevier, |
2006 |
9789382291039 |
3rd ed, |
703 p. : |
UG Library |
541.28 LUK |
05011331 |
Nanomaterials : |
Charles M Lukehart |
Wiley, |
2008 |
9780470516447 (hbk.) | 0470516 |
xvi, 840 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.28 MCQ |
00118778 |
Quantum Chemistry |
McQuarrie Donald A. |
Viva Books |
2003 |
9788130918945 |
x:515 P. |
UG Library |
541.28 MCQ |
00107353 |
Quantum Chemistry |
McQuarrie Donald A. |
Viva Books |
2003 |
9788130918945 |
x:515 P. |
UG Library |
541.28 MCW |
00120297 |
Spins in chemistry / |
McWeeny, R. |
Dover Publications, |
2004 |
0486434869 (pbk.) |
xi, 153 p. : |
UG Library |
541.28 PIL |
00131106 |
Elementary Quantum Chemistry / |
Pilar, Frank L. |
Dover Publications, |
1968 |
9780486414645 |
2nd Ed. |
xvi, 599 p. ; |
UG Library |
541.28 PRA |
00144967 |
Computational quantum chemistry / |
Prasad, Ram Yatan |
CRC Press, |
2021 |
9780367679699 |
Second edition. |
xxi,692p.; |
UG Library |
541.28 PRA |
00106928 |
Quantum Chemistry |
Prasad, R K |
New Age International Publishers |
2007 |
8122411142 | 9788122411140 |
372 p. vi, : |
UG Library |
541.28 PRA |
00120191 |
Principles of quantum chemistry |
Prasad Ram Yatan |
Foundation Books |
2015 |
9789382993735 |
783p. |
UG Library |
541.28 PRA |
00091797 |
Quantum Chemistry |
Prasad, R K |
New Age International Publishers |
2007 |
8122411142 | 9788122411140 |
372 p. vi, : |
UG Library |
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00091795 |
Quantum Chemistry |
Prasad, R K |
New Age International Publishers |
2007 |
8122411142 | 9788122411140 |
372 p. vi, : |
UG Library |
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00091798 |
Quantum Chemistry |
Prasad, R K |
New Age International Publishers |
2007 |
9788122424089 |
4th ed |
xx, 565 p. : |
UG Library |
541.28 PRA |
00091799 |
Quantum Chemistry |
Prasad, R K |
New Age International Publishers |
2007 |
9788122424089 |
4th ed |
xx, 565 p. : |
UG Library |
541.28 PRA |
00090997 |
Quantum Chemistry |
Prasad, R K |
New Age International Publishers |
2007 |
9788122424089 |
4th ed |
xx, 565 p. : |
UG Library |
541.28 PRA |
00090996 |
Quantum Chemistry |
Prasad, R K |
New Age International Publishers |
2007 |
9788122424089 |
4th ed |
xx, 565 p. : |
UG Library |
541.28 PRA |
00084946 |
Quantum Chemistry / |
Prasad, R K |
New Age International Publishers |
2006 |
812241740X | 9788122417401 |
Revised third edition |
xi, 524 p. : |
UG Library |
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00131121 |
Principles of Quantum Chemistry / |
Prasad, Ram Yatan. |
Foundation Books, |
2015 |
9789382993735 |
xiv, 783 p:. |
UG Library |
541.28 PRA |
00084947 |
Quantum Chemistry |
Prasad, R K |
New Age International Publishers |
2007 |
8122411142 | 9788122411140 |
372 p. vi, : |
UG Library |
541.28 PRA |
00059452 |
Quantum Chemistry |
Prasad, R K |
New Age International Publishers |
2007 |
8122411142 | 9788122411140 |
372 p. vi, : |
UG Library |
541.28 PRA |
00121669 |
Principles of Quantum Chemistry / |
Prasad, Ram Yatan. |
Foundation Books, |
2015 |
9789382993735 |
xiv, 783 p:. |
UG Library |
541.28 PRA |
00091794 |
Quantum Chemistry: |
Prasad R K |
New Age International Publishers |
9788122411140 |
372p |
UG Library |
541.28 PRA |
00091796 |
Quantum Chemistry: |
Prasad R K |
New Age International Publishers |
9788122411140 |
372p |
UG Library |
541.28 RAM |
04011683 |
Quantum Chemistry/ |
Raman K.V |
Vijay Nicole Imprints Pvt. Ltd, |
2011 |
9788182091030 |
xii, 262 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.28 SAN |
00107224 |
Quantum Chemistry |
Sannigrahi A. B. |
Books & Allied Pvt.Ltd. |
2007 |
9788187134404 |
488 p. |
UG Library |
541.28 SAN |
00095458 |
Quantum Chemistry |
Sannigrahi A.B |
Books and allied (p) Ltd |
9788187134404 |
488P |
UG Library |
541.28 SAN |
00094897 |
Quantum Chemistry |
Sannigrahi A. B. |
Books & Allied Pvt.Ltd. |
2007 |
9788187134404 |
488 p. |
UG Library |
541.28 SCH |
05057876 |
Quantum mechanics in chemistry / |
Schatz, George C., |
Dover Publications, |
2002 |
0486420035 (pbk.) | 9780486420 |
xix, 361 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.28 SHA |
00122852 |
An Introduction to Quantum Chemistry |
Sharma, Suresh Kumar |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2014 |
9789351401520 |
355 p:. |
UG Library |
541.28 SOL |
05011258 |
Computational inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry / |
Solomon Edward I |
Wiley, |
2009 |
9780470699973 |
xv, 594 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.28 SZA |
05033578 |
Modern quantum chemistry : |
Szabo, Attila, |
Dover Publications, |
1996 |
0486691861 (pbk.) |
xiv, 466 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.28 TAB |
00121697 |
Quantum Chemistry |
Tablou, Niel |
Delve Publishing LLC, |
2015 |
9781680952568 |
xiii, 284 p:. |
UG Library |
541.280285 MCD |
00120072 |
Computational quantum chemistry : |
McDouall, Joseph J. W., |
9781849736084 (hardback) | 184 |
xiii, 278 pages : |
UG Library |
541.281 HOU |
04002680 |
Fundamentals of Quantum Chemistry |
House, James E |
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers |
2004 |
9788181476401 |
291 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.281 ROS |
04002323 |
Quantum Chemistry |
Roshan, Jyoti Kumar |
Anmol Publications |
2008 |
9788126136520 |
290 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.281 MUE |
04016406 |
Fundamentals of Quantum Chemistry : |
Muller, Michael |
Kluwer Academic Publisher, |
2001 |
9780306465963 |
264 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.28SAT |
00061908 |
Introduction to Quantum Chemistry |
Satake, M |
DPH Discovery Publishing House |
320p |
UG Library |
541.2STA |
00002047 |
Mechanical Properties of Maths |
Starling, |
Macmillan |
UG Library |
541.3 ATK |
00140807 |
Physical Chemistry / |
Atkins,Peter. |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780198814740 |
xxiv,858p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 BAH |
00045038 |
Essentials of Physical Chemistry |
Bahl, B S |
S Chand |
1943 |
0812190546 |
866 p. |
UG Library |
541.3 BAR |
00109392 |
Physical Chemistry/ |
Barrow Gordon M. |
Tata McGraw Hill education Pvt. Ltd. |
2007 |
9780070647749 |
5th ed. |
xvi, 859 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 KUM |
00137454 |
Problems and solutions in physical chemistry for JEE (Main and advance) |
Kumar,Neeraj |
Pearson india education services pvt ltd., |
2020 |
9789353439453 |
pages |
UG Library |
541.3 MAD |
00122702 |
Physical Chemistry for B.Sc 1, II and III Year |
Madan, R L |
S Chand & Company Pvt Ltd., |
2014 |
8121918812 | 9788121918817 |
xxxvi, 764 p:. |
UG Library |
541.3 MAD |
00122703 |
Physical Chemistry for B.Sc 1, II and III Year |
Madan, R L |
S Chand & Company Pvt Ltd., |
2014 |
8121918812 | 9788121918817 |
xxxvi, 764 p:. |
UG Library |
541.3 MAL |
00132756 |
Principles of physical chemistry |
Mallick ,Abhijit |
Viva books pvt ltd., |
2018 |
9789387925014 |
xviii,773p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 MAL |
00132757 |
Principles of physical chemistry |
Mallick ,Abhijit |
Viva books pvt ltd., |
2018 |
9789387925014 |
xviii,773p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00090046 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry |
Puri, B R |
Vishal Publications |
1980 |
1026 p. ix, : |
UG Library |
541.3 ADA |
00007292 |
Physical Chemistry |
Adam, Neilkensington |
Oxford Charendon Press |
1962 |
658 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 AL |
00129615 |
Physical Chemistry |
Al, Hu Ying Et |
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2017 |
9789385998515 |
816 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 ALB |
00045853 |
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Alberty, Robert A |
John Wiley & Sons |
1995 |
9971511789 |
898p |
UG Library |
541.3 ALB |
00028875 |
Physical Chemistry |
Alberty, Robert A |
Joh Wiley |
1987 |
924 p |
UG Library |
541.3 ALB |
00045727 |
Physical Chemistry. |
Alberty, Robert A |
John Wiley & Sons |
1995 |
9971511789 |
898p |
UG Library |
541.3 ALI |
00131794 |
The DBS handbook of physical chemstry |
Alimuddin |
DBS Imprints, |
2018 |
9789384229153 |
xxiii,698p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 AMS |
00002547 |
Physical Chemistry for Premedical Students |
Amsden, John Page |
Mcgraw-Hill |
317p |
UG Library |
541.3 ATH |
00084933 |
Experimental Physical Chemistry |
Athawale, Vilas D |
New Age International Publishers |
2001 |
8122413366 |
303p |
UG Library |
541.3 ATH |
00090980 |
Experimental Physical Chemistry |
Athawale, Vilas D |
New Age International Publishers |
2001 |
8122413366 |
303p |
UG Library |
541.3 ATH |
00090981 |
Experimental Physical Chemistry |
Athawale, Vilas D |
New Age International Publishers |
2001 |
8122413366 |
303p |
UG Library |
541.3 ATK |
00045861 |
Physical Chemistry |
Atkins, P W |
Oxford University Press |
1998 |
0190198503 |
6th |
1014 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 ATK |
00026846 |
Physical Chemistry |
Atkins., P W |
E L B S |
1985 |
2nd |
1095 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 ATK |
00074230 |
Students Solutions Manual to Accompany Atkins Physical Chemistry |
Atkins, P W |
Oxford University Press |
2006 |
0199288585 | 9780199288588 |
ix, 547 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 ATK |
00120224 |
Physical Chemistry : |
Atkins, Peter |
Oxford University Press, |
2014 |
1429290196 | 9780198728726 | 9 |
10th ed. |
xxv: 1008 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 ATK |
00073708 |
Atkins' Physical chemistry. |
Atkins, P. W. |
Oxford University Press, |
2002 |
0195685229 | 9780195685220 |
8th ed. / |
xxx, 1164 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 ATK |
00070720 |
Elements of Physical Chemistry |
Atkins, Peter |
2001 |
0198792905 |
546p |
UG Library |
541.3 ATK |
00057905 |
Physical Chemistry |
Atkins, Peter |
Oxford University Press |
2002 |
0199255792 | 9780199255795 |
7th Ed. |
1149 p. |
UG Library |
541.3 ATK |
00119167 |
Physical Chemistry : |
Atkins, Peter |
Oxford University Press, |
2014 |
1429290196 | 9780198728726 | 9 |
10th ed. |
xxv: 1008 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 ATK |
00095460 |
Atkins' Physical chemistry. |
Atkins, P. W. |
Oxford University Press, |
2002 |
0195685229 | 9780195685220 |
8th ed. / |
xxx, 1164 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 ATK |
00095459 |
Atkins' Physical chemistry. |
Atkins, P. W. |
Oxford University Press, |
2002 |
0195685229 | 9780195685220 |
8th ed. / |
xxx, 1164 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 ATK |
00055626 |
Elements of Physical Chemistry |
Atkins,Peter |
Oxford Unuversity Press |
2001 |
0198792905 | 9780198792901 |
3rd Ed. |
548 p. |
UG Library |
541.3 ATK |
00137113 |
Physical Chemistry / |
Atkins,Peter. |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780198814740 |
xxiv,858p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 ATK |
00137114 |
Physical Chemistry / |
Atkins,Peter. |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780198814740 |
xxiv,858p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 ATK |
00101920 |
Elements of Physical Chemistry |
Atkins, Peter |
9780198063346 |
578 p. |
UG Library |
541.3 AVA |
00135469 |
Problems in Physical Chemistry |
Avasthi, Narendra |
Shri Balaji Publications |
2019 |
9789384934873 |
12th ed. |
600p. |
UG Library |
541.3 BAH |
00141105 |
Essentials of Physical Chemistry |
Bahl, Arun |
S Chand and Company Pvt. Ltd., |
2019 |
9789352836093 |
28th ed., |
xviii,1222p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 BAH |
00026897 |
Essentials of Physical Chemistry |
Bahl, B S |
S Chand |
1984 |
844 p |
UG Library |
541.3 BAH |
00142630 |
Essentials of Physical Chemistry |
Bahl, Arun |
S Chand and Company Pvt. Ltd., |
2022 |
9789355010605 |
28th ed., |
xviii,1222p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 BAH |
00030634 |
Physical Chemistry |
Khosla, B D |
R.Chand & Co |
1989 |
14th ed |
1003 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 BAH |
00122692 |
Essentials of Physical Chemistry |
Bahl, Arun |
S Chand and Company Pvt. Ltd., |
2014 |
9788121929783 |
xvii, 1262 p:. |
UG Library |
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00122693 |
Essentials of Physical Chemistry |
Bahl, Arun |
S Chand and Company Pvt. Ltd., |
2014 |
9788121929783 |
xvii, 1262 p:. |
UG Library |
541.3 BAR |
00012922 |
Physical Chemistry |
Barrow, M. Gordon |
Mcgraw |
1966 |
2nd |
844 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 BAR |
00117990 |
Physical Chemistry/ |
Barrow Gordon M. |
Tata McGraw Hill education Pvt. Ltd. |
2007 |
9780070647749 |
5th ed. |
xvi, 859 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 BAR |
00000608 |
Physical Chemistry |
Barrow, Gordon M. |
McGraw-Hill |
1966 |
2d ed. |
xiii, 843 p. |
UG Library |
541.3 BAR |
00070223 |
Physical Chemistry [ UGC Minotiry Community ] |
Barrow, M Gordon |
2004 |
0074620312 |
853p |
UG Library |
541.3 BAR |
00069731 |
Physical Chemistry |
Barrow, M Gordon |
Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing Company Ltd. |
2005 |
0074620312 | 9780074620311 |
xvi, 859 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 BAR |
00005928 |
Physical Chemistry |
Barrow, Gordon M. |
McGraw-Hill |
1966 |
2d ed. |
xiii, 843 p. |
UG Library |
541.3 BER |
00059453 |
Physical Chemistry |
Berry, R Stephen |
Oxford |
1064p |
UG Library |
541.3 BHA |
00014667 |
Clathrate Compounds |
Bhatnagar, V M |
S Chand , |
1968 |
244 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 BRE |
00000758 |
Principle of Physical Chemistry |
Brey, S.Wallace |
1958 |
444 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 BRI |
05062286 |
Analytical and Physical Chemistry / |
Magnum Publishing, |
2017 |
9781682503881 |
x, 295p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
541.3 CAS |
00070485 |
Physical Chemistry |
Castellan, Gilbert W |
Narosa Publishing House |
2004 |
8182015597 |
3rd ed |
xxviii, 1020 p. S-2, : |
UG Library |
541.3 CAS |
00069658 |
Physical Chemistry |
Castellan, Gilbert W |
Narosa Publishing House |
2004 |
8182015597 |
3rd ed |
xxviii, 1020 p. S-2, : |
UG Library |
541.3 CHA |
00125244 |
Physical chemistry / |
Chang Raymond |
Viva Books |
2016 |
9789386105554 |
1018p. |
UG Library |
541.3 CHH |
00028884 |
Advanced Physical Chemistry |
Chhatwal, Gurdeep R |
Goel Publishing House |
1988 |
1224 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 DAN |
00002101 |
Experimental Physical Chemistry |
Farrington, Daniels |
International Student Edition Book Company |
1956 |
6th ed, |
xv, 625 p,: |
UG Library |
541.3 DAN |
00003728 |
Physical Chemistry |
Daniels, Farrington |
Asian Publishing House |
1955 |
viii, 671 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 DAS |
00024529 |
Experimental Physical Chemistry |
Das, R C |
T M H |
1983 |
360 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 DE |
00146173 |
Physical Chemistry: |
De, Amrita Lal |
Books and Allied Ltd, |
2019 |
9788193897423 |
1020 p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 DE |
00120152 |
Physical Chemistry: |
De, Amrita Lal |
Books and Allied Ltd, |
1960 |
9789384294595 |
v,601 P:, |
UG Library |
541.3 DE |
00120153 |
Physical Chemistry: |
De, Amrita Lal |
Books and Allied Ltd, |
1960 |
9789384294595 |
v,601 P:, |
UG Library |
541.3 DE |
00134742 |
Physical Chemistry: |
De, Amrita Lal |
Books and Allied Ltd, |
2019 |
9789384294595 | 9788193897430 |
2nd ed, |
759 p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 DE |
00134743 |
Physical Chemistry: |
De, Amrita Lal |
Books and Allied Ltd, |
2019 |
9789384294595 | 9788193897430 |
2nd ed, |
759 p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 DE |
00134744 |
Physical Chemistry: |
De, Amrita Lal |
Books and Allied Ltd, |
2019 |
9789384294595 | 9788193897430 |
2nd ed, |
759 p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 DE |
00134745 |
Physical Chemistry: |
De, Amrita Lal |
Books and Allied Ltd, |
2019 |
9788193897423 |
1020 p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 DE |
00134746 |
Physical Chemistry: |
De, Amrita Lal |
Books and Allied Ltd, |
2019 |
9788193897423 |
1020 p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 DE |
00134747 |
Physical Chemistry: |
De, Amrita Lal |
Books and Allied Ltd, |
2019 |
9788193897423 |
1020 p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 DOG |
00069896 |
Physical Chemistry Through Problems |
Dogra, S K |
New Age International Publishers |
2004 |
0852261721 |
xv, 674 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 DOG |
00069714 |
Physical Chemistry Through Problems |
Dogra, S K |
New Age International Publishers |
2004 |
0852261721 |
xv, 674 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 ENG |
00131119 |
Physical Chemistry |
Engel Thomas |
Pearson, |
2014 |
9789332519015 |
3th ed, |
i, 1040 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 ENG |
00124305 |
Physical Chemistry |
Engel Thomas |
Pearson, |
2014 |
9789332519015 |
3th ed, |
i, 1040 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 FIN |
00002550 |
Introduction to Physical Chemistry |
Findlay, Alexander, |
Longmans, Green, |
1953 |
3d ed. rev. |
vi, 592 p. |
UG Library |
541.3 FIN |
00008003 |
Findlay's Practical Physical Chemistry |
Findlay, Alexander, |
Longmans, Green and Co Ltd |
1954 |
8th ed., |
xiii, 364 p. |
UG Library |
541.3 FIN |
00006209 |
Practical Physical Chemistry |
Findlay Alexander |
Longmans Publications |
1967 |
364 p |
UG Library |
541.3 GDE |
00074232 |
Concepts of Physcial Chemistry |
Goel, A |
Discovery Publishing House |
2006 |
8183561497 |
352 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 GER |
00012616 |
Physical Chemistry |
Gerasimov, Y.A. |
MIR Publishers |
1974 |
606 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 GER |
00012617 |
Physical Chemistry |
Gerasimov, Y.A. |
MIR Publishers |
1974 |
606 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 GHO |
00107221 |
Numerical Problems on Physical Chemisty |
Ghoshal,Amalendu. |
Books and Allied (P) Ltd. |
2011 |
8187134321 |
393 P. |
UG Library |
541.3 GHO |
00120189 |
Numerical problems & short questions on Physical Chemistry |
Ghoshal, Amalendu |
Books and Allied (P)Ltd |
2013 |
9788187134329 |
128p. |
UG Library |
541.3 GHO |
00010705 |
Modern Physical Chemistry |
Ghosh, S |
Central Book Depot |
1970 |
4th ed |
496 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 GLA |
00028873 |
Textbook of Physical Chemistry |
Samuel Glasstone, |
Macmillan |
1320 p |
UG Library |
541.3 GLA |
00015579 |
Text Book of Physical Chemistry |
Glass Stone, Samuel |
Mc Millan |
1976 |
2nd ed, |
xiii, 1320 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 GLA |
00001147 |
Elements of Physical Chemistry |
Glass Stone, Samuel |
Mc Millan |
1968 |
2nd |
758 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 GUP |
00052306 |
Text Book of Physical Chemistry |
Gupta, R K |
Arihant Prakasham |
2001 |
2nd ed |
912 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 HOL |
00128117 |
Principles of physical biochemistry |
Holde, Kensal E Van |
9780132017442 |
International ed. |
710p. |
UG Library |
541.3 IQB |
00066768 |
Physical Chemistry |
Iqbal, S A |
Discovery Publishing House |
2005 |
8171419941 |
358 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 JAM |
00146655 |
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Jamaluddin, Md |
Asia Publishers, |
2023 |
9788119391233 |
xii,312p. ; |
UG Library |
541.3 JOH |
00145160 |
Introduction to Physical Chemistry / |
John, Mrs Magge Jomon |
Swastik publicatioons, |
2023 |
9789391382056 |
vi,198p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 KAL |
00118613 |
Objective physical chemistry |
Kalidas C |
New Age Publishers |
2013 |
9788122433692 |
627p. |
UG Library |
541.3 KAL |
00118614 |
Objective physical chemistry |
Kalidas C |
New Age Publishers |
2013 |
9788122433692 |
627p. |
UG Library |
541.3 KAL |
00118615 |
Objective physical chemistry |
Kalidas C |
New Age Publishers |
2013 |
9788122433692 |
627p. |
UG Library |
541.3 KAL |
00118616 |
Objective physical chemistry |
Kalidas C |
New Age Publishers |
2013 |
9788122433692 |
627p. |
UG Library |
541.3 KAL |
00138905 |
Physical Chemistry : |
Kalidas,C. |
Universities Press, |
2020 |
9789389211184 |
xiv,408p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 KAP |
00050466 |
Physical Chemistry |
Kapoor, K L |
Macmillan India Ltd |
2001 |
0333935047 |
3rd ed |
xiii, 496 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 KAP |
10000066 |
A Textbook of Physical Chemistry : |
Kapoor, K.L. |
McGraw hill education, |
2019 |
9789353165208 |
6th rep ed. |
xvi, 488 p. : |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
541.3 KAP |
00137356 |
A textbook of physical chemistry /Vol 6 |
Kapoor, K.L. |
McGraw hill education, |
2019 |
9789353165215 |
4th rep ed. |
xiii, 395 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 KAP |
00110613 |
A Textbook of Physical Chemistry |
Kapoor, K.L. |
Macmillan Publishers India Ltd |
2011 |
9780230332751 (Vol 1) | 023032 |
4rd ed |
p.v. : |
UG Library |
541.3 KAP |
00137359 |
A textbook of physical chemistry /Vol 3 |
Kapoor, K.L. |
McGraw hill education, |
2019 |
9789339204273 |
4th rep ed. |
xiii, 576 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 KAP |
00110614 |
A Textbook of Physical Chemistry |
Kapoor, K.L. |
Macmillan Publishers India Ltd |
2011 |
9780230332751 (Vol 1) | 023032 |
4rd ed |
p.v. : |
UG Library |
541.3 KAP |
00110618 |
A Textbook of Physical Chemistry |
Kapoor, K.L. |
Macmillan Publishers India Ltd |
2011 |
9780230332751 (Vol 1) | 023032 |
4rd ed |
p.v. : |
UG Library |
541.3 KAP |
00074506 |
Physical Chemistry |
Kapoor, K L |
Macmillan India Ltd |
2001 |
0333935047 |
3rd ed |
xiii, 496 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 KAP |
00137358 |
A Textbook of Physical Chemistry : |
Kapoor, K.L. |
McGraw hill education, |
2019 |
9789353165208 |
6th rep ed. |
xvi, 488 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 KAP |
00137357 |
A textbook of physical chemistry /Vol 1 |
Kapoor, K.L. |
McGraw hill education, |
2019 |
9789353165185 |
6th rep ed. |
xvi, 550 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 KHE |
00030638 |
Physical Chemistry |
Khetarpal, S C |
R Chand & Co. |
1987 |
xii, 464 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 KHO |
00012921 |
Physical Chemistry |
Khosla, B D |
R.Chand & Co |
1989 |
14th ed |
1003 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 KHO |
00018981 |
Physical Chemistry |
Khosla, B D |
R Chand & Co |
1977 |
958 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 KHO |
00019001 |
Practical Physical Chemistry |
Khosla, B D |
252p |
UG Library |
541.3 KHO |
00019069 |
Physical Chemistry |
Khosla, B D |
R Chand |
1978 |
970 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 KHO |
00013705 |
Physical Chemistry |
Khosla, B D |
R.Chand & Co |
1989 |
14th ed |
1003 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 KHO |
00004504 |
Physical Chemistry |
Khosla, B D |
R.Chand & Co |
1989 |
14th ed |
1003 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 KHO |
00123846 |
Senior practical Physical Chemistry |
Khosla B D |
R Chand & Co |
9788180450792 |
16th ed. |
36p. |
UG Library |
541.3 KIS |
00110362 |
Problems In Physical Chemistry |
Kislaya,Shardendu. |
Discovery Publishing House Pvt Ltd |
2011 |
9788183568159 |
1st Ed. |
319 p. |
UG Library |
541.3 KUM |
00135458 |
Advanced problems in physical chemistry for competitive examinations |
Kumar,Neeraj |
Pearson India Education |
2018 |
9789532543737 |
14.18p. |
UG Library |
541.3 KUR |
00015580 |
The physical chemistry of inorganic qualitative analysis |
Kuriacose, J C |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishishing |
1972 |
vi, 259 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 KUR |
00013503 |
The physical chemistry of inorganic qualitative analysis |
Kuriacose, J C |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishishing |
1972 |
vi, 259 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 LAH |
00112945 |
Concept of Physical Chemistry |
Lahiri J.M |
Scientific Internationl Pvt, |
2014 |
9789381714706 |
x, 230 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 LAH |
00118962 |
Concept of Physical Chemistry |
Lahiri J.M |
Scientific Internationl Pvt, |
2014 |
9789381714706 |
x, 230 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 LAI |
00022321 |
Physical Chemistry With Biological Applications |
Laidler, Keith J |
Benjamin/Cummings |
1980 |
587 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 LAU |
00146505 |
Physical Chemistry in a Nutshall: |
Lauth, Jakob SciFox |
Springer, |
2023 |
9783662676363 |
xiii,248p. ; |
UG Library |
541.3 MAD |
00049594 |
Simplified Course in Physical Chemistry for B.Sc & Competitive Exams |
Madan, R L |
S Chand & Company |
1999 |
8121918812 | 9788121918817 |
ix, 566 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 MAD |
00049595 |
Simplified Course in Physical Chemistry for B.Sc & Competitive Exams |
Madan, R L |
S Chand & Company |
1999 |
8121918812 | 9788121918817 |
ix, 566 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 MAI |
00110016 |
Physical Chemistry Pratical |
Maity, Saroj Kumar |
New Central Book Agency |
2012 |
9788173816987 |
xiii, 301 p. ; |
UG Library |
541.3 MCQ |
00082612 |
Physical Chemistry a Molecular Aproach [msc-Chemistry Section] |
Mcquarrie, Donald A |
Viva Books Private Limited |
8176490016 |
1270p |
UG Library |
541.3 MCQ |
00061694 |
Physical Chemistry |
McQuarrie, Donald A |
Viva Books Private Limited |
2004 |
8176490016 | 9788176490016 |
xxii, 1270 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 MCQ |
00061782 |
Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach |
Maquarrie, A Donald |
Viva Books Private Limited |
2004 |
8176490016 |
xxi, 1270 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 MEE |
00001124 |
Physical Chemistry |
Mee, A J |
The English Language Book Society | Heinemann Educational Books Ltd |
1968 |
6th ed |
xix, 719 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 MEE |
00001142 |
Physical Chemistry |
Mee, A J |
The English Language Book Society | Heinemann Educational Books Ltd |
1968 |
6th ed |
xix, 719 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 MEE |
00014860 |
Physical Chemistry |
Mee, A J |
The English Language Book Society | Heinemann Educational Books Ltd |
1968 |
6th ed |
xix, 719 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 MET |
00069911 |
Physical Chemistry |
Metz, Clyde R |
0007058916 |
499p |
UG Library |
541.3 MET |
00069599 |
Physical Chemistry |
Metz, Clyde R |
0007058916 |
499p |
UG Library |
541.3 MET |
00070514 |
Physical Chemistry [ Schaum Outline Series] [ UGC Minotiry Community] |
Metz, R Clyde |
0007058916 |
499p |
UG Library |
541.3 MOO |
00017873 |
Physical Chemistry |
Moore, J. Walter |
Olm |
1962 |
4th |
845 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 MOO |
00062717 |
Physical Chemistry |
Moore, J Walter |
2004 |
0000209018 |
977p |
UG Library |
541.3 NEG |
00135320 |
A Textbook of Physical Chemistry |
Negi, A S |
New Age International Publishers |
2017 |
9788122420050 |
2nd ed. |
986p. |
UG Library |
541.3 NEG |
00135321 |
A Textbook of Physical Chemistry |
Negi, A S |
New Age International Publishers |
2017 |
9788122420050 |
2nd ed. |
986p. |
UG Library |
541.3 NEG |
00135322 |
A Textbook of Physical Chemistry |
Negi, A S |
New Age International Publishers |
2017 |
9788122420050 |
2nd ed. |
986p. |
UG Library |
541.3 NEG |
00067898 |
Text Book of Physical Chemistry |
Negi, A.S. |
New Age International (P) Ltd |
2005 |
0852260202 | 9780852260203 |
xvi, 961 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 NEG |
00091012 |
Textbook of Physical Chemistry |
Negi, A S |
New Age International Publishers |
2009 |
8122420052 |
986p |
UG Library |
541.3 NEG |
00091013 |
Textbook of Physical Chemistry |
Negi, A S |
New Age International Publishers |
2009 |
8122420052 |
986p |
UG Library |
541.3 NEG |
00033928 |
Text Book of Physical Chemistry |
Negi, A.S. |
New Age International (P) Ltd |
2005 |
0852260202 | 9780852260203 |
xvi, 961 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 PAH |
00082629 |
Physical Chemistry. |
Pahari, S |
New Central Book Agency Pvt.Ltd |
2004 |
8173814317 |
707p |
UG Library |
541.3 PAL |
00019520 |
Practical Physical Chemistry |
Palit, Santi Ranjan |
Scientific Book Agency |
1974 |
2nd ed. |
viii, 190 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 PAL |
00014861 |
Physical Chemistry |
Palit, Santi Rajan |
Scientific Book Agency |
433p |
UG Library |
541.3 PAN |
00130127 |
Textbook of Physical Chemistry |
Pandey M,C |
Rajat Publications, |
2017 |
9788178807331 |
288 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 PHA |
00013684 |
Chapters in Physical Chemistry |
Phadke, B N |
Ramchandra |
755 p |
UG Library |
541.3 PHA |
00013685 |
Chapters in Physical Chemistry |
Phadke, B N |
Dastane Ramchandra & Co |
1972 |
8th ed. |
viii, 755 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 PHA |
00011773 |
Chapters in Physical Chemistry |
Phadke, B N |
Dastane Ramchandra & Co |
1972 |
8th ed. |
viii, 755 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00124682 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry/ |
Puri, B.R. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9789382956785 |
47th ed; |
xii,1366 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00124683 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry/ |
Puri, B.R. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9789382956785 |
47th ed; |
xii,1366 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00124684 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry/ |
Puri, B.R. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9789382956785 |
47th ed; |
xii,1366 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00128390 |
Elements of Physical Chemistry |
Puri |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9788188646890 |
992 p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00124685 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry/ |
Puri, B.R. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9789382956785 |
47th ed; |
xii,1366 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00128389 |
Elements of Physical Chemistry |
Puri |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9788188646890 |
992 p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00124686 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry/ |
Puri, B.R. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9789382956785 |
47th ed; |
xii,1366 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00128388 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry/ |
Puri, B.R. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9789382956785 |
47th ed; |
xii,1366 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00128387 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry/ |
Puri, B.R. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9789382956785 |
47th ed; |
xii,1366 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00013714 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry |
Puri, B.R. |
S Nagin & Co |
1975 |
952 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00013715 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry |
Puri, B.R. |
S Nagin & Co |
1975 |
952 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00109178 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry |
Puri, B R |
Vishal Publications |
2012 |
9788192143217 |
45th ed. |
xi; 1241 p |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00109179 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry |
Puri, B R |
Vishal Publications |
2012 |
9788192143217 |
45th ed. |
xi; 1241 p |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00148364 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry/ |
Puri, B.R. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9789382956785 |
47th ed; |
xii,1366 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00119636 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry |
Puri, B R |
Vishal Publications |
2014 |
9789382956013 |
46th ed. |
xi; 1366 p. |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00119637 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry |
Puri, B R |
Vishal Publications |
2014 |
9789382956013 |
46th ed. |
xi; 1366 p. |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00119638 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry |
Puri, B R |
Vishal Publications |
2014 |
9789382956013 |
46th ed. |
xi; 1366 p. |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00119639 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry |
Puri, B R |
Vishal Publications |
2014 |
9789382956013 |
46th ed. |
xi; 1366 p. |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00020609 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry |
Puri, B R |
Vishal Publications |
1980 |
1026 p. ix, : |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00020610 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry |
Puri, B R |
Vishal Publications |
1980 |
1026 p. ix, : |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00020611 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry |
Puri, B R |
Vishal Publications |
1980 |
1026 p. ix, : |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00016891 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry |
Puri, B R |
Vishal Publications |
1980 |
1026 p. ix, : |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00090045 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry |
Puri, B R |
Vishal Publications |
1980 |
1026 p. ix, : |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00090047 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry |
Puri, B R |
Vishal Publications |
1980 |
1026 p. ix, : |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00016892 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry |
Puri, B R |
Vishal Publications |
1980 |
1026 p. ix, : |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00135723 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry/ |
Puri, B.R. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9789382956785 |
47th ed; |
xii,1366 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00135724 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry/ |
Puri, B.R. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9789382956785 |
47th ed; |
xii,1366 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00030644 |
Physical Chemistry |
Puri, B R |
Nagir |
1989 |
1202 p |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00124663 |
Elements of Physical Chemistry |
Puri |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9788188646890 |
992 p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00124664 |
Elements of Physical Chemistry |
Puri |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9788188646890 |
992 p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00124665 |
Elements of Physical Chemistry |
Puri |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9788188646890 |
992 p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00124666 |
Elements of Physical Chemistry |
Puri |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9788188646890 |
992 p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00124667 |
Elements of Physical Chemistry |
Puri |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9788188646890 |
992 p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00137115 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry |
Puri, B.R. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2019 |
9789387015814 |
48th ed; |
xii,1393p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 PUR |
00137116 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry |
Puri, B.R. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2019 |
9789387015814 |
48th ed; |
xii,1393p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 RAJ |
00120865 |
Advanced Physical Chemistry |
Raj, Gurdeep |
Goel Publishing House, |
2015 |
9788182835597 |
39th ed, |
1474 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 RAK |
00008006 |
Physical Chemistry |
Rakshit, P.C. |
Science Book Agency |
1970 |
763 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 RAK |
00072880 |
Physical Chemistry |
Rakshit P C |
Sarat Book Distributors |
2004 |
8187169079 |
7th Revised Ed. |
850 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 RAK |
00073247 |
Physical Chemistry |
Rakshit P C |
Sarat Book Distributors |
2004 |
8187169079 |
7th Revised Ed. |
850 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 RAK |
00135324 |
Physical Chemistry |
Rakshit P C |
Sarat Book Distributors |
2001 |
9788187169079 |
7th Revised and enl. Ed. |
850 p. |
UG Library |
541.3 RAK |
00135325 |
Physical Chemistry |
Rakshit P C |
Sarat Book Distributors |
2001 |
9788187169079 |
7th Revised and enl. Ed. |
850 p. |
UG Library |
541.3 RAK |
00135326 |
Physical Chemistry |
Rakshit P C |
Sarat Book Distributors |
2001 |
9788187169079 |
7th Revised and enl. Ed. |
850 p. |
UG Library |
541.3 RAK |
00017848 |
Physical Chemistry |
Rakshit P C |
Sarat Book Distributors |
2004 |
8187169079 |
7th Revised Ed. |
850 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 RAO |
00019007 |
Problems in Physical Chemistry |
Rao, Navaneeth |
Macmillan Company of India Ltd |
1974 |
264 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 RED |
00016925 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, G.K. Narayana |
Prasaranga, Bangalore University |
1900 |
200 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 SAN |
00106848 |
Text Book of Phycal Chemistry |
Sanganarayana M. V. |
University PressPrivate Limited |
2011 |
9788173717260 |
586 P. |
UG Library |
541.3 SHA |
00026895 |
Physical Chemistry |
sharma`, K K |
Vikas |
1983 |
639 p |
UG Library |
541.3 SHA |
00045596 |
A Textbook of Physical Chemistry |
Sharma, K.K |
New Delhi |
2002 |
0706995716 |
4th ed |
xiii, 856 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 SHA |
00069969 |
A Textbook of Physical Chemistry |
Sharma, K.K |
New Delhi |
2002 |
0706995716 |
4th ed |
xiii, 856 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 SHA |
00141094 |
A Textbook of Physical Chemistry |
Sharma, K.K |
New Delhi: |
2020 |
9789352590421 |
6th ed., |
xvi,863p.; |
UG Library |
541.3 SHA |
00020390 |
Problems in Physical Chemistry |
Sharma, K K |
Vikas |
1981 |
271 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 SHA |
00020391 |
Problems in Physical Chemistry |
Sharma, K K |
Vikas |
1981 |
271 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 SHA |
00147327 |
Physical Chemistry/ |
Sharma, Mukesh |
Paradise Publishers, |
2023 |
9789393857187 |
266p. ; |
UG Library |
541.3 SIL |
00120188 |
Physical Chemistry |
Silbey, Robert J. |
Wiley, |
2013 |
0471383112 (cloth : alk. paper |
4th ed. |
vii,944 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 SIL |
00017462 |
Physical Chemistry |
Silcocks, C.G |
The English Language Book Society |
1976 |
0712116451 |
2nd ed |
xvii, 316 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 SIL |
00082622 |
Physical Chemistry [msc-Chemistry Section] |
Silbey, Robert J |
Wiley India |
8126508779 |
944p |
UG Library |
541.3 SIL |
00055027 |
Physical Chemistry |
Silbey, Robert J. |
Wiley, |
2001 |
0471383112 (cloth : alk. paper |
3rd ed. |
vii, 969 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 SIL |
00055611 |
Physical Chemistry |
Silbey, Robert J. |
Wiley, |
2001 |
0471383112 (cloth : alk. paper |
3rd ed. |
vii, 969 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 SIL |
00017463 |
Physical Chemistry |
Silcocks, C.G |
The English Language Book Society |
1976 |
0712116451 |
2nd ed |
xvii, 316 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 SIL |
00015670 |
Physical Chemistry |
Silcocks, C.G |
The English Language Book Society |
1976 |
0712116451 |
2nd ed |
xvii, 316 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 SIL |
00017461 |
Physical Chemistry |
Silcocks, C.G |
The English Language Book Society |
1976 |
0712116451 |
2nd ed |
xvii, 316 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 SIN |
00122400 |
Advanced Experimental Physical Chemistry |
Singh, Ayodhya |
Campus Books International, |
2011 |
8180300056 |
541 p:. |
UG Library |
541.3 SIN |
00084940 |
Physical Chemisry. |
Singh, N B |
New Age International Publishers |
2003 |
8122420389 |
591p |
UG Library |
541.3 SIN |
00124213 |
Physical Chemistry/ |
Sinha Shailendra K |
Narosa Publishing House Pvt.Ltd |
2014 |
9788184873375 |
326 pgs,98 figs,109 tbls |
UG Library |
541.3 SIN |
00050329 |
Physical Chemistry |
Singh, N B |
Dominant Publishers |
2000 |
8187336781 |
784p |
UG Library |
541.3 SIN |
00074505 |
Practicals in Physical Chemistry. |
Sindhu, P S |
Macmillan |
2006 |
1403929165 |
xi, 268 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 SIN |
00122395 |
Problems in Physical Chemistry |
Singh, Ayodhya |
Campus Books International, |
2012 |
8180300315 |
562 p:. |
UG Library |
541.3 SON |
00012250 |
Textbook of Physical Chemistry |
Soni, P L |
Sultan Chand & Sons |
1973 |
xvi, 5.128 p, xvii. : |
UG Library |
541.3 SON |
00014021 |
Textbook of Physical Chemistry |
Soni, P L |
Sultan Chand & Sons |
1973 |
xvi, 5.128 p, xvii. : |
UG Library |
541.3 SON |
00014858 |
Textbook of Physical Chemistry |
Soni, P L |
Sultan Chand & Sons |
1973 |
xvi, 5.128 p, xvii. : |
UG Library |
541.3 SON |
00014859 |
Textbook of Physical Chemistry |
Soni, P L |
Sultan Chand & Sons |
1973 |
xvi, 5.128 p, xvii. : |
UG Library |
541.3 SON |
00017715 |
Textbook of Physical Chemistry |
Soni, P L |
Sultan Chand & Sons |
1973 |
xvi, 5.128 p, xvii. : |
UG Library |
541.3 SON |
00017951 |
Textbook of Physical Chemistry |
Soni, P L |
Sultan Chand & Sons |
1973 |
xvi, 5.128 p, xvii. : |
UG Library |
541.3 SRI |
00010239 |
Introduction to Physical Chemistry |
Srivastava, S N |
Shiva lal Agarwala & Company |
1971 |
517 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 SYL |
00047813 |
Problems in Physical Chemistry |
Sylvin, Morris |
Sarupa and Sons |
1999 |
8176250457 |
287 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 THO |
00125291 |
Basics of Physical Chemistry |
Thore, Shivajirao. N |
Oxford Book Comany, |
2017 |
9789350303023 |
284 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 TIN |
00082608 |
Physical Chemistry: Principles and Applications in Biological Sciences. |
Tinoco, Ignacio |
2007 |
8131709752 |
764p |
UG Library |
541.3 VAR |
00061176 |
Physical chemistry |
Varma, R.P |
Pradeep Publications |
1986 |
952 p |
UG Library |
541.3 VIS |
00118139 |
Textbook Of Physical Chemistry |
Shukla RJ. |
Ane Books pvt. Ltd, |
2010 |
9788190832267 |
xii: 174.00 |
UG Library |
541.3 VIS |
00105083 |
Textbook Of Physical Chemistry |
Shukla RJ. |
Ane Books pvt. Ltd, |
2010 |
9788190832267 |
xii: 174.00 |
UG Library |
541.3 VIS |
00105084 |
Textbook Of Physical Chemistry |
Shukla RJ. |
Ane Books pvt. Ltd, |
2010 |
9788190832267 |
xii: 174.00 |
UG Library |
541.3 VIS |
00105085 |
Textbook Of Physical Chemistry |
Shukla RJ. |
Ane Books pvt. Ltd, |
2010 |
9788190832267 |
xii: 174.00 |
UG Library |
541.3 VIS |
00105086 |
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Shukla RJ. |
Ane Books pvt. Ltd, |
2010 |
9788190832267 |
xii: 174.00 |
UG Library |
541.3 VIS |
00118140 |
Textbook Of Physical Chemistry |
Shukla RJ. |
Ane Books pvt. Ltd, |
2010 |
9788190832267 |
xii: 174.00 |
UG Library |
541.3 VIS |
00118141 |
Textbook Of Physical Chemistry |
Shukla RJ. |
Ane Books pvt. Ltd, |
2010 |
9788190832267 |
xii: 174.00 |
UG Library |
541.3 VIS |
00105087 |
Textbook Of Physical Chemistry |
Shukla RJ. |
Ane Books pvt. Ltd, |
2010 |
9788190832267 |
xii: 174.00 |
UG Library |
541.3 VIS |
00105088 |
Textbook Of Physical Chemistry |
Shukla RJ. |
Ane Books pvt. Ltd, |
2010 |
9788190832267 |
xii: 174.00 |
UG Library |
541.3 VIS |
00106936 |
Practical Physical Chemistry. |
Viswanathan, B |
Viva Books |
2005 |
8130900610 |
359 p. |
UG Library |
541.3 VIS |
00121695 |
Practical Physical Chemistry / |
Viswanathan, B. |
Viva Books, |
2015 |
9788130920696 |
359p. : |
UG Library |
541.3 VIS |
00082680 |
Practical Physical Chemistry. |
Viswanathan, B |
Viva Books |
2005 |
8130900610 |
359 p. |
UG Library |
541.3 WAL |
00013434 |
Introduction to Physical Chemistry |
Walker, James |
Mc Millan |
1960 |
440 p.: |
UG Library |
541.3 WHI |
00082697 |
Physical Chemistry. |
Whittaker, A G |
2000 |
0387916199 |
286p |
UG Library |
541.3 WOD |
00013717 |
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UG Library |
541.3 WOO |
00017334 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Wood, Cyril Warcup. |
The English Language Book Society | ButterWorths |
1973 |
0408623020 |
3d ed. |
xi, 421 p. |
UG Library |
541.3 WOO |
00013716 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Wood, Cyril Warcup. |
The English Language Book Society | ButterWorths |
1973 |
0408623020 |
3d ed. |
xi, 421 p. |
UG Library |
541.3 WOO |
00013683 |
Physical Chemistry |
Wood, Cyril Warcup. |
The English Language Book Society | Butter Worths |
1973 |
0408623020 |
3d ed. |
xi, 351 p. |
UG Library |
541.3 YAD |
00028216 |
Advanced Practical Physical Chemistry |
Yadav, J B |
Goel |
434p |
UG Library |
541.3076 DOG |
00131120 |
Physical Chemistry Through Problems / |
Dogra, S K. |
New Age International Publishers, |
2015 |
9788122438055 |
2nd Ed. |
987 p. ; |
UG Library |
541.31 PUR |
00030646 |
Physical Chemistry |
Puri, B R |
Shoban Lal Nagin Chand & Co |
1989 |
xi, 1022 p. : |
UG Library |
541.33 BAR |
00145712 |
Chemistry of atomic layer deposition / |
Barry, Seán T., |
De Gruyter |
2022 |
9783110712513 |
x, 105 pages ; |
UG Library |
541.33 BIR |
00121887 |
Handbook of surface and colloid chemistry / |
Birdi K S |
CRC Press |
2016 |
9781466596672 (hardcover : alk |
4th ed. |
694p. |
UG Library |
541.33 DES |
00147606 |
Surface Chemistry/ |
Desai, K. R. |
Oxford Book Company, |
2024 |
9789355244000 |
298 p. : |
UG Library |
541.33 GEO |
00072886 |
Surface Chemistry |
Goel, A |
Discovery Publishing House |
2006 |
8183563560 |
307 p. : |
UG Library |
541.33 KON |
00126087 |
Introduction to Applied Colloid and Surface Chemistry / |
Kontogeorgis, Georgios M., |
Willey, |
2016 |
9781118881187 |
xix,367 p.: |
UG Library |
541.33 LAH |
00132626 |
Textbook of Physical Chemistry |
Lahiri, Jyotirmay |
Medtech, |
2017 |
9789386479754 |
xii,227,135 p.: |
UG Library |
541.33 MOU |
00112230 |
Textbook of physical chemistry |
Moudgile,Harish kumar |
PHI Learning Pvt ltd., |
2010 |
9788120340886 |
xxvii,652p.; |
UG Library |
541.33 SRI |
00148074 |
Surface and Interfacial Chemistry/ |
Srivastava, Sonia Chahar |
Oxford Book Company, |
2024 |
9789355241184 |
viii,280p, ; |
UG Library |
541.33 SYL |
00067906 |
Surface Chemistry |
Sylvin, Morris |
Sarupa and Sons |
2005 |
8176256013 | 9788176256018 |
214 p. : |
UG Library |
541.33 VOL |
00120295 |
Liquid interfaces in chemical, biological, and pharmaceutical applications |
Volkov Alexander G |
Marcel Dekker, |
2001 |
9780824704575 ( alk. paper ) | |
853p. |
UG Library |
541.33 WIS |
05042406 |
Material concepts in surface reactivity and catalysis / |
Wise, Henry, |
Dover Publications, |
2001 |
0486419789 (pbk.) |
xi, 260 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.342 BUT |
04007688 |
Solubility and pH Calculations / |
Butler, J. N. |
Addison-Wesley publishing company, Inc., |
1964 |
viii, 104p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.345 DJA |
00112529 |
Physical Gels From Biological and Synthetic Polymers / |
by, Djabourov, Madeleine, |
Cambridge University Press, |
2013 |
9780521769648 |
vii, 356 pages : |
UG Library |
541.345 GOE |
00074233 |
Colloidal Chemistry |
Goel, A |
Discovery Publishing House |
2006 |
8183561713 |
345 p. : |
UG Library |
541.345 PAS |
04018127 |
Applied Colloid and Surface Chemistry / |
Pashley, Richard M |
Wiley India, |
2004 |
9788126537594 |
188p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.345 STR |
00001150 |
Chemical Energy |
Strong, Laurence E. |
Reinhold Pub. Corp. |
1965 |
x, 115 p. |
UG Library |
541.345 VOL |
00001152 |
Colloid Chemistry |
Vold, Marjorie J. |
Reinhold Pub. Corp. |
1964 |
ix, 118 p. |
UG Library |
541.348 SIS |
00001160 |
Chemistry in Non Aqueous Solvents |
Sisler, Harry H |
Chapman Hall Ltd |
119p |
UG Library |
541.3482 KAH |
05006785 |
Have Some Sums To Solve : |
Kahan Steven |
Universities Press, |
1978 |
9788173711374 |
114 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
541.34TAP |
00082633 |
Solvent Effects and Chemical Reactivity [msc-Chemistry Section] |
Tapia, Orlando |
1402004176 |
377p |
UG Library |
541.35 ATK |
00143141 |
Photochemistry and Photophysics |
Atkinson, Derek |
States Academic Press, |
2022 |
9781639894123 |
202p.; |
UG Library |
541.35 GUP |
00111472 |
Photochemistry/ |
Gupta, Alka L. |
Pragati Prakashan; |
2012 |
9788350060561 |
6th Ed. |
vii: 183p.; |
UG Library |
541.35 KUM |
00132573 |
Handbook of photochemistry |
Kumar, Uday |
Agrotech press, |
2018 |
9788193470459 |
viii,264p.; |
UG Library |
541.35 MIS |
00110366 |
Textbook of Photochemistry |
Mishra,Shubhrata R. |
Discovery Publishing House Pvt Ltd |
2011 |
9788183568463 |
1st Ed. |
286 p. |
UG Library |
541.35 MUK |
00118593 |
Fundamentals of Photochemistry |
Mukherjee,Rohatgi |
New Age International (p) Limited Publishers |
2014 |
9788122434323 |
3rd ed. |
xiv;370 P. |
UG Library |
541.35 MUK |
00118594 |
Fundamentals of Photochemistry |
Mukherjee,Rohatgi |
New Age International (p) Limited Publishers |
2014 |
9788122434323 |
3rd ed. |
xiv;370 P. |
UG Library |
541.35 MUK |
00118595 |
Fundamentals of Photochemistry |
Mukherjee,Rohatgi |
New Age International (p) Limited Publishers |
2014 |
9788122434323 |
3rd ed. |
xiv;370 P. |
UG Library |
541.35 MUK |
00118596 |
Fundamentals of Photochemistry |
Mukherjee,Rohatgi |
New Age International (p) Limited Publishers |
2014 |
9788122434323 |
3rd ed. |
xiv;370 P. |
UG Library |
541.35 MUK |
00106927 |
Fundamentals of Photochemistry |
Mukherjee,Rohatgi |
New Age International (p)Limited Publishers |
