Total Books (Chemistry) - 4346

CallNo Barcode Title Author Publisher Code Year ISBN Edition Pages Library
540 ARO 04024923 Dictionary of Chemistry: Arora, Himanshu A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors 2003 8174732349 | 9788174732347 379p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 BAL 04001836 Apllied Chemistry I Balsaraf, V M I K International Publishing 2008 9788189866709 200 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 BUR 04007130 Chemistry: Introducing Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry Burrows, Andrew Oxford Universtiy Press 2009 9780199277896 | 9780199667932 1395 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 CAN 04000323 Chemistry for Advanced Level / Cann, Peter John Murray, 2008 9780719586026 686 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 DAT 00131493 College chemistry Datta,S.C Ane books pvt ltd., 2017 9789382127895 513p.; UG Library
540 EBB 04003309 Fundamentals of Chemistry Ebbing, Darrell Thomson South-Western 2009 9788131512418 918 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 EBB 04003308 Fundamentals of Chemistry Ebbing, Darrell Thomson South-Western 2009 9788131512418 918 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 EBB 00097709 Fundamentals of Chemistry Ebbing, D. Darrel Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd., 9788131512418 918 p. UG Library
540 EDH 00132817 Chemical kinetics Edhatiya,D.H Cyber tech publications, 2018 9789350536476 272p.; UG Library
540 FRY 04002114 VIVA Catchup Chemistry: for the Life and Medical Sciences Fry, Mitch Viva Books 2007 8130906155 190 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 KOT 00097708 Chemistry & chemical reactivity / Kotz, John C. Thomson Brooks/Cole, 9780495387039 (student ed.) | xxvii, 1095, 133, 35 p. : UG Library
540 LEW 04001931 Chemistry Lewis, Rob Macmillan 2008 9781403905635 465 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 MCP 00098180 Introduction to Chemistry McPherson, William Apple Accademic Press Inc., 2010 9780981166025 391 p. UG Library
540 MCP 00097439 Introduction to Chemistry McPherson, William Apple Accademic Press Inc., 2010 9780981166025 391 p. UG Library
540 OXT 04003048 Modern Chemistry Oxtoby, David W Thomson South-Western 2008 9788131505205 988 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 PAN 04002663 Textbook of Environmental Chemistry Pani, Balram I K International Publishing 2007 9788189866365 554 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 PAU 04003746 General chemistry / Pauling, Linus, Dover Publications, Inc., 1988 0486656225 (pbk.) | 9780486656 xiv, 959 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 RAO 04003536 Understanding Chemistry Rao, C N R Universities Press 2006 9788173712500 298 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 SPI 04003893 Chemistry of the Environment Spiro, Thomas G Prentice-Hall of Inida | Viva Books 2003 9788120321465 | 9789386105257 3rd ed. 482 p | 615p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 TRO 00138227 Introductory Chemistry Essentials Tro,Nivaldo J. Pearson, 2019 9781292232195 6th ed. 673p.; UG Library
540 WIL 00131598 Problems in chemistry for JEE Wiley Wiley india pvt ltd., 2018 9788126573639 xiii,510p.; UG Library
540 AGA 00122861 Chemistry finish faster Agarwala S K Pragati Prakashan 2012 9788189865443 5th ed. 847p. UG Library
540 AGA 00118145 Molecular Symmetry in Chemistry Via Group Theory/ Agarwala, U.C. Ane Books Pvt.Ltd., 2013 9789381162927 xiv: 485p.; UG Library
540 AGA 00027766 I.I.T Guide For Chemistry Agarwal O.P. Pragathi 1987 855 p UG Library
540 AGA 00111426 Molecular Symmetry in Chemistry Via Group Theory/ Agarwala, U.C. Ane Books Pvt.Ltd., 2013 9789381162927 xiv: 485p.; UG Library
540 AHL 00084927 College Practical Chemistry Ahluwalia, V K Universities Press 2005 8173715068 502p UG Library
540 AHL 00084945 College Practical Chemistry Ahluwalia, V K Universities Press 2005 8173715068 502p UG Library
540 AHL 00126792 Chemistry MCQ Ahluwalia,Vinod Kumar Bharati Bhawan, 2016 9788177097979 5-126 p.: UG Library
540 AHL 00090069 Chemistry of Natural Products Ahluwalia, V K Vishal Publishing Co 2008 8188646628 210p UG Library
540 AHL 00090071 Chemistry of Natural Products Ahluwalia, V K Vishal Publishing Co 2008 8188646628 210p UG Library
540 AHL 00090070 Chemistry of Natural Products Ahluwalia, V K Vishal Publishing Co 2008 8188646628 210p UG Library
540 AHL 00001143 Pre University Chemistry Bahl, B S UG Library
540 AHL 00083448 College Practical Chemistry. Ahluwalia, V K Universities Press 2005 8173715068 502p UG Library
540 AIN 00045854 Chemistry in Today`s World Ainley, D Universal Book Stall 1997 8185274851 407p UG Library
540 ALL 04007726 Chemistry, experiment and theory / Allen, Thomas L. Harper & Row, 1982 0060402091 2nd ed. xx, 742, [67] p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 AMB 00012847 Elementary Chemical Calculations Amba Prasad, Asia 198 UG Library
540 AME 00045855 General, Organic and Biological Chemistry Amend, John R Sunders College Publishing. 1990 0030469880 | 9780030469886 867p UG Library
540 AND 00003650 Fandamental Chemistry Andrews 1900 1 UG Library
540 AND 00013549 Fundamental Chemistry Andrews, Donald H. Wiley Eastern Private Ltd 1965 2d ed. xii, 811 p. UG Library
540 ANN 00052100 Chemistry Ann 2000 2nd ed 570 UG Library
540 ARO 00115162 Dictionary of Chemistry Arora, Himanshu A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors 2000 8174732349 379 p UG Library
540 ARO 00124288 A Complete Resource Manual Chemistry ed by, R.S. Arora Unique Publishers, 2016 9789351873884 845 p.: UG Library
540 ATK 04007683 General chemistry / Atkins, P. W. Scientific American Books ; | Distributed by W.H.Freeman and Co., 1989 0716719401 xxiv, 989 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 ATK 00123142 Chemistry Atkins, P. W. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199683970 (pbk.) | 0199683 First edition. xvi, 107 p:. UG Library
540 ATZ 00130596 Functional Molecular Materials Atzori, Matteo Pan Stanford Publishing, 2018 9789814774765 xii, 400 p . : UG Library
540 BAH 00115586 Numerical Problems in Chemistry Bahl, B S S Chand 2000 9788121085809 262p UG Library
540 BAI 04007735 Chemistry / Academic Press, 1984 0120728559 2nd ed. xv, 1135, 30, 19 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 BAI 00131104 Chemistry of the Environment / Bailey, Ronald A. Elsevier, 2002 9788181477217 2nd ed. xxiv, 835p. : UG Library
540 BAI 04017740 Chemistry of the Environment / Bailey, Ronald A. Elsevier, 2002 9788181477217 2nd ed. xxiv, 835p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 BEN 00055617 Encyclopaedia of Nobel Laureates Chemistry Benette, Raymond Dominant Publishers and Distributors 8178880652 288p UG Library
540 BEN 00055618 Encyclopaedia of Nobel Laureates Chemistry Benette, Raymond Dominant Publishers and Distributors 8178880652 288p UG Library
540 BHA 00115588 S Chand's Question Bank in Chemistry / Bharadwaj, Shreesh S Chand 2003 9788121917278 775p UG Library
540 BHA 00115646 I S C Chemistry: Question Bank for Class XII Bhardweaj, Shreesh S Chand 2004 9788121920643 614p UG Library
540 BIS 00115645 ICSE Chemistry for 9th Standred Bisht B S S Chand & Company 2005 9788121920735 370 p UG Library
540 BIS 00115573 ICSE Chemistry Bisht B.S. S. Chand & Com 9788121905411 340 p. UG Library
540 BIS 00109303 ICSE Chemistry Bisht B.S. S. Chand & Com 9788121905411 340 p. UG Library
540 BLA 00127962 Chemistry Blackman, Allan John Wiley, 2016 9780730311058 3rd ed, xx, 1159 p.: UG Library
540 BLE 00055623 General, Organic, and Biochemistry: Connecting Chemistry to Your Life Blei, Ira 2000 0716737477 775p UG Library
540 BOH 00012258 Text Book of Organic Chemistry Bohe, B S Chand UG Library
540 BOI 04007681 Chemical principles / Boikess, Robert S. Harper & Row, 1981 0060408081 2d ed. xxi, 803 p., [1] leaf of plates : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 BOY 05033530 The sceptical chymist : Boyle, Robert, Dover Publications, 2003 0486428257 (pbk.) vii, 230 p. ; Knowledge Centre
540 BRA 00102231 Chemistry: Brady James.E John wiley & Sons,inc; 9788126519590 953 p. UG Library
540 BRA 04007729 Chemistry : Brady, James E., Wiley, 1993 0471530085 1 v. (various pagings) : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 BRA 00033930 General Chemistry Brady, E James John Wiley & Sons 900 p UG Library
540 BRE 00015174 Chemistry Brescia, Frank, Saunders, 1974 0721619835 xvii, 644, xxii p. UG Library
540 BRO 04007709 Chemistry : Brown, Theodore L. Prentice Hall, 1988 0131297929 4th ed. xxiv, 1028 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 BRO 00039697 Chemistry Brown, Theodore L. Prentice Hall, 1991 0131262025 : | 9780131262027 5th ed. xxx, 1045, G-19, I-21 p. : UG Library
540 BRO 00078162 Chemistry Brown, Theodore L. Prentice Hall, 2002 0130669970 (student ed.) | 013 9th ed. xxxvii, 1046 p. : UG Library
540 BRO 00063802 Chemistry Brown, Theodore L. Prentice Hall, 2002 0130669970 (student ed.) | 013 9th ed. xxxvii, 1046 p. : UG Library
540 BRO 00078163 Chemistry Brown, Theodore L. Prentice Hall, 2002 0130669970 (student ed.) | 013 9th ed. xxxvii, 1046 p. : UG Library
540 BRO 00078161 Chemistry Brown, Theodore L. Prentice Hall, 2002 0130669970 (student ed.) | 013 9th ed. xxxvii, 1046 p. : UG Library
540 BRO 00015180 General Chemistry Brown, Theodore L. Merrill 1968 2d ed. xx, 668 p. UG Library
540 BRO 05060486 Chemistry : Brown,Theodore L. Pearson, 2018 9781292221229 14th edition. 1245 pages : Knowledge Centre
540 BUE 00063965 Chemistry Fundamentals Buell, Phyllis. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2003 0763710741 2nd ed. xvi, 655 p. : UG Library
540 BUE 00063964 Chemistry Fundamentals Buell, Phyllis. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2003 0763710741 2nd ed. xvi, 655 p. : UG Library
540 BUE 00061786 Chemistry Fundamentals - an Environmental Perspective Buell, Phyllis Jones and Bartlett Publishers 2003 655p UG Library
540 BUR 00120222 Chemistry: Introducing Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry Burrows, Andrew Oxford Universtiy Press 2009 9780199277896 | 9780199667932 1395 p UG Library
540 BUR 00146520 Chemistry Burdge Julia Mc Graw Hill, 2023 9781265122447 6th ed. xxxv, 1162p.; UG Library
540 BUR 00146521 Chemistry: Atoms first/ Burdge, Julia Mc Graw Hill, 2024 9781266136788 5th ed. xxxiv,1124,I-12p.; UG Library
540 BUR 00098027 Chemistry3 : Oxford University Press, 9780199277896 (pbk.) | 0199277 xviii, 1395 p. : UG Library
540 BYL 05070002 Chemistry : Bylikin, Sergey, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198392125 | 0198392125 2014 edition. x, 802 pages : Knowledge Centre
540 CAM 04007699 Chemical systems: Campbell, J. Arthur W. H. Freeman 1970 0716701456 xiv, 1095 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 CAN 00061703 Chemistry for Advanced Level / Cann, Peter John Murray, 2008 9780719586026 686 p. : UG Library
540 CAR 00000103 Jefferson Selleck Carl Jonas Mcclelland 1952 300 p UG Library
540 CHA 00143572 Concise Inorganic Chemistry / Chandra, Sulekh. I K International, 2020 9789389976069 ix, 269p, ; UG Library
540 CHA 00127693 General chemistry : Chang, Raymond. McGraw Hill, 2013 9781259098659 Version 3.0. xxii, 779 p. UG Library
540 CHA 00127686 Chemistry Chang, Ratmond., McGraw Hill, 2013 9780071317870 xxxiii, 1085 p. UG Library
540 CHA 00070399 Chemistry Chang, Raymond. McGraw-Hill 2005 0072512644 8th ed. xxviii, 1039 p UG Library
540 CHA 00121694 Physical Chemistry for the Chemical and Biological Sciences Chang, Raymond Viva Books Private Limited, 2015 9788130931081 xvi, 1018 p:. UG Library
540 CHA 00069140 Chemistry Chang, Raymond McGraw Hill 2002 0071120726 1001 p UG Library
540 CHA 00051373 Chemistry Chang, Raymond. McGraw-Hill, 1998 007011644X 6th ed. xxxviii, 995, 53 p. : UG Library
540 CHA 00051377 Chemistry Chang, Raymond. McGraw-Hill, 1998 007011644X 6th ed. xxxviii, 995, 53 p. : UG Library
540 CHA 00051376 Chemistry Chang, Raymond. McGraw-Hill, 1998 007011644X 6th ed. xxxviii, 995, 53 p. : UG Library
540 CHA 00051374 Chemistry Chang, Raymond. McGraw-Hill, 1998 007011644X 6th ed. xxxviii, 995, 53 p. : UG Library
540 CHA 00051375 Chemistry Chang, Raymond. McGraw-Hill, 1998 007011644X 6th ed. xxxviii, 995, 53 p. : UG Library
540 CHA 00053381 Chemistry Chang, Raymond. McGraw-Hill, 1998 007011644X 6th ed. xxxviii, 995, 53 p. : UG Library
540 CHA 00125155 Understanding experimental planning for advanced level chemistry : Chan, Kim Seng. World Scientific Publishing 2015 9789814667906 (pbk. : alk. pap xv, 289 pages : UG Library
540 CHA 00069584 Chemistry Chang, Raymond. McGraw-Hill 2005 0072512644 8th ed. xxviii, 1039 p UG Library
540 CHA 04007698 Chemistry / Chang, Raymond. McGraw-Hill, 1991 0070105189 : 4th ed. xxv, 1065, [44] p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 CHA 00039204 Chemistry II Puc 1900 1 UG Library
540 CHA 00125154 Understanding Basic Chemistry Through Problem Solving : Chan, Kim Seng. World Scientific, 2015 9789814641180 ix, 457 pages : UG Library
540 CHA 00041057 Chemistry Chang, Raymond. McGraw-Hill, 1994 0070110034 (acidfree paper) : 5th ed. xxv, 994 p. I 18 :1 v. (various pagings) : UG Library
540 CHA 00132807 Understanding basic chemistry through problem solving : Chan, Kim Seng. W S Education, 2017 9789813209770 (softcover : alk. paper) Revised edition. ix, 457 pages ; UG Library
540 CHA 00035463 Chemistry Chang, Raymond McGraw-Hill Publishing Company 1989 3th ed, xxiv, 1121 p, UG Library
540 CHE 00008841 College Chemistry Cheriyan, O.A. Vidyarthi Mithram Book Depot 1969 226 p. : UG Library
540 CHE 00001153 Chemistry of Some Life Processes Cheldelin,Vernon H. Chapman & Hall Ltd 1963 120 p. UG Library
540 CNG 00127690 Chemistry Karnataka CET and COMEDK 2e CENGAGE Learning, 2014 9788131522196 vii, 657 p. UG Library
540 COL 00016467 Chemistry in Context Coldham, Michael & Mcknight Hutchinsons 100 p UG Library
540 CRO 00108602 Introductory chemistry Cracolice,Mark S. Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, 2011 9780495558538 (pbk.) | 0495558 4th ed. xxix, 784 p. : UG Library
540 DAL 00145459 Chemistry: Dalton, Remi Larsen & Keller 2022 9781641725743 viii:232p. UG Library
540 DAL 00008395 Elements of Intermediate Chemistry Dalt, 676p UG Library
540 DAS 00028241 Modern Chemistry Metcalfe,Clark H. Halt Rinehrt And Winston Publishers 1982 0030579899 694 p. UG Library
540 DAT 00105089 Undergraduate Chemistry: Datta.S.C. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 2011 9789380618883 xxii,395p. UG Library
540 DAT 00105090 Undergraduate Chemistry: Datta.S.C. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 2011 9789380618883 xxii,395p. UG Library
540 DAT 00105091 Undergraduate Chemistry: Datta.S.C. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 2011 9789380618883 xxii,395p. UG Library
540 DAT 00105092 Undergraduate Chemistry: Datta.S.C. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 2011 9789380618883 xxii,395p. UG Library
540 DES 00142487 A mole of chemistry : Desgranges,Caroline. CRC Press, 2020 9780367208240 xiv,215p.; UG Library
540 DES 05047084 Theory and Numerical Examples in Chemistry / Desikachar.S Desikachar, 1969 112p.: Knowledge Centre
540 DHA 00082143 Chemistry for Engineering Entrance Examinations and IIT-JEE Screening test 2003 Dhawan, Prem Tata McGreaw-Hill 2003 xxiii,1417 p. UG Library
540 DIA 00147607 Chemistry Basics Diaz Franklin (Author) Keya International Press LLP, 2024 9788196667450 vii,279p.; UG Library
540 DIS 00129877 NEET Chemistry Guide Disha Publication, 2018 9789386320780 5th Edition 760 p . : UG Library
540 DOR 00059780 Teacher`s Guide: Chemistry Dorin, Henry Allyn and Bacon 1987 0205096212 689 p. : UG Library
540 DUT 00073250 Concepts of Chemistry. Dutt, P.K. Sarat Book Distributors 2004 8187169427 | 8187169435 xiii, 719 p. : UG Library
540 DUT 00073246 Concepts of Chemistry. Dutt, P.K. Sarat Book Distributors 2004 8187169427 | 8187169435 xiii, 719 p. : UG Library
540 DUT 00073248 General & Inorganic Chemistry Dutt, P K Sarat Book Distributors 2003 8187169036 621 p. UG Library
540 DUT 00072882 General & Inorganic Chemistry Dutt, P K Sarat Book Distributors 2003 8187169036 621 p. UG Library
540 EAR 00109284 IGCSE Chemistry Earl Bryan Hodder Education 2009 9780340981887 2nd Ed. xvi; 295 p. UG Library
540 EAR 00055616 Further Advanced Chemistry Earl, B John Murray 2001 0719586089 266 p UG Library
540 EAR 00115647 IGCSE Chemistry Earl, B John Murray 2002 9780719586170 300p UG Library
540 EAR 00115650 Chemistry: IGCSE Earl, B John Murray 2003 9780719586170 300p UG Library
540 EBB 00047811 Introductory Chemistry Ebbing, Darrell D. Houghton Mifflin, 1995 0395466253 | 9780395466254 xxii, 688 p. : 1 v. (various pagings) : UG Library
540 EBB 00115651 General Chemistry Ebbing, D Darrell A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors 8174730753 452p UG Library
540 EBL 00015170 Chemistry: A survey of fundamentals Eblin, Lawrence Powell, Harcourt, Brace & World 1968 xxiv, 676 p. UG Library
540 EBL 00015171 The Elements of Chemistry Eblin, Lawrence Powell, Harcourt, Brace & World 1970 0155220713 2d ed. xvii, 492 p. UG Library
540 ELE 00135314 Illustrated handbook of general chemistry E-learning 3G E-Learning, 2018 9781680945676 367p.; UG Library
540 FAC 00096464 A2Chemistry: Facer George Oxfordshire 9781844892136 334 p UG Library
540 FAY 00055183 Chemistry Fay, Mcmurry 2001 0013090466 3th ed 1067p UG Library
540 FER 00007201 Modern chemical science Fernandez, Jack E., Macmillan 1971 xii, 288 p. UG Library
540 FIE 00056006 General Chemistry II Lab Manual Western Michigan University 1991 1997 0003019234 373 p.: UG Library
540 FOG 00027967 CHEMISTRY PROBLEM SOLVER Fogiel, M Readings, 1985 0878915095 943 p.: UG Library
540 FRE 00015123 Essentials of College Chemistry. Frey, Paul Reheard. Prentice-Hall, 1960 xviii, 520 p. : UG Library
540 FRE 00015173 Essentials of College Chemistry. Frey, Paul Reheard. Prentice-Hall, 1960 xviii, 520 p. : UG Library
540 FRY 00133602 Chemistry Fry, Mitch Viva Catchup, 2019 9788130912363 2nd ed, 212 p.: UG Library
540 FUL 00052091 Chemistry Fullick, Ann Heinemann Educational Publishers 2000 0043557096 | 9780435570965 2nd ed 570 p. : UG Library
540 GAR 00006495 Chemistry in the Space Age Gardner, Marjorie H. Holt, Rinehart and Winston 1965 176 p. UG Library
540 GHO 00107228 General and Physical Chemistry Ghoshal A. Books and Allied (p) Ltd. 2009 8187134674 v:326 P. UG Library
540 GHO 00108262 General and Physical Chemistry Ghoshal A. Books and Allied (p) Ltd. 2009 8187134674 v:326 P. UG Library
540 GIL 00128427 Chemistry Gilbert, Thomas R. W. W. Norton & Company, 2018 9780393615159 5th ed, xxxii, 1095 p.: UG Library
540 GIL 00135677 Chemistry. Gilbert, Thomas R. W.W. Norton, 2018 9780393926491 | 9780393615203 2nd ed. / xxxi,1093p.; UG Library
540 GIL 00061702 Chemistry Gilbert, Thomas R. Norton, 2015 0393975312 | 9780393975314 | 9 4th ed., xxxiii, 1085 p.: UG Library
540 GIL 00127004 Chemistry Gilbert, Thomas R. Norton, 2015 0393975312 | 9780393975314 | 9 4th ed., xxxiii, 1085 p.: UG Library
540 GIL 00112990 Chemistry Gilbert, Thomas R. W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2014 9780393912340 (hardcover) First edition. xxxiii, 978 pages, 116 variously numbered pages : UG Library
540 GIL 00108021 Chemistry Gilbert W.W.Norton & Company 2012 9780393118278 3rd Ed. xxx; 1079 p. UG Library
540 GKP 05058436 GATE 2018 : Life science chemistry and general aptitude GKP CL Media pvt ltd., 2018 9789386309778 5.7p.; Knowledge Centre
540 GLI 00002544 General Chemistry Glinka, N Foreign Languages Publishing House 1960 694 p. : UG Library
540 GLI 00027063 General Chemistry;vol:I Glinka, N L Mir 370 p UG Library
540 GLI 00027064 General Chemistry Vol II Glinka, Nikolaĭ Leonidovich, Mir Publishers, 1981 [3rd ed.] 396 p. with illus., 1 l. of tables. UG Library
540 GOL 04007675 College chemistry / Goldwhite, Harold. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1984 0156015617 (pbk.) 1st ed. x, 371 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 GOL 00055093 Fundamentals of Chemistry Goldberg, David E. WCB/McGraw-Hill, 1998 0697291502 (acidfree paper) | 2nd ed. xxii, 561 p. : UG Library
540 GOP 00128414 Methodology of Chemistry Gopinath, Anu Vishal Publishing Co., 2015 9789382956402 208 p.: UG Library
540 GOP 00128413 Methodology of Chemistry Gopinath, Anu Vishal Publishing Co., 2015 9789382956402 208 p.: UG Library
540 GOP 00124668 Group Theory in Chemistry Gopinathan, M. S. Vishal Publishing Co., 2013 9798188646455 154 p.; UG Library
540 GOP 00124669 Group Theory in Chemistry Gopinathan, M. S. Vishal Publishing Co., 2013 9798188646455 154 p.; UG Library
540 GOP 00045398 Multiple Choice Questions in Chemistry. Gopalan, R Tata McGraw-Hill 1996 0074621335 272p UG Library
540 GOP 00124671 Methodology of Chemistry Gopinath, Anu Vishal Publishing Co., 2015 9789382956402 208 p.: UG Library
540 GOP 00090063 Group Theory in Chemistry Gopinathan, M S Vishal Publishing Co 8188646458 154p UG Library
540 GOP 00124672 Methodology of Chemistry Gopinath, Anu Vishal Publishing Co., 2015 9789382956402 208 p.: UG Library
540 GOP 00090064 Group Theory in Chemistry Gopinathan, M S Vishal Publishing Co 8188646458 154p UG Library
540 GOP 00090065 Group Theory in Chemistry Gopinathan, M S Vishal Publishing Co 8188646458 154p UG Library
540 GRE 04008465 20th Century Science : Chemistry / Greenberg, Arthur Viva books, 2010 9788130913018 xxvi, 470p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 GUH 00131590 J. D. LEE Concise Inorganic Chemistry for JEE (main & advanced) Guha, Sudarsan, Wiley India Pvt.Ltd, 2017 9788126566495 xxix,114 p.; UG Library
540 GUP 00048050 Conceptual & Numercial Chemistry Gupta, Navindu Phoenix Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1999 8174840206 xi, 631 p. : UG Library
540 GUP 00055615 Conceptual & Numercial Chemistry Gupta, Navindu Phoenix Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1999 8174840206 xi, 631 p. : UG Library
540 HAR 00115591 Chemistry Harwood, Richard Cambridge University Press 1999 9788175961579 | 9780521666626 Cambridge low Price ed vii, 415 p. : UG Library
540 HAR 00115590 Chemistry Harwood, Richard Cambridge University Press 1999 9788175961579 | 9780521666626 Cambridge low Price ed vii, 415 p. : UG Library
540 HAR 00061784 Chemistry Harwood, Richard Cambridge University Press 1999 9788175961579 | 9780521666626 Cambridge low Price ed vii, 415 p. : UG Library
540 HAR 00047792 Chemistry Harwood, Richard Cambridge University Press 1999 9788175961579 | 9780521666626 Cambridge low Price ed vii, 415 p. : UG Library
540 HAR 00052206 Chemistry Harwood, Richard Cambridge University Press 1999 9788175961579 | 9780521666626 Cambridge low Price ed vii, 415 p. : UG Library
540 HAR 00052205 Chemistry Harwood, Richard Cambridge University Press 1999 9788175961579 | 9780521666626 Cambridge low Price ed vii, 415 p. : UG Library
540 HAS 00041781 Chemical Investigations for Changing Times (WMU) Hassell, C Alton 1997 0023517018 232 p UG Library
540 HAS 00041782 Chemical Investigations for Changing Times (WMU) Hassell, C Alton 1997 0023517018 232 p UG Library
540 HAY 00106842 Hand book Chemistry and Physics Haynes W.M. CRC Press 2011 978149855119 221 P. UG Library
540 HAY 00118831 Hand book of Chemistry and Physics Haynes W.M. CRC Press 2014 9781482208672 16-60p.; UG Library
540 HEI 00053367 Foundation of College Chemistry Hein, Morris 2000 0534363997 10th ed 564 p.: UG Library
540 HEI 00055625 Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry Hein, Morris 0534379982 994p UG Library
540 HIL 00061704 Chemistry Counts Hill, Graham Hodder & Stoughton 1995 0340639342 | 9780340639344 2nd ed 284 p. : UG Library
540 HIl 00041717 Chemistry for Chainging Times Hill, W John Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs, 1996 0023551003 7th ed. xxiv, 720 p.: UG Library
540 HIL 00039696 Chemistry for Changing Times Hill, John William, Macmillan ; | Maxwell Macmillan Canada, 1992 0023550708 | 9780023550706 6th ed. xxx, 749, [65] p. : UG Library
540 HIL 00053505 Chemistry for Changing Times Hill, John William, Prentice Hall, 2001 0130874892 9th ed. xxv, 623 p. : UG Library
540 HIL 00076443 Student’s guide to Brown and LeMay, Chemistry Hill, James C Prentice Hall | Pearson Education 2003 0130097950 | 9780130097958 ix, 580 p. : UG Library
540 HIL 00076444 Student’s guide to Brown and LeMay, Chemistry Hill, James C Prentice Hall | Pearson Education 2003 0130097950 | 9780130097958 ix, 580 p. : UG Library
540 HOR 00019514 Chemistry: Multiple Choice a Level Horgan, J M Celtic Revision Aids 1979 139 p.: UG Library
540 HOR 00019515 Worked Examples a Level Chemistry Horgan, J M Middle Sex 74 p UG Library
540 HUT 00055614 Trends in Science Chemistry Hutchinson Helicon Publishing 1859863531 278p UG Library
540 IIT 05060105 Pearson IIT Foundation Series Chemistry / Trishna Knowledg Systems Pearson, 2018 9789352866762 7th ed. xvii,11.55p.; Knowledge Centre
540 IIT 05060140 Pearson IIT Foundation Series Chemistry / Trishna Knowledg Systems Pearson, 2018 9789352866731 6th ed. xv,6.32p.; Knowledge Centre
540 IIT 05060141 Pearson IIT Foundation Series Chemistry / Trishna Knowledg Systems Pearson, 2018 9789352866748 7th ed. xv,7.48p.; Knowledge Centre
540 IIT 05060142 Pearson IIT Foundation Series Chemistry / Trishna Knowledg Systems Pearson, 2018 9789352866755 7th ed. xvii,9.39p.; Knowledge Centre
540 IND 00051440 College Chemistry [ Vol.2 ] Indira Himalaya Publishing House 1998 21.13 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00042421 College Chemistry - I Indira, L Himalayan 2004 269p UG Library
540 IND 00080020 College Chemistry -II Indira, L Himalaya Publishing House 2005 232 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00042422 College Chemistry Vol-1 Indira L Himalaya Publishing House 1997 483 p UG Library
540 IND 00042423 College Chemistry Vol-1 Indira L Himalaya Publishing House 1997 483 p UG Library
540 IND 00042424 College Chemistry Vol-1 Indira L Himalaya Publishing House 1997 483 p UG Library
540 IND 00042425 College Chemistry Vol-1 Indira L Himalaya Publishing House 1997 483 p UG Library
540 IND 00042426 College Chemistry Vol-1 Indira L Himalaya Publishing House 1997 483 p UG Library
540 IND 00042427 College Chemistry Vol-1 Indira L Himalaya Publishing House 1997 483 p UG Library
540 IND 00042428 College Chemistry Vol-1 Indira L Himalaya Publishing House 1997 483 p UG Library
540 IND 00042429 College Chemistry Vol-1 Indira L Himalaya Publishing House 1997 483 p UG Library
540 IND 00042430 College Chemistry Vol-1 Indira L Himalaya Publishing House 1997 483 p UG Library
540 IND 00052732 College Chemistry Vol-1 Indira L Himalaya Publishing House 1997 483 p UG Library
540 IND 00052733 College Chemistry Vol-1 Indira L Himalaya Publishing House 1997 483 p UG Library
540 IND 00047002 College Chemistry-Vol III Indira, L Himalaya Publishing House, 1999 8174936777 248 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00052736 College Chemistry Vol-1 Indira L Himalaya Publishing House 1997 483 p UG Library
540 IND 00047003 College Chemistry-Vol III Indira, L Himalaya Publishing House, 1999 8174936777 248 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00052735 College Chemistry Vol-1 Indira L Himalaya Publishing House 1997 483 p UG Library
540 IND 00047004 College Chemistry-Vol III Indira, L Himalaya Publishing House, 1999 8174936777 248 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00052734 College Chemistry Vol-1 Indira L Himalaya Publishing House 1997 483 p UG Library
540 IND 00047005 College Chemistry-Vol III Indira, L Himalaya Publishing House, 1999 8174936777 248 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00047006 College Chemistry-Vol III Indira, L Himalaya Publishing House, 1999 8174936777 248 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00054425 College Chemistry-Vol III Indira, L Himalaya Publishing House, 1999 8174936777 248 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00038739 Text Book of Chemistry Vol II Indira, L Subhas Publications 1996 372 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00063536 College Chemistry - I Indira, L Himalayan 2004 269p UG Library
540 IND 00089782 College Chemistry - I Indira, L Himalayan 2004 269p UG Library
540 IND 00051441 College Chemistry - II B.Sc Indita, L Himalaya 212p UG Library
540 IND 00044810 College Chemistry [ Vol.2 ] Indira Himalaya Publishing House 1998 21.13 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00044811 College Chemistry [ Vol.2 ] Indira Himalaya Publishing House 1998 21.13 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00044812 College Chemistry [ Vol.2 ] Indira Himalaya Publishing House 1998 21.13 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00044813 College Chemistry [ Vol.2 ] Indira Himalaya Publishing House 1998 21.13 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00044815 College Chemistry [ Vol.2 ] Indira Himalaya Publishing House 1998 21.13 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00044817 College Chemistry [ Vol.2 ] Indira Himalaya Publishing House 1998 21.13 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00044819 College Chemistry [ Vol.2 ] Indira Himalaya Publishing House 1998 21.13 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00044818 College Chemistry [ Vol.2 ] Indira Himalaya Publishing House 1998 21.13 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00044816 College Chemistry [ Vol.2 ] Indira Himalaya Publishing House 1998 21.13 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00044814 College Chemistry [ Vol.2 ] Indira Himalaya Publishing House 1998 21.13 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00038732 Text Book of Chemistry Vol I Indira, L Subhas Publications | Subhas Stores 1995 398 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00038738 Text Book of Chemistry Vol I Indira, L Subhas Publications | Subhas Stores 1995 398 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00038733 Text Book of Chemistry Vol I Indira, L Subhas Publications | Subhas Stores 1995 398 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00038734 Text Book of Chemistry Vol I Indira, L Subhas Publications | Subhas Stores 1995 398 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00038735 Text Book of Chemistry Vol I Indira, L Subhas Publications | Subhas Stores 1995 398 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00038736 Text Book of Chemistry Vol I Indira, L Subhas Publications | Subhas Stores 1995 398 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00038740 Text Book of Chemistry Vol II Indira, L Subhas Publications 1996 372 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00038746 Text Book of Chemistry Vol II Indira, L Subhas Publications 1996 372 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00038745 Text Book of Chemistry Vol II Indira, L Subhas Publications 1996 372 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00038741 Text Book of Chemistry Vol II Indira, L Subhas Publications 1996 372 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00038742 Text Book of Chemistry Vol II Indira, L Subhas Publications 1996 372 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00038743 Text Book of Chemistry Vol II Indira, L Subhas Publications 1996 372 p. : UG Library
540 IND 00063796 College Chemistry - I Indira, L Himalayan 2004 269p UG Library
540 JAI 00115585 Conceptual Chemistry Jain, S K S Chand 2004 9788121916233 1481p UG Library
540 JAI 00115587 Conceptual Chemistry Jain, S K S Chand 2004 9788121916233 1481p UG Library
540 JAI 00033932 Engineering Chemistry Jain, P C Drs 915 p UG Library
540 JOE 00061912 World of Chemistry Joesten, Melvin D. Brooks/Cole, 2004 0534559093 3rd ed. / xxv, 544 p. : UG Library
540 JOE 04007682 World of chemistry / Saunders College Pub., 1991 003030167X xxvi, 760, 21, 27 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 JOL 00050744 History of Chemistry Jolly, D Ivy Publishing House 2000 8176251674 385 p. : UG Library
540 JON 00115589 Chemistry Jones, Mary Cambridge University Press 1999 9788175960565 2nd ed. 216 p.: UG Library
540 JON 00052198 Chemistry Jones, Mary Cambridge University Press 1999 9788175960565 2nd ed. 216 p.: UG Library
540 JON 00052199 Chemistry Jones, Mary Cambridge University Press 1999 9788175960565 2nd ed. 216 p.: UG Library
540 JON 00015168 Lab Manual for Chemistry Man and Society Jones, Mark.m Wbs 338 p UG Library
540 KAM 00124697 University Practical Chemistry Kamboj, P C Vishal Publishing Co 2008 8188646431 543p UG Library
540 KAM 00124698 University Practical Chemistry Kamboj, P C Vishal Publishing Co 2008 8188646431 543p UG Library
540 KAM 00090060 University Practical Chemistry Kamboj, P C Vishal Publishing Co 2008 8188646431 543p UG Library
540 KAM 00124691 Systematic Practical Chemistry BSc I, II & IIIrd YearDelhi: Kamboj, P. C Vishal Publishing Co., 2015 9788188646944 366 p.: UG Library
540 KAM 00090061 University Practical Chemistry Kamboj, P C Vishal Publishing Co 2008 8188646431 543p UG Library
540 KAM 00124692 Systematic Practical Chemistry BSc I, II & IIIrd YearDelhi: Kamboj, P. C Vishal Publishing Co., 2015 9788188646944 366 p.: UG Library
540 KAM 00090062 University Practical Chemistry Kamboj, P C Vishal Publishing Co 2008 8188646431 543p UG Library
540 KAM 00124651 Advanced University Practical Chrmistry-I Kamboj, P. C VIshal Publishing Co., 2013 9789382956082 726 p.: UG Library
540 KAM 00124652 Advanced University Practical Chrmistry-I Kamboj, P. C VIshal Publishing Co., 2013 9789382956082 726 p.: UG Library
540 KAM 00124653 Advanced University Practical Chrmistry-II Kamboj, P. C VIshal Publishing Co., 2015 9789382956082 750 p.: UG Library
540 KAM 00124654 Advanced University Practical Chrmistry-II Kamboj, P. C VIshal Publishing Co., 2015 9789382956082 750 p.: UG Library
540 KAP 05001042 Quantitative analysis : Kaplan,INC, 2012 272p.: Knowledge Centre
540 KAP 00016481 Text Book of Numerical Problems in Chemistry Kapil, P N S Chand 252 p UG Library
540 KAP 00016482 Text Book of Numercial Problens in Chemistry Kapil, P N S C 252 p UG Library
540 KAS 00017837 General Chemistry for Puc Kasturi Rangacharya, T L Ravi 430 p UG Library
540 KAU 00038478 Definitions and Formulae in Chemistry Kaushik, R.K. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 1996 8174881603 viii, 361 p. : UG Library
540 KEE 00006934 General College Chemistry Wood, Jesse Hermon. Harper & Row 1961 2d ed. 750 p. UG Library
540 KEE 00002536 General College Chemistry Wood, Jesse Hermon. Harper & Row 1961 2d ed. 750 p. UG Library
540 KIN 00123893 Pre University Chemistry Kini, Rao UG Library
540 KOL 00132572 Experiments in green and sustainable chemistry Kolb,Carl J Agrotech press, 2019 9789387160392 viii,264p.; UG Library
540 KOR 00144417 Understanding General Chemistry / Korchef, Atef, CRC press, 2022 9781032189147 | 9781032189406 First edition. xiii, 266 pages : UG Library
540 KOT 04007679 Chemistry & chemical reactivity / Kotz, John C. Saunders College Pub., 1991 0030475627 2nd ed. 1 v. (various pagings) : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 KUM 00054410 Comprehensible Chemistry III Kumar, B. Vinod United Publishers 2000 624 p. : UG Library
540 KUM 00054411 Comprehensible Chemistry III Kumar, B. Vinod United Publishers 2000 624 p. : UG Library
540 KUM 00044656 Comprehensible Chemistry II Kumar, B Vinod United Publishers 1998 474 p. : UG Library
540 KUM 00044658 Comprehensible Chemistry II Kumar, B Vinod United Publishers 1998 474 p. : UG Library
540 KUM 00044659 Comprehensible Chemistry II Kumar, B Vinod United Publishers 1998 474 p. : UG Library
540 KUM 00044660 Comprehensible Chemistry II Kumar, B Vinod United Publishers 1998 474 p. : UG Library
540 KUM 00080031 Essential Chemistry III Kumar, B. Vinod Surabhi Books 2005 1st ed vi, 294 p. : UG Library
540 KUM 00044747 Comprehensible Chemistry II Kumar, B Vinod United Publishers 1998 474 p. : UG Library
540 KUM 00080022 Comprehensible Chemistry II Kumar, B Vinod United Publishers 1998 474 p. : UG Library
540 KUM 00047548 Comprehensible Chemistry- III Kumar, B. Vinod United Publishers 1999 615 p. : UG Library
540 KUM 00047547 Comprehensible Chemistry- III Kumar, B. Vinod United Publishers 1999 615 p. : UG Library
540 KUM 00051898 Comprehensible Chemistry- III Kumar, B. Vinod United Publishers 1999 615 p. : UG Library
540 KUM 00056895 Comprehensible Chemistry - II Vinod kumar B United Pub 2001 476p UG Library
540 KUM 00096273 Comprehensible Chemistry- III Kumar, B. Vinod United Publishers 1999 615 p. : UG Library
540 KUM 00033823 Comprehensible Chemistry II Kumar, B Vinod United Publishers 1998 474 p. : UG Library
540 KUN 00044657 Comprehensible Chemistry II Kumar, B Vinod United Publishers 1998 474 p. : UG Library
540 KUN 00044661 Comprehensible Chemistry II Kumar, B Vinod United Publishers 1998 474 p. : UG Library
540 LAI 00033745 Chemical Kinetics Laidler J, Keith Pearson Education 1987 9788131709726 3rd Ed. 531 p. UG Library
540 LAI 00091774 Chemical Kinetics Laidler J, Keith Pearson Education 1987 9788131709726 3rd Ed. 531 p. UG Library
540 LAI 00109173 Chemical Kinetics Laidler J, Keith Pearson Education 2011 9788131709726 3rd Ed. 531 p UG Library
540 LAI 00109174 Chemical Kinetics Laidler J, Keith Pearson Education 2011 9788131709726 3rd Ed. 531 p UG Library
540 LAI 00109175 Chemical Kinetics Laidler J, Keith Pearson Education 2011 9788131709726 3rd Ed. 531 p UG Library
540 LAI 00109176 Chemical Kinetics Laidler J, Keith Pearson Education 2011 9788131709726 3rd Ed. 531 p UG Library
540 LAI 00109177 Chemical Kinetics Laidler J, Keith Pearson Education 2011 9788131709726 3rd Ed. 531 p UG Library
540 LAK 00115648 Chemistry for CBSE X Std: Science and Technology Lakhmir, Singh S Chand 2004 9788121922869 204p UG Library
540 LAN 00131126 The Development Of Chemical Principles / Langford, Cooper H. Dover Publications Inc., 1969 9780486683591 384 p. ; UG Library
540 LAV 05033577 Elements Of Chemistry / Antoine Lavoisier Dover Publications Inc., 1965 9780486646244 511 p.; Knowledge Centre
540 LEW 00052582 Chemistry. Lewis, Rob Palgrave 2001 0333962575 | 9780333962572 2nd ed 465 p. : UG Library
540 LOW 00040829 Laboratory Experiments in General Chemistry Lowry, G George 0882521462 330 p UG Library
540 LOW 00040830 Laboratory Experiments in General Chemistry Lowry, G George 0882521462 330 p UG Library
540 LOW 00005926 Intermediate Chemistry Lowry, T. M. Macmillan, 1968 in 964 p.: UG Library
540 MAD 00141103 Chemistry for degree students Madan, R L S Chand & Co. 2016 9788121935333 927p. UG Library
540 MAD 00141102 Chemistry for degree students Madan, R L S Chand & Co. 2016 9788121932301 965p. UG Library
540 MAD 00128173 Chemistry for dgree students / Madan, R L S Chand & Co. 2016 9788121935388 1103p. UG Library
540 MAD 00117087 ISC Chemistry for Class XI Madam, R D S Chand 2004 8121915422 845p UG Library
540 MAD 00128152 Chemistry for degree students Madan, R L S Chand & Co. 2016 9788121935333 927p. UG Library
540 MAD 00128154 Chemistry for degree students Madan, R L S Chand & Co. 2016 9788121932301 965p. UG Library
540 MAD 00142628 Chemistry for B.Sc.students: Madan, R L S Chand & Co., 2022 9789355013842 pages UG Library
540 MAH 00137064 University Chemistry Mahan, Bruce H. Narosa, 1998 8185015805 3rd rep ed, 896 p.; UG Library
540 MAH 00137065 University Chemistry Mahan, Bruce H. Narosa, 1998 8185015805 3rd rep ed, 896 p.; UG Library
540 MAH 00115574 University Chemistry Mahan, H Bruce Narosa 8185015805 890p UG Library
540 MAH 00139511 University chemistry / Mahan, Bruce H. Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Co., 2011 9788131729571 4th ed. xxv, 1076 p. : UG Library
540 MAI 00033513 Basic Concepts of Chemistry Malone, J Leo John Wiley & Sons 604 p UG Library
540 MAL 00008454 Laboratory Manual for Chemistry Malm, Lloyd E National Council for Educational Research and Training | W H Freeman and Company 1964 Indian Edition xi, 137 p. : UG Library
540 MAL 00109301 Super Simplified Science Chemistry Malhotra S.K. S.P.Jain 2011 9788176082150 27th Ed. xvi; 120 p. UG Library
540 MAN 00033753 Theoretical Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Manku, G S T M H 1980 563 p UG Library
540 MAP 00055628 Advanced Chemistry Maple, James John Murray 1996 0719571499 624 p UG Library
540 MAR 00000102 Duchess Hotspur Marshall Rosamond Preeger 1946 301 p UG Library
540 MAS 00098183 General Chemistry : Masterton, William L., Thomson-Brooks/Cole, 2004 9780534408787 (student ed. wit 5th ed. xxviii, 676 p. : UG Library
540 MAS 00127687 Chemistry : Masterton, William L., Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, 2012 9781111427108 7e / xxv, 774 p. : UG Library
540 MAS 04007694 Chemical principles : Masterton, William L. Saunders College publishing/CBS, 1981 5th ed. x, Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 MAS 04007730 Chemical principles with qualitative analysis / Masterton, William L., Saunders, 1978 0721661750 912 p. in various, [7] leaves of plates : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 MAS 00055094 Chemistry: Principles and Reactions Masterton, William L Harcourt College Publishers 2001 0030260361 649 p UG Library
540 MAT 00115649 Advanced Chemistry: Physical and Industrial Matthews, Philip Foundation Books 2003 9788175961562 970p UG Library
540 MAV 00146595 Green and Sustainable Chemistry/ Mavi, Renu Book Enclave, 2023 9789392262272 262p. ; UG Library
540 MCM 04017202 Chemistry Mcmurry, John Prentice Hall 1995 0133502813 | 9788131721230 1007 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 MCM 00052092 Chemistry Mc Murry, Fay Prentice Hall International Inc 1995 0137904606 1025 p UG Library
540 MCM 00120226 Chemistry Mcmurry, John Prentice Hall 1995 0133502813 | 9788131721230 1007 p UG Library
540 MCM 00129281 General chemistry : McMurry, John. Pearson 2014 9780321809261 | 0321809262 2nd ed. 973p.1 C-2 UG Library
540 MCM 00047810 Chemistry Mcmurry, John Prentice Hall 1995 0133502813 | 9788131721230 1007 p UG Library
540 MCM 00128913 Chemistry / McMurry, John. E Pearson Education Limited, 2016 9781292092751 7th ed. 1060 p. : UG Library
540 MCQ 04007719 General chemistry / McQuarrie, Donald A. W.H. Freeman, 1987 0716718065 2nd ed. xxi, 876 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 MCQ 05011297 General chemistry / McQuarrie, Donald A. University Science Books, 2011 9781891389733 (pbk. : alk. pap 4th ed. / 1 v. (various pagings) : Knowledge Centre
540 MEH 00010242 Numerical Problems in Chemistry Mehta, R.N. Ram Chand &Co 1972 6th ed 206 p. : UG Library
540 MEH 00005857 Practical Chemistry Mehta, R N R Chand and Co 1970 533 p. : UG Library
540 MEH 00005858 Modern Chemistry Metha, R N R Chand & Co , 1971 ii, 140 p.: UG Library
540 MEN 00019000 Inroduction to Chemical Calculations Mendiratta, M R S Chand 1970 244 p. : UG Library
540 MET 00033501 Modern Chemistry Clark Metcalfe, H Windenfe 694 p UG Library
540 MID 00127005 Chemistry in context : Middlecamp, Catherine H. McGraw-Hill, 2012 9780073375663 | 0073375667 7th ed. 1 v. (various paging) : UG Library
540 MIL 00115601 Core Chemistry Mills, John Foundation Books | Cambridge University Press 1999 8175961732 | 9788175961739 190 p. : UG Library
540 MIL 00027764 Chemistry Structured and Dynamics Miller, Francis Marion International 892 p UG Library
540 MIL 00011777 General chemistry Miller, Walter E. W.C. Brown | Scientific Book Agency 1965 xii, 691 p. UG Library
540 MOH 00127689 Chemistry for Beginners : Mohapatra, Ranjan Kumar Medtech, 2017 9789385998096 xvi,243 p. UG Library
540 MOH 00132623 Chemistry for Beginners : Mohapatra, Ranjan Kumar Medtech, 2017 9789385998096 xvi,243 p. UG Library
540 MOO 00108603 Chemistry Moore,John W. Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, 2011 9781439049303 | 9781439049662 4th ed. xxxvii; 1076 p. v. (various pagings) : UG Library
540 MOO 00055622 Chemistry: The Molecular Science Moore, John W 0534166970 1017p UG Library
540 MOR 00059781 Chemistry Mortimer, Charles E. Wadsworth Pub. Co., 1983 0534011845 5th ed. xvi, 758 p. : UG Library
540 MUK 00107229 Advanced practical chemistry Mukhopadhayay Raghupati. Books And Allied (p) Ltd 2010 109, 95, 55,158,133,8,11. p. : UG Library
540 MUK 00110012 Textbook of Practical Chemistry Mukherjee, K.S New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd 2008 8173815836 | 9788173815836 xix, 338 p, ; UG Library
540 MUN 00056923 Principles of Chemistry Munowitz, Michael 0393972887 1850 UG Library
540 MUN 00056924 Principles of Chemistry Munowitz, Michael 0393972887 1850 UG Library
540 MUR 00057921 Experiments In General Chemistry Murov, Steven L Thomson Brooks Cole 2003 0534424627 477 p UG Library
540 NAD 00110020 An Advanced Course in Practical Chemistry NAD, A.K. New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd 2007 8173813027 3rd ed. xiv, 472 p. xi ; UG Library
540 NAN 00145883 Essentials of Chemistry Nandi, M. M. New Age Publishers, 2023 9789388818858 xi,395p. ; UG Library
540 NAR 00021424 Inorganic Chemistry - II Narayana Reddy, Bangalore University 188p UG Library
540 NCE 00115602 Chemistry Part II : Textbook for Class XI NCERT NCERT 2006 8174505350 322 p. : UG Library
540 NCE 00115599 Chemistry : Textbook for Class XI NCERT Ncert 2007 8174506489 (Part I) | 81745071 463 p. : UG Library
540 NCE 00115598 Chemistry : Textbook for Class XI NCERT Ncert 2007 8174506489 (Part I) | 81745071 463 p. : UG Library
540 NEW 04007420 The New Chemistry Food Chemistry / Newton, David E Viva 2010 9788130913001 xii,212p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 NEW 04007419 The New Chemistry Food Chemistry / Newton, David E Viva 2010 9788130913001 xii,212p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 NEW 04007418 The New Chemistry Food Chemistry / Newton, David E Viva 2010 9788130913001 xii,212p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 NEW 04007417 The New Chemistry Food Chemistry / Newton, David E Viva 2010 9788130913001 xii,212p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 NEW 04007416 The New Chemistry Food Chemistry / Newton, David E Viva 2010 9788130913001 xii,212p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 NEW 04007415 The New Chemistry Food Chemistry / Newton, David E Viva 2010 9788130913001 xii,212p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 NIN 04007454 Viva Studymates Chemistry: Ninan, Aleyamma; Viva 2010 9788130913049 149p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 NOR 00063953 General Chemistry: Laboratory Manual Norton, Thomas Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company 2002 9780757505812 56 p.: UG Library
540 NOR 00063952 General Chemistry: Laboratory Manual Norton, Thomas Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company 2002 9780757505812 56 p.: UG Library
540 NUF 00004501 Nuffield chemistry : The sample scheme, stage III Nuffield Foundation Longmans Green; | Penguin, 1966 297 p. : UG Library
540 NUF 00004512 Chemistry Laboratory Investigations Stage 1B Nuffield Chemistry Publication, Nuffield Chemistry Publications UG Library
540 NUF 00063794 Chemistry , Longman Books 1968 139 p UG Library
540 OCO 00007202 Chemistry: Experiments and principles O'Connor, Paul R. Oxford & IBH Publihing Co 1968 ix, 447 p. UG Library
540 OLM 00060187 Chemistry Olmsted, John. Mosby, 1997 0815184506 2nd ed. xxi, 1056, 133 p. : UG Library
540 OLM 00055092 Chemistry Olmsted, John. Mosby, 1997 0815184506 2nd ed. xxi, 1056, 133 p. : UG Library
540 OXT 00037334 Chemistry Oxtoby, David W. Saunders College Pub., 1990 0030048141 | 9780030048142 xix, 1103, 65, 31 p. : UG Library
540 OXT 00060188 Chemistry Oxtoby, David W. Saunders College Pub., 1998 0030200881 | 9780030200885 3rd ed. xxiv, 993 p. :1 v. (various pagings) : UG Library
540 OXT 04007700 Chemistry : Oxtoby, David W. Saunders College Pub., 1990 0030048141 xix, 1103, 65, 31 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 OXT 04010934 Modern Chemistry Oxtoby, David W Thomson South-Western 2008 9788131505205 988 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 PAD 00051434 College Chemistry - Vol IV - Bio and Organic Chemistry Padma, M R Himalaya 2000 8174937757 372p UG Library
540 PAN 00141111 Practical chemistry Pandey,O.P S Chand and company pvt ltd., 2016 9788121908122 x,284p.; UG Library
540 PAN 00098777 Basic Chemistry; Pandey,H,K Campus books; 9788180302589 v;276 p. UG Library
540 PAN 00121724 The DBS Handbook of Chemistry Pandey, Kamal Kant DBS Imprints, 2013 9788192372815 xiv, 713 p,: UG Library
540 PAU 00017889 College Chemistry Pauling, Linus, W. H. Freeman 1964 3d ed. xxiv, 832 p. UG Library
540 PAU 00000607 Nature of the Chemical Bond Pauling, Linus Ibh 1970 644 p UG Library
540 PAU 05066675 Linus Pauling : Pauling, Linus, World Scientific, 2001 9810227841 (set) | 9810229399 (vol. 1) | 9810229402 (vol. 2) v-2. (xii, 1573 p.) : Knowledge Centre
540 PAU 00001171 General Chemistry Pauling, Linus Vakils, Feffer and Simons Pvt Ltd 1967 2nd ed 710 p. : UG Library
540 PAU 00033868 College Chemistry Pauling, Linus Vakils, Feffer and Simons Pvt Ltd. 1967 832 p. : UG Library
540 PAU 00017871 College Chemistry Pauling, Linus, W. H. Freeman 1964 3d ed. xxiv, 832 p. UG Library
540 PAU 00018052 College Chemistry Pauling, Linus, W. H. Freeman 1964 3d ed. xxiv, 832 p. UG Library
540 PAU 00009692 College Chemistry Pauling, Linus, W. H. Freeman 1964 3d ed. xxiv, 832 p. UG Library
540 PAU 00005245 College Chemistry Pauling, Linus, W. H. Freeman 1964 3d ed. xxiv, 832 p. UG Library
540 PAU 00001167 College Chemistry Pauling, Linus, W. H. Freeman 1964 3d ed. xxiv, 832 p. UG Library
540 PAU 00017872 College Chemistry Pauling, Linus, W. H. Freeman 1964 3d ed. xxiv, 832 p. UG Library
540 PAU 05057875 General chemistry / Pauling, Linus, Dover Publications, Inc., 1988 0486656225 (pbk.) | 9780486656 xiv, 959 p. : Knowledge Centre
540 PER 00019516 Chemistry Perkins, E.J. Celtic Revision Aids 1979 0177511818 108 p. : UG Library
540 PER 00019517 Chemistry Perkins, E J Celtic Revision Aids 1979 0177511125 83 p. : UG Library
540 PET 04007720 General chemistry : Petrucci, Ralph H. Prentice Hall, 1997 0135334985 7th ed. / xxvi, 989 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 PET 04007715 Problem solving for Chemistry / Peters, Edward I W. B. Saunders Company, 1976 2nd ed. xiii, 326p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 PET 04007733 General chemistry : Petrucci, Ralph H. Collier Macmillan, 1982 0023950102 3rd ed. xvii, 764 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 PET 04007724 General chemistry : Petrucci, Ralph H. Macmillan ; | Maxwell Macmillan Canada, 1993 0023949317 6th ed. / xx, 119 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 POR 05054404 Chemistry for the Modern World / Porter, George English Language Book Society, 1962 ix,116 p : Knowledge Centre
540 POR 00007937 Chemistry for the Modern World / Porter, George English Language Book Society, 1962 ix,116 p : UG Library
540 POR 00007996 Chemistry for the Modern World / Porter, George English Language Book Society, 1962 ix,116 p : UG Library
540 POR 00004233 Chemistry for the Modern World / Porter, George English Language Book Society, 1962 ix,116 p : UG Library
540 PRA 00001141 Advanced Chemical Calculations Prakash, Satya S Chand & Co. 1968 5th ed vi, 427 p. : UG Library
540 PRE 00007293 Intermediate Chemistry, Inorganic and Physical. Prescott, Frederick, University Tutorial Press 1965 [9th ed.] 828 p. : UG Library
540 PUR 00005035 Numerical Problems Puri, A.n 300 p UG Library
540 RAK 00121693 Textbook Of Organic Chemistry Rakesh K. Parashar Viva Books, 2015 9788130917740 xv, 486 p.: UG Library
540 RAK 00121681 Textbook Of Organic Chemistry Rakesh K. Parashar Viva Books, 2015 9788130917740 xv, 486 p.: UG Library
540 RAM 00115597 A Text Book of Chemistry for I PUC Ramanath, M N Sapna Book House , 2004 9798128002877 302 p.: UG Library
540 RAM 00048049 Computers in Chemistry Raman, K V Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd 1998 0074601237 xv, 596 p. : UG Library
540 RAM 00007096 General Chemistry Rangacharya, T.L. Kasturi Sri Ravishankar Publications 1971 v, 438 p. : UG Library
540 RAN 00007099 General Chemistry Rangacharya, T.L. Kasturi Sri Ravishankar Publications 1971 v, 438 p. : UG Library
540 RAO 00084900 Understanding Chemistry. Rao, C N R Universities Press 1999 8173712506 | 9788173712500 298p UG Library
540 RAO 00084901 Understanding Chemistry. Rao, C N R Universities Press 1999 8173712506 | 9788173712500 298p UG Library
540 RAO 00117814 University General Chemistry Rao, C N R Macmillan 670 p UG Library
540 RAO 00061174 University Chemistry Rao, Pratima Subas Stores 2005 1st ed 256 p UG Library
540 RAO 00073049 Chemistry Text Book Rao, D.Shripathi Deepa Publishers 2007 493 p UG Library
540 RAO 00013507 Experiments in General Chemistry Rao, C N R Aew 1973 264 p UG Library
540 RAO 00006214 Handbook of Chemistry and Physics Rao, C.N.R. Affiliated 1967 367p UG Library
540 RAO 05069875 Chemistry Text Book : Rao, D.Shripathi Prakash Offset Printers, 2013 679p.; Knowledge Centre
540 RAO 00123563 Chemistry Rao, D Shripathi Deepa Publishers, 2007 480 p:. UG Library
540 RAT 00115604 Chemistry: AS and a Level Ratcliff, Brian Cambridge University Press 2004 9780521544719 442p. UG Library
540 RAT 00115605 Chemistry: AS and a Level Ratcliff, Brian Cambridge University Press 2004 9780521544719 442p. UG Library
540 RED 00032836 Felicitation Volume Nanje Gowda, N.m 178 p UG Library
540 REG 00108595 Chemistry, principles & practice Reger,Daniel L. Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning 2010 9780495559832 xxxi, 952, 68, 15 p. : UG Library
540 REN 05049427 Quantitative Analysis for Management / Render, Barry Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1982 0205076203 363 p. Knowledge Centre
540 RET 00055619 Integrated Chemistry Rettich, Timothy R Houghton Mifflin Company 2000 0395980933 536 p UG Library
540 ROB 05074138 Chemistry / Robinson, Jill K. Pearson, 2022 9789356063419 8th ed. 1051 p. : Knowledge Centre
540 ROB 00055025 General Chemistry Robinson, R William A.I.T.B.S. Publishers & Distributors 1999 8174730745 | 0669354821 10th ed 959 p. : C-50 UG Library
540 ROB 05074316 Chemistry / Robinson, Jill K. Pearson, 2022 9789356063419 8th ed. 1051 p. : Knowledge Centre
540 ROE 00122467 Experiments in Green and Sustainable Chemistry Roesky, Herbert W Wiley-VCH, 2009 9783527325467 xxiv, 283 p:. UG Library
540 ROS 00024533 College Chemistry Rosenberg, L Jerome Mgh 312 p UG Library
540 RUM 00134724 CRC handbook of chemistry and physics: Rumble, John R.- Editor. CRC press, 2018 9781138561632 99th ed., pages UG Library
540 SAN 00036868 Low Cost Chemical Insrtumentation Sane, K V CPDHE 1991 1 UG Library
540 SAR 00011766 Numerical Problems in Chemistry Sarin, N.N. Sultan chand & Sons 1974 11th ed x, 386 p. : UG Library
540 SCH 04007721 Schaum's Ouline Series Theory and Problems of college Chemistry : Schamum,s Outlines Series 1966 256p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 SCO 00038477 MOLECULAR MACHINERY Scott, Andrew BASIL BLACKWELL 1989 192 p.: UG Library
540 SEA 00118770 Introductory Chemistry for Today Seager, Spencer L. Wadsworth, Cengage, 2010 9780538734868 7th ed. xxvi: 406p.;A-1,B1-24,C1-16,G1-7,I1-9 UG Library
540 SEA 00061913 Introductory chemistry for today Seager, Spencer L. Brooks/Cole, 2000 0534365493 4th ed. ix, 411 p. 1 v. (various pagings) : UG Library
540 SEA 00061710 Chemistry for Today Seager, Spencer L. Brooks/Cole, 2000 0534372902 | 0534422551 | 9780 4th ed. xxv, 784 p. 1 v. (various pagings) : UG Library
540 SEA 00061336 Chemistry for Today Seager, Spencer L. Brooks/Cole, 2000 0534372902 | 0534422551 | 9780 4th ed. xxv, 784 p. 1 v. (various pagings) : UG Library
540 SEB 00008167 Textbook of Chemistry Sebastian, M P Scientific Book Agency 1970 xv, 640 p. : UG Library
540 SEG 04007710 Chemistry : Segal, Bernice G. Wiley, 1989 0471849294 2nd ed. xxiv, 1008 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 SEL 00007198 General Chemistry Selwood, P W Amerind Publishing Co 1965 4th ed xii, 626 p. : UG Library
540 SEL 00131472 Chemistry in the marketplace / Selinger, B. K. CSIRO Publishing 2017 9781486303328 (paperback) 6th ed. xvi, 535 pages : UG Library
540 SER 00122462 Nanochemistry Sergeev, G. B. Elsevier, 2013 9780444593979 (hbk.) | 0444593 2nd edi. xii, 359 p:. UG Library
540 SHA 00055185 Chemistry: Objcetive & Subjective Type Soled Question Sharma, R K Dream Tech Press 8177222333 1627p UG Library
540 SHA 00027068 Chemistry Shasrma, J L Cbs 1984 424 p.: UG Library
540 SHA 00115603 ISC Practical Chemistry: Vol: II Sharma, S P S Chand 2004 9788121912969 120p UG Library
540 SHA 00022866 Numerical Examples in Chemistry Sharma, Y R Kalyani Publishers 1982 274 p. vi, iv : UG Library
540 SHA 00072512 New College Chemistry Sharma, Y R Kalyani Publishers 2006 8127229199 143 p. : UG Library
540 SHA 00061302 An Introduction to Practical Chemistry Sharma, K K Vikas Publishing House 2003 0706987462 304 p. : UG Library
540 SHE 05069871 Chemistry : Shetty,Nityananda. Boscoss Publications, 2014 560p.; Knowledge Centre
540 SIE 00013706 Chemistry Sienko, Michell J. [from old catalog] McGraw-Hill 1966 622 p. UG Library
540 SIE 00000101 Chemistry Sienko, Michell J. [from old catalog] McGraw-Hill 1966 622 p. UG Library
540 SIE 00009876 Chemistry Sienko, Michell J. McGraw-Hill 1971 0070573344 4th ed. viii, 638 p. UG Library
540 SIN 04014745 Chemistry In Daily Life / Singh, Kirpal PHI, 2012 9788120346178 174 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 SIN 00111493 Advanced Problems In Chemistry For IIT - JEE Singh Jagdamba Pragati Pakashan, 2009 2nd ed, 424 p.: UG Library
540 SIN 00111494 Recent Trends and Advances in IIT-JEE Organic Chemistry/s Singh, Jagdamba. Pragati Publication, 2007 9789350064214 8th Ed. xvi: 708p.; UG Library
540 SIN 00119359 Recent Trends and Advances in IIT-JEE Organic Chemistry/s Singh, Jagdamba. Pragati Publication, 2007 9789350064214 8th Ed. xvi: 708p.; UG Library
540 SIN 00119360 Recent Trends and Advances in IIT-JEE Organic Chemistry/s Singh, Jagdamba. Pragati Publication, 2007 9789350064214 8th Ed. xvi: 708p.; UG Library
540 SIN 00119346 Advanced Problems In Chemistry For IIT - JEE Singh Jagdamba Pragati Pakashan, 2009 2nd ed, 424 p.: UG Library
540 SIN 00124308 The Chemistry for JEE Main 2017 Atul Singhal Pearson, 2016 9789332570290 vi, 35.19 p.: UG Library
540 SIN 00122841 Advanced Practical Chemistry Singh, Jagdamba Pragati Prakashan, 2015 9789350069806 6th edi. xvi, I-60 p:. UG Library
540 SIN 00111481 Advanced Practical Chemistry/ Singh, Jagdamba. Pragati Prakashan, 2008 9789350063941 Reprint Ed. xvi: 251p.; UG Library
540 SIV 00032691 General & Inorganic Chemistry Sivanandaiah, K.M Pracharabya University of Bangalore 1989 1st 233 p.: UG Library
540 SNY 00128325 The Extraordinary Chemistry of Ordinary Things Snyder, H. Carl Wiley Publisher 2003 9780471423591 4th Edition 175 p. : UG Library
540 SON 00019175 B.Sc Practical Chemistry Soni, P L S Chand & Co., 1978 368 p.; UG Library
540 SON 00019008 Problems in Chemistry Soni, P L Sultan Chand 1977 2nd 738 p.: UG Library
540 SON 00019009 Problems in Chemistry Soni, P L S Chand 1977 734 p.: UG Library
540 SON 00014020 Textbook of Physical Chemistry Soni, P L Sultan Chand & Sons 1973 xvi, 5.128 p, xvii. : UG Library
540 SON 00014022 Textbook of Physical Chemistry Soni, P L Sultan Chand & Sons 1973 xvi, 5.128 p, xvii. : UG Library
540 SON 00124464 Solved papers and Practices Sets IIT Jam Soni Kumar Raj Arihant Prakashan, 2016 9789352513321 264 p.: UG Library
540 SON 00001144 College Chemistry Soni P L S Chand & Co. 1p UG Library
540 SOR 00027765 How to Slove General Chemistry Problems Sorum, C H Phi 1985 5th 301 p.: UG Library
540 SPI 00125219 Chemistry of the Environment Spiro, Thomas G Prentice-Hall of Inida | Viva Books 2003 9788120321465 | 9789386105257 3rd ed. 482 p | 615p. UG Library
540 SRI 00045595 Text Book of Chemistry Vol I Srinivasan, A Subhas Publications 1998 564 p. : UG Library
540 SRI 00005258 Advanced Numerical Chemistry Srivastava, S N Narain Prakashan 1969 ii, 267 p. : UG Library
540 SRI 00111495 IIT-JEE Physical Chemistry/ Srivastava, H.C. Pragati Prakashan, 2008 9789350061893 2nd Ed. xii:690p.; UG Library
540 SRI 00119355 IIT-JEE Physical Chemistry/ Srivastava, H.C. Pragati Prakashan, 2008 9789350061893 2nd Ed. xii:690p.; UG Library
540 SRI 00119356 IIT-JEE Physical Chemistry/ Srivastava, H.C. Pragati Prakashan, 2008 9789350061893 2nd Ed. xii:690p.; UG Library
540 STE 00015572 General Chemistry Steiner, Luke E. Macmillan 1955 675 p. UG Library
540 SUB 05028790 Chemistry and Chemical Techniques in India.Vol.4.Part.1 Subbarayappa, B V Imh Press 0818758601 381p Knowledge Centre
540 SUC 00073580 Conceptual Chemistry Suchocki, John. Benjamin Cummings, 2004 0805332286 2nd ed. 1 v. (various pagings) : UG Library
540 SUC 00073581 Conceptual Chemistry Suchocki, John. Benjamin Cummings, 2004 0805332286 2nd ed. 1 v. (various pagings) : UG Library
540 SUC 00073582 Conceptual Chemistry Suchocki, John. Benjamin Cummings, 2004 0805332286 2nd ed. 1 v. (various pagings) : UG Library
540 THO 00080041 Practical Chemistry Thomas, A O Scientific Book Centre 496p UG Library
540 TIM 00128906 Basic Chemistry / Timberlake, Karen C. Pearson, 2017 9781292170244 Fifth edition. 719 p.: UG Library
540 TIM 00127688 Chemistry : Timberlake, Karen C. Pearson, 2015 9781292061320 704 p. UG Library
540 TIM 05060481 Basic Chemistry / Timberlake, Karen C. Pearson, 2017 9781292170244 Fifth edition. 719 p.: Knowledge Centre
540 TMH 00070419 Course in Chemistry for IIT-JEE Tata Mcgraw Hill Publications Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company 2006 0070588511 545 p UG Library
540 TMH 00048048 Course in Chemistry for IIT JEE 0 0007463934 990p UG Library
540 TOO 04007671 Foundations of chemistry / Toon, Ernest R. Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1978 0039200663 : 2d ed. xii, 769 p., [2] leaves of plates : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 TRO 00127696 Introductory chemistry essentials Tro, Nivaldo J. Prentice Hall, 2011 9781292061337 | 0321725999 4th ed. 675 p. UG Library
540 TRO 00138228 Introductory chemistry / Tro, Nivaldo J Pearson education limited , 2019 9781292229683 6th edi., 768pages.; UG Library
540 TRO 00128880 Principles of Chemistry / Tro, Nivaldo J Pearson 2016 9781292097282 3rd ed. 833p.I-33 UG Library
540 TRO 00128912 Chemistry : Tro, Nivaldo J. Pearson Educatin Limited, 2017 9780134112831 | 9781292152387 Fourth edition. xxvii, 1195 p. : UG Library
540 TUL 00001148 Chemistry Tuly, G D UG Library
540 TYA 00073398 Introduction to Practical Chemistry Tyagi, Amar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2006 8126126817 | 9788126126811 vii, 361 p. : UG Library
540 TYA 00082693 Introduction to Practical Chemistry Tyagi, Amar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2006 8126126817 | 9788126126811 vii, 361 p. : UG Library
540 UC 00115608 Chemistry: GCE Level Examinations Past Papers With Answer Guides University of Cambridge Foundation Books 2003 9788175961791 380p UG Library
540 VAT 05066692 Comprehensive Chemistry : Vats,Tanvi. Viva Books, 2019 9789389166880 ix,372p.; Knowledge Centre
540 VEN 00046872 University Chemistry-3 [ for Final Year Bsc ] Venugopal, R Subhas 543p UG Library
540 VEN 00046873 University Chemistry-3 [ for Final Year Bsc ] Venugopal, R Subhas 543p UG Library
540 VEN 00046874 University Chemistry-3 [ for Final Year Bsc ] Venugopal, R Subhas 543p UG Library
540 VEN 00046875 University Chemistry-3 [ for Final Year Bsc ] Venugopal, R Subhas 543p UG Library
540 VEN 00046876 University Chemistry-3 [ for Final Year Bsc ] Venugopal, R Subhas 543p UG Library
540 VEN 00054409 University Chemistry-3 [ for Final Year Bsc ] Venugopal, R Subhas 543p UG Library
540 VEN. 00044361 University Chemistry [ for Second Year B.Sc ] Venugopal, R Subhas 180p UG Library
540 VER 00090970 Applied Chemistry Theory and Practice Vermani, O P New Age International Publishers 8122408141 322p UG Library
540 VER 00090971 Applied Chemistry Theory and Practice Vermani, O P New Age International Publishers 8122408141 322p UG Library
540 VER 00109295 Comprehensive Practical Chemistry Verma N.K. Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd 2005 9788131801499 xii; 176 p. UG Library
540 VIN 00047544 Comprehensible Chemistry- III Kumar, B. Vinod United Publishers 1999 615 p. : UG Library
540 VIN 00047545 Comprehensible Chemistry- III Kumar, B. Vinod United Publishers 1999 615 p. : UG Library
540 VIN 00047546 Comprehensible Chemistry- III Kumar, B. Vinod United Publishers 1999 615 p. : UG Library
540 WAN 00145693 Nanochemistry : Wang, Xuan De Gruyter 9783110739855 1st ed. 617p. UG Library
540 WAS 00015181 Chem One Waser, Jürg. McGraw-Hill, 1976 0070684200 xviii, 810 p. : UG Library
540 WAT 00041054 Study Guide to Accompany Raymond Chang Chemistry Watkins, Kenneth W. McGraw Hill Inc 1996 0070110050 | 9780070110052 5th ed viii, 472 p. : UG Library
540 WAT 00041055 Study Guide to Accompany Raymond Chang Chemistry Watkins, Kenneth W. McGraw Hill Inc 1996 0070110050 | 9780070110052 5th ed viii, 472 p. : UG Library
540 WEL 00008176 Semimicro Qualitative Analysis Welcher, Frank J Affiliated 1955 497 p UG Library
540 WHI 04007680 General chemistry / Whitten, Kenneth W. Saunders College Pub., 1988 0030128188 3rd ed. xxxii, 884, 36, 8 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 WHI 04007847 General chemistry with qualitative analysis / Whitten, Kenneth W. Saunders College Pub., 1992 003075156X 4th ed. xxxii, 1233, 48, 14 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 WHI 00087055 Chemistry (WMU) Whitten, Kenneth W Thomson 2007 1066p UG Library
540 WIL 00065434 Solutions to Exercises to Brown and LeMay, Chemistry Wilson, Roxy Prentice Hall 2003 0130097985 | 9780130097989 9th ed vi, 653 p. : UG Library
540 WIL 00014264 Instrumental Methods of Analysis Willard, Hobart H Affiliated East-West Press Ltd 1965 4th ed xviii, 784 p. : UG Library
540 WIL 00065435 Solutions to Exercises to Brown and LeMay, Chemistry Wilson, Roxy Prentice Hall 2003 0130097985 | 9780130097989 9th ed vi, 653 p. : UG Library
540 WIN 00109359 Chemistry for sustainable technologies Winterton, Neil. RSC Pub., 2011 9781847558138 (hbk.) | 9781847 xix, 480 p. : UG Library
540 WOL 00115607 Test Yourself College Chemistry Wolfe, Drew H. NTC Learning Works | Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2000 8176490393 vii, 180 p. : UG Library
540 WOO 00015178 Fundamentals of College Chemistry Wood, Jesse Hermon. Harper & Row 1972 0060472022 3d ed. ix, 563 p. UG Library
540 WUE 04007676 General introductory chemistry / Visaid Devices, 1986 233p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 YAD 00008010 Practical in Organic & Physical Chemistry Yadav, J B Goel Publishing House 1970 iv, 235 p. : UG Library
540 ZUM 04007693 Chemistry / Zumdahl, Steven S. Houghton Mifflin, 1997 0669417947 (student text) 4th ed. xxiii, 1118, 89 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540 ZUM 00045729 Chemistry. Zumdahl, Steven S D.C.Health and Company. 1989 0669167088 | 9780669167085 2nd ed. 1091p UG Library
540 ZUM 00124311 Basic Chemistry Steven S. Zumdahl Houghton Mifflin Company, 2000 9780395955390 4th ed. xxiv, 509 p.: UG Library
540 ZUM 00124314 Introductory Chemistry Steven S. Zumdahl Houghton Mifflin Company, 2000 9780395955383 4th ed. xxiv, 607 p.: UG Library
540.01 KHI 00058822 Teaching of Chemistry Khirwadkar, Anjali Sarupa and Sons 2002 8176253669 1st ed xv, 300 p : UG Library
540.02 LAN 00004326 Handbook of Chemistry Norbert Adolph Lange, McGraw-Hill 1967 2001 p UG Library
540.02854 KUM 00108854 Computers and Their Applications To Chemistry Kumari,Ramesh Narosa Publishing House 2002 9788173196669 xiv; 340 p. UG Library
540.03 BIS 04003131 Encyclopaedia of Chemistry Biswas, Amit Anmol Publications 2006 8126130458 305 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.03 RIT 04002120 Encyclopedia of Chemistry / Rittner, Don Viva Books, 2008 9788130902340 342 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.03 RIT 04000002 Encyclopedia of Chemistry / Rittner, Don Viva Books, 2008 9788130902340 342 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.03 ATE 00047807 Advanced Learner`s Dictionary of Chemistry 0 Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126104627 281p UG Library
540.03 DEL 00138301 Advance Dictionary of Chemistry / Delvin,Samuel. Karan Paperbacks, 2019 9789381759639 487p.; UG Library
540.03 RIT 00105251 Viva-Facts On File: Encyclopedia Of Chemistry Rittner,Don. Viva Books 2010 9788130915395 x,342 p. UG Library
540.03 RIT 04007458 Viva-Facts On File: Encyclopedia Of Chemistry Rittner,Don. Viva Books 2010 9788130915395 x,342 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.03 SHA 00066767 A Dictionary of Chemistry Sharma, J L CBS Publishers & Distributors 1991 8123909292 641 p.: UG Library
