Total Books (Commerce) - 6650

CallNo Barcode Title Author Publisher Code Year ISBN Edition Pages Library
368 HAR 04000553 Risk Management and Insurance / Harrington, Scott E. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2007 9780070594999 672 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
368 IT 00096104 Health Insurance in India a review: Insurance Time 512 p UG Library
368 MIS 03001575 Financial Management and Insurance Accounting Mishra, K C Thomson South-Western 9788131507520 219 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368 MIS 03001577 General Insurance: Principles and Practice Mishra, K C Thomson South-Western 9788131507513 234 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368 MIS 03001574 Financial Management and Insurance Accounting Mishra, K C Thomson South-Western 9788131507520 219 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368 MIS 03001576 General Insurance: Principles and Practice Mishra, K C Thomson South-Western 9788131507513 234 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368 REJ 04000978 Principles of Risk Management and Insurance Rejda, George E Pearson Education 2008 8177581058 768 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
368 SKI 03000251 Risk Management and Insurance : Skipper, Harold D. John Wiley and Sons, 2008 9788126515936 751 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368 TRI 00074213 Insurance Theory and Practice Tripathy, Nalini Prava Prentice Hall of India 2005 8120328566 236 p . Yeshwanthpur Campus
368 TRI 03000545 Risk Management and Insurance / Trieschmann, James S. Thomson South-Western, 2008 9788131503300 p .: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368 VAU 03000068 Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance Vaughan, Emmett J John Wiley and Sons 8126513063 686 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368 VAU 03000228 Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance Vaughan, Emmett J John Wiley and Sons 8126513063 686 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368 AGR 05022924 Insurance Distribution - an Introduction Agrawal, Abhishek ICFAI 8178812053 175p Knowledge Centre
368 AUL 00083841 Indian Foltales from Mauritius Auleear, Dawood Ind Com Press 8190148176 116p UG Library
368 BER 00064536 Against the Gods/ Bernstein, Peter L john Wiley &Sons 1996 0471295639 382 p . Yeshwanthpur Campus
368 BER 00111502 Against the gods : Bernstein, Peter L. John Wiley & Sons, 1996 0471121045 (alk. paper) | 0471 xxxvi, 383 p. ; UG Library
368 BOD 05022894 Insurance: Fundamentals, Environment and Procedures Bodla, B S Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 8176294624 472p Knowledge Centre
368 BOD 05022893 Insurance: Fundamentals, Environment and Procedures Bodla, B S Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 8176294624 472p Knowledge Centre
368 BOE 05022943 Claims Management : Vol-5 ICFAI University - Board of Editors ICFAI 2003 8178811057 182p. Knowledge Centre
368 CAV 05060264 International Business : Cavusgil,Tamer.S. Pearson, 2018 9789332584518 Fourth edition 544p.; Knowledge Centre
368 COC 00012929 Insurence Cockerell, Hal 210p Yeshwanthpur Campus
368 CRE 05022896 Fundamentals of Insurance / Crews, B Tena Cengage Learning, 2010 0538432012 | 9781439042090 2nd ed. 296p.; Knowledge Centre
368 DHO 00125264 Economics Of Insurance Dhondiba Suhas Avhad Horizon Press, 2017 9789383096626 viiii, 280 p.: UG Library
368 DIC 05057339 Insurance risk and ruin / Dickson, D. C. M. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107154605 (hardback : alk. Second edition. xii, 294 pages ; Knowledge Centre
368 DOR 05060236 Introduction to risk management and insurance / Dorfman,Mark.S. Pearson, 2016 9789332549487 10 Ed. xxxi,459p.; Knowledge Centre
368 DOR 00122754 Introduction to risk management & insurance Dorfman, Mark S PHI 2013 9788120348127 10th ed. 459p. UG Library
368 DOR 05022890 Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance Dorfman, Mark S DORLING KINDERSLEY 8131710483 605 p Knowledge Centre
368 GAN 05022947 New Deal in Insurance Gangadhara Rao, M Excel Books Private Management 9788183230308 190p Knowledge Centre
368 GOR 00136501 Banking and Insurance Gordon E Himalaya Publishing House 2012 9789350514085 417p. UG Library
368 GOR 00136502 Banking and Insurance Gordon E Himalaya Publishing House 2012 9789350514085 417p. UG Library
368 GUL 03009492 Principles of Insurance Management / Gulati, Neelam C. Excel Books, 2007 8174465561 | 9789350621783 xiii, 342p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368 GUL 00136539 Principles of Insurance Management : Gulati,Neelam C. Excel Books, 2007 9788174465566 xiii,342p.; UG Library
368 GUL 00136540 Principles of Insurance Management : Gulati,Neelam C. Excel Books, 2007 9788174465566 xiii,342p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
368 GUL 00080407 Principles of Insurance Management / Gulati, Neelam C. Excel Books, 2007 8174465561 | 9789350621783 xiii, 342p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
368 GUL 00080409 Principles of Insurance Management / Gulati, Neelam C. Excel Books, 2007 8174465561 | 9789350621783 xiii, 342p.; UG Library
368 GUL 00080410 Principles of Insurance Management / Gulati, Neelam C. Excel Books, 2007 8174465561 | 9789350621783 xiii, 342p.; UG Library
368 GUL 05022891 Principles of Insurance Management / Gulati, Neelam C. Excel Books, 2007 8174465561 | 9789350621783 xiii, 342p.; Knowledge Centre
368 GUL 00080408 Principles of Insurance Management / Gulati, Neelam C. Excel Books, 2007 8174465561 | 9789350621783 xiii, 342p.; UG Library
368 GUP 07000797 Insurance and risk management / Gupta.P.K. Himalaya publishing house, 2015 9789350516676 2nd ed. 849p.; Library - BR Campus
368 GUP 10000515 Insurance and risk management / Gupta.P.K. Himalaya publishing house, 2015 9789350516676 2nd ed. 849p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
368 GUP 05022895 Insurance and Risk Management Gupta, P K HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 8178668823 543p Knowledge Centre
368 GUP 00137031 Fundamentals of Insurance / Gupta,P.K. Himalaya Publishing House, 2017 9789350970799 rep 433p.; UG Library
368 GUP 00137032 Fundamentals of Insurance / Gupta,P.K. Himalaya Publishing House, 2017 9789350970799 rep 433p.; UG Library
368 GUP 05063777 Insurance and risk management / Gupta.P.K. Himalaya publishing house, 2015 9789350516676 2nd ed. 849p.; Knowledge Centre
368 GUP 05063778 Insurance and risk management / Gupta.P.K. Himalaya publishing house, 2015 9789350516676 2nd ed. 849p.; Knowledge Centre
368 GUP 05063779 Insurance and risk management / Gupta.P.K. Himalaya publishing house, 2015 9789350516676 2nd ed. 849p.; Knowledge Centre
368 GUP 05063780 Insurance and risk management / Gupta.P.K. Himalaya publishing house, 2015 9789350516676 2nd ed. 849p.; Knowledge Centre
368 GUP 05063781 Insurance and risk management / Gupta.P.K. Himalaya publishing house, 2015 9789350516676 2nd ed. 849p.; Knowledge Centre
368 GUP 05000726 Insurance and Risk Management Gupta, P K HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 8178668823 543p Knowledge Centre
368 GUP 00071554 Insurance and Risk Management Gupta, P K Himalaya Publishing House 2005 8183181996 541 p. UG Library
368 GUP 00134415 Insurance and Risk Management Gupta.P.K Himalaya publishing house, 2018 9789350516676 849 p.; UG Library
368 GUP 00134416 Insurance and Risk Management Gupta.P.K Himalaya publishing house, 2018 9789350516676 849 p.; UG Library
368 GUP 00134417 Insurance and Risk Management Gupta.P.K Himalaya publishing house, 2018 9789350516676 849 p.; UG Library
368 GUP 07002984 Insurance and Risk Management Gupta, P K Himalaya Publishing House 2005 8183181996 541 p. Library - BR Campus
368 GUP 00134418 Insurance and Risk Management Gupta.P.K Himalaya publishing house, 2018 9789350516676 849 p.; UG Library
368 GUP 00134419 Insurance and Risk Management Gupta.P.K Himalaya publishing house, 2018 9789350516676 849 p.; UG Library
368 HAR 03004150 Risk Management and Insurance / Harrington, Scott E. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2007 9780070594999 672 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368 HAR 05029819 Risk Management and Insurance / Harrington, E Scott. Tata McGraw Hill, 2004 9780070594999 2nd ed. xxiv, 672p.; Knowledge Centre
368 HAR 05029801 Risk Management and Insurance / Harrington, E Scott. Tata McGraw Hill, 2004 9780070594999 2nd ed. xxiv, 672p.; Knowledge Centre
368 HAR 00029718 Risk Management and Insurance / Harrington, E Scott. Tata McGraw Hill, 2004 9780070594999 2nd ed. xxiv, 672p.; UG Library
368 HAR 00060511 Risk Management and Insurance / Harrington, E Scott. Tata McGraw Hill, 2004 9780070594999 2nd ed. xxiv, 672p.; UG Library
368 HAR 05052933 Risk Management and Insurance / Harrington, E Scott. Tata McGraw Hill, 2004 9780070594999 2nd ed. xxiv, 672p.; Knowledge Centre
368 HAR 07002972 Risk Management and Insurance / Harrington, E Scott. Tata McGraw Hill, 2004 9780070594999 2nd ed. xxiv, 672p.; Library - BR Campus
368 HAR 05059988 Risk Management and Insurance / Harrington, E Scott. Tata McGraw Hill, 2004 9780070594999 2nd ed. xxiv, 672p.; Knowledge Centre
368 HOL 05022892 Insurance Holyoake, Julia 0852975554 340p Knowledge Centre
368 IAI 05061193 Formulae and tables for examinations the faculty of actuaries and the institute of actuaries / Institute of Actuaries of India, 2008 190p. Knowledge Centre
368 ICF 00079492 Casse Studies in Insurance ICFAI University ICFAI 2005 257 p UG Library
368 IT 00096105 General Insurance Year Book Insurance Time 571p UG Library
368 JAW 05022925 Insurance Industry: Vol III Jawaharlal ICFAI 0817881238 184p Knowledge Centre
368 KHA 00120841 Insurance Principles and Practies P. Khanna Black Prints, 2013 9789382036050 xiiii,236 p.: UG Library
368 KUN 00110841 Insurance and Behavioral Economics Kunreuther, Howard C. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9780521845724 (hbk.) | 9780521 xii, 329 pages : UG Library
368 MAT 05018210 Insurance (principles and Practice) Mathew, M J RBSA 0817611099 441p Knowledge Centre
368 MIS 00122649 Insurance Mishra, M N S Chand and Company Pvt. Ltd., 2018 9789385676079 22nd edi. x, 1007 p:. UG Library
368 MIS 00111334 Insurance principles and practice Mishra M.N S Chand & Comany Ltf., 2013 9788121910217 893p.; UG Library
368 MIS 00071555 Insaurance: Principles and Practice Mishra, M N S Chand 8121921918 784p UG Library
368 MIS 00071556 Insaurance: Principles and Practice Mishra, M N S Chand 8121921918 784p UG Library
368 MIS 00136324 Insurance Mishra, M N S Chand and Company Pvt. Ltd., 2018 9789385676079 22nd edi. x, 1007 p:. UG Library
368 MIS 00136325 Insurance Mishra, M N S Chand and Company Pvt. Ltd., 2018 9789385676079 22nd edi. x, 1007 p:. UG Library
368 MOR 05022946 International Political Risk Management - the Brave New World Moran, H Theodore 0821356496 238p Knowledge Centre
368 PAN 00134035 Principles and Practice of Insurance: Panda Ghanashyam, Kalyani Publishers, 2018 9789327212235 485- MQ 13 p.; UG Library
368 PER 00058602 Principles and Practice of Insurance Periasamy, P Himalya Publishing House 2002 8178667479 200 p UG Library
368 PER 00136537 Principles and Practice of Insurance Periasamy, P Himalya Publishing House, 2019 9789350971376 312 p.; UG Library
368 PER 00136538 Principles and Practice of Insurance Periasamy, P Himalya Publishing House, 2019 9789350971376 312 p.; UG Library
368 REJ 03012221 Principles of Risk Management and Insurance / Rejda, E. George Pearson, 2011 9788131725849 10th ed. xx,748 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368 REJ 03012222 Principles of Risk Management and Insurance / Rejda, E. George Pearson, 2011 9788131725849 10th ed. xx,748 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368 REJ 03012223 Principles of Risk Management and Insurance / Rejda, E. George Pearson, 2011 9788131725849 10th ed. xx,748 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368 REJ 03012224 Principles of Risk Management and Insurance / Rejda, E. George Pearson, 2011 9788131725849 10th ed. xx,748 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368 REJ 03012225 Principles of Risk Management and Insurance / Rejda, E. George Pearson, 2011 9788131725849 10th ed. xx,748 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368 REJ 07012233 Principles of Risk Management and Insurance / Rejda George.E Pearson, 2017 9781292151038 13th ed 720p.: Library - BR Campus
368 REJ 05050231 Principles of Risk Management and Insurance / Rejda, E. George Pearson, 2011 9788131725849 10th ed. xx,748 p.: Knowledge Centre
368 REJ 05050232 Principles of Risk Management and Insurance / Rejda, E. George Pearson, 2011 9788131725849 10th ed. xx,748 p.: Knowledge Centre
368 REJ 05050233 Principles of Risk Management and Insurance / Rejda, E. George Pearson, 2011 9788131725849 10th ed. xx,748 p.: Knowledge Centre
368 REJ 05050234 Principles of Risk Management and Insurance / Rejda, E. George Pearson, 2011 9788131725849 10th ed. xx,748 p.: Knowledge Centre
368 REJ 05050235 Principles of Risk Management and Insurance / Rejda, E. George Pearson, 2011 9788131725849 10th ed. xx,748 p.: Knowledge Centre
368 REJ 05060295 Principles of Risk Management and Insurance / Rejda,George.E Pearson, 2017 9789332584921 Thirteenth edition. 720p.; Knowledge Centre
368 SAH 05001732 Insurance Management : Sahoo, S.C. Himalaya Publishing House, 9788184886924 582 p. : Knowledge Centre
368 SHA 00122956 An Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance Sharma, K C 9788184844788 xxi, 314 p:. UG Library
368 SKI 05022898 Risk Management and Insurance : Skipper, Harold D. Wiley India, 9788126515936 xv,751p.; Knowledge Centre
368 SKI 03006601 Risk Management and Insurance : Skipper, Harold D. John Wiley and Sons, 2008 9788126515936 751 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368 SPA 00144534 Risk Management and Life Insurance : author Atlantic, 2022 9788126920266 viii,350p, ; UG Library
368 SRI 05022897 Indian Insurance Industry: Transition and Prospects Srivastava, D C New Century Publications 8177080067 352p Knowledge Centre
368 TRI 07002904 Risk management & insurance / Trieschmann, James S. Cenagage Learning, 0538870966 | 9788131503300 512 p. : Library - BR Campus
368 TRI 04019730 Risk Management and Insurance / Trieschmann, James S. Thomson South-Western, 2008 9788131503300 p .: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
368 TRI 04014955 Insurance : Trupathy, Nalini Prava PHI, 2011 9788120328563 236 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
368 VAU 05060002 Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance / Vaughan,Emmett J. John Wiley & Sons Pvt.Ltd, 2003 9788126513062 9th ed. xvi,686p.; Knowledge Centre
368 VAU 03006864 Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance / Vaughan,Emmett J. Wiley India, 9788126513062 xvi,686p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368 VAU 04012171 Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance / Vaughan,Emmett J. Wiley India, 9788126513062 xvi,686p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
368 VAU 03011506 Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance / Vaughan,Emmett J. Wiley India, 9788126513062 xvi,686p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368 VAU 00123574 Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance / Vaughan,Emmett J. John Wiley & Sons Pvt.Ltd, 2003 9788126513062 9th ed. xvi,686p.; UG Library
368 VAU 04020248 Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance / Vaughan,Emmett J. Wiley India, 9788126513062 xvi,686p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
368 VAU 04014034 Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance / Vaughan,Emmett J. Wiley India, 9788126513062 xvi,686p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
368 VAU 04014035 Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance / Vaughan,Emmett J. Wiley India, 9788126513062 xvi,686p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
368 VAU 04014036 Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance / Vaughan,Emmett J. Wiley India, 9788126513062 xvi,686p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
368 VAU 05002961 Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance / Vaughan,Emmett J. John Wiley & Sons Pvt.Ltd, 2003 9788126513062 9th ed. xvi,686p.; Knowledge Centre
368 VAU 03013144 Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance / Vaughan,Emmett J. Wiley India, 9788126513062 xvi,686p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368 VAU 03013145 Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance / Vaughan,Emmett J. Wiley India, 9788126513062 xvi,686p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368 VAU 03011507 Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance / Vaughan, Emmett J. Wiley, 2016 9788126557202 11th Ed. xxiv, 619p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368 VAU 03006850 Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance / Vaughan,Emmett J. Wiley India, 9788126513062 xvi,686p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368 VAU 07002974 Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance / Vaughan,Emmett J. John Wiley & Sons Pvt.Ltd, 2003 9788126513062 9th ed. xvi,686p.; Library - BR Campus
368 VAU 05000787 Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance / Vaughan,Emmett J. John Wiley & Sons Pvt.Ltd, 2003 9788126513062 9th ed. xvi,686p.; Knowledge Centre
368 VAU 05017725 Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance / Vaughan,Emmett J. John Wiley & Sons Pvt.Ltd, 2003 9788126513062 9th ed. xvi,686p.; Knowledge Centre
368.0015118 RAM 10000675 Lectures on Insurance Models / Ramasubramanian, S. Hindustan book agency. 2009 9788185931937 vi,202p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
368.003 CLA 03000899 Dictionary of International Insurance and Finance Terms / Clark, John O. E. Cib Publising , 2008 852976313 | 9780852976319 344 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368.003 CLA 1 03000897 Dictionary of International Accounting Terms / Clark, John O. E. Cib Publising, 2008 852975759 | 9780852975756 228 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368.003 CLA 2 03000898 Dictionary of International Investment and Finance Terms / Clark, John O. E. CIB Publising, 2008 852975775 | 9780852975770 266 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368.003 SAM 03009868 The Complete Dictionary of Insurance Terms : Samaroo, Melissa. Yes Dee Publishing Pvt Ltd., 2012 9789380381206 332 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368.0065 SAH 04017420 Insurance Management: Sahoo, S.C. Himalaya Publishing House, 2009 9788184885835 582p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
368.0065 VIJ 01012058 Indian Insurance Sector in 21st Century: Vijayakumar,A Kalpaz Publications 9788178357829 405p.; Knowledge Centre
368.006554 SHA 00123040 HRD and Organizational effectiveness in general insurance Sharma Pratibha J Aadi Publications 2014 9789382630357 225p. UG Library
368.006573 BOY 05006165 Fatal risk : Boyd, Roddy, Wiley, 2011 9780470889800 (hardback) | 047 xii, 349 p. ; Knowledge Centre
368.006573 BOY 03005132 Fatal risk : Boyd, Roddy, Wiley, 2011 9780470889800 (hardback) | 047 xii, 349 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368.0068 KEM 07010947 Global perspectives on insurance today : Kempler,Cecelia Palgrave Macmillan, 2010 9780230104778 | 0230104770 1st ed. viii, 326 p. : Library - BR Campus
368.0068 SHA 00120733 Insurance Marketing Sharma, Sandeep. Ransom Publications, 2014 9789351114499 280 p.: UG Library
368.00681 PAR 05002960 Risk Assessment in Social Care and Social Work: MSW Shelf Parsloe, Phyllida Jessica Kingsley 1853026891 266p Knowledge Centre
368.00681 PAR 05002956 Risk Assessment in Social Care and Social Work. Parsole, Phyllida Jessica Kingsley 1853026891 267p Knowledge Centre
368.00681 ZWE 05017496 Insurance economics / Zweifel, Peter. Springer, 2011 9783642205477 (hbk.) xvi, 451 p. Knowledge Centre
368.00688 SHA 03010553 Insurance Marketing / Sharma, Sandeep. Venus Books, 2014 9788189922870 280 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368.00688 SHA 00118890 Insurance Marketing / Sharma, Sandeep. Venus Books, 2014 9788189922870 280 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
368.0088 KHA 00120840 Insurance Marketing P.K. Khanna Black Prints, 2013 9789382036043 xii, 246 p.: UG Library
368.009 BER 05070191 Against the gods : Brenstein, Peter L. Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 1998 9788126535163 xi, 383p. ; Knowledge Centre
368.0092 BEN 05062181 Good for the money : Benmosche, Bob. St Martins Press, 2016 9781250072184 (hardback) xiv, 271p.; Knowledge Centre
368.0092 KRI 03005517 The eccentric billionaire : Kriplen, Nancy. AMACOM/ American Management Association, 2008 9780814408896 | 0814408893 xii, 224 p., [8] p. of plates : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368.0092 KRI 04015701 The eccentric billionaire : Kriplen, Nancy. AMACOM/ American Management Association, 2008 9780814408896 | 0814408893 xii, 224 p., [8] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
368.00954 PAL 03002729 Insurance in India : Palande, P. S. Sage Publications, 2008 0761997482 492 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368.00954 ALI 00131044 Insurance In India : Ali, Sajid. Regal Publications, 2016 9788189915674 xii, 160 p. ; UG Library
368.00954 PAL 00060566 Insurance in India: Changing Policies and Emerging Opportunities Palande, P S 2003 0761997482 490p UG Library
368.01 DES 04003833 Actuarial Statistics: An Introduction Using R / Deshmukh, Shailaja R Universities Press, 2009 9788173716904 xi,460p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
368.01 BOL 05049619 Statistical and probabilistic methods in actuarial science / Boland, Philip J. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2007 9781584886952 xvi, 351 p. : Knowledge Centre
368.01 DES 05006221 Actuarial Statistics: An Introduction Using R / Deshmukh, Shailaja R Universities Press, 2009 9788173716904 xi,460p.; Knowledge Centre
368.01 DIC 05010853 Actuarial mathematics for life contingent risks / Dickson, D. C. M. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521118255 (hbk.) | 0521118 xvii, 493 p. : Knowledge Centre
368.01 MAT 05022951 Insurance Principles and Practice. Mathew, Mj RBSA 2005 0817611099 441p Knowledge Centre
368.01 MOL 01003697 Market-valuation methods in life and pension insurance / Moller, Thomas, Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521868778 (hbk.) | 0521868 xiv, 279 p. ; Knowledge Centre
368.01 PRA 05061885 Statistics : Prasad, Ganesh. Oxford Book Company, 2019 9789350304716 viii, 272p.; Knowledge Centre
368.01 PRO 05006597 Fundamentals of actuarial mathematics Promislow, S. David. Wiley, 2010 9780470684115 (cloth) 2nd ed. 449 p. : Knowledge Centre
368.01 ROT 05045775 Actuarial models : Rotarʹ, V. I. CRC Press, 2015 9781482227062 (hardcover : alk Second edition. xix, 634 pages : Knowledge Centre
368.01 WIL 05051157 Lundberg approximations for compound distributions with insurance applications / Willmot, Gordon E., Springer, 2001 0387951350 (alk. paper) | 9780 x, 250 p. ; Knowledge Centre
368.0102855133 CHA 05045778 Computational actuarial science with R / CRC Press, 2015 9781466592599 (hardback) xxxi, 618 pages : Knowledge Centre
368.011 PAR 05045897 Pricing in general insurance / Parodi, Pietro. CRC Press, 2015 9781466581449 (hardback) xxiii, 560 pages ; Knowledge Centre
368.011 PAR 05044873 Pricing in general insurance / Parodi, Pietro. CRC Press, 2015 9781466581449 (hardback) xxiii, 560 pages ; Knowledge Centre
368.0110724 RAN 05051040 An application of stochastic control theory to insurance business / Rantala, Jukka University of Tampere, 1984 9514415264 157 p.v. Knowledge Centre
368.0122 AGR 05022942 Reinsurance - Concepts and Cases Agrawal, Abhishek ICFAI 0817881272 160p Knowledge Centre
368.0122 JAR 05046117 Making a market for acts of God : Jarzabkowski, Paula. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199664764 | 0199664765 First edition. xiv, 231 pages : Knowledge Centre
368.0122 JAR 07007894 Making a market for acts of God : Jarzabkowski, Paula. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199664764 | 0199664765 First edition. xiv, 231 pages : Library - BR Campus
368.0140151922 WUT 05001078 Stochastic claims reserving methods in insurance W�uthrich, Mario V. John Wiley & Sons, 2008 9780470723463 (cloth) | 047072 xii, 424 p. : Knowledge Centre
368.01519 MIK 00095595 Non-life insurance mathematics: Mikosch Thomas Springer, 2004 9788181281036 235 p.: UG Library
368.03 CLA 05002922 Dictionary of International Insurance. Clark, John O E 343p Knowledge Centre
368.03 CLA 00074267 Dictionary of International Insurance. Clark, John O E 343p UG Library
368.03 CLA 00074299 Dictionary of International Insurance and Finance Terms Financial World Publishing 2001 0852976313 344 p UG Library
368.03 RWN 00086163 Dictionary of Insurance Research Wing of New Century Publication, s New Century Publications 2008 9788177081633 242 p UG Library
368.03 SIN 05022949 Dictionary of Insurance / Singh, S.R. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation. 9788131308431 229 p. : Knowledge Centre
368.068 PAC 05022809 Insurance Management [ PG ] Pal, Karam Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 8176299480 527p Knowledge Centre
368.068 REJ 00144266 Principles of Risk Management and Insurance. Rejda, George E Pearson Education Inc, 2020 9789332584921 13th ed, 720p UG Library
368.068 REJ 00143707 Principles of Risk Management and Insurance. Rejda, George E Pearson Education Inc, 2020 9789332584921 13th ed, 720p UG Library
368.068 REJ 00118706 Principles of Risk Management and Insurance Rejda E. George PearsonEducations Ltd, 2014 9780273789949 720 p.: UG Library
368.068 REJ 00079719 Principles of Risk Management and Insurance. Rejda, George E Pearson Education Inc. 2005 8177581058 784p UG Library
368.0688 KIN 03004797 Secrets of Successful Insurance Sales / Kinder, Jack. Embassy Books, 2007 9788188452637 xvi,i226 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368.08 BOY 05022948 Risk [ MA-SOC ] Boyne, Roy Viva Books Private Limited 8178176497 131p Knowledge Centre
368.096 WB 05022953 Government support to agricultural insurance Mahul, Olivier. World Bank, 2010 9780821382172 | 9780821382196 xxv, 219 p. Knowledge Centre
368.12 GHA 00131054 Agriculturre and crop insurance: Ghalavand,Kiyanoush Regal publications, 2017 9788184846508 viii,303p.; UG Library
368.121 HOH 05069985 Agricultural risk transfer : Hohl, Roman Marco. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2019 9781119345633 (hardcover) x, 422p. ; Knowledge Centre
368.122009729 POL 01005988 Managing Catastrophic, Disaster Risks, Using Alternative Risk, Financing and Pooled, Insurance Structures ( Law Lib ) John Pollner World Bank 0821349171 118p Knowledge Centre
368.2 COY 03000891 Framework for Credit Risk Management Coyle, Brian Cib Publising 852974493 137 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368.2 COY 03000892 Measuring Credit Risk Coycle, Brian Cib Publising 852974507 131 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368.2 GUR 01024479 marine insurence law / by Gurses,Ozlem Routledge , 2017 9781138669222 second edition xxxv, 431pages. Knowledge Centre
368.22 WIN 00000527 Marine Insurance Winter, William D Mcgraw Hill Book 555 p UG Library
368.3 MIS 03001609 Life Insurance : Mishra, K. C. Thomson South-Western, 2009 9788131507506 | 8131507505 198 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368.3 MIS 03001610 Life Insurance : Mishra, K. C. Thomson South-Western, 2009 9788131507506 | 8131507505 198 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368.3 BOE 05022945 Group and Health Insurance - Vol II Institute of Charted Financial Analysts, of India ICFAI 0817881093 177p Knowledge Centre
368.3 BOE 05022923 Insurance Underwriting - a Managerial Perspective Institute of Chartered Financial Analyst, of India-Board of Editors ICFAI 8178810913 180p Knowledge Centre
368.3 ICF 00079463 Group Insurance ICFAI University ICFAI 2005 8131400204 272 p UG Library
368.3 ICF 00079464 Group Insurance:Work Book ICFAI University ICFAI 2005 8131400212 212 p UG Library
368.300941 MED 01005016 TOLLEY`S LIFE AND ALLIED INSURANCE HANDBOOK(LAW LIBRARY) Mike Mead LEXIS NEXIS 0754512436 244p Knowledge Centre
368.32 ARU 03009060 Strategic Planning for Service Loyalty on Insurance / Arulraj, A. Serials Publications , 2012 9788183875196 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368.32 ASP 03005227 Life settlements and longevity structures Aspinwall, Jim. Wiley, 2009 0470741945 | 9780470741948 | 9 ix, 264 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368.32 ASP 05006295 Life settlements and longevity structures Aspinwall, Jim. Wiley, 2009 0470741945 | 9780470741948 | 9 ix, 264 p. : Knowledge Centre
368.32 BAL 00016299 Life Insurance Balachandran S Insurance Institute of india 2004 214 p. 12, Yeshwanthpur Campus
368.32 BLA 04020809 Life Insurance / Black, Kenneth IKON Books, 2013 9789381177211 719p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
368.32 BOE 05022900 Life Insurance Vol.1 Institute of Chartered Financial Analyst, s of India ICFAI 8178810794 188p Knowledge Centre
368.32 BOE 05022899 Life Insurance - Vol.2 Institute of Chartered Financial Analyst, s of India ICFAI 8178810808 202p Knowledge Centre
368.32 KRI 00092279 A textbook on principles & practice of life insurance / Krishnaswamy, G Excel Books, 2009 9788174467126 311 p. : UG Library
368.32 MIT 00106376 Life Insurance In India Mitra Debabrata Abhijeet Publications : 2010 9789380031583 xviii, 298 p . : Yeshwanthpur Campus
368.32 NFI 00006637 Prerana NFIFWI Safal Institute of Professional Studies 2007 1st ed. x, 332 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
368.320 SAD 00091338 Life insurance in India : Sadhak, H. Response Books/Sage, 9788178298467 (pbk.) | 8178298 xix, 382 p. ; UG Library
368.32009494 GAN 03004393 Swiss Annuities and Life Insurance : Gantenbein, Marco John Wiley & Sons, 2008 9780470118115 332 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368.320095 BIN 03004373 Life insurance in Asia : Binder, Stephan, John Wiley & Sons (Asia), 9780470824405 | 0470824409 xv, 228 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368.320095 BIN 05001064 Life insurance in Asia : Binder, Stephan, John Wiley & Sons (Asia), 9780470824405 | 0470824409 xv, 228 p. : Knowledge Centre
368.3200954 IMA 04011017 Principles and Practices of Life Insurance in India / Imam, Ashraf Anmol Publications , 2011 9788126146444 ix, 378 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
368.3200954 SAD 03002732 Life Insurance in India : Sadhak, H. Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2009 9788178298467 382 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368.320951 SAH 00133992 The LIC Story: Sahay Kamaji, MacMillan Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789393215482 xvi,313 p.; UG Library
368.320954 SAH 05065421 The LIC story : Sahay, Kamalji, Macmillan, 2018 9789386215482 | 9386215489 xvi, 313 pages ; Knowledge Centre
368.3700983ROC 01009161 Developing Annuities Markets: The Experience of Chile (law Lib) Roberto Rocha World Bank 9780821366660 251p Knowledge Centre
368.382 BLA 05002664 Life & Health Insurance Black, Kenneth. Pearson Education, 9788131701782 13th ed. 1060p.; Knowledge Centre
368.382 BLA 00059501 Life & Health Insurance Black, Kenneth. Pearson Education, 9788131701782 13th ed. 1060p.; UG Library
368.382 ICF 00079465 Health Insurance ICFAI University ICFAI 2006 8131402487 368 p UG Library
368.382 ICF 00079466 Health Insurance:Work Book ICFAI University ICFAI 2006 8131402495 168 p UG Library
368.382 PAB 05022944 Governing Mandatory Health Insurance:Learning from Experience Gottrer, Pablo 9780821375488 227p Knowledge Centre
368.382 PRE 01012573 Global marketplace for private health insurance World Bank, 2010 9780821375075 (alk. paper) | 0 xxxiv, 491 p. : Knowledge Centre
368.382 SIH 00125504 Technicalities of health insurance Sihare, Harish Global Academic Publishers 2015 9789381695166 210p. UG Library
368.382 WB 05022950 Global marketplace for private health insurance : World Bank World Bank, 2010 9780821375075 (pbk. : alk. pap xxxiv, 491 p. : Knowledge Centre
368.38200681 HAR 05044068 Health care finance and the mechanics of insurance and reimbursement / Harrington, Michael K., Jones & Bartlett, 2016 9781284026122 (paper) xxi,347p. ; Knowledge Centre
368.3820091724 PRE 01005734 Private Voluntary Health Insurance in Development / Alexander S Preker World Bank, 2007 0082136619 424p.; Knowledge Centre
368.3820095 PUR 05073086 Economics of public and private healthcare health insurance in india / Purohit, Brijesh C. Sage, 2020 9789353287955 xiv,283p.; Knowledge Centre
368.3820095 PUR 10001385 Economics of public and private healthcare health insurance in india / Purohit, Brijesh C. Sage, 2020 9789353287955 xiv,283p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
368.3820095 PUR 10005295 Economics of public and private healthcare health insurance in india / Purohit, Brijesh C. Sage, 2020 9789353287955 xiv,283p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
368.38200973SER 01010847 Uninsured in America: Life and Death in the Land of Opportunity (law Lib) Susan Starr Sered Columbia University Press 9780520250062 271p Knowledge Centre
368.4 HAL 00017638 Social Security in India Hallen, G C Rastogi Publications 1967 241 p . Yeshwanthpur Campus
368.4 SHA 00044624 Labour Problems, Social Security and Welfare Shrma, Ramnath Rajhans Agencies 1998 329 p . Yeshwanthpur Campus
368.4 GOW 00139855 Social Security : Gowda,Huchhe. Current Publications, 2021 9789390253302 viii,440p.; UG Library
368.4 MAN 05022873 Comprehensive social security scheme for workers: Mann Jeet Singh Deep&Deep publications; 9788184502763 505 p. Knowledge Centre
368.400954 BAG 00111280 Social security for Unorganised Workers in INDIA: Bagchi, Kanak Kanti. Madhav Books, 2012 9789380615097 xxiv: 194p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
368.400954 KAN 05034293 The long road to social security : Kannan, K. P. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198090311 | 0198090315 First edition. xxiii, 542 pages : Knowledge Centre
368.4200973 DAV 00134791 Leading Medicaid Managed Care Plans : Davidson, Arlene, CRC Press, 2018 9781138303737 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 1138303739 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781138303751 (hardback : alk. paper) | 1138303755 (hardback : alk. paper) xiii, 85 p,: UG Library
368.42HSI 01005967 Social Health Insurance for Developing Nations William Hsiao World Bank 9780821369494 172 p Knowledge Centre
368.4300973 ATT 03001323 Social Security: False Conciousness and Crisis Attarian, John Transaction Publishers 9781412804912 393p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368.44VOD 01006094 Income Support for the Un Employed: Issues and Options (law Lib) Milan Vodopivec World Bank 0821357611 225p Knowledge Centre
368.8 CHR 00045351 Plants, Genes and Agriculture Chrispeels, J Maarten Jones and Bartlett 1994 0867208716 | 9780867208719 480 p UG Library
368.829 AHU 01015526 Violence Aganist Women / Ahuja, Ram. Rawat Publications, 9788170334620 310 p.; Knowledge Centre
368.829 AHU 05003007 Violence Aganist Women / Ahuja, Ram. Rawat Publications, 9788170334620 310 p.; Knowledge Centre
368.8560954 RAD 05022831 India`s Public Distribution System: a National and International Perspective Radhakrishna, R 0821340905 98p Knowledge Centre
368.87 RIC 03005003 Confidence Game : Richard, Christine S. Wiley, 2010 9781118010419 xvi,335.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368.87 RIC 05006042 Confidence Game : Richard, Christine S. Wiley, 2010 9781118010419 xvi,335.; Knowledge Centre
368.95 IIB 00137755 Risk analysis,insurance and retirement planning Indian insttute of banking and finance Taxmann publications pvt ltd., 2017 9789386394644 xix,212p.; UG Library
368.954 NAR 03002691 Indian Insurance: A Profile the Past and Present of the Indian Insurance Industry With a Focus on ... Narayanan, H Jaico Publishing House 9788179928745 547 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368.954 ALI 01006515 Insurance in India (law Lib) Dr Sajid Ali REGAL PUBLICATION 8189915673 160p Knowledge Centre
368.954 BAN 05047920 A survey on Indian insurance industry / Banwait, S. S. Cyber Tech Publications, 2014 9789350532287 288p.; Knowledge Centre
368.954 GOH 00119887 Insurance awareness Gohil Brijrajsinh P Paradise Publishers 2015 9789383099313 154p. UG Library
368.954 III 05060072 General Insurance ; Insurance Institute Of India , 2007 v ,261p .; Knowledge Centre
368.954 NAR 05054151 Indian Insurance : Narayanan,H. Jaico Publishing House, 2008 9788179928745 547p.; Knowledge Centre
368.954 NAR 00105431 Indian Insurance : Narayanan,H. Jaico Publishing House, 2008 9788179928745 547p.; UG Library
368.954 NAR 01019593 Indian Insurance : Narayanan,H. Jaico Publishing House, 2008 9788179928745 547p.; Knowledge Centre
368.954 PAL 05022875 Insurance in India Palande, P S 0761997474 492p Knowledge Centre
368.954 PAT 03008665 Insurance For Everyone / Patukale, Kshitij. Macmillan India Ltd , 2009 9780230636415 310 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
368.954BAL 05060071 Life Insurance ; Balachandran,S Insurance Institute Of India , 2007 iv,249p .; Knowledge Centre
368BHA 01010505 Leagal Practices of Insurance (law Lib) B D Bhargava Pearl Books 9788189979768 328p Knowledge Centre
368MOR 01009167 International Polictical Risk Management (law Lib) Theodore H Moran World Bank 9780821370018 271p Knowledge Centre
368MOR 01006112 International Polictical Risk Management (law Lib) Theodore H Moran World Bank 9780821370018 271p Knowledge Centre
380 AKH 07008597 UGC Commerce ( Paper II & III) Akhila, M, Deepak Series, 9788192778747 60 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
380 BER 00103639 International trade and economic growth: Berg Hendrik Van Den Prentic-hall of India Private limited; 2007 9788120332270 303 p.: UG Library
380 BRA 00016769 Structure of Commerce Branton, Noel The English Universities Press Ltd. 1964 3rd ed. xvii, 285 p. UG Library
380 DAL 05022817 Transport Planning and Policy in India Dalvi, M Q Himalaya Publishing House 314 p Knowledge Centre
380 DAV 00016425 Elements of Commerce Davar, Sohrab R Progressive Corporation Private Ltd 1977 9th ed. xxii, 480p . UG Library
380 GOK 00116902 Travelling In, Travelling Out ed by, Gokhale Namita Harpercollins Publisher india, 2014 9789350298237 xvii, 260 p.: UG Library
380 KAL 05022807 Frontiers of Electronic Commerce Kalakota, Ravi Addison Wesley 9812359036 844p Knowledge Centre
380 KAL 05022803 Frontiers of Electronic Commerce Kalakota, Ravi Addison Wesley 9812359036 844p Knowledge Centre
380 KAL 05022806 Frontiers of Electronic Commerce Kalakota, Ravi Addison Wesley 9812359036 844p Knowledge Centre
380 KAL 05022804 Frontiers of Electronic Commerce Kalakota, Ravi Addison Wesley 9812359036 844p Knowledge Centre
380 KAL 05022805 Frontiers of Electronic Commerce Kalakota, Ravi Addison Wesley 9812359036 844p Knowledge Centre
380 KAL 05022877 Frontiers of Electronic Commerce Kalakota, Ravi 0201474433 850 p Knowledge Centre
380 KAL 05022878 Frontiers of Electronic Commerce Kalakota, Ravi 0201474433 850 p Knowledge Centre
380 KAL 05022876 Frontiers of Electronic Commerce Kalakota, Ravi 0201474433 850 p Knowledge Centre
380 KOL 07008605 UGC NET/JRF/SET Commerce (Paper-II & III) / Koli L N Upkar Publication, 2016 9789350135754 688p.: Library - BR Campus
380 KOL 00129887 UGC NET/JRF/SET Commerce (Paper-II & III) / Koli L N Upkar Publication, 2016 9789350135754 688p.: UG Library
380 KOL 00129889 UGC NET/JRF/SET Commerce (Paper-II & III) / Koli L N Upkar Publication, 2016 9789350135754 688p.: UG Library
380 KOL 07015745 UGC NET/JRF/SET Commerce (Paper-II & III) / Koli L N Upkar Publication, 2016 9789350135754 688p.: Library - BR Campus
380 KRI 00024212 Vanijya Satra Parichaya.Vol 1 Krishnaswamy, Iyengar H S Mysore University, 1980 270 p .: UG Library
380 KRI 00024213 Vanijya Sastra Parichaya Vol 11 Krishnaswamy Iyenger, H.s Mysore University 1980 270 p. UG Library
380 RAM 00021823 Textbook of Commerce for 11 Puc Raman, B S United Pub 223p UG Library
380 SIN 07015205 NTA UGC NET / JRF / SET : Commerce (Paper-2) / Singh,Neetu. Arihant Publications (India) Limited, 2019 9789326193498 792p.; Library - BR Campus
380 SIN 05073152 NTA UGC NET / JRF / SET : Commerce (Paper-2) / Singh,Neetu. Arihant Publications (India) Limited, 2019 9789326193498 792p.; Knowledge Centre
380 UPK 07015744 UGC NET/JRF Exam Solved Papers Commerce / Upkar Prakashan, 2011 9789350134429 12p.: Library - BR Campus
380.03 KRI 00047725 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Commerce Chander, Krishan Sarupa and Sons 1999 8176250678 502p UG Library
380.03 KRI 00047726 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Commerce Chander, Krishan Sarupa and Sons 1999 8176250678 502p UG Library
380.03 KRI 00047727 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Commerce Chander, Krishan Sarupa and Sons 1999 8176250678 502p UG Library
380.03AHU 00065661 Dictionary of Commerce Ahuja, B N Academic (india) 8185185123 372p UG Library
380.06509547 CAD 01008774 Webs of Trade : Philippe Cadene Manohar, 1997 8173041873 196p.; Knowledge Centre
380.08992401824 GOI 05037984 India traders of the middle ages : Goitein, Shelomo Dov, Brill, 2008 9789004154728 (hardcover : alk xxix, 918 p., [18] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
380.0954 PAD 00050626 Doing Business in India Padmanand, P C Jain 0761993525 269p UG Library
380.1 HOF 03001628 Marketing of Services / Hoffman, Douglas K. Thomson South-Western, 2006 9788131505311 | 8131505316 425 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
380.1 HOF 03001629 Marketing of Services / Hoffman, Douglas K. Thomson South-Western, 2006 9788131505311 | 8131505316 425 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
380.1 AWA 05022829 Trade Payments Under Documentary Credits and Collections - Commentary-Cases-legal Texts Awasthi, G D Academy of Business Studies 8186234179 696p Knowledge Centre
380.1 FOX 03007654 How to Become a Marketing Superstar : Fox, Jeffrey J., Hyperion, 2003 0786868244 | 9780786868247 1st ed. xx, 172 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
380.1 HOF 07015131 Marketing of Services / Hoffman, Douglas K. Thomson South-Western, 2006 9788131505311 | 8131505316 425 p.: Library - BR Campus
380.1 HUI 01013617 Mexico in the WTO and NAFTA : Huerta-Goldman, Jorge Alberto. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business ; | Kluwer Law International ; | Sold and distributed in North, Central and South America by Aspen Publishers, 9789041131690 (hbk. : alk. pap xlii, 352 p. ; Knowledge Centre
380.1 PAR 04014154 Global Trade in The New Millennium / Parthsarathy Dreamtech press, 2010 9789350040997 376p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
380.1 PAR 04014155 Global Trade in The New Millennium / Parthasarathy,Swami. Biztaztra, 9789350040119 xx,376p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
380.1 SEE 05022826 Teaching of Commerce Seema, Rao Anmol 284 p Knowledge Centre
380.1 SIN 00021002 Principles and Practice of Commerce Sinha, J C R Chand & Co. 1980 2nd ed. 487 p. UG Library
380.106 CHA 05022828 WTO and the Indian Economy / Chadha, G K Deep & Deep Publications Pvt Ltd., 2001 0817629344 332 p Knowledge Centre
380.106 CHA 05011813 WTO and the Indian Economy / Chadha, G K Deep & Deep Publications Pvt Ltd., 2001 0817629344 332 p Knowledge Centre
380.106 GOP 00050216 GATT / WTO Gopalsamy, N Wheeler Publications 1998 8175440422 xiv, 425 p. UG Library
380.106 RAT 00050411 WTO Ratnesh, Kumar Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 8176291900 248p UG Library
380.1091824 GUP 01005457 Politics and Trade in the Indian Ocean World ( Law Lib.) Ashin Das Gupta Oxford University Press 0195664558 281p. Knowledge Centre
380.10938 REE 00127287 Maritime Traders in the Ancient Greek World / Reed, C. M. Cambridge University Press, 2003 0521268486 xi, 162 p. : UG Library
380.10952 JOH 04019244 Relentless : Johansson, Johny K. HarperBusiness, 1996 0887308058 | 9780887308055 1st ed. 198 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
380.10952 JOH 03009250 Relentless : Johansson, Johny K. HarperBusiness, 1996 0887308058 | 9780887308055 1st ed. 198 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
380.10954 BAN 05022832 Colonialism in Action: Trade, Development and Dependence in Late Colonial I Banerjee, Debdas Orient Longman Publications 0812501697 228p Knowledge Centre
380.10954 BAN 00105547 Old routes : Banerji, Arup, Three Essays Collective, 2011 9788188789726 | 8188789720 | 9 1st ed. ii, 262 p. : UG Library
380.10954 BAR 03004124 Political Economy of Development in India : Bardhan Pranab Oxford University Press, 1984 9780195647709 153p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
380.10954 GIL 05061334 India's Service Sector : Athena Academic, 2017 9781910390320 xv,352p.; Knowledge Centre
380.10954 MAL 05045742 Maritime India : Malekandathil Pius Primus Books, 2010 9789380607832 xxvii,217p.: Knowledge Centre
380.109548 SUB 05022823 Political Economy of Commerce Southern India 1500-1650 Subrahmanyam, Sanjay Foundation Books 8175961945 399p Knowledge Centre
380.109548 SUB 05022824 Political Economy of Commerce Southern India 1500-1650 Subrahmanyam, Sanjay Foundation Books 8175961945 399p Knowledge Centre
380.109548SUB 00084320 Political Economy of Commerce Southern India 1500-1650 Subrahmanyam, Sanjay Foundation Books 8175961945 399p UG Library
380.12 SAX 03004250 Marketing Geography / Saxena, H.M Rawat Publication, 2004 9788170337898 376 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
380.13 JOS 05022830 International business; Joshi,Rakesh Mohan. Oxford university press; 2009 9780195689099 xx:912 p. Knowledge Centre
380.14 SIN 00019099 PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING AND SALESMANSHIP J C, Sinha R.CHAND & CO. 1977 iv, 320 p. UG Library
380.1459104 LEA 07013382 Hospitality,Travel and Tourism Management / 3G-Learning, 2018 9781680959512 273p.: Library - BR Campus
380.1491 GEE 05022822 Career In Tourism Geetanjali Centrum Press 9789380540153 283p Knowledge Centre
380.14RAJ2 00019100 Marketing Rajan, Nair N Sultan Chand UG Library
380.14RAJ2 00019101 Marketing Rajan, Nair N Sultan Chand UG Library
380.14SIH 00019098 Principles of Marketing and Salesmanship Sinha, J C R CHAND UG Library
380.1RAM 00020948 Textbook of Commerce Raman, B S United Pub UG Library
380.1RAM 00020949 Textbook of Commerce Raman, B S United Pub UG Library
380.1RAM 00020951 Textbook of Commerce Raman, B S United Pub UG Library
380.1RAM 00020953 Textbook of Commerce Raman, B S United Pub UG Library
380.1RAM 00020952 Textbook of Commerce Raman, B S United Pub UG Library
380.1RAM 00020950 Textbook of Commerce Raman, B S United Pub UG Library
380.1SIN.M 00021001 Principles and Practice of Commerce Sinha, J C R CHAND UG Library
380.3 SHA 05022827 Contemporary Issues in Business Finance and Taxation Sharma, G L Academic Foundation 228 p Knowledge Centre
380.50941 DHA 00120980 Transport Geography Dhawan Bimal Randon Publications, 2014 9789351114161 xii, 280 p.: UG Library
380.50941 MEH 00103528 Transport Geography: Mehtani Subhah Commonwealth; 2010 9788131102053 306 p.: UG Library
380.52954 AHU 00094439 Pathways of Empire Ahuja Ravi Orient BlackSwam, 2009 9788125035275 362 p .: UG Library
380.52954 AHU 07004417 Pathways of Empire Ahuja Ravi Orient BlackSwam, 2009 9788125035275 362 p .: Library - BR Campus
380.52954 AHU 00091114 Pathways of Empire Ahuja Ravi Orient BlackSwam, 2009 9788125035275 362 p .: UG Library
380.84ABR 00016277 Guide for Visting Settling Abroad Abroad, 61 UG Library
380.956 SIL 05042888 Postal System in the Pre-Modern Islamic World Silverstein, Adam J 9780521858687 214p Knowledge Centre
380APA 00025244 Commerce I Puc Aparanji, N R Vijaya UG Library
380APA 00025245 Commerce I Puc Aparanji, N R Vijaya UG Library
380APA1 00025249 Commerce II Puc Aparanji, N R Vijaya UG Library
380APA1 00025250 Commerce II Puc Aparanji, N R Vijaya UG Library
380ASW 00028026 Commerce I Puc Aswathappa, K Orisa UG Library
380ASW 00028027 Commerce I Puc Aswathappa, K Orisa UG Library
380ASW 00028028 Commerce I Puc Aswathappa, K Orisa UG Library
380ASW 00028030 Commerce I Puc Aswathappa, K Orisa UG Library
380ASW 00028029 Commerce I Puc Aswathappa, K Orisa UG Library
380BAS 00025236 Text Book of Commerce Vol I Puc Basava, K D Akalwadi UG Library
380BAS 00025237 Text Book of Commerce Vol I Puc Basava, K D Akalwadi UG Library
380BAS 00025238 Text Book of Commerce Vol I Puc Basava, K D Akalwadi UG Library
380BAS1 00025246 Commerce II Puc Basava, K D Akalwadi UG Library
380BAS1 00025248 Commerce II Puc Basava, K D Akalwadi UG Library
380BAS1 00025247 Commerce II Puc Basava, K D Akalwadi UG Library
380BAS2 00037875 Vyavahara Adyayana Basava, K D Vidya Vahini UG Library
380BAS2 00037876 Vyavahara Adyayana Basava, K D Vidya Vahini UG Library
380KAL.W 00046393 Frontiers of Electronic Commerce Kalakota, Ravi 0201474433 850 p UG Library
380KAL.W 00046391 Frontiers of Electronic Commerce Kalakota, Ravi 0201474433 850 p UG Library
380MAY 00025140 Organisation of Commerce Mayak, K R Sheth UG Library
380MAY 00025141 Organisation of Commerce Mayak, K R Sheth UG Library
380MAY 00025142 Organisation of Commerce Mayak, K R Sheth UG Library
380MAY 00025144 Organisation of Commerce Mayak, K R Sheth UG Library
380MAY 00025143 Organisation of Commerce Mayak, K R Sheth UG Library
380NAN 00021758 Second Course in Organisation of Commerce for 11 Puc Nanjundaiah, M Sheth 350p UG Library
380NAN 00021761 Second Course in Organisation of Commerce for 11 Puc Nanjundaiah, M Sheth 350p UG Library
380NAN 00021763 Second Course in Organisation of Commerce for 11 Puc Nanjundaiah, M Sheth 350p UG Library
380NAN 00021759 Second Course in Organisation of Commerce for 11 Puc Nanjundaiah, M Sheth 350p UG Library
380NAN 00021760 Second Course in Organiation of Commerce Nanjundaiah, M Sheth UG Library
380NAN 00021762 Second Course in Organiation of Commerce Nanjundaiah, M Sheth UG Library
380NAY 00025145 Organisation of Commerce Nayak, K A Sheth UG Library
380NAY 00025149 Organisation of Commerce Nayak, K A Sheth UG Library
380NAY 00025148 Organisation of Commerce Nayak, K A Sheth UG Library
380NAY 00025146 Organisation of Commerce Nayak, K A Sheth UG Library
380POP 00011298 ELEMENTS OF MODERN ENTERPRISE Popular, Bhatkal 138 P UG Library
380PRAFHG 00027933 Vanijya Sastra Prakash Rao, B Prasaranga UG Library
380PRAFHG 00027934 Vanijya Sastra Prakash Rao, B Prasaranga UG Library
380RAJ 00036747 Text Book of Business Studies Raju, T V S b s Publishers UG Library
380RAJ1 00039242 Text Book of Business Studies for II Puc Raju, T V S b s Publishers UG Library
380RAJ1 00039243 Text Book of Business Studies for II Puc Raju, T V S b s Publishers UG Library
380RAJ1 00039244 Text Book of Business Studies for II Puc Raju, T V S b s Publishers UG Library
380RAJ1 00039245 Text Book of Business Studies for II Puc Raju, T V S b s Publishers UG Library
380RAJS 00039232 Text Book of Business Studies II Puc Raju, T V S b s Publishers UG Library
380RAM.1 00036737 Business Studies:Pant I for I Puc Raman, B S United 262 p UG Library
380RAM.II 00021818 Commerce II PUC Raman, B S United Pub UG Library
380RAM.II 00021819 Commerce II PUC Raman, B S United Pub UG Library
380RAM.II 00021820 Commerce II PUC Raman, B S United Pub UG Library
380RAM.II 00021821 Commerce II PUC Raman, B S United Pub UG Library
380RAM.II 00021822 Commerce II PUC Raman, B S United Pub UG Library
380RAM18 00036728 Business Studies Raman, B S United UG Library
380RAM18 00036733 Business Studies Raman, B S United UG Library
380RAM18 00036735 Business Studies Raman, B S United UG Library
380RAM18 00036736 Business Studies Raman, B S United UG Library
380RAM18 00036734 Business Studies Raman, B S United UG Library
380RAM18 00036732 Business Studies Raman, B S United UG Library
380RAM18 00036729 Business Studies Raman, B S United UG Library
380RAM18 00036731 Business Studies Raman, B S United UG Library
380RAM18 00036730 Business Studies Raman, B S United UG Library
380RAM3 00033329 Commerce I Puc Raman, B S United UG Library
380RAM3 00033330 Commerce I Puc Raman, B S United UG Library
380RAM4 00047427 Business Studies Rama, B S United UG Library
380RAM4 00047429 Business Studies Rama, B S United UG Library
380RAM4 00047431 Business Studies Rama, B S United UG Library
380RAM4 00047430 Business Studies Rama, B S United UG Library
380RAM4 00047428 Business Studies Rama, B S United UG Library
380REDF 00026217 Commerce Principles and Practice Reddy, P N Chand S 223 p UG Library
380REDG1 00026212 Commerce:Principles & Practice Reddy, P N L S Chand & Co UG Library
380REDG1 00026218 Commerce:Principles & Practice Reddy, P N L S Chand & Co UG Library
380REDG1 00026213 Commerce:Principles & Practice Reddy, P N L S Chand & Co UG Library
380REDG1 00026214 Commerce:Principles & Practice Reddy, P N L S Chand & Co UG Library
380REDG1 00026216 Commerce:Principles & Practice Reddy, P N L S Chand & Co UG Library
380REDG1 00026215 Commerce:Principles & Practice Reddy, P N L S Chand & Co UG Library
380SAN 00039421 Text Book of Business Studies for II Puc Sanjeevaiah, B C Sarswathi UG Library
380SAN 00039425 Text Book of Business Studies for II Puc Sanjeevaiah, B C Sarswathi UG Library
380SAN 00039424 Text Book of Business Studies for II Puc Sanjeevaiah, B C Sarswathi UG Library
380SAN 00039422 Text Book of Business Studies for II Puc Sanjeevaiah, B C Sarswathi UG Library
380SAN 00039423 Text Book of Business Studies for II Puc Sanjeevaiah, B C Sarswathi UG Library
380SHE.N 00023458 Elements of Commerce Shekhar, K C Vikas Delhi UG Library
380SHE.N 00023459 Elements of Commerce Shekhar, K C Vikas Delhi UG Library
380SHE.N 00023461 Elements of Commerce Shekhar, K C Vikas Delhi UG Library
380SHE.N 00023462 Elements of Commerce Shekhar, K C Vikas Delhi UG Library
380SHE.N 00023460 Elements of Commerce Shekhar, K C Vikas Delhi UG Library
380SIN 00039229 Business Studies Ii Puc Sinha, J C R Chand & Co UG Library
380SIN1 00039238 Business Studies - a Text Book of Commerce II Puc Sinha, J C R Chand & Co UG Library
380SIN1 00039240 Business Studies - a Text Book of Commerce II Puc Sinha, J C R Chand & Co UG Library
380SIN1 00039241 Business Studies - a Text Book of Commerce II Puc Sinha, J C R Chand & Co UG Library
380SIN1 00039239 Business Studies - a Text Book of Commerce II Puc Sinha, J C R Chand & Co UG Library
381 BUR 03001621 Marketing Business 2000 / Burrow, James L. Thomson South-Western, 2008 9788131508701 | 8131508706 164 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381 BUR 03001622 Marketing Business 2000 / Burrow, James L. Thomson South-Western, 2008 9788131508701 | 8131508706 164 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381 COO 03001101 Shareholder or Stakeholder Value: The Development of Indicators for the Control and Measurement of ... Cooper, S CIMA 1859714870 125p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381 PHI 03001099 Marketing Customer Interface Phipps, Rosemary Elsevier 750653078 388p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381 AHM 00132966 Jihad and co: Ahmad,Aisha. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190872656 303 p. ; UG Library
381 AIMA 00064119 Import Export Documentation: Study Guide All India Management Association Aima 2000 322p UG Library
381 AIMA 00064118 Import Export Documentation: Study Guide All India Management Association Aima 2000 322p UG Library
381 BAH 00001190 Elements of Commmerce Business Methods Bahl, J C New Books UG Library
381 BAH 00001196 Elements of Commmerce Business Methods Bahl, J C New Books UG Library
381 BAH 00001197 Elements of Commmerce Business Methods Bahl, J C New Books UG Library
381 BAH 00001198 Elements of Commmerce Business Methods Bahl, J C New Books UG Library
381 BAH 00001191 Elements of Commmerce Business Methods Bahl, J C New Books UG Library
381 BAH 00001192 Elements of Commmerce Business Methods Bahl, J C New Books UG Library
381 BAH 00001193 Elements of Commmerce Business Methods Bahl, J C New Books UG Library
381 BAH 00001194 Elements of Commmerce Business Methods Bahl, J C New Books UG Library
381 BAK 00090636 Bazar, Conversations and Freedom Bakshi, Rajni Penguin Books 9780143064916 447p UG Library
381 BRO 07002265 The manufacturing of markets : Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107053717 (hardback) xxiii,523p.; Library - BR Campus
381 EBN 01019375 The institutions of the market : Ebner Alexander Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199231430 (pbk.) | 0199231 x, 412 p. : Knowledge Centre
381 EBN 05022885 The institutions of the market : Ebner Alexander Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199231430 (pbk.) | 0199231 x, 412 p. : Knowledge Centre
381 HAM 00106228 The market makers : Hamilton,Gary.G Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199590179 (hbk.) | 0199590 xv, 364 p. : UG Library
381 PRA 05048611 Commercial Economics : Prakash, Anand. Random Publications, 2016 9789351118091 300p. Knowledge Centre
381 RAN 00125271 Export Import Rana, Grishkumar N. 9789383096619 288 p.: UG Library
381 SEN 00135222 Export and import documentation and procedures Senthilvelmurugan J MJP Publishers, 2013 9788180941832 ix,222p. ; UG Library
381 TOM 00120371 Advances in the economics of information systems / Tomak Kerem Idea Group Pub., 2005 1591404444 (h/c) | 1591404452 xi, 245 p. : UG Library
381.02 UN 01008095 Trade and Development Report, 2007: Regional Cooperation for Development (law Lib.) United Nations Academic Foundation 9788171886739 195p. Knowledge Centre
381.029UN 01007807 Standard International Tade Classification (law Lib) Nations United UNITED NATION Publications 9211614937 91p Knowledge Centre
381.03 AHU 00097114 Encyclopedia of Commerce Ahuja, Ashu Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 97881261288631 429 p. UG Library
381.03 BEN 04013600 Viva;s Dictionary of Marketing Teerms / Bennett, Peter D. Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 2005 9788176490191 2nd ed. 316p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
381.0322544 BAB 01004100 ALCHEMIES OF VIOLENCE: MYTHS OF IDENTITY AND the LIFE OF TRADE IN WESTERN INDIA Lawrence A Babb Sage Publications 0761932232 254p Knowledge Centre
381.0882970951 CHA 05064466 The Muslim Merchants of Premodern China : Chaffee, John W., Cambridge university press, 2018 9781107012684 (hardback) | 9781107684041 (paperback) ix, 210 pages : Knowledge Centre
381.089 FAL 00094250 Cosmopolitan Connections Falzon Mark-Anthony Oxford University Press, 2004 9780195676075 294 p.: UG Library
381.0942 ERI 05073833 Trade and nation : Erikson, Emily, Columbia University Press, 2021 9780231184359 | 9780231184342 ix, 298 pages : Knowledge Centre
381.094756 CHA 07000360 Armenians in Asian Trade in the Early Modern Era / Manohar, 2014 9788173049934 418p.: Library - BR Campus
381.0954 07007357 Caravans : Indian merchants on the Silk Road / Levi, Scott Cameron Penguin Book Publication, 2015 9780670087303 197p. Library - BR Campus
381.0954 RAM 03002668 New Perspectives in Rural & Agricultural Marketing / Ramkishen, Y. Jaico Publishing House, 2009 9788179920855 272 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.0954 GUP 01006845 INDIA AND the INDIAN OCEAN WORLD TRADE AND POLITICS(LAW LIBRARY) Ashin Das Gupta Oxford University Press 0195666704 348p Knowledge Centre
381.0954 HAR 05022874 Trade Liberalization and India`s Informal Economy Harriss-White, Barbara 0195683315 392p Knowledge Centre
381.0954 KAN 00074777 Markets and Institutions Kantawala, B S Wisdom Publications 2006 8189547186 | 9788189547189 xi, 228 p. UG Library
381.0954 KUD 01016044 The Oxford Anthology of Business History / Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198070191 xxviii,492p.; Knowledge Centre
381.0954 KUD 03004123 The Oxford Anthology of Business History / Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198070191 xxviii,492p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.0954 MAR 00087152 Merchants, Traders, Entreprenurs: Indian Business in the Colonial Era Markovits, Claude Permanent Black , 2008 8178241889 292 p.: UG Library
381.0954 MAR 05009583 Merchants, traders, entrepreneurs : Markovits, Claude. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008 9788178241883 xii, 292 p. ; Knowledge Centre
381.0954 MUR 00103247 International Trade and Economic Co-operation: Murthy Gautam New Century publications; 2010 9788177082463 206 p.: UG Library
381.0954 MUR 03007970 International Trade and Economic Co-operation: Murthy Gautam New Century publications; 2010 9788177082463 206 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.0954 MUR 04016154 International Trade and Economic Co-operation: Murthy Gautam New Century publications; 2010 9788177082463 206 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
381.0954 PAW 03010461 Rural Marketing / Pawar, Dhananjay M. Vital Publications , 2014 9789381169360 208 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.0954 RAM 03007991 Rural Marketing in India : Ramakrishnan, Ruchika. New Century Publications, 2006 9788177081206 | 8177081209 xiv, 205 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.0954 SRI 07004463 Trade, finance, and investment in South Asia / Social Science Press : | Distributed by D.K. Publishers & Distributors, 2002 818735805X viii, 476 p. ; Library - BR Campus
381.0954 TIM 07011208 The marwaris / Timberg, Thomas A Penguin Publication, 2014 9780143424055 xi,175p. Library - BR Campus
381.0954 TIM 05040364 The Marwaris : Timberg,Thomas A. Penguin Books, 2014 9780670084982 xxx,184p.; Knowledge Centre
381.0954 TRI 07005783 The Oxford History of Contemporary Indian Business / Tripathi, Dwijendra. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198082248 (hbk.) | 0198082 1st ed. xviii, 283 p. : Library - BR Campus
381.0954 TRI 03010501 The Oxford History of Contemporary Indian Business / Tripathi, Dwijendra. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198082248 (hbk.) | 0198082 1st ed. xviii, 283 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.0954 TRI 00112334 The Oxford History of Contemporary Indian Business / Tripathi, Dwijendra. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198082248 (hbk.) | 0198082 1st ed. xviii, 283 p. : UG Library
381.095414 CHA 07000367 Companies, commerce and merchants : Chaudhury, Sushil, Manohar Publishers&Distributors, 2015 9789350980828 (hardback) | 935 x, 433 pages : Library - BR Campus
381.095415 CHA 05032498 Rural market and agricultural marketing : Chakraborty, Kiran Sankar, Mittal Publications, 2009 9788183243124 | 8183243126 xi, 217 p. ; Knowledge Centre
381.095485 RAO 00124578 Trade and State Craft in Medieval Andhra T. Dayakar Rao B.R. Publishing Corporation, 2016 9789350502853 viii, 336 p.: UG Library
381.0954ING 01006036 DIRECTIONS IN DEVELOPMENT: Agriculture, Trade, and the WTO in South Asia Melinda D Ingco World Bank 0821351591 244p. Knowledge Centre
381.098297 TEM 05006092 Islamic Branding and Marketing : Temporal, Paul Wiley 2011 9780470825396 x,324p.; Knowledge Centre
381.098297 TEM 03005053 Islamic Branding and Marketing : Temporal, Paul Wiley 2011 9780470825396 x,324p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.1 RAH 03001082 Electronic Commerce : Rahman, Syed Mahbubur. Idea Group Publishing , 2008 9781878289766 422 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.1 SIV 03000553 Retail Marketing / Sivakumar, A. Excel Books, 2007 9788174465757 226 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.1 BAR 07013585 Gender and work in global value chains : Barrientos, Stephanie, Cambridge University press, 2019 1108492312 | 9781108492317 xxvi, 306 pages : Library - BR Campus
381.1 CAV 01005124 ESSENTIAL OF MODERN SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT(LAW LIBRARY) Martin Cave Cambridge University Press 9780521876698 265p Knowledge Centre
381.1 GUR 07000239 The emerging landscapes of retail and impact on economy / Gurusamy,S. MJPPublishers, 2013 9788180941580 804p.; Library - BR Campus
381.1 HBR 10004966 Hbr's 10 Must Reads on Platforms and Ecosystems Harward Business Review Harward Business Review, 2020 9781633699885 1st Ed. 192 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
381.1 JAC 00137865 Markets : Jackson,William A. Routledge, 2019 9781138936843 xv,250p.; UG Library
381.1 KLE 01006070 Market for Aid Michael Klein World Bank 0821362283 143 Knowledge Centre
381.1 PIL 05065307 Retail therapy : Pilkington, Mark, Bloomsbury publishing Plc., 2019 9781472965103 (hardback) vi,329p.; Knowledge Centre
381.1 PIL 00135197 Retail therapy : Pilkington, Mark, Bloomsbury publishing Plc., 2019 9781472965103 (hardback) vi,329p.; UG Library
381.1 RAH 03010453 Electronic Commerce : Rahman, Syed Mahbubur. Idea Group Publishing , 2008 9781878289766 422 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.1 RAI 05000860 Electronic commerce : Idea Group Publishing, 1878289764 | 9781878289766 422 p. : Knowledge Centre
381.1 SEA 07011646 Markets,Places,Cities / Seale Kristen Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2018 9781138546431 134p.: Library - BR Campus
381.1 SIN 05022926 Shopping and Retailing Tourism Singh, Mahesh Chandra Centrum Press 9789380540252 336p Knowledge Centre
381.101 01012163 When Markets Collide Erian, Mohamed A.El New Delhi 9780070140646 344p Knowledge Centre
381.101 ELE 03007466 When Markets Collide Erian, Mohamed A.El New Delhi 9780070140646 344p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.106 SIN 03002273 Manageing Retailing / Sinha, Piyush Kumar. Oxford Universtiy Press, 2007 9780195690705 543 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.106 CHA 00050406 GATT to WTO - Gandhian Alternative to NIEO Chauhan, Sandeep Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 8176292915 428p UG Library
381.106 SIN 07010602 Managing Retailing / Sinha, Piyush Kumar. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195690705 | 9780198075943 xv, 543p.; Library - BR Campus
381.106 SIN 03008929 Managing Retailing / Sinha, Piyush Kumar. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195690705 | 9780198075943 xv, 543p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.106 SIN 05003941 Managing Retailing / Sinha, Piyush Kumar. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195690705 xv,543 p.; Knowledge Centre
381.106 SIN 05040675 Managing Retailing / Sinha, Piyush Kumar. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195690705 | 9780198075943 xv, 543p.; Knowledge Centre
381.1090512 TRE 00143496 Navigating the New Retail Landscape : Treadgold, Alan Oxford Press, 2021 9780198868767 2 nd xii,341p,; UG Library
381.10954 IM 03006552 Images Retail Technology Directory 2011 : Images Multimedia Pvt. Ltd., 2011 126 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.10954 IMA 03006553 India Retail Report 2011 : Images Multimedia Pvt. Ltd., 2011 317 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.10954 JAR 03010452 Inderdecipilinary Research in Commerce and Management / Jariwala, Purnima P. Prism Books (India) 2014 9789382037194 336 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.10954 PAN 05022815 Emerging trends in retail management / Panchanatham .N Excel Books, 9788174466044 xi, 628 p. : Knowledge Centre
381.10954 SIN 05034060 Retailing in India : Singh,Neelu. Serials Publications, 2013 9788183875806 xvii,379p.; Knowledge Centre
381.10954 VED 10001456 Retail beyond detail : Vedamani, Gibson G., Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789352807598 (pbk. : alk. paper) ix, 221p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
381.10954 VED 10005336 Retail beyond detail : Vedamani, Gibson G., Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789352807598 (pbk. : alk. paper) ix, 221p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
381.11 WHA 03006372 Retail superstars : Whalin, George. Portfolio, 2009 9781591842606 (hc) | 159184260 xiv, 222 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.11 WHA 04015988 Retail superstars : Whalin, George. Portfolio, 2009 9781591842606 (hc) | 159184260 xiv, 222 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
381.110954 IM 03006554 Malls of India 2011 : Images Multimedia Pvt. Ltd., 2011 479 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.13 BLA 05055543 The economics of franchising / Blair, Roger D. Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521772524 (alk. paper) | 9780 xii, 338 p. : Knowledge Centre
381.13 FAI 01024834 MicroFranchising : Edward Elgar, 2007 9781848440531 xvii, 254 p. : Knowledge Centre
381.13 HOY 05022816 Franchising:An International Perspective [pg.Lib.Economics Section] Hoy, Frank 0415284198 257p Knowledge Centre
381.130 JON 05022003 Amway Forever : Jones Kathryn .A John Wiley & Sons,Inc, 2011 9780470488218 xvi,220 p.: Knowledge Centre
381.1410973 05064994 From main street to mall : Howard, Vicki. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015 9780812224399 295 p. ; Knowledge Centre
381.1410973 TUR 05022814 Kmart`s 10 Deadly Sins Turner, Marcia Layton 0471435937 256p Knowledge Centre
381.142 AIT 03001258 Value-Driven IT Management Commercializing the IT Function / Aitken, Iain. Elsevier, 2003 9788131206744 308 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.142 AL 03000358 Global Electronic Business Research Al-Qirim, Nabeel Idea Group Publishing 9781591406440 374 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.142 CAN 03000263 E-Business and Commerce : Canzer, Brahm. Dreamtech Press, 2005 9788177225778 xvi,366 p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.142 KAL 1 03000489 Electronic Commerce : Kalakota, Ravi. Pearson Education, 2008 9788177583168 431 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.142 WHI 03001259 What Business Really Wants from IT: A Collaborative Guide for Business Directors and CIOs White, Terry Butterworth Heinemann 9788131207925 184p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.142 AHM 00123069 Essentials of E-Commerce Ahmed, Fazal Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2015 9788126163953 304 p:. UG Library
381.142 ALL 05068032 Designing mobile payment experiences : Allums, Skip Shroff publishers and distributors Pvt.Ltd., 2019 9789352138531 x, 229p. ; Knowledge Centre
381.142 CAN 05003057 E-Business and Commerce : Canzer, Brahm. Dreamtech Press, 2005 9788177225778 xvi,366 p.; Knowledge Centre
381.142 CHA 07002762 The Electronic Silk Road / Chander Anupam Foundation Books, 2014 9789382993223 xviii,278p.: Library - BR Campus
381.142 DOL 05072824 Disruptive Platforms : Doligalski, Tymoteusz, Routledge, 2021 9781032075211 | 9781032075259 xv, 170p.; Knowledge Centre
381.142 EZR 00129914 Virtual competition : Ezrachi, Ariel, Harvard University Press, 2016 9780674545472 viii, 356 pages : UG Library
381.142 HAR 05067107 Saying No to Jugaad : Hari,T.N. Bloomsbury, 2019 9789389351088 xvi,170p.; Knowledge Centre
381.142 KAL 00051172 Electronic Commerce - a Manager`s Guide Kalakota, Ravi Pearson Education 0817808158 431p UG Library
381.142 KAW 03009643 What the Plus! : Kawasaki, Guy. McGraw-Hill Education Pvt Ltd., 2013 9781259064494 197 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.142 KRA 05036105 Global e-commerce Cambridge University Press, 2006 9780521848220 | 0521848229 xxii,444p.: Knowledge Centre
381.142 KRA 01007060 GLOBAL E-COMMERCE:IMPACTS OF NATIONAL Environment AND POLICY(LAW LIBRARY) Kenneth L Kraemer Cambridge University Press 0521848229 444p Knowledge Centre
381.142 PAP 05022801 E-Business Papazoglou, Michael P Wiley India 2006 8126507969 | 9788126507962 xxvii, 722 p. Knowledge Centre
381.142 PAP 00076515 E-Business Papazoglou, Michael P Wiley India 2006 8126507969 | 9788126507962 xxvii, 722 p. UG Library
381.142 PAP 05022802 E-Business Papazoglou, Michael P Wiley India 2006 8126507969 | 9788126507962 xxvii, 722 p. Knowledge Centre
381.142 TIT 10001448 Round the clock : Titus, Ray, Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789352808205 (pbk) xiv,179p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
381.142 TIT 10005338 Round the clock : Titus, Ray, Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789352808205 (pbk) xiv,179p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
381.142 TIT 00136055 Round the clock : Titus, Ray, Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789352808205 (pbk) xiv,179p.; UG Library
381.142 UN 01008091 Building E-Community Centres for Rural Development: Report of the Regional Workshop (law Lib.) United Nations Academic Foundation 0817188637 276p. Knowledge Centre
381.142 VAN 07000145 E.commerce economics VanHoose,David D. Routledge, 2011 9780415778978 (hb) | 978020383 2nd ed. xxi, 469 p. : Library - BR Campus
381.142 VAN 04010950 E.commerce economics VanHoose,David D. Routledge, 2011 9780415778978 (hb) | 978020383 2nd ed. xxi, 469 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
381.142065 BER 05067269 Amazon : Berg, Natalie, KoganPage, 2019 9780749497729 (hbk) | 9780749482794 (pbk) vii, 258 pages : Knowledge Centre
381.142065 BER 05065024 Amazon: Berg, Natalie. Kogan page, 2019 978749482794 258 p. ; Knowledge Centre
381.142065 DUM 00141350 Bezonomics: Dumaine,Brian Simon and Schuster 2020 978147184161 337p UG Library
381.14206573 MAT 10004167 The everything war : Mattioli, Dana, Penguin, 2024 9781911709565 First edition. xix, 391 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
381.14206573 MAT 05074966 The everything war : Mattioli, Dana, Penguin, 2024 9781911709565 First edition. xix, 391 pages ; Knowledge Centre
381.142091724 ERI 03012630 Six Billion Shoppers : Erisman, Porter. Macmillan Publishers, 2017 9781509874743 241 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.142091724 ERI 05059804 Six Billion Shoppers : Erisman, Porter. Macmillan Publishers, 2017 9781509874743 241 p.: Knowledge Centre
381.142092 PAN 10003662 The making of the greatest Jeff Bezos / Pandey, Sangeeta. Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353336424 viii,116 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
381.142092 SHA 00137746 The Making of the Greatest Jack Ma / Sharma,Abha. Rupa Publications, 2019 9789353336363 viii,128p.; UG Library
381.142092 SHA 10003665 The making of the greatest Jack Ma / Sharma, Abha. Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353336363 viii,128 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
381.142092 VER 00061862 Eye for Winners Vernon, Lilian 1996 0088730818 213p UG Library
381.1420951 CLA 07011490 Alibaba : Clark, Duncan Thomson Press India Ltd, 2016 9780062413406 (hardcover) | 00 First edition. xvi, 287p. Library - BR Campus
381.1420951 CLA 05068382 Alibaba : Clark, Duncan Thomson Press India Ltd, 2016 9780062413406 (hardcover) | 00 First edition. xvi, 287p. Knowledge Centre
381.1420951 ERI 05062157 Alibabas world : Erisman,Porter. Pan Books, 2015 9781447290667 xii,242p.; Knowledge Centre
381.1420951 GER 05048345 East commerce : Gervasi, Marco, Wiley, 2016 9781119230885 (paperback) xx,148p.; Knowledge Centre
381.1420954 ARU 03009035 Digital Economy of India : Serials Publications, 2012 9788183875349 (set) | 81838753 2 v. (xviii, 979 p.) : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.1420954 ARU 03009036 Digital Economy of India : Serials Publications, 2012 9788183875349 (set) | 81838753 2 v. (xviii, 979 p.) : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.1420954 PAN 05064937 When it clicks : Pandey, Amitabh. Pan Macmillan, 2019 9789386215826 xix, 156 p. ; Knowledge Centre
381.1420959 CHE 05068580 Developing the digital economy in ASEAN / Routledge, 2019 9781138586062 (hardback) xii, 288 pages : Knowledge Centre
381.149 STE 05062876 Retail disruptors : Steenkamp, Jan-Benedict. Kogan Page Lmited, 2019 9780749483470 (pbk.) 1 Edition. xxi, 242p. Knowledge Centre
381.14906573 SO 03003096 Wal Mart Way: The Inside Story of the Success of the World's Largest Company Soderquist, Don Thomos Nelson 9780785261193 208 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.149092 WAL 03000187 Sam Walton Made in America My Story / Wolton, Sam. Bantam Books, 2009 9780553562835 | 0553562835 346 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.149092 WAL 03003670 Made in America : Walton, Sam. Bantam Books , 1992 553562835 | 9780553562835 346 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.149092 WOL 03003146 Sam Walton Made in America My Story / Wolton, Sam. Bantam Books, 2009 9780553562835 | 0553562835 346 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.149092 WAL 04017996 Made in America : Walton, Sam. Bantam Books , 1992 553562835 | 9780553562835 346 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
381.1490973 BIA 03000597 Bully of Bentonville Bianco, Anthony Currency 9780385513579 337 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.1490973 SHE 00106277 Cheap Shell Ruppel Ellen Penguin 2009 9780143117636 xix 296 p. UG Library
381.1490973 SLA 03006356 The Wal-Mart decade : Slater, Robert, Portfolio, 2003 9781591840060 242 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.17 DIL 05043284 Mathematics of the internet : Springer, 0387953590 (alk. paper) xi, 161 p. : Knowledge Centre
381.1701 MIL 05073795 Discovering Prices : Milgrom, Paul. Columbia University Press, 2021 9780231175999 xii,232p.; Knowledge Centre
381.177 COH 03003726 The Perfect Store : Cohen, Adam. Back Bay Books, 2002 9780316164931 332 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.177 COL 05006030 Starting an eBay Business for Dummies / Collier, Marsha. Wiley Pub., Inc., 2011 9781118004678 (pbk : alk. pape 4th ed. xviii, 362 p. : Knowledge Centre
381.177 COL 03004992 Starting an eBay Business for Dummies / Collier, Marsha. Wiley Pub., Inc., 2011 9781118004678 (pbk : alk. pape 4th ed. xviii, 362 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.177 HAR 00118999 Internet Auctions Haruvy, Ernan Now Publishers, 2010 9781601983329 | 1601983328 (Tr ix:77p.; UG Library
381.18091724 EVE 07011648 Informal Urban Street Markets International Perspectives / Routledg, 2018 9781138546394 198p.: Library - BR Campus
381.18095412 YAN 07011224 Bazaar India : Yang, Anand A. University of California Press, 1998 0520210999 (cloth : alk. paper xi, 305 p. : Library - BR Campus
381.3 HUC 01004165 Globalisation in China, India and Russia: Huchet,Jean-Francois Acadamic Foundation 9788171885824 363p.; Knowledge Centre
381.3 GRO 03007007 How to get what you want from almost anybody / Gross, T. Scott westland, 1995 9788187671596 180p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.3 HUC 05022818 Globalisation in China India and Russia Emergence of Natinal Groups and Globla Strategies of Firms Huchet, Jean-Francois Academic Foundation 8171885829 363p Knowledge Centre
381.301 BAL 00106337 Government and markets : Balleisen, Edward J Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521118484 (hardback) | 052 xvi, 559 p. : UG Library
381.301 BAL 05043283 Government and markets : Balleisen, Edward J Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521118484 (hardback) | 052 xvi, 559 p. : Knowledge Centre
381.30954 DAS 07013450 Contemporary issues in trade, environment and policy/ Dastidar, Ananya Ghosh. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd, 2016 9789385462344 xix, 201p;. Library - BR Campus
381.30954 SUL 00108688 Economic Reforms and India's Foreign Trade Sultan Ahmad Zafar Regal Publications: 2010 9788184840810 xii, 313 p. UG Library
381.30973 BLO 05022912 Future of Consumerism Bloom, N Paul 0669094285 180 p Knowledge Centre
381.30973 BLO 05022911 Future of Consumerism Bloom, N Paul 0669094285 180 p Knowledge Centre
381.33 LOC 03010733 How to Pay Less For More : Lockley, Marc. Rupa Publications, 2010 9788129116703 218 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.33 LOC 04017992 How to Pay Less For More : Lockley, Marc. Rupa Publications, 2010 9788129116703 218 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
381.33 LOC 05011165 How to Pay Less For More : Lockley, Marc. Rupa Publications, 2010 9788129116703 218 p. : Knowledge Centre
381.330954 SIN 00106354 Consumer Education And Empowerment: Laws, Policies And Strategies Singh S.S Abhijeet Publications, 2010 9789380031545 360.00 p. UG Library
381.34 BHA 03002370 Indicus Consumer Handbook : Bhandari, Laveesh. Pearson Education, 2009 9788131720387 204 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.34 BHA 03002470 Indicus Consumer Handbook : Bhandari, Laveesh. Pearson Education, 2009 9788131720387 204 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.34 BHA 03002471 Indicus Consumer Handbook : Bhandari, Laveesh. Pearson Education, 2009 9788131720387 204 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.34 BHA 03002472 Indicus Consumer Handbook : Bhandari, Laveesh. Pearson Education, 2009 9788131720387 204 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.34 BHA 03002369 Indicus Consumer Handbook : Bhandari, Laveesh. Pearson Education, 2009 9788131720387 204 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.340954 KAN 00131726 Consumerism in India / Kandasamy .S Book Enclave, 2018 9788181524300 175 p. ; UG Library
381.340954 MEH 10003468 Indian Consumers : Mehta, Subhash C Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, 1978 0-07-096508-0 xvi, 336 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
381.3ABD 03004515 Trade Policy, Industrialo Performance, and Pravate Sector Development in India Asian Development Bank Oxford University Press 0195694279 326 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.3ABD 01008503 Trade Policy, Industrialo Performance, and Pravate Sector Development in India Asian Development Bank Oxford University Press 0195694279 326 Knowledge Centre
381.3ABD 01008976 Trade Policy, Industrialo Performance, and Pravate Sector Development in India Asian Development Bank Oxford University Press 0195694279 326 Knowledge Centre
381.41 ING 05022961 Agriculture and the WTO Creating a Trading System for Development Ingco, Merlinda 0082135485 387p Knowledge Centre
381.41 LIP 00116442 Seed trade in rural markets : Lipper, Leslie Earthscan : | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2010 9781844077847 (hardback) | 184 xxiii, 232 p. : UG Library
381.41 SRI 05031540 Agricultural markets and transport network / Srivastava, Rajnish Chandra. Rawat Publications, 2006 8131600122 | 9788131600122 xxvi, 364 p. : Knowledge Centre
381.4109 CHH 00139092 Agricultural Marketing In India / Chhina,S S. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9788127256814 rep. 278p.; UG Library
381.410954 RAJ 03004253 Rural Marketing : Rajagopal Rawat Publication, 1988 8170334691 251 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.410954 CHA 05032599 Trading of Indian Agricultural Commodities / Chakraborty,Debasish. Abhijeet Publications, 2012 9789381136393 vi,168p.; Knowledge Centre
381.410954 JAY 05032597 Agricultural marketing in India : Jayasheela Serials Publications, 2012 9788183875370 xvi,350p.; Knowledge Centre
381.410954 KUM 00137457 Food supply chain management and agricultural finance Kumar,Umesh Random publications, 2019 9789352692637 viii,332p.; UG Library
381.41095414 HAR 01012148 Rural Commercial Capital: Agricultural Markets in West Bengal ( Law Lib ) Barbara Harriss-White Oxford University Press 0195691598 428p Knowledge Centre
381.41095414 HAR 01006991 Rural Commercial Capital: Agricultural Markets in West Bengal ( Law Lib ) Barbara Harriss-White Oxford University Press 0195691598 428p Knowledge Centre
381.41310954552 SHA 05048239 Foodgrain Market Emerging Issues / Sharma,Vikram. Random Publications, 2015 9789351114871 ix,289p.; Knowledge Centre
381.41906573 SOD 05022908 Wal Mart Way: The Sinide Stody of the Success of the World`s Largest Company [ MBA] Soderquist, Don 0785261192 204p Knowledge Centre
381.41HIN 01008608 Hindu: Survey of Indian Agriculture (law Lib) Hindu Hindu 224p Knowledge Centre
381.41HIN 01008609 Hindu: Survey of Indian Agriculture (law Lib) Hindu Hindu 224p Knowledge Centre
381.42 COL 03001243 Introduction to Business: Management and Strategy Colin, Combe Elsevier 9788131214534 428p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.42 COL 04017705 Introduction to Business: Management and Strategy Colin, Combe Elsevier 9788131214534 428p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
381.42 SCH 04011321 Ecommerce : Schneider, Gary P. Cengage , 2007 9788131505335 455 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
381.440 MOR 07009312 Transatlantic Slavery/ Morgan,Kenneth IB Tauris, 2016 9781780763873 XV,233 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
381.45 HAK 00050061 Service Management and Operations Haksever, Cengiz 0130173967 584p UG Library
381.45 HIN 01008610 The Hindu : The Hindu, 2 v Knowledge Centre
381.45 HIN 01008611 The Hindu : The Hindu, 2 v Knowledge Centre
381.45002 PAN 00137744 The Making of the Greatest Jeff Bezos / Pandey,Sangeeta. Rupa Publication, 2019 9789353336424 viii,116p.; UG Library
381.45002 STO 05041932 The Everything Store / Stone, Brad Coorgi Books, 2013 9780552167833 464p. : Knowledge Centre
381.45002 STO 07001629 The Everything Store / Stone, Brad Coorgi Books, 2013 9780552167833 464p. : Library - BR Campus
381.45002 STO 04022833 The Everything Store / Stone, Brad Coorgi Books, 2013 9780552167833 464p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
381.4500202854678 STO 05038988 The Everything Store : Stone, Brad. Bantam Press, 2013 9780593070468 372 p.: Knowledge Centre
381.4500202854678 STO 03010537 The Everything Store : Stone, Brad. Bantam Press, 2013 9780593070468 372 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.45002094 PER 05042850 Translation and the book trade in early modern Europe / Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107080041 (Hardback) | 978 xi, 271 pages ; Knowledge Centre
381.4564 SET 07000608 The Grocers : Seth, Andrew Kogan Page 2011 9780749461041 208p. Library - BR Campus
381.4564 SET 03004556 The Grocers : Seth, Andrew Kogan Page 2011 9780749461041 208p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.4564 SET 05008433 The Grocers : Seth, Andrew Kogan Page 2011 9780749461041 208p. Knowledge Centre
381.45641 BEV 03005919 Trolley Wars: Bevan, Judi viva Books, 2007 9781861976963 xiv,289p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.45641 MAH 00139159 Food Retail Management / Mahapatra,Samarendra. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327282498 13.13p.; UG Library
381.4564126 ROV 03008263 First in Thirst : Rovell, Darren. American Management Association, 2006 0814472990 | 9780814472996 x, 243 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.4566855 TUN 03006770 Branded Beauty : Tungate Mark Kogan Page Limited, 2011 9780749461812 viii,277 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.4566855 TUN 05008409 Branded Beauty : Tungate Mark Kogan Page Limited, 2011 9780749461812 viii,277 p. Knowledge Centre
381.4566855 TUN 00119560 Branded beauty : Tungate, Mark, Kogan Page, 2011 9780749461812 | 9780749461829 1st ed. viii, 277 p. ; UG Library
381.4566855 TUN 07000532 Branded beauty : Tungate, Mark, Kogan Page, 2011 9780749461812 | 9780749461829 1st ed. viii, 277 p. ; Library - BR Campus
381.4574692 ENT 00104221 The aesthetic economy of fashion : Entwistle, Joanne. Berg, 2009 9781845204730 (pbk.) | 1845204 English ed. x, 188 p. ; UG Library
381.4579654 GOR 03006359 L. L. Bean : Gorman, Leon A. Harvard Business School Press, 2006 9781578511839 | 9781578511839 xv, 304 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
381.4579654 GOR 05022913 L.L.Bean : Gorman, Leon Havard Business School, Boston 2006 9781578511839 303p Knowledge Centre
381.5 SIE 05022909 Radio, Televison, and Society [ms.Communication Section] Siepmann, Charles A Surjeet 410p Knowledge Centre
381.76 KAT 05022910 UGC NET/SLET : Commerce Kataria, Parveen Danika publishing co pv Knowledge Centre
381.76 KAT 05043986 UGC NET/SLET : Commerce Kataria, Parveen Danika publishing co pv Knowledge Centre
381COY 01008376 Debt & Equity Markets:Overview of the Markets (law Lib) Brain Coyle Financial World Publishing 9780852974520 154p Knowledge Centre
381DAS 00002333 Economic and Commercial Geographic Gupta, Das Mukheerjee UG Library
381DUB 00003938 Economic and Commerce Geography Dubey, B N Kitab Mahal UG Library
381SAK 00002321 Textbook of Commercial Corporation Saksena, S C pv UG Library
381SRI 00002334 Economic and Commercial Geography of the World Srivastava, S P UG Library
381WB 00080069 Building Institutions for Markets World Bank 0195216067 249p UG Library
382 BER 03003235 How We Compete: What Companies Around the World Are Doing to Make It in Today's Global Economoy Berger, Suzanne Currency 9780385513593 334 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382 CHE 03002341 International Trade and Export Management Cherunilam, Francis Himalaya Publishing House 528 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382 COW 03001209 International Trade Finance Cowdell, Paul Ane Books 9788180522796 390p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382 GAN 03001230 International Trade Theory and Policy / Giancarlo, Gandolfo. Springer International, 2006 9788181284198 544 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382 HAJ 03001216 Money, Banking and International Trade Hajela, T N Ane Books 8180521443 316p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382 HAJ 03002477 Money, Banking and International Trade Hajela, T N Ane Books 8180521443 316p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382 PAT 03000470 The New Global Trading Order: The Evolving State and the Future of Trade Patterson, Dennis Cambridge University Press 2008 9780521875189 270 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382 SHE 03002559 Tectonic Shift: The Geoeconomic Realignment fo Globalizing Markets Sheth, Jagdish N Sage Publications 9780761934905 350 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382 SIN 03006276 International Business Management / Sinha Kumar, Pradip. Excel Books, 9788174466297 527 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382 ACA 05038083 World Trade and Development Report - 2003: Cancun and Beyond Academic Foundation Academic Foundation 8171883303 130p Knowledge Centre
382 ACH 07002101 International trade and economic development / Acharyya, Rajat, 9780199672851 (hbk) | 01996728 First edition. xvi, 316 p. ; Library - BR Campus
382 ACH 05044360 International trade and economic development / Acharyya, Rajat, 9780199672851 (hbk) | 01996728 First edition. xvi, 316 p. ; Knowledge Centre
382 AGA 07000796 Foreign trade and foreign exchange Agarwal.O.P Himalaya publishing house, 2015 9789352028405 7th Ed. 607p.; Library - BR Campus
382 AIMA 00073595 Study Guide: IB02: Indian Foreign Trade All India Management Association Aima 2000 54 p. UG Library
382 AIMA 00064036 Study Guide: IB01: International Business: All India Management Association: Centre for Management Education Aima 2004 102 p. UG Library
382 AIMA 00073596 Study Guide: IB03: Import - Export Documentation All India Management Association: Centre for Management Education Aima 2000 321 p. UG Library
382 AIMA 00064120 Study Guide: IB02: Indian Foreign Trade All India Management Association Aima 2000 54 p. UG Library
382 AIMA 00064121 Study Guide: IB02: Indian Foreign Trade All India Management Association Aima 2000 54 p. UG Library
382 AJA 00121920 International Business Ajami, Riad A Jaico Publishing House, 2014 9788184954043 Third Edition xxv, 428 p:. UG Library
382 AND 05003089 Macroeconomic performance in a globalising economy / Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521116695 (hardback) xviii, 280 p. : Knowledge Centre
382 ARN 07002735 Evolving patterns in global trade and finance / Arndt, Sven W. World Scientific, 2015 9789814603409 (hardcover : alk xvi, 332 pages ; Library - BR Campus
382 AVA 05022905 International Finance Avadhani, V A HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 8178661632 418p Knowledge Centre
382 AVA 05022918 International Finance Theory & Pract. Avadhani, V A HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE Knowledge Centre
382 BAH 01026633 Public private partnership for WTO dispute settlement : Bahri, Amrita. Edward Elgar, 2018 9781786437488 (cased) | 1786437481 | 9781786437495 (eBook) xvii,259p.; Knowledge Centre
382 BAR 00000611 Commerce of Nations Bastable, C. F. Methuen & co. ltd. 1927 10th ed. viii p., 1 l., UG Library
382 BEN 05022906 International Business: Frameworks Bennett, Roger Pearson Education 8178081210 394p Knowledge Centre
382 BER 05062664 Research handbook on economic diplomacy : Edward Elgar, 2018 9781784710835 (hardback) | 1784710830 (hardback) ix, 403 pages : Knowledge Centre
382 BER 04015527 How We Compete: What Companies Around the World Are Doing to Make It in Today's Global Economoy Berger, Suzanne Currency 9780385513593 334 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
382 BHA 07013454 International trade and financial environment\ Bhat, M. K Ane Books Pvt. LTD, 2013 9789382127413 2nd Ed xviii, 454p;. Library - BR Campus
382 BHA 05037928 International Business - Environment and Management Bhalla, V K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126114355 787p Knowledge Centre
382 BHA 05043253 International Business: Environment and Management Bhalla, V K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126104562 752 p Knowledge Centre
382 BHA 05037926 International Business: Environment and Management Bhalla, V K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126104562 752 p Knowledge Centre
382 BHA 05037924 International Business: Environment and Management Bhalla, V K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126104562 752 p Knowledge Centre
382 BHA 05037927 International Business: Environment and Management Bhalla, V K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126104562 752 p Knowledge Centre
382 BHA 05037925 International Business: Environment and Management Bhalla, V K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126104562 752 p Knowledge Centre
382 BHA 00071733 Lectures on International Trade Bhagwati, Jagdish N Oxford University Press 2003 0195664426 | 9780195664423 2nd ed. xii, 602 p. UG Library
382 BHA 00071734 Lectures on International Trade Bhagwati, Jagdish N Oxford University Press 2003 0195664426 | 9780195664423 2nd ed. xii, 602 p. UG Library
382 BHA 05022939 International Busines With Asian Countries Bhatia, R C Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 8176292796 316p Knowledge Centre
382 BHA 00045679 New Dimensions in Global Business Excel Books, 1998 8174461299 1st ed. 334 p. : UG Library
382 BHA 05022919 New Dimensions in Global Business: Perspective 2001 Bhattahcarya, B VANITY BOOKS INTERNATIONAL 8175140518 386p Knowledge Centre
382 CHA 00025082 Finance of Foreign Trade and Foreign Exchange Chaudhri, B.k Himalaya Publishing House 1985 365 p. UG Library
382 CHA 00119888 International Business environment Chawla Shipra Centrum Press 2014 9789350845738 288p. UG Library
382 CHA 00090746 Case Studies on International Trade and Exchange Rates Chatterjee, Chiradeep ICFAI 8131406067 240p UG Library
382 CHA 05022160 New World Economy: Changing Dimensions of commerce Clause Internet as Instrumentality of Commerce and VAT Chaturvedi, Swarupama Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 8176295140 292p Knowledge Centre
382 CHE 00025065 International Trade and Export Management Cherunilam, Francis Himalaya Publishing House 1984 vii, 462 p. UG Library
382 CHE 00025066 International Trade and Export Management Cherunilam, Francis Himalaya Publishing House 1984 vii, 462 p. UG Library
382 CHE 00025067 International Trade and Export Management. Cherunilam, Francis Himalaya 1984 463p UG Library
382 CHE 05022975 International Business / Cherunilam, Francis. Wheeler Publications, 1999 8175441321 xii,497p.; Knowledge Centre
382 CHE 05037912 International Business / Cherunilam, Francis. Wheeler Publications, 1999 8175441321 xii,497p.; Knowledge Centre
382 CHE 05022970 International Business / Cherunilam, Francis. Wheeler Publications, 1999 8175441321 xii,497p.; Knowledge Centre
382 CHE 05038054 International Business / Cherunilam, Francis. Wheeler Publications, 1999 8175441321 xii,497p.; Knowledge Centre
382 CHE 10000525 International Trade and Export Management / Cherunilam, Francis. Himalaya Publishung House, 2002 9789353674779 21st ed. 512p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
382 CHE 00088698 International Business ; Text and Cases Cherunilam, Francis Prentice Hall of India 2007 9788120330962 848 p.: UG Library
382 CHE 05022203 International Trade and Export Mangement Cherunilam, Francis HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE Knowledge Centre
382 CHE 00030856 International Trade and Export Management Cherunilam, Francis Himalaya Publishing House 1984 vii, 462 p. UG Library
382 CHE 00036156 International Trade and Export Management Cherunilam, Francis Himalaya Publishing House 1984 vii, 462 p. UG Library
382 CHE 05022941 Global Economy and Business Environment Cherunilam, Francis HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 8178660830 380p Knowledge Centre
382 COL 01005101 INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS AND PEACE ENFORCEMENT ( LAW LIBRARY) Katharina Coleman Cambridge University Press 9780521690348 360p. Knowledge Centre
382 CON 03006516 Trade Wars : Conybeare, John A. C. Columbia University Press, 1987 9780231062346 xv , 319 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382 CZI 05038085 International Business / Czinkota, R Michael The Dryden Press, 1999 0030223784 856p.: Knowledge Centre
382 CZI 07001931 International Business / Czinkota, R Michael Wiley India ; 2012 9788126534074 856p Library - BR Campus
382 CZI 00117229 International Business / Czinkota, R Michael Wiley India ; 2012 9788126534074 856p UG Library
382 CZI 04014168 International Business / Czinkota, R Michael Wiley India ; 2012 9788126534074 856p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
382 CZI 05038821 International Business / Czinkota, R Michael Wiley India ; 2012 9788126534074 856p Knowledge Centre
382 DAN 05022907 International Business: Environments and Operations Daniels, D John Pearson Education 0817808077 982p Knowledge Centre
382 DAN 05020950 International Business - Environments and Operations Daniels, D John Pearson 8129704110 701p Knowledge Centre
382 DAN 05043275 International Business - Environments and Operations Daniels, D John Pearson 8129704110 701p Knowledge Centre
382 DIN 01003552 Companies, International Trade and Human Rights ( Law Library ) Din Janet Cambridge University Press 0521828619 319p. Knowledge Centre
382 DUD 05022973 International Business Environment-Challenges and Opportunities Dudeja, V D Commonwealth Publishers. 8171696449 460p Knowledge Centre
382 FAY 05022311 International Marketing Fayerweather, John Knowledge Centre
382 FEE 01026441 Advanced international trade : Feenstra, Robert C. Princeton University Press, 2004 0691114102 (alk. paper) xii, 484p.; Knowledge Centre
382 FRA 05022808 International Trade & Export Managemant / Cheruniilam, Francis Himalaya, 1994 9789812359032 418 p.: Knowledge Centre
382 GAN 04016272 International Trade Theory and Policy / Giancarlo, Gandolfo. Springer International, 2006 9788181284198 544 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
382 GAN 05022969 Interantional Trade Theory and Policy Gandolfo, Giancarlo Springer 8181284194 544p Knowledge Centre
382 GUP 00001289 Temples of North India Gupta, Roopram NATIONAL BOOK UG Library
382 GUP 00114718 I.S.C: Commerce Gupta, C B S Chand & Company 2003 8121919258 | 9788121919258 xii, 436 p. UG Library
382 GUP 00113219 Commerce Gupta, C B S Chand 2005 8121919266 364 p.: UG Library
382 GUP 00114675 Text Book on Business Studies Gupta, R N S Chand 8121923328 289 UG Library
382 HAB 00004849 Theory of International Trade Haberler, Gottfried Von William Hodge & Company Ltd 1968 xv, 410 p. UG Library
382 HAR 00143110 The Linder Hypothesis and Trade Specialzation Hariharab, S. V. B.R.Publishing courporation. 2022 9789391123604 103 p.; UG Library
382 HIB 05037969 Interntional Business : Hibbert, P Edgar. Macmillan, 2000 9780333628263 xv,366p.; Knowledge Centre
382 HOC 05022903 Beyond Foreign Economic Policy the United States the Single European Market and the Cahnging World Economy Hocking, Brian Pinter 1855672693 216p Knowledge Centre
382 HOE 05022241 Development, Trade, and the WTO: A Handbook / Hoekman, Bernard The World Bank, 2002 0082134997 640p.: Knowledge Centre
382 HOE 05043254 Development, Trade, and the WTO: A Handbook / Hoekman, Bernard The World Bank, 2002 0082134997 640p.: Knowledge Centre
382 HUM 00001268 Manual of Commercial Correspondence Hume, G UG Library
382 ING 01027881 World trade evolution : Routledge, 2019 9781138480032 (hardback) xviii, 481 pages ; Knowledge Centre
382 JAI 03012516 International Trade / Jaiswal, Bimal. New Age International Publishers, 2017 9789386070654 280 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382 JEE 00088804 Finance of Foreign Trade and Foreign Exchange Jeevanandam, C Premier Book Company 2008 238p UG Library
382 JHI 00107409 International Economics Jhingan M L Vrinda Publications 2009 9788182811300 6th ed. xii: 538 p. UG Library
382 JON 05022914 Globalization and the Theory of Input Trade Jones, Ronald W 0026210086 177p Knowledge Centre
382 JON 03004259 Globalization and the theory of input trade / Jones, Ronald Winthrop, MIT Press, 2000 026210086X (alk. paper) x, 177 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382 KAN 00133487 The multilateral trading system and human rights : Kanade,Mihir Routledge, 2018 xii, 282 pages UG Library
382 KEY 05038051 Executive Development and Organisational Learning for Global Business / Keys, Bernard J. Jaico, 1999 9788172248048 xvii,272p.; Knowledge Centre
382 KIN 05022996 International Economics / Kindleberger, Charler P Viva Books, 1968 612p.; Knowledge Centre
382 KOF 05022902 Globalization: Theroy and Practice Kofman, Eleonore 0826454739 313p Knowledge Centre
382 KOT 05022915 Tectonic Shift the Geoeconomic Relaignment of Globalizing Markets Sheth, Jagadish N 0761934901 350p Knowledge Centre
382 KRU 05070098 International Trade Theory and Policy / Krugman Paul.R., Pearson, 2018 9781292216355 11th ed 368p.: Knowledge Centre
382 KRU 00056021 International Economics: Theory and Policy Krugman, R Paul 0032107727 302p UG Library
382 KRU 05060287 International Trade : Krugman, Paul R. Pearson, 2017 9789332585768 10th ed., 360 p. ; Knowledge Centre
382 KRU 07014658 International Trade Theory and Policy / Krugman Paul.R., Pearson, 2018 9781292216355 11th ed 368p.: Library - BR Campus
382 KVI 05002898 The Global Emerging Market : Kvint, V. L. Routledge, 9780415988391 (hardback : alk. xxxii, 453 p. : Knowledge Centre
382 LIM 05059462 Introduction to trade policy / Lima-Campos, Aluisio de, Routledge, 2018 9781138676763 xiv,306p.; Knowledge Centre
382 LIN 00055292 International Economics Lindert, Peter H Aitbs Publishers & Distributors 8185386102 576p UG Library
382 MAN 00045874 International Economics Mannur, H G New Delhi 2015 9780706995862 Second Revised Edition xv; 461 p UG Library
382 MAN 05046306 The political economy of international trade / Mansfield, Edward D., 9789814644280 (hardcover) | 98 xxxi, 354 pages : Knowledge Centre
382 MAR 01023651 The Oxford handbook of the political economy of international trade / Martin, Lisa L Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199981755 (hbk. : alk. pap xi,558 pages : Knowledge Centre
382 MAS 00147365 International Economics And Policy : Maskus, Keith E. World Scientific, 9789811283079 xxviii,527p. ; UG Library
382 MAT 00047225 International Marketing Management Mathew, M J RBSA Publishers 1999 8176110353 247 p. UG Library
382 MIT 05022901 International Economics Mittal, Sanjay RBSA 8176111147 `289p Knowledge Centre
382 MOR 05022937 Dynamics of Successful International Business Negotiations: Strategies That Moran, Robert T Jaico 8172246285 246p Knowledge Centre
382 MUK 05038097 Politics and Trade in the Indian Ocean World Essays in the Honour of Ashin Das Gupta / Mukherje, Rudrangshu Ocford University Press, 2003 0195664558 281p.: Knowledge Centre
382 NAY 00110197 Trade and Globalization Nayyar, Deepak. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780195686753 | 0195686756 xxxi, 457 p. ; UG Library
382 NAY 07007927 Trade and Globalization/ Nayyar,Deepak Oxford University Press, 2008 9780198089490 XXVII,441 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
382 PAT 00122457 The New Global Trading Order: The Evolving State and the Future of Trade Patterson, Dennis Cambridge University Press 2008 9780521875189 270 p UG Library
382 POM 05022904 International Trade:An Introduction to Theory and Policy [pg.Lib.Economics Section] Pomfret, Richard Blacker & Sons 280p Knowledge Centre
382 POR 00117851 Efficiency, Equity, and Legitimacy : Roger B. Porter, Brookings Institution Press, 2001 0815771622 | 9780815771630 xvi, 444 p. : UG Library
382 RAO 05022236 W T O & International Trade Rao, M B Vikas 8125910050 480p Knowledge Centre
382 RAO 00126437 International Business Rao Subba P. Himalaya Publishing House, 2017 9789351428220 4th ed, 622 p.: UG Library
382 RAO 07015466 International Business Rao Subba P. Himalaya Publishing House, 2017 9789351428220 4th ed, 622 p.: Library - BR Campus
382 RAO 05022997 WTO and International Trade Rao, M B Vikas 8125913793 338p Knowledge Centre
382 RAO 07009610 International Business Rao Subba P. Himalaya Publishing House, 2017 9789351428220 4th ed, 622 p.: Library - BR Campus
382 RAY 05073108 World trade and india : Sage, 2021 9789353886103 xxviii,444p.; Knowledge Centre
382 RAY 10005367 World trade and india : Sage, 2021 9789353886103 xxviii,444p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
382 RAY 10001419 World trade and india : Sage, 2021 9789353886103 xxviii,444p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
382 RIS 05055299 World trade and development report, 2007 : Research and Information System, 2007 9780195689686 xxviii,132 p. : Knowledge Centre
382 RIS 05022161 World Trade and Development Report 2007 Research and Information System for Deve, loping Countries 9780195689686 132 p Knowledge Centre
382 ROB 05022999 Three Waves of Globalization: Robertson, Robbie Zed Books , 2003 1856498611 291p .: Knowledge Centre
382 SEA 05037983 Globalization and uneven development : Sebastian, Thomas, Rawat Publications, 2007 8131600580 | 9788131600580 viii, 296 p. ; Knowledge Centre
382 SHU 03006277 International Business / Shukla, Sham. Excel Books, 2008 9788174466181 388 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382 SHU 00088588 International Business / Shukla, Sham. Excel Books, 2008 9788174466181 388 p.: UG Library
382 SIN 00088530 International Business Management / Sinha Kumar, Pradip. Excel Books, 9788174466297 527 p.: UG Library
382 SIN 05022922 International Trade and Business - Emerging Issues and Challenges in the 21 Singh, Jiwitech Kumar Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 8176293547 298p Knowledge Centre
382 SIN 07013697 Trading Environment of International Trade / Singh Tajendra Oxford Book Company, 2020 9789350305362 256p.: Library - BR Campus
382 SIN 03011966 International Business Environment and Foreign Exchange Economics / Singh, V. P. New Age International Publishers, 2011 9722122430370 230 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382 STA 05022995 International Economics:Analysis and Issues Staley, Charles E Prentice-Hall 300 p. Knowledge Centre
382 SUN 00088585 International Business Environment: Text and Cases Sundaram, Anant Prentice Hall of India 1995 9788120311411 347p UG Library
382 TAM 01012756 Trade and Climate Change: Tamiotti,Ludivine 9789280730388 166p.; Knowledge Centre
382 THA 05022994 Globalisation and International Business Thakur, Devendra Deep and Deep Publications 701 p Knowledge Centre
382 THO 04017535 International Economics : Thompson, Henry Cambridge university Press, 2010 9788175967199 2nd ed., XI;,506p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
382 THO 00138300 World Trade Organizations / Thornton,Ramello. Ed-Tech Press, 2019 9781788824248 x,306p.; UG Library
382 THO 04018085 International Economics : Thompson, Henry Cambridge university Press, 2010 9788175967199 2nd ed., XI;,506p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
382 THO 03004688 International Economics : Thompson, Henry Cambridge university Press, 2010 9788175967199 2nd ed., XI;,506p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382 TIM 00050653 Mastering Global Business Times, Financial Pearson Education 8178080605 367p UG Library
382 UN 05053309 Trade and Development Report 2016 / United Nations United Nations, 2016 9789211129038 xv, 215p. Knowledge Centre
382 UNC 05022921 Trade and Development Report, 2005 United Nations Academic Foundation 0008171882 174p Knowledge Centre
382 VAR 05022998 International Trade Varma, M L 0706989422 292 p Knowledge Centre
382 VAR 05022938 Foreign Trade Management in India Varma, M L Vikas 324 p Knowledge Centre
382 VAR 05037968 International Trade / Varma, M L UBSPD, 1995 xv,292 p.; Knowledge Centre
382 VEL 00050654 Foreign Trade Theory and Practice Velayudham, T.K Wheeler Publications 2000 8175442050 | 9788175442054 2nd ed. 222 p. UG Library
382 VER 07009972 International Economics / Varma Sanjay.Dr DND Publications, 2017 9789380929651 284p.: Library - BR Campus
382 WAD 05022940 Export Markets and Foreign Trade Management Wadia, Pervin Kanishka Publishers 8173912610 328 Knowledge Centre
382 WAG 00126531 Microeconometrics of International Trade Wagner, Joachim, World Scientific, 2016 9789813109681 xxxiv,514 p.: UG Library
382 WB 05022974 International Trade and Climate Change: Economic, Legal, and Institutional Perspectives World Bank 9780821372258 144p Knowledge Centre
382 WB 01012583 Doing business 2010 Cambodia : The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/ The World Bank, 9780821379615 80 p. : Knowledge Centre
382 WOO 05050581 International trade and resource allocation / Woodland, A. D. North-Holland Pub. Co. ; | Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co., 1982 0444863702 (Elsevier Science P xiv, 519 p. : Knowledge Centre
382 ZHA 05008053 International trade theory Zhang, Wei-Bin, Springer, 2008 9783540782643 (hardcover : alk x,522 p. Knowledge Centre
382.01 ETH 07002805 The floating world : Ethier, Wilfred J. World scientific publishing, 2014 9789814590310 (hardcover : alk xii, 459 pages : Library - BR Campus
382.01 MAR 05022281 Intrnational Trade and Economic Development:Essays in Theory and Policy Marjit, Sugata 9780195691719 338p Knowledge Centre
382.01 POM 05043278 Lecture notes on international trade theory and policy / Pomfret, Richard W. T. World Scientific, 9789812814432 (woolfree paper) xi, 258 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.01 RIV 01008165 International trade : Rivera-Batiz, Luis. Oxford University Press, 0198297106 (hbk) | 97801982971 xvii, 712 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.01 SEN 05059587 Ricardo and international trade / Routledge, 2017 9781138122451 (hardback) vi, 276 pages ; Knowledge Centre
382.015195 PET 03004630 The gravity model in international trade : Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521196154 (hbk.) | 0521196159 (hbk.) xiii, 358 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.01MAR 01010689 International Trade and Economic Development: Essays in Theory and Policy(law Lib) Sugata Marjit Oxford University Press 0195691717 338p Knowledge Centre
382.01UN 01007788 Compendium of Intra-African and Related Foreign Trade Statistics (law Lib) United Nation UNITED NATION Publications 9210251601 268p Knowledge Centre
382.01UNP 01007818 2004 International Trade Statistics Yearbook: Annuaire Statistique Du Commerce International (law Lib) United Nation UNITED NATION Publications 9210612191 1266p Knowledge Centre
382.01UNP 01007819 2004 International Trade Statistics Yearbook: Annuaire Statistique Du Commerce International (law Lib) United Nation UNITED NATION Publications 9210612191 1266p Knowledge Centre
382.02 UN 01007812 Trade and Development Report 2006 (law Lib.) EVELOPMENT UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND D United Nations Second-generation reforms and 237p. Knowledge Centre
382.03 CLA 05043282 Dictionary of International Trade Finance Terms / Clark, John O E Financial World, 2001 0852975767 266p.: Knowledge Centre
382.03 GOO 01003517 Dictionary of trade policy terms / Goode, Walter. Cambridge University Press, 0521831083 (hbk.) | 9780521831 xi, 437 p. ; Knowledge Centre
382.0655MUK 00087376 Trading World of the Tamil Merchant: Evolution of Merchant Capitalism Inthe Coromandel Mukund, Kanakalatha Orient Longman Publications 8125016619 206 p UG Library
382.068 BLO 05059442 Handbook of international trade and transportation / Edward Elgar, 2018 9781785366147 (hardback) xiv,704p.; Knowledge Centre
382.068 HIN 05039740 International Trade Documentation / Hinkelman Edward.G University Science Press, 2010 9788131807569 vi,187p.: Knowledge Centre
382.068 KUM 05022255 Export and Import Mangement/ Kumar, Assem Excel Books 2007 8174465383 313p Knowledge Centre
382.09 BER 03005451 A splendid exchange : Bernstein, William J. Atlantic Monthly Press ; | Distributed by Publishers Group West, 2008 9780871139795 | 0871139790 1st ed. x, 467 p., [16] p. of plates : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.09 SEA 04018890 Origins and growth of the global economy : Seavoy, Ronald E. Praeger, 2003 0275979121 (alk. paper) | 9780 vii, 301 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
382.09 U.N 05055297 Trade and Development Report, 2006 : United Nations Academic Foundation, 2006 0817188590 | 9788171885909 xxi,237p.; Knowledge Centre
382.09 U.N 05055298 Trade and Development Report, 2007 : United Nations Academic Foundation, 2007 9788171886739 195p.; Knowledge Centre
382.090511 ISL 05057496 World trade indicators 2008 : Islam, Roumeen. World Bank, 2008 9780821375679 | 0821375679 | 9 xxiii, 121 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.09154 RAY 05028786 Aspects of India`s International Relations 1700 to 2000: South Asia and the World.Vol.X.Part.6 [ug.Lib.Commerce Reference Section] Ray, Jayant Kumar DORLING KINDERSLEY 8131708349 634p Knowledge Centre
382.0916054MAL 01008646 Portuguese Cochin and the Maritime Trade of India: 1500-1663(law Lib) Pius Malekandathil Manohahar Publications 224. Analytical Frame 324 p Knowledge Centre
382.0916054PRA 01008753 Buillion for Goods: European and Indian Merchants in the Indian Ocean Trade, 1500-1800(law Lib) Om Prakash Manohar Publications 4. The Dutch East India Compan 426 p Knowledge Centre
382.0916564 MUK 00118312 Pelagic passageways : Mukherjee, Rila Primus Books, 2011 9789380607207 | 9380607202 xv, 502 p. : UG Library
382.0917 ODE 01003700 NEGOTIATING TRADE(LAW LIB) John S Odell Cambridge University Press 0521679788 298p Knowledge Centre
382.091724 IEG 01005952 Assessing World Bank Support for Trade, 1987-2004: An IEG Evaluation (law Lib.) World Bank Independent Evaluation Group World Bank 0821365916 246p. Knowledge Centre
382.091724005 UN 01012757 Trade and development report : United Nations, v. : Knowledge Centre
