Total Books (Economics) - 20596

CallNo Barcode Title Author Publisher Code Year ISBN Edition Pages Library
330 AHU 00122637 Advanced Economic Theory:Microeconomic Analysis Ahuja, H L S Chand & Company; 2016 9788121902601 20th ed. 1341p. UG Library
330 AHU 00141738 Modern Economics: Ahuja, H L S Chand and company ltd., 2020 9789352531462 20th ed., xxiii,912p.; UG Library
330 APP 03002345 Economics for Business Appannaiah, H R Himalaya Publishing House 9788184880533 503 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 ARM 03002833 Super-Rich Shall Inherit the Earth: The New Global Oligarchs and How They're Taking Armstrong, Stephen Robinson 9781849010412 242 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 BAS 00100974 The Concise oxford companion to Economics in India / Basu,Kaushik Oxford University Press, 9780198063131 617p.; UG Library
330 BAS 03002786 Concise Oxford Companion to Economics in India Basu, Kaushik Oxford University Press 9780198063131 617 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 BAU 03002217 Contemporary Economics: Principles and Policy Baumol, William J Thomson South-Western 9788131512043 769 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 BAU 01024290 Economic theory & operations alalysis / Baumol,William J. Pearson education services pvt ltd., 2015 9789332549586 4th ed. xxi,695p.; Knowledge Centre
330 BAU 03002216 Contemporary Economics: Principles and Policy Baumol, William J Thomson South-Western 9788131512043 769 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 BES 03003050 Economics of Strategy Besanko, D John Wiley and Sons 9788126517756 632 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 BIS 04007004 Economics: An A-Z Guide Bishop, Matthew Viva Books Private Limited 2010 9781846681660 336 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 BOY 03000291 Textbook of Economics Boyes, William Dreamtech Press 9788177225723 885 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 CET 05013529 Economic Theory and Practice in the Asian Setting the Econmics of Develop ( Ma Eco) Committee on Esonomics Teaching , Wiley 274 p. Knowledge Centre
330 CHO 00143528 Principles of economics / Chopra,P N. Kalyani Publishers, 2020 9789389713978 12th rev ed. 33.8p.; UG Library
330 CHO 00139828 Principles of economics / Chopra,P N. Kalyani Publishers, 2020 9789389713978 12th rev ed. 33.8p.; UG Library
330 COX 03000740 Economics : Making Sense of the Modern Economy Cox, Simon Profile Books Ltd 2007 9781861976062 326 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 ECO 03000657 Guide to Economic Indicators : Economist, The. Viva Books Private Limited , 2008 9781861979476 | 9781781253830 7th ed. 344 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 HAN 00008827 Principles of Economics / Jhingan, M L. Vrinda Publications, 2012 9788182814264 4th ed. xiv, 698 p.; UG Library
330 HUG 03000931 Economics: A New Introduction Hugh, Stretton Viva Books 9788130906300 852 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 JHI 05015110 Advanced Economic Theory : Jhingan, M.L. Konark Publishers Pvt Ltd., 1994 8th Revised and Enlarged ed. xv, 963 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 KHA 03002458 Unheard Truth: Poverty and Human Rights Khan, Irene Viva Books 9788130913162 250 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 LEV 03003653 Super Freakonomics : Levitt, Steven D. Harper Collins Business, 2009 9780062003201 | 9780062312877 xi,297p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 LEV1 03003652 Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything Levitt, Steven D Collins Business 9780061956270 315 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 LIP 04006237 Economics Lipsey, Oxford University Press 2007 9780199568420 665 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 LIP 03002285 Economics / Lipsey. Oxford University Press , 2008 199568421 | 9780199642595 663 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 LIP 03001461 Economics / Lipsey. Oxford University Press , 2008 199568421 | 9780199642595 663 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 MAN 00069648 Principles of Economics Mankiw, N Gregory Thomson South-Western: 2004 9812656820 | 9780324203097 3rd Ed. 848 p. UG Library
330 MAN 00118255 Principles of Microeconomics Mankiw, N Gregory New York 1998 0030245028 480 p. UG Library
330 MAN 00118256 Principles of Microeconomics Mankiw, N Gregory New York 1998 0030245028 480 p. UG Library
330 RAS 03002102 Economics and Business Environement Rasure, K A Avinash Paperbacks 9788190692946 318 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 SAM 04000696 Economics Samuelson, Paul A Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2007 9780070598553 776 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 SAW 03001710 How to Write Proposals, Sales Letters & Reports Sawers, Neil Viva Books 9788130905129 215 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 SAW 03003454 How to Write Proposals, Sales Letters & Reports Sawers, Neil Viva Books 9788130905129 215 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 SET 00096146 Principles of Economics Seth,M,L Lakshmi Narain Agarwal 1968 818577806X 768 p UG Library
330 SIN 04002545 Economics for Engineering Students Singh, Seema I K International 2009 9788190777049 264 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 SIN 04001853 Economics for Engineering Students Singh, Seema I K International 2009 9788190777049 264 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 SMI 03001704 Free Lunch: Easily Digestible Economics Smith, David Viva Books Private Limited 9781846682636 282 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 STI 03003554 Economics Stiglitz, Joseph E Viva Books 9788130908656 888 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 SUN 00012323 Principles of Economics Sundharam K P M Vikas Publishing House PVT LTD 1973 9th ed xv,672 p UG Library
330 TUC 05010625 Economics for today / Tucker, Irvin B. Thomson/South-Western, 9780324205718 xxxi, 819 p. : Knowledge Centre
330 WEL 03001456 Economics : Welch, Patrick J. John Wiley and Sons, 2008 9788126512621 | 8126512628 7th ed. xlv,544 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 WIT 05008860 Economics : Witztum, Amos. Oxford University Press, 2005 9780199231300 xiv, 554 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 WIT 05008861 Economics : Witztum, Amos. Oxford University Press, 2005 9780199231300 xiv, 554 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 WIT 00095040 Economics : Witztum, Amos. Oxford University Press, 2005 9780199231300 xiv, 554 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 WIT 00095041 Economics : Witztum, Amos. Oxford University Press, 2005 9780199231300 xiv, 554 p.; UG Library
330 WIT 03002264 Economics : Witztum, Amos. Oxford Universtiy Press , 2005 9780199231300 | 9780195685886 554 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 954 VAN 00048694 India in a Changing World Vanaik,Achin Orient Longman Publications 1995 8125006354 146 p. UG Library
330 ABE 01007083 Governance, corruption & economic performance / International Monetary Fund, 2002 1589061160 xii, 564 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330 ABR 00001779 Economic Problems of India Abraham, N T 2000 1 UG Library
330 ACE 00140767 Why Nations Fail : Acemoglu Daron Profile Books Ltd, 2013 9781846684302 529p.: UG Library
330 ACE 07014700 Economics / Acemoglu, Daron Pearson Publication, 2019 9781292214504 801p.; Library - BR Campus
330 ACE 00109819 Why Nations Fail Acemoglu, Daron. Crown Publishers, 2012 9780307719218 | 9781846686108 1st ed. xi, 529 p. : UG Library
330 ACE 03007870 Why Nations Fail Acemoglu, Daron. Crown Publishers, 2012 9780307719218 | 9781846686108 1st ed. xi, 529 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 ACE 10000151 Economics / Acemoglu, Daron. Pearson Education Limited, 2020 9789353439927 788p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 ACE 05070057 Economics / Acemoglu, Daron. Pearson Education Limited, 2019 9781292214504 Second (Global edition), 821p. ; Knowledge Centre
330 ACE 07011267 Why Nations Fail : Acemoglu Daron Profile Books Ltd, 2013 9781846684302 529p.: Library - BR Campus
330 ADI 05063909 Unfollow me : Aditya. National Press, 2018 9781644295830 viii, 31p. Knowledge Centre
330 ADL 00095716 Economics Adler Moshe New Press 9788182910881 217p UG Library
330 ADL 00097024 Economics Adler Moshe New Press 9788182910881 217p UG Library
330 AGA 00027597 Indian Economy Agarwal, A N 1985 1 UG Library
330 AGA 00027598 Indian Economy Agarwal, A N 1985 1 UG Library
330 AGA 00027599 Indian Economy Agarwal, A N 1985 1 UG Library
330 AGA 00027600 Indian Economy Agarwal, A N 1985 1 UG Library
330 AGA 00045387 Advanced Economic Theory Agarwal, H S Konark Publishers 1998 8122005136 9th Edition 845 p. UG Library
330 AGA 00045388 Advanced Economic Theory Agarwal, H S Konark Publishers 1998 8122005136 9th Edition 845 p. UG Library
330 AGA 00045390 Advanced Economic Theory Agarwal, H S Konark Publishers 1998 8122005136 9th Edition 845 p. UG Library
330 AGA 00045391 Advanced Economic Theory Agarwal, H S Konark Publishers 1998 8122005136 9th Edition 845 p. UG Library
330 AGA 07005157 General Economics/ Agarwal S K Chand & Company, 2007 9788121928878 243 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330 AGA 00031521 Indian Economy Problems of Development and Planning Agarwal, A N Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd 1989 1 UG Library
330 AGA 00045389 Advanced Economic Theory. Agarwal H S Konark Publishers 1998 9th ed. 845 p UG Library
330 AGA 00029521 Indian Economy Agarwal, A N Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd 1988 1 UG Library
330 AGA 00029523 Indian Economy Agarwal, A N Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd 1988 1 UG Library
330 AGA 00004862 Economics Analysis and Theory Agarwala, Aw Kitab Mahal 1970 366 p. UG Library
330 AGA 00020882 Principles of Economics Agarwal, H S Shivalal Agarwal 1978 1 UG Library
330 AGA 00033185 Indian Economics Agarwal, A N N d 1990 1 UG Library
330 AGG 04029382 Business Economics / Aggarwal, Dinesh Pratheksha Publications, 2014 9789383662081 208p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 AGR 05074149 Indian Economy for UPSC and State Public Services Examination / Agrawal, Gaurav. Pearson, 2023 9789357053044 xviii, 7.72p.; Knowledge Centre
330 AGR 10003030 Indian economy for UPSC and state public services examination / Agrawal, Gaurav. Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2023 9789357053044 xviii, 7.72 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 AGR 04024218 Economics Quiz / Agrawal, A. N. Rupa Publication, 1999 9788171670604 145.p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 AHO 00016872 Advanced Economic Theory Ahuja, H L Chand Co 1976 1 UG Library
330 AHU 00016270 Advanced Economic Theory Ahuja, H L S Chand 1976 1 UG Library
330 AHU 00016272 Advanced Economic Theory Ahuja, H L S Chand 1976 1 UG Library
330 AHU 00016271 Advanced Economic Theory Ahuja, H L S Chand 1976 1 UG Library
330 AHU 00034007 Modern Economics Ahuja, H.l S Chand & Company Ltd 1992 352 p. UG Library
330 AHU 10001780 Advanced Economic Theory : Ahuja, H L S Chand & Company, 2022 9789352837335 21st ed. xx, 1347p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 AHU 10001781 Advanced Economic Theory : Ahuja, H L S Chand & Company, 2022 9789352837335 21st ed. xx, 1347p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 AHU 10000274 Advanced Economic Theory : Ahuja, H L S Chand & Company, 2022 9789352837335 21st ed. xx, 1347p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 AHU 00122655 Modern Economics Ahuja, H L S Chand & Company 2015 9788121904322 19th ed. 896p. UG Library
330 AHU 00115365 Economics / Ahuja, H L S Chand, 2005 0812192233 720p.; UG Library
330 AHU 00128177 Modern Economics Ahuja, H.L S Chand & Company Ltd 2016 9789352531462 20th revised ed. 912p. UG Library
330 AHU 00070270 Modern Economics Ahuja, H L S Chand 2006 8121904323 745p UG Library
330 AHU 00070269 Modern Economics Ahuja, H L S Chand 2006 8121904323 745p UG Library
330 AHU 00070280 Fundamentals of Economic Theory Ahuja, H L S Chand 2000 8121920221 624 p. UG Library
330 AHU 00115869 Fundmentals of Economic Theory Ahuja, H L S Chand 2000 8121920221 623 UG Library
330 AHU 00070281 Fundamentals of Economic Theory Ahuja, H L S Chand 2000 8121920221 624 p. UG Library
330 AHU 00070285 Economics for C.A Ahuja, H L S Chand And Company: 2005 0812192233 720 p. UG Library
330 AHU 00070286 Economics for C.A Ahuja, H L S Chand And Company: 2005 0812192233 720 p. UG Library
330 AHU 00019384 Text Book of Modern Economics Ahuja, H L S Chand 1979 943 UG Library
330 AHU 00054072 Advanced Economic Theory Ahuja, H L S Chand and Company Pvt: 1972 707 p. UG Library
330 AHU 00016873 Advanced Economic Theory Ahuja, H L S Chand and Company Pvt: 1972 707 p. UG Library
330 AHU 00013478 Advanced Economic Theory Ahuja, H L S Chand and Company Pvt: 1972 707 p. UG Library
330 AHU 00016871 Advanced Economic Theory Ahuja, H L S Chand and Company Pvt: 1972 707 p. UG Library
330 AHU 00034008 Advanced Economic Theory Ahuja, H L S Chand and Company Pvt: 1972 707 p. UG Library
330 AIM 00064124 Economics for International Managers: Study Guide All India Management Association - New D, elhi All India Association 2004 197 p. UG Library
330 AIM 00064125 Economics for International Managers: Study Guide All India Management Association - New D, elhi All India Association 2004 197 p. UG Library
330 AKE 00086390 Explorations in Pragmatic Economics Akerlof, George A 2006 0195685598 514 p UG Library
330 ALE 05011673 Modern Economy in Action / Alexander, Albert. Pitman, 1975 626 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 ALL 05011694 Understanding Economics / Allsopp, Vicky. Routledge : 1995 0415091330 465 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 ALL 00006190 Microeconomic Analysis Allen J, Braff John Wiley 1969 1 UG Library
330 ALS 07015682 Empirical studies in institutional change / Cambridge University Press, 1996 052155313X (hc) | 0521557437 (pb) xi, 360 p. : Library - BR Campus
330 AMM 05075185 Principles of Economics / Ammous, Saifedean. Sanage, 9789362050601 ix, 400p.; Knowledge Centre
330 ANS 07009166 Economics of social Issues / Sharp, Ansel M Mc Graw Hill, 2010 9780071086028 xii,469p. Library - BR Campus
330 ANT 07001158 Mathematics for economics and finance : Anthony, Martin. Cambridge University Press, 1996 9780521683197 394 p. : Library - BR Campus
330 APA 00026608 Adhunika Arthashastra Aparanji, N R Vijayam 296 UG Library
330 APA 00026609 Adhunika Arthashastra Aparanji, N R Vijaya 1985 296 p. UG Library
330 APA 00004280 Introductory Economics Aparanji, N R Heath 1970 400 p. UG Library
330 APP 05000804 BBM Semester Economics : Appannaiah H.R. Himalaya Publishing House, 2010 271 p.: Knowledge Centre
330 APP 10003171 Semester Economics: Appannaiah H. R. Himalaya Publishing House, 2008 9789350240366 5th ed., 165p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 APP 00080028 Semester Economics. Appannaiah, H R Himalaya Publishing House 2005 165p UG Library
330 APP 00080030 Semester Economics-VOL II Appannaiah H. R. Himalaya Publishing House 2005 181 p. UG Library
330 APP 04017393 Economics For Business / Appannaiah Himalaya Publishing House, 2008 9789350970782 503p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 ARA 03010432 Engineering Economics and Financial Accounting / Arasu, B. Senthil Scitech Publications (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2013 818842935X | 9788188429356 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 ARE 05010598 Neo-Liberal Economic Policy Critical Essays Arestis, Philip Edward Elgar Publishing Limited 1843767945 241p Knowledge Centre
330 ARI 07011732 JNU Chapterwise Previous Years Solved Papers MA Economics Entrance Exam / Arihant Arihant Publications(India)Ltd, 9789312142233 214p.: Library - BR Campus
330 ARI 07011733 Delhi University (DU) MA Master of Arts Economics Option-A Entrance Examination 2018 / Arihant Arihant Publication(India)Ltd, 2018 9789312149782 70p.: Library - BR Campus
330 ARR 00016093 Social Choice an Individual Values Arrow, Kenneth J T M H 1963 124 p. UG Library
330 ARR 05011713 Economic Theory (MA Eco) Arrow, Kenneth J. M I T, 1971 448 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 ATK 00108820 The economic consequences of rolling back the welfare state Atkinson, A. B. MIT Press, 1999 0262011719 (hc : alk. paper) | xii, 216 p. : UG Library
330 BAC 01024844 The Elgar companion to law and economics / Edward Elgar Pub., 1999 9781843763796 xii, 548 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330 BAC 00104551 The puzzle of modern economics : Backhouse, Roger E. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521532617 viii ,205 p. ; UG Library
330 BAC 05008184 The puzzle of modern economics : Backhouse, Roger E. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521532617 viii ,205 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330 BAC 05011677 Economics : Bach, George Leland. Prentice-Hall Inc, 1960 738 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 BAC 00013878 Economics : Bach, George Leland. Prentice-Hall Inc, 1960 738 p.; UG Library
330 BAD 07005168 Foundations of economics / Bade, Robin. Pearson, 2013 9780132831055 | 0132831058 6th ed. 898 p. : Library - BR Campus
330 BAD 07008878 Foundations of Microeconomics/ Bade, Robin Pearson Publication, 2013 9780132830881 xxxvii,527p. Library - BR Campus
330 BAD 05067610 Foundations Of Economics / Bade, Robin. Pearson, 2018 9781292217888 8th ed. 942p.; Knowledge Centre
330 BAD 00127738 Foundations of economics / Bade, Robin. Pearson, 2013 9780132831055 | 0132831058 6th ed. 898 p. : UG Library
330 BAL 00033727 Some Aspects of Technological Economics Ball, D F C s 1974 1 UG Library
330 BAM 00115146 Economics: AS Level and a Level: Bamford, Colin 2004 0052100781 332p UG Library
330 BAM 00115868 Economics: AS Level and a Level: Bamford, Colin 2004 0052100781 332p UG Library
330 BAN 00053586 Penguin Dictionary of Economics Bannock, G 1972 0140510516 410p UG Library
330 BAN 00096143 Pricniples of Economics Banerjee, A. ABS Publishing House, 15.12 UG Library
330 BAN 00096144 Principles of Economics Banerjee Asis ABS Publishing House 2000 11.78pv UG Library
330 BAN 07010935 Economics of sustainable agriculture and alternate production system / Banerjee, Gangadhar / Ane Book Publication, 2017 9789385462474 xii,214p.; Library - BR Campus
330 BAN 00138072 Good Economics for Hard Times / Banerjee,Abhijit V. Juggernaut Books, 2019 9789353450700 x,403p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 BAN 00140383 Pandemonium : Bandyopadhyay,Tamal Lotus Collection 2021 9788194643357 | 819464335X xxi, 522 pages : UG Library
330 BAP 07013341 Entrepreneurship Development & Project Management Baporikar, Neeta Himalaya Publishing House Pvgt Ltd, 2013 9789350973516 | 9789352735990 509p.; Library - BR Campus
330 BAP 00117925 Entrepreneurship Development & Project Management Baporikar, Neeta Himalaya Publishing House Pvgt Ltd, 2013 9789350973516 | 9789352735990 509p.; UG Library
330 BAR 05004647 The Political Economy Reader : Routledge, 2008 9780415954938 viii, 569 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 BAR 00147341 Journey of a Nation: Baru, Sanjaya Rupa 2022 9789355203618 178p UG Library
330 BAS 01010251 Arguments for a better world : Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199239993 (set) | 9780199239115 (v. 1) | 9780199239979 (v. 2) 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
330 BAS 01010252 Arguments for a better world : Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199239993 (set) | 9780199239115 (v. 1) | 9780199239979 (v. 2) 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
330 BAS 00022281 Textbook of Economics Basanna, H S Chand 1982 212p. UG Library
330 BAS 00022282 Textbook of Economics Basanna, H S Chand 1982 212p. UG Library
330 BAS 05036629 Sustainability of rights after globalisation / SAGE Pub., 2011 9788132106401 (hard back) | 8132106407 (hard back) xxi, 258 p. : Knowledge Centre
330 BAS 00023070 Adunikaa Arthashastra(Kanada) Basaava, K D VIDYANIDHI 1982 500 p. UG Library
330 BAS 00026605 Adhunika Arthashastra Basava, K D Prakashan UG Library
330 BAS 00021026 Adunikaa Arthashastra(Kanada) Basaava, K D VIDYANIDHI 1982 500 p. UG Library
330 BAS 00028462 Elements of Economics Basava, K D Akalwadi 1986 1 UG Library
330 BAS 00028465 Elements of Economics Basava, K D Akalwadi 1986 1 UG Library
330 BAS 00037881 Arthashastra Parichaya for 1 Puc Basava, K.d Akalwadi 1995 380p UG Library
330 BAS 00028467 Elements of Economics Basava, K D Akalwadi 1986 1 UG Library
330 BAS 00028469 Elements of Economics Basava, K D Akalwadi 1986 1 UG Library
330 BAS 00028470 Elements of Economics Basava, K D Akalwadi 1986 1 UG Library
330 BAS 00028468 Elements of Economics Basava, K D Akalwadi 1986 1 UG Library
330 BAS 00029246 I Puc Economics Text Basannna, H S Chand & Co 1982 1 UG Library
330 BAS 00028466 Elements of Economics Basava, K D Akalwadi 1986 1 UG Library
330 BAS 00029247 I Puc Economics Text Basannna, H S Chand & Co 1982 1 UG Library
330 BAS 00028464 Elements of Economics Basava, K D Akalwadi 1986 1 UG Library
330 BAS 00028463 Elements of Economics Basava, K D Akalwadi 1986 1 UG Library
330 BAS 01012473 The Concise oxford companion to Economics in India / Basu,Kaushik Oxford University Press, 9780198063131 617p.; Knowledge Centre
330 BAS 05009080 Economic Graffiti [ Essays for Everyone ] Basu, Kaushik Oxford 209p Knowledge Centre
330 BAS 00051437 Elements of Economics Basava, K D Vidya Vahini 2000 1 UG Library
330 BAS 00051442 Elements of Indian Economics Basava, K D Vidya Vahini 2000 1 UG Library
330 BAS 00028022 Principles of Economics Basava, K.d Karnataka University 1984 386p UG Library
330 BAS 00028021 Principles of Economics Basava K D Vishal 1984 380 p UG Library
330 BAS 00028023 Principles of Economics Basava K D Vishal 1984 380 p UG Library
330 BAS 00028024 Principles of Economics Basava K D Vishal 1984 380 p UG Library
330 BAS 00028025 Principles of Economics Basava, K D Vijaya 1984 380 p. UG Library
330 BAS 03008179 Arguments for a Better World : Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199239993 (set) | 97801992 1-2 v. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 BAS 05010545 Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen:ethics, Welfare, and Measurement.Vol.1.2[economics SECTION] Basu, Kaushik 9780199239115 602p Knowledge Centre
330 BAS 03008178 Arguments for a Better World : Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199239993 (set) | 97801992 1-2 v. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 BAS 05010546 Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen:ethics, Welfare, and Measurement.Vol.1.2[economics SECTION] Basu, Kaushik 9780199239115 602p Knowledge Centre
330 BAT 00106696 The accursed share : Bataille, Georges, Zone Books, 1988 0942299108 (v. 23) | 978094229 197 . UG Library
330 BAT 00106697 The accursed share : Bataille, Georges, Zone Books, 1988 0942299108 | 0942299116 (pbk.) 459 p. UG Library
330 BAU 07000339 Economics Principles and Policy / Baumol William.J South-Western, 2012 9780538453691 12th ed xxxi,851p.: Library - BR Campus
330 BAU 01024235 Economic theory & operations alalysis / Baumol,William J. Pearson education services pvt ltd., 2015 9789332549586 4th ed. xxi,695p.; Knowledge Centre
330 BAU 05040167 Contemporary Economics : Baumol, William J. Cengage Publications, 2009 9788131512043 769 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 BAU 05011712 Economic Theory and Operations Analysis / Baumol, William J. Prentice Hall, 1973 626 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 BAU 00037018 Economics:Principles Policies Baumol, J William DRYDEN 1994 998 UG Library
330 BEB 05056767 Green, pink & silver? : Centre for European Policy Studies, 2015 9789461384447 | 9461384440 i, 303 pages : Knowledge Centre
330 BEG 00128926 Foundations Of Economics Begg, David McGraw-Hill Higher Educations, 2009 9780077121884 4th Edition xiii, 362 p. : UG Library
330 BEG 00121377 Economics Begg,David McGraw Hill 2003 9780077099473 7th ed. 552p. UG Library
330 BEG 00055100 Economics Begg, David 1984 0077078314 666p UG Library
330 BEL 05011715 Economic Theory : Bell, Philip W. Oxford University Press, 1974 601 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 BEL 05007034 Managing Hedge Fund Risk and Financing : Belmont David John Wiley & Sons (Asia)Pte.Ltd, 2011 9780470827260 xi,372 p. Knowledge Centre
330 BEN 03009209 Economic Policy : Benassy-Quere, Agnes. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195322736 (cloth : alk. paper) xii, 709 p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 BEN 05064013 Economic Policy : Benassy-Quere, Agnes. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190061692 2nd ed. xvii, 680p. : Knowledge Centre
330 BEN 00120374 Economics, values, and organization / Ben-Ner Avner Cambridge University Press, 1998 0521580870 (hc) | 978052177411 xxxiii, 523 p. : UG Library
330 BEN 05008876 Economic Policy : Benassy-Quere, Agnes. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195322736 (cloth : alk. paper) xii, 709 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 BEN 07014479 Economic Policy : Benassy-Quere, Agnes. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190061692 2nd ed. xvii, 680p. : Library - BR Campus
330 BER 05011637 The Economics of the Good Society : Berliner, Joseph S. Blackwell Publishers, 1999 0631208291 ix, 448 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 BEY 00134100 Global Economics: Beynon, Robert Routledge Publishers, 2017 9781138707108 xx,374 p.; UG Library
330 BHA 01002310 Development With Dignity : Bhaduri,Amit. National Book Trust, 2005 8123745966 107p.; Knowledge Centre
330 BHA 00028002 Principles of Economics. Dwivedi, D N Vani 1985 701 UG Library
330 BHA 00007282 India: Planning for Industrialisation Bhagwati, Oxford University 1970 1 UG Library
330 BHE 00051423 Elements fo Indian Economics Bheemsain, Gudur Yes International 1999 1 UG Library
330 BHE 00051438 Text Book of Economics Bheemsain, Gudur Saraswati 2000 1 UG Library
330 BHE 00010447 Introduction to Economics Bhende, Subhash Vikas 1973 164 p. UG Library
330 BHE 00010448 Introduction to Economics Bhende, Subhash Vikas 1973 164 p. UG Library
330 BHE 00010449 Introduction to Economics Bhende, S Vikas Delhi 1972 1 UG Library
330 BHE 00010451 Introduction to Economics Bhende, S Vikas Delhi 1972 1 UG Library
330 BHE 00010450 Introduction to Economics Bhende, S Vikas Delhi 1972 1 UG Library
330 BHU 07000865 Principles of Economics / Bhutani, Prem J Taxmann Allied Services, 2014 526 p. Library - BR Campus
330 BHU 05041409 Taxmann's Priniciples of Economics / Bhutani, Prem J. Taxmann's Publications, 2014 9788184782301 4th ed., i-21,526 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 BIS 05008211 Economics : Bishop, Matthew. Profile Books Ltd., 2010 9781846681660 296 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 BIS 00079949 Essential Economics. Bishop, Matthew Profile Books Ltd 2006 1861975805 282p UG Library
330 BLA 00090028 Theory of Political Economy Jevons Stanley w Chaucer Press 1970 272p UG Library
330 BLA 05060930 Marconomics Emerald Group Pub Ltd 2016 9781786355669 | 1786355663 xviii,384p.; Knowledge Centre
330 BLI 05070005 Economics : Blink, Jocelyn. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198390008 | 9780199184996 (pbk.) 2nd ed. vi, 426 p. : Knowledge Centre
330 BOE 05021604 Brain Drain and Brain Gain : Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199654826 xviii, 317 p.: Knowledge Centre
330 BOU 05011657 Economic Analysis : Boulding, Kenneth E. Harper & Row, 1955 xviii, 280 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 BOU 05011659 Economic Analysis : Boulding, Kenneth E. Harper & Row, 1955 xxiv, 720 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 BOY 00055679 Economics Boyes, William 1999 0395908051 951p UG Library
330 BOY 04013114 Textbook Of Economics / Boyes, William. Biztantra, 2005 9788177225723 6th ed. xxxix, 885 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 BOY 00091689 Fundamentals of economics / Boyes, William J. Houghton Mifflin, 9780618992676 (pbk.) xiv, 450 p. : UG Library
330 BOY 05017787 Textbook Of Economics / Boyes, William. Biztantra, 2005 9788177225723 6th ed. xxxix, 885 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 BOY 05008886 Textbook Of Economics / Boyes, William. Biztantra, 2005 9788177225723 6th ed. xxxix, 885 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 BOY 00132584 Fundamentals of economics / Boyes, William J. South western cengage learning, 2014 9780618992676 (pbk.) | 9781285176109 6th ed., xxi,440p.; UG Library
330 BRA 00050556 Novel Economics Brahmananda, P R Himalaya 1999 8174937803 4704p UG Library
330 BRO 05011706 The End of Economic Man : Brockway, George P. W.W. Norton & Company, 1992 9780393309522 320 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 BRO 00027625 Introduction to the World Economy Brown, A J S Chand & Company Ltd 1984 214 p UG Library
330 BRO 00093981 Romantic Economist Bronk Richard Cambridge Universty Press 9780521735155 382p UG Library
330 BRO 03005467 The End of Economic Man : Brockway, George P. Norton, 2001 0393050394 | 9780393050394 479 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 BRO 05011653 Ethics Out of Economics / Broome, John. Cambridge University Press : 1999 0521644917 267 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 BRO 05011705 Economic Principles Applied : Brown, C. V. Martin Robertson & Company Ltd., 1970 191 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 BRU 00126806 Essentials of Economics Brue, Stanley L. McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2010 9780073511313 | 9780070172661 2nd ed. xxvi, 500 p.: UG Library
330 BRU 05011721 Essentials of Economics / Brue, Stanley L. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2007 0070618275 477 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 BUC 03005135 What you Need to Know about Economics / Buckley, George. Capstone, 2011 9780857081148 (pbk) | 0857081144 (pbk) v, 298 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 BUC 05006168 What you Need to Know about Economics / Buckley, George. Capstone, 2011 9780857081148 (pbk) | 0857081144 (pbk) v, 298 p.: Knowledge Centre
330 BUS 01027231 Governance of financial institutions / Oxford University Press, 2019 9780198799979 (hardback) First Edition. xliv, 595 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330 BUT 00147812 50 economics classics : Butler-Bowdon, Tom. Nicholoas Brealey Publishing, 2017 1857886739 | 9781857886733 357 p. ; UG Library
330 BUT 05070478 50 economics classics : Butler-Bowdon, Tom. Nicholoas Brealey Publishing, 2017 1857886739 | 9781857886733 357 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330 BUT 05070479 50 economics classics : Butler-Bowdon, Tom. Nicholoas Brealey Publishing, 2017 1857886739 | 9781857886733 357 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330 BUT 00140520 50 economics classics : Butler-Bowdon, Tom. Nicholoas Brealey Publishing, 2017 1857886739 | 9781857886733 357 p. ; UG Library
330 BUT 07015002 50 economics classics : Butler-Bowdon, Tom. Nicholoas Brealey Publishing, 2017 1857886739 | 9781857886733 357 p. ; Library - BR Campus
330 BUT 09000591 50 economics classics : Butler-Bowdon, Tom. Nicholoas Brealey Publishing, 2017 1857886739 | 9781857886733 357 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 BUT 00139329 50 economics classics : Butler-Bowdon, Tom. Nicholoas Brealey Publishing, 2017 1857886739 | 9781857886733 357 p. ; UG Library
330 BUT 10002428 50 economics classics : Butler-Bowdon, Tom. Nicholoas Brealey Publishing, 2017 1857886739 | 9781857886733 357 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 BYR 05011697 Student guide for learnning Microeconomics / Byrns, Ralph T. Harper Collins, 1995 9780673993434 332 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 BYR 05011709 Economics / Byrns, Ralph T. Scott, Foresman and Company, 1989 0673381943 4th ed. 846 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 BYR 05011641 Economics (MA-ECO) / Byrns, Ralph T. HarperCollins Publishers, 1992 9780673463944 5th ed., xxxi, 892 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 CAF 01008402 Legal orderings and economic institutions / Routledge, 2007 0415329426 (hbk.) | 9780415329422 (hbk.) | 0203391322 (ebk.) | 9780203391327 (ebk.) xii, 356 p. : Knowledge Centre
330 CAF 01009270 Legal orderings and economic institutions / Routledge, 2007 0415329426 (hbk.) | 9780415329422 (hbk.) | 0203391322 (ebk.) | 9780203391327 (ebk.) xii, 356 p. : Knowledge Centre
330 CAL 05054185 The investor's guide to economic fundamentals / Calverley, John. Wiley, 2003 0470846909 (cased : alk. paper xviii, 242 p. : Knowledge Centre
330 CAN 00022970 Economicsts for Beginners Canvan, Bernard Readers Publishing Cooperative: 1980 176 p. UG Library
330 CAP 00108657 The foundations of positive and normative economics Caplin,Andrew Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195328318 | 0195328310 (cl xxii, 382 p. : UG Library
330 CAR 05011736 An Applications Approach to Contemporary Economics / Carbaugh, Robert J. Thomson, 2007 9780324359701 4th ed. xx, 464 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 CAR 04018734 Contemporary Economics : Carbaugh, Robert J. Yee Dee, 2011 9789380381121 6th ed. 454 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 CAR 03009872 Contemporary Economics : Carbaugh, Robert J. Yee Dee, 2011 9789380381121 6th ed. 454 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 CAR 05010599 Contemporary Economics : Carbaugh, Robert J 2005 9780324260120 574p Knowledge Centre
330 CAR 00147899 Contemporary economics : Carbaugh, Robert Routledge, 2024 9781032572598 Ninth edition. xxxiii,549p. ; UG Library
330 CAR 03010691 Contemporary Economics : Carbaugh, Robert J. Yee Dee, 2011 9789380381121 6th ed. 454 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 CAR 04015849 Contemporary Economics : Carbaugh, Robert J. Yee Dee, 2011 9789380381121 6th ed. 454 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 CAS 05044185 Principles Of Economics / Case, Karl E. Pearson, 2014 9789332518186 9th ed. 699 p.: Knowledge Centre
330 CAS 01024259 Principles Of Economics / Case, Karl E. Pearson, 2014 9789332518186 9th ed. 699 p.: Knowledge Centre
330 CAS 07005910 Priniciples of microeconomics / Case, Karl E Pearson Publication, 2017 9781292152691 25th ed. 526p. Library - BR Campus
330 CAS 05057242 Principles of economics. Case, Karl E., Pearson, 2017 9781292152561 12th ed. 808p.; Knowledge Centre
330 CAS 05010681 Principles of Economics / Case, Karl E. Pearson, 2007 8th ed. xliv, 784 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 CAS 07008663 Principles Of Economics / Case, Karl E. Pearson, 2014 9789332518186 9th ed. 699 p.: Library - BR Campus
330 CAS 05060246 Principles of Economics / Case,Karl. E. Pearson, 2018 9789352863433 Twelfth Edition 808p.; Knowledge Centre
330 CAS 03012501 Principles Of Economics / Case, Karl E. Pearson, 2014 9789332518186 9th ed. 699 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 CAS 00138358 Principles of Economics / Case,Karl E. Pearson, 2020 9781292294698 13th ed. 812p.; UG Library
330 CAV 05031730 Readings in International Economics / Caves, Richard E. Richard D Irwin, Inc., 1968 604 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 CHA 00002630 Indian Economics Chatterjee, Rabindrantah H Chatterjee Co 1954 1 UG Library
330 CHA 00002631 Indian Economics Chatterjee, Rabindrantah H Chatterjee Co 1954 1 UG Library
330 CHA 05045828 Economics / Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199458936 xviii,335p.: Knowledge Centre
330 CHA 05045830 Economics / Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199458936 xviii,335p.: Knowledge Centre
330 CHA 05045829 Economics / Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199458936 xviii,335p.: Knowledge Centre
330 CHA 07013902 Law and the political economy of hunger / Chadwick, Anna Oxford University Press, 2019 9780198823940 | 0198823940 First edition. xvi, 231 pages ; Library - BR Campus
330 CHE 00131383 The profit doctrine: Chernomas,Robert Pluto press, 2017 9780745335858 xi,225p.; UG Library
330 CHO 00139836 Principles of Economics / Chopra,P N. Kalyani Publishers, 2018 9789327297089 11th ed. 33.9p.; UG Library
330 CHO 00013081 Elements of Economic Theory Chong-Yah, Lim Oxford University Press: 1971 242 p. UG Library
330 CLE 00109929 Economics : Cleaver, Tony, Routledge, 2011 9780415571098 | 9780415571098 2nd ed. 260 p. : UG Library
330 CLE 00146452 Economics : Cleaver, Tony, Routledge, 2024 9781032472812 4th ed. 294 p. : UG Library
330 COL 10000051 Economics / Colander, David C. McGraw Hill, 2017 9789353167240 10th ed. xxx, 849p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 COL 10000053 Economics / Colander, David C. McGraw Hill, 2017 9789353167240 10th ed. xxx, 849p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 COL 05011710 Economics / Colander, David C. McGraw-Hill, 2001 9780071180313 4th ed. xxxii, 787 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 COL 00146454 Economics / Colander, David C. McGraw-Hill, 2024 9780071180313 12th ed. xxxvi, 878,I-55p. ; UG Library
330 CON 03011514 50 Ideas You Really Need To Know Economics / Conway, Edmund. Quercus, 2009 9781780875859 234 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 CON 04008689 50 ideas you really need to know economics Conway, Edmund Quercus, 2009 9781848660106 208p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 CON 07001172 50 ideas you really need to know economics Conway, Edmund Quercus, 2009 9781848660106 208p.; Library - BR Campus
330 COX 00079943 Economics : Making Sense of the Modern Economy Cox, Simon Profile Books Ltd 2007 9781861976062 326 p UG Library
330 COY 05048297 The economics of enough : Coyle, Diane. Princeton University Press, 2011 9780691145181 346 p.: Knowledge Centre
330 CUL 00002742 Full Employment or Stagnation Culbertson, J M Mc Graw Hill 1964 1 UG Library
330 CUO 00145440 Basic Economics/ Cuoco, Alvina Larsen & Keller 2020 9781641722513 vii:244p. UG Library
330 CUR 05011625 Objective Tests in Econmics / Curzon, L B. ELBS, 1979 viii, 184 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 DAM 00086716 Themes of the Times: on Microeconomics:A Collection of Articles from the New York Times. D`Ambrosio, Adrienne 2007 0321491270 78 p UG Library
330 DAM 00086717 Themes of the Times: on Microeconomics:A Collection of Articles from the New York Times. D`Ambrosio, Adrienne 2007 0321491270 78 p UG Library
330 DAS 01016411 Economics : Dasgupta, Partha. Oxford University Press, 2007 0192853457 (pbk.) | 9780192853 172 p. : Knowledge Centre
330 DAS 07012824 Economic challenges for the contemporary world : Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd. 2016 9789351508786 (hardback : alk. paper) xvi, 324 p.; Library - BR Campus
330 DAS 01015655 Selected papers of Partha Dasgupta : Dasgupta, Partha. Oxford University Press, 9780199561513 (pack) | 9780199 2 v Knowledge Centre
330 DAS 01015656 Selected papers of Partha Dasgupta : Dasgupta, Partha. Oxford University Press, 9780199561513 (pack) | 9780199 2 v Knowledge Centre
330 DAS 05009096 Methodology of Economic Research / Dasgupta, A K. Asia Publishing House, 1968 viii, 169 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 DAS 05047852 Contemporary issues of Indian Economy / Das, Parmita. Book Enclave, 2016 9788181523778 x,281 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 DAS 05011619 Economics : Dasgupta, Partha. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780192853455 172 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 DAS 00085488 Economics : Dasgupta, Partha. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780192853455 172 p.; UG Library
330 DAS 00126193 Economics : Dasgupta, Partha. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780192853455 172 p.; UG Library
330 DAS 00010040 Economic and Commercial Geography Das, Gupta Mukherjee & Co 1972 1 UG Library
330 DAS 05011630 Economics : Dasgupta, Partha. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780192853455 172 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 DAS 05056040 Economic challenges for the contemporary world : Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd. 2016 9789351508786 (hardback : alk. paper) xvi, 324 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 DAS 05011758 Issues in Contemporary Economics : Dasgupta, Partha. New York University Press, 1991 0814718426 xxix, 399 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 DAS 05010593 Selected Papers Of Partha Dasgupta : Dasgupta, Partha Oxford University Press, 9780199561490 1375.00 Knowledge Centre
330 DAS 05010592 Selected Papers Of Partha Dasgupta : Dasgupta, Partha Oxford University Press, 9780199561490 1375.00 Knowledge Centre
330 DAS 07011811 Economic challenges for the contemporary world : Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd. 2016 9789351508786 (hardback : alk. paper) xvi, 324 p.; Library - BR Campus
330 DAS 01017982 Selected papers of Partha Dasgupta : Dasgupta, Partha. Oxford University Press, 9780199561513 (pack) | 9780199 2 v Knowledge Centre
330 DAS 01017983 Selected papers of Partha Dasgupta : Dasgupta, Partha. Oxford University Press, 9780199561513 (pack) | 9780199 2 v Knowledge Centre
330 DAT 00008557 Century of Economics Datta, World Press 1967 1 UG Library
330 DAT 00005828 Century of Economic Development of Russia and Japan Datta, Amlan World Press 1967 1 UG Library
330 DAT 00005830 Century of Economic Development of Russia and Japan Datta, Amlan World Press 1967 1 UG Library
330 DAT 00005829 Century of Economic Development of Russia and Japan Datta, Amlan World Press 1967 1 UG Library
330 DAT 00005831 Century of Economic Development of Russia and Japan Datta, Amlan World Press 1967 1 UG Library
330 DAT 00028724 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand & Co 1987 1 UG Library
330 DAT 00028727 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand & Co 1987 1 UG Library
330 DAT 05048131 Economic Theories : Datta, Saktipada B R Publishing Corporation, 2016 9789350502303 viii, 211 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 DAT 00028728 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand & Co 1987 1 UG Library
330 DAT 00028726 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand & Co 1987 1 UG Library
330 DAT 00028725 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand & Co 1987 1 UG Library
330 DAV 07001005 Economics : Profile Books, 2015 9781781252345 (pbk.) | 1781252 4th edition. x, 290 p. : Library - BR Campus
330 DAV 03011576 Economics : Profile Books, 2015 9781781252345 (pbk.) | 1781252 4th edition. x, 290 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 DAV 00007715 Law and Practice of Banking Davar, S R Progressive 1971 1 UG Library
330 DAV 00145403 What is Philanthropy for? Davies, Rhodri Bristol University Press 2023 9781529226928 160p UG Library
330 DAW 00087101 Economics and Economic Change. Dawson, Graham 2006 0273693514 2nd,Ed 578 p UG Library
330 DEA 00030275 Managerial Economics Dean, Joel Phi 1987 1 UG Library
330 DEE 04018204 Business Economics / Deepashree Ane Books Pvt. Ltd, 2011 9789380618456 xv, p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 DEO 03010625 Day to Day Economics / Deodhar, Satish Y. Random Publication Private Limited , 2013 9788184001631 xiv, 214 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 DEO 05041517 Day to Day Economics / Deodhar, Satish Y. Random Publication Private Limited , 2013 9788184001631 xiv, 214 p.: Knowledge Centre
330 DEO 07005526 Day to Day Economics / Deodhar, Satish Y. Random Publication Private Limited , 2013 9788184001631 xiv, 214 p.: Library - BR Campus
330 DEO 03009080 Day to Day Economics / Deodhar, Satish Y. Random Publication Private Limited , 2013 9788184001631 xiv, 214 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 DEO 05036738 Day to Day Economics / Deodhar, Satish Y. Random Publication Private Limited , 2013 9788184001631 xiv, 214 p.: Knowledge Centre
330 DES 05011667 Economic Systems / Desai, S.S.M. Himalya Publishers, 1986 xii, 426 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 DEW 00007355 Elementary Indian Economics Dewett, K K S Chand & Co. 1971 1 UG Library
330 DEW 00007356 Elementary Indian Economics Dewett, K K S Chand & Co. 1971 1 UG Library
330 DEW 00012326 Modern Economic Theory Dewett, Kewal Krishan 1974 849p UG Library
330 DEW 00012327 Modern Economic Theory Dewett, Kewal Krishan 1974 849p UG Library
330 DEW 00012328 Modern Economic Theory Dewett, Kewal Krishan 1974 849p UG Library
330 DEW 00009408 Modern Economic Theory Dewett, Kewal Krishan 1974 849p UG Library
330 DEW 00010216 Modern Economic Theroy Dewett, K K R Chand & Co 1973 1 UG Library
330 DEW 00010218 Modern Economic Theory. Dewett, K K R Chand & Co 1973 1 UG Library
330 DEW 05011759 Modern Economic Theory : Dewett, Kewal Kishna. Shyam Lal Charitable Trust, 1995 736 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 DEW 00010219 Modern Economic Theory. Dewett, K K R Chand & Co 1973 1 UG Library
330 DEW 00012348 Elementary Indian Economics Dewett, K K S Chand 1973 562 p. UG Library
330 DEW 00010220 Modern Economic Theory. Dewett, K K R Chand & Co 1973 1 UG Library
330 DEW 00012349 Elementary Indian Economics Dewett, K K S Chand 1973 562 p. UG Library
330 DEW 00002322 Indian Economics Deweth, Kewal Krcshan 1969 pv UG Library
330 DEW 05006564 Advances in economics and econometrics Dewatripont,Mathias Cambridge University Press, 2003 0521524113 (v. 1 : pb.) | 0521 viii; 380 p. Knowledge Centre
330 DEW 05006565 Advances in economics and econometrics Dewatripont,Mathias Cambridge University Press, 2003 0521524113 (v. 1 : pb.) | 0521 viii; 380 p. Knowledge Centre
330 DEW 05006566 Advances in economics and econometrics Dewatripont,Mathias Cambridge University Press, 2003 0521524113 (v. 1 : pb.) | 0521 viii; 380 p. Knowledge Centre
330 DEW 00076075 Elementary Indian Economics Dewett, K K S Chand 1973 562 p. UG Library
330 DEW 00089704 Modern Economic Theory Dewet, Kewal Kishan S Chand 2003 741 p UG Library
330 DEW 00038844 Modern Economic Theory Dewett, Kewal Krishan S Chand 741 p UG Library
330 DEW 00002635 Indian Economics Dewett, Kewal Krishnam Shyam Lal 1966 1 UG Library
330 DEW 00007207 Elementary Economic Theory Dewett, S Chand & Co 1972 1 UG Library
330 DEW 00007208 Elementary Economic Theory Dewett, S Chand & Co 1972 1 UG Library
330 DEW 00007210 Elementary Economic Theory Dewett, S Chand & Co 1972 1 UG Library
330 DEW 00007209 Elementary Economic Theory Dewett, S Chand & Co 1972 1 UG Library
330 DEW 00051621 Modern Economic Theory Dewett, K K S Chand and Company: 2001 8121905311 736 p. UG Library
330 DEW 00019526 Micro Economics Or Price Thoery Dewett, Kewal Krishan SHYAMLAL 1979 345 p. UG Library
330 DEW 00011686 Modern Economic Theroy Dewett, K K S Chand & Co. 1974 1 UG Library
330 DEW 00029252 Elements of Indian Economics Dewett, K K S Chand & Co 1987 1 UG Library
330 DEW 00092179 Modern economic theory Dewett K K S Chand & Company Ltd 9788121924634 974p UG Library
330 DEW 00005407 Modern Economic Theory Dewett, K K S Chand & Co. 1971 1 UG Library
330 DEW 00005408 Modern Economic Theory Dewett, K K 1971 1 UG Library
330 DEW 00005410 Modern Economic Theory Dewett, 1989 852 p UG Library
330 DEW 00115862 Elementary Economic Theory Dewett, K K S Chand 8121907934 545p UG Library
330 DEW 00005412 Indian Economics. Dewett, K K Shyam Lal 1971 1 UG Library
330 DEW 00108636 Advances in economics and econometrics Dewatripont,Mathias Cambridge University Press, 2003 0521524113 (v. 1 : pb.) | 0521 viii; 380 p. UG Library
330 DEW 00094071 Modern Economic Theory Dewett K K Shyam Lal Charitable Trust, 2014 9788121924634 xxi, 1000p UG Library
330 DEW 00014901 Modern Economic Theroy Dewetth, K Simon Lal 1975 1 UG Library
330 DEW 00070266 Elementary Economic Theory (U.G.C Minority Grant) Dewett, Kk S Chand 8121907934 546p UG Library
330 DEW 00008203 Price Theory Dewett, Kewal Krishna S Chand Publishers: 1972 477 p. UG Library
330 DEW 00119910 Modern Economic Theory By Dewett K K Shyam Lal Charitable Trust, 2014 9788121924634 xxxi 1000 p.: UG Library
330 DEW 00070290 Modern Economic Theory Dewett, Kewal Krishan S Chand Company: 2006 8121924634 974 p. UG Library
330 DEW 00070291 Modern Economic Theory Dewett, Kewal Krishan S Chand Company: 2006 8121924634 974 p. UG Library
330 DEW 00010217 Modern Economic Theory Dewett, Kewal Krishan S Chand Company: 2006 8121924634 974 p. UG Library
330 DEW 00007342 Modern Economic Theory Dewett, S. Chand & Company: 1972 849 p. UG Library
330 DEW 00007343 Modern Economic Theory Dewett, S. Chand & Company: 1972 849 p. UG Library
330 DEW 00005409 Modern Economic Theory : Micro and Macro Analysis Dewett, Kewal Krishan Shyam Lal Charitable Trust 1972 491 p UG Library
330 DEW 00009404 Modern Economic Theory : Micro and Macro Analysis Dewett, Kewal Krishan Shyam Lal Charitable Trust 1972 491 p UG Library
330 DEW 00009405 Modern Economic Theory Dewett, K K 1972 1 UG Library
330 DEW 00009407 Modern Economic Theory Dewett, K K 1972 1 UG Library
330 DHI 00056255 Introductory Economic Theory Dhingra, I C Sultan Chand 264p UG Library
330 DHI 00022861 Indian Economy Dhingra, Isnwar C 1981 1 UG Library
330 DIX 05011727 Economics of Protected Areas : Dixon, John A. Earthscan Publications Ltd., 1990 9781853830976 xvii, 234 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 DK 07001919 The Economics Book / DK, 2012 9781409376415 352p.: Library - BR Campus
330 DK 07011276 The Economics Book / DK 2012 9781409376415 352p.: Library - BR Campus
330 DMU 00024049 Introduction to Economic Analysis. Mukherji, Badal Oxford 1983 114 p. UG Library
330 DNV 00033194 Aadhunika Bharathada Aarthika Samasyegalu Prabakara Shishila, Sharada UG Library
330 DOL 05011707 Economics / Dolan, Edwin G. The Dryden Press, 1991 0030546133 xxxi, 1022 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 DOS 05011628 Fundamentalso of Economics Dosajh, C L Pitambar Publishing 468 p Knowledge Centre
330 DRI 00026606 Adhunika Arthanshastra Krishnaiah Gowda, H R Vidyanighi 216 p. UG Library
330 DWI 00027637 Principles of Economics Dwivedi, D N Himalaya 1985 1 UG Library
330 DWI 00070446 Principles of Economics Dwivedi, D N Vikas PublishersHouse: 2000 8125916512 627 p. UG Library
330 DWI 00070445 Principles of Economics Dwivedi, D N Vikas PublishersHouse: 2000 8125916512 627 p. UG Library
330 DWI 00036920 Managerial Economics Dwivedi, D N 1994 1 UG Library
330 DWI 00028003 Principles of Economic Dwivede, D N Vani Educational Books: 1985 702 p. UG Library
330 DWI 07001879 Principles of Economics / Dwivedi,D.N. Vikas Publishing, 1979 9788125916512 2nd ed. XII, 627p. : Library - BR Campus
330 EAT 07008838 Marxian Economics/ Eatwell John. WW Norton & Company, 1990 XII,377 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330 ECO 00040093 M.A.[previous] Economics Paper.II.Quantitative Methods in Economics Bangalore University Directorate of Correspondence Courses 1992 289 p. UG Library
330 ECO 00040094 M.A.[previous] Economics Paper.II.Quantitative Methods in Economics Bangalore University Directorate of Correspondence Courses 1992 289 p. UG Library
330 ECO 03010490 Guide to Economic Indicators : Economist, The. Viva Books Private Limited , 2008 9781861979476 | 9781781253830 7th ed. 344 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 EDE 01022474 Corruption, fraud, organized crime, and the shadow economy / CRC Press, 2016 9781482255317 (hardcover : alk xxii, 212 pages : Knowledge Centre
330 EKS 05007285 Economic theory and social change : Ekstedt, Hasse. Routledge, 2010 9780415564236 (hb) xxii, 302 p. : Knowledge Centre
330 ELL 00001767 The International Economy Ellsworth, P T The Macmillan Co 1964 550 p UG Library
330 ENG 05065575 Economic sciences, 2001-2005 / Englund, Peter World Scientific, 9789812794383 | 9812794387 | 9 xii, 525 p. : Knowledge Centre
330 ENG 05010591 Economic sciences, 2001-2005 / Englund, Peter World Scientific, 9789812794383 | 9812794387 | 9 xii, 525 p. : Knowledge Centre
330 ESC 05053306 Economic and social survey of asia and the pacific 2016 : United Nations Economic and social commission for asia the pacific. United Nations Economic and social commission for asia the pacific. 2016 9789211207156 xxiii, 142p. Knowledge Centre
330 FEE 00001186 Principles of Economics. Ferguson, C E Oxford Charendon Press 1965 1 UG Library
330 FEL 00008030 Modern Economic Analysis Fellner, William McGraw-Hill Book Co 1960 458 p UG Library
330 FEL 05011669 Emergence and Content of Modern Economic Analysis / Fellner, William. McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1960 xiv, 459 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 FER 00000482 Principles of Economics. Ferguson, Oxford 1965 2nd Ed. 860 p. UG Library
330 FIS 05012144 Economics: [PG Economics] Begg, David 0077094123 632p Knowledge Centre
330 FLY 03005054 Economics for Dummies / Flynn, Sean G. Wiley Pubishing, Inc., 2011 9780470879481 (pbk : alk. pape 2nd ed. 384 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 FLY 05006093 Economics for Dummies / Flynn, Sean G. Wiley Pubishing, Inc., 2011 9780470879481 (pbk : alk. pape 2nd ed. 384 p.: Knowledge Centre
330 FOR 00087048 Interpersonal Communication Fall 2008. Ford, Dr Leigh Arden 2007 88p UG Library
330 FOR 00087050 Interpersonal Communication Fall 2008. Ford, Dr Leigh Arden 2007 88p UG Library
330 FOR 00087049 Interpersonal Communication Fall 2008. Ford, Dr Leigh Arden 2007 88p UG Library
330 FRA 04012014 The Economic Naturalist's Field Guide : Frank, Robert H. Basic Books, 2009 9780465015115 (alk. paper) | 0 234 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 FRA 07005094 Principles of Economics / Frank Robert H, Ben S Bernanke 2007 0070618291 901p.; Library - BR Campus
330 FRA 07005107 Principles of Economics / Frank Robert H, Ben S Bernanke 2007 0070618291 901p.; Library - BR Campus
330 FRA 03007522 The Economic Naturalist's Field Guide : Frank, Robert H. Basic Books, 2009 9780465015115 (alk. paper) | 0 234 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 FRA 03007773 The Economic Naturalist's Field Guide : Frank, Robert H. Basic Books, 2009 9780465015115 (alk. paper) | 0 234 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 FRA 03007772 The Economic Naturalist's Field Guide / Frank, Robert H. Basic Books, 2009 9780465019014 234 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 FRA 05011647 Principles of Economics / Frank, Robert H. McGraw-Hill, 2007 9780071106047 3rd ed. xxxix, 901 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 FRA 00120848 Principles of Economics / Frank, Robert H McGraw-Hill, 2001 9780071202138 International Ed, 834p.; UG Library
330 FRA 05012145 The Economic Naturalist : Frank, Robert H. Basic Books, 2007 xi, 226 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 FRI 05011711 Essays in Positive Economics / Friedman, Milton. The University Of Chicago Press, 1953 v, 328 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 FUR 05023768 Institutions & Economic Theory : Furubotn, Eirik G. University Of Michigan Press, 1998 9780472030255 xviii, 653 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 FUR 01011608 Institutions and economic theory : Furubotn, Eirik Grundtvig University of Michigan Press, 2005 0472030256 (pbk. : alk. paper) 2nd ed. xviii, 653 p. : Knowledge Centre
330 FUR 01012345 Institutions and economic theory : Furubotn, Eirik Grundtvig University of Michigan Press, 2005 0472030256 (pbk. : alk. paper) 2nd ed. xviii, 653 p. : Knowledge Centre
330 GAL 05011629 Almost Every One`s Guide to Economics Galbraith, J K PENGUIN 176 p Knowledge Centre
330 GAN 05008697 Principles Of economics Gans, Joshua 9780170121477 831p Knowledge Centre
330 GAO 07010936 Economics, social sciences and information management / CRC Publication, 2016 9781138028760 xi,195p.; Library - BR Campus
330 GEM 00013495 Current Introductory Economics Gemmill, F Paul Harper & Brothers Publishers 1955 704 p UG Library
330 GEO 05060740 The internationalization of government procurement regulation / Georgopoulos,Aris. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780198796749 (hbk) | 01987967 First edition. xvii., 627p.; Knowledge Centre
330 GER 05011760 Social Science Methodology : Gerring, John. Cambridge University Press, 2001 9780521805131 xx, 300 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 GER 07007239 Who Says Elephants Can't Dance? : Gerstner, Louis V. Harper Collins, 2008 9780007302956 372 p.: Library - BR Campus
330 GHO 00017587 Indian Economy Ghosh, Alka 2008 1 UG Library
330 GHO 00017919 Indian Economy Ghosh, 2008 1 UG Library
330 GHO 00018252 Indian Economy Ghosh, Alak 2008 1 UG Library
330 GHO 04018108 Understanding Engineering Humanities / Ghosh, B. N. Ane Books, 2011 9789380618722 2nd ed. 251p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 GIL 05040351 Business Economics / Gillespie, Andrew. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198712633 2nd ed. xxiv, 492 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 GIL 03010049 Business Economics / Gillespie, Andrew. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198712633 2nd ed. xxiv, 492 p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 GIL 00105965 Foundations of economics / Gillespie, Andrew, Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199586547 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xxxii, 555 p. : UG Library
330 GIL 05038883 Business Economics / Gillespie, Andrew. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198712633 2nd ed. xxiv, 492 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 GKP 05065507 Objective Economy for Civil Services Preliminary Examination 2019 / G K Publications G K Publication, 2019 9789388030687 6.85p.; Knowledge Centre
330 GLA 07010501 The Big Data Driven Business : Glass Russell Wiley, 2015 9788126560080 214p.: Library - BR Campus
330 GOI 05011732 Economic Survey 1998-99 / Government of India. Government of India, 1999 ix, 171 (s-118) p.; Knowledge Centre
330 GOL 03012194 The Pursuit of Development : Goldin, Ian Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198778035 xvii, 205p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 GOO 05072776 Essentials of economics in context / Goodwin, Neva. ed. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2021 9780367245474 | 9780367245610 1st ed. xxxi, 599p. ; Knowledge Centre
330 GOP 00097017 Economics Gopalakrishnan Ramdass K C Eastern Book Company 9788170121534 480p UG Library
330 GOR 07012599 Ecologica / Gorz,Andre. Seagull Books, 2018 9780857425751 184 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330 GOR 00016355 Introductory Economics Gordon, Sanford D D C Heath & Company 1972 0669635375 xiv; 598 p UG Library
330 GOR 05066558 Ecologica / Gorz,Andre. Seagull Books, 2018 9780857425751 184 Pages,: Knowledge Centre
330 GRA 05011646 Stanlake's Introductory Economics / Grant, SJ. Pearson Education Inc., 2006 8177582186 7th ed. vii, 646 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 GRE 05006142 The Little Book of Economics : Ip, Greg. John Wiley & Sons, 2010 9780470621660 | 0470621664 xxii, 250 p. : Knowledge Centre
330 GRE 03005109 The Little Book of Economics : Ip, Greg. John Wiley & Sons, 2010 9780470621660 | 0470621664 xxii, 250 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 GRE 05011717 Essentials of Economics / Gregory, Paul R. Addison-Wesley, 1999 9780321046758 4th ed. xiv, 297 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 GUD 00051435 Text Book of Economics for II PUC Gudur, Bheemsain Saraswathi 1999 338p UG Library
330 GUH 05055570 Economics without tears : Guha, Ashok Sanjay Penguin Random House India. : 2016 9780143426714 x, 242 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330 GUH 00027348 Economics Geography Guha, Jaharlal 1985 1 UG Library
330 GUH 00106948 Linking the Formal and Informal Economy : Guha-Khasnobis, Basudeb. oxford University Press, 2007 9780199237296 294 p. : UG Library
330 GUH 03004262 Linking the Formal and Informal Economy : Guha-Khasnobis, Basudeb. oxford University Press, 2007 9780199237296 294 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 GUH 07011787 Linking the formal and informal economy : Oxford University Press, 2006 0199204764 (alk. paper) xvii, 294 p. : Library - BR Campus
330 GUH 00011528 New Approach to Economics Geography Guha, J L World Press 1974 1 UG Library
330 GUH 00011529 New Approach to Economics Geography Guha, J L World Press 1974 1 UG Library
330 GUP 00016264 Economics Gupta, C Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing: 1975 375 P. UG Library
330 GUP 05047228 An Introduction to Experimental Economics / Gupta Gautam Orient BlackSwan, 2016 9788125060796 xviii,203p.: Knowledge Centre
330 GUP 07004577 An Introduction to Experimental Economics / Gupta Gautam Orient BlackSwan, 2016 9788125060796 xviii,203p.: Library - BR Campus
330 GUP 07015401 Indian financial system / Gupta, Shashi K Kalyani Publication, 2014 9789327245776 15.27p. Library - BR Campus
330 GUP 07006413 Indian financial system / Gupta, Shashi K Kalyani Publication, 2014 9789327245776 15.27p. Library - BR Campus
330 GUP 00036924 Managerial Economics Guptha, G S T M Hall 1990 1 UG Library
330 GUP 00010170 Economic and Commercial Geography Gupta, Das Mukherjee 1972 1 UG Library
330 GUP 00010171 Economic and Commercial Geography Gupta, Das Mukherjee 1972 1 UG Library
330 GWA 05011695 Economics : Gwartney, James D. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1990 9780155188877 5th ed. xxx, 930 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 HAG 00010698 The Essentials of Economics Hague, Douglas C David Mckay 1955 168 p. UG Library
330 HAH 05047494 The ABCs of political economy : Hahnel, Robin. Pluto Press, 2014 9781783712069 (ebook) Revised and expanded edition. xiv, 334 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 HAH 07006914 The ABCs of political economy : Hahnel, Robin. Pluto Press, 2002 0745318584 (hardback) | 074531 xv, 304 p. : Library - BR Campus
330 HAH 07011268 The ABCs of political economy : Hahnel, Robin. Pluto Press, 2014 9781783712069 (ebook) Revised and expanded edition. xiv, 334 p.; Library - BR Campus
330 HAH 07011269 The ABCs of political economy : Hahnel, Robin. Pluto Press, 2014 9781783712069 (ebook) Revised and expanded edition. xiv, 334 p.; Library - BR Campus
330 HAH 05011754 The Abcs of Political Economy : Hahnel, Robin. Pluto Press, 2002 9780745318578 xv, 304 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 HAL 00016877 Elements of Economics Hallur, M S Akalwadi UG Library
330 HAL 00016879 Elements of Economics Hallur, M S Akalwadi UG Library
330 HAL 00016880 Elements of Economics Hallur, M S Akalwadi UG Library
330 HAL 00016878 Elements of Economics Hallur, M S Akalwadi UG Library
330 HAL 00016881 Elements of Economics Hallur, M S Akalwadi UG Library
330 HAL 00019042 Introducion to Economics for Ist Year Halayya, M Bharat 1976 222 p. UG Library
330 HAL 00019043 Introducion to Economics for Ist Year Halayya, M Bharat 1976 222 p. UG Library
330 HAL 00019333 Introducion to Economics for Ist Year Halayya, M Bharat 1976 222 p. UG Library
330 HAL 00019335 Introducion to Economics for Ist Year Halayya, M Bharat 1976 222 p. UG Library
330 HAL 00019334 Introducion to Economics for Ist Year Halayya, M Bharat 1976 222 p. UG Library
330 HAL 00016412 Elements of Economics I Hallur Bosava, 1977 1 UG Library
330 HAL 05010554 Economics : Hall, Robert Ernest, Thomson/South-Western, 2006 9780324335811 | 0324290667 (Bo 3rd ed. 1 984 p. (various pagings) : Knowledge Centre
330 HAL 00021884 Elements of Economics Hallur, M S Akalwadi 1982 1 UG Library
330 HAL 00021885 Elements of Economics Hallur, M S Akalwadi 1982 1 UG Library
330 HAL 00024694 Elements of Economics Hallur, Akhalwadi 1984 1 UG Library
330 HAL 00021888 Elements of Economics Hallur, M S Akalwadi 1982 1 UG Library
330 HAL 00024695 Elements of Economics Hallur, Akhalwadi 1984 1 UG Library
330 HAL 00021889 Elements of Economics Hallur, M S Akalwadi 1982 1 UG Library
330 HAL 00021887 Elements of Economics Hallur, M S Akalwadi 1982 1 UG Library
330 HAL 05011666 Economic Systems : Halm, George N. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., 1967 ix, 341 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 HAL 00021436 Elements of Economics Hallur, M S Akalwadi 1987 232 p. UG Library
330 HAL 00021437 Elements of Economics Hallur, M S Akalwadi 1987 232 p. UG Library
330 HAN 00020990 A TextBook of Economics Hanson, J L The English Language Book Society 1978 0712120211 7th Ed. xxv; 606 p UG Library
330 HAN 05011703 A TextBook of Economics Hanson, J L The English Language Book Society 1978 0712120211 7th Ed. xxv; 606 p Knowledge Centre
330 HAN 07004213 Principles of Economics / Jhingan, M L. Vrinda Publications, 2012 9788182814264 4th ed. xiv, 698 p.; Library - BR Campus
330 HAN 00019382 A TextBook of Economics Hanson, J L The English Language Book Society 1978 0712120211 7th Ed. xxv; 606 p UG Library
330 HAR 05011663 Introductory Economics / Harrison, Barry. Mc Millan, 1992 xvi, 399 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 HAR 05008882 Modern Economics : Harvey, Jack. Palgrave Macmillan, 2007 9780230551299 8th ed. xxi, 562 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 HAR 00050574 Mastering Economics Harvey, Jack 1984 p. 2000 0033377924 404p UG Library
330 HAR 00106958 Modern Economics Harvey, Jack Palgrave macmillan 2009 1403921938 8th Edition xxi;548 p. UG Library
330 HAR 05008875 The Undercover Economist / Harford, Tim. Little, Brown, 2006 9780316731164 x, 278 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 HAR 00090654 The Undercover Economist / Harford, Tim. Little, Brown, 2006 9780316731164 x, 278 p.; UG Library
330 HAR 05011670 Modern Edconomics : Harvey, Jack. Palgrave, 1998 9780333731659 7th ed. xvii, 548 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 HAR 05008881 Modern Economics : Harvey, Jack. Palgrave Macmillan, 2007 9780230551299 8th ed. xxi, 562 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 HAR 05011620 International Economics / Harrod, Sir Roy. University Press 1966 xiii,186 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 HAR 07011254 Fifty Things that Made the Modern Economy / Harford Tim Little,Brown, 2017 9781408709122 343p.: Library - BR Campus
330 HAR 00060063 Modern Economics Harvey, Jack Palgrave macmillan 2009 1403921938 8th Edition xxi;548 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 HAR 00062744 Modern Economics Harvey, Jack Palgrave macmillan 2009 1403921938 8th Edition xxi;548 p. UG Library
330 HAR 00125638 The Economics of Coercion and Conflict / Harrison, Mark, World Scientific, 2015 9789814583336 xi, 428 pages : UG Library
330 HAS 07012314 Strategic corporate social responsibility : Haski-Leventhal, Debbie. Sage, 2018 9781473998018 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781473998001 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1st edition. xxx,377p.: Library - BR Campus
330 HAU 07012552 India's Need for a Sustainability Strategy: Hauff, Michael Von. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 2018 9789386761101 xii,195 p.; Library - BR Campus
330 HAU 00131517 India's Need for a Sustainability Strategy: Hauff, Michael Von. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 2018 9789386761101 xii,195 p.; UG Library
330 HAU 01025495 Indias need for a susttainability strategy: Hauff,Michael Von Ane books pvt ltd., 2018 978938676110122 xii,195p.; Knowledge Centre
330 HAY 00109628 Small town capitalism in Western India Haynes, Douglas E. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107031296 | 0521193338 (hb xv, 344 p. : UG Library
330 HAZ 00012451 Economics in One Lesson Hazlitt, Henry Three Rivers Press: 1968 218 p. UG Library
330 HAZ 00079944 Economics in One Lesson Hazlitt, Henry Three Rivers Press: 1968 218 p. UG Library
330 HEA 00055174 Understanding Economics Heather, Ken 0273646567 471p UG Library
330 HEG 00027606 Indian Economics Hegde, D A R Chand & Co 1985 1 UG Library
330 HEG 00027607 Indian Economics Hegde, D A R Chand & Co 1985 1 UG Library
330 HEG 00020849 Elements of Economics for I Puc Hegde, D A VIDYANIDHI 1981 1 UG Library
330 HEN 01026507 Cross-border transfers of undertakings : Henckel, Kirsten. Wolter Kluwer, 2017 9789041192271 (hbk. : alk. paper) xiii,375p.; Knowledge Centre
330 HER 00122547 Economic rights : Hertel, Shareen Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521870559 (hardcover) xv, 403 p. : UG Library
330 HER 00144288 A New Principles of Economics : Herrmann-Pillath,Carsten. Routledge, 2023 9780367557195 xii,505p,; UG Library
330 HIC 05011615 The Social Framwork : Hicks, J R. Oxford University Press, 1971 4th ed. xvi, 317 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 HIC 05011618 The Social Framwork : Hicks, J R. Oxford University Press, 1971 4th ed. xvi, 317 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 HIC 00005870 The Social Framwork : Hicks, J R. Oxford University Press, 1971 4th ed. xvi, 317 p.; UG Library
330 HIC 05011616 The Social Framwork : Hicks, J R. Oxford University Press, 1971 4th ed. xvi, 317 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 HIC 05012146 The Social Framwork : Hicks, J R. Oxford University Press, 1971 4th ed. xvi, 317 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 HIC 00005872 Social Framework An Introducation to Economics Hicks, J R Oxford University 1970 272 p. UG Library
330 HIC 05011617 The Social Framework : Hicks, J R. Oxford University Press, 1960 3rd ed. xii, 272 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 HIG 00001768 Economics Development Higgins, 1966 1 UG Library
330 HIL 00101047 The Economics Anti-Textbook : Hill,Rod . Zed Books , 9788182911000 305 p. UG Library
330 HIL 07011513 Securing livelihoods : Oxford University Press, 2013 0199687013 | 9780199687015 1st ed. xxi, 296 pages : Library - BR Campus
330 HIN 05011716 Survey of the Environment 1997 / Hindu. Hindu, 1997 239 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 HIR 05011756 The Dark Side of the Force : Hirshleifer, Jack. Cambridge University Press, 2001 9780521009171 viii, 357 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 HIR 00075266 Economics for Managers Hirschey Thomson South-Western 2006 8131501264 745 p UG Library
330 HOA 04017537 Introductory Economics / Hoag Arleen J Cambridge University Press, 2010 9788175967175 | 9788175967175 505 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 HOA 04018087 Introductory Economics / Hoag Arleen J Cambridge University Press, 2010 9788175967175 | 9788175967175 505 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 HOA 03004690 Introductory Economics / Hoag Arleen J Cambridge University Press, 2010 9788175967175 | 9788175967175 505 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 HOA 00094093 Introductory Economics / Hoag Arleen J Cambridge University Press, 2010 9788175967175 | 9788175967175 505 p.: UG Library
330 HON 07012506 Advances in economics and econometrics / Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781108400022 xi,367p. : Library - BR Campus
330 HON 05059696 Advances in economics and econometrics / Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781108400022 xi,367p. : Knowledge Centre
330 HOO 07006470 Civil service training in India / Rawat Publications, 2011 9788131604045 xii, 328 pages : Library - BR Campus
330 HOR 07011647 The informal economy : Routledge, 2018 9781138068377 (hardback) viii, 267 pages ; Library - BR Campus
330 HOS 00037882 Arthashastra Parichaya I Puc Hosabeedu, K Murthy Akalwadi 1995 1 UG Library
330 HOS 00037883 Arthashastra Parichaya I Puc Hosabeedu, K Murthy Akalwadi 1995 1 UG Library
330 HOS 00037884 Arthashastra Parichaya I Puc Hosabeedu, K Murthy Akalwadi 1995 1 UG Library
330 HUM 03009921 Writings on Economics / Hume, David. Transaction Publishers, 2007 9781412806046 (alk. paper) | 1 cxi, 224 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 HUN 00027565 Economics : An Introduction to Traditional and Radical Views Hunt, E K Harper & Row Publishers 1981 0063503514 736 p UG Library
330 HUO 05053190 How nations innovate : Huo, Jingjing, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198735847 (hardback) | 019 viii, 262 pages : Knowledge Centre
330 HUT 00024190 Arthika Rachane Hutchappa, UNIV 1970 260 p. UG Library
330 HYM 00045346 Economics Hyman, N David McGraw-Hill 1997 9780256160680 4th,ed. 845 p UG Library
330 ICA 07015517 General Economics / The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, 2011 9788184410358 406p.: Library - BR Campus
330 ICA 00117241 General Economics Board of studies, ICAI ICAI 2013 9788184410358 412p. ; UG Library
330 ICF 00079474 Economics for Managers Icfai University ICFAI 2006 8178816857 383 p. UG Library
330 ICF 00079475 Economics for Managers Icfai University ICFAI 2006 8178816857 383 p. UG Library
330 ICF 05011731 Economics for Managers : Icfai University ICFAI, 2005 8131400336 282 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 ICF 00079476 Economics for Managers : Icfai University ICFAI, 2005 8131400336 282 p.; UG Library
330 IE 00005860 Simplified Indian Economics On Indian Economist , Readers Form UG Library
330 ILO 05011729 World Employment 1996-97 : International Labour Office Bookwell, 1996 8185040125 xix, 212 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 IQB 00125098 A textbook of economics Iqbal, Javeed Wisdom Press 2014 9789383318070 360p. UG Library
330 IRA 00056846 Economic Theory Iravathi, N Interline Publications: 2003 8172960654 402 p. UG Library
330 IRA 00056847 Economic Theory Iravathi, N Interline Publications: 2003 8172960654 402 p. UG Library
330 IRA 00056848 Economic Theory Iravathi, N Interline Publications: 2003 8172960654 402 p. UG Library
330 IRA 00056881 Economic Theory Iravathi, N Interline Publications 2003 8172960654 409p UG Library
330 JAI 00007992 Economic Problems in India Jain, P C Chaitanya 2008 1 UG Library
330 JAI 07008611 Upkar's Bank Probationary officers Management Trainees Jain T S Upkar Prakashana, 2015 9788174821515 2018 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330 JAI 00008113 Economic Problems of India Jain, Chaitanya Pub UG Library
330 JAI 07008607 Upkar's Bank Probationary officers Management Trainees Jain T S Upkar Prakashana, 2015 9788174821515 2018 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330 JAI 05011728 Applied Economics for Engineers and Managers / Jain, S K. Vikas, 1997 8125903305 xiii, 468 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 JAI 05011683 Principles of Economics : Jain, Gopal Lal. Shree Niwas, 2007 8188730319 306 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 JAM 00133897 Indian Business: Jammulamadaka, Nimruji Routledge, 2018 9781138106208 xiii,267 p.; UG Library
330 JAN 05072755 Facing Global Digital Revolution / Routledge, 2020 9781032240626 xiv, 217 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330 JAT 00017718 Elementary Principles of Economics Jathar, G. B. Oxford University 1968 10th Ed. x,428 p. UG Library
330 JAT 00005907 Elementary Principles of Economics Jathar, G. B. Oxford University 1968 10th Ed. x,428 p. UG Library
330 JAT 00017516 Elementary Principles of Economics Jathar, G. B. Oxford University 1968 10th Ed. x,428 p. UG Library
330 JAT 00017576 Elementary Principles of Economics Jathar, G. B. Oxford University 1968 10th Ed. x,428 p. UG Library
330 JAT 00017949 Elementary Principles of Economics Jathar, G. B. Oxford University 1968 10th Ed. x,428 p. UG Library
330 JHI 07014474 Advanced Economic Theory : Jhingan, M.L Vrinda publications pvt ltd: 2017 9788182814257 14th ed. xxiv,748p.; Library - BR Campus
330 JHI 00015520 Advanced Economic Theory Jhingan, M.l Vkas Publishing House: 1970 4th ed. 745 p. UG Library
