Total Books (Education) - 6726

CallNo Barcode Title Author Publisher Code Year ISBN Edition Pages Library
370 NCE 00113029 National Focus Group - Position Papers National Council of Educational Research and Training NCERT 2006 8174505601 | 8174505628 | 8174 Vol 1-3 38p UG Library
370 RAG 03002919 Dont Sprint the Marathon Raghunathan, V Collins Business 9788172238575 170 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
370 REY 00094773 The Environmental Responsibility Reader Reynolds Martin Zed Books Ltd. 9788182910751 360p UG Library
370 .973 GOU 00120244 Education in crisis : Gouwens, Judith A. ABC-CLIO, 2009 9781598841701 (hardcover : alk xxi, 299 p. ; UG Library
370 AIR 00005901 Education the Unfolding New Life Airan J.W. Christian Literature Society 1969 75 p. UG Library
370 AIU 00042165 Handbook of Management Education Association of Indian Universities Association of Indian Universities 1997 8175200057 7th Ed. 232 p. UG Library
370 AIU 00042166 Handbook of Computer Education 1997 Association of Indian Universities ASSOCIATION OF INDIAN UNIVERSITIES 1997 103 p.: UG Library
370 AIU 00042167 Higher Education in India - Retrospect and Porspect Assoication of Indian Universities Assoication of Indian Universities 1996 192 p,: UG Library
370 AIU 00091034 Society Education and Development Association of Indian Universities Association of Indian Universities 8175200944 176p UG Library
370 ANA 07008599 UGC NET/JRF/SET Psysical education/ Anand, Shyam Upkar Publication, 2016 9788174821447 560p. Library - BR Campus
370 ARO 00014172 Modern Indian Education and Its Problems Arora, J.N. Prakash Brothers 1974 1st Ed. 585 p. UG Library
370 BAT 00106619 The Study of Education: Bates,Jane. Continuum, 2009 9781441128614 vii,181 p. UG Library
370 BHA 11001036 Philosophical Foundation of Education in India Bhatia, Sudha ABD Publishers 2004 308p UG Library
370 BOR 00109544 Status And Problems Of Children With Disabilities Boraian M.P. Kanishka Publishers Distributors 2012 9788184573404 122 p. UG Library
370 BOW 00098536 A handbook of Creative Learning Activites Bowkett,Stephen Great Britain; 1997 9781855393639 203 p.: UG Library
370 BUT 00013473 History of Education in American Culture Butts, Freeman R. Holt Rinehart And Winston 1953 628 p. UG Library
370 CER 00000616 Problems of Aid to Education in Developing Countries Cerych, Ladislav Free 213 p UG Library
370 CHA 00004961 New Era in Teacher Education Chaurasia, G Sterling Publishers 1967 145 p.: UG Library
370 COH 05045521 International Perspectives on the Goals of Universal Basic and Secondary Education / Routledge, 2010 9780415648707 xiv,305p.: Knowledge Centre
370 CRO 00130421 Literacy is Not Enough : Crockett, Lee. 21st Century Fluency Project ; | Corwin, 2011 1412987806 | 9781412987806 215 p. : UG Library
370 CUR 00014663 Learning Through Doing Currie, Joe S.J An AICUE Publication 1975 140 p. UG Library
370 DAN 00114687 A Textbook Of Advanced Educational Psychology Dandapani, S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 0812611990 | 9788126119905 662p UG Library
370 DEW 00147814 Demoracy and Education Dewey, John Light & Life Publishers 1976 370 p. UG Library
370 DEW 07012236 Democracy and Education / Dewey John Amazing Publications, 2018 9789384860448 375p.: Library - BR Campus
370 DEW 00113048 Democracy and Education Dewey, John Cosmo Publications 2004 8177558439 394 p. UG Library
370 DEW 00016089 Demoracy and Education Dewey, John Light & Life Publishers 1976 370 p. UG Library
370 DUF 00113046 Supporting Creativity and Imagination in the Early Years Duffy, Bernadette Open University Press 1998 9780335198719 156 p. UG Library
370 DUN 07011963 Concise advice the ideas book / Duncan, Kevin Viva Books Publication, 2017 9789386105271 xi,120p.; Library - BR Campus
370 EDI 00120636 Essays On School Issues Ediger Marlow Discovery Publishing House, 2013 9789350562642 164 p.: UG Library
370 ELE 00135990 Teacher Assisting 3G E-learning, 2018 9781680948363 2nd ed, x,304 p.; UG Library
370 GAR 05005145 Challenging boundaries : Routledge, 2009 9780415989312 (hb : alk. paper xvii, 206 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370 GEO 00119790 Higher Eucation in India Ed By, George Abraham Authorspress, 2013 9788172736293 xxx, 488 p.: UG Library
370 GNA 00122175 Integrated Learning Gnanakan,Ken Oxford University Press 2015 0198074360 180p UG Library
370 GUP 00100497 Early Childhood Care and Education / Guptha,N .Sen PHI Learning Pub. 9788120339644 301 p. UG Library
370 HAL 00046660 Education Halsey, A. H. Oxford University Press 1997 0198781873 | 9780198781875 819 p. UG Library
370 HIN 05053609 The Hindu Speaks On Education / Kasturi & Sons Ltd, 1997 390 p. : Knowledge Centre
370 HIN 05017404 The Hindu Speaks On Education / Kasturi & Sons Ltd, 1997 390 p. : Knowledge Centre
370 HIN 00042802 Hindu Speaks on Education Kasturi & Sons Ltd Kasturi & Sons Ltd 1997 390 p. UG Library
370 ILL 00023047 Celebration of Awareness Illich, Ivan Penguin 1982 160 p.: UG Library
370 JAD 00141989 Future of the Indian Education system : Jadhav,Narendra. Konark publishes pvt ltd., 2020 9788194201854 xxxvi,332p.; UG Library
370 JAD 00140007 Future of the Indian Education System: Jadhav,Narendra Konark Publishers 2020 9788194201854 332p UG Library
370 JES 00140124 A to Z Tips for Teachers Jesumani,Antonette Pauline Books 2017 9788171769100 128p UG Library
370 JOS 00120134 Content Based Methodology Joshi N. Anant Prentice Hall of India Pvt, 2006 9788120329775 x,193 p.: UG Library
370 JOS 00120135 Content Based Methodology Joshi N. Anant Prentice Hall of India Pvt, 2006 9788120329775 x,193 p.: UG Library
370 KAM 00119798 Recent Trends in Education Kamalakar, G. Ishika Publishing House, 2014 9789382629672 xii: 183p.; UG Library
370 KOT 01006180 RADICAL HISTORY OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES(LAW LIBRARY) Uma Kothari Zed Books 1842775251 232p Knowledge Centre
370 KRI 00091985 School Management and Systems of Education Krishnamacharyulu V Neelkamal Publications Pvt Ltd 2009 9788183161527 419p UG Library
370 KUM 00085868 School, Society, Nation Kumar, Rajni Orient Longman Publications 2005 8125029095 | 9788125029090 300 p. UG Library
370 KUM 00119789 Higher Education In India ed by, Kumar Rajive Atlantic Publishers, 2013 9788126918409 xi. ,331 p.: UG Library
370 MCC 05005443 Researching and understanding educational networks / Routledge, 2011 9780415494823 (hardback) | 041 xiv, 282 p. : Knowledge Centre
370 MOH 00058387 Teacher Education: Mohanty, Jagannath Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd , 2000 9788176294645 472 p.: UG Library
370 MOH 00113047 Teacher Education: Mohanty, Jagannath Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd , 2000 9788176294645 472 p.: UG Library
370 MOH 00120132 Teacher Education Mohan Radha PHI Learning Pvt, 2013 9788120343825 xvi, 296 p.: UG Library
370 MOH 00120133 Teacher Education Mohan Radha PHI Learning Pvt, 2013 9788120343825 xvi, 296 p.: UG Library
370 NAM 00128553 Mid Day Meal Programe Nambiar, Vanisha S Discovery Publishing House, 2014 9789350564417 155p : . UG Library
370 NCE 00113034 National Focus Group - Position Papers National Council of Educational Research and Training NCERT 2006 8174505601 | 8174505628 | 8174 Vol 1-3 38p UG Library
370 NCE 00113040 National Focus Group - Position Papers National Council of Educational Research and Training NCERT 2006 8174505601 | 8174505628 | 8174 Vol 1-3 38p UG Library
370 NCE 00113035 National Focus Group - Position Papers National Council of Educational Research and Training NCERT 2006 8174505601 | 8174505628 | 8174 Vol 1-3 38p UG Library
370 NCE 00113032 National Focus Group - Position Papers National Council of Educational Research and Training NCERT 2006 8174505601 | 8174505628 | 8174 Vol 1-3 38p UG Library
370 NCE 00113026 National Focus Group - Position Papers National Council of Educational Research and Training NCERT 2006 8174505601 | 8174505628 | 8174 Vol 1-3 38p UG Library
370 NCE 00113031 National Focus Group - Position Papers National Council of Educational Research and Training NCERT 2006 8174505601 | 8174505628 | 8174 Vol 1-3 38p UG Library
370 NCE 00113033 National Focus Group - Position Papers National Council of Educational Research and Training NCERT 2006 8174505601 | 8174505628 | 8174 Vol 1-3 38p UG Library
370 NCE 00113038 National Focus Group - Position Papers National Council of Educational Research and Training NCERT 2006 8174505601 | 8174505628 | 8174 Vol 1-3 38p UG Library
370 NCE 00113021 National Focus Group - Position Papers National Council of Educational Research and Training NCERT 2006 8174505601 | 8174505628 | 8174 Vol 1-3 38p UG Library
370 NCE 00113030 National Focus Group - Position Papers National Council of Educational Research and Training NCERT 2006 8174505601 | 8174505628 | 8174 Vol 1-3 38p UG Library
370 NCE 00113027 National Focus Group - Position Papers National Council of Educational Research and Training NCERT 2006 8174505601 | 8174505628 | 8174 Vol 1-3 38p UG Library
370 NCE 00113037 National Focus Group - Position Papers National Council of Educational Research and Training NCERT 2006 8174505601 | 8174505628 | 8174 Vol 1-3 38p UG Library
370 NCE 00113025 National Focus Group - Position Papers National Council of Educational Research and Training NCERT 2006 8174505601 | 8174505628 | 8174 Vol 1-3 38p UG Library
370 NCE 00113022 National Focus Group - Position Papers National Council of Educational Research and Training NCERT 2006 8174505601 | 8174505628 | 8174 Vol 1-3 38p UG Library
370 NCE 00113023 National Focus Group - Position Papers National Council of Educational Research and Training NCERT 2006 8174505601 | 8174505628 | 8174 Vol 1-3 38p UG Library
370 NCE 00113039 National Focus Group - Position Papers National Council of Educational Research and Training NCERT 2006 8174505601 | 8174505628 | 8174 Vol 1-3 38p UG Library
370 NCE 00113028 National Focus Group - Position Papers National Council of Educational Research and Training NCERT 2006 8174505601 | 8174505628 | 8174 Vol 1-3 38p UG Library
370 NCE 00113020 National Focus Group - Position Papers National Council of Educational Research and Training NCERT 2006 8174505601 | 8174505628 | 8174 Vol 1-3 38p UG Library
370 NCE 00113036 National Focus Group - Position Papers National Council of Educational Research and Training NCERT 2006 8174505601 | 8174505628 | 8174 Vol 1-3 38p UG Library
370 NCE 00113024 National Focus Group - Position Papers National Council of Educational Research and Training NCERT 2006 8174505601 | 8174505628 | 8174 Vol 1-3 38p UG Library
370 NEW 00136923 How to become an effective course director Newton, Bruce W Springer, 2009 9780387849041 xiv,87p.; UG Library
370 PAD 00114699 Education And National Concerns Padmaprasad S.P. Sumukha 2005 132p UG Library
370 PAG 00012466 Reading and Interpreting Pagels, Guerd G Wadsworth: 2000 295 p,: UG Library
370 PAN 00051560 Society Education and Development Panda, Santosh Association of Indian Universities 1998 8175200278 176 p. UG Library
370 PAR 00113049 Experiments on Formal Level Topics in Chemistry Set II Parkash Brahm National Council Of Educational Research And Training 2000 145 p. UG Library
370 PET 00038472 Exercises in Media Education Gonsalves, Peter Don Bosco Communications 1995 146 p. UG Library
370 PET 00113041 Growing With the Young Gonsalves, Peter Don Bosco Communications 1994 40 p.: UG Library
370 PIE 05064048 Sciat vt serviat / Hurtubise, Pierre., [] International Federation of Catholic Universities, 2009 2911048857 407p. Knowledge Centre
370 PRA 05073531 Most bitten bytes on techno-pedagogy / Praveen, Chandrasekharan. Bluerose Publishers, 2021 9789354274466 195p, ; Knowledge Centre
370 RAM 05060320 Inside indian schools : Ramachamdran, Vimala. Social Science Press, 2018 9789383166251 xx, 271p. Knowledge Centre
370 RAM 00041902 National Policy on Education Ram, Atma Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1996 0706988442 2nd Ed. 263 p. UG Library
370 RAO 00113003 Education System Rao, V K APH 8176483559 426p UG Library
370 RED 00121714 Teacher Education Reddy, G. Lokanadha 9789350567333 302 p.: UG Library
370 RUS 00091371 Concerns, conflicts, and cohesions : Oxford University Press, 9780198060246 | 0198060246 xxii, 350 p. : UG Library
370 RUS 05005372 On education / Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2010 9780415487405 (pbk.) | 0415487 x, 201 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370 RUS 10003215 On education / Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2010 9781138302105 x, 201 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
370 SAL 00113043 Educational Development in India: Salim Abdul A. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2002 8126110392 1st Ed. 338 p. UG Library
370 SEL 00124439 Framework on Academic Achievement and Leadership Qualities S.K. Panneer Selvam Random Publications, 2016 9789351118909 xxii, 341 p.: UG Library
370 SHA 00123695 Higher Education in India Sharma, S.L. Rawat Publications, 2014 9788131606513 viii: 296p.; UG Library
370 SHA 05073145 NTA UGC NET / JRF / SET : Education (Paper-2) / Sharma, Nandini. Arihant Publications (India) Limited, 2019 9789326192583 25, 716p.; Knowledge Centre
370 SHA 07006502 Higher Education in India Sharma, S.L. Rawat Publications, 2014 9788131606513 viii: 296p.; Library - BR Campus
370 SHA 00080352 Values and Academic Achievement Shamshuddin, Shaik Discovery Publishing House 2007 9788183562836 206 p.: UG Library
370 SHA 00146320 The Doctrines of the Great Western Educators: Sharma, Yogendra K Kanishka Publishers. 2022 9788173915048 509p UG Library
370 SHA 00058388 Teacher Education: Sharma, Sita Ram Mangal Deep Publications 2002 8175941251 172 p: UG Library
370 SHA 00117746 Higher Education in India Sharma, S.L. Rawat Publications, 2014 9788131606513 viii: 296p.; UG Library
370 SHA 00113001 Teacher Education: Sharma, Sita Ram Mangal Deep Publications 2002 8175941251 172 p: UG Library
370 SHU 00122246 The mother on education. Shukla, Anil The Member Secretary, 2004 in 260 p.: UG Library
370 SPR 07010949 Globalization of education : Spring, Joel H. Routledge, 2015 9780415749848 | 9780415749862 Second edition. xiv, 230 pages ; Library - BR Campus
370 STR 00015055 Developing a Curriculum for Modern Living Stratmeyer, Florence B. Bureau Of Publications 1950 558 p. UG Library
370 SWA 00135429 Teaching qualitative research: Swaminathan,Raji The Guilford press, 2018 9781462536702 xv,216p.; UG Library
370 TAN 00128367 Educational Thought and Practice Taneja, V. R. Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 2012 9788120701021 349p : . UG Library
370 TAN 00058382 Dictionary of Education Taneja, R. P. Anmol Publications 1995 8170411629 2nd Ed. 297 p. UG Library
370 TAN 00114700 Dictionary of Education Taneja, R. P. Anmol Publications 1995 8170411629 2nd Ed. 297 p. UG Library
370 THA 05042352 Education and Society : Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199451319 xix,587p.: Knowledge Centre
370 THA 00132056 Perspectives on education Thamarasseri,Ismail Discovery publishing house pvt ltd., 2018 9789350568941 187p.; UG Library
370 THE 00002193 Beacon Lights Thekaekara, M Catholic Press, 1947 45 p: UG Library
370 TRI 00123634 Man-Making Education Tripathi, K N Alfa Publications, 2015 9789385512001 xiii, 281 p:. UG Library
370 UMA 00114698 Vishayaadarita Kannada Bhasha Bhodane Umadevi K.R. Vidyahanu 2000 245p UG Library
370 UPA 00113002 Home Environment and Value Development Upadhyay, Dr Sudha Rani Discovery Publishing House : 2003 8171417140 366 p: UG Library
370 VEE 00113042 Modern Problems of Education Veer, Udai Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126119470 | 9788126119479 251 p. UG Library
370 VEE 00113044 Modern Problems of Education Veer, Udai Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126119470 | 9788126119479 251 p. UG Library
370 VEE 00116156 Modern Problems of Education Veer, Udai Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126119470 | 9788126119479 251 p. UG Library
370 VEN 00058384 Education in Information Age Venkataiah, S. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2001 8126107987 1st Ed. 272 p. UG Library
370 WEB 00012946 Read Well and Remember Webster, Owen English Language Book 1965 277 p: UG Library
370 WHI 00132032 Aims of education Whitehead,A.N Sarup book publishers pvt ltd., 2016 9789352080526 151p.; UG Library
370 WIN 00113045 Key Concepts in the Philosophy of Education Winch, Christopher Routledge 2004 0415173043 | 9780415173049 281 p. UG Library
370 WOO 07001718 Eduational Psychology Woolfolk, Anita pearson India Education, 2014 9789332536753 12th ed. 691 p:. Library - BR Campus
370. 954 KUM 00117045 Politics of education in Colonial India / Krishna, Kumar, Routledge, 2014 9780415728799 | 0415728797 xii, 248 pages ; UG Library
370.0023 TP 00085240 India Education & Career Handbook [GENERAL SECTION] Technopar Advisors Westland Limited 295 p UG Library
370.007 UPA 00122999 Research Methodology in Education Upadhyay,Devswaroop. Wisdom Press. 2012 9789380199962 257 p. UG Library
370.007 UPA 00106397 Research Methodology in Education Upadhyay,Devswaroop. Wisdom Press. 2012 9789380199962 257 p. UG Library
370.00954 AHM 00078518 Forty Years of Kothari Commission Reforms and Reflections Ahmed, Feroz Multilingual Matters Limited 2007 9788130904153 189 p.: UG Library
370.00954 SRE 00062034 Planning and Expenditure on Education Sreeramulu, Gooru Kalpaz Publications. 2004 0817835215 253 p.: UG Library
370.01 RAM 00012718 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.01 RAM 00012750 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.01 RAM 00012734 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.01 RAM 00012719 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.01 RAM 00012721 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.0103 SIN 00091449 Encyclopaedia of Aims of education Singh Alok Kumar Anmol Publications 299p UG Library
370.014 NIX 00093165 Towards the virtuous university Nixon, Jon Routledge 9780415875141 162p UG Library
370.01RAM 00012711 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 208p UG Library
370.01RAM. 00012742 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 208p UG Library
370.01RAM.. 00012733 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 208p UG Library
370.01RAM... 00012722 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 208p UG Library
370.03 GEO 00081915 Encyclopaedia of Education George, Cynthia Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2006 9788126128747 287 p.: UG Library
370.0680954 VAS 00113006 Educational Administration in India VashistS. R. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 9788170418290 533 P.: UG Library
370.07 AMA 00106401 Teacher education for 21st century Amareswaran,Naraginti. Discovery Pub. House, 2011 9788183567275 300 p. UG Library
370.07 AMA 00111924 Teacher education for 21st century Amareswaran,Naraginti. Discovery Pub. House, 2011 9788183567275 300 p. UG Library
370.07 CHA 00051565 Teacher Education in India Chawla, Surinder Kumari Association of Indian Universities 2000 0817520057 176 p.: UG Library
370.07 DAS 00113014 Five Decades of Development in Teacher Education in India Das, Dr R C Neelkamal Publications 2007 9788183161336 156 p.: UG Library
370.07 NEG 00051561 Value Education in India Negi, Usha Raj Association of Indian Universities : 2000 8175200596 144 p.: UG Library
370.071 IST 00096319 ISTE Handbook 2007-08 Indian Society for Technical Education, 8188057185 488 p. UG Library
370.0711 AIU 00051562 Handbook On Computer Education 2000 Association Of Indian Universities Association of Indian Universities 2000 8175200553 164p UG Library
370.072 ADI 00021696 Educational and Social Research Adiseshiah, W T V Velan Pathippagam 1977 278 p.: UG Library
370.072 SIV 00121712 Recent trend in educational research Sivakumar, D Discovery Publishing House Pvt LTD, 2015 9789350567418 241 p.: UG Library
370.072 TAB 05058459 Classroom-based research and evidence-based practice : Taber, Keith, Sage, 2013 9781446209219 (hbk.) | 1446209 Second edition. xii, 355 pages : Knowledge Centre
370.092 NAR 00137412 God save the Hon'ble Supreme Court and other opinions / Nariman, Fali S., Hay House, 2018 9789386832627 304 p. ; UG Library
370.094 SIN 00144475 Educational Philosophy of Madan Mohan Malaviya / Singh, Sunita. Atlantic, 2022 9788126934317 viii,343p, ; UG Library
370.0954 BHA 01007421 Contested Terrain (law Lib) Sabyasachi Bhattacharya Orient Longman Private Limited 8125014292 446p. Knowledge Centre
370.0954 DHA 00056107 Dharampal Collected Writings.Vol.3:the Beautiful Tree Indigenous Indian Education in the Eighteenth Century Dharampal Other India Press 8185569495 422p UG Library
370.0954 DUB 00046300 Commercialisation of Education in India: Policy, Law and Justice Dubey, Akhilesh APH Publishing. 1997 145 p.: UG Library
370.0954 RAO 00047062 Education in India Rao, V K Indian Publishing Distributors 1999 8173410488 305 p,: UG Library
370.1 BHA 00112039 Principles & Practice of Education Bhatia, K K Kalyani Publishers: 2002 8176633453 160 p: UG Library
370.1 DAS 00113106 Principles of Education Dash, B N Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804390 312 p.: UG Library
370.1 DAS 00113104 Principles of Education Dash, B N Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804390 312 p.: UG Library
370.1 DAS 00113107 Principles of Education Dash, B N Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804390 312 p.: UG Library
370.1 DHA 00113051 Philosophy of Education Dhawan, M. L. Isha Books 2004 8182051517 288 p. UG Library
370.1 RIE 04001269 English for Engineers Regional Institute O Cambridge University 2008 9788175963108 188 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.1 RUS 03003432 Education and the Social Order Russell, Bertrand Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 9780415487351 186 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
370.1 ADA 00133576 Educational theory Adams,John Sarup book publishers pvt ltd., 2018 9789352080960 iv,327p.; UG Library
370.1 AGG 00113060 Philosophical and Sociological Perspectives on Education Aggarwal, J C Shipra 2003 8175411112 243p UG Library
370.1 AGG 00124119 Theory and Principles of Education Aggarwal J. C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2013 9788125938477 13th ed. 518 p. UG Library
370.1 AGG 00117064 Theory and Principles of Education: Philosophical & Sociological Bases of Education Aggarwal, J C Vikas 2004 8125912932 462p UG Library
370.1 AGG 00113010 Theory and Principles of Education: Philosophical & Sociological Bases of Education Aggarwal, J C Vikas 2004 8125912932 462p UG Library
370.1 AGG 00022141 Theory and Principles of Education Aggarwal J. C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1987 360 p. UG Library
370.1 AGG 00127402 Philosophical and Sociological Percpectives on Education Aggarwal, J. C. Shipra Publications, 2002 8175411104 | 9788175417366 xii, 243 p. : UG Library
370.1 AGG 00113011 Theory and Principles of Education: Philosophical & Sociological Bases of Education Aggarwal, J C Vikas 2004 8125912932 462p UG Library
370.1 AIK 00113263 Education Aikara, Jacob Rawat Publications 2004 8170338549 | 9788170338543 276 p. UG Library
370.1 AIK 00113291 Education Aikara, Jacob Rawat Publications 2004 8170338549 | 9788170338543 276 p. UG Library
370.1 AIK 00114787 Education Aikara, Jacob Rawat Publications 2004 8170338549 | 9788170338543 276 p. UG Library
370.1 AIK 00114566 Education Aikara, Jacob Rawat Publications 2004 8170338549 | 9788170338543 276 p. UG Library
370.1 ALI 00145182 Advanced Philosophy of Education Ali, Lokman Global Net Publication 2020 9789389767001 619p UG Library
370.1 ANY 05058779 Marx and education / Anyon, Jean. Routledge, 2011 9781138565739 117 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.1 ARC 05018164 Philosophical Analysis and Education : Routledge, 1972 9780415562690 212 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.1 ARJ 00107413 Philosophical And Socialogical Bases Of Education Arjunan N.K.Dr. Yoga Publication 2009 18707544386 428 P. UG Library
370.1 ARU 00109278 Philosophical and Sociological Perspectives On Education Arulsamy S.Dr. Neelkamal Publications Pvt Ltd 2011 9788183162371 xvi; 360 p. UG Library
370.1 ARU 00124723 Philosophical and Sociological Perspectives on Education Arulsamy,S Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd 2011 9788183162449 360p UG Library
370.1 AUB 05058334 Understanding and using challenging educational theories / Aubrey, Karl. Sage, 2017 9781473955806 (pbk. : alk. pap vi,231p.; Knowledge Centre
370.1 BAD 00113117 Foundations of Education Badami, M.S. Vidyanidi Prakashana 2004 1st Ed. 168 p. UG Library
370.1 BAD 00113074 Foundations of Education Badami, M.S. Vidyanidi Prakashana 2004 1st Ed. 168 p. UG Library
370.1 BAD 00113079 Philosophical & Sociological Foundations of Education Badami B. S. Vidyanidhi 2006 2nd Ed. 240 p. UG Library
370.1 BAI 00105617 The SAGE handbook of philosophy of education Bailey,Richard. SAGE Publication, 2010 9781847874672 xx, 550 p. ; UG Library
370.1 BAI 05056496 The Philosophy of education: Bloomsbury publishing Inc., 2010 9789386349323 x,184p.; Knowledge Centre
370.1 BAL 05009508 Truth and Eros / Rajchman John Routledge, 1991 9780415562119 155 p. Knowledge Centre
370.1 BAN 00113091 Sociological And Philosophical Issues In Education Banerjee A.C. Book Enclave 2003 8181520513 288 p. UG Library
370.1 BAR 00106984 An introduction to philosophy of education Barrow, Robin. Routledge, 2006 9780415381260 (hc) | 978041538 4th edition. xix, 200 p. ; UG Library
370.1 BAR 05018166 Plato Utilitarianism and Educatio : Barrow Robin Routledge, 1975 9780415562508 ix,211 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.1 BEN 05003554 A tribute to Caroline Benn : Continuum, 2004 0826474934 | 0826487548 (pbk.) xii, 274 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.1 BHA 00113070 Educational Philosophers of Swami Vivekanand and John Dewey Bharathy, Vijaya, D. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 8176487732 214 p. UG Library
370.1 BHA 00105236 Philosophy of Education. Kaushik,Vijaya K. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2006 9788126122462 284 p. UG Library
370.1 BHA 00057312 Principles & Practice of Education Bhatia, K K Kalyani Publishers: 2002 8176633453 160 p: UG Library
370.1 BHA 00112032 Foundation of education Bhatia,K K. Kalyani publications, 2003 81727214167 2nd ed. 353,123p.; UG Library
370.1 BHA 00113145 Educational Philosophies of Swami Vivekanada and John Dewey: Bharathy, D Vijaya APH Publishing House: 2004 8176487732 214 p.: UG Library
370.1 BIS 00068158 Philosophy of Education Biswal, U.N. Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2005 8178882450 | 9788178882451 1st Ed. 315 p. UG Library
370.1 BRU 00133537 Modern philosophies of education Brubacher, John S. Sarup book publishers pvt ltd., 2018 9789352081028 404p; UG Library
370.1 CHA 00113016 Foundations of Education Chaube S. P. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2002 8125911316 2nd Ed. 357 p. UG Library
370.1 CHA 00113018 Foundations of Education Chaube S. P. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2002 8125911316 2nd Ed. 357 p. UG Library
370.1 CHA 00113015 Foundations of Education Chaube S. P. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2002 8125911316 2nd Ed. 357 p. UG Library
370.1 CHA 00144470 Philosophy of Education / Chandra, S S. Atlantic, 2022 9788171566372 335p, ; UG Library
370.1 CHA 00113108 Foundations of Education Chaube S. P. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2002 8125911316 2nd Ed. 357 p. UG Library
370.1 CHA 00113017 Foundations of Education Chaube S. P. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2002 8125911316 2nd Ed. 357 p. UG Library
370.1 CHA 00105237 Principles of Teaching Chand, Tara Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 1990 9788126121007 266 p.; UG Library
370.1 CHA 00113085 New Frontiers in Education: Chakrabarti, Mohit Kanishka 2008 9788184570342 106p UG Library
370.1 CHA 00099073 A Textbook of Educational Philosophy Chaube S N Wisdom Press; 9789380199429 v, 895 p. UG Library
370.1 CHA 00101067 A Textbook of Educational Philosophy Chaube S N Wisdom Press; 9789380199429 v, 895 p. UG Library
370.1 CHA 00113068 Principles of Teaching Chand, Tara Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 1990 9788126121007 266 p.; UG Library
370.1 CHA 00140120 Understanding education Chalwadi,Shankarappa H Current publications, 2020 9788194196839 248p.; UG Library
370.1 CHH 00113052 Theory and Principles of Education Chhaya Akansha Publishing House : 2004 9788187606420 212 p.: UG Library
370.1 COL 05058777 Marxism and educational theory : Cole, Mike, Routledge, 2008 9781138564824 xx, 181 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.1 COL 00099087 Marxism and educational theory : Cole, Mike, Routledge, 9780415331708 (hardback) | 978 xx, 181 p. ; UG Library
370.1 COO 05018170 Illusions of Equality : Cooper David.E Routledge, 1980 9780415561716 178 p.: Knowledge Centre
370.1 COO 05009481 Authenticity and Learning : Cooper David.E Routledge, 1983 9780415562218 156 p.: Knowledge Centre
370.1 COO 00128101 Sacred trust : Cookson, Peter W. Corwin Press, 2011 9781412981163 (pbk.) xv, 141 p. : UG Library
370.1 COO. 05018169 Education Values and Mind : Routledge, 1986 9780415562133 vi,222 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.1 DAS 00112033 Foundation of Education Dash,B.N Kalyani publishers, 2006 8127226335 613p.; UG Library
370.1 DAS 00113105 Principles of Education Dash, B N Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804390 312 p.: UG Library
370.1 DAS 00114715 Principles of Education Dash, B N Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804390 312 p.: UG Library
370.1 DAS 00113103 Principles of Education Dash, B N Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804390 312 p.: UG Library
370.1 DAS 00119796 Philosophical and Sociological Basis of Education Dash, B.N. Dominant Publishers & Distributers Pvt Ltd, 2014 9789382007661 311p.; UG Library
370.1 DAV 00074113 Key Debates in Education Davies,Ian Continuum 2006 0826451284 | 9780826451286 176 p. UG Library
370.1 DEA 05018171 Education and the Development of Reason : Routledge, 1972 9780415563512 xiv,536 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.1 DHA 00107835 Philosophy of Education Dhawan M.L. Isha Books 2007 8182051517 288 P. UG Library
370.1 DHA 00113050 Philosophy of Education Dhawan, M. L. Isha Books 2004 8182051517 288 p. UG Library
370.1 DHI 00113081 Foundations of Education. Dhiman, O P APH Publishing Corporation 2007 9788131302217 319p UG Library
370.1 DOT 05068607 Education foundations : Dotts, Brian W., Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781316648896 xxiii, 548p.; Knowledge Centre
370.1 DOY 05018172 Educational Judgments : Routledge, 1973 9780415565721 x,265 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.1 EDI 00113013 Philosophy and Curriculum Ediger,Marlow Discovery Publishing House 2003 8171416314 214 p. UG Library
370.1 EDI 00113100 Philosophy and Curriculum Ediger,Marlow Discovery Publishing House 2003 8171416314 214 p. UG Library
370.1 EDU 00113087 Thinkers On Education Edutracks Neelkamal Publications Pvt Ltd 2000 195 p. UG Library
370.1 EDU 00113109 Thinkers On Education Edutracks Neelkamal Publications Pvt Ltd 2000 195 p. UG Library
370.1 EDU 00113818 Thinkers On Education Edutracks Neelkamal Publications Pvt Ltd 2000 195 p. UG Library
370.1 FER 00063507 The Foundations of Education Fernandes, Milagris Maria Himalaya Publishing House 2004 8178667975 xx; 370 p. UG Library
370.1 FRE 01007252 Pedagogy of Hope Reliving Pedagogy of the Oppressed(law Library) Paulo Freire Continuum 0826477909 215p Knowledge Centre
370.1 FRI 00078489 Peadagogy of Hope : Reliving Pedagogy of the Oppressed Freire Paulo Countinuum Publishing Company 2005 0826477909 215 p UG Library
370.1 HAL 00120490 Pedagogy and Practice Kathy Hall SAGE, Publications, 2008 9781847873675 | 9781847873675 xiv, 213 p. : UG Library
370.1 HIR 00108717 Educational Theory And Its Foundation Disciplines Hirst Paul H. Routledge & Kegan Paul 1983 9780415689441 vi; 145 p. UG Library
370.1 JAS 07015666 Giorgio Agamben: Education Without Ends / Jasinski, Igor. Springer, 2018 9783030023331 1st ed. 2018. 99p.: Library - BR Campus