1978 |
9780852267844 |
xiv;371 P. |
UG Library |
541.35 POR |
05066845 |
Chemistry in microtime : |
Porter, George, |
Imperial College Press ; | Distributed by World Scientific, |
1997 |
1860940153 | 1860940218 (pbk.) |
xiv, 541 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.35 RAM |
00144723 |
Photochemistry : |
Ramssey, Carol |
Willford press, |
2023 |
9781647284305 |
vii,198p, ; |
UG Library |
541.35 ROH |
00084898 |
Fudamentals of Photochemistry |
Rohatgi-Mukherjee, K K |
Wiley Eastern Limited |
1992 |
0852267843 |
rev ed |
xiv, 371 p. : |
UG Library |
541.35 ROH |
00035460 |
Fudamentals of Photochemistry |
Rohatgi-Mukherjee, K K |
Wiley Eastern Limited |
1992 |
0852267843 |
rev ed |
xiv, 371 p. : |
UG Library |
541.35 ROH |
00090989 |
Fudamentals of Photochemistry |
Rohatgi-Mukherjee, K K |
Wiley Eastern Limited |
1992 |
0852267843 |
rev ed |
xiv, 371 p. : |
UG Library |
541.35 ROH |
00090988 |
Fudamentals of Photochemistry |
Rohatgi-Mukherjee, K K |
Wiley Eastern Limited |
1992 |
0852267843 |
rev ed |
xiv, 371 p. : |
UG Library |
541.35 TUR |
00118777 |
Principles of Molecular Photochemistry |
Turro, Nicholas J., |
Viva Books Pvt Ltd, |
2015 |
0805393536 | 9788130928814 |
xxi:495p.; |
UG Library |
541.35 TUR |
00127016 |
Principles of Molecular Photochemistry |
Turro, Nicholas J., |
Viva Books Pvt Ltd, |
2015 |
0805393536 | 9788130928814 |
xxi:495p.; |
UG Library |
541.3508 ASH |
00107799 |
Photochemistry and Reaction Kinetics |
Ashmore P.G |
Cambridge at The University Press: |
1967 |
9780521147477 |
xvi. 377 p. |
UG Library |
541.35ARO |
00042083 |
Problems in Kinetics,Photochemistry and Kinetics of Gases. |
Arora, M G |
Anmol Publications |
211p |
UG Library |
541.35ROH |
00045673 |
Fudamentals of Photochemistry |
Rohatgi-Mukherjee, K K |
Wiley Eastern Limited |
1992 |
0852267843 |
rev ed |
xiv, 371 p. : |
UG Library |
541.36 RAN |
00138864 |
Chemical Thermodynamics : |
Rankin,W John. |
CRC Press, |
2020 |
9780367222475 |
xxiii,320p.; |
UG Library |
541.36 SIM |
04021677 |
Molecular energetics : |
Simoes, J. A. Martinho. |
Oxford University Press, |
2008 |
9780195133196 | 0195133196 |
viii, 296 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.36 WAL |
00020392 |
Chemical Thermodynamics |
Wall, Frederick T |
Freeman |
1965 |
2nd |
451 p.: |
UG Library |
541.361 DRY |
04010313 |
An introduction to fire dynamics / |
Drysdale, Dougal. |
Wiley, |
2011 |
9780470319031 (pbk.) | 0470319 |
3rd ed. |
xxii, 551 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.361 GER |
00145177 |
The Physics and Chemistry of Materials |
Gersten, Joel L. |
John Wiley, |
2014 |
9788126548101 |
xxix,826p. ; |
UG Library |
541.361 GER |
00145178 |
The Physics and Chemistry of Materials |
Gersten, Joel L. |
John Wiley, |
2014 |
9788126548101 |
xxix,826p. ; |
UG Library |
541.361 JAI |
04010876 |
Fire safety in buildings |
Jain V.K. |
New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers |
2010 |
0941575276 | 0941575411 | 9780 |
[2nd ed.]. |
xxi: 629 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.361 JAR |
04029575 |
Combustion Phenomena : |
CRC Press, |
2009 |
9781138113886 |
220p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.361 LIB |
00120075 |
Introduction to Physics and Chemistry of Combustion |
Liberman, M. A. |
Springer, |
2008 |
9783540787587 (hbk.) | 9788132203599 | 3540787585 (hbk.) |
360p. : |
UG Library |
541.361015118 DAT |
04013831 |
Analytic combustion ; |
Date, Anil D. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2011 |
9781107655287 |
xix , 346 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.369 HAN |
04002098 |
Introduction to Molecular Thermodynamics |
Hanson, Robert M |
University Science Books |
2008 |
9781891389498 |
296 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.369 BOS |
00098468 |
A - Z Thermodynamics |
Bose G K |
Centrum Press; |
9789380106397 |
vii; 308 p. |
UG Library |
541.369 CHA |
00105999 |
Chemical thermodynamics : |
Eu, B. C. |
World Scientific, |
2010 |
9789814295116 (hbk.) | 9814295 |
xvi, 450 p. : |
UG Library |
541.369 GRA |
00074522 |
The Bases Of Chemical Thermodynamics |
Graetzel, Michael |
Overseas Press (india) Private Limited |
2006 |
8188689386 |
540 p |
UG Library |
541.369 GRA |
04012568 |
The Bases of Chemical Thermodynamics / |
Grätzel, Michael. |
Universal Publishers, |
2002 |
1581127723 (v. 1 : alk. paper) |
Rev. printing |
534 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.369 HIL |
00047844 |
Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics |
Hill, L Terrell |
Dover Publication Inc, |
1986 |
0486652424 | 9780486652429 |
xiv, 510 p,: |
UG Library |
541.369 HOE |
00147827 |
Basic Chemical Concepts and Tables/ |
Hoenig, Steven L. |
CRC Press, |
2024 |
9781032491196 |
2nd ed, |
xvii,285p. ; |
UG Library |
541.369 INF |
04012518 |
Introductory Thermodynamics / |
Infelta, Pierre. |
Overseas Press ; |
2006 |
9788188689378 |
176 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.369 KAU |
00085138 |
Principles of Thermodyanamics. |
Kaufman, Myron |
2008 |
0824706927 |
393p |
UG Library |
541.369 KLO |
04020820 |
Chemical Thermodynamics : |
Klotz, Irving M. |
Wiley, |
2008 |
9788126540488 |
7th ed. |
563p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.369 KUM |
04021920 |
An Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics / |
Kumar, Uday |
Centrum Press, |
2014 |
9789350843116 |
296 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.369 MCQ |
00106934 |
Molecular thermodynamics |
Mcquarrie, Donald A. |
Viva Books, |
2010 |
9788130915869 |
xiii, 656p.; |
UG Library |
541.369 MCQ |
04007435 |
Molecular thermodynamics |
Mcquarrie, Donald A. |
Viva Books, |
2010 |
9788130915869 |
xiii, 656p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.369 MET |
00082699 |
Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics/ |
Metiu, Horia |
0815340915 |
694p |
UG Library |
541.369 MOR |
00001164 |
Principles of Chemical Equlibrium |
Moriss, Kelso B |
Chapmanhall Ltd |
113p |
UG Library |
541.369 RAS |
00141101 |
An Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics / |
Rastogi, R. P. |
Vikas Publishing, |
2020 |
9780706999358 |
626 p.; |
UG Library |
541.369 RAT |
00098026 |
Basic Concept of Chemical Thermodynamics / |
Rathi, Manish. |
Cyber Tech Publications, |
9788178847122 |
296 p. ; |
UG Library |
541.369 SED |
00138469 |
Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics / |
Seddon, John M. |
Royal Society of Chemistry, |
2001 |
9780854046324 |
viii,161p.; |
UG Library |
541.369 SHA |
00124731 |
A Textbook of Chemical Thermodynamics |
Sharma Dinesh |
International Scientific Publishing Academy, |
2016 |
9788182930704 |
227 p.: |
UG Library |
541.369 WAL |
00009673 |
Chemical Thermodynamics |
Wall, Frederick T. |
W.H. Freeman |
1965 |
2d ed. |
viii, 451 p. |
UG Library |
541.37 BAG |
04003264 |
Fundamentals of Electrochemistry |
Bagotsky, V S |
Willey Publication |
2006 |
9780471700586 |
722 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.37 BAR |
04002295 |
Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals and Applications |
Bard, Allen J |
John Wiley and Sons |
2006 |
9788126508075 |
833 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.37 AFT |
00105248 |
Textbook of electrochemistry, |
Iqbal,Syed,Aftab. |
Discovery Publishing House Pvt.Ltd. |
2011 |
230 p. |
UG Library |
541.37 BAR |
00120073 |
Electrochemical dictionary / |
Bard, Alllen .T. |
Springer, |
2008 |
9783540745976 |
1st ed. |
723 p |
UG Library |
541.37 BAR |
00091319 |
Electrochemical methods : |
Bard, Allen J. |
Wiley, |
0471043729 (cloth : alk. paper |
xxi, 833 p. : |
UG Library |
541.37 BAR |
00110417 |
Electrochemical methods : |
Bard, Allen J. |
Wiley, |
0471043729 (cloth : alk. paper |
xxi, 833 p. : |
UG Library |
541.37 BAR |
00137074 |
Electrochemical Methods: |
Bard, Allen J |
John Wiley and Sons, |
2010 |
9788126508075 |
2nd ed., |
xxi,833p.; |
UG Library |
541.37 BAR |
00137075 |
Electrochemical Methods: |
Bard, Allen J |
John Wiley and Sons, |
2010 |
9788126508075 |
2nd ed., |
xxi,833p.; |
UG Library |
541.37 BOC |
00082634 |
Modern Electrochemisty 2A. Fundamentals of Electrodics |
Bockris, John O M |
Springer |
2006 |
8181284739 |
1534p |
UG Library |
541.37 BOC |
00082644 |
Modern Electrochemistry 2B: Electrodics in Chemistry, Engineering, Biology, and Environmental Science |
Bockris, John O M |
Springer |
2006 |
8181284747 |
2053p |
UG Library |
541.37 BOC |
00082646 |
Modern Electrochemistry 1. |
Bockris, John O M |
Springer |
2006 |
8181284755 |
769p |
UG Library |
541.37 COM |
00105984 |
Understanding voltammetry |
Compton, R. G. |
Imperial College Press, |
2011 |
1848165862 | 9781848165861 |
2nd ed. |
xiii, 429 p. : |
UG Library |
541.37 GAU |
00146651 |
Cyclic Voltameter and the frontiers of Electrochemistry/ |
Gautam, Satyendra Kumar |
Venus Books, |
2023 |
9789395431439 |
viii,297p. ; |
UG Library |
541.37 GLA |
00027966 |
Introduction to Electrochemistry |
Samuel Glasstone, |
557 p |
UG Library |
541.37 GLA |
00033936 |
Introduction to Electrochemistry. |
Glasstone, Samuel |
1942 |
545 P |
UG Library |
541.37 HEN |
04014838 |
Environmental science and engineering / |
Henry, J. Glynn |
PHI Learning, |
1996 |
9788120326057 |
2nd ed. |
xxii , 778 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.37 IQB |
00106847 |
Text book of Electrochemistry |
Iqbal,aftab Syed |
Discovery Publishing House PVT.LTD |
2011 |
9788183568357 |
230 P. |
UG Library |
541.37 IQB |
00105249 |
Textbook of Green Chemistry |
Iqbal,Syed,Aftab. |
Discovery Publishing House Pvt.Ltd. |
2011 |
9788183568401 |
223 p. |
UG Library |
541.37 KHA |
00109428 |
Solid state electrochemistry |
Kharton,Vladislav V. |
Wiley-VCH, |
2009 |
9783527323180 | 352732318X (v. |
xxi; 506 p. <2> : |
UG Library |
541.37 KHA |
00109429 |
Solid state electrochemistry |
Kharton,Vladislav V. |
Wiley-VCH, |
2009 |
9783527323180 | 352732318X (v. |
xxi; 506 p. <2> : |
UG Library |
541.37 OLD |
00109427 |
Electrochemical science and technology |
Oldham, Keith B. |
John Wiley & Sons, |
2012 |
9780470710852 (cloth) | 978047 |
xii; 405 p. cm. |
UG Library |
541.37 PER |
04024984 |
Electrochemistry and Corrosion Science / |
Perez, Nestor |
Springer, |
2010 |
9788184896473 |
362p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.37 PIR |
00093932 |
Solved Problems in Electrochemistry |
Piron Dominique L |
Overseas Press Pvt.Ltd. |
9782553011368 |
350p |
UG Library |
541.37 PIR |
04012557 |
Solved Problems in Electrochemistry |
Piron Dominique L |
Overseas Press Pvt.Ltd. |
9782553011368 |
350p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.37 PLI |
04018129 |
Electrochemistry for materials science / |
Plieth, W. |
Elsevier, |
2008 |
9780444527929 (hbk.) | 9789382 |
1st ed. |
xxi, 410 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.37 SIN |
00122492 |
Fundamentals of Electrochemistry |
Singh, R K |
Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., |
2014 |
9788126161690 |
304 p:. |
UG Library |
541.37 SUB |
00022326 |
Electro Chemistry |
Subhash Satish, |
Jai Prakash Nath |
182 p |
UG Library |
541.37 TOM |
00125296 |
Electrochemistry |
Tomar, Ritu |
Oxford Book Company, |
2017 |
9789350302965 |
285 p.: |
UG Library |
541.37 TOM |
00148071 |
Introduction to Electrochemistry/ |
Tomar, Ritu |
Oxford Book Company, |
2024 |
9789355241405 |
viii,288 p. ; |
UG Library |
541.37 TRS |
00105986 |
A serious glance at chemistry : |
Trsic, Milan. |
Imperial College Press, |
2010 |
9781848165304 | 1848165307 |
xii, 192 p. : |
UG Library |
541.37 TYA |
00073396 |
Electrochemistry |
Tyagi, Praveen |
Discovery Publishing House |
2006 |
8183561411 |
320 p. : |
UG Library |
541.37 TYA |
00072881 |
Electrochemistry |
Tyagi, Praveen |
Discovery Publishing House |
2006 |
8183561411 |
320 p. : |
UG Library |
541.37 YAD |
00052583 |
Electrochemistry |
Yadav, M S |
Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd |
2001 |
8126109769 |
2nd rev ed. |
xi, 273 p. : |
UG Library |
541.37 ZAN |
00127013 |
Inorganic Electrochemistry : |
Zanello, Piero. |
Royal Society of Chemistry, |
2003 |
0854046615 | 9780854046614 |
xiv, 615 p. : |
UG Library |
541.370284 POL |
04010541 |
Power ultrasound in electrochemistry : |
Wiley, |
2012 |
9780470974247 (cloth) |
p. cm. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.372 DAY |
00067103 |
A Manual on Tecniques of Electrophoresis |
Dayananda, K S |
College Book House |
2005 |
270 p. : |
UG Library |
541.372 DAY |
00073732 |
A Manual on Tecniques of Electrophoresis |
Dayananda, K S |
College Book House |
2005 |
270 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3723 MOY |
00104077 |
Ion Exchange and solvent extraction |
Moyer Bruce A |
CRC Press |
2010 |
9781420059694 |
659 p |
UG Library |
541.3723 NUF |
00033864 |
Chemistry (ion Exchange) |
Fr Isaac, |
Penguin Books |
1970 |
109 p.: |
UG Library |
541.378 MAT |
05037774 |
Introduction to Magnetochemistry / |
Mathur, Nishit |
Random Publications, |
2013 |
278 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
541.38 MAH |
04002716 |
Basics of Nuclear Chemistry |
Mahaling, Ram Naresh |
Anmol Publications |
2008 |
9788126137732 |
295 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.38 ARN |
00026896 |
Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry |
Hari Jeevan, Arnikar |
Mohindar |
334 p |
UG Library |
541.38 ARN |
00045719 |
Nuclear chemistry through problems. |
Arnikar, Hari Jeevan |
New Age International Publishers |
1997 |
8122410367 |
164 p.: |
UG Library |
541.38 ARO |
00059560 |
Nuclear Chemistry |
Arora, M G |
Anmol Publications |
0817041993 |
467p |
UG Library |
541.38 CHA |
04014926 |
Hor metal Production by Smelting Reduction of Iron Oxide / |
Chatterjee, Amit |
PHI, |
2010 |
9788120339361 |
240p . : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.38 DAV |
00050751 |
Nuclear Chemistry |
Dave, R.K. |
Campus Books |
2000 |
8187815027 |
v, 271 p. : |
UG Library |
541.38 DEV |
04010955 |
Elements Of Nuclear Chemistry |
Devi Nithya M. |
Anmol Publications |
2011 |
9788126147786 |
1st Ed. |
280 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.38 FRI |
04007718 |
Neuclear and RadioChemistry/ |
Friedlander, Gerhart, |
Wiley, |
1962 |
ix,468p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.38 FRI |
00121518 |
Nuclear and radiochemistry |
Friedlander, Gerhart |
Wiley India Pvt Ltd |
2013 |
9788126540808 |
683p. |
UG Library |
541.38 MCP |
00142636 |
Principles of nuclear chemistry / |
McPherson, Peter A. C., |
World scientific publishing europe ltd., |
2020 |
9781786340504 (hc : alk. paper) | 9781786340511 (pbk : alk. paper) | 9780000989000 |
x, 261 pages : |
UG Library |
541.38 MID |
00037333 |
Introduction to Nuclear Chemistry |
Satake, M |
Discovery Publishing House |
1995 |
231 p.: |
UG Library |
541.38 NIX |
00118771 |
Nuclear chemistry |
Nixon, Alfred |
Apple Academic Press Inc, |
2010 |
9781926686851 |
304 p. : |
UG Library |
541.38 ROS |
05056569 |
Nuclear- and radiochemistry. |
R�osch, Frank, |
9783110221916 | 9783110221923 |
1 online resource (484 pages) : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.38 SAT |
00005255 |
Nuclear Chemistry |
Satish, Subhash |
Pragati Prakashan |
1971 |
viii, 172 p. : |
UG Library |
541.38 SEA |
05066795 |
Modern alchemy : |
Seaborg, Glenn Theodore, |
World Scientific, |
1994 |
9810214405 : |
xxiii, 696 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.38 SHA |
00122495 |
Nuclear Chemistry |
Sharma, Jaya |
RBSA Publishers, |
2016 |
9788176117357 |
260 p:. |
UG Library |
541.38 SHA |
00022325 |
Nuclear Chemistry |
Sharma, Brijesh Kishore |
Goel Publishing House |
1980 |
2nd ed |
211 p. : |
UG Library |
541.38 SHA |
00131502 |
Nuclear chemistry |
Sharon,Maheswar |
Ane book pvt ltd., |
2018 |
9789386761552 |
2nd ed., |
xxi278p.; |
UG Library |
541.38 SHA |
00045033 |
Nuclear & Radiotion Chemistry |
Sharma, B K |
Goel Publishing House |
1996 |
6th |
340 p.: |
UG Library |
541.38 SHA |
00105069 |
Nuclear Chemistry |
Sharon.M |
Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. |
2009 |
9788190840668 |
xiv,230p. |
UG Library |
541.38 SHA |
00105070 |
Nuclear Chemistry |
Sharon.M |
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2009 |
9788190840668 |
xiv,230p. |
UG Library |
541.38 SHE |
00112365 |
Nuclear Chemistry |
Shekar,C.V |
Dominant publishers and distributors, |
2014 |
9789382007838 |
452p.; |
UG Library |
541.38 SHE |
00067895 |
Text Book of Nuclear Chemistry |
Shekar, Cv |
Dominant Publishers and Distributors |
2005 |
8178883007 |
452p |
UG Library |
541.38 SIN |
00146514 |
Nuclear Chemistry/ |
Sinha, Savita |
Asia Publishers, |
2023 |
9788119391219 |
x, 272p. ; |
UG Library |
541.38 YAD |
00147610 |
Encycloprdia of Advanced Nuclear Chemistry / |
Yadav, Karmvati |
Oxford Book Company, |
2025 |
9789355243362 |
viii,2195p. ; |
UG Library |
541.388 ARN |
00106926 |
Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry / |
Arnikar, H J |
New Age International Publishers |
2015 |
8122407129 | 9788122432039 |
4th Revised Edition |
428 P. |
UG Library |
541.388 ARN |
00127008 |
Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry / |
Arnikar, H J |
New Age International Publishers |
2015 |
8122407129 | 9788122432039 |
4th Revised Edition |
428 P. |
UG Library |
541.388 ARN |
00067015 |
Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry / |
Arnikar, H J |
New Age International Publishers |
2015 |
8122407129 | 9788122432039 |
4th Revised Edition |
428 P. |
UG Library |
541.388 ARN |
05053280 |
Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry / |
Arnikar, H J |
New Age International Publishers |
2015 |
8122407129 | 9788122432039 |
4th Revised Edition |
428 P. |
Knowledge Centre |
541.388 ARN |
00045035 |
Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry / |
Arnikar, H J |
New Age International Publishers |
2015 |
8122407129 | 9788122432039 |
4th Revised Edition |
428 P. |
UG Library |
541.388 ASL |
00012851 |
Technical Fundamentals |
Asia Publishing House, |
Asia |
1967 |
in |
126 p. |
UG Library |
541.38S HAR |
00045034 |
Nuclear Radiation Chemistry |
Sharma, B K |
Krishna Prakashan Media |
1996 |
340 p.: |
UG Library |
541.39 JOR |
04002604 |
Reaction Mechanisms of Inorganic and Organometallic Systems |
Jordan, Robert B |
Oxford Universtiy Press |
2008 |
0195696522 |
520 o |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.39 ADA |
00098687 |
Chemistry in alternative reaction media / |
Adams, Dave J. |
J. Wiley, |
0471498483 (alk. paper) | 0471 |
xvi, 251 p. ; |
UG Library |
541.39 AHL |
00082611 |
Organic Reaction Mechanisms. |
Ahuluwalia, V K |
Narosa Publishing House |
2007 |
669p |
UG Library |
541.39 AHL |
00091465 |
Organic Reaction Mechanism: |
Ahluwalia V K |
Ane Books Pvt ltd |
9788180522321 |
92p |
UG Library |
541.39 AHL |
00105057 |
Organic Reaction Mechanism: |
Ahluwalia V K |
Ane Books Pvt ltd |
2009 |
9788180522321 |
92p |
UG Library |
541.39 ATK |
04008626 |
Reactions : |
Atkins, P. W. |
Oxford University Press, |
2011 |
9780199695126 | 0199695121 |
viii, 191 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.39 DAV |
05057874 |
Fundamentals of chemical reaction engineering / |
Davis, Mark E. |
Dover Publications, |
2012 |
9780486488554 | 0486488551 |
Dover ed. |
xvi, 368 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.39 EYR |
00001151 |
Modern Chemical Kinetics |
Eyring, Henry, |
Reinhold Pub. Corp. |
1963 |
114 p. |
UG Library |
541.39 FOR |
00033882 |
Kinetics and Mechanism |
Arthur Frost, A |
Wiley |
405 p |
UG Library |
541.39 GAW |
00110573 |
Principles of asymmetric synthesis |
Gawley, Robert E. |
Elsevier, |
2012 |
9780080448602 (pbk.) | 9780080 |
2nd ed. |
xii, 555 p. : |
UG Library |
541.39 JAC |
00077743 |
Name Reactions |
Li, Jie Jack |
Springer |
2003 |
8181280229 |
xviii; 465 p |
UG Library |
541.39 JAI |
00026401 |
Kinetics of Chemical Reactions |
Jain, S K |
Vishal |
1982 |
275 p.: |
UG Library |
541.39 JAI |
00022394 |
Kinetics of Chemical Reactions |
Jain, S K |
Vishal |
1982 |
275 p.: |
UG Library |
541.39 JOR |
00091467 |
Reaction mechanisms of inorganic and organometallic systems |
Jordan Robert B |
Oxford University Press |
9780195696523 |
521p |
UG Library |
541.39 KAL |
00072883 |
Organic Reactions and their Mechanisms. |
Kalsi P S |
New Age International Publishers |
2005 |
8122412688 | 978812241268 |
xv, 650 p. : |
UG Library |
541.39 KAL |
00085719 |
Organic Reactions and their Mechanisms. |
Kalsi P S |
New Age International Publishers |
2005 |
8122412688 | 978812241268 |
xv, 650 p. : |
UG Library |
541.39 KAL |
00085718 |
Organic Reactions and their Mechanisms. |
Kalsi P S |
New Age International Publishers |
2005 |
8122412688 | 978812241268 |
xv, 650 p. : |
UG Library |
541.39 KAL |
00132074 |
Chemical Kinetic Methods: |
Kalidas C, |
New Age International Publishers, |
2018 |
9789386286642 |
xviii338 p.; |
UG Library |
541.39 KEE |
00060185 |
Why Chemical Reactions Happen |
Keeler, James. |
Oxford University Press, |
2003 |
0195668812 | 9780195668810 | 0 |
Indian ed |
ix, 243 p. : |
UG Library |
541.39 KHA |
00121556 |
Textbook of chemical kinetics |
Khan S A |
Sonali Publications |
2011 |
9788184113655 |
344p. |
UG Library |
541.39 KUM |
00119951 |
Encyclopaedia of Reaction Mechanisms of inorganic and organomettalic systems |
Kumar, Uday |
Centrum Press |
2014 |
9789350841808 |
296p. |
UG Library |
541.39 KUM |
00122405 |
Encyclopaedia of Reaction Mechanisms of inorganic and organomettalic systems |
Kumar, Uday |
Centrum Press |
2014 |
9789350841808 |
296p. |
UG Library |
541.39 LAI |
00083552 |
Chemical Kinetics. |
Laidler, Keith J |
2008 |
9788131709726 |
531p |
UG Library |
541.39 LAI |
00083553 |
Chemical Kinetics. |
Laidler, Keith J |
2008 |
9788131709726 |
531p |
UG Library |
541.39 LEB |
00129604 |
Chemical kinetics and catalysis |
Panchenkov, G. M. |
Mir Publishers, |
2018 |
9789386479068 |
645 p. : |
UG Library |
541.39 MAR |
00139066 |
High pressure organic synthesis / |
Margetic, Davor. |
Walter de Gruyter GmbH, |
2019 |
9783110555950 (print) | 9783110556841 (ebk. (pdf)) | 9783110556025 (ebk. (epub)) |
1st edition. |
xv,250p.; |
UG Library |
541.39 POL |
00118761 |
Aqueous Microwave Assisted Chemistry |
Polshettiwar, Viveki |
Royal Society of Chemistry, |
2010 |
9781849730389 (hbk.) | 1849730 |
xiii:28p.; |
UG Library |
541.39 POL |
00127003 |
Aqueous Microwave Assisted Chemistry |
Polshettiwar, Viveki |
Royal Society of Chemistry, |
2010 |
9781849730389 (hbk.) | 1849730 |
xiii:28p.; |
UG Library |
541.39 REB |
00146518 |
Gases Chemical Reaction |
Rebelo, Asher |
Venus Books, |
2023 |
9789386559371 |
296p. ; |
UG Library |
541.39 SIN |
00119948 |
Chemical Kinetics |
Singh R K |
Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd |
2014 |
9788126161645 |
312p. |
UG Library |
541.39 VAT |
04025108 |
Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Dynamics |
Vatsa, Hirdayesh Kumar |
Random Publications, |
2015 |
9789351116226 |
306 p:. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.39 VAT |
00122773 |
Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Dynamics |
Vatsa, Hirdayesh Kumar |
Random Publications, |
2015 |
9789351116226 |
306 p:. |
UG Library |
541.39 WIL |
00122305 |
Essentials of Inorganic Materials Synthesis |
Rao, C. N. R. |
Wiley, |
2015 |
9781118832547 | 111883254X (ha |
x, 209 p:. |
UG Library |
541.39092 PHI |
05066810 |
The life and scientific legacy of George Porter / |
Imperial College Press, |
2006 |
1860946607 (cased) | 9781860946608 (cased) | 186094695X (pbk.) | 9781860946950 (pbk.) | 9781860946608 |
xi, 640 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.39092 PHI |
05066792 |
The life and scientific legacy of George Porter / |
Imperial College Press, |
2006 |
1860946607 (cased) | 9781860946608 (cased) | 186094695X (pbk.) | 9781860946950 (pbk.) | 9781860946608 |
xi, 640 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.3920285554 PAR |
00135701 |
Chemical Equilibria : |
Pardue,Harry L. |
CRC Press, |
2019 |
9781138367227 |
xi,255p.; |
UG Library |
541.393 TYS |
05054362 |
The Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction / |
Tyson, John J., |
Springer-Verlag, |
1976 |
0387077928 |
ix, 128 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.394 ALE |
00148069 |
Chemical Reaction Dynamics / |
Alexander, Keven |
Oxford Book Company, |
2024 |
9789355241160 |
viii,272p. ; |
UG Library |
541.394 ELB |
00142479 |
Molecular kinetics in condensed phases : |
Elber, Ron, |
John wiley & sons, |
2020 |
9781119176770 |
First edition. |
xix,261p.; |
UG Library |
541.394 HEN |
00131128 |
Theories of molecular reaction dynamics : |
Henriksen, Niels Engholm. |
Oxford University Press, |
2012 |
9780199652754 (pbk.) | 0199652 |
1 v. : |
UG Library |
541.394 HEN |
00120071 |
Theories of molecular reaction dynamics : |
Henriksen, Niels Engholm. |
Oxford University Press, |
2012 |
9780199652754 (pbk.) | 0199652 |
1 v. : |
UG Library |
541.394 HOU |
04018133 |
Principles of chemical kinetics / |
House, J. E. |
Elsevier/Academic Press, |
2007 |
9780123567871 (hbk. : alk. pap |
2nd ed. |
x, 326 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.394 HOU |
00082976 |
Principles of Chemical Kinetics. |
House, James E |
Academic Press |
2007 |
326p |
UG Library |
541.394 HOU |
05057813 |
Chemical kinetics and reaction dynamics / |
Houston, Paul L. |
Dover Publications, |
2006 |
0486453340 (pbk.) | 9780486453 |
xix, 330 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.394 JAD |
00132841 |
Theories of chemical reactions |
Jadav,Rajendra |
Authors nation, |
2018 |
9788193426081 |
224p.; |
UG Library |
541.394 KUM |
00136857 |
Chemical Kinetics / |
Kumar,Dheeraj. |
Random Publications, |
2019 |
9789352693115 |
326 p.; |
UG Library |
541.394 LEV |
00124132 |
Molecular Reaction Dynamics |
Raphael, D.Levine |
Cambridge, |
2005 |
9780521140713 |
xiv, 554p.: |
UG Library |
541.394 SIN |
00146513 |
Chemical Kinetics/ |
Singh, Anuradha |
Academic, |
2023 |
9789395546119 |
298p. ; |
UG Library |
541.394 SMI |
04020617 |
Chemical Engineering Kinetics / |
Smith, J. M. |
Tata McGraw Hill, |
1981 |
9789332902633 |
3rd ed. |
676p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.394 YUN |
00144643 |
Calculations in Chemical Kinetics for Undergraduates / |
Yunana, Eli Usheunepa, |
CRC press, |
2022 |
9781032228341 | 9781032228204 |
xiii,77p, ; |
UG Library |
541.394 ZEW |
05066664 |
Femtochemistry : |
World Scientific, |
1994 |
9810219407 (set : acidfree paper) | 9810217366 (v. 1 : acidfree paper) : | 9810217382 (v. 2 : acidfree paper) : |
2 v. (xxix, 915 p.) : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.394 ZEW |
05066665 |
Femtochemistry : |
World Scientific, |
1994 |
9810219407 (set : acidfree paper) | 9810217366 (v. 1 : acidfree paper) : | 9810217382 (v. 2 : acidfree paper) : |
2 v. (xxix, 915 p.) : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.395 ANP |
00109916 |
Environmentally benign photocatalysts |
Anpo,Masakazu |
Springer, |
2010 |
9780387484419 (alk. paper) | 9 |
xi, 757 p. : |
UG Library |
541.395 CHA |
00091002 |
Heterogeneous Catalysis |
Chakrabarty, D K |
New Age International Publishers |
8122421970 |
314p |
UG Library |
541.395 CHA |
00091003 |
Heterogeneous Catalysis |
Chakrabarty, D K |
New Age International Publishers |
8122421970 |
314p |
UG Library |
541.395 CHA |
00127011 |
Heterogeneous Catalysis |
Chakrabarty, D K |
New Age International Publishers |
8122421970 |
314p |
UG Library |
541.395 CHA |
00091783 |
Heterogeneous Catalysis |
Chakrabarty, D K |
New Age International Publishers |
8122421970 |
314p |
UG Library |
541.395 CHA |
00091784 |
Heterogeneous Catalysis |
Chakrabarty, D K |
New Age International Publishers |
8122421970 |
314p |
UG Library |
541.395 KAM |
05056567 |
Contemporary catalysis : |
Royal Society of Chemistry, |
2017 |
9781849739900 (hardback) |
xix, 875 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.395 KRY |
00016493 |
Catalysis By Nonmentals |
Krylov, V. Oleg |
Academic |
1970 |
284 p.: |
UG Library |
541.395 LEE |
00095572 |
Homogeneous Catalysis |
Leeuwen Van |
Springer Pvt.Ltd. |
9788184894486 |
407p |
UG Library |
541.395 LIN |
00016494 |
Physical and Chemical Aspects of Adsorbents and Catalysts |
Linsen, B.G |
Academic Press |
1970 |
650 p.: |
UG Library |
541.395 PRI |
00145716 |
Introduction to heterogeneous catalysis / |
Prins, Roelof, |
World Scientific |
2022 |
9781800611504 | 9781800611610 |
2nd ed. |
xviii, 392 pages : |
UG Library |
541.395 ROT |
00084944 |
Catalysis: Concepts and Green Applictions. |
Rothenberg, Gadi |
Wiley VCH |
2008 |
9783527318247 |
279p |
UG Library |
541.395 SAN |
00145717 |
Mechanisms in heterogeneous catalysis / |
Santen, R. A. van |
9781800614000 |
696p. |
UG Library |
541.395 SER |
00138097 |
Nanostructured Carbon Materials for Catalysis / |
Serp,Philippe. |
RSC Publishing, |
2015 |
9781849739092 |
xiv,555p.; |
UG Library |
541.395 SWI |
00121889 |
Mechanical catalysis/ |
Swiegers, Gerhard F. |
John Wiley |
2015 |
9788126554188 |
351p. |
UG Library |
541.395 VAN |
00109362 |
Kinetics of catalytic reactions |
Vannice, M. Albert. |
Springer, |
2005 |
0387246495 (hbk.) | 9780387246 |
xii, 240 p. : |
UG Library |
541.395 VAR |
05073748 |
Emerging nanomaterials for catalysis and sensor application / |
CRC Press, |
2023 |
9781032111711 |
x,289p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
541.395 VIS |
00108840 |
Catalysis |
Viswanathan B. |
Narosa Publishing House |
2002 |
9788173193750 |
x; 412 p. |
UG Library |
541.395 VIS |
00108856 |
Catalysis |
Viswanathan B. |
Narosa Publishing House |
2009 |
9788173197581 |
vi; 7.30 p. |
UG Library |
541.395 WAC |
04018339 |
Characterization of Catalytic Materials / |
Wachs, Israel E. |
Monentum Press, |
2010 |
9781606501849 |
202p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
541.395 WMU |
00073545 |
Pearson Custom Publishing Catalyst :Chem 110 |
Western Michigan Univeresity |
Pearson Custom Publishing |
2005 |
053630551X | 9780536305510 |
114 p. : |
UG Library |
541.395 WMU |
00073546 |
Pearson Custom Publishing Catalyst :Chem 110 |
Western Michigan Univeresity |
Pearson Custom Publishing |
2005 |
053630551X | 9780536305510 |
114 p. : |
UG Library |
541.395 WMU |
00073547 |
Pearson Custom Publishing Catalyst :Chem 110 |
Western Michigan Univeresity |
Pearson Custom Publishing |
2005 |
053630551X | 9780536305510 |
114 p. : |
UG Library |
541.395 WUT |
05067348 |
24th International Solvay Conference on Chemistry : |
World Scientific, |
2018 |
9789813237162 (hardcover : alk. paper) |
xxii, 392 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
541.396 SHA |
00125875 |
Chemical Bonding |
Sharma Jaiprakash |
Crescent Publishing Corporation, |
2017 |
9788183424004 |
238 p.: |
UG Library |
541.396 UPA |
00125874 |
Coordination Chemistry |
Upadhyay Naveen |
Crescent Publishing Corporation, |
2017 |
9788183424035 |
247 p.: |
UG Library |
541.39GUR |
00022324 |
Chemical Kinetics |
Gurtu, J N |
Pragats |
160 p |
UG Library |
541.39JAC |
00082705 |
Mechanisms in Organic Reactions [msc-Chemistry Section] |
Jackson, Richard A |
0854046429 |
199p |
UG Library |
541.39KAL.1 |
00084951 |
Chemical Kinetics Methods: Principles of Fast Reaction Techniques and Applications [MSC.CHEMISTRY SECTION] |
Kalidas, D |
New Age International Publishers |
8122415679 |
338p |
UG Library |
541.39MOO |
00045864 |
Reactive Intermediates |
Moody, Christopher J |
0198556721 |
89p |
UG Library |
541.39YAD |
00082638 |
Textbook of Organic Reaction Mechanism [msc-Chemistry Section] |
Yadav, M |
Anmol Publications |
8170413974 |
430p |
UG Library |
541.3BAHTR |
00016480 |
Essentials of Physical Chemistry |
Bahl, B S |
S Chand |
UG Library |
541.3BAN |
00023003 |
Physical Chemistry Part II |
Bangalore University , |
Bag-Umv |
UG Library |
541.3BAN |
00023010 |
Physical Chemistry Part II |
Bangalore University , |
Bag-Umv |
UG Library |
541.3BAN |
00023012 |
Physical Chemistry Part II |
Bangalore University , |
Bag-Umv |
UG Library |
541.3BAN |
00023011 |
Physical Chemistry Part II |
Bangalore University , |
Bag-Umv |
UG Library |
541.3BAN |
00023009 |
Physical Chemistry Part II |
Bangalore University , |
Bag-Umv |
UG Library |
541.3BAN |
00023004 |
Physical Chemistry Part II |
Bangalore University , |
Bag-Umv |
UG Library |
541.3BAN |
00023006 |
Physical Chemistry Part II |
Bangalore University , |
Bag-Umv |
UG Library |
541.3BAN |
00023007 |
Physical Chemistry Part II |
Bangalore University , |
Bag-Umv |
UG Library |
541.3BAN |
00023008 |
Physical Chemistry Part II |
Bangalore University , |
Bag-Umv |
UG Library |
541.3BAN |
00023005 |
Physical Chemistry Part II |
Bangalore University , |
Bag-Umv |
UG Library |
541.3DAN |
00017836 |
Pysical Chemistry Third Edition |
Daniels, Farrington |
Wiley Internatiol |
767p |
UG Library |
541.3GLA. |
00053278 |
Textbook of Physical Chemistry |
Glasstone, Samuel |
0333918762 |
1316p |
UG Library |
541.3MOO |
00017963 |
Physical Chemistry |
Moore, Walter J |
844p |
UG Library |
541.3NAR |
00026394 |
Physical Chemistry |
Naryana Reddy, |
Cosip |
UG Library |
541.3NAR |
00026398 |
Physical Chemistry |
Naryana Reddy, |
Cosip |
UG Library |
541.3NAR |
00026395 |
Physical Chemistry |
Naryana Reddy, |
Cosip |
UG Library |
541.3NAR |
00026396 |
Physical Chemistry |
Naryana Reddy, |
Cosip |
UG Library |
541.3NAR |
00026397 |
Physical Chemistry |
Naryana Reddy, |
Cosip |
UG Library |
541.3PHA.1 |
00011774 |
Chapters in Physical Chemistry |
Phadke, B N |
Dastane Ramchandra & Co |
1972 |
8th ed. |
viii, 755 p. : |
UG Library |
541.3PUR.S4 |
00016893 |
Principles of Physical Chemistry |
Puri, B.r |
Jain |
950 p |
UG Library |
541.3SHA |
00022332 |
Advanced Experimental Physical Chemistry |
Sharma, R G |
194 p |
UG Library |
541.3SIL2 |
00082672 |
Physical Chemistry. |
Silbey, Robert J |
Wiley India |
2006 |
8126508779 |
944p |
UG Library |
541.9 KUL |
00008164 |
Numerical Problems in Physical Chemistry |
Kulkarni, M G |
Dastane Ramcvhandra & Co |
1969 |
viii, 138 p. : |
UG Library |
541BAH.T |
00033840 |
Essentials of Physical Chemistry |
Bahl, B S |
S Chand |
498 p |
UG Library |
541EME |
00033680 |
Modern Aspects of Inorganic Chemistry |
Emelevs, H J |
UG Library |
541LEV |
00082607 |
Quantum Chemistry [msc.Chemistry Section] |
Levine, Ira N |
Pearson Education Inc. |
8177585258 |
739p |
UG Library |
541MCL |
00082657 |
Molecular Physical Chemistry: A Concise Introduction. |
Maclauchlan, K A |
2004 |
0854046194 |
125p |
UG Library |
541MEE |
00002540 |
Physical Chemistry |
Mee, A T |
Heinaman |
UG Library |
541PAL1 |
00004508 |
Elementry Physical Chemistry |
Palit, S R |
Joy Prakashan |
UG Library |
541RED |
00016926 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
541RED |
00016930 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
541RED |
00016947 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
541RED |
00016946 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
541RED |
00016945 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
541RED |
00016944 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
541RED |
00016943 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
541RED |
00016942 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
541RED |
00016941 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
541RED |
00016940 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
541RED |
00016939 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
541RED |
00016938 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
541RED |
00016937 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
541RED |
00016936 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
541RED |
00016935 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
541RED |
00016934 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
541RED |
00016933 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
541RED |
00016932 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
541RED |
00016931 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
541RED |
00016950 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
541RED |
00016949 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
541RED |
00016948 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
541RED |
00016929 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
541RED |
00016927 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
541RED |
00016928 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018504 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018506 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018507 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018509 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018511 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018513 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018519 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018518 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018517 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018516 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018515 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018514 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018512 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018510 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018508 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018520 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018522 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018521 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018523 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018525 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018527 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018529 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018533 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018532 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018531 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018530 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018528 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018526 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541RED1 |
00018524 |
Physical Chemistry |
Reddy, |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541SHI |
00033542 |
Physical Chemistry II for III Bsc |
Shivanandaiah, K M |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541SHI |
00033543 |
Physical Chemistry II for III Bsc |
Shivanandaiah, K M |
Prasaranga |
UG Library |
541TUL.S |
00022329 |
Language of Chemistry or Chemical Equations |
Tuli, G.D |
S Chand & Co |
1981 |
19th ed. |
vi, 101 p. : |
UG Library |
541WAL |
00002546 |
Introduction to Physical Chemistry |
Walker, James |
Macmillan |
UG Library |
542 ARM |
00120090 |
Purification of Laboratory Chemicals |
Armarego, W. L. F. |
Elsevir, |
2013 |
9780123821614 | 0123821614 |
7th ed. |
xxii, 1002 p ; |
UG Library |
542 BIS |
00061712 |
Standard and Microscale Experiments in General Chemistry |
Bishop, Carl B. |
Thomson/Brooks/Cole, |
2004 |
0534424570 | 9780534424572 |
5th ed. |
xviii, 556, a-q p. : |
UG Library |
542 KUM |
05037217 |
Biochemical Tests : |
Anil Kumar |
Viva Books, |
2012 |
9788130917108 |
xix,404 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
542 LAD |
00124205 |
Chemical Education |
Savita, Ladage |
Narosa Publishing House, |
2012 |
9788184871975 |
viii, 179 p.: |
UG Library |
542 MAC |
00108700 |
A text book of bio-instrumentation |
Machve, K. K. |
Manglam Publishers & Distributors, |
2007 |
1st Ed. |
x, 262 p. : |
UG Library |
542 MAS |
00119955 |
Practical sonochemistry : |
Mason, T. J. |
Horwood, |
2002 |
1898563837 |
2nd ed. |
x, 155 : |
UG Library |
542 PIM |
00009875 |
Chemistry |
Pimentel, George C. |
W. H. Freeman |
1963 |
xiv, 466 p. |
UG Library |
542 SLO |
00097437 |
Chemical principles in the laboratory / |
Slowinski, Emil J. |
Thomson/Wadsworth, |
0534424538 |
x, 374 p. : |
UG Library |
542 STO |
05060232 |
Introduction to chemical principles / |
Stoker,Stephen.H. |
Pearson India Education Services Pvt Ltd, |
2017 |
9789386873750 |
Tenth Edition. |
xv,776p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
542 WEI |
00108601 |
INtroductions to Chemical Principles |
Weiner,Susan A. |
Brooks/Cole,Cengage Learning |
2010 |
9781439046647 |
7th Ed. |
472 p. |
UG Library |
542.0289 HIL |
05056568 |
Laboratory safety for chemistry students / |
Hill, Robert H., |
Wiley, |
2016 |
9781119027669 (pbk.) | 1119027 |
Second edition. |
xviii, 556 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
542.1 MUM |
00093923 |
Inorganic Lab Manual |
Mumtazuddin S |
Atlantic Publishers & Distributors Pvt.Ltd. |
9788126912315 |
335p |
UG Library |
542.1 MUM |
00097255 |
Inorganic Lab Manual |
Mumtazuddin S |
Atlantic Publishers & Distributors Pvt.Ltd. |
9788126912315 |
335p |
UG Library |
542.1 KON |
00108938 |
Quality Assurance and Quality Control in The Analytical Chemical Laboratory : |
Konieczka, Piotr. |
CRC Press, |
2009 |
9781420082708 | 9781420082708 |
xiv, 233 p. : |
UG Library |
542.10289 ELZ |
00145710 |
Chemical Laboratory : |
Elzagheid, Mohamed, |
De Gruyter |
2022 |
9783110779110 | 3110779110 |
xiv, 157 pages : |
UG Library |
542.3 KHO |
00024528 |
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Khosla, B D |
R Chand |
1983 |
994 p |
UG Library |
542.7 BIL |
04003519 |
Textbook of Polymer Science / |
Billmeyer, Fred W |
John Wiley and Sons, |
2007 |
9788126511105 |
578 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
542.7 BIL |
04003520 |
Textbook of Polymer Science / |
Billmeyer, Fred W |
John Wiley and Sons, |
2007 |
9788126511105 |
578 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
542.7 BIL |
04005875 |
Textbook of Polymer Science / |
Billmeyer, Fred W |
John Wiley and Sons, |
2007 |
9788126511105 |
578 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
542.7 BIL |
04005876 |
Textbook of Polymer Science / |
Billmeyer, Fred W |
John Wiley and Sons, |
2007 |
9788126511105 |
578 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
542.7 BIL |
04000088 |
Textbook of Polymer Science / |
Billmeyer, Fred W |
John Wiley and Sons, |
2007 |
9788126511105 |
578 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
542.7 GOW |
04000716 |
Polymer Science |
Gowariker, V R |
New Aeg International |
2008 |
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505 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
542.7 GOW |
00138085 |
Polymer Science |
Gowariker, V R |
New Aeg International, |
2020 |
9789387788640 |
3rd ed., |
xv,395p.; |
UG Library |
542.85 PUN |
00111483 |
Computers for chemists |
Pundir,Sudhir,K |
Pragati,Prakashan, |
2005 |
9789350065082 |
442p.; |
UG Library |
542.85 PUN |
00122843 |
Computers for Chemist |
Pundir, Sudhir K |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2016 |
9789350069851 |
12th edi. |
443 p:. |
UG Library |
542.85 RIY |
00118764 |
Computers In Chemistry |
Riyazuddin, P |
I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. |
2012 |
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x,426 p,, |
UG Library |
542.85 RIY |
00117888 |
Computers In Chemistry |
Riyazuddin, P |
I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. |
2012 |
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x,426 p,, |
UG Library |
542.85421 LIS |
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Liscouski, Joseph G., |
Wiley, |
1995 |
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x, 212 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
542RAO.A |
00026898 |
Experiments in General Chemistry:A Laboratory in General Chemistry |
Rao, C N R |
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294 p |
UG Library |
543 CHR |
04001105 |
Analytical Chemistry |
Christian, Gary D |
John Wiley and Sons |
2008 |
8126508337 |
828p |
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543 CHR |
00120754 |
Analytical Chemistry. |
Christian, Gary D |
Wiley India |
2004 |
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6th ed |
xix, 828 p,: |
UG Library |
543 CHR |
00120755 |
Analytical Chemistry. |
Christian, Gary D |
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2004 |
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xix, 828 p,: |
UG Library |
543 CHR |
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Analytical Chemistry. |
Christian, Gary D |
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xix, 828 p,: |
UG Library |
543 CHR |
00120757 |
Analytical Chemistry. |
Christian, Gary D |
Wiley India |
2004 |
8126511133 |
6th ed |
xix, 828 p,: |
UG Library |
543 GOR |
00069590 |
Theory And Problems Of Analytical Chemistry |
Gordus,Adon A. |
McGraw-Hill Book Co |
1987 |
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UG Library |
543 KHO |
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Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry |
Khopar, S M |
New Age Internations (P) Ltd |
2008 |
9788122420920 |
604 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543 SKO |
04001645 |
Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry |
Skoog, Douglas A |
Thomson South-Western |
2004 |
9788131500514 |
1051 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543 THA |
04002326 |
Role of Symmetry, Groups and Matrices in Chemistry |
Thakur, R S |
Atlantic |
2007 |
9788126907809 |
481 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543 VER |
04001501 |
Analytical Chemistry |
Verma, R M |
CBS Publishers and Distributors |
2008 |
8123902662 |
561 |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543 VIS |
00141100 |
Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry |
Vishnoi, N. K |
Vikas, |
2018 |
9788125931287 |
3rd ed,3rd rep |
536 p.: |
UG Library |
543 ABO |
00119956 |
Quality and reliability in analytical chemistry / |
Aboul-Enein, Hassan Y. |
CRC Press, |
2001 |
0849323762 (alk. paper) |
104 p. : |
UG Library |
543 AHL |
00045613 |
Comprensive Experimentalc Chemistry |
Ahluwalia, V K |
New Age International Publishers |
1997 |
8122410650 |
358 p.: |
UG Library |
543 ARV |
00122408 |
An Introduction to Analytical Chemistry |
Arvind, Udai |
Centrum Press, |
2013 |
9789350843109 |
296 p:. |
UG Library |
543 BET |
04007712 |
Modern analytical methods, |
Betteridge, D. |
The Chemical Society |
1972 |
0851867596 |
vii, 227 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543 CAM |
00140999 |
Standard methods of chemical analysis: |
Campbell,Lavernus |
Arcler press, |
2015 |
9781680943412 |
276p.; |
UG Library |
543 CHO |
00122404 |
Concepts in Analytical Chemistry |
Choudhary, Nand Lal |
Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., |
2013 |
9788126153404 |
208 p:. |
UG Library |
543 CHR |
00084906 |
Analytical Chemistry. |
Christian, Gary D |
Wiley India |
2004 |
8126511133 |
6th ed |
xix, 828 p,: |
UG Library |
543 CHR |
00102234 |
Analytical Chemistry. |
Christian, Gary D |
Wiley India |
2004 |
8126511133 |
6th ed |
xix, 828 p,: |
UG Library |
543 CHR |
04002283 |
Analytical Chemistry |
Christian, Gary D |
John Wiley and Sons |
2008 |
8126508337 |
828p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543 CHR |
00140805 |
Analytical chemistry. |
Christian, Gary D., |
John wiley & son's Inc., |
2014 |
9780470887578 (hardback : acidfree paper) |
Seventh edition / |
xxii, 826 pages: |
UG Library |
543 COO |
00100460 |
Classical Methods |
Cooper, Derek |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9788126517138 |
xxi, 373 p. |
UG Library |
543 COO |
00100461 |
Classical Methods |
Cooper, Derek |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9788126517138 |
xxi, 373 p. |
UG Library |
543 DAS |
00120167 |
Analytical Chemistry |
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2011 |
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xviii, 581 p. : |
UG Library |
543 DAS |
00110603 |
Analytical Chemistry |
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2011 |
9788120340770 |
xviii, 581 p. : |
UG Library |
543 DAV |
00050757 |
Analytical Chemistry |
Dave, R.K. |
Campus Books |
2000 |
8187815078 |
v, 299 p. : |
UG Library |
543 DEE |
00146649 |
Analytical Chemistry/ |
Deepshikha |
Academic, |
2023 |
9789395546065 |
302p. ; |
UG Library |
543 DIL |
00027771 |
Analytical chemistry |
Dilts, Robert V. |
Van Nostrand |
1974 |
0442221584 |
ix, 592 p. |
UG Library |
543 EMS |
00094230 |
Vanity, Vitality, and Virility |
Emsley John |
Oxford University Press |
9780192806734 |
259p |
UG Library |
543 EWI |
00000798 |
Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis |
Ewing, Gallen W |
M G H |
1960 |
454 p.: |
UG Library |
543 FIF |
00062714 |
Principles and Practice of Analytical Chemistry |
Fifield, F. W. |
Blackwell Science, |
2000 |
1405124253 | 9781405124256 | 0 |
5th ed |
xiv, 562 p. : |
UG Library |
543 FIF |
00079065 |
Principles and Practice of Analytical Chemistry |
Fifield, F. W. |
Blackwell Science, |
2000 |
1405124253 | 9781405124256 | 0 |
5th ed |
xiv, 562 p. : |
UG Library |
543 GOP |
05065264 |
Analytical Methods : |
Gopalan,R. |
Universities Press, |
2018 |
9789386235572 |
vii,588p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
543 GOR |
00033935 |
Theory And Problems Of Analytical Chemistry |
Gordus,Adon A. |
McGraw-Hill Book Co |
1987 |
242 p. |
UG Library |
543 GRA |
00138109 |
Instrumental analysis / |
Granger, Robert M., |
Oxford university press, |
2019 |
9780199942343 |
xxiv,592p.; |
UG Library |
543 GUP |
00119361 |
Analytical Chemistry/ |
Gupta, Alka L. |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2006 |
9789350063293 |
5th Ed. |
viii:364p.; |
UG Library |
543 GUP |
00122836 |
Analytical Chemistry/ |
Gupta, Alka L. |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2015 |
9789351402183 |
7th Ed. |
viii:364p.; |
UG Library |
543 GUP |
00111476 |
Analytical Chemistry/ |
Gupta, Alka L. |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2006 |
9789350063293 |
5th Ed. |
viii:364p.; |
UG Library |
543 HAR |
00135623 |
Exploring chemical analysis / |
Harris, Daniel C. |
W.H. Freeman, |
2009 |
9781429201476 | 1429201479 |
4th ed. |
xiii, 624 p. : |
UG Library |
543 IQB |
00110363 |
Textbook Of Analytical Chemistry |
Iqbal, Syed Aftab. |
Discovery Publishing House Pvt Ltd |
2011 |
9788183568302 |
1st Ed. |
260 p. |
UG Library |
543 JEF |
00045867 |
Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis |
Jeffery, G H |
Addison Wesley Longman Limited |
1997 |
0582251672 |
5th ed. |
877p |
UG Library |
543 KAU |
00122837 |
Analytical Chemistry |
Kaur, H |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2013 |
9789350064108 |
292 p:. |
UG Library |
543 KEA |
00058860 |
Analytical Chemistry: Instant Notes |
Kealey, D |
Viva Books Private Limited |
8176493325 |
342p |
UG Library |
543 KEA |
00118960 |
Analytical chemistry / |
Kealey, David. |
Garland Science. |
2002 |
9781859961896 |
x, 342 p. : |
UG Library |
543 KEA |
00119944 |
Analytical chemistry / |
Kealey, David. |
Garland Science. |
2002 |
9781859961896 |
x, 342 p. : |
UG Library |
543 KEA |
04024979 |
Analytical chemistry / |
Kealey, David. |
Garland Science. |
2002 |
9781859961896 |
x, 342 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543 KHO |
00106924 |
Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry |
Khopkar, S M |
New Age International Publishers |
1998 |
81224115923 |
2nd ed |
xx, 477 p. |
UG Library |
543 KHO |
00120168 |
Analytical Chemistry |
Khopkar S. M |
New Age International Publishers, |
2013 |
9788122427462 |
2nd |
XIV, 360 p.: |
UG Library |
543 KHO |
00045672 |
Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry |
Khopkar, S M |
New Age International Publishers |
1998 |
81224115923 |
2nd ed |
xx, 477 p. |
UG Library |
543 KHO |
00090940 |
Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry |
Khopkar, S M |
New Age International Publishers |
1998 |
81224115923 |
2nd ed |
xx, 477 p. |
UG Library |
543 KHO |
00090941 |
Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry |
Khopkar, S M |
New Age International Publishers |
1998 |
81224115923 |
2nd ed |
xx, 477 p. |
UG Library |
543 KHO |
00126614 |
Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry |
Khopar, S M |
New Age Internations (P) Ltd |
2008 |
9788122420920 |
604 p |
UG Library |
543 KRU |
00084956 |
Analytical Chemistry |
Krupadanam, David G.L. |
Universities Press |
2008 |
8173713855 | 9788173713859 |
x, 216 p. : |
UG Library |
543 KRU |
00084939 |
Analytical Chemistry |
Krupadanam, David G.L. |
Universities Press |
2008 |
8173713855 | 9788173713859 |
x, 216 p. : |
UG Library |
543 KRU |
00058761 |
Analytical Chemistry |
Krupadanam, David G.L. |
Universities Press |
2008 |
8173713855 | 9788173713859 |
x, 216 p. : |
UG Library |
543 MAH |
00067894 |
Teaxtbook of Analytical Chemistry |
Singh, Mahinder |
Dominant Publishers and Distributors |
2005 |
8178882299 |
187p |
UG Library |
543 MAH |
00133516 |
Teaxtbook of Analytical Chemistry: |
Singh, Mahinder |
Dominant Publishers and Distributors , |
2018 |
8178882299 | 9789384207908 |
187p.; |
UG Library |
543 MAL |
04018130 |
Experimental inorganic/physical chemistry : |
Malati, Mounir A. |
Horwood Pub., |
1999 |
1898563470 | 9781898563471 |
xxi, 341 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543 MAL |
00123519 |
Analytical Chemistry |
Malhotra, Priti |
Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., |
2015 |
9789385462948 |
xiv, 333 p:. |
UG Library |
543 MAL |
00110364 |
Text Book Of Analytical Chemistry |
Malhotra, Harsh Dr. |
Sonali Publications |
2011 |
9788184113143 |
280 p. |
UG Library |
543 MCC |
00100487 |
Measurement, Statistics and Computation |
McMormick, David |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9788126517152 |
xx, 760 p. |
UG Library |
543 MIT |
00093930 |
Sample Preparation Techniques in Analytical Chemistry |
Mitra Somenath |
Wiley Interscience |
9780471328452 |
437p |
UG Library |
543 MRA |
05062285 |
Illustrated Handbook of Analytical Chemistry / |
3G E-Learning, |
2018 |
9781680946505 |
356p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
543 PRI |
00145462 |
Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry/ |
Price, Olivia |
NY Research Press |
2022 |
9781632389039 |
viii:234p. |
UG Library |
543 RAM |
05060132 |
Essentials of Analytical Chemistry / |
Ramakrishnan,Shoba. |
Pearson, |
2018 |
9789332545076 |
xxvi,374p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
543 ROB |
04019390 |
Undergraduate Instrumental Analysis / |
Robinson, James W. |
Marcel Decker, |
2005 |
9780824753597 |
6th ed. |
1079p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543 ROB |
00121519 |
Undergraduate instrumental analysis. |
Robinson, James W., |
CRC Press |
2014 |
9781420061352 (hardback) | 142 |
Seventh edition / |
xxix, 1231 pages : |
UG Library |
543 ROB |
04016408 |
Undergraduate Instrumental Analysis / |
Robinson, James W. |
Marcel Decker, |
2005 |
9780824753597 |
6th ed. |
1079p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543 ROU |
00110201 |
Chemical Analysis |
Rouessac, Francis. |
John Wiley, |
2007 |
9780470859032 | 0470859024 (cl |
2nd ed. |
xxiii, 574 p. : |
UG Library |
543 SHA |
00110326 |
Analytical Chemistry |
Sharma B.K. |
Krishna Prakashan Media Pvt Ltd |
2012 |
4th Ed. |
xii; P.V. |
UG Library |
543 SHA |
00110327 |
Analytical Chemistry |
Sharma B.K. |
Krishna Prakashan Media Pvt Ltd |
2012 |
4th Ed. |
xii; P.V. |
UG Library |
543 SHA |
00110328 |
Analytical Chemistry |
Sharma B.K. |
Krishna Prakashan Media Pvt Ltd |
2012 |
4th Ed. |
xii; P.V. |
UG Library |
543 SHA |
00110329 |
Analytical Chemistry |
Sharma B.K. |
Krishna Prakashan Media Pvt Ltd |
2012 |
4th Ed. |
xii; P.V. |
UG Library |
543 SIN |
00058867 |
Analytical Chemistry |
Singh, Mahinder |
Dominant Publishers and Distributors |
2002 |
8178880458 | 9788178880457 |
603 p. : |
UG Library |
543 SIN |
00122401 |
Advanced Experimental Inorganic Chemistry |
Singh, Ayodhya |
Campus Books International, |
2011 |
8187815981 |
492 p:. |
UG Library |
543 SKO |
00052105 |
Fundamentals Of Analytical Chemistry |
Skoog, Douglas A. |
Harourt Asia Ltd, |
2001 |
9814066508 |
7th ed. |
xviii, 870 p. |
UG Library |
543 SKO |
00082617 |
Fundamentals of analytical chemistry. |
Skoog, Douglas A. |
Thomson-Brooks/Cole, |
2004 |
9812435131 | 9789812435132 | 0030355230 | 0534417965 (CDROM) |
8th ed. / |
1 v. (various pagings) : |
UG Library |
543 SKO |
00146594 |
Fundamentals of analytical chemistry / |
Skoog, Douglas A. |
Cengage, |
2022 |
9789355735195 |
10th ed. / |
xv,933,I-24p. ; |
UG Library |
543 SKO |
05053281 |
Fundamentals of analytical chemistry / |
Skoog, Douglas A |
Cengage Learning, |
2004 |
9788131500514 | 8131500519 |
8th ed. / |
1051+Sectional. |
Knowledge Centre |
543 SKO |
00079871 |
Fundamentals of analytical chemistry. |
Skoog, Douglas A. |
Thomson-Brooks/Cole, |
2004 |
9812435131 | 9789812435132 | 0030355230 | 0534417965 (CDROM) |
8th ed. / |
1 v. (various pagings) : |
UG Library |
543 SKO |
00061338 |
Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry |
Skoog, A Douglas |
Thomson Learning |
9812435131 |
1051 |
UG Library |
543 SOF |
00145707 |
Analytical chemistry : |
Soffiantini, Vic, |
Walter De Gruyter GmbH, |
2022 |
9783110721195 | 3110721198 |
xii, 302 p. : |
UG Library |
543 SVE |
00137066 |
Vogel's Qualitative Inorganic Analysis / |
Svehla, G. |
Pearosn, |
2019 |
9788131773710 |
7th rep ed, |
xii,372p. : |
UG Library |
543 SVE |
00137067 |
Vogel's Qualitative Inorganic Analysis / |
Svehla, G. |
Pearosn, |
2019 |
9788131773710 |
7th rep ed, |
xii,372p. : |
UG Library |
543 SVE |
00121440 |
Vogel's Qualitative Inorganic Analysis / |
Svehla, G. |
Pearosn, |
2013 |
9788131773710 |
372p. : |
UG Library |
543 SVE |
04023509 |
Vogel's Qualitative Inorganic Analysis / |
Svehla, G. |
Pearosn, |
2013 |
9788131773710 |
372p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543 SVE |
04023510 |
Vogel's Qualitative Inorganic Analysis / |
Svehla, G. |
Pearosn, |
2013 |
9788131773710 |
372p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543 SVE |
00141113 |
Vogel's Qualitative Inorganic Analysis / |
Svehla, G. |
Pearosn, |
2019 |
9788131773710 |
7th rep ed, |
xii,372p. : |
UG Library |
543 SVE |
00140832 |
Vogel's Qualitative Inorganic Analysis / |
Svehla, G. |
Pearosn, |
2013 |
9788131773710 |
372p. : |
UG Library |
543 TIS |
00122272 |
Basics of analytical chemistry and chemical equilibria |
Tissue, Brian M., |
John Will & Sons, |
2013 |
9780470592083 |
xi, 413 p. : |
UG Library |
543 TIS |
00121722 |
Basics of analytical chemistry and chemical equilibria |
Tissue, Brian M., |
John Will & Sons, |
2013 |
9780470592083 |
xi, 413 p. : |
UG Library |
543 TRI |
00118760 |
Analytical chemistry |
Trimm,Harold H. |
Apple Academic Press, |
2011 |
9781926692586 |
379 p. : |
UG Library |
543 TRI |
00108592 |
Analytical chemistry |
Trimm,Harold H. |
Apple Academic Press, |
2011 |
9781926692586 |
379 p. : |
UG Library |
543 TRI |
04020922 |
Analytical chemistry |
Trimm,Harold H. |
Apple Academic Press, |
2011 |
9781926692586 |
379 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543 VAL |
00082648 |
Principles of Analytical Chemistry: A Text Book. |
Valcarcel, M |
Springer |
2000 |
0354064007 |
371p |
UG Library |
543 VER |
00109913 |
Analytical Chemistry: Theory And Practice |
Verma R.M. |
CBS Publishers and Distributors Pvt, |
1987 |
9788123902661 |
3th ed. |
xxii, 561 p.: |
UG Library |
543 VER |
04019384 |
Analytical Chemistry: Theory And Practice |
Verma R.M. |
CBS Publishers and Distributors Pvt, |
1987 |
9788123902661 |
3th ed. |
xxii, 561 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543 VIS |
00045866 |
Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry |
Vishnoi, N K |
Vikas |
1998 |
0706999630 |
2nd |
522 p.: |
UG Library |
543 WIL |
00026845 |
Instrumental Methods of Analysis |
Willard, Hobert H. |
Affiliated East West Press Pvt Ltd |
1974 |
5th ed |
xix, 860 p. : |
UG Library |
543 WOO |
00144429 |
Chemical Analysis : |
Wood, Alana. |
Willford Press , |
2023 |
9781647285197 |
vi,239p, ; |
UG Library |
543 WOO |
00144480 |
The Art and Science of Chemical Analysis / |
Wood, Alana. |
Ny research press, |
2023 |
9781647254520 |
241p, ; |
UG Library |
543 WOO |
00100485 |
Samples and Standards |
Woodget, Brian W |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9788126517374 |
xv, 300 p. |
UG Library |
543.00285 STE |
00100479 |
Microprocessor Applications |
Stevenson, Donald |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9788126517404 |
xvi, 574 p. |
UG Library |
543.00685 WEN |
00098178 |
Quality Assurance In Analytical Chemistry : |
Wenclawiak,Bernd W. |
Rajkamal Electric Prees , |
2004 |
9788181281395 |
xv i, 280. |
UG Library |
543.00685 WEN |
00062716 |
Quality Assurance In Analytical Chemistry : |
Wenclawiak,Bernd W. |
Rajkamal Electric Prees , |
2004 |
9788181281395 |
xv i, 280. |
UG Library |
543.00685 WEN |
00082676 |
Quality Assurance In Analytical Chemistry : |
Wenclawiak,Bernd W. |
Rajkamal Electric Prees , |
2004 |
9788181281395 |
xv i, 280. |
UG Library |
543.0072 MOR |
00100473 |
Chemometrics: |
Morgan, Ed |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9788126517435 |
xvii,275 p. |
UG Library |
543.0076 YAR |
00081969 |
Problems and Exercises in Analytical Chemistry |
Yaroslavtsev A.A |
Mir Publishers, |
1981 |
251 p. ; |
UG Library |
543.0077 AND |
00100466 |
Sample Pretreatment and Separation |
Anderson, Richard |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9788126517121 |
xxxv, 632 p. |
UG Library |
543.0077 JAM |
00100463 |
Using Literature |
James, Stuart |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9788126517169 |
xvi, 598 p. |
UG Library |
543.0078 CRO |
00100493 |
Quality in the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory |
Crosby, Neil T |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9788126517428 |
xiv, 307 p. |
UG Library |
543.008 BAR |
04016401 |
Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry : |
Barcelo, D. |
Elesveier, |
2006 |
9788131220832 |
Vol-47 |
864p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543.0284 XUJ |
00138094 |
Mechanochromic Fluorescent Materials : |
Xu,Jiarui. |
RSC Publishing, |
2014 |
9781849738217 |
x,274p.; |
UG Library |
543.07 CAZ |
04010031 |
Ewing's analytical instrumentation handbook. |
Marcel Dekker, |
2005 |
9780824753481 |
3rd ed. / |
xxiv, 1037 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543.07 CHA |
00058587 |
Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis: Analytical Chemistry. |
Chatwal, R Gurdeep |
2000 |
1542p |
UG Library |
543.07 CUR |
00100471 |
Instrumentation |
Currell, Graham |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9788126517176 |
xv, 401 p. |
UG Library |
543.07 KHA |
00140819 |
Handbook of analytical instruments |
Khandpur,R.S |
McGraw Hill education india pvt ltd., |
2015 |
9789339221355 |
3rd ed., |
xxv,768p.; |
UG Library |
543.07 SHA |
00120855 |
Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis |
Sharma B.K |
Krishan Prakashan Media, |
2013 |
9788182830998 |
xxiv, 337 p.: |
UG Library |
543.07 YAD |
00073039 |
Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis. |
Yadav, M.S. |
Campus Books |
2006 |
8187815620 |
v, 548 p. : |
UG Library |
543.07 YAD |
00122391 |
Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis. |
Yadav, M.S. |
Campus Books |
2006 |
8187815620 |
v, 548 p. : |
UG Library |
543.08 EWI |
00052104 |
Instrumental Methods Of Chemical Analysis |
Ewing, Galen W |
McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, |
1982 |
0070662770 | 9781259097072 |
5th Ed. |
538 p. ; |
UG Library |
543.08 EWI |
00116718 |
Instrumental Methods Of Chemical Analysis |
Ewing, Galen W |
McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, |
1982 |
0070662770 | 9781259097072 |
5th Ed. |
538 p. ; |
UG Library |
543.08 GRA |
04005623 |
Instrumental Methods of Analysis |
Gray, N |
CBS Publishers and Distributors |
2009 |
9788123917221 |
584 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543.08 SHA |
00139845 |
Electrophoresis / |
Sharma,Pooja. |
Random Publications, |
2020 |
9789352694785 |
viii,289p.; |
UG Library |
543.08 SKO |
04001646 |
Instrumental Analysis |
Skoog, Douglas A |
Thomson South-Western |
2007 |
9788131505427 |
1102 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543.08 SKO |
04003155 |
Instrumental Analysis |
Skoog, Douglas A |
Thomson South-Western |
2007 |
9788131505427 |
1102 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543.08 AHL |
00119953 |
Instrumental methods of chemical analysis |
Ahluwalia, V K |
Ane Books Pvt. Ltd |
2015 |
9789382127710 |
592p. |
UG Library |
543.08 BRA |
04020717 |
Introdution to Instumental Analysis / |
Braun, Robert D. |
PharmaMed Press, |
2012 |
9789381075920 |
2nd ed. |
1096p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543.08 CHA |
00035084 |
Modern Techniques in High Resolution FT-NMR |
Chandrakumar, Narayan |
Springer Verlag |
1951 |
388 p.: |
UG Library |
543.08 MEL |
00100472 |
Electrophoresis |
Melvin, Maureen |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9788126517213 |
xxi, 127 p. |
UG Library |
543.08 SHA |
00022328 |
Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis |
Sharma, B K |
Goel |
1982 |
580 p |
UG Library |
543.08 SKO |
00120177 |
Instrumental Analysis |
Skoog, Douglas A |
Thomson South-Western |
2007 |
9788131505427 |
1102 p |
UG Library |
543.08 WIL |
00084932 |
Instrumental Methods of Analysis |
Willard, Hobar H |
Cbs |
1986 |
8123909438 |
895p |
UG Library |
543.08 WIL |
00024845 |
Instrumental Methods of Analysis |
Willard, H Hobart |
Ewp |
860 p |
UG Library |
543.08 WIL |
00137143 |
Instrumental Methods of Analysis / |
Willard, Hobart H. |
CBS publishers, |
1986 |
9788123909431 |
7th ed., |
xxi,895p.; |
UG Library |
543.08 WIL |
00137144 |
Instrumental Methods of Analysis / |
Willard, Hobart H. |
CBS publishers, |
1986 |
9788123909431 |
7th ed., |
xxi,895p.; |
UG Library |
543.08 WIL |
04010026 |
Instrumental Methods of Analysis / |
Willard, Hobart H. |
C B S |
2009 |
9788123909431 |
xxi,895p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543.08 WIL |
00140611 |
Instrumental Methods of Analysis / |
Willard, Hobart H. |
CBS publishers, |
1986 |
9788123909431 |
7th ed., |
xxi,895p.; |
UG Library |
543.08 WIL |
00140820 |
Instrumental Methods of Analysis / |
Willard, Hobart H. |
CBS publishers, |
1986 |
9788123909431 |
7th ed., |
xxi,895p.; |
UG Library |
543.081 DEB |
00007929 |
Semimicro Chemistry |
DeBruyne, Kate I. |
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. |
1966 |
vi, 282 p. : |
UG Library |
543.085 CHA |
00132815 |
Atomic absorption spectroscopy |
Chauhan,Lincoln K. |
Cyber tech publications, |
2018 |
9789350536490 |
232p.; |
UG Library |
543.085 KEM |
00045852 |
Organic Spectroscopy |
Kemp, William |
pagrave |
1991 |
9781403906847 |
3rd Edition |
xxii; 393 p. |
UG Library |
543.085 KEM |
00106932 |
Organic Spectroscopy |
Kemp, William |
pagrave |
1991 |
9781403906847 |
3rd Edition |
xxii; 393 p. |
UG Library |
543.085 KEM |
00137062 |
Organic Spectroscopy |
Kemp, William |
pagrave, |
2019 |
9781403906847 |
3rd rep Edition |
xxii; 393 p.; |
UG Library |
543.085 KEM |
00137063 |
Organic Spectroscopy |
Kemp, William |
pagrave, |
2019 |
9781403906847 |
3rd rep Edition |
xxii; 393 p.; |
UG Library |
543.085 WIL |
00027769 |
Instrumental Methods of Analysis |
Willard, H Hobert |
Cbs |
1985 |
1040 p |
UG Library |
543.0858 CHA |
00053038 |
Spectrascopy: Atomic and Molecular |
Chatwal, Gurdeep |
406p |
UG Library |
543.0858 DAV |
00085964 |
Fourier Transform Spectronmentry. |
Davis, Sumner P |
Elsevier |
2001 |
8131201783 |
262 p |
UG Library |
543.0858 DEA |
00100478 |
Atomic Absorption and Plasma Spectroscopy |
Dean, John R |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9788126517268 |
XXI,206 P. |
UG Library |
543.0858 DUT |
00049980 |
Nuclear Magentic Resonance Spectroscopy |
Dutta, Mala |
Sarupa and Sons | Ivy Publishing House |
2000 |
8176251739 |
123 p. : |
UG Library |
543.0858 GRA |
04022445 |
Molecular Spectroscopy |
Graybeal, Jack D. |
McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt Ltd, |
2014 |
9789332902978 |
xix: 732p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543.0858 GRA |
00117987 |
Molecular Spectroscopy |
Graybeal, Jack D. |
McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt Ltd, |
2014 |
9789332902978 |
xix: 732p.; |
UG Library |
543.0858 HAR |
05057844 |
Symmetry and spectroscopy : |
Harris, Daniel C., |
Dover Publications, |
1978 |
048666144X : | 9780486661445 |
xii, 550 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
543.0858 MAN |
00146171 |
Organic Molecular Spectroscopy/ |
Manna, Ajay Kumar |
Books and Allied (P) Ltd. |
2020 |
9788194268871 |
2nd ed. |
xii, 509 p.: |
UG Library |
543.0858 MAN |
00129732 |
Organic Molecular Spectroscopy |
Manna, Ajay Kumar |
Books and Allied, |
2017 |
9789384294922 |
xii, 503 p.: |
UG Library |
543.0858 MAN |
00129733 |
Organic Molecular Spectroscopy |
Manna, Ajay Kumar |
Books and Allied, |
2017 |
9789384294922 |
xii, 503 p.: |
UG Library |
543.0858 MAN |
00129734 |
Organic Molecular Spectroscopy |
Manna, Ajay Kumar |
Books and Allied, |
2017 |
9789384294922 |
xii, 503 p.: |
UG Library |
543.0858 OZA |
00142365 |
Molecular spectroscopy: |
Ozaki,Yukihiro |
Wiley-VCH verlag and co., |
2019 |
9783527344611 |
Volumes |
UG Library |
543.0858 OZA |
00142366 |
Molecular spectroscopy: |
Ozaki,Yukihiro |
Wiley-VCH verlag and co., |
2019 |
9783527344611 |
Volumes |
UG Library |
543.0858 RAM |
04011756 |
Calibration Principles |
Ramasamy Subburaj |
Vijay Nicole Imprints Pvt Ltd |
2009 |
9788182092235 |
246 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543.0858 ROB |
00140808 |
Atomic spectroscopy / |
Robinson, James W., |
Marcel Dekker, |
1996 |
0824797426 (alk. paper) |
2nd ed., rev. and expanded. |
viii, 391 p. : |
UG Library |
543.0858 SAT |
00084910 |
Electronic Absorption Spectroscopy and Related Techniques |
Sathyanarayana, D N |
Universities Press (India) Limited |
2001 |
8173713715 | 9788173713712 |
xvii, 532 p. : |
UG Library |
543.0858 SAT |
00084911 |
Electronic Absorption Spectroscopy and Related Techniques |
Sathyanarayana, D N |
Universities Press (India) Limited |
2001 |
8173713715 | 9788173713712 |
xvii, 532 p. : |
UG Library |
543.0858 SAT |
00056451 |
Electronic Absorption Spectroscopy and Related Techniques |
Sathyanarayana, D N |
Universities Press (India) Limited |
2001 |
8173713715 | 9788173713712 |
xvii, 532 p. : |
UG Library |
543.0858 SAT |
00058689 |
Electronic Absorption Spectroscopy and Related Techniques |
Sathyanarayana, D N |
Universities Press (India) Limited |
2001 |
8173713715 | 9788173713712 |
xvii, 532 p. : |
UG Library |
543.0858 SAT |
00056452 |
Electronic Absorption Spectroscopy and Related Techniques |
Sathyanarayana, D N |
Universities Press (India) Limited |
2001 |
8173713715 | 9788173713712 |
xvii, 532 p. : |
UG Library |
543.0858 SAT |
00051486 |
Electronic Absorption Spectroscopy and Related Techniques |
Sathyanarayana, D N |
Universities Press (India) Limited |
2001 |
8173713715 | 9788173713712 |
xvii, 532 p. : |
UG Library |
543.0858 SCH |
00118772 |
Optical Spectroscopy in Chemistry and Life Sciences / |
Schmidt, Werner, |
Wiley-VCH, |
2005 |
3527299114 (alk. paper) | 9783 |
xiii, 369 p. : |
UG Library |
543.0858 SIN |
00109855 |
Electron Spectroscopy |
Singh Rajbir |
Mittal Publications |
2002 |
8170998255 |
1st Ed. |
256 p. |
UG Library |
543.0858 SIN |
00124734 |
A Textbook of Electron Spectroscopy |
Singh Rajbir |
Mittal Publications, |
2016 |
9788183246651 |
v, 256 p.: |
UG Library |
543.08583 GUP |
00122838 |
Modern Analytical Chemistry |
Gupta, Alka L |
9789351405719 |
244 p:. |
UG Library |
543.08583 GUP |
00111477 |
Modern Analytical Chemistry/ |
Gupta, Alka L. |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2011 |
9789350065211 |
1st Ed. |
viii: 244p.; |
UG Library |
543.08583 STU |
00100489 |
Modern Infrared Spectroscopy |
Stuart, Barbara |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9788126518265 |
xx, 180 p. |
UG Library |
543.08584 THO |
00100475 |
Ultraviolet and Visible Spectroscopy |
Thomas, Michael |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9788126517237 |
xix, 229 p. |
UG Library |
543.08586 WHI |
00100465 |
X - Ray Methods |
Whiston Clive |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9788126517282 |
xvii, 426 p. |
UG Library |
543.086 DOD |
00100474 |
Thermal Methods |
Dodd, James W |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9788126517398 |
xxi, 337 p. |
UG Library |
543.0871 RIL |
00100468 |
Principles Of Electroanalytical Methods |
Riley T |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9788126517312 |
xv, 252 p. |
UG Library |
543.0872 RIL |
00100470 |
Polarograophy and other Voltammetric Methods |
Riley, Tom |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9788126517336 |
xv,283 p. |
UG Library |
543.0873 MCL |
00110311 |
Interpretation of Mass Spectra |
McLafferty, Fred W. |
University Science Books, |
1993 |
0935702253 |
4th ed. |
xviii, 371 p. : |
UG Library |
543.0877 ABR |
04023019 |
Introduction to NMR spectroscopy |
Abraham, R. J. |
Wiley, |
1988 |
0471918938 : | 9788126547913 | |
xiii, 271 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543.0877 HOR |
00045860 |
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance |
Hore, P J |
Oxford University |
1995 |
0198556829 |
90 p.: |
UG Library |
543.0877 SAT |
00143754 |
Introduction to Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy |
Sathyanarayana, D.N. |
I.K.International Pvt.Ltd, |
2022 |
9788194778769 |
xxi,494p.; |
UG Library |
543.0877 WIL |
00100486 |
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy |
Williams D A R |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9788126517275 |
xix, 272 p. |
UG Library |
543.087HAR |
00044677 |
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy [ a Physicochemical View ] |
Harris, Robin |
0582446538 |
260p |
UG Library |
543.088 GEA |
00100482 |
Radiochemical Methods |
Geary W |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9788126517343 |
xix, 229 p. |
UG Library |
543.089077 SEW |
00100467 |
Chromatographic Separations |
Sewell, Peter A |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9788126517183 |
xx, 333 p. |
UG Library |
543.0894 DEE |
00141240 |
Chromatography |
Deepshikha |
Random publications, |
2021 |
9789352697953 |
viii,277p.; |
UG Library |
543.0894 LIN |
00100490 |
High Performance Liquid Chromatography |
Lindsay, Sandie |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9788126517206 |
xxii, 337 p. |
UG Library |
543.08956 HAM |
00100464 |
Thin Layer Chromatography |
Hamilton, Richard |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9788126517220 |
xix, 129 p. |
UG Library |
543.08956 SIN |
00124732 |
A Textbook of Chromatography |
Singh Rajbir |
Mittal Publications, |
2016 |
9788183246637 |
v, 197 p.: |
UG Library |
543.0896077 FOW |
00100462 |
Gas Chromatography |
Fowlis Ian A |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9788126517190 |
xviii, 258 p. |
UG Library |
543.0896077 SIN |
00132393 |
A Textbook of Gas Chromatography: |
Singh,Rajbir, |
Mittal Publications, |
2016 |
9788183246668 |
vi,253 p.; |
UG Library |
543.098 SAM |
00144361 |
Chromatography the Ultimate Analytical Tool /Swit |
Samaniddou, Victoria. |
Mdpi, |
2022 |
9783036540788 |
ix,188p, ; |
UG Library |
543.1 BHA |
00124730 |
A Textbook of Chemical Analysis |
Bhagwan Pooja |
International Scientific Publishing Academy, |
9788182930698 |
304 p.: |
UG Library |
543.1 GRI |
00146652 |
Introduction to Chemical Analysis/ |
Griffin, Barry |
Oxford Book, |
2024 |
9789355240675 |
viii,272p. ; |
UG Library |
543.1 HAR |
00110202 |
Quantitative Chemical Analysis |
Harris, Daniel C., |
W.H. Freeman and Co., |
2010 |
1429239891 | 9781429239899 | 9 |
8th ed. |
1 v. (various pagings) : |
UG Library |
543.1 JAL |
00084924 |
Chemical Analysis of Foods and Food Products. |
Jacobs, Morris B |
C b S |
1973 |
970p |
UG Library |
543.1 JAL |
00121067 |
Chemical Analysis of Foods and Food Products. |
Jacobs, Morris B |
C b S |
1973 |
970p |
UG Library |
543.1 LAI |
00109911 |
Physical Chemistry |
Laidler,Keith J. |
CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd |
1995 |
9788123906454 |
2nd Ed. |
xvii; 988 p.; |
UG Library |
543.2 MAC |
00117975 |
Analytical Ultracentrifugation of Polymers and Nanoparticles |
Machtle, Walter |
Springer |
2006 |
9783540234326 | 3540234322 (Tr |
xiii:237p.; |
UG Library |
543.22 FEI |
00122306 |
Spot Tests in Organic Analysis |
Feigl, Fritz |
Elsevier India Private Limited, |
2005 |
9798181477087 |
Seventh Edition |
xxiii, 772 p:. |
UG Library |
543.22 FEI |
00122307 |
Spot Tests in Inorganic Analysis |
Feigl, Fritz |
Elsevier, |
2005 |
9798181477094 |
Sixth Edition |
xxix, 669 p:. |
UG Library |
543.3 BAI |
04029244 |
Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater : |
Baird, Rodger B. |
American Public Health Association, |
2017 |
9780875532875 |
23rd Ed, |
xli,10-176 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543.3 BAI |
00131683 |
Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater : |
Baird, Rodger B. |
American Public Health Association, |
2017 |
9780875532875 |
23rd Ed, |
xli,10-176 p.: |
UG Library |
543.4 BAR |
00103634 |
Electroanalytical chemistry: |
Bard Allen.J |
CRC press; |
2010 |
9781420084856 |
314 p. |
UG Library |
543.4 EVA |
00100469 |
Potentiometry and Ion Selective Electrodes |
Evans, Alun |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9788126517329 |
xii, 304 p. |
UG Library |
543.4 SUR |
00084917 |
Polarography and Allied Techniques. |
Suryanarayana, Rao V |
Universities Press |
2002 |
8173714029 |
202p |
UG Library |
543.4 SUR |
00084918 |
Polarography and Allied Techniques. |
Suryanarayana, Rao V |
Universities Press |
2002 |
8173714029 |
202p |
UG Library |
543.5 GUP |
05000822 |
Elements of Spectroscopy |
Gupta S.L. |
Pragati Prakashana |
1977 |
2nd ed. |
576p |
Knowledge Centre |
543.5 AND |
00138462 |
Organic Spectroscopic Analysis / |
Anderson,Rosaleen J. |
The Royal Society of Chemistry, |
2004 |
9780854044764 |
vi,176p.; |
UG Library |
543.5 BHA |
00135305 |
Ultrafast optics and spectroscopy in physical chemistry / |
Bhattacharya, Atanu, |
World scientific publishing, |
2018 |
9789813223677 (hc : alk. paper) | 9789813224186 (pbk : alk. paper) |
xvi, 274 pages : |
UG Library |
543.5 CAP |
00097074 |
Ultrasound in chemistry : |
Wiley-VCH, |
9783527319343 (hbk.) | 3527319 |
xiii, 157 p. : |
UG Library |
543.5 ELN |
00135300 |
Spectroscopic identification of organic molecules / |
Elnagdi, Mohamed Hilmy, |
World scientific publishing, |
2019 |
9789813271289 (hbk.) | 9813271280 |
ix, 194 pages : |
UG Library |
543.5 GUP |
00035924 |
Elements of Spectroscopy |
Gupta S.L. |
Pragati Prakashana |
1977 |
2nd ed. |
576p |
UG Library |
543.5 GUP |
00019475 |
Elements of Spectroscopy |
Gupta S.L. |
Pragati Prakashana |
1977 |
2nd ed. |
576p |
UG Library |
543.5 GUP |
00119354 |
Elements of Spectroscopy |
Gupta |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2014 |
9789350063996 |
26th ed. |
xiv, 594 p.: |
UG Library |
543.5 GUP |
00037680 |
Elements of Spectroscopy |
Gupta S.L. |
Pragati Prakashana |
1977 |
2nd ed. |
576p |
UG Library |
543.5 GUP |
00015576 |
Elements of Spectroscopy |
Gupta S.L. |
Pragati Prakashana |
1977 |
2nd ed. |
576p |
UG Library |
543.5 KAL |
04020094 |
Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds / |
Kalsi, P. S. |
New Age international , |
2004 |
9788122415438 |
6th ed. |
280p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543.5 KAL |
00145879 |
Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds / |
Kalsi, P. S. |
New Age international , |
2023 |
9789395161008 |
9th ed. |
xviii,642p. : |
UG Library |
543.5 KUM |
00133746 |
Atomic and Laser Spectroscopy: |
Kumar, Sanjay, |
Random Publications, |
2018 |
9789386391414 |
vi,305 p.; |
UG Library |
543.5 NIN |
00108600 |
Interpretation of organic spectra |
Ning,Yong-Cheng. |
John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd., |
2011 |
9780470825167 |
xii, 412 p. : |
UG Library |
543.5 PRA |
04021181 |
Laser Techniques and Applications / |
Prasad, B. M. K. |
Ane Books, |
2011 |
9789380156378 |
424p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543.5 ROD |
00142656 |
Optical spectroscopy : |
Roduner,Emil. |
World Scientific, |
2020 |
9780000988928 |
xiii,252p.; |
UG Library |
543.5 SIL |
00140827 |
Spectrometric identification of organic compounds / |
Silverstein, Robert M. |
John wiley & son's inc., |
2015 |
9780470616376 (pbk. : acidfree paper) | 0470616377 (pbk. : acidfree paper) |
Eighth edition. |
viii, 455 pages : |
UG Library |
543.5 SIN |
04024907 |
Atomic Spectroscopy / |
Singh, Uday Veer |
Ramdon Publications, |
2014 |
9789351112501 |
293p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543.5 SIN |
00131931 |
Organic spectroscopy |
Singh,Pradeep Pratap |
Viva book pvt ltd., |
2018 |
9789387925120 |
xv,216p.; |
UG Library |
543.5 SOB |
00078615 |
Excitation of Atomic Spectra. |
Sobelman, Igor I |
Alpha Science Internatinal Ltd |
2006 |
1842652338 |
331p |
UG Library |
543.5 WIL |
00134638 |
Spectroscopy : |
Williams, Roy H. |
Apple Academic Press, |
2011 |
9781926692821 | 1926692829 |
341 p. : |
UG Library |
543.54 BAN |
00044861 |
Fundmentals of Molecular Spectroscopy |
Banwell, Colin N |
1997 |
0074620258 |
308p |
UG Library |
543.54 BAN |
00044863 |
Fundmentals of Molecular Spectroscopy |
Banwell, Colin N |
1997 |
0074620258 |
308p |
UG Library |
543.54 BAN |
00033920 |
Fundmentals of Molecular Spectroscopy |
Banwell, Colin N |
1997 |
0074620258 |
308p |
UG Library |
543.54 BHA |
00128401 |
Basic Principles of Spectroscpy |
Bhattamisra, S. D |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2015 |
9789382956037 |
243 p.: |
UG Library |
543.54 BHA |
00128402 |
Basic Principles of Spectroscpy |
Bhattamisra, S. D |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2015 |
9789382956037 |
243 p.: |
UG Library |
543.54 BHA |
00124657 |
Basic Principles of Spectroscpy |
Bhattamisra, S. D |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2015 |
9789382956037 |
243 p.: |
UG Library |
543.54 BHA |
00124658 |
Basic Principles of Spectroscpy |
Bhattamisra, S. D |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2015 |
9789382956037 |
243 p.: |
UG Library |
543.54 MCH |
00088432 |
Molecular Spectroscopy |
Mchale, Jeanne L |
2008 |
9788131720592 |
463p |
UG Library |
543.54 AGA |
00119952 |
Infrared spectroscopy of molecules |
Agarwala U C |
Ane Books Pvt. Ltd |
2014 |
9789382127833 |
288p. |
UG Library |
543.54 ARO |
00106542 |
Surface enhanced vibrational spectroscopy |
Aroca, Ricardo. |
Wiley, |
2006 |
9780471607311 (acidfree paper) |
xxv, 233 p. : |
UG Library |
543.54 BAN |
00044862 |
Fundmentals of Molecular Spectroscopy |
Banwell, Colin N |
1997 |
0074620258 |
308p |
UG Library |
543.54 BAN |
00044865 |
Fundmentals of Molecular Spectroscopy |
Banwell, Colin N |
1997 |
0074620258 |
308p |
UG Library |
543.54 BAN |
00044864 |
Fundmentals of Molecular Spectroscopy |
Banwell, Colin N |
1997 |
0074620258 |
308p |
UG Library |
543.54 BAN |
00044866 |
Fundmentals of Molecular Spectroscopy |
Banwell, Colin N |
1997 |
0074620258 |
308p |
UG Library |
543.54 BAN |
00141107 |
Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy / |
Banwell, Colin N. |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd, |
2019 |
9789352601738 |
4th (8th rep) edition |
xii,308 p.; |
UG Library |
543.54 BAN |
00137076 |
Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy / |
Banwell,Colin N. |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd, |
2018 |
9789352601738 |
4th (7th rep) edition |
xii,308p.; |
UG Library |
543.54 BAN |
00137077 |
Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy / |
Banwell,Colin N. |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd, |
2018 |
9789352601738 |
4th (7th rep) edition |
xii,308p.; |
UG Library |
543.54 BAN |
00091780 |
Fundmentals of Molecular Spectroscopy |
Banwell, Colin N |
1997 |
0074620258 |
308p |
UG Library |
543.54 BAN |
00091781 |
Fundmentals of Molecular Spectroscopy |
Banwell, Colin N |
1997 |
0074620258 |
308p |
UG Library |
543.54 BAN |
00091782 |
Fundmentals of Molecular Spectroscopy |
Banwell, Colin N |
1997 |
0074620258 |
308p |
UG Library |
543.54 BAN |
00073705 |
Fundmentals of Molecular Spectroscopy |
Banwell, Colin N |
1997 |
0074620258 |
308p |
UG Library |
543.54 BAN |
00091779 |
Fundmentals of Molecular Spectroscopy |
Banwell, Colin N |
1997 |
0074620258 |
308p |
UG Library |
543.54 BAN |
00035930 |
Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy |
Banwell C.N. |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd |
1993 |
3rd Ed. |
338 p. |
UG Library |
543.54 BAN |
00037681 |
Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy |
Banwell C.N. |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd |
1993 |
3rd Ed. |
338 p. |
UG Library |
543.54 BAR |
00037683 |
Introduction to Molecular Spectrascopy |
Barrow, M Gordon |
1962 |
318 p |
UG Library |
543.54 CHA |
00042085 |
Analytical Spectroscopy. |
Chatwal, G. R |
Himalaya Pub, |
1996 |
362 p.; |
UG Library |
543.54 DUA |
00145939 |
Molecular Spectroscopy: Quantum to Spectrum/ |
Dua, Amita |
Atlantic, |
2022 |
9788126934041 |
xvi,327p. ; |
UG Library |
543.54 GUP |
00122851 |
Group Theory and Spectroscopy |
Gupta, Alka L |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2015 |
9789351404606 |
2nd Edi. |
228 p:. |
UG Library |
543.54 RAM |
00075334 |
Molecular Spectroscopy. |
Raman, K V |
Thomson Learning |
2004 |
0981254285 |
500p.: |
UG Library |
543.54 SAT |
00055797 |
Vibrational Spectroscopy: Theory and Application. |
Sathyanarayana, D N |
New Age International Publishers |
2004 |
8122415172 |
692p |
UG Library |
543.54 SAT |
00084953 |
Vibrational Spectroscopy: Theory and Application. |
Sathyanarayana, D N |
New Age International Publishers |
2004 |
8122415172 |
692p |
UG Library |
543.54 SAT |
00067016 |
Vibrational Spectroscopy: Theory and Application. |
Sathyanarayana, D N |
New Age International Publishers |
2004 |
8122415172 |
692p |
UG Library |
543.54 SAT |
00091011 |
Vibrational Spectroscopy: Theory and Application. |
Sathyanarayana, D N |
New Age International Publishers |
2004 |
8122415172 |
692p |
UG Library |
543.54 SAT |
00091010 |
Vibrational Spectroscopy: Theory and Application. |
Sathyanarayana, D N |
New Age International Publishers |
2004 |
8122415172 |
692p |
UG Library |
543.54 SAT |
00088140 |
Vibrational Spectroscopy: Theory and Application. |
Sathyanarayana, D N |
New Age International Publishers |
2004 |
8122415172 |
692p |
UG Library |
543.54 SAT |
00088141 |
Vibrational Spectroscopy: Theory and Application. |
Sathyanarayana, D N |
New Age International Publishers |
2004 |
8122415172 |
692p |
UG Library |
543.54 SHA |
00124741 |
A Textbook of Spectroscopy |
Sharma Dinesh |
International Scientific Publishing Academy, |
2016 |
9788182930766 |
v, 270 p.: |
UG Library |
543.54 SHA |
00027768 |
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Sharma, B K |
Goel |
1995 |
596 p |
UG Library |
543.54 SIN |
00090956 |
Elements of Molecular Spectroscopy / |
Sindhu, P S |
New Age International Publishers, |
2007 |
9788122421651 |
217 p . |
UG Library |
543.54 SIN |
00090957 |
Elements of Molecular Spectroscopy / |
Sindhu, P S |
New Age International Publishers, |
2007 |
9788122421651 |
217 p . |
UG Library |
543.54 SIN |
00088129 |
Elements of Molecular Spectroscopy / |
Sindhu, P S |
New Age International Publishers, |
2007 |
9788122421651 |
217 p . |
UG Library |
543.54 SIN |
00088128 |
Elements of Molecular Spectroscopy / |
Sindhu, P S |
New Age International Publishers, |
2007 |
9788122421651 |
217 p . |
UG Library |
543.54 SIN |
00106925 |
Elements of Molecular Spectroscopy / |
Sindhu, P S |
New Age International Publishers, |
2007 |
9788122421651 |
217 p . |
UG Library |
543.54 SIN |
00091775 |
Elements of Molecular Spectroscopy / |
Sindhu, P S |
New Age International Publishers, |
2007 |
9788122421651 |
217 p . |
UG Library |
543.54 SIN |
00091776 |
Elements of Molecular Spectroscopy / |
Sindhu, P S |
New Age International Publishers, |
2007 |
9788122421651 |
217 p . |
UG Library |
543.54 SIN |
00091777 |
Elements of Molecular Spectroscopy / |
Sindhu, P S |
New Age International Publishers, |
2007 |
9788122421651 |
217 p . |
UG Library |
543.54087 |
01016844 |
Foreign direct investments in India : |
Garg, Kamal. |
Bharath Law House Pvt.Ltd. |
2011 |
9788177337204 |
2nd ed |
590p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
543.56 GEL D |
00127705 |
Handbook of single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy / |
Gell, Chris, |
9780199673841 (pbk.) |
xvi, 262 p : |
UG Library |
543.57 COM |
00145872 |
Raman Spectroscopy Under Liquid Nitrogen |
Compton, Robert N. |
Springer, |
2022 |
9783030993948 |
xi,115p. ; |
UG Library |
543.57 ZHA |
00108589 |
Raman spectroscopy of nanostructures |
Zhang,Shu-Lin. |
Wiley, |
2012 |
9780470686102 |
485 p. cm. |
UG Library |
543.6 ORA |
00129505 |
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy / |
Orazem, Mark E. |
Willy, |
2017 |
9781118527399 (cloth) |
2nd edition. |
xlvii, 712 p. : |
UG Library |
543.62 ZSC |
00087912 |
Handbook of X-Ray Data. |
Zschornack, G |
Springer |
2007 |
9783540286189 |
965p |
UG Library |
543.63 KAH |
04010971 |
Radioanalytical chemistry / |
Kahn, BErnd |
Springer, |
2007 |
9780387341224 (acidfree paper) |
viii, 473 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543.63 KAH |
00120078 |
Radioanalytical chemistry / |
Kahn, BErnd |
Springer, |
2007 |
9780387341224 (acidfree paper) |
viii, 473 p. : |
UG Library |
543.65 LEA |
00133931 |
Mass Spectrometry : |
Learning -3 G E |
3G E Learning, |
2018 |
9781680947977 |
ix,251 p.; |
UG Library |
543.65 SIN |
00124735 |
A Textbook of Mass Spectrometry |
Singh, Rajbir |
Mittal Publications, |
2016 |
9788183246675 |
235 p.: |
UG Library |
543.65 BAR |
00110551 |
Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry: TOF-MS Within Food And Environmental Analysis |
Barcelo D. |
Elsevier |
2012 |
9780444538109 |
1st Ed. |
xxii; 428 p. |
UG Library |
543.65 BRI |
00132578 |
Introductory mass spectrometry |
Bricker,Benedict |
Oxford book company, |
2019 |
9789350304310 |
viii,296p.; |
UG Library |
543.65 DOW |
00082624 |
Mass Spectrometry |
Downard, K. |
Royal Society of Chemistry, |
2004 |
0854046097 |
xvi, 210 p. : |
UG Library |
543.65 DOW |
00110310 |
Mass Spectrometry |
Downard, K. |
Royal Society of Chemistry, |
2004 |
0854046097 |
xvi, 210 p. : |
UG Library |
543.65 GRO |
00129525 |
Mass Spectrometry : |
Gross, jurgen H. |
Springer, |
2017 |
9783319543970 |
3rd edition. |
968 p. : |
UG Library |
543.65 LEH |
00120077 |
Protein phosphorylation analysis by electrospray mass spectrometry : |
Lehmann, Wolf D. |
RSC Pub., |
2010 |
9780854041855 (hbk.) | 0854041 |
xiv, 379 p. : |
UG Library |
543.65 SHR |
00122275 |
Introductory Mass Spectrometry |
Shrader, Stephen R., |
Taylor & Francis, |
2014 |
9781466595842 |
Second edition. |
xxi. 167 p:. |
UG Library |
543.66 ABR |
00117690 |
Introduction to NMR spectroscopy |
Abraham, R. J. |
Wiley, |
1988 |
0471918938 : | 9788126547913 | |
xiii, 271 p. : |
UG Library |
543.66 BAK |
00121517 |
NMR spectroscopy in liquids and solids / |
Bakhmutov, Vladimir I. |
CRC Press |
2015 |
9781482262704 (alk. paper) |
xv, 344 pages : |
UG Library |
543.66 DUE |
00109361 |
Introduction to solid-state NMR spectroscopy |
Duer, Melinda J. |
Blackwell, |
2004 |
1405109149 (acidfree paper) | |
xiv, 349 p. : |
UG Library |
543.66 GOL |
00126359 |
Principles of NMR spectroscopy : |
Goldenberg, David P., |
University Science, |
2016 |
9781891389887 |
681 p.: |
UG Library |
543.66 GUN |
00120182 |
NMR Spectroscopy : |
Gunther, Harald. |
Wiley India (P) Ltd, |
1992 |
9788126528448 |
2nd Ed. |
xx, 581 p. ; |
UG Library |
543.66 GUN |
00131114 |
NMR Spectroscopy : |
Gunther, Harald. |
Wiley India (P) Ltd, |
1992 |
9788126528448 |
2nd Ed. |
xx, 581 p. ; |
UG Library |
543.66 KEE |
04020628 |
Understanding NMR spectroscopy / |
Keeler, James. |
John Wiley and Sons, |
2010 |
9780470746097 (cloth) | 047074 |
2nd ed. |
xiii, 511 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
543.66 KEE |
00131129 |
Understanding NMR spectroscopy / |
Keeler, James. |
John Wiley and Sons, |
2010 |
9780470746097 (cloth) | 047074 |
2nd ed. |
xiii, 511 p. : |
UG Library |
543.66 LAM |
00136688 |
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy : |
Lambert, Joseph B., |
Wiley, |
2019 |
9781119295235 |
Second edition. |
456 p.; |
UG Library |
543.66 MAH |
00121342 |
Basic principles of 1D and 2D H NMR Spectroscopy of organic compounds |
Mahadevan K M |
College Book House |
2012 |
9789381979051 |
178p. |
UG Library |
543.66 SZY |
00138053 |
Classical and Quantum Molecular Dynamics in NMR Spectra / |
Szymanski,Slawomir. |
Springer, |
2019 |
9783319907802 |
xi,402p.; |
UG Library |
543.67 SHU |
00143612 |
ESR Spectroscopy for Life Science Applications : An Introduction / |
Shukla, Ashutosh Kumar. |
Springer, |
2021 |
9783030641979 |
x,72p,; |
UG Library |
543.67 WEL |
00126096 |
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance : |
Weil, John A. |
Wiley-Interscience, |
2007 |
9780471754961 |
2nd ed. / |
xxiii, 664 p. : |
UG Library |
543.8 INA |
00122273 |
Green Chromatographic Techniques |
Inamuddin, Ali Mohammad |
9789400777347 | 9789400777347 |
xii, 210 p:. |
UG Library |
543.8 MAP |
05062288 |
Chromatography : Concepts, Methods and Applications / |
Delve Publishing, |
2018 |
9781680957228 |
242p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
543.8 SHA |
00120857 |
Chromatography |
B.K. Sharma |
Krishna Prakashan Media, |
1993 |
9788182831018 |
xi. 388 p.: |
UG Library |
543.84 GON |
00142476 |
LC-NMR : |
Gonnella, Nina C., |
CRC press, |
2020 |
9781138493407 |
Second edition. |
xv, 314 pages : |
UG Library |
543.84 KOW |
00080358 |
Thin Layer Chromatography in Chiral Separations and Analysis [ug.Lib.Chemistry Reference Section] |
Kowalska, Teresa |
0849343690 |
420p |
UG Library |
543.84 SIN |
00048052 |
Molecular Structure a Spectroscopic Approach |
Singh, S N |
Discovery Publishing House |
8171410723 |
354p |
UG Library |
543.89 SAS |
00058586 |
Seperation Methods |
Sastri, M N |
Himalayan |
2000 |
262p |
UG Library |
543VAR |
00003684 |
Principles and Methods of Qualitative Analysis |
Varghese, M V |
UG Library |
544 DUT |
04005591 |
General & Inorganic Chemistry |
Dutt, P K |
Sarat Book Distributors |
2003 |
8187169036 |
621 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
544 VOG |
04001490 |
Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry |
Vogel, Arthur |
CBS Publishers and Distributors |
1966 |
8123910789 |
431 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
544 ALE |
00033847 |
Quantitative Analysis |
Alexeyev V.N. |
Mir Publishers |
1971 |
563 p. |
UG Library |
544 GIL |
00014269 |
Qualitative Analysis |
Gilreath,Esmarch S. |
Kogakusha Co Ltd |
1954 |
287 p. |
UG Library |
544 HAR |
00082606 |
Quantitative Chemical Analysis. |
Harris, Daniel C |
W.H.Freeman and Company |
2003 |
0716744643 | 9780716744641 |
6th ed. |
131p |
UG Library |
544 HAR |
00132412 |
Quantitative Chemical Analysis: |
Harris, Daniel C |
W.H.Freeman and Company, |
2016 |
9781319154141 |
xix,126 ind p.; |
UG Library |
544 JOH |
00012850 |
Chemical Analysis WithOut H2S: Macro And Semi-Micro |
Johri K.N. |
Asia Publishing House |
1968 |
2nd Ed. |
76 p. |
UG Library |
544 MCA |
00007382 |
Fundamentals of Qualitative Chemical Analysis; |
McAlpine, Roy K. |
Van Nostrand |
1956 |
4th ed. |
340 p. |
UG Library |
544 MEN |
00083561 |
Vogel`s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Anlaysis. |
Mendham, J |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177581805 |
834p |
UG Library |
544 MEN |
00083562 |
Vogel`s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Anlaysis. |
Mendham, J |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177581805 |
834p |
UG Library |
544 MEN |
00083564 |
Vogel`s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Anlaysis. |
Mendham, J |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177581805 |
834p |
UG Library |
544 MEN |
00083563 |
Vogel`s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Anlaysis. |
Mendham, J |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177581805 |
834p |
UG Library |
544 SVE |
00053366 |
Vogel`s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis |
Svehla, G |
Pearson Education |
0817808256 |
347p |
UG Library |
544 SWI |
00007566 |
Qualitative Elemental Analysis |
Swift,Ernest H. |
D.B. Taraporevala Sons & Co |
1957 |
467 p. |
UG Library |
544 VAR |
00003680 |
Principles Methods of Qualitative Analysis |
Varghese M.V. |
M.V. Warunny |
1968 |
6th Ed. |
132 p. |
UG Library |
544 VAR |
00003679 |
Principles Methods of Qualitative Analysis |
Varghese M.V. |
M.V. Warunny |
1968 |
6th Ed. |
132 p. |
UG Library |
544 VOG |
00013551 |
Text Book of Macro and Semimicro Qualitative Inorganic Analysis |
Vogel, Arthur I |
Orient Longman |
663p |
UG Library |
544 WEL |
00010229 |
Semimicro Qualitative Analysis |
Welcher,Frank J. |
Affiliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd |
1955 |
497 p. |
UG Library |
544 WEL |
00009867 |
Semimicro Qualitative Analysis |
Welcher,Frank J. |
Affiliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd |
1955 |
497 p. |
UG Library |
544RAS |
00019512 |
Introduction to Chemical Thermodyamics |
Rastogi, R P |
390 p |
UG Library |
545 MEN |
04000580 |
Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis / |
Mendham, J |
Pearson Education, |
2008 |
9788177581805 |
834 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
545 AGA |
00122839 |
Advanced Inorganic Analysis/ |
Agarwal |
Pragati Prakashan, |
1967 |
9789350063927 |
11th Ed. |
viii: 468p.; |
UG Library |
545 AGA |
00111479 |
Advanced Inorganic Analysis/ |
Agarwal |
Pragati Prakashan, |
1967 |
9789350063927 |
11th Ed. |
viii: 468p.; |
UG Library |
545 ALE |
00060590 |
Quantitative Analysis |
Alexeyev V. |
CBS Publishers & Distributors |
2002 |
0812390293x |
519 p. |
UG Library |
545 CHR |
00117974 |
Analytical chemistry |
Christian, Gary D. |
Wiley, |
2004 |
0471214728 (acidfree paper) | 9788126511136 |
6th ed. |
xix, 828 p. : |
UG Library |
545 CHR |
00131099 |
Analytical chemistry |
Christian, Gary D. |
Wiley, |
2004 |
0471214728 (acidfree paper) | 9788126511136 |
6th ed. |
xix, 828 p. : |
UG Library |
545 CHR |
00130503 |
Analytical chemistry |
Christian, Gary D. |
Wiley, |
2004 |
0471214728 (acidfree paper) | 9788126511136 |
6th ed. |
xix, 828 p. : |
UG Library |
545 DAY |
03012066 |
Quantitative Analysis / |
Day, R. A. |
Pearson , |
2015 |
9789332551879 |
685 p.: |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
545 DAY |
00110007 |
Quantitative Analysis |
Day, R. A. |
PHI Learning Private Ltd |
1991 |
0137471556 : |
6th ed. |
xiii, 685 p. : |
UG Library |
545 KHO |
00035461 |
Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry |
Khopkar, S M |
Wiley |
1993 |
368 p |
UG Library |
545 LEV |
00066769 |
Principles of Quantitative Chemical Analysis |
Levie,Robert De. |
The McGraw-Hill Co Inc |
1997 |
0070071146 | 9780071142885 |
737 p. |
UG Library |
545 MEN |
00141114 |
Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis / |
Mendham, J. |
Dorling Kindersley | Pearson Education, |
2020 |
9788131723258 |
6th (26th rep) ed. |
xxix, 790p.; |
UG Library |
545 MEN |
00137070 |
Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis / |
Mendham,J. |
Dorling Kindersley | Pearson Education, |
2019 |
9788131723258 |
6th (20th rep) ed. |
xxix, 790p.; |
UG Library |
545 MEN |
00137071 |
Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis / |
Mendham,J. |
Dorling Kindersley | Pearson Education, |
2019 |
9788131723258 |
6th (20th rep) ed. |
xxix, 790p.; |
UG Library |
545 SNE |
00013509 |
Commercial Methods of Analysis. |
Snell, Foster Dee, |
Chemical Pub. Co., | D.B. Taraporevala Sons & Co. Pvt Ltd |
1964 |
Rev. ed. |
753 p. |
UG Library |
545 SVE |
00083445 |
Vogel`s Qualitative Inorganic Anlaysis. |
Svehla, G |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2006 |
8177582321 |
359p |
UG Library |
545 VOG |
00120197 |
Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis |
Vogel, Arthur Israel |
Dorling Kindersley | Pearson Education |
2009 |
9788131723258 |
6th ed. |
xxiv, 790 p. : |
UG Library |
545 VOG |
00083556 |