382.091824 LAL 10004116 India and the silk roads : Lally, Jagjeet, HarperCollins Publishers, 2021 9789354227240 xiv, 415 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
382.092 SAS 10004726 The Global Merchants : Sassoon, Joseph Penguin Books, 2024 9780241388655 xxxiii, 408p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
382.0931034 TUC 05043959 The Silk Road : Tucker,Jonathan. I.B.Tauris, 2015 9781780763569 xiv,254p.; Knowledge Centre
382.0934 RAT 00094273 Trading encounters : Ratnagar, Shereen. Oxford University Press, 0195666038 xvii, 408 p. : UG Library
382.0934 WAR 00100045 The Commerce between the Roman Empire and India Warmington E H Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 9788121506700 xii, 417 p. UG Library
382.0934037 GUR 05046357 Rethinking Classical Indo-Roman trade : Gurukkal,Rajan. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199460854 xiii,330p.; Knowledge Centre
382.0934037 GUR 07001290 Rethinking Classical Indo-Roman trade : Gurukkal,Rajan. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199460854 xiii,330p.; Library - BR Campus
382.093960357 TUC 05043958 Silk Road : Tucker,Jonathan. I.B.Tauris, 2015 9781780769257 xvi,220p.; Knowledge Centre
382.094 BHA 05022247 Extenal Sector Reforms in India Bhasin, Niti New Century Publications 8177080857 348p Knowledge Centre
382.094 VOG 05006643 Transatlantic regulatory cooperation / Vogel, David Edward Elgar Pub., 2011 9781849807548 (hardback) xviii,331 p. Knowledge Centre
382.09405 PRA 05047777 On the economic encounter between Asia and Europe, 1500-1800 / Prakash, Om, Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2014 9781409418283 | 1409418286 1 volume (xvi, 346 pages in various pagings) : Knowledge Centre
382.09405 ROT 07000428 Violent traders : Rothermund, Dietmar, Manohar Publishers & Distributors, 2014 9789350980484 Revised edition. 197 pages : Library - BR Campus
382.094054 FUR 00133887 Private Fortunes and Company Profits in the India Trade In the 18 th Century Furber, Holden Routledge, 2017 9781138745162 ix,14 ind P.; UG Library
382.094073 VOG 01021510 Transatlantic Regulatory Cooperatopn : Edward Elgar, 2011 9780857932426 xx,331p.: Knowledge Centre
382.094105 MIS 05064722 A Business Of State : Mishra, Rupali. Harvard University Press, 2018 9780674987753 vii,412p.; Knowledge Centre
382.094105 ROB 05009622 The Corporation that Changed the World : Robins, Nick. Orient Longman Pvt. Ltd., 2006 9788125030225 218 p.: Knowledge Centre
382.094105 ROB 03009287 The Corporation that Changed the World : Robins, Nick. Orient Longman Pvt. Ltd., 2006 9788125030225 218 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.0941054 ALA 10004740 Travellers in the golden realm: Al-Azami, Lubaaba Carmelite house, 2024 9781529371338 302 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
382.094205 ROY 03008976 The East India Company : Roy, Tirthankar. Penguin Books , 2012 9780670085071 237 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.094205 Roy 07011275 The East India Company / Roy Tirthankar Portfolio, 2015 9780143426172 xxix,237p.: Library - BR Campus
382.094205 STE 00106224 The company-state : Stern, Philip J. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780195393736 (hardcover : alk xiii, 300 p. : UG Library
382.09420903 LIN 01016300 The Merchant Adventures of England their Law and Ordinances with other Documents / Lingelbach, W.E The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd., 2004 9781616190613 xxxix, 257 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.0946 PER 01023467 The emergence of a national market in Spain, 1650-1800 : Pérez Sarrión, Guillermo, Bloomsbury publishing pic., 2016 9781472586452 (hardback) xxi, 331 pages ; Knowledge Centre
382.095 HIR 00138975 Input trade and production networks in East Asia / Hiratsuka, Daisuke Edward Elgar, 2010 9781849800693 (hbk.) | 1849800693 (hbk.) x, 208 p. : UG Library
382.095 SUD 05073109 Doing business in asia / Suder, Gabriele. Sage, 2021 9781526494498 xxii,289p.; Knowledge Centre
382.095 SUD 00144176 Doing business in asia / Suder, Gabriele. Sage, 2021 9781526494498 xxii,289p.; UG Library
382.095105 MEN 00125626 Catalyst for Change : Menkhoff, Thomas World Scientific, 2014 9789814452410 | 9814452416 lx, 446 pages ; UG Library
382.095195 MEN 05061246 The Korean way in business : De Mente, Boye Lafayette. Tuttle Publishing, 2014 9780804844574 (pbk.) | 0804844577 (pbk.) 223 pages ; Knowledge Centre
382.095195 MEN 05061247 The Korean way in business : De Mente, Boye Lafayette. Tuttle Publishing, 2014 9780804844574 (pbk.) | 0804844577 (pbk.) 223 pages ; Knowledge Centre
382.0951DAY 03005841 Kellogg on China : North Western University Press, 9780749445294 xxv,254p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.0952 SWA 05022285 Trade and Industry in Japan Swamy, S A Knowledge Centre
382.0954 AGR 00074764 Indian Foreign Trade Agrawal, Raj Excel Books 2001 8174461671 300 p. UG Library
382.0954 AGR 00074765 Indian Foreign Trade Agrawal, Raj Excel Books 2001 8174461671 300 p. UG Library
382.0954 AGR 05022265 Indian Foreign Trade / Agrawal, Raj Excel Books, 8174461671 300 p.: Knowledge Centre
382.0954 AGR 05022264 Indian Foreign Trade / Agrawal, Raj Excel Books, 8174461671 300 p.: Knowledge Centre
382.0954 ALI 05067488 A Local History Of Global Capital : Ali, Tariq Omar. Princeton University Press, 2019 9780691170237 | 9780691195506 xii, 244p.; Knowledge Centre
382.0954 ARA 00133886 Maritime Trade, Society and European Influence in Sothern Asia, 1600-1800/ Arasaratnam,S, Routledge, 2017 9781138493742 xi,281, 7 ind p.; UG Library
382.0954 BAN 05009538 Colonialism in Action : Banerjee, Debdas Orient Longman, 1999 9788125016977 xiii, 231 p. Knowledge Centre
382.0954 DAT 07000929 Taxmann's Guide to Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020 : Datey,V.S. Taxmann, 2015 9789350716274 i-26,722p.; Library - BR Campus
382.0954 DAT 01022276 Taxmann's Guide to Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020 : Datey,V.S. Taxmann, 2015 9789350716274 i-26,722p.; Knowledge Centre
382.0954 DUT 00135225 Foreign trade policy Dutta, H. N Jnanada prakashan publishers, 2017 9788171397105 xii,299p.; UG Library
382.0954 MAN 04012043 Doing Business in India for Dummies / Manian, Ranjini. Wiley ; | John Wiley [distributor], 2007 9780470127698 (pbk.) | 0470127 xviii, 342 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
382.0954 MAN 03007486 Doing Business in India for Dummies / Manian, Ranjini. Wiley ; | John Wiley [distributor], 2007 9780470127698 (pbk.) | 0470127 xviii, 342 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.0954 MAT 05022262 India Foreign Trade Policy and WTO.1991-2003 Mathur, Vibha New Century Publications 0008177088 285p Knowledge Centre
382.0954 MAT 03007997 Foreign Trade, Export-Import Policy adn Regional Trade Agreements of India / Mathur, Vibha. New Century Publications , 2012 9788177083118 536 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.0954 MOH 05022258 Relance:An Industriial Legend Mohnov, S R Knowledge Centre
382.0954 MUK 00107748 The Trading World Of The Tamil Merchant Mukund,Kanakalatha. Orient Longman, 1999 9788125016618 xiii, 206 p. : UG Library
382.0954 NAG 00138144 India's Trade Analytics : Nag,Biswajit. Sage Publications, 2019 9789353282752 xxxix,393p.; UG Library
382.0954 PAL 05044716 International trade and India / Pal, Parthapratim, Oxford University Press, 2014 0198075405 | 9780198075400 First edition. xxiv, 244 pages : Knowledge Centre
382.0954 PAL 07002133 International trade and India / Pal, Parthapratim, Oxford University Press, 2014 0198075405 | 9780198075400 First edition. xxiv, 244 pages : Library - BR Campus
382.0954 PAL 00124867 International trade and India / Pal, Parthapratim, Oxford University Press, 2014 0198075405 | 9780198075400 First edition. xxiv, 244 pages : UG Library
382.0954 PAT 00135403 Research in commerce and management: Patel,Kalpesh.T Cyber tech publications, 2017 9789350535820 xx,144p.; UG Library
382.0954 RAG 00134966 Imagining India as a Global Power: Ragi, Sangit K.- editor. Routledge: 2018 9781138104419(pbk) xi,295p. ; UG Library
382.0954 RAS 01022087 Handbook on Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020 / Rastogi,Abhishek. LexisNexis, 2015 9789351434498 1125p.; Knowledge Centre
382.0954 RIZ 00094035 Trans Himalayan Caravans Rizvi Janet Oxford University Press 9780195658170 359.00 UG Library
382.0954 SHA 00131032 Advanced Research In Commerce And Management / Regal Publications, 2016 9788184845884 vi, 161 p. , UG Library
382.0954 SUB 00100052 The French East India Company and the Trade of the Indian Ocean : Subramanian, Lakshmi Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 9788121508657 xxvii, 256 p. UG Library
382.0954 VEE 00134354 International Trade and Industrial Development in India : Veeramani, C. Orient BlackSwan, 2016 9789352872619 xvii,339p.: UG Library
382.0954 VEE 00127641 International trade and industrial development in India : Orient BlackSwan, 2016 9788125062998 | 8125062998 xviii, 339 p ; UG Library
382.0954 VEE 05062375 International trade and industrial development in India : Orient BlackSwan, 2016 9788125062998 | 8125062998 xviii, 339 p ; Knowledge Centre
382.0954 VEE 05065249 International Trade and Industrial Development in India : Veeramani, C. Orient BlackSwan, 2016 9789352872619 xvii,339p.: Knowledge Centre
382.09540536PRA 01009348 India, Gcc and the Global Energy Regime (law Lib) Samir Ranjan Pradhan Academic Foundation 426p Knowledge Centre
382.0954058 LEV 01007630 India and Central Asia: Commerce and Culture, 1500-1800( Law Lib.) Scott C Levi Oxford University Press 0195686470 282p. Knowledge Centre
382.0954058 SAN 01016611 India and Central Asia - Advancing the Common Interest Santhanam, K Anamaya Publishers 2004 8188342270 339p Knowledge Centre
382.0954071 NAN 05040490 India-Canada Trade and FDI Bilateral Flows : Allied Publishers Pvt.Ltd, 2013 9788184248180 vii,216p.: Knowledge Centre
382.09544054 OMP 00085533 Cambridge History of India: European Commercial Enterprise in Pre-Colonial India Prakash, Om 0521796911 377p UG Library
382.09544058 LEV 01006791 India and Central Asia (law Library) Scott C Levi Oxford University Press 0195686470 282p Knowledge Centre
382.095482 SES 00125675 Trade and Politics on the Coromandel Coast Seshan, Radhika Primus, 2012 9789384082352 137 p. UG Library
382.095482 SES 00118331 Trade and politics on the Coromandel Coast : Seshan, Radhika. Primus Books, 2012 9789380607252 ix,137 pages : UG Library
382.095482 SES 05033453 Trade and politics on the Coromandel Coast : Seshan, Radhika. Primus Books, 2012 9789380607252 ix,137 pages : Knowledge Centre
382.095CHI 01010675 South Asian Yearbook of Trade and Development (law Lib) B S Chimni Academic Foundation 9788171887439 290p Knowledge Centre
382.096051 BRO 01006079 Africas Silk Road ( Law Lib.) Harry Broadman World Bank 0821368354 391p. Knowledge Centre
382.0966LYD 01010777 On Trans-Saharan Trails: Islamic Law, Trade Networks, and Cross-Cultural Exchange in Nineteenth-Century Western Africa (law Lib) Ghislaine Lydon Cambridge University Press 9780521887243 468p Knowledge Centre
382.0971051 PLA 05022261 Doing Business in China; How to Profit in the World`s Fastest Growing Market Plafker, Teo 0446698636 290p Knowledge Centre
382.0973051 HAF 03008223 All the Tea in China : Haft, Jeremy, Portfolio, 2007 9781591841593 | 1591841593 210 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.0973051 HAF 04012151 All the Tea in China : Haft, Jeremy, Portfolio, 2007 9781591841593 | 1591841593 210 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
382.0973054 BEA 05008554 Yankee India : Bean, Susan S. Peabody Essex Museum ; | Mapin Pub. ; | Distributed in North America by Antique Collectors' Club, 2001 1890206296 (Grantha) | 8185822 288 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.1 CAR 03001588 International Economics Carbaugh, Robert Thomson South-Western 9788131503607 553 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.1 CAR 03001589 International Economics Carbaugh, Robert Thomson South-Western 9788131503607 553 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.1 PAU 04000079 International Business / Paul, Justin Prentice-Hall of Inida, 2008 9788120331471 581 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
382.1 VIE 03000050 How Countries Compete: Strategy, Structure, and Government in the Global Economy Vietor, Richard H K Harvard Business Press 9781422110355 305 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.1 VIE 03001148 How Countries Compete: Strategy, Structure, and Government in the Global Economy Vietor, Richard H K Harvard Business Press 9781422110355 305 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.1 COU 00068918 India Social Development Council for Social Academic Press 2005 1 UG Library
382.1 LIN 05022243 Kindleberger`s International Economics Lindert, H Peter Aitbs Publishers & Distributors 8185386102 625 p Knowledge Centre
382.1 MAN 05022257 International Economics Mannur, H G 0706995864 462 p Knowledge Centre
382.1 RAM 05022263 Managing Global Economic Reforms Ramachandran, K S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126109718 240p Knowledge Centre
382.1 SIN 03010587 International Business Environment / Singh, Alok Kumar. Advance Learner Press , 2013 9789383204290 | 9789383204298 280 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.1 UNC 05022314 Trade and Development Report, 2005 United Nations Conference on Trade and D, evelopment Academic Foundation 8171885152 175p Knowledge Centre
382.1 UTT 01017010 International competition policy : Utton, M. A. Edward Elgar, 2008 9781847206534 (pbk.) | 9781847 Pbk. ed. vi, 144 p. ; Knowledge Centre
382.1 VIE 04022159 How Countries Compete: Strategy, Structure, and Government in the Global Economy Vietor, Richard H K Harvard Business Press 9781422110355 305 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
382.1 WTO 05022315 World Trade Organization Annual Report 1997 Volume I 0 184p Knowledge Centre
382.1 WTO 05022316 World Trade Organization Annual Report 1997 Volume 2 0 168p Knowledge Centre
382.1042 POR 03002158 On Competition: Mupdated and Expanded Porter, Michael Harvard Business Press 9781422126967 544 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.1042 POR 05017492 The competitive Advantage Of Nations : Porter, Michael E Palgrave Macmillan, 1990 9780333736425 xxxi, 855 p. Knowledge Centre
382.1042 POR 05022242 On competition : Porter, Michael E., Harvard Business School Pub., 9781422126967 xxxi, 544 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.1044 BUT 05022205 Transfer Pricing - an Indian Perspective Butani, Mukesh Butterworths 538p Knowledge Centre
382.142 KAL 00090851 Frontiers of Electronic Commerce / Kalakota, Ravi Pearson Education Inc., 9788177583922 864 p. : UG Library
382.142092 SHI 03006625 Alibaba : Liu, Shiying Collins Business, 2009 9780061672194 228p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.142092 SHI 04017117 Alibaba : Liu, Shiying Collins Business, 2009 9780061672194 228p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
382.17 AKY 05037440 Financial Crisis and Global Imbalances : Akyuz, Yilmaz Orient BlackSwan, 2012 9788125047933 190 p. Knowledge Centre
382.17 AKY 07004493 Financial Crisis and Global Imbalances : Akyuz, Yilmaz Orient BlackSwan, 2012 9788125047933 190 p. Library - BR Campus
382.17 BRA 00123272 The economics of international transfers / Brakman, Steven. Cambridge University Press, 1998 0521572142 (hardback) | 978052 xii, 219 p. : UG Library
382.17091823 BOS 07005292 Transpacific rebalancing : Bosworth, Barry P. Brookings, 2015 9780815722601 (pbk. : alk. pap ix, 268 pages ; Library - BR Campus
382.17091823 BOS 05045355 Transpacific rebalancing : Bosworth, Barry P. Brookings, 2015 9780815722601 (pbk. : alk. pap ix, 268 pages ; Knowledge Centre
382.1SIN 01008660 Politics of Trade: Angol French Commerce on the Coromandel Coast 1763-1793 (law Lib) Arvind Sinha Manohar 8173044198 249p Knowledge Centre
382.2 NAR 05022204 International Trade and Economic Growth Narasiah, M Lakshmi Discovery Publishing House 9788183563055 172 p Knowledge Centre
382.3 MEA 05010748 Theory of International Economic Policy Meade, J E The English Language Book Society | Oxford University Press | The Royal Institute of International Affairs 1972 0194423166 2nd ed. xiv, 617 P. Knowledge Centre
382.3 STI 03001772 Fair Trade for All : Stiglitz, Joseph E Oxford Universtiy Press , 2008 9780199290901 315 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.3 STI 03001990 Fair Trade for All : Stiglitz, Joseph E Oxford Universtiy Press , 2008 9780199290901 315 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.3 EPP 01023055 Research handbook on the WTO and technical barriers to trade / Epps, Tracey, Edward elgar publishing ltd., 2013 9780857936714 (hbk.) | 0857936 xi, 601 pages ; Knowledge Centre
382.3 GER 01006270 CONSTITUTION OF LIBERTY IN the OPEN ECONOMY(LAW LIBRARY) Luder Gerken ROUTLEDGE 0415279410 288p Knowledge Centre
382.3 GRO 00122752 International business and government relations in the 21st century / Grosse, Robert Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521850029 (hbk.) | 9780521850 xiii, 527 p. : UG Library
382.3 JE 07014127 Public-private relationships in trade policy-making / Je, Hyun-jung, World Scientific, 2018 9789813237674 (hardcover) xvi, 167 pages : Library - BR Campus
382.3 KRE 01024427 The Oxford handbook of international commercial policy / Oxford University Press, 2012 9780195378047 (alk. paper) xxv, 404 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.3 KRE 07005735 The Oxford handbook of international commercial policy / Oxford University Press, 2012 9780195378047 (alk. paper) xxv, 404 p. : Library - BR Campus
382.3 KRE 03006756 The Oxford handbook of international commercial policy / Oxford University Press, 2012 9780195378047 (alk. paper) xxv, 404 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.3 MAC 01024520 Fair trade, corporate accountability and beyond : Ashgate, | Routledge, 2016 9781138254329 xx, 394 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.3 NEL 00135293 Economics and politics of trade policy / Nelson, Douglas R., World scientific publishing Co., 2014 9789814452502 | 9814452505 xxxii, 356 pages : UG Library
382.3 SMI 05037878 Global trade policy Smith, Pamela J. Wiley-Blackwell, 2014 9780470671283 (hardback : alk. xxiii, 347 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.3 STI 04017156 Fair Trade for All : Stiglitz, Joseph E Oxford Universtiy Press , 2008 9780199290901 315 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
382.3 STI 03006423 Fair Trade for All : Stiglitz, Joseph E. Oxford University Press, 2005 9780195328790 xxvii, 315 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.3 WES 05003508 Global electronic commerce; westland,J,Christopher. Universities press; 9788173713941 ix;592 p. Knowledge Centre
382.3 WES 00099477 Global electronic commerce; westland,J,Christopher. Universities press; 9788173713941 ix;592 p. UG Library
382.3091724 STI 01006201 FAIR TRADE FOR ALL: How Trade Can Promote Development (law Lib) Joseph Stiglitz Oxford University Press 0199290903 315p Knowledge Centre
382.30951 BHA 01005783 China and the Wto: Accession, Policy Reform, and Poverty Reduction Strategies Deepak Bhattasali Keith E. Maskus5. CHINA`S AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT AND POLICY READJUSTMENT AFTERITS WTO ACCESSION Patrick A. Messerlin4. INTE 334p. Knowledge Centre
382.30951 BHA 05043276 China and the WTO - Accession, Policy Reform, and Poverty Reduction Strategies / Bhattasali, Deepak The International Bank For Reconstruction and Development The World Bank, 2004 0821356674 334p.: Knowledge Centre
382.30951 CRE 10001502 The Belt and Road Initiative : Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2020 9789353287924 viii,403p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
382.30951 CRE 10005346 The Belt and Road Initiative : Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2020 9789353287924 viii,403p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
382.30951 KOH 10001503 China's belt and road initiative : Sage Publications, 2019 9789353880255 xix, 269 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
382.30951 LIU 01027865 The belt and road initiative : Liu, Weidong Routledge, 2019 9781138331600 (hardcover) xiii, 173 pages ; Knowledge Centre
382.30954 CHA 03002573 WTO Deadlocked: Understand the Dynamics of International Trade Chakraborty, Debashi Sage Publications Pvt Ltd 9788178297699 327 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.30954 CHA 05022201 WTO Deadlocked: Understanding the Dynamics of International Trade Chakraborty, Debashis 9780761936060 327p Knowledge Centre
382.30954 CHO 03011879 Modi and the World : Chowdhury, Yamini. Bloomsbury, 2016 9789385936357 317 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.30954 KAR 05022280 India`s Liberalisation Experience:Hostage to the WTO Karmakar, Suparna 9780761936572 422p Knowledge Centre
382.30954 MCP 01006828 Indian Ocean - a History of People and the Sea Kenneth Mc Pherson Oxford University Press 2006 0195642430 327p. Knowledge Centre
382.30954 PAN 10004947 India's trade policy : the 1990s and beyond / by Arvind Panagariya. Panagariya, Arvind [Author] Harper Business, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, 2024 9789354899331 1st Ed. xxv, 341 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
382.30954CHA 01009436 WTO Deadlocked: Understanding the Dynamics of International Trade (law Lib) Debashis Chakraborty Sage Publications 9780761936060 327p Knowledge Centre
382.30973 BAU 01013159 American business & public policy; Bauer, Raymond Augustine, 0202241289 | 0202241297 (pbk) xxviii, 499 p. Knowledge Centre
382.30973 GUI 05058084 American opinion on trade : Guisinger, Alexandra, Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190651824 (hardback) | 978 xviii, 306 pages ; Knowledge Centre
382.30982 LIC 07014072 Strngthenung Argentina's Intgration into the Global Economy : Licetti Martha Martinez The World Bank, 2018 9781464812750 xiv,154p.: Library - BR Campus
382.4 SAR 05022279 Conmodities and Third World Sarkar, K.gautam Oxford 182p Knowledge Centre
382.41 AND 01005806 AGRICULTURAL TRADE REFORM AND the DOHA DEVELOPMENT AGENDA(LAW LIBRARY) Kym Anderson World Bank 0821362399 420p Knowledge Centre
382.41 AND 05022278 Agricultural Trade Reform & the DOHA Development Agenda Kym, Anderson 0821362399 420p Knowledge Centre
382.41 ING 01003129 Agriculture and the New Trade Agenda(law Lib.) Merlinda Ingco Cambridge University Press 0521826853 510p Knowledge Centre
382.41 SMI 01016921 Agriculture and the WTO Towards a New Theory of International Agricultural Trade Regulation / Smith,Fiona. Edward Elgar, 2009 9781845424909 xii,171p.; Knowledge Centre
382.41 TRI 07000154 Agricultural prices and production in post-reform India / Tripathi, Ashutosh Kumar, Routledge, 2014 9781138020191 xxiv, 312 pages ; Library - BR Campus
382.41 TRI 05045135 Agricultural prices and production in post-reform India / Tripathi, Ashutosh Kumar, Routledge, 2014 9781138020191 xxiv, 312 pages ; Knowledge Centre
382.41091724 AKS 05022963 Global Agricultural Trade and Developing Countries Aksoy, M Ataman 0821358634 326p Knowledge Centre
382.41091724 AKS 01006110 Global Agricultural Trade and Developing Countries ( Law Lib ) Ataman Aksoy Eng 2005 329p Knowledge Centre
382.41091724 HOD 05022284 WTO Negotiations on Agriculture and Developing Countries Hoda, Anwaul 9780195692563 294p Knowledge Centre
382.41091724 MCC 01005934 Reforming Agricultural Trade for Developing Countries ( Law Lib ) Alex F McCalla World Bank 0821367161 261p Knowledge Centre
382.41091724 MCC 01005933 Reforming Agricultural Trade for Developing Countries ( Law Lib ) Alex F McCalla World Bank 0821367161 261p Knowledge Centre
382.4138 PEA 00134853 Spices in the Indian Ocean world : Pearson, M. N.- Editor. Routledge, 2016 0860785106 (cloth : alk. paper) xxxvii, 359 p. : UG Library
382.4141 KOS 00059487 Garment Exports Koshy, Darlie O Prentice Hall of India 2000 8120312155 | 9788120312159 xiii, 298 p. UG Library
382.414772 JOS 00122226 Banana Wars Josling, Timothy E CABI Pub., 2003 9780851996370 x, 210 p:. UG Library
382.42COR 01008995 Intellectual Property and International Trade: The TRIPS Agreement ( Law Lib) Carlos Correa Kluwer Law International 9789041124296 499p. Knowledge Centre
382.45 CAT 05038209 International trade in services World Bank, 2010 9780821383537 | 9780821383544 xix, 363 p. Knowledge Centre
382.45 CAT 00109375 International Trade In Services Cattaneo Olivier Academic Foundation 2011 9788171888832 363 p. UG Library
382.45 GHA 00103907 The service revolution in South Asia / Ghani, Ejaz Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198065111 | 0198065116 xvii, 382 p. : UG Library
382.45 MUK 07000426 Trade in services and trade agreements : Sage, 2016 9789351503248 (hardback : alk. xvii,443p.: Library - BR Campus
382.45 MUK 00125720 Trade in services and trade agreements : Sage, 2016 9789351503248 (hardback : alk. xvii,443p.: UG Library
382.45 RAY 05017337 International Trade in Services in India / Raychaudhuri Ajitava Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198079378 xx,265 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.45000973 JEN 05008431 Global trade in services Jensen, J. Bradford. Peterson Institute for International Economics, 2011 9780881326017 | 9780881326048 xix, 245 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.456151 MAR 01025931 The political economy of pharmaceutical patents : Marcellin, Sherry S. Routledge, 2010 9781409412144 (hardback : alk. xiii, 212 p. ; Knowledge Centre
382.4562920973 IRI 01017590 The Auto Pact : Kluwer Law International, 2004 9041122311 (alk. paper) | 9789 xi, 333 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.4566 GRU 01026757 The EU, world trade law, and the right to food : Gruni, Giovanni, Hart Publishers, 2018 9781509916221 (epub) xii,204p.; Knowledge Centre
382.456606 MEL 05010778 Trading in genes Earthscan, 2005 1844070271 (hardback) | 184407 xxv, 294 p. Knowledge Centre
382.456641 FAK 05047394 Sugar and the making of international trade law / Fakhri, Michael, Cambridge univeristy press, 2014 9781107040526 (hardback) xvii, 250 pages ; Knowledge Centre
382.45677 HER 01019876 The global political economy of trade protectionism and liberalization : Heron, Tony, Routledge, 2012 9780415454902 (hbk.) | 9780203 xvii, 188 p. ; Knowledge Centre
382.4568 RIV 05022825 The travels of a T-shirt in the global economy : Rivoli, Pietra. Wiley, 0470039205 (pbk.) xxi, 258 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.5 NAB 05022301 How to Import Nabhi NABHI Publications 104 p Knowledge Centre
382.5 TRA 07002270 Trade law, domestic regulation and development / Trachtman, Joel P., Cambridge University Press, 2015 9789814635714 (hardcover) | 98 xvi, 448 pages ; Library - BR Campus
382.6 ACH 05022212 EXPORT MARKETING [ Pg ] Acharya Himalaya Publishing House 304p Knowledge Centre
382.6 ACH 05022209 EXPORT MARKETING [ Pg ] Acharya Himalaya Publishing House 304p Knowledge Centre
382.6 ACH 05022210 EXPORT MARKETING [ Pg ] Acharya Himalaya Publishing House 304p Knowledge Centre
382.6 ACH 05022211 EXPORT MARKETING [ Pg ] Acharya Himalaya Publishing House 304p Knowledge Centre
382.6 ACH 05022213 EXPORT MARKETING [ Pg ] Acharya Himalaya Publishing House 304p Knowledge Centre
382.6 BAL 05022252 EXPORT MARKETING [ PG ] T A S, Balagopal Himalaya Publishing House 198p Knowledge Centre
382.6 BAL 05022251 EXPORT MARKETING [ PG ] T A S, Balagopal Himalaya Publishing House 198p Knowledge Centre
382.6 BAL 00037040 Export Marketing Balagopal, T A S HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 1994 1 UG Library
382.6 BAL 05022277 Export Management Balagopal, T A S HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 1995 1 Knowledge Centre
382.6 BAL 05022304 Export Management Balagopal, T A S Knowledge Centre
382.6 BAL 05022253 EXPORT MARKETING [ PG ] T A S, Balagopal Himalaya Publishing House 198p Knowledge Centre
382.6 BHA 05022249 Export Management Bhatia, K L 256 p Knowledge Centre
382.6 BHO 05022250 How to Export: Revised and Updated Bhola, Rajesh Prashant 289 p Knowledge Centre
382.6 CAV 05039180 Doing business in emerging markets / Cavusgil, S. Tamer. SAGE, 2013 9781849201537 (hbk.) | 1849201 2nd ed. xx, 394 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.6 CHE 00036159 Exporting Marketing Cherunilam, Francis Himalaya Publishing House 1994 8170409160 239 p. UG Library
382.6 DUD 05022282 Exporting / Dudley, W James Pitman Publishing, 1996 0273036270 216 p.: Knowledge Centre
382.6 DUD 05043279 Exporting / Dudley, W James Pitman Publishing, 1996 0273036270 216 p.: Knowledge Centre
382.6 DUT 00135223 Export documentation Dutta,H.B Jnanada prakashan publishers, 2015 9788171396276 viii,320p.; UG Library
382.6 GUL 05022275 Export Competitiveness of Selected Agricultural Commodities Gulati, Ashok Global Business Press 0817240090 312 p Knowledge Centre
382.6 KAP 05022254 Export Management. Kapoor, D C Vikas 2002 8125909397 523p Knowledge Centre
382.6 NAB 05022283 Manual for 100% Export Units: Free Trade and Export Processing Zones Nabhi NABHI Publications 694 p Knowledge Centre
382.6 NAB 05022231 New Import Export Policy With ITC(HS) Classification of Import & Export Items & Procedures Nabhi NABHI Publications 682 p Knowledge Centre
382.6 NAB 05022208 How to Export Nabhi NABHI Publications 146 p Knowledge Centre
382.6 NEE 05022305 Effectiveness of Government Export Promotion Schemes in India Neelam Rani Excel Books 8174462694 162 p Knowledge Centre
382.6 RAT 05022206 Export Marketing Rathor, B S Himalaya 755 p Knowledge Centre
382.6 RAT 05022207 Export Marketing Rathor, B S HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 1995 1 Knowledge Centre
382.6 THI 00005270 Export Potential Survey of Mysore Thimmappaiah B.G. The Legal Times Publications 1984 273 p. UG Library
382.6068 KAP 05022298 Expoet Management Kapoor D C Vikas 8125909397 528 Knowledge Centre
382.6091724 LEE 01023135 Microtrade : Lee, Yong-Shik, Routledge, 2013 9780415826006 (hbk.) | 0415826 xviii, 195 p. ; Knowledge Centre
382.6091724 LEE 01003128 Reclaiming development in the world trading system / Lee, Yong-Shik, Cambridge University Press, 052185296X (hardback) | 978052 xvi, 191 p. ; Knowledge Centre
382.60954 CHE 07000808 International Trade and Export Management / Cherunilam, Francis. Himalaya Publishing House, 9788184883060 528 p. : Library - BR Campus
382.60954 CHE 05001773 International Trade and Export Management / Cherunilam, Francis. Himalaya Publishing House, 9788184883060 528 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.609540903 EAC 00127670 Selling empire Eacott, Jonathan, 9788125061298 vii, 455 p. UG Library
382.610954 TAR 05022299 India`s Export Policy Trends and Prospects Tarafdar, Puspa Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 0817629814 214p Knowledge Centre
382.63 BHA 05022232 Export & Import Policy 1997 - 2002 Along With Handbook of Procedures Bharat Law House Bharat Law House Knowledge Centre
382.63 BHA 05022233 Export & Import Policy 1997 - 2002 Along With Handbook of Procedures Bharat Law House Bharat Law House Knowledge Centre
382.63 BHA 05022234 Export & Import Policy 1997 - 2002 Along With Handbook of Procedures Bharat Law House Bharat Law House Knowledge Centre
382.63 HEJ 01022504 The WTO and infant industry promotion in developing countries : He, Juan, Routledge, 2015 9781138019553 (hbk) xxxiv, 269 pages ; Knowledge Centre
382.63 HEJ 01024561 The WTO and infant industry promotion in developing countries : He, Juan, Routledge, 2015 9781138212381 xxxiv, 269 pages ; Knowledge Centre
382.63 IIB 00137760 International trade finance Indian institute of banking and finance Taxmann publications pvt ltd., 2017 9789386394729 xxi,280p.; UG Library
382.63 NEL 01023075 The WTO and anti-dumping / Nelson, Douglas R. Edward Elgar, 2005 1843766027 (2 vol. set) 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
382.63 NEL 01023076 The WTO and anti-dumping / Nelson, Douglas R. Edward Elgar, 2005 1843766027 (2 vol. set) 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
382.63 ORD 01016825 WTO disciplines on agricultural support : Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107005440 (hardback) p. cm Knowledge Centre
382.640973 MEI 07007230 Trading with the enemy : Meijer, Hugo, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780190277697 (hardcover : alk xvii,391p.: Library - BR Campus
382.640973 MEI 05047312 Trading with the enemy : Meijer, Hugo, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780190277697 (hardcover : alk xvii,391p.: Knowledge Centre
382.69 PAU 05022294 Introduction to Export Management Paul, Jose Himalayan 254p Knowledge Centre
382.6SAR 00090755 Global Export Trends Sarkar, Mitra Debjani ICFAI 8131404536 335p UG Library
382.7 ASL 05074998 Unravelling the Silk Road : Aslan, Chris. Icon Books Ltd, 2024 9781837731206 xviii, 334 p.; Knowledge Centre
382.7 ASL 10004199 Unravelling the Silk Road : Aslan, Chris. Icon Books Ltd, 2024 9781837731206 xviii, 334 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
382.7 HOE 01012598 Trade preference erosion Palgrave Macmillan ; | World Bank, 2009 9780821377079 | 0821377078 | 9 xvi, 466 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.7 HOE 05022288 Trade preference erosion Palgrave Macmillan ; | World Bank, 2009 9780821377079 | 0821377078 | 9 xvi, 466 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.70951 JIA 01029052 Environmental protection, China and international trade : Jiang, Fengan, Routledge, 2021 9780367753832 xi, 223p, ; Knowledge Centre
382.7097309043 IRW 05059612 Peddling protectionism : Irwin,Douglas A. Princeton, 2017 9780691178066 xviii,244p.; Knowledge Centre
382.71 DEC 03001880 Fair Trade Decarlo, Jacqueline One World 9781851685219 176 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.71 BAT 03009330 The Myth of Free Trade : Batra, Raveendra N. C. Scribner's Sons ; | Maxwell Macmillan Canada ; | Maxwell Macmillan International, 1993 0684195925 : | 9780684195925 274 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.71 BHA 00095019 Termites in the Trading System Bhagwati Jagdish Oxford University Press 9780195699661 139p UG Library
382.71 BHA 05022289 Free Trade Today Bhagwati, Jagdish 0195662032 128p Knowledge Centre
382.71 BHA 03007752 Termites in the Trading System : Bhagwati, Jagdish N. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195331653 (cloth : alk. pa xviii, 139 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.71 COO 01013726 Vulnerable places, vulnerable people : Cook,Jonathan A. Edward Elgar Pub., 9780821380994 (hardback) xv;220 p. Knowledge Centre
382.71 COO 05022297 Vulnerable Places, Vulnerable People : Cook, Jonathan A The World Bank, 9780821370994 xv, 220 p. Knowledge Centre
382.71 DUN 05022300 Free Trade: Dunkley Graham ZED BOOKS, 2004 1842773895 242p .: Knowledge Centre
382.71 GOL 03005804 Globalization and free trade / Goldstein, Natalie Viva. 2010 9788130914206 x, 406p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.71 JAC 01021407 The World Trading System : Jackson John.H Satyam Books, 2012 9788190288392 viii,441 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.71 JAC 01018816 The World Trading System : Jackson John.H Satyam Books, 2012 9788190288392 viii,441 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.71 NAU 05022296 Free Trade Versus Fair Trade Naunihal, Singh Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126109661 284p Knowledge Centre
382.71 SHI 01020151 Free trade and cultural diversity in international law / Shi,Jingxia. Hart Publishing, 2013 9781849464253 xxii,337p.; Knowledge Centre
382.71 SHI 01021897 Free trade and cultural diversity in international law / Shi,Jingxia. Hart Publishing, 2013 9781849464253 xxii,337p.; Knowledge Centre
382.71091724 PAN 05062851 Free trade and prosperity : Panagariya, Arvind. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190050665 xiv, 327p. Knowledge Centre
382.71091724 PAN 05063921 Free trade and prosperity : Panagariya, Arvind. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190050665 xiv, 327p. Knowledge Centre
382.71095 DAS 05010861 Regional economic engagements and the free trade agreements Upendra Das, R. World Scientific, 2010 xiii, 225 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.710954 BAT 05054152 Trade liberalization and Indian agriculture / Bathla, Seema. Rawat Publications, 2011 9788131603932 | 8131603938 xxi, 282 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.710954 BAT 05031508 Trade liberalization and Indian agriculture / Bathla, Seema. Rawat Publications, 2011 9788131603932 | 8131603938 xxi, 282 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.710954 PAL 03007967 Trade Liberalization and Industrial Productivity in India / Paltasingh, Kirtti Ranjan. New Century Pubns, 2011 9788177082845 | 8177082841 xii, 192 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.71097 BUL 00120556 Building transnational networks : Von Bülow, Marisa. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521191562 (hbk.) | 0521191 xx, 259 p. : UG Library
382.71BHA 01011364 Termites in the Trading System: How Preferential Agreements Undermine Free Trade (law Lib) Jagdish Bhagwati Oxford University Press 0195699661 139p Knowledge Centre
382.7WTO1 01007782 World Tariff Profiles 2006 (law Lib) Wto Wto Omc 9789287033697 210p Knowledge Centre
382.9 ATT 03000777 International Commercial Agreements : Attree, Rebecca Viva Books, 2008 9788130910413 216 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.9 AGG 05022312 Anti-Dumping Agreement and Developing Countries:An Introduction Aggarwal, Aradhna Oxford University Press 9780195689273 299p Knowledge Centre
382.9 AGG 03004511 Anti-Dumping Agreement and Developing Countries:An Introduction Aggarwal, Aradhna Oxford University Press 9780195689273 299p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.9 AGG 03004114 Anti-Dumping Agreement and Developing Countries:An Introduction Aggarwal, Aradhna Oxford University Press 9780195689273 299p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.9 AGG 01005254 Anti-Dumping Agreement and Developing Countries:An Introduction Aggarwal, Aradhna Oxford University Press 9780195689273 299p Knowledge Centre
382.9 AGG 01004449 Anti-Dumping Agreement and Developing Countries:An Introduction Aggarwal, Aradhna Oxford University Press 9780195689273 299p Knowledge Centre
382.9 BHA 05037904 World Trade Organization (WTO) and Developing Countries Bhandari, Surendra Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 8176290998 510p Knowledge Centre
382.9 BHA 05022248 Stream of Windows: Unsettling Reflections on Trade, Immigration and Democracy Bhagwati, Jagdish Oxford 532p Knowledge Centre
382.9 CHA 05022256 Globalization of Services - India`s Opportunities and Constraints Chanda, Rupa Oxford 276p Knowledge Centre
382.9 DAS 00056142 World Trade Organization - a Guide to the Framework for International T Das, Bhagirath Lal Earthworm Books 0818694113 452p UG Library
382.9 GAR 05022269 WTO and Regionalism in World Trade Garg, Hema New Century Publications 8177080644 403p Knowledge Centre
382.9 GEO 00101050 The Truth About Trade ; George,Clive . Zen Books: 9788182910973 178 P. UG Library
382.9 HOE 01012053 The political economy of the world trading system / Hoekman, Bernard M. Oxford University Press, 9780199553778 (pbk.) | 9780199 740p. cm. Knowledge Centre
382.9 ING 05043274 Agriculture and the WTO: Creating a Trading System for Development / Ingco, D Merlinda World Bank and Oxford University Press, 2004 0082135485 386p.: Knowledge Centre
382.9 KRI 00122458 Trade Blocs : Krishna, Pravin. Cambridge University Press, 2005 9780521770668 xv, 200 p. : UG Library
382.9 KRI 00072334 Trade Blocs: Economics and Politics Rishana, Pravin 0000521771 200 UG Library
382.9 MAL 05022246 Managing Trade, Technology and Environment Mallikarjun, M Excel Books 8174463658 731p Knowledge Centre
382.9 MBI 01004164 AFTER HONG KONG SOME KEY TRADE ISSUES FOR FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES(LAW LIB.) Ivan Mbirimi Academic Foundation 8171886418 157p Knowledge Centre
382.9 NIC 05022295 Fair Trade - Market- Driven Ethical Consumption ( Mscom) Nicholls, Alex 1412901057 275p Knowledge Centre
382.9 PAN 00058574 The WTO and India:A Dronequill Explainer Pani, Narendar Dronequil Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 2003 8190138286 139 UG Library
382.9 RAG 01003004 Developing Countries and Services Trade: Chasing a Black Cat in a Dark Room, Blindfolded (law Lib) Chakravarthi Raghavan Third World Network 9839747568 127p. Knowledge Centre
382.9 RAO 00055439 WTO & International Trade Rao, M B Vikas 8125910050 479p UG Library
382.9 RAO 05038055 WTO and Competitiveness : Rao, D Panduranga. Excel Books, 2002 8174462511 xviii,639p.; Knowledge Centre
382.9 RAT 05037903 WTO Structure, Functions, Tasks and Challenges Ratnesh, Kumar Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 8176291900 250p Knowledge Centre
382.9 SUN 00044700 India and the European Union Sundaram, G Allied Publishers Litd UG Library
382.9 VAS 00050326 India and World Trade Organisation: Planning and Development Vasudeva, P K A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2000 8176482056 xix, 345 p. UG Library
382.9 VAS 05022287 Worid Trade Organisation Implications for Indian Economy Vasudeva, Pk Pearson 8129708027 530p Knowledge Centre
382.9 WOO 01007741 Trade and investment rule-making : United Nations University Press, 9280811320 (pbk.) | 9789280811 xvii, 265 p. ; Knowledge Centre
382.909 BHA 00050325 Indo-South East Asian Economic Relations Bhatia, Ramesh Chander Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126106255 285p UG Library
382.91 DAS 10001513 Trans-pacific partnership agreement : Das, Abhijit Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2018 9789352800117 (print (hb)) xix, 340 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
382.91 DAS 00133259 Trans-pacific partnership agreement : Das, Abhijit Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2018 9789352800117 (print (hb)) xix, 340 pages ; UG Library
382.91 EST 07000405 New frontiers in Asia-Latin America integration : Sage, 2015 9788132109761 (hardback : alk. xiv, 311 pages : Library - BR Campus
382.91 MAT 05022291 WTO and India Development Agenda for the 21st Century(ma-Eco) Mathur, Vibha New Century Publications 8177080997 301p Knowledge Centre
382.910954 DAS 01016777 Perspectives on Rules of Origin : Das Ram Upendra Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 9780230217294 xv,229 p.: Knowledge Centre
382.911823 CHE 05068569 Emerging global trade governance : Routledge, 2019 9781138484764 (hardback) xii, 282 pages ; Knowledge Centre
382.9159 CRE 05059320 ASEAN's external agreements : Cremona, Marise, Cambridge university press, 2015 9781107498150 (paperback) xviii,598p.; Knowledge Centre
382.9159 FIN 01026131 ASEAN and regional free trade agreements / Routledge, 2015 9781138067127 xv, 376 pages ; Knowledge Centre
382.9159 KUI 01023185 From treaty-making to treaty-breaking : Kuijper, Pieter Jan, Cambridge University Presss, 2015 9781107500235 (paperback) xviii,244p. Knowledge Centre
382.91EST 01011447 Regional Rules in the Global Trading System (law Lib) Antoni Estevadeordal Cambridge University Press 9780521760843 519p Knowledge Centre
382.92 ACH 05034005 Trade and Environment: Oxford India Short Introductions Acharyya,Rajat. Oxford University Press 2013 9780198075424 xiii,167p. Knowledge Centre
382.92 BAR 04011333 The WTO and India : Orient BlackSwan, 2010 9788125040422 | 8125040420 xxxi, 409 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
382.92 BHA 03002572 WTO: A Discordant Orchestra Bhaumik, T K Sage Publications Pvt Ltd 9788178296609 248 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.92 QUR 01023122 Interpreting WTO agreements : Qureshi, Asif H. Cambridge University press 2015 9781107043299 (hardback) Second edition. ix,452p.; Knowledge Centre
382.92 ACH 07011091 Trade and Environment: Oxford India Short Introductions Acharyya,Rajat. Oxford University Press 2013 9780198075424 xiii,167p. Library - BR Campus
382.92 BAR 01015643 The WTO and India : Orient BlackSwan, 2010 9788125040422 | 8125040420 xxxi, 409 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.92 BAR 01007177 Regional trade agreements and the WTO legal system / Oxford University Press, 9780199206995 (hardback : alk. xxxiv, 604 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.92 BAR 01014185 The WTO and India : Orient BlackSwan, 2010 9788125040422 | 8125040420 xxxi, 409 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.92 BAR 05022293 The WTO and India : Orient BlackSwan, 2010 9788125040422 | 8125040420 xxxi, 409 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.92 BAU 01008277 International trade and the protection of the environment / Baughen, Simon. Routledge-Cavendish, 9781845680091 (1) | 184568009X xxxii, 368 p. ; Knowledge Centre
382.92 BHA 01007488 WTO:A DISCORDANT ORCHESTRA(LAW LIBRARY) T K Bhaumik Sage Publications 0761935053 248p Knowledge Centre
382.92 BIS 05044837 International Trade and Environment / Bisarya, Ashmita Sarup Book Publishers P. Ltd., 2014 9788176259583 xvi, 158 p. Knowledge Centre
382.92 BUR 01019550 Trade governance in the digital age : Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107022430 xxvi, 475 pages ; Knowledge Centre
382.92 CHA 05022268 GATT to Wto-Gandhian Alternative to NIEO Chauhan, Sandeep Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 8176292915 426p Knowledge Centre
382.92 CHA 01023416 The path of world trade law in the 21st century / Charnovitz, Steve. World scientific publishing co pte,Ltd., 2015 9789814513241 xliii, 752 pages ; Knowledge Centre
382.92 COT 05008089 Governing the World Trade Organization : Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107004887 xviii, 348 p. ; Knowledge Centre
382.92 CRO 01010518 Reshaping the world trading system : Croome, John. Kluwer Law International, 9041111263 (alk. paper) xiv, 360 p. ; Knowledge Centre
382.92 DEB 01004175 Uses and Misuses of Anti-Dumping Provisions in World Trade (law Lib) Bibek Debroy Academic Foundation 0817188511 145p. Knowledge Centre
382.92 DEB 01004181 Trade Game: Negotiation Trends at Wto and Concerns of Developing Countries (law Lib) Bibek Debroy Academic Foundation 8171885381 237p. Knowledge Centre
382.92 DEB 05022270 Trade Game Negotiation Trends at WTO and Concerns of Developing Countries Debroy, Bibek Academic Foundation 8171885381 237p Knowledge Centre
382.92 DEB 05022290 Anti Dumpting: Global Abuse of a Trade Policy Instruemtn: [PG Economics] Debroy, Bibek Academic Foundation 192p Knowledge Centre
382.92 DEB 05022292 Uses and Misues of Anti Dumping: Provisions in World Trade: A Cross Country Perspective: [PG Economics] Debroy, Bibek Academic Foundation 152p Knowledge Centre
382.92 DIE 03004647 Non-discrimination in international trade in services : Diebold, Nicolas F. Cambridge University Press, 9780521191869 | 0521191866 xlii, 390 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.92 DIE 01015622 Non-discrimination in international trade in services : Diebold, Nicolas F. Cambridge University Press, 9780521191869 | 0521191866 xlii, 390 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.92 EVE 05022267 Economic Development & Multilateral Trade Cooperation Evenett, Simon 0821360639 477p Knowledge Centre
382.92 EVE 01006004 Economic Development and Multilateral Trade Cooperation ( Law Lib.) Simon J Evenett World Bank 0821360639 477p. Knowledge Centre
382.92 GAL 01003098 Managing the challenges of WTO participation : Cambridge University Press, 0521860148 (hbk.) | 9780521677 xiv, 652 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.92 HOD 01007442 WTO AGREEMENT AND INDIAN AGRICULTURE(LAW LIBRARY) Anwarul Hoda SOCIAL SCIENCE 8187358076 236p Knowledge Centre
382.92 HOR 05038332 World Trade Organization and international trade law : Horlick, Gary N. World Scientific, 2014 9789814436984 (hbk.) | 9814436 xv, 506 pages ; Knowledge Centre
382.92 ING 05022310 Agriculture, Trade, and the WTO in South Asia Ingco, Merlinda D 0821351591 244p Knowledge Centre
382.92 ITC 01007820 Business Trade to Trade Remedies in the European Community: Anti- Dumping, Anti- Susbidy and Safeguards Legislation, Practices and Procedures (law Li International Trade Centre ITC 9291373117 215p. Knowledge Centre
382.92 ITC 01007826 ITC Incorporated Joint Venture Model Agreements (law Lib.) International Trade Centre ITC 9291373028 129p. Knowledge Centre
382.92 JON 00120808 Reconstructing the World Trade Organization for the 21st century : Jones, Kent Albert. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199366040 (alk. paper) xx, 298 pages ; UG Library
382.92 JON 01021323 Reconstructing the World Trade Organization for the 21st century : Jones, Kent Albert. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199366040 (alk. paper) xx, 298 pages ; Knowledge Centre
382.92 KHA 01029667 Dispute Settlement Mechanism of WTO : Khan, H.R. Eastern Law House, 2023 9788171773848 28, 369p.; Knowledge Centre
382.92 KIR 01025822 Trade multilateralism in the twenty-first century : Kireyev, Alexei, Cambridge university press, 2017 9781108421287 (hardback : alk. xx, 432 pages ; Knowledge Centre
382.92 KLI 01017235 From GATT to the WTO : Kluwer Law International ; | World Trade Organization, 2000 9041112537 xiii, 183 p. ; Knowledge Centre
382.92 KRI 05000965 WTO : Krishna Rao, Palle. Excel books, 9798174464308 xvii, 512 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.92 LAN 03005909 The World Trade Organization : Lanoszka, Anna. Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1588266281 (hardcover : alk. p viii, 272 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.92 LAN 00092454 The World Trade Organization : Lanoszka, Anna. Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1588266281 (hardcover : alk. p viii, 272 p. ; UG Library
382.92 LEW 01015615 International economic law and national autonomy / Cambridge University Press, 9780521114608 (hardback) xiii, 332 p. ; Knowledge Centre
382.92 LIM 01025023 WTO retaliation : Limenta, Michelle Engel, Hart, 2017 9781509900008 (hardback) xviii, 184 pages: Knowledge Centre
382.92 MAT 03005268 India and the WTO / Rawat Publications, 2004 xi, 388p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.92 MES 01023105 The development of World Trade Organization law : Messenger, Gregory, oxford university press, 2016 9780198716464 | 019871646X xxiii, 216 pages ; Knowledge Centre
382.92 MIT 01010283 Legal principles in WTO disputes / Mitchell, Andrew D. Cambridge University Press, 9780521873260 (hardback) | 052 lii, 308 p. ; Knowledge Centre
382.92 MOO 05064462 The future of international economic integration : Cambridge university press, 2018 9781316510179 (hardback) | 9781316649565 (paperback) xxii, 246 pages ; Knowledge Centre
382.92 MOO 01003117 Doha and beyond : Cambridge University Press, 0521833434 xx, 184 p. ; Knowledge Centre
382.92 NAR 05022308 Energy and World Trade Organisation: [PG Economics] Narasaiah, M L Discovery Publishing House 8183561098 196p Knowledge Centre
382.92 NAR 05022309 World Trade Organistion and Economic Growth: [PG Economics] Narasaiah, M L Discovery Publishing House 8183560814 240p Knowledge Centre
382.92 NAR 05021613 The Oxford handbook on the World Trade Organization / Oxford University Press, USA, 2012 9780199586103 (hardback) xxvii, 849 p. ; Knowledge Centre
382.92 NAR 00095010 The world trade organization: A very short introduction Narlikar, Amrita Oxford university press 9780195687194 155p UG Library
382.92 NAR 05022302 The world trade organization: A very short introduction Narlikar, Amrita Oxford university press 9780195687194 155p Knowledge Centre
382.92 NAR 01021628 The Oxford handbook on the World Trade Organization / Oxford University Press, USA, 2012 9780198714774 xxvii,849p.; Knowledge Centre
382.92 NAR 05022303 World Trade Organization: A Very Short Introduction Narlikar, Amrita 0195687191 155p Knowledge Centre
382.92 NED 00126842 WTO Dispute Settlement at Twenty. Nedumpara J. James Das Abhijit Springer, 2016 9789811005985 xvii, 255 p.: UG Library
382.92 NEW 01006100 Trade, Doha, and development : World Bank, 0821364375 | 9780821364376 xiii, 382 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.92 PAN 01014409 GATS and the regulation of international trade in services / Cambridge University Press, 9780521896887 (hbk.) | 0521896 xx, 655 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.92 RIS 05022286 World Trade and Development Report 2003 Research and Information System for theN, on Aligned and Other Developi Academic Foundation 8171883303 132p Knowledge Centre
382.92 RIS 01006229 World Trade Development Report 2007 (law Lib) loping Countries Research and Information System for Deve Oxford University Press 0195689682 132p. Knowledge Centre
382.92 ROL 05038703 Development at the World Trade Organization / Rolland, Sonia E. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199682270 1st ed. xxxvi, 361 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.92 ROL 07000011 Development at the World Trade Organization / Rolland, Sonia E. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199682270 1st ed. xxxvi, 361 p. : Library - BR Campus
382.92 ROL 01018522 Development at the World Trade Organization / Rolland, Sonia E. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199600885 (hbk.) | 0199600 1st ed. xxxvi, 361 p. ; Knowledge Centre
382.92 SAM 01012755 The WTO and global governance : United Nations University Press, 9789280811544 (pbk.) | 9280811 xviii, 277 p. ; Knowledge Centre
382.92 SEN 01004180 BEYOND the TRANSITION PHASE OF WTO(LAW LIB.) Dipankar Sengupta Academic Foundation 8171885101 683p Knowledge Centre
382.92 SEN 05022237 Beyond the Transition Phase of Wto:An Indian Perspective on Emerging Issues Sengupta, Dipankar Academic Foundation 8171885101 683p Knowledge Centre
382.92 SHA 01015578 Dispute settlement at the WTO : Cambridge University Press, 9780521769679 (hardback) xvi,355p.; Knowledge Centre
382.92 SHA 01015637 Dispute settlement at the WTO : Cambridge University Press, 9780521769679 (hardback) xvi,355p.; Knowledge Centre
382.92 SHA 01026925 Industrial policy and the World Trade Organization : Shadikhodjaev, Sherzod, 9781107145085 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781316508459 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxxvi,311p.; Knowledge Centre
382.92 STE 01020422 The World Trade Organization : Routledge, 2014 9780415364225 (set : alk. pape 5 volumes cm. Knowledge Centre
382.92 STE 01020423 The World Trade Organization : Routledge, 2014 9780415364225 (set : alk. pape 5 volumes cm. Knowledge Centre
382.92 STE 01020424 The World Trade Organization : Routledge, 2014 9780415364225 (set : alk. pape 5 volumes cm. Knowledge Centre
382.92 STE 01020425 The World Trade Organization : Routledge, 2014 9780415364225 (set : alk. pape 5 volumes cm. Knowledge Centre
382.92 STE 01020426 The World Trade Organization : Routledge, 2014 9780415364225 (set : alk. pape 5 volumes cm. Knowledge Centre
382.92 WAL 05022266 Whose Trade Organisation: A Comprehensive Guide to the WTO: [PG Economics] Wallach, Lori 1565848411 404p Knowledge Centre
382.92 WTO 01025802 A handbook on the WTO dispute settlement system / Cambridge university press, 2004 9781108417273 (hardback) | 978 Second edition. xiv,399p.; Knowledge Centre
382.92 WTO 01007797 Finance for Trade (law Lib.) International Trade Centre ITC 0929137329 129p. Knowledge Centre
382.9209 CHA 05010341 GATT: a Developing Country P[ Perspective Chaudhry, Arijay Asian Books Private Limited 0818629919 190p Knowledge Centre
382.92091724 SAM 01012726 Developing countries and the WTO : United Nations University Press, 9789280811537 (pbk.) | 9280811 xviii, 327 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.9209177 GRY 01014036 WTO at the margins : Cambridge University Press, 9780521861434 | 0521861438 xxi, 734 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.92095 MAR 00123271 Options for global trade reform : Martin Will Cambridge University Press, 2003 052182124X | 9780521821247 xvii, 316 p. : UG Library
382.920951 ZHO 01029197 China's Implementation of The Rulings of The World Trade Organization / Zhou, Weihuan. Hart, 2021 9781509952038 xlvi, 234p.; Knowledge Centre
382.920954 KEL 05022259 South Asia in the WTO Kelegama, Saman 9780761936145 296p Knowledge Centre
382.920954 MAT 05022260 India and the WTO Mattoo, Aditya 0821354108 388p Knowledge Centre
382.92096MSH 01010774 Africa and the World Trade Organization (law Lib) Richard E Mshomba Cambridge University Press 9780521514767 360p Knowledge Centre
382.921 AHM 03007973 WTO, India and Regionalism in World Trade / New Century Publications ; 2012 9788177083217 205 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
382.92ALA 01010319 Legalization of Development in the WTO, Between Law and Politics(law Lib) Amin Alavi Kluwer Law International 9789041127952 243p Knowledge Centre
382.92AND 01011084 WTO`s Core Rules and Disciplines (law Lib) Kym Anderson EDWARD ELGAR 1845421884 566p Knowledge Centre
382.92AND 01011085 WTO`s Core Rules and Disciplines (law Lib) Kym Anderson EDWARD ELGAR 1845421884 566p Knowledge Centre
382.92BHA 00080695 WTO: A Discordant Orchestra [ug.Lib.Economics Section] Bhaumik, T K 0761935053 248p UG Library
382.92BHA1 00081701 Wto a Discordant Orchestra Bhaumik, T K 0761935053 248p UG Library
382.92FOO 01007881 Institutional and Normative Analysis of the World Trade Organization (law Lib) Mary E Footer Koninklijke Brill 9004149619 373p Knowledge Centre
382.92HOD1 01008504 WTO Negotiations on Agriculture and Developing Countries ( Law Lib.) Anwarul Hoda Oxford University Press 0019569256 294p. Knowledge Centre
382.92JAC 01010772 Sovereignty, the WTO and Changing Fundamentals of International Law (law Lib) John H Jackson Cambridge University Press 9780521748414 361p Knowledge Centre
382.92KEL 01009310 Impact of WTO: The Environment, Public Health and Sovereignty (law Lib) Trish Kelly EDWARD ELGAR 9781847200815 220p Knowledge Centre
382.92LEE 01009765 Economic Development Through World Trade: A Developing World Perspective(law Lib) Yong Shik Lee Kluwer Law International 9789041126818 443p Knowledge Centre
382.92MAJ 01005217 INDIA AND the WTO(LAW LIBRARY) Aditya Mattoo Yrawat 8170339146 388p Knowledge Centre
382.92MAT 01005808 Domestic Regulation and Service Trade Liberalization (law Lib) Aaditya Mattoo World Bank 0821354086 236p Knowledge Centre
382.92MAT 01006087 Indian and the WTO (law Library) Aaditay Matto World Bank 0821354108 388 p. Knowledge Centre
382.92NAR2 05017361 World Trade Organization: A Very Short Introduction Narlikar, Amrita 0195687191 155p Knowledge Centre
382.92NAR2 00085475 World Trade Organization: A Very Short Introduction Narlikar, Amrita 0195687191 155p UG Library
382.92RED 01011243 Wto and Implications for South Asia (law Lib) K C Reddy Serials Publications 8183870481 348p Knowledge Centre
382.92SCO 01011072 WTO Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures : Scott, Joanne. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199563869 340p.; Knowledge Centre
382.92TAN 01007069 WTO in the Twenty-First Century: Dispute Settlement, Negotiations and Regionalism in Asia (law Lib) Yasuhei Taniguchi Cambridge University Press 9780521875691 507p Knowledge Centre
382.92UNP 01007714 Exploration of the Need for and Cost of Selected Trade Facilitation Measures in Asia and the Pacific in the Context of the WTO Negotiations(lawlib) United Nations Publication UNITED NATION Publications 9211204852 62p Knowledge Centre
382.92WIL 01008940 WTO: Crisis and the Governance of Global Trade ( Law Library ) Rorden Wilkinson ROUTLEDGE 9780415405539 175p. Knowledge Centre
382.92WIL2 01010293 Handbook on Accession to the WTO (law Lib) Peter John Williams Cambridge university Press 1Accession in perspective 260p Knowledge Centre
382.92WU 01010321 Anti Dumping Law and Practice of China(law Lib) Xiaochen Wu Kluwer Law International 9789041127907 430p Knowledge Centre
382.92YU 01010322 Circumvention and Anti-Circumvention Measures(law Lib) Yanning Yu Kluwer Law International 9789041126863 265p Knowledge Centre
382.94054 KHO 01016986 Bilateral trade agreements in the era of globalization : Khorana, Sangeeta. Edward Elgar Pub., 2010 9781848447950 (hardback) xix, 214 p. : Knowledge Centre
382.954 ARU 00111287 India-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement : Arunachalam, P Serials Publications, 2011 9788183874380 xxi:536p.; UG Library
382.954 GUP 01007017 Wto and Indian Economy ( Law Lib.) Manoj Shankar Gupta Serials Publications 9788183871068 476p. Knowledge Centre
382.954 SON 01014166 Impact of WTO on Indian Oilseed Economy / Sonnad,J.S. Prateeksha Publications, 9788190965071 260p. Knowledge Centre
382.973051 PAU 07014125 US vs China : Pauken, Thomas W., World Scientific, 2020 9789811204142 xx, 322 pages ; Library - BR Campus
382.9CHA 00053071 WTO and the Indian Economy Chadha, G K Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 0817629344 332p UG Library
382.9LES 01011438 Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements: Commentary and Analysis (law Lib) Simon Lester Cambridge University Press 9780521878272 436p Knowledge Centre
382.9MAR 01011445 Opening Markets for Trade in Services: Countries and Sectors in Bilateral and Wto Negotiations (law Lib) Muan A Marchetti Cambridge University Press 9780521735919 759p Knowledge Centre
382.9MAT 01006064 Moving People to Deliver Services (law Lib) Aaditya Mattoo World Bank 0082135406 244p Knowledge Centre
382.9WBP 01005962 Liberalisation and Universal Access to Basic Services (law Lib) World Bank World Bank 0821369008 272p Knowledge Centre
382/.973 BRA 01018467 The domestic politics of negotiating international trade : Von Braun, Johanna. Routledge, 2012 9780415601399 (hbk : alk. pape xiv, 262 p. : Knowledge Centre
382ASH 00026449 Commerce Ashwatappa, N d UG Library
382ASW.1 00026450 Commerce Aswathappa, Smisa UG Library
382BHA.S 00038353 International Business: Environment and Management Bhalla, V K L Anmol 569 UG Library
382HAR1 00085321 Interpreting Globalisation Harshe, Rajen Rawat Publications 8170338638 276 p UG Library
382RAM 00027918 Commerce for I Puc Raman, B S United UG Library
382RAM 00027919 Commerce for I Puc Raman, B S United UG Library
382RAM 00027920 Commerce for I Puc Raman, B S United UG Library
382RAM 00027922 Commerce for I Puc Raman, B S United UG Library
382RAM 00027921 Commerce for I Puc Raman, B S United UG Library
382SEN 00086414 Economics of Trade Facilitation Sengupta, Nirmal 0195698215 208 p UG Library
382SIN1 00026451 Commerce Sinha, Mugali R Chand & Co UG Library
382SIN1 00026452 Commerce Sinha, Mugali R Chand & Co UG Library
382SUB 00064706 International Business Environment Including Skill Development for III B.Com Subba Rao, P Himalayan 270p UG Library
382WB2 01010069 Doing Business 2009 (law Lib) International Monetary Fund World Bank 9780821376096 195p Knowledge Centre
382WBP 01009169 International Trade and Climeat Change: Economic, Legal and Institutional Perpectives (law Lib) World Bank 9780821372258 144p Knowledge Centre
382WBP1 01009162 Doing Business 2008(law Lib) World Bank Publications Getting credit 6. Registering property 5. 200p Knowledge Centre
383.122 BAU 00115836 How to Write First-Class Letters Baugh, Sue L Viva Books Private Ltd 0818561766 328p UG Library
383.180954 MUK 03008194 Facilitating Trade and Global Competitiveness : Mukherjee, Arpita. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198076391 xix, 287 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
383.180954 MUK 05008389 Facilitating Trade and Global Competitiveness : Mukherjee, Arpita. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198076391 xix, 287 p. : Knowledge Centre
383.954 SIN 05010151 India post : Siṃha, Aravinda Kumāra. National Book Trust, 2009 9788123755922 1st ed. ix, 485 p. : Knowledge Centre
384 CHO 00125258 Communications Primer : Chopra Niti Book Enclave, 2016 9788181523839 198p.: UG Library
384 COL 00061886 Introduction to Telecommunications Cole, Marion Pearson Education 2004 8178089734 | 9788178089737 2nd ed. xvi, 608 p. UG Library
384 COL 00056432 Introduction to Telecommunication Cole, Marion Pearson Education 2000 8178083132 2nd ed. 592p UG Library
384 COL 05022238 Introduction to Telecommunications Cole, Marion Pearson Education 2004 8178089734 | 9788178089737 2nd ed. xvi, 608 p. Knowledge Centre
384 COL 00051164 Introduction to Telecommunication Cole, Marion Pearson Education 2000 8178083132 2nd ed. 592p UG Library
384 DIZ 05066910 Digital diplomacy : Dizard, Wilson. Praeger, 2001 9780275972288 x, 215 p. ; Knowledge Centre
384 DUN 00109590 Protestantism Dunstan,Leslie J. Konecky & Konecky 1961 9781568526713 255 p. UG Library
384 FAI 00055430 E-Enterprise Hoque, Faisal 2000 0052177487 284p UG Library
384 GKP 05065490 BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited) 2019 - Management Trainee - Telecom Operations / G K Publications G K Publication, 2019 9789388426923 12.444p.; Knowledge Centre
384 GKP 00068779 Guide to Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limit M.T.N.L: junior Telecom Trainee Officers Recuitment Exam G K Publishers G.K.Publishers 2000 8183550843 600 p UG Library
384 GKP 00068780 Guide to Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited Recruitment Examination G.K Publishers (p) Ltd G.K.Publishers 2005 8183550193 500 p UG Library
384 GUP 05022239 Business of Telecommunication - Networking in the New Mimmennium Gupta, K Niraj 0074634976 506p Knowledge Centre
384 GUP 05022240 Business of Telecommunication: Networking in the New Millennium Gupta, K Niraj 0074634976 503p Knowledge Centre
384 HA 04012451 Theory and Design of Digital Communication Systems / Ha, Tri T. Cambridge University Press; 2011 9781107659537 634 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
384 HA 04013874 Theory and design of digital comunication systems / Ha, Tri T. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107659537 xxxiii , 634 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
384 HAL 05062596 How To Work The Film And TV Maarkets : Hale, Heather. Routledge, 2018 9781138800656 xxvi,296p.; Knowledge Centre
384 KAD 04010550 The Science of Sound recording Kadis , Jay Focal press 2012 9780240821542 Vii, 192 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
384 KEL 00110463 Broadband strategies handbook Kelly,Tim. World Bank, 2012 9780821389454 | 9780821389461 xxvii, 373 p. : UG Library
384 LAN 05057255 Technical communication / Lannon, John M., Pearson, 2017 9781292154299 14th ed. 736p. ; Knowledge Centre
384 LYA 01024527 International Communications : Lyall,Francis. Routledge, 2016 9781138260870 xiii,325p.; Knowledge Centre
384 OLE 04014244 Telecom for dummies / Olejniczak, Stephen P Wiley India, 2006 9788126500680 xvi , 364 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
384 SCH 00050394 Mobile Communications Schiller, Jochen Pearson Education , 2000 9788178081700 394 p, UG Library
384 SCH 00088437 Mobile Communications Schiller, Jochen Pearson Education , 2000 9788178081700 394 p, UG Library
384 TAR 00060948 Global Information Infrastructure: the Birth, Vision and Architechture Targoeski, S Andrew Idea Group Publishing 1878289322 382p UG Library
384 THU 05002887 International Communication:Continuity and Change / Thussu, Daya Kishan Hodder Arnold, 2006 9780340888926 336 p.: Knowledge Centre
384 WAS 05006480 The handbook of political economy of communications / Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781405188807 | 1405188804 xiv, 611 p. ; Knowledge Centre
384 WB 05022230 The little data book on information and communication technology. World Bank, 2010 9780821382486 | 9780821384473 vi, 233 p. Knowledge Centre
384.043 SEN 03011491 Smart Data Pricing / Sen, Soumya. [] Wiley, 2014 9781118611661 (hardback) xv, 424 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
384.043 TIF 00126805 Transport Communications Tiffin, John Kogan Page 2008 9780749453176 1st 238 UG Library
384.043 TIF 04029690 Transport communications : understanding global networks enabling transport services Tiffin, John Kogan Page, 2018 9780749453176 238 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
384.068 GER 05022245 Telecommunications and Business Strategy Gershon Sylvia Routledge 9780415993531 416P Knowledge Centre
384.068 GER 00093880 Telecommunications and Business Strategy Gershon Richard A Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 9780415993531 416p UG Library
384.068 MED 03005992 The telecom manager's survival guide : Medcroft, Stephen, American Management Association, 2003 0814407196 xi, 354 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
384.068 SHE 05022244 Telecommunications Management [ International Edition ] Sherman, Barry L 0071135715 431p Knowledge Centre
384.068 SRI 05007892 The Telecom Revolution in India : Sridhar,Varadharajan Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198075530 xvi,342 p. Knowledge Centre
384.068 SRI 05018110 The Telecom Revolution in India : Sridhar,Varadharajan Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198075530 xvi,342 p. Knowledge Centre
384.068 ULI 00138408 The business of media distribution : Ulin, Jeffrey C. Routledge, 2019 9780815353362 Third edition. 578 p.; UG Library
384.09 SOL 00142929 Getting the message : Solymar, Laszlo, Oxford university press, 2021 9780198863007 2nd ed., xvi,358p.; UG Library
384.091724 SCH 01005895 Telecommunications Legislations in Transtional and Developing Economies ( Law Lib ) Tim Schwarg World Bank 0082134823 38p Knowledge Centre
384.091724 WOR 01005927 Financing Information and Communication Infrastructure Needs in the Developing World ( Law Lib ) World Bank World Bank 0821363581 37p Knowledge Centre
384.095 DIN 04002932 Strategic Planning in Information Technology Dinkar, Viva Books Private Limited 2008 9788130900490 288 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
384.0954 BHA 05022306 Information and Communication Technology in Development SagePublications 2000 0761994440 | 8170369150 (ind-h 230 p. : Knowledge Centre
384.0954 BHA 05022307 Information and Communication Technology in Development SagePublications 2000 0761994440 | 8170369150 (ind-h 230 p. : Knowledge Centre
384.0954 BHA 00074860 Information and Communication Technology in Development SagePublications 2000 0761994440 | 8170369150 (ind-h 230 p. : UG Library
384.0954 BHA 05053578 Information and communication technology in development : Sage, 2000 0761994440 | 0761994459 (pbk.) 230 p. : Knowledge Centre
384.0954 SUB 00099848 Telecommunications industry in India state,business and labour in a global economy; Subramanian,Dilip Social scince press; 9788187358428 ix;685 p. UG Library
384.0954 SUB 05001569 Telecommunications industry in India : Subramanian, Dilip. Social Science Press ; | Distributed by Orient Blackswan, 2010 9788187358428 xiii, 685 p. ; Knowledge Centre
384.0954 SWA 03006093 2G spectrum scam / Swamy, Subramanian. Har-Anand Publications, 2011 9788124116388 | 8124116385 304 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
384.0954DES 01008140 India`s Telecommunications Industry: History, Analysis, Diagnosis ( Law Lib.) Ashok V Desai Sage Publications 0076193412 293p. Knowledge Centre
384.0995 DES 05066982 The Virtual Transformation of The Public Sphere : Routledge, 2018 9781138349186 vi, 307p.; Knowledge Centre
384.1 DOD 05022214 Essential Guide to Telecommunications Dodd, Z Annabel Prentice Hall PTR 9814035475 250p Knowledge Centre
384.1 MUL 05062666 Wiring the world : Müller, Simone M. Columbia University Press, 2016 9780231174329 (cloth : alk. pa x, 371 pages : Knowledge Centre
384.1 MUL 05048397 Wiring the world : Müller, Simone M. Columbia University Press, 2016 9780231174329 (cloth : alk. pa x, 371 pages : Knowledge Centre
384.10954 BON 05053231 The News of Empire : Oxford Univ Press, 2016 9780199467129 | 0199467129 xvi,376p.; Knowledge Centre
384.10954 MAN 05058048 Wiring the nation : Mann, Michael. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199472178 (hardback) | 019 First edition. xxii, 298 pages ; Knowledge Centre
384.10954SUB 00089443 Ports Towns and Cities: A Historical Tour of the Indian Littoral Subramaniyan, Lakshmi Marg Publications 8185026890 168p UG Library
384.21 THU 05022202 International communication : Thussu, Daya Kishan. Arnold ; | Co-published in the United States of America by Oxford University Press, 0340741309 | 0340741317 (pbk.) ix, 342 p. : Knowledge Centre
384.3 AMO 00051092 E-Business Amor, Daniel 0013085123 636p UG Library
384.3 AMO 05022223 E-Business (R) Revolution-Living and Working in an Interconnected World Amor, Daniel Addison Wesley 9814058262 634p Knowledge Centre
384.3 ASS 00051050 Net-Commerce Asset, International 0074635182 154p UG Library
384.3 BAJ 05022272 E-Commerce - the Cutting Edge of Business Bajaj, K Kamlesh 0074635409 446p Knowledge Centre
384.3 BRO 00120376 Internet and digital economics / Brousseau Eric Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521671842 (pbk.) 1st pbk. ed. xxvi, 796 p. : UG Library
384.3 BUF 05022215 E-Business and IS Solutions-An Architectural Approach to Business Problems Buffam, J William Pearson Education 8178082330 256p Knowledge Centre
384.3 CHA 05022226 Learning: an Expression of the Knowledge Economy Chadha, Gaurav 0070445427 199p Knowledge Centre
384.3 CUN 00051102 Smart Things to Know About E-Commerce Cunningham, Mike India Bood Distributors 8173101280 234p UG Library
384.3 FER 05022224 Building an Intelligent E-Business - Your Partner for E-Business Solutions Ferris, David Prentice Hall of India 8120318617 330p Knowledge Centre
384.3 FLO 05043721 Web Business Engineering : Flor, V Nick Pearson Education, 2001 8178082462 212 p Knowledge Centre
384.3 GER 04015324 Emerging Wireless Technologies and the Future Mobile Internet / Paychaudari, Dipankar CUP , 2011 9781107678644 315 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
384.3 GRE 05046229 How the Internet became commercial : Greenstein, Shane M. Princeton university press, 2016 9780691167367 (hardcover : alk viii, 474 pages : Knowledge Centre
384.3 HAR 05022225 Cybertools for Business - Practical Websites That Will Save Your Time/money Harris, Wayne Hoover`s Business Press 1573110256 182p Knowledge Centre
384.3 HEA 05022219 Multimedia and Communications Technology. Heath, Steven ELSEVIER 8181471458 333p Knowledge Centre
384.3 MAY 00051096 Business of Ecommerce May, Paul 2000 0521776988 270p UG Library
384.3 MOR 05002888 E-Business (R) Revolution-Living and Working in an Interconnected World Amor, Daniel Addison Wesley 9814058262 634p Knowledge Centre
384.3 OST 00130763 Applied media studies / Ostherr, Kirsten, Routledge, 2018 9781138202481 (hardback) | 978 xviii,273p.; UG Library
384.3 RAI 05022274 Marketplace Strategies for Success in B2b e Commerce Raish, D Warren 0071361235 343p Knowledge Centre
384.3 RAO 05022218 Multimedia Communication Systems (MCA) Rao, K R Prentice Hall of India 8120321456 544p Knowledge Centre
384.3 RIC 00051091 Unofficial Guide to Starting an E-Commerce Business Rich, Jason R Wiley India 8126500662 414p UG Library
384.3 SCH 05022271 Electronic Commerce Schneider, P Gary Books/cole Publishing 9814057592 408p Knowledge Centre
384.3 SHU 05022273 E-Business With Net.Commerce Shurety, Samantha Prentice Hall PTR 9814035882 709p Knowledge Centre
384.3 SMI 05022222 E-Business Book: Smith, M Dayle Viva Books Private Limited, 2003 8176493376 247p .: Knowledge Centre
384.3 WIE 05022216 Custom Enterprise.Com - Every Product-Every Price-Every Message Wiegran, Gaby Pearson Education 8178082306 202p Knowledge Centre
384.30285 JAI 05022228 E-Business Models: Success Strategies Jaiswal, M P Excel Books 8174462813 176p Knowledge Centre
384.303 MAI 00055125 Dictionary of E-Commerce Maidan, M C HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 0008178664 578p UG Library
384.303 MAI 05022227 Dictionary of E-Commerce Maidan, M C HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 0008178664 578p Knowledge Centre
384.30954 WDR 00125727 World Development Report 2016 : The World Bank, 2016 9781464807282 | 1464807280 | 9781464806711 | 1464806713 xxiii, 330 pages : UG Library
384.31 MIC 00052782 eCommerce Development WP Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd 2001 8178530384 | 9788178530383 | 8 xiv, 428 p. UG Library
384.31 MIC 00052778 eCommerce Development WP Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd 2001 8178530384 | 9788178530383 | 8 xiv, 428 p. UG Library
384.31 RUT 01007647 Electronic Markets(law Lib) G Philip Rutledge Tottel 9781845926786 397p Knowledge Centre
384.32 KAU 00050638 Getting Clicked Kaul, Tanya Kaul Vikas 8125910034 123p UG Library
384.32 TOM 00050692 Killer Content Tomsen, Mai-Lan Pearson Education 8178082454 213p UG Library
384.33 STE 03000716 Mobil Revolution: The Making of Mobile Service Worldwide Steinbock, Dan Kogan Page 9780749445454 304 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
384.33 AUS 05000613 The Broadband Explosion : Austin, Robert D. Harvard Business School Press, 2005 1591396700 (hardcover : alk. p xii, 371 p. : Knowledge Centre
384.33 AUS 03010406 The Broadband Explosion : Austin, Robert D. Harvard Business School Press, 2005 1591396700 (hardcover : alk. p xii, 371 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
384.33 BYG 05042354 Internet governance by contract / Bygrave, Lee Andrew. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199687343 (hardback) xiv,173p.: Knowledge Centre
384.33 BYG 01021587 Internet governance by contract / Bygrave, Lee Andrew. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199687343 (hardback) xiv,173p.: Knowledge Centre
384.33 CAS 05062127 Big crisis data : Castillo, Carlos, Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107135765 (hardback) xii, 212 pages : Knowledge Centre
384.33 MAN 05022352 E-Tailing : Vol-1 Case Studies in E-Business Mantravadi M Pramod ICFAI 2002 8178810131 164p. Knowledge Centre
384.33 MAN 05022353 E-Tailing : Vol-2 Case Studies in E-Business Mantravadi M Pramod ICFAI 2002 8178810425 162p. Knowledge Centre
384.33 MAN 05022392 E-Business: Organizing for Success ICFAI ICFAI 8178810654 202p Knowledge Centre
384.33 NOV 05068538 Network Neutrality and Digital Dialogic Communication : Novak, Alison N. Routledge, 2018 1138317756 | 9781138317758 140p.; Knowledge Centre
384.33 SAN 04009389 Enterprise Web 2.0 fundamentals / Sankar, Krishna. Cisco Press, 2009 9788131734902 xxi, 362 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
384.33 SHA 05022229 Planning E-Business for Competitive Advantage ICFAI ICFAI 0817881028 310p Knowledge Centre
384.3309 BAL 05062653 A history of digital media : Balbi, Gabriele, Routledge, 2018 9781138630215 (hbk) | 9781138630222 (pbk) xiii, 281 pages ; Knowledge Centre
384.330952 STE 05065480 The platform economy : Steinberg, Marc. University of minnesota press, 2019 9781517906955 297p.; Knowledge Centre
384.334 FIL 00144661 Governance for the Digital World : Filgueiras, Fernando Palgrave macmillan, 2021 9783030552473 xiii,117p, ; UG Library
384.34 KAL 05022341 E-Business - Roadmap for Success Kalakota, Ravi Pearson Education 8178080567 374p Knowledge Centre
384.34 KAL 05022342 E-Business Roadmap for Success Kalakota, Ravi Pearson Education 8178080567 372p Knowledge Centre
384.34 KAL 05022343 E-Business Roadmap for Success Kalakota, Ravi Pearson Education 8178080567 372p Knowledge Centre
384.34 MCK 05022379 E-Business Best Practices: Leveraging Technology for Business Advantage Mckie, Stewart 0471402516 204p Knowledge Centre
384.34 MOR 05022380 Wired Words: Language Is the New Identity in the E-World, Brands Need to Ta Morris, Steve 0273650904 184p Knowledge Centre
384.34 NAR 05022354 Entrepreneurial Connection: East Meets West in the Silicon Valley Naroola, Gurmeet 0007043641 382p Knowledge Centre
384.34 SPE 00050302 Amazon.Com Get Big Fast Spector, Robert 0712684581 253p UG Library
384.341 MAD 05022351 LOW-COST E-Mail WITH UUCP [ Integrating Unix, Dos, Windows, and Mac Madron, Thomas W M 0442018495 411p Knowledge Centre
384.38 GAL 00130908 How to turn down a billion dollars : Gallagher, Billy, Virgin Books, 2018 9780753557587 First edition. xv, 287 pages : UG Library
384.38 GAL 07012763 How to turn down a billion dollars : Gallagher, Billy, Virgin Books, 2018 9780753557587 First edition. xv, 287 pages : Library - BR Campus
384.38 GAL 05060699 How to turn down a billion dollars : Gallagher, Billy, Virgin Books, 2018 9780753557587 First edition. xv, 287 pages : Knowledge Centre
384.38 SMI 05048317 Streaming sharing stealing : Smith, Michael D., The MIT Press, 2016 9780262034791 (hardcover : alk. paper) xi, 215 pages ; Knowledge Centre
384.4 TUR 00053476 Electronic Commerce: a Managerial Perspective Turban, Efraim Pearson Education 8178083620 507p UG Library
384.5 NIC 05003320 Wireless Security: Models, Threats and Solutions: Nickols, K Randall Tata McGraw - Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., 2002 0070618844 xliii, 657p Knowledge Centre
384.5 NIC 05041014 Wireless Security: Models, Threats and Solutions: Nickols, K Randall Tata McGraw - Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., 2002 0070618844 xliii, 657p Knowledge Centre
384.5 BRA 05022334 Bluetooth - Connect Without Cables Bray, Jennifer Pearson Education 8178082896 490p Knowledge Centre
384.5 CAM 04021750 Global networks Cambron, G. Keith. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2013 9781119943402 | 111994340X 375p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
384.5 FEH 00069902 Wireless Digital Communications Feher, Dr Kamilo PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 1998 9788120314726 xx, 524 p. UG Library
384.5 FEH 00069722 Wireless Digital Communications Feher, Dr Kamilo PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 1998 9788120314726 xx, 524 p. UG Library
384.5 FEH 05004239 Wireless Digital Communications Feher, Dr Kamilo PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 1998 9788120314726 xx, 524 p. Knowledge Centre
384.5 FEH 05022340 Wireless Digital Communications: Modulation & Spread Spectrum Applications Feher, Dr Kamilo Prentice Hall of India 8120314727 524p Knowledge Centre
384.5 NIC 05022338 Wireless Security: Models, Threats and Solutions: Nickols, K Randall Tata McGraw - Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., 2002 0070618844 xliii, 657p Knowledge Centre
384.5 RAP 00139495 Wireless Communications : Rappaport,Theodore S. Prentice hall, 2002 9788120323810 | 9789356066212 2nd ed. xxiii,707p.; UG Library
384.5 RAP 05037979 Wireless Communications : Anderson, Tim Pearson Education, 2003 8178086484 xxiii,708p.; Knowledge Centre
384.5 SCH 00069625 Mobile Communications Schiller, Jochen Pearson Education Inc. 2006 9788177582635 2nd ed, 512 p.: UG Library
384.5 SOL 05022335 Mobile Ipv6:Mobility in a Wireless Internet ( Ugc-Autonomous) Soliman, Hesham Pearson 8129709465 325 Knowledge Centre
384.5 WAL 05044536 Mass notification and crisis communications : Walker, Denise C. CRC Press, 2012 9781439874387 (hbk. : alk. pap xxii, 528 p. : Knowledge Centre
384.5068 JAY 05022337 Wireless Enterprise - Concepts and Cases Krishna, S Jaya ICFAI 8178812509 174p Knowledge Centre
384.51 SWA 04011081 Global Mobile Satellite Systems A Systems Overview: Swan A. Peter Springer: 2003 9788184899658 xv,170 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
384.51SCH 05001571 Mobile Communications Schiller, Jochen Pearson Education 8178081709 394p Knowledge Centre
384.53 CEL 00141338 Always on: Cellan-Jones,Rory Bloomsbury 2021 9781472992277 295p UG Library
384.53 RUD 04017372 Mobility Management : Rudrakshi, Somashekar V Tata Mcgrawhill, 2011 9780070680807 307p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
384.53092 COR 05022336 Money from Thin Air: Story of Visionary Who Invented Cell Phone Corr, Casey 0812926978 310p Knowledge Centre
384.534095 MAD 05022344 Asia Unplugged: the Wireless and Mobile Media Boom in the Asia Pacific: M S Comn Madanmohan, Rao 0761932720 463p Knowledge Centre
384.534095 MAD 05022345 Asia Unplugged: the Wireless and Mobile Media Boom in the Asia Pacific: M S Comn Madanmohan, Rao 0761932720 463p Knowledge Centre
384.534095 RAO 00068059 Asia Unplugged Rao, Madanmohan 2005 0761932720 464p UG Library
384.534095 RAO 01004010 ASIA UNPLUGGED the WIRELESS AND MOBILE MEDIA BOOM IN the ASIA-PACIFIC (LAW LIB) Madanmohan Rao Sage Publications 0761932720 464p Knowledge Centre
384.534095 RAO 01006194 Asia Unplugged the Wireless and Mobile Media Boom in the Asia-Pacific Madanmohan Rao Sage Publications 0761932720 464 p Knowledge Centre
384.535 GOP 05048386 The ringtone dialectic : Gopinath, Sumanth S. MIT Press, 2013 xxiii, 368 p. : Knowledge Centre
384.535 HIL 05003492 GSM and UMTS : Wiley, 2009 9788126523054 viii, 582 p. : Knowledge Centre
384.5350954 GNA 03009147 Service Marketing in Cellular Phone / Gnanadhas, Edwin M. Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2013 9789350563038 157 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
384.54 SUB 04003711 India's Turn: Understanding the Economic Transformation Subramanian, Arvind Oxford Universtiy Press 2008 9780195693546 237 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
384.54 SUB 1 03002808 India's Turn: Understanding the Economic Transformation Subramanian, Arvind Oxford Universtiy Press 9780198064060 237 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
384.54 FCE 00093796 The radio handbook / Fleming, Carole, Routledge, 9780415445078 (hbk. : alk. pap 218 p. : UG Library
384.54 FLE 05002831 The Radio Hand Book Fleming Carole Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 9780415445085 218p Knowledge Centre
384.54 HIL 05004605 Radio reader : Routledge, 2002 0415928206 | 0415928214 (pbk.) xv, 569 p. : Knowledge Centre
384.54 LEV 00000806 Elements of Radio Servicing Levi, Marcas Mc Graw Hill UG Library
384.54 PIE 05044562 Digital broadcasting : Pierson, Jo. Bloomsbury, 2015 9781847887405 (paperback) | 97 viii,158p.: Knowledge Centre
384.54 PRI 00091306 Electronic media management / Pringle, Peter K. Focal Press, 9780240808727 (pbk. : alk. pap xv, 415 p. : UG Library
384.54 SEA 03004625 The economic regulation of broadcasting markets : Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521874052 (hbk.) | 0521874 xii, 356 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
384.54 SUB 04009668 India's Turn: Understanding the Economic Transformation Subramanian, Arvind Oxford Universtiy Press 2008 9780195693546 237 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
384.54065 KEI 05039516 The radio station Keith, Michael C., Focal Press, 2010 9780240811864 (pbk.) | 0240811860 (pbk.) 8th ed. xvii,343p.; Knowledge Centre
384.54071 DON 05011361 Technological issues in broadcast education : Donnelly, Gerard Praeger, 2003 0275975215 (alk. paper) x, 230 p. ; Knowledge Centre
384.540954 AST 01027919 India's state-run media : Asthana, Sanjay, Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108481700 | 1108481701 xiii, 210 pages : Knowledge Centre
384.540954 BHA 00137951 Government media, autonomy and after Bhargava, G. S Concept publiushing company pvt ltd., 2019 9788170223665 xii,134p.; UG Library
384.540954 MAR 00130760 Electronic media and broadcasting Martinez,Sandra M. Delve publishing, 2017 9781680959345 256p.; UG Library
384.540954 PAV 00084295 Other Voices Pavarala, Vinod, Sage Publications, 2007 9780761936022 (hc) | 076193602 318 p. ; UG Library
384.540954 PAV 01007470 Other Voices - the Struggle for Community Radio in India ( Law Lib.) Vinod Pavarala Sage Publications 9780761936022 318p. Knowledge Centre
384.540954 PAV 00079406 Other Voices Pavarala, Vinod, Sage Publications, 2007 9780761936022 (hc) | 076193602 318 p. ; UG Library
384.540954 VAN 05000918 Culture your Voice / Vani Staff Training Institute (Prog.) 2010 95 p. Knowledge Centre
384.540973 CRA 00057956 Electronic Media Craft, John E 2001 0534195660 394p UG Library
384.540973 GRO 00050385 Telecommunications Gross, Lynne Schafer Brown & Benchmark Publishers, 1997 0697288838 6th ed. xx, 443 p. : UG Library
384.540973 HEA 00023174 Broadcasting in America Head, Sydney W. Houghton Mifflin, 1976 0395206448 3d ed. xviii, 629 p. : UG Library
384.540973 SMI 05003070 Perspectives on Radio and Televions: Telecommunication in the United States / Smith, F Leslie Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 1998 0000805822 735p.: Knowledge Centre
384.5443 DUN 05042656 Low power to the people : Dunbar-Hester, Christina, 9780262028127 (hardcover : alk 1 online resource (298 pages) : Knowledge Centre
384.54524 PRA 03012192 The dynamics of spectrum management : Prasad, Rohit, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198099789 (hbk.) | 0198099 xx, 366 pages School of Business Management (Kengeri)
384.54524 PRA 05040506 The dynamics of spectrum management : Prasad, Rohit, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198099789 (hbk.) | 0198099 xx, 366 pages Knowledge Centre
384.54524 PRA 07002110 The dynamics of spectrum management : Prasad, Rohit, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198099789 (hbk.) | 0198099 xx, 366 pages Library - BR Campus
384.5453 HEN 00140835 The radio station : Hendricks, John Allen, Routledge, 2018 9781138218802 (hardback) | 9781138218819 (pbk.) Tenth edition. xxiii, 458 pages : UG Library
384.5453 HEN 05045425 Keith's radio station : Hendricks, John Allen. Focal Press 2015 9780240821160 (pbk.) Ninth edition. xxv, 503 pages ; Knowledge Centre
384.5453068 KEI 05022276 Radio Station [ms.Communication Section] Keith, Michael C 0000240598 315 Knowledge Centre
384.55 ALL 05005231 The television studies reader / Routledge, 041528323X | 0415283243 (pbk.) xvii, 629 p. ; Knowledge Centre
384.55 ALL 05002801 Television Studies Reader Allen Robert C Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 9780415283243 629p Knowledge Centre
384.55 ALL 05022350 Television Studies Reader Allen Robert C Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 9780415283243 629p Knowledge Centre
384.55 ALL 05022349 The television studies reader / Routledge, 041528323X | 0415283243 (pbk.) xvii, 629 p. ; Knowledge Centre
384.55 BIG 00057955 An Introduction To Television Studies Bignell, Jonathan 2004 0415261139 339p UG Library
384.55 BUT 00108933 Television Butler,Jeremy G., Routledge, 2012 9780415883283 | 041588327X (ha 4th ed. xviii, 491 p. : UG Library
384.55 FRA 05022346 Television Policy: The Mactaggart Lectures [ms-Communication Section] Franklin, Bob 0748617183 292p Knowledge Centre
384.55 FRA 05022347 Television Policy the Mactaggart Lectures [MSCOM] Franklin, Bob 0748617183 292 Knowledge Centre
384.55 FRA 00087531 Television Policy Franklin, Bob Edinburgh University Press. 2005 0748617183 | 9780748617180 292 UG Library
384.55 FRA 05022348 Television Policy [ MS.COMMU ] Franklin, Bob 0748617183 292p Knowledge Centre
384.55 HAR 05002893 Technology, Television and Competition: The Politics of Digital TV: Hart, A Jeffrey Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521826241 | 9780521826242 248p.: Knowledge Centre
384.55 HAR 00122039 Technology, Television and Competition: The Politics of Digital TV: Hart, A Jeffrey Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521826241 | 9780521826242 248p.: UG Library
384.55 kIM 05040148 Reading Asian Television Drama : I.M.Tauris, 2014 9781845118600 xii,315p.: Knowledge Centre
384.55 STR 00125822 World television : Straubhaar, Joseph D. Sage, 2007 9780803954625 (cloth : alk. pa 264p.,A-2 UG Library
384.55 STR 05002838 World Televison: from Global to Local / Straubhaar, Joseph D Sage Publications, 2007 9780803954632 264p.: Knowledge Centre
384.55 SUR 05044520 Digital television / Surjeet Publications Surjeet Publications, 2015 9781604566932 (hbk.) | 1604566 286 p. Knowledge Centre
384.55 WAR 05022398 Radio: the Book for Creative Professional Programming: Warren, Steve 2005 0240806864 225[p Knowledge Centre
384.55 WIL 00078593 Television : Technology and Cultural Form Willaims Raymond Routledge 2004 0415314569 172 p UG Library
384.55 WIL 01004868 Television : Williams, Raymond. Routledge, 0415314569 (pbk.) | 9780415314 xvii, 172 p. ; Knowledge Centre
384.55 WOL 00137613 Television is the new television : Wolff, Michael. Portfolio Penguin, 2017 159184813X | 9781591848134 | 9780143108924 212p.; UG Library
384.5506 YOU 05060717 An unlikely audience : Youmans, William Lafi. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190655723 (cloth : alk. pa xiii, 239p.; Knowledge Centre
384.5506541 HEN 10001654 The BBC : Hendy, David Profie Books, 2022 9781781255254 xvii, 638 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
384.5506541 HEN 05073357 The BBC : Hendy, David Profie Books, 2022 9781781255254 xvii, 638 p.: Knowledge Centre
384.5506554 BAT 05039348 Making News in India : Batabyal Somnath Routledge, 2012 9780415501637 x,237p.: Knowledge Centre
384.5506573 WIL 00136066 The battle for sky : Williams, Christopher, Bloomsbury business, 2019 9781472964908 (hardback) xix, 247 p.; UG Library
384.5506573 WIL 05067164 The battle for sky : Williams, Christopher, Bloomsbury, 2019 9781472965516 xix, 247 pages ; Knowledge Centre
384.55066 SIN 00118582 Fundamentals of Hospitality Singh S.K Anmol Publidcations, 2014 9788126160440 vii, 264 p.: UG Library
384.550688 BRY 05046692 The TV brand builders : Bryant, Andy, KoganPage, 2016 9780749476687 (paperback) xv,328p.: Knowledge Centre
384.55092 AUL 00087340 Media Man Ted Turner`s Improbable Empire Auletta, Ken 0393327493 205 UG Library
384.550941 STO 05022323 On Screen Rivals: Cinema and Television in United States and Britain [ms.Communication Section] Stokes, Jane 0333665163 237 Knowledge Centre
384.55095 FRE 05022321 Contemporary Television (ms Communications) French, David Sage Publications 8170365163 371p Knowledge Centre
384.55095 FRE 00050481 Television in Contemporary Asia French, David 0761994696 455p UG Library
384.55095 THO 01008128 Imagi-Nations and Borderless Television: Media, Culture and Politics Accross Asia Amon Thomas, Owen Sage Publications 0761933964 289 Knowledge Centre
384.55095 THO 05022320 Imagi-Nations and Borderless Television: Media, Culture and Politics Across Asia {mscom] Thomas, Amos Owen 0761933956 284p Knowledge Centre
384.55095 THO 05022322 Transnational Media and Contoured Markets: Reading Asian Television and Advertising {msw} Thomas, Amos Owen Sage Publications 0008178296 266p Knowledge Centre
384.55095 THO 01004000 TRANSNATIONAL MEDIA AND CONTOURED MAERKETS (LAW LIB) Amos Thomas Sage Publications 0761934847 266p Knowledge Centre
384.55095 THO 05032832 Transnational media and contoured markets : Thomas, Amos Owen, London : | Sage Publications, 2006 0761934839 (hbk.) | 0761934847 266 p. ; Knowledge Centre
384.550954 JOH 00074859 Television and Social Change in Rural India Johnson, Kirk, Sage Publications, 2000 0761994211 (cloth) | 076199422 247 p. : UG Library
384.550954 KUM 00140630 Basic of electronic media Kumar,Rajesh Pearl media, 2021 9789383026913 vi,264p.; UG Library
384.550954 SHA 10005252 Telly-guillotined : Shah, Amrita Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2019 9789353286057 | 9353286050 New edition. ix, 283 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
384.550954 VAS 05057286 TV news channels in India : Academic Foundations, 2016 9789332703254 200 pages ; Knowledge Centre
384.550973 GIL 05056610 Television brandcasting : Gillan, Jennifer, Routledge, 2015 9780415841214 (hbk) | 97804158 xvii, 275 pages : Knowledge Centre
384.551 MCD 05044791 Branding TV : Mcdowell,Walter. Elsevier, 2005 9780240807539 x,158p.; Knowledge Centre
384.5520954 PAG 05022319 Satellite Over South Asia: Broadcasting Culture and the Public Interest Page, David 0761994815 456p Knowledge Centre
384.5532 AGR 00050480 Childrens Television in India Agrawal, Bindu C Concept Publishing Company 1999 817122800X 83 p. UG Library
384.554 MIL 00096786 Television studies : Miller, Toby. Routledge, 9780415774239 (hbk) | 04157742 254 p. : UG Library
384.554 OCO 05041064 Raymond Williams on Television / Routledge, 1989 9780415509299 xvii,223p.: Knowledge Centre
384.555 MJO 05002840 Media globalization and the Discovery Channel networks / Mjos, Ole J., Routledge, 9780415992466 (hbk.) | 0415992 viii, 224 p. : Knowledge Centre
384.555 MJO 05002847 Media globalization and the Discovery Channel networks / Mjos, Ole J., Routledge, 9780415992466 (hbk.) | 0415992 viii, 224 p. : Knowledge Centre
384.555 Mjo 00093890 Media Globalization and the Discovery Channel Networks Mjos Ole J Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 9780415992466 224p UG Library
384.55506573 05067534 That will never work : Randolph, Marc, Octopus Books, 2019 9781913068066 First edition. 312 pages ; Knowledge Centre
384.55506573 HAS 10004376 No Rules Rules : Hastings, Reed Penguin Random House, 2024 9780753560969 xxiv, 293 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
384.55506573 RAN 05067162 That will never work : Randolph, Marc, Octopus Books, 2019 9781913068066 First edition. 312 pages ; Knowledge Centre
384.555092 TUR 05022318 Ted Turner Speaks: Insight from the World`s Greatest Maverick Turner, Ted 0471345636 230p Knowledge Centre
384.555WIL 00076205 Telivision: Technology and Cultural Form: [dharmaram Library] Williams, Raymond 0415314569 172p UG Library
384.55678 JOH 00135544 Online television / Johnson, Catherine, Routledge, 2019 9781138226876 | 9781138226883 xii,176p.; UG Library
384.558 BEN 05022317 Film and Television After DVD Bennett James Routledge 9780415878340 201p Knowledge Centre
384.558 BRA 05037815 Video shooter : Braverman, Barry. Focal Press, 2010 9780240810881 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 286 p. : Knowledge Centre
384.558 BRA 05044569 Video shooter : Braverman, Barry. Focal Press, 2014 9780240825175 (pbk.) [Third edition] xiii,329p.: Knowledge Centre
384.558 COM 00131458 Introduction to video production : Compesi, Ronald J., Routledge, 2018 9781138705746 (hardback) | 9781138705753 (pbk.) Second edition. x,251p.; UG Library
384.558 GAS 00069033 Complete Guide to Digital Video Gaskell, Ed United Kingdom 0190470509 192p UG Library
384.558 MAY 05002670 Essential Digital Video Handbook : May, Pete. Rockport, 2004 1592530249 | 9781592530243 191p.; Knowledge Centre
384.558 MOT 00135575 Amateur media and participatory cultures : Motrescu-Mayes, Annamaria, Routledge, 2019 9781138226142 (hardcover) | 9781138226159 (softcover) xiii, 163 pages : UG Library
384.558 WOL 05022400 Video Production Workshop/ Wolsky, Tom Cmp Books 0157820268 209 Knowledge Centre
384.558 WOO 05002841 Practical Guide to Video and Audio Compression / Wootton, Cliff Elsevier, 2005 0240806301 787p.: Knowledge Centre
384.55CAV 01008255 Digital Broadcasting: Policy and Practice in the Americas, Europe and Japan ( Law Lib.) Martin Cave EDWARD ELGAR 9781845423711 290p. Knowledge Centre
384.55STR 00087357 World Televison: from Global to Local / Straubhaar, Joseph D Sage Publications, 2007 9780803954632 264p.: UG Library
384.56SRI 00050486 Broadcast Journalism - a Review Srivastava, H O Gyan Publishing House 8121207002 328p UG Library
384.5BEN 00053064 Practical Wap: Developing Applications for the Wireless Web Bennet, Chris 0521005612 423p UG Library
384.5MAY 00053065 Mobile Commerce-Opportunities, Applications, Technologies, Wireless Busines May, Paul 0052179756 278p UG Library
384.6025 DCO 00142097 Archdiocese of Bangalore: D'Costa,Ivan Archdiocese of Bangalore 2021 560p UG Library
384.6095 SAM 05022390 Ict Infrastructure in Emerging Asia: Policy and Regulatory Roadblocks Samarajiva, Rohan 9780761936732 333p Knowledge Centre
384.630973 NAG 04015671 Telecom service rollouts : Nagar, Rajoo. McGraw-Hill, 2002 0071391126 | 9780071391122 xvi, 287 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
384.64 EXC 05022399 Effective Call Center Training - Soft Skills Excel Books Excel Books 8174462554 219p Knowledge Centre
384.650954 JOH 05022362 Television and Social Change in Rural India Johnson, Kirk, Sage Publications, 2000 0761994211 (cloth) | 076199422 247 p. : Knowledge Centre
384.806573 PRI 03003199 The Pixar Touch : Price, David A. Crown Forum , 2009 9780307278296 310 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
384.806573 PRI 03005481 The Pixar touch : Price, David A. Alfred A. Knopf, 2008 9780307265753 308 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
384.806573 PRI 04016056 The Pixar touch : Price, David A. Alfred A. Knopf, 2008 9780307265753 308 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
384.806579493 FLA 05048127 The Marvel Studios phenomenon : Flanagan, Martin, Bloomsbury, 2016 9781501311895 (hardback) xii,268p.; Knowledge Centre
384.8068 LAR 00148123 Behind the Scenes of Indie Film Marketing: Larue, Nicholas Routledge, 2024 9781032507866 xv,221p. ; UG Library
384.80688 KER 00131314 Film marketing / Kerrigan, Finola Routledge, 2017 9781138013353 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138013360 (pbk. : alk. paper) Second edition. xii,188p.; UG Library
384.8092 EIS 03000599 Work in Progress : Eisner, Michael. Hyperion, 2008 9780786885077 450 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
384.80954 ATH 05053107 The multiplex in India : Athique, Adrian. Routledge, 2010 9780415533591 ix, 244 p. : Knowledge Centre
384.80954 JAI 00087827 Cinema at the End of Empire Jaikumar, Priya, Duke University Press, 2006 9788170463160 | 8170463165 | 9 xiv, 318 p. : UG Library
384.80954 JAI 00079257 Cinema at the End of Empire Jaikumar, Priya, Duke University Press, 2006 9788170463160 | 8170463165 | 9 xiv, 318 p. : UG Library
384.80955 ZEY 05022395 The politics of Iranian cinema : Zeydabadi-Nejad, Saeed. Routledge, 0415455367 (hbk.) | 9780415455 x, 190 p. : Knowledge Centre
384.80973 NIE 00121777 Twilight of the idols : Nietzsche,Friedrich Oxford University Press 2008 9780520237117 (cloth) | 052023 124 p. : UG Library
384.809730905 ATK 05048555 Beyond the screen : Atkinson, Sarah, Bloomsbury publishing Inc., 2016 9781623566371 (hardback : alk. xiv, 293 pages ; Knowledge Centre
384.80979494 BRA 05022394 Cinema and Cultural Modernity [MS.COMMUNICATION SECTION] Branston, Gill 0033520077 201 p Knowledge Centre
384.80979494 CAP 03007216 The Disney Way / Capodagli, Bill Tata mcgrawhill, 2007 9780070659209 312 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
384.80979494 CAP 04017401 The Disney Way / Capodagli, Bill Tata mcgrawhill, 2007 9780070659209 312 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
384.80979494 LOE 05045551 The experience : Loeffler, Bruce, 9781119028659 | 9781119028673 1 online resource (307 pages) : Knowledge Centre
384.80979494 WAS 05072912 Twentieth Century Fox / Wasser, Frederick, Routledge. 2021 9781138921252 | 9781138921269 xv, 283p : Knowledge Centre
384.8234 SHA 00098202 Career in media Shamsi N,Afaque Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd; 9788126126637 ix:369 p. UG Library
384.8234219 GRE 05022393 Careers in Media and Film:The Essential Guide [ms.Communication Section] Gregory, Gregoria 9781412923729 218 Knowledge Centre
384.84 CUR 05041986 Distribution revolution : 9780520283244 | 9780520283251 1 online resource (271 pages) Knowledge Centre
384.84 PAR 05019635 The insider's guide to independent film distribution / Parks, Stacey. Elsevier/Focal Press, 2012 9780240817552 2nd ed. xi,156 p. : Knowledge Centre
384FRA 01009842 Telecomes in the Internet Age: from Boom to Bust To...? (law Lib) Martin Fransman Oxford University Press 0199257000 290 p Knowledge Centre
384ROB 00068553 Guide to Telephone Tactics Roberts-Pheleps, Grahma Viva Books Private Limited 8176499471 195p UG Library
384SUN 00026109 Telecom Story Sundara Rajan, Mohan GREEN PARK PUBLICATIONS 206p UG Library
385 ALB 05056504 The economics and politics of high-speed rail : Albalate, Daniel, Lexington Books, 2012 9780739171233 (cloth : alk. pa xv, 193 p. : Knowledge Centre
385 CHE 05056750 Chinese railways in the era of high-speed / Chen,Zhenhua. Emerald, 2015 9781784419851 xxii,264p.; Knowledge Centre
385 CUS 00000625 Transportation for Management. Cushman, Frank M., Prentice-Hall, 1953 468 p. UG Library
385 FON 00106767 The world railway system Fontgalland, Bernard de. Cambridge University Press, 1984 9780521143318 xiv, 209 p. : UG Library
385 HER 00000627 Railroads Inthe Days of Steam Heritage, American American Heritage 152p UG Library
385 KAU 00112041 Transportation manangement Kaur,Kirandeep Kalyani Publishers, 2008 9788127262174 2nd rev ed. 6.49p.; UG Library
385 TRI 00133366 Transportation management Trivedi,Priya Ranjan Jnanada prakashan, 2018 9788171399413 vi,207p.; UG Library
385.09 LAR 04027558 The train book / Mallard DK Publication, 2014 9781409347965 320p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
385.09 LAR 07005767 The train book / Mallard DK Publication, 2014 9781409347965 320p. Library - BR Campus
385.0947 HEY 00107825 Moderning Lenin's Russia Heywood,Anthony Cambridge University Press 1999 9780521027175 xviii; 328 P. UG Library
385.0954 NIL 03003203 Changing Tracks: Reinventing the Spirit of Indian Railways Nilakant, V Collins Business 2009 9788172238629 219 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
385.0954 DEB 00129519 Indian Railways : Debroy, Bibek, Portfolio Penguin, 2017 9780143426752 (paperback) | 01 xxxv, 225 p. : UG Library
385.0954 GOI 01014788 Public private partnership in redevelopment of railway stations : Planning Commission, Govt. of India, xx, 384 p. ; Knowledge Centre
385.0954 KER 05031164 Engines of Change : Kerr Ian.J Orient BlackSwan, 2007 9788125045625 234p.; Knowledge Centre
385.0954 KER 05049005 Engines of Change : Kerr Ian.J Orient BlackSwan, 2007 9788125045625 234p.; Knowledge Centre
385.0954 KER 05022373 27 Down: New Departures in Indian Railway Studies/ Kerr, Ian J Orient Longman Publications 8125030638 375p Knowledge Centre
385.0954 KER 07004350 Engines of Change : Kerr Ian.J Orient BlackSwan, 2007 9788125045625 234p.; Library - BR Campus
385.0954 MIT 05073602 Railway transportation in south asia : Mitra, Saptarshi. Springer, 2021 9783030768775 xxiv,329p.; Knowledge Centre
385.0954 NIL 00093047 Changing tracks Nilakant V Harpercollins press 2010 9788172238629 219 p.: UG Library
385.0954 NIL 04008157 Changing Tracks: Reinventing the Spirit of Indian Railways Nilakant, V Collins Business 2009 9788172238629 219 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
385.0954 PRA 00071374 Whistling Steam: Romance of Indian Rails Prakash, Dileep ROLI BOOKS PVT LTD 2004 8174361871 44p UG Library
385.0954 RAO 01006414 INDIAN RAILWAYA(LAW LIBRARY) M A Rao National Book Trust 8123725892 332p Knowledge Centre
385.0954792 AKL 05041591 Halt Station India : Aklekar, Rajendra.B. Rupa Publications India Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9788129134974 xxii,205 p.: Knowledge Centre
385.1 AKL 03010727 Halt Station India : Aklekar, Rajendra.B. Rupa Publications India Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9788129134974 xxii,205 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
385.2 HUG 05057073 The second age of rail : Hughes, Murray. The History Press.; 2015 9780750961455 Hughes, Murray. Knowledge Centre
385.2 KER 01007344 New Departures in Indian Railway Studies: New Perspectives in South Asian History ( Law Lib ) Ian, J Kerr Orient Longman Private Limited 8125030638 375p Knowledge Centre
385.2 TAT 00126296 The Classic Fairy Tales : Tatar. Maria Norton, 1999 9780393972771 1st ed. xviii, 394 p. ; UG Library
385.22 QUI 05046338 Food on the rails : Quinzio, Jeri. Rowman & Littlefield, 2014 9781442227323 (cloth) xviii, 175 pages : Knowledge Centre
385.360954 GOI 01014798 Procurement-cum-maintenance of locomotives : Planning Commission, Govt. of India, xix, 320 p. ; Knowledge Centre
385.3610 NOC 00095130 British Steam Railways & Locomotive Nock O.S Bounty, 2009 9780753717851 192 p.: UG Library
385.3610941 ROS 04012062 British steam railways / Ross, David Amber Books Ltd, 2009 9781405454889 160 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
385.52097882 MAN 07015249 My Train 18 Story : Mani Sudhanshu Kiva Prakashan, 2021 9788194897439 283p.: Library - BR Campus
385.92KHA 01008868 Memoirs of Cyril Jones: People, Society and Railways in Hyderabad (law Lib) Omar Khalidi Manohar 0818542554 95p Knowledge Centre
386.09540 DEW 00118794 Steamboats on the Indus : Dewey, Clive Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198092193 xiii:296p.; UG Library
386.4809 BER 00111838 Wedding of the waters : Bernstein, Peter L. W.W. Norton, 2005 0393052338 (hardcover) 1st ed. 448 p. : UG Library
386.482 MAR 05002855 Introduction to Casino and Gaming Operations / Marshall, H Lincoln Englewood Cliffs, 1996 0132135213 290p.: Knowledge Centre
386.8550977 LAR 04019045 Great Lakes lighthouses encyclopedia / Wright, Larry, Boston Mills Press, 2006 9781550463996 | 1550463993 448 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
387 KOT 01006543 EXPORT PROMOTION MEASURES IN INDIA (LAW LIBRARY) Monika Kothari DEEP AND DEEP PUBLICATION 9788184500127 300p Knowledge Centre
387.0687 SON 03011488 Maritime Logistics : Song, Dong-Wook. Koganpage, 2015 9780749472689 (paperback) Second edition. xxvii, 446 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
387.0687 SON 07009471 Maritime Logistics : Song, Dong-Wook. Koganpage, 2015 9780749472689 (paperback) Second edition. xxvii, 446 p.: Library - BR Campus
387.0687 SON 00119569 Maritime Logistics : Song, Dong-Wook. Kogan Page, 2012 9780749463694 (pbk.) | 9780749 xiv, 326 p. : UG Library
387.0687 SON 03008041 Maritime Logistics : Song, Dong-Wook. Kogan Page, 2012 9780749463694 (pbk.) | 9780749 xiv, 326 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
387.0937 MAT 05068750 Imperial Rome, Indian Ocean Regions and Muziris : Manohar Publishers and Distributors, 2015 9789350980637 472 p. ; Knowledge Centre
387.0954 RAY 00100010 Maritime India : Ray, Animesh Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 1993 9788121506913 736 p. UG Library
387.1 SCH 01005948 Regional Integretion and Development ( Law Lib ) Maurice Schiff World Bank 0821350781 321p Knowledge Centre
387.1068 PET 07014058 Port management : KoganPage, 2018 9780749474324 | 0749474327 xli, 532 pages : Library - BR Campus
387.10954 GOI 01014796 Public private partnership in ports : Planning Commission, Govt. of India, xvii, 275 p. ; Knowledge Centre
387.1550222 HIG 04019089 Lighthouses / Highsmith, Carol M., Crescent Books, 2000 9780517208779 2000 ed. 61 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
387.164 MUK 00118334 Vanguards of globalization : Mukherjee, Rila Primus Books, 2014 9789380607948 xvi, 425 pages UG Library
387.209 LAV 04015645 Ship : Lavery, Brian. Dorling Kindersley, 2004 0756604966 1st American ed. 400 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
387.243 DIC 05002896 Selling the Sea. Dicinson, Bob John Wiley & Sond,Inc, 1997 0471120014 364p.: Knowledge Centre
387.2640954 GOI 01014797 Public private partnership in urban rail systems : Planning Commission, Govt. of India, xviii, 359 p. ; Knowledge Centre
387.5 CIV 00000621 Cargoes and Cruisers Civis, UG Library
387.50954 BOU 00125664 Ports of the ancient Indian Ocean Boussac, Marie-Françoise Primus, 2106 9789384082079 (hardback) | 938 559 p. UG Library
387.542 MEH 07014245 Cruise Operations Management Hospitality Perspectives/ Mehta,Baldev Random Publications, 2019 9789352693733 IX,333 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
387.54205 DRA 00131688 Cruise line operations and management Drave,Vinayaka A Paradise press, 2018 9789386194497 277p.; UG Library
387.54205 DRA 07012303 Cruise line operations and management Drave,Vinayaka A Paradise press, 2018 9789386194497 277p.; Library - BR Campus
387.5442 LEV 03000584 Box: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger Levinson, Marc Princeton University Publishers 9780691123240 376p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
387.5442 LEV 05046683 Box: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger Levinson, Marc Princeton University Publishers 9780691123240 376p Knowledge Centre
387.580973 POW 03005349 Taking the sea : Powers, Dennis M. AMACOM, 2009 9780814413531 | 0814413536 xiv, 304 p., [16] p. of plates : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
387.7 BUD 05045910 Low cost carriers : Ashgate, 2014 9781409469032 | 1409469034 xix, 395 pages : Knowledge Centre
387.7 DAV 05030901 Airlines of the Jet Age : Davies, R. E. G. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press ; | In cooperation with Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2011 9780978846084 (hardcover : alk xvi, 461 p. : Knowledge Centre
387.7 DAV 00049735 History of the Worlds Airlines Davies, R E G Oxford University Press 590p UG Library
387.7 DIE 05011253 Clipping the clouds : Dierikx, M. L. J. Praeger, 2008 9780275989101 (alk. paper) | 0 xi, 202 p. : Knowledge Centre
387.7 FIN 05059438 Air transport liberalization : Edward Elgar, 2017 9781786431851 | 1786431858 viii, 391 pages : Knowledge Centre
387.7 KEA 05071514 Fundamentals of international aviation / Kearns, Suzanne K., Routledge, 2018 9781138708945 (hardback) | 9781138708976 (pbk.) First Edition. xxi, 372 p. ; Knowledge Centre
387.7 NOR 03004974 The Risk Controllers : Norman, Peter John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2011 9780470686324 xvi, 400 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
387.7 NOR 05006012 The Risk Controllers : Norman, Peter John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2011 9780470686324 xvi, 400 p. Knowledge Centre
387.7 SAL 07009446 Aviation logistics : Sales, Michael, KoganPage, 2016 9780749472702 (paperback) xii, 192 pages ; Library - BR Campus
387.7 SHA 00111733 Aviation Hospitality Management/ Sharma, Ravi. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd., 2013 9788126149810 viii:248p.; UG Library
387.7023 BHU 00099148 Developing professionalism in hospitality; Bhushan,Ekta Rajat publications; 9788178804927 vii;288 p. UG Library
387.7065485 CAR 03009680 Moments of Truth / Carlzon, Jan. Ballinger Pub. Co., 1987 0887302009 | 9780062312860 xiii, 135 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
387.706573 FRE 03000183 NUTS! Freiberg, Kevin Broadway Books 9780767901840 362 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
387.706573 FRE 05022377 NUTS! Southwest Airlines Crazy Recipe for Business and Personal Success Freiberg, Kevin 0767901843 362 p Knowledge Centre
387.7068 BIS 04025985 Shaking the Skies / Bisignani, Giovanni Viva Books, 2017 9789386105134 270p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
387.7068 DOG 05002853 The Airline Business / Doganis, Rigas Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2000 0415346142 305p.: Knowledge Centre
387.7068 SEN 00072620 Fundamentals of Air Transport Management Senguttuvan, P S Excel Books 2006 0817446459x | 9788174464590 xi, 244 p. UG Library
387.7068 SEN 00075463 Fundamentals of Air Transport Management Senguttuvan, P S Excel Books 2006 0817446459x | 9788174464590 xi, 244 p. UG Library
387.7068 SEN 00074699 Fundamentals of Air Transport Management Senguttuvan, P S Excel Books 2006 0817446459x | 9788174464590 xi, 244 p. UG Library
387.70681 FLO 00127318 Risk Management and Corporate Sustainability in Aviation Flouris G, Triant Routledge 2011 9781138246157 xii, 240 p. : UG Library
387.70681 VAS 07008428 Foundations of airline finance : Vasigh, Bijan. Routledge, 2014 9780415743259 (hardback) | 978 Second edition. xxiv, 615 pages ; Library - BR Campus
387.70684 TAN 00117850 Driving Airline Business Strategies Through Emerging Technology / Taneja, Nawal K. Ashgate, 2002 9780754619710 xv, 197 p. : UG Library