370.1 JHA 00138291 Philosophy of Education : Jha,Aniruddh. Venus Publications, 2019 9789387851467 272p.; UG Library
370.1 JOH 05036983 Philosophical documents in education / Johnson, Tony W Prentice Hall, 2012 9780137080380 | 0137080387 4th ed. xvii, 284 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.1 JOH 00113057 Educational Thought Johri, Pradeep Kumar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126121742 | 9788126121748 348p UG Library
370.1 JOH 00114695 Foundations Of Education Johri, P K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2005 8126122234 | 9788126122233 392p UG Library
370.1 JOH 00114709 Educational Thought Johri, Pradeep Kumar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126121742 | 9788126121748 348p UG Library
370.1 KAU 00114688 Principals of Education Kaushik, Vijaya Kumari Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2002 8126112042 350p UG Library
370.1 KAU 00132036 Dynamics of education Kaur,Surenderjit New Delhi publishers, 2015 9789381274941 255p.; UG Library
370.1 KAU 00113099 Principals of Education Kaushik, Vijaya Kumari Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2002 8126112042 350p UG Library
370.1 KAU 00113058 Education Theory and Practice Kaushik, Vijaya Kumari Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 2002 8126112085 | 9788126112081 289 p. UG Library
370.1 KIL 00133544 Philosophy of education Kilpatric ,William Heard Sarup book publishers pvt ltd., 2018 9789352081042 vi,430p.; UG Library
370.1 KRI 04026177 A Flame of Learning / Krishnamurti Krishna Murti Foundation, 2006 9788187326625 205p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.1 KUM 00119787 Encyclopaedia of History of world educational thought Kumari, Meena Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd 2014 9788126158263 304p. UG Library
370.1 LAL 00114716 Educational Philosophic Beliefs Lalitha T Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171417655 88p UG Library
370.1 LAL 00113082 Educational Philosophic Belief Lalitha T. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171417655 88 p. UG Library
370.1 LAL 00113115 Educational Philosophic Beliefs Lalitha, T. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171417655 88 p. UG Library
370.1 LAL 00113007 Educational Philosophic Beliefs Lalitha, T. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171417655 88 p. UG Library
370.1 LAN 05018176 New Essays in the Philosophy of Education Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1973 9780415564519 x,266 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.1 LAU 00101071 Educational Philosophy Laurence James.C Rajat publications; 9788178804736 286 p. UG Library
370.1 LEW 00069004 The Abolition of Man Lewis, C.S. HarperSan Francisco 2001 0060652942 | 9780060652944 113 p. UG Library
370.1 LOC 00104118 Some Thought s Conecering Education : Locke Jon Clarendon Press Oxford ; 2003 9780198250166 336 p. UG Library
370.1 LOW 00144596 The Mind and Teachers in the Classroom : Low Remy Y S. Palgrave macmillan, 2021 9783030703837 ix,130p, ; UG Library
370.1 MAK 00113012 Education for Creative Living Makiguchi,Tsunesaburo National Book Trust 2004 8123736509 260 p. UG Library
370.1 MAR 00131363 Contemporary debates in education studies / Marshall, Jennifer Routledge, 2018 9781138680234 (hardback) | 9781138680241 (pbk.) xii, 203 pages : UG Library
370.1 MAR 01011742 On Education: Marti,Jose Aakar Books 9789350020043 320p Knowledge Centre
370.1 MAR 00143503 On the Possibility of a Digital University Marin, Lavinia. Springer, 2021 9783030659752 x,80p, ; UG Library
370.1 MAT 00119797 Principles of Education Mattoo, Muhammad Iqbal Axis Books Pvt Ltd., 2013 9789382835042 252p.; UG Library
370.1 MIR 05041132 Philosophy and Education / Miri Mrinal Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199452767 xiii,175p.: Knowledge Centre
370.1 MOD 05032406 Education, Religion and Creativity/ Modi,Ishwar Rawat Publication, 2013 9788131605714 xx,320p.; Knowledge Centre
370.1 MON 00086320 Prophets of Education Montessori,Maria Sarupa and Sons 2004 8176255041 | 9788176255042 1st Ed. 240 p. UG Library
370.1 MOO 05018177 Philosophy of Education : Moore T.W Routledge, 1982 9780415564540 142 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.1 MUK 00111862 Education for Fullness: Mukherjee, H.B. Routledge, 2013 9780415643474 xvii: 494p.; UG Library
370.1 MUR 05046036 Theory as method in research : Routledge, 2016 9781138900332 (hardback) | 978 x,204p.; Knowledge Centre
370.1 MUR 00057309 Philosophical and Sociological Foundations of Education Murty, S K Tandon Publications 2000 400 p.; UG Library
370.1 NAN 00141253 Existentialism : Nanda, Gouranga Charan Navyug Books International ; 2017 9789382974598 132 p. ; UG Library
370.1 NAQ 00113077 Modern Philosophy of Education Naqi,Mohammad Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 2005 8126121688 | 9788126121687 | 9 363 p. UG Library
370.1 NAQ 00114685 Modern Philosophy Of Education Naqi, Mohammad, Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2005 8126121688 | 9788126121687 364p UG Library
370.1 NAQ 00113098 Modern Philosophy of Education Naqi,Mohammad Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 2005 8126121688 | 9788126121687 | 9 363 p. UG Library
370.1 NAR 00012585 Thoughts on Education Narasimhaiah, H. Banglore University 1974 128 p. UG Library
370.1 NAR 00012586 Thoughts on Education Narasimhaiah, H. Banglore University 1974 128 p. UG Library
370.1 NAR 00015126 Thoughts on Education Narasimhaiah, H. Banglore University 1974 128 p. UG Library
370.1 NAY 04030586 Leading with Purpose : Centre for Publications CHRIST (Deemed to be University), 2023 455p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.1 NAY 04030587 Leading with Purpose : Centre for Publications CHRIST (Deemed to be University), 2023 455p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.1 NAY 08001813 Leading with Purpose : Centre for Publications CHRIST (Deemed to be University), 2023 455p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.1 NAY 05073673 Leading with Purpose : Centre for Publications CHRIST (Deemed to be University), 2023 455p.; Knowledge Centre
370.1 NAY 05073674 Leading with Purpose : Centre for Publications CHRIST (Deemed to be University), 2023 455p.; Knowledge Centre
370.1 NAY 00119785 Educational thought Nayyar, R C Dominant Publishers 2015 9789384161316 303p. UG Library
370.1 NAY 03013725 Leading with Purpose : Centre for Publications CHRIST (Deemed to be University), 2023 455p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
370.1 NEW 04022825 Teaching for Understanding : Newton, Douglas P. Routledge, 2012 9780415599207 2nd ed. 178p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.1 NEW 00123714 Teaching for Understanding : Newton, Douglas P. Routledge, 2012 9780415599207 2nd ed. 178p. : UG Library
370.1 NIT 00113086 Buddhist System of Education Nithiyanandam V. Global Vision Publishing House 2004 8182200059 1st Ed. 168 p. UG Library
370.1 NUN 00114713 Principles of Education Nunn, Sir Percy Discovery Publishing House: 1999 8171412572 260 p.: UG Library
370.1 NUN 00113088 Principles of Education Nunn, Sir Percy Discovery Publishing House: 1999 8171412572 260 p.: UG Library
370.1 NUN 00113008 Principles of Education Nunn, Sir Percy Discovery Publishing House: 1999 8171412572 260 p.: UG Library
370.1 OCO 00014142 An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education O'Connor D. J. Routledge & Kegan Paul 1971 0710046642 148 p. UG Library
370.1 ODO 00131440 Understanding contemporary education : O'Donoghue, T. A. Routledge, 2017 9781138678255 (hardback) | 9781138678262 (pbk.) vii, 252 pages ; UG Library
370.1 ORN 00132563 Foundations of Education Ornstein Allan C. Wadsworth Cengage, 2011 9780495810438 xx,524 p.: UG Library
370.1 ORN 00118649 Foundations of Education Ornstein Allan C. Wadsworth Cengage, 2011 9780495810438 xx,524 p.: UG Library
370.1 OUI 07012339 Critical studies / Ouida Rohit Publications, 2018 9789383382613 209p.; Library - BR Campus
370.1 OZM 00091485 Philosophical foundations of education Ozmon, Howard. Merrill, 1995 0023903112 | 9780023903113 xxx, 423 p. ; UG Library
370.1 PAD 00113177 Principles of Education. Pandey, Dr R S Vinod Pustak 2007 438p UG Library
370.1 PAH 00113067 Theory and Priniples of Education Pahuja, N. P. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2003 8126116587 285 p. UG Library
370.1 PAH 00113055 Theory and Priniples of Education Pahuja, N. P. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2003 8126116587 285 p. UG Library
370.1 PAH 00114694 Theory and Priniples of Education Pahuja, N. P. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2003 8126116587 285 p. UG Library
370.1 PAH 00113054 Theory and Priniples of Education Pahuja, N. P. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2003 8126116587 285 p. UG Library
370.1 PAH 00113089 Theory and Priniples of Education Pahuja, N. P. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2003 8126116587 285 p. UG Library
370.1 PAH 00113056 Theory and Priniples of Education Pahuja, N. P. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2003 8126116587 285 p. UG Library
370.1 PAN 00114712 Educational Thoughts Pandey, Ram Shakal Adhyayan Publishers 8189161628 290p UG Library
370.1 PAN 00113092 Philosophising Education Pandey, R. S. Kanishka Publishers Distributors 1993 8173917558 180 p. UG Library
370.1 PAN 00113071 Philosophising Education Pandey, R. S. Kanishka Publishers Distributors 1993 8173917558 180 p. UG Library
370.1 PAN 00091540 Vivekananda Aurobindo and Gandhi on education Pani S P Anmol Publications 9788126129997 256p UG Library
370.1 PAN 00129755 Philosophical Foundations Of Education Pandey Amrita. Rajat Publications, 2018 9788178806365 vii p.: 228 p.: UG Library
370.1 PAN 00129831 Philosophical Foundations Of Education Pandey Amrita. Rajat Publications, 2018 9788178806365 vii p.: 228 p.: UG Library
370.1 PER 00129037 Future wise : Perkins, David N. Jossey-Bass 2014 9781118844083 (hardback) First ed. xii, 274 pages ; UG Library
370.1 PET 05018181 Education and the Education of Teachers : Peter R.S Routledge, 1977 9780415562515 xii,195 p.: Knowledge Centre
370.1 POP 07009333 Natural Resources and Technologies in Educational Activities: L E,Popov Viva Books, 2015 9788130930220 122 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
370.1 RAG 00091553 Educational Planning Raghuram R K Crescent Publishing corporation 9788183421454 286p UG Library
370.1 RAN 00113094 Educational Aspiration and Scientific Attitudes Rani Durga Kalluri Discovery Publishing House 2000 8171415555 109 p. UG Library
370.1 RAN 00113090 Educational Aspiration and Scientific Attitudes Rani Durga Kalluri Discovery Publishing House 2000 8171415555 109 p. UG Library
370.1 RAN 00113093 Educational Aspiration and Scientific Attitudes Rani Durga Kalluri Discovery Publishing House 2000 8171415555 109 p. UG Library
370.1 RAO 00114759 Problems Of Education Rao,Venkateswara V Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418414 273p UG Library
370.1 RAO 00114693 Contemporary Conceptions of Education Rao V. K. Commonwealth Publishers 2002 0817169232x 1st Ed. 279 p. UG Library
370.1 RAO 00113004 Contemporary Conceptions of Education Rao V. K. Commonwealth Publishers 2002 0817169232x 1st Ed. 279 p. UG Library
370.1 RAT 00113101 Theory and Principles of Education Rather A. R. Dr. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418171 256 p. UG Library
370.1 RAT 00113110 Theory and Principles of Education Rather A. R. Dr. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418171 256 p. UG Library
370.1 RAT 00114697 Theory And Principles Of Education Rather, A R Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418171 256p UG Library
370.1 RAT 00113102 Theory and Principles of Education Rather A. R. Dr. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418171 256 p. UG Library
370.1 RAY 00147598 The Principles of Education/ Raymont, T. Hilltop Publications, 2024 9788119642915 viii,381p. ; UG Library
370.1 RIC 00053800 Gandhi`s Philosophy of Education. Richards, Glyn 2001 0195652835 118p UG Library
370.1 RUS 00132042 Educational theories Ruskin,John Sarup book publishers pvt ltd., 2016 9789352080496 208p.; UG Library
370.1 RUS 00113009 Education And The Good Life Russell, Bertrand Kanishka Publishers Distributors 2000 0817391592x 179 p. UG Library
370.1 SAR 00086317 Prophets of Education: Engels Theory of Education, Vol -16 Sarup Sarupa and Sons 8176255041 331 p UG Library
370.1 SAR 00086318 Prophets of Education: Karl Marx on Educatin and Morality, V0l. 17 Sarup Sarupa and Sons 8176255041 525 p UG Library
370.1 SAR 00086319 Prophets of Education: Lev Tolstoy and His Experiments in Education Vol. 18 Sarup Sarupa and Sons 8176255041 385 p UG Library
370.1 SAR 00086321 Prophets of Education: George Bernard Shaw as an Educationist Vol - 20 Sarup Sarupa and Sons 8176255041 251 p UG Library
370.1 SAX 00113072 Principles of Education Saxena N. R. Swaroop R. Lall Book Depot 2007 445 p. UG Library
370.1 SEE 00113005 Philosophies of Education Seetharamu A.S. Ashish Publishing House 2003 81702422230 243 p. UG Library
370.1 SEE 00113069 Philosophies of Education Seetharamu A.S. Ashish Publishing House 2003 81702422230 243 p. UG Library
370.1 SEL 00123688 Educational Attitude and Skills Progress Selvam Panneer S.K. Random Publications, 2015 9789351115304 xvi, 330 p.: UG Library
370.1 SHA 00113053 Western Philosophy of Education Sharma, G R Atlantic 2004 8126901357 234p UG Library
370.1 SHA 00113083 Basic Principles of Education Sharma, Shashi Prabha Kanishka Publishers 2004 8173916950 390p UG Library
370.1 SHA 00144471 The Mothers Philosophy of Education / Shrma, G Ranjit. Atlantic, 2022 9788126935154 ix,236p, ; UG Library
370.1 SHA 00113078 Principles and Techniques of Education Sharma, D N Surjeet 2004 312p UG Library
370.1 SHA 00140121 Textbook of Educational Philosophy Sharma, Ram Nath Kanishka Publishers, 2003 0817391480 525 p.: UG Library
370.1 SHA 00145966 Trends in Contemporary Indian philosophy of education: Sharma, G. Ranjit Atlantic, 2022 9788126934980 x,192p. ; UG Library
370.1 SHA 00113059 Textbook of Educational Philosophy Sharma, Ram Nath Kanishka Publishers, 2003 0817391480 525 p.: UG Library
370.1 SHR 00113096 Philosophical Foundations of Education Shrivastava, K. K. Kanishka Publishers 2003 8173915393 374 p. UG Library
370.1 SHR 00113073 Philosophical Foundations of Education Shrivastava, K. K. Kanishka Publishers 2003 8173915393 374 p. UG Library
370.1 SHU 00109279 Philosophical And Sociological Foundations Of Education Shukla K.K.Dr. R.Lall Book Depot 2011 00119107600009 1st Ed. xii; 595 p. UG Library
370.1 SHU 00109307 Philosophical And Sociological Foundations Of Education Shukla K.K.Dr. R.Lall Book Depot 2011 00119107600009 1st Ed. xii; 595 p. UG Library
370.1 SID 00099078 Philosophical And Sociological Perspectives In Education Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan A P H Publishing Corporation, 9788131306444 vi, 288 p. UG Library
370.1 SIE 00106987 Rationality redeemed? Siegel, Harvey, Routedge, 1997 9780415917650 (alk. paper) | 0 xi, 234 p. ; UG Library
370.1 SIE 05029063 The Oxford handbook of philosophy of education / Oxford University Press, 9780195312881 (hardback : alk. xiii, 548 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.1 SIN 00113076 Modern Educational Theory and Practice Bharat Singh Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 9788126119080 338 p.: UG Library
370.1 SIN 00120138 Modern Educational Theory and Practice Bharat Singh Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 9788126119080 338 p.: UG Library
370.1 SIN 00113075 Modern Educational Theory and Practice Bharat Singh Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 9788126119080 338 p.: UG Library
370.1 SIN 00138348 Philosophical And Sociological Foundations Of Education / Singh, Jitendra. Anvi Books & Publishers, 2019 9788194128168 296p.; UG Library
370.1 SIN 00114686 Modern Educational Theory And Practice Singh, Bharat Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126119071 | 9788126119073 338p UG Library
370.1 SIN 05067484 Philosophical And Sociological Foundations Of Education / Singh, Jitendra. Anvi Books & Publishers, 2019 9788194128168 296p.; Knowledge Centre
370.1 SNO 05018183 Concepts of Indoctrination : Routledge, 1972 9780415563529 xiv,210 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.1 SON 00113111 Little Steps Soni,Romila National Council Of Educational Research And Training 2005 8174503358 1st Ed. 124 p. UG Library
370.1 STR 05018184 Ethics and Educational Policy : Routledge, 1978 9780415564151 xii,225 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.1 SWA 05038614 Learning, teaching, and education research in the 21st century : an evolutionary analysis of the role of teachers Swann, Joanna Continuum international publishing group, 2012 9781441163172 xii,269p.; Knowledge Centre
370.1 TAN 00002056 Educational Thought and Practice Taneja, V. R. Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1990 9788120701021 380 p. UG Library
370.1 TAN 00014585 Educational Thought and Practice Taneja, V. R. Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1990 9788120701021 380 p. UG Library
370.1 TAN 00113066 Educational Thought and Practice Taneja, V. R. Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1990 9788120701021 380 p. UG Library
370.1 TAN 00114711 Educational Thought and Practice Taneja, V. R. Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1990 9788120701021 380 p. UG Library
370.1 TAN 00113064 Educational Thought and Practice Taneja, V. R. Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1990 9788120701021 380 p. UG Library
370.1 TAN 00113063 Educational Thought and Practice Taneja, V. R. Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1990 9788120701021 380 p. UG Library
370.1 TAN 00113065 Educational Thought and Practice Taneja, V. R. Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1990 9788120701021 380 p. UG Library
370.1 THA 00138334 J. Krishnamurti and education practice : Thapan, Meenakshi., ed. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199487806 xvi, 424p. UG Library
370.1 THA 05062694 J. Krishnamurti and education practice : Thapan, Meenakshi., ed. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199487806 xvi, 424p. Knowledge Centre
370.1 THO 05037782 Education and theory Thomas, Gary, Open University Press, 2007 x, 187 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.1 THO 00109011 Education and theory Thomas,Gary, Open University Press, 2007 x, 187 p. : UG Library
370.1 VEN 00113080 Fundamentals of Basic Education Venkataiah, S. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 8126116420 | 9788126116423 307 p. UG Library
370.1 VEN 00113116 Principles of Education Venkateshwaran, S. Vikas Publishers House Pvt Ltd 2004 0706973445 2nd Ed. 182 p. UG Library
370.1 VEN 00113095 Principles of Education Venkateshwaran, S. Vikas Publishers House Pvt Ltd 2004 0706973445 2nd Ed. 182 p. UG Library
370.1 VEN 00113084 Principles of Education Venkateshwaran, S. Vikas Publishers House Pvt Ltd 2004 0706973445 2nd Ed. 182 p. UG Library
370.1 VEN 00113097 Principles of Education Venkateshwaran, S. Vikas Publishers House Pvt Ltd 2004 0706973445 2nd Ed. 182 p. UG Library
370.1 VEN 00114696 Principles of Education Venkateshwaran, S. Vikas Publishers House Pvt Ltd 2004 0706973445 2nd Ed. 182 p. UG Library
370.1 VER 00110079 Studies in the Philosophy of Education Verma, V.P Jnanada Prakashan 2011 9788171390137 334 p. : UG Library
370.1 WBG 05057917 World bank report 2018 : World Bank Group, 2018 9781464810961 xvii, 216p. Knowledge Centre
370.1 WHI 05018186 Beyond Domination : White Patricia Routledge, 1983 9780415562713 183 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.1 WHI 00113112 Education and the End of Work White, John Cassell: 1997 9780304339488 125 p.: UG Library
370.1 WHI 00113113 Education and the End of Work White, John Cassell: 1997 9780304339488 125 p.: UG Library
370.1 WHI 00113114 Education and the End of Work White, John Cassell: 1997 9780304339488 125 p.: UG Library
370.1 WIL 05018187 Preface To The Philosophy of Education : Wilson John Routledge, 2010 9780415564892 x,249 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.1 WIN 00075708 Key Concepts in the Philosophy of Education Winch,Christoper Routledge 2000 0415173043 | 9780415173049 282 p. UG Library
370.1 WIN 01000341 Philosophy of Education (law Lib) Christopher Winch ROUTLEDGE 0415173043 282p Knowledge Centre
370.103 KUM 00114706 Encyclopaedia of Educational Philosophy Kumar, S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126121084 296 p UG Library
370.103 KUM 00114704 Encyclopaedia of Educational Philosophy Kumar, S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126121084 296 p UG Library
370.103 KUM 00114708 Encyclopaedia of Educational Philosophy Kumar, S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126121084 296 p UG Library
370.103 KUM 00114707 Encyclopaedia of Educational Philosophy Kumar, S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126121084 296 p UG Library
370.103 KUM 00114705 Encyclopaedia of Educational Philosophy Kumar, S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126121084 296 p UG Library
370.10924 KRI 00102429 On Education Krishnamurti Krishnamurti foundation India; 818732600X 158 p. UG Library
370.10941 WRA 05007262 The Routledge Falmer Reader in Teaching and Learning / Wragg E.C. Routledge, 2004 9780415333764 xii, 272 p. Knowledge Centre
370.10954BHA 00068507 PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATION OF EDUCATION IN INDIA Bhatia, Sudha ABD Publishers 8185771863 305p UG Library
370.109954 PAN 00113174 Sociology and Education in the Indian Context Pandey, V C Isha Books 2004 263 p.: UG Library
370.109954 PAN 00114792 Sociology and Education in the Indian Context Pandey, V C Isha Books 2004 263 p.: UG Library
370.11 ART 00099835 Education, politics and religion : Arthur, James. Routledge, 9780415565486 (hardback : alk. 167 p. ; UG Library
370.11 CLO 05074174 Reading the Hindu and Christian classics : Clooney, Francis X. University of virginia press, 2019 9780813943114 (cloth : alk. paper) xxii, 193 pages ; Knowledge Centre
370.11 COS 00130458 Dispositions : Costa, Arthur L. Crowin A Sage Company, 2014 9781483339108 | 1483339106 xii, 163 p. : UG Library
370.11 DAN 00111232 Integrated Education/ Daniel, P.Sam. Kalpaz Publications, 2013 9788178359373 231p.; UG Library
370.11 IDN 00128265 Right to Education and Schooling / Idnani, Deepa Rawat Publications, 2017 9788131608395 | 8131608395 viii, 221 p. : UG Library
370.11 INT 05070959 Intermediate course under revised scheme of education and training / The institute of chartered accountants of india. The institute of chartered accountants of india, 2020 311-2-RTPNOV200920 viii,127p.; Knowledge Centre
370.11 INT 05070960 Intermediate course under revised scheme of education and training / The institute of chartered accountants of india. The institute of chartered accountants of india, 2020 311-2-RTPNOV200920 viii,127p.; Knowledge Centre
370.11 NAZ 00026140 Education ; Goals,Aims and Objectives Nazareth, Pia Vikas Publishing 1985 128 p.: UG Library
370.11 SHA 00141872 Sociological Philosophy of Education Sharma,Yogendra K Kanishka Publishers,Distributors 2021 978823173915288 427p UG Library
370.11 SMI 01023484 Key questions in education : Smith, John T., Bloomsbury publishing Plc., 2016 9781474268745 (hb) | 978147426 xviii,203p.; Knowledge Centre
370.11 TEN 05069378 The learning self : Tennant, Mark. John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2012 9780470393369 xiii, 208p.; Knowledge Centre
370.11 WHI 05018185 The Aims of Education Restated / White John Routledge, 1982 9780415562553 177 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.11 WIL 03009067 International Human Resource Development: Wilson, John P. Koganpage, 2012 9780749461065 3rd Ed. 502p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
370.11 WIL 04016425 International Human Resource Development: Wilson, John P. Koganpage, 2012 9780749461065 3rd Ed. 502p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.11 WIL 05024325 International Human Resource Development: Wilson, John P. Koganpage, 2012 9780749461065 3rd Ed. 502p. : Knowledge Centre
370.11 ZHO 05058480 World class learners : Zhao, Yong. Sage, 2012 9788132116202 xi,271p.; Knowledge Centre
370.110952 TSU 05067434 Tokkatsu : World Scientific, 2020 9789813232662 (hc) xv,325p.; Knowledge Centre
370.112 BAI 05018165 Beyond the Present and the Particular : Bailey Charles Routledge, 1984 9780415563819 257 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.112 BOR 05041690 The Core: Bortins,Leigh A. Palgrave macmillan, 2010 9780230100350 x,238 p.; Knowledge Centre
370.112 BOR 05041155 The core : Bortins, Leigh A. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010 9780230100350 (pbk.) | 0230100 1st ed. xv, 238 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.112 CAR 05047761 Motivation, educational policy, and achievement : Carr, Sam, Routledge 2016 9781138022089 (hbk) | 97811380 138 pages ; Knowledge Centre
370.112 GAL 05069964 Personal and professional skills for the IB CP : Gallagher, Paul. Hodder, Education, 2019 9781510446601 ix, 108p.; Knowledge Centre
370.112 HUD 00140148 How to Keep From Losing Your Mind Hudson,Deal W Tan Books 2019 9781505113525 359p UG Library
370.112 MAR 05074021 Lets Be Reasonable : Marks, Jonathan. Princeton University Press, 2021 9780691207728 xviii,221p.; Knowledge Centre
370.112 SHE 05010801 The Harvard sampler Harvard University Press, 2011 9780674059023 (alk. paper) | 0 xiii, 366 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.113 SIN 00113138 Vocational Education Singh, U K Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171413382 | 8171413382 363 p.: UG Library
370.113 BLO 05048357 Gender education and employment : Edward Elgar, 2015 9781784715021 | 9781784715038 (ebook) xix, 394 pages ; Knowledge Centre
370.113 GIR 00113141 Teaching and Techniques in Technical Education Giridhar, Dp Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126122900 297p UG Library
370.113 GRA 00130806 Principles & practices of teaching & training : Gravells, Ann, Sage publications ltd., 2017 9781473997127 | 1473997127 | 9 xiii, 557 pages : UG Library
370.113 KLE 00130454 Connecting the Dots Between Education, Interests, and Careers, Grades 7-10 : Klerk, Sarah. Crowin A Sage Company, 2013 9781452271903 xi, 131 p. : UG Library
370.113 NAM 00113137 Vocational Studies And Productive Work (SUPW) In Education Nambiar Vijayan K.K Neelkamal Publications, 2000 258 p.: UG Library
370.113 NAM 00113136 Vocational Studies And Productive Work (SUPW) In Education Nambiar Vijayan K.K Neelkamal Publications, 2000 258 p.: UG Library
370.113 POW 00135581 Skills for human development : Powell, Lesley, Routledge, 2019 9781138100572 (hbk) | 9780367182151 (pbk) x, 189 p. ; UG Library
370.113 RAO 00047977 Vacational Eduction Rao V. K. Rajat Publications 1999 8187317558 302 p. UG Library
370.113 RAO 00113135 Vocational and Technical Education Rao, V K Commonwealth Publishers. 1999 8171695671 345 p.: UG Library
370.113 RAS 00113140 Vocational Education Rashtriya, Tarun APH Publishing House 2004 9788176488631 422 p.: UG Library
370.113 RAS 00114750 Vocational Education Rashtriya, Tarun APH Publishing House 2004 9788176488631 422 p.: UG Library
370.113 RAS 00113139 Vocational Education Rashtriya, Tarun APH Publishing House 2004 9788176488631 422 p.: UG Library
370.113 RAS 00113197 Vocational Education Rashtriya, Tarun APH Publishing House 2004 9788176488631 422 p.: UG Library
370.113 RAS 00113196 Vocational Education Rashtriya, Tarun APH Publishing House 2004 9788176488631 422 p.: UG Library
370.113 RAS 07014460 Skill development of India : Rasure,K A Manglam Publications, 2018 9789386123091 VI,209 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
370.113 SEE 05053108 What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20 : Seelig, Tina. Harper One, 2009 9780062047410 195 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.113 SEE 03007861 What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20 : Seelig, Tina. Harper One, 2009 9780062047410 195 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
370.113 SIN 00113195 Educational and Vocational Guidance Singh, Raj Commonwelth Publishers: 2005 8171692907 451 p.: UG Library
370.113 SIN 00047978 Voctional Education Sing, U K Discovery Publishing House 1996 8171413382 363 p.: UG Library
370.113 SIN 00113142 Teaching and Techniques in Technical Education Giridhar, Dp Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126122900 297p UG Library
370.113 SIN 00113194 Technical Education K N Sudarshan, U K Singh Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171413552 315p UG Library
370.113 SIN 00113193 Vocational Education Singh, U K Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171413382 | 8171413382 363 p.: UG Library
370.113 SIN 00113203 Vocational Education Singh, U K Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171413382 | 8171413382 363 p.: UG Library
370.113 THA 00114751 Vocational and Technical Education Thakur, Devendra Deep & Deep Publications Pvt ltd 2008 624 p UG Library
370.113 VYA 05008110 Unlocking the enterpriser ins!de Vyakarnam, Shailendra. World Scientific, 2011 981281874X | 9789812818744 | 9 xii, 156 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.113 VYA 05008165 Unlocking the enterpriser ins!de Vyakarnam, Shailendra. World Scientific, 2011 981281874X | 9789812818744 | 9 xii, 156 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.11303 SHA 00114703 Vocational Education and Training Sharma, S R Mittal Publications 2003 8178170990 200 p UG Library
370.11303 SHA 00114702 Vocational Education and Training Sharma, S R Mittal Publications 2003 8178170990 200 p UG Library
370.11303 SHA 00114701 Vocational Education and Training Sharma, S R Mittal Publications 2003 8178170990 200 p UG Library
370.1130941 COF 05007315 Improving learning, skills and inclusion : Coffield, Frank Routledge, 2008 9780415461818 (paperback) xvii, 229 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.1130941 ING 00127612 Teaching and training vocational learners Ingle, Steve. Sage, 2013 9781446274385 | 9781446274392 1st edition. 164p : . UG Library
370.1130954 ADI 00133549 Skilling india: Adinarayana Reddy,P Sarup book publishers pvt ltd., 2018 9789352081288 xi,484p.; UG Library
370.1130954 RED 00123499 Vocational Education and Training Reddy, Adinarayana P Sarup Book Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9788176259538 xi, 272 p:. UG Library
370.113ILO 01005661 Vocational Education and Training Institutions: Management Handbook and Cd-Rom Vladimir Gasskov INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION 9221171043 346p Knowledge Centre
370.114 CHA 00114749 Value Education Chakrabharthi, Mohit Kanishka Publishers Distributors 2005 8173915725 160 p. UG Library
370.114 ALI 00113123 Education At Risk Allen, Garth Wellington House 1997 0304338354 | 9780304338351 130 p. UG Library
370.114 ALL 00113122 Education At Risk Allen, Garth Wellington House 1997 0304338354 | 9780304338351 130 p. UG Library
370.114 BES 00113201 Educational for Spiritual Moral, Social and Cultural Development Best, Ron Continuum 2000 9780826448026 215 p.: UG Library
370.114 BOT 00113129 Education, Policy and Ethics Bottery, Mike Continuum 2000 0826448372 | 9780826448378 256 p. UG Library
370.114 BOT 00113146 Education, Policy and Ethics Bottery, Mike Continuum 2000 0826448372 | 9780826448378 256 p. UG Library
370.114 BUL 05018167 Moral Education : Bull Norman.J Routledge, 1969 9780415562720 183 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.114 CAS 00128271 On Purpose Carter, Samuel Casey. Corwin A Sage Campany 2011 9781412986724 (pbk.) | 1412986 xvi, 190 p. : UG Library
370.114 CHA 00113202 Value Education Chakrabharthi, Mohit Kanishka Publishers Distributors 2005 8173915725 160 p. UG Library
370.114 CHR 00135049 Educating Character Through Virtues Christopher,John ATC Publishers 2018 9789386516480 407p UG Library
370.114 DEV 00113125 Values in Languages Text Books Indira Devi M. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418333 181 p. UG Library