Vogel`s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis. |
Vogel |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177582321 |
359p |
UG Library |
545 VOG |
00083557 |
Vogel`s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis. |
Vogel |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177582321 |
359p |
UG Library |
545 VOG |
00083558 |
Vogel`s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis. |
Vogel |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177582321 |
359p |
UG Library |
545 VOG |
00083559 |
Vogel`s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis. |
Vogel |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177582321 |
359p |
UG Library |
545 VOG |
00117992 |
Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis |
Vogel, Arthur Israel |
Dorling Kindersley | Pearson Education |
2009 |
9788131723258 |
6th ed. |
xxiv, 790 p. : |
UG Library |
545 VOG |
00004505 |
A Text Book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis |
Vogel,Arthur I. |
The English Language Book Society |
1969 |
3rd Ed. |
1216 p. |
UG Library |
545 VOG |
04016830 |
Vogel`s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis. |
Vogel |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177582321 |
359p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
545 VOG |
04016831 |
Vogel`s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis. |
Vogel |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177582321 |
359p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
545 VOG |
04027748 |
Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis |
Vogel, Arthur Israel |
Dorling Kindersley | Pearson Education |
2009 |
9788131723258 |
6th ed. |
xxiv, 790 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
545 VOG |
00110006 |
Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis |
Vogel, Arthur Israel |
Dorling Kindersley | Pearson Education |
2009 |
9788131723258 |
6th ed. |
xxiv, 790 p. : |
UG Library |
545 VOG |
00140833 |
Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis |
Vogel, Arthur Israel |
Dorling Kindersley | Pearson Education |
2009 |
9788131723258 |
6th ed. |
xxiv, 790 p. : |
UG Library |
545 WIL |
00008050 |
A Short Course in Quantitative Analysis |
Willard,Hobart H. |
Affiliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd |
1968 |
2nd Ed. |
243 p. |
UG Library |
545.07 CHA |
00058831 |
Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis |
Chatwal, R Gurdeep |
8178665271 |
2179p |
UG Library |
545.812 REN |
00100476 |
Fluorescence and Phosphorescence |
Rendell, David |
John Wiley & Sons, |
9788126517244 |
xix, 419 p. |
UG Library |
546 AGA |
00022331 |
Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry |
Agarwal O.P. |
Goel Publishing House |
1986 |
7th Ed. |
379 p. |
UG Library |
546 BAH |
00123898 |
Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
Ram Chand & Co |
1971 |
4th Ed. |
836 p. |
UG Library |
546 BAR |
00007564 |
Theoretical Basis of Inorganic Chemistry |
Barnard A.K. |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited |
1965 |
371 p. |
UG Library |
546 BRO |
04002607 |
Chemical Bond in Inorganic Chemistry: The Bond Valence Model |
Brown, David I |
Oxford Universtiy Press |
2008 |
0195694163 |
278 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
546 CHA |
04001919 |
Atomic Structure and the Chemical Bond |
Chanda, Manas |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2008 |
9780070402256 |
506 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
546 COT |
00137133 |
Basic Inorganic Chemistry |
Cotton,Albert F. |
Wiley India |
2018 |
8126511141 | 9788126511143 |
3rd Ed. |
838 p.; |
UG Library |
546 COT |
00137134 |
Basic Inorganic Chemistry |
Cotton,Albert F. |
Wiley India |
2018 |
8126511141 | 9788126511143 |
3rd Ed. |
838 p.; |
UG Library |
546 COT |
00106541 |
Basic Inorganic Chemistry |
Cotton,Albert F. |
Wiley India |
2003 |
8126511141 | 9788126511143 |
3rd Ed. |
838 p. |
UG Library |
546 COT |
04002284 |
Basic Inorganic Chemistry |
Cotton, Albert F |
John Wiley and Sons |
2007 |
8126511141 |
838 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
546 DAS |
04001509 |
Fundemental Concepts of Inorganic Chemistry |
Das, Asim K |
CBS Publishers and Distributors |
2008 |
8123906986 |
846 |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
546 DOU |
00127006 |
Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry |
Douglas,Bodie E. |
Wiley India |
2013 |
8126509112 | 9788126509119 |
3rd Ed. |
928 p.: |
UG Library |
546 GUR |
00120861 |
Advanced Practical Inorganic Chemistry |
Raj, Gurdeep |
Gowl, |
2014 |
9788185842837 |
25th ed. |
600 p:. |
UG Library |
546 HUH |
00147770 |
Inorganic Chemistry : |
Huheey, James E. |
Pearson, |
2024 |
9789356064485 |
5th ed, |
xxiv,944p. : |
UG Library |
546 HUH |
04000217 |
Inorganic Chemistry: |
Huheey, James E |
Pearson Education, |
2006 |
9788177581300 |
868 p . : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
546 HUH |
05074318 |
Inorganic Chemistry : |
Huheey, James E. |
Pearson, |
2023 |
9789356064485 |
5th ed, |
xxiv, 944p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
546 HUH |
00127726 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Huheey James.E |
Pearson, |
2006 |
9788177581300 |
4th ed, |
808 p.: |
UG Library |
546 ISH |
04002707 |
Advance Inorganic Chemistry Vol I |
Ishita, K |
IVY Publishing House |
2008 |
9788178901664 |
206 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
546 LEE |
04001297 |
Concise Inorganic Chemistry |
Lee, J D |
John Wiley and Sons |
2007 |
9788126515547 |
1023 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
546 MIE |
04001672 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Miessler, Gary L |
Pearson Education |
2008 |
8129708000 |
740p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
546 POR |
04001378 |
Inorganic Chemistry: A Unified Approach |
Porterfield, William |
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers |
1993 |
8181477340 |
921 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
546 PRA |
00141098 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Vol II |
Prakash, Satya |
S.Chand, |
2014 |
9788121917872 |
656 p.; |
UG Library |
546 PRA |
00111321 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Prakash,Satya. |
Shyam Lal Charitable Trust |
1969 |
13th Ed. |
864 p. |
UG Library |
546 PRA |
00111322 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Prakash,Satya. |
Shyam Lal Charitable Trust |
1969 |
13th Ed. |
864 p. |
UG Library |
546 PRA |
00000628 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Prakash,Satya. |
Shyam Lal Charitable Trust |
1969 |
13th Ed. |
864 p. |
UG Library |
546 RAJ |
00120859 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry -1 |
Raj,Gurdeep. |
Goel Publishing House, |
2015 |
9788182836679 |
35th Ed. |
1458 p:. |
UG Library |
546 RAJ |
00120860 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry -II |
Raj, Gurdeep. |
Goel Publishing House, |
2015 |
in |
Ed. |
1458 p:. |
UG Library |
546 RAM |
00133710 |
Advanced inorganic chemistry and reaction mechanism |
Ram.TIlak |
Book enclave, |
2017 |
9788181524119 |
vi,289p.; |
UG Library |
546 SOD |
00118781 |
Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry |
Sodhi G.S. |
Viva Books Pvt Ltd |
2011 |
9788130915777 | 9788130903989 |
650p.; |
UG Library |
546 SOD |
00127020 |
Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry |
Sodhi G.S. |
Viva Books Pvt Ltd |
2011 |
9788130915777 | 9788130903989 |
650p.; |
UG Library |
546 SON |
00026986 |
Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry |
Soni P.L. |
S. Chand & Sons |
1975 |
15th Ed. |
P.V. |
UG Library |
546 AGA |
00120196 |
Advance Inorganic Chemistry/ |
Agarwal, S.K |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2013 |
9789350062999 |
12th Ed. |
408p.; |
UG Library |
546 AGA |
00028880 |
Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry |
Agarwal O.P. |
Goel Publishing House |
1986 |
7th Ed. |
379 p. |
UG Library |
546 AGA |
00120863 |
Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry |
Agarwal O.P |
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2014 |
9788182835054 |
x, 377 p.: |
UG Library |
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00015582 |
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Agarwal, O P |
K. Nath & Co. |
1975 |
2nd ed |
xii, 748 p. : |
UG Library |
546 AGA |
00122830 |
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2015 |
9789351404842 |
15th ed. |
444p. |
UG Library |
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Agarwal, S.K |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2013 |
9789350062999 |
12th Ed. |
408p.; |
UG Library |
546 AGG |
00010240 |
Modern Inorganic Chemistry |
Aggarwal, R C |
Kitab Mahal |
1972 |
1 |
UG Library |
546 AGG |
00019004 |
Modern Inorganic Chemistry |
Aggarwal R.C. |
Kitab Mahal |
1975 |
5th Ed. |
962 p. |
UG Library |
546 AGG |
00019005 |
Modern Inorganic Chemistry |
Aggarwal R.C. |
Kitab Mahal |
1975 |
5th Ed. |
962 p. |
UG Library |
546 AGG |
00019006 |
Modern Inorganic Chemistry |
Aggarwal R.C. |
Kitab Mahal |
1975 |
5th Ed. |
962 p. |
UG Library |
546 AGG |
00018063 |
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Aggarwal R.C. |
Kitab Mahal |
1970 |
2nd Ed. |
666 p. |
UG Library |
546 AGG |
00015578 |
Modern Inorganic Chemistry |
Aggarwal R.C. |
Kitab Mahal |
1975 |
5th Ed. |
962 p. |
UG Library |
546 AGR |
00027067 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Agrawal O.P. |
Dhanpat Rai & Sons |
1975 |
1st Ed. |
334 p.: |
UG Library |
546 AKH |
00027065 |
Problems and Laboratory Experiments in Inorganic Chemistry |
Akhmetov N. |
Mir Publishers |
1982 |
256 p. |
UG Library |
546 ATK |
00120193 |
Shriver& Atkins Inorganic Chemistry |
Atkins, Peter |
Oxford University Press, |
1990 |
9780199599608 |
5th ed |
XXIV,824 p.: |
UG Library |
546 ATK |
00074229 |
Shriver & Atkins Inorganic Chemistry. |
Atkins, Peter |
Oxford University press |
2006 |
0195685237 |
4th ed. |
822p |
UG Library |
546 ATK |
04018966 |
Shriver and Atkins' Inorganic Chemistry / |
Atkins, Peter |
OUP, |
1999 |
9780199599608 |
5th ed. |
824p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
546 BAH |
00012262 |
Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
Ram Chand & Co |
1971 |
4th Ed. |
836 p. |
UG Library |
546 BAH |
00011657 |
Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
Ram Chand & Co |
1971 |
4th Ed. |
836 p. |
UG Library |
546 BAH |
00003656 |
Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
Ram Chand & Co |
1971 |
4th Ed. |
836 p. |
UG Library |
546 BAH |
00017714 |
Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
Ram Chand & Co |
1971 |
4th Ed. |
836 p. |
UG Library |
546 BAH |
00014742 |
Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
Ram Chand & Co |
1971 |
4th Ed. |
836 p. |
UG Library |
546 BAH |
00012264 |
Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
Ram Chand & Co |
1971 |
4th Ed. |
836 p. |
UG Library |
546 BAH |
00011655 |
Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry |
Bahl, B S |
Ramchand & Co |
836p |
UG Library |
546 BAH |
00012263 |
Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
Ram Chand & Co |
1971 |
4th Ed. |
836 p. |
UG Library |
546 BAH |
00011656 |
Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
Ram Chand & Co |
1971 |
4th Ed. |
836 p. |
UG Library |
546 BAH |
00014834 |
Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
Ram Chand & Co |
1971 |
4th Ed. |
836 p. |
UG Library |
546 BAH |
05012263 |
Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
Ram Chand & Co |
1971 |
4th Ed. |
836 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
546 BAN |
00146161 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry/ |
Banerjee S.P. |
Books & Allied Ltd, |
2022 |
9789384294342 | 9789384294717 | 9789394107694 |
Vol.1-801p. | Vol.2-465p. | Vol.3-752p. |
UG Library |
546 BAN |
00146162 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry/ |
Banerjee S.P. |
Books & Allied Ltd, |
2022 |
9789384294342 | 9789384294717 | 9789394107694 |
Vol.1-801p. | Vol.2-465p. | Vol.3-752p. |
UG Library |
546 BAN |
00122937 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Banerjee S.P. |
Books & Allied Ltd, |
2013 |
9789384294717 |
666 p.: |
UG Library |
546 BAN |
00122938 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Banerjee S.P. |
Books & Allied Ltd, |
2013 |
9789384294717 |
666 p.: |
UG Library |
546 BAN |
00122939 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Banerjee S.P. |
Books & Allied Ltd, |
2013 |
9789384294717 |
666 p.: |
UG Library |
546 BAN |
00122940 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Banerjee S.P. |
Books & Allied Ltd, |
2013 |
9789384294717 |
666 p.: |
UG Library |
546 BAN |
00112926 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Banerjee S.P. |
Books & Allied Ltd, |
2013 |
9789384294717 |
666 p.: |
UG Library |
546 BAN |
00112927 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Banerjee S.P. |
Books & Allied Ltd, |
2013 |
9789384294717 |
666 p.: |
UG Library |
546 BAN |
00146160 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry/ |
Banerjee S.P. |
Books & Allied Ltd, |
2022 |
9789384294342 | 9789384294717 | 9789394107694 |
Vol.1-801p. | Vol.2-465p. | Vol.3-752p. |
UG Library |
546 BAR |
00005254 |
Theoretical Basis of Inorganic Chemistry |
Barnard A.K. |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited |
1965 |
371 p. |
UG Library |
546 BAR |
00082665 |
Inorganic Chemistry in Aqueous Solution. |
Barrett, Jack |
2003 |
0085404471 |
184p |
UG Library |
546 BAR |
00007950 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Barnett, Barry De E. |
The English Language Book Society |
1957 |
2nd Ed. |
599 p. |
UG Library |
546 BAR |
00004241 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Barnett, Barry De E. |
The English Language Book Society |
1957 |
2nd Ed. |
599 p. |
UG Library |
546 BER |
00061713 |
Bioinorganic Chemistry |
Bertini,Ivano. |
Viva Books Private Limited |
1998 |
8176490008 |
611 p. |
UG Library |
546 BER |
00061305 |
Bioinorganic Chemistry |
Bertini,Ivano. |
Viva Books Private Limited |
1998 |
8176490008 |
611 p. |
UG Library |
546 BER |
00082692 |
Bioinorganic Chemistry |
Bertini,Ivano. |
Viva Books Private Limited |
1998 |
8176490008 |
611 p. |
UG Library |
546 BHA |
00058592 |
A Text Book of Inorganic Polymers |
Bhagi A.K. |
Himalaya Publishing House |
2002 |
8178662086 |
324 p. |
UG Library |
546 BOW |
00057922 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Bowser, James R |
Thomson Learning |
1993 |
9812435999 | 9789812435996 |
805p |
UG Library |
546 BRO |
00123116 |
Seven Elements |
Browne John |
Phoneix: |
2013 |
9781780224367 |
xix, 314 p.: |
UG Library |
546 BUT |
04007697 |
Inorganic Chemistry : |
Butler, Ian S. |
The Benjamin/Cummings publishing company, Inc., |
1989 |
xv, 784p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
546 CAL |
00010708 |
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Raj and Co |
1969 |
965p |
UG Library |
546 CAV |
00033575 |
Systematic Inorganic Chemistry |
Caven R.M. |
Blackie & Son Ltd |
1949 |
6th Ed. |
546 p. |
UG Library |
546 CHH |
00028879 |
Advanced Practical Inorganic Chemistry |
Chhatwal,Gurdeep R. |
Goel Publishing House |
1986 |
400 p.: |
UG Library |
546 CHH |
00047454 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Chhatwal,Gurdeep. |
Goel Publishing House |
1992 |
16th Ed. |
1178 p. |
UG Library |
546 CLO |
00145463 |
Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry/ |
Close, Dennis |
NY Research Press |
2020 |
9781632387707 |
vii:234p. |
UG Library |
546 CON |
00018210 |
Modern College Calculus |
Pavate D.C. |
MacMillan And Co Ltd |
1968 |
542 p. |
UG Library |
546 CON |
00018934 |
Modern College Calculus |
Pavate D.C. |
MacMillan And Co Ltd |
1968 |
542 p. |
UG Library |
546 COT |
00129355 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Cotton F, Albert |
Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd, |
2017 |
9788126513383 |
6th ed, |
1355 p.: |
UG Library |
546 COT |
00129356 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Cotton F, Albert |
Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd, |
2017 |
9788126513383 |
6th ed, |
1355 p.: |
UG Library |
546 COT |
00129357 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Cotton F, Albert |
Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd, |
2017 |
9788126513383 |
6th ed, |
1355 p.: |
UG Library |
546 COT |
00010228 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Cotton,Albert F. |
Wiley Eastern Private Limited, |
1962 |
2nd Ed. |
1186 p.; |
UG Library |
546 COT |
00005523 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Cotton,Albert F. |
Wiley Eastern Private Limited, |
1962 |
2nd Ed. |
1186 p.; |
UG Library |
546 COT |
00033746 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Cotton F, Albert |
Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd, |
2017 |
9788126513383 |
6th ed, |
1355 p.: |
UG Library |
546 COT |
00060180 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Cotton,Albert F. |
John Wiley Sons Inc |
2003 |
9788126513383 |
1355 p. |
UG Library |
546 COT |
00024911 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry: A Comprehensive Text |
Cotton, Albert F. |
Wiley Eastern Ltd |
1984 |
3rd Ed. |
1145 p. |
UG Library |
546 COT |
00082709 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Cotton,Albert F. |
John Wiley Sons Inc |
2003 |
9788126513383 |
1355 p. |
UG Library |
546 COT |
00060181 |
Basic Inorganic Chemistry |
Cotton,Albert F. |
Wiley India |
2003 |
8126511141 | 9788126511143 |
3rd Ed. |
838 p. |
UG Library |
546 COT |
00082632 |
Basic Inorganic Chemistry |
Cotton,Albert F. |
Wiley India |
2003 |
8126511141 | 9788126511143 |
3rd Ed. |
838 p. |
UG Library |
546 COT |
00082710 |
Basic Inorganic Chemistry |
Cotton,Albert F. |
Wiley India |
2003 |
8126511141 | 9788126511143 |
3rd Ed. |
838 p. |
UG Library |
546 COT |
00106537 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Cotton,Albert F. |
John Wiley Sons Inc |
2003 |
9788126513383 |
1355 p. |
UG Library |
546 DAS |
00115612 |
Fundamental Concepts of Inorganic Chemistry: Part I |
Das, K Asim |
Cbs |
2003 |
8123906897 |
414p |
UG Library |
546 DAS |
00060182 |
Fundamental Concepts of Inorganic Chemistry |
Das,Asim K. |
CBS Publishers & Distributors |
2000 |
8123906897 |
1st Ed. |
414 p. |
UG Library |
546 DAS |
00131109 |
Fundamental Concepts Of Inorganic Chemistry / |
Das, Asim K. |
CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd, |
2014 |
9788123923512 | 9788123923529 |
xiii, 566 p. ; [I.4] |
UG Library |
546 DAS |
00131110 |
Fundamental Concepts Of Inorganic Chemistry / |
Das, Asim K. |
CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd, |
2014 |
9788123923512 | 9788123923529 |
xiii, 566 p. ; [I.4] |
UG Library |
546 DAS |
00131111 |
Fundamental Concepts Of Inorganic Chemistry / |
Das, Asim K. |
CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd, |
2014 |
9788123923512 | 9788123923529 |
xiii, 566 p. ; [I.4] |
UG Library |
546 DAS |
00069146 |
Fundamental Concepts of Inorganic Chemistry |
Das,Asim K. |
CBS Publishers & Distributors |
2000 |
8123906897 |
1st Ed. |
414 p. |
UG Library |
546 DAS |
00060183 |
Fundamental Concepts of Inorganic Chemistry |
Das,Asim K. |
CBS Publishers & Distributors |
2000 |
8123906897 |
1st Ed. |
414 p. |
UG Library |
546 DAS |
00069211 |
Fundamental Concepts of Inorganic Chemistry |
Das, Asim K |
CBS Publishers & Distributors |
2010 |
9788123918662 |
2nd ed. |
xxx, 541 p. |
UG Library |
546 DAY |
00001168 |
Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry |
Day, Clyde M |
Affiliated |
1968 |
413p |
UG Library |
546 DE |
00026850 |
A Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry |
De,Kumar Anil. |
Wiley Eastern Ltd |
1974 |
6th Ed. |
770 p. |
UG Library |
546 DEA |
00138436 |
A textbook of inorganic chemistry |
De,A K |
New age international pvt ltd., |
2018 |
9788122413847 |
rev 9th ed., |
x,899p.; |
UG Library |
546 DES |
00138265 |
Advances in Inorganic Chemistry / |
Desai,K R. |
Oxford Book Company, |
2019 |
9788189473303 |
viii,297p.; |
UG Library |
546 DOU |
00028217 |
Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry |
Douglas,Bodie E. |
John Wiley |
1990 |
047186636 |
2nd Ed. |
800 p. |
UG Library |
546 DOU |
00082652 |
Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry |
Douglas,Bodie E. |
Wiley India |
2013 |
8126509112 | 9788126509119 |
3rd Ed. |
928 p.: |
UG Library |
546 DOU |
00082671 |
Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry |
Douglas,Bodie E. |
Wiley India |
2013 |
8126509112 | 9788126509119 |
3rd Ed. |
928 p.: |
UG Library |
546 EBS |
00107801 |
New Pathways in inorganic Chemistry |
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Cambridge University Press; |
1968 |
9780521279130 |
xxx.390 p. |
UG Library |
546 EME |
00014276 |
Modern Aspects of Inorganic Chemistry |
Emeleus H.J. |
University Book Stall |
1938 |
8185274584 |
677 p. |
UG Library |
546 EME |
00011765 |
Modern Aspects of Inorganic Chemistry |
Emeleus H.J. |
University Book Stall |
1938 |
8185274584 |
677 p. |
UG Library |
546 EME |
00034300 |
Modern Aspects of Inorganic Chemistry |
Emeleus H.J. |
University Book Stall |
1938 |
8185274584 |
677 p. |
UG Library |
546 EVA |
00143040 |
Elements of a Sustainable world / |
Evans,John. |
Oxford University Press, |
2020 |
9780198827849 |
xiii,311p.; |
UG Library |
546 GEH |
00017870 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Gehani H.D. |
A.R.Sheth & Co |
1971 |
6th Ed. |
486 p. |
UG Library |
546 GEH |
00033834 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Gehani H.D. |
A.R. Sheth & Co |
1967 |
4th Ed. |
868 p. |
UG Library |
546 GIL |
00000503 |
Fundametal Concepts of Inorganic Chemistry |
Gilreath, Esmarch S |
pv |
UG Library |
546 GOP |
00093924 |
Inorganic Chemistry for Undergraduates |
Gopalan R |
Universities Press |
2009 |
9788173716607 |
953 p.: |
UG Library |
546 GOP |
04026758 |
Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry / |
Gopalan, R |
University Press, |
2012 |
9788173717529 |
953p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
546 GOP |
00111987 |
Inorganic Chemistry for Undergraduates |
Gopalan R |
Universities Press |
2009 |
9788173716607 |
953 p.: |
UG Library |
546 GOS |
00002548 |
Elements of Inorganic Chemistry |
Goswami B.K. |
Moulik Library |
1961 |
696 p. |
UG Library |
546 GRE |
04016403 |
Chemistry of the Elements / |
Greenwood, N N |
Elsevier, |
1984 |
9788181478061 |
2nd ed. |
1341 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
546 GRE |
00084934 |
Chemistry of the Elements |
Greenwood, N N |
8181478061 |
1341 |
UG Library |
546 GRE |
00123833 |
Chemistry of the Elements |
Greenwood, N N |
2014 |
9788181478061 |
1341p. |
UG Library |
546 GRE |
00123834 |
Chemistry of the Elements |
Greenwood, N N |
2014 |
9788181478061 |
1341p. |
UG Library |
546 GRE |
00123835 |
Chemistry of the Elements |
Greenwood, N N |
2014 |
9788181478061 |
1341p. |
UG Library |
546 GUA |
04011147 |
Concise Inorganic Chemistry For IIT-JEE / |
Lee J.D |
Wiley India Pvt.Ltd, |
2011 |
9788126520091 |
xxviii,592 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
546 GUH |
00145714 |
Wiley's J. D. Lee Concise Inorganic Chemistry for NEET and other Medical Entrance Examinations/ |
Guha, Sudarsan |
wiley India |
2023 |
9789354643828 |
2nd ed. |
534p. |
UG Library |
546 GUP |
00052307 |
A Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry |
Gupta R.K. Dr. |
Arihant Prakashan |
2001 |
1st Ed. |
478 p. |
UG Library |
546 GUR |
00022867 |
Advanced Practical Inorganic Chemistry |
Gurdeep, R Chhatwal |
Gowl |
1982 |
398 p |
UG Library |
546 HEL |
00047806 |
Problems in Inorganic Chemistry |
Helmet,Fritz. |
Sarup and Sons |
1999 |
8176250503 |
1st Ed. |
294 p. |
UG Library |
546 HIL |
00033851 |
Physical Methods in Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Hill H.A.O. |
Interscience Publishers |
1968 |
0470396105 |
627 p. |
UG Library |
546 HOU |
00128772 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
House, James E |
Academic Press, |
2008 |
9788190935692 |
xiii, 850 p.: |
UG Library |
546 HUA |
00026847 |
Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structures and Reactivity. |
Huheey, E James |
Harper |
1985 |
3,rd |
1100 p |
UG Library |
546 HUH |
05074142 |
Inorganic Chemistry : |
Huheey, James E. |
Pearson, |
2023 |
9789356064485 |
5th ed, |
xxiv, 944p.: |
Knowledge Centre |
546 HUH |
00095462 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Huheey James.E |
Pearson, |
2006 |
9788177581300 |
4th ed, |
808 p.: |
UG Library |
546 HUH |
00095461 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Huheey James.E |
Pearson, |
2006 |
9788177581300 |
4th ed, |
808 p.: |
UG Library |
546 IQB |
00110360 |
Problems In Inorganic Chemistry |
Iqbal S.A. |
Discovery Publishing House Pvt Ltd |
2011 |
9788183568173 |
1st Ed. |
287 p. |
UG Library |
546 JAD |
00122475 |
Concepts in Analytical Inorganic Chemistry |
Jadhav, V B |
Oxford Book Company, |
2016 |
9789350302644 |
288 p:. |
UG Library |
546 JAD |
00122487 |
New Trends in Analytical Inorganic Chemistry |
Jadhav, V B |
Oxford Book Company, |
2016 |
9789350302675 |
288 p:. |
UG Library |
546 JAD |
00122483 |
Fundamentals in Inorganic Chemistry |
Jadhav, V B |
Oxford Book Company, |
2016 |
9789350302651 |
288 p:. |
UG Library |
546 JAD |
00122477 |
Development in Analytical Inorganic Chemistry |
Jadhav, V B |
Oxford Book Company, |
2016 |
9789350302668 |
288 p:. |
UG Library |
546 JAD |
00122473 |
Chemical Applications in Inorganic Chemistry |
Jadhav, V B |
Oxford Book Company, |
2016 |
9789350302682 |
288 p:. |
UG Library |
546 JAG |
00033850 |
Textbook Of Modern Inorganic Chemistry |
Singh,Jagindar. |
Atma Ram & Sons |
1966 |
1018 p. |
UG Library |
546 JAI |
00120172 |
Chemistry of Natural Products/ |
Jain |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2012 |
9789350065228 |
1st Ed. |
420p.; |
UG Library |
546 JAI |
00111471 |
Chemistry of Natural Products/ |
Jain |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2012 |
9789350065228 |
1st Ed. |
420p.; |
UG Library |
546 JAN |
00011776 |
Physico-Chemical Techniques of Analysis |
Janardhan P.B. |
Asia Publishing House |
1973 |
847 p. |
UG Library |
546 JOL |
00027767 |
Modern Inorganic Chemistry |
Jolly,William L. |
McGraw-Hill Book Co |
1985 |
07y663580 |
610 p. |
UG Library |
546 KAP |
00019003 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Kapur,Ramesh. |
S. Chand & Co. |
1977 |
2nd Ed. |
327 p. |
UG Library |
546 KEA |
00105205 |
The disappearing spoon : |
Kean, Sam. |
Little, Brown and Co., |
2010 |
9780316051644 |
1st ed. |
vi, 391 p. : |
UG Library |
546 KHA |
00015577 |
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Khanna J.K. |
Rajhans Prakashan Mandir |
1977 |
135 p. |
UG Library |
546 KHO |
00115611 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Khodakov Yu.V. |
CBS Publishers & Distributors |
1996 |
8123904096 |
181 p. |
UG Library |
546 KHO |
00115610 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Khodakov Yu.V. |
CBS Publishers & Distributors |
1996 |
8123904096 |
181 p. |
UG Library |
546 KIE |
00001149 |
Selected Topics in Modern Chemistry |
Kieffier, |
Chapman and Hall |
UG Library |
546 LEE |
00073704 |
Concise Inorganic Chemistry |
Lee J.D. |
Wiley India |
2003 |
9788126508334 |
5th Ed. |
1032 p. |
UG Library |
546 LEE |
00070737 |
Concise Inorganic Chemistry |
Lee J.D. |
Wiley India |
2003 |
9788126508334 |
5th Ed. |
1032 p. |
UG Library |
546 LEE |
00137131 |
Concise Inorganic Chemistry |
Lee, J D |
John Wiley and Sons |
2019 |
9788126515547 |
5th ed., |
xxxv,1032p.; |
UG Library |
546 LEE |
00137132 |
Concise Inorganic Chemistry |
Lee, J D |
John Wiley and Sons |
2019 |
9788126515547 |
5th ed., |
xxxv,1032p.; |
UG Library |
546 LEE |
00019002 |
A New Concise Inorganic Chemistry |
Lee J.D. |
English Langauage Book Society |
2001 |
3rd |
505 p.: |
UG Library |
546 LEE |
00018999 |
A New Concise Inorganic Chemistry |
Lee J.D. |
English Langauage Book Society |
2001 |
3rd |
505 p.: |
UG Library |
546 LEE |
00088124 |
Concise Inorganic Chemistry |
Lee J.D. |
Wiley India |
2003 |
9788126508334 |
5th Ed. |
1032 p. |
UG Library |
546 LEE |
00088125 |
Concise Inorganic Chemistry |
Lee J.D. |
Wiley India |
2003 |
9788126508334 |
5th Ed. |
1032 p. |
UG Library |
546 LEE |
00120215 |
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Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, |
2014 |
9788126548750 |
3rd Ed, |
xxviii, 603 p.: |
UG Library |
546 LEE |
00033934 |
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Lee J. D. |
Educational Low-Priced Book Scheme, |
1991 |
042433702 |
4th Ed. |
1032 p.; |
UG Library |
546 MAD |
00141108 |
Modern Inorganic Chemistry |
Madan, R.D. |
S Chand and company, |
2020 |
9788121900744 |
1520 p .; |
UG Library |
546 MAD |
00049787 |
Simplified Course in Inorganic Chemistry for B.Sc & Competitive Exams |
Madan, R L |
S Chand & Company Ltd, |
2000 |
0812191857 |
646 p, |
UG Library |
546 MAD |
00049788 |
Simplified Course in Inorganic Chemistry for B.Sc & Competitive Exams |
Madan, R L |
S Chand & Company Ltd, |
2000 |
0812191857 |
646 p, |
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546 MAD |
00122659 |
Problems in inorganic chemistry |
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S Chand & Company Pvt.Ltd |
2014 |
9788121942898 |
376p. |
UG Library |
546 MAL |
00141112 |
Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry/ |
Malik, Wahid U. |
S. Chand & company Ltd., |
1976 |
9788121906005 |
xxxv:789p.; |
UG Library |
546 MAL |
00111320 |
Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry/ |
Malik, Wahid U. |
S. Chand & company Ltd., |
1976 |
9788121906005 |
xxxv:789p.; |
UG Library |
546 MIE |
00117982 |
Inorganic chemistry / |
Miessler, Gary L., |
Pearson Education, |
2004 |
9788131718858 | 9780130354716 |
3rd ed. |
xiv, 706 p. : |
UG Library |
546 MIE |
00126056 |
Inorganic chemistry / |
Miessler, Gary L., |
Pearson Education, |
2004 |
9788131718858 | 9780130354716 |
3rd ed. |
xiv, 706 p. : |
UG Library |
546 MIE |
00126057 |
Inorganic chemistry / |
Miessler, Gary L., |
Pearson Education, |
2004 |
9788131718858 | 9780130354716 |
3rd ed. |
xiv, 706 p. : |
UG Library |
546 MIE |
00124298 |
Inorganic chemistry / |
Miessler, Gary L., |
Pearson Education, |
2004 |
9788131718858 | 9780130354716 |
3rd ed. |
xiv, 706 p. : |
UG Library |
546 MIN |
00045857 |
Essential Trends in Inorganic Chemistry |
Mingos D.M.P. |
Oxford University Press |
1998 |
392 p. |
UG Library |
546 MIR |
00148075 |
Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry/ |
Mir, Farooq Ahmad |
Rajat Publications, |
2024 |
9788178808871 |
ix,284p. ; |
UG Library |
546 MIT |
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A Text Book of Inorganic Chemisry |
Mitra,Ladlimohan. |
Ghosh & Co |
1972 |
676 p. |
UG Library |
546 MIT |
00009877 |
A Text Book of Inorganic Chemisry |
Mitra,Ladlimohan. |
Ghosh & Co |
1972 |
676 p. |
UG Library |
546 MIT |
00130126 |
Textbook Of Inorganic Chemistry |
Mittal I.C |
Rajat Publications, |
2017 |
9788178807317 |
vi, 288 p.: |
UG Library |
546 MOE |
00004962 |
Inorganic Chemistry: An Advanced Textbook |
Moeller,Therald. |
Asia Publishing House |
1958 |
966 p. |
UG Library |
546 MOE |
00004963 |
Inorganic Chemistry: An Advanced Textbook |
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Asia Publishing House |
1958 |
966 p. |
UG Library |
546 MOE |
00012920 |
Inorganic Chemistry an Advanced Text Book |
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966p |
UG Library |
546 MOE |
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Chemistry of the Lanthanides |
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117p |
UG Library |
546 MOO |
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Arnold-Heinemann |
1969 |
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2nd Ed. |
465 p. |
UG Library |
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00033846 |
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Moody,Bernard. |
Arnold-Heinemann |
1969 |
0713122412 |
2nd Ed. |
465 p. |
UG Library |
546 MUR |
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UG Library |
546 NAR |
00001172 |
Inorganic Chemsitry |
Barnet, Barry |
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546 NOR |
00045859 |
Periodicity and the P-Block Elements |
Norman,Nicholas C. |
Oxford University Press |
1994 |
0198557639 | 9780198557630 |
90 p. |
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546 OVE |
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Basic Concepts of Nucler Chemistry |
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Chapman & Hall Ltd |
1963 |
115 p. |
UG Library |
546 PAR |
00002542 |
A Text-Book Inorganic Chemistry |
Partington J.R. |
The English Language Book Society |
1950 |
6th Ed. |
996 p. |
UG Library |
546 PAR |
00001177 |
A Text-Book Inorganic Chemistry |
Partington J.R. |
The English Language Book Society |
1950 |
6th Ed. |
996 p. |
UG Library |
546 PAR |
00009545 |
A Text-Book Inorganic Chemistry |
Partington J.R. |
The English Language Book Society |
1950 |
6th Ed. |
996 p. |
UG Library |
546 PIM |
00122847 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Pimpalapure, S |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2014 |
9789351400899 |
2nd edi. |
370 p:. |
UG Library |
546 PIM |
00122846 |
Inorganic Chemistry-I |
Pimpalapure, S |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2014 |
9789351402008 |
2nd edi. |
395 p:. |
UG Library |
546 POR |
00120176 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Porterfield, William W. |
Elsevier, |
2005 |
9788181477347 |
2nd |
XVI, 921.: |
UG Library |
546 PRA |
00122638 |
Advanced inorganic chemistry-1 |
Prakash Satya |
S Chand & Company pvt.Ltd. |
2014 |
9788121902632 |
1391p. |
UG Library |
546 PRA |
00018051 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Prakash,Satya. |
Shyam Lal Charitable Trust |
1969 |
13th Ed. |
864 p. |
UG Library |
546 PRA |
00024527 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Prakash,Satya. |
Shyam Lal Charitable Trust |
1969 |
13th Ed. |
864 p. |
UG Library |
546 PRA |
00030632 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Prakash,Satya. |
Shyam Lal Charitable Trust |
1969 |
13th Ed. |
864 p. |
UG Library |
546 PRA |
00003652 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Prakash,Satya. |
Shyam Lal Charitable Trust |
1969 |
13th Ed. |
864 p. |
UG Library |
546 PRA |
00141097 |
Advanced inorganic chemistry-1 |
Prakash Satya |
S Chand & Company pvt.Ltd. |
2014 |
9788121902632 |
1391p. |
UG Library |
546 PUJ |
00082637 |
Basics of Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Pujhari, Prabir |
Anmol Pubications |
2008 |
283p |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00128391 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri |
Vishal Publications CO, |
2017 |
9789382956969 |
33rd Edition |
1170p: . |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00128392 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri |
Vishal Publications CO, |
2017 |
9789382956969 |
33rd Edition |
1170p: . |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00124677 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri, B.R. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9789382956969 |
33rd ed; |
xii,1170 p. : |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00124678 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri, B.R. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9789382956969 |
33rd ed; |
xii,1170 p. : |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00124679 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri, B.R. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9789382956969 |
33rd ed; |
xii,1170 p. : |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00124680 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri, B.R. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9789382956969 |
33rd ed; |
xii,1170 p. : |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00124681 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri, B.R. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9789382956969 |
33rd ed; |
xii,1170 p. : |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00028882 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri B.R. |
Shohan Lal Nagin Chand & Co |
1987 |
19th Ed. |
1144 p. |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00144052 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri, B.R. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9789382956969 |
33rd ed; |
xii,1170 p. : |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00120174 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Purcell, Keith F. |
Cengage Learning, |
1977 |
9788131513712 |
XIX, 1116.: |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00018983 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri, |
S Nagin & Co |
1978 |
1950 p |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00142371 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri, B.R. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9789382956969 |
33rd ed; |
xii,1170 p. : |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00016894 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri B.R. |
Jain |
1977 |
7th Ed. |
1120 p. |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00016895 |
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Puri, B.r |
Jain S.L |
1977 |
1102 |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00026387 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri, B.r |
Shoban Lal |
1984 |
1160 p |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00148362 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri |
Vishal Publications CO, |
2017 |
9789382956969 |
33rd Edition |
1170p: . |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00038436 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri B.R. |
Shohan Lal Nagin Chand & Co |
1995 |
24th Ed. |
1324 p. |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00020613 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri, B R |
Vishal |
1155 p |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00038437 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri B.R. |
Shohan Lal Nagin Chand & Co |
1995 |
24th Ed. |
1324 p. |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00020612 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri, B R |
Vishal |
1155 p |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00038438 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri B.R. |
Shohan Lal Nagin Chand & Co |
1995 |
24th Ed. |
1324 p. |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00038439 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri B.R. |
Shohan Lal Nagin Chand & Co |
1995 |
24th Ed. |
1324 p. |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00090050 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri B.R. |
Shohan Lal Nagin Chand & Co |
1995 |
24th Ed. |
1324 p. |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00090049 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri B.R. |
Shohan Lal Nagin Chand & Co |
1995 |
24th Ed. |
1324 p. |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00090048 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri B.R. |
Shohan Lal Nagin Chand & Co |
1995 |
24th Ed. |
1324 p. |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00135721 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri |
Vishal Publications CO, |
2017 |
9789382956969 |
33rd Edition |
1170p: . |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00135722 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
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Vishal Publications CO, |
2017 |
9789382956969 |
33rd Edition |
1170p: . |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00030641 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri B.R. |
Shoban Lal Nagin Chand & Co. |
1989 |
20th Ed. |
1109 p. |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00030639 |
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Puri, B.r |
Shoban Lal |
1989 |
1109 p |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00119809 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri B R |
Milestone Publishers |
2015 |
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32nd ed. |
1170 p. |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00030640 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri, B R |
Shoban Lal |
1989 |
1090 p |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00119810 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri B R |
Milestone Publishers |
2015 |
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32nd ed. |
1170 p. |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00119811 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri B R |
Milestone Publishers |
2015 |
9788192143385 |
32nd ed. |
1170 p. |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00030642 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri B.R. |
Shoban Lal Nagin Chand & Co. |
1989 |
20th Ed. |
1109 p. |
UG Library |
546 PUR |
00119812 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puri B R |
Milestone Publishers |
2015 |
9788192143385 |
32nd ed. |
1170 p. |
UG Library |
546 PUY |
00122479 |
Elements in Inorganic chemistry |
Puyad, Avinash L. |
Oxford Book Company, |
2016 |
9789350302705 |
1st ed; |
288 p.: |
UG Library |
546 PUY |
00122480 |
Essentials of Inorganic Chemistry |
Puyad, Avinash L |
Oxford Book Company, |
2016 |
9789350302712 |
288 p:. |
UG Library |
546 PUY |
00122471 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Puyad, Avinash L |
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2016 |
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280 p:. |
UG Library |
546 RAJ |
00045029 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Raj, Gurdeep |
Goel Publishing House |
1975 |
1364 |
UG Library |
546 RAJ |
00045036 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Raj,Gurdeep. |
Goel Publishing House |
1986 |
0818584271 |
5th Ed. |
805 p. |
UG Library |
546 RAM |
00108336 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
Ramanujam R. |
Pacific Books International |
2012 |
9789381138090 |
243 p. |
UG Library |
546 RAY |
00082654 |
Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry. |
Rayner-Canham, Geoff |
2002 |
0716746204 |
569p |
UG Library |
546 SAH |
00111554 |
Inorganic Chemistry/ |
Sahoo, Balaram. |
PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., |
2012 |
9788120343085 |
xxxiv: 1036p.; |
UG Library |
546 SAV |
00018982 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Savur G.R. |
Popular Prakashan |
1969 |
3rd Ed. |
682 p. |
UG Library |
546 SAV |
00019068 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Savur G.R. |
Popular Prakashan |
1969 |
3rd Ed. |
682 p. |
UG Library |
546 SCO |
05011240 |
Applications of physical methods to inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry / |
Scott Robert A |
Wiley, |
2007 |
9780470032176 (HB) |
xi, 576 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
546 SHA |
00120175 |
Inorganic Chemistry. |
Sharpe, A G |
2007 |
8131706990 | 9788131706992 |
3rd ed. |
702p |
UG Library |
546 SHA |
00083567 |
Inorganic Chemistry. |
Sharpe, A G |
2007 |
8131706990 | 9788131706992 |
3rd ed. |
702p |
UG Library |
546 SHA |
00083568 |
Inorganic Chemistry. |
Sharpe, A G |
2007 |
8131706990 | 9788131706992 |
3rd ed. |
702p |
UG Library |
546 SHA |
00082661 |
Inorganic Chemistry. |
Sharpe, A G |
2007 |
8131706990 |
701p |
UG Library |
546 SHA |
00112228 |
Inorganic Chemistry. |
Sharpe, A G |
2007 |
8131706990 | 9788131706992 |
3rd ed. |
702p |
UG Library |
546 SHR |
00059454 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
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2003 |
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757p |
UG Library |
546 SIN |
00112233 |
Basic concept of inoganic chemistry |
Singh.D.N |
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2012 |
9788131768617 |
490p.; |
UG Library |
546 SIN |
00010245 |
Modern Inorganic Chemistry |
Singh,Jagindar. |
Atma Ram & Sons |
1966 |
12th Ed. |
636 p. |
UG Library |
546 SIN |
00122398 |
Problems in Inorganic Chemistry |
Singh, Ayodhya |
Campus Books International, |
2011 |
8180300323 |
562 p:. |
UG Library |
546 SIN |
00111496 |
A Logical Approach to Modern Inorganic Chemistry/ |
Singh, Jagdamba. |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2012 |
9789350066904 |
2nd ed |
xvi:720 p.; |
UG Library |
546 SIN |
00110626 |
A Logical Approach To Modern Inorganic Chemistry |
Singh, Jagdamba. |
Pragati Prakashan |
2012 |
9789350066904 |
1st Ed. |
742 p. |
UG Library |
546 SIN |
00119347 |
A Logical Approach to Modern Inorganic Chemistry/ |
Singh, Jagdamba. |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2012 |
9789350066904 |
2nd ed |
xvi:720 p.; |
UG Library |
546 SIN |
00119348 |
A Logical Approach to Modern Inorganic Chemistry/ |
Singh, Jagdamba. |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2012 |
9789350066904 |
2nd ed |
xvi:720 p.; |
UG Library |
546 SIN |
00131929 |
Advanced inorganic chemistry: |
Sigh,Rajbir |
Mittal publications, |
2016 |
9788182936737 |
248p.; |
UG Library |
546 SIN |
00010706 |
Modern Inorganic Chemistry |
Singh,Jagindar. |
Atma Ram & Sons |
1966 |
12th Ed. |
636 p. |
UG Library |
546 SIN |
00131788 |
The DBS handbook of inorganic chemistry |
Singh,Jagjeet |
DBS Imprints, |
2018 |
9789384229160 |
xxvii,732p.; |
UG Library |
546 SIV |
00032705 |
General & Inorganic Chemistry |
Sivanandaiah, K.M |
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1989 |
1st |
233 p.: |
UG Library |
546 SMI |
00002549 |
Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry |
Smith,Alexander. |
Columbia University |
1906 |
925 p. |
UG Library |
546 SOD |
00121696 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
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2015 |
9788130929200 |
Second |
xxiv, 846 p:. |
UG Library |
546 SOD |
00132754 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Sodhi, G S |
Viva Books Private Limited, |
2018 |
9789387692985 |
3rd ed., |
xxviii,969p.; |
UG Library |
546 SOD |
00132755 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
Sodhi, G S |
Viva Books Private Limited, |
2018 |
9789387692985 |
3rd ed., |
xxviii,969p.; |
UG Library |
546 SOD |
00078067 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
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2006 |
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548 p.: |
UG Library |
546 SOD |
00073037 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
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548 p. |
UG Library |
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00013712 |
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Soni P.L. |
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1975 |
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P.V. |
UG Library |
546 SON |
00014019 |
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Soni P.L. |
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1975 |
8th Ed. |
P.V. |
UG Library |
546 SON |
00014017 |
Text Book Of Inorganic Chemistry |
Soni P.L. |
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1975 |
8th Ed. |
P.V. |
UG Library |
546 SON |
00014833 |
Text Book Of Inorganic Chemistry |
Soni P.L. |
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1971 |
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899 p. |
UG Library |
546 SON |
00014018 |
Text Book Of Inorganic Chemistry |
Soni P.L. |
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1975 |
8th Ed. |
P.V. |
UG Library |
546 SON |
00014015 |
Text Book Of Inorganic Chemistry |
Soni P.L. |
Sultan Chand & Sons |
1975 |
8th Ed. |
P.V. |
UG Library |
546 SON |
00027071 |
Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry |
Soni P.L. |
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1975 |
15th Ed. |
P.V. |
UG Library |
546 SON |
00014016 |
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Soni P.L. |
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1975 |
15th Ed. |
P.V. |
UG Library |
546 SON |
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Text Book Of Inorganic Chemistry |
Soni P.L. |
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1971 |
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899 p. |
UG Library |
546 SON |
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Soni P.L. |
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1975 |
8th Ed. |
P.V. |
UG Library |
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UG Library |
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1989 |
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603 p. |
UG Library |
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Upadhyaya, K.n |
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1986 |
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UG Library |
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Vogel, Arthur |
Prentice Hall Press, |
1961 |
9780582442474 |
A Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis |
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1970 |
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xi, 421 p. |
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00014275 |
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220 p. |
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UG Library |
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240 p. |
UG Library |
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UG Library |
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Santos, Lucy Jane. |
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2024 |
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Knowledge Centre |
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Zoellner, Tom. |
Viking, |
2009 |
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xii, 337 p. ; |
School of Business Management (Kengeri) |
546.431 ZOE |
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Zoellner, Tom. |
Penguin Books Limited |