330 JHI 00015521 Advanced Economic Jhingan, M L Vikas Publishing House: 1970 746 p. UG Library
330 JHI 00027623 Micro-Economic Theory Jhingan, P.r Vani Educational Books: 1985 743 P. UG Library
330 JHI 00073713 Principles of Economics Jhingan, M L Vrinda Publications 2004 8187125934 960p UG Library
330 JHI 05046957 Principles of Economics / Jhingan, M.L. Vrinda Publications, 2014 9788182814264 4th ed. xiv, 698 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 JHI 00025088 Advanced Economic Theory Jhingan, M.l Vani Educational Books: 1975 741 p. UG Library
330 JHI 05011645 Advanced Economic Theory Jhingan, M.l Vani Educational Books: 1975 741 p. Knowledge Centre
330 JHI 00026148 Advanced Economic Theory Jhingan, M.l Vani Educational Books: 1975 741 p. UG Library
330 JHI 00136777 Advanced Economic Theory : Jhingan, M.L Vrinda publications pvt ltd: 2017 9788182814257 14th ed. xxiv,748p.; UG Library
330 JHI 05073246 Principles of Economics / Jhingan, M.L. Vrinda Publications, 2014 9788182814264 4th ed. xiv, 698 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 JHI 00015932 Advanced Economic Theory Jhingan, M.l Vikas Publishing House: 1975 746 P. UG Library
330 JHI 00013063 Elementary Economics Jathar, G B OXFORD 1972 281 UG Library
330 JHI 05011757 Advanced Economic Theory Jhingan, M L Knowledge Centre
330 JHI 05043751 Principles of Economics / Jhingan, M.L. Vrinda Publications, 2014 9788182814264 4th ed. xiv, 698 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 KAP 05053604 Dictionary of Economics / Kapur, Sudarshan Kumar. Crest Publishing House, 1997 8124201102 217 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 KAP 05023769 Demystify Strategy : Kapoor, Amit. Vikas Pub, 2010 9788125939085 xii, 290 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 KAR 01015603 Intellectual Capital : Karier, Thomas Mark. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521763264 (hardback) | 052 xiii, 351 p.: Knowledge Centre
330 KAR 03004276 Intellectual Capital : Karier, Thomas Mark. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521763264 (hardback) | 052 xiii, 351 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 KAS 05008883 Institutional Economics : Kasper, Wolfgang. Edward Elgar, 1998 9781840642452 xvii, 517 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 KAS 05039702 Principles of Economics / Kasyap, Anurag. Swastik Publications, 2013 9789381084632 264 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 KAS 01012348 Institutional Economics : Kasper, Wolfgang. Edward Elgar, 1998 9781840642452 xvii, 517 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 KAS 01011607 Institutional Economics : Kasper, Wolfgang. Edward Elgar, 1998 9781840642452 xvii, 517 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 KAU 00145617 Bad Money: Kaul, Vivek HarperCollins Publishers 2020 9789353577216 339p UG Library
330 KAY 07013659 Power and Global Economic Institutions / Kaya, Ayse. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107544062 xii, 285p,: Library - BR Campus
330 KAY 01024596 Power and global economic institutions / Kaya, Ayse. Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107120945 (hardback) xii,285p.: Knowledge Centre
330 KAY 05059725 Power and Global Economic Institutions / Kaya, Ayse. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107544062 xii, 285p,: Knowledge Centre
330 KAY 07009385 Power and global economic institutions / Kaya, Ayse. Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107120945 (hardback) xii,285p.: Library - BR Campus
330 KEL 00087060 BUSN:An Innovative Approach to Teaching & Learning Introduction to Business. Kelly, Marce 2007 0032456984 274 p UG Library
330 KEL 00087061 Busn: What, s Inside. Kelly, Marce 2007 0324569890 275 p UG Library
330 KES 00037868 Arthashastra for I Puc Keshav, R Jupiter 1995 1 UG Library
330 KES 00037870 Arthashastra for I Puc Keshav, R Jupiter 1995 1 UG Library
330 KES 00037869 Arthashastra for I Puc Keshav, R Jupiter 1995 1 UG Library
330 KET 00148242 Socionomics; Ketovuori, Mikko Routledge, 2024 9781032480701 xii,143p. ; UG Library
330 KHA 00056231 Introduction to Economic Theory: T.B. for Class XII Khanna, J S NCERT 146p UG Library
330 KHA 00056232 Introduction to Economic Theory: T.B. for Class XII Khanna, J S NCERT 146p UG Library
330 KHA 00010067 Modern Economic Theory Khaatri, J D Kitab Mahal 1966 440 p. UG Library
330 KIC 05060928 Keynes and the general theory revisited / Kicillof, Axel, Routledge, 2018 9781138096011 (hardback) xiv,419p.; Knowledge Centre
330 KIS 01000101 Economic reforms : Kishore, Adarsh, Rawat Publications, 1996 8170333237 vii, 510 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330 KOL 07011366 Intermediate environmental economics / Kolstad, Charles D. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199732654 (pbk.) | 0199732 International 2nd ed. ix, 470 p. : Library - BR Campus
330 KOL 07008648 Intermediate environmental economics / Kolstad, Charles D. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199732654 (pbk.) | 0199732 International 2nd ed. ix, 470 p. : Library - BR Campus
330 KOL 07011480 Intermediate environmental economics / Kolstad, Charles D. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199732654 (pbk.) | 0199732 International 2nd ed. ix, 470 p. : Library - BR Campus
330 KOT 00019829 Quantitative Techniques Kothar, C R Vikas 1978 1 UG Library
330 KOU 05011649 Theory of Econometrics : Koutsoyiannis, A. Palgrave, 2004 0333778227 2nd ed. xvii, 681 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 KRI 00016188 Christ the Liberators Desrochers, John Kiran 1978 270 p. UG Library
330 KRI 00016815 Christ the Liberators Desrochers, John Kiran 1978 270 p. UG Library
330 KRI 00016409 Christ the Liberators Desrochers, John Kiran 1978 270 p. UG Library
330 KRI 00016817 Christ the Liberators Desrochers, John Kiran 1978 270 p. UG Library
330 KRI 00016814 Christ the Liberators Desrochers, John Kiran 1978 270 p. UG Library
330 KRI 00016820 Christ the Liberators Desrochers, John Kiran 1978 270 p. UG Library
330 KRI 00016822 Christ the Liberators Desrochers, John Kiran 1978 270 p. UG Library
330 KRI 00016821 Christ the Liberators Desrochers, John Kiran 1978 270 p. UG Library
330 KRI 00016819 Christ the Liberators Desrochers, John Kiran 1978 270 p. UG Library
330 KRI 00016816 Elements of Economics Krishnappa, V Krishna Prakashan 1968 1 UG Library
330 KRI 00019434 Dardha Sasthrada Moolabhoothakala Krishnappa, V Kiran UG Library
330 KRI 00016818 Elements of Economics Krishnappa, V Krishna Prakashan 1968 1 UG Library
330 KRI 00019436 Dardha Sasthrada Moolabhoothakala Krishnappa, V Kiran UG Library
330 KRI 00016823 Elements of Economics Krishnappa, V Krishna Prakashan 1968 1 UG Library
330 KRI 00019438 Dardha Sasthrada Moolabhoothakala Krishnappa, V Kiran UG Library
330 KRI 00019437 Dardha Sasthrada Moolabhoothakala Krishnappa, V Kiran UG Library
330 KRI 00019435 Dardha Sasthrada Moolabhoothakala Krishnappa, V Kiran UG Library
330 KRI 00054391 Arthika Siddhantha. (Kannada) Gowda, H R Krishnaiah Lakshmi Printing Publi.House: 2002 554 p. UG Library
330 KRI 00054392 Arthika Siddhantha (Kannada ) Gowda, H R Krishnaiah Lakshmi Printing Pabli.House 2002 554 p. UG Library
330 KRI 00009705 Problems in Indian Economics Krishnamurthy, G N Sri Ranga Pub 1959 1 UG Library
330 KRI 00054393 Arthika Siddhantha (Kannada ) Gowda, H R Krishnaiah Lakshmi Printing Pabli.House 2002 554 p. UG Library
330 KRI 00054394 Arthika Siddhantha (Kannada ) Gowda, H R Krishnaiah Lakshmi Printing Pabli.House 2002 554 p. UG Library
330 KRI 00026607 Adhunika Aarthashasthra Krishnegowda, 1986 1 UG Library
330 KRI 00051570 Aarthika Siddantha Krishnamurthy, Hosabeedu, H R (hsk) SBS Piublishers Distributors: 2000 742 p. UG Library
330 KRI 00051571 Aarthika Siddantha Krishnamurthy, Hosabeedu, H R (hsk) SBS Piublishers Distributors: 2000 742 p. UG Library
330 KRI 00018748 Arthshastrada Moola Tatvagalu Krishnappa, V Kiran Prasaranga 1978 262 p. UG Library
330 KRI 00027923 Elements of Economics Krishnappa, V Prakash Sahithya 1986 1 UG Library
330 KRI 00027926 Elements of Economics Krishnappa, V Prakash Sahithya 1986 1 UG Library
330 KRI 00027927 Elements of Economics Krishnappa, V Prakash Sahithya 1986 1 UG Library
330 KRI 00027925 Elements of Economics Krishnappa, V Prakash Sahithya 1986 1 UG Library
330 KRI 00027924 Elements of Economics Krishnappa, V Prakash Sahithya 1986 1 UG Library
330 KRI 00028458 Elements of Economics Krishnappa, V Prakash Sahithya 1986 1 UG Library
330 KRI 00028459 Elements of Economics Krishnappa, V Prakash Sahithya 1986 1 UG Library
330 KRI 00028461 Elements of Economics Krishnappa, V Prakash Sahithya 1986 1 UG Library
330 KRI 00028460 Elements of Economics Krishnappa, V Prakash Sahithya 1986 1 UG Library
330 KUL 00027602 Economic Theory Kulkundrikar, Aa B R Chand & Company: 1982 540 p. UG Library
330 KUL 00027603 Economic Theory Kulkarni, A B N S Chand 533 p UG Library
330 KUM 00140447 Indian economy's greatest crisis : Kumar,Arun Penguin 2020 9780670094554 xiv, 282 pages UG Library
330 KUR 00109340 Wealth and Illfare Kurien C.T. Books for Change 2012 9788182911208 1st Ed. 253 p. UG Library
330 KUR 00089979 Rethinking Economics : Kurien, C T. Sage Publications, 1996 8170365813 272 p.; UG Library
330 KUR 05011752 Rethinking Economics : Kurien, C T. Sage Publications, 1996 8170365813 272 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LAI 07006480 Approaches to Training and developement/ Laird,Dugan Rawat Publications, 2007 9788131601440 XIV, 315 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330 LAM 05011726 The New Institutional Economics of Corruption / Routledge, 2005 0415333687 xiii, 258 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LAW 00134098 Essays on the nature and state of modern economics / Lawson, Tony. Routledge Publishers, 2015 9781138851016 (hardback) | 9781138851023 (pbk.) 261 pages ; UG Library
330 LEG 05047939 Economics Versus Reality : Legge, John M. Transaction Publishers, 2016 xvii, 318 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LEN 05011738 Lenin on Socialist Economic Organisation : Lenin. Progress Publishers, 1979 375 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LER 05011648 Everybodies Business / Lerner, Abba P. Michigan State University Press, 1961 134 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LES 07010937 Economics: Lesley,Swena Clanrye International, 2015 9781632401625 VII,182 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330 LEV 00123118 Super Freakonomics : Levitt, Steven D. Harper Collins Business, 2009 9780062003201 | 9780062312877 xi,297p.; UG Library
330 LEV 07006762 Freakonomics / Levitt, Steven D Penguin Group Publication, 2009 9780141019017 xi,297p. Library - BR Campus
330 LEV 07007097 Super freakonomics/ Levitt, Steven D Penguin Group Publication, 2009 9780141030708 xi,257p. Library - BR Campus
330 LEV 05059381 Escape From Democracy : Levy, David M., Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107142398 (hardback) | 978 xvii,275p,; Knowledge Centre
330 LEV 07007105 Freakonomics / Levitt, Steven D Penguin Group Publication, 2009 9780141019017 xi,297p. Library - BR Campus
330 LEV 07007123 When to rob a bnak / Levitt, Stven D Penguin Book Publication, 2015 9780141980980 375p. Library - BR Campus
330 LEV 07001162 Super Freakonomics : Levitt, Steven D. Harper Collins Business, 2009 9780062003201 | 9780062312877 xi,297p.; Library - BR Campus
330 LEV 07005525 Super Freakonomics : Levitt,Steven D. An Imprint of HarperCollins Publisher, 2009 9780062003201 | 9780713999914 270p.; Library - BR Campus
330 LEV 04015500 Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything Levitt, Steven D Collins Business 9780061956270 315 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 LEV 03006449 Super Freakonomics : Levitt, Steven D. Penguin Books, 2009 9780713999914 | 9780062063373 xv,270 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 LEV 01013864 Super Freakonomics : Levitt,Steven D. An Imprint of HarperCollins Publisher, 2009 9780062003201 | 9780713999914 270p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LEV1 00127542 Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything Levitt, Steven D Collins Business 9780061956270 315 p. UG Library
330 LEW 00143721 Principles of Economics / Lewis, Peter. Murphy & Moore, 2022 9781639874576 viii,234p,; UG Library
330 LIE 00052095 Introduction to Economics Lieberman, Marc 0324008791 536p UG Library
330 LIN 00076084 Indian Economy Lingaiah, Karnati Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1990 xi, 228 p. UG Library
330 LIP 00016273 An Introduction to Positive Economics / Lipsey, Richard G. E L B S, 1975 4th ed. xx, 827 p.; UG Library
330 LIP 05011636 An Introduction to Positive Economics / Lipsey, Richard G. E L B S, 1975 4th ed. xx, 827 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LIP 00016274 Introduction to Positive Economics Richard, G Lipsey English Language Books: 1973 3th ed. 740 p. UG Library
330 LIP 05011720 An Introduction to Positive Economics / Lipsey, Richard G. E L B S, 1973 3rd ed. xii,708 p Knowledge Centre
330 LIP 05008867 Economics / Lipsey. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199568420 11th ed. xix, 665 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LIP 05008866 Economics / Lipsey. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199568420 11th ed. xix, 665 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LIP 00095079 Economics / Lipsey. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199568420 11th ed. xix, 665 p.; UG Library
330 LIP 00095080 Economics / Lipsey. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199568420 11th ed. xix, 665 p.; UG Library
330 LIP 00095081 Economics / Lipsey. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199568420 11th ed. xix, 665 p.; UG Library
330 LIP 03008892 Economics / Lipsey. Oxford University Press , 2008 199568421 | 9780199642595 663 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 LIP 00060064 Economics / Lipseu, Chrystal 2005 9780195669060 698p UG Library
330 LIP 00080092 Economics / Lipseu, Chrystal 2005 9780195669060 698p UG Library
330 LIP 00071735 Economics / Lipseu, Chrystal 2005 9780195669060 698p UG Library
330 LIP 00071736 Economics / Lipseu, Chrystal 2005 9780195669060 698p UG Library
330 LIP 04019606 Economics / Lipsey. Oxford University Press , 2008 199568421 | 9780199642595 663 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 LIP 00062748 Economics Lipset Oxford 699p UG Library
330 LIP 01000825 Economics / Richard G Lipsey Oxford University Press, 2004 0195669061 699p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LIP 01001102 Economics / Richard G Lipsey Oxford University Press, 2004 0195669061 699p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LIP 01001103 Economics / Richard G Lipsey Oxford University Press, 2004 0195669061 699p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LIP 01001105 Economics / Richard G Lipsey Oxford University Press, 2004 0195669061 699p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LIP 01001122 Economics / Richard G Lipsey Oxford University Press, 2004 0195669061 699p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LIP 01001124 Economics / Richard G Lipsey Oxford University Press, 2004 0195669061 699p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LIP 01001126 Economics / Richard G Lipsey Oxford University Press, 2004 0195669061 699p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LIP 01001127 Economics / Richard G Lipsey Oxford University Press, 2004 0195669061 699p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LIP 01001125 Economics / Richard G Lipsey Oxford University Press, 2004 0195669061 699p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LIP 01001123 Economics / Richard G Lipsey Oxford University Press, 2004 0195669061 699p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LIP 00126469 Economics / Lipsey Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198746577 13th xix,612p.; UG Library
330 LIP 01001121 Economics / Richard G Lipsey Oxford University Press, 2004 0195669061 699p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LIP 01001078 Economics / Richard G Lipsey Oxford University Press, 2004 0195669061 699p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LIP 01001101 Economics / Richard G Lipsey Oxford University Press, 2004 0195669061 699p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LIP 01000826 First Principles of Economics / Lipsey,Richard G. George Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd, 2003 0297821202 2nd ed. 532p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LIP 05041381 Economics / Lipsey. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199642595 12th ed. xix, 677 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LIP 05003842 Economics / Lipsey. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199568420 11th ed. xix, 665 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LIP 05008870 Economics / Lipsey. Oxford University Press, 2004 9780195669060 10th ed. xix, 699 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LIP 05008862 Economics / Lipsey. Oxford University Press, 2004 9780195669060 10th ed. xix, 699 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LIP 05008865 Economics / Lipsey. Oxford University Press, 2004 9780195669060 10th ed. xix, 699 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LIP 05008864 Economics / Lipsey. Oxford University Press, 2004 9780195669060 10th ed. xix, 699 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LIP 05008863 Economics / Lipsey. Oxford University Press, 2004 9780195669060 10th ed. xix, 699 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 LIP 00136458 Economics / Lipsey Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198746577 13th xix,612p.; UG Library
330 LIP 00136459 Economics / Lipsey Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198746577 13th xix,612p.; UG Library
330 LOB 00024803 Elements of Economics Lobo, Frank Sheth 1983 1 UG Library
330 LOB 00024804 Elements of Economics Lobo, Frank Sheth 1983 1 UG Library
330 LOB 00024805 Second Course in Economics Lobo, Frank Sheth 1984 1 UG Library
330 LOB 00024806 Second Course in Economics Lobo, Frank Sheth 1984 1 UG Library
330 LOB 00024807 Second Course in Economics Lobo, Frank Sheth 1984 1 UG Library
330 LOB 00027559 Applied Economics Made Simple Lobley, T Derek Made Simple Books: 1982 278 p. UG Library
330 LOK 00115861 Principles of Economics Loknathan, V S Chand 8121904374 392 UG Library
330 LYN 00012898 Basic Economic Principles Lynn Robert McGraw-Hill Book Com 1970 428 p UG Library
330 LYN 00023866 Basic Economic Principles Lynn, A Robert McGraw-Hill International Book Co 1981 0070392641 4th Ed 454 p UG Library
330 MAI 05011737 Dictionary of Economics / Himalayan Publishing House, 1997 330 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MAL 07002115 After Occupy : Malleson, Tom. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199330102 (hardcover : alk xxiii, 275 pages ; Library - BR Campus
330 MAN 10000627 Principles of Economics / Mankiw, N. Gregory. Cengage Learning, 2015 9781285165875 | 9789386668035 7th edition. xxxii, 847pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 MAN 10001766 Principles of Economics / Mankiw, Gregory N Cengage learning india pvt ltd., 2018 9789355734112 8th ed., xxviii,791p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 MAN 10001767 Principles of Economics / Mankiw, Gregory N Cengage learning india pvt ltd., 2018 9789355734112 8th ed., xxviii,791p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 MAN 10001768 Principles of Economics / Mankiw, Gregory N Cengage learning india pvt ltd., 2018 9789355734112 8th ed., xxviii,791p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 MAN 05011722 Essentials of Economics / Mankiw, Gregory N. Harcourt College Publishers, 2001 9780030292712 2nd ed. xlvi, 568 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MAN 05002092 Economics : Mankiw, N. Gregory. Cengage Learning, 2007 0324224729 | 9788131505779 684 p. : Knowledge Centre
330 MAN 00117193 Principles of Economics / Mankiw,N Gregory. Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131517390 xxxii,856p.; UG Library
330 MAN 03008589 Business Economics / Mankar, V. G. Macmillan India Ltd , 1999 9780333931585 581 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 MAN 00027636 International Economics Mannur, H G 1983 1 UG Library
330 MAN 05052856 Principles of Economics with CourseMate / Mankiw, Gregory N. Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131532324 | 8131532321 xxxii,856 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MAN 07008664 Principles of Economics with CourseMate / Mankiw, Gregory N. Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131532324 | 8131532321 xxxii,856 p.; Library - BR Campus
330 MAN 01018560 Economics : Mankiw N Gregory Cengage Learning, 2007 9788131505779 684p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MAN 00107428 Economics : Mankiw N Gregory Cengage Learning, 2007 9788131505779 684p.; UG Library
330 MAN 07001212 Principles of Economics / Mankiw,N Gregory. Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131517390 xxxii,856p.; Library - BR Campus
330 MAN 00143705 Principles of Economics / Mankiw, N. Gregory. Cengage Learning, 2015 9781285165875 | 9789386668035 7th edition. xxxii, 847pages : UG Library
330 MAN 07000341 Essentials of Economics / Mankiw Gregory.N South-Western, 2012 9780538453486 6th ed xxiv,568p.: Library - BR Campus
330 MAN 05008859 Principles of Economics / Mankiw, Gregory N Thomson Wadsworth 2004 9788131501023 848p Knowledge Centre
330 MAN 03013387 Principles of Economics / Mankiw, Gregory N Cengage learning india pvt ltd., 2018 9789355734112 8th ed., xxviii,791p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 MAN 03013388 Principles of Economics / Mankiw, Gregory N Cengage learning india pvt ltd., 2018 9789355734112 8th ed., xxviii,791p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 MAN 03013389 Principles of Economics / Mankiw, Gregory N Cengage learning india pvt ltd., 2018 9789355734112 8th ed., xxviii,791p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 MAN 00046243 Principles Of Economics Mankiw, Gregory N The Dryden Press Harcourt Brace College Publishers. 1998 9780030201929 | 9789812403995 837 p. UG Library
330 MAN 00046244 Principles Of Economics Mankiw, Gregory N The Dryden Press Harcourt Brace College Publishers. 1998 9780030201929 | 9789812403995 837 p. UG Library
330 MAN 00046245 Principles Of Economics Mankiw, Gregory N The Dryden Press Harcourt Brace College Publishers. 1998 9780030201929 | 9789812403995 837 p. UG Library
330 MAN 00070440 Principles of Economics Mankiw, N Gregory Thomson South-Western: 2004 9812656820 | 9780324203097 3rd Ed. 848 p. UG Library
330 MAN 00055680 Principles Of Economics Mankiw, Gregory N The Dryden Press Harcourt Brace College Publishers. 1998 9780030201929 | 9789812403995 837 p. UG Library
330 MAN 05041370 Principles of Economics / Mankiw,N Gregory. Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131517390 xxxii,856p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MAN 00075261 Principles of Economics Mankiw, N Gregory Thomson South-Western: 2004 9812656820 | 9780324203097 3rd Ed. 848 p. UG Library
330 MAN 01010985 Economics : N Gregory Mankiw Penram International, 2007 9788131505779 684p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MAN 03012240 Principles of Economics with CourseMate / Mankiw, Gregory N. Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131532324 | 8131532321 xxxii,856 p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 MAN 10003545 Principles of Economics / Mankiw, N Gregory Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131517390 6th ed., xxxii, 856 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 MAN 00120849 Principles of Economics Mankiw, N Gregory Thomson South-Western: 2004 9812656820 | 9780324203097 3rd Ed. 848 p. UG Library
330 MAN 05011643 Principles of Economics Mankiw N, Gregory Thomson 2002 0981240399 837p Knowledge Centre
330 MAN 00145303 Principles of Economics / Mankiw, Gregory N Cengage learning india pvt ltd., 2018 9789355734112 8th ed., xxviii,791p.; UG Library
330 MAN 05049604 Principles of Economics / Mankiw, N. Gregory. Cengage Learning, 2015 9781285165875 | 9789386668035 7th edition. xxxii, 847pages : Knowledge Centre
330 MAN 05001046 Principles of Economics / Mankiw,N Gregory. Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131517390 xxxii,856p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MAN 05074687 Principles of Economics. Mankiw, N. Gregory. Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd, 2024 978-93-5573-411-2 8th ed. xxviii, 791 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330 MAN 05074688 Principles of Economics. Mankiw, N. Gregory. Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd, 2024 978-93-5573-411-2 8th ed. xxviii, 791 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330 MAN 05074689 Principles of Economics. Mankiw, N. Gregory. Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd, 2024 978-93-5573-411-2 8th ed. xxviii, 791 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330 MAN 07015335 Principles of Economics / Mankiw, Gregory N Cengage learning india pvt ltd., 2018 9789355734112 8th ed., xxviii,791p.; Library - BR Campus
330 MAN 00126493 Principles of Economics / Mankiw,N Gregory. Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131517390 xxxii,856p.; UG Library
330 MAN 07015336 Principles of Economics / Mankiw, Gregory N Cengage learning india pvt ltd., 2018 9789355734112 8th ed., xxviii,791p.; Library - BR Campus
330 MAN 07001360 Principles of Economics / Mankiw,N Gregory. Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131517390 xxxii,856p.; Library - BR Campus
330 MAN 00123881 Economics : Mankiw, N. Gregory. Cengage Learning, 2007 0324224729 | 9788131505779 684 p. : UG Library
330 MAN 07015141 Principles of Economics / Mankiw,N Gregory. Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131517390 xxxii,856p.; Library - BR Campus
330 MAN 05008858 Principles of Economics / Mankiw, Gregory N Thomson Wadsworth 2004 9788131501023 848p Knowledge Centre
330 MAN 07015353 Principles of Economics / Mankiw, Gregory N Cengage learning india pvt ltd., 2018 9789355734112 8th ed., xxviii,791p.; Library - BR Campus
330 MAR 00146235 Principles of Economics/ Marshall, Alfred Atlantic, 2022 9788126914050 8th ed, xliii,428p. ; UG Library
330 MAR 00102613 Principles of Economics. Ghosh R N Atlantic, 2010 9788126914050 8th 532 p. UG Library
330 MAR 00102658 Principles of Economics. Ghosh R N Atlantic, 2010 9788126914050 8th 532 p. UG Library
330 MAS 05047992 Economic methodology : Maas, Harro. Routledge, 2014 9780415822848 (hardback) | 9780415858991 (pbk.) xiii, 187 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MAS 07000333 Basic economics / Mastrianna, Frank V. South-Western/Cengage Learning, 2013 9781111826642 (pbk) | 11118266 16th ed. xvii, 362 p. : Library - BR Campus
330 MAS 05006547 Principles of Economics / Mastrianna, Frank V. South-Western Cengage Learning, 2010 9780324782653 15 ed. xvii, 458 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MAT 00119341 Principles of Economics / Mateer, Dirk. W.W.Norton & Company, Inc., 2014 9780393933369 (pbk.) 1st ed. xlix:1053p.;with A-43 UG Library
330 MAT 07000297 Principles of Economics / Mateer, Dirk. W.W.Norton & Company, Inc., 2014 9780393933369 (pbk.) 1st ed. xlix:1053p.;with A-43 Library - BR Campus
330 MCC 00016263 Economics Conell, R Campbell Mgh 1975 375 p UG Library
330 MCC 05048051 Economics : McConnell, Campbell R. McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2012 9780071221030 855 p.; [i-24] Knowledge Centre
330 MCC 05011718 Economics : McConnell, R Campbell. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 1974 xxvii, 288 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MCC 00127090 Economics : McConnell, Campbell R. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2012 9780073511443 | 0073511447 | 19th ed. xxxvi, 801 p. : UG Library
330 MCC 00016354 Economics : Principles Problems and Policies McConnell, R Campbell McGraw-Hill Publishing 1969 4th Ed. 815 p UG Library
330 McC 00146453 Economics Mcconnell, Campbell R. McGraw Hill, 2024 9781266106842 23rd ed, xxxi,876,I-38p. ; UG Library
330 MCC 00121378 Economics/ McConnell, Campbell R McGraw Hill 1999 9780071158145 14th ed. 849p. UG Library
330 MCC 00145290 Economics / McConnell, Campbell. Mc Grawhill Education India Private limited, 2021 9789390491926 22nd ed xxviii,858p.; UG Library
330 MCC 00053503 Macroeconomics: Principles, Problems and Policies Mcconnell, R Campbell 0072898410 482p UG Library
330 MCC 00015515 Economics : McConnell, R Campbell. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 1974 xxvii, 288 p.; UG Library
330 MCL 07000338 Economics and Contemporary Issues / Mclean William South-Western Cengage Learning, 2013 9781133607526 9th ed xx,432p.: Library - BR Campus
330 MEH 00002320 Lectures on Modern Economic Theory Mehta J K Chaitanya Publishing 1967 312 p UG Library
330 MEH 00008882 Guide to Modern Economics Mehta, J K SOMAIYA 1970 345 p. UG Library
330 MEH 01029820 Introductory Micro Economics : Mehta Pradeep Kumar Taxmann Publications (P.) Ltd., 2017 9789386635167 2nd ed. I-20, 419 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330 MEL 05047861 Prinicipal of economics / Melvin,Michel. Cengage, 2013 9781111970437 9th ed. xxxviii,853p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MEL 03010771 Principles of Economics / Melvin, Michael. Cengage Learning , 2013 8131520730 | 9788131520734 853 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 MEL 07002869 Principles of Microeconomics / Melvin Michael South-Western, 2013 9781111970185 xxxii,513p.: Library - BR Campus
330 MEL 07008902 Principles of Economics / Melvin Michael South-Western, 2011 9780538797801 xxxix,802p.: Library - BR Campus
330 MER 01027841 Political economy and policy analysis / Merlo, Antonio Routledge, 2019 9781138591783 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781138591776 (hardback : alk. paper) xiii, 222 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330 MIC 07003186 Economics for Managers Transactions and Strategies / Michaels,Robert J. Cengage Learning, 2011 9788131516812 xxiii,558p.; Library - BR Campus
330 MIL 07012825 Economics 101: Mill, Alfred. Aadams Media, 2010 9781440593406 (pbk : alk. pape 288 pages : Library - BR Campus
330 MIL 07008877 Economics Today / Miller, Roger LeRoy Pearson Publication, 2014 9780132948906 xx,746p. Library - BR Campus
330 MIL 05054577 Economics 101: Mill, Alfred. Aadams Media, 2010 9781440593406 (pbk : alk. pape 288 pages : Knowledge Centre
330 MIL 03012571 Economics 101: Mill, Alfred. Aadams Media, 2010 9781440593406 (pbk : alk. pape 288 pages : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 MIS 00032502 Indian Economy - Its Development Experience Misra S K Himalaya Publishing House 1990 8174935061 752 p UG Library
330 MIS 00032504 Indian Economy - Its Development Experience Misra S K Himalaya Publishing House 1990 8174935061 752 p UG Library
330 MIS 00032505 Indian Economy - Its Development Experience Misra S K Himalaya Publishing House 1990 8174935061 752 p UG Library
330 MIS 00032503 Indian Economy - Its Development Experience Misra S K Himalaya Publishing House 1990 8174935061 752 p UG Library
330 MIS 00035608 Indian Economy - Its Development Experience Misra S K Himalaya Publishing House 1990 8174935061 752 p UG Library
330 MIS 00038430 Indian Economy - Its Development Experience Misra S K Himalaya Publishing House 1990 8174935061 752 p UG Library
330 MIS 00038431 Indian Economy - Its Development Experience Misra S K Himalaya Publishing House 1990 8174935061 752 p UG Library
330 MIS 00044753 Indian Economy - Its Development Experience Misra S K Himalaya Publishing House 1990 8174935061 752 p UG Library
330 MIS 00045877 Indian Economy - Its Development Experience Misra S K Himalaya Publishing House 1990 8174935061 752 p UG Library
330 MIS 00045878 Indian Economy - Its Development Experience Misra S K Himalaya Publishing House 1990 8174935061 752 p UG Library
330 MIT 00025061 Economics including Economic Planning Micro and Macro Mitra, Jitendra Kumar World Press 1982 700 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00089714 Economic Theory. Mithani, D M HIMALAYA 1997 509 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00025079 Fundamentals Fos Economics Mithani, D M Himalaya Publishers 1984 530 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00041652 Economic Theory Mithani, D M Himalaya Publishers; 1994 504 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00025080 Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Mithani D M Himalaya Publishing House 1984 576 p UG Library
330 MIT 00027616 Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Mithani D M Himalaya Publishing House 1984 576 p UG Library
330 MIT 00027615 Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Mithani D M Himalaya Publishing House 1984 576 p UG Library
330 MIT 00027617 Priniciples of Economics Mithani D M Himalya 1985 530 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00027618 Principles of Economics Mithani,D.M Himalaya Publishing House 1985 3rd Ed. 530 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00027620 Modern Economic Analysis Mithani, D M Himalaya 857 p UG Library
330 MIT 00011684 Economics Jitendra Kumar Mitra, World Publication: 1982 596 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00022287 Fundamentals of Econoic Analysis Mithani D M Himalaya Publishing House 1981 563 p UG Library
330 MIT 05001768 Economics for Managers / Mithani, D.M. Himalaya Publishing House, 9788184887815 661 p. : Knowledge Centre
330 MIT 00010923 Economics Jitendra Kumar Mitra, World Publication: 1982 596 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00027632 Fundamentals of Economics for CA Entrance. Mithani, D M Himalya 1984 524 p. UG Library
330 MIT 05011633 A Course in Business Economics / Mithani, D M. Himalaya Publishing House, 1997 7th ed. 26.5 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MIT 00025123 Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Mithani D M Himalaya Publishing House 1984 576 p UG Library
330 MIT 00027619 Modern Economic Analysis Mithani, D M Himalaya 857 p UG Library
330 MIT 00024786 Modern Economic Theory Mithani, D M Sheth Publishers: 1988 448 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00025127 Modern Economic Theory Mithani, D M Sheth Publishers: 1988 448 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00025124 Modern Economic Theory Mithani, D M Sheth Publishers: 1988 448 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00024790 Modern Economic Theory Mithani, D M Sheth Publishers: 1988 448 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00024787 Modern Economic Theory Mithani, D M Sheth Publishers: 1988 448 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00024791 Modern Economic Theory Mithani, D M Sheth Publishers: 1988 448 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00024789 Modern Economic Theory Mithani, D M Sheth Publishers: 1988 448 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00025126 Modern Economic Theory Mithani, D M Sheth Publishers: 1988 448 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00025129 Modern Economic Theory Mithani, D M Sheth Publishers: 1988 448 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00025125 Modern Economic Theory Mithani, D M Sheth Publishers: 1988 448 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00025130 Modern Economic Theory Mithani, D M Sheth Publishers: 1988 448 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00041650 Economic Theory. Mithani, D M HIMALAYA 1997 509 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00041651 Economic Theory. Mithani, D M HIMALAYA 1997 509 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00024788 Modern Economic Theory Mithani, D M Sheth Publishers: 1988 448 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00024792 Modern Economic Theory Mithani, D M Sheth Publishers: 1988 448 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00011685 Economics : An Introduction to its Basic Principles for Degree Course Mitra, Jitendra Kumar World Press Pvt Ltd 1970 600 p UG Library
330 MIT 00042003 Economic Theory. Mithani, D M HIMALAYA 1997 509 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00042004 Economic Theory. Mithani, D M HIMALAYA 1997 509 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00042005 Economic Theory. Mithani, D M HIMALAYA 1997 509 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00042006 Economic Theory. Mithani, D M HIMALAYA 1997 509 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00042002 Economic Theory. Mithani, D M HIMALAYA 1997 509 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00010924 Economics Jitendra Kumar Mitra, World Publication: 1982 596 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00023716 Economics Jitendra Kumar Mitra, World Publication: 1982 596 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00025062 Economics Jitendra Kumar Mitra, World Publication: 1982 596 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00008134 Economics Jitendra Kumar Mitra, World Publication: 1982 596 p. UG Library
330 MIT 00022286 Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Mithani D M Himalaya Publishing House 1984 576 p UG Library
330 MIT 00022288 Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Mithani D M Himalaya Publishing House 1984 576 p UG Library
330 MIT 00006063 Economics : An Introduction to its Basic Principles for Degree Course Mitra, Jitendra Kumar World Press Pvt Ltd 1970 600 p UG Library
330 MOH 00140380 India Transformed: Mohan,Rakesh Penguin Books 2017 9780143446767 682p UG Library
330 MOO 07008873 Economics and conttemporary issues / Moomaw, Ronald L. Pearson Publication, 2007 9780324321661 7th Ed. xxi,459p. Library - BR Campus
330 MOT 07008351 Managerial Economics : Concepts & Cases Mote, V L Tata McGraw Hill 2011 9780070965188 354p.; Library - BR Campus
330 MOY 05011714 Economics : Moynihan, Dan. Oxford University Press, 1994 2nd ed. 446 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MUK 00147868 Coffee Can Investing: Mukherjea Saurabh Penguin Random House, 2018 9780670090457 288p.; UG Library
330 MUL 05008880 Economics / Mulhearn, Chris. Palgrave, 1999 9780333691830 xiv, 359 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MUL 05008879 Economics / Mulhearn, Chris. Palgrave, 1999 9780333691830 xiv, 359 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MUL 00104225 Social limits to economic theory / Mulberg, Jon, Routledge, 1995 0415092981 | 0415123860 (pbk.) x, 200 p. ; UG Library
330 MUL 05008878 Economics for Business / Mulhearn, Chris. Palgrave, 2001 0333914767 xiii, 417 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MUL 05008877 Economics for Business / Mulhearn, Chris. Palgrave, 2001 0333914767 xiii, 417 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MUR 07014697 Economic principles and policies / Murthy M S, Narasimha Mohit Publication, 2018 9788174457318 vii,311p.; Library - BR Campus
330 MYN 00045186 Principles of Economics for Law Students Myneni, Dr S R Allahabad Law Agency 1998 370 p. UG Library
330 MYN 01001027 Principles of Economics / S R Myneni Allahabad Law Agency, 2005 500p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MYN 01001050 Principles of Economics / S R Myneni Allahabad Law Agency, 2005 500p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MYN 01001052 Principles of Economics / S R Myneni Allahabad Law Agency, 2005 500p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MYN 01001053 Principles of Economics / S R Myneni Allahabad Law Agency, 2005 500p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MYN 01001764 Principles of Economics / S R Myneni Allahabad Law Agency, 2005 500p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MYN 01001766 Principles of Economics / S R Myneni Allahabad Law Agency, 2005 500p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MYN 01001767 Principles of Economics / S R Myneni Allahabad Law Agency, 2005 500p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MYN 01001765 Principles of Economics / S R Myneni Allahabad Law Agency, 2005 500p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MYN 01001763 Principles of Economics / S R Myneni Allahabad Law Agency, 2005 500p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MYN 01001051 Principles of Economics / S R Myneni Allahabad Law Agency, 2005 500p.; Knowledge Centre
330 MYN 00088482 Principles of Economics: for Law Students Myneni, S R Asian Offset Press 2007 500p UG Library
330 NAP 07001102 Rogue Economics : Napoleoni, Loretta Seven Stories Press, 2008 307 p. Library - BR Campus
330 NEU 03008343 Stealth of Nations : Neuwirth, Robert. Pantheon Books, 2011 9780375424892 | 037542489X 290 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 NEU 04012086 Stealth of Nations : Neuwirth, Robert. Pantheon Books, 2011 9780375424892 | 037542489X 290 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 NEU 07011512 Stealth of Nations : Neuwirth Robert Anchor Books, 2011 9780307279989 290p.: Library - BR Campus
330 NIC 05011696 Economics and Social Choice / Nickson, Jack W. McGraw-Hill, 1974 2nd ed. xiv, 328 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 NOB 00013875 Advanced Level Economics Nobbs, Aack Mcgraw-Hill Book Company: 1968 253 p. UG Library
330 NOL 07000175 Economic and social rights after the global financial crises / Cambridge University Press. 2014 9781107043251 (hardback) | 110 xxiv, 378 pages : Library - BR Campus
330 NUT 05010590 Political Economy and Freedom [MA.ECONOMICS] Nutter, G Wareen 0865970254 314p Knowledge Centre
330 OCA 05067972 The world economy through the lens of the United Nations / Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198817345 (hardcover) First Edition. xxv, 296p.; Knowledge Centre
330 OCO 05011662 The Basics of Economics / O Connor, David E. Greenwood Press, 2005 9780313325205 xxix, 387 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 OKU 07011780 Equality and efficiency : Okun, Arthur M., 9780815726531 | 9780815726548 1 online resource (171 pages). Library - BR Campus
330 OKU 05045668 Equality and efficiency : Okun, Arthur M., 9780815726531 | 9780815726548 1 online resource (171 pages). Knowledge Centre
330 OLS 01011606 The logic of collective action : Olson, Mancur. Harvard University Press, 1971 0674537513 x, 186 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 OLS 01012346 The logic of collective action : Olson, Mancur. Harvard University Press, 1971 0674537513 x, 186 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 OMK 07004331 Economics : Omkarnath G. Orient BlackSwan, 2012 9788125046325 xix, 271 p.; Library - BR Campus
330 OMK 05037437 Economics : Omkarnath G. Orient BlackSwan, 2012 9788125046325 xix, 271 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 ORO 00136832 Why Superman doesn't take over the world : O'Roark,J. Brian. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780198829478 | 0198829477 First edition. x, 195p.; UG Library
330 OVI 00090535 Economic Informality Oviedo, Ana Maria World Bank 9780821379967 42p UG Library
330 OXO 00136793 The economy / Oxford Oxford university press, 2017 0198810245 | 9780198810247 xxiii, 1126 pages : UG Library
330 OZE 00146306 Liquidity, markets and trading in action : an interdisciplinary perspective/ Ozenbas, Deniz Springer 2022 9783030748197 103p. UG Library
330 PAG 00087052 Business Enterprise. Page-Wood 2007 111 p UG Library
330 PAG 00087053 Business Enterprise. Page-Wood 2007 111 p UG Library
330 PAI 05011639 Benham`s Economics : Paish, F W. The English Language Book Society, 1967 8th Ed. xvi, 575 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 PAI 05011638 Benham`s Economics : Paish, F W. The English Language Book Society, 1967 8th Ed. xvi, 575 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 PAI 04014791 Economic environment of business / Pailwar, Veena Keshav PHI Learning, 2012 9788120344921 3rd ed. xxv , 485 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 PAI 04018186 Economic environment of business / Pailwar, Veena Keshav PHI Learning, 2012 9788120344921 3rd ed. xxv , 485 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 PAI 00088703 Economic Environment of Business Pailwar, Veena Kehav Prentice Hall of India 9788120334274 431p UG Library
330 PAI 00005165 Benham`s Economics : Paish, F W. The English Language Book Society, 1967 8th Ed. xvi, 575 p.; UG Library
330 PAI 00005162 Benham`s Economics : Paish, F W. The English Language Book Society, 1967 8th Ed. xvi, 575 p.; UG Library
330 PAI 00005833 Benham`s Economics : Paish, F W. The English Language Book Society, 1967 8th Ed. xvi, 575 p.; UG Library
330 PAI 00005161 Benham`s Economics : Paish, F W. The English Language Book Society, 1967 8th Ed. xvi, 575 p.; UG Library
330 PAI 00005164 Benham`s Economics : Paish, F W. The English Language Book Society, 1967 8th Ed. xvi, 575 p.; UG Library
330 PAI 00005163 Benham`s Economics : Paish, F W. The English Language Book Society, 1967 8th Ed. xvi, 575 p.; UG Library
330 PAI 00005834 Benham`s Economics : Paish, F W. The English Language Book Society, 1967 8th Ed. xvi, 575 p.; UG Library
330 PAI 05011640 Benham`s Economics : Paish, F W. The English Language Book Society, 1967 8th Ed. xvi, 575 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 PAL 00134326 Issues and Concepts of Economics Pal, Rajesh. Adhyayan Publishers & Distributers: 2018 9788184354652 xxi, 610p, : UG Library
330 PAR 07014703 Economics / Parkin,Michael. Pearson, 2019 9781292255460 13th edition 822p.; Library - BR Campus
330 PAR 05066919 Economics / Parkin, Michael, Pearson, 2017 9781292147826 Tenth Edition. xxxii,797p.; Knowledge Centre
330 PAR 05048043 Manual of Political Economy : Pareto, Vilfredo. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199607952 (hbk) | 01996079 1st ed. xvi, 664p.; Knowledge Centre
330 PAR 07008874 Economics / Parkin, Michael Pearson Publication, 2014 9780132994842 7th Ed. 753p. Library - BR Campus
330 PAR 00136261 Economics / Parkin,Michael. Pearson, 2019 9781292255460 13th edition 822p.; UG Library
330 PAR 05070081 Economics / Parkin,Michael. Pearson, 2019 9781292255460 13th edition 822p.; Knowledge Centre
330 PCG 03004518 Mid-term Appraisal of Eleventh Five Year Plan, 2007-2012 / Planning Commission Government of India / Oxford ; 2011 9780198072058 | 0198072058 473 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 PCG 00106085 Mid-term Appraisal of Eleventh Five Year Plan, 2007-2012 / Planning Commission Government of India / Oxford ; 2011 9780198072058 | 0198072058 473 p.: UG Library
330 PCG 00106086 Mid-term Appraisal of Eleventh Five Year Plan, 2007-2012 / Planning Commission Government of India / Oxford ; 2011 9780198072058 | 0198072058 473 p.: UG Library
330 PEN 00019381 Modern Economics Pen, J Penguin 1976 275 p. UG Library
330 PER 01005771 Informality : World Bank, 2007 9780821370926 | 0821370928 | 9780821370933 (electronic (13)) | 0821370936 (electronic (10)) xv, 248 p. : Knowledge Centre
330 PHI 05011651 Inside Capitalism : Phillips, Paul. Aakar Books, 2007 viii, 215 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 PIL 05074730 Finance and Financial Markets Pilbeam, Keith Bloomsbury , 1998 9789394701212 4th ed xxiv,502p.; Knowledge Centre
330 POG 01008441 World poverty and human rights : Pogge, Thomas Winfried Menko. Polity, 2008 9780745641447 2nd ed. vii, 352 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330 PRA 00026613 Arthashastrada Vislelshane Poraabhakara Shishila, Padma Prakashan: 1984 398 p. UG Library
330 PRA 05011725 The 3-D Competitive Space : Prabhar, G B. Tata McGraw-Hill, 1997 0074633198 x, 221 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 PRE 05010548 21st century economics : Free, Rhona C. SAGE, 9781412961424 (cloth) 511 p.. (xxvi, 1000 p.) : Knowledge Centre
330 PRE 05010547 21st century economics : Free, Rhona C. SAGE, 9781412961424 (cloth) 511 p.. (xxvi, 1000 p.) : Knowledge Centre
330 PUR 07000799 Economics and the business environment Puri.V.K Himalaya publishing house, 2013 9789350978054 740p.; Library - BR Campus
330 QUI 07014701 Econonmics in two lessons / Quiggin, John Oxford University Press, 2019 9780691201160 xi,371p.; Library - BR Campus
330 RAM 00145628 Capitalist Punishment Ramaswamy, Vivek Broadside Books 2023 9780063348332 215p UG Library
330 RAN 00006610 Advanced Economic Theory Ranganadhachari, A V Maruthi 1968 552 p. UG Library
330 RAO 05034058 Research In Economics / Rao,Jagannatha K. Pacific Books International, 2013 9789381138441 276 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 RAO 07010406 Handbook of marketing management / Rao, M N DND Publication, 2017 9789380929330 239p. : Library - BR Campus
330 RAO 07010407 Handbook of marketing management / Rao, M N DND Publication, 2017 9789380929330 239p. : Library - BR Campus
330 RAO 07010408 Handbook of marketing management / Rao, M N DND Publication, 2017 9789380929330 239p. : Library - BR Campus
330 RAW 07012544 Doughnut Economics : Raworth Kate Random House Business Books, 2017 9781847941398 viii,372p.: Library - BR Campus
330 RAW 05054574 Doughnut economics : Raworth, Kate, Random House, 2017 9781847941381 309 pages : Knowledge Centre
330 REA 00131298 Introducing a new economics: Reardon,Jack Pluto press, 2018 9780745334882 xx,364p.; UG Library
330 REI 00140552 The System: Reich,Robert B Picador 2020 9781529043716 206p UG Library
330 REY 05011655 Economics : Reynolds, Lloyd G. Irwin-Dorsey, 1969 3rd ed. xx, 834 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 RIC 00102581 The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation Ricardo, David Atlantic, 9788126913657 L , 342 p. UG Library
330 RIL 04008315 Economics / Riley, Pippa. Viva Books, 2011 9788130917573 292 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 RIL 07001086 Economics / Riley, Pippa. Viva Books, 2011 9788130917573 292 p.: Library - BR Campus
330 RIL 03005762 Economics / Riley, Pippa. Viva Books, 2011 9788130917573 292 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 ROB 05011674 An Introduction to Modern Economics / Robinson, Joan. Tata McGraw-Hill, 1973 xvii, 349 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 ROB 00015513 Introduction to Modern Economics Robinson,Joan Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd. 1973 350 p. UG Library
330 ROI 05067353 Pocket Piketty / Roine,Jesper. Speaking Tiger, 2017 9789386338853 159p.; Knowledge Centre
330 ROI 07014220 Pocket Piketty / Roine,Jesper. Speaking Tiger, 2017 9789386338853 159p.; Library - BR Campus
330 ROS 07015201 NTA UGC NET / JRF / SET : Economics (Paper-2) / Roshan, Rakesh Kumar. Arihant Publications (India) Limited. 2019 9789326193481 668p.; Library - BR Campus
330 ROS 05073150 NTA UGC NET / JRF / SET : Economics (Paper-2) / Roshan, Rakesh Kumar. Arihant Publications (India) Limited. 2019 9789326193481 668p.; Knowledge Centre
330 RUT 00099408 Economics: Rutherford, Donald Routledge; 9780415400572 ix, 253 p. UG Library
330 SAC 00016804 Schaunm`s Outline of Theory and Problemsof Microeconomic Theory Saalvatorea, Dominick Mcgraw-Hill Book: 1967 280 p. UG Library
330 SAC 00009767 B.A Economic Theory Refresher Sachdeve,T. N. Sudha Publications Pvt Ltd 1973 303 p. UG Library
330 SAM 00070229 Economics. Samuelson Nordhaus Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 2005 9780070598553 18th ed. 776 p. UG Library
330 SAM 00069916 Economics. Samuelson Nordhaus Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 2005 9780070598553 18th ed. 776 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 SAM 10000432 Economics / Samuelson, Paul A. McGraw hill education india pvt ltd., 2020 9789389538038 20th ed., xlvii,945p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 SAM 00069741 Economics. Samuelson Nordhaus Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 2005 9780070598553 18th ed. 776 p. UG Library
330 SAM 00141729 Economics / Samuelson, Paul A. McGraw hill education india pvt ltd., 2020 9789389538038 20th ed., xlvii,945p.; UG Library
330 SAM 05008868 Economics / Samuelson, Paul A. Tata McGraw Hill, 2005 9780070598553 18th ed. xxiv, 776 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SAM 07013459 Rural Entrepreneurship : Samad, Abdus. Book Shores, 2019 9789386807243 v, 264 p;. Library - BR Campus
330 SAM 00016266 Economics Samuelson, Paul A McGraw Hill Kogakusha Ltd 1955 10th Ed 867 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 SAM 10000059 Economics / Samuelson, Paul A. McGraw hill education india pvt ltd., 2020 9789389538038 20th ed., xlvii,945p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 SAM 00124259 Economics / Samuelson, A. Paul. Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited ; 2011 9780070700710 19th ed. 916 p.: UG Library
330 SAM 10003904 Economics / Samuelson, Paul A McGraw Hill Education India Private Limited, 2023 9789389538038 20 th Ed., xxxiv, 945 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 SAM 10001791 Economics / Samuelson, Paul A. McGraw hill education india pvt ltd., 2020 9789389538038 20th ed., xlvii,945p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 SAM 04023501 Economics / Samuelson, A. Paul. Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited ; 2011 9780070700710 19th ed. 916 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 SAM 00041228 Economics - International Edition Samuelson, A Paul Mcgraw-Hill, INC: 1995 0071139141 15th ed. 785 p. UG Library
330 SAM 05011739 Economics Samuelson, A Paul 0074638734 776 p Knowledge Centre
330 SAM 04013613 Economics / Samuelson, A. Paul. Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited ; 2011 9780070700710 19th ed. 916 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 SAM 04013614 Economics / Samuelson, A. Paul. Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited ; 2011 9780070700710 19th ed. 916 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 SAM 05051914 Economics : Samuelson,Paul A. McGraw Hill, 1961 5th ed. viii,853p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SAM 05011642 Economics / Samuelson, Paul A. McGraw-Hill, 1995 0071139141 15th ed. xxxvii, 789 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SAM 00016265 Economics / Samuelson, Paul A. McGraw-Hill, 1995 0071139141 15th ed. xxxvii, 789 p.; UG Library
330 SAM 00096147 Economics. Samuelson Nordhaus Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 2005 9780070598553 18th ed. 776 p. UG Library
330 SAM 07005011 Economics / Samuelson, A. Paul. Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited ; 2011 9780070700710 19th ed. 916 p.: Library - BR Campus
330 SAM 01001035 Economics / Samuelson,Paul A. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., 2006 0007059855 776p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SAM 01001087 Economics / Samuelson,Paul A. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., 2006 0007059855 776p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SAM 01001089 Economics / Samuelson,Paul A. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., 2006 0007059855 776p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SAM 01001138 Economics / Samuelson,Paul A. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., 2006 0007059855 776p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SAM 01001140 Economics / Samuelson,Paul A. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., 2006 0007059855 776p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SAM 01001139 Economics / Samuelson,Paul A. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., 2006 0007059855 776p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SAM 05070185 Economics / Samuelson, Paul A., Mcgraw-Hill, Inc. 1995 9780071139144 Fifteenth ed. xxxvii, 789p. ; Knowledge Centre
330 SAM 01001086 Economics / Samuelson,Paul A. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., 2006 0007059855 776p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SAM 01001071 Economics / Samuelson,Paul A. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., 2006 0007059855 776p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SAM 01001079 Economics / Samuelson,Paul A. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., 2006 0007059855 776p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SAM 01001070 Economics / Samuelson,Paul A. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., 2006 0007059855 776p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SAM 01001090 Economics / Samuelson,Paul A. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., 2006 0007059855 776p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SAM 05008887 Economics Samuelson, Paul A Macgraw-Hill Book Company 1013 p Knowledge Centre
330 SAM 05008869 Economics / Samuelson, Paul A. Tata McGraw Hill, 2005 9780070598553 18th ed. xxiv, 776 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SAM 00010925 Economics Samuelson,Paul A. McGraw-Hill Book Co 1970 8th Ed. xx, 865 p. UG Library
330 SAM 05011740 Economics / Samuelson, Paul A. McGraw-Hill, 1973 9th ed. xxvii, 917 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SAM 00010699 Economics : An Introductory Analysis Samuelson, Paul A McGraw Hill Kogakusha Ltd 1958 810 p UG Library
330 SAM 00004287 Economics : An Introductory Analysis Samuelson, Paul A McGraw Hill Kogakusha Ltd 1958 810 p UG Library
330 SAM 00007410 Economics : An Introductory Analysis Samuelson, Paul A McGraw Hill Kogakusha Ltd 1958 810 p UG Library
330 SAM 00009662 Economics Samuelson, Paul A McGraw Hill Kogakusha Ltd 1955 10th Ed 867 p UG Library
330 SAM 04013077 Economics / Samuelson, A. Paul. Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited ; 2011 9780070700710 19th ed. 916 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 SAM 04013078 Economics / Samuelson, A. Paul. Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited ; 2011 9780070700710 19th ed. 916 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 SAN 00027614 Micro Economics Sankaran S Shree Karthikeyan Publications: 1984 670 p, UG Library
330 SAN 05011627 Economic Concepts for the Social Sciences / Sandler, Todd. Cambridge University Press, 2001 9780521796774 xiii, 285 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SAN 00022856 Economics Analysis Sankaran, S Progressive Corporation Private: 1982 830 p. UG Library
330 SAN 05037436 Economics and its stories / Sanyal, Amal. Social Science Press, 2012 9788187358558 | 8187358556 332 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SAN 05040529 101 things everyone should know about economics : Sander, Peter J. Penguin Books, 2014 9781440572715 (pbk : alk. paper) | 1440572712 (pbk : alk. paper) 2nd Edition. 256 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SAN 05032412 Economics and its stories / Sanyal, Amal. Social Science Press, 2012 9788187358558 | 8187358556 332 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SAN 07002335 101 things everyone should know about economics : Sander, Peter J. Penguin Books, 2014 9781440572715 (pbk : alk. paper) | 1440572712 (pbk : alk. paper) 2nd Edition. 256 p.; Library - BR Campus
330 SAR 10001954 The Economics of small things / Sarangi, Sudipta. Penguin Books, 2020 9780143450375 xxi, 269p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 SAR 10001955 The Economics of small things / Sarangi, Sudipta. Penguin Books, 2020 9780143450375 xxi, 269p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 SAR 10001956 The Economics of small things / Sarangi, Sudipta. Penguin Books, 2020 9780143450375 xxi, 269p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 SCH 00117300 The Moral Conditions of Economic Efficiency / Schultz, Walter J., Cambridge University Press, 2001 9780521801782 xii, 144 p. ; UG Library
330 SCH 01025731 International arbitration in the energy sector / Scherer, Maxi. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198805786 (hardback) liii, 465 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330 SCH 05011661 Essentials of Eonomics / Schiller, Bradley R. McGraw-Hill, 1996 9780071147156 2nd ed. xxiii, 386 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SCH 05011762 The Economy Today / Schiller, Bradley R. McGraw-Hill, 1991 9780070561649 5th ed. xxxiii, 969 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SCH 05011621 Small Is Beautiful : Schumacher, E F. Vintage, 1993 9780099225614 xi, 259 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SCH 05011652 Small Is Beautiful : Schumacher, E F. Vintage, 1993 9780099225614 xi, 259 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SCH 05011761 Good Work / Schumacher, E F. Abacus, 1979 xi, 147 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SCH 00147910 Ten great economists: Schumpeter, Joseph A., Allen & Unwin | Aakar Books 1952 9789350026465 305 p. UG Library
330 SCH 05070260 Small is beautiful : Schumacher, E.F. ABACUS, 1974 9780349131320 255p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SCH 05011660 The Economy Today / Schiller, Bradley R. McGraw-Hill, 2000 9780071169868 8th ed. xxxi, 762 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SCH 05046169 Small is Beautiful : Schumacher, E. F. Vintage Books, 2011 0060138017 xi, 259 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SEA 05055930 Practicing professional ethics in economics and public policy / Searing, Elizabeth. Springer, 2016 9789401773058 xii,297p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SEI 00007061 Text of Economic Theory Seth, M.l Lakshmi Narain Agarwal 1968 332 p. UG Library
330 SEI 00021020 Text of Economic Theory Seth, M.l Lakshmi Narain Agarwal 1968 332 p. UG Library
330 SEI 00016886 Text of Economic Theory Seth, M.l Lakshmi Narain Agarwal 1968 332 p. UG Library
330 SEN 00001765 An Introduction to Economic Theory Sen Satyendra Nath BookLand Pvt Ltd 1972 608 p UG Library
330 SEN 07010325 Evolution of economic ideas / Sen, Smith Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199466832 xiii,183p. Library - BR Campus
330 SEN 00002649 An Introduction to Economic Theory Sen Satyendra Nath BookLand Pvt Ltd 1972 608 p UG Library
330 SEN 00011530 An Introduction to Economic Theory Sen Satyendra Nath BookLand Pvt Ltd 1972 608 p UG Library
330 SEN 03004117 The Economics of Trade Faciliation/ Sengupta, Nirmal oxford, 2007 9780195698213 208p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 SET 00016887 Principles of Economics Seth M L Lakshmi Narain 1968 817 p UG Library
330 SET 00013181 Principles of Economics Seth, M.l Lakshmi Narayan 769p UG Library
330 SET 00011531 Principles of Economics Seth, M.l Lakshmi Narayan 769p UG Library
330 SET 00096142 Frank ISC Economics Sethi D.K Frank Bros Co, 1998 9788171704439 xiv, 546 p.: UG Library
330 SET 00023654 Principles of Economics Seth M.L Lakshmi Narain Agarwal: 1982 829 p. UG Library
330 SET 00096145 Frank ISC Economics Sethi,D,K Freank Bros.& Co 8171704662 611 p UG Library
330 SET 00023655 Principles of Economics Seth, S Chand 1983 832p UG Library
330 SET 00016885 Principles of Economics Seth, S Chand 1983 832p UG Library
330 SET 00011532 Principles of Economics Seth M L Lakshmi Narain 1968 817 p UG Library
330 SET 00012781 Principles of Economics Seth M L Lakshmi Narain 1968 817 p UG Library
330 SHA 00026610 Adhunik Arthika Siddanth Sharanappa, S Prakasana 1985 342 p. UG Library
330 SHA 00051575 Aarthika Siddantha - Economic Theory Sharanappa, S Narendra 1995 507 p. UG Library
330 SHA 07002439 Economics : Sharma.N.K DND Publications, 2015 9789380929774 248p.: Library - BR Campus
330 SHA 05009784 Economics of Social Issues Sharp, Ansel M 0000759551 447p Knowledge Centre
330 SHE 05039676 Political Economy / Sheppard, Sue. Random Exports, 2013 9789382226352 viii, 272 p.: Knowledge Centre
330 SHI 05011634 Dictionary of Economics / Shim, Jae K. John Wiley & Sons, 1995 9780471013143 x, 373 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SHI 00020397 Prathama P U C Arthasastra Shishila, Prabhakar B Padma UG Library
330 SHI 00020398 Prathama P U C Arthasastra Shishila, Prabhakar B Padma UG Library
330 SIC 00001206 Introduction to Economicsf Sickle Van, John V Affiliated East-West Press 1954 746 p UG Library
330 SID 07011004 Bombay's people, 1860-98 : Asiya Siddiqi Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199472208 (hardback) | 019 First edition. xxii, 205 pages ; Library - BR Campus
330 SIN 04010890 Principles Of Economics Singh Mikti Nath ABD Publishers 2011 9788183762915 328 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 SIN 00132907 The basics of economics Singh,Sanjay Horizon press, 2019 9789387985087 viii,280p.; UG Library
330 SIN 00131037 Economic Thoughts Of Amartya Sen / Regal Publications, 2012 9788184841497 xxii, 367 p. ; UG Library
330 SIN 07014693 Economic geography / Singh, Ravindra Ishwar Publication, 2019 9789386806482 v,287p.; Library - BR Campus
330 SIN 00037874 Students` Guide to Income Tax Singhania, K Vinod Taxman 1995 1 UG Library
330 SKO 05046219 Econopower Skousen, Mark. Wiley, 2008 9780470138076 (cloth) | 047013 xiv, 274 p. : Knowledge Centre
330 SLA 05011672 Economics / Slavin, Stephen L. McGraw-Hill, 2002 9780071131018 6th ed. xvi, 924 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SLA 00127089 Economics Slavin, Stephen L. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2011 9780073511429 | 0073511420 10th ed. xxvi, 882 p. : UG Library
330 SLO 05008885 Economics / Sloman, John. Prentice Hall of India, 2000 9788120312852 3rd ed. xiv, 830 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SLO 01011922 Economics / Sloman, John, Prentice Hall/Financial Times, 9780273705123 | 9788131715000 xxvi,750p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SLO 05010332 Economics for business / Sloman, John. Pearson, 2004 9788177589672 3rd ed. 754 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SLO 00126151 Economics / Sloman, John, Prentice Hall/Financial Times, 2006 9780273705123 | 9788131715000 6th ed. xxvi,750p.; UG Library
330 SLO 00052096 Economics Sloman, John Prentice Hall of India 1997 8120312856 830p UG Library
330 SLO 05049171 Economics for business / Sloman, John. Pearson, 2016 9781292082103 7th ed. xxvi, 638 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SLO 00055101 Economics. Sloman, John 1998 0130853429 4th,edition 772p UG Library
330 SLO 00045606 Economics. Sloman, John 1998 0130853429 4th,edition 772p UG Library
330 SMI 05041520 Free lunch : Smith, David. Hachette, 2012 9781781250112 357p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SMI 05015100 Economics - Workbook / Smith, Peter. McGraw-Hill, 1997 9780077094133 5th ed. 304 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SMI 03009133 Wealth of Nations / Smith, Adam. Bantam Classic , 2003 0553585975 1231 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 SMI 00068664 Wealth of Nations / Smith, Adam. Bantam Classic , 2003 0553585975 1231 p. UG Library
330 SMI 00058912 Free Lunch: Easily Digestable Economics Why There`s No Such Thing as a Free Lunch Smith, David Profile Books Ltd 2000 1861975066 283 p. UG Library
330 SMI 00078374 Smith`s Wealth of Nations a Beginner`s Guide. Cohen, Martin Hodder & Stoughton: 2007 0034080405 86 p. UG Library
330 SMI 00106882 Wealth of Nations / Smith, Adam. Bantam Classic , 2003 0553585975 1231 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 SOD 01000100 Ecological economics : Söderbaum, Peter, Earthscan, 2000 1853836869 (hbk.) | 1853836850 (pbk.) xvi, 152 p. : Knowledge Centre
330 SOU 00012444 Introduction to Economic Science Soule, George Mentor 1971 136 p. UG Library
330 SOU 05011626 The New Science Economics : Soule, George. Fewcatt, 1964 xi, 192 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SOW 00102656 Applied Economics : Sowell,Thomas. Vuva Books, 9788130901367 246p.; UG Library
330 SOW 05008884 Applid Economics : Sowell, Thomas. Viva Books Private Ltd., 2007 9788130901367 x, 246 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SOW 03006739 Economic facts and fallacies / Sowell, Thomas, Basic Books, 2008 9780465003495 (alk. paper) | 0 vii, 262 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 SRI 00026655 Arthasastrada Tatvagalu Srinivasa Murthy, Padma 324 p. UG Library
330 STA 05010596 Stating Economics Stanlake, G F 0000582898 269p Knowledge Centre
330 STI 05011708 Economics / Stiglitz, Joseph E. W.W. Norton & Company, 2006 978039392863 4th ed. xlviii, 888 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 STI 05011650 Economics / Stiglitz, Joseph E. Norton, 2002 9780393975185 3rd ed. xxxi, 829, 26 p. : Knowledge Centre
330 STI 07001092 Economics / Stiglitz,Joseph E. Viva Books, 9788130908656 xlviii,888p.; Library - BR Campus
330 STI 00120834 Economics / Stiglitz,Joseph E. Viva Books, 9788130908656 xlviii,888p.; UG Library
330 STO 10000265 A Textbook of Economic Theory / Stonier, Alfred W. Pearson, 2008 9788131717257 5th ed. xxi, 699 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 STO 10000266 A Textbook of Economic Theory / Stonier, Alfred W. Pearson, 2008 9788131717257 5th ed. xxi, 699 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 STO 10000267 A Textbook of Economic Theory / Stonier, Alfred W. Pearson, 2008 9788131717257 5th ed. xxi, 699 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 STO 00004291 A TextBook of Economic Theory Stonier, W Alfred English Language Book Society 1978 605 p UG Library
330 STO 00004290 A TextBook of Economic Theory Stonier, W Alfred English Language Book Society 1978 605 p UG Library
330 STO 00015922 Text Book of Economic Theory Alfred, W Stonier E L B S 1976 680 p. UG Library
330 STO 00012776 A TextBook of Economic Theory / Stonier, Alfred W. The English Language Book Society, 1972 0582447364 4th ed. xxii, 680 p.; UG Library
330 STO 00012777 A TextBook of Economic Theory / Stonier, Alfred W. The English Language Book Society, 1972 0582447364 4th ed. xxii, 680 p.; UG Library
330 STO 00011688 A TextBook of Economic Theory / Stonier, Alfred W. The English Language Book Society, 1972 0582447364 4th ed. xxii, 680 p.; UG Library
330 STO 00011689 A TextBook of Economic Theory / Stonier, Alfred W. The English Language Book Society, 1972 0582447364 4th ed. xxii, 680 p.; UG Library
330 STO 05011675 A TextBook of Economic Theory / Stonier, Alfred W. The English Language Book Society, 1972 0582447364 4th ed. xxii, 680 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 STR 00015921 Text Books of EconomicsTheroy Stonier, W Logos 1971 669 p. UG Library
330 STR 05011656 Economics : Stretton, Hugh. Pluto Press, 2000 9780745315317 xii, 852 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 STR 01013300 Economics : Stretton,Hugh Viva Books, 9788130906300 852p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SUB 03010914 Essays in Economics and Other Cheerful Themes : Subramanian, S. Sage 2014 9788132113737 (hardback : alk. 203 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 SUB 07000380 Essays in Economics and Other Cheerful Themes : Subramanian, S. Sage 2014 9788132113737 (hardback : alk. 203 p.: Library - BR Campus
330 SUH 00021151 Small Is Beautiful Schumacher, E F Abacus 256 p. UG Library
330 SUL 07014704 Economics : O Sullivan,Arthur. Pearson, 2018 9781292165592 Ninth Edition. 765p.; Library - BR Campus
330 SUL 05060460 Economics : O Sullivan,Arthur. Pearson, 2018 9781292165592 Ninth Edition. 765p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SUM 07007185 Global poverty : Sumner, Andrew, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198703525 (hbk.) | 0198703 188p.: Library - BR Campus
330 SUN 00027611 Elementary Economics Sundaram, K P M 2008 526p UG Library
330 SUN 00027612 Elementary Economics Sundharam, K P M R Chand & Company: 1984 252 p. UG Library
330 SUN 00007339 Principles of Economics Sundharam, K.P.M Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1971 8th Ed. 690 P. UG Library
330 SUN 00012324 Principles of Economics Sundharam K.PM. Vikas Publishing House 1973 9th Ed. xv; 672 p. UG Library
330 SUN 00021018 Text book of Economic Theory Sundharam, K.P. M Ratan Prakasan 1980 x; 501 p. UG Library
330 SUN 00021019 Textbook of Economic Theory Sundharam K P M Ratan Prakasan 1980 550 p UG Library
330 SUN 00005347 Principles of Economics. Sundharam,K.P.M. Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1971 8th Ed. 688 P. UG Library
330 SUN 05048368 The invisible hand : Suntum, Ulrich van. Springer, 2005 9783540204978 xiii,263p.; Knowledge Centre
330 SUN 00016903 Principles of Economics Sundarm, K P M Vikas Publishing House: 1970 13th Ed. xi,720 p. UG Library
330 SUN 05048387 The sharing economy : Sundararajan, Arun, MIT Press, 2016 9780262034579 (hardcover : alk xiv, 240 pages : Knowledge Centre
330 SUN 00106973 Principles of Economics of Education Sunder.I SarupBook Publishers PVT .LTD. 2009 9788176259811 viii;463 P. UG Library
330 SUN 00020844 Economic Analaysis Sundharm, K P M S Chand 1980 300 p. UG Library
330 SUN 00021017 Text book of Economic Theory Sundharam, K.P. M Ratan Prakasan 1980 x; 501 p. UG Library
330 SUN 00007062 Principles of Economics Sundharam, K.P.M Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1971 8th Ed. 690 P. UG Library
330 SUN 00007064 Principles of Economics Sundharam, K.p.m Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1971 8th ed. 686 P. UG Library
330 SUN 00010210 Principles of Economics Sundharam, K.p.m Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1971 8th ed. 686 P. UG Library
330 TAC 01000125 Biodiversity and ecological economics : Tacconi, Luca. Earthscan Publications, 2000 1853836761 (pbk.) | 1853836753 (cloth) xiii, 254 p. : Knowledge Centre
330 TAI 07002334 101 things everyone needs to know about the global economy : Taillard, Michael, Adams Media ; | David & Charles [distributor], 2013 9781440544118 (pbk.) | 1440544 256 p. ; Library - BR Campus
330 TAN 00005728 Economic Development of Developed Countries Tandan, B.C. Chaitanya Publishing House 1972 3rd Edition viii; 659 p. UG Library
330 TAN 00005730 Economic Development of Developed Countries Tandan, B.C. Chaitanya Publishing House 1972 3rd Edition viii; 659 p. UG Library
330 TAY 05011644 Economics / Taylor, John B. Aitbs Publishers & Distributors, 1997 xxxiii, 1105 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 TAY 05011671 Economics / Taylor, John B. A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors, 2000 8174730974 xxxiii, 936 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 TAY 00070562 Economics Taylor, John B A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors 2006 8174730974 936 p. UG Library
330 TAY 00070568 Economics Taylor, John B A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors 2006 8174730974 936 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
330 THI 04024781 Non Conventional and Renewable Energy Sources S.S. Thipse Narosa Publishing House, 2014 9788184873511 xviii, 1.5 P.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 THO 00122446 The Econosphere : Thomas, Craig, FT Press, 2010 9780137019984 x, 169 p. ; UG Library
330 THO 00144171 Shadow Trades : Thomas, Amos Owen. Sage publication, 2021 9781529743197 xi,280p,; UG Library
330 TIS 01021212 Competition, diversity and economic performance : Tisdell, C. A. Edward Elgar, 2013 9781847207463 (hardback) | 184 xiii, 317 p. : Knowledge Centre
330 TIT 05040973 Concepts of capital : Tittenbrun, Jacek. Transaction Publishers, 2014 9781412853026 (hbk. : alk. pap 264 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330 TON 00129824 Commitment Tony,Previnth Joe 9788193374566 324p UG Library
330 TON 05064720 Commitment Tony,Previnth Joe 9788193374566 324p Knowledge Centre
330 TUC 07000452 Survey of Economics / Tucker Irvin.B South-Western, 2013 9781111969493 xxiv,564p.: Library - BR Campus
330 TUC 05047865 Survey of Economics / Tucker Irvin.B South-Western, 2013 9781111969493 xxiv,564p.: Knowledge Centre