540.03 SHA 00035462 A Dictionary of Chemistry Sharma, J L CBS Publishers & Distributors 1991 8123909292 641 p.: UG Library
540.03 SHA 00075933 The Penguin Dictionary of Chemistry: Ed by W.A. Sharpe 2005 0140514457 435p UG Library
540.03 SIN 00132166 Nutritional Biochemistry: Singh B.K.P, Amiga Press INC. 2018 9789384533182 viii,220 p.; UG Library
540.0421 RAO 00041442 New Directions in Solid State Chemistry Rao, C N R Cambridge University Press. 1996 0521499070 | 9780521499071 2nd Ed. 550 p UG Library
540.07 ISA 00033866 Chemistry teacher`s and Students' Guide Book Isaac, Fr Nuffield 1970 352 p.: UG Library
540.07 ISA 00033856 Chemistry teacher`s and Students' Guide Book Isaac, Fr Nuffield 1970 352 p.: UG Library
540.07 ISA 00033860 Chemistry teacher`s and Students' Guide Book Isaac, Fr Nuffield 1970 352 p.: UG Library
540.07 ISA 00033863 Chemistry teacher`s and Students' Guide Book Isaac, Fr Nuffield 1970 352 p.: UG Library
540.07 ISA 00033867 Chemistry teacher`s and Students' Guide Book Isaac, Fr Nuffield 1970 352 p.: UG Library
540.070218 CHA 00145706 10 Things You Must Know About the International Chemistry Olympiad (ICHO) : Chang, I-Jy, World Scientific 2023 9789811217371 Revised edition. xxi, 202 pages : UG Library
540.0712 NUF 00004499 Nuffield Chemistry : Introduction and Guide Longmans Green; | Penguin, 1966 166 p. : UG Library
540.0712 NUF 00004500 Nuffield Chemistry: The sample scheme, stage I and II Nuffield Foundation Longmans Green; | Penguin, 1966 473 p . : UG Library
540.0712 NUF 00004503 Nuffield chemistry : Collected Experiments Nuffield Foundation Longmans Green; | Penguin, 1966 xix, 367 p. : UG Library
540.076 CEN 04002400 Chemistry for AIEEE 2009 Cengage Learning Thomson South-Western 2008 9788131508602 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.076 GOL 04011562 3000 Solved Prolems In Chemistry Goldberg David E. Mcgraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd, 1988 9780070085312 xii; P:, Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 BAK 04001546 Engineering Chemistry Bakshi, S P CBS Publishers and Distributors 2008 8123916094 143p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 GAD 04000011 Engineering Chemistry / Gadag, R V I.K. International Pvt Ltd, 2008 8188237833 346 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 GAD 04001857 Engineering Chemistry / Gadag, R V I.K. International Pvt Ltd, 2008 8188237833 346 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 GOY 04001936 Textbook of Engineering Chemistry Goyal, R N Ane Books 2008 9788180520631 373 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 GOY 04002809 Textbook of Engineering Chemistry Goyal, R N Ane Books 2008 9788180520631 373 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 GOY 04003829 Textbook of Engineering Chemistry Goyal, R N Ane Books 2008 9788180520631 373 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 GOY 04002639 Textbook of Engineering Chemistry Goyal, R N Ane Books 2008 9788180520631 373 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 KRI 04003912 Engineering Chemistry Krihnamurthy, N Prentice-Hall of Inida 2008 9788120336667 280 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 KUL 04025677 Engineering Chemistry / Kulkarni, V R New Age International Pubishers, 2016 9788122439908 xv, 245p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 KUL 04025678 Engineering Chemistry / Kulkarni, V R New Age International Pubishers, 2016 9788122439908 xv, 245p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 MAL 04001059 Engineering Chemistry Mallick, Abhijit Viva Books 2008 9788130909264 703 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 MAL 04002978 Engineering Chemistry Mallick, Abhijit Viva Books 2008 9788130909264 703 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 MAL 04004015 Engineering Chemistry Mallick, Abhijit Viva Books 2008 9788130909264 703 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 MAL 04002987 Engineering Chemistry Mallick, Abhijit Viva Books 2008 9788130909264 703 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 PAL 04006835 Engineering Chemistry Palanna, O G Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780071068345 | 9780070146105 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 PAL 04006836 Engineering Chemistry Palanna, O G Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780071068345 | 9780070146105 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 PAL 04006834 Engineering Chemistry Palanna, O G Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780071068345 | 9780070146105 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 PRA 04002163 Chemistry for Engineering Students Pradash, B S Subhas Stores 2008 254 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 PRA 04002165 Chemistry for Engineering Students Prakash, B S Subhas Stores 2008 254 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 PRA 04002166 Chemistry for Engineering Students Prakash, B S Subhas Stores 2008 254 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 PRA 04002167 Chemistry for Engineering Students / Prakash, B S Subhas Stores, 2008 266 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 PUS 04024968 Engineering Chemistry / Pushpalatha, K Wiley, 2014 9788126551842 375 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 SHU 04003299 Engineering Chemistry Shultz, Mary Jane Thomson South-Western 2007 9788131509258 489 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 SHU 04003298 Engineering Chemistry Shultz, Mary Jane Thomson South-Western 2007 9788131509258 489 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 SIN 04001973 Engineering Chemistry / Singh, S K New Age Internations (P) Ltd, 2008 9788122422016 272 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 SIN 04000050 Engineering Chemistry / Singh, S K New Age Internations (P) Ltd, 2008 9788122422016 272 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 SIV 04002572 Engineering Chemistry Sivasankar, B Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070669321 565 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 SIV 1 04003325 Engineering Chemistry Sivakumar, R Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070261013 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 SIV 1 04003324 Engineering Chemistry Sivakumar, R Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070261013 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 UPP 04005862 Engineering Chemeistry (chemical Technology) Uppal, M M Khanna Publishers 2009 1442 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 UPP 04005863 Engineering Chemeistry (chemical Technology) Uppal, M M Khanna Publishers 2009 1442 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 UPP 04005864 Engineering Chemeistry (chemical Technology) Uppal, M M Khanna Publishers 2009 1442 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 UPP 04005865 Engineering Chemeistry (chemical Technology) Uppal, M M Khanna Publishers 2009 1442 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 UPP 04005866 Engineering Chemeistry (chemical Technology) Uppal, M M Khanna Publishers 2009 1442 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 UPP 04005867 Engineering Chemeistry (chemical Technology) Uppal, M M Khanna Publishers 2009 1442 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 UPP 04005868 Engineering Chemeistry (chemical Technology) Uppal, M M Khanna Publishers 2009 1442 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 AGA 04027353 Engineering Chemistry : Agarwal, Shikha Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107476417 xxi, 1179p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 AGG 04026848 Engineering Chemistry / Aggarwal, O.P Khanna Publication, 2016 8174091033 1030 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 AGG 04026849 Engineering Chemistry / Aggarwal, O.P Khanna Publication, 2016 8174091033 1030 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 AGG 04026850 Engineering Chemistry / Aggarwal, O.P Khanna Publication, 2016 8174091033 1030 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 AGG 04026851 Engineering Chemistry / Aggarwal, O.P Khanna Publication, 2016 8174091033 1030 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 AHL 04027980 Engineering Chemistry / Ahluwalia, V K Ane Books, 2016 9789380618913 416p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 AMB 04025309 Chemistry for Engineers / Ambasta, B K University Science Press, 2014 9788131805855 4th Ed. 321p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 BAI 05060617 Philosophy of chemistry : Baird, Davis., ed. Springer, 2006 9781402032561 (hbk.) | 9781402032615 (ebook) | 1402032560 (hbk.) | 1402032617 (ebook) vii, 362 p. : Knowledge Centre
540.1 BAP 04025926 Engineering Chemistry / Bapna, Renu Mac Millan Publishers, 2010 9780230330764 431p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 BAP 04025927 Engineering Chemistry / Bapna, Renu Mac Millan Publishers, 2010 9780230330764 431p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 BHA 04019356 Engineering Chemistry / Bhatia, S. C. CBS Publisher, 2001 9788123907666 881p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 CHA 04021795 Engineering Chemistry / Chary, M. Thirumala Scitech Publishers, 2012 9788183714716 269p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 CHA 04021796 Engineering Chemistry / Chary, M. Thirumala Scitech Publishers, 2012 9788183714716 269p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 CHA 04021787 Engineering Chemistry / Chandrasekhar, K. B. Scitech Publishers, 2009 9788183712477 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 CHA 04021788 Engineering Chemistry / Chandrasekhar, K. B. Scitech Publishers, 2009 9788183712477 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 CHA 04025315 Engineering Chemistry / Chauhan, B S University Science Press, 2009 9788131805794 879p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 CHA 04025316 Engineering Chemistry / Chauhan, B S University Science Press, 2009 9788131805794 879p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 CHA 04025462 Engineering Chemistry / Chauhan, B S University Science Press, 2009 9788131805794 879p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 CHA 04027249 Basuchandra's Engineering Chemistry / Chandrashekar, B M Banbayalu, 2014 00135215300002 294p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 DAR 04027738 A Textbook of Engineerig Chemistry / Dara S S S. Chand & Company, 2014 9788121903592 xvi, 972p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 DAR 04027739 A Textbook of Engineerig Chemistry / Dara S S S. Chand & Company, 2014 9788121903592 xvi, 972p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 DAR 04027740 A Textbook of Engineerig Chemistry / Dara S S S. Chand & Company, 2014 9788121903592 xvi, 972p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 DAR 04027741 A Textbook of Engineerig Chemistry / Dara S S S. Chand & Company, 2014 9788121903592 xvi, 972p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 DAR 04027742 A Textbook of Engineerig Chemistry / Dara S S S. Chand & Company, 2014 9788121903592 xvi, 972p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 DAR 04027743 A Textbook of Engineerig Chemistry / Dara S S S. Chand & Company, 2014 9788121903592 xvi, 972p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 DAR 04027744 A Textbook of Engineerig Chemistry / Dara S S S. Chand & Company, 2014 9788121903592 xvi, 972p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 DAR 04027745 A Textbook of Engineerig Chemistry / Dara S S S. Chand & Company, 2014 9788121903592 xvi, 972p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 DAR 00137119 A Textbook of Engineerig Chemistry / Dara,S S. S. Chand & Company, 2017 9788121903592 REP xvi, 972p. ; UG Library
540.1 DAR 00137120 A Textbook of Engineerig Chemistry / Dara,S S. S. Chand & Company, 2017 9788121903592 REP xvi, 972p. ; UG Library
540.1 DAS 04021793 Engineering Chemistry / Dash, U. N. Scitech Publishers, 2009 9788183711746 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 DAS 04021794 Engineering Chemistry / Dash, U. N. Scitech Publishers, 2009 9788183711746 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 DAS 04017614 Engineering Chemistry / Dasmohaptra, Gourkrishna Vikas Publication, 2011 9788125949527 612p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 EC 04009376 Engineering Chemistry / Wiley India, 2011 9788126519880 906 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 EC 04011144 Engineering Chemistry / Wiley India, 2011 9788126519880 906 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 EMI 04028175 Engineering Chemistry / Emichs, Friedrich Medtech, 2017 9789385998935 2nd ed. ; xxviii, 988p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 EMI 04024978 Engineering Chemistry Emich, Friedrich MedTech 2014 xxvii:906p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 GAD 04026392 Engineering Chemistry / Gadag, R V I K International Publishing House, 2014 9789384588021 284p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 GAD 04026393 Engineering Chemistry / Gadag, R V I K International Publishing House, 2014 9789384588021 284p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 GAD 04026394 Engineering Chemistry / Gadag, R V I K International Publishing House, 2014 9789384588021 284p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 GAD 04002550 Engineering Chemistry / Gadag, R. V. I. K. International, 2010 9789380578590 2nd Ed. 307p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 GAD 04002164 Engineering Chemistry / Gadag, R.V I.K. International Pub. 2010 9789380578590 2nd ed. 307 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 GAD 04027250 Engineering Chemistry / Gadag, R V I K International Publishing House, 2014 9789384588021 284p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 GOP 04011228 Textbook of Engineering Chemistry / Gopalan, R Vikas Publishing, 1999 9788125921547 3rd ed. Various p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 GOP 04019854 Textbook of Engineering Chemistry / Gopalan, R. Vikas Publication, 2013 9789325969018 4th ed. 592p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 GOP 04017613 Engineering Chemistry-II / Gopalan, R. Vikas Publication, 2011 9788125942337 249p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 GOY 04027997 Textbook of Engineering Chemistry / Goyal, R N Ane Books, 2015 9789384726034 466p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 JAI 04007222 Engineering Chemistry / Jain Dhanpat Rai, 2016 9789352161317 1414p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 JAI 04027389 Engineering Chemistry / Jain Dhanpat Rai Publishing, 2013 16th Ed. 1404p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 JAI 04017130 Chemistry for Engineering Students : Jai Prakash, B. S. Subhas Stores, 2012 0000000001119 268p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 JAI 04023412 Chemistry for Engineering Students : Jai Prakash, B. S. Subhas Stores, 2012 0000000001119 268p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 JAI 04023431 Chemistry for Engineering Students : Jai Prakash, B. S. Subhas Stores, 2012 0000000001119 268p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 JAI 04027038 Chemistry for Engineering Students : Jai Prakash, B. S. Subhas Stores, 2012 0000000001119 268p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 JAI 04027039 Chemistry for Engineering Students : Jai Prakash, B. S. Subhas Stores, 2012 0000000001119 268p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 JAI 04027040 Chemistry for Engineering Students : Jai Prakash, B. S. Subhas Stores, 2012 0000000001119 268p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 JAI 04027041 Chemistry for Engineering Students : Jai Prakash, B. S. Subhas Stores, 2012 0000000001119 268p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 JAI 04027042 Chemistry for Engineering Students : Jai Prakash, B. S. Subhas Stores, 2012 0000000001119 268p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 JAI 04030579 Chemistry for Engineering Students : Jai Prakash, B. S. Subhas Stores, 2012 0000000001119 268p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 JAI 04016790 Chemistry for Engineering Students : Jai Prakash, B. S. Subhas Stores, 2012 0000000001119 268p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 JAI 04016791 Chemistry for Engineering Students : Jai Prakash, B. S. Subhas Stores, 2012 0000000001119 268p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 JAI 04027683 Chemistry for Engineering Students : Jai Prakash, B. S. Subhas Stores, 2012 0000000001119 268p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 JAI 04027684 Chemistry for Engineering Students : Jai Prakash, B. S. Subhas Stores, 2012 0000000001119 268p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 JAI 04027685 Chemistry for Engineering Students : Jai Prakash, B. S. Subhas Stores, 2012 0000000001119 268p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 JAI 04027686 Chemistry for Engineering Students : Jai Prakash, B. S. Subhas Stores, 2012 0000000001119 268p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 JAI 04027687 Chemistry for Engineering Students : Jai Prakash, B. S. Subhas Stores, 2012 0000000001119 268p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 JAI 04015392 Chemistry for Engineering Students : Jai Prakash, B. S. Subhas Stores, 2012 0000000001119 268p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 JAY 04019364 Engineering Chemistry-I Jayaprakash, R. CBS Publisher, 2011 9788123919386 232p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 JAY 04011584 Engineering Chemistry/ Jayaveera K.N. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2012 9780071328852 3th ed. xvi, 246 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 KAU 04011372 Engineering Chemistry With Laboratory Experiments/ Kaurav M.S. PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd, 2011 9788120341746 xviii, 354 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 KAV 04021789 Engineering Chemistry - I / Kavitha, Helen P. Scitech Publishers, 2008 9788183711555 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 KAV 04021790 Engineering Chemistry - I / Kavitha, Helen P. Scitech Publishers, 2008 9788183711555 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 KUM 04021593 Fundamentals of Engineering Chemistry / Kumar, Hari Mohan Anmol Publication, 2014 9788126161706 280 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 KUM 04023266 A Textbook of Engineering Chmeistry / Kumar, Uday Centrum press, 2013 9789350843062 288 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 PAL 04006833 Engineering Chemistry Palanna, O G Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780071068345 | 9780070146105 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 PAL 04011658 Engineering Chemistry Palanna, O G Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780071068345 | 9780070146105 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 PAL 04027694 Engineering Chemistry / Palanna, O G Tata McGraw Hill, 2017 9789352605774 2nd Ed. 868p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 PAL 04027695 Engineering Chemistry / Palanna, O G Tata McGraw Hill, 2017 9789352605774 2nd Ed. 868p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 QAN 04014813 Engineering chemistry / Qanungo, Kushal PHI Learning, 2009 9788120338180 ix , 182 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 RAM 04011682 Chemistry For Engineers Supp;ementary Book/ Ramachandran T. Vijay Nicole Imprints Pvt. Ltd, 2005 9788182092358 78 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 RAM 04023416 Chemistry for Engineers / Ramachandran, T. Vijay Nicol, 2006 9788182091368 261p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 SAC 04011135 Basics Of the Hard Sciences Basics Of Engineering Chemistry Sachdeva Mamta V. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2011 9788126148004 1st Ed. 259 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 SEN 04025317 Advanced Engineering Chemistry / Senapati, M. Firewall Media, 2010 9788131801970 531p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 SEN 04025318 Advanced Engineering Chemistry / Senapati, M. Firewall Media, 2010 9788131801970 531p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 SHA 04028196 Textbook of Engineering Chemistry / Sharma, Deepa Med Tech Publication, 2015 9789381714287 772 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 SHA 04028197 Textbook of Engineering Chemistry / Sharma, Deepa Med Tech Publication, 2015 9789381714287 772 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 SHA 04024059 Textbook of Engineering Chemistry / Sharma, Deepa Med Tech Publication, 2015 9789381714287 772 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 SHA 04024060 Textbook of Engineering Chemistry / Sharma, Deepa Med Tech Publication, 2015 9789381714287 772 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 SHA 04024061 Textbook of Engineering Chemistry / Sharma, Deepa Med Tech Publication, 2015 9789381714287 772 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 SHA 00131125 Textbook of Engineering Chemistry / Sharma, Deepa Med Tech Publication, 2015 9789381714287 772 p. : UG Library
540.1 SIN 04026745 Engineering Chemistry / Singh, N B University Press, 2012 9788173718106 270p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 SIN 04001847 Comprehensive Engineering Chemistry (including Practicals) Singh, Devender I K International Publishing 2007 9788189866556 343 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 SIN 04024491 Engineering Chemistry / Singh, Ajay CBS Publishers, 2013 9788123922874 495p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 SIN 04002540 Comprehensive Engineering Chemistry (including Practicals) Singh, Devender I K International Publishing 2007 9788189866556 343 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 SIV 04011739 A Concise Laboratory Manual On Engineering Chemistry/ Sivakumar R. Vijay Nicole Imprints Pvt.Ltd, 2004 9788182090569 vi, 110 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 SIV 04011741 Engineering Chemistry Sivasankar, B Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070669321 565 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 SRI 04011415 A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry - I / Srivastava, Ashima Acme learning private , 2010 9789380408484 x, 278 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 SRI 04011498 A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry - I / Srivastava, Ashima Acme learning private , 2010 9789380408484 x, 278 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 SRI 04025458 Engineering Chemistry / Srinivas, B N University Science Press, 2015 9789383828456 187p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 SRI 04025459 Engineering Chemistry / Srinivas, B N University Science Press, 2015 9789383828456 187p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 SUN 04030583 Sunstar Exam Scanner Chemistry : Sunstar Publishers, 2020 9789385155826 V P. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 VAI 04020200 Engineering Chemistry / Vairam, S. Wiley, 2013 9788126543038 982p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 VAI 04022233 Engineering Chemistry / Vairam, S. Wiley Publications, 2013 9788126543342 274p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 VIJ 04023280 Engineering Chemistry / Vijayasarathy P.R PHI Learning Private Limited, 2011 9788120342798 2nd ed 310 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 VIJ 04011241 Engineering Chemistry / Vijayasarathy P.R PHI Learning Private Limited, 2011 9788120342798 2nd ed 310 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 WIL 04022232 Engineering Chemistry / Wiley Publications, 2013 9788126543205 2nd Ed. 1026p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.1 WIL 00131107 Engineering Chemistry / Wiley Publications, 2013 9788126543205 2nd Ed. 1026p. : UG Library
540.112 HAR 00138947 Practical alchemy : Harrison, Walter A. World Scientifi/ 2019 9789813278318 176 p. : UG Library
540.112 KLO 07014770 Alchemy; Klossowski de Rola, Stanislas. Thames & Hudson Pvt Ltd. 2013 9780500810552 128 p;. Library - BR Campus
540.112094209023 HUG 05038636 The rise of alchemy in fourteenth-century England : Hughes, Jonathan, Continuum, 2012 9781441181831 (pbk.) | 1441181 xv, 279 p. : Knowledge Centre
540.151 WHI 00072916 Mathematics for Chemistry Whitmore G. IVY Publishing House 2006 8178901374 1st Ed. 166 p. UG Library
540.151 COC 00091557 Maths for Chemists - Numbers, Functions and Calculus Cockett, Martin royal society of chemistry cambridge 0854046771 183p UG Library
540.151 COC 00061698 Maths for Chemists - Numbers, Functions and Calculus Cockett, Martin royal society of chemistry cambridge 0854046771 183p UG Library
540.151 COC 00138727 Maths for Chemists Cockett, Martin royal society of chemistry, 2012 9781849733595 2nd ed, 387 p.; UG Library
540.151 DAH 00129682 Calculations in chemistry : Dahm, Donald J. W. W. Norton & Co., 2013 9780393614367 2nd ed, xix, 501. : UG Library
540.151 SCH 05062290 Chemical Calculations Mathematics For Chemistry / Schmidt, Cyril. Oxford Book Company, 2019 9789350304631 viii, 304p.; Knowledge Centre
540.151 YAT 00144979 Chemical calculations : Yates, Paul CRC Press, 2023 9780367488673 Third edition. xvii,370p.; UG Library
540.151 YAT 00119947 Chemical calculations : Yates, Paul, CRC Press, 2007 0849391644 (pbk. : acidfree pa 2nd ed. xi, 366 p. : UG Library
540.15122 AME 00134559 Symmetry and group theory in chemistry / Ameta, Rameshwar New age international, 2019 189856339X (pbk) | 9789386649454 2nd ed, xi, 566 p. : UG Library
540.15122 AME 00135265 Symmetry and group theory in chemistry / Ameta, Rameshwar New age international, 2019 189856339X (pbk) | 9789386649454 2nd ed, xi, 566 p. : UG Library
540.2 MAT 00052197 Advanced Chemistry Matthews, Philip Cambridge University Press 1998 0521566983 | 9780521566988 976 p. : UG Library
540.2 MAT 00052196 Advanced Chemistry Matthews, Philip Cambridge University Press 1998 0521566983 | 9780521566988 976 p. : UG Library
540.202 LID 00082642 CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics Lide, David R. CRC Press 2003 0849304881 | 9780849304880 88th Ed. P.V. UG Library
540.202 LID 00052171 CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics Lide, R David C.R.C Press 1999 0849304806 | 9780849304804 80th Ed. P.V UG Library
540.212 ARO 00045850 S-Block Elements Arora M G Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 1997 8174885625 110p UG Library
540.212 EMS 00045865 Elements Emsley, John Oxford University Press 1998 9780198558187 3rd ed. IN-BaCU UG Library
540.23 KIS 00106843 Opportunity in Chemistry Kislaya,Shardendu Discovery Publishing House PVT.LTD. 2011 9788183568067 265 P. UG Library
540.246 KUR 04006379 Chemistry in Engineering and Technology Kuriacose, J C Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2010 9780074517369 696 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.246 KUR 04006380 Chemistry in Engineering and Technology Kuriacose, J C Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2010 9780074517369 696 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.246 KUR 04006417 Chemistry in Engineering and Technology Kuriacose, J C Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2010 9780074517369 696 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.246 KUR 04006418 Chemistry in Engineering and Technology Kuriacose, J C Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2010 9780074517369 696 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.246 KUR 04011615 Chemistry in Engineering and Technology Kuriacose, J C Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2010 9780074517369 696 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.246 KUR 04011614 Chemistry in Engineering and Technology/ Kuriacose J.C Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 1984 9780074517352 xx, 672 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.246 KUR 04027688 Chemistry in Engineering and Technology Kuriacose, J C Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2010 9780074517369 696 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.246 KUR 04027689 Chemistry in Engineering and Technology Kuriacose, J C Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2010 9780074517369 696 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.2461 ARM 00120082 General, organic, and biochemistry : Armstrong, James. Brooks/Cole ; | Cengage Learning [distributor], 2011 9780840068286 (pbk.) | 0840068 1 v. (various pagings) : UG Library
540.28 ALY 00014289 Microchemistry Projected Alyea,Hubert N. Vakils Feffer And Simons Pvt Ltd 1970 3rd Ed. 181 p. UG Library
540.28 ALY 00008025 Microchemistry Projected Alyea,Hubert N. Vakils Feffer And Simons Pvt Ltd 1970 3rd Ed. 181 p. UG Library
540.28 ALY 00014288 Microchemistry Projected Alyea,Hubert N. Vakils Feffer And Simons Pvt Ltd 1970 3rd Ed. 181 p. UG Library
540.28076 JOH 05033552 Problems and solutions in quantum chemistry and physics / Johnson, Charles S. Dover, 1986 048665236X (pbk.) xviii, 429 p. : Knowledge Centre
540.3 VEN 00054408 University Chemistry-3 [ for Final Year Bsc ] Venugopal, R Subhas 543p UG Library
540.3 COO 04019059 Lotus Illustrated Dictionary of Chemistry / Cook, David Lotous Press, 2011 9788189093211 230p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.3 DAI 00058073 Tha Facts on File Dictionary Of Chemistry Daintith, Ph D, John 1988 0816018669 249 UG Library
540.3 DAI 00073253 A Dictionary of Chemistry Daintith, John Oxford University Press 2006 0195672542 | 9780195672541 5th ed 601 p. : UG Library
540.3 DAI 01014342 A dictionary of chemistry / Oxford University Press, 9780199204632 584 p. : Knowledge Centre
540.3 DAI 00059456 Oxford Dictionary of Chemistry Daintith, John 0192801015 580p UG Library
540.3 KAU 00115159 Dictionary of Chemistry Kaushik, R K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 1987 8126118180 263p UG Library
540.3 KAU 00015159 Annual Sacred Heart College EKM 1975 x S h College , S h c UG Library
540.3 KAU 00115160 Dictionary of Chemistry Kaushik, R K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 1987 8126118180 263p UG Library
540.3 MAS 00028878 How to Prepare for College Board Achievement Tests: Chemistry; Mascetta,A. Joseph Barron's Educational Series,Inc 1987 3rd Ed 310 p. UG Library
540.3 SHA 00115161 Dictionary of Chemistry: Sharma, L K Sahni 2003 8175640006 354p UG Library
540.3 SHA 01014933 The Penguin dictionary of chemistry / Penguin Books, 0140514457 434 p. : Knowledge Centre
540.3 SHA 00115157 Pengion Dictionary of Chemistry: Sharp, David W.A. Penguin Books 2003 0140514457 | 9780140514452 3rd Ed. 434 p. UG Library
540.3 VEN 00041056 Chemistry 0 UG Library
540.321 DAI 00033835 Dictionary Cgenistry John Daintith Warner Books 1987 070993007959 300 p UG Library
540.321 SAX 00045032 Hawley`s Condensed Chemical Dictionary Sax, Irving N CBS Publishers 1987 0442280971 Eleventh Edition 1288 UG Library
540.3BAC 00027965 Dictionary of Chemistry Backett, A H Cbs 304p UG Library
540.3KHA 00065660 Dictionary of Chemistry Khan, H J Academic (india) 8185185301 356p UG Library
540.71 SIN 00105241 Teacher's Handbook Of Chemistry Singh.M.P. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2007 9788126134502 x,266 p. UG Library
540.712 BAR 00122460 Essentials of Chemical Education Barke, Hans-Dieter, Springer Verlag, 2012 9783642217555 | 3642217559 (al xx,326 p:. UG Library
540.712 PAT 00117528 Teaching of Chemistry Patil, R.S Jayadev M. Menasagi, 2009 386p. ; UG Library
540.72 BAI 00061707 Communicating Chemistry Bailey, Patrick D. Royal Society of Chemistry 1999 0854049045 viii, 141 p. : UG Library
540.72 KUM 00121165 Research Methodology and Techniques in Chemistry Kumar, Uday Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9788126161768 336 p:. UG Library
540.74 GUP 00126066 UGC CSIR NET/SET(JRF & LS) Chemical Sciences Gupta Preeti Arihant Publications (India) Limited 2017 9789350940877 1434p. UG Library
540.74 GUP 00126067 UGC CSIR NET/SET(JRF & LS) Chemical Sciences Gupta Preeti Arihant Publications (India) Limited 2017 9789350940877 1434p. UG Library
540.76 AND 00007559 Chemical Calculations. Anderson, H. V. McGraw-Hill, 1955 6th ed. 305 p. UG Library
540.76 DEL 04007701 Problem solving in general chemistry / DeLorenzo, Ronald A. Wm. C. Brown Publishers, 1993 069716411X 2nd ed. xiv, 402 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.76 GOL 00045039 Schaum's 3000 Solved Problems in Chemistry Goldberg, David E. McGraw-Hill, 1988 0070236658 (pbk.) v, 606 p. : UG Library
540.76 GOL 00033937 Schaum's 3000 Solved Problems in Chemistry Goldberg, David E. McGraw-Hill, 1988 0070236658 (pbk.) v, 606 p. : UG Library
540.76 GOL 04007727 Schaum's 3000 Solved Problems in Chemistry Goldberg, David E. McGraw-Hill, 1988 0070236658 (pbk.) v, 606 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.76 HAL 00091929 UGC- CSIR JRF/NET - Chemical Sciences (Chemistry) Halder Kangkan Danika Publishing Company 8189301039 608p UG Library
540.76 HUN 00058862 The Complete A-Z Chemistry Handbook Hunt, J. A. Hodder & Stoughton, 1998 9780340872710 | 0340872713 | 0 3rd ed viii, 402 p. : UG Library
540.76 HUN 00058762 The Complete A-Z Chemistry Handbook Hunt, J. A. Hodder & Stoughton, 1998 9780340872710 | 0340872713 | 0 3rd ed viii, 402 p. : UG Library
540.76 HUN 00115158 The Complete A-Z Chemistry Handbook Hunt, J. A. Hodder & Stoughton, 1998 9780340872710 | 0340872713 | 0 3rd ed viii, 402 p. : UG Library
540.76 KUM 00091943 UGC-CSIR Chemical Sciences Kumar,Surinder Cosmos Bookhive (p) Ltd 565p UG Library
540.76 LON 00049798 Problem Exercises for General Chemistry Long,Gilbert G. John Wiley & Sons 1986 0471828408 448 p. UG Library
540.76 MUK 00137452 Modern apporach to chemical calculations: Mukerjee,R.C540.76 Bharati bhawan publishers, 2018 9788177096415 xi,874p.; UG Library
540.76 MUK 00147071 Modern apporach to chemical calculations: Mukerjee, R. C Bharati bhawan publishers, 2017 9788177096415 xi,872p. ; UG Library
540.76 NAN 00138927 Theory and problems for Chemistry Olympiad : Nan, Zhinan, World Scientific, 2020 9789813238992 | 9789811210419 546 p.; UG Library
540.76 RAS 00132570 Chemistry practicals Rastogi,K.N ABD Publishers, 2018 9788189011925 viii,138p.; UG Library
540.76 TAL 05069934 Chemistry for the IB diploma : Talbot, Christopher. Hodder Education, 2017 9781471899713 viii,288p.; Knowledge Centre
540.76 TER 05069935 Chemistry for the IB MYP 4 &​ 5 : Termaat, Annie. Hodder Education, 2016 9781471841767 316p.; Knowledge Centre
540.76 UGC 00126052 Joint CSIR - UGC NET Chemical Sciences Part - B & C Gupta's R. Ramesh Publishing House 2017 9789350125731 264p; UG Library
540.76 UGC 00126053 Joint CSIR - UGC NET Chemical Sciences Part - B & C Gupta's R. Ramesh Publishing House 2017 9789350125731 264p; UG Library
540.76076 PRI 04010911 Chemistry for AIEEE 2012 : Prince, A.J Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131515532 Various p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
540.77 RUN 00014291 Chemical Principles Runquist, Olaf Allan. Burgess Pub. Co. | Vakils, Feffer and Simons Pvt Ltd 1968 2 v. (iv, 462 p.) UG Library
540.77 RUN 00014290 Chemical Principles Runquist, Olaf Allan. Burgess Pub. Co. | Vakils, Feffer and Simons Pvt Ltd 1968 2 v. (iv, 462 p.) UG Library
540.78 BRO 00138229 Chemistry : Brown, Theodore L & LeyMay jr, H Eugene Pearson education limited , 2019 9781292221335 14th edi.; 673 pages.; UG Library
540.78 ELI 00055612 Collection of Interesting General Chemistry Experiments Elias, Anil J. Universities Press 2002 8173714215 | 9788173714214 xi, 132 p. : UG Library
540.78 JAH 00063516 Experiments in Chemistry Jahagirdar, D V HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 8178666790 478p UG Library
540.7SHA 00028883 Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis Sharma, B K Goel 878 p UG Library
540.9 DAT 00115840 The Story of Chemistry Datta, N C Universities Press Pvt.Ltd 2000 9788173715303 473 p UG Library
540.9 DAT 00067904 The Story of Chemistry Datta, N C Universities Press Pvt.Ltd 2000 9788173715303 473 p UG Library
540.9 DAT 00107744 The Story of Chemistry Datta, N C Universities Press Pvt.Ltd 2000 9788173715303 473 p UG Library
540.9 GRE 00097066 From alchemy to chemistry in picture and story / Greenberg, Arthur. Wiley-Interscience, 9780471751540 | 0471751545 xxiii, 637 p., [24] p. of plates : UG Library
540.9 OHR 00116572 The last alchemist in Paris Ohrstrom, Lars. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199661091 (hardback) xiii: 257 p.; UG Library
540.9 PAT 00112360 Advanced study in chemistry Patel,Dinesh R. Shree niwas publications, 2013 9789350320501 iii,250p.; UG Library
540.9 RAY 00111700 A history of Hindu chemistry: Ray,P.C Cosmo Publications, 2012 9788130712116 cxxxii,295p.; UG Library
540.9 SIN 00122859 Chemical Science for CSIR/JRF/NET/SLET Singh, Jagdamba Pragati Prakashan 2014 9789351400776 4th ed. 364p. UG Library
540.92 BAR 05066838 Walther Nernst : Bartel, Hans-Georg. World Scientific, 2007 9812565604 (hbk.) | 9789812565600 (hbk.) xii, 394 p. : Knowledge Centre
540.92 BIR 05046461 Marie Curie : Birch,Beverley. Blind Person's Association, | Orient Longman Pvt, 2015 p.; Knowledge Centre
540.92 CHE 05066816 Personal and scientific reminiscences : World Scientific, 2018 9781786344632 xvi, 284 pages : Knowledge Centre
540.92 DOU 05065565 Reminiscences of Ahmed H. Zewail : World Scientific, 2018 9789813231535 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 981323153X (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9789813231658 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9813231653 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxi, 404p.; Knowledge Centre
540.92 HEE 05065563 Never lose your nerve! / Heeger, Alan J. World Scientific, 2016 9789814704854 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9814704857 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9789814704861 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9814704865 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvi, 271p. ; Knowledge Centre
540.92 MAN 00033857 The Chemist in Action Mansell, A.L. Nuffield Advanced Science | Penguin Books 1971 ix, 149 p. : UG Library
540.92 RAO 03006309 Climbing the Limitless Ladder : Rao, C. N. R. World Scientific, 2010 9788175969124 ix, 222 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
540.92 ZEW 05066815 Voyage through time : Zewail, Ahmed H. World Scientific Publishing, 2002 9812383409 (pbk.) xii, 287 p. : Knowledge Centre
540.922 CUL 00078938 Chemistry Cullen, Katherine E. Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2006 9788130903606 | 8130903601 | 0 xxii 170 p. : UG Library
540.922 RAO 00125138 Lives and Times of Great Pioneers in Chemistry : Rao, C. N. R. World Scientific, 2016 9789814689052 | 9789814689922 x, 312 pages : UG Library
540.925209 RAY 00142635 Pioneering British women chemists : Rayner-Canham, Marelene World scientific europe ltd., 2020 9781786347688 xix,581p.; UG Library
540ACHY 00028215 Complete Course in Practical Chemistry emil ludwig, R C Kalyani 255 p UG Library
540AGA1 00008007 Synthetic Organic Chemistry Agarwal, Goel UG Library
540AKT 00013707 Text Book of Chemistry Puc Aktl, Walter Anand Publishers UG Library
540AKT 00013708 Text Book of Chemistry Puc Aktl, Walter Anand Publishers UG Library
540ALL 00033676 Structures of Organic Molecules Allinger L, Norman Phi UG Library
540ATK 00033731 Basic Chemical Thermodynamics Atkins, J Clarendran UG Library
540ATK1 00033772 Physical Chemistry Atkins, P W ELBS UG Library
540AVE 00033709 Basic Physical Chemistry Calculation Avery, H E ELBS UG Library
540AWA 00033752 Introductio to Biological Chemistry Awapara, J Phi UG Library
540BAH 00006663 Modern Approach Ist Year Chemistry Bahl, B S S Chand & Co. UG Library
540BAH1 00006665 Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry Bahl, B S S Chand & Co. UG Library
540BAH2 00010243 Comphrensive Inorganic Chemistry Bahl, B S R Chand & Co UG Library
540BAR 00033693 Physicsl Chemistry Barrow M, Gordon Mgh UG Library
540BHA 00007997 P u c Chemistry Bhatta, Subbha N s Vasavi UG Library
540BHA 00007998 P u c Chemistry Bhatta, Subbha N s Vasavi UG Library
540BHA 00007999 P u c Chemistry Bhatta, Subbha N s Vasavi UG Library
540BLA 00033699 Some Aspects of Basic Plymer Science Blackadder, D A R I c UG Library
540BOH 00012260 Text Book of Organic Chemistry Bohe, B S Chand UG Library
540BOM 00009599 Elements of Chemistry Bommanavar, S S Continental UG Library
540CAM 00015172 General Chemistry Campbell, Steven Harecourt UG Library
540CAN1 00027865 Lecture Notes on Biochemistry Candlish, J K Blackwell UG Library
540CAR 00033706 Principles of Crystal Chemistry Carmell, E R I c UG Library
540CHA10 00033760 Biochemistry Lab Techniques Chaykin, Sterling Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
540CHA8 00010707 Text Book of Physical Chemistry Chakravarthi, Asia UG Library
540CHA9 00033715 Industrial Chemistry Chakraborty, B N Oup UG Library
540CHE2 00002208 Laboratory Guide to Analysis Dept of Chemistry , L f Press UG Library
540CHE24 00005632 College Chemistry for Pre Degree Cherian, Vidyarthi Mithram UG Library
540CHI 00033724 Principles of Metallic Corrosion Chilton, J P C s UG Library
540COB 00033691 Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry Part 3 Quantitaive Org Analysis Cobol I Arthur , ELBS UG Library
540CON 00033770 Outlines of Biochemistry Conn E, Eric John Wiley UG Library
540COS 00016598 Laboratory Manual Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty Blr University UG Library
540COS 00016602 Laboratory Manual Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty Blr University UG Library
540COS 00016611 Laboratory Manual Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty Blr University UG Library
540COS 00016610 Laboratory Manual Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty Blr University UG Library
540COS 00016609 Laboratory Manual Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty Blr University UG Library
540COS 00016608 Laboratory Manual Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty Blr University UG Library
540COS 00016607 Laboratory Manual Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty Blr University UG Library
540COS 00016606 Laboratory Manual Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty Blr University UG Library
540COS 00016605 Laboratory Manual Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty Blr University UG Library
540COS 00016604 Laboratory Manual Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty Blr University UG Library
540COS 00016603 Laboratory Manual Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty Blr University UG Library
540COS 00016622 Laboratory Manual Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty Blr University UG Library
540COS 00016621 Laboratory Manual Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty Blr University UG Library
540COS 00016620 Laboratory Manual Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty Blr University UG Library
540COS 00016619 Laboratory Manual Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty Blr University UG Library
540COS 00016618 Laboratory Manual Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty Blr University UG Library
540COS 00016617 Laboratory Manual Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty Blr University UG Library
540COS 00016616 Laboratory Manual Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty Blr University UG Library
540COS 00016615 Laboratory Manual Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty Blr University UG Library
540COS 00016614 Laboratory Manual Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty Blr University UG Library
540COS 00016613 Laboratory Manual Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty Blr University UG Library
540COS 00016612 Laboratory Manual Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty Blr University UG Library
540COS 00016601 Laboratory Manual Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty Blr University UG Library
540COS 00016599 Laboratory Manual Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty Blr University UG Library
540COS 00016600 Laboratory Manual Cosip Programme, Department Blr Universi, ty Blr University UG Library
540COS1 00032688 General & Inorganic Chemistry I Bsc Cossip University , Prashant UG Library
540COS1 00032690 General & Inorganic Chemistry I Bsc Cossip University , Prashant UG Library
540COS1 00032692 General & Inorganic Chemistry I Bsc Cossip University , Prashant UG Library
540COS1 00032689 General & Inorganic Chemistry I Bsc Cossip University , Prashant UG Library
540COS2 00032706 General & Inorganic Chemistry for II Year Bsc Course Cossip University , Prashant UG Library
540COS2 00032707 General & Inorganic Chemistry for II Year Bsc Course Cossip University , Prashant UG Library
540COS2 00032708 General & Inorganic Chemistry for II Year Bsc Course Cossip University , Prashant UG Library
540COS2 00032709 General & Inorganic Chemistry for II Year Bsc Course Cossip University , Prashant UG Library
540COT 00033690 Basic Inorganic Chemistry Cotton F, Albert John Wiley UG Library
540COU 00033738 Shape and Structore of Molecules Coulson, C A Clarendran UG Library
540CSR 00025714 Chemistry : for Admission Trestt to Engineering and Medical Colleges Csr, Csr 200 UG Library
540CSR12 00029979 Chemistry for j e e Conducted By Itis 1987-88 Competition Success Review , Comp Review UG Library
540CUN 00033703 Chemical Aspects of Teh Automic Nuclious Cunninghame, J G R I c UG Library
540DAN 00033696 Physical Chemistry Daniels, Farrington John Wiley UG Library
540DAS 00014381 Industrial Chemistry Das, R K Asia UG Library
540DAY1 00033749 Quantitative Analysis Day, R A Phi UG Library
540DAY2 00033766 Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry Day, M Clyde E w Press UG Library
540DEA 00033747 Langes Hand Book of Chemistry Dean A, John M G H UG Library
540DEB 00010230 Semi Micro Chemistry Debruyme, Kink Oxford Charendon Press UG Library
540DES 00007354 Theory and Numerical Examples in Chemistry Desikachars, S National UG Library
540DES.3 00028770 Text Book of Chemistry Desikachar, S Vasantha 535 p UG Library
540DES1 00007779 Theory and Numerical Examples in Chemistry Desikachar, UG Library
540DES1 00007782 Theory and Numerical Examples in Chemistry Desikachar, UG Library
540DES1 00007783 Theory and Numerical Examples in Chemistry Desikachar, UG Library
540DES1 00007784 Theory and Numerical Examples in Chemistry Desikachar, UG Library
540DES1 00007785 Theory and Numerical Examples in Chemistry Desikachar, UG Library
540DES1 00007781 Theory and Numerical Examples in Chemistry Desikachar, UG Library
540DES1 00007780 Theory and Numerical Examples in Chemistry Desikachar, UG Library
540DES10 00037346 Text Book of I Puc Chemistry Desikachar, S Excellent UG Library
540DES10 00037355 Text Book of I Puc Chemistry Desikachar, S Excellent UG Library
540DES10 00037354 Text Book of I Puc Chemistry Desikachar, S Excellent UG Library
540DES10 00037349 Text Book of I Puc Chemistry Desikachar, S Excellent UG Library
540DES10 00037350 Text Book of I Puc Chemistry Desikachar, S Excellent UG Library
540DES10 00037351 Text Book of I Puc Chemistry Desikachar, S Excellent UG Library
540DES10 00037353 Text Book of I Puc Chemistry Desikachar, S Excellent UG Library
540DES10 00037352 Text Book of I Puc Chemistry Desikachar, S Excellent UG Library
540DES10 00037348 Text Book of I Puc Chemistry Desikachar, S Excellent UG Library
540DES10 00037347 Text Book of I Puc Chemistry Desikachar, S Excellent UG Library
540DES2 00024678 Text Book of Pre-University Deshikachar, Collin S Chand & Co. UG Library
540DES4 00024680 Text Book of Pre University Deshikachar, S Chand & Co UG Library
540DES5 00028244 Text Book of Chemistry for I Puc Desikachar, S Excellent UG Library
540DES6 00028767 II Puc Chemistry Text Desikachar, S Excellent UG Library
540DES6 00028768 II Puc Chemistry Text Desikachar, S Excellent UG Library
540DES6 00028771 II Puc Chemistry Text Desikachar, S Excellent UG Library
540DES6 00028769 II Puc Chemistry Text Desikachar, S Excellent UG Library
540DES7 00029120 Text Book of I Puc Chemistry II Desikachar, S UG Library
540DES7 00029121 Text Book of I Puc Chemistry II Desikachar, S UG Library
540DES7 00029119 Text Book of I Puc Chemistry II Desikachar, S UG Library
540DES7 00029118 Text Book of I Puc Chemistry II Desikachar, S UG Library
540DES7 00029117 Text Book of I Puc Chemistry II Desikachar, S UG Library
540DES8 00029122 Text Book of II Puc Chemistry II Desikachar, S Excellent UG Library
540DES8 00029124 Text Book of II Puc Chemistry II Desikachar, S Excellent UG Library
540DES8 00029125 Text Book of II Puc Chemistry II Desikachar, S Excellent UG Library
540DES8 00029126 Text Book of II Puc Chemistry II Desikachar, S Excellent UG Library
540DES8 00029123 Text Book of II Puc Chemistry II Desikachar, S Excellent UG Library
540DES9 00031315 I Puc Text Book of Chemistry Deshikachar, S Excellent UG Library
540DES9 00031318 I Puc Text Book of Chemistry Deshikachar, S Excellent UG Library
540DES9 00031317 I Puc Text Book of Chemistry Deshikachar, S Excellent UG Library
540DES9 00031316 I Puc Text Book of Chemistry Deshikachar, S Excellent UG Library
540DHA 00052097 Question Bank in Chemistry for Class XI Dhavan, Pran T M H UG Library
540DIS 00038920 Pre-University Chemistry Disouza, A HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
540DSO 00038699 II Puc Chemistry D`Souza, A HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
540DSO 00038702 II Puc Chemistry D`Souza, A HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
540DSO 00038701 II Puc Chemistry D`Souza, A HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
540DSO 00038700 II Puc Chemistry D`Souza, A HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
540DSO1 00049067 Puc Chemistry II Puc Dsouza, A Himalayan UG Library
540DYE 00033716 Application of Absorption Spectroscopy of Organixation Compounds Dyer R, John UG Library
540EAR1 00033734 Chemistry of the Transition Elements Earnshaw A, Clarendran UG Library
540ELI 00033677 Elements of Stereochemistry Eliel L, Evnesr John Wiley UG Library
540ELI1 00084957 General Chemistry Experiments [MSC.CHEMISTRY SECTION] Elias, Anil J Universities Press 9788173715990 144p UG Library
540FER1 00033689 Modern Structured Theory of Organic Chemistry Ferguson N, Uoyd Phi UG Library
540FIA 00033729 Principles of Bio Inorganic Chemistry Fiabane, M Anna C s UG Library
540FIN 00033758 Problems and Theri Solution in Organic Chemistry Finar, I L ELBS UG Library
540FIN1 00033759 Organic Chemistry Vol 1 Finar, I L ELBS UG Library
540FIN2 00033764 Organic Chemistry Vol 2 Finar, G P ELBS UG Library
540FRE1 00033740 Chemsit in Industry (3) Managment & Economics Freemantle, M H Clarendran UG Library
540GAR1 00006176 Practical Physical Chemistry Garg, V C R Chand & Co UG Library
540GAS 00033732 Entropy and Energy Levels Gasser, R P H Clearendron UG Library
540GEO 00002535 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry George, C D S Chand UG Library
540GEO1 00007938 Chemistry for the Modern World George, Porton UG Library
540GLA 00030845 Text Book of Physical Chemistry Glasstone, Samuel Macmillan UG Library
540GLA1 00033756 Introduction to Electro Chemistry Glasstone, Samuel E w Press UG Library
540GOL.D 00016386 College Chemistry Goldberg, E David & Dillard Macmillan Co. 620 p UG Library
540GOP1 00006727 Principles of Organic Evolution Goplakrishnana, Pearl UG Library
540GOP2 00015581 II Year Puc Practical Chemistry Gopal L, Kappor UG Library
540GRI 00033702 Ion Exchange Introduction to Theory and Practice Grimshaw, R W R I c UG Library
540GUL 00009546 B Sc Inorganic Chemistry Guli, G D Premier Pub Co UG Library
540GUN 00033714 Introduction Course in Practical Organic Chemistry Gunstone, F D Champaman UG Library
540HAM 00033757 Principles of Physical Chemistry Hamill H, William Phi UG Library
540HAR 00068581 Chemistry Harwood, Richard Foundation Books 0008175960 415p UG Library
540HAR2 00033700 Elements of Organic Metallic Chemistry Hartley, F R R I c UG Library
540HEG.V 00020850 Textbook of Chemistry I Puc Hegde, K B Naveen Publication 240p UG Library
540HEG.V 00020853 Textbook of Chemistry I Puc Hegde, K B Naveen Publication 240p UG Library
540HEG.V 00020851 Textbook of Chemistry I Puc Hegde, K B Naveen Publication 240p UG Library
540HEG.V 00020854 Textbook of Chemistry I Puc Hegde, K B Naveen Publication 240p UG Library
540HEG.V 00020852 Textbook of Chemistry I Puc Hegde, K B Naveen Publication 240p UG Library
540HEN 00033721 Naming Open Chain Compound Henderson, S Oup UG Library
540HEN1 00033761 Organic Chemistry Hendrickson, B Jame Mgh UG Library
540HIL.K 00041718 Chemistry for Chainging Times Hill, W John Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs, 1996 0023551003 7th ed. xxiv, 720 p.: UG Library
540HRW 00089781 Modern Chemistry Holt, Rinehart, Winston 0030145139 222p UG Library
540IND 00042112 Chemistry [ Text Book I P U C ] Indira, L Jupiter Books 436p UG Library
540IND 00042113 Chemistry [ Text Book I P U C ] Indira, L Jupiter Books 436p UG Library
540IND 00042114 Chemistry [ Text Book I P U C ] Indira, L Jupiter Books 436p UG Library
540IND 00042115 Chemistry [ Text Book I P U C ] Indira, L Jupiter Books 436p UG Library
540IND 00042116 Chemistry [ Text Book I P U C ] Indira, L Jupiter Books 436p UG Library
540IND.1 00038737 Text Book of Chemistry Vol I Indira, L Subhas Publications | Subhas Stores 1995 398 p. : UG Library
540IND.2 00038731 Text Book of Chemistry for Bsc Vol II Indira, L Subhas Publications 372 UG Library
540IND2 00038744 Text Book of Chemistry Vol II Indira, L Subhas Publications 1996 372 p. : UG Library
540IND4 00041698 II Your Puc Chemistry Indira, L Jupiter Books UG Library
540IND5 00042117 II Year Puc Chemistry Indira, L Jupiter UG Library
540IND5 00042118 II Year Puc Chemistry Indira, L Jupiter UG Library
540IND5 00042120 II Year Puc Chemistry Indira, L Jupiter UG Library
540IND5 00042119 II Year Puc Chemistry Indira, L Jupiter UG Library
540IND5 00042121 II Year Puc Chemistry Indira, L Jupiter UG Library
540ISR.II 00021740 Second Course in Chemistry for II Puc Israel, O P Sheth 340 p UG Library
540ISR.II 00021743 Second Course in Chemistry for II Puc Israel, O P Sheth 340 p UG Library
540ISR.II 00021744 Second Course in Chemistry for II Puc Israel, O P Sheth 340 p UG Library
540ISR.II 00021742 Second Course in Chemistry for II Puc Israel, O P Sheth 340 p UG Library
540ISR.II 00021745 Second Course in Chemistry for II Puc Israel, O P Sheth 340 p UG Library
540ISR.II 00021741 Second Course in Chemistry for II Puc Israel, O P Sheth 340 p UG Library
540ISR2 00026421 Second Course in Chemistry Israel, O P Sheth Pub UG Library
540ISR2 00026423 Second Course in Chemistry Israel, O P Sheth Pub UG Library
540ISR2 00026422 Second Course in Chemistry Israel, O P Sheth Pub UG Library
540JAD 00038678 Text Book of II Puc Chemistry Jadhav, S F HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
540JAD 00038679 Text Book of II Puc Chemistry Jadhav, S F HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
540JAD 00038680 Text Book of II Puc Chemistry Jadhav, S F HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
540JAD1 00038935 Text Book of Chemistry II Puc Jadhav, S F HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
540JAF.O1 00033896 Symmetry in Chemistry Jaffe, H.h R.Kundaji 190 p UG Library
540JAU 00036792 Modern`s Abc of Chemistry for I P U C Jauhar, S P Modern 320 p UG Library
540JAU 00036795 Modern`s Abc of Chemistry for I P U C Jauhar, S P Modern 320 p UG Library
540JAU 00036793 Modern`s Abc of Chemistry for I P U C Jauhar, S P Modern 320 p UG Library
540JAU 00036794 Modern`s Abc of Chemistry for I P U C Jauhar, S P Modern 320 p UG Library
540JAU 00036791 Modern`s Abc of Chemistry for I P U C Jauhar, S P Modern 320 p UG Library
540JAU1 00038631 Modern ABC`s of Chemistry Jauhar, S P Modern UG Library
540JAU1 00038634 Modern ABC`s of Chemistry Jauhar, S P Modern UG Library
540JAU1 00038633 Modern ABC`s of Chemistry Jauhar, S P Modern UG Library
540JAU1 00038632 Modern ABC`s of Chemistry Jauhar, S P Modern UG Library
540JAU2 00038937 Modern ABC of Chemistry II Puc Jauhar, S P Modern UG Library
540JAU3 00041701 Modern`s ABC of Chemistry Jauhar, S P Modern Pub UG Library
540JAU4 00045077 Modern`s ABC of Chemistry I Puc Jauhar, S P Modern Pub UG Library
540JAU4 00045078 Modern`s ABC of Chemistry I Puc Jauhar, S P Modern Pub UG Library
540JAY 00033717 Lab Manual in Biochemistry Jayaraman, J Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
540JAY1 00039411 Text Book of Chemistry for II Puc Jayaraman, S Saraswati UG Library
540JAY1 00039413 Text Book of Chemistry for II Puc Jayaraman, S Saraswati UG Library
540JAY1 00039415 Text Book of Chemistry for II Puc Jayaraman, S Saraswati UG Library
540JAY1 00039414 Text Book of Chemistry for II Puc Jayaraman, S Saraswati UG Library
540JAY1 00039412 Text Book of Chemistry for II Puc Jayaraman, S Saraswati UG Library
540JOH 00007567 Atoms, Molecular and Chemical Usage Johnsen, Russel H Prentice Hall UG Library
540JOL1 00006039 Text Book of Organic Chemistry Jlloyd N, Fergajon East West UG Library
540JON1 00033711 Chemstry and Industry Jones, D J Oxford Charendon Press UG Library
540KAR 00038947 Pre-University Chemistry Karajagi, G S Chand & Co UG Library
540KAR1 00038952 Pre-University Chemistry II Karajagi, G S Chand & Co UG Library
540KAR1 00038955 Pre-University Chemistry II Karajagi, G S Chand & Co UG Library
540KAR1 00038953 Pre-University Chemistry II Karajagi, G S Chand & Co UG Library
540KAR1 00038954 Pre-University Chemistry II Karajagi, G S Chand & Co UG Library
540KAS1 00026416 II Puc Chemistry Text Lasrhoo, D`Souza United Pub UG Library
540KAS1 00026420 II Puc Chemistry Text Lasrhoo, D`Souza United Pub UG Library
540KAS1 00026419 II Puc Chemistry Text Lasrhoo, D`Souza United Pub UG Library
540KAS1 00026417 II Puc Chemistry Text Lasrhoo, D`Souza United Pub UG Library
540KAS1 00026418 II Puc Chemistry Text Lasrhoo, D`Souza United Pub UG Library
540KEE1 00087058 Student Solutions Manual Forwhitten, Davis, Peck, and Stanley`s Chemistry Kenney-Kennicutt, Wendy L 0495014540 426 p UG Library
540KEE1 00087056 Student Solutions Manual Forwhitten, Davis, Peck, and Stanley`s Chemistry Kenney-Kennicutt, Wendy L 0495014540 426 p UG Library
540KEE1 00087057 Student Solutions Manual Forwhitten, Davis, Peck, and Stanley`s Chemistry Kenney-Kennicutt, Wendy L 0495014540 426 p UG Library
540KEN 00002534 Laboratory Outline of Smith`s General Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry Kendall, James G Bell and Sons 198p UG Library
540KIN1 00011643 Pre University Chmistry Kini, Authors UG Library
540KIN1 00011644 Pre University Chmistry Kini, Authors UG Library
540KIN1 00011645 Pre University Chmistry Kini, Authors UG Library
540KIN1 00011646 Pre University Chmistry Kini, Authors UG Library
540KIN10 00017893 Pre University Chemistry Kini, Rao UG Library
540KIN10 00017894 Pre University Chemistry Kini, Rao UG Library
540KIN11 00026411 II Puc Chemistry Text Kini, UG Library
540KIN11 00026412 II Puc Chemistry Text Kini, UG Library
540KIN12 00028226 Text Book of Chemistry II Puc Kini, K M/s Kini & Rao UG Library
540KIN12 00028228 Text Book of Chemistry II Puc Kini, K M/s Kini & Rao UG Library
540KIN12 00028229 Text Book of Chemistry II Puc Kini, K M/s Kini & Rao UG Library
540KIN12 00028230 Text Book of Chemistry II Puc Kini, K M/s Kini & Rao UG Library
540KIN12 00028227 Text Book of Chemistry II Puc Kini, K M/s Kini & Rao UG Library
540KIN13 00028299 Pre University Chemistry I Kini K, Damodara Kini UG Library
540KIN13 00028301 Pre University Chemistry I Kini K, Damodara Kini UG Library
540KIN13 00028303 Pre University Chemistry I Kini K, Damodara Kini UG Library
540KIN13 00028302 Pre University Chemistry I Kini K, Damodara Kini UG Library
540KIN13 00028300 Pre University Chemistry I Kini K, Damodara Kini UG Library
540KIN14 00028304 Pre University Chemistry II Kini K, Dmmodara Kini UG Library
540KIN14 00028311 Pre University Chemistry II Kini K, Dmmodara Kini UG Library
540KIN14 00028313 Pre University Chemistry II Kini K, Dmmodara Kini UG Library
540KIN14 00028312 Pre University Chemistry II Kini K, Dmmodara Kini UG Library
540KIN14 00028310 Pre University Chemistry II Kini K, Dmmodara Kini UG Library
540KIN14 00028305 Pre University Chemistry II Kini K, Dmmodara Kini UG Library
540KIN14 00028307 Pre University Chemistry II Kini K, Dmmodara Kini UG Library
540KIN14 00028308 Pre University Chemistry II Kini K, Dmmodara Kini UG Library
540KIN14 00028309 Pre University Chemistry II Kini K, Dmmodara Kini UG Library
540KIN14 00028306 Pre University Chemistry II Kini K, Dmmodara Kini UG Library
540KIN15 00028772 Pre University Chemistry Kini, Rao Kini UG Library
540KIN15 00028775 Pre University Chemistry Kini, Rao Kini UG Library
540KIN15 00028776 Pre University Chemistry Kini, Rao Kini UG Library
540KIN15 00028774 Pre University Chemistry Kini, Rao Kini UG Library
540KIN15 00028773 Pre University Chemistry Kini, Rao Kini UG Library
540KIN16 00031307 II Puc Chemistry Text Kini K, Damodara Kini & Rao UG Library
540KIN16 00031310 II Puc Chemistry Text Kini K, Damodara Kini & Rao UG Library
540KIN16 00031309 II Puc Chemistry Text Kini K, Damodara Kini & Rao UG Library
540KIN16 00031308 II Puc Chemistry Text Kini K, Damodara Kini & Rao UG Library
540KIN17 00031311 I Puc Chemistry Text Kini K, Damodara Kini UG Library
540KIN17 00031312 I Puc Chemistry Text Kini K, Damodara Kini UG Library
540KIN17 00031314 I Puc Chemistry Text Kini K, Damodara Kini UG Library
540KIN17 00031313 I Puc Chemistry Text Kini K, Damodara Kini UG Library
540KIN2 00026409 II Puc Chemistry Text Kini, Rao K r UG Library
540KIN2 00026410 II Puc Chemistry Text Kini, Rao K r UG Library
540KIN3 00011770 Pre University of Chemistry Kini, Rao Manipal UG Library
540KIN3 00011771 Pre University of Chemistry Kini, Rao Manipal UG Library
540KIN4 00012241 Puc Chemistry Kini, UG Library
540KIN4 00012248 Puc Chemistry Kini, UG Library
540KIN4 00012247 Puc Chemistry Kini, UG Library
540KIN4 00012242 Puc Chemistry Kini, UG Library
540KIN4 00012243 Puc Chemistry Kini, UG Library
540KIN4 00012246 Puc Chemistry Kini, UG Library
540KIN5 00013699 Pre University Chemistry Kini, Rao UG Library
540KIN5 00013703 Pre University Chemistry Kini, Rao UG Library
540KIN5 00013702 Pre University Chemistry Kini, Rao UG Library
540KIN5 00013700 Pre University Chemistry Kini, Rao UG Library
540KIN5 00013701 Pre University Chemistry Kini, Rao UG Library
540KIN6 00015092 Pre University Chemistry Kini, K Damodara UG Library
540KIN7 00015105 Pre University Chemistry II 4th Edition Kini, K Damodaran Authors UG Library
540KIN7 00015106 Pre University Chemistry II 4th Edition Kini, K Damodaran Authors UG Library
540KIN7 00015108 Pre University Chemistry II 4th Edition Kini, K Damodaran Authors UG Library
540KIN7 00015107 Pre University Chemistry II 4th Edition Kini, K Damodaran Authors UG Library
540KIN8 00016334 Puc Chemistry II Kini, Author UG Library
540KIN8 00016335 Puc Chemistry II Kini, Author UG Library
540KIN8 00016336 Puc Chemistry II Kini, Author UG Library
540KIN8 00016337 Puc Chemistry II Kini, Author UG Library
540KIN9 00017192 Pre University Chemistry Kini, Ram UG Library
540KIN9 00017193 Pre University Chemistry Kini, Ram UG Library
540KINR 00026402 I Puc Chemistry Text Kini, Rao K r UG Library
540KINS2 00007090 P u c Chemistry Vol 2 Kini, Damodarak UG Library
540KINS2 00007091 P u c Chemistry Vol 2 Kini, Damodarak UG Library
540KINS2 00007095 P u c Chemistry Vol 2 Kini, Damodarak UG Library
540KINS2 00007094 P u c Chemistry Vol 2 Kini, Damodarak UG Library
540KINS2 00007092 P u c Chemistry Vol 2 Kini, Damodarak UG Library
540KOP 00011775 Practical Chemistry Koppari, G L UG Library
540LAK 00039260 Chemistry Text Book for I Puc Lakshmana Rao, K S New Age UG Library
540LAK 00039261 Chemistry Text Book for I Puc Lakshmana Rao, K S New Age UG Library
540LAK 00039262 Chemistry Text Book for I Puc Lakshmana Rao, K S New Age UG Library
540LAK 00039264 Chemistry Text Book for I Puc Lakshmana Rao, K S New Age UG Library
540LAK 00039263 Chemistry Text Book for I Puc Lakshmana Rao, K S New Age UG Library
540LAK1 00039265 Chemistry Text Book for II Puc Lakshmana Rao, K S New Age UG Library
540LAK1 00039269 Chemistry Text Book for II Puc Lakshmana Rao, K S New Age UG Library
540LAK1 00039266 Chemistry Text Book for II Puc Lakshmana Rao, K S New Age UG Library
540LAK1 00039267 Chemistry Text Book for II Puc Lakshmana Rao, K S New Age UG Library
540LAK1 00039268 Chemistry Text Book for II Puc Lakshmana Rao, K S New Age UG Library
540LAK2 00041743 Chemistry Vol 1: Text Book for I Puc Lakshmana Rao New Age International UG Library
540LAS.D 00020913 Textbook of Chemistry - New Syllabus Lasrado, V S United Pub 347 P UG Library
540LAS.D 00020917 Textbook of Chemistry - New Syllabus Lasrado, V S United Pub 347 P UG Library
540LAS.D 00020915 Textbook of Chemistry - New Syllabus Lasrado, V S United Pub 347 P UG Library
540LAS.D 00020918 Textbook of Chemistry - New Syllabus Lasrado, V S United Pub 347 P UG Library
540LAS.D 00020914 Textbook of Chemistry - New Syllabus Lasrado, V S United Pub 347 P UG Library
540LAS.D 00020916 Textbook of Chemistry - New Syllabus Lasrado, V S United Pub 347 P UG Library
540LAS.D.II 00021800 Textbook of Chemistry II Lasrado, V S United Pub UG Library
540LAS.D.II 00021801 Textbook of Chemistry II Lasrado, V S United Pub UG Library
540LAS.D.II 00021802 Textbook of Chemistry II Lasrado, V S United Pub UG Library
540LAS.D.II 00021803 Textbook of Chemistry II Lasrado, V S United Pub UG Library
540LAS.D.II 00021804 Textbook of Chemistry II Lasrado, V S United Pub UG Library
540LAS1 00011647 Text Book of Chemistry Lasarado, UG Library
540LAS1 00011649 Text Book of Chemistry Lasarado, UG Library
540LAS1 00011651 Text Book of Chemistry Lasarado, UG Library
540LAS1 00011652 Text Book of Chemistry Lasarado, UG Library
540LAS1 00011650 Text Book of Chemistry Lasarado, UG Library
540LAS1 00011648 Text Book of Chemistry Lasarado, UG Library
540LAS1 00019278 Text Book of Chemistry for PUC Vol 1 Lasrado, United Pub UG Library
540LAS1 00019281 Text Book of Chemistry for PUC Vol 1 Lasrado, United Pub UG Library
540LAS1 00019280 Text Book of Chemistry for PUC Vol 1 Lasrado, United Pub UG Library
540LAS1 00019279 Text Book of Chemistry for PUC Vol 1 Lasrado, United Pub UG Library
540LAS1 00019282 Text Book of Puc Chemistry Vol II Lasrado, United Pub UG Library
540LAS1 00019284 Text Book of Puc Chemistry Vol II Lasrado, United Pub UG Library
540LAS1 00019283 Text Book of Puc Chemistry Vol II Lasrado, United Pub UG Library
540LAS1 00019285 Text Book of Puc Chemistry Vol II Lasrado, United Pub UG Library
540LAS1 00051439 Text Book of Chemistry for II PUC Lasrado, V S United 520p UG Library
540LAS10 00028231 Text Book of Chemistry II Puc Lasrado, V S United UG Library
540LAS10 00028235 Text Book of Chemistry II Puc Lasrado, V S United UG Library
540LAS10 00028232 Text Book of Chemistry II Puc Lasrado, V S United UG Library
540LAS10 00028233 Text Book of Chemistry II Puc Lasrado, V S United UG Library
540LAS10 00028234 Text Book of Chemistry II Puc Lasrado, V S United UG Library
540LAS11 00028294 Text Book of Chemistry I Puc Lasrado, D`Souza United UG Library
540LAS11 00028298 Text Book of Chemistry I Puc Lasrado, D`Souza United UG Library
540LAS11 00028295 Text Book of Chemistry I Puc Lasrado, D`Souza United UG Library
540LAS11 00028296 Text Book of Chemistry I Puc Lasrado, D`Souza United UG Library
540LAS11 00028297 Text Book of Chemistry I Puc Lasrado, D`Souza United UG Library
540LAS12 00028314 Text Book of Chemistry II Puc Lasrado, D`Souza UG Library
540LAS12 00028316 Text Book of Chemistry II Puc Lasrado, D`Souza UG Library
540LAS12 00028317 Text Book of Chemistry II Puc Lasrado, D`Souza UG Library
540LAS12 00028319 Text Book of Chemistry II Puc Lasrado, D`Souza UG Library
540LAS12 00028321 Text Book of Chemistry II Puc Lasrado, D`Souza UG Library
540LAS12 00028323 Text Book of Chemistry II Puc Lasrado, D`Souza UG Library
540LAS12 00028320 Text Book of Chemistry II Puc Lasrado, D`Souza UG Library
540LAS12 00028318 Text Book of Chemistry II Puc Lasrado, D`Souza UG Library
540LAS12 00028315 Text Book of Chemistry II Puc Lasrado, D`Souza UG Library
540LAS13 00031303 I Puc Chemistry Text Lasrado, D, Souza United UG Library
540LAS13 00031304 I Puc Chemistry Text Lasrado, D, Souza United UG Library
540LAS13 00031306 I Puc Chemistry Text Lasrado, D, Souza United UG Library
540LAS13 00031305 I Puc Chemistry Text Lasrado, D, Souza United UG Library
540LAS14 00037203 I Puc Chemistry Text Lasrado, V S United Pub UG Library