387.7092 GOP 00093203 Simply Fly : Gopinath, G. R. Harpercollins ; 2010 9788172238421 | 9789350291559 380 p.: UG Library
387.70954 SIN 00103265 Aviation management: Singh Ratandeep Kanishka publishers; 9788184570335 293 p. UG Library
387.70973 PET 05022378 Hard Landing Petzinger, Thomas 0812928350 595 Knowledge Centre
387.70973 WYN 04015497 Flying high : Wynbrandt, James. Wiley, 2004 9780471655442 vi, 298 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
387.71 BIL 05073713 The economics of airlines / Bilotkach, Volodymyr, Agenda Publishing Company, 2021 9781788213820 | 1788213823 | 9781788213813 | 1788213815 2nd edition. x, 189 pages : Knowledge Centre
387.71 CRO 05060816 The airline profit cycle : Cronrath, Eva-Maria, Routledge, 2018 9781138731967 (hardback) xx,321p.; Knowledge Centre
387.71 MIL 05054712 The airline revolution : Mills, Gordon, Routledge, 2017 9781472432346 (hardback) xii, 367 pages ; Knowledge Centre
387.712 NEG 05022705 Air Travel Ticketing and Fare Construction: With Examination Questions Negi, Jagmohan Kanishka Publishers 2004 8173916284 492p Knowledge Centre
387.712 NEG 00065067 Air Travel Ticketing and Fare Construction: With Examination Questions Negi, Jagmohan Kanishka Publishers 2004 8173916284 492p UG Library
387.712 NEG 00073756 Air Travel Ticketing and Fare Construction: With Examination Questions Negi, Jagmohan Kanishka Publishers 2004 8173916284 492p UG Library
387.712 NEG 05022375 Air Travel Ticketing and Fare Construction (mta) Negi, Jagmohan Kanishka Publishers 8173916284 494p Knowledge Centre
387.7120954 GOP 03002797 Simply Fly : Gopinath, G. R. Harpercollins ; 2010 9788172238421 | 9789350291559 380 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
387.7120954 GOP 03008381 Simply Fly : Gopinath, G. R. Harpercollins ; 2010 9788172238421 | 9789350291559 380 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
387.7120954 GOP 04019781 Simply Fly : Gopinath, G. R. Harpercollins ; 2010 9788172238421 | 9789350291559 380 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
387.736 GAU 07010568 Planning and management of corporate taxation / Gaur, V.P Kalyani Publication, 2012 9789327222289 254,: Library - BR Campus
387.736 GRA 05054708 Airport finance and investment in the global economy / Graham, Anne, Routledge, 2017 9781472440204 (hardback) xiv,224 pages ; Knowledge Centre
387.736 GRA 07013439 Managing airports / Graham, Anne Elsever Publication, 2008 9780750686136 3rd Ed. xvii,324p.; Library - BR Campus
387.736 UNN 05039039 Airport Handling and Air Cargo Management / Unnikrishnan,K.M. Gemini Printers, 2014 231p.; Knowledge Centre
387.736 UNN 05039040 Airport Handling and Air Cargo Management / Unnikrishnan,K.M. Gemini Printers, 2014 231p.; Knowledge Centre
387.736 UNN 05039041 Airport Handling and Air Cargo Management / Unnikrishnan,K.M. Gemini Printers, 2014 231p.; Knowledge Centre
387.736 UNN 05039042 Airport Handling and Air Cargo Management / Unnikrishnan,K.M. Gemini Printers, 2014 231p.; Knowledge Centre
387.736 UNN 05039043 Airport Handling and Air Cargo Management / Unnikrishnan,K.M. Gemini Printers, 2014 231p.; Knowledge Centre
387.736068 GRA 00109402 Managing airports Graham, Anne. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2003 0750659173 2nd ed. 288 p. ; UG Library
387.7360954 GOI 01014787 Public private partnership in greenfield airports : Planning Commission, Govt. of India, xviii, 358 p. ; Knowledge Centre
387.7360954 GOI 01014786 Public private partnership in non-metro airports : Planning Commission, Govt. of India, xv, 265 p. ; Knowledge Centre
387.7364 LUK 00060570 10 Steps to Become an Air Hostess Lukose, Vijaya BPI (india) Pvt. Ltd. 2004 94 p UG Library
387.742 SHU 10004150 Sky High : Shukla, Tarun. Harper Business, 2024 9789356999121 xix, 231p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
387.7420973 PET 03005317 Bluestreak : Peterson, Barbara Sturken. Portfolio, 2004 1591840589 xxi, 262 p., [8] p. of plates : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
387.74973 CHU 00135504 DHL : Chung, Po, Walter de Gruyter, 2018 9781501515927 | 1501515926 199 pages : UG Library
387.7683 PAR 00087883 Do the Right Thing: Parker, James F Pearson 2009 9788131725399 263 p.: UG Library
387.7683 PAR 05022381 Do the Right Thing: Parker, James F Pearson 2009 9788131725399 263 p.: Knowledge Centre
387.7683 PAR 05022382 Do the Right Thing: Parker, James F Pearson 2009 9788131725399 263 p.: Knowledge Centre
387.7683 PAR 00087886 Do the Right Thing: Parker, James F Pearson 2009 9788131725399 263 p.: UG Library
387.8 BUR 05022376 Who Realy Won the Sace Race [mscom] Burnett, Thom Colliuns and Brown 1843402904 256p Knowledge Centre
388 COL 04012591 Applied Transport Economics : Cole, Stuart, Kogan Page, 2010 9788175546004 | 074944102X (ha 3rd ed. xiv, 449 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388 COL 07000522 Applied Transport Economics : Cole, Stuart, Kogan Page, 2010 9788175546004 | 074944102X (ha 3rd ed. xiv, 449 p. : Library - BR Campus
388 COL 03008014 Applied Transport Economics : Cole, Stuart, Kogan Page, 2010 9788175546004 | 074944102X (ha 3rd ed. xiv, 449 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
388 EST 01005920 Privitization and Regulation of Transport Infrastructure ( Law Lib ) Antonio Estache World Bank 0821347217 316p Knowledge Centre
388 GAR 05002562 Theoretical foundations of travel choice modeling / Gärling, Tommy. Elsevier, 0080430627 (alk. paper) xii, 498 p. : Knowledge Centre
388 GOR 05063932 There and back : Gordon, Stewart, Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199476459 | 0199476454 First edition. xiv, 265 pages : Knowledge Centre
388 GRO Introduction to tourism transport / Gross,seven. Oxfordshire 2014 9780521866446 vii,235 p. ; Knowledge Centre
388 MAN 05022524 Private sector participation in light rail-light metro transit initiatives Mandri-Perrott, X Cledan. World Bank, 2010 9780821380857 (softcover) | 08 xxiii, 289, [7] p. : Knowledge Centre
388 ROD 07009186 The SAGE Handbook of Transport Studies Rodrigue, Jean-Paul SAGE Publications, Limited | SAGE Publications, Incorporated [Distributor] 9781849207898 | 1849207895 (Tr xv,448p.: Library - BR Campus
388 ROD 05039198 The SAGE Handbook of Transport Studies Rodrigue, Jean-Paul SAGE Publications, Limited | SAGE Publications, Incorporated [Distributor] 9781849207898 | 1849207895 (Tr xv,448p.: Knowledge Centre
388.011 MAT 05000753 Graphs and networks : J. Wiley & Sons, 2010 9781848210837 2nd ed. xlvi, 428 p. : Knowledge Centre
388.011 MAT 05006600 Graphs and networks : J. Wiley & Sons, 2010 9781848210837 2nd ed. xlvi, 428 p. : Knowledge Centre
388.015118 LAM 00103520 Advanced modeling for transit operations and service planning: Lam Williamm H.K Pergamon; 9780080442068 345 p. UG Library
388.015118 ORT 04010350 Modelling Transport / Ortuzar S., Juan de Dios. John Wiley & Sons, 2011 9780470760390 (hardback) | 0470760397 (hardback) Fourth edition. xix, 586 p : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.04 COX 05007826 Moving People : Cox,Peter Zed Books, 2010 9788182910966 viii,259 p. Knowledge Centre
388.04 OFL 05022358 Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering: [MTA] O`Flaherty, C A Elsevier 0813120278 544p Knowledge Centre
388.041 LAM 05002890 Advanced Modeling for Transit Operations and Service Planning / Bell, Michael G H Pergamon, 2003 0080442064 345p.: Knowledge Centre
388.041 SLI 04007946 Traffic engineering design : Slinn, Mike Elsevier, 2005 2nd ed. viii, 232p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.042 GRO 05045487 Introduction to tourism transport / Gross, Sven, CABI, 2014 9781780642147 (alk. paper) xiv, 235 pages ; Knowledge Centre
388.044068 ELL 03010599 Cargo Management / Elliot, Cheatham K. Random Publications, 2013 9789351110125 280 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
388.049 HUT 04024173 Planning sustainable transport / Hutton, Barry. Routledge, 2013 9781849713900 | 1849713901 | x, 430 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.049 SCH 07011805 An introduction to sustainable transportation : Schiller, Preston L., Routledge Publication, 2018 9781138185487 | 9781138185487 (pbk.) Second Edition. xxi, 420p.; Library - BR Campus
388.049 WEB 05048366 Infrastructure as an asset class : Weber, Barbara, WIley, 2016 9781119226543 (hardback) Second edition. xxix,392p.; Knowledge Centre
388.049WB 01005976 Decade of Action in Transport: An Evaluation of World Bank Assistance to the Transport Sector, 19995-2005 (law Lib) World Bank World Bank 9780821370032 176 p Knowledge Centre
388.091724 LLE 05002563 Public transport in developing countries / Iles, Richard, Elsevier, 0080445586 478 p. Knowledge Centre
388.092254 SIN 03004090 In search of Change Maestros / Singh, P. Response Books, 2011 9788132105862 (hard back) xxxv,481p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
388.092254 SIN 04008072 In search of Change Maestros / Singh, P. Response Books, 2011 9788132105862 (hard back) xxxv,481p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.092254 SIN 00103687 In search of Change Maestros / Singh, P. Response Books, 2011 9788132105862 (hard back) xxxv,481p.; UG Library
388.0954 DHA 07009289 Infrastruture development and financing / Dhameja, Nand Viva Book Publication, 2016 9788130910291 xx,307p. Library - BR Campus
388.0954 NTD 05039415 India Transport Report : National Transport Development Policy Committee Routledge, 2014 9781138795983 5 v.; Knowledge Centre
388.0954 NTD 05039416 India Transport Report : National Transport Development Policy Committee Routledge, 2014 9781138795983 5 v.; Knowledge Centre
388.0954 NTD 05039417 India Transport Report : National Transport Development Policy Committee Routledge, 2014 9781138795983 5 v.; Knowledge Centre
388.0954 NTD 05039418 India Transport Report : National Transport Development Policy Committee Routledge, 2014 9781138795983 5 v.; Knowledge Centre
388.0954 NTD 05039419 India Transport Report : National Transport Development Policy Committee Routledge, 2014 9781138795983 5 v.; Knowledge Centre
388.0954 SAF 00089009 Transnational Migrations:The Indian Diaspora Safran, William Routledge, 2008 9780415483223 174 p.; UG Library
388.0954133 PAT 00133612 History of communication and transport in Odisha Patro, Gokulananda Aayu publications, 2017 9789385161544 211p.; UG Library
388.09542 BAN 07000181 Emerging urban development corridors in India / Bansal,Taruna. Abhijeet Publications, 2015 9789350741634 vii,142p.; Library - BR Campus
388.0973 DAV 04015606 On the move : Davidson, Janet F. National Geographic, 2003 0792251407 (alk. paper) 319 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.0973 KAN 05044483 Move : Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, W.W.Norton & Company, 2015 9780393246803 (hardcover) First edition. 325p.: Knowledge Centre
388.1 LAC 08001104 Streets reconsidered : Lacofano, Daniel S., Routledge, 2019 9781138900424 | 9781138900431 (pbk) 297 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.1 ANB 07010400 Global financial management / Anbarasu, Joseph Ane Books Publication, 2017 9788180522536 v,722p. : Library - BR Campus
388.1 ANB 01024299 Global financial management / Anbarasu, Joseph Ane Books Publication, 2017 9788180522536 v,722p. : Knowledge Centre
388.1 CON 03005368 The routes of man : Conover, Ted. Alfred A. Knopf, 2010 9781400042449 (alk. paper) | 1 1st ed. 333 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
388.1 CON 04009832 The routes of man : Conover, Ted. Alfred A. Knopf, 2010 9781400042449 (alk. paper) | 1 1st ed. 333 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.1 GRE 05057978 Statistics, with applications to highway traffic analyses Greenshields, Bruce Douglas, Eno Foundation for Highway Traffic Control, 1952 xix, 238 p. Knowledge Centre
388.1 IRC 04018654 Model Concession Agreement for Small Road Projects / The Indian Road Congress, 2000 88p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.10954 CHA 00109608 Highway 39 Chakravarti,Sudeep Fourth Estate 2012 9789350293348 xxviii; 388 p. UG Library
388.10954 GOI 01014793 Manual of specifications & standards for four laning of highways through public private partnership. Indian Roads Congress, viii, 154 p. : Knowledge Centre
388.10954 GOI 01014784 Public private partnership in state highways : Planning Commission, Govt. of India, xix, 284 p. ; Knowledge Centre
388.10954 IRC 04018694 Seminor on: High Speed Road Corridors : The Indian Roads Congess, 2005 3:72p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.10954 IRC 04018704 Seminar on Public Private Partnership in Highway Sector : The Indian Roads Congess, 2009 4-90p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.10954 IRC 04018696 Seminar on Public Private Partnership in Highway Sector: The Indian Roads Congess, 2009 38p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.10954 IRC 04018695 Seminar on High Speed Road Corridors : The Indian Roads Congess, 2005 35p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.10954 IRC 04018699 Seminar on Integreated Development of Rural and Arterial Road Network for Socio-Economic Growth : The Indian Roads Congess, 2003 Vol I-II I-294p. :III-172p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.10954 IRC 04018698 Seminar on Integreated Development of Rural and Arterial Road Network for Socio-Economic Growth : The Indian Roads Congess, 2003 Vol I-II I-294p. :III-172p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.10954 IRC 04018659 Manual of Specifications and Standards for Six Laning of National Highways Through Public Private Partnership / The Indian Road Congress, 2008 65p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.10954 IRC 04018692 Seminor on Integrated Development of Rural and Arterial Road Network for Socio-Economic Growth The Indian Roads Congess 2003 67p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.10954 IRC 04018691 Seminar on Financial Management and Institutional Reforms in Highway Sectors / The Indian Roads Congess, 2002 76p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.10954 IRC 04018690 Seminar on FInancial Management and Institutional Reforms in Highway Sector / The Indian Roads Congess, 2002 II-160p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.1220954 IRC 04018660 Guidelines for Expressways : The Indian Road Congress, 2010 337p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.1220954 IRC 04018661 Guidelines for Expressways : The Indian Road Congress, 2010 337p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.18ING 01005818 Agriculture Ad the WTO: Creating a Trading System for Development (law Lib) Merlinda D Ingco World Bank 0082135485 387p Knowledge Centre
388.1IRC 04018688 Seminar on Financing, Implementation and Operation of Highways in 21st Century: The Indian Roads Congess, 2000 77p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.3 ERI 00127464 Solar Powered Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles Erickson, Larry E CRC Press 2017 9781498731560 (hbk. : acidfree xiii, 168 p. : UG Library
388.3 KUN 07009494 Trade and transport corridor management toolkit / Kunaka, Charles. The World Bank, 2014 9781464801433 | 9781464801433 xix, 388 pages : Library - BR Campus
388.3 MEY 05064090 Driverless urban futures : Meyboom, AnnaLisa, Routledge, 2019 9780815354086 (hbk) | 9780815354109 (pbk) viii,306p.; Knowledge Centre
388.312 EMM 04023451 Vehicular networking : Wiley, 2010 9780470741542 | 0470741546 xvii, 296 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.312 HER 05051945 Theory of traffic flow : Elsevier Pub. Co., 1961 vi, 238 p. Knowledge Centre
388.314 PAT 07012846 The traffic assignment problem : Patriksson, Michael. Dover, 2015 9780486787909 (paperback) | 04 First Edition xii, 223 pages ; Library - BR Campus
388.3140151 PAT 05057704 The traffic assignment problem : Patriksson, Michael. Dover, 2015 9780486787909 (paperback) | 04 First Edition xii, 223 pages ; Knowledge Centre
388.3142 UGS 00099238 Traffic in the era of climate change : Date, Vidyadhar. Kalpaz Publications, 9788178358246 | 8178358247 366 p. ; UG Library
388.320954 PC 01014792 Public private partnership in container train operation : Planning Commission, Govt. of India, iv, 108 p. ; Knowledge Centre
388.3240973 LEV 05073827 Data driven : Levy, Karen Princeton University Press, 2023 9780691175300 v, 231 p. ; Knowledge Centre
388.342 HER 05064105 Autonomous driving : Herrmann, Andreas. Emerald Publishing, 2018 9781787148345 | 1787148343 First edtion. xiv,445p.; Knowledge Centre
388.342 SPE 03005553 Two billion cars : Sperling, Daniel. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195376647 (hardback : alk. paper) | 0195376641 (hardback : alk. paper) xiii, 304 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
388.342 SPE 04008168 Two billion cars : Sperling, Daniel. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195376647 (hardback : alk. paper) | 0195376641 (hardback : alk. paper) xiii, 304 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.3472 BRU 08002147 Building the cycling city : Bruntlett, Melissa, Island Press, 2018 1610918797 | 9781610918794 xiii, 223 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.3472 REI 08001151 Bike Boom : Reid, Carlton, Islands Press, 2017 9781610918169 | 1610918169 | 9781610918152 | 1610918150 xxiii, 246 p, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.347509 MIY 05068647 The gendered motorcycle : Miyake, Esperanza. I B Tauris, 2018 9781788313544 xviii, 270 p.; Knowledge Centre
388.4 DAA 08000184 Traffic design. Daab, Ralf Daab, 2006 3937718672 | 9783937718675 398 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.4 NAT 08001248 Urban street design guide / National Association of city transportation, 2013 9781610914949 | 1610914945 x, 180 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.4 NEW 08002169 The end of automobile dependence : Newman, Peter, Island Press, 2015 1610914635 | 9781610914635 | 9781610914628 | 1610914627 xvi, 300 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.4 WOR 01005762 Citites on the Move (law Lib) World Bank World Bank 0821351486 206p. Knowledge Centre
388.4091 VAS 03005927 Urban transport, environment, and equity : Vasconcellos, Eduardo Alcântara de, Earthscan, 2001 9781853837265 | 1853837261 (cl ix, 333 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
388.4091724 VAS 05022356 Urban Transport, Environment and Equity: the Case for Developing Countries: [MSW] Vasconcelloos, A Eduardo Eearthscan 0185383727 334p Knowledge Centre
388.4091724 VAS 05022355 Urban Transport, Environment and Equity: the Case for Developing Countries: [MSW] Vasconcelloos, A Eduardo Eearthscan 0185383727 334p Knowledge Centre
388.40954 RAM 08002195 Urban mobility solutions for developing countries : Ramachandran, M., Copal Publishing, 2022 9788195320882 | 8195320880 xxv, 221 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.40954 SIN 08000988 Publica Trasport Planning : Singal, B I Copal Publishing, 2018 9789383419623 312p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.411FAR 01005742 Directions in Development: Street Addressing and the Management of Cities (law Lib) Catherine Farvacque World Bank 0821358154 264p Knowledge Centre
388.4132 BIS 08001398 Transit life : Bissell, David, MIT Press, 2018 9780262037563 (hbk : alk. paper) | 9780262534963 (pbk : alk. paper) xxxvii, 224 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.4132 WAN 00134821 GIS-based Simulation and Analysis of Intra-Urban Commuting : Hu, Yujie, CRC Press, 2019 9780367023034 (Hardback : acidfree paper) xvii,110p,: UG Library
388.413214 LAS 00129557 Wild ride : Lashinsky, Adam Portfolio Penguin, 2017 9780241278482 228 p. ; UG Library
388.4209597 RAM 05007883 Metro Rail Projects in India : Ramachandran.M Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198073987 xvi,195 p. Knowledge Centre
388.4730223 TUN 05022357 Media Monoliths (MS Comm) Tungate, Mark 0749444037 261p Knowledge Centre
388.474 SHO 08002175 The high cost of free parking / Shoup, Donald C. Planners Press, American Planning Association, 2011 9781932364965 | 193236496X Updated. xlii, 765 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.474 WIL 08001781 Parking reform made easy / Willson, Richard W. Islad Press, 2013 9781610913591 (cloth : alk. paper) | 1610913590 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9781610914451 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 1610914457 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxi, 244 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
388.6420954 ISE 05073733 India Micro Small & Medium Enterprises report 2022 / ISED Small Enterprise Observatory, Institute of small enterprises and development, 2022 9789380830926 xvii,105p.; Knowledge Centre
388.900684 BEL 01006046 Economic Analysis of Investment Operations ( Law Lib ) Pedro Belli World Bank 0821348507 264p Knowledge Centre
388.900684 BEL 05012058 Economic Analysis of Investment Operations - Analytical Tools and Practical Applications Belli, Pedro 0821348507 264p Knowledge Centre
388.900684BEL 00061366 A Practical Approach To Digital Signsl Processing Padmanabhan.k 0821348507 264p UG Library
389 ROS 00113601 Learning and development Rosenary Harrison S.Viswanathan 1967 9788179924495 480 p; UG Library
389.1 KHO 05049152 The mathematics that power our world : Khoury, Joseph, World Scientific, 2016 9789814730846 (hardcover : alk xvi, 185 pages : Knowledge Centre
389.17 MCC 01005667 Working Time Laws : A Global Perspective / McCann, Deirdre International Labour Organization , 2000 9221173240 78p. Knowledge Centre
389.46091724 WHI 01007901 Defining Poverty in the Developing World (law Lib) Barbara White-Harriss PALGRAVE MACMILLAN 9780230516724 264p. Knowledge Centre
650 ARG 05013480 Portable MBA Desk Reference: An Essential Business Companion [MBA] Argenti, A Paul 0471576816 684p Knowledge Centre
650 BOO 05013441 Quotable Business-Over 2800 Funny, Irrevalent, Insightful Quotation About C Boone, E Louis 0037570308 344 p Knowledge Centre
650 BUR 05013476 Small Business Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Own Business Burstiner, Irving 0671881086 356 p Knowledge Centre
650 CHA 05013451 Geeta and the Art of Successful Management Chakravarthy, E Ajanta Harper Collins 0817223189 156 Knowledge Centre
650 CHA 05013489 Values and Ethics for Organisations: Theory and Practice Chaktraborty, S K 0195643070 262 p Knowledge Centre
650 DAV 05013472 Great Myths of Business Davis, William 0074942253 219 p Knowledge Centre
650 DAY 05013433 Asian Business Wisdom-Lessons from the Regions Best and Brightest Business Dayao, C Dinna Louise John Wiley 259p Knowledge Centre
650 DIX 03003436 Building a Better Business : Dixon, Patrick. Viva Books Private Limited, 2010 9781861977533 338 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 ECO 03001888 Business Miscellany / Economist Viva Books Private Limited, 2008 9781861979117 | 1861979118 231 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 GOO 03001968 Forbes Book of Business Quotations: 14173 Thoughs on the Business of Life Goodman, Ted Tess Press 9781579124847 992 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 GOO 04005833 Forbes Book of Business Quotations Goodman, Ted Tess Press 2009 9781579124847 992 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650 GUR 03003462 Management Basics : Gurvis, Sandra. Vivabooks Private Limited, 2010 9781598697025 210 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 HAL 05013477 Hall Marks for Successful Business: Survival - Change- Growth Hall, David Excel Books 8174460330 280 p Knowledge Centre
650 HIN 05014592 Hindu Speaks on Management Hindu Kasturi & Sons 382 p Knowledge Centre
650 LEV 05013479 Cluetrain Manifesto - the End of Business Asusual Levine, Rick 0273650238 188p Knowledge Centre
650 LOB 03000785 Success in Commerce / Lobley, Derek. John Murray, 2008 9780719551574 291 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 MES 05013457 Business to Business Communication Handbook Messner, R Fred 0844234737 302 p Knowledge Centre
650 NIC 00056806 Understanding Business Nickels, G William McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2002 0007561877 | 9780072320541 6th ed, xxxvii, 710 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
650 NIC 00063944 Understanding Business Nickels, G William McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2002 0007561877 | 9780072320541 6th ed, xxxvii, 710 p.: UG Library
650 NIC 00063946 Understanding Business Nickels, G William McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2002 0007561877 | 9780072320541 6th ed, xxxvii, 710 p.: UG Library
650 NIC 03000427 Understanding Business Nickels, William Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 9780071111713 707 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 PAR 03002707 Global Business Environments : Parhizgar, Kamal Dean. Jaico Publishing House, 2007 9788179927595 454 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 RID 05013431 Funky Business - Talent Makes Capital Dance Ridderstrale, Jonas 0273645919 253p Knowledge Centre
650 SAR 05013458 Legal Systems in Business: Saravanavel, P Himalaya 463 p Knowledge Centre
650 SHA 05013490 Quantum Rope - Science, Mysticism and Management Sharma, Subhash 166 p Knowledge Centre
650 SHA 05013460 A-Z Business management; Sharma Sandeep Centrum Press; 9789380106106 294 p. Knowledge Centre
650 STV 05013547 Difinitive Business Plan-The Fast Track to Intelligent Business Plannin Stutely, Richard 0273639307 304p Knowledge Centre
650 TIB 05013455 Business Blunders - Dirty Dealing and Financial Failure in the World of Big Business Tibballs, Geoff Robinson 0184119011 308p Knowledge Centre
650 AIM 05059214 Towards India incorporated? / All India Management Association : | Excel Books, 1998 8174461507 1st ed. 288 p. : Knowledge Centre
650 ANJ 03009020 The Resurgence of Satyam : Anjum, Zafar. Random House India , 2012 9788184000757 266 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 ASW 04017462 Essentials of Business Environment : Aswathappa, K. Himaplaya Publishing House, 2011 9789350244746 671p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650 BAR 04012586 The 30 Day MBA : Barrow, Colin. Kogan Page, 2011 9780749463311 | 9780749463328 2nd ed. ix,297 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650 BAR 05008203 The 30 Day MBA : Barrow, Colin. Kogan Page, 2011 9780749463311 | 9780749463328 2nd ed. ix,297 p.: Knowledge Centre
650 BAR 05007619 The 30 Day MBA : Barrow, Colin. Kogan Page, 2011 9780749463311 | 9780749463328 2nd ed. ix,297 p.: Knowledge Centre
650 BAR 07002307 The 30 day MBA : Barrow, Colin, KoganPage, 2016 9780749474973 | 9780749475000 Fourth edition. 332p.: Library - BR Campus
650 BAR 00044306 Understanding Business: Stuidy Guide (WMU) Barrett, Barbara 1987 0256116679 438 UG Library
650 BAR 07000510 The 30 Day MBA : Barrow, Colin. Kogan Page, 2011 9780749463311 | 9780749463328 2nd ed. ix,297 p.: Library - BR Campus
650 BAR 03005690 The 30 Day MBA : Barrow, Colin. Kogan Page, 2011 9780749463311 | 9780749463328 2nd ed. ix,297 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 BHA 01018056 International Financial Reporting Standards / Bharat's Bharat Law House OVT.LTD, 2009 9788177334999 2348 p. Knowledge Centre
650 BOR 00145494 Big Bull of Dalal Street: Borate, Neil Penguin Books, 2023 9780143460220 162p. ; UG Library
650 BRA 05013615 Rules of the Game : Business A Players Guide Brady, Chris PRENTICE HALL 2000 9780061988950 192p; Knowledge Centre
650 BUC 05072980 Nine lies about work : Buckingham, Marcus. Harvard Business Review Press, 2019 9781633696303 279p.; Knowledge Centre
650 BUC 04030302 Nine lies about work : Buckingham, Marcus. Harvard Business Review Press, 2019 9781633696303 279p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650 BUC 00135659 Nine lies about work : Buckingham, Marcus. Harvard Business Review Press, 2019 9781633696303 279p.; UG Library
650 CAM 00115882 Business Student`s Handbook:Developing Transferable Skills Cameron, Sheila Pearson Education 369p UG Library
650 CHA 00132488 Management accounting and control : Charifzadeh, Michel , Wiley-VCH , 2017 9783527508211 xvii,391 p.; UG Library
650 CHE 07015465 Business Environment : Cherunilam, Francis. Himalaya Publishing House, 2017 9789352733361 779 p. ; Library - BR Campus
650 CHE 01010702 Business Environment : Cherunilam,Francis. Himalaya Publishing House, xiv,776p.; Knowledge Centre
650 CLE 05013541 Imagination Engineering : A Toolkit For Business Creativity Clegg, Brian PRENTICE HALL 2000 0273649299 199p; Knowledge Centre
650 COL 05013543 Introduction to Business : Harpercollins College Outline Series Colby, S Marvelle HarperPerennial, 1991 0064671046 346p.; Knowledge Centre
650 CRA 00050427 Thinking Visually Craig, Malcolm 2000 0082644833 | 9780826448330 168p UG Library
650 DES 05013559 Small Scale Industries and Entrepreneurship Desai, Vasant Himalaya 1996 462p; Knowledge Centre
650 ECO 03005939 The World of Business / Viva 2010 9781846681585 x,259p,; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 ECO 05008236 The World of Business / Viva 2010 9781846681585 x,259p,; Knowledge Centre
650 ELI 00123042 Major aspects of business environment Eliah,Srikakolli Horizon Press 2016 9789383096411 262p. UG Library
650 FER 05026157 Business Ferrell, O C Houghton Mifflin, 1989 0395472776 xxx,793 p.; Knowledge Centre
650 FRE 05013544 Business Ifnromation Desk Reference : Freed, N. Melvyn. Macmillan Pub., 1991 0028971418 511 p. : Knowledge Centre
650 FRO 05013504 ORGANIZATIONAL REALITY Nord, Mitchell. ADDISON-WESLEY 1997 0673980901 4th ed. 517p.; Knowledge Centre
650 GAR 05046677 Advanced Business Analytics García Márquez, Fausto Pedro. Springer, 2015 9783319114156 | 9783319114149 xii,243p.; Knowledge Centre
650 GAR 07008412 Advanced Business Analytics García Márquez, Fausto Pedro. Springer, 2015 9783319114156 | 9783319114149 xii,243p.; Library - BR Campus
650 GIL 32000459 Prabandhan :Indian Joural of Management / Commitee on Publication Ethics; 2014 55p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 GIL 32000460 Prabandhan :Indian Joural of Management / Commitee on Publication Ethics; 2014 55p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 GIL 32000461 Prabandhan :Indian Joural of Management / Commitee on Publication Ethics; 2014 55p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 GIL 32000462 Prabandhan :Indian Joural of Management / Commitee on Publication Ethics; 2014 55p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 GIL 32000324 Prabandhan :Indian Joural of Management / Commitee on Publication Ethics; 2014 55p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 GIL 32000325 Prabandhan :Indian Joural of Management / Commitee on Publication Ethics; 2014 55p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 GIL 32000537 Prabandhan :Indian Joural of Management / Commitee on Publication Ethics; 2014 55p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 GIL 32000538 Prabandhan :Indian Joural of Management / Commitee on Publication Ethics; 2014 55p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 GIL 32000624 Prabandhan :Indian Joural of Management / Commitee on Publication Ethics; 2014 55p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 GIL 32000625 Prabandhan :Indian Joural of Management / Commitee on Publication Ethics; 2014 55p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 GIL 32000626 Prabandhan :Indian Joural of Management / Commitee on Publication Ethics; 2014 55p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 GIL 32000627 Prabandhan :Indian Joural of Management / Commitee on Publication Ethics; 2014 55p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 GIL 32000628 Prabandhan :Indian Joural of Management / Commitee on Publication Ethics; 2014 55p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 GIL 32000629 Prabandhan :Indian Joural of Management / Commitee on Publication Ethics; 2014 55p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 GIL 32000242 Prabandhan :Indian Joural of Management / Commitee on Publication Ethics; 2014 55p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 GOO 05030131 Forbes Book of Business Quotations-14, 173 Throughs on the Business of Life Goodman, Ted Blackbod Leventhl 1884822622 992 Knowledge Centre
650 GRI 00045208 Speaker`s Business [ Stories, Anecdotes and Humor ] Griffith, Joe 0138269831 394p UG Library
650 HEN 00124196 The Way of The Warrior in Business Hendon, Wayne Donald Jaico Publishing House, 2014 9788184955620 xviii, 228 p.; UG Library
650 HEW 07008419 Business process blueprinting : Hewing, Michael. Springer Gabler, 2014 9783658037284 | 9783658037291 Second edition. 229 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
650 HIN 05026799 Hindu Speaks on Management Hindu Kasturi & Sons 382 p Knowledge Centre
650 JOH 00144322 How to create high-performing innovation teams / Johnsson, Mikael, De gruyter, 2023 9783110737110 x,182 pages, ; UG Library
650 KAU 05005578 The personal MBA : Kaufman, Josh. Portfolio Penguin, 2010 9780670919512 xiv, 402 p. ; Knowledge Centre
650 KAU 00145517 The Personal MBA/ Kaufman, Josh Penguin Books, 2020 9780670919536 464p. ; UG Library
650 KRE 05026155 Business Kreitner, Robert Houghton Mifflin Company, 1990 2nd ed. xxxvii,712 p.; Knowledge Centre
650 KUM 05013560 How to Create a Winning Organisation Kumar, Jagdish Vishwa 8174760741 261 p Knowledge Centre
650 LAL 05013453 International Business and Multinational Enterprises Lal, Subhash Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 8174889051 370 p Knowledge Centre
650 MAD 03012845 Introduction to Business / Madura Jeff Medtech, 2016 9789384007812 5th ed xxxvi,694p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 MAD 07002858 Introduction to Business / Madura Jeff Medtech, 2016 9789384007812 5th ed xxxvi,694p.: Library - BR Campus
650 MAL 03010415 The Future of Work : Malone, Thomas W. Harvard Business School Press, 2004 1591391253 | 9781591391258 xiii, 225 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 MAN 04024739 Big Bets, Big Rewards : Mantri, Sushil. Westland Limited , 2013 9789382618485 124 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650 MAN 03008999 Big Bets, Big Rewards : Mantri, Sushil. Westland Limited , 2013 9789382618485 124 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 MAR 07008434 Handbook of Strategic e-Business Management Martínez-López, Francisco J. Springer, 2014 9783642397479 | 9783642397462 xxi,1011p.: Library - BR Campus
650 MEZ 00144313 Cloud governance : Mezzio, Steven, De gruyter, 2023 9783110755268 xiii, 288p, ; UG Library
650 NAR 10003611 Katha : Narayan, Shoba Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2015 9788129137012 192 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650 NEA 07015080 Strategic Approach of Tourism : Neamtu Liviu LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2013 9783659320750 253p.: Library - BR Campus
650 NIC 00053674 Understanding Business Nickels, G William McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2002 0007561877 | 9780072320541 6th ed, xxxvii, 710 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
650 NIC 00053676 Understanding Business Nickels, G William McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2002 0007561877 | 9780072320541 6th ed, xxxvii, 710 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
650 NIC 00053675 Understanding Business Nickels, G William McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2002 0007561877 | 9780072320541 6th ed, xxxvii, 710 p.: UG Library
650 NIC 00063945 Understanding Business: Nickles, G William McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2002 0072320540 | 9780071111720 7th ed, xii, 707 p.: UG Library
650 NIC 00063948 Understanding Business Nickels, G William McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2002 0072455845 | 9780072455847 6th ed, 1-1 A22-16 p.: UG Library
650 NIC 00063947 Understanding Business Nickels, G William McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2002 0072455845 | 9780072455847 6th ed, 1-1 A22-16 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
650 NIC 00051522 Understanding Business Nickels G. William McGraw-Hill Iewin. 1999 9780075618775 5th ed, xxxvi, 680 p.: UG Library
650 NIC 22000269 Understanding Business Nickels, G William McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2002 0007561877 | 9780072320541 6th ed, xxxvii, 710 p.: Knowledge Centre
650 NIC 22000271 Understanding Business Nickels, G William McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2002 0007561877 | 9780072320541 6th ed, xxxvii, 710 p.: Knowledge Centre
650 NIC 00067397 Understanding Business Nickels, G William Irwin Book Team, 1996 0256140545 | 9780256140545 4th ed, xxxii, 694 p.: UG Library
650 NIC 00067398 Understanding Business Nickels, G William Irwin Book Team, 1996 0256140545 | 9780256140545 4th ed, xxxii, 694 p.: UG Library
650 NIC 03007132 Understanding Business Nickels, G William 0072320540 710p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 NIC 31000265 Understanding Business Nickels, William Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 9780071111713 707 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 NIC 00064308 Understanding Business: Nickels, G William McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2002 0072455764 | 9780072455762 6th ed, vii, 781 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
650 NOH 05026156 Portable MBA Desk Reference - an Essential Business Companion Nohria, Nitin John Wiley & sons, 1998 0471245305 2nd ed. xi,680p.; Knowledge Centre
650 PAN 00120724 Accounting and Financial Analysis in the Hospitality Industry Pant, Anoop Random Publications, 2014 9789351113331 291 P:. UG Library
650 RAM 00041139 Changing Role of Government in Business [ VIDEO CASSET ] Ramesh, Jairam AIMA - CME UG Library
650 RAM 00130954 Rebuild Ramamurthy,Ramya Hachettte book publishing india pvt ltd., 2018 9789351951407 417p.; UG Library
650 RIB 07006339 Body language for management in a week / Ribbens, Geoff Hodder Publication, 2012 9781444159523 iv,121p. Library - BR Campus
650 ROH 05013454 Concepts of business environment; Rohtagi,A Cyber tech publications; 9788178846699 280 p. Knowledge Centre
650 SAH 05045231 Entrepreneurship & Skill Development / Sahni S.K Ashtha Publishers&Distributors, 2015 9789382126591 vi,248p.: Knowledge Centre
650 SEM 05037662 Globalisation and Innovative Business Models / Ane Book Pvt.Ltd, 2013 9789382127154 xxx,237p.: Knowledge Centre
650 SEM 07008812 Globalisation and Innovative Business Models / Ane Book Pvt.Ltd, 2013 9789382127154 xxx,237p.: Library - BR Campus
650 SET 07001616 Mantras for Success : Seth Suhel. Rupa Publications India Pvt.Ltd, 2015 9788129135674 259 p.: Library - BR Campus
650 SET 05042179 Mantras for Success : Seth Suhel. Rupa Publications India Pvt.Ltd, 2015 9788129135674 259 p.: Knowledge Centre
650 SET 03010960 Mantras for Success : Seth Suhel. Rupa Publications India Pvt.Ltd, 2015 9788129135674 259 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 SHA 00086046 52 Ways to Live Success Sharbuno, Jeanne Jaico Publishing House 8179922693 285 p UG Library
650 SHA 07015202 NTA UGC NET / JRF / SET : Management (Paper-2) / Sharma, Bharti. Arihant Publications (India) Limited. 2019 9789326193528 15, 718p.; Library - BR Campus
650 SHA 05073151 NTA UGC NET / JRF / SET : Management (Paper-2) / Sharma, Bharti. Arihant Publications (India) Limited. 2019 9789326193528 15, 718p.; Knowledge Centre
650 SHA 05044260 New Vistas and Horizons in Management / Niruta Publications, 2014 9788192332680 x,218p.: Knowledge Centre
650 SHA 05044261 New Vistas and Horizons in Management / Niruta Publications, 2014 9788192332680 x,218p.: Knowledge Centre
650 SHI 00129911 The Manager Who Became an Influencer : Shivdasani, Harish. Rupa Publications, 2018 9788129149527 ix, 98 p . : UG Library
650 SHI 03012587 The Manager Who Became an Influencer : Shivdasani, Harish. Rupa Publications, 2018 9788129149527 ix, 98 p . : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 SIL 04017376 The Ten Day M B A: Silbiger, Steven Happer Collins, 2012 9780062199577 424p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650 STA 00122768 Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning Stadtler, Hartmut. Springer 2015 9783642553097 | 9783642553080 5th ed. 557p. UG Library
650 SUE 07008444 Transaction Cost Management Suematsu, Chihiro. Chihiro Suematsu, 2014 9783319068893 | 9783319068886 xvii,273p.: Library - BR Campus
650 SUN 05016888 International Business Environment : Text and Cases Sundaram, K Anant Prentice Hall of India 8120311418 348 Knowledge Centre
650 TAI 01011551 Economic Enviornmentof Business / Tailor,R.K Prateeksha Publications, 9788185819242 vi,402p.; Knowledge Centre
650 VER 00120478 Global Business Practices Contemporary Perspective Verma O.P Nirmal Book Agency, 2013 9788192683119 ix, 486 p.: UG Library
650 WAT 05050503 A practical introduction to management science / Waters, C. D. J. Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1989 0201416301 : xvii, 589 p. : Knowledge Centre
650 WET 03008967 The Business Environment : Wetherly, Paul. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199597321 | 9780199685417 2nd ed. xxx, 495 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 WET 00118402 The Business Environment : Wetherly, Paul. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199597321 | 9780199685417 2nd ed. xxx, 495 p. ; UG Library
650 WET 05003915 The Business Environment : Wetherly, Paul. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199597321 | 9780199685417 2nd ed. xxx, 495 p. ; Knowledge Centre
650 WET 03004115 The Business Environment : Wetherly, Paul. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199597321 | 9780199685417 2nd ed. xxx, 495 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650 WIL 22000272 Financial and Managerial Accounting: the Basis for Business Decisions Williams, R Jan M cGraw Hill Irwin, 2002 0072396881 | 9780072396881 12th ed, xxx, 1135 p.: Knowledge Centre
650 WIL 22000273 Financial and Managerial Accounting: the Basis for Business Decisions Williams, R Jan M cGraw Hill Irwin, 2002 0072396881 | 9780072396881 12th ed, xxx, 1135 p.: Knowledge Centre
650 YAG 05014092 Business Protocol Yager, Jan Jaico 8172248725 246p Knowledge Centre
650.01 KLE 03001197 Who Really Matters: The Core Group Theory of Power, Privilage, and Success Kleiner, Art Currency 9780385484480 277p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.01 SAR 03002628 Business Quiz Book : Sarkar, Debashis. Universities Press, 2002 9788173714115 | 817374118 222 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.01 ANU 05013488 Ethics in management: Anubhavananda Swami Ane Books Pvt.Ltd 9788180522901 350p Knowledge Centre
650.01 NIC 22000439 Understanding Business Nickels, G William 0072320540 710p Knowledge Centre
650.014 THE 03000986 Shut Up and Listen Theobald, Theo Kogan Page 749443251 186p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.014 THO 00115878 Shut Up and Listen Theobald, Theo Kogan Page 2004 0749442251 184 UG Library
650.015 CHU 04015224 Quick Maths / Chugh, Sunil CUP , 2012 9788129118301 156 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.015 MAR 07012812 Business Mathematics/ Mariappan,P Pearson, 2015 9789332536340 XXIII,767 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
650.0151 BRA 04002280 Essential Mathematics for Economics and Business Bradley, Teresa John Wiley and Sons 2008 9788126509188 637 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.0151 BRA 07015585 Essential Mathematics for Economics and Business / Bradley Teresa. Wiley, 2013 9788126576838 4th xvii,670p.: Library - BR Campus
650.0151 BRA 07015586 Essential Mathematics for Economics and Business / Bradley Teresa. Wiley, 2013 9788126576838 4th xvii,670p.: Library - BR Campus
650.0151 BRA 04014141 Essential Mathematics for Economics and Business Bradley, Teresa John Wiley and Sons 2008 9788126509188 637 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.0151 BRA 04012867 Essential mathematics for economics and business / Bradley, Teresa. Wiley, 0470844663 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvii, 637 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.0151 ISR 03005622 Data Analysis in Business Research : Israel, D. Response Books, 2008 9788178298757 (pbk.) p. cm. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.0151 ISR 03005623 Data Analysis in Business Research : Israel, D. Response Books, 2008 9788178298757 (pbk.) p. cm. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.0151 ISR 03005624 Data Analysis in Business Research : Israel, D. Response Books, 2008 9788178298757 (pbk.) p. cm. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.0151 ISR 03005625 Data Analysis in Business Research : Israel, D. Response Books, 2008 9788178298757 (pbk.) p. cm. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.0151 ISR 03005626 Data Analysis in Business Research : Israel, D. Response Books, 2008 9788178298757 (pbk.) p. cm. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.0151 ISR 05026136 Data Analysis in Business Research Israel D Response 2008 9788178298757 281p Knowledge Centre
650.0151 RIL 04016611 Business maths/ Riley, Pippa. Viva books, 2011 9788130917559 315 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.0151 YAD 00132484 Business and trade statistics: Yadav, G. P. Horizon Press, 2018 9789383096916 viii,272 p.; UG Library
650.0151 YAD 03012976 Business and trade statistics: Yadav, G. P. Horizon Press, 2018 9789383096916 viii,272 p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.01513 00116593 Numbers Guide : Economist, The. Profile Books Ltd, 2014 9781610393959 (pbk.) | 9781610 6th edition. 262 p.: UG Library
650.01513 ECO 03000143 Numers Guide : Economist Viva Books Private Limited, 2008 9781861975157 | 1861975155 248 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.01513 ECO 03001935 Numers Guide : Economist Viva Books Private Limited, 2008 9781861975157 | 1861975155 248 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.01513 MIT 03002343 Quantitative Techniques : Mithani, D. M. Himalaya Publishing Houses, 2008 406 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.01513 PEE 05013471 Business Mathematics: Cima`s Official Study System: Final Level: Foundation Level Peers, S Viva Books Private Limited 8176493449 436p Knowledge Centre
650.01513 ALL 05000924 Business mathematics / Allan, Walter CIMA Publishing, 2005 9780750665865 xviii, 151 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.01513 BAL 03011753 A Textbook of Quantitative Techniques / Bali, N. P. University Science Press , 2011 9788131807781 763 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.01513 BAL 03011754 A Textbook of Quantitative Techniques / Bali, N. P. University Science Press , 2011 9788131807781 763 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.01513 CAM 05047996 Financial mathematics : Campolieti, Giuseppe CRC Press, 2014 9781439892428 (hbk.) | 1439892 xxvi, 805 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.01513 ECO 03009682 Numbers Guide : Economist, The. Profile Books Ltd, 2014 9781610393959 (pbk.) | 9781610 6th edition. 262 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.01513 HAW 03009107 Smart Skills : Hawkins, Anne. Rupa Publications India Private Limited , 2011 9788129120045 155 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.01513 HAW 00141395 Mastering the Numbers Hawkins,Anne Legend Business 2011 9781787198203 155p UG Library
650.01513 HAW 04022813 Smart Skills : Hawkins, Anne. Rupa Publications India Private Limited , 2011 9788129120045 155 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.01513 HAW 00116637 Mastering the Numbers Hawkins, Anne Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2012 9788129120045 155 p.; UG Library
650.01513 MIS 05048355 Financial mathematics / Mishura,Yuliya. Elsevier, 2016 9781785480461 xiv,179p.; Knowledge Centre
650.01513 OAK 05013485 Essential Quantitative Methods : Oakshott, Les. Palgrave Macmillan, 2001 9780230553637 2nd ed. xv, 413 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.01513 OAK 03008628 Essential Quantitative Methods : Oakshott, Les. Palgrave Macmillan, 2001 9780230553637 2nd ed. xv, 413 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.01513 OAK 05057060 Essential quantitative methods for business, management, and finance / Oakshott, Les. Palgrave Macmillan, 2015 9781137582454 5th ed. xxvii,482p.; Knowledge Centre
650.01513 RAM 00072655 Business Mathematics Ramachandraiah, T R CHAND 239p UG Library
650.01513 SHA 04018252 Business Mathematics : Sharma, J. K. Ane Books, 2007 9788180521836 812p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.01513 VEE 05039485 Mathematical methods for management Veerachamy, R. New Age International, 2012 448 p. Knowledge Centre
650.01519535 GAT 07008382 Statistical analysis of management data / Gatignon, Hubert. Springer, 2014 9781461485933 xv,563p.: Library - BR Campus
650.01519535 PRA 00132491 Statistical Analysis of Management Data / Prasad, Ganesh Oxford Book Company, 2019 9789350304693 296 p.: UG Library
650.0207 BIN 03009275 Executricks : Bing, Stanley. Collins, 2008 9780061340352 | 0061340359 1st ed. xxxi, 175 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.02373 YEA 03009401 The Success Principle : Yeaple, Ronald N. Macmillan , 1997 9780028614168 281 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.0285 ASA 05013442 Using Sap R/3 Special Edition World Consultancy, Asap Prentice Hall of India 8120313097 1202 Knowledge Centre
650.0285 BAN 04004375 Business Systems Bangia, Ramesh Fire Wallmedia 2009 9788131803073 451 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.0285 BAN 04004374 Business Systems Bangia, Ramesh Fire Wallmedia 2009 9788131803073 451 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.0285 HER 05013443 Sap R/3 Handbook Hernandez, Antonio Jose 0074631683 969 Knowledge Centre
650.0285 AGR 05037836 Programming in SAP APO / Agrawal, Ankush McGraw-Hill Education, 2013 9781259028441 xi, 319 p. Knowledge Centre
650.0285 ASA 05026101 Using Sap R/3 Special Edition World Consultancy, Asap Prentice Hall of India 8120313097 1202 Knowledge Centre
650.0285 BAN 05026135 Implementing SAP R/3:How to Introduce a Large System into a Large Organization Bancroft, H Nancy Comdex Computer Publishing 310 p Knowledge Centre
650.0285 BAS 05013519 Computers for Managers : Designing an Effective Management Information System Basandra, S K Global Business Press, 1995 8172400241 576p.; Knowledge Centre
650.0285 ELL 05026134 Internet Business Book / Ellsworth, H Jill John Wiley & Sons,INC, 1996 0471058092 376 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.0285 KAL 04017839 Frontiers of Electronic Commerce / Kalakota, Ravi Pearson, 1996 9788177583922 864p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.0285 KAL 03011080 Frontiers of Electronic Commerce / Kalakota, Ravi. Pearson Education , 2008 9788177583922 864 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.0285 KAL 03011081 Frontiers of Electronic Commerce / Kalakota, Ravi. Pearson Education , 2008 9788177583922 864 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.0285 KAL 03000490 Frontiers of Electronic Commerce / Kalakota, Ravi. Pearson Education , 2008 9788177583922 864 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.0285 KAL 03000491 Frontiers of Electronic Commerce / Kalakota, Ravi. Pearson Education , 2008 9788177583922 864 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.0285 KAL 03000528 Frontiers of Electronic Commerce / Kalakota, Ravi. Pearson Education , 2008 9788177583922 864 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.0285 KAL 03000529 Frontiers of Electronic Commerce / Kalakota, Ravi. Pearson Education , 2008 9788177583922 864 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.0285 KAL 03000530 Frontiers of Electronic Commerce / Kalakota, Ravi. Pearson Education , 2008 9788177583922 864 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.0285 KAL 03000531 Frontiers of Electronic Commerce / Kalakota, Ravi. Pearson Education , 2008 9788177583922 864 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.0285 KAL 03000532 Frontiers of Electronic Commerce / Kalakota, Ravi. Pearson Education , 2008 9788177583922 864 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.0285 KAL 05043277 Frontiers of Electronic Commerce / Kalakota, Ravi Pearson, 1996 9788177583922 864p. : Knowledge Centre
650.0285 MUK 00105293 Business information systems : Mukerjee,Prithwis. Jaico Publishing House. 2010 0273688146 (alk. paper) 3rd ed. xii, 204 p. : UG Library
650.0285 PER 05026139 Implementing Baan IV Perreault, Yves Prentice Hall of India 8120314557 570 p Knowledge Centre
650.0285436 CHO 05013542 Beyond Lans Client/server Computing Chorafas, Dimitris N McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1995 0071138919 419p; Knowledge Centre
650.02855133 KIR 05053676 VSE COBOL II power programmer's desk reference / Kirk, David Shelby. QED Technical Pub. Group, 1991 0894353446 : xxii, 297 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.028553 GRE 41000681 SAMS Teach Yourself ABAP/4 in 21 Days / Greenwood, Ken Pearson, 1999 9788131716113 730p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.028553 GRE 04019559 SAMS Teach Yourself ABAP/4 in 21 Days / Greenwood, Ken Pearson, 1999 9788131716113 730p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.028553 HUR 04023259 Configuring SAP R/3 FI/CO / Hurst, Quentin. Sybex, 2000 9788126523412 1st ed. xviii, 846 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.028553 HUR 05046698 Configuring SAP R/3 FI/CO / Hurst, Quentin. Sybex, 2000 9788126523412 1st ed. xviii, 846 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.028553 SEN 00117800 Upgrading SAP Sens, M.C. Firewal Media, 2010 9789380298238 xii: 331p.; UG Library
650.02855369 BRY 05050470 The Mac book of Excel 4 / Bryan, Marvin. Sybex, 1992 0782111084 (pbk.) : xxxi, 763 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.028553769 05013750 Special Edition Using Sap R/3 / World Consultancty, Asap Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd., 1997 8120313097 1202 p. Knowledge Centre
650.028553769 DP 05004530 SAP ABAP/4 : Dreamtech Press Dreamtech PRess ; 2010 9788177228946 2010 ED v,218 p. Knowledge Centre
650.028553769 HOF 05005936 Writing SAP ABAP/4 programs / Hoffman, Ted. McGraw-Hill, 1998 97800741631690 xii, 335 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.028553769 KLS 05005880 SAP ABAP/4 : (Covers SAP ECC 6.0) Dreamtech Press, 2011 9788177224290 2011 ed. xvi, 679 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.028553769 WIL 05017910 Sap R/3 Administration / Will, Liane Addison-Wesley, 1997 0201924692 381 p. Knowledge Centre
650.0285574 BRA 05054303 Business file processing Bradley, James, Mitchell publishing Inc., 1988 094392175 xvi,400p.; Knowledge Centre
650.028557565 DIC 05051032 dBASE IV 1.5: Dicker, Howard BPB Publications, 1992 693 p. Knowledge Centre
650.02855785 BIA 05005881 SAP BW : Fu, Henry. Pearson Education, 1999 9788177586688 xx, 457 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.02855785 MCD 05004463 Mastering the SAP Business business Information Warehouse, Second Edition / McDonald Kevin Wiley India Pvt.Ltd ; 2006 9788126512454 2nd ed. xxviii, 690 p Knowledge Centre
650.028563 DUF 05065043 Superhuman innovation : Duffey, Chris. Kogan Page, 2019 9780749483838 xix,262p.; Knowledge Centre
650.0287 AL 03004586 How to Pass Professional Level Psychometric Tests : Al-Jajjoka, Sam Kogan Page, 2006 9788175543010 2nd ed. 184 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.0287 ALJ 04021075 How to pass professional level psychometric tests : Al-Jajjoka, Sam. Kogan Page, 2013 9780749467951 3rd Edition. x, 191 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.03 MCK 03001687 Business Words You Should Know : Mckay, Dean H. Vivabooks Private Limited, 2008 9781598691467 249 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.03 BAN 01015280 Dictionary of business / Bannock,Graham. Economist, 1861971788 | 9781861971784 vi, 393 p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.03 KAR 05013503 Key Business Concepts Karlof, Bengt. ROUTLEDGE 1993 0415088534 210 p.; Knowledge Centre
650.03 MAR 00016077 Business Encyclopedia Henery Marshall, Doran and Company: 1937 514 p. UG Library
650.03 MCK 00089985 Business Words You Should Know: from Accelerated Depreciation to Zero-Based Budgeting-Learn the Lingo for Any Field Mckay, Dean H Platium 9781598691467 249p UG Library
650.03 MHB 05000183 A dictionary of business and management. Oxford University Press, 9780199234899 | 0199234892 598 p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.03 MHB 05003811 A dictionary of business and management. Oxford University Press, 9780199234899 | 0199234892 598 p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.03 MOS 05026153 Dictionary of Business Acronyms: Mossman, Jennifer WYNWOOD Press, 1996 0092206668 xiv,506 p.; Knowledge Centre
650.03 OUP 07005764 A dictionary of law / Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198802525 Ninth edition. 742 pages ; Library - BR Campus
650.03 OUP 03004330 A Dictionary of Business and Management / Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199234899 | 0199234892 5th ed. 598 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.03 PEA 05060303 Longman Business English Dictionary / Pearson, 2018 9789352866052 2nd ed., ix, 594 p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.03 PEA 07001774 Business English Dictionary / Pearson Longman, 2007 9781405852593 ix,594 p. Library - BR Campus
650.03 PEA 05003611 Business English Dictionary / Pearson Longman, 2007 9781405852593 ix,594 p. Knowledge Centre
650.03 RAN 00097731 Dictionary of Business Ranganayakulu K,C,S Atlantic Publishers 9788126912209 296p UG Library
650.03 RAN 05013486 Dictionary of Business Ranganayakulu K,C,S Atlantic Publishers 9788126912209 296p Knowledge Centre
650.03 RED 00097725 Dictionary of Business Reddy,R,J A,P,H,Publishing corporation 2010 9788131308691 255 p UG Library
650.03 SCH 00107002 The Business of Words Schiffrin,Andre Navayana 2011 9789189059477 296 P. UG Library
650.03 SIO 00092380 Talking business in class: Sion Chris Viva Books 9788130901206 95p UG Library
650.0321 HEN 05013483 Business Talk: the Dictionary of Business Words and Phrases 0 Ndrickson, Robert 0812829336 250 p Knowledge Centre
650.03SPU 00042337 Knowledge Exchange Business Encyclopedia - Illustrated Spurge, Lorraine Knowledge Exchange 1888232056 728 p UG Library
650.05 IMI 32000129 Global Business Review / Sage Publications , 2013 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.05 IMI 32000130 Global Business Review / Sage Publications , 2013 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.05 SIL 07002340 The 10-Day MBA : Silbiger Steven Piatus, 2005 9780749927004 xxi,420p.: Library - BR Campus
650.05954 INF 32000012 Indian Forbes / School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.05954 INF 32000013 Indian Forbes / School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.05954 INF 32000014 Indian Forbes / School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.05954 INF 32000015 Indian Forbes / School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.05954 INF 32000016 Indian Forbes / School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.05954 INF 32000017 Indian Forbes / School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.05954 INF 32000018 Indian Forbes / School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.05954 INM Indian Forbes / School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.07 KEL 05013558 What They Really Teach You at the Harvard Business School Kelley, J Francis Warner 1986 260p; Knowledge Centre
650.07 KHA 07010402 Handbook of business studies and research / Khanadelwal, R M Sree News Publication, 2017 9789350321447 322p.: Library - BR Campus
650.07 KHA 07010403 Handbook of business studies and research / Khanadelwal, R M Sree News Publication, 2017 9789350321447 322p.: Library - BR Campus
650.07 KHA 07010404 Handbook of business studies and research / Khanadelwal, R M Sree News Publication, 2017 9789350321447 322p.: Library - BR Campus
650.071 DAT 05013633 Rethinking the M.B.A. : Datar, Srikant M. Harvard Business Review Press 2010 9781422131640 (hardcover : alk 378p; Knowledge Centre
650.071 RAD 03007400 What They Don't Teach You at B-School / Radhakrishnan-Swami, Meenakshi Tata McGraw-Hill ; 2007 9780070617605 172 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.071 RUP 05032514 Citizens and revolutionaries : Rupa Publications India, 2012 9788129120977 | 8129120976 256 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.071 WIL 00146370 Strategic Business case analysis/ Williams, Christopher Routledge, 2024 xiii,207p. ; UG Library
650.0711 BOU 00061920 Your MBA Game Plan: Proven Strategies for Getting into the Top Business Schools Bouknight, Omari 0070588759 240p UG Library
650.0711 BRO 04021337 What They Teach You at Harvard Business School / Broughton, Philip Delves Penguine, 2009 9780141046488 290p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.0711 COL 03004990 Rethinking undergraduate business education : Jossey-Bass, 2011 9780470889626 1st ed. 190 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.0711 COL 05006028 Rethinking undergraduate business education : Jossey-Bass, 2011 9780470889626 1st ed. 190 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.0711 DAI 03001014 The MBA Companion / Dainty, Paul. Palgrave Macmillan , 2008 348 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.0711 LOR 03004715 Thought Leadership Meets Business : Lorange, Perter. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521263375 xix;,240 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.0711 LOR 04017558 Thought Leadership Meets Business : Lorange, Perter. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521263375 xix;,240 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.0711 MOL 05013634 The future of the MBA Moldoveanu, Mihnea C. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195340143 (cloth : alk. pa xiv, 142 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.0711 MOL 03004119 The future of the MBA Moldoveanu, Mihnea C. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195340143 (cloth : alk. pa xiv, 142 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.0711 PAR 00148197 Impact in doctoral education : Parry, Emma Routledge, 2024 9781032378060 90p. ; UG Library
650.0711 PRA 05060792 Contesting institutional hegemony in today's business schools : Emerald, 2016 9781786353429 | 1786353423 First edition. xvi, 204 pages ; Knowledge Centre
650.0711 STA 05024443 The business school and the bottom line / Starkey, Ken, Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521865111 (hbk.) | 0521865 xi, 239 p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.0711 THO 03010029 The Business School in the Twenty-First Century : Thomas, Howard. Cambridge University Press , 2013 9781107013803 (hardback) | 978 xi, 282 pages ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.0711 THO 05041179 The Business School in the Twenty-First Century : Thomas, Howard. Cambridge University Press , 2013 9781107013803 (hardback) | 978 xi, 282 pages ; Knowledge Centre
650.0711 THO 07002761 The Business School in the Twenty-First Century : Thomas, Howard. Cambridge University Press , 2013 9781107013803 (hardback) | 978 xi, 282 pages ; Library - BR Campus
650.0711 YOU 03010021 Thought Leadership : Young, Laurie. Kogan Page Ltd , 2013 9780749465117 330 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.07113 WOL 05011210 Elite MBA programs at public universities : Praeger Publishers, 2004 0275978117 (alk. paper) xii, 252 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.071141 MIL 03008206 The Essential MBA / Miller, Susan. Sage Publications ; 2012 9788132109624 354 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.071141 MIL 05039146 The Essential MBA / Miller, Susan. Sage Publications ; 2012 9788132109624 354 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.0711542 HAR 03009350 The Fresh Brew : Haralalka, Amit. Alchemy Publishers , 2011 9788180460630 294 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.07115475 MOH 05011195 Brick by Red Brick / Mohan Ram T T Rupa.Co, 2011 9788129117861 xiv,281 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.07117 CRU 03007741 Shaping the Waves : Cruikshank, Jeffrey L. Harvard Business School Press, 2005 1591398134 (hardcover : alk. p xii, 371 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.07117 CRU 04015642 Shaping the Waves : Cruikshank, Jeffrey L. Harvard Business School Press, 2005 1591398134 (hardcover : alk. p xii, 371 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.071173 DAT 03003407 Retinking the MBA: Business Education at a Crossroads Datar, Srikant M Harvard Business Press 9781422131640 378 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.071173 DAT 00105380 Rethinking the MBA : Datar, Srikant M. Harvard Business Press, 9781422131640 (hc : alk. paper x, 378 p. UG Library
650.071173 RYA 07014488 MBA math & more : Ryan, Chris Manhattan Prep Publishing, 2018 1506247539 | 9781506247533 vii, 349 p;. Library - BR Campus
650.07117444 MCD 03012400 The Golden Passport : McDonald, Duff. HarperCollinsPublishers, 2017 9780062347176 (hbk) | 00623471 First edition. ix, 657 pages ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.0711MOL 00089639 Future of the MBA: Designing the Thonker of the Future Moldoveanu, Mihnea C 142p. UG Library
650.0712 BAR 03010234 Teaching and the Case Method : Barnes, Louis B. Harvard Business School Press, 1994 0875844030 (alk. paper) | 9780 3rd ed. xiii, 333 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.0712 BAR 05000655 Teaching and the Case Method : Barnes, Louis B. Harvard Business School Press, 1994 0875844030 (alk. paper) | 9780 3rd ed. xiii, 333 p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.072 AND 00146327 Learning and researching with case studies : Andrews, Scott, Routledge 2024 9781032386331 | 9781032386324 156p. UG Library
650.072 BOO 00126170 Developing Business Knowledge ed by, Booth Charles Sage Publications, 2011 9781446210666 3th ed, vii, 333 p.: UG Library
650.072 CHA 05062389 Doing Theory : Orient BlackSwan, 2018 9789352873647 vi,378p.; Knowledge Centre
650.072 COL 00083097 Business Research Collis, Jill Palgrave Macmillan 2007 9780230553651 2nd Ed. 374p UG Library
650.072 COL 00081510 Business Research Collis, Jill Palgrave Macmillan 2007 9780230553651 2nd Ed. 374p UG Library
650.072 COL 00060797 Business Research Collis, Jill Palgrave Macmillan 2007 9780230553651 2nd Ed. 374p Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.072 COL 01011402 Business Research : Collis, Jill Palgrave Macmillan, 2003 9780230327726 3rd ed. xv,358p; Knowledge Centre
650.072 COL 03011616 Business Research : Collis, Jill. Palgrave Macmillan, 2014 9781137483652 4th ed. 351 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.072 COL 05013674 Business Research : Collis, Jill Palgrave Macmillan, 2003 9780230327726 3rd ed. xv,358p; Knowledge Centre
650.072 COL 05012008 Business Research : Collis, Jill Palgrave Macmillan, 2003 9780230327726 3rd ed. xv,358p; Knowledge Centre
650.072 COL 00079694 Business Research Collis, Jill Palgrave Macmillan 2007 9780230553651 2nd Ed. 374p UG Library
650.072 DUL 10001393 Conducting necessary condition analysis for business and management students / Dul, Jan. Sage, 2020 9781526460141 x,144p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.072 DUL 05073043 Conducting necessary condition analysis for business and management students / Dul, Jan. Sage, 2020 9781526460141 x,144p.; Knowledge Centre
650.072 GAY 05059206 Research methods for business and management / Gay, L. R. Macmillan Pub. Co. ; | Maxwell Macmillan Canada ; | Maxwell Macmillan International, 1992 0023408103 xxiv, 679 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.072 HOL 05064336 Visual and multimodal research in organization and management studies / Hollerer, Markus A. Routledge, 2019 9781138210578 (hardback) xv,227p.; Knowledge Centre
650.072 ISR 00091886 Data Analysis in Business Research : Israel, D. Response Books, 2008 9788178298757 (pbk.) p. cm. UG Library
650.072 KEI 03009957 Business Research Projects : Keizer, Jimme. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006 0750665734 (pbk.) | 9780750665 xiv, 240 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.072 LEE 05026151 Doing Business Research: Lee, Nick Sage Publication Ltd., 2008 xxiii,423p.; Knowledge Centre
650.072 LEE 05032568 Doing Business Research : Nick Lee Sage, 2008 9788132104544 423 p. Knowledge Centre
650.072 MAY 05056004 Researching business and management / Maylor, Harvey. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017 9780230222120 2nd ed. xxix, 452p.; Knowledge Centre
650.072 MAY 07011937 Researching business and management / Maylor, Harvey. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017 9780230222120 2nd ed. xxix, 452p.; Library - BR Campus
650.072 MYE 00111902 Qualitative research in business and management / Myers, Michael D. SAGE Publications, 2013 9780857029737 | 9780857029744 2nd ed. xii: 277p.; UG Library
650.072 POL 05069513 Designing and managing a research project : Polonsky, Michael J., Sage, 2019 9781544316468 (pbk. : alk. paper) Fourth Edition. xiii, 365 pages : Knowledge Centre
650.072 SAU 07004983 Research Methods for Business Students / Saunders, Mark. Pearson, 2014 9788131761045 5th ed. 614 p.: Library - BR Campus
650.072 SAU 03011841 Research Methods for Business Students / Saunders, Mark. Pearson, 2014 9788131761045 5th ed. 614 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.072 SAU 03010967 Research Methods for Business Students / Saunders, Mark. Pearson, 2014 9788131761045 5th ed. 614 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.072 SAU 03010968 Research Methods for Business Students / Saunders, Mark. Pearson, 2014 9788131761045 5th ed. 614 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.072 SAU 03010969 Research Methods for Business Students / Saunders, Mark. Pearson, 2014 9788131761045 5th ed. 614 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.072 STR 03011426 The Palgrave Handbook of Research Design in Business and Management / Strang, Kenneth D. Palgrave Macmillan, 2015 9781137379924 (hardback) xxxvi, 565 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.072 VEL 05013672 Guide to Management Research Methods Velde Mandy Van Der Blackwell publishing; 2004 9781405127943 253p; Knowledge Centre
650.072 WIL 05056287 Essentials of Business Research : Wilson, Jonathan. Sage Publications, 2014 9789386062758 2nd ed. xxii, 352 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.072 WIL 00127773 Essentials of Business Research : Wilson, Jonathan. Sage Publications, 2014 9789386062758 2nd ed. xxii, 352 p.: UG Library
650.072 WIL 03012294 Essentials of Business Research : Wilson, Jonathan. Sage Publications, 2014 9789386062758 2nd ed. 352 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.072 WIL 05039242 Business research : Ng, Wilson. Kogan Page, 2014 9780749468958 (pbk.) vii, 222 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.072 WIL 07011108 Essentials of Business Research : Wilson, Jonathan. Sage Publications, 2014 9789386062758 2nd ed. xxii, 352 p.: Library - BR Campus
650.072 WIL 00098843 Essentials of Business Research : Wilson, Jonathan. Sage Publications, 2010 9788132105671 316 p.: UG Library
650.072 WIL 05013673 Essentials of Business Research : Wilson, Jonathan. Sage Publications, 2010 9788132105671 316 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.072 WIL 05055986 Essentials of Business Research : Wilson, Jonathan. Sage Publications, 2014 9789386062758 2nd ed. xxii, 352 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.072 WIL 05014938 Essentials of Business Research : Wilson, Jonathan. Sage Publications, 2010 9788132105671 316 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.072 WIL 03005266 Essentials of Business Research : Wilson, Jonathan. Sage Publications, 2010 9788132105671 316 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.0721 DUI 00132687 Quantitative methods for business research: Duignan, John Cengage learning EMEA, 2014 9781408064825 xv,222p.; UG Library
650.0721 SAC 07000772 Business research methodology Sachdeva, J. K. Himalaya publishing house, 2015 9789350249482 481p.; Library - BR Campus
650.0723 AND 05072862 The Case Study Companion : Andrews, Scott, Routledge, 2021 9780367426965 | 9780367854492 xv, 202p.; Knowledge Centre
650.0723 CAS 05044772 Conducting research interviews for business and management students / Cassell, Catherine. Sage, 2015 9781446273548 (hardback) | 978 1st edition. x,96p.; Knowledge Centre
650.0723 COR 05000213 MBA field studies : Corey, Raymond Harvard Business School Pub. Division, 1990 0875842518 viii, 79 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.0723 DAW 00129145 Case Study Research For Business / Farquhar, Jillian Dawes. SAGE, 2012 9781849207768 | 1849207763 | viii, 134 p. : UG Library
650.076 PRI 03003262 1012 GMAT Practice Questions Princeton Review Vintage Books 9780375429279 691 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.076 BAR 05066986 Barron's The Trusted Name in Test Prep GMAT / Barron India edition, 2017 9781506261720 vi,794p.; Knowledge Centre
650.076 BRY 00090009 How to Pass Graduate Psychometric Tests : Bryon, Mike. Kogan Page, 2008 9788175543706 3rd ed. 232p.; UG Library
650.076 BRY 04012614 How to Pass Graduate Psychometric Tests : Bryon, Mike. Kogan Page, 2011 9780749462093 | 9780749462109 4th ed. vii, 247 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.076 BRY 05002167 How to Pass Graduate Psychometric Tests : Bryon, Mike. Kogan Page, 2008 9788175543706 3rd ed. 232p.; Knowledge Centre
650.076 BRY 04017921 How to pass graduate psychometric tests : Bryon, Mike. Kogan Page, 2011 9780749467999 4th Edition. ix, 247 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.076 BRY 03008148 How to Pass Graduate Psychometric Tests : Bryon, Mike. Kogan Page, 2011 9780749462093 | 9780749462109 4th ed. vii, 247 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.076 BRY 04021076 How to pass selection tests : Bryon, Mike. Kogan Page, 2011 9780749462116 (pbk.) | 0749462116 (pbk.) | 9780749462123 (ebk.) | 0749462124 (ebk.) [Rev. ed.?]. vi, 216 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.076 GMA 05037839 GMAT Review : Graduate Management Admission Council John Wiley & Sons, 2012 9788126535156 840 p. Knowledge Centre
650.076 JAF 05037841 Barron's The Leader in Test Preparation : Jaffe, Eugene D Galgotia Publications, 2014 9788175157460 vii, 661 p. Knowledge Centre
650.076 JAF 41000788 Barron's The Leader in Test Preparation : Jaffe, Eugene D Galgotia Publications, 2014 9788175157460 vii, 661 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.076 KAP 07007628 GMAT Premier 2016 / Kaplan Publishing, 2015 9781506200262 xiv,1101p.: Library - BR Campus
650.076 KAP 05037843 GMAT 2014 Strategies, Practice & Review : Kaplan Kaplan Publishing, 2013 9781618650542 vii, 764 p. Knowledge Centre
650.076 MAR 05037828 The Princeton review : Martz, Geoff. Villard Books, 1989 0394756851 : 1st ed. xi, 227 p ; Knowledge Centre
650.076 WEE 03010484 CBAP/CCBA Certified Business Analysis Study Guide / Weese, Susan. Willey , 2014 9788126533916 458 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.076 WEE 05064774 CBAP/CCBA Certified Business Analysis Study Guide / Weese, Susan. Johny Wiley & sons , 2017 9788126533916 2nd ed. xxxviii, 513p.: Knowledge Centre
650.076 WEE 05064775 CBAP/CCBA Certified Business Analysis Study Guide / Weese, Susan. Johny Wiley & sons , 2017 9788126533916 2nd ed. xxxviii, 513p.: Knowledge Centre
650.076 WEE 05064776 CBAP/CCBA Certified Business Analysis Study Guide / Weese, Susan. Johny Wiley & sons , 2017 9788126533916 2nd ed. xxxviii, 513p.: Knowledge Centre
650.076 WEE 05064777 CBAP/CCBA Certified Business Analysis Study Guide / Weese, Susan. Johny Wiley & sons , 2017 9788126533916 2nd ed. xxxviii, 513p.: Knowledge Centre
650.076 WEE 05064778 CBAP/CCBA Certified Business Analysis Study Guide / Weese, Susan. Johny Wiley & sons , 2017 9788126533916 2nd ed. xxxviii, 513p.: Knowledge Centre
650.076 WEE 31000339 CBAP/CCBA Certified Business Analysis Study Guide / Weese, Susan. Willey , 2014 9788126533916 458 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.076 WEE 03012891 CBAP/CCBA Certified Business Analysis Study Guide / Weese, Susan Wiley, 2017 9788126569236 2nd Ed. ; xxxvii, 513p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.076 WEE 03012892 CBAP/CCBA Certified Business Analysis Study Guide / Weese, Susan Wiley, 2017 9788126569236 2nd Ed. ; xxxvii, 513p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.076 WEE 03012893 CBAP/CCBA Certified Business Analysis Study Guide / Weese, Susan Wiley, 2017 9788126569236 2nd Ed. ; xxxvii, 513p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.092 NAN 03011926 Masters Speak : Nangia, Vinay Kumar. Bloomsbury India, 2015 9789384052546 x, 342 pages ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.092 ROB 03007892 Snapshots From Hell : Robinson, Peter, Warner Books, 1994 0446517860 : | 9781857880786 286 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.092 SHE 03011503 The Accidental Scholar / Sheth, Jagdish N. Sage Publications, 2014 9789351500391 (hardback : alk. xix, 240 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.092 SHE 07000102 The Accidental Scholar / Sheth, Jagdish N. Sage Publications, 2014 9789351500391 (hardback : alk. xix, 240 p.: Library - BR Campus
650.094 SUD 03000824 Doing Business in Europe Suder, Gabriele Sage 9781412918473 360 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.094 HAR 05013635 Organisation of Europe - Developing a Contimental Market Order Harrison, D M 0415110718 230 p Knowledge Centre
650.0954 FICCI 05013900 Pictorial History of Indian Business Federation of Indian Chambers, of Commerce and Indu 0195653769 420p Knowledge Centre
650.0954 MUK 00109617 Merchants of Tamilakam Mukund, Kanakalatha. Allen Lane, an imprint of Penguin Books, 2012 9780670085217 | 9780670085217 xliii, 191 p. : UG Library
650.0954 SHR 00049860 Business of Social Responsibility-The Why, What and How of Corporate So Shrivastava, Harsh Books for Change 0818738011 189p Knowledge Centre
650.0973 BRO 05042022 Business Adventures : Brooks,John. Hachette, 2014 9781473612235 vi,459p.; Knowledge Centre
650.098 DET 00144312 Analytics and Intuition in The Process of Selecting Talent : Deeters, Jurgen De gruyter, 2022 3110992736 | 9783110992731 xix,581p, ; UG Library
650.0994 RIL 03004570 Business Environment / Riley, Pippa. viva; 2011 9788130917542 361 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.0994 RIL 04016610 Business Environment / Riley, Pippa. viva; 2011 9788130917542 361 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 AGA 03003343 SAP HR Time Management : Agrawal, P. K. Prentice-Hall of Inida, 2010 9788120340657 708 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 AGA 03003342 SAP HR Time Management : Agrawal, P. K. Prentice-Hall of Inida, 2010 9788120340657 708 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 ARN 03003224 Shift: How to Reinvent Your Business, Your Career, and Your Perosnal Brand Arnell, Peter Currency 9780385526272 206 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 ASH 04007093 Oxford Handbook of Commercial Correspondence Ashley, A Oxford Universtiy Press 2009 970195668847 304 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 ATK 03003481 Successful Time Management : Atkinson, Frank. Viva Books, 2010 9788130915012 208 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 BAN 10001444 Who blunders and how: Banerjee,Robin Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353285791 xxv,263p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 BAN 00138168 Who blunders and how: Banerjee,Robin Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353285791 xxv,263p.; UG Library
650.1 BIX 03002388 5 Steps to Professional Presence Bixler, Susan Adams Media 9781580624428 256 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 BLY 03002644 101 Ways to Make Every Second Count: Bly, Robert W. Jaico Publishing House, 2008 8172249292 | 9798172249297 191 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 COO 03000790 Time Management Cook, Marshall J Viva Books 9781558507999 229 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 COO 03001009 Time Management Cook, Marshall J Viva Books 9781558507999 229 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 DRU 03003583 Harvard Business Classics Managing Oneself Drucker, Peter F Harvard Business Press 9781422123126 60 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 ERI 03002162 Plugged In: The Generation Y Guide to Thriving at Work Erickson, Tomana Harvard Business Press 9781422120606 278 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 GER 03000139 Life Entrepreneurs: Ordinary People Creating Entraordinary Lives Gergen, Christopher Wiley 9780787988623 211 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 GOL 04002889 What Got You Here Won't Get You There Goldsmith, Marshall Viva Books Private Limited 2008 9781846681370 236 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 GOR 03005171 The seed : Gordon, Jon, Wiley, 2011 9780470888568 (hardback) | 047 x, 146 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 GOR 05007503 The seed : Gordon, Jon, Wiley, 2011 9780470888568 (hardback) | 047 x, 146 p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 GUL 00134949 Corporate softskills: Gulati,Sarvesh Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2018 9788129120021 xiii,306p.; UG Library
650.1 HAL 03001117 Be a Shortcut Halford, Scoot G Johb Wiley & Sons 9780470270363 237 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 HAR 03000405 Master the Rockefeller Habits : Harnish, Verne. Bizantra, 2008 9788177228120 xxvi,150 p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 HIL 03006995 Think and Grow Rich /​ Hill, Napoleon. Wilshire Book Co., 1999 9788179927922 380 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 HIL 03001368 Napoleon Hill's Golden Rules / Hill, Nalpoleon. Johb Wiley & Sons, 2008 9780470411568 213 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 HIL 03009443 Think and Grow Rich /​ Hill, Napoleon. Wilshire Book Co., 1999 9788179927922 380 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 HILL 05068837 Think and grow rich / Hill, Napoleon Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2020 9789353338152 227p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 HOG 03000153 12 Factors of Business Success: Discover, Develop, and Leverage Your Strengths Hogan, Kevin Johb Wiley & Sons 9780470292990 221 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 KAY 03003563 Successful Networking Kay, Frances Kogan Page 9788175545519 192 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 KLA 03000586 The Hard Truth About Soft Skills Klaus, Peggy Collins Business 2007 9780061284144 190p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 KOC 03001388 Science of Success Koch, Charles G Johb Wiley & Sons 9780470139882 194 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 KOT 03003591 Buy in Saving Your Good Ideas from Getting Shot Down Kotter, John P Harvard Business Press 9781422157299 190 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 LAS 03006695 The New Job Security : Lassiter, Pam. Ten Speed Press, 2010 9781580083775 1st rev. ed. viii, 216 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 LOR 03005385 Managing Thought : Lore, Mary J. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008 9780070703582 253 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 LUN 03003216 Fish for Life: A Remarkable Way to Achieve Your Dreams Lundin, Stephen C Hyperion 9781401300715 130 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 LUN 04005832 Fish for Life: A Remarkable Way to Achieve Your Dreams Lundin, Stephe C Hyperion 2004 9781401300715 130 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 MAC 03003640 Swim With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive: Mackay, Harvey B. Collins Business, 1998 9780060742812 261 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 MAT 05013459 Business & Government Mathew, M J Mcgraw Hill 8185813787 286 Knowledge Centre
650.1 MAX 03000580 Talent Is Never Enough Maxwell, John C Thomos Nelson 9780785288961 281p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 MCC 03000115 What They Still Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School McCormack, Mark H Bantam Books 9780553349610 298 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 MOL 03000120 Bounce! Failure, Resiliency and Confidence to Achieve Your Next Great Success Moltz, Barry J Johb Wiley & Sons 9780470224083 242 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 NAR 03000787 Twelve Management Skills for Success Narain, Ram Viva Books 8130901846 433 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 OCO 04011283 Don't Feed The Ducks : O'Connell, Liam Accent Press , 2007 9781907016523 183 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 PIL 22002270 E-Mailing / Pile, Louise. Viva Books, 2009 9788130902845 64p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 POR 03003090 Success Built to Last : Porras, Jerry. Plume Book, 2007 9780452288706 278 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 SEI 03001352 How: Why How We Do Anything Means Everything in Business ( and in Life ) Seidman, Dov Willey Publication 9780471751229 338p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 TEM 03002311 Rules of Work: A Definitive Code for Personal Success Templar, Richard Pearson Education 9788131700082 217 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 TRU 03001190 Think Big and Kick Ass in Business and Life Trump, Donald J Collins Business 9780061547836 368 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 TRU 1 03003243 Think Like a Champion Trump, Donald J Vanguard Press 9781593155308 198 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 TRU2 03003690 Think Like a Champion Trump, Donald J Vanguard Press 9781593155308 198 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 WEI 03001121 Career and Corporate Cool Weingarten, Rachel C Johb Wiley & Sons 9780470120347 260 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 ZAF 03001186 Three Laws of Performance Zaffron, Steve Johb Wiley & Sons 9780470195598 220 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 ACH 00130898 Big potential : Achor, Shawn, Virgin books, 2018 9781524761530 | 9780753552216 First Edition. 237 pages ; UG Library
650.1 ADA 00079714 Decision Making & Problem Solving Strategies Adair, John Kogan Page 2007 8175543205 110p UG Library
650.1 ADA 03006228 100 Greatest Ideas for Personal Success / Adair's, John. Capstone, 2012 9788126532797 x, 201 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 ADA 03006229 100 Greatest Ideas for Personal Success / Adair's, John. Capstone, 2012 9788126532797 x, 201 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 ADA 04020637 100 Greatest Ideas for Personal Success / Adair's, John. Capstone, 2012 9788126532797 x, 201 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 ADA 05041547 The Joy of Work : Adams Scott HarperCollins, 2000 9780752217208 vii,264p.: Knowledge Centre
650.1 ADA 00127544 100 Greatest Ideas for Personal Success / Adair's, John. Capstone, 2012 9788126532797 x, 201 p.: UG Library
650.1 ADA 00079697 Decision Making & Problem Solving Strategies Adair, John Kogan Page 2007 8175543205 110p Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 ADA 07007790 100 Greatest Ideas for Personal Success / Adair's, John. Capstone, 2012 9788126532797 x, 201 p.: Library - BR Campus
650.1 ADA 00079699 Develop Your Leadership Skills Adair, John. Kogan Page 2007 9788175543221 89p UG Library
650.1 ADA 05043977 Time Management and Personal Development / Adair,John. Viva Books, 9788176494939 134 p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 AGG 07010386 Essential Communication Skills / Aggarwal, Shalini Ane Books, 2016 9788180522802 1st ed. vii, 182p. ; Library - BR Campus
650.1 AGG 03012179 Essential Communication Skills / Aggarwal, Shalini Ane Books, 2016 9788180522802 1st ed. vii, 182p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 AIM 00074734 Best of the Best All India Management Association Excel Books Private Management 2005 8183230113 | 9788183230117 191p UG Library
650.1 AIMA 00074735 Best of the Best All India Management Association Excel Books Private Management 2005 8183230121 174p UG Library
650.1 AIMA 05013697 Best of the Best: Insights Form Leading International and Indian Organisations All India Mangement Associaltion Excel Books Private Management 8183230113 191p Knowledge Centre
650.1 ALD 05059784 5% More : Alden, Michael. Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2016 9788126565726 xviii, 190 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.1 ALD 03012591 5% More : Alden, Michael. Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2016 9788126565726 xviii, 190 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 ALD 05058129 5% More : Alden, Michael. Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2016 9788126565726 xviii, 190 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.1 ALL 03006363 Making it all work : Allen, David, Viking, 2008 9780670019953 | 067001995X viii, 305 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 ALL 03007033 Ready for Anything : Allen, David. Piatkus, 2011 9780749941024 xxiii, 164 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 ALL 04027621 Deliberate Success : Allenbaugh, Eric Pearson, 2002 9788178089560 288p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 AME 04008201 Pathways to success : Ames, Michael D. Berrett-Koehler ; | South-Western Pub. Co., 1994 1881052575 : 1st ed. xviii, 299 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 AMI 05073035 The seductive illusion of hard work / Amitabh, Utkarsh. Sage, 2020 9789353885250 xxi,282p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 AMO 00070632 Manage Your Time Amos, Julie-Ann. Jaico 2006 8172248881 | 97817224887 127p UG Library
650.1 AMY 00135663 Strive : Amyx, Scott, Wiley india pvt ltd., 2018 9781119387305 (hardback) | 9788126577712 xiii, 210 pages ; UG Library
650.1 ANA 10001451 Happiness at work : Anand, R Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2018 9789352808052 (pbk. : alk. paper) First Edition. xxii,200p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 ANA 10005307 Happiness at work : Anand, R Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2018 9789352808052 (pbk. : alk. paper) First Edition. xxii,200p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 ANA 03012964 Happiness at work : Anand, R Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2018 9789352808052 (pbk. : alk. paper) First Edition. xxii,200p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 ANA 00136839 Happiness at work : Anand, R Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2018 9789352808052 (pbk. : alk. paper) First Edition. xxii,200p.; UG Library
650.1 AND 05062266 Unstoppable : Anderson, Dave. Wiley, 2017 9788126572502 xviii, 215p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 ANU 05075037 The IIMA Story : Anubhai, Prafull. Penguin, 2011 9788184001921 xxv, 269p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 ARN 04015644 Shift: How to Reinvent Your Business, Your Career, and Your Perosnal Brand Arnell, Peter Currency 9780385526272 206 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 ART 05053164 An intelligent career : Arthur, Michael B. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190494131 (hardback : alk. xvi, 264 pages : Knowledge Centre
650.1 ART 05067886 An intelligent career : Arthur, Michael B. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190866310 xvi, 264 pages : Knowledge Centre
650.1 ART 09000366 An intelligent career : Arthur, Michael B. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190866310 xvi, 264 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 ASH 04015816 Who Gets Promoted, Who Doesn't, and Why : Asher, Donald. Ten Speed Press, 2007 1580088201 (alk. paper) | 9781 vi, 168 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 ASH 03007865 Who Gets Promoted, Who Doesn't, and Why : Asher, Donald. Ten Speed Press, 2007 1580088201 (alk. paper) | 9781 vi, 168 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 ATK 04015319 Successful Time Management : Atkinson, Frank. Viva Books, 2010 9788130915012 208 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 ATK 04016644 Successful Time Management : Atkinson, Frank. Viva Books, 2010 9788130915012 208 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 BAG 04030312 The Professional Companion : Bagchi, Subroto. Portfolio Penguin , 2012 9780143419198 222 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 BAG 03008975 The Professional Companion : Bagchi, Subroto. Portfolio Penguin , 2012 9780143419198 222 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 BAJ 03005489 The Street to the Highway: Bajpai, Vineet Jaico, 2011 9788184952056 xxiv,266p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 BAJ 10004461 The Freedom Manifesto: & Rules to Live the Life of Your Calling/ by Karan Bajaj Bajaj, Karan [Author] Harper Collins, 2024 9789362134462 xviii, 241p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 BAL 03009274 Nothing is Absolute / Balachandran, S. Shroff Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., 2010 9789350230206 254 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 BAN 10005366 Who blunders and how: Banerjee,Robin Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353285791 xxv,263p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 BAR 00128588 Barking Up the Wrong Tree : Barker, Eric. Harper Collins Publishers, 2017 9780062416049 (hardcover) | 9780062416056 (pbk.) | 9780062852205 First edition. x, 307 pages ; UG Library
650.1 BAR 05063961 Barking Up the Wrong Tree : Barker, Eric. Harper Collins Publishers, 2017 9780062416049 (hardcover) | 9780062416056 (pbk.) | 9780062852205 First edition. x, 307 pages ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 BAR 03012377 Barking Up the Wrong Tree : Barker, Eric. Harper Collins Publishers, 2017 9780062416049 (hardcover) | 9780062416056 (pbk.) | 9780062852205 First edition. x, 307 pages ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 BAR 05011108 Shine how to survive and thrive at work / Barez-Brown Chris Portpolio Penguin, 2011 9780241952344 217 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.1 BAR 04008206 Time to Think : Barnes, Mark westlan 2007 9789380032092 204p., Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 BAR 00079700 How to Manage Meetings Barker, Alan. Kogan Page 2007 0817554323 | 978817543232 147p UG Library
650.1 BAR 00079702 Improve Your Communication Skills. Barker, Alan Kogan Page 2007 8175543256 145p UG Library
650.1 BAR 03008550 Win Without Competing! : Barro, Arlene R. Macmillan India Ltd , 2007 9781933102382 (alk. paper) | 9 1st ed. xviii, 286 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 BAT 00124105 He Swam with Sharks for an Ice-Cream Bathia, Dhaval Jaico P H, 2010 9788184950663 xvii, 300 p.: UG Library
650.1 BEA 03012594 Billionaire Boy : Beahm, George. HarperCollins Publishers, 2013 9789350298909 183 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 BEA 00126535 Steve Jobs' Life by Design : Beahm, George W. Jaico, 2014 9781137279835 | 9788184958041 ix, 226 p.: UG Library
650.1 BEA 07012740 Billionaire Boy : Beahm, George. HarperCollins Publishers, 2013 9789350298909 183 p.: Library - BR Campus
650.1 BED 03007812 The Millionaire in the Mirror : Bedell, Gene. Collins, 2008 9780061473487 (acidfree paper) 1st ed. 276 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 BED 04015750 The Millionaire in the Mirror : Bedell, Gene. Collins, 2008 9780061473487 (acidfree paper) 1st ed. 276 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 BEL 04015834 You have 3 minutes! : Bellino, Ricardo. McGraw-Hill, 2007 007147255X (alk. paper) | 9780 ix, 209 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 BEN 04015474 Effective Immediately : Bennington, Emily. Ten Speed Press, 2010 9781580089999 (pbk.) | 1580089 1st ed. xiv, 210 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 BEN 03007616 Effective Immediately : Bennington, Emily. Ten Speed Press, 2010 9781580089999 (pbk.) | 1580089 1st ed. xiv, 210 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 BEN 05013681 Report Writing in Business - Effective Communication of Information Bentley, T J Viva Books Private Limited 0817649190 121p Knowledge Centre
650.1 BER 05065310 The book of beautiful questions : Berger, Warren, Bloomsbury, 2018 9781526613929 271 pages : Knowledge Centre
650.1 BID 00133968 Disrupt,100 Lessons In Business Innovation Bidwell, James, Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2017 9781473680944 260 p.; UG Library
650.1 BIR 05054653 There are no overachievers : Biro, Brian D., Bantam Press, 2017 9780451497628 (hardback) 191 pages ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 BIS 00079698 Develop Your Assertiveness Bishop,Sue. Kogan Page 2007 8175543213 | 9788175543218 2nd Ed. 128p UG Library
650.1 BIS 03007287 Workarounds that Work : Bishop, Russell, McGraw-Hill, 2011 9780071752039 (alk. paper) | 9 xii, 244 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 BIX 05013609 Take Action : Bixler, Susan. 1996 0044991061 252 p Knowledge Centre
650.1 BLA 05013695 Turning Your Business Around: How to Spot the Warning Signs and Keep Your Business Healthy Blayney, Mark Jaico Publishing House 8179920399 174p Knowledge Centre
650.1 BLA 03007391 Full Steam Ahead / Blanchard, Ken. Tata McGraw - Hill, 2003 9780070683532 xii , 171 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 BLI 03007763 The C Student's Guide to Success : Bliwas, Ron, Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2007 9781585425563 | 1585425567 245 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 BLI 04015687 The C Student's Guide to Success : Bliwas, Ron, Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2007 9781585425563 | 1585425567 245 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 BLY 00070608 101 Ways to Make Every Second Count time Management. (ugcminority) Bly, Robert W Jaico Publishing House 2005 8179929299 191p UG Library
650.1 BOY 07000995 Career Management Secrets / Boyes, Carolyn. Collins, 2010 9780007324439 128 p.: Library - BR Campus
650.1 BOY 03009322 The Power to Get In : Boylan, Michael A. St. Martin's Press, 1997 0312151934 | 9780312151935 1st ed. viii, 296 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 BOY 03011517 Career Management Secrets / Boyes, Carolyn. Collins, 2010 9780007324439 128 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 BRA 05048334 Best job ever : Bray, C. K., Wiley, 2016 9781119212317 (hardback) xx, 228 pages ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 BRI 05048399 Ambition : Bridge, Rachel, Wiley, 2016 9780857086334 (paperback) 192p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 BRI 00079715 My Big Idea Bridge, Rachel. Kogan Page 2007 0749450932 | 9780749450939 186p UG Library
650.1 BRY 05062159 The Artists way At Work : Bryan, Mark. Pan Books, 1998 9780330373203 xix,279p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 BUC 07002556 Standout 2.0 : Buckingham, Marcus. Harvard Business Review Press, 2015 9781633690745 (hardback) xi,211 p.: Library - BR Campus
650.1 BUC 05013628 The Truth About You : Buckingham, Marcus. Jaico Publishing House, 2010 9788184951417 134 p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 BUC 03012522 Standout 2.0 : Buckingham, Marcus. Harvard Business Review Press, 2015 9781633690745 (hardback) xi,211 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 BUC 07001688 Standout 2.0 : Buckingham, Marcus. Harvard Business Review Press, 2015 9781633690745 (hardback) xi,211 p.: Library - BR Campus
650.1 BUC 05057130 Standout 2.0 : Buckingham, Marcus. Harvard Business Review Press, 2015 9781633690745 (hardback) xi,211 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.1 BUC 04012146 Go put your strengths to work : Buckingham, Marcus. Free Press, 2007 0743261674 (alk. paper) | 9780 xii, 270 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 BUG 05070322 The Go-giver : Burg, Bob. Portfolio Penguin, 2015 9780241976272 xviii, 149p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 BUR 00102478 The Go-Giver Burg, Bob Penguin Books, 9780141049557 130 p. UG Library
650.1 BUR 05013679 Live Life, Love Work / Burton, Kate CAPSTONE 2010 9781907312021 (pbk. : alk. pap 201p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 CAM 05013630 From Chaos to Confidence : Survival Strategies for the New Workplace Campbell, Susan SIMON & SCHUSTER 1995 0684802538 250p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 CAN 07002323 Future smart : Canton, James, Da Capo Press, 2015 9780306822865 (hardback) xv, 378 pages ; Library - BR Campus
650.1 CAN 05013605 Success Principles: How to Getfrom Where You Are to Where You Want to Be: (MBA) Canfield, Jack Harper Collins 2005 8172236255 473p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 CAR 07011492 The ten times rule : Cardone, Grant. Wiley, 2011 9780470627600 (hardback) p. cm. Library - BR Campus
650.1 CAR 03005139 The ten times rule : Cardone, Grant. Wiley, 2011 9780470627600 (hardback) p. cm. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 CAR 05054660 Your one word : Carmichael, Evan, Torcher Perigee Book, 2016 9780143109099 (hardback) xix, 249 pages ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 CAR 05006172 The ten times rule : Cardone, Grant. Wiley, 2011 9780470627600 (hardback) p. cm. Knowledge Centre
650.1 CAR 05013618 Do You Dot-Com? / A Field Guide to Understanding Life at an Internet Company Carlson, Gustav. AMERICAN MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION 2001 0081447103 232 p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 CAU 04008420 Stay confident / Caunt, John Kogan page, 2009 9788175544581 2nd ed. vi, 150p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 CEN 10004639 HBR at 100 : HBR Press, 2022 9781647823412 xii, 470 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 CEN 05075014 HBR at 100 : HBR Press, 2022 9781647823412 xii, 470 pages : Knowledge Centre
650.1 CHA 03011533 The Z Factor : Chandra, Subhash. Harper Collins Publishers, 2016 9789351773245 281 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 CHA 04026252 The Z Factor : Chandra, Subhash. Harper Collins Publishers, 2016 9789351773245 281 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 CHA 03012605 From Command to Empathy : Chanda, Avik. Harper Business, 2017 9789352774494 218 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 CHA 00124013 Work Sucks! : Chaturvedi, Anshul. Sage Publications , 2015 9789351500698 (pbk. : alk. pap xxix, 168 p.: UG Library
650.1 CHA 03008119 Your First Thirty Days : Chapman, N. Elwood. Viva Books Private Limited ; 2004 9788176947411 77 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 CHA 07007350 The Z Factor : Chandra, Subhash. Harper Collins Publishers, 2016 9789351773245 281 p.: Library - BR Campus
650.1 CHA 03010524 Ascent : Chatterjee, Amit. Random House India , 2014 9788184006230 187 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 CHA 07009716 Work Sucks! : Chaturvedi, Anshul. Sage Publications , 2015 9789351500698 (pbk. : alk. pap xxix, 168 p.: Library - BR Campus
650.1 CHA 03011659 Work Sucks! : Chaturvedi, Anshul. Sage Publications , 2015 9789351500698 (pbk. : alk. pap xxix, 168 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 CHR 03007217 The Zigzag Principle : Christiansen, Rich. Tata Mcgrawhill, 2012 9781259005374 | 1259005372 198 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 CIA 05013584 Winning Moves: How to Come Out Ahead in a Corporate Shakeup. Ciabattari, Jane 0089256332 324 p Knowledge Centre
650.1 CIN 05013452 How to Understand Business Finance [ug.Lib.Commerce Section] Cinnamon, Robert Kogan Page 8175543051 142p Knowledge Centre
650.1 CLA 05000284 Reinventing You : Clark, Dorie. Harvard Business Review Press, 2013 9781422144138 (hardback) 226 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.1 CLA 07001447 Reinventing You : Clark, Dorie. Harvard Business Review Press, 2013 9781422144138 (hardback) 226 p.: Library - BR Campus
650.1 CLA 10004507 Unapologetically You: Harness Your Individuality and Stand Out at Work/ by Dorie Clark Clark, Dorie [Author] Penguin Books, 2023 9780241999714 1st Ed. xiii, 207 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 CLA 07001017 Stand Out : Clark Dorie Portfolio Penguin, 2015 9780241187289 214p.: Library - BR Campus
650.1 CLA 07012601 Entrepreneurial you : Clark, Dorie, HBRP, 2017 9781633692275 IX,255 pages,: Library - BR Campus
650.1 CLA 03010203 Reinventing You : Clark, Dorie. Harvard Business Review Press, 2013 9781422144138 (hardback) 226 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 CLA 04021199 Reinventing You : Clark, Dorie. Harvard Business Review Press, 2013 9781422144138 (hardback) 226 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 CLI 00137306 Born to Build : Clifton,Jim. Gallup Press, 2018 9781595621276 247p.; UG Library
650.1 CLO 04012022 The One-Life Solution : Cloud, Henry. Collins, 2008 9780061466427 1st ed. 239 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 CLO 03007533 The One-Life Solution : Cloud, Henry. Collins, 2008 9780061466427 1st ed. 239 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 CLO 04024245 The One-Life Solution / Cloud, Henry Happer Collins, 2008 9780061466434 239p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 COL 00061850 Built to Last Collins, James C. Randon House 2004 0071266968 | 9780712669689 3rd Ed. 355 p. UG Library
650.1 CON 05013606 The Oz Principle [ MBA ] Connors, Roger PRENTICE HALL PRESS 1994 0735200432 277p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 COO 05013645 Performance Edge: New Strategies to Maximise Work Effectiveness Cooper, K Robert 0395533384 326 p Knowledge Centre
650.1 COV 03009129 The Speed of Trust : Covey, Stephen M.R. Simon and Schuster UK Ltd. 2006 9781847392718 354 p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 COV 04022839 The Speed of Trust : Covey, Stephen M.R. Simon and Schuster UK Ltd. 2006 9781847392718 354 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 COX 05013610 7 Steps to Achieving the Extraordinary : Cox, Danny. Jaico, 2007 8172247974 253 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.1 CRO 05045714 The off-switch : Cropley,Mark. Penguin Books, 2015 9780753556696 288p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 CSI 04012044 Good Business : Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. Viking, 2003 9780670031962 vi, 244 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 CSI 03004683 Good Business: Csikszentrmihalyi, mihaly Coronet books; 2003 9780340739730 244p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 CSI 03006360 Good Business : Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. Viking, 2003 9780670031962 vi, 244 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 CSI 04015931 Good Business : Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. Viking, 2003 9780670031962 vi, 244 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 CSI 04015265 Good business : Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly Hodder HEading 2003 9780340739730 244 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 CSI 03007630 Good Business : Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. Viking, 2003 9780670031962 vi, 244 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 DAI 05064921 The Joy of Work : Daisley, Bruce. Random House Business Books, 2019 9781847942388 312 p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 DAL 04028771 Principles / Dalio, Ray, Simon & Schuster, 2017 9781501124020 (hardcover) xviii, 569 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 DAL 05058148 Principles / Dalio, Ray, Simon & Schuster, 2017 9781501124020 (hardcover) xviii, 569 pages ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 DAN 04008155 Make the move take the plunge be an entrepreneur / Danannavar, Mahesh Educampus, 2010 x, 196p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 DAV 10004958 Good Judgement: Making Better Business decisions with the Science of Human Personality/ by Richard Davis Davis, Richard [Author] Harper Collins, 2024 9780063423718 1st Ed. xxiii, 210 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 DIL 03007402 Power and Influence : Dilenschneider, Robert L. Tata McGraw Hill, 2007 9780070223677 xii , 210 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 DOD 05052509 Great answers to tough questions at work / Dodd, Michael, John wiley and sons, 2016 9780857086396 (paperback) 303p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 DRU Managing oneself / Drucker, Peter F. Harvard Business Press, 2008 9781422123126 (pbk. : alk. pap v, 60 p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 DRU 05000049 Managing oneself / Drucker, Peter F. Harvard Business Press, 2008 9781422123126 (pbk. : alk. pap v, 60 p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 DRU 05013592 Daily Drucker Drucer, Peter 0060742445 429p Knowledge Centre
650.1 DUA 10004752 Declaring breakdowns : powerfully creating a future that matters, through 6 simple steps / by Sameer Dua. Dua, Sameer [Author] SAGE, 2016 9789351509837 xiv, 221 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 DUN 07009281 The smart thinking book / Duncan, Kevin Viva Book Publication, 2017 9789386105202 vii,134p. Library - BR Campus
650.1 EFF 00138236 8 Steps to High Performance : Effron,Marc. Harvard Business Review, 2018 9781633693975 xx,206p.; UG Library
650.1 ELA 04017405 You Don't Need a GodFather : R. Elango Tata McGraw-Hill ; 2012 9781259002816 108 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 ELA 03007205 You Don't Need a GodFather : R. Elango Tata McGraw-Hill ; 2012 9781259002816 108 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 ELE 00135980 Professional Development and Career Planning / 3G E-Learning, 2017 9781680954609 xii,243p.; UG Library
650.1 ERI 05000285 Retire Retirement : Erickson, Tamara J., Harvard Business School Press, 2008 9781422120590 | 1422120597 x, 183 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.1 ERI 05000571 Plugged in : Erickson, Tamara J., Harvard Business Press, 2008 9781422120606 (alk. paper) | 1 xxiii, 278 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.1 ERI 03010209 Retire Retirement : Erickson, Tamara J., Harvard Business School Press, 2008 9781422120590 | 1422120597 x, 183 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 ERS 07001034 Conquering the seven summits of sales : Ershler, Susan, Harper Business, 2007 9780062282644 | 0062282646 First Edition. xv, 191 pages : Library - BR Campus
650.1 EVA 07012736 Achieve with accountability : Evans, Mike, Wiley, 2017 9788126572083 xix, 172 pages ; Library - BR Campus
650.1 EVA 00130868 Achieve with accountability : Evans, Mike, Wiley, 2017 9788126572083 xix, 172 pages ; UG Library
650.1 EVA 05060691 Achieve with accountability : Evans, Mike, Wiley, 2017 9788126572083 xix, 172 pages ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 FAR 05008307 Forbes great success stories : Farnham, Alan. Wiley, 2000 0471383597 xi, 271 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.1 FAR 03005682 Forbes Great Success Stories : Farnham, Alan. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1996 9781118057568 226 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 FC 05013664 The Rules of Business: Fast Company Editors and Writers [MBA] Fast Company's Editors and Writers 2005 0385516312 246p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 FER 05063960 The 4-Hour Work week : Ferriss, Timothy. Vermilion, 2007 9780091929114 xv, 396p.: Knowledge Centre
650.1 FER 00129980 Tribe of Mentors / Ferriss, Timothy Vermillion, 2017 9781785041853 598p. : UG Library
650.1 FER 04028772 Tribe of Mentors / Ferriss, Timothy Vermillion, 2017 9781785041853 598p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 FER 00050193 Successful Time Management Ferner,Jack D. 1995 0471033928 | 9780471033929 2nd Ed. 312p UG Library
650.1 FIS 05013627 People Power : 12 Power Principles to Enrich Business, Career & Personal Net Fisher, Donna Bard & Stephen, 1999 1885167113 220p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 FIS 05013658 7 Secrets of Great Entrepreneurial Masters: Fishman, E Allen 0070636621 232p Knowledge Centre
650.1 FIS 05013581 Ideagisher: Secrets of Cretivity in Business Fisher, Marsh 1560795670 256 p Knowledge Centre
650.1 FOR 03010788 Persuasion / Forsyth, Patrick. Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2012 9788129120052 106 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 FOR 00079711 Successful Time Management Forsyth,Patrick. Kogan Page 2007 8175543264 | 9788175543263 152p UG Library
650.1 FOR 00116638 Persuasion / Forsyth, Patrick. Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2012 9788129120052 106 p.: UG Library
650.1 FRA 05048390 Success and luck : Frank, Robert H., Princeton University press, 2016 9780691167404 (hardcover : alk xx,187p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 FUL 05062178 freedom to Change : Fullan, Michael Wiley, 2015 9788126561315 xiii, 171p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 FUL 03012132 freedom to Change : Fullan, Michael Wiley, 2015 9788126561315 xiii, 171p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 GAR 05046120 The emergence of novelty in organizations / Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198728313 | 019872831X First edition xxiii, 366 pages : Knowledge Centre
650.1 GAR 07007179 The Emergence of Novelty in Organizations / Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198778899 xxiii,366p.: Library - BR Campus
650.1 GAR 05062202 Its Who You Know : Garner, Janine. Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2017 9788126571581 xxiv,181p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 GAR 05022019 Getting ahead Garfinkle, Joel A. John Wiley & Sons, 2011 9780470915875 | 0470915870 270 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.1 GAR 01013869 Five minds for the future / Gardner, Howard. Harvard Business School Press, 9781591399124 (hardcover : alk xi, 196 p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 GER 05062224 Simple Thinking : Gerver, Richard. Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2016 9788126565153 182 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.1 GER 03012628 Simple Thinking : Gerver, Richard. Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2016 9788126565153 182 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 GIR 03009407 Hard-Knocks Communication : Giri. Shroff Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., 2008 9788184044768 212 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 GIT 05013667 Southwest Airlines Way Gittell, Jody Hoffer 0070598444 319p Knowledge Centre
650.1 GIT 05013652 Little Platinum Book of Cha-Ching Gitomer, Jeffrey 9780132362740 197 Knowledge Centre