370.114 DEV 00113121 Values in Languages Text Books Indira Devi M. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418333 181 p. UG Library
370.114 DIG 00113134 Values Ethics, Talent, & Girls in Science & Technology Education Rao, Bhaskara Digumarti Dr. Discovery Publishing House 2001 8171415733 463 p. UG Library
370.114 GAR 00085948 Education for Values: Morals, Ethnics and Citizenship in Contemporaty Teaching [GENERAL SECTION] Gardner, Roy 0749439440 340 p UG Library
370.114 GIR 00113119 Values Ethics and Business Giri, K. Ananta Rawat Publications 1998 8170334769 246 p. UG Library
370.114 GOE 00113128 Human Values and Education Goel, Aruna Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 8176296295 540p UG Library
370.114 HOE 07012052 The formative five / Hoerr, Thomas Viva Books Publication, 2019 9789387925458 199p.; Library - BR Campus
370.114 JOS 00092893 Value education in global perspective Joshi, Dhananjay Lotus press 9788183820264 195p UG Library
370.114 JOS 00058386 Valued Based Leadersgip in Education Joshi, M Sneha Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2003 8126113138 288 p. UG Library
370.114 KOS 00113132 The Fragrance of Life Koshy, T. D. A.P.H. Publishers Corporation 2004 8176485780 | 9788176485784 157 p. UG Library
370.114 LES 00034961 Tales That TelI Lesser, R.H Better Yourself Books 1990 8171080383 84 p UG Library
370.114 LES 00034962 What a Wonderful World Lesser, R.H. Better Yourself Books 1989 8171080405 115 p. UG Library
370.114 LES 00034963 The Growing Youth Lesser, R.H. Better Yourself Books 1989 8171080413 132 p. UG Library
370.114 LES 00034965 Facing the World Lesser, R. H. Better Yourself Books 1989 817108043x 122 p. UG Library
370.114 LIC 04009897 Character matters : Lickona, Thomas. Simon & Schuster, 2004 9780743245074 xxvi, 310 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.114 NAQ 00113118 Modern Value Education Naqi, Mohammad Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2005 8126121777 | 9788126121779 318 p. UG Library
370.114 NAQ 00114748 Modern Value Education Naqi, Mohammad Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2005 8126121777 | 9788126121779 318 p. UG Library
370.114 PAN 00113127 Value Education and Education For Human Rights Pandey V. C. Isha Books 2005 8182051746 | 9788182051744 266 p. UG Library
370.114 PAN 00114763 Value Education and Education for Human Rights Pandey, V C Isha Books 2005 8182051746 266 p UG Library
370.114 PAT 00113200 Value Profiles of School Students Patro R. K. Discovery Publishing House 2003 8171417264 183 p. UG Library
370.114 PAT 00114747 Value Profiles of School Students Patro R. K. Discovery Publishing House 2003 8171417264 183 p. UG Library
370.114 RAO 00113199 Values Ethics, Talent, & Girls in Science & Technology Education Rao, Bhaskara Digumarti Dr. Discovery Publishing House 2001 8171415733 463 p. UG Library
370.114 RUH 05048645 Value Education and Human Rights Education / Ruhela, S P. Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2011 9788183162944 2v.; Knowledge Centre
370.114 RUH 05048646 Value Education and Human Rights Education / Ruhela, S P. Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2011 9788183162944 2v.; Knowledge Centre
370.114 SHA 00113120 Morals and Value Education Sharma, Ram Chandra Book Enclave 2003 8181520297 | 9788181520296 250 p. UG Library
370.114 SHU 00113126 Value Education and Human Rights Shukla R. P. Sarupa and Sons 2004 8176254924 1st Ed. 284 p. UG Library
370.114 SRI 00113198 Values of Prospectives Teachers Srihari, Murugudu Discovery Publishing House 2007 8183562205 | 9788183563284 124 p. UG Library
370.114 SRI 00080353 Values of Prospectives Teachers Srihari, Murugudu Discovery Publishing House 2007 8183562205 | 9788183563284 124 p. UG Library
370.114 TIR 00124115 Vivekananda's contribution to value based education Tirumalasetty Ravitheja The Assocaited Publishers 2014 9788184291100 218p. UG Library
370.114 VEN 00113147 Value Education: Venkataiah, N APH 8176489247 252p UG Library
370.114 VEN 00113133 Value Education Venkataiah, Dr N 2002 8176489247 255 p UG Library
370.11403 MUN 00114746 Encyclopaedia of Moral Teachings Munshi, M Motilal Cosmo Publications 2004 8177559575 448p UG Library
370.11403 MUN 00114743 Encyclopaedia of Moral Teachings Munshi, M Motilal Cosmo Publications 2004 8177559575 448p UG Library
370.11403 MUN 00114745 Encyclopaedia of Moral Teachings Munshi, M Motilal Cosmo Publications 2004 8177559575 448p UG Library
370.11403 MUN 00114744 Encyclopaedia of Moral Teachings Munshi, M Motilal Cosmo Publications 2004 8177559575 448p UG Library
370.11407 VEN 00113212 Research in Value Education: Venkataiah, N APH Publishing Corporation 2004 8176484989 214p UG Library
370.1140954 BAT 00142752 Moral Values in Children: Batra, Sushma Concept Publishing Company 2018 9789386682710 133p UG Library
370.1140954 RAJ 00123751 Value Education for Children Raja, L Sonali Publications, 2014 9788184115017 248 p:. UG Library
370.1140954 ROY 00112337 Value education and professional ethics/ Roy, Vijay Kumar Jnanada Prakashan(P&D) 2013 9788171395552 x,179p. UG Library
370.1140954 SIN 00125942 Value Education For Ethics and Global Peace ed by, Singh S.P. New Delhi Publishers, 2016 9789385503375 x, 469 p.: UG Library
370.114PAN 00068524 Value Education and Education for Human Rights Pandey, V C Isha Books 0008182056 264p UG Library
370.114ZAN.1 00034932 My Child and God:Religious Education in the Family Zanzucchi, Anne Marie St Pauls 99 p UG Library
370.115 KIT 03001955 Trouble With Theory Kitching, Gaving Viva Books Private Limited 9781741755220 220 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
370.115 MEG 10003025 Education, Knowledge and Curriculum / Meganathan, R. Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2022 9789354496653 xxiv, 486 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
370.115 ADV 01012073 Schooling the National Imagination: Advani,Shalini Oxford University press 9780198062752 205p.; Knowledge Centre
370.115 AKH 08000936 Architecture Peadagogy : Wellworth Books, 2019 9788193774939 454p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.115 APP 00099768 Global crises, social justice, and education / Apple, Michael W Routledge, 9780415995962 (hc : alk. paper viii, 211 p. ; UG Library
370.115 BOO 00023178 An Introduction To The Sociology of Learning Boocock, Sarane Spence Houghton Mifflin Co 1972 0395125650 402 p UG Library
370.115 BOS 07012109 Teaching transformative life skills to students : Bose, Bidyut, W.W.Norton & Company, 2017 9780393711929 (pbk.) First edition. ix, 502 pages ; Library - BR Campus
370.115 CAN 00116532 Educational foundations Canestrari, Alan S. SAGE Publications, Inc., 2013 9781452216768 (pbk.) Third edition. xxi, 256 pages ; UG Library
370.115 CHA 07005413 Thinking Gender,Doing Gender / Orient BlackSwan, 2016 9788125062394 xxxi,330p.: Library - BR Campus
370.115 CHA 00142421 Theory and methods for public pedagogy research / Charman,Karen. Routledge, 2021 9780367820237 xiii,150p.; UG Library
370.115 CHA 00134371 Thinking Gender Doing Gender: Chakravarti,Uma. Orient Blackswan: 2018 9789352872749 xi, 330p.: UG Library
370.115 CHA 00113131 Popular Educaion Mayhew,Ira Cosmo Publications 2005 8177559524 | 9788177559521 388 p. UG Library
370.115 CHA 05062381 Thinking Gender,Doing Gender / Orient BlackSwan, 2016 9788125062394 xxxi,330p.: Knowledge Centre
370.115 COL 05041415 Education, equality and human rights : Routledge, 2012 9780415584173 (hardback : alk. 3rd ed. xxv, 281 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.115 COL 00106611 Critical Race Theory and education : Cole, Mike, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 9780230613355 (pbk.) | 0230613 1st ed. xiii, 212 p. ; UG Library
370.115 COL 05037785 Critical Race Theory and education : Cole, Mike, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 9780230613355 (pbk.) | 0230613 1st ed. xiii, 212 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.115 COL 05041249 Education, equality and human rights : Routledge, 2012 9780415584173 (hardback : alk. 3rd ed. xxv, 281 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.115 COW 05044657 Acts of knowing : Cowden, Stephen Bloomsbury Academic, 2013 9781441159755 (hardcover : alk viii, 229 pages : Knowledge Centre
370.115 DAR 05004959 The critical pedagogy reader / Routledge, 2009 9780415961219 (hb : alk. paper 2nd ed. x, 599 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.115 DAV 05044658 Teaching as a practice of wisdom / Smith, David Geoffrey, Bloomsbury, 2014 9781623568436 (hardback) | 978 225 p. Knowledge Centre
370.115 FRE 07006219 Education for critical consciousness Freire, Paulo. Bloomsbury 1974 9781780937816 1st Ed. xvii; 145 pages cm Library - BR Campus
370.115 FRE 00145837 Pedagogy of Freedom: Freire, Paulo Dev Publishers and Distributors 2021 9789387496477 143p UG Library
370.115 FRE 07013041 Pedagogy of hope : Freire, Paulo, Bloomsbury, 2014 9781472533401 (paperback) 226 pages ; Library - BR Campus
370.115 FRE 00110975 Education for critical consciousness Freire, Paulo. Bloomsbury 1974 9781780937816 1st Ed. xvii; 145 pages cm UG Library
370.115 FRE 00119434 Education for critical consciousness Freire, Paulo. Bloomsbury 1974 9781780937816 1st Ed. xvii; 145 pages cm UG Library
370.115 FRE 07015530 Pedagogy of Hope : Freire Paulo Bloomsnury Academic, 2021 9781350190191 242p.: Library - BR Campus
370.115 FRE 07006384 Pedagogy of hope : Freire, Paulo, Bloomsbury, 2014 9781472533401 (paperback) 226 pages ; Library - BR Campus
370.115 FRE 05042035 Pedagogy of hope : Freire, Paulo, Bloomsbury, 2014 9781472533401 (paperback) 226 pages ; Knowledge Centre
370.115 GIN 00128247 Transformative Professional Learning : Ginsberg, Margery B., Corwin, 2011 9781412981859 | 1412981859 xv, 163 p. : UG Library
370.115 GIR 05038783 On critical pedagogy / Giroux, Henry A. Continuum International Publishing Group, 2011 9781441168191 | 1441168192 | 9 v, 183 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.115 JEN 05011555 Education, democracy and discourse / Jensen, Knud, Continuum, 2008 9780826496003 (hardcover) vii, 193 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.115 KHU 01024042 Teacher At Heart / Khshid, Salman Satyam Law International, 2016 9789382823452 xxi, 219 p. Knowledge Centre
370.115 LAL 00109924 Education and Social Justice in The Era of Globalisation : ed by. Lall Marie Routledge, 2011 9780415693783 vii, 198 p. ; UG Library
370.115 LEW 05024306 Reframing sociocultural research on literacy : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2007 0805856951 (c : alk. paper) | xx, 205 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.115 MAY 05044652 Echoes from freire for a critically engaged pedagogy / Mayo, Peter Bloomsbury, 2013 9781441118172 197 p. Knowledge Centre
370.115 MCD 00130516 We must say no to the status quo : McDermott, Veronica, Sage 2017 9781506345345 (Paperback : aci First Edition. xv, 244 pages ; UG Library
370.115 MEG 05074127 Education, Knowledge and Curriculum / Meganathan, R. Pearson, 2022 9789354496653 xxiv, 486p.; Knowledge Centre
370.115 MUF 00118488 Teaching and Learning and the Curriculum : Mufti, Emmanuel. Continuum, 2012 9781441154842 (hardcover) | 97 188 p. ; UG Library
370.115 SAN 00099774 Handbook of public pedagogy : Sandlin, Jennifer A Routledge, 9780415801263 (hbk) | 04158012 xxviii, 682 p. : UG Library
370.115 SHA 00062433 Sociology of Education Shah, B. V. Rawat Publications 1998 9788170334804 383 p. UG Library
370.115 SHA 00097380 Sociology of Education Shah, B. V. Rawat Publications 1998 9788170334804 383 p. UG Library
370.115 SHA 00097795 Sociology of Education Shah, B. V. Rawat Publications 1998 9788170334804 383 p. UG Library
370.115 SIN 00117829 Sociological Foundation of Education Singh, Mahaveer University Press, 2012 9789381159231 242p.; UG Library
370.115 VIS 00118876 Life Skills and Teacher's Stress Visvanathan, G. Random Publications, 2014 9789351113157 xv:281p.; UG Library
370.115 WEL 05057350 Pedagogy in higher education : Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107565944 xi, 251 pages ; Knowledge Centre
370.1150954 PAL 00131083 Human resource development and higher education: Pal,Prankrishna Regal publications, 2016 9788184845747 xx,340p.; UG Library
370.115FRE 00088264 Education for Critical Consciousness Freire 0082647795 146p UG Library
370.115KUM 01007204 Learing from Conflict: Tracts for the Times (law Lib) Krishna Kumar Orient Longman Private Limited 0812500811 81p Knowledge Centre
370.115TWB 01006013 Reshaping the Future: Education and Postconflict Reconstruction ( Law Library ) The World Bank World Bank 0821359592 93 p. Knowledge Centre
370.116 BAR 00131304 International and comparative education : Bartram, Brendan, Routledge, 2018 9781138681576 (hardback) | 9781138681583 (pbk.) xviii,152p.; UG Library
370.116 CAN 05068401 The social structures of global academia / Routledge, 2019 9781138610125 (hbk) xii, 240 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.116 HAY 00123631 The Sage Handbook of Research in International Education Hayden, Mary SAGE, 2015 9781446298442 2nd edi. xix, 633 p:. UG Library
370.116 PEA 00121754 International Education and Schools : Richard Pearce. Bloomsbury, 2013 9781472510747 xx, 238 p ; UG Library
370.116 RIT 00107268 Managing educational tourism Ritchie, Brent W. Viva Books Private Limited 2006 1873150504 (pbk : alk. paper) xviii, 283 p. : UG Library
370.116 STE 00131326 What is global studies? : Steger, Manfred B., Routledge, 2017 9780415684842 (hardback) | 9780415684835 (pbk.) xiv, 210 pages : UG Library
370.116 WAR 04025161 Studying Abroad : All You wanted To Know / Warrier, B S Tata McGraw Hill, 2012 9780071074841 277p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.116 ZHA 05058330 The take-action guide to world class learners : Zhao, Yong, Corwin, 2016 9781483339542 (pbk. : alk. pap ix, 166 pages ; Knowledge Centre
370.11607 PET 00108022 Global education Peters,Laurence, International Society for Technology in Education, 2009 9781564842589 1st ed. x, 166 p. : UG Library
370.1162 MAR 07011968 Crisis management for education abroad / NAFSA Publication, 2017 9781942719045 | 9781942719069 (apple ibook) | 9781942719052 (Kindle ebook) | 9781942719076 (Universal) xv,175p.; Library - BR Campus
370.117 APP 00125851 Multicultural and Diversity Education : Appelbaum, Peter ABC-CLIO, 2002 9791576072645 xx, 191 p. ; UG Library
370.117 BAN 05044907 The Routledge international companion to multicultural education / Routledge, 2009 9780415962308 (hardback : alk. xx,571p.: Knowledge Centre
370.117 BER 00137261 Practising Spirituality Beres,Laura Palgrave 2017 192p UG Library
370.117 BIL 05004673 The RoutledgeFalmer reader in multicultural education / RoutledgeFalmer, 2004 0415336627 | 0415336635 (pbk.) viii, 265 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.117 COF 00146061 A Socially Just Classroom : Coffey,Kristin Vernon Press 2023 9781648891755 | 9781648895555 xxvi, 282p. UG Library
370.117 CON 00138211 Teaching EAL learners in primary schools : Conteh, Jean. Sage publications ltd , 2019 9781526472670 3rd edition. 211 pages .; UG Library
370.117 DER 00146753 Communicating around interculturality in research and education / Dervin, Fred, Routledge, 2024 9781032588599 91p. ; UG Library
370.117 GAR 00094440 Imagining multilingual schools Garcia, Ofelia Orient Black swan 9788125036548 332p UG Library
370.117 GAR 00092137 Imagining multilingual schools Garcia, Ofelia Orient Black swan 9788125036548 332p UG Library
370.117 GAR 00091953 Imagining multilingual schools Garcia, Ofelia Orient Black swan 9788125036548 332p UG Library
370.117 GOL 00133663 Multicultural education in a pluralistic society / Gollnick, Donna M. Merrill, 1998 0132695723 5th ed. xix, 363 p. : UG Library
370.117 GRA 00106069 Doing multicultural education for achievement and equity Grant, Carl A. Routledge, 2011 9780415880565 (hardback) | 978 2nd ed. viii, 278 p. ; UG Library
370.117 LIN 00110670 The Culturally Proficient School B. Lindsey Randall Corwin presss 2005 9780761978985 xxi, 170 p.: UG Library
370.117 MAH 07013971 Classroom tasks in english: Mahanand,Anand Viva books pvt ltd., 2019 9789388386845 xiv,265p.; Library - BR Campus
370.117 MAH 00134151 Classroom tasks in english: Mahanand,Anand Viva books pvt ltd., 2019 9789388386845 xiv,265p.; UG Library
370.117 NAS 00142559 Toward culturally sustaining teaching : Nash, Kindel A. Turner Routledge 2021 9780815363750 | 9780815363774 xviii,154p.; UG Library
370.117 NUR 00128213 Culturally Proficient Instruction : Nuri-Robins, Kikanza J. Corwin, 2012 9781412988148 | 1412988144 3rd ed. xxvii, 190 p. : UG Library
370.117 PIC 00144466 Transforming Multicultural Education Policy and Pratice / Picard, Paulina. Clanrye International, 2023 9781647266172 406p, ; UG Library
370.117 POW 05004836 Classroom communication and diversity : Powell, Robert G. Routledge, 2010 9780415877183 | 0415877180 | 9 2nd ed. xii, 279 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.117 RAC 00110571 Multiculturalism and education Race, Richard. Continuum, 2011 9781847060181 (pbk.) | 1847060 xii, 139 p. ; UG Library
370.117 RAV 05073646 Discovering New India : Jain University Press, 2022 9789385327681 iv, 294p.; Knowledge Centre
370.117 ROB 00081575 Promoting Social Cohesion Through Education: Case Studies and Tools for Using Textbooks and Curricula. Roberts-Xchweitzer, Eluned 2006 0821364650 154p UG Library
370.117 SAI 00128080 Culturally responsive standards-based teaching : Saifer, Steffen Corwin Press, 2011 9781412987028 (pbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed. xvi, 231 p. : UG Library
370.117 WHI 00146338 Culturally responsive and sustaining education : Information Age Publishing Inc. 2023 9798887300078 | 9798887300061 xiii, 335 pages ; UG Library
370.1170 BUB 00144672 Culturally Responsive Teaching Online and in Person : Budhai, Stephanie Smith, Sage publication, 2022 9781071855270 xiii, 176 pages : UG Library
370.1170 MOH 00094452 Multilingual education for social justice : Orient Blackswan, 9788125036982 400 p. : UG Library
370.1170941 ISS 00118497 Language, Culture and Identity in the Early Years/ Issa, Tozun. Bloomsbury Academic, 2013 9781441145819 (hardcover) | 97 xi:243p.: UG Library
370.1170973 CAM 05055976 The cultural proficiency journey : CampbellJones, Franklin. Corwin Press, 2010 9781412977944 (pbk.) xvi, 127 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.1170973 ELD 00113213 Teacher Talk: Multicultural Lesson Plans for the Elementary Classroom Eldridge, B Deborah Allyn and Bacon 2001 0205267629 | 9780205267620 236p UG Library
370.1170973 GAL 00128057 Navigating Cultural Competence in Grades 6 -12: Gallavan, Nancy P. Corwin, A Sage Company 2011 9781412978484 (pbk.) | 1412978 xiv, 161 p. : UG Library
370.1170973 GAL 00128622 Navigating cultural competence in grades K-5 : Gallavan, Nancy P. Corwin Press, 2011 9781412978491 (pbk.) xvi, 161 p. : UG Library
370.1170973 KOP 00127501 Understanding Human Differences Koppelman, Kent L. Peason 2014 9780132824897 (pbk.) Fourth edition. xx, 381 p. : UG Library
370.1170973 LIN 00130809 The cultural proficiency manifesto : Lindsey, Randall B., Corwin, 2017 9781506399379 | 1506399371 xviii, 99 pages : UG Library
370.1170973 MEA 05058249 Culturally proficient inclusive schools : Lindsey, Delores B. Corwin, 2018 9781506356242 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii, 296 pages ; Knowledge Centre
370.1175 HEU 00107717 Multilingual education works Heugh kathleen Orient BlackSwan,Private limited 2010 9788125041160 xiv, 361 p. : UG Library
370.1175 HEU 05009587 Multilingual education works Heugh kathleen Orient BlackSwan,Private limited 2010 9788125041160 xiv, 361 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.1175 MAR 05008374 Encyclopedia of Language and Education / University Of Birmingham , 2008 9780387328751 3rd ed xxxiv,409 p. Knowledge Centre
370.1175 MAR 05008375 Encyclopedia of Language and Education / University Of Birmingham , 2008 9780387328751 3rd ed xxxiv,409 p. Knowledge Centre
370.1175 MAR 05008376 Encyclopedia of Language and Education / University Of Birmingham , 2008 9780387328751 3rd ed xxxiv,409 p. Knowledge Centre
370.1175 MAR 05008377 Encyclopedia of Language and Education / University Of Birmingham , 2008 9780387328751 3rd ed xxxiv,409 p. Knowledge Centre
370.1175 MAR 05008378 Encyclopedia of Language and Education / University Of Birmingham , 2008 9780387328751 3rd ed xxxiv,409 p. Knowledge Centre
370.1175 MAR 05008379 Encyclopedia of Language and Education / University Of Birmingham , 2008 9780387328751 3rd ed xxxiv,409 p. Knowledge Centre
370.1175 MAR 05008380 Encyclopedia of Language and Education / University Of Birmingham , 2008 9780387328751 3rd ed xxxiv,409 p. Knowledge Centre
370.1175 MAR 05008381 Encyclopedia of Language and Education / University Of Birmingham , 2008 9780387328751 3rd ed xxxiv,409 p. Knowledge Centre
370.1175 MAR 05008382 Encyclopedia of Language and Education / University Of Birmingham , 2008 9780387328751 3rd ed xxxiv,409 p. Knowledge Centre
370.1175 MAR 05008383 Encyclopedia of Language and Education / University Of Birmingham , 2008 9780387328751 3rd ed xxxiv,409 p. Knowledge Centre
370.1175 SRI 00108673 Pickles From Home Srinivasaraju,Sugata Navakarnataka 2012 9788184672596 326 p. UG Library
370.1175 SRI 00108674 Pickles From Home Srinivasaraju,Sugata Navakarnataka 2012 9788184672596 326 p. UG Library
370.11750951 TSU 05048105 Language power and hierarchy : Tsung, Linda T. H., Bloomsbury, 2014 9781474283441 xx, 244 pages : Knowledge Centre
370.11750973 LEM 00127823 Bilingual Education : Lemberger, Nancy. L. Erlbaum Associates, 1997 0805822585 | 9780805822588 ix, 206 p. : UG Library
370.118 SHA 00113124 Educational and Vocational Guidance in Secondary Schools Sharma, V. K. Commonwealth Publishers. 2005 8171698689 242 p. UG Library
370.118 SHA 00113214 Educational and Vocational Guidance in Secondary Schools Sharma, V. K. Commonwealth Publishers. 2005 8171698689 242 p. UG Library
370.11KUM 01005296 The politics of gender, community, and modernity : Kumar, Nita, Oxford University Press, 9780195682731 xi, 345 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.14 PAN 00113130 Inbibing Value Education : Pandya, Rameshwari. Kalpaz Publications, 2004 8178350572 336 p:. UG Library
370.14 PAN 05055542 Inbibing Value Education : Pandya, Rameshwari. Kalpaz Publications, 2004 8178350572 336 p:. Knowledge Centre
370.144 BAL 00119778 Education in comprehensive perspectives Baliya J N Abhijeet Publications 2014 9789350741184 376p. UG Library
370.15 AGG 00057311 Essentials of Educational Psychology Aggarwal, J. C. Vikas Publishing House 1994 0706993543 | 9789325976146 3rd ed. 581 P. UG Library
370.15 DAS 00114714 Essentials of Educational Psychology Dash, B, N Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804552 228 p.: UG Library
370.15 DAS 10002496 Fundamentals of educational psychology/ Dash, M. Atlantic publishers and distributors pvt ltd., 2022 9788126901883 xii,531 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
370.15 DAS 00115493 Learner: Nature and Development Dash, B N Dominant Publishers, 2004 9788178882895 308 p.: UG Library
370.15 ELL 00005272 Educational Psychology Robert S. Ellis Affiliated East West Press Pvt.Ltd 1969 xi; 546 p. UG Library
370.15 GAR 10003486 Child Development and Psychology Garvis, Susanne Oxford University Press , 2019 9780190306403 xxxii, 631 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
370.15 KRI 00113220 School Psychology Krishna, V V Discovery Publishing House , 2004 8171418805 333 p,: UG Library
370.15 KRI 00113221 School Psychology Krishna, V V Discovery Publishing House , 2004 8171418805 333 p,: UG Library
370.15 KUN 00029820 Educational Psychology Kundu, C L Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2004 0812070813 5th Ed. 616 p: UG Library
370.15 MAN 00071164 Advanced Educational Psychology Mangal, S K Prentice Hall of India 2004 8120320387 2nd ed. 520 p, UG Library
370.15 MAN 00120136 Advanced Educational Psychology Mangal, S K Prentice Hall of India 2004 8120320387 2nd ed. 520 p, UG Library
370.15 MAN 00120137 Advanced Educational Psychology Mangal, S K Prentice Hall of India 2004 8120320387 2nd ed. 520 p, UG Library
370.15 MAR 01023108 The education of selves Martin, Jack, Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199913671 (hardback : alk. x,230p. Knowledge Centre
370.15 PAN 00050755 Advanced Educational Psychology Panda, B.N. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171415008 314 p. UG Library
370.15 PAN 00113179 Advanced Educational Psychology Panda, B.N. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171415008 314 p. UG Library
370.15 PAN 00114692 Advanced Educational Psychology Panda, B.N. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171415008 314 p. UG Library
370.15 AGG 00127404 Psychology of Learning and Development Aggarwal, J C Himalaya Publishing House 2004 9788175416796 277 p, UG Library
370.15 AGG 00113204 Basic Ideas in Educational Pscyhology Aggarwal J. C. Shipra 2004 8175410922 254 p. UG Library
370.15 AGG 00061410 Psychology of Learning and Development Aggarwal, J C Himalaya Publishing House 2004 9788175416796 277 p, UG Library
370.15 AGG 00113207 Early Childhood Care and Education : Principles and Practices Aggarwal, J.C. Shipra 2007 9788175413818 258p UG Library
370.15 AGG 00113206 Essentials of Educational Psychology Aggarwal, J. C. Vikas Publishing House 1994 0706993543 | 9789325976146 3rd ed. 581 P. UG Library
370.15 AGG 00113587 Essentials of Educational Psychology Aggarwal, J. C. Vikas Publishing House 1994 0706993543 | 9789325976146 3rd ed. 581 P. UG Library
370.15 AGG 00114762 Essentials of Educational Psychology Aggarwal, J. C. Vikas Publishing House 1994 0706993543 | 9789325976146 3rd ed. 581 P. UG Library
370.15 AGG 00113205 Essentials of Educational Psychology Aggarwal, J. C. Vikas Publishing House 1994 0706993543 | 9789325976146 3rd ed. 581 P. UG Library
370.15 AGG 00100197 Essentials Of Educational Psychology Aggarwal J C Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 9788125922926 xiii, 596 p. UG Library
370.15 ALE 00128146 Soft skills / Alex K S Chand & Co. 2016 9788121931922 3rd rev. ed. 254p. UG Library
370.15 ALL 09001119 Handbook of positive psychology in schools : Routledge, 2022 9780367420826 | 9780367855864 Third edition. xxvi, 574 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.15 ALL 09001105 Handbook of positive psychology in schools : Routledge, 2022 9780367420826 | 9780367855864 Third edition. xxvi, 574 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.15 AND 05004116 Handbook of psychoeducational assessment : Academic Press, 2001 0120585707 (alk. paper) xxvii, 512 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.15 ARJ 00107454 Psychological Bases of Education Arjunan N.K.Dr. Yuga Publications 2010 18707544489 12th Edition 426 P. UG Library
370.15 ASC 00113209 Introduction to Educational Psychology Asch, M Sarupa and Sons 2004 8176255416 | 9788176255417 434p UG Library
370.15 BHA 00117822 A Textbook of Educational Psychology / Bhatia Hans Raj Trinity Press, 2014 9789351380535 xviii,666p.: UG Library
370.15 BHA 00032991 Elements of Educational Psychology Bhatia, Hans Raj Orient Longman Publications 1973 8125000291 5th Ed. 558 p UG Library
370.15 BHA 05039764 A Textbook of Educational Psychology / Bhatia Hans Raj Trinity Press, 2014 9789351380535 xviii,666p.: Knowledge Centre
370.15 BHA 00114757 Educational Psychology Bhatt, Poornima Authorspress 2007 9788172733 246 p UG Library
370.15 BHA 00113208 Educational Psychology Bhatt, Pornima Authors Press 2007 8172733704 | 9788172733704 246p UG Library
370.15 BHA 00084809 Elements of Educational Psychology Bhatia, Hans Raj Orient Longman Publications 1973 8125000291 5th Ed. 558 p UG Library
370.15 BIE 00016972 Psychology Applied to Teaching Biehler, Robert F Houghton Mifflin Com 1974 0395171687 2nd Ed. 795 p. UG Library
370.15 BRA 05007512 The Oxford handbook of school psychology / Oxford University Press, 2011 9780195369809 (hardcover : alk xx, 893 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.15 BRI 00105018 Freud and Education Britzman,Deborah P. Routledge 2011 9780415802260 viii,165p. UG Library
370.15 BUC 05044761 Psychology for teachers / Buckler, Scott. Sage, 2014 9781446211151 xxiv,363p.; Knowledge Centre
370.15 BUK 00137269 The DBS Handbook of Educational Psychology / Bukhari,Rabia. DBS Imprints, 2018 9789382423034 rep xiv,749p.; UG Library
370.15 BUR 09000255 Introduction to school psychology : Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190619329 xvii,559p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.15 BUR 05068102 Introduction to school psychology : Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190619329 xvii,559p.; Knowledge Centre
370.15 CHA 00115492 Advanced Educational Psychology Chauhan, S S Vikas Publishing House 1978 6th ed 527 p: UG Library
370.15 CHA 00114767 Advanced Educational Psychology Chand, Tara Kanishka Publishers 2004 8173911983 392 p.: UG Library
370.15 CHA 00113173 Advanced Educational Psychology Chand, Tara Kanishka Publishers 2004 8173911983 392 p.: UG Library
370.15 CHA 00019262 Advanced Educational Psychology Chauhan, S S Vikas Publishing House 1978 6th ed 527 p: UG Library
370.15 CHA 00069751 Advanced Educational Psychology Chauhan, S S Vikas Publishing House 1978 6th ed 527 p: UG Library
370.15 CHA 00113168 Educational Psychology Chand,Tara Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 1993 8126120428 | 9788126120420 1st Ed. 283 p. UG Library
370.15 CHA 00113172 Advanced Educational Psychology Chand, Tara Kanishka Publishers 2004 8173911983 392 p.: UG Library
370.15 CHA 00113171 Advanced Educational Psychology Chand, Tara Kanishka Publishers 2004 8173911983 392 p.: UG Library
370.15 CHA 00113170 Advanced Educational Psychology Chand, Tara Kanishka Publishers 2004 8173911983 392 p.: UG Library
370.15 CHA 00114766 Advanced Educational Psychology Chauhan, S S Vikas Publishing House 1978 6th ed 527 p: UG Library
370.15 CHI 05001830 Psychology and the teacher / Child, Dennis. Continuum, 2004 0826462774 | 0826462758 (pbk.) 7th ed. xviii, 509 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.15 CHI 05001950 Psychology and the teacher / Child, Dennis. Continuum, 2004 0826462774 | 0826462758 (pbk.) 7th ed. xviii, 509 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.15 CHI 00091596 Psychology and the teacher / Child, Dennis. Continuum, 9780826487155 (hardcover) | 08 xvii, 609 p. : UG Library
370.15 CLA 00130990 The learning power approach : Claxton, Guy, Corwin, 2018 9781506388700 (pbk. : alk. pap xix, 265 pages ; UG Library
370.15 CLI 05044115 Educational psychology : Routledge, 2015 9781848723306 (hardback) | 978 Second edition. xvi, 331 pages : Knowledge Centre
370.15 COM 00147565 Psychology Applied to Education/ Compayre, Gabriel Hilltop Publications, 2024 9788119642885 ix,216p. ; UG Library
370.15 CRO 00032992 Education Psychology. Crow, D Leaser Eurasia 1991 200 p. UG Library
370.15 DAN 00113217 Textbook of Advanced Educational Psychology Dandapani, S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 0812611990 664p UG Library
370.15 DAN 00071163 Psychological Foundations of Education Dandekar, W N Macmillan 2002 3th ed. 480 p.: UG Library
370.15 DAN 05007358 The RoutledgeFalmer reader in psychology of education / Daniels, Harry RoutledgeFalmer, 2004 0415327695 (pbk.) ix, 348 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.15 DAN 00113215 A Textbook Of Advanced Education Psychology Dandapani, S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2000 8126119802 | 9788126119806 664 P.: UG Library
370.15 DAN DAN 00128365 Textbook of Advanced Educational Psychology Dandapani, S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2010 9788126141944 4th revised and enlarged edition 1148p : . UG Library
370.15 DAS 00114737 Development of Learner and Teaching Learning Process Dash, B. N. Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2004 9788178882857 316 p. UG Library
370.15 DAS 00113216 Development of Learner and Teaching Learning Process Dash, B. N. Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2004 9788178882857 316 p. UG Library
370.15 DAS 07010012 A Textbook of Educational Psychology / Dash.B.N Dominant, 2015 9789382007654 599p.: Library - BR Campus