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Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
546.522 DAS |
00107222 |
Bioinorganic Chemistry |
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400 P. |
UG Library |
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00095465 |
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400 P. |
UG Library |
546.522 DAS |
00095464 |
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400 P. |
UG Library |
546.522 RED |
00093430 |
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UG Library |
546.522 RED |
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9788122414370 |
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UG Library |
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00084896 |
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Reddy, Hussain K |
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2007 |
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350p |
UG Library |
546.522 REH |
00082670 |
Bioinorganic Vanadium Chemistry. |
Rehder, Dieter |
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd |
2008 |
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205p |
UG Library |
546.6 JON |
00138458 |
D and F block Chemistry / |
Jones,Chris J. |
The Royal Society of Chemistry, |
2006 |
9780854046379 |
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viii,175p.; |
UG Library |
546.6 MAB |
05042404 |
Magnetism and transition metal complexes / |
Mabbs, F. E. |
Dover Publications, |
2008 |
9780486462844 (pbk.) | 0486462 |
Dover ed. |
xxii, 206 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
546.6 MUL |
05066793 |
Properties of perovskites and other oxides / |
World Scientific, |
2010 |
9789814317696 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9814317691 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9789814293358 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9814293350 (hardcover : alk. paper) |
xviii, 562 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
546.6 RAY |
00110019 |
Electronic Spectra of Transition Metal Complexes |
Ray, R.K. |
New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd |
2011 |
9788173815584 |
xiv, 500 p. ; |
UG Library |
546.681 FOW |
00120294 |
An atlas of fullerenes / |
Fowler, P. W. |
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2007 |
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00033859 |
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1970 |
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UG Library |
546.6812 KAR |
00138589 |
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2019 |
9780367191344 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9780367190804 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
xvii, 235 pages : |
UG Library |
546.683 STR |
04018338 |
Characterization in Silicon Processing / |
Strausser, Yale E. |
Momentum Press, |
1993 |
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240p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
546.6CHA |
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New Age International Publishers |
8122402968 |
196p |
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546.721 LAN |
00059169 |
Oxygen: The Molecule That Made The World |
Lane, Nick |
2001 |
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374p |
UG Library |
546.8 HEN |
00138460 |
Main Group Chemistry / |
Henderson,William. |
The Royal Society of Chemistry, |
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viii,196p.; |
UG Library |
546.8 JEN |
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Mendeleev on the periodic law : |
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Dover, |
2002 |
0486445712 |
314 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
546.8 LAG |
05065572 |
The Periodic Table And A Missed Nobel Prize / |
Lagerkvist, Ulf. |
World Scientific, |
2012 |
9814295957 (pbk) | 9789814295956 (pbk) |
xii, 122p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
546.8 SET |
00061888 |
Periodic Tables And Periodic Properties |
Sethi M.S. |
Discovery Publishing House |
1992 |
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102 p. |
UG Library |
546.8 SIN |
00053037 |
Reflections On and From Periodic Table |
Sindhu R.S. |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1999 |
8174938400 |
1st Ed. |
53 p. |
UG Library |
546BU |
00019890 |
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546BU |
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546BU |
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546BUB |
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UG Library |
546COD |
00049799 |
Synthesis and Characterization of Organic Compounds |
Coppola, P Brian |
Hayden-Mcneil; Publishing |
1881592154 |
37p |
UG Library |
546DUT |
00008008 |
General and Inorganic Chemistry |
Dutt, P K |
Science Book Agency |
460p |
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546GIL |
00009871 |
Fundamental; Concepts of Inorganic Chemistry |
Gilreath, Esmarch S |
Mcgraw Hill International Book Company |
421p |
UG Library |
546LEO |
00082685 |
Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry [msc.Chemistry Section] |
Leonard, J |
0748740716 |
298p |
UG Library |
546MIT2 |
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Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry |
Mitra, Ladlimohan |
UG Library |
546NAR1 |
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Narayana Reddy, |
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Pre University Inorganic Chemistry |
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UG Library |
546PUR1 |
00013710 |
Pre University Inorganic Chemistry |
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UG Library |
546SAV |
00019067 |
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656 p |
UG Library |
546SAV2 |
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Inorganic Chemistry |
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546SHA |
00016896 |
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry |
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Solved Problems in Reaction Mechanisms |
Ahluwalia V.K. |
Vishal Publishing Co. |
2008 |
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280 p. |
UG Library |
547 AHL |
00128398 |
Solved Problems in Reaction Mechanisms |
Ahluwalia V.K. |
Vishal Publishing Co. |
2008 |
8188646636 | 9788188646630 |
280 p. |
UG Library |
547 AHL |
00124659 |
Chemistry of Natural Products |
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2014 |
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324 p.: |
UG Library |
547 AHL |
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Chemistry of Natural Products |
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2014 |
9788188646623 |
324 p.: |
UG Library |
547 AHL |
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UG Library |
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Solved Problems in Reaction Mechanisms |
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2008 |
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280 p. |
UG Library |
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00111324 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
S.Chand & Co Ltd |
1985 |
2nd Ed. |
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UG Library |
547 BAN |
04000024 |
Textbook of Organic Chemistry / |
Bansal, Raj K |
New Age Internations (P) Ltd, |
2008 |
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1009p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 BHA |
00134070 |
Advanced organic chemistry through solved problems |
Bhattacharjee,P |
Books and allied pvt ltd., |
2018 |
9788193897416 |
ii,438p.; |
UG Library |
547 BHA |
00134071 |
Advanced organic chemistry through solved problems |
Bhattacharjee,P |
Books and allied pvt ltd., |
2018 |
9788193897416 |
ii,438p.; |
UG Library |
547 BHA |
00134072 |
Advanced organic chemistry through solved problems |
Bhattacharjee,P |
Books and allied pvt ltd., |
2018 |
9788193897416 |
ii,438p.; |
UG Library |
547 BHU |
04002515 |
Organic Chemistry: Selected Topics |
Bhutani, S P |
Ane Books |
2007 |
9788180521911 |
321 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 BLO |
04003739 |
Organic Chemistry Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide |
Bloch, Daniel R |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2005 |
0071459200 |
551 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 BRU |
04000255 |
Organic Chemistry / |
Bruice, Paula Yurkan |
Pearson Education, |
2001 |
9788131704608 |
1245 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 BRU |
00058858 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry |
Bruckner,Reinhard. |
Academic Press |
2002 |
9788181477132 |
636 p. |
UG Library |
547 CHA |
00088137 |
Reaction Mechanism and Reagents in Organic Chemistry |
Chatwal,Gurdeep R. |
Himalaya |
1987 |
890 p. |
UG Library |
547 CIA |
04001341 |
Organic Chemistry |
Clayden, Jonathan |
Oxford Universtiy Press |
2001 |
9780198503460 |
547 |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 FOX |
00098179 |
Organic Chemistry : |
Fox, Marye Anne |
Jones and Bartlett Pub, |
2004 |
9780763721978 |
3rd ed. |
xxvi 1140 p. |
UG Library |
547 GOE |
04002711 |
Basic Concept of Organic Chemistry |
Goel, A K |
Pearl Books |
2008 |
9788189979195 |
272 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 ING |
00109909 |
Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry |
Ingold, C K |
CBS Publishers |
1994 |
9788123909752 |
2nd ed. |
1266p |
UG Library |
547 JAI |
00137110 |
Modern Organic Chemistry |
Jain, M K |
Vishal Publications CO., |
2019 |
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xiv,1458p.; |
UG Library |
547 JAI |
00137111 |
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Jain, M K |
Vishal Publications CO., |
2019 |
9789387015302 |
xiv,1458p.; |
UG Library |
547 MAC |
04002108 |
Organic Chemistry: VOl I |
Macomber, Roger |
Narosa Publishing House |
2008 |
8185617783 |
318 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 MAC |
04002109 |
Organic Chemistry: VOl I |
Macomber, Roger |
Narosa Publishing House |
2008 |
8185617783 |
318 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 MAU |
04003274 |
Basics of Organic Chemistry |
Maurya, Durgesh Kuma |
Anmol Publications |
2008 |
9788126133840 |
349 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 MCM |
04000507 |
Organic Chemistry / |
Mcmurry, John |
Thomson South Western, |
2008 |
9788131500392 |
1284 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 MCM |
04003031 |
Organic Chemistry / |
Mcmurry, John |
Thomson South Western, |
2008 |
9788131500392 |
1284 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 MEH |
04000429 |
Organic Chemistry / |
Mehta, Bhupinder |
Prentice-Hall of Inida, |
2008 |
8120324412 |
1130 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 MOR |
04001673 |
Study Guide to Organic Chemistry |
Morrison, Robert Tho |
Pearson Education |
2008 |
8129708000 |
723 |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 MOR |
00126060 |
Organic Chemistry |
Morrison,Robert Thornton. |
Prentice -Hall, |
2011 |
9788131704813 |
7th Ed. |
xxviii, 1472 p:. |
UG Library |
547 MOR |
00126061 |
Organic Chemistry |
Morrison,Robert Thornton. |
Prentice -Hall, |
2011 |
9788131704813 |
7th Ed. |
xxviii, 1472 p:. |
UG Library |
547 MOR |
00124304 |
Organic Chemistry |
Morrison,Robert Thornton. |
Prentice -Hall, |
2011 |
9788131704813 |
7th Ed. |
xxviii, 1472 p:. |
UG Library |
547 MOR |
00122700 |
Organic Chemistry |
Morrison,Robert Thornton. |
Prentice -Hall, |
2011 |
9788131704813 |
7th Ed. |
xxviii, 1472 p:. |
UG Library |
547 MOR |
00122701 |
Organic Chemistry |
Morrison,Robert Thornton. |
Prentice -Hall, |
2011 |
9788131704813 |
7th Ed. |
xxviii, 1472 p:. |
UG Library |
547 MOR |
00137100 |
Organic Chemistry |
Morrison,Robert Thornton. |
Prentice -Hall, |
2011 |
9788131704813 |
7th Ed. |
xxviii, 1472 p:. |
UG Library |
547 MOR |
00137112 |
Organic Chemistry |
Morrison,Robert Thornton. |
Prentice -Hall, |
2011 |
9788131704813 |
7th Ed. |
xxviii, 1472 p:. |
UG Library |
547 MUR |
04002519 |
Principles of Organic Chemistry |
Murray, Peter R S |
Oxford Melbourne |
2005 |
0435656430 |
337 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 PAT |
00146169 |
Organic Chemistry/ |
Pathak, Anup |
Books & Allied (P) Ltd |
2023 |
9788194243724 | 9788187134169 |
3rd ed. 2 vol. set |
842p:917p; |
UG Library |
547 PAT |
00146170 |
Organic Chemistry/ |
Pathak, Anup |
Books & Allied (P) Ltd |
2023 |
9788194243724 | 9788187134169 |
3rd ed. 2 vol. set |
842p:917p; |
UG Library |
547 PAT |
00112419 |
Organic Chemistry |
Pathak, Anup |
Books & Allied (P) Ltd |
2012 |
9788187134169 | 9788187134169 |
797p |
UG Library |
547 PAT |
00112420 |
Organic Chemistry |
Pathak, Anup |
Books & Allied (P) Ltd |
2012 |
9788187134169 | 9788187134169 |
797p |
UG Library |
547 PAT |
00112421 |
Organic Chemistry |
Pathak, Anup |
Books & Allied (P) Ltd |
2012 |
9788187134169 | 9788187134169 |
797p |
UG Library |
547 PAT |
00112422 |
Organic Chemistry |
Pathak, Anup |
Books & Allied (P) Ltd |
2012 |
9788187134169 | 9788187134169 |
797p |
UG Library |
547 SHA |
00138438 |
Advanced organic chemistry |
Sharma,Deepa |
New age international pvt ltd., |
2010 |
9788122430615 |
xvii,456p.; |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00111468 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry |
Singh,Jagdamba. |
Pragati Prakashan |
2009 |
9788183988735 | 9789350067314 |
5th Ed. |
778 p. |
UG Library |
547 SOR |
04002107 |
Organic Chemistry |
Sorrell, Thomas N |
Viva Books Pvt Ltd |
2008 |
9788176498685 |
1457 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 SOR |
04002274 |
Organic Chemistry |
Sorrell, Thomas N |
Viva Books Pvt Ltd |
2008 |
9788176498685 |
1457 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 TEW |
00141095 |
A Textbook of Organic Chemistry |
Tewari K.S. |
Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., |
2019 |
9789385879128 |
4th ed., |
xvi,1413p.; |
UG Library |
547 VOL |
04001916 |
Organic Chemistry, Structure and Function |
Vollhardt, |
W h Freeman and Company |
2008 |
0716799499 |
1254p i-23 |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 WUL |
04002097 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Wulfsberg, Gary |
Viva Books Pvt Ltd |
2005 |
9788176492881 |
978 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 AGA |
00008009 |
Chemistry of Natural Products |
Agarwal O.P. |
Goel Publishing House |
1960 |
480 p. |
UG Library |
547 AGA |
00008011 |
Chemistry of Natural Products |
Agarwal O.P. |
Goel Publishing House |
1971 |
2nd Ed. |
448 p. |
UG Library |
547 AGA |
00123422 |
Organic Chemistry of Natural Products |
Agarwal O P |
Krishna Prakashan Media (P) Ltd., |
2015 |
9788182836891 |
556 p:. |
UG Library |
547 AGA |
00123423 |
Organic Chemistry of Natural Products |
Agarwal O P |
Krishna Prakashan Media (P) Ltd., |
2015 |
9788182836891 |
556 p:. |
UG Library |
547 AGA |
00017964 |
Reactions and Reagents in Organic Chemistry |
Agarwal O.P. |
Goel Publishing House |
1971 |
638 p. |
UG Library |
547 AGG |
00122858 |
Objective Chemistry |
Aggarwal S.K. |
A.S.Prakashan |
2015 |
9788189865597 |
5th Ed. |
x, 424 p.: |
UG Library |
547 AGG |
00110625 |
Objective Chemistry |
Aggarwal S.K. |
A.S.Prakashan |
2012 |
9788189865405 |
5th Ed. |
x, 424 p.: |
UG Library |
547 AGG |
00119363 |
Objective Chemistry |
Aggarwal S.K. |
A.S.Prakashan |
2012 |
9788189865405 |
5th Ed. |
x, 424 p.: |
UG Library |
547 AGR |
00120862 |
Organic Chemistry Reactions & Reagents |
Agrawal O.P. |
Krishan Prakashan Media, |
2015 |
9788182834835 |
xix,987 p.: |
UG Library |
547 AHC |
00118746 |
Organic Chemistry |
Ahluwalia, V K |
Multilingual Matters Limited |
2000 |
9788130904030 |
407p |
UG Library |
547 AHL |
00111497 |
Organic Reaction Mechanisms / |
Ahluwalia, V.K. |
Narosa Publishing Houose Pvt Ltd., |
2011 |
9788184871159 |
4th Ed. |
xxiii, 749 p. ; |
UG Library |
547 AHL |
00105081 |
Textbook of Organic Chemistry |
Ahluwalia V.K. |
Ane Books Pvt.Ltd. |
2010 |
9789380156859 |
xvi: 387 p.: |
UG Library |
547 AHL |
00105082 |
Textbook of Organic Chemistry |
Ahluwalia V.K. |
Ane Books Pvt.Ltd. |
2010 |
9789380156859 |
xvi: 387 p.: |
UG Library |
547 AHL |
00105079 |
Textbook of Organic Chemistry |
Ahluwalia V.K. |
Ane Books Pvt.Ltd. |
2010 |
9789380156859 |
xvi: 387 p.: |
UG Library |
547 AHL |
00074504 |
Laboratory Techniques In Organic Chemistry |
Ahluwalia V.K. |
I.K. International Pvt Ltd |
2005 |
8188237329 | 9788188237326 |
195 p. |
UG Library |
547 AHL |
00105078 |
Textbook of Organic Chemistry |
Ahluwalia V.K. |
Ane Books Pvt.Ltd. |
2010 |
9789380156859 |
xvi: 387 p.: |
UG Library |
547 AHL |
00090057 |
Solved Problems in Reaction Mechanisms |
Ahluwalia V.K. |
Vishal Publishing Co. |
2008 |
8188646636 | 9788188646630 |
280 p. |
UG Library |
547 AHL |
00090058 |
Solved Problems in Reaction Mechanisms |
Ahluwalia V.K. |
Vishal Publishing Co. |
2008 |
8188646636 | 9788188646630 |
280 p. |
UG Library |
547 AHL |
00090059 |
Solved Problems in Reaction Mechanisms |
Ahluwalia V.K. |
Vishal Publishing Co. |
2008 |
8188646636 | 9788188646630 |
280 p. |
UG Library |
547 AHL |
00105080 |
Textbook of Organic Chemistry |
Ahluwalia V.K. |
Ane Books Pvt.Ltd. |
2010 |
9789380156859 |
xvi: 387 p.: |
UG Library |
547 AHL |
00082641 |
Chemistry of Natural Products |
Ahluwalia V.K. |
Ane Books |
2006 |
8180520897 | 9788180520891 |
1st Ed. |
249 p. |
UG Library |
547 AHL |
00131117 |
Organic Reaction Mechanisms / |
Ahluwalia, V.K. |
Narosa Publishing Houose Pvt Ltd., |
2011 |
9788184871159 |
4th Ed. |
xxiii, 749 p. ; |
UG Library |
547 AHL |
00078068 |
Organic Chemistry |
Ahluwalia, V K |
Multilingual Matters Limited |
2000 |
9788130904030 |
407p |
UG Library |
547 AHL |
00105077 |
Textbook of Organic Chemistry |
Ahluwalia V.K. |
Ane Books Pvt.Ltd. |
2010 |
9789380156859 |
xvi: 387 p.: |
UG Library |
547 AHL |
00108857 |
Green Solved For Organic Syntesis |
Ahluwalia V.K. |
Narosa Publishing House |
2009 |
9788173199646 |
xii; 9.10 p. |
UG Library |
547 AHL |
00058764 |
Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry: Preparation and Quantitative Analysis |
Ahluwalia V.K. |
Universities Press |
2001 |
8173712735 |
311 p. |
UG Library |
547 AHL |
00105065 |
Chemistry of Natural Products |
Ahluwalia V.K. |
Ane Books |
2006 |
8180520897 | 9788180520891 |
1st Ed. |
249 p. |
UG Library |
547 AHL |
00105066 |
Chemistry of Natural Products |
Ahluwalia V.K. |
Ane Books |
2006 |
8180520897 | 9788180520891 |
1st Ed. |
249 p. |
UG Library |
547 AKI |
00109357 |
Organo Main Group Chemistry |
Akiba Kin-ya |
John Wiley & Sons |
2011 |
9780470450338 |
xi; 275 p. |
UG Library |
547 ALL |
00014266 |
Structures of Organic Molecules |
Allinger,Norman L. |
Prentice Hall of India Private Limited |
1975 |
127 p. |
UG Library |
547 ARA |
00145157 |
Fundamentals of organic chemistry / |
Arasan, Jeyanthi |
Swastik Publications, |
2023 |
9789391382063 |
192p. ; |
UG Library |
547 ARV |
00146507 |
General Organic Chemistry |
Arvind, Udai |
Venus Books, |
2023 |
9789386559425 |
292p. ; |
UG Library |
547 AST |
00000498 |
Organic Chemistry |
Melvin,Astle J. |
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co |
1970 |
2nd Ed. |
771 p. |
UG Library |
547 AST |
00007556 |
Organic Chemistry |
Melvin,Astle J. |
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co |
1970 |
2nd Ed. |
771 p. |
UG Library |
547 AST |
00018064 |
Organic Chemistry |
Melvin,Astle J. |
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co |
1970 |
2nd Ed. |
771 p. |
UG Library |
547 ATK |
00082703 |
Organic Chemistry: a Brief Course |
Atkins,Robert C. |
McGraw Hill |
2002 |
0071121625 | 9780071121620 |
3rd Ed. |
513 p. |
UG Library |
547 ATK |
00069238 |
Organic Chemistry: a Brief Course |
Atkins,Robert C. |
McGraw Hill |
2002 |
0071121625 | 9780071121620 |
3rd Ed. |
513 p. |
UG Library |
547 AYE |
00012960 |
Organic Chemistry |
Ayengar,Shrinivas H.S. |
Shrinivas |
1975 |
1st Ed. |
304 p. |
UG Library |
547 BAG |
00002545 |
Organic Chemistry |
Bagchi K.N. |
S.Bhattacharyya & Co |
1956 |
6th Ed. |
764 p. |
UG Library |
547 BAH |
00027073 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
S.Chand & Co Ltd |
1985 |
2nd Ed. |
1336 p. |
UG Library |
547 BAH |
00141099 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry |
Bahl, Arun |
S Chand &Co, |
2019 |
9788121935159 |
1504 p.; |
UG Library |
547 BAH |
00128174 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry |
Bahl, B S |
S Chand &Co. |
2017 |
9788121935159 |
1504p. |
UG Library |
547 BAH |
00030628 |
Textbook of Organic Chemistry/ |
Bahl, B.S. |
S. Chand & Co,, |
1989 |
13th Ed. |
780p. ; |
UG Library |
547 BAH |
00030631 |
Textbook of Organic Chemistry/ |
Bahl, B.S. |
S. Chand & Co,, |
1989 |
13th Ed. |
780p. ; |
UG Library |
547 BAH |
00011654 |
Text-Book of Organic Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
S. Chand & Co Pvt Ltd |
1974 |
11th Ed. |
901 p. |
UG Library |
547 BAH |
00016477 |
Text-Book of Organic Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
S. Chand & Co Pvt Ltd |
1974 |
11th Ed. |
901 p. |
UG Library |
547 BAH |
00051630 |
Textbook of Organic Chemistry / |
Bahl,Arun. |
S. Chand And Co, |
2001 |
8121921902 | 9788121902595 |
16th Ed. |
890 p.; |
UG Library |
547 BAH |
04011630 |
Textbook of Organic Chemistry / |
Bahl, Arun |
S Chand, |
2018 |
9789352531967 |
1108p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 BAH |
04011475 |
A Textbook of Organic Chemistry / |
Bahl, Arun |
S.Chand, |
1948 |
9788121926140 |
1073 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 BAH |
00139362 |
A textbook of Organic chemistry/ |
Bahl,Arun. |
S Chand and Company Ltd., |
2020 |
9789352837304 |
22nd ed. rep. |
1108p.; |
UG Library |
547 BAH |
00139363 |
A textbook of Organic chemistry/ |
Bahl,Arun. |
S Chand and Company Ltd., |
2020 |
9789352837304 |
22nd ed. rep. |
1108p.; |
UG Library |
547 BAH |
00011653 |
Text-Book of Organic Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
S. Chand & Co Pvt Ltd |
1974 |
11th Ed. |
901 p. |
UG Library |
547 BAH |
00012259 |
Text-Book of Organic Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
S. Chand & Co Pvt Ltd |
1974 |
11th Ed. |
901 p. |
UG Library |
547 BAH |
00007547 |
Text-Book of Organic Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
S. Chand & Co Pvt Ltd |
1974 |
11th Ed. |
901 p. |
UG Library |
547 BAH |
00027072 |
Text-Book of Organic Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
S. Chand & Co Pvt Ltd |
1974 |
11th Ed. |
901 p. |
UG Library |
547 BAH |
00012261 |
Text-Book of Organic Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
S. Chand & Co Pvt Ltd |
1974 |
11th Ed. |
901 p. |
UG Library |
547 BAH |
00018050 |
Text-Book of Organic Chemistry |
Bahl B.S. |
S. Chand & Co Pvt Ltd |
1974 |
11th Ed. |
901 p. |
UG Library |
547 BAH |
00029517 |
A Textbook of Organic Chemistry/ |
Bahl, Arun |
S. Chabd & Co., |
2003 |
8121902592 |
895p. ; |
UG Library |
547 BAH |
00030629 |
Textbook of Organic Chemistry/ |
Bahl, B.S. |
S. Chand & Co,, |
1989 |
13th Ed. |
780p. ; |
UG Library |
547 BAH |
00016478 |
Text Book of Organic Chemistry |
Bahl, B.s |
S Chand & Company Ltd |
1977 |
912 p |
UG Library |
547 BAH |
00137117 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry / |
Bahl,Arun. |
S Chand and Company Limited, |
2018 |
9788121935159 |
xxiii,1504p.; |
UG Library |
547 BAH |
00137118 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry / |
Bahl,Arun. |
S Chand and Company Limited, |
2018 |
9788121935159 |
xxiii,1504p.; |
UG Library |
547 BAI |
00147319 |
Organic Chemistry |
Bairwa J J R |
Paradise Publishers, |
2023 |
9789388514415 |
250p.; |
UG Library |
547 BAL |
00030636 |
Organic Chemistry |
Bahl B S |
S Chand & Company (LTd) |
1900 |
980 p. |
UG Library |
547 BAN |
00045614 |
Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry |
Bansal,Raj K. |
New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers |
1994 |
0812240636 |
3rd Ed. |
290 p. |
UG Library |
547 BAN |
00045615 |
A Text Book of Organic Chemistry |
Bansal,Raj K. |
New Age International Publishers, |
2007 |
8122410073 | 9788122420258 |
5th Ed. |
1009 p.; |
UG Library |
547 BAN |
00084937 |
Organic Chemistry: Problems and Solutions |
Bansal, Raj K. |
New Age International Publishers |
2006 |
8122417973 | 9788122417975 |
2nd Ed. |
466 p. |
UG Library |
547 BAN |
00050336 |
Synthetic Organic Chemistry |
Bansal,Hamlesh. |
Campus Books |
2000 |
8187815175 |
279 p. |
UG Library |
547 BAN |
00145878 |
A Text Book of Organic Chemistry |
Bansal, Raj K. |
New Age International Publishers, |
2024 |
9789389802061 |
7th Ed. |
1004p. ; |
UG Library |
547 BAN |
00055029 |
Organic Reaction Mechanisms |
Bansal,Raj K |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd |
1998 |
0074620835 |
3rd ed |
xiv, 611 p. : |
UG Library |
547 BAN |
00131096 |
A Text Book Of Organic Chemsitry : |
Bansal, Raj K. |
New Age International Pvt,Ltd., |
2016 |
9788122439670 |
878 p. ; |
UG Library |
547 BAN |
00020290 |
Organic Reaction Mechanisms |
Bansal,Raj K |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd |
1998 |
0074620835 |
3rd ed |
xiv, 611 p. : |
UG Library |
547 BAN |
00022849 |
Laboratory Manual in Organic Chemistry |
Bansal, Raj K. |
Wiley Eastern Ltd |
1980 |
185 p. |
UG Library |
547 BAN |
00090982 |
A Text Book of Organic Chemistry |
Bansal,Raj K. |
New Age International Publishers, |
2007 |
8122410073 | 9788122420258 |
5th Ed. |
1009 p.; |
UG Library |
547 BAN |
00059451 |
Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry |
Bansal,Raj K. |
New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers |
2009 |
8122412971 | 9788122424034 |
5th Ed. |
290 p. |
UG Library |
547 BAN |
00090976 |
Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry |
Bansal,Raj K. |
New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers |
2009 |
8122412971 | 9788122424034 |
5th Ed. |
290 p. |
UG Library |
547 BAN |
00090983 |
A Text Book of Organic Chemistry |
Bansal,Raj K. |
New Age International Publishers, |
2007 |
8122410073 | 9788122420258 |
5th Ed. |
1009 p.; |
UG Library |
547 BAR |
05066669 |
Reason and imagination : |
Barton, Derek, |
World Scientific/Imperial College Press, |
1996 |
9789810225964 |
xxvi, 863 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
547 BAR |
00109134 |
Comprehensive organic chemistry |
Barton,Sir Derek |
Pergamon Press, |
1979 |
0080213197 (set) : |
1st ed. |
v; 1205 p. |
UG Library |
547 BAR |
00109135 |
Comprehensive organic chemistry |
Barton,Sir Derek |
Pergamon Press, |
1979 |
0080213197 (set) : |
1st ed. |
v; 1205 p. |
UG Library |
547 BAR |
00109136 |
Comprehensive organic chemistry |
Barton,Sir Derek |
Pergamon Press, |
1979 |
0080213197 (set) : |
1st ed. |
v; 1205 p. |
UG Library |
547 BAR |
00109137 |
Comprehensive organic chemistry |
Barton,Sir Derek |
Pergamon Press, |
1979 |
0080213197 (set) : |
1st ed. |
v; 1205 p. |
UG Library |
547 BAR |
00109138 |
Comprehensive organic chemistry |
Barton,Sir Derek |
Pergamon Press, |
1979 |
0080213197 (set) : |
1st ed. |
v; 1205 p. |
UG Library |
547 BAR |
00109139 |
Comprehensive organic chemistry |
Barton,Sir Derek |
Pergamon Press, |
1979 |
0080213197 (set) : |
1st ed. |
v; 1205 p. |
UG Library |
547 BET |
00126923 |
Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry / |
Bettelheim |
Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, |
2013 |
9780495391166 | 9781133109945 |
8th ed. |
xxii, 569, 49, 10, 16 p. : |
UG Library |
547 BHA |
00135459 |
Organic Chemistry / |
Bhakta Chittaranjan |
Bharati Bhawan |
2017 |
9789350270608 |
Vol.1 |
1328 |
UG Library |
547 BHA |
00135460 |
Organic Chemistry / |
Bhakta Chittaranjan |
Bharati Bhawan |
2017 |
9789350270608 |
Vol.1 |
1328 |
UG Library |
547 BHA |
00135467 |
Organic Chemistry / |
Bhakta Chittaranjan |
Bharati Bhawan |
2017 |
9789350270943 |
Vol.2 |
236p. |
UG Library |
547 BHA |
00135468 |
Organic Chemistry / |
Bhakta Chittaranjan |
Bharati Bhawan |
2017 |
9789350270943 |
Vol.2 |
236p. |
UG Library |
547 BHA |
00110293 |
Pathway to Organic Chemistry Structure & Mechanism |
Bhattacharjee P. |
Books And Allied Pvt Ltd |
2012 |
9788187134206 |
viii; 569 p. |
UG Library |
547 BHA |
00110294 |
Pathway to Organic Chemistry Structure & Mechanism |
Bhattacharjee P. |
Books And Allied Pvt Ltd |
2012 |
9788187134206 |
viii; 569 p. |
UG Library |
547 BHU |
00105071 |
Organic Chemistry-III |
Bhutani S.P. |
Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. |
2009 |
9788180522734 |
ix,261 p. |
UG Library |
547 BHU |
00105072 |
Organic Chemistry-III |
Bhutani S.P. |
Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. |
2009 |
9788180522734 |
ix,261 p. |
UG Library |
547 BHU |
00105075 |
Practical Organic Chemistry |
Bhutani S.P. |
Ane Books | Ane Book India |
2008 |
8180522601 | 9788180522604 |
253 p. |
UG Library |
547 BHU |
00105076 |
Practical Organic Chemistry |
Bhutani S.P. |
Ane Books | Ane Book India |
2008 |
8180522601 | 9788180522604 |
253 p. |
UG Library |
547 BHU |
00098182 |
Organic Chemistry : |
Bhutani S P |
ANE Books India; |
9788180521911 |
321 p. |
UG Library |
547 BHU |
00082643 |
Practical Organic Chemistry |
Bhutani S.P. |
Ane Books | Ane Book India |
2008 |
8180522601 | 9788180522604 |
253 p. |
UG Library |
547 BHU |
00117311 |
Organic Chemistry-III |
Bhutani S.P. |
Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. |
2009 |
9788180522734 |
ix,261 p. |
UG Library |
547 BOH |
00047812 |
Advances in Metallo-Organic Chemistry |
Bohra, R |
8176110493 |
442p |
UG Library |
547 BRE |
00008027 |
Unitized Experiments in Organic Chemistry |
Brewster,Ray Q. |
D.Van Nostrand Co Inc |
1960 |
271 p. |
UG Library |
547 BRO |
00037331 |
Organic Chemistry |
Brown,William H. |
Saunders College Publishing |
1995 |
0030989728 | 9780030989728 |
1115 p. |
UG Library |
547 BRU |
00137101 |
Organic Chemistry / |
Bruice,Paula Y. |
Pearson, |
2019 |
9789332519046 |
7th (10 rep) ed. |
iii,1337p.; |
UG Library |
547 BRU |
00137102 |
Organic Chemistry / |
Bruice,Paula Y. |
Pearson, |
2019 |
9789332519046 |
7th (10 rep) ed. |
iii,1337p.; |
UG Library |
547 BRU |
00117981 |
Essential Organic Chemistry |
Bruice,Paula Yurkanis |
Pearson Education Inc |
2006 |
9788131703731 |
xxiv,593 p,: |
UG Library |
547 BRU |
00127692 |
Essential organic chemistry / |
Bruice, Paula Yurkanis, |
Pearson Education Limited, |
2016 |
9781292089034 |
Third edition. |
672 p. |
UG Library |
547 BRU |
00127698 |
Organic chemistry |
Bruice, Paula Yurkanis. |
Pearson, |
2017 |
9781292160344 |
1336 p. |
UG Library |
547 BRU |
00145696 |
Organic chemistry: |
Bruice, Paula Yurkanis. |
Pearson, |
2023 |
9789353948450 |
8th ed. |
1360p. |
UG Library |
547 BRU |
00082684 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry |
Bruckner,Reinhard. |
Academic Press |
2002 |
9788181477132 |
636 p. |
UG Library |
547 BUR |
04007723 |
A short course in organic chemistry / |
Burgoyne, Edward E. |
McGraw-Hill, |
1979 |
0070091714 : |
xv, 527 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 CAR |
00109391 |
Organic Chemistry |
Carey,Francis A. |
Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd |
2008 |
9780070667167 |
7th Ed. |
xxxiii; 1229 p. |
UG Library |
547 CAR |
00077745 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry Part B: Reactions And Synthesis |
Carey, Francis A. |
Springer |
2001 |
0306462451 | 9780306462450 |
4th Ed. |
xii; 965 p. |
UG Library |
547 CAR |
00082674 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry Part B: Reactions and Synthesis |
Carey, Francis A. |
Springer |
2007 |
5th Ed. |
1321 p. |
UG Library |
547 CAR |
00077744 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry Part A : Structure And Mechanisms |
Carey,Francis A. |
New York |
2007 |
0306462435 | 9788132204251 |
4th Ed. |
824 p. |
UG Library |
547 CAR |
04011030 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry Part A: Structure and Mechanisms |
Carey, Francis A |
Springer |
2007 |
0387683461 | 9788132204251 |
5th Ed. |
1199 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 CAR |
00082625 |
Organic Chemistry |
Carey,Francis A. |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd |
2008 |
0070667160 | 9780070667167 |
7th Ed. |
1229 p. |
UG Library |
547 CAR |
00082689 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry Part A: Structure and Mechanisms |
Carey, Francis A |
Springer |
2007 |
0387683461 | 9788132204251 |
5th Ed. |
1199 p. |
UG Library |
547 CAR |
00108331 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry Part A: Structure and Mechanisms |
Carey, Francis A |
Springer |
2007 |
0387683461 | 9788132204251 |
5th Ed. |
1199 p. |
UG Library |
547 CAR |
00108332 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry Part A: Structure and Mechanisms |
Carey, Francis A |
Springer |
2007 |
0387683461 | 9788132204251 |
5th Ed. |
1199 p. |
UG Library |
547 CAR |
00105093 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry Part A: Structure and Mechanisms |
Carey, Francis A |
Springer |
2007 |
0387683461 | 9788132204251 |
5th Ed. |
1199 p. |
UG Library |
547 CAR |
00108329 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry Part B: Reactions and Synthesis |
Carey, Francis A. |
Springer |
2007 |
5th Ed. |
1321 p. |
UG Library |
547 CAR |
00108330 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry Part B: Reactions and Synthesis |
Carey, Francis A. |
Springer |
2007 |
5th Ed. |
1321 p. |
UG Library |
547 CAR |
00105094 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry Part B: Reactions and Synthesis |
Carey, Francis A. |
Springer |
2007 |
5th Ed. |
1321 p. |
UG Library |
547 CAR |
00082675 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry Part B: Reactions and Synthesis |
Carey, Francis A. |
Springer |
2007 |
5th Ed. |
1321 p. |
UG Library |
547 CAR |
00082688 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry Part A: Structure and Mechanisms |
Carey, Francis A |
Springer |
2007 |
0387683461 | 9788132204251 |
5th Ed. |
1199 p. |
UG Library |
547 CAR |
00147828 |
Organic Chemistry/ |
Carey, Francis A. |
McGraw-Hill Book Company, |
2024 |
9781266159244 |
12th ed |
xxvii,1168, I-25p.; |
UG Library |
547 CAR |
04007691 |
Organic Chemistry/ |
Carey, Francis A. |
McGraw-Hill Book Company, |
1987 |
xxvii,1219p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 CAR |
00061334 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry Part A : Structure And Mechanisms |
Carey,Francis A. |
New York |
2007 |
0306462435 | 9788132204251 |
4th Ed. |
824 p. |
UG Library |
547 CAR |
00061335 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry |
Carey, Francis |
0306462451 |
965p |
UG Library |
547 CAV |
00002543 |
Systematic Qualitative Analysis |
Caven R.M. |
Blacker & Sons Ltd |
2000 |
238 p. |
UG Library |
547 CHA |
00088133 |
Organic Chemistry of Natural Products |
Chatwal,Gurdeep R. |
Himalaya Publishing House |
2005 |
9788183188487 |
4th Ed. |
P.V. |
UG Library |
547 CHA |
00088132 |
Organic Chemistry of Natural Products |
Chatwal,Gurdeep R. |
Himalaya Publishing House |
2005 |
9788183188487 |
4th Ed. |
P.V. |
UG Library |
547 CHA |
00122277 |
Organic Chemistry |
Chaloner, Penny A. |
9781482206906 | 1482206900 (ha |
xix, 1264 p:. |
UG Library |
547 CHA |
00058591 |
Reaction Mechanism and Reagents in Organic Chemistry |
Chatwal,Gurdeep R. |
Himalaya |
1987 |
890 p. |
UG Library |
547 CHA |
00128437 |
Organic Chemistry ( I & II Sem) |
Chauhan, Aprajita |
Viva Books, |
2016 |
9788130910130 | 9788130910116 |
334 p.: |
UG Library |
547 CHA |
00128436 |
Organic Chemistry ( I & II Sem) |
Chauhan, Aprajita |
Viva Books, |
2016 |
9788130910130 | 9788130910116 |
334 p.: |
UG Library |
547 CHA |
00147949 |
Understanding Advanced chemistry Through Problem Solving: |
Chan, Kim Seng |
World Scientific, |
2024 |
9798886130355 |
vii,328p. ; |
UG Library |
547 CHA |
00147950 |
Understanding Advanced chemistry Through Problem Solving: |
Chan, Kim Seng |
World Scientific, |
2024 |
9798886130355 |
vii,328p. ; |
UG Library |
547 CHA |
00082664 |
Reactions, Mechanisms & Problems in Organic Chemistry |
Chattopadhyay P. |
Asian Books Private Limited |
2006 |
8186299939 | 9788186299937 |
2nd Ed. |
P.V. |
UG Library |
547 CHA |
00030848 |
Reaction Mechanism and Reagents in Organic Chemistry |
Chatwal,Gurdeep R. |
Himalaya |
1987 |
890 p. |
UG Library |
547 CHA |
00088134 |
Organic Chemistry of Natural Products |
Chatwal,Gurdeep R. |
Himalaya Publishing House |
2005 |
9788183188487 |
4th Ed. |
P.V. |
UG Library |
547 CHA |
00088135 |
Organic Chemistry of Natural Products |
Chatwal,Gurdeep R. |
Himalaya Publishing House |
2005 |
9788183188487 |
4th Ed. |
P.V. |
UG Library |
547 CHA |
00085721 |
Organic Chemistry of Natural Products |
Chatwal,Gurdeep R. |
Himalaya Publishing House |
2005 |
9788183188487 |
4th Ed. |
P.V. |
UG Library |
547 CHA |
00142638 |
Understanding advanced organic and analytical chemistry : |
Chan, Kim Seng, |
W S education, |
2020 |
9789814733984 | 9814733989 | 9780000989123 |
Revised edition. |
xix, 548 pages : |
UG Library |
547 CHA |
00042084 |
Organic Chemistry of Natural Products. |
Chatwal, Gurdeep R |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1996 |
9788183187992 |
p v |
UG Library |
547 CHA |
00085720 |
Organic Chemistry of Natural Products. |
Chatwal, Gurdeep R |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1996 |
9788183187992 |
p v |
UG Library |
547 CHA |
00042086 |
Organic Chemistry of Natural Products |
Chatwal,Gurdeep R. |
Himalaya Publishing House |
2005 |
9788183188487 |
4th Ed. |
P.V. |
UG Library |
547 CHA |
00085717 |
Organic Chemistry of Natural Products |
Chatwal,Gurdeep R. |
Himalaya Publishing House |
2005 |
9788183188487 |
4th Ed. |
P.V. |
UG Library |
547 CHA |
00085716 |
Organic Chemistry of Natural Products |
Chatwal,Gurdeep R. |
Himalaya Publishing House |
2005 |
9788183188487 |
4th Ed. |
P.V. |
UG Library |
547 CHO |
00139021 |
Advanced theory in Organic Chemistry: Vol-1 |
Chouhan, M. S. |
Shri balaji publications, |
2019 |
9789384934606 |
2nd ed, |
592 p.; |
UG Library |
547 CLA |
00102232 |
Organic Chemistry |
Clayden, Jonathan |
Oxford university; |
2001 |
9780198503460 |
1513p. ; |
UG Library |
547 CLA |
00129361 |
Organic Chemistry |
Jonathan Clayden |
Oxford University Press, |
2001 |
0198503474 | 9780198728719 |
2n ed, |
xxv, 1234 p.: |
UG Library |
547 CLA |
00129362 |
Organic Chemistry |
Jonathan Clayden |
Oxford University Press, |
2001 |
0198503474 | 9780198728719 |
2n ed, |
xxv, 1234 p.: |
UG Library |
547 CLA |
00129363 |
Organic Chemistry |
Jonathan Clayden |
Oxford University Press, |
2001 |
0198503474 | 9780198728719 |
2n ed, |
xxv, 1234 p.: |
UG Library |
547 CLA |
00126062 |
Organic Chemistry |
Jonathan Clayden |
Oxford University Press, |
2001 |
0198503474 | 9780198728719 |
2n ed, |
xxv, 1234 p.: |
UG Library |
547 CLA |
00126063 |
Organic Chemistry |
Jonathan Clayden |
Oxford University Press, |
2001 |
0198503474 | 9780198728719 |
2n ed, |
xxv, 1234 p.: |
UG Library |
547 CLA |
00057906 |
Organic Chemistry |
Clayden, Jonathan |
Oxford university; |
2001 |
9780198503460 |
1513p. ; |
UG Library |
547 CLA |
00119466 |
Organic Chemistry |
Jonathan Clayden |
Oxford University Press, |
2001 |
0198503474 | 9780198728719 |
2n ed, |
xxv, 1234 p.: |
UG Library |
547 CLA |
00007291 |
Modern Organic Chemistry: An Introduction |
Clark N.G. |
Oxford University Press |
1964 |
574 p. |
UG Library |
547 CLA |
00011769 |
A Handbook of Organic Analysis: Qualitative And Quantitative |
Clarke,Hans Thacher. |
Orient Longman Ltd |
1926 |
4th Ed. |
363 p. |
UG Library |
547 CLA |
00004510 |
A Handbook of Organic Analysis: Qualitative And Quantitative |
Clarke,Hans Thacher. |
Orient Longman Ltd |
1926 |
4th Ed. |
363 p. |
UG Library |
547 CON |
00007989 |
Deductive Organic Chemistry a Short Course |
Conrow, Kenneth |
Indian Social Institute |
1970 |
405p |
UG Library |
547 CRA |
00020286 |
The Essence of Organic Chemistry |
Cram Jane M. |
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co |
1978 |
456 p. |
UG Library |
547 CRA |
00001165 |
Organic Chemistry |
Cram,Donald J. |
McGraw Hill Book Co Inc |
1964 |
846 p. |
UG Library |
547 CRA |
04007696 |
Organic Chemistry / |
Cram, Donald J. |
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., |
1959 |
xv, 712p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 DAH |
00111570 |
Calculations in Chemistry: |
Dahm, Donald J. |
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., |
2013 |
9780393912869 |
xvi: 542p.; |
UG Library |
547 DAV |
00118774 |
Organic Chemistry |
Davis, Gene A. |
MedTech, |
2013 |
9789381714195 |
x:206p.; |
UG Library |
547 DAV |
00118963 |
Organic Chemistry |
Davis, Gene A. |
MedTech, |
2013 |
9789381714195 |
x:206p.; |
UG Library |
547 DAV |
00132811 |
A study guide organic chemistry |
Dave,Pareshkumar Y |
Cyber tech publications, |
2018 |
9789350536568 |
232p.; |
UG Library |
547 DEL |
00047808 |
Problems in Organic Chemistry |
Delvin,Samuel. |
Sarup and Sons |
1999 |
8176250511 |
1st Ed. |
206 p. |
UG Library |
547 DEN |
00146219 |
General, Organic, and Biochemistry. |
Denniston, K. J. |
McGraw Hill, |
2023 |
9781265138462 | |
11th ed. |
xxii, 823 p. I-20 |
UG Library |
547 DEN |
00128933 |
General, Organic, and Biochemistry. |
Denniston, K. J. |
McGraw Hill, |
2014 |
9780073402765 | |
Eighth edition / |
xxii, 819 p. : |
UG Library |
547 DEY |
00004509 |
Laboratory Manual Of Organic Chemistry |
Dey, B.B. |
S. Vishanathan |
1937 |
4th Ed. |
297 p. |
UG Library |
547 DHI |
00127019 |
Systematic Nomenclature of Organic Compounds |
Dhillon, Ranjit S. |
I.K.International, |
2015 |
9789384588281 |
120 p.: |
UG Library |
547 DOH |
00001174 |
Elementrary Organic Chemistry. |
Bolh, B S |
S Chand |
1968 |
1 |
UG Library |
547 EGE |
00027863 |
Organic Chemistry |
Ege,Seyhan N. |
Heath International |
1981 |
xxi; 1163 p. |
UG Library |
547 EGE |
00049812 |
Organic Chemistry |
Ege,Seyhan N. |
D.C. Heath And Co |
1989 |
0669181781 | 9780669181784 |
2nd Ed. |
1182 p. |
UG Library |
547 EGE |
00069922 |
Organic Chemistry: Structure and Reactivity |
Ege,Seyhan. |
A.I.T.B.S. Publishers & Distributors |
2005 |
8174730737 |
3rd Ed. |
1355 p. |
UG Library |
547 ELI |
05065210 |
The Chemistry of the p - Block Elements : |
Elias,Anil J. |
University Press, |
2019 |
9789386235718 |
xxiii,624p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
547 ENG |
00000505 |
Principles of Organic Chemistry |
English, James |
Mc Graw Hill |
pv |
UG Library |
547 FER |
00010232 |
Modern Structural Theroy of Organic Chemistry |
Ferguson,Lloyd N. |
Prentice-Hall |
1966 |
600 p. |
UG Library |
547 FER |
00001169 |
Textbook of Organic Chemistry |
Ferguson, Lloyd N. |
D.Van Nostrand Co Inc |
1968 |
2nd Ed. |
755 p. |
UG Library |
547 FER |
00001170 |
Modern Structural Theroy of Organic Chemistry |
Ferguson,Lloyd N. |
Prentice-Hall |
1966 |
600 p. |
UG Library |
547 FES |
04007695 |
Organic Chemistry/ |
Fessenden, Ralph J |
Willard Grant Press; |
1979 |
0871507242 |
xvi,1040p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 FIE |
00007186 |
Organic Chemistry |
Fieser,Louis F. |
Asian Publishing House |
1956 |
3rd Ed. |
1111 p. |
UG Library |
547 FIE |
04007672 |
Organic chemsitry / |
Fieser, Louis F. |
Reinhold Publishing Corporation, |
1956 |
3rd ed, |
v, 1112p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 FIE |
00007185 |
Organic Chemistry |
Fieser,Louis F. |
Asian Publishing House |
1956 |
3rd Ed. |
1111 p. |
UG Library |
547 FIE |
00002537 |
Organic Chemistry |
Fieser,Louis F. |
Asian Publishing House |
1956 |
3rd Ed. |
1111 p. |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00137096 |
Organic Chemistry : |
Finar, I. L. |
Pearson Education, |
2014 |
9788177585421 |
6th (19th REP) ed. |
xiv, 965p.; |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00137097 |
Organic Chemistry : |
Finar, I. L. |
Pearson Education, |
2014 |
9788177585421 |
6th (19th REP) ed. |
xiv, 965p.; |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00137098 |
Organic Chemistry : |
Finar, I L. |
Pearson Education Inc., |
2019 |
9788177585414 |
5th (23rd rep) ed. |
956 p.; |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00137099 |
Organic Chemistry : |
Finar, I L. |
Pearson Education Inc., |
2019 |
9788177585414 |
5th (23rd rep) ed. |
956 p.; |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00053365 |
Organic Chemistry: The Fundamental Principles |
Finar, I. L |
Pearson Education, |
1973 |
9788177585421 |
6th ed. |
xiv, 965 p.: |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00073707 |
Organic Chemistry: Stereochemistry And The Chemisty Of Natural Products |
Finar I.L. |
English Language Book Society |
1975 |
5th Ed. |
942 p. |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00030843 |
Organic Chemistry: Stereochemistry And The Chemisty Of Natural Products |
Finar I.L. |
English Language Book Society |
1975 |
5th Ed. |
942 p. |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00017887 |
Fundamental Organic Chemistry |
Finley,Thomas K. |
Prentice-Hall Inc |
1970 |
429 p. |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00028871 |
Organic Chemistry |
Finar, I L |
E L B S |
965 p |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00028872 |
Organic Chemistry |
Finar, I L |
E L B S |
965 p |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00120184 |
Organic Chemistry: |
Finar, I L |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177585414 |
5th ed. |
956 p.: |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00120186 |
Organic chemistry |
Finar, I. L. |
Pearson, |
2002 |
0582442214 (v. 1) | 9788177585 |
6th ed. |
965 p. : |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00030841 |
Organic Chemistry: The Fundamental Principles |
Finar, I. L |
Pearson Education, |
1973 |
9788177585421 |
6th ed. |
xiv, 965 p.: |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00141110 |
Organic Chemistry: |
Finar, I L |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177585414 |
5th ed. |
956 p.: |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00083546 |
Organic Chemistry: |
Finar, I L |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177585414 |
5th ed. |
956 p.: |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00141109 |
Organic Chemistry: The Fundamental Principles |
Finar, I. L |
Pearson Education, |
1973 |
9788177585421 |
6th ed. |
xiv, 965 p.: |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00083547 |
Organic Chemistry: |
Finar, I L |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177585414 |
5th ed. |
956 p.: |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00003730 |
Organic Chemistry |
Finar I.L. |
The English Language Book Society |
1968 |
4th Ed. |
852 p. |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00120192 |
Problems and their Solution in Organic Chemistry |
Finar, I. L |
Pearson Education Ltd, |
1973 |
9788131700938 |
IX, 359 p.: |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00052581 |
Problems and Their Solution in Organic Chemistry |
Finar, I L |
Pearson Education |
1971 |
8178083795 |
352p |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00062444 |
Organic Chemistry: |
Finar, I L |
Pearson Education |
2003 |
948p |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00082614 |
Organic Chemistry: The Fundamental Principles |
Finar, I. L |
Pearson Education, |
1973 |
9788177585421 |
6th ed. |
xiv, 965 p.: |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
04011393 |
Organic chemistry |
Finar, I. L. |
Pearson, |
2002 |
0582442214 (v. 1) | 9788177585 |
6th ed. |
965 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 FIN |
00082615 |
Organic Chemistry: The Fundamental Principles |
Finar, I. L |
Pearson Education, |
1973 |
9788177585421 |
6th ed. |
xiv, 965 p.: |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00013615 |
Problems and Their Solution in Organic Chemistry |
Finar, I L |
Pearson Education |
1971 |
8178083795 |
352p |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00145695 |
Organic Chemistry : |
Finar, I. L. |
Pearson Education, |
2014 |
9788177585421 |
6th (19th REP) ed. |
xiv, 965p.; |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00073706 |
Organic Chemistry: The Fundamental Principles |
Finar, I. L |
Pearson Education, |
1973 |
9788177585421 |
6th ed. |
xiv, 965 p.: |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00082613 |
Organic Chemistry: The Fundamental Principles |
Finar, I. L |
Pearson Education, |
1973 |
9788177585421 |
6th ed. |
xiv, 965 p.: |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00083566 |
Organic Chemistry: The Fundamental Principles |
Finar, I. L |
Pearson Education, |
1973 |
9788177585421 |
6th ed. |
xiv, 965 p.: |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00083565 |
Organic Chemistry: The Fundamental Principles |
Finar, I. L |
Pearson Education, |
1973 |
9788177585421 |
6th ed. |
xiv, 965 p.: |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00030844 |
Organic Chemistry: Stereochemistry And The Chemisty Of Natural Products |
Finar I.L. |
English Language Book Society |
1975 |
5th Ed. |
942 p. |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00082619 |
Organic Chemistry: |
Finar, I L |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177585414 |
5th ed. |
956 p.: |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00082620 |
Organic Chemistry: |
Finar, I L |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177585414 |
5th ed. |
956 p.: |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
04024947 |
Organic chemistry |
Finar, I. L. |
Pearson, |
2002 |
0582442214 (v. 1) | 9788177585 |
6th ed. |
965 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 FIN |
04024941 |
Organic Chemistry: |
Finar, I L |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177585414 |
5th ed. |
956 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 FIN |
00030842 |
Organic Chemistry: The Fundamental Principles |
Finar, I. L |
Pearson Education, |
1973 |
9788177585421 |
6th ed. |
xiv, 965 p.: |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00005247 |
Organic Chemistry: |