650.1 GLA 03012791 Solving the Innovation Mystery : Gladis, Steve Viva Books, 2019 9789387925410 112p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 GOD 03007688 Linchpin : Godin, Seth. Portfolio, 2010 9781591843160 x, 244 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 GOD 03009320 Linchpin : Godin, Seth. Piatkus , 2010 9780749953355 244 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 GOL 00116592 Mojo Goldsmith Marshall Profile Books, 2010 9781846681462 x, 205 p.: UG Library
650.1 GOL 00105370 Isn't it Obvious? Goldratt, Eliyahu M. Productivity & Quality Publishing Pvt. Ltd., 2010 9788185984339 151 p. : UG Library
650.1 GOL 05063970 What Got You Here Won't Get You There : Goldsmith, Marshall. Profile Books Ltd, 2013 9781781251560 xiv, 288 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.1 GOL 00123164 What Got You Here Won't Get You There : Goldsmith, Marshall. Profile Books Ltd, 2013 9781781251560 xiv, 288 p.: UG Library
650.1 GOL 07015679 What Got You Here Won't Get You There : Goldsmith, Marshall. Profile Books Ltd, 2013 9781781251560 xiv, 288 p.: Library - BR Campus
650.1 GOL 05013661 It`s Not Luck [mba-Section] Goldratt, M Eliyahu 0566076276 283 p Knowledge Centre
650.1 GOL 03004432 Isn't it Obvious? Goldratt, Eliyahu M. Productivity & Quality Publishing Pvt. Ltd., 2010 9788185984339 151 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 GOM 03005711 Creativity in Business : Goman, Carol Kinsey. Viva, 2004 9788176495424 vii, 107p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 GOP 05074916 Jamsetji Tata : Gopalakrishnan, R. Penguin, 2024 9780670098071 xiv, 247p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 GOP 10004123 Jamsetji Tata : Gopalakrishnan, R. Penguin, 2024 9780670098071 xiv, 247p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 GOR 05073870 The unspoken rules : Gorick NG. Harvard Business Review Press, 2021 9781647820442 xiii,261p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 GOR 10004631 The unspoken rules : Ng, Gorick, Harvard Business Review Press, 2021 9781647820442 xiii, 261 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 GOS 03006672 The daily carrot principle : Gostick, Adrian Robert. Free Press, 2010 9781439181737 | 143918173X 1st Free Press hardcover ed. 1 v. (unpaged) ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 GRA 05013675 You Can Make It Happen: A Nine Step Plan for Success Graham, Stedman A FIRESIDE BOOK 1998 0684838664 270p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 GRE 05006106 Beyond wealth : Green, Alexander John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011 9781118027615 xvi, 304p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 GRE 03005068 Beyond wealth : Green, Alexander John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011 9781118027615 xvi, 304p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 GRI 03005687 101 Secrets to Building a Winning Business : Griffiths, Andrew. Allen&Unwin, 2009 9781741755671 xxii, 298 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 GUE 00136041 Rise : Guest,Royston. John Murray Learning, 2019 9781473695382 xxx,315p.; UG Library
650.1 HAL 05013691 The Hallmarks for Successful Business - Survival-Change-Growth Hall, David Excel Books 1996 8174460330 280p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 HAN 00130945 Great at work: Hansen, Morten T Simon & Schuster, 2018 9781471149078 viii,310p.; UG Library
650.1 HAN 03010953 Biz World : Handa, Ravi. Alchemy Publishers , 2012 9788180460692 329 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 HAR 05055394 Mastering the Rockefeller Habits : Harnish, Verne. SelectBooks, 2002 1590790154 | 9780978774950 1st ed. xxvi, 150 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.1 HAR 05055395 Mastering the Rockefeller Habits : Harnish, Verne. SelectBooks, 2002 1590790154 | 9780978774950 1st ed. xxvi, 150 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.1 HAR 05013683 Successful Business Operations: How to Develop and Exploit Competetive Advantage Hardy, Len 0631176268 322 p Knowledge Centre
650.1 HAR 05026152 Career Management & Worl-Life Integration: Using Self-Assessment to Navigate Contemporary Careers Harrington, Brad Sage Publication ltd., 2007 9781412937450 xiv,234p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 HAR 00144562 On Career Resilience / Harvard Business Review. Harvard business review press, 2022 9781647820596 vii,157p, ; UG Library
650.1 HAR 03012284 Mastering the Rockefeller Habits : Harnish, Verne. SelectBooks, 2002 1590790154 | 9780978774950 1st ed. xxvi, 150 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 HAR 03012285 Mastering the Rockefeller Habits : Harnish, Verne. SelectBooks, 2002 1590790154 | 9780978774950 1st ed. xxvi, 150 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 HAY 04016647 Make Every Minute Count / Haynes, Marion E. Kogan page, 2009 9788175541306 | 817554130X 87 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 HAY 03005891 Make Every Minute Count / Haynes, Marion E. Kogan page, 2009 9788175541306 | 817554130X 87 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 HBP 05000078 Loving Your Work / Harvard Business Press LES50NS/Harvard Business Press, 2010 9781422139868 (pbk.) | 1422139 x, 99 p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 HBP 03010120 Loving Your Work / Harvard Business Press LES50NS/Harvard Business Press, 2010 9781422139868 (pbk.) | 1422139 x, 99 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 HBR 10004586 Succeeding as a first-time parent / Harvard Business Review Press, 2022 9781647822316 xvii, 208 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 HBR 03013425 HBR guide to your professional growth. Harvad Business Review Harvad Business Review Press, 2022 9781633695986 xi, 244 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 HBR 10004552 Authenticity, identity, and being yourself at work / Harvard Business Review Press, 2024 9781647827021 xv, 165 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 HBR 04022164 HBR'S 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself : Harvard Business Review Harvard Business Review, 2010 9781422157992 185 p..: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 HBR 10004640 HBR's 10 must reads 2024 : HBR Press, 2024 9781647825782 xiv, 189 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 HBR 10004642 HBR's 10 must reads on strengthening your soft skills / HBR Press, 2024 9781647826963 viii, 140p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 HBR 03004204 Harvard Business Review on Managing your Career in Tough Times / Harvard Business School Pub., 2010 9781422133439 (pbk.) | 1422133 174 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 HBR 05000164 Stats and Curiosities : O'Connell, Andrew. Harvard Business Review Press, 2013 9781422196311 (alk. paper) 210 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.1 HBR 07001465 HBR'S 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself : Harvard Business Review Harvard Business Review, 2010 9781422157992 185 p..: Library - BR Campus
650.1 HBR 05000188 HBR's 10 must reads on managing yourself / Harvard Business Review Harvard Business Review Press, 2010 9781422157992 (pbk. : alk. pap 198 p. Knowledge Centre
650.1 HBR 05000623 HBR'S 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself : Harvard Business Review Harvard Business Review, 2010 9781422157992 185 p..: Knowledge Centre
650.1 HBR 05075015 HBR's 10 must reads 2024 : HBR Press, 2024 9781647825782 xiv, 189 pages : Knowledge Centre
650.1 HBR 10004616 On Career Resilience / Harvard Business Review Press, 2021 9781647820596 157p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 HBR 05075018 HBR's 10 must reads on strengthening your soft skills / HBR Press, 2024 9781647826963 viii, 140p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 HBR 10004619 HBR's 10 must reads 2023 : Harvard Business Review Press, 2022 9781647824556 xiii, 187 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 HBR 10004623 HBR'S 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself : Harvard Business Review Harvard Business Review, 2010 9781422157992 185 p..: Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 HBR 10004559 Experience, opportunity, and developing your career / Harvard Business Review, 2024 9781647827052 xvi, 158p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 HBR 03010227 Stats and Curiosities : O'Connell, Andrew. Harvard Business Review Press, 2013 9781422196311 (alk. paper) 210 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 HBR 10004568 HBR Guide to Navitating the toxix workplace / Harvard Business Reveiw Press, 2024 9781647825904 xiii, 245p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 HBR 10004569 HBR Guide to Unlocking Creativity / Havard Business Review Press, 2023 9781647825065 xv, 232p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 HBR 03004433 HBR'S 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself : Harvard Business Review Harvard Business Review, 2010 9781422157992 185 p..: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 HBS 05013641 Harvard Business Review on Bringing Your Whole Self to Work. Harvard Business School Pub., 2008 9781422121092 | 1422121097 vii, 182 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.1 HBS 05013582 Harvard Business Review on Bringing Your Whole Self to Work. Harvard Business School Pub., 2008 9781422121092 | 1422121097 vii, 182 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.1 HBS 03004180 Harvard Business Review on Bringing Your Whole Self to Work. Harvard Business School Pub., 2008 9781422121092 | 1422121097 vii, 182 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 HEN 03007917 The Accidental Creative : Henry, Todd. Portfolio/Penguin, 2011 9781591844013 viii, 230 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 HER 05013639 Seduced By Success Herbod, Robert J Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 2007 0070659591 326p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 HIL 07007298 Think and Grow Rich / Hill Napoleon Ballantine Books, 1983 9780449214923 233p.: Library - BR Campus
650.1 HIL 10003626 Power of the super mind: Hill, Napoleon Rupa publications india pvt, 2023 9789357026741 152 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 HIL 00068654 Think and Grow Rich Hill, Napoleon Fingerprint, 2017 9788172345648 263 p . : UG Library
650.1 HIL 00080970 Think and Grow Rich Hill, Napoleon Fingerprint, 2017 9788172345648 263 p . : UG Library
650.1 HIL 00129979 Think and Grow Rich Hill, Napoleon Fingerprint, 2017 9788172345648 263 p . : UG Library
650.1 HIL 00133980 Napoleon hill is on the air: Hill,Napoleon Grand harbor press, 2017 9781503942912 ix,164p.; UG Library
650.1 HIL 07001009 The science of success / Hill, Napoleon, Jeremy P.Tarcher/Penguin, 2014 9780399170959 (paperback) ix, 234 pages ; Library - BR Campus
650.1 HIL 05013642 Napoleon Hill's golden rules : Hill, Napoleon John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2009 9780470411568 (pbk.) | 9788126 213p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 HIL 00006224 Think and Grow Rich Napolean, Hill 2008 1 UG Library
650.1 HIL 10003679 Think and grow rich / Hill, Napoleon Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2020 9789353338152 227p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 HIL 07009013 Think & Grow Rich / Hill Napoleon Amazingreads, 2014 9788192910918 331p.: Library - BR Campus
650.1 HIL 00141632 Your Right to Be Rich Hill,Napoleon Jaico Publishing House 2016 9788184957983 412p UG Library
650.1 HOF 05073966 The start-up of you : Hoffman, Reid. Penguin, 2022 9781847940803 xv, 248p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 HOL 04022996 The Obstacle is The Way : Holiday, Ryan Profile Books, 2014 9781781251485 201p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 HRP 05000109 Shaping Your Career : Harvard Business Press Harvard Business Press, 2008 9781422118764 | 1422118762 x, 88 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.1 HRP 03010183 Shaping Your Career : Harvard Business Press Harvard Business Press, 2008 9781422118764 | 1422118762 x, 88 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 HUF 05044391 Thrive : Huffington,Arianna. A Random Group House, 2014 9780753555415 342 p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 INA 03007318 A Compass to Fulfillment : Inamori, Kazuo, McGraw-Hill, 2010 9780071615099 (alk. paper) | 9 xxiv, 132 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 ISL 03008466 At The Helm : Isler, Peter. MACMILLAN ; 2000 9780230639133 223 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 JAC 05057552 Your ultimate success plan : Jacobs,Tamara. Rupa Publications, 2015 9788129140043 222p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 JEN 00069040 Think Big Act Small: How America`s Best Performing Companies Keep the Start-Up Spirit Alive Jennings, Jason Portfolio 1591840767 254p UG Library
650.1 JOH 03006032 32 ways to be a champion in business / Johnson, Earvin, Crown Business, 2008 9780307461896 | 0609608282 1st ed. xiv, 299 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 JOH 07012776 Rise and grind : John, Daymond, Currency, 2018 9780804189958 (hbk) | 9780525576068 (hbk) First Edition. x, 309 pages ; Library - BR Campus
650.1 JON 04008324 Develping mental toughness : Jones, Graham Viva books, 2010 9788130914640 xi, 192p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 JON 05008248 Develping mental toughness : Jones, Graham Viva books, 2010 9788130914640 xi, 192p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 JON 00132423 Think Like An Entrepreneur Act like A CEO: Jones, Beverly E., Jaico Publishing House, 2016 9788184958478 x,224 p.; UG Library
650.1 JOS 00127055 Campus to Corporate : Joshi, Gangadhar. Sage Publications , 2015 9789351502791 (paperback : alk 220 p.: UG Library
650.1 JOS 05056285 Campus to Corporate : Joshi, Gangadhar. Sage Publications , 2015 9789351502791 (paperback : alk 220 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.1 JOS 04027816 Campus to Corporate : Joshi, Gangadhar. Sage Publications , 2015 9789351502791 (paperback : alk 220 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 JOS 03011504 Campus to Corporate : Joshi, Gangadhar. Sage Publications , 2015 9789351502791 (paperback : alk 220 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 JOS 07011101 Campus to Corporate : Joshi, Gangadhar. Sage Publications , 2015 9789351502791 (paperback : alk 220 p.: Library - BR Campus
650.1 JOS 05014003 How to Gain an Extra Hour Every Day : [PG] Josephs, Ray HarperCollins Publishers India 2005 0722529953 253p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 KAB 07013692 The Creative wealth of Nations: Kabanda,Patrick Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108423571 XIII,315 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
650.1 KAH 07013962 Bounce back : Kahn, Susan Kongana Page, 2020 9780749497361 xviii, 207 pages : Library - BR Campus
650.1 KAP 07001436 What You're Really Meant to Do : Kaplan, Robert Steven. Harvard Business Review Press, 2013 9781422189900 (hardcover : alk viii, 219 pages : Library - BR Campus
650.1 KAP 05013668 Power Through People and Principles Kapur, Vipen 0070403090 282p Knowledge Centre
650.1 KAP 03008507 1800 Runs Brand Sale Khel Mein / Kapoor, Jagdeep. MACMILLAN ; 2007 9781403931597 83 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 KAP 05000262 What You're Really Meant to Do : Kaplan, Robert Steven. Harvard Business Review Press, 2013 9781422189900 (hardcover : alk viii, 219 pages : Knowledge Centre
650.1 KAP 03010278 What You're Really Meant to Do : Kaplan, Robert Steven. Harvard Business Review Press, 2013 9781422189900 (hardcover : alk viii, 219 pages : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 KAP 03009936 What You're Really Meant to Do : Kaplan, Robert Steven. Harvard Business Review Press, 2013 9781422189900 (hardcover : alk viii, 219 pages : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 KAR 00127449 Crooked Minds : Karnik, Kiran. Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2017 9788129144522 206 p.: UG Library
650.1 KAR 03012209 Crooked Minds : Karnik, Kiran. Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2017 9788129144522 206 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 KAR 10003588 Crooked Minds : Karnik, Kiran. Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2017 9788129144522 206 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 KAS 03006168 Maximise your Memory Power / Kasibhatla, Nishant. Marshall Cavendish, 2010 9789814276009 171 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 KAU 10005177 Get your next promotion / Kaur, Manbir, Sage Publlications India Pvt Ltd, 2020 9789353884772 xii, 258p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 KAU 03011856 CORPOKSHETRA : Kaul, Deepak. Westland Limited, 2016 9789385724930 124 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 KAU 04026189 CORPOKSHETRA : Kaul, Deepak. Westland Limited, 2016 9789385724930 124 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 KEA 03006699 The Wall Street journal guide to the business of life Keates, Nancy Three rivers press / 2005 9780307351050 460p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 KEE 04015951 Improv yourself : Keefe, Joseph A. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003 9780471216384 xiv, 207 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 KEH 05013659 Doing Business Boldly : Kehrer, Daniel. Times Books, 2000 0812913124 | 9780812913125 340 p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 KEH 03008254 Doing Business Boldly : Kehrer, Daniel. Times Books, 2000 0812913124 | 9780812913125 340 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 KEL 05073727 The one thing : Keller,Gary. Hachette UK, 2013 9781848549609 239p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 KHE 04020502 You Can Win : Khera, Shiv Mac Millan, 2013 9789350593783 290p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 KHE 05038913 You Can Win Khera, Shiv Bloomsbury 2014 9789382951711 13th 295 Knowledge Centre
650.1 KHE 04023311 You Can Win Khera, Shiv Bloomsbury 2014 9789382951711 13th 295 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 KHE 41000701 You Can Win : Khera, Shiv Mac Millan, 2013 9789350593783 290p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 KHE 07015681 You Can Win Khera, Shiv Bloomsbury 2014 9789382951711 13th 295 Library - BR Campus
650.1 KHE 07015680 You Can Win Khera, Shiv Bloomsbury 2014 9789382951711 13th 295 Library - BR Campus
650.1 KHE 10004799 You Can Win Khera, Shiv Bloomsbury 2014 9789382951711 13th 295 Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 KHE 07006414 You Can Win Khera, Shiv Bloomsbury 2014 9789382951711 13th 295 Library - BR Campus
650.1 KIY 05033959 Rich brother rich sister : Kiyosaki, Robert T., Vanguard Press, 2009 9781593154936 : | 1593154933 : xxiv, 356 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.1 KIY 03007730 Rich Brother Rich Sister : Kiyosaki, Robert T., Vanguard Press, 2009 9781593154936 : | 1593154933 : xxiv, 356 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 KIY 04015631 Rich Brother Rich Sister : Kiyosaki, Robert T., Vanguard Press, 2009 9781593154936 : | 1593154933 : xxiv, 356 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 KLE 08001403 Show Your Work : Kleon, Austin Workman company, 2014 9780761178972 216p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 KOC 03007889 The 80/20 Principle : Koch, Richard. Nicholas Brealey Publishing ; 1997 9781857883992 293 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 KOC 00074543 The 80/20 Principle : Koch, Richard A CURRENCY BOOK 1999 0385491743 | 9780385491747 277p; UG Library
650.1 KOC 05013603 The 80/20 Principle : Koch, Richard A CURRENCY BOOK 1999 0385491743 | 9780385491747 277p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 KOC 05064904 Simplify : Koch, Richard. Piatkus, 2016 9780349411866 xxvi, 305 pages : Knowledge Centre
650.1 KOC 05056063 The 80/20 principle : Koch,Richard. Hachette, 2017 9781473656871 xv,413p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 KON 00140289 Joy at Work Kondo,Marie Blue Bird 2020 9781529005370 242p UG Library
650.1 KON 03008770 Overcoming Information Overload / Konstant, Tina. Hodder, 2008 9780340959022 (pbk.) | 0340959 xv, 192 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 KOT 03007816 New Rules : Kotter, P John The Free Press, 1996 0029175860 240 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 KOT 07002623 Buy-In : Kotter, John P., Harvard Business Review Press, 9781422157299 (hardcover : alk 192 p. Library - BR Campus
650.1 KOT 03005507 The new rules : Kotter, John P., Free Press, 1995 0029175860 v, 238 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 KOT 05013680 New Rules : Kotter, P John The Free Press, 1996 0029175860 240 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.1 KOT 00105336 Buy-in : Kotter, John P., Harvard Business Review Press, 9781422157299 (hardcover : alk 192 p. UG Library
650.1 KRO 03003958 Taming Time Or : Kroehnert, Gary. Tata McGraw Hill, 2004 9780070595095 ix;198 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 KUB 05062150 5 Gears : Kubicek Jeremie Wiley, 2015 9788126560028 234p.: Knowledge Centre
650.1 KUB 03012125 5 Gears : Kubicek Jeremie Wiley, 2015 9788126560028 234p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 KUB 07006192 5 Gears : Kubicek Jeremie Wiley, 2015 9788126560028 234p.: Library - BR Campus
650.1 KUM 10004089 Clash : Kumar, Nirmalya. Penguin, 2024 9780143466529 xiii, 238p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 KUM 05074882 Clash : Kumar, Nirmalya. Penguin, 2024 9780143466529 xiii, 238p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 LAK 05040584 Managing Soft SKills / Lakshminarayanan, K. R. Scitech Publishers, 2010 9788183712705 625p. : Knowledge Centre
650.1 LAK 04021916 Managing Soft SKills / Lakshminarayanan, K. R. Scitech Publishers, 2010 9788183712705 625p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 LAK 04021917 Managing Soft SKills / Lakshminarayanan, K. R. Scitech Publishers, 2010 9788183712705 625p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 LAR 04016226 The Greatest Personal Success : Larcher, Brian Westland, 2007 9789380283562 160 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 LEM 04017381 Practice Perfect : Lemov, Doug Jossey-Bass, 2012 9781118216583 263p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 LEV 00051038 Take It from Me Levine, Michael. A Perigee Book 1996 0399522174 | 9780399522178 173p UG Library
650.1 LIL 00079696 Creating Success Dealing With Difficult People Lilley, Roy. Kogan Page 2006 8175543132 148p UG Library
650.1 LOE 03006660 The only way to win : Loehr, James E. Hyperion, 2012 9781401324674 1st ed. p. cm. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 LOW 22002181 Telephoning Lowe Susan Viva Books 9788130902838 64p Knowledge Centre
650.1 LOW 05026313 Telephoning Lowe Susan Viva Books 9788130902838 64p Knowledge Centre
650.1 LOW 41000580 Telephoning Lowe Susan Viva Books 9788130902838 64p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 LOW 04008473 Telephoning Lowe Susan Viva Books 9788130902838 64p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 LUM 00118390 Developing Employability for Business / Lumley, Maryvonne. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199672455 (pbk.) | 0199672 223 p. : UG Library
650.1 LUM 03010058 Developing Employability for Business / Lumley, Maryvonne. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199672455 (pbk.) | 0199672 223 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 LUM 07007763 Developing Employability for Business / Lumley, Maryvonne. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199672455 (pbk.) | 0199672 223 p. : Library - BR Campus
650.1 LUN 03007404 Cats the Nine Lives of Innovation / Lundin, Stephen C. Tata McGraw - Hill, 2009 9780070670976 xix , 167 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 MAC 04017210 Swim With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive: Mackay, Harvey B. Collins Business, 1998 9780060742812 261 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 MAC 07009014 Ignore everybody : MacLeod, Hugh, Portfolio, 2009 9781591842590 xiii, 159 p. : Library - BR Campus
650.1 MAI 04008666 Technical interviews : Maini, Anil Kumar Pearson, 2011 9788131733271 xiv, 332p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 MAI 04008667 Technical interviews : Maini, Anil Kumar Pearson, 2011 9788131733271 xiv, 332p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 MAL 05071723 I Moved your cheese : Malhotra, Deepak. Berrett-Koehier Publishers, INC. 2011 9781609946760 xiv, 103p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 MAN 03008722 Soft Skills For A Flat World / Manallack, Stephen. Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited ; 2012 9781259028236 289 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 MAN 05037307 Soft Skills For A Flat World / Manallack, Stephen. Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited ; 2012 9781259028236 289 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.1 MAN 03007154 Time Management / Mancini, Marc Tata McGraw Hill, 1994 9780070605893 xv , 154 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 MAN 03011534 Time Management Secrets / Manser, Martin. Harper Collins Publishers, 2010 9780007324460 128 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 MAR 10004221 A new way to think : Martin, Roger L. Harvard Business Review Press, 2022 9781647823511 ix, 231p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 MAR 05073427 A new way to think : Martin, Roger L. Harvard Business Review Press, 2022 9781647823511 ix, 231p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 MAR 03013402 A new way to think : Martin, Roger L. Harvard Business Review Press, 2022 9781647823511 ix, 231p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 MAS 03009665 Personal Development : Masters, L. Ann Cenage learning, 2011 9788131516799 10th ed. 462p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 MAS 04019846 Personal Development : Masters, L. Ann Cenage learning, 2011 9788131516799 10th ed. 462p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 MAT 03010965 When the Boss is Wrong : Mathew, Sibichen K. Rupa Pubications India Pvt Ltd., 2015 978129136824 270 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 MAT 03007407 The Path / Matasushita, Konosuke. Tata McGraw - Hill, 2010 9780071074452 188 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 MAT 05013678 What's your story? Mathews Ryan Pearson Education 2008 9788131717905 222p Knowledge Centre
650.1 MAU 05000297 The Success Equation: Mauboussin, Michael J. Harvard Business Review Press, 2012 9781422184233 293p. : Knowledge Centre
650.1 MAU 07002550 The Success Equation: Mauboussin, Michael J. Harvard Business Review Press, 2012 9781422184233 293p. : Library - BR Campus
650.1 MAU 03009428 The Success Equation: Mauboussin, Michael J. Harvard Business Review Press, 2012 9781422184233 293p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 MAU 04017383 The Success Equation: Mauboussin, Michael J. Harvard Business Review Press, 2012 9781422184233 293p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 MAX 00104515 Put your dream to the test Maxwell, John C., Jaico publishing house, 2010 9781400202270 | 1400202272 xxvi ,234p: UG Library
650.1 MCC 07001655 What they don't teach you at Harvard Business School / McCormack, Mark H. Bantam Books, 1984 0553050613 xvi, 240 p. ; Library - BR Campus
650.1 MCC 07001656 What they don't teach you at Harvard Business School / McCormack, Mark H. Bantam Books, 0553050613 | 9781861975645 xvi, 256 p. ; Library - BR Campus
650.1 MCC 03007900 What they Don't Teach you at Harvard Business School : McCormack, Mark H. Bantam Books, 1984 9780553345834 xvi, 256 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 MCC 05013583 What They Don`t Teach Youat Harward Business School Mc Cornack, H Mark Bantam Knowledge Centre
650.1 MCC 01013866 What they Don't Teach you at Harvard Business School : McCormack, Mark H. Bantam Books, 1984 9780553345834 xvi, 256 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.1 MCC 05013591 What They Still Don`t Teach You at Harvard Business School: Selling More Managing Better and Getting the Job Done in the 90`s McCormack, H Mark 9780553349610 298p Knowledge Centre
650.1 MCC 05013657 What They Don`t Teach You At Harvard Business School : Notes from a Street Smart Executive McCormack, H Mark BANTAM BOOKS 1986 0553345834 253p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 MCK 07012762 How to be happy at work : McKee, Annie, Harvard Business Review Press, 2017 9781633692251 252 pages ; Library - BR Campus
650.1 MCL 07000652 Career Detection : Mclvor,Brain. Viva books, 2015 9788730931012 x,126p.; Library - BR Campus
650.1 MCL 05043969 Career Detection : Mclvor,Brain. Viva books, 2015 9788730931012 x,126p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 MCR 05046747 What works : McRae, Hamish. HarperPress, 2010 9780007203772 (pbk.) | 0007203 xxiii, 328 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.1 MCR 00070602 Practical Time Management Mcrae, Bradley C. Jaico 2004 8172247397 | 9788172247393 127p UG Library
650.1 MIC 05013640 The Star Bucks Experience : 5 Principles for Turning Ordinary into Extraordinary: {MBA] Michelli, A Joseph Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 2007 0070636761 208p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 MID 04015252 The ultimate career coach : Middleton, John Infinite, 2009 9781905940745 494 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 MID 03007024 The ultimate career coach : Langdon, Ken. Infinite Ideas, 2009 9781905940745 xviii, 494 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 MIN 04012150 How to say it for women / Mindell, Phyllis. Prentice Hall, 2001 0735202222 (pbk.) xxii, 298 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 MIT 07000135 To bee or not to bee : Mittra, Sid, Sage, 2015 9789351503149 (pbk. : alk. pap xxviii,279p.; Library - BR Campus
650.1 MIT 00125719 To Bee or Not to Bee : Mittra, Sid. Sage Publications, 2015 9789351503149 (pbk. : alk. pap 279 p.: UG Library
650.1 MIT 10001496 To bee or not to bee : Mittra, Sid, Sage, 2015 9789351503149 (pbk. : alk. pap xxviii,279p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 MIT 00140886 To bee or not to bee : Mittra, Sid, Sage, 2015 9789351503149 (pbk. : alk. pap xxviii,279p.; UG Library
650.1 MIT 03011653 To Bee or Not to Bee : Mittra, Sid. Sage Publications, 2015 9789351503149 (pbk. : alk. pap 279 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 MOB 10004021 The Book of Wealth : Mobius, Mark. Penguin, 2024 9780143467625 xv, 156p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 MOB 00147698 The Book of Wealth : Mobius, Mark. Penguin, 2024 9780143467625 xv, 156p.; UG Library
650.1 MOB 03013787 The Book of Wealth : Mobius, Mark. Penguin, 2024 9780143467625 xv, 156p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 MOB 07015686 The Book of Wealth : Mobius, Mark. Penguin, 2024 9780143467625 xv, 156p.; Library - BR Campus
650.1 MOB 05074790 The Book of Wealth : Mobius, Mark. Penguin, 2024 9780143467625 xv, 156p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 MOB 05074791 The Book of Wealth : Mobius, Mark. Penguin, 2024 9780143467625 xv, 156p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 MOH 03006950 Developing communication skills / Mohan, Krishna Mamillam, 2011 9780230638433 2nd., 388p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 MON 03012214 Uncornered : Moniz, Luis. Bloomsbury, 2016 9789386141033 246 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 MOR 05013653 Forbes Great Success Stories : Farnham, Alan. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1996 9781118057568 226 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.1 MOR 00144173 The Business Students Guide to Study and Employability / Morgan, Peter. Sage publication, 2021 9781526493378 xii,450p,; UG Library
650.1 MOR 05013656 Success Secrets of Rich and Happy (MBA) Moreland, Crian Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2004 8120726062 442p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 MOR 05073057 The business students guide to study and employability / Morgan, Peter. Sage, 2021 9781526493378 2nd Ed xii,450p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 MOS 03000571 Confidence : Moss Kanter, Rosabeth. Crown Business, 2008 9781400052912 | 1400052912 412 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 MUL 03003718 The Technique of Success: Muller, Andre. PHI Learning private limited, 2008 9788120336810 145 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 MUL 03003719 The Technique of Success: Muller, Andre. PHI Learning private limited, 2008 9788120336810 145 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 MUL 00102284 The Technique of Success: Muller, Andre. PHI Learning private limited, 2008 9788120336810 145 p.: UG Library
650.1 MUL 05026922 The Technique of Success: Muller, Andre. PHI Learning private limited, 2008 9788120336810 145 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.1 NAI 05013602 MIND SET! MEGA TRENDS CHANGED the WAY WE SAW the WORLD, MIND SET Will Transform the Way You Think About the Future [MBA] Naisbitt, John COLLINS 2006 0061136883 278p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 NAS 04012105 Just Enough : Nash, Laura. Wiley 2006 9788126507436 296 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 NAT 03011624 From Start-Up to Global Success : Natarajan, Ganesh. Sage Publications , 2016 9789351508632 258 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 NAT 10001487 From Start-Up to Global Success : Natarajan, Ganesh. Sage Publications , 2016 9789351508632 258 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 NAT 00125687 From Start-Up to Global Success : Natarajan, Ganesh. Sage Publications , 2016 9789351508632 258 p.: UG Library
650.1 NAT 10004466 The Heart of Work: How to unlock your true potential using the power of insight/ by S V Nathan Nathan, S V [Author] Harper Collins, 2022 9789356294295 xx, 269 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 NAT 05055218 From Start-Up to Global Success : Natarajan, Ganesh. Sage Publications , 2016 9789351508632 258 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.1 NEI 00051042 Leadership Aikido Neil, John O. 1997 0517705753 | 9780517705759 290p UG Library
650.1 NEW 00129959 Deep Work Newport Cal Piatkus, 2016 9780349413686 296 p.: UG Library
650.1 NEW 00138262 Build your business on ideas : Newman,Jodie. Icon Books, 2019 9781785784699 203p.; UG Library
650.1 NEW 05074275 Deep Work Newport Cal Piatkus, 2016 9780349413686 296 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.1 OCO 07001917 Don't Feed The Ducks : O'Connell, Liam Accent Press , 2007 9781907016523 183 p. : Library - BR Campus
650.1 OLI 00079701 How to Negotiate Effectively Oliver, David Kogan Page 2007 8175543248 2nd Ed. 137p UG Library
650.1 OLI 07001103 Secret of my Success / Oliver,Jamie X. Viva Books, 9788130915227 210p.; Library - BR Campus
650.1 ONE 05013629 Leadership Aikido- 6 Business Practices to Turn Around Your Life Oneil, John. THREE RIVERS PRESS, 1997 0609802216 290p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 OPP 05062880 Working in the gig economy : Oppong, Thomas. Kogan Page Limited, 2019 9780749483555 viii, 178p. Knowledge Centre
650.1 ORM 05013677 Why Most Things Fail and How To Avoid It [MBA] Ormerod, Paul FABER AND FABER 2005 0571220134 255p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 PAL 05013644 People and Self Management / Palmer, Sally Elsevier, 2008 9788131214084 241p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 PAN 05042620 Key Skills For Professionals Pannett, Alan Kogan Page 2013 9780749468729 1st 263 Knowledge Centre
650.1 PAN 05038950 Key Skills For Professionals Pannett, Alan Kogan Page 2013 9780749468729 1st 263 Knowledge Centre
650.1 PAN 07000273 Key Skills For Professionals Pannett, Alan Kogan Page 2013 9780749468729 1st 263 Library - BR Campus
650.1 PAN 00125486 Key Skills For Professionals Pannett, Alan Kogan Page 2013 9780749468729 1st 263 UG Library
650.1 PEK 03006239 Stimulated!: Pek, Andrew prolibris Publishing Media ; 2011 9788192153513 iv, 195p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 PEK 04022819 Stimulated!: Pek, Andrew prolibris Publishing Media ; 2011 9788192153513 iv, 195p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 PER 07002558 Sleeping with Your Smartphone : Perlow, Leslie A., Harvard Business Review Press, 2012 9781422144046 (alk. paper) viii, 274 p. : Library - BR Campus
650.1 PER 03009188 Sleeping with Your Smartphone : Perlow, Leslie A., Harvard Business Review Press, 2012 9781422144046 (alk. paper) viii, 274 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 PER 05000288 Sleeping with Your Smartphone : Perlow, Leslie A., Harvard Business Review Press, 2012 9781422144046 (alk. paper) viii, 274 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.1 PFE 10004217 7 rules of power : Pfeffer, Jeffrey, Swift Press, 2022 9781800751286 xxi, 216 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 PFE 03006664 Power : Pfeffer, Jeffrey. HarperBusiness, 2010 9780061789083 (hardback) | 006 1st ed. 273 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 PFE 05073921 7 rules of power : Pfeffer, Jeffrey, Swift Press, 2022 9781800751286 xxi, 216 pages ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 PIL 22002180 E-mailing Pile Louise Viva Books 9788130902845 64p Knowledge Centre
650.1 PIL 00137525 Chanakya And the art of getting rich / Pillai,Radhakrishnan. Penguin Portfolio, 2018 9780143442912 xxiii,189p.; UG Library
650.1 PIL 05026312 E-mailing Pile Louise Viva Books 9788130902845 64p Knowledge Centre
650.1 PIL 41000582 E-mailing Pile Louise Viva Books 9788130902845 64p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 PIL 04008469 E-mailing Pile Louise Viva Books 9788130902845 64p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 PIL 05013620 E-Mailing / Pile, Louise. Viva Books, 2009 9788130902845 64p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 POM 10004300 Hidden genius: Pompliano, Polina Marinova Harriman house ltd., 2023 9781804090046 v,252 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 POR 04015662 Success Built to Last : Porras, Jerry. Plume Book, 2007 9780452288706 278 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 POR 00112286 Success built to last : Porras,Jerry Dorling Kindersley Pvt Ltd., 2009 9788131718254 278p.; UG Library
650.1 POS 05013607 The Etiquette Advantage in Business: Personal Skills for Professional Success [MBA] Post, Peggy HarperResource 2005 0060760028 365p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 PRA 03010767 Pitch It! : Prasad, Dev. Random House India , 2013 9788184004458 361 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 PRA 05009282 Unusual People Do Things Differently / Prasad T G C Penquin Books, 2011 9780143416753 xv, 296 p. Knowledge Centre
650.1 PRO 07000953 The ABCs of success : Proctor, Bob. Penguin, 2015 9780399175183 (paperback) ix, 204 pages ; Library - BR Campus
650.1 PRO 00141657 Become a Magnet to Money: Proctor, Bob. Jaico Publishing House 2013 9788184951721 195pages ; UG Library
650.1 PSY 05065177 Real calm / Kelsey, 2017 9780857086662 (pbk. : alk. paper) 200p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 PSY 05048385 Real focus : Wiley, 2016 9780857086600 (pbk.) 172p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 QUB 05013676 Stairway to Success-Complete Blueprint for Personal and Professional Achiev Qubein, R Nido John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997 0471154946 228p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 RAG 10004294 Go further, faster: Raghavan, Lulu Bloomsbury publishing india pvt ltd., 2024 9789356405578 xx,224 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 RAJ 03010681 Bosses the Good the Bad and the Ugly / Rajaram, M. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd., 2014 9788129135438 203 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 RAO 05013631 Happiness At Work: Rao Srikumar,S, Ph.D. Tata McGraw Hill Education private limited 2010 9780070703674 235p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 RAO 05013632 Happiness At Work: Rao Srikumar,S, Ph.D. Tata McGraw Hill Education private limited 2010 9780070703674 235p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 RAO 00096441 Happiness At Work: Rao Srikumar,S, Ph.D. Tata McGraw Hill Education private limited 2010 9780070703674 235p; UG Library
650.1 RAO 05074170 Table Talk with Businessline : Conversations with Leaders / THG Publishing Company, 2024 9789393875112 Vol-2 167p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 RAO 00096484 Happiness At Work: Rao Srikumar,S, Ph.D. Tata McGraw Hill Education private limited 2010 9780070703674 235p; UG Library
650.1 RAO 03007371 Happiness At Work: Rao Srikumar,S, Ph.D. Tata McGraw Hill Education private limited 2010 9780070703674 235p; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 RAS 04022422 Offshore : Rastogi, Gaurav. Portfolio Penguin , 2011 9780670085040 225 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 RAS 03010485 Offshore : Rastogi, Gaurav. Portfolio Penguin , 2011 9780670085040 225 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 RAY 05013655 Creativity In Business: [ MBA] Ray, Michael BROADWAY BOOKS 2000 0385248512 222p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 REE 03005303 Happy Mondays : Reeves, Richard. Perseus Pub., 2001 0738206598 (pbk.) xiii, 195, [1] p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 REI 05013593 Toxic Work - How to Overcome Stress, Overload, Burnout and Revitalize Ur Ca Reinhold, Barbara Bailey A DUTTON BOOK 1996 0525938753 243p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 RIL 03008070 Achieving Results : Riley, Lorna. Viva Books Private Ltd ; 2004 110 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 ROB 04008418 Business etiquette / Robinson, David Kogan page, 2009 9788175544444 2nd ed. iv, 124p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 ROB 00136910 Zoom : Roberts, Daniel. Fortune, 2013 9781603209571 | 1603209573 | 9781603209915 | 1603209913 271p.; UG Library
650.1 ROK 03009267 Karmic Inc. : Roka, Pujan. Jaico Publishing House, 9788184950205 ix, 214 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 ROO 00134905 The Seven Competences of the Sustainable Professional : Roorda, Niko, Routledge, 2018 9780815381235 (hbk) | 9780815381303 (pbk) ix, 220p. ; UG Library
650.1 ROS 03000407 Professional Excellence: Rossiter, Alan. John Wiley & Sons Publications, 2008 9780470377376 110 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 RUS 03008476 Hitting Your Stride : Russell, Nan S. MACMILLAN, 2008 193310256X (alk. paper) : | 97 1st ed. xviii, 239 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 SAG 10001430 Soft skills for workplace success / Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2021 9789391138677 Na. 218p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 SAG 10001434 Building professional competencies : SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltdi, 2021 9789391370381 215p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 SAL 03004707 Shake That Brain! Saltzman, Joel Times Group Books, 2009 9788126522002 xi;,224p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 SAN 03006696 The Encore Effect: Sanborn, Mark. Random House Business Books, 2009 9781847940353 130 p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 SAN 03012589 13 Steps to Bloody Good Marks / Sanghi, Ashwin. Westland Publications Ltd., 2017 9789386224767 142 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 SAN 03012590 13 Steps to Bloody Good Wealth / Sanghi, Ashwin. Westland Ltd., 2016 9789385152771 204 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 SAN 00133965 13 Steps to Bloody Good Marks / Sanghi, Ashwin. Westland Publications Ltd., 2017 9789386224767 142 p.: UG Library
650.1 SAP 00050640 Trap the Time Sapra, Narinder Excel Books 8174462120 164p UG Library
650.1 SCH 10004443 The Career Change Guide: Five steps to finding your dream Job/By Rachel Schofield Schofield, Rachel [Author] Penguin Random House 2023 9780241576366 1st Ed. 327p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 SCH 03011566 Promote Yourself : Schawbel, Dan. Piatkus , 2013 9780349401980 250 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 SCO 03005538 Enjoy! : Scott, Gini Graham. AMACOM, 2008 9780814409855 | 0814409857 xii, 243 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 SCR 10003591 Dream with your eyes open: Screwvala, Ronnie Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2016 9788129139948 xxii,185 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 SEC 05013646 Reclaiming Higher Ground : Creating Organisation that Inspire the Soul Secretan, Lance H K Sage Publications 1996 8170365910 258p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 SEI 04014158 How: Why How We Do Anything Means Everything... in Business (and in Life)mfm-Section Seidman, Dov John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2007 9780471751229 338p; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 SEI 05013601 How: Why How We Do Anything Means Everything... in Business (and in Life)mfm-Section Seidman, Dov John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2007 9780471751229 338p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 SHA 03010297 Love Your Mondays and Retire Young / Sharma, Siddhartha. Sage, 2014 9788132113416 (pbk. : alk. pap xxx, 291 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 SHA 00121923 Love Your Mondays and Retire Young / Sharma, Siddhartha. Sage, 2014 9788132113416 (pbk. : alk. pap xxx, 291 p.: UG Library
650.1 SHA 03009646 ValueMagics : Sharma, Vinod. McGraw-Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., 2013 9781259063756 165 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 SHA 05039135 Love Your Mondays and Retire Young / Sharma, Siddhartha. Sage, 2014 9788132113416 (pbk. : alk. pap xxx, 291 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.1 SHA 10002335 Psychological development for entrepreneurship management / Sharma, Vivek. Oxford Publishers & Distributors, 2022 9789393631336 vi, 206p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 SHE 05037682 Springboard Shell.G.Richard Portfolio Penguin 2013 9780241002834 302 Knowledge Centre
650.1 SHE 04013506 Making the Most of Being Mentored : Viva books, 2011 9788130918402 2nd ed. ii, 109 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 SHE 07001013 Springboard Shell.G.Richard Portfolio Penguin 2013 9780241002834 302 Library - BR Campus
650.1 SHE 03005724 Making the Most of Being Mentored : Viva books, 2011 9788130918402 2nd ed. ii, 109 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 SIE 04016000 Suite success : Siegel, Liza, AMACOM, American Management Association, 2006 0814473601 (hardcover) | 97808 xiv, 240 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 SIE 03006373 Suite success : Siegel, Liza, AMACOM, American Management Association, 2006 0814473601 (hardcover) | 97808 xiv, 240 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 SIE 03006374 Suite success : Siegel, Liza, AMACOM, American Management Association, 2006 0814473601 (hardcover) | 97808 xiv, 240 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 SII 10000123 Transforming Nokia : Siilasmaa, Risto. McGraw Hill, 2019 9789353166267 xvi, 317p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 SIL 05013619 Organised to Be the Best! New Timesaving Ways to Simplify & Improve Work Silver, Susan ADAMS-HALL PUBLISHING, 1991 0944708226 434 p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 SIN 00137407 Compassion Inc. : Sinha, Gaurav, Penguin random house, 2018 9781785039676 | 9781785039911 207 p. : UG Library
650.1 SIN 03008489 Do Not Dig A Grave and Bury Your Career! Singh, D. N. B. Macmillan ; 2003 9781403908599 186 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 SIN 00147257 Banker by chance, Leader by choice/ Singh, Shiv B. Rupa Publications, 2024 9789357029308 xiv,216p. ; UG Library
650.1 SIR 00146375 Work Life Balance: Sirgy, M. Joseph Cambridge, 2023 9781009281829 xii,172p. ; UG Library
650.1 SLA 05013604 No Such Things As Over-Exposure : Inside the Life and Celebrity of Donald Trump: Slater, Robert Pearson 2005 8128129737 247p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 SMI 00129529 No Fears, No Excuses : Smith, Larry, rh Business Books, 2016 9780544663336 | 9781847941701 xvi, 255 p. ; UG Library
650.1 SRI 00080977 Are You Ready to Succeed? Unconventional Strategies for Achieving Personal Mastery in Business and in Life. Srikumar Rao Rider 2006 255p UG Library
650.1 STA 03009119 The Great Game of Business / Stack, Jack. Currency Doubleday , 1992 252 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 STA 07000964 The Great Game Of Business : Stack, Jack . Profile Books, 2013 9781781251522 375.; Library - BR Campus
650.1 STA 05044387 The great game of business / Stack, Jack. Profile Books, 2013 9781781251539 375 p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 STA 05032550 The Great Game of business / Stack Jack Currency Doubleday, 1992 9780385475259 xxxvii,252p.: Knowledge Centre
650.1 STE 07002347 Make Change Work for You : Steinberg Scott Patkus, 2015 9780349407470 303p.: Library - BR Campus
650.1 STE 03009364 Be Your Own Guru : Stefanino, Olivia. Capstone, 2007 9781841127378 | 184112737X | 9 ix, 231 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 STR 07009552 Developing Employability and Enterprise : Kogan Page Ltd 2016 9780749478476 | 0749478470 xviii,275p.; Library - BR Campus
650.1 STR 05053702 Developing Employability and Enterprise : Kogan Page Ltd 2016 9780749478476 | 0749478470 xviii,275p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 SUB 03009092 I Bought the Monk's Ferrai / Subramanian, Ravi. Rupa, Co., 2008 163 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 SUB 04022751 I Bought The Monk's Ferrari / Subramanian, Ravi Rupa Publications. 2007 9788129112859 163p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 SUR 00068653 Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many Are Smarter Than the New Surowiechi, James 0349349111 370p UG Library
650.1 SYE 00116579 Bounce Syed, Matthew HarperCollins Publishers 2010 9780007363629 296 p.; UG Library
650.1 T2S 00066101 People`s Skills for Executives: Only in CD Format Zenith Global Consultants Ltd Zenith Global Consultants Ltd Knowledge Centre
650.1 TAS 03012961 Better Business Relationships: Tasso, Kim Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2019 9781472957016 xiv,348 p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 TAS 00133967 Better Business Relationships: Tasso, Kim Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2019 9781472957016 xiv,348 p.; UG Library
650.1 TAT 00135172 Achievement: Tata, J.R.D. Speaking Tiger, 2019 9789388326568 208p. ; UG Library
650.1 TAY 03009581 Creativity at Work : Taylor, Ros. Koganpages ; 2013 9780749466664 (paperback) x, 203 pages : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 TEM 05060308 The Rules Of Work : Templar, Richard. Pearson, 2018 9789352862351 4th ed., xxvi, 273 p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 TEM 04019844 The Rules of Work : Templar, Richard Pearson, 2010 9788131733332 2nd ed. 239p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 THA 05041467 The Power of Small : Thaler, Linda Kaplan. Virgin, 2009 9780753539903 140 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.1 THA 03010650 The Power of Small : Thaler, Linda Kaplan. Virgin, 2009 9780753539903 140 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 TIM 05013654 Creativity - The Art and Science Of Business Management Timple, Dale Facts On File Publications 1996 0816014639 380p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 TRA 05069502 The Science of motivation : Tracy, Brain. Jaico Publishing House, 2018 9789386867339 248p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 TRA 00128656 Victory ! Tracy, Brain A Teacher Perigee Book, 2017 9780143132035 298p : . UG Library
650.1 TRA 00129970 Kiss That Frog : Tracy, Brian. Collins Business, 2012 9781609942809 | 9789350291603 145 p. : UG Library
650.1 TRA 07001189 The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable : Tracy, Brain Happer Collins, 2002 9781626563216 319p. : Library - BR Campus
650.1 TRA 03008328 Reinvention : Tracy, Brian. American Management Association, 2009 9780814413463 | 0814413463 viii, 216 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 TRA 04022822 Success Recipe / Tracy, Brian Pan Books, 2013 9789382616207 210p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 TRA 05074556 Kiss That Frog : Tracy, Brian. Collins Business, 2012 9781609942809 | 9789350291603 145 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.1 TRA 07012622 Master your time master your life / Tracy, Brian Random Hous Publication, 2016 9780143132028 227p.; Library - BR Campus
650.1 TRA 03003921 Flight Plan : Tracy, Brian. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2009 9780070230262 | 0070230269 157 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 TRA 03010795 Success Recipe / Tracy, Brian Pan Books, 2013 9789382616207 210p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 TRA 04021333 The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable : Tracy, Brain Happer Collins, 2002 9781626563216 319p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 TRU 01016191 Trump Think Like a Billionaire : Trump, Donald J. BAllantine Books, 2005 9780345481405 263 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.1 TRU 01016190 Trump How to Get Rich : Trump, Donald J. Ballantine Books, 9780345481030 301 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.1 TRU 01016187 Think Big : Trump, Donald J. Harper, 9780062022394 368 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.1 TRU 04016077 Trump Think Like a Billionaire : Trump, Donald J. BAllantine Books, 2005 9780345481405 263 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 TRU 03006494 Trump Think Like a Billionaire : Trump, Donald J. BAllantine Books, 2005 9780345481405 263 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 TRU 03006623 Think Big : Trump, Donald J. Harper, 9780062022394 368 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 TUP 05072578 The Squiggly Career : Tupper, Helen. Penguin Random House, 2019 9780241385845 232p, ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 TUR 00050317 Time Management Made Easy Turla, Peter. 1983 9780452272026 206p UG Library
650.1 TUR 05013643 Eureka Principle : Alternative Thinking for Personal & Business Success Turner, Colin Element Publications 1996 1862041016 166p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 TYR 01014385 The Equation : Tyree,Omar. John Wiley & Sons, 2009 9780470343807 xxvi, 212 p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 TYR 03004399 The Equation : Tyree,Omar. John Wiley & Sons, 2009 9780470343807 xxvi, 212 p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 UGC 00041030 Business & Government: The Emerging Scenario [ VIDEO CASSET ] Indira Gandhi Open University New Age International-Edu.Films Division 30 minutes UG Library
650.1 UTL 05074906 Ideaflow : Utley, Jeremy. Penguin, 2022 9781529146233 xxv, 276p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 UTL 10004113 Ideaflow : Utley, Jeremy. Penguin, 2022 9781529146233 xxv, 276p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 VEN 00140321 Get Better at Getting Better Venkatesan,Chandramouli Penguin Books 2019 9780670092161 236p UG Library
650.1 VIS 03006643 Bulletproof your Job : Viscusi, Stephen. HarperCollins, 2008 9780061713606 1st ed. xiii, 171 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 VIV 04008477 Organization Skills / Viva Viva books, 2008 9788130903538 2nd ed. 138p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 VIV 03008172 Organization Skills / Viva Viva books, 2008 9788130903538 2nd ed. 138p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 VIV 03008174 Professional Ethics and Etiquette / Viva Viva books, 2008 9788130903552 2nd ed. 138p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 VIVA 04008479 Professional Ethics and Etiquette / Viva Viva books, 2008 9788130903552 2nd ed. 138p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1 VYA 05063962 Reinventing "Brand You" : Vyas, Vinita. Simply Inprovise, 2018 9789383306428 287p.: Knowledge Centre
650.1 WAC 05013671 Made in America: My Story: Walton, Sam 0553562835 345p Knowledge Centre
650.1 WAL 05073069 Strategic brilliance : Walia, Chetan. Sage, 2022 9789354791352 xiii,248p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 WAR 05005489 The joy of work? : Warr, Peter B. Routledge, 2010 9780415459655 (hardcover) | 97 p. cm. Knowledge Centre
650.1 WAS 05048388 Stop talking start doing action book : Wasmund, Sháá, Wiley, 2016 9780857086860 (paperback) viii,214p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1 WAT 00135657 Master your next move : Watkins, Michael. Harvard Business Review Press, 2019 9781633697607 ix,197p.; UG Library
650.1 WEB 03012137 How to Have A Good Day : Webb, Caroline Macmillan Publishers, 2016 9781447276517 4th ed. vii, 360p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 WEB 05013665 10 Timeless Principles of Professional Success [MBA-Section] Webber, Steven R Jaico Publishing House 2007 8179926567 158p; Knowledge Centre
650.1 WEI 05058659 Lifestorming : Weiss, Alan, Wiley, 2017 9788126571604 xi, 196 pages ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 WEI 05014095 Real Deal:My Life in Business and Philanthropy [ Pg ] Weill, Sandy 0446698644 528p Knowledge Centre
650.1 WEL 00069057 Winning: [wall Street Journal and New York Times Bestseller] Welch, Suzy 2005 0060797428 372p UG Library
650.1 WHI 03004807 Work Less, Make More : White, Jennifer. Kendall/Hunt, 1998 078721941X | 9788126522040 vii, 166 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 WOM 00130946 Get momentum : Womack, Jason W., Wiley india pvt ltd., 2016 9781119180265 (hardback) | 978 xvii, 135 pages ; UG Library
650.1 WOO 03010964 The Great Disruption : Wooldridge, Adrian. The Economist in Association with Profile Books Ltd., 2015 9781781254035 296 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 WOO 05046362 The Great Disruption : Wooldridge, Adrian. The Economist in Association with Profile Books Ltd., 2015 9781781254035 296 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.1 WOO 07002357 The Great Disruption : Wooldridge, Adrian. The Economist in Association with Profile Books Ltd., 2015 9781781254035 296 p.: Library - BR Campus
650.1 WYM 00123603 Job U : Wyman, Nicholas. Crown Publishing Group, 2015 9780804140782 First edition. 276 p:. UG Library
650.1 WYN 03007303 The Real Truth about Success : Wynn, Garrison. McGraw-Hill, 2010 0071629963 (alk. paper) | 9780 x, 214 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1 YAT 10004597 The Unicorn within : Yates, Linda Harvard Business Review Press, 2022 9781633698680 321 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 YOU 10004919 Ultralearning : master hard skills, outsmart the competition, and accelerate your career / by Scott H. Young ; foreword by James Clear. Young, Scott H [Author] Harper Business, 2019 9780008305703 1st Ed. XV,283 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 YOU 10004290 Get better at anything : Young, Scott H., HarperCollins publishers, 2024 9780063256675 | 9780008718985 First edition. 291 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1 ZAF 05054651 The three laws of performance : Zaffron, Steve, Jossey-Bass, 2009 9788126525072 1st ed. xxxv, 220 p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.1 ZEN 22000873 Business Correspondence: Only in CD Format Zenith Global Consultants Ltd Zenith Global Consultants Ltd 2005 1 Knowledge Centre
650.10 CON 04013504 Handling Difficult People and Situations : Conlow, Rick. Viva books, 2011 9788130918204 ii, 87 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.10 CON 03005722 Handling Difficult People and Situations : Conlow, Rick. Viva books, 2011 9788130918204 ii, 87 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1014 BAR 00116664 CAMPAIGN IT! : Barnard, Alan. Kogan Page, 2012 9780749464202 (pbk.) | 9780749 x, 222 p. : UG Library
650.1014 BAR 07000543 CAMPAIGN IT! : Barnard, Alan. Kogan Page, 2012 9780749464202 (pbk.) | 9780749 x, 222 p. : Library - BR Campus
650.1014 BAR 03008019 CAMPAIGN IT! : Barnard, Alan. Kogan Page, 2012 9780749464202 (pbk.) | 9780749 x, 222 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1019 AUB 04023171 Train Your Brain to Get Rich : Aubele, Teresa Adams Media, 2011 9781440528088 263p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1019 BAC 03003900 Assertivenes at Work: Back, Ken Tata McgrawHill 1999 9780070588769 3rd ed., viii;207p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1019 JOS 10001453 The business of managing emotions : Joshi, Manjiri Gokhale, Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789352807987 (pbk. : alk. paper) First Edition. xvii, 229p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1019 JOS 10005347 The business of managing emotions : Joshi, Manjiri Gokhale, Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789352807987 (pbk. : alk. paper) First Edition. xvii, 229p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.1082 HEL 00130909 How women rise : Helgesen, Sally. rh Business Books, 2018 9781847942241 vi,242p.; UG Library
650.1082 HEL 07012721 How women rise : Helgesen, Sally. rh Business Books, 2018 9781847942241 vi,242p.; Library - BR Campus
650.1082 HEL 05060700 How women rise : Helgesen, Sally. rh Business Books, 2018 9781847942241 vi,242p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1082 MIL 03004804 Inside Every Woman / Milazzo, Vickie L Times Group books; 2010 9788126527458 xiv,258p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1082 CHU 04016009 The Art of War for Women : Chu, Shin-ning Broadway Books, 2010 9780385518437 211 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.1082 CHU 03008356 The Art of War for Women : Chu, Shin-ning Broadway Books, 2010 9780385518437 211 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1082 DUF 05054575 Drop the ball : Dufu, Tiffany, Penguin, 2017 9780241201596 First edition. xiii, 286 pages ; Knowledge Centre
650.1082 FEN 00136060 The most powerful woman in the room is you : Fenet, Lydia, Simon and schutter, Inc., 2019 9781982101138 | 9781982101145 vii, 278 pages ; UG Library
650.1082 HAM 00117864 Workplace Warrior : Hammer, Kay. AMACOM, 2000 9780814404942 xv, 239 p. ; UG Library
650.1082 HAM 05013599 Workplace Warrior - Insights and Advice for Winning on the Corporate Battlefield Hammer, Kay 0814404944 239p Knowledge Centre
650.1082 KER 05066646 Work It : Kerpen, Carrie. A TarcherPerigee Book, 2018 9780143131816 (pbk.) x, 241p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1082 LEC 07007117 Think and grow rich for women / Lechter, Sharon Penguin Publication / 2014 9780399174766 ix,330p. Library - BR Campus
650.1082 LEW 03009352 Climbing the Ladder in Stilettos : Lewis, Lynette. Pearson Power , 2009 0849901863 | 9780849901867 | 9 xii, 195 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1082 SIS 04009893 Creative girl : Sise, Katharine. Running Press, 2010 9780762438693 (pbk.) 320 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.108691 GAL 03009361 Succeeding In America : Gallares-Japzon, Leticia. Master Mind Books , 2002 182 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1092 ALL 05067522 Radical Simplicity : Allen, Ken. Ebury Press, 2019 9781529104721 xv, 208p.; Knowledge Centre
650.1092 BRA 05032542 Screw It,Let's Do It / Branson Richard Virgin Books, 2009 9780753511497 258p.: Knowledge Centre
650.109252 BAC 05040403 Mistakes I made at work : Penguin Books, 2014 9780142180570 (alk. paper) xv,252p.; Knowledge Centre
650.10951 SIN 03000388 China's Creative Imperative: How Creativity Is Transforming Society and Business in China Sinha, Kunal Johb Wiley & Sons 9780470823859 221p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.10954 GUP 10003589 Decoding the business mind: Gupta,Ajay Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2022 9789391256654 xv,204 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.10954 SAN 05013666 Men Of Steel / Sanghvi, Vir. Roli Book House : 2007 9788174366139 viii, 110 p. Knowledge Centre
650.10954 SIN 04022849 Winning In India : Singh, Samarjit. Rupa Publications, 2014 9788129132710 xxviii,106 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.10973 STA 04016046 The Millionaire Next Door : Stanley, Thomas J. Pocket Book, 1996 9780671015206 258 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.10973 STA 03008393 The Millionaire Next Door : Stanley, Thomas J. Pocket Book, 1996 9780671015206 258 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.11 ADA 03000629 Time Management and Personal Development Adair, John Viva Books Pvt Ltd 9788176494939 134 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.11 DUN 03000426 Tick Achieve: Duncan, Kevin. John Wiley @ Sons, 2008 9781841127958 223 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.11 FOR 03000640 Successful Time Management / Forsyth, Patrick. Kogan Page, 2008 8175543264 | 9780749455507 152 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.11 MER 04002381 Instant Productivity TOOLKIT 21 Merson, Len Dreamtech Press 2008 9788177227949 229 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.11 AMO 04008341 Making the most of your time / Amos, Julie-Ann Viva books, 2007 9788176491402 64p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.11 BLY 05058058 Make every second count : Bly, Robert W. Rupa Publications, 2017 9788129147349 221p. Knowledge Centre
650.11 BLY 07012858 Make every second count : Bly, Robert W. Rupa Publications, 2017 9788129147349 221p. Library - BR Campus
650.11 CAU 05013595 Organise yourself / Caunt, John. Kogan Page Limited, 9780749455835 | 9780749459093 vi, 162 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.11 CAU 04017910 How To Organize Yourself : Caunt, John Kogan page, 2010 9780749467180 3rd ed. 179p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.11 CAU 04013552 Organise yourself / Caunt, John. Kogan Page Limited, 9780749455835 | 9780749459093 vi, 162 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.11 CAU 07000562 How To Organize Yourself : Caunt, John Kogan page, 2010 9780749467180 3rd ed. 179p. : Library - BR Campus
650.11 CLA 00112284 Brilliant time management : Clayton, Mike. Pearson, 2011 9780273744092 (pbk.) xvi, 213 p. ; UG Library
650.11 CLE 00079728 Just in Time Time Management Clegg, Brian. Kogan Page 2005 8175541105 | 9788175541108 119p UG Library
650.11 COO 00127265 How to be a Time Master: Cooper, Ian Times Group, 2009 9788126527748 206p. UG Library
650.11 COO 03004812 How to be a Time Master: Cooper, Ian Times Group, 2009 9788126527748 206p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.11 DOD 03008608 The 25 Best Time Management Tools & Techniques : Dodd, Pamela. Macmillan India Ltd , 2005 9780230634909 134 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.11 DUN 03004411 Tick Achieve: Duncan, Kevin. John Wiley @ Sons, 2008 9781841127958 223 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.11 EDW 07001530 Driven to distraction at work / Edward M HBR, 2015 247 p. Library - BR Campus
650.11 FOR 05013608 Successful Time Management / Forsyth, Patrick. Kogan Page, 2010 9780749455507 | 9780749460372 (pbk.) | 9780749459185 (ebk.) Rev. 2nd ed. xiii, 169p; Knowledge Centre
650.11 FOR 00145481 Focus on what Matters: Foroux, Darius Penguin Books, 2023 9780143461845 273p. ; UG Library
650.11 FOR 04017912 Sucessful Time Management : Forsyth, Patrick Kogan Page, 2013 9780749467227 3rd ed.. 176p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.11 FOR 04013555 Successful Time Management / Forsyth, Patrick. Kogan Page, 2010 9780749455507 | 9780749460372 (pbk.) | 9780749459185 (ebk.) Rev. 2nd ed. xiii, 169p; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.11 FOR 03008143 Successful Time Management / Forsyth, Patrick. Kogan Page, 2010 9780749455507 | 9780749460372 (pbk.) | 9780749459185 (ebk.) Rev. 2nd ed. xiii, 169p; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.11 FOR 07000567 Sucessful Time Management : Forsyth, Patrick Kogan Page, 2013 9780749467227 3rd ed.. 176p. : Library - BR Campus
650.11 GUP 10003629 Quintessentially tata: Gupta, Syamal Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2020 9789389967180 xii,188 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.11 HAM 05013597 The Economics of Time Use Hamermesh, Daniel S Elsevier 9780444515346 353p Knowledge Centre
650.11 HBP 03010176 Managing Time : Harvard Business School Press, 2006 142210186X | 9781422101865 xi, 94 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.11 HBP 05000092 Managing time : Harvard Business School Press Harvard Business School Press, 2006 142210186X xi, 94 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.11 HBR 05000151 HBR Guide to Getting the Right Work Done / Harvard Business Review Press, 2012 9781422187111 (alk. paper) 184 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.11 HBR 07002630 HBR Guide to Getting the Right Work Done / Harvard Business Review Press, 2012 9781422187111 (alk. paper) 184 p.: Library - BR Campus
650.11 HBR 05000178 Time management : Harvard Business School Harvard Business School Press, 2005 1591396336 xx, 152 p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.11 HBR 05042582 HBR Guide to Getting the Right Work Done / Harvard Business Review Press, 2012 9781422187111 (alk. paper) 184 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.11 HBR 03008794 HBR Guide to Getting the Right Work Done / Harvard Business Review Press, 2012 9781422187111 (alk. paper) 184 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.11 HBR 07001468 HBR Guide to Getting the Right Work Done / Harvard Business Review Press, 2012 9781422187111 (alk. paper) 184 p.: Library - BR Campus
650.11 HBR 04017426 HBR Guide to Getting the Right Work Done / Harvard Business Review Press, 2012 9781422187111 (alk. paper) 184 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.11 HBR 05041342 Getting work done : Harvard Business Review Press, 2014 9781625275431 (alk. paper) vii,108p.: Knowledge Centre
650.11 HBR 05041347 Managing time / Harvard Business Review Press, 2014 9781625272249 (alk. paper) 85p.: Knowledge Centre
650.11 HBS 05013600 Time Management Increase Your Personal Productivity and Effectiveness Harvard Business Essentials Harvard Business School Press 152p Knowledge Centre
650.11 HBS 05013596 Time Management Increase Your Personal Productivity and Effectiveness Harvard Business Essentials Harvard Business School Press 152p Knowledge Centre
650.11 HBS 07013538 Time Management : Harvard Business School Press, 2005 9781591396338 | 1591396336 xx, 152 p. : Library - BR Campus
650.11 HBS 03004304 Time Management : Harvard Business School Press, 2005 9781591396338 | 1591396336 xx, 152 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.11 HBS 03007642 Time Management : Harvard Business School Press, 2005 9781591396338 | 1591396336 xx, 152 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.11 KOG 03010902 The 5 Choices : Kogon, Kory. Simon & Schuster , 2015 9781471142376 266 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.11 KUM 00116680 Time Management Kumar, Dr Ashutosh Enkay Publishing House, 2012 9789380995304 xii, 276 p.; UG Library
650.11 LOF 04024257 Getting to It / Loflin, Jones Happer Collins, 2013 9780062328823 222p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.11 MAR 05073877 Buy back your time : Martell, Dan. Penguin random House India, 2023 9780593422977 xviii,253p.; Knowledge Centre
650.11 OCO 03010846 Zero Waste in Business / O' Connell, Fergus. Rupa Publication, 2011 9788129118561 172 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.11 OCO 04018037 Zero Waste in Business / O' Connell, Fergus. Rupa Publication, 2011 9788129118561 172 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.11 POZ 05039004 Extreme Productivity : Pozen Robert.C Harper Business, 2012 9780062337306 278p.: Knowledge Centre
650.11 REK 00137749 The Productivity Revolution : Reklau,Marc. Rupa Publications, 2019 9789353336127 xv,157p.; UG Library
650.11 RIC 10004902 Grip : the art of working smart (and getting to what matters most) / by Rick Pastoor ; translated from the Dutch by Elizabeth Manton and Erica Moore. Pastoor, Rick [Author] Thorsons, 2022 9780008510572 1st Ed. xiv, 287 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.11 SAN 00137717 The free-time formula : Sanders, Jeff, John Wiley and sons, 2018 9781119432968 (pbk.) xxii, 218 pages ; UG Library
650.11 STR 03006687 Make the impossible possible : Strickland, Bill, Broadway Books, 2007 9780385520553 231 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.11 TRA 05013598 Time Power: A Proven System for Getting More Done in Less Time Than You Ever Thought Possibel (PG ) Tracy, Brain 0814472478 294p Knowledge Centre
650.11 WHI 10004985 Time smart : how to reclaim your time and live a happier life / by Ashley Whillans. Whillans, Ashley [Author] Harvard Business Review Press, 2020 9781633698352 viii, 184 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.11 WUD 05045451 Temporal structures in individual time management : Wu, Dezhi, Business Science Reference, 2010 9781605667768 (hbk.) | 1605667 xxi, 283 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.110 DOW 03012793 Time management training: Downs, Lisa J Viva Books Publication, 2019 9789387925465 xvii,179p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.110 DOW 07012060 Time management training: Downs, Lisa J Viva Books Publication, 2019 9789387925465 xvii,179p.; Library - BR Campus
650.11082 VAN 07001006 I Know How She Does It : Vanderkam Laura Portfolio Penguin, 2015 9780241199510 296p.: Library - BR Campus
650.12 BLA 05013660 Big Bucks : Blanchard, Ken. WILLIAM MORROW, 2004 0688170358 191p.: Knowledge Centre
650.12 BLA 05013670 Big Bucks: Make Serious Money for You and Your Company: Blanchard, Blan Ken HarperCollins Publishers 2000 0007108206 189p; Knowledge Centre
650.12 BLA 04015654 Big Bucks : Blanchard, Ken. WILLIAM MORROW, 2004 0688170358 191p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.12 BLA 03007573 Big Bucks : Blanchard, Ken. WILLIAM MORROW, 2004 0688170358 191p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.12 GOL 00079723 Honey Let`s Make Money Gold, Ken. Mothers Service Sociey 2005 297p UG Library
650.12 HAM 03008666 Wink and Grow Rich : Hamilton, Roger. Macmillan India Ltd , 2002 140392810 134 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.12 HAR 05014501 How to Negotiate a Bigger Raise Hartman, M George 0812046048 92 p Knowledge Centre
650.12 HUM 05013669 Improving Business Results Humble, John McGraw-Hill Book Company (UK) Limited 1968 192p; Knowledge Centre
650.12 TRA 10004928 Million dollar habits : proven power practices to double and triple your income / by Brian Tracy. Tracy, Brian [Author] Entrepreneur Press, 2004 9781599186528 2nd Ed. xiii, 250 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.13 HAN 03001778 Place to Shine : Hanson, Daniel S. Elsevier, 2008 9788131211106 211 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 JEN 03000784 Simplicity Survival Handbook : Jensen, Bill. Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 2009 9788176498791 310 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 JEN 03001942 Simplicity Survival Handbook : Jensen, Bill. Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 2009 9788176498791 310 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 KIN 41000581 Socialising / David,King . Viva Books, 9788130908915 64p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.13 KIN 04008472 Socialising / David,King . Viva Books, 9788130908915 64p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.13 LIP 00133981 Win win: LIpman,Joanne John murray, 2018 9781473688094 xxi,297p.; UG Library
650.13 MOR 03002454 Dysfunctional Workplace : Morris, Peter. Vivabooks Private Limited 2010 9781598694130 395 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 NAV 03003150 Louder Than Words:Take Your Career from Average to Exceptional With the Hidden Power of Nonverbal ... Navarro, Joe Harper Collins 9780061771392 242 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 RAN 03001371 Political Dilemmas at Work Ranker, Gary Johb Wiley & Sons 9780470270400 232 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 TAK 03000410 Results Through Relationships Takash, Joe Johb Wiley & Sons 9780470238264 190 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 WEI 04002367 Emotional Intelligence at Work Weisinger, Hendrie John Wiley and Sons 2006 9788126507917 218 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.13 ABI 10005357 The VUCA learner : Abidi, Suhayl, Sage Publications, 2018 9789352807512 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiii,247p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.13 ABI 00135211 The VUCA learner : Abidi, Suhayl, Sage Publications, 2018 9789352807512 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiii,247p. ; UG Library
650.13 ABI 10001458 The VUCA learner : Abidi, Suhayl, Sage Publications, 2018 9789352807512 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiii,247p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.13 ADA 05041545 The Dilbert Principle / Adams Scott Boxtree, 2000 9780752224701 viii,336p.: Knowledge Centre
650.13 AIMA 05013650 Restructuring to Change : All India Management Associati, on Excel Books, 1996 8174460462 248 p Knowledge Centre
650.13 AND 04029195 The Networking Book / Anderson, Simone Viva Books, 2017 9789386105189 133p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.13 ARO 00107460 Soft Skills Key to Professional Excellence Arora,Vikas Dr. Global Vision Publishing House 2010 9788182203198 xv: 909 P. UG Library
650.13 ARO 07010474 Soft Skills Key to Professional Excellence Arora,Vikas Dr. Global Vision Publishing House 2010 9788182203198 xv: 909 P. Library - BR Campus
650.13 BET 05011357 Success in six cups of coffee : Bethencourt, Pino. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 9780230347878 | 0230347878 vii, 272 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.13 BIN 03007596 Crazy Bosses / Bing, Stanley. Collins, 2007 9780060731571 1st ed. xvii, 260 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 BIN 03007851 Throwing the Elephant : Bing, Stanley. HarperBusiness, 2002 0060188618 (acidfree paper) | 1st ed. xxxiv, 201 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 BIS 07000556 Develop Your Assertiveness Bishop, Sue Kogan Page 1996 9780749466985 1st 152 Library - BR Campus
650.13 BOL 05048349 Engagement : Bolman, Lee G., Wiley, 2016 9781119150831 (hardback : alk. xxvii,178p.; Knowledge Centre
650.13 BOO 04015946 How to connect in business in 90 seconds or less / Boothman, Nicholas. Workman Pub., 2002 0761125957 | 0761127798 (alk. v, 250 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.13 BUR 03011969 Adversaries into Allies : Burg, Bob. Portfolio , 2013 9781591847342 250 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 CHA 03008117 Winning at Human Relations : Chapman, N. Elwood. Viva Books Private Limited ; 2004 9788176494595 86 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 CLA 05024333 Savvy : Clarke, Jane. Kogan Page, 2012 9780749465261 | 9780749465278 ix, 246 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.13 CLA 03008047 Savvy : Clarke, Jane. Kogan Page, 2012 9780749465261 | 9780749465278 ix, 246 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 CLO 04017374 Necessary endings : Cloud, Henry. HarperBusiness, 2010 9780061777127 | 0061777129 1st ed. xiv, 238 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.13 CON 03006361 The ape in the corner office : Conniff, Richard, Crown Business, 2005 9781400052196 1st ed. viii, 341 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 CON 00128677 The ape in the corner office : Conniff, Richard, Crown Business, 2005 9781400052196 1st ed. viii, 341 p. ; UG Library
650.13 CRO 03008445 Working For You Isn't Working For Me : Crowley, Katherine. Portfolio, 2009 9781591842750 | 1591842751 xii, 306 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 DAL 07011160 Human Relations/ Dalton South Western, 2011 9780538731386 xv,515 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
650.13 DAL 10005157 Checkmate office politics / Dalal, Bhavna Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2020 9789353884925 x, 240 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.13 DEC 04013496 Communication Skills for Leaders : Decker, Bert Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 2011 9788130918273 4th ed. 98p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.13 DIG 04023315 Collins Successful Networking in 7 simple steps / Dignall, Clare Happers Collins, 2014 9780007596430 144p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.13 DIL 05042581 HBR guide to office politics / Dillon, Karen Harvard Business Review Press, 2015 9781625275325 (alk. paper) xv,175p.: Knowledge Centre
650.13 DIL 07002627 HBR guide to office politics / Dillon, Karen Harvard Business Review Press, 2015 9781625275325 (alk. paper) xv,175p.: Library - BR Campus
650.13 DIL 05041327 HBR guide to office politics / Dillon, Karen Harvard Business Review Press, 2015 9781625275325 (alk. paper) xv,175p.: Knowledge Centre
650.13 DIL 07001502 HBR guide to office politics / Dillon, Karen Harvard Business Review Press, 2015 9781625275325 (alk. paper) xv,175p.: Library - BR Campus
650.13 DIW 05013637 Business Environment Diwan, Parag Excel Books 1997 8174460985 268p; Knowledge Centre
650.13 DIW 05013636 Business Environment Diwan, Parag Excel Books 1997 8174460985 268p; Knowledge Centre
650.13 FER 03006715 Who's got your back : Ferrazzi, Keith. Broadway Books, 2009 9780385521338 (hc.) | 03855213 1st ed. xvii, 309 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 FIS 05026311 Performance Appraisals Fisher, Martin Kogan Page Limited, 1996 0749414413 224 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.13 FLy 04016604 Networking for Success : Flynn, Nancy. Viva, 2004 9788176494564 x, 100 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.13 FLy 03005705 Networking for Success : Flynn, Nancy. Viva, 2004 9788176494564 x, 100 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 FUR 05065287 Backstabbers and bullies : Furnham, Adrian. Bloomsbury, 2015 9781472915504 (hardback) First Edition. xiv, 332 pages ; Knowledge Centre
650.13 GAB 05000050 Managing Your Boss / Gabarro, John J. Harvard Business School Press, 2008 9781422122884 55 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.13 GAB 03010144 Managing Your Boss / Gabarro, John J. Harvard Business School Press, 2008 9781422122884 55 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 GAB 03007475 Turn Small Talk into Big Deals : Gabor, Don. Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited, 2009 9780070677531 304 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 GAB 05000556 Managing your boss / Gabarro, John J. Harvard Business School Press, 2008 9781422122884 55 p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.13 GOD 05057549 The office politics handbook : Godwin, Jack. Rupa Publication, 2017 9788129145499 253p.; Knowledge Centre
650.13 GOM 03003975 The Nonverbal Advantage : Goman, Carol Kinsey. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008 9780070222861 202 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 gou 00140443 Just Listen: gOULSTON,mARK Amacom 2010 9781404115781 234p UG Library
650.13 HAN 04017715 Place to Shine : Hanson, Daniel S. Elsevier, 2008 9788131211106 211 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.13 HBP 05000094 Managing Up : Harvard Business Press Harvard Business Press, 2008 9781422122778 x, 73 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.13 HBP 03010177 Managing Up : Harvard Business Press Harvard Business Press, 2008 9781422122778 x, 73 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 HBR 05042586 Guide to Managing Up and Across / Harvard Business Review Press, 2012 9781422187609 (alk. paper) 192 p. Knowledge Centre
650.13 HBR 07002626 Guide to Managing Up and Across / Harvard Business Review Press, 2012 9781422187609 (alk. paper) 192 p. Library - BR Campus
650.13 HBR 05000161 Managing Up / Harvard Business Review, Harvard Business Review, 2014 9781625270849 (alk. paper) 77 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.13 HBR 03010142 Managing Up / Harvard Business Review, Harvard Business Review, 2014 9781625270849 (alk. paper) 77 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 HBR 07002584 Guide to Managing Up and Across / Harvard Business Review Press, 2012 9781422187609 (alk. paper) 192 p. Library - BR Campus
650.13 HBR 03009187 Guide to Managing Up and Across / Harvard Business Review Press, 2012 9781422187609 (alk. paper) 192 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 HBR 05041346 Managing Up / Harvard Business Review, Harvard Business Review, 2014 9781625270849 (alk. paper) 77 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.13 HBR 05034212 Guide to Managing Up and Across / Harvard Business Review Press, 2012 9781422187609 (alk. paper) 192 p. Knowledge Centre
650.13 HER 05013688 Whole Brain Business Book: Unlocking the Power of Whole Brain Thinking in Organisations and Individuals Herrmann, Ned 0070585288 336p Knowledge Centre
650.13 HOE 05054570 Build your dream network : Hoey, J. Kelly, Penguin, 2017 9780143111481 (hardcover) xxvi, 228 pages : Knowledge Centre
650.13 HUM 05013648 Improving Business Results Humble, John Mc Graw Hill 192 p Knowledge Centre
650.13 JEN 00095190 The Simpleicity Survival Handbook Jenson Bill Viva Books 9788176498791 310P UG Library
650.13 KAN 10003676 The ultimate office politics manual: Kant, Marc Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2022 9788129145499 xi,164 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.13 KAY 04014535 Workplace Wars and how to end Them / Kaye, Kenneth PHI, 2012 9788120345980 162p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.13 KAY 05010762 Work Place Wars and How to End Them Kaye, Kanneth AMA Knowledge Centre
650.13 KAY 05010761 Work Place Wars and How to End Them Kaye, Kanneth AMA Knowledge Centre
650.13 KIN 03011903 Business Networking, the Survival Guide : Kintish, Will. Pearson, 2014 9781292009377 xviii, 186 pages : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 KIN 05013651 Socialising / David,King . Viva Books, 9788130908915 64p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.13 KLE 05056911 You are the product : Klein, Joshua. Palgrave macmillan; 2015 9781137279965 246p. Knowledge Centre
650.13 KLE 03010571 Reputation Economics : Klein, Josh. Palgrave Macmillan , 2013 9781137278623 (hardback) First edition. 246 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 LIL 04013533 Dealing with difficult people / Lilley, Roy C. Kogan Page, 9780749456603 x, 148 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.13 LIL 03008131 Dealing with difficult people / Lilley, Roy C. Kogan Page, 9780749456603 x, 148 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 LIL 07000555 Dealing With Difficult People Lilley, Roy Kogan Page 2002 9780749466947 1st 146 Library - BR Campus
650.13 LYT 05013621 What Do Your Customers Really Want? Here`s a Sure-Fire Way to Find Out Lytle, F John Excel Books 1994 8174460004 238p; Knowledge Centre
650.13 MAS 05057515 151 quick ideas to deal with difficult people / Mason-Draffen, Carrie, Rupa Publications, 2017 9788129145475 xi,174p.; Knowledge Centre
650.13 MAU 07013524 Why Don't you want what I Want ? : Maurer Rick Bard Press, 2002 9781885167569 223p.: Library - BR Campus
650.13 MAU 07013523 Why Don't you want what I Want ? : Maurer Rick Bard Press, 2002 9781885167569 223p.: Library - BR Campus
650.13 MAX 00104505 Everyone communicates, few connect : Maxwell, John C., Thomas Nelson, 2010 9780785214250 | 0785214259 xiv, 262 p. ; UG Library
650.13 MIS 07007317 Masters of Networking : Misner Ivan,Ph.D Embassy Book Distributors, 2009 9789380227009 335p.: Library - BR Campus
650.13 MIS 05013689 Masters of Networking- Building Relationships for Your Pocketbook and Soul Misner, R Ivan Bard & Stephen 2000 1885167482 334p; Knowledge Centre
650.13 MOH 00045382 Developing Communication Skills / Mohan, Krishna. Macmillan India Ltd, 2000 0333929195 | 9789384872892 2nd ed. 295 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.13 MOH 00045381 Developing Communication Skills / Mohan, Krishna. Macmillan India Ltd, 2000 0333929195 | 9789384872892 2nd ed. 295 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.13 MOH 00048609 Developing Communication Skills / Mohan, Krishna. Macmillan India Ltd, 2000 0333929195 | 9789384872892 2nd ed. 295 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.13 MOH 00045251 Developing Communication Skills / Mohan, Krishna. Macmillan India Ltd, 2000 0333929195 | 9789384872892 2nd ed. 295 p.: UG Library
650.13 MOH 00115883 Developing Communication Skills / Mohan, Krishna. Macmillan India Ltd, 2000 0333929195 | 9789384872892 2nd ed. 295 p.: UG Library
650.13 MOH 03011757 Developing Communication Skills / Mohan, Krishna. Macmillan India Ltd, 2000 0333929195 | 9789384872892 2nd ed. 295 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 MOH 03011758 Developing Communication Skills / Mohan, Krishna. Macmillan India Ltd, 2000 0333929195 | 9789384872892 2nd ed. 295 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 MOH 00050472 Developing Communication Skills / Mohan, Krishna. Macmillan India Ltd, 2000 0333929195 | 9789384872892 2nd ed. 295 p.: UG Library
650.13 MOH 00054903 Developing Communication Skills / Mohan, Krishna. Macmillan India Ltd, 2000 0333929195 | 9789384872892 2nd ed. 295 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.13 MOH 03008627 Developing Communication Skills / Mohan, Krishna. Macmillan India Ltd, 2000 0333929195 | 9789384872892 2nd ed. 295 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 MOR 31000252 Dysfunctional Workplace : Morris, Peter. Vivabooks Private Limited 2010 9781598694130 395 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 MOU 00125269 Essential Communication Skills for Dynamic Development Mouli,T. Sai Chandre Book Enclave, 2016 9788181523754 212 p.: UG Library
650.13 MUR 07000683 Soft Skills for Success / Murty, G.R.K. Viva Books, 2016 9788130933993 422p. : Library - BR Campus
650.13 MUR 00138981 Intercultural collaboration by design : Murdoch-Kitt, Kelly M., Routledge, 2020 9780367219321 | 9780367219314 xv,291p.; UG Library
650.13 MUR 04024621 Soft Skills for Success / Murty, G.R.K. Viva Books, 2016 9788130933993 422p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.13 MUR 07006024 Soft Skills for Success / Murty, G.R.K. Viva Books, 2016 9788130933993 422p. : Library - BR Campus
650.13 MUR 05045931 Soft Skills for Success / Murty, G.R.K. Viva Books, 2016 9788130933993 422p. : Knowledge Centre
650.13 NAR 03010033 Business Communication Practices : Narula, Uma. Atlantic Publishers & Distributors (p) Ltd , 2013 9788126906017 364 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 NAV 04015571 Louder Than Words:Take Your Career from Average to Exceptional With the Hidden Power of Nonverbal ... Navarro, Joe Harper Collins 9780061771392 242 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.13 NIE 03008475 Savvy Networking : Nierenberg, Andrea R. Capital Books, 2007 9781933102443 (alk. paper) | 9 1st ed. xviii, 109 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 PHI 07000311 The complete guide to professional networking : Phillips, Simon KoganPage, 2014 9780749468910 (paperback) ix,168p.: Library - BR Campus
650.13 PHI 07008126 The complete guide to professional networking : Phillips, Simon KoganPage, 2014 9780749468910 (paperback) ix,168p.: Library - BR Campus
650.13 PIL 04029612 Soft Skills & Employability Skills/ Pillai, Sabina. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781316981320 vi, 202p,: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.13 PIL 05059728 Soft Skills & Employability Skills/ Pillai, Sabina. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781316981320 vi, 202p,: Knowledge Centre
650.13 RIB 00084975 Body Language Ribbens, Geoff 2007 9780340945711 210p UG Library
650.13 RIT 03006170 Managing People : Ritberger, Carol. Hay House India, 2010 9789380480374 xix, 248p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 ROA 03006621 How to work a room : RoAne, Susan, HarperResource, 2000 9780060957858 HarperCollins ed. xxx, 250 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 SHA 05013649 Business Psychology Global Vision Publishing House, 9788182203112 479 p. Knowledge Centre
650.13 SHO 03008553 A Handbook of Human Relations with Structured Experiences and Instruments / Shookla, M. S. Macmillan India Ltd , 2004 309 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 STE 00079746 Never Be Boring Again Stevenson, Dang Viva Books Private Limited 2005 8176498599 330p UG Library
650.13 SUL 07012651 Simply said : Sullivan, Jay. Wiley, 2018 9788126572489 xv,271p.; Library - BR Campus
650.13 SUL 05060707 Simply said : Sullivan, Jay. Wiley, 2018 9788126572489 xv,271p.; Knowledge Centre
650.13 SUT 07013512 The no asshole rule / Sutton, Robert Business Plus, 2012 9780749954031 vi,201p.; Library - BR Campus
650.13 TAY 07007307 Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant (TOT) / Taylor Lynn Wiley, 2010 9788126526222 x,278p.: Library - BR Campus
650.13 THA 04009717 The collaborative habit : Tharp, Twyla. Simon & Schuster, 2009 9781416576501 | 1416576509 1st Simon & Schuster hardcover ed. 147 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.13 TIM 04015298 Network your way to success : Hachette , 2002 9780749952631 259 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.13 TOD 00130872 Get better : Davis, Todd Simon & Schuster, 2017 9781501158308 | 1501158309 First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition. xiv, 230 pages ; UG Library
650.13 TUC 05065322 Intentional Relationships : Tucker, Ken. Familius, 2016 9781641701020 169p.; Knowledge Centre
650.13 WAL 05013686 Managing risk in communication encounters : Waldron, Vincent R. SAGE, 2011 9781412966672 (pbk. : acidfree xiii, 257 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.13 WEE 03004452 Failure to Communicate : Weeks, Holly. HBR, 2010 9781422137499 240 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 WEE 05000229 Failure to Communicate : Weeks, Holly. HBR, 2010 9781422137499 240 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.13 WEE 03004101 Failure to Communicate : Weeks, Holly. HBR, 2010 9781422137499 240 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13 WEE 05013690 Failure to communicate : Weeks, Holly. Harvard Business Press 2008 9781578518999 (alk. paper) | 1 vi, 240p; Knowledge Centre
650.13 WEE 07002539 Failure to Communicate : Weeks, Holly. HBR, 2010 9781422137499 240 p.: Library - BR Campus
650.13 WEI 05013617 Why Didn`t I Say That: What to Say and How Tosay It in Tough Situations on the Job [ MBA] Weiss, H Donald AMACOM 2004 0814479375 210p; Knowledge Centre
650.13 WIN 10004578 Open talent : Winsor, John Harvard Business Review Press, 2024 9781647823887 xvii, 276 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.13 YAG 05013687 Who`s That Sitting at My Desk? Master Work Relationships [mba-Section] Yager, Jan Jaico Publishing House 8179926613 245p Knowledge Centre
650.13 ZAC 03007311 Networking for People who Hate Networking : Zack, Devora. Tata McGraw-Hill ; 2011 9781605095226 (pbk. : alk. pap 1st ed. viii, 169 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.13068 THO 05013623 Business Communication Management: Thomas M. Cyber Tech PublicationsPvt.Ltd 2011 9788178846682 270p; Knowledge Centre
650.13HOP.S 00039394 12 Steps to Success Through Service. Hopson, Barrie Excel Books 8174460047 180 p UG Library
650.13SCO 05013638 A Survival Guide for Working With Bad Bosses [ MBA ] Scott, Gini Graham Phd AMERICAN MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION 2006 0814472982 210p; Knowledge Centre
650.14 BAL 03002584 Assessing Your Career Time for Change? / Ball, Ben. Universities Press, 2000 9788173713507 147 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 BEL 03003497 Win at Work Navigate the Nasties, Get Things Done and Get Ahead Belding, Shaun Kogan Page 9788175545489 183 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 DEN 03001933 Motivate to Win: How to Motive Yourself and Others Denny, Richard Kogan Page 9788175543300 154 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 KAR 03000652 From New Recruit to High Flyer : Karseras, Hugh. Kogan Page, 2008 9780749451707 218 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 PAL 03002654 Interview Tips : Palat, Raghu. Jaico Publishing House, 2004 8179921301 | 9788179921302 154 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 TOL 03002426 How to Succeed at an Assessment Centre : Tolley, Harry. Kogan Page, 2010 9788175545045 | 9780749462291 208 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 WIL 03001957 Ultimate Job Search Book Williams, Lynn Kogan Page 9788175543560 214 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 ZIC 03003167 Career Match: Connecting Who You Are With What You'll Love to Do Zichy, Shoya Amacom 9780814473641 276 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 ADA 05013586 Cover Letter Almanac : Adams, Bob. 1996 1558504974 732 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.14 AND 04025159 How to Succed at Interviews / Andrews, Sudhir McGraw Hill, 2009 9780070221789 179p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.14 ASH 04015522 How to get any job : Asher, Donald. Ten Speed Press, 2009 9781580089470 | 158008947X 2nd ed. 234 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.14 BAR 05013616 Plateauing Trap : How to Avoid Today`s #1 Career Dilemma Bardwick, M Judith BANTAM BOOKS 1986 0055334496 208p; Knowledge Centre
650.14 BEA 00045207 Perfect Cover Letter Beatty, Richard H 0471124001 180p UG Library
650.14 BES 04015735 The Job Search Solution : Beshara, Tony. AMACOM, American Management Association, 2006 0814473326 (pbk.) | 9780814473 viii, 294 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.14 BES 03007795 The Job Search Solution : Beshara, Tony. AMACOM, American Management Association, 2006 0814473326 (pbk.) | 9780814473 viii, 294 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 BHA 03008670 The Five Great Myths of Career Building : Bhamre, Sanjiv R. Macmillan India Ltd , 2007 9780230632837 330 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 BOL 03008435 What Color Is Your Parachute? : Bolls, Richard N. Tenspeed, 1970 9781607741473 350p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 BOL 03005513 What Color is Your Parachute?: Bollers, Richard N Ten Speed Press; 2011 9781580082709 xx;336p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 BOL 05054659 What color is your parachute? : Bolles, Richard Nelson, Ten Speed Press, 2017 9780399578205 2015 edition, revised edition. 355 pages : Knowledge Centre
650.14 BOL 04017242 What Color Is Your Parachute? : Bolls, Richard N. Tenspeed, 1970 9781607741473 350p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.14 BRE 00045210 Resumes for Better Jobs Brennan, Lawrence D 0671891952 219p UG Library
650.14 BRY 07000604 Great Answers to Tough Career Dilemmas : Bryon, Mike. Kogan Page, 2011 9780749454135 (pbk.) | 074945413X (pbk.) | 9780749459260 (eISBN) | 0749459263 (eISBN) 243 p. : Library - BR Campus
650.14 BRY 05017810 Great Answers to Tough Career Dilemmas : Bryon, Mike. Kogan Page, 2011 9780749454135 (pbk.) | 074945413X (pbk.) | 9780749459260 (eISBN) | 0749459263 (eISBN) 243 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.14 BRY 05013685 Ultimate Psychometric Test Book:Over 1, 000 Test Questions With Explanations [mba-Section] Bryon, Mike 0749449136 250p Knowledge Centre
650.14 BRY 03008035 Great Answers to Tough Career Dilemmas : Bryon, Mike. Kogan Page, 2011 9780749454135 (pbk.) | 074945413X (pbk.) | 9780749459260 (eISBN) | 0749459263 (eISBN) 243 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 BRY 04013567 Great Answers to Tough Career Dilemmas : Bryon, Mike. Kogan Page, 2011 9780749454135 (pbk.) | 074945413X (pbk.) | 9780749459260 (eISBN) | 0749459263 (eISBN) 243 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.14 BRY 00125477 Great Answers to Tough Career Dilemmas : Bryon, Mike. Kogan Page, 2011 9780749454135 (pbk.) | 074945413X (pbk.) | 9780749459260 (eISBN) | 0749459263 (eISBN) 243 p. : UG Library
650.14 BUT 03010364 Getting Unstuck : Butler, Timothy. Harvard Business School Press, 2007 9781422102251 (alk. paper) | 1 xxvii, 204 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 BUT 03010422 Getting Unstuck : Butler, Timothy. Harvard Business School Press, 2007 9781422102251 (alk. paper) | 1 xxvii, 204 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 BUT 05000232 Getting Unstuck : Butler, Timothy. Harvard Business School Press, 2007 9781422102251 (alk. paper) | 1 xxvii, 204 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.14 BUT 05000544 Getting unstuck : Butler, Timothy. Harvard Business Press, 2010 9781422132326 (pbk. : alk. pap xxvii, 204 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.14 CAR 03008531 Get a (Digital) Life : Carroll, Jim. Macmillan India Ltd , 2001 0773761586 | 0333938526 x, 221 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 CLA 05013622 Money Is The Gravy - Finding the Career That Nourishes You Clark, John WARNER BOOKS 2003 0446529184 209p; Knowledge Centre
650.14 DUB 05013611 Bouncing Back : How to Stay in the Game When Your Career Is on the Line Dubrion, J Andrew M G H 1992 237p; Knowledge Centre
650.14 ERI 05000302 What's next, Gen X? : Erickson, Tamara J., Harvard Business Press, 9781422120644 (hbk. : alk. pap xv, 237 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.14 ERI 03004465 What's next, Gen X? : Erickson, Tamara J., Harvard Business Press, 9781422120644 (hbk. : alk. pap xv, 237 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 ERI 00105381 What's next, Gen X? : Erickson, Tamara J., Harvard Business Press, 9781422120644 (hbk. : alk. pap xv, 237 p. : UG Library
650.14 FIT 03008105 Preparing for the Behavior-Based Interview : Fitzwater, Terry L. Viva Books Private Limited ; 2004 1560526432 (pbk.) | 9788176496 viii, 86 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 GAL 05065312 The compass and the radar : Gallo, Paolo. Bloomsbury Business, 2019 9781472958792 (hardback) xvii, 288p.; Knowledge Centre
650.14 GAR 03010417 Guide to Finding Your Next Job / Gardella, Robert S Harvard Business School Press, 2000 1578512239 | 9781578512232 141p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 GAR 05000179 Guide to Finding Your Next Job / Gardella, Robert S Harvard Business School Press, 2000 1578512239 | 9781578512232 141p.: Knowledge Centre
650.14 GAR 05013647 Guide to Finding Your Next Job / Gardella, Robert S Harvard Business School Press, 2000 1578512239 | 9781578512232 141p.: Knowledge Centre
650.14 GIB 05013585 Get That Job! Gibb, Andy Viva Books, 2010 9788130914633 ix, 230 p. Knowledge Centre
650.14 GIB 04008360 Get That Job! Gibb, Andy Viva Books, 2010 9788130914633 ix, 230 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.14 GLA 05013612 Career Crash : America`s New Crisis and Who Survives Glassner, Barry SIMON & SCHUSTER 1994 0671690264 223p; Knowledge Centre
650.14 GUI 03012126 Born For This : Guillebeau, chris Macmillan Publishers, 2016 9781447297536 313p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 GUI 05054606 Born For This : Guillebeau, chris Macmillan Publishers, 2016 9781447297536 313p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.14 HAW 00066115 What Employers Really Wants Hawk, Barbara Spencer 0070600449 249p UG Library
650.14 HBP 03010129 Managing Your Career / Harvard Business Press, Harvard Business School Press, 2007 9781422118610 (pbk. : alk. pap viii, 100 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 HBP 05000095 Managing Your Career / Harvard Business Press, Harvard Business School Press, 2007 9781422118610 (pbk. : alk. pap viii, 100 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.14 HBR 00105289 Managing your Career in a Downturn/ harvard Business Press; Harvard Business Press, 2009 9781422129661 (pbk.) | 1422129 viii, 262 p. : UG Library
650.14 HBR 05042584 HBR Guide to Getting the Mentoring you Need : Hardvard Business Review Press, 2014 9781422196007 (alk. paper) 159 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.14 HBR 05073880 Taking charge of your career / Harvard Business Review. Harvard Business Review Press, 2023 9781647824648 xv,223p.; Knowledge Centre
650.14 HBR 03004203 Harvard Business Review on Managing your Career / Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation, 2002 1591391318 (alk. paper) | 9781 vii, 205 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 HBR 05000150 HBR Guide to Getting the Mentoring you Need : Hardvard Business Review Press, 2014 9781422196007 (alk. paper) 159 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.14 HBR 03004098 Managing your Career in a Downturn/ harvard Business Press; Harvard Business Press, 2009 9781422129661 (pbk.) | 1422129 viii, 262 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 HBR 05000180 Advancing Your Career : Harvard Business Review Harvard Business Review Press, 2011 9781422172230 (alk. paper) | 9 201 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.14 HBR 07001471 HBR Guide to Getting the Mentoring you Need : Hardvard Business Review Press, 2014 9781422196007 (alk. paper) 159 p.: Library - BR Campus
650.14 HBR 05041350 HBR Guide to Getting the Mentoring you Need : Hardvard Business Review Press, 2014 9781422196007 (alk. paper) 159 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.14 HBR 00112065 Advancing Your Career : Harvard Business Review Harvard Business Review Press, 2011 9781422172230 (alk. paper) | 9 201 p. : UG Library
650.14 HBR 10004969 Managing Your Career (HBR Working Parents Series) Harward Business Review Press Harward Business Review Press, 2020 9781633699724 1st Ed. xvi, 212 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.14 HBR 03010371 HBR Guide to Getting the Mentoring you Need : Hardvard Business Review Press, 2014 9781422196007 (alk. paper) 159 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 HBR 03010374 Advancing Your Career : Harvard Business Review Harvard Business Review Press, 2011 9781422172230 (alk. paper) | 9 201 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 HBR 07002529 Advancing Your Career : Harvard Business Review Harvard Business Review Press, 2011 9781422172230 (alk. paper) | 9 201 p. : Library - BR Campus
650.14 HEW 07001458 Forget a Mentor, Find a Sponsor : Hewlett, Sylvia Ann. Harvard Business School Press, 2013 9781422187166 (alk. paper) 228 p.: Library - BR Campus
650.14 HEW 05000176 Forget a Mentor, Find a Sponsor : Hewlett, Sylvia Ann. Harvard Business School Press, 2013 9781422187166 (alk. paper) 228 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.14 HEW 03010361 Forget a Mentor, Find a Sponsor : Hewlett, Sylvia Ann. Harvard Business School Press, 2013 9781422187166 (alk. paper) 228 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 IBA 03010291 Working Identity : Ibarra, Herminia. Harvard Business School Press, 2003 1578517788 (alk. paper) | 9781 xv, 199 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 IBA 10004531 Working Identity: Unconvetional Strategies for Reinventing Your Career/ by Herminia Ibarra Ibarra, Herminia [Author] Harward Business Review Press, 2023 9781647825560 1st Ed. xvi, 210 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.14 IBA 05000219 Working Identity : Ibarra, Herminia. Harvard Business School Press, 2003 1578517788 (alk. paper) | 9781 xv, 199 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.14 KHA 05075196 Sustainable and dynamic graduate employability : Routledge, 2024 9781032763996 xviii, 247p.; Knowledge Centre
650.14 KRO 04009315 Career development basics / Kroth, Michael S. ASTD Press, 2009 9788131515211 | 1562865463 (pb xi, 131 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.14 KRU 03006408 College Grad Job Hunter : Krueger, Brian D. Adams Media, 2003 1580629075 (pbk.) | 9781580629 5th ed. xiii, 337 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 LAN 03007719 Promoting Yourself : Lancaster, Hal. Simon & Schuster, 2002 9780743213639 xviii, 221 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 MAC 03007858 Use Your Head to Get Your Foot in the Door : Mackay, Harvey. Portfolio penguin, 2011 9781591843436 xviii , 345 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 MAC 04015801 Use Your Head to Get Your Foot in the Door : Mackay, Harvey. Portfolio penguin, 2011 9781591843436 xviii , 345 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.14 MAH 00118000 Psychology of Job Maheta, M.P. Cyber Tech Publications, 2014 9789350532553 240p.; UG Library
650.14 MAT 03007298 Best Answers to the 201 most Frequently asked Interview Questions / DeLuca, Matthew J. McGraw-Hill, 2010 9780071741453 (pbk.) | 9780071 2nd ed. xxii, 217 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 MED 05013487 Sweety Palms:The Neglected Art of Being Interviewed Medley, H Antony Ten Sped Publications 254 p Knowledge Centre
650.14 MEH 04025158 How to Get the Job You Want and Build a Great Career / Mehta, Narinder K. McMillan, 2011 9780230638877 142p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.14 MEI 05024906 World`s Greatest Resumes: Introducing the Worlds First Resume Rater: Meier, Robert Wm TEN SPEED PRESS, 2005 1580086772 183p.; Knowledge Centre
650.14 MES 05062268 Winning The Right Job : Messner, Pratibha. Pan, 2015 9789382616436 ix, 247p.; Knowledge Centre
650.14 NAT 03007367 Cracking the MBA Admissions Interview and GD : Nath, Dhruv Tata McGraw-Hill ; 2010 9780070152786 127 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 POL 05013625 Fire Your Boss : Work for the Money: The Love Will Follow: [MBA] Pollan, M Stephen HarperCollins Pubishers Inc., 2004 0060583932 271p; Knowledge Centre
650.14 POO 03007143 Your Career from here in Easy Steps : Poole, Jon. Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 9781259001994 216 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 ROD 03006085 Interview Answers: Roderick, Ceri Jaico Books, 2011 9788184952506 171p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 RYA 00045209 Winning Cover Letters Ryan, Robin 0471190632 189p UG Library
650.14 SAN 00121704 13 Steps to Bloody Good Luck Sanghi, Ashwin Westland Ltd., 2014 9789384030575 148 p:. UG Library
650.14 SAN 04024746 13 Steps to Bloody Good Luck Sanghi, Ashwin Westland Ltd., 2014 9789384030575 148 p:. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.14 SHE 05013590 Working Without a Net: How to Survive & Thrive in Today`s Risk Business Wor Shechtman, R Morris 0130262390 236 p Knowledge Centre
650.14 TEM 00135674 You, incorporated : Temple, Ines. Nicholas Brealey, 2018 147368885X | 9781473688858 xxii, 186p.; UG Library
650.14 TOL 07009627 How to Succeed at an Assessment Centre : Tolley, Harry. Kogan Page, 2010 9788175545045 | 9780749462291 208 p.: Library - BR Campus
650.14 TOL 07000626 How to Succeed at an Assessment Centre : Tolley, Harry. Kogan Page, 2010 9788175545045 | 9780749462291 208 p.: Library - BR Campus
650.14 TOL 07000625 How to Succeed at an Assessment Centre : Tolley, Harry. Kogan Page, 2010 9788175545045 | 9780749462291 208 p.: Library - BR Campus
650.14 TOL 03004555 How to Succeed at an Assessment Centre : Tolley, Harry. Kogan Page, 2010 9788175545045 | 9780749462291 208 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 TOL 04016632 How to Succeed at an Assessment Centre : Tolley, Harry. Kogan Page, 2010 9788175545045 | 9780749462291 208 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.14 VER 05000220 The 250 job interview questions you'll most likely be asked : Veruki, Peter. Adams Media Corp., 1580621171 | 9781580621175 192 p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.14 WAK 00140869 Navigating the Maze : Wakhlu, Bharat. Sage Publications, 2017 9789386042378 190 p. : UG Library
650.14 WAK 03012262 Navigationg the Maze : Wakhlu, Bharat. Sage Publications, 2017 9789386042378 190 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 WAL 05013613 The 12 Habits That Hold Good People Back : Overcoming the Behaviour Patterns That Keep You from Getting Ahead Waldroop, James A CURRENCY BOOK 2003 0385498500 323p; Knowledge Centre
650.14 WAL 04023008 12 Habits That Hold Good People Back: Waldroop, James Currency Books. 2000 0385498500 | 9780385498500 323p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.14 WAL 05013684 12 Bad Habits That Hold Good People Back [mba-Section] Waldroop, James 0385498500 325p Knowledge Centre
650.14 WAT 05000306 Your Next Move : Watkins, Michael. Harvard Business Press, 2009 9781422147634 (hc : alk. paper xii, 220 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.14 WAT 03010294 Your Next Move : Watkins, Michael. Harvard Business Press, 2009 9781422147634 (hc : alk. paper xii, 220 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 WAT 07001522 Your Next Move : Watkins, Michael. Harvard Business Press, 2009 9781422147634 (hc : alk. paper xii, 220 p. : Library - BR Campus
650.14 WEI 00051031 I'll Work for Free Weinstein, Bob 1994 0080502882 | 9780805028829 232p UG Library
650.14 WES 00045203 Word Smart for Business Westbrook, Paul 1997 0679783911 356 p UG Library
650.14 WIL 07000727 Ultimate Job Search : Williams, Lynn. Kogan Page, Limited | Littlehampton Book Services, Limited [Distributor] 2012 9780749464080 | 0749464089 (Tr 3rd ed. 244 p.: Library - BR Campus
650.14 WIL 03008064 Ultimate Job Search : Williams, Lynn. Kogan Page, Limited | Littlehampton Book Services, Limited [Distributor] 2012 9780749464080 | 0749464089 (Tr 3rd ed. 244 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 YAR 05013626 Strategic Carrer Management : Developing Your Talent [MBA-SECTION] Yarnall, Jane Elsevier, 2008 9788131216378 246p.; Knowledge Centre
650.14 YEU 03008676 Rob Yeung's Insider Guide to Successful Interviews : Yeung, Rob. Macmillan India Led , 2002 9781403909909 | 1403909903 176 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.14 ZEI 04015433 Build your own ladder : Zeiss, Anthony. Nelson Business, 2006 0785212604 (hardcover) viii, 167 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.14 ZEI 05015394 Build your own ladder : Zeiss, Anthony Nelson Business, 2006 078529788131703694 viii, 167 p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.140240564ALL 00081010 Finding the Right Jog at Midlilfe Gallen, Jeffrey G 0671555480 173p UG Library