370.15 DAS 00114765 Elementary Educational Psychology and Methods of Teaching Dash, Biranchi Narayan Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2005 8186804420 154 p. UG Library
370.15 DAS 00122991 Psychology of Teaching Learning Process Dash, B N Dominant Publishers, 2014 9789382007609 25.12 p:. UG Library
370.15 DAS 00113488 Learner: Nature and Development Dash, B N Dominant Publishers, 2004 9788178882895 308 p.: UG Library
370.15 DAS 00113061 Essentials of Educational Psychology Dash, B, N Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804552 228 p.: UG Library
370.15 DAS 00113019 Essentials of Educational Psychology Dash, B, N Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804552 228 p.: UG Library
370.15 DAS 00113226 Essentials of Educational Psychology Narayanan Dash, Biranchi Neelkamal Publications Pvt Ltd 2003 8186804552 2nd Ed. 230 p. UG Library
370.15 DAS 00113227 Elementary Educational Psychology and Methods of Teaching Dash, Biranchi Narayan Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2005 8186804420 154 p. UG Library
370.15 DAS 00115491 Textbook of Educational Psychology Dash B N Dominant Publishers 2003 9788178880471 600 p UG Library
370.15 DES 00114755 Educational Psychology and Child Development Deshprabhu, Suchitra Kanishka Publishers 2003 8173912467 2nd Ed. 304 p. UG Library
370.15 DES 00113169 Educational Psychology and Child Development Deshprabhu, Suchitra Kanishka Publishers 2003 8173912467 2nd Ed. 304 p. UG Library
370.15 DES 00045546 Educational Psychology and Child Development Deshprabhu, Suchitra Kanishka Publishers 2003 8173912467 2nd Ed. 304 p. UG Library
370.15 DOL 00106049 Vygotsky in action in the early years : Dolya, Galina. Routledge, 2010 9780415552295 (pbk.) | 0415552 175 p. : UG Library
370.15 DUR 05058288 EdPsych : Durwin, Cheryl Cisero, Sage, 2018 9781506310756 (Paperback : aci Third Edition. xxi, 655 pages ; Knowledge Centre
370.15 DUT 00142140 Educational Psychology Dutt,Santi New Central Book Agency 2007 817381550X 238p UG Library
370.15 EDI 00069404 Psychology and Curriculum Ediger, Marlow Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171416918 232 p. UG Library
370.15 EDI 00113228 Psychology and Curriculum Ediger, Marlow Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171416918 232 p. UG Library
370.15 EGG 00084035 Educational Psychology: Eggen, Paul Pearson 2007 0131724487 | 9780131724488 6th ed. 534p UG Library
370.15 EGG 05070088 Educational Psychology : Eggen, Paul., Pearson Education Limited, 2016 9781292107561 Tenth (Global edition), 749p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.15 EGG 05070089 Educational Psychology : Eggen, Paul., Pearson Education Limited, 2016 9781292107561 Tenth (Global edition), 749p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.15 EGG 05070090 Educational Psychology : Eggen, Paul., Pearson Education Limited, 2016 9781292107561 Tenth (Global edition), 749p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.15 ELE 00135987 Psychology in education 3G E-learning, 2017 9781680955637 ix,250 p.; UG Library
370.15 ELL 05007349 Western Psychological and Educatinal theory in Diverse context / Elliott, Julian Routledge, 2008 9780415491365 194 p. Knowledge Centre
370.15 ELLI 00048089 Educational Psychology Elliott, Stephen N 1999 0071162607 632p UG Library
370.15 FLA 05007529 Specialty competencies in school psychology / Flanagan, Rosemary. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195386325 (pbk.) | 0195386 vii, 227 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.15 FLE 05064422 Child development in educational settings / Fleer, Marilyn, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781316631881 | 1316631885 xii, 258 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.15 FOG 00119607 A Look at Transfer : Fogarty, Robin. Corwin Press, 2004 9780971733268 (pbk. : acidfree vi, 73 p. ; UG Library
370.15 FOX 00113243 Educational Psychology Fox, Charles Sonali Publications 2003 8188836028 386 p. UG Library
370.15 FOX 00114727 Educational Psychology Fox, Charles Sonali Publications 2003 8188836028 386 p. UG Library
370.15 FOX 00113230 Educational Psychology Fox, Charles Sonali Publications 2003 8188836028 386 p. UG Library
370.15 FOX 00113218 Educational Psychology Fox, Charles Sonali Publications 2003 8188836028 386 p. UG Library
370.15 FOX 00117999 Educational Psychology Fox, Charles Sarup Book Publishers Pvt Ltd, 2011 9788176257664 xi: 484p.; UG Library
370.15 FRE 00095358 Educational psychology : Frederickson, Norah. Hodder Education, 034092893X (pbk.) | 9780340928 xiii, 282 p. : UG Library
370.15 FRE 00078832 Study Skills for Psychology Succeeding in Your Degree Freeman, Richard P. J. Sage publications 2006 9780761942405 | 9780761942405 165 p: UG Library
370.15 FRE 00101269 Educational psychology / Frederickson, Norah. Hodder Education, 034092893X (pbk.) | 9780340928 xiii, 282 p. : UG Library
370.15 FRE 00081391 Study Skills for Psychology Succeeding in Your Degree Freeman, Richard P. J. Sage publications 2006 9780761942405 | 9780761942405 165 p: UG Library
370.15 FRE 00080013 Study Skills for Psychology Succeeding in Your Degree Freeman, Richard P. J. Sage publications 2006 9780761942405 | 9780761942405 165 p: UG Library
370.15 GAL 00123452 Psychology and education / Gallard, Diahann. Routledge, 2015 9781138783485 (hardback) | 978 xii, 123 pages ; UG Library
370.15 GAL 05046320 Psychology and education / Gallard, Diahann. Routledge, 2015 9781138783485 (hardback) | 978 xii, 123 pages ; Knowledge Centre
370.15 GAR 05069007 Child development and learning / Garvis, Susanne, Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190306403 xxxiii, 631 pages ; Knowledge Centre
370.15 GLO 00086638 Historical Foundations of Educational Psychology Glover, John 0306423545 446 p UG Library
370.15 GLO 00085712 Historical Foundation of Educational Psychology Glover, John A Plenum Press. 1987 0306423545 | 9780306423543 446p UG Library
370.15 GOP 00141210 Educational psychology and child development Gopal,N Current publication, 2021 9789391542825 304p.; UG Library
370.15 GOU 05039860 Teaching Self-Control in the Classroom-a Cognitive Behavioural Approach / Gourley Patricia Paul Chapman Publishing, 2006 9781873942826 . Knowledge Centre
370.15 GRA 05070220 School psychology : Springer Publishing Company LLC, 2018 9780826194732 | 9780826194749 (ebook) xxiii, 259 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.15 GRI 00127584 Internationalizing the curriculum in organizational psychology. Griffith, Richard L Springer 2014 9781461494010 338p. UG Library
370.15 HAM 00016796 Human Dynamics In Psychology And Education Hamachek, Don E. Allyn And Bacon Inc 1977 344 P. UG Library
370.15 HAT 00108737 Visible Learning for Teachers : Hattie, John. Routledge, 2012 9780415690157 | 9780415690157 x. 269 p. UG Library
370.15 HUG 00113225 Learning and Teaching Hughes, A. G. Surjeet Publications 2004 444 p. UG Library
370.15 III 00137908 Contemporary theories of learning : Routledge, 2018 9781138550483 (hardback) | 9781138550490 (pbk.) 2nd edition. x, 265p.; UG Library
370.15 JAI 00106398 Educational Psychology: Jai,Purabi. Wisdom Press. 2012 9789381052495 286 p. UG Library
370.15 JAI 00050723 Educational Psychology Professional Application Jain, Purabi Dominant Publishers 2000 8187336412676 286 p.: UG Library
370.15 JOS 09001073 Educational Psychology : Developing Learners / Joshi Ankita Kruger Brentt, 2023 9781787151277 445p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.15 KAK 10002497 Readings in educational psychology/ Kakkar, S.B., Atlantic publishers and distributors pvt ltd., 2022 9788126935109 x,477 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
370.15 KAK 00103667 Educational Psychology: Kakkar S.B PHI Learning private limited; 2009 9788120308107 193 p. UG Library
370.15 KAU 00113224 Child Psychology Growth and Development Kaushik, Vijaya Kumari Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2002 8126112050 | 9788126112050 286 p. UG Library
370.15 KAU 00123678 School Psychology ethical practices Kaur Gurpreet Random Publications 2015 9789351115045 290p. UG Library
370.15 KAV 05032564 Fundamentals of Educational Psychology : P B Kavyakishore. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 2013 9788126149698 xii, 321 p. Knowledge Centre
370.15 KEL 00110834 Handbook of implementation science for psychology in education Kelly,Barbara. Cambridge University Press 2012 9780521197250 (hardback) | 978 xv, 490 pages ; UG Library
370.15 KEL 00101261 Frameworks for practice in educational psychology : Kelly, Barbara Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 9781843106005 (pb : alk. paper 256 p. UG Library
370.15 KIR 00015049 Educating Exceptional Children Kirk, Samuel A Houghton 413 p UG Library
370.15 KON 00114739 ಶೈಕ್ಷಣಿಕ ಮನೋವಿಜ್ಞಾನ (Shaikshanika Manovijnana ) ಕೊಂಗವಾಡ, ಎನ್ . ಬಿ . (Kongawada, N. B.) Vidyanidhi, 2004 3rd Ed. 318 p.; UG Library
370.15 KRA 00123661 Educational psychology : Krause Kerri-Lee Cengage Learning Australia, 2003 9780170128520 (pbk) | 01701818 2nd ed. xxxiv, 603 p. : UG Library
370.15 KRI 00113247 School Psycology Krisna, Veeramachaneni Vamsi. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418805 333 p. UG Library
370.15 KRI 00113237 School Psychology Krishna, V V Discovery Publishing House , 2004 8171418805 333 p,: UG Library
370.15 KRI 00114770 School Psychology Krishna, V V Discovery Publishing House , 2004 8171418805 333 p,: UG Library
370.15 KUM 00113238 Methods of Teaching Educational Psychology: Raj Kumari Alice, M Discovery Publishing House 2004 321 p. UG Library
370.15 KUM 00113239 Methods of Teaching Educational Psychology: Raj Kumari Alice, M Discovery Publishing House 2004 321 p. UG Library
370.15 KUM 00113240 Principles of Developmental Psychology Kumar, S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 9788126117086 248 p: UG Library
370.15 KUM 00113222 Modern Teaching of Educational Pschology Kumar, Mahesh Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 9788126118663 315 p. UG Library
370.15 KUM 00113223 Modern Teaching of Educational Pschology Kumar, Mahesh Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 9788126118663 315 p. UG Library
370.15 KUM 00101266 Encyclopaedia Of Teaching Of Psychology Kumar Vijay Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 9788126111348 vii, 668 p. UG Library
370.15 KUM 00101267 Encyclopaedia Of Teaching Of Psychology Kumar Vijay Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 9788126111348 vii, 668 p. UG Library
370.15 KUN 00128366 Educational Psychology / Kundu C.L Sterling Publishers Private Limited, 2015 9788120796966 xiv,505p.: UG Library
370.15 KUN 00113242 Educational Psychology Kundu, C L Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2004 0812070813 5th Ed. 616 p: UG Library
370.15 KUN 00013505 Educational Psychology. Kundu, C L Sterling Publishers 1973 1st Ed. 269 P: UG Library
370.15 KUN 07007476 Educational Psychology / Kundu C.L Sterling Publishers Private Limited, 2015 9788120796966 xiv,505p.: Library - BR Campus
370.15 KUP 00113241 Advanced Educational Psychology Kuppuswamy, B. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 1991 8120705653 | 9788120705654 511 p. UG Library
370.15 KUP 00057317 Advanced Educational Psychology Kuppuswamy, B. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 1991 8120705653 | 9788120705654 511 p. UG Library
370.15 LAR 00097865 Educational psychology : Nova Science Publishers, 9781606922767 (hbk.) | 1606922 xiii, 311 p. : UG Library
370.15 LEF 00085133 Psychology for Teaching Lefrancois, Guy R Wadsworth 2000 0534574475 | 9780534574475 10th ed. 613 p UG Library
370.15 LIN 00032993 Educational Psychology in the Classroom Lindgren, Henry Clay John Wiley & Sons 1976 520 p UG Library
370.15 LIN 00017802 Educational Psychology in the Classroom Lindgren, Henry Clay John Wiley & Sons 1976 520 p UG Library
370.15 LON 00123716 The Psychology of Education Routledge, 2011 9780415486897 (hc) | 041548689 2nd ed. x, 438 p. : UG Library
370.15 LON 05004772 The Psychology of Education Routledge, 2011 9780415486897 (hc) | 041548689 2nd ed. x, 438 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.15 LOR 00144695 Psychology of Education : Lord, Janet, Sage publications 2022 1529762979 | 9781529762976 | 1529762987 | 9781529762983 xix, 570 pages : UG Library
370.15 MAH 00113167 Education Psychology Mahmud, Jafar APH Publishing Corporation 2004 9788176487948 249 p: UG Library
370.15 MAH 00113163 Education Psychology Mahmud, Jafar APH Publishing Corporation 2004 9788176487948 249 p: UG Library
370.15 MAH 00113166 Education Psychology Mahmud, Jafar APH Publishing Corporation 2004 9788176487948 249 p: UG Library
370.15 MAH 00113164 Education Psychology Mahmud, Jafar APH Publishing Corporation 2004 9788176487948 249 p: UG Library
370.15 MAH 00113165 Education Psychology Mahmud, Jafar APH Publishing Corporation 2004 9788176487948 249 p: UG Library
370.15 MAN 05000974 Essentials of Educational Psychology / Mangal,S.k. PHI Learning, 2013 9788120330559 x,726p.; Knowledge Centre
370.15 MAN 10002498 Advanced Educational Psychology Mangal S.K. PHI Learning Private Limited 2011 9788120320383 xvi:520 P. Yeshwanthpur Campus
370.15 MAN 00060129 Advanced Educational Psychology Mangal, S K Prentice Hall of India 2004 8120320387 2nd ed. 520 p, UG Library
370.15 MAN 00107403 Advanced Educational Psychology Mangal S.K. PHI Learning Private Limited 2011 9788120320383 xvi:520 P. UG Library
370.15 MAN 07013393 Advanced Educational Psychology Mangal S.K. PHI Learning Private Limited 2011 9788120320383 xvi:520 P. Library - BR Campus
370.15 MAN 00060308 Advanced Educational Psychology Mangal, S K Prentice Hall of India 2004 8120320387 2nd ed. 520 p, UG Library
370.15 MAN 00061819 Advanced Educational Psychology Mangal, S K Prentice Hall of India 2004 8120320387 2nd ed. 520 p, UG Library
370.15 MAR 00145448 Understanding developmental and educational psychology/ Mara, Stella Willford Press 2022 9781647284121 vii:234p. UG Library
370.15 MAR 07012176 Psychology in education / Maria, Jennifer 9789387295094 viii,223p.; Library - BR Campus
370.15 MAR 00138390 Understanding Development Psychology in Education / Maria,Jennifer. Amiga Press, 2019 9789387295094 viii,224p.; UG Library
370.15 MAR 00069266 Educational Psychology in Context: Readings for Future Teachers: Marlowe, A Bruce London 2006 9781412913881 298 p.: UG Library
370.15 MAR 00113232 Psychology of Teaching and Learning A Three Step Approach Martinez Pons, Manuel Continuum 2005 9780826453556 271 p. UG Library
370.15 MAR 00113233 Psychology of Teaching and Learning A Three Step Approach Martinez Pons, Manuel Continuum 2005 9780826453556 271 p. UG Library
370.15 MAR 00114758 Psychology of Teaching and Learning A Three Step Approach Martinez Pons, Manuel Continuum 2005 9780826453556 271 p. UG Library
370.15 MAR 00077183 Psychology of Teaching and Learning A Three Step Approach Martinez Pons, Manuel Continuum 2005 9780826453556 271 p. UG Library
370.15 MAR 00071898 Psychology of Teaching and Learning A Three Step Approach Martinez Pons, Manuel Continuum 2005 9780826453556 271 p. UG Library
370.15 MAT 00096208 Educational psychology Mathur, S. S. Vinod Pustak Mandir, 715 p. UG Library
370.15 MAU 00015194 Psychology Applied to General Education and Physical Education Mauraya, Virendra Kumar Pragati Prakashan 1975 132 p, UG Library
370.15 MEE 07015559 Foundations of Educational Psychology / Meenakshisundaram.A.Dr Kavyamala Publishers, 2007 349p.: Library - BR Campus
370.15 MIN 05037102 Using psychology in the classroom / Minton, Stephen James. Sage Publications, 2012 9781446201657 (hardback) | 978 1st ed. p. cm. Knowledge Centre
370.15 MOH 00113154 Educational Psychology Mohan, G Aruna Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2003 0818680482 395 p: UG Library
370.15 MOH 00113236 Psychological Foundations of Education Mohan, G Aruna Neelkamal Publications 2004 8183160115 396 p: UG Library
370.15 MOH 00113158 Psychological Foundations of Education Aruna Mohan, G. Neelkamal Publications 2004 8183160115 1st Ed. 396 p. UG Library
370.15 MOH 00113153 Educational Psychology Mohan, G Aruna Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2003 0818680482 395 p: UG Library
370.15 MOH 00114756 Educational Psychology Mohan, G Aruna Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2003 0818680482 395 p: UG Library
370.15 MOH 00113235 Psychological Foundations of Education Aruna Mohan, G. Neelkamal Publications 2004 8183160115 1st Ed. 396 p. UG Library
370.15 MOH 00113231 Psychological Disorders Text and Cases Mohanty, Namitha Neelkamal Publications : 2008 9788183161398 215 p: UG Library
370.15 MOH 00091983 Psychological Foundations of Education Mohan G Aruna Neelkamal Publications Pvt Ltd 2009 9788183160117 419p UG Library
370.15 MOH 00113151 Educational Technology: Mohanty, Jagannath Deep and Deep Publications 8171003885 302p UG Library
370.15 MOH 00113156 Psychological Foundations of Education Mohan, G Aruna Neelkamal Publications 2004 8183160115 396 p: UG Library
370.15 MOH 00113152 Educational Psychology: Aruna, Mohan G. Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2003 0818680482 1st Ed. 395 p. UG Library
370.15 MOH 00113155 Educational Psychology: Aruna, Mohan G. Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2003 0818680482 1st Ed. 395 p. UG Library
370.15 MOH 00113157 Psychological Foundations of Education Mohan, G Aruna Neelkamal Publications 2004 8183160115 396 p: UG Library
370.15 MOR 00106059 Educational psychology Moreno, Roxana. John Wiley & Sons, 2010 9780471789987 (pbk.) | 0471789 xxx, 686 p. : UG Library
370.15 MUR 00015311 Psychology for Modern Education Mursell, James L STERLING 610 p UG Library
370.15 MUR 00014589 Psychology for Modern Education Mursell, James L STERLING 610 p UG Library
370.15 NAG 05037196 Psychology of learning and instruction / Nagaraju,M.T.V. Mangalam Publications, 2008 9788190658010 312p.; Knowledge Centre
370.15 NAM 00113159 Psychology of Learning and Instruction Nambiar Vijayan K. K. Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804765 2nd Ed. 262 p. UG Library
370.15 NAM 00113162 Psychology of Learning and Instruction Nambiar Vijayan K. K. Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804765 2nd Ed. 262 p. UG Library
370.15 NAM 00113161 Psychology of Learning and Instruction Nambiar Vijayan K. K. Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804765 2nd Ed. 262 p. UG Library
370.15 NAR 00033182 Educational Psychology Rao,Narayan S. Wiley Eastern Ltd 1990 8122402607 472 p. UG Library
370.15 NAS 00113149 Educational Psychology Nasa, Sarla Mittal Publications 2005 9788170999850 202 p: UG Library
370.15 NAY 00113150 Educational Psychology Nayak, A K APH Publishing, 2002 0817648363 379 p.: UG Library
370.15 NAY 00113160 Educational Psychology Nayak, A K APH Publishing, 2002 0817648363 379 p.: UG Library
370.15 NAY 00113148 Educational Psychology Nayak, A K APH Publishing, 2002 0817648363 379 p.: UG Library
370.15 NIN 00081422 School and Behavioral Psychology: Ninness, H A Chris Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2000 0792379756 | 9780792379751 199p UG Library
370.15 NUT 00130438 Threads of Thinking : Nutbrown, Cathy. SAGE, 2011 9781849204644 | 1849204640 | 9 4th ed. xv, 195 p. : UG Library
370.15 OLS 05008118 Psychological theory and educational reform : Olson, David R., Cambridge University Press, 2003 0521825105 (hbk.) | 0521532116 xiv, 343 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.15 OLS 00113192 Psychological Theory and Educational Reform Olson, David R 0521532116 343 UG Library
370.15 ORM 00081843 Educaitonal Psychology: Ormrod, Jeanne Wllis Pearson 2008 9780136127024 6th ed. 627p UG Library
370.15 ORM 00066658 Educational Psychology Ormrod, Jeanne Ellis 2000 0130136484 683p UG Library
370.15 ORM 05070085 Educational psychology : Ormrod, Jeanne Ellis., Pearson, 2017 9781292170701 Ninth edition. 776p.; Knowledge Centre
370.15 ORM 05057213 Educational psychology : Ormrod, Jeanne Ellis., Pearson, 2017 9781292170701 Ninth edition. 776p.; Knowledge Centre
370.15 ORM 05070086 Educational psychology : Ormrod, Jeanne Ellis., Pearson, 2017 9781292170701 Ninth edition. 776p.; Knowledge Centre
370.15 ORM 05070087 Educational psychology : Ormrod, Jeanne Ellis., Pearson, 2017 9781292170701 Ninth edition. 776p.; Knowledge Centre
370.15 PAN 00130101 A textbook of Educational Psychology Pandey, Amrita Rajat Publication, 2018 9788178807133 200 p.: UG Library
370.15 PAN 00113144 Advanced Eductional Psychology Panda, B N Discovery Publishing House 8171415008 287p UG Library
370.15 PAN 00135363 Advanced Educational Psychology Panda, B N Discovery Publishing House 1999 8171415008 314p UG Library
370.15 PAN 00113176 Advanced Educational Psychology Panda, B.N. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171415008 314 p. UG Library
370.15 PAR 00116527 Educational psychology Parhi, R.K APH Publishing Corporation, 2013 9789331319432 xiii: 222p.: UG Library
370.15 PAR 00113143 Psychology at School Parameswaran, E. G. Neelkamal Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 138 p. UG Library
370.15 PAR 00132063 Technology of teaching behavior Parmar,Vanraj.V Cyber tech publications, 2017 9789350535486 288p.; UG Library
370.15 PEA 09001122 Practical Handbook of School Psychology : Guilford Press, 2010 9781462507771 626p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.15 PES 00133543 Psychology and education Pestalozzi,Heinrich Sarup book publishers pvt ltd., 2018 9789352080984 iv,217p.; UG Library
370.15 PHA 05067784 Teaching, Learning And Psychology / Phan, Huy P. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190305529 xvi, 552p.; Knowledge Centre
370.15 PHA 09000531 Teaching, Learning And Psychology / Phan, Huy P. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190305529 xvi, 552p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.15 PHI 00014581 Discipline, Achievements & Mental Health Philips, E Lakin PH 198 p UG Library
370.15 PIN 00019263 Educational Psychology: Pinter, Rudolf Barnes & Noble 1970 6th Edition 308 p.: UG Library
370.15 PRA 00103083 Applied educational Psychology: Prasad Dr.Deepesh Chandra 370.15 8175243678 342 p. UG Library
370.15 PRA 05037788 Encyclopaedia of Advanced Educational Psychology / K B Praveena Anmol Publications, 2012 9788126151189 vii, 566 p. Knowledge Centre
370.15 PRA 05037789 Encyclopaedia of Advanced Educational Psychology / K B Praveena Anmol Publications, 2012 9788126151189 vii, 566 p. Knowledge Centre
370.15 PRE 00001117 Psychology in Education Pressey, Sidney L Universal Books Stall 1959 658 p UG Library
370.15 PRI 00133269 Measurenet and evaluation in psychology and education Prince,Dandre ED-Tech press, 2018 9781788823739 vii,312p.; UG Library
370.15 PRU 00113178 Educational Psychology Pruthi, R K Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171417671 339 p.: UG Library
370.15 PRU 00113175 Educational Psychology Pruthi, R K Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171417671 339 p.: UG Library
370.15 PRU 00120139 Educational Psychology Pruthi, R K Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171417671 339 p.: UG Library
370.15 QUE 00114764 Modern School Psychology Qureshi, M. U. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 8126119942 | 9788126119943 336 p. UG Library
370.15 QUR 00113191 Modern School Psychology Qureshi, M. U. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 8126119942 | 9788126119943 336 p. UG Library
370.15 RAJ 00114742 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Psychology and Education Raj, Madhu Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2003 8174883452 394 p UG Library
370.15 RAJ 00114741 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Psychology and Education Raj, Madhu Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2003 8174883452 394 p UG Library
370.15 RAJ 00114740 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Psychology and Education Raj, Madhu Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2003 8174883452 394 p UG Library
370.15 RAM 00107112 Frustration of Prospective Teachers Ramani, Vempati Roja. Discovery Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2009 9788183563772 105 p UG Library
370.15 RAM 00107119 Recent studies in Schol Psychology: Ramalingam Panch Authorspress; 2010 9788172735364 340 p. UG Library
370.15 RAM 00113182 Education and Personality Development Ramasami, T. Ashish Publishing House 2004 8176487333 159 p. UG Library
370.15 RAM 00103228 Recent studies in Schol Psychology: Ramalingam Panch Authorspress; 2010 9788172735364 340 p. UG Library
370.15 RAM 00113190 Psychological Apporaches to Teacher Education Ramalingam, Panch Dr. Inland Books 2004 8188288055 1st Ed. 184 p. UG Library
370.15 RAT 00114774 Psychology of Learning and Development Rather A. R. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418155 302 p.: UG Library
370.15 RAT 00113181 Psychology of Learning and Development Rather A. R. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418155 302 p.: UG Library
370.15 RAT 00113189 Psychology of Learning and Development Rather A. R. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418155 302 p.: UG Library
370.15 RAT 00119770 Advanced Eductional Psychology by, Rathee Mukta Rajat Publications, 2015 9788178806440 ix, 268 p,: UG Library
370.15 RAT 00113188 Psychology of Learning and Development Rather A. R. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418155 302 p.: UG Library
370.15 RED 00123000 Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology and Education Reddy, Vidya Sagar Astha Publishers and Distributors, 2016 9789382126744 248 p:. UG Library
370.15 RED 07010029 Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology and Education Reddy, Vidya Sagar Astha Publishers and Distributors, 2016 9789382126744 248 p:. Library - BR Campus
370.15 RED 00114760 Creativity In Student Teachers Reddy,Raja Shekar T Discovery Publishing House 2003 8171417701 202p UG Library
370.15 RED 05074493 Glimpses of School Psychology / InSPA, 2023 9789391690922 viii, 222p.; Knowledge Centre
370.15 REN 05068620 The Cambridge handbook of motivation and learning / Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781316630792 xviii, 803p.; Knowledge Centre
370.15 ROB 00143170 Educational Psycholoy and Development / Robinson,Kane states Academic Press. 2022 9781639891658 vi,242p, ; UG Library
370.15 ROB 00091532 Foundation of educational psychology Robinson S Ane Books Pvt Ltd 2009 9788180521546 2nd ed, 208 p.: UG Library
370.15 ROY 00111259 Advanced Educational Psychology/ Roy, Nishant. Sonali Publications, 2012 9788184114140 248p.; UG Library
370.15 RUB 05005363 Educational psychology : Routledge, 2011 9780415562638 (hardback) | 978 274 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.15 SAN 09001168 Educational Psychology / Santrock, John W. McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2018 9789353164836 Sixth ed. xxxvi, 568p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.15 SAN 09001169 Educational Psychology / Santrock, John W. McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2018 9789353164836 Sixth ed. xxxvi, 568p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.15 SAN 05070491 Educational Psychology / Santrock, John W. McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2018 9789353164836 Sixth ed. xxxvi, 568p.; Knowledge Centre
370.15 SAN 00121730 Educational Psychology Santrock, John .W McGraw Hill, 2009 9780071280822 4th ed, xliv, 613 p.: UG Library
370.15 SAN 00075590 Educational Psychology: Classroom Update Preparing for PRAXIS and Practice/ Santrock, W John 0070615853 625p UG Library
370.15 SAT 00124444 Practical Approach to Educational Psychology Satsangi Bharti Random Publications, 2015 9789351114802 ix, 284 p.: UG Library
370.15 SCH 00004627 The Psychology and Teaching of Reading Schonell, Fred J The English Language Book Society 1965 295 p UG Library
370.15 SHA 00113283 Educational Psychology: Sharma, Anuradha Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 8171695779 240 p: UG Library
370.15 SHA 00113244 Textbook of Educational Psychology / Sharma, K Yopgendra. Kanishka Publishers, 2004 9788173916960 526 p.: UG Library
370.15 SHA 07002016 Textbook of Educational Psychology / Sharma, K Yopgendra. Kanishka Publishers, 2004 9788173916960 526 p.: Library - BR Campus
370.15 SHA 00113187 Principles of Growth and Development Sharma, S. K. Isha Books 2004 305 p. UG Library
370.15 SHA 00113184 Text Book of Educational Psychology Sharma, Yogendra K. Kanishka Publishers Distributors 2004 8173917485 529 p. UG Library
370.15 SHA 00114738 Advanced Educational Psychology Sharma R. N. Surjeet Publications 2002 515 p. UG Library
370.15 SHA 00115490 Advanced Educational Psychology Sharma R. N. Surjeet Publications 2002 515 p. UG Library
370.15 SHA 00073384 Advanced Educational Psychology Sharma Seema Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2005 8126126121 | 9788126124091 405 p. UG Library
370.15 SHA 00113186 Educational Psychology: Sharma, Anuradha Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 8171695779 240 p: UG Library
370.15 SID 00113180 Early Childhood Education Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan A.P.H. Publishing 2004 9788176486026 | 9788176486026 260 p. UG Library
370.15 SID 00114773 Early Childhood Education Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan A.P.H.Publishing Corporation 2004 8176486590 | 9788176486590 258 p. UG Library
370.15 SID 00113270 Early Childhood Education Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan A.P.H.Publishing Corporation 2004 8176486590 | 9788176486590 258 p. UG Library
370.15 SIN 00113183 Educational Psychology/ Sinha B L Anmol Publishers 2002 9788126112562 334 p. UG Library
370.15 SIN 00113269 Educational Psychology/ Sinha B L Anmol Publishers 2002 9788126112562 334 p. UG Library
370.15 SIN 00107834 Psychology In Education Singh,Kumar Yogesh A.P.H. Publishing Corporating 2008 9788176489607 339 P. UG Library
370.15 SIN 00141319 Psychological Foundation of Education / Singh, Agyajit City Publication; 2021 9789389117332 327p UG Library
370.15 SIN 00141318 Psychological Basis of Education / Singh, Agyajit Avon Publications; 2021 9789388960465 181p UG Library
370.15 SIV 00107417 Trends and Developments in Modern Educational Practices Sivarajan K.Dr. Calicut University 2010 15th Revised Edition xvi:430 p. UG Library
370.15 SKI 00060324 Educational Psychology Skinner, E. Charles Prentice Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1987 4th Ed. 760 p. UG Library
370.15 SKI 00029832 Educational Psychology Skinner, E. Charles Prentice Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1987 4th Ed. 760 p. UG Library
370.15 SMI 00013175 Psychology in Teaching Reading Smith, Henry P Prentice-Hall Inc 1961 470 p UG Library
370.15 SNO 05045023 Psychology applied to teaching / Biehler, Robert F. Houghton Mifflin, 1993 0395615984 7th ed. xxiv, 702, [44] p. : Knowledge Centre
370.15 SNO 05046237 Psychology applied to teaching / Snowman, Jack Wadsworh cenage learning, 2012 9781111344832 xxxii,637p.; Knowledge Centre
370.15 SOM 00114761 Educational Psychology & Evaluation Datta, Nc Universities Press Pvt.Ltd 2005 473p UG Library
370.15 SOM 00113185 Educational Psychology & Evaluation Somashekar T V Nirmala Prakashana 2005 2nd ed 289 p UG Library
370.15 SOR 00000802 Psychology in Education Sorenson, Herbert McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc 1964 4th Ed. 555 p. UG Library
370.15 SRI 00071894 Educational Psychology Srivastava, Neelu Pragun Publications 2006 8189645013 | 81896455 364 p. UG Library
370.15 STA 00066657 Psychology in Practice Stapleton, Merv Hodder & Stouhton 2001 0340643293 | 9780340643297 155 p. UG Library
370.15 SUR 00113297 Child in Home and School Surfleet, Florence Sonali Publications 2003 8188836184 164 p.: UG Library
370.15 SUR 00113296 Child in Home and School Surfleet, Florence Sonali Publications 2003 8188836184 164 p.: UG Library
370.15 SWI 09000132 How to become an educational psychologist /​ Swinson, Jeremy. Routledge, 2019 9781138682320 vi,122p; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.15 SWI 05068242 How to become an educational psychologist /​ Swinson, Jeremy. Routledge, 2019 9781138682320 vi,122p; Knowledge Centre