540LAS14 00037205 I Puc Chemistry Text Lasrado, V S United Pub UG Library
540LAS14 00037207 I Puc Chemistry Text Lasrado, V S United Pub UG Library
540LAS14 00037206 I Puc Chemistry Text Lasrado, V S United Pub UG Library
540LAS14 00037204 I Puc Chemistry Text Lasrado, V S United Pub UG Library
540LAS15 00038829 Text Book of Chemistry Lasrado, V S United UG Library
540LAS15 00038831 Text Book of Chemistry Lasrado, V S United UG Library
540LAS15 00038830 Text Book of Chemistry Lasrado, V S United UG Library
540LAS16 00038917 Text Book of Chemistry II Puc Lasrado, V S United UG Library
540LAS2 00008566 Text Book of Chemistry Vol 2 Lasrado, V S St Allocious College UG Library
540LAS3 00008656 Practical Chemistry Sasrado, United UG Library
540LAS4 00016897 Puc Chemistry Lasrado, United UG Library
540LAS4 00016901 Puc Chemistry Lasrado, United UG Library
540LAS4 00016902 Puc Chemistry Lasrado, United UG Library
540LAS4 00016900 Puc Chemistry Lasrado, United UG Library
540LAS4 00016898 Puc Chemistry Lasrado, United UG Library
540LAS4 00016899 Puc Chemistry Lasrado, United UG Library
540LAS9 00027975 Text Book of II Puc Chemistry Lasrado, D Souza United Pub UG Library
540LAS9 00027979 Text Book of II Puc Chemistry Lasrado, D Souza United Pub UG Library
540LAS9 00027976 Text Book of II Puc Chemistry Lasrado, D Souza United Pub UG Library
540LAS9 00027977 Text Book of II Puc Chemistry Lasrado, D Souza United Pub UG Library
540LAS9 00027978 Text Book of II Puc Chemistry Lasrado, D Souza United Pub UG Library
540LASD 00024673 Chemistry for Pre-University Lasrado, D`Souza United Pub UG Library
540LASD 00024675 Chemistry for Pre-University Lasrado, D`Souza United Pub UG Library
540LASD 00024676 Chemistry for Pre-University Lasrado, D`Souza United Pub UG Library
540LASD 00024674 Chemistry for Pre-University Lasrado, D`Souza United Pub UG Library
540LASD 00024677 Chemistry for Pre-University Lasrado, D`Souza United Pub UG Library
540LEE 00005855 Concise Inorganic Chemistry Lee, J D ELBS UG Library
540LEV 00033713 Findlay`s Practical Physical Chemistry Levitt, B P Longman UG Library
540LUC 00011779 Organic Chemistry Lucas, H J Elseiver UG Library
540MAH 00070486 University Chemistry [ UGC Minotiry Community] Mahan, H Bruce Narosa 8185015805 895p UG Library
540MAH1 00033688 University Chemistry Mahan H, Bruce Addition Wesley 830 p UG Library
540MAL 00041702 Moderns ABC of Mathematics Malhotra, S S Modern Pub UG Library
540MAL 00041703 Moderns ABC of Mathematics Malhotra, S S Modern Pub UG Library
540MAT 00068583 Advanced Chemistry Matthews, Philip Foundation Books 0008175962 976p UG Library
540MBD 00047445 Companion Chemistry Tax I Puc MBD Mbd UG Library
540MCG 00033726 Physico Chemical Quantities & Units McGlashan, M L C s UG Library
540MEH1 00010241 Numerical Problems in Chemistry Mehata, R N R Chand & Co UG Library
540MOR1 00033692 Biiologistics Physical Chemistry Morris J, Garetn ELBS UG Library
540MUK 00033767 Course in Chemical Analysis Mukhedkar, A J Orient Longman UG Library
540MUK1 00033774 Reaction Mechansism in Organic Chemistry Mukherji, S M Macmillan India Limited UG Library
540MUR1 00016720 Puc Chemistry Murthy, Prasad Maruthi b d UG Library
540NAR 00021416 Inorganic Chemistry - II Narayana Reddy, Bangalore University UG Library
540NAR 00021419 Inorganic Chemistry - II Narayana Reddy, Bangalore University UG Library
540NAR 00021421 Inorganic Chemistry - II Narayana Reddy, Bangalore University UG Library
540NAR 00021423 Inorganic Chemistry - II Narayana Reddy, Bangalore University UG Library
540NAR 00021425 Inorganic Chemistry - II Narayana Reddy, Bangalore University UG Library
540NAR 00021422 Inorganic Chemistry - II Narayana Reddy, Bangalore University UG Library
540NAR 00021420 Inorganic Chemistry - II Narayana Reddy, Bangalore University UG Library
540NAR 00021418 Inorganic Chemistry - II Narayana Reddy, Bangalore University UG Library
540NAR 00021417 Inorganic Chemistry - II Narayana Reddy, Bangalore University UG Library
540NUF.2 00004513 Chemistry Laboratory Investigations Stage 1B Nuffield Chemistry Publications, Nuffield Chemistry Publications UG Library
540NUF.3 00004511 Chemistry Laboratory Investigations Stage 1A Nuffield Chemistry Publications, Nuffield Chemistry Publications UG Library
540NUF.5 00004514 Chemistry Laboratory Investigations Stage 3 Nuffield Chemistry Publications, UG Library
540ORC 00010246 Importance of Autobiotic Orbitals Orchin, Milton Oxford UG Library
540OSC 00007661 Design & Analysis of Experiments Oscar, Kempthorne C c l UG Library
540PAD.2 00026414 II PUC Chemistry Text. Padmavathamma, V W E 470 p UG Library
540PAD.V.1 00036752 Text Book of Ipuc Chemistry Padmavathamma, V Schaum Series 202 p UG Library
540PAD1 00026403 I Puc Chemistry Text Padmavathamma, Wel UG Library
540PAD1 00026404 I Puc Chemistry Text Padmavathamma, Wel UG Library
540PAD3 00026413 II Puc Chemistry Text Padmavathamma, W e UG Library
540PAD3 00026415 II Puc Chemistry Text Padmavathamma, W e UG Library
540PAD4 00036748 Pre University Chemistry I Puc Padmavathamma, V Intelive UG Library
540PAD4 00036750 Pre University Chemistry I Puc Padmavathamma, V Intelive UG Library
540PAD4 00036751 Pre University Chemistry I Puc Padmavathamma, V Intelive UG Library
540PAD4 00036749 Pre University Chemistry I Puc Padmavathamma, V Intelive UG Library
540PAD5 00038644 II Puc Chemistry Padmavathamma, V Interline UG Library
540PAD5 00038652 II Puc Chemistry Padmavathamma, V Interline UG Library
540PAD5 00038651 II Puc Chemistry Padmavathamma, V Interline UG Library
540PAD5 00038646 II Puc Chemistry Padmavathamma, V Interline UG Library
540PAD5 00038647 II Puc Chemistry Padmavathamma, V Interline UG Library
540PAD5 00038648 II Puc Chemistry Padmavathamma, V Interline UG Library
540PAD5 00038650 II Puc Chemistry Padmavathamma, V Interline UG Library
540PAD5 00038649 II Puc Chemistry Padmavathamma, V Interline UG Library
540PAD5 00038645 II Puc Chemistry Padmavathamma, V Interline UG Library
540PAD6 00038747 Pre University Chemistry Vol II Padmavathamma, V Interline Pub UG Library
540PAD6 00038748 Pre University Chemistry Vol II Padmavathamma, V Interline Pub UG Library
540PAD6 00038750 Pre University Chemistry Vol II Padmavathamma, V Interline Pub UG Library
540PAD6 00038751 Pre University Chemistry Vol II Padmavathamma, V Interline Pub UG Library
540PAD6 00038749 Pre University Chemistry Vol II Padmavathamma, V Interline Pub UG Library
540PAD7 00038934 Pre University Chemistry Padmavathamma, V Interline Pub UG Library
540PAI 00012265 Text Book of Puc Chemistry Pai, G V Geetha Book House UG Library
540PAI 00012271 Text Book of Puc Chemistry Pai, G V Geetha Book House UG Library
540PAI 00012274 Text Book of Puc Chemistry Pai, G V Geetha Book House UG Library
540PAI 00012273 Text Book of Puc Chemistry Pai, G V Geetha Book House UG Library
540PAI 00012272 Text Book of Puc Chemistry Pai, G V Geetha Book House UG Library
540PAI 00012270 Text Book of Puc Chemistry Pai, G V Geetha Book House UG Library
540PAI 00012266 Text Book of Puc Chemistry Pai, G V Geetha Book House UG Library
540PAI 00012267 Text Book of Puc Chemistry Pai, G V Geetha Book House UG Library
540PAI 00012268 Text Book of Puc Chemistry Pai, G V Geetha Book House UG Library
540PAI 00012269 Text Book of Puc Chemistry Pai, G V Geetha Book House UG Library
540PAI1 00028224 Text Book of II Puc Chemistry Pai, Varadaraja M/s Kini & Rao UG Library
540PAI1 00028225 Text Book of II Puc Chemistry Pai, Varadaraja M/s Kini & Rao UG Library
540PAI2 00028397 Text Book of II Puc Chemistry Pai G, Varadaraya Himalaya UG Library
540PAI2 00028401 Text Book of II Puc Chemistry Pai G, Varadaraya Himalaya UG Library
540PAI2 00028400 Text Book of II Puc Chemistry Pai G, Varadaraya Himalaya UG Library
540PAI2 00028398 Text Book of II Puc Chemistry Pai G, Varadaraya Himalaya UG Library
540PAI2 00028399 Text Book of II Puc Chemistry Pai G, Varadaraya Himalaya UG Library
540PAN 00052102 Questions Bank in Chemistry Pande, D T M H UG Library
540PAR 00002553 General and Inorganic Chemistry Partington, J R Macmillan UG Library
540PET 00087054 Study Guid for Whitten, Davis, Peck, and Stanley`s Chemistry Petrich, James A 0495014532 387 p UG Library
540PHI 00033748 Introductio to Crystallography Phillips, F C ELBS UG Library
540PLU 00033768 Introduction to Practical Biochemistry Plummer T, David MIR UG Library
540PLU1 00033769 Introduction to Practical Biochemistry Plummer T, David T M H UG Library
540PURI 00030643 Principles of Physical Chemistry Puri, B R S Chand & Co UG Library
540PURI 00030645 Principles of Physical Chemistry Puri, B R S Chand & Co UG Library
540RAM1 00026593 Chemistry Entrance Exam Exercise Ramachandra, R Excellent UG Library
540RAN1 00006664 General Chemistry Rangacharya, T L K Ravishankar UG Library
540RANV 00007097 General Chemistry Rangacharya, Kasturi T L Ravishankar Publications 437p UG Library
540RANV 00007098 General Chemistry Rangacharya, Kasturi T L Ravishankar Publications 437p UG Library
540RANV 00007100 General Chemistry Rangacharya, Kasturi T L Ravishankar Publications 437p UG Library
540RAO 00033929 University General Chemistry Rao, C N R Macmillan 670 p UG Library
540RAO2 00016998 Pre University Physics II Year Rao, B V N Ambika UG Library
540RAO2 00016999 Pre University Physics II Year Rao, B V N Ambika UG Library
540RAO2 00017002 Pre University Physics II Year Rao, B V N Ambika UG Library
540RAO2 00017003 Pre University Physics II Year Rao, B V N Ambika UG Library
540RAO2 00017001 Pre University Physics II Year Rao, B V N Ambika UG Library
540RAO3 00017005 Pre University Physics Volume 2 Ramchandra, Rao Geetha Book House UG Library
540RAO4 00033323 Text Book of II Puc Chemistry Ranga Rao, K Prakash Sahithya UG Library
540RAO4 00033324 Text Book of II Puc Chemistry Ranga Rao, K Prakash Sahithya UG Library
540RAO5 00033744 Experiments in General Chemistry Rao, C N E w Press UG Library
540ROB1 00033730 Ions in Solution an Introduction to Electrochemistry Robins, J Oxford Charendon Press UG Library
540ROB2 00033762 Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry Roberts D, John W a b UG Library
540RUN 00008026 Chemical Principles Runquist, O A V f UG Library
540SAL3 00026408 II Puc Chemistry Text Salimath, K r UG Library
540SAM 00005915 Elements of Physical Chemistry Samuel, Glasstone Macmillan UG Library
540SAM1 00033697 Industrial Chemistry Organic Samuel, D M R I c UG Library
540SAM2 00033708 Industrial Chemistry (inorganic) Samuel, D M R I c UG Library
540SAR 00009675 Modern Organic Chemistry Sarkar, P B UG Library
540SAR1 00008001 Modern Organic Chemistry Sarkar, P B P b Sarkar UG Library
540SCH 00016466 College Chemistry Scham, Rosen Berg UG Library
540SEL1 00033750 General Chemistry Selwood, P W Arvind UG Library
540SHA 00024530 AMIE Studentship Text Series Chemistry Sharma, J L Cbs 423 p UG Library
540SHA2 00016921 General Chemistry Shadhakraswamy, Blr University UG Library
540SHA2 00016922 General Chemistry Shadhakraswamy, Blr University UG Library
540SHA2 00016923 General Chemistry Shadhakraswamy, Blr University UG Library
540SHA2 00016924 General Chemistry Shadhakraswamy, Blr University UG Library
540SHA3 00033681 Modern Aspects of Inorganic Chemistry Sharma, K K Vani UG Library
540SHA4 00033712 Introduction to Practical Chemistry Sharma, K K Vani UG Library
540SHA5 00033722 Principles of Oxidation & Reduction Sharpe, A G Chemical Sociology UG Library
540SHE 00011772 Text Book of Puc Chemistry Shenoy, Pai G V UG Library
540SHE1 00013688 Text Book of Pre Nniversity Chemistry Vol Sets Shenoy, E G Geetha Book House UG Library
540SHE1 00013691 Text Book of Pre Nniversity Chemistry Vol Sets Shenoy, E G Geetha Book House UG Library
540SHE1 00013694 Text Book of Pre Nniversity Chemistry Vol Sets Shenoy, E G Geetha Book House UG Library
540SHE1 00013697 Text Book of Pre Nniversity Chemistry Vol Sets Shenoy, E G Geetha Book House UG Library
540SHE1 00013696 Text Book of Pre Nniversity Chemistry Vol Sets Shenoy, E G Geetha Book House UG Library
540SHE1 00013695 Text Book of Pre Nniversity Chemistry Vol Sets Shenoy, E G Geetha Book House UG Library
540SHE1 00013692 Text Book of Pre Nniversity Chemistry Vol Sets Shenoy, E G Geetha Book House UG Library
540SHE1 00013690 Text Book of Pre Nniversity Chemistry Vol Sets Shenoy, E G Geetha Book House UG Library
540SHE1 00013689 Text Book of Pre Nniversity Chemistry Vol Sets Shenoy, E G Geetha Book House UG Library
540SHE2 00017840 Chemistry Shenoy, UG Library
540SHE3 00018120 Text Book of Chemistry Shenoy, UG Library
540SHO 00033737 Correlation Analysis in Organic Chemistry Shorter, John Clarendran UG Library
540SHO1 00033754 Exp in Physical Chemistry Shoemaker P, David Mgh UG Library
540SHR1 00038945 Chemistry a Text Book for II Puc Shripathi Rao Deepa UG Library
540SHR2 00038956 Chemistry Text Book for II Puc Shripathi Rao, D Deepa UG Library
540SHR2 00038958 Chemistry Text Book for II Puc Shripathi Rao, D Deepa UG Library
540SHR2 00038959 Chemistry Text Book for II Puc Shripathi Rao, D Deepa UG Library
540SHR2 00038957 Chemistry Text Book for II Puc Shripathi Rao, D Deepa UG Library
540SHR3 00040899 C e t Chemistry Shripathi Rao, D Deepa UG Library
540SHR4 00052683 Chemistry Text Book- II Puc Shripathi Rao, D Deepa 2001 0 UG Library
540SHR4 00052681 Chemistry Text Book- II Puc Shripathi Rao, D Deepa 2001 0 UG Library
540SHRI 00052679 Text Book of Chemistry [ Second Year P U C ] Shripathi Rao, Dr D Deepa 528p UG Library
540SHRI 00052680 Text Book of Chemistry [ Second Year P U C ] Shripathi Rao, Dr D Deepa 528p UG Library
540SHRI 00052682 Text Book of Chemistry [ Second Year P U C ] Shripathi Rao, Dr D Deepa 528p UG Library
540SHRM 00049561 Chemistry: a Text Book for I PUC Shripathi, Rao D Deepa 374p UG Library
540SHRM 00049562 Chemistry: a Text Book for I PUC Shripathi, Rao D Deepa 374p UG Library
540SHRM 00049563 Chemistry: a Text Book for I PUC Shripathi, Rao D Deepa 374p UG Library
540SHRM 00052674 Chemistry: a Text Book for I PUC Shripathi, Rao D Deepa 374p UG Library
540SHRM 00052678 Chemistry: a Text Book for I PUC Shripathi, Rao D Deepa 374p UG Library
540SHRM 00052675 Chemistry: a Text Book for I PUC Shripathi, Rao D Deepa 374p UG Library
540SHRM 00052676 Chemistry: a Text Book for I PUC Shripathi, Rao D Deepa 374p UG Library
540SHRM 00052677 Chemistry: a Text Book for I PUC Shripathi, Rao D Deepa 374p UG Library
540SHU 00033755 Text Book of Chemical Technology Shukla, S D Vikas UG Library
540SIE.S 00015175 Chemistry: a Basic Approach Siebring, B Richard 272p UG Library
540SIN 00010710 Modern Organic Chemistry Singh, Jagandar Aatmaram UG Library
540SIN1 00011710 Principles of Genetics Sinnott, Edmard W Emkay UG Library
540SIN1 00011711 Principles of Genetics Sinnott, Edmard W Emkay UG Library
540SIN2 00033742 Experimental Organization Chemistry Singh, P R T M H UG Library
540SIN3 00033751 Exp. Organic Chemistry Singh, P R T M H UG Library
540SIS 00090617 University Chemistry Siska, Peter DORLING KINDERSLEY 9788131713686 816p UG Library
540SIV1 00030364 Physical Chemistry I Bsc Sivanandaiah, K M Prasaranga UG Library
540SIV1 00030368 Physical Chemistry I Bsc Sivanandaiah, K M Prasaranga UG Library
540SIV1 00030367 Physical Chemistry I Bsc Sivanandaiah, K M Prasaranga UG Library
540SIV1 00030365 Physical Chemistry I Bsc Sivanandaiah, K M Prasaranga UG Library
540SIV1 00030366 Physical Chemistry I Bsc Sivanandaiah, K M Prasaranga UG Library
540SIV2 00030369 Organic Chemistry I & II Bsc Sivanandaiah, K M Prasaranga UG Library
540SIV2 00030372 Organic Chemistry I & II Bsc Sivanandaiah, K M Prasaranga UG Library
540SIV2 00030373 Organic Chemistry I & II Bsc Sivanandaiah, K M Prasaranga UG Library
540SIV2 00030370 Organic Chemistry I & II Bsc Sivanandaiah, K M Prasaranga UG Library
540SMI 00033718 Essentials of Organic Nomenclatus Smith, R D O u p UG Library
540SON2 00004507 Bsc Practical Chemistry Soni, P L S Chand & Co. UG Library
540SON3 00007375 Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry Soni, P S Chand & Co. UG Library
540SON7 00014869 Organic Chemistry Sony`, P L Sultan UG Library
540SPE 00033704 Hydrogen Bond Speakman J, Clare R I c UG Library
540SPE1 00033725 Molecular Structure Speakman J, Clare C s UG Library
540SRI1 00056878 University Chemistry Srinivasan, A DPSP 564p UG Library
540SRI1 00038913 Txt Book of Chemistry II Puc Srinivasan, A Expert UG Library
540SRI2 00038653 Text Book of Chemistry II Puc Srinivasan, A Expert Edu Pub UG Library
540SRI2 00038655 Text Book of Chemistry II Puc Srinivasan, A Expert Edu Pub UG Library
540SRI2 00038656 Text Book of Chemistry II Puc Srinivasan, A Expert Edu Pub UG Library
540SRI2 00038654 Text Book of Chemistry II Puc Srinivasan, A Expert Edu Pub UG Library
540STE1 00033735 Chemist in Industry Fine Chemicals for Polymers Stern, E S Clarendran UG Library
540SUB 00002147 High School Chemistry Iyer, Subramanay T c Anantha UG Library
540SUB1 00003653 Chemistry for Puc Course Subhabhatta, K UG Library
540SUB2 00008412 Chemistry for Puc II Year Subbabhatta, K N s Vasavi UG Library
540SUB3 00011658 Puc Chemistry Subha, Bhatta K M s Vasan & Co UG Library
540SUB3 00011659 Puc Chemistry Subha, Bhatta K M s Vasan & Co UG Library
540SUB3 00011660 Puc Chemistry Subha, Bhatta K M s Vasan & Co UG Library
540SUN 00041705 Puc Biology Vol II Sundara Rajan Vardhana Pub UG Library
540SUP 00033728 Principles of Photochemisttry Suppan, P C s UG Library
540SWA 00002094 Quantitative Analysis Iyer, V Swammatha UG Library
540SWA1 00016456 Chemistry:General Chemsitry Swamy, Shadekram A Blr University UG Library
540SWA1 00016458 Chemistry:General Chemsitry Swamy, Shadekram A Blr University UG Library
540SWA1 00016459 Chemistry:General Chemsitry Swamy, Shadekram A Blr University UG Library
540SWA1 00016457 Chemistry:General Chemsitry Swamy, Shadekram A Blr University UG Library
540SWA1 00016460 Chemistry:General Chemsitry Swamy, Shadekram A Blr University UG Library
540SWA1 00016463 Chemistry:General Chemsitry Swamy, Shadekram A Blr University UG Library
540SWA1 00016465 Chemistry:General Chemsitry Swamy, Shadekram A Blr University UG Library
540SWA1 00016464 Chemistry:General Chemsitry Swamy, Shadekram A Blr University UG Library
540SWA1 00016462 Chemistry:General Chemsitry Swamy, Shadekram A Blr University UG Library
540SWA2 00018564 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018565 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018567 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018569 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018571 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018580 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018579 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018578 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018577 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018576 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018575 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018574 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018573 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018572 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018589 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018588 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018587 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018586 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018585 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018584 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018583 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018582 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018581 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018593 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018592 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018591 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018590 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018570 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018568 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SWA2 00018566 General Chemistry Swamy, Sadakshara Prasaranga UG Library
540SYK 00033720 Guide Book to Mechamsm in Organic Chemistry Sykes, Peter Orient Longman UG Library
540TAL 00033763 Text Book of Biochemistry & Human Biology Talwar, G P Phi UG Library
540TEW 00028874 Text Book of Organic Chemistry Tewari, K S Vikas UG Library
540TEW1 00033682 Text Book of Organic Chemistry Vol I Tewari, K S Vikas UG Library
540TEW2 00033777 Text Book of Organic Chemistry Vol II Tewari, K S Vikas UG Library
540THA 00033710 Royal Institute of Chemistry Monographs for Teachers (phenomenon) Thain, J F R I c UG Library
540TIM 00037335 Chemistry Timberlake, Karen Harcourt 110 p UG Library
540TUL1 00011164 Essentials of Physical Chemistry Tuli, Bahl Chand Co UG Library
540TULS 00033854 Chemical Calculations Tuli, G D M G H UG Library
540UPA 00033678 Text Book of Inorganic Ehemistry Vol I Upadhyaya, K W Vani UG Library
540UPA1 00033683 Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry II & III Upadhyaya, K N Vani UG Library
540UPA1 00033684 Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry II & III Upadhyaya, K N Vani UG Library
540VAR 00003681 Laboratory Text Book of Pre Degree Chemistry Vargheese, M V M v Varun UG Library
540VEE 00047400 Modern ABC`s Chemistry Veerabhadrappa, S R Nadesh UG Library
540VEE 00047398 Modern ABC`s Chemistry Veerabhadrappa, S R Nadesh UG Library
540VEE 00047401 Modern ABC`s Chemistry Veerabhadrappa, S R Nadesh UG Library
540VEE 00047399 Modern ABC`s Chemistry Veerabhadrappa, S R Nadesh UG Library
540VEN.2 00044356 University Chemistry Venugopal, R Subhas 180p UG Library
540VEN.2. 00044357 University Chemistry [ for Second Year B.Sc ] Venugopal, R Subhas 180p UG Library
540VEN.2. 00044359 University Chemistry [ for Second Year B.Sc ] Venugopal, R Subhas 180p UG Library
540VEN.2. 00044358 University Chemistry [ for Second Year B.Sc ] Venugopal, R Subhas 180p UG Library
540VEN.2. 00044360 University Chemistry [ for Second Year B.Sc ] Venugopal, R Subhas 180p UG Library
540VEN.A.2 00024846 Pre-University Chemistry II Venu Gopak, R Konark 320 p UG Library
540VEN.A.2 00024848 Pre-University Chemistry II Venu Gopak, R Konark 320 p UG Library
540VEN.A.2 00024850 Pre-University Chemistry II Venu Gopak, R Konark 320 p UG Library
540VEN.A.2 00024847 Pre-University Chemistry II Venu Gopak, R Konark 320 p UG Library
540VEN.A.2 00024849 Pre-University Chemistry II Venu Gopak, R Konark 320 p UG Library
540VIN4 00044655 Comprehensible Chemistry- III Kumar Vinod B United Publisher 624p UG Library
540VOE 00033775 Text Book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis Voeel, A I ELBS UG Library
540VOG 00033695 Practical Organic Chemistry Vogel I, Arthur ELBS UG Library
540WEA 00033776 Crs Hand Book of Physics and Chemistry Weast C, Robert Crc Florida UG Library
540WOR 00033733 Diffreaction Methods Wormald, John Oxford Charendon Press UG Library
540WYA 00033707 Molecular Basis of Entropy and Chemical Equilibrium Wyatt, P A H R I c UG Library
540WYN 00033723 Chemical Processing in Industry Wynne, M D C s UG Library
541 ARO 00097706 Magnetochemistry and Related Topics Arora, G. D. Ivy PUblishing House, 9788178902142 78 p. UG Library
541 ATK 04001310 Elements of Physical Chemistry Atkins, Peter Oxford Universtiy Press 2008 0195672526 627p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 ATK2 04001288 Physical Chemistry Atkins, Peter Oxford Universtiy Press 2008 0195685229 1064p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 BAL 04003361 Physical Chemistry Ball, David W Thomson 2003 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 BAL 04000118 Physical Chemistry / Ball, David W Thomson South Western, 2003 837 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 CHA 04006865 Chemistry/ Chang, Raymond Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2007 9780070648197 9th ed xxx, 1063 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 CHA 04006864 Chemistry/ Chang, Raymond Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2007 9780070648197 9th ed xxx, 1063 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 LAD 04002087 Introduction to Physical Chemistry Ladd, Mark Cambridge University Press 2008 9780521578813 511 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 LEV 04001741 Physical Chemistry Levine, Ira N Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070648494 991 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 MCQ 04002110 Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach Mcquarrie, Donald A Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2008 9788176490016 1270 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 MET 04006014 Physical Chemistry Metz, Clyde R Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070085534 p v p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 MET 04006013 Physical Chemistry Metz, Clyde R Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070085534 p v p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 PUJ 04003276 Basics of Physical Chemistry Pujhari, Prabir Anmol Publications 2008 9788126135486 297 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 SIL 04001136 Physical Chemistry Silbey, John Wiley and Sons 2008 8126508310 944p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 SIL 04002307 Physical Chemistry Silbey, John Wiley and Sons 2008 8126508310 944p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 AMO 00122464 Understanding Physical Chemistry Ben-Amotz, Dor Wiley, 2014 9781118298152 xiv, 400 p:. UG Library
541 ATK 00045858 The Elements of Physical Chemistry Atkins, P. W. W.H. Freeman, 1997 0198559534 | 9780198559535 | 0 2nd ed. xi, 499 p. : UG Library
541 ATK 00028870 Physical Chemistry. Atkins, P.w Elbs 1987 0194424235 3rd ed. 855 p UG Library
541 ATK 04027152 Physical Chemistry : Atkins, Peter Oxford University Press, 2014 1429290196 | 9780198728726 | 9 10th ed. xxv: 1008 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 ATK 04024972 Elements of Physical Chemistry / Atkins, Peter OUP, 2013 9780198737940 6th Ed. 591p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 ATK 04024027 Atkins' Physical chemistry / Atkins, P. W. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780198700722 (acidfree paper) | 0198700725 (acidfree paper) 8th ed. xxx, 1064 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 ATK 04020889 Atkins Physical Chemistry / Arkins, Peter OUP, 2010 9780199599592 9th ed. 972p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 ATK 04020890 Atkins Physical Chemistry / Arkins, Peter OUP, 2010 9780199599592 9th ed. 972p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 ATK 04027728 Physical Chemistry : Atkins, Peter Oxford University Press, 2014 1429290196 | 9780198728726 | 9 10th ed. xxv: 1008 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 ATW 00116872 Elementary Chemistry Atwood Paul Random Exports , 2013 9789382226581 xi, 312 p.: UG Library
541 BAH 00051635 Essentials of Physical Chemistry Bahl B.S. S Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1997 0812190546 | 9788121905466 24th Ed. 866 p. UG Library
541 BAH 00014868 Essential Of Physical Chemistry Bahl B.S. S Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1971 18th Ed. 498 p. UG Library
541 BAH 00045037 Essentials of Physical Chemistry Bahl B.S. S Chand & Co Ltd 1977 0812190546 24th Ed. 866 p. UG Library
541 BAH 00014734 Essential Of Physical Chemistry Bahl B.S. S Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1971 18th Ed. 498 p. UG Library
541 BAH 00003654 Essential Of Physical Chemistry Bahl B.S. S Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1971 18th Ed. 498 p. UG Library
541 BAH 00016479 Essentials of Physical Chemistry Bahl B.S. Popular 1972 20th Ed. 736 p. UG Library
541 BAH 00030635 Essential of Physical Chemistry Bahl B.S. S Chand & Co 1987 0812190046 22nd Ed. 844 p. UG Library
541 BAH 00001173 Essential Of Physical Chemistry Bahl B.S. S Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1971 18th Ed. 498 p. UG Library
541 BAH 00024526 Essential of Physical Chemistry Bahl B.S. S Chand & Co 1987 0812190046 22nd Ed. 844 p. UG Library
541 BAH 00014764 Essential Of Physical Chemistry Bahl B.S. S Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1971 18th Ed. 498 p. UG Library
541 BAK 04010710 Physical inorganic chemistry : Bakac, Andreja Wiley, 2010 9780470224205 | 0470224207 xii, 597 p., [8] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 BAK 00121729 Physical inorganic chemistry : Bakac, Andreja Wiley, 2010 9780470224205 | 0470224207 xii, 597 p., [8] p. of plates : UG Library
541 BAL 04030693 Organic Name Reactions / Academic Press, 2023 9789395546270 219p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 BAR 04011514 Physical Chemistry/ Barrow Gordon M. Tata McGraw Hill education Pvt. Ltd. 2007 9780070647749 5th ed. xvi, 859 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 BRO 04007717 Introduction to physical chemistry Brown, G. I. Logman, 1983 viii, 584p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 CAS 00005248 Physical Chemistry Castellan, Gilbert William, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. 1964 xv, 717 p. UG Library
541 CHA 04026465 Physical Chemistry : Chang, Raymond Viva Books, 2015 9789386105554 1018p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 CHA 04011533 Chemistry/ Chang, Raymond Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2007 9780070648197 9th ed xxx, 1063 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 CHA 00120747 Physical Chemistry for the Chemical Sciences Chang, Raymond. University Science Books, 2014 9781891389696 | 9781782620877 xvi, 951 p, : UG Library
541 DON 00014292 The Neutron Story Hughes, Donald .J Vakils, Feffer and Simons Pvt Ltd 1965 158 p. : UG Library
541 EAM 00067902 Stereochemistry at a Glance Peach, J Eames 0632053755 131p UG Library
541 ENG 00083542 Quantum Chemistry & Spectroscopy. Engel, Thomas DORLING KINDERSLEY 2006 8131712850 507p UG Library
541 ENG 00083543 Quantum Chemistry & Spectroscopy. Engel, Thomas DORLING KINDERSLEY 2006 8131712850 507p UG Library
541 FOU 00122463 Physical Chemistry for Engineering and Applied Sciences Foulkes, Frank R CRC Press, 2013 9781466518469 xxvii, A12-8 UG Library
541 GEO 00017911 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry George, C D S Chand 1970 609 p.: UG Library
541 GLA 04007685 Textbook of Physical Chemistry / Glasstone, Samuel D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1940 2nd ed. xiii, 1320p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 GLA 00030846 Text Book of Physical Chemistry Glasstone, Samuel S.G Wasani 1318 p UG Library
541 HIL 00022320 Principles of Chemistry Hildebrand, Joel H Macmillan 1966 7th 406 p.: UG Library
541 HIL 00022327 Multiple-Choice Questions in O`level Chemistry Hillman, Robin A H Heinemann 1978 124 p.; UG Library
541 HOU 00018062 Chemical Process Principles Hougen, A Olaf Asia 1970 504 p.: UG Library
541 JET 00135397 Textbook of inorganic and physical chemistry Jethwa,P.N Cyber tech publications, 2016 9789350534601 240p.; UG Library
541 KAU 00010272 Advanced Concepts in Physical Chemistry Kaufman, Ernest D. McGraw-Hill 1966 xii, 271 p. UG Library
541 KAU 00033855 Advanced Concepts in Physical Chemistry Kaufman, D Mcgraw Hill Book 1966 271 p.: UG Library
541 KOL 00132119 Physical chemistry : Kolasinski, Kurt W. Wiley and Sons, 2017 9781118751121 (pbk.) | 9781118751213 (adobe PDF) xvii, 726 pages : UG Library
541 KUM 00137593 Principles of Chemical Equilibrium with Application / Kumar,Dheeraj. Random Publications, 2019 9789352692774 viii,277p.; UG Library
541 LAD 00052203 Introduction to physical chemistry Ladd, Mark Cambridge University Press, 1998 9780521658218 | 0521658217 | 0 3rd ed. xix, 513 p. : UG Library
541 LAD 00082610 Introduction to Physical Chemistry. Ladd, Mark 1998 0521578817 513p UG Library
541 LAD 00052202 Introduction to physical chemistry Ladd, Mark Cambridge University Press, 1998 9780521658218 | 0521658217 | 0 3rd ed. xix, 513 p. : UG Library
541 LAH 04024975 Concept of Physical Chemistry Lahiri J.M Scientific Internationl Pvt, 2014 9789381714706 x, 230 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 LEV 04024982 Physical Chemistry Levine Ira N. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd 2011 9780071321211 6th Ed. xviii; 989 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 LEV 00109393 Physical Chemistry Levine Ira N. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd 2011 9780071321211 6th Ed. xviii; 989 p. UG Library
541 LEV 04007665 Physical Chemistry / Levine, Ira N. McGraw-Hill Book Company 1983 007037421 2nd ed xix, 890p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 LEV 00083554 Quantum Chemistry. Levine, Ira N Pearson Education Inc. 2007 8177585258 7th ed. 739p UG Library
541 LEV 00083555 Quantum Chemistry. Levine, Ira N Pearson Education Inc. 2007 8177585258 7th ed. 739p UG Library
541 LEV 04007708 Physical Chemistry / Levine, Ira N. McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1978 v, 276p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 LEV 00112231 Quantum Chemistry. Levine, Ira N Pearson Education Inc. 2007 8177585258 7th ed. 739p UG Library
541 LIB 04020596 Introduction to Physics and Chemistry of Combustion Liberman, M. A. Springer, 2008 9783540787587 (hbk.) | 9788132203599 | 3540787585 (hbk.) 360p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 LOV 05060860 Modern nuclear chemistry / Loveland, Walter D. John Wiley & Sons, 2017 9780470906736 (cloth) | 047090 Second edition. xviii, 744p.; Knowledge Centre
541 MAM 04011233 Elements of Physical Chemistry / Mamta Anmol Publications, 2011 9788126148318 280 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 MAT 00007565 Mechanics Mathur, D S UBSPD 824 p UG Library
541 MCQ 00106935 Physical Chemistry McQuarrie,Donald A. Viva Books 2011 978813091919 xxi;1270 P. UG Library
541 MCQ 00106937 Quantum Chemistry Mcquarrie, A Donald Viva Books Private Limited 2003 8176494232 | 9788176494236 x, 517 p. : UG Library
541 MCQ 00058688 Quantum Chemistry Mcquarrie, A Donald Viva Books Private Limited 2003 8176494232 | 9788176494236 x, 517 p. : UG Library
541 MCQ 00082681 Quantum Chemistry. Mcquarrie, Donald A Viva Books Private Limited 2007 8176494232 517p UG Library
541 MET 04011632 Physical Chemistry/ Metz Clyde R Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd, 1989 9780070085534 2nd ed. xviii, 24.16 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 MET 00131932 Physical Chemistry/ Metz Clyde R Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd, 1989 9780070085534 2nd ed. xviii, 24.16 p.: UG Library
541 MON 00118146 Physical Chemistry: Monk, Paul Wiley, 2004 9788126540273 586p. : UG Library
541 MON 04018121 Physical Chemistry: Monk, Paul Wiley, 2004 9788126540273 586p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 MOR 00110712 Comprehensive Industrial Chemistry More, Prakash G. Pragati Prakashan 2010 9789350061664 1st Ed. xvi; 364 p. UG Library
541 MOU 00058331 Instant Notes Physical Chemistry Whittaker, A G Viva Books Private Limited 8176492140 286p UG Library
541 NAR. 00084916 Chemical and Electrochemical Energy Systems. Narayana, R Universities Press 2008 8173710694 256p UG Library
541 NEG 00098028 Elementary surface chemistry Negi Arjun Singh Cyber tech publications 9788178847115 264p UG Library
541 NUR 00138093 Green Photo-active Nanomaterials : Nuraje,Nurxat. RSC Publishing, 2016 9781849739597 xvii,414p.; UG Library
541 PAL 00010236 Elementary Physical Chemistry Palit, S R 2000 438 p . : UG Library
541 POT 04007668 Stereochemistry / Potapov, V.M. MIR Publishers, 1979 677p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 PUR 00045030 Principles of Physical Chemistry Puri, B R Shoban Lal Nagin Chand & Co 1359p UG Library
541 PUR 04027189 Principles of Physical Chemistry/ Puri, B.R. Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9789382956785 47th ed; xii,1366 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 PUR 04027190 Principles of Physical Chemistry/ Puri, B.R. Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9789382956785 47th ed; xii,1366 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 PUR 04027191 Principles of Physical Chemistry/ Puri, B.R. Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9789382956785 47th ed; xii,1366 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 PUR 04027192 Principles of Physical Chemistry/ Puri, B.R. Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9789382956785 47th ed; xii,1366 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 PUR 04027193 Principles of Physical Chemistry/ Puri, B.R. Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9789382956785 47th ed; xii,1366 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 PUR 04027194 Principles of Physical Chemistry/ Puri, B.R. Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9789382956785 47th ed; xii,1366 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 RAJ 05051487 Nanodynamics / Rajendran, E. S. Mohna Publications, 2015 8190204823 xxv, 269p. Knowledge Centre
541 ROU 00139795 A Life Scientist's Guide to Physical Chemistry / Roussel,Marc R. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521186964 xiv,442p.; UG Library
541 SAN 04026761 Text Book of Phycal Chemistry Sanganarayana M. V. University PressPrivate Limited 2011 9788173717260 586 P. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 SAT 00042816 Text Book of Physical Chemistry. Satija, Balwant Rai HAR-ANAND 1997 334 p.: UG Library
541 SAT 00042817 Text Book of Physical Chemistry [ Vol II ] Satija, Balwant Rai HAR-ANAND 1997 248 p.: UG Library
541 SEL 00022318 Chemical Principles Selwood, P W Holt 1964 582 p.: UG Library
541 SIN 00090984 Physical Chemistry Singh, N B New Age International Publishers 2009 8122420389 591p UG Library
541 SIN 00090985 Physical Chemistry Singh, N B New Age International Publishers 2009 8122420389 591p UG Library
541 SMI 00119471 Basic Physical Chemistry : Smith, E. Brian Imperial College Press, 2013 9781783262939 | 9781783262946 Revised edition. xxii, 308 p,: UG Library
541 TAN 00105985 Understanding advanced physical inorganic chemistry : Tan, Jeanne. World Scientific, 2010 9789814317269 (pbk. : alk. pap xv,472 p. UG Library
541 TIN 04022964 Physical Chemistry: Tinoco, Ignacio DORLING KINDERSLEY , 2002 8131709752 | 9788131709757 4th ed. 764p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 TRI 00118780 Physical Chemistry Trimm, Harold H. Apple Academic Press, Incorporated | Taylor & Francis Group [Distributor] 2011 9781926692616 | 1926692616 (Tr 357p.; UG Library
541 TRO 00124312 Chemistry in Focus Nivaldo J.Tro Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2007 9780495019565 3rd ed. xxvii, 552 p.: UG Library
541 TUL 00022330 Language of Chemistry or Chemical Equations Tuli, G.D S Chand & Co 1981 19th ed. vi, 101 p. : UG Library
541 VEM 04018249 Physical Chemistry / Vemulapalli, G.K PHI Learning, 2012 9788120311428 991 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 VEM 00105990 Invitation to physical chemistry Vemulapalli, G. K. Imperial College Press ; | Distributed by World Scientific, 2010 9781848163010 | 1848163010 xvi, 222 p. : UG Library
541 VIS 04023818 Practical Physical Chemistry / Viswanathan, B. Viva Books, 2015 9788130920696 359p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 VIS 04007439 Practical Physical Chemistry / Viswanathan, B Viva books, 2009 9788130900612 xii,356p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541 VIS 00108849 Catalysts And Surfaces Vishwanathan B. Narosa Publishing Hpuse 2010 9788173197352 4th ed. ix; 11.13 p. cm. UG Library
541 YAD 00120866 Advanced Practical Physical Chemistry Yadav J.B. Krishan Prakashan Media, 2014 9788182835924 xx,494 p.: UG Library
541 YAD 00022319 Advanced Practical Physical Chemistry Yadav, J B Goel 1987 410 p.: UG Library
541 YAT 00109877 Molecular physical chemistry for engineers Yates, John T., University Science Books, 2007 1891389270 (acidfree paper) | xii, 482 p. : UG Library
541.0113 LEW 00082673 Computational Chemistry: Introduction to the Theory and Applications of Molecular and Quantum Mechanics. Lewars, Errol Springer 2006 8181284763 471p UG Library
541.0151 SCH 00128432 Introduction to computational physical chemistry Schrier, Joshua, University Science Books, 2017 9781938787904 (alk. paper) 474p : . UG Library
541.0151 SCH 00129287 Introduction to computational physical chemistry Schrier, Joshua, University Science Books, 2017 9781938787904 (alk. paper) 474p : . UG Library
541.0285 CRA 05074080 Essentials of computational chemistry : Cramer, Christopher J., Wiley, 2004 9780470091821 | 0470091819 (cloth : alk. paper) 2nd ed. xx, 596 p. : Knowledge Centre
541.04 DAR 04001538 Physical Chemistry of Metals Darken, Lawrence S CBS Publishers and Distributors 2008 8123908423 535p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.042 ROP 04002526 Solid State Chemistry Ropp, R C Elsevier 2003 9788131215715 446 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.042 WES 04001201 Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications West, Anthony R John Wiley and Sons 2008 9788126511075 734 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.042 ARO 00059561 Solid State Chemistry Arora, M G Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 1997 8174884645 170 p. : UG Library
541.042 CHA 00132079 Solid State Chemistry: Chakrabarty D.K, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, 2017 9788122442779 xiii,217 p.; UG Library
541.042 CHO 04010961 Encyclopaedia Of Solid State Chemistry Choudhary C.K. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 2011 9788126142446 300 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.042 WES 04023201 Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications West, Anthony R John Wiley and Sons 2008 9788126511075 734 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.042 WES 00130066 Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications West, Anthony R John Wiley and Sons 2016 9788126511075 734p. UG Library
541.042 WES 00130067 Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications West, Anthony R John Wiley and Sons 2016 9788126511075 734p. UG Library
541.042 WES 00130068 Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications West, Anthony R John Wiley and Sons 2016 9788126511075 734p. UG Library
541.042 WES 00130492 Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications West, Anthony R John Wiley and Sons 2016 9788126511075 734p. UG Library
541.042 WES 00037655 Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications West, Antony R Joh Wiley 1989 734 p UG Library
541.0421 CHA 00091004 Solid State Chemistry Chakrabarty, D K New Age International Publishers 8122408354 259 UG Library
541.0421 CHA 00091005 Solid State Chemistry Chakrabarty, D K New Age International Publishers 8122408354 259 UG Library
541.0421 DAN 00138466 Reactions and characterization of solids / Dann, Sandra E. The royal society of chemistry, 2000 0471224812 | 9780854046126 vi, 201 p. : UG Library
541.0421 HOF 00145700 Solid-state chemistry / Hoffmann, Frank, De Gruyter 2023 9783110657241 | 3110657244 xii, 370 pages : UG Library
541.0421 MOO 00141583 Solid state chemistry : Moore, Elaine CRC press, 2021 9780367135720 | 9780367135805 Fifth edition. xxv,442p.; UG Library
541.0421 RAS 00125871 Solid State Chemistry Rastogi Arun Wisdom Press, 2016 9789383318735 v, 253 p.: UG Library
541.0421 ROP 00082975 Solid State Chemistry. Ropp, R C Elsevier 2008 447p UG Library
541.0421 WES 00060179 Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications West, Anthony R. John Wiley & Sons 2003 9812530037 vii, 734 p. : UG Library
541.078 GUR 00110624 Advanced Physical Chemistry Experiments Gurtu J.N. Pragati Prakashan 2011 9789350063989 5th Ed. xx; 516 p. UG Library
541.078 GUR 00122832 Advanced Physical Chemistry Gurtu J.N. Pragati Prakashan 2015 9789351401995 18th Ed. 736p. UG Library
541.078 GUR 00122840 Advanced Physical Chemistry Experiments Gurtu J.N. Pragati Prakashan 2011 9789350063989 5th Ed. xx; 516 p. UG Library
541.1 KAM 00074199 Mechanics of Particles, Waves and Oscillations Kamal, Anwar New Age International Publishers 2003 8122414761 552 p UG Library
541.1 KUC 00027939 Physics of Waves Kuchela, Kn Prasaranga 176p UG Library
541.1 KUC 00027940 Physics of Waves Kuchela, Kn Prasaranga 176p UG Library
541.2 SIM 04005645 Introduction to Theoretical Chemistry Simons, Jack Cambridge University Press 2005 9780521670463 459 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.2 BAJ 00141116 Advanced Physical Chemistry Bajpai, D.N. S. Chand, 2020 9788121904087 1038 p.: UG Library
541.2 GLA 00123896 Theoretical Chemistry Glasstone, Samuel East-West Press Pvt. Ltd., 1966 515 p:. UG Library
541.2 GUP 00110709 Advanced Physical Chemistry Gupta, V K K NATH 1982 1188 p.: UG Library
541.2 GUP 00110710 Advanced Physical Chemistry Gupta, V K K NATH 1982 1188 p.: UG Library
541.2 GUP 00022317 Advanced Physical Chemistry Gupta, V K K NATH 1982 1188 p.: UG Library
541.2 KEE 04012403 Chemical structure and reactivity : Keeler, James. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199289301 (pbk.) | 0199289301 (pbk.) xviii, 925 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.2 MAT 00142633 Manual for theoretical chemistry : Matyushov, Dmitry, World scientific publishing, 2022 9789811228896 | 9789811230110 | 9781944660024 1st edition. xv,356p.; UG Library
541.2 RAN 05062287 Solved and Unsolved Problems of Structural Chemistry / Randic, Milan. CRC Press, 2016 9781498711517 xx, 472p.; Knowledge Centre
541.2 SIM 00068932 An Introduction to Theoretical Chemistry Simons, Jack. Cambridge University Press, 2003 0521823609 | 0521530474 (pbk.) xiii, 461 p. : UG Library
541.2 SIM 00059449 An Introduction to Theoretical Chemistry Simons, Jack. Cambridge University Press, 2003 0521823609 | 0521530474 (pbk.) xiii, 461 p. : UG Library
541.2 SWA 00093931 Group Theory in Chemistry Swarnalakshmi S Universities Press 9788173716232 147p UG Library
541.22 BAN 00137387 Comprehensive coordination chemistry Banerjee,S.P Books and allied pvt ltd., 2019 9788194243731 783p.; UG Library
541.22 BAN 00137388 Comprehensive coordination chemistry Banerjee,S.P Books and allied pvt ltd., 2019 9788194243731 783p.; UG Library
541.22 BAN 00137389 Comprehensive coordination chemistry Banerjee,S.P Books and allied pvt ltd., 2019 9788194243731 783p.; UG Library
541.22 COM 00021069 Chemical Bonding Companion, Audrey L T M Hall 180 p UG Library
541.22 SIN 00139857 Stereochemistry Conformation and Mechanism / Singh,Jagjeet. Random Publications, 2020 9789352694914 viii,294p.; UG Library
541.22 ARU 04018242 Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy / Aruldhas, G. PHI, 2007 9788120332157 2nd ed. 427 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.22 ARU 00126726 Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy / Aruldhas, G. PHI, 2007 9788120332157 2nd ed. 427 p.: UG Library
541.22 ARU 00126727 Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy / Aruldhas, G. PHI, 2007 9788120332157 2nd ed. 427 p.: UG Library
541.22 ARU 00127026 Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy / Aruldhas, G. PHI, 2007 9788120332157 2nd ed. 427 p.: UG Library
541.22 ARU 00127027 Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy / Aruldhas, G. PHI, 2007 9788120332157 2nd ed. 427 p.: UG Library
541.22 BAL 05048881 Molecules : Ball, Philip, Oxford University Press, 2003 0192854305 | 9780192854308 170 p. : Knowledge Centre
541.22 BAN 00106922 Coordination Chemistry. Banerjea, D Asian Books Pvt Ltd 2007 8184120176 2nd Edition 751 p. UG Library
541.22 BAN 00082660 Coordination Chemistry. Banerjea, D Asian Books Pvt Ltd 2007 8184120176 2nd Edition 751 p. UG Library
541.22 BRE 00001155 Physical Methods for Determining Molecular Geometry Brey, Wallace S. Reinhold Pub. Corp. 1965 ix, 117 p. UG Library
541.22 BUN 04012531 Molecular symmetry and spectroscopy Bunker, Philip R. Overseas press, 2012 9788188689155 2nd ed. 1 online resource (xx, 752 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.22 BUN 00095579 Molecular Symmetry And Spectroscopy Bunker Philip R Overseas Press India Pvt.Ltd. 9798188689155 747p UG Library
541.22 COT 00102237 Chemical applications of group theory. Cotton F.Albert Wiley India; 2003 9788126519255 3rd ed. 461 p. UG Library
541.22 COT 00107243 Chemical applications of group theory. Cotton F.Albert Wiley India; 2003 9788126519255 3rd ed. 461 p. UG Library
541.22 COT 00107244 Chemical applications of group theory. Cotton F.Albert Wiley India; 2003 9788126519255 3rd ed. 461 p. UG Library
541.22 COT 00130504 Chemical applications of group theory. Cotton F.Albert Wiley India; 2003 9788126519255 3rd ed. 461 p. UG Library
541.22 DOM 00035156 Accurate Molecular Structures Domenicano, Aldo. International Union of Crystallography ; | Oxford University Press, 1992 0198555563 (hbk) : | 978019855 xii, 590 p. : UG Library
541.22 GRI 05042441 The irreducible tensor method for molecular symmetry groups / Griffith, J. S. Dover Publications, 2006 0486450473 | 9780486450476 Dover ed. ix, 134 p. : Knowledge Centre
541.22 HIL 00001158 An Introduction to Molecular Kinetic Theory. Hildebrand, Joel Henry, Reinhold Pub. Corp. 1963 105 p. UG Library
541.22 KAL 00085723 Stereochmistry: Conformation and Mechanism. Kalsi, P S New Age International Publishers 2008 9788122423563 | 8122415644 6th ed xviii, 628 p. : UG Library
541.22 KAL 00072877 Stereochmistry: Conformation and Mechanism. Kalsi, P S New Age International Publishers 2008 9788122423563 | 8122415644 6th ed xviii, 628 p. : UG Library
541.22 PIM 00122853 Coordination Chemistry Pimplapure, Sandhya Pragati Prakashan, 2015 9789351403609 xvi, 784 p:. UG Library
541.22 ROU 05040873 Topology in chemistry : Horwood Pub., 2002 1898563764 | 9781898563761 387 p. : Knowledge Centre
541.22 RUT 00143136 Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory An Introduction / Ruth,Sara. States academic press, 2022 9781639893669 viii,237p, ; UG Library
541.22 RUT 00143599 Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory An Introduction / Ruth,Sara. States academic press, 2022 9781639893669 viii,237p, ; UG Library
541.22 RYS 00001156 Chemical Bonding and the Geometry of Molecules. Ryschkewitsch, George E. Reinhold 1963 116 p. UG Library
541.22 SIN 00124733 A Textbook of Coordination Chemistry Singh Rajbir Mittal Publications, 2016 9788183246668 v, 240 p.: UG Library
541.22 WIL 05033518 Electron correlation in molecules / Wilson, S. Dover Publications, 2007 0486458792 (pbk.) | 9780486458 Dover ed. x, 281 p. : Knowledge Centre
541.22 WIL 00120259 Electron correlation in molecules / Wilson, S. Dover Publications, 2007 0486458792 (pbk.) | 9780486458 Dover ed. x, 281 p. : UG Library
541.22 YAU 05055409 Data Points : Yau, Nathan Wiley, 2013 9788126550845 300p. : Knowledge Centre
541.22 YAU 04022973 Data Points : Yau, Nathan Wiley, 2013 9788126550845 300p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.22 YAU 05045804 Data Points : Yau, Nathan Wiley, 2013 9788126550845 300p. : Knowledge Centre
541.22015 AME 00118605 Symmetry and group theory in chemistry Ameta R New Age Publishers 2013 9788122434132 566p. UG Library
541.22015 AME 00118606 Symmetry and group theory in chemistry Ameta R New Age Publishers 2013 9788122434132 566p. UG Library
541.22015 AME 00118607 Symmetry and group theory in chemistry Ameta R New Age Publishers 2013 9788122434132 566p. UG Library
541.22015 AME 00118608 Symmetry and group theory in chemistry Ameta R New Age Publishers 2013 9788122434132 566p. UG Library
541.22015 DOG 00118601 Symmetry and group theory in chemistry Dogra S K New Age Publishers 2014 9788122436174 505p. UG Library
541.22015 DOG 00118602 Symmetry and group theory in chemistry Dogra S K New Age Publishers 2014 9788122436174 505p. UG Library
541.22015 DOG 00118603 Symmetry and group theory in chemistry Dogra S K New Age Publishers 2014 9788122436174 505p. UG Library
541.22015 DOG 00118604 Symmetry and group theory in chemistry Dogra S K New Age Publishers 2014 9788122436174 505p. UG Library
541.22015 RAJ 00120854 Group Theory & Symmetry in Chemistry Raj, Gurdeep Krishna Prakashan Media, 2015 9788182835214 5th ed, 300 p:. UG Library
541.220151 DEZ 05051961 Geometry of chemical graphs : Deza, M., Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521873079 (hbk.) x, 306 p. : Knowledge Centre
541.22015122 BIS 05033659 Group theory and chemistry / Bishop, David M. Dover, 1993 0486673553 (pbk.) : xiv, 300 p. : Knowledge Centre
541.22015122 CAR 00084908 Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory. Carter, Robert L John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2005 9812530975 299p UG Library
541.22015122 MUK 05065265 Group Theory in Chemistry : Mukherjee,Asok K. Universities Press, 2018 9789386235190 516p.; Knowledge Centre
541.2215 CAR 00130489 Molecular symmetry and group theory / Carter, Robert L., John Wiley, 2018 9788126524235 x, 299 p. ; UG Library
541.223 ARO 00047791 Stereochemistry in Organic Compounds Arora, M G Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 1997 8174885595 88 p.: UG Library
541.223 KAL 00045612 Streochemistry [ Conformation and Mechanism ] Kalsi, P S New Age International Publishers 1997 8122410952 4th 555 p.; UG Library
541.223 KAL 00084942 Stereochmistry: Conformation and Mechanism. Kalsi, P S New Age International Publishers 2008 9788122423563 | 8122415644 6th ed xviii, 628 p. : UG Library
541.223 KAL 00085722 Stereochmistry: Conformation and Mechanism. Kalsi, P S New Age International Publishers 2008 9788122423563 | 8122415644 6th ed xviii, 628 p. : UG Library
541.223 KAL 00145880 Stereochemistry : Kalsi, P. S. New Age publishers, 2022 9789393159946 11th ed. 665p.; UG Library
541.223 KAL 00131122 Stereochemistry : Kalsi, P S. New Age International (P) Limited., 2017 9788122443158 9th Ed. xix, 635 p. ; UG Library
541.223 NAS 00131123 Stereochemistry of organic compounds : Nasipuri, D. New Age International (P) Limited., 2011 9788122430295 Third Ed. xxii, 537 p. ; UG Library
541.224 JOH 04002330 Supramolecular and Cluster Chemistry John, D Sarup & Sons Publishers 2008 9788176258692 233 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.224 BAR 00138468 Structure and bonding / Barrett, Jack. Royal Society of Chemistry, 2001 9780854046478 vi, 181 p. : UG Library
541.224 BRO 00013603 A New Guide to modern Valency Theory, Brown, G. I. Longman Group | The English Language Book Society 1973 0582351251 | 0582350247 2nd ed. ix, 238, [4] p. UG Library
541.224 BRO 00014270 A New Guide to modern Valency Theory, Brown, G. I. Longman Group | The English Language Book Society 1973 0582351251 | 0582350247 2nd ed. ix, 238, [4] p. UG Library
541.224 BRO 00014271 A New Guide to modern Valency Theory, Brown, G. I. Longman Group | The English Language Book Society 1973 0582351251 | 0582350247 2nd ed. ix, 238, [4] p. UG Library
541.224 BRO 00013602 A New Guide to modern Valency Theory, Brown, G. I. Longman Group | The English Language Book Society 1973 0582351251 | 0582350247 2nd ed. ix, 238, [4] p. UG Library
541.224 COU 00013550 Valence Coulson, C A E L B S 1972 2nd 406 p.: UG Library
541.224 DAT 00145692 Lectures on chemical bonding and quantum chemistry / Datta, Sambhu N., World Scientific 2024 9789811200007 | 9780000991546 | 9811200009 445 pages : UG Library
541.224 DAT 00136034 Lectures on chemical bonding and quantum chemistry / Datta,S.N World scientific publishing, 2019 9789811200007 | 9811200009 445 pages : UG Library
541.224 MUR 00014274 Valence theory Murrell, J. N. John Wiley & Sons Ltd | The English Language Book Society 1965 0471626899 | 0471626880 2d ed. xv, 428 p. UG Library
541.224 NAN 00121159 Chemical Bonding Nandan, Sharda Anmol Publications 2014 9788126161638 296p. UG Library
541.224 ORC 00007199 Importance of Anti Bonding Orbitals Orchin, Milton Oxford & IBH Publishing Com, 1967 104 p, UG Library
541.224 SET 00061909 Chemical Bonding Sethi, M S Discovery Publishing House 1992 vii, 146 p. UG Library
541.224 SET 00038476 Chemical Bonding Sethi, M S Discovery Publishing House 1992 vii, 146 p. UG Library
541.224 YAD 00086337 Chemical Bonding. Yadav, M S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2000 8126107219 213 p UG Library
541.2242 DEE 00146654 Coordination Chemistry. Deepshikha, Academic, 2023 9789395546171 x,347p. ; UG Library
541.2242 DEV 00125880 Coordination Chemistry Devi Aruna M RBSA Publishers, 2015 9788176117326 v, 295 p.: UG Library
541.2242 FIG 00131143 Ligand Field Theory And Its Applications / Figgis, Brian N. Wiley, 2000 9788126528455 xviii, 354 p. ; UG Library
541.2242 GIS 00086663 Coordination Chemistry. Gispert, Joan Ribas Wiley VCH 2008 9783527318025 600 p UG Library
541.2242 GOP 00055609 Concise Coordination Chemistry Gopalan, R Vikas Publishing House 2001 8125909346 403 p,: UG Library
541.2242 KUR 00146515 Concise Coordination Chemistry Kumar, Sanju Venus House, 2023 9789386559104 viii,403p, : UG Library
541.2242 LAW 00097707 Introduction to coordination chemistry / Lawrance, Geoffrey A. Wiley, 9780470519301 (hbk.) | 0470519 xiii, 290 p. : UG Library
541.2242 YAM 04011389 Polyoxometalate Chemistry for Nano-Composite Design Yamase, Toshihiro Springer (India) Pvt.Ltd.; 9788184893076 viii: 235 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.2242 YAM 00098466 Polyoxometalate Chemistry for Nano-Composite Design Yamase, Toshihiro Springer (India) Pvt.Ltd.; 9788184893076 viii: 235 p. UG Library
541.224BRO5 00082977 Chemical Bond in Inorganic Chemistry: The Bond Valence Model [msc.Chemistry Section] Brown, David L 0195694163 278p UG Library
541.225 BRE 04007689 Physical Methods for Determining Molecular Geometry / Brey, Wallace S Chapman & Hall Ltd., 1965 117p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.2254 GUJ 04028529 Modeling and Simulation in Polymers / Wiley Inida, 2017 9788126568468 541p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.2254 ODR 00001163 The Nature and Chemistry of High Polymers Odriscoll, Kenneth F Champaman & Hall 1964 108 p. : UG Library
541.226 LEH 04022461 Supramolecular chemistry Lehn, J.-M. J Wiley, 1995 3527293124 | 3527293116 | 97 271p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.226 RAM 05011358 Supramolecular photochemistry : V Ramamurthy Wiley, 2011 9780470230534 (hardback) | 047 xii, 623 p. : Knowledge Centre
541.23 TIW 05017364 Celebtating Bihar : Tiwary Nishant Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198083757 93 p. : Knowledge Centre
541.233GUN 00033679 Guide Book to Stereochemistry Gunstone, F D Longman UG Library
541.24 AHL 00124695 Understanding Chemistry Ahluwalia, V. K Milestone Publishers & Distributors, 2015 in 110+136 P.: UG Library
541.24 AHL 00124696 Understanding Chemistry Ahluwalia, V. K Milestone Publishers & Distributors, 2015 in 110+136 P.: UG Library
541.24 BAR 00061709 Atomic Structure and Periodicity Barrett, Jack. Wiley-Interscience ; | Royal Society of Chemistry, 2002 0854046577 vi, 178 p. : UG Library
541.24 CHA 05065190 Atomic Structure And Chemical Bond : Chanda, Manas. I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2019 9789386768360 x, 382p.; Knowledge Centre
541.24 CHA 00037666 Atomic Structure and Chemical Bond Chand, Manas Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing 1994 3rd Ed 474 p. UG Library
541.24 CHA 00035459 Atomic Structure and Chemical Bond Chandra, Manas UG Library
541.24 DEF 00108586 Nanoscale Deffeyes Kenneth S. The MIT Press 2009 9780262516716 133 p. UG Library
541.24 DIC 00015176 Understanding Chemistry:From Atoms to Attitudes Dickson, T R 1974 0471212857 361p UG Library
541.24 MAN 00010231 Atomic Structure and Chemical Bond. Chanda, Manas Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing Company 1972 380 p. : UG Library
541.24 MAN 00035932 Atomic Structure &chemical Bond Manas Chanda, 1992 463p UG Library
541.24 THO 00125289 Atomic Chemistry Thore, Shivajirao. N Oxford Book Company, 2017 9789350303016 300 p.: UG Library
541.251 QUI 04002801 Computational Quantum Chemistry: An Interactive Guide to Basis Set Theory Quinn, Charles M Elsevier 2002 9788131217344 237 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.26 BHA 00131124 Stoichiometry / Bhatt, Bharat I. McGraw Hill Education, 2010 9780070681149 4th Ed. xiii, 723 p. ; UG Library
541.26 SYL 00067350 Problems in Stoichiometry Sylvin, Morris Sarupa and Sons 8176254312 222p UG Library
541.28 GRI 04003232 Quantum in Chemistry: An Experimentalist's View Grinter, Roger Johb Wiley & Sons 2005 9780470013182 459 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.28 MCQ 04002112 Quantum Chemistry Mcquarrie, Donald A Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2007 8176494232 517 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.28 QUI 04002802 Computational Quantum Chemistry II: The Group Theory Calculatior Quinn, Charles M Elsevier 2005 9788131217351 188 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.28 ATK 00098029 Quanta,Matter,and Change: Atkins Peter Oxford University 9780199206063 782p UG Library
541.28 CHA 00024532 Introductory Quantum Chemistry Chandra, A K T M H 1983 290 p UG Library
541.28 CHA 00013504 Introductory Quantum Chemistry Chandra, A K T M H 1983 290 p UG Library
541.28 CHA 00109388 Introductory Quantum Chemistry / Chandra A.K. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd, 1994 9780074620540 | 0074620541 4th Ed. xiii; 389 p.; UG Library
541.28 CHA 05052330 Introductory Quantum Chemistry / Chandra A.K. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd, 1994 9780074620540 | 0074620541 4th Ed. xiii; 389 p.; Knowledge Centre
541.28 CHO 00122403 An Introduction to Quantum Chemistry Choudhary, N L Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9788126159215 280 p:. UG Library
541.28 COO 00105997 Quantum chemistry : Cook, David B. Imperial College Press ; | Distributed by World Scientific Pub., 2008 9781848162655 | 1848162650 xiv, 261 p. : UG Library
541.28 DEV 04021791 Quantum Chemistry / Devanarayanan, S. Scitech Publishers, 2013 9788183714822 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.28 DEV 04021792 Quantum Chemistry / Devanarayanan, S. Scitech Publishers, 2013 9788183714822 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.28 DEV 00118509 Quantum Chemistry / Devanarayanan, S. Scitech Publishers, 2013 9788183714822 V P UG Library
541.28 ENG 00136575 Quantum chemistry and spectroscopy / Engel, Thomas, Pearson india educvation , 2015 9789332544956 3rd ed. 450p.; UG Library
541.28 ENG 00136576 Quantum chemistry and spectroscopy / Engel, Thomas, Pearson india educvation , 2015 9789332544956 3rd ed. 450p.; UG Library
541.28 EYR 00033833 Quatum Chemistry Eyring, Henry John Wiley 1944 394 p UG Library
541.28 EYR 00021070 Quantum Chemistry Eyring, Henry John Wiley 1944 394 p.: UG Library
541.28 FUK 05066794 Frontier orbitals and reaction paths : Fukui, Kenʾichi, World Scientific, 1997 9810222416 xvii, 543 p. : Knowledge Centre
541.28 GIT 00122274 Introduction to Quantum Chemistry Gitmore, Melany Apple Academic Press Inc, 2010 9781926686974 304 p:. UG Library
541.28 GUP 00132071 Quantum biology Gupta,S.P New age international pvt ltd. publishers, 2018 9789386418838 ix,102p.; UG Library
541.28 GUP 00111467 Essentials of Bio-Inorganic Chemistry/ Gupta, Neerja. Pragati Prakashan, 2011 9789350063897 3rd Ed. viii:140p.; UG Library
541.28 HAY 00138465 Quantum mechanics for chemists Hayward, David O The royal society of chemistry, 2002 9780854046072 vii,184p.; UG Library
541.28 HIC 00145464 Modern Quantum Chemistry/ Hicks, Declan NY Research Press 2023 9781647253691 viii:209p. UG Library
541.28 HOU 00072885 Fundamentals of Quantum Chemistry House, J. E. Academic Press, 2004 8181476409 | 9798181476400 | 0 2nd ed. xv, 291 p. : UG Library
541.28 HOU 00106931 Fundamentals of Quantum Chemistry House, J. E. Academic Press, 2004 8181476409 | 9798181476400 | 0 2nd ed. xv, 291 p. : UG Library
541.28 LIN 00082679 Propagators in Quantum Chemistry. Linderberg, Jan 2004 0471662577 267p UG Library
541.28 LOW 04016400 Quantum Chemistry / Lowe, John P. Elsevier, 2006 9789382291039 3rd ed, 703 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.28 LOW 00126236 Quantum Chemistry / Lowe, John P. Elsevier, 2006 9789382291039 3rd ed, 703 p. : UG Library
541.28 LUK 05011331 Nanomaterials : Charles M Lukehart Wiley, 2008 9780470516447 (hbk.) | 0470516 xvi, 840 p. : Knowledge Centre
541.28 MCQ 00118778 Quantum Chemistry McQuarrie Donald A. Viva Books 2003 9788130918945 x:515 P. UG Library
541.28 MCQ 00107353 Quantum Chemistry McQuarrie Donald A. Viva Books 2003 9788130918945 x:515 P. UG Library
541.28 MCW 00120297 Spins in chemistry / McWeeny, R. Dover Publications, 2004 0486434869 (pbk.) xi, 153 p. : UG Library
541.28 PIL 00131106 Elementary Quantum Chemistry / Pilar, Frank L. Dover Publications, 1968 9780486414645 2nd Ed. xvi, 599 p. ; UG Library
541.28 PRA 00144967 Computational quantum chemistry / Prasad, Ram Yatan CRC Press, 2021 9780367679699 Second edition. xxi,692p.; UG Library
541.28 PRA 00106928 Quantum Chemistry Prasad, R K New Age International Publishers 2007 8122411142 | 9788122411140 372 p. vi, : UG Library
541.28 PRA 00120191 Principles of quantum chemistry Prasad Ram Yatan Foundation Books 2015 9789382993735 783p. UG Library
541.28 PRA 00091797 Quantum Chemistry Prasad, R K New Age International Publishers 2007 8122411142 | 9788122411140 372 p. vi, : UG Library
541.28 PRA 00091795 Quantum Chemistry Prasad, R K New Age International Publishers 2007 8122411142 | 9788122411140 372 p. vi, : UG Library
541.28 PRA 00091798 Quantum Chemistry Prasad, R K New Age International Publishers 2007 9788122424089 4th ed xx, 565 p. : UG Library
541.28 PRA 00091799 Quantum Chemistry Prasad, R K New Age International Publishers 2007 9788122424089 4th ed xx, 565 p. : UG Library
541.28 PRA 00090997 Quantum Chemistry Prasad, R K New Age International Publishers 2007 9788122424089 4th ed xx, 565 p. : UG Library
541.28 PRA 00090996 Quantum Chemistry Prasad, R K New Age International Publishers 2007 9788122424089 4th ed xx, 565 p. : UG Library
541.28 PRA 00084946 Quantum Chemistry / Prasad, R K New Age International Publishers 2006 812241740X | 9788122417401 Revised third edition xi, 524 p. : UG Library
541.28 PRA 00131121 Principles of Quantum Chemistry / Prasad, Ram Yatan. Foundation Books, 2015 9789382993735 xiv, 783 p:. UG Library
541.28 PRA 00084947 Quantum Chemistry Prasad, R K New Age International Publishers 2007 8122411142 | 9788122411140 372 p. vi, : UG Library
541.28 PRA 00059452 Quantum Chemistry Prasad, R K New Age International Publishers 2007 8122411142 | 9788122411140 372 p. vi, : UG Library
541.28 PRA 00121669 Principles of Quantum Chemistry / Prasad, Ram Yatan. Foundation Books, 2015 9789382993735 xiv, 783 p:. UG Library
541.28 PRA 00091794 Quantum Chemistry: Prasad R K New Age International Publishers 9788122411140 372p UG Library
541.28 PRA 00091796 Quantum Chemistry: Prasad R K New Age International Publishers 9788122411140 372p UG Library
541.28 RAM 04011683 Quantum Chemistry/ Raman K.V Vijay Nicole Imprints Pvt. Ltd, 2011 9788182091030 xii, 262 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.28 SAN 00107224 Quantum Chemistry Sannigrahi A. B. Books & Allied Pvt.Ltd. 2007 9788187134404 488 p. UG Library
541.28 SAN 00095458 Quantum Chemistry Sannigrahi A.B Books and allied (p) Ltd 9788187134404 488P UG Library
541.28 SAN 00094897 Quantum Chemistry Sannigrahi A. B. Books & Allied Pvt.Ltd. 2007 9788187134404 488 p. UG Library
541.28 SCH 05057876 Quantum mechanics in chemistry / Schatz, George C., Dover Publications, 2002 0486420035 (pbk.) | 9780486420 xix, 361 p. : Knowledge Centre
541.28 SHA 00122852 An Introduction to Quantum Chemistry Sharma, Suresh Kumar Pragati Prakashan, 2014 9789351401520 355 p:. UG Library
541.28 SOL 05011258 Computational inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry / Solomon Edward I Wiley, 2009 9780470699973 xv, 594 p. : Knowledge Centre
541.28 SZA 05033578 Modern quantum chemistry : Szabo, Attila, Dover Publications, 1996 0486691861 (pbk.) xiv, 466 p. : Knowledge Centre
541.28 TAB 00121697 Quantum Chemistry Tablou, Niel Delve Publishing LLC, 2015 9781680952568 xiii, 284 p:. UG Library
541.280285 MCD 00120072 Computational quantum chemistry : McDouall, Joseph J. W., 9781849736084 (hardback) | 184 xiii, 278 pages : UG Library
541.281 HOU 04002680 Fundamentals of Quantum Chemistry House, James E Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 2004 9788181476401 291 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.281 ROS 04002323 Quantum Chemistry Roshan, Jyoti Kumar Anmol Publications 2008 9788126136520 290 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.281 MUE 04016406 Fundamentals of Quantum Chemistry : Muller, Michael Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2001 9780306465963 264 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.28SAT 00061908 Introduction to Quantum Chemistry Satake, M DPH Discovery Publishing House 320p UG Library