330 TUR 05042599 Economics after the crisis : Turner, Adair. MIT Press, 2012 9780262017442 (hbk. : alk. paper) | 9780262301756 (e-book) xiii, 108 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 UND 05011730 Human Development Report 1997 / United Nations Development Programme. Oxford University Press, 1997 xi, 245 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 UPA 04022795 Principles of Economics / Upadhyay, Amit Kumar Vikas Publications, 2015 9789325983236 140p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 USH 07006913 Political economy / Usher, Dan, Blackwell Pub., 2003 0631233334 (alk. paper) | 0631 xix, 427 p. : Library - BR Campus
330 USH 05011658 Political Economy / Usher, Dan. Blackwell, 2003 9780631233343 xix, 427 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 USH 00087107 Political Economy Usher, Dan 2003 0631233342 427p UG Library
330 VAL 05046244 Principles of Mathematical Economics Vali, Shapoor. Atlantis, 2014 9789462390362 | 9789462390355 xxviii,491p.: Knowledge Centre
330 VAL 07008442 Principles of Mathematical Economics Vali, Shapoor. Atlantis, 2014 9789462390362 | 9789462390355 xxviii,491p.: Library - BR Campus
330 VAL 07008443 Principles of Mathematical Economics II Vali, Shapoor. Fordham University Press, 2015 9789462390881 | 9789462390874 xv,290p.: Library - BR Campus
330 VAS 07012541 Profit and gift in the digital economy / Elder-Vass, Dave, Cambridge University, 2016 9781107146143 (hardback) | 9781316509388 (paperback) xi, 257 pages ; Library - BR Campus
330 VAS 05011724 50 Years of Development Economics : Vasudevan, A. Himalayan 1999 xix, 515 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 VAT 07012555 Micro and Macro Economic Theory / Vataliya K.S.Dr Paradise Publishers, 2017 9789386319326 266p.: Library - BR Campus
330 VEN 05041366 Principles of Economics / Vengedasalam, Deviga. Oxford University Press, 2013 9789834712754 3rd ed. xx, 388 p.: Knowledge Centre
330 VEN 05046021 Principles of Economics / Vengedasalam, Deviga. Oxford University Press, 2013 9789834712754 3rd ed. xx, 388 p.: Knowledge Centre
330 VEN 05041133 Principles of Economics / Vengedasalam, Deviga. Oxford University Press, 2013 9789834712754 3rd ed. xx, 388 p.: Knowledge Centre
330 VEN 05046022 Principles of Economics / Vengedasalam, Deviga. Oxford University Press, 2013 9789834712754 3rd ed. xx, 388 p.: Knowledge Centre
330 VEN 05065014 Principles of Economics / Vengedasalam, Deviga. Oxford University Press, 2013 9789834712754 3rd ed. xx, 388 p.: Knowledge Centre
330 VEN 00119168 Principles of Economics / Vengedasalam, Deviga. Oxford University Press, 2013 9789834712754 3rd ed. xx, 388 p.: UG Library
330 VER 00130036 Principles Of Economics Verma, Sanjiv Kumar. Altar Publishing House, 2017 9789382745044 246 p.: UG Library
330 VIC 05056694 Handbook on Growth and Sustainability / Victor,Peter A. Edward Elgar, 2017 178347355X | 9781783473557 xii,577p.; Knowledge Centre
330 VOI 07013670 Institutional economics : Voigt, Stefan, Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108461085 (pbk.) | 9781108473248 (hardback) 1 Edition. xi,293p.; Library - BR Campus
330 VOI 05068660 Institutional economics : Voigt, Stefan, Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108461085 (pbk.) | 9781108473248 (hardback) 1 Edition. xi,293p.; Knowledge Centre
330 VOI 05074480 Institutional economics : Voigt, Stefan, Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108461085 (pbk.) | 9781108473248 (hardback) 1 Edition. xi,293p.; Knowledge Centre
330 WAL 00127091 Economics A to Z Handbook / Wall, Nancy. Viva Books, 2001 9788130927169 3rd ed. v, 346 p.; UG Library
330 WAL 05011719 Complete A-Z Economics Handbook / Wall, Nancy. Hodder & Stoughton, 2003 9780340872758 2nd ed. vi, 346 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 WAL 05041307 Economics A to Z Handbook / Wall, Nancy. Viva Books, 2001 9788130927169 3rd ed. v, 346 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 WAL 05041308 Economics & Business A to Z Handbook / Wall, Nancy. Viva Books, 2014 9788130927121 4th ed. vi, 335 p.: Knowledge Centre
330 WAL 00115145 Complete A-Z Economics: Handbook Wall, Nancy 2003 0340872756 | 9780340872758 2nd Ed. 340p UG Library
330 WAL 05039221 Economics & Business A to Z Handbook / Wall, Nancy. Viva Books, 2014 9788130927121 4th ed. vi, 335 p.: Knowledge Centre
330 WAL 07000586 Economics & Business A to Z Handbook / Wall, Nancy. Viva Books, 2014 9788130927121 4th ed. vi, 335 p.: Library - BR Campus
330 WAL 07002747 Léon Walras' Elements of theoretical economics : Walras, Léon, Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107064133 (hardback : alk. l 521 pages ; Library - BR Campus
330 WAL 07000587 Economics A to Z Handbook / Wall, Nancy. Viva Books, 2001 9788130927169 3rd ed. v, 346 p.; Library - BR Campus
330 WB 05011631 World Development Report 2002 : World Bank. Oxford University Press, 2002 9780195216066 xii, 249 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 WEI 01010098 Oxford Handbook of Political Economy / Weingast, R Barry Oxford University Press, 2006 9780199548477 1093p.: Knowledge Centre
330 WEL 03006219 Economics : Welch, Patrick J. John Wiley and Sons, 2008 9788126512621 | 8126512628 7th ed. xlv,544 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 WEL 03006218 Economics : Welch, Patrick J. John Wiley and Sons, 2008 9788126512621 | 8126512628 7th ed. xlv,544 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 WEL 05000920 Economics : Welch, Patrick J. Wiley, 2004 0470000287 7th ed. xiv, 544 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 WEL 04014135 Economics : Welch, Patrick J. John Wiley and Sons, 2008 9788126512621 | 8126512628 7th ed. xlv,544 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 WEL 04012865 Economics : Welch, Patrick J. John Wiley and Sons, 2008 9788126512621 | 8126512628 7th ed. xlv,544 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330 WEL. 00069174 Economics Welch, Patrick J John Wiley & Sons, Inc 9812531335 543p UG Library
330 WES 05011723 Economics / Weston, W J. The Bennett College, 1969 viii, 218 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 WHE 05065008 Naked economics : Wheelan, Charles J., W.W.Norton, 2019 9780393356496 (pbk.) Fully revised and updated. xxix,366p.; Knowledge Centre
330 WHE 05042045 Naked economics : Wheelan, Charles J. W. W. Norton, 2010 9780393337648 (pbk.) | 0393337 Fully rev. & updated. xxix, 354 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330 WHI 00027558 Economics Made Simple Whitehead, Geoffrey E L B S 1985 444 p. UG Library
330 WIL 05054687 Measuring the global shadow economy : Williams, Colin C., Edward Elgar, 2016 9781784717988 (hardcover) | 17 vi, 247 pages : Knowledge Centre
330 WIL 00138264 Advanced Economic Theory / Wilkerson,Tanner. Ed-Tech Press, 2018 9781788822787 xiv,296p.; UG Library
330 WIT 03008893 Economics : Witztum, Amos. Oxford Universtiy Press , 2005 9780199231300 | 9780195685886 554 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330 WIT 07011379 Economic analysis of the law : Blackwell Publishers, 2003 0631231579 (hbk : alk. paper) xi, 339 p. ; Library - BR Campus
330 WON 05011676 Economics / Wonnacott, Paul. McGraw-Hill, 1988 xxxii, 830 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 WOR 05011693 Where Is the Wealth of Nations? : World Bank. The World Bank, 2006 0821363549 xx, 188 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 XAV 05073982 Market behaviour and cost ananlysis I Semester / Xavier. V.K. Magi's Publications, 2012 9789350670422 137p.; Knowledge Centre
330 XAV 05073680 Business Economics / Xavier, V K Magi`s Publications, 2009 170 p.; Knowledge Centre
330 YOU 00146457 Reinterpreting Mr. Keynes: Young, Warren Springer, 2022 9783030913441 x,161p. ; UG Library
330 YUE 00140343 The Great Economists: Yueh,Linda Penguin 2018 9780241234983 357p UG Library
330,09 LOK 00034006 History of Economic Thought Lokanathan, V S Chand 1992 383 p, UG Library
330,3 HAN 00005230 Dictionary of Economics and Commerce Hanson, J L Mc Millan 1969 473 p. UG Library
330.,15431 MON 00025090 Mathematics and Statistics For Economics. Monga, G S UBSPD 1984 622 p. UG Library
330.,954 HIC 00027555 The Framework of The Indian Economy Hicks, J R Oxford University Press: 1984 310 P. UG Library
330..994 WEB 07012334 The predictive postcode? : Webber, Richard. Sage, 2018 9781526402349 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781526402332 (hardback : alk. paper) xxx,296p.; Library - BR Campus
330.00 LAN 00132686 Price theory and applications / Landsburg, Steven E., Cengage learning, 2014 1285423526 | 9781285423524 Ninth edition. xxiii, 690 pages : UG Library
330.003 SAR 00052539 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Economics Sareen, Taruna Sarupa and Sons 2001 8176252107 748 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.003 SAR 00069469 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Economics Sareen, Taruna Sarupa and Sons 2001 8176252107 748 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.003 SAR 00069977 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Economics Sareen, Taruna Sarupa and Sons 2001 8176252107 748 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.008 LEV 05041516 Freakonomics : Levitt, Steven D. HarperCollins Publishers, 2009 9780062312679 xxvi, 315 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.008 LEV 05039006 Freakonomics : Levitt, Steven D. HarperCollins Publishers, 2009 9780062312679 xxvi, 315 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.008 LEV 04024256 Freakonomics : Levitt, Steven D. HarperCollins Publishers, 2009 9780062312679 xxvi, 315 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.008 LEV 05011457 Freakonomics : Levitt, Steven D. Penguin Books, 2005 0071399908 xii, 242 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.008 LEV 05017002 Freakonomics : Leviti, Steven. 2005 0061143308 242 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.01 COY 03000880 Introduction to Interest-Rate Risk / Coyle, Brian. Cib Publising, 2008 852974396 | 9780852974391 138 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.01 ULR 03000471 Integrative Economic Ethics : Ulrich, Peter. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521877961 484 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.01 WAT 03003476 Strategy: An Introduction to Game Theory Watson, Joel Viva Books 9788130915999 404 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.01 ABB 05068265 The thought of Bernard Stiegler : Abbinnett, Ross, Routledge, 2018 9780367193027 195 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.01 AHU 00143680 Advanced Economic Theory : Ahuja, H L S Chand & Company, 2022 9789352837335 21st ed. xx, 1347p.; UG Library
330.01 BAD 00122971 Running Regressions Baddeley, M C Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521603089 | 0521842115 (hb xix, 289 p:. UG Library
330.01 BOP 05038654 Understanding Economics : Bopaiah,Cavery. Grafprint Pvt, 2014 lxx,266p.; Knowledge Centre
330.01 DAD 05008049 The evolution of macroeconomic theory and policy Dadkhah, Kamran. Springer, 2009 9783540770077 (hardcover : alk xiii,269 p. Knowledge Centre
330.01 DAV 05064103 An introduction to econometric theory / Davidson, James. Wiley, 2018 9781119484882 (cloth) xv,239p.; Knowledge Centre
330.01 DOL 05072779 History, methodology and Identity for a 21st century social economics / Dolfsma, Wilfred. ed. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2020 9780367728687 vi,154p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.01 DUT 00128972 Happiness, economics and politics : Dutt, Amitava Krishna Edward Elgar, 2009 9781848440937 (alk. paper) | 1 ix, 362 p. : UG Library
330.01 FRE 05048346 Economic theory and its history : Routledge, 2016 9781138186590 (hardback) xiv, 448 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.01 HAU 10002087 The philosophy of economics : Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521883504 (hardback) | 9780521709842 (pbk.) 3rd ed. vii, 527 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.01 HAU 00099091 The philosophy of economics : Cambridge University Press, 9780521883504 (hardback) | 978 vii, 527 p. : UG Library
330.01 HO 05073798 Why trust matters : Ho, Benjamin. Columbia University Press, 2021 9780231189606 viii,324p.; Knowledge Centre
330.01 KIN 01012092 The Oxford handbook of philosophy of economics / Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195189254 | 0195189256 xvii, 670 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.01 KIN 01010456 The Oxford handbook of philosophy of economics / Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195189254 | 0195189256 xvii, 670 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.01 KIN 00094731 The Oxford handbook of philosophy of economics / Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195189254 | 0195189256 xvii, 670 p. : UG Library
330.01 LES 05047641 The origins of neoliberalism : Leshem, Dotan, Columbia University Press, 2016 9780231177764 (cloth : alk. pa vii, 230 p. Knowledge Centre
330.01 LIQ 07000168 Democracy and economic openness in an interconnected system : Li, Quan, Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521491433 (hbk.) | 0521491 x, 350 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.01 MAK 00093979 Methodology of Positive Economics Maki Uskali Cambridge University Press 9780521686860 363p UG Library
330.01 MCC 05041790 Reframing economics : McCain, Roger A., Edward Elgar Publishing Pvt Ltd., 2014 9781782546412 (cased) | 178254 v, 237 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.01 MCR 00037208 World in 2020:power, Culture & Prosperity: A Vision of the Future Mcrae, Hamish Harper Collins 1994 301 p UG Library
330.01 MIL 01029028 Commutative justice : Mildenberger, Carl D. Routledge, 2020 9780367346799 vii, 185p, ; Knowledge Centre
330.01 MIS 01017699 The ultimate foundation of economic science: an essay on method / Von Mises, Ludwig, Liberty Fund, 2006 9780865976382 (hardcover : alk xiii, 124 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.01 MIS 01017696 Theory and history : Von Mises, Ludwig, Liberty Fund, 2005 086597568X | 0865975698 (pbk.) x, 275 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.01 RAC 07014075 An introduction to the advanced theory of nonparametric econometrics : Racine, Jeffrey Scott. Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108483407 xxvi,408p.; Library - BR Campus
330.01 RAC 05068172 An introduction to the advanced theory of nonparametric econometrics : Racine, Jeffrey Scott. Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108483407 xxvi,408p.; Knowledge Centre
330.01 REI 00143472 Philosophy of economics : Reiss, Julian. Routledge, 2013 9780415881166 (hb) | 9780415881173 (pb) | 9780203559062 (ebk) xiii, 331 pages : UG Library
330.01 REI 05068338 Ecology and revolution : Reitz, Charles. Routledge, 2019 9781138341876 xiii,194p.; Knowledge Centre
330.01 REI 05007470 Error in economics : Reiss, Julian. Routledge, 2008 0415391415 (hbk.) | 0203086791 (ebook) | 9780415391412 (hbk.) | 9780203086797 (ebook) xxiv, 246 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.01 ROS 10002687 Philosophy of Economics / Ross, Don., Palgrave Macmillan, 2014 9780230302976 xvii,341 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.01 ROS 07015225 Philosophy of Economics / Ross, Don., Palgrave Macmillan, 2014 9780230302976 xvii,341 p.: Library - BR Campus
330.01 SMI 05008915 Rationality in economics : Smith, Vernon L. Cambridge University Press, 9780521133388 (pbk.) xx, 364 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.01 SOB 01011240 Understanding Economics / Russell S Sobel Cengage Learning, 2009 9780324583885 802p.; Knowledge Centre
330.01 SOM 07009488 The last mile : Soman, Dilip, University of toronto Press, 2015 9781442650435 (hbk.) | 1442650 xiii, 282 pages : Library - BR Campus
330.01 SPI 07000362 Behind the model : Spiegler, Peter. Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107069664 (hardback) | 978 x,221p.: Library - BR Campus
330.01 STI 05006399 For a new critique of political economy / Stiegler, Bernard. Polity, 2010 9780745648033 (hbk.) v, 154 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.01 SWI 07000230 Quality standards, value chains, and international development : Swinnen, Johan F. M., Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107025912 (hardback : alk. xii,328p.; Library - BR Campus
330.01 ZAM 05007281 Computable, constructive and behavioural economic dynamics : Zambelli, Stefano Routledge, 2010 9780415492638 xxvi, 533 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.01 ZEI 05008914 Postcolonialism meets economics / Zein-Elabdin, Eiman O Routledge, 2004 0415287251 | 041528726X (pbk.) xvi, 288 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.0103 CHA 00078720 Encyclopaedia Of The Theoretical Economics Chaudhary, M A Global Vision Publishing House 2006 8182201411 332p Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.0103 CHA 00078722 Encyclopaedia Of The Theoretical Economics Chaudhary, M A Global Vision Publishing House 2006 8182201411 332p Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.0103 CHA 00078721 Encyclopaedia Of The Theoretical Economics Chaudhary, M A Global Vision Publishing House 2006 8182201411 332p Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.0112 CHA 05007651 Demand-driven forecasting : Chase, Charles. John Wiley & Sons, 2009 9780470415023 (cloth) | 047041 xviii, 270 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.0112 DAV 05008918 The economic future in historical of perspective / David, Paul A. Oxford university Press, 2003 9780197263471 xvi, 528 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0112 ELL 05000352 Ahead of the Curve : Ellis, Joseph H. Harvard Business School Press, 2005 9781591396918 xxiii, 276 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.0112 ELL 05008911 Ahead of the Curve : Ellis, Joseph H. Harvard Business School Press, 2005 9781591396918 xxiii, 276 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.0112 ELL 03008222 Ahead of the Curve : Ellis, Joseph H. Harvard Business School Press, 2005 9781591396918 xxiii, 276 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.0112 ELL 05048410 Economic forecasting / Elliott, Graham. Princeton, 2016 9780691140131 (cloth) xiv,552p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0113 AFO 00135431 Computational economics : Afonso, Oscar. Routledge, 2016 9781138859654 (hardback) | 9781138859661 (pbk.) xxiii, 266 pages ; UG Library
330.0117 ROS 01023058 Complexity in economics / Rosser, John Barkley, Edward elgar publishing ltd., 2004 9783319051840 xxi,508p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0117 ROS 01023059 Complexity in economics / Rosser, John Barkley, Edward elgar publishing ltd., 2004 9783319051840 xxi,508p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015 GUJ 07010383 Econometrics by Example / Gujarati, Damodar Palgrave, 2015 9781137607348 466p. : Library - BR Campus
330.015 JEF 07010382 Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data/ Wooldridge,Jeffrey M Levant Books, 2015 9789384106256 XXIX,1045 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330.015 ROS 05008917 Basic Mathematics for Economists / Rosser, Mike. Routledge, 2003 9780415267847 2nd ed. x, 530 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015 SIM 05038936 Mathematics For Economists Simon Carl P. Viva Books Private Limited 2006 9788130916002 1st 930 Knowledge Centre
330.0151 00126154 Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics / Chiang, Alpha C. McGraw-Hill, 2005 9780071238236 4th ed xix, 688 p.; UG Library
330.0151 07002828 Game Theory Peters, Hans. Springer, 2015 9783662469507 | 9783662469491 2nd ed. 2015. xvii,494p.: Library - BR Campus
330.0151 ALL 00117825 Mathematical Analysis for Economists Allen R G D The English Language Book Society: 1974 548 p. UG Library
330.0151 MOH 05008900 Mathematics for Economics Mohan, K. P. Centrum Press, 9789380540559 288 p. Knowledge Centre
330.0151 REN 04006248 Maths for Economics Renshaw, Geoff Oxford Universtiy Press 2009 9780199579525 638 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.0151 REN 03002248 Maths for Economics / Renshaw, Geoff. Oxford Universtiy Press , 2008 9780199579525 2nd ed. 638 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.0151 SYD 07015759 Mathematics for economic analysis / Sydsaeter, Knut. Pearson Education Inc., 1995 0817758104 | 9788177581041 1000p.; Library - BR Campus
330.0151 SYD 05001011 Mathematics for economic analysis / Sydsaeter, Knut. Pearson Education Inc., 1995 0817758104 | 9788177581041 1000p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0151 SYD 10002014 Mathematics for economic analysis / Sydsaeter, Knut. Pearson Education Inc., 1995 0817758104 | 9788177581041 1000p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.0151 SYD 10002015 Mathematics for economic analysis / Sydsaeter, Knut. Pearson Education Inc., 1995 0817758104 | 9788177581041 1000p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.0151 SYD 10002016 Mathematics for economic analysis / Sydsaeter, Knut. Pearson Education Inc., 1995 0817758104 | 9788177581041 1000p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.0151 SYD 10002017 Mathematics for economic analysis / Sydsaeter, Knut. Pearson Education Inc., 1995 0817758104 | 9788177581041 1000p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.0151 SYD 10002018 Mathematics for economic analysis / Sydsaeter, Knut. Pearson Education Inc., 1995 0817758104 | 9788177581041 1000p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.0151 SYD 07015476 Mathematics for economic analysis / Sydsaeter, Knut. Pearson Education Inc., 1995 0817758104 | 9788177581041 1000p.; Library - BR Campus
330.0151 SYD 07015551 Mathematics for economic analysis / Sydsaeter, Knut. Pearson Education Inc., 1995 0817758104 | 9788177581041 1000p.; Library - BR Campus
330.0151 SYD 07008549 Mathematics for economic analysis / Sydsaeter, Knut. Pearson Education Inc., 1995 0817758104 | 9788177581041 1000p.; Library - BR Campus
330.0151 SYD 07008550 Mathematics for economic analysis / Sydsaeter, Knut. Pearson Education Inc., 1995 0817758104 | 9788177581041 1000p.; Library - BR Campus
330.0151 SYD 07008551 Mathematics for economic analysis / Sydsaeter, Knut. Pearson Education Inc., 1995 0817758104 | 9788177581041 1000p.; Library - BR Campus
330.0151 SYD 07008552 Mathematics for economic analysis / Sydsaeter, Knut. Pearson Education Inc., 1995 0817758104 | 9788177581041 1000p.; Library - BR Campus
330.0151 SYD 07008553 Mathematics for economic analysis / Sydsaeter, Knut. Pearson Education Inc., 1995 0817758104 | 9788177581041 1000p.; Library - BR Campus
330.0151 AGA 00073734 Quantitative Methods Agarwal, D R Vrinda Publications 2004 8187125837 2nd ed. 1157 p. UG Library
330.0151 ALL 00039405 Mathematical Analysis for Economics Allen, R G D A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors 2005 8174730281 548 p. UG Library
330.0151 ALL 00061277 Mathematical Analysis for Economics Allen, R G D A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors 2005 8174730281 548 p. UG Library
330.0151 ALL 00070525 Mathematical Analysis for Economics Allen, R G D A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors 2005 8174730281 548 p. UG Library
330.0151 ALL 00070524 Mathematical Analysis for Economics Allen, R G D A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors 2005 8174730281 548 p. UG Library
330.0151 ALL 00004625 Mathematical Analysis for Economists Allen R G D The English Language Book Society: 1974 548 p. UG Library
330.0151 ALL 00071577 Mathematical Analysis for Economics Allen, R G D A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors 2005 8174730281 548 p. UG Library
330.0151 ALL 00071578 Mathematical Analysis for Economics Allen, R G D A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors 2005 8174730281 548 p. UG Library
330.0151 ANT 00052859 Mathematics For Economics And Finance : Anthony, Martin. Cambridge University Press, 2000 9780521785143 394 p.; UG Library
330.0151 ANT 00052229 Mathematics For Economics And Finance : Anthony, Martin. Cambridge University Press, 2000 9780521785143 394 p.; UG Library
330.0151 ANT 00052230 Mathematics For Economics And Finance : Anthony, Martin. Cambridge University Press, 2000 9780521785143 394 p.; UG Library
330.0151 ANT 05012253 Mathematics For Economics And Finance : Anthony, Martin. Cambridge University Press, 2000 9780521785143 394 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0151 ASS 00146455 Modeling Economic Instability: Assous, Michael 9783030903091 xvi241p. ; UG Library
330.0151 ATH 05040833 A Text Book of Mathematical Economics / Athill, Diana. Random Exports, 2013 9789382226758 viii,279p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0151 BAL 05011764 Econometrics / Baltagi, Badi H. Springer, 2002 9798181283299 (softcover : alk. paper) 3rd ed. xv, 401 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0151 BAL 05009081 Econometrics / Baltagi, Badi H. Springer, 2002 9798181283299 (softcover : alk. paper) 3rd ed. xv, 401 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0151 BAR 03007115 Basic Mathematics And Its Application In Economics Baruah, Srinath Macmillan India Limited 2001 0333935934 481p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.0151 BAR 05012256 Basic Mathematics And Its Application In Economics Baruah, Srinath Macmillan India Limited 2001 0333935934 481p Knowledge Centre
330.0151 BHA 05008902 Mathematics for Economics and Business Bharadwaj, R.S. Excel Books , 2000 8174462228 | 9788174464507 1st ed. ix, 10.59 p. Knowledge Centre
330.0151 BIC 05059701 Market design : Bichler, Martin. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107173187 xi, 283 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.0151 BRA 05017433 Essential Mathematics for Economics and Business Bradley, Teresa 0471975117 723p Knowledge Centre
330.0151 CAM 00130144 Economtrics Cameron, Samuel McGraw-Hill, 2005 9780077104283 xviii, 484 p . : UG Library
330.0151 CAR 05010529 Foundations Of Mathematical Economics Carter, Michael The MIT Press, 9780262032899 xviii, 649 p. Knowledge Centre
330.0151 CAR 05010644 Foundations of Mathmatical Economics Carter, Michael 0262032899 649 p Knowledge Centre
330.0151 CHI 10003295 Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics / Chiang, Alpha C. McGraw hill education (india) pvt ltd., 2022 9781259097348 4th ed xix, 688 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.0151 CHI 10003296 Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics / Chiang, Alpha C. McGraw hill education (india) pvt ltd., 2022 9781259097348 4th ed xix, 688 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.0151 CHI 10003297 Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics / Chiang, Alpha C. McGraw hill education (india) pvt ltd., 2022 9781259097348 4th ed xix, 688 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.0151 CHI 07008555 Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics / Chiang, Alpha C. McGraw-Hill, 2005 9780071238236 4th ed xix, 688 p.; Library - BR Campus
330.0151 CHI 07008834 Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics / Chiang, Alpha C. McGraw-Hill, 2005 9780071238236 4th ed xix, 688 p.; Library - BR Campus
330.0151 CHI 07008835 Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics / Chiang, Alpha C. McGraw-Hill, 2005 9780071238236 4th ed xix, 688 p.; Library - BR Campus
330.0151 CHI 07008836 Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics / Chiang, Alpha C. McGraw-Hill, 2005 9780071238236 4th ed xix, 688 p.; Library - BR Campus
330.0151 CHI 05011668 Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics / Chiang, Alpha C. McGraw-Hill, 2005 9780071238236 4th ed xix, 688 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0151 CHI 05008913 Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics / Chiang, Alpha C. McGraw-Hill, 2005 9780071238236 4th ed xix, 688 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0151 CHI 07015758 Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics / Chiang, Alpha C. McGraw hill education (india) pvt ltd., 2022 9781259097348 4th ed xix, 688 p.; Library - BR Campus
330.0151 CHI 10001819 Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics / Chiang, Alpha C. McGraw hill education (india) pvt ltd., 2022 9781259097348 4th ed xix, 688 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.0151 CHI 10001820 Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics / Chiang, Alpha C. McGraw hill education (india) pvt ltd., 2022 9781259097348 4th ed xix, 688 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.0151 CHI 07008554 Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics / Chiang, Alpha C. McGraw-Hill, 2005 9780071238236 4th ed xix, 688 p.; Library - BR Campus
330.0151 CHI 05006235 Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics / Chiang, Alpha C. McGraw-Hill, 2005 9780071238236 4th ed xix, 688 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0151 DOW 07011453 Introduction to Mathematical Economics / Dowling Edward.T McGraw Hill, 2012 9780071762519 viii,523p.: Library - BR Campus
330.0151 DOW 07015630 Introduction to Mathematical Economics / Dowling Edward.T McGraw Hill, 2012 9780071762519 viii,523p.: Library - BR Campus
330.0151 EIS 05050753 Advances in optimization and control : Springer-Verlag, 1988 0387189629 (U.S.) | 3540189629 viii, 371 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.0151 FUE 05026937 Mathematical Methods and Models for Economists / Fuente, Angel De La Cambridge University Press, 2000 0521585295 835p.: Knowledge Centre
330.0151 GRE 00061298 Econometric Analysis Greene, H William Pearson Education 2002 8178086212 4th Ed. 1004 p UG Library
330.0151 HAR 07006921 Mathematics For Economics and Finance / Harrison, Michael, Routledge, 2011 9780415573030 (hb) | 978041557 xxiii, 520 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.0151 HAR 00110680 Mathematics For Economics and Finance / Harrison, Michael, Routledge, 2011 9780415573030 (hb) | 978041557 xxiii, 520 p. : UG Library
330.0151 HEN 07011454 Microeconomic Theory A Mathematical Approach / Henderson James.M McGraw Hill Education(Private Limited), 2017 9780070582477 xix,420p.: Library - BR Campus
330.0151 HOL 00106957 Introductory Mathematics For Economics And Business Holden K. Macmillian Press Ltd. 2010 9780333994429 xii;511 P. UG Library
330.0151 HOL 00062743 Introductory Mathematics for Economics and Business Holden,K. Macmillan 2004 0333994426 512 p. UG Library
330.0151 HOY 00061425 Mathematics for Economics Hoy, Michael Prentice Hall of India 2004 8120324633 2nd ed 1129 p. UG Library
330.0151 HOY 05033430 Mathematics for Economics / Hoy, Michael. PHI Learning Private Limited, 2012 9788120346482 3rd ed. xiv, 959 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.0151 IHO 05052071 Mathematical Systems in Economics / Ihorst, Gabriele. Anton Hain, 1993 3445098395 v, 188 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0151 KUS 05008072 Advances in Mathematical Economics Volume 11 Kusuoka, S. Springer 2008 9784431777830 | 4431777830 (Tr 158 p. Knowledge Centre
330.0151 KUS 05008065 Advances in Mathematical Economics Volume 12 Tsukahara, Hideatsu Springer 2009 9784431929345 | 4431929347 (Tr 168 p. Knowledge Centre
330.0151 LAN 05049986 Mathematical economics / Lancaster, Kelvin. Dover Publications, 1968 0486653919 (pbk.) xiii, 411 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.0151 MAH 00098663 Econometrics / Mahajan, Ashwani. Centrum Press, 2010 9789380540474 viii, 272 p.; UG Library
330.0151 MAH 05008920 Econometrics / Mahajan, Ashwani. Centrum Press, 2010 9789380540474 viii, 272 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0151 MAH 00098056 Econometrics / Mahajan, Ashwani. Centrum Press , 9789380540474 viii, 272 p. ; UG Library
330.0151 MEL 00105973 Mathematical Economics / Melkumian, Arsen. Routledge, 2011 9780415776868 (hb) | 9780415776875 (pb) | 9780203837214 (eb) vi, 220 p.; UG Library
330.0151 MEL 05004619 Mathematical Economics / Melkumian, Arsen. Routledge, 2011 9780415776868 (hb) | 9780415776875 (pb) | 9780203837214 (eb) vi, 220 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0151 MOH 00097491 Mathematics for Economics Mohan K P Centrum Press; 9789380540559 288p UG Library
330.0151 MOH 05008899 Mathematics For Economics / Mohan, K,P Centrum Press, 2010 9789380540559 viii, 288 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0151 MUK 00102779 Mathematical Methods and Economic Theory / Mukherji, Anjan. Oxford universiity press; 2011 9780198069973 xiv, 312 p.: UG Library
330.0151 MUK 03008933 Mathematical Methods and Economic Theory / Mukherji, Anjan. Oxford universiity press; 2011 9780198069973 xiv, 312 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.0151 MUK 03004506 Mathematical Methods and Economic Theory / Mukherji, Anjan. Oxford universiity press; 2011 9780198069973 xiv, 312 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.0151 MUK 05039033 Mathematical Methods and Economic Theory / Mukherji, Anjan. Oxford universiity press; 2011 9780198069973 xiv, 312 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.0151 PEM 00125235 Mathematics for Economists Pemberton, Malcolm Viva Books, 2017 9789386105233 4th ed, xviii, 757 p:. UG Library
330.0151 PEM 04026462 Mathematics for Economists : Pemberton, Mlcolm Viva Books, 2017 330.0151 757p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.0151 RAG 03009288 The Corruption Conundrum and Other Paradoxes and Dilemmas / Raghunathan, V. Portfolio , 2010 9780670083565 222 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.0151 REN 00118379 Maths for economics / Renshaw, Geoffrey. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199602124 (pbk. : alk. pap 3rd ed. xxiv, 674 p. : UG Library
330.0151 REN 05010497 Maths for Economics / Renshaw, Geoff. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199236817 | 9780199579525 2nd ed. xxiv, 638 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0151 REN 05008903 Maths for Economics / Renshaw, Geoff. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199236817 | 9780199579525 2nd ed. xxiv, 638 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0151 REN 05008904 Maths for Economics / Renshaw, Geoff. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199236817 | 9780199579525 2nd ed. xxiv, 638 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0151 REN 05008905 Maths for Economics / Renshaw, Geoff. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199236817 | 9780199579525 2nd ed. xxiv, 638 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0151 REN 00095066 Maths for Economics / Renshaw, Geoff. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199236817 | 9780199579525 2nd ed. xxiv, 638 p.; UG Library
330.0151 REN 00095067 Maths for Economics / Renshaw, Geoff. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199236817 | 9780199579525 2nd ed. xxiv, 638 p.; UG Library
330.0151 REN 03008934 Maths for Economics / Renshaw, Geoff. Oxford Universtiy Press , 2008 9780199579525 2nd ed. 638 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.0151 REN 05003944 Maths for economics / Renshaw, Geoffrey. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199236817 (pbk.) | 9780199579525 | 019923681X (pbk.) 2nd ed. xxiv, 638 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.0151 SHA 07014728 Mathematical Economics / Sharma Kavita.Dr DND Publications, 2020 9789386664464 viii,328p.: Library - BR Campus
330.0151 SIL 10001155 The Structure of Economics : Silberberg, Eugene. McGraw-Hill, 2001 9789339220402 3rd ed. xvii, 668 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.0151 SOR 07010223 Dynamic economic analysis : Sorger, Gerhard, Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107443792 | 1107443792 | 9 xvi, 286 pages : Library - BR Campus
330.0151 SOR 07000172 Dynamic economic analysis : Sorger, Gerhard, Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107443792 | 1107443792 | 9 xvi, 286 pages : Library - BR Campus
330.0151 SOR 01024623 Dynamic economic analysis : Sorger, Gerhard, Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107443792 | 1107443792 | 9 xvi, 286 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.0151 STA 05039260 General equilibrium theory : Starr, Ross M. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521826457 (hardback) | 052 2nd ed. xxxix, 348 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.0151 STO 00138359 Introduction to Econometrics / Stock,James H. Pearson, 2020 9781292264455 4th ed. 797p.; UG Library
330.0151 SYD 04016259 Economists' mathematical manual / Sydster, Knut. Springer, 2005 3540260889 (alk. paper) | 9788 4th ed. 225 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.0151 SYD 00088713 Mathematics for economic analysis / Sydsaeter, Knut. Pearson Education Inc., 1995 0817758104 | 9788177581041 1000p.; UG Library
330.0151 VEG 00058508 Economics and the Theory of Games / Vega-Redondo, Fernando Cambridge University Press, 2003 0521775906 512 p. UG Library
330.0151 WER 05008919 Mathematics Of Economics And Business / Werner, Frank. Routledge, 2006 0415332818 | 9780415332811 xvii, 516 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0151 WER 00078142 Mathematics Of Economics And Business / Werner, Frank. Routledge, 2006 0415332818 | 9780415332811 xvii, 516 p.; UG Library
330.0151 WOO 05011745 Econometrics / Wooldridge, Jeffrey M. Cengage Learning, 2009 9780324581621 (student ed. package) | 0324581629 (student ed. package) | 9780324660609 (access code card) | 032466060X (access code card) | 9780324660548 (student ed.) | 0324660545 (student ed.) | 9788131509609 xx, 865 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.0151 WOO 05011865 Econometrics / Wooldridge, Jeffrey M. Cengage Learning, 2009 9780324581621 (student ed. package) | 0324581629 (student ed. package) | 9780324660609 (access code card) | 032466060X (access code card) | 9780324660548 (student ed.) | 0324660545 (student ed.) | 9788131509609 xx, 865 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.01511352 FIN 00128792 Complexity and the economy / Finch, John Edward Edger, 2005 9781843766681 323p : . UG Library
330.015118 GUJ 05021500 Basic Econometrics / Gujarati, Damodar N. McGraw-Hill, 1995 9780071139649 3rd ed. xxiii, 838 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015118 OST 05010521 Mathematics in economics : Ostaszewski, Adam. Blackwell, 1993 0631180559 (acidfree paper) | xix, 508 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.01513 BUC 00142675 An undergraduate introduction to financial mathematics / Buchanan, J. Robert World Scientific Pub., 2022 9789814407441 | 9781944659844 3rd ed. xviii, 464 p. : UG Library
330.01515 LOV 05010524 Economics with Calculus Lovell, Michael C World Scientific, 9789812388254 xvii, 613 p. Knowledge Centre
330.015159 HEN 05011742 The Foundations of Econometric Analysis / Hendry, David F. Cambridge University Press, 1996 9780521588706 xvi, 558 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015159 HEN 05010519 Foundations of Econometric Analysis Hendry, David F 0521588707 558p Knowledge Centre
330.01519 CAS 00146755 Computable general equilibrium modeling : Castellanos, Kenneth, Routledge, 2024 9780367272050 First edition. ix,136p. ; UG Library
330.01519 CHA 00147369 Problem solving in economics : Chatterji, Monojit World Scientific, 2024 9798886130683 xiv, 288p. ; UG Library
330.01519 GUJ 07005411 Econometrics by Example / Gujarati, Damodar Palgrave, 2015 9781137607348 466p. : Library - BR Campus
330.01519 GUJ 04025942 Econometrics by Example / Gujarati, Damodar Palgrave, 2015 9781137607348 466p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.015192 PHI 00120795 The refinement of econometric estimation and test procedures : Phillips, Garry D A Cambridge University Press, 2007 0521870534 (hbk) | 97805218705 xxvii, 389 p. : UG Library
330.0151923 WHA 05068669 Econometric analysis of stochastic dominance concepts, methods, tools, and applications / Whang, Yoon-Jae, Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108472791 (alk. paper) xvi,262p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015193 BAS 05067126 Economic policy and its theoretical bases : Basu, Kaushik, Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199488810 | 0199488819 First edition. ix, 316 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.015193 BAS 07014478 Economic policy and its theoretical bases : Basu, Kaushik, Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199488810 | 0199488819 First edition. ix, 316 pages : Library - BR Campus
330.015193 CAM 10000657 Behavioral Game Theory : Camerer, Colin, New Age International, 2010 9788122431261 xv, 550 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015193 CHA 00102587 Experiments in economics : Chaudhuri, Ananish. Routledge, 9780415476300 (hb) | 041547630 xviii, 249 p. ; UG Library
330.015193 LON 05010860 A survey of dynamic games in economics Long, Ngo Van. World Scientific, 2010 xiv, 275 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.015193 STA 05010530 Economics Games and Strategic Behaviour Stahler, Frank Edward Egler 1858989051 1-85898-905-1 Knowledge Centre
330.015193 YOU 05062294 Handbook of Game Theory In Economics / Elsevier, 2015 9780444537669 xv, 1008p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0151932 LAM 05063727 Differential games in industrial economics / Lambertini, Luca. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107164680 (hardback) | 9781316616499 (paperback) xvi, 258 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 BJE 05010623 Problems and methods of econometrics : Frisch, Ragnar, Routledge, 9780415451444 (hbk) | 04154514 xlviii, 149 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.015195 HUR 03000464 Desiging Economic Mechanisms / Hurwicz, Leonid. Cambidge University Press, 2008 9780521724104 344 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.015195 WOO 03001601 Introductory Econometrics : Wooldridge, Jeffrey M. Thomson South-Western, 2008 9788131503225 | 8131503224 890 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.015195 WOO 03001602 Introductory Econometrics : Wooldridge, Jeffrey M. Thomson South-Western, 2008 9788131503225 | 8131503224 890 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.015195 AGA 07013451 Foundations of economic analysis. Agarwal, Shobha. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd, 2019 9789386761774 411p ;. Library - BR Campus
330.015195 AGA 00073715 Statistics for Economics Agarwal, D.R. Vrinda Publications (p) Ltd 2001 0818712556 23.776 p. UG Library
330.015195 ANA 05000713 Methods for estimation and inference in modern econometrics / Anatolyev, Stanislav. CRC Press, 2011 9781439838242 (hardcover : alk. paper) xiv, 219 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 AND 05006562 Identification and inference for econometric models : Cambridge University Press, 2005 052184441X | 9780521844413 xiii, 573 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.015195 ANG 10001986 Mastering 'metrics: Angrist, Joshua. Princeton university press, 2015 9780691152844 xv,282p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 ANG 10001987 Mastering 'metrics: Angrist, Joshua. Princeton university press, 2015 9780691152844 xv,282p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 ANG 10001988 Mastering 'metrics: Angrist, Joshua. Princeton university press, 2015 9780691152844 xv,282p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 ANG 07011753 Mostly harmless econometrics : Angrist, Joshua David. Princeton University Press, 2009 9780691120348 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 069112034X (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9780691120355 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0691120358 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiii, 373 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.015195 ARI 00141011 Econometrics Methods Ari, Vijay Kumar Random Publications, 2021 9789352697441 297 p.; UG Library
330.015195 ASA 05059431 An Introducation To Mathematics For Economics / Asano, Akihito. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107619166 xv, 267 p,; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 BAL 05010607 Econometrics Baltagi, Badi H Springer 8181283295 401p Knowledge Centre
330.015195 BAL 04016258 Econometrics / Baltagi, Badi H. Springer, 2002 9788181283290 401 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.015195 BET 05053458 COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics ; Physica-Verlag, 2000 9783790813265 xii,540p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 BHA 05047556 Principles of Econometrics : Bhaumik, Sankar Kumar. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198098539 xxv, 411 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 BHA 05047557 Principles of Econometrics : Bhaumik, Sankar Kumar. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198098539 xxv, 411 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 BHA 10001922 Principles of Econometrics : Bhaumik, Sankar Kumar. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198098539 xxv, 411 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 BHA 10001923 Principles of Econometrics : Bhaumik, Sankar Kumar. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198098539 xxv, 411 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 BHA 10001924 Principles of Econometrics : Bhaumik, Sankar Kumar. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198098539 xxv, 411 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 BHA 07010339 Principles of Econometrics : Bhaumik, Sankar Kumar. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198098539 xxv, 411 p.; Library - BR Campus
330.015195 BHA 01021133 Principles of Econometrics : Bhaumik, Sankar Kumar. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198098539 xxv, 411 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 BHA 03010920 Principles of Econometrics : Bhaumik, Sankar Kumar. Oxford University Press, 2015 0198098537 | 9780198098539 411 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.015195 BHA 07013066 Principles of Econometrics : Bhaumik, Sankar Kumar. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198098539 xxv, 411 p.; Library - BR Campus
330.015195 BHA 07013067 Principles of Econometrics : Bhaumik, Sankar Kumar. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198098539 xxv, 411 p.; Library - BR Campus
330.015195 BHA 07013068 Principles of Econometrics : Bhaumik, Sankar Kumar. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198098539 xxv, 411 p.; Library - BR Campus
330.015195 BHA 07013069 Principles of Econometrics : Bhaumik, Sankar Kumar. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198098539 xxv, 411 p.; Library - BR Campus
330.015195 BHO 07014691 Econometric applications / Bhowmik, Debesh Malglam Publication, 2019 9789382816621 ix,378p.; Library - BR Campus
330.015195 BIO 05056626 Econometrics of panel data : Biørn, Erik, Oxford University Press, 2017 0198753446 | 9780198753445 First edition. xv, 398 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.015195 BRI 04021564 Optimization : Insight and Applications / Brinkhuis, Jan New Age International Publishers, 2010 9788122431322 658p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.015195 CAM 05005360 Microeconometrics using Stata / Cameron, Adrian Colin. Stata Press, 2010 9781597180733 | 1597180734 xlii, 706 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.015195 CAM 01000823 Econometrics of Financial Markets / John Y Campbell New Age International, 2006 8122417078 611p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 CAR 05044614 Statistical Analysis of Financial Data in R Carmona, René. Springer, 2014 9781461487883 | 9781461487876 2nd ed. 2014. xvii,588p.: Knowledge Centre
330.015195 CAS 00108822 The methodology and practice of econometrics Castle Jennifer L. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199237197 | 0199237190 (ac xii, 451 p. : UG Library
330.015195 CHI 03013486 Advansed Econometric Theory / Chipman, John S Routledge, 2017 9781138705685 xiii, 392p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.015195 CHR 05052162 Econometric models and methods / Christ, Carl F. Wiley, 1966 xxiii, 705 p. Knowledge Centre
330.015195 CIP 00144390 Time Series in Economics and Finance / Cipra, Tomas Springer, 2020 9783030463496 ix,410p.; UG Library
330.015195 COM 00141599 Ignorance and uncertainty / Compte, Olivier, Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108422024 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781108434492 (paperback) xiv, 287 pages : UG Library
330.015195 COM 05066750 Ignorance and uncertainty / Compte, Olivier, Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108422024 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781108434492 (paperback) xiv, 287 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.015195 DAM 00070509 Basic Econometrics Damodar, N Gujarati 0070597936 1002p UG Library
330.015195 DAS 07015539 Econometrics in Theory and Practice : Das Panchanan Panchanan Das, 2019 9789813290181 xxvii,565p.: Library - BR Campus
330.015195 DAV 00087428 Econometric Theory Davidson, James Blackwell 2000 9780631215844 499 p UG Library
330.015195 DOU 05008893 Introduction to Econometrics / Dougherty, Christopher. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195693249 3rd ed. xiii, 464 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 DOU 05010634 Introduction to Econometrics / Dougherty, Christopher. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195693249 3rd ed. xiii, 464 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 DOU 05008894 Introduction to Econometrics / Dougherty, Christopher. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195693249 3rd ed. xiii, 464 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 DOU 00095091 Introduction to Econometrics / Dougherty, Christopher. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195693249 3rd ed. xiii, 464 p.; UG Library
330.015195 DOU 00095092 Introduction to Econometrics / Dougherty, Christopher. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195693249 3rd ed. xiii, 464 p.; UG Library
330.015195 DOU 00100964 Introduction to Econometrics / Dougherty, Christopher. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195693249 3rd ed. xiii, 464 p.; UG Library
330.015195 DOU 03009721 Introduction to Econometrics / Dougherty, Christopher. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199567089 (pbk.) | 9780199 4th ed. xvii, 573 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.015195 DOU 03009722 Introduction to Econometrics / Dougherty, Christopher. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199567089 (pbk.) | 9780199 4th ed. xvii, 573 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.015195 DOU 05010633 Introduction to Econometrics / Dougherty, Christopher. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195693249 3rd ed. xiii, 464 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 DOU 07008884 Introduction to Econometrics / Dougherty, Christopher. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199567089 (pbk.) | 9780199 4th ed. xvii, 573 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.015195 DOU 10001938 Introduction to Econometrics / Dougherty, Christopher. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780192858788 Fifth edition xvii, 590p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 DOU 10001939 Introduction to Econometrics / Dougherty, Christopher. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780192858788 Fifth edition xvii, 590p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 DOU 10001940 Introduction to Econometrics / Dougherty, Christopher. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780192858788 Fifth edition xvii, 590p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 DOU 05003925 Introduction to Econometrics / Dougherty, Christopher. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195693249 3rd ed. xiii, 464 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 DOU 05008895 Introduction to Econometrics / Dougherty, Christopher. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195693249 3rd ed. xiii, 464 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 DOW 00065433 Schaum's Outlines of Theory and Problems of Introduction to Mathamatical Economics Dowling, Ph-D, Edward T 2004 0070588880 523p Knowledge Centre
330.015195 END 07000156 Applied econometric time series / Enders,Walter. Wiley, 2010 9788126543915 xiv,51p.; Library - BR Campus
330.015195 FRA 05013363 Dynamic Macroeconomics Instability, Fluctuations, and Growth in Monetary Economies Flaschel, Peter The MIT Press CAmbridge, Massachusetts 1997 0262061910 455p; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 FRA 05010525 Dynamic Macroeconomics Instability, Fluctuations, and Growth in Monetary Economies Flaschel, Peter The MIT Press CAmbridge, Massachusetts 1997 0262061910 455p; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 GAR 00120233 Finitary probabilistic methods in econophysics / Garibaldi, Ubaldo. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521515597 | 0521515599 xiv, 327 p. : UG Library
330.015195 GAT 07014112 Agent-based models in economics : Cambridge University Press. 2018 9781108414999 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781108400046 (paperback : alk. paper) xviii, 241p. Library - BR Campus
330.015195 GHY 05045946 Essays in econometrics : Granger, C. W. J. Cambridge University Press, 2001 0521796970 (set : pbk.) | 0521 xix,523p.: Knowledge Centre
330.015195 GHY 00108814 Essays in econometrics Ghysels Eric Cambridge University Press, 2001 9780521796491 | 0521804078 (se xviii; 378 p. : UG Library
330.015195 GOL 07006017 Introductory econometrics / Goldberger, Arthur Stanley, Harvard University Press, 1998 067446107X (alk. paper) xii, 241 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.015195 GOU 07001890 Financial Econometrics : Gourieroux, Christian, New Age International, 0691088721 | 9788122421712 xi, 513 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.015195 GRA 05006557 Essays in econometrics : Granger, C. W. J. Cambridge University Press, 2001 0521804078 (set) | 0521796970 2 v. :523 p. Knowledge Centre
330.015195 GRE 05007588 Economics and history : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781444346695 | 9781444337808 [vi], 298 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.015195 GRE 03012409 Econometric Analysis / Greene, William H. Pearson, 2003 9788177586848 5th ed. 1026 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.015195 GRE 03012410 Econometric Analysis / Greene, William H. Pearson, 2003 9788177586848 5th ed. 1026 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.015195 GRE 05070080 Econometric analysis / Greene, William H. Pearson Education Limited, 2020 9781292231136 Eighth (Global edition) 1166p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 GRO 01003538 The regulation of international financial markets : Cambridge University Press, 2006 052183144X (hbk.) | 9780521831444 xvii, 337 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 GUJ 05045442 Basic Econometrics / Gujarati, Damodar N. Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 9780071333450 5th ed. xxiii,886p. : Knowledge Centre
330.015195 GUJ 10000052 Basic Econometrics / Gujarati, Damodar N. Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 9780071333450 5th ed. xxiii,886p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 GUJ 00134386 Basic Econometrics / Gujarati, Damodar N. Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 9780071333450 5th ed. xxiii,886p. : UG Library
330.015195 GUJ 00134387 Basic Econometrics / Gujarati, Damodar N. Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 9780071333450 5th ed. xxiii,886p. : UG Library
330.015195 GUJ 00134388 Basic Econometrics / Gujarati, Damodar N. Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 9780071333450 5th ed. xxiii,886p. : UG Library
330.015195 GUJ 00134389 Basic Econometrics / Gujarati, Damodar N. Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 9780071333450 5th ed. xxiii,886p. : UG Library
330.015195 GUJ 00134390 Basic Econometrics / Gujarati, Damodar N. Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 9780071333450 5th ed. xxiii,886p. : UG Library
330.015195 GUJ 10001919 Econometrics by example / Gujarati, Damodar. Bloomsbury India, 2015 9789354356117 2nd ed., xxx, 466p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 GUJ 10001920 Econometrics by example / Gujarati, Damodar. Bloomsbury India, 2015 9789354356117 2nd ed., xxx, 466p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 GUJ 10001921 Econometrics by example / Gujarati, Damodar. Bloomsbury India, 2015 9789354356117 2nd ed., xxx, 466p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 GUJ 03009723 Basic Econometrics / Gujarati, Damodar N. McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2009 9780073375779 (alk. paper) | 9 5th ed. xi, 886 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.015195 GUJ 07010794 Basic Econometrics / Gujarati, Damodar N. Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 9780071333450 5th ed. xxiii,886p. : Library - BR Campus
330.015195 GUJ 03009724 Basic Econometrics / Gujarati, Damodar N. McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2009 9780073375779 (alk. paper) | 9 5th ed. xi, 886 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.015195 GUJ 00131247 Essentials of econometrics / Gujarati, Damodar N. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2010 9780073375847 (alk. paper) | 0073375845 (alk. paper) 4th ed. xxii, 554 p. : UG Library
330.015195 GUJ 07011762 Basic Econometrics / Gujarati, Damodar N. Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 9780071333450 5th ed. xxiii,886p. : Library - BR Campus
330.015195 GUJ 07011763 Basic Econometrics / Gujarati, Damodar N. Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 9780071333450 5th ed. xxiii,886p. : Library - BR Campus
330.015195 GUJ 07011406 Basic Econometrics / Gujarati, Damodar N. Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 9780071333450 5th ed. xxiii,886p. : Library - BR Campus
330.015195 GUJ 05052872 Basic Econometrics / Gujarati, Damodar N. Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 9780071333450 5th ed. xxiii,886p. : Knowledge Centre
330.015195 GUJ 05063742 Basic Econometrics / Gujarati, Damodar N. Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 9780071333450 5th ed. xxiii,886p. : Knowledge Centre
330.015195 GUJ 05063743 Basic Econometrics / Gujarati, Damodar N. Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 9780071333450 5th ed. xxiii,886p. : Knowledge Centre
330.015195 GUJ 05063744 Basic Econometrics / Gujarati, Damodar N. Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 9780071333450 5th ed. xxiii,886p. : Knowledge Centre
330.015195 GUJ 05063745 Basic Econometrics / Gujarati, Damodar N. Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 9780071333450 5th ed. xxiii,886p. : Knowledge Centre
330.015195 GUJ 05063746 Basic Econometrics / Gujarati, Damodar N. Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 9780071333450 5th ed. xxiii,886p. : Knowledge Centre
330.015195 GUJ 07008883 Essentials of Econometrics / Gujarati, Damodar N Pearson Publication, 2010 9780073375847 xix,547p. Library - BR Campus
330.015195 GUJ 05062339 Econometrics By Example / Gujarati, Damodar. Palgrave, 2015 9781137607348 2nd ed xxx,466p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 GUJ 05020035 Basic Econometrics / Gujarati, Damodar N. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2007 9780070660052 4th ed. xxix, 1036 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 GUJ 04022688 Basic Econometrics / Gujarati, Damodar N. Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 9780071333450 5th ed. xxiii,886p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.015195 GUJ 04020493 Basic Econometrics / Gujarati, Damodar N. Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 9780071333450 5th ed. xxiii,886p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.015195 GUJ 04020494 Basic Econometrics / Gujarati, Damodar N. Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 9780071333450 5th ed. xxiii,886p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.015195 HAL 05010523 Understanding econometrics Halcoussis, Dennis Thomson, South-Western 9780030348068 332p Knowledge Centre
330.015195 HAN 05067441 Uncertainty within economic models / Hansen, Lars Peter. World Scientific, 2015 9789814578110 (hardcover) | 9814578118 (hardcover) xxvii, 454p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 HAN 05073790 Econometrics / Hansen, Bruce E., Princeton University Press, 2022 9780691235899 xxxi, 1044p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 HAT 03003886 Principles of econometrics : Hatekar, Neeraj R. SAGE, 2010 9788132104698 (pbk.) xxi, 439 p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.015195 HAT 05056301 Principles of econometrics : Hatekar, Neeraj R. SAGE, 2010 9788132104698 (pbk.) xxi, 439 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 HAT 05000963 Principles of econometrics : Hatekar, Neeraj R. SAGE, 2010 9788132104698 (pbk.) xxi, 439 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 HAT 07011129 Principles of econometrics : Hatekar, Neeraj R. SAGE, 2010 9788132104698 (pbk.) xxi, 439 p.; Library - BR Campus
330.015195 HAT 00103590 Principles of econometrics : Hatekar, Neeraj R. SAGE, 2010 9788132104698 (pbk.) xxi, 439 p.; UG Library
330.015195 HAT 05036715 Principles of econometrics : Hatekar, Neeraj R. SAGE, 2010 9788132104698 (pbk.) xxi, 439 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 HEN 05046162 Empirical model discovery and theory evaluation : Hendry, David F. MIT press, 2014 9780262028356 (hardcover : alk xxviii,358p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 HON 07014108 Advances in economics and econometrics / Honore, BO Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781108400008 ix,329p.; Library - BR Campus
330.015195 HSI 07000155 Analysis of panel data / Hsiao, Cheng, Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107038691 (hardback) | 978 Third edition. xxi, 538 pages ; Library - BR Campus
330.015195 HSI 05045002 Analysis of panel data / Hsiao, Cheng, Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107038691 (hardback) | 978 Third edition. xxi, 538 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 JOR 05010608 Econometrics Volume 1: Econometric Modeling of Producer Behavior Jorgenson, Dale W MIT PRESS 545p Knowledge Centre
330.015195 JUD 05010805 An information theoretic approach to econometrics / Judge, George G. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521869591 (hardback) | 978 xvi, 232 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.015195 KAR 05040647 The leading indicators : Karabell, Zachary. Simon & Schuster, 2014 9781451651201 (hardcover) | 9781451651225 (trade pbk.) First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition. 287 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 KEN 05054372 Economic statistics : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, 1997 0160491177 vii, 259 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.015195 KEN 03013485 A Guide to Econometrics : Kennedy, Peter Wiley, 2018 9788126574810 6th Ed. xii, 585p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.015195 KOO 05007580 Analysis of economic data / Koop, Gary. Wiley, 2009 9780470713891 (pbk.) 3rd ed. xiv,250 p. Knowledge Centre
330.015195 KOU 00052862 Theory of Econometrics Koutsoyiannis, A Palgrave 2000 0333778227 2nd Edition xiii;675 p. UG Library
330.015195 KOU 00106962 Theory of Econometrics Koutsoyiannis, A Palgrave 2000 0333778227 2nd Edition xiii;675 p. UG Library
330.015195 KRI 05021059 Panel data econometrics : Krishnakumar, Jaya Elsevier, 2000 0444502377 1st ed. xix, 332 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 LAD 05051121 Seasonal adjustment with the X-11 Method / Ladiray, Dominique. Springer, 2001 9780387951713 xxii, 225 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.015195 LIN 05061317 Probability, statistics and econometrics / Linton, Oliver B. Academic Press, 2017 9780128104958 | 0128104953 xix, 367 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.015195 MAD 03009634 Introduction to Econometrics / Maddala, G.S. Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2002 9788126510955 3rd ed. xxii, 636 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.015195 MAD 05007595 Introduction to econometrics / Maddala, G. S. Wiley, 2009 9780470015124 (pbk.) | 0470015 4th ed. xx, 634 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.015195 MAD 07012997 Introduction to Econometrics / Maddal, G. S. Willey India, 2012 9788126534159 4th ed. 634p. : Library - BR Campus
330.015195 MAD 04014174 Introduction to Econometrics / Maddal, G. S. Willey India, 2012 9788126534159 4th ed. 634p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.015195 MAD 05000821 Introduction to Econometrics / Maddala, G.S. Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2002 9788126510955 3rd ed. xxii, 636 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.015195 MAD 05021522 Introduction to Econometrics / Maddala, G.S. John Wiley, 2003 3rd ed. xxvii, 636 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 MEH 05010517 Fundamentals of Econometrics / Mehta, B C. Himalaya, 1987 x, 458 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 MIA 05041987 Economic dynamics in discrete time / Miao, Jianjun, The MIT Press, 2014 9780262027618 (hardcover : alk xxi, 710 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 MIA 07001730 Economic dynamics in discrete time / Miao, Jianjun, The MIT Press, 2014 9780262027618 (hardcover : alk xxi, 710 pages ; Library - BR Campus
330.015195 MIK 05044357 Essays in nonlinear time series econometrics / Oxperd University Press , 2014 9780199679959 (hbk.) | 0199679 First edition. xxiii, 367 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.015195 MIT 05008932 Econometric Foundations / Mittelhammer, Ron C. Cambride University Press, 2000 0521623944 | 9780521623940 xxviii, 756 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 MIT 00120372 Econometric foundations / Mittelhammer, Ron. Cambridge University Press, 2000 0521623944 hb | 9780521623940 xxviii, 756 p. ; UG Library
330.015195 MUK 07014692 Econometrics and data analysis for developing countries / Mukherjee, Chandan Routledge Publication, 2019 9781138205062 xvii,496p.; Library - BR Campus
330.015195 NAC 03008891 Econometrics : Nachane, Dilp M. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195647907 868 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.015195 NAC 05011763 Econometrics : Nachane, Dilip M. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195647907 xv, 868 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 NAC 03004065 Econometrics : Nachane, Dilp M. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195647907 868 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.015195 NAC 05010520 Econometrics : Nachane, Dilip M. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195647907 xv, 868 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 NAC 05011744 Econometrics : Nachane, Dilip M. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195647907 xv, 868 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 NYM 10002212 Dynamic econometrics for empirical macroeconomic modelling / Nymoen, Ragnar, World scientific publishing, 2020 9789811207518 | 9789811249471 xviii,567p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 NYM 07014133 Dynamic econometrics for empirical macroeconomic modelling / Nymoen, Ragnar, World Scientific, 2019 9789811207518 ix,567p.: Library - BR Campus
330.015195 ÖZD 05055926 Applied statistics for economics and business / Springer, 2016 9783319264950 (alk. paper) 2nd ed. xxi,303p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 PAT 05008931 Introduction to Applied Econometrics : Patterson, Kerry. Palgrave, 2002 9780333993507 xxvii, 795 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 PAT 05008930 Introduction to Applied Econometrics : Patterson, Kerry. Palgrave, 2002 9780333993507 xxvii, 795 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 PAT 00106949 An Introduction to Applied Econometrics Patterson, Kerry Palgrave. 2000 0333802462 xxvii;795 p. UG Library
330.015195 PAT 05010518 An Introduction to Applied Econometrics Patterson, Kerry Palgrave. 2000 0333802462 xxvii;795 p. Knowledge Centre
330.015195 PAU 05067447 Global economic modeling : World Scientific, 2018 9789813220430 (hardcover) xii, 332p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 RAO 05050482 Applied Econometrics / Rao, Potluri. Prentice Hall India Pvt. Ltd, 1972 x, 235p. Knowledge Centre
330.015195 RIC 07000144 Econophysics and Physical Economics / Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199674701 | 0199674701 xii,243p.: Library - BR Campus
330.015195 SIN 05047924 Econometric Methods / Singh, Chandra Kant. Anmol Publications, 2015 9788126163892 viii, 280 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 STI 05044980 Econometrics in a formal science of economics : Stigum, Bernt P., 9780262028585 | 9780262323109 1 online resource (388 pages) : Knowledge Centre
330.015195 STO 10001971 Introduction To Econometrics / Stock, James H. Pearson, 2018 9789352863501 Third Edition. 836 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 STO 10001972 Introduction To Econometrics / Stock, James H. Pearson, 2018 9789352863501 Third Edition. 836 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 STO 10001973 Introduction To Econometrics / Stock, James H. Pearson, 2018 9789352863501 Third Edition. 836 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 STU 05060528 A practical guide to using econometrics / Studenmund,H.A Pearson, 2017 9781292154091 Seventh Edition 572p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 STU 10001961 A practical guide to using econometrics / Studenmund, A. H. Pearson india educational services pvt ltd., 2017 9789332584914 7th ed., 572p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 STU 10001962 A practical guide to using econometrics / Studenmund, A. H. Pearson india educational services pvt ltd., 2017 9789332584914 7th ed., 572p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 STU 10001963 A practical guide to using econometrics / Studenmund, A. H. Pearson india educational services pvt ltd., 2017 9789332584914 7th ed., 572p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 STU 10001964 A practical guide to using econometrics / Studenmund, A. H. Pearson india educational services pvt ltd., 2017 9789332584914 7th ed., 572p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 STU 10001965 A practical guide to using econometrics / Studenmund, A. H. Pearson india educational services pvt ltd., 2017 9789332584914 7th ed., 572p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 TER 00146076 Advances in econometrics, operational research, data science and actuarial studies : Terzioglu, M Kenan Springer 2022 9783030852566 xxxiv;591p. UG Library
330.015195 TUR 05011743 Mathematical Tools for Economics / Turkington, Darrell A. Blackwell, 2007 9781405133814 xi, 365 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015195 TUR 00079966 Mathematical Tools for Economics Turkington, Darrell A 2007 1405133813 365p UG Library
330.015195 VEC 00079961 Computability, Complexity and Constructivity in Economic Analysis. Velupillai, K Vela 2005 1405130784 324p UG Library
330.015195 VEL 03004257 Computability, Complexity and Constructivity in Economic Analysis / Velupillai, K. Vela. Blackwell Pub., 2005 1405130784 (pbk.) | 9781405130 viii, 324 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.015195 WOO 00141797 Introductory Econometrics - a Modern Approach Wooldridge, Jeffrey. M Cengage Learning, 2013 9788131524657 878 p.; UG Library
330.015195 WOO 10001777 Introductory econometrics : Wooldridge, Jeffrey M., Cengage learning india pvt ltd., 2020 9789353731074 | 9789355731074 7th ed., xxii,826p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 WOO 10001778 Introductory econometrics : Wooldridge, Jeffrey M., Cengage learning india pvt ltd., 2020 9789353731074 | 9789355731074 7th ed., xxii,826p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 WOO 10001779 Introductory econometrics : Wooldridge, Jeffrey M., Cengage learning india pvt ltd., 2020 9789353731074 | 9789355731074 7th ed., xxii,826p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 WOO 10003910 Introductory econometrics : Wooldridge, Jeffrey M., Cengage learning india pvt ltd., 2020 9789353731074 | 9789355731074 7th ed., xxii,826p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 WOO 10003911 Introductory econometrics : Wooldridge, Jeffrey M., Cengage learning india pvt ltd., 2020 9789353731074 | 9789355731074 7th ed., xxii,826p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.015195 WOO 07008658 Introductory econometrics : Wooldridge, Jeffrey M., South-Western Cengage Learning, 2013 1111531048 (hbk.) | 9781111531 5th ed. xxv, 881 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.015195 WOO 07011477 Introductory econometrics : Wooldridge, Jeffrey M., South-Western Cengage Learning, 2013 1111531048 (hbk.) | 9781111531 5th ed. xxv, 881 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.01519536 DIE 00102229 Applied Regression Analysis: A Second Course in Business and Economic Statics Dilman, Terry E Thomson Wadsworth 8131503267 428 p UG Library
330.01519536 DIE 00087188 Applied Regression Analysis: A Second Course in Business and Economic Statics Dilman, Terry E Thomson Wadsworth 8131503267 428 p UG Library
330.0151954 HEN 07000157 Applied nonparametric econometrics / Henderson, Daniel J. Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107010253 (hardback) | 978 xii, 367 pages ; Library - BR Campus
330.01519542 KOO 05009084 Bayesian Econometric Methods / Koop, Gary. Cambridge, 2007 9780521671736 xxi, 357 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.01519542 LAN 00079960 Introduction to Modern Bayesian Econometrics. Lancaster, Tony 2004 1405117206 401p UG Library
330.01519542 ROS 05042608 Bayesian non- and semi-parametric methods and applications / Rossi, Peter E. Princeton University Press, 2014 9780691145327 (hardcover : alk xiii, 202 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.01519542 ROS 03011470 Bayesian non- and semi-parametric methods and applications / Rossi, Peter 9780691145327 | 9781400850303 1 online resource (219 pages) : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.015195DOW 01007101 Evolving Role of Central Banks (law Lib) Patrick Downes Central Banking Department 458p. Knowledge Centre
330.015195PIC 01006271 International Economic Indicators and Central Banks / Anne Dolganos Picker Wiley, 2007 9780471751137 295p.; Knowledge Centre
330.015196 AMU 07014674 A Taxtbook of Statistics for Economics / Amutha.D.Dr Manglam Publication, 2019 9789386123589 440p.: Library - BR Campus
330.0151HAN 00069481 Introductory Mathematical Economics: [MA - Eco] Hands`, D Wade 0195133781 382p Knowledge Centre
330.0151I CFAI 00089857 Quantitative Methods Icfai University ICFAI 2008 8178819635 492p UG Library
330.0151I CFAI 00089856 Quantitative Methods Icfai University ICFAI 2008 8178819635 492p UG Library
330.015915 VEL 05010522 Computable foundations for economics / Velupillai, Kumaraswamy, Routledge, 9780203002070 (eb) | 020300207 xii, 488 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.015MAR 05008916 Computational Methods for the Study of Dynamic Economics / Marimon, Ramon. Oxford University Press, 2001 9780199248278 xi, 280 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.018 BEC 05051283 Dynamic programming of economic decisions / Beckmann, Martin J. Springer-Verlag, 1968 xii, 143 p. Knowledge Centre
330.018 WON 05049905 Econometrics / Wonnacott, Ronald J. J. Wiley, 1970 047195960X ix, 445 p. Knowledge Centre