Finar, I L |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177585414 |
5th ed. |
956 p.: |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00005246 |
Organic Chemistry: |
Finar, I L |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177585414 |
5th ed. |
956 p.: |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00014273 |
Organic Chemistry: The Fundamental Principles |
Finar, I. L |
Pearson Education, |
1973 |
9788177585421 |
6th ed. |
xiv, 965 p.: |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00140822 |
Organic Chemistry: The Fundamental Principles |
Finar, I. L |
Pearson Education, |
1973 |
9788177585421 |
6th ed. |
xiv, 965 p.: |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00140823 |
Organic Chemistry: |
Finar, I L |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177585414 |
5th ed. |
956 p.: |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00010709 |
Organic Chemistry |
Finar I.L. |
The English Language Book Society |
1968 |
4th Ed. |
852 p. |
UG Library |
547 FIN |
00018053 |
Organic Chemistry |
Finar I.L. |
The English Language Book Society |
1968 |
4th Ed. |
852 p. |
UG Library |
547 FOX |
00038474 |
Organic Chemistry |
Fox, Marye Anne. |
Jones and Bartlett Pub, |
1994 |
9780867202076 |
870 p. |
UG Library |
547 FUR |
00137068 |
Text book of Practical Organic Chemistry , |
Furniss,Brian S. |
Pearson, |
2012 |
9788177589573 |
5th (12th rep) edition |
xxviii,1514p.; |
UG Library |
547 FUR |
00137069 |
Text book of Practical Organic Chemistry , |
Furniss,Brian S. |
Pearson, |
2012 |
9788177589573 |
5th (12th rep) edition |
xxviii,1514p.; |
UG Library |
547 FUR |
00083550 |
Vogel`s Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry |
Furniss, S Brian |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2005 |
8177589571 | 9788129702630 |
5th ed, |
xxvii, 1514 p. : |
UG Library |
547 FUR |
00083551 |
Vogel`s Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry |
Furniss, S Brian |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2005 |
8177589571 | 9788129702630 |
5th ed, |
xxvii, 1514 p. : |
UG Library |
547 FUR |
00082635 |
Vogel`s Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry |
Furniss, S Brian |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2005 |
8177589571 | 9788129702630 |
5th ed, |
xxvii, 1514 p. : |
UG Library |
547 FUR |
00045031 |
Vogel`s Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry |
Furniss, S Brian |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2005 |
8177589571 | 9788129702630 |
5th ed, |
xxvii, 1514 p. : |
UG Library |
547 GHA |
00120166 |
A Textbook of Organic Chemistry |
Ghatak K. L |
PHI Learning Pvt Ltd, |
2014 |
9788120347977 |
XV, 1304.: |
UG Library |
547 GHO |
00082626 |
Advanced General Organic Chemistry: A Modern Approach. |
Ghosh, Sachin K |
New Central Book Agency Pvt.Ltd |
2007 |
8173814414 |
1482p |
UG Library |
547 GHO |
00082627 |
Advanced General Organic Chemistry: A Modern Approach. |
Ghosh, Sachin K |
New Central Book Agency Pvt.Ltd |
2007 |
8173814414 |
1482p |
UG Library |
547 GIB |
04007711 |
Mastering Organic Chemistry : |
Gibson |
W.B. Saunders Company, |
1979 |
vii, 563p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 GIL |
00033572 |
Organic Chemistry |
Gilman,Henry. |
John Wiley & Sons Inc |
1945 |
2nd Ed. |
1077 p. |
UG Library |
547 GIL |
00033573 |
Organic Chemistry |
Gilman,Henry. |
John Wiley & Sons Inc |
1945 |
2nd Ed. |
1077 p. |
UG Library |
547 GUP |
00128598 |
Problems and Solutions in Organic Chemistry |
Gupta, Subrata Sen |
Oxford University Press, |
2015 |
9780199455461 |
758 P.: |
UG Library |
547 GUP |
00128597 |
Problems and Solutions in Organic Chemistry |
Gupta, Subrata Sen |
Oxford University Press, |
2015 |
9780199455461 |
758 P.: |
UG Library |
547 GUP |
00052308 |
A Text Book of Organic Chemistry |
Gupta R.K. |
Arihant Prakashan |
2001 |
3rd Ed. |
798 p. |
UG Library |
547 Gup |
00120220 |
Problems and Solutions in Organic Chemistry |
Gupta, Subrata Sen |
Oxford University Press, |
2015 |
9780199455461 |
758 P.: |
UG Library |
547 GUP |
00120223 |
Organic Chemistry |
Gupta, Subrata Sen |
Oxford University Press, |
2014 |
9780199451647 |
xix:719p.; |
UG Library |
547 GUP |
00062721 |
Objective Chemistry |
Dr.R.K. Gupta |
UG Library |
547 GUP |
05065492 |
Concepts of Organic Chemistry Vol2 / |
Gupta,Ajnish Kumar. |
G K Publication, |
2020 |
9788193975305 |
757p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
547 GUP |
00119164 |
Organic Chemistry |
Gupta, Subrata Sen |
Oxford University Press, |
2014 |
9780199451647 |
xix:719p.; |
UG Library |
547 GUP |
00132440 |
Concepts of organic chemistry for competitive examinations, |
Gupta,Ajnish Kumar |
CL Media pvt ltd., |
2019 |
9789387444713 | 9789387444720 |
Volumes |
UG Library |
547 GUP |
00132441 |
Concepts of organic chemistry for competitive examinations, |
Gupta,Ajnish Kumar |
CL Media pvt ltd., |
2019 |
9789387444713 | 9789387444720 |
Volumes |
UG Library |
547 HAI |
00122644 |
Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry |
Haider, Nafis S. |
S Chand |
2004 |
9788121907675 |
548p |
UG Library |
547 HAI |
00024575 |
Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry |
Haider, Nafis S. |
S Chand |
2004 |
9788121907675 |
548p |
UG Library |
547 HAI |
00115609 |
Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry |
Haider, Nafis S. |
S Chand |
2004 |
9788121907675 |
548p |
UG Library |
547 HAN |
00005259 |
An Outline Organic Chemistry |
Hansch,Corwin. |
McGraw-Hill Book Co Inc |
1959 |
2nd Ed. |
336 p. |
UG Library |
547 HAN |
00138461 |
Natural Products : |
Hanson,James R. |
The Royal Society of Chemistry, |
2003 |
9780854044900 |
vi,147p.; |
UG Library |
547 HAR |
00082702 |
Organic Chemistry at a Glance |
Harwood,Laurence M. |
Blackwell Publishing |
2004 |
9780865427822 |
103 p. |
UG Library |
547 HAR |
00061333 |
Organic Chemistry at a Glance |
Harwood,Laurence M. |
Blackwell Publishing |
2004 |
9780865427822 |
103 p. |
UG Library |
547 HEA |
00127695 |
Introduction to Organic Chemistry |
Heathcock, Clayton H. |
Medtech, |
2017 |
9789385998898 |
4th ed, |
xviii, 1256 p. |
UG Library |
547 HEA |
04029135 |
Introduction to Organic Chemistry |
Heathcock, Clayton H. |
Medtech, |
2017 |
9789385998898 |
4th ed, |
xviii, 1256 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 HEN |
00020166 |
Naming Open-Chain Compounds |
Henderson Euan S. |
Oxford University Press |
1972 |
98 p. |
UG Library |
547 HOF |
00045856 |
Organic Chemistry: an Intermediate Text |
Hoffman, Robert V |
1997 |
0195096185 |
322p |
UG Library |
547 HOF |
00082631 |
Organic Chemistry: An Intermediate Text. |
Hoffman, Robert V |
2004 |
0471450243 |
476p |
UG Library |
547 HOR |
00084921 |
Organic Chemistry |
Hornback, Joseph M |
Thomson |
2006 |
0534493173 |
2nd ed. |
1219p |
UG Library |
547 HOR |
00120187 |
Foundations of Organic Chemistry Worked Examples |
Hormby, Michael |
Oxford University Press, |
2012 |
9780195674057 |
92 p.: |
UG Library |
547 HOR |
00082687 |
Organic Chemistry |
Hornback, Joseph M |
Thomson |
2006 |
0534493173 |
2nd ed. |
1219p |
UG Library |
547 ING |
00106539 |
Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry |
Ingold, C K |
CBS Publishers |
1994 |
9788123909752 |
2nd ed. |
1266p |
UG Library |
547 ING |
00084892 |
Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry |
Ingold, C K |
CBS Publishers |
1994 |
9788123909752 |
2nd ed. |
1266p |
UG Library |
547 IQB |
00106846 |
Text book of Bio-organic Chemisty |
Iqbal S.A. |
Discovery Publishin House PVT.LTD. |
2011 |
9788183568326 |
339 P. |
UG Library |
547 JAI |
00090052 |
Modern Organic Chemistry |
Jain, M K |
S Nagin & Co |
1978 |
962p |
UG Library |
547 JAI |
00090051 |
Modern Organic Chemistry |
Jain, M K |
S Nagin & Co |
1978 |
962p |
UG Library |
547 JAI |
00009097 |
Modern Organic Chemistry |
Jain, M K |
S Nagin & Co |
1978 |
962p |
UG Library |
547 JAI |
00016888 |
Principles of Organic Chemistry |
Jain M.K. |
S. Nagin & Co. |
1976 |
8th Ed. |
1104 p. |
UG Library |
547 JAI |
00016889 |
Principles of Organic Chemistry |
Jain M.K. |
S. Nagin & Co. |
1976 |
8th Ed. |
1104 p. |
UG Library |
547 JAI |
00016890 |
Principles of Organic Chemistry |
Jain M.K. |
S. Nagin & Co. |
1976 |
8th Ed. |
1104 p. |
UG Library |
547 JAI |
00026393 |
Modern Principles of Organic Chemistry |
Jain M.K. |
Shoban Nagin Chand & Co |
1983 |
12th Ed. |
1107 p. |
UG Library |
547 JAI |
00009096 |
Principles of Organic Chemistry |
Jain M.K. |
S. Nagin & Co. |
1983 |
4th Ed. |
496 p |
UG Library |
547 JAI |
00128393 |
Modern Organic Chemistry |
Jain, M K |
Vishal Publications CO., |
2017 |
1458p : . |
UG Library |
547 JAI |
00090053 |
Modern Organic Chemistry |
Jain, M K |
S Nagin & Co |
1978 |
962p |
UG Library |
547 JON |
00073400 |
Organic Chemistry |
Jones,Maitland Jr. |
W.W. Norton & Co |
2005 |
0393393924 | 9780393924084 |
3rd Ed. |
1323 p. |
UG Library |
547 JON |
00105256 |
Organic Chemistry |
Jones, Maitland. |
W.W. Norton & Company |
2010 |
9780393117363 |
4th. |
1220 p. |
UG Library |
547 JON |
00117503 |
Organic chemistry / |
Jones, Maitland, |
W.W. Norton, |
2014 |
9780393937138 | 0393931498 (ha |
5th ed. / |
xxxix, 1220, [43] p. : |
UG Library |
547 JON |
00078070 |
Organic Chemistry |
Jones, Maitland |
1997 |
0393970795 |
1394p |
UG Library |
547 JON |
00061785 |
Organic Chemistry |
Jones,Maitland. |
W.W. Norton & Company |
2000 |
2nd Ed. |
1316 p. |
UG Library |
547 JON |
04007437 |
Organic Chemistry |
Jones, Maitland. |
W.W. Norton & Company |
2010 |
9780393117363 |
4th. |
1220 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 KAL |
00110905 |
Pharmaceutical Medicinal And Natural Product Chemistry |
Kalsi P.S. |
Narosa Publishing House |
2013 |
9788184870381 |
xxii; P.V. |
UG Library |
547 KAL |
00124212 |
Pharmaceutical Medicinal And Natural Product Chemistry |
Kalsi P.S. |
Narosa Publishing House |
2013 |
9788184870381 |
xxii; P.V. |
UG Library |
547 KAL |
00050469 |
Textbook of Organic Chemistry |
Kalsi P.S. |
Macmillan |
1999 |
562 p. |
UG Library |
547 KAR |
00118436 |
Organic chemistry : |
Karty, Joel. |
W.W.Norton |
2014 |
9780393937121 |
1308p.1-33 |
UG Library |
547 KAS |
00132571 |
Computational organic chemistry |
Kasr,Madhukar G |
Oxford book company, |
2017 |
9789350303122 |
viii,296p.; |
UG Library |
547 KEE |
00108868 |
Practical organic synthesis |
Keese, Reinhart. |
John Wiley & Sons, |
2006 |
047002965X (acidfree paper) | |
vi, 199 p. : |
UG Library |
547 KHA |
00132867 |
Organic Chemistry: |
Khamar, A.P., |
Cyber Tech Publications, |
2018 |
9789350536391 |
x,224 p.; |
UG Library |
547 KIC |
00007795 |
Modern Principles Of Organic Chemistry: Intoduction |
Kice,John L. |
Amerind Publishing Co Pvt Ltd |
1966 |
449 p. |
UG Library |
547 KIP |
00012943 |
Organic Chemistry: Part-3 |
Kipping,Stanley F. |
The English Language Book Society |
1958 |
1156 p. |
UG Library |
547 KIS |
00110361 |
Problems In Organic Chemistry |
Kislaya,Shardendu. |
Discovery Publishing House Pvt Ltd |
2011 |
9788183568142 |
1st Ed. |
318 p. |
UG Library |
547 KLE |
00127697 |
Organic chemistry |
Klein, David R., |
John Wiley, |
2012 |
9780471756149 |
xxiii, 1295, [38] p. |
UG Library |
547 KLE |
00137039 |
Organic chemistry |
Klein, David R., |
Johns Hopkins university, |
2018 |
9780471756149 |
xxiii, 1217, [38] p. ; |
UG Library |
547 KRI |
00084955 |
Chemistry of Natural Products: A Laboratory Handbook. |
Krishnaswamy, N R |
Universities Press |
2003 |
8173714525 |
124p |
UG Library |
547 KRI |
00102238 |
Chemistry of Natural Products |
Krishnaswamy N.R. |
Universities Press |
2010 |
9788173716775 |
2nd Ed. |
417 p. |
UG Library |
547 KRI |
00085715 |
Chemistry of Natural Products: A Unified Approach |
Krishnaswamy N.R. |
Universities Press |
1999 |
8173710937 | 9788173710933 |
224 p. |
UG Library |
547 KRI |
00085714 |
Chemistry of Natural Products: A Unified Approach |
Krishnaswamy N.R. |
Universities Press |
1999 |
8173710937 | 9788173710933 |
224 p. |
UG Library |
547 LON |
04007702 |
General Chemistry : |
Longo, Frederick R. |
McGrawHill Book Company, |
1974 |
xxi, 765p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 LOU |
00106923 |
Organic Chemistry |
Loudon,Marc G. |
Oxford University |
2002 |
9780195119992 |
4th Ed. |
1353 p. |
UG Library |
547 LOU |
00062719 |
Organic Chemistry |
Loudon,Marc G. |
Oxford University |
2002 |
9780195119992 |
4th Ed. |
1353 p. |
UG Library |
547 LOU |
04023428 |
Organic Chemistry / |
Loudon, G. Marc |
OUP, |
2002 |
9780195686173 |
1353p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 LOU |
00073252 |
Organic Chemistry |
Loudon,Marc G. |
Oxford University |
2002 |
9780195119992 |
4th Ed. |
1353 p. |
UG Library |
547 LOU |
05033574 |
Organic chemistry / |
Loudon, G. Marc. |
Oxford University Press, |
2002 |
0195119991 (acidfree paper) |
4th ed. |
1 v. (various pagings) : |
Knowledge Centre |
547 LOW |
04007677 |
Mechanism and theory in organic chemistry / |
Lowry, Thomas H |
Harper & Row, Publishers, |
1981 |
2nd ed, |
x, 991p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 LOW |
00028218 |
Mechanism and Theory in Organic Chemistry |
Lowry H. Thomas, |
Harcourt & Row , |
1987 |
3th ed, |
1090 p.: |
UG Library |
547 MAC |
00045610 |
Organic Chemistry |
Macomber,Roger. |
Viva Books Pvt Limited |
1998 |
8185617783 |
318 p. |
UG Library |
547 MAC |
00045611 |
Organic Chemistry |
Macomber,Roger. |
Viva Books Pvt Limited |
1998 |
8185617783 |
318 p. |
UG Library |
547 MAC |
00017797 |
Organic Chemistry Simplified |
Macy,Rudolph |
D.B. Taraporevala Sons & Co Pv Ltd |
1955 |
611 p. |
UG Library |
547 MAJ |
00138673 |
Organic Chemistry Vol-III |
Majumdar, Anadi |
Books & Allied (P) Ltd., |
2020 |
9788193984895 |
Vol-III |
1020 p.; |
UG Library |
547 MAJ |
00138674 |
Organic Chemistry Vol-III |
Majumdar, Anadi |
Books & Allied (P) Ltd., |
2020 |
9788193984895 |
Vol-III |
1020 p.; |
UG Library |
547 MAJ |
00138675 |
Organic Chemistry Vol-III |
Majumdar, Anadi |
Books & Allied (P) Ltd., |
2020 |
9788193984895 |
Vol-III |
1020 p.; |
UG Library |
547 MAJ |
00118834 |
Organic Chemistry |
Majumdar, Anadi |
Books & Allied (P) Ltd., |
2014 |
iv:966p.; |
UG Library |
547 MAJ |
00118835 |
Organic Chemistry |
Majumdar, Anadi |
Books & Allied (P) Ltd., |
2014 |
iv:966p.; |
UG Library |
547 MAN |
00084919 |
Practical Organic Chemistry |
Mann,Frederick George. |
The English Language Book Society |
1974 |
0582442311 |
4th Ed. |
587 p. |
UG Library |
547 MAN |
00009674 |
Practical Organic Chemistry |
Mann,Frederick George. |
The English Language Book Society |
1974 |
0582442311 |
4th Ed. |
587 p. |
UG Library |
547 MAN |
00084920 |
Practical Organic Chemistry |
Mann,Frederick George. |
The English Language Book Society |
1974 |
0582442311 |
4th Ed. |
587 p. |
UG Library |
547 MAN |
00084895 |
Practical Organic Chemistry |
Mann,Frederick George. |
The English Language Book Society |
1974 |
0582442311 |
4th Ed. |
587 p. |
UG Library |
547 MAN |
00090622 |
Practical Organic Chemistry |
Mann,Frederick George. |
The English Language Book Society |
1974 |
0582442311 |
4th Ed. |
587 p. |
UG Library |
547 MAN |
00014272 |
Practical Organic Chemistry |
Mann,Frederick George. |
The English Language Book Society |
1974 |
0582442311 |
4th Ed. |
587 p. |
UG Library |
547 MAN |
00124306 |
Practical Organic Chemistry |
Mann,Frederick George. |
Pearson. |
2009 |
9788131727102 |
4th Ed. |
xix, 587 p. |
UG Library |
547 MAN |
00132370 |
Practical Organic Chemistry |
Manna A K |
Books and Allied (P) Ltd. |
2018 |
9789384294120 |
485p. |
UG Library |
547 MAN |
00132371 |
Practical Organic Chemistry |
Manna A K |
Books and Allied (P) Ltd. |
2018 |
9789384294120 |
485p. |
UG Library |
547 MAN |
00132372 |
Practical Organic Chemistry |
Manna A K |
Books and Allied (P) Ltd. |
2018 |
9789384294120 |
485p. |
UG Library |
547 MAR |
00080329 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry |
March, Jerry. |
Wiley India |
2005 |
8126510463 | 9788126510467 |
4th Ed. |
1495 p. |
UG Library |
547 MAR |
00082639 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry. |
March, Jerry |
Wiley India |
2007 |
8126510463 |
1495p |
UG Library |
547 MAR |
00082677 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry |
March, Jerry. |
Wiley India |
2005 |
8126510463 | 9788126510467 |
4th Ed. |
1495 p. |
UG Library |
547 MAS |
04007725 |
Chemistry : |
Masterton, William L. |
Saunders College publishing, |
1989 |
xxix, 991p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 MAT |
00128412 |
Chemistry of Natural Products & Biomolecules |
Mathew, G. D. Gem |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2015 |
9789382956273 |
172 p.: |
UG Library |
547 MAT |
00128411 |
Chemistry of Natural Products & Biomolecules |
Mathew, G. D. Gem |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2015 |
9789382956273 |
172 p.: |
UG Library |
547 MAT |
00124661 |
Chemistry of Natural Products & Biomolecules |
Mathew, G. D. Gem |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2015 |
9789382956273 |
172 p.: |
UG Library |
547 MAT |
00124662 |
Chemistry of Natural Products & Biomolecules |
Mathew, G. D. Gem |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2015 |
9789382956273 |
172 p.: |
UG Library |
547 MAU |
00082628 |
Basics of Organic Chemistry |
Maurya,Durgesh Kumar. |
Anmol Pubications Pvt Ltd |
2007 |
9788126133840 |
349 p. |
UG Library |
547 MCI |
00145697 |
Organic chemistry : |
McIntosh, John M., |
De Gruyter |
2022 |
9783110778205 |
2nd edition. |
xv, 383 pages : |
UG Library |
547 MCM |
05060500 |
Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry / |
McMurry, John |
Pearson, |
2018 |
9781292123462 |
8th edition in SI Units |
971p : . |
Knowledge Centre |
547 MCM |
00128928 |
Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry / |
McMurry, John |
Pearson, |
2018 |
9781292123462 |
8th edition in SI Units |
971p : . |
UG Library |
547 MCM |
04011315 |
Introduction to Organic Chemistry / |
McMurry, John |
Brooks/cole , |
2007 |
9788131506660 |
913 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 MCM |
00082605 |
Organic Chemistry |
Mcmurry,John. |
Books Cole |
2001 |
9812402365 |
5th Ed. |
1284 p. |
UG Library |
547 MCM |
00052101 |
Organic Chemistry |
Mcmurry,John. |
Books Cole |
2001 |
9812402365 |
5th Ed. |
1284 p. |
UG Library |
547 MCM |
04007732 |
Fundamentals of general, organic and biological chemistry / |
Mcmurry, John |
Prentice Hall, |
1999 |
xxi, 786p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 MEH |
00112232 |
Organic Chemistry/ |
Mehta, Bhupinder. |
PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., |
2012 |
9788120324411 |
xxxi: 1130p.; |
UG Library |
547 MEH |
00080254 |
Organic Chemistry |
Mehata, Bhupinder |
Prentice Hall of India |
8120324412 |
1130p |
UG Library |
547 MEH |
00111556 |
Organic Chemistry/ |
Mehta, Bhupinder. |
PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., |
2012 |
9788120324411 |
xxxi: 1130p.; |
UG Library |
547 MEH |
00148363 |
Organic Chemistry/ |
Mehta Bhupinder |
PHI Learning Pvt, |
2015 |
9788120351264 |
2nd ed, |
xxxi, 1172 p.: |
UG Library |
547 MEH |
00141593 |
Organic Chemistry/ |
Mehta Bhupinder |
PHI Learning Pvt, |
2015 |
9788120351264 |
2nd ed, |
xxxi, 1172 p.: |
UG Library |
547 MEH |
00141594 |
Organic Chemistry/ |
Mehta Bhupinder |
PHI Learning Pvt, |
2015 |
9788120351264 |
2nd ed, |
xxxi, 1172 p.: |
UG Library |
547 MEH |
00141592 |
Organic Chemistry/ |
Mehta Bhupinder |
PHI Learning Pvt, |
2015 |
9788120351264 |
2nd ed, |
xxxi, 1172 p.: |
UG Library |
547 MEH |
00124303 |
Organic Chemistry/ |
Mehta Bhupinder |
PHI Learning Pvt, |
2015 |
9788120351264 |
2nd ed, |
xxxi, 1172 p.: |
UG Library |
547 MEH |
00135719 |
Organic Chemistry/ |
Mehta Bhupinder |
PHI Learning Pvt, |
2015 |
9788120351264 |
2nd ed, |
xxxi, 1172 p.: |
UG Library |
547 MEH |
00135720 |
Organic Chemistry/ |
Mehta Bhupinder |
PHI Learning Pvt, |
2015 |
9788120351264 |
2nd ed, |
xxxi, 1172 p.: |
UG Library |
547 MEI |
04007707 |
Organic Chemistry |
Meislich, Herbert |
McGraw-Hill Book Company, |
1977 |
480p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 MEI |
00120165 |
3000 Solved Problems In Organic Chemistry |
Meislich, Estelle |
Special Indian Education |
2009 |
9780070085268 |
XI, 23.30 p.: |
UG Library |
547 MEI |
04023414 |
3000 Solved Problems In Organic Chemistry |
Meislich, Estelle |
Special Indian Education |
2009 |
9780070085268 |
XI, 23.30 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 MIL |
00083560 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions and Mechanisms |
Miller,Bernard. |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2006 |
8177582968 | 9788177582963 |
2nd Ed. |
426 p. |
UG Library |
547 MIR |
04030694 |
Textbook of Organic Chemistry / |
Rajat Publications, |
2024 |
9788178808888 |
272p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 MOH |
00120183 |
Organic analytical chemistry |
Jag Mohan. |
Narosa Publishing House |
2003 |
1842651196 | 9788173194726 |
xii, 660 p. : |
UG Library |
547 MOH |
00124210 |
Organic analytical chemistry |
Jag Mohan. |
Narosa Publishing House |
2003 |
1842651196 | 9788173194726 |
xii, 660 p. : |
UG Library |
547 MOH |
00108848 |
Organic analytical chemistry |
Jag Mohan. |
Narosa Publishing House |
2003 |
1842651196 | 9788173194726 |
xii, 660 p. : |
UG Library |
547 MOH |
00098462 |
Techniques in organic chemistry : |
Mohrig, Jerry R. |
W.H. Freeman, |
9780716769354 |
xv, 363, 26, 13 p. : |
UG Library |
547 MOL |
00084935 |
Structure and Reactivity in Organic Chemistry. |
Moloney,Mark G. |
Blackwell Publishing |
2008 |
9781405114516 | 9781405114516 |
306 p. |
UG Library |
547 MOL |
00083450 |
Structure and Reactivity in Organic Chemistry. |
Moloney,Mark G. |
Blackwell Publishing |
2008 |
9781405114516 | 9781405114516 |
306 p. |
UG Library |
547 MOR |
00052099 |
Organic Chemistry |
Morrison, Robert Thornton |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177581690 |
6th ed, |
1349 p.: |
UG Library |
547 MOR |
00083548 |
Organic Chemistry |
Morrison, Robert Thornton |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177581690 |
6th ed, |
1349 p.: |
UG Library |
547 MOR |
00085616 |
Organic Chemistry |
Morrison, Robert Thornton |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177581690 |
6th ed, |
1349 p.: |
UG Library |
547 MOR |
00083549 |
Organic Chemistry |
Morrison, Robert Thornton |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177581690 |
6th ed, |
1349 p.: |
UG Library |
547 MOR |
00007428 |
Organic Chemistry |
Morrison,Robert Thornton. |
Prentice -Hall |
1971 |
2nd Ed. |
1204 p. |
UG Library |
547 MOR |
10003804 |
Organic Chemistry |
Morrison, Robert Thornton |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177581690 |
6th ed, |
1349 p.: |
Yeshwanthpur Campus |
547 MOR |
00061432 |
Organic Chemistry |
Morrison, Thornton Robert |
Pearson Education |
1325p |
UG Library |
547 MOR |
04007687 |
Organic Chemistry / |
Morrison, Robert Thornton |
Allyn and Bacon, Inc., |
1973 |
3rd ed. |
ix, 1258p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 MOR |
00030637 |
Organic Chemistry/ |
Morrison, Robert Thornton |
Prentice Hall of India, |
2002 |
6th Ed. |
1278p. ; |
UG Library |
547 MOR |
00030849 |
Study Guide to Accompany Organic Chemistry |
Morrison,Robert T. |
Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd |
1989 |
0876925905 |
5th Ed. |
802 p. |
UG Library |
547 MOR |
00082707 |
Organic Chemistry |
Morrison, Robert Thornton |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177581690 |
6th ed, |
1349 p.: |
UG Library |
547 MOR |
00070221 |
Organic Chemistry |
Morrison, Robert Thornton |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177581690 |
6th ed, |
1349 p.: |
UG Library |
547 MOR |
00009873 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure |
March, Jerry |
Mcgraw-Hill |
1968 |
1098p |
UG Library |
547 MOR |
00038475 |
Organic Chemistry |
Morrison, Robert Thornton |
Pearson Education Inc. |
2008 |
9788177581690 |
6th ed, |
1349 p.: |
UG Library |
547 MOR |
00030650 |
Organic Chemistry |
Robert Thornton, Morrison |
Boston |
1987 |
1370 p |
UG Library |
547 MOR |
00140824 |
Organic Chemistry |
Morrison,Robert Thornton. |
Prentice -Hall, |
2011 |
9788131704813 |
7th Ed. |
xxviii, 1472 p:. |
UG Library |
547 MOR |
00119958 |
Study guide to Organic chemistry |
Morrison R T |
Pearson Education Inc. |
1992 |
9788131711514 |
6th ed. |
723p. |
UG Library |
547 MUK |
00118597 |
Organic Chemistry |
Mukherji S.M. |
New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers |
2012 |
9788122433685 |
2nd revised, Vol.2 |
527 p. |
UG Library |
547 MUK |
00118598 |
Organic Chemistry |
Mukherji S.M. |
New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers |
2012 |
9788122433685 |
2nd revised, Vol.2 |
527 p. |
UG Library |
547 MUK |
00118599 |
Organic Chemistry |
Mukherji S.M. |
New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers |
2012 |
9788122433685 |
2nd revised, Vol.2 |
527 p. |
UG Library |
547 MUK |
00118600 |
Organic Chemistry |
Mukherji S.M. |
New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers |
2012 |
9788122433685 |
2nd revised, Vol.2 |
527 p. |
UG Library |
547 MUK |
00107230 |
Mechanism of Organic Reactions |
Mukherjee K.S. |
Books and Allied (P) Ltd |
2010 |
9788187134541 |
427 P. |
UG Library |
547 MUK |
00090967 |
Organic Chemistry |
Mukherji S.M. |
New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers |
1985 |
9788122427387 | 9780852260012 |
1st Ed. |
1406 p. |
UG Library |
547 MUK |
00090963 |
Organic Chemistry |
Mukherji S.M. |
New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers |
1985 |
9788122427387 | 9780852260012 |
1st Ed. |
1406 p. |
UG Library |
547 MUK |
00090962 |
Organic Chemistry |
Mukherji S.M. |
New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers |
1985 |
9788122427387 | 9780852260012 |
1st Ed. |
1406 p. |
UG Library |
547 MUK |
00090965 |
Organic Chemistry |
Mukherji S.M. |
New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers |
1985 |
9788122427387 | 9780852260012 |
1st Ed. |
1406 p. |
UG Library |
547 MUK |
00090966 |
Organic Chemistry |
Mukherji S.M. |
New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers |
1985 |
9788122427387 | 9780852260012 |
1st Ed. |
1406 p. |
UG Library |
547 MUK |
00090964 |
Organic Chemistry |
Mukherji S.M. |
New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers |
2010 |
9788122427387 |
2nd Ed. |
728 p. |
UG Library |
547 MUK |
00055621 |
Organic Chemistry |
Mukherjee, P N |
Dominant Publishers |
2001 |
8187336986 |
226p |
UG Library |
547 MUK |
00108263 |
Mechanism of Organic Reactions |
Mukherjee K.S. |
Books and Allied (P) Ltd |
2010 |
9788187134541 |
427 P. |
UG Library |
547 MUK |
00110011 |
Textbook of Organic Chemistry for Pharmacy Students |
Mukherjee, K.S |
New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd |
2010 |
9788173816208 |
xxviii, 752 p. ; |
UG Library |
547 MUR |
00067907 |
Principles of Organic Chemistry. |
Murray,Peter R.S. |
Heinemann Educational Books |
2005 |
0435656430 |
2nd Ed. |
337 p. |
UG Library |
547 MUR |
00082618 |
Principles of Organic Chemistry. |
Murray,Peter R.S. |
Heinemann Educational Books |
2005 |
0435656430 |
2nd Ed. |
337 p. |
UG Library |
547 MYE |
00108604 |
Understanding the Principles Of Organic Chemistry: A Laboratory Course |
Myers,Pedersen |
Brooks/Cole Cengage Leaning |
2011 |
9781111428174 |
xxi; 400 p. |
UG Library |
547 NAD |
00002538 |
Organic Chemistry for Advanced Students |
Nadkarny V.V. |
The Popular Book Depot |
1949 |
2nd Ed. |
492 p. |
UG Library |
547 NAD |
00002541 |
Organic Chemistry for Advanced Students |
Nadkarny V.V. |
The Popular Book Depot |
1947 |
4th Ed. |
426 p. |
UG Library |
547 NAD |
00010233 |
Organic Chemistry |
Nadkarny V.V. |
Tardeo Road |
1969 |
458 p. |
UG Library |
547 NAR |
00091896 |
Mechanisms in advanced organic chemistry |
Narain R.P. |
New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers |
2008 |
9788122421354 |
1st Ed. |
314 p. |
UG Library |
547 NAR |
00091895 |
Mechanisms in advanced organic chemistry |
Narain R.P. |
New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers |
2008 |
9788122421354 |
1st Ed. |
314 p. |
UG Library |
547 NAR |
00132076 |
Mechanisms In Advanced Organic Chemistry |
Narain R.P, |
New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, |
2017 |
9789386286741 |
xvi,317 p.; |
UG Library |
547 NEC |
00019518 |
Organic Chemistry |
Neckers,Douglas C. |
John Wiley & Sons, |
1977 |
1147 p. |
UG Library |
547 NOL |
04007674 |
Chemistry of organic compounds / |
Noller, Carl R. |
W. B. Saunders company, |
1951 |
ix, 884p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 NOR |
00033931 |
Modern Organic Chemistry |
Norman R.O.C. |
English Language Book Society/Unwin Hyman |
1989 |
0713523654 |
4th Ed. |
390 p. |
UG Library |
547 NOR |
00030651 |
Organic Chemistry. |
Robert Thornton, Morrison |
Boston |
1987 |
1370 p |
UG Library |
547 OBI |
00118763 |
Calculations in Chemistry |
Obimakinde John Olusina |
I.K. International Publishibg, |
2014 |
9789382332732 |
xi, 708 p.: |
UG Library |
547 OBI |
00117887 |
Calculations in Chemistry |
Obimakinde John Olusina |
I.K. International Publishibg, |
2014 |
9789382332732 |
xi, 708 p.: |
UG Library |
547 OUE |
00121890 |
Principles of organic chemistry |
Ouellette Robert J |
Elsevier |
2015 |
9789351073185 |
485p. |
UG Library |
547 PAR |
00004964 |
Mellor's Modern Inorganic Chemistry |
Parkes G.D. |
English Language Book Society |
1963 |
1024 p. |
UG Library |
547 PAR |
00019176 |
Principles of Reaction Mechanism in Organic Chemistry |
Parmar V.S. |
Sultan Chand & Sons |
1978 |
2nd Ed. |
447 p. |
UG Library |
547 PAR |
00063026 |
Keynotes in Organic Chemistry |
Parsons,Andrew F. |
Blackwell Science |
2003 |
0140511942 | 9781405119429 |
228 p. |
UG Library |
547 PAR |
00062718 |
Keynotes in Organic Chemistry |
Parsons,Andrew F. |
Blackwell Science |
2003 |
0140511942 | 9781405119429 |
228 p. |
UG Library |
547 PAR |
00123520 |
Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds |
Parashar, Rakesh Kumar |
Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., |
2016 |
9789385462924 |
389 p:. |
UG Library |
547 PAR |
00014741 |
Mellor's Modern Inorganic Chemistry |
Parkes G.D. |
English Language Book Society |
1963 |
1024 p. |
UG Library |
547 PAR |
00008178 |
Mellor's Modern Inorganic Chemistry |
Parkes G.D. |
English Language Book Society |
1963 |
1024 p. |
UG Library |
547 PAR |
00011768 |
Principles of Reaction Mechanism in Organic Chemistry |
Parmar V.S. |
Sultan Chand & Sons |
1978 |
2nd Ed. |
447 p. |
UG Library |
547 PAR |
00019177 |
Principles of Reaction Mechanism in Organic Chemistry |
Parmar V.S. |
Sultan Chand & Sons |
1978 |
2nd Ed. |
447 p. |
UG Library |
547 PAS |
00143143 |
Practical Organic Chemistry (Volume II) / |
Pasricha,Sharda. |
Wiley , |
2022 |
9789355810342 |
xi,275p.; |
UG Library |
547 PAS |
00143142 |
Practical Organic Chemistry (Volume I) / |
Pasricha, Sharda |
Wiley, |
2022 |
9789355810328 |
xviii,292p.; |
UG Library |
547 PAT |
04012539 |
Organic and Biological Chemistry / |
Patrick B. Timothy |
Overseas Press ; |
2009 |
9781589490024 |
443 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 PAT |
00122474 |
Chemical Medhanism of Organic Chemistry |
Patil, Meghshyam K |
Oxford Book Company, |
2016 |
9789350302750 |
288 p:. |
UG Library |
547 PAT |
00107225 |
Organic Chemistry |
Pathak,Anup. |
Books and All Allied (P) Ltd. |
2011 |
978818713416x |
789 P. |
UG Library |
547 PAT |
00058330 |
Organic Chemistry |
Patrick, G |
Viva Books Private Limited |
2003 |
8176491705 |
315p |
UG Library |
547 PAT |
00122489 |
Reaction Mechanism in Organic Chemistry |
Patil, Meghshyam K |
Oxford Book Company, |
2016 |
9789350302781 |
288 p:. |
UG Library |
547 PAT |
00033574 |
Modern Organic Chemistry |
Pathak S.P. |
Dastane Ramachandra & Co. |
1974 |
623 p |
UG Library |
547 PAT |
00122482 |
Fundamental of Organic Chemistry |
Pati, Meghshyam K |
Oxford Book Company, |
2016 |
9789350302774 |
288 p:. |
UG Library |
547 PAT |
00132845 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry: |
Patel, D.C., |
Cyber Tech Publications, |
2018 |
9789350536414 |
x,224 p.; |
UG Library |
547 PAT |
00078069 |
Organic Chemistry |
Patrick G. |
Viva Books Private Limited |
2003 |
8176491705 | 9798176491708 |
2nd Ed. |
315 p. |
UG Library |
547 PAT |
00118961 |
Organic chemistry / |
Patrick, Graham L. |
Garland Science, |
2012 |
1859962645 (alk. paper) | 9781 |
2nd ed. |
x, 353 p. : |
UG Library |
547 PAT |
00119946 |
Organic chemistry / |
Patrick, Graham L. |
Garland Science, |
2012 |
1859962645 (alk. paper) | 9781 |
2nd ed. |
x, 353 p. : |
UG Library |
547 PAT |
00119954 |
Organic and Biological Chemistry / |
Patrick B. Timothy |
Overseas Press ; |
2009 |
9781589490024 |
443 p.: |
UG Library |
547 PAV |
00049800 |
Introduction to Organic Laboratory Techniques |
Pavia,Donald L. |
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers |
1990 |
0030254183 | 9780030254185 |
879 p. |
UG Library |
547 PET |
04007736 |
General Chemistry : |
Petrucce, Ralph H. |
Macmillan Publishing Company, |
1972 |
5th ed. |
xxi, 1042p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 PIM |
04007673 |
Chemistry : |
W. H. Freeman and company, |
1960 |
xiv, 466p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 PIN |
00109390 |
Organic Chemistry |
Pine Stanley |
Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd |
2007 |
9780070634251 |
5th Ed. |
xix; 1187 p. |
UG Library |
547 PIN |
04007667 |
Organic chemistry / |
Pine, Stanley H. |
McGraw-Hill, |
1987 |
0070501181 : |
5th ed. |
xix, 1187 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 PIN |
00026848 |
Organic Chemistry |
Pine,Stanley H. |
McGraw-Hill International Book Co |
1985 |
4th Ed. |
1039 p. |
UG Library |
547 PIN |
00030847 |
Organic Chemistry |
Pine,Stanley H. |
McGraw-Hill International Book Co |
1985 |
4th Ed. |
1039 p. |
UG Library |
547 PRA |
00018131 |
Organic Chemistry |
Prakash A. |
Kedar Nath Ram Nath |
1969 |
100 p. |
UG Library |
547 PRA |
00018149 |
Organic Chemistry |
Prakash A. |
Kedar Nath Ram Nath |
1969 |
100 p. |
UG Library |
547 PUR |
00010753 |
Elements of Organic Chemistry |
Puri B.R. |
S.Nagin & Co |
1960 |
491 p. |
UG Library |
547 PUR |
00010237 |
Elements of Organic Chemistry |
Puri B.R. |
S.Nagin & Co |
1960 |
491 p. |
UG Library |
547 PUY |
00122490 |
Reaction Mechanism in Inorganic Chemistry |
Puyad, Avinash L |
Oxford Book Company, |
2016 |
9789350302736 |
288 p:. |
UG Library |
547 RAM |
00002093 |
Organic Chemistry |
Ramalingam T. |
S.Chand & co |
1967 |
1st Ed. |
288 p. |
UG Library |
547 RAO |
00128396 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry: |
Rao,Balaji R. |
Vishal Publishing Co. |
2008 |
0818864644 | 9788188646449 |
856 p. |
UG Library |
547 RAO |
00128395 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry: |
Rao,Balaji R. |
Vishal Publishing Co. |
2008 |
0818864644 | 9788188646449 |
856 p. |
UG Library |
547 RAO |
00124647 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry: |
Rao,Balaji R. |
Vishal Publishing Co. |
2008 |
0818864644 | 9788188646449 |
856 p. |
UG Library |
547 RAO |
00124648 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry: |
Rao,Balaji R. |
Vishal Publishing Co. |
2008 |
0818864644 | 9788188646449 |
856 p. |
UG Library |
547 RAO |
00090054 |
Organic Chemistry: An Advanced University Course |
Rao,Balaji R. |
Vishal Publishing Co. |
2008 |
0818864644 | 9788188646449 |
464 p. |
UG Library |
547 RAO |
00090056 |
Organic Chemistry: An Advanced University Course |
Rao,Balaji R. |
Vishal Publishing Co. |
2008 |
0818864644 | 9788188646449 |
464 p. |
UG Library |
547 RAO |
00090055 |
Organic Chemistry: An Advanced University Course |
Rao,Balaji R. |
Vishal Publishing Co. |
2008 |
0818864644 | 9788188646449 |
464 p. |
UG Library |
547 RAO |
00093405 |
Viva Voce: Orals in Biochemistry |
Rao,Prabhakar B. |
New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers |
2007 |
0812242029 | 9788122420296 |
1st Ed. |
232 p. |
UG Library |
547 RAO |
00093406 |
Viva Voce: Orals in Biochemistry |
Rao,Prabhakar B. |
New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers |
2007 |
0812242029 | 9788122420296 |
1st Ed. |
232 p. |
UG Library |
547 RAO |
00091018 |
Viva Voce: Orals in Biochemistry |
Rao,Prabhakar B. |
New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers |
2007 |
0812242029 | 9788122420296 |
1st Ed. |
232 p. |
UG Library |
547 RAO |
00091019 |
Viva Voce: Orals in Biochemistry |
Rao,Prabhakar B. |
New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers |
2007 |
0812242029 | 9788122420296 |
1st Ed. |
232 p. |
UG Library |
547 RAT |
00143574 |
Organic Chemistry / |
Ratnani, Sonia. |
I K International, |
2021 |
9789390581139 |
xii,631p,; |
UG Library |
547 RAT |
00111555 |
Experimental Organic Chemistry/ |
Ratnani, Sonia. |
PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., |
2012 |
9788120346130 |
x: 374p.; |
UG Library |
547 RAT |
00132624 |
Comprehensive Stereochemistry |
Ratnani, Sonia |
Medtech, |
2018 |
9789386479471 |
232 p.: |
UG Library |
547 RAT |
00135007 |
Comprehensive Stereochemistry |
Ratnani, Sonia |
Medtech, |
2018 |
9789386479471 |
232 p.: |
UG Library |
547 REI |
00055620 |
Organic Chemistry |
Reingold, I David |
2002 |
0618072136 |
777p |
UG Library |
547 RIC |
00000504 |
Elements of Organic Chemistry |
Richards,John H. |
McGraw-Hill Book Co |
1967 |
444 p. |
UG Library |
547 RIE |
00014267 |
Problems in Organic Chemistry |
Rietz,Edward G. |
Prentice/Hall of India Private Limited |
1974 |
331 p. |
UG Library |
547 ROB |
00008002 |
Laboratory Practice of Organic Chemistry |
Robertson,Ross G. |
Amerind Publishing Co Pvt Ltd |
1937 |
4th Ed. |
383 p. |
UG Library |
547 ROB |
00007200 |
Laboratory Practice of Organic Chemistry |
Robertson,Ross G. |
Amerind Publishing Co Pvt Ltd |
1937 |
4th Ed. |
383 p. |
UG Library |
547 ROB |
00007562 |
Collection of Organic Chemistry Problems |
Roberts,John D. |
W.A.Benjamin Inc |
1967 |
324 p. |
UG Library |
547 ROC |
00001157 |
Organometallic Chemistry |
Rochow, Eugene G |
Champaman |
112p |
UG Library |
547 SAH |
00126718 |
Organic Chemistry Vol-3 |
Sahs,Anupa. |
Books and All Allied (P) Ltd. |
2017 |
9789384294885 |
880 p.: |
UG Library |
547 SAH |
00126719 |
Organic Chemistry Vol-3 |
Sahs,Anupa. |
Books and All Allied (P) Ltd. |
2017 |
9789384294885 |
880 p.: |
UG Library |
547 SAR |
00004506 |
Modern Organic Chemistry |
Sarkar P.B. |
Science Book Agency |
1970 |
634 p. |
UG Library |
547 SAR |
00110342 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions And Mechanics |
Sarkar,Arun. |
Swastik Publications |
2011 |
9789380138565 |
344 p. |
UG Library |
547 SAR |
00017815 |
Organic Chemistry |
Sarkar, Rakshit |
Sba |
522 p |
UG Library |
547 SAR |
00010234 |
Modern Organic Chemistry |
Sarkar P.B. |
Science Book Agency |
1970 |
634 p. |
UG Library |
547 SAX |
00098181 |
Chemistry : |
Saxena P B |
Discovery Publishing House Pvt.Ltd. |
9788183564427 |
277 p. |
UG Library |
547 SCH |
00082651 |
Study Guide and Solutions Manual for Organic Chemistry Structure and Function. |
Schore, Neil E |
2003 |
0716797593 |
471p |
UG Library |
547 SEA |
00131782 |
Organic and biochemistry for today |
Seager, Spencer L. |
Brooks/Col, |
2011 |
9780538734851 |
7th ed., |
xxvi,429p.; |
UG Library |
547 SEH |
00019010 |
Organic Chemistry |
Sehgal J.M. |
R.Chand & Co |
1977 |
2nd Ed. |
368 p. |
UG Library |
547 SHA |
00109364 |
Biomolecular Chemistry |
Sharma Ashok Kumar |
Random Publications |
2011 |
9789381421024 |
viii; 256 p. |
UG Library |
547 SHA |
00128408 |
Fundamentals Od Organic Chemistry |
Sharma, S.C |
Vishal Publicatios Co., |
2017 |
9789382956365 |
184p : . |
UG Library |
547 SHA |
00128407 |
Fundamentals Od Organic Chemistry |
Sharma, S.C |
Vishal Publicatios Co., |
2017 |
9789382956365 |
184p : . |
UG Library |
547 SHA |
00083572 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions and Mechanisms |
Singh,Shankar Maya. |
Pearson Education |
2005 |
8131711072 | 9788131711071 |
513 p. |
UG Library |
547 SHA |
00110623 |
Essentials Of Bio-Organic Chemistry |
Sharma, Vinay Prabha. |
Pragati Prakashan |
2011 |
9789350060407 |
6th Ed. |
227 p. |
UG Library |
547 SHA |
00082630 |
Problems in Organic Chemistry. |
Sharma, D S |
2003 |
0706996240 |
510p |
UG Library |
547 SHA |
00132850 |
Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, Isoxazole and Its Derivatives, |
Shaik, Firoz Pasha |
Swastika Publications, |
2019 |
9789383762804 |
viii,175 p.; |
UG Library |
547 SHA |
00122831 |
Essentials Of Bio-Organic Chemistry |
Sharma, Vinay Prabha. |
Pragati Prakashan |
2015 |
9789351402350 |
10th Ed. |
280p. |
UG Library |
547 SHA |
00055627 |
Problems in Organic Chemistry |
Sharma K.K. |
Vikash Publishing House Pvt Ltd |
2002 |
0706996240 |
2nd Ed. |
510 p. |
UG Library |
547 SHA |
00111480 |
Practical Organic Chemistry/ |
Sharma, Vinay Prabha. |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2011 |
9789350064795 |
1st Ed. |
xii:303p.; |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00137451 |
A logical approach to modern organic chemistry |
Singh,Jagadamba |
Pragati prakashan, |
2020 |
9788194187714 |
xvi,1264p.; |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00122394 |
Organic Chemistry of Natural Products |
Singh, Ayodhya |
Campus Books International, |
2006 |
8180300439 |
597 p:. |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00122393 |
Organic Chemistry of Natural Products |
Singh, Ayodhya |
Campus Books International, |
2006 |
8180300439 |
597 p:. |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00111489 |
Organic Chemistry |
Singh,Jadamba |
Prafgati Prakashan, |
2004 |
9789350067765 |
436p.; |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00111488 |
Organic Chemistry |
Singh,Jadamba |
Prafgati Prakashan, |
2004 |
9789350067765 |
436p.; |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00111487 |
Organic Chemistry |
Singh,Jadamba |
Prafgati Prakashan, |
2004 |
9789350067765 |
436p.; |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00122862 |
Recent trends and advances in IIT-JEE Advance Organic Chemistry/ |
Singh, Jagdamba. |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2015 |
9789351401223 |
10th Ed. |
iv;772p.; |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00122396 |
Advanced Experimental Organic Chemistry |
Singh, Ayodhya |
Campus Books International, |
2011 |
818781599X |
436 p:. |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00111498 |
Organic Chemistry Concepts & Applications/ |
Singh, Jagdamba. |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2003 |
9789350061879 |
7th Ed. |
xvi:818p.; |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00122857 |
Advanced problems in organic chemistry for IIT-JEE |
Singh, Jagdamba |
Pragati Prakashan |
2015 |
9789351404507 |
568p. |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00018055 |
A Textbook of Modern Organic Chemistry |
Singh,Jagindar. |
Atma Ram & Sons |
1964 |
11th Ed. |
768 p. |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00010244 |
Modern Organic Chemistry |
Singh,Jagindar. |
Atma Ram & Sons |
1972 |
12th Ed. |
740 p. |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00083569 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions and Mechanisms |
Singh,Shankar Maya. |
Pearson Education |
2005 |
8131711072 | 9788131711071 |
513 p. |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00083570 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions and Mechanisms |
Singh,Shankar Maya. |
Pearson Education |
2005 |
8131711072 | 9788131711071 |
513 p. |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00083571 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions and Mechanisms |
Singh,Shankar Maya. |
Pearson Education |
2005 |
8131711072 | 9788131711071 |
513 p. |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00110627 |
A Logical Approach To Modern Organic Chemistry |
Singh,Jagdamba. |
Pragati Prakashan |
2012 |
9789350067154 |
10th Ed. |
xv; 1264 p. |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00002095 |
A Textbook of Modern Organic Chemistry |
Singh,Jagindar. |
Atma Ram & Sons |
1964 |
11th Ed. |
768 p. |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00134352 |
Textbook of organic chemistry |
Singh,Santosh Kumar |
Adhyayan publishers, |
2018 |
9788184354591 |
xii,272p.; |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00082623 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions and Mechanisms |
Singh,Shankar Maya. |
Pearson Education |
2005 |
8131711072 | 9788131711071 |
513 p. |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00128836 |
Problems in Organic Chemistry |
Singh K. |
Wiley, |
2016 |
9788126555826 |
xiii,502 p.: |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00125284 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry and Reaction Mechanism |
Singh,R.K |
Book Enclave, |
2016 |
9788181523952 |
276 p.: |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00091767 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry |
Singh,Jagdamba. |
Pragati Prakashan |
2009 |
9788183988735 | 9789350067314 |
5th Ed. |
778 p. |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00091768 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry |
Singh,Jagdamba. |
Pragati Prakashan |
2009 |
9788183988735 | 9789350067314 |
5th Ed. |
778 p. |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00091769 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry |
Singh,Jagdamba. |
Pragati Prakashan |
2009 |
9788183988735 | 9789350067314 |
5th Ed. |
778 p. |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00122850 |
Organic Chemistry |
Singh, Jagdamba |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2014 |
9789350069981 |
12th edi. |
xi, 436 p:. |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00122849 |
Organic Chemistry |
Singh,Jadamba |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2015 |
9789351401780 |
12th edi. |
440 p:. |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00122848 |
Organic Chemistry |
Singh, Jagdamba |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2015 |
9789351401872 |
10th edi. |
xvi, 492 p:. |
UG Library |
547 SIN |
00111470 |
Natural Products Chemistry/ |
Singh, Jagdamba |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2010 |
9789350063293 |
3rd Ed. |
vii: 431p.; |
UG Library |
547 SM1 |
00001166 |
Organic Chemistry |
Smith, William B |
Mc Graw Hill |
UG Library |
547 SMI |
00005251 |
Organic Chemistry / |
Smith,Oliver L. |
Van Nostrand Reinhold CO, |
1966 |
966 p.; |
UG Library |
547 SMI |
00109394 |
Organic Chemistry |
Smith Janice Gorzynski |
Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd |
2008 |
9780070667204 |
2nd Ed. |
1175 p. |
UG Library |
547 SMI |
00120221 |
March's advanced organic chemistry |
Smith, Michael, |
Wiley, |
2007 |
9788126536863 |
6th ed. |
xx,1869 p.: |
UG Library |
547 SMI |
00117985 |
March's advanced organic chemistry : |
Smith, Michael, |
Wiley, |
2013 |
9780470462591 (cloth) | 047046 |
7th Edition / |
xxv, 2047 pages : |
UG Library |
547 SMI |
00128932 |
General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry / |
Smith, Janice Gorzynski, |
McGraw Hill, |
2013 |
9780071317832 |
2nd ed, |
xxxiv,807,I-27 p.: |
UG Library |
547 SMI |
00082616 |
Organic Chemistry |
Smith Janice Gorzynski |
Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd |
2008 |
9780070667204 |
2nd Ed. |
1175 p. |
UG Library |
547 SMI |
00108937 |
Organic Chemistry : |
Smith, Michael, |
CRC Press, |
2011 |
9781420079203 | 9781420079203 |
xvii, 1574 p. : |
UG Library |
547 SMI |
04007692 |
Organic chemistry / |
Smith, Michael, |
HarperPerennial, |
1993 |
0064671267 (pbk.) : |
viii, 583 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 SMI |
00020167 |
Essentials of Organic Nomenclature |
Smith,William R.D. |
Oxford University Press |
1973 |
42 p. |
UG Library |
547 SMI |
00008177 |
Organic Chemistry / |
Smith,Oliver L. |
Van Nostrand Reinhold CO, |
1966 |
966 p.; |
UG Library |
547 SOL |
04019810 |
Study Guide and Solutions Manual Organic Chemistry / |
Solomons, T. W. Graham |
Wiley, |
2004 |
9788126511525 |
8th ed. |
621p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 SOL |
00141597 |
Organic Chemistry |
Solomons, Graham T. W. |
Wiley, |
2017 |
9788126568116 |
xxviii, 1124 p.: |
UG Library |
547 SOL |
00129600 |
Organic Chemistry |
Solomons, Graham T. W. |
Wiley, |
2017 |
9788126568116 |
xxviii, 1124 p.: |
UG Library |
547 SOL |
00111457 |
Organic Chemistry/ |
Solomons, Graham T W |
Wiley India |
8126510501 |
1255p |
UG Library |
547 SOL |
00082609 |
Organic Chemistry/ |
Solomons, Graham T W |
Wiley India |
8126510501 |
1255p |
UG Library |
547 SOL |
00130491 |
Organic Chemistry |
Solomons, Graham T. W. |
Wiley, |
2017 |
9788126568116 |
xxviii, 1124 p.: |
UG Library |
547 SOL |
00130505 |
Organic chemistry |
Solomons,T W Graham |
Wiley India |
2015 |
9788126556847 |
11th ed. |
1139p. |
UG Library |
547 SOL |
00120219 |
Organic Chemistry |
Solomons, T. W. Graham |
Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, |
2011 |
9788126536870 |
10th Ed, |
xxix,1164 p |
UG Library |
547 SON |
00012253 |
Textbook of Organic Chemistry |
Soni P.L. |
Sultan Chand |
1972 |
8th Ed. |
550 p. |
UG Library |
547 SON |
00012252 |
Textbook of Organic Chemistry |
Soni P.L. |
Sultan Chand |
1972 |
8th Ed. |
550 p. |
UG Library |
547 SON |
00012255 |
Textbook of Organic Chemistry |
Soni P.L. |
Sultan Chand |
1972 |
8th Ed. |
550 p. |
UG Library |
547 SON |
00012256 |
Textbook of Organic Chemistry |
Soni P.L. |
Sultan Chand |
1972 |
8th Ed. |
550 p. |
UG Library |
547 SON |
00047455 |
Text Book of Organic Chemistry |
Soni P.L. |
Sultan Chand & Sons |
1992 |
25th Ed. |
3386 p. |
UG Library |
547 SON |
00014733 |
Text Book of Organic Chemistry |
Soni P.L. |
Sultan Chand & Sons |
1971 |
7th Ed. |
942 p. |
UG Library |
547 SON |
00007376 |
Text Book of Organic Chemistry |
Soni P.L. |
Sultan Chand & Sons |
1971 |
7th Ed. |
942 p. |
UG Library |
547 SON |
00014871 |
Text Book of Organic Chemistry |
Soni P.L. |
Sultan Chand & Sons |
1971 |
7th Ed. |
942 p. |
UG Library |
547 SON |
00012257 |
Textbook of Organic Chemistry |
Soni P.L. |
Sultan Chand |