541.2STA 00002047 Mechanical Properties of Maths Starling, Macmillan UG Library
541.3 ATK 00140807 Physical Chemistry / Atkins,Peter. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198814740 xxiv,858p.; UG Library
541.3 BAH 00045038 Essentials of Physical Chemistry Bahl, B S S Chand 1943 0812190546 866 p. UG Library
541.3 BAR 00109392 Physical Chemistry/ Barrow Gordon M. Tata McGraw Hill education Pvt. Ltd. 2007 9780070647749 5th ed. xvi, 859 p.: UG Library
541.3 KUM 00137454 Problems and solutions in physical chemistry for JEE (Main and advance) Kumar,Neeraj Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2020 9789353439453 pages UG Library
541.3 MAD 00122702 Physical Chemistry for B.Sc 1, II and III Year Madan, R L S Chand & Company Pvt Ltd., 2014 8121918812 | 9788121918817 xxxvi, 764 p:. UG Library
541.3 MAD 00122703 Physical Chemistry for B.Sc 1, II and III Year Madan, R L S Chand & Company Pvt Ltd., 2014 8121918812 | 9788121918817 xxxvi, 764 p:. UG Library
541.3 MAL 00132756 Principles of physical chemistry Mallick ,Abhijit Viva books pvt ltd., 2018 9789387925014 xviii,773p.; UG Library
541.3 MAL 00132757 Principles of physical chemistry Mallick ,Abhijit Viva books pvt ltd., 2018 9789387925014 xviii,773p.; UG Library
541.3 PUR 00090046 Principles of Physical Chemistry Puri, B R Vishal Publications 1980 1026 p. ix, : UG Library
541.3 ADA 00007292 Physical Chemistry Adam, Neilkensington Oxford Charendon Press 1962 658 p.: UG Library
541.3 AL 00129615 Physical Chemistry Al, Hu Ying Et Medtech, 2017 9789385998515 816 p.: UG Library
541.3 ALB 00045853 Physical Chemistry Alberty, Robert A John Wiley & Sons 1995 9971511789 898p UG Library
541.3 ALB 00028875 Physical Chemistry Alberty, Robert A Joh Wiley 1987 924 p UG Library
541.3 ALB 00045727 Physical Chemistry. Alberty, Robert A John Wiley & Sons 1995 9971511789 898p UG Library
541.3 ALI 00131794 The DBS handbook of physical chemstry Alimuddin DBS Imprints, 2018 9789384229153 xxiii,698p.; UG Library
541.3 AMS 00002547 Physical Chemistry for Premedical Students Amsden, John Page Mcgraw-Hill 317p UG Library
541.3 ATH 00084933 Experimental Physical Chemistry Athawale, Vilas D New Age International Publishers 2001 8122413366 303p UG Library
541.3 ATH 00090980 Experimental Physical Chemistry Athawale, Vilas D New Age International Publishers 2001 8122413366 303p UG Library
541.3 ATH 00090981 Experimental Physical Chemistry Athawale, Vilas D New Age International Publishers 2001 8122413366 303p UG Library
541.3 ATK 00045861 Physical Chemistry Atkins, P W Oxford University Press 1998 0190198503 6th 1014 p.: UG Library
541.3 ATK 00026846 Physical Chemistry Atkins., P W E L B S 1985 2nd 1095 p.: UG Library
541.3 ATK 00074230 Students Solutions Manual to Accompany Atkins Physical Chemistry Atkins, P W Oxford University Press 2006 0199288585 | 9780199288588 ix, 547 p. : UG Library
541.3 ATK 00120224 Physical Chemistry : Atkins, Peter Oxford University Press, 2014 1429290196 | 9780198728726 | 9 10th ed. xxv: 1008 p.: UG Library
541.3 ATK 00073708 Atkins' Physical chemistry. Atkins, P. W. Oxford University Press, 2002 0195685229 | 9780195685220 8th ed. / xxx, 1164 p. : UG Library
541.3 ATK 00070720 Elements of Physical Chemistry Atkins, Peter 2001 0198792905 546p UG Library
541.3 ATK 00057905 Physical Chemistry Atkins, Peter Oxford University Press 2002 0199255792 | 9780199255795 7th Ed. 1149 p. UG Library
541.3 ATK 00119167 Physical Chemistry : Atkins, Peter Oxford University Press, 2014 1429290196 | 9780198728726 | 9 10th ed. xxv: 1008 p.: UG Library
541.3 ATK 00095460 Atkins' Physical chemistry. Atkins, P. W. Oxford University Press, 2002 0195685229 | 9780195685220 8th ed. / xxx, 1164 p. : UG Library
541.3 ATK 00095459 Atkins' Physical chemistry. Atkins, P. W. Oxford University Press, 2002 0195685229 | 9780195685220 8th ed. / xxx, 1164 p. : UG Library
541.3 ATK 00055626 Elements of Physical Chemistry Atkins,Peter Oxford Unuversity Press 2001 0198792905 | 9780198792901 3rd Ed. 548 p. UG Library
541.3 ATK 00137113 Physical Chemistry / Atkins,Peter. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198814740 xxiv,858p.; UG Library
541.3 ATK 00137114 Physical Chemistry / Atkins,Peter. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198814740 xxiv,858p.; UG Library
541.3 ATK 00101920 Elements of Physical Chemistry Atkins, Peter 9780198063346 578 p. UG Library
541.3 AVA 00135469 Problems in Physical Chemistry Avasthi, Narendra Shri Balaji Publications 2019 9789384934873 12th ed. 600p. UG Library
541.3 BAH 00141105 Essentials of Physical Chemistry Bahl, Arun S Chand and Company Pvt. Ltd., 2019 9789352836093 28th ed., xviii,1222p.; UG Library
541.3 BAH 00026897 Essentials of Physical Chemistry Bahl, B S S Chand 1984 844 p UG Library
541.3 BAH 00142630 Essentials of Physical Chemistry Bahl, Arun S Chand and Company Pvt. Ltd., 2022 9789355010605 28th ed., xviii,1222p.; UG Library
541.3 BAH 00030634 Physical Chemistry Khosla, B D R.Chand & Co 1989 14th ed 1003 p. : UG Library
541.3 BAH 00122692 Essentials of Physical Chemistry Bahl, Arun S Chand and Company Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9788121929783 xvii, 1262 p:. UG Library
541.3 BAH 00122693 Essentials of Physical Chemistry Bahl, Arun S Chand and Company Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9788121929783 xvii, 1262 p:. UG Library
541.3 BAR 00012922 Physical Chemistry Barrow, M. Gordon Mcgraw 1966 2nd 844 p.: UG Library
541.3 BAR 00117990 Physical Chemistry/ Barrow Gordon M. Tata McGraw Hill education Pvt. Ltd. 2007 9780070647749 5th ed. xvi, 859 p.: UG Library
541.3 BAR 00000608 Physical Chemistry Barrow, Gordon M. McGraw-Hill 1966 2d ed. xiii, 843 p. UG Library
541.3 BAR 00070223 Physical Chemistry [ UGC Minotiry Community ] Barrow, M Gordon 2004 0074620312 853p UG Library
541.3 BAR 00069731 Physical Chemistry Barrow, M Gordon Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing Company Ltd. 2005 0074620312 | 9780074620311 xvi, 859 p. : UG Library
541.3 BAR 00005928 Physical Chemistry Barrow, Gordon M. McGraw-Hill 1966 2d ed. xiii, 843 p. UG Library
541.3 BER 00059453 Physical Chemistry Berry, R Stephen Oxford 1064p UG Library
541.3 BHA 00014667 Clathrate Compounds Bhatnagar, V M S Chand , 1968 244 p.: UG Library
541.3 BRE 00000758 Principle of Physical Chemistry Brey, S.Wallace ACC 1958 444 p.: UG Library
541.3 BRI 05062286 Analytical and Physical Chemistry / Magnum Publishing, 2017 9781682503881 x, 295p.; Knowledge Centre
541.3 CAS 00070485 Physical Chemistry Castellan, Gilbert W Narosa Publishing House 2004 8182015597 3rd ed xxviii, 1020 p. S-2, : UG Library
541.3 CAS 00069658 Physical Chemistry Castellan, Gilbert W Narosa Publishing House 2004 8182015597 3rd ed xxviii, 1020 p. S-2, : UG Library
541.3 CHA 00125244 Physical chemistry / Chang Raymond Viva Books 2016 9789386105554 1018p. UG Library
541.3 CHH 00028884 Advanced Physical Chemistry Chhatwal, Gurdeep R Goel Publishing House 1988 1224 p. : UG Library
541.3 DAN 00002101 Experimental Physical Chemistry Farrington, Daniels International Student Edition Book Company 1956 6th ed, xv, 625 p,: UG Library
541.3 DAN 00003728 Physical Chemistry Daniels, Farrington Asian Publishing House 1955 viii, 671 p. : UG Library
541.3 DAS 00024529 Experimental Physical Chemistry Das, R C T M H 1983 360 p.: UG Library
541.3 DE 00146173 Physical Chemistry: De, Amrita Lal Books and Allied Ltd, 2019 9788193897423 1020 p.; UG Library
541.3 DE 00120152 Physical Chemistry: De, Amrita Lal Books and Allied Ltd, 1960 9789384294595 v,601 P:, UG Library
541.3 DE 00120153 Physical Chemistry: De, Amrita Lal Books and Allied Ltd, 1960 9789384294595 v,601 P:, UG Library
541.3 DE 00134742 Physical Chemistry: De, Amrita Lal Books and Allied Ltd, 2019 9789384294595 | 9788193897430 2nd ed, 759 p.; UG Library
541.3 DE 00134743 Physical Chemistry: De, Amrita Lal Books and Allied Ltd, 2019 9789384294595 | 9788193897430 2nd ed, 759 p.; UG Library
541.3 DE 00134744 Physical Chemistry: De, Amrita Lal Books and Allied Ltd, 2019 9789384294595 | 9788193897430 2nd ed, 759 p.; UG Library
541.3 DE 00134745 Physical Chemistry: De, Amrita Lal Books and Allied Ltd, 2019 9788193897423 1020 p.; UG Library
541.3 DE 00134746 Physical Chemistry: De, Amrita Lal Books and Allied Ltd, 2019 9788193897423 1020 p.; UG Library
541.3 DE 00134747 Physical Chemistry: De, Amrita Lal Books and Allied Ltd, 2019 9788193897423 1020 p.; UG Library
541.3 DOG 00069896 Physical Chemistry Through Problems Dogra, S K New Age International Publishers 2004 0852261721 xv, 674 p. : UG Library
541.3 DOG 00069714 Physical Chemistry Through Problems Dogra, S K New Age International Publishers 2004 0852261721 xv, 674 p. : UG Library
541.3 ENG 00131119 Physical Chemistry Engel Thomas Pearson, 2014 9789332519015 3th ed, i, 1040 p.: UG Library
541.3 ENG 00124305 Physical Chemistry Engel Thomas Pearson, 2014 9789332519015 3th ed, i, 1040 p.: UG Library
541.3 FIN 00002550 Introduction to Physical Chemistry Findlay, Alexander, Longmans, Green, 1953 3d ed. rev. vi, 592 p. UG Library
541.3 FIN 00008003 Findlay's Practical Physical Chemistry Findlay, Alexander, Longmans, Green and Co Ltd 1954 8th ed., xiii, 364 p. UG Library
541.3 FIN 00006209 Practical Physical Chemistry Findlay Alexander Longmans Publications 1967 364 p UG Library
541.3 GDE 00074232 Concepts of Physcial Chemistry Goel, A Discovery Publishing House 2006 8183561497 352 p. : UG Library
541.3 GER 00012616 Physical Chemistry Gerasimov, Y.A. MIR Publishers 1974 606 p. : UG Library
541.3 GER 00012617 Physical Chemistry Gerasimov, Y.A. MIR Publishers 1974 606 p. : UG Library
541.3 GHO 00107221 Numerical Problems on Physical Chemisty Ghoshal,Amalendu. Books and Allied (P) Ltd. 2011 8187134321 393 P. UG Library
541.3 GHO 00120189 Numerical problems & short questions on Physical Chemistry Ghoshal, Amalendu Books and Allied (P)Ltd 2013 9788187134329 128p. UG Library
541.3 GHO 00010705 Modern Physical Chemistry Ghosh, S Central Book Depot 1970 4th ed 496 p. : UG Library
541.3 GLA 00028873 Textbook of Physical Chemistry Samuel Glasstone, Macmillan 1320 p UG Library
541.3 GLA 00015579 Text Book of Physical Chemistry Glass Stone, Samuel Mc Millan 1976 2nd ed, xiii, 1320 p.: UG Library
541.3 GLA 00001147 Elements of Physical Chemistry Glass Stone, Samuel Mc Millan 1968 2nd 758 p.: UG Library
541.3 GUP 00052306 Text Book of Physical Chemistry Gupta, R K Arihant Prakasham 2001 2nd ed 912 p. : UG Library
541.3 HOL 00128117 Principles of physical biochemistry Holde, Kensal E Van 9780132017442 International ed. 710p. UG Library
541.3 IQB 00066768 Physical Chemistry Iqbal, S A Discovery Publishing House 2005 8171419941 358 p. : UG Library
541.3 JAM 00146655 Physical Chemistry/ Jamaluddin, Md Asia Publishers, 2023 9788119391233 xii,312p. ; UG Library
541.3 JOH 00145160 Introduction to Physical Chemistry / John, Mrs Magge Jomon Swastik publicatioons, 2023 9789391382056 vi,198p.; UG Library
541.3 KAL 00118613 Objective physical chemistry Kalidas C New Age Publishers 2013 9788122433692 627p. UG Library
541.3 KAL 00118614 Objective physical chemistry Kalidas C New Age Publishers 2013 9788122433692 627p. UG Library
541.3 KAL 00118615 Objective physical chemistry Kalidas C New Age Publishers 2013 9788122433692 627p. UG Library
541.3 KAL 00118616 Objective physical chemistry Kalidas C New Age Publishers 2013 9788122433692 627p. UG Library
541.3 KAL 00138905 Physical Chemistry : Kalidas,C. Universities Press, 2020 9789389211184 xiv,408p.; UG Library
541.3 KAP 00050466 Physical Chemistry Kapoor, K L Macmillan India Ltd 2001 0333935047 3rd ed xiii, 496 p. : UG Library
541.3 KAP 10000066 A Textbook of Physical Chemistry : Kapoor, K.L. McGraw hill education, 2019 9789353165208 6th rep ed. xvi, 488 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
541.3 KAP 00137356 A textbook of physical chemistry /Vol 6 Kapoor, K.L. McGraw hill education, 2019 9789353165215 4th rep ed. xiii, 395 p. : UG Library
541.3 KAP 00110613 A Textbook of Physical Chemistry Kapoor, K.L. Macmillan Publishers India Ltd 2011 9780230332751 (Vol 1) | 023032 4rd ed p.v. : UG Library
541.3 KAP 00137359 A textbook of physical chemistry /Vol 3 Kapoor, K.L. McGraw hill education, 2019 9789339204273 4th rep ed. xiii, 576 p. : UG Library
541.3 KAP 00110614 A Textbook of Physical Chemistry Kapoor, K.L. Macmillan Publishers India Ltd 2011 9780230332751 (Vol 1) | 023032 4rd ed p.v. : UG Library
541.3 KAP 00110618 A Textbook of Physical Chemistry Kapoor, K.L. Macmillan Publishers India Ltd 2011 9780230332751 (Vol 1) | 023032 4rd ed p.v. : UG Library
541.3 KAP 00074506 Physical Chemistry Kapoor, K L Macmillan India Ltd 2001 0333935047 3rd ed xiii, 496 p. : UG Library
541.3 KAP 00137358 A Textbook of Physical Chemistry : Kapoor, K.L. McGraw hill education, 2019 9789353165208 6th rep ed. xvi, 488 p. : UG Library
541.3 KAP 00137357 A textbook of physical chemistry /Vol 1 Kapoor, K.L. McGraw hill education, 2019 9789353165185 6th rep ed. xvi, 550 p. : UG Library
541.3 KHE 00030638 Physical Chemistry Khetarpal, S C R Chand & Co. 1987 xii, 464 p. : UG Library
541.3 KHO 00012921 Physical Chemistry Khosla, B D R.Chand & Co 1989 14th ed 1003 p. : UG Library
541.3 KHO 00018981 Physical Chemistry Khosla, B D R Chand & Co 1977 958 p.: UG Library
541.3 KHO 00019001 Practical Physical Chemistry Khosla, B D R CHAND 252p UG Library
541.3 KHO 00019069 Physical Chemistry Khosla, B D R Chand 1978 970 p.: UG Library
541.3 KHO 00013705 Physical Chemistry Khosla, B D R.Chand & Co 1989 14th ed 1003 p. : UG Library
541.3 KHO 00004504 Physical Chemistry Khosla, B D R.Chand & Co 1989 14th ed 1003 p. : UG Library
541.3 KHO 00123846 Senior practical Physical Chemistry Khosla B D R Chand & Co 9788180450792 16th ed. 36p. UG Library
541.3 KIS 00110362 Problems In Physical Chemistry Kislaya,Shardendu. Discovery Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2011 9788183568159 1st Ed. 319 p. UG Library
541.3 KUM 00135458 Advanced problems in physical chemistry for competitive examinations Kumar,Neeraj Pearson India Education 2018 9789532543737 14.18p. UG Library
541.3 KUR 00015580 The physical chemistry of inorganic qualitative analysis Kuriacose, J C Tata McGraw-Hill Publishishing 1972 vi, 259 p. : UG Library
541.3 KUR 00013503 The physical chemistry of inorganic qualitative analysis Kuriacose, J C Tata McGraw-Hill Publishishing 1972 vi, 259 p. : UG Library
541.3 LAH 00112945 Concept of Physical Chemistry Lahiri J.M Scientific Internationl Pvt, 2014 9789381714706 x, 230 p.: UG Library
541.3 LAH 00118962 Concept of Physical Chemistry Lahiri J.M Scientific Internationl Pvt, 2014 9789381714706 x, 230 p.: UG Library
541.3 LAI 00022321 Physical Chemistry With Biological Applications Laidler, Keith J Benjamin/Cummings 1980 587 p.: UG Library
541.3 LAU 00146505 Physical Chemistry in a Nutshall: Lauth, Jakob SciFox Springer, 2023 9783662676363 xiii,248p. ; UG Library
541.3 MAD 00049594 Simplified Course in Physical Chemistry for B.Sc & Competitive Exams Madan, R L S Chand & Company 1999 8121918812 | 9788121918817 ix, 566 p.: UG Library
541.3 MAD 00049595 Simplified Course in Physical Chemistry for B.Sc & Competitive Exams Madan, R L S Chand & Company 1999 8121918812 | 9788121918817 ix, 566 p.: UG Library
541.3 MAI 00110016 Physical Chemistry Pratical Maity, Saroj Kumar New Central Book Agency 2012 9788173816987 xiii, 301 p. ; UG Library
541.3 MCQ 00082612 Physical Chemistry a Molecular Aproach [msc-Chemistry Section] Mcquarrie, Donald A Viva Books Private Limited 8176490016 1270p UG Library
541.3 MCQ 00061694 Physical Chemistry McQuarrie, Donald A Viva Books Private Limited 2004 8176490016 | 9788176490016 xxii, 1270 p. : UG Library
541.3 MCQ 00061782 Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach Maquarrie, A Donald Viva Books Private Limited 2004 8176490016 xxi, 1270 p. : UG Library
541.3 MEE 00001124 Physical Chemistry Mee, A J The English Language Book Society | Heinemann Educational Books Ltd 1968 6th ed xix, 719 p. : UG Library
541.3 MEE 00001142 Physical Chemistry Mee, A J The English Language Book Society | Heinemann Educational Books Ltd 1968 6th ed xix, 719 p. : UG Library
541.3 MEE 00014860 Physical Chemistry Mee, A J The English Language Book Society | Heinemann Educational Books Ltd 1968 6th ed xix, 719 p. : UG Library
541.3 MET 00069911 Physical Chemistry Metz, Clyde R 0007058916 499p UG Library
541.3 MET 00069599 Physical Chemistry Metz, Clyde R 0007058916 499p UG Library
541.3 MET 00070514 Physical Chemistry [ Schaum Outline Series] [ UGC Minotiry Community] Metz, R Clyde 0007058916 499p UG Library
541.3 MOO 00017873 Physical Chemistry Moore, J. Walter Olm 1962 4th 845 p.: UG Library
541.3 MOO 00062717 Physical Chemistry Moore, J Walter 2004 0000209018 977p UG Library
541.3 NEG 00135320 A Textbook of Physical Chemistry Negi, A S New Age International Publishers 2017 9788122420050 2nd ed. 986p. UG Library
541.3 NEG 00135321 A Textbook of Physical Chemistry Negi, A S New Age International Publishers 2017 9788122420050 2nd ed. 986p. UG Library
541.3 NEG 00135322 A Textbook of Physical Chemistry Negi, A S New Age International Publishers 2017 9788122420050 2nd ed. 986p. UG Library
541.3 NEG 00067898 Text Book of Physical Chemistry Negi, A.S. New Age International (P) Ltd 2005 0852260202 | 9780852260203 xvi, 961 p. : UG Library
541.3 NEG 00091012 Textbook of Physical Chemistry Negi, A S New Age International Publishers 2009 8122420052 986p UG Library
541.3 NEG 00091013 Textbook of Physical Chemistry Negi, A S New Age International Publishers 2009 8122420052 986p UG Library
541.3 NEG 00033928 Text Book of Physical Chemistry Negi, A.S. New Age International (P) Ltd 2005 0852260202 | 9780852260203 xvi, 961 p. : UG Library
541.3 PAH 00082629 Physical Chemistry. Pahari, S New Central Book Agency Pvt.Ltd 2004 8173814317 707p UG Library
541.3 PAL 00019520 Practical Physical Chemistry Palit, Santi Ranjan Scientific Book Agency 1974 2nd ed. viii, 190 p. : UG Library
541.3 PAL 00014861 Physical Chemistry Palit, Santi Rajan Scientific Book Agency 433p UG Library
541.3 PAN 00130127 Textbook of Physical Chemistry Pandey M,C Rajat Publications, 2017 9788178807331 288 p. : UG Library
541.3 PHA 00013684 Chapters in Physical Chemistry Phadke, B N Ramchandra 755 p UG Library
541.3 PHA 00013685 Chapters in Physical Chemistry Phadke, B N Dastane Ramchandra & Co 1972 8th ed. viii, 755 p. : UG Library
541.3 PHA 00011773 Chapters in Physical Chemistry Phadke, B N Dastane Ramchandra & Co 1972 8th ed. viii, 755 p. : UG Library
541.3 PUR 00124682 Principles of Physical Chemistry/ Puri, B.R. Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9789382956785 47th ed; xii,1366 p. : UG Library
541.3 PUR 00124683 Principles of Physical Chemistry/ Puri, B.R. Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9789382956785 47th ed; xii,1366 p. : UG Library
541.3 PUR 00124684 Principles of Physical Chemistry/ Puri, B.R. Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9789382956785 47th ed; xii,1366 p. : UG Library
541.3 PUR 00128390 Elements of Physical Chemistry Puri Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9788188646890 992 p.; UG Library
541.3 PUR 00124685 Principles of Physical Chemistry/ Puri, B.R. Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9789382956785 47th ed; xii,1366 p. : UG Library
541.3 PUR 00128389 Elements of Physical Chemistry Puri Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9788188646890 992 p.; UG Library
541.3 PUR 00124686 Principles of Physical Chemistry/ Puri, B.R. Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9789382956785 47th ed; xii,1366 p. : UG Library
541.3 PUR 00128388 Principles of Physical Chemistry/ Puri, B.R. Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9789382956785 47th ed; xii,1366 p. : UG Library
541.3 PUR 00128387 Principles of Physical Chemistry/ Puri, B.R. Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9789382956785 47th ed; xii,1366 p. : UG Library
541.3 PUR 00013714 Principles of Physical Chemistry Puri, B.R. S Nagin & Co 1975 952 p. : UG Library
541.3 PUR 00013715 Principles of Physical Chemistry Puri, B.R. S Nagin & Co 1975 952 p. : UG Library
541.3 PUR 00109178 Principles of Physical Chemistry Puri, B R Vishal Publications 2012 9788192143217 45th ed. xi; 1241 p UG Library
541.3 PUR 00109179 Principles of Physical Chemistry Puri, B R Vishal Publications 2012 9788192143217 45th ed. xi; 1241 p UG Library
541.3 PUR 00148364 Principles of Physical Chemistry/ Puri, B.R. Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9789382956785 47th ed; xii,1366 p. : UG Library
541.3 PUR 00119636 Principles of Physical Chemistry Puri, B R Vishal Publications 2014 9789382956013 46th ed. xi; 1366 p. UG Library
541.3 PUR 00119637 Principles of Physical Chemistry Puri, B R Vishal Publications 2014 9789382956013 46th ed. xi; 1366 p. UG Library
541.3 PUR 00119638 Principles of Physical Chemistry Puri, B R Vishal Publications 2014 9789382956013 46th ed. xi; 1366 p. UG Library
541.3 PUR 00119639 Principles of Physical Chemistry Puri, B R Vishal Publications 2014 9789382956013 46th ed. xi; 1366 p. UG Library
541.3 PUR 00020609 Principles of Physical Chemistry Puri, B R Vishal Publications 1980 1026 p. ix, : UG Library
541.3 PUR 00020610 Principles of Physical Chemistry Puri, B R Vishal Publications 1980 1026 p. ix, : UG Library
541.3 PUR 00020611 Principles of Physical Chemistry Puri, B R Vishal Publications 1980 1026 p. ix, : UG Library
541.3 PUR 00016891 Principles of Physical Chemistry Puri, B R Vishal Publications 1980 1026 p. ix, : UG Library
541.3 PUR 00090045 Principles of Physical Chemistry Puri, B R Vishal Publications 1980 1026 p. ix, : UG Library
541.3 PUR 00090047 Principles of Physical Chemistry Puri, B R Vishal Publications 1980 1026 p. ix, : UG Library
541.3 PUR 00016892 Principles of Physical Chemistry Puri, B R Vishal Publications 1980 1026 p. ix, : UG Library
541.3 PUR 00135723 Principles of Physical Chemistry/ Puri, B.R. Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9789382956785 47th ed; xii,1366 p. : UG Library
541.3 PUR 00135724 Principles of Physical Chemistry/ Puri, B.R. Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9789382956785 47th ed; xii,1366 p. : UG Library
541.3 PUR 00030644 Physical Chemistry Puri, B R Nagir 1989 1202 p UG Library
541.3 PUR 00124663 Elements of Physical Chemistry Puri Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9788188646890 992 p.; UG Library
541.3 PUR 00124664 Elements of Physical Chemistry Puri Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9788188646890 992 p.; UG Library
541.3 PUR 00124665 Elements of Physical Chemistry Puri Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9788188646890 992 p.; UG Library
541.3 PUR 00124666 Elements of Physical Chemistry Puri Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9788188646890 992 p.; UG Library
541.3 PUR 00124667 Elements of Physical Chemistry Puri Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9788188646890 992 p.; UG Library
541.3 PUR 00137115 Principles of Physical Chemistry Puri, B.R. Vishal Publishing Co., 2019 9789387015814 48th ed; xii,1393p.; UG Library
541.3 PUR 00137116 Principles of Physical Chemistry Puri, B.R. Vishal Publishing Co., 2019 9789387015814 48th ed; xii,1393p.; UG Library
541.3 RAJ 00120865 Advanced Physical Chemistry Raj, Gurdeep Goel Publishing House, 2015 9788182835597 39th ed, 1474 p. : UG Library
541.3 RAK 00008006 Physical Chemistry Rakshit, P.C. Science Book Agency 1970 763 p. : UG Library
541.3 RAK 00072880 Physical Chemistry Rakshit P C Sarat Book Distributors 2004 8187169079 7th Revised Ed. 850 p. : UG Library
541.3 RAK 00073247 Physical Chemistry Rakshit P C Sarat Book Distributors 2004 8187169079 7th Revised Ed. 850 p. : UG Library
541.3 RAK 00135324 Physical Chemistry Rakshit P C Sarat Book Distributors 2001 9788187169079 7th Revised and enl. Ed. 850 p. UG Library
541.3 RAK 00135325 Physical Chemistry Rakshit P C Sarat Book Distributors 2001 9788187169079 7th Revised and enl. Ed. 850 p. UG Library
541.3 RAK 00135326 Physical Chemistry Rakshit P C Sarat Book Distributors 2001 9788187169079 7th Revised and enl. Ed. 850 p. UG Library
541.3 RAK 00017848 Physical Chemistry Rakshit P C Sarat Book Distributors 2004 8187169079 7th Revised Ed. 850 p. : UG Library
541.3 RAO 00019007 Problems in Physical Chemistry Rao, Navaneeth Macmillan Company of India Ltd 1974 264 p. : UG Library
541.3 RED 00016925 Physical Chemistry Reddy, G.K. Narayana Prasaranga, Bangalore University 1900 200 p. : UG Library
541.3 SAN 00106848 Text Book of Phycal Chemistry Sanganarayana M. V. University PressPrivate Limited 2011 9788173717260 586 P. UG Library
541.3 SHA 00026895 Physical Chemistry sharma`, K K Vikas 1983 639 p UG Library
541.3 SHA 00045596 A Textbook of Physical Chemistry Sharma, K.K New Delhi 2002 0706995716 4th ed xiii, 856 p. : UG Library
541.3 SHA 00069969 A Textbook of Physical Chemistry Sharma, K.K New Delhi 2002 0706995716 4th ed xiii, 856 p. : UG Library
541.3 SHA 00141094 A Textbook of Physical Chemistry Sharma, K.K New Delhi: 2020 9789352590421 6th ed., xvi,863p.; UG Library
541.3 SHA 00020390 Problems in Physical Chemistry Sharma, K K Vikas 1981 271 p.: UG Library
541.3 SHA 00020391 Problems in Physical Chemistry Sharma, K K Vikas 1981 271 p.: UG Library
541.3 SHA 00147327 Physical Chemistry/ Sharma, Mukesh Paradise Publishers, 2023 9789393857187 266p. ; UG Library
541.3 SIL 00120188 Physical Chemistry Silbey, Robert J. Wiley, 2013 0471383112 (cloth : alk. paper 4th ed. vii,944 p. : UG Library
541.3 SIL 00017462 Physical Chemistry Silcocks, C.G The English Language Book Society 1976 0712116451 2nd ed xvii, 316 p. : UG Library
541.3 SIL 00082622 Physical Chemistry [msc-Chemistry Section] Silbey, Robert J Wiley India 8126508779 944p UG Library
541.3 SIL 00055027 Physical Chemistry Silbey, Robert J. Wiley, 2001 0471383112 (cloth : alk. paper 3rd ed. vii, 969 p. : UG Library
541.3 SIL 00055611 Physical Chemistry Silbey, Robert J. Wiley, 2001 0471383112 (cloth : alk. paper 3rd ed. vii, 969 p. : UG Library
541.3 SIL 00017463 Physical Chemistry Silcocks, C.G The English Language Book Society 1976 0712116451 2nd ed xvii, 316 p. : UG Library
541.3 SIL 00015670 Physical Chemistry Silcocks, C.G The English Language Book Society 1976 0712116451 2nd ed xvii, 316 p. : UG Library
541.3 SIL 00017461 Physical Chemistry Silcocks, C.G The English Language Book Society 1976 0712116451 2nd ed xvii, 316 p. : UG Library
541.3 SIN 00122400 Advanced Experimental Physical Chemistry Singh, Ayodhya Campus Books International, 2011 8180300056 541 p:. UG Library
541.3 SIN 00084940 Physical Chemisry. Singh, N B New Age International Publishers 2003 8122420389 591p UG Library
541.3 SIN 00124213 Physical Chemistry/ Sinha Shailendra K Narosa Publishing House Pvt.Ltd 2014 9788184873375 326 pgs,98 figs,109 tbls UG Library
541.3 SIN 00050329 Physical Chemistry Singh, N B Dominant Publishers 2000 8187336781 784p UG Library
541.3 SIN 00074505 Practicals in Physical Chemistry. Sindhu, P S Macmillan 2006 1403929165 xi, 268 p.: UG Library
541.3 SIN 00122395 Problems in Physical Chemistry Singh, Ayodhya Campus Books International, 2012 8180300315 562 p:. UG Library
541.3 SON 00012250 Textbook of Physical Chemistry Soni, P L Sultan Chand & Sons 1973 xvi, 5.128 p, xvii. : UG Library
541.3 SON 00014021 Textbook of Physical Chemistry Soni, P L Sultan Chand & Sons 1973 xvi, 5.128 p, xvii. : UG Library
541.3 SON 00014858 Textbook of Physical Chemistry Soni, P L Sultan Chand & Sons 1973 xvi, 5.128 p, xvii. : UG Library
541.3 SON 00014859 Textbook of Physical Chemistry Soni, P L Sultan Chand & Sons 1973 xvi, 5.128 p, xvii. : UG Library
541.3 SON 00017715 Textbook of Physical Chemistry Soni, P L Sultan Chand & Sons 1973 xvi, 5.128 p, xvii. : UG Library
541.3 SON 00017951 Textbook of Physical Chemistry Soni, P L Sultan Chand & Sons 1973 xvi, 5.128 p, xvii. : UG Library
541.3 SRI 00010239 Introduction to Physical Chemistry Srivastava, S N Shiva lal Agarwala & Company 1971 517 p. : UG Library
541.3 SYL 00047813 Problems in Physical Chemistry Sylvin, Morris Sarupa and Sons 1999 8176250457 287 p. : UG Library
541.3 THO 00125291 Basics of Physical Chemistry Thore, Shivajirao. N Oxford Book Comany, 2017 9789350303023 284 p.: UG Library
541.3 TIN 00082608 Physical Chemistry: Principles and Applications in Biological Sciences. Tinoco, Ignacio DORLING KINDERSLEY 2007 8131709752 764p UG Library
541.3 VAR 00061176 Physical chemistry Varma, R.P Pradeep Publications 1986 952 p UG Library
541.3 VIS 00118139 Textbook Of Physical Chemistry Shukla RJ. Ane Books pvt. Ltd, 2010 9788190832267 xii: 174.00 UG Library
541.3 VIS 00105083 Textbook Of Physical Chemistry Shukla RJ. Ane Books pvt. Ltd, 2010 9788190832267 xii: 174.00 UG Library
541.3 VIS 00105084 Textbook Of Physical Chemistry Shukla RJ. Ane Books pvt. Ltd, 2010 9788190832267 xii: 174.00 UG Library
541.3 VIS 00105085 Textbook Of Physical Chemistry Shukla RJ. Ane Books pvt. Ltd, 2010 9788190832267 xii: 174.00 UG Library
541.3 VIS 00105086 Textbook Of Physical Chemistry Shukla RJ. Ane Books pvt. Ltd, 2010 9788190832267 xii: 174.00 UG Library
541.3 VIS 00118140 Textbook Of Physical Chemistry Shukla RJ. Ane Books pvt. Ltd, 2010 9788190832267 xii: 174.00 UG Library
541.3 VIS 00118141 Textbook Of Physical Chemistry Shukla RJ. Ane Books pvt. Ltd, 2010 9788190832267 xii: 174.00 UG Library
541.3 VIS 00105087 Textbook Of Physical Chemistry Shukla RJ. Ane Books pvt. Ltd, 2010 9788190832267 xii: 174.00 UG Library
541.3 VIS 00105088 Textbook Of Physical Chemistry Shukla RJ. Ane Books pvt. Ltd, 2010 9788190832267 xii: 174.00 UG Library
541.3 VIS 00106936 Practical Physical Chemistry. Viswanathan, B Viva Books 2005 8130900610 359 p. UG Library
541.3 VIS 00121695 Practical Physical Chemistry / Viswanathan, B. Viva Books, 2015 9788130920696 359p. : UG Library
541.3 VIS 00082680 Practical Physical Chemistry. Viswanathan, B Viva Books 2005 8130900610 359 p. UG Library
541.3 WAL 00013434 Introduction to Physical Chemistry Walker, James Mc Millan 1960 440 p.: UG Library
541.3 WHI 00082697 Physical Chemistry. Whittaker, A G 2000 0387916199 286p UG Library
541.3 WOD 00013717 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY , UG Library
541.3 WOO 00017334 Inorganic Chemistry Wood, Cyril Warcup. The English Language Book Society | ButterWorths 1973 0408623020 3d ed. xi, 421 p. UG Library
541.3 WOO 00013716 Inorganic Chemistry Wood, Cyril Warcup. The English Language Book Society | ButterWorths 1973 0408623020 3d ed. xi, 421 p. UG Library
541.3 WOO 00013683 Physical Chemistry Wood, Cyril Warcup. The English Language Book Society | Butter Worths 1973 0408623020 3d ed. xi, 351 p. UG Library
541.3 YAD 00028216 Advanced Practical Physical Chemistry Yadav, J B Goel 434p UG Library
541.3076 DOG 00131120 Physical Chemistry Through Problems / Dogra, S K. New Age International Publishers, 2015 9788122438055 2nd Ed. 987 p. ; UG Library
541.31 PUR 00030646 Physical Chemistry Puri, B R Shoban Lal Nagin Chand & Co 1989 xi, 1022 p. : UG Library
541.33 BAR 00145712 Chemistry of atomic layer deposition / Barry, Seán T., De Gruyter 2022 9783110712513 x, 105 pages ; UG Library
541.33 BIR 00121887 Handbook of surface and colloid chemistry / Birdi K S CRC Press 2016 9781466596672 (hardcover : alk 4th ed. 694p. UG Library
541.33 DES 00147606 Surface Chemistry/ Desai, K. R. Oxford Book Company, 2024 9789355244000 298 p. : UG Library
541.33 GEO 00072886 Surface Chemistry Goel, A Discovery Publishing House 2006 8183563560 307 p. : UG Library
541.33 KON 00126087 Introduction to Applied Colloid and Surface Chemistry / Kontogeorgis, Georgios M., Willey, 2016 9781118881187 xix,367 p.: UG Library
541.33 LAH 00132626 Textbook of Physical Chemistry Lahiri, Jyotirmay Medtech, 2017 9789386479754 xii,227,135 p.: UG Library
541.33 MOU 00112230 Textbook of physical chemistry Moudgile,Harish kumar PHI Learning Pvt ltd., 2010 9788120340886 xxvii,652p.; UG Library
541.33 SRI 00148074 Surface and Interfacial Chemistry/ Srivastava, Sonia Chahar Oxford Book Company, 2024 9789355241184 viii,280p, ; UG Library
541.33 SYL 00067906 Surface Chemistry Sylvin, Morris Sarupa and Sons 2005 8176256013 | 9788176256018 214 p. : UG Library
541.33 VOL 00120295 Liquid interfaces in chemical, biological, and pharmaceutical applications Volkov Alexander G Marcel Dekker, 2001 9780824704575 ( alk. paper ) | 853p. UG Library
541.33 WIS 05042406 Material concepts in surface reactivity and catalysis / Wise, Henry, Dover Publications, 2001 0486419789 (pbk.) xi, 260 p. : Knowledge Centre
541.342 BUT 04007688 Solubility and pH Calculations / Butler, J. N. Addison-Wesley publishing company, Inc., 1964 viii, 104p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.345 DJA 00112529 Physical Gels From Biological and Synthetic Polymers / by, Djabourov, Madeleine, Cambridge University Press, 2013 9780521769648 vii, 356 pages : UG Library
541.345 GOE 00074233 Colloidal Chemistry Goel, A Discovery Publishing House 2006 8183561713 345 p. : UG Library
541.345 PAS 04018127 Applied Colloid and Surface Chemistry / Pashley, Richard M Wiley India, 2004 9788126537594 188p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.345 STR 00001150 Chemical Energy Strong, Laurence E. Reinhold Pub. Corp. 1965 x, 115 p. UG Library
541.345 VOL 00001152 Colloid Chemistry Vold, Marjorie J. Reinhold Pub. Corp. 1964 ix, 118 p. UG Library
541.348 SIS 00001160 Chemistry in Non Aqueous Solvents Sisler, Harry H Chapman Hall Ltd 119p UG Library
541.3482 KAH 05006785 Have Some Sums To Solve : Kahan Steven Universities Press, 1978 9788173711374 114 p. Knowledge Centre
541.34TAP 00082633 Solvent Effects and Chemical Reactivity [msc-Chemistry Section] Tapia, Orlando 1402004176 377p UG Library
541.35 ATK 00143141 Photochemistry and Photophysics Atkinson, Derek States Academic Press, 2022 9781639894123 202p.; UG Library
541.35 GUP 00111472 Photochemistry/ Gupta, Alka L. Pragati Prakashan; 2012 9788350060561 6th Ed. vii: 183p.; UG Library
541.35 KUM 00132573 Handbook of photochemistry Kumar, Uday Agrotech press, 2018 9788193470459 viii,264p.; UG Library
541.35 MIS 00110366 Textbook of Photochemistry Mishra,Shubhrata R. Discovery Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2011 9788183568463 1st Ed. 286 p. UG Library
541.35 MUK 00118593 Fundamentals of Photochemistry Mukherjee,Rohatgi New Age International (p) Limited Publishers 2014 9788122434323 3rd ed. xiv;370 P. UG Library
541.35 MUK 00118594 Fundamentals of Photochemistry Mukherjee,Rohatgi New Age International (p) Limited Publishers 2014 9788122434323 3rd ed. xiv;370 P. UG Library
541.35 MUK 00118595 Fundamentals of Photochemistry Mukherjee,Rohatgi New Age International (p) Limited Publishers 2014 9788122434323 3rd ed. xiv;370 P. UG Library
541.35 MUK 00118596 Fundamentals of Photochemistry Mukherjee,Rohatgi New Age International (p) Limited Publishers 2014 9788122434323 3rd ed. xiv;370 P. UG Library
541.35 MUK 00106927 Fundamentals of Photochemistry Mukherjee,Rohatgi New Age International (p)Limited Publishers 1978 9780852267844 xiv;371 P. UG Library
541.35 POR 05066845 Chemistry in microtime : Porter, George, Imperial College Press ; | Distributed by World Scientific, 1997 1860940153 | 1860940218 (pbk.) xiv, 541 p. : Knowledge Centre
541.35 RAM 00144723 Photochemistry : Ramssey, Carol Willford press, 2023 9781647284305 vii,198p, ; UG Library
541.35 ROH 00084898 Fudamentals of Photochemistry Rohatgi-Mukherjee, K K Wiley Eastern Limited 1992 0852267843 rev ed xiv, 371 p. : UG Library
541.35 ROH 00035460 Fudamentals of Photochemistry Rohatgi-Mukherjee, K K Wiley Eastern Limited 1992 0852267843 rev ed xiv, 371 p. : UG Library
541.35 ROH 00090989 Fudamentals of Photochemistry Rohatgi-Mukherjee, K K Wiley Eastern Limited 1992 0852267843 rev ed xiv, 371 p. : UG Library
541.35 ROH 00090988 Fudamentals of Photochemistry Rohatgi-Mukherjee, K K Wiley Eastern Limited 1992 0852267843 rev ed xiv, 371 p. : UG Library
541.35 TUR 00118777 Principles of Molecular Photochemistry Turro, Nicholas J., Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 2015 0805393536 | 9788130928814 xxi:495p.; UG Library
541.35 TUR 00127016 Principles of Molecular Photochemistry Turro, Nicholas J., Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 2015 0805393536 | 9788130928814 xxi:495p.; UG Library
541.3508 ASH 00107799 Photochemistry and Reaction Kinetics Ashmore P.G Cambridge at The University Press: 1967 9780521147477 xvi. 377 p. UG Library
541.35ARO 00042083 Problems in Kinetics,Photochemistry and Kinetics of Gases. Arora, M G Anmol Publications 211p UG Library
541.35ROH 00045673 Fudamentals of Photochemistry Rohatgi-Mukherjee, K K Wiley Eastern Limited 1992 0852267843 rev ed xiv, 371 p. : UG Library
541.36 RAN 00138864 Chemical Thermodynamics : Rankin,W John. CRC Press, 2020 9780367222475 xxiii,320p.; UG Library
541.36 SIM 04021677 Molecular energetics : Simoes, J. A. Martinho. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195133196 | 0195133196 viii, 296 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.36 WAL 00020392 Chemical Thermodynamics Wall, Frederick T Freeman 1965 2nd 451 p.: UG Library
541.361 DRY 04010313 An introduction to fire dynamics / Drysdale, Dougal. Wiley, 2011 9780470319031 (pbk.) | 0470319 3rd ed. xxii, 551 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.361 GER 00145177 The Physics and Chemistry of Materials Gersten, Joel L. John Wiley, 2014 9788126548101 xxix,826p. ; UG Library
541.361 GER 00145178 The Physics and Chemistry of Materials Gersten, Joel L. John Wiley, 2014 9788126548101 xxix,826p. ; UG Library
541.361 JAI 04010876 Fire safety in buildings Jain V.K. New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers 2010 0941575276 | 0941575411 | 9780 [2nd ed.]. xxi: 629 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.361 JAR 04029575 Combustion Phenomena : CRC Press, 2009 9781138113886 220p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.361 LIB 00120075 Introduction to Physics and Chemistry of Combustion Liberman, M. A. Springer, 2008 9783540787587 (hbk.) | 9788132203599 | 3540787585 (hbk.) 360p. : UG Library
541.361015118 DAT 04013831 Analytic combustion ; Date, Anil D. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107655287 xix , 346 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.369 HAN 04002098 Introduction to Molecular Thermodynamics Hanson, Robert M University Science Books 2008 9781891389498 296 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.369 BOS 00098468 A - Z Thermodynamics Bose G K Centrum Press; 9789380106397 vii; 308 p. UG Library
541.369 CHA 00105999 Chemical thermodynamics : Eu, B. C. World Scientific, 2010 9789814295116 (hbk.) | 9814295 xvi, 450 p. : UG Library
541.369 GRA 00074522 The Bases Of Chemical Thermodynamics Graetzel, Michael Overseas Press (india) Private Limited 2006 8188689386 540 p UG Library
541.369 GRA 04012568 The Bases of Chemical Thermodynamics / Grätzel, Michael. Universal Publishers, 2002 1581127723 (v. 1 : alk. paper) Rev. printing 534 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.369 HIL 00047844 Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics Hill, L Terrell Dover Publication Inc, 1986 0486652424 | 9780486652429 xiv, 510 p,: UG Library
541.369 HOE 00147827 Basic Chemical Concepts and Tables/ Hoenig, Steven L. CRC Press, 2024 9781032491196 2nd ed, xvii,285p. ; UG Library
541.369 INF 04012518 Introductory Thermodynamics / Infelta, Pierre. Overseas Press ; 2006 9788188689378 176 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.369 KAU 00085138 Principles of Thermodyanamics. Kaufman, Myron 2008 0824706927 393p UG Library
541.369 KLO 04020820 Chemical Thermodynamics : Klotz, Irving M. Wiley, 2008 9788126540488 7th ed. 563p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.369 KUM 04021920 An Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics / Kumar, Uday Centrum Press, 2014 9789350843116 296 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.369 MCQ 00106934 Molecular thermodynamics Mcquarrie, Donald A. Viva Books, 2010 9788130915869 xiii, 656p.; UG Library
541.369 MCQ 04007435 Molecular thermodynamics Mcquarrie, Donald A. Viva Books, 2010 9788130915869 xiii, 656p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.369 MET 00082699 Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics/ Metiu, Horia 0815340915 694p UG Library
541.369 MOR 00001164 Principles of Chemical Equlibrium Moriss, Kelso B Chapmanhall Ltd 113p UG Library
541.369 RAS 00141101 An Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics / Rastogi, R. P. Vikas Publishing, 2020 9780706999358 626 p.; UG Library
541.369 RAT 00098026 Basic Concept of Chemical Thermodynamics / Rathi, Manish. Cyber Tech Publications, 9788178847122 296 p. ; UG Library
541.369 SED 00138469 Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics / Seddon, John M. Royal Society of Chemistry, 2001 9780854046324 viii,161p.; UG Library
541.369 SHA 00124731 A Textbook of Chemical Thermodynamics Sharma Dinesh International Scientific Publishing Academy, 2016 9788182930704 227 p.: UG Library
541.369 WAL 00009673 Chemical Thermodynamics Wall, Frederick T. W.H. Freeman 1965 2d ed. viii, 451 p. UG Library
541.37 BAG 04003264 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry Bagotsky, V S Willey Publication 2006 9780471700586 722 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.37 BAR 04002295 Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals and Applications Bard, Allen J John Wiley and Sons 2006 9788126508075 833 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.37 AFT 00105248 Textbook of electrochemistry, Iqbal,Syed,Aftab. Discovery Publishing House Pvt.Ltd. 2011 230 p. UG Library
541.37 BAR 00120073 Electrochemical dictionary / Bard, Alllen .T. Springer, 2008 9783540745976 1st ed. 723 p UG Library
541.37 BAR 00091319 Electrochemical methods : Bard, Allen J. Wiley, 0471043729 (cloth : alk. paper xxi, 833 p. : UG Library
541.37 BAR 00110417 Electrochemical methods : Bard, Allen J. Wiley, 0471043729 (cloth : alk. paper xxi, 833 p. : UG Library
541.37 BAR 00137074 Electrochemical Methods: Bard, Allen J John Wiley and Sons, 2010 9788126508075 2nd ed., xxi,833p.; UG Library
541.37 BAR 00137075 Electrochemical Methods: Bard, Allen J John Wiley and Sons, 2010 9788126508075 2nd ed., xxi,833p.; UG Library
541.37 BOC 00082634 Modern Electrochemisty 2A. Fundamentals of Electrodics Bockris, John O M Springer 2006 8181284739 1534p UG Library
541.37 BOC 00082644 Modern Electrochemistry 2B: Electrodics in Chemistry, Engineering, Biology, and Environmental Science Bockris, John O M Springer 2006 8181284747 2053p UG Library
541.37 BOC 00082646 Modern Electrochemistry 1. Bockris, John O M Springer 2006 8181284755 769p UG Library
541.37 COM 00105984 Understanding voltammetry Compton, R. G. Imperial College Press, 2011 1848165862 | 9781848165861 2nd ed. xiii, 429 p. : UG Library
541.37 GAU 00146651 Cyclic Voltameter and the frontiers of Electrochemistry/ Gautam, Satyendra Kumar Venus Books, 2023 9789395431439 viii,297p. ; UG Library
541.37 GLA 00027966 Introduction to Electrochemistry Samuel Glasstone, EWP 557 p UG Library
541.37 GLA 00033936 Introduction to Electrochemistry. Glasstone, Samuel LITTON EDUCATIONAL 1942 545 P UG Library
541.37 HEN 04014838 Environmental science and engineering / Henry, J. Glynn PHI Learning, 1996 9788120326057 2nd ed. xxii , 778 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.37 IQB 00106847 Text book of Electrochemistry Iqbal,aftab Syed Discovery Publishing House PVT.LTD 2011 9788183568357 230 P. UG Library
541.37 IQB 00105249 Textbook of Green Chemistry Iqbal,Syed,Aftab. Discovery Publishing House Pvt.Ltd. 2011 9788183568401 223 p. UG Library
541.37 KHA 00109428 Solid state electrochemistry Kharton,Vladislav V. Wiley-VCH, 2009 9783527323180 | 352732318X (v. xxi; 506 p. <2> : UG Library
541.37 KHA 00109429 Solid state electrochemistry Kharton,Vladislav V. Wiley-VCH, 2009 9783527323180 | 352732318X (v. xxi; 506 p. <2> : UG Library
541.37 OLD 00109427 Electrochemical science and technology Oldham, Keith B. John Wiley & Sons, 2012 9780470710852 (cloth) | 978047 xii; 405 p. cm. UG Library
541.37 PER 04024984 Electrochemistry and Corrosion Science / Perez, Nestor Springer, 2010 9788184896473 362p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.37 PIR 00093932 Solved Problems in Electrochemistry Piron Dominique L Overseas Press Pvt.Ltd. 9782553011368 350p UG Library
541.37 PIR 04012557 Solved Problems in Electrochemistry Piron Dominique L Overseas Press Pvt.Ltd. 9782553011368 350p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.37 PLI 04018129 Electrochemistry for materials science / Plieth, W. Elsevier, 2008 9780444527929 (hbk.) | 9789382 1st ed. xxi, 410 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.37 SIN 00122492 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry Singh, R K Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9788126161690 304 p:. UG Library
541.37 SUB 00022326 Electro Chemistry Subhash Satish, Jai Prakash Nath 182 p UG Library
541.37 TOM 00125296 Electrochemistry Tomar, Ritu Oxford Book Company, 2017 9789350302965 285 p.: UG Library
541.37 TOM 00148071 Introduction to Electrochemistry/ Tomar, Ritu Oxford Book Company, 2024 9789355241405 viii,288 p. ; UG Library
541.37 TRS 00105986 A serious glance at chemistry : Trsic, Milan. Imperial College Press, 2010 9781848165304 | 1848165307 xii, 192 p. : UG Library
541.37 TYA 00073396 Electrochemistry Tyagi, Praveen Discovery Publishing House 2006 8183561411 320 p. : UG Library
541.37 TYA 00072881 Electrochemistry Tyagi, Praveen Discovery Publishing House 2006 8183561411 320 p. : UG Library
541.37 YAD 00052583 Electrochemistry Yadav, M S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2001 8126109769 2nd rev ed. xi, 273 p. : UG Library
541.37 ZAN 00127013 Inorganic Electrochemistry : Zanello, Piero. Royal Society of Chemistry, 2003 0854046615 | 9780854046614 xiv, 615 p. : UG Library
541.370284 POL 04010541 Power ultrasound in electrochemistry : Wiley, 2012 9780470974247 (cloth) p. cm. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.372 DAY 00067103 A Manual on Tecniques of Electrophoresis Dayananda, K S College Book House 2005 270 p. : UG Library
541.372 DAY 00073732 A Manual on Tecniques of Electrophoresis Dayananda, K S College Book House 2005 270 p. : UG Library
541.3723 MOY 00104077 Ion Exchange and solvent extraction Moyer Bruce A CRC Press 2010 9781420059694 659 p UG Library
541.3723 NUF 00033864 Chemistry (ion Exchange) Fr Isaac, Penguin Books 1970 109 p.: UG Library
541.378 MAT 05037774 Introduction to Magnetochemistry / Mathur, Nishit Random Publications, 2013 278 p. Knowledge Centre
541.38 MAH 04002716 Basics of Nuclear Chemistry Mahaling, Ram Naresh Anmol Publications 2008 9788126137732 295 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.38 ARN 00026896 Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry Hari Jeevan, Arnikar Mohindar 334 p UG Library
541.38 ARN 00045719 Nuclear chemistry through problems. Arnikar, Hari Jeevan New Age International Publishers 1997 8122410367 164 p.: UG Library
541.38 ARO 00059560 Nuclear Chemistry Arora, M G Anmol Publications 0817041993 467p UG Library
541.38 CHA 04014926 Hor metal Production by Smelting Reduction of Iron Oxide / Chatterjee, Amit PHI, 2010 9788120339361 240p . : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.38 DAV 00050751 Nuclear Chemistry Dave, R.K. Campus Books 2000 8187815027 v, 271 p. : UG Library
541.38 DEV 04010955 Elements Of Nuclear Chemistry Devi Nithya M. Anmol Publications 2011 9788126147786 1st Ed. 280 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.38 FRI 04007718 Neuclear and RadioChemistry/ Friedlander, Gerhart, Wiley, 1962 ix,468p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.38 FRI 00121518 Nuclear and radiochemistry Friedlander, Gerhart Wiley India Pvt Ltd 2013 9788126540808 683p. UG Library
541.38 MCP 00142636 Principles of nuclear chemistry / McPherson, Peter A. C., World scientific publishing europe ltd., 2020 9781786340504 (hc : alk. paper) | 9781786340511 (pbk : alk. paper) | 9780000989000 x, 261 pages : UG Library
541.38 MID 00037333 Introduction to Nuclear Chemistry Satake, M Discovery Publishing House 1995 231 p.: UG Library
541.38 NIX 00118771 Nuclear chemistry Nixon, Alfred Apple Academic Press Inc, 2010 9781926686851 304 p. : UG Library
541.38 ROS 05056569 Nuclear- and radiochemistry. R�osch, Frank, 9783110221916 | 9783110221923 1 online resource (484 pages) : Knowledge Centre
541.38 SAT 00005255 Nuclear Chemistry Satish, Subhash Pragati Prakashan 1971 viii, 172 p. : UG Library
541.38 SEA 05066795 Modern alchemy : Seaborg, Glenn Theodore, World Scientific, 1994 9810214405 : xxiii, 696 p. : Knowledge Centre
541.38 SHA 00122495 Nuclear Chemistry Sharma, Jaya RBSA Publishers, 2016 9788176117357 260 p:. UG Library
541.38 SHA 00022325 Nuclear Chemistry Sharma, Brijesh Kishore Goel Publishing House 1980 2nd ed 211 p. : UG Library
541.38 SHA 00131502 Nuclear chemistry Sharon,Maheswar Ane book pvt ltd., 2018 9789386761552 2nd ed., xxi278p.; UG Library
541.38 SHA 00045033 Nuclear & Radiotion Chemistry Sharma, B K Goel Publishing House 1996 6th 340 p.: UG Library
541.38 SHA 00105069 Nuclear Chemistry Sharon.M Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 2009 9788190840668 xiv,230p. UG Library
541.38 SHA 00105070 Nuclear Chemistry Sharon.M Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 2009 9788190840668 xiv,230p. UG Library
541.38 SHE 00112365 Nuclear Chemistry Shekar,C.V Dominant publishers and distributors, 2014 9789382007838 452p.; UG Library
541.38 SHE 00067895 Text Book of Nuclear Chemistry Shekar, Cv Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2005 8178883007 452p UG Library
541.38 SIN 00146514 Nuclear Chemistry/ Sinha, Savita Asia Publishers, 2023 9788119391219 x, 272p. ; UG Library
541.38 YAD 00147610 Encycloprdia of Advanced Nuclear Chemistry / Yadav, Karmvati Oxford Book Company, 2025 9789355243362 viii,2195p. ; UG Library
541.388 ARN 00106926 Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry / Arnikar, H J New Age International Publishers 2015 8122407129 | 9788122432039 4th Revised Edition 428 P. UG Library
541.388 ARN 00127008 Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry / Arnikar, H J New Age International Publishers 2015 8122407129 | 9788122432039 4th Revised Edition 428 P. UG Library
541.388 ARN 00067015 Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry / Arnikar, H J New Age International Publishers 2015 8122407129 | 9788122432039 4th Revised Edition 428 P. UG Library
541.388 ARN 05053280 Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry / Arnikar, H J New Age International Publishers 2015 8122407129 | 9788122432039 4th Revised Edition 428 P. Knowledge Centre
541.388 ARN 00045035 Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry / Arnikar, H J New Age International Publishers 2015 8122407129 | 9788122432039 4th Revised Edition 428 P. UG Library
541.388 ASL 00012851 Technical Fundamentals Asia Publishing House, Asia 1967 in 126 p. UG Library
541.38S HAR 00045034 Nuclear Radiation Chemistry Sharma, B K Krishna Prakashan Media 1996 340 p.: UG Library
541.39 JOR 04002604 Reaction Mechanisms of Inorganic and Organometallic Systems Jordan, Robert B Oxford Universtiy Press 2008 0195696522 520 o Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.39 ADA 00098687 Chemistry in alternative reaction media / Adams, Dave J. J. Wiley, 0471498483 (alk. paper) | 0471 xvi, 251 p. ; UG Library
541.39 AHL 00082611 Organic Reaction Mechanisms. Ahuluwalia, V K Narosa Publishing House 2007 669p UG Library
541.39 AHL 00091465 Organic Reaction Mechanism: Ahluwalia V K Ane Books Pvt ltd 9788180522321 92p UG Library
541.39 AHL 00105057 Organic Reaction Mechanism: Ahluwalia V K Ane Books Pvt ltd 2009 9788180522321 92p UG Library
541.39 ATK 04008626 Reactions : Atkins, P. W. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199695126 | 0199695121 viii, 191 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.39 DAV 05057874 Fundamentals of chemical reaction engineering / Davis, Mark E. Dover Publications, 2012 9780486488554 | 0486488551 Dover ed. xvi, 368 p. : Knowledge Centre
541.39 EYR 00001151 Modern Chemical Kinetics Eyring, Henry, Reinhold Pub. Corp. 1963 114 p. UG Library
541.39 FOR 00033882 Kinetics and Mechanism Arthur Frost, A Wiley 405 p UG Library
541.39 GAW 00110573 Principles of asymmetric synthesis Gawley, Robert E. Elsevier, 2012 9780080448602 (pbk.) | 9780080 2nd ed. xii, 555 p. : UG Library
541.39 JAC 00077743 Name Reactions Li, Jie Jack Springer 2003 8181280229 xviii; 465 p UG Library
541.39 JAI 00026401 Kinetics of Chemical Reactions Jain, S K Vishal 1982 275 p.: UG Library
541.39 JAI 00022394 Kinetics of Chemical Reactions Jain, S K Vishal 1982 275 p.: UG Library
541.39 JOR 00091467 Reaction mechanisms of inorganic and organometallic systems Jordan Robert B Oxford University Press 9780195696523 521p UG Library
541.39 KAL 00072883 Organic Reactions and their Mechanisms. Kalsi P S New Age International Publishers 2005 8122412688 | 978812241268 xv, 650 p. : UG Library
541.39 KAL 00085719 Organic Reactions and their Mechanisms. Kalsi P S New Age International Publishers 2005 8122412688 | 978812241268 xv, 650 p. : UG Library
541.39 KAL 00085718 Organic Reactions and their Mechanisms. Kalsi P S New Age International Publishers 2005 8122412688 | 978812241268 xv, 650 p. : UG Library
541.39 KAL 00132074 Chemical Kinetic Methods: Kalidas C, New Age International Publishers, 2018 9789386286642 xviii338 p.; UG Library
541.39 KEE 00060185 Why Chemical Reactions Happen Keeler, James. Oxford University Press, 2003 0195668812 | 9780195668810 | 0 Indian ed ix, 243 p. : UG Library
541.39 KHA 00121556 Textbook of chemical kinetics Khan S A Sonali Publications 2011 9788184113655 344p. UG Library
541.39 KUM 00119951 Encyclopaedia of Reaction Mechanisms of inorganic and organomettalic systems Kumar, Uday Centrum Press 2014 9789350841808 296p. UG Library
541.39 KUM 00122405 Encyclopaedia of Reaction Mechanisms of inorganic and organomettalic systems Kumar, Uday Centrum Press 2014 9789350841808 296p. UG Library
541.39 LAI 00083552 Chemical Kinetics. Laidler, Keith J DORLING KINDERSLEY 2008 9788131709726 531p UG Library
541.39 LAI 00083553 Chemical Kinetics. Laidler, Keith J DORLING KINDERSLEY 2008 9788131709726 531p UG Library
541.39 LEB 00129604 Chemical kinetics and catalysis Panchenkov, G. M. Mir Publishers, 2018 9789386479068 645 p. : UG Library
541.39 MAR 00139066 High pressure organic synthesis / Margetic, Davor. Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2019 9783110555950 (print) | 9783110556841 (ebk. (pdf)) | 9783110556025 (ebk. (epub)) 1st edition. xv,250p.; UG Library
541.39 POL 00118761 Aqueous Microwave Assisted Chemistry Polshettiwar, Viveki Royal Society of Chemistry, 2010 9781849730389 (hbk.) | 1849730 xiii:28p.; UG Library
541.39 POL 00127003 Aqueous Microwave Assisted Chemistry Polshettiwar, Viveki Royal Society of Chemistry, 2010 9781849730389 (hbk.) | 1849730 xiii:28p.; UG Library
541.39 REB 00146518 Gases Chemical Reaction Rebelo, Asher Venus Books, 2023 9789386559371 296p. ; UG Library
541.39 SIN 00119948 Chemical Kinetics Singh R K Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd 2014 9788126161645 312p. UG Library
541.39 VAT 04025108 Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Dynamics Vatsa, Hirdayesh Kumar Random Publications, 2015 9789351116226 306 p:. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.39 VAT 00122773 Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Dynamics Vatsa, Hirdayesh Kumar Random Publications, 2015 9789351116226 306 p:. UG Library
541.39 WIL 00122305 Essentials of Inorganic Materials Synthesis Rao, C. N. R. Wiley, 2015 9781118832547 | 111883254X (ha x, 209 p:. UG Library
541.39092 PHI 05066810 The life and scientific legacy of George Porter / Imperial College Press, 2006 1860946607 (cased) | 9781860946608 (cased) | 186094695X (pbk.) | 9781860946950 (pbk.) | 9781860946608 xi, 640 p. : Knowledge Centre
541.39092 PHI 05066792 The life and scientific legacy of George Porter / Imperial College Press, 2006 1860946607 (cased) | 9781860946608 (cased) | 186094695X (pbk.) | 9781860946950 (pbk.) | 9781860946608 xi, 640 p. : Knowledge Centre
541.3920285554 PAR 00135701 Chemical Equilibria : Pardue,Harry L. CRC Press, 2019 9781138367227 xi,255p.; UG Library
541.393 TYS 05054362 The Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction / Tyson, John J., Springer-Verlag, 1976 0387077928 ix, 128 p. : Knowledge Centre
541.394 ALE 00148069 Chemical Reaction Dynamics / Alexander, Keven Oxford Book Company, 2024 9789355241160 viii,272p. ; UG Library
541.394 ELB 00142479 Molecular kinetics in condensed phases : Elber, Ron, John wiley & sons, 2020 9781119176770 First edition. xix,261p.; UG Library
541.394 HEN 00131128 Theories of molecular reaction dynamics : Henriksen, Niels Engholm. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199652754 (pbk.) | 0199652 1 v. : UG Library
541.394 HEN 00120071 Theories of molecular reaction dynamics : Henriksen, Niels Engholm. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199652754 (pbk.) | 0199652 1 v. : UG Library
541.394 HOU 04018133 Principles of chemical kinetics / House, J. E. Elsevier/Academic Press, 2007 9780123567871 (hbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed. x, 326 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.394 HOU 00082976 Principles of Chemical Kinetics. House, James E Academic Press 2007 326p UG Library
541.394 HOU 05057813 Chemical kinetics and reaction dynamics / Houston, Paul L. Dover Publications, 2006 0486453340 (pbk.) | 9780486453 xix, 330 p. : Knowledge Centre
541.394 JAD 00132841 Theories of chemical reactions Jadav,Rajendra Authors nation, 2018 9788193426081 224p.; UG Library
541.394 KUM 00136857 Chemical Kinetics / Kumar,Dheeraj. Random Publications, 2019 9789352693115 326 p.; UG Library
541.394 LEV 00124132 Molecular Reaction Dynamics Raphael, D.Levine Cambridge, 2005 9780521140713 xiv, 554p.: UG Library
541.394 SIN 00146513 Chemical Kinetics/ Singh, Anuradha Academic, 2023 9789395546119 298p. ; UG Library
541.394 SMI 04020617 Chemical Engineering Kinetics / Smith, J. M. Tata McGraw Hill, 1981 9789332902633 3rd ed. 676p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.394 YUN 00144643 Calculations in Chemical Kinetics for Undergraduates / Yunana, Eli Usheunepa, CRC press, 2022 9781032228341 | 9781032228204 xiii,77p, ; UG Library
541.394 ZEW 05066664 Femtochemistry : World Scientific, 1994 9810219407 (set : acidfree paper) | 9810217366 (v. 1 : acidfree paper) : | 9810217382 (v. 2 : acidfree paper) : 2 v. (xxix, 915 p.) : Knowledge Centre
541.394 ZEW 05066665 Femtochemistry : World Scientific, 1994 9810219407 (set : acidfree paper) | 9810217366 (v. 1 : acidfree paper) : | 9810217382 (v. 2 : acidfree paper) : 2 v. (xxix, 915 p.) : Knowledge Centre
541.395 ANP 00109916 Environmentally benign photocatalysts Anpo,Masakazu Springer, 2010 9780387484419 (alk. paper) | 9 xi, 757 p. : UG Library
541.395 CHA 00091002 Heterogeneous Catalysis Chakrabarty, D K New Age International Publishers 8122421970 314p UG Library
541.395 CHA 00091003 Heterogeneous Catalysis Chakrabarty, D K New Age International Publishers 8122421970 314p UG Library
541.395 CHA 00127011 Heterogeneous Catalysis Chakrabarty, D K New Age International Publishers 8122421970 314p UG Library
541.395 CHA 00091783 Heterogeneous Catalysis Chakrabarty, D K New Age International Publishers 8122421970 314p UG Library
541.395 CHA 00091784 Heterogeneous Catalysis Chakrabarty, D K New Age International Publishers 8122421970 314p UG Library
541.395 KAM 05056567 Contemporary catalysis : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2017 9781849739900 (hardback) xix, 875 pages : Knowledge Centre
541.395 KRY 00016493 Catalysis By Nonmentals Krylov, V. Oleg Academic 1970 284 p.: UG Library
541.395 LEE 00095572 Homogeneous Catalysis Leeuwen Van Springer Pvt.Ltd. 9788184894486 407p UG Library
541.395 LIN 00016494 Physical and Chemical Aspects of Adsorbents and Catalysts Linsen, B.G Academic Press 1970 650 p.: UG Library
541.395 PRI 00145716 Introduction to heterogeneous catalysis / Prins, Roelof, World Scientific 2022 9781800611504 | 9781800611610 2nd ed. xviii, 392 pages : UG Library
541.395 ROT 00084944 Catalysis: Concepts and Green Applictions. Rothenberg, Gadi Wiley VCH 2008 9783527318247 279p UG Library
541.395 SAN 00145717 Mechanisms in heterogeneous catalysis / Santen, R. A. van 9781800614000 696p. UG Library
541.395 SER 00138097 Nanostructured Carbon Materials for Catalysis / Serp,Philippe. RSC Publishing, 2015 9781849739092 xiv,555p.; UG Library
541.395 SWI 00121889 Mechanical catalysis/ Swiegers, Gerhard F. John Wiley 2015 9788126554188 351p. UG Library
541.395 VAN 00109362 Kinetics of catalytic reactions Vannice, M. Albert. Springer, 2005 0387246495 (hbk.) | 9780387246 xii, 240 p. : UG Library
541.395 VAR 05073748 Emerging nanomaterials for catalysis and sensor application / CRC Press, 2023 9781032111711 x,289p.; Knowledge Centre
541.395 VIS 00108840 Catalysis Viswanathan B. Narosa Publishing House 2002 9788173193750 x; 412 p. UG Library
541.395 VIS 00108856 Catalysis Viswanathan B. Narosa Publishing House 2009 9788173197581 vi; 7.30 p. UG Library
541.395 WAC 04018339 Characterization of Catalytic Materials / Wachs, Israel E. Monentum Press, 2010 9781606501849 202p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
541.395 WMU 00073545 Pearson Custom Publishing Catalyst :Chem 110 Western Michigan Univeresity Pearson Custom Publishing 2005 053630551X | 9780536305510 114 p. : UG Library
541.395 WMU 00073546 Pearson Custom Publishing Catalyst :Chem 110 Western Michigan Univeresity Pearson Custom Publishing 2005 053630551X | 9780536305510 114 p. : UG Library
541.395 WMU 00073547 Pearson Custom Publishing Catalyst :Chem 110 Western Michigan Univeresity Pearson Custom Publishing 2005 053630551X | 9780536305510 114 p. : UG Library
541.395 WUT 05067348 24th International Solvay Conference on Chemistry : World Scientific, 2018 9789813237162 (hardcover : alk. paper) xxii, 392 pages : Knowledge Centre
541.396 SHA 00125875 Chemical Bonding Sharma Jaiprakash Crescent Publishing Corporation, 2017 9788183424004 238 p.: UG Library
541.396 UPA 00125874 Coordination Chemistry Upadhyay Naveen Crescent Publishing Corporation, 2017 9788183424035 247 p.: UG Library
541.39GUR 00022324 Chemical Kinetics Gurtu, J N Pragats 160 p UG Library
541.39JAC 00082705 Mechanisms in Organic Reactions [msc-Chemistry Section] Jackson, Richard A 0854046429 199p UG Library
541.39KAL.1 00084951 Chemical Kinetics Methods: Principles of Fast Reaction Techniques and Applications [MSC.CHEMISTRY SECTION] Kalidas, D New Age International Publishers 8122415679 338p UG Library
541.39MOO 00045864 Reactive Intermediates Moody, Christopher J 0198556721 89p UG Library
541.39YAD 00082638 Textbook of Organic Reaction Mechanism [msc-Chemistry Section] Yadav, M Anmol Publications 8170413974 430p UG Library
541.3BAHTR 00016480 Essentials of Physical Chemistry Bahl, B S S Chand UG Library
541.3BAN 00023003 Physical Chemistry Part II Bangalore University , Bag-Umv UG Library
541.3BAN 00023010 Physical Chemistry Part II Bangalore University , Bag-Umv UG Library
541.3BAN 00023012 Physical Chemistry Part II Bangalore University , Bag-Umv UG Library
541.3BAN 00023011 Physical Chemistry Part II Bangalore University , Bag-Umv UG Library
541.3BAN 00023009 Physical Chemistry Part II Bangalore University , Bag-Umv UG Library
541.3BAN 00023004 Physical Chemistry Part II Bangalore University , Bag-Umv UG Library
541.3BAN 00023006 Physical Chemistry Part II Bangalore University , Bag-Umv UG Library
541.3BAN 00023007 Physical Chemistry Part II Bangalore University , Bag-Umv UG Library
541.3BAN 00023008 Physical Chemistry Part II Bangalore University , Bag-Umv UG Library
541.3BAN 00023005 Physical Chemistry Part II Bangalore University , Bag-Umv UG Library
541.3DAN 00017836 Pysical Chemistry Third Edition Daniels, Farrington Wiley Internatiol 767p UG Library
541.3GLA. 00053278 Textbook of Physical Chemistry Glasstone, Samuel 0333918762 1316p UG Library
541.3MOO 00017963 Physical Chemistry Moore, Walter J 844p UG Library
541.3NAR 00026394 Physical Chemistry Naryana Reddy, Cosip UG Library
541.3NAR 00026398 Physical Chemistry Naryana Reddy, Cosip UG Library
541.3NAR 00026395 Physical Chemistry Naryana Reddy, Cosip UG Library
541.3NAR 00026396 Physical Chemistry Naryana Reddy, Cosip UG Library
541.3NAR 00026397 Physical Chemistry Naryana Reddy, Cosip UG Library
541.3PHA.1 00011774 Chapters in Physical Chemistry Phadke, B N Dastane Ramchandra & Co 1972 8th ed. viii, 755 p. : UG Library
541.3PUR.S4 00016893 Principles of Physical Chemistry Puri, B.r Jain 950 p UG Library
541.3SHA 00022332 Advanced Experimental Physical Chemistry Sharma, R G K NATH 194 p UG Library
541.3SIL2 00082672 Physical Chemistry. Silbey, Robert J Wiley India 2006 8126508779 944p UG Library
541.9 KUL 00008164 Numerical Problems in Physical Chemistry Kulkarni, M G Dastane Ramcvhandra & Co 1969 viii, 138 p. : UG Library
541BAH.T 00033840 Essentials of Physical Chemistry Bahl, B S S Chand 498 p UG Library
541EME 00033680 Modern Aspects of Inorganic Chemistry Emelevs, H J UG Library
541LEV 00082607 Quantum Chemistry [msc.Chemistry Section] Levine, Ira N Pearson Education Inc. 8177585258 739p UG Library
541MCL 00082657 Molecular Physical Chemistry: A Concise Introduction. Maclauchlan, K A 2004 0854046194 125p UG Library
541MEE 00002540 Physical Chemistry Mee, A T Heinaman UG Library
541PAL1 00004508 Elementry Physical Chemistry Palit, S R Joy Prakashan UG Library
541RED 00016926 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Blr University UG Library
541RED 00016930 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Blr University UG Library
541RED 00016947 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Blr University UG Library
541RED 00016946 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Blr University UG Library
541RED 00016945 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Blr University UG Library
541RED 00016944 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Blr University UG Library
541RED 00016943 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Blr University UG Library
541RED 00016942 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Blr University UG Library
541RED 00016941 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Blr University UG Library
541RED 00016940 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Blr University UG Library
541RED 00016939 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Blr University UG Library
541RED 00016938 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Blr University UG Library
541RED 00016937 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Blr University UG Library
541RED 00016936 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Blr University UG Library
541RED 00016935 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Blr University UG Library
541RED 00016934 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Blr University UG Library
541RED 00016933 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Blr University UG Library
541RED 00016932 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Blr University UG Library
541RED 00016931 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Blr University UG Library
541RED 00016950 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Blr University UG Library
541RED 00016949 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Blr University UG Library
541RED 00016948 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Blr University UG Library
541RED 00016929 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Blr University UG Library
541RED 00016927 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Blr University UG Library
541RED 00016928 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Blr University UG Library