650.140954 FIC 03008523 What Corporates Expect From You : Macmillan India Ltd , 2010 9780230328426 149 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.142 COR 04008435 Preparing the perfect CV : Corfield, Rebecca Kogan Page, 2010 9788175545113 vii, 150p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.142 PRE 03003173 101 Great Resumes: Unique Resumes, Creative Resumes but Most Important, Resumes That Work Career Press Jaico Publishing House 9788172249496 214 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.142 RIZ 04023232 Resumes and Interviews: The Art of Winning / Rizvi, Ashraf, M Tata McGraw hill, 2011 9780070655942 201 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.142 WIL 03001732 Ready Made Cvs : Willams, Lynn. Kogan Page, 2008 9788175544758 228 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.142 YAT 03000788 Ultimate CV : Yate, Martin John. Kogan Page ; 2009 9788175544666 | 9780749464042 293 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.142 YAT 03000789 Ultimate Cover Letters : Yate, Martin John. Kogan Page ; 2009 9788175544673 | 9780749464059 292 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.142 BRI 03005801 Getting a Brilliant Job : Bright, Karen. Allen&Unwin, 2006 9781741144260 x, 130 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.142 COR 04008436 Preparing the Perfect Job Application: Corfield, Rebecca Kogan page, 2008 9788175543867 4th., Vi,138p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.142 INN 04019742 The CV Book : Innes, James. Prentice Hall, 2009 9780273721741 (pbk.) | 0273721 xv, 249 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.142 JAY 00115884 Get That Dream Job Jayasimha Neelkamal Publications 2006 8183160638 283p UG Library
650.142 MCD 04020433 The Google Resume : McDowell, Gayle Laakmann Wiley, 2011 9788126538058 280p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.142 MCG 04024223 How to Write a CV that Works / McGee, Paul Rupa Publications, 2010 9788129116734 158p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.142 NAD 03004578 The Everything Cover Letter Book : Nadler, Burton Jay. Adams Media, 2005 159337335X | 9781593373351 2nd ed. xii, 321 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.142 PRE 05043778 101 Great Resumes: Unique Resumes, Creative Resumes but Most Important, Resumes That Work Career Press Jaico Publishing House 9788172249496 214 p Knowledge Centre
650.142 ROG 00128664 Great answers to tough CV problems : Rogers, Jenny, Kogan Page, 2011 9780749462802 | 9780749462819 viii, 208 p. : UG Library
650.142 ROG 07000605 Great Answers to Tough CV Problems : Rogers, Jenny, Kogan Page, 2011 9780749462802 | 9780749462819 viii, 208 p. : Library - BR Campus
650.142 ROG 03008034 Great Answers to Tough CV Problems : Rogers, Jenny, Kogan Page, 2011 9780749462802 | 9780749462819 viii, 208 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.142 ROG 04013566 Great Answers to Tough CV Problems : Rogers, Jenny, Kogan Page, 2011 9780749462802 | 9780749462819 viii, 208 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.142 WHI 04017993 How to Write An Impressive CV and Cover Letter / Whitmore, Tracey Rupa Publication, 2009 9788129116819 242p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.142 WHI 03010738 How to Write An Impressive CV and Cover Letter / Whitmore, Tracey Rupa Publication, 2009 9788129116819 242p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.142 YAT 04015561 Knock 'em dead resumes : Yate, Martin John Aadamsmedia, 2008 9781598696745 8th ed. 302 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.142 YAT 07000724 Ultimate CV : Yate, Martin John. Kogan Page ; 2009 9788175544666 | 9780749464042 293 p.: Library - BR Campus
650.142 YAT 03008061 Ultimate CV : Yate, Martin John. Kogan Page ; 2009 9788175544666 | 9780749464042 293 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.142 YAT 04016658 Ultimate Cover Letters : Yate, Martin John. Kogan Page ; 2009 9788175544673 | 9780749464059 292 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.142 YAT 03008062 Ultimate Cover Letters : Yate, Martin John. Kogan Page ; 2009 9788175544673 | 9780749464059 292 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.142 YAT 07000723 Ultimate Cover Letters : Yate, Martin John. Kogan Page ; 2009 9788175544673 | 9780749464059 292 p.: Library - BR Campus
650.142 YAT 04017925 Ultimate CV : Yate, Martin John. Kogan Page ; 2009 9788175544666 | 9780749464042 293 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.142 YAT 05024337 Ultimate Cover Letters : Yate, Martin John. Kogan Page ; 2009 9788175544673 | 9780749464059 292 p.: Knowledge Centre
650.144 SCH 03003488 Job Interview Phrase Book : Schuman, Nancy. Viva Books Private Limited, 2009 9781440501845 248 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.144 SPI 04000004 Interview Skills the Win the Job / Spiropoulos, Michael Viva Books, 2006 9781741141887 143 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.144 WIL 03000723 Ultimate Interview : Williams, Lynn Kogan Page ; 2008 9788175544697 | 9780749464066 3rd ed. 214 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.144 ADA 00087842 Job Interview Almanac Adams Viva Books Private Limited 1593372922 756p UG Library
650.144 ADL 04020054 Sell Yourself in any Intervew : Adler Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008 9780070264922 xv;158p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.144 ADL 03003953 Sell Yourself in any Intervew : Adler Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008 9780070264922 xv;158p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.144 AMS 00130862 Interviewing in a Changing World : Amsbary, Jonathan H. Routledge, 2018 9781138080966 | 9781138080959 Second edition. ix, 205 p. ; UG Library
650.144 BLO 05013614 Great Answers ! Great Questions ! For Your Job Interview : [MBA] Block, A Jay Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 2005 0070598894 198p; Knowledge Centre
650.144 BOL 10004920 What color is your parachute? : your guide to a lifetime of meaningful work and career success / by Richard N. Bolles with Katharine Brooks. Bolles, Richard Nelson [Author] Ten Speed Press, 2021 9781984860347 1st Ed. 343 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.144 DAR 03004579 The Everything Job interview Book/ Darlington, Joy Adamsmedia; 2010 9781598696363 290p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.144 GIB 03004585 How to Answer Hard Interview Questions ?: Gibbs, Charlie Viva 2010 9788130914626 170p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.144 GIB 07000619 How to Answer Hard Interview Questions ?: Gibbs, Charlie Viva 2010 9788130914626 170p. Library - BR Campus
650.144 HOD 05013589 Brilliant answers to tough interview questions : Hodgson, Susan. Pearson/Prentice Hall, 9780273714644 xiv, 273 p. ; Knowledge Centre
650.144 KAD 03007258 301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview / Kador, John. McGraw-Hill, 2010 9780071738880 (alk. paper) | 9 2nd ed. xx, 204 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.144 KAP 10005024 The new brand you : how to wow in the new world of work / by Catherine Kaputa. Kaputa, Catherine [Author] Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2022 9781399804066 1st Ed. 215 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.144 LEA 03003934 How to Interview Like a Top MBA : Leanne, Shel. Tata McGrawHill, 2006 9780070599932 xvi;237 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.144 MAR 03003904 Boost Your Intervew IQ / Martin, Carole. Tata McGraw Hill Pvt. Ltd., 2004 9780070587755 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.144 MED 04012032 Sweaty Palms : Medley, H. Anthony. Warner Business Books, 2005 0446693839 | 9780446693837 1st Warner Books ed. xii, 444 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.144 MED 03008400 Sweaty Palms : Medley, H. Anthony. Warner Business Books, 2005 0446693839 | 9780446693837 1st Warner Books ed. xii, 444 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.144 MON 05005872 Programming Interview Exposed : Mongan,John Wiley India Pvt.Ltd, 2007 9788126512744 2nd ed 237 p. Knowledge Centre
650.144 MUK 10005026 The victory project : six steps to peak potential / by Saurabh Mukherjea and Anupam Gupta. Mukherjea, Saurabh [Author] Portfolio Penguin, an imprint of Penguin Random House, 2020 9780670093250 xvi, 351 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
650.144 NAK 04008209 Cracking Programming Interviews : Nakariakov, Sergei S Nakariakov, 2014 X00093POEX | 9781495459801 504p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.144 NEO 04026342 Sure Sucess in Interviews / Neogy, Jayant Unicorn Books, 2013 9788178060460 148p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.144 NEO 07009055 Sure Sucess in Interviews / Neogy, Jayant Unicorn Books, 2013 9788178060460 148p. : Library - BR Campus
650.144 NEO 07009781 Sure Sucess in Interviews / Neogy, Jayant Unicorn Books, 2013 9788178060460 148p. : Library - BR Campus
650.144 POU 04009862 Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google / Poundstone, William Oneworld Publications, 2012 9781851689552 290p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.144 REE 05073851 Why You ? : Reed, James Penguin Business, 2023 9780241297131 xiii,289p.; Knowledge Centre
650.144 SAL 03003753 Interview Secrets/ Salter, Heather 9780007328123 128p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.144 STR 07009628 Succeeding at interviews in a week / Straw, Alison Hodder Education Publication, 2012 9781444159257 iv,114p. Library - BR Campus
650.144 STR 07006346 Succeeding at interviews in a week / Straw, Alison Hodder Education Publication, 2012 9781444159257 iv,114p. Library - BR Campus
650.144 WIL 03008063 Ultimate Interview : Williams, Lynn Kogan Page ; 2008 9788175544697 | 9780749464066 3rd ed. 214 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.144 WIL 04016659 Ultimate Interview : Williams, Lynn Kogan Page ; 2008 9788175544697 | 9780749464066 3rd ed. 214 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.144 WIL 07000725 Ultimate Interview : Williams, Lynn Kogan Page ; 2008 9788175544697 | 9780749464066 3rd ed. 214 p.: Library - BR Campus
650.144 YAD 03008442 Winning@ Call Centre : Yadav, Madhukar. Wisdom Tree ; 2007 9788183280778 299 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.144 YAT 07000606 Great Answers to Tough Interview Questions / Yate, Martin John. Kogan Page, 2011 9780749463526 | 9780749463588 (ebk) 8th ed. vi, 287 p. : Library - BR Campus
650.144 YAT 05017811 Great Answers to Tough Interview Questions / Yate, Martin John. Kogan Page, 2011 9780749463526 | 9780749463588 (ebk) 8th ed. vi, 287 p. : Knowledge Centre
650.144 YAT 03008036 Great Answers to Tough Interview Questions / Yate, Martin John. Kogan Page, 2011 9780749463526 | 9780749463588 (ebk) 8th ed. vi, 287 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.144 YAT 04013568 Great Answers to Tough Interview Questions / Yate, Martin John. Kogan Page, 2011 9780749463526 | 9780749463588 (ebk) 8th ed. vi, 287 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.144 YAT 05013594 Great answers to tough interview questions Yate Martin John Kogan Page India 9788175544413 310p Knowledge Centre
650.144 YEU 04024222 How to Succeed at Interviews / Yeung, Rob Rupa Publications, 2008 9788129116727 204p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.15 CLA 00079919 A Reader In International Corporate Finance Claessens, Stijn 2006 0082136698 | 9780821367001 393p UG Library
650.15 CLA 00079920 A Reader In International Corporate Finance Claessens, Stijn 2006 0082136698 | 9780821367001 393p UG Library
650.1BUC 05013698 Go Put Your Strengths to Work:Six Powerful Steps to Achieve Outstanding Performance [MBA-SECTION] Buckingham, Marcus 9780743263290 270p Knowledge Centre
650.1COO. 00073932 Time Management(dharmaram Library) Cook, Marshall J 0155850799 229p UG Library
650.1HAZ 05013696 Daring to Dream: Cultivating Crporate Creativity Through Dreamwork Hazarika, Anjali Sage Publications 0817036650 207 p Knowledge Centre
650.1HUM 05013682 Improving Business Results Humble, W John Mcgraw Hill 192 p Knowledge Centre
650.1KIR 05013699 Adaptors and Innovators: Styles of Creativity and Problem Solving Kirton, Michael 0415116627 196 p Knowledge Centre
650.1MAX 03006987 Put your dream to the test Maxwell, John C., Jaico publishing house, 2010 9781400202270 | 1400202272 xxvi ,234p: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.1NAR 00073933 Twelve Management Skills for Success(dharmaram Library) Narain, Ram Multilingual Matters Limited 8130901846 432p UG Library
650.1THU 00056880 Office Organization and Management Rao, Thukaram M E Interline Publications 8172960360 333p UG Library
650.1TRU 00091116 People Power True Michael Rawat publications 9788131600870 236p UG Library
650.285421 NEW 05013456 Designing Integrated System for the Office Environment Newman, M William M G H Knowledge Centre
650.285421 NEW 05017942 Dsigning Integrated for the Office Environment Newman, M William M G H Knowledge Centre
650.3 COL 05026308 Dictionary of Business Collin, P H Universal Book Stall 8185461880 335 p Knowledge Centre
650.3 KAR 05013588 Key Business Concepts - Conicise Guide Karlof, Bengt 0415088534 211 p Knowledge Centre
650.33 FQF 22001842 Concise encylopedia of business excellence Ficci Quality Forum Ficci Quality Forum . Knowledge Centre
650.4063 MAR 03004461 The design of business: Martin, Roger . L Harvard Business Press. 2009 9781422177808 xiii,191 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
650.4063 MAR 04021212 The design of business: Martin, Roger . L Harvard Business Press. 2009 9781422177808 xiii,191 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.4063 MAR 05000513 The design of business: Martin, Roger . L Harvard Business Press. 2009 9781422177808 xiii,191 p. Knowledge Centre
650.4063 MAR 04030305 The design of business: Martin, Roger . L Harvard Business Press. 2009 9781422177808 xiii,191 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
650.4063 MAR 00105357 The design of business: Martin, Roger . L Harvard Business Press. 2009 9781422177808 xiii,191 p. UG Library
650.7 EMD 05013587 Effective communication for arts and humanities students Emden Joan Van London 210p Knowledge Centre
650.7 IBM 05053140 Data Management and Manipulation With IBM SPSS Statistics Student Guide / IBM, 2010 vi, Sectional. Knowledge Centre
650.8 APP 07015800 Marketing Management / Appannaiah H.R Himalaya Publishing House, 2005 234p.: Library - BR Campus
650.8 HUT 05020792 BUSINESS MARKETING MANAGEMENT Hutt, Michaeld Thomson Wadsworth 0008131535 714p Knowledge Centre
650.I PR 00066106 Business Sucesss: II Vol`s IPR Publishing Ltd OPR Publishing UG Library
650.I PR 22000882 Business Sucesss: II Vol`s IPR Publishing Ltd OPR Publishing Knowledge Centre
650ASW. 00041608 Essentials of Business Environment Aswathappa, K Himalaya 8174932380 644 p UG Library
650CRO 00015127 Practical Commercial Self Education Crooks, Cranfield Odhamiss Press UG Library
650KHE 00009615 Indian Contract Act Khergamvala, J M Tripathi UG Library
650SIN1 00014249 Text Book of Commerce Sinha, Mugali R Chand & Co UG Library
650STE 00018625 Principles and Practice of Commerce Stephenson, James Pitaman & Sons UG Library
651 ARO 05015148 Office Organisation and Management Arora, S P Knowledge Centre
651 FRA 03003487 Definitive Personal Assistant & Secretarial Handbook : France, Sue. Kogan Page, 2010 9788175544963 246 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651 .7 WRI 05019394 Handbook of Practical Communication Skills Wright, Chrissie Jaico 0817224777 280p Knowledge Centre
651 ANC 00074779 Success Abilities Ancona, Paula Excel Books 2006 8174460713 267p UG Library
651 ARO 00034034 Office Organisation and Management Arora, S P UBSPD 570 p UG Library
651 ARO 00041758 Office Organisation and Management Arora, S P UBSPD 570 p UG Library
651 ARO 00142289 Office Administration Internship / Arora,Neha. Random Publications, 2020 9789352696079 viii,306p.; UG Library
651 ARO 05026310 Office Organisation and Management Arora, S P UBSPD 570 p Knowledge Centre
651 ARO 00049074 Office Organisation and Management Arora, S P UBSPD 570 p UG Library
651 ARO 00049075 Office Organisation and Management Arora, S P UBSPD 570 p UG Library
651 BRO 05025104 Making Business Writing Happne: A Simple Guide and Effective Guide to Writing Well Brown, Ralph Allen and Unwin Pvt Ltd 2003 9781865089638 123p. Knowledge Centre
651 EXL 00001546 East Accounts Experience Literature in Lositng , Raghavendran UG Library
651 FIS 00004457 Commercial English Comprehension Passages Fisher, David 118p UG Library
651 HAR 00063055 Secretarial Duties Harrison, John Pearson 351p UG Library
651 HUM 00017103 Manual of Commercial Correspondence Hume G. H Wheeler 1973 5th Ed. 341p UG Library
651 HUM 00012939 Manual of Commercial Correspondence Hume G. H Wheeler 1973 5th Ed. 341p UG Library
651 KEL 00018082 English Exercise for Secretaries Kelly R.A. George Allen 1970 240 p UG Library
651 KEL 00018083 English Exercise for Secretaries Kelly R.A. George Allen 1970 240 p UG Library
651 KEL 00018084 English Exercise for Secretaries Kelly R.A. George Allen 1970 240 p UG Library
651 LIT 00030306 Management of Office Operations Littlefield, C L 0087692130 480p UG Library
651 LIT 00030305 Management of Office Operations Littlefield, C L 0087692130 480p UG Library
651 LIT 00030304 Management of Office Operations Littlefield, C L 0087692130 480p Yeshwanthpur Campus
651 MIL 00022163 Office Administration Mills, Geoffrey ELBS 1979 236p UG Library
651 MUG 00024801 Secretarial Practice Mugali, V N Seth Publishers 368p UG Library
651 MUG 00025207 Secretarial Practice Mugali, V N Seth Publishers 368p UG Library
651 OCC 05015407 Professional Secretary`s Handbook Cook, S Fred Global Business Press 0817512010 314 Knowledge Centre
651 PAL 05015146 Essentials of Business Communication for CAIIB - Part I Pal, Rajendra Sultan Chand 350 p Knowledge Centre
651 PAR 05015112 Paperwork Jungle: How to Get Out of It Parkinson, C Northcote Vision Books 8170942551 161 p Knowledge Centre
651 PRO 03007161 Giving great presentations : Provan, Drew Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 9781259001963 192 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651 PRO 04018878 Giving great presentations : Provan, Drew Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 9781259001963 192 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
651 RAI 05015408 Business Communication Rai, Urmila HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 8178660083 356p Knowledge Centre
651 RAI 00027478 Manual for Typists and Stenographers Raizada, Prabhakar STERLING 70p UG Library
651 RAI 00055123 Effective Documentation and Presentation Rai,Urmila. Himalaya 1999 8174937633 1st Ed. 234 p. UG Library
651 RAO 00049076 Office Organisation and Management Rao,Thukaram M. E. Interline Publications 1997 8172960360 330p UG Library
651 RED 00031911 Office Organisation and Management Reddy, P.n Himalaya 304p UG Library
651 SHA 05015406 Business Correnpondence and Report Writing Sharma, Rc 0074624032 322 p Knowledge Centre
651 SHU 00026204 Secretarial Practice Shukla, M C S Chand 429p UG Library
651 SHU 00026203 Secretarial Practice Shukla, M C S Chand 429p UG Library
651 SHU 00026202 Secretarial Practice Shukla, M C S Chand 429p UG Library
651 SHU 00030820 Secretarial Practice Shukla, M C S Chand 429p UG Library
651 SHU 00026205 Secretarial Practice Shukla, M C S Chand 429p Yeshwanthpur Campus
651 THU 00049077 Office Organisation and Management Rao,Thukaram M. E. Interline Publications 1997 8172960360 330p UG Library
651 THU 00049078 Office Organisation and Management Rao,Thukaram M. E. Interline Publications 1997 8172960360 330p UG Library
651 THU 00049079 Office Organisation and Management Rao,Thukaram M. E. Interline Publications 1997 8172960360 330p UG Library
651 THU 05025105 Office Organisation and Management Rao,Thukaram M. E. Interline Publications 1997 8172960360 330p Knowledge Centre
651 TIT 05026309 Effective Office: a H/b of Modern Office Management Titman, G Lionel Excel Books 8174460233 538 p Knowledge Centre
651 TIT 05015107 Effective Office:Hand Bpk for Modern Office Managers Titman, J Lionel Knowledge Centre
651.046GUP.R 00023605 Advanced Accountancy Vol II : Gupta, R L. Sultan Chand and Sons, 1989 . 6th FSA 412 p.; UG Library
651.046GUP.R 00015749 Advanced Accountancy Vol II : Gupta, R L. Sultan Chand and Sons, 1989 . 6th FSA 412 p.; UG Library
651.09 SAV 05042789 Cubed : Saval, Nikil, Anchor Books, 2014 9780385536578 (hardcover) | 03 First edition. ix, 352 pages : Knowledge Centre
651.1 GAI 00074811 Looking Beyond Gail Excel Books Private Management 2005 8183230083 188p UG Library
651.1 KAY 03007338 Love It, Don't Leave It : Kaye, Beverly. Tata McGraw -Hill, 2003 9780070637139 xvi , 194 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.1 MOH 10003810 Advertising Management : Mohan, Manendra Mc Graw Hill Education India Pvt Ltd , 2013 9780074517802 xi, 418 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
651.1 RAG 01016209 Games Indians Play : Raghunathan,V. Penguin Books, 2006 9780143063117 xiv,170p.; Knowledge Centre
651.1 SHO 04008590 Miracle medicines : Shook, Robert L., Portfolio, 2007 9781591841579 390 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
651.11 PT 03013262 Make it happen : Capstone, 2010 9780857080455 (pbk.) | 0857080 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.11 PT 05006035 Make it happen : Capstone, 2010 9780857080455 (pbk.) | 0857080 p. Knowledge Centre
651.26 IBM 05051884 Introduction to IBM Data Processing Systems / I B M I B M ., 1977 p.v Knowledge Centre
651.3 BAI 03008113 The Administrative Assistant / Bailey-Hughes, Brenda. Viva Books Private Limited ; 2004 9788176495097 90 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.3 BHA 05015149 Office Management and Commercial Correspondence Bhatia, R C Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 8120719794 316 p Knowledge Centre
651.3 HOR 03009669 Office Skills : Horsfall, Margaret. Tata McGraw-Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., 2011 9780071321068 5th ed. 362 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.3 HOR 03009664 Office Skills : Horsfall, Margaret. Tata McGraw-Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., 2011 9780071321068 5th ed. 362 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.3 MEH 05015151 The Healthy Office: Mehra, Rm Excel Books 247p Knowledge Centre
651.3 MEH 05015150 The Healthy Office: Mehra, Rm Excel Books 247p Knowledge Centre
651.3 MIL 00011300 Office Organisation and Method Mills, Geoffrey Issac 360p UG Library
651.3 PAR 00030300 Office Organisation and Management Parthasarathy, Subhas 1989 232p UG Library
651.3 PNR 00032518 Office Oraganization and Management , UG Library
651.3 QUI 05009162 Administrative office management : Quible, Zane K., Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2005 9788120343740 8th ed. xxv, 596 p. : Knowledge Centre
651.3 RED 00031519 Office Organisation and Management Reddy, P L Himalaya 303p UG Library
651.3 SHA 05041016 Office Organization and Management / Sharma, R. K. Kalyani Publishers 1991 8170965101 382 p. Knowledge Centre
651.3 SHA 00096198 Office Organization and Management / Sharma, R. K. Kalyani Publishers 1991 8170965101 382 p. UG Library
651.3 SHU 00061184 Office Organisation and Management Shukla, M.C S. Chand And Company 1986 6th ed 240 p UG Library
651.3 THU 10003437 Office Organisation and Management/ Thukaram Rao, M. E., Interline Publications, 1996 8172960360 334 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
651.3 VER 00123055 Skills and Techniques in Administrative Office Management Darpan Verma Centrum Press, 2015 9789350847763 320 p:. UG Library
651.32 CHO 00034198 Office Manegement Chopra, R.k Himalaya 1290p UG Library
651.32 LEF 00021000 Textbook of Office Management Leffingwell, William H T M Hall 642p UG Library
651.32 TAN 00031912 Manual of Office Management and Correspondence Tandon, B.n S Chand & Company Ltd 387p UG Library
651.371 BAG 00045992 Secretarial Practice. Bagrial, Ashok 1996 0706985540 612p UG Library
651.371 BUC 00014963 Guide to Company Secretarial Work Bucknall G.K. Sir Issac Pitman & Sons 2000 253p UG Library
651.371 PAT 00023576 Company Secretarial Practice Pattansetti C.C. Tata Mc Graw-Hill 1981 371p UG Library
651.371 PAT 00023578 Company Secretarial Practice Pattansetti C.C. Tata Mc Graw-Hill 1981 371p Yeshwanthpur Campus
651.371 PAT 00022039 Company Secretarial Practice Pattansetti C.C. Tata Mc Graw-Hill 1981 371p Yeshwanthpur Campus
651.371 PAT 00023579 Company Secretarial Practice. Pattanshetti, C.c T M H 1981 370 P Yeshwanthpur Campus
651.371 PAT 00022038 Company Secretarial Practice Pattansetti C.C. Tata Mc Graw-Hill 1981 371p Yeshwanthpur Campus
651.371PAT.R4 00023577 Company Secretarial Practice C C, Pattanshetti 0000007558 371p UG Library
651.371PAT.R4 00023580 Company Secretarial Practice C C, Pattanshetti 0000007558 371p UG Library
651.374 ALL 05013624 Working With A Secretary Allcock, Debra Sterling Publishing Pvt Ltd 2000 8173591008 86p; Knowledge Centre
651.374 COO 05015147 Working With Management Cook, Elizabeth Sterling Publishing Pvt Ltd 8173591016 87p Knowledge Centre
651.374 ELI 00058312 Working With Management Elizabeth, Cook Sterling Publishing Pvt Ltd 1996 8173591016 87 UG Library
651.374 KUC 00023581 Secretarial Practice Kuchhal, M C Vikas UG Library
651.374 KUC 00023582 Secretarial Practice Kuchhal, M C Vikas UG Library
651.374 KUC 00023584 Secretarial Practice Kuchhal, M C Vikas UG Library
651.374 KUC 00023585 Secretarial Practice Kuchhal, M C Vikas UG Library
651.374 KUC 00015443 Secretarial Practice Kuchhal, M C Vikas UG Library
651.374 KUC 00015760 Secretarial Practice Kuchhal, M C Vikas UG Library
651.374 KUC 00019096 Secretarial Practice Kuchhal, M C Vikas UG Library
651.374 KUC 00019635 Secretarial Practice Kuchhal, M C Vikas UG Library
651.374 KUC 00027402 Secretarial Practice Kuchhal, M C Vikas UG Library
651.374 KUC 00029763 Secretarial Practice Kuchhal, M C Vikas UG Library
651.374 KUC 00029764 Secretarial Practice Kuchhal, M C Vikas UG Library
651.374 KUC 00029765 Secretarial Practice Kuchhal, M C Vikas UG Library
651.374 KUC 00019634 Secretarial Practice Kuchhal, M C Vikas 2005 8125918809 17th ed. 644 p UG Library
651.374 KUC 00023583 Secretarial Practice Kuchhal, M C Vikas 2005 8125918809 17th ed. 644 p UG Library
651.374 KUC 00051892 Secretarial Practice Kuchhal, M C Vikas 2005 8125918809 17th ed. 644 p UG Library
651.374 KUC 00069758 Secretarial Practice Kuchhal, M C Vikas 2005 8125918809 17th ed. 644 p UG Library
651.374 KUC 00069759 Secretarial Practice Kuchhal, M C Vikas 2005 8125918809 17th ed. 644 p UG Library
651.374 MOH 01028136 How to Pass CS Exams / Mohan, Rajat. Bharat Law House Pvt. Ltd., 2020 9789386920386 2nd ed. 124p.; Knowledge Centre
651.374 SHU 00027403 Corporate Law and Secretarial Practice Shukla, M C S.Chand Company Ltd 1993 560p UG Library
651.374 SHU 00026206 Secretarial Practice Shukla, M C S Chand 429p UG Library
651.374 SUR 00070467 Study Guide Company Secretaries Surana D.K. Vikas 2004 8125906363 703p UG Library
651.3741ACH 00015449 Secraterial Practice Acharya, B K R Sheth UG Library
651.3741ACH 00015450 Secraterial Practice Acharya, B K R Sheth UG Library
651.3741BAG.4 00030822 Secretarial Practice [ug.Lib.Commerce Section] Bagrial, Ashok.k UBSPD 663 p UG Library
651.3741BAG1 00026134 Secretarial Practice Bagrial, Ashok K 0000070698 629p UG Library
651.3741HALB 00025205 Secretarial Practice Hallur, Basava Vijaya UG Library
651.3741HALB 00025206 Secretarial Practice Hallur, Basava Vijaya UG Library
651.3741MUG 00025131 Secretarial Practice Mugali, V N Sheth UG Library
651.3741MUG 00025133 Secretarial Practice Mugali, V N Sheth UG Library
651.3741MUG 00025132 Secretarial Practice Mugali, V N Sheth UG Library
651.3741ROY 00002331 Secraterial Practice Roy, B B World Bank UG Library
651.374I ACH 00021009 Secretarial Practice Acharya B.K. A.R Seth & Co 1975 472p UG Library
651.374IACH.G 00021006 Secretarial Practice Acharya, B K R Seth Co UG Library
651.374IACH.G 00021007 Secretarial Practice Acharya, B K R Seth Co UG Library
651.374IACH.G 00021008 Secretarial Practice Acharya, B K R Seth Co UG Library
651.37MUG 00024802 Secretarial Practice Mugali, V N Sheth 368p UG Library
651.3APP 00088454 Office Organization and Management ( for Bbm and B.Com of All the Universities) Appanniah, Hr Himalayan 2324p UG Library
651.3ARO 00020098 Office Organisation and Management Arora, S P Vikas UG Library
651.3ARO 00020099 Office Organisation and Management Arora, S P Vikas UG Library
651.3BHU 00016367 Secretarial Practice Office Management II Bhushan, Mittal Somaiya UG Library
651.3CHO 00020996 Office Organization and Management Chopra, R K Himalaya UG Library
651.3CPC 00047215 Second BBM 21 Model Question Papers [ Office Organisation and Management ] Cpc Cambridge 40p UG Library
651.3meh 00074694 Healthy Office [ UG ] R M, Mehra Excel Books 8174464638 247p UG Library
651.3RED.E 00030301 Office Organisation and Management Reddy, P L Himalaya 303p UG Library
651.3RED.E 00032525 Office Organisation and Management Reddy, P L Himalaya 303p UG Library
651.3RED.E 00032524 Office Organisation and Management Reddy, P L Himalaya 303p UG Library
651.3RED.E 00032521 Office Organisation and Management Reddy, P L Himalaya 303p Yeshwanthpur Campus
651.3RED.E 00032520 Office Organisation and Management Reddy, P L Himalaya 303p Yeshwanthpur Campus
651.3RED.E 00032519 Office Organisation and Management Reddy, P L Himalaya 303p UG Library
651.3RED.E 00032517 Office Organisation and Management Reddy, P L Himalaya 303p UG Library
651.3RED.E 00031972 Office Organisation and Management Reddy, P L Himalaya 303p UG Library
651.3RED.E 00031910 Office Organisation and Management Reddy, P L Himalaya 303p UG Library
651.3RED.E 00031518 Office Organisation and Management Reddy, P L Himalaya 303p UG Library
651.3RED.E 00030302 Office Organisation and Management Reddy, P L Himalaya 303p Yeshwanthpur Campus
651.3THU 00041672 Office Organisation and Management Thukaram Rao, M E Interline Publications 8172960360 334p UG Library
651.3THU 00047382 Office Organisation and Management Thukaram Rao, M E Interline Publications 8172960360 334p UG Library
651.3THU 00047383 Office Organisation and Management Thukaram Rao, M E Interline Publications 8172960360 334p UG Library
651.3THU 00047385 Office Organisation and Management Thukaram Rao, M E Interline Publications 8172960360 334p UG Library
651.3THU 00047387 Office Organisation and Management Thukaram Rao, M E Interline Publications 8172960360 334p UG Library
651.3THU 00047386 Office Organisation and Management Thukaram Rao, M E Interline Publications 8172960360 334p UG Library
651.3THU 00047384 Office Organisation and Management Thukaram Rao, M E Interline Publications 8172960360 334p UG Library
651.3VAS 00026566 Simple Study of Organization and Management Vasudevan, K New Heights Publishers 279p UG Library
651.4 BHA 00086479 Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Bhatnagar, Piyush Rajat Publications 2008 9788178803548 273 p UG Library
651.4 PER 00140787 Verbal Communication / Periwal, Bhagyashree Yking Books; 2019 9789387945630 288 p. ; UG Library
651.401 BOW 00045671 The Essence of Strategic Management Bowman, Cliff Prentice Hall of India 1998 8120309049 152p UG Library
651.5 WIG 05052887 Effective document and data management : Wiggins, Bob. Gower Pub. ; | Ashgate Pub., 2016 9788186268698 | 9781409446255 3rd ed. xvii,243p.; Knowledge Centre
651.5 WIG 00123084 Effective document and data management : Wiggins, Bob. Gower Pub. ; | Ashgate Pub., 2016 9788186268698 | 9781409446255 3rd ed. xvii,243p.; UG Library
651.5/04261 THO 00097627 Health information technology basics : Thomas-Brogan, Teri. Jones and Bartlett, 9780763746872 (pbk.) | 0763746 ix, 181 p. : UG Library
651.50285 BAN 01013619 Understanding data and information systems for recordkeeping / Bantin, Philip C. Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2008 9781555705800 (alk. paper) | 1 xiii, 331 p. : Knowledge Centre
651.504261 BRE 05026142 Handbook of evaluation methods for health informatics / Brender, Jytte. Elsevier Academic Press, 0123704642 (pbk. : alk. paper) xv, 361 p. : Knowledge Centre
651.504261 VAR 00117893 Pervasive Healthcare Computing Varshney, Upkar Springer, 2010 9781441954961 xi:282p.; UG Library
651.58SHE.6YT 00008328 Reports & How to Write Them Shearring, H.ah.a George 156 p UG Library
651.59 SAF 01012648 Managing electronic records / Saffady, William, ARMA International, 2009 9781555706869 (pbk. : alk. pap 4th ed. viii, 246 p. : Knowledge Centre
651.7 DUG 05015197 Business Letters for Busy People: Time Saving Ready to Use Letter for Any Occasion [ MBA] Dugger, Jim Jaico 8172247176 250p Knowledge Centre
651.7 IRW 03003443 Effective Business Communications : Irwin, David. Viva Books, 2010 9788130914411 171 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.7 LES 05015192 Business Communication - Theory and Application Lesikar, V Raymond Aitbs Publishers & Distributors 8185386056 754 p Knowledge Centre
651.7 MCD 05015121 Business Letters for All Occasions: [MBA] Mcdowell, Homai Strand Book Stall 235p Knowledge Centre
651.7 MCD 05015116 Business Letters for All Occasions Mcdowell, Homai Strand Book Stall 226 p Knowledge Centre
651.7 MON 04001754 Business Communication Strategies Monippally, Matthuku Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2001 9780070435773 258 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
651.7 PER 05015145 Art and Science of Communication: Tools for Effective Communication in the Workplace [MBA-SECTION] Perkins, P S 9780470247594 198 p Knowledge Centre
651.7 SHA 05015108 Business Correspondene and Report Writing: P[rac. Approach to Business & Te Sharma, R C 0070445559 431p Knowledge Centre
651.7 SHA 07010795 Business Correspondence and Report Writting : Sharma R C. Tata McGraw Hill, 2011 9780070681989 4th ed. xx,514p.; Library - BR Campus
651.7 YAG 05015118 Effective Business and Non Fiction Writing Yager, Jan VMP Books 8181830040 162p Knowledge Centre
651.7 ADA 05019365 Effective Communicator Adair, John JAICO 154 Knowledge Centre
651.7 ADA 05019364 Effective Communicator / Adair, John Jaico Publishing House, 8172244282 | 9788172244286 156 p. : Knowledge Centre
651.7 ADL 05019396 Communicating at Work: Principles and Practice for Business and Professions Adler, B Ronald 0071140018 496 p Knowledge Centre
651.7 ANA 00119767 Your Key to Success Anandamurugan, S. Peacock Books, 2013 9788124803042 v:176p.; UG Library
651.7 ARG 05019809 The Power of Corporate Communication Argenti, A Paul 2002 0070582556 294p Knowledge Centre
651.7 BAH 05019383 Business Communication Today Bahl, Sushil Sage Publications 8170365562 199 p Knowledge Centre
651.7 BAI 00045257 Plain English Approach to Business Writing Bailey, P Edward 0195115651 132 p UG Library
651.7 BAL 05019367 Effective Communication Balan, K R 0818610425 167 p Knowledge Centre
651.7 BAR 07012087 Improve your communication skills / Barker, Alan, KoganPage, 2016 9780749475758 (paperback) Fourth edition. x,162 pages ; Library - BR Campus
651.7 BAR 04017911 Improve Your Communication Skills : Barker, Alan Kogan Page, 2013 9780749467166 3rd ed. 185p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
651.7 BAR 04013551 Improve your communication skills / Barker, Alan, KoganPage, 9780749460365 (pbk.) | 0749460 viii, 200 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
651.7 BAR 01013319 Improve your communication skills / Barker, Alan, KoganPage, 9780749460365 (pbk.) | 0749460 viii, 200 p. : Knowledge Centre
651.7 BEN 03007388 Perfect Phrases for Professional Networking / Benjamin, Susan. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2010 9780070700635 xii , 194 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.7 BHA 05015198 Business Communication / Bhatia, R C. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 2006 9788180522369 2nd ed. xxvi, 582p.; Knowledge Centre
651.7 BOR 10004362 Mine Your Language : Borah, Abhishek Penguin Random House, 2024 9780143461623 xxvii, 413 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
651.7 BOU 05022060 The Jelly Effect Bounds, Andy Capstone [Imprint] | John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated 2010 9780857080462 | 0857080466 (Tr xiii,241 p.: Knowledge Centre
651.7 BOV 05019399 Business Communication Today / Bovee, L Courtland Pearson 1988 9788131757994 680 p. : Knowledge Centre
651.7 BRA 00057979 Successful Presentation Skills Bradbury, Andrew Kogan Page 2002 9798175547336 2nd ed, v, 137 p,: UG Library
651.7 CHA 05015412 Business Communication: Concepts, Cases and Applications: [MBA] Chaturvedi, P D Pearson 8129704714 500p Knowledge Centre
651.7 CHO 05019810 Corporate Communication - Concepts and Cases Chowdary, V Nagendra ICFAI 8178812533 163p Knowledge Centre
651.7 CLA 10004888 The Work Smarter: Guide to Presenting/ by Louisa Clarke Clarke, Louisa [Author] Robinson, 2024 9781472148834 1st Ed. xii, 115 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
651.7 DCR 04013888 Body Language and Communication Skills : Dcruze Teresa Aadi Publications ; 2011 9789380902234 266 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
651.7 DIG 05039002 Communication for International Business : Dignen Bob Collins, 2013 9780007537594 220p.: Knowledge Centre
651.7 DIW 05015413 Business Communication Diwan, Parag Excel Books 8174460918 142p Knowledge Centre
651.7 DIW 05015200 Business Communication Diwan, Parag Excel Books 8174460918 144 p Knowledge Centre
651.7 DIW 05015414 Business Communication Diwan, Parag Excel Books 8174460918 144 p Knowledge Centre
651.7 DUT 07002648 Course in Communication Skills/ Dutt, P Kranmai Foundation Books 9788175965713 307p Library - BR Campus
651.7 DUT 05020052 Course in Communication Skills/ Dutt, P Kranmai Foundation Books 9788175965713 307p Knowledge Centre
651.7 EWA 05019392 Business Communication Ewald, Helen Rothschild 0137348800 60 p Knowledge Centre
651.7 GOO 00115886 Professional Presentations Goodale, Malcolm Cambridge Universtiy Press 2005 80p UG Library
651.7 GRE 05015115 Effective Personal Communication Skills for Public Relatins / Green, Andy Kogan Page, 9788175543379 xvii,219p.; Knowledge Centre
651.7 GUF 05020532 Business Communication : Guffey, Mary Ellen Thomson 2002 9789812406095 3rd Ed. 580p. Knowledge Centre
651.7 GUF 05025103 Business Communication : Guffey, Mary Ellen Thomson 2002 9789812406095 3rd Ed. 580p. Knowledge Centre
651.7 GUF 05015199 Business Communication: Process and Product: [MBA] Guffey, Mary Ellen Thomson 9812406093 658p Knowledge Centre
651.7 GUF 05015137 Business Communication: Process and Product: [MBA] Guffey, Mary Ellen Thomson 9812406093 658p Knowledge Centre
651.7 GUP 07002478 Communication Skills / Gupta , Sanjay Shree Niwas Publications, 2015 9780816077786 (hardcover : alk 170 p. : Library - BR Campus
651.7 GUP 05015138 Business Communication: Process and Product Guffey, Mary Ellen Thomson 9812406093 602p Knowledge Centre
651.7 HAR 05019653 Communication Skills for Effective Management Hargie, Owen Palgrave Macmillan 9781403995858 488 p Knowledge Centre
651.7 HAR 05019386 Business communication / Hartley, Peter. Routledge, 0415195497 | 0415195500 (pbk.) xvi, 382 p. : Knowledge Centre
651.7 HAT 05019398 Management Communication Hattersley, E Michael 0071153322 316p Knowledge Centre
651.7 HBR 03006401 Business Communication / Harvard Business School Press, 2003 159139113X (alk. paper) xi, 161 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.7 HBR 05000139 Business Communication : Harvard Business Review Harvard Business School Press, 2003 9781591391135 161 p.: Knowledge Centre
651.7 HBR 03010370 Business Communication : Harvard Business Review Harvard Business School Press, 2003 9781591391135 161 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.7 HBR 03007641 Business Communication / Harvard Business School Press, 2003 159139113X (alk. paper) xi, 161 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.7 HBS 05019375 Havard Business Review on Effective Communication Havard Business School, Boston Harvard Business School Press 1999 1578511437 206p Knowledge Centre
651.7 HBS 05026143 Business Communication: [MBA] Havard Business School Havard Business School, Boston 160p Knowledge Centre
651.7 HBS 05015122 Havard Business Essentials: Business Communication [ MBA ] Havard Business School 0070656533 160p Knowledge Centre
651.7 HOO 00045215 Words at Work David Hooner 1996 1 UG Library
651.7 HYN 05019384 Managerial Communication Hynes Geraldine E Tata McGraw-Hill 9780070706590 341p Knowledge Centre
651.7 JET 05003973 Corporate Communication : Jethwaney, Jaishri. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198063650 xi, 432p. ; Knowledge Centre
651.7 JET 05002258 Corporate Communication : Jethwaney, Jaishri. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198063650 xi, 432p. ; Knowledge Centre
651.7 KAU 05015142 Effective Businnes Communication Kaul, Asha Prentice Hall of India 8120317092 172p Knowledge Centre
651.7 KAU 05015143 Business Communication Kaul, Asha Prentice Hall of India, 2023 9788120338487 2nd ed. xvii, 254p.; Knowledge Centre
651.7 KRI 07015804 Business Communication / Krishnamacharyulu C.S.G.Dr Himalaya Publishing House, 2016 175p.: Library - BR Campus
651.7 KRI 05015135 Business Communication Krizan Thomson South-Western 9788131503461 650p Knowledge Centre
651.7 KRU 00116503 Cool infographics Krum, Randy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2014 9781118582305 (pbk. : alk. pap 1st edition. xix: 348p.: UG Library
651.7 KUL 00075465 Business Communication. Kulkarni, Madhumati R CHAND 2006 205p UG Library
651.7 KUL 00072525 Business Communication Kulkarni, Madhumati M R.CHAND & CO. 05p UG Library
651.7 LES 07014962 Business Communication : Lesikar, Raymond V. [] McGraw-Hill Education , 2015 9351342964 | 9789351342960 13th ed. 772 p.: Library - BR Campus
651.7 LES 00137355 Business Communication : Lesikar, Raymond V. [] McGraw-Hill Education , 2019 9351342964 | 9789351342960 13th rep ed. 772 p.: UG Library
651.7 LES 10003852 Basic Business Communication : Lesikar, Raymond V Tata McGrawhill Publishing Company Limited, 9780070484009 9th Ed., xxv, 592 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
651.7 LES 05052875 Business Communication : Lesikar, Raymond V. [] McGraw-Hill Education , 2015 9351342964 | 9789351342960 13th ed. 772 p.: Knowledge Centre
651.7 LES 01024228 Business Communication : Lesikar, Raymond V. [] McGraw-Hill Education , 2015 9351342964 | 9789351342960 13th ed. 772 p.: Knowledge Centre
651.7 LES 05015193 Business Communication - Theory & Application Lesikar, V Raymond Aitbs Publishers & Distributors 8185386056 754 p Knowledge Centre
651.7 LES 03011055 Business Communication : Lesikar, Raymond V. [] McGraw-Hill Education , 2015 9351342964 | 9789351342960 13th ed. 772 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.7 LES 07001407 Business Communication : Lesikar, Raymond V. [] McGraw-Hill Education , 2015 9351342964 | 9789351342960 13th ed. 772 p.: Library - BR Campus
651.7 MAI 05019379 The Leader as Communicator Mai, Robert Prentice Hall of India 2007 0008120317 276p Knowledge Centre
651.7 OBE 05019391 Contemporary Business Communication Ober Scot biztantra 9788177225228 690p Knowledge Centre
651.7 OBE 05027486 Contemporary Business Communication Ober Scot biztantra 9788177225228 690p Knowledge Centre
651.7 OHA 05002792 Strategic communication in business and the professions / O'Hair, Dan. Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, 2008 9788131722176 6th ed. xiv, 465 p. : Knowledge Centre
651.7 PEN 05019382 Advanced Business Communication: Penrose, M John Thomson 2004 9812406050 447p Knowledge Centre
651.7 PEN 05015411 Advanced Business Communication Penrose, M John Thomson 9812406050 446p Knowledge Centre
651.7 PER 03004395 The art and science of communication : Perkins, P. S. John Wiley & Sons, 2008 9780470247594 (cloth : alk. pa xxiii, 198 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.7 PHI 05018236 Talk Normal : Phillips, Tim, Kogan Page, 2011 9780749463649 | 0749463643 | 9 iv, 177 p. : Knowledge Centre
651.7 PHI 00125503 Talk Normal : Phillips, Tim, Kogan Page, 2011 9780749463649 | 0749463643 | 9 iv, 177 p. : UG Library
651.7 PHI 03008049 Talk Normal : Phillips, Tim, Kogan Page, 2011 9780749463649 | 0749463643 | 9 iv, 177 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.7 PRA 00034028 Business Communication Pradhan 1900 1 UG Library
651.7 RAI 00055137 Effective Communication Rai, Urmila HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2001 8178662396 1st Ed. 346p UG Library
651.7 RAI 00052969 Effective Communication Rai, Urmila HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2001 8178662396 1st Ed. 346p UG Library
651.7 RAI 07015448 Business Communication / Rai Urmila Himalaya Publishing House, 2011 9789350247990 426p.: Library - BR Campus
651.7 RAI 00032540 Business Communication Rai, Urmila Himalaya 1990 3rd Ed. 382p UG Library
651.7 RAI 00063531 Effective Communication Rai, Urmila HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2001 8178662396 1st Ed. 346p UG Library
651.7 RAI 05015139 Business Correspondence and Report Writing Rai, Urmila Himalayan 279p Knowledge Centre
651.7 RAI 05015141 Business Correspondence and Report Writing Rai, Urmila Himalayan 279p Knowledge Centre
651.7 RAI 05015140 Business Correspondence and Report Writing Rai, Urmila Himalayan 279p Knowledge Centre
651.7 RAI 05015179 Principles of Business Communication Rai, Urmila Himalaya Publishing House 203p Knowledge Centre
651.7 RAI 05015180 Principles of Business Communication Rai, Urmila Himalaya Publishing House 203p Knowledge Centre
651.7 RAI 05015153 Principles of Business Communication Rai, Urmila Himalaya Publishing House 203p Knowledge Centre
651.7 RAI 05015178 Principles of Business Communication Rai, Urmila Himalaya Publishing House 203p Knowledge Centre
651.7 RAI 05026307 Principles of Business Communication Rai, Urmila Himalaya Publishing House 203p Knowledge Centre
651.7 RAM 00094304 Business Communication Raman Meenakshi Oxford University Press 9780195676952 595p UG Library
651.7 RAM 05015136 Business Communication Raman Meenakshi Oxford University Press 9780195676952 595p Knowledge Centre
651.7 RAM 05015191 Business Communication [ MTA ] Raman, Meenakshi 0195676955 595p Knowledge Centre
651.7 RAN 03009506 Business Communication and Soft Skills Laboratory Manual / Rani, Sudha D. Pearson, 2012 9788131761229 xvi; 2260 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.7 RAN 05032572 Training Skill And Business Communication / Girish Rana Oxford Book Company, 2012 9789350300138 283 p. Knowledge Centre
651.7 SEH 03011962 Business Communication / Sehgal, M. K. Excel Books, 2013 9789350623145 2nd ed. 518 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.7 SET 05015119 Effective Communication Sethi, Rajeev Infinity Books 8187233087 235 p Knowledge Centre
651.7 SHU 00021012 Effective Letters in Business Shurter, Robert L Tata Mc Graw-Hill 1980 250p UG Library
651.7 SIN 05039719 Fundamentals of Effective Communication / Sinha,M.P. Atlantic, 2014 9788126918812 v,375p.; Knowledge Centre
651.7 SMI 00135684 Integrated Reporting Management : Smith,Sean Stein. Routledge, 2019 9781138498853 xv,185p.; UG Library
651.7 SMI 05019387 Effective Internal Communication Smith, Lyn Kogan Page 9788175543355 226 p Knowledge Centre
651.7 TAY 07010798 Communication for Business a Practical Approach / Taylor Shirley Pearson, 2011 9788131727652 4th ed xvii,437p.: Library - BR Campus
651.7 TAY 07001836 Communication for Business a Practical Approach / Taylor Shirley Pearson, 2011 9788131727652 4th ed xvii,437p.: Library - BR Campus
651.7 TIE 05015111 101 Ways to Better Communication / Tierney, Elizabeth Kogan Page 2002 8175541520 90p.: Knowledge Centre
651.7 TOU 05019815 Key issues in organizational communication / Tourish, Dennis. Routledge, 2003008609 | 0415260949 (hardb xv, 304 p. : Knowledge Centre
651.7 TUR 00060050 Effective Writing - Improving Scientific, Technical and Business Communication Turk, Christopher Spon Press 2003 0419146601 2nd ed 277 p. UG Library
651.7 TUR 00057980 Effective Writing - Improving Scientific, Technical and Business Communication Turk, Christopher Spon Press 2003 0419146601 2nd ed 277 p. UG Library
651.7 VAN 05019806 Essentials of Corporate Communication Van, Cees B M 2007 0415328268 306p Knowledge Centre
651.7 VAN 05019807 Essentials of Corporate Communication Van Riel, Cees B M 2007 0415328268 306p Knowledge Centre
651.7 VEN 04014734 Business Process / Venkatachalam, T A PHI Learning Pvt,Ltd, 2011 9788120341920 xv , 316 .p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
651.7 VEN 00051664 A Text Book Of Business Communication & Personality Development Rao,Venkat S. Subhas Publications 2001 258p; UG Library
651.7 VEN 05003401 Business Process / Venkatachalam, T A PHI Learning Pvt,Ltd, 2011 9788120341920 xv , 316 .p. Knowledge Centre
651.7 VEN 05019808 Corporate Communications:The Age of the Image Venkatramani, S H Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 0812071976 140 Knowledge Centre
651.7 VIL 05019366 More Effective Communicatiion Vilanilam, J V 2000 0761993630 | 9780761993636 238p Knowledge Centre
651.7 WOO 05024663 Mastering Business Communication / Woolcott L A Palgrave Macmillan, 1983 9780333335291 ix, 309 p. Knowledge Centre
651.7/4 04008405 Making business writing happen : Brown, Ralph, Allen & Unwin, 2003 186508963X (pbk.) Rev. ed. xii, 123 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
651.71 NAG 00034029 Principles of Commerce and General Commerce Knowledge Nagarjan, K L S Chand 642 p UG Library
651.73 FOR 03002620 Telephone Skills / Forsyth, Patrick. Universities Press, 2000 9788173713316 67 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.73 LOW 05002240 Telephoning / Susan,Low. Viva Books, 9788130902838 64p. ; Knowledge Centre
651.73 R0B 03000921 Guide to Telephone Tactics / Roberts-Phelps, Graham. Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 2005 9788176499477 195 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.73 TIM 05015114 Winning Telephone Tips: 30 Fast & Profitable Tips Making the Best Use of Your Phone Tim, R Paul Jaico 8172247168 93 Knowledge Centre
651.73 BEL 03007874 Winning With the Caller from Hell : Belding, Shaun. ECW Press, 2005 xviii, 204 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.73 DRU 03008115 The Telephone and Time Management : Drucker, F. Peter. Viva Books Private Limited ; 2004 9788176497237 71 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.73 GOR 04017398 Presentations that Change Minds : Gordon, Josh. McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited ; 2006 0071461094 (alk. paper) | 9780 xiv, 274 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
651.73 GOR 03007260 Presentations that Change Minds : Gordon, Josh. McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited ; 2006 0071461094 (alk. paper) | 9780 xiv, 274 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.73 GRA 07000702 Guide To Telephone Tactics / Graham Viva Books 2005 9788176499477 1st 195p.: Library - BR Campus
651.73 GRA 04025996 The Concise Guide to Telephone Tactics / Graham Viva Books, 2015 9788130930947 195p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
651.73 LOW 05015185 Telephoning / Susan,Low. Viva Books, 9788130902838 64p. ; Knowledge Centre
651.73 MAI 04016648 Make that Call! : Maitland, Lain. Kogan Page, 2009 9788175544550 2nd., 168 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
651.73 MAI 03005892 Make that Call! : Maitland, Lain. Kogan Page, 2009 9788175544550 2nd., 168 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.73 R0B 05043976 Guide to Telephone Tactics / Roberts-Phelps, Graham. Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 2005 9788176499477 195 p.: Knowledge Centre
651.73 SAS 07002691 Oral Communication Skills / Sasikumar,V. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9788175966536 ix,238p.; Library - BR Campus
651.73 STE 03005865 Never be Boring Again : Stevenson, Doug. Viva books, 2005 8176498408 | 9788176498401 xx, 330 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.73 TAY 03004829 Fifty ways to Improve your Telephoning and Teleconferencing Skills : Taylor, Ken Orient Blacswan Pvt. Ltd., 2008 9788125041634 160 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.73 TAY 03004468 Fifty ways to Improve your Telephoning and Teleconferencing Skills : Taylor, Ken Orient Blacswan Pvt. Ltd., 2008 9788125041634 160 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.73 TAY 00105345 Fifty ways to Improve your Telephoning and Teleconferencing Skills : Taylor, Ken Orient Blacswan Pvt. Ltd., 2008 9788125041634 160 p. : UG Library
651.73 TAY 22000579 Fifty ways to Improve your Telephoning and Teleconferencing Skills : Taylor, Ken Orient Blacswan Pvt. Ltd., 2008 9788125041634 160 p. : Knowledge Centre
651.73 TUC 05065321 Intentional Conversations : Tucker, Ken. Familius Books, 2015 9781641701013 139p.; Knowledge Centre
651.73NAT 00081165 Telephoning in English Naterop, B Jean 0521708931 128p UG Library
651.74 LES 03000209 Basic Business Communication: Lesikar, Raymond V. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2005 9780070599758 | 0070599750 606 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.74 BOV 05015181 Business Communication Today / Bovee, Courtland L. Pearson Education, 9788131721209 582 p.; Knowledge Centre
651.74 BOV 05015182 Business Communication Today / Bovee, Courtland L. Pearson Education, 9788131721209 582 p.; Knowledge Centre
651.74 BOV 05015189 Business Communication Today: [MBA] Bovee, L Courtland Pearson Education 8178087790 754p Knowledge Centre
651.74 BOV 05015190 Business Communication Today: [MBA] Bovee, L Courtland Pearson Education 8178087790 754p Knowledge Centre
651.74 BOV 05060277 Business Communication Today / Bovee, Courtland L. Pearson, 2017 9789332578753 13th ed., xlv, 746 p. ; Knowledge Centre
651.74 BOV 05060476 Business Communication Today / Bovee, Courtland L. Pearson, 2018 9781292215341 14th ed., 702 p. ; Knowledge Centre
651.74 CAN 05034301 Business writing in the digital age / Canavor, Natalie, SAGE, 2012 9781412992503 (pbk. : acidfree xiii, 303 p. : Knowledge Centre
651.74 DAV 03007468 The McGraw-Hill 36-hour Course in Business Writing and Communication : Davis, Kenneth. McGraw-Hill, 2005 0071441271 (pbk. : alk. paper) vii, 209, 20 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.74 DUG 05015401 Business Letters for Busy People: Time Saving Ready to Use Letters Dugger, Jim Jaico 8172247176 248p Knowledge Centre
651.74 ELL 00054983 General and Social Letter Writing Elliot, A G Jaico 8172244509 128 UG Library
651.74 FRE 00033100 Written Communication in English. Freeman, Pqr 2000 224 p UG Library
651.74 HBR 05000168 Written communications that inform and influence. Harvard Business School Press, 1422103226 (pbk. : alk. paper) vii, 175 p. ; Knowledge Centre
651.74 KAU 04014728 Business Communication Kaul Asha PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd. 2009 9788120338487 254p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
651.74 LAM 04015526 How to write it : Lamb, Sandra E. Ten Speed Press, 2011 9781607740322 3rd ed. 428 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
651.74 LES 22000799 Basic Business Communication : Skills for Empowering the Internet Generation: Lesikar, V Raymond 2003 9780070486959 9th,Ed. 292p.: Knowledge Centre
651.74 LES 05015183 Basic Business Communication Skills for Empowering the Internet Generation: Lesikar, V Raymond Tata Mc Graw-Hill 0070599769 606p Knowledge Centre
651.74 LES 05026115 Basic Business Communication Skills for Empowering the Internet Generation: Lesikar, V Raymond Tata Mc Graw-Hill 0070599769 606p Knowledge Centre
651.74 LES 05015186 Basic Business Communication Skills for Empowering the Internet Generation: Lesikar, V Raymond Tata Mc Graw-Hill 0070599769 606p Knowledge Centre
651.74 LES 00071461 Basic Business Communication Skills for Empowering the Internet Generation: Lesikar, V Raymond Tata Mc Graw-Hill 0070599769 606p Knowledge Centre
651.74 LES 05015188 Basic Business Communication Skills for Empowering the Internet Generation: Lesikar, V Raymond Tata Mc Graw-Hill 0070599769 606p Knowledge Centre
651.74 LES 05015184 Basic Business Communication Skills for Empowering the Internet Generation: Lesikar, V Raymond Tata Mc Graw-Hill 0070599769 606p Knowledge Centre
651.74 LES 05015026 Basic Business Communication : Skills for Empowering the Internet Generation: Lesikar, V Raymond 2003 9780070486959 9th,Ed. 292p.: Knowledge Centre
651.74 LES 22001057 Basic Business Communication Skills for Empowering the Internet Generation: Lesikar, V Raymond Tata Mc Graw-Hill 0070599769 606p Knowledge Centre
651.74 SHA 10003129 Business Correspondence and Report Writing / Sharma, R C 1998 0074624032 2nd Ed. 322p Yeshwanthpur Campus
651.74 SPA 01000122 Manager`s Guide to Business Writing / D Sparks Suzanne Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2004 9780070486348 xiii,187p.; Knowledge Centre
651.74 WEA 05015152 Persuasive writing : Weaver, Patricia C. Free Press, 0029340209 xi, 239 p. ; Knowledge Centre
651.7402BHA 00086481 Written Communication Bhatnagar, Piyush Rajat Publications 9788178803531 290 p UG Library
651.74SHA.M 00044730 Business Correspondence and Report Writing / Sharma, R C 1998 0074624032 2nd Ed. 322p UG Library
651.75 BON 05015113 Clear Writing: Bonet, Diana Viva Books Private Limited 8176495301 110p Knowledge Centre
651.75 SAN 03002385 1001 Business Letters for All Occasions : Sandler, Corey. Vivabooks Private Limited, 2010 9781598694543 432 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.75 SAN 22002307 1001 business letters for all occasions : Sandler, Corey, Adams Media, 2008 9781598694543 (pbk.) | 1598694 ix, 432 p. Knowledge Centre
651.75 SHR 04001772 Business Correspondence and Report Writing: A Practical Approach to Business & Technical ... Sharma, R C Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2002 9780070445550 431 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
651.75 BAL 00025952 Business Communication Balasubrahmanyan, M 0070690692 264p UG Library
651.75 BAL 00025950 Business Communication Balasubrahmanyan, M 0070690692 264p UG Library
651.75 BEE 05011445 A strategic and tactical approach to global business ethics / Beer, Lawrence A. Business Expert, 2010 9781606491454 xvii, 242 p. : Knowledge Centre
651.75 BEN 01014566 Mastering Business English : Bennie,Michael. Grolier International Inc., 0717297500 208 p.; Knowledge Centre
651.75 BOS 05015402 Personal Letters for Business People Bosticco, Mary Jaico 8172243472 350 p Knowledge Centre
651.75 BRO 05015120 Better Business Writting : Techniques for Improving Correspondence. Brock, Susan L Viva Books Private Limited 2004 8176495190 3rd Ed. 97p.: Knowledge Centre
651.75 CAV 05011203 Born Global Firms : Cavusgil, Tamer S. Business Expert Press, 2009 9781606490129 128 p. : Knowledge Centre
651.75 CZI 05011440 :Emerging Trends, Threats, and Opportunities in International Marketing / Czinkota, Michael R. Business Expert Press, 2009 9781606490358 xxi, 378 p. : Knowledge Centre
651.75 DOC 00025134 Principles and Practice of Business Communications Doctor A, Rhoda UG Library
651.75 DRU 00017897 English for International Business. Drummond, Gordon Oxford University 1970 159p UG Library
651.75 GAR 00012942 Modern business correspondence Gartside L The english language book society and macdonald and evans Ltd 1967 2nd ed. 468p. UG Library
651.75 GUP 10002314 Business correspondance and reporting/ Gupta, C.B Taxmann publications pvt ltd., 2023 9789356226029 4th ed., I-8, 474 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
651.75 HAG 05011446 Understanding japanese management practices / Haghirian, Parissa. Business Expert, 2010 9781606491188 xi, 160 p. : Knowledge Centre
651.75 HAR 00115879 30 Minutes...To Succeed in Business Writing Hart, Graham Kogan 2003 9788175540712 63p UG Library
651.75 HIR 05015155 Communication and Grouyp Decision Making Hirokawa, Y Randy 0076190462 490 p Knowledge Centre
651.75 JAI 03007176 Effective Business Communication / Jain, Neera. Tat McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited ; 2012 9781259001673 372 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.75 JON 04015192 New International Business English : Jones, Leo CUP . 2010 9781107400542 176 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
651.75 JON 41000272 New International Business English : Jones, Leo CUP . 2010 9781107400542 176 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
651.75 KAU 04014797 Effective business communication / Kaul, Asha PHI Learning, 2000 9788120317093 viii , 172 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
651.75 KOL 00005226 Commercial Correspondence Koli, Dr U R Vora & Co. 226p UG Library
651.75 KUM 00143512 Business Communication / Kumar,Varinder. Kalyani Publication, 2021 9789327270143 690p, ; UG Library
651.75 MAG 10000871 Business Communication / Magan, Sangeeta. Biztantra, 2018 9788177228281 1ST xv, 268p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
651.75 MAG 10000870 Business Communication / Magan, Sangeeta. Biztantra, 2018 9788177228281 1ST xv, 268p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
651.75 MAJ 00007371 Commercial Correspondence Majumdar, M Bookland Private Ltd 1971 336 p. UG Library
651.75 MAR 05015117 Art of Effective Communication Margerison, Charles J Excel Books 8174460349 206 p Knowledge Centre
651.75 MUN 05011442 International Social Entrepreneurship : Munoz, J. Mark. Business Expert Press, 2010 9781606491065 200 p. : Knowledge Centre
651.75 PAN 07001916 Business Communication / Pani Prabhat Kumar.Dr SSDN Publishers & Distributors, 2014 9789383575244 252p.: Library - BR Campus
651.75 PRA 00047437 Business Communication Prabhu, K H Subhas 1992 186p UG Library
651.75 RAI 00055136 Business Correspondence and Report Writing Rai, S M HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 0817866318 200p UG Library
651.75 RAM 00027353 Effective Business English and Correspondence Ramesh, M.s R Chand & Co 500p UG Library
651.75 RAM 00040393 Business Communication Raman, B S United 462p UG Library
651.75 RAM 00040395 Business Communication Raman, B S United 462p UG Library
651.75 RAM 00047453 Business Communication Raman, B S United 462p UG Library
651.75 RAM 00034033 Effective Business English and Correspondence Ramesh, M.s R Chand & Co 500p UG Library
651.75 RAO 03009874 Business Communication / Subba Rao, P. Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131516744 xix,471p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.75 RAO 05040165 Business Communication / Subba Rao, P. Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131516744 xix,471p.; Knowledge Centre
651.75 RED 10000873 Business Communication / Reddy, C R. Wiley, 2019 9789389583007 xii, 292p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
651.75 RED 10000874 Business Communication / Reddy, C R. Wiley, 2019 9789389583007 xii, 292p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
651.75 RED 10000872 Business Communication / Reddy, C R. Wiley, 2019 9789389583007 xii, 292p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
651.75 SAN 05015405 1001 business letters for all occasions : Sandler, Corey, Adams Media, 2008 9781598694543 (pbk.) | 1598694 ix, 432 p. Knowledge Centre
651.75 SCH 05011443 The Internationalists : Scherer, Catherine W. Business Expert, 2010 9781606490662 x,117 p. : Knowledge Centre
651.75 SHA 04014488 Step By Step : Shadravan, Darvish PHI, 2012 9788120345515 446p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
651.75 SHA 00044662 Business Correspondence and Report Writing / Sharma, R C 1998 0074624032 2nd Ed. 322p Yeshwanthpur Campus
651.75 SHA 00041238 Business Correspondence and Report Writing / Sharma, R C 1998 0074624032 2nd Ed. 322p Yeshwanthpur Campus
651.75 SHA 00137354 Business correspondence and report writing Sharma, R. C. McGraw hill Education (india) Private Limited., 2017 9789385965050 5th rev. ed. xxiv,539p.; UG Library
651.75 SHA 05015404 Business Correspondence and Report Writing: Sharma, R C 0074624032 322p Knowledge Centre
651.75 SHA 00044663 Business Correspondence and Report Writing / Sharma, R C 1998 0074624032 2nd Ed. 322p UG Library
651.75 SHA 00022045 Business Correspondence and Report Writing Sharma, R C T M Hall 260p UG Library
651.75 SHA 00022046 Business Correspondence and Report Writing Sharma, R C T M Hall 260p UG Library
651.75 SHA 00136505 Business correspondence and report writing Sharma, R. C. McGraw hill Education (india) Private Limited., 2016 9789385965050 5th rev. ed. xxiv,539p.; UG Library
651.75 SHA 00136506 Business correspondence and report writing Sharma, R. C. McGraw hill Education (india) Private Limited., 2016 9789385965050 5th rev. ed. xxiv,539p.; UG Library
651.75 SHA 00141836 Business correspondence and report writing: Sharma, R. C. McGraw hill Education (india) Private Limited., 2020 9789390113002 6th ed., xxiii,540p.; UG Library
651.75 SHA 00041239 Business Correspondence and Report Writing Sharma, R C 0070074622 322 UG Library
651.75 SHA 00044728 Business Correspondence and Report Writing / Sharma, R C 1998 0074624032 2nd Ed. 322p Yeshwanthpur Campus
651.75 SHA 00044732 Business Correspondence and Report Writing / Sharma, R C 1998 0074624032 2nd Ed. 322p Yeshwanthpur Campus
651.75 SHA 00044729 Business Correspondence and Report Writing / Sharma, R C 1998 0074624032 2nd Ed. 322p Yeshwanthpur Campus
651.75 SHA 00044731 Business Correspondence and Report Writing / Sharma, R C 1998 0074624032 2nd Ed. 322p UG Library
651.75 SHA 01024280 Business correspondence and report writing Sharma, R. C. McGraw hill Education (india) Private Limited., 2016 9789385965050 5th rev. ed. xxiv,539p.; Knowledge Centre
651.75 SHA 05011444 Managing Internatioanl Business in Relation-Based versus Rule-Based countries / Li, Shaomin. Business Expert, 2009 9781606490846 144 p. ; Knowledge Centre
651.75 SHE 00032510 Essential of Marketing Management Sherlekar, S A Himalaya UG Library
651.75 SHR 10003161 Business Correspondence and Report Writing: Sharma, R.C., Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2002 9780070445550 3rd ed., xviii, 431 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
651.75 TAY 00061905 Model Business Letters, E-Mails & Other Business Documents Taylor, Shirley Pearson 8129704137 494p UG Library
651.75 VER 00124326 Business Communication Shalini Verma Pearson, 2014 9788131765791 xix, 588 p.: UG Library
651.75 VER 00141837 Business Communication: Shalini,Verma Vikas publishing house, 2019 9789325981171 2nd ed., xxii,443p.; UG Library
651.75 ZOU 05011441 Export Marketing Strategy : Zou, Shaoming. Business Expert Press, 2009 9781606490082 362 p. : Knowledge Centre
651.752024772 MAM 00115885 Educator`s Lifetime Encyclopedia of Letters Mamchak, P Susan` The Centre for applied Research in Education 2002 0137954360 238p UG Library
651.75AIMA 00064115 Business Communication: Study Guide: GM12 All India Management Association - New D, elhi All India Association 40p UG Library
651.75BRI 00004488 Modern Business Letter Writing Bright, J S Varma Bros UG Library
651.75DOC.D 00025135 Principles and Practice of Business Communications Doctor, Rhoda A Seth Publishers 311p UG Library
651.75GUL 00024568 Csr:Write Better English Gulati, O.p SUDHA 188p UG Library
651.75JAI 00004999 Modern Drafting Jain, R C UG Library
651.75KAS.R 00025219 Business English and Correspondence Kashyap, R.a Arunodayas 240p UG Library
651.75MAJ 00016045 Commercial Correspondence Majumdar, M UG Library
651.75MIL 00004489 Business Letters Malik, K Nulight UG Library
651.75RA 00032523 Office Organization and Management Reddy, P N Himalaya UG Library
651.75SAG 00016046 Commercial Letters Sagar, Anand New Light 295p UG Library
651.75WAT 00045200 How to Write Social Letters [ Special Techniques ] Watson, Lillian Eichler Crest 8124200971 250p UG Library
651.78 BAU 05015154 How to Write First Class Business Correspondence Baugh, L Sue Viva Books Private Limited 8185617643 302 p Knowledge Centre
651.78 BEN 05015128 Report Writing in Business - the Effective Communication of Information Bentley, T J Viva Books Private Limited 8176494941 114p Knowledge Centre
651.78 BEN 05015127 Report Writing in Business - the Effective Communication of Information Bentley, T J Viva Books Private Limited 8176494941 114p Knowledge Centre
651.78 BEN 00058231 Report Writing In Business Bentley, T J Viva Books Private Limited 2003 8176494941 | 9788176494946 114 UG Library
651.78 FOR 00115880 30 Minutes...To Write a Report Forsyth, Patrick Kogan 2003 62 p UG Library
651.78 FOR 05015124 30 Minutes...To Write a Report Forsyth, Patrick Kogan Page 8175540745 62 p Knowledge Centre
651.78 HAR 05015125 30 Minutes... to Succeed in Business Writing Hart, Graham Kogan Page 8175540710 62 p Knowledge Centre
651.78 HER 00057992 Report Writing in a Week / Heritage, Katharine Hodder & Stoughton, 2003 0340849568 95p. UG Library
651.78 HER 05015123 Report Writing in a Week / Heritage, Katharine Hodder & Stoughton, 2003 0340849568 95p. Knowledge Centre
651.78 KUM 05015158 Communication and Management Kumar, Niraj Gyan Publishing House 0812120562 520 p Knowledge Centre
651.78 KUM 05015156 Communication and Management Kumar, Niraj Gyan Publishing House 0812120562 520 p Knowledge Centre
651.78 KUM 05015157 Communication and Management Kumar, Niraj Gyan Publishing House 0812120562 520 p Knowledge Centre
651.78 KUM 00046379 Communication and Management Kumar, Niraj Gyan Publishing House 0812120562 520 p UG Library
651.78 KUM 05026113 Communication and Management Kumar, Niraj Gyan Publishing House 0812120562 520 p Knowledge Centre
651.78 LIN 05015126 30 Minutes... to Write Sales Letters Linton, Ian Kogan Page 8175540753 62 p Knowledge Centre
651.78 PEE 00057993 Presentation In A Week Peel, Malcolm 2002 0340850582 | 9780340850589 96p UG Library
651.78028553 FIT 05003697 Crystal Reports 2008 Official Guide / Sams Pub. : | Business Objects Press, 2009 9788131726440 xv, 553 p. : Knowledge Centre
651.78028557585 FIT 05003678 Crystal Reports XI : FitzGerald, Neil. Pearson Education, 2007 9780672329173 (pbk.) | 9788131 xxviii, 932 p. : Knowledge Centre
651.78028557585 PEC 05003835 Crystal Reports 10 : Peck, George McGraw-Hill/Osborne, 2004 9780070597891 xxviii, 940 p. : Knowledge Centre
651.781 BAU 05015129 How to Write First Class Memos: Book for Practical Memo Writing Baugh, L Sue Viva Books Private Limited 8185617651 215 p Knowledge Centre
651.781 FOR 05015130 How to Be Better at Writing Reports and Proposals Forsyth, Patrick Kogan Page 8175540850 120 p Knowledge Centre
651.79 BOO 03008506 E-Writing : Booher, Dianna Daniels. MACMILLAN ; 2001 0743412583 | 9781403932020 xi, 383 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.79 HOL 03007595 Corporate conversations : Holtz, Shel PHI, 2007 9788120332669 292 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.79 HOL 04014768 Corporate conversations : Holtz, Shel PHI, 2007 9788120332669 292 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
651.79 SON 03007296 The Hamster Revolution : Song, Mike, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2007 9781576754375 (hardcover) | 97 1st ed. xii, 129 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.79 VER 00116617 Internal communications Verghese, Aniisu K., SAGE Publications, 2012 9788132109662 (pbk. : alk. pap xx, 196 p. ; UG Library
651.79 VER 03008835 Internal Communications : Verghese, Aniisu K., SAGE Publications, 2012 9788132109662 (pbk. : alk. pap 196 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.7ECK 00004456 English Common Practice and Correspondence Eckeresele, E l b s UG Library
651.7ICSI 00089997 Foundation Programme: English and Business Communication: Study Material Institute of Company Secretaries of Indi, a Institute of Company Secretaries of India 372p Knowledge Centre
651.7MCD 00042229 Business Letters for All Occasions Mcdowell, Homai Strand Book Stall 234 p UG Library
651.7NAM 00032939 Business Communiations and Correspondence Nambiar, M C K Mha UG Library
651.8 NAM 05018069 Computerized Business Applications : Nambissan, T M Ramachandran Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd., 1995 290 p Knowledge Centre
651.8 NAM 05018068 Computerized Business Applications : Nambissan, T M Ramachandran Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd., 1995 290 p Knowledge Centre
651.8 BHA 04019268 Strategic data warehousing : Bhansali, Neera. CRC Press, 2010 9781420083941 (hardcover : alk xvii, 199 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
651.8 CRE 05067716 Fortran IV with watfor / Cress, Paul. Prentice Hall, 1968 109876543 xii, 380p.; Knowledge Centre
651.8 CRE 05054411 FORTRAN IV with WATFOR and WATFIV / Cress, Paul. Prentice-Hall 1970 0133294331 [Rev. ed.] xv, 447 p. Knowledge Centre
651.8 EKM 05050918 Introduction to ALGOL programming / Ĕkman, Torgil. Studentlitteratur; | Oxford University Press, 1967 (6), 172 p. Knowledge Centre
651.8 JAI 05018045 O`Level Module III Systems Design and Business Applications / Jain, V K B P B Publications, 1995 248 p Knowledge Centre
651.8 JAI 05018046 O`Level Module III Systems Design and Business Applications / Jain, V K B P B Publications, 1995 248 p Knowledge Centre
651.8 KRO 05018047 Business Computer System : Kroenke, M David McGraw-Hill International, 1989 530 p Knowledge Centre
651.8 SCO 05051870 PL/1 For Programmers / Scott, Ramon C Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1970 392 p. Knowledge Centre
651.8 SHA 04021745 Business Telecommunications / Sharma, Amit Anmol Publishers, 2014 9788126163205 300p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
651.8 SPE 05057963 Fundamentals of digital computers, Spencer, Donald D. H. W. Sams 1969 [1st ed.] 256 p. Knowledge Centre
651.8 WES 05015403 Spreadsheets for Accounting & Business Applications Covers Lotus 123 West, Colston Pustak Mahal 344 p Knowledge Centre
651.8 WES 05015194 Spreadsheets for Accounting & Business Applications Covers Lotus 123 West, Colston Pustak Mahal 344 p Knowledge Centre
651.8425 GOT 03011640 Next Generation Excel : Gottlieb, Isaac D. Wiley , 2013 9788126542581 394 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
651.9EDI 00012818 Sacretary;s Complete Model Letter Edings, Clain Neff Vikas Delhi UG Library
651JAI 00007227 Sacretarial Practice Jain, Dugar World Press UG Library
651JAI 00007230 Sacretarial Practice Jain, Dugar World Press UG Library
651JAI 00007231 Sacretarial Practice Jain, Dugar World Press UG Library
651JAI 00007229 Sacretarial Practice Jain, Dugar World Press UG Library
651JAI 00007228 Sacretarial Practice Jain, Dugar World Press UG Library
651MAD 00016426 Secraterial Practice Madon, Kharshed D P Progressive UG Library
651MUG 00025208 Secretarial Practice Mugali, V N Seth Publishers 368p UG Library
651RAMI 00025099 Advanced Accountancy Raman, B S United UG Library
651RAMI 00025100 Advanced Accountancy Raman, B S United UG Library
651RAMI 00025101 Advanced Accountancy Raman, B S United UG Library
651RAMI 00025103 Advanced Accountancy Raman, B S United UG Library
651RAT 99000390 Ascertain the Affect of Rupee Appreciatin in India in the Garment Industry With Special Reference to Indus Fila Limited Bangalore {BBM} Rathi, Piyush CCIM 65 p Knowledge Centre
651RED.8 00032522 Office Organisation and Management Reddy, P N Himalaya 303p UG Library
651ROY 00007221 Sacretarial Practice Roy, B B UG Library
651ROY 00007222 Sacretarial Practice Roy, B B UG Library
651ROY 00007223 Sacretarial Practice Roy, B B UG Library
651ROY 00007224 Sacretarial Practice Roy, B B UG Library
651ROY 00007226 Sacretarial Practice Roy, B B UG Library
651ROY 00007225 Sacretarial Practice Roy, B B UG Library
652 BAH 00026531 Business Correspondence Bahl, J.c NMP 480p UG Library
652 KLA 00023192 Writng By Design Klarner, Walter E Houghton Miffin 293po` UG Library
652 MIL 00058303 Business Writing That Counts Miller, Julie Dr Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2002 8120724194 | 9788120724198 223 UG Library
652 SCH 00018150 English in Buisness De Schiffrin, R S Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd 208p UG Library
652 SHA 00131734 Effective Communication Skills: Sharma, Sharmila. Book Enclave, 2018 9788181524508 332 p.; UG Library
652 STE 00011986 Principles and Practise of Commercial Correspondence Stephenson, James Sir Issac Pitman & Sons 303p UG Library
652.1 SNO 00033517 Contemporary Drill Design Snoeck, M Kenneth Lowacl 155p UG Library
652.3 BHA 00058317 Typewriting Bhatia, R C Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2003 8120719298 3rd Ed 361 p UG Library
652.302 VAS 00122315 Skills for Excellence Vas,Luis S R Pustak Mahal 2014 9788122300734 175p UG Library
652.452 LAW 00105350 Presentations Laws,Anne. Orient BlackSwan. 2000 9788125041573 vi,139 p. UG Library
652.5 NAI 05072657 Introduction to Wordstart / Naiman, Arthur. B.P.B Publications, 1985 2nnd Ed. xxi,208p.; Knowledge Centre
652.8 GOL 04001258 Foundations of Cryptography Goldreich, Oded Cambridge University Press 2008 9780521670517 372p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
652.8 SIN 04007067 Elementary Cryptanalysis: A Mathematical Approach Sinkov, Abraham Committee on Publications 2009 9780883856475 212 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
652.8 ELL 10004414 Secret Writing in the Long Eighteenth Century: Theories and Practices of Cryptology/by katherine Ellison Ellison, Katherine [Author] Cambridge University Press 2022 9781009078146 1st Ed. 87p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
652.8 GJO 00144381 Practical mathematical cryptography / Gjosteen, Kristian, CRC press, 2023 9780367710859 | 9780367711191 First edition. xi,533p, ; UG Library
652.8 GOL 04013846 Foundations of Cryptography / Goldreich, Oded Cambridge University Press, 2004 9780521670418 | 9780521670524 2 v.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
652.8 GOL 10000464 Foundations of Cryptography / Goldreich, Oded Cambridge University Press, 2004 9780521670418 | 9780521670524 2 v.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
652.8 GOL 10000465 Foundations of Cryptography / Goldreich, Oded Cambridge University Press, 2004 9780521670418 | 9780521670524 2 v.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
652.8 GOL 00067384 Foundations of Cryptography Goldreich, Oded 0521521677 372p UG Library
652.8 GOL 04001259 Foundations of Cryptography Goldreich, Oded Cambridge University Press 2008 9780521670517 372p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
652.8 PIP 05048831 Cryptography : Piper, F. C. Oxford University Press, 2002 0192803158 | 9780192803153 142 p. : Knowledge Centre
652.8 SIN 00129542 The Code Book : Singh, Simon. Ember, 2001 9780385730624 | 0385900325 263 p. : UG Library
652.8 SIN 07007075 The Code Book : Singh Simon Fourth Estate, 1999 9780007453085 xiii,402p.: Library - BR Campus
652.8 SIN 05048087 The Code Book : Singh Simon Fourth Estate, 1999 9780007453085 xiii,402p.: Knowledge Centre
652.80151 HOF 04013792 An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography / Hoffstein, Jeffrey Springer, 2008 9788132204053 523p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
652.80151 HOF 04013793 An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography / Hoffstein, Jeffrey Springer, 2008 9788132204053 523p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
652.80151 HOF 04016332 An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography / Hoffstein, Jeffrey Springer, 2008 9788132204053 523p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
652.80151 HOF 00117899 An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography / Hoffstein, Jeffrey Springer, 2008 9788132204053 523p. : UG Library
652.809 SIN 04015689 The Code Book : Singh, Simon. Anchor Books, a division of Random House, Inc., 1999 1st Anchor Books ed. xvii, 411 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
652.809 SIN 04008104 The Code Book : Singh, Simon. Anchor Books, a division of Random House, Inc., 1999 1st Anchor Books ed. xvii, 411 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
653.042 MAH 00069763 Fundamentals of Accounting for CA Professional Education Examination. Maheshwari, S N Vikas 2005 8125918639 4.150p UG Library
654 KER 03000754 Management Tool Kit : Kermally, Sultan. Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 2008 9788176493697 | 8176493694 209 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
654.4 TAL 00121162 Handbook of effective letter writing / Talati J K Paradise Publishers 2012 9789380033440 346p. UG Library
654.4036 KAT 03001041 Discipline of Teams Katzenbach, Joh R Willey Publication 9780471382546 239 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
654.4063 ANT 03000015 Innovator's Guide to Growth: Putting Disruptive Innovation to Work Anthony, Scott D Harvard Business School PRESS 9781591398462 299 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
654.73 VEC 01007814 Valuing damage and losses in cultural assets after a disaster : Vecvagars, Kaspars. Naciones Unidas CEPAL, 9211216117 | 9789211216110 59 p. : Knowledge Centre
654.83 LOG 03002149 Malabar Manual Logan, William Low Price Publications 9788175364752 759 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
654.83 LOG 03002148 Malabar Manual Logan, William Low Price Publications 9788175364752 759 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
654JOS 00027697 Modren Asia Joshi, D T 354 UG Library
655.02 HIN 03005930 War No More : Hinde, Rovert Viva Books; 2007 9788130906270 x,228p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
655.3SPE 00004245 Printing Works Like This Spellman, John A UG Library
655.4038 HEN 05017232 Information System Concepts Management Lucas, C Henry M G H Knowledge Centre
655.50952 SCH 05020329 Japanese Manufacturing Techniques Schonberger, J Richard 1982 0029291003 257p Knowledge Centre
656.421 KOE 04022184 Brand New : Koehn, Nancy F Harvard Business School Press, 2001 1578512212 | 9781578512218 469p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
656.421 KOE 00066755 Brand New Koehn, Nancy F Harvard Business School Press 2001 1578512212 469p UG Library
657 07000842 Accounting : D G Sharma Taxmann Publishing, 2015 3rd 876 p. Library - BR Campus
657 AHM 03001208 Fundamentals of Financial Accounting : Ahmed, Naseem. Ane Books, 2009 8180522296 | 9788180522291 970 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 ALB 03000316 Financial Accounting: A User Perspective Albright, Thomas L Thomason 9780324374650 603 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 ALI 05014072 Accountancy Alice Mani 621p Knowledge Centre
657 ANT 05014010 Accounting Principles: [PG] Anthony, N Robert Aitbs Publishers & Distributors 8185386080 878p Knowledge Centre
657 ANT 05014045 Accounting: Text and Cases: [MBA] Anthony, N Robert 0070635536 933p Knowledge Centre
657 BAL 05013979 Accounting and Finance for Managers: Balwani, Nitin Excel Books 8174462651 608p Knowledge Centre
657 BAL 05013980 Accounting and Finance for Managers Balwani, Nitin Excel Books 608 Knowledge Centre
657 BAL 05013978 Accounting and Finance for Managers Balwani, Nitin Excel Books 608 Knowledge Centre
657 BAL 05015096 Accounting and Finance for Managers [ AIMA] Balwani, Nitin Excel Books 8174462651 602p Knowledge Centre
657 BAN 04000289 Financial Accounting: Banerjee, Ashok Excel Books, 2008 8174464158 702 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 BAN 03001449 Financial Accounting : Banerjee, Ashok. Excel Books, 2008 8174464158 | 9798174464155 702 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 BAN 03003323 Financial Policy and Management Accounting / Banerjee, Bhabatosh. Prentice-Hall of Inida, 2010 9788120341654 8th ed. 1007 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 BAN 03003322 Financial Policy and Management Accounting / Banerjee, Bhabatosh. Prentice-Hall of Inida, 2010 9788120341654 8th ed. 1007 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 BHA 05014075 Accounting Skills: A Practical Guide for Non-Accounting Executives [mba-Secton] Bhradwaj, Prakash N Arya Wheeler 8185814724 305 p Knowledge Centre
657 BIG 05013965 Cost Accounting Bigg, Walter W MACDONALD & EVANS LIMITED 1972 564p; Knowledge Centre
657 CHA 05014121 Managers Guide to Finance and Accounting Chandra, Prasanna 0074518852 328p Knowledge Centre
657 CHA 05014076 Management Accountancy / Chakraborty,Hrishikesh. Oxford University Press, 9780195632491 xxii,1008p.; Knowledge Centre
657 COL 05014059 Business Accounting:An Introduction to Financial and Management Accounting [MBA-SECTION] Collis, Jill 9780230226487 379 p Knowledge Centre
657 COL 03001221 Business Accounting : Collis, Jill. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008 9780230226487 379 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 CRO 03001246 Managing Finance : Crowther, David. Elsevier, 2008 9788131207970 | 8131207978 364 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 FEN 03001094 Accounting for Risk in the NHS Fean, Paul CIMA 1859713491 80 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 GHO 05013975 Principles and Practice of Accounting Ghosh, T P Galgotia 8185989389 1360p Knowledge Centre
657 GRE 05014016 Introduction to Accountancy Grewal, T S S.Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1988 864p; Knowledge Centre
657 GUP 00023613 Advanced Accountancy Vol II : Gupta, R L. Sultan Chand and Sons, 1989 . 6th FSA 412 p.; UG Library
657 GUP 03001261 Financial Accounting for Management : Gupta, Ambrish. Pearson Education, 2008 9788131722855 986 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 ICSI 05013720 Foundation Programme : Financial Accounting (Study Material) Institute of Company Secretaries of Indi, a Institute of Company Secretaries of India 2009 466p; Knowledge Centre
657 ILO 05014066 How to Read a Balance Sheet Adapted to Indian Laws and Requirements / 0 Oxford, 1997 0812040405 213p.; Knowledge Centre
657 ING 03000838 Accounting Information for Decisions Ingram, Robert W Thomason 9780324225341 p v School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 JAN 05013974 Accounting and Finance for Managers / Janardhanam, K. Excel Books, 9788174465849 xi,608p.; Knowledge Centre
657 KES 03001423 Case Problems in Finance / Kester, W. Carl Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 9780070667051 | 0070667055 806 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 KUM 10003744 Financial Accounting / Kumar, Anil S Himalaya Publishing House, 2018 9789352733477 268 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 LUN 03001530 Financial Accounting Fundamentals / Lunt, Henry. Elsevier, 2008 750667044 | 9780750667043 607 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 LYN 03001491 Accounting for Management : Lynch,Richard M. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2006 9780070992030 xviii,541p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 MAH 03002025 Management Accounting and Financial Control / Maheshwari, S. N. Sultan Chand & Sons, 2009 9788180546341 | 8180546341 P. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 MAH 00143690 Financial Accounting For BBA / Maheshwari S N Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2021 9789352718719 xviii, 2.264p,; UG Library
657 MAH 07001883 An Introduction to Accountancy / Maheshwari, S N Vikas Publishing, 2013 9789325969025 11th ed. xv,5.167p.; Library - BR Campus
657 MAH 05014013 Corporate Accounting Maheswari, S N Vikas 8125910980 1538p Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 03002026 Management Accounting and Financial Control / Maheshwari, S. N. Sultan Chand & Sons, 2009 9788180546341 | 8180546341 P. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 MAH 05014042 Problems and Solutions in Advanced Accountacy -Volume 1 Maheshwari, S N Vikas 2001 8125909788 Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 05014005 Problems and Solutions in Advanced Accountacy -Volume 1 Maheshwari, S N Vikas 2001 8125909788 Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 05014029 Problems and Solutions in Advanced Accountacy Volume 2 Maheshwari, S N Vikas 8125909796 4201p Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 05014028 Problems and Solutions in Advanced Accountacy Volume 2 Maheshwari, S N Vikas 8125909796 4201p Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 05014030 Problems and Solutions in Advanced Accountacy Volume 2 Maheshwari, S N Vikas 8125909796 4201p Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 05014040 Problems and Solutions in Advanced Accountancy Volume II / Maheshwari, S N Vikas, 2008 9788125923411 3.207 p.; Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 05014008 Advanced Accountancy: Volume 2 Maheshwari, S N Vikas 8125909044 3452p Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 05014041 Advanced Accountancy Vol II Maheshwari, S N Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 05014007 Advanced Accountancy Vol-I Maheshwari, S. N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2015 9788125930914 10th ed. xvii, 3.221 p.; Knowledge Centre
657 MUK 05014037 Modern Accountancy - Volume I Mukherjee, A 0074630172 542p Knowledge Centre
657 MUK 05014046 Modern Accountancy - Volume I Mukherjee, A 0074630172 542p Knowledge Centre
657 MUK 05014038 Modern Accountancy - Volume I Mukherjee, A 0074630172 542p Knowledge Centre
657 MUK 05014052 Modern Accountacncy - Volume II Mukherjee, Amitabha 0070499667 542p Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 05013963 Financial Accounting : A Managerial Perspective Narayanaswamy, R Prentice Hall of India 2008 9788120335622 699p: Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 04000425 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R Prentice-Hall of Inida, 2005 9788120327955 xiii,663p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 NEE 03000266 Financial Accounting / Needles, Belverd E. Dreamtech Press, 2008 9788177227611 | 8177227610 850 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 NEE 03001414 Financial Accounting Needles, Belverd E Dreamtech Press 8177227610 850 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 PAT 00072679 Financial Accounting-1 Patil, V A R.CHAND & CO. 2005 1 UG Library
657 PAU 05014049 Fundamentals of Accounting: [UGC Autonomous Grant] Paul, S Kr New Central Book Agency Pvt.Ltd 8173810427 1105p Knowledge Centre
657 POR 05014024 Accounting Theory Porwal, L S 1998 0074623273 398 p Knowledge Centre
657 POR 05015099 Accounting Theory Porwal, L S 1998 0074623273 398 p Knowledge Centre
657 POR 00040811 Financial Accounting: Porter, A Gary The Dryden Press : 1995 0155001922 | 9780155001923 878 p.: UG Library
657 PRA 05014026 New Vistas in Accounting - Vol I Prasuna, D G ICFAI 8178811324 197p Knowledge Centre
657 PUT 05014032 Financial Accounting Puttappa, K S Prasanna Publications 1999 Knowledge Centre
657 RAJ 03001833 Text Book of Accountancy for First Year Pre-University as Per the New Syllabus / Raj, T. V. Sapna Book House , 2008 8128002708 640 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 RAJ 03001834 Text Book of Accountancy for First Year Pre-University as Per the New Syllabus / Raj, T. V. Sapna Book House , 2008 8128002708 640 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 RAJ 03001835 Text Book of Accountancy for First Year Pre-University as Per the New Syllabus / Raj, T. V. Sapna Book House , 2008 8128002708 640 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 RAJ 03001836 Text Book of Accountancy for First Year Pre-University as Per the New Syllabus / Raj, T. V. Sapna Book House , 2008 8128002708 640 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 RAJ 03001837 Text Book of Accountancy for First Year Pre-University as Per the New Syllabus / Raj, T. V. Sapna Book House , 2008 8128002708 640 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 RAJ 03001838 Text Book of Accountancy for First Year Pre-University as Per the New Syllabus / Raj, T. V. Sapna Book House , 2008 8128002708 640 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 RAJ 03001839 Text Book of Accountancy for First Year Pre-University as Per the New Syllabus / Raj, T. V. Sapna Book House , 2008 8128002708 640 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 RAJ 03001840 Text Book of Accountancy for First Year Pre-University as Per the New Syllabus / Raj, T. V. Sapna Book House , 2008 8128002708 640 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 RAJ 03001682 Text Book of Accountancy for First Year Pre-University as Per the New Syllabus / Raj, T. V. Sapna Book House , 2008 8128002708 640 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 RAJ 03001826 Text Book of Accountancy for First Year Pre-University as Per the New Syllabus / Raj, T. V. Sapna Book House , 2008 8128002708 640 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 RAJ 03001827 Text Book of Accountancy for First Year Pre-University as Per the New Syllabus / Raj, T. V. Sapna Book House , 2008 8128002708 640 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 RAJ 03001828 Text Book of Accountancy for First Year Pre-University as Per the New Syllabus / Raj, T. V. Sapna Book House , 2008 8128002708 640 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 RAJ 03001829 Text Book of Accountancy for First Year Pre-University as Per the New Syllabus / Raj, T. V. Sapna Book House , 2008 8128002708 640 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 RAJ 03001830 Text Book of Accountancy for First Year Pre-University as Per the New Syllabus / Raj, T. V. Sapna Book House , 2008 8128002708 640 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 RAJ 03001831 Text Book of Accountancy for First Year Pre-University as Per the New Syllabus / Raj, T. V. Sapna Book House , 2008 8128002708 640 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 RAJ 03001832 Text Book of Accountancy for First Year Pre-University as Per the New Syllabus / Raj, T. V. Sapna Book House , 2008 8128002708 640 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 RAJ 03001534 Text Book of Accountancy for First Year Pre-University as Per the New Syllabus / Raj, T. V. Sapna Book House , 2008 8128002708 640 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 RAM 00044136 Financial Accounting. Raman, B S UNITED PUBLISHER 1998 1322 p UG Library
657 RAM 00044144 Financial Accounting. Raman, B S UNITED PUBLISHER 1998 1322 p UG Library
657 RAM 00044138 Financial Accounting. Raman, B S UNITED PUBLISHER 1998 1322 p UG Library
657 RAM 03005463 How to Read a Blance Sheet / Ramachandran, N. TMH, 2009 9780070147751 74 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 RAW 05014004 Taxmann Student's Guide to Accounting Standards : CA / ICWA Final Examinations Rawat, D S Taxman 2008 9788184780710 650p; Knowledge Centre
657 SAU 05014064 International Accounting - a User Perspective Saudagaran, M Shahrokh Thomson 0981240211 228p Knowledge Centre
657 SHA 03002256 Basic Financial Accounting for Management Shah, Paresh Oxford Universtiy Press 9780195690095 594 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 STI 03000328 Financial Accounting : Stice, Earl. Thomson South-Western, 2008 9788131502266 xxiii,864p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 SUM 00133839 Introduction to accounting Sumi,K.V Abhijeet publications, 2018 9788193665770 iii,167p.; UG Library
657 TUL 03000493 Financial Accounting / Tulsian, P C Pearson Education, 2008 9788177582284 p v School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 TUL 04013130 Financial Accounting / Tulsian,P.C. Pearson Education, 9788177582284 xv,18.13p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 TUL 00082390 Financial Accounting Tulsian, P C Pearson Education Inc. 2006 8177582283 | 9788177582284 xv, 18.13 p, A.18. UG Library
657 TUL 00002713 Financial Accounting Tulsian, P C Pearson Education Inc. 2006 8177582283 | 9788177582284 xv, 18.13 p, A.18. UG Library
657 TUL 03001864 Financial Accounting / Tulsian, P C Pearson Education, 2008 9788177582284 p v School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 TUL 03001865 Financial Accounting / Tulsian, P C Pearson Education, 2008 9788177582284 p v School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 TUL 03001866 Financial Accounting / Tulsian, P C Pearson Education, 2008 9788177582284 p v School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 TUL 03002049 Financial Accounting / Tulsian, P C Pearson Education, 2008 9788177582284 p v School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 TUL 03002050 Financial Accounting / Tulsian, P C Pearson Education, 2008 9788177582284 p v School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 TUL 03002955 Financial Accounting / Tulsian, P C Pearson Education, 2008 9788177582284 p v School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 TUL 03003030 Financial Accounting / Tulsian, P C Pearson Education, 2008 9788177582284 p v School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 TUL 05002678 Financial Accounting / Tulsian,P.C. Pearson Education, 9788177582284 xv,18.13p.; Knowledge Centre
657 VIN 03002947 Principles of Accountancy Vinayakam, N S. Chand and Company 8121908000 486 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 WEY 00060250 Financial Accounting Weygandt, J Jerry John Wiley & Sons 2003 9814126233 4th ed 802p UG Library
657 WIL 05014061 Financial and Mangerial Accounting [mfm-Section] Williams, R Jan 0071121358 1123p Knowledge Centre
657 WIL 03000854 Financial & Managerial Accounting : Williams, Jan R. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 70599793 | 9780070599796 1168 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 .48 JAI 00064282 Corporate Accounting Jain S.P. Kalyani Publishers 2005 812722152x 1st Ed. 216 p. UG Library
657 AGA 00050202 How to Comply With Accounting Standards Agarwal, R K Hind Law Publishers 2000 244p Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 AGA 00047863 Higher Science of Accountancy Agarwala, A N Kitab Mahal 1333 p UG Library
657 AHM 05013705 Financial Accounting / Ahmed,Naseem . Atlantic Pub , 9788126909933 984 P. Knowledge Centre
657 AHU 07000945 Taxmann's Financial Accounting & Analysis / Ahuja,Narender L. Taxmann, 2015 9789350716434 i-22,519p.; Library - BR Campus
657 AIN 00016688 Question Bank Book Series Association of Indian University , Association 1977 875 UG Library
657 AIN 00016690 Question Bank Book Series Association of Indian University , Association 1977 875 UG Library
657 AIN 00016691 Question Bank Book Series Association of Indian University , Association 1977 875 UG Library
657 AIN 00016692 Question Bank Book Series Association of Indian University , Association 1977 875 UG Library
657 AIN 00026255 Question Bank Book Series Association of Indian University , Association 1977 875 UG Library
657 AIN 00030406 Question Bank Book Series Association of Indian University , Association 1977 875 UG Library
657 AIN 00029006 Question Bank Book Series Association of Indian University , Association 1977 875 UG Library
657 AIN 00016689 Question Bank Book Series Association of Indian University , Association 1977 875 UG Library
657 AIN 00016694 Question Bank Book Series Association of Indian University , Association 1977 875 UG Library
657 AIN 00018682 Question Bank Book Series Association of Indian University , Association 1977 875 UG Library
657 AIN 00016695 Question Bank Book Series Association of Indian University , Association 1977 875 UG Library
657 AIN 00054024 Introduction to Accounting: an Integrated Approach Ainsworth, Penne 0256123837 870p UG Library
657 AIN 00049684 Introduction to Accounting: an Integrated Approach Ainsworth, Pennie 0256233748 877p UG Library
657 AIN 00049687 Annual Report Booklet to Accompany Intr to Accounting-An Integrated Approac Ainsworth, Penne 0256219729 305p UG Library
657 ALB 00073519 Accounting Stice Albrecht, Stice Swain 2005 0324187564 1359 p UG Library
657 ALB 00073517 Accounting Stice Albrecht, Stice Swain 2005 0324187564 1359 p UG Library
657 ALB 00073518 Accounting Stice Albrecht, Stice Swain 2005 0324187564 1359 p UG Library
657 ALB 00073516 Accounting Stice Albrecht, Stice Swain 2005 0324187564 1359 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 ALE 05057217 Financial accounting : Alexander, David,. Pearson, 2016 9781292102993 Sixth edition. xviii, 477 p.; Knowledge Centre
657 ALI 05013709 Accountancy Alice Mani 621p Knowledge Centre
657 ALI 05013708 Accountancy Alice Mani 621p Knowledge Centre
657 ANI 00042187 Advanced Financial Accounting Kumar, S Anil HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 8178669234 379p UG Library
657 ANJ 00132382 Financial accounting Anjum,Ruqsana McGraw hill education india pvt ltd., 2018 9789387572843 pages UG Library
657 ANT 05028140 Accounting Principles Anthony, N Robert Aitbs Publishers & Distributors 678 p Knowledge Centre
657 ANT 05015025 Accounting Principles Anthony, N Robert Aitbs Publishers & Distributors 8185386080 674 p Knowledge Centre
657 ANT 05013964 Financial Accounting - an Integrated Approach Anthony, H Joseph 0538843365 692p Knowledge Centre
657 ANT 05000930 Accounting / Anthony Robert.N Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2009 9780070635531 xxvi,933p.: Knowledge Centre
657 ANT 03010926 Accounting : Anthony, Robert N. McGraw-Hill Education (India) Private Limited , 2013 9781259097126 | 1259097129 13th ed. 911 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 ANT 03010927 Accounting : Anthony, Robert N. McGraw-Hill Education (India) Private Limited , 2013 9781259097126 | 1259097129 13th ed. 911 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 ANT 00061861 Accounting Antony, Robert N Tata McGraw hill publishing Company limited 2005 0070582890 11th Ed 975 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 ANT 00070237 Accounting Antony, Robert N Tata McGraw hill publishing Company limited 2005 0070582890 11th Ed 975 p UG Library
657 ANT 05013976 Accounting Principles: [PG] Anthony, N Robert Aitbs Publishers & Distributors 8185386080 878p Knowledge Centre
657 ANT 01024274 Accounting : Anthony, Robert N. McGraw-Hill Education (India) Private Limited , 2013 9781259097126 | 1259097129 13th ed. 911 p.: Knowledge Centre
657 ANT 10001593 Accounting / Anthony Robert.N Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2009 9780070635531 xxvi,933p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 ANT 00123582 Accounting : Anthony, Robert N. McGraw-Hill Education (India) Private Limited , 2013 9781259097126 | 1259097129 13th ed. 911 p.: UG Library
657 APP 05041835 Fundamentals of Accounting / Appannaiah H.R Himalaya Publishing House, 2010 9789350240335 551p.: Knowledge Centre
657 ARO 00130641 Financial Accounting Arora R. K Wiley, 2017 9788126566662 xix, 511 p. : UG Library
657 ARO 10000932 Financial accounting: Arora, R.K. Wiley india pvt ltd., 2018 9788126575701 2nd Ed xx,531p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 ARO 03013679 Financial Management : Arora R.K. Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9788126575701 2nd Ed xx,531p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 ARO 03013680 Financial Management : Arora R.K. Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9788126575701 2nd Ed xx,531p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 ARO 00025956 Textbook of Cost Accountancy Arora, M N 0000706994 670p UG Library
657 ARO 00025958 Text Book of Cost Accountancy Arora, M N Vani Educational Books; 1984 0706925394 670 p, Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 ARU 05014503 Cost and Management Accountancy Arun Prasad, Roy C Knowledge Centre
657 ARU 00046863 Advanced Financial Accounting Arulanandam, M A Himalaya Publishing House: 1999 8170944856 286 p.: UG Library
657 ARU 00117911 Advanced Accountancy Arulanandam, M.A. Himalaya Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2012 9789350977187 832+700p.; UG Library
657 ARU 00035675 Finanical Accounting Arulanadam, Raman Himalaya Publishers, 1991 1st ed 372 p; UG Library
657 ARU 00035676 Finanical Accounting Arulanadam, Raman Himalaya Publishers, 1991 1st ed 372 p; UG Library
657 ARU 00046862 Advanced Financial Accounting Arulanandam, M A Himalaya Publishing House: 1999 8170944856 286 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 ARU 00046865 Advanced Financial Accounting Arulanandam, M A Himalaya Publishing House: 1999 8170944856 286 p.: UG Library
657 ARU 00046866 Advanced Financial Accounting Arulanandam, M A Himalaya Publishing House: 1999 8170944856 286 p.: UG Library
657 ARU 00046867 Advanced Financial Accounting Arulanandam, M A Himalaya Publishing House: 1999 8170944856 286 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 ARU 00052985 Advanced Financial Accounting Arulanandam, M A Himalaya Publishing House: 1999 8170944856 286 p.: UG Library
657 ARU 00046868 Advanced Financial Accounting Arulanandam, M A Himalaya Publishing House: 1999 8170944856 286 p.: UG Library
657 ARU 00046869 Advanced Financial Accounting Arulanandam, M A Himalaya Publishing House: 1999 8170944856 286 p.: UG Library
657 ARU 00046870 Advanced Financial Accounting Arulanandam, M A Himalaya Publishing House: 1999 8170944856 286 p.: UG Library
657 ARU 00046871 Advanced Financial Accounting Arulanandam, M A Himalaya Publishing House: 1999 8170944856 286 p.: UG Library
657 ATK 05029808 Management Accounting / Atkinson,Anthony A. Pearson, 2004 9788129706362 4th Edition xxiv,598p.; Knowledge Centre
657 BAN 07000862 Guide to Cost Accounting Records & Cost Audit : Banerjee, Kunal Taxmann Publishing, 2015 622 p. Library - BR Campus
657 BAN 00088547 Financial Accounting ; a Managerial Emphasis Bannerjee, Ashok Excel Books 2001 00088547 2nd Ed. 702 p.: UG Library
657 BAN 00063929 Financial Accounting: a Managerial Emphasis Banerjee, Ashok Excel Books 2004 8174462414 520p UG Library
657 BAN 00045707 Financial Accounting Banerjee, Ashok Excel Books 1997 8174460802 156p UG Library
657 BAN 05026110 Financial Accounting : Banerjee, Ashok. Excel books, 9788174467430 xvii, 793 p. : Knowledge Centre
657 BAN 00072521 Financial Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis Banerjee, Ashok Excel Books 2006 8174464158 702p Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 BAN 00072522 Financial Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis Banerjee, Ashok Excel Books 2006 8174464158 702p UG Library
657 BAN 00072523 Financial Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis Banerjee, Ashok Excel Books 2006 8174464158 702p UG Library
657 BAN 04014859 Financial Accounting : Banerjee B.K. PHI Learning Pub, 2010 9788120339507 xv ,1239 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 BAN 04014772 Cost Accounting : Banerjee, Bhabatosh PHI, 2012 9788120328945 972 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 BAR 05065328 Short introduction to accounting / Barker, Richard. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107004405 (hardback) | 9781107610118 | 9781107015517 (hardback) viii, 162 p.; Knowledge Centre
657 BAR 07002757 Short introduction to accounting / Barker, Richard. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107004405 (hardback) | 9781107610118 | 9781107015517 (hardback) viii, 162 p.; Library - BR Campus
657 BAS 00135563 Financial accounting : Basioudis, Ilias G. Routledge, 2019 9781138605503 (hardback) | 9781138605510 (pbk.) x, 390 pages ; UG Library
657 BAS 00026464 Standard Problems in Higher Accountacncy Bassu, S A Central UG Library
657 BAS 00026465 Standard problems on accountancy. S N, Basu New Central Books Agency 1985 xvi; 75 p UG Library
657 BAS 00019106 Practice in Accountancy Basu, Sankar Prasad Rabindra Nath Biswas, 1975 858 p.; UG Library
657 BAS 00019105 Practice in Accountancy Basu, Sankar Prasad Rabindra Nath Biswas, 1975 858 p.; UG Library
657 BAS 00019108 Selected Problems on Accountancy Part II Basu, Sankarprasad Rabindra Library 1977 190p UG Library
657 BAS 00026517 Principles and Practice of Advanced Accountancy Basu, S N New Central Books 1984 348 p UG Library
657 BAT 00013972 Advanced Accounting Jamshed, R Batliboi National 1231 p UG Library
657 BAT 00013977 Advanced Accounting Batliboi, Jamshed R Standard 1987 1231p UG Library
657 BAT 00013974 Advanced Accounting Batliboi, Jamshed R Standard 1987 1231p UG Library
657 BAT 00013758 Advanced Accounting Batliboi, Jamshed R Standard 1987 1231p UG Library
657 BAT 00013978 Advanced Accounting Batliboi, Jamshed R Standard 1987 1231p UG Library
657 BEB 05042141 Sustainability accounting and accountability / Routledge, 2014 9780415695572 (hardback) | 978 Second Edition. xvi, 300 pages : Knowledge Centre
657 BEL 00033472 Accountancy Belagali B.N. Sangli 1989 380p UG Library
657 BEL 00033474 Accountancy Belagali B.N. Sangli 1989 380p UG Library
657 BEL 00033475 Accountancy Belagali B.N. Sangli 1989 380p UG Library
657 BEL 00033473 Accountancy Belagali B.N. Sangli 1989 380p UG Library
657 BER 00139839 Accounting in a Business Context / Berry,Aidan. Cengage learning, 2011 9781408030479 5th ed. xviii,557p.; UG Library
657 BER 00133061 Accounting: Principles and Practices: R. Bernard, Horizon Press, 2019 9789387985063 x,240 p.; UG Library
657 BET 00053685 Study Guide Vol II Foir Use With Financial and Managerial Accounting Bettner, S Mark 0072465840 162p UG Library
657 BET 00053686 Study Guide Vol II Foir Use With Financial and Managerial Accounting Bettner, S Mark 0072465840 162p UG Library
657 BHA 03008697 Management Accounting / Bhattacharyya, Debarshi Pearson, 9788131731789 781 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 BHA 07012162 Financial Accounting / Bhargav Mohan Akshaya Publishers & Distributors, 2017 9788193299937 294p.: Library - BR Campus
657 BHA 03008708 Essentials of Financial Accounting / Bhattacharyya, Asish K. PHI Learning Private Limited ; 2012 9788120346512 3rd ed. 690 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 BHA 07001802 Management Accounting / Bhattacharyya, Debarshi Pearson, 9788131731789 781 p. : Library - BR Campus
657 BHA 07001798 Management Accounting / Bhattacharyya, Debarshi Pearson, 9788131731789 781 p. : Library - BR Campus
657 BHA 00141776 Problems and solutions in advanced accounting for CA intermediate / Bhalla,Kapileshwar McGraw hill education pvt ltd., 2021 9789390185399 Pages UG Library
657 BHA.D 00112272 Accounting for Management: Text and Cases Bhattacharya, S K Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 1997 0706998278 | 9789325965096 xii,420p.; UG Library
657 BIE 05026118 An introduction to accounting and managerial finance Bierman, Harold. World Scientific, 2010 9789814273824 (hardcover) | 98 viii, 393 p. : Knowledge Centre
657 BIG 00004160 Book Keeping and Accounts Bigg, W W English Language Book Society 1908 liv; 630 p UG Library
657 BIG 00011304 Book Keeping and Accounts Bigg, W W English Language Book Society 1908 liv; 630 p UG Library
657 BIG 00003617 Book Keeping and Accounts Bigg, W W English Language Book Society 1908 liv; 630 p UG Library
657 BIG 00011198 Practical Auditing Bigg, Walter W H f L Publishers Ltd 514p UG Library
657 BIG 00023633 Practical Auditing Bigg, Walter W H f L Publishers Ltd 514p UG Library
657 BIG 00005172 Book Keeping and Accounts Bigg, W W English Language Book Society 1908 liv; 630 p UG Library
657 BIG 05013719 Cost Accounting Bigg, Walter W MACDONALD & EVANS LIMITED 1972 564p; Knowledge Centre
657 BLO 05015024 Cost Accounting BLOCKER JOHN .G Knowledge Centre
657 BRO 00121702 Successful Finance for Non-Accountants Brown, Brian Jaico Publishing House, 2011 9788184952377 220, p:. UG Library
657 CAG 05058132 Accounting 101 : Cagan, Michele. Admas Media: 2017 9781507202920 (hardback) | 150 271 pages : Knowledge Centre
657 CAG 03012568 Accounting 101 : Cagan, Michele. Admas Media: 2017 9781507202920 (hardback) | 150 271 pages : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 CAR 00105932 Accounting : Carey, Mary. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199587414 | 0199587418 XIX, 380 S. : UG Library
657 CHA 07001860 Management Theory & Practice / Chandan, J S. Vikas Publishing House, 1995 9780706990300 xix,507p.; Library - BR Campus
657 CHA 07002987 Management theory and practice / Chandan, J S Vikas Publication, 2009 9780706990300 2nd Ed. 507p. Library - BR Campus
657 CHA 04021119 Financial Accounting / Chandrashekara, B. International Book House, 2013 9789381335994 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 CHA 07004200 Management Theory & Practice / Chandan, J S. Vikas Publishing House, 1995 9780706990300 xix,507p.; Library - BR Campus
657 CHA 00094983 Management Accountancy / Chakraborty,Hrishikesh. Oxford University Press, 9780195632491 xxii,1008p.; UG Library
657 CHA 00094984 Management Accountancy / Chakraborty,Hrishikesh. Oxford University Press, 9780195632491 xxii,1008p.; UG Library
657 CHA 05003933 Management Accountancy / Chakraborty,Hrishikesh. Oxford University Press, 9780195632491 xxii,1008p.; Knowledge Centre
657 CHA 07013331 Financial Accounting / Chandrashekara, B. International Book House, 2013 9789381335994 V P Library - BR Campus
657 CHA 03013237 Financial Mathematics : Chandra S. Narosa Publishing, 2013 9788184870961 500p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 CHI 07000944 New Approaches in Financial Accounting / Chintaman,S.A. Horizon Press, 2014 9789383096206 vii,288p.; Library - BR Campus
657 CHI 07000817 Advanced accounting system / Chintaman.S.A Horizon press, 2013 9789383096190 296p.; Library - BR Campus
657 CHI 00119889 New Approaches in Financial Accounting / Chintaman,S.A. Horizon Press, 2014 9789383096206 vii,288p.; UG Library
657 CHI 07000883 Managerial Accounting / Chintaman S A Horizon Press, 2013 9789383096206 viii,288p.; Library - BR Campus
657 CHI 00124819 Advanced accounting system / Chintaman.S.A Horizon press, 2013 9789383096190 296p.; UG Library
657 CHR 00122950 Financial Accounting Chrisr College Christ College, 2007 in 241 p.: UG Library
657 CHR 00073448 Study Material Financial Accounting B.Com II Sem Christ College Centre for Study Materials of Department of Commerce 2007 306 p UG Library
657 CHR 00090418 Financial Accounting Christ, College Christ University 2008 306p UG Library
657 CHR 00090419 Financial Accounting Bangalore 2007 242 p. UG Library
657 CLA 00118897 Financial Accounting Venus Books, 2014 9788189922191 xii:280p.; UG Library
657 CUN 00047689 Study Guide to Accounting Informnation for Business Decisions Cunningham, Bullie M 1999 0030224322 | 9780030224324 1 UG Library
657 CUN 00047690 Study Guide to Accounting Informnation for Business Decisions Cunningham, Bullie M 1999 0030224322 | 9780030224324 1 Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 CUN 00049677 Study Guide to Accounting Informnation for Business Decisions Cunningham, Bullie M 1999 0030224322 | 9780030224324 1 UG Library
657 CUN 00049676 Study Guide to Accounting Informnation for Business Decisions Cunningham, Bullie M 1999 0030224322 | 9780030224324 1 UG Library
657 CUN 00049519 Accounting: Information for Business Decisions Cunningham, M Billie 0030224292 1024p UG Library
657 CUN 00049523 Accounting: Information for Business Decisions Cunningham, M Billie 0030224292 1024p UG Library
657 CUN 00049522 Accounting: Information for Business Decisions Cunningham, M Billie 0030224292 1024p UG Library
657 CUN 00049520 Accounting: Information for Business Decisions Cunningham, M Billie 0030224292 1024p UG Library
657 CUN 00049675 Accounting: Information for Business Decisions Cunningham, M Billie 0030224292 1024p UG Library
657 CUN 00049674 Accounting: Information for Business Decisions Cunningham, M Billie 0030224292 1024p UG Library
657 CUN 00049521 Accounting: Information for Business Decisions Cunningham, M Billie 0030224292 1024p UG Library
657 CUR 00144254 Introduction To Financial Accounting Norton, Curtis L Cengage Learning India Private Limited 2013 9788131519783 8th ed xxix,765p,; UG Library