330.0182 WOO 05010604 Introductory Econometrics - a Modern Approach Wooldridge, Jeffrey M 0003243641 863p Knowledge Centre
330.0182 22 05051053 Statistische Methodenlehre II / Minzner, Hans. Zusammengestellt und bearbeitet, 1963 140 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0182 AUS 05051052 Simultaneous Equations / Austwick, Kenneth. Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1963 39 p. Knowledge Centre
330.0182 CEIR 05050705 Mathematical model building in economics and industry: Griffin, 1968 0852641060 vii, 165 p. Knowledge Centre
330.0182 GOL 05050185 Nonlinear methods in econometrics / Goldfeld, Stephen M. North-Holland Pub. Co., 1972 0720431778 xi, 280 p. Knowledge Centre
330.0182 KHA 05032494 Advanced statistical methods in economics / Khalid,M.M. Global research Publications, 2012 9788189630300 xiv,594p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0182 KOU 05062348 Theory of Economics : Koutsoyiannis.A Palgrave, 2015 9780333778227 2nd ed xvii,681p.: Knowledge Centre
330.0182 KOU 07010488 Theory of Economics : Koutsoyiannis.A Palgrave, 2015 9780333778227 2nd ed xvii,681p.: Library - BR Campus
330.0182 LEE 05049794 Estimating the parameters of the markov probability model from aggregate time series data / Lee, T.C. North-Holland Publishing Co., 1970 720431638 254 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0182 MAL 05049979 Statistical methods of econometrics Malinvaud, Edmond. Rand McNally, 1966 xiv, 631 p. Knowledge Centre
330.0182 RAO 05050296 Applied Econometrics / Rao, Potluri. Prentice-Hall of India P. Ltd., 1972 007054235x x, 235 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0182 THE 05052497 Principles of econometrics / Theil, Henri. Wiley 1971 0471858455 xxxi, 736 p. Knowledge Centre
330.019 ALT 05056693 Handbook of behavioral economics and smart decision-making / Edward ELgar, 2017 1782549579 | 9781782549574 584 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.019 WAT 03000833 Introduction to Game Theory Watson, Joel W W Norton & Company 9780393976489 334 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.019 WIL 05008892 An Introduction To Behavioral Economics / Wilkinson, Nick. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008 0230532594 (alk. paper) | 9780 xxi, 511 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.019 AGA 05019622 Psychology, Rationality and Economic Behaviour : Agarwal, Bina. PALGRAVE MACMILLAN, 2008 9780230226821 270 p Knowledge Centre
330.019 AGA 00099257 Psychology, Rationality and Economic Behaviour : Agarwal, Bina. PALGRAVE MACMILLAN, 2008 9780230226821 270 p UG Library
330.019 AKE 05046435 Phishing for phools : Akerlof, George A., Princeton University Press, 2015 9780691168319 (hbk. : alk. pap xvi, 272 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.019 AKE 05048273 Phishing for phools : Akerlof, George A., Princeton University Press, 2015 9780691168319 (hbk. : alk. pap xvi, 272 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.019 ALT 05010544 Handbook of Contemporary Behavioral Economics ; Foundations and Developments Altman, Morris Prentice Hall of India 9788120332232 762p Knowledge Centre
330.019 ANA 07007188 Happiness Explained : Anand Paul Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198735458 143p.: Library - BR Campus
330.019 ANG 07010292 A Course in Behavioral Economics/ Angner,Erik Palgrave publication, 2016 9781137512925 Second Edition. XVII,310 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330.019 BRU 00085209 Economics and Happiness: Bruni, Luigino Oxford University Press. 2005 9780199215232 366p UG Library
330.019 CAM 07009694 Advances In Behavioral Economics / New Age International, 2006 9788122417203 xxiii,743p.; Library - BR Campus
330.019 CAR 05059575 Behavioral economics / Cartwright, Edward, Routledge, 2018 9781138097117 (hardback) | 978 3rd Edition. xxix,555p.; Knowledge Centre
330.019 CAR 05004774 Behavioral Economics / Cartwright, Edward Routledge, 2011 9780415573122 476 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.019 COR 05068557 Behavioral economics : Corr, Philip J., Routledge, 2019 9781138228900 (hbk) | 9781138228917 (pbk) x,249p.; Knowledge Centre
330.019 COR 09000060 Behavioral economics : Corr, Philip J., Routledge, 2019 9781138228900 (hbk) | 9781138228917 (pbk) x,249p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.019 COW 00096113 The age of the Info.Vore: Cowen Tyler A Plume Book 2009 9780452296190 259 p UG Library
330.019 COW 03006364 Create your own economy : Cowen, Tyler. Dutton, 2009 9780525951230 (hbk.) | 0525951 viii, 259 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.019 cow 03005466 Create your own economy : Cowen, Tyler. Dutton, 2009 9780525951230 (hbk.) | 0525951 viii, 259 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.019 COW 04008159 Create your own economy : Cowen, Tyler. Dutton, 2009 9780525951230 (hbk.) | 0525951 viii, 259 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.019 DHA 05056918 The foundations of behavioral economic analysis / Dhami, Sanjit S., Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198715535 | 0198715536 First edition. xxxiii, 1764 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.019 DHA 00136794 The foundations of behavioral economic analysis : Dhami, Sanjit. Oxford university press, 2019 9780198847250 (hard back : alk. paper) xxvi,432p.; UG Library
330.019 DOW 05010543 Modern Developments in Behavioral Economics:Social Science Perspectives on Choice and Decision Making Dowling, John Malcolm World Scientific 9789812701435 446p Knowledge Centre
330.019 DRO 05073715 Social preferences : Drouvelis, Michalis, Agenda Publishing Limited, 2021 1788214161 | 9781788214162 | 178821417X | 9781788214179 viii, 199 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.019 FRA 05007268 Renaissance in behavioral economics : Frantz, Roger S. Routledge, 2007 978041547857 xii, 234 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.019 KHA 01023068 The new behavioral economics / Khalil, Elias L., Edward Elgar, 2009 9781845424299 (hbk.) | 1845424 3 v. : Knowledge Centre
330.019 KHA 01023069 The new behavioral economics / Khalil, Elias L., Edward Elgar, 2009 9781845424299 (hbk.) | 1845424 3 v. : Knowledge Centre
330.019 KHA 01023070 The new behavioral economics / Khalil, Elias L., Edward Elgar, 2009 9781845424299 (hbk.) | 1845424 3 v. : Knowledge Centre
330.019 KIR 07013597 Economic Psychology : Kirchler, Erich, Cambridge university press, 2018 9781107040502 (hardback) | 9781107668638 (paperback) 393 p.: Library - BR Campus
330.019 KIR 00130390 Economic Psychology : Kirchler, Erich, Cambridge university press, 2018 9781107040502 (hardback) | 9781107668638 (paperback) 393 p.: UG Library
330.019 LEH 05072771 Behavioral Economics : Lehr, Brandon. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2022 9780367426446 xxii, 519p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.019 LEW 07012522 The Cambridge Handbook of Psychology And Economic Behaviour Lewis, Alan Cambridge: 2018 9781107161399 | 9781316613900 Second edition. xxiii, 774 p . : Library - BR Campus
330.019 LEW 00130368 The Cambridge Handbook of Psychology And Economic Behaviour Lewis, Alan Cambridge: 2018 9781107161399 | 9781316613900 Second edition. xxiii, 774 p . : UG Library
330.019 LUT 01016721 Behavioural economics in consumer policy : Luth, Hanneke. Intersentia, 2010 9789400000865 (pbk.) | 9400000 xix, 321 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.019 MIC 03008386 The Irrational Economist : PublicAffairs, 2010 9781586487805 (alk. paper) 1st ed. x, 324 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.019 MON 05007467 Economics and the mind / Routledge, 2007 9780415493734 ix,226 p. Knowledge Centre
330.019 MUN 05008066 Bounded rationality and public policy Munro, Alistair, Springer, 2009 9781402094729 (alk. paper) | 9 xv,319 p. Knowledge Centre
330.019 RAG 05072984 Irrationally rational : Raghunathan, V. Penguin Random House India Pvt Ltd, 2022 9780670095995 xvi, 312p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.019 RAG 03013443 Irrationally rational : Raghunathan, V. Penguin Random House India Pvt Ltd, 2022 9780670095995 xvi, 312p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.019 RAN 05056864 Economic psychology / Wiley, 2018 9781118926482 (hardback) | 978 xxvi,483p.; Knowledge Centre
330.019 THA 05044892 Misbehaving : Thaler, Richard H. Allen Lane , 2015 9781846144035 415 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.019 THA 03011234 Misbehaving : Thaler, Richard H. Allen Lane , 2015 9781846144035 415 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.019 THA 07011765 Nudge : Thaler,Richard H. Penguin Books, 2008 9780141040011 viii,305p.; Library - BR Campus
330.019 THA 07011342 Nudge : Thaler,Richard H. Penguin Books, 2008 9780141040011 viii,305p.; Library - BR Campus
330.019 THA 07011343 Nudge : Thaler,Richard H. Penguin Books, 2008 9780141040011 viii,305p.; Library - BR Campus
330.019 THA 07011344 Nudge : Thaler,Richard H. Penguin Books, 2008 9780141040011 viii,305p.; Library - BR Campus
330.019 THA 07011345 Nudge : Thaler,Richard H. Penguin Books, 2008 9780141040011 viii,305p.; Library - BR Campus
330.019 THA 05072540 Nudge : Thaler,Richard H. Penguin Books, 2008 9780141040011 viii,305p.; Knowledge Centre
330.019 THA 05073968 Misbehaving : Thaler, Richard H., Penguin, 2016 9780241951224 First edition. xvi, 415 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.019 THA 05040518 Nudge : Thaler,Richard H. Penguin Books, 2008 9780141040011 viii,305p.; Knowledge Centre
330.019 TOM 00106651 The New Economics of Human Behavior. Tommasi,Mariano. Cambridge University Press, 1995 0521474205 (hardback) | 978052 xvii, 238 p. : UG Library
330.019 WAT 05010542 Strategy:An Introduction to Game Theory Watson, Joel 0393976483 334p Knowledge Centre
330.019 WAT 05008891 Strategy : Watson, Joel. W.W. Norton & Company, 2004 9780393976489 xv, 334 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.019 WAT 05008890 Strategy : Watson, Joel. W.W. Norton & Company, 2004 9780393976489 xv, 334 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.019 WEI 07012532 Behavioral Economics for Cost-benefit Analysis : Weimer, David Leo, Cambridge, 2017 9781316647660 167 p.: Library - BR Campus
330.019 WEI 00130386 Behavioral Economics for Cost-benefit Analysis : Weimer, David Leo, Cambridge, 2017 9781316647660 167 p.: UG Library
330.019 WIL 07010293 An introduction to behavioral economics / Wilkinson, Nick, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012 9780230291461 2nd ed. xiii, 574 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.019 WIL 05002937 An Introduction To Behavioral Economics / Wilkinson, Nick. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008 0230532594 (alk. paper) | 9780 xxi, 511 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.019 WIL 05043799 An Introduction To Behavioral Economics / Wilkinson, Nick. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008 0230532594 (alk. paper) | 9780 xxi, 511 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.019 WIL 05045463 An introduction to behavioral economics / Wilkinson, Nick, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012 9780230291461 2nd ed. xiii, 574 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.019195 PER 07011232 Econometric models with panel data / Perez Lopez, Cesar CPSIA Publication, 9781507644997 157p.; Library - BR Campus
330.01943 PAG 10003531 Optimally irrational : Page, Lionel, Cambridge university press, 2023 9781009209205 1st. xiv,306 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.019AGA 01010058 Psychology, Rationality and Economic Behaviour : Agarwal, Bina. PALGRAVE MACMILLAN, 2008 9780230226821 270 p Knowledge Centre
330.019ALT 04014919 Handbook of Contemporary Behavioral Economics ; Foundations and Developments Altman, Morris Prentice Hall of India 9788120332232 762p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.01HAU 07015210 The philosophy of economics : Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521883504 (hardback) | 9780521709842 (pbk.) 3rd ed. vii, 527 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.01HAU 01010592 The philosophy of economics : Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521883504 (hardback) | 9780521709842 (pbk.) 3rd ed. vii, 527 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.02 HAM 07010927 Agent-based modelling in economics / Hamill, Lynne, 9781118456071 (pbk.) vii, 246 pages ; Library - BR Campus
330.0207 MCE 04016049 The new new economy / McEachern, Tim, AMACOM, 2002 9780814471432 xvi, 222 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.0207 MCE 04015754 The new new economy / McEachern, Tim, AMACOM, 2002 9780814471432 xvi, 222 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.0207 ORO 07011767 Eat the rich: a treatise on economics / Orourke, P J Atlantic Monthly Press, 1998 9780871137609 231p.; Library - BR Campus
330.024 HEG 00147871 Zero To Viral: Hegde, Sharan Wyzr Content Pvt Ltd, 2023 9788195816835 xiv,215p. ; UG Library
330.024 KIY 00140387 Rich Dad Poor Dad / Kiyosaki, Robert T Plata Publishing : 2017 0446611093 | 9781612680194 266p UG Library
330.024 KIY 05072398 Rich Dad Poor Dad / Kiyosaki, Robert T Plata Publishing : 2017 0446611093 | 9781612680194 266p Knowledge Centre
330.024 KIY 05072399 Rich Dad Poor Dad / Kiyosaki, Robert T Plata Publishing : 2017 0446611093 | 9781612680194 266p Knowledge Centre
330.024 KIY 00105439 Rich Dad Poor Dad Kiyosaki, Robert T Hachette Group 1998 0446611093 266p UG Library
330.024 KIY 00138117 Rich Dad Poor Dad Kiyosaki, Robert T Hachette Group 1998 0446611093 266p UG Library
330.024 KIY 00138118 Rich Dad Poor Dad Kiyosaki, Robert T Hachette Group 1998 0446611093 266p UG Library
330.024 KIY 00138119 Rich Dad Poor Dad Kiyosaki, Robert T Hachette Group 1998 0446611093 266p UG Library
330.024 KIY 00080343 Rich Dad Poor Dad Kiyosaki, Robert T Hachette Group 1998 0446611093 266p UG Library
330.024 KIY 05008889 Rich Dad Poor Dad / Kiyosaki, Robert T Plata Publishing : 2017 0446611093 | 9781612680194 266p Knowledge Centre
330.024 KIY 05008888 Rich Dad Poor Dad Kiosaki, Robert T 0446611093 266p Knowledge Centre
330.024 KIY 00052510 Rich Dad Poor Dad Kiyosaki, Robert T Hachette Group 1998 0446611093 266p UG Library
330.0243 LEW 05008898 Economics for social workers : Lewis, Michael Anthony. Columbia University Press, 2001 0231116861 (cloth : alk. paper) | 023111687X (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780231116879 ix, 187 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0243 LEW 05008897 Economics for social workers : Lewis, Michael Anthony. Columbia University Press, 2001 0231116861 (cloth : alk. paper) | 023111687X (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780231116879 ix, 187 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0243 LEW 05008896 Economics for social workers : Lewis, Michael Anthony. Columbia University Press, 2001 0231116861 (cloth : alk. paper) | 023111687X (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780231116879 ix, 187 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0243430721 NIE 05047555 Economics for competition lawyers / Niels, Gunnar, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198717652 (pbk.) | 0198717 Second edition xxxvi, 508 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.024364 DOS 01021233 Economic and financial analysis for criminal justice organizations / Doss, Daniel Adrian. CRC Press, 2014 9781466592063 (hardcover : alk xxxiv, 719 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.024468 WIL 05074481 Managerial economics : Wilkinson, Nick, Cambridge University Press, 2022 9781108984508 2nd ed. xxxiv, 775 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.02451 CAS 05052393 Economics for mathematicians / Cassels, J. W. S. Cambridge University Press, 1981 052128614X (U.S. : pbk.) : xi, 145 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.0246 HIR 03001567 Economics for Managers Hirschey, Mark Thomson South-Western 9788131501269 745 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.0246 HIR 03001566 Economics for Managers Hirschey, Mark Thomson South-Western 9788131501269 745 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.02462 SIN 04024137 Economics for Engineering Students / Singh, Seema I K Intl. 2014 9789384588083 2nd Ed. 340p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.024631 HIL 07000461 An Introduction to Economics : Hill, Berkeley. CABI Is International, 2014 9781780644752 4th ed, ix, 245 P, : Library - BR Campus
330.024631 HIL 00122930 An Introduction to Economics : Hill, Berkeley. CABI Is International, 2014 9781780644752 4th ed, ix, 245 P, : UG Library
330.024658 UPA 05058127 Economics for managers : Upadhya, Janardhan P. Notion Press, 2017 9781948096898 | 9781948321020 616p. Knowledge Centre
330.024658 UPA 05058128 Economics for managers : Upadhya, Janardhan P. Notion Press, 2017 9781948096898 | 9781948321020 616p. Knowledge Centre
330.028 BEN 05051570 Statistics--decisions and applications in business and economics / Ben-Horim, Moshe. Random House Business Division, 1981 0394322975 1st ed. xix, 772 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.028 BEN 05050017 Statistics decisions and applications in business and economics / Ben Horim, Moshe. Random House, Business Division, 1984 0394335872 2nd ed. xvi, 847, lvii p. : Knowledge Centre
330.028 BEW 05049911 Advances in econometrics / Cambridge University Press, 1987 9780521467261 viii,313p. : Knowledge Centre
330.028 HSI 05050119 Analysis of panel data / Hsiao, Cheng, Cambridge University Press, 1986 0521251508 | 9780521389334 x, 246 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.028 LOP 07011184 Advanced econometrics with eviews / Lopez, Cesar Perez Create Space Publication, 2017 9781492991083 194p.; Library - BR Campus
330.028 PER 07011233 Advanced econometrics: dynamic models / Perez Lopez, Cesar CPSIA Publication, 9781493628193 219p. Library - BR Campus
330.0285 CHE 03000341 Computational Economics : Chen, Shu-Heng. Idea Gropu Publishing, 2006 9781591406501 318 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.0285 MEY 04024674 Data analysis using SAS Enterprise guide / Meyers, Lawrence S. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521112680 (hbk.) | 0521112680 (hbk.) | 9780521130073 (pbk.) | 0521130077 (pbk.) xix, 378 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.0285 MEY 00120396 Data analysis using SAS Enterprise guide / Meyers, Lawrence S. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521112680 (hbk.) | 0521112680 (hbk.) | 9780521130073 (pbk.) | 0521130077 (pbk.) xix, 378 p. : UG Library
330.0285 SIN 07014946 R in finance and economics/ Singh, Abhay Kumar. World scientific Publishing Co.Pte.Ltd, 2017 9789813144460 xvii, 245p;. Library - BR Campus
330.028554 HSI 03004624 Economic and Business Analysis : Hsiao, Frank S. T. World Scientific, 2011 9789812834928 | 9812834923 636 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.0285555 AJM 05007581 Applied econometrics using the SAS system / Ajmani, Vivek B. Wiley, 2009 9780470129494 (pbk.) | 0470129 xv, 311 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.0285574 SWA 00134697 Blockchain: Swan,Melanie. Shroff Publishers & Distributers, 2015 9789351109921 vii,127p,: UG Library
330.028563 CHE 05059876 Computational intelligence in economics and finance / Chen, Shu Heng., ed. Springer, 2007 3540440984 (alk. paper) | 9783 xiii, 227 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.028563 CHE 05059284 Computational intelligence in economics and finance / Chen, Shu-Hen. Springer, 2004 3540440984 (alk. paper) xxii, 480 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.028563 CHE 05057441 Computational intelligence in economics and finance / Chen, Shu Heng., ed. Springer, 2007 3540440984 (alk. paper) | 9783 xiii, 227 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.03 BAN 05010611 Dictionary of Economics Bannock, Graham Profile Books Ltd 1861974663 410po Knowledge Centre
330.03 BAN 04002973 Dictionary of Economics Bannock, Graham Viva Books Private Limited 2007 9781861974662 410 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.03 CLA 03000901 Dictionary of International Business Terms / Clark, John O. E. Cib Publising , 2008 852975740 | 9780852975749 368 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.03 IDP 03000751 Handbook of International Corporate Governance: A Definitive Guide Institue Of Director Kogan Page 9780749444440 506 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.03 IDP 03000946 Handbook of International Corporate Governance: A Definitive Guide Institue Of Director Kogan Page 9780749444440 506 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.03 BAN 01015281 Dictionary of economics / Bannock, Graham. Profile, 1861974663 (hbk.) : | 97818619 v, 410 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.03 BAN 05011753 Dictionary of Economics / Bannock, Graham. Profile Books Ltd., 2004 9781861974662 v, 410 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.03 BAN 05003643 The Penguin dictionary of economics / Bannock, Graham. Penguin Books, 2003 9780141010755 7th ed. vi, 407 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.03 BAN 00055102 Penguin Dictionary of Economics Bannock, Graham 1998 0014051760 438p UG Library
330.03 BAN 01010492 Dictionaryof Economics (law Lib) Graham Bannock Profile Books Ltd 1861974663 410p Knowledge Centre
330.03 BLA 01014553 A Dictionary of Economics / Black, John. Oxford University Press, Incorporated 2010 9780199237043 | 0199237042 (Tr 3rd ed. 498 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.03 BLA 01000114 Oxford Dictionary of Economics (law Lib) John Black Oxford University Press 0195669266 507p Knowledge Centre
330.03 BLA 05003806 A Dictionary of Economics / Black, John. Oxford University Press, Incorporated 2010 9780199237043 | 0199237042 (Tr 3rd ed. 498 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.03 BLA 00109207 A Dictionary of Economics Black John Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199696321 (pbk.) | 9780199 4th ed. 457 p. UG Library
330.03 BLA 07007862 A Dictionary of Economics Black John Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199696321 (pbk.) | 9780199 4th ed. 457 p. Library - BR Campus
330.03 BLA 03004331 A Dictionary of Economics / Black, John. Oxford University Press, Incorporated 2010 9780199237043 | 0199237042 (Tr 3rd ed. 498 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.03 DEA 05010550 Terms of trade Deardorff, Alan V. World Scientific, 2006 9812566287 | 9812566031 (pbk.) xii, 383 p. Knowledge Centre
330.03 HAN 00004289 Dictionary of Economics and Commerce Hanson, J L Macdonald Evans: 1987 470 p. UG Library
330.03 HAN 00026576 Dictionary of Economics and Commerce Hanson, J L Macdonald Evans: 1987 470 p. UG Library
330.03 HAN 00019034 Dictionary of Economics and Commerce: Hanson, J L E L B S 1977 461 p UG Library
330.03 HAN 00004288 Dictionary of Economy of Commerce Hanson, J L 1965 UG Library
330.03 HAN 00067314 Dictionary of Economics and Commerce Hanson, J L Macdonald Evans: 1987 470 p. UG Library
330.03 HEN 05010549 Concise Encyclopedia of Economics Henderson, David R 9780865976665 637p Knowledge Centre
330.03 HEN 05030130 The Fortune Encyclopedia of Economics / Henderson, David R. Warner Books, 1993 9780446516372 xx, 876 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.03 HEN 00045345 The Fortune Encyclopedia of Economics / Henderson, David R. Warner Books, 1993 9780446516372 xx, 876 p.; UG Library
330.03 Hill 00013880 The McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Modern Economics Hill-McGraw McGraw-Hill Book Company 1965 2nd ED 792 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.03 HUS 01014663 Encyclopedia of capitalism / Facts On File, 0816052247 (alk paper) | 97881 3 v. : Knowledge Centre
330.03 HUS 01014664 Encyclopedia of capitalism / Facts On File, 0816052247 (alk paper) | 97881 3 v. : Knowledge Centre
330.03 HUS 01014665 Encyclopedia of capitalism / Facts On File, 0816052247 (alk paper) | 97881 3 v. : Knowledge Centre
330.03 KAL 00065675 Academic's Dictionary of Economics. Kalra, K A Academic (india) 2005 8185185565 425p UG Library
330.03 OCO 05010600 Encyclopedia of the Global Economy : Oconnor, David E. Academic Foundation, 2006 9788171885473 Volumes. Knowledge Centre
330.03 OCO 05009086 Encyclopedia of the Global Economy : Oconnor, David E. Academic Foundation, 2006 9788171885473 Volumes. Knowledge Centre
330.03 OCO 05009087 Encyclopedia of the Global Economy : Oconnor, David E. Academic Foundation, 2006 9788171885473 Volumes. Knowledge Centre
330.03 OCO 05010601 Encyclopedia of the Global Economy : Oconnor, David E. Academic Foundation, 2006 9788171885473 Volumes. Knowledge Centre
330.03 OCO 01004145 Encyclopedia of the Global Economy / Oconnor,David E. Academic Foundation, 2006 8171885470 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
330.03 OCO 01004146 Encyclopedia of the Global Economy / Oconnor,David E. Academic Foundation, 2006 8171885470 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
330.03 PEA 00052541 Macmillan Dictionary of Modern Economics Pearce, David W 1992 0333576934 474p UG Library
330.03 PEA 01007909 Macmillan Dictionary of Modern Economics / Pearce,David W. Palgrave Macmillan, 1992 0001403989 x,474p.; Knowledge Centre
330.03 PEN 05010551 Dictionary of Economics: Penguin Publications, London 2003 0141010754 392p Knowledge Centre
330.0321 DAV 00106947 Macmillan Dictionary of Modern Economics David W.Pearce palgrave Macmillan press Ltd 1992 1403949689 4th Edition x;474 P. UG Library
330.04 KUM 04001884 Small Business and Entrepreneurship Kumar, Anil S I K International 2008 9788190694230 380p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.04 CHU 03009321 Added Value : Church, Peter. New Delhi : 2010 9788174368676 293 P.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.04 CHU 00107757 Added Value : Church, Peter. New Delhi : 2010 9788174368676 293 P.: UG Library
330.04 KUM 10001024 Small Business and Entrepreneurship Kumar, Anil S I K International 2008 9788190694230 380p Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.04154 CET 00121939 Venture Capital / Cetindamar, Dilek Jaico Publishing House 2008 9788179929360 336p. UG Library
330.04154 GOL 05011746 Enterprise & Venture Capital : Golis, Christopher C. Allen and Unwin, 2007 9781865086507 4th ed. xxi, 314 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.05 CEB 07002178 Economic behavior, economic freedom, and entrepreneurship / Cebula, Richard J. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015 178471822X | 9781784718220 xiii,314p.; Library - BR Campus
330.05 MUR 07010119 Essays on Economic Issues.M.S Murthy Narasimha.Dr Mohit Publications, 2015 9788174457011 505p.: Library - BR Campus
330.05 MUR 07009969 Essays on Economic Issues.M.S Murthy Narasimha.Dr Mohit Publications, 2015 9788174457011 505p.: Library - BR Campus
330.05 NAQ 05009088 The evolution of development policy : Naqvi, Syed Nawab Haider. Oxford University Press, 9780195477733 xxvi, 442 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.07 SIN 07014491 Readings In Economics/ Singh, Dr. Ranjith. Paradise Publishers, 2019 9789386319876 v, 256p;. Library - BR Campus
330.07 SIN 07014735 Readings In Economics/ Singh, Dr. Ranjith. Paradise Publishers, 2019 9789386319876 v, 256p;. Library - BR Campus
330.071 COL 05010610 Complexity Vision and the Teaching of Economics Colande David Edward Elgar Publishing Inc 0001840641 307 Knowledge Centre
330.0711 BOU 05008901 Capacity Building in Economics Education and Research / Bourguignon, Francois. The World Bank, 2007 9780821365953 xi, 352 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0711 WAL 05010609 An International perspective on economic education / Walstad, William B Kluwer Academic Publishers, 0792394372 (alk. paper) xii, 299 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.0711724 BOU 01005750 Capacity building in economics education and research / World Bank, 2007 9780821365953 | 0821365959 xi, 352 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.07120 3JHA 05027812 Encyclopaedia of Teaching of Economics Jha, Jainendra Kumar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126109580 352 p Knowledge Centre
330.071203 JHA 05027811 Encyclopaedia of Teaching of Economics Jha, Jainendra Kumar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126109580 352 p Knowledge Centre
330.071203 JHA 05027813 Encyclopaedia of Teaching of Economics Jha, Jainendra Kumar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126109580 352 p Knowledge Centre
330.07147 WAT 05010603 Reforming Economics and Economics Teaching in Teh Transition Economics Watts, Michael Edward Elgar Publishing Inc 1840645415 262p Knowledge Centre
330.072 BLA 10002080 The Methodology of Economics : Blaug, Mark. Cambridge University, 1992 9780521436786 2nd ed., xxviii,286p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.072 BLA 07015211 The Methodology of Economics : Blaug Mark Cambridge University, 2006 9780521436786 xxviii,286p.: Library - BR Campus
330.072 CHI 05045225 Research Methodology In Economics / Chiranjeev Avinash. Jnanada Prakashan, 2013 9788171395866 vi, 304 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.072 ETH 03009864 Research Methodology in Applied Economics : Ethridge, Don. Wiley , 2014 9788126543700 2nd ed. 248 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.072 FRE 05044492 Handbook of experimental economic methodology / By Frechette, Guillaume R. Oxford University Press : 2015 9780195328325 (alk. paper) viii, 477 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.072 FRE 05048840 Handbook of experimental economic methodology / By Frechette, Guillaume R. Oxford University Press : 2015 9780195328325 (alk. paper) viii, 477 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.072 IPP 07011800 Reserach Methodology Ippar R K. International Publications, 2018 9789387556218 271 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330.072 LEE 00108642 Studies in economic reform and social justice Lee Frederics S. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 9781444339468 | 9781444339468 314 p. : UG Library
330.072 MIK 00115370 Methods for Development Work and Research. Mikkelsen, Britha Sage 2005 373p Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.072 MIK 05011751 Methods for Development Work and Research : Mikkelsen, Britha. Sage Publications 1995 8170364574 296 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.072 MIK 05006653 Methods for development work and research : Mikkelsen, Britha. SAGE Publications, 2005 0761933271 (hard back) | 9780761933281 | 076193328X (paper back) 2nd ed. 373 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.072 MIK 00079809 Methods for Development Work and Research:A New Guide for Practitioners Mikkelsen, Britha Sage Publications 2005 375p UG Library
330.072 MIK 05021946 Methods for Development Work and Research : Mikkelsen, Britha. Sage Publications 1995 8170364574 296 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.072 MIK 05009085 Methods for development work and research : Mikkelsen, Britha. SAGE Publications, 2005 0761933271 (hard back) | 9780761933281 | 076193328X (paper back) 2nd ed. 373 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.072 MIK 00115366 Methods for Development Work and Research: A New Guide for Practitioners Mikkelsen, Britha 2003 0076193328 373p UG Library
330.072 NOR 05011702 Understanding the Process of Economic Change / North, Doouglass C. Academic Foundation, 2006 9788171885282 xi, 187 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.072 PRA 04010910 Research Methodology In Economics Suresh Prasad Random Publications 2011 9789381421109 296 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.072 PUR 03011907 Emerging Horizons in Finance / Puri, A. K. Bloomsbury Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2015 9789385436833 342 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.0724 DOR 00051064 Linear programming and economic analysis / Dorfman, Robert. Dover Publications, 1958 0486654915 (pbk.) | 9780486654911 ix, 525 p. : UG Library
330.0724 DOR 05057865 Linear programming and economic analysis / Dorfman, Robert. Dover Publications, 1958 0486654915 (pbk.) | 9780486654911 ix, 525 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.0724 DUB 05050516 Disturbances in the linear model, estimation and hypothesis testing / Dubbelman, C. Kluwer-Nijhoff Pub., 1978 0898380944 vi, 108 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.0724 GUA 05011750 The methodology of experimental economics / Guala, Francesco, Cambridge University Press, 2005 9780521853408 (hbk.) | 0521853 xiv, 286 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.0724 GUA 03008207 The Methodology of Experimental Economics / Guala, Francesco. Cambridge University Press, 2005 9780521853408 (hbk.) | 0521853 xiv, 286 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.0724 JAC 05064429 Experimental economics: Jacquemet,Nicolas Cambridge university press, 2018 9781107629776 xxiv,450p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0724 LUS 01019337 Experimental auctions : Lusk,Jayson L. Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521855167` xii,304p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0724 MAL 05049894 Stochastic methods in economics and finance / Malliaris, A. G. North-Holland Pub. Co. ; | Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier/North-Holland, 1982 0444862013 xviii, 303 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.0724 SAN 05005522 The social epistemology of experimental economics / Santos, Ana Cordeiro dos. Routledge, 2010 9780415480505 (hbk.) | 0415480 xi, 210 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.074811 RID 03007830 The Running of the Bulls : Ridgway, Nicole. Gotham Books, 2005 9781592401253 xx, 283 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.074811 RID 04017226 The Running of the Bulls : Ridgway, Nicole. Gotham Books, 2005 9781592401253 xx, 283 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.076 HOA 05069936 Economics for the IB Diploma : Hoang, Paul. Hodder Education, 2014 9781471807183 xii,180p.; Knowledge Centre
330.08 BAS 05021663 Economic Graffiti : Basu, Kaushik. Oxford University Press, 1991 0195627318 vi, 209 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.08 DAS 00134096 Economic Theory and Policy amidst Global Discontent: Dastidar, Ananya Ghosh Routledge Publishers, 2018 9781138598553 xvii 463 p.; UG Library
330.08 DUT 05011748 Economic Theory and Policy : Oxford University Press, 1990 0195625455 xiv, 276 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.08 LEV 00073053 Freak Economics: A Phenomenon Levitt, Steven D Penguin 2005 242p UG Library
330.08 PAT 00095666 The value of money Patnaik Tulika 9788189487430 253P UG Library
330.08 SCH 00057934 This I Believe and Other Essays Schumacher, E.F. The Viveka Foundation 1997 8188251135 217 p. UG Library
330.08 SRI 05011749 Economic Policy and State Intervention : Narayana, N S S. Oxford University Press, 2001 9780195663563 ix, 559 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.082 BAR 05011747 Toward a feminist philosophy of economics / Barker, Drucilla K Routledge, 2003 9780415283885 | 0415283884 (pbk.) xvi, 349 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.082 BAR 05009382 Feminist economics / Routledge, 2009 9780415439169 (set, hardback) xxv,391 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.082 BAR 05009383 Feminist economics / Routledge, 2009 9780415439169 (set, hardback) xxv,391 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.082 BAR 05009384 Feminist economics / Routledge, 2009 9780415439169 (set, hardback) xxv,391 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.082 BAR 05009385 Feminist economics / Routledge, 2009 9780415439169 (set, hardback) xxv,391 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.082 BEC 05072766 A History of Feminist and Gender Economics / Becchio, Giandomenica. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2020 9781032086798 viii, 229p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.082 FER 00106699 Beyond economic man : Ferber A.Marianne The University of Chicago Press, 1993 0226242005 (alk. paper) | 9780 178 p. ; UG Library
330.082 FER 00106700 Feminist economics today : Ferber A. Marianne University of Chicago Press, 2003 0226242064 (cloth : alk. paper ix, 209 p. : UG Library
330.082 FIG 01021518 Handbook of Research on Gender and Economic Life / Edward Elgar, 2013 9781782547495 xx,571p.: Knowledge Centre
330.082 GOL 05046128 Women's rights to social security and social protection / Hart Publishing, 2014 9781849466929 | 1849466920 xii, 336 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.082 KUI 01024164 Feminist economics and the World Bank : Routledge, 2006 0415763819 (pbk.) | 9780415763 xv, 264 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.082 MOE 00106415 Women, family, and work : Moe,Karine.S Blackwell, 2003 0631225765 (hbk : alk. paper) xii, 239 p. : UG Library
330.0820954 VAN 10001342 Gender and management : Vanka, Sita. ed. Rawat Publications, 2017 9788131608869 xii, 252p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.08664 JAC 05004602 Queer economics : Routledge, 2008 9780415771702 (hbk.) | 0415771 xiii, 466 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.088297 WIL 05048008 Islam and economic policy / Wilson, Rodney, Edinburgh University Press, 2015 9780748683871 | 0748683887 vii, 215 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.09 JHI 00136782 History of economic thought Jhingan,M.L Vrinda publicatiopns pvt ltd., 2019 9788182813892 3rd ed., xi,421p.; UG Library
330.09 RAP 05058160 Twilight of the money gods: Rapley,John Simon & Schuster, 2017 9781471152757 468p.; Knowledge Centre
330.09 RIO 00009597 History of Economic Thought. Roll, Eric FABER 1968 540 p, UG Library
330.09 BAC 05074976 The Penguin History of Economics / Bachouse, Roger E Penguin Random House, 2023 9781802063011 x, 470. ; Knowledge Centre
330.09 BAC 10004177 The Penguin History of Economics / Bachouse, Roger E Penguin Random House, 2023 9781802063011 x, 470. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.09 BHA 00027998 History of Economic Thought Bhatia, H L Vani Educational Books; 1985 506 p, UG Library
330.09 BHA 00027999 History of Economic Thought Bhatia, H L Vani Educational Books; 1985 506 p, UG Library
330.09 BHA 00028000 History of Economic Thought Bhatia, H L Vani Educational Books; 1985 506 p, UG Library
330.09 BHA 00028001 History of Economic Thought Bhatia, H L Vani Educational Books; 1985 506 p, UG Library
330.09 BHA 00023648 History of Economic Thought Bhatia, H L Vani Educational Books; 1985 506 p, UG Library
330.09 BRA 05011735 Nobel Economics : Brahmananda, P.R. Himalaya Publishing House, 1999 8174937803 xiv, 424 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.09 CAN 05010528 The making of economics / Canterbery, E. Ray. World Scientific Pub. Co., 9789812835154 | 9812835156 xvii, 235 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.09 CAN 05010526 The Making Of Economics : Canterbery, Ray E World Scientific, 2010 9789812837721 4th xiii, 243 p. Knowledge Centre
330.09 CAN 05010527 The making of economics / Canterbery, E. Ray. World Scientific Pub., 9812383247 (alk. paper) (v. 1) xiii, 285 p. Knowledge Centre
330.09 CAN 05011755 A Brief History of Economics : Canterbery, Ray E. World Scientific, 2011 9789814304801 2nd ed. xv, 539 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.09 CAR 05060922 Economic analyses in historical perspective / Routledge, 2018 9781138501195 (hardback) 1 Edition. xii,253p.; Knowledge Centre
330.09 CON 05063736 Great economic thinkers from Adam smith to Amartya sen / Conlin, Jonathan., ed. Speaking Tiger Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789388326162 311p. Knowledge Centre
330.09 CON 07014147 Great economic thinkers from Adam smith to Amartya sen / Conlin, Jonathan., ed. Speaking Tiger Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789388326162 311p. Library - BR Campus
330.09 DEA 00147903 Recharting The History of Economic Thought/ Deane, Kevin Bloomsbury. 2024 9789361314568 xxiv,316p . ; UG Library
330.09 DUP 00131293 The history of economic ideas : Dupont, Brandon, Routledge, 2017 9781138101326 (hbk) | 9781138101333 (pbk) First edition. x, 251 pages : UG Library
330.09 HAJ 05042552 History of Economic Thought / Hajela, T.N, Ane Books Pvt Ltd, 2015 9789383656967 18th ed. xvii,1017 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.09 HAJ 07010412 History of Economic Thought / Hajela, T.N, Ane Books Pvt Ltd, 2015 9789383656967 18th ed. xvii,1017 p.: Library - BR Campus
330.09 HAJ 00122429 History of Economic Thought / Hajela, T.N, Ane Books Pvt Ltd, 2015 9789383656967 18th ed. xvii,1017 p.: UG Library
330.09 HAJ 00106956 Histrory of Economic Thought Hajela T.N Ane Boks Pvt Ltd 2011 9788180522208 17th Edition xix;991 P. UG Library
330.09 HAJ 00031926 History of Economic Thought Hajela, T N Shiva Lal Agarwala; 1989 621 p, UG Library
330.09 HAJ 04018082 Histrory of Economic Thought Hajela T.N Ane Boks Pvt Ltd 2011 9788180522208 17th Edition xix;991 P. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.09 HAN 00073714 History of Economic Thought Haney, H Lewis Surjeet Publications 1979 4th Ed. 996 p UG Library
330.09 HAN 00027439 History of Economic Thought Haney, H Lewis Surjeet Publications 1979 4th Ed. 996 p UG Library
330.09 HAN 00027557 History of Economic Thought Haney, H Lewis Surjeet Publications 1979 4th Ed. 996 p UG Library
330.09 HAN 00027556 History of Economic Thought Haney, H Lewis Surjeet Publications 1979 4th Ed. 996 p UG Library
330.09 HAN 00032368 History of Economic Thought Haney, H Lewis Surjeet Publications 1979 4th Ed. 996 p UG Library
330.09 HUN 04014924 History of Economic Thought : Hunt, E.K. PHI, 2011 9788120344020 3rd ed. 579 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.09 HUN 04018189 History of Economic Thought : Hunt, E.K. PHI, 2011 9788120344020 3rd ed. 579 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.09 HUN 00123727 History of Economic Thought : Hunt, E.K. PHI, 2011 9788120344020 3rd ed. 579 p. : UG Library
330.09 LOK 00141727 A History of Economic Thought Lokanathan, V S Chand & Company ltd., 2019 9789352533374 10th ed., ix,382p.; UG Library
330.09 LOK 00041671 History of Economic Thought Lokanathan, V S Chand 1973 440 p. UG Library
330.09 LOK 00128179 A History of Economic Thought Lokanathan, V S Chand & Company 2016 9788121908184 9th rev.ed. 301p. UG Library
330.09 MED 07002258 Paul Samuelson on the history of economic analysis : Samuelson, Paul A. Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107029934 (alk. paper : hb x,466p.; Library - BR Campus
330.09 MUL 08000318 Perspective / Mulick, Milind M Jyotsna Prakashan, 2015 X000NXHLS1 | 9788179253786 80p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.09 PAU 00139810 History of economic thought / Paul,R R. Kalyani Publishers, 2018 9789327288254 8th ed. 588p.; UG Library
330.09 PAU 00139811 History of economic thought / Paul,R R. Kalyani Publishers, 2018 9789327288254 8th ed. 588p.; UG Library
330.09 POE 01025866 Economic thought and history : Routledge, 2016 9781138495531 xii, 208 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.09 RED 00103256 History of economic thought : Reddy, V. V. New Century Publications, 2009 9788177081930 | 8177081934 xxii, 321 p. ; UG Library
330.09 RIM 05011733 Development of economic analysis / Rima, Ingrid Hahne, Routledge, 9780415772921 (softcover) xii, 606 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.09 RON 05010541 Wealth of Ideas:A History of Economic Thought Roncaglia, Alessandro 0521843375 582p Knowledge Centre
330.09 SAN 05041783 A short history of economic thought / Sandelin, Bo, Routledge, 2014 9781138780194 (hardback) | 9781138780200 (pbk.) 3rd ed. ix,118p.; Knowledge Centre
330.09 SAN 07000460 A short history of economic thought / Sandelin, Bo, Routledge, 2014 9781138780194 (hardback) | 9781138780200 (pbk.) 3rd ed. ix,118p.; Library - BR Campus
330.09 SAN 00031920 History of Economic Thought. Sankaran, S MARGHAM 1987 208 P. UG Library
330.09 SCR 07011216 An Outline of The History of Economic Thought / Screpanti, Ernesto, Oxford University Press, 2005 0199279136 (cased) | 019927914 2nd ed. rev. and expanded. xviii, 559 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.09 SCR 07006920 An Outline of The History of Economic Thought / Screpanti, Ernesto, Oxford University Press, 2005 0199279136 (cased) | 019927914 2nd ed. rev. and expanded. xviii, 559 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.09 SCR 00105964 An Outline of The History of Economic Thought / Screpanti, Ernesto, Oxford University Press, 2005 0199279136 (cased) | 019927914 2nd ed. rev. and expanded. xviii, 559 p. : UG Library
330.09 SKO 05072799 The making of modern economics : Skousen, Mark. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2022 9781032023212 4th ed. 504P. ; Knowledge Centre
330.09 SKO 01025871 The making of modern economics : Skousen, Mark. Routledge, 2016 9780765647122 (hardcover : alk 3rd edition. 501p.; Knowledge Centre
330.09 SKO 05046567 The making of modern economics : Skousen, Mark. Routledge, 2016 9780765647122 (hardcover : alk 3rd edition. 501p.; Knowledge Centre
330.09 SRI 00034005 History of Economic Thought Srivastava, S.k S Chand & Company Ltd ; 1992 660 p. UG Library
330.09 TAY 05039378 India and the Republic of Korea : Tayal, Skand R. Routledge, 2014 9781138020368 | 1138020362 295 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.09 VOH 00086691 History of Economic Thought Vohra, Munish Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd ; 2006 8126128690 476 p. UG Library
330.09 ZHA 01020819 Corporate social responsibility in contemporary China / Zhao, Jingchen, Edward Elgar, 2014 9781781005576 (hardback) | 178 xii, 309 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.09034 KNO 00008490 Economic Development in The Nineteenth Century Knowles, L. C. A. Routledge 1932 370 p. UG Library
330.09034 KNO 00004846 Economic Development in The Nineteenth Century Knowles, L. C. A. Routledge 1932 370 p. UG Library
330.0904 NAP 00015923 Economic Thought of the 20th Century Napoleoni,Claudio Vikas Publications 1972 180 p. UG Library
330.0904 SIN 05068601 Pluralistic economics and its history / Routledge, 2019 9780367232351 | 9781138090033 x,298p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0904 SZE 05006538 New frontiers in economics / Cambridge University Press, 2004 9780521545365 | 0521545366 (pbk.) xvii, 318 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.091 PER 00068375 Fifty Great Economists Pressman, Steven 2004 0415134811 206p UG Library
330.092 SCA 03001770 Markets, Money and Capital: Hicksian Economics for the Twent-First Century Scazzieri, Roberto Cambridge University Press 9780521873215 451 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.092 BAN 00105568 Back to Basics Reader Kumarappa A.J.C. Odyssey. 2011 432 p. UG Library
330.092 BRE 00089638 Lives of the Laureates: Eighteen Nobel Economists Breit, William Academic Foundation 1986 8171885268 351p. UG Library
330.092 CHA 00108663 Encylopaedic Biography Of The World Economists Chaudhary M.A. Global Vision Publishing House 2012 9788182204553 366 p. UG Library
330.092 CHA 00108664 Encylopaedic Biography Of The World Economists Chaudhary M.A. Global Vision Publishing House 2012 9788182204553 366 p. UG Library
330.092 CHA 00108665 Encylopaedic Biography Of The World Economists Chaudhary M.A. Global Vision Publishing House 2012 9788182204553 366 p. UG Library
330.092 FES 01010272 The Cambridge companion to Hayek / Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521849772 (hbk.) | 0521615011 (pbk.) | 9780521849777 (hbk.) | 9780521615013 (pbk.) xvii, 342 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.092 GHO 05032822 Beyond Gandhian economics : Ghosh, B. N. SAGE Publications, 2012 9788132109495 (hardback : alk. xvii, 224 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.092 GHO 07000363 Beyond Gandhian economics : Ghosh, B. N. SAGE Publications, 2012 9788132109495 (hardback : alk. xvii, 224 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.092 GOV 05053234 The web of freedom : Govindu, Venu Madhav, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199460816 | 0199460817 First edition. xvi, 369 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.092 HOL 05057366 The selected letters of John Kenneth Galbraith / Galbraith, John Kenneth, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107019881 (alk. paper) xlii, 701 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.092 JAI 05072269 The brass notebook : Jain, Devaki. Speaking Tiger Books LLP, 2020 9789389958676 | 9789389958690 xv, 215 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.092 MAU 07014103 On the shoulders of giants : Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107131163 | 9781107578968 (paperback) xvii, 383p.; Library - BR Campus
330.092 PUT 05011734 Novel Economists / Puttaswamiah, K. Nrusimha, 1977 182 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.092 SEN 05072113 Home in the world : Sen, Amartya. ALLEN LANE, 2021 9781846144868 xv,463p.; Knowledge Centre
330.092 SEN 00143354 Home in the World: Sen, Amartya Penguin Books, 2022 9780241955369 463p UG Library
330.092 SEN 10004679 Home in the world: Sen, Amartya Penguin Books, 2022 9780241955369 xv,463 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.092 SHO 05065216 Virtus in arduis : Shome, Parthasarathi, Orient BlackSwan, 2019 9789352875313 | 9352875311 xxii, 264 pages, 14 unnumbered pages of plates : Knowledge Centre
330.092 WRA 05059631 Why minsky matters : Way, Randall L. Princeton University Press, 2016 9780691178400 x, 273p. Knowledge Centre
330.0920954BAL 01000822 Conversations With Indian Economists / Balasubramanyam,V N. Palgrave Macmillan, 2001 0333934989 203p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0922 CON 05064829 Great economic thinkers : Conlin, Jonathan, ed. 9781789140057 311 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.0922 FOR 03006399 Economics : Forstater, Mathew Chicago Riview Press, 2007 9781556526664 128 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.0922 JAM 05011207 Distinguished women economists / Cicarelli, James. Greenwood Press, 2003 0313303312 (alk. paper) xxvi, 244 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.0922 KHU 01022576 Philosopher of Raisina / Khurshid Salman Eastern Book Company, 2016 9789351453383 lxiii,252p.: Knowledge Centre
330.0922 SCH 00147274 The Market Mind Hypothesis : Schotanus, Patrick De Gruyter, 2023 9783111211619 1st Lxi,426p. ; UG Library
330.092273 FIS 03004792 100 minds that made the market / Fisher, Kenneth L. John Wiley & Sons, 1993 9780470139516 (pbk.) | 9788126519552 | 047013951X (pbk.) xxiii, 424 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.094 COL 00131261 The making of a European economist / Colander, David C. Edward Elgar, 2009 9781848446397 (cased) | 9781848446410 (pbk.) viii, 190 p. ; UG Library
330.0941 KAD 00108305 Histrians,Economicsts And Economic History Kadish,Alon Routledge 1989 9780415613880 xii; 297 p. UG Library
330.095 LEL 00109373 Imagining Asia in 2030 Lele,Ajey Academic Foundation, 2011 9788171888702 | 9788171888702 580 p. : UG Library
330.0951 PLA 03003127 Doing Business in China: How to Profit in the World's Fastest Growing Market Plafker, Ted Business Plus, 2008 9780446698634 290 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.0951 PLA 03000169 Doing Business in China: How to Profit in the World's Fastest Growing Market Plafker, Ted Business Plus, 2008 9780446698634 290 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.0951 LIN 05040564 The history of ancient Chinese economic thought / Routledge, 2014 9780415500142 (hardback) xxiv, 230 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.0951 PLA 04017151 Doing Business in China: How to Profit in the World's Fastest Growing Market Plafker, Ted Business Plus, 2008 9780446698634 290 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.0954 ABD 05011698 India 2020 : Kalam, A.P.J. Abdul. Viking, 1998 0670882712 xvi, 311 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0954 ACH 05011699 India's Economy : Acharya, Shankar. Academic Foundation, 2003 9788171883202 180 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0954 ACH 00058991 India's Economy : Acharya, Shankar. Academic Foundation, 2003 9788171883202 180 p.; UG Library
330.0954 AHL 05008906 India`s Economic Reforms and Development : Oxford University Press, 2000 9780195649888 viii, 414 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0954 AHL 05008907 India`s Economic Reforms and Development : Ahluwalia, Isher Judge. Oxford University Press, 2000 9780195649888 viii, 414 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0954 AMB 05011684 India and Asean in the 21st Century : Ambatkar, Sanjay. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 2002 9788126111350 xvii, 163 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0954 BAR 10003563 Journey of a nation: Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2022 9789355203618 xiv,178 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.0954 BAS 01003192 India's Emerging Economy : Kaushik Basu Oxford University Press, 2004 9780195677904 319p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0954 BAS 01005317 India's Emerging Economy : Kaushik Basu Oxford University Press, 2004 9780195677904 319p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0954 BAS 01006474 India's Emerging Economy : Kaushik Basu Oxford University Press, 2004 9780195677904 319p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0954 BAS 01005372 India's Emerging Economy : Kaushik Basu Oxford University Press, 2004 9780195677904 319p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0954 DAV 05011688 India's Economic Future : Davar, Parvez. Dominant Publishers, 1999 8187336382 369 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0954 DEO 00138237 Economic Sutra : Deodhar,Satish Y. Penguin Random House, 2019 9780670092864 xxx,199p.; UG Library
330.0954 EIS 05008928 Planning Commissions Report of the Committee on India Vision 2020 and Vision Documents of Some States / Economica India Info Services Academic Foundation, 2003 9788171883028 252 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0954 JAF 04012069 India Since 1950 : Jaffrelot, Christophe Yatra Books, 2012 9788190651011 913 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.0954 JAF 05046985 India Since 1950 : Jaffrelot, Christophe Yatra Books, 2012 9788190651011 913 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.0954 JAF 07002790 India Since 1950 : Jaffrelot, Christophe Yatra Books, 2012 9788190651011 913 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.0954 KAP 05009145 Indian Economy Since Independence / Academic Foundation, 2003 9788171883219 15th ed. 1024 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0954 KAP 05008922 Indian Economy Update / Academic Foundation, 1996 8171881122 Volumes Knowledge Centre
330.0954 KAP 05008927 Indian Economy Update / Academic Foundation, 1996 8171881122 Volumes Knowledge Centre
330.0954 KAP 05008924 Indian Economy Update / Academic Foundation, 1996 8171881122 Volumes Knowledge Centre
330.0954 KAP 05008925 Indian Economy Update / Academic Foundation, 1996 8171881122 Volumes Knowledge Centre
330.0954 KAP 05008923 Indian Economy Update / Academic Foundation, 1996 8171881122 Volumes Knowledge Centre
330.0954 KAP 05008926 Indian Economy Update / Academic Foundation, 1996 8171881122 Volumes Knowledge Centre
330.0954 KAP 05011700 India`s Economic Reforms : Academic Foundation, 1996 2nd ed. 308 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0954 KAP 05011692 Recent Development in Indian Economy / Academic Foundation, 1996 8171880967 Volumes Knowledge Centre
330.0954 KAP 05011690 Recent Development in Indian Economy / Academic Foundation, 1996 8171880967 Volumes Knowledge Centre
330.0954 KAP 05011686 Recent Development in Indian Economy / Academic Foundation, 1996 8171880967 Volumes Knowledge Centre
330.0954 KAP 05008912 Recent Development in Indian Economy / Academic Foundation, 1996 8171880967 Volumes Knowledge Centre
330.0954 KAP 05011687 Recent Development in Indian Economy / Academic Foundation, 1996 8171880967 Volumes Knowledge Centre
330.0954 KAP 05011682 Indian Economy Since Independence : Academic Foundation, 1997 8171881297 838 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0954 KAP 05008908 Recent Development in Indian Economy / Academic Foundation, 1996 8171880967 Volumes Knowledge Centre
330.0954 KAP 05011691 Recent Development in Indian Economy / Academic Foundation, 1996 8171880967 Volumes Knowledge Centre
330.0954 KAP 05011765 Recent Development in Indian Economy / Academic Foundation, 1996 8171880967 Volumes Knowledge Centre
330.0954 KAP 05011870 Recent Development in Indian Economy / Academic Foundation, 1996 8171880967 Volumes Knowledge Centre
330.0954 KAP 00049710 Economic Developments in India - Analysis - Reports-Policy Doc- Volume 34 Kapila, Rak Academic Foundation 2000 320p UG Library
330.0954 KAU 05008929 Kautilya The Arthashastra / Kautilya. Penguin Books, 1992 0140446036 xii, 868 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0954 MIS 05008734 Indian Economy : Misra, S.K. Himalaya Publishing House, 1996 817493250x 14th ed. 1022 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0954 MUN 05011685 Survey of Indian Economy : Munjal, S. Raj Publishing House, 1999 8187248092 284 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0954 RAN 07012896 Jumpstarting south asia : Rana, Pradumna B Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199479283 xix, 256p. Library - BR Campus
330.0954 RAN 05058038 Jumpstarting south asia : Rana, Pradumna B Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199479283 xix, 256p. Knowledge Centre
330.0954 RAP 05011689 Decentralised Planning in India / Raphael, Jos C. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2000 0812610502 xvi, 379 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0954 RED 00136109 Gandhian engagement with capital : Redkar, Chaitra, Sage, 2019 9789353282288 xiii, 217 p.; UG Library
330.0954 THA 01020710 Economic geography and development / Thakur,Anil Kumar. Deep & Deep Publications, 2011 9788184503555 xxiii,457p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0954 TRA 07007249 Arthashastra: Trautmann,Thomas R Portfolio, 2012 9780143426189 XXV,176 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330.0954 VEN 00090782 Indian Economy: Reviews and Commentaries: Vol.1 Venkitaramanan, S ICFAI 8178811464 178p UG Library
330.0954076 SIN 07009706 Indian Economy : Singh Ramesh McGraw Hill Education(India), 2016 9789352601653 xxxv,24.31p.: Library - BR Campus
330.09544 RAO 01000095 Rural Economy and Society / Rao,Narayan Singh. Rawat , 2000 8170337127 368p.; Knowledge Centre
330.0954KUM 01007416 Cambridge Economic History of India / Dharma Kumar Orient Longman Private Limited, 2007 8125027300 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
330.0954KUM 01007417 Cambridge Economic History of India / Dharma Kumar Orient Longman Private Limited, 2007 8125027300 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
330.0973 WAR 04012017 Knowledge and the wealth of nations : Warsh, David. W.W. Norton, 2006 0393059960 | 9780393059960 1st ed. xxii, 426 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.1 AGR 00068678 Indian Economy: Problems of Development and Planning: Agrawal, A N Vishwa 2005 8173281149 31st,edition 741p UG Library
330.1 ARG 05072778 Evolutionary Financial Macroeconomics / Argitis, Giorgos. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2020 9780367777319 xiv, 136p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.1 BAS 05010639 Collected Papers in Theoretical Economics : Basu, Kaushik. Oxford University Press, 2005 0195667611 (v. 1) | 019566762X 320P. <1-4> : Knowledge Centre
330.1 BAS 05010640 Collected Papers in Theoretical Economics : Basu, Kaushik. Oxford University Press, 2005 0195667611 (v. 1) | 019566762X 320P. <1-4> : Knowledge Centre
330.1 BAS 05010641 Collected Papers in Theoretical Economics : Basu, Kaushik. Oxford University Press, 2005 0195667611 (v. 1) | 019566762X 320P. <1-4> : Knowledge Centre
330.1 BAS 05010638 Collected Papers in Theoretical Economics : Basu, Kaushik. Oxford University Press, 2005 0195667611 (v. 1) | 019566762X 320P. <1-4> : Knowledge Centre
330.1 BAS 00104443 Beyond the Invisible Hand : Basu, Kaushik. Penguin, 2010 9780143415756 xv: 273 p.: UG Library
330.1 BAS 03004319 Collected Papers in Theoretical Economics : Basu, Kaushik. Oxford University Press, 2005 0195667611 (v. 1) | 019566762X 320P. <1-4> : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.1 BAS 03004318 Collected Papers in Theoretical Economics : Basu, Kaushik. Oxford University Press, 2005 0195667611 (v. 1) | 019566762X 320P. <1-4> : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.1 BAS 03004317 Collected Papers in Theoretical Economics : Basu, Kaushik. Oxford University Press, 2005 0195667611 (v. 1) | 019566762X 320P. <1-4> : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.1 BAS 03004316 Collected Papers in Theoretical Economics : Basu, Kaushik. Oxford University Press, 2005 0195667611 (v. 1) | 019566762X 320P. <1-4> : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.1 BAS 05009110 Collected Papers In Theoretical Economics / Basu, Kaushik. Oxford University Press, 2005 0195667611 (v. 1) | 019566762X (v. 2) | 0195686489 (v. 3) | 9780198063049 (v. 4) | 0198063040 (v. 4) | 9780195667622 vi, 217 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1 BAS 05009108 Collected Papers In Theoretical Economics / Basu, Kaushik. Oxford University Press, 2005 0195667611 (v. 1) | 019566762X (v. 2) | 0195686489 (v. 3) | 9780198063049 (v. 4) | 0198063040 (v. 4) | 9780195667622 vi, 217 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1 BAS 05009109 Collected Papers In Theoretical Economics / Basu, Kaushik. Oxford University Press, 2005 0195667611 (v. 1) | 019566762X (v. 2) | 0195686489 (v. 3) | 9780198063049 (v. 4) | 0198063040 (v. 4) | 9780195667622 vi, 217 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1 BEC 07010959 Modren Economy Beaven,Derek Clanrye International, 2015 9781632403629 vii,191 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330.1 BEC 07010960 Modren Economy Beaven,Derek Clanrye International, 2015 9781632403629 vii,191 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330.1 BEC 07010961 Modren Economy Beaven,Derek Clanrye International, 2015 9781632403629 vii,191 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330.1 BEC 07010962 Modren Economy Beaven,Derek Clanrye International, 2015 9781632403629 vii,191 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330.1 BRO 05009106 Economics, Ethics, and Environmental Policy : Blackwell, 2002 9780631229698 x, 286 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1 DAS 05018103 Dimensions of economic theory and policy : Dastidar, Krishnendu Ghosh. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198073970 | 0198073976 1st ed. xiii, 370 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.1 DAS 00108655 Dimensions of economic theory and policy : Dastidar, Krishnendu Ghosh. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198073970 | 0198073976 1st ed. xiii, 370 p. : UG Library
330.1 DAV 03004635 Individuals and Identity in Economics / Davis, John B. Cambridge; 2011 9780521173537 260 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.1 DIX 05010637 Lawlessness and economics : Dixit, Avinash K. Princeton University Press, 0691114862 (cl : alk. paper) x, 167 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.1 DOP 05010595 Evolutionary Foundatiions of Economics Dopfer, Kurt 0521621992 577 Knowledge Centre
330.1 DOP 01007067 The evolutionary foundations of economics / Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521621992 xiii, 577 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.1 EAG 00133633 Neoliberalism : Eagleton-Pierce, Matthew, Routledge, 2016 9780415837521 (hardback) | 9780415837545 (pbk.) xx, 256 pages ; UG Library
330.1 FRI 07011383 Law's Order What Economics has to do With Law and Why it Matters / Friedman David.D Princeton University Press, 2000 9780691090092 329p.: Library - BR Campus
330.1 HOB 05007318 Work and Wealth : Hobson J.A. Routledge, 1992 9780415602433 367 p. Knowledge Centre
330.1 JON 01000207 Global justice : Jones, Charles, Oxford University Press, 1999 0198294808 xiii, 249 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.1 JON 01000198 Global justice : Jones, Charles, Oxford University Press, 1999 0198294808 xiii, 249 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.1 JON 01008617 Global justice : Jones, Charles, Oxford University Press, 1999 0198294808 xiii, 249 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.1 KAP 07014675 Advanced Economic Theory : Kapoor S.N.Dr Shree Niwas Publications, 2020 9789386776662 3 volumes Library - BR Campus
330.1 KAP 07014676 Advanced Economic Theory : Kapoor S.N.Dr Shree Niwas Publications, 2020 9789386776662 3 volumes Library - BR Campus
330.1 KAP 07014677 Advanced Economic Theory : Kapoor S.N.Dr Shree Niwas Publications, 2020 9789386776662 3 volumes Library - BR Campus
330.1 KAU 05039292 Imagining economics otherwise : Kaul, Nitasha. Routledge, 2009 9780415484503 xiii, 281 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.1 KHA 00001067 Modern Economic Theory Khatri, M D pv UG Library
330.1 KLE 03008008 Knowledge and Coordination : Klein, Daniel B. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199794126 (cloth : alk. pa xvii, 351 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.1 LAH 01000337 Economic theory in a changing World : Oxford University Press, 2005 9780195672305 | 0195672305 xiv, 263 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.1 LOE 05010636 Exotic Preferences: Behavioral Economics and Human Motivation Loewenstein, George Oxford Univeristy Press 671p Knowledge Centre
330.1 MAD 01003887 World Economy / Angus Maddison Academic Foundation, 2006 9788171886135 653p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1 MED 05041089 The history of economic thought : Routledge, 2003 0415205514 | 0415205506 (pbk.) xi, 668 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.1 MED 05004651 The history of economic thought : Routledge, 2003 0415205514 | 0415205506 (pbk.) xi, 668 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.1 MIR 01019675 Welfare, Incentives, and Taxation / Mirrlees, James A. Oxford, 2006 9780195686500 | 0195686500 565 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.1 MIR 03004132 Welfare, Incentives, and Taxation / Mirrlees, James A. Oxford, 2006 9780195686500 | 0195686500 565 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.1 MIS 05047816 Economic Theory in Changing World / Pavan,Mishra. Horizon Press, 2014 9789383096336 viii, 288 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.1 MIS 05010764 Economics of Development and Planning : Misra, S K. Himalya Publishing House, 2002 8178665409 10th & 11th ed. 893 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1 MIS 07001031 Concept in Economic Theory Mishra, Pavan Horizon Press, 2014 9789383096329 viii: 288p.; Library - BR Campus
330.1 MIS 05010763 Economics of Development and Planning : Misra, S K. Himalya Publishing House, 2002 8178665409 10th & 11th ed. 893 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1 MIS 00124823 Economic Theory in Changing World / Pavan,Mishra. Horizon Press, 2014 9789383096336 viii, 288 p.: UG Library
330.1 MIS 00118554 Concept in Economic Theory Mishra, Pavan Horizon Press, 2014 9789383096329 viii: 288p.; UG Library
330.1 MUK 00139519 Refresher Course in Economics / Mukherjee,Sampat. New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd., 2006 9788173813832 x,1262p.; UG Library
330.1 MYN 01008098 Indian Economics for Law Course / Myneni,S R. Allahabad Law Agency, 2000 490p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1 NAC 05012155 Economics of Asymmetric Information / Deep & Deep Publications Pvt Ltd., 2006 9788176298261 xxvi, 234 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1 NIL 05045689 Rebooting India : Nilekani, Nandan. Allen Lane, 2015 9780670087891 xxviii, 337 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.1 NIL 07005428 Rebooting India : Nilekani, Nandan. Allen Lane, 2015 9780670087891 xxviii, 337 p.: Library - BR Campus
330.1 OHA 00148234 Principles of Institutional and Evolutionary political economy: O'Hara, Phillip Anthony Springer, 2023 9789811941603 xix,433p. ; UG Library
330.1 PEI 05010642 Economics and Information / Petit, Pascal Sage, 2001 0000792318 220p Knowledge Centre
330.1 PLA 01029148 Theories of distributive justice : Platz, Jeppe von. Routledge, 2020 9780367332358 209p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.1 PON 00146074 The economics of the long period/ Pnthiere Gregory Cambridge University Press 2022 9781009169745 xi,239p. UG Library
330.1 RAS 07014729 Micro and Macro Economic Analysis : Rasure K.A.Dr Manglam Publications, 2020 9789386123602 559p.: Library - BR Campus
330.1 RES 05045059 Red, black, and objective : Restivo, Sal P. Ashgate, 2011 9781409410393 (hbk.) | 9781409 ix, 224 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.1 ROB 05072955 Economic philosophy / Robinson, Joan, Routledge, 2021 9780367540876 xvi, 104p, ; Knowledge Centre
330.1 SAH 05065285 A Political Economic Approach to Reclaiming India / Vitasta, 2019 9789386473387 269p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1 SAM 05010646 Companion to the History of Economic Thought Samuels, Warren J 1405134593 712p Knowledge Centre
330.1 SAM 00079968 Companion to the History of Economic Thought Samuels, Warren J 1405134593 712p UG Library
330.1 SCH 05072787 Philosophy of Economics : Schlaudt, Oliver. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2022 9781032068480 | 9781032068336 162 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.1 SCH 05072800 The theory of economic development / Schumpeter, Joseph A. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2021 9780367705268 xvii, 237p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1 SCH 05073661 The theory of economic development / Schumpeter, Joseph A. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2021 9780367705268 xvii, 237p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1 SCH 10002527 Philosophy of Economics : Schlaudt, Oliver. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2022 9781032068480 | 9781032068336 162 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.1 SCH 05009107 The nature and essence of economic theory / Schumpeter, Joseph Alois, Transaction Publishers, 9781412811507 xxvi, 464 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.1 SHE 04012034 The Mind of the Market : Shermer, Michael. Times Books, 2008 9780805078329 (alk. paper) | 0 1st ed. xxiv, 308 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.1 SHE 05034178 The Mind of The Market : Shermer, Michael. Henry Holt and Co, 2008 9780805089165 xxiv, 308 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1 SHE 03008394 The Mind of the Market : Shermer, Michael. Times Books, 2008 9780805078329 (alk. paper) | 0 1st ed. xxiv, 308 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.1 SHE 03008395 The Mind of the Market : Shermer, Michael. Times Books, 2008 9780805078329 (alk. paper) | 0 1st ed. xxiv, 308 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.1 SMI 05058938 The Wealth of Nations / Smith Adam Bantam Classic, 2003 076783007956 | 9780553585971 1231p.: Knowledge Centre
330.1 SMI 07011495 The Wealth of Nations / Smith Adam Bantam Classic, 2003 076783007956 | 9780553585971 1231p.: Library - BR Campus
330.1 SMI 05046717 The Wealth of Nations / Smith Adam Bantam Classic, 2003 076783007956 | 9780553585971 1231p.: Knowledge Centre
330.1 THA 01020712 Economics of Mahatma Gandhi : Thakur,Anil Kumar. Deep & Deep Publications, 2009 9788184501582 xxvii,508p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1 WAR 05009105 The Ideal Worlds of Economics : Ward, Benjamin. Basic Books Inc., 1979 0333272153 ix, 482 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1 WIT 05056698 Rethinking economic evolution : Witt, Ulrich, Edward Elgar, 2016 9781848443044 (hardcover) | 18 xxxiv, 226 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.1 YAL 01025843 Intellectual path dependence in economics : Yalçıntaş, Altuğ. Routledge, 2016 9781138016170 (hardback) xiv, 173 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.1 YAL 00135428 Intellectual path dependence in economics : Yalçıntaş, Altuğ. Routledge, 2016 9781138016170 (hardback) xiv, 173 pages ; UG Library
330.1 YAN 05024121 Economics: Yang, Xiaokai BlackWell Publishers, 2001 9780631220022 xxvii,745p.; Knowledge Centre
330.103 CHA 05010650 Encyclopaedia of the Theoretical Economics: Vol.1, 2, 3 Chaudhary M A Global Vision Publishing House 2006 0008182203 32 Knowledge Centre
330.103 CHA 05010651 Encyclopaedia of the Theoretical Economics: Vol.1, 2, 3 Chaudhary M A Global Vision Publishing House 2006 0008182203 32 Knowledge Centre
330.103 CHA 05010652 Encyclopaedia of the Theoretical Economics: Vol.1, 2, 3 Chaudhary M A Global Vision Publishing House 2006 0008182203 32 Knowledge Centre
330.109 BLA 07013060 Economic theory in retrospect / Blaug, Mark. Cambridge University Press, 1997 0521571537 (hardback) | 0521577012 (pbk.) 5th ed. xxv, 725 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.1092 HEI 10001957 The Worldly Philosophers : Heilbroner, Robert L. Penguin Books, 2000 9780140290066 Revised Seventh ed. 365p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.1092 HEI 10001958 The Worldly Philosophers : Heilbroner, Robert L. Penguin Books, 2000 9780140290066 Revised Seventh ed. 365p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.1092 HEI 10001959 The Worldly Philosophers : Heilbroner, Robert L. Penguin Books, 2000 9780140290066 Revised Seventh ed. 365p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.10942 DON 00004284 Guide to British Economy Donald, Peter Penguin 1965 1 UG Library
330.10954 RBI 05012162 Basic Statistical Returns of Schduled Commercial Bank in India / Jain Book Agency, 2009 351 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.11543 MON 00015933 Mathematics and Statitics For Economics. Monga, G S Vikas 1978 628 p/ UG Library
330.12 COR 05060701 Is capitalism obsolete? : Corneo, Giacomo G., Harvard University Press, 2017 9780674495289 (alk. paper) viii, 304 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.12 DES 00025068 Economic Systems / Desai, S.S.M. Himalya Publishers, 1986 xii, 426 p.; UG Library
330.12 ELS 00056051 Alternatives to Capitalism Elster,Jon Cambridge University Press 1993 0052137815 179 p. UG Library
330.12 FLI 07008837 The architecture of markets : Fligstein, Neil. Princeton University Press, 2001 0691005222 (acidfree paper) | xiv, 274 p. ; Library - BR Campus
330.12 GRO 05012152 Economic Systems / Grossman, Gregory. Prentice-Hall, 1977 2nd ed. xii, 195 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.12 GRO 00089904 Economic Systems Grossman, Gregory 2008 0876921101 195p UG Library
330.12 HAL 00001077 Economic Systems Halm, George N Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. 1968 350 p. UG Library
330.12 HAL 05012153 Economic Systems : Halm, George N. Oxford, 1960 3rd ed. xi, 420 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.12 HAL 05012154 Economic Systems : Halm, George N. Oxford, 1965 ix, 341 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.12 KOT 05061149 The rise and fall of neoliberal capitalism / Kotz, David M. Harvard University Press, 2017 9780674980013 xiii, 270p.; Knowledge Centre
330.12 KUM 01003612 Economic Laws & Practice / Suchitta Koley Vrinda Publications (P) Ltd, 2003 8187125772 1054p.; Knowledge Centre