1972 |
8th Ed. |
550 p. |
UG Library |
547 SON |
00017190 |
Textbook of Organic Chemistry |
Soni P.L. |
Sultan Chand & Sons |
1976 |
10th Ed. |
2420 p. |
UG Library |
547 SON |
00010235 |
Textbook of Organic Chemistry |
Soni P.L. |
Sultan Chand |
1972 |
8th Ed. |
550 p. |
UG Library |
547 SON |
00012254 |
Textbook of Organic Chemistry |
Soni P.L. |
Sultan Chand |
1972 |
8th Ed. |
550 p. |
UG Library |
547 SON |
00011767 |
Numerical Problems Chemistry |
Soni P.L. |
Sultan Chand & Sons |
1972 |
192 p. |
UG Library |
547 SOR |
00082640 |
Organic Chemistry |
Sorrell,Thomas N. |
Viva Books Private Limited |
2004 |
8176498688 | 9788176498685 |
1457 p. |
UG Library |
547 SOR |
04007438 |
Organic Chemistry |
Sorrell, Thomas N. |
Viva Books, Pvt. Ltd., |
2010 |
9788130913131 |
2nd ed. |
988 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 SOR |
00107348 |
Organic Chemistry |
Sorrell, Thomas N. |
Viva Books, Pvt. Ltd., |
2010 |
9788130913131 |
2nd ed. |
988 p. |
UG Library |
547 SOR |
00096555 |
Organic Chemistry |
Sorrell, Thomas N. |
Viva Books, Pvt. Ltd., |
2010 |
9788130913131 |
2nd ed. |
988 p. |
UG Library |
547 SRI |
00146648 |
Organometallic Chemistry/ |
Srivastava, Krishna Mohan |
Venus Books, |
2023 |
9789386559586 |
viii,232p. ; |
UG Library |
547 SRI |
00090986 |
Organic Chemistry: Made Simple |
Srivastava A.K. |
New Age International Publishers |
2008 |
8122420702 | 9788122420708 |
2nd Ed. |
477 p. |
UG Library |
547 SRI |
00090987 |
Organic Chemistry: Made Simple |
Srivastava A.K. |
New Age International Publishers |
2008 |
8122420702 | 9788122420708 |
2nd Ed. |
477 p. |
UG Library |
547 STA |
00082659 |
Natural Product Chemistry at a Glance |
Stanforth,Stephen P. |
Blackwell Publishing |
2006 |
1405145625 | 9781405145626 |
141 p. |
UG Library |
547 STR |
00109147 |
Introduction to Organic Chemistry |
Streitwieser Andrew |
Prentice Hall |
1992 |
0139738509 |
4th Ed |
xviii; 1256 p. |
UG Library |
547 STR |
00109148 |
Introduction to Organic Chemistry |
Streitwieser Andrew |
Prentice Hall |
1992 |
0139738509 |
4th Ed |
xviii; 1256 p. |
UG Library |
547 SUL |
00105073 |
Organic Chemistry |
Sultanat |
Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. |
2010 |
9789380156125 |
xvi,224 p. |
UG Library |
547 SUL |
00105074 |
Organic Chemistry |
Sultanat |
Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. |
2010 |
9789380156125 |
xvi,224 p. |
UG Library |
547 SUL |
00118142 |
Organic Chemistry |
Sultanat |
Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. |
2010 |
9789380156125 |
xvi,224 p. |
UG Library |
547 SUL |
00118143 |
Organic Chemistry |
Sultanat |
Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. |
2010 |
9789380156125 |
xvi,224 p. |
UG Library |
547 SYK |
00022323 |
A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry |
Sykes,Peter. |
Orient Longman |
1975 |
361 p |
UG Library |
547 TAL |
00122302 |
Chemistry of Plant Natural Products |
Talapatra, Sunil Kumar |
Springer, |
2015 |
9783642454097 | 9783642454097 |
lxiii, 624 p:. |
UG Library |
547 TAL |
00122303 |
Chemistry of Plant Natural Products |
Talapatra, Sunil Kumar |
Springer, |
2015 |
9783642454097 | 9783642454097 |
lxiii, 624 p:. |
UG Library |
547 TER |
04007734 |
Contemporary organic chemistry / |
Ternay, Andrew L. |
W.B. Saunders Company, |
1979 |
2nd ed. |
xxii, 1277p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 TEW |
00146163 |
Advanced organic chemistry: |
Tewari, N |
Books & Allied (P) Ltd. |
2020 |
9788193897447 |
2nd ed. |
951p. |
UG Library |
547 TEW |
00107232 |
Advanced Organic Reaction Mechanism |
Tewari N. |
Books and Allied Pvt Ltd |
2011 |
9788187134534 |
3rd Ed. |
1137 P. |
UG Library |
547 TEW |
00095457 |
Advanced Organic Reaction Mechanism |
Tewari, Nimai. |
Books And Alled |
2004 |
892 p. |
UG Library |
547 TEW |
00095456 |
Advanced Organic Reaction Mechanism |
Tewari, Nimai. |
Books And Alled |
2004 |
892 p. |
UG Library |
547 TEW |
00108251 |
Advanced Organic Reaction Mechanism |
Tewari N. |
Books and Allied Pvt Ltd |
2011 |
9788187134534 |
3rd Ed. |
1137 P. |
UG Library |
547 TEW |
00055610 |
A Textbook of Organic Chemistry |
Tewari K.S. |
Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd |
2002 |
0706998812 |
2nd Ed. |
1308 p. |
UG Library |
547 TEW |
00108260 |
Advanced Organic Reaction Mechanism |
Tewari N. |
Books and Allied Pvt Ltd |
2011 |
9788187134534 |
3rd Ed. |
1137 P. |
UG Library |
547 TEW |
00024851 |
Text Book of Organic Chemistry |
Tewari K.S. |
Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd |
1982 |
6th Ed. |
1394 p. |
UG Library |
547 TEW |
00025988 |
Text Book of Organic Chemistry |
Tewari K.S. |
Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd |
1982 |
6th Ed. |
1394 p. |
UG Library |
547 TEW |
00025990 |
Text Book of Organic Chemistry |
Tewari K.S. |
Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd |
1982 |
6th Ed. |
1394 p. |
UG Library |
547 TEW |
00025989 |
Text Book of Organic Chemistry |
Tewari K.S. |
Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd |
1982 |
6th Ed. |
1394 p. |
UG Library |
547 TEW |
00030648 |
Text Book of Organic Chemistry |
Tewari K.S. |
Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd |
1982 |
6th Ed. |
1394 p. |
UG Library |
547 TEW |
00024852 |
Text Book of Organic Chemistry |
Tewari K.S. |
Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd |
1982 |
6th Ed. |
1394 p. |
UG Library |
547 TEW |
00024853 |
Text Book of Organic Chemistry |
Tewari K.S. |
Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd |
1982 |
6th Ed. |
1394 p. |
UG Library |
547 TEW |
00112924 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry |
N. Tewar |
Books & Allied Ltd, |
2013 |
834 p.: |
UG Library |
547 TEW |
00112925 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry |
N. Tewar |
Books & Allied Ltd, |
2013 |
834 p.: |
UG Library |
547 TEW |
00030649 |
Text Book of Organic Chemistry |
Tewari K.S. |
Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd |
1982 |
6th Ed. |
1394 p. |
UG Library |
547 TEW |
00030647 |
Text Book of Organic Chemistry |
Tewari K.S. |
Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd |
1982 |
6th Ed. |
1394 p. |
UG Library |
547 THA |
00145163 |
Fundamental of Inorganic Chemistry / |
Thakare, Dr.Nandkishor S |
Swastik Publications, |
2023 |
9789383762996 |
256p.; |
UG Library |
547 THO |
00122309 |
The Chemistry of Natural Products |
Thomson, R H |
Springer, |
2010 |
9788181288639 |
Second Edition |
x, 452 p:. |
UG Library |
547 THO |
00001146 |
Organic Chemistry |
Thomas P.M. |
Niraj Prakashan |
1967 |
3rd Ed. |
616 p. |
UG Library |
547 TIM |
00128934 |
General, Organic, and biological chemistry / |
Timberlake Karen C |
Pearson |
2016 |
9781292096193 |
5th ed. |
960 p.: |
UG Library |
547 TRI |
00121726 |
Organic chemistry |
Trimm, Harold H |
Apple Academic Press, |
2011 |
1926692608 | 9781466559783 | 9 |
383 p.: |
UG Library |
547 TRI |
00143133 |
Fundamentals of Pharmaceuticals inorganic chemistry / |
Tripathi,Rati Kailash Prasad. |
Wiley, |
2021 |
9788194668626 |
ix,331p.; |
UG Library |
547 VOG |
04007706 |
Practical organic Chemistry : |
Vogel, Arthur |
Longmans, Green and Co, |
1954 |
xxiii, 1033p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 VOG |
00001145 |
Text book of Practical Organic Chemistry |
Vogel Arthur.I |
Holt, Rinehart & Winston |
123p |
UG Library |
547 VOG |
00089754 |
Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry Part 3: Quantitative Organic Analysis |
Vogel, Arthur I. |
CBS Publishers & Distributors |
2002 |
8123910339 |
2nd ed |
645-840 p |
UG Library |
547 VOG |
00084926 |
Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry Part 2: Qualitative Organic Analysis |
Vogel,Arthur I. |
CBS Publishers & Distributors |
1966 |
8123910789 | 9798123910788 |
2nd Ed. |
431 p. |
UG Library |
547 VOG |
00084925 |
Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry Part 1: Small Scale Preparations |
Vogel,Arthur L. |
CBS Publishers & Distributors |
1966 |
8123909543 | 9798123909546 |
2nd Ed. |
435 p. |
UG Library |
547 VOG |
00088126 |
Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry Part 1: Small Scale Preparations |
Vogel,Arthur L. |
CBS Publishers & Distributors |
1966 |
8123909543 | 9798123909546 |
2nd Ed. |
435 p. |
UG Library |
547 VOG |
00088127 |
Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry Part 1: Small Scale Preparations |
Vogel,Arthur L. |
CBS Publishers & Distributors |
1966 |
8123909543 | 9798123909546 |
2nd Ed. |
435 p. |
UG Library |
547 VOG |
00138230 |
Organic chemistry : |
Vogel, Pierre |
Wiley-VCH , |
2019 |
9783527345328 |
xxx,1352pages.; |
UG Library |
547 VOG |
00011763 |
A Text-Book Of Practical Orgaic Chemistry |
Vogel,Arthur I. |
English Language Book Society |
1971 |
3rd Ed. |
1188 p. |
UG Library |
547 VOL |
00077746 |
Organic Chemistry. |
Vollhardt K,Peter C. |
W.H.Freeman And Co |
2003 |
9780716743743 |
4th Ed. |
xxix; 1203 p. |
UG Library |
547 VOL |
00082696 |
Organic Chemistry. |
Vollhardt K,Peter C. |
W.H.Freeman And Co |
2003 |
9780716743743 |
4th Ed. |
xxix; 1203 p. |
UG Library |
547 VOL |
00048051 |
Organic Chemistry |
Vollhardt, K Peter C |
1999 |
0716727218 |
1210p |
UG Library |
547 WAD |
00129364 |
Organic Chemistry |
Wade, Leroy G |
Pearson |
2017 |
9781292151106 | 9789332578586 |
9th ed. |
1394 p.: |
UG Library |
547 WAD |
00129365 |
Organic Chemistry |
Wade, Leroy G |
Pearson |
2017 |
9781292151106 | 9789332578586 |
9th ed. |
1394 p.: |
UG Library |
547 WAD |
00129366 |
Organic Chemistry |
Wade, Leroy G |
Pearson |
2017 |
9781292151106 | 9789332578586 |
9th ed. |
1394 p.: |
UG Library |
547 WAD |
00118773 |
Organic Chemistry |
Wade, L. G., |
Dorling Kindersley(India) Pvt Ltd, |
2013 |
0136403018 | 9788177587395 |
xxxviii:1194p. : |
UG Library |
547 WAD |
00058865 |
Organic Chemistry |
Wade, L G |
Pearson |
8129702487 |
1192p |
UG Library |
547 WAD |
00128875 |
Organic Chemistry |
Wade, Leroy G |
Pearson |
2017 |
9781292151106 | 9789332578586 |
9th ed. |
1394 p.: |
UG Library |
547 WAD |
00120225 |
Organic Chemistry |
Wade, L. G., |
Dorling Kindersley(India) Pvt Ltd, |
2013 |
0136403018 | 9788177587395 |
xxxviii:1194p. : |
UG Library |
547 WAD |
00117988 |
Organic chemistry / |
Wade, L. G., |
Pearson Education, Inc, |
2013 |
9780321811394 |
xxxvi: 1258, A 1-7, I 1-116p.; |
UG Library |
547 WAD |
00117891 |
Organic Chemistry |
L.G. Wade, Jr |
Prentice Hall, |
2010 |
9780321610065 |
7th ed, |
xxvii, 112 p.: |
UG Library |
547 WAD |
00142634 |
Organic chemistry |
Wade,Leroy |
Pearsom india education services pvt ltd., |
2022 |
9789389342673 |
1572p.; |
UG Library |
547 WAD |
00145867 |
Organic chemistry |
Wade, Leroy G. |
Pearsom india education services pvt ltd., |
2023 |
9781292424255 |
10th ed, |
1419p. ; |
UG Library |
547 WHE |
04007686 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry / |
Wheland, G. W. |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., |
1949 |
3rd ed. |
xi, 871p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 WHI |
00131116 |
Organic Chemistry / |
Whitmore, Frank C. |
Dover Publications Inc., |
1937 |
9780486607009 |
2nd Ed. |
596 p. ; |
UG Library |
547 WIL |
04016399 |
Organic Experiments / |
Williamson, Fieser |
CBS publisher, |
1991 |
8123903308 |
7th Ed. |
645p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 WIL |
00120194 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry |
Williams, Dudley |
Tata McGraw-Hill Education, |
2011 |
9780071332767 |
6th ed |
IX, 291 p.: |
UG Library |
547 YAD |
00138004 |
Organic chemisty |
Yadav,Kumar Kartikey |
Viva books pvt ltd., |
2019 |
9789389401530 |
vii,179p.; |
UG Library |
547 ZUM |
04007684 |
Complete solutions guide chemistry / |
Zumdahl, Steven S. |
Houghton Mifflin Company, |
1997 |
4th ed. |
v, 564p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547 ZUM |
04007731 |
Chemistry |
Zumdahl, Steven S. |
D. C. Heath and Comapany, |
1993 |
3rd ed. |
xxxi, 1123p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.001 ING |
04001519 |
Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry |
Ingold, C K |
CBS Publishers and Distributors |
2008 |
8123909756 |
1266 |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.0014 BAN |
04007705 |
Naming organic compounds : |
Banks, James E. |
Saunders, |
1976 |
0721615368 |
2d ed. |
ix, 309, [22] p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.0014 HEL |
00082656 |
Systematic Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry |
Hellwinkel D. |
Springer |
2001 |
9788181286369 |
228 p. |
UG Library |
547.00151 BAC |
00121553 |
Computational organic chemistry / |
Bachrach, Steven M., |
John Wiley |
2014 |
9781118291924 (cloth) | 111829 |
2nd ed. |
xxi, 607 pages : |
UG Library |
547.0028 BHU |
04002518 |
Practical Organic Chemistry: Qualitative Analysis |
Bhutani, S P |
Ane Books |
2008 |
9788180522604 |
253 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.0028 ROB |
04007666 |
Modern experimental organic chemistry / |
Roberts, Royston M. |
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, |
1979 |
0030443911 |
3d ed. |
x, 603 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.0076 BRA |
00120185 |
Organic Chemistry Through Solved Problems |
Brahmachari,Goutam |
Narosa Publishing House |
2007 |
9788173198168 |
x; 9.34 p. |
UG Library |
547.0076 BRA |
00108834 |
Organic Chemistry Through Solved Problems |
Brahmachari,Goutam |
Narosa Publishing House |
2007 |
9788173198168 |
x; 9.34 p. |
UG Library |
547.0076 GOL |
00120164 |
3000 Solved Prolems In Chemistry |
Goldberg David E. |
Mcgraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd, |
1988 |
9780070085312 |
xii; P:, |
UG Library |
547.0078 AUL |
00128442 |
Techniques and Expiriments for Organic Chemistry |
Ault, Addison |
University Science Books, |
1998 |
9780935702767 |
6th edition |
664p : . |
UG Library |
547.0078 CAN |
05056566 |
Comprehensive organic chemistry experiments for the laboratory classroom / |
Royal Society of Chemistry, |
2017 |
9781849739634 |
xxiii,951p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
547.0078 CRA |
05056871 |
Experimental organic chemistry / |
Cranwell, Philippa B., |
Wiley, |
2017 |
9781119952398 (cloth) | 978111 |
Third edition / |
xiii,671p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
547.0078 ENG |
00138487 |
Organic laboratory techniques : a small-scale approach |
Pavia, Donald l. |
Cengage Learning, |
2020 |
9789353502669 |
rep 4th ed, |
xxii,1012 p.; |
UG Library |
547.0078 ENG |
00133764 |
Introduction to organic laboratory techniques : a small-scale approach |
Engel, Randall G |
Cengage Learning, |
2011 |
9780538733281 |
xviii,1006 p.; |
UG Library |
547.0078 LEO |
00112785 |
Advanced practical organic chemistry. |
Leonard, J. |
CRC Press |
2013 |
9781439860977 (paperback) |
3rd ed. |
xxv, 330 pages : |
UG Library |
547.0078 MAT |
00124649 |
Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry |
Mathew, G. D. Gem |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2014 |
9789382956471 |
119 p.; |
UG Library |
547.0078 MAT |
00124650 |
Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry |
Mathew, G. D. Gem |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2014 |
9789382956471 |
119 p.; |
UG Library |
547.0078 MAY |
00049811 |
Microscale: Techniques for the Organic Laboratory |
Mayo,Dana W. |
John Wiley & Sons Inc |
1991 |
0471621927 | 9780471621928 |
285 p. |
UG Library |
547.0078 SET |
00106930 |
Systematic Experiments in Chemistry |
Sethi,Arun. |
New Age International Publishers |
2009 |
97822421361 | 9788122421361 |
1st Ed. |
xxviii;850 p. |
UG Library |
547.0078 SET |
00090960 |
Systematic Experiments in Chemistry |
Sethi,Arun. |
New Age International Publishers |
2009 |
97822421361 | 9788122421361 |
1st Ed. |
xxviii;850 p. |
UG Library |
547.0078 SET |
00090961 |
Systematic Experiments in Chemistry |
Sethi,Arun. |
New Age International Publishers |
2009 |
97822421361 | 9788122421361 |
1st Ed. |
xxviii;850 p. |
UG Library |
547.0078 SIN |
04011138 |
Organic Lab Manual: |
Sinha Kumar Shailendra |
Atlantic Publishers, |
2011 |
9788126914708 |
xii, 300 p.: |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.01 OLA |
04010669 |
Hypercarbon chemistry / |
J. WIley & Sons, |
2011 |
9780470935682 (cloth) |
2nd ed. |
xix, 454 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.0182 MAH |
05052076 |
Methods in BIOSTATISTICS for Medical Students and Research Workers / |
B K Mahajan |
Jaypee Brothers, |
1997 |
9788171795208 |
6th |
xv, 338 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
547.02 OJI |
00138925 |
Frontiers of Organofluorine Chemistry / |
World Scientific Publishing, |
2020 |
9781786347329 |
xix,821p.; |
UG Library |
547.041 NAM |
00142480 |
Catalytic asymmetric reactions of conjugated nitroalkenes / |
Namboothiri,Irishi N N. |
CRC Press, |
2021 |
9780367433826 |
xviii,301p.; |
UG Library |
547.042 BHU |
00097119 |
Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins |
Bhutani, S. P. |
Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., |
2010 |
9789380156835 |
137 p. |
UG Library |
547.042 BHU |
00105051 |
Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins |
Bhutani, S. P. |
Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., |
2010 |
9789380156835 |
137 p. |
UG Library |
547.042 LAP |
00097068 |
Metal amide chemistry / |
Wiley, |
2009 |
9780470721841 (cloth : alk. paper) | 0470721847 (cloth : alk. paper) |
xii,355p. : |
UG Library |
547.05 GUP |
04005536 |
Basic Organometallic Chemistry: Concepts, Syntheses and Applications |
Gupta, B D |
Universities Press |
2009 |
9788173717093 |
524 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.05 SCR |
00109360 |
Perspectives In Organometallic Chemistry |
Screttas C.G. |
The Royal Society Of Chemistry |
2003 |
9780854048762 |
ix; 322 p. |
UG Library |
547.05 BIS |
00110358 |
Organometallic Chemistry |
Bisht T.N. |
Sonali Publications |
2012 |
9788184114317 |
272 p. |
UG Library |
547.05 ELS |
00097069 |
Organometallics. |
Elschenbroich, Christoph, |
Wiley-VCH, |
2006 |
9783527293902 (acidfree paper) | 3527293906 (acidfree paper) |
3rd, completely rev. and extended ed. / |
xiv,804p. : |
UG Library |
547.05 GUP |
00120169 |
Basic Organometallic Chemistry |
Gupta B. D |
University Press, |
2013 |
9788173718748 |
2nd |
XXII, 513 p.: |
UG Library |
547.05 GUP |
00102236 |
Basic Organometallic Chemistry : |
Gupta B D |
University Press |
9788173717093 |
524 p. |
UG Library |
547.05 GUP |
00099614 |
Basic Organometallic Chemistry : |
Gupta B D |
University Press |
9788173717093 |
524 p. |
UG Library |
547.05 HAI |
00145698 |
Organometallic chemistry : |
Haiduc, Ionel, |
De Gruyter |
2022 |
9783110695267 |
2nd edition. |
xiv, 429 pages : |
UG Library |
547.05 HOB |
00144722 |
Organometallic Chemistry : |
Hobbs, Andreas. |
Murphy and moore publication, |
2023 |
9781639876853 |
viii,240p, ; |
UG Library |
547.05 KUM |
00111466 |
Organometallic Compounds/ |
Kumar, Indrajeet. |
Pragati Prakashan; |
2011 |
9789350064962 |
3rd Ed. |
viii:208p.; |
UG Library |
547.05 LIP |
00121727 |
Organometallics in synthesis : |
Lipshitz, Bruce H |
John Willey & Sons, |
2013 |
9781118488829 | 1118488822 |
xii, 555 p. : |
UG Library |
547.05 MEH |
00084899 |
Organometallic Chemistry: A Unified Approach. |
Mehrotra, R C |
New Age International Publishers |
2000 |
8122412580 |
618p |
UG Library |
547.05 MEH |
00091786 |
Organometallic Chemistry: A Unified Approach. |
Mehrotra, R C |
New Age International Publishers |
2000 |
8122412580 |
618p |
UG Library |
547.05 MEH |
00091787 |
Organometallic Chemistry: A Unified Approach. |
Mehrotra, R C |
New Age International Publishers |
2000 |
8122412580 |
618p |
UG Library |
547.05 MEH |
00091788 |
Organometallic Chemistry: A Unified Approach. |
Mehrotra, R C |
New Age International Publishers |
2000 |
8122412580 |
618p |
UG Library |
547.05 MEH |
00091789 |
Organometallic Chemistry: A Unified Approach. |
Mehrotra, R C |
New Age International Publishers |
2000 |
8122412580 |
618p |
UG Library |
547.05 SOD |
00093927 |
Organometallic Chemistry |
Sodhi G S |
Ane Books Pvt.Ltd. |
9788180521980 |
UG Library |
547.056 CRA |
00097073 |
The organometallic chemistry of the transition metals / |
Crabtree, Robert H |
Wiley, |
2009 |
9780470257623 (cloth) | 0470257628 (cloth) |
5th ed. |
xiii,505p. : |
UG Library |
547.056 HIL |
00138463 |
Organotansition Metal Chemistry / |
Hill,Anthony F. |
The Royal Society of Chemistry, |
2002 |
9780854046225 |
vi,185p.; |
UG Library |
547.05621 STE |
00106543 |
Ferrocenes : |
Stepnicka,Petr. |
J.Wiley, |
2008 |
9780470035856 (cloth) | 047003 |
xii, 655 p. : |
UG Library |
547.05656 WAN |
00137299 |
The chemistry of organogold compounds / |
Wanniarachchi, K.N.S. |
Magnum Publishing LLC, |
2018 |
9781682504789 |
xiv,266 p.; |
UG Library |
547.07 FRA |
00112786 |
Chemistry of plant phosphorus compounds / |
Frank, Arlen W. |
Elsevier Inc |
2013 |
9780124071940 (hardback) |
xviii, 669 pages ; |
UG Library |
547.072 BAN |
00090977 |
Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry |
Bansal,Raj K. |
New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers |
2009 |
8122412971 | 9788122424034 |
5th Ed. |
290 p. |
UG Library |
547.077 PAT |
00122476 |
Concepts in Organic Chemistry |
Patil, Meghshyam K |
Oxford Book Company, |
2016 |
9789350302767 |
1st ed; |
viii, 288 p.: |
UG Library |
547.0858 COO |
00143174 |
Modern Spectroscopy / |
States academic press, |
2022 |
9781639893652 |
vii,241p, ; |
UG Library |
547.1 COO |
00061697 |
Biophysical Chemistry |
Cooper, Alan. |
Royal Society of Chemistry, |
2004 |
0854044809 | 978085404801 |
184 p. : |
UG Library |
547.1 COO |
05069126 |
Biophysical chemistry / |
Cooper, Alan. |
RSC Pub., |
2011 |
9781849730815 |
2nd ed. |
ix, 233 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
547.1 HAN |
00138459 |
Functional Group Chemistry / |
Hanson,James R. |
The Royal Society of Chemistry, |
2001 |
9780854046270 |
vi,165p.; |
UG Library |
547.1 MAS |
00027770 |
The Physical Basis of Organic Chemistry |
Maskill,Howard. |
Oxford University Press |
1985 |
9780198551997 |
490 p. |
UG Library |
547.1 SIN |
00109860 |
Physical Organic Chemistry |
Singh Rajbir |
Mittals Publications |
2002 |
8170998301 |
1st Ed. |
268 p. |
UG Library |
547.1082 TID |
04011139 |
Advances in physical organic chemistry. |
Tidwell T.T. |
Academic Press. |
2002 |
0120335379 | 9780120335374 |
v. :363 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.122 TAB |
04002516 |
Organic Spectroscopic Structure Determination: A Problem-Based Learning Approach |
Taber, Douglass F |
Oxford Universtiy Press |
2007 |
9780198060277 |
263 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.122 AHL |
00121670 |
Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds |
Ahluwalia, V K |
Athena Academic Ltd., |
2015 |
9781910390184 |
xxii, 529 p:. |
UG Library |
547.122 JEF |
05011224 |
Organic structure determination using 2-D NMR spectroscopy : |
Simpson, Jeffrey H. |
Elsevier/AP, |
2012 |
9780123849700 (pbk.) |
2nd ed. |
xvi, 574 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
547.122 PRE |
00082701 |
Structure Determination of Organic Compounds: Tables of Spectral Data/ |
Buhlmann, E Pretsch |
Springer |
0818128383 |
421p |
UG Library |
547.122 TAB |
00091563 |
Organic Spectroscopic Structure Determination: |
Taber Douglass F |
Oxford University Press |
9780198060277 |
263p |
UG Library |
547.1223 BAL |
00146653 |
Stereochemistry of organic compounds/ |
Balyan, Neelam |
Venus Books, |
2023 |
9789395431460 |
viii,286p. ; |
UG Library |
547.1223 ELI |
00084902 |
Stereochemistry of Organic Copounds |
Eliel, Ernest L. |
John Wiley & Sons Inc |
1994 |
9788126515707 |
1267 p. |
UG Library |
547.1223 EAM |
00082658 |
Stereochemistry at a Glance |
Eames, Jason. |
Blackwell Science |
2003 |
0632053755 | 9780632053759 |
136 p. |
UG Library |
547.1223 ELI |
00085963 |
Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds. |
Eliel, Ernest L |
Wiley India |
2007 |
9788126515707 |
1267 p |
UG Library |
547.1223 GUP |
00119132 |
Basic Stereochemistry of Organic Molecules / |
Gupta, Subrata Sen. |
Oxford University Press, |
2014 |
9780199451630 |
xxviii:607p.; |
UG Library |
547.1223 LEY |
00108338 |
Quaternary stereocenters |
Ley,Steven V. |
Wiley-VCH ; | John Wiley, |
2005 |
9783527311071 | 9783527311071 |
xxiii, 336 p. : |
UG Library |
547.1223 MAH |
00121324 |
Organic stereochemistry/ |
Mahadevan K M |
College Book House |
2015 |
9789381979648 |
160p. |
UG Library |
547.1223 MAH |
00121343 |
Organic stereochemistry/ |
Mahadevan K M |
College Book House |
2015 |
9789381979648 |
160p. |
UG Library |
547.1223 MOR |
00138467 |
Stereochemistry |
Morris, David G |
The royal society of chemistry, |
2001 |
9780854046027 |
vii,170p.; |
UG Library |
547.1223 NAS |
00091893 |
Stereochemistry of organic compounds |
Nasipuri, D |
New Age International Publishers |
9788122405705 |
564p |
UG Library |
547.1223 NAS |
00091894 |
Stereochemistry of organic compounds |
Nasipuri, D |
New Age International Publishers |
9788122405705 |
564p |
UG Library |
547.1223 NAS |
00084897 |
Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds: Principles and Applications. |
Nasipuri, D |
New Age International Publishers |
2007 |
8122405703 |
564p |
UG Library |
547.1223 NAS |
00085724 |
Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds: Principles and Applications. |
Nasipuri, D |
New Age International Publishers |
2007 |
8122405703 |
564p |
UG Library |
547.1223 NAS |
00085725 |
Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds: Principles and Applications. |
Nasipuri, D |
New Age International Publishers |
2007 |
8122405703 |
564p |
UG Library |
547.1223 TEW |
00146164 |
Advanced Organic Stereochemistry |
Tewari,Nimai. |
Books And Allied Pvt.Ltd. |
2019 |
9788187134732 |
2nd ed. |
516 p:. |
UG Library |
547.1223 TEW |
00107220 |
Advanced Organic Stereochemistry |
Tewari,Nimai. |
Books And Allied Pvt.Ltd. |
2010 |
9788187134732 |
516 p:. |
UG Library |
547.1223 TEW |
00095463 |
Advanced Organic Stereochemistry |
Tewari,Nimai. |
Books And Allied Pvt.Ltd. |
2010 |
9788187134732 |
516 p:. |
UG Library |
547.1223 TEW |
00126631 |
Advanced Organic Stereochemistry |
Tewari,Nimai. |
Books And Allied Pvt.Ltd. |
2010 |
9788187134732 |
516 p:. |
UG Library |
547.1223 TEW |
00126632 |
Advanced Organic Stereochemistry |
Tewari,Nimai. |
Books And Allied Pvt.Ltd. |
2010 |
9788187134732 |
516 p:. |
UG Library |
547.1223 TEW |
00094896 |
Advanced Organic Stereochemistry |
Tewari,Nimai. |
Books And Allied Pvt.Ltd. |
2010 |
9788187134732 |
516 p:. |
UG Library |
547.1223 TYA |
00091526 |
Stereochemistry of organic compound |
Tyagi R |
Sonali Publications |
9788184112436 |
298p |
UG Library |
547.1223077 GUP |
00131100 |
Basic Stereochemistry of Organic Molecules / |
Gupta, Subrata Sen. |
Oxford University Press, |
2014 |
9780199451630 |
xxviii:607p.; |
UG Library |
547.1226 SIN |
00139859 |
Supramolecular Chemistry / |
Singh,Jagjeet. |
Random Publications , |
2020 |
9789352694921 |
viii,279p.; |
UG Library |
547.1226 GAL |
00135438 |
Chemical functionalization of carbon nanomaterials |
Gallo,Jurex Cuenca |
Arcler press, |
2019 |
9781773613819 |
xviii,282p.; |
UG Library |
547.1226 KAL |
00090954 |
Bioorganic, Bioinorganic and Supramolecular Chemistry |
Kalsi P.S. |
New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers |
2007 |
8122420079 | 9788122420098 |
4th Ed. |
354 p. |
UG Library |
547.1226 KAL |
00090955 |
Bioorganic, Bioinorganic and Supramolecular Chemistry |
Kalsi P.S. |
New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers |
2007 |
8122420079 | 9788122420098 |
4th Ed. |
354 p. |
UG Library |
547.1226 STE |
00109344 |
Supramolecular chemistry |
Steed, Jonathan W., |
Wiley, |
2009 |
0470512334 (hbk.) | 0470512342 |
2nd ed. |
xxvi, 970 p., [8] p. of plates : |
UG Library |
547.13 BAK |
04010709 |
Physical inorganic chemistry : |
John Wiley, |
2010 |
9780470224199 (cloth) | 047022 |
xi, 510 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.13 FLE |
00108866 |
Molecular orbitals and organic chemical reactions |
Fleming, Ian, |
Wiley, |
2009 |
9780470746608 (cloth) | 978047 |
Student ed. |
xv, 360 p. : |
UG Library |
547.13 RIT |
00061783 |
Physical Organic Chemistry |
Ritchie,Calvin D. |
Marcel Dekker, INC. |
1990 |
0824783077 |
2nd Ed. |
357 p. |
UG Library |
547.13 SIN |
00131928 |
A textbook of physical organic chemistry |
Singh,Rajbir |
Mittal publications, |
2016 |
9788183246682 |
268p.; |
UG Library |
547.135 COX |
00107800 |
Organic Photochemistry |
Coxon J.M |
Cambridge University press: |
1974 |
9780521189729 |
2nd ed |
vi. 243 p. |
UG Library |
547.135 COX |
00106844 |
Organic Photochemistry |
Coxon J.M |
Cambridge University press: |
1974 |
9780521189729 |
2nd ed |
vi. 243 p. |
UG Library |
547.135 COY |
00137574 |
Introduction to organic photochemistry / |
Coyle, John D. |
Wiley, |
1996 |
0471909742 : | 0471909750 (pbk.) : |
viii, 176 p. : |
UG Library |
547.135 DEP |
00014265 |
Molecular Reactions and Photochemistry |
DePuy, Charles H. |
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt Ltd |
1972 |
013599571X | 0135995892 (pbk) |
x, 150 p. |
UG Library |
547.135 DEP |
00015673 |
Molecular Reactions and Photochemistry |
DePuy, Charles H. |
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt Ltd |
1972 |
013599571X | 0135995892 (pbk) |
x, 150 p. |
UG Library |
547.135 GOT |
00132900 |
Organic photochemistry and pericyclic reaction |
Gothi,Nirul V. |
Cyber rech publications, |
2018 |
9789350536384 |
200p.; |
UG Library |
547.135 TUR |
00132457 |
Modern molecular photochemistry of organic molecules / |
Turro, Nicholas J., |
University Science Books, |
2010 |
9781891389252 (HB) | 97893861 |
xxxiii, 1084 p. : |
UG Library |
547.135 TUR |
00125237 |
Modern molecular photochemistry of organic molecules / |
Turro, Nicholas J., |
University Science Books, |
2010 |
9781891389252 (HB) | 97893861 |
xxxiii, 1084 p. : |
UG Library |
547.139 BRU |
04002439 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry |
Bruckner, Reinhard |
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers |
2008 |
9788181477132 |
636 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.139 CAR |
04000525 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry / |
Carey, Francis A |
Springer, |
2008 |
9780387683461 |
1198 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.139 CAR |
04000526 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry / |
Carey, Francis A |
Springer, |
2008 |
9780387683461 |
1198 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.139 MAR |
04002474 |
Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure |
March, Jerry |
John Wiley and Sons |
2005 |
9788126510467 |
1495 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.139 JAC |
00109146 |
Understanding organic reaction mechanisms |
Jacobs, Adam. |
Cambridge University Press, |
1997 |
0521462177 (hc) | 0521467764 ( |
xv, 304 p. : |
UG Library |
547.139 JEN |
00148073 |
Organic Chemistry Reactions Mechanisms/ |
Jensen, Jaxon |
Asia Publishers, |
2024 |
9788196935283 |
ix,302 p. ; |
UG Library |
547.139 KAL |
00091014 |
Organic Reactions and Their Mechanisms |
Kalsi, P S |
New Age International Publishers |
9788122425963 |
693p |
UG Library |
547.139 KAL |
00091015 |
Organic Reactions and Their Mechanisms |
Kalsi, P S |
New Age International Publishers |
9788122425963 |
693p |
UG Library |
547.139 KAR |
00127684 |
Advanced organic chemistry : |
Kar, Ashutosh, |
Medtech, |
2017 |
9789385998294 |
xvi, 772 p. |
UG Library |
547.139 KAR |
00131097 |
Advanced organic chemistry : |
Kar, Ashutosh, |
Medtech, |
2017 |
9789385998294 |
xvi, 772 p. |
UG Library |
547.139 NAR |
04018241 |
Fundamentals of Reaction Mechanisms in Organic Chemsitry / |
Narain, R. P, |
PHI, |
2011 |
9788120341791 |
265p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.139 SOL |
00117989 |
Study Guide and Solutions Manual : Organic Chemistry |
Solomons, T.W.Graham |
Wiley India (P) Ltd, |
2011 |
9788126526499 |
xxv: 622p.; |
UG Library |
547.139 SYK |
00112949 |
A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry |
Sykes Peter |
Pearson, |
2006 |
9788177584332 |
6th ed, |
xii, 416 p.: |
UG Library |
547.16 ELI |
04000540 |
Stereochemistry of Carbon Compounds / |
Eliel, Ernest L |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, |
2008 |
0070992908 |
486 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.16 ACH |
00021068 |
A Introduction to the Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds |
Acheson R.M. |
Wiley Eastern Ltd |
1967 |
2nd Ed. |
408 p. |
UG Library |
547.16 JAI |
00122854 |
Heterocyclic Compounds |
Jain, Rashmi |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2015 |
9789351403883 |
352 p:. |
UG Library |
547.16 LEL |
00109387 |
Stereochemistry Of Carbon Compounds |
Eliel,Ernest L. |
Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd |
1962 |
9780070992900 |
xv; 486 p. |
UG Library |
547.16 LEL |
00020291 |
Stereochemistry Of Carbon Compounds |
Eliel,Ernest L. |
Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd |
1962 |
9780070992900 |
xv; 486 p. |
UG Library |
547.16 LEL |
00015672 |
Stereochemistry Of Carbon Compounds |
Eliel,Ernest L. |
Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd |
1962 |
9780070992900 |
xv; 486 p. |
UG Library |
547.16 PAR |
00119949 |
Chemistry of Heterocyclic compunds |
Parashar Rakesh Kumar |
Anebooks Pvt. Ltd |
2015 |
9789384726140 |
389p. |
UG Library |
547.2 CAR |
00102233 |
Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis |
Carruthers, William |
Cambridge university; |
2006 |
0521682134 | 9781107567450 |
4th ed. |
493p |
UG Library |
547.2 CAR |
00129373 |
Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis |
Carruthers, William |
Cambridge university; |
2006 |
0521682134 | 9781107567450 |
4th ed. |
493p |
UG Library |
547.2 CAR |
00129374 |
Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis |
Carruthers, William |
Cambridge university; |
2006 |
0521682134 | 9781107567450 |
4th ed. |
493p |
UG Library |
547.2 CAR |
00129375 |
Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis |
Carruthers, William |
Cambridge university; |
2006 |
0521682134 | 9781107567450 |
4th ed. |
493p |
UG Library |
547.2 CAR |
00126058 |
Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis |
Carruthers, William |
Cambridge university; |
2006 |
0521682134 | 9781107567450 |
4th ed. |
493p |
UG Library |
547.2 CAR |
00126059 |
Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis |
Carruthers, William |
Cambridge university; |
2006 |
0521682134 | 9781107567450 |
4th ed. |
493p |
UG Library |
547.2 CAR |
00105991 |
Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis |
Carruthers, William |
Cambridge university; |
2006 |
0521682134 | 9781107567450 |
4th ed. |
493p |
UG Library |
547.2 CLA |
04001496 |
Handbook of Organic Analysis |
Clarke, Thacher Hans |
CBS Publishers and Distributors |
2008 |
9788123915012 |
291p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.2 SIN |
00091008 |
Photochemistry And Pericyclic Reactions |
Singh,Jagdamba. |
New Age International Pvt Ltd Publisers |
2010 |
9788122426786 |
3rd Ed. |
455 p. |
UG Library |
547.2 SIN |
00146092 |
Photochemistry and Pericyclic Reactions / |
Singh, Jagdamba. |
New Age International Pvt.Ltd., |
2023 |
9789395161329 |
5th ed. |
660p.; |
UG Library |
547.2 SIN |
00146093 |
Photochemistry and Pericyclic Reactions / |
Singh, Jagdamba. |
New Age International Pvt.Ltd., |
2023 |
9789395161329 |
5th ed. |
660p.; |
UG Library |
547.2 AHL |
00109365 |
Srategies For Green Organic Synthesis |
Ahluwalia V.K. |
Ane Books Pvt Ltd |
2012 |
9789381162729 |
xvi; 352 p. |
UG Library |
547.2 AHL |
00082708 |
Organic Synthesis: Special Techniques |
Ahuuwalia, V K |
Narosa |
8173197113 |
216p |
UG Library |
547.2 AHL |
00091790 |
Organic Synthesis: Special Techniques |
Ahuuwalia, V K |
Narosa |
8173197113 |
216p |
UG Library |
547.2 AHL |
00091791 |
Organic Synthesis: Special Techniques |
Ahuuwalia, V K |
Narosa |
8173197113 |
216p |
UG Library |
547.2 AHL |
00091792 |
Organic Synthesis: Special Techniques |
Ahuuwalia, V K |
Narosa |
8173197113 |
216p |
UG Library |
547.2 AHL |
00091793 |
Organic Synthesis: Special Techniques |
Ahuuwalia, V K |
Narosa |
8173197113 |
216p |
UG Library |
547.2 BAL |
00146763 |
Rearrangements in Organic Chemistry/ |
Balyan, Neelam |
Venus Books, |
2023 |
9789395431453 |
viii,268p. ; |
UG Library |
547.2 BHU |
04019264 |
Organid Reactions with Mechanisms / |
Bhutani, S. P. |
Ane Books, |
2013 |
9789380618302 |
356p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.2 CAM |
00135489 |
Pharmaceutical Chemistry : |
Rosa,Joaquin M. Campos. |
Walter de Gruyter, |
2018 |
9783110528510 |
xvi,259p.; |
UG Library |
547.2 CAR |
00083449 |
Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis |
Carruthers, William |
Cambridge university; |
2006 |
0521682134 | 9781107567450 |
4th ed. |
493p |
UG Library |
547.2 CHA |
00088136 |
Reaction Mechanism and Reagents in Organic Chemistry. |
Chatwal, Gurdeep |
Himalaya Publishing House |
2007 |
8183186823 |
1101p |
UG Library |
547.2 CHR |
00097064 |
Asymmetric synthesis : |
Wiley-VCH, |
9783527320936 (pbk.) | 3527320 |
xl, 355 p. : |
UG Library |
547.2 DOY |
00098460 |
Modern catalytic methods for organic synthesis with diazo compounds : |
Doyle, Michael P. |
Wiley, |
9780471135562 (cloth : alk. pa |
xvii, 652 p. : |
UG Library |
547.2 GAR |
00147604 |
A Holistic Approach to Organic Synthesis / |
Garner, Philip P. |
CRC Press, |
2024 |
9781003369431 |
First edition. |
1 online resource. |
UG Library |
547.2 HAN |
00061700 |
Organic Synthetic Methods |
Hanson,James R. |
Royal Society Of Chemistry |
2002 |
0854046828 | 9780854046829 |
175 p. |
UG Library |
547.2 HAN |
00127357 |
Organic Synthetic Methods |
Hanson,James R. |
Royal Society Of Chemistry |
2002 |
0854046828 | 9780854046829 |
175 p. |
UG Library |
547.2 HEN |
00135315 |
Modern Organic Synthesis / |
Henderson,Norman. |
NY Research Press, |
2018 |
9781632385871 |
vi,232p.; |
UG Library |
547.2 KAL |
00118775 |
Organic Synthesis through Disconnection Approach |
Kalsi, P.S. |
Med Tec, |
2014 |
9789381714980 |
xvi: 448p. ; |
UG Library |
547.2 KAL |
00118964 |
Organic Synthesis through Disconnection Approach |
Kalsi, P.S. |
Med Tec, |
2014 |
9789381714980 |
xvi: 448p. ; |
UG Library |
547.2 KAL |
00117689 |
Organic Synthesis through Disconnection Approach |
Kalsi, P.S. |
Med Tec, |
2014 |
9789381714980 |
xvi: 448p. ; |
UG Library |
547.2 KAR |
00146168 |
Name Reactions and Rearrangements in Organic Chemistry/ |
Kar ,Ratan Kumar |
Books And Allied, |
2016 |
9789384294700 |
xvii,1209 p.: |
UG Library |
547.2 KAR |
00123748 |
Name Reactions and Rearrangements in Organic Chemistry/ |
Kar ,Ratan Kumar |
Books And Allied, |
2016 |
9789384294700 |
xvii,1209 p.: |
UG Library |
547.2 KAR |
00123749 |
Name Reactions and Rearrangements in Organic Chemistry/ |
Kar ,Ratan Kumar |
Books And Allied, |
2016 |
9789384294700 |
xvii,1209 p.: |
UG Library |
547.2 KAR |
00110009 |
Application of Redox and Reagents in Organic Synthesis |
Kar, Ratan Kumar |
New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd |
2008 |
8173815828 |
xv, 505 p. ; |
UG Library |
547.2 KAR |
00110010 |
Fundamentals of Organic Synthesis |
Kar, Ratan Kumar |
New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd |
2007 |
8173810419 | 8173815321 | 9788 |
xxvii, 660 p. ; |
UG Library |
547.2 KUM |
00137453 |
Pericyclic reactions : |
Kumar, Sunil, |
Academic press, |
2016 |
9780128036402 | 0128036400 |
xii, 370 pages : |
UG Library |
547.2 KUR |
00129618 |
Strategic Applications of Named Reactions in Organic Synthesis : |
Kurti, Laszlo |
Elsevier, Academic Press, |
2017 |
9789381269817 |
xlix, 757 p.: |
UG Library |
547.2 KUR |
00119957 |
Strategic applications of named reactions in organic synthesis : |
Kurti, Laszlo |
Elsevier Academic Press, |
2005 |
0124297854 (acidfree paper) |
lii, 758 p. : |
UG Library |
547.2 LAV |
00082647 |
Named Organic Reactions. |
Laue, Thomas |
2005 |
0047001041 |
310p |
UG Library |
547.2 LIN |
00109363 |
Organic reactions in water |
Lindström, Marcus U. |
Blackwell Pub., |
2007 |
9781405138901 (hardback : alk. |
xvi, 405 p. : |
UG Library |
547.2 MAJ |
00121891 |
Textbook of percyclic reactions/ |
Majumdar K C |
MedTec |
2015 |
9789384007379 |
226p. |
UG Library |
547.2 MAJ |
04029141 |
Textbook of percyclic reactions/ |
Majumdar K C |
MedTec |
2015 |
9789384007379 |
226p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.2 MIS |
00132077 |
Polymer Chemistry: |
Misra G.S, |
New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, |
2018 |
9789386418968 |
xviii,253 p., |
UG Library |
547.2 MIT |
00126629 |
Reactions, Reagents and Synthesis in Organic Chemistry |
Mitra Kumar Asok |
Books and Allied Ltd, |
2016 |
9789384294816 |
398 p.: |
UG Library |
547.2 MIT |
00126630 |
Reactions, Reagents and Synthesis in Organic Chemistry |
Mitra Kumar Asok |
Books and Allied Ltd, |
2016 |
9789384294816 |
398 p.: |
UG Library |
547.2 NAD |
00033848 |
Practical Organic Chemistry |
Nadkarny V.V. |
Popular Prakashan |
1971 |
4th Ed. |
150 p. |
UG Library |
547.2 NOR |
00120190 |
Principles of Organic Synthesis / |
Norman, R. O. C. |
CBS pullisher, |
1993 |
9780748761623 |
3rd Ed. |
811p. : |
UG Library |
547.2 NOR |
04019395 |
Principles of Organic Synthesis / |
Norman, R. O. C. |
CBS pullisher, |
1993 |
9780748761623 |
3rd Ed. |
811p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.2 NOR |
04016411 |
Principles of Organic Synthesis / |
Norman, R. O. C. |
CBS pullisher, |
1993 |
9780748761623 |
3rd Ed. |
811p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.2 PAR |
00082650 |
Name Reactions in Organic Synthesis. |
Parikh, Arun |
Foundation Books |
2006 |
8175963514 |
628p |
UG Library |
547.2 PIR |
00080355 |
Synthetic Organic Chemist`s Companion |
Pirrung, Michael C |
Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd |
2007 |
198p |
UG Library |
547.2 PIR |
00109354 |
The synthetic organic chemist's companion |
Pirrung, Michael C. |
Wiley-Interscience, |
2007 |
9780470107072 (cloth) | 978047 |
xiii, 198 p. : |
UG Library |
547.2 RAJ |
00120864 |
Organic Name Reactions & Molecular Rearrangements |
Raj, Gurdeep |
Krishna Prakashan Media, |
2015 |
9788182836723 |
512 P:. |
UG Library |
547.2 REN |
00124673 |
Name Reactions and Reagents in Organic Synthesis |
Renuga, S. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9789382956952 |
part A 406, part B 104, C 22p.: |
UG Library |
547.2 REN |
00124674 |
Name Reactions and Reagents in Organic Synthesis |
Renuga, S. |
Vishal Publishing Co., |
2016 |
9789382956952 |
part A 406, part B 104, C 22p.: |
UG Library |
547.2 SAD |
05056570 |
Organic nanoreactors : |
Academic Press, |
2016 |
9780128017135 | 0128017139 |
xiv, 569 pages : |
Knowledge Centre |
547.2 SAL |
00120868 |
Organic Synthesis |
M.P. Saluja |
Krishan Prakashan Media, |
2015 |
9788182835610 |
xx.,248 p.: |
UG Library |
547.2 SAN |
00123979 |
Pericyclic Reactions A Textbook |
Sankararaman S. |
Wiley India Pvt, |
2005 |
9788126557554 |
xiv, 418 p.: |
UG Library |
547.2 SAT |
00146512 |
Interactive Organic Mechanism/ |
Sato, Kenji |
Agrotech Press, |
2023 |
9789387160729 |
256p. ; |
UG Library |
547.2 SHA |
00122833 |
Pericyclic Reactions and Organic Photochemistry/ |
Sharma, Vinay Prabha. |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2013 |
9789350063972 |
3rd Ed. |
viii: 333p. |
UG Library |
547.2 SHA |
00111473 |
Pericyclic Reactions and Organic Photochemistry/ |
Sharma, Vinay Prabha. |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2008 |
9789350063972 |
2nd Ed. |
viii: 333p.; |
UG Library |
547.2 SIK |
00127014 |
Organic Reactions and Their Mechanisms / |
Sikkander, A. Mohamed |
Viva Books, |
2016 |
9788130934013 |
242p. : |
UG Library |
547.2 SIK |
04024620 |
Organic Reactions and Their Mechanisms / |
Sikkander, A. Mohamed |
Viva Books, |
2016 |
9788130934013 |
242p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.2 SIN |
00091009 |
Photochemistry And Pericyclic Reactions |
Singh,Jagdamba. |
New Age International Pvt Ltd Publisers |
2010 |
9788122426786 |
3rd Ed. |
455 p. |
UG Library |
547.2 SIN |
00138080 |
Photochemistry and Pericyclic Reactions / |
Singh,Jagdamba. |
New Age International Limited, |
2020 |
9789386649164 |
4th edition (rep) |
xvi,519p.; |
UG Library |
547.2 SIN |
00119364 |
Organic Synthesis/ |
Singh, Jagdamba. |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2006 |
978 - 93 - 5140 - 049 - 3 |
9th Ed. |
x: 728p.; |
UG Library |
547.2 SIN |
00119365 |
Organic Synthesis/ |
Singh, Jagdamba. |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2006 |
978 - 93 - 5140 - 049 - 3 |
9th Ed. |
x: 728p.; |
UG Library |
547.2 SIN |
00094585 |
Photochemistry and Pericyclic Reactions / |
Singh,Jagdamba. |
New Age International Pvt.Ltd., |
2005 |
9788122416947 |
2nd Ed. |
386 p.; |
UG Library |
547.2 SIN |
00094888 |
Photochemistry And Pericyclic Reactions |
Singh,Jagdamba. |
New Age International Pvt Ltd Publisers |
2010 |
9788122426786 |
3rd Ed. |
455 p. |
UG Library |
547.2 SIN |
00094889 |
Photochemistry And Pericyclic Reactions |
Singh,Jagdamba. |
New Age International Pvt Ltd Publisers |
2010 |
9788122426786 |
3rd Ed. |
455 p. |
UG Library |
547.2 SIN |
00111469 |
Organic Synthesis/ |
Singh, Jagdamba. |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2006 |
978 - 93 - 5140 - 049 - 3 |
9th Ed. |
x: 728p.; |
UG Library |
547.2 SMI |
00036770 |
Organic Synthesis |
Smith, B Michhale |
0000079095 |
1595p |
UG Library |
547.2 STO |
00126911 |
Practical Functional Group Synthesis |
Stockland, Robert, |
John Wiley, |
2016 |
9781118612804 |
vii, 685 p, : |
UG Library |
547.2 TAB |
00127015 |
Organic Synthesis : |
Taber, D. F. |
Oxford, |
2015 |
9780190200794 | 0190200790 |
xi, 262 p. : |
UG Library |
547.2 TAN |
00097071 |
Solvent-free organic synthesis / |
Tanaka, Kōichi. |
Wiley-VCH, |
9783527322640 | 3527322647 |
viii, 457 p. : |
UG Library |
547.2 VAT |
00118609 |
Asymmetric Synthesis/ |
Vatsala Y |
New Age Publishers |
2013 |
9788122434163 |
178p. |
UG Library |
547.2 VAT |
00118610 |
Asymmetric Synthesis/ |
Vatsala Y |
New Age Publishers |
2013 |
9788122434163 |
178p. |
UG Library |
547.2 VAT |
00118611 |
Asymmetric Synthesis/ |
Vatsala Y |
New Age Publishers |
2013 |
9788122434163 |
178p. |
UG Library |
547.2 VAT |
00118612 |
Asymmetric Synthesis/ |
Vatsala Y |
New Age Publishers |
2013 |
9788122434163 |
178p. |
UG Library |
547.2 WHI |
00006199 |
A Guide to Understanding Basic Organic Reactions |
Whitfield R.C. |
Longmans |
1966 |
118 p. |
UG Library |
547.2 WUT |
00126054 |
Greene's Protective groups in organic synthesis |
WutsPeter G M |
John Wiley & Sons Inc. |
2007 |
9788126530366 |
4th ed. |
1082p. |
UG Library |
547.2 WUT |
00126055 |
Greene's Protective groups in organic synthesis |
WutsPeter G M |
John Wiley & Sons Inc. |
2007 |
9788126530366 |
4th ed. |
1082p. |
UG Library |
547.2 WYA |
00086030 |
Workbook for Organic Synthesis: |
Wyatt, Paul |
John Wiley & Sons Ltd. |
2008 |
9780471929642 |
492 p |
UG Library |
547.2 WYA |
00098465 |
Organic synthesis : |
Wyatt, Paul. |
John Wiley, |
9780471489405 | 0471489409 | 9 |
vi, 909 p. : |
UG Library |
547.21 KAL |
00104724 |
Organic synthesis through disconnection approach |
Kalsi, P S |
MedTech |
2017 |
9789385998461 |
2nd rev.ed. |
464p. |
UG Library |
547.21 KAL |
00129387 |
Organic synthesis through disconnection approach |
Kalsi, P S |
MedTech |
2017 |
9789385998461 |
2nd rev.ed. |
464p. |
UG Library |
547.21 KAL |
04029139 |
Organic synthesis through disconnection approach |
Kalsi, P S |
MedTech |
2017 |
9789385998461 |
2nd rev.ed. |
464p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.21 KAR |
00088130 |
Fundamentals of Organic Synthesis: |
Kar, Ratan Kumar |
New Central Book Agency Pvt.Ltd |
2008 |
8173810419 | 9788173810411 |
678p |
UG Library |
547.21 KAR |
00088131 |
Fundamentals of Organic Synthesis: |
Kar, Ratan Kumar |
New Central Book Agency Pvt.Ltd |
2008 |
8173810419 | 9788173810411 |
678p |
UG Library |
547.21 TIE |
00120181 |
Microwave Assisted Organic Synthesis |
Tierney, Jason P |
Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, |
2005 |
9788126522712 |
XI, 280 p.: |
UG Library |
547.21 WAK |
00082686 |
Organic Synthesis the Disconnection Approach. |
Warren, Stuart |
Wiley India |
2007 |
0812651146 |
391p |
UG Library |
547.215 CHA |
00132432 |
Solar photocatalysis for environmental remediation |
Chakrabarrti,Sampa |
The energy and resources institute, |
2018 |
9788179936603 |
xvi,156p.; |
UG Library |
547.215 FAG |
00136037 |
Photoorganocatalysis in organic synthesis / |
Fagnoni, Maurizio, |
World scientific publishing europe ltd., |
2019 |
9781786346049 (hc : alk. paper) |
xxx,568p.; |
UG Library |
547.215 PEL |
00116720 |
Recent developments in asymmetric organocatalysis |
Pellissier, Helene. |
RSC Pub., |
2010 |
9781849730549 (hbk.) | 1849730 |
xv, 241 p.; |
UG Library |
547.23 ADA |
00097070 |
Oxidation of organic compounds by dioxiranes / |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., |
9780470454077 | 0470454075 |
xi, 670 p. : |
UG Library |
547.23 AHL |
00123529 |
Oxidation in Organic Synthesis |
Ahluwalia, V K |
Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., |
2016 |
9789380618319 |
xvi, 323 p:. |
UG Library |
547.25 SHE |
00079972 |
Green Chemistry and Catalysis |
Sheldon, Roger A |
Wiley-Vich Verlag Gmbh & Co |
2007 |
9783527307159 |
433 p |
UG Library |
547.27 IQB |
04018134 |
Synthetic of Acid Alcohols / |
Iqbal, Syed Aftab |
Discovery publishing house, |
2013 |
9789350561386 |
347p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.28 BRA |
00082655 |
Polymer Synthesis: Theory and Practice Fundamentals, Methods, Experiments. |
Braun, D |
Springer |
2007 |
8181285638 |
385p |
UG Library |
547.28 DAV |
04028747 |
Geopolymer : |
Davidovits, Joseph |
Institute of Geopolymer, |
2015 |
9782951482098 |
4th Ed. |
623p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.28 SEY |
00015669 |
Introduction to Polymer Chemistry |
Seymour, Raymond B |
Mc Graw Hill |
437p |
UG Library |
547.29 MCN |
00109850 |
Fermentation |
Mcneil B. |
Oxford University Press |
1990 |