657 CUR 05038941 Introduction To Financial Accounting / Norton, Curtis L. Cengage Learning India Private Limited, 2013 9788131519783 | 8131519783 8th ed. 765 p.: Knowledge Centre
657 CUR 03012039 Introduction To Financial Accounting / Norton, Curtis L. Cengage Learning India Private Limited, 2013 9788131519783 | 8131519783 8th ed. 765 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 CUR 10000531 Introduction To Financial Accounting / Norton, Curtis L. Cengage Learning India Private Limited, 2013 9788131519783 | 8131519783 8th ed. 765 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 CUR 05038873 Introduction To Financial Accounting / Norton, Curtis L. Cengage Learning India Private Limited, 2013 9788131519783 | 8131519783 8th ed. 765 p.: Knowledge Centre
657 DAI 00001404 Release Daily, Starr Mysore 200 p UG Library
657 DAS 00096138 Principles of Accounts Das Monilal ABS Publishing House, 18.56 UG Library
657 DAS 00096137 Principles of Accounts Das Monilal ABS Publishing House, 18.56 UG Library
657 DAS 00007050 Accountancy Das, Madhu Sudan The World Press Private Ltd 1971 613 p. UG Library
657 DAS 00007047 Accountancy Das, Madhu Sudan The World Press Private Ltd 1971 613 p. UG Library
657 DAS 00007051 Accountancy Its Problems and Solutions Das, Madhu Sudan World Press, 1971 613 p.; UG Library
657 DIX 00069586 Accounting Dixon, Robert L tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited 2005 0070600473 3rd Ed xxiii; 416 p. UG Library
657 DUR 07001912 Accounting for Management / Durby, Oscar. Venus Books, 2014 9788189922061 xii: 272 p.: Library - BR Campus
657 DUR 00118887 Accounting for Management / Durby, Oscar. Venus Books, 2014 9788189922061 xii: 272 p.: UG Library
657 DUR 03010555 Accounting for Management / Durby, Oscar. Venus Books, 2014 9788189922061 xii: 272 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 ELE 00136012 Accounting and Financial Management / 3G E-Learning, 2017 9781680954265 x,234 p.; UG Library
657 EVA 03003806 Accounting theory : Evans, Thomas G. Thomson/South-Western, 2003 9780324107845 xix, 366 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 FAV 00016729 Practical Bookkeeping and Accounts Favell, A J Unive 426p UG Library
657 FRI 03012783 Financial Accounting : Friedlan, John McGraw Hill Ryerson, 2010 9780070967601 3rd ed. ; xviii, 732p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 GAB 05014027 Financial accounting Gabrie,S,John Tata McGraw hill education private limited; 9780070682177 vii;1053 p. Knowledge Centre
657 GAB 00098931 Financial accounting Gabrie,S,John Tata McGraw hill education private limited; 9780070682177 vii;1053 p. UG Library
657 GHO 00015735 Cost Accounts Ghosh, P K National Publishing House 1968 702 p.; UG Library
657 GHO 00047819 Principles and Practice of Accounting Ghosh, T P Galgotia 8185989389 1360p UG Library
657 GIR 07007465 A Systematic Approach Financial Accounting / Girish.V Skyward Publishers, 2016 9789384494100 xii,4.102p.: Library - BR Campus
657 GOD 05052827 Financial ACCT : Godwin, Norman.H. Cengage Learning, 2016 9788131523827 | 8131520242 | 9 2nd ed. xi,421p.: Knowledge Centre
657 GOD 05038844 Financial ACCT : Godwin, Norman H Cengage Lerning Private Limited, 2012 9788131517222 348 Knowledge Centre
657 GOD 03012232 Financial ACCT : Godwin, Norman.H. Cengage Learning, 2016 9788131523827 | 8131520242 | 9 2nd ed. xi,421p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 GOD 05044160 Financial ACCT : Godwin, Norman.H. Cengage Learning, 2016 9788131523827 | 8131520242 | 9 2nd ed. xi,421p.: Knowledge Centre
657 GOP 05013717 Accountancy: Gopinath P A Deepa 1997 573p; Knowledge Centre
657 GOY 00088545 Corporate Accounting Goyal, V K Excel Books 8174465537 428p UG Library
657 GOY 05014513 Corporate Accounting Goyal, V K Excel Books 8174465537 428p Knowledge Centre
657 GOY 00074801 Financial Accounting Goyal, Dr V K Excel Books 2006 8174464921 835p UG Library
657 GOY 00074802 Financial Accounting. Goyal, Dr V K Excel Books 2006 0817446493 155p UG Library
657 GRE 00028844 Introduction to Accountancy Grewal, T S S.Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1988 864p; UG Library
657 GRE 00026516 Introduction to Accountancy Grewal, T S S.Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1988 864p; UG Library
657 GRE 04030722 Textbook for CBSE Class XII Double Entry Book Keeping / Sultan Chand & sons, 2020 9789389174502 | 9789389174830 8.72 : S.80p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 GRE 04030723 Textbook for CBSE Class XII Double Entry Book Keeping / Sultan Chand & sons, 2020 9789389174502 | 9789389174830 8.72 : S.80p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 GRE 00028842 Introduction to Accountancy Grewal, T S S Chand & Company 2004 8121905699 859 p. UG Library
657 GRE 00028849 Introduction to Accountancy Grewal, T S S Chand & Company 2004 8121905699 859 p. UG Library
657 GRE 00028841 Introduction to Accountancy Grewal, T S S Chand & Company 2004 8121905699 859 p. UG Library
657 GRE 00028850 Introduction to Accountancy Grewal, T S S Chand & Company 2004 8121905699 859 p. UG Library
657 GRE 00049581 Introduction to Accountancy Grewal, T S S Chand & Company 2004 8121905699 859 p. UG Library
657 GRE 00049582 Introduction to Accountancy Grewal, T S S Chand & Company 2004 8121905699 859 p. UG Library
657 GRE 03013258 Double Entry Book Keeping : Accounting for Partnership Firms : Grewals T. S Sultan Chand, 2016 9788183506014 6.78, S. 118p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 GRE 00003175 Introduction to Accountancy Grewal, T S S Chand & Company 2004 8121905699 859 p. UG Library
657 GRE 10002258 Introduction to Accountancy/ Grewal, T. S. S.Chand company ltd., 2020 9788121905695 xi,846 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 GRE 00141799 Introduction to Accountancy Grewal, T. S. S.Chand Co, 2020 9788121905695 846 p.; UG Library
657 GRE 05014054 Introduction to Accountancy Grewal, T S S.Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1988 864p; Knowledge Centre
657 GRE 05013710 Introduction to Accountancy Grewal, T S S.Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1988 864p; Knowledge Centre
657 GRE 00028847 Introduction to Accountancy Grewal, T S S.Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1988 864p; UG Library
657 GRE 00028845 Introduction to Accountancy Grewal, T S S.Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1988 864p; UG Library
657 GUP 00041668 Financial Accounting II Gupta, R L Sultan Chand 1990 608p UG Library
657 GUP 07009509 Management Accounting / Gupta Shashi.K Kalyani Publishing, 2007 8127221236 36.31p.: Library - BR Campus
657 GUP 00142862 Financial Accounting for Management : Gupta, Ambrish. Pearson, 2022 9789356060814 7th ed., xxxviii, 839p.; UG Library
657 GUP 00015745 Problems and Solutions in Advanced Accounting R L, Gupta Sultan Chand 661p UG Library
657 GUP 00124350 Financial Accounting for Management : Gupta, Ambrish Pearson, 2016 9789332559493 5th ed. xlvi,712p. : UG Library
657 GUP 04025501 Financial Accounting for Management : Gupta, Ambrish Pearson, 2016 9789332559493 5th ed. xlvi,712p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 GUP 04025502 Financial Accounting for Management : Gupta, Ambrish Pearson, 2016 9789332559493 5th ed. xlvi,712p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 GUP 04025503 Financial Accounting for Management : Gupta, Ambrish Pearson, 2016 9789332559493 5th ed. xlvi,712p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 GUP 05052842 Financial Accounting for Management : Gupta, Ambrish Pearson, 2016 9789332559493 5th ed. xlvi,712p. : Knowledge Centre
657 GUP 00013971 Solutions in Advanced Accounting Gupta, R L Sultanchand 654p UG Library
657 GUP 00041666 Financial Accounting II Gupta, R L Sultan Chand 1990 608p UG Library
657 GUP 05055263 Financial Accounting for Management : Gupta, Ambrish Pearson, 2016 9789332559493 5th ed. xlvi,712p. : Knowledge Centre
657 GUP 04017444 Contemporary Issued in Accounting / Gupta, Shashi K. Kalyani, 2001 9789327221619 vvv Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 GUP 00015744 Problems and Solutions in Advanced Accounting R L, Gupta Sultan Chand 661p UG Library
657 GUP 00015743 Problems and Solutions in Advanced Accounting R L, Gupta Sultan Chand 661p UG Library
657 GUP 00016858 Solutions in Advanced Accounting Gupta, Rl Sultan Chand 661p UG Library
657 GUP 05041019 Elementary Statistical Methods / Gupta, S P Sultan Chand & Sons, 1976 614p.; Knowledge Centre
657 GUP 00016859 Solutions in Advanced Accounting Gupta, Rl Sultan Chand s.661p UG Library
657 GUP 00134017 Contemporary Issues in Accounting / Gupta, Shashi K. Kalyani, 2001 9789327221619 | 9789327292671 9th ed., pages UG Library
657 GUP 00034412 Financial Accounting I Gupta, R. L. Sultan Chand, 1997 443 p.; UG Library
657 GUP 00034413 Financial Accounting II Gupta, R L Sultan Chand 1990 608p UG Library
657 GUP 07001888 Advanced Accountancy II Gupta, R L S Chand Library - BR Campus
657 GUP 00041667 Financial Accounting I Gupta, R. L. Sultan Chand, 1997 443 p.; UG Library
657 GUP 00031914 Financial Accounting I Gupta, R. L. Sultan Chand, 1997 443 p.; UG Library
657 GUP 07009617 Management Accounting/ Gupta,Shashi K Kalyani Publishers, 2006 8127228230 23 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
657 GUP 00023611 Advanced Accountancy Vol II : Gupta, R L. Sultan Chand and Sons, 1989 . 6th FSA 412 p.; UG Library
657 GUP 00012935 Advanced Accounts Gupta, R. L 2000 415 p UG Library
657 GUP 00023607 Advanced Accountancy Vol II : Gupta, R L. Sultan Chand and Sons, 1989 . 6th FSA 412 p.; UG Library
657 GUP 00023604 Advanced Accountancy Vol II : Gupta, R L. Sultan Chand and Sons, 1989 . 6th FSA 412 p.; UG Library
657 GUP 00016357 Auditing (questions and Answers) Gupta, Rup Ram Agra Book Store 452p UG Library
657 GUP 00015746 Advanced Accountancy Vol II : Gupta, R L. Sultan Chand and Sons, 1989 . 6th FSA 412 p.; UG Library
657 GUP 00023606 Advanced Accountancy Vol II : Gupta, R L. Sultan Chand and Sons, 1989 . 6th FSA 412 p.; UG Library
657 GUP 00026506 Advanced Accountancy Vol II : Gupta, R L. Sultan Chand and Sons, 1989 . 6th FSA 412 p.; UG Library
657 GUP 00023612 Advanced Accountancy Vol II : Gupta, R L. Sultan Chand and Sons, 1989 . 6th FSA 412 p.; UG Library
657 GUP 00023609 Advanced Accountancy Vol II : Gupta, R L. Sultan Chand and Sons, 1989 . 6th FSA 412 p.; UG Library
657 GUP 00012959 Accountancy Part I Gupta, R L 142p UG Library
657 GUP 01029834 Cost Accounting / Gupta sneh Lata Taxmann Publications (P.) Ltd., 2024 9789357784238 I-15, 13.27 p. ; Knowledge Centre
657 GUP 07010192 Financial Accounting for Management : Gupta, Ambrish Pearson, 2016 9789332559493 5th ed. xlvi,712p. : Library - BR Campus
657 GUP 00136402 Advanced Accountancy Vol-II Gupta, R L Sultan Chand , 2018 9788180549885 17th ed. QP-44 p.: UG Library
657 GUP 00013773 Solutions in Advanced Accounting Gupta, R L Sultan Chand 1974 661 p UG Library
657 GUP 00019033 Contemporary Auditing Revised First Edition Gupta, Kamal Tata Mc Graw-Hill 586p UG Library
657 GUP 05074065 Financial Accounting for Management : Gupta, Ambrish. Pearson, 2022 9789356060814 7th ed., xxxviii, 839p.; Knowledge Centre
657 GUP 00126634 Advanced Accountancy Vol-II Gupta, R L Sultan Chand , 2015 9788180549885 QP-44 p.: UG Library
657 GUP 07001908 Management Accounting Principles and Practice / Gupta Shashi.K Kalyani Publishers, 1991 9789327216011 39.19p.: Library - BR Campus
657 GUP 00035669 Financial Accounting II Gupta, R L S.Chand and Sons 1990 608 p.: UG Library
657 GUP 00042020 Financial Accounting I Gupta, R. L. Sultan Chand, 1997 443 p.; UG Library
657 GUP 00042021 Financial Accounting I Gupta, R. L. Sultan Chand, 1997 443 p.; UG Library
657 GUP 07011146 Financial Accounting for Management : Gupta, Ambrish Pearson, 2016 9789332559493 5th ed. xlvi,712p. : Library - BR Campus
657 GUP 00042022 Financial Accounting I Gupta, R. L. Sultan Chand, 1997 443 p.; UG Library
657 GUP 07005133 Management Accounting Principles and Practice / Gupta Shashi.K Kalyani Publishers, 1991 9789327216011 39.19p.: Library - BR Campus
657 GUP 10002982 Financial Accounting for Management : Gupta, Ambrish., Pearson india educational services pvt ltd., 2022 9789356060814 7th ed., xxxviii, 839p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 GUP 10003502 Financial accounting: Gupta, M.P Sultan chand and sons, 2023 9789391820008 xxi,21.8 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 GUP 10003503 Financial accounting: Gupta, M.P Sultan chand and sons, 2023 9789391820008 xxi,21.8 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 GUP 10003504 Financial accounting: Gupta, M.P Sultan chand and sons, 2023 9789391820008 xxi,21.8 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 GUP 10003505 Financial accounting: Gupta, M.P Sultan chand and sons, 2023 9789391820008 xxi,21.8 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 HAN 05041855 Advanced Accounting / Hanif Mohammed Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2008 9780070263611 xiv,33.16p.: Knowledge Centre
657 HAN 05041859 Advanced Accounting / Hanif Mohammed Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2008 9780070263611 xiv,33.16p.: Knowledge Centre
657 HAN 00137346 Financial Accounting III Hanif, Mohammed Mcgraw Hill Education Pvt, 2017 9789351342694 3nd rep Ed. xvii,2016.22 p.: UG Library
657 HAN 00137348 Financial Accounting /Vol I Hanif,Mohammed. Mcgraw Hill Education Pvt, 2019 9789353161125 4th rep Ed. xxvi, 22.44,S.50 p.: UG Library
657 HAN 00137347 Financial Accounting II Hanif, Mohammed Mcgraw Hill Education Pvt, 2019 9789387886230 4th rep Ed. xxi,12.37,S.10 p.: UG Library
657 HAN 00137350 Financial Accounting II Hanif, Mohammed Mcgraw Hill Education Pvt, 2018 9789339222024 2nd rep Ed. xviii,44.75 p.: UG Library
657 HAN 05052894 Financial Accounting / Hanif,Mohammed. Mcgraw Hill Education Pvt, 2015 9789339222024 2nd Ed. xviii,44.75 p.: Knowledge Centre
657 HAN 00120477 Financial Accounting III Hanif Mohammed Mcgraw Hill Education Pvt, 2014 9789351342694 2nd Ed. xiii,2013.20 p.: UG Library
657 HAN 07001409 Financial Accounting III Hanif Mohammed Mcgraw Hill Education Pvt, 2014 9789351342694 2nd Ed. xiii,2013.20 p.: Library - BR Campus
657 HAR 05060498 Financial accounting : Harrison, Walter T., Pearson, 2018 9781292211145 Eleventh Edition. xxxii,779 pages : Knowledge Centre
657 HAR 05066920 Financial accounting / Harrison, Walter T. Pearson, 2014 9780273777809 9th ed. xxxiv, 850 p. : Knowledge Centre
657 HAR 07014611 Financial accounting : Harrison, Walter T., Pearson, 2018 9781292211145 Eleventh Edition. xxxii,779 pages : Library - BR Campus
657 HOR 05044168 Introduction to Financial Accounting / Horngren, Charles T. Pearson education, 2016 9788131716656 9th ed. xix, 577 p. : Knowledge Centre
657 HOR 00124370 Introduction to Financial Accounting / Horngren, Charles T. Pearson education, 2016 9788131716656 9th ed. xix, 577 p. : UG Library
657 HOR 00132389 Introduction to Financial Accounting / Horngren, Charles T. Pearson education, 2016 9788131716656 9th ed. xix, 577 p. : UG Library
657 HOR 05026104 Accounting: Horngrent, T Charles Prentic Hall International,Inc, 2004 9780130934093 5th ed 1124p.: Knowledge Centre
657 HOR 05013703 Accounting: Horngrent, T Charles Prentic Hall International,Inc, 2004 9780130934093 5th ed 1124p.: Knowledge Centre
657 HOR 05013704 Accounting [MBA] Horngren, T Charles 0130934097 1102p Knowledge Centre
657 HOR 05060233 Introduction To Financial Accounting / Horngren,Charles.T. Pearson India Education Services Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789352862474 Eleventh Edition xviii,601p.; Knowledge Centre
657 HOR 05013703A Accounting: Horngrent, T Charles Prentic Hall International,Inc, 2004 9780130934093 5th ed 1124p.: Knowledge Centre
657 HOR 05013701 Accounting [MBA] Horngren, T Charles 0130934097 1120p Knowledge Centre
657 HOR 04029855 Introduction To Financial Accounting / Horngren,Charles.T. Pearson India Education Services Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789352862474 Eleventh Edition xviii,601p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 HOR 05013702 Accounting [MBA] Horngren, T Charles 0130934097 1125p Knowledge Centre
657 HOR 07001811 Introduction to Financial Accounting / Horngren, Charles T. Pearson education, 2016 9788131716656 9th ed. xix, 577 p. : Library - BR Campus
657 IIB 00062792 Basic Accountancy Indian Institute of Bankers Macmillan 2003 565p UG Library
657 IND 01029821 Bankers' Handbook on Accounting / Taxmann Publications (P.) Ltd., 2024 9789357788847 I-13, 549 p. ; Knowledge Centre
657 ING 31000282 Accounting Information for Decisions Ingram, Robert W Thomason 9780324225341 p v School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 INS 10003548 Financial Accounting : Institute of Company Secretaries of India ICSI House , 2005 xviii, 604 p., Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 IUP 00089864 Financial Accounting: Volume I Icfai University Press ICFAI 2004 8178816245 | 9788178816241 356p. UG Library
657 IUP 00089865 Financial Accounting: Volume I Icfai University Press ICFAI 2004 8178816245 | 9788178816241 356p. UG Library
657 IUP 00089866 Financial Accounting: Volume II Icfai University Press ICFAI 8178816253 572p. UG Library
657 IUP 32000544 IUP Journal of Applied Finance / IUP Publications , 2015 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 IUP 32000548 IUP Journal of Applied Finance / IUP Publications , 2015 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 IUP. 00089867 Financial Accounting: Volume II Icfai University Press ICFAI 8178816253 572p. UG Library
657 IYE 00013995 Advanced Accounts Iyengar, S P N s Vasavi 1200p UG Library
657 IYE 00029735 Advanced Accounting Iyengar, S P Sultan Chand 1980 35.34p UG Library
657 IYE 00029736 Advanced Accountancy Iyergar, S P Sultan Chand 1988 35.34 p UG Library
657 IYE 00026447 Book Keeping and Acountancy Iyengar, S P Arunodaya Publications 519p UG Library
657 IYE 00042013 Financial Accounting Iyengar, S P Sultan Chand 1997 1 UG Library
657 IYE 00042014 Financial Accounting Iyengar, S P Sultan Chand 1997 1 UG Library
657 IYE 00026513 Advanced Accountancy Vol II Iyengar, S P 1111 p UG Library
657 JAF 00073781 Financial Accounting Jaffarulla, Dr A Vrinda Publications 2006 8182810469 1453 p.: UG Library
657 JAG 00026467 Auditing: Principles, Practices and Problems Prakash, Jagadish Kalayani Publishers 0817096363 694p UG Library
657 JAI 07008892 Corporate Accounting Jain S.P. Kalyani Publishers 2005 812722152x 1st Ed. 216 p. Library - BR Campus
657 JAI 07015364 Financial Accounting / Jain S.P Kalyani Publishers. 2014 9789327221213 276p.: Library - BR Campus
657 JAI 00046145 Advanced Financial Accounting Jain S P Kalyani Publishers, 1998 494 p.; UG Library
657 JAI 00046146 Advanced Financial Accounting Jain S P Kalyani Publishers, 1998 494 p.; UG Library
657 JAI 07015366 Practical Problems in Advanced Accountancy : Jain S.P Kalyani Publishers, 2013 9789327227055 900p.: Library - BR Campus
657 JAI 00046147 Advanced Financial Accounting Jain S P Kalyani Publishers, 1998 494 p.; UG Library
657 JAI 00046148 Advanced Financial Accounting Jain S P Kalyani Publishers, 1998 494 p.; UG Library
657 JAI 00046149 Advanced Financial Accounting Jain S P Kalyani Publishers, 1998 494 p.; UG Library
657 JAI 00090044 Advanced Financial Accounting Jain S P Kalyani Publishers, 1998 494 p.; UG Library
657 JAI 07015371 Fundamentals of Accounting / Jain S.P Kalyani Publishers, 2015 9789327254389 269p.: Library - BR Campus
657 JAI 07015372 Financial Accounting / Jain S.P Kalyani Publishers. 2014 9789327221213 276p.: Library - BR Campus
657 JAI 07015451 Advanced Financial Accounting : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2016 9789327261899 13th revised edition V/1.23,5p.; Library - BR Campus
657 JAI 00042018 Financial Accounting Jain, S P Kalyani Publishers, 2006 8127227897 242,14p.; UG Library
657 JAI 07009601 Fundamentals of Accounting / Jain, S. P. Kalyani Publishers, 2001 8127232041 3rd ed. 496 p. : Library - BR Campus
657 JAI 00137011 Advanced Financial Accounting : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2016 9789327261899 13th revised edition V/1.23,5p.; UG Library
657 JAI 00137012 Advanced Financial Accounting : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2016 9789327261899 13th revised edition V/1.23,5p.; UG Library
657 JAI 00104631 Fundamentals of Accounting : Jain, S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2001 9789327221503 6th ed. 297, 20 p. ; UG Library
657 JAI 00119439 Fundamentals of Accounting / Jain, S. P. Kalyani Publishers, 2001 8127232041 3rd ed. 496 p. : UG Library
657 JAI 00016358 Practical Problems in Advanced Accounting Jain, S P Kalyani Publishers 470p UG Library
657 JAI 00029741 Cost Accounting Jain, Sp Kalyani 34.18p UG Library
657 JAI 00029743 Cost Accounting Jain, S P Kalayani Publishers 8170960282 UG Library
657 JAI 00028855 Practical Problems in Advanced Accounting Jain, S P Kalyani Publishers 470p UG Library
657 JAI 00025155 Advanced Accountancy Jain, S P Kalayani Publishers, 1983 132 p.; UG Library
657 JAI 00142082 Fundamentals of Accounting: Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789327210453 | 9789388842556 2nd rev.ed. pages UG Library
657 JAI 03006803 Fundamentals of Accounting / Jain, S. P. Kalyani Publishers, 2001 8127232041 3rd ed. 496 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 JAI 07015441 Financial Accounting / Jain S.P Kalyani Publishers. 2014 9789327221213 276p.: Library - BR Campus
657 JAI 05014058 Fundamentals of Accounting / Jain, S. P. Kalyani Publishers, 2001 8127232041 3rd ed. 496 p. : Knowledge Centre
657 JAI 00034411 Advanced Financial Accounting Jain S P Kalyani Publishers, 1998 494 p.; UG Library
657 JAI 10003759 Advanced Financial Accounting : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2016 9789327261899 13th revised edition V/1.23,5p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 JAI 00034409 Practical Problems in Advanced Accounting Part 1 Jain, S P Kalyani 1976 1309p UG Library
657 JAI 00139374 Advanced Financial Accounting / Jain,S P. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789389477436 V/1.28p.; UG Library
657 JAI 00139375 Advanced Financial Accounting / Jain,S P. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789389477436 V/1.28p.; UG Library
657 JAI 00042015 Basic Financial Accounting Jain, S P Kalyani Publishers 1997 378p UG Library
657 JAI 00042016 Basic Financial Accounting Jain, S P Kalyani Publishers 1997 378p UG Library
657 JAI 00042017 Basic Financial Accounting Jain, S P Kalyani Publishers 1997 378p UG Library
657 JAI 00042019 Basic Financial Accounting Jain, S P Kalyani Publishers 1997 378p UG Library
657 JAI 00090029 Basic Financial Accounting Jain, S P Kalyani Publishers 1997 378p UG Library
657 JAI 03008839 Advanced Accountancy / Jain S. P., Kalyani Publishers ; 2012 9789327224986 eighteenth rev ed. 1358 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 JAI 07015472 Fundamentals of Accounting : Jain, S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2001 9789327221503 291 p. ; Library - BR Campus
657 JAI 00025222 Principles and Practice of Accountancy Jain, S K U d h Publishers a-402 UG Library
657 JAI 05059956 Fundamentals of Accounting Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2012 9789327210453 17ed rv. 1232 p. Knowledge Centre
657 JAI 00025221 Principles and Practice of Accountancy Jain, S K U d h Publishers a-402 UG Library
657 JAI 00126442 Advanced Accountancy II S.P. Jain K.L. Narang Kalyani Publishers, 9789327246872 19th ed II/26-5 p.:.: UG Library
657 JAI 00026500 Practical Problems in Advanced Accounting Jain, S P Kalayani Publishers 2000 8170960762 Vol - l 214 p.: UG Library
657 JAI 00028853 Practical Problems in Advanced Accounting Jain, S P Kalayani Publishers 2000 8170960762 Vol - l 214 p.: UG Library
657 JAI 00028852 Practical Problems in Advanced Accounting Jain, S P Kalayani Publishers 2000 8170960762 Vol - l 214 p.: UG Library
657 JAI 00028851 Practical Problems in Advanced Accounting Jain, S P Kalayani Publishers 2000 8170960762 Vol - l 214 p.: UG Library
657 JAI 00049476 Advanced Financial Accounting Jain, S P Kalyani 2000 382p UG Library
657 JAI 00049475 Advanced Financial Accounting Jain, S P Kalyani 2000 382p UG Library
657 JAI 00135601 Fundamentals of Accounting: Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789327210453 | 9789388842556 2nd rev.ed. pages UG Library
657 JAI 00135602 Fundamentals of Accounting: Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789327210453 | 9789388842556 2nd rev.ed. pages UG Library
657 JAI 07013332 Fundamentals of Accounting / Jain, S. P. Kalyani Publishers, 2001 8127232041 3rd ed. 496 p. : Library - BR Campus
657 JAN 05031033 Cost and Management Accountancy : Jana Kumar Goutam Books And Allied (p)Ltd, 2008 9788187134787 1562 p.: Knowledge Centre
657 JAW 07000807 Accounting for Management / Lal, Jawahar. Himalaya Publishing House, 9788184885149 889 p. : Library - BR Campus
657 JAW 07005136 Accounting for Management / Lal, Jawahar. Himalaya Publishing House, 9788184885149 889 p. : Library - BR Campus
657 JAY 05014012 Financial Accounting From Zero / Jayapandian,S. Excel Books, 9788174468697 x,420p.; Knowledge Centre
657 JAY 00100731 Financial Accounting From Zero / Jayapandian,S. Excel Books, 9788174468697 x,420p.; UG Library
657 JAY 05014035 Financial Accounting From Zero / Jayapandian,S. Excel Books, 9788174468697 x,420p.; Knowledge Centre
657 JON 04012892 Accounting for non-specialists / Jones, Michael, Wiley, 0470017791 | 9788126512638 596 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 JON 04014100 Accounting for non-specialists / Jones, Michael, Wiley, 0470017791 | 9788126512638 596 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 JUN 00123870 Elements of Book-Keeping Juneja, C Mohan Kalyani Publishers, 2011 9788127270988 63 p:. UG Library
657 KAP 00088605 Advanced Management Accounting Kaplan, Robert S 800p UG Library
657 KES 07001416 Case Problems in Finance / Kester, W. Carl Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 9780070667051 | 0070667055 806 p.: Library - BR Campus
657 KES 07002901 Case Problems in Finance / Kester, W. Carl Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 9780070667051 | 0070667055 806 p.: Library - BR Campus
657 KHA 00019677 Practical Costing Khanna, B S S Chand & Company Ltd 1978 687 p.: UG Library
657 KHA 00132381 Accounting for Management / Khatri, Dhanesh k Mcgraw Hill, 2017 9789339203108 | 9780071078023 xxxv,806p.; UG Library
657 KHA 00016954 Practical Costing Khanna, B. S. S Chand, 1978 688 p.; UG Library
657 KHA 03012317 Accounting for Management / Khatri, Dhanesh k Mcgraw Hill, 2015 9789339203108 ix, 23.15p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 KIM 10000933 Financial Accounting : Kimmel, Paul D. Wiley , 2010 9788126551262 647 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 KIM 03011622 Financial Accounting : Kimmel, Paul D. Wiley , 2010 9788126551262 647 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 KIM 03013230 Financial Accounting: Kimmel, Paul Wiley , 2010 9788126523931 5th ed. 717 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 KIS 07000852 Advanced Management Accounting : Kishore, Ravi M Taxmann Publishing, 2015 664 p. Library - BR Campus
657 KUM 07005110 Fundamentals of Accounting / Kumar,Anil,S. Himalaya Publishing House, 9789350977576 411p Library - BR Campus
657 KUM 04010834 Fundamentals of Accounting / Kumar,Anil,S. Himalaya Publishing House, 9789350977576 411p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 KUM 00089727 Corporate Accounting. Kumar, S Anil HIMALAYA 2008 382 p UG Library
657 KUM 10003741 Corporate Accounting-1 / Kumar, S Anil Himalaya Publishing House, 2009 226 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 KUM 00063481 Advanced Financial Accounting Kumar, S Anil HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 8178669234 379p UG Library
657 KUM 00063482 Financial Accounting - I: Including Skill Development Kumar, S Anil Himalayan 2004 264p UG Library
657 KUM 07015732 Financial Accounting / Kumar Anil S Himalaya Publishing, 2014 9789351420552 293p. ; Library - BR Campus
657 KUM 03006827 BBM: Corporate Accounting / Kumar, Anil Himalaya Publishing houses 2008 313p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 KUM 04012164 Financial Accounting / Kumar Anil S Himalaya Publishing, 2014 9789351420552 293p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 KUM 00052984 Financial Accounting. Anilkumar, HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE , 2001 0817866156 8:72 p.: UG Library
657 KUM 07015333 Accounting for business / Kumar Anil.k Himalaya Publishing House 2020 9789390436026 309 p. ; Library - BR Campus
657 KUM 00051450 Advanced Financial Accounting Kumar, S Anil HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 8178669234 379p UG Library
657 KUP 00088701 Accounting for Managers / Kuppapally, Jelsy Joseph Prentice Hall of India, 9788120333185 605 p. : UG Library
657 KUP 04014688 Accounting for Managers / Kuppapally, Jelsy Joseph Prentice Hall of India, 9788120333185 605 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 LAL 07015676 Managerial Accounting / Lal Jawahar Himalaya Publishing House, 2012 9789350517888 453p.: Library - BR Campus
657 LAL 00137780 Financial Accounting : Lal,Jawahar. S Chand and Company Limited, 2018 9788121923064 3rd rev ed (rep) vii,21.49p.; UG Library
657 LAL 07000774 Accounting theory and practice Lal Jawahae Himalaya publishing house, 2015 9789350513804 573p.; Library - BR Campus
657 LAL 05014163 Managerial Accounting Lal, Jawahar Himalaya 1996 870p.; Knowledge Centre
657 LAR 00049683 Fundamental Accounting Principles Larson, D Kermit 0256255342 1352p UG Library
657 LAV 07007427 Financial Accounting & Management/ Lavanya K. Skyward publishers, 2015 9789384494315 13 pages.: Library - BR Campus
657 LAZ 00139462 Accounting I Lazar,P.K Excel publishers, 2016 448p.; UG Library
657 LEI 00128904 Accounting Leiwy, Danny McGraw-Hill, 2013 9780077139131 4th ed, 500 p.: UG Library
657 LIB 00128925 Financial Accounting Libby, Robert McGraw-Hill Education, 2014 9780077158958 8th Edition xxxix,688 p. : UG Library
657 LIB 10000093 Financial Accounting / Libby, Robert. McGraw-Hill, 2017 9789353166519 9th Edition xxix,703 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 LOU 03004949 Financial Accounting for Dummies / Loughran, Maire R. Wiley Pubishing, Inc., 2011 9780470930656 (pbk : alk. pape 1st ed. 338 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 LOU 05005987 Financial Accounting for Dummies / Loughran, Maire R. Wiley Pubishing, Inc., 2011 9780470930656 (pbk : alk. pape 1st ed. 338 p.: Knowledge Centre
657 LUN 00104586 Cima Official Learning system: Fundamental of Financial Accounting Lunt Henry. CIMA publishing An Imprint of Elsevier 2008 9788131219003 xx: 740 p. UG Library
657 MAG 00012930 Company Accounts Magee, J O 0071210304 355p UG Library
657 MAH 00144249 Financial Accounting : Maheshwari, S N. Vikas publication, 2023 9789356330207 xvi,3.171p,; UG Library
657 MAH 05045485 Advanced Accountancy Vol-I Maheshwari, S. N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2015 9788125930914 10th ed. xvii, 3.221 p.; Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 03010928 Advanced Accountancy Vol-I Maheshwari, S. N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2015 9788125930914 10th ed. xvii, 3.221 p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 MAH 03010929 Advanced Accountancy Vol-I Maheshwari, S. N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2015 9788125930914 10th ed. xvii, 3.221 p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 MAH 03010930 Advanced Accountancy Vol-I Maheshwari, S. N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2015 9788125930914 10th ed. xvii, 3.221 p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 MAH 03010932 Advanced Accountancy Vol-II / Maheshwari. S. N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd , 2015 9788125930921 10th ed. xviii, 1327 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 MAH 03010933 Advanced Accountancy Vol-II / Maheshwari. S. N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd , 2015 9788125930921 10th ed. xviii, 1327 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 MAH 10003535 Advanced Accountancy : Maheswari, S N Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2022 9769354534973 11th xvii, 3.252, A.18 P., Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 MAH 07001882 Advanced Accountancy Vol-II / Maheshwari. S. N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd , 2015 9788125930921 10th ed. xviii, 1327 p.: Library - BR Campus
657 MAH 05075133 Advanced Accountancy / Maheswari, S N Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2023 9789356746131 | 9789356746329 12th ed 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 05075134 Advanced Accountancy / Maheswari, S N Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2023 9789356746131 | 9789356746329 12th ed 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 10002973 Advanced Accountancy Volume I / Maheshwari, S.N. Vikas Publishing House Private Limited, 2017 9789354534973 Eleventh Revised & Enlarged Edition. xvii, 3.252 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 MAH 10002974 Advanced Accountancy Volume I / Maheshwari, S.N. Vikas Publishing House Private Limited, 2017 9789354534973 Eleventh Revised & Enlarged Edition. xvii, 3.252 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 MAH 00136493 Advanced Accountancy/ Vol.2 Maheshwari, S N Vikas publishing house pvt ltd., 2018 8125909044 | 9789352718573 11th ed., xvi,3.324 p.; UG Library
657 MAH 07001862 Advanced Accountancy Vol-I Maheshwari, S. N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2015 9788125930914 10th ed. xvii, 3.221 p.; Library - BR Campus
657 MAH 07001869 Problems and Solutions in Advanced Accountancy Vol.1 / Maheshwari, S N. Vikas Publishing, 2007 9788125921998 6th Ed. 3.294p.; Library - BR Campus
657 MAH 07001868 Problems and Solutions in Advanced Accountancy Volume II / Maheshwari, S N Vikas, 2008 9788125923411 3.207 p.; Library - BR Campus
657 MAH 00129372 Advanced Accountancy Vol-II / Maheshwari. S. N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd , 2015 9788125930921 10th ed. xviii, 1327 p.: UG Library
657 MAH 05014523 Advanced Accountancy Volume I [mfm-Section] Maheshwari, S N Vikas 2007 8125916644 Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 05064772 An Introduction to Accountancy / Maheshwari S N. VIKAS, 2018 9789352718603 12th (Revised ed.) xvi, 5.147p. : Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 00137779 Corporate Accounting Maheshwari,S.N Vikas publishing house pvt ltd., 2019 9789352718580 6th ed., pages UG Library
657 MAH 05014022 Corporate Accounting Maheswari, S N Vikas 8125910980 1538p Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 05014034 Corporate Accounting Maheswari, S N Vikas 8125910980 1538p Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 05021915 An Introduction to Accountancy / Maheshwari S N Vikas Publishing : 2002 8125912088 6th Ed. 528 p. Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 05026757 An Introduction to Accountancy / Maheshwari S N Vikas Publishing : 2002 8125912088 6th Ed. 528 p. Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 05014036 An Introduction to Accountancy / Maheshwari S N Vikas Publishing : 2002 8125912088 6th Ed. 528 p. Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 05013716 Problems and Solutions in Advanced Accountacy -Volume 1 Maheshwari, S N Vikas 2001 8125909788 Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 05014051 Problems and Solutions in Advanced Accountancy Vol.1 / Maheshwari, S N. Vikas Publishing, 2007 9788125921998 6th Ed. 3.294p.; Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 05001038 Advanced Accountancy Volume I Maheshwari, S. N. Konark, 1984 964 p.; Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 05014056 Advanced Accountacy: Volume 1 Maheshwari, S N Vikas 8125908838 3202p Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 05019034 Advanced Accountacy: Volume 1 Maheshwari, S N Vikas 8125908838 3202p Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 05014011 Advanced Accountancy: Volume 2 Maheshwari, S N Vikas 8125909044 3452p Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 05026102 Advanced Accountancy: Volume 2 Maheshwari, S N Vikas 8125909044 3452p Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 10000296 An Introduction to Accountancy / Maheshwari S N. VIKAS, 2018 9789352718603 12th (Revised ed.) xvi, 5.147p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 MAH 07015064 Corporate Accounting Maheshwari,S.N Vikas publishing house pvt ltd., 2019 9789352718580 6th ed., pages Library - BR Campus
657 MAH 00025964 Advanced Accountancy Maheshwari, S N 1 UG Library
657 MAH 07015065 Corporate Accounting Maheshwari,S.N Vikas publishing house pvt ltd., 2019 9789352718580 6th ed., pages Library - BR Campus
657 MAH 10002252 Financial Accounting : Maheshwari, S N. Vikas publication, 2023 9789356330207 xvi,3.171p,; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 MAH 00027997 Advanced Accountancy. Maheshwari, S N Vani 1985 668 p UG Library
657 MAH 05013714 Advanced Accountancy - Volume II Maheshwari, S N Vikas 2007 8125916121 9th edition p.v Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 03010931 Advanced Accountancy Vol-II / Maheshwari. S. N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd , 2015 9788125930921 10th ed. xviii, 1327 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 MAH 05014515 An Introduction to Accountancy/ Maheshwari, S N Vikas Publishing Company 2004 8125915818 8th edition 1137p.; Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 05014512 An Introduction to Accountancy/ Maheshwari, S N Vikas Publishing Company 2004 8125915818 8th edition 1137p.; Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 05014510 An Introduction to Accountancy/ Maheshwari, S N Vikas Publishing Company 2004 8125915818 8th edition 1137p.; Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 05014516 An Introduction to Accountancy/ Maheshwari, S N Vikas Publishing Company 2004 8125915818 8th edition 1137p.; Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 05014511 An Introduction to Accountancy/ Maheshwari, S N Vikas Publishing Company 2004 8125915818 8th edition 1137p.; Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 00069762 Financial Accounting Maheshwari, S N Vikas 2005 8128125923 4.251 UG Library
657 MAH 00069764 An Introductin to Accountency Maheshwari, S N Vikas 2005 8128125915 5.121p UG Library
657 MAH 10002311 Financial accounting for BBA / Maheshwari, S. N., Vikas publishing house pvt ltd., 2018 9789352718719 2nd rev ed., xx,2.264 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 MAH 00135885 Advanced Accountancy/ Vol.2 Maheshwari, S N Vikas publishing house pvt ltd., 2018 8125909044 | 9789352718573 11th ed., xvi,3.324 p.; UG Library
657 MAH 00135886 Advanced Accountancy/ Vol.2 Maheshwari, S N Vikas publishing house pvt ltd., 2018 8125909044 | 9789352718573 11th ed., xvi,3.324 p.; UG Library
657 MAH 05014039 Problems and Solutions in Advanced Accountancy Volume II / Maheshwari, S N Vikas, 2008 9788125923411 3.207 p.; Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 05013706 Problems and Solutions in Advanced Accountancy Volume II / Maheshwari, S N Vikas, 2008 9788125923411 3.207 p.; Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 10002054 Advanced Accountancy Volume I / Maheshwari, S.N. Vikas Publishing House Private Limited, 2017 9789354534973 Eleventh Revised & Enlarged Edition. xvii, 3.252 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 MAH 10002055 Advanced Accountancy Volume I / Maheshwari, S.N. Vikas Publishing House Private Limited, 2017 9789354534973 Eleventh Revised & Enlarged Edition. xvii, 3.252 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 MAH 10002056 Advanced Accountancy Volume I / Maheshwari, S.N. Vikas Publishing House Private Limited, 2017 9789354534973 Eleventh Revised & Enlarged Edition. xvii, 3.252 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 MAH 00141840 An Introduction to Accountancy / Maheshwari S N. VIKAS, 2018 9789352718603 12th (Revised ed.) xvi, 5.147p. : UG Library
657 MAH 05000793 Advanced Accountancy Vol-I Maheshwari, S. N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2015 9788125930914 10th ed. xvii, 3.221 p.; Knowledge Centre
657 MAH 10002057 Advanced Accountancy Volume II / Maheshwari, S N., Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789354534980 Eleventh Revised & Enlarged Edition xvi, 3324p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 MAH 10002058 Advanced Accountancy Volume II / Maheshwari, S N., Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789354534980 Eleventh Revised & Enlarged Edition xvi, 3324p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 MAH 10002059 Advanced Accountancy Volume II / Maheshwari, S N., Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789354534980 Eleventh Revised & Enlarged Edition xvi, 3324p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 MAL 05019602 Accounting, the social and the political Elsevier, 2005 1st ed. xiv, 402 p. : Knowledge Centre
657 MAN 05073979 Financial accounting-1 (I Semester) / Mani, Alice Dr. 2004 348p.; Knowledge Centre
657 MAN 00060872 Financial Accounting - I Mani,Alice. Eliza Publishing House 2004 695 p.: UG Library
657 MAN 00060873 Financial Accounting - I Mani,Alice. Eliza Publishing House 2004 695 p.: UG Library
657 MAN 00060875 Financial Accounting - I Mani,Alice. Eliza Publishing House 2004 695 p.: UG Library
657 MAN 00060882 Financial Accounting - I Mani,Alice. Eliza Publishing House 2004 695 p.: UG Library
657 MAN 00060874 Financial Accounting - I Mani,Alice. Eliza Publishing House 2004 695 p.: UG Library
657 MAN 00080036 Financial Accounting - I Mani, Alice National 2004 348 p UG Library
657 MAN 00089715 Financial Accounting - I Mani,Alice. Eliza Publishing House 2004 695 p.: UG Library
657 MAN 00104620 Financial Accounting - I Mani,Alice. Eliza Publishing House 2004 695 p.: UG Library
657 MAR 00128905 Accounting Marshall, David H. McGraw-Hill, 2011 9780071221023 9th ed, 760 p.: UG Library
657 MAR 05006658 Introduction to Accounting / Marriott, Pru Sage Publications, 2002 9788178298559 3rd ed. 537 p.: Knowledge Centre
657 MEI 00083120 Financial Accounting/ Meigs, Robert F 9780071180559 712p UG Library
657 MEI 22001672 Financial Accounting/ Meigs, Robert F 9780071180559 712p Knowledge Centre
657 MIR 00129764 Accounting Standards Miriyala, Ravi Kanth. Bharat Law House OPvt.Ltd, 2018 9789351395560 8th Edt 360 p.: UG Library
657 MIR 00129765 Accounting Standards Miriyala, Ravi Kanth. Bharat Law House OPvt.Ltd, 2018 9789351395560 8th Edt 360 p.: UG Library
657 MIR 00129750 Accounting Standards Miriyala, Ravi Kanth. Bharat Law House OPvt.Ltd, 2017 9789351395102 4th Edt 616 p.: UG Library
657 MIR 00129751 Accounting Standards Miriyala, Ravi Kanth. Bharat Law House OPvt.Ltd, 2017 9789351395102 4th Edt 616 p.: UG Library
657 MOH 00088550 International Accounting Mohapatra, Das A K Prentice Hall of India 8120331222 324p UG Library
657 MON 03013390 Re Framiming Finance : Monk, Ashby Bloomsbury, 2022 9789354358531 193p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 MOU 00053418 Accounting and Fiunancial Managment for III Sem BCA and Mca-Bangalore Univ Mouli, D Raja Subhas Publications 344p UG Library
657 MUE 00145917 Financial Accounting Mueller, Lawrence Willford Press, 2023 9781647284213 x,236p.; UG Library
657 MUK 00062793 Modern Accountancy Volume - II Mukherjee, Amitabha Tata McGraw Hill Publishing company Limited 2006 0070499667 2nd Ed 22.4 p UG Library
657 MUK 00136474 Modern Accountancy / Vol. 2 Hanif, M. Tata McGraw Hill Education, 2019 9789353162252 3rd ed. 25.69p. UG Library
657 MUK 00136475 Modern Accountancy / Vol. 1 Hanif, M. Tata McGraw Hill Education, 2019 9789353162238 3rd ed. 41.8p. UG Library
657 MUK 00069603 Modern Accountency Mukhergee, M Hanif, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited 2005 0070499667 22.4 p UG Library
657 MUK 05014047 Modern Accountacncy - Volume II Mukherjee, Amitabha 0070499667 542p Knowledge Centre
657 MUK 00070235 Modern Accountancy - Volume I Mukherjee, Amitabha Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited 2004 0074630172 2nd Ed 37.50 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 MUK 00070236 Modern Accountancy Volume - II Mukherjee, Amitabha Tata McGraw Hill Publishing company Limited 2006 0070499667 2nd Ed 22.4 p UG Library
657 MUK 05014033 Modern Accountancy: Volume 2 Mukherjee, A 0070499667 2220p Knowledge Centre
657 MUK 05052921 Modern Accountancy / Mukherjee, A New York : 2016 0070499667 | 9780070499669 2nd ed, xv, 22:39 p.: Knowledge Centre
657 MUK 00126490 Modern Accountancy / Mukherjee, A New York : 2016 0070499667 | 9780070499669 2nd ed, xv, 22:39 p.: UG Library
657 MUN 00016767 Munro`s Book Keeping and Accountancy Munro, Andrew Pitman Publishing Corporation 582p UG Library
657 NAR 05000778 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343436 4th ed. xxi, 680 p.: Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 01011965 Financial Accounting: Narayanaswamy,R PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, 9788120335622 xxiv,699p.; Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 05040690 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343436 4th ed. xxi, 680 p.: Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 00026540 Business Administration Narayana Rao, B C Subhas Pub UG Library
657 NAR 05013718 Financial Accounting : A Managerial Perspective Narayanaswamy, R Prentice Hall of India 2008 9788120335622 699p: Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 03006753 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343436 4th ed. xxi, 680 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 NAR 03006754 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343436 4th ed. xxi, 680 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 NAR 00117285 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343436 4th ed. xxi, 680 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 NAR 00117283 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343436 4th ed. xxi, 680 p.: UG Library
657 NAR 07014480 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy R. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 2017 9788120353435 6th ed. 594 p.: Library - BR Campus
657 NAR 07009589 Financial Accounting: Narayanaswamy,R PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9788120349490 5th ed. xii, 650p.; Library - BR Campus
657 NAR 07009591 Financial Accounting: Narayanaswamy,R PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9788120349490 5th ed. xii, 650p.; Library - BR Campus
657 NAR 05000803 Fundamentals of Business Accounting (Including GST) / Narang Jain K.L.S.P Kalyani Publishers, 2001 9788127253898 297p.: Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 04017190 Financial Accounting: Narayanaswamy,R PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9788120349490 5th ed. xii, 650p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 NAR 05014164 Financial Accounting A Managerial Perspective/ Narayanaswamy, R. Prentice Hall of India, 2005 8120327950 663p.; Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 05009202 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343436 4th ed. xxi, 680 p.: Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 05009203 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343436 4th ed. xxi, 680 p.: Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 05001137 Financial Accounting: Narayanaswamy,R PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9788120349490 5th ed. xii, 650p.; Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 05000859 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343436 4th ed. xxi, 680 p.: Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 03009843 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343436 4th ed. xxi, 680 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 NAR 05000883 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343436 4th ed. xxi, 680 p.: Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 07004305 Financial Accounting: Narayanaswamy,R PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9788120349490 5th ed. xii, 650p.; Library - BR Campus
657 NAR 05053572 Financial Accounting: Narayanaswamy,R PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9788120349490 5th ed. xii, 650p.; Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 03013497 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy R PHI Learning, 2022 9789354437656 634p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 NAR 03013498 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy R PHI Learning, 2022 9789354437656 634p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 NAR 03013499 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy R PHI Learning, 2022 9789354437656 634p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 NAR 03013500 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy R PHI Learning, 2022 9789354437656 634p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 NAR 03013501 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy R PHI Learning, 2022 9789354437656 634p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 NAR 03012709 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy R. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 2017 9788120353435 6th ed. 594 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 NAR 03012710 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy R. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 2017 9788120353435 6th ed. 594 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 NAR 03012711 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy R. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 2017 9788120353435 6th ed. 594 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 NAR 05000893 Financial Accounting A Managerial Perspective/ Narayanaswamy, R. Prentice Hall of India, 2005 8120327950 663p.; Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 03012712 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy R. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 2017 9788120353435 6th ed. 594 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 NAR 05000895 Financial Accounting A Managerial Perspective/ Narayanaswamy, R. Prentice Hall of India, 2005 8120327950 663p.; Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 03012713 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy R. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 2017 9788120353435 6th ed. 594 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 NAR 05047128 Financial Accounting : A Managerial Perspective Narayanaswamy, R Prentice Hall of India 2008 9788120335622 699p: Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 00122717 Fundamentals of Business Accounting (Including GST) / Narang Jain K.L.S.P Kalyani Publishers, 2001 9788127253898 297p.: UG Library
657 NAR 05026947 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343436 4th ed. xxi, 680 p.: Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 04020776 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343436 4th ed. xxi, 680 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 NAR 01023855 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343436 4th ed. xxi, 680 p.: Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 04021580 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343436 4th ed. xxi, 680 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 NAR 01023856 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343436 4th ed. xxi, 680 p.: Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 01023857 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343436 4th ed. xxi, 680 p.: Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 03013171 Financial Accounting : A Managerial Perspective Narayanaswamy, R Prentice Hall of India 2008 9788120335622 699p: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 NAR 01023858 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343436 4th ed. xxi, 680 p.: Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 07001582 Financial Accounting: Narayanaswamy,R PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9788120349490 5th ed. xii, 650p.; Library - BR Campus
657 NAR 01023859 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343436 4th ed. xxi, 680 p.: Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 05038551 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343436 4th ed. xxi, 680 p.: Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 07001928 Fundamentals of Business Accounting (Including GST) / Narang Jain K.L.S.P Kalyani Publishers, 2001 9788127253898 297p.: Library - BR Campus
657 NAR 00009758 Financial Accounting: Narayanaswamy,R PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9788120349490 5th ed. xii, 650p.; UG Library
657 NAR 31000262 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343436 4th ed. xxi, 680 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 NAR 05029820 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R Prentice-Hall of Inida, 2005 9788120327955 xiii,663p.; Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 00088702 Financial Accounting : A Managerial Perspective Narayanaswamy, R Prentice Hall of India 2008 9788120335622 699p: UG Library
657 NAR 10001056 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy R. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 2017 9788120353435 6th ed. 594 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 NAR 03013195 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy R. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 2017 9788120353435 6th ed. 594 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 NAR 03013196 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy R. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 2017 9788120353435 6th ed. 594 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 NAR 03013197 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy R. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 2017 9788120353435 6th ed. 594 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 NAR 05001028 Financial Accounting : A Managerial Perspective Narayanaswamy, R Prentice Hall of India 2008 9788120335622 699p: Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 03013198 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy R. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 2017 9788120353435 6th ed. 594 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 NAR 03013199 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy R. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 2017 9788120353435 6th ed. 594 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 NAR 03013200 Financial Accounting: Narayanaswamy,R PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9788120349490 5th ed. xii, 650p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 NAR 05000746 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343436 4th ed. xxi, 680 p.: Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 05071516 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy R. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 2017 9788120353435 6th ed. 594 p.: Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 03009778 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343436 4th ed. xxi, 680 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 NAR 03009779 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343436 4th ed. xxi, 680 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 NAR 03009780 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343436 4th ed. xxi, 680 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 NAR 22001107 Financial Accounting A Managerial Perspective/ Narayanaswamy, R. Prentice Hall of India, 2005 8120327950 663p.; Knowledge Centre
657 NAR 04014858 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy, R. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343436 4th ed. xxi, 680 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 NAR 07002973 Financial Accounting : A Managerial Perspective Narayanaswamy, R Prentice Hall of India 2008 9788120335622 699p: Library - BR Campus
657 NAR 05031027 Financial Accounting : A Managerial Perspective Narayanaswamy, R Prentice Hall of India 2008 9788120335622 699p: Knowledge Centre
657 NEE 00123622 B. com Semester Scanner Neeraj's Neeraj Books, 2015 in 116 p.: UG Library
657 NEE 00123623 B. com Semester Scanner Neeraj's Neeraj Books, 2015 in 626 p.: UG Library
657 NIS 00043479 Study Guide to Financial Accounting: the Impact on Decision Makers Nisbet, Mary The Dryden Press, 1996 0155016776 324 p.: UG Library
657 NIS 00043480 Study Guide to Financial Accounting: the Impact on Decision Makers Nisbet, Mary The Dryden Press, 1996 0155016776 324 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 NOB 05048799 Accounting : Nobes, Christopher. 9780199684311 (pbk.) | 9780199 xiv, 137 pages : Knowledge Centre
657 NOB 05057210 Comparative international accounting / Nobes, Christopher., Pearson, 2017 9781292081908 13th edition. xxi, 611 pages ; Knowledge Centre
657 NOR 00145260 Financial ACCT / Financial Accounting Godwin,Norman H Cengage Learning Private Limited 2023 9789355731067 3rd ed. xi;512p. UG Library
657 PAL 00117787 Accounting for Management Palanivelu, V.R. University Science Press, 2013 9789381159385 x:638p.; UG Library
657 PAN 03010551 Auditing and Cost Accounting / Pant, Anoop. Venus Books, 2014 9788189922405 289 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 PAN 00088576 Management Accounting Theory and Practice / Pandikumar, M P. Excel Books: 9788174465641 viii,457p.; UG Library
657 PAN 22002067 Management Accounting Theory and Practice / Pandikumar, M P. Excel Books: 9788174465641 viii,457p.; Knowledge Centre
657 PAN 00118889 Auditing and Cost Accounting / Pant, Anoop. Venus Books, 2014 9788189922405 289 p.: UG Library
657 PAN 10003054 Financial accounting/ Pandey, Megha., Archers and elevators publishing house, 2023 9789394958203 343 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 PAT 00075482 Financial Accounting - I Patil, V A R CHAND 2005 1476p UG Library
657 PAT 00072680 Financial Accounting-1 Patil, V A R.CHAND & CO. 2005 1 UG Library
657 PAT 00072681 Financial Accounting-1 Patil V A R-Chand & CO, 2005 4th Revised ed. 572p.; UG Library
657 PAT 00026448 Principles And Practice of Book Keeping Patil, V A R Chand & Co 1971 406.37 p UG Library
657 PAU 00034751 Practical Accounts Part I Paul, J N Sen 646 p UG Library
657 PAU 00026514 Practical Accounts Part I Paul, J N Sen 646 p UG Library
657 PAU 00027317 Practical Accounts Part I Paul, J N Sen 646 p UG Library
657 PAU 00026515 Practical Accounts Part II Paul, S.Kr. New Central Book Agency(p) Ltd 1984 548 p UG Library
657 PAU 00027318 Practical Accounts Part II Paul, S.Kr. New Central Book Agency(p) Ltd 1984 548 p UG Library
657 PAU 00034752 Practical Accounts Part II Paul, S.Kr. New Central Book Agency(p) Ltd 1984 548 p UG Library
657 PAU 00019031 Principles of Auditing F R M, De Paula 0000273168 515p UG Library
657 PAU 00069667 Fundamentals of Accounting Paul, S Kr New Central Books 2001 982 p UG Library
657 PAU 00060495 Fundamentals of Accounting Paul, S Kr New Central Books 2001 982 p UG Library
657 PER 04017457 Textbook of Financial Cost and Management Accounting / Periasamy, P. Himalaya Publishing house, 2011 776p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 PIC 00016001 Accountancy Questions & Key Pickles, William Pitaman Publishing 1976 0273008366 727 p. UG Library
657 PIC 00007436 Textbook for the Professional Accountancy and Advanced Commercial Examinations Pickles, William Pitman Publishing Corporation 1419p UG Library
657 PIC 00007007 Accountancy Pickles, William Issac 1419p UG Library
657 PIC 00007008 Accountancy Pickles, William Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd 1968 1419p UG Library
657 PIL 00141792 Management accounting / Pillai,R S N. S Chand and company limited, 2020 9788121910620 rep x,661p.; UG Library
657 PIL 00141793 Management accounting / Pillai,R S N. S Chand and company limited, 2020 9788121910620 rep x,661p.; UG Library
657 POR 05026103 Using Financial Accounting Information:The Alternative to Debits and Credits Porter, Gary A 0324645104 672 p Knowledge Centre
657 POR 00043481 Financial Accounting: Porter, A Gary The Dryden Press : 1995 0155001922 | 9780155001923 878 p.: UG Library
657 POR 00043482 Financial Accounting: Porter, A Gary The Dryden Press : 1995 0155001922 | 9780155001923 878 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 POR 00040812 Financial Accounting: Porter, A Gary The Dryden Press : 1995 0155001922 | 9780155001923 878 p.: UG Library
657 PRA 01026715 Ready Referencer On Accounting / Prasath, Saravana B CA. Wolters Kluwer, 2018 9789388313414 B.7.30p.; Knowledge Centre
657 PRA 00090791 New Vistas in Accounting - Vol I Prasuna, D G ICFAI 8178811324 197p UG Library
657 PUT 05013711 Financial Accounting Puttappa, K S Prasanna Publications 1999 Knowledge Centre
657 RAD 01013677 Accountancy Radhakrishnan,G Textbook Corporation, 306p.: Knowledge Centre
657 RAJ 05036878 Fundamental Principles and Techniques of Financial Accounting / Dr.K Prabhakar Rajkumar Ane Books Pvt.Ltd., 2012 9789381162514 358 p. Knowledge Centre
657 RAJ 00116745 Fundamental of Accounting Rajpara, Yashasvi R. Horizon Press, 2013 9788192665450 264 p. ; UG Library
657 RAJ 00118552 Fundamental of Accounting Rajpara, Yashasvi R. Horizon Press, 2013 9788192665450 264 p. ; UG Library
657 RAM 00044135 Financial Accounting. Raman, B S UNITED PUBLISHER 1998 1322 p UG Library
657 RAM 00044139 Financial Accounting. Raman, B S UNITED PUBLISHER 1998 1322 p UG Library
657 RAM 00044141 Financial Accounting. Raman, B S UNITED PUBLISHER 1998 1322 p UG Library
657 RAM 00044143 Financial Accounting. Raman, B S UNITED PUBLISHER 1998 1322 p UG Library
657 RAM 00044142 Financial Accounting. Raman, B S UNITED PUBLISHER 1998 1322 p UG Library
657 RAM 00061137 Accountancy Raman, B. S. United Pub, 2003 1175 p.; UG Library
657 RAM 00025102 Advanced Accountancy Raman, B S United Pub 1368p UG Library
657 RAM 00027916 Accountancy Raman, B S 1991 1 UG Library
657 RAM 00052339 Advanced Financial Accountancy Raman, B S United Publishers 1998 488 p UG Library
657 RAM 00030814 Advanced Accountancy Raman, B S S Chand 1989 1694 p.; UG Library
657 RAM 00042008 Financial Accounting.Vol.1 Raman, B S United 1998 1116p UG Library
657 RAM 00049101 Accountqancy for II Puc Raman, B S United UG Library
657 RAM 00056896 Financial Accounting Raman, B S United Pub, 2003 1081 p.; UG Library
657 RAM 00056898 Financial Accounting Raman, B S United Pub, 2003 1081 p.; UG Library
657 RAM 00035668 Financial Accounting Vol II Raman, B S United 1993 1097 p.: UG Library
657 RAM 00025229 Accountancy and Commerce Raman, B S United Pub, 1984 716 p.; UG Library
657 RAM 00049428 Financial Accounting.Vol.1 Raman, B S United 1998 1116p UG Library
657 RAM 00049431 Financial Accounting.Vol.1 Raman, B S United 1998 1116p UG Library
657 RAM 00049429 Financial Accounting.Vol.1 Raman, B S United 1998 1116p UG Library
657 RAM 03004881 Financial Accounting for Management / Ramachandran, N Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070666917 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 RAM 00049467 Financial Accounting Raman, B S United 2000 1082p UG Library
657 RAO 00038344 Current Issues in Accounting Rao, P Mohana Kanishka 350 UG Library
657 RAO 00053419 Accounting and Financial Management Thukarama, Rao M E Subhas Publications 2001 422 p. UG Library
657 RAO 00053420 Accounting and Financial Management Thukarama, Rao M E Subhas Publications 2001 422 p. UG Library
657 RAO 01013678 Accountancy Rao,P.S. Sudhakara Premier Books Pvt Ltd, 277p.: Knowledge Centre
657 RAT 00032528 Finanical Accounting: Rathnam, P V Himalaya 1990 Vol-1 108p UG Library
657 RAT 00032532 Finanical Accounting: Rathnam, P V Himalaya 1990 Vol-1 108p UG Library
657 RAT 00032536 Finanical Accounting: Rathnam, P V Himalaya 1990 Vol-1 108p UG Library
657 RAT 00032533 Finanical Accounting: Rathnam, P V Himalaya 1990 Vol-1 108p UG Library
657 RAT 00032530 Finanical Accounting: Rathnam, P V Himalaya 1990 Vol-1 108p UG Library
657 RAT 00032535 Finanical Accounting: Rathnam, P V Himalaya 1990 Vol-1 108p UG Library
657 RAT 00034194 Cost Accoounting Rathnam, P V Himalaya, 1992 691 p.; UG Library
657 RAV 00135408 Principle of accounting Raval,Kirtan P Cyber tech publications, 2017 9789350535813 224p.; UG Library
657 RAW 00090583 Students Guide To: Accounting Standards:Also Incorporating as 30 to as 32 As/ifrs/ias and Us Gaap Comparison 241 Problems With Solutions 225 Unsolved. Rawat, D S Taxmann Publications (p) Ltd 9788171945603 664p UG Library
657 RAW 05026119 Taxmann Student's Guide to Accounting Standards : CA / ICWA Final Examinations Rawat, D S Taxman 2008 9788184780710 650p; Knowledge Centre
657 RAW 05014506 Taxmann Student's Guide to Accounting Standards : CA / ICWA Final Examinations Rawat, D S Taxman 2008 9788184780710 650p; Knowledge Centre
657 RAW 05014507 Taxmann Student's Guide to Accounting Standards : CA / ICWA Final Examinations Rawat, D S Taxman 2008 9788184780710 650p; Knowledge Centre
657 RAW 05014505 Taxmann Student's Guide to Accounting Standards : CA / ICWA Final Examinations Rawat, D S Taxman 2008 9788184780710 650p; Knowledge Centre
657 RAW 05014508 Taxmann Student's Guide to Accounting Standards : CA / ICWA Final Examinations Rawat, D S Taxman 2008 9788184780710 650p; Knowledge Centre
657 RAW 05017410 Accounting Standards Rawat, D S Taxmann Publications (p) Ltd 2008 9788171945603 664p Knowledge Centre
657 RED 04015044 Managerial Economics and Financial Accounting / Reddy, M. Kasi PHI, 2012 9788120333215 578 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 RIC 03012779 Cornerstones of Financial Accounting : Rich, Jay S South-Western Cengage Learning, 2014 9781285197579 3rd ed. ; xvi 813p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 RIC 00135220 Cornerstones of Financial Accounting : Rich, Jay S South-Western Cengage Learning, 2014 9781285197579 3rd ed. ; xvi 813p. ; UG Library
657 RIL 03004542 Business Essentials Series: Accounts/ Riley, Pippa 9788130917528 254p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 RIL 04016609 Business Decision Making / Riley, Pippa Viva Books, 2011 9788130917535 439p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 RIL 05008245 Business Essentials Series: Accounts/ Riley, Pippa 9788130917528 254p. Knowledge Centre
657 RIL 07001083 Business Essentials Series: Accounts/ Riley, Pippa 9788130917528 254p. Library - BR Campus
657 RIL 07001084 Business Decision Making / Riley, Pippa Viva Books, 2011 9788130917535 439p. : Library - BR Campus
657 SAR 00016003 Management Accountancy Sarkar, N Academic Pub 258p UG Library
657 SAR 00007114 Book Keeping and Acountancy Sarkar, N Academic Pub 831p Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 SCH 07009703 Financial accounting theory and analysis : Schroeder, Richard G. Wiley, 2014 9781118582794 (paper) | 111858 Eleventh edition. ix, 662 pages : Library - BR Campus
657 SEK 01026723 Students Referencer On Accounting Standards / Prasath, Saravana.B CA Wolters Kluwer, 2018 9789388313438 30.14p.; Knowledge Centre
657 SHA 00044125 Financial Accounting [ I B.Com ] Shankaranarayana HIMALAYA 1998 8:59 P. UG Library
657 SHA 00044126 Financial Accounting-1 Shankaranarayana, H V HIMALAYA p.v UG Library
657 SHA 00044127 Financial Accounting-1 Shankaranarayana, H V HIMALAYA p.v UG Library
657 SHA 00044128 Financial Accounting-1 Shankaranarayana, H V HIMALAYA p.v UG Library
657 SHA 00044130 Financial Accounting-1 Shankaranarayana, H V HIMALAYA p.v UG Library
657 SHA 00044132 Financial Accounting-1 Shankaranarayana, H V HIMALAYA p.v UG Library
657 SHA 00044133 Financial Accounting-1 Shankaranarayana, H V HIMALAYA p.v UG Library
657 SHA 00044131 Financial Accounting-1 Shankaranarayana, H V HIMALAYA p.v UG Library
657 SHA 00056493 Prouda Lekha Shastra Narayana, Shankara Surya Prakashana 947p UG Library
657 SHA 00044129 Financial Accounting-1 Shankaranarayana, H V HIMALAYA p.v UG Library
657 SHA 00056495 Prouda Lekha Shastra Narayana, Shankara Surya Prakashana 947p UG Library
657 SHA 00044134 Financial Accounting Shankaranarayana Himalaya 1998 p.v UG Library
657 SHA 00056494 Prouda Lekha Shastra Narayana, Shankara Surya Prakashana 947p UG Library
657 SHA 00056496 Prouda Lekha Shastra Narayana, Shankara Surya Prakashana 947p UG Library
657 SHA 00056497 Prouda Lekha Shastra Narayana, Shankara Surya Prakashana 947p UG Library
657 SHA 03008896 Financial Accounting for Management / Shah, Paresh. Oxford University Press , 2013 9780198077039 2nd ed. 561 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 SHA 04011025 Fundamentals of Modren Accounting / Shah C. K. Oxford Book Company , 2010 9789380179988 viii, 293 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 SHA 05000829 Financial Accounting for Management / Shah, Paresh. Oxford University Press , 2013 9780198077039 2nd ed. 561 p.: Knowledge Centre
657 SHA 04011290 Book keeping and Accounting Shah, C.K. Oxford book company , 2011 9789380179933 v, 225 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 SHA 05014502 Accounting: A Modern Approach Sharma, N K Mangal Deep Publications 8175940565 240p Knowledge Centre
657 SHA 04011264 New Trends In Accounting: Shah C.K. Oxford Book Company: 2010 9789380179995 viii, 299 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 SHA 01024312 Management accounting for decision making Shah,Mamata Ane books pvt ltd., 2009 9788180521324 xvi,270p.; Knowledge Centre
657 SHA 00141777 Problems and solutions in advanced accounting for CA intermediate / Sharma,Parveen. McGraw hill education pvt ltd., 2020 9789389949698 xi,10.79p.; UG Library
657 SHA 00066907 Finance and Accounting Sharma, Nand Kishore Mangal Deep Publications 8175941448 255p UG Library
657 SHA 00141778 Problems and solutions in accounting for CA intermediate / Sharma, Parveen McGraw hill education pvt ltd, 2020 9789389949674 xi,14.69 p.; UG Library
657 SHA 03013206 Basic Financial Accounting for Management Shah, Paresh Oxford Universtiy Press 9780195690095 594 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 SHE 10001612 Accounting simplified / Shette, Rachappa, Sage, 2021 9789353887469 xvii, 205p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 SHU 00016010 Advanced Accounts Shukla, M C S Chand 1336p UG Library
657 SHU 00013960 Solution to the Problems Advanced Shukla, S.Chand Company Ltd 415 p UG Library
657 SHU 05060550 Advanced Accounts Vol-2 / Shukla, M C S Chand & Co. 2017 9789352533022 | 9789352533138 19th ed. xvi, 30.17p. Knowledge Centre
657 SHU 05060551 Advanced Accounts Vol-2 / Shukla, M C S Chand & Co. 2017 9789352533022 | 9789352533138 19th ed. xvi, 30.17p. Knowledge Centre
657 SHU 05060552 Advanced Accounts Vol-2 / Shukla, M C S Chand & Co. 2017 9789352533022 | 9789352533138 19th ed. xvi, 30.17p. Knowledge Centre
657 SHU 05060553 Advanced Accounts Vol-2 / Shukla, M C S Chand & Co. 2017 9789352533022 | 9789352533138 19th ed. xvi, 30.17p. Knowledge Centre
657 SHU 05060554 Advanced Accounts Vol-2 / Shukla, M C S Chand & Co. 2017 9789352533022 | 9789352533138 19th ed. xvi, 30.17p. Knowledge Centre
657 SHU 00041663 Financial Accounting II Dr Shukla, S M Sahityhya Bhavan 1991 407 p UG Library
657 SHU 00041664 Financial Accounting II Dr Shukla, S M Sahityhya Bhavan 1991 407 p UG Library
657 SHU 00031916 Financial Accounting II Dr Shukla, S M Sahityhya Bhavan 1991 407 p UG Library
657 SHU 00089705 Solutions to Problems in Advanced Accounting: Volume I Shukla, M C S Chand 2002 524 p UG Library
657 SHU 05013973 Introduction to Accountancy Shukla, S M Sahithya Bhavan 143p Knowledge Centre
657 SHU 00089706 Advanced Accounts: Shukla, M C S Chand 2006 1 UG Library
657 SHU 00016369 Principles of Acountancy Shukla, M C Eurasia Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1975 486 p. UG Library
657 SHU 00136405 Advanced Accounts Vol-1 / Shukla, M C S Chand & Co. 2019 9789352533022 19th ed. xvi, 17.50 p.; UG Library
657 SHU 00136406 Advanced Accounts Vol-1 / Shukla, M C S Chand & Co. 2019 9789352533022 19th ed. xvi, 17.50 p.; UG Library
657 SHU 07015060 Advanced Accounts Vol-1 / Shukla, M C S Chand & Co. 2019 9789352533022 19th ed. xvi, 17.50 p.; Library - BR Campus
657 SHU 07015061 Advanced Accounts Vol-1 / Shukla, M C S Chand & Co. 2019 9789352533022 19th ed. xvi, 17.50 p.; Library - BR Campus
657 SHU 00015733 Advanced Accounts Shukla, M C S Chand 1336p UG Library
657 SHU 00030666 Advanced Accounts. Shukla, M C S. Chand & Company Ltd 1978 1484 p.: UG Library
657 SHU 00030671 Advanced Accounts. Shukla, M C S. Chand & Company Ltd 1978 1484 p.: UG Library
657 SHU 00026191 Advanced Accounts. Shukla, M C S. Chand & Company Ltd 1978 1484 p.: UG Library
657 SHU 00019050 Advanced Accounts. Shukla, M C S. Chand & Company Ltd 1978 1484 p.: UG Library
657 SHU 00030667 Solutions to Problems: Advanced Accounts - Vol.1 Shukla M C S Chand 1974 442 p UG Library
657 SHU 00016372 Advanced Accounts. Shukla, M C S. Chand & Company Ltd 1978 1484 p.: UG Library
657 SHU 00015732 Advanced Accounts. Shukla, M C S. Chand & Company Ltd 1978 1484 p.: UG Library
657 SHU 00012932 Advanced Accounts. Shukla, M C S. Chand & Company Ltd 1978 1484 p.: UG Library
657 SHU 00011755 Advanced Accounts. Shukla, M C S. Chand & Company Ltd 1978 1484 p.: UG Library
657 SHU 00014359 Advanced Accounts. Shukla, M C S. Chand & Company Ltd 1978 1484 p.: UG Library
657 SHU 00016011 Advanced Accounts. Shukla, M C S. Chand & Company Ltd 1978 1484 p.: UG Library
657 SHU 00019049 Advanced Accounts. Shukla, M C S. Chand & Company Ltd 1978 1484 p.: UG Library
657 SHU 00010063 Advanced Accounts. Shukla, M C S. Chand & Company Ltd 1978 1484 p.: UG Library
657 SHU 00031915 Financial Accounting - I Shukla, S M SAHITHYA BHAVAN 1990 278p UG Library
657 SHU 00013886 Solutions to Problems: Advanced Accounts - Vol.1 Shukla M C S Chand 1974 442 p UG Library
657 SHU 00128164 Advanced Accounts Vol-2 / Shukla, M C S Chand & Co. 2017 9789352533022 | 9789352533138 19th ed. xvi, 30.17p. UG Library
657 SHU 00128165 Advanced Accounts Vol-2 / Shukla, M C S Chand & Co. 2017 9789352533022 | 9789352533138 19th ed. xvi, 30.17p. UG Library
657 SIK 05010912 Fundamentals of Cost Accounting / Sikka T.R Viva Books, 2007 9788130918709 7th ed viii,1250 p. : Knowledge Centre
657 SIK 07001094 Fundamentals of Cost Accounting / Sikka T.R Viva Books, 2007 9788130918709 7th ed viii,1250 p. : Library - BR Campus
657 SIK 00125476 Fundamentals of Cost Accounting / Sikka T.R Viva Books, 2007 9788130918709 7th ed viii,1250 p. : UG Library
657 SIN 04015028 Management accounting : text and cases Singhvi, N. M PHI, 2008 9788120328952 498 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657 SIN 03008729 Management Accounting : Singhvi, N. M. PHI Learning Private Limited ; 2012 9788120346567 2nd ed. 479 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 SIN 07012140 Dayanamics of Finance & Accounting/ Singh,Meenakshi A Dominant, 2017 9789384207199 V,427 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
657 SPI 00128923 Financial Accounting Spiceland, David. J McGraw-Hill Education, 2014 9780071315814 3th Edition xxxvii, 613 p. : UG Library
657 SRI 01013679 Accountancy: Srinivasan,T Saraswathi House Ltd 430p,: Knowledge Centre
657 STI 05040172 Financial Accounting : Stice, Earl. Thomson South-Western, 2008 9788131502266 xxiii,864p.; Knowledge Centre
657 STI 00049685 Study Guide to Financial Accounting Stickney, P Clyde The Dryden Press 1997 0030182697 8th Ed 242 p. UG Library
657 STI 00049686 Study Guide to Financial Accounting Stickney, P Clyde The Dryden Press 1997 0030182697 8th Ed 242 p. UG Library
657 STO 07002345 Basic Accounting / Stott Randall.J Bookpoint Ltd, 2010 9781444100235 xxii,330p.: Library - BR Campus
657 SUB 00090792 New Vistas in Accounting Vol.1 Subramanian, R Icfai University 304p UG Library
657 SUN 00123625 B. com Semester Scanner Sunstar Sunstar Books, 2015 in 298 p.: UG Library
657 TES 01015569 Principle of Management for the Hospitality Industry / Tesone,Dana. Elsevier, 9781856177993 ix,405p.; Knowledge Centre
657 THO 00128938 Introduction to Financial Accounting Thomas, Andrew Mc-Graw Hill, 2009 9780077122805 6th Edition 746p : . UG Library
657 TUL 00132380 Financial Accounting / Tulsian, P C Pearson Education, 2008 9788177582284 p v UG Library
657 TUL 05013713 Financial Accounting / Tulsian,P.C. Pearson Education, 9788177582284 xv,18.13p.; Knowledge Centre
657 TUL 00141752 Tulsian's Quick revision book for Principles and practice of accounting : Tulsian,P C. McGraw hill education (India ) Pvt Ltd., 2020 9789389811698 5th ed. xii,17.2p.; UG Library
657 TUL 00141750 Tulsian's Quick revision book for Principles and practice of accounting : Tulsian,P C. McGraw hill education (India ) Pvt Ltd., 2020 9789389811698 5th ed. xii,17.2p.; UG Library
657 TUL 05060019 Financial Accounting / Tulsian, P C Pearson Education, 2008 9788177582284 p v Knowledge Centre
657 TUL 00143689 Financial Accounting / Tulsian, P C. Chand Publication, 2021 9789352533336 23.96p,; UG Library
657 TUL 00141751 Tulsian's principles and practice of accounting / Tulsian,P C. McGraw hill education (India) Pvt. ltd., 2020 9789389811698 5th ed. xvi,31.45p.; UG Library
657 TUL 00141749 Tulsian's principles and practice of accounting / Tulsian,P C. McGraw hill education (India) Pvt. ltd., 2020 9789389811698 5th ed. xvi,31.45p.; UG Library
657 TUL 10002803 Financial accounting / Tulsian P. C Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd. , 2006 9788177582284 xv, 966p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 TUL 05033833 Financial Accounting / Tulsian, P C Pearson Education, 2008 9788177582284 p v Knowledge Centre
657 TUL 07015729 Tulsian's Quick Revision Book for Principles and Practice of Accounting CA Foundation Course / Tulsian P C Mcgraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2019 9789353162467 3rd ed MTP 2.24 p.: Library - BR Campus
657 TUL 00122667 Tulsian's financial accounting Tulsian P C S Chand & Company 2015 9789384319403 19.44p. UG Library
657 TUL 00069745 Financial Accounting Tulsian P C. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 1998 9780074631331 xiv, 904 p.: UG Library
657 TUL 10000121 Tulsian's Principles and Practice of Accounting with Quick Revision Book / Tulsian,P C McGraw Hill, 2020 9789353167912 4th ed., 17.23,1.36p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 TUL 07001824 Financial Accounting Tulsian, P C Pearson Education, 2005 9788177582284 xv, A.18 p.: Library - BR Campus
657 TUL 10000122 Tulsian's Principles and Practice of Accounting with Quick Revision Book / Tulsian,P C McGraw Hill, 2020 9789353167912 4th ed., 17.23,1.36p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 TUL 10001855 Financial Accounting / Tulsian, P C Pearson Education, 2008 9788177582284 p v Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 TUL 10001856 Financial Accounting / Tulsian, P C Pearson Education, 2008 9788177582284 p v Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 TUL 03004922 Financial Accounting / Tulsian, P C Pearson Education, 2008 9788177582284 p v School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 TUL 03013496 Financial Accounting / Tulsian, P C. Chand Publication, 2021 9789352533336 23.96p,; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 TUL 00090081 Financial Accounting Tulsian, P C Pearson Education, 2005 9788177582284 xv, A.18 p.: UG Library
657 TUL 00090080 Financial Accounting Tulsian, P C Pearson Education, 2005 9788177582284 xv, A.18 p.: UG Library
657 TUL 00069746 Accountency Tulsian, P C 2005 0007060428 2nd Ed 27.42 p UG Library
657 TUL 00069747 Accountency for CA Professional Examination -I Tulsian, P C 2005 0070600562 27.29 UG Library
657 TUL 00137325 Tulsian's Principles and Practice of Accounting with Quick Revision Book / Tulsian,P C McGraw Hill, 2020 9789353167912 4th ed., 17.23,1.36p.; UG Library
657 TUL 00137326 Tulsian's Principles and Practice of Accounting with Quick Revision Book / Tulsian,P C McGraw Hill, 2020 9789353167912 4th ed., 17.23,1.36p.; UG Library
657 UGC 00041031 Accounting in Decision Making [ VIDEO CASSET ] Indira Gandhi Open University New Age International-Edu.Films Division 30 minutes UG Library
657 VAS 03008857 Accounting for Business Managers / Vasudeva, Sakshi. Himalaya Publishing House ; 2009 9788184885637 1st ed. 1035 p .: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 VAT 00124821 Contemporary Issues in Accounting K.S. Vataliya Paradise Publishers, 2015 9789383099290 207 p.: UG Library
657 VIJ 03008650 Management Accounting / Vij, Madhu. Macmillan India Ltd , 2009 9780230636385 583 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 WAL 05001930 Accounting in a nutshell / Walker, Janet, Elsevier, 0750664010 (pbk.) | 9788131207 329 p. ; Knowledge Centre
657 WAR 05040173 Financial accounting : Warren, Carl S. Thomson/South-Western, 9788131509043 667 p. Knowledge Centre
657 WAR 00069642 Financial Accounting Warren, Carl S Thomson 2003 9812406158 8th Ed 684 p UG Library
657 WAR 05026131 Financial & Managerial Accounting / Warren, S Carl South-Western Publishing, 1994 0053883336 1180p.: Knowledge Centre
657 WAR 05000727 Financial accounting : Warren, Carl S. Thomson/South-Western, 9788131509043 667 p. Knowledge Centre
657 WAY 05057146 Financial accounting / Waybright, Jeffrey. Prentice Hall, 2010 013606048X (hardcover) | 97801 xxix, 740 p. : Knowledge Centre
657 WAY 05057147 Financial accounting / Waybright, Jeffrey. Prentice Hall, 2010 013606048X (hardcover) | 97801 xxix, 740 p. : Knowledge Centre
657 WEE 05066921 Financial and management accounting : Weetman, Pauline, Pearson, 2016 9781292086590 Seventh edition. xxiv,726p.; Knowledge Centre
657 WEY 00130635 Accounting Principles, Weygandt Kimmel Kieso Wiley, 2016 9788126564347 12th Edition xvii, 934 p. : UG Library
657 WEY 05045438 Financial accounting : Weygandt, Jerry J. John Wiley & Sons,Inc, 2013 9781118285909 2e edition. vii, 735 pages : Knowledge Centre
657 WIL 31000289 Financial & Managerial Accounting : Williams, Jan R. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 70599793 | 9780070599796 1168 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657 WIL 00120096 Financial Accounting Jan R. Williams McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2010 9780070187603 14th ed. xxx,727p. : UG Library
657 WIL 00132379 Financial Accounting : Wild, John J. McGraw Hill Education, 2015 9789352606320 7th Ed. xxviii, 622 p. ; UG Library
657 WIL 05061080 Financial Accounting : Wild, John J. McGraw Hill Education, 2015 9789352606320 7th Ed. xxviii, 622 p. ; Knowledge Centre
657 WIL 00120097 Financial & managerial accounting : Williams Jan R McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2010 9780073526997 (alk. paper) | 0 15th ed. 1 v. (various pagings) : UG Library
657 WIL 00053677 Financial and Managerial Accounting: the Basis for Business Decisions Williams, R Jan M cGraw Hill Irwin, 2002 0072396881 | 9780072396881 12th ed, xxx, 1135 p.: UG Library
657 WIL 00096188 Financial Accounting: Information for Decisions Wild, John J 0073043753 p v Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 WIL 00053678 Financial and Managerial Accounting: the Basis for Business Decisions Williams, R Jan M cGraw Hill Irwin, 2002 0072396881 | 9780072396881 12th ed, xxx, 1135 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 WIL 00096190 Financial Accounting: Information for Decisions Wild, John J 0073043753 p v UG Library
657 WIL 00096189 Financial Accounting: Information for Decisions Wild, John J 0073043753 p v Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 WIL 22000383 Financial and Mangerial Accounting [mfm-Section] Williams, R Jan 0071121358 1123p Knowledge Centre
657 WIL 05000592 Financial & Managerial Accounting / Williams, Jan R. McGraw Hill, 2008 9780071269766 14th ed. xxxii,1157p.; Knowledge Centre
657 WIL 00086734 Financial Accounting: Information for Decisions Wild, John J 0073043753 p v UG Library
657 WIL 00087069 Financial Accounting: Information for Decisions Wild, John J 0073043753 p v UG Library
657 WIL 00087068 Financial Accounting: Information for Decisions Wild, John J 0073043753 p v UG Library
657 WIL 00087067 Financial Accounting: Information for Decisions Wild, John J 0073043753 p v UG Library
657 WIL 00086735 Financial Accounting: Information for Decisions Wild, John J 0073043753 p v Yeshwanthpur Campus
657 WIL 00086736 Financial Accounting: Information for Decisions Wild, John J 0073043753 p v UG Library
657 WIL 00064310 Financial and Managerial Accounting: Working Papers - Vol I - Chapters 1 -14 [WMU] Williams, R Jan 2002 0072465824 260p UG Library
657 WIL 00064309 Financial and Managerial Accounting: Working Papers - Vol I - Chapters 1 -14 [WMU] Williams, R Jan 2002 0072465824 260p UG Library
657 WIL 00064311 Financial and Managerial Accounting Williams, R Jan McGraw Hill Irwin 2002 0072465832 260 p UG Library
657 WIL 00064312 Financial and Managerial Accounting Williams, R Jan McGraw Hill Irwin 2002 0072465832 260 p UG Library
657 WOL 05039177 Accounting theory : Wolk, Harry I. SAGE Publications, 2013 9781412991698 (cloth) 8th ed. xiv, 792 p. ; Knowledge Centre
657 XAV 00028782 Fundamental and Advanced Accounting Vol 1:Fundamental Accounting Xavier, Francis G T M H 1124p UG Library
657 XAV 00028783 Fundamental and Advanced Accounting: Vol: 2 Xavier, Francis G T M H 1482p UG Library
657`KAS 00026527 Business English & Correspondence Kashyap, Rao B Lr University UG Library
657`KAS 00026528 Business English & Correspondence Kashyap, Rao B Lr University UG Library
657`KAS 00026529 Business English & Correspondence Kashyap, Rao B Lr University UG Library
657. MAH 00025968 Advanced Accountancy Maheshwari, S N 1 UG Library
657. MAH 00025967 Advanced Accountancy Maheshwari, S N 1 UG Library
657. MAH 00025969 Advanced Accountancy Maheshwari, S N 1 UG Library
657.004 PAT 00022035 Higher Accountancy Patil, V A R CHAND 149 UG Library
657.004 PAT 00022034 Higher Accountancy Patil, V A R CHAND 149 UG Library
657.004 PAT 00022037 Higher Accountancy Patil, V P R CHAND 42p UG Library
657.01 JAW 00052961 Accounting Theory Jawaharlal HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 8178661942 409p UG Library
657.01 JAW 00083221 Accounting Theory Jawahar Lal Himalaya Publishing House 2008 9788183188449 411p UG Library
657.01 JAW 00083224 Accounting Theory Jawahar Lal Himalaya Publishing House 2008 9788183188449 411p UG Library
657.01 JAW 00083225 Accounting Theory Jawahar Lal Himalaya Publishing House 2008 9788183188449 411p UG Library
657.01 JAW 00083223 Accounting Theory Jawahar Lal Himalaya Publishing House 2008 9788183188449 411p UG Library
657.01 JAW 00083222 Accounting Theory Jawahar Lal Himalaya Publishing House 2008 9788183188449 411p UG Library
657.01 POR 00070517 Accounting Theory an Introduction Porwal, L S Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company 2004 9780074638200 3th ed. 509 p,: UG Library
657.01512943 SHA 05051652 Matrix methods in accounting / Shank, John K. Addison-Wesley 1972 xi, 114 p. Knowledge Centre
657.01512943 SHA 05051653 Matrix methods in accounting / Shank, John K. Addison-Wesley 1972 xi, 114 p. Knowledge Centre
657.0218 EPS 01013680 Interpretation and Application of International Financial Reporting Standards: Epstein,Barry J. Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 9788126525270 1497p.: Knowledge Centre
657.0218 GRE 05014063 International Financial Reporting Standards: a Practical Guide Greuning, Hennie Van 0082135910 286p Knowledge Centre
657.0218 TIF 01013642 The complete guide to international financial reporting standards : Tiffin, Ralph. Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 1854183370 (pbk.) vii, 256 p. ; Knowledge Centre
657.0218 BAN 01029364 I GAAP : Banka, Anand J. Commercial Law Publishers, 2022 9789356030275 xxxi, 6.37p, ; Knowledge Centre
657.0218 BLO 01019355 Manual of Accounting : Bloomsbury Professional, 2012 9781780431178 17048p.: Knowledge Centre
657.0218 BLO 01019356 Manual of Accounting : Bloomsbury Professional, 2012 9781780431178 17048p.: Knowledge Centre
657.0218 BON 04008794 International GAAP 2010 : Bonham, Mike Wiley, 2010 9788126525003 cxxvi, 145p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.0218 BON 04008795 International GAAP 2010 : Bonham, Mike Wiley, 2010 9788126525003 cxxviii, 145p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.0218 GAG 07015354 International Financial Reporting Standards / Garg Raj CA Kalyani Publishers, 2016 9789327270174 219p.: Library - BR Campus
657.0218 GAR 07015454 International Financial Reporting Standard / Garg Raj CA Kalyani Publishers, 2016 9789327266412 210p.: Library - BR Campus
657.0218 HEN 01012587 International Financial Reporting Standards : Van Greuning, Hennie. World Bank Publications, 9780821367681 | 0821367684 (Pe x,299p.; Knowledge Centre
657.0218 HEN 01005785 International Financial Reporting Standards : Van Greuning, Hennie. World Bank Publications, 9780821367681 | 0821367684 (Pe x,299p.; Knowledge Centre
657.0218 HIN 01013641 handbook on International Financial Reporting Standards: Hingarh,Veena Book Corporation 406p.; Knowledge Centre
657.0218 JES 01020844 International financial reporting standards (IFRS) and Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) : T R Publications, 2014 xv,292p.; Knowledge Centre
657.0218 KOE 01005775 International accounting standards : Koen,Marius. World Bank, 0821349996 ix, 171 p. ; Knowledge Centre
657.0218 KPM 01016787 Insights into IFRS : Sweet & Maxwell/Thomson Reuters, 2010 9780414044562 | 9780414041141 7th ed. 2010/11 xiv, 1694 p. ; Knowledge Centre
657.0218 KUM 05041884 Accounting Standard : Kumar Vijay M.P Ramana Business Services, 2011 xxxiii,268p.: Knowledge Centre
657.0218 KUM 01013640 International Financial Reporting Standards: Vijay Kumar, M.P Snow White Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788181594488 358p.; Knowledge Centre
657.0218 RAI 03007955 International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Indian Accounting Practices / Raiyani R. Jagadish. New Century Publications ; 2012 9788177083064 169 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.0218 RAW 10003139 Student's Guide to Accounting Standards : Rawat. D.S., Taxmann Publication, 2015 9789350716564 27th ed., 713 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.0218 RAW 00146090 Student's Guide to Accounting Standards / Rawat.D.S. Taxmann Publication, 2023 9789357780803 10th ed. 437p.: UG Library
657.0218 RAW 00146091 Student's Guide to Accounting Standards / Rawat.D.S. Taxmann Publication, 2023 9789357780803 10th ed. 437p.: UG Library
657.0218 RAW 00148110 Student's Guide to Accounting Standards / Rawat.D.S. Taxmann Publication, 2024 9789364556521 13th ed. 598 p.: UG Library
657.0218 RAW 07011217 Student's Guide to Accounting Standards / Rawat.D.S.Dr Taxmann Publication, 2017 9789386482778 768p.: Library - BR Campus
657.0218 RAW 00148111 Student's Guide to Accounting Standards / Rawat.D.S. Taxmann Publication, 2024 9789364556521 13th ed. 598 p.: UG Library
657.0218 RAW 07011218 Student's Guide to Accounting Standards / Rawat.D.S.Dr Taxmann Publication, 2017 9789386482778 768p.: Library - BR Campus
657.0218 RAW 00136791 Student's Guide to Accounting Standards / Rawat.D.S.Dr Taxmann Publication, 2019 9789386482778 768p.: UG Library
657.0218 SAX 05067978 What Ails the IAS and Why It Fails to Deliver : Saxena, Naresh Chandra. Sage, 2019 9789353286484 xix, 245p.; Knowledge Centre
657.021873 FLO 01019378 Wiley gaap 2013/ Flood,Joanne M. 9781118277256 1321p.; Knowledge Centre
657.021894 LOF 07002848 Financial Reporting / Loftus Janice John Wiley & Sons, 2015 9780730311119 1st ed xix,1108p.: Library - BR Campus
657.024 RAM 04000888 Financial Accounting for Management Ramchandran, N Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070666917 624 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.024 RAM 05000942 Financial Accounting for Management / Ramachandran N Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008 9780070666917 644p.; Knowledge Centre
657.024 RAM 03001467 Financial Accounting for Management / Ramachandran, N Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070666917 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.024 RAM 03000521 Financial Accounting for Management / Ramachandran, N Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070666917 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.024 RAM 03003043 Financial Accounting for Management / Ramachandran, N Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070666917 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.024 RAM 05001045 Financial Accounting for Management / Ramachandran N Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008 9780070666917 644p.; Knowledge Centre
657.024 RAM 05024384 Financial Accounting for Management / Ramachandran N Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008 9780070666917 644p.; Knowledge Centre
657.024 RAM 05027343 Financial Accounting for Management / Ramachandran N Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008 9780070666917 644p.; Knowledge Centre
657.0243 NOT 00135506 Financial accounting : Nothhelfer, Robert, Walter de Gruyter, 2017 9783110521061 (softcover) xx, 279 pages ; UG Library
657.024658 BHA 03001786 Cost Accounting for Business Managers Bhattacharyya, Asish Elsevier 9788131214985 418 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.024658 BHA 04017769 Cost Accounting for Business Managers Bhattacharyya, Asish Elsevier 9788131214985 418 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.024658 BHA 04017682 Cost Accounting for Business Managers Bhattacharyya, Asish Elsevier 9788131214985 418 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.024658 BHA 04017691 Cost Accounting for Business Managers Bhattacharyya, Asish Elsevier 9788131214985 418 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.024658 GUP 04021121 Accounting for Managers / Gupta, N. K. International Books House, 2011 9789383101139 2nd ed. 649p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.024658 NEE 03008695 Accounting For Decision Making / Needles, Belverd E. Cengage Learning ; 2008 9788131512586 In ed. 982 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.024658 RAM 00132383 Financial Accounting for Management / Ramachandra Neelakantan McGraw Hill Education(India)Private Limited, 2016 9789385965661 4th ed xiv,706p.: UG Library
657.024658 RAM 07008402 Financial Accounting for Management / Ramachandra Neelakantan McGraw Hill Education(India)Private Limited, 2016 9789385965661 4th ed xiv,706p.: Library - BR Campus
657.024658 SHA 03006317 Financial Accounting for Management / Shankaranarayana, H.V Cengage learning India, 2011 9788131514573 693 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.024658 SHA 07002918 Financial Accounting for Management / Shankaranarayana, H.V Cengage learning India, 2011 9788131514573 693 p. : Library - BR Campus
657.024658 SHA 05041845 Financial Accounting for Management / Shankaranarayana, H.V Cengage learning India, 2011 9788131514573 693 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.0285 GEL 05014021 Accounting Information Systems Gelinas Thomson Learning 9812438513 682p Knowledge Centre
657.0285 GEL 05014015 Accountin Informatiom Systems (MBA) Gelinas, Ulric J Thomson Learning 9812438513 682p Knowledge Centre
657.0285 BAG 03009157 Core Concepts of Accounting Information Systems / Bagranoff, Nancy A. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005 9780471661641 Ninth edition 530 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.0285 CON 05007632 Accounting Information System : Considine,Brett John Wiley & Sons, 2010 9781742165554 xix,763 p. Knowledge Centre
657.0285 KAR 03009987 Accounting Information Systems / Karthikeyan, M. Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2012 9789350560624 214 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.0285 ROM 07002171 Accounting information systems / Romney,Marshall B. Pearson, 2015 9781292060521 13th ed. 734p.; Library - BR Campus
657.0285 ROM 05060301 Accounting Information Systems / Romney, Marshall B. Pearson, 2018 9789352866212 13th ed., 734 p. ; Knowledge Centre
657.0285 ROM 05060479 Accounting Information Systems / Romney, Marshall B. Pearson, 2018 9789352866212 14th ed., 767 p. ; Knowledge Centre
657.0285 UNI 03009955 Accounting Information Systems and Financial Modelling / University, Monash.[].... Thomson , 2007 9780170134873 786 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.028553 JON 05040205 Configuring SAP ERP sales and distribution / John Peter Wiley Pub., 2010 9788126520992 | 9788126520992 xviii, 654 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.028553 JON 05040206 Configuring SAP ERP sales and distribution / John Peter Wiley Pub., 2010 9788126520992 | 9788126520992 xviii, 654 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.028553 JON 05040207 Configuring SAP ERP sales and distribution / John Peter Wiley Pub., 2010 9788126520992 | 9788126520992 xviii, 654 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.028553 JON 05004381 Configuring SAP ERP sales and distribution / John Peter Wiley Pub., 2010 9788126520992 | 9788126520992 xviii, 654 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.028553 MUE 03004968 Mastering IDEAScript : Mueller, John, Wiley, 2011 9781118004487 (pbk.) xxiii, 477 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.028553 MUE 05006006 Mastering IDEAScript : Mueller, John, Wiley, 2011 9781118004487 (pbk.) xxiii, 477 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.028553 NAR 05039872 Implementing SAP ERP Financials : Narayanan,V. McGraw Hill, 2010 9780070142978 xviii,965p.; Knowledge Centre
657.028553 NAR 05039873 Implementing SAP ERP Financials : Narayanan,V. McGraw Hill, 2010 9780070142978 xviii,965p.; Knowledge Centre
657.028553 NAR 05039874 Implementing SAP ERP Financials : Narayanan,V. McGraw Hill, 2010 9780070142978 xviii,965p.; Knowledge Centre
657.028553 NAR 05037224 SAP FI/CO questions and answers / Narayanan, V. Infinity Science Press, 2008 xxiii, 369 p. Knowledge Centre
657.028553 NAR 04019633 Implementing SAP ERP Financials : Narayanan, V. Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2010 9780070142978 963p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.03 ANM 05026130 Advanced Learner`s Dictionary of Accounting Anmol Publications Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126104716 228 p Knowledge Centre
657.03 CLA 05026140 Dictionary Of International Accounting Terms Clark, John O.E. Dream Tech Press 2006 8177226665 | 9780852975756 228p Knowledge Centre
657.03 CLA 00074298 Dictionary Of International Accounting Terms Clark, John O.E. Dream Tech Press 2006 8177226665 | 9780852975756 228p UG Library
657.03 HUS 00062781 Oxford Dictionary of Accounting Hussey, R Oxfrod University Press 2004 356p UG Library
657.03 LAW 01014351 A dictionary of accounting / Oxford University Press, 9780199563050 (pbk.) 439 p. ; Knowledge Centre
657.03 OXF 05003796 A Dictionary of Accounting / Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199563050 (pbk.) 4th ed. 439 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.0321 RED 05014002 Dictionary Of Accounting Reddy R J APH Publishing Corporation 2010 9788131308592 301p; Knowledge Centre
657.04 JAI 00047239 Advanced Accountancy [ Part I ] Jain, S P Kalyani 8176632414 971p UG Library
657.042 MAH 05013961 Introduction to Accountancy Maheswari, S W Knowledge Centre
657.042 PAT 05013962 Principles and Practice of Book Keeping Patil, V A R CHAND 542 Knowledge Centre
657.042 PAT 05013972 Principles and Practice of Book Keeping Patil, V A R CHAND 542 Knowledge Centre
657.042 PAT 05014055 Cost Accounting Pattanshetty P. T. R Chand, 1983 6th Edition 631 P.; Knowledge Centre
657.042 RAM 00136568 Basic accounting Raman,B.S Sapna book house pvt ltd., 2016 9789385868856 827p.; UG Library
657.042 RAM 00136569 Basic accounting Raman,B.S Sapna book house pvt ltd., 2016 9789385868856 827p.; UG Library
657.042 RAM 00136570 Basic accounting Raman,B.S Sapna book house pvt ltd., 2016 9789385868856 827p.; UG Library
657.042 SOF 05013971 Basic Accounting Sofat, Rajni PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd., 9788120342002 xiii, 570 p. Knowledge Centre
657.042 ANI 10003754 Advanced Financial Accounting Anil Kumar,S Himalaya Publishing 9789352624584 244p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.042 BAL 00008573 First Steps in Book Keeping Batlibol, Jamshed R Standard Accountancy Publication Ltd , 1969 5th ed. 222 p.; UG Library
657.042 BAL 00001238 First Steps in Book Keeping Batlibol, Jamshed R Standard Accountancy Publication Ltd , 1969 5th ed. 222 p.; UG Library
657.042 BAT 00027323 Double Entry Book Keeping Batliboi, Jamshed R. Standard Publications, 2000 26th ed, 416 p.; UG Library
657.042 BOS 05013960 Advanced Accounting Bose, Chandra D PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 9788120339194 710 p. Knowledge Centre
657.042 BOS 05013959 Advanced Accounting Bose, Chandra D PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 9788120339194 710 p. Knowledge Centre
657.042 BOS 04014689 Advanced Accounting Bose, Chandra D PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 9788120339194 710 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.042 BOS 05009163 Advanced Accounting Bose, Chandra D PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 9788120339194 710 p. Knowledge Centre
657.042 GRE 00013747 Double Entry Book Keeping Grewal, T S Sultan Chand 1974 19.66p UG Library
657.042 GUP 05026117 Advanced Accoutancy Gupta, R L Sultan Chand 2404 p Knowledge Centre
657.042 JAI 05059957 Advanced Accountancy: Jain,S.P Kalyani Publications, 1979 9789327229042 19th rev ed. 1272p.; Knowledge Centre
657.042 MAH 00052303 Introduction to Accountancy Maheshwari, S N Vikas 8125909087 866p UG Library
657.042 RIT 00016732 Elements of Accounts for Individuals, Professional Men and Institutions Rittenhouse, F Charles McGraw-Hill 1918 274 p.: UG Library
657.042 SEH 05013954 Advanced Accounting - Financial Accounting Sehgal, Ashok Taxmann 8174963146 1318p Knowledge Centre
657.042 SOF 05009171 Basic Accounting Sofat, Rajni PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd., 9788120342002 xiii, 570 p. Knowledge Centre
657.042 SOF 05009170 Basic Accounting Sofat, Rajni PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd., 9788120342002 xiii, 570 p. Knowledge Centre
657.042 SOF 04014709 Basic Accounting Sofat, Rajni PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd., 9788120342002 xiii, 570 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.042 WIL 05040598 Advanced Accountancy / Wilson, M. Scitech Publications(India)Pvt.Ltd, 2012 9788183712279 1059 p.: Knowledge Centre
657.042BAS 00023632 11puc Accountancy Text Book Basava, K.d Vijaya 434p UG Library
657.042BAT.1 00013985 Double Entry Book Keeping Batliboi, R Standard Pub 556p UG Library
657.042NAN-II 00021753 Second Course in Accountancy for 11 Puc Nanjundaiah, M Sheth 490p UG Library
657.042NAN-II 00021754 Second Course in Accountancy for 11 Puc Nanjundaiah, M Sheth 490p UG Library
657.042NAN-II 00021755 Second Course in Accountancy for 11 Puc Nanjundaiah, M Sheth 490p UG Library
657.042NAN-II 00021756 Second Course in Accountancy for 11 Puc Nanjundaiah, M Sheth 490p UG Library
657.042NAN-II 00021757 Second Course in Accountancy for 11 Puc Nanjundaiah, M Sheth 490p UG Library
657.042NAN-II 00021752 Second Course in Accountancy for 11 Puc Nanjundaiah, M Sheth 490p UG Library
657.042RAM.II 00021812 Accountancy Vol II PUC Raman, B S United Pub UG Library
657.042RAM.II 00021813 Accountancy Vol II PUC Raman, B S United Pub UG Library
657.042RAM.II 00021815 Accountancy Vol II PUC Raman, B S United Pub UG Library
657.042RAM.II 00021817 Accountancy Vol II PUC Raman, B S United Pub UG Library
657.042RAM.II 00021816 Accountancy Vol II PUC Raman, B S United Pub UG Library
657.042RAM.II 00021814 Accountancy Vol II PUC Raman, B S United Pub UG Library
657.044 BHA 03002983 Financial Accounting for Business Managers Bhattacharyya, Asish Prentice-Hall of Inida 2006 9788120330139 742 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.044 BHA 03002984 Financial Accounting for Business Managers Bhattacharyya, Asish Prentice-Hall of Inida 2006 9788120330139 742 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.044 BHA 03002982 Financial Accounting for Business Managers Bhattacharyya, Asish Prentice-Hall of Inida 2006 9788120330139 742 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.044 GAB 03003419 Financial Accounting Gabriel, John S Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 9780070682177 1051 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.044 GAB 03003418 Financial Accounting Gabriel, John S Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 9780070682177 1051 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.044 WAL 03000013 Accounting in a Nutshell : Walker, Janet Elsevier , 2006 9788131207956 329 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.044 WAL 03001237 Accounting in a Nutshell : Walker, Janet Elsevier , 2006 9788131207956 329 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.044 WAL 03001776 Accounting in a Nutshell : Walker, Janet Elsevier , 2006 9788131207956 329 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.044 BHA 04014865 Financial Accounting for Business Managers Bhattacharyya, Asish Prentice-Hall of Inida 2006 9788120330139 742 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.044 CHA 05014068 Intermediate Accounting Chasteen, G Lanny M G H 1989 100 p. Knowledge Centre
657.044 CHO 00142507 Intermediate accounting Choudhary,Sandeep Random publications, 2020 9789352696093 viii,328p.; UG Library
657.044 DYC 00049682 Intermediate Accounting: Vol -1 Dyckman, R Thomas 0071152377 728p UG Library
657.044 SEH 01018821 Financial Accounting for Managers / Sehgal Ashok.Dr LexisNexis Butterworths Wadhwa, 2012 9788180388019 xi,570 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.044 SEH 01018731 Financial Accounting for Managers / Sehgal Ashok.Dr LexisNexis Butterworths Wadhwa, 2012 9788180388019 xi,570 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.044 SKO 00051371 Intermediate Accounting Skousen, K Fred 1997 0538867248 13 th ed, 1260p Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.044 SPI 00120099 Intermediate accounting / Spiceland, J. David, McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2011 9780078110832 (combined edition : alk. paper) | 0078110831 (combined edition : alk. paper) | 9780077328917 (volume 1 : alk. paper) | 0077328914 (volume 1 : alk. paper) | 9780071313971 | 9780077328900 (volume 2 : alk. paper) | 0077328906 (volume 2 : alk. paper) 6th ed., combined ed. xxxix, 1263 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.044 WAL 04017722 Accounting in a Nutshell : Walker, Janet Elsevier , 2006 9788131207956 329 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.044 WAL 04017676 Accounting In a Nutshell : Walker, Janet Elesevier, 2009 9789380501567 3rd ed. 362p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.045 YAM 05014143 Principles and Practices of Auditing Alice Mani, Dr Prentice Hall of India 0812030179 394 p Knowledge Centre
657.046 BEA 05013946 Advanced Accounting Beams, Floyd A 0013066183 744p Knowledge Centre
657.046 JAI 00134012 Advanced Accountancy: Jain, S.P. Kalayani Publishers, 1979 9789327296082 pages. UG Library
657.046 JAI 10001891 Advanced Accountancy: Jain, S.P. Kalayani Publishers, 2021 9789327296082 21st rev.ed. 43.7p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 JAI 10001892 Advanced Accountancy: Jain, S.P. Kalayani Publishers, 2021 9789327296082 21st rev.ed. 43.7p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 JAI 10003353 Advanced Accountancy: Jain, S.P. Kalayani Publishers, 2021 9789327296082 21st rev.ed. 43.7p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 JAI 10003354 Advanced Accountancy: Jain, S.P. Kalayani Publishers, 2021 9789327296082 21st rev.ed. 43.7p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 JAI 00143509 Advanced Accountancy: Jain, S.P. Kalayani Publishers, 1979 9789327296082 pages. UG Library
657.046 JAI 10001893 Advanced Accountancy: Jain, S.P. Kalayani Publishers, 2021 9789327296082 21st rev.ed. 43.7p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 JAI 00136399 Advanced Accountancy:-Vol.1 Jain, S.P. Kalayani Publishers, 2018 9789327296082 20th rev.ed. 43.7p. UG Library
657.046 JAI 00136400 Advanced Accountancy:-Vol.1 Jain, S.P. Kalayani Publishers, 2018 9789327296082 20th rev.ed. 43.7p. UG Library
657.046 KUM 00052951 Advanced Financial Accounting / Kumar, S Anil. Himalaya publishing house, 2001 0817866142 368 p.; UG Library
657.046 LAR 05014019 Modren Advanced Acountancy Larsen, E John M G H Knowledge Centre
657.046 MAH 05014070 Advanced Accountancy.Vol.1 Maheshwari, S N UBSPD 1038 Knowledge Centre
657.046 MAH 00136491 Advanced Accountancy Vol.1 Maheshwari S N Vikas publishing house pvt ltd.,1 2018 8125908838 | 9789325980679 11th ed., 3.252 p.; UG Library
657.046 MAH 00136492 Advanced Accountancy Vol.1 Maheshwari S N Vikas publishing house pvt ltd.,1 2018 8125908838 | 9789325980679 11th ed., 3.252 p.; UG Library
657.046 MAH 05014025 Problems and Solutions in Advanced Accountancy Vol - I Maheshwari, S N UBSPD 1020 Knowledge Centre
657.046 MAH 00025966 Advanced Accountancy Maheshwari, S N 1 UG Library
657.046 MAH 00135881 Advanced Accountancy Vol.1 Maheshwari S N Vikas publishing house pvt ltd.,1 2018 8125908838 | 9789325980679 11th ed., 3.252 p.; UG Library
657.046 MAH 00135882 Advanced Accountancy Vol.1 Maheshwari S N Vikas publishing house pvt ltd.,1 2018 8125908838 | 9789325980679 11th ed., 3.252 p.; UG Library
657.046 MAH 00135883 Advanced Accountancy Vol.1 Maheshwari S N Vikas publishing house pvt ltd.,1 2018 8125908838 | 9789325980679 11th ed., 3.252 p.; UG Library
657.046 NAR 00083226 Advanced Accountancy Jain, S P Sahitya 9788127244002 1121p UG Library
657.046 SHA 05013993 Advanced Accountancy Sharma, Nand Kishore Rbsa Knowledge Centre
657.046 AGA 00027334 Higher Science of Accountancy Agarwala, A .N Kitab Mahal, 1985 1334 p.; UG Library
657.046 ANI 00063484 Financial Accounting - II Kumar, S Anil HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 8178668661 375p UG Library
657.046 ARU 00117920 Advanced Accountancy Arulanandam, M A Himalaya Publishing House, 2013 9789350977224 832p.; UG Library
657.046 ARU 10003175 Advanced accountancy Vol. I : Arulanandam,M A. Himalaya Publishing house, 2019 9789352991761 7th rev ed. 832p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 ARU 00136487 Advanced Accountancy Arulanandam, M A Himalaya Publishing House, 2019 9789352991754 7th rev. ed. 712p. UG Library
657.046 ARU 00136488 Advanced Accountancy Arulanandam, M A Himalaya Publishing House, 2019 9789352991754 7th rev. ed. 712p. UG Library
657.046 ARU 00136489 Multiple choice questions (MCQs) for Advanced Accountancy Arulanandam, M A Himalaya Publishing House, 2019 9789352991754 7th rev. ed. 39p. UG Library
657.046 ARU 00136490 Multiple choice questions (MCQs) for Advanced Accountancy Arulanandam, M A Himalaya Publishing House, 2019 9789352991754 7th rev. ed. 39p. UG Library
657.046 ARU 00063532 Problems and Solutions in Advanced Accountancy Srinivasan, R Himalayan 2002 798p UG Library
657.046 ARU 10003809 Advanced accountancy Vol. I : Arulanandam,M A. Himalaya Publishing house, 2019 9789352991761 7th rev ed. 832p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 ARU 00041770 Advanced Accountancy Part I Arulanandam, M A Himalaya Publishing House, 1996 562 p UG Library
657.046 ARU 00052979 Advanced Accountancy Arulanadam M A, Raman K S HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2001 8178660849 676p UG Library
657.046 ARU 10001885 Advanced Accountancy Arulanandam, M A Himalaya Publishing House, 2019 9789352991754 7th rev. ed. 712p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 ARU 10001886 Advanced Accountancy Arulanandam, M A Himalaya Publishing House, 2019 9789352991754 7th rev. ed. 712p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 ARU 00139366 Advanced Accountancy Vol II : Arulanandam,M A. Himalaya Publishing House, 2019 9789352991778 7th rev ed. 712p.; UG Library
657.046 ARU 00139367 Advanced Accountancy Vol II : Arulanandam,M A. Himalaya Publishing House, 2019 9789352991778 7th rev ed. 712p.; UG Library
657.046 ARU 00139364 Advanced accountancy Vol. I : Arulanandam,M A. Himalaya Publishing house, 2019 9789352991761 7th rev ed. 832p.; UG Library
657.046 ARU 00139365 Advanced accountancy Vol. I : Arulanandam,M A. Himalaya Publishing house, 2019 9789352991761 7th rev ed. 832p.; UG Library
657.046 BAK 00120092 Advanced Financial Accounting / Baker,Richard E. McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2011 9780078110924 | 9780071289108 9th ed. xxxii, 1082 p. ; UG Library
657.046 BAT 00027324 Typical Problems in Advanced Accounting Batliboi, J R S a P Pvt Ltd 885p UG Library
657.046 BAT 00040214 Advanced Accounting: Batliboi, R Jamshed Batliboi 1078 UG Library
657.046 BEA 05060480 Advanced Accounting / Beams, Floyd A. Pearson, 2018 9781292214597 13th ed. 819p.; Knowledge Centre
657.046 BOS 04014690 Advanced Accounting / Bose, D. Chandra PHI, 2010 9788120339460 Vol-II 807 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.046 CHA 00027320 Advanced Accountancy Chakraborty, Hrishikesh Oxford 1652p UG Library
657.046 CHA 00007119 Advanced Accountancy Chakraborty, H NABABHARATH PUBLISHERS 1608p UG Library
657.046 CHA 00023601 Advanced Accountancy Chakraborty Hrishikesh Oxford, 1977 1652 p.: UG Library
657.046 CHA 00023603 Advanced Accountancy Chakraborty, Hrishkesh Oxford 1652p UG Library
657.046 CHA 00023602 Advanced Accountancy Chakraborty, Hrishikesh Oxford 1652p UG Library
657.046 GAR 00003911 Carter`s Advanced Accounts : Garbutt, Douglas. Isaac Pitman and sons Ltd., 1969 . 5th rep ed. 1023 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 GOW 00124824 Financial Accounting Catherine Gowthorpe Thomson, 2005 9781844802050 2nd ed. xvii, 376 p.: UG Library
657.046 GUP 00015747 Advanced Accountancy I Gupta, R L Sultan Chand , 2015 9788180546990 QP-45 p.: UG Library
657.046 GUP 00015748 Advanced Accountancy I Gupta, R L Sultan Chand , 2015 9788180546990 QP-45 p.: UG Library
657.046 GUP 00016006 Problems in Advanced Accounting / Gupta, R L. Sultan Chand and Sons, 1976 . 3rd rev ed. viii,288 p.; UG Library
657.046 GUP 00013968 Advanced Accounts / Gupta, R L. Sultan Chand and sons, 1980 . 5.268p.; UG Library
657.046 GUP 00025163 Advanced Accountancy Vol I Gupta, R L Sultan Chand & Sons, 1985 3.234 p UG Library
657.046 GUP 00025160 Advanced Accountancy Vol I Gupta, R L Sultan Chand & Sons, 1985 3.234 p UG Library
657.046 GUP 00026502 Advanced Accountancy Vol I Gupta, R L Sultan Chand & Sons, 1985 3.234 p UG Library
657.046 GUP 00022857 Advanced Accountancy Vol I Gupta, R L Sultan Chand & Sons, 1985 3.234 p UG Library
657.046 GUP 00025161 Advanced Accountancy Vol I Gupta, R L Sultan Chand & Sons, 1985 3.234 p UG Library
657.046 GUP 00030684 Advanced Accountancy Vol I Gupta, R L Sultan Chand & Sons, 1985 3.234 p UG Library
657.046 GUP 00030685 Advanced Accountancy Vol I Gupta, R L Sultan Chand & Sons, 1985 3.234 p UG Library