541RED1 00018504 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018506 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018507 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018509 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018511 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018513 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018519 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018518 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018517 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018516 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018515 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018514 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018512 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018510 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018508 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018520 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018522 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018521 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018523 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018525 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018527 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018529 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018533 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018532 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018531 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018530 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018528 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018526 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541RED1 00018524 Physical Chemistry Reddy, Prasaranga UG Library
541SHI 00033542 Physical Chemistry II for III Bsc Shivanandaiah, K M Prasaranga UG Library
541SHI 00033543 Physical Chemistry II for III Bsc Shivanandaiah, K M Prasaranga UG Library
541TUL.S 00022329 Language of Chemistry or Chemical Equations Tuli, G.D S Chand & Co 1981 19th ed. vi, 101 p. : UG Library
541WAL 00002546 Introduction to Physical Chemistry Walker, James Macmillan UG Library
542 ARM 00120090 Purification of Laboratory Chemicals Armarego, W. L. F. Elsevir, 2013 9780123821614 | 0123821614 7th ed. xxii, 1002 p ; UG Library
542 BIS 00061712 Standard and Microscale Experiments in General Chemistry Bishop, Carl B. Thomson/Brooks/Cole, 2004 0534424570 | 9780534424572 5th ed. xviii, 556, a-q p. : UG Library
542 KUM 05037217 Biochemical Tests : Anil Kumar Viva Books, 2012 9788130917108 xix,404 p. Knowledge Centre
542 LAD 00124205 Chemical Education Savita, Ladage Narosa Publishing House, 2012 9788184871975 viii, 179 p.: UG Library
542 MAC 00108700 A text book of bio-instrumentation Machve, K. K. Manglam Publishers & Distributors, 2007 1st Ed. x, 262 p. : UG Library
542 MAS 00119955 Practical sonochemistry : Mason, T. J. Horwood, 2002 1898563837 2nd ed. x, 155 : UG Library
542 PIM 00009875 Chemistry Pimentel, George C. W. H. Freeman 1963 xiv, 466 p. UG Library
542 SLO 00097437 Chemical principles in the laboratory / Slowinski, Emil J. Thomson/Wadsworth, 0534424538 x, 374 p. : UG Library
542 STO 05060232 Introduction to chemical principles / Stoker,Stephen.H. Pearson India Education Services Pvt Ltd, 2017 9789386873750 Tenth Edition. xv,776p.; Knowledge Centre
542 WEI 00108601 INtroductions to Chemical Principles Weiner,Susan A. Brooks/Cole,Cengage Learning 2010 9781439046647 7th Ed. 472 p. UG Library
542.0289 HIL 05056568 Laboratory safety for chemistry students / Hill, Robert H., Wiley, 2016 9781119027669 (pbk.) | 1119027 Second edition. xviii, 556 pages : Knowledge Centre
542.1 MUM 00093923 Inorganic Lab Manual Mumtazuddin S Atlantic Publishers & Distributors Pvt.Ltd. 9788126912315 335p UG Library
542.1 MUM 00097255 Inorganic Lab Manual Mumtazuddin S Atlantic Publishers & Distributors Pvt.Ltd. 9788126912315 335p UG Library
542.1 KON 00108938 Quality Assurance and Quality Control in The Analytical Chemical Laboratory : Konieczka, Piotr. CRC Press, 2009 9781420082708 | 9781420082708 xiv, 233 p. : UG Library
542.10289 ELZ 00145710 Chemical Laboratory : Elzagheid, Mohamed, De Gruyter 2022 9783110779110 | 3110779110 xiv, 157 pages : UG Library
542.3 KHO 00024528 Physical Chemistry Khosla, B D R Chand 1983 994 p UG Library
542.7 BIL 04003519 Textbook of Polymer Science / Billmeyer, Fred W John Wiley and Sons, 2007 9788126511105 578 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
542.7 BIL 04003520 Textbook of Polymer Science / Billmeyer, Fred W John Wiley and Sons, 2007 9788126511105 578 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
542.7 BIL 04005875 Textbook of Polymer Science / Billmeyer, Fred W John Wiley and Sons, 2007 9788126511105 578 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
542.7 BIL 04005876 Textbook of Polymer Science / Billmeyer, Fred W John Wiley and Sons, 2007 9788126511105 578 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
542.7 BIL 04000088 Textbook of Polymer Science / Billmeyer, Fred W John Wiley and Sons, 2007 9788126511105 578 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
542.7 GOW 04000716 Polymer Science Gowariker, V R New Aeg International 2008 9780852263075 505 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
542.7 GOW 00138085 Polymer Science Gowariker, V R New Aeg International, 2020 9789387788640 3rd ed., xv,395p.; UG Library
542.85 PUN 00111483 Computers for chemists Pundir,Sudhir,K Pragati,Prakashan, 2005 9789350065082 442p.; UG Library
542.85 PUN 00122843 Computers for Chemist Pundir, Sudhir K Pragati Prakashan, 2016 9789350069851 12th edi. 443 p:. UG Library
542.85 RIY 00118764 Computers In Chemistry Riyazuddin, P I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 2012 9789380578750 x,426 p,, UG Library
542.85 RIY 00117888 Computers In Chemistry Riyazuddin, P I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 2012 9789380578750 x,426 p,, UG Library
542.85421 LIS 04012047 Laboratory and scientific computing : Liscouski, Joseph G., Wiley, 1995 0471594229 (acidfree paper) | x, 212 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
542RAO.A 00026898 Experiments in General Chemistry:A Laboratory in General Chemistry Rao, C N R E W P 294 p UG Library
543 CHR 04001105 Analytical Chemistry Christian, Gary D John Wiley and Sons 2008 8126508337 828p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543 CHR 00120754 Analytical Chemistry. Christian, Gary D Wiley India 2004 8126511133 6th ed xix, 828 p,: UG Library
543 CHR 00120755 Analytical Chemistry. Christian, Gary D Wiley India 2004 8126511133 6th ed xix, 828 p,: UG Library
543 CHR 00120756 Analytical Chemistry. Christian, Gary D Wiley India 2004 8126511133 6th ed xix, 828 p,: UG Library
543 CHR 00120757 Analytical Chemistry. Christian, Gary D Wiley India 2004 8126511133 6th ed xix, 828 p,: UG Library
543 GOR 00069590 Theory And Problems Of Analytical Chemistry Gordus,Adon A. McGraw-Hill Book Co 1987 242 p. UG Library
543 KHO 04001994 Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry Khopar, S M New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122420920 604 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543 SKO 04001645 Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry Skoog, Douglas A Thomson South-Western 2004 9788131500514 1051 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543 THA 04002326 Role of Symmetry, Groups and Matrices in Chemistry Thakur, R S Atlantic 2007 9788126907809 481 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543 VER 04001501 Analytical Chemistry Verma, R M CBS Publishers and Distributors 2008 8123902662 561 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543 VIS 00141100 Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry Vishnoi, N. K Vikas, 2018 9788125931287 3rd ed,3rd rep 536 p.: UG Library
543 ABO 00119956 Quality and reliability in analytical chemistry / Aboul-Enein, Hassan Y. CRC Press, 2001 0849323762 (alk. paper) 104 p. : UG Library
543 AHL 00045613 Comprensive Experimentalc Chemistry Ahluwalia, V K New Age International Publishers 1997 8122410650 358 p.: UG Library
543 ARV 00122408 An Introduction to Analytical Chemistry Arvind, Udai Centrum Press, 2013 9789350843109 296 p:. UG Library
543 BET 04007712 Modern analytical methods, Betteridge, D. The Chemical Society 1972 0851867596 vii, 227 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543 CAM 00140999 Standard methods of chemical analysis: Campbell,Lavernus Arcler press, 2015 9781680943412 276p.; UG Library
543 CHO 00122404 Concepts in Analytical Chemistry Choudhary, Nand Lal Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2013 9788126153404 208 p:. UG Library
543 CHR 00084906 Analytical Chemistry. Christian, Gary D Wiley India 2004 8126511133 6th ed xix, 828 p,: UG Library
543 CHR 00102234 Analytical Chemistry. Christian, Gary D Wiley India 2004 8126511133 6th ed xix, 828 p,: UG Library
543 CHR 04002283 Analytical Chemistry Christian, Gary D John Wiley and Sons 2008 8126508337 828p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543 CHR 00140805 Analytical chemistry. Christian, Gary D., John wiley & son's Inc., 2014 9780470887578 (hardback : acidfree paper) Seventh edition / xxii, 826 pages: UG Library
543 COO 00100460 Classical Methods Cooper, Derek John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517138 xxi, 373 p. UG Library
543 COO 00100461 Classical Methods Cooper, Derek John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517138 xxi, 373 p. UG Library
543 DAS 00120167 Analytical Chemistry Dash, Dhruba Charan PHI learning Pvt Ltd 2011 9788120340770 xviii, 581 p. : UG Library
543 DAS 00110603 Analytical Chemistry Dash, Dhruba Charan PHI learning Pvt Ltd 2011 9788120340770 xviii, 581 p. : UG Library
543 DAV 00050757 Analytical Chemistry Dave, R.K. Campus Books 2000 8187815078 v, 299 p. : UG Library
543 DEE 00146649 Analytical Chemistry/ Deepshikha Academic, 2023 9789395546065 302p. ; UG Library
543 DIL 00027771 Analytical chemistry Dilts, Robert V. Van Nostrand 1974 0442221584 ix, 592 p. UG Library
543 EMS 00094230 Vanity, Vitality, and Virility Emsley John Oxford University Press 9780192806734 259p UG Library
543 EWI 00000798 Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis Ewing, Gallen W M G H 1960 454 p.: UG Library
543 FIF 00062714 Principles and Practice of Analytical Chemistry Fifield, F. W. Blackwell Science, 2000 1405124253 | 9781405124256 | 0 5th ed xiv, 562 p. : UG Library
543 FIF 00079065 Principles and Practice of Analytical Chemistry Fifield, F. W. Blackwell Science, 2000 1405124253 | 9781405124256 | 0 5th ed xiv, 562 p. : UG Library
543 GOP 05065264 Analytical Methods : Gopalan,R. Universities Press, 2018 9789386235572 vii,588p.; Knowledge Centre
543 GOR 00033935 Theory And Problems Of Analytical Chemistry Gordus,Adon A. McGraw-Hill Book Co 1987 242 p. UG Library
543 GRA 00138109 Instrumental analysis / Granger, Robert M., Oxford university press, 2019 9780199942343 xxiv,592p.; UG Library
543 GUP 00119361 Analytical Chemistry/ Gupta, Alka L. Pragati Prakashan, 2006 9789350063293 5th Ed. viii:364p.; UG Library
543 GUP 00122836 Analytical Chemistry/ Gupta, Alka L. Pragati Prakashan, 2015 9789351402183 7th Ed. viii:364p.; UG Library
543 GUP 00111476 Analytical Chemistry/ Gupta, Alka L. Pragati Prakashan, 2006 9789350063293 5th Ed. viii:364p.; UG Library
543 HAR 00135623 Exploring chemical analysis / Harris, Daniel C. W.H. Freeman, 2009 9781429201476 | 1429201479 4th ed. xiii, 624 p. : UG Library
543 IQB 00110363 Textbook Of Analytical Chemistry Iqbal, Syed Aftab. Discovery Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2011 9788183568302 1st Ed. 260 p. UG Library
543 JEF 00045867 Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis Jeffery, G H Addison Wesley Longman Limited 1997 0582251672 5th ed. 877p UG Library
543 KAU 00122837 Analytical Chemistry Kaur, H Pragati Prakashan, 2013 9789350064108 292 p:. UG Library
543 KEA 00058860 Analytical Chemistry: Instant Notes Kealey, D Viva Books Private Limited 8176493325 342p UG Library
543 KEA 00118960 Analytical chemistry / Kealey, David. Garland Science. 2002 9781859961896 x, 342 p. : UG Library
543 KEA 00119944 Analytical chemistry / Kealey, David. Garland Science. 2002 9781859961896 x, 342 p. : UG Library
543 KEA 04024979 Analytical chemistry / Kealey, David. Garland Science. 2002 9781859961896 x, 342 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543 KHO 00106924 Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry Khopkar, S M New Age International Publishers 1998 81224115923 2nd ed xx, 477 p. UG Library
543 KHO 00120168 Analytical Chemistry Khopkar S. M New Age International Publishers, 2013 9788122427462 2nd XIV, 360 p.: UG Library
543 KHO 00045672 Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry Khopkar, S M New Age International Publishers 1998 81224115923 2nd ed xx, 477 p. UG Library
543 KHO 00090940 Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry Khopkar, S M New Age International Publishers 1998 81224115923 2nd ed xx, 477 p. UG Library
543 KHO 00090941 Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry Khopkar, S M New Age International Publishers 1998 81224115923 2nd ed xx, 477 p. UG Library
543 KHO 00126614 Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry Khopar, S M New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122420920 604 p UG Library
543 KRU 00084956 Analytical Chemistry Krupadanam, David G.L. Universities Press 2008 8173713855 | 9788173713859 x, 216 p. : UG Library
543 KRU 00084939 Analytical Chemistry Krupadanam, David G.L. Universities Press 2008 8173713855 | 9788173713859 x, 216 p. : UG Library
543 KRU 00058761 Analytical Chemistry Krupadanam, David G.L. Universities Press 2008 8173713855 | 9788173713859 x, 216 p. : UG Library
543 MAH 00067894 Teaxtbook of Analytical Chemistry Singh, Mahinder Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2005 8178882299 187p UG Library
543 MAH 00133516 Teaxtbook of Analytical Chemistry: Singh, Mahinder Dominant Publishers and Distributors , 2018 8178882299 | 9789384207908 187p.; UG Library
543 MAL 04018130 Experimental inorganic/physical chemistry : Malati, Mounir A. Horwood Pub., 1999 1898563470 | 9781898563471 xxi, 341 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543 MAL 00123519 Analytical Chemistry Malhotra, Priti Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 2015 9789385462948 xiv, 333 p:. UG Library
543 MAL 00110364 Text Book Of Analytical Chemistry Malhotra, Harsh Dr. Sonali Publications 2011 9788184113143 280 p. UG Library
543 MCC 00100487 Measurement, Statistics and Computation McMormick, David John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517152 xx, 760 p. UG Library
543 MIT 00093930 Sample Preparation Techniques in Analytical Chemistry Mitra Somenath Wiley Interscience 9780471328452 437p UG Library
543 MRA 05062285 Illustrated Handbook of Analytical Chemistry / 3G E-Learning, 2018 9781680946505 356p.; Knowledge Centre
543 PRI 00145462 Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry/ Price, Olivia NY Research Press 2022 9781632389039 viii:234p. UG Library
543 RAM 05060132 Essentials of Analytical Chemistry / Ramakrishnan,Shoba. Pearson, 2018 9789332545076 xxvi,374p.; Knowledge Centre
543 ROB 04019390 Undergraduate Instrumental Analysis / Robinson, James W. Marcel Decker, 2005 9780824753597 6th ed. 1079p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543 ROB 00121519 Undergraduate instrumental analysis. Robinson, James W., CRC Press 2014 9781420061352 (hardback) | 142 Seventh edition / xxix, 1231 pages : UG Library
543 ROB 04016408 Undergraduate Instrumental Analysis / Robinson, James W. Marcel Decker, 2005 9780824753597 6th ed. 1079p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543 ROU 00110201 Chemical Analysis Rouessac, Francis. John Wiley, 2007 9780470859032 | 0470859024 (cl 2nd ed. xxiii, 574 p. : UG Library
543 SHA 00110326 Analytical Chemistry Sharma B.K. Krishna Prakashan Media Pvt Ltd 2012 4th Ed. xii; P.V. UG Library
543 SHA 00110327 Analytical Chemistry Sharma B.K. Krishna Prakashan Media Pvt Ltd 2012 4th Ed. xii; P.V. UG Library
543 SHA 00110328 Analytical Chemistry Sharma B.K. Krishna Prakashan Media Pvt Ltd 2012 4th Ed. xii; P.V. UG Library
543 SHA 00110329 Analytical Chemistry Sharma B.K. Krishna Prakashan Media Pvt Ltd 2012 4th Ed. xii; P.V. UG Library
543 SIN 00058867 Analytical Chemistry Singh, Mahinder Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2002 8178880458 | 9788178880457 603 p. : UG Library
543 SIN 00122401 Advanced Experimental Inorganic Chemistry Singh, Ayodhya Campus Books International, 2011 8187815981 492 p:. UG Library
543 SKO 00052105 Fundamentals Of Analytical Chemistry Skoog, Douglas A. Harourt Asia Ltd, 2001 9814066508 7th ed. xviii, 870 p. UG Library
543 SKO 00082617 Fundamentals of analytical chemistry. Skoog, Douglas A. Thomson-Brooks/Cole, 2004 9812435131 | 9789812435132 | 0030355230 | 0534417965 (CDROM) 8th ed. / 1 v. (various pagings) : UG Library
543 SKO 00146594 Fundamentals of analytical chemistry / Skoog, Douglas A. Cengage, 2022 9789355735195 10th ed. / xv,933,I-24p. ; UG Library
543 SKO 05053281 Fundamentals of analytical chemistry / Skoog, Douglas A Cengage Learning, 2004 9788131500514 | 8131500519 8th ed. / 1051+Sectional. Knowledge Centre
543 SKO 00079871 Fundamentals of analytical chemistry. Skoog, Douglas A. Thomson-Brooks/Cole, 2004 9812435131 | 9789812435132 | 0030355230 | 0534417965 (CDROM) 8th ed. / 1 v. (various pagings) : UG Library
543 SKO 00061338 Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry Skoog, A Douglas Thomson Learning 9812435131 1051 UG Library
543 SOF 00145707 Analytical chemistry : Soffiantini, Vic, Walter De Gruyter GmbH, 2022 9783110721195 | 3110721198 xii, 302 p. : UG Library
543 SVE 00137066 Vogel's Qualitative Inorganic Analysis / Svehla, G. Pearosn, 2019 9788131773710 7th rep ed, xii,372p. : UG Library
543 SVE 00137067 Vogel's Qualitative Inorganic Analysis / Svehla, G. Pearosn, 2019 9788131773710 7th rep ed, xii,372p. : UG Library
543 SVE 00121440 Vogel's Qualitative Inorganic Analysis / Svehla, G. Pearosn, 2013 9788131773710 372p. : UG Library
543 SVE 04023509 Vogel's Qualitative Inorganic Analysis / Svehla, G. Pearosn, 2013 9788131773710 372p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543 SVE 04023510 Vogel's Qualitative Inorganic Analysis / Svehla, G. Pearosn, 2013 9788131773710 372p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543 SVE 00141113 Vogel's Qualitative Inorganic Analysis / Svehla, G. Pearosn, 2019 9788131773710 7th rep ed, xii,372p. : UG Library
543 SVE 00140832 Vogel's Qualitative Inorganic Analysis / Svehla, G. Pearosn, 2013 9788131773710 372p. : UG Library
543 TIS 00122272 Basics of analytical chemistry and chemical equilibria Tissue, Brian M., John Will & Sons, 2013 9780470592083 xi, 413 p. : UG Library
543 TIS 00121722 Basics of analytical chemistry and chemical equilibria Tissue, Brian M., John Will & Sons, 2013 9780470592083 xi, 413 p. : UG Library
543 TRI 00118760 Analytical chemistry Trimm,Harold H. Apple Academic Press, 2011 9781926692586 379 p. : UG Library
543 TRI 00108592 Analytical chemistry Trimm,Harold H. Apple Academic Press, 2011 9781926692586 379 p. : UG Library
543 TRI 04020922 Analytical chemistry Trimm,Harold H. Apple Academic Press, 2011 9781926692586 379 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543 VAL 00082648 Principles of Analytical Chemistry: A Text Book. Valcarcel, M Springer 2000 0354064007 371p UG Library
543 VER 00109913 Analytical Chemistry: Theory And Practice Verma R.M. CBS Publishers and Distributors Pvt, 1987 9788123902661 3th ed. xxii, 561 p.: UG Library
543 VER 04019384 Analytical Chemistry: Theory And Practice Verma R.M. CBS Publishers and Distributors Pvt, 1987 9788123902661 3th ed. xxii, 561 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543 VIS 00045866 Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry Vishnoi, N K Vikas 1998 0706999630 2nd 522 p.: UG Library
543 WIL 00026845 Instrumental Methods of Analysis Willard, Hobert H. Affiliated East West Press Pvt Ltd 1974 5th ed xix, 860 p. : UG Library
543 WOO 00144429 Chemical Analysis : Wood, Alana. Willford Press , 2023 9781647285197 vi,239p, ; UG Library
543 WOO 00144480 The Art and Science of Chemical Analysis / Wood, Alana. Ny research press, 2023 9781647254520 241p, ; UG Library
543 WOO 00100485 Samples and Standards Woodget, Brian W John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517374 xv, 300 p. UG Library
543.00285 STE 00100479 Microprocessor Applications Stevenson, Donald John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517404 xvi, 574 p. UG Library
543.00685 WEN 00098178 Quality Assurance In Analytical Chemistry : Wenclawiak,Bernd W. Rajkamal Electric Prees , 2004 9788181281395 xv i, 280. UG Library
543.00685 WEN 00062716 Quality Assurance In Analytical Chemistry : Wenclawiak,Bernd W. Rajkamal Electric Prees , 2004 9788181281395 xv i, 280. UG Library
543.00685 WEN 00082676 Quality Assurance In Analytical Chemistry : Wenclawiak,Bernd W. Rajkamal Electric Prees , 2004 9788181281395 xv i, 280. UG Library
543.0072 MOR 00100473 Chemometrics: Morgan, Ed John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517435 xvii,275 p. UG Library
543.0076 YAR 00081969 Problems and Exercises in Analytical Chemistry Yaroslavtsev A.A Mir Publishers, 1981 251 p. ; UG Library
543.0077 AND 00100466 Sample Pretreatment and Separation Anderson, Richard John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517121 xxxv, 632 p. UG Library
543.0077 JAM 00100463 Using Literature James, Stuart John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517169 xvi, 598 p. UG Library
543.0078 CRO 00100493 Quality in the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory Crosby, Neil T John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517428 xiv, 307 p. UG Library
543.008 BAR 04016401 Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry : Barcelo, D. Elesveier, 2006 9788131220832 Vol-47 864p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543.0284 XUJ 00138094 Mechanochromic Fluorescent Materials : Xu,Jiarui. RSC Publishing, 2014 9781849738217 x,274p.; UG Library
543.07 CAZ 04010031 Ewing's analytical instrumentation handbook. Marcel Dekker, 2005 9780824753481 3rd ed. / xxiv, 1037 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543.07 CHA 00058587 Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis: Analytical Chemistry. Chatwal, R Gurdeep 2000 1542p UG Library
543.07 CUR 00100471 Instrumentation Currell, Graham John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517176 xv, 401 p. UG Library
543.07 KHA 00140819 Handbook of analytical instruments Khandpur,R.S McGraw Hill education india pvt ltd., 2015 9789339221355 3rd ed., xxv,768p.; UG Library
543.07 SHA 00120855 Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis Sharma B.K Krishan Prakashan Media, 2013 9788182830998 xxiv, 337 p.: UG Library
543.07 YAD 00073039 Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis. Yadav, M.S. Campus Books 2006 8187815620 v, 548 p. : UG Library
543.07 YAD 00122391 Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis. Yadav, M.S. Campus Books 2006 8187815620 v, 548 p. : UG Library
543.08 EWI 00052104 Instrumental Methods Of Chemical Analysis Ewing, Galen W McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 1982 0070662770 | 9781259097072 5th Ed. 538 p. ; UG Library
543.08 EWI 00116718 Instrumental Methods Of Chemical Analysis Ewing, Galen W McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 1982 0070662770 | 9781259097072 5th Ed. 538 p. ; UG Library
543.08 GRA 04005623 Instrumental Methods of Analysis Gray, N CBS Publishers and Distributors 2009 9788123917221 584 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543.08 SHA 00139845 Electrophoresis / Sharma,Pooja. Random Publications, 2020 9789352694785 viii,289p.; UG Library
543.08 SKO 04001646 Instrumental Analysis Skoog, Douglas A Thomson South-Western 2007 9788131505427 1102 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543.08 SKO 04003155 Instrumental Analysis Skoog, Douglas A Thomson South-Western 2007 9788131505427 1102 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543.08 AHL 00119953 Instrumental methods of chemical analysis Ahluwalia, V K Ane Books Pvt. Ltd 2015 9789382127710 592p. UG Library
543.08 BRA 04020717 Introdution to Instumental Analysis / Braun, Robert D. PharmaMed Press, 2012 9789381075920 2nd ed. 1096p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543.08 CHA 00035084 Modern Techniques in High Resolution FT-NMR Chandrakumar, Narayan Springer Verlag 1951 388 p.: UG Library
543.08 MEL 00100472 Electrophoresis Melvin, Maureen John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517213 xxi, 127 p. UG Library
543.08 SHA 00022328 Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis Sharma, B K Goel 1982 580 p UG Library
543.08 SKO 00120177 Instrumental Analysis Skoog, Douglas A Thomson South-Western 2007 9788131505427 1102 p UG Library
543.08 WIL 00084932 Instrumental Methods of Analysis Willard, Hobar H Cbs 1986 8123909438 895p UG Library
543.08 WIL 00024845 Instrumental Methods of Analysis Willard, H Hobart Ewp 860 p UG Library
543.08 WIL 00137143 Instrumental Methods of Analysis / Willard, Hobart H. CBS publishers, 1986 9788123909431 7th ed., xxi,895p.; UG Library
543.08 WIL 00137144 Instrumental Methods of Analysis / Willard, Hobart H. CBS publishers, 1986 9788123909431 7th ed., xxi,895p.; UG Library
543.08 WIL 04010026 Instrumental Methods of Analysis / Willard, Hobart H. C B S 2009 9788123909431 xxi,895p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543.08 WIL 00140611 Instrumental Methods of Analysis / Willard, Hobart H. CBS publishers, 1986 9788123909431 7th ed., xxi,895p.; UG Library
543.08 WIL 00140820 Instrumental Methods of Analysis / Willard, Hobart H. CBS publishers, 1986 9788123909431 7th ed., xxi,895p.; UG Library
543.081 DEB 00007929 Semimicro Chemistry DeBruyne, Kate I. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. 1966 vi, 282 p. : UG Library
543.085 CHA 00132815 Atomic absorption spectroscopy Chauhan,Lincoln K. Cyber tech publications, 2018 9789350536490 232p.; UG Library
543.085 KEM 00045852 Organic Spectroscopy Kemp, William pagrave 1991 9781403906847 3rd Edition xxii; 393 p. UG Library
543.085 KEM 00106932 Organic Spectroscopy Kemp, William pagrave 1991 9781403906847 3rd Edition xxii; 393 p. UG Library
543.085 KEM 00137062 Organic Spectroscopy Kemp, William pagrave, 2019 9781403906847 3rd rep Edition xxii; 393 p.; UG Library
543.085 KEM 00137063 Organic Spectroscopy Kemp, William pagrave, 2019 9781403906847 3rd rep Edition xxii; 393 p.; UG Library
543.085 WIL 00027769 Instrumental Methods of Analysis Willard, H Hobert Cbs 1985 1040 p UG Library
543.0858 CHA 00053038 Spectrascopy: Atomic and Molecular Chatwal, Gurdeep HIMALAYA 406p UG Library
543.0858 DAV 00085964 Fourier Transform Spectronmentry. Davis, Sumner P Elsevier 2001 8131201783 262 p UG Library
543.0858 DEA 00100478 Atomic Absorption and Plasma Spectroscopy Dean, John R John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517268 XXI,206 P. UG Library
543.0858 DUT 00049980 Nuclear Magentic Resonance Spectroscopy Dutta, Mala Sarupa and Sons | Ivy Publishing House 2000 8176251739 123 p. : UG Library
543.0858 GRA 04022445 Molecular Spectroscopy Graybeal, Jack D. McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt Ltd, 2014 9789332902978 xix: 732p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543.0858 GRA 00117987 Molecular Spectroscopy Graybeal, Jack D. McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt Ltd, 2014 9789332902978 xix: 732p.; UG Library
543.0858 HAR 05057844 Symmetry and spectroscopy : Harris, Daniel C., Dover Publications, 1978 048666144X : | 9780486661445 xii, 550 p. : Knowledge Centre
543.0858 MAN 00146171 Organic Molecular Spectroscopy/ Manna, Ajay Kumar Books and Allied (P) Ltd. 2020 9788194268871 2nd ed. xii, 509 p.: UG Library
543.0858 MAN 00129732 Organic Molecular Spectroscopy Manna, Ajay Kumar Books and Allied, 2017 9789384294922 xii, 503 p.: UG Library
543.0858 MAN 00129733 Organic Molecular Spectroscopy Manna, Ajay Kumar Books and Allied, 2017 9789384294922 xii, 503 p.: UG Library
543.0858 MAN 00129734 Organic Molecular Spectroscopy Manna, Ajay Kumar Books and Allied, 2017 9789384294922 xii, 503 p.: UG Library
543.0858 OZA 00142365 Molecular spectroscopy: Ozaki,Yukihiro Wiley-VCH verlag and co., 2019 9783527344611 Volumes UG Library
543.0858 OZA 00142366 Molecular spectroscopy: Ozaki,Yukihiro Wiley-VCH verlag and co., 2019 9783527344611 Volumes UG Library
543.0858 RAM 04011756 Calibration Principles Ramasamy Subburaj Vijay Nicole Imprints Pvt Ltd 2009 9788182092235 246 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543.0858 ROB 00140808 Atomic spectroscopy / Robinson, James W., Marcel Dekker, 1996 0824797426 (alk. paper) 2nd ed., rev. and expanded. viii, 391 p. : UG Library
543.0858 SAT 00084910 Electronic Absorption Spectroscopy and Related Techniques Sathyanarayana, D N Universities Press (India) Limited 2001 8173713715 | 9788173713712 xvii, 532 p. : UG Library
543.0858 SAT 00084911 Electronic Absorption Spectroscopy and Related Techniques Sathyanarayana, D N Universities Press (India) Limited 2001 8173713715 | 9788173713712 xvii, 532 p. : UG Library
543.0858 SAT 00056451 Electronic Absorption Spectroscopy and Related Techniques Sathyanarayana, D N Universities Press (India) Limited 2001 8173713715 | 9788173713712 xvii, 532 p. : UG Library
543.0858 SAT 00058689 Electronic Absorption Spectroscopy and Related Techniques Sathyanarayana, D N Universities Press (India) Limited 2001 8173713715 | 9788173713712 xvii, 532 p. : UG Library
543.0858 SAT 00056452 Electronic Absorption Spectroscopy and Related Techniques Sathyanarayana, D N Universities Press (India) Limited 2001 8173713715 | 9788173713712 xvii, 532 p. : UG Library
543.0858 SAT 00051486 Electronic Absorption Spectroscopy and Related Techniques Sathyanarayana, D N Universities Press (India) Limited 2001 8173713715 | 9788173713712 xvii, 532 p. : UG Library
543.0858 SCH 00118772 Optical Spectroscopy in Chemistry and Life Sciences / Schmidt, Werner, Wiley-VCH, 2005 3527299114 (alk. paper) | 9783 xiii, 369 p. : UG Library
543.0858 SIN 00109855 Electron Spectroscopy Singh Rajbir Mittal Publications 2002 8170998255 1st Ed. 256 p. UG Library
543.0858 SIN 00124734 A Textbook of Electron Spectroscopy Singh Rajbir Mittal Publications, 2016 9788183246651 v, 256 p.: UG Library
543.08583 GUP 00122838 Modern Analytical Chemistry Gupta, Alka L 9789351405719 244 p:. UG Library
543.08583 GUP 00111477 Modern Analytical Chemistry/ Gupta, Alka L. Pragati Prakashan, 2011 9789350065211 1st Ed. viii: 244p.; UG Library
543.08583 STU 00100489 Modern Infrared Spectroscopy Stuart, Barbara John Wiley & Sons, 9788126518265 xx, 180 p. UG Library
543.08584 THO 00100475 Ultraviolet and Visible Spectroscopy Thomas, Michael John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517237 xix, 229 p. UG Library
543.08586 WHI 00100465 X - Ray Methods Whiston Clive John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517282 xvii, 426 p. UG Library
543.086 DOD 00100474 Thermal Methods Dodd, James W John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517398 xxi, 337 p. UG Library
543.0871 RIL 00100468 Principles Of Electroanalytical Methods Riley T John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517312 xv, 252 p. UG Library
543.0872 RIL 00100470 Polarograophy and other Voltammetric Methods Riley, Tom John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517336 xv,283 p. UG Library
543.0873 MCL 00110311 Interpretation of Mass Spectra McLafferty, Fred W. University Science Books, 1993 0935702253 4th ed. xviii, 371 p. : UG Library
543.0877 ABR 04023019 Introduction to NMR spectroscopy Abraham, R. J. Wiley, 1988 0471918938 : | 9788126547913 | xiii, 271 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543.0877 HOR 00045860 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Hore, P J Oxford University 1995 0198556829 90 p.: UG Library
543.0877 SAT 00143754 Introduction to Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Sathyanarayana, D.N. I.K.International Pvt.Ltd, 2022 9788194778769 xxi,494p.; UG Library
543.0877 WIL 00100486 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Williams D A R John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517275 xix, 272 p. UG Library
543.087HAR 00044677 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy [ a Physicochemical View ] Harris, Robin 0582446538 260p UG Library
543.088 GEA 00100482 Radiochemical Methods Geary W John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517343 xix, 229 p. UG Library
543.089077 SEW 00100467 Chromatographic Separations Sewell, Peter A John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517183 xx, 333 p. UG Library
543.0894 DEE 00141240 Chromatography Deepshikha Random publications, 2021 9789352697953 viii,277p.; UG Library
543.0894 LIN 00100490 High Performance Liquid Chromatography Lindsay, Sandie John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517206 xxii, 337 p. UG Library
543.08956 HAM 00100464 Thin Layer Chromatography Hamilton, Richard John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517220 xix, 129 p. UG Library
543.08956 SIN 00124732 A Textbook of Chromatography Singh Rajbir Mittal Publications, 2016 9788183246637 v, 197 p.: UG Library
543.0896077 FOW 00100462 Gas Chromatography Fowlis Ian A John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517190 xviii, 258 p. UG Library
543.0896077 SIN 00132393 A Textbook of Gas Chromatography: Singh,Rajbir, Mittal Publications, 2016 9788183246668 vi,253 p.; UG Library
543.098 SAM 00144361 Chromatography the Ultimate Analytical Tool /Swit Samaniddou, Victoria. Mdpi, 2022 9783036540788 ix,188p, ; UG Library
543.1 BHA 00124730 A Textbook of Chemical Analysis Bhagwan Pooja International Scientific Publishing Academy, 9788182930698 304 p.: UG Library
543.1 GRI 00146652 Introduction to Chemical Analysis/ Griffin, Barry Oxford Book, 2024 9789355240675 viii,272p. ; UG Library
543.1 HAR 00110202 Quantitative Chemical Analysis Harris, Daniel C., W.H. Freeman and Co., 2010 1429239891 | 9781429239899 | 9 8th ed. 1 v. (various pagings) : UG Library
543.1 JAL 00084924 Chemical Analysis of Foods and Food Products. Jacobs, Morris B C b S 1973 970p UG Library
543.1 JAL 00121067 Chemical Analysis of Foods and Food Products. Jacobs, Morris B C b S 1973 970p UG Library
543.1 LAI 00109911 Physical Chemistry Laidler,Keith J. CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd 1995 9788123906454 2nd Ed. xvii; 988 p.; UG Library
543.2 MAC 00117975 Analytical Ultracentrifugation of Polymers and Nanoparticles Machtle, Walter Springer 2006 9783540234326 | 3540234322 (Tr xiii:237p.; UG Library
543.22 FEI 00122306 Spot Tests in Organic Analysis Feigl, Fritz Elsevier India Private Limited, 2005 9798181477087 Seventh Edition xxiii, 772 p:. UG Library
543.22 FEI 00122307 Spot Tests in Inorganic Analysis Feigl, Fritz Elsevier, 2005 9798181477094 Sixth Edition xxix, 669 p:. UG Library
543.3 BAI 04029244 Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater : Baird, Rodger B. American Public Health Association, 2017 9780875532875 23rd Ed, xli,10-176 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543.3 BAI 00131683 Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater : Baird, Rodger B. American Public Health Association, 2017 9780875532875 23rd Ed, xli,10-176 p.: UG Library
543.4 BAR 00103634 Electroanalytical chemistry: Bard Allen.J CRC press; 2010 9781420084856 314 p. UG Library
543.4 EVA 00100469 Potentiometry and Ion Selective Electrodes Evans, Alun John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517329 xii, 304 p. UG Library
543.4 SUR 00084917 Polarography and Allied Techniques. Suryanarayana, Rao V Universities Press 2002 8173714029 202p UG Library
543.4 SUR 00084918 Polarography and Allied Techniques. Suryanarayana, Rao V Universities Press 2002 8173714029 202p UG Library
543.5 GUP 05000822 Elements of Spectroscopy Gupta S.L. Pragati Prakashana 1977 2nd ed. 576p Knowledge Centre
543.5 AND 00138462 Organic Spectroscopic Analysis / Anderson,Rosaleen J. The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2004 9780854044764 vi,176p.; UG Library
543.5 BHA 00135305 Ultrafast optics and spectroscopy in physical chemistry / Bhattacharya, Atanu, World scientific publishing, 2018 9789813223677 (hc : alk. paper) | 9789813224186 (pbk : alk. paper) xvi, 274 pages : UG Library
543.5 CAP 00097074 Ultrasound in chemistry : Wiley-VCH, 9783527319343 (hbk.) | 3527319 xiii, 157 p. : UG Library
543.5 ELN 00135300 Spectroscopic identification of organic molecules / Elnagdi, Mohamed Hilmy, World scientific publishing, 2019 9789813271289 (hbk.) | 9813271280 ix, 194 pages : UG Library
543.5 GUP 00035924 Elements of Spectroscopy Gupta S.L. Pragati Prakashana 1977 2nd ed. 576p UG Library
543.5 GUP 00019475 Elements of Spectroscopy Gupta S.L. Pragati Prakashana 1977 2nd ed. 576p UG Library
543.5 GUP 00119354 Elements of Spectroscopy Gupta Pragati Prakashan, 2014 9789350063996 26th ed. xiv, 594 p.: UG Library
543.5 GUP 00037680 Elements of Spectroscopy Gupta S.L. Pragati Prakashana 1977 2nd ed. 576p UG Library
543.5 GUP 00015576 Elements of Spectroscopy Gupta S.L. Pragati Prakashana 1977 2nd ed. 576p UG Library
543.5 KAL 04020094 Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds / Kalsi, P. S. New Age international , 2004 9788122415438 6th ed. 280p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543.5 KAL 00145879 Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds / Kalsi, P. S. New Age international , 2023 9789395161008 9th ed. xviii,642p. : UG Library
543.5 KUM 00133746 Atomic and Laser Spectroscopy: Kumar, Sanjay, Random Publications, 2018 9789386391414 vi,305 p.; UG Library
543.5 NIN 00108600 Interpretation of organic spectra Ning,Yong-Cheng. John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd., 2011 9780470825167 xii, 412 p. : UG Library
543.5 PRA 04021181 Laser Techniques and Applications / Prasad, B. M. K. Ane Books, 2011 9789380156378 424p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543.5 ROD 00142656 Optical spectroscopy : Roduner,Emil. World Scientific, 2020 9780000988928 xiii,252p.; UG Library
543.5 SIL 00140827 Spectrometric identification of organic compounds / Silverstein, Robert M. John wiley & son's inc., 2015 9780470616376 (pbk. : acidfree paper) | 0470616377 (pbk. : acidfree paper) Eighth edition. viii, 455 pages : UG Library
543.5 SIN 04024907 Atomic Spectroscopy / Singh, Uday Veer Ramdon Publications, 2014 9789351112501 293p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543.5 SIN 00131931 Organic spectroscopy Singh,Pradeep Pratap Viva book pvt ltd., 2018 9789387925120 xv,216p.; UG Library
543.5 SOB 00078615 Excitation of Atomic Spectra. Sobelman, Igor I Alpha Science Internatinal Ltd 2006 1842652338 331p UG Library
543.5 WIL 00134638 Spectroscopy : Williams, Roy H. Apple Academic Press, 2011 9781926692821 | 1926692829 341 p. : UG Library
543.54 BAN 00044861 Fundmentals of Molecular Spectroscopy Banwell, Colin N 1997 0074620258 308p UG Library
543.54 BAN 00044863 Fundmentals of Molecular Spectroscopy Banwell, Colin N 1997 0074620258 308p UG Library
543.54 BAN 00033920 Fundmentals of Molecular Spectroscopy Banwell, Colin N 1997 0074620258 308p UG Library
543.54 BHA 00128401 Basic Principles of Spectroscpy Bhattamisra, S. D Vishal Publishing Co., 2015 9789382956037 243 p.: UG Library
543.54 BHA 00128402 Basic Principles of Spectroscpy Bhattamisra, S. D Vishal Publishing Co., 2015 9789382956037 243 p.: UG Library
543.54 BHA 00124657 Basic Principles of Spectroscpy Bhattamisra, S. D Vishal Publishing Co., 2015 9789382956037 243 p.: UG Library
543.54 BHA 00124658 Basic Principles of Spectroscpy Bhattamisra, S. D Vishal Publishing Co., 2015 9789382956037 243 p.: UG Library
543.54 MCH 00088432 Molecular Spectroscopy Mchale, Jeanne L DORLING KINDERSLEY 2008 9788131720592 463p UG Library
543.54 AGA 00119952 Infrared spectroscopy of molecules Agarwala U C Ane Books Pvt. Ltd 2014 9789382127833 288p. UG Library
543.54 ARO 00106542 Surface enhanced vibrational spectroscopy Aroca, Ricardo. Wiley, 2006 9780471607311 (acidfree paper) xxv, 233 p. : UG Library
543.54 BAN 00044862 Fundmentals of Molecular Spectroscopy Banwell, Colin N 1997 0074620258 308p UG Library
543.54 BAN 00044865 Fundmentals of Molecular Spectroscopy Banwell, Colin N 1997 0074620258 308p UG Library
543.54 BAN 00044864 Fundmentals of Molecular Spectroscopy Banwell, Colin N 1997 0074620258 308p UG Library
543.54 BAN 00044866 Fundmentals of Molecular Spectroscopy Banwell, Colin N 1997 0074620258 308p UG Library
543.54 BAN 00141107 Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy / Banwell, Colin N. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd, 2019 9789352601738 4th (8th rep) edition xii,308 p.; UG Library
543.54 BAN 00137076 Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy / Banwell,Colin N. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd, 2018 9789352601738 4th (7th rep) edition xii,308p.; UG Library
543.54 BAN 00137077 Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy / Banwell,Colin N. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd, 2018 9789352601738 4th (7th rep) edition xii,308p.; UG Library
543.54 BAN 00091780 Fundmentals of Molecular Spectroscopy Banwell, Colin N 1997 0074620258 308p UG Library
543.54 BAN 00091781 Fundmentals of Molecular Spectroscopy Banwell, Colin N 1997 0074620258 308p UG Library
543.54 BAN 00091782 Fundmentals of Molecular Spectroscopy Banwell, Colin N 1997 0074620258 308p UG Library
543.54 BAN 00073705 Fundmentals of Molecular Spectroscopy Banwell, Colin N 1997 0074620258 308p UG Library
543.54 BAN 00091779 Fundmentals of Molecular Spectroscopy Banwell, Colin N 1997 0074620258 308p UG Library
543.54 BAN 00035930 Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy Banwell C.N. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1993 3rd Ed. 338 p. UG Library
543.54 BAN 00037681 Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy Banwell C.N. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1993 3rd Ed. 338 p. UG Library
543.54 BAR 00037683 Introduction to Molecular Spectrascopy Barrow, M Gordon MGH 1962 318 p UG Library
543.54 CHA 00042085 Analytical Spectroscopy. Chatwal, G. R Himalaya Pub, 1996 362 p.; UG Library
543.54 DUA 00145939 Molecular Spectroscopy: Quantum to Spectrum/ Dua, Amita Atlantic, 2022 9788126934041 xvi,327p. ; UG Library
543.54 GUP 00122851 Group Theory and Spectroscopy Gupta, Alka L Pragati Prakashan, 2015 9789351404606 2nd Edi. 228 p:. UG Library
543.54 RAM 00075334 Molecular Spectroscopy. Raman, K V Thomson Learning 2004 0981254285 500p.: UG Library
543.54 SAT 00055797 Vibrational Spectroscopy: Theory and Application. Sathyanarayana, D N New Age International Publishers 2004 8122415172 692p UG Library
543.54 SAT 00084953 Vibrational Spectroscopy: Theory and Application. Sathyanarayana, D N New Age International Publishers 2004 8122415172 692p UG Library
543.54 SAT 00067016 Vibrational Spectroscopy: Theory and Application. Sathyanarayana, D N New Age International Publishers 2004 8122415172 692p UG Library
543.54 SAT 00091011 Vibrational Spectroscopy: Theory and Application. Sathyanarayana, D N New Age International Publishers 2004 8122415172 692p UG Library
543.54 SAT 00091010 Vibrational Spectroscopy: Theory and Application. Sathyanarayana, D N New Age International Publishers 2004 8122415172 692p UG Library
543.54 SAT 00088140 Vibrational Spectroscopy: Theory and Application. Sathyanarayana, D N New Age International Publishers 2004 8122415172 692p UG Library
543.54 SAT 00088141 Vibrational Spectroscopy: Theory and Application. Sathyanarayana, D N New Age International Publishers 2004 8122415172 692p UG Library
543.54 SHA 00124741 A Textbook of Spectroscopy Sharma Dinesh International Scientific Publishing Academy, 2016 9788182930766 v, 270 p.: UG Library
543.54 SHA 00027768 Spectroscopy Sharma, B K Goel 1995 596 p UG Library
543.54 SIN 00090956 Elements of Molecular Spectroscopy / Sindhu, P S New Age International Publishers, 2007 9788122421651 217 p . UG Library
543.54 SIN 00090957 Elements of Molecular Spectroscopy / Sindhu, P S New Age International Publishers, 2007 9788122421651 217 p . UG Library
543.54 SIN 00088129 Elements of Molecular Spectroscopy / Sindhu, P S New Age International Publishers, 2007 9788122421651 217 p . UG Library
543.54 SIN 00088128 Elements of Molecular Spectroscopy / Sindhu, P S New Age International Publishers, 2007 9788122421651 217 p . UG Library
543.54 SIN 00106925 Elements of Molecular Spectroscopy / Sindhu, P S New Age International Publishers, 2007 9788122421651 217 p . UG Library
543.54 SIN 00091775 Elements of Molecular Spectroscopy / Sindhu, P S New Age International Publishers, 2007 9788122421651 217 p . UG Library
543.54 SIN 00091776 Elements of Molecular Spectroscopy / Sindhu, P S New Age International Publishers, 2007 9788122421651 217 p . UG Library
543.54 SIN 00091777 Elements of Molecular Spectroscopy / Sindhu, P S New Age International Publishers, 2007 9788122421651 217 p . UG Library
543.54087 01016844 Foreign direct investments in India : Garg, Kamal. Bharath Law House Pvt.Ltd. 2011 9788177337204 2nd ed 590p.; Knowledge Centre
543.56 GEL D 00127705 Handbook of single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy / Gell, Chris, 9780199673841 (pbk.) xvi, 262 p : UG Library
543.57 COM 00145872 Raman Spectroscopy Under Liquid Nitrogen Compton, Robert N. Springer, 2022 9783030993948 xi,115p. ; UG Library
543.57 ZHA 00108589 Raman spectroscopy of nanostructures Zhang,Shu-Lin. Wiley, 2012 9780470686102 485 p. cm. UG Library
543.6 ORA 00129505 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy / Orazem, Mark E. Willy, 2017 9781118527399 (cloth) 2nd edition. xlvii, 712 p. : UG Library
543.62 ZSC 00087912 Handbook of X-Ray Data. Zschornack, G Springer 2007 9783540286189 965p UG Library
543.63 KAH 04010971 Radioanalytical chemistry / Kahn, BErnd Springer, 2007 9780387341224 (acidfree paper) viii, 473 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543.63 KAH 00120078 Radioanalytical chemistry / Kahn, BErnd Springer, 2007 9780387341224 (acidfree paper) viii, 473 p. : UG Library
543.65 LEA 00133931 Mass Spectrometry : Learning -3 G E 3G E Learning, 2018 9781680947977 ix,251 p.; UG Library
543.65 SIN 00124735 A Textbook of Mass Spectrometry Singh, Rajbir Mittal Publications, 2016 9788183246675 235 p.: UG Library
543.65 BAR 00110551 Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry: TOF-MS Within Food And Environmental Analysis Barcelo D. Elsevier 2012 9780444538109 1st Ed. xxii; 428 p. UG Library
543.65 BRI 00132578 Introductory mass spectrometry Bricker,Benedict Oxford book company, 2019 9789350304310 viii,296p.; UG Library
543.65 DOW 00082624 Mass Spectrometry Downard, K. Royal Society of Chemistry, 2004 0854046097 xvi, 210 p. : UG Library
543.65 DOW 00110310 Mass Spectrometry Downard, K. Royal Society of Chemistry, 2004 0854046097 xvi, 210 p. : UG Library
543.65 GRO 00129525 Mass Spectrometry : Gross, jurgen H. Springer, 2017 9783319543970 3rd edition. 968 p. : UG Library
543.65 LEH 00120077 Protein phosphorylation analysis by electrospray mass spectrometry : Lehmann, Wolf D. RSC Pub., 2010 9780854041855 (hbk.) | 0854041 xiv, 379 p. : UG Library
543.65 SHR 00122275 Introductory Mass Spectrometry Shrader, Stephen R., Taylor & Francis, 2014 9781466595842 Second edition. xxi. 167 p:. UG Library
543.66 ABR 00117690 Introduction to NMR spectroscopy Abraham, R. J. Wiley, 1988 0471918938 : | 9788126547913 | xiii, 271 p. : UG Library
543.66 BAK 00121517 NMR spectroscopy in liquids and solids / Bakhmutov, Vladimir I. CRC Press 2015 9781482262704 (alk. paper) xv, 344 pages : UG Library
543.66 DUE 00109361 Introduction to solid-state NMR spectroscopy Duer, Melinda J. Blackwell, 2004 1405109149 (acidfree paper) | xiv, 349 p. : UG Library
543.66 GOL 00126359 Principles of NMR spectroscopy : Goldenberg, David P., University Science, 2016 9781891389887 681 p.: UG Library
543.66 GUN 00120182 NMR Spectroscopy : Gunther, Harald. Wiley India (P) Ltd, 1992 9788126528448 2nd Ed. xx, 581 p. ; UG Library
543.66 GUN 00131114 NMR Spectroscopy : Gunther, Harald. Wiley India (P) Ltd, 1992 9788126528448 2nd Ed. xx, 581 p. ; UG Library
543.66 KEE 04020628 Understanding NMR spectroscopy / Keeler, James. John Wiley and Sons, 2010 9780470746097 (cloth) | 047074 2nd ed. xiii, 511 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
543.66 KEE 00131129 Understanding NMR spectroscopy / Keeler, James. John Wiley and Sons, 2010 9780470746097 (cloth) | 047074 2nd ed. xiii, 511 p. : UG Library
543.66 LAM 00136688 Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy : Lambert, Joseph B., Wiley, 2019 9781119295235 Second edition. 456 p.; UG Library
543.66 MAH 00121342 Basic principles of 1D and 2D H NMR Spectroscopy of organic compounds Mahadevan K M College Book House 2012 9789381979051 178p. UG Library
543.66 SZY 00138053 Classical and Quantum Molecular Dynamics in NMR Spectra / Szymanski,Slawomir. Springer, 2019 9783319907802 xi,402p.; UG Library
543.67 SHU 00143612 ESR Spectroscopy for Life Science Applications : An Introduction / Shukla, Ashutosh Kumar. Springer, 2021 9783030641979 x,72p,; UG Library
543.67 WEL 00126096 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance : Weil, John A. Wiley-Interscience, 2007 9780471754961 2nd ed. / xxiii, 664 p. : UG Library
543.8 INA 00122273 Green Chromatographic Techniques Inamuddin, Ali Mohammad 9789400777347 | 9789400777347 xii, 210 p:. UG Library
543.8 MAP 05062288 Chromatography : Concepts, Methods and Applications / Delve Publishing, 2018 9781680957228 242p.; Knowledge Centre
543.8 SHA 00120857 Chromatography B.K. Sharma Krishna Prakashan Media, 1993 9788182831018 xi. 388 p.: UG Library
543.84 GON 00142476 LC-NMR : Gonnella, Nina C., CRC press, 2020 9781138493407 Second edition. xv, 314 pages : UG Library
543.84 KOW 00080358 Thin Layer Chromatography in Chiral Separations and Analysis [ug.Lib.Chemistry Reference Section] Kowalska, Teresa 0849343690 420p UG Library
543.84 SIN 00048052 Molecular Structure a Spectroscopic Approach Singh, S N Discovery Publishing House 8171410723 354p UG Library
543.89 SAS 00058586 Seperation Methods Sastri, M N Himalayan 2000 262p UG Library
543VAR 00003684 Principles and Methods of Qualitative Analysis Varghese, M V UG Library
544 DUT 04005591 General & Inorganic Chemistry Dutt, P K Sarat Book Distributors 2003 8187169036 621 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
544 VOG 04001490 Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry Vogel, Arthur CBS Publishers and Distributors 1966 8123910789 431 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
544 ALE 00033847 Quantitative Analysis Alexeyev V.N. Mir Publishers 1971 563 p. UG Library
544 GIL 00014269 Qualitative Analysis Gilreath,Esmarch S. Kogakusha Co Ltd 1954 287 p. UG Library
544 HAR 00082606 Quantitative Chemical Analysis. Harris, Daniel C W.H.Freeman and Company 2003 0716744643 | 9780716744641 6th ed. 131p UG Library
544 HAR 00132412 Quantitative Chemical Analysis: Harris, Daniel C W.H.Freeman and Company, 2016 9781319154141 xix,126 ind p.; UG Library
544 JOH 00012850 Chemical Analysis WithOut H2S: Macro And Semi-Micro Johri K.N. Asia Publishing House 1968 2nd Ed. 76 p. UG Library
544 MCA 00007382 Fundamentals of Qualitative Chemical Analysis; McAlpine, Roy K. Van Nostrand 1956 4th ed. 340 p. UG Library
544 MEN 00083561 Vogel`s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Anlaysis. Mendham, J Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177581805 834p UG Library
544 MEN 00083562 Vogel`s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Anlaysis. Mendham, J Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177581805 834p UG Library
544 MEN 00083564 Vogel`s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Anlaysis. Mendham, J Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177581805 834p UG Library
544 MEN 00083563 Vogel`s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Anlaysis. Mendham, J Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177581805 834p UG Library
544 SVE 00053366 Vogel`s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis Svehla, G Pearson Education 0817808256 347p UG Library
544 SWI 00007566 Qualitative Elemental Analysis Swift,Ernest H. D.B. Taraporevala Sons & Co 1957 467 p. UG Library
544 VAR 00003680 Principles Methods of Qualitative Analysis Varghese M.V. M.V. Warunny 1968 6th Ed. 132 p. UG Library
544 VAR 00003679 Principles Methods of Qualitative Analysis Varghese M.V. M.V. Warunny 1968 6th Ed. 132 p. UG Library
544 VOG 00013551 Text Book of Macro and Semimicro Qualitative Inorganic Analysis Vogel, Arthur I Orient Longman 663p UG Library
544 WEL 00010229 Semimicro Qualitative Analysis Welcher,Frank J. Affiliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd 1955 497 p. UG Library
544 WEL 00009867 Semimicro Qualitative Analysis Welcher,Frank J. Affiliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd 1955 497 p. UG Library
544RAS 00019512 Introduction to Chemical Thermodyamics Rastogi, R P UBSPD 390 p UG Library
545 MEN 04000580 Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis / Mendham, J Pearson Education, 2008 9788177581805 834 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
545 AGA 00122839 Advanced Inorganic Analysis/ Agarwal Pragati Prakashan, 1967 9789350063927 11th Ed. viii: 468p.; UG Library
545 AGA 00111479 Advanced Inorganic Analysis/ Agarwal Pragati Prakashan, 1967 9789350063927 11th Ed. viii: 468p.; UG Library
545 ALE 00060590 Quantitative Analysis Alexeyev V. CBS Publishers & Distributors 2002 0812390293x 519 p. UG Library
545 CHR 00117974 Analytical chemistry Christian, Gary D. Wiley, 2004 0471214728 (acidfree paper) | 9788126511136 6th ed. xix, 828 p. : UG Library
545 CHR 00131099 Analytical chemistry Christian, Gary D. Wiley, 2004 0471214728 (acidfree paper) | 9788126511136 6th ed. xix, 828 p. : UG Library
545 CHR 00130503 Analytical chemistry Christian, Gary D. Wiley, 2004 0471214728 (acidfree paper) | 9788126511136 6th ed. xix, 828 p. : UG Library
545 DAY 03012066 Quantitative Analysis / Day, R. A. Pearson , 2015 9789332551879 685 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
545 DAY 00110007 Quantitative Analysis Day, R. A. PHI Learning Private Ltd 1991 0137471556 : 6th ed. xiii, 685 p. : UG Library
545 KHO 00035461 Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry Khopkar, S M Wiley 1993 368 p UG Library
545 LEV 00066769 Principles of Quantitative Chemical Analysis Levie,Robert De. The McGraw-Hill Co Inc 1997 0070071146 | 9780071142885 737 p. UG Library
545 MEN 00141114 Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis / Mendham, J. Dorling Kindersley | Pearson Education, 2020 9788131723258 6th (26th rep) ed. xxix, 790p.; UG Library
545 MEN 00137070 Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis / Mendham,J. Dorling Kindersley | Pearson Education, 2019 9788131723258 6th (20th rep) ed. xxix, 790p.; UG Library
545 MEN 00137071 Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis / Mendham,J. Dorling Kindersley | Pearson Education, 2019 9788131723258 6th (20th rep) ed. xxix, 790p.; UG Library
545 SNE 00013509 Commercial Methods of Analysis. Snell, Foster Dee, Chemical Pub. Co., | D.B. Taraporevala Sons & Co. Pvt Ltd 1964 Rev. ed. 753 p. UG Library
545 SVE 00083445 Vogel`s Qualitative Inorganic Anlaysis. Svehla, G Pearson Education Inc. 2006 8177582321 359p UG Library
545 VOG 00120197 Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis Vogel, Arthur Israel Dorling Kindersley | Pearson Education 2009 9788131723258 6th ed. xxiv, 790 p. : UG Library
545 VOG 00083556 Vogel`s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis. Vogel Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177582321 359p UG Library
545 VOG 00083557 Vogel`s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis. Vogel Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177582321 359p UG Library
545 VOG 00083558 Vogel`s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis. Vogel Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177582321 359p UG Library
545 VOG 00083559 Vogel`s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis. Vogel Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177582321 359p UG Library
545 VOG 00117992 Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis Vogel, Arthur Israel Dorling Kindersley | Pearson Education 2009 9788131723258 6th ed. xxiv, 790 p. : UG Library
545 VOG 00004505 A Text Book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis Vogel,Arthur I. The English Language Book Society 1969 3rd Ed. 1216 p. UG Library
545 VOG 04016830 Vogel`s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis. Vogel Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177582321 359p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
545 VOG 04016831 Vogel`s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis. Vogel Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177582321 359p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
545 VOG 04027748 Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis Vogel, Arthur Israel Dorling Kindersley | Pearson Education 2009 9788131723258 6th ed. xxiv, 790 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
545 VOG 00110006 Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis Vogel, Arthur Israel Dorling Kindersley | Pearson Education 2009 9788131723258 6th ed. xxiv, 790 p. : UG Library
545 VOG 00140833 Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis Vogel, Arthur Israel Dorling Kindersley | Pearson Education 2009 9788131723258 6th ed. xxiv, 790 p. : UG Library
545 WIL 00008050 A Short Course in Quantitative Analysis Willard,Hobart H. Affiliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd 1968 2nd Ed. 243 p. UG Library
545.07 CHA 00058831 Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis Chatwal, R Gurdeep HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 8178665271 2179p UG Library
545.812 REN 00100476 Fluorescence and Phosphorescence Rendell, David John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517244 xix, 419 p. UG Library
546 AGA 00022331 Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry Agarwal O.P. Goel Publishing House 1986 7th Ed. 379 p. UG Library
546 BAH 00123898 Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry Bahl B.S. Ram Chand & Co 1971 4th Ed. 836 p. UG Library
546 BAR 00007564 Theoretical Basis of Inorganic Chemistry Barnard A.K. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 1965 371 p. UG Library
546 BRO 04002607 Chemical Bond in Inorganic Chemistry: The Bond Valence Model Brown, David I Oxford Universtiy Press 2008 0195694163 278 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
546 CHA 04001919 Atomic Structure and the Chemical Bond Chanda, Manas Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070402256 506 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
546 COT 00137133 Basic Inorganic Chemistry Cotton,Albert F. Wiley India 2018 8126511141 | 9788126511143 3rd Ed. 838 p.; UG Library
546 COT 00137134 Basic Inorganic Chemistry Cotton,Albert F. Wiley India 2018 8126511141 | 9788126511143 3rd Ed. 838 p.; UG Library
546 COT 00106541 Basic Inorganic Chemistry Cotton,Albert F. Wiley India 2003 8126511141 | 9788126511143 3rd Ed. 838 p. UG Library
546 COT 04002284 Basic Inorganic Chemistry Cotton, Albert F John Wiley and Sons 2007 8126511141 838 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
546 DAS 04001509 Fundemental Concepts of Inorganic Chemistry Das, Asim K CBS Publishers and Distributors 2008 8123906986 846 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
546 DOU 00127006 Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry Douglas,Bodie E. Wiley India 2013 8126509112 | 9788126509119 3rd Ed. 928 p.: UG Library
546 GUR 00120861 Advanced Practical Inorganic Chemistry Raj, Gurdeep Gowl, 2014 9788185842837 25th ed. 600 p:. UG Library
546 HUH 00147770 Inorganic Chemistry : Huheey, James E. Pearson, 2024 9789356064485 5th ed, xxiv,944p. : UG Library
546 HUH 04000217 Inorganic Chemistry: Huheey, James E Pearson Education, 2006 9788177581300 868 p . : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
546 HUH 05074318 Inorganic Chemistry : Huheey, James E. Pearson, 2023 9789356064485 5th ed, xxiv, 944p.: Knowledge Centre
546 HUH 00127726 Inorganic Chemistry Huheey James.E Pearson, 2006 9788177581300 4th ed, 808 p.: UG Library
546 ISH 04002707 Advance Inorganic Chemistry Vol I Ishita, K IVY Publishing House 2008 9788178901664 206 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
546 LEE 04001297 Concise Inorganic Chemistry Lee, J D John Wiley and Sons 2007 9788126515547 1023 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
546 MIE 04001672 Inorganic Chemistry Miessler, Gary L Pearson Education 2008 8129708000 740p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
546 POR 04001378 Inorganic Chemistry: A Unified Approach Porterfield, William Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 1993 8181477340 921 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
546 PRA 00141098 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Vol II Prakash, Satya S.Chand, 2014 9788121917872 656 p.; UG Library
546 PRA 00111321 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Prakash,Satya. Shyam Lal Charitable Trust 1969 13th Ed. 864 p. UG Library
546 PRA 00111322 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Prakash,Satya. Shyam Lal Charitable Trust 1969 13th Ed. 864 p. UG Library
546 PRA 00000628 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Prakash,Satya. Shyam Lal Charitable Trust 1969 13th Ed. 864 p. UG Library
546 RAJ 00120859 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry -1 Raj,Gurdeep. Goel Publishing House, 2015 9788182836679 35th Ed. 1458 p:. UG Library
546 RAJ 00120860 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry -II Raj, Gurdeep. Goel Publishing House, 2015 in Ed. 1458 p:. UG Library
546 RAM 00133710 Advanced inorganic chemistry and reaction mechanism Ram.TIlak Book enclave, 2017 9788181524119 vi,289p.; UG Library
546 SOD 00118781 Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry Sodhi G.S. Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2011 9788130915777 | 9788130903989 650p.; UG Library
546 SOD 00127020 Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry Sodhi G.S. Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2011 9788130915777 | 9788130903989 650p.; UG Library
546 SON 00026986 Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry Soni P.L. S. Chand & Sons 1975 15th Ed. P.V. UG Library
546 AGA 00120196 Advance Inorganic Chemistry/ Agarwal, S.K Pragati Prakashan, 2013 9789350062999 12th Ed. 408p.; UG Library
546 AGA 00028880 Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry Agarwal O.P. Goel Publishing House 1986 7th Ed. 379 p. UG Library
546 AGA 00120863 Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry Agarwal O.P Krishan Prakashan Media, 2014 9788182835054 x, 377 p.: UG Library
546 AGA 00015582 Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry Agarwal, O P K. Nath & Co. 1975 2nd ed xii, 748 p. : UG Library
546 AGA 00122830 Advanced in inorganic chemistry Agarwal,S K Pragati Prakashan 2015 9789351404842 15th ed. 444p. UG Library
546 AGA 00111465 Advance Inorganic Chemistry/ Agarwal, S.K Pragati Prakashan, 2013 9789350062999 12th Ed. 408p.; UG Library
546 AGG 00010240 Modern Inorganic Chemistry Aggarwal, R C Kitab Mahal 1972 1 UG Library
546 AGG 00019004 Modern Inorganic Chemistry Aggarwal R.C. Kitab Mahal 1975 5th Ed. 962 p. UG Library
546 AGG 00019005 Modern Inorganic Chemistry Aggarwal R.C. Kitab Mahal 1975 5th Ed. 962 p. UG Library
546 AGG 00019006 Modern Inorganic Chemistry Aggarwal R.C. Kitab Mahal 1975 5th Ed. 962 p. UG Library
546 AGG 00018063 Modern Inorganic Chemistry Aggarwal R.C. Kitab Mahal 1970 2nd Ed. 666 p. UG Library
546 AGG 00015578 Modern Inorganic Chemistry Aggarwal R.C. Kitab Mahal 1975 5th Ed. 962 p. UG Library
546 AGR 00027067 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Agrawal O.P. Dhanpat Rai & Sons 1975 1st Ed. 334 p.: UG Library
546 AKH 00027065 Problems and Laboratory Experiments in Inorganic Chemistry Akhmetov N. Mir Publishers 1982 256 p. UG Library
546 ATK 00120193 Shriver& Atkins Inorganic Chemistry Atkins, Peter Oxford University Press, 1990 9780199599608 5th ed XXIV,824 p.: UG Library
546 ATK 00074229 Shriver & Atkins Inorganic Chemistry. Atkins, Peter Oxford University press 2006 0195685237 4th ed. 822p UG Library
546 ATK 04018966 Shriver and Atkins' Inorganic Chemistry / Atkins, Peter OUP, 1999 9780199599608 5th ed. 824p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
546 BAH 00012262 Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry Bahl B.S. Ram Chand & Co 1971 4th Ed. 836 p. UG Library
546 BAH 00011657 Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry Bahl B.S. Ram Chand & Co 1971 4th Ed. 836 p. UG Library
546 BAH 00003656 Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry Bahl B.S. Ram Chand & Co 1971 4th Ed. 836 p. UG Library
546 BAH 00017714 Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry Bahl B.S. Ram Chand & Co 1971 4th Ed. 836 p. UG Library
546 BAH 00014742 Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry Bahl B.S. Ram Chand & Co 1971 4th Ed. 836 p. UG Library
546 BAH 00012264 Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry Bahl B.S. Ram Chand & Co 1971 4th Ed. 836 p. UG Library
546 BAH 00011655 Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry Bahl, B S Ramchand & Co 836p UG Library
546 BAH 00012263 Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry Bahl B.S. Ram Chand & Co 1971 4th Ed. 836 p. UG Library
546 BAH 00011656 Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry Bahl B.S. Ram Chand & Co 1971 4th Ed. 836 p. UG Library
546 BAH 00014834 Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry Bahl B.S. Ram Chand & Co 1971 4th Ed. 836 p. UG Library
546 BAH 05012263 Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry Bahl B.S. Ram Chand & Co 1971 4th Ed. 836 p. Knowledge Centre
546 BAN 00146161 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry/ Banerjee S.P. Books & Allied Ltd, 2022 9789384294342 | 9789384294717 | 9789394107694 Vol.1-801p. | Vol.2-465p. | Vol.3-752p. UG Library
546 BAN 00146162 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry/ Banerjee S.P. Books & Allied Ltd, 2022 9789384294342 | 9789384294717 | 9789394107694 Vol.1-801p. | Vol.2-465p. | Vol.3-752p. UG Library
546 BAN 00122937 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Banerjee S.P. Books & Allied Ltd, 2013 9789384294717 666 p.: UG Library
546 BAN 00122938 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Banerjee S.P. Books & Allied Ltd, 2013 9789384294717 666 p.: UG Library
546 BAN 00122939 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Banerjee S.P. Books & Allied Ltd, 2013 9789384294717 666 p.: UG Library
546 BAN 00122940 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Banerjee S.P. Books & Allied Ltd, 2013 9789384294717 666 p.: UG Library
546 BAN 00112926 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Banerjee S.P. Books & Allied Ltd, 2013 9789384294717 666 p.: UG Library
546 BAN 00112927 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Banerjee S.P. Books & Allied Ltd, 2013 9789384294717 666 p.: UG Library
546 BAN 00146160 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry/ Banerjee S.P. Books & Allied Ltd, 2022 9789384294342 | 9789384294717 | 9789394107694 Vol.1-801p. | Vol.2-465p. | Vol.3-752p. UG Library
546 BAR 00005254 Theoretical Basis of Inorganic Chemistry Barnard A.K. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 1965 371 p. UG Library
546 BAR 00082665 Inorganic Chemistry in Aqueous Solution. Barrett, Jack 2003 0085404471 184p UG Library
546 BAR 00007950 Inorganic Chemistry Barnett, Barry De E. The English Language Book Society 1957 2nd Ed. 599 p. UG Library
546 BAR 00004241 Inorganic Chemistry Barnett, Barry De E. The English Language Book Society 1957 2nd Ed. 599 p. UG Library
546 BER 00061713 Bioinorganic Chemistry Bertini,Ivano. Viva Books Private Limited 1998 8176490008 611 p. UG Library
546 BER 00061305 Bioinorganic Chemistry Bertini,Ivano. Viva Books Private Limited 1998 8176490008 611 p. UG Library
546 BER 00082692 Bioinorganic Chemistry Bertini,Ivano. Viva Books Private Limited 1998 8176490008 611 p. UG Library
546 BHA 00058592 A Text Book of Inorganic Polymers Bhagi A.K. Himalaya Publishing House 2002 8178662086 324 p. UG Library
546 BOW 00057922 Inorganic Chemistry Bowser, James R Thomson Learning 1993 9812435999 | 9789812435996 805p UG Library
546 BRO 00123116 Seven Elements Browne John Phoneix: 2013 9781780224367 xix, 314 p.: UG Library
546 BUT 04007697 Inorganic Chemistry : Butler, Ian S. The Benjamin/Cummings publishing company, Inc., 1989 xv, 784p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
546 CAL 00010708 Inorganic Chemistry , Raj and Co 1969 965p UG Library
546 CAV 00033575 Systematic Inorganic Chemistry Caven R.M. Blackie & Son Ltd 1949 6th Ed. 546 p. UG Library
546 CHH 00028879 Advanced Practical Inorganic Chemistry Chhatwal,Gurdeep R. Goel Publishing House 1986 400 p.: UG Library
546 CHH 00047454 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Chhatwal,Gurdeep. Goel Publishing House 1992 16th Ed. 1178 p. UG Library