330.12 KUZ 00078228 Political economy : Kuzneisov, G. Progress Publishers, 1988 5010004526 272 p. ; UG Library
330.12 MIS 00069670 Economic Systems Mishra,Girish Pragati Publications 1986 8173070547 390 p. UG Library
330.12 MIS 00007790 Capitalism Socialism and Planning Misra, Baidyanath Oxford & IBH Publishing Co 1972 272 p UG Library
330.122 GID 05015109 Capitalism and Modern Social Theory : Giddens, Anthony. Cambridge University Press, 1996 9780521566476 xvii, 261 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 HEA 03003182 Economics Without Illusions: Dubunking the Myths of Modern Capitalism Heath, Joseph Crown Forum 9780307590572 342 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.122 MOR 03003650 The Capitalist's Bible : Morgenson, Gretchen. Collins Business, 2009 9780061560989 300 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.122 STA 03002412 Economics for Everyone : Stanford, Jim. Viva Books, 2010 9788130912288 350 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.122 TOR 03001874 Anti-Capitalism : Tormey, Simon. One World, 2006 9781851683420 | 1851683429 184 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.122 UBE 03002113 Free Market Madness : Ubel, Peter A. Harvard Business Press, 2007 9781422126097 257 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.122 VAR 10004156 Technofeudalism : Varoufakis, Yanis, Vintage, 2023 9781529926095 xiii, 281p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.122 AGA 00089883 Capabilities, Freedom, and Equality: Amartya Sen`s Work from a Gender Perspective Agarwal, Bina 2008 0195692373 553p. UG Library
330.122 AKE 05012151 Explorations in Pragmatic Economics / Akerlof, George A Oxford University Press, 2006 0195685598 | 9780195685596 ix, 514 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 AMI 00094684 From capitalism to civilization : Amin, Samir. Tulika Books, 9788189487645 (pbk.) | 8189487 xi, 189 p. ; UG Library
330.122 AMI 05015161 From capitalism to civilization : Amin, Samir. Tulika Books, 9788189487645 (pbk.) | 8189487 xi, 189 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.122 AMI 00079186 Capitalism in the Age of Globalization: Amin, Samir Madhyam Books : 1997 8186816097 158 p. UG Library
330.122 ATK 00147423 Reimaging capitalism : Atkinson, David M., Vernon Press, 2023 9781648895951 xxiv,431p. : UG Library
330.122 BAR 05052510 Re-imagining capitalism / Barton, Dominic, Oxford university press, 2016 9780198785453 | 0198785453 | 9 First edition. xviii, 341 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.122 BAV 05049166 The invisible hand? : Bavel, B. J. P. van, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199608133 (hbk.) | 0199608 ix, 330 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.122 BEA 07008589 A history of capitalism, 1500-2000 / Beaud, Michel. Monthly Review Press, 2004 1583670416 (pbk.) | 1583670408 xii, 348 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.122 BHA 07004024 Global Business Recession:Lessons Learnt / Crescent Publishers, 2011 9788191049428 478p.: Library - BR Campus
330.122 BJE 03011923 Making Money : Bjerg, Ole. Foundations Books, 2014 9789384463489 292 p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.122 BJE 07002780 Making Money : Bjerg, Ole. Foundations Books, 2014 9789384463489 292 p.; Library - BR Campus
330.122 BOT 05015164 Theories of modern capitalism / Bottomore, Tom. Routledge, 1985 9780415578943 97 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 BOW 05037365 Capitalisms compared : Bowman, John R., Sage, 2014 9781452259024 (pbk. : alk. pap xii, 376 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.122 BRE 01022010 Why not capitalism? / Brennan, Jason, Routledge, 2014 9780415732963 (hardback) | 978 114 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.122 CEN 05022021 Global capitalism : Centeno, Miguel Angel, Polity Press, 2010 9780745644509 | 0745644503 | 9 ix, 246 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.122 CEN 00103752 Global capitalism : Centeno, Miguel Angel, Polity Press, 2010 9780745644509 | 0745644503 | 9 ix, 246 p. : UG Library
330.122 CHA 07011282 23 things they don't tell you about capitalism/ Chang, Ha-Joon Penguin Publication, 2011 9780141047973 xiii,277p.; Library - BR Campus
330.122 CHA 05012216 The Roots of Capitalism / Chamberlain, John. Liberty Fund, 1976 9780913966235 293 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 CHO 05072570 Consequences of Capitalism : Chomsky, Noam. Penguin Random House UK 2021 9780241482612 xiii, 388, ; Knowledge Centre
330.122 CHO 00143050 Consequences of Capitalism : Chomsky, Noam. Penguin Random House UK 2021 9780241482612 xiii, 388, ; UG Library
330.122 CHO 05012150 Profit Over People : Chomsky, Noam. Madhyam Books, 1999 8186816100 175 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 COL 00137369 The future of capitalism Collier,Paul Penguin books, 2019 9780141987255 147p.; UG Library
330.122 COM 05073605 A New Spirit of Capitalism : Hurst & Company, 2022 9781787387942 xxv, 226p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 CUD 00107853 Capitalism, For and Against Cudd,Ann E., Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521132114 | 0521114071 | 9 ix, 350 p. ; UG Library
330.122 DEL 03007574 Creative Capitalism : Simon & Schuster, 2008 9781416599418 (alk. paper) | 9 1st Simon & Schuster hardcover ed. xv, 315 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.122 DEM 05010643 Economic Man to Economic System / Demsetz Harold Cambridge Uninversity, 2008 9780521509978 189p.: Knowledge Centre
330.122 DIX 01020760 The new geography of capitalism : Dixon, Adam D., Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199668236 (hbk.) | 0199668 First Edition. xvii,192p.: Knowledge Centre
330.122 DOW 01013233 Understanding capitalism : Pluto Press, 0745317839 | 0745317820 (pbk.) 183 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.122 ELS 05044063 Saving capitalism from the capitalists : Elsenhans, Hartmut, Sage, 2015 9789351500568 (hardback : alk. xv,325p.: Knowledge Centre
330.122 ELS 05042754 Saving capitalism from the capitalists : Elsenhans, Hartmut, Sage, 2015 9789351500568 (hardback : alk. xv,325p.: Knowledge Centre
330.122 ELS 07000412 Saving capitalism from the capitalists : Elsenhans, Hartmut, Sage, 2015 9789351500568 (hardback : alk. xv,325p.: Library - BR Campus
330.122 FRA 05064107 Capitalism: Fraser,Nancy Ploty press, 2018 9780745671574 x,244p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 FRA 00132773 Capitalism: Fraser,Nancy Ploty press, 2018 9780745671574 x,244p.; UG Library
330.122 FUL 01016395 Capitalism : Fulcher, James. Oxford University Press, 2004 0192802186 | 9780192802187 139 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.122 FUL 05047261 Capitalism : Fulcher, James. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198726074 (pbk.) | 0198726074 (pbk.) 2nd ed. 139 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 FUL 00095014 Capitalism: A very short introduction Fulcher, James Oxford university press 9780195682564 139p UG Library
330.122 FUL 05023767 Capitalism : Fulcher, James. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195682564 139 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 FUL 00085465 Capitalism : Fulcher, James. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195682564 139 p.; UG Library
330.122 FUL 00086382 Capitalism : Fulcher, James. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195682564 139 p.; UG Library
330.122 GAL 00012449 American Capitalism Galbraith, John Kenneth Nam 1977 150 p . UG Library
330.122 GID 05012215 Capitalism and Modern Social Theory : Giddens, Anthony. Cambridge University Press, 1996 9780521566476 xvii, 261 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 GUP 05012213 Corporate Capitalism and Political Philosophy / Gupta, Suman. Pluto-Press, 2002 9780745317540 vii, 289 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 HAM 00027125 Policy Process in the Modern Capitalist State Ham, Christopher Distributed by Harvester Press: 1984 208 p. UG Library
330.122 HAN 00094136 Debating Varieties of capitalism : Oxford University Press, 9780199569663 (pbk.) | 0199569 334 p. : UG Library
330.122 HAN 00066886 The Elephant and The Flea Hnady, Charles Harvard Business School Press : 2002 1578518229 233 p. UG Library
330.122 HAN 05068499 The countercultural logic of neoliberalism / Hancock, David. Routledge, 2019 9780815360285 (hardback) 135p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 HAQ 03004460 The New Capitalist Manifesto : Haque, Umair. Harvard Business Press, 2011 9781422158586 (hbk. : alk. pap xxvii, 221 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.122 HAQ 07002496 The new capitalist manifesto : Haque, Umair. Harvard Business Press, 2011 9781422158586 (hbk. : alk. pap xxvii, 221 p. ; Library - BR Campus
330.122 HAQ 03010243 The New Capitalist Manifesto : Haque, Umair. Harvard Business Press, 2011 9781422158586 (hbk. : alk. pap xxvii, 221 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.122 HAQ 05000662 The new capitalist manifesto : Haque, Umair. Harvard Business Press, 2011 9781422158586 (hbk. : alk. pap xxvii, 221 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.122 HAQ 00105280 The New Capitalist Manifesto : Haque, Umair. Harvard Business Press, 2011 9781422158586 (hbk. : alk. pap xxvii, 221 p. : UG Library
330.122 HAR 05066710 A Brief History of Neoliberalism / Harvey David Oxford University Press 2005 9780199283279 247p Knowledge Centre
330.122 HAR 00103415 The Enigma of Capital: Harvey David Profile books; 2010 9781846683084 296 p. UG Library
330.122 HAR 00095125 A Brife History Of Neoliberalism Harvey,David Oxford University 9780199283279 547P UG Library
330.122 HAR 04012643 The Enigma of Capital: Harvey David Profile books; 2010 9781846683084 296 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.122 HAR 00144772 Capitalism and the Dark Forces of Time and Ignorance : Harrison, David. Palgrave macmillan, 2021 9783030783938 ix,149p, ; UG Library
330.122 HAR 00094132 A Brief History of Neoliberalism / Harvey David Oxford University Press 2005 9780199283279 247p UG Library
330.122 HIR 01022011 Capitalism and the world economy : Routledge, 2015 9780415733915 (hardback) xxi, 286 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.122 HOD 07008990 Conceptualizing Capitalism : Hodgson Geoffrey.M The University of Chicago Press, 2015 9780226419695 x,495p.: Library - BR Campus
330.122 HOD 05045539 Conceptualizing capitalism : Hodgson, Geoffrey Martin, The University of Chicago Press, 2015 9780226168005 (cloth : alk. pa x, 495 pages; Knowledge Centre
330.122 HUD 05068573 Co-produced economies : Hudson, Ray, Routledge, 2019 9781138819627 (hardback : alk. paper) xii, 245 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.122 HUD 00144373 Co-produced economies : Hudson, Ray, Routledge, 2020 9780367661267 xii,245p, ; UG Library
330.122 HUD 07014971 Co-produced economies : Hudson, Ray, Routledge, 2019 9781138819627 (hardback : alk. paper) xii, 245 pages ; Library - BR Campus
330.122 ISA 05012222 Understanding the Market Economy / Isachsen, Arne Jon. Oxford University Press, 1992 0198773560 xvi, 243 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 KAH 01013313 Mind vs. money : Kahan, Alan S. Transaction Publishers, 9781412810630 | 1412810639 ix, 302 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.122 KAH 05009101 Mind vs. money : Kahan, Alan S. Transaction Publishers, 9781412810630 | 1412810639 ix, 302 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.122 KAL 00001729 Theory of Economic Dynamics Kalecki, M Unwin University Books: 1970 178 p. UG Library
330.122 KAT 05059454 Free market economics : Kates, Steven, Edward Elgar, 2017 1786431386 | 9781786431387 | 9 Third edition. xi, 456 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.122 KIN 05049241 The end of alchemy : King, Mervyn A., Little, Brown, 2016 9780393247022 | 0393247023 First edition. xv, 430 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.122 KIN 03003733 Creative Capitatlism : Kinsley, Michael. Simon & Schuster, 2009 9781847374103 xv;315 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.122 KLE 01007505 Shock Doctrine / Klein,Naomi. Penguin Books, 2007 9781846140280 558p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 LEN 05012221 Imperialism The Highest Stage of Capitalism : Lenin, V. I. International Business, 1939 128 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.122 LIN 05042233 Human capitalism : Lindsey, Brink. Princeton University Press, 2013 9780691157320 (hardcover : alk vii, 136 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.122 LUT 05012148 Turbo Capitalism : Luttwak, Edward. HarperCollins Publishers, 1999 9780060193300 xvi, 290 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 MAC 05008097 The invention of market freedom / MacGilvray, Eric, Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107001367 (hardback) | 110 x, 205 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.122 MAR 01027819 Capitalism and critique : Routledge, 2019 9781138365612 111p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 MAZ 05059939 The value of everything : Mazzucato, Mariana. Allen Lane, 2018 9780241347799 xix, 358 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 MCM 07011781 Reinventing The Bazaar : McMillan John W.W.Norton & Company, 2002 9780393323719 278p.: Library - BR Campus
330.122 MED 05068571 Free cash, capital accumulation and inequality / Medlen, Craig. Routledge, 2019 9781138051447 (hardback : alk. paper) ix, 178 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.122 MEY 03008777 Standing on the Sun : Meyer, Christopher. Harvard Business Press, 2012 9781422131688 (hardback) viii, 332 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.122 MEY 07002537 Standing on the Sun : Meyer, Christopher. Harvard Business Press, 2012 9781422131688 (hardback) viii, 332 p. ; Library - BR Campus
330.122 MIL 10004083 Capitalism, alone : Milanović, Branko, Harvard University Press, 2019 9780674299382 287 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.122 MIL 05073918 Capitalism, alone : Milanović, Branko, Harvard University Press, 2019 9780674260306 287 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.122 MIL 05074875 Capitalism, alone : Milanović, Branko, Harvard University Press, 2019 9780674299382 287 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.122 MIS 01017686 Planning for freedom : Von Mises, Ludwig, Liberty Fund, 2008 9780865976603 (hbk. : alk. pap [Liberty Fund ed.]. xii, 176 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.122 MOO 05012147 Market Institutions, Governance, and Development : Mookherjee, Dilip. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195681079 xii, 370 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 MUE 03009219 The Oxford Handbook of Capitalism / Oxford University Press, 2012 9780195391176 (hbk. : alk. pap xi, 561 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.122 PAN 00099872 The crisis this time Panitch leo Leftword books ; 9788187496991 ix;323 p. UG Library
330.122 POO 05044373 Capitalism's toxic assumptions : Poole, Eva. Bloomsbury, 2015 9781472916792 xv, 187 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.122 POW 05068566 Economic freedom and prosperity : Routledge, 2019 9781138335394 (hardback : alk. paper) xiv,265p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 POW 07014974 Economic freedom and prosperity : Routledge, 2019 9781138335394 (hardback : alk. paper) xiv,265p.; Library - BR Campus
330.122 POZ 03004644 The Monfort Plan : Pozuelo-Monfort, Jaime. John Wiley & Sons, 2010 9780470293638 (cloth) | 047029 xvii, 485 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.122 PRI 05072918 Capitalism-it's Nature and its Replacement : Priest, Graham. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2022 9781032049106 xviii, 252p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.122 RAN 00133948 Capitalism beyond mutuality? : Rangan, Subramanian, Oxford university press, 2018 0198825064 | 9780198825067 xxix, 369 pages : UG Library
330.122 RAN 00055297 Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal Rand, Ayn A Signet Book: 1967 0451147952 349 p. UG Library
330.122 ROB 05007889 The Logic of Discipline : Roberts, Alasdair. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199846146 xi, 207 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 SAA 00092357 Anti-capitalism : Pluto Press, 0745318940 | 0745318932 (pbk.) vii, 269 p. : UG Library
330.122 SAA 01007044 Anti-Capitalism a Marxist Introduction / Alfredo Saad-Filho Viva Books Private Limited, 2007 8130906198 269p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 SAL 05012214 The Economics of Freedom Salvadori, Massimo HIGGINBOTHAMS (p) LIMITED 1959 236p; Knowledge Centre
330.122 SAN 05039412 Rethinking capitalist development : Sanyal, Kalyan. Routledge, 2007 0415440874 | 9780415735469 x, 275 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.122 SAN 10004332 It's OK to be Angry about Capitalism / Sanders, Bernie Penguin Random House, 2024 9781802063110 viii,305 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.122 SCH 05009100 States Versus Markets : Schwartz, Herman M. Palgrave, 2000 9780333802632 2nd ed. xiii, 347 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 SEN 05062540 The changing face of imperialism : Routledge, 2018 9781138543270 xvi,338p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 SHA 05075002 What went wrong with capitalism / Sharma, Ruchir, Allen Lane, 2024 9780241595763 First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition. xiv, 368 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.122 SHA 10004203 What went wrong with capitalism / Sharma, Ruchir, Allen Lane, 2024 9780241595763 First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition. xiv, 368 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.122 SIN 00132470 Political economy and contemporary capitalism Singh, C. K ABD Publishers, 2018 9788183765770 296p.; UG Library
330.122 SIN 01008698 Capitalism and Dependence : Singh,Jagpal. Manohar, 1992 8173040265 207+14p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 SIN 00133067 Dynamics of Economics Theory: Singh, Sanjay, Horizon Press, 2019 9789387985124 viii,271 p.; UG Library
330.122 SOM 07002109 The capitals of nations : Som, Lalita S., Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199452736 | 0199452733 First edition. xxxv, 273 pages ; Library - BR Campus
330.122 SON 05073786 Capitalism : Sonenscher, Michael, Princeton University Press, 2022 9780691237206 xx, 225p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 SOR 00062432 Open Society: Reforming Global Capitalism Soros, George Viva Books Private Limited : 2004 8176494100 369 p. UG Library
330.122 SOR 00095438 Economics Does Not Lie Sorman Guy Full Circle Global 9788176211918 371P UG Library
330.122 STE 00102138 Neoliberalism : Steger, Manfred B., Oxford University Press, 9780199560516 (pbk.) | 0199560 xvi, 150 p. : UG Library
330.122 STR 07011273 How Will Capitalism End ? / Streeck Wolfgang Juggernaut Books, 2016 9789386228352 262p.: Library - BR Campus
330.122 SUN 05012210 Free Markets and Social Justice / Sunstein, Cass R. Oxford University Press, 1997 9780195102734 vi, 407 p; Knowledge Centre
330.122 SUR 03011197 Economy and Society: Suresh R. R. SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2010 9788132104049 x,318 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.122 SUR 00098518 Economy and Society: Suresh R. R. SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2010 9788132104049 x,318 p. UG Library
330.122 TOR 01005234 Anti-Capitalism / Tormey,Simon. Oxford, 2006 9781851683420 184p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 TOR 00095207 Anti-Capitalism / Tormey,Simon. Oxford, 2006 9781851683420 184p.; UG Library
330.122 TOR 00072028 Anti-Capitalism [dharmaram Library] Tormey, Simon Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851683429 184 UG Library
330.122 UBE 05008277 Free Market Madness : Ubel, Peter A. Harvard Business Press, 2007 9781422126097 257 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.122 VAN 00079218 Masks of Empire Vanaik, Achin Tulika Books : 2007 8189487221 293 p. UG Library
330.122 VAN 01011790 Masks of Empirre / Vanaik ,Achin. Tulika Books, 2009 8189487221 293p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 VAR 05074953 Technofeudalism : Varoufakis, Yanis, Vintage, 2023 9781529926095 xiii, 281p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 VEN 05068637 After capital / Venn, Couze. Sage Publications Ltd, 2018 9781526450128 | 1526450127 | 1526450135 | 9781526450135 xii, 172 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 VER 00143674 Crisis and Inequality : Vermeiren, Mattias. Polity press, 2021 9781509537693 xii,292p,; UG Library
330.122 VON 01017658 The anti-capitalistic mentality / Von Mises, Ludwig, Liberty Fund, 2006 0865976708 | 9780865976702 | 0 x, 72 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.122 WAL 05041571 Does capitalism have a future? / Wallerstein, Immanuel. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199330843 (hardback) | 9780199330850 (paperback) 192 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122 WAL 07002125 Does capitalism have a future? / Wallerstein, Immanuel. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199330843 (hardback) | 9780199330850 (paperback) 192 p.; Library - BR Campus
330.122 WHI 05012209 Divergent Capitalisms : Whitley, Richard. Oxford University press, 2000 9780199240425 299 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.122 WHI 05072919 Capitalist political economy : Whiteside, Heather. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2020 9780429468551 166p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.122 WUG 05057347 Globalization against democracy : Wu, Guoguang, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107190658 (hbk. : alk. pap xi, 339 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.12203 HUS 05010647 Encyclopedia of Capitalism [ug.Lib.Reference Section] Hussain, Syed B Multilingual Matters Limited 8130900645 361p Knowledge Centre
330.12203 HUS 05010648 Encyclopedia of Capitalism [ug.Lib.Reference Section] Hussain, Syed B Multilingual Matters Limited 8130900645 361p Knowledge Centre
330.12203 HUS 05010649 Encyclopedia of Capitalism [ug.Lib.Reference Section] Hussain, Syed B Multilingual Matters Limited 8130900645 361p Knowledge Centre
330.12203 LOW 05009099 The Anti-Capitalist Dictionary : Lowes, David E. Zed Books, 2006 9788182910300 x, 310 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.12203 LOW 05009098 The Anti-Capitalist Dictionary : Lowes, David E. Zed Books, 2006 9788182910300 x, 310 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.12203 LOW 00073477 The Anti-Capitalist Dictionary : Lowes, David E. Zed Books, 2006 9788182910300 x, 310 p.; UG Library
330.12203 LOW 05012220 The Anti-Capitalist Dictionary : Lowes, David E. Zed Books, 2006 9788182910300 x, 310 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122068 ADJ 03007954 Human Factor in Free Market Efficiency / Adjibolosoo, Senyo B-S. K. New Century Publications, 2012 9788177082906 (hbk.) | 8177082 xiii, 167 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.12209 APP 00106744 The Relentless Revolution : Appleby, Joyce Oldham. W.W. Norton & Company; 2010 9780393339390 | 0393068943 (hb 1st ed. xii, 494 p. ; UG Library
330.12209 HEL 00139003 a marxist history of capitalism Heller, Henry Routledge, 2019 9781138495876 ix, 147 p.; UG Library
330.12209 PEC 05018444 Constructions of neoliberal reason / Peck, Jamie. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199580576 (hbk.) | 0199580 xxi, 301p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.12209 WOO 05007856 The Empire of Capital / Wood, Ellen Meiksins. LeftWord Books, 2003 8187496479 xi,153 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.122091724 SOT 05032553 The Mystery of Capital : Soto, Hernando de, Basic Books, 2003 0465016154 (pbk.) | 9780465016 1st pbk. ed. vi, 275 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.122091724 SOT 03009123 The Mystery of Capital : Soto, Hernando de, Basic Books, 2003 0465016154 (pbk.) | 9780465016 1st pbk. ed. vi, 275 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.122091767 KOE 05046802 Early Islam and the Birth of Capitalism / Koehler, Benedikt. Lexington Books, 2014 9780739197455 vi, 231 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1220951 HOU 00110824 Community capitalism in China Hou, Xiaoshuo. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107030466 (hbk. : alk. pap xii, 154 p. : UG Library
330.1220951 HUA 01017055 Capitalism with Chinese characteristics : Huang, Yasheng. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521898102 (hbk.) xviii, 348 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.1220951 HUA 05008103 Capitalism with Chinese characteristics : Huang, Yasheng. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521898102 (hbk.) xviii, 348 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.1220951 RED 05009097 The Future of Chinese Capitalism : Redding, Gordon. Oxford Univeristy Press, 2007 9780199218134 viii, 265 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1220951 RED 01008332 The future of Chinese capitalism / Redding, S. G. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199218134 | 0199218137 viii, 265 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.1220954 BAT 05010345 Globalisation Strategies and Economic Liberalisation / Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2000 8174880224 xi, 249 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1220954 CHA 01003024 Imperial Power and Popular Politics : Chandavarkar,Rajnarayan. Cambridge University Press, 1998 0521592348 388p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1220954 CHA 00068984 Imperial Power and Popular Politics: Class, Resistance and the State in India Chandavarkar, Rajnarayan Cambridge University Press: 1998 0521596920 388 p. UG Library
330.1220954 DAM 05015163 India`s New Capitalists:caste, Business, and Industry in a Modern Nation Damodaran, Harish Permanent Black 2008 8178242184 341 p Knowledge Centre
330.1220954 DAM 00087142 India`s New Capitalists:caste, Business, and Industry in a Modern Nation Damodaran, Harish Permanent Black 2008 8178242184 341 p UG Library
330.1220954 KAU 01010676 Economic freedom for states of India, 2008 / Kaushik, P. D. Academic Foundation : | Friedrich Naumann Foundation, 2009 9788171886470 | 8171886477 112 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.1220973 FOR 03003658 How Capitalism Will Save Us : Forbes, Steve. Crown Forum, 2009 9780307463098 357 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.1220973 GAL 01010901 American Capitalism : Galbraith,John Kenneth. Transaction Publishers, 1993 1560006749 208p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1220973 PAR 05010908 The end of capitalism : Parks, Robert H. Prometheus Books, 2011 9781591027171 (alk. paper) 504 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.124 BRA 00019383 Planning for a Futureless Economy Brahmananda, P R Himalaya Publishing House: 1978 224 p. UG Library
330.126 FLO 05042536 Applied welfare economics : Florio, Massimo. Routledge, 2014 9780415858335 (hardback) | 978 xxv, 412 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.126 FLO 05048271 Applied welfare economics : Florio, Massimo. Routledge, 2014 9780415858335 (hardback) | 978 xxv, 412 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.126 FLO 00144406 Applied Welfare Economics : Florio, Massimo, Routledge, 2023 9781003191377 | 9781032022185 Second Edition. xxvi,333p, ; UG Library
330.126 GRE 05046243 Welfare and the welfare state : Greve, Bent. Routledge, 2015 9781138793637 (hardback) | 978 1 Edition. xiv,220p.; Knowledge Centre
330.126 IVE 01012518 Capitalism, democracy, and welfare / Iversen, Torben. Cambridge University Press, 9780521848619 (hardback) | 052 xvii, 312 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.126 KUE 05010645 Readings in social welfare : Blackwell, 0631220712 (hb : alk. paper) | xiv, 326 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.126 RAY 05012201 Welfare, Choice and Development : Kanishka Publishers, 2001 8173913846 xxi, 263 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.126 RIF 05049168 The zero marginal cost society : Rifkin, Jeremy, Palgrave, 2014 9781137280114 x,435p.; Knowledge Centre
330.12I SRK 00025085 Text Book of Economic Systems Israney, S M Himalaya 1982 572 P. UG Library
330.14 LAN 07007264 How to Speak Money/ Lanchester,John Faber & Faber, 2014 9780571309825 XI,286 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330.15 AHU 00029250 Introduction to Economic Theory For Class Ahuja, H L S Chand 1987 382 p. UG Library
330.15 AHU 00029251 Introduction to Economic Theory Ahuja, H L S Chand 1988 381 p UG Library
330.15 AND 05011624 Evolutiionary Econmics : Andersen, Esben Sloth. Pinter, 1998 1855673835 | 9781855673830 xiii, 238 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.15 BRY 00121589 General equilibrium : Bryant, W. D. A. World Scientific, 2010 9789812818348 | 9812818340 x, 481 p. : UG Library
330.15 FAR 05005269 Hayek, Mill, and the liberal tradition / Routledge, 2011 9780415779340 (hb) | 041577934 xviii, 168 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.15 FIS 00131427 Rethinking economics : FIscher,Liliann Routledge, 2018 9781138222670 (hbk) | 9781138222687 (pbk) xiv, 141 pages ; UG Library
330.15 FRA 05021664 Concise Introductin to Ecnometrics: An Intuituve Guide / Hans Franses, Philip Cambridge University Press, 2002 0521520908 117p.: Knowledge Centre
330.15 GUJ 00080138 Basic Econometrics Gujarat, Damodar N Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing 2007 9780070660052 4th Ed. 1036 p UG Library
330.15 IKE 05021012 Subjectivism and objectivism in the history of economic thought / Routledge, 2012 9780415605366 (hb) | 978020311 xix, 193 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.15 KUR 10001267 Economic Thought : Kurz, Heinz D. Rawat Publications, 2016 9788131609217 viii, 208p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.15 KUR 07008992 Economic thought : Kurz, Heinz D. Columbia University Press, 2016 9780231172585 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9780231540759 (ebook) viii ,208 p.; Library - BR Campus
330.15 KUR 07009766 Economic Thought : Kurz, Heinz D. Rawat Publications, 2016 9788131609217 viii, 208p. Library - BR Campus
330.15 KUR 05048347 Economic thought : Kurz, Heinz D. Columbia University Press, 2016 9780231172585 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9780231540759 (ebook) viii ,208 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.15 KUR 05057764 Economic Thought : Kurz, Heinz D. Rawat Publications, 2016 9788131609217 viii, 208p. Knowledge Centre
330.15 LEN 00099857 Imperalism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism Lenin Leftword; 2000 9788187496076 164 p. UG Library
330.15 LOK 00029253 History of Economic Thought Lokanathan,V S Cahnd & Company Pvt Ltd 1973 383 p. UG Library
330.15 MEA 05068589 What is heterodox economics? : Mearman, Andrew, Routledge, 2019 9781138731950 (hardback : alk. paper) xi,313p.; Knowledge Centre
330.15 MOO 05010690 General Equilbrium and Welfare Economics: An Introduction Moore, James C Springer 3540314075 567p Knowledge Centre
330.15 PES 07002113 Time series econometrics : Pesaran, Bahram. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199563531 (pbk.) | 0199563 xxii, 563 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.15 ROB 05011834 History of Economic Thought : Robbins, Lionel. Oxford University Press, 2004 9780195668629 359 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.15 RON 05057786 A Brief history of economic thought / Roncagila, Alessandro. Cambridge Univesity Press, 2018 9781108448628 x, 310p. Knowledge Centre
330.15 SAE 01026480 Natural law and the origin of political economy : Saether, Arild. Routledge, 2017 9781138670907 (hardback) xii,296p.; Knowledge Centre
330.15 SAE 01026423 Natural law and the origin of political economy : Saether, Arild. Routledge, 2017 9781138670907 (hardback) xii,296p.; Knowledge Centre
330.15 SCH 05066736 A political economy of modernism : Schleifer, Ronald, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108472951 (hardback) First Edition. xiii,339p.; Knowledge Centre
330.15 SCR 05011825 An Outline of the History of Economic Thought / Screpanti, Ernesto. Oxford University Press, 2006 0195683153 | 9780195683158 2nd ed. xviii, 559 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.15 SEY 05012223 Notable Selections in Economics / Dushkin/McGraw-Hill, 2000 0073035904 | 9780073035901 x, 367 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.15 SIN 01019325 History of Economic Thoughts / Singh,D.K. ABD Publishers, 2012 9788183762922 vi,328p.; Knowledge Centre
330.15 WOL 07008840 Contending economic theories : Wolff, Richard D. MIT Press, 2012 9780262018005 (hbk. : alk. pap xvii, 406 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.1509 RON 10002082 A Brief history of economic thought / Roncagila, Alessandro. Cambridge Univesity Press, 2017 9781316627365 x, 310p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.1509 RON 10002083 A Brief history of economic thought / Roncagila, Alessandro. Cambridge Univesity Press, 2017 9781316627365 x, 310p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.150922 NAS 03007496 Grand Pursuit : Nasar, Sylvia. Simon & Schuster, 2011 9780684872988 (hbk.) | 9780684 1st Simon & Schuster hardcover ed. xv, 558 p., [16] p. of plates : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.150922 NAS 03008272 Grand Pursuit : Nasar, Sylvia. Simon & Schuster, 2011 9780684872988 (hbk.) | 9780684 1st Simon & Schuster hardcover ed. xv, 558 p., [16] p. of plates : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.150922 NAS 04009780 Grand Pursuit : Nasar, Sylvia. Simon & Schuster, 2011 9780684872988 (hbk.) | 9780684 1st Simon & Schuster hardcover ed. xv, 558 p., [16] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.151 AGA 00052718 Elementary Mathematics and Statistics for Economists Agarwal, D R Vrinda Publications 2000 8187125578 1140p UG Library
330.151 AGA 00052860 Elementary Mathematics and Statistics for Economists Agarwal, D R Vrinda Publications 2000 8187125578 1140p UG Library
330.151 CAM 05011741 The Econometrics of Financial Markets Campbell,John.Y New Age International 9788122421699 395.00 Knowledge Centre
330.151 CAM 00093539 The Econometrics of Financial Markets Campbell,John.Y New Age International 9788122421699 395.00 UG Library
330.151 MON 00120301 Early economic thought : Monroe Arthur Eli Dover, 2006 0486447936 (pbk.) | 9780486447 399p. cm. UG Library
330.151 ROY 00089871 Structure of Economic Science: Essays on Methodology Roy, Sherman K Prentice Hall 1996 282p. UG Library
330.151 SIL 00055284 Structure of Economics Silberberg, Eugene 2001 0071181369 677p UG Library
330.151 VEE 00057007 Quantitative Methods for Economists Veerachamy, R New Age International Publishers 8122413692 696p UG Library
330.151 VEE 00057010 Quantitative Methods for Economists Veerachamy, R New Age International Publishers 8122413692 696p UG Library
330.151 VEE 00057008 Quantitative Methods for Economists Veerachamy, R New Age International Publishers 8122413692 696p UG Library
330.151 VEE 00057009 Quantitative Methods for Economists Veerachamy, R New Age International Publishers 8122413692 696p UG Library
330.151 VEE 00084467 Quantitative Methods for Economists Veerachamy, R New Age International Publishers 2008 9788122423891 1078p UG Library
330.151 VEE 00084468 Quantitative Methods for Economists Veerachamy, R New Age International Publishers 2008 9788122423891 1078p UG Library
330.151 VEE 00084470 Quantitative Methods for Economists Veerachamy, R New Age International Publishers 2008 9788122423891 1078p UG Library
330.151 VEE 00084469 Quantitative Methods for Economists Veerachamy, R New Age International Publishers 2008 9788122423891 1078p UG Library
330.151 VEE 00089726 Quantitative Methods for Economists Veerachamy, R New Age 2006 696 UG Library
330.151 VEE 00064301 Quantitative Methods for Economists Veerachami, R New Age International Publishers 8122413692 698p UG Library
330.151 VEE 00064302 Quantitative Methods for Economists Veerachami, R New Age International Publishers 8122413692 698p UG Library
330.1512 KAU 05012224 Developnment of the Theory of Demand : Kaur, Uninder Jit. Sterling Publishers, 1979 vi, 279 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.15195 BOL 07002750 Model Building in Economics : Boland Lawrence.A Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107673472 xix,276p.: Library - BR Campus
330.15195 STO 05060267 Introduction To Econometrics / Stock,James.H. Pearson,2018 2018 9789352863501 Third Edition. 836p.; Knowledge Centre
330.15195 ZEL 05012252 Statistics, Econometrics and Forecasting / Zellner, Arnold. Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521540445 | 9780521540445 xvii, 163 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.153 ROU 03002806 On the Wealth of Nations Rourke, P J O Atlantic Monthly Press 9780871139498 242 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.153 SMI 01017669 Essays on philosophical subjects / Smith, Adam, Liberty Classics, 1980 0865970238 (pbk.) : ix, 358 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.153 DAS 00140739 Nassau senior and the evolution of english political economy Dasgupta,Asis Kumar New delhi publishers, 2019 9789388879682 181p.; UG Library
330.153 LAL 05012258 Reviving the Invisible Hand : Lal, Deepak. Academic Foundation, 2006 978817188567 xii, 320 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.153 PAG 00139002 The routledge guidebook to smith's wealth of nations Paganelli, Maria Pia Routledge, 2020 9781138686151 267 p.; UG Library
330.153 RAI 07013772 New Frontiers in Feminist Political Economy/ Rai,Shirin M Routledge, 2018 9781138347229 XV,213 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330.153 ROU 03005297 The wealth of nations / O'Rourke, P. J. Grove Press, 2007 xii, 242p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.153 SAL 00144282 Ricardos Theory of Growth and Accumulation : Salvadori, Neri Routledge, 2021 9780367444105 xiii,123p,; UG Library
330.153 SMI 01017701 An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations / Smith, Adam, Liberty Classics, 1976 0865970084 (pbk. : set) : | 97 2 v. (viii, 1081 p.) ; Knowledge Centre
330.153 SMI 01017702 An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations / Smith, Adam, Liberty Classics, 1976 0865970084 (pbk. : set) : | 97 2 v. (viii, 1081 p.) ; Knowledge Centre
330.153 SMI 10001974 The Wealth of Nations / Smith, Adam. Finger print classics, 2022 9789387779464 1143p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.153 SMI 04008563 The wealth of nations / Smith, Adam, Bantam Classic, 2003 0553585971 (pbk.) Bantam classic ed. xxv, 1231 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.153 SMI 10001975 The Wealth of Nations / Smith, Adam. Finger print classics, 2022 9789387779464 1143p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.153 SMI 10001976 The Wealth of Nations / Smith, Adam. Finger print classics, 2022 9789387779464 1143p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.153 SMI 10003276 Wealth of nations / Smith, Adam. Bantam Dell, 2003 9780553585971 xxv,1231 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.153 SMI 05010684 An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations Smith, Adam Atlantic, 9788126909377 510 p. Knowledge Centre
330.153 SMI 05010685 An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations Smith, Adam Atlantic, 9788126909377 510 p. Knowledge Centre
330.153092 CON 05064153 Adam Smith / Conlin, Jonathan. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2016 9781780235684 200p. Knowledge Centre
330.153092 MEN 07014417 Adam Smith / Menon Lorena Yking Books, 2019 9789387945609 216p.: Library - BR Campus
330.153092 MEN 07013704 Adam Smith / Menon Lorena Yking Books, 2019 9789387945609 216p.: Library - BR Campus
330.154 GUT 00020987 Basic Econometrics Gujarati, Damodar Mc-Gram Hill , 1978 462 p.: UG Library
330.154 KAP 00037516 The Future of Socialism and Socialism of the Future / Kappen, S. Vistar, 1992 65 p.; UG Library
330.154 KAP 05012853 The Future of Socialism and Socialism of the Future / Kappen, S. Vistar, 1992 65 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1542 BOS 10000302 An Introduction to Mathematical Economics / Bose, D. Himalaya Publishing, 2000 9789352027217 469p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.1542 ALL 05012257 Mathematical Analysis for Economics / Allen, R. G. D. Macmillan, 1986 0333905075 xv, 548 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1543 DAU 00008044 Introuduction to Mathematical Analysis Daus, Paul H Whyburn Addison-Wesley publishing : 1973 244 p. UG Library
330.1543 ALL 05012260 Mathematical Analysis of Economists / Allen, R G D. E L B S, 1974 333052692 xv, 548 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1543 CHO 00025053 Econometrics Chow, Gregory C M G H 1983 432 p. UG Library
330.1543 DAU 05012254 Introduction To Mathematical Analysis : Daus, Paul H. Addison-Wesley, 1965 viii, 244 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1543 GUJ 00106945 Econometrics by Example / Gujarati, Damodar. palgrave Macmillan, 2011 9780230394353 xxviii, 371 p.; UG Library
330.1543 GUJ 05008800 Econometrics by Example / Gujarati, Damodar. palgrave Macmillan, 2011 9780230394353 xxviii, 371 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1543 GUJ 03008615 Econometrics by Example / Gujarati, Damodar. palgrave Macmillan, 2011 9780230394353 xxviii, 371 p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.1543 INT 00024110 Econometric Models, Techniquis and Applications Intriligator D Micheal Prentice -Hall Pvt Ltd 1980 0876921535 638 p UG Library
330.1543 KEL 00027566 Introduction to Economterics:Principles and Applications Kelejian, Ha Harry Harcourt & Row Publishers: 1985 2nd ed. 350 p. UG Library
330.1543 KLE 05012200 An Introduction to Econometrics / Klein, Lawrence R. Prentice-Hall, 1969 viii, 280 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1543 KLE 00015514 An Introduction to Econometrics / Klein, Lawrence R. Prentice-Hall, 1969 viii, 280 p.; UG Library
330.1543 KLE 05049455 An Introduction to Econometrics / Klein, Lawrence R. Prentice-Hall, 1969 viii, 280 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1543 KLE 05012182 Text Book of Econometrics Klein, Lawrence Prentice -Hall 1975 433p; Knowledge Centre
330.1543 KLE 00089931 Text Book of Econometrics Klein, Lawrence Prentice -Hall 1975 433p; UG Library
330.1543 MET 00012836 Mathematical Formulation of Microeconomics Metwally M Mokhtar Asia Publising House 1974 414 p UG Library
330.1543 MON 00039402 Mathematics and Statistics for Economics Monga, G S Vikas Publishing House Pvt: 1996 623 p. UG Library
330.1543 MON 00038790 Mathematics and Statistics for Economics Monga, G S Vikas Publishing House Pvt: 1996 623 p. UG Library
330.1543 MON 00039403 Mathematics and Statistics for Economics Monga, G S Vikas Publishing House Pvt: 1996 623 p. UG Library
330.1543 MON 00027414 Mathematics and Statistics of Economics Monga, G S UBSPD 1972 611 UG Library
330.1543 MON 00038900 Mathematics and Statistics for Economics Monga, G S Vikas Publishing House Pvt: 1996 623 p. UG Library
330.1543 MON 00038901 Mathematics and Statistics for Economics Monga, G S Vikas Publishing House Pvt: 1996 623 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.1543 MON 00038902 Mathematics and Statistics for Economics Monga, G S Vikas Publishing House Pvt: 1996 623 p. UG Library
330.1543 MON 07001861 Mathematics and Statistics for Economics / Monga, G S Vikas Publishing House Pvt, 2002 9788125909828 2nd ed. xvi,895p.; Library - BR Campus
330.1543 MOV 00039400 Mathematics for Management & Economics Monga, G.s Vikas PublishingHouse: 1995 760 p. UG Library
330.1543 MOV 00039401 Mathematics for Management & Economics Monga, G.s Vikas PublishingHouse: 1995 760 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.1543 PAT 07013165 An Introduction to Applied Econometrics:A Time Series Approach / Patterson Kerry Palgrave Macmillan, 2000 9780333802465 xxvii,795p.: Library - BR Campus
330.1543 SIM 05012259 Mathematics for Economists / Simon, Carl P. Viva Books Pvt Ltd., 2007 8130902427 | 9788130902425 xxiv, 930 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1543 THO 05007819 Using Statistics in Economics / Thomas, R. L. Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2011 9781259002335 | 1259002330 xiv, 609 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1543 THO 03011669 Using Statistics in Economics / Thomas, R. L. Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2011 9781259002335 | 1259002330 xiv, 609 p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.1543092 BER 05010689 At the origins of mathematical economics : Van Den Berg, Richard. Routledge, 0415306493 (hbk.) | 9780415306 xv, 459 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.1543DOW 01000847 Introduction to Mathematical Economics (law Lib) Edward Dowling Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., 0070588880 523 Knowledge Centre
330.1548 HILL 05007599 Principles of Econometrics : Hill,R.Carter John Wiley & Sons,Inc , 2012 9780470873724 xxvi,758 p. Knowledge Centre
330.155 SEN 03003202 Choice, Welfare and Measurement Sen, Amartya Oxford Universtiy Press 9780195651324 460 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.155 CHA 00134132 Global Encyclopaedia of Welfare Economics: Chaudhary, Sunil, Global Vision Publishing House: 2019 9789386603715 ix,370 p.; UG Library
330.155 PIG 05012189 Economics of Welfare / Pigou, A C. E L B S, 1962 4th ed. xxxi, 876 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.155 SEN 00094135 Choice, Welfare and Measurement Sen Amartya Oxford University Press 9780195651324 460p UG Library
330.155 SEN 01013814 Choice, Welfare and Measurement / Sen, Amartya. Oxford University Press, 1982 9780195651324 460p.; Knowledge Centre
330.155 SEN 00086311 Commodities and Capabilities Sen, Amartya 1999 0195650387 89 p UG Library
330.155 ZEI 05011635 Postcolonialism Meets Economics / Zein-Elabdin, O Eiman. Routledge, 2004 0041528726 | 9780415287265 xvi, 288 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1552 BRO 03000465 New Institutional Economics : Brousseau, Eric. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521876605 | 9780521700160 558 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.1552 SLA 03001085 Institutional Economics and Economic Organisation Theory : Slangen, Louis H. G. Wageningen Academic, 2008 9789086860777 431 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.1552 BRO 05010691 New Institutional Economics Brousseau Eric Cambridge University 9780521700120 558p Knowledge Centre
330.1552 FRI 05068578 The dark places of business enterprise : Frigato, Pietro, Routledge, 2019 9781138632257 (hardback : alk. paper) 1 Edition. 272 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.1552 FRI 07014975 The dark places of business enterprise : Frigato, Pietro, Routledge, 2019 9781138632257 (hardback : alk. paper) 1 Edition. 272 pages : Library - BR Campus
330.1552 GRO 01019840 Institutional economics : Groenewegen, John, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010 9780230550735 (hbk.) | 0230550 xix, 393 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.1552 WHA 05072782 Institutional economics : Whalen, Charles J. ed. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2022 9780367749453 | 9780367749507 xiii, 302p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.1553 EMM 05000887 The Elgar companion to the Chicago school of economics / Edward Elgar, 2010 9781840648744 (hbk.) | 9781849808675 | 1840648740 (hbk.) xi, 350 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1556 BAS 05011776 Choice, Welfare, And Development / Basu, K., Oxford University Press 1995 9780195649642 vii, 343p; Knowledge Centre
330.1556 CHA 05012149 Global Encyclopaedia of Welfare Economics / Giobal Vition Pub, 2009 9788182202597 ix, 370 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.1556 FLE 00106647 A theory of fairness and social welfare Fleurbaey, Marc. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521887427 (hardback) | 9780521715348 (paperback) xx,293 p. UG Library
330.1556 JUS 01021508 The Welfare Economics of Public Policy : Just Richard.E Edward Elgar, 2004 9781845425784 xvii,688p.: Knowledge Centre
330.1556 JUS 01019317 The Welfare Economics of Public Policy : Just Richard.E Edward Elgar, 2004 9781845425784 xvii,688p.: Knowledge Centre
330.1556 KOT 00111779 Economics of Welfare and Social Services/ Kothekar, R. Cyber Tech Publicatioons, 2012 9788178849645 264p.; UG Library
330.1556 LIT 05011828 A Critique of Welfare Economics / Little, I.M.D. Oxford University Press, 2002 0195664647 | 9780195664645 xvi, 302 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1556 SEN 05011824 Coomodities and Capabilities / Sen, Amartya. Oxford University Press, 2003 0195650387 | 9780195650389 89 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1556 SEN 00069882 Commodities and Capabilities Sen, Amartya 2005 0195650387 89p UG Library
330.1556 SEN 00088368 On Economic Inequality Sen, Amartya Oxford 2006 0195647343 256p UG Library
330.1556 SEN 00090185 On Economic Inequality Sen, Amartya Oxford 2006 0195647343 256p UG Library
330.1556 SEN 00132951 Commodities and capabilities Sen,Amartya. Oxford University Press, 1999 0195650387 89 p. ; UG Library
330.1556 SEN 05011823 On Economic Inequality / Sen, Amartya. Oxford University Press, 1999 0195647343 | 9780195647341 xii, 260 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.156 CLA 01011762 Keynes : Clarke,Peter Bloomsbury, 2009 9781408803851 211p.; Knowledge Centre
330.156 CON 05010686 Keynes, the Keynesians and Monetarism Congdon, Tim Edward Elgar Publishing 339p Knowledge Centre
330.156 DAV 05048383 Post Keynesian Theory and Policy : Edward Elgar Pub, 2015 9781784718244 | 1784718246 v,154p.; Knowledge Centre
330.156 DIL 05012188 The Economics of John Maynadkeynes : Dillard, Dudley. Vikas, 1979 xv, 364 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.156 FAR 05053200 Prosperity for all : Farmer, Roger E. A. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190621438 xiv, 277 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.156 GUP 00139816 Keynes post-keynesian economics Gupta,R.D Kalyani publishers, 2013 9789327234855 726p.; UG Library
330.156 GUP 00139817 Keynes post-keynesian economics Gupta,R.D Kalyani publishers, 2013 9789327234855 726p.; UG Library
330.156 HAN 00005911 Guide to Keynes Hansen, Alvin Mcgaw-Hill Kogakusha Ltd: 1969 238 p. UG Library
330.156 HAN 00015527 Guide to Keynes Hansen, Alvin Mcgaw-Hill Kogakusha Ltd: 1969 238 p. UG Library
330.156 HAN 00001059 Guide to Keynes Hansen, Alvin Mcgaw-Hill Kogakusha Ltd: 1969 238 p. UG Library
330.156 HAR 05046691 The life of John Maynard Keynes / Harrod, Roy, Norton, 1951 0393300242 (pbk.) xvi, 674 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.156 HIC 00013783 The Crisis in Keynesian Economics Hicks John Oxford University Press 1974 86 p UG Library
330.156 HIC 00013060 Crisis in Keynesian Economics John, Hicks John 1974 85 p UG Library
330.156 HIR 05034286 Keynesian reflections : Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198092117 | 0198092113 xxiv, 320 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.156 HOE 05064187 Hayek vs Keynes : Hoerber,Thomas. Reaktion Books, 2017 9781780237305 159p.; Knowledge Centre
330.156 HUT 01017678 The Keynesian episode : Hutt, W. H. Liberty Press, 1979 0913966606 | 0913966614 (pbk.) 449 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.156 KEY 00146236 The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money / Keynes, John Maynard. Atlantic publishers and distributors, 2022 9788126905911 xi,309p, ; UG Library
330.156 KEY 00144455 The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money / Keynes, John Maynard. Atlantic publishers and distributors, 2022 9788126905911 xi,309p, ; UG Library
330.156 KEY 07011405 The general theory of employment, interest and money / Keynes,John Maynard. Atlantic Publishers, 2016 9788126905911 xl,311p.; Library - BR Campus
330.156 KEY 07014743 The general theory of employment, interest and money / Keynes,John Maynard. Atlantic Publishers, 2016 9788126905911 xl,311p.; Library - BR Campus
330.156 KEY 05046458 The economic consequences of the peace / Keynes, John Maynard. Digireads Book, 2011 9781420942941 116p.; Knowledge Centre
330.156 KEY 05056110 The general theory of employment, interest and money / Keynes,John Maynard. Atlantic Publishers, 2016 9788126905911 xl,311p.; Knowledge Centre
330.156 KEY 00010696 General Theory of Employment Interest and Money Keynes, John Maynard Mc Millan 1960 402 p. UG Library
330.156 KUR 05021010 Keynes and modern economics / Routledge, 2012 9780415469777 (hb) | 978020312 xvii, 270 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.156 LAV 05046260 Post-Keynesian economics / Lavoie, M. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014 0230007805 (cloth) xv, 660 p. Knowledge Centre
330.156 RES 05029901 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029902 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029903 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029904 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029905 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029906 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029907 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029908 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029909 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029910 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029911 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029912 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029913 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029914 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029915 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029916 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029917 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029918 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029919 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029920 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029921 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029922 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029923 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029924 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029925 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029926 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029927 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029928 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029929 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 RES 05029930 The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes / Keynes John Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107616561 184p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.156 SET 05011822 Introduction to Keynesian Economics. Seth, M L Lakshmi 1968 368 p. Knowledge Centre
330.156 SKI 03006440 Keynes : Skidelsky, Robert Jacob Alexander, PublicAffairs, 2010 9781586488970 Rev. and updated. xxii, 228 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.156 TEM 05041989 Keynes : Temin, Peter. The MIT Press, 2014 9780262028318 | 9780262321945 (e-book) xiii, 117 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.156 WAP 00111890 Keynes Hayek : Wapshott, Nicholas. W.W.Norton & Company, Inc. 2012 9780393343632 xiv:382p.; UG Library
330.156 WAP 05039229 Keynes Hayek : Wapshott, Nicholas. W.W.Norton & Company, Inc. 2012 9780393343632 xiv:382p.; Knowledge Centre
330.156092 BAC 01013981 The Cambridge companion to Keynes / Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521840902 (hbk.) | 052160060X (pbk.) | 9780521840903 | 9780521600606 327,; Knowledge Centre
330.156092 PRE 05004789 The Legacy of John Kenneth Galbraith / Pressman, Steven Routledge, 2011 9780415617390 197 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.156092 SKI 00102133 Keynes : Skidelsky, Robert Jacob Alexander, Oxford University Press, 9780199591640 (pbk.) | 0199591 194 p. ; UG Library
330.156092 SKI 00101973 Keynes : Skidelsky, Robert Oxford University Press, 9780199591640 194 p. UG Library
330.157 MIS 01017681 Between the two World Wars : Von Mises, Ludwig, Liberty Fund, 2002 0865973849 | 0865973857 (pbk.) liii, 400 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.157 COO 00106640 The Intellectual Foundations of Alfred Marshall's Economic Science : Cook, Simon J. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521760089 (hardback) | 052 xviii, 331 p. ; UG Library
330.157 MOR 07000454 What is neoclassical economics? : Routledge, 2016 9781138962071 (hardback) | 978 xiv,322p.; Library - BR Campus
330.157 VON 01017667 Economic policy : Von Mises, Ludwig, Liberty Fund, 2010 9780865977358 (hardcover : alk xiv, 79 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.157092 BOE 01016871 The legacy of Ludwig Von Mises / Edward Elgar, 2006 9781840644029 (hbk.) | 1840644028 (hbk.) 2 vols. ; Knowledge Centre
330.157092 BOE 01016872 The legacy of Ludwig Von Mises / Edward Elgar, 2006 9781840644029 (hbk.) | 1840644028 (hbk.) 2 vols. ; Knowledge Centre
330.159 DUT 05014091 Socialism in Crisis : Dutt, R C. Khama, 1993 8185495173 139 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.159 MCL 05011704 The Thought of Karl Mark : Mclellan, David. Papermac, 1995 9780333639481 3rd ed. viii, 284 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1594 DES 00024101 Marexian Economics Desai, Meghnad London 1979 265 p. UG Library
330.1594 MAR 00027444 Karl Mark Capital a Critique of Political Economy Markl, Mark PROGRESS 1956 551p UG Library
330.16 BER 03003190 Economics of Integrity: from Dairy Farmers to Toyoto, How Wealth Is Built on Trust & What That ... Bernasek, Anna Collins Business 2010 9780061774133 193 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.16 BAS 01006226 Collected papers in theoretical economics / Basu, Kaushik. Oxford University Press, 2005 0195667611 (v. 1) | 019566762X (v. 2) | 0195686489 (v. 3) | 9780198063049 (v. 4) | 0198063040 (v. 4) v. <1-4> : Knowledge Centre
330.16 BEI 05011818 The Origin of Wealth : Beinhocker, Eric D. RH Business Books, 2007 9780712676618 xvi, 526 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.16 BER 03005325 Economics of Integrity: from Dairy Farmers to Toyoto, How Wealth Is Built on Trust & What That ... Bernasek, Anna Collins Business 2010 9780061774133 193 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.16 DAV 04015928 Future wealth / Davis, Stanley M. Harvard Business School Press, 2000 9781578511945 xii, 201 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.16 HWE 00138926 Entrusted : Hwee, Ong Boon, World scientific publishing, 2020 9789811207556 | 9789811207563 xiii, 244 pages ; UG Library
330.16 ROB 05040514 How much is enough? : Robert. Penguin Books, 2012 978024195381 xxiii, 242 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.16 ROW 07006711 Wealth and the wealthy Rowlingson, Karen. Policy Press, 2012 9781847423092 (ebook) xiv,255p.: Library - BR Campus
330.16 SIN 05007128 Theories of value from Adam Smith to Pierro Sraffa / Sinha, Ajit, Routledge, 2010 9780415563208 (hbk.) | 0415563 xii, 364 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.16 TOF 00080898 Revolutionary Wealth:How It Will Be Created and How It Will Change Our Lives. Toffler, Alvin Double Day 2006 490p UG Library
330.16 TWB 01005844 Where Is Thw Wealth of Nations? : World Bank Workd Bank, 2006 188p.; Knowledge Centre
330.16 ZAB 05011925 The Rich Die Richer and You Can Too / Zabel, William D. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1995 0471155322 | 9780471155324 xx, 300 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.165 GUP 05011924 Keynes and After (MA ECO) Gupta, R D S NAGIN 818 p. Knowledge Centre
330.17 BAR 00052182 Economic Analysis of Property Rights Barzel, Yoram New York 1999 0521597137 2nd ed 156 p. UG Library
330.17 BAR 00052181 Economic Analysis of Property Rights Barzel, Yoram New York 1999 0521597137 2nd ed 156 p. UG Library
330.17 BHA 00013161 Elements of Educational Psychology Bhatia, H R Orient 1973 1 UG Library
330.17 VER 01014192 Property in question : Berg, 1859738826 (cloth) | 185973887 xi, 324 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.1701 GAR 05011863 Thinking About Property : Garney, Peter. Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521700238 267 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.1724 BHA 05011878 The Economics of Underdeveloped Countries / Bhagawati, Jagdish. Aitbs Publishers & Distributors, 2004 9788185386348 252 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.18 DAA 05009095 Methodology of Economic Research / Asia Publishing House, 1968 viii, 169 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.18 GAL 05052292 The theory of linear economic models / Gale, David, McGraw-Hill, 1960 330 p. Knowledge Centre
330.18 ISA 00003942 Principles of Economics Isarancy, S M` Kitab Mahal UG Library
330.18 MIT 00094478 Terms of Trade and Class Relations. Mitra Ashok Chronicle Books 2005 9788180280191 1 UG Library
330.18 RIK 00001068 Fundamentals of Regressin With Aplication and Economic Analysis Rikhraj, Dilbir Singh S Chand pv UG Library
330.182 DUT 05011864 Structural Econometrics : Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198069430 xvi, 313 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.182 DUT 03004510 Structural Econometrics; Dutta Bhaskar Oxford university press; 2010 9780198069430 313 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.182 DUT 05018109 Structural Econometrics : Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198069430 xvi, 313 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.182 DUT 03004112 Structural Econometrics; Dutta Bhaskar Oxford university press; 2010 9780198069430 313 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.182 GRU 05068941 Measurement in economics; Grunfeld, Yehuda. Stanford University Press, 1963 xiv, 319 p. Knowledge Centre
330.182 JOH 05052265 Econometric methods / Johnston, J. McGraw-Hill, 1963 300 p. Knowledge Centre
330.182 MOR 05049963 On the accuracy of economic observations / Morgenstern, Oskar, Princeton University Press, 1963 0691003513 (paperback) 0691041 2d ed., completely rev. xiv, 322 p. Knowledge Centre
330.182 SUC 00142298 Statistics for economics Suchitra,S Current publications, 2022 9789391542535 ii,257p.; UG Library
330.19 SIS 09001028 Happiness and virtue ethics in business : the ultimate value proposition / Sison, Alejo Jose G CUP, 2015 9781107622715 301p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.19 WAL 05010695 Cognitive Economics Walliser, Bernard Springer 9783540713463 185p Knowledge Centre
330.1951 ALL 03011755 Mathematical Analysis for Economists / Allen, R. G. D. Trinity Press, 2014 9789351380436 xv:548 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.1951 ALL 03011756 Mathematical Analysis for Economists / Allen, R. G. D. Trinity Press, 2014 9789351380436 xv:548 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.1954 BOS 05011794 Marx on Explotation and Inequality : Bose, Arun. Oxford University Press, 1980 xxiv, 237 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1BAS 03006035 Beyond the Invisible Hand : Basu, Kaushik. Penguin, 2010 9780143415756 xv: 273 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.1MAK 05012156 The Economic World View : Cambridge University Press, 2001 9780521000208 xvi, 400 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1MYN 01005514 Indian Economics for Law Course / Myneni,S R. Allahabad Law Agency, 2000 490p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1MYN 01008099 Indian Economics for Law Course / Myneni,S R. Allahabad Law Agency, 2000 490p.; Knowledge Centre
330.1MYN 01008890 Indian Economics for Law Course / Myneni,S R. Allahabad Law Agency, 2000 490p.; Knowledge Centre
330.22 HAR 05011795 Dear Undercover Economist : Harford, Tim. Little Brown Book Group, 2009 9781408701553 179 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.285 QUA 05064408 Using R for data analysis in social sciences : Li, Quan. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190656225 (pbk.) xix,341p.; Knowledge Centre
330.3 AHU 10000737 Modern Economics : Ahuja, H L S Chand. 2018 9789352531462 20th xxiii,912p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.3 ANM 00047838 Advanced Learner`s Dictionary of Economics Anmol Publications Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 1999 8126104732 228 p UG Library
330.3 BAN 00115371 Penguin Dictionary of Economics Bannock, Graham 2003 0141010754 406p UG Library
330.3 BCK 00069070 Oxford Dictionary of Economics Black, John 2005 0195669266 507p UG Library
330.3 BLA 00047828 Oxford Dictionary of Economics Black, John 1999 0192800183 510 p UG Library
330.3 JIN 00115860 Dictionary of Economics. Jain, N C A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors 2005 8174732772 310 UG Library
330.3 NAG 00115791 Dictionary of Economics Nagpal, C S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 1989 9788126117154 377 p UG Library
330.3 RAG 00115793 Arthashastra Shabdha Kosha: English - Kannada Raghavalu, M V VIDYANIDHI 232p UG Library
330.3 RAG 00115372 Arthashastra Shabdha Kosha: English - Kannada Raghavalu, M V VIDYANIDHI 232p UG Library
330.3 SAR 00115863 Dictionary of Economics Sareen, Taruna K S Paperbacks 2000 8189261169 748 UG Library
330.3 WAL 05010687 Complete A-Z Economics and Business Handbook Wall, Nancy 0340872764 341p Knowledge Centre
330.3 WAL 05010688 Complete A-Z Economics Handbook Wall, Nancy 0340872756 346p Knowledge Centre
330.31 VEN 00020396 Arathashastrada Shabdhakosyha Venkatrao, D Padma 1975 76 p. UG Library
330.33 MIT 00024785 Modern EconomicTheory for B.Com Mithani D M Sheth 1984 350 p. UG Library
330.39873 MAR 00011521 Elements of Economics Martin, W P Vidyodaya Prakasan 1971 1 UG Library
330.39873 MAR 00011524 Elements of Economics Martin, W P Vidyodaya Prakasan 1971 1 UG Library
330.39874 MAR 00012341 Elements of Indian Economics II Martin, W P 1972 1 UG Library
330.39874 MAR 00012343 Elements of Indian Economics II Martin, W P 1972 1 UG Library
330.39874 MAR 00012344 Elements of Indian Economics II Martin, W P 1972 1 UG Library
330.39875 MAR 00013651 Text Book of Economics Pre University Marlin, S N Subhas Prakashana 1975 1 UG Library
330.39876 MAR 00017188 Elements of the Economics Martin, Daryagani 1974 1 UG Library
330.473 ROB 05067689 The economics of education : St Martin's Press, 1966 xvii,781p.; Knowledge Centre
330.4833 WB 05011798 Building Knowledge Economies : World Bank. The World Bank, 2007 0821369571 | 9780821369579 xv, 191 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.5 MAN 07005016 Principles of Macroeconomics / Mankiw, N Gregory. Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131518212 | 8131518213 6th ed. 551 p.: Library - BR Campus
330.5 MAN 01023898 Principles of Macroeconomics / Mankiw, N Gregory. Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131518212 | 8131518213 6th ed. 551 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.5 MAN 07001315 Principles of Macroeconomics / Mankiw, N Gregory. Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131518212 | 8131518213 6th ed. 551 p.: Library - BR Campus
330.54 HAL 00018989 Elements fo Indian Economics Hallur, Basava Vijaya 1978 1 UG Library
330.54 HAL 00018990 Elements fo Indian Economics Hallur, Basava Vijaya 1978 1 UG Library
330.6 SHA 00024693 Elements of Economics Sharanappa, S Narendra 1983 224 p. UG Library
330.7 KRI 05011829 Methodology of Research in Socal Science / Krishnaswamy, O R. Himalaya Publishing House, 1993 529 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.72 KOT 00070770 Research Methodology Methods Techniques (UGC Outonomous Grant) Kothari, C R Vishwa 8173280363 468p UG Library
330.72 LEO 05006524 Encyclopedia of Social Measurment / Elsevier Academic Press, 2005 9780124438903 xxxiii,945 p. Knowledge Centre
330.72014 COX 05011793 Environmental Communication: And the Public Sphere [MA-ECONOMICS SECTION] Cox, Robert 2006 0761930507 457p Knowledge Centre
330.723 ACO 05073013 Using Focus Groups / Acocella, Ivana. 9781526445612 viii,358p.; Knowledge Centre
330.724 BRO 03009083 Experimental Design in Behavioural Research / Broota, K. D. New Age International Publishers , 2010 9788122402155 460 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.76 GAR 07008606 UGC NET/JRF/SET Economics Paper-II & III / Garg Gopal Upkar Prakashan, 2014 9789350133309 864p.: Library - BR Campus
330.76 GAR 00131585 UGC NET/JRF/SET Economics Paper-II & III / Garg Gopal Upkar Prakashan, 2017 9789350133309 6th ed., 720p.; UG Library
330.76 GAR 00129890 UGC NET/JRF/SET Economics Paper-II & III / Garg Gopal Upkar Prakashan, 2014 9789350133309 864p.: UG Library
330.76 GAR 00133281 UGC NET/JRF/SET Economics: Garg Gopal, Upkar Prakashan, 2018 9789350133309 viii,744 U p.; UG Library
330.76 IFA 10004846 UGC NET ECONOMICS : IFAS Publications, 2023 9789395138604 648p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.76 KUM 00091946 UGC NET/SLET - Economics Kumar, Sanjay Ramesh Publishing House 2010 8178121891 592p UG Library
330.76 PUR 00127764 UGC: NET/ SLET Economics Purohit, DR. S. G Paradise Publishers, 2017 9789386319173 248p : . UG Library
330.76 ROS 10001234 NTA UGC NET / JRF / SET : Economics (Paper-2) / Roshan, Rakesh Kumar. Arihant Publications (India) Limited. 2019 9789326193481 668p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.76 SHI 00091930 UGC NET/SLET-Economics Shirur,Sriniwas Danika Publishing Company 2010 8189301098 296p UG Library
330.76 SHI 00127760 UGC : NET /SET Economics / Shirur,Sriniwas. Danika Publishing Company, 2014 9788189301095 viii,288p.; UG Library
330.76 SHI 05034154 UGC : NET /SET Economics / Shirur,Sriniwas. Danika Publishing Company, 2014 9788189301095 viii,288p.; Knowledge Centre
330.761380594 SRI 05011850 Our Indian Railway : Foundation Books, 2006 9788175963306 xxxiv, 253 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.8 HIC 05012470 Essays in World Economics / Hicks J.R Oxford University Press, 1959 xviii,274 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.8 JAI 05011881 Eassays in Contemporary Economics (MA ECO) Jain, P C Vikas 1979 292 p. Knowledge Centre
330.8 PAT 05011876 Essays on Economic Transition / Patel, Surendra J. Asia Publishing House, 1965 xvi, 279 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.8 SAM 05011800 Readings in Economics / Samuleson, Paul A. McGraw-Hill, 1970 6th ed. xv, 463 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.8 SAM 00013884 Reading in Economis Samuleson, Paul A Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company: 1197 7th ed xv,384 p. UG Library
330.8 SAM 00015523 Reading in Economis Samuleson, Paul A Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company: 1197 7th ed xv,384 p. UG Library
330.8 SAM 05011877 The Collected Scientific Papers of Paul A. Samuelson / Samuelson, Paul A. Oxford University Press, 1965 Volumes Knowledge Centre
330.8 SAM 00024109 Reading in Economis Samuleson, Paul A Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company: 1197 7th ed xv,384 p. UG Library
330.8 SAM 05018434 The Collected Scientific Papers of Paul A. Samuelson / Samuelson, Paul A. Oxford University Press, 1965 Volumes Knowledge Centre
330.9 PUG 05062091 War Economies In A Regional Context : Pugh, Michael. Viva Books, 2005 9789386385888 | 9788130900735 xiii, 271 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 ABR 00001778 Text Book of Economic History Abraham, N T H.A Sheth 1969 739 p. UG Library
330.9 ABR 00005267 Text Book of Economic History Abraham, N T H.A Sheth 1969 739 p. UG Library
330.9 ABR 00013456 Text Book of Economic History Abraham, N T H.A Sheth 1969 739 p. UG Library
330.9 ABR 00013464 Text Book of Economic History Abraham, N T H.A Sheth 1969 739 p. UG Library
330.9 ABR 00003902 Text Book of Economic History Aabraham, N T Mahendrakumar A. Sheth: 1969 733 P. UG Library
330.9 ABR 00003903 Text Book of Economic History Abraham, N T 1969 1 UG Library
330.9 AF 05011891 World Economic Situation and Prospects 2005 / Academic Foundation . Academic Foundation, 2005 8171884792 | 9788171884797 xii, 121 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 AF 05011892 World Economic Situation and Prospects 2005 / Academic Foundation . Academic Foundation, 2005 8171884792 | 9788171884797 xii, 121 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 AGA 00025542 Commercial Geography Agarwal, L Himalaya 1984 1 UG Library
330.9 ALL 00005282 Short History of Modern Japan Allen, G C George Allen 1969 237 p UG Library
330.9 ALL 00125086 Global Economic History : Allen, Robert C., Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199596652 | 0199596654 xiv, 170 p. : UG Library
330.9 AMI 10004384 Passion Economy and the Side Hustle Revolution / Amitabh, Utkarsh Penguin Random House, 2022 9780143461357 xixx, 326 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.9 AOY 00123001 Key concepts in economic geography / Aoyama, Yuko. SAGE, 2011 9781847878953 (pbk.) | 9781847 vi, 278 p. : UG Library
330.9 BAR 05057281 The Wiley-Blackwell companion to economic geography / Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 9781444336801 (cloth) | 144433 xvii, 646 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.9 BAS 00023071 Bruhath Rashtragala Arthikabhivruddi Basava, K D Vidhya Prakashan: 1918 340 p; UG Library
330.9 BAS 00026660 Bruhath Rashtragala Arthikabhivruddi Basava, K D Vidhya Prakashan: 1918 340 p; UG Library
330.9 BAS 00107746 The Retreat of Democracy and Other Itinerant Essays On Globalization,Economics, and India Basu,Kaushik. Permanent Black : | Distributed by Orient Longman, 2007 9788178241913 ix, 279 p. ; UG Library
330.9 BAT 00029526 Great Depression of 1990 Batra, Ravi Dell 276 p UG Library
330.9 BEA 01014198 False Economy : Beattie, Alan. Riverhead Books, 2009 9781594488665 | 9780141033709 321 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.9 BEA 03006020 False Economy : Beattie, Alan. Riverhead Books, 2009 9781594488665 | 9780141033709 321 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.9 BEA 04012037 False Economy : Beattie, Alan. Riverhead Books, 2009 9781594488665 | 9780141033709 321 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.9 BEL 01017691 The servile state / Belloc, Hilaire, Liberty Classics, 1977 0913966312 : | 0913966320 [2d ed.] 207 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.9 BHA 00070529 The Economics of Underdeveloped Countries Bhagwati,Jagdish A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors : 2004 0818538634 252 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.9 BHA 00070530 The Economics of Underdeveloped Countries Bhagwati,Jagdish A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors : 2004 0818538634 252 p. UG Library
330.9 BHO 03004429 Street Vendors In the Global Urban Economy/ Bhowmik, Sharit. Routledge, 2010 9780415553728 320 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.9 BRA 00055118 Nobel Economics A Historical Commentary From The Classical Angle Brahmanada P.R Himalaya Publishing House: 1999 xiii, 424 p. UG Library
330.9 BRA 00058583 Nobel Economics A Historical Commentary From The Classical Angle Brahmanada P.R Himalaya Publishing House: 1999 xiii, 424 p. UG Library