370.15 THA 00133058 The learner and learning process Thamarasseri,Ismail Wisdom press, 2018 9789386053145 245p.; UG Library
370.15 THA 00086164 Psycholigical Foundations of Education Thamarasseri, Ismail Kanishka 2008 9788184570618 298 p UG Library
370.15 THO 05072724 Neuro systemic applications in learning / Thomas, Kennedy Andrew., ed. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2021 9783030723996 xvi, 545p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.15 THO 05033398 Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology and Education / PHI Learning Private Limited, 2010 9788120343528 8th ed xv,509p.: Knowledge Centre
370.15 TIW 00113295 Methods Of Teaching Psychology Tiwari, Deepak Crescent Publications, 2005 8183420168 309 P.: UG Library
370.15 TUC 00120111 Educational Psychology W. Tuckman Bruce Wadsworth Cengage, 2011 9780495808381 xxxii, 651 p.: UG Library
370.15 UBA 09000533 Succeed in educational psychology / Uba, Angela. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190448554 | 0190448555 v, 156p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.15 VAS 00113248 Physiolgical and Psychological Developement Of Children Vashist, S R Book Enclave 2003 8181520440 267 p.: UG Library
370.15 VEE 00073386 Introduction to School Psychology Veer Udai Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2005 9788126124466 288 p.: UG Library
370.15 VER 05036615 Educational psychology: Verma,L.N Rawat publications, 2013 9788131605813 256p.; Knowledge Centre
370.15 VER 00118531 Educational psychology: Verma,L.N Rawat publications, 2013 9788131605813 256p.; UG Library
370.15 VER 00112447 Educational psychology: Verma,L.N Rawat publications, 2013 9788131605813 256p.; UG Library
370.15 VER 10001363 Educational psychology: Verma,L.N Rawat publications, 2013 9788131605813 256p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
370.15 VER 00132936 Educational psychology: Verma,L.N. Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131605813 256 p. ; UG Library
370.15 VIC 00000300 Psychology and Teaching Morse William C D B Taraporevala Sons & Co. Private Ltd 1962 2nd ed. 528 p UG Library
370.15 VYG 00072350 Educational Pscyhology: Vygotsky, L S Pentagon Press 2006 9798182741460 374 p.: UG Library
370.15 WAU 00074008 On The Forefront Of Educational Psychology Waugh, Russell F, Nova Science Publishers Inc 2003 1590337891 | 9791590337898 334p UG Library
370.15 WHE 05004971 Developments in educational psychology / Routledge, 2010 9780415469982 (hbk.) | 0415469 2nd ed. xii, 222 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.15 WOO 00060329 Educational Psychology Woolfolk, Anita Pearson Education 2004 9788129702180 9th Ed. 669 p. UG Library
370.15 WOO 00066522 Educational Psychology Woolfolk, Anita E. Allyn And Bacon 1998 0205289975 | 9780205289974 591 p. UG Library
370.15 WOO 00120623 Eduational Psychology Woolfolk, Anita pearson India Education, 2014 9789332536753 12th ed. 691 p:. UG Library
370.15 WOO 05060221 Educational Psychology / Woolfolk, Anita. Pearson, 2017 9789332586697 13th ed., xxvi, 675 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.15 WOO 05038082 Educational Psychology / Woolfolk, Anita Pearson 2004 8129702185 665p.: Knowledge Centre
370.15 WOO 00069629 Educational Psychology Woolfolk, Anita Pearson Education 2004 9788129702180 9th Ed. 669 p. UG Library
370.15 WOO 00113310 Educational Psychology Woolfolk, Anita Pearson Education 2004 9788129702180 9th Ed. 669 p. UG Library
370.15 WOO 00060154 Educational Psychology Woolfolk, Anita Pearson Educations, 2004 9788129702180 9th ed, xxxiii, 669 p.: UG Library
370.15 WOO 00114771 Educational Psychology Woolfolk, Anita Pearson Education 2004 9788129702180 9th Ed. 669 p. UG Library
370.15 WOO 05070492 Educational Psychology / Woolfolk, Anita. Pearson, 2017 9789332586697 13th ed., xxvi, 675 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.15 WOO 00066656 Educational Psychology Woolfolk, Anita Allyn And Bacon 2001 0205289959 | 9780205289950 8th d. 661 p. UG Library
370.15 WOO 07002827 Educational Psychology / Woolfolk Anita Pearson, 2016 9781292095301 13th ed 720p.: Library - BR Campus
370.15 WOO 07001713 Fundamentals of Educational Psychology / Woolfolk Anita Pearson, 2012 9788131758663 11th ed xiii,545p.: Library - BR Campus
370.15 WOO 05012165 Educational Psychology Woolfolk, Anita Pearson Educations, 2004 9788129702180 9th ed, xxxiii, 669 p.: Knowledge Centre
370.15 WOO 05070082 Educational Psychology / Woolfolk Anita Pearson, 2016 9781292095301 13th ed 720p.: Knowledge Centre
370.15 WOO 05070083 Educational Psychology / Woolfolk Anita Pearson, 2016 9781292095301 13th ed 720p.: Knowledge Centre
370.15 WOO 05070084 Educational Psychology / Woolfolk Anita Pearson, 2016 9781292095301 13th ed 720p.: Knowledge Centre
370.15 YAD 00113246 Handbook of Educational Pscyhology Yadav, Neelam Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2003 8126114819 | 9788126114818 1st Ed. 499 p. UG Library
370.15 YAD 00113245 Handbook of Educational Pscyhology Yadav, Neelam Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2003 8126114819 | 9788126114818 1st Ed. 499 p. UG Library
370.1503 CHA 00117875 Techniques of Teaching Educational Psychology Chawal Kumar Ganesh Arpan Publishers, 2014 9788192085272 v. 294 p.: UG Library
370.1503 SAL 00084030 Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology.Vol.1, 2, Salkind, Neil J Sage 2008 9781412916882 498p UG Library
370.1503 SAL 00084031 Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology.Vol.1, 2, Salkind, Neil J Sage 2008 9781412916882 498p UG Library
370.1503 SIN 00101280 Encyclopaedia of Statistics psychology and education Sinha B.L Anmol publications; 9788126106530 433 p. UG Library
370.1503 SIN 00101281 Encyclopaedia of Statistics psychology and education Sinha B.L Anmol publications; 9788126106530 433 p. UG Library
370.1503 SIN 00101282 Encyclopaedia of Statistics psychology and education Sinha B.L Anmol publications; 9788126106530 433 p. UG Library
370.1503 SIN 00101283 Encyclopaedia of Statistics psychology and education Sinha B.L Anmol publications; 9788126106530 433 p. UG Library
370.150954 KUM 00141213 Essentials of psychology of learning and development Kumara,T.M Prashantha Current publications, 2021 9789390253050 278p.; UG Library
370.151 DUT 00113306 Teaching Methods and Child Development Dutt, Suresh Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 9788126116843 387 p.: UG Library
370.151 DUT 00113849 Teaching Methods and Child Development Dutt, Suresh Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 9788126116843 387 p.: UG Library
370.151 KAU 00113309 Child Development Through Education Kaushik, Vijaya Kumari Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2005 9788126116997 343 p.: UG Library
370.151 NAN 00113307 Priciples of Child Development Nanda V. K. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2002 8126113030 | 9788126113033 331 p. UG Library
370.151 NAN 00113311 Teaching Methodology and Child Development Nanda, V K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd : 2004 9788126116102 445 p.: UG Library
370.151 SCH 00141265 Gender Differences in Aspirations and Attainment : Schoon, Ingrid Cambridge University Press ; 2014 9781107645196 viii, 506 p. ; UG Library
370.151072 JON 05003542 Research and gender / Jones, Liz, Continuum, 082648977X (pbk.) | 9780826489 135 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.151072 JON 00099234 Research and gender / Jones, Liz, Continuum, 082648977X (pbk.) | 9780826489 135 p. ; UG Library
370.152 CLE 03001895 Creativity Clegg, Brian Kogan Page 9788175544307 243 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
370.152 PLA 00095334 Cognitive Load Theory Plass Jan L Cambridge University Press 9780521677585 275p UG Library
370.152 ADA 05037683 Teaching that Changes Lives : Adams Marilee Berrett-Koehler, 2013 9781626561298 216p.: Knowledge Centre
370.152 ALL 00128250 Sparking Student Synapses, Grades 9-12 : Allen, Richard, Corwin Press, 2012 9781412991148 xiv, 150 p. : UG Library
370.152 BAN 05005018 Generalization of knowledge : Psychology Press, 2010 9781848728981 (hard back : alk xiii, 365 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.152 BEG 00098008 Nurturing creativity in the classroom: Cambridge University Press 9780521715201 424p UG Library
370.152 BRI 03005460 Learn to Remember : O'brien, Dominic Duncan Baird publishers, 2000 160p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
370.152 CAR 00086708 Quick Wits: Caroselli, Marlene Ane Books 2004 8180520676 | 9788180520679 301p UG Library
370.152 CLE 07011555 Creativity Clegg, Brian Kogan Page 9788175544307 243 p Library - BR Campus
370.152 CLE 04016629 Creativity Clegg, Brian Kogan Page 9788175544307 243 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.152 COF 00129941 Cognitive Development And Learning Coffey, Dawson Larsen & Keller, 2017 9781635490701 viii,380 p.: UG Library
370.152 COW 00092398 Getting the students to think Cowley Sue Cotinuum International 2008 9781846841477 2nd Ed. 205 p.: UG Library
370.152 DIE 00051331 Becoming a Critical Thinker: a User Friendly Manual [ WMU ] Diestler, Sherry 0130289221 366p UG Library
370.152 DIE 00117378 Becoming a critical thinker : Diestler, Sherry. Pearson, 2012 9780205063895 | 0205063454 6th ed. xvi, 495 p. : UG Library
370.152 DIE 00086714 Becoming a Critical Thinker: A User Friendly Manual. Diestler, Sheery 2009 0132413132 480 p UG Library
370.152 DIE 00086713 Becoming a Critical Thinker: A User Friendly Manual. Diestler, Sheery 2009 0132413132 480 p UG Library
370.152 DIE 00086715 Becoming a Critical Thinker: A User Friendly Manual. Diestler, Sheery 2009 0132413132 480 p UG Library
370.152 DIE 00075111 Becoming a Critical Thinkier a User Friendly Manual. Diestler, Sherry 2005 0131779982 415p UG Library
370.152 DIE 00075113 Becoming a Critical Thinkier a User Friendly Manual. Diestler, Sherry 2005 0131779982 415p UG Library
370.152 DIE 00075112 Becoming a Critical Thinkier a User Friendly Manual. Diestler, Sherry 2005 0131779982 415p UG Library
370.152 DUT 05048190 Constructivism in Education / Dutta,Tapan Kr Kumud Publications, 2015 9789382885214 ix,308p.; Knowledge Centre
370.152 FER 00120112 Peak Performance : Ferrett, Sharon K. McGraw-Hill, 2010 9780073375120 | 0073375128 | 7th ed. xxxvii, 530 p. UG Library
370.152 FIS 00118515 Teaching Thinking : Fisher, Robert, Continuum, 2008 9781847061485 | 1847061486 | 3rd ed. xi, 224 p. : UG Library
370.152 FIS 00121743 Teaching Thinking : Fisher, Robert, Bloomsbury, 2013 9781780936796 4th ed, 253 p, : UG Library
370.152 FOG 00084697 Integrating Curricula With Multiple Intelligences: Teams, Themes, & Threads [EDUCATION SECTION] Fogarty, Robin 9781412955539 209p UG Library
370.152 GAM 07000535 Building Mental Muscle Gamon, David Viva Book Pvt Ltd 2003 9788176494137 320 p. Library - BR Campus
370.152 GAM 00113312 Building Mental Muscle Gamon, David Viva Book Pvt Ltd 2003 9788176494137 320 p. UG Library
370.152 GAR 00077356 Unschooled Mind:How Children Think and How Schools Should Teach Gardner, Howard Basic Books 1995 9780465088966 304 p.: UG Library
370.152 GAR 00109491 The Unschooled Mind/ Gardner Howard Basic Books, 2011 9780465024384 xxx, 322 p.: UG Library
370.152 GAR 00088691 Unschooled Mind:How Children Think and How Schools Should Teach Gardner, Howard Basic Books 1995 9780465088966 304 p.: UG Library
370.152 HAC 05007410 Handbook of metacognition in education / Hacker, Douglas J Routledge, 2009 9780805863536 (hbk) | 08058635 ix, 449 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.152 HAD 00144281 Critical Thinking / Hadley, Gregory. Routledge, 2023 9780367181710 xvi,357p,; UG Library
370.152 HAY 00089404 Children as Philosophers Haynes, Joanna Routledge, 2002 9780415446815 176 p.: UG Library
370.152 KIN 00069638 Critical Thinking and Learning: an Encyclopedia for Parents and Teachers Kincheloe, Joe L Greenwood Press, 2004 0313323895 532 p.: UG Library
370.152 KUM 00113315 Instructional Learning Strategies and Cognitive Entry Behaviour: An Experimental Analysis Sudheesh Kumar, P K Kanishka Publishers 2004 8173914818 374 p.: UG Library
370.152 MAS 00102047 Critical thinking and learning / Mason, Mark Blackwell Pub., 9781405181075 (pbk. : alk. pap x, 134 p. ; UG Library
370.152 MEN 00120489 Mediated Learning : Mentis, M. T. Corwin Press, 2008 9781412950695 | 9781412950701 2nd ed. xx, 246 p. : UG Library
370.152 MOH 05047454 Constructivism : Mohapatra J K Atlantic, 2015 495 p. Knowledge Centre
370.152 MOH 07012150 Constructivism: Mohapatra, J K. Atlantic, 2015 9788126920228 VI,492 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
370.152 OGD 05068407 Thinking critically about research : Ogden, Jane. Routledge, 2019 9780367000202 xv, 160p.; Knowledge Centre
370.152 OGD 05069149 Thinking critically about research : Ogden, Jane. Routledge, 2019 9780367000202 xv, 160p.; Knowledge Centre
370.152 OGD 09000203 Thinking critically about research : Ogden, Jane. Routledge, 2019 9780367000202 xv, 160p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.152 RIT 03005006 Making Thinking Visible : Ritchhart, Ron, Jossey-Bass, 2011 9780470915516 (pbk.) First edition. xxvi, 294 pages ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
370.152 RIT 05006045 Making Thinking Visible : Ritchhart, Ron, Jossey-Bass, 2011 9780470915516 (pbk.) First edition. xxvi, 294 pages ; Knowledge Centre
370.152 SAN 05058324 The education revolution : Sánchez, Horacio, Corwin, 2017 9781506332062 (pbk. : acidfree viii, 190 pages ; Knowledge Centre
370.152 SED 00125575 100 Ideas for Developing Thinking in the Primary School Sedgwick, Fred. Continuum, 2008 1847061524 | 9781847061522 xii, 116 p. ; UG Library
370.152 SRI 00113308 Cognitive Style in Educational Perspectives Srivastava, Priyamvada Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 1997 8174887970 158 p. UG Library
370.152 SYL 00105606 A child's brain : Sylwester, Robert. Corwin Press, 2010 9781412962711 (pbk. : alk. pap xi, 185 p. ; UG Library
370.152 TIB 00138213 Why the brain matters : Tibke, Jon Sage publications ltd , 2019 9781473992917 x, 204pages .; UG Library
370.1522 OBR 00113314 Learn To Remember O'Brien, Dominic Duncan Baird Publishers 2000 1900131935 | 9781900131933 160 p. UG Library
370.1523 BEG 00123700 Learning and School Education Begum, Najma Book Enclave, 2015 9788181523662 296 p:. UG Library
370.1523 BRO 05064882 Make it stick : Brown, Peter C., Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2014 9780674237155 xi, 313 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.1523 BRU 00109268 Cognitive psychology and instruction Bruning, Roger H. Pearson, 2011 9780132368971 (pbk.) | 0132368 5th ed. xvii, 438 p. : UG Library
370.1523 COR 00081240 Unleashing the Potential of the Teenage Brain: 10 Powerful Ideas Corbin, Barry Corwin Press 2008 152p UG Library
370.1523 COT 00062191 The Complete Guide To Learning And Assessment Cotton, Julie Crest 2004 8124204020 | 9788124204023 156p UG Library
370.1523 COT 00062193 The Complete Guide To Learning And Assessment Cotton, Julie Crest 2004 8124204020 | 9788124204023 156p UG Library
370.1523 COT 00062192 The Complete Guide To Learning And Assessment Cotton, Julie Crest 2004 8124204020 | 9788124204023 156p UG Library
370.1523 COZ 00119202 Attachment-Based Teaching : Cozolino, Louis J. W.W.Norton & Company, 2014 9780393709049 (pbk.) viii:276p.; UG Library
370.1523 DAS 00124116 Development of learner and teaching learning process Dash B N Dominant Publishers 2014 9789382007593 316p. UG Library
370.1523 DAV 00123559 Young Children Learning David, Tricia Paul Chapman. | SAGE, 1999 9781853964404 | 9781446266281 xii, 224 p:. UG Library
370.1523 DAY 00070573 500 Tips For Developing A Learning Organization Day, Abby Crest 2004 8124204209 | 9788124204207 125p UG Library
370.1523 EDW 00092065 Rethinking contexts for learning and teaching / Routledge, 0415467756 (hardcover) | 97804 xi, 177 p. : UG Library
370.1523 ELI 00109898 The educator's guide to emotional intelligence and academic achievement by Elias,Maurice J. Corwin Press, 2006 1412914809 (cloth) | 978141291 xxii, 273 p. : UG Library
370.1523 GAM 00116588 Learn faster & remember more Gamon, David. Brainwaves Center, 2012 091641079X (pbk.) | 9788172867 320 p. : UG Library
370.1523 GAM 04026205 Learn faster & remember more Gamon, David. Brainwaves Center, 2012 091641079X (pbk.) | 9788172867 320 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.1523 GLU 00104045 Learning and Memory : Gluck Mark .A Worth Publishers ; 2008 9780230278837 533 p. UG Library
370.1523 GOV 00106250 Who Goes to School?: Govinda.R Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198070764 xxvi,419 p. UG Library
370.1523 GOV 03005278 Who Goes to School?: Govinda.R Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198070764 xxvi,419 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
370.1523 GRA 00123908 Learning Theories in Childhood Gray, Colette. SAGE, 2012 9780857021465 | 085702146X | xiv, 170 p. : UG Library
370.1523 ILL 05005156 Understanding development & learning : Nagel, Michael C., Oxford University Press, 2016 9780195519655 | 0195519655 xx, 355 pages : Knowledge Centre
370.1523 JAR 05007434 Towards a comprehensive theory of human learning / Jarvis, Peter, Routledge, 2006 0415355400 (hardback : alk. pa xiii,218 p. Knowledge Centre
370.1523 JAR 00113294 Theory and Practice of Learning Jarvis, Peter Jaico 2000 197p UG Library
370.1523 KAR 01004129 Paradigms of Learning: The Total Literacy Campaign in India (law Lib) Malavika Karlekar Sage Publications 0761998071 356p Knowledge Centre
370.1523 KLE 00119619 Learning : Klein, Stephen B. SAGE, 2009 9781412956529 (pbk.) | 1412956 5th ed. xvii,520 p. : UG Library
370.1523 KOZ 00106579 Vygotsky's educational theory in cultural context Kozulin, Alex. Cambridge University Press, 2003 0521821312 | 9780521528832 | 0 xiii, 477 p. ; UG Library
370.1523 LAN 07010982 Threshold Concepts in Practice / Sense Publishers, 2016 9789463005104 xxxv,359p.: Library - BR Campus
370.1523 LAN 05052513 Small teaching : Lang, James M., Jossey-Boss, 2016 9781118944493 (cloth) First edition. xi, 259 pages ; Knowledge Centre
370.1523 LEF 05074433 Theories of human learning : Lefrançois, Guy R., Cambridge University Press, 2020 9781108484633 | 9781108735995 Seventh edition. xxi, 547p.; Knowledge Centre
370.1523 MAC 00135821 How children learn / MacBlain, Sean, Sage publications ltd., 2014 9781446272183 | 1446272184 | 9781446272176 | 1446272176 First edition. xi, 256 pages : UG Library
370.1523 MAY 05005285 Handbook of research on learning and instruction / Routledge, 2011 9780415804608 (hbk : alk. pape xiv, 501 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.1523 MCN 05039812 Learning with the brain in mind / McNeil, Frank, SAGE Publications Ltd., 2008 9781412945257 | 9781412945264 1st ed. xiii,202p.; Knowledge Centre
370.1523 MOF 05072988 Teaching tenacity, resilience, and a drive for a excellence : Mofield, Emily. Routledge, 2018 9781618218209 ix, 233p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.1523 MOO 00099730 A handbook of reflective and experienial learning : Moon,Jennifer Routledge Falmer, 9780415335164 252 p. UG Library
370.1523 MOV 00040940 Synenergogy Srygley Mouton, Jane 0875895905 188 UG Library
370.1523 NAG 09000283 Understanding development and learning : Nagel, Michael C. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780195519655 xx, 355 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.1523 NAG 10000231 Understanding development & learning : Nagel, Michael C., Oxford University Press, 2016 9780195519655 | 0195519655 xx, 355 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
370.1523 NAP 00101506 How people learn : Bransford, John. National Academy Press, 0585321078 (electronic bk.) | x, 374 p. : UG Library
370.1523 NAR 05048956 Issues in learning theories and pedagogical practices / Nāraṅga, Vaiśnā, Oriental Blackswan Pvt Ltd., 2013 9788125049906 (v. 1) | 8125049 Revised and updated edition. 2 volumes : Knowledge Centre
370.1523 NAR 05048955 Issues in learning theories and pedagogical practices / Nāraṅga, Vaiśnā, Oriental Blackswan Pvt Ltd., 2013 9788125049906 (v. 1) | 8125049 Revised and updated edition. 2 volumes : Knowledge Centre
370.1523 NOT 00138197 Challenging mindset : Nottingham, James, Corwin, 2019 9781506376622 (pbk. : alk. paper) xix, 199 pages ; UG Library
370.1523 OLS 05068749 An introduction to theories of learning / Olson, Matthew H. Routledge, 2013 0205871860 (alk. paper) 9th ed. xvi, 463 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.1523 OLS 04014972 An introduction to theories of learning / Olson, Matthew H. PHI Learning, 2009 9788120340633 8th ed. xx , 492 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.1523 PET 00125863 Twelve brain principles that make a difference / Pete, Brian M. Corwin Press, 2003 9780971733244 (acidfree paper) x, 101 p. ; UG Library
370.1523 PRU 00123912 Super Learning Technique SLT and Creative Thinking Prusty Kumar Pramod Deep & Deep Publications, 2010 9788184502572 x, 295 p.: UG Library
370.1523 RED 05045058 Psychology of Learning and Human Development / Reddy Lokanadha.G.Dr Discovery Publishing House Pvt.Ltd, 2015 9789350567630 262p.: Knowledge Centre
370.1523 SAW 05008106 The Cambridge handbook of the learning sciences / Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521845548 (hardcover) | 05216 xix, 627 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.1523 SCH 00086244 New Perspectives on Conceptural Change [GENERAL SECTION] Schonotz, Wolfgang 0008043455 322 p UG Library
370.1523 SEL 00111245 Teaching Learning With Technology Selvam Panneer S.K. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2013 9788126154807 viii, 333 p.: UG Library
370.1523 SOU 00110659 How The Brain Learns Sousa, David A. Corwin Press, 2011 9781412997973 | 1412997976 (pb 4th ed. xiii, 321 p. : UG Library
370.1523 STA 04030304 Never stop learning : Staats, Bradley R., HBR, 2018 9781633692855 220 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.1523 STE 05058332 Tools for teaching conceptual understanding, secondary : Stern, Julie Harris, Corwin, 2017 9781506355702 (Paperback : aci First Edition. xviii, 168 pages ; Knowledge Centre
370.1523 STE 05004972 Developmental cognitive science goes to school / Routledge, 2011 9780415988834 (hardback : alk. xiii, 346 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.1523 STE 05061272 Tools for teaching conceptual understanding, elementary : Stern, Julie Harris. Corwin A Sage Publishing Compan, 2018 9781506377247 (Paperback : acidfree paper) First Edition. xiv, 190 pages : Knowledge Centre
370.1523 VAN 00144753 Difference Making at the Heart of Learning : Vander Ark, Tom, Crowin: 2021 9781071814857 xv, 114 pages ; UG Library
370.1523 VAN 07011901 Constructions of neuroscience in early childhood education / Routledge, 2017 9781138214811 (hardback) | 9781138214828 (pbk.) x, 98 pages ; Library - BR Campus
370.1523 VEN 00122997 Intelligence and Academic Achievement Venkateswarlu, Kanamarlapudi APH Publishing Corporation, 2016 9789331327505 xi, 131 p:. UG Library
370.1523 VIS 00123703 New Context for Learning Visvanathan, G Random Publications, 2015 9789351117520 xx, 318 p:. UG Library
370.1523 WAL 05069953 Language A for the IB diploma : Waller, Kathleen Clare. Hodder Education, 2019 9781510463233 iii,214p.; Knowledge Centre
370.1523 WEL 00050439 Dialogic Inquiry Wells, Gordon Cambridge University 1999 0521637252 | 9780521637251 370 p. UG Library
370.1523 YAD 00139525 Conceptual Inputs for secondary teacher education : Yadav,M S. National Council for Teacher education, 2003 . xxvi,440p.; UG Library
370.1523 ZHE 00142417 Memory in education / Zheng,Robert Z. Routledge, 2020 9780367028572 xii,158p.; UG Library
370.1523 ZHE 00129956 Cognitive Load Measurement and Application : Zheng, Robert Z. Routledge, 2018 9781138238947 | 9781138238978 x, 278 p.: UG Library
370.15230973 HER 05056390 How students come to be, know, and do : Herrenkohl, Leslie Rupert, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9781107479180 xviii, 215 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.1523MIL 01010902 Conflict Displacement Learnied Drives and Theory (law Lib) Neal E Miller Aldine Transactions 0020236142 351p Knowledge Centre
370.1524 SCH 05005196 How we think : Schoenfeld, Alan H. Routledge, 2011 9780415878647 (hardback : alk. xviii, 245 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.1524 VER 00099747 Use of representations in reasoning and problem solving : Routledge, 2010 9780415556736 (hardback) | 978 2nd ed. vii;260 p. UG Library
370.1524 VER 05004603 Use of representations in reasoning and problem solving : Routledge, 2010 9780415556736 (hardback) | 978 2nd ed. vii;260 p. Knowledge Centre
370.1528 John 00109880 Comprehensive behavior management Martella, Ronald C. Sage, 2012 9781412988278 (pbk.) | 9781412 2nd ed. xxi, 432 p. : UG Library
370.1528 BEL 00091517 Challenging behaviors in early childhood settings : P.H. Brookes Pub., 1557666822 xi, 214 p. : UG Library
370.1528 CIP 00123664 Functional behavioral assessment, diagnosis, and treatment : Cipani, Ennio. Springer Pub., 2011 9780826106049 (alk. paper) | 9 2nd ed. xv, 319 p. : UG Library
370.1528 MOR 09000262 Advancing evidence-based practice through program evaluation : Morrison, Julie Q., Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190609108 (pbk.) | 0190609109 (pbk.) viii, 200 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.1528 MOR 05067882 Advancing evidence-based practice through program evaluation : Morrison, Julie Q., Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190609108 (pbk.) | 0190609109 (pbk.) viii, 200 pages ; Knowledge Centre
370.1528 RAD 05067928 Handbook of behavioral interventions in schools : Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190843229 | 0190843225 xii, 590 pages : Knowledge Centre
370.1528 RAD 09000361 Handbook of behavioral interventions in schools : Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190843229 | 0190843225 xii, 590 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.1528 STE 09000080 Conducting school-based functional behavioral assessments : Steege, Mark W. The Guilford Press, 2019 9781462538737 3rd ed. xx, 299p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.1528 STE 05068504 Conducting school-based functional behavioral assessments : Steege, Mark W. The Guilford Press, 2019 9781462538737 3rd ed. xx, 299p.; Knowledge Centre
370.1528 STO 00086816 Implementing Positive Behavior Support Systems: in Early Childhood and Elementary Settings [EDUCATION SECTION] Stormont, Melissa 9781412940566 135 p UG Library
370.1528 WAL 00100102 The teacher's concise guide to functional behavioral assessment / Waller, Raymond J. Corwin Press, 1412966043 (cloth : alk. paper vii, 125 p. : UG Library
370.1529 KYL 05007474 Extending intelligence : Kyllonen, Patrick C Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2008 9780415877800 xiv, 467 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.1534 BOW 05004840 Coaching emotional intelligence in the classroom : Bowkett, Stephen. Routledge, 2011 9780415577793 (hardback) | 041 3rd ed. vii, 123 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.1534 BOW 00106077 Coaching emotional intelligence in the classroom : Bowkett, Stephen. Routledge, 2011 9780415577793 (hardback) | 041 3rd ed. vii, 123 p. : UG Library
370.1534 COL 00106074 Developing emotional intelligence in the primary school Colverd, Sue. Routledge, 2011 9780415569439 (hardback : alk. xiv, 161 p. : UG Library
370.1534 ZEM 09000567 Emotion and traumatic conflict : Zembylas, Michalinos. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199982769 (alk. paper) xii, 274 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.1534 ZEM 05070233 Emotion and traumatic conflict : Zembylas, Michalinos. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199982769 (alk. paper) xii, 274 pages ; Knowledge Centre
370.1539 BHA 00105239 Psychology Of Teaching Learning Process Bhatia.P. R. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2005 9788126122462 vii,398 p. UG Library
370.154 ABE 00121711 Hottips for teachers : Abernathy, Rob Zephyr Press, 2002 9781569761434 viii, 150 p. : UG Library
370.154 AND 03012785 Learning to choose Choosing to LearnLthe Key to Student Motivation & Achievement/n Anderson,Mike Viva Books, 2019 9789387925328 160 Pages,: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
370.154 AND 07011985 Learning to choose Choosing to LearnLthe Key to Student Motivation & Achievement/n Anderson,Mike Viva Books, 2019 9789387925328 160 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
370.154 ASC 00113305 Motivation and Learning Asch, M IVY Publishing House 2003 8178900955 152p UG Library
370.154 BRO 00099772 Motivating students to learn / Brophy, Jere E. Routledge, 9780415800693 (hbk : alk. pape xv, 343 p. ; UG Library
370.154 CAM 04025162 If You Can't Manage Them, You Can't Teach Them / Cambell, Kim Vikas Publications, 2012 9789325978423 280p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.154 CUS 03005014 Fires in the mind : Cushman, Kathleen. Jossey-Bass, 2010 9780470646038 (hardback) | 047 1st ed. xi, 187 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
370.154 CUS 05006053 Fires in the mind : Cushman, Kathleen. Jossey-Bass, 2010 9780470646038 (hardback) | 047 1st ed. xi, 187 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.154 DAB 00121257 The Impossible Dream Dabreo I,Joseph Pauline Publications 2013 9788171767694 32p UG Library
370.154 HEC 00113303 The Scientific Basis of Education Hecker, John Cosmo Publications 2004 0817755963 | 9788177559637 309 p. UG Library
370.154 HEC 00113304 The Scientific Basis of Education Hecker, John Cosmo Publications 2004 0817755963 | 9788177559637 309 p. UG Library
370.154 KAU 00123702 Motivating Students to Learn Kaur Gurpreet Random Publications, 2015 9789351114819 ix, 288 p,: UG Library
370.154 KOI 00100824 Do it.Learn it.Liveit.: Koikara Felix SDB Asian trading corporation; 9798170865819 156 p. UG Library
370.154 KOI 00102117 Do it.Learn it.Liveit.: Koikara Felix SDB Asian trading corporation; 9798170865819 156 p. UG Library
370.154 MAB 00144676 Perspective! : Mabry, Tommie Corwin, 2022 9781071856154 ix,96p, ; UG Library
370.154 MUK 03012645 What Did You Ask at School Today? : Mukunda, Kamala V. HarperCollins Publishers, 2009 9788172238339 287 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
370.154 PAN 00113293 Intelligence and Motivation Pandey, V. C. Isha Books 2004 8182051576 | 9788182051577 302 p. UG Library
370.154 PAN 00113313 Intelligence and Motivation Pandey, V. C. Isha Books 2004 8182051576 | 9788182051577 302 p. UG Library
370.154 VYA 00134655 Education, Health and Citizenship: Vyas, Vijay Shankar. Rawat Publications, 2019 9788131609989 200p,: UG Library
370.154 WOL 00130982 Just ask us : Wolpert-Gawron, Heather, Corwin, 2018 9781506363288 (pbk. : acidfree xvii, 232 pages ; UG Library
370.155 ELK 00103307 Visual Literacy: Elkins James Routledge; 9780415958110 217 p. UG Library
370.155 HOW 00073060 Visual Culture Howells, Richard Polity Press 2003 0074562412 | 9780745624129 292 p. UG Library
370.155 HOW 00078888 Visual Culture Howells, Richard Polity Press 2003 0074562412 | 9780745624129 292 p. UG Library
370.155 HOW 00078887 Visual Culture Howells, Richard Polity Press 2003 0074562412 | 9780745624129 292 p. UG Library
370.156 AGG 00113255 Child Development and Process of Learning Aggarwal, J. C. Shipra 2004 8175411554 226 p. UG Library
370.157 ARU 00091980 Educational Innovations and Management Arulsamy S Neelkamal Publications pvt Ltd 9788183162005 416p UG Library
370.157 ASM 00113275 Creativity of B.Ed Teacher-Trainees Asma, Noor Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418279 170 p. UG Library
370.157 ASM 00114768 Creativity of B.Ed Teacher-Trainees Asma, Noor Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418279 170 p. UG Library
370.157 ASM 00113274 Creativity of B.Ed Teacher-Trainees Asma, Noor Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418279 170 p. UG Library
370.157 ASM 00113276 Creativity of B.Ed Teacher-Trainees Asma, Noor Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418279 170 p. UG Library