546 CLO 00145463 Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry/ Close, Dennis NY Research Press 2020 9781632387707 vii:234p. UG Library
546 CON 00018210 Modern College Calculus Pavate D.C. MacMillan And Co Ltd 1968 542 p. UG Library
546 CON 00018934 Modern College Calculus Pavate D.C. MacMillan And Co Ltd 1968 542 p. UG Library
546 COT 00129355 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Cotton F, Albert Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd, 2017 9788126513383 6th ed, 1355 p.: UG Library
546 COT 00129356 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Cotton F, Albert Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd, 2017 9788126513383 6th ed, 1355 p.: UG Library
546 COT 00129357 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Cotton F, Albert Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd, 2017 9788126513383 6th ed, 1355 p.: UG Library
546 COT 00010228 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Cotton,Albert F. Wiley Eastern Private Limited, 1962 2nd Ed. 1186 p.; UG Library
546 COT 00005523 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Cotton,Albert F. Wiley Eastern Private Limited, 1962 2nd Ed. 1186 p.; UG Library
546 COT 00033746 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Cotton F, Albert Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd, 2017 9788126513383 6th ed, 1355 p.: UG Library
546 COT 00060180 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Cotton,Albert F. John Wiley Sons Inc 2003 9788126513383 1355 p. UG Library
546 COT 00024911 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry: A Comprehensive Text Cotton, Albert F. Wiley Eastern Ltd 1984 3rd Ed. 1145 p. UG Library
546 COT 00082709 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Cotton,Albert F. John Wiley Sons Inc 2003 9788126513383 1355 p. UG Library
546 COT 00060181 Basic Inorganic Chemistry Cotton,Albert F. Wiley India 2003 8126511141 | 9788126511143 3rd Ed. 838 p. UG Library
546 COT 00082632 Basic Inorganic Chemistry Cotton,Albert F. Wiley India 2003 8126511141 | 9788126511143 3rd Ed. 838 p. UG Library
546 COT 00082710 Basic Inorganic Chemistry Cotton,Albert F. Wiley India 2003 8126511141 | 9788126511143 3rd Ed. 838 p. UG Library
546 COT 00106537 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Cotton,Albert F. John Wiley Sons Inc 2003 9788126513383 1355 p. UG Library
546 DAS 00115612 Fundamental Concepts of Inorganic Chemistry: Part I Das, K Asim Cbs 2003 8123906897 414p UG Library
546 DAS 00060182 Fundamental Concepts of Inorganic Chemistry Das,Asim K. CBS Publishers & Distributors 2000 8123906897 1st Ed. 414 p. UG Library
546 DAS 00131109 Fundamental Concepts Of Inorganic Chemistry / Das, Asim K. CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd, 2014 9788123923512 | 9788123923529 xiii, 566 p. ; [I.4] UG Library
546 DAS 00131110 Fundamental Concepts Of Inorganic Chemistry / Das, Asim K. CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd, 2014 9788123923512 | 9788123923529 xiii, 566 p. ; [I.4] UG Library
546 DAS 00131111 Fundamental Concepts Of Inorganic Chemistry / Das, Asim K. CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd, 2014 9788123923512 | 9788123923529 xiii, 566 p. ; [I.4] UG Library
546 DAS 00069146 Fundamental Concepts of Inorganic Chemistry Das,Asim K. CBS Publishers & Distributors 2000 8123906897 1st Ed. 414 p. UG Library
546 DAS 00060183 Fundamental Concepts of Inorganic Chemistry Das,Asim K. CBS Publishers & Distributors 2000 8123906897 1st Ed. 414 p. UG Library
546 DAS 00069211 Fundamental Concepts of Inorganic Chemistry Das, Asim K CBS Publishers & Distributors 2010 9788123918662 2nd ed. xxx, 541 p. UG Library
546 DAY 00001168 Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry Day, Clyde M Affiliated 1968 413p UG Library
546 DE 00026850 A Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry De,Kumar Anil. Wiley Eastern Ltd 1974 6th Ed. 770 p. UG Library
546 DEA 00138436 A textbook of inorganic chemistry De,A K New age international pvt ltd., 2018 9788122413847 rev 9th ed., x,899p.; UG Library
546 DES 00138265 Advances in Inorganic Chemistry / Desai,K R. Oxford Book Company, 2019 9788189473303 viii,297p.; UG Library
546 DOU 00028217 Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry Douglas,Bodie E. John Wiley 1990 047186636 2nd Ed. 800 p. UG Library
546 DOU 00082652 Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry Douglas,Bodie E. Wiley India 2013 8126509112 | 9788126509119 3rd Ed. 928 p.: UG Library
546 DOU 00082671 Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry Douglas,Bodie E. Wiley India 2013 8126509112 | 9788126509119 3rd Ed. 928 p.: UG Library
546 EBS 00107801 New Pathways in inorganic Chemistry ed by Ebsworth Cambridge University Press; 1968 9780521279130 xxx.390 p. UG Library
546 EME 00014276 Modern Aspects of Inorganic Chemistry Emeleus H.J. University Book Stall 1938 8185274584 677 p. UG Library
546 EME 00011765 Modern Aspects of Inorganic Chemistry Emeleus H.J. University Book Stall 1938 8185274584 677 p. UG Library
546 EME 00034300 Modern Aspects of Inorganic Chemistry Emeleus H.J. University Book Stall 1938 8185274584 677 p. UG Library
546 EVA 00143040 Elements of a Sustainable world / Evans,John. Oxford University Press, 2020 9780198827849 xiii,311p.; UG Library
546 GEH 00017870 Inorganic Chemistry Gehani H.D. A.R.Sheth & Co 1971 6th Ed. 486 p. UG Library
546 GEH 00033834 Inorganic Chemistry Gehani H.D. A.R. Sheth & Co 1967 4th Ed. 868 p. UG Library
546 GIL 00000503 Fundametal Concepts of Inorganic Chemistry Gilreath, Esmarch S pv UG Library
546 GOP 00093924 Inorganic Chemistry for Undergraduates Gopalan R Universities Press 2009 9788173716607 953 p.: UG Library
546 GOP 04026758 Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry / Gopalan, R University Press, 2012 9788173717529 953p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
546 GOP 00111987 Inorganic Chemistry for Undergraduates Gopalan R Universities Press 2009 9788173716607 953 p.: UG Library
546 GOS 00002548 Elements of Inorganic Chemistry Goswami B.K. Moulik Library 1961 696 p. UG Library
546 GRE 04016403 Chemistry of the Elements / Greenwood, N N Elsevier, 1984 9788181478061 2nd ed. 1341 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
546 GRE 00084934 Chemistry of the Elements Greenwood, N N ELSEVIER 8181478061 1341 UG Library
546 GRE 00123833 Chemistry of the Elements Greenwood, N N ELSEVIER 2014 9788181478061 1341p. UG Library
546 GRE 00123834 Chemistry of the Elements Greenwood, N N ELSEVIER 2014 9788181478061 1341p. UG Library
546 GRE 00123835 Chemistry of the Elements Greenwood, N N ELSEVIER 2014 9788181478061 1341p. UG Library
546 GUA 04011147 Concise Inorganic Chemistry For IIT-JEE / Lee J.D Wiley India Pvt.Ltd, 2011 9788126520091 xxviii,592 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
546 GUH 00145714 Wiley's J. D. Lee Concise Inorganic Chemistry for NEET and other Medical Entrance Examinations/ Guha, Sudarsan wiley India 2023 9789354643828 2nd ed. 534p. UG Library
546 GUP 00052307 A Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry Gupta R.K. Dr. Arihant Prakashan 2001 1st Ed. 478 p. UG Library
546 GUR 00022867 Advanced Practical Inorganic Chemistry Gurdeep, R Chhatwal Gowl 1982 398 p UG Library
546 HEL 00047806 Problems in Inorganic Chemistry Helmet,Fritz. Sarup and Sons 1999 8176250503 1st Ed. 294 p. UG Library
546 HIL 00033851 Physical Methods in Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Hill H.A.O. Interscience Publishers 1968 0470396105 627 p. UG Library
546 HOU 00128772 Inorganic Chemistry House, James E Academic Press, 2008 9788190935692 xiii, 850 p.: UG Library
546 HUA 00026847 Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structures and Reactivity. Huheey, E James Harper 1985 3,rd 1100 p UG Library
546 HUH 05074142 Inorganic Chemistry : Huheey, James E. Pearson, 2023 9789356064485 5th ed, xxiv, 944p.: Knowledge Centre
546 HUH 00095462 Inorganic Chemistry Huheey James.E Pearson, 2006 9788177581300 4th ed, 808 p.: UG Library
546 HUH 00095461 Inorganic Chemistry Huheey James.E Pearson, 2006 9788177581300 4th ed, 808 p.: UG Library
546 IQB 00110360 Problems In Inorganic Chemistry Iqbal S.A. Discovery Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2011 9788183568173 1st Ed. 287 p. UG Library
546 JAD 00122475 Concepts in Analytical Inorganic Chemistry Jadhav, V B Oxford Book Company, 2016 9789350302644 288 p:. UG Library
546 JAD 00122487 New Trends in Analytical Inorganic Chemistry Jadhav, V B Oxford Book Company, 2016 9789350302675 288 p:. UG Library
546 JAD 00122483 Fundamentals in Inorganic Chemistry Jadhav, V B Oxford Book Company, 2016 9789350302651 288 p:. UG Library
546 JAD 00122477 Development in Analytical Inorganic Chemistry Jadhav, V B Oxford Book Company, 2016 9789350302668 288 p:. UG Library
546 JAD 00122473 Chemical Applications in Inorganic Chemistry Jadhav, V B Oxford Book Company, 2016 9789350302682 288 p:. UG Library
546 JAG 00033850 Textbook Of Modern Inorganic Chemistry Singh,Jagindar. Atma Ram & Sons 1966 1018 p. UG Library
546 JAI 00120172 Chemistry of Natural Products/ Jain Pragati Prakashan, 2012 9789350065228 1st Ed. 420p.; UG Library
546 JAI 00111471 Chemistry of Natural Products/ Jain Pragati Prakashan, 2012 9789350065228 1st Ed. 420p.; UG Library
546 JAN 00011776 Physico-Chemical Techniques of Analysis Janardhan P.B. Asia Publishing House 1973 847 p. UG Library
546 JOL 00027767 Modern Inorganic Chemistry Jolly,William L. McGraw-Hill Book Co 1985 07y663580 610 p. UG Library
546 KAP 00019003 Inorganic Chemistry Kapur,Ramesh. S. Chand & Co. 1977 2nd Ed. 327 p. UG Library
546 KEA 00105205 The disappearing spoon : Kean, Sam. Little, Brown and Co., 2010 9780316051644 1st ed. vi, 391 p. : UG Library
546 KHA 00015577 Inogranic Chemistry Khanna J.K. Rajhans Prakashan Mandir 1977 135 p. UG Library
546 KHO 00115611 Inorganic Chemistry Khodakov Yu.V. CBS Publishers & Distributors 1996 8123904096 181 p. UG Library
546 KHO 00115610 Inorganic Chemistry Khodakov Yu.V. CBS Publishers & Distributors 1996 8123904096 181 p. UG Library
546 KIE 00001149 Selected Topics in Modern Chemistry Kieffier, Chapman and Hall UG Library
546 LEE 00073704 Concise Inorganic Chemistry Lee J.D. Wiley India 2003 9788126508334 5th Ed. 1032 p. UG Library
546 LEE 00070737 Concise Inorganic Chemistry Lee J.D. Wiley India 2003 9788126508334 5th Ed. 1032 p. UG Library
546 LEE 00137131 Concise Inorganic Chemistry Lee, J D John Wiley and Sons 2019 9788126515547 5th ed., xxxv,1032p.; UG Library
546 LEE 00137132 Concise Inorganic Chemistry Lee, J D John Wiley and Sons 2019 9788126515547 5th ed., xxxv,1032p.; UG Library
546 LEE 00019002 A New Concise Inorganic Chemistry Lee J.D. English Langauage Book Society 2001 3rd 505 p.: UG Library
546 LEE 00018999 A New Concise Inorganic Chemistry Lee J.D. English Langauage Book Society 2001 3rd 505 p.: UG Library
546 LEE 00088124 Concise Inorganic Chemistry Lee J.D. Wiley India 2003 9788126508334 5th Ed. 1032 p. UG Library
546 LEE 00088125 Concise Inorganic Chemistry Lee J.D. Wiley India 2003 9788126508334 5th Ed. 1032 p. UG Library
546 LEE 00120215 Concise Inorganic Chemistry Lee, J. D Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 2014 9788126548750 3rd Ed, xxviii, 603 p.: UG Library
546 LEE 00033934 Concise Inorganic Chemistry Lee J. D. Educational Low-Priced Book Scheme, 1991 042433702 4th Ed. 1032 p.; UG Library
546 MAD 00141108 Modern Inorganic Chemistry Madan, R.D. S Chand and company, 2020 9788121900744 1520 p .; UG Library
546 MAD 00049787 Simplified Course in Inorganic Chemistry for B.Sc & Competitive Exams Madan, R L S Chand & Company Ltd, 2000 0812191857 646 p, UG Library
546 MAD 00049788 Simplified Course in Inorganic Chemistry for B.Sc & Competitive Exams Madan, R L S Chand & Company Ltd, 2000 0812191857 646 p, UG Library
546 MAD 00122659 Problems in inorganic chemistry Madan R L S Chand & Company Pvt.Ltd 2014 9788121942898 376p. UG Library
546 MAL 00141112 Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry/ Malik, Wahid U. S. Chand & company Ltd., 1976 9788121906005 xxxv:789p.; UG Library
546 MAL 00111320 Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry/ Malik, Wahid U. S. Chand & company Ltd., 1976 9788121906005 xxxv:789p.; UG Library
546 MIE 00117982 Inorganic chemistry / Miessler, Gary L., Pearson Education, 2004 9788131718858 | 9780130354716 3rd ed. xiv, 706 p. : UG Library
546 MIE 00126056 Inorganic chemistry / Miessler, Gary L., Pearson Education, 2004 9788131718858 | 9780130354716 3rd ed. xiv, 706 p. : UG Library
546 MIE 00126057 Inorganic chemistry / Miessler, Gary L., Pearson Education, 2004 9788131718858 | 9780130354716 3rd ed. xiv, 706 p. : UG Library
546 MIE 00124298 Inorganic chemistry / Miessler, Gary L., Pearson Education, 2004 9788131718858 | 9780130354716 3rd ed. xiv, 706 p. : UG Library
546 MIN 00045857 Essential Trends in Inorganic Chemistry Mingos D.M.P. Oxford University Press 1998 392 p. UG Library
546 MIR 00148075 Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry/ Mir, Farooq Ahmad Rajat Publications, 2024 9788178808871 ix,284p. ; UG Library
546 MIT 00000125 A Text Book of Inorganic Chemisry Mitra,Ladlimohan. Ghosh & Co 1972 676 p. UG Library
546 MIT 00009877 A Text Book of Inorganic Chemisry Mitra,Ladlimohan. Ghosh & Co 1972 676 p. UG Library
546 MIT 00130126 Textbook Of Inorganic Chemistry Mittal I.C Rajat Publications, 2017 9788178807317 vi, 288 p.: UG Library
546 MOE 00004962 Inorganic Chemistry: An Advanced Textbook Moeller,Therald. Asia Publishing House 1958 966 p. UG Library
546 MOE 00004963 Inorganic Chemistry: An Advanced Textbook Moeller,Therald. Asia Publishing House 1958 966 p. UG Library
546 MOE 00012920 Inorganic Chemistry an Advanced Text Book Moeller, Therald Asia Publishing House 966p UG Library
546 MOE 00001162 Chemistry of the Lanthanides Moeller, 117p UG Library
546 MOO 00013506 Comparative Inorganic Chemistry Moody,Bernard. Arnold-Heinemann 1969 0713122412 2nd Ed. 465 p. UG Library
546 MOO 00033846 Comparative Inorganic Chemistry Moody,Bernard. Arnold-Heinemann 1969 0713122412 2nd Ed. 465 p. UG Library
546 MUR 00001161 Inorganic Complex Compounds Murman, Kant R UG Library
546 NAR 00001172 Inorganic Chemsitry Barnet, Barry Longman UG Library
546 NOR 00045859 Periodicity and the P-Block Elements Norman,Nicholas C. Oxford University Press 1994 0198557639 | 9780198557630 90 p. UG Library
546 OVE 00001154 Basic Concepts of Nucler Chemistry Overman,Ralph T. Chapman & Hall Ltd 1963 115 p. UG Library
546 PAR 00002542 A Text-Book Inorganic Chemistry Partington J.R. The English Language Book Society 1950 6th Ed. 996 p. UG Library
546 PAR 00001177 A Text-Book Inorganic Chemistry Partington J.R. The English Language Book Society 1950 6th Ed. 996 p. UG Library
546 PAR 00009545 A Text-Book Inorganic Chemistry Partington J.R. The English Language Book Society 1950 6th Ed. 996 p. UG Library
546 PIM 00122847 Inorganic Chemistry Pimpalapure, S Pragati Prakashan, 2014 9789351400899 2nd edi. 370 p:. UG Library
546 PIM 00122846 Inorganic Chemistry-I Pimpalapure, S Pragati Prakashan, 2014 9789351402008 2nd edi. 395 p:. UG Library
546 POR 00120176 Inorganic Chemistry Porterfield, William W. Elsevier, 2005 9788181477347 2nd XVI, 921.: UG Library
546 PRA 00122638 Advanced inorganic chemistry-1 Prakash Satya S Chand & Company pvt.Ltd. 2014 9788121902632 1391p. UG Library
546 PRA 00018051 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Prakash,Satya. Shyam Lal Charitable Trust 1969 13th Ed. 864 p. UG Library
546 PRA 00024527 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Prakash,Satya. Shyam Lal Charitable Trust 1969 13th Ed. 864 p. UG Library
546 PRA 00030632 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Prakash,Satya. Shyam Lal Charitable Trust 1969 13th Ed. 864 p. UG Library
546 PRA 00003652 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Prakash,Satya. Shyam Lal Charitable Trust 1969 13th Ed. 864 p. UG Library
546 PRA 00141097 Advanced inorganic chemistry-1 Prakash Satya S Chand & Company pvt.Ltd. 2014 9788121902632 1391p. UG Library
546 PUJ 00082637 Basics of Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Pujhari, Prabir Anmol Pubications 2008 283p UG Library
546 PUR 00128391 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri Vishal Publications CO, 2017 9789382956969 33rd Edition 1170p: . UG Library
546 PUR 00128392 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri Vishal Publications CO, 2017 9789382956969 33rd Edition 1170p: . UG Library
546 PUR 00124677 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri, B.R. Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9789382956969 33rd ed; xii,1170 p. : UG Library
546 PUR 00124678 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri, B.R. Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9789382956969 33rd ed; xii,1170 p. : UG Library
546 PUR 00124679 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri, B.R. Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9789382956969 33rd ed; xii,1170 p. : UG Library
546 PUR 00124680 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri, B.R. Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9789382956969 33rd ed; xii,1170 p. : UG Library
546 PUR 00124681 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri, B.R. Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9789382956969 33rd ed; xii,1170 p. : UG Library
546 PUR 00028882 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri B.R. Shohan Lal Nagin Chand & Co 1987 19th Ed. 1144 p. UG Library
546 PUR 00144052 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri, B.R. Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9789382956969 33rd ed; xii,1170 p. : UG Library
546 PUR 00120174 Inorganic Chemistry Purcell, Keith F. Cengage Learning, 1977 9788131513712 XIX, 1116.: UG Library
546 PUR 00018983 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri, S Nagin & Co 1978 1950 p UG Library
546 PUR 00142371 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri, B.R. Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9789382956969 33rd ed; xii,1170 p. : UG Library
546 PUR 00016894 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri B.R. Jain 1977 7th Ed. 1120 p. UG Library
546 PUR 00016895 Inorganic Chemistry. Puri, B.r Jain S.L 1977 1102 UG Library
546 PUR 00026387 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri, B.r Shoban Lal 1984 1160 p UG Library
546 PUR 00148362 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri Vishal Publications CO, 2017 9789382956969 33rd Edition 1170p: . UG Library
546 PUR 00038436 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri B.R. Shohan Lal Nagin Chand & Co 1995 24th Ed. 1324 p. UG Library
546 PUR 00020613 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri, B R Vishal 1155 p UG Library
546 PUR 00038437 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri B.R. Shohan Lal Nagin Chand & Co 1995 24th Ed. 1324 p. UG Library
546 PUR 00020612 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri, B R Vishal 1155 p UG Library
546 PUR 00038438 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri B.R. Shohan Lal Nagin Chand & Co 1995 24th Ed. 1324 p. UG Library
546 PUR 00038439 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri B.R. Shohan Lal Nagin Chand & Co 1995 24th Ed. 1324 p. UG Library
546 PUR 00090050 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri B.R. Shohan Lal Nagin Chand & Co 1995 24th Ed. 1324 p. UG Library
546 PUR 00090049 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri B.R. Shohan Lal Nagin Chand & Co 1995 24th Ed. 1324 p. UG Library
546 PUR 00090048 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri B.R. Shohan Lal Nagin Chand & Co 1995 24th Ed. 1324 p. UG Library
546 PUR 00135721 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri Vishal Publications CO, 2017 9789382956969 33rd Edition 1170p: . UG Library
546 PUR 00135722 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri Vishal Publications CO, 2017 9789382956969 33rd Edition 1170p: . UG Library
546 PUR 00030641 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri B.R. Shoban Lal Nagin Chand & Co. 1989 20th Ed. 1109 p. UG Library
546 PUR 00030639 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri, B.r Shoban Lal 1989 1109 p UG Library
546 PUR 00119809 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri B R Milestone Publishers 2015 9788192143385 32nd ed. 1170 p. UG Library
546 PUR 00030640 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri, B R Shoban Lal 1989 1090 p UG Library
546 PUR 00119810 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri B R Milestone Publishers 2015 9788192143385 32nd ed. 1170 p. UG Library
546 PUR 00119811 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri B R Milestone Publishers 2015 9788192143385 32nd ed. 1170 p. UG Library
546 PUR 00030642 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri B.R. Shoban Lal Nagin Chand & Co. 1989 20th Ed. 1109 p. UG Library
546 PUR 00119812 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Puri B R Milestone Publishers 2015 9788192143385 32nd ed. 1170 p. UG Library
546 PUY 00122479 Elements in Inorganic chemistry Puyad, Avinash L. Oxford Book Company, 2016 9789350302705 1st ed; 288 p.: UG Library
546 PUY 00122480 Essentials of Inorganic Chemistry Puyad, Avinash L Oxford Book Company, 2016 9789350302712 288 p:. UG Library
546 PUY 00122471 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Puyad, Avinash L Oxford Book Company, 2016 9789350302699 280 p:. UG Library
546 RAJ 00045029 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Raj, Gurdeep Goel Publishing House 1975 1364 UG Library
546 RAJ 00045036 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Raj,Gurdeep. Goel Publishing House 1986 0818584271 5th Ed. 805 p. UG Library
546 RAM 00108336 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Ramanujam R. Pacific Books International 2012 9789381138090 243 p. UG Library
546 RAY 00082654 Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry. Rayner-Canham, Geoff 2002 0716746204 569p UG Library
546 SAH 00111554 Inorganic Chemistry/ Sahoo, Balaram. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 2012 9788120343085 xxxiv: 1036p.; UG Library
546 SAV 00018982 Inorganic Chemistry Savur G.R. Popular Prakashan 1969 3rd Ed. 682 p. UG Library
546 SAV 00019068 Inorganic Chemistry Savur G.R. Popular Prakashan 1969 3rd Ed. 682 p. UG Library
546 SCO 05011240 Applications of physical methods to inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry / Scott Robert A Wiley, 2007 9780470032176 (HB) xi, 576 p. : Knowledge Centre
546 SHA 00120175 Inorganic Chemistry. Sharpe, A G DORLING KINDERSLEY, 2007 8131706990 | 9788131706992 3rd ed. 702p UG Library
546 SHA 00083567 Inorganic Chemistry. Sharpe, A G DORLING KINDERSLEY, 2007 8131706990 | 9788131706992 3rd ed. 702p UG Library
546 SHA 00083568 Inorganic Chemistry. Sharpe, A G DORLING KINDERSLEY, 2007 8131706990 | 9788131706992 3rd ed. 702p UG Library
546 SHA 00082661 Inorganic Chemistry. Sharpe, A G DORLING KINDERSLEY 2007 8131706990 701p UG Library
546 SHA 00112228 Inorganic Chemistry. Sharpe, A G DORLING KINDERSLEY, 2007 8131706990 | 9788131706992 3rd ed. 702p UG Library
546 SHR 00059454 Inorganic Chemistry Shriver, D F 2003 0019879293 757p UG Library
546 SIN 00112233 Basic concept of inoganic chemistry Singh.D.N Pearson, 2012 9788131768617 490p.; UG Library
546 SIN 00010245 Modern Inorganic Chemistry Singh,Jagindar. Atma Ram & Sons 1966 12th Ed. 636 p. UG Library
546 SIN 00122398 Problems in Inorganic Chemistry Singh, Ayodhya Campus Books International, 2011 8180300323 562 p:. UG Library
546 SIN 00111496 A Logical Approach to Modern Inorganic Chemistry/ Singh, Jagdamba. Pragati Prakashan, 2012 9789350066904 2nd ed xvi:720 p.; UG Library
546 SIN 00110626 A Logical Approach To Modern Inorganic Chemistry Singh, Jagdamba. Pragati Prakashan 2012 9789350066904 1st Ed. 742 p. UG Library
546 SIN 00119347 A Logical Approach to Modern Inorganic Chemistry/ Singh, Jagdamba. Pragati Prakashan, 2012 9789350066904 2nd ed xvi:720 p.; UG Library
546 SIN 00119348 A Logical Approach to Modern Inorganic Chemistry/ Singh, Jagdamba. Pragati Prakashan, 2012 9789350066904 2nd ed xvi:720 p.; UG Library
546 SIN 00131929 Advanced inorganic chemistry: Sigh,Rajbir Mittal publications, 2016 9788182936737 248p.; UG Library
546 SIN 00010706 Modern Inorganic Chemistry Singh,Jagindar. Atma Ram & Sons 1966 12th Ed. 636 p. UG Library
546 SIN 00131788 The DBS handbook of inorganic chemistry Singh,Jagjeet DBS Imprints, 2018 9789384229160 xxvii,732p.; UG Library
546 SIV 00032705 General & Inorganic Chemistry Sivanandaiah, K.M Pracharabya University of Bangalore 1989 1st 233 p.: UG Library
546 SMI 00002549 Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry Smith,Alexander. Columbia University 1906 925 p. UG Library
546 SOD 00121696 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Sodhi, G S Viva Books Private Limited, 2015 9788130929200 Second xxiv, 846 p:. UG Library
546 SOD 00132754 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Sodhi, G S Viva Books Private Limited, 2018 9789387692985 3rd ed., xxviii,969p.; UG Library
546 SOD 00132755 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Sodhi, G S Viva Books Private Limited, 2018 9789387692985 3rd ed., xxviii,969p.; UG Library
546 SOD 00078067 Inorganic Chemistry Sodhi, G S Multilingual Matters Limited 2006 8130903989 548 p.: UG Library
546 SOD 00073037 Inorganic Chemistry Sodhi G.S. Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2006 8130903989 | 9788130903989 548 p. UG Library
546 SON 00013712 Text Book Of Inorganic Chemistry Soni P.L. Sultan Chand & Sons 1975 8th Ed. P.V. UG Library
546 SON 00014019 Text Book Of Inorganic Chemistry Soni P.L. Sultan Chand & Sons 1975 8th Ed. P.V. UG Library
546 SON 00014017 Text Book Of Inorganic Chemistry Soni P.L. Sultan Chand & Sons 1975 8th Ed. P.V. UG Library
546 SON 00014833 Text Book Of Inorganic Chemistry Soni P.L. Sultan Chand & Sons 1971 6th Ed. 899 p. UG Library
546 SON 00014018 Text Book Of Inorganic Chemistry Soni P.L. Sultan Chand & Sons 1975 8th Ed. P.V. UG Library
546 SON 00014015 Text Book Of Inorganic Chemistry Soni P.L. Sultan Chand & Sons 1975 8th Ed. P.V. UG Library
546 SON 00027071 Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry Soni P.L. S. Chand & Sons 1975 15th Ed. P.V. UG Library
546 SON 00014016 Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry Soni P.L. S. Chand & Sons 1975 15th Ed. P.V. UG Library
546 SON 00014870 Text Book Of Inorganic Chemistry Soni P.L. Sultan Chand & Sons 1971 6th Ed. 899 p. UG Library
546 SON 00013713 Text Book Of Inorganic Chemistry Soni P.L. Sultan Chand & Sons 1975 8th Ed. P.V. UG Library
546 SON 00007377 Text Book Of Inorganic Chemistry Soni P.L. Sultan Chand & Sons 1975 8th Ed. P.V. UG Library
546 TRI 00108599 Inorganic chemistry Trimm,Harold H. Apple Academic Press, 2011 9781926692593 332 p. : UG Library
546 TUL 00030633 Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry Tuli G.D. S. Chand & Co Ltd 1989 18th Ed. 603 p. UG Library
546 UPA 00026130 Text Book of Inorganic Cheistry Upadhyaya, K.n Konark 262 p UG Library
546 UPA 00026131 A Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry Upadhaya, K N Vani Educationl Books 1986 Vol- I 262 p. : UG Library
546 UPA 00026132 A Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry Upadhyaya K.N. Vani Educational Books 1986 300 p. UG Library
546 UPA 00125872 Chemistry of Transition Elements Upadhyay Naveen crescent Publishing Corpoation, 2017 9788183424028 viii, 251 p.: UG Library
546 UPA 00033933 Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry Upadhyaya K.N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd , 1990 936 p.; UG Library
546 UPA 00026133 A Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry Upadhyaya K.N. Vani Educational Books 1986 300 p. UG Library
546 VAN 00001159 Acids, Bases, and the Chemistry of the Covalent Bond Vanderwerf,Calvin A. Chapman & Hall Ltd 1961 117 p. UG Library
546 VER 00146506 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry/ Verma, Sonia Academic, 2023 9789395546027 280p. ; UG Library
546 VIS 04007690 A Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis : Vogel, Arthur Prentice Hall Press, 1961 9780582442474 A Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis xxx,1216p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
546 WEE 00017713 Discovery of the Elements Weeks Mary Elvira. Paico Publishing House 1970 7th Ed. 893 p. UG Library
546 WOO 00013613 Inorganic Chemistry Wood, Cyril Warcup. The English Language Book Society | ButterWorths 1973 0408623020 3d ed. xi, 421 p. UG Library
546 WOO 00013607 Inorganic Chemistry Wood, Cyril Warcup. The English Language Book Society | ButterWorths 1973 0408623020 3d ed. xi, 421 p. UG Library
546 WOO 00013682 Inorganic Chemistry Wood, Cyril Warcup. The English Language Book Society | ButterWorths 1973 0408623020 3d ed. xi, 421 p. UG Library
546 WUL 00129683 Foundations of Inorganic Chemistry / Wulfsberg, Gary, University science Books, 2018 9781891389955 xvii,739 p.: UG Library
546 WUL 00106933 Inorgannic chemistry Wulfsberg, Gary Viva Books, 2010 9788130915852 xix, 978 p.; UG Library
546 WUL 00057975 Inorgannic chemistry Wulfsberg, Gary Viva Books, 2010 9788130915852 xix, 978 p.; UG Library
546 WUL 00061711 Inorgannic chemistry Wulfsberg, Gary Viva Books, 2010 9788130915852 xix, 978 p.; UG Library
546 WUL 04007431 Inorgannic chemistry Wulfsberg, Gary Viva Books, 2010 9788130915852 xix, 978 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
546 YAD 00052579 Chemistry of Transition Elements Yadav M.S. Dominant Publishers And Distributors 2001 8187336854 | 9788187336853 229 p. UG Library
546.0202 COX 00119945 Inorganic chemistry / Cox, P. A. Bios Scientific Publishers, 2004 1859962890 (pbk.) 2nd ed. vi, 282 p. : UG Library
546.0212 TRI 00132574 Handbook of inorganic compound Trimm,Dale H Oxford book company, 2019 9789350304402 viii,304p.; UG Library
546.05 ATK 04007117 Inorganic Chemistry Atkins, Peter Oxford Universtiy Press 2009 9780195685237 822 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
546.072 PUY 00122481 Experiments in Inorganic Chemistry Puyad, Avinash L Oxford Book Company, 2016 9789350302729 280 p:. UG Library
546.072 RAM 00108337 Experiments In Inorganic Chemistry Ramanujam R. Pacific Books International 2012 9789381138083 254 p. UG Library
546.2 ILY 00125873 Coordination Compound Ilyas Shahla Lobus Press, 2016 9789385379666 vii, 264 p.: UG Library
546.2 KET 00014275 Coordination Compounds Kettle S.F.A. The English Language Book Society And Nelson 1973 0177710136 220 p. UG Library
546.22 BEN 00127700 Water chemistry Benjamin, Mark M. Medtech, 2015 9789384007560 xix, 668 p. UG Library
546.22 GAR 04003756 Experimenting With Water Gardner, Robert Dover Publications 2004 0486434001 144 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
546.22 IQB 00110367 Textbook Of Water Chemistry Iqbal,Syed Aftab. Discovery Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2011 9788183568524 1st Ed. 240 p. UG Library
546.22 JAD 00132840 The chemistry of water Jadv,Rajendra Cyber tech publications, 2018 9789350536469 232p.; UG Library
546.22 VEN 00067899 Water Chemistry Venkateshwarlu K.S. New Age International (P) Publishers 2005 8122408761 | 00104314900006 138 p. UG Library
546.252 WEL 00117736 Structural inorganic chemistry Wells, A. F. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 1984 0198553706 (Oxford University 5th ed. xxxi, 1382 p. : UG Library
546.3 BAS 00014268 Mechanisms of Inorganic Reactions Basolo, Fred, Wiley Eastern Pvt Ltd 1973 2d ed. xi, 701 p. UG Library
546.3 KER 00106899 Optical properties of metal clusters Kreibig, Uwe, Springer,; 1995 0387578366 (New York : alk. pa xx, 532 p. : UG Library
546.3 REE 00013508 Physical Metallurgy Principles Reed-Hill,Robert E. Affiliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd 1974 2nd Ed. 920 p. UG Library
546.3 WIL 00106859 The Theory of metals Wilson H.A. Cambridge University Press; 1965 9780521279000 2nd edtion viii, 346 p. UG Library
546.383 OVR 04012180 Anomalous Effects in Simple Metals / Overhauser, Albert Warner, Wiley-VCH 2011 9783527408597 | 3527408592 xvii, 687 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
546.4 HUH 00022322 Inorganic Chemistry Huheey, James E Harper & Row 1978 886 p UG Library
546.4 HUH 00069985 Inorganic Chemistry Huheey, James E Harper & Row, Publishers 1975 xiii, 737 p UG Library
546.41 SAS 00086514 Modern aspects of rare earths and their complexes / Elsevier, 0444510109 vii, 995 p. : UG Library
546.431 SAN 05074879 Chain Reactions : Santos, Lucy Jane. Icon, 2024 9781837731565 x, 278p.; Knowledge Centre
546.431 ZOE 03008428 Uranium : Zoellner, Tom. Viking, 2009 9780670020645 xii, 337 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
546.431 ZOE 04012119 Uranium : Zoellner, Tom. Penguin Books Limited 2009 9780143116721 354 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
546.522 DAS 00107222 Bioinorganic Chemistry Das Asim.K Books And Allied (P) Ltd 2010 9788187134121 400 P. UG Library
546.522 DAS 00095465 Bioinorganic Chemistry Das Asim.K Books And Allied (P) Ltd 2010 9788187134121 400 P. UG Library
546.522 DAS 00095464 Bioinorganic Chemistry Das Asim.K Books And Allied (P) Ltd 2010 9788187134121 400 P. UG Library
546.522 RED 00093430 Bioinorganic Chemistry Reddy,Hussain.k New Age Internatioanl 9788122414370 350p UG Library
546.522 RED 00093429 Bioinorganic Chemistry Reddy,Hussain.k New Age Internatioanl 9788122414370 350p UG Library
546.522 RED 00084896 Bioinorgnic Chemistry. Reddy, Hussain K New Age International Publishers 2007 8122414370 350p UG Library
546.522 REH 00082670 Bioinorganic Vanadium Chemistry. Rehder, Dieter John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2008 9780470065167 205p UG Library
546.6 JON 00138458 D and F block Chemistry / Jones,Chris J. The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2006 9780854046379 rep. viii,175p.; UG Library
546.6 MAB 05042404 Magnetism and transition metal complexes / Mabbs, F. E. Dover Publications, 2008 9780486462844 (pbk.) | 0486462 Dover ed. xxii, 206 p. : Knowledge Centre
546.6 MUL 05066793 Properties of perovskites and other oxides / World Scientific, 2010 9789814317696 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9814317691 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9789814293358 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9814293350 (hardcover : alk. paper) xviii, 562 p. : Knowledge Centre
546.6 RAY 00110019 Electronic Spectra of Transition Metal Complexes Ray, R.K. New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd 2011 9788173815584 xiv, 500 p. ; UG Library
546.681 FOW 00120294 An atlas of fullerenes / Fowler, P. W. Dover Publications, 2007 0486453626 (pbk.) | 9780486453 392p. UG Library
546.681 NAS 00033859 Chemistry: Names and Formulae of Carbon Compounds Nuffield Advanced Science Nuffield Advanced Science 1970 169 p. UG Library
546.6812 KAR 00138589 The legacy of carbon dioxide : Karol, Paul J., CRC Press, 2019 9780367191344 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9780367190804 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvii, 235 pages : UG Library
546.683 STR 04018338 Characterization in Silicon Processing / Strausser, Yale E. Momentum Press, 1993 9781606501092 240p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
546.6CHA 00084952 Adsorption and Catalysis By Solids [MSC.CHEMISTRY SECTION] Chakrabarty, D K New Age International Publishers 8122402968 196p UG Library
546.721 LAN 00059169 Oxygen: The Molecule That Made The World Lane, Nick 2001 0198508034 | 9780198508038 374p UG Library
546.8 HEN 00138460 Main Group Chemistry / Henderson,William. The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2000 9780854046171 viii,196p.; UG Library
546.8 JEN 05033683 Mendeleev on the periodic law : Mendeleyev, Dmitry Ivanovich, Dover, 2002 0486445712 314 p. : Knowledge Centre
546.8 LAG 05065572 The Periodic Table And A Missed Nobel Prize / Lagerkvist, Ulf. World Scientific, 2012 9814295957 (pbk) | 9789814295956 (pbk) xii, 122p.; Knowledge Centre
546.8 SET 00061888 Periodic Tables And Periodic Properties Sethi M.S. Discovery Publishing House 1992 8171411614 102 p. UG Library
546.8 SIN 00053037 Reflections On and From Periodic Table Sindhu R.S. Himalaya Publishing House 1999 8174938400 1st Ed. 53 p. UG Library
546BU 00019890 Inorganic Chemistry Bangalore University , Bangalore University UG Library
546BU 00019895 Inorganic Chemistry Bangalore University , Bangalore University UG Library
546BU 00019899 Inorganic Chemistry Bangalore University , Bangalore University UG Library
546BU 00019898 Inorganic Chemistry Bangalore University , Bangalore University UG Library
546BU 00019897 Inorganic Chemistry Bangalore University , Bangalore University UG Library
546BU 00019896 Inorganic Chemistry Bangalore University , Bangalore University UG Library
546BU 00019894 Inorganic Chemistry Bangalore University , Bangalore University UG Library
546BU 00019891 Inorganic Chemistry Bangalore University , Bangalore University UG Library
546BU 00019893 Inorganic Chemistry Bangalore University , Bangalore University UG Library
546BU 00019892 Inorganic Chemistry Bangalore University , Bangalore University UG Library
546BUB 00020567 Inorganic Chemistry - 1 Narayana Reddy, G K Bangalore University UG Library
546COD 00049799 Synthesis and Characterization of Organic Compounds Coppola, P Brian Hayden-Mcneil; Publishing 1881592154 37p UG Library
546DUT 00008008 General and Inorganic Chemistry Dutt, P K Science Book Agency 460p UG Library
546GIL 00009871 Fundamental; Concepts of Inorganic Chemistry Gilreath, Esmarch S Mcgraw Hill International Book Company 421p UG Library
546LEO 00082685 Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry [msc.Chemistry Section] Leonard, J 0748740716 298p UG Library
546MIT2 00013441 Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry Mitra, Ladlimohan UG Library
546NAR1 00026382 Inorganic Chemistry Narayana Reddy, Cosip UG Library
546NAR1 00026385 Inorganic Chemistry Narayana Reddy, Cosip UG Library
546NAR1 00026386 Inorganic Chemistry Narayana Reddy, Cosip UG Library
546NAR1 00026384 Inorganic Chemistry Narayana Reddy, Cosip UG Library
546NAR1 00026383 Inorganic Chemistry Narayana Reddy, Cosip UG Library
546PUR1 00013709 Pre University Inorganic Chemistry Puri, Sharma S Nagin & Co. UG Library
546PUR1 00013710 Pre University Inorganic Chemistry Puri, Sharma S Nagin & Co. UG Library
546SAV 00019067 Inorganic Chemistry Savur, G R Popular 656 p UG Library
546SAV2 00003651 Inorganic Chemistry Savur, Popular Library UG Library
546SHA 00016896 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Sharma, L R Nagin Co UG Library
547 AHL 00128397 Solved Problems in Reaction Mechanisms Ahluwalia V.K. Vishal Publishing Co. 2008 8188646636 | 9788188646630 280 p. UG Library
547 AHL 00128398 Solved Problems in Reaction Mechanisms Ahluwalia V.K. Vishal Publishing Co. 2008 8188646636 | 9788188646630 280 p. UG Library
547 AHL 00124659 Chemistry of Natural Products Ahluwalia V.K. Vishal Publishing Co., 2014 9788188646623 324 p.: UG Library
547 AHL 00124660 Chemistry of Natural Products Ahluwalia V.K. Vishal Publishing Co., 2014 9788188646623 324 p.: UG Library
547 AHL 00124687 Solved Problems in Reaction Mechanisms Ahluwalia V.K. Vishal Publishing Co. 2008 8188646636 | 9788188646630 280 p. UG Library
547 AHL 00124688 Solved Problems in Reaction Mechanisms Ahluwalia V.K. Vishal Publishing Co. 2008 8188646636 | 9788188646630 280 p. UG Library
547 BAH 00111324 Advanced Organic Chemistry Bahl B.S. S.Chand & Co Ltd 1985 2nd Ed. 1336 p. UG Library
547 BAN 04000024 Textbook of Organic Chemistry / Bansal, Raj K New Age Internations (P) Ltd, 2008 8122420257 1009p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 BHA 00134070 Advanced organic chemistry through solved problems Bhattacharjee,P Books and allied pvt ltd., 2018 9788193897416 ii,438p.; UG Library
547 BHA 00134071 Advanced organic chemistry through solved problems Bhattacharjee,P Books and allied pvt ltd., 2018 9788193897416 ii,438p.; UG Library
547 BHA 00134072 Advanced organic chemistry through solved problems Bhattacharjee,P Books and allied pvt ltd., 2018 9788193897416 ii,438p.; UG Library
547 BHU 04002515 Organic Chemistry: Selected Topics Bhutani, S P Ane Books 2007 9788180521911 321 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 BLO 04003739 Organic Chemistry Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide Bloch, Daniel R Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2005 0071459200 551 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 BRU 04000255 Organic Chemistry / Bruice, Paula Yurkan Pearson Education, 2001 9788131704608 1245 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 BRU 00058858 Advanced Organic Chemistry Bruckner,Reinhard. Academic Press 2002 9788181477132 636 p. UG Library
547 CHA 00088137 Reaction Mechanism and Reagents in Organic Chemistry Chatwal,Gurdeep R. Himalaya 1987 890 p. UG Library
547 CIA 04001341 Organic Chemistry Clayden, Jonathan Oxford Universtiy Press 2001 9780198503460 547 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 FOX 00098179 Organic Chemistry : Fox, Marye Anne Jones and Bartlett Pub, 2004 9780763721978 3rd ed. xxvi 1140 p. UG Library
547 GOE 04002711 Basic Concept of Organic Chemistry Goel, A K Pearl Books 2008 9788189979195 272 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 ING 00109909 Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry Ingold, C K CBS Publishers 1994 9788123909752 2nd ed. 1266p UG Library
547 JAI 00137110 Modern Organic Chemistry Jain, M K Vishal Publications CO., 2019 9789387015302 xiv,1458p.; UG Library
547 JAI 00137111 Modern Organic Chemistry Jain, M K Vishal Publications CO., 2019 9789387015302 xiv,1458p.; UG Library
547 MAC 04002108 Organic Chemistry: VOl I Macomber, Roger Narosa Publishing House 2008 8185617783 318 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 MAC 04002109 Organic Chemistry: VOl I Macomber, Roger Narosa Publishing House 2008 8185617783 318 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 MAU 04003274 Basics of Organic Chemistry Maurya, Durgesh Kuma Anmol Publications 2008 9788126133840 349 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 MCM 04000507 Organic Chemistry / Mcmurry, John Thomson South Western, 2008 9788131500392 1284 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 MCM 04003031 Organic Chemistry / Mcmurry, John Thomson South Western, 2008 9788131500392 1284 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 MEH 04000429 Organic Chemistry / Mehta, Bhupinder Prentice-Hall of Inida, 2008 8120324412 1130 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 MOR 04001673 Study Guide to Organic Chemistry Morrison, Robert Tho Pearson Education 2008 8129708000 723 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 MOR 00126060 Organic Chemistry Morrison,Robert Thornton. Prentice -Hall, 2011 9788131704813 7th Ed. xxviii, 1472 p:. UG Library
547 MOR 00126061 Organic Chemistry Morrison,Robert Thornton. Prentice -Hall, 2011 9788131704813 7th Ed. xxviii, 1472 p:. UG Library
547 MOR 00124304 Organic Chemistry Morrison,Robert Thornton. Prentice -Hall, 2011 9788131704813 7th Ed. xxviii, 1472 p:. UG Library
547 MOR 00122700 Organic Chemistry Morrison,Robert Thornton. Prentice -Hall, 2011 9788131704813 7th Ed. xxviii, 1472 p:. UG Library
547 MOR 00122701 Organic Chemistry Morrison,Robert Thornton. Prentice -Hall, 2011 9788131704813 7th Ed. xxviii, 1472 p:. UG Library
547 MOR 00137100 Organic Chemistry Morrison,Robert Thornton. Prentice -Hall, 2011 9788131704813 7th Ed. xxviii, 1472 p:. UG Library
547 MOR 00137112 Organic Chemistry Morrison,Robert Thornton. Prentice -Hall, 2011 9788131704813 7th Ed. xxviii, 1472 p:. UG Library
547 MUR 04002519 Principles of Organic Chemistry Murray, Peter R S Oxford Melbourne 2005 0435656430 337 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 PAT 00146169 Organic Chemistry/ Pathak, Anup Books & Allied (P) Ltd 2023 9788194243724 | 9788187134169 3rd ed. 2 vol. set 842p:917p; UG Library
547 PAT 00146170 Organic Chemistry/ Pathak, Anup Books & Allied (P) Ltd 2023 9788194243724 | 9788187134169 3rd ed. 2 vol. set 842p:917p; UG Library
547 PAT 00112419 Organic Chemistry Pathak, Anup Books & Allied (P) Ltd 2012 9788187134169 | 9788187134169 797p UG Library
547 PAT 00112420 Organic Chemistry Pathak, Anup Books & Allied (P) Ltd 2012 9788187134169 | 9788187134169 797p UG Library
547 PAT 00112421 Organic Chemistry Pathak, Anup Books & Allied (P) Ltd 2012 9788187134169 | 9788187134169 797p UG Library
547 PAT 00112422 Organic Chemistry Pathak, Anup Books & Allied (P) Ltd 2012 9788187134169 | 9788187134169 797p UG Library
547 SHA 00138438 Advanced organic chemistry Sharma,Deepa New age international pvt ltd., 2010 9788122430615 xvii,456p.; UG Library
547 SIN 00111468 Advanced Organic Chemistry Singh,Jagdamba. Pragati Prakashan 2009 9788183988735 | 9789350067314 5th Ed. 778 p. UG Library
547 SOR 04002107 Organic Chemistry Sorrell, Thomas N Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2008 9788176498685 1457 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 SOR 04002274 Organic Chemistry Sorrell, Thomas N Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2008 9788176498685 1457 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 TEW 00141095 A Textbook of Organic Chemistry Tewari K.S. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 2019 9789385879128 4th ed., xvi,1413p.; UG Library
547 VOL 04001916 Organic Chemistry, Structure and Function Vollhardt, W h Freeman and Company 2008 0716799499 1254p i-23 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 WUL 04002097 Inorganic Chemistry Wulfsberg, Gary Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2005 9788176492881 978 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 AGA 00008009 Chemistry of Natural Products Agarwal O.P. Goel Publishing House 1960 480 p. UG Library
547 AGA 00008011 Chemistry of Natural Products Agarwal O.P. Goel Publishing House 1971 2nd Ed. 448 p. UG Library
547 AGA 00123422 Organic Chemistry of Natural Products Agarwal O P Krishna Prakashan Media (P) Ltd., 2015 9788182836891 556 p:. UG Library
547 AGA 00123423 Organic Chemistry of Natural Products Agarwal O P Krishna Prakashan Media (P) Ltd., 2015 9788182836891 556 p:. UG Library
547 AGA 00017964 Reactions and Reagents in Organic Chemistry Agarwal O.P. Goel Publishing House 1971 638 p. UG Library
547 AGG 00122858 Objective Chemistry Aggarwal S.K. A.S.Prakashan 2015 9788189865597 5th Ed. x, 424 p.: UG Library
547 AGG 00110625 Objective Chemistry Aggarwal S.K. A.S.Prakashan 2012 9788189865405 5th Ed. x, 424 p.: UG Library
547 AGG 00119363 Objective Chemistry Aggarwal S.K. A.S.Prakashan 2012 9788189865405 5th Ed. x, 424 p.: UG Library
547 AGR 00120862 Organic Chemistry Reactions & Reagents Agrawal O.P. Krishan Prakashan Media, 2015 9788182834835 xix,987 p.: UG Library
547 AHC 00118746 Organic Chemistry Ahluwalia, V K Multilingual Matters Limited 2000 9788130904030 407p UG Library
547 AHL 00111497 Organic Reaction Mechanisms / Ahluwalia, V.K. Narosa Publishing Houose Pvt Ltd., 2011 9788184871159 4th Ed. xxiii, 749 p. ; UG Library
547 AHL 00105081 Textbook of Organic Chemistry Ahluwalia V.K. Ane Books Pvt.Ltd. 2010 9789380156859 xvi: 387 p.: UG Library
547 AHL 00105082 Textbook of Organic Chemistry Ahluwalia V.K. Ane Books Pvt.Ltd. 2010 9789380156859 xvi: 387 p.: UG Library
547 AHL 00105079 Textbook of Organic Chemistry Ahluwalia V.K. Ane Books Pvt.Ltd. 2010 9789380156859 xvi: 387 p.: UG Library
547 AHL 00074504 Laboratory Techniques In Organic Chemistry Ahluwalia V.K. I.K. International Pvt Ltd 2005 8188237329 | 9788188237326 195 p. UG Library
547 AHL 00105078 Textbook of Organic Chemistry Ahluwalia V.K. Ane Books Pvt.Ltd. 2010 9789380156859 xvi: 387 p.: UG Library
547 AHL 00090057 Solved Problems in Reaction Mechanisms Ahluwalia V.K. Vishal Publishing Co. 2008 8188646636 | 9788188646630 280 p. UG Library
547 AHL 00090058 Solved Problems in Reaction Mechanisms Ahluwalia V.K. Vishal Publishing Co. 2008 8188646636 | 9788188646630 280 p. UG Library
547 AHL 00090059 Solved Problems in Reaction Mechanisms Ahluwalia V.K. Vishal Publishing Co. 2008 8188646636 | 9788188646630 280 p. UG Library
547 AHL 00105080 Textbook of Organic Chemistry Ahluwalia V.K. Ane Books Pvt.Ltd. 2010 9789380156859 xvi: 387 p.: UG Library
547 AHL 00082641 Chemistry of Natural Products Ahluwalia V.K. Ane Books 2006 8180520897 | 9788180520891 1st Ed. 249 p. UG Library
547 AHL 00131117 Organic Reaction Mechanisms / Ahluwalia, V.K. Narosa Publishing Houose Pvt Ltd., 2011 9788184871159 4th Ed. xxiii, 749 p. ; UG Library
547 AHL 00078068 Organic Chemistry Ahluwalia, V K Multilingual Matters Limited 2000 9788130904030 407p UG Library
547 AHL 00105077 Textbook of Organic Chemistry Ahluwalia V.K. Ane Books Pvt.Ltd. 2010 9789380156859 xvi: 387 p.: UG Library
547 AHL 00108857 Green Solved For Organic Syntesis Ahluwalia V.K. Narosa Publishing House 2009 9788173199646 xii; 9.10 p. UG Library
547 AHL 00058764 Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry: Preparation and Quantitative Analysis Ahluwalia V.K. Universities Press 2001 8173712735 311 p. UG Library
547 AHL 00105065 Chemistry of Natural Products Ahluwalia V.K. Ane Books 2006 8180520897 | 9788180520891 1st Ed. 249 p. UG Library
547 AHL 00105066 Chemistry of Natural Products Ahluwalia V.K. Ane Books 2006 8180520897 | 9788180520891 1st Ed. 249 p. UG Library
547 AKI 00109357 Organo Main Group Chemistry Akiba Kin-ya John Wiley & Sons 2011 9780470450338 xi; 275 p. UG Library
547 ALL 00014266 Structures of Organic Molecules Allinger,Norman L. Prentice Hall of India Private Limited 1975 127 p. UG Library
547 ARA 00145157 Fundamentals of organic chemistry / Arasan, Jeyanthi Swastik Publications, 2023 9789391382063 192p. ; UG Library
547 ARV 00146507 General Organic Chemistry Arvind, Udai Venus Books, 2023 9789386559425 292p. ; UG Library
547 AST 00000498 Organic Chemistry Melvin,Astle J. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co 1970 2nd Ed. 771 p. UG Library
547 AST 00007556 Organic Chemistry Melvin,Astle J. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co 1970 2nd Ed. 771 p. UG Library
547 AST 00018064 Organic Chemistry Melvin,Astle J. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co 1970 2nd Ed. 771 p. UG Library
547 ATK 00082703 Organic Chemistry: a Brief Course Atkins,Robert C. McGraw Hill 2002 0071121625 | 9780071121620 3rd Ed. 513 p. UG Library
547 ATK 00069238 Organic Chemistry: a Brief Course Atkins,Robert C. McGraw Hill 2002 0071121625 | 9780071121620 3rd Ed. 513 p. UG Library
547 AYE 00012960 Organic Chemistry Ayengar,Shrinivas H.S. Shrinivas 1975 1st Ed. 304 p. UG Library
547 BAG 00002545 Organic Chemistry Bagchi K.N. S.Bhattacharyya & Co 1956 6th Ed. 764 p. UG Library
547 BAH 00027073 Advanced Organic Chemistry Bahl B.S. S.Chand & Co Ltd 1985 2nd Ed. 1336 p. UG Library
547 BAH 00141099 Advanced Organic Chemistry Bahl, Arun S Chand &Co, 2019 9788121935159 1504 p.; UG Library
547 BAH 00128174 Advanced Organic Chemistry Bahl, B S S Chand &Co. 2017 9788121935159 1504p. UG Library
547 BAH 00030628 Textbook of Organic Chemistry/ Bahl, B.S. S. Chand & Co,, 1989 13th Ed. 780p. ; UG Library
547 BAH 00030631 Textbook of Organic Chemistry/ Bahl, B.S. S. Chand & Co,, 1989 13th Ed. 780p. ; UG Library
547 BAH 00011654 Text-Book of Organic Chemistry Bahl B.S. S. Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1974 11th Ed. 901 p. UG Library
547 BAH 00016477 Text-Book of Organic Chemistry Bahl B.S. S. Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1974 11th Ed. 901 p. UG Library
547 BAH 00051630 Textbook of Organic Chemistry / Bahl,Arun. S. Chand And Co, 2001 8121921902 | 9788121902595 16th Ed. 890 p.; UG Library
547 BAH 04011630 Textbook of Organic Chemistry / Bahl, Arun S Chand, 2018 9789352531967 1108p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 BAH 04011475 A Textbook of Organic Chemistry / Bahl, Arun S.Chand, 1948 9788121926140 1073 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 BAH 00139362 A textbook of Organic chemistry/ Bahl,Arun. S Chand and Company Ltd., 2020 9789352837304 22nd ed. rep. 1108p.; UG Library
547 BAH 00139363 A textbook of Organic chemistry/ Bahl,Arun. S Chand and Company Ltd., 2020 9789352837304 22nd ed. rep. 1108p.; UG Library
547 BAH 00011653 Text-Book of Organic Chemistry Bahl B.S. S. Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1974 11th Ed. 901 p. UG Library
547 BAH 00012259 Text-Book of Organic Chemistry Bahl B.S. S. Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1974 11th Ed. 901 p. UG Library
547 BAH 00007547 Text-Book of Organic Chemistry Bahl B.S. S. Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1974 11th Ed. 901 p. UG Library
547 BAH 00027072 Text-Book of Organic Chemistry Bahl B.S. S. Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1974 11th Ed. 901 p. UG Library
547 BAH 00012261 Text-Book of Organic Chemistry Bahl B.S. S. Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1974 11th Ed. 901 p. UG Library
547 BAH 00018050 Text-Book of Organic Chemistry Bahl B.S. S. Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1974 11th Ed. 901 p. UG Library
547 BAH 00029517 A Textbook of Organic Chemistry/ Bahl, Arun S. Chabd & Co., 2003 8121902592 895p. ; UG Library
547 BAH 00030629 Textbook of Organic Chemistry/ Bahl, B.S. S. Chand & Co,, 1989 13th Ed. 780p. ; UG Library
547 BAH 00016478 Text Book of Organic Chemistry Bahl, B.s S Chand & Company Ltd 1977 912 p UG Library
547 BAH 00137117 Advanced Organic Chemistry / Bahl,Arun. S Chand and Company Limited, 2018 9788121935159 REP xxiii,1504p.; UG Library
547 BAH 00137118 Advanced Organic Chemistry / Bahl,Arun. S Chand and Company Limited, 2018 9788121935159 REP xxiii,1504p.; UG Library
547 BAI 00147319 Organic Chemistry Bairwa J J R Paradise Publishers, 2023 9789388514415 250p.; UG Library
547 BAL 00030636 Organic Chemistry Bahl B S S Chand & Company (LTd) 1900 980 p. UG Library
547 BAN 00045614 Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry Bansal,Raj K. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1994 0812240636 3rd Ed. 290 p. UG Library
547 BAN 00045615 A Text Book of Organic Chemistry Bansal,Raj K. New Age International Publishers, 2007 8122410073 | 9788122420258 5th Ed. 1009 p.; UG Library
547 BAN 00084937 Organic Chemistry: Problems and Solutions Bansal, Raj K. New Age International Publishers 2006 8122417973 | 9788122417975 2nd Ed. 466 p. UG Library
547 BAN 00050336 Synthetic Organic Chemistry Bansal,Hamlesh. Campus Books 2000 8187815175 279 p. UG Library
547 BAN 00145878 A Text Book of Organic Chemistry Bansal, Raj K. New Age International Publishers, 2024 9789389802061 7th Ed. 1004p. ; UG Library
547 BAN 00055029 Organic Reaction Mechanisms Bansal,Raj K Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1998 0074620835 3rd ed xiv, 611 p. : UG Library
547 BAN 00131096 A Text Book Of Organic Chemsitry : Bansal, Raj K. New Age International Pvt,Ltd., 2016 9788122439670 878 p. ; UG Library
547 BAN 00020290 Organic Reaction Mechanisms Bansal,Raj K Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1998 0074620835 3rd ed xiv, 611 p. : UG Library
547 BAN 00022849 Laboratory Manual in Organic Chemistry Bansal, Raj K. Wiley Eastern Ltd 1980 185 p. UG Library
547 BAN 00090982 A Text Book of Organic Chemistry Bansal,Raj K. New Age International Publishers, 2007 8122410073 | 9788122420258 5th Ed. 1009 p.; UG Library
547 BAN 00059451 Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry Bansal,Raj K. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2009 8122412971 | 9788122424034 5th Ed. 290 p. UG Library
547 BAN 00090976 Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry Bansal,Raj K. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2009 8122412971 | 9788122424034 5th Ed. 290 p. UG Library
547 BAN 00090983 A Text Book of Organic Chemistry Bansal,Raj K. New Age International Publishers, 2007 8122410073 | 9788122420258 5th Ed. 1009 p.; UG Library
547 BAR 05066669 Reason and imagination : Barton, Derek, World Scientific/Imperial College Press, 1996 9789810225964 xxvi, 863 p. : Knowledge Centre
547 BAR 00109134 Comprehensive organic chemistry Barton,Sir Derek Pergamon Press, 1979 0080213197 (set) : 1st ed. v; 1205 p. UG Library
547 BAR 00109135 Comprehensive organic chemistry Barton,Sir Derek Pergamon Press, 1979 0080213197 (set) : 1st ed. v; 1205 p. UG Library
547 BAR 00109136 Comprehensive organic chemistry Barton,Sir Derek Pergamon Press, 1979 0080213197 (set) : 1st ed. v; 1205 p. UG Library
547 BAR 00109137 Comprehensive organic chemistry Barton,Sir Derek Pergamon Press, 1979 0080213197 (set) : 1st ed. v; 1205 p. UG Library
547 BAR 00109138 Comprehensive organic chemistry Barton,Sir Derek Pergamon Press, 1979 0080213197 (set) : 1st ed. v; 1205 p. UG Library
547 BAR 00109139 Comprehensive organic chemistry Barton,Sir Derek Pergamon Press, 1979 0080213197 (set) : 1st ed. v; 1205 p. UG Library
547 BET 00126923 Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry / Bettelheim Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, 2013 9780495391166 | 9781133109945 8th ed. xxii, 569, 49, 10, 16 p. : UG Library
547 BHA 00135459 Organic Chemistry / Bhakta Chittaranjan Bharati Bhawan 2017 9789350270608 Vol.1 1328 UG Library
547 BHA 00135460 Organic Chemistry / Bhakta Chittaranjan Bharati Bhawan 2017 9789350270608 Vol.1 1328 UG Library
547 BHA 00135467 Organic Chemistry / Bhakta Chittaranjan Bharati Bhawan 2017 9789350270943 Vol.2 236p. UG Library
547 BHA 00135468 Organic Chemistry / Bhakta Chittaranjan Bharati Bhawan 2017 9789350270943 Vol.2 236p. UG Library
547 BHA 00110293 Pathway to Organic Chemistry Structure & Mechanism Bhattacharjee P. Books And Allied Pvt Ltd 2012 9788187134206 viii; 569 p. UG Library
547 BHA 00110294 Pathway to Organic Chemistry Structure & Mechanism Bhattacharjee P. Books And Allied Pvt Ltd 2012 9788187134206 viii; 569 p. UG Library
547 BHU 00105071 Organic Chemistry-III Bhutani S.P. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 2009 9788180522734 ix,261 p. UG Library
547 BHU 00105072 Organic Chemistry-III Bhutani S.P. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 2009 9788180522734 ix,261 p. UG Library
547 BHU 00105075 Practical Organic Chemistry Bhutani S.P. Ane Books | Ane Book India 2008 8180522601 | 9788180522604 253 p. UG Library
547 BHU 00105076 Practical Organic Chemistry Bhutani S.P. Ane Books | Ane Book India 2008 8180522601 | 9788180522604 253 p. UG Library
547 BHU 00098182 Organic Chemistry : Bhutani S P ANE Books India; 9788180521911 321 p. UG Library
547 BHU 00082643 Practical Organic Chemistry Bhutani S.P. Ane Books | Ane Book India 2008 8180522601 | 9788180522604 253 p. UG Library
547 BHU 00117311 Organic Chemistry-III Bhutani S.P. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 2009 9788180522734 ix,261 p. UG Library
547 BOH 00047812 Advances in Metallo-Organic Chemistry Bohra, R RBSA 8176110493 442p UG Library
547 BRE 00008027 Unitized Experiments in Organic Chemistry Brewster,Ray Q. D.Van Nostrand Co Inc 1960 271 p. UG Library
547 BRO 00037331 Organic Chemistry Brown,William H. Saunders College Publishing 1995 0030989728 | 9780030989728 1115 p. UG Library
547 BRU 00137101 Organic Chemistry / Bruice,Paula Y. Pearson, 2019 9789332519046 7th (10 rep) ed. iii,1337p.; UG Library
547 BRU 00137102 Organic Chemistry / Bruice,Paula Y. Pearson, 2019 9789332519046 7th (10 rep) ed. iii,1337p.; UG Library
547 BRU 00117981 Essential Organic Chemistry Bruice,Paula Yurkanis Pearson Education Inc 2006 9788131703731 xxiv,593 p,: UG Library
547 BRU 00127692 Essential organic chemistry / Bruice, Paula Yurkanis, Pearson Education Limited, 2016 9781292089034 Third edition. 672 p. UG Library
547 BRU 00127698 Organic chemistry Bruice, Paula Yurkanis. Pearson, 2017 9781292160344 1336 p. UG Library
547 BRU 00145696 Organic chemistry: Bruice, Paula Yurkanis. Pearson, 2023 9789353948450 8th ed. 1360p. UG Library
547 BRU 00082684 Advanced Organic Chemistry Bruckner,Reinhard. Academic Press 2002 9788181477132 636 p. UG Library
547 BUR 04007723 A short course in organic chemistry / Burgoyne, Edward E. McGraw-Hill, 1979 0070091714 : xv, 527 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 CAR 00109391 Organic Chemistry Carey,Francis A. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd 2008 9780070667167 7th Ed. xxxiii; 1229 p. UG Library
547 CAR 00077745 Advanced Organic Chemistry Part B: Reactions And Synthesis Carey, Francis A. Springer 2001 0306462451 | 9780306462450 4th Ed. xii; 965 p. UG Library
547 CAR 00082674 Advanced Organic Chemistry Part B: Reactions and Synthesis Carey, Francis A. Springer 2007 5th Ed. 1321 p. UG Library
547 CAR 00077744 Advanced Organic Chemistry Part A : Structure And Mechanisms Carey,Francis A. New York 2007 0306462435 | 9788132204251 4th Ed. 824 p. UG Library
547 CAR 04011030 Advanced Organic Chemistry Part A: Structure and Mechanisms Carey, Francis A Springer 2007 0387683461 | 9788132204251 5th Ed. 1199 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 CAR 00082625 Organic Chemistry Carey,Francis A. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 2008 0070667160 | 9780070667167 7th Ed. 1229 p. UG Library
547 CAR 00082689 Advanced Organic Chemistry Part A: Structure and Mechanisms Carey, Francis A Springer 2007 0387683461 | 9788132204251 5th Ed. 1199 p. UG Library
547 CAR 00108331 Advanced Organic Chemistry Part A: Structure and Mechanisms Carey, Francis A Springer 2007 0387683461 | 9788132204251 5th Ed. 1199 p. UG Library
547 CAR 00108332 Advanced Organic Chemistry Part A: Structure and Mechanisms Carey, Francis A Springer 2007 0387683461 | 9788132204251 5th Ed. 1199 p. UG Library
547 CAR 00105093 Advanced Organic Chemistry Part A: Structure and Mechanisms Carey, Francis A Springer 2007 0387683461 | 9788132204251 5th Ed. 1199 p. UG Library
547 CAR 00108329 Advanced Organic Chemistry Part B: Reactions and Synthesis Carey, Francis A. Springer 2007 5th Ed. 1321 p. UG Library
547 CAR 00108330 Advanced Organic Chemistry Part B: Reactions and Synthesis Carey, Francis A. Springer 2007 5th Ed. 1321 p. UG Library
547 CAR 00105094 Advanced Organic Chemistry Part B: Reactions and Synthesis Carey, Francis A. Springer 2007 5th Ed. 1321 p. UG Library
547 CAR 00082675 Advanced Organic Chemistry Part B: Reactions and Synthesis Carey, Francis A. Springer 2007 5th Ed. 1321 p. UG Library
547 CAR 00082688 Advanced Organic Chemistry Part A: Structure and Mechanisms Carey, Francis A Springer 2007 0387683461 | 9788132204251 5th Ed. 1199 p. UG Library
547 CAR 00147828 Organic Chemistry/ Carey, Francis A. McGraw-Hill Book Company, 2024 9781266159244 12th ed xxvii,1168, I-25p.; UG Library
547 CAR 04007691 Organic Chemistry/ Carey, Francis A. McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1987 xxvii,1219p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 CAR 00061334 Advanced Organic Chemistry Part A : Structure And Mechanisms Carey,Francis A. New York 2007 0306462435 | 9788132204251 4th Ed. 824 p. UG Library
547 CAR 00061335 Advanced Organic Chemistry Carey, Francis 0306462451 965p UG Library
547 CAV 00002543 Systematic Qualitative Analysis Caven R.M. Blacker & Sons Ltd 2000 238 p. UG Library
547 CHA 00088133 Organic Chemistry of Natural Products Chatwal,Gurdeep R. Himalaya Publishing House 2005 9788183188487 4th Ed. P.V. UG Library
547 CHA 00088132 Organic Chemistry of Natural Products Chatwal,Gurdeep R. Himalaya Publishing House 2005 9788183188487 4th Ed. P.V. UG Library
547 CHA 00122277 Organic Chemistry Chaloner, Penny A. 9781482206906 | 1482206900 (ha xix, 1264 p:. UG Library
547 CHA 00058591 Reaction Mechanism and Reagents in Organic Chemistry Chatwal,Gurdeep R. Himalaya 1987 890 p. UG Library
547 CHA 00128437 Organic Chemistry ( I & II Sem) Chauhan, Aprajita Viva Books, 2016 9788130910130 | 9788130910116 334 p.: UG Library
547 CHA 00128436 Organic Chemistry ( I & II Sem) Chauhan, Aprajita Viva Books, 2016 9788130910130 | 9788130910116 334 p.: UG Library
547 CHA 00147949 Understanding Advanced chemistry Through Problem Solving: Chan, Kim Seng World Scientific, 2024 9798886130355 vii,328p. ; UG Library
547 CHA 00147950 Understanding Advanced chemistry Through Problem Solving: Chan, Kim Seng World Scientific, 2024 9798886130355 vii,328p. ; UG Library
547 CHA 00082664 Reactions, Mechanisms & Problems in Organic Chemistry Chattopadhyay P. Asian Books Private Limited 2006 8186299939 | 9788186299937 2nd Ed. P.V. UG Library
547 CHA 00030848 Reaction Mechanism and Reagents in Organic Chemistry Chatwal,Gurdeep R. Himalaya 1987 890 p. UG Library
547 CHA 00088134 Organic Chemistry of Natural Products Chatwal,Gurdeep R. Himalaya Publishing House 2005 9788183188487 4th Ed. P.V. UG Library
547 CHA 00088135 Organic Chemistry of Natural Products Chatwal,Gurdeep R. Himalaya Publishing House 2005 9788183188487 4th Ed. P.V. UG Library
547 CHA 00085721 Organic Chemistry of Natural Products Chatwal,Gurdeep R. Himalaya Publishing House 2005 9788183188487 4th Ed. P.V. UG Library
547 CHA 00142638 Understanding advanced organic and analytical chemistry : Chan, Kim Seng, W S education, 2020 9789814733984 | 9814733989 | 9780000989123 Revised edition. xix, 548 pages : UG Library
547 CHA 00042084 Organic Chemistry of Natural Products. Chatwal, Gurdeep R Himalaya Publishing House 1996 9788183187992 p v UG Library
547 CHA 00085720 Organic Chemistry of Natural Products. Chatwal, Gurdeep R Himalaya Publishing House 1996 9788183187992 p v UG Library
547 CHA 00042086 Organic Chemistry of Natural Products Chatwal,Gurdeep R. Himalaya Publishing House 2005 9788183188487 4th Ed. P.V. UG Library
547 CHA 00085717 Organic Chemistry of Natural Products Chatwal,Gurdeep R. Himalaya Publishing House 2005 9788183188487 4th Ed. P.V. UG Library
547 CHA 00085716 Organic Chemistry of Natural Products Chatwal,Gurdeep R. Himalaya Publishing House 2005 9788183188487 4th Ed. P.V. UG Library
547 CHO 00139021 Advanced theory in Organic Chemistry: Vol-1 Chouhan, M. S. Shri balaji publications, 2019 9789384934606 2nd ed, 592 p.; UG Library
547 CLA 00102232 Organic Chemistry Clayden, Jonathan Oxford university; 2001 9780198503460 1513p. ; UG Library
547 CLA 00129361 Organic Chemistry Jonathan Clayden Oxford University Press, 2001 0198503474 | 9780198728719 2n ed, xxv, 1234 p.: UG Library
547 CLA 00129362 Organic Chemistry Jonathan Clayden Oxford University Press, 2001 0198503474 | 9780198728719 2n ed, xxv, 1234 p.: UG Library
547 CLA 00129363 Organic Chemistry Jonathan Clayden Oxford University Press, 2001 0198503474 | 9780198728719 2n ed, xxv, 1234 p.: UG Library
547 CLA 00126062 Organic Chemistry Jonathan Clayden Oxford University Press, 2001 0198503474 | 9780198728719 2n ed, xxv, 1234 p.: UG Library
547 CLA 00126063 Organic Chemistry Jonathan Clayden Oxford University Press, 2001 0198503474 | 9780198728719 2n ed, xxv, 1234 p.: UG Library
547 CLA 00057906 Organic Chemistry Clayden, Jonathan Oxford university; 2001 9780198503460 1513p. ; UG Library
547 CLA 00119466 Organic Chemistry Jonathan Clayden Oxford University Press, 2001 0198503474 | 9780198728719 2n ed, xxv, 1234 p.: UG Library
547 CLA 00007291 Modern Organic Chemistry: An Introduction Clark N.G. Oxford University Press 1964 574 p. UG Library
547 CLA 00011769 A Handbook of Organic Analysis: Qualitative And Quantitative Clarke,Hans Thacher. Orient Longman Ltd 1926 4th Ed. 363 p. UG Library
547 CLA 00004510 A Handbook of Organic Analysis: Qualitative And Quantitative Clarke,Hans Thacher. Orient Longman Ltd 1926 4th Ed. 363 p. UG Library
547 CON 00007989 Deductive Organic Chemistry a Short Course Conrow, Kenneth Indian Social Institute 1970 405p UG Library
547 CRA 00020286 The Essence of Organic Chemistry Cram Jane M. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co 1978 456 p. UG Library
547 CRA 00001165 Organic Chemistry Cram,Donald J. McGraw Hill Book Co Inc 1964 846 p. UG Library
547 CRA 04007696 Organic Chemistry / Cram, Donald J. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1959 xv, 712p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 DAH 00111570 Calculations in Chemistry: Dahm, Donald J. W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2013 9780393912869 xvi: 542p.; UG Library
547 DAV 00118774 Organic Chemistry Davis, Gene A. MedTech, 2013 9789381714195 x:206p.; UG Library
547 DAV 00118963 Organic Chemistry Davis, Gene A. MedTech, 2013 9789381714195 x:206p.; UG Library
547 DAV 00132811 A study guide organic chemistry Dave,Pareshkumar Y Cyber tech publications, 2018 9789350536568 232p.; UG Library
547 DEL 00047808 Problems in Organic Chemistry Delvin,Samuel. Sarup and Sons 1999 8176250511 1st Ed. 206 p. UG Library
547 DEN 00146219 General, Organic, and Biochemistry. Denniston, K. J. McGraw Hill, 2023 9781265138462 | 11th ed. xxii, 823 p. I-20 UG Library