330.9 BRA 05024125 New Introduction to Geographical Economics / Brakman Steven Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521698030 xxvii,568p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 BRO 03009849 Applied Economics : Brown, A. J. Routledge , 2014 9780415607353 252 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.9 CAM 05011882 A Concise Economic History of the World : Cameron, Rando. Oxford University Press, 2003 0190195126 | 9780195127058 4th ed. xvi, 463 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 CHA 05011908 Economic Development of India and Experiences from Other Major Economically Developede Countries / Chacko, K.C. Vikas, 1997 8125902147 ix, 406 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 CHA 00092738 Reclaiming development : Chang Ha-Joon Ian Randle Publishers, 9781842772010 | 9766371431 224p UG Library
330.9 CHI 00023549 Development Experince of Four Contents Chiplonkar, S M Sheth Publishers: 1980 490 P. UG Library
330.9 CHI 00023551 Development Experince of Four Contents Chiplonkar, S M Sheth Publishers: 1980 490 P. UG Library
330.9 CHI 00023550 Development Experince of Four Contents Chiplonkar, S M Sheth Publishers: 1980 490 P. UG Library
330.9 CLA 05011875 The Oxford Hand Book of Economic Geography / Clark, Gordon L. New York : 2000 0198234104 | 9780198234104 xxvii, 742 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 COL 00000613 Economy of the American People Colm,Gerbard National Planning Association 1962 185 p. UG Library
330.9 CON 05059628 What Is global history ?/ Conrad, Sebastian. Princeton University Press, 2016 9780691178196 v, 299 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 COR 05012267 World Economy / Corbridge, Stuart. Oxford University Press. 1993 0019520946 | 9780195209464 256 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 DAL 00144109 Principles for dealing with the changing world order / Dalio, Ray, Simon & Schuster, 2021 9781982160272 | 1982160276 | 9781471196690 | 1471196690 First Avid Reader Press hardcover edition. 557 pages : UG Library
330.9 DAS 00005329 Economic and Commercial Geography Das Gupta, A M Mukherjee 1970 1 UG Library
330.9 DAS 00005334 Economic and Commercial Geography Das Gupta, A M Mukherjee 1970 1 UG Library
330.9 DAS 00005330 Economic and Commercial Geography Das Gupta, A M Mukherjee 1970 1 UG Library
330.9 DAS 00005331 Economic and Commercial Geography Das Gupta, A M Mukherjee 1970 1 UG Library
330.9 DAS 00005333 Economic and Commercial Geography Das Gupta, A M Mukherjee 1970 1 UG Library
330.9 DAS 00005332 Economic and Commercial Geography Das Gupta, A M Mukherjee 1970 1 UG Library
330.9 DAV 05073325 The passion economy : Davidson, Adam. John Murray, 2020 9781473683662 xi, 307p, ; Knowledge Centre
330.9 DAV 10001709 The passion economy : Davidson, Adam. John Murray, 2020 9781473683662 xi, 307p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.9 DESA 05011883 World Economic And Social Survey 1997-1998 : Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Bookwell, 1999 9788185040271 | 9788185040202 xvi, 174 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 DESA 05011895 World Economic And Social Survey 1997-1998 : Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Bookwell, 1999 9788185040271 | 9788185040202 xvi, 174 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 DIM 05047853 Economic geography / Magnum Publishing, 2016 9781682500910 xvi,212p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 DOB 00003908 Soviet Economic Development Since-1917 Maurice, Dobb Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd 1966 515 p UG Library
330.9 DOB 00003907 Soviet Economic Development Since-1917 Maurice, Dobb Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd 1966 515 p UG Library
330.9 DRU 00000536 America`s Next 20 Years Drucker, Peter F Harcourt & Row 1968 118 P. UG Library
330.9 FER 05057074 The ascent of money : Ferguson, Niall. Penguin, 2009 9780718194000 v,442p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 FER 07011274 The Ascent of Money : Ferguson Niall Penguin Books, 2008 9780143116172 442p.: Library - BR Campus
330.9 FOS 05011912 On Economic Inequality / Foster, James E. Oxford University Press, 1999 0195647343 | 9780195647341 xii, 260 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 GAL 05011915 History of Economics: The Past as the Present. Galbraith, John Kenneth London 1991 0140153950 322p; Knowledge Centre
330.9 GRE 05042249 Institutions, Innovation and Industrialization : By Avner Greif, Lynne Kiesling & John V C Nye Princeton University Press, 2015 430 p. Knowledge Centre
330.9 GUH 00025531 Economic Geography Guha, Javar 1982 1 UG Library
330.9 GUH 00025532 Economic Geography Guha, Javar 1982 1 UG Library
330.9 GUH 00010207 New Approach to Economic Geography (a Study of Resources) Guha Jahar Lal, World Press: 1971 616 p. UG Library
330.9 GUH 00010206 New Approach to Economic Geography (a Study of Resources) Guha Jahar Lal, World Press: 1971 616 p. UG Library
330.9 GUH 00021022 New Approach to Economic Geography Guha, Jahar Lal Words Press 1980 1 UG Library
330.9 GUI 00124950 Global Turning Points : Guillén, Mauro F. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107025646 | 9781107658202 x, 182 p. : UG Library
330.9 GUP 00004177 Economic & Commercial Geography Gupta, Das Mukheerjee 1970 1 UG Library
330.9 GUP 00004178 Economic & Commercial Geography Gupta, Das Mukheerjee 1970 1 UG Library
330.9 GUP 00004180 Economic & Commercial Geography Gupta, Das Mukheerjee 1970 1 UG Library
330.9 GUP 00004182 Economic & Commercial Geography Gupta, Das Mukheerjee 1970 1 UG Library
330.9 GUP 00004179 Economic & Commercial Geography Gupta, Das Mukheerjee 1970 1 UG Library
330.9 GUP 00004181 Economic and Commercial Geography Das Gupta, A Mukherjee: 1989 304 p. UG Library
330.9 GUP 00011606 Economic and Commercial Geography Das Gupta, A Mukherjee: 1989 304 p. UG Library
330.9 GUP 00011607 Economic and Commercial Geography Das Gupta, A Mukherjee: 1989 304 p. UG Library
330.9 GUP 00012321 Economic and Commercial Geography Das Gupta, A Mukherjee: 1989 304 p. UG Library
330.9 GUP 00015448 Economic and Commercial Geography Das Gupta, A Mukherjee: 1989 304 p. UG Library
330.9 GUP 00011609 Economic and Commercial Geography Das Gupta, A Mukherjee: 1989 304 p. UG Library
330.9 GUP 00020575 Economic and Commercial Geography Das Gupta, A Mukherjee: 1989 304 p. UG Library
330.9 HAL 03007113 What's next? : Hale, David. Yale University Press, 2011 9780300170313 (pbk. : alk. pap xxx, 332 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.9 HAL 00004250 Text Book Of Economic History Halayya,M. C Jamnadas & Co. 1968 1st Editio 700 P. UG Library
330.9 HAL 05017530 What is Next? : Yale University Press, 2011 9780300170313 xxx, 332 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 HAM 05012268 Resources and Industry / Hamilton, Ian. Oxford University Press, 1992 0195209435 | 9780195209433 256 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 HAR 04014792 Economic geography / Hartshorn, Truman A. PHI Learning, 1988 9788120305199 xiii , 385 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.9 HIG 05041982 Collision course : Higgs, Kerryn. The MIT Press, 2014 9780262027731 | 9780262320917 (e-book) xxv, 384 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 HIN 03013795 Business Line Think Editorials 2019 : Hindu THG Publishing Pvt, 2019 9789387791572 256p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.9 HIN 03013796 Business Line Think Editorials 2019 : Hindu THG Publishing Pvt, 2019 9789387791572 256p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.9 HIN 05069990 Business Line Think Editorials 2019 : Hindu THG Publishing Pvt, 2019 9789387791572 256p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 HIN 07014949 Business Line Think Editorials 2019 : Hindu THG Publishing Pvt, 2019 9789387791572 256p.; Library - BR Campus
330.9 HUB 05069005 Man's worldly goods : Huberman, Leo, Aakar Books, 2015 9789350023624 x, 348 p. Knowledge Centre
330.9 JAG 03009013 The Wisdom of Ants : Jaganathan, Shankar. TRANQUEBAR , 2012 9789382618010 366 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.9 JAG 04024728 The Wisdom of Ants : Jaganathan, Shankar. TRANQUEBAR , 2012 9789382618010 366 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.9 JAY 00075728 Wealth of Man : Jay, Peter. Public Affairs, 2000 1891620673 | 978189620676 368 p.: UG Library
330.9 JAY 04015783 Wealth of Man : Jay, Peter. Public Affairs, 2000 1891620673 | 978189620676 368 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.9 JAY 03008415 Wealth of Man : Jay, Peter. Public Affairs, 2000 1891620673 | 978189620676 368 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.9 JOY 05067476 Water Conflicts In India : Routledge, 2018 9781138564732 xxxii, 441p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 KAM 03013797 Table Talk with Business Line : Conversation with Leaders / THG publishing, 2024 9789387791244 4th Ed. : 183p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.9 KAM 03013798 Table Talk with Business Line : Conversation with Leaders / THG publishing, 2024 9789387791244 4th Ed. : 183p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.9 KHA 00020308 Economic and Commercial Geography Khanna, K K S Chand 1980 1 UG Library
330.9 KHA 00020309 Economic and Commercial Geography Khanna, K K S Chand 1980 1 UG Library
330.9 KHA 00020310 Economic and Commercial Geography Khanna, K K S Chand 1980 1 UG Library
330.9 KHN 00015773 Economic and Commercial Geography Khanna, K K Sultan Chand 1976 1138 p. UG Library
330.9 KHN 00020311 Economic and Commercial Geography Khanna, K K Sultan Chand 1976 1138 p. UG Library
330.9 KNO 05046563 The geography of the world economy / Knox, Paul L. Routledge, 2014 9781138679009 Sixth edition. xv, 479 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.9 KNO 00056146 Economic and Social Geography Knowles, R Rupa & Co 336p UG Library
330.9 KRI 00054395 Artika Chintaneya Charitra Gowda,Krishnaiah H.R. Vidhya 2002 284 p. UG Library
330.9 KRU 01011777 Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 / Krugman,Paul. Penguin book, 2008 9781846142390 191p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 KRU 00090664 Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 Krugman, Paul Rider 2008 9781846142390 191p UG Library
330.9 KUM 05047233 Generations of economists / Kumar, Dharmendra. Random Publications, 2015 9789351116363 viii,299p. Knowledge Centre
330.9 KUM 00123045 Modern Political economics Kumar, Vikash Random Publications 2015 9789351116387 302p. UG Library
330.9 LAH 05024118 Regional Science Perspectives In Economic Analysis: Lahr,Michael L. North Hlland, 2001 9780444505743 xiv 441 p. Knowledge Centre
330.9 LAN 05011866 The Wealth and Poverty of Nations : Landers, David S. Abacus, 2002 0349111669 | 9780349111667 xxi, 650 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 LEE 05011894 Geographies of Economies / Arnold. 2004 0340677163 | 9780340677162 xviii, 406 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 LEI 10004884 The shortest history of economics / by Andrew Leigh. Leigh, Andrew [Author] Picador India, 2024 9788119300907 1st Ed. 228 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.9 MAD 01008111 Contours of the world economy, 1-2030 AD : Maddison, Angus. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199227204 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0199227209 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780199227211 (hbk. : alk. paper) | 0199227217 (hbk. : alk. paper) xii, 418 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.9 MAI 01006894 Introduction to Social Anthropolgy / Mair,Lucy. Oxford University Press, 2007 0019561688 317p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 MAR 05066811 Harry Markowitz : Markowitz, H. World Scientific, 2008 9789812833631 (hard) | 9812833633 (hard) | 9789812833648 (pbk.) | 9812833641 (pbk.) xvi, 700 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.9 MOH 00142842 The chronicle of financial turmoil Mohandas, M B Serials publications pvt ltd., 2022 9789391844158 xi,181p.; UG Library
330.9 NIJ 07010950 Innovation,Growth and Competitiveness/ Nijkamp,Peter Spinger, 2011 9783642149641 XI,343 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330.9 NUR 00089240 Models of Political Economy Nurmi, Hannu 2006 0415327067 222p UG Library
330.9 NUS 05011909 The Quality of Life / Oxford University Press, 1993 0195649656 | 9780195649659 xi, 453 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 O'RE 00129983 What's the Future and Why It's Up to Us TIM O'REILLY Random House Business Books, 2017 9781847941855 419 p . : UG Library
330.9 ORE 07012688 What's the Future and Why It's Up to Us TIM O'REILLY Random House Business Books, 2017 9781847941855 419 p . : Library - BR Campus
330.9 PAD 00099507 Out of this earth : Padel, Felix. Orient BlackSwan, 9788125038672 | 8125038671 xxix, 742 p. : UG Library
330.9 PAN 05011907 Human Development : Rawat Publications, 2006 8131600467 | 9788131600467 xxiv, 382 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 POL 05041885 The great transformation : Polanyi, Karl. Beacon Press, 2001 9780807056431 xli, 317 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 POL 05026936 Economic Geography of Innovation / Polenske, Karen R Cambridge University Press, 2007 0521689538 349p.: Knowledge Centre
330.9 PRY 05006568 Economic systems of foraging, agricultural, and industrial societies / Pryor, Frederic L. Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521849047 (hardback) | 052161 xvi, 316 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.9 PRY 01019766 Economic systems of foraging, agricultural, and industrial societies / Pryor, Frederic L. Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521849047 (hardback) | 052161 xvi, 316 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.9 PUG 05011916 War Economies In A Regional Context : Pugh, Michael. Viva Books, 2005 9789386385888 | 9788130900735 xiii, 271 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 PUR 05048132 Geography of Economics in New Millennium / Purohit, Ashok Random Publications, 2016 9789351118145 298 p. Knowledge Centre
330.9 RAJ 10004080 Breaking the Mould : Rajan, Raghuram G. Penguin, 2023 9780670099894 xxxi, 297p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.9 RAJ 05074872 Breaking the Mould : Rajan, Raghuram G. Penguin, 2023 9780670099894 xxxi, 297p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 RAO 03013799 Table Talk with Businessline : Conversations with Leaders / THG Publishing Company, 2024 9789393875112 Vol-2 167p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.9 RAO 03013800 Table Talk with Businessline : Conversations with Leaders / THG Publishing Company, 2024 9789393875112 Vol-2 167p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.9 RAP 05011906 Three Great Economists / Raphael, D D Smith. Oxford University Press, 1997 0192876945 | 9780192876942 viii, 382 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 ROB 07007912 Saving the city : Roberts, Richard, Oxford University Press, 2013 0199646546 | 9780199646548 First edition. xiv, 301 pages ; Library - BR Campus
330.9 ROB 05044362 Saving the city : Roberts, Richard, Oxford University Press, 2013 0199646546 | 9780199646548 First edition. xiv, 301 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.9 RON 05010098 The Wealth of Ideas : Roncaglia, Alessandro. Cambridge University Press, 2001 0521843375 | 9780521843379 xiv, 582 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 ROS 05011914 Comparative Economics in a Transforming World Economy / Rosser, J Barkley. Prentice Hall of India, 2004 8120328868 | 9788120328860 2nd ed. x, 646 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 ROY 05067080 Global economic history /​ Bloomsbury, 2019 9781472588432 xiv,370p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 RUT 00146752 Capitalism for realists : Rutar, Tibor Routledge, 2023 9781032305912 | 9781032305929 x,178p. ; UG Library
330.9 SAM 03007952 Global Recession in Historical and Recent Perspectives / Sambandhan, D. New Century Publications ; 2012 9788177083224 188 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.9 SAX 05062297 Economic Geography / Saxena, H.M. Rawat Publication, 2018 9788131609491 2nd ed. x, 390p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 SAX 05062340 Economic Geography / Saxena, H.M. Rawat Publication, 2018 9788131609491 2nd ed. x, 390p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 SCH 00009693 The Great Economists Schumpeter, Joseph A George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1966 4th Edition 306 P. UG Library
330.9 SCO 00103775 Geography and economy : Scott, Allen John. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2006 019928430X (alk. paper) xiv, 174 p. : UG Library
330.9 SEL 01013299 Development and Under development : Seligson,Mitchell A. Viva Books, 2010 9788130912240 4th ed. 437p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 SEN 05011913 On Ethics and Economics / Sen, Amartya. Oxford University Press, 1999 0019562761 | 9780195627619 xiii, 131 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 SHA 10001599 Development and its discontents Sharma Subhash Rawat Publications 2015 9788131607077 266p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.9 SHA 05073332 Thought economics : Shah, Vikas. Michael O Mara book, 2021 9781789293159 288p, ; Knowledge Centre
330.9 SHA 10001715 Thought economics : Shah, Vikas. Michael O Mara book, 2021 9781789293159 288p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.9 SHA 00120804 Development and its discontents Sharma Subhash Rawat Publications 2015 9788131607077 266p. UG Library
330.9 SHA 00129537 The Rise and Fall of Nations : Sharma, Ruchir, Penguin, 2017 9780393248890 | 978014198706 First edition. xii, 466 p. ; UG Library
330.9 SHA 05010100 FutureCast 2020 : Shapiro, Robert J. Profile Books, 2008 9781861979681 x, 358 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 SHA 07000375 Development and its discontents Sharma Subhash Rawat Publications 2015 9788131607077 266p. Library - BR Campus
330.9 SHA 05011861 Great Economists : Kumar, R. Shashi. Institute of Social Sciences and Management, 2004 xiv, 180 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 SHI 00033195 Arthika Siddhanthagalu Prabhakar Shishila, Sharada UG Library
330.9 SIM 05047765 Post-Marxism : Sim, Stuart Edinburgh University Press, 2013 9780415867467 198 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 SIN 05011910 Economic Issues Global and National : Singhania, Hari shankar. Vikas, 1995 0706993438 xxvi, 393 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 SIN 05011905 Economis of Amartya Sen / Deep & Deep Publications Pvt Ltd., 2003 8176294233 xxii, 268 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 SIN 05048056 Deprived Adivasis of India / Singh, Philemcha Okello Vista International Publishing House, 2015 vii, 255 p. Knowledge Centre
330.9 SPI 07006944 The Idea of Poverty / Spicker,Paul. Rawat Publications, 2007 9788131601679 viii,174p.; Library - BR Campus
330.9 SRI 00008076 Economics and Commercial of the World Srivastava, B P Delhi Publishers: 1992 5609 P. UG Library
330.9 STO 05024117 Trade and poverty reduction in the Asia-Pacific region : Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521768368 | 0521768365 | 0 xxi, 795 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.9 STO 01012400 Trade and poverty reduction in the Asia-Pacific region : Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521768368 | 0521768365 | 0 xxi, 795 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.9 TAN 05011859 Economic Developement of Developed Countries / Tandon, B C. Chaitanya Publishing House, 1989 8th ed. vii, 656 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 TAY 05011860 Mastering Economic and Social History / Taylor, David. Macmillan, 1988 0333368045 | 9780333368046 xx, 723 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 TAY 05011880 A History of Economic Thought / Taylor, Overton H. McGraw-Hill, 1960 xix, 524 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 TIC 00127608 Politics and practice in economic geography Tickell, Adam SAGE, 2007 9781412907859 (hbk.) xv, 320p : . UG Library
330.9 TRI 03007938 Trade, Territory and Technology : Tripathi, Shrinivas. New Century Publications ; 2012 9788177082999 | 817708299X 223 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.9 TWB 05024132 World development indicators 2010 World Bank, 2010 9780821382325 | 9780821384435 xxiii, 464 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.9 UN 05053308 The least developed countries report 2016 : United Nations United Nations, 2016 9789211129052 xiv, 188p. Knowledge Centre
330.9 VEN 00026658 Modern Economic Development of Great Powers in Kannada Medium Venkata Rao, D Prakashan UG Library
330.9 VER 07009971 Economics of Corruption / Verma S.K.Dr DND Publications, 2017 9789380929286 250p.: Library - BR Campus
330.9 VIS 07008421 Corporate citizenship in Africa : Greenleaf Pub., 2006 1874719551 | 9781874719557 285 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.9 WB 01012584 Global Economic Prospects : Bank, World. World Bank : 2009 9780821377994 180p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 WB 05023780 The Little Data Book on Private Sector Development 2007 / World Bank, 2007 0821370766 | 9780821370766 236 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 WB 00088931 Global Economic Prospects : Bank, World. World Bank : 2009 9780821377994 180p.; UG Library
330.9 WB 05023766 The little data book on private sector development 2010 / World Bank, 2010 9780821382479 | 9780821384480 (e-book) vi, 233 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 WB 05011893 The World Bank Research Program 2008 - 2009 : World Bank The World Bank, 2010 9780821382110 264 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 WBP 01005931 Globalization, growth, and poverty : World Bank ; | Oxford University Press, 2002 0195216083 (OUP) | 082135048X (World Bank) xiii, 174 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.9 WOO 05046047 Economic geography : Wood, Andrew. Routledge, 2010 9780415401814 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9780415401821 (pbk. : alk. paper) 192p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9 YUE 07015144 The Great Economists: Yueh Linda Penguin Random House, 2018 9780241974476 357p.; Library - BR Campus
330.9.CHA 05011904 Development Planning : Chakravarthy, Sukhamoy. Oxford University Press, 1996 9780195623468 | 0195623460 viii, 137 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9.SCH 05011879 Violence of Development - A Choice for Intellectuals Schrijvers, Joke Kali for Women 1993 8185107602 63 p Knowledge Centre
330.900112 LEE 05011790 Coming Economic Collapse How You Can Thrive When Oil Costs Leeb, Stephen Warner Business Books 2006 211p Knowledge Centre
330.900112 NAI 05011791 Global Paradox Naisbitt, John Avon 1994 394 p Knowledge Centre
330.900112 PAL 05045558 In 100 Years Leading Economists Predict the Future / The MIT Press, 2013 9780262528344 viii,195p.: Knowledge Centre
330.900112 PAL 05042544 In 100 years : The MIT Press, 2013 9780262026918 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9780262320085 (e-book) xiv, 195 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9003 BAN 01012635 The Palgrave Encyclopedia of World Economic History Since 1750 / Bannock,Graham Palgrave Macmillan, 2010 9780230223929 563p.; Knowledge Centre
330.900899 PAD 07004499 Out of this Earth : Padel Felix Orient BlackSwan Private Limited, 2012 9788125041641 xxix,742p.: Library - BR Campus
330.901 PRE 05011792 Fifty Great Economists / Pressman, Steven. Routledge, 2004 xi, 207 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.903 BAT 05046959 A history of the global economy : Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107104709 (hardback) | 978 xiv,369p.; Knowledge Centre
330.903 BAT 05074475 A history of the global economy : Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107104709 (hardback) | 978 xiv,369p.; Knowledge Centre
330.903 BAT 07009368 A history of the global economy : Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107104709 (hardback) | 978 xiv,369p.; Library - BR Campus
330.903 CHA 05010693 Encyclopaedic Biography of the World Economists VOL 1, 2, 3 Choudhary M A Global Vision Publishing House 0008182204 366 Knowledge Centre
330.903 CHA 05010694 Encyclopaedic Biography of the World Economists VOL 1, 2, 3 Choudhary M A Global Vision Publishing House 0008182204 366 Knowledge Centre
330.903 CHA 05010692 Encyclopaedic Biography of the World Economists VOL 1, 2, 3 Choudhary M A Global Vision Publishing House 0008182204 366 Knowledge Centre
330.9034 HAT 05062642 The new comparative economic history Hatton,Timothy J. MIT Press, 2007 9780262083614 | 0262083612 (ha x, 417 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.9034 HAT 00108637 The new comparative economic history Hatton,Timothy J. MIT Press, 2007 9780262083614 | 0262083612 (ha x, 417 p. : UG Library
330.9034 SHA 10004847 The Next new; Navigating the Fifth Industrial Revolution/ by Pranjal Sharma Sharma, Pranjal [Author] Harper Business, 2023 9789356295643 1st Ed. xlvii, 217 p, Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.903GWA 01006740 Economic Freedom of the World / Gwartney,James. Academic Foundation, 2000 8171886566 204p.; Knowledge Centre
330.904 MIT 05037464 Terms of trade and class relations : Mitra, Ashok. Chronicle Books, 2005 9788180280191 xx, 234 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.904 MUK 00118310 Networks in the first Global Age, 1400-1800 / Primus Books, 2011 9380607091 | 9789380607092 xxx, 380 p. : UG Library
330.904 MUK 05033451 Networks in the first Global Age, 1400-1800 / Primus Books, 2011 9380607091 | 9789380607092 xxx, 380 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.904 POP 07002104 Mixed fortunes : Popov, Vladimir. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198703631 First edition. ix, 191 p.; Library - BR Campus
330.904 POP 05043863 Mixed fortunes : Popov, Vladimir. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198703631 First edition. ix, 191 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9041 MIS 01017683 Nation, state, and economy : Von Mises, Ludwig, Liberty Fund, 2006 0865976406 (hardcover : alk. p xxv, 194 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.9045 POL 00104561 The international economy since 1945. Pollard, Sidney. Routledge, 1997 0415140676 127 p. : UG Library
330.9049 DRU 03001812 Post-Capitalist Society Drucker, Perter F Elsevier 9788131215814 204 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.9049 DR 05011789 Post Capitalist Society Drucker, Peter F 1994 0887306616 232p Knowledge Centre
330.9049 DRU 05044918 Post-capitalist society / Drucker, Peter F. HarperBusiness, 1993 0887306209 : 1st ed. 232 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.9049 DRU 00088917 Post-Capitalist Society Drucker, Peter F Butterworth-Heinemann, 2008 ISB0887306209 323p UG Library
330.9049 DRU 00090686 Post-Capitalist Society Drucker, Peter F Butterworth-Heinemann, 2008 ISB0887306209 323p UG Library
330.905 CHA 00116896 Politics of the Global Economic Crisis Chaulia Sreeram Routledge, 2014 9780415736282 xiv,285 p.: UG Library
330.905 HER 07013933 Market manipulation and insider trading : Herlin-Karnell, Ester, Hart, 2019 9781509903078 xiv,148p.; Library - BR Campus
330.905 MAC 03005554 A Brief History of Globalization : MacGillivray, Alex. Robinson, 2006 9781845291860 xiii,338 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.905 REI 04016069 The work of nations : Reich, Robert B. A.A. Knopf, 1991 0394583523 1st ed. xii, 331 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.905 REI 05011858 The work of nations : Reich, Robert B. A.A. Knopf, 1991 0394583523 1st ed. xii, 331 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.905 REI 04011984 The work of nations : Reich, Robert B. A.A. Knopf, 1991 0394583523 1st ed. xii, 331 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.905 SHA 04017443 Breakout Nations: Sharma, Ruchir Penguine, 2012 9781846145568 292p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.905 SHA 07015125 Breakout Nations: Sharma, Ruchir Penguine, 2012 9781846145568 292p. : Library - BR Campus
330.9051 BER 05038689 The affluent society revisited / Berry, Michael, Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199686506 (hbk.) | 0199686 First edition. vi, 204 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.9051 BOU 05047999 The globalization of inequality / Bourguignon, François, Princeton University Press, 2015 069116052X | 9780691160528 210 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9051 CAS 05044353 Aftermath : Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199677382 xiv, 315 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9051 CAS 05021608 Aftermath : Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199677382 xiv, 315 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9051 KEE 00109371 From Crisis To Recovery Keeley,Brian Academic Foundation 2010 9788171889310 144 p. UG Library
330.9051 LYS 05068574 Commodity : Lysandrou, Photis, Routledge, 2019 9781138338609 (hardback : alk. paper) 1 Edition. 102 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.9051 LYS 07014970 Commodity : Lysandrou, Photis, Routledge, 2019 9781138338609 (hardback : alk. paper) 1 Edition. 102 pages : Library - BR Campus
330.9051 WBG 05053303 World development Indicators 2016 / World Bank Group. World Bank Group, 2016 9781464806834 xvi, 156p. Knowledge Centre
330.90511 HAR 03003117 Undercover Economist Harford, Tim Ballantine Books 9780345494016 265 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.90511 SMI 05004064 The Age of Instability : Smith, David. Profile Books, 2010 9781846683107 (pbk.) | 9781847 ix, 294 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.90511 SMI 03004562 The Age of Instability : Smith, David. Profile Books, 2010 9781846683107 (pbk.) | 9781847 ix, 294 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.90511 ACH 00119000 Manufacturing Tail Risk. Acharya, Viral V. Now Publishers, 2010 9781601983404 | 1601983409 (Tr ix:80p.; UG Library
330.90511 ACH 05037448 India After The Global Crisis / Acharya, Shankar. Orient Blackswan Pvt Ltd., 2012 9788125045090 xiii, 226 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.90511 BER 01015115 On the brink of deglobalization / Van Bergeijk, Peter. Edward Elgar Pub., 9781849804110 (hardback) 181 p. Knowledge Centre
330.90511 CAN 05008134 The global great recession / Canterbery, E. Ray. World Scientific, 2011 9814322768 | 9789814322768 | 9789814322775 (e-book) xvi, 366 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.90511 CLA 08001122 Hard times : Clark, Tom Yale University Press, 2015 9780300212747 303p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.90511 DEO 03009962 Global Recession : Deolankar, Vivek. Commonwealth , 2012 9788131103982 377 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.90511 DRE 00120810 The system worked : Drezner, Daniel W., Oxford University Press 2014 9780195373844 (hardback : alk. xii, 262 pages ; UG Library
330.90511 GRA 07007919 The Consequences of the Global Financial Crisis : Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198704607 xxii, 272 p.: Library - BR Campus
330.90511 GRA 00110196 The Consequences of the Global Financial Crisis : Grant, Wyn Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199641987 (hardback) xiv, 272 p. : UG Library
330.90511 GRA 05038708 The Consequences of the Global Financial Crisis : Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198704607 xxii, 272 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.90511 GRA 03010092 The Consequences of the Global Financial Crisis : Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198704607 xxii, 272 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.90511 HAR 07011766 The Under Cover Economist / Harford, Tim ABACUS, 2008 9780349119854 278p. Library - BR Campus
330.90511 HAR 07001197 The Under Cover Economist / Harford, Tim ABACUS, 2008 9780349119854 278p. Library - BR Campus
330.90511 HAR 03004719 The Under Cover Economist / Harford, Tim ABACUS, 2008 9780349119854 278p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.90511 HAR 03007838 Undercover Economist Harford, Tim Ballantine Books 9780345494016 265 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.90511 HER 05066925 Market manipulation and insider trading : Herlin-Karnell, Ester, Hart, 2019 9781509903078 xiv,148p.; Knowledge Centre
330.90511 HIL 05054168 The poverty of capitalism : Hilary, John. 9780745333311 (hardback) | 978 1 online resource (249 pages) : Knowledge Centre
330.90511 HIN 01021593 The Euro Area Crisis in Constitutional Perspective / Hinarejos, Alicia. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198714958 xvii, 219 pages. ; Knowledge Centre
330.90511 HUE 00136712 Crisis : Huertas,Thomas F. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 9780230298316 2nd edition x,244p.; UG Library
330.90511 LAN 07012900 Liquidity lost : Langley, Paul, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198778882 First edition. xiv, 220 pages ; Library - BR Campus
330.90511 LAN 05053195 Liquidity lost : Langley, Paul, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198778882 First edition. xiv, 220 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.90511 OBT 05046421 Global economic crisis : Edward Elgar ; | Korea Development Institute : | East-West Center, 2012 9781781006290 | 1781006296 xii, 278 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.90511 PER 03005447 Hoodwinked : Perkins, John. Broadway Books, 2009 9780307589927 1st ed. x, 243 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.90511 RAJ 07008649 Fault Lines/ Rajan,Baghuram G Harper Collins Publishers, 2010 9789350291733 Xi,340 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330.90511 RAJ 03005327 Fault Lines Rajan, Raghuram G. Harper Collins Publishers 2010 9788172239732 274 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.90511 RAJ 04008566 Fault Lines Rajan, Raghuram G. Harper Collins Publishers 2010 9788172239732 274 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.90511 RAJ 00095828 Fault Lines Rajan, Raghuram G. Harper Collins Publishers 2010 9788172239732 274 p. UG Library
330.90511 RAM 05045433 A visible hand : Ramachandra,Narayan. Takshashila, 2015 9788193197608 205p.; Knowledge Centre
330.90511 RED 05037443 Global Crisis Recession And Uneven Recovery / Reddy, Y. V. Orient Blackswan Pvt. Ltd., 2011 9788125041856 xxiii, 421 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.90511 RED 05011857 Global Crisis Recession And Uneven Recovery / Reddy, Y. V. Orient Blackswan Pvt. Ltd., 2011 9788125041856 xxiii, 421 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.90511 RED 04009822 Global crisis, recession, and uneven recovery / Venugopal Reddy, Y. Orient Blackswan, 2011 9788125041856 | 8125041850 xxv, 421 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.90511 RED 07004488 Global Crisis Recession And Uneven Recovery / Reddy, Y. V. Orient Blackswan Pvt. Ltd., 2011 9788125041856 xxiii, 421 p.: Library - BR Campus
330.90511 RED 03003785 Global Crisis Recession And Uneven Recovery / Reddy, Y. V. Orient Blackswan Pvt. Ltd., 2011 9788125041856 xxiii, 421 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.90511 ROH 00110698 It's not over Rohit Oxford University Press 2013 9780198088417 | 9780198088417 1st edition. xxxi, 207 p : UG Library
330.90511 ROS 05046289 Global economic turmoil and the public good / Rosefielde, Steven. World scientific publishing, 2015 9789814590501 xv, 207 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.90511 SET 03007944 Gobal Meltdown : New Century Publications ; 2010 9788177082357 326 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.90511 SIN 03004315 Casino capitalism : Sinn, Hans-Werner. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199588275 (hbk.) | 0199588 xxv, 374 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.90511 SIN 00108653 Casino capitalism : Sinn, Hans-Werner. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199588275 (hbk.) | 0199588 xxv, 374 p. : UG Library
330.90511 STI 07011771 The Great Divide / Stglitz,Joseph E. Penguin, 2015 9780141981222 xxv,428p.; Library - BR Campus
330.90511 STI 07005447 The Great Divide / Stglitz,Joseph E. Penguin, 2015 9780141981222 xxv,428p.; Library - BR Campus
330.9051103 ROS 01016359 The Concise Encyclopedia of The Great Recession, 2007-2010 / Rosenberg, Jerry Martin. Scarecrow Press, 2010 9780810876606 (hardback : alk. xiv,391p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9051103 ROS 01016377 The Concise Encyclopedia of The Great Recession, 2007-2010 / Rosenberg, Jerry Martin. Scarecrow Press, 2010 9780810876606 (hardback : alk. xiv,391p.; Knowledge Centre
330.90511STI 01009947 Economists' Voice (law Lib) Joseph E Stiglitz J. Bradford DeLong6. U.S. Offshoring: Small Steps to Make It Win-Win Sheila M. Olmstead and Robert 313 p Knowledge Centre
330.90512 BRU 10004490 The resilient society : economics after Covid / by Markus K. Brunnermeier. Brunnermeier, Markus K [Author] Harper Business, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, 2022 9789354895760 1st Ed. xiv, 411 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.90512 STA 05042000 The Best Business Writing 2014 / Columbia University Press. 2014 9780231170154 xvii ,570 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.908 FUR 05011788 Economic Development Of Latin America : Furtado, Celso. Cambridge, 1970 xvi, 271 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.909031 TCH 01008771 India Changing Economical Srtucture th the Sixteenth-Eighteenth Centuries / Alexander I Thitcherov Manohar, 1998 8173040621 326p.; Knowledge Centre
330.90954 CHA 05011817 Made in India : Chakravorty, Sanjoy. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195686722 x, 238 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.91 AGA 00025225 Economic Commercial Geography Agarwal, M C Himalaya 1983 1 UG Library
330.9154 SHA 00070463 India: an Economic and Commercial Geography: (UGC - Minority Commu UGCM) Sharma, T S Vikas 8125910085 572p UG Library
330.9154 SHA 00070462 India: an Economic and Commercial Geography: (UGC - Minority Commu UGCM) Sharma, T S Vikas 8125910085 572p UG Library
330.9154 YUS 01005941 Dancing with giants : World Bank : | Institute of Policy Studies, 2007 9780821367490 | 0821367498 | 0821367501 (electronic) | 9780821367506 (electronic) xvi, 272 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.9154083 OEC 01006741 OECD Economic Surveys / Academic Foundation, 2007 9788171886586 241p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9154083 OUP 05040079 Economic Survey 2013-14 : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199455775 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
330.9154083 OUP 05040080 Economic Survey 2013-14 : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199455775 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
330.9154083 OUP 05041382 Economic Survey 2013-14 : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199455775 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
330.9154083 OUP 05041383 Economic Survey 2013-14 : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199455775 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
330.91540830 GOI 07007177 Economic Survey 2016-16 / Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199469284 viii,162p.: Library - BR Campus
330.91540830 GOI 07007178 Economic Survey 2016-16 / Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199469284 viii,162p.: Library - BR Campus
330.91546208 SAI 01008750 Social and Economic History of Assam : Saikia,Rajen. Manohar, 2001 8173043442 258 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.917 WBG 07011802 June 2016 Global Economic Prospects:Divergences and Risks/ World Bank Group. WBG, 2016 9781464807770 XV,160 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330.9172 GHA 00088876 Introduction to Development Economics / Ghatak, Subrata. Routledge, 2007 9780415280761 4th ed. xvii, 458 p.; UG Library
330.9172 GHA 05011807 Introduction to Development Economics / Ghatak, Subrata. Routledge, 2007 9780415280761 4th ed. xvii, 458 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9172 LEK 07015474 The Economics of Development and Planning : Lekhi, R. K. Kalyani Publishers, 2011 9789327216110 251/vii p. ; Library - BR Campus
330.9172 SAV 00004851 Modern Economic Development of Great Powers Savkar D S Vora & Co, Publishing Pvt Ltd 1968 408 p UG Library
330.9172 SAV 00005166 Modern Economic Development of Great Powers Savkar D S Vora & Co, Publishing Pvt Ltd 1968 408 p UG Library
330.9172 WAT 00087643 Global Stage Watkins, Susan Seagull ISB8170464803 311p UG Library
330.91722 BUC 03012529 The Price of Prosperity : Buchholz, Todd G. HarperCollins Books, 2016 9780062405708 (hc) | 006240570 First edition. xii, 367 pages ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.91722 BUC 05057138 The Price of Prosperity : Buchholz, Todd G. HarperCollins Books, 2016 9780062405708 (hc) | 006240570 First edition. xii, 367 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.91722 ROB 00139322 The globalization and development reader/ Roberts, J. Timmons Wiley Blackwell 2015 9781118735107 2nd ed. 613p. UG Library
330.91722 SAV 00001764 Modern Economic Development of Great Powers Savkar D S Vora & Co, Publishing Pvt Ltd 1968 408 p UG Library
330.91722 SAV 00005168 Modern Economic Development of Great Powers Savkar D S Vora & Co, Publishing Pvt Ltd 1968 408 p UG Library
330.91722 SAV 00005167 Modern Economic Development of Great Powers Savkar D S Vora & Co, Publishing Pvt Ltd 1968 408 p UG Library
330.91722 TAN 00004259 Economic Development of Developed Countries. Tandon, B.C. Chaitanya Publishing House 1970 2nd Edition 660 P. UG Library
330.91722 TAN 00005729 Economic Development of Developed Countries. Tandon, B.C. Chaitanya Publishing House 1970 2nd Edition 660 P. UG Library
330.91722 TAN 00004260 Economic Development of Developed Countries. Tandon, B.C. Chaitanya Publishing House 1970 2nd Edition 660 P. UG Library
330.91722 TAN 00004261 Economic Development of Developed Countries. Tandon, B.C. Chaitanya Publishing House 1970 2nd Edition 660 P. UG Library
330.91722 TAN 00005727 Economic Development of Developed Countries. Tandon, B.C. Chaitanya Publishing House 1970 2nd Edition 660 P. UG Library
330.91722 TAN 00017830 Economic Development of Developed Countries. Tandon, B.C. Chaitanya Publishing House 1970 2nd Edition 660 P. UG Library
330.91722 TAN 00007361 Economic Development of Developed Countries Tandan, B.C. Chaitanya Publishing House 1972 3rd Edition viii; 659 p. UG Library
330.91722 TAN 00007362 Economic Development of Developed Countries Tandan, B.C. Chaitanya Publishing House 1972 3rd Edition viii; 659 p. UG Library
330.91722 TAN 00007359 Economic Development of Developed Countries Tandan, B.C. Chaitanya Publishing House 1972 3rd Edition viii; 659 p. UG Library
330.91722 TAN 00007358 Economic Development of Developed Countries Tandan, B.C. Chaitanya Publishing House 1972 3rd Edition viii; 659 p. UG Library
330.91722 TAN 00007360 Economic Development of Developed Countries Tandan, B.C. Chaitanya Publishing House 1972 3rd Edition viii; 659 p. UG Library
330.91724 BHA 07012976 New Wealth of Nations / Bhalla, Surjit S. Simon & Schuster India, 2017 9789386797025 207 p.: Library - BR Campus
330.91724 BHA 05059813 New Wealth of Nations / Bhalla, Surjit S. Simon & Schuster India, 2017 9789386797025 207 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.91724 BHA 03012636 New Wealth of Nations / Bhalla, Surjit S. Simon & Schuster India, 2017 9789386797025 207 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.91724 BHA 05058168 New Wealth of Nations / Bhalla, Surjit S. Simon & Schuster India, 2017 9789386797025 207 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.91724 ACH 01024330 Competition policies and consumer welfare / Achy, Lahcen. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016 9781784717223 | 1784717223 ix,295p.; Knowledge Centre
330.91724 BAS 05024131 Advances in development economics World Scientific, 2009 9789812834874 | 9812834877 | 9 xxi, 267 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.91724 BEC 05024113 Multiannual macroeconomic programming techniques for developing economies / Beckerman, Paul. World Scientific, 2010 9789814289023 (hbk.) | 9814289 xix, 411 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.91724 EDW 03009906 Rising Tide: Edwards, Lawrence. Peterson Institute for International Economics, 2013 9780881325003 xix, 277 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.91724 GEM 05056786 New perspectives in economics : Gems,Emerald. Emerald, 2015 9781785608872 v,226p.; Knowledge Centre
330.91724 GHA 00103636 Introduction to development economics / Ghatak, Subrata, Routledge, 2003 0415280753 (cased) | 041528076 4th ed. xvii, 458 p. : UG Library
330.91724 HAR 10001274 Rural development : Rawat publication, 1982 9788131608432 409 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.91724 HAR 05056331 Rural development : Rawat publication, 1982 9788131608432 409 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.91724 JHA 05011815 Macroeconomics for Developing Countries / Jha, Raghbendra. Routledge, 2008 0415262143 | 9780415262149 2nd ed. xiv, 496 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.91724 LO 01020833 The rise of the BRICS in the global political economy : Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd., 2014 9781782545460 (hardback) | 178 xviii, 327 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.91724 NAF 07006929 Economic development / Nafziger, E. Wayne. Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521829666 (hardcover) | 97805 4th ed. xxiv, 846 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.91724 NAF 01019769 Economic development / Nafziger, E. Wayne. Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521829666 (hardcover) | 97805 4th ed. xxiv, 846 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.91724 NAF 00120832 Economic development / Nafziger, E. Wayne. Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521829666 (hardcover) | 97805 4th ed. xxiv, 846 p. : UG Library
330.91724 NAI 10001490 Global Game Change : Naisbitt, John, Sage, 2016 9789351506409 246 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.91724 NAI 00125689 Global Game Change : Naisbitt, John, Sage, 2016 9789351506409 246 p.: UG Library
330.91724 RAJ 05059273 The Great convergence : Oxford university press, 2018 9780199479375 xix, 442 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.91724 RIV 00101048 The Myth of Development ; Rivero,Oswaldo Do. Zeo Books , 9788182911017 163 p. UG Library
330.91724 SHA 07013508 Breakout Nations : Sharma, Ruchir. Penguin Books, 2013 9780241957813 x, 320 p.; Library - BR Campus
330.91724 SHA 07013509 Breakout Nations : Sharma, Ruchir. Penguin Books, 2013 9780241957813 x, 320 p.; Library - BR Campus
330.91724 SHA 05033352 Breakout Nations : Sharma, Ruchir. Penguin Books, 2013 9780241957813 x, 320 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.91724 TAN 00097028 Development and Globalisation Tandon, Yash Pambazuka Press, 2009 9788182910898 175 p.; UG Library
330.91724 TAN 00095727 Development and Globalisation Tandon, Yash Pambazuka Press, 2009 9788182910898 175 p.; UG Library
330.91724 TAN 00094774 Development and Globalisation Tandon, Yash Pambazuka Press, 2009 9788182910898 175 p.; UG Library
330.91724 WB 05011806 Global economic prospects 2010 : International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank, 2010 9780821382264 | 9780821382271 | 0821382268 xv, 164 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.91724 WB 05038959 World Development Report 2014 : World Bank , 2013 9780821399033 xvi, 343 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.91724 WB 03009603 World Development Report 2014 : World Bank , 2013 9780821399033 xvi, 343 p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.91724 WES 05062501 The political economy of emerging markets : Routledge, 2017 9781138121225 (hardback) 1 Edition. xiv, 223 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.9173 SPE 00088935 Urbanization and Growth Spence, Micheal Commission on Growth and Development 2008 9780821375730 255p UG Library
330.9173 YUS 01005892 Facets of Globalization : Shahid Yusuf World Bank, 2001 0082134742 278p.; Knowledge Centre
330.91732 MIC 05024106 Urban Economics Mills, Edwin.S Harpercollins College Publishers, 1994 0676468674 5th xvi,480p.; Knowledge Centre
330.91732 BRA 05074476 An Introduction to Geographical and Urban Economics : Brakman, Steven. Cambridge University Press, 2020 9781108407366 3rd ed. xxiv, 497 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.91732 CAP 05048012 Regional economics / Capello,Roberta. Routledge, 2016 9781138855885 xxiv,354 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.91732 CHE 05041809 Urban Economics and Urban Policy : Cheshire,Paul.C Edward Elgar, 2014 9781781952511 (hardback) | 178 xii, 238 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.91732 MCC 00133267 Modern urban and regional economics / McCann, Philip, Oxford university press, 2013 9780199582006 (paperback) | 0199582009 (paperback) Second edition. xxiii, 408 pages : UG Library
330.91732 NAR 05011816 Urbanisation and Economic Growth / Narasaiah, M Lakshmi. Discovery Publishing House, 2007 8183562388 | 9788183562386 138 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.91732 NIP 05045459 Urban competitiveness and innovation / By Ni, Pengfei. & Zheng,Qiongjie. Edward Elgar, 2013 9781781007914 (hbk.) | 1781007 xii, 279 pages Knowledge Centre
330.91732 OSU 05024103 Urban Economic O`Sullivan, Arthur Mc-Graw Hill, 2007 0071244719 xxvii,404p.; Knowledge Centre
330.91732 PAD 00133821 Cities & economic change : Paddison, Ronan SAGE, 2015 9781847879387 hardback | 1847879381 hardback xiv, 299 pages : UG Library
330.91732 PAD 05024109 Economics : Paddison, Ronan. SAGE, 2008 9781847872586 (hbk.) | 1847872 xvii,307 p.; | xi,386p.; | xi,307p.; | xiv,419p.; Knowledge Centre
330.91732 PAD 05024110 Economics : Paddison, Ronan. SAGE, 2008 9781847872586 (hbk.) | 1847872 xvii,307 p.; | xi,386p.; | xi,307p.; | xiv,419p.; Knowledge Centre
330.91732 PAD 05024107 Economics : Paddison, Ronan. SAGE, 2008 9781847872586 (hbk.) | 1847872 xvii,307 p.; | xi,386p.; | xi,307p.; | xiv,419p.; Knowledge Centre
330.91732 PAD 05024108 Economics : Paddison, Ronan. SAGE, 2008 9781847872586 (hbk.) | 1847872 xvii,307 p.; | xi,386p.; | xi,307p.; | xiv,419p.; Knowledge Centre
330.91732 SAS 01007446 Cities in a world economy / Sassen, Saskia. Pine Forge Press, 2006 1412936802 (pbk.) | 9781412936804 3rd ed. xviii, 269 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.91732 SAS 05010096 Cities in a World Economy / Saseen, Saskia. Pine Forge Press, 2006 1412936802 | 9781412936804 3rd ed. xviii, 269 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.91732 SAS 05062744 Cities in a world economy / Sassen, Saskia, Sage, 2019 9781506362618 (pbk. : alk. paper) Fifth Edition. xxv,413p.; Knowledge Centre
330.91732 SPE 05011804 Urbanization and growth / Rawat Publication, 2009 9788131603338 xxx, 255 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.91732 SPE 01014146 Urbanization and growth / Rawat Publication, xxx, 255 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.91732 WAS 05011805 Readings in Urbaneconomics Issues and Public Policy Wassmer, Robert W 2000 0631215883 508p; Knowledge Centre
330.91732 WAS 00087106 Readings in Urban Economics: Wassmer, Robert W Blackwell 2005 9780631215882 508p UG Library
330.9173209543 IND 00074211 India Infrastructure Report - 2006 Indian Institute Of Technology Oxford University Press 2006 0195678745 257 p UG Library
330.9173209543 IND 00070192 India Infrastructure Report - 2006 Indian Institute Of Technology Oxford University Press 2006 0195678745 257 p UG Library
330.9174927 NOL 05008456 The Arab economies in a changing world / Noland, Marcus, Peterson Institute for International Economics, 2011 0881326283 | 9780881326284 2nd ed. xv, 362 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.91822 KER 05058134 Doing business in the MENA region : Kerbache, Laoucine, Emwrald publishing ltd., 2017 1786358212 | 9781786358219 191 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.924 JON 00013497 Economic Geography Jones, Darkenward Macmillan 1954 1 UG Library
330.924 MAS 00096207 Gandhi and Marx Mashruwala, K. G. Navajivan Publishing House, 8172292228 119 p. UG Library
330.926 MAS 00011295 Plea for the Mixed Economy Masani, M R Nip 1967 37 p. UG Library
330.934 MIT 10003612 Kautilya's Arthashastra : Mitra, Subrata K. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd., 2017 9788129148650 xxii,548 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.934 MIT 01025496 Kautilya's Arthashastra : Mitra, Subrata K. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd., 2017 9788129148650 xxii,548 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.934 MIT 03012579 Kautilya's Arthashastra : Mitra, Subrata K. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd., 2017 9788129148650 xxii,548 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.934 MUK 05059512 The intellectual roots of India's freedom struggle (1893-1918) / Mukherjee, Prithwindra. Routledge, 2018 9789350981719 xiv, 460 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.934 SAB 00099527 History of Ancient India Econmy; Sabahuddin,Abdul Global Vision publishing house; 9788182203051 368 p. UG Library
330.94 BAI 03001307 Transforming the European Economy / Baily, Martin Neil. Peterson Institute for International Economics , 2004 0881323438 | 9780881323436 340 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.94 BAI 00127713 Transforming the European Economy / Baily, Martin Neil. Peterson Institute for International Economics , 2004 0881323438 | 9780881323436 340 p.: UG Library
330.94 BEC 01020309 The Changing Political Economies of Small West European Countries / Becker, Uwe Amsterdam University Press, 2011 9789089643315 237p.; Knowledge Centre
330.94 BLU 07012531 Economics without Borders/ Blundell,Richard Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781316636398 XXIII,633 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330.94 BRO 00104553 The Cambridge economic history of modern Europe Broadberry, Stephen. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521882026 | 9780521708388 xiv,329p : UG Library
330.94 BRO 00104554 The Cambridge economic history of modern Europe Broadberry, Stephen. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521882026 | 9780521708388 xiv,329p : UG Library
330.94 BRO 05023908 The Cambridge economic history of modern Europe Broadberry, Stephen. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521882026 | 9780521708388 xiv,329p : Knowledge Centre
330.94 COO 05009830 The Associational Economy : Cooke, Philip. Oxford University Press, 2000 0198296592 viii, 247 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.94 COO 05009829 The Associational Economy : Cooke, Philip. Oxford University Press, 2000 0198296592 viii, 247 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.94 EIC 01020315 The European Economy Since 1945 / Eichengreen Barry Princeton University Press, 2007 9780691138480 xx,495p.: Knowledge Centre
330.94 FEL 05011814 The European Community in world affairs : Feld, Werner J. Alfred 1976 xiii, 352 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.94 LEW 05009174 Boomerang : Lewis, Michael. Allen Lane, 2011 9781846144844 xxi, 213p.; Knowledge Centre
330.94 LEW 03006146 Boomerang : Lewis, Michael. Allen Lane, 2011 9781846144844 xxi, 213p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.94 PER 07002225 An economic history of Europe : Persson, Karl Gunnar, Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107095564 (hardback) | 978 Second edition. xi, 297 pages ; Library - BR Campus
330.94 PIS 05041001 The euro crisis and its aftermath / Pisani-Ferry, Jean. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199993338 (alk. paper) xiv, 206 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.94 RUB 05062140 Rulers, religion, and riches : Rubin, Jared. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781108400053 xxi, 273 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.94 SCH 00129382 Regional economic policy in Europe : Schutz,ulrike Stierle-Von Edward Elgar, 2008 9781848440388 (hbk.) | 1848440 xi, 262 p. : UG Library
330.94 THA 05024105 Internationalisation and Economic Institutions: Thatcher, Mark Oxford Univeristy Press, 2007 9780199245680 311p.; Knowledge Centre
330.94 THA 01013403 Internationalisation and economic institutions : Thatcher, Mark. Oxford University Press, 9780199567317 | 0199245681 (al 311 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.9402 PAR 00107967 Why Europe Grew Rich and Asia Did Not : Parthasarathi, Prasannan. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107023901 xiv; 365 p.; UG Library
330.9402 PAR 05009663 Why Europe Grew Rich and Asia Did Not : Parthasarathi, Prasannan. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107023901 xiv; 365 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.94053 KLE 05038618 Occupied economies : Klemann, Hein A. M Berg, 2012 9781845208233 xii,490p.; Knowledge Centre
330.940561 WEI 07011022 Failed : Weisbrot, Mark. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780195170184 (hbk.) xv, 293 pages ; Library - BR Campus
330.940561 WEI 05053183 Failed : Weisbrot, Mark. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780195170184 (hbk.) xv, 293 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.9405611 BEB 05010815 The Euro area and the financial crisis / Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107014749 | 1107014743 xix, 351 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.9405611 GEN 01025846 Jürgen Habermas and the European economic crisis : Routledge, 2016 9781138185838 (hbk) | 97813156 x, 224 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.940905 MCC 05065685 Political economy of 21st century europe / Mccann, Dermot. Palgrave, 2018 9781137447944 xi, 256 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.941 CRA 07014117 Forging ahead, falling behind and fighting back : Crafts, N. F. R., Cambridge University Press 2018 9781108424400 (hardback) | 9781108438162 (paperback) ix,152 pages ; Library - BR Campus
330.941 OLS 01027750 Money, morality and law : Olson, Gerald Nels. Wolters Kluwer, 2019 9789403509419 lvi,543p.; Knowledge Centre
330.941 WIL 00129634 Crisis and Recovery : Williams, Rowan Palgrave Macmillan, 2010 9780230252141 | 0230252141 | xiv, 200 p. ; UG Library
330.941081 TYA 05045703 Forging capitalism in Nehru's India : Tyabji, Nasir. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199457595 (hardback) | 019945759X (hardback) First edition. xxviii, 172 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.941081 TYA 07001280 Forging capitalism in Nehru's India : Tyabji, Nasir. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199457595 (hardback) | 019945759X (hardback) First edition. xxviii, 172 p.; Library - BR Campus
330.941085 MAT 05007322 Ideas and economic crises in Britain from Attlee to Blair (1945-2005) / Matthijs, Matthias. Routledge, 2011 9780415579445 xiv, 258 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.941086 COE 00123821 The economic geography of the UK / Coe,Neil M SAGE, 2010 9781849200899 (hbk.) | 1849200 xvi, 264 p. : UG Library
330.9417 HAG 05062611 The Economy Of Ireland : Hagan John O. Palgrave, 2017 9781137611062 13th ED xvi,384p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9417083 DON 05047639 The fall of the Celtic Tiger : Donovan, Donal. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198719960 Paperback edition. xxvi, 318 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.942 CAI 00018241 Britain's Economic Prospects Reconsidered Cairncross, Sir Alec George Allen & Uniwn Ltd 1970 242 p UG Library
330.942 COU 00018271 British Economic History (1870-1914) Court W H B Cambridge At The University Press 1965 490 p UG Library
330.942 CRO 05011902 An Economic History Of Britain / Croome, Honor. Christophers, 1962 xii, 342 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.942 DEA 00017805 British Economic Growth 1688-1959 Deane, Phyllis Cambriodge University Press: 1967 2nd ed 349 p. UG Library
330.942 DEA 00017806 British Economic Growth 1688-1959 Deane, Phyllis Cambriodge University Press: 1967 2nd ed 349 p. UG Library
330.942 DER 05011901 A Short Economic History of Britain / Derry, T K. Oxford University, 1965 xi, 267 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.942 DUB 00004848 The Economic Development of England Dubey R N Kitab Mahal Pvt Ltd 1964 3rd Ed. 359 p UG Library
330.942 DUB 00004847 The Economic Development of England Dubey R N Kitab Mahal Pvt Ltd 1964 3rd Ed. 359 p UG Library
330.942 LAN 05011903 British Social and Economic History : Lane, Peter. Oxford University, 1979 313 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.942 MAR 00017487 Economic Histoyr of England Martin, William P United Publishers: 1968 208 p. UG Library
330.942 SOU 00022353 English Economic History / Southgate, George W. J M Dent and Sons Ltd., 1970 xvi, 462 p.; UG Library
330.942 SOU 00022355 English Economic History / Southgate, George W. J M Dent and Sons Ltd., 1970 xvi, 462 p.; UG Library
330.942 SOU 05011911 English Economic History / Southgate, George W. J M Dent and Sons Ltd., 1970 xvi, 462 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.942 TRI 05061937 Economic and Social History of Modern India / Tripathy,Kalpan Shikhar Publication, 2017 9788193437537 260p.; Knowledge Centre
330.943088 LEA 00130535 The political economy of Germany under Chancellors Kohl and Schröder : Leaman, Jeremy, Berghahn Books, 2009 9781845456016 (alk. paper) | 1 xix, 226 p. : UG Library
330.944 CLA 00017726 The Economic Development of France and Germany (1815-1914) Clapman J H Cambridge At The University Press 1868 4th Ed. 420 p UG Library
330.944 HAC 00012832 Economic Planning in France Hackett John Asia Publishing House 1970 53 p UG Library
330.9469 COS 05059697 An economic history of Portugal, 1143-2010 / Costa, Leonor Freire, Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107035546 (hardback) xii, 406 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.947 BOR 05011833 The Soviet Economy : Richard D. Irwin, 1970 3rd ed. x, 467 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.947 DAT 00004258 Century of Economic Development of Russia and Japan Datta, Amlan World Press: 1967 187 p. UG Library
330.947 DAT 00004256 Century of Economic Development of Russia and Japan Datta, Amlan World Press: 1967 187 p. UG Library
330.947 DAT 00004257 Century of Economic Development of Russia and Japan Datta, Amlan World Press: 1967 187 p. UG Library
330.947 GEV 07014498 Transition economies : Gevorkyan, Aleksandr V., Routledge Publication 2018 9781138831124 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138831131 (pbk. : alk. paper) xix,245p.; Library - BR Campus
330.947 KOV 00000508 The Challenge of Coexistence : Kovner, Milton. Ballantine, 1961 160 p.; UG Library
330.947 KOV 00000506 The Challenge of Coexistence : Kovner, Milton. Ballantine, 1961 160 p.; UG Library
330.947 KOV 05012181 The Challenge of Coexistence : Kovner, Milton. Ballantine, 1961 160 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.947 KOV 00000509 The Challenge of Coexistence : Kovner, Milton. Ballantine, 1961 160 p.; UG Library
330.947 WEB 05074034 The russian economy : Weber, Yuval. Agenda Publishing, 2023 9781788210287 x,274p.; Knowledge Centre
330.947 WIL 05011821 The Economics of Sociolism : Wilczynski, J. George Allen Andunwin, 1983 0043350445 4th ed. xvii, 238 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.9470009049 ASL 05044043 The great rebirth : Peterson Institute For International Economics, 2014 9780881326970 | 9780881326987 (e-book) xi, 320 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.947084 GRE 01012491 The political economy of Stalinism : Gregory, Paul R. Cambridge University Press, 9780521533676 | 0521533678 (pb xi, 308 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.9477 ASL 03001324 Ukraine: How Ukraine Became a Market Economy and Democracy Aslund, Anders Peterson Institute for International Economics 9780881324273 345p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.9495 LYN 05005954 Bust Lynn, Matthew. Bloomberg Press, 2011 9780470976111 (hardback) | 047 v, 282 p. Knowledge Centre
330.94950 DOU 00139031 Discourses of legitimation in the news : Doudaki, Vaia, Routledge, 2020 9780367183943 96p.; UG Library
330.95 ROS 05060540 Asian Economic Systems / Rosefielde,Steven. World Scientific, 2013 9789814425384 xviii,276p. Knowledge Centre
330.95 SCH 03003648 Miracle: The Epic Story of Asia's Quest for Wealth Schuman, Michael Collins Business 2009 9780061346682 422 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.95 AGA 00106971 Global Economic Crisis & India Agarwal,Arun Kumar. Axis Publications 2011 9789380376929 255 P. UG Library
330.95 CHA 03007978 Asian Economic and Financial Integration in Global Framework / Chauhan, Pradeep S. New Century, 2009 9788177082241 | 8177082248 xxi, 357 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.95 CHE 05011802 Asian Juggernaut : Chellaney, Brahma. Harper Collins, 2004 9788172236502 xi, 348 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.95 COL 05011787 Asian Economic and Political Issues / Columbus, Frank Nova Science Publishers Inc , 2002 0159033440 Vol 6 vii,246p . Knowledge Centre
330.95 ESC 00078719 Economic and Social Survey of Asia and The Pacific 2007 Surging Ahead in Uncertain Times Economic and Social Commission for Asiaa, nd Teh Pacific Academic Foundation 2007 8171886442 166p UG Library
330.95 ESC 05015103 Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2006 : Academic Foundation, 2006 8171885691 | 9788171885695 xxii, 221 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.95 ESC 05024104 Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2006: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific Academic Foundation, 2006 8171885691 xxii,221p.; Knowledge Centre
330.95 GOK 05073911 After Tiananmen : Gokhale, Vijay. Harper Collins, 2022 9789356293045 xix,219p.; Knowledge Centre
330.95 GOL 05050209 East Asia's reemergence / Golub, Philip S., Polity Press, 2016 9780745664651 (hardback) | 978 xii,196p.; Knowledge Centre
330.95 GOT 05072793 Asian Economies : Goto, Kenta. ed. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2021 9780367203702 | 9780367203719 xxiii, 266p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.95 HUA 05024128 Reshaping Economic Geography in East Asia / The world bank, 2009 9780821376416 xxxi,369p.; Knowledge Centre
330.95 KOH 00106950 Asia 2050 : Kohli,Harinder S. SAGE Publications, 2011 9788132107569 (hard back) xxvii;381 p. cm. UG Library
330.95 LEE 00130555 Is this the Asian century? / Lee, Jong-Wha, World scientific publishing co.Pte.Ltd., 2018 9789813227583 xi, 130 pages : UG Library
330.95 MAC 05054724 Asia's rise in the 21st century / MacDonald, Scott B. Praeger, 2011 9780313393709 (pbk.) | 9780313 ix, 200 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.95 MAH 00069026 Can Asians Think: Understanding the Divide Between East and West Mahbubani, Kishore Penguin Books: 2004 0143031929 263 p. UG Library
330.95 MAT 05046059 Rise of China and India : Manohar Publishers & Distributors, 2014 9789350980361 358 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.95 NAI 05046723 Megatrends Asia : Naisbitt, John. Touchstone, 1997 9780684827063 298 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.95 NAI 05011856 Megatrends Asia : Naisbitt, John. Touchstone, 1997 9780684827063 298 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.95 RAH 01013547 China and India : Rahman, Rita Dulci, Academic Foundation, 9788171884247 249 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.95 RAM 05011803 Making Sense of Chindia : Talbott, Strobe. Tara-India Research Press, 2005 9788187943952 130 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.95 ROH 05011622 Asia Rising : Rohwer, Jim. Simon & Schuster, 1996 0684825481 | 9780684825489 382 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.95 ROS 05034157 Asian Economic Systems / Rosefielde,Steven. World Scientific, 2013 9789814425384 xviii,276p. Knowledge Centre
330.95 SCH 05033940 The miracle : Schuman, Michael. Harper Business, 2009 9780061346682 | 0061346683 1st ed. xli, 422 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.95 SCH 03006543 The Miracle : Schuman, Michael. Harper Business, 2009 9780061346682 | 0061346683 1st ed. xli, 422 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.95 SCH 03005444 Miracle: The Epic Story of Asia's Quest for Wealth Schuman, Michael Collins Business 2009 9780061346682 422 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.95 SHE 00122968 From Asian to Global Financial Crisis Sheng, Andrew Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521134156 | 0521118646 (hb xiv, 489 p:. UG Library
330.95 THO 05050626 Population and Progress in the Far East / Thompson, Warren S The University of Chicago, 1959 ix, 443 p. Knowledge Centre
330.950 RAH 00071685 China and India: Towards Global Economic Supremacy? Rahman, Rita Dulci Academic Foundation : 2006 8171884245 248 p. UG Library
330.95005 ADB 01015732 Asian Development Outlook 2010 : Asian Development Bank, 01015454 vii,283p.; Knowledge Centre
330.95042 MOR 00051343 Driven By Growth: Political Change in the Asia-Pacific Region. Morley, W James 1998 0765603527 388p UG Library
330.95042 MOR 00051344 Driven By Growth: Political Change in the Asia-Pacific Region. Morley, W James 1998 0765603527 388p Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.95042 MOR 00063957 Driven By Growth: Political Change in the Asia-Pacific Region. Morley, W James 1998 0765603527 388p Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.95042 MOR 00063956 Driven By Growth: Political Change in the Asia-Pacific Region. Morley, W James 1998 0765603527 388p UG Library
330.950429 SHA 01020306 The Asian financial crisis : Sharma, Shalendra D., Manchester University Press ; | Distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave, 2003 0719066026 (hc.) | 0719066034 vii, 400 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.950429 SHE 03004920 From Asian To Global Financial Crisis; Sheng, Andrew Cambridge; 2009 9780521168212 489p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.950429 SHE 04017542 From Asian To Global Financial Crisis; Sheng, Andrew Cambridge; 2009 9780521168212 489p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.95043 INO 00136919 Asia beyond the global economic crisis : Inomata, Satoshi. Edward Elgar, 2011 1849807647 | 9781849807647 (hbk.) xii, 212 p. : UG Library
330.95043 KAW 05045903 The global financial crisis and Asia : Kawai, Masahiro Oxford 2012 9780199660957 (hbk) | 01996609 First edition. xvii, 324 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.95043 KAW 00112333 The global financial crisis and Asia : Kawai, Masahiro Oxford 2012 9780199660957 (hbk) | 01996609 First edition. xvii, 324 pages : UG Library
330.9504311 KAW 03009925 The Global Financial Crisis and Asia : Kawai, Masahiro. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199660957 (hbk) | 01996609 First edition. xvii, 324 pages : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.951 ENG 03002783 Chindia: How China and India Are Revolutionizing Global Business Engardio, Pete Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 9780070264755 384 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.951 ENG 03000053 Chindia: How China and India Are Revolutionizing Global Business Engardio, Pete Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 9780070264755 384 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.951 ABR 05000403 Can China Lead? : Abrami, Regina M. Harvard Business School Publishing, 2014 9781422144152 (hardback) 257 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.951 ABR 07001534 Can China lead? : Abrami, Regina M. Harvard Business School Publishing, 2014 9781422144152 (hardback) 257 p. Library - BR Campus
330.951 ABR 03010325 Can China Lead? : Abrami, Regina M. Harvard Business School Publishing, 2014 9781422144152 (hardback) 257 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.951 AZI 05021662 China and India : International Monetary Fund, 2006 0001589060 xv, 281 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.951 BER 01020311 China's rise : Institute for International Economics ; | Eurospan [distributor], 2009 9780881324341 (pbk.) | 0881324 xi, 269 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.951 BHA 00098667 Old China's New Economy: Bhaumik T,K Sage: 9788178298627 xx;294 p. UG Library
330.951 BLA 01011487 China rising : Blankert, Jan Willem. World Scientific, 9789812837950 | 9812837957 xiv, 160 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.951 BRE 05011786 Mao`s China : Breth, R M. Longman, 1977 0582684439 viii, 178 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.951 BUT 01021839 The end of cheap labour? : Butollo,Florian. Campus Verlag, 2014 9783593501772 400p.; Knowledge Centre
330.951 CHO 01015607 Interpreting China's economy / Chow, Gregory C., World Scientific, 9789814317955 (pbk.) | 9814317 viii, 288 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.951 CHO 05061178 China's economic and social problems / Chow, Gregory C., World Scientific, 2014 9789814590402 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9789814590419 (pbk. : alk. paper) ix, 193p.; Knowledge Centre
330.951 CLA 05045538 China's economy : 9781118982471 (paperback) | 97 1 online resource (210 pages) : Knowledge Centre
330.951 FIS 00069050 China Inc: How the Rise of the Next Super Power Challenges American and the World Fishman, Ted C Scribner1230 Avenue: 2005 0743284224 342 P. UG Library
330.951 GUP 05011855 China`s Economic Reforms : Allied Publications, 1996 8170235472 xvi, 212 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.951 HAF 05046830 Unmade in China : Haft, Jeremy, Polity Press, 2015 9780745684017 (hbk.) | 0745684 xxi, 263 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.951 JIN 05074974 The New China Playbook : Jin, Keyu Swift Press, 2023 9781800753914 360 p. , Knowledge Centre
330.951 JIN 10004175 The New China Playbook : Jin, Keyu Swift Press, 2023 9781800753914 360 p. , Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.951 KRO 03012175 china's Economy : Kroeber, Arthur R Oxford University Press, 2016 9780190239039 xi, 303p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.951 KYN 04011990 China shakes the world : Kynge, James. Houghton Mifflin, 2006 9780618705641 | 0618705643 xvi, 270 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.951 LIU 05007678 KFC in China : Liu, Warren K. John Wiley & Sons (Asia), 2008 9780470823842 | 0470823844 xiii, 191 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.951 MAR 03005097 China : Mar, Pamela C. M. Wiley, 2003 0470820861 x, 220, [5] p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.951 MER 04008426 The elephant and the dragon : Meredith, Robyn Viva books, 2008 9788130908953 252p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.951 MOH 10001514 China's transformation : Mohanty, Manoranjan. Sage, 2018 9789386602848 (print hb) xx,376p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.951 MOH 00140844 China's transformation : Mohanty, Manoranjan. Sage, 2018 9789386602848 (print hb) xx,376p.; UG Library
330.951 MOH 05061940 China's transformation : Mohanty, Manoranjan. Sage, 2018 9789386602848 (print hb) xx,376p.; Knowledge Centre