370.157 BOW 05046154 100 ideas for teaching creative development / Bowkett, Stephen. Continuum, 2008 9780826499295 (pbk.) | 0826499 xiii, 108 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.157 GUL 00113249 Understanding Creativity Gulati, Sushma Commonwealth Publishers. 1997 8171694012 200 p. UG Library
370.157 HER 00099807 The pedagogy of creativity / Herbert, Anna. Routledge, 9780415548861 (hardback) | 041 viii, 150 p. ; UG Library
370.157 HOK 00131289 Developing creative thinking skills : Hokanson, Brad, Routledge, 2018 9781138939554 (hbk) | 9781138939561 (pbk) 138 pages ; UG Library
370.157 KAU 05056404 Nurturing creativity in the classroom / Beghetto, Ronald A., Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107103153 (hardback : alk. Second edition. xi, 395 pages ; Knowledge Centre
370.157 KAU 07012525 Nurturing creativity in the classroom / Beghetto, Ronald A., Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107103153 (hardback : alk. Second edition. xi, 395 pages ; Library - BR Campus
370.157 MAR 00107956 Play, creativity and digital cultures Marsh,Jackie Routledge 2011 9780415963114 | 0415963117 x; 243 p. UG Library
370.157 PUR 00113252 Educational Innovations Purshothaman Dr. Commonwealth Publishers 2004 8171693504 170 p. UG Library
370.157 RED 00113253 Creativity in Student Teachers Reddy, Rajashekhar T. Dr. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171417701 202 p. UG Library
370.157 RED 00113254 Creativity in Student Teachers Reddy, Rajashekhar T. Dr. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171417701 202 p. UG Library
370.157 SCH 00117733 Transformers Schreck, Mary Kim. Corwin, 2009 9781412971119 (cloth) | 141297 xii, 200 p. : UG Library
370.157 SHA 00113250 Identification and Development of Creativity Shan, Hans Raj Common Wealth Publishers 1993 8171692664 1st Ed. 248 p. UG Library
370.157 SHA 00113251 Identification and Development of Creativity Shan, Hans Raj Common Wealth Publishers 1993 8171692664 1st Ed. 248 p. UG Library
370.157 STA 00099799 Creativity in the classroom : Starko, Alane J. Routledge, 9780415997065 (hbk. : alk. pap xi, 356 p. : UG Library
370.157 TAL 00091756 Psychological Approach to Education Talawar M S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126141807 549p UG Library
370.157072 THO 05005440 Researching creative learning : Thomson, Pat, Routledge, 2011 9780415548847 (hbk.) | 9780415 ix, 214 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.158 KUM 00113273 Education Kumari, Sarita Isha Books 2005 8182051568 303 p. UG Library
370.158 SIN 00113271 Stress in Education - Indian Experience Singhal Sushila Rawat Publications 2004 8170338522 | 9788170338529 452 p UG Library
370.158 SIN 00085945 Stress in Education - Indian Experience Singhal Sushila Rawat Publications 2004 8170338522 | 9788170338529 452 p UG Library
370.158 SIN 00114772 Stress in Education - Indian Experience Singhal Sushila Rawat Publications 2004 8170338522 | 9788170338529 452 p UG Library
370.158 SIN 00113272 Stress in Education - Indian Experience Singhal Sushila Rawat Publications 2004 8170338522 | 9788170338529 452 p UG Library
370.15CRO1 00013176 Educational Psychology Crow, L D Eurasia UG Library
370.15CUR 00014143 Learning Through Doing Currie, Joe Ancient Pub UG Library
370.15DAS 00070012 Psychology of Teaching Learning Process: [Dharmaram College] Dash, B N Dominant Publishers and Distributors 8178883791 356p UG Library
370.15DHA 00073835 Educational Philosophy of Wittgenstein Philosophy of Language [DHARMARAM LILBRARY] Yadav, Dhananjai Adhyayan Publishers 8189161377 200p UG Library
370.15EDI.B 00113229 Psychology and Curriculum Ediger, Marlow Discovery Publishing House 8171416918 232p UG Library
370.15ELLUY 00005271 Educational Psychology a Problem Approach Robert Ellis, S EWP UG Library
370.15JUD 00050531 Educational Psychology Judd, H Charles Khel Sahitya Kendra 0817524044 556p UG Library
370.15MAD 00113234 Personality of Adolscent Students Madhava, Kale Discovery Publishing House 9788183562621 116p UG Library
370.15SKI1 00004322 Educative Psychology Skinner, Charles E UG Library
370.15THA 00115489 Psychological Foudations of Education Thamaraseri, Ismail Kanishka 9788184570618 298p UG Library
370.1770973 RED 00073415 A Case Book for Exploring Diversity in K-12 Classroms Redman George L. An Imprentice Hall 1999 0137458789 | 9780137458783 164 p. UG Library
370.19 AGG 00113211 Teacher and Education in a Developing Society Aggarwal, J. C. Vikas Publishers House Pvt Ltd 2004 8125916156 | 9788125916154 4th Ed. 571 p. UG Library
370.19 AGG 00113302 Teacher and Education in a Developing Society Aggarwal, J. C. Vikas Publishers House Pvt Ltd 2004 8125916156 | 9788125916154 4th Ed. 571 p. UG Library
370.19 AGG 00113210 Teacher and Education in a Developing Society Aggarwal, J. C. Vikas Publishers House Pvt Ltd 2004 8125916156 | 9788125916154 4th Ed. 571 p. UG Library
370.19 SHA 00127407 Sociological Philosophy of Education Sharma, K. Yogendra Kanishka Publishers Distributors 2004 8173915962 | 9788125916154 428 p. UG Library
370.19 SHA 00119376 Educational Sociology Shaikh, Javed Random Publications, 2014 9789351114130 292p.; UG Library
370.19 THA 00132820 Education and society Thamarasseri,Ismail Wisdom press, 2018 9789386053138 231p.; UG Library
370.19 AGG 00113265 Teacher and Education in a Developing Society Aggarwal, J. C. Vikas Publishers House Pvt Ltd 2004 8125916156 | 9788125916154 4th Ed. 571 p. UG Library
370.19 AGG 00114793 Teacher and Education in a Developing Society Aggarwal, J. C. Vikas Publishers House Pvt Ltd 2004 8125916156 | 9788125916154 4th Ed. 571 p. UG Library
370.19 BOU 00055765 Reproduction in Education, Society and Culture Bourdieu, Pierre Sage Publications 2000 0803983204 | 9780803983205 2nd Ed. 254 p. UG Library
370.19 CHA 00113288 Education and Development Chandra, Suman K. Discovery Publishing House 1997 817141379x 152 p. UG Library
370.19 CHA 00062849 Sociology of Education Chandra S. S. Atlantic 2004 8171566359 | 9788171566358 314 p. UG Library
370.19 COO 00015045 Intergroup Relations in Teacher Education Cook, Lloyd Allen American Council on Education 1951 xv, 271 p. UG Library
370.19 DAS 00119777 Education & Society Dash B N Dominant Publishers 2015 9789384161286 355p. UG Library
370.19 DOM 00146285 Key Issues in the Sociology of Education Domina, Thurston Rawat, 2023 9788131613214 314p. ; UG Library
370.19 GAN 00113256 School Social Work Gandhi, Anjali Commonweakth Publishers 2005 8171690629 247 p. UG Library
370.19 HAQ 00044409 Human Development In South Asia 1998 Haq, Mahbub Ul 1998 0195779428 | 9780195779424 189p UG Library
370.19 HAQ 00113257 Education Polity and Society Haq, Ehsanul Shipra 2003 8175411562 183 p. UG Library
370.19 JAY 00113285 Correlates Of Socialization Jayashree, Kandi Dr. Discovery Publishing House 1999 8171415172 157 p. UG Library
370.19 JAY 00113333 Correlates Of Socialization Jayashree, Kandi Dr. Discovery Publishing House 1999 8171415172 157 p. UG Library
370.19 KAU 00113264 Sociology of Teaching and Curriculum Kaushik, V K Kanishka Publishers, Distributors 2004 8173916748 vi; 263 p. UG Library
370.19 MAR 00113259 Educational Leadership and Social Changes Marja, Talvi Discovery Publishing House 1996 0817141320x 214 p. UG Library
370.19 MAT 00113301 Educational Issues In The Learning Age Matheson,Catherine Continuum 2000 0826448038 | 9780826448033 242 p. UG Library
370.19 NAR 00113404 Education and Human Rights Narasaiah, M. L. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171417981 126 p. UG Library
370.19 PAT 00091899 Methodical Analysis of Education Pathak, Guptajit New Age International Publishers 2010 9788122427844 198 p. UG Library
370.19 PAT 00072583 Social Implications of Schooling Pathak, Avijit Rainbow Publishers Ltd 2002 8186962476 | 9788186962473 | 9 260 p. UG Library
370.19 PRA 00113281 Education and Society Prasad, Janardan Kanishka Publishers, Distributors 2004 8173917132 xvi; 360 p. UG Library
370.19 PRA 00113282 Education and Society Prasad, Janardan Kanishka Publishers, Distributors 2004 8173917132 xvi; 360 p. UG Library
370.19 PRA 00113300 Education and Society Prasad, Janardan Kanishka Publishers, Distributors 2004 8173917132 xvi; 360 p. UG Library
370.19 PRA 00063412 Education and Society Prasad, Janardan Kanishka Publishers, Distributors 2004 8173917132 xvi; 360 p. UG Library
370.19 QUR 00113262 Social Aspects of Education Qureshi, Muniruddin Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2005 0812612184 xi; 375 p. UG Library
370.19 QUR 00113277 Social Aspects of Education Qureshi, Muniruddin Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2005 0812612184 xi; 375 p. UG Library
370.19 QUR 00113289 Education and Human Rights Qureshi, Muniruddin Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 0812611956 376 p. UG Library
370.19 QUR 00113278 Education and Human Rights Qureshi, Muniruddin Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 0812611956 376 p. UG Library
370.19 RAO 00113280 Education for the 21st Century Rao, Digumarti Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171413897 280 p. UG Library
370.19 RAO 00113298 Social Education Rao V. K. A.P.H. 2004 8176487538 339 p. UG Library
370.19 RAO 00113299 Social Education Rao V. K. A.P.H. 2004 8176487538 339 p. UG Library
370.19 RAV 00058413 Educational Sociology Ravikumar, S. K. Mangal Deep Publications, 2003 8175940778 267 p.; UG Library
370.19 RIN 04013557 Cultures in the Classrooms : Johnson, Gill. Viva Books, 2011 9788130917184 103 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.19 RIN 05004070 Cultures in the Classrooms : Johnson, Gill. Viva Books, 2011 9788130917184 103 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.19 RIN 00119612 Cultures in the Classrooms : Johnson, Gill. Viva Books, 2011 9788130917184 103 p. : UG Library
370.19 SHA 00113268 Sociological Philosophy of Education Sharma, K. Yogendra Kanishka Publishers Distributors 2004 8173915962 | 9788125916154 428 p. UG Library
370.19 SHA 00113258 Educational Interest and Intellectual Commintments Sharma, Darshana P Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126119535 174p UG Library
370.19 SHA 00113266 Foundations in Sociology of Education Sharma, Y. K. Kanishka Publishers 2000 8173915563 425 p. UG Library
370.19 SIN 00113284 Enabling the Differently Able Singh, A. N. Shipra 2004 817541058x 220 p. UG Library
370.19 TAL 00114791 Sociological Foundations Of Education Talesra, Hemalatha Kanishka Publishers, 2004 8173915784 206 p.: UG Library
370.19 TAL 00113267 Sociological Foundations of Educsation Talesra, Hemlata Kanishka Publishers, Distributors 2004 8173915784 v; 205 p. UG Library
370.19 TAN 00144473 Socio-Philosophical Approach to Education / Taneja, V. R Atlantic, 2022 9788171561490 306p, ; UG Library
370.19 TIL 00058517 Education, Society and Development Tilak, Jandhyala B. G. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2003 8176485268 xviii; 668 p. UG Library
370.19 TIL 00113261 Education, Society and Development Tilak, Jandhyala B. G. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2003 8176485268 xviii; 668 p. UG Library
370.19 TIL 00113279 Education, Society and Development Tilak, Jandhyala B. G. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2003 8176485268 xviii; 668 p. UG Library
370.19 UNG 00113286 Vision of a School Ungoed-Thomas, Jasper Cassell 1997 0304336467 | 9780304336463 168 p. UG Library
370.19 UNG 00113290 Vision of a School Ungoed-Thomas, Jasper Cassell 1997 0304336467 | 9780304336463 168 p. UG Library
370.19 WIS 05062508 Comparative sciences : Emerald Publishing, 2015 9781783504558 xii,277p.; Knowledge Centre
370.190954 ANI 00064173 Village, Caste and Education Anitha, B. K. Rawat Publications 2002 8170335753 238 p. UG Library
370.190973 APP 05010829 Education and Power / Apple Michael.W Routledge, 2012 9780415808101 2nd ed xxxviii,206 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.192 PRA 00113334 Education And World Hunger Prasad S. N. Mittal Publications 1985 135 p. UG Library
370.192 TOO 00113335 Reclaiming Education Tooley, James Cassell 2001 0304705675 | 9780304705672 252 p. UG Library
370.193 AMI 00113332 Participation Of Muslim Families In The Education Of Girl Child Amin,Najma Abhijeet Publications 9788188683017 158 p. UG Library
370.193 ATA 00113325 On Education and Development: Essys on the Sociology of Education Atal, Yogesh Rawat Publications 2007 8131601595 218p UG Library
370.193 CHA 00045548 Sociology of Education Chandra, Soti Shivendra Atlanic Publishers And Distributors 1996 312 p UG Library
370.193 COO 00015080 A Sociological Approach to Education Cook, Lloyd Allen McGRaw-Hill, 1950 2nd ed. xii. 514 p. UG Library
370.193 GAN 00113287 School Social Work Gandhi, Anjali Commonwealth Publishers. 1990 8171690629 248 p. UG Library
370.193 GNA 05007880 Integrated Learning / Gnanakan,Ken Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198074366 viii,180 p. Knowledge Centre
370.193 HAV 00133590 Society and education Havighurst,Robert J Sarup book publishers pvt ltd., 2018 9789352081035 524p.; UG Library
370.193 LAW 00113331 Education for Citizenship Lawton, Denis Continuum 2000 0826447619 | 9780826447616 246 p. UG Library
370.193 PAN 00114789 Education Culture And Human Values Pandey, V. C. Isha Books 2005 8182051533 | 9788182051539 275 p. UG Library
370.193 SHA 00030436 Sociology of Education Sharma, Ram.Nath. Media Proters & Publishers Pvt Ltd 1988 408 p. UG Library
370.193 SHA 00107935 Sociology of Education / Shah,B.V. Rawat Publications, 9788170334804 383p.; UG Library
370.193 SHA 00118885 Educational Sociology Shaikh, Javed Venus Books, 2014 9788189922597 292p.; UG Library
370.193 SIN 00138020 Sociological Foundation of Education : Singh,Yogesh Kumar. A P H Publishing Corporation, 2020 9788131301937 x,309p.; UG Library
370.1934 KAU 00113062 Education and Social Change Kaushik, Vijaya Kumari Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126116161 | 9788126116164 355 p. UG Library
370.1934 KAU 00113336 Education and Social Thought Kaushik, Vijaya Kumari Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126113774 360 p. UG Library
370.1934 PAN 00113327 Education Culture and Human Values Pandey, V. C. Isha Books 2004 9788182051539 276 p. UG Library
370.1934 RAO 00113338 Education and Development Rao, V K Commonwealth Publishers 2005 8171692362 v; 260 p. UG Library
370.1934 RAO 00113350 Education and Development Rao, V K Commonwealth Publishers 2005 8171692362 v; 260 p. UG Library
370.19340973 BEN 00127490 Comprehensive Multiculture Education Bennet, Christine I Pearson, 2007 9780205492138 6th Edition 466p : . UG Library
370.19341 GAK 00113326 Education and Economics Development Narasaiah, Lakshmi M. Discovery Publishing House 2007 8183562205 | 9788183562201 159 p. UG Library
370.19341 NCE 00113323 Education and National Development: National Council Of Educational Research And Training Ncert 1970 1st Ed. 809 p. UG Library
370.19341 NCE 00113324 Education and National Development: National Council Of Educational Research And Training Ncert 1970 1st Ed. 809 p. UG Library
370.19341 NCE 00003400 Education and National Development: National Council Of Educational Research And Training Ncert 1970 1st Ed. 809 p. UG Library
370.19341 PAR 00090774 Education and Rural Development Pareek, Udai ICFAI 0817881546 227p UG Library
370.19341 PUL 00113337 Economics of Primary Education Pulla, Rao, D Rawat 2000 226[p UG Library
370.19341 RAO 00114790 Economics of Primary Education Pulla Rao, D Rawat Publication 1998 8170334637 226 p UG Library
370.19341 SAI 00114788 Entrepreneurship and Education Saini, J S Rawat Publications 2001 8170336481 352 p. UG Library
370.19341 SAI 00113320 Entrepreneurship and Education Saini, J S Rawat Publications 2001 8170336481 352 p. UG Library
370.19341 SIN 00114783 Education and Development Sinha, B R, Sarupa and Sons 2003 0817625407 440 p UG Library
370.19341 SIN 00114782 Education and Development Sinha, B R, Sarupa and Sons 2003 0817625407 440 p UG Library
370.19345 KAK 00086649 Combat for Gender Equality in Education:Rural Livelihood Pathways in the Context of HIV/AIDS [GENERAL SECTION] Kakuru, Doris Muhwezi Wageningen Academic 0908686015 221 p UG Library
370.19346 DHA 00114785 Rural Development and Education Dhawan, M L Isha Books 2004 8182050553 304 p UG Library
370.19346 DHA 00114784 Rural Development and Education Dhawan, M L Isha Books 2004 8182050553 304 p UG Library
370.193460954 SAL 00113322 Education of Adolescents for Development in India: The Case of Doosra Dashak Saldanha, Denzil Rawat Publications 2007 8131601277 214 p UG Library
370.19349 PAN 00113321 Democracy and Education Pandey, V C Isha Books 2004 vi; 290 p. UG Library
370.19349 PAN 00114786 Democracy and Education Pandey, V C Isha Books 2004 vi; 290 p. UG Library
370.195 ABB 00113348 Modern Comparative Education Abbas Khan, Mohammad Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126120738 405 p. UG Library
370.195 ABB 00113344 Modern Comparative Education Abbas Khan, Mohammad Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126120738 405 p. UG Library
370.195 CHA 00113341 Comparative Education Chaube, S P Vikas 2004 8125911300 604p UG Library
370.195 CHA 00113351 Comparative Education Chaube, S P Vikas 2004 8125911300 604p UG Library
370.195 CHA 00113343 Comparative Education Chaube, S P Vikas 2004 8125911300 604p UG Library
370.195 CHA 00113318 Comparative Education Chaube, S P Vikas 2004 8125911300 604p UG Library
370.195 CHA 00113342 Comparative Education Chaube, S P Vikas 2004 8125911300 604p UG Library
370.195 CHA 00106395 A Textbook of Comparative Education Chakravarti.B.K Wisdom Press. 2012 9789381052549 xii,322 p. UG Library
370.195 CHA 00113345 Textbook of Comparative Education Chakravarti, B. K. Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2004 9788178882482 1st Ed. 322 p. UG Library
370.195 DUT 00114769 Comparative Education Dutt,Venkata Surya B. 2004 8171419127 346 UG Library
370.195 DUT 00113346 Comparative Education Dutt, B. Surya Venkata Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171419127 346 p. UG Library
370.195 KAU 00113339 Comparative Education Kaushik, Vijaya Kumari Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 0812611200 | 9788126112005 210 p. UG Library
370.195 NAI 00113349 Perspective on Comparative Education Naik, S. P. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126116900 | 8126101644 1st Ed. 216 p. UG Library
370.195 NAI 00113347 Perspective on Comparative Education Naik, S. P. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126116900 | 8126101644 1st Ed. 216 p. UG Library
370.195 RAO 00113340 Comparative Education Rao, V. K. Commonwealth Publishers 2005 0817169439x 294 p. UG Library
370.195 SHA 00113317 Compartive Education Sharma, Y. K. Kanishka Publishers Distributors 2004 8173916799 425 p. UG Library
370.195 SOD 00117080 Textbook of Comparative Education Sodhi T. S. Vikas Publishing House 2000 0706985257 | 00002281 6th Ed. 378 p. UG Library
370.1954 MUK 00087908 This Gift of English: English Education and the Formation of Alternative Hegemonies in India Mukhejee, Alok K Orient Longman Publications 2009 9788125036012 374p UG Library
370.1954 MUK 00088245 This Gift of English: English Education and the Formation of Alternative Hegemonies in India Mukhejee, Alok K Orient Longman Publications 2009 9788125036012 374p UG Library
370.196 BAT 00124991 Multiculturalism and Education Pooja, Batra Mittal Publications, 2016 9788183247283 v, 192 p.: UG Library
370.196 UTT 00113316 Multicultural Education. Kumar Singh, Uttam Commonwealth Publishers 1997 8171694349 332p UG Library
370.19AIK 00002809 Education: Sociological Perspective Aikara, Jacob Rawat Publications 8170338549 276p UG Library
370.19BYR 00059335 Shikshanada Samajashastra Byrappa, K Cambridge 872p UG Library
370.19GAN 00059333 Tatvika Haagu Saamajika Aadharitha Shikshana Gangadarappa, N R Rekha Prakashana 232p UG Library
370.19JAN 00059334 Shikshana Tatva Shastra Haagu Samaaja Shastra Jantali, R T Bharat 319p UG Library
370.19KRI 00059332 Shikshana Tatvika Mattu Saamajika Mooladharagalu Krishnappa, S Chetana 318p UG Library
370.19RAG 00059331 Saikshanika Samajashastra Raghi, K Chetana 171p UG Library
370.1BLA 00090693 The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Education Blake, Nigel Blackwell Publishing, 0631221182 414p UG Library
370.1FRE 00076216 Education for Critical Consciousness: [dharmaram Library] Freire, Paulo 0082647795 146p UG Library
370.1FRE1 00088263 Pedagogy of Hope Freire 0826477909 215p UG Library
370.1GAN 00068464 Gandhi`s Philosophy of Education Richards, Glyn 0019565835 115p UG Library
370.1JAC 00073887 Philosophy in Classroom Teaching (dharmaram Library) Jacobsen, David Andrew 0002360123 284p UG Library
370.1RAM. 00012755 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 208p UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012707 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012720 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012716 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012757 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012758 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012760 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012761 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012762 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012763 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012764 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012714 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012715 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012747 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012748 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012749 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012751 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012753 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012754 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012756 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012737 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012738 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012739 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012740 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012741 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012743 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012744 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012745 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012746 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012710 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012709 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012712 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012724 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012725 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012726 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012727 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012728 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012729 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012730 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012731 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012732 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012735 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012736 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012717 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012713 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1RAMHGT 00012723 For Thinkers on Education Ramakrishnananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Math 1972 208 p. UG Library
370.1WIN 00068389 Key Concepts in the Philosophy of Education Winch, Christopher 0415173043 282p UG Library
370.207MAM 00113329 Educator`s Lifetime Library of Stories, Quotes, Anecdotes, Wit and Humor Mamchak, P Susan Parker Publishing Company, Inc. 2003 0132407051 310p UG Library
370.21 KAH 00086808 Handbook of Education.Vol.1, 2 Kahol, Yudhishtar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 0812611536 | 9798126115364 352 p UG Library
370.21 KAH 00086809 Handbook of Education.Vol.1, 2 Kahol, Yudhishtar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 0812611536 | 9798126115364 352 p UG Library
370.21 SEL 05067939 Databusting For Schools : Selfridge, Richard. Sage, 2018 9781473963504 (pbk.) | 9781473963498 (hardback) 1st edition. 262p.; Knowledge Centre
370.22 KOU 00113319 Methodology of Educational Research Koul, Lokesh Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2004 0706988523 542 p UG Library
370.22 KOU 00114690 Methodology of Educational Research Koul, Lokesh Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2004 0706988523 542 p UG Library
370.24 HOW 05005024 Education and Neuroscience : Howard-Jones, Paul Routledge, 2010 9780415564960 88 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.2554 AGG 00016909 All India Educational Directry Suraj Bhan, Dharmavira Aggarwala 1972 1262p UG Library
370.27 RAO 00113328 Perspectives In Educational Evaluation Rao, V. K. Commonwealth Publishers 2005 8171692303 1st Ed. 312 p. UG Library
370.27 RAO 00114836 Perspectives In Educational Evaluation Rao, V. K. Commonwealth Publishers 2005 8171692303 1st Ed. 312 p. UG Library
370.285 JUK 00128055 Living on the Future Edge Jukes Lan 21st Century Fluency Project Inc. 2010 9781412982351 152 p. ; UG Library
370.285 PIC 00113330 Educational Leadership and Planning for Technology Picciano, Antony Merril 2000 0132621223 323p UG Library
370.2856312 ROM 05005241 Handbook of educational data mining / Taylor & Francis Group, 2011 9781439804575 (hardcover : alk xxii, 513 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.287 MAN 00057310 Statistics in Psychology and Education Mangal, S K Prentice Hall of India 2002 8120320883 404 p UG Library
370.3 HAR 00133547 Psychologic foundations of education Harris,W.T Sarup book publishers pvt ltd., 2018 9789352081011 iv,259p.; UG Library
370.3 PRO 00140014 Prophets of Education: Hall, G Stanley Sarupa and Sons 2006 8176254347 392p UG Library
370.3 PRO 00140015 Prophets of Education: Hall, G Stanley Sarupa and Sons 2006 8176254347 392p UG Library
370.3 PRO 00140016 Prophets of Education: Hall, G Stanley Sarupa and Sons 2006 8176254347 392p UG Library
370.3 PRO 00140017 Prophets of Education: Hall, G Stanley Sarupa and Sons 2006 8176254347 392p UG Library
370.3 PRO 00140018 Prophets of Education: Hall, G Stanley Sarupa and Sons 2006 8176254347 392p UG Library
370.3 PRO 00140019 Prophets of Education: Hall, G Stanley Sarupa and Sons 2006 8176254347 392p UG Library
370.3 PRO 00140020 Prophets of Education: Hall, G Stanley Sarupa and Sons 2006 8176254347 392p UG Library
370.3 PRO 00140021 Prophets of Education: Hall, G Stanley Sarupa and Sons 2006 8176254347 392p UG Library
370.3 PRO 00140022 Prophets of Education: Hall, G Stanley Sarupa and Sons 2006 8176254347 392p UG Library
370.3 PRO 00140023 Prophets of Education: Hall, G Stanley Sarupa and Sons 2006 8176254347 392p UG Library
370.3 PRO 00140024 Prophets of Education: Hall, G Stanley Sarupa and Sons 2006 8176254347 392p UG Library
370.3 PRO 00140025 Prophets of Education: Hall, G Stanley Sarupa and Sons 2006 8176254347 392p UG Library
370.3 PRO 00140026 Prophets of Education: Hall, G Stanley Sarupa and Sons 2006 8176254347 392p UG Library
370.3 PRO 00140027 Prophets of Education: Hall, G Stanley Sarupa and Sons 2006 8176254347 392p UG Library
370.3 PRO 00140028 Prophets of Education: Hall, G Stanley Sarupa and Sons 2006 8176254347 392p UG Library
370.3 ADA 00114820 John Adams on Educational Theory Adams John Sarup & Sons 2004 817625441x 327 p. UG Library
370.3 BEL 00114779 Dictionary of Education Bellingham, John Academic (india) 2001 8185185476 341p UG Library
370.3 BHA 00114882 Education for The Survival Of Human Race Bhagabati, Nilima Authors Press 2004 8172731639 223 UG Library
370.3 BHA 00114880 Education for The Survival Of Human Race Bhagabati, Nilima Authors Press 2004 8172731639 223 UG Library
370.3 BHA 00114881 Education for The Survival Of Human Race Bhagabati, Nilima Authors Press 2004 8172731639 223 UG Library
370.3 BRU 00114824 John S Brubacher on Modern Philosophies Of Education Brubacher,John S. Sarup and Sons 2004 8176254738 404 p. UG Library
370.3 BUR 00114734 Devil`s Dictionary of Education Burgess, Tyrrell Continuum 2002 9780826463234 146p UG Library
370.3 BYR 00114879 Routledge Encyclopaedia of Language Teaching and Learning Byram, Michael Routledge 2003 9780415332866 710 p UG Library
370.3 CHA 00114795 Universal Education and Technology in 21st Century Chandra, Ramesh Kalpaz 2003 8178352028 311p UG Library
370.3 CHA 00114813 Universal Education and Technology in 21st Century Chandra, Ramesh Kalpaz 2003 8178352028 311p UG Library
370.3 CHA 00114811 Universal Education and Technology in 21st Century Chandra, Ramesh Kalpaz 2003 8178352028 311p UG Library
370.3 CHA 00114809 Universal Education and Technology in 21st Century Chandra, Ramesh Kalpaz 2003 8178352028 311p UG Library
370.3 CHA 00114803 Universal Education and Technology in 21st Century Chandra, Ramesh Kalpaz 2003 8178352028 311p UG Library
370.3 CHA 00114804 Universal Education and Technology in 21st Century Chandra, Ramesh Kalpaz 2003 8178352028 311p UG Library
370.3 CHA 00114805 Universal Education and Technology in 21st Century Chandra, Ramesh Kalpaz 2003 8178352028 311p UG Library
370.3 CHA 00114806 Universal Education and Technology in 21st Century Chandra, Ramesh Kalpaz 2003 8178352028 311p UG Library
370.3 CHA 00114807 Universal Education and Technology in 21st Century Chandra, Ramesh Kalpaz 2003 8178352028 311p UG Library
370.3 CHA 00114808 Universal Education and Technology in 21st Century Chandra, Ramesh Kalpaz 2003 8178352028 311p UG Library
370.3 CHA 00114810 Universal Education and Technology in 21st Century Chandra, Ramesh Kalpaz 2003 8178352028 311p UG Library
370.3 COL 00114710 The Educational Thought of Percival R Cole Cole Percival R. Sarup and Sons 2004 8176254436 334 p. UG Library
370.3 COL 05009029 The Greenwood dictionary of education / Collins, John W Greenwood, 2011 9780313379307 (hbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed. xv, 581 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.3 COS 00114878 Cosmo Dictionary Of Education Cosmo Publications Cosmo Publications 2004 8130700743 | 9788130700748 410p UG Library
370.3 DEW 00114816 John Dewey on Democracy and Education Dewey,John Sarup and Sons 2004 8176254320 336 p. UG Library
370.3 GIR 00114883 Encyclopaedia of Education in the New Millennium Giridhar, C H Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 8171699596 340 p UG Library
370.3 GIR 00114888 Encyclopaedia of Education in the New Millennium Giridhar, C H Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 8171699596 340 p UG Library
370.3 GIR 00114887 Encyclopaedia of Education in the New Millennium Giridhar, C H Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 8171699596 340 p UG Library
370.3 GIR 00114889 Encyclopaedia of Education in the New Millennium Giridhar, C H Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 8171699596 340 p UG Library
370.3 GIR 00114884 Encyclopaedia of Education in the New Millennium Giridhar, C H Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 8171699596 340 p UG Library
370.3 GIR 00114885 Encyclopaedia of Education in the New Millennium Giridhar, C H Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 8171699596 340 p UG Library
370.3 GIR 00114886 Encyclopaedia of Education in the New Millennium Giridhar, C H Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 8171699596 340 p UG Library
370.3 GUT 00092826 Encyclopedia of education / Macmillan Reference USA, 002865594X (hardcover : set : 8 v. (lxxv, 3357 p.) : UG Library
370.3 GUT 00092827 Encyclopedia of education / Macmillan Reference USA, 002865594X (hardcover : set : 8 v. (lxxv, 3357 p.) : UG Library
370.3 GUT 00092828 Encyclopedia of education / Macmillan Reference USA, 002865594X (hardcover : set : 8 v. (lxxv, 3357 p.) : UG Library
370.3 GUT 00092829 Encyclopedia of education / Macmillan Reference USA, 002865594X (hardcover : set : 8 v. (lxxv, 3357 p.) : UG Library
370.3 GUT 00092830 Encyclopedia of education / Macmillan Reference USA, 002865594X (hardcover : set : 8 v. (lxxv, 3357 p.) : UG Library
370.3 GUT 00092831 Encyclopedia of education / Macmillan Reference USA, 002865594X (hardcover : set : 8 v. (lxxv, 3357 p.) : UG Library