547 DEN 00128933 General, Organic, and Biochemistry. Denniston, K. J. McGraw Hill, 2014 9780073402765 | Eighth edition / xxii, 819 p. : UG Library
547 DEY 00004509 Laboratory Manual Of Organic Chemistry Dey, B.B. S. Vishanathan 1937 4th Ed. 297 p. UG Library
547 DHI 00127019 Systematic Nomenclature of Organic Compounds Dhillon, Ranjit S. I.K.International, 2015 9789384588281 120 p.: UG Library
547 DOH 00001174 Elementrary Organic Chemistry. Bolh, B S S Chand 1968 1 UG Library
547 EGE 00027863 Organic Chemistry Ege,Seyhan N. Heath International 1981 xxi; 1163 p. UG Library
547 EGE 00049812 Organic Chemistry Ege,Seyhan N. D.C. Heath And Co 1989 0669181781 | 9780669181784 2nd Ed. 1182 p. UG Library
547 EGE 00069922 Organic Chemistry: Structure and Reactivity Ege,Seyhan. A.I.T.B.S. Publishers & Distributors 2005 8174730737 3rd Ed. 1355 p. UG Library
547 ELI 05065210 The Chemistry of the p - Block Elements : Elias,Anil J. University Press, 2019 9789386235718 xxiii,624p.; Knowledge Centre
547 ENG 00000505 Principles of Organic Chemistry English, James Mc Graw Hill pv UG Library
547 FER 00010232 Modern Structural Theroy of Organic Chemistry Ferguson,Lloyd N. Prentice-Hall 1966 600 p. UG Library
547 FER 00001169 Textbook of Organic Chemistry Ferguson, Lloyd N. D.Van Nostrand Co Inc 1968 2nd Ed. 755 p. UG Library
547 FER 00001170 Modern Structural Theroy of Organic Chemistry Ferguson,Lloyd N. Prentice-Hall 1966 600 p. UG Library
547 FES 04007695 Organic Chemistry/ Fessenden, Ralph J Willard Grant Press; 1979 0871507242 xvi,1040p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 FIE 00007186 Organic Chemistry Fieser,Louis F. Asian Publishing House 1956 3rd Ed. 1111 p. UG Library
547 FIE 04007672 Organic chemsitry / Fieser, Louis F. Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 1956 3rd ed, v, 1112p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 FIE 00007185 Organic Chemistry Fieser,Louis F. Asian Publishing House 1956 3rd Ed. 1111 p. UG Library
547 FIE 00002537 Organic Chemistry Fieser,Louis F. Asian Publishing House 1956 3rd Ed. 1111 p. UG Library
547 FIN 00137096 Organic Chemistry : Finar, I. L. Pearson Education, 2014 9788177585421 6th (19th REP) ed. xiv, 965p.; UG Library
547 FIN 00137097 Organic Chemistry : Finar, I. L. Pearson Education, 2014 9788177585421 6th (19th REP) ed. xiv, 965p.; UG Library
547 FIN 00137098 Organic Chemistry : Finar, I L. Pearson Education Inc., 2019 9788177585414 5th (23rd rep) ed. 956 p.; UG Library
547 FIN 00137099 Organic Chemistry : Finar, I L. Pearson Education Inc., 2019 9788177585414 5th (23rd rep) ed. 956 p.; UG Library
547 FIN 00053365 Organic Chemistry: The Fundamental Principles Finar, I. L Pearson Education, 1973 9788177585421 6th ed. xiv, 965 p.: UG Library
547 FIN 00073707 Organic Chemistry: Stereochemistry And The Chemisty Of Natural Products Finar I.L. English Language Book Society 1975 5th Ed. 942 p. UG Library
547 FIN 00030843 Organic Chemistry: Stereochemistry And The Chemisty Of Natural Products Finar I.L. English Language Book Society 1975 5th Ed. 942 p. UG Library
547 FIN 00017887 Fundamental Organic Chemistry Finley,Thomas K. Prentice-Hall Inc 1970 429 p. UG Library
547 FIN 00028871 Organic Chemistry Finar, I L E L B S 965 p UG Library
547 FIN 00028872 Organic Chemistry Finar, I L E L B S 965 p UG Library
547 FIN 00120184 Organic Chemistry: Finar, I L Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177585414 5th ed. 956 p.: UG Library
547 FIN 00120186 Organic chemistry Finar, I. L. Pearson, 2002 0582442214 (v. 1) | 9788177585 6th ed. 965 p. : UG Library
547 FIN 00030841 Organic Chemistry: The Fundamental Principles Finar, I. L Pearson Education, 1973 9788177585421 6th ed. xiv, 965 p.: UG Library
547 FIN 00141110 Organic Chemistry: Finar, I L Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177585414 5th ed. 956 p.: UG Library
547 FIN 00083546 Organic Chemistry: Finar, I L Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177585414 5th ed. 956 p.: UG Library
547 FIN 00141109 Organic Chemistry: The Fundamental Principles Finar, I. L Pearson Education, 1973 9788177585421 6th ed. xiv, 965 p.: UG Library
547 FIN 00083547 Organic Chemistry: Finar, I L Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177585414 5th ed. 956 p.: UG Library
547 FIN 00003730 Organic Chemistry Finar I.L. The English Language Book Society 1968 4th Ed. 852 p. UG Library
547 FIN 00120192 Problems and their Solution in Organic Chemistry Finar, I. L Pearson Education Ltd, 1973 9788131700938 IX, 359 p.: UG Library
547 FIN 00052581 Problems and Their Solution in Organic Chemistry Finar, I L Pearson Education 1971 8178083795 352p UG Library
547 FIN 00062444 Organic Chemistry: Finar, I L Pearson Education 2003 948p UG Library
547 FIN 00082614 Organic Chemistry: The Fundamental Principles Finar, I. L Pearson Education, 1973 9788177585421 6th ed. xiv, 965 p.: UG Library
547 FIN 04011393 Organic chemistry Finar, I. L. Pearson, 2002 0582442214 (v. 1) | 9788177585 6th ed. 965 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 FIN 00082615 Organic Chemistry: The Fundamental Principles Finar, I. L Pearson Education, 1973 9788177585421 6th ed. xiv, 965 p.: UG Library
547 FIN 00013615 Problems and Their Solution in Organic Chemistry Finar, I L Pearson Education 1971 8178083795 352p UG Library
547 FIN 00145695 Organic Chemistry : Finar, I. L. Pearson Education, 2014 9788177585421 6th (19th REP) ed. xiv, 965p.; UG Library
547 FIN 00073706 Organic Chemistry: The Fundamental Principles Finar, I. L Pearson Education, 1973 9788177585421 6th ed. xiv, 965 p.: UG Library
547 FIN 00082613 Organic Chemistry: The Fundamental Principles Finar, I. L Pearson Education, 1973 9788177585421 6th ed. xiv, 965 p.: UG Library
547 FIN 00083566 Organic Chemistry: The Fundamental Principles Finar, I. L Pearson Education, 1973 9788177585421 6th ed. xiv, 965 p.: UG Library
547 FIN 00083565 Organic Chemistry: The Fundamental Principles Finar, I. L Pearson Education, 1973 9788177585421 6th ed. xiv, 965 p.: UG Library
547 FIN 00030844 Organic Chemistry: Stereochemistry And The Chemisty Of Natural Products Finar I.L. English Language Book Society 1975 5th Ed. 942 p. UG Library
547 FIN 00082619 Organic Chemistry: Finar, I L Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177585414 5th ed. 956 p.: UG Library
547 FIN 00082620 Organic Chemistry: Finar, I L Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177585414 5th ed. 956 p.: UG Library
547 FIN 04024947 Organic chemistry Finar, I. L. Pearson, 2002 0582442214 (v. 1) | 9788177585 6th ed. 965 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 FIN 04024941 Organic Chemistry: Finar, I L Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177585414 5th ed. 956 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 FIN 00030842 Organic Chemistry: The Fundamental Principles Finar, I. L Pearson Education, 1973 9788177585421 6th ed. xiv, 965 p.: UG Library
547 FIN 00005247 Organic Chemistry: Finar, I L Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177585414 5th ed. 956 p.: UG Library
547 FIN 00005246 Organic Chemistry: Finar, I L Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177585414 5th ed. 956 p.: UG Library
547 FIN 00014273 Organic Chemistry: The Fundamental Principles Finar, I. L Pearson Education, 1973 9788177585421 6th ed. xiv, 965 p.: UG Library
547 FIN 00140822 Organic Chemistry: The Fundamental Principles Finar, I. L Pearson Education, 1973 9788177585421 6th ed. xiv, 965 p.: UG Library
547 FIN 00140823 Organic Chemistry: Finar, I L Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177585414 5th ed. 956 p.: UG Library
547 FIN 00010709 Organic Chemistry Finar I.L. The English Language Book Society 1968 4th Ed. 852 p. UG Library
547 FIN 00018053 Organic Chemistry Finar I.L. The English Language Book Society 1968 4th Ed. 852 p. UG Library
547 FOX 00038474 Organic Chemistry Fox, Marye Anne. Jones and Bartlett Pub, 1994 9780867202076 870 p. UG Library
547 FUR 00137068 Text book of Practical Organic Chemistry , Furniss,Brian S. Pearson, 2012 9788177589573 5th (12th rep) edition xxviii,1514p.; UG Library
547 FUR 00137069 Text book of Practical Organic Chemistry , Furniss,Brian S. Pearson, 2012 9788177589573 5th (12th rep) edition xxviii,1514p.; UG Library
547 FUR 00083550 Vogel`s Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry Furniss, S Brian Pearson Education Inc. 2005 8177589571 | 9788129702630 5th ed, xxvii, 1514 p. : UG Library
547 FUR 00083551 Vogel`s Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry Furniss, S Brian Pearson Education Inc. 2005 8177589571 | 9788129702630 5th ed, xxvii, 1514 p. : UG Library
547 FUR 00082635 Vogel`s Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry Furniss, S Brian Pearson Education Inc. 2005 8177589571 | 9788129702630 5th ed, xxvii, 1514 p. : UG Library
547 FUR 00045031 Vogel`s Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry Furniss, S Brian Pearson Education Inc. 2005 8177589571 | 9788129702630 5th ed, xxvii, 1514 p. : UG Library
547 GHA 00120166 A Textbook of Organic Chemistry Ghatak K. L PHI Learning Pvt Ltd, 2014 9788120347977 XV, 1304.: UG Library
547 GHO 00082626 Advanced General Organic Chemistry: A Modern Approach. Ghosh, Sachin K New Central Book Agency Pvt.Ltd 2007 8173814414 1482p UG Library
547 GHO 00082627 Advanced General Organic Chemistry: A Modern Approach. Ghosh, Sachin K New Central Book Agency Pvt.Ltd 2007 8173814414 1482p UG Library
547 GIB 04007711 Mastering Organic Chemistry : Gibson W.B. Saunders Company, 1979 vii, 563p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 GIL 00033572 Organic Chemistry Gilman,Henry. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1945 2nd Ed. 1077 p. UG Library
547 GIL 00033573 Organic Chemistry Gilman,Henry. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1945 2nd Ed. 1077 p. UG Library
547 GUP 00128598 Problems and Solutions in Organic Chemistry Gupta, Subrata Sen Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199455461 758 P.: UG Library
547 GUP 00128597 Problems and Solutions in Organic Chemistry Gupta, Subrata Sen Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199455461 758 P.: UG Library
547 GUP 00052308 A Text Book of Organic Chemistry Gupta R.K. Arihant Prakashan 2001 3rd Ed. 798 p. UG Library
547 Gup 00120220 Problems and Solutions in Organic Chemistry Gupta, Subrata Sen Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199455461 758 P.: UG Library
547 GUP 00120223 Organic Chemistry Gupta, Subrata Sen Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199451647 xix:719p.; UG Library
547 GUP 00062721 Objective Chemistry Dr.R.K. Gupta UG Library
547 GUP 05065492 Concepts of Organic Chemistry Vol2 / Gupta,Ajnish Kumar. G K Publication, 2020 9788193975305 757p.; Knowledge Centre
547 GUP 00119164 Organic Chemistry Gupta, Subrata Sen Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199451647 xix:719p.; UG Library
547 GUP 00132440 Concepts of organic chemistry for competitive examinations, Gupta,Ajnish Kumar CL Media pvt ltd., 2019 9789387444713 | 9789387444720 Volumes UG Library
547 GUP 00132441 Concepts of organic chemistry for competitive examinations, Gupta,Ajnish Kumar CL Media pvt ltd., 2019 9789387444713 | 9789387444720 Volumes UG Library
547 HAI 00122644 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry Haider, Nafis S. S Chand 2004 9788121907675 548p UG Library
547 HAI 00024575 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry Haider, Nafis S. S Chand 2004 9788121907675 548p UG Library
547 HAI 00115609 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry Haider, Nafis S. S Chand 2004 9788121907675 548p UG Library
547 HAN 00005259 An Outline Organic Chemistry Hansch,Corwin. McGraw-Hill Book Co Inc 1959 2nd Ed. 336 p. UG Library
547 HAN 00138461 Natural Products : Hanson,James R. The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2003 9780854044900 vi,147p.; UG Library
547 HAR 00082702 Organic Chemistry at a Glance Harwood,Laurence M. Blackwell Publishing 2004 9780865427822 103 p. UG Library
547 HAR 00061333 Organic Chemistry at a Glance Harwood,Laurence M. Blackwell Publishing 2004 9780865427822 103 p. UG Library
547 HEA 00127695 Introduction to Organic Chemistry Heathcock, Clayton H. Medtech, 2017 9789385998898 4th ed, xviii, 1256 p. UG Library
547 HEA 04029135 Introduction to Organic Chemistry Heathcock, Clayton H. Medtech, 2017 9789385998898 4th ed, xviii, 1256 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 HEN 00020166 Naming Open-Chain Compounds Henderson Euan S. Oxford University Press 1972 98 p. UG Library
547 HOF 00045856 Organic Chemistry: an Intermediate Text Hoffman, Robert V 1997 0195096185 322p UG Library
547 HOF 00082631 Organic Chemistry: An Intermediate Text. Hoffman, Robert V 2004 0471450243 476p UG Library
547 HOR 00084921 Organic Chemistry Hornback, Joseph M Thomson 2006 0534493173 2nd ed. 1219p UG Library
547 HOR 00120187 Foundations of Organic Chemistry Worked Examples Hormby, Michael Oxford University Press, 2012 9780195674057 92 p.: UG Library
547 HOR 00082687 Organic Chemistry Hornback, Joseph M Thomson 2006 0534493173 2nd ed. 1219p UG Library
547 ING 00106539 Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry Ingold, C K CBS Publishers 1994 9788123909752 2nd ed. 1266p UG Library
547 ING 00084892 Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry Ingold, C K CBS Publishers 1994 9788123909752 2nd ed. 1266p UG Library
547 IQB 00106846 Text book of Bio-organic Chemisty Iqbal S.A. Discovery Publishin House PVT.LTD. 2011 9788183568326 339 P. UG Library
547 JAI 00090052 Modern Organic Chemistry Jain, M K S Nagin & Co 1978 962p UG Library
547 JAI 00090051 Modern Organic Chemistry Jain, M K S Nagin & Co 1978 962p UG Library
547 JAI 00009097 Modern Organic Chemistry Jain, M K S Nagin & Co 1978 962p UG Library
547 JAI 00016888 Principles of Organic Chemistry Jain M.K. S. Nagin & Co. 1976 8th Ed. 1104 p. UG Library
547 JAI 00016889 Principles of Organic Chemistry Jain M.K. S. Nagin & Co. 1976 8th Ed. 1104 p. UG Library
547 JAI 00016890 Principles of Organic Chemistry Jain M.K. S. Nagin & Co. 1976 8th Ed. 1104 p. UG Library
547 JAI 00026393 Modern Principles of Organic Chemistry Jain M.K. Shoban Nagin Chand & Co 1983 12th Ed. 1107 p. UG Library
547 JAI 00009096 Principles of Organic Chemistry Jain M.K. S. Nagin & Co. 1983 4th Ed. 496 p UG Library
547 JAI 00128393 Modern Organic Chemistry Jain, M K Vishal Publications CO., 2017 1458p : . UG Library
547 JAI 00090053 Modern Organic Chemistry Jain, M K S Nagin & Co 1978 962p UG Library
547 JON 00073400 Organic Chemistry Jones,Maitland Jr. W.W. Norton & Co 2005 0393393924 | 9780393924084 3rd Ed. 1323 p. UG Library
547 JON 00105256 Organic Chemistry Jones, Maitland. W.W. Norton & Company 2010 9780393117363 4th. 1220 p. UG Library
547 JON 00117503 Organic chemistry / Jones, Maitland, W.W. Norton, 2014 9780393937138 | 0393931498 (ha 5th ed. / xxxix, 1220, [43] p. : UG Library
547 JON 00078070 Organic Chemistry Jones, Maitland 1997 0393970795 1394p UG Library
547 JON 00061785 Organic Chemistry Jones,Maitland. W.W. Norton & Company 2000 2nd Ed. 1316 p. UG Library
547 JON 04007437 Organic Chemistry Jones, Maitland. W.W. Norton & Company 2010 9780393117363 4th. 1220 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 KAL 00110905 Pharmaceutical Medicinal And Natural Product Chemistry Kalsi P.S. Narosa Publishing House 2013 9788184870381 xxii; P.V. UG Library
547 KAL 00124212 Pharmaceutical Medicinal And Natural Product Chemistry Kalsi P.S. Narosa Publishing House 2013 9788184870381 xxii; P.V. UG Library
547 KAL 00050469 Textbook of Organic Chemistry Kalsi P.S. Macmillan 1999 562 p. UG Library
547 KAR 00118436 Organic chemistry : Karty, Joel. W.W.Norton 2014 9780393937121 1308p.1-33 UG Library
547 KAS 00132571 Computational organic chemistry Kasr,Madhukar G Oxford book company, 2017 9789350303122 viii,296p.; UG Library
547 KEE 00108868 Practical organic synthesis Keese, Reinhart. John Wiley & Sons, 2006 047002965X (acidfree paper) | vi, 199 p. : UG Library
547 KHA 00132867 Organic Chemistry: Khamar, A.P., Cyber Tech Publications, 2018 9789350536391 x,224 p.; UG Library
547 KIC 00007795 Modern Principles Of Organic Chemistry: Intoduction Kice,John L. Amerind Publishing Co Pvt Ltd 1966 449 p. UG Library
547 KIP 00012943 Organic Chemistry: Part-3 Kipping,Stanley F. The English Language Book Society 1958 1156 p. UG Library
547 KIS 00110361 Problems In Organic Chemistry Kislaya,Shardendu. Discovery Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2011 9788183568142 1st Ed. 318 p. UG Library
547 KLE 00127697 Organic chemistry Klein, David R., John Wiley, 2012 9780471756149 xxiii, 1295, [38] p. UG Library
547 KLE 00137039 Organic chemistry Klein, David R., Johns Hopkins university, 2018 9780471756149 xxiii, 1217, [38] p. ; UG Library
547 KRI 00084955 Chemistry of Natural Products: A Laboratory Handbook. Krishnaswamy, N R Universities Press 2003 8173714525 124p UG Library
547 KRI 00102238 Chemistry of Natural Products Krishnaswamy N.R. Universities Press 2010 9788173716775 2nd Ed. 417 p. UG Library
547 KRI 00085715 Chemistry of Natural Products: A Unified Approach Krishnaswamy N.R. Universities Press 1999 8173710937 | 9788173710933 224 p. UG Library
547 KRI 00085714 Chemistry of Natural Products: A Unified Approach Krishnaswamy N.R. Universities Press 1999 8173710937 | 9788173710933 224 p. UG Library
547 LON 04007702 General Chemistry : Longo, Frederick R. McGrawHill Book Company, 1974 xxi, 765p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 LOU 00106923 Organic Chemistry Loudon,Marc G. Oxford University 2002 9780195119992 4th Ed. 1353 p. UG Library
547 LOU 00062719 Organic Chemistry Loudon,Marc G. Oxford University 2002 9780195119992 4th Ed. 1353 p. UG Library
547 LOU 04023428 Organic Chemistry / Loudon, G. Marc OUP, 2002 9780195686173 1353p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 LOU 00073252 Organic Chemistry Loudon,Marc G. Oxford University 2002 9780195119992 4th Ed. 1353 p. UG Library
547 LOU 05033574 Organic chemistry / Loudon, G. Marc. Oxford University Press, 2002 0195119991 (acidfree paper) 4th ed. 1 v. (various pagings) : Knowledge Centre
547 LOW 04007677 Mechanism and theory in organic chemistry / Lowry, Thomas H Harper & Row, Publishers, 1981 2nd ed, x, 991p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 LOW 00028218 Mechanism and Theory in Organic Chemistry Lowry H. Thomas, Harcourt & Row , 1987 3th ed, 1090 p.: UG Library
547 MAC 00045610 Organic Chemistry Macomber,Roger. Viva Books Pvt Limited 1998 8185617783 318 p. UG Library
547 MAC 00045611 Organic Chemistry Macomber,Roger. Viva Books Pvt Limited 1998 8185617783 318 p. UG Library
547 MAC 00017797 Organic Chemistry Simplified Macy,Rudolph D.B. Taraporevala Sons & Co Pv Ltd 1955 611 p. UG Library
547 MAJ 00138673 Organic Chemistry Vol-III Majumdar, Anadi Books & Allied (P) Ltd., 2020 9788193984895 Vol-III 1020 p.; UG Library
547 MAJ 00138674 Organic Chemistry Vol-III Majumdar, Anadi Books & Allied (P) Ltd., 2020 9788193984895 Vol-III 1020 p.; UG Library
547 MAJ 00138675 Organic Chemistry Vol-III Majumdar, Anadi Books & Allied (P) Ltd., 2020 9788193984895 Vol-III 1020 p.; UG Library
547 MAJ 00118834 Organic Chemistry Majumdar, Anadi Books & Allied (P) Ltd., 2014 iv:966p.; UG Library
547 MAJ 00118835 Organic Chemistry Majumdar, Anadi Books & Allied (P) Ltd., 2014 iv:966p.; UG Library
547 MAN 00084919 Practical Organic Chemistry Mann,Frederick George. The English Language Book Society 1974 0582442311 4th Ed. 587 p. UG Library
547 MAN 00009674 Practical Organic Chemistry Mann,Frederick George. The English Language Book Society 1974 0582442311 4th Ed. 587 p. UG Library
547 MAN 00084920 Practical Organic Chemistry Mann,Frederick George. The English Language Book Society 1974 0582442311 4th Ed. 587 p. UG Library
547 MAN 00084895 Practical Organic Chemistry Mann,Frederick George. The English Language Book Society 1974 0582442311 4th Ed. 587 p. UG Library
547 MAN 00090622 Practical Organic Chemistry Mann,Frederick George. The English Language Book Society 1974 0582442311 4th Ed. 587 p. UG Library
547 MAN 00014272 Practical Organic Chemistry Mann,Frederick George. The English Language Book Society 1974 0582442311 4th Ed. 587 p. UG Library
547 MAN 00124306 Practical Organic Chemistry Mann,Frederick George. Pearson. 2009 9788131727102 4th Ed. xix, 587 p. UG Library
547 MAN 00132370 Practical Organic Chemistry Manna A K Books and Allied (P) Ltd. 2018 9789384294120 485p. UG Library
547 MAN 00132371 Practical Organic Chemistry Manna A K Books and Allied (P) Ltd. 2018 9789384294120 485p. UG Library
547 MAN 00132372 Practical Organic Chemistry Manna A K Books and Allied (P) Ltd. 2018 9789384294120 485p. UG Library
547 MAR 00080329 Advanced Organic Chemistry March, Jerry. Wiley India 2005 8126510463 | 9788126510467 4th Ed. 1495 p. UG Library
547 MAR 00082639 Advanced Organic Chemistry. March, Jerry Wiley India 2007 8126510463 1495p UG Library
547 MAR 00082677 Advanced Organic Chemistry March, Jerry. Wiley India 2005 8126510463 | 9788126510467 4th Ed. 1495 p. UG Library
547 MAS 04007725 Chemistry : Masterton, William L. Saunders College publishing, 1989 xxix, 991p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 MAT 00128412 Chemistry of Natural Products & Biomolecules Mathew, G. D. Gem Vishal Publishing Co., 2015 9789382956273 172 p.: UG Library
547 MAT 00128411 Chemistry of Natural Products & Biomolecules Mathew, G. D. Gem Vishal Publishing Co., 2015 9789382956273 172 p.: UG Library
547 MAT 00124661 Chemistry of Natural Products & Biomolecules Mathew, G. D. Gem Vishal Publishing Co., 2015 9789382956273 172 p.: UG Library
547 MAT 00124662 Chemistry of Natural Products & Biomolecules Mathew, G. D. Gem Vishal Publishing Co., 2015 9789382956273 172 p.: UG Library
547 MAU 00082628 Basics of Organic Chemistry Maurya,Durgesh Kumar. Anmol Pubications Pvt Ltd 2007 9788126133840 349 p. UG Library
547 MCI 00145697 Organic chemistry : McIntosh, John M., De Gruyter 2022 9783110778205 2nd edition. xv, 383 pages : UG Library
547 MCM 05060500 Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry / McMurry, John Pearson, 2018 9781292123462 8th edition in SI Units 971p : . Knowledge Centre
547 MCM 00128928 Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry / McMurry, John Pearson, 2018 9781292123462 8th edition in SI Units 971p : . UG Library
547 MCM 04011315 Introduction to Organic Chemistry / McMurry, John Brooks/cole , 2007 9788131506660 913 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 MCM 00082605 Organic Chemistry Mcmurry,John. Books Cole 2001 9812402365 5th Ed. 1284 p. UG Library
547 MCM 00052101 Organic Chemistry Mcmurry,John. Books Cole 2001 9812402365 5th Ed. 1284 p. UG Library
547 MCM 04007732 Fundamentals of general, organic and biological chemistry / Mcmurry, John Prentice Hall, 1999 xxi, 786p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 MEH 00112232 Organic Chemistry/ Mehta, Bhupinder. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 2012 9788120324411 xxxi: 1130p.; UG Library
547 MEH 00080254 Organic Chemistry Mehata, Bhupinder Prentice Hall of India 8120324412 1130p UG Library
547 MEH 00111556 Organic Chemistry/ Mehta, Bhupinder. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 2012 9788120324411 xxxi: 1130p.; UG Library
547 MEH 00148363 Organic Chemistry/ Mehta Bhupinder PHI Learning Pvt, 2015 9788120351264 2nd ed, xxxi, 1172 p.: UG Library
547 MEH 00141593 Organic Chemistry/ Mehta Bhupinder PHI Learning Pvt, 2015 9788120351264 2nd ed, xxxi, 1172 p.: UG Library
547 MEH 00141594 Organic Chemistry/ Mehta Bhupinder PHI Learning Pvt, 2015 9788120351264 2nd ed, xxxi, 1172 p.: UG Library
547 MEH 00141592 Organic Chemistry/ Mehta Bhupinder PHI Learning Pvt, 2015 9788120351264 2nd ed, xxxi, 1172 p.: UG Library
547 MEH 00124303 Organic Chemistry/ Mehta Bhupinder PHI Learning Pvt, 2015 9788120351264 2nd ed, xxxi, 1172 p.: UG Library
547 MEH 00135719 Organic Chemistry/ Mehta Bhupinder PHI Learning Pvt, 2015 9788120351264 2nd ed, xxxi, 1172 p.: UG Library
547 MEH 00135720 Organic Chemistry/ Mehta Bhupinder PHI Learning Pvt, 2015 9788120351264 2nd ed, xxxi, 1172 p.: UG Library
547 MEI 04007707 Organic Chemistry Meislich, Herbert McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1977 480p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 MEI 00120165 3000 Solved Problems In Organic Chemistry Meislich, Estelle Special Indian Education 2009 9780070085268 XI, 23.30 p.: UG Library
547 MEI 04023414 3000 Solved Problems In Organic Chemistry Meislich, Estelle Special Indian Education 2009 9780070085268 XI, 23.30 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 MIL 00083560 Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions and Mechanisms Miller,Bernard. Pearson Education Inc. 2006 8177582968 | 9788177582963 2nd Ed. 426 p. UG Library
547 MIR 04030694 Textbook of Organic Chemistry / Rajat Publications, 2024 9788178808888 272p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 MOH 00120183 Organic analytical chemistry Jag Mohan. Narosa Publishing House 2003 1842651196 | 9788173194726 xii, 660 p. : UG Library
547 MOH 00124210 Organic analytical chemistry Jag Mohan. Narosa Publishing House 2003 1842651196 | 9788173194726 xii, 660 p. : UG Library
547 MOH 00108848 Organic analytical chemistry Jag Mohan. Narosa Publishing House 2003 1842651196 | 9788173194726 xii, 660 p. : UG Library
547 MOH 00098462 Techniques in organic chemistry : Mohrig, Jerry R. W.H. Freeman, 9780716769354 xv, 363, 26, 13 p. : UG Library
547 MOL 00084935 Structure and Reactivity in Organic Chemistry. Moloney,Mark G. Blackwell Publishing 2008 9781405114516 | 9781405114516 306 p. UG Library
547 MOL 00083450 Structure and Reactivity in Organic Chemistry. Moloney,Mark G. Blackwell Publishing 2008 9781405114516 | 9781405114516 306 p. UG Library
547 MOR 00052099 Organic Chemistry Morrison, Robert Thornton Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177581690 6th ed, 1349 p.: UG Library
547 MOR 00083548 Organic Chemistry Morrison, Robert Thornton Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177581690 6th ed, 1349 p.: UG Library
547 MOR 00085616 Organic Chemistry Morrison, Robert Thornton Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177581690 6th ed, 1349 p.: UG Library
547 MOR 00083549 Organic Chemistry Morrison, Robert Thornton Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177581690 6th ed, 1349 p.: UG Library
547 MOR 00007428 Organic Chemistry Morrison,Robert Thornton. Prentice -Hall 1971 2nd Ed. 1204 p. UG Library
547 MOR 10003804 Organic Chemistry Morrison, Robert Thornton Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177581690 6th ed, 1349 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
547 MOR 00061432 Organic Chemistry Morrison, Thornton Robert Pearson Education 1325p UG Library
547 MOR 04007687 Organic Chemistry / Morrison, Robert Thornton Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1973 3rd ed. ix, 1258p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 MOR 00030637 Organic Chemistry/ Morrison, Robert Thornton Prentice Hall of India, 2002 6th Ed. 1278p. ; UG Library
547 MOR 00030849 Study Guide to Accompany Organic Chemistry Morrison,Robert T. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1989 0876925905 5th Ed. 802 p. UG Library
547 MOR 00082707 Organic Chemistry Morrison, Robert Thornton Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177581690 6th ed, 1349 p.: UG Library
547 MOR 00070221 Organic Chemistry Morrison, Robert Thornton Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177581690 6th ed, 1349 p.: UG Library
547 MOR 00009873 Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure March, Jerry Mcgraw-Hill 1968 1098p UG Library
547 MOR 00038475 Organic Chemistry Morrison, Robert Thornton Pearson Education Inc. 2008 9788177581690 6th ed, 1349 p.: UG Library
547 MOR 00030650 Organic Chemistry Robert Thornton, Morrison Boston 1987 1370 p UG Library
547 MOR 00140824 Organic Chemistry Morrison,Robert Thornton. Prentice -Hall, 2011 9788131704813 7th Ed. xxviii, 1472 p:. UG Library
547 MOR 00119958 Study guide to Organic chemistry Morrison R T Pearson Education Inc. 1992 9788131711514 6th ed. 723p. UG Library
547 MUK 00118597 Organic Chemistry Mukherji S.M. New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers 2012 9788122433685 2nd revised, Vol.2 527 p. UG Library
547 MUK 00118598 Organic Chemistry Mukherji S.M. New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers 2012 9788122433685 2nd revised, Vol.2 527 p. UG Library
547 MUK 00118599 Organic Chemistry Mukherji S.M. New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers 2012 9788122433685 2nd revised, Vol.2 527 p. UG Library
547 MUK 00118600 Organic Chemistry Mukherji S.M. New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers 2012 9788122433685 2nd revised, Vol.2 527 p. UG Library
547 MUK 00107230 Mechanism of Organic Reactions Mukherjee K.S. Books and Allied (P) Ltd 2010 9788187134541 427 P. UG Library
547 MUK 00090967 Organic Chemistry Mukherji S.M. New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers 1985 9788122427387 | 9780852260012 1st Ed. 1406 p. UG Library
547 MUK 00090963 Organic Chemistry Mukherji S.M. New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers 1985 9788122427387 | 9780852260012 1st Ed. 1406 p. UG Library
547 MUK 00090962 Organic Chemistry Mukherji S.M. New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers 1985 9788122427387 | 9780852260012 1st Ed. 1406 p. UG Library
547 MUK 00090965 Organic Chemistry Mukherji S.M. New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers 1985 9788122427387 | 9780852260012 1st Ed. 1406 p. UG Library
547 MUK 00090966 Organic Chemistry Mukherji S.M. New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers 1985 9788122427387 | 9780852260012 1st Ed. 1406 p. UG Library
547 MUK 00090964 Organic Chemistry Mukherji S.M. New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers 2010 9788122427387 2nd Ed. 728 p. UG Library
547 MUK 00055621 Organic Chemistry Mukherjee, P N Dominant Publishers 2001 8187336986 226p UG Library
547 MUK 00108263 Mechanism of Organic Reactions Mukherjee K.S. Books and Allied (P) Ltd 2010 9788187134541 427 P. UG Library
547 MUK 00110011 Textbook of Organic Chemistry for Pharmacy Students Mukherjee, K.S New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd 2010 9788173816208 xxviii, 752 p. ; UG Library
547 MUR 00067907 Principles of Organic Chemistry. Murray,Peter R.S. Heinemann Educational Books 2005 0435656430 2nd Ed. 337 p. UG Library
547 MUR 00082618 Principles of Organic Chemistry. Murray,Peter R.S. Heinemann Educational Books 2005 0435656430 2nd Ed. 337 p. UG Library
547 MYE 00108604 Understanding the Principles Of Organic Chemistry: A Laboratory Course Myers,Pedersen Brooks/Cole Cengage Leaning 2011 9781111428174 xxi; 400 p. UG Library
547 NAD 00002538 Organic Chemistry for Advanced Students Nadkarny V.V. The Popular Book Depot 1949 2nd Ed. 492 p. UG Library
547 NAD 00002541 Organic Chemistry for Advanced Students Nadkarny V.V. The Popular Book Depot 1947 4th Ed. 426 p. UG Library
547 NAD 00010233 Organic Chemistry Nadkarny V.V. Tardeo Road 1969 458 p. UG Library
547 NAR 00091896 Mechanisms in advanced organic chemistry Narain R.P. New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers 2008 9788122421354 1st Ed. 314 p. UG Library
547 NAR 00091895 Mechanisms in advanced organic chemistry Narain R.P. New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers 2008 9788122421354 1st Ed. 314 p. UG Library
547 NAR 00132076 Mechanisms In Advanced Organic Chemistry Narain R.P, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, 2017 9789386286741 xvi,317 p.; UG Library
547 NEC 00019518 Organic Chemistry Neckers,Douglas C. John Wiley & Sons, 1977 1147 p. UG Library
547 NOL 04007674 Chemistry of organic compounds / Noller, Carl R. W. B. Saunders company, 1951 ix, 884p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 NOR 00033931 Modern Organic Chemistry Norman R.O.C. English Language Book Society/Unwin Hyman 1989 0713523654 4th Ed. 390 p. UG Library
547 NOR 00030651 Organic Chemistry. Robert Thornton, Morrison Boston 1987 1370 p UG Library
547 OBI 00118763 Calculations in Chemistry Obimakinde John Olusina I.K. International Publishibg, 2014 9789382332732 xi, 708 p.: UG Library
547 OBI 00117887 Calculations in Chemistry Obimakinde John Olusina I.K. International Publishibg, 2014 9789382332732 xi, 708 p.: UG Library
547 OUE 00121890 Principles of organic chemistry Ouellette Robert J Elsevier 2015 9789351073185 485p. UG Library
547 PAR 00004964 Mellor's Modern Inorganic Chemistry Parkes G.D. English Language Book Society 1963 1024 p. UG Library
547 PAR 00019176 Principles of Reaction Mechanism in Organic Chemistry Parmar V.S. Sultan Chand & Sons 1978 2nd Ed. 447 p. UG Library
547 PAR 00063026 Keynotes in Organic Chemistry Parsons,Andrew F. Blackwell Science 2003 0140511942 | 9781405119429 228 p. UG Library
547 PAR 00062718 Keynotes in Organic Chemistry Parsons,Andrew F. Blackwell Science 2003 0140511942 | 9781405119429 228 p. UG Library
547 PAR 00123520 Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds Parashar, Rakesh Kumar Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 2016 9789385462924 389 p:. UG Library
547 PAR 00014741 Mellor's Modern Inorganic Chemistry Parkes G.D. English Language Book Society 1963 1024 p. UG Library
547 PAR 00008178 Mellor's Modern Inorganic Chemistry Parkes G.D. English Language Book Society 1963 1024 p. UG Library
547 PAR 00011768 Principles of Reaction Mechanism in Organic Chemistry Parmar V.S. Sultan Chand & Sons 1978 2nd Ed. 447 p. UG Library
547 PAR 00019177 Principles of Reaction Mechanism in Organic Chemistry Parmar V.S. Sultan Chand & Sons 1978 2nd Ed. 447 p. UG Library
547 PAS 00143143 Practical Organic Chemistry (Volume II) / Pasricha,Sharda. Wiley , 2022 9789355810342 xi,275p.; UG Library
547 PAS 00143142 Practical Organic Chemistry (Volume I) / Pasricha, Sharda Wiley, 2022 9789355810328 xviii,292p.; UG Library
547 PAT 04012539 Organic and Biological Chemistry / Patrick B. Timothy Overseas Press ; 2009 9781589490024 443 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 PAT 00122474 Chemical Medhanism of Organic Chemistry Patil, Meghshyam K Oxford Book Company, 2016 9789350302750 288 p:. UG Library
547 PAT 00107225 Organic Chemistry Pathak,Anup. Books and All Allied (P) Ltd. 2011 978818713416x 789 P. UG Library
547 PAT 00058330 Organic Chemistry Patrick, G Viva Books Private Limited 2003 8176491705 315p UG Library
547 PAT 00122489 Reaction Mechanism in Organic Chemistry Patil, Meghshyam K Oxford Book Company, 2016 9789350302781 288 p:. UG Library
547 PAT 00033574 Modern Organic Chemistry Pathak S.P. Dastane Ramachandra & Co. 1974 623 p UG Library
547 PAT 00122482 Fundamental of Organic Chemistry Pati, Meghshyam K Oxford Book Company, 2016 9789350302774 288 p:. UG Library
547 PAT 00132845 Advanced Organic Chemistry: Patel, D.C., Cyber Tech Publications, 2018 9789350536414 x,224 p.; UG Library
547 PAT 00078069 Organic Chemistry Patrick G. Viva Books Private Limited 2003 8176491705 | 9798176491708 2nd Ed. 315 p. UG Library
547 PAT 00118961 Organic chemistry / Patrick, Graham L. Garland Science, 2012 1859962645 (alk. paper) | 9781 2nd ed. x, 353 p. : UG Library
547 PAT 00119946 Organic chemistry / Patrick, Graham L. Garland Science, 2012 1859962645 (alk. paper) | 9781 2nd ed. x, 353 p. : UG Library
547 PAT 00119954 Organic and Biological Chemistry / Patrick B. Timothy Overseas Press ; 2009 9781589490024 443 p.: UG Library
547 PAV 00049800 Introduction to Organic Laboratory Techniques Pavia,Donald L. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers 1990 0030254183 | 9780030254185 879 p. UG Library
547 PET 04007736 General Chemistry : Petrucce, Ralph H. Macmillan Publishing Company, 1972 5th ed. xxi, 1042p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 PIM 04007673 Chemistry : W. H. Freeman and company, 1960 xiv, 466p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 PIN 00109390 Organic Chemistry Pine Stanley Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd 2007 9780070634251 5th Ed. xix; 1187 p. UG Library
547 PIN 04007667 Organic chemistry / Pine, Stanley H. McGraw-Hill, 1987 0070501181 : 5th ed. xix, 1187 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 PIN 00026848 Organic Chemistry Pine,Stanley H. McGraw-Hill International Book Co 1985 4th Ed. 1039 p. UG Library
547 PIN 00030847 Organic Chemistry Pine,Stanley H. McGraw-Hill International Book Co 1985 4th Ed. 1039 p. UG Library
547 PRA 00018131 Organic Chemistry Prakash A. Kedar Nath Ram Nath 1969 100 p. UG Library
547 PRA 00018149 Organic Chemistry Prakash A. Kedar Nath Ram Nath 1969 100 p. UG Library
547 PUR 00010753 Elements of Organic Chemistry Puri B.R. S.Nagin & Co 1960 491 p. UG Library
547 PUR 00010237 Elements of Organic Chemistry Puri B.R. S.Nagin & Co 1960 491 p. UG Library
547 PUY 00122490 Reaction Mechanism in Inorganic Chemistry Puyad, Avinash L Oxford Book Company, 2016 9789350302736 288 p:. UG Library
547 RAM 00002093 Organic Chemistry Ramalingam T. S.Chand & co 1967 1st Ed. 288 p. UG Library
547 RAO 00128396 Advanced Organic Chemistry: Rao,Balaji R. Vishal Publishing Co. 2008 0818864644 | 9788188646449 856 p. UG Library
547 RAO 00128395 Advanced Organic Chemistry: Rao,Balaji R. Vishal Publishing Co. 2008 0818864644 | 9788188646449 856 p. UG Library
547 RAO 00124647 Advanced Organic Chemistry: Rao,Balaji R. Vishal Publishing Co. 2008 0818864644 | 9788188646449 856 p. UG Library
547 RAO 00124648 Advanced Organic Chemistry: Rao,Balaji R. Vishal Publishing Co. 2008 0818864644 | 9788188646449 856 p. UG Library
547 RAO 00090054 Organic Chemistry: An Advanced University Course Rao,Balaji R. Vishal Publishing Co. 2008 0818864644 | 9788188646449 464 p. UG Library
547 RAO 00090056 Organic Chemistry: An Advanced University Course Rao,Balaji R. Vishal Publishing Co. 2008 0818864644 | 9788188646449 464 p. UG Library
547 RAO 00090055 Organic Chemistry: An Advanced University Course Rao,Balaji R. Vishal Publishing Co. 2008 0818864644 | 9788188646449 464 p. UG Library
547 RAO 00093405 Viva Voce: Orals in Biochemistry Rao,Prabhakar B. New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers 2007 0812242029 | 9788122420296 1st Ed. 232 p. UG Library
547 RAO 00093406 Viva Voce: Orals in Biochemistry Rao,Prabhakar B. New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers 2007 0812242029 | 9788122420296 1st Ed. 232 p. UG Library
547 RAO 00091018 Viva Voce: Orals in Biochemistry Rao,Prabhakar B. New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers 2007 0812242029 | 9788122420296 1st Ed. 232 p. UG Library
547 RAO 00091019 Viva Voce: Orals in Biochemistry Rao,Prabhakar B. New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers 2007 0812242029 | 9788122420296 1st Ed. 232 p. UG Library
547 RAT 00143574 Organic Chemistry / Ratnani, Sonia. I K International, 2021 9789390581139 xii,631p,; UG Library
547 RAT 00111555 Experimental Organic Chemistry/ Ratnani, Sonia. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 2012 9788120346130 x: 374p.; UG Library
547 RAT 00132624 Comprehensive Stereochemistry Ratnani, Sonia Medtech, 2018 9789386479471 232 p.: UG Library
547 RAT 00135007 Comprehensive Stereochemistry Ratnani, Sonia Medtech, 2018 9789386479471 232 p.: UG Library
547 REI 00055620 Organic Chemistry Reingold, I David 2002 0618072136 777p UG Library
547 RIC 00000504 Elements of Organic Chemistry Richards,John H. McGraw-Hill Book Co 1967 444 p. UG Library
547 RIE 00014267 Problems in Organic Chemistry Rietz,Edward G. Prentice/Hall of India Private Limited 1974 331 p. UG Library
547 ROB 00008002 Laboratory Practice of Organic Chemistry Robertson,Ross G. Amerind Publishing Co Pvt Ltd 1937 4th Ed. 383 p. UG Library
547 ROB 00007200 Laboratory Practice of Organic Chemistry Robertson,Ross G. Amerind Publishing Co Pvt Ltd 1937 4th Ed. 383 p. UG Library
547 ROB 00007562 Collection of Organic Chemistry Problems Roberts,John D. W.A.Benjamin Inc 1967 324 p. UG Library
547 ROC 00001157 Organometallic Chemistry Rochow, Eugene G Champaman 112p UG Library
547 SAH 00126718 Organic Chemistry Vol-3 Sahs,Anupa. Books and All Allied (P) Ltd. 2017 9789384294885 880 p.: UG Library
547 SAH 00126719 Organic Chemistry Vol-3 Sahs,Anupa. Books and All Allied (P) Ltd. 2017 9789384294885 880 p.: UG Library
547 SAR 00004506 Modern Organic Chemistry Sarkar P.B. Science Book Agency 1970 634 p. UG Library
547 SAR 00110342 Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions And Mechanics Sarkar,Arun. Swastik Publications 2011 9789380138565 344 p. UG Library
547 SAR 00017815 Organic Chemistry Sarkar, Rakshit Sba 522 p UG Library
547 SAR 00010234 Modern Organic Chemistry Sarkar P.B. Science Book Agency 1970 634 p. UG Library
547 SAX 00098181 Chemistry : Saxena P B Discovery Publishing House Pvt.Ltd. 9788183564427 277 p. UG Library
547 SCH 00082651 Study Guide and Solutions Manual for Organic Chemistry Structure and Function. Schore, Neil E 2003 0716797593 471p UG Library
547 SEA 00131782 Organic and biochemistry for today Seager, Spencer L. Brooks/Col, 2011 9780538734851 7th ed., xxvi,429p.; UG Library
547 SEH 00019010 Organic Chemistry Sehgal J.M. R.Chand & Co 1977 2nd Ed. 368 p. UG Library
547 SHA 00109364 Biomolecular Chemistry Sharma Ashok Kumar Random Publications 2011 9789381421024 viii; 256 p. UG Library
547 SHA 00128408 Fundamentals Od Organic Chemistry Sharma, S.C Vishal Publicatios Co., 2017 9789382956365 184p : . UG Library
547 SHA 00128407 Fundamentals Od Organic Chemistry Sharma, S.C Vishal Publicatios Co., 2017 9789382956365 184p : . UG Library
547 SHA 00083572 Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions and Mechanisms Singh,Shankar Maya. Pearson Education 2005 8131711072 | 9788131711071 513 p. UG Library
547 SHA 00110623 Essentials Of Bio-Organic Chemistry Sharma, Vinay Prabha. Pragati Prakashan 2011 9789350060407 6th Ed. 227 p. UG Library
547 SHA 00082630 Problems in Organic Chemistry. Sharma, D S 2003 0706996240 510p UG Library
547 SHA 00132850 Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, Isoxazole and Its Derivatives, Shaik, Firoz Pasha Swastika Publications, 2019 9789383762804 viii,175 p.; UG Library
547 SHA 00122831 Essentials Of Bio-Organic Chemistry Sharma, Vinay Prabha. Pragati Prakashan 2015 9789351402350 10th Ed. 280p. UG Library
547 SHA 00055627 Problems in Organic Chemistry Sharma K.K. Vikash Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2002 0706996240 2nd Ed. 510 p. UG Library
547 SHA 00111480 Practical Organic Chemistry/ Sharma, Vinay Prabha. Pragati Prakashan, 2011 9789350064795 1st Ed. xii:303p.; UG Library
547 SIN 00137451 A logical approach to modern organic chemistry Singh,Jagadamba Pragati prakashan, 2020 9788194187714 xvi,1264p.; UG Library
547 SIN 00122394 Organic Chemistry of Natural Products Singh, Ayodhya Campus Books International, 2006 8180300439 597 p:. UG Library
547 SIN 00122393 Organic Chemistry of Natural Products Singh, Ayodhya Campus Books International, 2006 8180300439 597 p:. UG Library
547 SIN 00111489 Organic Chemistry Singh,Jadamba Prafgati Prakashan, 2004 9789350067765 436p.; UG Library
547 SIN 00111488 Organic Chemistry Singh,Jadamba Prafgati Prakashan, 2004 9789350067765 436p.; UG Library
547 SIN 00111487 Organic Chemistry Singh,Jadamba Prafgati Prakashan, 2004 9789350067765 436p.; UG Library
547 SIN 00122862 Recent trends and advances in IIT-JEE Advance Organic Chemistry/ Singh, Jagdamba. Pragati Prakashan, 2015 9789351401223 10th Ed. iv;772p.; UG Library
547 SIN 00122396 Advanced Experimental Organic Chemistry Singh, Ayodhya Campus Books International, 2011 818781599X 436 p:. UG Library
547 SIN 00111498 Organic Chemistry Concepts & Applications/ Singh, Jagdamba. Pragati Prakashan, 2003 9789350061879 7th Ed. xvi:818p.; UG Library
547 SIN 00122857 Advanced problems in organic chemistry for IIT-JEE Singh, Jagdamba Pragati Prakashan 2015 9789351404507 568p. UG Library
547 SIN 00018055 A Textbook of Modern Organic Chemistry Singh,Jagindar. Atma Ram & Sons 1964 11th Ed. 768 p. UG Library
547 SIN 00010244 Modern Organic Chemistry Singh,Jagindar. Atma Ram & Sons 1972 12th Ed. 740 p. UG Library
547 SIN 00083569 Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions and Mechanisms Singh,Shankar Maya. Pearson Education 2005 8131711072 | 9788131711071 513 p. UG Library
547 SIN 00083570 Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions and Mechanisms Singh,Shankar Maya. Pearson Education 2005 8131711072 | 9788131711071 513 p. UG Library
547 SIN 00083571 Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions and Mechanisms Singh,Shankar Maya. Pearson Education 2005 8131711072 | 9788131711071 513 p. UG Library
547 SIN 00110627 A Logical Approach To Modern Organic Chemistry Singh,Jagdamba. Pragati Prakashan 2012 9789350067154 10th Ed. xv; 1264 p. UG Library
547 SIN 00002095 A Textbook of Modern Organic Chemistry Singh,Jagindar. Atma Ram & Sons 1964 11th Ed. 768 p. UG Library
547 SIN 00134352 Textbook of organic chemistry Singh,Santosh Kumar Adhyayan publishers, 2018 9788184354591 xii,272p.; UG Library
547 SIN 00082623 Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions and Mechanisms Singh,Shankar Maya. Pearson Education 2005 8131711072 | 9788131711071 513 p. UG Library
547 SIN 00128836 Problems in Organic Chemistry Singh K. Wiley, 2016 9788126555826 xiii,502 p.: UG Library
547 SIN 00125284 Advanced Organic Chemistry and Reaction Mechanism Singh,R.K Book Enclave, 2016 9788181523952 276 p.: UG Library
547 SIN 00091767 Advanced Organic Chemistry Singh,Jagdamba. Pragati Prakashan 2009 9788183988735 | 9789350067314 5th Ed. 778 p. UG Library
547 SIN 00091768 Advanced Organic Chemistry Singh,Jagdamba. Pragati Prakashan 2009 9788183988735 | 9789350067314 5th Ed. 778 p. UG Library
547 SIN 00091769 Advanced Organic Chemistry Singh,Jagdamba. Pragati Prakashan 2009 9788183988735 | 9789350067314 5th Ed. 778 p. UG Library
547 SIN 00122850 Organic Chemistry Singh, Jagdamba Pragati Prakashan, 2014 9789350069981 12th edi. xi, 436 p:. UG Library
547 SIN 00122849 Organic Chemistry Singh,Jadamba Pragati Prakashan, 2015 9789351401780 12th edi. 440 p:. UG Library
547 SIN 00122848 Organic Chemistry Singh, Jagdamba Pragati Prakashan, 2015 9789351401872 10th edi. xvi, 492 p:. UG Library
547 SIN 00111470 Natural Products Chemistry/ Singh, Jagdamba Pragati Prakashan, 2010 9789350063293 3rd Ed. vii: 431p.; UG Library
547 SM1 00001166 Organic Chemistry Smith, William B Mc Graw Hill UG Library
547 SMI 00005251 Organic Chemistry / Smith,Oliver L. Van Nostrand Reinhold CO, 1966 966 p.; UG Library
547 SMI 00109394 Organic Chemistry Smith Janice Gorzynski Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd 2008 9780070667204 2nd Ed. 1175 p. UG Library
547 SMI 00120221 March's advanced organic chemistry Smith, Michael, Wiley, 2007 9788126536863 6th ed. xx,1869 p.: UG Library
547 SMI 00117985 March's advanced organic chemistry : Smith, Michael, Wiley, 2013 9780470462591 (cloth) | 047046 7th Edition / xxv, 2047 pages : UG Library
547 SMI 00128932 General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry / Smith, Janice Gorzynski, McGraw Hill, 2013 9780071317832 2nd ed, xxxiv,807,I-27 p.: UG Library
547 SMI 00082616 Organic Chemistry Smith Janice Gorzynski Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd 2008 9780070667204 2nd Ed. 1175 p. UG Library
547 SMI 00108937 Organic Chemistry : Smith, Michael, CRC Press, 2011 9781420079203 | 9781420079203 xvii, 1574 p. : UG Library
547 SMI 04007692 Organic chemistry / Smith, Michael, HarperPerennial, 1993 0064671267 (pbk.) : viii, 583 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 SMI 00020167 Essentials of Organic Nomenclature Smith,William R.D. Oxford University Press 1973 42 p. UG Library
547 SMI 00008177 Organic Chemistry / Smith,Oliver L. Van Nostrand Reinhold CO, 1966 966 p.; UG Library
547 SOL 04019810 Study Guide and Solutions Manual Organic Chemistry / Solomons, T. W. Graham Wiley, 2004 9788126511525 8th ed. 621p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 SOL 00141597 Organic Chemistry Solomons, Graham T. W. Wiley, 2017 9788126568116 xxviii, 1124 p.: UG Library
547 SOL 00129600 Organic Chemistry Solomons, Graham T. W. Wiley, 2017 9788126568116 xxviii, 1124 p.: UG Library
547 SOL 00111457 Organic Chemistry/ Solomons, Graham T W Wiley India 8126510501 1255p UG Library
547 SOL 00082609 Organic Chemistry/ Solomons, Graham T W Wiley India 8126510501 1255p UG Library
547 SOL 00130491 Organic Chemistry Solomons, Graham T. W. Wiley, 2017 9788126568116 xxviii, 1124 p.: UG Library
547 SOL 00130505 Organic chemistry Solomons,T W Graham Wiley India 2015 9788126556847 11th ed. 1139p. UG Library
547 SOL 00120219 Organic Chemistry Solomons, T. W. Graham Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 2011 9788126536870 10th Ed, xxix,1164 p UG Library
547 SON 00012253 Textbook of Organic Chemistry Soni P.L. Sultan Chand 1972 8th Ed. 550 p. UG Library
547 SON 00012252 Textbook of Organic Chemistry Soni P.L. Sultan Chand 1972 8th Ed. 550 p. UG Library
547 SON 00012255 Textbook of Organic Chemistry Soni P.L. Sultan Chand 1972 8th Ed. 550 p. UG Library
547 SON 00012256 Textbook of Organic Chemistry Soni P.L. Sultan Chand 1972 8th Ed. 550 p. UG Library
547 SON 00047455 Text Book of Organic Chemistry Soni P.L. Sultan Chand & Sons 1992 25th Ed. 3386 p. UG Library
547 SON 00014733 Text Book of Organic Chemistry Soni P.L. Sultan Chand & Sons 1971 7th Ed. 942 p. UG Library
547 SON 00007376 Text Book of Organic Chemistry Soni P.L. Sultan Chand & Sons 1971 7th Ed. 942 p. UG Library
547 SON 00014871 Text Book of Organic Chemistry Soni P.L. Sultan Chand & Sons 1971 7th Ed. 942 p. UG Library
547 SON 00012257 Textbook of Organic Chemistry Soni P.L. Sultan Chand 1972 8th Ed. 550 p. UG Library
547 SON 00017190 Textbook of Organic Chemistry Soni P.L. Sultan Chand & Sons 1976 10th Ed. 2420 p. UG Library
547 SON 00010235 Textbook of Organic Chemistry Soni P.L. Sultan Chand 1972 8th Ed. 550 p. UG Library
547 SON 00012254 Textbook of Organic Chemistry Soni P.L. Sultan Chand 1972 8th Ed. 550 p. UG Library
547 SON 00011767 Numerical Problems Chemistry Soni P.L. Sultan Chand & Sons 1972 192 p. UG Library
547 SOR 00082640 Organic Chemistry Sorrell,Thomas N. Viva Books Private Limited 2004 8176498688 | 9788176498685 1457 p. UG Library
547 SOR 04007438 Organic Chemistry Sorrell, Thomas N. Viva Books, Pvt. Ltd., 2010 9788130913131 2nd ed. 988 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 SOR 00107348 Organic Chemistry Sorrell, Thomas N. Viva Books, Pvt. Ltd., 2010 9788130913131 2nd ed. 988 p. UG Library
547 SOR 00096555 Organic Chemistry Sorrell, Thomas N. Viva Books, Pvt. Ltd., 2010 9788130913131 2nd ed. 988 p. UG Library
547 SRI 00146648 Organometallic Chemistry/ Srivastava, Krishna Mohan Venus Books, 2023 9789386559586 viii,232p. ; UG Library
547 SRI 00090986 Organic Chemistry: Made Simple Srivastava A.K. New Age International Publishers 2008 8122420702 | 9788122420708 2nd Ed. 477 p. UG Library
547 SRI 00090987 Organic Chemistry: Made Simple Srivastava A.K. New Age International Publishers 2008 8122420702 | 9788122420708 2nd Ed. 477 p. UG Library
547 STA 00082659 Natural Product Chemistry at a Glance Stanforth,Stephen P. Blackwell Publishing 2006 1405145625 | 9781405145626 141 p. UG Library
547 STR 00109147 Introduction to Organic Chemistry Streitwieser Andrew Prentice Hall 1992 0139738509 4th Ed xviii; 1256 p. UG Library
547 STR 00109148 Introduction to Organic Chemistry Streitwieser Andrew Prentice Hall 1992 0139738509 4th Ed xviii; 1256 p. UG Library
547 SUL 00105073 Organic Chemistry Sultanat Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 2010 9789380156125 xvi,224 p. UG Library
547 SUL 00105074 Organic Chemistry Sultanat Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 2010 9789380156125 xvi,224 p. UG Library
547 SUL 00118142 Organic Chemistry Sultanat Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 2010 9789380156125 xvi,224 p. UG Library
547 SUL 00118143 Organic Chemistry Sultanat Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 2010 9789380156125 xvi,224 p. UG Library
547 SYK 00022323 A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry Sykes,Peter. Orient Longman 1975 361 p UG Library
547 TAL 00122302 Chemistry of Plant Natural Products Talapatra, Sunil Kumar Springer, 2015 9783642454097 | 9783642454097 lxiii, 624 p:. UG Library
547 TAL 00122303 Chemistry of Plant Natural Products Talapatra, Sunil Kumar Springer, 2015 9783642454097 | 9783642454097 lxiii, 624 p:. UG Library
547 TER 04007734 Contemporary organic chemistry / Ternay, Andrew L. W.B. Saunders Company, 1979 2nd ed. xxii, 1277p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 TEW 00146163 Advanced organic chemistry: Tewari, N Books & Allied (P) Ltd. 2020 9788193897447 2nd ed. 951p. UG Library
547 TEW 00107232 Advanced Organic Reaction Mechanism Tewari N. Books and Allied Pvt Ltd 2011 9788187134534 3rd Ed. 1137 P. UG Library
547 TEW 00095457 Advanced Organic Reaction Mechanism Tewari, Nimai. Books And Alled 2004 892 p. UG Library
547 TEW 00095456 Advanced Organic Reaction Mechanism Tewari, Nimai. Books And Alled 2004 892 p. UG Library
547 TEW 00108251 Advanced Organic Reaction Mechanism Tewari N. Books and Allied Pvt Ltd 2011 9788187134534 3rd Ed. 1137 P. UG Library
547 TEW 00055610 A Textbook of Organic Chemistry Tewari K.S. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2002 0706998812 2nd Ed. 1308 p. UG Library
547 TEW 00108260 Advanced Organic Reaction Mechanism Tewari N. Books and Allied Pvt Ltd 2011 9788187134534 3rd Ed. 1137 P. UG Library
547 TEW 00024851 Text Book of Organic Chemistry Tewari K.S. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1982 6th Ed. 1394 p. UG Library
547 TEW 00025988 Text Book of Organic Chemistry Tewari K.S. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1982 6th Ed. 1394 p. UG Library
547 TEW 00025990 Text Book of Organic Chemistry Tewari K.S. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1982 6th Ed. 1394 p. UG Library
547 TEW 00025989 Text Book of Organic Chemistry Tewari K.S. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1982 6th Ed. 1394 p. UG Library
547 TEW 00030648 Text Book of Organic Chemistry Tewari K.S. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1982 6th Ed. 1394 p. UG Library
547 TEW 00024852 Text Book of Organic Chemistry Tewari K.S. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1982 6th Ed. 1394 p. UG Library
547 TEW 00024853 Text Book of Organic Chemistry Tewari K.S. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1982 6th Ed. 1394 p. UG Library
547 TEW 00112924 Advanced Organic Chemistry N. Tewar Books & Allied Ltd, 2013 834 p.: UG Library
547 TEW 00112925 Advanced Organic Chemistry N. Tewar Books & Allied Ltd, 2013 834 p.: UG Library
547 TEW 00030649 Text Book of Organic Chemistry Tewari K.S. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1982 6th Ed. 1394 p. UG Library
547 TEW 00030647 Text Book of Organic Chemistry Tewari K.S. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1982 6th Ed. 1394 p. UG Library
547 THA 00145163 Fundamental of Inorganic Chemistry / Thakare, Dr.Nandkishor S Swastik Publications, 2023 9789383762996 256p.; UG Library
547 THO 00122309 The Chemistry of Natural Products Thomson, R H Springer, 2010 9788181288639 Second Edition x, 452 p:. UG Library
547 THO 00001146 Organic Chemistry Thomas P.M. Niraj Prakashan 1967 3rd Ed. 616 p. UG Library
547 TIM 00128934 General, Organic, and biological chemistry / Timberlake Karen C Pearson 2016 9781292096193 5th ed. 960 p.: UG Library
547 TRI 00121726 Organic chemistry Trimm, Harold H Apple Academic Press, 2011 1926692608 | 9781466559783 | 9 383 p.: UG Library
547 TRI 00143133 Fundamentals of Pharmaceuticals inorganic chemistry / Tripathi,Rati Kailash Prasad. Wiley, 2021 9788194668626 ix,331p.; UG Library
547 VOG 04007706 Practical organic Chemistry : Vogel, Arthur Longmans, Green and Co, 1954 xxiii, 1033p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 VOG 00001145 Text book of Practical Organic Chemistry Vogel Arthur.I Holt, Rinehart & Winston 123p UG Library
547 VOG 00089754 Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry Part 3: Quantitative Organic Analysis Vogel, Arthur I. CBS Publishers & Distributors 2002 8123910339 2nd ed 645-840 p UG Library
547 VOG 00084926 Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry Part 2: Qualitative Organic Analysis Vogel,Arthur I. CBS Publishers & Distributors 1966 8123910789 | 9798123910788 2nd Ed. 431 p. UG Library
547 VOG 00084925 Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry Part 1: Small Scale Preparations Vogel,Arthur L. CBS Publishers & Distributors 1966 8123909543 | 9798123909546 2nd Ed. 435 p. UG Library
547 VOG 00088126 Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry Part 1: Small Scale Preparations Vogel,Arthur L. CBS Publishers & Distributors 1966 8123909543 | 9798123909546 2nd Ed. 435 p. UG Library
547 VOG 00088127 Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry Part 1: Small Scale Preparations Vogel,Arthur L. CBS Publishers & Distributors 1966 8123909543 | 9798123909546 2nd Ed. 435 p. UG Library
547 VOG 00138230 Organic chemistry : Vogel, Pierre Wiley-VCH , 2019 9783527345328 xxx,1352pages.; UG Library
547 VOG 00011763 A Text-Book Of Practical Orgaic Chemistry Vogel,Arthur I. English Language Book Society 1971 3rd Ed. 1188 p. UG Library
547 VOL 00077746 Organic Chemistry. Vollhardt K,Peter C. W.H.Freeman And Co 2003 9780716743743 4th Ed. xxix; 1203 p. UG Library
547 VOL 00082696 Organic Chemistry. Vollhardt K,Peter C. W.H.Freeman And Co 2003 9780716743743 4th Ed. xxix; 1203 p. UG Library
547 VOL 00048051 Organic Chemistry Vollhardt, K Peter C 1999 0716727218 1210p UG Library
547 WAD 00129364 Organic Chemistry Wade, Leroy G Pearson 2017 9781292151106 | 9789332578586 9th ed. 1394 p.: UG Library
547 WAD 00129365 Organic Chemistry Wade, Leroy G Pearson 2017 9781292151106 | 9789332578586 9th ed. 1394 p.: UG Library
547 WAD 00129366 Organic Chemistry Wade, Leroy G Pearson 2017 9781292151106 | 9789332578586 9th ed. 1394 p.: UG Library
547 WAD 00118773 Organic Chemistry Wade, L. G., Dorling Kindersley(India) Pvt Ltd, 2013 0136403018 | 9788177587395 xxxviii:1194p. : UG Library
547 WAD 00058865 Organic Chemistry Wade, L G Pearson 8129702487 1192p UG Library
547 WAD 00128875 Organic Chemistry Wade, Leroy G Pearson 2017 9781292151106 | 9789332578586 9th ed. 1394 p.: UG Library
547 WAD 00120225 Organic Chemistry Wade, L. G., Dorling Kindersley(India) Pvt Ltd, 2013 0136403018 | 9788177587395 xxxviii:1194p. : UG Library
547 WAD 00117988 Organic chemistry / Wade, L. G., Pearson Education, Inc, 2013 9780321811394 xxxvi: 1258, A 1-7, I 1-116p.; UG Library
547 WAD 00117891 Organic Chemistry L.G. Wade, Jr Prentice Hall, 2010 9780321610065 7th ed, xxvii, 112 p.: UG Library
547 WAD 00142634 Organic chemistry Wade,Leroy Pearsom india education services pvt ltd., 2022 9789389342673 1572p.; UG Library
547 WAD 00145867 Organic chemistry Wade, Leroy G. Pearsom india education services pvt ltd., 2023 9781292424255 10th ed, 1419p. ; UG Library
547 WHE 04007686 Advanced Organic Chemistry / Wheland, G. W. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1949 3rd ed. xi, 871p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 WHI 00131116 Organic Chemistry / Whitmore, Frank C. Dover Publications Inc., 1937 9780486607009 2nd Ed. 596 p. ; UG Library
547 WIL 04016399 Organic Experiments / Williamson, Fieser CBS publisher, 1991 8123903308 7th Ed. 645p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 WIL 00120194 Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry Williams, Dudley Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2011 9780071332767 6th ed IX, 291 p.: UG Library
547 YAD 00138004 Organic chemisty Yadav,Kumar Kartikey Viva books pvt ltd., 2019 9789389401530 vii,179p.; UG Library
547 ZUM 04007684 Complete solutions guide chemistry / Zumdahl, Steven S. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1997 4th ed. v, 564p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547 ZUM 04007731 Chemistry Zumdahl, Steven S. D. C. Heath and Comapany, 1993 3rd ed. xxxi, 1123p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.001 ING 04001519 Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry Ingold, C K CBS Publishers and Distributors 2008 8123909756 1266 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.0014 BAN 04007705 Naming organic compounds : Banks, James E. Saunders, 1976 0721615368 2d ed. ix, 309, [22] p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.0014 HEL 00082656 Systematic Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry Hellwinkel D. Springer 2001 9788181286369 228 p. UG Library
547.00151 BAC 00121553 Computational organic chemistry / Bachrach, Steven M., John Wiley 2014 9781118291924 (cloth) | 111829 2nd ed. xxi, 607 pages : UG Library
547.0028 BHU 04002518 Practical Organic Chemistry: Qualitative Analysis Bhutani, S P Ane Books 2008 9788180522604 253 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.0028 ROB 04007666 Modern experimental organic chemistry / Roberts, Royston M. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1979 0030443911 3d ed. x, 603 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.0076 BRA 00120185 Organic Chemistry Through Solved Problems Brahmachari,Goutam Narosa Publishing House 2007 9788173198168 x; 9.34 p. UG Library
547.0076 BRA 00108834 Organic Chemistry Through Solved Problems Brahmachari,Goutam Narosa Publishing House 2007 9788173198168 x; 9.34 p. UG Library
547.0076 GOL 00120164 3000 Solved Prolems In Chemistry Goldberg David E. Mcgraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd, 1988 9780070085312 xii; P:, UG Library
547.0078 AUL 00128442 Techniques and Expiriments for Organic Chemistry Ault, Addison University Science Books, 1998 9780935702767 6th edition 664p : . UG Library
547.0078 CAN 05056566 Comprehensive organic chemistry experiments for the laboratory classroom / Royal Society of Chemistry, 2017 9781849739634 xxiii,951p.; Knowledge Centre
547.0078 CRA 05056871 Experimental organic chemistry / Cranwell, Philippa B., Wiley, 2017 9781119952398 (cloth) | 978111 Third edition / xiii,671p.; Knowledge Centre
547.0078 ENG 00138487 Organic laboratory techniques : a small-scale approach Pavia, Donald l. Cengage Learning, 2020 9789353502669 rep 4th ed, xxii,1012 p.; UG Library
547.0078 ENG 00133764 Introduction to organic laboratory techniques : a small-scale approach Engel, Randall G Cengage Learning, 2011 9780538733281 xviii,1006 p.; UG Library
547.0078 LEO 00112785 Advanced practical organic chemistry. Leonard, J. CRC Press 2013 9781439860977 (paperback) 3rd ed. xxv, 330 pages : UG Library
547.0078 MAT 00124649 Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry Mathew, G. D. Gem Vishal Publishing Co., 2014 9789382956471 119 p.; UG Library
547.0078 MAT 00124650 Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry Mathew, G. D. Gem Vishal Publishing Co., 2014 9789382956471 119 p.; UG Library
547.0078 MAY 00049811 Microscale: Techniques for the Organic Laboratory Mayo,Dana W. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1991 0471621927 | 9780471621928 285 p. UG Library
547.0078 SET 00106930 Systematic Experiments in Chemistry Sethi,Arun. New Age International Publishers 2009 97822421361 | 9788122421361 1st Ed. xxviii;850 p. UG Library
547.0078 SET 00090960 Systematic Experiments in Chemistry Sethi,Arun. New Age International Publishers 2009 97822421361 | 9788122421361 1st Ed. xxviii;850 p. UG Library
547.0078 SET 00090961 Systematic Experiments in Chemistry Sethi,Arun. New Age International Publishers 2009 97822421361 | 9788122421361 1st Ed. xxviii;850 p. UG Library
547.0078 SIN 04011138 Organic Lab Manual: Sinha Kumar Shailendra Atlantic Publishers, 2011 9788126914708 xii, 300 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.01 OLA 04010669 Hypercarbon chemistry / J. WIley & Sons, 2011 9780470935682 (cloth) 2nd ed. xix, 454 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.0182 MAH 05052076 Methods in BIOSTATISTICS for Medical Students and Research Workers / B K Mahajan Jaypee Brothers, 1997 9788171795208 6th xv, 338 p. Knowledge Centre
547.02 OJI 00138925 Frontiers of Organofluorine Chemistry / World Scientific Publishing, 2020 9781786347329 xix,821p.; UG Library
547.041 NAM 00142480 Catalytic asymmetric reactions of conjugated nitroalkenes / Namboothiri,Irishi N N. CRC Press, 2021 9780367433826 xviii,301p.; UG Library
547.042 BHU 00097119 Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins Bhutani, S. P. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 2010 9789380156835 137 p. UG Library
547.042 BHU 00105051 Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins Bhutani, S. P. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 2010 9789380156835 137 p. UG Library
547.042 LAP 00097068 Metal amide chemistry / Wiley, 2009 9780470721841 (cloth : alk. paper) | 0470721847 (cloth : alk. paper) xii,355p. : UG Library
547.05 GUP 04005536 Basic Organometallic Chemistry: Concepts, Syntheses and Applications Gupta, B D Universities Press 2009 9788173717093 524 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.05 SCR 00109360 Perspectives In Organometallic Chemistry Screttas C.G. The Royal Society Of Chemistry 2003 9780854048762 ix; 322 p. UG Library
547.05 BIS 00110358 Organometallic Chemistry Bisht T.N. Sonali Publications 2012 9788184114317 272 p. UG Library
547.05 ELS 00097069 Organometallics. Elschenbroich, Christoph, Wiley-VCH, 2006 9783527293902 (acidfree paper) | 3527293906 (acidfree paper) 3rd, completely rev. and extended ed. / xiv,804p. : UG Library
547.05 GUP 00120169 Basic Organometallic Chemistry Gupta B. D University Press, 2013 9788173718748 2nd XXII, 513 p.: UG Library
547.05 GUP 00102236 Basic Organometallic Chemistry : Gupta B D University Press 9788173717093 524 p. UG Library
547.05 GUP 00099614 Basic Organometallic Chemistry : Gupta B D University Press 9788173717093 524 p. UG Library
547.05 HAI 00145698 Organometallic chemistry : Haiduc, Ionel, De Gruyter 2022 9783110695267 2nd edition. xiv, 429 pages : UG Library
547.05 HOB 00144722 Organometallic Chemistry : Hobbs, Andreas. Murphy and moore publication, 2023 9781639876853 viii,240p, ; UG Library
547.05 KUM 00111466 Organometallic Compounds/ Kumar, Indrajeet. Pragati Prakashan; 2011 9789350064962 3rd Ed. viii:208p.; UG Library
547.05 LIP 00121727 Organometallics in synthesis : Lipshitz, Bruce H John Willey & Sons, 2013 9781118488829 | 1118488822 xii, 555 p. : UG Library
547.05 MEH 00084899 Organometallic Chemistry: A Unified Approach. Mehrotra, R C New Age International Publishers 2000 8122412580 618p UG Library
547.05 MEH 00091786 Organometallic Chemistry: A Unified Approach. Mehrotra, R C New Age International Publishers 2000 8122412580 618p UG Library
547.05 MEH 00091787 Organometallic Chemistry: A Unified Approach. Mehrotra, R C New Age International Publishers 2000 8122412580 618p UG Library
547.05 MEH 00091788 Organometallic Chemistry: A Unified Approach. Mehrotra, R C New Age International Publishers 2000 8122412580 618p UG Library
547.05 MEH 00091789 Organometallic Chemistry: A Unified Approach. Mehrotra, R C New Age International Publishers 2000 8122412580 618p UG Library
547.05 SOD 00093927 Organometallic Chemistry Sodhi G S Ane Books Pvt.Ltd. 9788180521980 UG Library
547.056 CRA 00097073 The organometallic chemistry of the transition metals / Crabtree, Robert H Wiley, 2009 9780470257623 (cloth) | 0470257628 (cloth) 5th ed. xiii,505p. : UG Library
547.056 HIL 00138463 Organotansition Metal Chemistry / Hill,Anthony F. The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2002 9780854046225 vi,185p.; UG Library
547.05621 STE 00106543 Ferrocenes : Stepnicka,Petr. J.Wiley, 2008 9780470035856 (cloth) | 047003 xii, 655 p. : UG Library
547.05656 WAN 00137299 The chemistry of organogold compounds / Wanniarachchi, K.N.S. Magnum Publishing LLC, 2018 9781682504789 xiv,266 p.; UG Library
547.07 FRA 00112786 Chemistry of plant phosphorus compounds / Frank, Arlen W. Elsevier Inc 2013 9780124071940 (hardback) xviii, 669 pages ; UG Library
547.072 BAN 00090977 Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry Bansal,Raj K. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2009 8122412971 | 9788122424034 5th Ed. 290 p. UG Library
547.077 PAT 00122476 Concepts in Organic Chemistry Patil, Meghshyam K Oxford Book Company, 2016 9789350302767 1st ed; viii, 288 p.: UG Library
547.0858 COO 00143174 Modern Spectroscopy / States academic press, 2022 9781639893652 vii,241p, ; UG Library
547.1 COO 00061697 Biophysical Chemistry Cooper, Alan. Royal Society of Chemistry, 2004 0854044809 | 978085404801 184 p. : UG Library
547.1 COO 05069126 Biophysical chemistry / Cooper, Alan. RSC Pub., 2011 9781849730815 2nd ed. ix, 233 p. : Knowledge Centre