330.951 MUN 07000152 A resurgent China : Routledge, 2012 9780415501910 | 0415501911 x, 337 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.951 MUN 05049185 A resurgent China : Routledge, 2012 9780415501910 | 0415501911 x, 337 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.951 MUN 05032826 A resurgent China : Routledge, 2012 9780415501910 | 0415501911 x, 337 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.951 NEE 05040766 Capitalism from below Nee, Victor, Harvard University Press, 2012 9780674050204 (alk. paper) | 9 xv, 431 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.951 OVE 05063692 China's crisis of success / Overholt, William H., Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108421690 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781108431996 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxviii,275p.; Knowledge Centre
330.951 PAU 07001674 Dealing with China : Paulson, Henry M., Headline, 2015 9781472228727 First edition. xvii, 430 pages,16 unnumbered pages of plates : Library - BR Campus
330.951 PAU 05044375 Dealing with China : Paulson, Henry M., Headline, 2015 9781472228727 First edition. xvii, 430 pages,16 unnumbered pages of plates : Knowledge Centre
330.951 PER 05061177 The economic transformation of China / Perkins, Dwight H. World Scientific, 2015 9789814713863 | 9814612375 (hardcover) xxxii, 482 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.951 RAM 05035582 China, Russia and Central Asia / Rahul, Ram. Vikas, 1995 vi,128 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.951 SHA 00022293 Economic Development of China Shantha, Murthy M C Himalaya 1981 1 UG Library
330.951 SHE 01015600 Economic Openness and Territorial Politics In China / Sheng, Yumin. Cambridge University Press, 9780521195386 (hardback) | 052 xx, 292 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.951 STA 00147897 Abstraction & Economy Myths of Growth/ Stadler, Eva Maria De Gruyter, 2024 9783111366340 272p. ; UG Library
330.951 STE 05011208 Doing business with China : Hamilton, Stewart. Palgrave Macmillan, 2012 9780230222656 p. cm. Knowledge Centre
330.951 STE 00101981 Playing Our Game : Steinfeld, Edward S Oxford University Press, 9780195390050 xi, 265 p. UG Library
330.951 SUB 04012606 Eclipse : Subramanian, Arvind. Viva Books ; 2012 9788130920160 216 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.951 TIA 05038345 The China dream and the China path / Zhou, Tianyong, World Scientific Publishing, 2011 9789814472661 xviii, 265 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.951 WUJ 05053222 Whither China? : Wu, Jinglian, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780190223151 (alk. paper) xvii, 331 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.951 YON 05066546 China's economic modernisation and structural changes : World Scientific, 2019 9789811203619 (hc : alk. paper) | 9780000987587 (pbk : alk. paper) xxxi, 325 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.951 ZHE 05064443 Market in state : Zheng, Yongnian, Cambridge universiy press, 2018 9781108473446 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781108461573 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiv, 478 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.95105 COH 05062485 Competing economic paradigms in China : Cohn, Steve, Routledge, 2017 9781138678156 (hardback) 1 Edition. xviii, 357 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.95105 ROS 01027538 Italy's economic revolution : Roselaar, Saskia T. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780198829447 (hardback : alk. paper) 1st edition. xiv,297p.; Knowledge Centre
330.95106 ACH 00109105 India After The Global Crisis / Acharya, Shankar. Orient Blackswan Pvt Ltd., 2012 9788125045090 xiii, 226 p.; UG Library
330.95106 ACH 07004472 India After The Global Crisis / Acharya, Shankar. Orient Blackswan Pvt Ltd., 2012 9788125045090 xiii, 226 p.; Library - BR Campus
330.95106 CHA 00099333 China and the credit crisis : Chance, Giles. John Wiley & Sons (Asia), 9780470825075 (pbk.) | 0470825 xvi, 224 p. ; UG Library
330.95106 DOB 04015271 Graviaty Shift : Dobson, Wendy. Hachette Business Plus ; 2009 9789350092163 240 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.95125 LIK 05056067 Economic freedom : Li, Kui Wai. World Scientific, 2012 9789814368858 (pbk.) | 9789814 xix, 781 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.95125 LIK 05061168 Economic freedom : Li, Kui Wai. World Scientific, 2012 9789814368858 (pbk.) | 9789814 xix, 781 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.9519 KIM 00128974 The Korean economy : Kim, Wan-Soon. Edward Elgar, 2007 9781845429423 (hbk.) | 1845429 xi, 187 p. : UG Library
330.9519 NOL 01013169 Korea after Kim Jong-Il / Noland, Marcus, Institute for International Economics, 088132373X xi, 103 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.95195 EIC 05040768 From miracle to maturity : Eichengreen, Barry J. Published by the Harvard University Asia Center, and distributed by Harvard University Press, 2012 9780674066755 (hbk. : alk. pap xiv, 366 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.95195 KIM 05008273 The new Korea : Kim, Myung Oak, AMACOM, 2010 9780814414897 | 0814414893 (hb vii, 280 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.95195 MIN 05061057 Contemporary South Korean Economy : Min-Hua, Chiang. World Scientific, 2017 9789813207233 xiv, 154 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.952 ALL 05011784 A Short Economic History Of Modern Japan 1867-1937 : Allen, G C. George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1969 043300014 237 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.952 ALL 00005918 A Short Economic History Of Modern Japan 1867-1937 : Allen, G C. George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1969 043300014 237 p.; UG Library
330.952 ALL 00005884 A Short Economic History Of Modern Japan 1867-1937 : Allen, G C. George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1969 043300014 237 p.; UG Library
330.952 ALL 00005883 A Short Economic History Of Modern Japan 1867-1937 : Allen, G C. George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1969 043300014 237 p.; UG Library
330.952 ALL 00005882 A Short Economic History Of Modern Japan 1867-1937 : Allen, G C. George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1969 043300014 237 p.; UG Library
330.952 CAR 01017053 Japan since 1980 / Cargill, Thomas F. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521856720 (hardcover : alk xiv, 314 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.952 EZR 03007680 Kawari : Ezrati, Milton Aurum press, 1999 9781854106612 294 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.952 EZR 04015556 Kawari : Ezrati, Milton Aurum press, 1999 9781854106612 294 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.952 HAM 05046231 Japan's bubble, deflation, and long-term stagnation MIT Press, 2011 9780262014892 (hardcover : alk xi, 420 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.952 MAD 00017483 Economic Growth in Japan and the USSR. Angus Maddison, George Allen & Unwin Ltd: 1969 172 p. UG Library
330.952 MAD 00005917 Economic Growth in Japan and the USSR. Angus Maddison, George Allen & Unwin Ltd: 1969 172 p. UG Library
330.952 MIK 05045577 Power to compete : Mikitani, Hiroshi, 9781119000600 | 9781119001140 1 online resource (242 pages) Knowledge Centre
330.952 MIN 05011853 The Economic Development in Japan : Minaomi, Ryoshin. MacMillan, 1994 9780333596005 2nd ed. xxvi, 386 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.952 SHI 05062605 Mission Incomplete : Shirai, Sayuri. ADB Institute, 2017 9784899740872 ix,171p.; Knowledge Centre
330.952 SHR 05011785 Post-War Economic Development of Japan : Shrestha, B P. Himalaya Publishing House, 1988 93 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.952 TAN 05011854 Japanese Financial Surplus and the World Economy / Tandon, Rameshwar. Vikas, 1997 xxi, 319 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.952 TSU 00006882 A Concise Economic History Of Modern Japan Tsunoyama, Dakae Vora And Co,Publishers: 1965 124 P. UG Library
330.953 HSE 00022855 Indian Economy. Hegde, D A R Chand 1981 565 P. UG Library
330.9536 RAD 05069359 Economic diversification in the Gulf States : El-Radhi, Yesenn. Gerlach Press, 2018 9783959940528 | 3959940521 xiii, 401 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 05008751 The Indian Economy ; Vaidhyananthan, A Orient Longman . 1995 8125003169 xii,115p , ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 01012125 India Arriving : Dossani, Rafiq. AMACOM / American Management Association, 2008 9780814474242 (hardcover) | 08 xi, 291 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.954 ACH 07008655 India's Economy/ Acharya,Shankar Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198074953 XIII,464 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330.954 DAT 00089768 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand Company 2002 8121920450 46th Ed. 942 p. UG Library
330.954 DAT 07007439 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand , 2006 8121902983 | 9788121902984 54th Ed. 976 p.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 DAT 05000606 Indian Economy / Datt, Gaurav. S.Chand and Company, 2011 9788121902984 63st edition 1036 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 GOV 03003263 Economic Survery 2009-10 Government of India Oxford Universtiy Press 9780198068341 294 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 KAL 03000084 India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium Kalam, A P J Abdul Penguin Books 9780140278330 324 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 KAL 07005481 Beyond 2020 A Vision for Tomorrow's India : Penguin Viking, 2014 9780670087969 281p.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 KAL 05041142 Beyond 2020 A Vision for Tomorrow's India : Penguin Viking, 2014 9780670087969 281p.: Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAN 05068830 Incredible India 2.0 : Kant, Amitabh Rupa Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2019 9789353337208 xvi, 224p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 05010093 Understanding the Problems of Indian Economy Kapila, Uma Academic Foundation 8171883281 484p Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 05009141 Indian Economy Since Independence Kapila, Uma Academic Foundation 8171882714 938p Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 05008754 India`s Economy in the 21st Century: a Collection of Select Articles Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation 8171882668 440p Knowledge Centre
330.954 LEW 00008835 Economic survey 1919-1939 Lewis,Arthur.W George Allen and Unwin : 1949 221 p. UG Library
330.954 MAL 00133565 A new paradigm to indian economy: N,Mallesh Sarup book publishers pvt ltd., 2018 9789352081172 xxiii,346p.; UG Library
330.954 MAL 03013000 A new paradigm to indian economy: N,Mallesh Sarup book publishers pvt ltd., 2018 9789352081172 xxiii,346p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 MIS 00132826 Indian economy Mishra,S.K Wisdom press, 2018 9789386053381 212p.; UG Library
330.954 MIS 00132891 Indian economy Mishra,S.K Wisdom press, 2018 9789386053411 270p.; UG Library
330.954 MIS 05010624 Indian Economy / Misra, S K. Himalaya Publishing House Pvt.Ltd. 1983 9789350242674 xxviii, 824p Knowledge Centre
330.954 MIS 05009152 Indian Economy / Misra, S K. Himalaya Publishing House Pvt.Ltd. 1983 9789350242674 xxviii, 824p Knowledge Centre
330.954 MIS 05015104 Indian Economy / Misra, S K. Himalaya Publishing House Pvt.Ltd. 1983 9789350242674 xxviii, 824p Knowledge Centre
330.954 MIS 07014924 Indian economy Mishra,S.K Wisdom press, 2018 9789386053411 270p.; Library - BR Campus
330.954 MOR 03002114 From Akbar to Aurangzeb Moreland, W H Low Price Publications 9788175364653 364 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 MUK 05008678 India`s Economic Transition : Mukherji, Rahul Oxford University Press , 2007 0195690788 x ,460 p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 MUK 05008748 Decentralised Planning and Panchayatraj Mukherji, Pranab Iss 74 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 MUR 03001975 Better India a Better World Murthy, Narayana N R Penguin 9780670082834 290 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 PC 05024115 Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-2012. Commission, Planning Planning Commssion 2008 9780195696509 xxiv,450p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 PLAN 03003264 Karnataka Development Report Planning Commission Academic Foundation 9788171885794 720 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 RIC 07009318 Economic Dynamics in a Changing World / Rich,David Z. Viva Books, 2016 9789385919183 ix,261p.; Library - BR Campus
330.954 RIC 05048722 Economic Dynamics in a Changing World / Rich,David Z. Viva Books, 2016 9789385919183 ix,261p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 SAB 00098063 History of Modern Indian Economy. Sabahuddin, Abdul Global Vision Publishing House; 2010 9788182203488 353 p. UG Library
330.954 UMA 05008688 Industry and Foreign Trade / Kapila, Uma Acadamic Foundation : 1993 430 p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 VAN 00040891 India in a Changing World Vanaik,Achin Orient Longman Publications 1995 8125006354 146 p. UG Library
330.954 VAN 00042525 India in a Changing World Vanaik,Achin Orient Longman Publications 1995 8125006354 146 p. UG Library
330.954 ACH 05011838 India`s Economy : Acharya, Shankar. Academic Foundation, 2003 9788171883202 180 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 ACH 10004391 Quest for Restoring Financial Stability in India / Acharya, Viral V 9780143461456 xxxi, 328 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 ACH 05073012 Quest for restoring financial stability in india / Acharya, Viral V. Sage, 2020 9789353884895 iv,330p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 ACH 10001375 Quest for Restoring Financial Stability in India / Acharya, Viral V. Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd, 2020 9789353884895 xxv, 330p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 ACH 10005332 Quest for Restoring Financial Stability in India / Acharya, Viral V. Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd, 2020 9789353884895 xxv, 330p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 ADB 05011832 Trade Policy, Industrial Performance, and Private Sector Development in India / Asian Development Bank Oxford University Press , 2008 0195694279 xx ,326p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 AF 05008753 India`s Five Year Plans: Complete Documents Plus Mid Term Appraisal Planning Commission - Government of Indi, a Academic Foundation 8171884830 218p Knowledge Centre
330.954 AF 05008752 India Vision 2020: Gupta,S.P Academic Foundation , 2005 8171883508 958p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 AF 05024129 Report on Conditions of Work and Promotion of Livelihoods in the Unorganised Sector Academic Foundation Academic Foundation, 2008 8171886787 xiv,376p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 AF 05011887 Indian Economy Documents ; Academic Foundation Academic Foundation , 2003 8171883141 268p, ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 AFO 00058433 Tenth Five Yer Plan 2002 - 2007 - India`s Five Yer Plans: Complete Documents Academic Foundation Academic Foundation 8171883001 222p UG Library
330.954 AGA 00019921 Indian Economy Agarwal, A N Vikas 1979 1 UG Library
330.954 AGA 00038845 Indian Economy Agarwal, A N Wishwa Prakash 1995 678 p. UG Library
330.954 AGA 00038846 Indian Economy Agarwal, A N Wishwa Prakash 1995 678 p. UG Library
330.954 AGA 00026149 Indian Economics Problems Development Planning Agarwal, A N Vani 1985 1 UG Library
330.954 AGA 00026150 Indian Economics Problems Development Planning Agarwal, A N Vani 1985 1 UG Library
330.954 AGA 01014194 India's economic future : Social Science Press ; | Distributed by Orient BlackSwan, 9788187358176 xviii, 275 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.954 AGA 00025946 Indian Economy:Problems of Development and Planning. Agrawal, A N Vikas 1986 628 P. UG Library
330.954 AGA 05018113 India's economic future : Social Science Press ; | Distributed by Orient BlackSwan, 9788187358176 xviii, 275 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.954 AGR 05012225 Indian Economy : Agrawal, A N. Wishwa Prakashan, 1999 8173280983 xv, 740 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 AGR 00124361 Indian Economy Agrawal A.N. New Age International Ltd, 2016 9788122440119 41 ed, xv, 702 p.: UG Library
330.954 AGR 00027601 Indian Economy Problems of Development and Planning Agarwal, A.n Typograpers 680 p UG Library
330.954 AGR 00090130 Shaping India of Our Dreams: Agrawal, K C Crusade India 2004 0819016421 397p UG Library
330.954 AGR 05012262 Indian Economy ; Agarwal, A N Wishwa Prakashan . 1995 8173280533 xv ,678p ,; Knowledge Centre
330.954 AGR 05008769 Indian Economy [problems and Development and Planning ] Agarwal, A N 685p Knowledge Centre
330.954 AGR 00038876 Indian Economy Agrawal, A N Wishwa Prakashan 1996 735 p UG Library
330.954 AGR 00038877 Indian Economy Agarwal, A N Wishwa Prakasan 1996 728 p UG Library
330.954 AGR 01001058 Indian Economy : Agrawal,A N . Wishwa Prakashan, 2004 8173281122 743p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 AGR 01001059 Indian Economy : Agrawal,A N . Wishwa Prakashan, 2004 8173281122 743p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 AGR 00023644 Indian Economy Agrawal, A N Vikas 1983 1 UG Library
330.954 AGR 00136783 Indian Economy: Agrawal, A N New Age International publishers, 2019 9788122426977 | 9789387788985 43rd ed., xvi,783p.; UG Library
330.954 AGR 00023645 Indian Economy Agrawal, A N Vikas 1983 1 UG Library
330.954 AGR 00029522 Indian Economy Problems of Development and Planning Agaewal, A N Wiley Eastern Ltd: 1988 711 p. UG Library
330.954 AGR 00074736 Economic Environment of India / Agrawal, Raj Excel Books Private Management : 2006 8183230024 472 p. UG Library
330.954 AGR 00074737 Economic Environment of India / Agrawal, Raj Excel Books Private Management : 2006 8183230024 472 p. UG Library
330.954 AGR 01001036 Indian Economy : Agrawal,A N. Wishwa Prakashan, 2005 8173281149 743p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 AGR 01001061 Indian Economy : Agrawal,A N. Wishwa Prakashan, 2005 8173281149 743p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 AGR 01001060 Indian Economy : Agrawal,A N. Wishwa Prakashan, 2005 8173281149 743p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 AGR 00145292 Indian economy : Agrawal, A.N. New age international publishers, 2023 9789393159731 44th ed xvi,791p.; UG Library
330.954 AGR 05009093 Economic Environment of India / Agrawal, Raj Excel Books Private Management : 2006 8183230024 472 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 AGR 05009094 Economic Environment of India / Agrawal, Raj Excel Books Private Management : 2006 8183230024 472 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 AGR 05008763 Indian Economy: Problems of Development and Planning L [PG Economics] Agrawal, A N New Age International Publishers 8122418724 743p Knowledge Centre
330.954 AGR 07002219 Reviving growth in India / Agrawal, Pradeep Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107090330 (hardback) xiv, 401 pages : Library - BR Campus
330.954 AGR 01001080 Indian Economy : Agrawal,A N. New Age International, 2006 8122418724 743p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 AGR 00020169 Indian Economy Agarwal, A N Vikas 1975 1 UG Library
330.954 AGR 00020170 Indian Economy Agarwal, A N Vikas 1975 1 UG Library
330.954 AGR 00020171 Indian Economy Agarwal, A N Vikas 1975 1 UG Library
330.954 AGR 00091900 Indian Economy Agrawal, A N New Age International publishers 9788122426977 766p UG Library
330.954 AGR1 05011900 Shaping India of Our Dreams: Agrawal, K C Crusade India 2004 0819016421 397p Knowledge Centre
330.954 AGR2 01001026 Indian Economy : Agrawal,A N . Wishwa Prakashan, 2004 8173281122 743p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 AHL 00109211 India's Economic Reforms and Development Ahluwalia,Isher Judge Oxford University Press, 1998 9780198082231 2nd Ed. viii, 459 p. ; UG Library
330.954 AHL 00043848 India`s Economic Reforms and Development [ Essays for Manmohan Singh ] Ahluwalia, Isher Judge Oxford Univ 404p UG Library
330.954 AHM 00106222 India's new economic policy : Ahmed,Waquar ,and Kundu,amitabh . Routledge, 2011 9780415801881 (hardback) | 0415801885 (hardback) | 9780203846810 (ebook) | 0203846818 (ebook) | 9788131604113 xii, 321 p. : UG Library
330.954 AHM 05011884 Job Creation and Poverty Reduction in India ; Ahmed, Sadiq The World Bank . 2007 9780761936510 350p ,; Knowledge Centre
330.954 AHM 05031548 India's new economic policy : Ahmed,Waquar ,and Kundu,amitabh . Routledge, 2011 9780415801881 (hardback) | 0415801885 (hardback) | 9780203846810 (ebook) | 0203846818 (ebook) | 9788131604113 xii, 321 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.954 AHM 07006942 India's new economic policy : Ahmed,Waquar ,and Kundu,amitabh . Routledge, 2011 9780415801881 (hardback) | 0415801885 (hardback) | 9780203846810 (ebook) | 0203846818 (ebook) | 9788131604113 xii, 321 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.954 AHM 05010508 India's new economic policy : Ahmed,Waquar ,and Kundu,amitabh . Routledge, 2011 9780415801881 (hardback) | 0415801885 (hardback) | 9780203846810 (ebook) | 0203846818 (ebook) | 9788131604113 xii, 321 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.954 ANN 00142820 Issues in Indian public policies Annigeri,Vinod B Springer, 2018 9789811695919 xviii,225p.; UG Library
330.954 ANN 10002270 Issues in Indian public policies / Springer, 2018 9789811695919 xviii, 225p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 ANO 05009125 Indian States at a 2006-07 Andhra Pradesh : Bhandari, Laveeshj DORLING KINDERSLEY , 2007 8131706400 X,124p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 APA 00021023 Bharathda Arthashastra Parichaya. (II PUC TEXT) Aparnaji, N R Vijaya 1980 310 p. UG Library
330.954 APA 00033334 Elements of Indian Economics Aparanji, N R Vijaya 1987 1 UG Library
330.954 ARO 00002651 The Modern Economic History of India Arokiaswami M Newman Book House 1957 368 p UG Library
330.954 ARO 07013761 Globalished Economy and Banking Sector/ Arora,Neha Random Publication, 2019 9789352692736 VI,296 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330.954 ARO 07014346 Globalished Economy and Banking Sector/ Arora,Neha Random Publication, 2019 9789352692736 VI,296 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330.954 ARU 00069097 The Black Economy in India Arunkumar Penguin Books: 1999 0143028677 353 p. UG Library
330.954 ARY 05010629 Economic Reforms in India from Fist to Second Generation and Beyond Arya, P P Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 8176294357 679p Knowledge Centre
330.954 ASA 05011770 Peasant Movement in Karnataka: 1980 - 94 / Assadi, H Muzaffar Shipra Publications , 1997 8185402876 320 p,; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BAJ 00055711 Post-Reform Leading Issues of Indian Economy: Bajpai, A D N Atlantic 2002 8171568254 580p UG Library
330.954 BAJ 00055712 Post-Reform Leading Issues of Indian Economy: Bajpai, A D N Atlantic 2002 8171568254 580p UG Library
330.954 BAJ 00085829 Social & Economic Profile of India Bajpai, Peeyush Social Science Press 2005 8187358165 173 p UG Library
330.954 BAL 05011843 India and the World Economy 1850-1950 : Balachandran, G Oxford University Press, 2005 0195672348 319 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.954 BAL 00000588 Understanding India's Economy. Bhattacharyya,Dhires Progressive Publishers: 1969 146 p. UG Library
330.954 BAL 05011840 India and The World Economy 1850-1950 / Balachandran, G Oxford University Press, 2003 9780195659825 xi, 319 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.954 BAN 05007286 Economic and human development in contemporary India : Banerjee, Debdas. Routledge, 2010 9780415559744 (hbk. : alk. pap xvii, 229 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.954 BAN 05009103 India: Joing the World Economy / Banerji, Kalyan,and Vakil,Tarjani . Tata McGraw-Hill . 1995 0074620932 241 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 BAN 01008187 Economic Reform and Vision of North-East India / Banerjee,Amalesh. Kanishka Publishers, 2007 Apurba Kumar RedhiSECTION III INDUSTRY13. Agri-Industries and the North-East Economy: Problemsand Prospects 426p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BAN 05009102 India Joinignt the World Economy / Banerji, Kalyan, and Vakil,Tarjani . Tata MacGraw-Hill . 1995 0074620932 241 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 BAN 05011780 Renewing Governance [ Issues and Options ] Banerjee, Ajit 1996 0074620886 451p Knowledge Centre
330.954 BAN 05067474 In Quest Of The Historian's Craft : Manohar, 2018 9789350981962 xxvi, 512p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BAN 05009104 India: Joining the World Economy / Banerjee, Kalyan, and Vakil,Tarjani . Tata McGraw -Hill . 1995 0074620932 228p Knowledge Centre
330.954 BAR 05009117 Poverty, Agrarian Structure, and Political Economy in India / Bardhan, Pranab Oxford University Press , 2003 0195661176 xv ,350p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BAR 05009116 Poverty, Agrarian Structure & Political Economy in India: Selected Essays Bardhan, Pranab Oxford 350p Knowledge Centre
330.954 BAR 05016810 Strategic Consequences of India s Economic Performance [MA ECONOMICS] Baru Sanaya Academic Foundation 8171885586 495 Knowledge Centre
330.954 BAR 05009143 Strategic Consequences of India`s Economic Performance / Baru, Sanjaya Academic Foundation , 2006 8171885586 496p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 BAS 05008677 The concise Oxford companion to economics in India / Oxford University Press, 9780198063131 | 019806313X x, 617 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BAS 05024124 India`s Emerging Economy: Basu, Kaushik MIT Press, 2004 0000263026 | 9780262025560 viii,319p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BAS 05012269 The Oxford Companion to Economics in India / Basu, Kaushik Oxford University Press . 2007 0195669843 | 9780195669848 ix, 584p, ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BAS 07011497 An Economist in the Real World Basu, Kaushik Penguin Books India Pvt. Ltd., 2016 9780670088751 xv, 240 p:. Library - BR Campus
330.954 BAS 00126195 The New Oxford Companion to Economics in India / Oxford university press, 2012 9780198078555 V, II p. UG Library
330.954 BAS 00126196 The New Oxford Companion to Economics in India / Oxford university press, 2012 9780198078555 V, II p. UG Library
330.954 BAS 05009137 The Oxford Companion to Economics in India / Basu, Kaushik Oxford University Press . 2007 0195669843 | 9780195669848 ix, 584p, ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BAS 01007710 The Oxford companion to economics in India / Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195693522 Rev. ed. x, 614 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BAS 05048009 Mapping India's capitalism : Palgrave macmillan, 2015 9781137536334 | 1137536330 xiii, 255 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BAS 00021850 Elements of Indian Economics Basava, K D Vijaya 1982 1 UG Library
330.954 BAS 00021851 Elements of Indian Economics Basava, K D Vijaya 1982 1 UG Library
330.954 BAS 00021852 Elements of Indian Economics Basava, K D Vijaya 1982 1 UG Library
330.954 BAS 00021853 Elements of Indian Economics Basava, K D Vijaya 1982 1 UG Library
330.954 BAS 05011799 Development Policy and Economic Theory / Basu, Koushik Oxford University Press , 1992 x ,323 ,; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BAS 03006556 The New Oxford Companion to Economics in India / Oxford university press, 2012 9780198078555 V, II p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 BAS 03006557 The New Oxford Companion to Economics in India / Oxford university press, 2012 9780198078555 V, II p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 BAS 05008369 The New Oxford Companion to Economics in India / Oxford university press, 2012 9780198078555 V, II p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 BAS 05008370 The New Oxford Companion to Economics in India / Oxford university press, 2012 9780198078555 V, II p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 BAS 00148007 Policymaker's Jorunal : Basu, Kaushik. Simon & Schuster India, 2022 9789392099236 xxix, 521p. ; UG Library
330.954 BAS 05011862 India's Emerging Economy : Basu, Kaushik Oxford University Press : 2004 0097801977 xi,319p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 BAS 00123598 An Economist in the Real World Basu, Kaushik Penguin Books India Pvt. Ltd., 2016 9780670088751 xv, 240 p:. UG Library
330.954 BAS 05008756 India`s Emerging Economy : Performance and Prospects in the 1990s and Beyond / Basu, Kaushik Oxford University Press 2004 0195670094 319 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.954 BAS 10002437 Policymaker's Jorunal : Basu, Kaushik. Simon & Schuster India, 2022 9789392099236 xxix, 521p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 BAT 00055425 Globalisation and Liberalisation: New Developments Batra, G S Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2001 8176291129 240p UG Library
330.954 BEH 00006114 Current Economic Problems : With Special Reference to India Behari Bepin Vikas Publications 1965 388 p UG Library
330.954 BER 00061293 Mid-Year Review of the Indian Economy:2003-2004 Bery, K Suman Shipra 2004 8175411880 152 p. UG Library
330.954 BER 05011797 India Policy Forum 2005/06 / Bery, Suman. Sage, 2006 0761935401 | 9780761935407 xx, 288 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 05009129 Indian States at a Glance 2006-07 JAMMU AND KASHMIR : Bhandari, Laveesh DORLING KINDERSLEY , 2007 8131706478 X,118p, ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 05009134 Indian States at Aglance 2006-07 JHARKHAND ; Bhandari, Laveesh DORLING KINDERSLEY , 2007 8131706524 x ,120p ,; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 05011920 Indian States at a Glance 2006-07 Karnataka [pg.Lib.Economics Section] Bhandari, Laveesh DORLING KINDERSLEY 8131706591 122p Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 05009124 Indian States at a Glance 2006-07 KERALA : Bhandari, Laveesh DORLING KINDERSLEY , 2007 8131706583 X,117p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 05009118 Indian States at a Glance 2006-07 MADHYA PRADESHI : Bhandari, Laveesh DORLING KINDERSLEY , 2007 0813170646 X,150p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 05009131 Indian States at a Glance 2006-07 MAHARASHTRA ; Bhandari, Laveesh DORLING KINDERSLEY , 2007 8131706575 x,150p , ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 05009133 Indian States at a Glance 2006-07 the North-East and Sikkim : Bhandari, Laveesh DORLING KINDERSLEY , 2007 8131706532 X,162p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 05009132 Indian States at a Glance 2006-07 ORISSA : Bhandari, Laveesh DORLING KINDERSLEY , 2007 8131706567 X,120p , ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 05009119 Indian States at a Glance 2006-07 PUNJAB [pg.Lib.Economics Section] Bhandari, Laveeshj DORLING KINDERSLEY 8131706508 120p Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 05009130 Indian States at a Glance 2006-07 RAJASTHAN ; Bhandari, Laveesh DORLING KINDERSLEY , 2007 8131706443 x ,120p , ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 05009120 Indian States at a Glance 2006-07 TAMIL NADU ; Bhandari, Laveesh DORLING KINDERSLEY , 2007 8131706540 x,117p , ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 05009122 Indian States at a Glance 2006-07 Union Territories and Small States : Pearson, 2007 8131706427 | 9788131706428 x, 138 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 05009121 Indian States at a Glance 2006-07 UTTARANCHAL ; Bhandari, Laveesh DORLING KINDERSLEY , 2007 8131706419 x,108p ,; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 05009151 Indian States at a Glance 2006-07 UTTAR PRADESH : Bhandari, Laveesh Pearson Education , 2007 8131706435 x,152p , ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 05009149 WEST BENGAL : By Bhandari, Laveesh, and Kale,Sumita . DORLING KINDERSLEY , 2007 8131706559 122p Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 00125648 Essays in Modern Indian Economic History Bhattacharaya,Sabyasachi Primus: 2014 9789384082543 306 p. UG Library
330.954 BHA 05011665 Employment and Development:Essays from an Unorthodox Perspective [MA-ECONOMICS SECTION] Bhaduri, Amit 0195680820 237p Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 00023817 Rolling Plan A New Experiment fot a Developing Economy Bhargava Gopal Sterling 1982 138 p UG Library
330.954 BHA 00004278 Understanding India`s Economy. Bhattacharyya, Dhires Progressive: 1969 322 p. UG Library
330.954 BHA 00017735 Understanding India's Economy. Bhattacharyya,Dhires Progressive Publishers: 1969 146 p. UG Library
330.954 BHA 00017590 Understanding India's Economy. Bhattacharyya,Dhires Progressive Publishers: 1969 146 p. UG Library
330.954 BHA 00017588 Understanding India's Economy. Bhattacharyya,Dhires Progressive Publishers: 1969 146 p. UG Library
330.954 BHA 00006109 Understanding India`s Economy. Bhattacharyya, Dhires Progressive: 1969 322 p. UG Library
330.954 BHA 05062078 Economic geography / Bhat, L. S., ed. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199458820 (2volume set) | 9780199458417 (Volume 1) | 0199458413 (Volume 1) | 9780199458424 (Volume 2) | 0199458421 (Volume 1) First edition. 2 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 05062079 Economic geography / Bhat, L. S., ed. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199458820 (2volume set) | 9780199458417 (Volume 1) | 0199458413 (Volume 1) | 9780199458424 (Volume 2) | 0199458421 (Volume 1) First edition. 2 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 05067597 India : Bhattacharjee, Govind. Ane Books Pvt Ltd., 2019 9789388264884 200p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 05018101 India's Reforms : Bhagwati,Jagdish edit.. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198089582 xii,282 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 00030850 Indian Economy Bhatia, H L UBSPD 1988 752 p./ UG Library
330.954 BHA 05008736 India and the World Bhandare, Namita ROLI BOOKS PVT LTD 8174364013 228p Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 00017514 Understanding India`s Economy. Bhattacharyya, Dhires Progressive: 1969 322 p. UG Library
330.954 BHA 05045737 Essays in Modern Indian Economic History : Primus Books, 2014 9789380607986 xv,306p.: Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 00017589 Understanding India`s Economy. Bhattacharyya, Dhires Progressive: 1969 322 p. UG Library
330.954 BHA 00017803 Understanding India`s Economy. Bhattacharyya, Dhires Progressive: 1969 322 p. UG Library
330.954 BHA 00017818 Understanding India`s Economy. Bhattacharyya, Dhires Progressive: 1969 322 p. UG Library
330.954 BHA 00017804 Understanding India`s Economy. Bhattacharyya, Dhires Progressive: 1969 322 p. UG Library
330.954 BHA 00017515 Understanding India's Economy. Bhattacharyya,Dhires Progressive Publishers: 1969 146 p. UG Library
330.954 BHA 00006112 Understanding India's Economy. Bhattacharyya,Dhires Progressive Publishers: 1969 146 p. UG Library
330.954 BHA 00006111 Understanding India's Economy. Bhattacharyya,Dhires Progressive Publishers: 1969 146 p. UG Library
330.954 BHA 00000735 Understanding India's Economy. Bhattacharyya,Dhires Progressive Publishers: 1969 146 p. UG Library
330.954 BHA 00001207 Impact of Foreign Aid On Indian Economic Development Bhatt, V V Popular Prakashan: 1967 69 P. UG Library
330.954 BHA 00147904 The Indian Economy: Bhattacharyya, Rajib Routledge, 2024 9781032887999 xxiv,277p, ; UG Library
330.954 BHA 05012251 Mathematics for Economics and Business. Bharadwaj, R S Excel Books 2005 354 Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 05011899 Exteranal Sector Reforms in India (MA ECO) Bhasin, Niti New Century Publications 2005 8177080857 347p Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 05011774 The Intelligent Person's Guide to Liberalization / Bhaduri, Amit Penguin Books , 1996 xiii ,194p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 07011812 Black money and indian economy / Bhadane, Jaywant R International Publication, 2018 9788193615812 v,280p.; Library - BR Campus
330.954 BHA 05009123 Indian States at a Glance 2006-07 ASSAM : Bhandari, Laveesh DORLING KINDERSLEY , 2007 8131706516 X,120p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 05009135 Indian States at a Glance 2006-07 BIHAR : Bhandari, Laveesh Pearson , 2007 8131706397 x ,150p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 05024574 Indian States at a Glance 2006-07 CHHATTISGARH ; Bhandari, Laveesh DORLING KINDERSLEY , 2007 8131706494 x,120p ,; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 05009127 Indian States at a Glance 2006-07 Gujarath : Bhandari, Laveesh DORLING KINDERSLEY , 2007 8131706389 X ,120p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 05009126 Indian States at a Glance 2006-07 HARYANA : Bhandari, Laveesh DORLING KINDERSLEY , 2007 8131706451 X,120p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHA 05009128 Indian States at a Glance 2006-07 HIMACHAL PRADESH ; Bhandari, Laveesh Pearson , 2007 8131706486 x ,105p, ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BHI 00147587 India,s Economy: Bhinchar, Randheer Singh Book Enclave, 2024 9789392262845 ix,245p. ; UG Library
330.954 BIJ 03010614 A Never-Before World : Bijapurkar, Rama. Penguin Books, 2013 9780670086795 | 0670086797 xiii, 354 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 BIJ 05040538 A Never-Before World : Bijapurkar, Rama. Penguin Books, 2013 9780670086795 | 0670086797 xiii, 354 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.954 BIR 00104174 Stages of Capital : Birla Ritu Orient BlackSwan ; 2009 9788125041467 346 p. UG Library
330.954 BIS 05011820 Economic Reforms in India Biswanath, Singh APH 8176484539 438p Knowledge Centre
330.954 BIS 05011890 India in Global Economy: Beyond Reform and Rhetoric Bisht, Pushpa Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 8176295418 160p Knowledge Centre
330.954 BOI 01013797 The Economy of India : Boillot,Jean-Joseph Gyan Publishing House, 9788121209489 153p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 BRA 00025073 IMF Loan and India`s Economic Future Brahmananda, P. R. Himalaya 1982 96 p. UG Library
330.954 BRA 00022294 IMF Loan and India`s Economic Future Brahmananda, P. R. Himalaya 1982 96 p. UG Library
330.954 BRA 05011919 Public Sector Today : Bramhachary, Om Prakash. Deep and Deep Publications, 1995 8171007155 x ,306 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.954 BUD 04010899 Doing business in India Budhwar Pawan S. Routledge, 2011 9780415777544 (hardback) | 041 xvi, 279 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.954 CAG 05008770 Indian Economy : Agarwal, A N Wishwa Prakashan , 1995 9788122432534 xiv ,678 p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 CAL 05021666 India at the Crossroads : Callen, Tim ed. International Monetary Fund : 2001 1557759928 ix ,192p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 CAS 05011898 India:The Future of Economic Reform Carsen, Robert 1995 Knowledge Centre
330.954 CEN 05061079 Economics For Civil Services Examinations / Cengage, 2018 9789386858481 xx, 438 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 CHA 00125647 Essays in Medieval Indian Economic History Chandra Satish Primus, 2014 9789384082536 302 p. UG Library
330.954 CHA 07002812 Reimagining India : Chandler, Clay. Simon & Schuster, 2013 9781476735306 (hbk.) | 9781476 First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition. xxv, 400 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.954 CHA 05062379 Maxcroeconomics of the Black Economy / Chattopadhyay,Saumen. Orient BlackSwan, 2018 9789352872817 xx,276p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 CHA 00105959 The governance discourse : Chakrabarty, Bidyut. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195696646 (hbk.) | 0195696 xvi, 330 p. ; UG Library
330.954 CHA 07012538 The Indian economy in transition : Chakrabarti, Anjan. Cambridge university press, 2016 9781107076112 (hardback) xiv, 213 pages ; Library - BR Campus
330.954 CHA 00111750 Dynamics of Indian Economy/ Chaudhary, c.M. Oxford Book Company, 2012 9789350300411 248p.; UG Library
330.954 CHA 05011830 Development Planning : Chakravarthy, Sukhamoy. Oxford University Press, 1994 vii, 137 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.954 CHA 04009430 The great Indian dream : Chaudhuri, Arindam Vikas Publishing House, 2003 9788125933120 247 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.954 CHA 00061481 The Great Indian Dream : Chaudhuri, Malay Macmillan India Ltd., 2003 140391137 xx ,251 p.; UG Library
330.954 CHA 05046303 The Indian economy in transition : Chakrabarti, Anjan. Cambridge university press, 2016 9781107076112 (hardback) xiv, 213 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 CHA 03010852 Reimagining India : Chandler, Clay. Simon & Schuster, 2013 9781476735306 (hbk.) | 9781476 First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition. xxv, 400 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 CHA 05045736 Essays in Medieval Indian Economic History : Chandra,Satish Primus Books, 2014 9789380607580 2nd xv,302p.: Knowledge Centre
330.954 CHA 05062407 Kautilyan Arthasastra / Chande, M.B. Atlantic publishers & distributors (P) Ltd, 2018 9788171567331 xviii,470p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 CHA 05035555 Great Indian Dream : Chaudhuri, Malay. Macmillan, 2003 xx,253p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 CHA 00118283 Essays in ancient Indian economic history / Chattopadhyaya, Brajadulal Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 1987 9789380607559 viii [i.e. xviii], 240 p. ; UG Library
330.954 CHA 00025975 The Indian Economy Poverty and Developement Chaudhuri, Pramit VikasPublishing: 1982 276 P. UG Library
330.954 CHA 05026845 The Great Indian Dream : Chaudhuri, Malay Macmillan India Ltd., 2003 140391137 xx ,251 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 CHA 00050460 Antidote [ Essays Against the Socialist Indian State ] Chakraverti, Sauvik 2000 0333933907 184p UG Library
330.954 CHA 05008742 Economic Development of India and Japan / Chacko, K C Vikas Publication : 1993 0706970535 xi ,372 p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 CHA1 05011768 Transition and Development in India [ma-Economics] Chakrabarti, Anjan 2003 0415934869 374p Knowledge Centre
330.954 CHO 05008746 Globalisation, Governance Reforms and Development in India / Choudhary, Kameshwar Sage Publications , 2007 9780761935834 xiii ,552p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 CHO 07014132 Trade and investment in South Asia : Choudhury, Rahul Gupta, World Scientific, 2019 9789811206566 1 Edition. xvi,184p.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 CHO 00090804 Transformation of Indian Economy Manmohan to Mckinsey Vol.1 Chowdary, Nagendra V ICFAI 2008 0817881062 178p UG Library
330.954 CMI 05009139 View from the Outside : Chidambaram, P. Penguin Books, 2007 0670081167 | 9780143063759 372 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.954 COH 05011886 India Emerging Power / Cohen, Stephen P Oxford University Press : 2004 0195662105 xxii ,377p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 COR 03010070 India Economy Politics Society / Corbridgr,Stuart. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199450596 xv,384p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 COR 07002131 India Economy Politics Society / Corbridgr,Stuart. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199450596 xv,384p.; Library - BR Campus
330.954 COR 05038672 India Economy Politics Society / Corbridgr,Stuart. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199450596 xv,384p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 CRO 05042230 Dream zones : Cross, Jamie, Pluto Press, 2014 9780745333724 (pbk.) xi, 226 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAH 05011767 India and the Knowledge Economy ( Law Lib ) Carl Dahlman World Bank 2005 0821362070 178p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAH 05011851 India and the Knowledge Economy : Dahlman, Carl. The World Bank . 2005 0821362070 xxxiii ,178p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAN 05011885 Economic Policy Modelling for India / Pandit .V Oxford University Press , 2004 0195666151 xiv ,265p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAS 00074541 India Unbound: Das, Gurucharan Penguin Books 2002 0140278230 500 p. UG Library
330.954 DAS 00110182 India Grows at Night : Das,Gurcharan. Penguin Books, Limited , 2012 9780670084708 307 p.: UG Library
330.954 DAS 04017433 India Grows at Night : Das,Gurcharan. Penguin Books, Limited , 2012 9780670084708 307 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.954 DAS 00129518 India Unbound / Das, Gurcharan. New York, NY : | Penguin Book, 2017 9780143429746 xx, 420 p. ; UG Library
330.954 DAS 05009144 India Unbound: from Independence to the Global Information Age [MA-ECONOMICS SECTION] Das, Gurcharan 0143063014 419p Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAS 00073052 India Unbound: Das, Gurucharan Penguin Books 2002 0140278230 500 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 DAT 05008767 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddra S Chand 972p Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 05008761 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S.Chand Company Ltd 971p Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 05012264 Introduction to India`s Economic Develpement Since the Nineteenth Century Datta, Amlan Popular 88 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 01014106 Indian Economy / Datt, Gaurav. S.Chand and Company, 2011 9788121902984 63st edition 1036 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 07012820 Indian Economy. Datt, Gaurav S Chand & Company, 2016 9789352531295 72st ed. xvii, 1061p. Library - BR Campus
330.954 DAT 00073670 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand , 2006 8121902983 | 9788121902984 54th Ed. 976 p.: UG Library
330.954 DAT 00073671 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand , 2006 8121902983 | 9788121902984 54th Ed. 976 p.: UG Library
330.954 DAT 00095801 Indian Economy Datt Gaurav S.Chand & Company LTD 9788121902984 998P UG Library
330.954 DAT 00089725 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand , 2006 8121902983 | 9788121902984 54th Ed. 976 p.: UG Library
330.954 DAT 00038794 Indian Economy Datt S Chand 1996 1 UG Library
330.954 DAT 00038795 Indian Economy Datt S Chand 1996 1 UG Library
330.954 DAT 00092815 Indian Economy / Datt,Ruddar. S.Chand & company Ltd, 1965 8121902983 59th ed. 997p.; UG Library
330.954 DAT 00038796 Indian Economy Datt,Rudder S.Chand & Company Ltd 1996 35th Edition 844 p. UG Library
330.954 DAT 00038854 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand & Company Ltd 1996 5th Revised Edition 844 p. UG Library
330.954 DAT 00038853 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand & Company Ltd 1996 5th Revised Edition 844 p. UG Library
330.954 DAT 00038903 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand & Company Ltd 1996 5th Revised Edition 844 p. UG Library
330.954 DAT 00122539 Datt & Sundharam's Indian economy Datt, Gaurav S Chand 2015 9789385401749 71st ed. 1060p. UG Library
330.954 DAT 00122540 Datt & Sundharam's Indian economy Datt, Gaurav S Chand 2015 9789385401749 71st ed. 1060p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 DAT 00104816 Indian Economy / Datt, Gaurav. S.Chand and Company, 2011 9788121902984 63st edition 1036 p. UG Library
330.954 DAT 00104817 Indian Economy / Datt, Gaurav. S.Chand and Company, 2011 9788121902984 63st edition 1036 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 DAT 05008768 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand 8121902983 910p Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 05008764 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand 8121902983 910p Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 00044335 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand Company Ltd: 1998 39th Edition 892 p, UG Library
330.954 DAT 00090687 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand Company Ltd: 1998 39th Edition 892 p, UG Library
330.954 DAT 00143692 Indian Economy. Datt, Gaurav S Chand & Company, 2016 9789352531295 72st ed. xvii, 1061p. UG Library
330.954 DAT 10001220 Indian Economy / Datt, Gaurav. S Chand And Company Limited, 1965 9789352531295 72 ed xvi,1072p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 DAT 01000068 Indian Economy / Datt,Ruddar. S.Chand & company Ltd, 1965 8121902983 59th ed. 997p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 01001025 Indian Economy / Datt,Ruddar. S.Chand & company Ltd, 1965 8121902983 59th ed. 997p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 01001195 Indian Economy / Datt,Ruddar. S.Chand & company Ltd, 1965 8121902983 59th ed. 997p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 01002538 Indian Economy / Datt,Ruddar. S.Chand & company Ltd, 1965 8121902983 59th ed. 997p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 00126149 Indian Economy. Datt, Gaurav S Chand & Company, 2016 9789352531295 72st ed. xvii, 1061p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 DAT 05033804 Indian Economy / Datt,Ruddar. S.Chand & company Ltd, 1965 8121902983 59th ed. 997p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 05011917 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand & Co 834 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 00049576 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand & Com 2000 8121902983 First Edition 990 p UG Library
330.954 DAT 00049577 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand & Com 2000 8121902983 First Edition 990 p UG Library
330.954 DAT 05008758 Second Generation Economic Reforms in India Datt, Ruddar Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 8176293393 480p Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 00038852 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand & Company Ltd 1996 5th Revised Edition 844 p. UG Library
330.954 DAT 05011874 Indian Economy / Datt, Ruddar L S Chand , 1995 xvi ,815p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 00121340 Datt & Sundharam's Indian economy Datt, Gaurav S Chand 2015 9789385401749 71st ed. 1060p. UG Library
330.954 DAT 07015617 Indian Economy : Datt Gaurav S.Chand and Company Limited. 2024 9789358704815 73 ed 747p.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 DAT 05008762 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand 2004 8121902983 50th Revised Edition 974 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 07015618 Indian Economy : Datt Gaurav S.Chand and Company Limited. 2024 9789358704815 73 ed 747p.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 DAT 00060973 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand 2004 8121902983 50th Revised Edition 974 p UG Library
330.954 DAT 07015621 Indian Economy : Datt Gaurav S.Chand and Company Limited. 2024 9789358704815 73 ed 747p.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 DAT 00060972 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand 2004 8121902983 50th Revised Edition 974 p UG Library
330.954 DAT 00115373 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand 2004 8121902983 | 9788121902984 51st Ed. 992 p. UG Library
330.954 DAT 00060971 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand 2004 8121902983 50th Revised Edition 974 p UG Library
330.954 DAT 00060967 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand 2004 8121902983 50th Revised Edition 974 p UG Library
330.954 DAT 05009690 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand 8121902983 891p Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 05009146 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand 8121902983 891p Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 05009148 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand 8121902983 891p Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 00141731 Indian Economy. Datt, Gaurav S Chand & Company, 2016 9789352531295 72st ed. xvii, 1061p. UG Library
330.954 DAT 00047294 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand 1999 8121902983 40th Edition 888 p. UG Library
330.954 DAT 00047297 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand 1999 8121902983 40th Edition 888 p. UG Library
330.954 DAT 00047295 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand 1999 8121902983 40th Edition 888 p. UG Library
330.954 DAT 00047296 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand 1999 8121902983 40th Edition 888 p. UG Library
330.954 DAT 00020111 Indian Economy Datt, Rudder S Chand 1980 1 UG Library
330.954 DAT 00020112 Indian Economy Datt, Rudder S Chand 1980 1 UG Library
330.954 DAT 00106392 Varyious Applied Issues on Indian Economiy Datta Kanchan Abhijeet Publications : 2011 9789381136164 136 p. : UG Library
330.954 DAT 01013050 Indian Economy / Datt, Gaurav. S.Chand and Company, 2011 9788121902984 63st edition 1036 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 01013058 Indian Economy / Datt, Gaurav. S.Chand and Company, 2011 9788121902984 63st edition 1036 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 01012860 Indian Economy / Datt, Gaurav. S.Chand and Company, 2011 9788121902984 63st edition 1036 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 01013059 Indian Economy / Datt, Gaurav. S.Chand and Company, 2011 9788121902984 63st edition 1036 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 01013054 Indian Economy / Datt, Gaurav. S.Chand and Company, 2011 9788121902984 63st edition 1036 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 01013055 Indian Economy / Datt, Gaurav. S.Chand and Company, 2011 9788121902984 63st edition 1036 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 01013056 Indian Economy / Datt, Gaurav. S.Chand and Company, 2011 9788121902984 63st edition 1036 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 01013057 Indian Economy / Datt, Gaurav. S.Chand and Company, 2011 9788121902984 63st edition 1036 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 01013051 Indian Economy / Datt, Gaurav. S.Chand and Company, 2011 9788121902984 63st edition 1036 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 01013052 Indian Economy / Datt, Gaurav. S.Chand and Company, 2011 9788121902984 63st edition 1036 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 01013053 Indian Economy / Datt, Gaurav. S.Chand and Company, 2011 9788121902984 63st edition 1036 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 DAT 00089300 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand 2007 8121902983 56th Ed. 99 8p UG Library
330.954 DAT 00056164 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand 8121902983 971p UG Library
330.954 DAT 00070267 Indian Economy (UGC Minority) Datt, Ruddar S Chand 2006 8121902983 53rd Revised Edition 986 p. UG Library
330.954 DAT 00070268 Indian Economy (UGC Minority) Datt, Ruddar S Chand 2006 8121902983 53rd Revised Edition 986 p. UG Library
330.954 DAT 00093835 India Economy Datta Ruddar S.Chand & company ltd 9788121902984 979p Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 DAT 00054321 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand Company 2002 8121920450 46th Ed. 942 p. UG Library
330.954 DAT 00054322 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand Company 2002 8121920450 46th Ed. 942 p. UG Library
330.954 DAT 00044337 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand Company Ltd: 1998 39th Edition 892 p, UG Library
330.954 DAT 00044339 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand Company Ltd: 1998 39th Edition 892 p, UG Library
330.954 DAT 00044338 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand Company Ltd: 1998 39th Edition 892 p, UG Library
330.954 DAT 00009401 Indian Economy Datta, Ruddar S Chand & Co. 1972 1 UG Library
330.954 DAT 00009403 Indian Economy Datta, Ruddar S Chand & Co. 1972 1 UG Library
330.954 DAT 00056725 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand 2003 8121902983 48th Ed. 972 p. UG Library
330.954 DAT. 00044336 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar S Chand Company Ltd: 1998 39th Edition 892 p, UG Library
330.954 DAY 03004613 Winning Strategies for the Indian Market/ Dayal-Gulati, Anuradha. Kogan Page, 2011 9788175545632 238 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 DAY 07000735 Winning Strategies for the Indian Market/ Dayal-Gulati, Anuradha. Kogan Page, 2011 9788175545632 238 p.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 DEB 03010302 Getting India Back on Track : Debroy, Bibek. Random House Publishers, 2014 9788184005691 xii, 333 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 DEB 05038990 Getting India Back on Track : Debroy, Bibek. Random House Publishers, 2014 9788184005691 xii, 333 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.954 DEB 05009082 India: Redeeming the Economic Pledge Debroy, Bibek Academic Foundation 8171883486 204p Knowledge Centre
330.954 DEB 05009083 India: Redeeming the Economic Pledge Debroy, Bibek Academic Foundation 8171883486 204p Knowledge Centre
330.954 DEE 00108645 Indian Economy Deepashee Dr. Ane Books Pvt.Ltd. 2012 9789381162484 4th Ed. xxviii; 29.12 p. UG Library
330.954 DEO 00115794 Attaining the Millennium Development Goals in India Deolalikar, Anil B Oxford University: 2005 9780195675160 139 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 DES 00022283 Economic History of India Desai, S S M Himalaya 1980 1 UG Library
330.954 DES 00022284 Economic History of India Desai, S S M Himalaya 379p UG Library
330.954 DES 05011782 Economic History of India Desai, S S M Himalaya 1994 372 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 DEV 07012883 India Development Report 2017 / Dev, Mahendra S. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199483549 | 019948354X xxvi, 270 p.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 DEV 05058036 India Development Report 2017 / Dev, Mahendra S. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199483549 | 019948354X xxvi, 270 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.954 DEV 03012575 India Development Report 2017 / Dev, Mahendra S. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199483549 | 019948354X xxvi, 270 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 DEW 00014749 Indian Economics Kewal Krishan, Dewett S Chand & company Ltd 1978 891 p. UG Library
330.954 DEW 00049578 Indian Economics Dewett, K K S Chand 2000 8121909074 690p UG Library
330.954 DEW 00047298 Indian Economics Deweet,K.K. S Chand 1999 8121909074 40th Ed. 692 p. UG Library
330.954 DEW 00047299 Indian Economics Deweet,K.K. S Chand 1999 8121909074 40th Ed. 692 p. UG Library
330.954 DEW 00047300 Indian Economics Deweet,K.K. S Chand 1999 8121909074 40th Ed. 692 p. UG Library
330.954 DEW 05008759 Indian Economics Deweet,K.K. S Chand 1999 8121909074 40th Ed. 692 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 DEW 05009147 Indian Economics Deweet,K.K. S Chand 1999 8121909074 40th Ed. 692 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 DEW 00054319 Indian Economics K K, Dewett S Chand Company: 2002 8121909074 696 p. UG Library
330.954 DEW 00054320 Indian Economics K K, Dewett S Chand Company: 2002 8121909074 696 p. UG Library
330.954 DEW 00044343 Indian Economics Dewett, K K S Chand Company: 1998 8121909074 667 p, UG Library
330.954 DEW 05012176 Indian Economics Dewett, Kewal Krishan S.Chand 644 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 DEW.. 00045604 Indian Economics Dewett, K K S Chand Company: 1998 8121909074 667 p, UG Library
330.954 DHA 10002841 Indian Economy : Dhar, P.K., Kalyani Publishers, 2021 9789389667929 27th rev ed. 933 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 DHA 00139813 Indian Economy : Dhar,P K. Kalyani Publishers, 2020 9789389667929 26th rev ed. 916p.; UG Library
330.954 DHA 00139812 Indian Economy : Dhar,P K. Kalyani Publishers, 2018 9789327291797 25th rev ed. 901p.; UG Library
330.954 DHA 04010871 The Changing Face Of Indian Economy / Dhawan Jitin Atlantic, 2007 9788126907670 viii,400 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.954 DHA 00145291 Indian Economy : Dhar,P K. Kalyani Publishers, 2020 9789389667929 26th rev ed. 916p.; UG Library
330.954 DHA 00123884 Indian Economy Dhar P.K. Kalyani Publishers, 2011 9789327216752 xxviii,1110 p.: UG Library
330.954 DHI 05012261 Indian Economic of C A Dhingra, I C Knowledge Centre
330.954 DHI 05009679 Indian Economic Problems / Dhingra, I C Sultan Chand & Sons , 1998 0817014244 xvi, 588 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 DHI 05011918 Indian Economy Dhingra, C Ishwar Knowledge Centre
330.954 DOS 04017286 India Arriving : Dossani, Rafiq. AMACOM / American Management Association, 2008 9780814474242 (hardcover) | 08 xi, 291 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.954 DOS 03003936 India Arriving : Dossani, Rafiq. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008 9780070139800 | 00701339806 xi;291p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 DOS 03007662 India Arriving : Dossani, Rafiq. AMACOM / American Management Association, 2008 9780814474242 (hardcover) | 08 xi, 291 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 DOS 03006404 India Arriving : Dossani, Rafiq. AMACOM / American Management Association, 2008 9780814474242 (hardcover) | 08 xi, 291 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 DRE 05012265 India Economic Development and Social Opportunity Dzeze, Jean OUP 292 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 DUB 00017079 Economic Geography of India Dubey, R L Kitab Mahal 1978 1 UG Library
330.954 DUB 05011921 South Asian Growth Quadrangle (MA ECO) Dubey, Muchkund 0333932692 175p Knowledge Centre
330.954 DUT 00131332 Imagining India in discourse. Dutta,Mohan Jyoti Springer, 2017 9789811030499 xv,215p.; UG Library
330.954 EI 05008755 Planning Commissions Report of the Commitete on India Vision 2020 and Vision Documents of Some States Economic India Academic Foundation 8171883028 252p Knowledge Centre
330.954 ELH 05057893 Economic statistics of India since independence. Elhance, D. N., Kitab Mahal, 1962 vi, 481 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 ESE 00025945 The Economic Times Statistical Survey of The indian Economy Ezekiel, Hannan VikasPublishing: 1984 232 P. UG Library
330.954 ESW 05011812 Why Poverty Persists in India : Eshwaran, Mukesh Oxford University Press , 1995 0195632389 130 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.954 FOU 00066793 India`s Five Year Plans 2002-2007. Foundation, Academic Academic Foundation 2005 8171884830 221 p UG Library
330.954 FOU 00106156 India: A Pocket Book of Data Series: 2010-11 EPW Research Foundation Academic Foundation 2011 9788171888573 362 P. UG Library
330.954 FRA 05024123 India`s Political Economy 1947-2004 / Frankel, Francine R Oxford University Press, 2005 0195658396 xx,819p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 FRA 05008744 India`s Political Economy 1947-2004 [ MA-ECO ] Frankel, Francine R 0195658396 619p Knowledge Centre
330.954 FRA 05011678 Principles of Economics / Frank Robert H, Ben S Bernanke 2007 0070618291 901p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 GAD 00029249 Our Economy Gadgil, P L Blakie & Son: 1985 123 p. UG Library
330.954 GAD 00029248 Our Economy Gadgil, P L Blakie & Son: 1985 123 p. UG Library
330.954 GAN 05011808 Globalised Indian Economy : Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd, 2003 8176294411 xxiv, 290 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.954 GAN 00089934 Indian States, Problem Gandhi, M K Navajivan Press 2009 687p. UG Library
330.954 GHA 03006758 The Oxford Handbook of the Indian Economy / Ghate,Chetan. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199734580 (cloth : alk. pa xii, 958 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 GHA 05034042 The Oxford Handbook of the Indian Economy / Ghate,Chetan. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199734580 (cloth : alk. pa xii, 958 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.954 GHO 00094253 Governance & Accountability Ghosh D N Oxford University Press 9780195689310 257p UG Library
330.954 GHO 00025058 Indian Economy Ghosh, Alak W p p 1985 1 UG Library
330.954 GHO 00025059 Indian Economy Ghosh, Alak W p p 1985 1 UG Library
330.954 GHO 00025060 Indian Economy Ghosh, Alak W p p 1985 1 UG Library
330.954 GHO 00001070 Indian Economy : Its Nature and Problems Ghosh Alak WPP 1977 658 p UG Library
330.954 GHO 00005775 Indian Economy : Its Nature and Problems Ghosh Alak WPP 1977 658 p UG Library
330.954 GHO 00013661 Indian Economy : Its Nature and Problems Ghosh Alak WPP 1977 658 p UG Library
330.954 GHO 00013662 Indian Economy : Its Nature and Problems Ghosh Alak WPP 1977 658 p UG Library
330.954 GHO 00018685 Indian Economy : Its Nature and Problems Ghosh Alak WPP 1977 658 p UG Library
330.954 GHO 00018684 Indian Economy : Its Nature and Problems Ghosh Alak WPP 1977 658 p UG Library
330.954 GHO 00017957 Indian Economy : Its Nature and Problems Ghosh Alak WPP 1977 658 p UG Library
330.954 GHO 00017877 Indian Economy : Its Nature and Problems Ghosh Alak WPP 1977 658 p UG Library
330.954 GHO 00006115 Structural Changes in the Indian Economy Ghosh Santikumar WOPP 1969 54 p. UG Library
330.954 GOI 00051512 Economic Survey 2000 - 2001 - Government of Karnataka Government of Karnataka Public, ation Government of Karnataka Publiation 201p UG Library
330.954 GOI 05043773 Economic Surver 2009-10 / Government of India Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198068341 A125p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 GOI 05008675 Economic Surver 2009-10 / Government of India Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198068341 A125p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 GOI 00104783 Economic Survey 2010 - 11 / Ministry of Finance Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198074090 331 p.; UG Library
330.954 GOI 05066751 Economic survey of 2018-19 / Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190124151 volumes, Knowledge Centre
330.954 GOI 07011248 Economic survey 2016-17 / Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199477661 xvi, 319p. Library - BR Campus
330.954 GOI 05066752 Economic survey of 2018-19 / Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190124151 volumes, Knowledge Centre
330.954 GOI 05066753 Economic survey of 2018-19 / Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190124151 volumes, Knowledge Centre
330.954 GOI 05066754 Economic survey of 2018-19 / Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190124151 volumes, Knowledge Centre
330.954 GOI 05059772 Economic survey 2017-18 / Government of India. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199489398 Volumes ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 GOI 05059773 Economic survey 2017-18 / Government of India. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199489398 Volumes ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 GOI 05058088 Economic survey 2016-17 / Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199484652 vol-2 Knowledge Centre
330.954 GOI 00035842 Economic Survey 2008-2009 Government Of India, Golden 1993 104p UG Library
330.954 GOI 00090509 Economic Survey 2008-2009 Government Of India, Golden 1993 104p UG Library
330.954 GOI 05024130 Economic Survey 2010 - 11 / Ministry of Finance Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198074090 331 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 GOI 01012712 Economic Survey 2009-10 Oxford University Press 9780198068341 294p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 GOI 05053300 Economic survey 2016-17 / Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199477661 xvi, 319p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 GOI 07014471 Economic survey of 2018-19 / Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190124151 volumes, Library - BR Campus
330.954 GOI 07014472 Economic survey of 2018-19 / Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190124151 volumes, Library - BR Campus
330.954 GOI 05049062 Economic Survey 2012-13 / Government of India Ministry of Finance Oxford University Press, 2013 9780195696691 a-127p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 GOV 00044447 Economic Survey 1997-98 Government Of India Government of India 1998 149 p UG Library
330.954 GOV 05011778 Political Economy of Federalism in India [M.A. Eco] Rao, M Govinda 2005 0195670175 422p Knowledge Centre
330.954 GOY 05048894 Handbook of the Indian Economy in the 21st Century : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198097532 lxxiv, 965 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.954 GOY 03010098 Handbook of the Indian Economy in the 21st Century : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198097532 lxxiv, 965 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 GOY 05045695 A Concise handbook of the Indian Economy in the 21st Century / Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199460991 xvii,374p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 GOY 03012171 A Concise handbook of the Indian Economy in the 21st Century / Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199460991 xvii,374p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 GOY 07005752 Handbook of the Indian Economy in the 21st Century : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198097532 lxxiv, 965 p.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 GOY 05038695 Handbook of the Indian Economy in the 21st Century : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198097532 lxxiv, 965 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.954 GOY 07002112 Handbook of the Indian Economy in the 21st Century : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198097532 lxxiv, 965 p.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 GUD 00039426 Text Book of Economics for II Puc Gudur, Bheemsain Saraswati 1996 1 UG Library
330.954 GUD 00039427 Text Book of Economics for II Puc Gudur, Bheemsain Saraswati 1996 1 UG Library
330.954 GUD 00039430 Text Book of Economics for II Puc Gudur, Bheemsain Saraswati 1996 1 UG Library
330.954 GUD 00039428 Text Book of Economics for II Puc Gudur, Bheemsain Saraswati 1996 1 UG Library
330.954 GUD 00044833 Arthashastra for Second Puc Gudur Bheemashena Saraswati 1998 1 UG Library
330.954 GUD 00044834 Arthashastra for Second Puc Gudur Bheemashena Saraswati 1998 1 UG Library
330.954 GUD 00044836 Arthashastra for Second Puc Gudur Bheemashena Saraswati 1998 1 UG Library
330.954 GUD 00044837 Arthashastra for Second Puc Gudur Bheemashena Saraswati 1998 1 UG Library
330.954 GUD 00044835 Arthashastra for Second Puc Gudur Bheemashena Saraswati 1998 1 UG Library
330.954 GUP 07014717 Indian economy / Gupta, K R Atlantic Publication, 2018 9788126927838 vi,314p.; Library - BR Campus
330.954 GUP 00135672 Transforming Indian Economy : Gupt,Yamini. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 2019 9789386761958 xi,235p.; UG Library
330.954 GUP 07013461 Transforming Indian Economy : Gupt,Yamini. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 2019 9789386761958 xi,235p.; Library - BR Campus
330.954 GUP 00055720 Liberalisation and Globalisation of Indian Economy.Vol.1 Gupta, K R Atlantic Publishers: 2000 8171565182 311 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 GUP 00055721 Liberalisation and Globalisation of Indian Economy.Vol.1 Gupta, K R Atlantic Publishers: 2000 8171565182 311 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 GUP 00055722 Liberalisation and Globalisation of Indian Economy.Vol.1 Gupta, K R Atlantic Publishers: 2000 8171565182 311 p. UG Library
330.954 GUP 00055723 Liberalisation and Globalisation of Indian Economy.Vol.1 Gupta, K R Atlantic Publishers: 2000 8171565182 311 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 GUP 00055724 Liberalisation and Globalisation of Indian Economy.Vol.1 Gupta, K R Atlantic Publishers: 2000 8171565182 311 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 GUP 00045393 Post-Reform India Emerging Trends Gupta, S P Allied Publications : 1998 8170237823 232 p; UG Library
330.954 GUP 00045394 Post-Reform India Emerging Trends Gupta, S P Allied Publications : 1998 8170237823 232 p; UG Library
330.954 GUP 05008745 Post-Reform India Emerging Trends Gupta, S P Allied Publications : 1998 8170237823 232 p; Knowledge Centre
330.954 GUP 05011873 Post-Reform India Emerging Trends Gupta, S P Allied Publications : 1998 8170237823 232 p; Knowledge Centre
330.954 GUP 00045397 Post-Reform India Emerging Trends Gupta, S P Allied Publications : 1998 8170237823 232 p; UG Library
330.954 GUP 00102659 Indian Economy Gupta K R Atlantic, 9788126914616 viii, 524 p. UG Library
330.954 GUP 00070246 Post-Reform India Emerging Trends Gupta, S P Allied Publications : 1998 8170237823 232 p; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 GUP 10002434 Indian Economy / Gupta, K R. Atlantic Publishers & Distributors (P)Ltd, 2022 9788126909254 | 9788126909261 | 9788126914616 v, 392p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 GUP 10002435 Indian Economy / Gupta, K R. Atlantic Publishers & Distributors (P)Ltd, 2022 9788126909254 | 9788126909261 | 9788126914616 v, 392p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 GUP 10002436 Indian Economy / Gupta, K R. Atlantic Publishers & Distributors (P)Ltd, 2022 9788126909254 | 9788126909261 | 9788126914616 v, 392p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 GUP 00102594 Indian Economy Gupta K R Atlantic, 2008 9788126909254 v, 392 p. UG Library
330.954 GUP 00102593 Indian Economy Gupta K R Atlantic, 2008 9788126909254 v, 392 p. UG Library
330.954 GUR 07000199 Inclusive growth in India / Gurusamy S MJP Publishers, 2013 9788180941603 449p. Library - BR Campus
330.954 GUR 00121981 Inclusive growth in India / Gurusamy S MJP Publishers, 2013 9788180941603 449p. UG Library
330.954 HAB 05007843 Indian Economy 1858-1914 : Habib,Irfan Tulika Books, 2008 9788189487461 xii,159 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 HAL 00016876 ELEMENTSOF INDIAN ECONOMICS Hallur, M S GADAG 1978 278 P. UG Library
330.954 HAL 00016408 Elements India Economics Hallur, M S 1975 1 UG Library
330.954 HAL 00016443 Elements of Indian Economics Hallur, M S 1975 1 UG Library
330.954 HAL 00016444 Elements of Indian Economics Hallur, M S 1975 1 UG Library
330.954 HAL 00016446 Elements of Indian Economics Hallur, M S 1975 1 UG Library
330.954 HAL 00016445 Elements of Indian Economics Hallur, M S 1975 1 UG Library
330.954 HAN 00063979 Indian Economy and Society in the Era of Globalisation and Liberalisation: Essays in Honour of Prof. a m Khusro Hanumantha, Rao C H Academic Foundation : 2004 8171884202 438 p. UG Library
330.954 HAR 07013029 India Working Essays on Society and Economy / Harriss-White Barbara Foundation Books Pvt.Ltd, 2004 9788175962309 xix,316p.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 HAR 00084322 India Working : Essays on Society and Economy Harriss-White, Barbara Foundation Books 2004 8175962305 316 p UG Library
330.954 HAR 00085545 India Working : Essays on Society and Economy Harriss-White, Barbara Foundation Books 2004 8175962305 316 p UG Library
330.954 HAR 00068931 India Working : Essays on Society and Economy Harriss-White, Barbara Foundation Books 2004 8175962305 316 p UG Library
330.954 HEG 00026686 Bharathada Arthasashtra Hegde, D.Odeyar Padma 1985 410 p. UG Library