370.3 GUT 00092832 Encyclopedia of education / Macmillan Reference USA, 002865594X (hardcover : set : 8 v. (lxxv, 3357 p.) : UG Library
370.3 GUT 00092833 Encyclopedia of education / Macmillan Reference USA, 002865594X (hardcover : set : 8 v. (lxxv, 3357 p.) : UG Library
370.3 HAL 00114812 G Stanly Hall on Problems Of Educaton Hall Stanley G. Sarup and Sons 2004 8176254347 392 p. UG Library
370.3 HAN 00114817 Nicholas Hans on Comparative Education Hans Nicholas Sarup and Sons 2004 8176254339 342 p. UG Library
370.3 HAR 00114823 W T Harris on Psychologic Foundations Of Education Harris W.T. Sarup and Sons 2004 8176254703 vi;259 p. UG Library
370.3 HAV 00114827 Robert J Havighurst on Society And Education Havighurst,Robert J. Sarup & Sons 2004 8176254711 524 p. UG Library
370.3 HER 00114821 Herbartian Methods Of Teaching Herbartian Sarup and Sons 2004 8176254444 214p. UG Library
370.3 IRA 00113358 Means and Ends of Universal Education Mayhew,Ira Cosmo Publications 2005 9788177559644 iii; 369 p. UG Library
370.3 KIL 00114825 William Heard Kilpatrick on Philosophy Of Education Kilpatrick William Heard Sarup and Sons 2004 817625472x 430p. UG Library
370.3 KUM 00120501 Encyclopaedia of Education For All Ed, by, Kumar Surender KSK Publishers, 2013 9788189983642 155 p.: UG Library
370.3 KUM 00120502 Encyclopaedia of Education For All Ed, by, Kumar Surender KSK Publishers, 2013 9788189983642 155 p.: UG Library
370.3 KUM 00120503 Encyclopaedia of Education For All Ed, by, Kumar Surender KSK Publishers, 2013 9788189983642 155 p.: UG Library
370.3 LEO 07003940 Learning theories, A to Z / Leonard, David C. Oryx Press, 2002 1573564133 (alk. paper) xiv, 249 p. ; Library - BR Campus
370.3 LOH 00114858 Dictionary Of Education Lohithakshan, P M Kanishka Publishers 2004 8173915474 435p UG Library
370.3 MCC 00119331 The Routledge International Encyclopedia of Education Mcculloch, Gary Routledge, 2014 9780415749237 (pbk) | 97804152 xxxvii, 721 p.; UG Library
370.3 MEH 00114822 Dictionary of Education Mehadiratta, Mamta K S Paperbacks 2005 8189261282 1026 p UG Library
370.3 PAG 00022160 International Dictionary of Education Page, Terry G ELBS 383 p UG Library
370.3 PES 00114819 Pestalozzi on Psychology And Education Pestalozzi Sarup and Sons 2004 8176254398 217 p. UG Library
370.3 PIA 00114818 Jean Piaget on Developmental Psychology Piaget Jeans Sarup and Sons 2004 8176254371 347 p. UG Library
370.3 RUS 00114815 John Ruskin on Educational Theories Ruskin John Sarup and Sons 2004 8176254290 208 p. UG Library
370.3 SHA 00114802 Encyclopaedia of Education Sharma, R S Commonwealth Publishers. 2005 8171697194 298p UG Library
370.3 SHA 00114799 Encyclopaedia of Education Sharma, R S Commonwealth Publishers. 2005 8171697194 298p UG Library
370.3 SHA 00114798 Encyclopaedia of Education Sharma, R S Commonwealth Publishers. 2005 8171697194 298p UG Library
370.3 SHA 00114800 Encyclopaedia of Education Sharma, R S Commonwealth Publishers. 2005 8171697194 298p UG Library
370.3 SHA 00114801 Encyclopaedia of Education Sharma, R S Commonwealth Publishers. 2005 8171697194 298p UG Library
370.3 SHA 00114797 Encyclopaedia of Education Sharma, R S Commonwealth Publishers. 2005 8171697194 298p UG Library
370.3 SHA 00114796 Encyclopaedia of Education Sharma, R S Commonwealth Publishers. 2005 8171697194 298p UG Library
370.3 SHA 00114829 Dictionary Of Education Sharma, Ram Nath R Lalla Book Deport 2003 202p UG Library
370.3 SHA 00114837 Encyclopaedia of Education in the 21st Century Sharma, B M Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 8171697860 319p UG Library
370.3 SHA 00114839 Encyclopaedia of Education in the 21st Century Sharma, B M Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 8171697860 319p UG Library
370.3 SHA 00114838 Encyclopaedia of Education in the 21st Century Sharma, B M Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 8171697860 319p UG Library
370.3 SHA 00114840 Encyclopaedia of Education in the 21st Century Sharma, B M Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 8171697860 319p UG Library
370.3 SHA 00114842 Encyclopaedia of Education in the 21st Century Sharma, B M Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 8171697860 319p UG Library
370.3 SHA 00114753 Encyclopaedia of Education in the 21st Century Sharma, B M Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 8171697860 319p UG Library
370.3 SHA 00114841 Encyclopaedia of Education in the 21st Century Sharma, B M Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 8171697860 319p UG Library
370.3 SHA 00114843 Encyclopaedia of Education in the 21st Century Sharma, B M Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 8171697860 319p UG Library
370.3 SIN 00114775 Encyclopaedia of Educational Development Sinha, Gauri Shankar Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 0817817169 242p UG Library
370.3 SIN 00114776 Encyclopaedia of Educational Development Sinha, Gauri Shankar Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 0817817169 242p UG Library
370.3 SIN 00114777 Encyclopaedia of Educational Development Sinha, Gauri Shankar Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 0817817169 242p UG Library
370.3 SIN 00114752 Encyclopaedia of Educational Development Sinha, Gauri Shankar Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 0817817169 242p UG Library
370.3 SIN 00114781 Dictionary Of Education Singh S K Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 8178171693 330 UG Library
370.3 SIN 00114778 Encyclopaedia of Educational Development Sinha, Gauri Shankar Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 0817817169 242p UG Library
370.3 SIN 00114780 Dictionary Of Education Singh S K Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 8178171693 330 UG Library
370.3 THA 00114830 Studies in Educational Development Thakur, Devendra Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 8176294950 482 p UG Library
370.3 THA 00114833 Studies in Educational Development Thakur, Devendra Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 8176294950 482 p UG Library
370.3 THA 00114834 Studies in Educational Development Thakur, Devendra Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 8176294950 482 p UG Library
370.3 THA 00114835 Studies in Educational Development Thakur, Devendra Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 8176294950 482 p UG Library
370.3 THA 00114832 Studies in Educational Development Thakur, Devendra Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 8176294950 482 p UG Library
370.3 THA 00114831 Studies in Educational Development Thakur, Devendra Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 8176294950 482 p UG Library
370.3 WAL 01014329 A dictionary of education / Oxford University Press, 9780199212071 (pbk.) | 0199212 xv, 335 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.3 WAL 05003760 A Dictionary of Education / Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199212071 (pbk.) xv, 335 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.3 WAL 00121183 A dictionary of education / Oxford University Press, 9780199212071 (pbk.) | 0199212 xv, 335 p. ; UG Library
370.3 WAL 05008387 A dictionary of education / Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199212064 (hbk.) | 0199212 xvii, 331 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.3 WEL 00114826 H G Wells on The Story Of A Great School Master Sanderson Of Oundle Wells H.G. Sarup and Sons 2004 8176254827 90p. UG Library
370.3 WHI 00114814 A N Whitehead on Aims Of Education Whitehead A.N. Sarup & Sons 2004 8176254266 151 p. UG Library
370.33 MOH 00055422 Educational Technology Mohanty, Jagannath Deep and Deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2001 8171003885 303 p. UG Library
370.33 DUS 05008070 The economics of education and training Physica, 2008 9783790820218 | 3790820210 375 p. Knowledge Centre
370.33 LAT 00114828 Economics Of Education Latchanna, Gara Discovery 2007 92p UG Library
370.357 KRI 00113360 Art Education Krishnamacharyulu, V. Neelkamal Publications Pvt Ltd 2007 8183161103 | 9788183161107 1st Rd. 112 p. UG Library
370.357 RAU 00113359 Art Education Raut, Suchita National Council Of Educational Research Trainin 2005 8174504664 1st Ed. 141 p. UG Library
370.3KUM 00120504 Encyclopaedia of Education For All Ed, by, Kumar Surender KSK Publishers, 2013 9788189983642 155 p.: UG Library
370.3MCC 00086930 Routledge International Encyclopedia of Education McCulloch, Gary Routledge,Taylor & Francis Group. 2008 9780415277471 721 p UG Library
370.4 EDI 00113361 Teaching Reading Successfully Ediger, Marlow Prof Discovery Publishing House 2000 8171415563 376 p. UG Library
370.4 MAH 05047270 Gender,School and Society : Mahdi Anjum. Kanishka Publishers,Distributors, 2016 9788184577198 340p.: Knowledge Centre
370.45 DIE 07009675 Elements Forecasting / Diebold, Francis X Thomson Publication, 2007 9788131502976 xvii,427p.; Library - BR Campus
370.5 MOR 00013425 Readings in Educational Psychology Morse William, C Taraporevala 1970 376 p,: UG Library
370.5 MOR 00012587 Readings in Educational Psychology Morse William, C Taraporevala 1970 376 p,: UG Library
370.519 BHA 00113362 Statistics in Education Bhandarkar, K. M. Dr. Neelkamal Publications pvt Ltd 2007 9788183161039 306 p. UG Library
370.68 CHA 00113363 Advanced Educational Adminstration Chand, Tara Kanishka Publishers, Distributors 1997 8173915873 227 p. UG Library
370.68 CHA 00113364 Advanced Educational Adminstration Chand, Tara Kanishka Publishers, Distributors 1997 8173915873 227 p. UG Library
370.68 DIG 00113368 Educational Adminstration Rao, Bhaskara D. Dr. Discovery Publishing House 2001 8171418422 298 p. UG Library
370.68 KHA 00113369 Educational Research Sharif, Khan, Mohammad Ashish Publishing House 2004 8176484822 164 p. UG Library
370.68 MAI 00113365 Inculsion: Issues and Perspectives Maitra, Krishna Kanishka 2008 9788184570304 148p UG Library
370.68 NCE 00114859 Fifth Survey Of Educational Research 1988-92 National Council Of Educational Research And Training NATIONAL BOOK TRUST 1997 735p UG Library
370.68 SHA 00114730 Issues In Educational Administration Sharma, R S ABD Publishers 2005 8189011995 | 9798189011993 295p UG Library
370.68 TAL 00113260 Managing Educational Challenges Talesra, Hemlata Authors Press 2002 8172730926 | 9788172730925 352 p. UG Library
370.68 TAL 00113366 Managing Educational Challenges Talesra, Hemlata Authors Press 2002 8172730926 | 9788172730925 352 p. UG Library
370.68 TAL 00113367 Managing Educational Challenges Talesra, Hemlata Authors Press 2002 8172730926 | 9788172730925 352 p. UG Library
370.681 McC 00127491 Creating foundations for American schools / McCormick, Dan H. Aspen Publishers, 2001 0834218372 xi, 246 p. : UG Library
370.7 THA 00133048 Introduction to educational research Thammarasseri,Ismail Wisdom press, 2018 9789386053190 208p.; UG Library
370.7 ALT 00013467 Preface to Critical Reading Altick Richard, D Holt,Rinehort UG Library
370.7 CHO 00134139 Methodology of Educational Research: Choudhary, Sunil, Global Vision Publishing House: 2019 9789386603739 xv,219 p.; UG Library
370.7 DUT 00113371 Teacher and the Child Development Dutt, Suresh Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126116889 | 9788126116881 330 p. UG Library
370.7 KAU 00123715 Teaching Pedagogy Kaul, Anjana New Delhi Publishers, 2013 9789381274347 x, 345 p:. UG Library
370.7 KAU 00058395 Programmed Educational Learning Technology Kaushik, Vijaya Kumari Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2000 8174886036 294 p.: UG Library
370.7 KAU 00058396 The Process of Education Kaushik, Vijaya Kumari Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2002 8174886109 217 p.: UG Library
370.7 KAU 00070013 Programmed Educational Learning Technology Kaushik, Vijaya Kumari Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2204 8126116145 294 p UG Library
370.7 KOC 00014584 Methods and Techniques of Teaching Kochhar, S.K. Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1975 382 p. UG Library
370.7 KOU 04025148 Methodology of educational research Lokesh Koul Vikas Pub. House ; 2013 9788125927969 xii, 532 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.7 MIS 00124118 Educational research Mistry,Milan T Paradise Publishers 2013 9789380033792 250p. UG Library
370.7 MIS 00095301 Understanding Learning Technologies Mishra Sanjaya Viva Books 2008 9788130909585 151P UG Library
370.7 NAI 00058391 Theory of Teacher Training Naik, S. P. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 1998 8126101636 240 p. UG Library
370.7 NCTE 00122245 National curriculum framework for teacher education/ National Council for teacher education National Council for teacher education 2009 93p. UG Library
370.7 NCTE 00122247 Swami Vivekananda and education/ National Council for teacher education National Council for teacher education 2015 M-7p. UG Library
370.7 PUR 00060025 Methodology of Educational Research - Tools and Techniques Purohit, P N Mangal Deep Publications 2003 8175941235 279 p.: UG Library
370.7 RAO 00113370 Jomtein Decade Of Education Rao, Dr D Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House , 2001 8171416187 96 p.: UG Library
370.7 SEL 00123704 New Paradigm of Teaching Selvam, S K Panneer Random Publications, 2015 9789351117513 xxiv, 348 p:. UG Library
370.7 SHA 00105238 Problems Of Educational Research Sharma.S.R. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2003 9788170419358 280 p. UG Library
370.7 SHA 00058390 Implementation of Educational Research Sharma, S. R. Anmol Publications 2000 8170419425 266 p. UG Library
370.7 SHA 00058394 Research in Educational Planning Sharma, S R Anmol Publications 8170419409 268p UG Library
370.7 SID 00122244 Teacher Education/ Siddiqui M A National Council for teacher education 2010 530p. UG Library
370.7 SUT 00109888 Introduction to educational research Suter, W. Newton, SAGE, 2012 9781412995733 (pbk.) | 9781412 2nd ed. xxxiv, 491 p. : UG Library
370.7 WYS 01024982 The BERA/SAGE handbook of educational research / Sage, 2017 9781473918917 | 147391891X 2 volumes (xl, 1090 pages) : Knowledge Centre
370.7 WYS 01024983 The BERA/SAGE handbook of educational research / Sage, 2017 9781473918917 | 147391891X 2 volumes (xl, 1090 pages) : Knowledge Centre
370.71 DE 04005235 Environmental Education (for Polytechnic Students) De, Anil Kumar New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122415377 110 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.71 DE 04005236 Environmental Education (for Polytechnic Students) De, Anil Kumar New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122415377 110 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.71 AGG 00127365 Teacher and Education in a Developing Society Aggarwal J. C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2014 9788125938460 | 9788125938460 5th Ed. xiv, 586 p. UG Library
370.71 AGG 00100196 Teacher and Education in a Developing Society Aggarwal J. C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2014 9788125938460 | 9788125938460 5th Ed. xiv, 586 p. UG Library
370.71 BAR 05058299 Introduction to education studies / Bartlett, Steve, Sage, 2016 9781473918993 | 9781473919006 Education studies | Fourth edition. xvi, 397 pages ; Knowledge Centre
370.71 BRO 00128574 Professional Learning Communities by Design : Brown Easton, Lois Learning Forward, 2011 9781412987110 (pbk.) xxii, 279 p. : UG Library
370.71 COH 00087127 Guide to Teaching Practice Cohen, Louis 2008 9780415306751 460 p.: UG Library
370.71 COO 00125578 100 Ideas for Trainee Teachers Cooze, Angella. Continuum, 2006 9780826486530 134 p. ; UG Library
370.71 COO 05046158 100 ideas for trainee teachers / Cooze, Angella. Continuum, 2006 0826486533 (pbk.) 134 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.71 FOR 00062132 Practical Strategies For Techers, Lecturers And Trainers Forsyth, Ian Crest 2003 8124204012 | 9788124204016 164p UG Library
370.71 FOR 00062133 Practical Strategies For Techers, Lecturers And Trainers Forsyth, Ian Crest 2003 8124204012 | 9788124204016 164p UG Library
370.71 FOR 00062134 Practical Strategies For Techers, Lecturers And Trainers Forsyth, Ian Crest 2003 8124204012 | 9788124204016 164p UG Library
370.71 FOR 00062135 Practical Strategies For Techers, Lecturers And Trainers Forsyth, Ian Crest 2003 8124204012 | 9788124204016 164p UG Library
370.71 HOB 00092063 Navigating initial teacher training : Hobson, Andy, Routledge, 2009 9780415433334 | 9780415433341 vi, 168 p. ; UG Library
370.71 HUI 00086949 Improving Teacher Education Through Action Research Hui, Ming-Fai Routledge 2008 9780415956291 196 p.: UG Library
370.71 KAL 05004829 Becoming a teacher through action research : Phillips, Donna Kalmbach. Routledge, 2010 9780415801058 (hb : alk. paper 2nd ed. ix, 250 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.71 KAU 00134334 Teacher Education: Kaul, Dr. Pallavi. Adhyayan Publishers & Distributers: 2018 9788184354584 vii, 133p. : UG Library
370.71 KUM 00123500 Teacher Education in India Kumar, Rajive Sarup Book Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9788176259699 xvii, 331 p:. UG Library
370.71 KUM 07004451 Enriching Speaking and Writing Skills / Kumar Suresh.E Orient BlackSwan, 2014 9788125056089 2nd ed 158p.: Library - BR Campus
370.71 MEN 00123685 Development Research in Teacher Education Routledge, 2014 9780415657969 x,144p.: UG Library
370.71 MEN 05041245 Development Research in Teacher Education Routledge, 2014 9780415657969 x,144p.: Knowledge Centre
370.71 NCT 00139524 Policy Perspectives in Teacher Education : by National Council for Teacher education National Council for Teacher Education, 2017 . rep. xiv,317p.; UG Library
370.71 SHA 00105240 Teacher training and educational research Sharma S.R. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2007 344 p. UG Library
370.71041 LAN 05058304 Learning to be a teacher / Lange, John. Sage, 2017 9781473960343 (pbk. : alk. pap 1st edition. x,236p.; Knowledge Centre
370.7109 SAH 00097943 Professionalism in Teacher Education Concept Publishing Company Pvt.Ltd. 9788180697067 430p UG Library
370.710941 PHI 00133306 Initial teacher education in schools : Philpott, Carey. Sage Publications Ltd, 2014 9781446275849 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9781446275856 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1st edition. xii,188 p.; UG Library
370.710954 NIK 00111632 Teacher Education: Nikose, R.L. APH Publishing Corporation, 2012 9788131313152 xxi: 306p.; UG Library
370.711 AIU 00056733 Supervision of Research in Universities Association of Indian Universities Association of Indian Universities 8175200642 136p UG Library
370.711 ART 00099776 The Routledge education studies reader / Arthur, James Routledge, 9780415482356 (hbk.) | 0415482 x, 371 p. : UG Library
370.711 BEZ 05067839 Teacher education matters : Bezzina, Christopher., ed. University of Malta, 2019 9789995714529 xxv, 462p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.711 BRU 05044040 Teacher education in a transnational world / Bruno-Jofré, Rosa del Carmen, 9781442649347 | 1442649348 x, 466 pages ; Knowledge Centre
370.711 BRU 07005263 Teacher education in a transnational world / Bruno-Jofré, Rosa del Carmen, 9781442649347 | 1442649348 x, 466 pages ; Library - BR Campus
370.711 CAM 00092046 Connecting inquiry and professional learning in education : Campbell, Anne Routledge, 2010 9780415478120 | 9780415478137 xiv, 210 p. : UG Library
370.711 DEL 00129346 Teacher Rounds : Del Prete, Thomas. Corwin, 2013 9781452268156 | xxii, 159 . ; UG Library
370.711 FRO 03012786 Making Teachers Better Not Bitter : Frontier Tony Viva Books, 2019 9789387925335 259p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
370.711 FRO 07012094 Making Teachers Better Not Bitter : Frontier Tony Viva Books, 2019 9789387925335 259p.: Library - BR Campus
370.711 GLE 00129629 Growing Into Equity : Gleason, Sonia Caus. Crowin A Sage Company, 2013 9781452287652 xxiv, 190 p . ; UG Library
370.711 HIR 00129393 A School Board Guide to Leading Successful Schools : Hirsh, Stephanie. Crowin A Sage Company, 2013 9781452290423 xvi, 227 p. ; UG Library
370.711 HOL 05011384 To build a better teacher : Holland, Robert. Praeger, 2003 0897898850 (alk. paper) xix, 147 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.711 KIS 00130051 Differentiated Coaching : Kise, Jane A. G., Crowin A Sage Publishing Company, 2017 9781506327754 Second edition. xi, 240 p . : UG Library
370.711 KOS 05041261 Teaching in a nutshell : Kosnik, Clare Madott. Routledge, 2011 9780415888066 (hardback : alk. 129p.: Knowledge Centre
370.711 KOS 00092069 Priorities in teacher education : Kosnik, Clare Madott. Routledge, 2009 9780415481267 | 9780415481274 xiii, 185 p. ; UG Library
370.711 KOS 00119327 Teaching in a nutshell : Kosnik, Clare Madott. Routledge, 2011 9780415888066 (hardback : alk. 129p.: UG Library
370.711 KOS 00106048 Priorities in teacher education : Kosnik, Clare Madott. Routledge, 2009 9780415481267 | 9780415481274 xiii, 185 p. ; UG Library
370.711 LAC 00144106 Preparing Globally Minded Literacy Teachers : Lacina, Jan. Routledge, 2020 9780367027865 xix,255p,; UG Library
370.711 LIE 00130426 Reach the Highest Standard in Professional Learning. Lieberman, Ann. Corwin A SAGE Company, 2014 9781452291833 xx, 103 p. ; UG Library
370.711 MCA 00128110 Achieving your masters in teaching and learning / Mcateer, Mary Learning Matters, 2010 9781844452149 (pbk.) xi, 180 p. : UG Library
370.711 MCC 05058478 Teaching matters most : McCann, Thomas M.; Aronoff, Gail A.; Jones, Alan C. Sage, 2012 9788132116073 xx,181p.; Knowledge Centre
370.711 MOH 00123913 Teacher Educators Mohanty Susandhya Deep & Deep Publications Pvt, 2011 9788184503159 x, 205 p.: UG Library
370.711 MOR 00128049 How to Build an Instructional Coaching Program for Maximum Capacity / Morel, Nina Jones Corwin Press, 2012 9781452202891 | 1452202893 xiii, 213 p. : UG Library
370.711 PRA 05074392 Teacher Education : Routledge, 2023 9781032644592 xxii, 247 p.; Knowledge Centre
370.711 PRA 05074393 Teacher Education : Routledge, 2023 9781032644592 xxii, 247 p.; Knowledge Centre
370.711 SAM 00100505 Self-study teacher research : Samaras, Anastasia P. SAGE Publications, 9781412972079 (pbk.) xxvi, 312 p. ; UG Library
370.711 SEL 00109119 Social Maturity And Teaching Competency Selvam Panner S.K. Discovery Publishing House 2011 9788183567220 1st Ed. 356 p. UG Library
370.711 SHA 00123707 Professional Development of Teachers Sharma, Namrata New Delhi Publishers, 2015 9789381274712 220 p:. UG Library
370.711 SIM 00138559 A student's guide to education studies : Simon, Catherine A Routledge, 2020 9780367276683 | 9780367276690 Fourth Edition. 269 p.; UG Library
370.711 WIL 00130057 Shared Leadership : Wilhelm, Terry, Corwin, 2017 9781506311227 xxvii, 208 p. ; UG Library
370.711 YAM 01015140 Technology leadership in teacher education : Information Science Reference, 9781615208999 (hardcover) | 16 xix, 369 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.71109 SAW 00138206 Professional learning redefined : Sawyer, Isabel, Sage publications ltd , 2019 9781544336756 (pbk. : acidfree paper) xx, 130 pages ; UG Library
370.7110941 FUR 00123687 Education - An Anatomy of the Discipline Furlong, John Routledge, 2014 9780415520058 (hardback) | 978 xv, 232 p:. UG Library
370.7110954 HAR 00127611 Teacher education programmes through distance education Harichandan, Dhaneshwar Deep & Deep Publications, 2010 9788184502596 154p : . UG Library
370.7110954 MUN 00132476 Teacher education in SAARC countries Munsi, Krishnendu Abhijeet publications, 2017 9789350742945 xx,244 UG Library
370.7110954 MUN 00132060 Teacher education in SAARC countries Munsi, Krishnendu Abhijeet publications, 2017 9789350742945 xx,244 UG Library
370.71141 BEN 05007763 Not quite a teacher : Bennett, Tom, Continuum, 2011 9781441120960 | 1441120963 x, 211 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.71141 BRY 00105613 Learning and teaching at M-level : Bryan, Hazel. SAGE, 2010 184860615X (hbk.) | 9781848606 229 p. : UG Library
370.71154 SEL 00111244 Teaching Learning Styles for Teacher Trainees Selvam Panneer S.K Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2013 9788126155019 viii, 334 p.: UG Library
370.7115483 PRA 05073530 Most bitten bytes on teacher education : Praveen, Chandrasekharan. Notion press, 2021 9781637454213 204p, ; Knowledge Centre
370.71173 BON 00130804 Getting into teacher training Bond,Bruce Sage publication ltd., 2018 9781526427786 3rd ed., x,218p.; UG Library
370.71173 PUS 00113803 Teacher training : Pushkin, Dave. ABC-CLIO, 2001 9791576073574 (hardcover : alk xiii, 249 p. ; UG Library
370.715 LIC 00119632 The Whole-Faculty Study Groups Fieldbook : Lick, Dale W. Corwin Press, 2007 1412913241 (cloth) | 141291325 xxiv, 303 p. : UG Library
370.7155 BRE 00119614 Designs for Learning : Bredeson, Paul V. Corwin Press, 2003 9780761978909 | 0761978909 (P) xxiii, 172 p. : UG Library
370.7155 GLA 00128209 Achieving Outstanding on Your Teaching Placement : Glazzard, Jonathan. Sage Publications Ltd., 2011 9780857025265 | 9780857025272 xviii, 179 p. ; UG Library
370.7155 GUD 00100330 Mentoring and coaching : Gudwin, Denise M. Corwin Press, 9781412979573 (cloth) | 141297 xx, 153 p. : UG Library
370.7155 KIL 00130798 Assessing impact : Killion, Joellen, Corwin, 2018 9781506395951 | 1506395953 Third edition. xviii, 295 pages : UG Library
370.7155 MOR 00106062 Evocative coaching : Tschannen-Moran, Bob. Jossey-Bass, 2010 9780470547595 (pbk.) xxiv, 342 p. : UG Library
370.7155 POR 00117734 Workshops that really work Portner, Hal. Corwin Press, 2006 9781412915120 | 1412915120 (pb xiii, 101 p. : UG Library
370.72 JAM 00123784 Researching post-compulsory education Jameson, Jill. Continuum, 2003 0826467121 | 9780826467126 vi, 106 p. ; UG Library
370.72 MER 00095639 Research And Evaluation in Education and Psychology Mertens Donna M Sage Publications India Pvt.Ltd. 9781412971904 527p UG Library
370​.7​2 WAG 00134208 Critical Theory and Qualitative Data analysis in Education: Wagner, Rachelle Winkle Routledge Press, 2019 9781138067035 xvii,249 p.; UG Library
370.72 AND 00121752 Partnerships in Education Research : Anderson, Michael, Bloomsbury, 2014 9781441111159 | 9781441158987 viii, 196 p, ; UG Library
370.72 BAK 00140109 Introduction to methodology of educational reseach Bakkappa,Ravikiran Currentpublications, 2020 9789390253333 262p.; UG Library
370.72 BAU 07009136 Action research in education : Baumfield, Viv. SAGE, 2013 9781446207192 (hbk.) | 1446207 2nd ed. x, 169 p. : Library - BR Campus
370.72 BAU 00092525 Action research in the classroom / Baumfield, Viv. SAGE, 9781412930390 (hb) | 978141293 vii, 136 p. : UG Library
370.72 BEC 05044816 Presenting your research : Becker, Lucinda. SAGE, 2014 9781446275887 (hardcover) | 97 vii, 147 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.72 BES 07012558 Research in Education / Best John.W., Pearson, 2017 9789332574519 Tenth edition xv,488p.: Library - BR Campus
370.72 BES 00124120 Research in education / Best, John W. Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, 2006 9780205458400 10th ed. xviii, 510 p. : UG Library
370.72 BES 05072310 Research in Education / Best John.W., Pearson, 2017 9789332574519 Tenth edition xv,488p.: Knowledge Centre
370.72 BHA 00120789 Educational research methodology/ Bhalla Ranjit Kaur KSK Publishers 2012 9788189983635 280p. UG Library
370.72 BOG 05009260 Qualitative Research for Education : Bogdan, Robert C PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343535 5th ed xiv, 304 p. Knowledge Centre
370.72 BOG 00120122 Qualitative Research for Education : Bogdan, Robert C PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343535 5th ed xiv, 304 p. UG Library
370.72 BOG 00120123 Qualitative Research for Education : Bogdan, Robert C PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343535 5th ed xiv, 304 p. UG Library
370.72 BOU 00106402 Conducting Educational Research : Boudah, Daniel J. SAGE Publications, 2011 9781412979023 (pbk.) | 1412979 xvi, 314 p. : UG Library
370.72 BRO 05056491 Evidence-informed policy and practice in education : Brown, Chris, Bloomsbury publishing Inc., 2015 9781472579751 (hardback) 188 pages ; Knowledge Centre
370.72 CAM 00105607 Action research in education Campbell,Anne. SAGE, 2010 9781848606838 (set) xl,482 p. UG Library
370.72 CAM 00105608 Action research in education Campbell,Anne. SAGE, 2010 9781848606838 (set) xl,482 p. UG Library
370.72 CAM 00105609 Action research in education Campbell,Anne. SAGE, 2010 9781848606838 (set) xl,482 p. UG Library
370.72 CAM 05066950 An ethical approach to practitioner research : Routledge, 2007 9780815349297 xv, 189 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.72 CHA 00137928 Educational Research / Chalwadi,Shankarappa H. Current Publications, 2020 9788194196822 248p.; UG Library
370.72 CHA 00144478 Research in Education / Chandra, Soti Shivendra. Atlantic, 2022 9788171566594 viii,517p, ; UG Library
370.72 CLO 00088835 Student`s Guide to Methodology: Justifying Enquiry Clough, Agnes Emma Sage Publications, 2002 9781412929127 254 p.: UG Library
370.72 COE 05056029 Research methods and methodologies in education / Sage, 2017 9781473969803 xxvii,372p.; Knowledge Centre
370.72 COH 03013024 Research methods in education / Cohen, Louis, Routledge, 2017 9781138209862 (hardback) | 9780367086398 | 9781138209886 (paperback) 8th Ed. xxvii, 916 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
370.72 COH 05005485 Research Methods in Education / Cohen, Louis, Routledge, 2011 9780415583350 (hard cover) | 9 7th ed. xxii, 758 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.72 COH 00089523 Research Methods in Education Cohen, Louis 2008 9780415368780 638p UG Library
370.72 CON 00108778 The Sage Handbook for Research in Education : ed by.Conrad F. Clifton SAGE Publications, 2011 9781412980005 (cloth) | 978141 2nd ed. xi, 512 p. : UG Library
370.72 CON 00123717 The Sage Handbook for Research in Education Conrad, Clifton F Sage Publications, 2006 1412906407 (cloth) xxii, 598 p:. UG Library
370.72 COS 00113407 Action research Costello, Patrick J. M., Continuum, 2003 0826464793 (pbk.) ix, 102 p. : UG Library
370.72 CRE 00099796 Methodological advances in educational effectiveness research / Creemers, Bert P. M. Routledge, 9780415481755 (hardback) | 978 xiv, 361 p. ; UG Library
370.72 CRE 07012177 An introduction to fully integrated mixed methods research / Creamer, Elizabeth G., Sage Publication, 2018 9781483350936 (pbk. : acidfree paper) xxviii,268p.; Library - BR Campus
370.72 DAN 00129403 Digging Deeper Into Action Research : Dana, Nancy Fichtman, Crowin A Sage Company, 2013 9781452241951 xxiv, 94 p. ; UG Library
370.72 DAS 00132040 Educational research Das, Ajay Swastik publications, 2017 9789380138572 2nd ed., 280p.; UG Library
370.72 DOW 00092033 Doing research/reading research : Dowling, Paul. Routledge, 2010 9780415376013 (hbk.) | 0415376 2nd ed. xiv, 205 p. : UG Library
370.72 ERB 05007236 Biography and education : Erben, Michael Falmer Press, 1998 0750707526 (cased) | 075070751 168 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.72 ERC 05005559 Generalizing from educational research : Routledge, 2009 9780415963817 (hb : alk. paper x, 307 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.72 FOR 05058274 Action research for new teachers : Forster, Colin. Sage, 2017 9781473939462 (pbk. : alk. pap vi,170p.; Knowledge Centre
370.72 FRO 00138995 Mixed methods social network analysis: Routledge, 2020 9780367174453 x, 280 p.; UG Library
370.72 GAR 05074331 Teach truth to power : Garcia, David R., The MIT Press, 2021 9780262543224 238 pages : Knowledge Centre
370.72 GOO 00099831 Narrative learning / Goodson, Ivor F Routledge, 9780415488938 (hard copy) | 04 137 p. ; UG Library
370.72 GOT 05060412 Handbook of research on teaching / American Educational Research Association, 2016 9780935302479 (hardback) | 978 Fifth edition. ix, 1539 pages : Knowledge Centre
370.72 GRE 00143504 Educational Researchers and the Regional University: Green, Monica. Springer, 2019 9789811363801 xiv,216p, ; UG Library
370.72 HAM 00079593 Educational Research and Evidence-Based Practice Hammersley, Martyn Sage Publications 2007 295 p UG Library
370.72 HAM 00124810 Using Case Study in Education Research / Hamilton, Lorna SAGE, 2013 9781446208168 | 1446208168 | xi, 222 p. : UG Library