657.046 GUP 00047235 Advanced Accountancy Vol I Gupta, R L Sultan Chand & Sons, 1985 3.234 p UG Library
657.046 GUP 00030686 Advanced Accountancy Vol II : Gupta, R L. Sultan Chand and Sons, 1989 . 6th FSA 412 p.; UG Library
657.046 GUP 00047257 Advanced Accountancy Vol II : Gupta, R L. Sultan Chand and Sons, 1989 . 6th FSA 412 p.; UG Library
657.046 GUP 00012315 Advanced Accountancy Vol I Gupta, R L Sultan Chand & Sons, 1985 3.234 p UG Library
657.046 GUP 00016855 Problems in Advanced Accounting / Gupta, R L. Sultan Chand and Sons, 1976 . 3rd rev ed. viii,288 p.; UG Library
657.046 GUP 00016005 Problems in Advanced Accounting / Gupta, R L. Sultan Chand and Sons, 1976 . 3rd rev ed. viii,288 p.; UG Library
657.046 GUP 00016856 Problems in Advanced Accounting / Gupta, R L. Sultan Chand and Sons, 1976 . 3rd rev ed. viii,288 p.; UG Library
657.046 GUP 00023610 Advanced Accountancy Vol II : Gupta, R L. Sultan Chand and Sons, 1989 . 6th FSA 412 p.; UG Library
657.046 GUP 00136401 Advanced Accountancy / Vol.1 Gupta, R L Sultan Chand , 2018 9788180546990 13th rev. ed. QP-45 p.: UG Library
657.046 GUP 00126635 Advanced Accountancy I Gupta, R L Sultan Chand , 2015 9788180546990 QP-45 p.: UG Library
657.046 GUP 00026501 Advanced Accountancy Vol I Gupta, R L Sultan Chand & Sons, 1985 3.234 p UG Library
657.046 GUP 00025164 Advanced Accountancy Vol I Gupta, R L Sultan Chand & Sons, 1985 3.234 p UG Library
657.046 GUP 00026503 Advanced Accountancy Gupta, R L Sultan Chand 1985 412p.; UG Library
657.046 IYE 00012094 Advanced Accounts Iyengar, S P N s Vasan and Co 1973 1200 p.; UG Library
657.046 JAI 00028856 Practical Problems in Advanced Accounting. Jain, S P Kalayani Publishers, 1978 151 p.; UG Library
657.046 JAI 00127792 Advanced Accountancy : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327270754 21st Revised- 2nd Vol. II/26.5p.; UG Library
657.046 JAI 00127793 Advanced Accountancy : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327270754 21st Revised- 2nd Vol. II/26.5p.; UG Library
657.046 JAI 00127794 Advanced Accountancy : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327270754 21st Revised- 2nd Vol. II/26.5p.; UG Library
657.046 JAI 00127795 Advanced Accountancy : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327270754 21st Revised- 2nd Vol. II/26.5p.; UG Library
657.046 JAI 00127796 Advanced Accountancy : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327270754 21st Revised- 2nd Vol. II/26.5p.; UG Library
657.046 JAI 00127787 Advanced Accountancy : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327252712 19th Revised ed. Vol-1 41.7p.; UG Library
657.046 JAI 00127788 Advanced Accountancy : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327252712 19th Revised ed. Vol-1 41.7p.; UG Library
657.046 JAI 00127789 Advanced Accountancy : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327252712 19th Revised ed. Vol-1 41.7p.; UG Library
657.046 JAI 00127790 Advanced Accountancy : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327252712 19th Revised ed. Vol-1 41.7p.; UG Library
657.046 JAI 00127791 Advanced Accountancy : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327252712 19th Revised ed. Vol-1 41.7p.; UG Library
657.046 JAI 00134013 Advanced Accountancy Vol II : Jain, S P. Kalayani Publishers, 2017 9789327270754 21st ed., II/26.5p.; UG Library
657.046 JAI 10001897 Financial Accounting: Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publication, 2022 9789353595463 12th rev ed., Pages Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 JAI 10001898 Financial Accounting: Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publication, 2022 9789353595463 12th rev ed., Pages Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 JAI 10001899 Financial Accounting: Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publication, 2022 9789353595463 12th rev ed., Pages Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 JAI 00143517 Financial Accounting / Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publication, 2022 9789353595463 x,874p, ; UG Library
657.046 JAI 00143510 Advanced Accountancy : Jain, S P. Kalyani Publication, 2021 9789353593674 xviii, 1350p, ; UG Library
657.046 JAI 00047238 Advanced Accountancy [ Part 2 ] Jain, S P Kalyani 1999 8176631159 1010p UG Library
657.046 JAI 00136403 Advanced Accountancy : Vol - 2 Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789353593674 22nd rev. ed. X/8-7p. UG Library
657.046 JAI 00136404 Advanced Accountancy : Vol - 2 Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789353593674 22nd rev. ed. X/8-7p. UG Library
657.046 JAI 00047256 Practical Problems In Advanced Accountancy Jain, S P Kalyani 1999 8176632538 894p UG Library
657.046 JAI 00025157 Advanced Accountancy Jain, S.P. Kalayani Publishers 1979 131 p.; UG Library
657.046 JAI 07015062 Advanced Accountancy : Vol - 2 Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789353593674 22nd rev. ed. X/8-7p. Library - BR Campus
657.046 JAI 07015063 Advanced Accountancy : Vol - 2 Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789353593674 22nd rev. ed. X/8-7p. Library - BR Campus
657.046 JAI 00025156 Advanced Accountancy Jain, S.P. Kalayani Publishers 1979 131 p.; UG Library
657.046 JAI 00025159 Advanced Accountancy Jain, S.P. Kalayani Publishers 1979 131 p.; UG Library
657.046 JAI 05073243 Advanced Accountancy : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327252712 19th Revised ed. Vol-1 41.7p.; Knowledge Centre
657.046 JAI 00034408 Advanced Accountancy Jain, S P Kalayani Publishers 8170964539 220p UG Library
657.046 JAI 00139370 Advanced Accountancy Vol- II : Jain,S P. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789353593674 22nd rev ed. X/8.7p.; UG Library
657.046 JAI 00139371 Advanced Accountancy Vol- II : Jain,S P. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789353593674 22nd rev ed. X/8.7p.; UG Library
657.046 JAI 00139368 Advanced Accountancy Vol. I : Jain,S P. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789327296082 20th rev ed. 43.7p.; UG Library
657.046 JAI 00139369 Advanced Accountancy Vol. I : Jain,S P. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789327296082 20th rev ed. 43.7p.; UG Library
657.046 JAI 05060623 Advanced Accountancy : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327270754 21st Revised- 2nd Vol. II/26.5p.; Knowledge Centre
657.046 JAI 05060624 Advanced Accountancy : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327270754 21st Revised- 2nd Vol. II/26.5p.; Knowledge Centre
657.046 JAI 05060625 Advanced Accountancy : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327270754 21st Revised- 2nd Vol. II/26.5p.; Knowledge Centre
657.046 JAI 05055548 Advanced Accountancy : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327252712 19th Revised ed. Vol-1 41.7p.; Knowledge Centre
657.046 JAI 05060626 Advanced Accountancy : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327270754 21st Revised- 2nd Vol. II/26.5p.; Knowledge Centre
657.046 JAI 05055549 Advanced Accountancy : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327252712 19th Revised ed. Vol-1 41.7p.; Knowledge Centre
657.046 JAI 05060627 Advanced Accountancy : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327270754 21st Revised- 2nd Vol. II/26.5p.; Knowledge Centre
657.046 JAI 05055550 Advanced Accountancy : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327252712 19th Revised ed. Vol-1 41.7p.; Knowledge Centre
657.046 JAI 05055551 Advanced Accountancy : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327252712 19th Revised ed. Vol-1 41.7p.; Knowledge Centre
657.046 JAI 05055552 Advanced Accountancy : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327252712 19th Revised ed. Vol-1 41.7p.; Knowledge Centre
657.046 JAI 05055553 Advanced Accountancy : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327270754 21st Revised- 2nd Vol. II/26.5p.; Knowledge Centre
657.046 JAI 00126441 Advanced Accountancy I S.P. Jain K.L. Narang Kalyani Publishers, 9789327252712 19th ed 41:7 p.: UG Library
657.046 JAI 05055554 Advanced Accountancy : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327270754 21st Revised- 2nd Vol. II/26.5p.; Knowledge Centre
657.046 JAI 05055555 Advanced Accountancy : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327270754 21st Revised- 2nd Vol. II/26.5p.; Knowledge Centre
657.046 JAI 05055556 Advanced Accountancy : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327270754 21st Revised- 2nd Vol. II/26.5p.; Knowledge Centre
657.046 JAI 05055557 Advanced Accountancy : Jain,S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327270754 21st Revised- 2nd Vol. II/26.5p.; Knowledge Centre
657.046 JAI 00049474 Advanced Financial Accounting Jain, S P Kalyani 2000 382p UG Library
657.046 JAI 00080211 Practical Problems in Advanced Accountancy Vo.2 Jain, S P Sahitya 2005 8127214140 792 p.: UG Library
657.046 JAI 00080212 Practical Problems in Advance Accountancy Volume II Jain, S P Kalyani Publishers 2004 8127215546 9th Revised ed. 758 p.; UG Library
657.046 JAI 00026508 Advanced Cost Accountancy Jain, S. P. Kalyani, 1979 E-132 UG Library
657.046 JAI 00028859 Advanced Cost Accountancy Jain, S. P. Kalyani, 1979 E-132 UG Library
657.046 JAI 00028860 Advanced Cost Accountancy Jain, S. P. Kalyani, 1979 E-132 UG Library
657.046 JAI 10003825 Advanced Accountancy / Jain, S P Kalyani Publishers , 2014 9789327242331 V1-34 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 JAI 10002100 Advanced Accountancy: Jain, S.P. Kalyani Publications, 2021 9789327229042 | 9789353593674 23rd rev ed., x/8.8 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 JAI 10002101 Advanced Accountancy: Jain, S.P. Kalyani Publications, 2021 9789327229042 | 9789353593674 23rd rev ed., x/8.8 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 JAI 10002102 Advanced Accountancy: Jain, S.P. Kalyani Publications, 2021 9789327229042 | 9789353593674 23rd rev ed., x/8.8 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 JAI 10002103 Advanced Accountancy: Jain, S.P. Kalyani Publications, 2021 9789327229042 | 9789353593674 23rd rev ed., x/8.8 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 JAI 10002104 Advanced Accountancy: Jain, S.P. Kalyani Publications, 2021 9789327229042 | 9789353593674 23rd rev ed., x/8.8 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 JAIN 00028854 Practical Problems in Advanced Accounting.Vol.2 Jain, S P Kalayani Publishers 1986 0000817096 151p.; UG Library
657.046 JAY 00061373 Advanced Accounting Theory and Practice Reddy, R Jayaprakash APH 8176486442 168p UG Library
657.046 KIE 00051372 Intermediate Accounting Kieso, K Donald 0471353035 1502p Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 KUM 07015419 Advanced Accounting / Kumar, Anil, S Himalaya Publishing House, 2014 9789351427407 367 p. ; Library - BR Campus
657.046 KUM 07015721 Advanced Financial Accounting / Kumar Anil.Dr.S Himalaya Publishing House, 2014 9789351420514 279p.: Library - BR Campus
657.046 KUM 00052952 Advanced Financial Accounting / Kumar, S Anil. Himalaya publishing house, 2004 8178662043 2nd rev ed. 398p.; UG Library
657.046 KUM 00089913 Advanced Financial Accounting / Kumar, S Anil. Himalaya publishing house, 2004 8178662043 2nd rev ed. 398p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 KUM 07015351 Advanced Accounting / Kumar, Anil, S Himalaya Publishing House, 2014 9789351427407 367 p. ; Library - BR Campus
657.046 MAH 00136494 Advanced Accountancy/ Vol.2 Maheshwari, S N Vikas publishing house pvt ltd., 2018 8125909044 | 9789352718573 11th ed., xvi,3.324 p.; UG Library
657.046 MAH 00025961 Advanced Accountancy Volume I Maheshwari, S. N. Konark, 1984 964 p.; UG Library
657.046 MAH 00025960 Advanced Accountancy Volume I Maheshwari, S. N. Konark, 1984 964 p.; UG Library
657.046 MAH 00126465 Advanced Accountancy Vol-II / Maheshwari. S. N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd , 2015 9788125930921 10th ed. xviii, 1327 p.: UG Library
657.046 MAH 00025962 Advanced Accountancy Maheshwari, S N 1 UG Library
657.046 MAH 00126466 Advanced Accountancy Vol-I Maheshwari, S. N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2015 9788125930914 10th ed. xvii, 3.221 p.; UG Library
657.046 MAH 00027996 Advanced Accountancy Volume I Maheshwari, S. N. Konark, 1984 964 p.; UG Library
657.046 MAH 00025965 Advanced Accountancy Maheshwari, S N 1 Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 MAH 05026132 Problems & Solutions in Advanced Accountancy Maheshwari, S N UBSPD 1995 754 p Knowledge Centre
657.046 MAH 00069760 Advanced Accountancy Maheshwari, S N Vikas 8125916644 3.215p Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 MAH 00069761 Advanced Accountancy Maheshwari, S N Vikas 8125916644 3.215p UG Library
657.046 MAH 05026852 Problems and Solutions in Advanced Accountancy Vol I Maheshwari, S N UBSPD 980 Knowledge Centre
657.046 MAH 00135884 Advanced Accountancy/ Vol.2 Maheshwari, S N Vikas publishing house pvt ltd., 2018 8125909044 | 9789352718573 11th ed., xvi,3.324 p.; UG Library
657.046 MAH 00052768 Advanced Accountancy Vol.1 Maheshwari, Maheshwari S N Vikas 1998 8125908838 1 UG Library
657.046 MAH 00052769 Advanced Accontancy Maheshwari, Maheshwari S N Vikas 2000 8125909044 1 UG Library
657.046 NAR 00083207 Advanced Accountancy Vol-1 Narang, K L Sahitya 2008 9788127244002 1121p UG Library
657.046 NAR 00083210 Advanced Accountancy Vol-1 Narang, K L Sahitya 2008 9788127244002 1121p UG Library
657.046 NAR 00083211 Advanced Accountancy Vol-1 Narang, K L Sahitya 2008 9788127244002 1121p UG Library
657.046 NAR 00083209 Advanced Accountancy Vol-1 Narang, K L Sahitya 2008 9788127244002 1121p UG Library
657.046 NAR 00083208 Advanced Accountancy Vol-1 Narang, K L Sahitya 2008 9788127244002 1121p UG Library
657.046 PAD 07007470 Advanced Accounting / Padmanabha.A Skyward Publishers, 2016 9789384494070 x,5.32p.: Library - BR Campus
657.046 PAN 00118880 Advanced Financial Accounting / Pant, Anoop. Venus Books, 2014 9788189922399 282 p.: UG Library
657.046 PAN 03010584 Advanced Financial Accounting / Pant, Anoop. Venus Books, 2014 9788189922399 282 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.046 PAU 00034753 Advanced Accountancy. Paul, Ncb 1993 650p UG Library
657.046 PAU 00003912 Advanced Accountancy. Paul, Ncb 1993 650p UG Library
657.046 PIL 00137782 Fundamentals of advanced accounting Vol-1 Pillai,R.S.N S Chand and comapny ltd., 2019 9788121926621 xiii,1261p.; UG Library
657.046 PRA 01026722 Students Handbook On Advanced Accounting / Prasath, Saravana B. CA Wolters Kluwers, 2018 9789388313582 B.9.24p.; Knowledge Centre
657.046 RAM 00030813 Advanced Accountancy Raman, B S S Chand 1989 1694 p.; UG Library
657.046 RAM 00052980 Advanced Accountancy Raman K S, Arulanadam M A HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 8178660849 676p UG Library
657.046 RAM 00049477 Advanced Financial Accounting.For Final B.Com Raman, B S United Publishers' Printing Press, 2000 1007 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 RAM 00049478 Advanced Financial Accounting.For Final B.Com Raman, B S United Publishers' Printing Press, 2000 1007 p.; UG Library
657.046 RAM 00052335 Advanced Financial Accounting.For Final B.Com Raman, B S United Publishers' Printing Press, 2000 1007 p.; UG Library
657.046 RAM 00049479 Advanced Financial Accounting.For Final B.Com Raman, B S United Publishers' Printing Press, 2000 1007 p.; UG Library
657.046 RAM 00049480 Advanced Financial Accounting.For Final B.Com Raman, B S United Publishers' Printing Press, 2000 1007 p.; UG Library
657.046 RAM 00049481 Advanced Financial Accounting.For Final B.Com Raman, B S United Publishers' Printing Press, 2000 1007 p.; UG Library
657.046 RAM.. 00136565 Advanced Accountancy: Raman, B S Sapana book house pvt ltd., 2016 9789386116604 573p.; UG Library
657.046 RAM.. 00136566 Advanced Accountancy: Raman, B S Sapana book house pvt ltd., 2016 9789386116604 573p.; UG Library
657.046 RAM.. 00136567 Advanced Accountancy: Raman, B S Sapana book house pvt ltd., 2016 9789386116604 573p.; UG Library
657.046 SAR 00007115 Book Keeping and Acountancy Sarkar, N Academic Pub 831p UG Library
657.046 SHA 00063504 Financial Accounting - II Shankaranarayana, H V Himalayan 438p UG Library
657.046 SHO 00030670 Solutions to Problems in Shukla & Agarwals Advanced Accounts Shukal, Agarwal S. Chand 1989 417p UG Library
657.046 SHU 10002062 Advanced accounts Shukla,M C. S Chand and Company limited, 2020 9789352533145 19th ed.rep xxiv,30.17p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 SHU 00015729 Advanced Accountancy Shukla, M. C. S.Chand & Company Ltd, 1985 1484 p.; UG Library
657.046 SHU 00026192 Advanced Accountancy Shukla, M. C. S.Chand & Company Ltd, 1985 1484 p.; UG Library
657.046 SHU 00010061 Advanced Accounts Shukla, M C S Chand 1976 1336 p. UG Library
657.046 SHU 00015731 Advanced Accounts Shukla, M C S Chand 1976 1336 p. UG Library
657.046 SHU 00005336 Advanced Accounts Shukla, M C S Chand 1976 1336 p. UG Library
657.046 SHU 00015728 Advanced Accounts Shukla, M C S Chand 1976 1336 p. UG Library
657.046 SHU 00021990 Advanced Accountancy Shukla, S M Sahithya Bhavan 696p UG Library
657.046 SHU 00021992 Advanced Accountancy Shukla, S M Sahithya Bhavan 1982 696p UG Library
657.046 SHU 00027321 Advanced Accounts Shukla, M C S Chand 1484p UG Library
657.046 SHU 10002969 Advanced accounts / Shukla, M.C. S Chand and Company limited, 2022 9789355010766 19th ed., xvi,17.50 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 SHU 10002970 Advanced accounts / Shukla, M.C. S Chand and Company limited, 2022 9789355010766 19th ed., xvi,17.50 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 SHU 10002971 Advanced Accounts Vol-2 / Shukla, M C S Chand & Co. 2019 9789352533138 19th ed. xvi, 30.17p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 SHU 10002972 Advanced Accounts Vol-2 / Shukla, M C S Chand & Co. 2019 9789352533138 19th ed. xvi, 30.17p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 SHU 00141842 Advanced accounts Shukla,M C. S Chand and Company limited, 2020 9789352533145 19th ed.rep xxiv,30.17p.; UG Library
657.046 SHU 00047237 Practical Problems in Advanced Accounts. Shukla, Dr S. M. SAHITYA BHAWAN 1998 8172883838 190p UG Library
657.046 SHU 00137774 Advanced Accounts / Shukla, M C S Chand & Co. 2019 9789352533145 19th ed. xxiv, 30.17p. UG Library
657.046 SHU 00136407 Advanced Accounts Vol-2 / Shukla, M C S Chand & Co. 2019 9789352533138 19th ed. xvi, 30.17p. UG Library
657.046 SHU 00136408 Advanced Accounts Vol-2 / Shukla, M C S Chand & Co. 2019 9789352533138 19th ed. xvi, 30.17p. UG Library
657.046 SHU 00013887 Solutions To Problems In Shukla & Grewal's Advanced Accounts Shukla, S Chand, 1985 419 p.; UG Library
657.046 SHU 00026193 Solutions To Problems In Shukla & Grewal's Advanced Accounts Shukla, S Chand, 1985 419 p.; UG Library
657.046 SHU 00013959 Solutions To Problems In Shukla & Grewal's Advanced Accounts Shukla, S Chand, 1985 419 p.; UG Library
657.046 SHU 00030669 Solutions To Problems In Shukla & Grewal's Advanced Accounts Shukla, S Chand, 1985 419 p.; UG Library
657.046 SHU 00026195 Solutions to Problems in Shukla and Grewal`s Advanced Accounts (vol.2) Shukla, M C S Chand 1974 419 p.; UG Library
657.046 SHU 00111333 Advanced Accounts Shukla,M.C S Chand & Company Ltd., 2013 9788121911009 31.17 p.; UG Library
657.046 SHU 00026509 Advanced Accounts Grewals, Shukla S.Chand & Company Ltd 1974 466 p.; UG Library
657.046 SHU 00026512 Solutions To Problems In Shukla & Grewal's Advanced Accounts Shukla, S Chand, 1985 419 p.; UG Library
657.046 SHU 00030668 Advanced Accountancy : Vol-1 Shukla S Chand & Company 1988 466 p UG Library
657.046 SHU 10002060 Advanced accounts Shukla,M C. S Chand and Company limited, 2020 9789352533145 19th ed.rep xxiv,30.17p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 SHU 10002061 Advanced accounts Shukla,M C. S Chand and Company limited, 2020 9789352533145 19th ed.rep xxiv,30.17p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 SRE 10003867 Advanced Financial Accounting / Sreerama, V Adarsha Publishers, 2012 223 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.046 THU 00068797 Advanced Accountancy Thukaram, M E New Age International Publishers 8122416039 991p UG Library
657.0461 SHU 00026194 Advanced Accounts Grewals, Shukla 419p UG Library
657.046AGA 00047644 Higher Science of Accountancy [ Ug.Lib.Ref.Section ] Agarwala, A N Kitab Mahal 8122501478 1334p UG Library
657.046ARU 00047236 Advanced Accountancy Arulanandam, M A Himalaya 8174936408 676p UG Library
657.046GUR.R 00022858 Advanced Accountancy.Vol.1. Gupta, R.l Sultan Chand 1350 UG Library
657.046MAH.1 00052305 Problems & Solutions in Advanced Accountancy Vol 1 S K Maheshwari, S N Vikas 8125909788 UG Library
657.046POR 00083227 Accounting Theory an Introduction Porwal, L S 0074638203 510p UG Library
657.046PRU,R1 00034553 Financial Accounting Arulanandam, M A Himalaya 372 UG Library
657.046SHU 00021991 Advanced Accountancy Shukla, S M Sahitya 0008127241 UG Library
657.046SHU3 00026190 Advanced Accountancy Shukla, M S Chand & Co UG Library
657.04BAS 00023628 II Puc Accountancy Basava, K D Vijaya UG Library
657.04BAS 00023631 II Puc Accountancy Basava, K D Vijaya UG Library
657.05 IJA 32000478 Chartered Accountant The Chartered Accountants Journal is our monthly magazine published 11 times a year (Feb-Dec). It features expert opinion and updates on taxation, business School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.05 IJA 32000479 Chartered Accountant The Chartered Accountants Journal is our monthly magazine published 11 times a year (Feb-Dec). It features expert opinion and updates on taxation, business School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.05 IJA 32000480 Chartered Accountant The Chartered Accountants Journal is our monthly magazine published 11 times a year (Feb-Dec). It features expert opinion and updates on taxation, business School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.05 IJA 32000527 Chartered Accountant The Chartered Accountants Journal is our monthly magazine published 11 times a year (Feb-Dec). It features expert opinion and updates on taxation, business School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.05 IJA 32000528 Chartered Accountant The Chartered Accountants Journal is our monthly magazine published 11 times a year (Feb-Dec). It features expert opinion and updates on taxation, business School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.05 IJA 32000413 IUP Journal of Applied Finance / IUP Publications , 2013 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.05 IJA 32000485 Chartered Accountant The Chartered Accountants Journal is our monthly magazine published 11 times a year (Feb-Dec). It features expert opinion and updates on taxation, business School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.05 OUT 32000150 Outlook / Outlook , 2009 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.05 OUT 32000151 Outlook / Outlook , 2009 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.05 OUT 32000152 Outlook / Outlook , 2009 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.05 OUT 32000153 Outlook / Outlook , 2009 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.05 OUT 32000154 Outlook / Outlook , 2009 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.05 OUT 32000155 Outlook / Outlook , 2009 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.05 OUT 32000156 Outlook / Outlook , 2009 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.05 OUT 32000157 Outlook / Outlook , 2009 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.068 CRO 00122417 At The Crossroads Crosley, Gale. J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2008 xiv, 194 p:. UG Library
657.072 SMI 05058263 Research methods in accounting / Smith, Malcolm. Sage, 2017 9781526401069 (hardcover : alk 4th edition. xiv,278p.; Knowledge Centre
657.072 SMI 00144167 Research Methods in Accounting / Sage publication, 2022 9781529779776 6ed. xvi,332p,; UG Library
657.072 SMI 05042137 Research methods in accounting / Smith, Malcolm. Sage, 2015 9781446294659 | 9781446294666 3rd edition. 248p.: Knowledge Centre
657.076 IMS 03008745 Tax Planning / Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited ; 2012 9781259028298 276 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.076 LAK 07007315 Tax Planning For NRIs / Lakhotia R.N Vision Books Pvt.Ltd, 2011 9788170948209 200p.: Library - BR Campus
657.076 PUR 07010365 CAT Common Admission Test / Puri Gautam CL Media(P) Ltd, 1990 9789351448686 2.156p.: Library - BR Campus
657.076 PUR 07010366 Quantitative Aptitude / Puri Gautam CL Media (P) Ltd, 1990 9789351449201 5.16p.: Library - BR Campus
657.076 SHA 07010376 Data Interpretation CAT / Sharma Arun McGraw Hill Education (India)Private Limited, 2015 9789339222680 12.92p.: Library - BR Campus
657.076 WHI 05005962 CPA Exam Review / Whittington, O. Ray Wiley, 2011 9780470923849 38th 1383 p.: Knowledge Centre
657.076 WHI 05007492 CPA examination review / Whittington, O.Ray Professional Publications, 1975 9780470923832 1331 p. Knowledge Centre
657.09 MIS 00047648 History of Accounting Thought Misra, Dr Samar K Kitab Mahal 1998 8122500560 239 p UG Library
657.0941 HOR 05044052 Accounting for non-accountants / Horner, David, Kogan Page, 2015 9780749472818 | 9780749472825 Tenth edition. 2015 vii, 384 pages ; Knowledge Centre
657.0954 MIR 10002260 Ind A S: Miriyala, Ravi Kanth. Taxmann publications pvt ltd., 2022 9789356224391 11th ed., I-15, 28.9 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.0954 RAW 10002319 Students guide to Ind Ass : Rawat, D.S., Taxmann publications pvt ltd., 2021 9789391596040 7th ed., I-10,1219 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.0954 SEK 00140616 Padhuka's professional guide to Ind AS (indian accounting standards) Sekar,G Commercial law publishers india pvt ltd., 2020 9789390303281 3rd ed., 1228p.; UG Library
657.0954 ADU 01024192 Indian accounting standards (Ind As) Adukia,Rajkumar S. LexisNexis, 2017 9789350359327 lxxxv,401p.; Knowledge Centre
657.0954 CHA 01029338 Taxmann's Illustrated Guide to Indian Accounting Standards (IND AS) / Chatterjee,B.D Taxmann's Publications, 2022 9789356220904 7th ed., I-41,1646p.; Knowledge Centre
657.0954 CHA 00137761 Taxmann's Illustrated Guide To Indian Accounting Standards (IND AS) / Chatterjee,B.D Taxmann's Publications, 2018 9789387702608 5th ed., I-241,1208P.; UG Library
657.0954 CHA 00145166 Taxmann's Illustrated Guide To Indian Accounting Standards (IND AS) / Chatterjee, B.D Taxmann's Publications, 2023 9789357782562 8th ed., 1701P. ; UG Library
657.0954 CHA 00142954 Taxmann's Illustrated Guide To Indian Accounting Standards (IND AS) / Chatterjee,B.D Taxmann's Publications, 2022 9789387702608 | 9789356220904 7th ed., I-41,1646.; UG Library
657.0954 GAR 00140615 Bharat's beginner's guide to Ind-AS & IFRS Garg,Kamal CA. Bharat law house pvt ltd., 2019 9789351396611 3rd ed., 416p.; UG Library
657.0954 RAW 00140613 Taxmann student Guide To Indian Accounting Standards (IND AS s) Rawat,D.S Taxmann's Publications, 2020 9789390585496 6th ed., pages UG Library
657.0954 RAW 00140612 Taxmann student Guide To Indian Accounting Standards (IND AS s) Rawat,D.S Taxmann's Publications, 2020 9789390585496 6th ed., pages UG Library
657.0954 RAW 00144234 Students Guide to Ind ASs : Rawat, D S Taxmann publication, 2022 9789356225046 10ed 1296p,; UG Library
657.0954 SEK 01029351 Padhuka's Professional Guide to Ind As / Sekar, G. Commercial Law Publishers, 2020 9789390303281 3rd ed., 1228p.; Knowledge Centre
657.0954 TAX 01025364 Taxmann's Guide To Indian Accounting Standards (IND AS) / Taxmann Taxmann's Publications, 2017 9789386482655 I-6, 1428 p. ; Knowledge Centre
657.0954 TAX 01025365 Taxmann's Guide To Indian Accounting Standards (IND AS) / Taxmann Taxmann's Publications, 2017 9789386482655 I-6, 1428 p. ; Knowledge Centre
657.0954 TAX 00133270 Taxmann's Guide To Indian Accounting Standards (IND AS) / Taxmann Taxmann's Publications, 2018 9789387702950 3rd ed., Volumes UG Library
657.0954 TAX 00133271 Taxmann's Guide To Indian Accounting Standards (IND AS) / Taxmann Taxmann's Publications, 2018 9789387702950 3rd ed., Volumes UG Library
657.1 TAX 07000927 Taxmann's Charted Accounts Act with Charted Accounts Regulations / Taxmann, 2014 9789350714140 i-5,A22p.; Library - BR Campus
657.13 KOH 00019036 Dictionary for Accountants Eric, L Kohler Prentice -Hall 500 p UG Library
657.13 RAI 05040478 Not Just an Accountant : Rai, Vinod. Rupa, 2014 9788129134615 xvi, 267 p.: Knowledge Centre
657.13 RAI 07001620 Not Just an Accountant : Rai, Vinod. Rupa, 2014 9788129134615 xvi, 267 p.: Library - BR Campus
657.13 RAI 03010424 Not Just an Accountant : Rai, Vinod. Rupa, 2014 9788129134615 xvi, 267 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.152 AHM 03009552 Accounting and Financial Analysis / Ahmed, Naseem. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 2010 9789380618296 608 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.152 SAT 00124747 Financial Accounting And Analysis Satyanarayana, Penumarthi Veera Venkat Discovery Publishing House Pvt Let, 2016 9789350568002 284 p:. UG Library
657.1BAR 00081115 Improve Your Communication Skills Barker, Alan Kogan Page 8175543256 145p UG Library
657.1BRA 00081114 Successful Presentaiton Skills Bradbury, Andrew Kogan Page 8175543035 149p UG Library
657.1CAU 00081116 Organise Yourself Caunt, John Kogan Page 8175543094 152p UG Library
657.1IYE 00013992 Advanced Accounts II Iyengar, S P M s Vasan & Co UG Library
657.1IYE 00013993 Advanced Accounts II Iyengar, S P M s Vasan & Co UG Library
657.1IYE 00013994 Advanced Accounts II Iyengar, S P M s Vasan & Co UG Library
657.1IYE 00013997 Advanced Accounts II Iyengar, S P M s Vasan & Co UG Library
657.1IYE 00013999 Advanced Accounts II Iyengar, S P M s Vasan & Co UG Library
657.1IYE 00013998 Advanced Accounts II Iyengar, S P M s Vasan & Co UG Library
657.1IYE 00013996 Advanced Accounts II Iyengar, S P M s Vasan & Co UG Library
657.1JAI.N 00025158 Advanced Accountancy Jain, S P Vasana Book Deppo, 1982 132 p.; UG Library
657.2 AEA 00001544 Advanced Accountancy Publishers Academy , Academic Press UG Library
657.2 AEA 00001545 Booking Keeping and Accountancy Publishers Academic , Academic Press UG Library
657.2 AGA 00003922 Introduction to Science of Accountancy Agarwala, A.N Kitab Mahal, Allahabad 1969 766 p.: UG Library
657.2 BAL 00001236 Steps in Books Keeping Batliboi, R James Standard Book UG Library
657.2 BAL 00001240 Steps in Books Keeping Batliboi, R James Standard Book UG Library
657.2 BAL 00001239 Steps in Books Keeping Batliboi, R James Standard Book UG Library
657.2 BAL 00001241 First Steps in Booking Keeping Batliboi, Jamshed R UG Library
657.2 BAL 00001254 First Steps in Booking Keeping Batliboi, Jamshed R UG Library
657.2 BAL 00001253 First Steps in Booking Keeping Batliboi, Jamshed R UG Library
657.2 BAL 00001252 First Steps in Booking Keeping Batliboi, Jamshed R UG Library
657.2 BAL 00001260 First Steps in Booking Keeping Batliboi, Jamshed R UG Library
657.2 BAL 00001250 First Steps in Booking Keeping Batliboi, Jamshed R UG Library
657.2 BAL 00001249 First Steps in Booking Keeping Batliboi, Jamshed R UG Library
657.2 BAL 00001259 First Steps in Booking Keeping Batliboi, Jamshed R UG Library
657.2 BAL 00001247 First Steps in Booking Keeping Batliboi, Jamshed R UG Library
657.2 BAL 00001255 First Steps in Booking Keeping Batliboi, Jamshed R UG Library
657.2 BAL 00001256 First Steps in Booking Keeping Batliboi, Jamshed R UG Library
657.2 BAL 00001257 First Steps in Booking Keeping Batliboi, Jamshed R UG Library
657.2 BAL 00001246 First Steps in Booking Keeping Batliboi, Jamshed R UG Library
657.2 BAL 00001258 First Steps in Booking Keeping Batliboi, Jamshed R UG Library
657.2 BAL 00001234 First Steps in Booking Keeping Batliboi, Jamshed R UG Library
657.2 BAT 00013761 Double Entry Book Keeping Batlibol, Jamshed R Standard Pub 556p UG Library
657.2 BIG 00002327 Practical Book Keeping and Commercial Knowledge Bigga, W W H f L Publishers Ltd 508p UG Library
657.2 BRA 05006166 Bookkeeping essentials : Bragg, Steven M. Wiley, 2011 9780470882559 (pbk.) 335 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.2 BRA 03005133 Bookkeeping essentials : Bragg, Steven M. Wiley, 2011 9780470882559 (pbk.) 335 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.2 GRE 00016860 Double Entry Book Keeping Grewal, T S Sultan Chand 20.10p UG Library
657.2 GRE 00016861 Double Entry Book Keeping Grewal, T S Sultan Chand 20.10p UG Library
657.2 JAI 07008889 Advanced Accountancy: Jain,S.P Kalyani Publications, 1979 9789327229042 19th rev ed. 1272p.; Library - BR Campus
657.2 JAI 00112025 Advanced Accountancy: Jain,S.P Kalyani Publications, 1979 9789327229042 19th rev ed. 1272p.; UG Library
657.2 JAI 00143527 Practical Problems In Advanced Accountancy:Volume - II, Jain, S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2016 9789327277555 viii,776 p.; UG Library
657.2 JAI 00134032 Practical Problems in Advanced Accountancy: Vol I Jain, S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2016 9789327259032 35.18 p.; UG Library
657.2 JAI 00134033 Practical Problems In Advanced Accountancy:Volume - II, Jain, S.P. Kalyani Publishers, 2016 9789327277555 viii,776 p.; UG Library
657.2 JAI 00123722 Advanced Accountancy: Jain,S.P Kalyani Publications, 1979 9789327229042 19th rev ed. 1272p.; UG Library
657.2 MAS 05026141 Bookkeeping and Accounting in a Week / Mason, Roger Hodder & Stoughton, 2003 0340849614 95p.: Knowledge Centre
657.2 SAR 00003920 Book Keeping and Accountancy Sarkar, N Academic Pub 827p UG Library
657.2 SHU 00026510 Advanced Accounts. Shukla, S.Chand Company Ltd 1986 465p UG Library
657.2 SID 03011889 Book Keeping and Accountancy Siddiqui S.A Laxmi Publication pvt. ltd., 2016 9788131803462 1st ed. ; 311p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.2 SID 03011890 Book Keeping and Accountancy Siddiqui S.A Laxmi Publication pvt. ltd., 2016 9788131803462 1st ed. ; 311p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.2 WIL 03010455 Advanced Accountancy / Wilson, M. Scitech Publications(India)Pvt.Ltd, 2012 9788183712279 1059 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.21IYE 00014927 Book Keeping and Accountancy Iyengar, S P UG Library
657.21IYE 00014928 Book Keeping and Accountancy Iyengar, S P UG Library
657.2BAT1 00002341 Auestion and Anaswers in Booing Keep and Accounting Battiboi, Jamshed R UG Library
657.2BAT2 00004169 Typical Problems in Advanced Accountancy Battilsi, J R UG Library
657.2BAT3 00004197 Double Entry Book Keeping Battiboi, J R UG Library
657.2BAT3 00004198 Double Entry Book Keeping Battiboi, J R UG Library
657.2BAT4 00013759 Double Entry Book Keeping Batliboi, J R Standard Pub UG Library
657.2BAT4 00013762 Double Entry Book Keeping Batliboi, J R Standard Pub UG Library
657.2BAT4 00013763 Double Entry Book Keeping Batliboi, J R Standard Pub UG Library
657.2BAT4 00013760 Double Entry Book Keeping Batliboi, J R Standard Pub UG Library
657.2BAT4 00013764 Double Entry Book Keeping Batliboi, J R Standard Pub UG Library
657.2BAT5 00013982 Double Entry Book Keeping Batliboi, J R Standard Pub UG Library
657.2BAT5 00013984 Double Entry Book Keeping Batliboi, J R Standard Pub UG Library
657.2BAT5 00013983 Double Entry Book Keeping Batliboi, J R Standard Pub UG Library
657.2BAT5 00013986 Double Entry Book Keeping Batliboi, J R Standard Pub UG Library
657.2BAT5 00013988 Double Entry Book Keeping Batliboi, J R Standard Pub UG Library
657.2BAT5 00013990 Double Entry Book Keeping Batliboi, J R Standard Pub UG Library
657.2BAT5 00013991 Double Entry Book Keeping Batliboi, J R Standard Pub UG Library
657.2BAT5 00013989 Double Entry Book Keeping Batliboi, J R Standard Pub UG Library
657.2BAT5 00013987 Double Entry Book Keeping Batliboi, J R Standard Pub UG Library
657.2DAV.2 00005292 II P U C Accountancy Sohrab, R Progerssive Coroporation 561 p UG Library
657.2GRE2 00013606 Double Entry Book Keeping Grewal, T S S Chand UG Library
657.2IYE 00005295 Book Keeping and Accountancy Iyengar, S.p N s Vasan and Co 335 UG Library
657.2IYE 00005296 Book Keeping and Accountancy Iyengar, S.p N s Vasan and Co 335 UG Library
657.2IYE 00005298 Book Keeping and Accountancy Iyengar, S.p N s Vasan and Co 335 UG Library
657.2IYE 00005299 Book Keeping and Accountancy Iyengar, S.p N s Vasan and Co 335 UG Library
657.2IYE 00005297 Book Keeping and Accountancy Iyengar, S.p N s Vasan and Co 335 UG Library
657.2NAN 00002318 Practical Book Keeping nd Accountancy Davar, Nanabhoy Progressive Corpn UG Library
657.2ROY 00003748 Fundamentals of Eco Geography Royen, Var UG Library
657.2SAR1 00003919 Book Keeping and Accountancy Sarkar, N UG Library
657.2SPI 00004159 Book Keeping and Accounts Spicer & Plger , E l b s UG Library
657.3 WAR 05014069 Financial Accounting. Fess, Warren Reeve Thomson 2003 9812406158 684p Knowledge Centre
657.3 AGA 05013953 Issues in Mangement Accounting [mba-Section] Agarwal, N P RBSA 8176113948 274p Knowledge Centre
657.3 ALE 03001053 Miller International Accounting/ Financial Reporting Standards Guide Alexander, David Cch Incorporated 9780735548039 p v School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3 BHA 03001797 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis / Bhattacharyya, Asish. Elsevier, 2008 9788131209752 295 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3 BHA 03001244 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis / Bhattacharyya, Asish. Elsevier, 2008 9788131209752 295 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3 BOD 05014077 Understanding and Balance Sheets Using Excel Worksheet/ Bodhanwala, Ruzbeh J Prentice Hall of India 8120326105 238p Knowledge Centre
657.3 FRI 03000576 Keys to Reading an Annual Report / Friedlob, George Thomas. Westland Books Pvt.Ltd, 2001 9788187671619 | 8187671610 188 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3 GIB 03001541 Analysis of Financial Statements Gibson, Charles H Thomson South-Western 9788131508862 492 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3 GIB 03001540 Analysis of Financial Statements Gibson, Charles H Thomson South-Western 9788131508862 492 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3 HEY 05013982 Financial Statements Demystified Hey-Cunningham, David Viva Books 1741148219 352p Knowledge Centre
657.3 HEY 03000843 Financial Statements Demystified Hey-Cunnungham, Davi Viva Books 9781741148213 352 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3 HEY 05013981 Financial Statements Demystified [mfm-Section] Hey-Cunningham, David Viva Books 1741148219 352p Knowledge Centre
657.3 MAR 03001396 Valuation for Financial Reporting Mard, Michael J Willey Publication 9780471680413 217 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3 MIC 05014067 Quality Financial Reporting (MS COMMUNICATIONS) Miller Paul, B W 0070601062 337p Knowledge Centre
657.3 PEN 03000853 Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation / Penman, Stephen H. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 9780070668195 | 0070668191 776 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3 PEN 03001466 Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation / Penman, Stephen H. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 9780070668195 | 0070668191 776 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3 POR 05013943 Financial Accounting [ MBA ] Gary, Porter 0000034836 797p Knowledge Centre
657.3 ROB 05014023 International financial statement analysis / John Wiley & Sons, 9780470287668 (cloth) | 047028 xxix, 828 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.3 SIN 05014009 Finalcial Statement Analysis / Sinhi,Gokul : PHI Learning Pub , 9788120337176 617 P. Knowledge Centre
657.3 VAN 03001647 Principles of Cost Accounting / Vanderbeck, Edward J. Thomson South-Western, 2005 9788131502426 | 8131502422 437 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3 VAN 03001646 Principles of Cost Accounting / Vanderbeck, Edward J. Thomson South-Western, 2005 9788131502426 | 8131502422 437 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3 WHI 03000418 Analysis and Use of Financial Statements White, Gerald I John Wiley and Sons 9788126510221 767 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3 WIL 03002368 Financial Statement Analysis Wild, John J Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 9780070615922 p v School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3 ALI 00060876 Financial Accounting - I Mani,Alice. Eliza Publishing House 2004 695 p.: UG Library
657.3 ARU 00046864 Advanced Financial Accounting Arulanandam, M A Himalaya Publishing House: 1999 8170944856 286 p.: UG Library
657.3 BER 03003826 Analysis of Financial Statements/ Bernstein, Leopold A Tata McGraw-Hill. 2004 9780070597105 5thed., xxix;366p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3 BHA 41000348 Essential of financial Acccounting / Bhattacharyya, Asish K. PHI, 2012 9788120343283 2nd ed. 698 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.3 BHA 04014840 Essential of financial Acccounting / Bhattacharyya, Asish K. PHI, 2012 9788120343283 2nd ed. 698 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.3 BHA 04017764 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis / Bhattacharyya, Asish. Elsevier, 2008 9788131209752 295 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.3 BHA 04017758 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis / Bhattacharyya, Asish. Elsevier, 2008 9788131209752 295 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.3 BOD 00100805 Understanding and Analyzing Balance Sheets Using Excel Workheet / BY Bodhanwala,Ruzbeh J. PHI Learning Pub ; 2009 9788120339187 2nd,Ed. 256. p. UG Library
657.3 BOD 22001146 Understanding and Balance Sheets Using Excel Worksheet/ Bodhanwala, Ruzbeh J Prentice Hall of India 8120326105 238p Knowledge Centre
657.3 BOD 22002761 Understanding and Analyzing Balance Sheets Using Excel Workheet / BY Bodhanwala,Ruzbeh J. PHI Learning Pub ; 2009 9788120339187 2nd,Ed. 256. p. Knowledge Centre
657.3 CHA 05041883 Financial Statement Analysis / Gibson, Charles H Cengage Learning India Private Limited, 2011 9788131516843 12th ed 610p.; Knowledge Centre
657.3 CHA 07000847 Financial Reporting / B D Chatterjee Taxmann Publishing, 2014 713 p. Library - BR Campus
657.3 COL 00128924 Financial Accounting And Reporting Collins, Bill McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2010 9780077114527 xxii, 681 p. : UG Library
657.3 DIC 05007662 Wiley financial reporting under IFRS : Dick, Wolfgang, Wiley, 2010 9780470688311 (pbk.) xi, 344 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.3 DUN 05007661 Financial reporting and analysis / Dunn, John, Wiley, 2010 9780470695036 (pbk.) xii, 380 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.3 ELL 00138369 Financial Accounting and Reporting / Elliott,Barry. Pearson, 2019 9781292255996 19th ed. xxxiii,889p.; UG Library
657.3 FER 00082360 Financial Accounting and Corporate Reporting: A Case Book / Ferris, Kennth R Irwin, 1996 0025616696 557p.: Knowledge Centre
657.3 FRA 04014486 Understanding financial statements / Fraser, Lyn M PHI, 2011 9788120339989 9th ed. 269 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.3 FRI 03005057 Financial Statement Analysis Workbook ; Fridson, Martin Wiley, 2011 9780470640036 xi,193p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3 FRI 05007592 Financial Statement Analysis Workbook ; Fridson, Martin Wiley, 2011 9780470640036 xi,193p. ; Knowledge Centre
657.3 FRI 05006189 Financial statement analysis : Fridson, Martin S. Wiley, 2011 9780470635605 (hardback) 4th ed. xv, 378 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.3 FRI 03005149 Financial statement analysis : Fridson, Martin S. Wiley, 2011 9780470635605 (hardback) 4th ed. xv, 378 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3 FRI 05006096 Financial Statement Analysis Workbook ; Fridson, Martin Wiley, 2011 9780470640036 xi,193p. ; Knowledge Centre
657.3 GAC 01023968 Manual of accounting : PWC, 2012 9781780431185 1ii,1019p.; Knowledge Centre
657.3 GIB 07000344 Financial Statement Analysis / Gibson Charles.H South-Western, 2011 9780538749572 12th ed xx,610p.: Library - BR Campus
657.3 GIB 03012837 Financial Reporting and Analysis : Gibson. Charles H Thomson, 2017 9780324375688 10th Ed. ; xxi, 643p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3 GOE 05039290 Financial statements analysis : Goel, Sandeep, Routledge, 2014 9780415710947 | 0415710944 198 pages : Knowledge Centre
657.3 HUS 00132486 Corporate Financial Reporting: Hussey, Roger, Macmillan Education Palgrave. 2017 9781137527653 xxiii,424 p.; UG Library
657.3 ICF 00079478 Financial Accounting & Financial Statement Analysis Icfai University ICFAI 2005 8178816237 566 p.; UG Library
657.3 ICF 00079479 Financial Accounting & Financial Statement Analysis Icfai University ICFAI 2005 8178816237 566 p.; UG Library
657.3 IMF 01007082 Global financial stability report : International Monetary Fund, 9781589067578 | 1589067576 | 9 x,197p.; Knowledge Centre
657.3 IMF 01009179 Global Financial Stability Report: Financial Market Turbulence - Causes, Consequences and Politics (law Lib) International Monetary Fund INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND 9781589066762 180p Knowledge Centre
657.3 IMF 01011986 Global Financial Stability Report; International Monetary Fund International Monetary Fund 9781589068100 230p.; Knowledge Centre
657.3 JAG 05039286 Corporate Disclosures: The Origin of Financiala and Business Reporting 1553-2007 Ad Jaganatha, Shankar Routledge 9788189643003 412p Knowledge Centre
657.3 JAW 03010477 Corporate Financial Reporting Jawahar Lal Taxmann Publication 9788171945245 3RD 541 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3 KRA 03007152 Financial statements demystified : kramer, Bonita K. Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 9780070670983 x , 296 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3 MAH 00037295 Financial Accounting Maheshwari, S N Vikas 2005 8128125923 4.251 UG Library
657.3 MAH 00139853 Personnel Management and Industrial Relations / Mahajan,Yogesh. Current Publications, 2021 9789390253494 299p.; UG Library
657.3 MAR 05026137 Valuation for Financial Reporting / Mard, Michael J John Wiley & Sons,Inc, 2007 9780471680413 217 p.: Knowledge Centre
657.3 MAS 00059078 Analysing Financial Statements in a Week Mason, Roger 0340856122 96p UG Library
657.3 MAT 03008482 Understanding Balance Sheets / Mathur, Satish B. MACMILLAN ; 2005 9781403928115 231 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3 MIL 00070715 Quality Financial Reporting: Building Shareholder Value, Meeting the Demadn for Clear and Useful [UGC Autonomous Grant] Miller, B W Paul 2005 0070601062 336p UG Library
657.3 NAR 00126525 Financial Statements and Analysis Narasimhan M.S. Cengage Learning, 2016 9788131531907 viii, 282 p.: UG Library
657.3 PAT 00075483 Financial Accounting - I Patil, V A R CHAND 2005 1476p UG Library
657.3 PEN 00069713 Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation / Penman, Stephen H. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 9780070668195 | 0070668191 776 p.: UG Library
657.3 PEN 00136908 Company Accounts : Pendlebury,Maurice. South-Western Cenage Learning, 2004 9781861529473 6th edition 320p.; UG Library
657.3 POW 07001350 Financial Accounting / Powers,Marian Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd, 2012 9788131518434 11th xxv,705p.; Library - BR Campus
657.3 POW 05038876 Financial Accounting / Powers,Marian Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd, 2012 9788131518434 11th xxv,705p.; Knowledge Centre
657.3 RAM 07001400 Financial Accounting For Management Ramachandran.N The McGraw- Hill 2011 9780071333412 3rd Library - BR Campus
657.3 RAM 00124264 Financial Accounting For Management Ramachandran.N The McGraw- Hill 2011 9780071333412 3rd UG Library
657.3 RAM 07013533 Financial Accounting For Management Ramachandran.N The McGraw- Hill 2011 9780071333412 3rd Library - BR Campus
657.3 RAM 03007219 How to Analyze Financial Statements / Ramachandran, N. Tata Mc Graw hill, 2011 9780070707153 130 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3 RAO 07002917 Financial statement analysis and reporting / Rao, Peddina Mohana PHI Learning, 2011 9788120339491 xxii , 678 p. : Library - BR Campus
657.3 RAO 04014864 Financial statement analysis and reporting / Rao, Peddina Mohana PHI Learning, 2011 9788120339491 xxii , 678 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.3 REG 07010946 Financial information analysis : O'Regan, Philip. Routledge, 2016 9780415695848 (hardback) | 978 Third edition. xxiii, 612 pages ; Library - BR Campus
657.3 REZ 01013005 Financial statement fraud : Rezaee, Zabihollah, Wiley, 9780470455708 | 0470455705 xix, 332 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.3 ROB 05061085 International Financial Statement Analysis / Robinson, Thomas R. Wiley, 2015 9788126564767 3rd ed. xx, 1033 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.3 ROB 05072199 International Financial Statement Analysis / Robinson, Thomas R. Wiley, 2015 9788126564767 3rd ed. xx, 1033 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.3 ROB 05072200 International Financial Statement Analysis / Robinson, Thomas R. Wiley, 2015 9788126564767 3rd ed. xx, 1033 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.3 ROW 05006055 Foreign currency financial reporting from euros to yen to yuan Rowan, Robert John Wiley & Sons, 2011 9781118024423 | 9781118056660 xviii, 298 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.3 ROW 03005016 Foreign currency financial reporting from euros to yen to yuan Rowan, Robert John Wiley & Sons, 2011 9781118024423 | 9781118056660 xviii, 298 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3 SCH 03007256 Financial Shenanigans : Schilit, M. Howard. Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited ; 2010 9780071067393 TMH ed. 318 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3 SHA 04011324 Encyclopaedia Of Business And Accounting Shah C.K. Oxford Book Company 2010 9789380179919 325 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.3 SHA 04011325 Encyclopaedia Of Business And Accounting Shah C.K. Oxford Book Company 2010 9789380179919 325 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.3 SHA 04011326 Encyclopaedia Of Business And Accounting Shah C.K. Oxford Book Company 2010 9789380179919 325 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.3 SHA 04011327 Encyclopaedia Of Business And Accounting Shah C.K. Oxford Book Company 2010 9789380179919 325 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.3 SHA 04011328 Encyclopaedia Of Business And Accounting Shah C.K. Oxford Book Company 2010 9789380179919 325 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.3 SHA 10002776 Financial reporting : Sharma, Parveen CA Taxmann Publications (P.) Ltd. , 2023 9789357780704 7th ed. 950p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.3 SHA 10002777 Financial reporting : Sharma, Parveen CA Taxmann Publications (P.) Ltd. , 2023 9789357780704 7th ed. 950p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.3 SHA 10002778 Financial reporting : Sharma, Parveen CA Taxmann Publications (P.) Ltd. , 2023 9789357780704 7th ed. 950p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.3 SHA 10002779 Financial reporting : Sharma, Parveen CA Taxmann Publications (P.) Ltd. , 2023 9789357780704 7th ed. 950p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.3 SHA 10002780 Financial reporting : Sharma, Parveen CA Taxmann Publications (P.) Ltd. , 2023 9789357780704 7th ed. 950p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.3 SIL 05026133 1996 MGH Training & Performance Source Book:Training Activities, Assessment Instruments, Helpful Handouts, Practical Guides Silberman, Mel McGraw-Hill, 1996 0007057653 242 p.: Knowledge Centre
657.3 SIN 04014863 Finalcial Statement Analysis / Sinhi,Gokul : PHI Learning Pub , 9788120337176 617 P. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.3 STI 05013712 Financial Accounting Reporting and Analysis Stice, Earl K Thomson Learning 9812548807 840p Knowledge Centre
657.3 THO 05040457 Understanding Annual Reports : Thomasett Michael.C JAICO Publishing House, 2011 9788184952537 242p.: Knowledge Centre
657.3 TRI 00034173 Personnel Management and Industrial Relations Tripathi, P C Sultan Chand & Sons 1991 522 p.: UG Library
657.3 TUL 00058140 Financial Accounting Tulsian, P C Pearson Education 1087p UG Library
657.3 WHI 04014245 Analysis and Use of Financial Statements White, Gerald I John Wiley and Sons 9788126510221 767 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.3 WHI 41000367 Analysis and Use of Financial Statements White, Gerald I John Wiley and Sons 9788126510221 767 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.3 WHI 31000263 Analysis and Use of Financial Statements White, Gerald I John Wiley and Sons 9788126510221 767 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3 WHI 05061112 Analysis and Use of Financial Statements White, Gerald I John Wiley and Sons 9788126510221 767 p Knowledge Centre
657.3 YOU 05043901 Corporate financial reporting and analysis : Young, S. David Wil, 2015 9788126547401 3rd ed. xviii,462p.; Knowledge Centre
657.30218 ADU 01018057 Encyclopaedia on IFRSs / Adukia Rajkumar S Ketan Thakkar, 2009 9788181594150 lxiv,1359 p. Knowledge Centre
657.30218 ANK 05026138 Understanding IFRS Fundamentals : Ankarath, Nandakumar. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2010 9780470399149 414p.; Knowledge Centre
657.30218 BHA 05056653 IFRS: Bhave,Rammohan N. TV 18 broadcast ltd., 2017 9789384061555 Volumes set Knowledge Centre
657.30218 BHA 05056654 IFRS: Bhave,Rammohan N. TV 18 broadcast ltd., 2017 9789384061555 Volumes set Knowledge Centre
657.30218 BUR 07010951 International financial reporting standards : a framework-based perspective Burton, F Greg Routledge, 2014 9780415827638 ix,820p.; Library - BR Campus
657.30218 SAI 01018059 IND - ASs & IFRS : saini Dr.A.L Snow White Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2011 9788181595478 6th ed cxxviii,1936 p. Knowledge Centre
657.30218 TIF 05009848 Complete Guide to International Financial Reporting Standards: Including Ias and Interpretation [mfm-Section] Tiffin, Ralph Multilingual Matters Limited 8130903822 256p Knowledge Centre
657.30218 TIF 05009847 Complete Guide to International Financial Reporting Standards: Including Ias and Interpretation [mfm-Section] Tiffin, Ralph Multilingual Matters Limited 8130903822 256p Knowledge Centre
657.30218 WAL 03005072 An executive guide to IFRS : Walton, Peter John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011 9780470664902 xi, 228p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.30218 WAL 05006108 An executive guide to IFRS : Walton, Peter John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011 9780470664902 xi, 228p.; Knowledge Centre
657.30218 WOL 01023993 Deloitte : iGAAP : Wolters Kluwer, 2016 9789351296782 (set) | 97893512 v. : Knowledge Centre
657.30218 WOL 01023994 Deloitte : iGAAP : Wolters Kluwer, 2016 9789351296782 (set) | 97893512 v. : Knowledge Centre
657.30218 WOL 01023995 Deloitte : iGAAP : Wolters Kluwer, 2016 9789351296782 (set) | 97893512 v. : Knowledge Centre
657.30240704 TAP 03011949 Understanding Financial Statements / Taparia, Jay. eVookz Learning Solutions Pvt Ltd., 2012 978938201104 124 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3024658 FER 05013956 How to Understand Financial Statements - Nontechnical Guide for Financial a Ferris, R Kenneth 0130519138 306p Knowledge Centre
657.305DAS 00087473 Rethinking Public Accounting Das, S K 0195698339 223 UG Library
657.30951 SUB 07008405 Financial Statement Analysis / Subramanyam K.R McGraw Hill Education (India)Private Limited, 2016 9789339204723 685p.: Library - BR Campus
657.30954 RAN 00125267 Emerging Trends in Corporate Reporting practices Rana N. Girishkumar Horizon Press, 2017 9789383096527 viii, 312 p.: UG Library
657.30973 TUL 00111327 Tulsians Financial reporting Tulsian,P.C S Chand & Company Ltd., 2013 9788121941709 p.; UG Library
657.30973 VIJ 00132384 Financial reporting Vijay Kumar,M.P Snow white publication pvt ltd., 2018 9789350392829 | 9789350393048 8th ed., xxxvii,1213p.; UG Library
657.30973 VIJ 00132385 Financial reporting Vijay Kumar,M.P Snow white publication pvt ltd., 2018 9789350392829 | 9789350393048 8th ed., xxxvii,1213p.; UG Library
657.30973 VIJ 01025630 Financial reporting Vijay Kumar,M.P Snow white publication pvt ltd., 2017 9789350392829 8th ed., xxxvii,1199p.; Knowledge Centre
657.32 ITT 03012602 Financial Statements : Ittelson, Thomas R. Macmillan Publications, 2009 9789386215062 rev. ed. 285 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.32 ITT 05062175 Financial Statements : Ittelson, Thomas R. Macmillan Publications, 2009 9789386215062 rev. ed. 285 p.: Knowledge Centre
657.32 LAM 00138244 Eye on the bottom-line: Lamba, Anil Harpercollins, 2019 9789353029494 vii,222p.; UG Library
657.3DAV 00034183 Personnel Management and Industrial Relation Davar, Rustom S UBSPD 1992 421p UG Library
657.3GUP2 00015754 Financial Accounting II Gupta, R L S.Chand and Sons 1990 608 p.: UG Library
657.3JAG 00088875 Corporate Disclosures: The Origin of Financiala and Business Reporting 1553-2007 Ad Jaganatha, Shankar Routledge 9788189643003 412p UG Library
657.3JAG 03004774 Corporate Disclosures: The Origin of Financiala and Business Reporting 1553-2007 Ad Jaganatha, Shankar Routledge 9788189643003 412p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.3JAI 00034410 Basic Financial Accounting Jain, S.p Kalyani 400p UG Library
657.3MAM 00034179 Personnel Management : Mamoria, C B Himalaya Publishing House, 2000 978 p UG Library
657.4 RAJ 03000433 Human Capital Rajaram, R Cambridge University 9788175965461 206 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.4 BROW 00005362 Cost Accounting and Costing Methods Brown, J L Vikas UG Library
657.4 GUP 00002323 Cost accounting Gupts.L.N Oxford 1114 p UG Library
657.4 GUP 00008671 Cost accounting Gupts.L.N Oxford 1114 p UG Library
657.4 GUP 00008672 Cost accounting Gupts.L.N Oxford 1114 p UG Library
657.4 JAI 07015342 Cost accounting / Jain,S P. Kalyani Publishers, 2021 9789327261622 3rd rev ed. V/1.36p.; Library - BR Campus
657.4 LAL 03010934 Cost Accounting / Lal, Jawahar. McGraw Hill Education(India)Private Limited, 2013 9781259026522 | 1259026523 xxx,1049 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.4 LAL 07001418 Cost Accounting / Lal, Jawahar. McGraw Hill Education(India)Private Limited, 2013 9781259026522 | 1259026523 xxx,1049 p.: Library - BR Campus
657.4 LAL 07008893 Cost Accounting / Lal, Jawahar. McGraw Hill Education(India)Private Limited, 2013 9781259026522 | 1259026523 xxx,1049 p.: Library - BR Campus
657.4 PAL 10000906 Cost Accounting : Palaniappan, R. Wiley, 2019 9789389872149 xxii, 1200p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.4 PAL 10000907 Cost Accounting : Palaniappan, R. Wiley, 2019 9789389872149 xxii, 1200p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.4 PAL 10000908 Cost Accounting : Palaniappan, R. Wiley, 2019 9789389872149 xxii, 1200p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.4 SHU 05026116 Company Accounts Shukla, S M Sahithya Bhavan 830 p Knowledge Centre
657.4 ZAD 07000834 Company Accounts & Auditing Practices / N S Zad Taxmann Publications, 2015 2nd 656 p. Library - BR Campus
657.408 MAH 00126645 Principles of Management Accounting Maheshwari, Dr S N Sultan Chand & Sons, 2015 9788180549397 xx,C-377 p.: UG Library
657.408 MAH 00126646 Principles of Management Accounting Maheshwari, Dr S N Sultan Chand & Sons, 2015 9788180549397 xx,C-377 p.: UG Library
657.408 MAH 00047264 Principles of Management Accounting Maheshwari, Dr S N Sultan Chand & Sons, 2015 9788180549397 xx,C-377 p.: UG Library
657.408 MAH 05000786 Principles of Management Accounting Maheshwari, Dr S N Sultan Chand & Sons, 2015 9788180549397 xx,C-377 p.: Knowledge Centre
657.408MAHE 05000718 Principles of Management Accounting Maheshwari, Dr S N Sultan Chand & Sons, 2015 9788180549397 xx,C-377 p.: Knowledge Centre
657.42 AGA 05013966 Cost Accounting for CA Intermediate Agarwal, N K GLOBAL 832 Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 05013983 Cost Accounting : Arora M N Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 1993 9788125938330 11th xii, 55 RPS, pv. Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 05014113 Essentials of Cost Accounting Arora M N Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 9788125928560 7.35 pv. Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 05014079 Cost Accounting : Arora M N Sultan Chand & Sons, 9788170146063 514 p. Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 05013984 Cost Accountingl Principles and Practice Arora, M N Vikas 8125914404 452p Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 05013957 Textbook of Cost Accountancy Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House, 2001 0706999592 xiii,1033p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 05013968 Textbook of Cost Accountancy Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House, 2001 0706999592 xiii,1033p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 05013941 Cost Accounting / Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2001 8125906398 x,18.14p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 05023230 Cost Accounting / Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2001 8125906398 x,18.14p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 05014074 Text Book of Cost Accountancy Arora, M N UBSPD 1044 Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 05013951 Textbook of Cost Accountancy Arora M N, 0706925394 670p Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 05013969 A Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora M N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9788125941934 9th ed. xiii, 22.22p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 BAN 00126637 Cost Accounting: Theory and Practice Banerjee, Bhabatosh Prentice Hall of India, 2016 9788120349087 13 th ed xx,1044 p.: UG Library
657.42 BAN 00136668 Cost Accounting: Theory and Practice Banerjee, Bhabatosh Prentice Hall of India, 2016 9788120349087 13 th ed xx,1044 p.: UG Library
657.42 BAN 00136669 Cost Accounting: Theory and Practice Banerjee, Bhabatosh Prentice Hall of India, 2016 9788120349087 13 th ed xx,1044 p.: UG Library
657.42 BHA 05014071 Cost Accounting.Methods and Problems Bhar, B K ACADEMIC Foundation 540p Knowledge Centre
657.42 DAT 10002798 Horngren's cost accounting : Datar, Srikant M Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd. , 2018 9789352860197 16th ed. xxiii, 1320p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 DRU 05014144 Costing - an Introduction Drury, Colin Taxman Publications 520p Knowledge Centre
657.42 GUP 03001205 Cost Accounting : Gupta, Nirmal. Ane Books, 2009 818052230X | 9788180522307 602 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.42 HOR 03001485 Cost Accounting: Horngren, Charles T. [] Prentice-Hall of Inida, 2008 9788120335646 13th ed. 870 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.42 HOR 05013944 Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis [mfm-Section] Horngren, Charles T DORLING KINDERSLEY 8131713024 883p Knowledge Centre
657.42 HOR 03000850 Cost Accounting: Horngren, Charles T. [] Prentice-Hall of Inida, 2008 9788120335646 13th ed. 870 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.42 HOR 04000600 Cost Accounting: Horngren, Datar Pearson Education, 2008 9788177583717 874 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.42 HOR 05013950 Cost Accounting: a Managerial Emphasis Horngren, T Charles Prentice Hall of India 8120308875 956 p Knowledge Centre
657.42 HOR 05013949 Cost Accounting: a Managerial Emphasis Horngren, T Charles Prentice Hall of India 8120308875 956 p Knowledge Centre
657.42 HOR 05013948 Cost Accounting: a Managerial Emphasis Horngren, T Charles Prentice Hall of India 8120308875 956 p Knowledge Centre
657.42 HOR 05013947 Cost Accounting: a Managerial Emphasis Horngren, T Charles Prentice Hall of India 8120308875 956 p Knowledge Centre
657.42 HOR 05013945 Cost Accounting: a Managerial Emphasis Horngren, T Charles Prentice Hall of India 8120308875 956 p Knowledge Centre
657.42 IK 05013991 Practical Problems in Cost Accounting - Second Edition Sikka, T R Viva Books Private Limited 8176494720 668p Knowledge Centre
657.42 JAI 00134036 Problems and solutions in cost accounting Jain,S.P Kalyani publishers, 2018 9789327289596 9th rev ed., Pages UG Library
657.42 KHA 05014104 Theory and Problems of Management & Cost Accounting / Khan, M Y 1994 0074621882 718 Knowledge Centre
657.42 KHA 05013994 Cost Accounting Khan, M. Y. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 2004 0070402248 Knowledge Centre
657.42 KHA 05052883 Cost Accounting / Khan M.Y. McGraw Hill Education, 2014 9789339203443 2nd ed, xiv,20.64, i.6 p.: Knowledge Centre
657.42 KHA 00137349 Cost Accounting / Khan M.Y. McGraw Hill Education, 2018 9789339203443 2nd rep ed, xiv,20.64, i.6 p.: UG Library
657.42 KHA 03001448 Cost Accounting Khan, M Y Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 9780070402249 p v School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.42 KHA 04000704 Cost Accounting Khan, M Y Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070402249 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.42 KHA 00139409 Practical Costing / Khanna,B S. S Chand and Company Ltd., 2016 9788121909174 rep 725p.; UG Library
657.42 KHA 00139410 Practical Costing / Khanna,B S. S Chand and Company Ltd., 2016 9788121909174 rep 725p.; UG Library
657.42 KIS 05013970 Cost & Management Accounting Kishore, Ravi M Taxmann 2006 8174967672 1090p Knowledge Centre
657.42 KIS 05013989 Cost Accounting With Problems and Solutions Kishore, M Ravi Taxmann 8174962999 1152p Knowledge Centre
657.42 KIS 05014048 Cost Accounting With Problems and Solutions Kishore, M Ravi Taxmann 8174962999 1152p Knowledge Centre
657.42 KIS 05014050 Cost Accounting With Problems and Solutions Kishore, M Ravi Taxmann 8174962999 1152p Knowledge Centre
657.42 KIS 05013988 Cost Accounting Kishore, M Ravi Taxmann 8174964843 948p Knowledge Centre
657.42 KIS 03002965 Taxmann Students' Workbook on Cost Accounting & Financial Management / Kishore, Ravi M. Taxmann Allied Services Pvt Ltd., 2009 8174969632 909 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.42 KUL 05013992 Management Accounting Kulshrestha, N K 0074602012 995 p Knowledge Centre
657.42 LAL 05014020 Cost Accounting Lal, Jawahar Tata McGraw Hill 9780070221628 1017p Knowledge Centre
657.42 LAL 05014065 Cost Accounting Lal, Jawahar 2005 0000007274 3rd Ed. 875p Knowledge Centre
657.42 LAL 04000819 Cost Accounting Lal, Jawahar Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070482746 876 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.42 LAL 03003041 Cost Accounting Lal, Jawahar Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 70221626 1017 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.42 LAL 05013958 Cost Accounting Lal, Jawahar 0074621785 1100 p Knowledge Centre
657.42 LAL 05013986 Cost Accounting [mfm-Section] Lal, Jawahar 0070482748 876p Knowledge Centre
657.42 LAL 03001412 Cost Accounting Lal, Jawahar Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 70221626 1017 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.42 MAH 05013987 Cost and Mangement Accounting Maheshwari, S N Sultan Chand 1052 Knowledge Centre
657.42 MIT 10000733 Advanced Cost Accounting / Mitra J.K. New Age International, 9788122425949 xvi,1336p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 MIT 05014114 Problems and Solutions in Cost Accounting Mittal, L C Shree Mahavir Book Depot 852 p Knowledge Centre
657.42 MIT 05002330 Advanced Cost Accounting / Mitra J.K. New Age International, 9788122425949 xvi,1336p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 NAR 00083216 Cost Accounting Principles and Practice Narang, K. L. Kalyani, 2007 9788127235093 19th Revised Edition p.v UG Library
657.42 NIG 05014053 Cost Accounting Nigam, Knowledge Centre
657.42 PAN 05014018 Management Accounting / Pandey,I.M Vikas Pub , 9780706998979 608 p. Knowledge Centre
657.42 PRA 05013985 Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting Prasad, N K Book Syndicate Knowledge Centre
657.42 RAO 05013952 Cost Accounting Rao, M E Thukaram New Age International Publishers 8122409784 880 p Knowledge Centre
657.42 RAT 05014080 Rathman Costing Theory and Short Notes Rathnam, P V Knowledge Centre
657.42 SHA 05014111 Cost Accounting : Problems and Solutions Shastri A K Corporation Private Ltd, 1975 590p. Knowledge Centre
657.42 SHA 00124351 Financial Accounting for Management Shankaranarayana H.V Cengage Learning, 2014 9788131524817 2nd ed, xxiv, 796 p.: UG Library
657.42 SHA 05013997 Strategic Cost Management - the New Tool for Competitive Advantage Shank, K John 0029126517 270 p Knowledge Centre
657.42 SHU 05014127 Cost Accounts Shukla, Knowledge Centre
657.42 SIK 05013995 Fundamentals of cost Accounting Sikka, T R Viva Books Private Limited 8176494712 1188p Knowledge Centre
657.42 TAY 00004932 Financial and Cost Accounting for Management Taylor, A.h Mc Millan 310p UG Library
657.42 THO 05014115 Reading in Cost Accounting Budgeting and Control Thomas, E Williams DBT 878 Knowledge Centre
657.42 WIL 05013996 Cost and Management Accounting: Student Workbook Williamson, Duncan Prentice Hall of India 8120313720 178 p Knowledge Centre
657.42 AGA 00026491 Theory and Practice of Cost Accounting Agarwal, M L Sahithya Bhavan 688p UG Library
657.42 AGA 05014520 Practical Problems in Cost Accounting Agarwal, M L Sahithya Bhavan 1995 578p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 AGA 00019104 Theory and Practice of Cost Accounting Agarwal, M L Sahithya Bhavan 688p UG Library
657.42 AGR 05013715 Cost Accounting Agarwal, N.K. Asian Books Pvt. Ltd., 2010 9788184121353 7th ed 15.61 Knowledge Centre
657.42 AGR 00047261 Cost Accounting Agrawal, N. K. Shuchita Prakashan Pvt.Ltd, 1999 8186799435 1011 p.; UG Library
657.42 AGR 05041758 Management Accounting and Cost Accounting / Agarwal,G Centrum Press, 2014 9789350841273 286 p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 AHU 00019102 Principles of Cost Accounting Ahuja, N L Allied 423p UG Library
657.42 ALE 00109182 Cost Accounting Alex, X Pearson Education 2012 9788131759462 xvi; 738 p UG Library
657.42 ARO 05031031 A textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora,M N. Vikas Publishing, 9788125918301 xiv,22.5p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 07008895 Cost and management accounting theory,problems and solutions Arora M.N Himalaya publishing house, 2015 9789350977033 xiv,18.24 Library - BR Campus
657.42 ARO 05031032 A Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora M N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9788125941934 9th ed. xiii, 22.22p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 07013334 Cost Accounting / Arora M.N. / Himalaya Publishing House, 2017 9789351428411 | 9789352021383 p;. Library - BR Campus
657.42 ARO 00045599 Question Bank in Cost Accounting? Arora M.N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1996 8125900667 656 p. UG Library
657.42 ARO 05000808 Methods and Techniques of Cost Accounting : Arora M N Himalaya Publishing House, 2010 9789350240298 1st ed 7.33p.: Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 00132378 Cost and Management Accounting : Arora,M.N. Himalaya publishing house, 2015 9789350977033 xiv,18.24p.; UG Library
657.42 ARO 07015425 Cost and management accounting theory,problems and solutions Arora M.N Himalaya publishing house, 2015 9789350977033 xiv,18.24 Library - BR Campus
657.42 ARO 00072496 Cost and Management Accounting Arora M.N, Himalaya Publishing House 2010 9788184887129 3rd ed. 18.27 p. UG Library
657.42 ARO 00141753 Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora, M. N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2021 8125918302 11th ed. xii, 23.23 p.; UG Library
657.42 ARO 00144268 Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora, M. N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2021 8125918302 11th ed. xii, 23.23 p.; UG Library
657.42 ARO 05060023 Cost Accounting : Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House Pvt, 2013 9789325963948 12th ed. xi,A.17p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 07013335 Cost Accounting / Arora M.N. / Himalaya Publishing House, 2017 9789351428411 | 9789352021383 p;. Library - BR Campus
657.42 ARO 04013098 A Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora M N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9788125941934 9th ed. xiii, 22.22p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.42 ARO 04012169 A Textbook of Cost And Management Accounting / Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House Private Limited, 2012 9789325956209 10th ed 22.27 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.42 ARO 10003893 A Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House, 2024 978-93-9047-050-1 11th Ed., xii, 23.22 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 ARO 07000804 Cost and management accounting theory,problems and solutions Arora M.N Himalaya publishing house, 2015 9789350977033 xiv,18.24 Library - BR Campus
657.42 ARO 10003894 A Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House, 2024 978-93-9047-050-1 11th Ed., xii, 23.22 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 ARO 10003895 A Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House, 2024 978-93-9047-050-1 11th Ed., xii, 23.22 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 ARO 10002801 Cost accounting : Arora M N Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. , 2021 9789354530265 13th ed. xi, 623p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 ARO 10003896 A Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House, 2024 978-93-9047-050-1 11th Ed., xii, 23.22 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 ARO 10003897 A Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House, 2024 978-93-9047-050-1 11th Ed., xii, 23.22 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 ARO 10003898 A Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House, 2024 978-93-9047-050-1 11th Ed., xii, 23.22 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 ARO 10003899 A Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House, 2024 978-93-9047-050-1 11th Ed., xii, 23.22 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 ARO 10003900 A Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House, 2024 978-93-9047-050-1 11th Ed., xii, 23.22 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 ARO 10003901 A Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House, 2024 978-93-9047-050-1 11th Ed., xii, 23.22 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 ARO 00126439 Methods and Techniques of Cost Accounting Arora,M.N. Himalaya Publishing House, 2016 9789350977309 7.33 p.: UG Library
657.42 ARO 04014075 A Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora M N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9788125941934 9th ed. xiii, 22.22p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.42 ARO 04014074 A Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora M N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9788125941934 9th ed. xiii, 22.22p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.42 ARO 05014560 Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora, M. N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2007 8125918302 8th ed. Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 04014070 A Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora M N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9788125941934 9th ed. xiii, 22.22p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.42 ARO 04014071 A Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora M N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9788125941934 9th ed. xiii, 22.22p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.42 ARO 04014072 A Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora M N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9788125941934 9th ed. xiii, 22.22p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.42 ARO 04014073 A Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora M N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9788125941934 9th ed. xiii, 22.22p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.42 ARO 00061670 Textbook of Cost Accountancy Arora, M N Vikas 2004 8125914390 1069p UG Library
657.42 ARO 03009833 A Textbook of Cost And Management Accounting / Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House Private Limited, 2012 9789325956209 10th ed 22.27 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.42 ARO 03009834 A Textbook of Cost And Management Accounting / Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House Private Limited, 2012 9789325956209 10th ed 22.27 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.42 ARO 00061673 Cost Accounting - Principles and Practice Arora, M N Vikas 8125914404 1400p UG Library
657.42 ARO 05000824 A Textbook of Cost And Management Accounting / Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House Private Limited, 2012 9789325956209 10th ed 22.27 p. ; Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 05047109 A textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora,M N. Vikas Publishing, 9788125918301 xiv,22.5p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 00123886 Cost and management accounting theory,problems and solutions Arora M.N Himalaya publishing house, 2015 9789350977033 xiv,18.24 UG Library
657.42 ARO 00063483 Advanced Cost and Management Accounting (theory, Problems and Solutions) Arora, M N HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2004 8178669463 450p UG Library
657.42 ARO 00134395 Cost and Management Accounting : Theory and Problems Arora M N Himalaya Publishing House 2018 9788183189972 | 9789350977033 599 p.: UG Library
657.42 ARO 00134396 Cost and Management Accounting : Theory and Problems Arora M N Himalaya Publishing House 2018 9788183189972 | 9789350977033 599 p.: UG Library
657.42 ARO 00134397 Cost and Management Accounting : Theory and Problems Arora M N Himalaya Publishing House 2018 9788183189972 | 9789350977033 599 p.: UG Library
657.42 ARO 07015719 Cost Accounting : Arora M N Himalaya Publishing House, 2014 9789351423096 5.30p.: Library - BR Campus
657.42 ARO 00123573 A textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora,M N. Vikas Publishing, 9788125918301 xiv,22.5p.; UG Library
657.42 ARO 00134398 Cost and Management Accounting : Theory and Problems Arora M N Himalaya Publishing House 2018 9788183189972 | 9789350977033 599 p.: UG Library
657.42 ARO 00134399 Cost and Management Accounting : Theory and Problems Arora M N Himalaya Publishing House 2018 9788183189972 | 9789350977033 599 p.: UG Library
657.42 ARO 05010947 A textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora,M N. Vikas Publishing, 9788125918301 xiv,22.5p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 05001851 Cost Accounting : Arora M N Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 1993 9788125938330 11th xii, 55 RPS, pv. Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 05000543 A Textbook of Cost And Management Accounting / Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House Private Limited, 2012 9789325956209 10th ed 22.27 p. ; Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 05047130 A Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora M N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9788125941934 9th ed. xiii, 22.22p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 05026160 Textbook of Cost Accountancy Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House, 2001 0706999592 xiii,1033p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 05013990 Cost Accounting / Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2001 8125906398 x,18.14p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 05063752 Cost and Management Accounting : Arora,M.N. Himalaya publishing house, 2015 9789350977033 xiv,18.24p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 03006799 Cost and Management Accounting : Theory and Problems Arora M N Himalaya Publishing House 2008 9788183189972 599 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.42 ARO 05063753 Cost and Management Accounting : Arora,M.N. Himalaya publishing house, 2015 9789350977033 xiv,18.24p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 07015739 Essentials of Cost Accounting / Arora M N Vikas, 2009 7.35 p.: Library - BR Campus
657.42 ARO 00025165 Text Book of Cost Accountancy Arora, M N Konark 1984 1 UG Library
657.42 ARO 05063754 Cost and Management Accounting : Arora,M.N. Himalaya publishing house, 2015 9789350977033 xiv,18.24p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 05063755 Cost and Management Accounting : Arora,M.N. Himalaya publishing house, 2015 9789350977033 xiv,18.24p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 07001887 A Textbook of Cost And Management Accounting / Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House Private Limited, 2012 9789325956209 10th ed 22.27 p. ; Library - BR Campus
657.42 ARO 05063756 Cost and Management Accounting : Arora,M.N. Himalaya publishing house, 2015 9789350977033 xiv,18.24p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 00136533 Methods and Techniques of Cost Accounting Arora,M.N. Himalaya Publishing House, 2016 9789350977309 7.33 p.: UG Library
657.42 ARO 00136534 Methods and Techniques of Cost Accounting Arora,M.N. Himalaya Publishing House, 2016 9789350977309 7.33 p.: UG Library
657.42 ARO 05038558 A Textbook of Cost And Management Accounting / Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House Private Limited, 2012 9789325956209 10th ed 22.27 p. ; Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 00126428 Cost and Management Accounting : Arora,M.N. Himalaya publishing house, 2015 9789350977033 xiv,18.24p.; UG Library
657.42 ARO 00109185 Cost and Management Accounting Arora M.N, Himalaya Publishing House 2010 9788184887129 3rd ed. 18.27 p. UG Library
657.42 ARO 00116737 A Textbook of Cost And Management Accounting / Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House Private Limited, 2012 9789325956209 10th ed 22.27 p. ; UG Library
657.42 ARO 00062784 Cost Accounting: Principles and Practice Arora, M N Vikas 8125914404 652p UG Library
657.42 ARO 00027995 A Texttbook of Cost Accountancy Arora, M N Vikas 1984 670 p UG Library
657.42 ARO 00035657 Cost Accounting Theory and Problems Arora, M N Sultan Chand 442 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 ARO 00035659 Cost Accounitng Theory and Problems Arora, M N Sultan Chand 453 p UG Library
657.42 ARO 00035658 Cost Accounitng Theory and Problems Arora, M N Sultan Chand 453 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 ARO 00035660 Cost Accounting Theory and Problems Arora, M N Sultan Chand & Sons 1991 453 p.: UG Library
657.42 ARO 05015328 A Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora M N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9788125941934 9th ed. xiii, 22.22p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 05000756 A textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora,M N. Vikas Publishing, 9788125918301 xiv,22.5p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 04026782 A Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora M N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9788125941934 9th ed. xiii, 22.22p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.42 ARO 00056902 Cost Accounting - Theory and Problems Arora, M N Sultan Chand & Sons : 2002 8170146062 523 p. UG Library
657.42 ARO 05001020 A textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora,M N. Vikas Publishing, 9788125918301 xiv,22.5p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 03013752 Cost and Management Accounting : Arora M.N. Himalaya publishing house, 2024 9789350977033 xiv,18.24p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.42 ARO 03013753 Cost and Management Accounting : Arora M.N. Himalaya publishing house, 2024 9789350977033 xiv,18.24p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.42 ARO 03013754 Cost and Management Accounting : Arora M.N. Himalaya publishing house, 2024 9789350977033 xiv,18.24p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.42 ARO 03013755 Cost and Management Accounting : Arora M.N. Himalaya publishing house, 2024 9789350977033 xiv,18.24p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.42 ARO 03009770 A Textbook of Cost And Management Accounting / Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House Private Limited, 2012 9789325956209 10th ed 22.27 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.42 ARO 03009771 A Textbook of Cost And Management Accounting / Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House Private Limited, 2012 9789325956209 10th ed 22.27 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.42 ARO 00041772 Cost Accounting: Principles and Practice. Arora, M N UBSPD 1995 847p UG Library
657.42 ARO 07015547 Cost and Management Accounting : Theory and Problems Arora M N Himalaya Publishing House 2008 9788183189972 599 p Library - BR Campus
657.42 ARO 00041774 Cost Accountancy Arora, M N UBSPD 1104p UG Library
657.42 ARO 05013942 Cost Accounting : Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House Pvt, 2013 9789325963948 12th ed. xi,A.17p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 00083204 Cost Accounting (theory, Problems & Solutions) Arora, M N Himalya Publishing House p.v UG Library
657.42 ARO 00083205 Cost Accounting (theory, Problems & Solutions) Arora, M N Himalya Publishing House p.v UG Library
657.42 ARO 00083206 Cost Accounting (theory, Problems & Solutions) Arora, M N Himalya Publishing House p.v UG Library
657.42 ARO 10003823 A Textbook of cost and management accounting / Arora, M N Vikas Publishing House Private Limited, 2021 9789390470501 xii, 23.23 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 ARO 05013967 Cost and Management Accounting Arora M N Himallaya 1 Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 05009160 A Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora M N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9788125941934 9th ed. xiii, 22.22p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 00083218 Cost and Management Accounting : Theory and Problems Arora M N Himalaya Publishing House 2008 9788183189972 599 p UG Library
657.42 ARO 00083219 Cost and Management Accounting : Theory and Problems Arora M N Himalaya Publishing House 2008 9788183189972 599 p UG Library
657.42 ARO 00083220 Cost and Management Accounting : Theory and Problems Arora M N Himalaya Publishing House 2008 9788183189972 599 p UG Library
657.42 ARO 00139483 Cost and Management accounting / Arora,M N. Himalaya Publishing House, 2012 9788184885910 2nd ed. 9.14p.; UG Library
657.42 ARO 00083228 Cost Accounting: M N, Arora Vikas 2008 9788125923459 Tenth Ed . UG Library
657.42 ARO 00083229 Cost Accounting Principles and Practice Arora, M N Vikas 9788125923459 p.v UG Library
657.42 ARO 00083230 Cost Accounting: Principles and Practice Arora, M N Vikas 9788125923459 p v UG Library
657.42 ARO 05000784 Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting / Arora, M. N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2007 8125918302 8th ed. Knowledge Centre
657.42 ARO 00123723 Cost and management accounting theory,problems and solutions Arora M.N Himalaya publishing house, 2015 9789350977033 xiv,18.24 UG Library
657.42 ARO 04010866 Cost Accounting : Arora M N Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 1993 9788125938330 11th xii, 55 RPS, pv. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.42 BAN 00034291 Cost Accounting Banerjee, Bhabatosh World Press Private Limited, 1988 896 p.; UG Library
657.42 BAN 00015764 Cost Accounting Banerjee, Bhabatosh World Press Private Limited, 1988 896 p.; UG Library
657.42 BAN 00014251 Cost Accounting Banerjee, Bhabatosh World Press Private Limited, 1988 896 p.; UG Library
657.42 BAN 00014242 Cost Accounting Banerjee, Bhabalosh UG Library
657.42 BAN 00014252 Cost Accounting Banerjee, Bhabatosh World Press UG Library
657.42 BAN 00069901 Cost Accounting: Theory and Practice Banerjee, Bhabatosh Prentice Hall of India 2006 8120328949 | 9788120328945 12 th ed 972p UG Library
657.42 BAN 00069633 Cost Accounting: Theory and Practice Banerjee, Bhabatosh Prentice Hall of India 2006 8120328949 | 9788120328945 12 th ed 972p UG Library
657.42 BAN 05031026 Cost Accounting: Theory and Practice Banerjee, Bhabatosh Prentice Hall of India 2006 8120328949 | 9788120328945 12 th ed 972p Knowledge Centre
657.42 BAR 05014141 Cost Accounting : Traditions and Innovations Barfield, T Jesse West Publishing Company, 1994 0314029044 2nd Ed. 1067p. Knowledge Centre
657.42 BAR 00049680 Cost Accounting: Traditions And Innovations Barfield, Jesse T 1997 0538880473 | 9780538880473 3rd Ed. 1052p UG Library
657.42 BAT 00016009 Standard Costing Batty, J 0000071218 378p UG Library
657.42 BAT 00020581 Standard Costing Batty, J 0000071218 378p UG Library
657.42 BAT 00012931 Advanced Cost Accountancy Batty, J Macdonald & Evans Ltd 1974 486 p.: UG Library
657.42 BHA 00030687 Cost Accounting: Methods and Problems Bhar B K Academic publisher 1988 451 p UG Library
657.42 BHA 00030688 Cost Accounting: Methods and Problems Bhar B K Academic publisher 1988 451 p UG Library
657.42 BHA 00052770 Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting Bhattacharyya, Asish K PHI, 2012 9788120325555 1070 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 BHA 00013892 Cost Accounting: Methods and Problems Bhar B K Academic publisher 1988 451 p UG Library
657.42 BHA 00047254 Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting Bhattacharyya, Asish K PHI, 2012 9788120325555 1070 p. : UG Library
657.42 BHA 00026493 Cost Accounting: Methods and Problems Bhar B K Academic publisher 1988 451 p UG Library
657.42 BHA 00047926 Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting Bhattacharyya, Asish K PHI, 2012 9788120325555 1070 p. : UG Library
657.42 BHA 00051896 Cost Accounting Bhatta, Mahabaleshwara H S Himalaya Publications, 2000 534 p.; UG Library
657.42 BHA 00051897 Cost Accounting Bhatta, Mahabaleshwara H S Himalaya Publications, 2000 534 p.; UG Library
657.42 BHA 00063542 Cost Accounting Bhatta, H S Mahabaleswara Bhatta Himalayan 553p UG Library
657.42 BHA 04014584 Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting Bhattacharyya, Asish K PHI, 2012 9788120325555 1070 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.42 BHA 05014524 Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting / Bhattacharya, K Asish. PHI Learning Pvt Limited, 2004 9788120325555 3rd ed. xiii, 1070p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 BHA 07001597 Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting Bhattacharyya, Asish K PHI, 2012 9788120325555 1070 p. : Library - BR Campus
657.42 BIG 00009655 Cost Accounts Bigg,Walter W. Macdonald & Evans Limited 1972 9th Ed. 564p UG Library
657.42 BIG 00009656 Cost Accounts Bigg, Walter Macdonald & Evans Limited 1972 564p UG Library
657.42 BIG 00009658 Cost Accounts Bigg, Walter W Macdonald & Evans Limited 564p UG Library
657.42 BLO 00007021 Cost Accounting Blocker, John Mcgraw-Hill 623p UG Library
657.42 BLO 00007022 Cost Accounting Blocker, John G Tata Mc Graw 623p UG Library
657.42 BLO 00007023 Cost Accounts Blocker, John. G Tata Mc Graw, 1940 623 p.; UG Library
657.42 BLO 00007024 Cost Accounting Blocker, John G Hill Publishishing 623p UG Library
657.42 BOS 00014250 Cost Accountancy Bose, Allied 788p UG Library
657.42 CHA 05014517 Costing and Managerial Accounting for Managers Chatterjee, B. K. Jaico 1996 8172245270 295p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 CHA 00105321 Cost and Management Accounting for Managers / Chatterjee, B.K. Jaico Publishing House, 9798172245275 xxvii, 462 p. : UG Library
657.42 CHA 00019109 Cost Accountants Mathematics Chakravarthy, A M Rani Book 565p UG Library
657.42 CHA 00026499 Cost Accountancy Chakravarthy, A.M. Bbh 1985 510 p.; UG Library
657.42 CHA 05001638 Cost and Management Accounting for Managers / Chatterjee, B.K. Jaico Publishing House, 9798172245275 xxvii, 462 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.42 CHO 00027372 Cost and Management Accountancy Chowdhury,Roy Arun Prasad New Central Books 1985 932p UG Library
657.42 DAN 00069921 Cost Accounting Dansby,Robert L. A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors 2000 0817473113 578p UG Library
657.42 DAS 00027363 Studies in Cost Accounting Dasgupta, P Premier Book Company 492p UG Library
657.42 DAT 05060227 Horngren's Cost Accounting : Datar,Srikant.M. Pearson India Education ServicesPvt Ltd, 2018 9789352860197 6th ed. xxi,1320p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 DAT 10002351 Horngren's Cost Accounting : Datar,Srikant.M. Pearson India Education ServicesPvt Ltd, 2018 9789352860197 6th ed. xxi,1320p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 DAT 00136454 Horngren's Cost Accounting : Datar,Srikant.M. Pearson India Education ServicesPvt Ltd, 2019 9789352860197 xxi,1320p.; UG Library
657.42 DAT 00136455 Horngren's Cost Accounting : Datar,Srikant.M. Pearson India Education ServicesPvt Ltd, 2019 9789352860197 xxi,1320p.; UG Library
657.42 DAV 05018753 How to Reduce Costs and Improve Cash Flow in Business Davidson, P Jeffrey Jaico 8172242492 208 p Knowledge Centre
657.42 DEV 07015736 BBM Cost Accounting / Dev Prabhu.V Himalaya Publishing, 2011 341p.: Library - BR Campus
657.42 DRU 05014152 Costing: An Introduction Drury, Colin. Thomson Business Press, 1998 1861522312 489p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 FRI 00147281 Cost accounting : Friedl, Gunther World Scientific, 2023 9789811264849 xv,615p. : UG Library
657.42 GHO 00007465 Introduction to Cost Accounting / Ghosh, P K National Book 1972 511p UG Library
657.42 GHO 00019107 COST ACCOUNTING Ghosh, P K NATIONAL BOOK TRUST 708p UG Library
657.42 GIL 00128160 Cost and Management Accounting / Gill,Suveera Vikas Publishing 2015 9789325990326 779p. UG Library
657.42 GIM 05042364 Cost Management Accounting (Korean Translation) / Gimyongnam Woongjin Passone, 2011 9788956088679 2nd ed. 1173p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 GUA 05040168 Cost Management / Guan Liming, Cenage Learning India Private Limited, 2009 9788131507742 571p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 GUD 00069669 Cost Accounting Gupta, Nirmal Pragati Publications 8178173075 10.47 UG Library
657.42 GUP 00143526 Principles and Practice Management Accounting / Gupta, Shashi. Kalyani Publication, 2021 9789327282559 15th xxii,1458p, ; UG Library
657.42 GUP 00027368 Cost Accounts Gupta, L N Kitab Mahal 578p UG Library
657.42 GUP 00027369 Cost Accounts Gupta, L N Kitab Mahal 578p UG Library
657.42 GUP 00027370 Cost Accounts Gupta, L N Kitab Mahal 578p UG Library
657.42 GUP 00121344 Cost Accounting Gupta, Nirmal Ane Books 2015 9788180522307 2nd ed. 658p. UG Library
657.42 GUP 05052884 Cost Accounting Theory & Practice / Gupta Nirmal Ane Books Pvt.Ltd, 2016 9789385462962 xv,771p.: Knowledge Centre
657.42 GUP 00015380 Cost Accounts Gupta, L N Kitab Mahal 275p UG Library
657.42 GUP 00015381 Cost Accounts L N, Gupta Kitab Mahal 1976 275p UG Library
657.42 GUP 00117699 Cost Accounting Gupta N.K. International Books, 2013 9789381335611 iii,408 p.: UG Library
657.42 GUP 00015454 Cost Accounts Gupta, Rup Ram Agra Book Store , 1975 468 p.; UG Library
657.42 HAN 05001041 Modern Cost and Management Accounting / Hanif Mohammed Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2013 9780070144934 xvi,17.28p.: Knowledge Centre
657.42 HAR 05067007 Cost & Management Accounting (Fopr CA-Inter-New Syllabus) / Hariharan,K. Premier Academy, 2019 5th ed. xi,652p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 HAR 05067008 Cost & Management Accounting (Fopr CA-Inter-New Syllabus) / Hariharan,K. Premier Academy, 2019 5th ed. xi,652p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 HAR 05067009 Cost & Management Accounting (Fopr CA-Inter-New Syllabus) / Hariharan,K. Premier Academy, 2019 5th ed. xi,652p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 HAR 05067010 Cost & Management Accounting (Fopr CA-Inter-New Syllabus) / Hariharan,K. Premier Academy, 2019 5th ed. xi,652p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 HAR 05067015 Costing Theory Quick Revision (Theory & Formulae for CA Inter) / Hariharan,K. Premier Academy, 2019 57p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 HAR 05067016 Costing Theory Quick Revision (Theory & Formulae for CA Inter) / Hariharan,K. Premier Academy, 2019 57p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 HAR 05067017 Costing Theory Quick Revision (Theory & Formulae for CA Inter) / Hariharan,K. Premier Academy, 2019 57p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 HAR 05067018 Costing Theory Quick Revision (Theory & Formulae for CA Inter) / Hariharan,K. Premier Academy, 2019 57p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 HAR 05067023 Question Bank Cost & Management Accounting (For CA-Inter-New Syllabus) // Hariharan,K. Premier Academy, 2019 80p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 HAR 05067024 Question Bank Cost & Management Accounting (For CA-Inter-New Syllabus) // Hariharan,K. Premier Academy, 2019 80p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 HAR 05067025 Question Bank Cost & Management Accounting (For CA-Inter-New Syllabus) // Hariharan,K. Premier Academy, 2019 80p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 HAR 05067026 Question Bank Cost & Management Accounting (For CA-Inter-New Syllabus) // Hariharan,K. Premier Academy, 2019 80p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 HAR 05067031 Last Minute Revision - Text Book Strategic Cost Management & Performance Evaluation / / Hariharan,K. Premier Academy, 2019 779p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 HAR 05067032 Last Minute Revision - Text Book Strategic Cost Management & Performance Evaluation / / Hariharan,K. Premier Academy, 2019 779p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 HAR 05067033 Last Minute Revision - Text Book Strategic Cost Management & Performance Evaluation / / Hariharan,K. Premier Academy, 2019 779p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 HAR 05067034 Last Minute Revision - Text Book Strategic Cost Management & Performance Evaluation / / Hariharan,K. Premier Academy, 2019 779p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 HAR 05067035 Costing Theory Quick Revision (Theory & Formulae For CA Final) / Hariharan,K. Premier Academy, 2019 49p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 HAR 05067036 Costing Theory Quick Revision (Theory & Formulae For CA Final) / Hariharan,K. Premier Academy, 2019 49p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 HAR 05067037 Costing Theory Quick Revision (Theory & Formulae For CA Final) / Hariharan,K. Premier Academy, 2019 49p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 HAR 05067038 Costing Theory Quick Revision (Theory & Formulae For CA Final) / Hariharan,K. Premier Academy, 2019 49p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 HIL 03013243 Cost Management : Hilton, ronald W Tata Mcgraw hill, 2002 9780070495098 xxxix, 936p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.42 HIR 05014518 Cost Accounting : Accumulation, Analysis and Use Hirsch, L Maurice. SOUTH-WESTERN PUBLISHING CO., 1992 0538821744 1064p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 HOR 00129706 Cost Accounting : Horngren, Charles T., Pearson, 2017 9780133428704 | 9789332542211 Fifteenth edition. 1278 p . : UG Library
657.42 HOR 03005942 Cost Accounting : Horgren,Charles T. Pearson, 9788131723685 xxiii,1018p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.42 HOR 03005943 Cost Accounting : Horgren,Charles T. Pearson, 9788131723685 xxiii,1018p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.42 HOR 03005944 Cost Accounting : Horgren,Charles T. Pearson, 9788131723685 xxiii,1018p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.42 HOR 05002711 Cost Accounting : Horgren,Charles T. Pearson, 9788131723685 xxiii,1018p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 HOR 00052771 Cost Accounting. Horngren Charles T. Prentice Hall of India, 1985 904 p.; UG Library
657.42 HOR 05044157 Cost Accounting : Horngern Charles.T Pearson, 2014 9788131764350 xx,1035p.: Knowledge Centre
657.42 INA 05014090 Cost and Management Accounting: PG Inamdar, S M Everest 8186314091 664p Knowledge Centre
657.42 IYE 00025539 Cost Accounting: Principles and Practice Iyengar, S P S.Chand Company Ltd 1984 UG Library
657.42 IYE 00025171 Cost Accounting: Principles and Practice Iyengar, S P S.Chand Company Ltd 1984 UG Library
657.42 IYE 00025170 Cost Accounting Principles and Practice S P, Iyengar Sultan Chand 1984 172p UG Library
657.42 JAI 07015359 Costing Methods and Techniques-II / Jain S.P Kalyani Publisher, 2014 9789327241846 265p.: Library - BR Campus
657.42 JAI 07008891 Cost & Management Accounting / Jain S. P. Kalyani Publishers ; 2012 9789327226164 Thirteenth rv ed. p.: cm Library - BR Campus
657.42 JAI 07015365 Costing Methods / Jain S.P Kalyani Publishers, 2014 9789327264999 vi/1-36p.: Library - BR Campus
657.42 JAI 00030689 Cost Accounting Principles and Practice Jain, S P Kalayani Publishers 1986 0817096028 34.19 UG Library
657.42 JAI 00117196 Cost & Management Accounting / Jain S. P. Kalyani Publishers ; 2012 9789327226164 Thirteenth rv ed. p.: cm UG Library
657.42 JAI 07004855 Cost and Management Accounting Jain, S P Kalyani 1040 p Library - BR Campus
657.42 JAI 10004003 Cost Accounting : Jain S P Kalyani Publishers, 2022 9789353598013 vii/10-12 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 JAI 00027375 Practical Problems in Cost Accounting Jain, S P Kalani 768p UG Library
657.42 JAI 00134014 Advanced Cost Accounting S.P. Jain Kalyani Publishers, 2013 9789327230260 13th ed XXIII, VI/7-16 P.: UG Library
657.42 JAI 00027376 Practical Problems in Cost Accounting. Jain, S P Kalyani 1985 768 p UG Library
657.42 JAI 00027377 Practical Problems in Cost Accounting Jain, S P Kalyani, 1985 768 p UG Library
657.42 JAI 00134018 Cost and Management Accounting / Jain S. P. Kalyani Publishers ; 2018 9789327226164 | 9789327285260 16th ed., pages UG Library
657.42 JAI 00134019 Cost Accounting S.P. Jain Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327269512 25th ed. Vii/10-12 p.: UG Library
657.42 JAI 00117277 Cost Accounting Jain, S P Kalyani Publishers, 2006 9789327216219 265p. ; UG Library
657.42 JAI 05010493 Advanced Cost and Management Accounting Jain, S P Kalyani 1430 p Knowledge Centre
657.42 JAI 10003143 Problems and Solutions in Cost accounting / Jain, S.P., Kalyani Publishers, 2004 8127212415 367 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 JAI 10001894 Cost and Management Accounting / Jain S. P. Kalyani Publishers ; 2018 9789327285260 16th ed., pages Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 JAI 10001895 Cost and Management Accounting / Jain S. P. Kalyani Publishers ; 2018 9789327285260 16th ed., pages Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 JAI 10001896 Cost and Management Accounting / Jain S. P. Kalyani Publishers ; 2018 9789327285260 16th ed., pages Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 JAI 07015716 Practical Problems in Cost Accounting / Jain S.P Kalyani Publishers, 2010 9788127256654 V/6.10p.: Library - BR Campus
657.42 JAI 00025173 Practical Problems in Cost Accounting Jain, S P Kalani 768p UG Library
657.42 JAI 00030690 Practical Problems in Cost Accounting Jain, S P Kalani 768p UG Library
657.42 JAI 07001913 Cost & Management Accounting / Jain S. P. Kalyani Publishers ; 2012 9789327226164 Thirteenth rv ed. p.: cm Library - BR Campus
657.42 JAI 00056849 Cost and Management Accounting Jain, S P Sahitya 2002 8127208086 530p UG Library
657.42 JAI 00025537 Practical Problems in Cost Accounting Jain, S P Kalyani, 1985 768 p UG Library
657.42 JAI 00143529 Problems and Solutions in Cost accounting / Jain,S P. Kalyani Publishers, 2018 9789327289596 19th rev ed. VII/1.14p.; UG Library
657.42 JAI 07015737 Cost and Management Accounting / Jain S. P. Kalyani Publishers ; 2018 9789327226164 | 9789327285260 16th ed., pages Library - BR Campus
657.42 JAI 00060958 Cost Accounting: Principles and Practice Jain, S P Sahitya 8127203637 824p Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 JAI 00060960 Cost Accounting: Principles and Practice Jain, S P Sahitya 8127203637 824p UG Library
657.42 JAI 00136419 Cost Accounting S.P. Jain Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327269512 25th ed. Vii/10-12 p.: UG Library
657.42 JAI 00060959 Cost Accounting: Principles and Practice Jain, S P Sahitya 8127203637 824p UG Library
657.42 JAI 00136420 Cost Accounting S.P. Jain Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327269512 25th ed. Vii/10-12 p.: UG Library
657.42 JAI 00025167 Cost Accounting Jain, S P Kalyani 1984 291p UG Library
657.42 JAI 00025166 Cost Accounting Jain, S.P. Kalyani, 1974 291 p.; UG Library
657.42 JAI 00136409 Advanced Cost Accounting S.P. Jain Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327230260 13th ed XXIII, VI/7-16 P.: UG Library
657.42 JAI 00136410 Advanced Cost Accounting S.P. Jain Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327230260 13th ed XXIII, VI/7-16 P.: UG Library
657.42 JAI 07013305 Cost & Management Accounting / Jain S. P. Kalyani Publishers ; 2012 9789327226164 Thirteenth rv ed. p.: cm Library - BR Campus
657.42 JAI 05014504 Cost Accounting: Principles and Prctice: [PG] Jain, S P Sahitya 8127203637 388p Knowledge Centre
657.42 JAI 03008841 Cost & Management Accounting / Jain S. P. Kalyani Publishers ; 2012 9789327226164 Thirteenth rv ed. p.: cm School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.42 JAI 00139382 Cost accounting / Jain,S P. Kalyani Publishers, 2021 9789327261622 3rd rev ed. V/1.36p.; UG Library
657.42 JAI 00139383 Cost accounting / Jain,S P. Kalyani Publishers, 2021 9789327261622 3rd rev ed. V/1.36p.; UG Library
657.42 JAI 00139384 Cost Accounting : Jain,S P. Kalyani Publishers, 2020 9789353598013 26th rev ed rep VII/10.12p.; UG Library
657.42 JAI 00139385 Cost Accounting : Jain,S P. Kalyani Publishers, 2020 9789353598013 26th rev ed rep VII/10.12p.; UG Library
657.42 JAI 00026496 Cost Accounting Jain, S.P. Kalyani, 1974 291 p.; UG Library
657.42 JAI 00029742 Cost Accounting Jain, S.P. Kalyani, 1974 291 p.; UG Library
657.42 JAI 00039283 Advanced Cost Accounting Jain S P Kalyani Publishers 2010 9788127266226 12th ed. VI-182,A-24 p. UG Library
657.42 JAI 00126443 Advanced Cost Accounting S.P. Jain Kalyani Publishers, 2013 9789327230260 13th ed XXIII, VI/7-16 P.: UG Library
657.42 JAI 00126445 Cost Accounting S.P. Jain Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327269512 25th ed. Vii/10-12 p.: UG Library
657.42 JAI 00126446 Cost and Management Accounting Jain, S P Kalyani Publishers, 2015 9789327257861 15th ed, II/18.14 p.: UG Library
657.42 JAI 00135597 Cost and Management Accounting / Jain S. P. Kalyani Publishers ; 2018 9789327226164 | 9789327285260 16th ed., pages UG Library
657.42 JAI 00135598 Cost and Management Accounting / Jain S. P. Kalyani Publishers ; 2018 9789327226164 | 9789327285260 16th ed., pages UG Library
657.42 JAI 00135599 Advanced Cost Accounting S.P. Jain Kalyani Publishers, 2013 9789327230260 13th ed XXIII, VI/7-16 P.: UG Library
657.42 JAI 00135600 Advanced Cost Accounting S.P. Jain Kalyani Publishers, 2013 9789327230260 13th ed XXIII, VI/7-16 P.: UG Library
657.42 JAI 00139413 Problems and Solutions in Cost accounting / Jain,S P. Kalyani Publishers, 2018 9789327289596 19th rev ed. VII/1.14p.; UG Library
657.42 JAI 00139414 Problems and Solutions in Cost accounting / Jain,S P. Kalyani Publishers, 2018 9789327289596 19th rev ed. VII/1.14p.; UG Library
657.42 JAI 00056719 Advanced Cost and Management Accounting Jain, S P Sahitya 8127204250 432p UG Library
657.42 JAI 00091890 Cost Accounting Jain S P Kalyani Publishers 9788127244774 V/11-11p UG Library
657.42 JAI 00056721 Advanced Cost and Management Accounting Jain, S P Sahitya 8127204250 432p UG Library
657.42 JAI 00056720 Advanced Cost and Management Accounting Jain, S P Sahitya 8127204250 432p Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 JAN 00116494 Cost and Management Accountancy : Jana Kumar Goutam Books And Allied (p)Ltd, 2008 9788187134787 1562 p.: UG Library
657.42 JAN 00116495 Cost and Management Accountancy : Jana Kumar Goutam Books And Allied (p)Ltd, 2008 9788187134787 1562 p.: UG Library
657.42 JAW 00047925 Cost Accounting. Jawaharlal 1999 0074621785 1109p UG Library
657.42 KHA 07001403 Cost Accounting Khan, M Y 2006 0070402248 686p Library - BR Campus
657.42 KHA 00124338 Cost Accounting / Khan M.Y. McGraw Hill Education, 2014 9789339203443 2nd ed, xiv,20.64, i.6 p.: UG Library
657.42 KHA 10002799 Cost accounting / Khan M Y McGraw Hill Education India Pvt. Ltd. , 2014 9789339203443 2nd ed. xiv, 745p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 KHA 05026158 Theory and Problems of Management & Cost Accounting / Khan, M Y 1994 0074621882 718 Knowledge Centre
657.42 KHA 00062415 Cost Accounting Khan, M. Y. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 2004 0070402248 UG Library
657.42 KHA 05014521 Cost Accounting Khan, M. Y. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 2004 0070402248 Knowledge Centre
657.42 KHA 00016054 Practical Costing Khanna, B S S .Chand & Co Ltd 688p UG Library
657.42 KHA 00047221 Practical Costing Khanna, B S S Chand 1999 8121909171 752p UG Library
657.42 KHA 07015714 Cost Accounting / Jain S.P Kalyani Publishers, 2013 v81.31p.: Library - BR Campus
657.42 KHA 00019117 Practical Costing Khanna, B S Allied 1970 538p UG Library
657.42 KHA 00019118 Practical Costing Khanna, B S Allied 1970 538p UG Library
657.42 KHA 00070709 Cost Accounting Khan, M Y 2006 0070402248 686p UG Library
657.42 KHA 00070710 Cost Accounting Khan, M Y 2006 0070402248 686p UG Library
657.42 KHA 07007746 Cost Accounting / Khan M.Y. McGraw Hill Education, 2014 9789339203443 2nd ed, xiv,20.64, i.6 p.: Library - BR Campus
657.42 KHA 00019052 Practical Costing Khanna, B S S Chand 688p UG Library
657.42 KHA 00041753 Theory and Problems of Management and Cost Accounting. Khan, M Y Tata Mcgraw Hill 1994 0074621882 717 p.: UG Library
657.42 KHA 00061860 Cost Accounting Khan, M. Y. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 2004 0070402248 UG Library
657.42 KHA 00016953 Practical Costing Khanna, B S S Chand 688p UG Library
657.42 KHA 00007346 Practical Costing Khanna, B S Allied 1970 538p UG Library
657.42 KHA. 05027428 Cost Accounting Khan, M. Y. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 2004 0070402248 Knowledge Centre
657.42 KIL 05014151 Cost Accounting - Ceoncepts and Techniques for Management Killough, N Larry. WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY 1987 0314258655 862p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 KIS 31000290 Taxmann Students' Workbook on Cost Accounting & Financial Management / Kishore, Ravi M. Taxmann Allied Services Pvt Ltd., 2009 8174969632 909 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.42 KIS 07000926 Cost and Management Accounting : Kishore,Ravi M. Taxmann, 2011 9788171948918 5th ed. c-28,1306p.; Library - BR Campus
657.42 KIS 00090455 Cost & Management Accounting Kishore, Ravi M Taxmann 2006 8174967672 1090p UG Library
657.42 KIS 00051653 Cost & Managment Accounting With Problems and Solutions Kishore, M Ravi Taxmann 8174963111 2542p UG Library
657.42 KIS 10002261 Cost & Management Accounting/ Kishore, Ravi M. Taxmann publications pvt ltd., 2021 9789392211133 6th ed. c-23,884 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 KIS 07000853 Cost and Management Accountancy : Kishore, Ravi M Taxmann Publishing, 2014 642 p. Library - BR Campus
657.42 KIS 07008888 Cost and Management Accounting : Kishore,Ravi M. Taxmann, 2011 9788171948918 5th ed. c-28,1306p.; Library - BR Campus
657.42 KIS 07000854 Taxmann Students' Workbook on Cost Accounting & Financial Management / Kishore, Ravi M. Taxmann Allied Services Pvt Ltd., 2009 8174969632 909 p.: Library - BR Campus
657.42 KUM 00132376 Cost Accounting Kumar, Rajesh V. Mc Graw Hill Education, 2018 9789387572379 xvi, 7.50 p. : UG Library
657.42 KUM 05037385 Cost Accounting / Kumar,V.Rajesh. Vittam Publications, 2014 xv,387p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 KUM 05061077 Cost Accounting Kumar, Rajesh V. Mc Graw Hill Education, 2018 9789387572379 xvi, 7.50 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.42 KUM 00026521 Cost Accounts Pradeepkumar, Kedar Nath 411p UG Library
657.42 LAL 00132377 Cost Accounting / Lal, Jawahar. McGraw Hill Education(India)Private Limited, 2013 9781259026522 | 1259026523 xxx,1049 p.: UG Library
657.42 LAL 00069596 Cost Accounting Lal, Jawahar 2005 0000007274 3rd Ed. 875p UG Library
657.42 LAL 10000072 Cost Accounting : Lal, Jawahar. McGraw hill education india pvt ltd., 2020 9789353168384 6th ed., xxxi,1036p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 LAL 00069910 Cost Accounting Lal, Jawahar 2005 0000007274 3rd Ed. 875p UG Library
657.42 LAL 05001025 Cost Accounting / Lal, Jawahar. McGraw Hill Education(India)Private Limited, 2013 9781259026522 | 1259026523 xxx,1049 p.: Knowledge Centre
657.42 LAL 05000681 Cost Accounting Lal, Jawahar Tata McGraw Hill 9780070221628 1017p Knowledge Centre
657.42 LAL 05003101 Cost Accounting Lal, Jawahar Tata McGraw Hill 9780070221628 1017p Knowledge Centre
657.42 LAL 00094284 Cost Accounting Lal, Jawahar Tata McGraw Hill 9780070221628 1017p UG Library
657.42 LAL 00141823 Cost Accounting : Lal, Jawahar. McGraw hill education india pvt ltd., 2020 9789353168384 6th ed., xxxi,1036p.; UG Library
657.42 LAN 05042360 Fundamentals of cost accounting / Lanen, William N. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2011 9780073527116 (alk. paper) | 0 3rd ed. xxx, 689, [32] p. : Knowledge Centre
657.42 LAN 00128930 Fundamentals of cost accounting / Lanen, William N. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2014 9780078025525 4th ed. 711p : . UG Library
657.42 MAD 07015449 Cost Accounting : Madegowda.J Himalaya Publishing, 2014 9789351426653 474p.: Library - BR Campus
657.42 MAD 05026166 Advanced Cost Accounting Madw Gowda, J Himalaya Publishing House, 2001 938p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 MAD 07000784 Adavnced cost accounting Madegowda.J Himalaya publishing house, 2012 9789350514672 1074p.; Library - BR Campus
657.42 MAH 00036035 Adavanced Practical Cost & Management Accounting Maheshwari S.N. Sultan Chand 1993 696p Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 MAH 00027378 Advanced Problems and Solutions in Cost Accounting Maheshwari S N Sultan chand 1985 0p UG Library
657.42 MAH 00065742 Problems and Solutions in Cost Accounting Maheshwari, S.N Sultan Chand | Sultan Chand & Sons 1994 9788180545856 630 p.: UG Library
657.42 MAH 05025102 Cost Accounting - Theory & Problems Maheshwari, S N Sree Mahavir Book Diport 780 p Knowledge Centre
657.42 MAH 00042155 Cost Accounting - Theory & Problems Maheshwari, S N Sree Mahavir Book Diport 780 p Knowledge Centre