547.1 HAN 00138459 Functional Group Chemistry / Hanson,James R. The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2001 9780854046270 vi,165p.; UG Library
547.1 MAS 00027770 The Physical Basis of Organic Chemistry Maskill,Howard. Oxford University Press 1985 9780198551997 490 p. UG Library
547.1 SIN 00109860 Physical Organic Chemistry Singh Rajbir Mittals Publications 2002 8170998301 1st Ed. 268 p. UG Library
547.1082 TID 04011139 Advances in physical organic chemistry. Tidwell T.T. Academic Press. 2002 0120335379 | 9780120335374 v. :363 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.122 TAB 04002516 Organic Spectroscopic Structure Determination: A Problem-Based Learning Approach Taber, Douglass F Oxford Universtiy Press 2007 9780198060277 263 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.122 AHL 00121670 Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds Ahluwalia, V K Athena Academic Ltd., 2015 9781910390184 xxii, 529 p:. UG Library
547.122 JEF 05011224 Organic structure determination using 2-D NMR spectroscopy : Simpson, Jeffrey H. Elsevier/AP, 2012 9780123849700 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xvi, 574 p. : Knowledge Centre
547.122 PRE 00082701 Structure Determination of Organic Compounds: Tables of Spectral Data/ Buhlmann, E Pretsch Springer 0818128383 421p UG Library
547.122 TAB 00091563 Organic Spectroscopic Structure Determination: Taber Douglass F Oxford University Press 9780198060277 263p UG Library
547.1223 BAL 00146653 Stereochemistry of organic compounds/ Balyan, Neelam Venus Books, 2023 9789395431460 viii,286p. ; UG Library
547.1223 ELI 00084902 Stereochemistry of Organic Copounds Eliel, Ernest L. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1994 9788126515707 1267 p. UG Library
547.1223 EAM 00082658 Stereochemistry at a Glance Eames, Jason. Blackwell Science 2003 0632053755 | 9780632053759 136 p. UG Library
547.1223 ELI 00085963 Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds. Eliel, Ernest L Wiley India 2007 9788126515707 1267 p UG Library
547.1223 GUP 00119132 Basic Stereochemistry of Organic Molecules / Gupta, Subrata Sen. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199451630 xxviii:607p.; UG Library
547.1223 LEY 00108338 Quaternary stereocenters Ley,Steven V. Wiley-VCH ; | John Wiley, 2005 9783527311071 | 9783527311071 xxiii, 336 p. : UG Library
547.1223 MAH 00121324 Organic stereochemistry/ Mahadevan K M College Book House 2015 9789381979648 160p. UG Library
547.1223 MAH 00121343 Organic stereochemistry/ Mahadevan K M College Book House 2015 9789381979648 160p. UG Library
547.1223 MOR 00138467 Stereochemistry Morris, David G The royal society of chemistry, 2001 9780854046027 vii,170p.; UG Library
547.1223 NAS 00091893 Stereochemistry of organic compounds Nasipuri, D New Age International Publishers 9788122405705 564p UG Library
547.1223 NAS 00091894 Stereochemistry of organic compounds Nasipuri, D New Age International Publishers 9788122405705 564p UG Library
547.1223 NAS 00084897 Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds: Principles and Applications. Nasipuri, D New Age International Publishers 2007 8122405703 564p UG Library
547.1223 NAS 00085724 Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds: Principles and Applications. Nasipuri, D New Age International Publishers 2007 8122405703 564p UG Library
547.1223 NAS 00085725 Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds: Principles and Applications. Nasipuri, D New Age International Publishers 2007 8122405703 564p UG Library
547.1223 TEW 00146164 Advanced Organic Stereochemistry Tewari,Nimai. Books And Allied Pvt.Ltd. 2019 9788187134732 2nd ed. 516 p:. UG Library
547.1223 TEW 00107220 Advanced Organic Stereochemistry Tewari,Nimai. Books And Allied Pvt.Ltd. 2010 9788187134732 516 p:. UG Library
547.1223 TEW 00095463 Advanced Organic Stereochemistry Tewari,Nimai. Books And Allied Pvt.Ltd. 2010 9788187134732 516 p:. UG Library
547.1223 TEW 00126631 Advanced Organic Stereochemistry Tewari,Nimai. Books And Allied Pvt.Ltd. 2010 9788187134732 516 p:. UG Library
547.1223 TEW 00126632 Advanced Organic Stereochemistry Tewari,Nimai. Books And Allied Pvt.Ltd. 2010 9788187134732 516 p:. UG Library
547.1223 TEW 00094896 Advanced Organic Stereochemistry Tewari,Nimai. Books And Allied Pvt.Ltd. 2010 9788187134732 516 p:. UG Library
547.1223 TYA 00091526 Stereochemistry of organic compound Tyagi R Sonali Publications 9788184112436 298p UG Library
547.1223077 GUP 00131100 Basic Stereochemistry of Organic Molecules / Gupta, Subrata Sen. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199451630 xxviii:607p.; UG Library
547.1226 SIN 00139859 Supramolecular Chemistry / Singh,Jagjeet. Random Publications , 2020 9789352694921 viii,279p.; UG Library
547.1226 GAL 00135438 Chemical functionalization of carbon nanomaterials Gallo,Jurex Cuenca Arcler press, 2019 9781773613819 xviii,282p.; UG Library
547.1226 KAL 00090954 Bioorganic, Bioinorganic and Supramolecular Chemistry Kalsi P.S. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2007 8122420079 | 9788122420098 4th Ed. 354 p. UG Library
547.1226 KAL 00090955 Bioorganic, Bioinorganic and Supramolecular Chemistry Kalsi P.S. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2007 8122420079 | 9788122420098 4th Ed. 354 p. UG Library
547.1226 STE 00109344 Supramolecular chemistry Steed, Jonathan W., Wiley, 2009 0470512334 (hbk.) | 0470512342 2nd ed. xxvi, 970 p., [8] p. of plates : UG Library
547.13 BAK 04010709 Physical inorganic chemistry : John Wiley, 2010 9780470224199 (cloth) | 047022 xi, 510 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.13 FLE 00108866 Molecular orbitals and organic chemical reactions Fleming, Ian, Wiley, 2009 9780470746608 (cloth) | 978047 Student ed. xv, 360 p. : UG Library
547.13 RIT 00061783 Physical Organic Chemistry Ritchie,Calvin D. Marcel Dekker, INC. 1990 0824783077 2nd Ed. 357 p. UG Library
547.13 SIN 00131928 A textbook of physical organic chemistry Singh,Rajbir Mittal publications, 2016 9788183246682 268p.; UG Library
547.135 COX 00107800 Organic Photochemistry Coxon J.M Cambridge University press: 1974 9780521189729 2nd ed vi. 243 p. UG Library
547.135 COX 00106844 Organic Photochemistry Coxon J.M Cambridge University press: 1974 9780521189729 2nd ed vi. 243 p. UG Library
547.135 COY 00137574 Introduction to organic photochemistry / Coyle, John D. Wiley, 1996 0471909742 : | 0471909750 (pbk.) : viii, 176 p. : UG Library
547.135 DEP 00014265 Molecular Reactions and Photochemistry DePuy, Charles H. Prentice-Hall of India Pvt Ltd 1972 013599571X | 0135995892 (pbk) x, 150 p. UG Library
547.135 DEP 00015673 Molecular Reactions and Photochemistry DePuy, Charles H. Prentice-Hall of India Pvt Ltd 1972 013599571X | 0135995892 (pbk) x, 150 p. UG Library
547.135 GOT 00132900 Organic photochemistry and pericyclic reaction Gothi,Nirul V. Cyber rech publications, 2018 9789350536384 200p.; UG Library
547.135 TUR 00132457 Modern molecular photochemistry of organic molecules / Turro, Nicholas J., University Science Books, 2010 9781891389252 (HB) | 97893861 xxxiii, 1084 p. : UG Library
547.135 TUR 00125237 Modern molecular photochemistry of organic molecules / Turro, Nicholas J., University Science Books, 2010 9781891389252 (HB) | 97893861 xxxiii, 1084 p. : UG Library
547.139 BRU 04002439 Advanced Organic Chemistry Bruckner, Reinhard Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 2008 9788181477132 636 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.139 CAR 04000525 Advanced Organic Chemistry / Carey, Francis A Springer, 2008 9780387683461 1198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.139 CAR 04000526 Advanced Organic Chemistry / Carey, Francis A Springer, 2008 9780387683461 1198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.139 MAR 04002474 Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure March, Jerry John Wiley and Sons 2005 9788126510467 1495 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.139 JAC 00109146 Understanding organic reaction mechanisms Jacobs, Adam. Cambridge University Press, 1997 0521462177 (hc) | 0521467764 ( xv, 304 p. : UG Library
547.139 JEN 00148073 Organic Chemistry Reactions Mechanisms/ Jensen, Jaxon Asia Publishers, 2024 9788196935283 ix,302 p. ; UG Library
547.139 KAL 00091014 Organic Reactions and Their Mechanisms Kalsi, P S New Age International Publishers 9788122425963 693p UG Library
547.139 KAL 00091015 Organic Reactions and Their Mechanisms Kalsi, P S New Age International Publishers 9788122425963 693p UG Library
547.139 KAR 00127684 Advanced organic chemistry : Kar, Ashutosh, Medtech, 2017 9789385998294 xvi, 772 p. UG Library
547.139 KAR 00131097 Advanced organic chemistry : Kar, Ashutosh, Medtech, 2017 9789385998294 xvi, 772 p. UG Library
547.139 NAR 04018241 Fundamentals of Reaction Mechanisms in Organic Chemsitry / Narain, R. P, PHI, 2011 9788120341791 265p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.139 SOL 00117989 Study Guide and Solutions Manual : Organic Chemistry Solomons, T.W.Graham Wiley India (P) Ltd, 2011 9788126526499 xxv: 622p.; UG Library
547.139 SYK 00112949 A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry Sykes Peter Pearson, 2006 9788177584332 6th ed, xii, 416 p.: UG Library
547.16 ELI 04000540 Stereochemistry of Carbon Compounds / Eliel, Ernest L Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 0070992908 486 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.16 ACH 00021068 A Introduction to the Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds Acheson R.M. Wiley Eastern Ltd 1967 2nd Ed. 408 p. UG Library
547.16 JAI 00122854 Heterocyclic Compounds Jain, Rashmi Pragati Prakashan, 2015 9789351403883 352 p:. UG Library
547.16 LEL 00109387 Stereochemistry Of Carbon Compounds Eliel,Ernest L. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd 1962 9780070992900 xv; 486 p. UG Library
547.16 LEL 00020291 Stereochemistry Of Carbon Compounds Eliel,Ernest L. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd 1962 9780070992900 xv; 486 p. UG Library
547.16 LEL 00015672 Stereochemistry Of Carbon Compounds Eliel,Ernest L. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd 1962 9780070992900 xv; 486 p. UG Library
547.16 PAR 00119949 Chemistry of Heterocyclic compunds Parashar Rakesh Kumar Anebooks Pvt. Ltd 2015 9789384726140 389p. UG Library
547.2 CAR 00102233 Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis Carruthers, William Cambridge university; 2006 0521682134 | 9781107567450 4th ed. 493p UG Library
547.2 CAR 00129373 Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis Carruthers, William Cambridge university; 2006 0521682134 | 9781107567450 4th ed. 493p UG Library
547.2 CAR 00129374 Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis Carruthers, William Cambridge university; 2006 0521682134 | 9781107567450 4th ed. 493p UG Library
547.2 CAR 00129375 Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis Carruthers, William Cambridge university; 2006 0521682134 | 9781107567450 4th ed. 493p UG Library
547.2 CAR 00126058 Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis Carruthers, William Cambridge university; 2006 0521682134 | 9781107567450 4th ed. 493p UG Library
547.2 CAR 00126059 Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis Carruthers, William Cambridge university; 2006 0521682134 | 9781107567450 4th ed. 493p UG Library
547.2 CAR 00105991 Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis Carruthers, William Cambridge university; 2006 0521682134 | 9781107567450 4th ed. 493p UG Library
547.2 CLA 04001496 Handbook of Organic Analysis Clarke, Thacher Hans CBS Publishers and Distributors 2008 9788123915012 291p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.2 SIN 00091008 Photochemistry And Pericyclic Reactions Singh,Jagdamba. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publisers 2010 9788122426786 3rd Ed. 455 p. UG Library
547.2 SIN 00146092 Photochemistry and Pericyclic Reactions / Singh, Jagdamba. New Age International Pvt.Ltd., 2023 9789395161329 5th ed. 660p.; UG Library
547.2 SIN 00146093 Photochemistry and Pericyclic Reactions / Singh, Jagdamba. New Age International Pvt.Ltd., 2023 9789395161329 5th ed. 660p.; UG Library
547.2 AHL 00109365 Srategies For Green Organic Synthesis Ahluwalia V.K. Ane Books Pvt Ltd 2012 9789381162729 xvi; 352 p. UG Library
547.2 AHL 00082708 Organic Synthesis: Special Techniques Ahuuwalia, V K Narosa 8173197113 216p UG Library
547.2 AHL 00091790 Organic Synthesis: Special Techniques Ahuuwalia, V K Narosa 8173197113 216p UG Library
547.2 AHL 00091791 Organic Synthesis: Special Techniques Ahuuwalia, V K Narosa 8173197113 216p UG Library
547.2 AHL 00091792 Organic Synthesis: Special Techniques Ahuuwalia, V K Narosa 8173197113 216p UG Library
547.2 AHL 00091793 Organic Synthesis: Special Techniques Ahuuwalia, V K Narosa 8173197113 216p UG Library
547.2 BAL 00146763 Rearrangements in Organic Chemistry/ Balyan, Neelam Venus Books, 2023 9789395431453 viii,268p. ; UG Library
547.2 BHU 04019264 Organid Reactions with Mechanisms / Bhutani, S. P. Ane Books, 2013 9789380618302 356p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.2 CAM 00135489 Pharmaceutical Chemistry : Rosa,Joaquin M. Campos. Walter de Gruyter, 2018 9783110528510 xvi,259p.; UG Library
547.2 CAR 00083449 Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis Carruthers, William Cambridge university; 2006 0521682134 | 9781107567450 4th ed. 493p UG Library
547.2 CHA 00088136 Reaction Mechanism and Reagents in Organic Chemistry. Chatwal, Gurdeep Himalaya Publishing House 2007 8183186823 1101p UG Library
547.2 CHR 00097064 Asymmetric synthesis : Wiley-VCH, 9783527320936 (pbk.) | 3527320 xl, 355 p. : UG Library
547.2 DOY 00098460 Modern catalytic methods for organic synthesis with diazo compounds : Doyle, Michael P. Wiley, 9780471135562 (cloth : alk. pa xvii, 652 p. : UG Library
547.2 GAR 00147604 A Holistic Approach to Organic Synthesis / Garner, Philip P. CRC Press, 2024 9781003369431 First edition. 1 online resource. UG Library
547.2 HAN 00061700 Organic Synthetic Methods Hanson,James R. Royal Society Of Chemistry 2002 0854046828 | 9780854046829 175 p. UG Library
547.2 HAN 00127357 Organic Synthetic Methods Hanson,James R. Royal Society Of Chemistry 2002 0854046828 | 9780854046829 175 p. UG Library
547.2 HEN 00135315 Modern Organic Synthesis / Henderson,Norman. NY Research Press, 2018 9781632385871 vi,232p.; UG Library
547.2 KAL 00118775 Organic Synthesis through Disconnection Approach Kalsi, P.S. Med Tec, 2014 9789381714980 xvi: 448p. ; UG Library
547.2 KAL 00118964 Organic Synthesis through Disconnection Approach Kalsi, P.S. Med Tec, 2014 9789381714980 xvi: 448p. ; UG Library
547.2 KAL 00117689 Organic Synthesis through Disconnection Approach Kalsi, P.S. Med Tec, 2014 9789381714980 xvi: 448p. ; UG Library
547.2 KAR 00146168 Name Reactions and Rearrangements in Organic Chemistry/ Kar ,Ratan Kumar Books And Allied, 2016 9789384294700 xvii,1209 p.: UG Library
547.2 KAR 00123748 Name Reactions and Rearrangements in Organic Chemistry/ Kar ,Ratan Kumar Books And Allied, 2016 9789384294700 xvii,1209 p.: UG Library
547.2 KAR 00123749 Name Reactions and Rearrangements in Organic Chemistry/ Kar ,Ratan Kumar Books And Allied, 2016 9789384294700 xvii,1209 p.: UG Library
547.2 KAR 00110009 Application of Redox and Reagents in Organic Synthesis Kar, Ratan Kumar New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd 2008 8173815828 xv, 505 p. ; UG Library
547.2 KAR 00110010 Fundamentals of Organic Synthesis Kar, Ratan Kumar New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd 2007 8173810419 | 8173815321 | 9788 xxvii, 660 p. ; UG Library
547.2 KUM 00137453 Pericyclic reactions : Kumar, Sunil, Academic press, 2016 9780128036402 | 0128036400 xii, 370 pages : UG Library
547.2 KUR 00129618 Strategic Applications of Named Reactions in Organic Synthesis : Kurti, Laszlo Elsevier, Academic Press, 2017 9789381269817 xlix, 757 p.: UG Library
547.2 KUR 00119957 Strategic applications of named reactions in organic synthesis : Kurti, Laszlo Elsevier Academic Press, 2005 0124297854 (acidfree paper) lii, 758 p. : UG Library
547.2 LAV 00082647 Named Organic Reactions. Laue, Thomas 2005 0047001041 310p UG Library
547.2 LIN 00109363 Organic reactions in water Lindström, Marcus U. Blackwell Pub., 2007 9781405138901 (hardback : alk. xvi, 405 p. : UG Library
547.2 MAJ 00121891 Textbook of percyclic reactions/ Majumdar K C MedTec 2015 9789384007379 226p. UG Library
547.2 MAJ 04029141 Textbook of percyclic reactions/ Majumdar K C MedTec 2015 9789384007379 226p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.2 MIS 00132077 Polymer Chemistry: Misra G.S, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, 2018 9789386418968 xviii,253 p., UG Library
547.2 MIT 00126629 Reactions, Reagents and Synthesis in Organic Chemistry Mitra Kumar Asok Books and Allied Ltd, 2016 9789384294816 398 p.: UG Library
547.2 MIT 00126630 Reactions, Reagents and Synthesis in Organic Chemistry Mitra Kumar Asok Books and Allied Ltd, 2016 9789384294816 398 p.: UG Library
547.2 NAD 00033848 Practical Organic Chemistry Nadkarny V.V. Popular Prakashan 1971 4th Ed. 150 p. UG Library
547.2 NOR 00120190 Principles of Organic Synthesis / Norman, R. O. C. CBS pullisher, 1993 9780748761623 3rd Ed. 811p. : UG Library
547.2 NOR 04019395 Principles of Organic Synthesis / Norman, R. O. C. CBS pullisher, 1993 9780748761623 3rd Ed. 811p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.2 NOR 04016411 Principles of Organic Synthesis / Norman, R. O. C. CBS pullisher, 1993 9780748761623 3rd Ed. 811p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.2 PAR 00082650 Name Reactions in Organic Synthesis. Parikh, Arun Foundation Books 2006 8175963514 628p UG Library
547.2 PIR 00080355 Synthetic Organic Chemist`s Companion Pirrung, Michael C Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd 2007 198p UG Library
547.2 PIR 00109354 The synthetic organic chemist's companion Pirrung, Michael C. Wiley-Interscience, 2007 9780470107072 (cloth) | 978047 xiii, 198 p. : UG Library
547.2 RAJ 00120864 Organic Name Reactions & Molecular Rearrangements Raj, Gurdeep Krishna Prakashan Media, 2015 9788182836723 512 P:. UG Library
547.2 REN 00124673 Name Reactions and Reagents in Organic Synthesis Renuga, S. Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9789382956952 part A 406, part B 104, C 22p.: UG Library
547.2 REN 00124674 Name Reactions and Reagents in Organic Synthesis Renuga, S. Vishal Publishing Co., 2016 9789382956952 part A 406, part B 104, C 22p.: UG Library
547.2 SAD 05056570 Organic nanoreactors : Academic Press, 2016 9780128017135 | 0128017139 xiv, 569 pages : Knowledge Centre
547.2 SAL 00120868 Organic Synthesis M.P. Saluja Krishan Prakashan Media, 2015 9788182835610 xx.,248 p.: UG Library
547.2 SAN 00123979 Pericyclic Reactions A Textbook Sankararaman S. Wiley India Pvt, 2005 9788126557554 xiv, 418 p.: UG Library
547.2 SAT 00146512 Interactive Organic Mechanism/ Sato, Kenji Agrotech Press, 2023 9789387160729 256p. ; UG Library
547.2 SHA 00122833 Pericyclic Reactions and Organic Photochemistry/ Sharma, Vinay Prabha. Pragati Prakashan, 2013 9789350063972 3rd Ed. viii: 333p. UG Library
547.2 SHA 00111473 Pericyclic Reactions and Organic Photochemistry/ Sharma, Vinay Prabha. Pragati Prakashan, 2008 9789350063972 2nd Ed. viii: 333p.; UG Library
547.2 SIK 00127014 Organic Reactions and Their Mechanisms / Sikkander, A. Mohamed Viva Books, 2016 9788130934013 242p. : UG Library
547.2 SIK 04024620 Organic Reactions and Their Mechanisms / Sikkander, A. Mohamed Viva Books, 2016 9788130934013 242p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.2 SIN 00091009 Photochemistry And Pericyclic Reactions Singh,Jagdamba. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publisers 2010 9788122426786 3rd Ed. 455 p. UG Library
547.2 SIN 00138080 Photochemistry and Pericyclic Reactions / Singh,Jagdamba. New Age International Limited, 2020 9789386649164 4th edition (rep) xvi,519p.; UG Library
547.2 SIN 00119364 Organic Synthesis/ Singh, Jagdamba. Pragati Prakashan, 2006 978 - 93 - 5140 - 049 - 3 9th Ed. x: 728p.; UG Library
547.2 SIN 00119365 Organic Synthesis/ Singh, Jagdamba. Pragati Prakashan, 2006 978 - 93 - 5140 - 049 - 3 9th Ed. x: 728p.; UG Library
547.2 SIN 00094585 Photochemistry and Pericyclic Reactions / Singh,Jagdamba. New Age International Pvt.Ltd., 2005 9788122416947 2nd Ed. 386 p.; UG Library
547.2 SIN 00094888 Photochemistry And Pericyclic Reactions Singh,Jagdamba. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publisers 2010 9788122426786 3rd Ed. 455 p. UG Library
547.2 SIN 00094889 Photochemistry And Pericyclic Reactions Singh,Jagdamba. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publisers 2010 9788122426786 3rd Ed. 455 p. UG Library
547.2 SIN 00111469 Organic Synthesis/ Singh, Jagdamba. Pragati Prakashan, 2006 978 - 93 - 5140 - 049 - 3 9th Ed. x: 728p.; UG Library
547.2 SMI 00036770 Organic Synthesis Smith, B Michhale 0000079095 1595p UG Library
547.2 STO 00126911 Practical Functional Group Synthesis Stockland, Robert, John Wiley, 2016 9781118612804 vii, 685 p, : UG Library
547.2 TAB 00127015 Organic Synthesis : Taber, D. F. Oxford, 2015 9780190200794 | 0190200790 xi, 262 p. : UG Library
547.2 TAN 00097071 Solvent-free organic synthesis / Tanaka, Kōichi. Wiley-VCH, 9783527322640 | 3527322647 viii, 457 p. : UG Library
547.2 VAT 00118609 Asymmetric Synthesis/ Vatsala Y New Age Publishers 2013 9788122434163 178p. UG Library
547.2 VAT 00118610 Asymmetric Synthesis/ Vatsala Y New Age Publishers 2013 9788122434163 178p. UG Library
547.2 VAT 00118611 Asymmetric Synthesis/ Vatsala Y New Age Publishers 2013 9788122434163 178p. UG Library
547.2 VAT 00118612 Asymmetric Synthesis/ Vatsala Y New Age Publishers 2013 9788122434163 178p. UG Library
547.2 WHI 00006199 A Guide to Understanding Basic Organic Reactions Whitfield R.C. Longmans 1966 118 p. UG Library
547.2 WUT 00126054 Greene's Protective groups in organic synthesis WutsPeter G M John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2007 9788126530366 4th ed. 1082p. UG Library
547.2 WUT 00126055 Greene's Protective groups in organic synthesis WutsPeter G M John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2007 9788126530366 4th ed. 1082p. UG Library
547.2 WYA 00086030 Workbook for Organic Synthesis: Wyatt, Paul John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 2008 9780471929642 492 p UG Library
547.2 WYA 00098465 Organic synthesis : Wyatt, Paul. John Wiley, 9780471489405 | 0471489409 | 9 vi, 909 p. : UG Library
547.21 KAL 00104724 Organic synthesis through disconnection approach Kalsi, P S MedTech 2017 9789385998461 2nd rev.ed. 464p. UG Library
547.21 KAL 00129387 Organic synthesis through disconnection approach Kalsi, P S MedTech 2017 9789385998461 2nd rev.ed. 464p. UG Library
547.21 KAL 04029139 Organic synthesis through disconnection approach Kalsi, P S MedTech 2017 9789385998461 2nd rev.ed. 464p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.21 KAR 00088130 Fundamentals of Organic Synthesis: Kar, Ratan Kumar New Central Book Agency Pvt.Ltd 2008 8173810419 | 9788173810411 678p UG Library
547.21 KAR 00088131 Fundamentals of Organic Synthesis: Kar, Ratan Kumar New Central Book Agency Pvt.Ltd 2008 8173810419 | 9788173810411 678p UG Library
547.21 TIE 00120181 Microwave Assisted Organic Synthesis Tierney, Jason P Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 2005 9788126522712 XI, 280 p.: UG Library
547.21 WAK 00082686 Organic Synthesis the Disconnection Approach. Warren, Stuart Wiley India 2007 0812651146 391p UG Library
547.215 CHA 00132432 Solar photocatalysis for environmental remediation Chakrabarrti,Sampa The energy and resources institute, 2018 9788179936603 xvi,156p.; UG Library
547.215 FAG 00136037 Photoorganocatalysis in organic synthesis / Fagnoni, Maurizio, World scientific publishing europe ltd., 2019 9781786346049 (hc : alk. paper) xxx,568p.; UG Library
547.215 PEL 00116720 Recent developments in asymmetric organocatalysis Pellissier, Helene. RSC Pub., 2010 9781849730549 (hbk.) | 1849730 xv, 241 p.; UG Library
547.23 ADA 00097070 Oxidation of organic compounds by dioxiranes / John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 9780470454077 | 0470454075 xi, 670 p. : UG Library
547.23 AHL 00123529 Oxidation in Organic Synthesis Ahluwalia, V K Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 2016 9789380618319 xvi, 323 p:. UG Library
547.25 SHE 00079972 Green Chemistry and Catalysis Sheldon, Roger A Wiley-Vich Verlag Gmbh & Co 2007 9783527307159 433 p UG Library
547.27 IQB 04018134 Synthetic of Acid Alcohols / Iqbal, Syed Aftab Discovery publishing house, 2013 9789350561386 347p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.28 BRA 00082655 Polymer Synthesis: Theory and Practice Fundamentals, Methods, Experiments. Braun, D Springer 2007 8181285638 385p UG Library
547.28 DAV 04028747 Geopolymer : Davidovits, Joseph Institute of Geopolymer, 2015 9782951482098 4th Ed. 623p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.28 SEY 00015669 Introduction to Polymer Chemistry Seymour, Raymond B Mc Graw Hill 437p UG Library
547.29 MCN 00109850 Fermentation Mcneil B. Oxford University Press 1990 9780195692518 xiii; 226 p. UG Library
547.3 HOL 00097622 Modern Spectroscopy Hollas, J. Michael Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2010 9788126525713 4th ed. 452 p. UG Library
547.3 CHA 00045980 Spectroscopy : Atomic and Molecular Chatwal Gurdeep Himalaya Publishing House 1998 414 p UG Library
547.3 CHA 00063533 Spectoscopy (atomic and Molecular) Chatwal, R Gurdeep HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 8178665344 575p UG Library
547.3 DUT 00047729 Spectroscopy Dutta, M K Sarupa and Sons 8176250627 215p UG Library
547.3 DUT 00049981 Spectroscopy Dutta, M K Sarupa and Sons 8176250627 215p UG Library
547.3 GAN 00033852 Analytical Chemistry Ganguly,Bejoy Kumar. Ghosh & Co 1964 359 p. UG Library
547.3 GUP 00132117 Molecular and Laser Spectroscopy: Gupta V.P, Elseiver, 2018 9780128498835 xvi,346 p.; UG Library
547.3 HOL 00130488 Modern Spectroscopy Hollas, J. Michael Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2010 9788126525713 4th ed. 452 p. UG Library
547.3 KAU 00120195 Spectroscopy Kaur H Pragathi Prakashan 2013 9789350064009 8th ed. 760p. UG Library
547.3 KAU 00122835 Spectroscopy Kaur H Pragathi Prakashan 2015 9789351405382 10th ed. 759p. UG Library
547.3 KUM 00146509 Spectroscopy/ Kumari, Sapna Asia Publisher, 2023 9788119391127 320p, : UG Library
547.3 PAT 00055097 Spectroscopy Patania V B Campus Books International, 2002 8187815906 368 p.; UG Library
547.3 PAV 00141125 Introduction to Spectroscopy Pavia Donald L Cengage learning ind pvt ltd., 2015 9788131529164 5th ed., xvii,690p.; UG Library
547.3 PAV 00105391 Spectroscopy: Pavia,Donald. Brooks/Cole Cengage learning 2007 9788131505762 690 p. UG Library
547.3 PAV 00093934 Introduction to Spectroscopy Pavia Donald L Thomson Learning 2001 9788131500811 3rd ed. 604p UG Library
547.3 PAV 00064079 Introduction to Spectroscopy Pavia Donald L Thomson Learning 2001 9788131500811 3rd ed. 604p UG Library
547.3 PAV 00064080 Introduction to Spectroscopy Pavia Donald L Thomson Learning 2001 9788131500811 3rd ed. 604p UG Library
547.3 PAV 00064078 Introduction to Spectroscopy Pavia Donald L Thomson Learning 2001 9788131500811 3rd ed. 604p UG Library
547.3 SHA 00080260 A Handbook of Spectroscopy Sharma Dinesh International Scientific Publishing Academy 2005 8182930154 270 p UG Library
547.3 SHA 00120856 Spectroscopy Sharma B.K Krishan Prakashan Media, 2015 9788182836716 xvi, 952 p.: UG Library
547.3 SHA 00067351 A Handbook of Spectroscopy Sharma Dinesh International Scientific Publishing Academy 2005 8182930154 270 p UG Library
547.3 STR 00035959 Spectroscopy Straughan, B P Chapman and Hall Ltd 1976 0470150319 vol.3 324 p UG Library
547.3 TYA 00039809 Text Book of Spectroscopy Tyagi, O D Anmol 376 p UG Library
547.3 YAD 00082682 Textbook of Spectroscopy Yadav M S Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 2003 8126113499 469 p UG Library
547.3 YAD 00057798 Textbook of Spectroscopy Yadav M S Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 2003 8126113499 469 p UG Library
547.3 YAD 00055608 Textbook of Spectroscopy Yadav M S Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 2003 8126113499 469 p UG Library
547.3058 WIL 00112229 Spectroscopic Methods In Organic Chemistry Williams, Dudley Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd 2011 9780071332767 6th Ed. x; 291 p. UG Library
547.308 KAM 00055624 Organic Spectroscopy Kemp, William 0033351954 393p UG Library
547.308 KAM 00051493 Organic Spectroscopy Kemp, William 0033351954 393p UG Library
547.308 KAM 00051494 Organic Spectroscopy Kemp, William 0033351954 393p UG Library
547.3085 MOH 00131977 Organic Spectroscopy Mohan,Jag Narosa Publishing House 2002 9788173195662 2nd Ed. xiii; 548 p. UG Library
547.3085 KAL 00091006 Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds Kalsi, P S New Age International Publishers 8122415431 631p UG Library
547.3085 KAL 00091007 Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds Kalsi, P S New Age International Publishers 8122415431 631p UG Library
547.3085 MOH 00108837 Organic Spectroscopy Mohan,Jag Narosa Publishing House 2002 9788173195662 2nd Ed. xiii; 548 p. UG Library
547.3085 SHA 00094898 Elementary Organic Spectroscopy Sharma Y R S.Chand & Company Ltd. 9788121928847 356p UG Library
547.3085 SHA 00094899 Elementary Organic Spectroscopy Sharma Y R S.Chand & Company Ltd. 9788121928847 356p UG Library
547.30858 DEW 04010783 Organic Spectroscopy Dewan S.K. CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. LTD, 2010 9788123919065 xviii, 662 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.30858 KEM 05033510 Organic spectroscopy / Kemp, William, W.H. Freeman, 1991 0716722267 | 0716722275 3rd ed. xxii, 393 p. : Knowledge Centre
547.30858 WIL 00109389 Spectroscopic Methods In Organic Chemistry Williams, Dudley Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd 2011 9780071332767 6th Ed. x; 291 p. UG Library
547.30858 WIL 04007670 Spectroscopic methods in organic chemistry / Williams, Dudley H. McGraw-Hill, 1987 0070841667 (pbk.) : 4th ed. xii, 246 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.33 EWI 00033849 Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis Ewing,Galen W. Mcgraw-Hill Book Co 1969 3rd Ed. 627 p. UG Library
547.33 KAU 00120178 Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis/ Kaur, H Pragati Prakashan, 2000 9789350066423 8th Ed. xvi: 1176p.; UG Library
547.33 KAU 00119357 Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis/ Kaur, H Pragati Prakashan, 2000 9789350066423 8th Ed. xvi: 1176p.; UG Library
547.33 KAU 00119358 Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis/ Kaur, H Pragati Prakashan, 2000 9789350066423 8th Ed. xvi: 1176p.; UG Library
547.33 KAU 00122834 Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis/ Kaur, H Pragati Prakashan, 2014 9789351402701 10th Ed. xvi: 11176p.; UG Library
547.33 KAU 00111474 Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis/ Kaur, H Pragati Prakashan, 2000 9789350066423 8th Ed. xvi: 1176p.; UG Library
547.33 SRI 00111323 Instrumental Approach to Chemical Analysis/ Srivastava, A.K. S.Chand & Company Pvt.Ltd, 1997 9788121916592 664p.; UG Library
547.34 AHL 00084912 Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry: Preparation and Quantitative Analysis Ahluwalia V. Universities Press 2000 8173714754 | 9788173714757 312 p. UG Library
547.34 AHL 00084929 Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry: Qualitative Analysis Ahluwalia V.K. Universities Press 2002 8173714282 | 9788173714283 294 p. UG Library
547.34 AHL 00084923 Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry: Preparation and Quantitative Analysis Ahluwalia V. Universities Press 2000 8173714754 | 9788173714757 312 p. UG Library
547.34 AHL 00084928 Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry:Qualitative Analysis. Alhuwali, V K Universities Press Privite Limited 2008 294p UG Library
547.34 AHL 00058763 Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry: Qualitative Analysis Ahluwalia V.K. Universities Press 2002 8173714282 | 9788173714283 294 p. UG Library
547.34 DAS 00118836 Nomenclature of The Organic Compopunds for the beginners Das. Tanya New Central Book Agency(P) Ltd, 2013 9788173816826 xvi:185p.; UG Library
547.34 DAS 00118837 Nomenclature of The Organic Compopunds for the beginners Das. Tanya New Central Book Agency(P) Ltd, 2013 9788173816826 xvi:185p.; UG Library
547.346 SIL 00129367 Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds Silverstein,Robert. Wiley India. 2015 9788126556595 8th ed. 456p. UG Library
547.346 SIL 00129368 Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds Silverstein,Robert. Wiley India. 2015 9788126556595 8th ed. 456p. UG Library
547.346 SIL 00129369 Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds Silverstein,Robert. Wiley India. 2015 9788126556595 8th ed. 456p. UG Library
547.346 SIL 00126064 Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds Silverstein,Robert. Wiley India. 2015 9788126556595 8th ed. 456p. UG Library
547.346 SIL 00126065 Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds Silverstein,Robert. Wiley India. 2015 9788126556595 8th ed. 456p. UG Library
547.346 SIL 00105390 Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds Silverstein,Robert. Wiley India. 2001 9788126509720 6th. xiv,482 p. UG Library
547.3723 KHO 00090944 Solvent Extraction Separation of Elements With Liquid Ion Exchangers Khopkar, S M New Age International Publishers 8122420273 263p UG Library
547.3723 KHO 00090945 Solvent Extraction Separation of Elements With Liquid Ion Exchangers Khopkar, S M New Age International Publishers 8122420273 263p UG Library
547.411 TAY 00061708 The Molecular World: Alkenes And Aromatics Taylor,Peter. Royal Society Of Chemistry 2002 0854046801 | 9780854046805 184 p. UG Library
547.412 TOR 04023449 The Pauson-Khand reaction Wiley, 2012 9781118308622 | 9781118308639 313p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.44 RAY 00090978 Metal and Non-Metal Biguanide Complexes Ray, R K New Age International Publishers 8122410383 160p UG Library
547.44RAY 00090979 Metal and Non-Metal Biguanide Complexes Ray, R K New Age International Publishers 8122410383 160p UG Library
547.48 SOD 00105058 Organomettalic Chemistry Sodhi G.S. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 2009 9788180521980 160p. UG Library
547.5 AHL 00105049 Alicyclic Chemistry Ahluwalia V.K Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 2009 9788180522765 ix,141p. UG Library
547.5 KAR 00107223 Frontier Orbital and Symmentry Controlled Pericyclic Reactions Kar Ratan Kumar Books and Allied (P) Ltd. 2010 9788187134640 278 P. UG Library
547.59 AHL 00137103 Heterocyclic Chemistry / Ahluwalia, V.K. Narosa Publishing House, 2018 9788184871548 | 9788184875591 rep xiii, 10.38 p.; UG Library
547.59 AHL 00137104 Heterocyclic Chemistry / Ahluwalia, V.K. Narosa Publishing House, 2018 9788184871548 | 9788184875591 rep xiii, 10.38 p.; UG Library
547.59 AHL 00110902 Heterocyclic Chemistry / Ahluwalia, V.K. Narosa Publishing House, 2012 9788184871548 | 9788184875591 xiii; 10.38 p.: UG Library
547.59 AHL 00127012 Heterocyclic Chemistry / Ahluwalia, V.K. Narosa Publishing House, 2012 9788184871548 | 9788184875591 xiii; 10.38 p.: UG Library
547.59 AHL 00131112 Heterocyclic Chemistry / Ahluwalia, V.K. Narosa Publishing House, 2012 9788184871548 | 9788184875591 xiii; 10.38 p.: UG Library
547.59 BAN 00090958 Heterocyclic Chemistry Bansal, Raj K New Age International Publishers 0812241706 561p UG Library
547.59 BAN 00090959 Heterocyclic Chemistry Bansal, Raj K New Age International Publishers 0812241706 561p UG Library
547.59 GAU 00061910 Heterocyclic Chemistry Gautam D.C. RBSA Publishers 2004 8176112119 | 9788176112116 298 p. UG Library
547.59 GIL 00129358 Heterocyclic Chemistry Gilchrist, Thomas . L Pearson Education Ltd., 2014 9788131707937 3rd ed, XVII; 414 p.: UG Library
547.59 GIL 00129359 Heterocyclic Chemistry Gilchrist, Thomas . L Pearson Education Ltd., 2014 9788131707937 3rd ed, XVII; 414 p.: UG Library
547.59 GIL 00129360 Heterocyclic Chemistry Gilchrist, Thomas . L Pearson Education Ltd., 2014 9788131707937 3rd ed, XVII; 414 p.: UG Library
547.59 GIL 00120173 Heterocyclic Chemistry Gilchrist, Thomas . L Pearson Education Ltd., 2014 9788131707937 3rd ed, XVII; 414 p.: UG Library
547.59 GOS 00142486 Hydroxytriazenes and triazenes : Goswami, A. K., CRC press, 2021 9781138597204 1. xiv,114p.; UG Library
547.59 GUP 00122469 Heterocyclic Chemistry Gupta, R. R Springer. 1999 9788181282217 | 9788181282200 x,638 p:. UG Library
547.59 GUP 00122470 Heterocyclic Chemistry Gupta, R. R Springer. 1999 9788181282217 | 9788181282200 x,638 p:. UG Library
547.59 GUP 00120799 Heterocyclic Chemistry Gupta, R. R Springer. 1999 9788181282217 | 9788181282200 x,638 p:. UG Library
547.59 GUP 00120798 Heterocyclic Chemistry Gupta, R. R Springer. 1999 9788181282217 | 9788181282200 x,638 p:. UG Library
547.59 JAC 00137687 Introductory Heterocyclic Chemistry Jacobi, Peter A John wiley and sons, 2019 9781119417590 xi,257p.; UG Library
547.59 JOU 00108597 Heterocyclic chemistry Joule, J. A. Wiley, 2009 9781405133005 | 9781405133005 5th ed. xxviii, 689 p. : UG Library
547.59 JOU 00022366 Heterocyclic Chemistry Joule J.A. English Language Book Society 1979 00442301979 2nd Ed. 378 p. UG Library
547.59 JOU 00082704 Heterocyclic Chemistry at a Glance Joule, John A Blacker & Sons 2007 150p UG Library
547.59 LI 00120800 Name Reactions in Heterocyclic chemistery Li, Jal Jack Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 2005 9788126523870 xix,558 p:. UG Library
547.59 MAT 00127010 Heterocyclic Supramolecules / Matsumoto, K. Springer, 2008 9783540681892 (v. 1 : | 35406 xi, 201 p.: UG Library
547.59 PAR 00097121 Heterocyclic Chemistry Parashar, Rakesh K. Ane Books Pvt, Ltd., 2010 9789380156187 178 p. UG Library
547.59 PAR 00105062 Heterocyclic Chemistry Parashar, Rakesh K. Ane Books Pvt, Ltd., 2010 9789380156187 178 p. UG Library
547.59 RAM 00110351 Heterocyclic Chemistry Ram,Tilak. Sonali Publications 2012 9788184114591 263 p. UG Library
547.59 SAI 00127009 Heterocyclic Chemistry / Sainsbury, Malcolm. Royal Society of Chemistry, 2001 0854046526 | 9780854046522 vi, 142 p. : UG Library
547.59046 KHO 00108843 Analytical chemistry of macrocyclic and supramolecular compounds / Khopkar, S. M. Narosa Publishing House, 2005 8173196818 | 9788173196812 2nd ed. xxi, 347 p. : UG Library
547.593 MAN 04007722 Beta-Lactams: manhas, Maghar S. Wiley-Interscience 1969 233p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.5930459 ROY 00097063 Asymmetric synthesis of nitrogen heterocycles / Wiley-VCH, 9783527320363 (hbk.) | 3527320 xvi, 409 p. : UG Library
547.6 DEL 00058779 Problems in Aromatic Chemistry Delvin, Samuel IVY Publishing House 8178900734 140p UG Library
547.6 HEP 00138456 Aromatic Chemistry / Hepworth,John D. The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2002 9780854046621 vii,168p.; UG Library
547.6 SIN 00146508 Aromatic Chemistry/ Singh, Jagjeet Venus Books, 2023 9789395431415 269p. ; UG Library
547.61 ALI 00124465 Graphene Science Handbook. CRC Press, 2016 9781466591318 | 1466591315 xviii, 715 p ; UG Library
547.61 PAT 04029166 Graphene and its fascinating attributes / Pati, Swapan K. World Scientific, 2011 9789814329354 | 9814329355 xv, 270 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.7 AHL 04002799 Chemistry of Natural Products Ahluwalia, V K Ane Books 2006 9788180520891 249 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.7 KAR 00109917 Chemistry Of Natural products: Kar, Ashutosh CBS Publisher Pvt.Ltd . 2010 9788123918747 | 9788123920726 xviii, 501 p. UG Library
547.7 KAR 00098459 Chemistry Of Natural products: Kar, Ashutosh CBS Publisher Pvt.Ltd . 2010 9788123918747 | 9788123920726 xviii, 501 p. UG Library
547.7 KRI 04005537 Chemistry of Natural Products Krishnaswamy N.R. Universities Press 2010 9788173716775 2nd Ed. 417 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.7 RUD 04000621 Elements of Polymer Science and Engineering / Rudin, Alfred Elsevier, 2008 9788131203095 509 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.7 STE 04001342 Polymer Chemistry: An Introduction Stevens, Malcolm P Oxford Universtiy Press 1999 9780195699258 551p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.7 AHL 00124206 Enzymes For Green Organic Syntesis Ahluwalia V.K. Narosa Publishing House 2010 9788184870893 xii; 9.5 p. UG Library
547.7 AHL 00108858 Enzymes For Green Organic Syntesis Ahluwalia V.K. Narosa Publishing House 2010 9788184870893 xii; 9.5 p. UG Library
547.7 ARO 00059589 Polymer Chemistry Arora, M G Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126114126 438p UG Library
547.7 BAH 00063049 Principles of Polymer Science Bahadur, P Narosa 2002 8173194181 401p UG Library
547.7 BAH 00125991 Principles of Polymer Science Bahadur, P Narosa 2005 9788173196553 2nd ed, 401p.: UG Library
547.7 BAL 00146504 Coordination Chemistry: Weber, Birgit Springer, 2023 9783662664407 xvii,266p. ; UG Library
547.7 BAN 00124881 Polymer Chemistry Bansal Kumar Pawan Crescent Publishing , 2015 9788183423472 vii, 223 p.: UG Library
547.7 BAR 00135285 Concepts for molecular machines / Baruah, Jubaraj Bikash, World scientific publishing, 2018 9789813223707 (hardcover : alk. paper) xiii, 163 pages : UG Library
547.7 BAR 00147238 Concepts for molecular machines / Baruah, Jubaraj Bikash World scientific publishing, 2024 9781944660956 xiii,163p. : UG Library
547.7 BAS 00079064 Handbook of Biodegradable Polymers Bastioli, Catia Rapra Technology 2006 1859573894 533 p UG Library
547.7 BHA 00141096 A textbook of polymer chemistry: Bhatnagar,M.S S Chand and compnay ltd., 2018 9788121941129 xiv,552p.; UG Library
547.7 BRA 00108846 Natural Products: Chemistry,Biochemistry and Pharmacology Brahmachari Goutam Narosa Publishing House 2009 9788173198861 xviii; 822 p. UG Library
547.7 CAR 00132576 Introduction to polymer chemistry / Carraher, Charles E., CRC press, 2017 9781498737616 (hardback : alk. paper) | 1498737617 (hardback : alk. paper) Fourth edition. xxvii, 560 pages : UG Library
547.7 CHO 00124882 Polymer Chemistry Choudhary N.L Lobus Press, 2016 9789385379390 vii, 264 p.: UG Library
547.7 COW 00067352 Polymers: Chemistry and Physics of Modern Materials Cowie J.M.G. CRC Press 2008 0849398134 | 9780849398131 3rd Ed. 499 p. UG Library
547.7 COW 00082691 Polymers: Chemistry and Physics of Modern Materials Cowie J.M.G. CRC Press 2008 0849398134 | 9780849398131 3rd Ed. 499 p. UG Library
547.7 COW 00079143 Polymers: Chemistry and Physics of Modern Materials Cowie J.M.G. CRC Press 2008 0849398134 | 9780849398131 3rd Ed. 499 p. UG Library
547.7 DAV 04018214 Engineering the bioelectronic interface : Davis, Jason J. RSC Pub., 2009 9780854041657 (hbk.) | 0854041 259 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.7 DOO 00138464 Peptides and proteins Doonan,Shawn The royal society of chemistry, 2002 9780854046928 vi,186p.; UG Library
547.7 FLO 00082663 Principles of Polymer Chemistry. Flory, Paul J Asian Books Pvt Ltd 2006 8184120133 672p UG Library
547.7 GRA 04008623 Giant molecules : Gratzer, Walter Oxford University press, 2011 9780199562138 xii, 254p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.7 KUM 00108842 Biogenesis Of Natural Products Kumar, Baldev Narosa Publishing House 2005 9788173196935 x; 296 p. UG Library
547.7 MIS 00084930 Introductory Polymer Chemistry. Misra, G S New Age International Publishers 1993 8122404715 253 UG Library
547.7 PAN 00123426 Chemistry of Natural Products Panwar, Hament RBSA Publishers, 2014 9788176116718 352 p:. UG Library
547.7 RUS 00143573 Fundamentals of Polymer Chemistry / Russo, Sydney. States academic press, 2022 9781639892303 viii,238p, ; UG Library
547.7 SPI 00132575 Inroduction to polymer chemistry Spinks,Gordon M Oxford book company, 2019 9789350304419 viii,288p.; UG Library
547.7 STE 04012422 Polymer Chemistry: An Introduction Stevens, Malcolm P Oxford Universtiy Press 1999 9780195699258 551p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.7 TAN 00106040 Polymer Physics : Tanaka, F. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521864299 (hardback) xv,387 p. UG Library
547.7 WEB 00146510 Polymer Chemistry/ Baliyan, Neelam Academic, 2023 9789395546300 xii,284p. : UG Library
547.7 WHI 00072884 Polymers Whitmore G. IVY Publishing House 2006 8178901382 | 9788178901381 150 p. UG Library
547.70457 SUB 00144968 Electroactive polymers : Subramanian, Muralisrinivasan Natamai De Gruyter, 2021 3110637790 | 9783110637793 xii, 213 p. : UG Library
547.71 AHL 00105060 Terpenoids Ahluwalia V K Ane Books Pvt.Ltd. 9788180522772 180p UG Library
547.71AHL 00093933 Terpenoids Ahluwalia V K Ane Books Pvt.Ltd. 9788180522772 180p UG Library
547.72 TOM 00125287 Alkaloids Tomar,Ritu Oxford Book Company, 2017 9789350302989 278 p.: UG Library
547.72 AHL 00097120 Alkaloids Ahluwalia V. K. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 2010 9788180521478 175 p. UG Library
547.72 AHL 00105050 Alkaloids Ahluwalia V. K. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 2010 9788180521478 175 p. UG Library
547.75 SCH 00108903 Principles of protein structure Schulz, G. E. Springer-Verlag, 1979 0387903860 | 0387903348 pbk. | x, 314 p. : UG Library
547.75 SCH 00067124 Principles of protein structure Schulz, G. E. Springer-Verlag, 1979 0387903860 | 0387903348 pbk. | x, 314 p. : UG Library
547.750459 HIG 00098794 protein expression: Oxford university; 9780195671049 xvii;282 p. UG Library
547.756 HOW 00108867 Peptide synthesis and applications Howl John Humana Press, 2005 1588293173 (alk. paper) | 9781 x, 262 p. : UG Library
547.78 ALE 00142627 Carbohydrate chemistry : Alén, Raimo, World scientific publishing, 2020 9789813223639 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9813223634 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9789813223646 (softcover : alk. paper) | 9780000988492 x, 856 pages : UG Library
547.78 ALE 00135502 Carbohydrate chemistry : Alén, Raimo, World Scientific Publishing Co. Ltd, 2018 9789813223639 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9813223634 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9789813223646 (softcover : alk. paper) x, 856 p.; UG Library
547.78 SIN 00121526 Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry Sinnott, Michael RSC Publishing, 2013 9781849733274 2nd edition xviii, 816 p:. UG Library
547.785046 DUN 00034249 Gel Electophoresis Of Proteins Dunn M.J. Wright 1986 0723608822 407 p. UG Library
547.79 HON 05033647 Fourteenth Symposium on Nucleic Acids Chemistry / Mikio Honjo IRL Press, 1986 0852210036 232 p.; Knowledge Centre
547.7BIL 00084922 Textbook of Polymer Science. Billmeyer, Fred W Wiley India 1994 8126511109 578p UG Library
547.7SID 04016395 Natural Products Chemistry Practical Manual(for Science and Pharmacy Courses)msc.Chemistry SECTION] Siddiqui, Annes A Cbs 9788123916217 274p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.8 RIC 04010953 Advances in protein chemistry. Richards Frederic M. Academic Press, 2005 9780120342709 xii; 525 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.8 SHA 00146516 Protein Chemistry and Technology/ Sharma, Sohan Random, 2023 9788196068479 272p. ; UG Library
547.83 WAD 00013614 Chemicals from Petroleum: an introductory Survey Waddams,Lawrence A. The English Language Book Society 1962 0719522056 2nd Ed. 244 p. UG Library
547.83 WAD 00013601 Chemicals from Petroleum: an introductory Survey Waddams,Lawrence A. The English Language Book Society 1962 0719522056 2nd Ed. 244 p. UG Library
547.84 HUN 00090942 Experiments in Polymer Science Hundiwale, D G New Age International Publishers 9788122423884 184p UG Library
547.84 HUN 00090943 Experiments in Polymer Science Hundiwale, D G New Age International Publishers 9788122423884 184p UG Library
547.842 AHL 04021192 Polymer Science : A Textbook / Ahluwalia, V. K. Ane Books, 2008 9788180521515 219p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547.844 SEI 00147250 Physical chemistry of polymers : Seiffert, Sebastian DE Gruyter, 2023 9783110713275 2nd edition. xvi,347p. : UG Library
547.844 TAG 00012615 Physical Chemistry of Polymers Tager, A. Mir Publishers, 1972 558 p. UG Library
547.86 CHR 00121463 Colour Chemistry Christie Robert M. Royal Society Chemistry, 2015 9781849733281 xiii, 345 p.: UG Library
547.87 ROD 00022365 Principles of Polymer Systems Rodriguez,Ferdinand. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1970 560 p. UG Library
547.87322 SHE 00048116 Mobile Genetic Elements Sherratt,David J. Oxford University Press 1995 0019963405 | 9780199634057 179p UG Library
547.9 ARO 00073397 Aliphatic Organic Chemistry Arora,Amit. Discovery Publishing House 2006 8183561888 318 p. UG Library
547/.02 BEG 00097065 Bioorganic and medicinal chemistry of fluorine / Beague, Jean-Pierre. John Wiley & Sons, 2008 9780470278307 (cloth) | 047027 xvii, 365 p. : UG Library
547/.135 TUR 00096554 Modern molecular photochemistry of organic molecules / Turro, Nicholas J., University Science Books, 2010 9781891389252 (HB) | 97893861 xxxiii, 1084 p. : UG Library
547AST 00017867 Organic Chemistry Second Edition Melvin Astle, J OXFORD 771p UG Library
547BAH 00030630 Organic Chemistry Bahl, B S S Chand UG Library
547BAHL 00003690 Essentials of Physicla Chemistry Bahl, B S UG Library
547BAN 00039694 Synthetic Approaches in Organic Chemistry Bansal, Raj K AITBS 420p UG Library
547BOH 00122409 Advances in Metallo-Organic Chemistry Bohra, R RBSA 8176110493 442p UG Library
547DAS 00019439 Organic Chemistry Dasgande University , Bangalore University UG Library
547DAS 00019441 Organic Chemistry Dasgande University , Bangalore University UG Library
547DAS 00019440 Organic Chemistry Dasgande University , Bangalore University UG Library
547DAS 00019442 Organic Chemistry Dasgande University , Bangalore University UG Library
547DAS 00019444 Organic Chemistry Dasgande University , Bangalore University UG Library
547DAS 00019446 Organic Chemistry Dasgande University , Bangalore University UG Library
547DAS 00019448 Organic Chemistry Dasgande University , Bangalore University UG Library
547DAS 00019447 Organic Chemistry Dasgande University , Bangalore University UG Library
547DAS 00019445 Organic Chemistry Dasgande University , Bangalore University UG Library
547DAS 00019443 Organic Chemistry Dasgande University , Bangalore University UG Library
547FIN 00013625 Problems and Theory Solution in Organic Chemistry Finar, I L E L B S 358 UG Library
547FIN., 04007669 Problems and Their Solution Inorganic Chemistry Finar, I L English Language Book Society 1973 0582443113 359p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
547GAR.S 00022333 Practical Organic Chemistry Garg, M L K NATH 284 UG Library
547GLAS 00003724 Elements of Phyxical Chemistry Glaston, Samuel Macmillan UG Library
547JAI 00128394 Modern Organic Chemistry Jain, M K Vishal Publications CO., 2017 1458p : . UG Library
547JAI2 00015671 Principles of Organic Chemistry Jain, M K Longman UG Library
547NAR 00024707 Organic Chemistry (cosip-Ula) Narayana Reddy, Blr University UG Library
547NAR 00024710 Organic Chemistry (cosip-Ula) Narayana Reddy, Blr University UG Library
547NAR 00024712 Organic Chemistry (cosip-Ula) Narayana Reddy, Blr University UG Library
547NAR 00024714 Organic Chemistry (cosip-Ula) Narayana Reddy, Blr University UG Library
547NAR 00024716 Organic Chemistry (cosip-Ula) Narayana Reddy, Blr University UG Library
547NAR 00024715 Organic Chemistry (cosip-Ula) Narayana Reddy, Blr University UG Library
547NAR 00024713 Organic Chemistry (cosip-Ula) Narayana Reddy, Blr University UG Library
547NAR 00024711 Organic Chemistry (cosip-Ula) Narayana Reddy, Blr University UG Library
547NAR 00024709 Organic Chemistry (cosip-Ula) Narayana Reddy, Blr University UG Library
547NAR 00024708 Organic Chemistry (cosip-Ula) Narayana Reddy, Blr University UG Library
547NAR1 00026388 Organic Chemistry Narayana Reddy, Cosip UG Library
547NAR1 00026390 Organic Chemistry Narayana Reddy, Cosip UG Library
547NAR1 00026391 Organic Chemistry Narayana Reddy, Cosip UG Library
547NAR1 00026392 Organic Chemistry Narayana Reddy, Cosip UG Library
547NAR1 00026389 Organic Chemistry Narayana Reddy, Cosip UG Library
547PUR., 00010238 Elements of Organic Chemistry Puri B.R. S.Nagin & Co 1960 491 p. UG Library
547RIC1 00002092 Elements of Organic Chemistry Richards, John H UG Library
547SCH 00124316 Study Guide and Solutions Manual for Organic Chemistry Structure and Function. Schore, Neil E 2003 0716797593 471p UG Library
547SEH 00019011 Organic Chemistry Sehgal J.M. R.Chand & Co 1977 2nd Ed. 368 p. UG Library
547SIN1 00002539 Modern Organic Chemistry Singh, Jagindar Atma UG Library
547THO1 00002551 Organic Chemistry Thomas, P M Niraj Prakashan UG Library
547THU 00034147 Text Book of II Puc Biology Thulajappa, Y Excellent UG Library
547THU 00034150 Text Book of II Puc Biology Thulajappa, Y Excellent UG Library
547THU 00034151 Text Book of II Puc Biology Thulajappa, Y Excellent UG Library
547THU 00034148 Text Book of II Puc Biology Thulajappa, Y Excellent UG Library
547VOG., 00008004 Text Book of Practical Organic Chemistry Vogel, Arthur I English Language Book Society 1188p UG Library
548 AZA 00136934 Introduction to Solids Azaroff, Leonid V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2019 9780070992191 43rd rep ed, 460 p.; UG Library
548 AZA 00136935 Introduction to Solids Azaroff, Leonid V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2019 9780070992191 43rd rep ed, 460 p.; UG Library
548 AZA 00120210 Introduction to Solids / Azaroff, Leonid V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 9780070992191 460 p. : UG Library
548 DES 04017494 Crystal Engineering : Desiraju, Gautam R. CUP, 2011 9788175969148 216p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
548 DYE 00033790 Applications of Absorption Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds Dyer,John R. Prentice Hall 1965 147 p. UG Library
548 DYE 00033853 Applications of Absorption Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds Dyer,John R. Prentice Hall 1965 147 p. UG Library
548 GIA 00069386 Fundamentals of Crystallography Giacovazzo C. Oxford University Press 2002 0198509588 | 9780198509585 2nd Ed. 825 p. UG Library
548 GIA 00069388 Fundamentals of Crystallography Giacovazzo C. Oxford University Press 2002 0198509588 | 9780198509585 2nd Ed. 825 p. UG Library
548 GIA 00069387 Fundamentals of Crystallography Giacovazzo C. Oxford University Press 2002 0198509588 | 9780198509585 2nd Ed. 825 p. UG Library
548 GIA 00035995 Fundamentals of Crystallography Giacovazzo, C J 1992 1 UG Library
548 JAC 00035925 Handbook of Crystallography Jackson A.G. Spinger-Verlag 1991 0387973990 210 p. UG Library
548 JUL 00125206 Foundations of crystallography with computer applications / Julian, Maureen M. CRC Press 2015 9781466552913 (hardcover : alk 2nd ed. lxxiv, 606 pages : UG Library
548 KAT 00147137 Soft Crystals: Kato, Masako Springer, 2023 9789819902620 viii,265p. ; UG Library
548 KUT 00093928 Fundamentals of Crystal Chemistry Kutty T R N Universities Press Ltd. 9788173712975 86p UG Library
548 KUT 00052309 Fundamentals of Crystal Chemistry Kutty T R N Universities Press Ltd. 9788173712975 86p UG Library
548 KUT 00084914 Fundamentals of Crystal Chemistry Kutty T R N Universities Press Ltd. 9788173712975 86p UG Library
548 LAD 00086068 Structure Determiniation By X-Ray Crystallography/ Ladd, Mark 0306474549 819 p UG Library
548 MSR 00040855 X-ray Crystollography. 1900 1 UG Library
548 PAL 00143132 Fundamentals of Crystallography / Palmer, Wesley. States academic press, 2022 9781639892266 viii,242p, ; UG Library
548 PHI 00035953 Introduction to Crystallography Phillips, F C ELBS 1977 1 UG Library
548 PHY 00035952 Introduction to Crystallography Phyllips, F.c ELBS 1977 1 UG Library
548 RAM 00035945 Fourier Methods Iin Crystallography Ramachandran, G.n Wiley 1970 1 UG Library
548 SAN 05033672 Introduction to crystallography / Sands, Donald, Dover, 1993 0486678393 xii, 165 p. : Knowledge Centre
548 TAR 00051810 A Basic Course in Crystallography Tareen,Jak. Universities Press 2001 0817371360 | 9788173713606 204 p. UG Library
548 TAR 00056487 A Basic Course in Crystallography Tareen,Jak. Universities Press 2001 0817371360 | 9788173713606 204 p. UG Library
548 TAR 00084913 A Basic Course in Crystallography Tareen,Jak. Universities Press 2001 0817371360 | 9788173713606 204 p. UG Library
548 TAR 00102235 A Basic Course in Crystallography Tareen,Jak. Universities Press 2001 0817371360 | 9788173713606 204 p. UG Library
548 TAR 00083447 A Basic Course in Crystallography Tareen,Jak. Universities Press 2001 0817371360 | 9788173713606 204 p. UG Library
548 TAR 00056488 A Basic Course in Crystallography Tareen,Jak. Universities Press 2001 0817371360 | 9788173713606 204 p. UG Library
548 TIL 00089293 Crystal and Crystal Strutures. Tilley, Richard 2006 0470018216 255p UG Library
548 VER 00037952 Crystallography Applied to Solid State Physics Verma A.R. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1991 8122403212 2nd Ed. 463 p. UG Library
548 VER 00044887 Crystallography Applied to Solid State Physics Verma A.R. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1991 8122403212 2nd Ed. 463 p. UG Library
548 VER 00044888 Crystallography Applied to Solid State Physics Verma A.R. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1991 8122403212 2nd Ed. 463 p. UG Library
548 VER 00039834 Crystallography Applied to Solid State Physics Verma A.R. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1991 8122403212 2nd Ed. 463 p. UG Library
548 VER 00044889 Crystallography Applied to Solid State Physics Verma A.R. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1991 8122403212 2nd Ed. 463 p. UG Library
548 VER 00072966 Crystallography Applied to Solid State Physics Verma A.R. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1991 8122403212 2nd Ed. 463 p. UG Library
548 VER 00044890 Crystallography Applied to Solid State Physics Verma A.R. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1991 8122403212 2nd Ed. 463 p. UG Library
548 VER 00044892 Crystallography Applied to Solid State Physics Verma A.R. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1991 8122403212 2nd Ed. 463 p. UG Library
548 VER 00044891 Crystallography Applied to Solid State Physics Verma A.R. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1991 8122403212 2nd Ed. 463 p. UG Library
548 VER 00030501 Crystallography for Solid State Physics Verma Ajit Ram. Wiley Eastern Ltd 1982 0852268904 346 p. UG Library
548 WAH 00125980 Essentials of Crystallography Wahab M.A Narosa Publishing, 2009 9788184873160 2nd ed, xix, 334 p.: UG Library
548.0285 BAR 00106887 Diffuse Scattering and The Fundamental Properties of Materials Barabash.I. Rozaliya Momentum Press; 2009 9789746521161 ix, 444 p. UG Library
548.09 OLO 05065557 From A Grain Of Salt To The Ribosome : World Scientific, 2015 9789814623117 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9814623113 (hardcover : alk. paper) xvi, 519p. ; Knowledge Centre
548.1 STE 00035087 The Physics of Quasicrystals Paul,Steinhardt J. World Scientific 1987 9971502267 767 p. UG Library
548.15AW 00035997 Crystal Growth: Principles and Progress Vere, A.w Pleenum UG Library
548.1MAR 00036001 Elementary Crystallogrph Burzer, Martin J UG Library
548.3 FER 00142629 Crystal chemistry : Ferey, Gerard, World scientific publishing, 2020 9789813144187 (hardcover) | 9789813144194 (pbk.) | 9780000988539 xiv, 248 pages : UG Library
548.3 SIN 00146517 Chemical crystallography and Lipid Crystals Singh, Jagjeet Venus Books, 2023 9789395431422 285p. ; UG Library
548.5 BHA 00125209 Introduction to crystal growth : Bhat, H. L., CRC Press 2015 9781439883303 (hardcover : alk xvii, 328 pages : UG Library
548.5 BYR 00069384 Crystal Growth Technology: Byrappa, K Springer 3540003673 585p UG Library
548.5 DUF 00105589 Crystal growth processes based on capillarity : Duffar,Thierry. Wiley, 2010 9780470712443 (cloth) | 978047 xxxii, 533 p. : UG Library
548.5 GLI 00120296 Polymineral-metasomatic crystallogenesis / Glikin, A. E Springer 2009 9781402089824 (alk. paper) | 1 xiv, 312 pages : UG Library
548.5 HAN 00132116 Crystal Growth Technology: Scheel Hans J., Wiley PVT.LTD, 2018 9788126573967 xvi,505 p.; UG Library
548.5 MUL 00089525 Crystal Growth- from Fundamentals to Technology. Muller, G 2004 0444513868 422p UG Library
548.5 OGA 04023439 Modern methods of crystal structure prediction / Wiley-VCH, 2011 9783527409396 | 3527409394 251 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
548.5 SAN 00059049 Crystal Growth : Raghavan, Santhana P KRU Publications, 2000 404 p, UG Library
548.5 SAN 00059051 Crystal Growth : Raghavan, Santhana P KRU Publications, 2000 404 p, UG Library
548.5 SAN 05031102 Crystal Growth : Raghavan, Santhana P KRU Publications, 2000 404 p, Knowledge Centre
548.5 SUN 00087000 Cyrstals: Sunagawa, Ichiro 2005 0521841895 295 p UG Library
548.5092 MAR 00138443 Ivan Stranski : Markov, Ivan V. World Scientific, 2019 9789813270459 (hardback : alk. paper) xvi,207p.; UG Library
548.5CHE 00036003 Structure of Crystal American Chemcal Socity, UG Library
548.5LAV 00046957 Growth of Sinfle Crystals Laudise, R A 352 p UG Library
548.6CHE 00036002 Structure of Crystal American Chemical Society, John Wiley UG Library
548.7 BAL 00138451 Introduction to elasticity theory for crystal defects / Balluffi, R. W., World scientific publishing, 2017 9789814749718 | 9814749710 | 9789814749725 | 9814749729 Second edition. xxv, 634 pages : UG Library
548.7 PRI 00069391 Mathematical Techniques in Crystallography and Materials Science Prince Edward. Springer 2004 0354021111 | 9783540211112 3rd Ed. 224 p. UG Library
548.8 SID 04005558 Domain Structure in Ferroelectrics and Related Materials Sidorkin, A S Viva Books 2008 9788130908311 234 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
548.8 BEN 04023458 Understanding single-crystal x-ray crystallography / Bennett, Dennis W. Wiley-VCH, 2010 9783527326778 | 3527326774 | xv, 807 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
548.8 SUT 00079526 Interfaces in Crystalline Materials. Sutton, A P 2006 0019921106 819p UG Library
548.81 JAN 00127712 Quasicrystals : Janot, C. 9780199657407 (pbk.) | 0199657 2nd ed. xviii, 409 p : UG Library
548.81 JAN 00138068 Aperiodic crystals : Janssen, Ted Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198824442 (pbk.) | 0198824440 (pbk.) Second edition. xviii, 532 pages : UG Library
548.81 LAD 04018128 Crystal structures : Ladd, Mark. Horwood, 1999 1898563632 | 9781898563631 xiii, 171 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
548.81 SHM 00081469 Theories and Techniques of Crystal Structure Determination. Shmueli, Uri Oxford Univeristy Press 2007 266p UG Library
548.81 WEI 00073494 Electron Crystallography Novel Approaches for Structure Determinatin of Nanosized Materials. Weirich Thomas E, Janos L Labar 2004 1402039190 536 UG Library
548.83 WOO 00040885 An Introduction to X-Ray Crystallography Woolfson,Michael M. Cambridge University Press 1997 0521423597 | 9780521423595 2nd Ed. 402 p. UG Library
548.83 WOO 00026089 An Introduction to X-Ray Crystallography Woolfson,Michael M. Cambridge University Press 1997 0521423597 | 9780521423595 2nd Ed. 402 p. UG Library
548.83 WOO 00040884 An Introduction to X-Ray Crystallography Woolfson,Michael M. Cambridge University Press 1997 0521423597 | 9780521423595 2nd Ed. 402 p. UG Library
548.83 AUT 00069385 Dynamical Theory of X-Ray Diffraction: Authier, Andre 2004 0198528922 673p UG Library
548.83 AZA 00035949 Elements of X-Ray Crystallography Azaroof, Leonid M G H 1968 1 UG Library
548.83 CUL 00035990 Elements of X Ray Diffraction Cullty, B D Addisson Wesley 1956 1 UG Library
548.83 DRI 00037981 X-Ray Diffraction By Disordered Lawellar Structure Drits, A Victor Spinger Wesley 371 p UG Library
548.83 GUI 05033603 X-ray diffraction in crystals, imperfect crystals, and amorphous bodies / Guinier, André. Dover, 1994 0486680118 : x, 378 p. : Knowledge Centre
548.83 MAS 04014309 Crystal strucure determination / Massa, Werner Springer, 2004 9788184898149 2nd ed. xi , 210 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
548.83 MAS 04014310 Crystal strucure determination / Massa, Werner Springer, 2004 9788184898149 2nd ed. xi , 210 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
548.83 MAS 00085145 Crystal Structure Determination: Massa, Werner Springer 1999 3540206442 210p UG Library
548.83 MAS 00085144 Crystal Structure Determination: Massa, Werner Springer 1999 3540206442 210p UG Library
548.83 MEI 00037979 X-Ray Spectra and Chemical Binding: Springer Series in Chemicl Physics 37 Meisel, A Spinger-Wesley 458 p UG Library
548.83 MIC 00058510 An Introduction to X-Ray Crystallography Woolfson,Michael M. Cambridge University Press 1997 0521423597 | 9780521423595 2nd Ed. 402 p. UG Library
548.83 STO 00140989 X-ray structure determination : Stout, George H., Wiley, 1989 0471607118 | 9788126561773 2nd ed. xv, 453 p. : UG Library
548.83 WAS 00106297 X-ray diffraction crystallography Waseda, Yoshio. Springer, 2011 9783642166341 xi 310 p. UG Library
548.83 WOO 00044875 Introduction to X-Ray Crystallography [ Second Edition ] Woolfson, M M 0521423597 402p UG Library
548.83.1ALE 00035994 X.Ray Deffraction Procedures Klug, P Harold John Wiley UG Library
548.83AZA 00035948 Elements of X-Ray Crystallography (xerox Copy) Azaroff, V Leonoid M G H 668 p UG Library
548.83CUL. 00035991 Elements of X - Ray Diffraction Cullity, B D 514 p UG Library
548.83HEN 00036869 Interprtation of X-Ray Diffraction Photo Graphy Henry, N F N Mc Millan 256 p UG Library
548.83KAS.L 00036875 International Tables for X-Ray Crystallography: Vol Ii - Mathematical Table Henry, N F M I U C 444p UG Library
548.83KAS.L 00036877 International Tables for X-Ray Crystallography: Vol Ii - Mathematical Table Henry, N F M I U C 444p UG Library
548.83KAS.L 00036878 International Tables for X-Ray Crystallography: Vol Ii - Mathematical Table Henry, N F M I U C 444p UG Library
548.83KAS.L 00036876 International Tables for X-Ray Crystallography: Vol Ii - Mathematical Table Henry, N F M I U C 444p UG Library
548.83STO 00035992 X-Ray Structure Determination Stout, H George Mcmillan 1968 UG Library
548.83THO.C 00036874 Theory and Practice of Electron Diffraction Thomson, G P Mc Millan 328 p UG Library
548.85 BEL 00147316 Magnetic phase transitions in single crystals / Belanger, David P. World Scientific, 2023 9789811259487 xii, 233p. : UG Library
548.8PET 00038523 Growing Crystals from Solutions Petrov, G Thomas Consultants Bureau 102 UG Library
548.9 AHU 05056181 X-Ray Crystallography / Ahuja,Dinesh. Random Publications, 2017 9789386314635 vi,296p.; Knowledge Centre
548.9 WAN 00104718 Nanoscale Photonics and Optoelectronics Wang,Zhiming M. Springer 2010 9781441972330 xi: 231 P.; UG Library
548MAR 00036000 Elementary Crystallograph J Burger, Martin John Wiley UG Library
548SAN.R 00048186 Crystal Growth: Processes and Methods Santhana, Raghavan KRU Publications 410 p UG Library
549 AKH 04028872 The DBS Handbook of Mineralogy and Petrology / Akhtar, Aijaz DBS Imprints, 2016 9789384229320 xv,725p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
549 BAR 00033508 Computer-Assisted Mineral Appraisal and Feasibility Barnes,Marvin P. Society Of Mining Engineers 1980 089520262x 167 p. UG Library
549 MOH 00028881 Elements of Industrial Chemistry Mohapatra,Gokulananda. Kalyani Publishers 1986 263 p. UG Library
549 MOH 00036768 Elements of Industrial Chemistry Mohapatra,Gokulananda. Kalyani Publishers 1986 263 p. UG Library
549.01 JAM 05063690 A treatise on the external, chemical and physical characters of minerals / Jameson, Robert, A. Constable and company ; [etc., etc.] 1817 3d ed. 1 p. l., [v]-xv, 314 p. Knowledge Centre
549.074713541 TAI 08000671 Gems & minerals : Tait, Kimberly T. Royal Ontario Museum ; | Firefly Books (U.S.), 2011 9781554078806 | 1554078806 255 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
549.114 DIE 04021497 Rocks and rock minerals / Dietrich, Richard Vincent, Wiley, 1979 9788126545803 xi, 319 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
549.125 KER 04024503 Optical Mineralogy / Kerr, Paul F Tata McGraw Hill, 2014 9789339205201 4th Ed. 492p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
549.18 JAF 05033563 Crystal chemistry and refractivity / Jaffe, Howard W. Dover Publications, 1996 048669173X (pbk.) Dover ed. x, 335 p. : Knowledge Centre
549.5 BOH 00061911 The Chemistry and Applications of Alkoxy, Aryloxy and Allied Derivatives of Elements Bohra R. RBSA Publishers 2003 8176111716 | 9788176111713 416 p. UG Library