9780195692518 |
xiii; 226 p. |
UG Library |
547.3 HOL |
00097622 |
Modern Spectroscopy |
Hollas, J. Michael |
Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., |
2010 |
9788126525713 |
4th ed. |
452 p. |
UG Library |
547.3 CHA |
00045980 |
Spectroscopy : Atomic and Molecular |
Chatwal Gurdeep |
Himalaya Publishing House |
1998 |
414 p |
UG Library |
547.3 CHA |
00063533 |
Spectoscopy (atomic and Molecular) |
Chatwal, R Gurdeep |
8178665344 |
575p |
UG Library |
547.3 DUT |
00047729 |
Spectroscopy |
Dutta, M K |
Sarupa and Sons |
8176250627 |
215p |
UG Library |
547.3 DUT |
00049981 |
Spectroscopy |
Dutta, M K |
Sarupa and Sons |
8176250627 |
215p |
UG Library |
547.3 GAN |
00033852 |
Analytical Chemistry |
Ganguly,Bejoy Kumar. |
Ghosh & Co |
1964 |
359 p. |
UG Library |
547.3 GUP |
00132117 |
Molecular and Laser Spectroscopy: |
Gupta V.P, |
Elseiver, |
2018 |
9780128498835 |
xvi,346 p.; |
UG Library |
547.3 HOL |
00130488 |
Modern Spectroscopy |
Hollas, J. Michael |
Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., |
2010 |
9788126525713 |
4th ed. |
452 p. |
UG Library |
547.3 KAU |
00120195 |
Spectroscopy |
Kaur H |
Pragathi Prakashan |
2013 |
9789350064009 |
8th ed. |
760p. |
UG Library |
547.3 KAU |
00122835 |
Spectroscopy |
Kaur H |
Pragathi Prakashan |
2015 |
9789351405382 |
10th ed. |
759p. |
UG Library |
547.3 KUM |
00146509 |
Spectroscopy/ |
Kumari, Sapna |
Asia Publisher, |
2023 |
9788119391127 |
320p, : |
UG Library |
547.3 PAT |
00055097 |
Spectroscopy |
Patania V B |
Campus Books International, |
2002 |
8187815906 |
368 p.; |
UG Library |
547.3 PAV |
00141125 |
Introduction to Spectroscopy |
Pavia Donald L |
Cengage learning ind pvt ltd., |
2015 |
9788131529164 |
5th ed., |
xvii,690p.; |
UG Library |
547.3 PAV |
00105391 |
Spectroscopy: |
Pavia,Donald. |
Brooks/Cole Cengage learning |
2007 |
9788131505762 |
690 p. |
UG Library |
547.3 PAV |
00093934 |
Introduction to Spectroscopy |
Pavia Donald L |
Thomson Learning |
2001 |
9788131500811 |
3rd ed. |
604p |
UG Library |
547.3 PAV |
00064079 |
Introduction to Spectroscopy |
Pavia Donald L |
Thomson Learning |
2001 |
9788131500811 |
3rd ed. |
604p |
UG Library |
547.3 PAV |
00064080 |
Introduction to Spectroscopy |
Pavia Donald L |
Thomson Learning |
2001 |
9788131500811 |
3rd ed. |
604p |
UG Library |
547.3 PAV |
00064078 |
Introduction to Spectroscopy |
Pavia Donald L |
Thomson Learning |
2001 |
9788131500811 |
3rd ed. |
604p |
UG Library |
547.3 SHA |
00080260 |
A Handbook of Spectroscopy |
Sharma Dinesh |
International Scientific Publishing Academy |
2005 |
8182930154 |
270 p |
UG Library |
547.3 SHA |
00120856 |
Spectroscopy |
Sharma B.K |
Krishan Prakashan Media, |
2015 |
9788182836716 |
xvi, 952 p.: |
UG Library |
547.3 SHA |
00067351 |
A Handbook of Spectroscopy |
Sharma Dinesh |
International Scientific Publishing Academy |
2005 |
8182930154 |
270 p |
UG Library |
547.3 STR |
00035959 |
Spectroscopy |
Straughan, B P |
Chapman and Hall Ltd |
1976 |
0470150319 |
vol.3 |
324 p |
UG Library |
547.3 TYA |
00039809 |
Text Book of Spectroscopy |
Tyagi, O D |
Anmol |
376 p |
UG Library |
547.3 YAD |
00082682 |
Textbook of Spectroscopy |
Yadav M S |
Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd |
2003 |
8126113499 |
469 p |
UG Library |
547.3 YAD |
00057798 |
Textbook of Spectroscopy |
Yadav M S |
Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd |
2003 |
8126113499 |
469 p |
UG Library |
547.3 YAD |
00055608 |
Textbook of Spectroscopy |
Yadav M S |
Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd |
2003 |
8126113499 |
469 p |
UG Library |
547.3058 WIL |
00112229 |
Spectroscopic Methods In Organic Chemistry |
Williams, Dudley |
Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd |
2011 |
9780071332767 |
6th Ed. |
x; 291 p. |
UG Library |
547.308 KAM |
00055624 |
Organic Spectroscopy |
Kemp, William |
0033351954 |
393p |
UG Library |
547.308 KAM |
00051493 |
Organic Spectroscopy |
Kemp, William |
0033351954 |
393p |
UG Library |
547.308 KAM |
00051494 |
Organic Spectroscopy |
Kemp, William |
0033351954 |
393p |
UG Library |
547.3085 MOH |
00131977 |
Organic Spectroscopy |
Mohan,Jag |
Narosa Publishing House |
2002 |
9788173195662 |
2nd Ed. |
xiii; 548 p. |
UG Library |
547.3085 KAL |
00091006 |
Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds |
Kalsi, P S |
New Age International Publishers |
8122415431 |
631p |
UG Library |
547.3085 KAL |
00091007 |
Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds |
Kalsi, P S |
New Age International Publishers |
8122415431 |
631p |
UG Library |
547.3085 MOH |
00108837 |
Organic Spectroscopy |
Mohan,Jag |
Narosa Publishing House |
2002 |
9788173195662 |
2nd Ed. |
xiii; 548 p. |
UG Library |
547.3085 SHA |
00094898 |
Elementary Organic Spectroscopy |
Sharma Y R |
S.Chand & Company Ltd. |
9788121928847 |
356p |
UG Library |
547.3085 SHA |
00094899 |
Elementary Organic Spectroscopy |
Sharma Y R |
S.Chand & Company Ltd. |
9788121928847 |
356p |
UG Library |
547.30858 DEW |
04010783 |
Organic Spectroscopy |
Dewan S.K. |
CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. LTD, |
2010 |
9788123919065 |
xviii, 662 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.30858 KEM |
05033510 |
Organic spectroscopy / |
Kemp, William, |
W.H. Freeman, |
1991 |
0716722267 | 0716722275 |
3rd ed. |
xxii, 393 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
547.30858 WIL |
00109389 |
Spectroscopic Methods In Organic Chemistry |
Williams, Dudley |
Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd |
2011 |
9780071332767 |
6th Ed. |
x; 291 p. |
UG Library |
547.30858 WIL |
04007670 |
Spectroscopic methods in organic chemistry / |
Williams, Dudley H. |
McGraw-Hill, |
1987 |
0070841667 (pbk.) : |
4th ed. |
xii, 246 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.33 EWI |
00033849 |
Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis |
Ewing,Galen W. |
Mcgraw-Hill Book Co |
1969 |
3rd Ed. |
627 p. |
UG Library |
547.33 KAU |
00120178 |
Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis/ |
Kaur, H |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2000 |
9789350066423 |
8th Ed. |
xvi: 1176p.; |
UG Library |
547.33 KAU |
00119357 |
Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis/ |
Kaur, H |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2000 |
9789350066423 |
8th Ed. |
xvi: 1176p.; |
UG Library |
547.33 KAU |
00119358 |
Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis/ |
Kaur, H |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2000 |
9789350066423 |
8th Ed. |
xvi: 1176p.; |
UG Library |
547.33 KAU |
00122834 |
Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis/ |
Kaur, H |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2014 |
9789351402701 |
10th Ed. |
xvi: 11176p.; |
UG Library |
547.33 KAU |
00111474 |
Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis/ |
Kaur, H |
Pragati Prakashan, |
2000 |
9789350066423 |
8th Ed. |
xvi: 1176p.; |
UG Library |
547.33 SRI |
00111323 |
Instrumental Approach to Chemical Analysis/ |
Srivastava, A.K. |
S.Chand & Company Pvt.Ltd, |
1997 |
9788121916592 |
664p.; |
UG Library |
547.34 AHL |
00084912 |
Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry: Preparation and Quantitative Analysis |
Ahluwalia V. |
Universities Press |
2000 |
8173714754 | 9788173714757 |
312 p. |
UG Library |
547.34 AHL |
00084929 |
Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry: Qualitative Analysis |
Ahluwalia V.K. |
Universities Press |
2002 |
8173714282 | 9788173714283 |
294 p. |
UG Library |
547.34 AHL |
00084923 |
Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry: Preparation and Quantitative Analysis |
Ahluwalia V. |
Universities Press |
2000 |
8173714754 | 9788173714757 |
312 p. |
UG Library |
547.34 AHL |
00084928 |
Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry:Qualitative Analysis. |
Alhuwali, V K |
Universities Press Privite Limited |
2008 |
294p |
UG Library |
547.34 AHL |
00058763 |
Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry: Qualitative Analysis |
Ahluwalia V.K. |
Universities Press |
2002 |
8173714282 | 9788173714283 |
294 p. |
UG Library |
547.34 DAS |
00118836 |
Nomenclature of The Organic Compopunds for the beginners |
Das. Tanya |
New Central Book Agency(P) Ltd, |
2013 |
9788173816826 |
xvi:185p.; |
UG Library |
547.34 DAS |
00118837 |
Nomenclature of The Organic Compopunds for the beginners |
Das. Tanya |
New Central Book Agency(P) Ltd, |
2013 |
9788173816826 |
xvi:185p.; |
UG Library |
547.346 SIL |
00129367 |
Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds |
Silverstein,Robert. |
Wiley India. |
2015 |
9788126556595 |
8th ed. |
456p. |
UG Library |
547.346 SIL |
00129368 |
Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds |
Silverstein,Robert. |
Wiley India. |
2015 |
9788126556595 |
8th ed. |
456p. |
UG Library |
547.346 SIL |
00129369 |
Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds |
Silverstein,Robert. |
Wiley India. |
2015 |
9788126556595 |
8th ed. |
456p. |
UG Library |
547.346 SIL |
00126064 |
Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds |
Silverstein,Robert. |
Wiley India. |
2015 |
9788126556595 |
8th ed. |
456p. |
UG Library |
547.346 SIL |
00126065 |
Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds |
Silverstein,Robert. |
Wiley India. |
2015 |
9788126556595 |
8th ed. |
456p. |
UG Library |
547.346 SIL |
00105390 |
Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds |
Silverstein,Robert. |
Wiley India. |
2001 |
9788126509720 |
6th. |
xiv,482 p. |
UG Library |
547.3723 KHO |
00090944 |
Solvent Extraction Separation of Elements With Liquid Ion Exchangers |
Khopkar, S M |
New Age International Publishers |
8122420273 |
263p |
UG Library |
547.3723 KHO |
00090945 |
Solvent Extraction Separation of Elements With Liquid Ion Exchangers |
Khopkar, S M |
New Age International Publishers |
8122420273 |
263p |
UG Library |
547.411 TAY |
00061708 |
The Molecular World: Alkenes And Aromatics |
Taylor,Peter. |
Royal Society Of Chemistry |
2002 |
0854046801 | 9780854046805 |
184 p. |
UG Library |
547.412 TOR |
04023449 |
The Pauson-Khand reaction |
Wiley, |
2012 |
9781118308622 | 9781118308639 |
313p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.44 RAY |
00090978 |
Metal and Non-Metal Biguanide Complexes |
Ray, R K |
New Age International Publishers |
8122410383 |
160p |
UG Library |
547.44RAY |
00090979 |
Metal and Non-Metal Biguanide Complexes |
Ray, R K |
New Age International Publishers |
8122410383 |
160p |
UG Library |
547.48 SOD |
00105058 |
Organomettalic Chemistry |
Sodhi G.S. |
Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. |
2009 |
9788180521980 |
160p. |
UG Library |
547.5 AHL |
00105049 |
Alicyclic Chemistry |
Ahluwalia V.K |
Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. |
2009 |
9788180522765 |
ix,141p. |
UG Library |
547.5 KAR |
00107223 |
Frontier Orbital and Symmentry Controlled Pericyclic Reactions |
Kar Ratan Kumar |
Books and Allied (P) Ltd. |
2010 |
9788187134640 |
278 P. |
UG Library |
547.59 AHL |
00137103 |
Heterocyclic Chemistry / |
Ahluwalia, V.K. |
Narosa Publishing House, |
2018 |
9788184871548 | 9788184875591 |
rep |
xiii, 10.38 p.; |
UG Library |
547.59 AHL |
00137104 |
Heterocyclic Chemistry / |
Ahluwalia, V.K. |
Narosa Publishing House, |
2018 |
9788184871548 | 9788184875591 |
rep |
xiii, 10.38 p.; |
UG Library |
547.59 AHL |
00110902 |
Heterocyclic Chemistry / |
Ahluwalia, V.K. |
Narosa Publishing House, |
2012 |
9788184871548 | 9788184875591 |
xiii; 10.38 p.: |
UG Library |
547.59 AHL |
00127012 |
Heterocyclic Chemistry / |
Ahluwalia, V.K. |
Narosa Publishing House, |
2012 |
9788184871548 | 9788184875591 |
xiii; 10.38 p.: |
UG Library |
547.59 AHL |
00131112 |
Heterocyclic Chemistry / |
Ahluwalia, V.K. |
Narosa Publishing House, |
2012 |
9788184871548 | 9788184875591 |
xiii; 10.38 p.: |
UG Library |
547.59 BAN |
00090958 |
Heterocyclic Chemistry |
Bansal, Raj K |
New Age International Publishers |
0812241706 |
561p |
UG Library |
547.59 BAN |
00090959 |
Heterocyclic Chemistry |
Bansal, Raj K |
New Age International Publishers |
0812241706 |
561p |
UG Library |
547.59 GAU |
00061910 |
Heterocyclic Chemistry |
Gautam D.C. |
RBSA Publishers |
2004 |
8176112119 | 9788176112116 |
298 p. |
UG Library |
547.59 GIL |
00129358 |
Heterocyclic Chemistry |
Gilchrist, Thomas . L |
Pearson Education Ltd., |
2014 |
9788131707937 |
3rd ed, |
XVII; 414 p.: |
UG Library |
547.59 GIL |
00129359 |
Heterocyclic Chemistry |
Gilchrist, Thomas . L |
Pearson Education Ltd., |
2014 |
9788131707937 |
3rd ed, |
XVII; 414 p.: |
UG Library |
547.59 GIL |
00129360 |
Heterocyclic Chemistry |
Gilchrist, Thomas . L |
Pearson Education Ltd., |
2014 |
9788131707937 |
3rd ed, |
XVII; 414 p.: |
UG Library |
547.59 GIL |
00120173 |
Heterocyclic Chemistry |
Gilchrist, Thomas . L |
Pearson Education Ltd., |
2014 |
9788131707937 |
3rd ed, |
XVII; 414 p.: |
UG Library |
547.59 GOS |
00142486 |
Hydroxytriazenes and triazenes : |
Goswami, A. K., |
CRC press, |
2021 |
9781138597204 |
1. |
xiv,114p.; |
UG Library |
547.59 GUP |
00122469 |
Heterocyclic Chemistry |
Gupta, R. R |
Springer. |
1999 |
9788181282217 | 9788181282200 |
x,638 p:. |
UG Library |
547.59 GUP |
00122470 |
Heterocyclic Chemistry |
Gupta, R. R |
Springer. |
1999 |
9788181282217 | 9788181282200 |
x,638 p:. |
UG Library |
547.59 GUP |
00120799 |
Heterocyclic Chemistry |
Gupta, R. R |
Springer. |
1999 |
9788181282217 | 9788181282200 |
x,638 p:. |
UG Library |
547.59 GUP |
00120798 |
Heterocyclic Chemistry |
Gupta, R. R |
Springer. |
1999 |
9788181282217 | 9788181282200 |
x,638 p:. |
UG Library |
547.59 JAC |
00137687 |
Introductory Heterocyclic Chemistry |
Jacobi, Peter A |
John wiley and sons, |
2019 |
9781119417590 |
xi,257p.; |
UG Library |
547.59 JOU |
00108597 |
Heterocyclic chemistry |
Joule, J. A. |
Wiley, |
2009 |
9781405133005 | 9781405133005 |
5th ed. |
xxviii, 689 p. : |
UG Library |
547.59 JOU |
00022366 |
Heterocyclic Chemistry |
Joule J.A. |
English Language Book Society |
1979 |
00442301979 |
2nd Ed. |
378 p. |
UG Library |
547.59 JOU |
00082704 |
Heterocyclic Chemistry at a Glance |
Joule, John A |
Blacker & Sons |
2007 |
150p |
UG Library |
547.59 LI |
00120800 |
Name Reactions in Heterocyclic chemistery |
Li, Jal Jack |
Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, |
2005 |
9788126523870 |
xix,558 p:. |
UG Library |
547.59 MAT |
00127010 |
Heterocyclic Supramolecules / |
Matsumoto, K. |
Springer, |
2008 |
9783540681892 (v. 1 : | 35406 |
xi, 201 p.: |
UG Library |
547.59 PAR |
00097121 |
Heterocyclic Chemistry |
Parashar, Rakesh K. |
Ane Books Pvt, Ltd., |
2010 |
9789380156187 |
178 p. |
UG Library |
547.59 PAR |
00105062 |
Heterocyclic Chemistry |
Parashar, Rakesh K. |
Ane Books Pvt, Ltd., |
2010 |
9789380156187 |
178 p. |
UG Library |
547.59 RAM |
00110351 |
Heterocyclic Chemistry |
Ram,Tilak. |
Sonali Publications |
2012 |
9788184114591 |
263 p. |
UG Library |
547.59 SAI |
00127009 |
Heterocyclic Chemistry / |
Sainsbury, Malcolm. |
Royal Society of Chemistry, |
2001 |
0854046526 | 9780854046522 |
vi, 142 p. : |
UG Library |
547.59046 KHO |
00108843 |
Analytical chemistry of macrocyclic and supramolecular compounds / |
Khopkar, S. M. |
Narosa Publishing House, |
2005 |
8173196818 | 9788173196812 |
2nd ed. |
xxi, 347 p. : |
UG Library |
547.593 MAN |
04007722 |
Beta-Lactams: |
manhas, Maghar S. |
Wiley-Interscience |
1969 |
233p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.5930459 ROY |
00097063 |
Asymmetric synthesis of nitrogen heterocycles / |
Wiley-VCH, |
9783527320363 (hbk.) | 3527320 |
xvi, 409 p. : |
UG Library |
547.6 DEL |
00058779 |
Problems in Aromatic Chemistry |
Delvin, Samuel |
IVY Publishing House |
8178900734 |
140p |
UG Library |
547.6 HEP |
00138456 |
Aromatic Chemistry / |
Hepworth,John D. |
The Royal Society of Chemistry, |
2002 |
9780854046621 |
vii,168p.; |
UG Library |
547.6 SIN |
00146508 |
Aromatic Chemistry/ |
Singh, Jagjeet |
Venus Books, |
2023 |
9789395431415 |
269p. ; |
UG Library |
547.61 ALI |
00124465 |
Graphene Science Handbook. |
CRC Press, |
2016 |
9781466591318 | 1466591315 |
xviii, 715 p ; |
UG Library |
547.61 PAT |
04029166 |
Graphene and its fascinating attributes / |
Pati, Swapan K. |
World Scientific, |
2011 |
9789814329354 | 9814329355 |
xv, 270 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.7 AHL |
04002799 |
Chemistry of Natural Products |
Ahluwalia, V K |
Ane Books |
2006 |
9788180520891 |
249 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.7 KAR |
00109917 |
Chemistry Of Natural products: |
Kar, Ashutosh |
CBS Publisher Pvt.Ltd . |
2010 |
9788123918747 | 9788123920726 |
xviii, 501 p. |
UG Library |
547.7 KAR |
00098459 |
Chemistry Of Natural products: |
Kar, Ashutosh |
CBS Publisher Pvt.Ltd . |
2010 |
9788123918747 | 9788123920726 |
xviii, 501 p. |
UG Library |
547.7 KRI |
04005537 |
Chemistry of Natural Products |
Krishnaswamy N.R. |
Universities Press |
2010 |
9788173716775 |
2nd Ed. |
417 p. |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.7 RUD |
04000621 |
Elements of Polymer Science and Engineering / |
Rudin, Alfred |
Elsevier, |
2008 |
9788131203095 |
509 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.7 STE |
04001342 |
Polymer Chemistry: An Introduction |
Stevens, Malcolm P |
Oxford Universtiy Press |
1999 |
9780195699258 |
551p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.7 AHL |
00124206 |
Enzymes For Green Organic Syntesis |
Ahluwalia V.K. |
Narosa Publishing House |
2010 |
9788184870893 |
xii; 9.5 p. |
UG Library |
547.7 AHL |
00108858 |
Enzymes For Green Organic Syntesis |
Ahluwalia V.K. |
Narosa Publishing House |
2010 |
9788184870893 |
xii; 9.5 p. |
UG Library |
547.7 ARO |
00059589 |
Polymer Chemistry |
Arora, M G |
Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd |
8126114126 |
438p |
UG Library |
547.7 BAH |
00063049 |
Principles of Polymer Science |
Bahadur, P |
Narosa |
2002 |
8173194181 |
401p |
UG Library |
547.7 BAH |
00125991 |
Principles of Polymer Science |
Bahadur, P |
Narosa |
2005 |
9788173196553 |
2nd ed, |
401p.: |
UG Library |
547.7 BAL |
00146504 |
Coordination Chemistry: |
Weber, Birgit |
Springer, |
2023 |
9783662664407 |
xvii,266p. ; |
UG Library |
547.7 BAN |
00124881 |
Polymer Chemistry |
Bansal Kumar Pawan |
Crescent Publishing , |
2015 |
9788183423472 |
vii, 223 p.: |
UG Library |
547.7 BAR |
00135285 |
Concepts for molecular machines / |
Baruah, Jubaraj Bikash, |
World scientific publishing, |
2018 |
9789813223707 (hardcover : alk. paper) |
xiii, 163 pages : |
UG Library |
547.7 BAR |
00147238 |
Concepts for molecular machines / |
Baruah, Jubaraj Bikash |
World scientific publishing, |
2024 |
9781944660956 |
xiii,163p. : |
UG Library |
547.7 BAS |
00079064 |
Handbook of Biodegradable Polymers |
Bastioli, Catia |
Rapra Technology |
2006 |
1859573894 |
533 p |
UG Library |
547.7 BHA |
00141096 |
A textbook of polymer chemistry: |
Bhatnagar,M.S |
S Chand and compnay ltd., |
2018 |
9788121941129 |
xiv,552p.; |
UG Library |
547.7 BRA |
00108846 |
Natural Products: Chemistry,Biochemistry and Pharmacology |
Brahmachari Goutam |
Narosa Publishing House |
2009 |
9788173198861 |
xviii; 822 p. |
UG Library |
547.7 CAR |
00132576 |
Introduction to polymer chemistry / |
Carraher, Charles E., |
CRC press, |
2017 |
9781498737616 (hardback : alk. paper) | 1498737617 (hardback : alk. paper) |
Fourth edition. |
xxvii, 560 pages : |
UG Library |
547.7 CHO |
00124882 |
Polymer Chemistry |
Choudhary N.L |
Lobus Press, |
2016 |
9789385379390 |
vii, 264 p.: |
UG Library |
547.7 COW |
00067352 |
Polymers: Chemistry and Physics of Modern Materials |
Cowie J.M.G. |
CRC Press |
2008 |
0849398134 | 9780849398131 |
3rd Ed. |
499 p. |
UG Library |
547.7 COW |
00082691 |
Polymers: Chemistry and Physics of Modern Materials |
Cowie J.M.G. |
CRC Press |
2008 |
0849398134 | 9780849398131 |
3rd Ed. |
499 p. |
UG Library |
547.7 COW |
00079143 |
Polymers: Chemistry and Physics of Modern Materials |
Cowie J.M.G. |
CRC Press |
2008 |
0849398134 | 9780849398131 |
3rd Ed. |
499 p. |
UG Library |
547.7 DAV |
04018214 |
Engineering the bioelectronic interface : |
Davis, Jason J. |
RSC Pub., |
2009 |
9780854041657 (hbk.) | 0854041 |
259 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.7 DOO |
00138464 |
Peptides and proteins |
Doonan,Shawn |
The royal society of chemistry, |
2002 |
9780854046928 |
vi,186p.; |
UG Library |
547.7 FLO |
00082663 |
Principles of Polymer Chemistry. |
Flory, Paul J |
Asian Books Pvt Ltd |
2006 |
8184120133 |
672p |
UG Library |
547.7 GRA |
04008623 |
Giant molecules : |
Gratzer, Walter |
Oxford University press, |
2011 |
9780199562138 |
xii, 254p.; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.7 KUM |
00108842 |
Biogenesis Of Natural Products |
Kumar, Baldev |
Narosa Publishing House |
2005 |
9788173196935 |
x; 296 p. |
UG Library |
547.7 MIS |
00084930 |
Introductory Polymer Chemistry. |
Misra, G S |
New Age International Publishers |
1993 |
8122404715 |
253 |
UG Library |
547.7 PAN |
00123426 |
Chemistry of Natural Products |
Panwar, Hament |
RBSA Publishers, |
2014 |
9788176116718 |
352 p:. |
UG Library |
547.7 RUS |
00143573 |
Fundamentals of Polymer Chemistry / |
Russo, Sydney. |
States academic press, |
2022 |
9781639892303 |
viii,238p, ; |
UG Library |
547.7 SPI |
00132575 |
Inroduction to polymer chemistry |
Spinks,Gordon M |
Oxford book company, |
2019 |
9789350304419 |
viii,288p.; |
UG Library |
547.7 STE |
04012422 |
Polymer Chemistry: An Introduction |
Stevens, Malcolm P |
Oxford Universtiy Press |
1999 |
9780195699258 |
551p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.7 TAN |
00106040 |
Polymer Physics : |
Tanaka, F. |
Cambridge University Press, |
2011 |
9780521864299 (hardback) |
xv,387 p. |
UG Library |
547.7 WEB |
00146510 |
Polymer Chemistry/ |
Baliyan, Neelam |
Academic, |
2023 |
9789395546300 |
xii,284p. : |
UG Library |
547.7 WHI |
00072884 |
Polymers |
Whitmore G. |
IVY Publishing House |
2006 |
8178901382 | 9788178901381 |
150 p. |
UG Library |
547.70457 SUB |
00144968 |
Electroactive polymers : |
Subramanian, Muralisrinivasan Natamai |
De Gruyter, |
2021 |
3110637790 | 9783110637793 |
xii, 213 p. : |
UG Library |
547.71 AHL |
00105060 |
Terpenoids |
Ahluwalia V K |
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9788180522772 |
180p |
UG Library |
547.71AHL |
00093933 |
Terpenoids |
Ahluwalia V K |
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9788180522772 |
180p |
UG Library |
547.72 TOM |
00125287 |
Alkaloids |
Tomar,Ritu |
Oxford Book Company, |
2017 |
9789350302989 |
278 p.: |
UG Library |
547.72 AHL |
00097120 |
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Ahluwalia V. K. |
Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. |
2010 |
9788180521478 |
175 p. |
UG Library |
547.72 AHL |
00105050 |
Alkaloids |
Ahluwalia V. K. |
Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. |
2010 |
9788180521478 |
175 p. |
UG Library |
547.75 SCH |
00108903 |
Principles of protein structure |
Schulz, G. E. |
Springer-Verlag, |
1979 |
0387903860 | 0387903348 pbk. | |
x, 314 p. : |
UG Library |
547.75 SCH |
00067124 |
Principles of protein structure |
Schulz, G. E. |
Springer-Verlag, |
1979 |
0387903860 | 0387903348 pbk. | |
x, 314 p. : |
UG Library |
547.750459 HIG |
00098794 |
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Oxford university; |
9780195671049 |
xvii;282 p. |
UG Library |
547.756 HOW |
00108867 |
Peptide synthesis and applications |
Howl John |
Humana Press, |
2005 |
1588293173 (alk. paper) | 9781 |
x, 262 p. : |
UG Library |
547.78 ALE |
00142627 |
Carbohydrate chemistry : |
Alén, Raimo, |
World scientific publishing, |
2020 |
9789813223639 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9813223634 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9789813223646 (softcover : alk. paper) | 9780000988492 |
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UG Library |
547.78 ALE |
00135502 |
Carbohydrate chemistry : |
Alén, Raimo, |
World Scientific Publishing Co. Ltd, |
2018 |
9789813223639 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9813223634 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9789813223646 (softcover : alk. paper) |
x, 856 p.; |
UG Library |
547.78 SIN |
00121526 |
Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Sinnott, Michael |
RSC Publishing, |
2013 |
9781849733274 |
2nd edition |
xviii, 816 p:. |
UG Library |
547.785046 DUN |
00034249 |
Gel Electophoresis Of Proteins |
Dunn M.J. |
Wright |
1986 |
0723608822 |
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UG Library |
547.79 HON |
05033647 |
Fourteenth Symposium on Nucleic Acids Chemistry / |
Mikio Honjo |
IRL Press, |
1986 |
0852210036 |
232 p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
547.7BIL |
00084922 |
Textbook of Polymer Science. |
Billmeyer, Fred W |
Wiley India |
1994 |
8126511109 |
578p |
UG Library |
547.7SID |
04016395 |
Natural Products Chemistry Practical Manual(for Science and Pharmacy Courses)msc.Chemistry SECTION] |
Siddiqui, Annes A |
Cbs |
9788123916217 |
274p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.8 RIC |
04010953 |
Advances in protein chemistry. |
Richards Frederic M. |
Academic Press, |
2005 |
9780120342709 |
xii; 525 p. |
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00146516 |
Protein Chemistry and Technology/ |
Sharma, Sohan |
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2023 |
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UG Library |
547.83 WAD |
00013614 |
Chemicals from Petroleum: an introductory Survey |
Waddams,Lawrence A. |
The English Language Book Society |
1962 |
0719522056 |
2nd Ed. |
244 p. |
UG Library |
547.83 WAD |
00013601 |
Chemicals from Petroleum: an introductory Survey |
Waddams,Lawrence A. |
The English Language Book Society |
1962 |
0719522056 |
2nd Ed. |
244 p. |
UG Library |
547.84 HUN |
00090942 |
Experiments in Polymer Science |
Hundiwale, D G |
New Age International Publishers |
9788122423884 |
184p |
UG Library |
547.84 HUN |
00090943 |
Experiments in Polymer Science |
Hundiwale, D G |
New Age International Publishers |
9788122423884 |
184p |
UG Library |
547.842 AHL |
04021192 |
Polymer Science : A Textbook / |
Ahluwalia, V. K. |
Ane Books, |
2008 |
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219p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547.844 SEI |
00147250 |
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Seiffert, Sebastian |
DE Gruyter, |
2023 |
9783110713275 |
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xvi,347p. : |
UG Library |
547.844 TAG |
00012615 |
Physical Chemistry of Polymers |
Tager, A. |
Mir Publishers, |
1972 |
558 p. |
UG Library |
547.86 CHR |
00121463 |
Colour Chemistry |
Christie Robert M. |
Royal Society Chemistry, |
2015 |
9781849733281 |
xiii, 345 p.: |
UG Library |
547.87 ROD |
00022365 |
Principles of Polymer Systems |
Rodriguez,Ferdinand. |
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd |
1970 |
560 p. |
UG Library |
547.87322 SHE |
00048116 |
Mobile Genetic Elements |
Sherratt,David J. |
Oxford University Press |
1995 |
0019963405 | 9780199634057 |
179p |
UG Library |
547.9 ARO |
00073397 |
Aliphatic Organic Chemistry |
Arora,Amit. |
Discovery Publishing House |
2006 |
8183561888 |
318 p. |
UG Library |
547/.02 BEG |
00097065 |
Bioorganic and medicinal chemistry of fluorine / |
Beague, Jean-Pierre. |
John Wiley & Sons, |
2008 |
9780470278307 (cloth) | 047027 |
xvii, 365 p. : |
UG Library |
547/.135 TUR |
00096554 |
Modern molecular photochemistry of organic molecules / |
Turro, Nicholas J., |
University Science Books, |
2010 |
9781891389252 (HB) | 97893861 |
xxxiii, 1084 p. : |
UG Library |
547AST |
00017867 |
Organic Chemistry Second Edition |
Melvin Astle, J |
771p |
UG Library |
547BAH |
00030630 |
Organic Chemistry |
Bahl, B S |
S Chand |
UG Library |
547BAHL |
00003690 |
Essentials of Physicla Chemistry |
Bahl, B S |
UG Library |
547BAN |
00039694 |
Synthetic Approaches in Organic Chemistry |
Bansal, Raj K |
420p |
UG Library |
547BOH |
00122409 |
Advances in Metallo-Organic Chemistry |
Bohra, R |
8176110493 |
442p |
UG Library |
547DAS |
00019439 |
Organic Chemistry |
Dasgande University , |
Bangalore University |
UG Library |
547DAS |
00019441 |
Organic Chemistry |
Dasgande University , |
Bangalore University |
UG Library |
547DAS |
00019440 |
Organic Chemistry |
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Bangalore University |
UG Library |
547DAS |
00019442 |
Organic Chemistry |
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Bangalore University |
UG Library |
547DAS |
00019444 |
Organic Chemistry |
Dasgande University , |
Bangalore University |
UG Library |
547DAS |
00019446 |
Organic Chemistry |
Dasgande University , |
Bangalore University |
UG Library |
547DAS |
00019448 |
Organic Chemistry |
Dasgande University , |
Bangalore University |
UG Library |
547DAS |
00019447 |
Organic Chemistry |
Dasgande University , |
Bangalore University |
UG Library |
547DAS |
00019445 |
Organic Chemistry |
Dasgande University , |
Bangalore University |
UG Library |
547DAS |
00019443 |
Organic Chemistry |
Dasgande University , |
Bangalore University |
UG Library |
547FIN |
00013625 |
Problems and Theory Solution in Organic Chemistry |
Finar, I L |
E L B S |
358 |
UG Library |
547FIN., |
04007669 |
Problems and Their Solution Inorganic Chemistry |
Finar, I L |
English Language Book Society |
1973 |
0582443113 |
359p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
547GAR.S |
00022333 |
Practical Organic Chemistry |
Garg, M L |
284 |
UG Library |
547GLAS |
00003724 |
Elements of Phyxical Chemistry |
Glaston, Samuel |
Macmillan |
UG Library |
547JAI |
00128394 |
Modern Organic Chemistry |
Jain, M K |
Vishal Publications CO., |
2017 |
1458p : . |
UG Library |
547JAI2 |
00015671 |
Principles of Organic Chemistry |
Jain, M K |
Longman |
UG Library |
547NAR |
00024707 |
Organic Chemistry (cosip-Ula) |
Narayana Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
547NAR |
00024710 |
Organic Chemistry (cosip-Ula) |
Narayana Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
547NAR |
00024712 |
Organic Chemistry (cosip-Ula) |
Narayana Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
547NAR |
00024714 |
Organic Chemistry (cosip-Ula) |
Narayana Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
547NAR |
00024716 |
Organic Chemistry (cosip-Ula) |
Narayana Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
547NAR |
00024715 |
Organic Chemistry (cosip-Ula) |
Narayana Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
547NAR |
00024713 |
Organic Chemistry (cosip-Ula) |
Narayana Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
547NAR |
00024711 |
Organic Chemistry (cosip-Ula) |
Narayana Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
547NAR |
00024709 |
Organic Chemistry (cosip-Ula) |
Narayana Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
547NAR |
00024708 |
Organic Chemistry (cosip-Ula) |
Narayana Reddy, |
Blr University |
UG Library |
547NAR1 |
00026388 |
Organic Chemistry |
Narayana Reddy, |
Cosip |
UG Library |
547NAR1 |
00026390 |
Organic Chemistry |
Narayana Reddy, |
Cosip |
UG Library |
547NAR1 |
00026391 |
Organic Chemistry |
Narayana Reddy, |
Cosip |
UG Library |
547NAR1 |
00026392 |
Organic Chemistry |
Narayana Reddy, |
Cosip |
UG Library |
547NAR1 |
00026389 |
Organic Chemistry |
Narayana Reddy, |
Cosip |
UG Library |
547PUR., |
00010238 |
Elements of Organic Chemistry |
Puri B.R. |
S.Nagin & Co |
1960 |
491 p. |
UG Library |
547RIC1 |
00002092 |
Elements of Organic Chemistry |
Richards, John H |
UG Library |
547SCH |
00124316 |
Study Guide and Solutions Manual for Organic Chemistry Structure and Function. |
Schore, Neil E |
2003 |
0716797593 |
471p |
UG Library |
547SEH |
00019011 |
Organic Chemistry |
Sehgal J.M. |
R.Chand & Co |
1977 |
2nd Ed. |
368 p. |
UG Library |
547SIN1 |
00002539 |
Modern Organic Chemistry |
Singh, Jagindar |
Atma |
UG Library |
547THO1 |
00002551 |
Organic Chemistry |
Thomas, P M |
Niraj Prakashan |
UG Library |
547THU |
00034147 |
Text Book of II Puc Biology |
Thulajappa, Y |
Excellent |
UG Library |
547THU |
00034150 |
Text Book of II Puc Biology |
Thulajappa, Y |
Excellent |
UG Library |
547THU |
00034151 |
Text Book of II Puc Biology |
Thulajappa, Y |
Excellent |
UG Library |
547THU |
00034148 |
Text Book of II Puc Biology |
Thulajappa, Y |
Excellent |
UG Library |
547VOG., |
00008004 |
Text Book of Practical Organic Chemistry |
Vogel, Arthur I |
English Language Book Society |
1188p |
UG Library |
548 AZA |
00136934 |
Introduction to Solids |
Azaroff, Leonid V |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2019 |
9780070992191 |
43rd rep ed, |
460 p.; |
UG Library |
548 AZA |
00136935 |
Introduction to Solids |
Azaroff, Leonid V |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company |
2019 |
9780070992191 |
43rd rep ed, |
460 p.; |
UG Library |
548 AZA |
00120210 |
Introduction to Solids / |
Azaroff, Leonid V |
Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, |
2008 |
9780070992191 |
460 p. : |
UG Library |
548 DES |
04017494 |
Crystal Engineering : |
Desiraju, Gautam R. |
CUP, |
2011 |
9788175969148 |
216p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
548 DYE |
00033790 |
Applications of Absorption Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds |
Dyer,John R. |
Prentice Hall |
1965 |
147 p. |
UG Library |
548 DYE |
00033853 |
Applications of Absorption Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds |
Dyer,John R. |
Prentice Hall |
1965 |
147 p. |
UG Library |
548 GIA |
00069386 |
Fundamentals of Crystallography |
Giacovazzo C. |
Oxford University Press |
2002 |
0198509588 | 9780198509585 |
2nd Ed. |
825 p. |
UG Library |
548 GIA |
00069388 |
Fundamentals of Crystallography |
Giacovazzo C. |
Oxford University Press |
2002 |
0198509588 | 9780198509585 |
2nd Ed. |
825 p. |
UG Library |
548 GIA |
00069387 |
Fundamentals of Crystallography |
Giacovazzo C. |
Oxford University Press |
2002 |
0198509588 | 9780198509585 |
2nd Ed. |
825 p. |
UG Library |
548 GIA |
00035995 |
Fundamentals of Crystallography |
Giacovazzo, C J |
1992 |
1 |
UG Library |
548 JAC |
00035925 |
Handbook of Crystallography |
Jackson A.G. |
Spinger-Verlag |
1991 |
0387973990 |
210 p. |
UG Library |
548 JUL |
00125206 |
Foundations of crystallography with computer applications / |
Julian, Maureen M. |
CRC Press |
2015 |
9781466552913 (hardcover : alk |
2nd ed. |
lxxiv, 606 pages : |
UG Library |
548 KAT |
00147137 |
Soft Crystals: |
Kato, Masako |
Springer, |
2023 |
9789819902620 |
viii,265p. ; |
UG Library |
548 KUT |
00093928 |
Fundamentals of Crystal Chemistry |
Kutty T R N |
Universities Press Ltd. |
9788173712975 |
86p |
UG Library |
548 KUT |
00052309 |
Fundamentals of Crystal Chemistry |
Kutty T R N |
Universities Press Ltd. |
9788173712975 |
86p |
UG Library |
548 KUT |
00084914 |
Fundamentals of Crystal Chemistry |
Kutty T R N |
Universities Press Ltd. |
9788173712975 |
86p |
UG Library |
548 LAD |
00086068 |
Structure Determiniation By X-Ray Crystallography/ |
Ladd, Mark |
0306474549 |
819 p |
UG Library |
548 MSR |
00040855 |
X-ray Crystollography. |
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1 |
UG Library |
548 PAL |
00143132 |
Fundamentals of Crystallography / |
Palmer, Wesley. |
States academic press, |
2022 |
9781639892266 |
viii,242p, ; |
UG Library |
548 PHI |
00035953 |
Introduction to Crystallography |
Phillips, F C |
1977 |
1 |
UG Library |
548 PHY |
00035952 |
Introduction to Crystallography |
Phyllips, F.c |
1977 |
1 |
UG Library |
548 RAM |
00035945 |
Fourier Methods Iin Crystallography |
Ramachandran, G.n |
Wiley |
1970 |
1 |
UG Library |
548 SAN |
05033672 |
Introduction to crystallography / |
Sands, Donald, |
Dover, |
1993 |
0486678393 |
xii, 165 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
548 TAR |
00051810 |
A Basic Course in Crystallography |
Tareen,Jak. |
Universities Press |
2001 |
0817371360 | 9788173713606 |
204 p. |
UG Library |
548 TAR |
00056487 |
A Basic Course in Crystallography |
Tareen,Jak. |
Universities Press |
2001 |
0817371360 | 9788173713606 |
204 p. |
UG Library |
548 TAR |
00084913 |
A Basic Course in Crystallography |
Tareen,Jak. |
Universities Press |
2001 |
0817371360 | 9788173713606 |
204 p. |
UG Library |
548 TAR |
00102235 |
A Basic Course in Crystallography |
Tareen,Jak. |
Universities Press |
2001 |
0817371360 | 9788173713606 |
204 p. |
UG Library |
548 TAR |
00083447 |
A Basic Course in Crystallography |
Tareen,Jak. |
Universities Press |
2001 |
0817371360 | 9788173713606 |
204 p. |
UG Library |
548 TAR |
00056488 |
A Basic Course in Crystallography |
Tareen,Jak. |
Universities Press |
2001 |
0817371360 | 9788173713606 |
204 p. |
UG Library |
548 TIL |
00089293 |
Crystal and Crystal Strutures. |
Tilley, Richard |
2006 |
0470018216 |
255p |
UG Library |
548 VER |
00037952 |
Crystallography Applied to Solid State Physics |
Verma A.R. |
New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers |
1991 |
8122403212 |
2nd Ed. |
463 p. |
UG Library |
548 VER |
00044887 |
Crystallography Applied to Solid State Physics |
Verma A.R. |
New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers |
1991 |
8122403212 |
2nd Ed. |
463 p. |
UG Library |
548 VER |
00044888 |
Crystallography Applied to Solid State Physics |
Verma A.R. |
New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers |
1991 |
8122403212 |
2nd Ed. |
463 p. |
UG Library |
548 VER |
00039834 |
Crystallography Applied to Solid State Physics |
Verma A.R. |
New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers |
1991 |
8122403212 |
2nd Ed. |
463 p. |
UG Library |
548 VER |
00044889 |
Crystallography Applied to Solid State Physics |
Verma A.R. |
New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers |
1991 |
8122403212 |
2nd Ed. |
463 p. |
UG Library |
548 VER |
00072966 |
Crystallography Applied to Solid State Physics |
Verma A.R. |
New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers |
1991 |
8122403212 |
2nd Ed. |
463 p. |
UG Library |
548 VER |
00044890 |
Crystallography Applied to Solid State Physics |
Verma A.R. |
New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers |
1991 |
8122403212 |
2nd Ed. |
463 p. |
UG Library |
548 VER |
00044892 |
Crystallography Applied to Solid State Physics |
Verma A.R. |
New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers |
1991 |
8122403212 |
2nd Ed. |
463 p. |
UG Library |
548 VER |
00044891 |
Crystallography Applied to Solid State Physics |
Verma A.R. |
New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers |
1991 |
8122403212 |
2nd Ed. |
463 p. |
UG Library |
548 VER |
00030501 |
Crystallography for Solid State Physics |
Verma Ajit Ram. |
Wiley Eastern Ltd |
1982 |
0852268904 |
346 p. |
UG Library |
548 WAH |
00125980 |
Essentials of Crystallography |
Wahab M.A |
Narosa Publishing, |
2009 |
9788184873160 |
2nd ed, |
xix, 334 p.: |
UG Library |
548.0285 BAR |
00106887 |
Diffuse Scattering and The Fundamental Properties of Materials |
Barabash.I. Rozaliya |
Momentum Press; |
2009 |
9789746521161 |
ix, 444 p. |
UG Library |
548.09 OLO |
05065557 |
From A Grain Of Salt To The Ribosome : |
World Scientific, |
2015 |
9789814623117 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9814623113 (hardcover : alk. paper) |
xvi, 519p. ; |
Knowledge Centre |
548.1 STE |
00035087 |
The Physics of Quasicrystals |
Paul,Steinhardt J. |
World Scientific |
1987 |
9971502267 |
767 p. |
UG Library |
548.15AW |
00035997 |
Crystal Growth: Principles and Progress |
Vere, A.w |
Pleenum |
UG Library |
548.1MAR |
00036001 |
Elementary Crystallogrph |
Burzer, Martin J |
UG Library |
548.3 FER |
00142629 |
Crystal chemistry : |
Ferey, Gerard, |
World scientific publishing, |
2020 |
9789813144187 (hardcover) | 9789813144194 (pbk.) | 9780000988539 |
xiv, 248 pages : |
UG Library |
548.3 SIN |
00146517 |
Chemical crystallography and Lipid Crystals |
Singh, Jagjeet |
Venus Books, |
2023 |
9789395431422 |
285p. ; |
UG Library |
548.5 BHA |
00125209 |
Introduction to crystal growth : |
Bhat, H. L., |
CRC Press |
2015 |
9781439883303 (hardcover : alk |
xvii, 328 pages : |
UG Library |
548.5 BYR |
00069384 |
Crystal Growth Technology: |
Byrappa, K |
Springer |
3540003673 |
585p |
UG Library |
548.5 DUF |
00105589 |
Crystal growth processes based on capillarity : |
Duffar,Thierry. |
Wiley, |
2010 |
9780470712443 (cloth) | 978047 |
xxxii, 533 p. : |
UG Library |
548.5 GLI |
00120296 |
Polymineral-metasomatic crystallogenesis / |
Glikin, A. E |
Springer |
2009 |
9781402089824 (alk. paper) | 1 |
xiv, 312 pages : |
UG Library |
548.5 HAN |
00132116 |
Crystal Growth Technology: |
Scheel Hans J., |
Wiley PVT.LTD, |
2018 |
9788126573967 |
xvi,505 p.; |
UG Library |
548.5 MUL |
00089525 |
Crystal Growth- from Fundamentals to Technology. |
Muller, G |
2004 |
0444513868 |
422p |
UG Library |
548.5 OGA |
04023439 |
Modern methods of crystal structure prediction / |
Wiley-VCH, |
2011 |
9783527409396 | 3527409394 |
251 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
548.5 SAN |
00059049 |
Crystal Growth : |
Raghavan, Santhana P |
KRU Publications, |
2000 |
404 p, |
UG Library |
548.5 SAN |
00059051 |
Crystal Growth : |
Raghavan, Santhana P |
KRU Publications, |
2000 |
404 p, |
UG Library |
548.5 SAN |
05031102 |
Crystal Growth : |
Raghavan, Santhana P |
KRU Publications, |
2000 |
404 p, |
Knowledge Centre |
548.5 SUN |
00087000 |
Cyrstals: |
Sunagawa, Ichiro |
2005 |
0521841895 |
295 p |
UG Library |
548.5092 MAR |
00138443 |
Ivan Stranski : |
Markov, Ivan V. |
World Scientific, |
2019 |
9789813270459 (hardback : alk. paper) |
xvi,207p.; |
UG Library |
548.5CHE |
00036003 |
Structure of Crystal |
American Chemcal Socity, |
UG Library |
548.5LAV |
00046957 |
Growth of Sinfle Crystals |
Laudise, R A |
352 p |
UG Library |
548.6CHE |
00036002 |
Structure of Crystal |
American Chemical Society, |
John Wiley |
UG Library |
548.7 BAL |
00138451 |
Introduction to elasticity theory for crystal defects / |
Balluffi, R. W., |
World scientific publishing, |
2017 |
9789814749718 | 9814749710 | 9789814749725 | 9814749729 |
Second edition. |
xxv, 634 pages : |
UG Library |
548.7 PRI |
00069391 |
Mathematical Techniques in Crystallography and Materials Science |
Prince Edward. |
Springer |
2004 |
0354021111 | 9783540211112 |
3rd Ed. |
224 p. |
UG Library |
548.8 SID |
04005558 |
Domain Structure in Ferroelectrics and Related Materials |
Sidorkin, A S |
Viva Books |
2008 |
9788130908311 |
234 p |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
548.8 BEN |
04023458 |
Understanding single-crystal x-ray crystallography / |
Bennett, Dennis W. |
Wiley-VCH, |
2010 |
9783527326778 | 3527326774 | |
xv, 807 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
548.8 SUT |
00079526 |
Interfaces in Crystalline Materials. |
Sutton, A P |
2006 |
0019921106 |
819p |
UG Library |
548.81 JAN |
00127712 |
Quasicrystals : |
Janot, C. |
9780199657407 (pbk.) | 0199657 |
2nd ed. |
xviii, 409 p : |
UG Library |
548.81 JAN |
00138068 |
Aperiodic crystals : |
Janssen, Ted |
Oxford University Press, |
2018 |
9780198824442 (pbk.) | 0198824440 (pbk.) |
Second edition. |
xviii, 532 pages : |
UG Library |
548.81 LAD |
04018128 |
Crystal structures : |
Ladd, Mark. |
Horwood, |
1999 |
1898563632 | 9781898563631 |
xiii, 171 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
548.81 SHM |
00081469 |
Theories and Techniques of Crystal Structure Determination. |
Shmueli, Uri |
Oxford Univeristy Press |
2007 |
266p |
UG Library |
548.81 WEI |
00073494 |
Electron Crystallography Novel Approaches for Structure Determinatin of Nanosized Materials. |
Weirich Thomas E, Janos L Labar |
2004 |
1402039190 |
536 |
UG Library |
548.83 WOO |
00040885 |
An Introduction to X-Ray Crystallography |
Woolfson,Michael M. |
Cambridge University Press |
1997 |
0521423597 | 9780521423595 |
2nd Ed. |
402 p. |
UG Library |
548.83 WOO |
00026089 |
An Introduction to X-Ray Crystallography |
Woolfson,Michael M. |
Cambridge University Press |
1997 |
0521423597 | 9780521423595 |
2nd Ed. |
402 p. |
UG Library |
548.83 WOO |
00040884 |
An Introduction to X-Ray Crystallography |
Woolfson,Michael M. |
Cambridge University Press |
1997 |
0521423597 | 9780521423595 |
2nd Ed. |
402 p. |
UG Library |
548.83 AUT |
00069385 |
Dynamical Theory of X-Ray Diffraction: |
Authier, Andre |
2004 |
0198528922 |
673p |
UG Library |
548.83 AZA |
00035949 |
Elements of X-Ray Crystallography |
Azaroof, Leonid |
M G H |
1968 |
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UG Library |
548.83 CUL |
00035990 |
Elements of X Ray Diffraction |
Cullty, B D |
Addisson Wesley |
1956 |
1 |
UG Library |
548.83 DRI |
00037981 |
X-Ray Diffraction By Disordered Lawellar Structure |
Drits, A Victor |
Spinger Wesley |
371 p |
UG Library |
548.83 GUI |
05033603 |
X-ray diffraction in crystals, imperfect crystals, and amorphous bodies / |
Guinier, André. |
Dover, |
1994 |
0486680118 : |
x, 378 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
548.83 MAS |
04014309 |
Crystal strucure determination / |
Massa, Werner |
Springer, |
2004 |
9788184898149 |
2nd ed. |
xi , 210 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
548.83 MAS |
04014310 |
Crystal strucure determination / |
Massa, Werner |
Springer, |
2004 |
9788184898149 |
2nd ed. |
xi , 210 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
548.83 MAS |
00085145 |
Crystal Structure Determination: |
Massa, Werner |
Springer |
1999 |
3540206442 |
210p |
UG Library |
548.83 MAS |
00085144 |
Crystal Structure Determination: |
Massa, Werner |
Springer |
1999 |
3540206442 |
210p |
UG Library |
548.83 MEI |
00037979 |
X-Ray Spectra and Chemical Binding: Springer Series in Chemicl Physics 37 |
Meisel, A |
Spinger-Wesley |
458 p |
UG Library |
548.83 MIC |
00058510 |
An Introduction to X-Ray Crystallography |
Woolfson,Michael M. |
Cambridge University Press |
1997 |
0521423597 | 9780521423595 |
2nd Ed. |
402 p. |
UG Library |
548.83 STO |
00140989 |
X-ray structure determination : |
Stout, George H., |
Wiley, |
1989 |
0471607118 | 9788126561773 |
2nd ed. |
xv, 453 p. : |
UG Library |
548.83 WAS |
00106297 |
X-ray diffraction crystallography |
Waseda, Yoshio. |
Springer, |
2011 |
9783642166341 |
xi 310 p. |
UG Library |
548.83 WOO |
00044875 |
Introduction to X-Ray Crystallography [ Second Edition ] |
Woolfson, M M |
0521423597 |
402p |
UG Library |
548.83.1ALE |
00035994 |
X.Ray Deffraction Procedures |
Klug, P Harold |
John Wiley |
UG Library |
548.83AZA |
00035948 |
Elements of X-Ray Crystallography (xerox Copy) |
Azaroff, V Leonoid |
M G H |
668 p |
UG Library |
548.83CUL. |
00035991 |
Elements of X - Ray Diffraction |
Cullity, B D |
514 p |
UG Library |
548.83HEN |
00036869 |
Interprtation of X-Ray Diffraction Photo Graphy |
Henry, N F N |
Mc Millan |
256 p |
UG Library |
548.83KAS.L |
00036875 |
International Tables for X-Ray Crystallography: Vol Ii - Mathematical Table |
Henry, N F M |
I U C |
444p |
UG Library |
548.83KAS.L |
00036877 |
International Tables for X-Ray Crystallography: Vol Ii - Mathematical Table |
Henry, N F M |
I U C |
444p |
UG Library |
548.83KAS.L |
00036878 |
International Tables for X-Ray Crystallography: Vol Ii - Mathematical Table |
Henry, N F M |
I U C |
444p |
UG Library |
548.83KAS.L |
00036876 |
International Tables for X-Ray Crystallography: Vol Ii - Mathematical Table |
Henry, N F M |
I U C |
444p |
UG Library |
548.83STO |
00035992 |
X-Ray Structure Determination |
Stout, H George |
Mcmillan |
1968 |
UG Library |
548.83THO.C |
00036874 |
Theory and Practice of Electron Diffraction |
Thomson, G P |
Mc Millan |
328 p |
UG Library |
548.85 BEL |
00147316 |
Magnetic phase transitions in single crystals / |
Belanger, David P. |
World Scientific, |
2023 |
9789811259487 |
xii, 233p. : |
UG Library |
548.8PET |
00038523 |
Growing Crystals from Solutions |
Petrov, G Thomas |
Consultants Bureau |
102 |
UG Library |
548.9 AHU |
05056181 |
X-Ray Crystallography / |
Ahuja,Dinesh. |
Random Publications, |
2017 |
9789386314635 |
vi,296p.; |
Knowledge Centre |
548.9 WAN |
00104718 |
Nanoscale Photonics and Optoelectronics |
Wang,Zhiming M. |
Springer |
2010 |
9781441972330 |
xi: 231 P.; |
UG Library |
548MAR |
00036000 |
Elementary Crystallograph |
J Burger, Martin |
John Wiley |
UG Library |
548SAN.R |
00048186 |
Crystal Growth: Processes and Methods |
Santhana, Raghavan |
KRU Publications |
410 p |
UG Library |
549 AKH |
04028872 |
The DBS Handbook of Mineralogy and Petrology / |
Akhtar, Aijaz |
DBS Imprints, |
2016 |
9789384229320 |
xv,725p. ; |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
549 BAR |
00033508 |
Computer-Assisted Mineral Appraisal and Feasibility |
Barnes,Marvin P. |
Society Of Mining Engineers |
1980 |
089520262x |
167 p. |
UG Library |
549 MOH |
00028881 |
Elements of Industrial Chemistry |
Mohapatra,Gokulananda. |
Kalyani Publishers |
1986 |
263 p. |
UG Library |
549 MOH |
00036768 |
Elements of Industrial Chemistry |
Mohapatra,Gokulananda. |
Kalyani Publishers |
1986 |
263 p. |
UG Library |
549.01 JAM |
05063690 |
A treatise on the external, chemical and physical characters of minerals / |
Jameson, Robert, |
A. Constable and company ; [etc., etc.] |
1817 |
3d ed. |
1 p. l., [v]-xv, 314 p. |
Knowledge Centre |
549.074713541 TAI |
08000671 |
Gems & minerals : |
Tait, Kimberly T. |
Royal Ontario Museum ; | Firefly Books (U.S.), |
2011 |
9781554078806 | 1554078806 |
255 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
549.114 DIE |
04021497 |
Rocks and rock minerals / |
Dietrich, Richard Vincent, |
Wiley, |
1979 |
9788126545803 |
xi, 319 p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
549.125 KER |
04024503 |
Optical Mineralogy / |
Kerr, Paul F |
Tata McGraw Hill, |
2014 |
9789339205201 |
4th Ed. |
492p. : |
Knowledge Centre (Kengeri) |
549.18 JAF |
05033563 |
Crystal chemistry and refractivity / |
Jaffe, Howard W. |
Dover Publications, |
1996 |
048669173X (pbk.) |
Dover ed. |
x, 335 p. : |
Knowledge Centre |
549.5 BOH |
00061911 |
The Chemistry and Applications of Alkoxy, Aryloxy and Allied Derivatives of Elements |
Bohra R. |
RBSA Publishers |
2003 |
8176111716 | 9788176111713 |
416 p. |
UG Library |