657.42 MAH 00036121 Problems and Solutions in Cost Accounting Maheshwari, S.N Sultan Chand | Sultan Chand & Sons 1994 9788180545856 630 p.: UG Library
657.42 MAH 00035982 Adavanced Practical Cost & Management Accounting Maheshwari S.N. Sultan Chand 1993 696p UG Library
657.42 MAH 00047255 Advanced Problems and Solutions in Cost Accounting Maheshwari, Dr S N Sultan Chand & Sons 1999 8170142229 945 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 MAH 00052973 Cost Accounting Mahabaleswara, H S Bhatta HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 8178661357 539p UG Library
657.42 MAH 00052974 Cost Accounting. Mahabaleswara, Bhatta HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2001 8178661357 534p UG Library
657.42 MAH 00026489 Problems and Solutions in Cost Accounting Maheshwari, S.n Sultan Chand 1985 640p UG Library
657.42 MAN 00082345 Cost Accounting1 Mani, Alice Sapna Book House 2007 9788128007040 134 UG Library
657.42 MIT 00093650 Advanced Cost Accountion Mitra J.K New Age International 9788122425949 1336p UG Library
657.42 MIT 05026106 Advanced Cost Accountion Mitra J.K New Age International 9788122425949 1336p Knowledge Centre
657.42 MIT 05026918 Problems and Solutions in Cost Accounting Mittal, L C Shree Mahavir Book Depot 852 p Knowledge Centre
657.42 MOO 00118898 Cost and Management Accounting / Moore, Samuel. Venus Books, 2014 9788189922184 xii:328 p.: UG Library
657.42 MOO 03010586 Cost and Management Accounting / Moore, Samuel. Venus Books, 2014 9788189922184 xii:328 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.42 MUK 00027373 Contemporary Approach to Cost Accounting Mukherjee, Amalendu New Central Books 1985 328p UG Library
657.42 NAF 00012134 Cost Accounts and Cost Control. Baig, Nafees Navman 2000 288p UG Library
657.42 NAR 03004828 Fundamentals of Cost Accounting: Narsis, I Atlantic, 2011 9788126915187 vii,475p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.42 NAR 07001923 Practical Problems in Cost Accounting / Narang K.L Kalyani Publishers, 2011 9789327216486 vi/1-14:111p.: Library - BR Campus
657.42 NAR 00083212 Cost Accounting Principles and Practice Narang, K. L. Kalyani, 2007 9788127235093 19th Revised Edition p.v UG Library
657.42 NAR 00083214 Cost Accounting Principles and Practice Narang, K. L. Kalyani, 2007 9788127235093 19th Revised Edition p.v UG Library
657.42 NAR 00083213 Cost Accounting Principles and Practice Narang, K. L. Kalyani, 2007 9788127235093 19th Revised Edition p.v UG Library
657.42 NAR 00083215 Cost Accounting Principles and Practice Narang, K. L. Kalyani, 2007 9788127235093 19th Revised Edition p.v UG Library
657.42 NAR 00083217 Cost Accounting Principles and Practice Narang, K. L. Kalyani, 2007 9788127235093 19th Revised Edition p.v UG Library
657.42 NIG 00088587 Cost Accounting : Nigam B M, Lall Prentice Hall of India, 9788120317239 1164 p.; UG Library
657.42 NIG 00027365 Cost Accounting Principles and Applications Nigam, Lall B M Himalaya 919p UG Library
657.42 NIG 00026492 Cost Accounting: Principles and Applications Lall,Nigam B.M. Himalaya 1984 919p UG Library
657.42 NIG 00026227 Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting Nigam, R S S Chand 1982 612p UG Library
657.42 OWL 00002328 Cost Accounting and Costing Methods Owler L W J English Language Book Society 1965 688 p UG Library
657.42 OWL 00017687 Wheldons Cost Accounting and Costing Methods Owlwr L W J English Language Book Society 1932 688 p UG Library
657.42 OWL 00017692 Wheldon's Cost Accounting and Costing Methods Owler L W J English Language Book Society 1932 688 p UG Library
657.42 OWL 00017693 Cost Accounting and Costing Methods Owler L W J English Language Book Society 1971 688 p UG Library
657.42 OWL 00017695 Wheldon`s Cost Accounting and Costing Mothods Owler L. W. J. English Language Book Society and Macdonald and Evans Ltd, 1971 12th Edition 688 p.; UG Library
657.42 OWL 00005363 Wheldon's Cost Accounting and Costing Methods Owler L W J English Language Book Society 1932 688 p UG Library
657.42 OWL 00017694 Wheldon`s Cost Accounting and Costing Mothods Owler L. W. J. English Language Book Society and Macdonald and Evans Ltd, 1971 12th Edition 688 p.; UG Library
657.42 PAL 00143578 Cost Accounting : Palaniappan, R. Wiley, 2019 9789389872149 xxii,1200p.; UG Library
657.42 PAL 00118196 Cost Accounting Palaniappan, R. I.K International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 2012 9789380578347 1st 1200 UG Library
657.42 PAL 00124339 Cost Accounting Problems and Soulutions Palaniappan R. I.K. International Publishing House, 2015 9789384588168 v, 530 p.: UG Library
657.42 PAL 10000909 Cost Accounting Problems and Soulutions / Palaniappan R. Wiley, 2019 9789389633412 vii, 530 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 PAL 10000910 Cost Accounting Problems and Soulutions / Palaniappan R. Wiley, 2019 9789389633412 vii, 530 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 PAL 10000911 Cost Accounting Problems and Soulutions / Palaniappan R. Wiley, 2019 9789389633412 vii, 530 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 PAN 05009234 Management Accounting / Pandey,I.M Vikas Pub , 9780706998979 608 p. Knowledge Centre
657.42 PAT 00075454 Methods and Techniques of Cost Accounting-II Pt, Pattanshetty R. Chand & Co. 2005 8180450465 291p UG Library
657.42 PAT 00075455 Methods and Techniques of Cost Accounting-II Pt, Pattanshetty R. Chand & Co. 2005 8180450465 291p UG Library
657.42 PAT 00027362 Cost Accounting , 631 p UG Library
657.42 PAT 01025628 Cost and management accounting Pattabhi ram,V Snow white publications pvt ltd., 2017 9789350392805 vii,935p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 PAT 00023596 Cost Accounting Pattanshetty P. T. R Chand, 1983 6th Edition 631 P.; UG Library
657.42 PAT 00023600 Cost Accounting Pattanshetty P. T. R Chand, 1983 6th Edition 631 P.; UG Library
657.42 PAT 00023599 Cost Accounting Pattanshetty P. T. R Chand, 1983 6th Edition 631 P.; UG Library
657.42 PAT 00023597 Cost Accounting Pattanshetty P. T. R Chand, 1983 6th Edition 631 P.; UG Library
657.42 PAT 00030821 Cost Accounting Pattanshetty P. T. R Chand, 1983 6th Edition 631 P.; UG Library
657.42 PAT 00069680 Cost Accounting -1 Pattanshetty, P T R. Chand & Co. 2005 8180450457 215p UG Library
657.42 PAT 00069681 Cost Accounting -1 Pattanshetty, P T R. Chand & Co. 2005 8180450457 215p UG Library
657.42 PAT 00069682 Cost Accounting Pattanshetty P T, D R Palekar R. Chand & Co. 2004 0008180458 523p UG Library
657.42 PAT 00069683 Cost Accounting a Basic Approach Pattanshetty, P T R. Chand & Co. 2004 8180450368 522p UG Library
657.42 PAT 00069684 Methods and Techniques of Cost Accouting -II Pattanshetty P T, D R Palekar R. Chand & Co. 2005 8180450465 291p UG Library
657.42 PAT 00069685 Methods and Techniques of Cost Accouting -II Pattanshetty P T, D R Palekar R. Chand & Co. 2005 8180450465 291p UG Library
657.42 PAT 00060545 Cost Accounting(a Basic Approach) Pattanshetty, P T R CHAND 523p UG Library
657.42 PHO 00074772 Cost Accounting Phophalia, A K RBSA 2004 8176112143 289p UG Library
657.42 PIL 00047258 Cost Accounting Pillai, R S N S Chand 8121904935 840p Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 PIL 00030825 Cost Accounting Pillai, R S N S Chand 8121904935 840p UG Library
657.42 PIL 00128149 Cost Accounting Pillai, R S N S Chand & Co. 2017 9788121904933 847p UG Library
657.42 PIL 10002321 Cost Accounting/ Pillai, R.S.N S Chand and company ltd., 2022 9788121904933 x,847 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 PRA 00027366 Cost Accounting Pradeep Kumar, Kedarnath Ramnath 410 p UG Library
657.42 PRA 01026714 Students handbook on cost and management accounting / Prasath, Saravana. B CA. Wolters Kluwer, 2018 9789388313513 15.42p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 PRA 05014142 Principles & Practice of Cost Accounting Vol.I Prasad, N K Book Syndicate Knowledge Centre
657.42 PRA 05014153 Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting [mba-Section] Prasad, N K Book Syndicate 1991 285p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 PRA 05000922 Advanced Cost Mangement Accountacy: Short Notes, Problems and Solutions Rathnam, P V Kitab Mahal, 1994 933p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 PRA 07007454 Costing Methods / Prathap Skyward Publishers, 2016 9789384494797 viii,5.26p.: Library - BR Campus
657.42 RAC 00123589 Cost Accounting Ranchchh, Minaxi Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2015 9789325983298 359 p:. UG Library
657.42 RAJ 00136452 Cost Accounting Rajasekaran, V. Pearson, 2010 9788131732076 x,819 p.; UG Library
657.42 RAJ 00136453 Cost Accounting Rajasekaran, V. Pearson, 2010 9788131732076 x,819 p.; UG Library
657.42 RAM 00034467 Cost Accounting Raman, B. S. United, 1991 1256 p.; UG Library
657.42 RAM 00034468 Cost Accounting Raman, B. S. United, 1991 1256 p.; UG Library
657.42 RAO 00039287 Cost Accounting Rao, M E Thukaram New Age International Publishers 8122409784 880 p UG Library
657.42 RAO 10000669 Cost and Management Accounting / Rao Thukaram M E New Age International Publishers, 2004 0812241513 | 9788122415131 xiv, 1171 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.42 RAO 00146713 Cost Accounting/ Rao, G. C. 9789356036963 18.22p. ; UG Library
657.42 RAT 00027374 Costing Adviser Rathnam, P V Kitab Mahal 839p UG Library
657.42 RAT 05014522 Cost and Management Accounting Rathnam, P. V. Sterling Publishers Private Limited 1984 748p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 RAT 05026159 Advanced Cost Mangement Accountacy: Short Notes, Problems and Solutions Rathnam, P V Kitab Mahal, 1994 933p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 RAY 00051370 Principles of Cost Accounting Rayburn, Letricia Gayle 1989 0256068275 | 9780256068276 1460p UG Library
657.42 RAY 05014519 Cost Accounting - TMH Outline Series Rayudu, C. S. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 1996 0074623702 678p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 RAY 00046064 Cost Accounting Rayudu, C S 0074623702 678p UG Library
657.42 RAY 00046065 Cost Accounting Rayudu, C S 0074623702 678p UG Library
657.42 RED 00061369 Cost Accounting and Control Systems Reddy,Jayaprakash R. APH 2004 8176486140 212p UG Library
657.42 RED 00062775 Advanced Cost Accounting Jayaprakash, Reddy R APH 8176486167 200p UG Library
657.42 SAH 07015725 Methods and Techniques of Cost Accounting / Saha R.G Visison book house, 2010 228p.: Library - BR Campus
657.42 SAH 07015780 Methods and Techniques of Cost Accounting / Saha R.G Vision book house, 2010 228p.: Library - BR Campus
657.42 SAK 00041661 Principles and Practice of Auditing Saxena, R G Himalaya Publishing House UG Library
657.42 SAR 00007028 Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting Sarkar, N Academic Pub 514p UG Library
657.42 SAR 00007026 Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting Sarkar, N Academic Pub 514p UG Library
657.42 SAR 00010172 Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting Sarkar, N Academic Pub 545p UG Library
657.42 SAX 00037912 Advanced Cost and Management Accounting: Saxena, V K Sultan Chand 1995 894 p UG Library
657.42 SHA 00015767 Cost Accounting: Problems and Solutions Shastri A K Progressive 1975 590p UG Library
657.42 SHA 00015768 Cost Accounting Problems and Solutions Shastri, A K Progressive 590p UG Library
657.42 SHA 05014514 Cases in Cost Management: a Strategic Emphasis Shank, K John 0324062699 258p Knowledge Centre
657.42 SHA 00120978 Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting Sharma Kumar Pawan Wisdom Publications, 2014 9789381505861 426 p.: UG Library
657.42 SHA 00026466 Auditing: Sharma T K 534p UG Library
657.42 SHA 00123080 Cost Accounting and accounting systems Sharma K K Random Publications 2015 9789351116417 297p. UG Library
657.42 SHU 00015757 Cost Accountancy Shukla, M C S Chand 1977 420p UG Library
657.42 SHU 00019670 Cost Accountancy Shukla, M C S Chand 1977 420p UG Library
657.42 SHU 00019669 Cost Accountancy Shukla, M C S Chand 1977 420p UG Library
657.42 SHU 00143688 Cost Accounting / Shukla M C. S Chand publication, 2020 9788121919630 Revised Edition ix,958p,; UG Library
657.42 SHU 00047240 Cost Accounting Shukla, M. C. S Chand, 2000 8121919630 1222 p.; UG Library
657.42 SHU 00013958 Cost Accountancy Shukla, M C S Chand 1977 420p UG Library
657.42 SHU 00026225 Cost Accounts Shukla, M C S Chand 1985 515p UG Library
657.42 SHU 00026495 Cost Accounts Shukla, M C S Chand 513p UG Library
657.42 SHU 00056718 Cost and Management Accounting Shukla M B Himalaya Publishing House 2012 9789350249208 1st ed. 659p. UG Library
657.42 SIK 00061671 Fundamentals of Cost Accunting Sikka, T R Viva Books Private Limited 2003 8176494712 1188p UG Library
657.42 SIK 00061672 Practical Problems in Cost Accounting Sikka, T R Viva Books Private Limited 8176494720 668p UG Library
657.42 SWA 00014181 Lectures on Costing Swaminathan, L S Chand & Co. 471p UG Library
657.42 SWA 05013998 Lectures on Costing Swaminathan, S Chand & Company Ltd 460p Knowledge Centre
657.42 THU 00039284 Cost Accounting Thukaram Rao, M E V.S Johri 1996 900 p UG Library
657.42 THU 00039285 Cost Accounting Thukaram Rao, M E V.S Johri 1996 900 p UG Library
657.42 THU 00039286 Cost Accounting Thukaram Rao, M E V.S Johri 1996 900 p UG Library
657.42 THU 00068821 Cost Accounting. Thukaram, Me New Age International Publishers 2001 8122413226 1010p UG Library
657.42 THU 07001935 Cost Accounting Thukaram Rao, M E V.S Johri 1996 900 p Library - BR Campus
657.42 TUL 00122662 Tulsian's cost accounting Tulsian P C S Chand & company pvt.Ltd 2015 9788121929417 3rd ed. 26.3p. UG Library
657.42 TUL 00052894 Tulsian's Practical Costing / Tulsian, P C Vikas Publications, 2000 8125908854 xvi,18.78p.; UG Library
657.42 TUL 05014509 Tulsian's Practical Costing / Tulsian, P C Vikas Publications, 2000 8125908854 xvi,18.78p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 TUL 05029807 Tulsian's Practical Costing / Tulsian, P C Vikas Publications, 2000 8125908854 xvi,18.78p.; Knowledge Centre
657.42 TUL 00141824 Tulsian's cost and management accounting: Tulsian P C McGraw hill education india pvt ltd., 2020 9789389811711 Pages UG Library
657.42 TUL 00141825 Tulsian's cost and management accounting: Tulsian P C McGraw hill education india pvt ltd., 2020 9789389811711 Pages UG Library
657.42 TUR 03006310 Common cents : Turney, Peter B. B. TMH 2005 9780070607705 xi,315p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.42 VAI 05041169 Cost Management : Vaidya, S C Macmillan, 2010 9780230636613 355p. Knowledge Centre
657.42 VAI 03006947 Cost Management : Vaidya, S C Macmillan, 2010 9780230636613 355p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.42 VAN 05002059 Principles of cost accounting / VanDerbeck, Edward J. Thomson Learning Inc., 2005 0538844035 | 9788131502426 | 9 13th ed. xiv, 437 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.42 VEN 00108019 Cost Accounting and Financial management Venkatasivakumar Pearson 2011 9788131755785 xxvi, 1663 p. UG Library
657.42 WIL 00126427 Cost Accounting M. Wilson Himalaya Publishing House, 2015 9789352027767 537 p.: UG Library
657.42..JAI,N 00039889 Cost and Management Accounting Jain, S P Kalyani 1040 p UG Library
657.42.MAH 05026105 Advanced Cost Accounting and Cost Systems Maheshwari, S N Sree Mahavir Book Diport 1997 1570 p Knowledge Centre
657.42.MAH 00042157 Advanced Cost Accounting and Cost Systems Maheshwari, S N Sree Mahavir Book Diport 1997 1570 p UG Library
657.42/KHA 00026200 Practical Costing Khanna, B S UG Library
657.420954 CMA 32000106 The Management Accountant / CMA Bhawan, 2013 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.420954 CMA 32000107 The Management Accountant / CMA Bhawan, 2013 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.420954 CMA 32000486 The Management Accountant / CMA Bhawan, 2013 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.420954 CMA 32000487 The Management Accountant / CMA Bhawan, 2013 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.420954 CMA 32000488 The Management Accountant / CMA Bhawan, 2013 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.420954 CMA 32000489 The Management Accountant / CMA Bhawan, 2013 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.420954 CMA 32000490 The Management Accountant / CMA Bhawan, 2013 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.420954 CMA 32000491 The Management Accountant / CMA Bhawan, 2013 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.420954 CMA 32000492 The Management Accountant / CMA Bhawan, 2013 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.420954 CMA 32000529 The Management Accountant / CMA Bhawan, 2013 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.420954 CMA 32000530 The Management Accountant / CMA Bhawan, 2013 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.420954 CMA 32000531 The Management Accountant / CMA Bhawan, 2013 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.421 RAM 00034020 Cost Accounting Raman, B.s United 1991 2239 p.: UG Library
657.421DAS 00025172 Studies in Cost Accounting Dasgupta, P Premier Book Company 592p UG Library
657.42823 PRA 00027367 Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting Prasad, N.k Signet 998 p722 p UG Library
657.42AHU.C 00019012 Principles of Cost Accounting Ahuja, H.l Allied 420p UG Library
657.42AHUI 00019103 Principles of Cost Accounting Ahuja, Chadha Allied UG Library
657.42ARO., 00025955 Text Book of Cost Accountancy [ug.Lib.Commerce Section] Arora, M N 0000706994 670p UG Library
657.42ARO7 00064639 Cost Accounting: Principles and Practice Arora, M N Vikas 8125914404 952p UG Library
657.42BAN2 00014243 Cost Accounting Banerjee, Bhabalosh UG Library
657.42BHA6 00013885 Cost Accounting Bhar, R K UG Library
657.42CHA.. 00007216 Cost Accountancy Chakravarty, A M Bani Book 1352p UG Library
657.42CHA1 00026498 Cost Accountancy Chakravarthy, A N Calcutta UG Library
657.42CPC 00047216 Second BBM 21 Model Question Papers [ Cost & Management Accounting ] Cpc Cambridge 107p UG Library
657.42GUP.,. 00016370 Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting Gupta, R K Agra Book Store 664p UG Library
657.42GUP1 00015456 Cost Accounts Gupta, Rup Ram Agra Book Store , 1975 468 p.; UG Library
657.42HOR 00045941 Cost Accounting: a Managerial Emphasis Horngren, T Charles Prentice Hall of India 8120308875 956 p UG Library
657.42IYE. 00027364 COST ACCOUTING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE S P, Iyengar Sultan Chand 171p UG Library
657.42IYE1 00026494 Cost Accounting Iyengar, S P Sultan Chand UG Library
657.42JAI 00064709 Cost Accounting: Principles and Practice Jain, S P Sahitya 8127219703 452p UG Library
657.42JAI13 00014670 Elements and Cost Accounting Jain, Narayani K f I UG Library
657.42KHA.1 00026201 Practical Costing Khanna, B S S.Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 685 p UG Library
657.42KIS1 00053410 Cost Accounting With Problems and Solutions Kishore, M Ravi Taxmann 8174962999 1152p UG Library
657.42NIG 00021241 Advanced Cost Accounting Nigam, R S S Chand 680p UG Library
657.42PAT.2 00073940 Methods and Techniques of Cost Accounting-Ii (dharmaram Library) Pattanshetty, P T R. Chand & Co 291p UG Library
657.42PRA1 00013891 Cost Accounting Prasad, N K Academic Press UG Library
657.42SHA1 00014455 Cost Accounting Sharlin, A K Progressive UG Library
657.42SHU2 00026224 Cost Accounts Shukla, M C S Chand & Co UG Library
657.42TAY 00007932 Financial and Cost Accounting for Management Taylor, A.h Mc Millan 310p UG Library
657.42WAM 00008166 Lectures on Costing Waminathan, S Chand & Co. UG Library
657.45 ANA 07000930 Taxmann's Law & Practice Relating to CARO 2015 : Anand G,Srinivasan. Taxmann, 2015 9789350716458 i-15,340p.; Library - BR Campus
657.45 KUM 00130136 Auditing:Theory and Practice Kumar, Pardeep Kalyani, 2016 9789327265156 34.6 p.: UG Library
657.45 KUM 00134016 Auditing:Theory and Practice Kumar, Pardeep Kalyani, 2016 9789327265156 34.6 p.: UG Library
657.45 PRA 00130135 Auditing Principles, Practices & Problems Prakash, Jagdish Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327244748 36.39,116 p.: UG Library
657.45 PRA 00117278 Auditing Kumar, Pradeep Kalyani 1987 9788127215570 454 p.; UG Library
657.45 SAX 00139411 Principles and Practice of Auditing / Saxena,R G. Himalaya Publishing house, 2020 9789352993352 7th rev rep ed. xix,684p.; UG Library
657.45 SAX 00139412 Principles and Practice of Auditing / Saxena,R G. Himalaya Publishing house, 2020 9789352993352 7th rev rep ed. xix,684p.; UG Library
657.45 STA 00026199 A text book of to Business Mathematics Raj Dorai S N E l b s 402 UG Library
657.45 AGR 00069671 Auditing Agarwal, S C R CHAND 2003 414p UG Library
657.45 AHM 05025108 Fundamentals Of Corporate Accounting / Ahmed, Naseem. Ane Books Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9789380618401 Ane's Student Edition xviii, 694 p.; Knowledge Centre
657.45 AHM 05036879 Fundamentals Of Corporate Accounting / Ahmed, Naseem. Ane Books Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9789380618401 Ane's Student Edition xviii, 694 p.; Knowledge Centre
657.45 AIN 05009168 Auditing and Assurance / Ainapure, Varsha PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd., 2009 9788120339910 xxv, 993 p. Knowledge Centre
657.45 AIN 03011900 Auditing and Assurance / Ainapure, Varsha. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 2009 9788120339910 2nd ed, 993 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.45 ALI 00051885 Principles and Practices of Auditing Mani, Alice Eliza Publishing House 1999 393p UG Library
657.45 ALI 00054370 Principles and Practices of Auditing Mani, Alice Eliza Publishing House 1999 393p UG Library
657.45 ALI 00054371 Principles and Practices of Auditing Mani, Alice Eliza Publishing House 1999 393p UG Library
657.45 APP 07015787 Auditing-I (Including Skill Development) / Appannaiah H.R Himalaya Publishing House, 2013 9789350979976 232p.: Library - BR Campus
657.45 ARE 05057206 Auditing and assurance services : Arens,Alvin A., Pearson, 2017 9781292147871 Sixteenth edition 896p.; Knowledge Centre
657.45 BAN 05017412 Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics / Bansal CA Surbhi Bestword Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2012 21.4 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.45 BAN 05000911 Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics / Bansal CA Surbhi Bestword Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2012 21.4 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.45 BAN 07000845 Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics / Bansal CA Surbhi Bestword Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2012 21.4 p. : Library - BR Campus
657.45 BAS 00130147 Fundamentals Of Auditing Basu.S.K Pearson, 2009 9788131728857 xiii, 15.14 p.: UG Library
657.45 BAS 00072283 Auditing : Basu,S.K. Pearson Education Inc, 2006 8177581783 | 9788177581782 xii,616p.; UG Library
657.45 BAS 10005382 Auditing and assurance: Basu, Sanjib Kumar Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2020 9789353942199 3rd ed., 593 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.45 BAS 00072284 Auditing : Basu,S.K. Pearson Education Inc, 2006 8177581783 | 9788177581782 xii,616p.; UG Library
657.45 BAT 00002325 Principles and Practice of Auditing Batliboi, R The Standard Accountancy 1969 707 p.: UG Library
657.45 BAT 00004184 Principles and Practice of Auditing Batliboi, Jamshed R Standard Pub 707p UG Library
657.45 BAT 00004185 Principles and Practice of Auditing Batliboi, Jamshed R Accountancy Publications Private Ltd 707p UG Library
657.45 BAT 00013007 Principles and Practice of Auditing Batliboi, Jamshed R Standard Pub 707p UG Library
657.45 BAT 00046054 Textbook of Auditing Batra, V. K. 1996 0007460029 462 p; UG Library
657.45 BAT 00046070 Textbook of Auditing Batra, V. K. 1996 0007460029 462 p; UG Library
657.45 BAT 00046055 Textbook of Auditing Batra, V. K. 1996 0007460029 462 p; UG Library
657.45 BIG 00023634 Practical Auditing Bigg, Walter W. Allied, 1983 841 p.; UG Library
657.45 BIG 00025180 Practical Auditing Bigg, Walter W. Allied, 1983 841 p.; UG Library
657.45 CHA 00137771 Taxmann's practical workbook for bank statutory branch auditors: Chandra,Ishwar Taxmann publications pvt ltd., 2019 9789388750868 3rd ed., i-25,337p.; UG Library
657.45 COO 00007972 Manual of Auditing Cooper, Vivian R. V. Gee & Co (publishers) Limited, 1966 621 p.; UG Library
657.45 DAY 00025175 Auditing:Theory and Practice Dayal, S Surjeet 1985 462p UG Library
657.45 GAR 00130133 Advanced Auditing & Professional Ethics Garg, CA Pankaj Taxman's Publications, 2017 9789386482723 687 p.: UG Library
657.45 GAR 05041879 Bharat's Profeeional Approach to Advanced Auditing / Garg Kamal Bharat Law House Pvt.Ltd, 2011 9788177337341 676p.: Knowledge Centre
657.45 GAR 05041882 Bharat's Professional Approach to Advanced Auditing / Garg Kamal Bharat Law House Pvt.Ltd, 2006 9788177336665 647p.: Knowledge Centre
657.45 GAR 05057878 Bharat's Professional Approach to Advanced Auditing / Garg Kamal Bharat Law House Pvt Ltd, 2017 9789351395133 23rd ed. Sectional wise., Knowledge Centre
657.45 GAR 05000795 Bharat's Professional Approach to Advanced Auditing / Garg Kamal Bharat Law House Pvt Ltd, 2017 9789351395133 23rd ed. Sectional wise., Knowledge Centre
657.45 GUP 05014158 Contemporary Auditing Gupta, Kamal Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 1995 1017p.; Knowledge Centre
657.45 GUP 00027383 Contemporary Auditing Kamal Gupta 1900 2nd ed, 1 UG Library
657.45 GUP 00072282 Contemporary Auditing Gupta, Kamal 2005 0070585849 | 9780070585843 1529p UG Library
657.45 GUP 00086057 Contemporary Auditing Gupta, Kamal 2005 0070585849 | 9780070585843 1529p UG Library
657.45 HAN 05074504 Fundamentals of Corporate Accounting / Hanif, Mohammed. McGraw Hill Education., 2024 9789355325631 2nd ed. x, 2021.14p.; Knowledge Centre
657.45 HOW 00012918 Auditing Howard, Leslie R 0712101292 286p UG Library
657.45 JAG 00016356 Auditing Jagadish Prakash Kalyani Publisher 1976 xvi; 484 p UG Library
657.45 JHA 07000841 Student's Guid To Auditing & Assurance : Jha, Aruna Taxmann Publications, 2014 386 p. Library - BR Campus
657.45 KAS 05006125 Forensic Accounting for Dummies / Kass-Shraibman, Frimette. Wiley, 2011 9780470889282 | 0470889284 xviii, 366 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.45 KAS 03005087 Forensic Accounting for Dummies / Kass-Shraibman, Frimette. Wiley, 2011 9780470889282 | 0470889284 xviii, 366 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.45 KAS 05007663 Forensic Accounting for Dummies / Kass-Shraibman, Frimette. Wiley, 2011 9780470889282 | 0470889284 xviii, 366 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.45 KNE 05054503 Auditing : Knechel, W. Robert. Routledge, 2017 9781138692794 4th ed. xxiii,696p.; Knowledge Centre
657.45 KUM 10002890 Auditing : Kumar,Pardeep. Kalyani Publishers, 2020 9789389987768 15th rev ed. 35.6p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.45 KUM 10002891 Auditing : Kumar,Pardeep. Kalyani Publishers, 2020 9789389987768 15th rev ed. 35.6p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.45 KUM 10002892 Auditing : Kumar,Pardeep. Kalyani Publishers, 2020 9789389987768 15th rev ed. 35.6p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.45 KUM 10002893 Auditing : Kumar,Pardeep. Kalyani Publishers, 2020 9789389987768 15th rev ed. 35.6p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.45 KUM 00112026 Auditing Theory and Practice Kumar,Pradeep Kalyani Publishers, 2012 9789327224405 12th rev ed. 31.6p.; UG Library
657.45 KUM 07001584 Auditing Principles and PRactice / Kumar Ravinder.Ph.D PHI Learning Limited, 2015 9788120350984 3rd ed xx,556p.: Library - BR Campus
657.45 KUM 00144542 Auditing : Kumar, Arun. Atlantic, 2022 9788126933266 vi,666p, ; UG Library
657.45 KUM 00139376 Auditing : Kumar,Pardeep. Kalyani Publishers, 2020 9789389987768 15th rev ed. 35.6p.; UG Library
657.45 KUM 00139377 Auditing : Kumar,Pardeep. Kalyani Publishers, 2020 9789389987768 15th rev ed. 35.6p.; UG Library
657.45 LAL 00138411 Concepts and Issues in Auditing and Finance Management / Lal,Mohan Kumar. Centrum Press, 2015 9789350847664 viii,320p.; UG Library
657.45 MAI 05027271 Audit Management / Maitin, T. P South Asia Publications, 1996 8174330003 158p.; Knowledge Centre
657.45 MAI 05014155 Audit Management / Maitin, T. P South Asia Publications, 1996 8174330003 158p.; Knowledge Centre
657.45 MAN 00049068 Essentials of Auditing / Mani, Alice Himalaya, 1997 284 p.; UG Library
657.45 MAN 00044546 Principles and Practics of Auditing Mani, Alice Eliza 394p UG Library
657.45 MAN 00044547 Principles and Practics of Auditing Mani, Alice Eliza 394p UG Library
657.45 MAN 00044744 Principles and Practics of Auditing Mani, Alice Eliza 394p Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.45 MEH 01023315 Secretarial audit : Mehta,Hitender. Wolters Kluwer, 2016 9789351296539 xx,406p.; Knowledge Centre
657.45 MEI 05014156 Principles of Auditing Meigs, B Walter TOPPAN COMPANY, LTD, 1992 0256068038 732p.; Knowledge Centre
657.45 POR 00027381 Auditing. Porwal, L S Kitab Mahal 1983 1 UG Library
657.45 POR 00025147 Auditing. Porwal, L S Kitab Mahal 1983 1 UG Library
657.45 POR 00025174 Auduting. Porwal, L S 1981 51p UG Library
657.45 PRA 00028857 Auditing Kumar, Pradeep Kalyani Publishers 1987 454p UG Library
657.45 PRA 00028858 Auditing Kumar, Pradeep Kalyani 1987 9788127215570 454 p.; UG Library
657.45 PRA 00134015 Auditing Principles, Practices & Problems Prakash, Jagdish Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327244748 36.39,116 p.: UG Library
657.45 PRA 00027380 Auditing Prakash, Jagdish Kalyani, 1985 639 p.; UG Library
657.45 PRA 01026721 Students Handbook On Advanced Auditing / Prasath, Saravana B. CA Wolters Kluwer, 2018 9789388313490 24.22p.; Knowledge Centre
657.45 PRA 07001939 Auditing:Principles Practices&problems Prakash, Jagdish Kalyani 636p Library - BR Campus
657.45 PRA 00025184 Auditing:Principles Practices&problems Prakash, Jagdish Kalyani 636p UG Library
657.45 PRA 00139378 Auditing : Prakash,Jagdish. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327244748 rep 36.39p.; UG Library
657.45 PRA 00139379 Auditing : Prakash,Jagdish. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327244748 rep 36.39p.; UG Library
657.45 RAJ 07007441 Internationational Financial Reporting Standards / Rajath B.S Skyward Publishers, 2016 9789384494810 viii,5.18p.: Library - BR Campus
657.45 RAM 00027382 Auditing Ramaswamy, M.S. R CHAND & Co., 1984 423 p.; UG Library
657.45 RAM 00027387 Refresher Course in Auditing Ramaswamy, K S S Chand 159p UG Library
657.45 RAM 00025178 Auduting Ramasamy, M S R.Chand &co 423p UG Library
657.45 RAM 00056890 Auditing Raman, B S United Pub 1004p UG Library
657.45 RAM 10003432 Auditing-I / Raman, B.S United publishers, 2006 224 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.45 SAX 05001785 Principles and Practice of Auditing / Saxena, R. G Himalaya Publishing House, 420 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.45 SAX 07015803 Auditing-II / Saxena.R.G Himalaya Publishing House, 2014 9789351423416 440p.: Library - BR Campus
657.45 SAX 00020995 Principles and Practice of Auditing / Saxena, R. G Himalaya Publishing House, 420 p. : UG Library
657.45 SAX 00049071 Text Book of Auditing Saxena, R G Himalaya 1995 374p UG Library
657.45 SAX 00025176 Principles of Auditing (Theory and Practice) Saxena, R. G. Himalaya, 1982 495 p.; UG Library
657.45 SAX 00034196 Text Book of Auditing Saxena, R G Himalaya 1995 374p UG Library
657.45 SAX 00026468 Principles of Auditing Saxena, R.g Hp 1985 500p UG Library
657.45 SHA 00021989 Auditing - Priniciples and Problems Sharma, T R Sahithya Bhavan, 1982 x + 516 p.; UG Library
657.45 SHA 00025182 Auditing Sharma, T R Sahitya Bhavan, 1984 7th Edition 534 p.; UG Library
657.45 SHA 05014154 Auditing : Principles And Problems Sharma, T R Sahithya Bhavan 1994 480p.; Knowledge Centre
657.45 SRI 01023406 Taxmann's Law and pracrtice relating to CARO 2016: Anand G,Srinivasan Taxmann publications, 2016 9789350719701 5th ed., 348p.; Knowledge Centre
657.45 TAN 00030657 Handbook of Practical Auditing Tandon, B N S Chand and Company Ltd., 1985 819 p.; UG Library
657.45 TAN 05000775 A Handbook Of Practical Auditing Tandon B N S Chand 2006 8121920418 | 9788121920414 646p Knowledge Centre
657.45 TAN 00015737 Questions and Answers on Auditing B N, Tandon S.Chand Company Ltd 661p UG Library
657.45 TAN 00130003 A Handbook Of Practical Auditing Tandon B N S Chand 2006 8121920418 | 9788121920414 646p UG Library
657.45 TAN 00130004 A Handbook Of Practical Auditing Tandon B N S Chand 2006 8121920418 | 9788121920414 646p UG Library
657.45 TAN 00143678 A Handbook of Practical Auditing / Tandon, B N. S Chand publishing 2020 9788121920414 653p,; UG Library
657.45 TAN 00071876 A Handbook Of Practical Auditing Tandon B N S Chand 2006 8121920418 | 9788121920414 646p UG Library
657.45 TAN 00071875 A Handbook Of Practical Auditing Tandon B N S Chand 2006 8121920418 | 9788121920414 646p UG Library
657.45 TAN 00071872 A Handbook Of Practical Auditing Tandon B N S Chand 2006 8121920418 | 9788121920414 646p UG Library
657.45 TAN 00071873 A Handbook Of Practical Auditing Tandon B N S Chand 2006 8121920418 | 9788121920414 646p UG Library
657.45 TAN 00071874 A Handbook Of Practical Auditing Tandon B N S Chand 2006 8121920418 | 9788121920414 646p UG Library
657.45 TAN 00047234 Handbook of Practical Auditing. Tandon, B N S Chand 1999 8121911443 796p UG Library
657.45 TAN 00027384 Handbook of Practical Auditing. Tandon, B N S Chand 1999 8121911443 796p UG Library
657.45 TAN 00025179 Handbook of Practical Auditing. Tandon, B N S Chand 1999 8121911443 796p UG Library
657.45 TAN 00136397 A Handbook Of Practical Auditing Tandon B N S Chand 2018 9788121920414 14th ed.Fully revised and Enlarged 653p. UG Library
657.45 TAN 00136398 A Handbook Of Practical Auditing Tandon B N S Chand 2018 9788121920414 14th ed.Fully revised and Enlarged 653p. UG Library
657.45 TAN 00126633 A Handbook Of Practical Auditing Tandon B N S Chand 2006 8121920418 | 9788121920414 646p UG Library
657.45 TAN 00139350 A Handbook of Practical Auditing / Tandon, B N. S Chand and company Ltd. , 2020 9788121920414 rep. 653p.; UG Library
657.45 TAN 00139351 A Handbook of Practical Auditing / Tandon, B N. S Chand and company Ltd. , 2020 9788121920414 rep. 653p.; UG Library
657.45 TAN 00119909 A Handbook Of Practical Auditing Tandon B N S Chand 2006 8121920418 | 9788121920414 646p Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.45 TAN 00030656 Practical Auditing Tandon, B N S Chand 1989 8121900018 819p UG Library
657.45 TAN 00128163 A Handbook Of Practical Auditing Tandon B N S Chand 2016 9788121920414 14th ed. 653p. UG Library
657.45 TAN 00015736 A Handbook Of Practical Auditing Tandon B N S Chand 2006 8121920418 | 9788121920414 646p UG Library
657.45 TAN 00025529 Handbook of Practical Auditing Tandon, B N S Chand and Company Ltd., 1985 819 p.; UG Library
657.45 TAN 00026196 Handbook of Practical Auditing Tandon, B N S Chand and Company Ltd., 1985 819 p.; UG Library
657.45 TAN 00030655 Handbook of Practical Auditing Tandon, B N S Chand and Company Ltd., 1985 819 p.; UG Library
657.45 VEN 07007434 Corporate Accounting / Venkatesh.R Skyward Publishers, 2015 9789384494346 viii,5.104p.: Library - BR Campus
657.45 VER 05037200 Fundamentals of Auditing / Verma Shweta Black Prints, 2012 9789382036609 131p.: Knowledge Centre
657.4505 BHA 03012320 Auditing / Bhatia R C Ane Books, 2016 9789382127482 vii, 347p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.453 DES 07014457 Auditing and Corporate Governance/ Desi,Vibha Wisdom Press, 2019 9789386053961 236 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
657.458 GAR 01025552 Auditors practice manual Garg,Kamal Bharat law house pvt ltd., 2017 9789351394686 3rd ed., 1488p.; Knowledge Centre
657.458 NIS 05074669 Social Auditors/ Taxmann, 2022 9789356227354 i-16, 243p.; Knowledge Centre
657.458 RID 05060794 Creative and innovative auditing / Ridley, Jeffrey, Routledge, 2018 9781472474629 (hardback) xxxi, 361 pages ; Knowledge Centre
657.45805 TAX 07000934 Technical Guide on Internal Auditing : Taxmann, 2015 9789350716618 i-10,265p.; Library - BR Campus
657.45KAM 00025181 Contemporary Auditing Kamal, Gupta T M H UG Library
657.45MAN 00049073 Principles and Practices of Auditing for III B.Com- Bangalore Univ Mani, Alice Eliza Publishing House 394p UG Library
657.45PAG 00027386 Principles and Practice of Auditing Pagare, Dinakar Sultan Chand 195 p UG Library
657.45PRA4 00025183 Auditing Prakash, Jagdish Kalyani UG Library
657.45RAM... 00025177 Auduting Ramaswamy, M S 423p UG Library
657.45RED 00087954 Lekka Parisothane (auditing) Reddy, P N 379p UG Library
657.45SAX8 00034197 Text Book of Auditing Saxena, Himalaya 373 p UG Library
657.45SHA1 00013001 Auditing Sharma, T R Sahithya Bhavan UG Library
657.45TAN 00019065 Practical Auditing Tandon, B N S Chand & Co. UG Library
657.46 LAK 00026485 Practical Problems on Income Tax Fully Solved Lakhotia, Ramniwas Asha 1985 510p UG Library
657.46 LAK 00026486 Practical Problems on Income Tax Fully Solved Lakhotia, Ramniwas Asha 1985 510p UG Library
657.46 LAK 00026482 Practical Problems on Income Tax Fully Solved Lakhotia, Ramniwas Asha 1985 510p UG Library
657.46 LAK 00026483 Practical Problems on Income Tax Fully Solved Lakhotia, Ramniwas Asha 1985 510p UG Library
657.46 LAK 00027354 Practical Problems on Income Tax Fully Solved Lakhotia, Ramniwas Asha 1985 510p UG Library
657.46 MAH 00052304 Problems & Solutions in Advanced Accountancy. S N, Maheshwari Vikas 2000 0008125988 1 UG Library
657.46095957 SHA 07015187 Chapter-Wise Solved Previous Year's Papers for CAT / Sharma Arun McGraw Hill Education(India)Private Limited, 2021 9789390185818 x,D.136p.: Library - BR Campus
657.46ARU 07000803 Advanced Accountancy Part I Arulanandam, M A Himalaya Publishing House, 1996 562 p Library - BR Campus
657.46BHA 00025195 Income Tax Law Bhagwati, Prasad UG Library
657.46BHA1 00034421 Law & Practice of Incoem Tax in India Bhagawati, Prasad Navman UG Library
657.46CHA 00035672 Income Tax Law & Practice Chandra, Mahesh HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
657.46CHA 00035674 Income Tax Law & Practice Chandra, Mahesh HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
657.46CHA 00035673 Income Tax Law & Practice Chandra, Mahesh HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
657.46GAU1 00026481 Income Tax Law and Practice Guru Murugan, N d UG Library
657.46GAU2 00034240 Income Tax Law and Practice Gaur, V P Kalyani UG Library
657.46GAU2 00034242 Income Tax Law and Practice Gaur, V P Kalyani UG Library
657.46GAU2 00034244 Income Tax Law and Practice Gaur, V P Kalyani UG Library
657.46GAU2 00034243 Income Tax Law and Practice Gaur, V P Kalyani UG Library
657.46GAU2 00034241 Income Tax Law and Practice Gaur, V P Kalyani UG Library
657.46GAU3 00034414 Income Tax Law and Practice Gaur, V P Kalyani UG Library
657.46LAK1 00025192 Elements of Indian Income Tax Lakotia, Amhiwas Asha UG Library
657.46LAK2 00026477 Elements of Indian Income Tax Lakhotia, R N Asha UG Library
657.46LAK2 00026478 Elements of Indian Income Tax Lakhotia, R N Asha UG Library
657.46LAK2 00026479 Elements of Indian Income Tax Lakhotia, R N Asha UG Library
657.46MEH 00026487 Practical Problems of Income Tax Mehrothra, H C Sahithya Bhavan UG Library
657.46MEH 00026488 Practical Problems of Income Tax Mehrothra, H C Sahithya Bhavan UG Library
657.46PAG 00025196 Law Practice of Income Tax Pagare, Dinakar UG Library
657.46SIN 00034187 Students Guide to Income Tax Singhania K, Vinod Taxman UG Library
657.46SIN1 00034231 Taxmans Students Guide to Income Tax Singhani K, Vinod Taxman UG Library
657.46SIN1 00034234 Taxmans Students Guide to Income Tax Singhani K, Vinod Taxman UG Library
657.46SIN1 00034232 Taxmans Students Guide to Income Tax Singhani K, Vinod Taxman UG Library
657.46SIN1 00034233 Taxmans Students Guide to Income Tax Singhani K, Vinod Taxman UG Library
657.48 ACH 00135400 Management accounting current perspectives Acharya,Bharat,J Cyber tech publications, 2017 9789350535684 256p.; UG Library
657.48 ANI 10003177 Corporate accounting / Anil Kumar, S., Himalaya publishing house, 2013 9789350978023 272p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 ANI 00136515 Corporate Accounting: 3rd semester,, Anil Kumar, S Himalayan, 2019 9789353674731 3rd rev ed, 302 p.; UG Library
657.48 ANI 00136516 Corporate Accounting: 3rd semester,, Anil Kumar, S Himalayan, 2019 9789353674731 3rd rev ed, 302 p.; UG Library
657.48 ARO 00123862 Mangement Accounting M. N. Arora Himalaya Publishing House, 1995 IN 223 p.: UG Library
657.48 ATK 05014227 Managment Accounting Atkinson, A Anthony Pearson Education 8178084260 592p Knowledge Centre
657.48 BAL 05013977 Accounting and Finance for Managers Balwani, Nitin Excel Books 8174462651 605p Knowledge Centre
657.48 BAN 05014133 Financial Accounting : Banerjee,B.K. PHI Learning Pvt, 9788120331945 xxi,1097p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 BAN 05014135 Financial Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis [mfm-Section] Banerjee, Ashok Excel Books 8174464158 702p Knowledge Centre
657.48 BHA 05014132 Financial accounting for business managers / Bhattcharyya, Asish K PHI learning pvt ltd, 9788120330139 742 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.48 BHA 05000844 Financial accounting for business managers / Bhattcharyya, Asish K PHI learning pvt ltd, 9788120330139 742 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.48 BHA 05014129 Management Accounting:Incorporating Accounting Theory Bhattacharya, Sisir Kumar S Chand 8121918820 720p Knowledge Centre
657.48 BHA 05014120 Accounting for Management: Text and Cases Bhattacharya, S K Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 1997 0706998278 | 9789325965096 xii,420p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 BHA 05014116 Accounting for Management: Text and Cases Bhattacharya, S K UBSPD 420p Knowledge Centre
657.48 BHA 05014117 Accounting for Management: Text and Cases Bhattacharya, S K UBSPD 420p Knowledge Centre
657.48 BHA 05014105 Cases in Management Accounting and Financial Management Bhasin, M L Excel Books 8174461272 419p Knowledge Centre
657.48 BHA 05001035 Financial accounting for business managers / Bhattcharyya, Asish K PHI learning pvt ltd, 9788120330139 742 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.48 BHA 05014150 Financial accounting for business managers / Bhattcharyya, Asish K PHI learning pvt ltd, 9788120330139 742 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.48 BHA 05014177 Accounting for Management: Text and Cases: [PG] Bhattacharya, S K 0706998278 420p Knowledge Centre
657.48 BHA 05014119 Accounting for Management: Text and Cases: [PG] Bhattacharya, S K 0706998278 420p Knowledge Centre
657.48 BHA 05014149 Cases in Management Accounting and Financial Management Bhasin, M L Excel Books 8174461280 419p Knowledge Centre
657.48 BHA 05013955 Accounting for Management : Bhattacharya, S K. Vikas Publishing House, 1997 0706998278 | 9789325965096 xii,420p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 BHA 05014178 Accounting for Management : Bhattacharya, S K. Vikas Publishing House, 1997 0706998278 | 9789325965096 xii,420p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 BHA 05014118 Accounting for Management : Bhattacharya, S K. Vikas Publishing House, 1997 0706998278 | 9789325965096 xii,420p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 BHA 05014131 Accounting for Management : Bhattacharya, S K. Vikas Publishing House, 1997 0706998278 | 9789325965096 xii,420p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 BHA 05014000 Accounting for Management : Bhattacharya, S K. Vikas Publishing House, 1997 0706998278 | 9789325965096 xii,420p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 BHA 00123731 Financial accounting for business managers / Bhattcharyya, Asish K PHI learning pvt ltd, 9788120330139 742 p. : UG Library
657.48 BHA 05031025 Financial accounting for business managers / Bhattcharyya, Asish K PHI learning pvt ltd, 9788120330139 742 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.48 BLA 03002261 Applied Financial Accounting and Reporting / Black, Geoff. Oxford Universtiy Press , 2004 9780195691955 404 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.48 COO 05014110 Management Accounting/ Coombs,Hugh Sage; 9788178298566 xii;347 p. Knowledge Centre
657.48 ESK 05014139 Financial Accounting:3rd Edition [mba-Section] Eskew, Robert K 0394379179 786p Knowledge Centre
657.48 GHO. 05013999 Fundamentals of Management Accounting Ghosh, T P Excel Books 2000 8174461795 252p Knowledge Centre
657.48 GUP 05052879 Corporate Accounting : Gupta,Nirmal. Ane Books Pvt, 2012 9789380156415 2nd ed, xvi, 754 p.: Knowledge Centre
657.48 GUP 05052895 Financial Accounting / Gupta,Nirmal. Ane Books Pvt, 2012 9789381162439 xviii, 798 p.: Knowledge Centre
657.48 GUP 03012328 Corporate Accounting : Gupta,Nirmal. Ane Books Pvt, 2012 9789380156415 2nd ed, xvi, 754 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.48 GYP 05014109 Management Accounting Gupta, Pankaj Excel Books 8174463968 250p Knowledge Centre
657.48 GYP 05014145 Management Accounting Gupta, Pankaj Excel Books 8174463968 250p Knowledge Centre
657.48 HOR 05014096 Introduction to Management Accounting Horngren, Charles T. Prentice Hall of India, 1994 8120308417 9th ed, 822 p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 HOR 05014124 Introduction to Management Accounting Horngren, T Charles Pearson Education 8178085917 789p Knowledge Centre
657.48 HOR 05014230 Introduction to Management Accounting [MBA] Charle, T Horngren Knowledge Centre
657.48 HOR 05014229 Introduction to Management Accounting Horngren, T Charles Knowledge Centre
657.48 JAI 07015760 Corporate Accounting: Jain, S P Kalyani Publishers: 2005 9789327254013 V 1.95 p.; Library - BR Campus
657.48 JAI 10003181 Advanced financial accounting/ Jain, S P Kalyani publishers, 2013 9789327226676 12th rev ed., 177 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 JAI 00142083 Corporate Accounting / Jain, S P. Kalyani Publishers, 2005 9788127262280 120p.; UG Library
657.48 JAI 00054931 Corporate Accounting: Jain, S P Kalyani Publishers: 2005 9789327254013 V 1.95 p.; UG Library
657.48 JAW 05014220 Accounting for Managers Lal, Dr Jawahar 772p Knowledge Centre
657.48 JHA 05014108 Fundamentals of Management Accounting [mfm-Section] Jhamb, H V Ane Books 8180522466 364p Knowledge Centre
657.48 KAP 05014228 Advanced Management Accounting Kaplan, S Robert Pearson Education 8178083310 796p Knowledge Centre
657.48 KHA 10003523 Management Accounting : Khan M Y McGraw-Hill Education (india) Private Limited, 2022 9789354600395 8th ed. xvi, 946p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 KHA 10003524 Management Accounting : Khan M Y McGraw-Hill Education (india) Private Limited, 2022 9789354600395 8th ed. xvi, 946p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 KHA 10003525 Management Accounting : Khan M Y McGraw-Hill Education (india) Private Limited, 2022 9789354600395 8th ed. xvi, 946p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 KHA 05014223 Management Accounting Khan, M Y Knowledge Centre
657.48 KHA 05014222 Management Accounting Khan, M Y 0074636561 220p Knowledge Centre
657.48 KHA 10002770 Management Accounting : Khan M Y McGraw-Hill Education (india) Private Limited, 2022 9789354600395 8th ed. xvi, 946p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 KHA 10003881 Management Accounting : Khan M Y McGraw-Hill Education (india) Private Limited, 2022 9789354600395 8th ed. xvi, 946p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 KHA 05014224 Management Accounting Khan, M Y Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company limited 1994 2nd Ed xvii; 890 p Knowledge Centre
657.48 KHA 05014148 Management Accounting Khan, M Y Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company limited 1994 2nd Ed xvii; 890 p Knowledge Centre
657.48 KIS 05014128 Management Accounting With Problems and Solutions Kishore, M Ravi Taxmann 8174962840 2412p Knowledge Centre
657.48 LUC 05014179 Management Accounting Lucey, Terry 0826469531 732p Knowledge Centre
657.48 LYN 05014219 Accounting for Management: Planning and Control Lynch, M Richard 0070992037 542 p Knowledge Centre
657.48 LYN 05014122 Accounting for Management: Planning and Control Lynch, M Richard 0070992037 542 p Knowledge Centre
657.48 LYN 05014123 Accounting for Management: Planning and Control Lynch, M Richard 0070992037 542 p Knowledge Centre
657.48 MAH 00143679 A Textbook of accounting for management / Maheshwari, S N. Vikas pubilishing 2022 9789354535383 5th xiii,1038p,; UG Library
657.48 MAH 05035585 Corporate Accounting / Maheshwari.S N Vikas Pub. 9788125931294 3.332 P. Knowledge Centre
657.48 MAH 05014101 Corporate Accounting [mfm-Section] Maheshwari, S K Vikas 8125916083 p.v Knowledge Centre
657.48 MAH 05014125 Elements of Management Accounting Maheshwari, S N Sultan Chand & Sons 8170146224 248p Knowledge Centre
657.48 MAH 05014137 Corporate Accounting / Maheswari, S N Vikas, 1995 343 p Knowledge Centre
657.48 MAH 05014106 A Textbook of Accounting For Management / Maheshwari,S.N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 9788125940609 xiii, 4.288p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 MAH 05014014 Problems & Solutions in Management Accounting & Financial Management Maheshwari, S N Sultan Chand & Sons 8170142547 1144p Knowledge Centre
657.48 MIT 05014107 Management Accounting and Financial Management Mittal S N Shree Mahavir Book Depot 1 Knowledge Centre
657.48 MUK 05014126 Financial Accounting: A Managerial Perspective [mfm-Section] Mukhopadhyay, Dinabandhu Asian Books Private Limited 8186299815 604p Knowledge Centre
657.48 MUR 05014138 Corporate Accounting [mfm-Section] Mukherjee, A 0070604290 p.v Knowledge Centre
657.48 NEE 05014140 Financial Accounting / Needles, Belverd E. Biztnntra, 0395857538 | 9788177227611 xxviii,849p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 PAL 05014173 How to Read Annual Reports and Balance Sheets Palat, R Raghu JAICO 174 Knowledge Centre
657.48 PAN 05014146 Essentials of Financial Management [mfm-Section] Pandey, I M 0706997778 486p Knowledge Centre
657.48 PAT 05015958 Financial Accounting -1[MBA] Patil, V A R CHAND p v Knowledge Centre
657.48 RAM 00064298 Corporate Accounting-I / Raman, B S. United Publishers, 2005 446p.; UG Library
657.48 RAM 05014694 Management Accounting Raman, B S United 730 p Knowledge Centre
657.48 SAS 05014130 Practice of Management Accounting Sastry, K S Knowledge Centre
657.48 SHA 05014099 Management accounting / Shah, Paresh. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195695250 (pbk.) | 9780195 xiv, 793 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.48 SHA 05014098 Management accounting / Shah, Paresh. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195695250 (pbk.) | 9780195 xiv, 793 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.48 SHA 05014097 Management accounting / Shah, Paresh. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195695250 (pbk.) | 9780195 xiv, 793 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.48 SHA 05003934 Management accounting / Shah, Paresh. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195695250 (pbk.) | 9780195 xiv, 793 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.48 SHA 05038582 Management accounting / Shah, Paresh. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195695250 (pbk.) | 9780195 xiv, 793 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.48 SIN 10000981 Management Accounting : Singh, Kanhaiya. Wiley, 2015 9788126556373 xii, 684p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 TIU 00123861 Management Accounting / ICFAI University The ICFAI University, 2006 9788178816494 418 p. UG Library
657.48 VER 05014103 Corporate Accounting / Verma, K K. Excel Books, 9788174465788 viii,990p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 XAV 05014171 Self Study Text Business Accounting and Financial Analysis for Non Financ Xavier, G Francis 0333933915 283 p Knowledge Centre
657.48 ACH 07007464 Advanced Financial Management / Acharya Shruthi Skyward Publishers, 2016 9789384494834 5.116p.: Library - BR Campus
657.48 AHM 00122428 Fundamentals of Corporate Accounting Ahmed, Naseem Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 2016 9789381162576 xviii, 694 p:. UG Library
657.48 AHM 00122424 Corporate Accounting Ahmed, Naseem Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 2016 9789382127451 xvi, 1000 p:. UG Library
657.48 AHM 01024297 Fundamentals of Corporate Accounting Ahmed, Naseem Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 2016 9789381162576 xviii, 694 p:. Knowledge Centre
657.48 ALI 00082342 Management Accounting Mani, Alice Sapna Book House 2007 9788128007187 400 p.: UG Library
657.48 ALI 00064617 Management Accountingn for III B.Com Alice Mani Eliza Publishing House 2005 552p UG Library
657.48 ALI 00064618 Management Accountingn for III B.Com Alice Mani Eliza Publishing House 2005 552p UG Library
657.48 ALI 00064619 Management Accountingn for III B.Com Alice Mani Eliza Publishing House 2005 552p UG Library
657.48 ALI 00064620 Financial Accounting - 1 for I B.Com Alice Mani Eliza Publishing House 696p UG Library
657.48 ALI 00064622 Financial Accounting - 1 for I B.Com Alice Mani Eliza Publishing House 696p UG Library
657.48 ALI 00064621 Financial Accounting - 1 for I B.Com Alice Mani Eliza Publishing House 696p UG Library
657.48 AND 05014212 Result Oriented Accounting Management Anderson, H Alan Beacon Books 1998 8186104763 270p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 ANI 10003141 Corporate accounting-I / Anil Kumar, S., Himalaya publishing house, 2008 4th ed., 226 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 ANI 10003725 Corporate Accounting Anilkumar, S 9789350978030 275p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 ANI 10003728 Financial Accounting Anil Kumar,S Himalaya Publishing House 9789353675820 318p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 ANI 10003188 Advanced financial accountancy/ Anilkumar, S Himalaya publishing house pvt ltd., 2013 9789350977286 7th ed., 291 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 ANI 10003192 Financial Accounting - I: Anil Kumar, S Himalaya publishing house, 2011 9789350510018 5th ed., 292 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 ANI 00064279 Corporate Accounting Anil Kumar, S Himalayan 2005 1 Semester B. Com 196p UG Library
657.48 ANI 00064278 Corporate Accounting Anil Kumar, S Himalayan 2005 1 Semester B. Com 196p UG Library
657.48 ANI 00123575 Corporate Accounting Kumar, S Anil Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9789351426004 275 p:. UG Library
657.48 ANI 00126421 Advanced Corporate Accounting Kumar, S Anil Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2017 9789352021796 362 p.: UG Library
657.48 ANI 00051449 Financial Accounting- [ Second Year Bcom ] Kumar S, Anil HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2001 0817866156 1 UG Library
657.48 ANI 05014031 Corporate Accounting Anil Kumar, S Himalayan 2005 1 Semester B. Com 196p Knowledge Centre
657.48 ANI 10003827 Corporate Accounting / Anilkumar, S Himalaya Publishing House, 2009 978-93-5051-089-6 3rd Ed., 222 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 APP 00034199 Management Accounting Appannaiah, H R Himalaya Publishing House 2011 9789350510889 5th Ed 372p,xix UG Library
657.48 APP 00064280 BBM Corporate Accounting: Appannaiah H R Himalaya Publishing House 5.59p UG Library
657.48 ARO 10003185 Accounting for managment/ Arora, M.N Himalaya publishing house pvt ltd., 2016 9789352621347 3rd rev ed., 25.25 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 ARO 07010214 Accounting for Management / Arora M N Himalaya Publishing House, 2013 9789351421511 23.22p.: Library - BR Campus
657.48 BAB 10002909 Accounting for management / Babu, R Prakash Kalyani publishers, 2019 9789353593704 24.9 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 BAL 00060532 Accounting and Finance for Managers Balwani, Nitin Excel Books 8174462651 605p UG Library
657.48 BAN 05014713 Financial Accounting : Banerjee B.K. PHI Learning Pub, 2010 9788120339507 xv ,1239 p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 BAN 05000937 Financial Accounting A Managerial Emphasis / Banerjee Ashok Excel Books, 2005 9798174464155 xii,702p.: Knowledge Centre
657.48 BAN 03003876 Financial Accounting : Banerjee,B.K. PHI Learning Pvt, 9788120331945 xxi,1097p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.48 BAP 05052896 Financial Accounting : Bapat, Varadraj. McGraw Hill, 2012 9781259004889 xix,467p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 BAR 05019649 Management Accounting Performance Evalution : Barnett Ian Elsevier, 2006 9780750669320 xviii,199 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.48 BAT 00012086 Management Accountancy Batty, J E L B S 690p UG Library
657.48 BEN 00124818 Accounting and Finance in Business Mike Bendrey Thomson, 2006 9780826454119 | 0826454119 4th ed. v, 633 p.: UG Library
657.48 BER 05020340 Management Accounting - Demystified Berry, Leonard Eugene 2006 0070612110 410 Knowledge Centre
657.48 BHA 05016833 Financial accounting for business managers / Bhattcharyya, Asish K PHI learning pvt ltd, 9788120330139 742 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.48 BHA 05019033 Management Accounting:Incorporating Accounting Theory Bhattacharya, Sisir Kumar S Chand 8121918820 720p Knowledge Centre
657.48 BHA 00038860 Accounting for Management Bhattacharya, S K Vikas 1996 696 p UG Library
657.48 BHA 00045708 Cases in Management Accounting and Financial Management Bhasin, M L Excel Books 8174461272 419p UG Library
657.48 BHA 00007913 Accounting for Management Bhattacharya, S K Vikas 1996 696 p UG Library
657.48 BHA 05037333 Corporate Management / Bhat,Manoj. Random Publications, 2012 9789381421864 280p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 BHA 10001857 Essentials of Financial Accounting for Business Managers / Bhattacharyya, Asish K. PHI Learning Private Limited, 2022 9789391818524 viii, 314p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 BHA 10001858 Essentials of Financial Accounting for Business Managers / Bhattacharyya, Asish K. PHI Learning Private Limited, 2022 9789391818524 viii, 314p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 BHA 10001859 Essentials of Financial Accounting for Business Managers / Bhattacharyya, Asish K. PHI Learning Private Limited, 2022 9789391818524 viii, 314p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 BHA 00095747 Financial accounting for business managers / Bhattcharyya, Asish K PHI learning pvt ltd, 9788120330139 742 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.48 BHA 05027254 Accounting for Management : Bhattacharya, S K. Vikas Publishing House, 1997 0706998278 | 9789325965096 xii,420p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 BHA 05031028 Financial Accounting for Business Managers Bhattacharyya, Asish Prentice-Hall of Inida 2006 9788120330139 742 p Knowledge Centre
657.48 BHU 07014481 Financial Accounting : Bhupinder, Lt. cengage, 2019 9789353501082 xxiv, 16.133p;. Library - BR Campus
657.48 BLA 03008873 Applied Financial Accounting and Reporting / Black, Geoff. Oxford Universtiy Press , 2004 9780195691955 404 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.48 CC 00090413 Financial Accounting Christ, College Christ University 2008 306p UG Library
657.48 DAV 00105421 Finance For HR Managers Davies,David. Jaico Publishing House, 2007 9788179927137 ix,213p.; UG Library
657.48 DOR 00041665 Management Accounting. Practical Problems. Dorai Raj, S N Kalyani 847p UG Library
657.48 DRU 00144256 Management & Cost Accounting Drury, Colin Cengage, 2023 9789355735133 xvi,842p,; UG Library
657.48 DRU 05044156 Cost and Management Accounting / Drury Colin Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131516188 875p.: Knowledge Centre
657.48 GEE 00124349 Financial Accounting / Geetha,S. Vikas Publishing, 2014 9789325977846 xi,266p.; UG Library
657.48 GEE 07001870 Financial Accounting / Geetha,S. Vikas Publishing, 2014 9789325977846 xi,266p.; Library - BR Campus
657.48 GHO 00050022 Fundamentals of Management Accounting Ghosh, T P Excel Books 2000 8174461795 252p UG Library
657.48 GHO 00045717 Management Accounting Ghosh, Dr T P Excel Books 8174460950 180p UG Library
657.48 GOP 05014169 Multiple Choice Questions in Management Accounting Gopu, J. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2002 8125910913 343p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 GOP 05014168 Multiple Choice Questions in Management Accounting Gopu, J. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2002 8125910913 343p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 GOP 05026108 Multiple Choice Questions in Management Accounting Gopu, J. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2002 8125910913 343p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 GOY 01029825 Corporate Accounting : Goyal Bhushan Kumar Taxmann Publications (P.) Ltd., 2023 9789356225862 I-5, 12.2 p., P.23 ; Knowledge Centre
657.48 GOY 01029824 Corporate Accounting : Goyal Bhushan Kumar Taxmann Publications (P.) Ltd. , 2023 9789356225862 Volumes Knowledge Centre
657.48 GOY 00111882 Corporate Accounting/ Goyal, V.K. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 2013 9788120346277 3rd Ed. xiv:630p.; UG Library
657.48 GOY 05014157 Principles of Mangement Accounting Goyal, N Shiv Sahityhya Bhavan, 1995 224p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 GUP 00088561 Financial Accounting for Management : Gupta, Ambrish. Pearson Publications, 2009 9788131722855 3rd ed. xxxiv,986p.; UG Library
657.48 GUP 07005134 Management Accounting: Gupta,Shashi K. Kalyani Publishers, 2014 9789327242195 9.16 p.; Library - BR Campus
657.48 GUP 05024363 Financial Accounting for Management : Gupta, Ambrish. Pearson Publications, 2009 9788131722855 3rd ed. xxxiv,986p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 GUP 05000841 Financial Accounting for Management : Gupta, Ambrish. Pearson Publications, 2009 9788131722855 3rd ed. xxxiv,986p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 GUP 00122442 Corporate Accounting : Gupta,Nirmal. Ane Books Pvt, 2012 9789380156415 2nd ed, xvi, 754 p.: UG Library
657.48 GUP 00143523 Management Accounting / Gupta, Shashi K Kalyani Publication, 2022 9789327248869 10.53p, ; UG Library
657.48 GUP 07000742 Corporate Accounting : Gupta,Nirmal. Ane Books Pvt, 2012 9789380156415 2nd ed, xvi, 754 p.: Library - BR Campus
657.48 GUP 05060036 Management Accounting / Gupta, Shashi K. Kalyani Publishers, 2006 9788127242172 3ed. 8.17p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 GUP 00129488 Management Accounting Gupta, Shashi K. Kalyani Publishers, 2016 9789327244649 13th Rev.ed. 39.9,12p. UG Library
657.48 GUP 00129489 Management Accounting Gupta, Shashi K. Kalyani Publishers, 2016 9789327244649 13th Rev.ed. 39.9,12p. UG Library
657.48 GUP 00012135 Outline of Management Accountancy Gupta, R L Navman 178p UG Library
657.48 GUP 00134025 Management Accounting Gupta, Shashi K. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9788127241872 | 9789327282559 14th rev ed., Pages UG Library
657.48 GUP 05009201 Financial Accounting for Management : Gupta, Ambrish. Pearson Publications, 2009 9788131722855 3rd ed. xxxiv,986p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 GUP 05001125 Management Accounting: Gupta,Shashi K. Kalyani Publishers, 2014 9789327242195 9.16 p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 GUP 00122673 Management Accounting: Gupta,Shashi K. Kalyani Publishers, 2014 9789327242195 9.16 p.; UG Library
657.48 GUP 00119438 Management Accounting Gupta, Shashi K. Kalyani Publishers, 2006 9788127241872 3ed. 7.23 UG Library
657.48 GUP 00096140 Management Accounting Gupta, Shashi K. Kalyani Publishers, 2006 9788127241872 3ed. 7.23 UG Library
657.48 GUP 03006831 Management Accounting Gupta, Shashi K. Kalyani Publishers, 2006 9788127241872 3ed. 7.23 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.48 GUP 00104638 Management Accounting Gupta, Shashi K. Kalyani Publishers, 2006 9788127241872 3ed. 7.23 UG Library
657.48 GUP 00016728 Outline of Management Accountacy Gupta, R L Navman 203p UG Library
657.48 GUP 00118075 Corporate Accounting : Gupta,Nirmal. Ane Books Pvt, 2012 9789380156415 2nd ed, xvi, 754 p.: UG Library
657.48 HAN 00137360 Corporate accounting. Hanif M. McGraw hill education, 2017 9789352605569 2nd ed, xxi,22.56 p.; UG Library
657.48 HAN 10002584 Corporate Accounting : Hanif, Mohammed., McGraw hill education india pvt ltd., 2017 9789352605569 2nd ed. xxi,2256 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 HAN 00141826 Corporate Accounting : Hanif,Mohammed. McGraw hill education pvt ltd., 2021 9789352605569 2nd ed.3rd rep. xxi,22.56p.; UG Library
657.48 HIN 00030815 Management Accounting Hingorani, N. L. Sultan Chand, 1986 4th 852 p.; UG Library
657.48 HIN 05019032 Management Accounting : Including Elements of Financial Accounting Hingorani, N L Sultan Chand 868 Knowledge Centre
657.48 HIN 00038904 Management Accounting Hingorani, N. L. Sultan Chand, 1986 4th 852 p.; UG Library
657.48 HIN 00033109 Management Accounting (problems and Solutions) Hingorani, Nl Sultan Chand 1991 468p UG Library
657.48 HOR 00037298 Introduction to Management Accounting Horngren, Charles T. Prentice Hall of India, 1994 8120308417 9th ed, 822 p.; UG Library
657.48 HOR 05040902 Introduction to Management Accounting Horngren, T Charles Prentice -Hall 1994 9788177581133 824 p.: Knowledge Centre
657.48 HOR 00036220 Introduction to Management Accounting Horngren, T Charles Prentice -Hall 1994 9788177581133 824 p.: UG Library
657.48 HOY 05001029 Financial Accounting / Hoyle Joe Ben Flarword Knowledge, 442p.: Knowledge Centre
657.48 ICF 00080373 Management Accounting. ICFAI University ICFAI 2006 8178816490 418 p.: UG Library
657.48 ICF 00080374 Management Accounting. ICFAI University ICFAI 2006 8178816490 418 p.: UG Library
657.48 ILO 00044379 How to Read a Balance Sheet International Labour Office Oxford, 1997 0812040405 213 p.; UG Library
657.48 IYE 00042012 Financial Accounting Iyengar, S P Sultan Chand 1997 1 UG Library
657.48 JAI 07015796 Problem and Solutions in Accounting for Business / Jain S.P Kalyani Publishers, 2021 v/1-63p.: Library - BR Campus
657.48 JAI 07015798 Fundamentals of Business Accounting Jain, S P Kalyani Publishers KLYDEL0000456 V/1.39 p. Library - BR Campus
657.48 JAI 07015802 Fundamentals of Business Accounting / Jain S.P Kalyani Publishers, 2023 V/2-16 Library - BR Campus
657.48 JAI 07015815 Corporate Accounting / Jain, S P Kalyanin Publishers , 2006 81-272-3048-0 2nd Ed., 217 p. ; Library - BR Campus
657.48 JAI 10003176 Advanced corporate accounting Jain S P Kalyani 2016 9789327261981 v/5-53,3p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 JAI 03011610 Accounting for Managers / Jain, Kapil. Dreamtech Press, 2012 687 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.48 JAI 10003730 Corporate Accounting Jain, S P Kalyani Publishers 9789327229851 222+11p Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 JAI 10003742 Accounting for Managers / Jain, S P Kalyanai Publishers, 2009 9788127239985 663 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 JAI 07005113 Financial Accounting Jain S.P. Kalyani Publishers 2010 9788187268152 403 P. Library - BR Campus
657.48 JAI 00064281 Corporate Accounting: Jain, S P Kalyani Publishers: 2005 0812722152 203 p.; UG Library
657.48 JAI 00064283 Corporate Accounting: Jain, S P Kalyani Publishers: 2005 0812722152 203 p.; UG Library
657.48 JAI 10003757 Corporate Accounting Jain, S P Kalyani Publishers V/1.69 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 JAI 10003760 Fundamentals of Business Accounting Jain, S P Kalyani Publishers KLYDEL0000456 V/1.39 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 JAI 00107436 Financial Accounting Jain S.P. Kalyani Publishers 2010 9788187268152 403 P. UG Library
657.48 JAI 31000332 Accounting for Managers / Jain, Kapil. Dreamtech Press, 2012 687 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.48 JAI 00130612 Advanced corporate accounting Jain S P Kalyani 2016 9789327261981 v/5-53,3p. UG Library
657.48 JAI 07015136 Advanced corporate accounting Jain S P Kalyani 2016 9789327261981 v/5-53,3p. Library - BR Campus
657.48 JAI 10003557 Corporate accounting / Jain, S P. Kalyani Publishers, 2021 9789327278200 VI/3.6 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 JAI 10003826 Corporate Accounting / Jain, S P Kalyanin Publishers , 2006 81-272-3048-0 2nd Ed., 217 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 JAN 10003755 Advanced Financial Accounting Janardhan, T G Kalyani Publishers 9789327227802 5.66p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 JAW 00080252 Advanced Management Accounting Text and Cases. Lal, Jawahar S Chand 2006 8121923085 p v UG Library
657.48 JAW 00050772 Accounting for Managers Lal, Dr Jawahar 772p UG Library
657.48 JAW 10003189 Accounting for Management / Lal, Jawahar. Himalaya Publishing House, 2009 9789350242490 5th rev ed., xvi, 889 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 JAW 22000193 Accounting for Managers Lal, Dr Jawahar 772p Knowledge Centre
657.48 JAY 05044524 Accounting for Managers : S Jayapandian Ane Books Pvt.Ltd., 2011 9789380156064 xiii, 628 p. Knowledge Centre
657.48 JHA 05052900 Fundamentsls of Management Accounting / Jhamb H.V. Ane Book Pvt, 2014 9789382127796 3rd ed, xvi, 549 p.: Knowledge Centre
657.48 JHA 00118070 Fundamentsls of Management Accounting Jhamb H.V. Ane Book Pvt, 2009 9789380156453 2nd ed, xvi, 524 p.: UG Library
657.48 JIA 05015023 Managerial Accounting [MBA] Jiambalvo, James 0471238236 414p Knowledge Centre
657.48 JIA 22000426 Managerial Accounting [MBA] Jiambalvo, James 0471238236 414p Knowledge Centre
657.48 KAP 03008564 Fundamentals of Sales Management Kapoor,Ramneek Macmillan India Ltd, 9781403924940 xi,336p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.48 KAP 01012111 Fundamentals of Sales Management Kapoor,Ramneek Macmillan India Ltd, 9781403924940 xi,336p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 KAP 00091031 Fundamentals of Sales Management Kapoor, Ramneek Machmillan 1403924945 336p UG Library
657.48 KHA 00038857 Management Accounting Khan, M Y Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company limited 1994 2nd Ed xvii; 890 p UG Library
657.48 KHA 00082512 Management Accounting Khan, M Y Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 2004 0074636561 3rd ed. xii, 22.50, I.10 UG Library
657.48 KHA 00082371 Management Accounting Khan, M Y Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 2004 0074636561 3rd ed. xii, 22.50, I.10 Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 KHA 05026771 Management Accounting Khan, M Y 0074517198 924 p Knowledge Centre
657.48 KHA 00034038 Management Accounting and Financial Management Khan M Y Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing 1985 704 p UG Library
657.48 KHA 05026921 Management Accounting Khan, M Y Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 1995 0074621815 2nd edition 890p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 KHA 00143066 Management Accounting: Khan, M Y McGraw-Hill Education (india) Publishing Limited, 2022 9789354600395 8th ed. xvi, 24.53, I.11p.; UG Library
657.48 KHA 00125695 Management Accounting: Khatri P V Global Academic Publishers 2015 9789381695708 2nd ed, 574p. UG Library
657.48 KHA 10002356 Management Accounting: Khan, M Y McGraw-Hill Education (india) Publishing Limited, 2022 9789354600395 8th ed. xvi, 24.53, I.11p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 KHA 03013515 Management Accounting: Khan, M Y McGraw-Hill Education (india) Publishing Limited, 2022 9789354600395 8th ed. xvi, 24.53, I.11p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.48 KHA 00064610 Management Accounting: [AIMA] Khan, M Y 0074636561 2248p UG Library
657.48 KHA 00070767 Management Accounting Khan, M Y Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 2004 0074636561 3rd ed. xii, 22.50, I.10 UG Library
657.48 KHA 00070766 Management Accounting Khan, M Y Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 2004 0074636561 3rd ed. xii, 22.50, I.10 UG Library
657.48 KHA 00009947 Management Accounting Khan, M Y Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 2004 0074636561 3rd ed. xii, 22.50, I.10 UG Library
657.48 KHA 03013224 Management Accounting: Khan, M Y 0074636561 1165p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.48 KHA 00037995 Management Accounting Khan, M Y Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company limited 1994 2nd Ed xvii; 890 p UG Library
657.48 KHA 00125491 Management Accounting: Khatri P V Global Academic Publishers 2015 9789381695708 2nd ed, 574p. UG Library
657.48 KHA. 05014159 Management Accounting Khan, M Y Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 1995 0074621815 2nd edition 890p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 KHA. 05014161 Management Accounting Khan, M Y Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 1994 890p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 KIN 05026107 Accounting and Finance for Managers Kind, John Crest 8124202052 168p Knowledge Centre
657.48 KIS 05065670 Taxman's Financial Management/ Kishore,ravi M Taxman Publication, 2015 9789350717998 1065 Pages,: Knowledge Centre
657.48 KIS 07007416 Taxman's Financial Management/ Kishore,ravi M Taxman Publication, 2015 9789350717998 1065 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
657.48 KOT 00032994 Management Accounting for Hotels and Restaurants Kotas, Richard Surrey Univrsity Press 1977 271 p.: UG Library
657.48 KUL 00012412 Approach to Management Accounting Kulshrestha, N K Navman 468p UG Library
657.48 KUM 07015795 Corporate Accounting / Kumar Anil.S.Dr Himalaya Publishing House, 2015 9789352027156 275p.: Library - BR Campus
657.48 KUM 05054907 Cost and Financial Management for Hotels / Kumar J.P,Prasanna. McGraw Hill, 2012 9781259004957 xvii,459p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 KUM 05054908 Cost and Financial Management for Hotels / Kumar J.P,Prasanna. McGraw Hill, 2012 9781259004957 xvii,459p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 KUM 05054909 Cost and Financial Management for Hotels / Kumar J.P,Prasanna. McGraw Hill, 2012 9781259004957 xvii,459p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 KUM 05054910 Cost and Financial Management for Hotels / Kumar J.P,Prasanna. McGraw Hill, 2012 9781259004957 xvii,459p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 KUM 00147077 Financial Accounting / Kumar, S. Anil Himalaya publishing house, 2017 9789352733477 268p. ; UG Library
657.48 KUM 00127466 Cost and Financial Management for Hotels / Kumar J.P,Prasanna. McGraw Hill, 2012 9781259004957 xvii,459p.; UG Library
657.48 KUM 00127467 Cost and Financial Management for Hotels / Kumar J.P,Prasanna. McGraw Hill, 2012 9781259004957 xvii,459p.; UG Library
657.48 KUM 07015726 Financial Accounting-II (Including Skill Development) / Kumar Anil.S.Dr Himalaya Publishing House, 2016 9789352022298 174p.: Library - BR Campus
657.48 KUM 10003191 Advanced financial accounting / Anil Kumar, S. Himalaya publishing house, 2022 0817866142 228 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 KUM 05054906 Cost and Financial Management for Hotels / Kumar J.P,Prasanna. McGraw Hill, 2012 9781259004957 xvii,459p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 KUM 00123579 Advanced Corporate Accounting Kumar, S Anil Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9789351424154 345 p:. UG Library
657.48 KUM 00119449 Corporate Accounting Kumare, S. Anil Himalaya Publishing House, 2012 9789350516096 382, : UG Library
657.48 KUM 10003865 Corporate Accounting-II / Kumar, Anil S Himalaya Publishing House, 2008 3rd Ed., 272 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 KUM 10003834 Corporate Accounting / Kumar, Anil S Himalaya Publishing House , 2006 2nd Ed., 313 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 KUM 07008894 Corporate Accounting Kumare, S. Anil Himalaya Publishing House, 2012 9789350516096 382, : Library - BR Campus
657.48 LAL 00088468 Accounting for Management Lal, Jawahar Himalaya 752p UG Library
657.48 LAV 07007459 Financial Accounting & Management / Lavanya.K.Ms Skyward Publishers, 2019 9789386442031 5.70p.: Library - BR Campus
657.48 LIT 05019650 Test of Professional Competence in Management Accounting : Little Geoff Elsevier, 2006 9780750666275 290 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.48 LOU 05014225 Managerial Accounting Louderback, G Joseph 0032401208 874p Knowledge Centre
657.48 MAH 00128167 A Textbook of Accounting for Management / Maheshwari, S.N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd 2015 9789325956193 3rd ed. xiii, 5.55p.; UG Library
657.48 MAH 00141844 A Textbook of Accounting for Management / Maheshwari,S N. Vikas publishing house pvt Ltd., 2020 9789352716166 4th ed. rep xiii,5.55p.; UG Library
657.48 MAH 07007413 Corporate Accounting / Maheshwari.S N Vikas Pub. 9788125931294 3.332 P. Library - BR Campus
657.48 MAH 10003130 A Textbook of Accounting for Management / Maheshwari, S.N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd 2015 9789325956193 3rd ed. xiii, 5.55p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 MAH 10002963 A Textbook of accounting for management / Maheshwari, S N. Vikas pubilishing 2022 9789354535383 5th xiii,1038p,; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 MAH 10002964 A Textbook of accounting for management / Maheshwari, S N. Vikas pubilishing 2022 9789354535383 5th xiii,1038p,; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 MAH 10002965 A Textbook of accounting for management / Maheshwari, S N. Vikas pubilishing 2022 9789354535383 5th xiii,1038p,; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 MAH 00119671 Corporate Accounting / Maheshwari.S N Vikas Pub. 9788125931294 3.332 P. UG Library
657.48 MAH 10000262 A Textbook of Accounting for Management / Maheshwari,S N. Vikas publishing house pvt Ltd., 2020 9789352716166 4th ed. rep xiii,5.55p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 MAH 05001838 A Textbook of Accounting For Management / Maheshwari,S.N. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 9788125940609 xiii, 4.288p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 MAH 05064768 Financial Accounting / Maheshwari S N. VIKAS, 2018 9789352718535 6th (Revised ed.) xvi, 3.171p. : Knowledge Centre
657.48 MAH 05009191 Corporate Accounting / Maheshwari.S N Vikas Pub. 9788125931294 3.332 P. Knowledge Centre
657.48 MAH 05014211 Management Accounting & Financial Control Maheshwari, S.N. SULTAN CHAND & SONS 1994 Knowledge Centre
657.48 MAH 03013264 A Textbook of accounting for management / Maheshwari, S N. Vikas pubilishing 2022 9789354535383 5th xiii,1038p,; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.48 MAH 03013265 A Textbook of accounting for management / Maheshwari, S N. Vikas pubilishing 2022 9789354535383 5th xiii,1038p,; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.48 MAH 03013266 A Textbook of accounting for management / Maheshwari, S N. Vikas pubilishing 2022 9789354535383 5th xiii,1038p,; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.48 MAH 00035663 Elements of Management Accounting Maheshwari, S N Sultan Chand 1992 275 p UG Library
657.48 MAH 07007735 Corporate Accounting / Maheshwari.S N Vikas Pub. 9788125931294 3.332 P. Library - BR Campus
657.48 MAH 00035661 Elements of Management Accounting Maheshwari, S N Sultan Chand 1992 275 p UG Library
657.48 MAH 00035662 Elements of Management Accounting Maheshwari, S N Sultan Chand 275p UG Library
657.48 MAH 00035664 Elements of Managenent Accounting Maheshwari, S N Sultan Chand 258p UG Library
657.48 MAH 00127804 Financial Accounting / S N Maheshwari Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2017 9789325956186 5th ed. 4.98 p. UG Library
657.48 MAH 05000698 Financial Accounting / S N Maheshwari Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2005 4.253 pv Knowledge Centre
657.48 MAN 05040585 Financial Accounting / Manikandan.S. Scitech Publications(India)Pvt.Ltd, 2013 9788183712873 22.30 p.: Knowledge Centre
657.48 MAN 00041662 Principles of Management Accounting Man Mohan Sahityhya Bhavan UG Library
657.48 MAN 03010446 Financial Accounting / Manikandan.S. Scitech Publications(India)Pvt.Ltd, 2013 9788183712873 22.30 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.48 MAR 10003762 Fundamentals of Business Accounting Mariyappa, B Himalaya Publishing house 279p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 MIT 05026111 Management Accounting and Financial Management Mittal, S N Sree Mahavi Book Depot Knowledge Centre
657.48 MOH 00027357 Principles of Management Accounting Mohan, Man Sahitya Bhawan, 1985 782+240 p.: UG Library
657.48 MOH 00112029 Corporate Accountiong Mohan juneja,C Kalyani publications, 2011 9789327214475 13.46p.; UG Library
657.48 MON 00033085 Principles of Management Accounting Man Mohan Sahitya Bhawan 1991 1020 p. UG Library
657.48 MUR 00033002 Management Accounting Murthy, Guruprasad Himalaya 988p Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 NAR 00139492 Financial Accounting : Narayanaswamy,R. PHI learning Pvt Ltd., 2014 9788120349490 5th ed. xii,650p.; UG Library
657.48 NAR 07001898 Accounting for Managers / Narang K.L Kalyani Publishers, 2013 9789327227574 804p.: Library - BR Campus
657.48 NAR 03012347 Management Accounting / Narasimhan M.S Cengage, 2017 9788131534175 v, 300p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.48 PAM 00027325 Management Accounting. Paul, S Kr New Century 1985 236p UG Library
657.48 PAN 00034040 Elements of Management Accounting Pandey, I M Vikas 1992 461 p.: UG Library
657.48 PAN 00089702 Management Accounting Pandey, I M Vikas 2008 608 p UG Library
657.48 PAN 00038859 Essentials of Management Accounting Pandey, I M UBSPD 1995 379 p UG Library
657.48 PAN 22001642 Management Accounting: Theory and Practice/ Pandikumar, M P Excel Books 453p Knowledge Centre
657.48 PAN 05014147 Management Accounting: Theory and Practice/ Pandikumar, M P Excel Books 453p Knowledge Centre
657.48 PAN 05014162 Management Accounting Pandey, I M UBSPD 1994 608p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 POR 00083174 Using Financila Accounting Information: The Alternative to Dbits and Credits Porter, Gary A 2008 9780324645118 672p UG Library
657.48 PRA 01026713 Students Guide On Financial Reporting / Prasath, Saravana. B. Wolters Kluwer, 2018 9789388313391 9.109p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 PRA 03010590 Managerial Accounting / Pradhan, Sudhakar. ALP Books , 2013 9789382215660 296 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.48 PRA 00026518 Elements of Management Accounting Kumar, Pradeep Kedar Nath 1982 515p UG Library
657.48 PUT 00061278 Text Book of Financial Accounting. Puttappa, K S 2002 456p UG Library
657.48 RAI 05027263 Managerial accounting / Raiborn, Cecily A. West Pub. Co., 1993 0314011692 (alk. paper) xxxvii, 903 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.48 RAJ 05037201 Inflation Accounting / Rajeev,Medha. Crescent Publishing, 2013 9788183422802 v,278p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 RAJ 05014166 Management Accounting / Rajendran.G Regal Publications, 2009 9788184840445 521p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 RAJ 00108015 Corporate Accounting Rajasekaran V Pearson : 2011 9788131754511 xiv, 1254 p. UG Library
657.48 RAM 00034237 Financial Management Raman, B S United 1991 632 p UG Library
657.48 RAM 00044137 Financial Accounting. Raman, B S UNITED PUBLISHER 1998 1322 p UG Library
657.48 RAM 00044140 Financial Accounting. Raman, B S UNITED PUBLISHER 1998 1322 p UG Library
657.48 RAM 03007325 How to Read a Cash Flow Statement / Ramachandran, N. Tata McGra-Hill ; 2010 9780070680715 82 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.48 RAM 00034030 Financial Accounting Vol.1 Raman, B.s United 966 p UG Library
657.48 RAM 00034031 Management Accounting Raman, B. S. United 1991 First Edition 728 p.; UG Library
657.48 RAM 03007262 How to Read a Profit and Loss Statement / Ramachandran, N. Tata McGraw Hill, 2010 9780070680197 xii , 106 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.48 RAM 05040591 Accounting for Management(Management Accounting) For MBA and MCA Students / Ramachandran.T.Dr Scitech Publications(India)Pvt.Ltd, 2001 9798187328390 16.5p.: Knowledge Centre
657.48 RAM 00038863 Management Accounting Raman, B S United 1996 729 p UG Library
657.48 RAM 00042007 Financial Accounting.Vol.1 Raman, B S United 1998 1116p UG Library
657.48 RAM 00064296 Corporate Accounting-I / Raman, B S. United Publishers, 2005 446p.; UG Library
657.48 RAM 00064297 Corporate Accounting-I / Raman, B S. United Publishers, 2005 446p.; UG Library
657.48 RAM 00042009 Financial Accounting Vol I Raman, B S UNITED PUBLISHER 1997 1119 p UG Library
657.48 RAM 00042010 Financial Accounting Vol I Raman, B S UNITED PUBLISHER 1997 1119 p UG Library
657.48 RAM 00049432 Financial Accounting.Vol.1 Raman, B S United 1998 1116p UG Library
657.48 RAM 00049430 Financial Accounting.Vol.1 Raman, B S United 1998 1116p UG Library
657.48 RAM 00141818 Financial Accounting for Management / Ramachandran,Neelkantan. McGraw hill education pvt ltd., 2020 9789389811735 5th ed. xxvii,623p.; UG Library
657.48 RAM 00049468 Financial Accounting Raman, B S United 2000 1082p UG Library
657.48 RAM 00042011 Financial Accounting Raman, B S United 2000 1082p UG Library
657.48 RAM 03013231 From Campus to Corporate : Ramachandran K K. Macmillan Publication, 2012 9780230331907 vii, 121p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.48 RAM 10000455 Financial Accounting for Management / Ramachandran,Neelkantan. McGraw hill education pvt ltd., 2020 9789389811735 5th ed. xxvii,623p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 RAM 00034235 Financial Management Raman, B.S United 1991 630 p.: UG Library
657.48 RAO 05014213 Financial Reporting and Disclosure Practices Rao, P Mohana Deep & deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2001 8176292036 368p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 RAO 05014167 Strategic Management Accounting Rao, P Mohana Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2001 8176292788 379p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 RAO 00146710 Corporate Accounting and Auditing/ Rao, G. C. Commercial Law Publishers, 2024 9789356039391 20.29p. ; UG Library
657.48 RAT 00031971 Finanical Accounting: Rathnam, P V Himalaya 1990 Vol-1 108p UG Library
657.48 RAT 00032534 Finanical Accounting: Rathnam, P V Himalaya 1990 Vol-1 108p UG Library
657.48 RAT 00032531 Finanical Accounting: Rathnam, P V Himalaya 1990 Vol-1 108p UG Library
657.48 RAT 00032529 Finanical Accounting: Rathnam, P V Himalaya 1990 Vol-1 108p UG Library
657.48 RED 00032998 Financial Management Reddy, P N Himalaya Publishing House, 1991 370 p/; UG Library
657.48 RED 00034174 Essentials of Management Accounting Reddy, P N Himalaya 2000 1st Ed 343 p UG Library
657.48 RED 00034175 Essentials of Management Accounting Reddy, P N Himalaya 2000 1st Ed 343 p UG Library
657.48 RED 00035645 Essentials of Management Accounting Reddy, P N Himalaya 2000 1st Ed 343 p UG Library
657.48 RED 00034176 Essentials of Management Accounting Reddy, P N Himalaya 2000 1st Ed 343 p UG Library
657.48 RED 00035648 Essentials of Management Accounting Reddy, P N Himalaya 2000 1st Ed 343 p UG Library
657.48 RED 00035646 Essentials of Management Accounting Reddy, P N Himalaya 2000 1st Ed 343 p UG Library
657.48 RIL 03008123 Finance : Riley,Pippa Viva Books, 2011 9788130917580 550 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.48 RIL 05008246 Finance : Riley,Pippa Viva Books, 2011 9788130917580 550 p. Knowledge Centre
657.48 SAH 10003732 Concept Building Approach to Corporate Accounting Sah, Raj Kumar Cengage learning 9789353500184 xi, 15.44 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 SAS 05014160 Practice of Management Accounting Sastry, K S Wheeler Publishing, 1995 491p.; Knowledge Centre
657.48 SAT 00118205 Financial Accounting Satyaprasad B.G. Publishers, 2012 9789382332077 xii, 226 p.: UG Library
657.48 SAT 00143579 Financial Accounting / Satyaprasad B.G. Wiley, 2019 9789389698688 xii, 226 p.: UG Library
657.48 SAT 10000931 Financial Accounting / Satyaprasad B.G. Wiley, 2019 9789389698688 xii, 226 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.48 SHA 07001321 Management Accounting / Shankaranarayana H V Cengage Learning, 2014 xx, 801 p. Library - BR Campus
657.48 SHA 00127070 Management Accounting Shah Paresh Oxford 2015 9780199450527 2nd ed. 920p. UG Library
657.48 SHA 05041834 Financial Accounting for Management : Sharma, Subhash. MACMILLAN ; 1989 9780333909683 324 p.: Knowledge Centre
657.48 SHA 03008474 Financial Accounting for Management : Sharma, Subhash. MACMILLAN ; 1989 9780333909683 324 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.48 SHA 05014100 Management accounting / Shah, Paresh. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195695250 (pbk.) | 9780195 xiv, 793 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.48 SIN 00123064 Corporate Accounting Singh, Sanjeev Kumar Centrum Press, 2015 9789350847688 328 p:. UG Library
657.48 SOL 07000753 Management Accounting / Solanki,A.R. Cyber Tech, 2015 9789350533963 264p.; Library - BR Campus
657.48 SRI 04013121 Management of Indian Financial Institutions Srivastava, R.m Himalaya 640p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.48 SRI 00038878 Management Accounting Srinivasan, N P Sterling 1992 664 p.: UG Library
657.48 SRI 00033087 Management Accounting Srinivasan, N P Sterling 1991 664 p.; UG Library
657.48 STA 00126382 Management and Cost Accounting Satyanarayana Venkat Veera Penumarthi Discovery Publishing House, 2016 9789350567982 282 p.: UG Library
657.48 THA 03012923 Balance Shhet : Thakkar, Vishal CNBC TV18 Broadcast ltd., 2017 9789384061968 196p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.48 TUL 00137781 Corporate Accounting : Tulsian,P C. S Chand and Company Limited, 2019 9789352531257 2nd edition (rep) 14.89p.; UG Library
657.48 TUL 01024238 Financial Accounting Tulsian, P C Pearson Education Inc. 2006 8177582283 | 9788177582284 xv, 18.13 p, A.18. Knowledge Centre
657.48 TUL 05061081 Financial Accounting Tulsian, P C Pearson Education Inc. 2006 8177582283 | 9788177582284 xv, 18.13 p, A.18. Knowledge Centre
657.48 TUL 00119911 Corporate Accounting P.C. Tulsian S. Chand & Company Pvt, 2014 9789384319717 13.86 p.: UG Library
657.48 VAS 00026563 Simple Study of Management Accounting Vasudevan, K New Heights 120p UG Library
657.48 VER 07009635 Corporate Accounting / Verma, K K. Excel Books, 9788174465788 viii,990p.; Library - BR Campus
657.48 VIJ 05001371 Accounting for Management / Vijayakumar,T. Tata McGraw HIll, 9780070090170 xviii, Knowledge Centre
657.48 VIJ 07001388 Accounting for Management / Vijayakumar,T. Tata McGraw HIll, 9780070090170 xviii, Library - BR Campus
657.48 VIN 00033003 Management Accounting-Tools and Techniques Vinayakam, N Himalaya 1988 654p UG Library
657.48 VIN 00041755 Management Accounting [tools and Techniques] Vinayakam, N Himalaya 793p UG Library
657.48 WEL 05014136 Fundamentals of Financial Acconts Welsch, A Glenn Irwin Knowledge Centre
657.481 JAW 05026109 Accounting for Managers Lal, Dr Jawahar Himalaya Publishing House 722 Knowledge Centre
657.481 VEN 07015794 Accounting for Managers / Venkataraman.R Himalaya Publishing House, 2015 9789352029198 502p.: Library - BR Campus
657.48ANI 00064707 Advanced Financial Accounting for II B.Com Anilkumar, S Himalayan 378p UG Library
657.48ANI 00064708 Advanced Financial Accounting for III BBM Anilkumar, S HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 8178666766 398p UG Library
657.48ANI 00064710 Corporate Accounting-I: II B.Com Anil, Kumar Himalayan 194p UG Library
657.48APP 00064701 Financial Accounting for I B.Com Appaniah, H R Himalayan 302p UG Library
657.48ARVR 00034021 Finanical Accounting Vol I Arulanandam, M A C HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
657.48ARVR 00034022 Finanical Accounting Vol I Arulanandam, M A C HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
657.48BHA.D. 00030828 Accounting for Management : Bhattacharya, S K. Vikas Publishing House, 1997 0706998278 | 9789325965096 xii,420p.; UG Library
657.48BHA2 00080403 Cases in Management Accounting and Financial Management [ug.Lib.Commerce Section] Basin, M L Excel Books 8174464913 419p UG Library
657.48BHA2 00080404 Cases in Management Accounting and Financial Management [ug.Lib.Commerce Section] Basin, M L Excel Books 8174464913 419p UG Library
657.48CPC 00047211 First BBM 21 Model Question Papers [ Financial Accounting ] Cpc Cambridge 128p UG Library
657.48DRU 00051659 Management & Cost Accounting Drury, Colin Thomson 9812402373 1185p UG Library
657.48INA 00033082 Financial Management Inamdar, M Satish Everest 294p UG Library
657.48KHA 00064640 Management Accounting Khan, M Y 0074636561 954p UG Library
657.48KHA.J 00037993 Management Accounting Khan, M Y UG Library
657.48MAD 00055142 Management Accounting Gowda, J Made HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 8178660091 704p UG Library
657.48MAH.. 00037296 corporate accounting Maheshwari, S N UBSPD Knowledge Centre
657.48MAH2 00034170 Financial Management Maheshwari, S N S Chand & Co 2014 9789351610038 xix, G-43 p.: UG Library
657.48RAM.8 00034236 Financial Management Raman, B.s Venkataraman 635 p UG Library
657.48RAM10 00034238 Financial Management Raman, B S United UG Library
657.48RAM9 00034177 Financial Management Raman, B S U p UG Library
657.48RED1 00035647 Essentials of Management Accounting Reddy, P N HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
657.48SHU1 05008254 Financial Accounting - I Shukla, S M SAHITHYA BHAVAN 1990 278p Knowledge Centre
657.48TYA 00045826 Introduction to Management Accounting Tyagi, C L Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd 0817515165 477p UG Library
657.48WIL 00089994 Management Accounting - Decision Management Wilks, Colin Elsevier 9788131219058 576p Knowledge Centre
657.4BUY 00008174 Principals of Cost Accountancy Buyers, C I Cassell & Company Ltd 561p UG Library
657.4RUS 00005364 Modern Marketing Management Rustam S, Davar Progressive UG Library
657.5 JAI 10003165 Elements of costing-I/ Jain, S.P Kalyani publishers, 2014 9789327241860 260 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
657.5 RAO 05057115 Elements of Costing / Rao,M.E.Thukaram. New Age International, 9788122426670 x,502p.; Knowledge Centre
657.504 PAR 05044230 Guide to The Accounting Function : Daruwala Freddy.R R.R.chari on Behalf of Centre for Advancment of Philanthropy, 2003 142p.: Knowledge Centre
657.504 PAR 05044231 Guide to The Accounting Function : Daruwala Freddy.R R.R.chari on Behalf of Centre for Advancment of Philanthropy, 2003 142p.: Knowledge Centre
657.57 GUP 07015376 Cost and Management Accounting / Gupta Shashi.K Kalyani Publishers, 2015 9789327227307 14.47 p.: Library - BR Campus
657.57 GUP 07013317 Cost and Management Accounting / Gupta Shashi.K Kalyani Publishers, 2015 9789327227307 14.47 p.: Library - BR Campus
657.57 HAN 07008843 Modern Cost and Management Accounting / Hanif Mohammed Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2013 9780070144934 xvi,17.28p.: Library - BR Campus
657.57 KIS 07007446 Cost Management Kishore.M.Ravi Taxmann Publication 2008 9789350713419 4TH 1421 Library - BR Campus
657.57 KIS 07000941 Taxmann's Cost Accounting / Kishore,Ravi M. Taxmann, 2012 9789350710067 4th ed. c-21,1014p.; Library - BR Campus
657.57BIG 00003657 COST ACCOUNTING , UG Library
657.6 CHO 05014112 National Income Accounting Choudhary, Knowledge Centre
657.6 KHA 00036180 Management Accounts Khan, M Y 1993 1 UG Library
657.6 SMI 00073284 Accounting for Growth Smith Terry 1996 0712675949 216 p UG Library
657.61 CHA 01025381 Taxmann's Illustrated Guide to Indian Accounting Standards (Ind As) / Chatterjee, B.D. Taxmann Publications, 2017 9789386635464 4th ed. I-255+1011 p. ; Knowledge Centre
657.61 DAS 00060027 Public Interest Accounting Dashora, M L RBSA 8176111597 245p UG Library
657.61 GHO 07000901 Illustrated Guide to Indian Accounting Standards / Ghosh,T.P. Taxmann, 2015 9789350717394 i-48,2200p.; Library - BR Campus
657.61 GHO 01023908 Illustrated Guide to Indian Accounting Standards / Ghosh,T.P. Taxmann, 2015 9789350717394 i-48,2200p.; Knowledge Centre
657.61 OBE 07000836 Fundamentals of Accounting & Auditing / Oberoi Taxmann Publications, 2015 553 p. Library - BR Campus
657.61 RAO 00050422 Corporate Social Accounting and Reporting Rao, P Mohana Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 8176291714 296p UG Library
657.61 RAW 07000921 Students' Guide to Auditing Standards : Rawat,D.S. Taxmann, 2015 9789350717769 24th ed. i-16,564p.; Library - BR Campus
657.61 RAW 07000922 Taxmann Students' Guide to Auditing Standards : Rawat,D.S. Taxmann, 2015 9789350716557 25th ed. i-14,339p.; Library - BR Campus
657.61 RAW 05017411 Students Guide to Auditing Standards : Rawat D.S Taxmann Publication, 2012 9789350710548 17th ed 471 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.61 TAX 07000900 Taxmann's A Comparative study of Ind AS(Indian Accounting Standards) & AS(Accounting Standards) / Taxmann, 2015 9789350716731 i.9,2.1131p.; Library - BR Campus
657.61 THA 00119877 Accounting and auditing standards Thakor, Kumudini R Horizon Press 2014 9789383096091 280p. UG Library
657.61 TIW 05014172 Public Sector: Accounting and Auditing Standards Tiwari, A C Excel Books 8174461221 174 p Knowledge Centre
657.63 HAR 07008411 Accounting for Business / Harvey, David. Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann, 9780750642569 531 p. : Library - BR Campus
657.63 THA 07000801 Advanced financial accounting / Thakor,Kumudini R. Horizon press, 2013 9789383096121 280p.; Library - BR Campus
657.64BIG 00002319 Practical Auditing Bigg, Walter W Allied UG Library
657.7 BHA 05014174 Cases in Management Accounting and Financial Management Bhasin, M L Excel Books 8174461272 417 p Knowledge Centre
657.7 GOS 01023436 Practical approach to Ind as implementation: Gosain,Sarika Blooms burry publishing pvt ltd., 2016 9789385936746 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
657.7 GOS 01023437 Practical approach to Ind as implementation: Gosain,Sarika Blooms burry publishing pvt ltd., 2016 9789385936746 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
657.7 HUB 05014190 How to Measure Anything: Finding the Value of Intangibles in Business [mba-Section] Hubbard, Douglas W John Wiley 287p Knowledge Centre
657.7 RAW 00133877 Taxmann Students' guide to Accounting Standards Rawat, D S Taxmann Publications (P) Ltd 2018 9789350717868 33rd ed., 764p.; UG Library
657.7 RAW 00133878 Taxmann Students' guide to Accounting Standards Rawat, D S Taxmann Publications (P) Ltd 2018 9789350717868 33rd ed., 764p.; UG Library
657.7 RAW 00133879 Taxmann Students' guide to Accounting Standards Rawat, D S Taxmann Publications (P) Ltd 2018 9789350717868 33rd ed., 764p.; UG Library
657.7 RAW 00125560 Taxmann Students' guide to Accounting Standards Rawat, D S Taxmann Publications (P) Ltd 2016 9789350719497 29th ed. 760p. UG Library
657.7 RAW 00125561 Taxmann Students' guide to Accounting Standards Rawat, D S Taxmann Publications (P) Ltd 2016 9789350719497 29th ed. 760p. UG Library
657.7 RAW 07007411 Taxmann Students' guide to Accounting Standards Rawat, D S Taxmann Publications (P) Ltd 2015 9789350717868 28th ed. 664p Library - BR Campus
657.7 RAW 01024769 Taxmann Students' guide to Accounting Standards / Rawat, D S Taxmann, 2017 9789386189776 30th ed. i-13,758p.; Knowledge Centre
657.7 BHA 03007451 Indian Accounting Standards : Bhattacharyya,Asish K. Tata McGraw Pvt, 9780070617858 xix,33.50p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.7 BHU 05075049 Emerging Issues in Accounting, Finance & Capital Markets / Bloomsbury, 2023 9788196656898 vi, 173p.; Knowledge Centre
657.7 GM 05000915 Financial Accounting-International Standards : CIMA Publishing, 2002 9781859715260 21 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.7 GRI 07002261 Productivity accounting : Grifell-Tatjé, E. Cambridge University Press, 2015 9780521883535 | 0521883539 | 9 xx, 386 pages ; Library - BR Campus
657.7 HUB 05007673 How to measure anything : Hubbard, Douglas W., Wiley, 2010 9780470539392 (cloth) | 047053 2nd ed. xv, 304 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.7 ICF 00090733 Accounting Standards Vol1 Icfai University Press ICFAI 8178810115 214p UG Library
657.7 ICF 00090735 Accounting Standards Vol1 Icfai University Press ICFAI 8178810115 214p UG Library
657.7 KUM 00133791 First Lessons in Accounting Standards : Kumar Vijay M.P Snow White, 2018 9789350393055 xxxiv, 878 p.: UG Library
657.7 KUM 00133792 First Lessons in Accounting Standards : Kumar Vijay M.P Snow White, 2018 9789350393055 xxxiv, 878 p.: UG Library
657.7 KUM 01026168 First Lessons in Accounting Standards / Kumar,M P Vijay. Snow White, 2018 xxxiv,878p.; Knowledge Centre
657.7 KUM 01026169 First Lessons in Accounting Standards / Kumar,M P Vijay. Snow White, 2018 xxxiv,878p.; Knowledge Centre
657.7 KUM 00090158 First Lessons in Accounting Standards: Includes Detailed Comparative Studt With IFRS Kumar, Vijay M P Snow White Publications Pvt. Ltd. 9788181593757 868p UG Library
657.7 KUM 00090159 First Lessons in Accounting Standards: Includes Detailed Comparative Studt With IFRS Kumar, Vijay M P Snow White Publications Pvt. Ltd. 9788181593757 868p UG Library
657.7 KUM 00090160 First Lessons in Accounting Standards: Includes Detailed Comparative Studt With IFRS Kumar, Vijay M P Snow White Publications Pvt. Ltd. 9788181593757 868p UG Library
657.7 KUM 00109045 First lessons In Accounting Standards Kumar Vijay Snow White Publications: 2011 9738181594204 10th ed, xxxxi, 1000 p. UG Library
657.7 KUM 00123986 First lessons In Accounting Standards Kumar Vijay Snow White Publications: 2016 9789350391785 16th ed, 868 p. UG Library
657.7 KUM 00123987 First lessons In Accounting Standards Kumar Vijay Snow White Publications: 2016 9789350391785 16th ed, 868 p. UG Library
657.7 KUM 00123988 First lessons In Accounting Standards Kumar Vijay Snow White Publications: 2016 9789350391785 16th ed, 868 p. UG Library
657.7 PAT 07000851 Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) Patel, Chintan N Taxmann Publishing, 2015 322 p. Library - BR Campus
657.7 RAM 05006252 Accounting for derivatives : Ramirez, Juan, John Wiley & Sons, 2007 9780470515792 (cloth) | 047051 xiv, 427 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.7 RAM 03005191 Accounting for derivatives : Ramirez, Juan, John Wiley & Sons, 2007 9780470515792 (cloth) | 047051 xiv, 427 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.7 RAM 05046174 Accounting for derivatives : Ramirez, Juan, 9781118817971 (hardback) | 978 Second edition. 1 online resource (795 pages) : Knowledge Centre
657.7 RAW 01029337 Taxmann Students' Guide to Accounting Standards : Rawat, D S Taxmann, 2022 9789356222113 8th ed. i-10, 434p.; Knowledge Centre
657.7 RAW 00090584 Accounting Standards Rawat, D S Taxmann Publications (p) Ltd 2008 9788171945603 664p UG Library
657.7 RAW 00123836 Taxmann Students' guide to Accounting Standards Rawat, D S Taxmann Publications (P) Ltd 2015 9789350717868 28th ed. 664p UG Library
657.7 RAW 00123837 Taxmann Students' guide to Accounting Standards Rawat, D S Taxmann Publications (P) Ltd 2015 9789350717868 28th ed. 664p UG Library
657.7 RAW 00123838 Taxmann Students' guide to Accounting Standards Rawat, D S Taxmann Publications (P) Ltd 2015 9789350717868 28th ed. 664p UG Library
657.7 RAW 07000850 Accounting Standards Rawat, D S Taxmann Publications (p) Ltd 2008 9788171945603 664p Library - BR Campus
657.7 SAL 05007719 The international brand valuation manual Salinas, Gabriela. Wiley, 2009 9780470740316 (cloth) | 978047 xxviii, 420 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.7 SHA 07000846 Accounting Standards / D G Sharma Taxmann Publications, 2014 2nd 255 p. Library - BR Campus
657.7 SIN 01018054 Bharat's Bird's Eye View on Ind-ASs : Singhal Sanjeev Bharat Law House Pvt Ltd, 2011 9788177336962 94p. Knowledge Centre
657.7 SIN 01018055 Bharat's Bird's Eye View on Ind-ASs : Singhal Sanjeev Bharat Law House Pvt Ltd, 2011 9788177336962 94p. Knowledge Centre
657.72 SRI 05014188 Inventory Managment in Factories and Stock Audit in Banks: A Procedure Manual [MBA] Srinivasa, Murthy, G I G s Indira 101p Knowledge Centre
657.72 SRI 05014176 Inventory Managment in Factories and Stock Audit in Banks: A Procedure Manual [MBA] Srinivasa, Murthy, G I G s Indira 101p Knowledge Centre
657.72 MUL 00105331 Essentials of Inventory Management / Muller,Max. Jaico Publishing House, 9788179927144 xii,243p.; UG Library
657.72 SAX 07000886 Taxmann's Bank Audit : Saxena,Anil K. Taxmann, 9789350716151 i-23,226p.; Library - BR Campus
657.72 SRI 00074797 Inventory Management in Factories and Stock Audit in Banks Murthy, Srinivasa Sri Sangameshwara Prints 2000 101 p. UG Library
657.72 SRI 00074796 Inventory Management in Factories and Stock Audit in Banks Murthy, Srinivasa Sri Sangameshwara Prints 2000 101 p. UG Library
657.72 SUZ 00138958 Fixed revenue accounting : Suzuki, Kenichi World scientific publishing, 2019 9789813237254 xxv, 172 pages ; UG Library
657.73 KUM 01028710 A Complete Guide to Valuation of IP Assets : Kumar, Abhijeet. Thomson Reutters, 2021 9789390529445 xx, 323p.; Knowledge Centre
657.74 SWE 41000343 English for Business Communication / Sweeney, Simon CUP, 2010 9781107400535 174 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
657.74AIMA 00064611 Business Communication: Study Guide:[aima] All India Management Association Centre, for Management Education[aima] Aima 36p UG Library
657.75BIS 00024933 Commercial Correspondence Biswal, D KALYANI 186p UG Library
657.76 SUB 05006086 Accounting for investments : Subramani, R. Venkata John Wiley & Sons, (Asia) Pvt. Ltd. 2011 9780470825914 xxxi, 709p.; Knowledge Centre
657.76 RYA 00079530 Financial Instruments And Institutions: Ryan, Stephen G John Wiley 2007 9780470040379 510p UG Library
657.76 SUB 03005047 Accounting for investments : Subramani, R. Venkata John Wiley & Sons, (Asia) Pvt. Ltd. 2011 9780470825914 xxxi, 709p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.7ICF.1 00090734 Accounting Standards Vol:6 Icfai University Press ICFAI 8178811421 162p UG Library
657.7TIM 00040516 Dictionary of Accounting Terms Time International 0812037669 470 p UG Library
657.8322 FIN 05026154 Essentials of Cost Accounting for Health Care Organizations Finkler, Steven A Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2008 9780763738136 3rd ed. xviii,484p.; Knowledge Centre
657.8333 MEH 01029819 Corporate Finance With Financial Modeling : Mehra, Rishi Taxmann Publications (P.) Ltd., 2024 9789357785495 I-23, 650 p. ; Knowledge Centre
657.8333 PYL 00122743 Applied Corporate Finance Pyles, Mark K. Springer 2014 9781461491736 | 9781461491729 338p. UG Library
657.834 OLL 01008919 Essential professional conduct : Olliffe, Bronwyn. Routledge-Cavendish, 1876905344 (pbk.) | 9781876905 182 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.835 SAH 05061319 Quality control procedure for statutory financial audit / Saha, Siddhartha Sankar. Emerald Publishing Limited : 2017 1787142272 | 9781787142275 xxiv, 310p. Knowledge Centre
657.837 KOT. 05014187 Management Accounting for Hospitality and Tourism (MTA) Kotas, Richard Thomson Business Press 1861524900 328 p Knowledge Centre
657.837 AHM 00065729 Hotel Accounting: Ahmed, M N Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126123184 368p UG Library
657.837 AHM 00065730 Hotel Accounting: Ahmed, M N Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126123184 368p UG Library
657.837 AHM 00065103 Hotel Accounting: Ahmed, M N Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126123184 368p UG Library
657.837 ARO 00108579 A Text Book Of Hotel Accounting Arora,Shyam Lal Cyber Tech Publications 2011 9788178848211 1st Ed. 246 p. UG Library
657.837 ATK 00067433 Business Accounting for Hospitality and Tourism Atkinson, H 0412480808 415p UG Library
657.837 DCU 00034108 Accounting and Cost Control in Hotel & Catering Industry D' cunha, Ozi Dicky's Enterprise 1992 242 p.: UG Library
657.837 DIC 00067477 Accounting for the Hospitality Industry Dick, Garry Hospitality Press 1862504237 132p UG Library
657.837 GUP 00118884 Hotel Accounting Gupta, Ashim Venus Books, 2014 9788189922429 280p.; UG Library
657.837 JAG 00070803 Hospitality Management Accounting Jagels, Martin G 2006 0471687898 | 9780471687894 596p UG Library
657.837 KIE 00084017 Hospitality Financial Accounting. Kieso, Donald E 2009 9780470083604 518p UG Library
657.837 KOT 00033902 Accounting in the Hotel and Catering Industry Kotas, Richard International Textbook Company 1981 0070020279 344 p.: UG Library
657.837 KOT 00033903 Accounting in the Hotel and Catering Industry Kotas, Richard International Textbook Company 1981 0070020279 344 p.: UG Library
657.837 KOT 00033904 Accounting in the Hotel and Catering Industry Kotas, Richard International Textbook Company 1981 0070020279 344 p.: UG Library
657.837 KUM 00109867 Financial Accounting For Hotels Kumar,Prassanna J.P. Tata McGraw-Hill Education Pvt Ltd 2012 9781259004940 xiv; 343 p. UG Library
657.837 KUM 00109868 Financial Accounting For Hotels Kumar,Prassanna J.P. Tata McGraw-Hill Education Pvt Ltd 2012 9781259004940 xiv; 343 p. UG Library
657.837 MON 05007536 Accounting for the hospitality industry / Moncarz, Elisa S. Prentice Hall, 2004 0139738843 | 9780139738845 3rd ed. xiii, 408 p. ; Knowledge Centre
657.837 MOR 05007546 Front office operations and auditing workbook / Moreo, Patrick J. Prentice Hall, 2001 0130324930 2nd ed. 213 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.837 NEG 00032872 Financial and Cost Control Teckniques in Hotel and Catering Industry Negi, Jagmohan Metropolitan 360p UG Library
657.837 NEG 00117792 Hospitality Management Negi, Jagmohan University Science Press, 2009 9788131806869 viii:366p.; UG Library
657.837 OWE 05025107 Accounting for Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure. Owen, Gareth Longman, 1998 0582312957 2nd Ed. 460 p. Knowledge Centre
657.837 PRA 00112235 Hospitality Financial Accounting Pratap Shikha Centrum Press, 2013 9789381460047 viii, 248 p.: UG Library
657.837 PRA 00118457 Fundamentals of Hotel Accounting Pratao, Shikha Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2014 9788126160525 304p. UG Library
657.837 PRA 00118976 Fundamentals of Hospitality Financial Accounting Prasad Dayanand Anmol Publications Pvt, 2014 9788126160457 vii, 304 p.: UG Library
657.837 PRA 00118578 Fundamentals of Hotel Accounting Pratao, Shikha Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2014 9788126160525 304p. UG Library
657.837 SCH 00121443 Hospitality industry financial accounting / Schmidgall, Raymond S., Educational Institute, American Hotel & Lodging Association, 2006 9780866122849 (pbk.) 3rd ed. xii, 568 p. : UG Library
657.837 SIN 00107267 Hotel Accounting Singh K. Uttam Kanishka Publishers Distribtors: 2011 9788184573152 xiv .354 p. UG Library
657.8375 NRA 05007553 Managerial accounting competency guide / Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007 0132283417 x, 96 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.8375 NRA 00085999 Managerial Accounting: National Restaurant Association Educatio, nal Foundation Pearson 2007 0132283417 | 9780132283410 96 p UG Library
657.837MET 00084052 Hotel Accounting Metti, M C Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126132324 286p UG Library
657.837RAT 00080798 Hotel Accounting:Systems and Services Management Ratandeep Singh Kanishka Publishers 8173919909 304p UG Library
657.83AND.N 00044226 Beacon`s Result Orientd Accounting Management Anderson, H Alan Beacon Books 8186104763 272 p UG Library
657.867 MCN 05014217 Beyond the Bottom Line - Measuring World Class Performance Mcnair, J Carol McGraw-Hill Publication Ltd, 1989 1556231946 212p.; Knowledge Centre
657.87 AGR 05040905 Accounting Made Easy / Agrawal Rajesh Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2005 9780070600607 viii,186p.: Knowledge Centre
657.87 VIJ 01000406 Forensic Accounting an Introduction (law Library) Ed Vijayalakshmi ICFAI University Press 8178814854 158 Knowledge Centre
657.9 SIN 01017755 A Practical Guide to Revised Schedule VI : Singhal, Sanjeev Wolters Kluwer Pvt. Ltd., 2011 9788184735635 384 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.92 RAM 07000898 Taxmann,s Handbook of Accounts for Central Autonomous Organizations & Higher Educational Institutions / Ramaswamy,B.S. Taxmann, 2016 9789350717653 i-34,406p.; Library - BR Campus
657.92 COL 01021998 Accounts and audit of limited liability partnerships / Collings,Steve. Bloomsbury, 2014 9781847669919 4th ed. xviii,294p.; Knowledge Centre
657.92 LAN 01009822 Accounts and audit of limited liability partnerships / Lang, Yvonne. Tottel Publishing, 9781847665034 | 1847665039 | 9 ix,229p.; Knowledge Centre
657.95 NIA 00050651 Corpoate Accounting Duraipandian, Maheshwari Vikas 8125907866 300p UG Library
657.95 PAT 00075471 Corporate Accounting-1 Patil, Va Chand & Co. 2006 5.12 UG Library
657.95 PAT 00075472 Corporate Accounting-1 Patil, Va Chand & Co. 2006 5.12 UG Library
657.95 SUM 05038159 Convergence of Financial Reporting Standards / Excel India Publishers, 2012 9789381361924 194 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.95 SUM 05015077 Convergence of Financial Reporting Standards / Excel India Publishers, 2012 9789381361924 194 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.9509 KIN 00118900 Corporate Accounting : Theory and Practice King, Joseph Venus Books 2014 9788189922177 xii:328p.; UG Library
657.9509 THA 07000892 Companies Accounting Standards / Thakor, Kumudini R. Horizon Press, 2013 9789383096084 viii,280p.; Library - BR Campus
657.9509 THA 00118551 Companies Accounting Standards / Thakor, Kumudini R. Horizon Press, 2013 9789383096084 viii,280p.; UG Library
657.950994 GUP 03001204 Corporate Accounting Gupta, Nirmal Ane Books 8180522032 701p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
657.954 CHI 00119892 New trends in accounting policies / Chintaman S A Horizon Press, 2014 9789383096220 viii,296p.; UG Library
657.954 CHI 07000962 New trends in accounting policies / Chintaman S A Horizon Press, 2014 9789383096220 viii,296p.; Library - BR Campus
657.95PAT.M.1 00073941 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING-1 (dharmaram Library) Patil, V A R. Chand & Co UG Library
657.96 SAL 05019641 Advances in International Accounting / Elsevier, 2005 9780762312351 xi,262 p. : Knowledge Centre
657.98 SHR 05014216 Economic And Environmental Accounting for Sustainable Development [MA ECONOMICS] Sarkar, Siddhartha. Abhijeet Publications, 2006 8188683973 304p.; Knowledge Centre
657.980941 SUR 01024860 A Paractical Approach To Taxation And Accounting Of Charitable Trusts NGOS & NPOS/ Suresh.N Wolters Kluwer, 2017 9789351298212 xlix, 1692p.; Knowledge Centre
657.980941 VIN 01005039 Charity Accounting and Taxation : Vincent,Robert. Lexis Nexis Publishing Company, xx,458p.; Knowledge Centre