330.954 HOP 07000177 Economic reform in India : Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107046047 viii, 536 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.954 HOP 05031531 Economic reform in India : Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107046047 viii, 536 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.954 IIB 07000906 Economic Reforms, Financial Inclusion, International Monetary System, Financial Sustainability & Talent Management / Taxmann, 2015 9789350717462 i-6,289p.; Library - BR Campus
330.954 IIB 05007920 Inclusive growth : Indian Institute of Banking & Finance Taxmann, 2008 240 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.954 IMF 05011896 Economic Survey 2007-08 Ministry of Finance, Government of India, 2008 0195696697 125p Knowledge Centre
330.954 INO 05046293 Indian economy : Inoue, Takeshi, World scientific publishing, 2015 9789814571906 xx, 154 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 INO 07002743 Indian economy : Inoue, Takeshi, World scientific publishing, 2015 9789814571906 xx, 154 pages ; Library - BR Campus
330.954 INO 05060537 Indian economy : Inoue, Takeshi, World scientific publishing, 2015 9789814571906 xx, 154 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 IPP 07011801 Indian Economy & New Policy/ Ippar,R K International Publications, 2018 9789387556164 278 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330.954 ISH 05008680 Indian Economy Dhingra, C Ishwar Sultan Chand 730 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 JAD 01024902 Ambedkar : Jadhav, Narendra, Konark Publishers, 2015 9789322008635 (hardback) | 932 Special 125th anniversary edition. 270 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 JAI 00017615 Economic Problems of India. Jain, P C Chaitanya Publishers: 1969 644 p. UG Library
330.954 JAI 00007055 Economics Problems of India P.C. Jain Chaitanya Publishing House, 1972 in viii, 671 p.: UG Library
330.954 JAL 00088885 Indian Economy: Problems and Prospects Jalan, Bimal 2004 0143032194 427p UG Library
330.954 JAL 00129546 Indian Economy : Jalan, Bimal Pengin, 9780143032199 427 p. : UG Library
330.954 JAL 05011923 Indian Economy : Jalan, Bimal Pengin, 9780143032199 427 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.954 JAN 07000394 Indian economy in transition : Janakarajan, S. Sage publication pvt Ltd, 2015 9789351500452 (hardback : alk. xx, 363. p : Library - BR Campus
330.954 JAN 03011203 Indian economy in transition : Janakarajan, S. Sage publication pvt Ltd, 2015 9789351500452 (hardback : alk. xx, 363. p : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 JAY 05011783 Economic History of India (ancient to Present Day)ma-Economics SECTION Jayapalan, N Atlantic 2008 9788126906970 351 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 JET 05011772 India: Economic Reforms and Labour Policy Jetli, N K New Century Publications 2004 8177080741 260p Knowledge Centre
330.954 JHA 05008757 Indian Economy Jha, n jayaram HAR-ANAND 218 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 JHA 05071545 The Elephan, the Tiger & the Cellphone: Tharoor, shashi Penguine, 2007 9780670081455 387p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 JHA 03004058 The Elephan, the Tiger & the Cellphone: Tharoor, shashi Penguine, 2007 9780670081455 387p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 JHA 05010099 The Twilight of the Nation State: Globalisation Chaos and War / Jha, Premshankar Vistaar Publications , 2006 8178296845 xx ,373p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 JHU 01000827 Hindu Approach to Indian Economy, Global Challenges and Opportunities / Jhunjhunwala,Bharat. Rawat, 2005 8170339510 255p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 JHU 05011871 Hindu Approach to Indian Economy: Global Challenges and Opportunities ( Maeco) Jhunjhunwala, Bharat Rawat Publications 2005 8170339510 255p Knowledge Centre
330.954 JOH 00019903 People`s China Today Johnson, Brua People`s Book House 1979 1 UG Library
330.954 JOS 00059592 India`s Economic Reforms - 1991 - 2001 Joshi, Vijay Oxford University 2003 0195643615 282 p. UG Library
330.954 JOS 00052772 India Macroeconomics and Political Economy 1964-1991 Joshi, Vijay Oxford University Press: 1999 0000195640 397 p. UG Library
330.954 KAB 07014966 Education for the Revival of Indian Economy/ Kabbur,Anand N SWAP, 2020 VII,79 Pages.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 KAL 07005500 Mission India Kalam A P J Abdul Puffin Books 2005 0143334999 103 p Library - BR Campus
330.954 KAl 04026180 Advantage India : Kalam, A P J Abdul. Harper Collins, 2015 9789351776451 x, 203 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.954 KAL 00117252 India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium Kalam, A P J Abdul Penguin Books 9780140278330 324 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 KAl 05047506 Advantage India : Kalam, A P J Abdul. Harper Collins, 2015 9789351776451 x, 203 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAL 00139888 Mission India Kalam A P J Abdul Puffin Books 2005 0143334999 103 p UG Library
330.954 KAL 00115399 Mission India Kalam A P J Abdul Puffin Books 2005 0143334999 103 p UG Library
330.954 KAL 00070202 India 2020 a Vision for the New Millennium Kalam, A P J Abdul 0670882712 312p UG Library
330.954 KAL 00065562 India 2020 a Vision for the New Millennium Kalam, A P J Abdul 0670882712 312p UG Library
330.954 KAL 00069002 India 2020 a Vision for the New Millennium Kalam, A P J Abdul 0670882712 312p UG Library
330.954 KAl 00122864 Advantage India : Kalam, A P J Abdul. Harper Collins, 2015 9789351776451 x, 203 p.; UG Library
330.954 KAL 00068697 Mission India Kalam A P J Abdul Puffin Books 2005 0143334999 103 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 KAL 00045536 India 2020 a Vision for the New Millennium Kalam, A P J Abdul 0670882712 312p UG Library
330.954 KAL 00055091 India 2020 a Vision for the New Millennium Kalam, A P J Abdul 0670882712 312p UG Library
330.954 KAl 07001272 Advantage India : Kalam, A P J Abdul. Harper Collins, 2015 9789351776451 x, 203 p.; Library - BR Campus
330.954 KAN 00088581 Indian Models of Economy, Business and Management / Kaagasabapathi, P Prentice Hall of India 2012 9788120345638 332 p. : UG Library
330.954 KAN 07015496 Indian Models of Economy, Business and Management / Kaagasabapathi, P Prentice Hall of India 2012 9788120345638 332 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.954 KAN 04014944 Indian Models of Economy, Business and Management / Kaagasabapathi, P Prentice Hall of India 2012 9788120345638 332 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.954 KAN 00147265 Made In India: Kant, Amitabh Rupa Publications, 2024 9789357020688 xv,224p. ; UG Library
330.954 KAN 10005043 Made In India: Kant, Amitabh Rupa Publications, 2024 9789357020688 xv,224p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 KAP 00055682 Economic Developments in India Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation 8171882579 320p UG Library
330.954 KAP 00055683 Economic Developments in India Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation 8171882579 320p UG Library
330.954 KAP 00055684 Economic Developments in India Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation 8171882579 320p UG Library
330.954 KAP 05010181 Economic Developments in India.1996-97 Kapila, Uma Academic Foundation 8171881181 368p Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 05010180 Economic Developments in India.1996-97 Kapila, Uma Academic Foundation 8171881181 368p Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 00055705 Understanding the Problems of Indian Economy Kapila, Uma Academic Foundation 8171882692 560p UG Library
330.954 KAP 00055710 Indian Economy Since Independence Kapila, Uma Academic Foundation : 2002 8171882714 14th ed. 944 p. UG Library
330.954 KAP 00055713 Decade of Economic Reforms in India. Kapila, Raymond Atlantic 2002 1 UG Library
330.954 KAP 00035843 Recent Development in Indian Economy With Special Reference Kapila, Uma Academic Foundation: 1993 352 p. UG Library
330.954 KAP 00035844 Recent Development in India Economy WithSpecial Reference to Structural Reforms Kapila,Uma Academic Foundation 1993 Part II 248 p. UG Library
330.954 KAP 00035845 Recent Development in Indian Economy Kapila, Uma Af 1993 410p UG Library
330.954 KAP 00075017 Indian Economy Since Independence. Kapila, Uma Academic Foundation 2007 18th ed. 992p UG Library
330.954 KAP 00075018 Indian Economy Since Independence. Kapila, Uma Academic Foundation 2007 18th ed. 992p UG Library
330.954 KAP 00055282 Decade of Economic Reforms in India Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation 2002 8171882404 408p UG Library
330.954 KAP 05009112 Economic Developments in India - Analysis, Reports, Policy Documents. Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation : 2000 8171881793 320p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 05009113 Economic Developments in India - Analysis, Reports, Policy Documents. Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation : 2000 8171881793 320p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 05009114 Economic Developments in India - Analysis, Reports, Policy Documents. Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation : 2000 8171881793 320p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 05012033 Economic Developments in India - Analysis, Reports, Policy Documents. Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation : 2000 8171881793 320p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 05011679 Economic Developments in India - Analysis, Reports, Policy Documents. Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation : 2000 8171881793 320p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 05011680 Economic Developments in India - Analysis, Reports, Policy Documents. Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation : 2000 8171881793 320p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 05009142 Economic Developments in India - Analysis, Reports, Policy Documents. Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation : 2000 8171881793 320p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 00055803 Decade of Economic Reforms in India Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation 2002 8171882404 408p UG Library
330.954 KAP 05011775 Understanding the Problems of Indian Economy Kapila, Uma Academic Foundation 2001 493p Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 05011801 Understanding the Problems of Indian Economy / Kapila, Uma Academic Foundation , 2002 8171882692 3rd 559p , ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 05011872 Understanding The Problems Of Indian Economy Kapila, Uma Academic Foundation 2008 Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 05016816 India`s Economny in the 21st Century: Collection of Selected Articles Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation 8171882129 352p Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 00062022 Economic Developments in India - Analysis, Reprots, Policy & Documents Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation 2004 318 p. UG Library
330.954 KAP 05021665 India`s Economy: A Journey in Time and Space. Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation 2006 390p Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 05011826 Indian Economy Since Independence(ma-Eco) Kapila, Uma Academic Foundation 8171885055 1072p Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 00123562 Indian Economy Kapila, Uma Academic Foundation, 2010 9788171888450 740 p:. UG Library
330.954 KAP 05008687 Economic Developments in India - Analysis, Reports, Policy Documents. Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation : 2000 8171881793 320p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 05011451 Economic Developments in India - Analysis, Reports, Policy Documents. Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation : 2000 8171881793 320p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 05008683 Economic Developments in India - Analysis, Reports, Policy Documents. Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation : 2000 8171881793 320p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 05011450 Economic Developments in India - Analysis, Reports, Policy Documents. Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation : 2000 8171881793 320p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 05008681 Economic Developments in India - Analysis, Reports, Policy Documents. Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation : 2000 8171881793 320p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 05008682 Economic Developments in India - Analysis, Reports, Policy Documents. Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation : 2000 8171881793 320p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 05009115 Economic Developments in India - Analysis, Reports, Policy Documents. Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation : 2000 8171881793 320p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 05008684 Economic Developments in India - Analysis, Reports, Policy Documents. Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation : 2000 8171881793 320p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 05008685 Economic Developments in India - Analysis, Reports, Policy Documents. Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation : 2000 8171881793 320p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 05011452 Economic Developments in India - Analysis, Reports, Policy Documents. Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation : 2000 8171881793 320p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 05008686 Economic Developments in India - Analysis, Reports, Policy Documents. Kapila, Raj Academic Foundation : 2000 8171881793 320p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 05011458 Indian Economy Since Independence Uma Kapila, Acadamic Foundation 1993 415 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP 05024917 Indian economy since independence / Kapila, Uma. Academic Foundation, 2010 8171882315 | 9788171888511 21st ed. 988 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAP. 05011837 Indian Economy Since Independence Kapila, Uma Academic Foundation 2001 8171882315 838p; Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAR 10001221 Indian Economy Key Concepts / Karuppiah, Sankarganesh. McGraw Hill Educations (India) Private Limited, 2022 9789355321886 7thed xx,204p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 KAS 00136086 Economic reforms in India since 1991 / Kashyap, Monika, Sage, 2018 9789352807222 xxx, 231 p.; UG Library
330.954 KAU 00052031 Kautilya`s Arthasastra and Social Welfare Jha, V N Sahitya Akademi 1999 8126007729 329 p. UG Library
330.954 KAU 05012255 KAUTILYAS ARTHAASHASTRA (MA ECO) Kautilya's MPPH 1967 xxxix,490 p; Knowledge Centre
330.954 KAU 07008644 The concise Oxford companion to economics in India / Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198063131 | 019806313X x, 617 p. ; Library - BR Campus
330.954 KES 00042109 Arthasastra II Puc Keshav, R Jupiter 1997 1 UG Library
330.954 KES 00042110 Arthasastra II Puc Keshav, R Jupiter 1997 1 UG Library
330.954 KES 00042111 Arthasastra II Puc Keshav, R Jupiter 1997 1 UG Library
330.954 KHA 05011827 States of the Indian Economy : Khan, Amir Ullah. 2007 9780761935919 256 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.954 KHA 01008188 Economic Reforms in India / Khatarkar,Yashwant. Adhyan Publishers, 2007 5. Macro Economic Reforms 228p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 KIS 00087489 Deepening Democracy: Challenges of Governance and Globalization in India Kishwar, Purnima Madhu 2006 9780195683523 334 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 KIS 00088354 Deepening Democracy: Challenges of Governance and Globalization in India Kishwar, Purnima Madhu 2006 9780195683523 334 p UG Library
330.954 KIS 00006188 Indian Economy Through the Plans Kishor Braj National 1967 1st Edition 442 p. UG Library
330.954 KIS 00006189 Indian Economy Through the Plans Kishor Braj National 1967 1st Edition 442 p. UG Library
330.954 KOC 01029766 India 2047 : Kochhar, Sameer. OakBridge, 2023 9789395764360 vii, 331p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 KOT 00023809 Indian Economy in Soviet Perspective Kotwal, O P Sterling Publishers: 1979 158 p. UG Library
330.954 KRI 00054386 Economic Development of India [ Kannada ] Gowda, H R Krishnaiah Vidhya 550p UG Library
330.954 KRI 00054387 Economic Development of India [ Kannada ] Gowda, H R Krishnaiah Vidhya 550p UG Library
330.954 KRI 00026688 Bharathada Arthika Vyavastheya Parichaya. Krishnappa, V Pracharabya University of Bangalore : 1985 272 p. UG Library
330.954 KRI 00026689 Bharathada Arthika Vyavastheya Parichaya. Krishnappa, V Pracharabya University of Bangalore : 1985 272 p. UG Library
330.954 KRU 05011842 Economic Policy Reforms and the Indian Economy [ MA-ECO ] Krueger, O Anne 0190195664 378p Knowledge Centre
330.954 KRU 05012198 Economic Policy Reforms and the Indian Economy (MA-ECO) Krueger, Anne O 0019566086 377p Knowledge Centre
330.954 KUM 05048980 The Cambridge Economic History of India Kumar, Dharma Cambridge University Press 1983 9788125027317 xxi, 1115 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 KUM 07014741 The Black Economy in India / Kumar Arun Penguin Books, 2017 9780143028673 xxxviii,354p.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 KUM 05009619 The Cambridge Economic History of India Kumar, Dharma Cambridge University Press 1983 9788125027317 xxi, 1115 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 KUM 01017231 Many Futures of India / Kumar, Rajiv Academic Foundation, 2011 9788171888740 168 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.954 KUR 05009140 Economy: an Interpretative Introduction Kurien, C T T M H 436 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 KUR 00040890 Global Capitalism and the Indian Economy - Tracts for the Times-6 Kurien, C T Orient Longman Publications 1995 8125002723 132 p UG Library
330.954 KUR 00006982 A Theoretical Approach to The Indian Economy Kurien, C T Asia Publishing House: 1967 67 P. UG Library
330.954 KUR 05011847 Global Capitalism and the Indian Economy - Tracts for the Times-6 Kurien, C T Orient Longman Publications 1995 8125002723 132 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 LAK 00030004 Economic Development of India Rao V Lakshmana Chugh Publications 1987 8185076278 298 p UG Library
330.954 LAK 03005966 India Express : Lak, Daniel. Penguin Books, 2008 9780670082346 xx,314 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 LAK 04009850 India Express : Lak, Daniel. Penguin Books, 2008 9780670082346 xx,314 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.954 LOB 00021764 Second Course in Economics. Lobo, Frank Sheth 1982 322 P. UG Library
330.954 LOB 00021765 Second Course in Economics Lobo, Frank Sheth UG Library
330.954 LOB 00021766 Second Course in Economics Lobo, Frank Sheth UG Library
330.954 LOB 00021767 Second Course in Economics Lobo, Frank Sheth UG Library
330.954 LOB 00021768 Second Course in Economics Lobo, Frank Sheth UG Library
330.954 LOB 00021769 Second Course in Economics Lobo, Frank Sheth UG Library
330.954 LUC 05010097 Indian Economy-Recent Development and Future Prospects [ MA-ECO ] Lucas, Robert E B 0019562419 372p Knowledge Centre
330.954 MAH 10003003 Indian Economy / Mahajan, Madhur M., Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2022 9789354497889 2nd Ed. xviii, 695 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 MAH 00115400 Manmohan`s Dream India Mahajan, V S Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2005 8176296317 224 UG Library
330.954 MAH 05074071 Indian Economy / Mahajan, Madhur M Pearson, 2022 9789354497889 2nd Ed. xviii, 695p. : Knowledge Centre
330.954 MAH 03013414 Indian Economy / Mahajan, Madhur M Pearson, 2022 9789354497889 2nd Ed. xviii, 695p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 MAH 10005439 Indian Economy / Mahajan, Madhur M. Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2025 9789361595554 3rd ed., xviii,621 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 MAH 10000182 Indian Economy / Mahajan, Madhur M. Pearson, 2020 9789353940638 xviii, 668p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 MAH 10000183 Indian Economy / Mahajan, Madhur M. Pearson, 2020 9789353940638 xviii, 668p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 MAH 10000184 Indian Economy / Mahajan, Madhur M. Pearson, 2020 9789353940638 xviii, 668p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 MAJ 05065200 People's car : Majumder, Sarasij. Orient BlackSwan, 2019 9789352875504 xii,198p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 MAJ 05064999 People's car : Majumder, Sarasij. Fordham University Press, 2019 0823282422 | 9780823282425 | 0823282414 | 9780823282418 xii, 198 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 MAJ 01000164 Structural Evolution of Indian Economy, Early Phase / Arun Majumdar Manohar, 1992 0818542571 284p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 MAK 03007555 An American's Guide to Doing Business in India : Makar, Eugene M. Adams Business, 2008 9781598692112 (pbk.) | 1598692 vii, 264 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 MAM 00020883 Economic and Commercial Geography of India. Mamoria, C B Shivlal 1980 515 p. UG Library
330.954 MAM 07014345 Economic History of India (1857 To 1947 ) / Mamanshetty.V Anvi Books & Publishers, 2020 9788194128106 304p.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 MAN 05011664 Indian Economy: Education, Healkth and Development [MA ECONOMICS] Rao, Manohar M J Himalaya Publishing House 8183182372 343 Knowledge Centre
330.954 MAR 05011841 India Macroeconomics Annual 2007 / Marjit, Sugata Sage Publications , 2008 9788178298719 175p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 MAT 00124967 SAARC Regional Co- Operation and Development Mathur S.P. Swastik Publications, 2016 9789381991862 208 p.: UG Library
330.954 MAT 05011849 India: Economic Reforms and Social Sectors Mathur, Vibha New Century Publications 0817708075 262p Knowledge Centre
330.954 MAT 05011766 Challenges Facing Indian Family [ Ma-Economics ] Mathur, Reeta RBSA 2006 8176113646 323p Knowledge Centre
330.954 MCK 00117051 Reimagining India : Chandler, Clay. Simon & Schuster, 2013 9781476735306 (hbk.) | 9781476 First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition. xxv, 400 p. : UG Library
330.954 MEH 07002797 Realizing the demographic dividend : Mehrotra, Santosh K. Cambridge univeristy press, 2016 9781107091726 (hardback) xvii, 477 pages : Library - BR Campus
330.954 MEH 00023813 Soviet Economic Development and Structure Mehta, Vinod Sterling Publishers: 1983 470 P. UG Library
330.954 MEH 00006108 Economic Problems of Modern India Mehta, J K Central Book: 1968 201 P. UG Library
330.954 MEH 00006113 Economic Problems of Modern India Mehta, J K Central Book: 1968 201 P. UG Library
330.954 MEH 05057349 Realizing the demographic dividend : Mehrotra, Santosh K. Cambridge univeristy press, 2016 9781107091726 (hardback) | 978 xvii, 477 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.954 MFG 00081880 Economic Survey 207-08 Ministry of Finance, Government of India, 2008 0195696697 125p UG Library
330.954 MIR 00098392 Human Resource Management and Technology/ Mirza ,Shahnaz Serials publications; 2010 9788183873567 vii;340 p. UG Library
330.954 MIS 00032506 Indian Economy - Its Development Experience Misra S K Himalaya Publishing House 2002 8178665298 966 p UG Library
330.954 MIS 05008766 Indian Economy : Its Development Experience Misra, S K Himalaya 0817493250 1022 Knowledge Centre
330.954 MIS 05044709 Indian Economy / Mishra S.K Black Prints, 2013 9788192313733 xii,242p.: Knowledge Centre
330.954 MIS 05017513 Indian Economy - Its Development Experience Misra, S K Himalaya Publishing House 1993 1004p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 MIS 05008856 Indian Economy - Its Development Experience Misra, S K HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2003 8178667282 1008p.: Knowledge Centre
330.954 MIS 05008857 Indian Economy - Its Development Experience Misra, S K HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2003 8178667282 1008p.: Knowledge Centre
330.954 MIS 05012179 Indian Economy Misra, S K Himalaya 818 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 MIS 00037393 Planning and Regional Development in India Mishra, Jaganath Sterling Publishers 1985 1 UG Library
330.954 MIS 00133089 Understanding Indian Economy Mishra,S. K. Wisdom Press, 2018 9789386053497 272 p.: UG Library
330.954 MIS 05012276 Indian Economy [ Its Development Wxperience ] Misra, S K Himalaya 8174934995 858p Knowledge Centre
330.954 MIS 05008765 Indian Economy [ Its Development Wxperience ] Misra, S K Himalaya 8174934995 858p Knowledge Centre
330.954 MIS 00132858 Indian Economy & Economic Reforms: Mishra, S.K. Wisdom Press, 2018 9789386053787 x,222 p.; UG Library
330.954 MIS 00055135 Indian Economy - Its Development Experience Misra S K Himalaya Publishing House 2002 8178665298 966 p UG Library
330.954 MIS 00053025 Indian Economy - Its Development Experience Misra S K Himalaya Publishing House 2002 8178665298 966 p UG Library
330.954 MIS 01000843 Role of Warehouses in Indian Economy / Mishra,Prasanna Kumar. KALPAZ PUBLICATIONS, 2000 8178353482 239p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 MIS 00060015 Indian Economy and Socio-Economic Transformation Misra Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 8176295256 343p UG Library
330.954 MIS 07014347 Understanding Indian Economy Mishra,S. K. Wisdom Press, 2018 9789386053497 272 p.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 MIS 05009150 Indian Economy - 2001 Misra, S K HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 8178661411 958p Knowledge Centre
330.954 MIS 00055151 Policies and Prospects of Indian Economy Misra, S K HIMALAYA 2002 403 p. UG Library
330.954 MIS 05012233 Indian Economics : Misra, S. K. Himalaya Pub. House, 1995 1022 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.954 MIS.. 00070387 An Economic History of Modern India Mishra, Girish Pragati Publications : 1998 2nd ed. 311 p. UG Library
330.954 MIS.. 00070388 An Economic History of Modern India Mishra, Girish Pragati Publications : 1998 2nd ed. 311 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 MIT 00082409 Kautiliya Arthasastra Revisited Mital, Surendra Nath Imh Press 2004 8187586036 147p UG Library
330.954 MIT 05007841 From the ramparts / Mitra, Ashok, Tulika Books, 2006 8189487051 268 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 MODY 00087100 Inclusive Growth: Mody, Ashoka Orient Longman Publications 2006 0812503045 337 p UG Library
330.954 MOF 05024119 Economic Survey 2007-08 / Ministry of Finance Ministry of Finance, 2008 0195696697 ix,263p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 MOF 05024116 Economic Survey.2008-2009 : Ministry of Finance Oxford University Press, 2009 0198064098 281p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 MOH 05010095 Facets of the Indian Economy(ma-Eco) Mohan, Rakesh 0195668162 348p Knowledge Centre
330.954 MOH 10001382 An Unkept Promise : Mohanty, Prasanna. Sage, 2022 9789354791864 x,308p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 MOH 00012923 India's Economic Development and International Economic Relations Mohammad Shabbir Khan, Asia Publishing House: 1972 209 P. UG Library
330.954 MOH 00142812 The demographic and development divide in India: Mohanty,Sanjay K Springer, 2019 9789811695926 xxxi,558p.; UG Library
330.954 MOH 05073024 An Unkept Promise : Mohanty, Prasanna. Sage, 2022 9789354791864 x,308p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 MOH 07002607 Indian economy / Mohan,Venkata Neel kamal publications pvt ltd., 2014 97881831655570 xiv,168p.; Library - BR Campus
330.954 MON 00025071 The Unsanctioned Economy In India Monga, G. S. Himalaya Publishing House 1984 330 P. UG Library
330.954 MOO 00086408 Market Instituitons, Governance, and Development / Mookherjee, Dilip Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195698190 370 p UG Library
330.954 MOO 01004053 Politics of Economic Reforms in India / Mooij,Jos. Sage Publications, 2005 0761933433 362p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 MOO 01019179 Market Instituitons, Governance, and Development / Mookherjee, Dilip Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195698190 370 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 MOO 00094266 The crisis in government accountability : Mookherjee, Dilip. Oxford University Press, 0195667875 157 p. ; UG Library
330.954 MUK 00080100 India`s Economic Transition : Mukherji, Rahul Oxford University Press , 2007 0195690788 x ,460 p . UG Library
330.954 MUK 00027643 Beyond Survival : Emerging Dimensions of Indian Economy Mukherjee Pranab Vikas Publishing House 1984 258 p UG Library
330.954 MUK 05044732 Political economy of reforms in India / Mukherji, Rahul, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198087335 (paperback) | 0198087330 (paperback) First edition. xxiii, 200 pages ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 MUK 00085212 India`s Economic Transition : Mukherji, Rahul Oxford University Press , 2007 0195690788 x ,460 p . UG Library
330.954 MUK 07002145 Political economy of reforms in India / Mukherji, Rahul, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198087335 (paperback) | 0198087330 (paperback) First edition. xxiii, 200 pages ; Library - BR Campus
330.954 MUK 00124870 Political economy of reforms in India / Mukherji, Rahul, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198087335 (paperback) | 0198087330 (paperback) First edition. xxiii, 200 pages ; UG Library
330.954 MUN 00055120 Indian Economy in the New Millennium Mungekar, Bhalchandra L HIMALAYA 2001 326p UG Library
330.954 MUR 05059319 Caste, class and capital : Murali, Kanta, Cambridge university press, 2017 9781107154506 | 9781108409995 xvii, 297 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.954 MUR 00052536 Some Important Issues in Indian Economy Murty, S RBSA 2001 8176110906 274 p. UG Library
330.954 MUR 00053260 Some Important Issues in Indian Economy Murty, S RBSA 2001 8176110906 274 p. UG Library
330.954 MUR 07014718 Indian Economy and Microfinance / Murthi S.R.Dr Shree Niwas Publications, 2020 9789386776709 232p.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 MUR 07014719 Indian Economy and Microfinance / Murthi S.R.Dr Shree Niwas Publications, 2020 9789386776709 232p.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 MUR 00034660 Key Book on Indian Economics Murthy, G C T Courier Books 1990 1 UG Library
330.954 MUR 00034665 Key Book on Indian Economics Murthy, G C T Courier Books 1990 1 UG Library
330.954 MUR 00034667 Key Book on Indian Economics Murthy, G C T Courier Books 1990 1 UG Library
330.954 MUR 00034669 Key Book on Indian Economics Murthy, G C T Courier Books 1990 1 UG Library
330.954 MUR 00034666 Key Book on Indian Economics Murthy, G C T Courier Books 1990 1 UG Library
330.954 MUR 00034664 Key Book on Indian Economics Murthy, G C T Courier Books 1990 1 UG Library
330.954 MUR 00034661 Key Book on Indian Economics Murthy, G C T Courier Books 1990 1 UG Library
330.954 MUR 00034663 Key Book on Indian Economics Murthy, G C T Courier Books 1990 1 UG Library
330.954 MUR 00034662 Key Book on Indian Economics Murthy, G C T Courier Books 1990 1 UG Library
330.954 MUR 00034668 Key Book on Indian Economics Mirthy, G C T Sri Ganesh Book Depot : 1990 236 p ; UG Library
330.954 MUR. 05011769 Some Important Issues in Indian Economy Murty, S RBSA 2001 8176110906 274 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 NAC 03004498 India Development Report 2011 / Nachane, D. M. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198071532 | 0198071531 294 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 NAC 00104782 India Development Report 2011 / Nachane, D. M. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198071532 | 0198071531 294 p.: UG Library
330.954 NAC 05003893 India Development Report 2011 / Nachane, D. M. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198071532 | 0198071531 294 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.954 NAG 07013595 Political economy of contemporary India / Nagaraj, R., ed. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107164956 xii, 371 p. ; Library - BR Campus
330.954 NAG 05057385 Political economy of contemporary India / Nagaraj, R., ed. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107164956 xii, 371 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 NAI 00056722 Indian Economics - 2003 Nair, C Ramani Interline Publications : 2003 8172962963 615 p. UG Library
330.954 NAI 00056724 Indian Economics - 2003 Nair, C Ramani Interline Publications : 2003 8172962963 615 p. UG Library
330.954 NAI 00056723 Indian Economics - 2003 Nair, C Ramani Interline Publications : 2003 8172962963 615 p. UG Library
330.954 NAR 07005471 A better India, a better world / Narayana Murthy, N. R., Penguin Books India : | Allen Lane, 9780670082834 | 9780143068570 xxviii, 290 p. ; Library - BR Campus
330.954 NAR 04022987 A better India, a better world / Narayana Murthy, N. R., Penguin Books India : | Allen Lane, 9780670082834 | 9780143068570 xxviii, 290 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.954 NAR 01013835 A better India, a better world / Narayana Murthy, N. R., Penguin Books India : | Allen Lane, 9780670082834 | 9780143068570 xxviii, 290 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 NAV 00061842 Economic Environment of Business Kumar, Naveen Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126117052 504 p. UG Library
330.954 NAY 01018441 Globalization and Politics in India / Oxford University Press, 2007 9780198064176 590 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 NAY 05008717 Globalization and Politics in India / Oxford University Press, 2007 9780198064176 590 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 NIS 05010040 Indian Economy - Its Development Experience Misra, S K Himalaya 0817493250 1022 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 NIS 05010094 Indian Economy - Its Development Experience Misra, S K Himalaya 0817493250 1022 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 PAI 05011889 An Indian Economic Miracle and Other Essays Pai, M R SOHRAB 1972 184 P. Knowledge Centre
330.954 PAL 00108689 Emerging Issues in The Indian Economy Pal Prankrishna Regal Publications: 2011 9788184841084 xx, 555 p. UG Library
330.954 PAN 00025981 Text Book of Indian Economics Panigrahi, D D Vikas 1985 1 UG Library
330.954 PAN 00025985 Text Book of Indian Economics Panigrahi, D D Vikas 1985 1 UG Library
330.954 PAN 00025982 Text Book of Indian Economics Panigrahi, D D Vikas 1985 1 UG Library
330.954 PAN 00025983 Text Book of Indian Economics Panigrahi, D D Vikas 1985 1 UG Library
330.954 PAN 00025984 Text Book of Indian Economics Panigrahi, D D Vikas 1985 1 UG Library
330.954 PAR 00052861 India Development Report 1999 - 2000 Parikh, S Krit Oxford University: 2000 298 p. UG Library
330.954 PAR 05011852 India Development Report 2002 / Oxford University Press, 2002 9780195658835 xix, 273 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 PAR 05008750 Economics Reforms and Rural Development in India / Parthasarathy, G. Academic Foundation, 2003 8171882935 288 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 PAR 05009111 India Development Report 2002 / Oxford University Press, 2002 9780195658835 xix, 273 p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 PAR 00042082 India Development Report 1997. Parikh, Kirit S Oxford University 1997 257 p. UG Library
330.954 PAT 05011848 Econimic Reform and Global Change Patel, I G Macmillan India Ltd 1998 328p Knowledge Centre
330.954 PAT 05011681 Economic Reform and Global Change Patel, I G 0333930703 328p Knowledge Centre
330.954 PAT 00045832 India and the Gatt: Origin Growth and Development Patnaik, Jagadish Kumar Ashish Publishing House 1997 8170248132 237 p. UG Library
330.954 PAU 07000419 The paradox of India's North-South Divide : Paul, Samuel, Sage, 2015 9789351501411 (hardback : alk. paper) xiv, 235 pages : Library - BR Campus
330.954 PAU 05062358 The paradox of India's North-South Divide : Paul, Samuel, Sage, 2015 9789351501411 (hardback : alk. paper) xiv, 235 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.954 PC2 00086230 Eleventh Five Year Plan : Commission, Planning Planning Commission 2008 9780195696509 xxvi,280p.; UG Library
330.954 PC3 00086228 Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-2012. Commission, Planning Planning Commssion 2008 9780195696509 xxiv,450p.; UG Library
330.954 PCG 05024112 Eleventh Five Year Plan : Commission, Planning Planning Commission 2008 9780195696509 xxvi,280p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 PCG 05008760 Eleventh Five Year Plan : Commission, Planning Planning Commission 2008 9780195696509 xxvi,280p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 PCG 00085237 Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-2012) Planning Commission Government of India 2008 9780195696509 279 p UG Library
330.954 PCG 00085238 Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-2012) Planning Commission Government of India 2008 9780195696509 279 p UG Library
330.954 PCG 00085239 Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-2012) Planning Commission Government of India 2008 9780195696509 279 p UG Library
330.954 PCG 05024102 India Vision 2020 Planning Commition Government of India Academic Foundation 8171883508 957p Knowledge Centre
330.954 PD 00056148 India 2003 Publication Division, Governme, nt of India Ministry of Information & Broadcasting 0812301080 925p UG Library
330.954 PEN 07012551 Indian Financial Systems / Pendse Neelkanth Gajanan.Dr Global Vision Publishing House, 2018 9788182209947 342p.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 PHA 10002843 The economy of the maratha kingdom (c.1595-1707)/ Phalke, Kedar M. Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2023 9789357024914 xxiv,632 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 PLA 00086229 Eleventh Five Year Plan(2007-2012): Planning Commission Planning Commission, 2008 0195696506 xv,219p.; UG Library
330.954 PLA 05024114 Eleventh Five Year Plan(2007-2012): Planning Commission Planning Commission, 2008 0195696506 xv,219p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 PRA 00055708 Indian Economy Under Multinational Sway Prakash, O M RBSA 2002 8176111333 271p UG Library
330.954 PRA 05032481 Economic Vision of Mahatma Gandhi / Prasad,Nand Kishore. ABD Publishers, 2010 9788183762366 vi,260p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 PRA 05033962 Economic laws, regulations, and procedures in India / Prasad, Chandra Shekhar. New Century Publications, 2011 9788177082814 | 8177082817 xxvi, 465 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 PRA 01014167 Indian Economy : Prasad,Chandra Shekhar New Century Publications, 9788177082401 655p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 PRA 00012452 Indian Economy. Prabhakaran, S SHANTHI 1973 240 P. UG Library
330.954 PRA 01013796 Economic Developmet in India / Prasad,Mahesh Chandra. Serials Publications, 9788183873000 707p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 PRA 05024127 Sixty years of the Indian economy, 1947 to 2007 : Prasad, Chandra Shekhar. New Century Publications, 2007 9788177081329 (set) | 81770813 2 v. (lxiii, 1399 p.) ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 PRA 05024126 Sixty years of the Indian economy, 1947 to 2007 : Prasad, Chandra Shekhar. New Century Publications, 2007 9788177081329 (set) | 81770813 2 v. (lxiii, 1399 p.) ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 PRA 05008743 Economics of J K Mehta; a Peep into Mehatanomics (MA ECO) Prahlad, Kumar Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 8176298255 206p Knowledge Centre
330.954 PRA 01015722 Sixty years of the Indian economy, 1947 to 2007 : Prasad, Chandra Shekhar. New Century Publications, 2007 9788177081329 (set) | 81770813 2 v. (lxiii, 1399 p.) ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 PRA 01015723 Sixty years of the Indian economy, 1947 to 2007 : Prasad, Chandra Shekhar. New Century Publications, 2007 9788177081329 (set) | 81770813 2 v. (lxiii, 1399 p.) ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 PRA 07014698 Economic thought of gandhi and rural development / Prasad, R A. Galaxy Publication, 2018 9788193326503 iii,249p.; Library - BR Campus
330.954 PRA 07014699 Economic thought of gandhi and rural development / Prasad, R A. Galaxy Publication, 2018 9788193326503 iii,249p.; Library - BR Campus
330.954 PUR 00126527 Indian Economy : Pure ,V. K. Himalaya Publishing House, 2010 9789352620753 28th xxviii,781p.; UG Library
330.954 PUR 10000510 Indian Economy / Puri, V K Himalaya Publishing House, 2021 9789354951183 39th ed. xxv, 804p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 PUR 07015619 Indian Economy / Puri V.K Himalaya Publishing House Pvt.Ltd, 2023 9789358400489 xxvi,854p.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 PUR 07015620 Indian Economy / Puri V.K Himalaya Publishing House Pvt.Ltd, 2023 9789358400489 xxvi,854p.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 PUR 07015615 Indian Economy / Puri V.K Himalaya Publishing House Pvt.Ltd, 2023 9789358400489 xxvi,854p.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 PUR 07000783 Indian economy Puri.V.K Himalya publishing house, 2015 9789352025985 33rd Ed. 845p.; Library - BR Campus
330.954 RAD 05013367 India Development Report 2008 / Radhakrishnan, R. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195693515 291p; Knowledge Centre
330.954 RAD 01008347 India Development Report 2008 / Radhakrishnan, R. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195693515 291p; Knowledge Centre
330.954 RAI 03005960 Think India : Rai, Vinay. A plume book, 2007 9780452289581 xv, 283 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 RAI 04016071 Think India : Rai, Vinay plume book, 2007 9780452289581 xx,283p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.954 RAI 00087849 Think India: The Rise of the World`s Next Superpower and What It Means for Every American Vinay, Rai Penguin Group, 9780525950202 283p UG Library
330.954 RAI 00090623 Think India: The Rise of the World`s Next Superpower and What It Means for Every American Vinay, Rai Penguin Group, 9780525950202 283p UG Library
330.954 RAI 04008067 Think India : Rai, Vinay A Plume book, 2007 xv, 283p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.954 RAI 00109233 Refoms 2020 Rain Tree Rain Tree 2012 9788129119476 369 p. UG Library
330.954 RAI 03005316 Think India : Rai, Vinay. A plume book, 2007 9780452289581 xv, 283 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 RAJ 05034057 Impact of Globalization on Indian Economy / Rajalingam P. Serials Publications, 2011 9788183874717 x,583p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 RAM 00025096 Economic and Commercial Geography Raman, B S United 1984 1 UG Library
330.954 RAM 00025098 Economic and Commercial Geography Raman, B S United 1984 1 UG Library
330.954 RAM 00025097 Economic and Commercial Geography Raman, B S United 1984 1 UG Library
330.954 RAM 00034052 Eelements of Indian Economics Raman, B S U p 1991 1 UG Library
330.954 RAM 05011867 Liberalization [ Indian and Canadian Perspectives ] Ramu, G N Allied Publications 1995 8170234468 125p; Knowledge Centre
330.954 RAM 00039185 Elements of Indian Economics Raman, B S United 1996 1 UG Library
330.954 RAM 00038912 Elements of Indian Economics Raman, B S United 1996 474 p UG Library
330.954 RAM 00039186 Elements of Indian Economics Raman, B S United 1996 1 UG Library
330.954 RAM 00039187 Elements of Indian Economics Raman, B S United 1996 1 UG Library
330.954 RAM 00111411 Problems and Challenges of Emerging India/ Ramachandran, K.V. Global Research Publications 2013 9788189630669 vii:173p,: UG Library
330.954 RAN 00045871 Indian Economy [ Essays on Money and Finance ] Rangarajan, C Vishwa 1998 8174762116 330p UG Library
330.954 RAN 05009090 Select Essays on Indian Economy Rangarajan C Academic Foundation 8171883389 344p Knowledge Centre
330.954 RAN 05009089 Select Essays on Indian Economy Rangarajan C Academic Foundation 8171883389 344p Knowledge Centre
330.954 RAN 00115402 Human and Econmic Geography of India Ranganath Vidyanidhi Prakashana: 2003 269 p. UG Library
330.954 RAN 05011701 Indian Economy - Essays on Money and Finance Agarwal, A N Vishwa 8174762116 330 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 RAN 01000323 Kautilya: The Arthashastra / Rangarajan,L N . Penguin Books, 1992 867p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 RAN 05009092 Select Essays on Indian Economy Rangarajan, C Academic Foundation 8171883389 344p Knowledge Centre
330.954 RAN 05009091 Select Essays on Indian Economy Rangarajan, C Academic Foundation 8171883389 344p Knowledge Centre
330.954 RAN 01007471 Perspectives on Indian Economy : Rangarajan,C. UBS Publishers` Distributors Pvt.Ltd. 2000 8174762701 320p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 RAN 00115401 Human and Econmic Geography of India Ranganath Vidyanidhi Prakashana: 2003 269 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 RAO 05011779 Development Strategies in India: Emerging Trends Rao, V.bhaskara Khanna 1993 266 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 RAO 00094467 Hyderabad Rao Subba C V Orient Longman Pvt.Ltd. 9788125032601 218p UG Library
330.954 RAO 05011869 Economic Reforms and Indian Markets Rao, S L Wheeler 1992 Knowledge Centre
330.954 RAO 05011836 India`s Economic Future: Government People and Attitudes Rao, V V.bhanoji T M H 1993 372 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 RAS 00125272 Indian Economy Rasal R. G. Horizon Prss, 2017 9789383096633 280 p.: UG Library
330.954 RAY 00098555 The Indian economy Ray,S,K Prentice-Hall of India 9788120331372 xiii 512 p. UG Library
330.954 RAY 00085840 Cambridge Economic History of India Vol: I:c. 1200-1750 Raychaudhuri, Tapan Orient Longman Publications 1982 8125027300 143 p UG Library
330.954 RAY 05012190 INDIAN ECONOMY / Ray, S K Prentice -Hall , 1989 0876926154 2nd xxxii,860 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 RAY 05048979 The Cambridge economic history of India / Raychaudhuri, Tapan Orient Longman in association with Cambridge University Press, 2004 9788125027300 (v. 1) ix, 543 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 RAY 05009535 The Cambridge economic history of India / Raychaudhuri, Tapan Orient Longman in association with Cambridge University Press, 2004 9788125027300 (v. 1) ix, 543 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 REB 00008567 Textbook of Economics for II PUC Rebello, J M United 1972 160 P. UG Library
330.954 ROT 03005441 India : Rothermund, Dietmar. Yale University Press, 2008 9780300113099 (alk. paper) | 0 xiii, 274 p., [16] p. of plates : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 ROY 00091211 Economy, democracy and the state : Roy, Ramashray. Sage Pulbications India ; | SAGE, 2009 9788132100829 (hard back) | 81 viii, 246 p. ; UG Library
330.954 ROY 05036708 Economy, democracy and the state : Roy, Ramashray. Sage Pulbications India ; | SAGE, 2009 9788132100829 (hard back) | 81 viii, 246 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 ROY 00093241 Company of Kinsmen: Roy Tirthankar Oxford University Press 9780198063780 252p UG Library
330.954 RUD 05016814 Indian Economy Datt, Ruddar Sultan Chand, 1995 846 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 SAB 05031529 Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Development / Sabanna,Talbar. Serials Publications, 2010 9788183874069 | 9788183874069 216p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 SAB 05032701 Inter-regional disparities in India / Global Research Publications, 2012 9788189630522 | 8189630520 viii, 285 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.954 SAK 00070586 Economic Reforms the Indian Experience Saksena, K D Shipra 2005 8175412941 536 p. UG Library
330.954 SAK 00070587 Economic Reforms the Indian Experience Saksena, K D Shipra 2005 8175412941 536 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 SAL 05009831 India in the Era of Economic Reforms Sachs, D Jeffrey 0019565529 312p Knowledge Centre
330.954 SAN 00014450 Econamic Development of India Sankaran, S Progressive : 1975 910 p. UG Library
330.954 SAN 00014451 Economic Development of India Sankaran, S PROGRESSIVE 910 p UG Library
330.954 SAN 05013351 Indian Economy: Sankaran, S MARGHAM PUBLICATIONS , 1994 xi ,782p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 SAN 00013774 Economic Development of India Sankaran, S. Progressive Corporation Private Ltd 1974 890 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 SAR 01008189 Indian Economy in Globalised World / Sarnagadharan,M. New Century Publications, 2000 8177081268 474p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 SAR 01008190 Indian Economy in Globalised World / Sarnagadharan,M. New Century Publications, 2000 8177081268 474p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 SAR 00087935 Bharthada Arthika Vyavasthe Sharanappa, S Harsha 1997 303po UG Library
330.954 SAU 05011811 Economy, Class, Society Sau, Ranjith Universal Knowledge Centre
330.954 SEN 00133255 The Amartya Sen and Jean Drèze omnibus : Sen, Amartya, Oxford University Press, 1999 0195648315 | 9780195648317 ix,292p.; UG Library
330.954 SEN 05008747 Indian Economy: Agenda Fro the 21st Century-Essays in Honour of Prof.Brahma Sen, Raj Kumar Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 8176293601 598p Knowledge Centre
330.954 SEN 05010602 Modern Indian Economy: Sen Raj Kumar Deep & Deep Publications PVT.LTD; 9788184503319 690 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 SHA 05036609 Economic Geography of India / Sharma T.C. Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131605820 XV, 742 P.: Knowledge Centre
330.954 SHA 00020994 Economic and Commercial Geography of India Sharma, T C Vikas 1980 1 UG Library
330.954 SHA 00022278 Elements of Indian Economics Sharanappa, S Narendra 1982 1 UG Library
330.954 SHA 00022280 Elements of Indian Economics Sharanappa, S Narendra 1982 1 UG Library
330.954 SHA 05032786 Economic history of early India / Sharma, Ram Sharan, Viva Books, 2011 9788130910123 | 8130910128 182 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.954 SHA 04008326 Economic history of early India / Sharma, Ram Sharan, Viva Books, 2011 9788130910123 182 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.954 SHA 00021024 Rural Economy of India. Sharma, D P Vikas publishers 1980 382 P, UG Library
330.954 SHA 07005585 Restart / Sharma,Mihir S. Vintage Books, 2015 9788184005714 xx,362p.; Library - BR Campus
330.954 SHA 00002636 Elements of Economics. Shah, K K Benares: 1945 230 P. UG Library
330.954 SHA 00023636 Economic and Commercial Geography of India Sharma, T C Vikas 1981 1 UG Library
330.954 SHA 00023637 Economic and Commercial Geography of India Sharma, T C Vikas 1981 1 UG Library
330.954 SHA 00023638 Economic and Commercial Geography of India Sharma, T C Vikas 1981 1 UG Library
330.954 SHA 03010896 Restart : Sharma, Mihir S. Random House India , 2015 9788184005714 362 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 SHA 05070032 Wonked : Sharan, Vivan. Bloomsbury, 2019 9789387457836 vi, 320 pages Knowledge Centre
330.954 SHA 00112445 Economic Geography of India / Sharma T.C. Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131605820 XV, 742 P.: UG Library
330.954 SHA 05042021 Restart / Sharma,Mihir S. Vintage Books, 2015 9788184005714 xx,362p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 SHA 00029854 Bharatada Arthika Vyuavastha Sharnappa, S Prakasana 1988 1 UG Library
330.954 SHA 00026685 Bharatada Arthika Vyuavastha Sharnappa, S Prakasana 1988 1 UG Library
330.954 SHA 00029851 Elements of Indian Economics Sharnappa, S Prakasana 1988 334 p. UG Library
330.954 SHA 00029855 Elements of Indian Economics Sharnappa, S Prakasana 1988 334 p. UG Library
330.954 SHA 00029853 Elements of Indian Economics Sharnappa, S Prakasana 1988 334 p. UG Library
330.954 SHA 00029852 Elements of Indian Economics Sharnappa, S Prakasana 1988 334 p. UG Library
330.954 SHA 00014139 A Short Economic History Shaikh, A J S Chand Company 1971 284 P. UG Library
330.954 SHA 00056177 Economic and Commercial Geography of India Sharma, T C 2002 0070699812 392p UG Library
330.954 SHI 00041723 Elements of Indian Economy Shivananjaiah, K C Subhas Pub 1997 1 UG Library
330.954 SHI 00041724 Elements of Indian Economy Shivananjaiah, K C Subhas Pub 1997 1 UG Library
330.954 SHR 00045796 Indian Economy in Inter-Regional Perspectives Shrivastava, O S Pointer 1996 8171321135 257p Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 SHR 00045798 Indian Economy in Inter-Regional Perspectives Shrivastava, O S Pointer 1996 8171321135 257p Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 SHR 00045797 Indian Economy in Inter-Regional Perspectives Shrivastava, O S Pointer 1996 8171321135 257p Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 SIK 05011845 Economic Development of Tribal India Sikidar, Sujit Ashish Publishing House 8170242878 226 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 SIL 05011810 Kautilyas Arthasastra a Comparative Study Sil, P Narsingha Academic 144 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 SIN 07015183 Indian Economy : Singhania, Nitin. McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2022 9789355321404 3rd ed xxxii,A.16p.; Library - BR Campus
330.954 SIN 03007175 Indian Economy : Singh, Ramesh. Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited ; 2012 9781259003844 4th ed. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 SIN 04022755 Indian Economy : Singh, Ramesh Tata McGraw Hill, 2014 9789339205119 6th ed. V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.954 SIN 10003920 Indian Economy For Civil Services and Other Competitive Examinations / Singhania Nitin McGraw Hill, 2024 9789355329240 xxviii,764p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 SIN 05055264 Indian Economy : Singh, Ramesh Tata McGraw Hill, 2017 9789352606146 9th ed. xxxiii,26.11p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 SIN 10001223 Indian Economy : Singh, Ramesh. McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2022 9789355321138 14th ed xxiv,G.46p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 SIN 10001224 Indian Economy : Singhania, Nitin. McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2022 9789355321404 3rd ed xxxii,A.16p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 SIN 07015652 Indian Economy For Civil Services and Other Competitive Examinations / Singh Ramesh McGraw Hill, 2024 9789355327208 xxii,498p.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 SIN 07015651 Indian Economy For Civil Services and Other Competitive Examinations / Singhania Nitin McGraw Hill, 2024 9789355329240 xxviii,764p.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 SIN 00030006 Dynamics of Economic Development in India: Economics of Poverty in Plenty Sinha, R K Deep&Deep Publishers: 1986 352 p. UG Library
330.954 SIN 10002840 Indian economy : Singh, Ramesh. McGraw hill education india private limited, 2023 9789355324344 15th ed., xxiv,680p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 SIN 05011831 Poverty Alleviation Programmes Under the Plans Singh, Chandra Prakash Knowledge Centre
330.954 SIN 03010741 Indian Economy : Singh, Ramesh Tata McGraw Hill, 2014 9789339205119 6th ed. V P School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.954 SIN 05065536 Indian Economy For Civil Services, Universities and Other Examinations / Singh,Ramesh. McGraw Hill, 2019 9789353166366 11th ed. xxii,G.35p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 SIN 00145293 Indian economy : Singh, Ramesh. McGraw Hill Education India Private limited, 2023 9789355324344 15th Ed xxiv,680p.; UG Library
330.954 SIN 05008691 Indian Economy Today : Singh, Nath Prasad Baidya DEEP & DEEP , 2004 8176295566 686p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 SIN 00141732 Indian Economy / Singh, Ramesh McGraw hill education india pvt ltd., 2021 9789390727421 13th ed., Pages UG Library
330.954 SIN 00142867 Indian Economy : Singhania, Nitin. McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2022 9789355321404 3rd ed xxxii,A.16p.; UG Library
330.954 SIN 04030445 Indian Economy : Singhania, Nitin. McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2022 9789355321404 3rd ed xxxii,A.16p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.954 SIN 04030444 Indian Economy : Singh, Ramesh. McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2022 9789355321138 14th ed xxiv,G.46p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.954 SIN 05011819 Socio-Economic Ideas of Nehru and Globalisation (MA ECO) Singh, S R Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126115378 218p Knowledge Centre
330.954 SIN 05033429 Gandhian Thoughts of Economics / Singh A.K Aadi Publications, 2011 9789380902487 280p.: Knowledge Centre
330.954 SIN 00019911 India`s Economic Policy: The Gandhian Blue Print Singh, Charan Vikas Publishing House: 1979 128 p. UG Library
330.954 SOC 00079190 India Independent: Economics, Politics, Culture. Nehru Memorial Museum and Library Nehru Memorial Museum and Library 2007 91 p. UG Library
330.954 SOM 00021148 Economics and Management of Public Utilites Somasekhara, N The P.T.I.Company: 1978 204 p. UG Library
330.954 SRI 00142866 Indian economy: Srirangam,Sriram Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2022 9789356062580 2nd ed., pages UG Library
330.954 SRI 10001784 Indian economy: Srirangam,Sriram Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2022 9789356062580 2nd ed., pages Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 SRI 10001785 Indian economy: Srirangam,Sriram Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2022 9789356062580 2nd ed., pages Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 SRI 10001786 Indian economy: Srirangam,Sriram Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2022 9789356062580 2nd ed., pages Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 SRI 10003031 Indian economy : Srirangam, Sriram. Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2023 9789357059183 3rd ed. xxxix, 48.13 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 SRI 05074079 Indian economy : Srirangam,Sriram. Pearson, 2023 9789357059183 3rd ed. xxxix, 48.13p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 SRI 00036999 Indian Financial System Srinivasa, R M Rishi 1992 1 UG Library
330.954 SUB 00085193 India`s Turn: Understanding the Economic Transformation Subramanian, Arvind 2008 0019569354 237 p UG Library
330.954 SUB 05009138 India and the Computer: a Study of Planned Development Subramanian, C R 0195627350 380p Knowledge Centre
330.954 SUB 00137427 Of Counsel : Subramanian,Arvind. Penguin Viking, 2018 9780670092093 lii,347p.; UG Library
330.954 SUB 05075094 India @ 100: Subramanian, Krishnamurthy. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2024 9789390260836 xxii, 497p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 SUN 00007120 Elementary Economics Sundaram, K P M R Chand & Co 1972 1 UG Library
330.954 SUN 00076079 Introduction to Indian Economy Sundharam, K P M R Chand & Co 1990 25th ed xii, 503 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 SUN 00076083 Introduction to Indian Economy Sundharam, P M R CHAND & Co 1995 ix, 578 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954 SUN 00022859 Introduction to Indian Economy Sundharam, K P M R Chand & Co 1990 25th ed xii, 503 p. UG Library
330.954 SUN 00022860 Introduction to Indian Economy Sundharam, K P M R Chand & Co 1990 25th ed xii, 503 p. UG Library
330.954 SUN 00013002 Indian Economy Sundaram, K P M S Chand 1974 1 UG Library
330.954 SUN 00013003 Indian Economy Sundaram, K P M S Chand 1974 1 UG Library
330.954 SUN 00013004 Indian Economy Sundaram, K P M S Chand 1974 1 UG Library
330.954 SUN 00005438 Indian Economy Sundaram, K P M Ram Chand 1971 1 UG Library
330.954 SUN 00016441 Text Book of Physics II Year Puc Sundaran Rajan, Subhas Pub 1977 1 UG Library
330.954 SUN 00016439 Text Book of Physics II Year Puc Sundaran Rajan, Subhas Pub 1977 1 UG Library
330.954 SUN 00016440 Text Book of Physics II Year Puc Sundaran Rajan, Subhas Pub 1977 1 UG Library
330.954 SUN 00038970 Introduction to Indian Economy Sundharam, P M R CHAND & Co 1995 ix, 578 p UG Library
330.954 SUN 00038971 Introduction to Indian Economy Sundharam, P M R CHAND & Co 1995 ix, 578 p UG Library
330.954 SUN 00038972 Introduction to Indian Economy Sundharam, P M R CHAND & Co 1995 ix, 578 p UG Library
330.954 SUN 00038973 Introduction to Indian Economy Sundharam, P M R CHAND & Co 1995 ix, 578 p UG Library
330.954 SUN 00038974 Introduction to Indian Economy Sundharam, P M R CHAND & Co 1995 ix, 578 p UG Library
330.954 SUR 07012561 Twenty Five Years of Economic Reforms in India 1991 to 2016 / Sury M.M New Century Publications, 2016 9788177084344 xxx,418p.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 SUR 07013056 Twenty Five Years of Economic Reforms in India 1991 to 2016 / Sury M.M New Century Publications, 2016 9788177084344 xxx,418p.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 SUR 00058351 India: a Decade of Economic Reforms: 1991 - 2001 Sury, M M New Century Publications : 2003 8177080091 252 p. UG Library
330.954 SUR 00134335 Transformation of Indian Economy: Suresh Lal ,B 9788184355918 xxv, 223p, : UG Library
330.954 SUR 05008605 Indian Economy in the 21st Century - Prospects and Challenges / Sury, M M New Century Publications , 2004 8177080695 xx,410p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 SUR 07009970 Twenty Five Years of Economic Reforms in India 1991 to 2016 / Sury M.M New Century Publications, 2016 9788177084344 xxx,418p.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 SUR1 05011897 Economists on Economy Suryakant, B Palak Publications 2004 281p Knowledge Centre
330.954 SWA 05011771 From Vision to Action: Every Day Dawns for Us from the Movement We Wake Up Swaminathan, M S East West Books ( Madras ) Pvt Ltd 2004 8188661198 470p Knowledge Centre
330.954 SWA 00118998 Indian Economic Superpower Swaminathan, Jayashankar M. World Scientific Pub., 2009 9789812814654 | 9812814655 | 9 xii, 270 p. : UG Library
330.954 SYE 05011868 Economic Problems of India Syed Sajid, H Zaidi Manak Publications 1994 344 p; Knowledge Centre
330.954 TAN 00108691 Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development Tandon B.B Deep and Deep Publications Pvt: 2010 9788184502626 xiv,228 p. UG Library
330.954 THA 00081076 The Elephant, the Tiger & the Cellphone : Reflections on India in the Twenty-First Century Tharoor Shashi Penguin Viking 2007 0670081450 387 p UG Library
330.954 THA 00108684 Inter-Regional Disparities in India Thakur Kumar Anil Deep and Deep Publations Pvt: 2010 9788184502633 xxxxii. 688 p. UG Library
330.954 THA 00079243 The Elephant, the Tiger & the Cellphone : Reflections on India in the Twenty-First Century Tharoor Shashi Penguin Viking 2007 0670081450 387 p UG Library
330.954 THA 05011773 Indian Economic Development: Retrospect & Prospect Thakur, S Y Sterling 1994 206 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 THA 05011922 Indian Economic Development : Thaker, Y Srinivas Sterling Publication , 1994 8120717171 x ,206 p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 THI 00009706 Indian Economic Development Trichya Thiruvenkatachari K AGSASTHAIR 1971 441 p. UG Library
330.954 THO 05011809 Ambedkar in Retrospect : Rawat Publications 2007 8131600475 360p Knowledge Centre
330.954 TOM 07010649 The Economy of Modern India 1860-1970 Tomlimson B,R cambridge University Press, 2005 9788175960275 XV,232 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330.954 TOM 07010749 The economy of modern India Tomlinson, B. R. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107021181 (hardback : alka 2nd ed. xv: 250p. ; Library - BR Campus
330.954 TOM 07010755 The Economy of Modern India 1860-1970 Tomlimson B,R cambridge University Press, 2005 9788175960275 XV,232 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330.954 TOM 07010756 The Economy of Modern India 1860-1970 Tomlimson B,R cambridge University Press, 2005 9788175960275 XV,232 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330.954 TOM 07010757 The Economy of Modern India 1860-1970 Tomlimson B,R cambridge University Press, 2005 9788175960275 XV,232 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330.954 TOM 07010758 The Economy of Modern India 1860-1970 Tomlimson B,R cambridge University Press, 2005 9788175960275 XV,232 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
330.954 TOM 00090101 New Cambridge History of India; the Economy of Modern India 1860-1970 Tomlinson, B R Foundation Books 8175960272 235p UG Library
330.954 TOM 00116956 The economy of modern India Tomlinson, B. R. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107021181 (hardback : alka 2nd ed. xv: 250p. ; UG Library
330.954 TOM 00060059 India and Global Climate Change Toman, Micheal A. Oxford University Press 2002 0195668138 366 p. UG Library
330.954 TOM 01007323 New Cambridge History of India : Tomlinson,B R. Foundation Books, 2000 8175960272 | 9788175960275 235p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 TRI 05024120 Oxfrod History of Indian Business Tripathi, Dwijendra Oxford University Press, 2004 0195659686 xi,370p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 UMA 05011844 Indian Economy Since Independent Uma Kaplila, Acadamic Foundation 320 p Knowledge Centre
330.954 UNI 00004859 Current Economic Problems United News of India Ranjit Printers & Publishers 1968 275 p UG Library
330.954 UNI 00004860 Current Economic Problems. Rearch Bureau, RANJIT 1970 294 P. UG Library
330.954 UPP 00029525 India's Economic Problems Uppal J. S. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing 1985 3rd Ed. 540 p UG Library
330.954 UPP 00027438 India's Economic Problems Uppal J. S. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing 1985 3rd Ed. 540 p UG Library
330.954 UPP 00013854 India's Economic Problems Uppal J. S. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing 1985 3rd Ed. 540 p UG Library
330.954 UPP 00027437 India's Economic Problems Uppal J. S. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing 1985 3rd Ed. 540 p UG Library
330.954 UPP 01000824 Economic Reforms in India : Uppal,R K. New Century Publications, 2005 8177080911 283p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 VAI 00040892 The Indian Economy Vaidyanathan, A Orient Longman 1995 8125003169 115p UG Library
330.954 VAI 01007228 Indian Economy : A Vaidyanathan Orient Longman Limited, 1995 115p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 VAI 00124564 Indian Economy Views and Vision Vaikunthe L.D. Serials Publication Pvt, 2016 9788183877404 xvii,847 p.: UG Library
330.954 VAK 00020989 Janata Economic Policy Towards Gandhian Socialism Vakil, C N Macmillan 1979 128 P. UG Library
330.954 VER 07015569 The Indian Economy : Verma Sanjiv Unique Publishers, 2024 9788119361229 xxxi,376p.: Library - BR Campus
330.954 VIN 05013352 Globalisation Of Indian Economy / Vinayakam, N Kanishka Publishers, Distributors , 1995 8173910820 225p . Knowledge Centre
330.954 VYA 05011846 Crisis and Response : An Assessment of Economic Reforms Vyasulu, Vinod Madhyam Books : 1996 103 p. Knowledge Centre
330.954 WAD 00021029 Some Problems of India`s Economic Policy Wadhvaa, D Charan Tata McGraw _Hill Publshing : 1987 768 p. UG Library
330.954 WAD 00029524 Some Problems of India`s Economic Policy Wadhvaa, D Charan Tata McGraw _Hill Publshing : 1987 768 p. UG Library
330.954 XAV 05074370 Indian Economics : Xavier, V.K. Magi's Publications, 2022 9788195629732 381p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 XAV 05074371 Indian Economics : Xavier, V.K. Magi's Publications, 2022 9788195629732 381p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 XAV 05074372 Indian Economics : Xavier, V.K. Magi's Publications, 2022 9788195629732 381p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 XAV 05074373 Indian Economics : Xavier, V.K. Magi's Publications, 2022 9788195629732 381p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 XAV 05074374 Indian Economics : Xavier, V.K. Magi's Publications, 2022 9788195629732 381p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954 YAD 00123066 Rural Economy and Society in Modern India Yadava, Gagandeo Prasad Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2015 9788126163922 296 p:. UG Library
330.954 YON 00098668 Socio-political and economic challenges in South Asia / SAGE Publications India ; | SAGE Publications, 9788178299495 (hard back) | 81 xix, 169 p. : UG Library
330.954/82035 SRI 00095992 Memorandum on the progress of the Madras Presidency during the last forty years of British administration / Srinivasa Raghavaiyangar, S. Asian Educational Services, 8120603842 : xvi, 340, cccxix, x p. : UG Library
330.95400223 BRA 00133431 The Routledge Atlas of South Asian affairs / Bradnock, Robert W., Routledge, 2016 9780415545129 (hardback) | 9780415545136 (pbk.) | 9781315683089 (ebook) First published 2016. xx,298p.; UG Library
330.954025 MOO 07004830 The economy of the Mughal Empire, c. 1595 : Moosvi,Shireen. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199450541 xii,476p.; Library - BR Campus
330.954025 MOO 05045713 The economy of the Mughal Empire, c. 1595 : Moosvi,Shireen. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199450541 xii,476p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954029 ROY 00133619 An economic history of early modern India / Roy, Tirthankar. Routledge, 2013 9780415690638 (hbk.) | 9780415690645 (pbk.) | 9781138566972 x, 174 pages : UG Library
330.95403 SET 10001506 Ascent and Decline of Native and Colonial Trading : Seth, Vijay K., Sage, 2019 9789353280840 x,302 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.95403 SET 00136117 Ascent and Decline of Native and Colonial Trading : Seth, Vijay K., Sage, 2019 9789353280840 x,302 p.; UG Library
330.95403 SET 10005283 Ascent and Decline of Native and Colonial Trading : Seth, Vijay K., Sage, 2019 9789353280840 x,302 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954035 BHA 01007227 Financial Foundations of the British Raj / Bhattacharya,Sabyasachi. Orient Longman Private Limited, 2005 8125029036 384p.; Knowledge Centre
330.954035 ROY 00106226 The Economic History of India, 1857-1947 Roy, Tirthankar. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780195684308 (pbk.) | 9780198 3 rd ed. xv, 348 p. : UG Library
330.954035 ROY 07008646 The Economic History of India, 1857-1947 Roy, Tirthankar. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780195684308 (pbk.) | 9780198 3 rd ed. xv, 348 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.954035 ROY 07011179 The Economic History of India, 1857-1947 Roy, Tirthankar. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780195684308 (pbk.) | 9780198 3 rd ed. xv, 348 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.954035 ROY 07011180 The Economic History of India, 1857-1947 Roy, Tirthankar. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780195684308 (pbk.) | 9780198 3 rd ed. xv, 348 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.954035 ROY 10002561 The Economic History of India, 1857-2010 / Roy, Tirthankar. Oxford University Press, 2022 9780190128296 4th ed., xv,384 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954035 ROY 10002562 The Economic History of India, 1857-2010 / Roy, Tirthankar. Oxford University Press, 2022 9780190128296 4th ed., xv,384 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954035 ROY 10002563 The Economic History of India, 1857-2010 / Roy, Tirthankar. Oxford University Press, 2022 9780190128296 4th ed., xv,384 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954035 ROY 10002564 The Economic History of India, 1857-2010 / Roy, Tirthankar. Oxford University Press, 2022 9780190128296 4th ed., xv,384 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954035 ROY 10002565 The Economic History of India, 1857-2010 / Roy, Tirthankar. Oxford University Press, 2022 9780190128296 4th ed., xv,384 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
330.954035 ROY 07010831 The Economic History of India, 1857-1947 Roy, Tirthankar. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780195684308 (pbk.) | 9780198 3 rd ed. xv, 348 p. : Library - BR Campus
330.95404 AGR 07012885 Indian Economy : Agrawal, A. N. New Age International Publishers, 2017 9789386286475 42nd ed. 741 p.: Library - BR Campus
330.95404 AGR 03012338 Indian Economy : Agrawal, A. N. New Age International Publishers, 2017 9789386286475 42nd ed. 741 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.95404 AGR 01025757 Indian Economy : Agrawal, A. N. New Age International Publishers, 2017 9789386286475 42nd ed. 741 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.95404 PUR 07013362 Indian Economy / Puri, V K Himalaya Publishing House, 2018 9789352991730 784p. : Library - BR Campus
330.95404 PUR 07013363 Indian Economy / Puri, V K Himalaya Publishing House, 2018 9789352991730 784p. : Library - BR Campus
330.954046 GUJ 05011777 ECONOMIC FAILURES OF NEHRU AND INDIRA GHANDHI Gujral, M L Vikas 1979 255 p. Knowledge Centre
330.95405 DAN 05052030 Data base of indian economy : Dandekar, V M. ed. Statistical Publishing Society Calcutta, | The Indian Econometric Society Hyderabad, 1975 x, 422p. Knowledge Centre
330.95405 HEL 01017190 India : Panagariya, Arvind. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195315035 (cloth : alk. pa xxx, 514 p. : Knowledge Centre
330.95405 MIS 05010490 Economic Environment of Business: Misra, S K Himalaya publishing house, 2001 8178668165 738p.; Knowledge Centre
330.95405 MIS 05010488 Economic Environment of Business: Misra, S K Himalaya publishing house, 2001 8178668165 738p.; Knowledge Centre
330.95405 MIS 05008872 Economic Environment of Business: Misra, S K Himalaya publishing house, 2001 8178668165 738p.; Knowledge Centre
330.95405 MIS 05010489 Economic Environment of Business: Misra, S K Himalaya publishing house, 2001 8178668165 738p.; Knowledge Centre
330.95405 MIS 05038550 Economic Environment of Business: Misra, S K Himalaya publishing house, 2001 8178668165 738p.; Knowledge Centre
330.95405 PAN 05008705 India: Panagariya, Arvind. Oxford University Press,, 2008 9780195697094 | 019569709X xxx,514 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.95405 PAN 05024111 India: Panagariya, Arvind. Oxford University Press,, 2008 9780195697094 | 019569709X xxx,514 p.: Knowledge Centre
330.95405 PAN 04008173 India: Panagariya, Arvind. Oxford University Press,, 2008 9780195697094 | 019569709X xxx,514 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
330.95405 PAN 00082469 India the Emerging Giant Panagariya, Arvind Oxford University Press 2008 514p UG Library
330.95405 PAN 03006245 India: Panagariya, Arvind. Oxford University Press,, 2008 9780195697094 | 019569709X xxx,514 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
330.95405 STR 05008706 Essays in Social and Economic Development : Streeten, Paul. New Century Publications, 9788177082326 xii, 371 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.95405 STR 01015727 Essays in Social and Economic Development : Streeten, Paul. New Century Publications, 9788177082326 xii, 371 p. ; Knowledge Centre
330.954051 AZA 05065208 A quantum leap in the wrong directions? / Orient BlackSwan, 2019 9789352876181 | 9352876180 xxiii, 315 pages : Knowledge Centre
330.954052 ANK 05065294 From Narasimha Rao t