370.72 HAM 00120499 Educational Research and Evidence-Based Practice Hammersley Martyn SAGE Publications ; 2007 9781412945615 | 9781412945622 xix, 295 p. ; UG Library
370.72 HEN 05005346 Using action research to improve instruction : Henning, John E. Routledge, 2009 9780415991735 (hc : alk. paper xv, 204 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.72 HUG 05003528 Disseminating Qualitative Research In Educational Settings : Open University Press, 2003 9780335210428 | 03L0021618 xvi,155p.; Knowledge Centre
370.72 JAM 00113356 Researching post-compulsory education Jameson, Jill. Continuum, 2003 0826467121 | 9780826467126 vi, 106 p. ; UG Library
370.72 KHA 00124571 Research on Educational Studies Aqeel Khan Serials Publications, 2016 9788183877688 | 9788183877725 xxi, 445 p.: | xx, 451 p.: UG Library
370.72 KHA 00124570 Research on Educational Studies Aqeel Khan Serials Publications, 2016 9788183877688 | 9788183877725 xxi, 445 p.: | xx, 451 p.: UG Library
370.72 KOS 00100320 Action Research for Improving Educational Practice : Koshy, Valsa, SAGE, 2010 9781848601604 2nd ed. xv, 160 p. : UG Library
370.72 KSH 00133701 Basics in education research Kshirsagar,O.M Ishika publishing house, 2019 9789385302886 viii,271p.; UG Library
370.72 KSH 00133717 Instruction methodology in education Kshirsagar,O.M Ishika publishing house, 2019 9789385302879 viii,264p.; UG Library
370.72 KSH 00133568 Basics in education research Kshirsagar,O.M Ishika publishing house, 2019 9789385302886 viii,271p.; UG Library
370.72 LAM 00135530 Practical research methods in education : Lambert, Mike, Routledge, 2019 9780815393559 (hardback) | 9780815393566 (pbk.) xviii,153p.; UG Library
370.72 LAU 00079495 An Education Research Primer: Lauer, Patricia A Jossey-Bass 2006 9780787983239 xiv, 167 p.: UG Library
370.72 LOA 00079502 Methods in Educational Research Lodico, Marguerite Jossey-Bass 2006 0787979627 413 p UG Library
370.72 LOD 00090861 Methods in Educational Research:From Theory to Practice Lodico, Marguerite G Josey-Bass 2006 0787979627 413p UG Library
370.72 LOD 00106055 Methods in Educational Research:From Theory to Practice Lodico, Marguerite G Josey-Bass 2006 0787979627 413p UG Library
370.72 LON 00147836 Bodying postqualitative research : Land, Nicole Routledge, 2023 9781032405667 viii.85p. ; UG Library
370.72 LUT 05005096 Qualitative educational research : Routledge, 2010 9780415957953 (hbk.) | 0415957 xi, 507 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.72 MCA 00133818 Action research in education: McAteer; Mary SAGE, 2013 9781446241059 viii,180 p.; UG Library
370.72 MCI 00099745 Action research and reflective practice : McIntosh, Paul. Routledge, 9780415469012 (hbk.) | 0415469 xii, 195 p. : UG Library
370.72 MCN 00092067 You and your action research project / McNiff, Jean. Routledge, 2010 9780415487085 (hbk.) | 0415487 3rd ed. vi, 271 p. : UG Library
370.72 MCN 05056500 Writing and doing action research / McNiff, Jean. Sage, 2014 9781446294574 xii,286p.; Knowledge Centre
370.72 MEI 00147404 Design Thinking in Education: Meinel, Christoph Springer, 2022 9783030891152 xiii,290p. ; UG Library
370.72 MEL 00096639 The Routledge doctoral supervisor's companion : Walker, Melanie Routledge, 2010 9780415484145 (pbk.) | 0415484 1st ed. xvii, 318 p. : UG Library
370.72 MER 00129635 Action Research : Mertler, Craig A. SAGE, 2014 9781452244426 | 1452244421 4th edition. xxv, 324 p . : UG Library
370.72 MER 00080176 Research and Evaluation in Education and Psychology Merte4ns, Donna M Sage Publications 2005 0761928057 2nd Ed 507 p UG Library
370.72 MIL 05070126 Educational Research : Mills, Geoffrey E. Pearson Education Limited, 2016 9781292106175 Eleventh (Global edition), 697p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.72 MIS 00113406 Exploring Educational Research: Mishra, R C APH 8176488569 264p UG Library
370.72 MIS 00114856 Educational Research Mishra, R C APH Publishing Corporation 2003 8176488534 292 p UG Library
370.72 MOR 05005026 Causation in educational research / Morrison, Keith Routledge, 2009 9780415496483 (hbk.) | 0415496 xiv, 231 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.72 MOS 00145419 Data analytics and adaptive learning : Moskal, Patsy D Routledge 2024 9781032150390 | 9781032154701 xxix:333p. UG Library
370.72 NAI 01013863 Leadership and Management of Qulity in Higher Education / Sid Nair,Chenicheri. 9781843345763 xxiv,221p.; Knowledge Centre
370.72 NEW 05056021 Research methods for education / Newby, Peter, Routledge, 2014 9780273775102 (pbk.) | 0273775 Second edition. xxxi, 683 pages : Knowledge Centre
370.72 NOF 00137253 The sage handbook of educational action research / Noffke, Susan E., SAGE Publications, 2009 9781412947084 (hb) | 1412947081 (hb) 1st ed. xxvii, 534 p. ; UG Library
370.72 NOF 00128237 The Sage Handbook of Educational Action Research Noffke, Susan 534 p.: UG Library
370.72 NOR 05024344 Action research in teaching and learning : Norton, Lin. Routledge, 2009 9780415468466 (hbk.) | 0415468 xvii, 266 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.72 NOR 05004925 Action research in teaching and learning : Norton, Lin. Routledge, 2009 9780415468466 (hbk.) | 0415468 xvii, 266 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.72 NOR 10001050 Action research in teaching and learning : Norton, Lin. Routledge, 2009 9780415468466 (hbk.) | 0415468 xvii, 266 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
370.72 OPI 00092156 Doing educational research: Opie Cive Vistaar Publications 244p UG Library
370.72 PER 07010969 Understanding research in education : Perry, Fred L. 9781138776418 (hardback) | 978 xv, 243 pages ; Library - BR Campus
370.72 PET 00145145 Advanced Methods in Educational Research / Dr Petkar, G.k. Swastik Publications, 2023 9789387367838 231p.; UG Library
370.72 PHY 00097192 Empirical methods for evaluating educational interventions / Phye, Gary D. Elsevier Academic Press, 2005 0125542577 (alk. paper) xv, 284 p. : UG Library
370.72 PIC 00098535 Educational research primer / Picciano, Anthony G. Continuum, 0826472028 (hardback) | 082647 viii, 150 p. : UG Library
370.72 PUN 05042120 Introduction to research methods in education / Punch, Keith F. Sage, 2014 9781446260746 | 9781446260739 2nd edition. xx,421p.: Knowledge Centre
370.72 PUN 00100499 Introduction to research methods in education / Punch, Keith. Sage, 9781847870186 xii, 380 p. : UG Library
370.72 RAN 00113352 Educational Aspirations and Scientific Attitudes: Durga Rani, Kalluri Discovery Publishing House 8171415555 109p UG Library
370.72 RED 00125939 Research Methodology in Education Reddy Sagar Vidya G Pearl Books, 2017 9789381575994 vi, 264 p.: UG Library
370.72 SAG 00113391 Action Research Guidebook: A Four Step Process for Educators and School Teams Sagor, Richard Corwin Press 2004 9780761938958 186 p, UG Library
370.72 SAT 00123504 Educational Research and Methodology Satsangi, Bharti Rajat Publications, 2015 9788178806488 280 p:. UG Library
370.72 SAU 00092053 Educational research and policy-making : Saunders, Lesley, Routledge, 2007 0415411742 | 0415411750 (pbk.) xxiv, 181 p. : UG Library
370.72 SCH 00106056 Educational research : Schreiber, James. Wiley, 2011 9780470139103 (pbk.) | 0470139 xxv, 374 p. : UG Library
370.72 SET 00130039 Research Methodology in Education Sethi M.K. Rajat Publishers , 2018 9788178807645 vii, 276 p . : UG Library
370.72 SHA 00113354 RESEARCH IN EDUCATIONAL PLANNING Sharma, S R Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126122013 270p UG Library
370.72 SHA 00128094 Success with your education research project / Sharp, John. Sage Publications, 2012 9780857259479 2nd ed. 138p : . UG Library
370.72 SHA 00118532 Research Methodology and Techniques in Education Sharma, Anita Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd, 2014 9788126161133 viii:304p.; UG Library
370.72 SHA 00127397 Methodology And Technuques Of Educational Research Sharma Yogendra K Kanishka publishers, 2011 9788184572643 362p : . UG Library
370.72 SID 00113381 Methodology of Research in Education Sidhu, Kulbir Singh Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 8120701011 308 UG Library
370.72 SID 00113355 Research in Teaching of Literature Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan Ahish Publishing House 2004 8176485055 191 p. UG Library
370.72 SID 00113357 Methodology of Research in Education Sidhu, Kulbirsingh Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2004 8120701011 308p UG Library
370.72 SIK 05005441 Researching education from the inside : Routledge, 2008 9780415435932 | 0415435935 | 9 vi, 187 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.72 SIK 00113353 Moral Foundations of Educational Research: Knowledge, Inquiry and Values (B.ED) Sikes, Pat Open University Press : 2003 9780335210466 141 p.: UG Library
370.72 SIK 00113408 Moral Foudations of Educational Research: Knowledge, Enquiry and Values Sikes, Pat 0335210465 141p UG Library
370.72 SIN 00111668 Methodology of Educational Research/ Singh, Kanwarjit. Lotus Press : Publishers & Distributors, 2012 9788183822947 xvi: 302p.; UG Library
370.72 TAY 05048111 Doing action research Taylor, Claire. Paul Chapman ; | Sage, 2006 1412912776 (hbk.) | 1412912784 v, 100 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.72 THO 00096637 The Routledge doctoral student's companion : Routledge, 9780415484114 (hardback) | 041 xvii, 425 p. ; UG Library
370.72 THO 05056461 Place-based methods for researching schools / Thomson, Pat, Bloomsburry, 2017 9781474242899 (hardback) | 978 xv, 276 pages : Knowledge Centre
370.72 THO 05066782 The Routledge Doctoral Student's Companion : Routledge, 2018 9781138475946 xvii, 425p.; Knowledge Centre
370.72 THO 07013914 The Routledge Doctoral Student's Companion : Routledge, 2018 9781138475946 xvii, 425p.; Library - BR Campus
370.72 VAN 07012062 Adaptive education : VanWynsberghe, Robert M., University of Toronto Press, 2016 9781442630406 vi, 136 pages : Library - BR Campus
370.72 WAL 03009959 Your Dissertation in Education / Walliman, Nicholas. SAGE, 2008 9781412946223 (hb) | 978141294 xv, 310 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
370.72 WHI 00119313 Doing Educational Research in Rural Settings : White, Simone Routledge, 2014 9780415823500 (hardback) | 978 xviii: 215p.; UG Library
370.72 WHI 05066957 Doing educational research in rural settings : Routledge, 2014 9780815349556 xviii, 215 pages ; Knowledge Centre
370.72 WIE 00090871 Research Methods in Education: An Introduction Wiersma, William DORLING KINDERSLEY 2009 9788131728086 491p UG Library
370.7201 PET 00102665 Poststructuralism and educational research / Peters, Michael Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 0847691195 (cloth : alk. paper xii, 111 p. ; UG Library
370.7201 PRE 00083379 Philosophy of Educational Research Pring, Richard 2001 0826448135 168 p.: UG Library
370.720729 NAK 00144138 Affirming Methodologies : Nakhid, Camille. Routledge, 2023 9781032053080 xi, 216p,; UG Library
370.720941 FUR 00105026 Disciplines of education : Furlong,John. Routledge, 2011 9780415582056 (hardback) | 041 1st ed. ix, 202 p. ; UG Library
370.720941 MEN 00109878 A guide to practitioner research in education Menter,Ian SAGE Publications, 2011 9781849201841 (hardback) | 978 1st ed. x, 264 p. : UG Library
370.720954 SID 00142278 Fundamentals of educational research Siddappa,Sri Current publicatis, 2022 9789390253531 290p.; UG Library
370.721 ATK 00123946 Qualitative Research in Education Atkins, Liz SAGE, 2012 9781446208069 (hbk.) | 9781446 262 p:. UG Library
370.721 DEL 01019189 Handbook of qualitative research in education / Edward Elgar Pub., 2012 9781849805094 (hardback) xix,620p.: Knowledge Centre
370.721 SAV 00099722 New approaches to qualitative research : Routledge, 9780415572408 (hardback) | 041 xiv, 181 p. : UG Library
370.721 YEO 00146308 Sotl research methodologies : Yeo, Michelle M. L., Routledge 2024 9781642672404 | 9781642672411 280p. UG Library
370.7232 MEA 07006759 Interviewing for education and social science research : Mears, Carolyn L. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 0230612377 | 9781137507938 1st ed. xvii, 221 p. ; Library - BR Campus
370.727 CAR 05005260 Applying generalizability theory using EduG / Cardinet, Jean. Routledge, 2010 9781848728288 (hc : alk. paper xviii, 215 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.727 ELA 00126243 Data Mining and Learning Analytics : Elatia,Samira Wiley& Sons Inc, 2016 9781118998236 xxvii, 283 p.: UG Library
370.727 RED 00124445 Research Methodology and Statistics in Education Reddy G.L. Discovery Publishing House Pvt, 2016 9789350567951 278 p.: UG Library
370.727 SRI 00143768 A Beginner's Guide to Learning Analytics Srinivasa, K.G. Springer, 2021 9783030702601 xiii,326p.; UG Library
370.72HUG 00083381 Disseminating Qualitative Research in Eucational Settings: A Critical Introduction Hughes, Christina 0335210422 155p UG Library
370.73 REE 00144469 Horizan of Secondary Education in Arunachal Pradesh / Reena Tok, Boa. Atlantic, 2022 9788126933358 xi,228p, ; UG Library
370.73 TRI 00106052 21st century skills : Trilling, Bernie. Jossey-Bass, 2009 9780470475386 (cloth/dvd) | 04 1st ed. xxxi, 206 p. : UG Library
370.732 SMI 00023184 The School Reading Program. Smith, Richard J HMC 1979 402 p UG Library
370.73263 MAT 00109271 Teacher And Secondary Education Mathur S.S. Shri Vinod Pustak Mandir 2011 7th Ed. 238 p. UG Library
370.733 BAB 00091984 Essentials of Microteaching Babu A Ram Neelkamal Publications Pvt Ltd 2010 `9788183161299 251p UG Library
370.733 BHA 00113403 Multigrade Teaching Bharadwaj, N. S. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 8176487791 165 p. UG Library
370.733 HAW 00034982 A Teachers Handbook of Practical Strategies For Teaching Thinking In The Classroom Hawley, H. Susan Asian Trading Corporation 1993 142 p. UG Library
370.733 HAW 00034983 Assessing Teacher Performance Hawley, C. Robert Asian Trading Corporation 1993 154 P. UG Library
370.7330994 TUR 00081661 Microteaching: Research, Theory and Practice Sydney University Press 1973 0424067501 x, 198 p. UG Library
370.733PAG 00013466 Reading and Interpreting Pagels, Pinney Wards Worth UG Library
370.737 NCE 00114854 Fourth Survey Of Research In Education 1983-88 National Council Of Educational Research And Training NATIONAL BOOK TRUST 1991 898p UG Library
370.737 NCE 00114855 Fourth Survey Of Research In Education 1983-88 National Council Of Educational Research And Training NATIONAL BOOK TRUST 1991 898p UG Library
370.76 JAI 07015190 UGC NET/JRF/SET Teaching and research aptitude / Jain,Lal Upkar Publication, 2015 9788174820556 108p. Library - BR Campus
370.76 JAI 05065516 UGC NET/JRF/SET Teaching and research aptitude / Jain,Lal Upkar Publication, 2015 9788174820556 108p. Knowledge Centre
370.76 JAI 00140359 UGC NET/JRF/SET Teaching and research aptitude / Jain,Lal Upkar Publication, 2015 9788174820556 108p. UG Library
370.76 MIT 05039750 UGC NET/JRF/SLET-Teaching and Research Aptitude Mittal D Arihant Publications pvt Ltd 9788183482219 486p Knowledge Centre
370.76 MIT 05039751 UGC NET/JRF/SLET-Teaching and Research Aptitude Mittal D Arihant Publications pvt Ltd 9788183482219 486p Knowledge Centre
370.76 PRA 05065518 UGC-NET/JRF/SET Teaching and Research Aptitude (General Paper- 1) Upkar Prakashan, 2017 9788174822154 p.: Knowledge Centre
370.76ANS 00091935 UGC NET - Teaching and Research Aptitude Ansari M S Ramesh Pubishing House 2010 9788186877753 8p UG Library
370.76MIT 00091932 UGC NET/JRF/SLET-Teaching and Research Aptitude Mittal D Arihant Publications pvt Ltd 9788183482219 486p UG Library
370.76MIT 07008638 UGC NET/JRF/SLET-Teaching and Research Aptitude Mittal D Arihant Publications pvt Ltd 9788183482219 486p Library - BR Campus
370.76MIT 05039749 UGC NET/JRF/SLET-Teaching and Research Aptitude Mittal D Arihant Publications pvt Ltd 9788183482219 486p Knowledge Centre
370.78 RAO 00113443 Educational Practices Rao,Bhaskara Digumarti Discovery Publishing House 2004 0817141835 365 p. UG Library
370.78 SID 00113428 Models of Teaching: Theory and Research Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan APH Publications, 2004 8176487341 136 p: UG Library
370.78 AGA 00119795 Modern Educational Research Agarwal, L.P. Wisdom Press, 2013 9789382006206 xi:310p.; UG Library
370.78 BES 05022889 Research In Education Best, John W PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd., 2009 9788120335639 10th xii, 510 p. Knowledge Centre
370.78 BHA 00113461 Educational Practices Rao,Bhaskara Digumarti Discovery Publishing House 2004 0817141835 365 p. UG Library
370.78 DAW 03004590 Introduction to Research Methods : Dawson, Catherine. Viva Books, 2010 9788130916033 166 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
370.78 DES 00113411 ಕ್ರಿಯಾತ್ಮಕ ಸಂಶೋಧನೆ (Kriyatmaka Samshodane) ದೇಸಾಯಿ , ಎಸ್ (Desai, S) VIDYANIDHI, 2004 102 p.; UG Library
370.78 DHA 00113374 Handbook for Teachers: Research in Teaching of the Social Studies: Dhand, Harry APH Publishing House 2004 8176486981 158 p.: UG Library
370.78 DHA 00113398 Handbook for Teachers: Research in Teaching of the Social Studies: Dhand, Harry APH Publishing House 2004 8176486981 158 p.: UG Library
370.78 DHA 00127406 Handbook for Teachers: Research in Teaching of the Social Studies: Dhand, Harry APH Publishing House 2004 8176486981 158 p.: UG Library
370.78 FRA 00109267 How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education Fraenkal McGraw-Hill 2012 9780071315180 8th Ed. xxviii; 642 p. UG Library
370.78 GUP 00113396 Research in Teaching of Science: Gupta, Naresh Kumar APH Publishers, 2004 8176487767 210 p.: UG Library
370.78 HYD 00140748 Methodology of education research Hydarbasha,Saheb Ali Current publications, 2021 9789390253357 271p.; UG Library
370.78 JUN 00113405 How Principal Manage Stress Juneja, Nalini Mittal Publications 2004 8170998921 | 9788170998921 356 p. UG Library
370.78 JUN 00113380 How Principal Manage Stress Juneja, Nalini Mittal Publications 2004 8170998921 | 9788170998921 356 p. UG Library
370.78 KHA 00113417 Action Resarch in Education and Adult Education Khandai, Hemanta Kumar Associated Publishing House 2004 304p UG Library
370.78 KHA 00113409 Research Methodology: Techniques and Trends Khanzode, V V APH Publishing Corporations 2004 8170247039 vi, 210 p.: UG Library
370.78 KOU 00117067 Methodology of Educational Research: Koul, Lokesh Vikas Publishers, 2004 0706988523 3th ed. 544 p.: UG Library
370.78 KOU 00113400 Methodology of Educational Research: Koul, Lokesh Vikas Publishers, 2004 0706988523 3th ed. 544 p.: UG Library
370.78 LIN 05050094 Statistical analysis in educational research / Lindquist, E.F. Oxford and IBH Publishing co, 1940 ix, 266p. Knowledge Centre
370.78 MAN 05039989 Statistics in Psychology and Education / Mangal S.K PHI Learning Private Limited, 2013 9788120320888 404p.: Knowledge Centre
370.78 MCC 00113402 Historical Research in Educational Settings McCulloch, Gary Open University Press 2000 9780335202546 154 p. UG Library
370.78 MIL 00066645 Action Research Mills, Geoffrey E. Merill an Imprint Of Prentice Hall 2000 0137720475 | 9780137720477 184 p. UG Library
370.78 MIS 00113424 Management Of Educational Research Mishra, R C APH 2004 8176488542 | 9788176488549 270p UG Library
370.78 MIS 00113413 Management Of Educational Research Mishra, R C APH 2004 8176488542 | 9788176488549 270p UG Library
370.78 MIS 00114872 Management Of Educational Research Mishra, R C APH 2004 8176488542 | 9788176488549 270p UG Library
370.78 MIS 00113426 Management Of Educational Research Mishra, R C APH 2004 8176488542 | 9788176488549 270p UG Library
370.78 MIS 00113423 Management Of Educational Research Mishra, R C APH 2004 8176488542 | 9788176488549 270p UG Library
370.78 MIS 00113379 Educational Research Mishra, R. C. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation: 2003 8176488615 | 9788176488594 302 p.: UG Library
370.78 MIS 00113410 Educational Research Mishra, R. C. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation: 2003 8176488615 | 9788176488594 302 p.: UG Library
370.78 MIS 00113373 Exploring Educational Research Mishra, R C APH Publishing Corporation 2004 264 p UG Library
370.78 MIS 00113378 Exploring Educational Research Mishra, R C APH Publishing Corporation 2004 264 p UG Library
370.78 MIS 00114844 Exploring Educational Research Mishra, R C APH Publishing Corporation 2004 264 p UG Library
370.78 MIS 00114848 Educational Research Mishra, R. C. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation: 2003 8176488615 | 9788176488594 302 p.: UG Library
370.78 MIS 00113425 Management of Educational Research Mishra, R C APH 8176488607 272p UG Library
370.78 MIS 00113412 Mamagement of Educational Research Mishra, Rc 2005 8176488607 273 UG Library
370.78 MIS 00097719 Research In Education Mishra R C A P H Publishing Corporation; 9788131307649 301p UG Library
370.78 MOH 00113427 Educational Research Sharif Khan, Mohd Ashish Publishing House 2004 8176484822 163 p.: UG Library
370.78 NAG 00116158 Shaikshanika Kriya Samshodane Nagaraja, P VIDYANIDHI 2004 262p UG Library
370.78 PAR 00114850 Evaluation of Educational Research Parkash, Ravi Commonwealth Publishers. 2003 8171697305 371 p UG Library
370.78 PAR 00113401 Evaluation of Educational Research Parkash, Ravi Commonwealth Publishers. 2003 8171697305 371 p UG Library
370.78 PAR 00113395 Evaluation of Educational Research Parkash, Ravi Commonwealth Publishers. 2003 8171697305 371 p UG Library
370.78 PAR 00113375 Evaluation of Educational Research Parkash, Ravi Commonwealth Publishers. 2003 8171697305 371 p UG Library
370.78 PAR 00113429 Problems of Educational Research Parkash, Ravi Commonwealth Publishers. 8171697429 446p UG Library
370.78 PRA 00113444 Methods of Educational Research Parkash, Ravi Commonwealth Publishers. 2003 8171697291 379p UG Library
370.78 PRA 00113441 Historical Research in Education Prakash, Ravi Commonwealth Publishers. 8171697518 357p UG Library
370.78 QUR 00113445 Educational Research Qureshi, Muniruddin Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 0812612167 387 UG Library
370.78 QUR 00114853 Educational Research Qureshi, Muniruddin Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 0812612167 387 UG Library
370.78 QUR 00114847 Educational Research Qureshi, Muniruddin Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126121661 387 p UG Library
370.78 RAO 00111966 Research in Education/ Raju Murali Mohan, Rao K. Jagannatha Pacific Books International, 2013 9789381138427 277p.; UG Library
370.78 RAO 00113394 Educational Practices Rao,Bhaskara Digumarti Discovery Publishing House 2004 0817141835 365 p. UG Library
370.78 RAO 00113377 Educational Practices Rao,Bhaskara Digumarti Discovery Publishing House 2004 0817141835 365 p. UG Library
370.78 RAO 00113430 Educational Practices Rao,Bhaskara Digumarti Discovery Publishing House 2004 0817141835 365 p. UG Library
370.78 SHA 00113442 Hiostory of Educational Research Sharma, S R Anmol Publications 8170419336 187p UG Library
370.78 SHA 00113393 Implimentation of Educational Research Sharma, S R Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126121327 267 UG Library
370.78 SHA 00113440 Problems of Educational Research: Sharma, S R Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126114738 307p UG Library
370.78 SHA 00113397 Methodology of educational research UG Library
370.78 SHA 00113416 Methodology of educational research UG Library
370.78 SHA 00113376 Methodology of Educational Research: Bharti, Sharma Vohra Publishes 2004 8178890542 319p UG Library
370.78 SID 00114849 Reasearch in Teaching of Science and Mathematics Siddiqui, Dr Mujibul Hasan Ashish Publishing House 2000 8176485063 309 p UG Library
370.78 SID 00127401 Models of Teachig Siddiqui, mujibul Hasan A P H Publishing Corporation 2016 9788131303832 256 p.: UG Library
370.78 SID 00113414 Models of Teaching: Theory and Research Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan APH Publications, 2004 8176487341 136 p: UG Library
370.78 SID 00113399 Research in Teaching of Science and Matehmatics: Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan APH 8176485063 309p UG Library
370.78 SID 00127400 Models of Teaching: Theory and Research Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan APH Publications, 2004 8176487341 136 p: UG Library
370.78 SIN 00113439 Statistics in Psychology and Education Sinha, B L Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126112557 430p UG Library
370.78 SIN 00113392 SCIENTIFIC TEMPER AND EDUCATION Singh, Hem Lata Commonwealth Publishers. 8171690653 218p UG Library
370.78 SRI 00114873 Report of the National Study Of Scholastic Achivement At Class X And XII Levels Srivastava Ncert 1997 301p UG Library
370.78 STA 05049510 Improving experimental design and statistical analysis : Rand McNally, 1967 ix, 308 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.78 STA 07011262 The art of case study research / Stake, Robert E. Sage Publications, 1995 0803957661 (alk. paper) | 0803 xv, 175 p. : Library - BR Campus
370.78 TAL 00113415 Scope and Trens of Research on Teaching Talesra, Hemlata Authors Press 2004 8172731892 227p UG Library
370.78 VEN 00120198 Research in Value Education: Venkaraiah, N APH 2004 8176484989 214p UG Library
370.78 VER 00113431 Current Research in Leanring Style: Indian Perspective Verma, B P Mittal Publications 8170999278 180p UG Library
370.78 WAL 00083402 Doing Qualitative Educational Research: A Personal Guide to the Research Process Walford, Geoffrey 2005 0826447023 199p UG Library
370.7803 MIS 00114863 Encyclopedia Of Educational Research Mishra, R C APH 2004 8176488526 | 9788176488525 291p UG Library
370.7803 MIS 00114862 Encyclopedia Of Educational Research Mishra, R C APH 2004 8176488526 | 9788176488525 291p UG Library
370.7803 MIS 00114860 Encyclopedia Of Educational Research Mishra, R C APH 2004 8176488526 | 9788176488525 291p UG Library
370.7803 MIS 00114861 Encyclopedia Of Educational Research Mishra, R C APH 2004 8176488526 | 9788176488525 291p UG Library
370.78041 OPI 03002721 Doing Educational Research : Opie, Clive. Sage Publications Pvt Ltd., 2009 9788178293981 | 8178293986 244 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
370.78073 KAU 07008635 U G C NET : Teaching and Research Aptitude General Paper 1 Kautilya, K Upakar Publication ; 2016 9789350132760 viii, 416p.: Library - BR Campus
370.78073 KAU 04025126 U G C NET : Teaching and Research Aptitude General Paper 1 Kautilya, K Upakar Publication ; 2016 9789350132760 viii, 416p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
370.787 CHA 00113447 Research in Education: Chandra, Soti Shivendra Atlantic 2004 8171566596 516p UG Library
370.787 SIN 00132904 Research in education: Singh,Jaspal Swastik publications, 2018 9789387367043 x,218p.; UG Library
370.787SHA 00113446 Modern Concepts in Research Education (B.Ed ) Sharma, Gk Abhishek 0818573397 279p UG Library
370.78FRA.W 00059606 How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education Fraenkl, R Jack 0075572125 498p UG Library
370.8 GOE 00117967 Readings in Education ed by, Goel Kumar Sushil Oxford Book Company, 2014 9789350301692 xxii,215 p.: UG Library
370.8 GOE 00117968 Readings in Education ed by, Goel Kumar Sushil Oxford Book Company, 2014 9789350301692 xxii,215 p.: UG Library
370.8 GOE 00117969 Readings in Education ed by, Goel Kumar Sushil Oxford Book Company, 2014 9789350301692 xxii,215 p.: UG Library
370.8 GOE 00117970 Readings in Education ed by, Goel Kumar Sushil Oxford Book Company, 2014 9789350301692 xxii,215 p.: UG Library
370.8 GOE 00117971 Readings in Education ed by, Goel Kumar Sushil Oxford Book Company, 2014 9789350301692 xxii,215 p.: UG Library
370.8 LAB 05033473 Education of Today / Sarup Book Publishers, 2011 9788176257114 xii,178p.; Knowledge Centre
370.8 PET 05018180 The Concept of Education : Routledge, 1967 223 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.8 TRI 00133345 Education today Trivedi,P.R Jnanada prakashan, 2018 9788171398782 vi,334p.; UG Library
370.82 BAG 00079217 Pliable Pupils and Sufficient Self-Directors Bagchi, Barnita Tulika 2004 0818522983 196 p. UG Library
370.82 RAM 00110822 Cartographies Of Empoerment Ramachandaran,Vimala. Zubaan 2012 9789381017210 514 p. UG Library
370.89 LOP 00147399 Critical race theory and its critics : López, Francesca A.. Teachers College Press, 2023 9780807768075 xiii,146p. : UG Library
370.9 MIS 00113386 History of Education Administration Mishra, R. C. A.P.H Publishing Corporation 2007 9788131301081 319 p. UG Library
370.9 AGG 00117526 Landmarks in the History of Modern Indian Education Aggarwal, J.C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2013 9788125937180 x: 678p. ; UG Library
370.9 AGG 00114868 Glimpses Of World History Of Education Aggarwal, D D Sarupa and Sons 2004 8176255289 | 9788176255288 143 p. UG Library
370.9 AGG 00114867 Glimpses Of World History Of Education Aggarwal, D D Sarupa and Sons 2004 8176255289 | 9788176255288 143 p. UG Library
370.9 AGG 00114866 Glimpses Of World History Of Education Aggarwal, D D Sarupa and Sons 2004 8176255289 | 9788176255288 143 p. UG Library
370.9 AMA 00113450 History of Education Amala, P Annie Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418600 337p UG Library
370.9 ANJ 00105228 History of Education: M.Anjanappa Anmol Publications 2006 120 p. UG Library
370.9 BEA 05007458 Comparative education reader / Beauchamp, Edward R Routledge Falmer, 2003 0415930375 | 0415930369 (pbk.) xii, 452 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.9 BRO 05045048 Education around the world : Brock, Colin. Bloomsbury, 2013 9781441169402 (pbk.) | 9781441 ix, 205 pages : Knowledge Centre
370.9 CHA 00113454 Ideas of the Great Western Educators Chaube S.P. Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2002 8186804633 369 p. UG Library
370.9 CHA 00113456 Ideas of the Great Western Educators Chaube S.P. Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2002 8186804633 369 p. UG Library
370.9 CHA 00113455 Ideas of the Great Western Educators Chaube S.P. Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2002 8186804633 369 p. UG Library
370.9 COL 00133591 The educational thought Cole,Percival R Sarup book publishers pvt ltd., 2018 9789352081004 v,334p.; UG Library
370.9 CUB 00088452 History of Education Cubberley, Ellwood P Cosmo Publications 2005 9788177559538 379 p.: UG Library
370.9 CUB 00114869 The History of Education: Cubberley, P. Ellwood Cosmo Publications 2003 8177559532 | 9788177559538 736 p. UG Library
370.9 CUB 00114870 The History of Education: Cubberley, P. Ellwood Cosmo Publications 2003 8177559532 | 9788177559538 736 p. UG Library
370.9 CUB 00113390 History of Education Cubberley, Ellwood P Cosmo Publications 2005 9788177559538 379 p.: UG Library
370.9 CUB 00113389 History of Education Cubberley, Ellwood P Cosmo Publications 2005 9788177559538 379 p.: UG Library
370.9 CUB 00113385 History of Education Cubberley, Ellwood P Cosmo Publications 2005 9788177559538 379 p.: UG Library
370.9 HAN 00132033 Comparative education Hans,Nicholas Sarup book publishers pvt ltd., 2016 9789352080502 342p.; UG Library
370.9 HUA 05003537 International perspectives on education / Continuum International Pub., 2008 1847063861 (hardcover) | 97818 xiv, 203 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.9 JAM 00113437 History of Ancient Education James, William Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126121564 | 9788126121564 346 p. UG Library
370.9 JAM 00114846 History of Ancient Education James, William Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126121564 | 9788126121564 346 p. UG Library
370.9 KAU 00114794 History of Education Kaur, Nirmal Mittal Publications 2005 8170999847 | 9788170999843 1st Ed. 208 p. UG Library
370.9 KAU 00113421 History of Education Kaur, Nirmal Mittal Publications 2005 8170999847 | 9788170999843 1st Ed. 208 p. UG Library
370.9 KUM 05049188 Politics of education in Colonial India / Krishna, Kumar, Routledge, 2014 9780415728799 | 0415728797 xii, 248 pages ; Knowledge Centre
370.9 MCC 00086950 Routledge Falmer Reader in History of Education McCulloch, Gary 2005 0415345693 289 p.: UG Library
370.9 MEY 00079240 An Educational History of the Western World Meyer, Adolphe Erich, McGraw-Hill 1972 070417407 2nd ed x, 547 p. UG Library
370.9 MIS 00115830 History of Education Administration Mishra, R. C. A.P.H Publishing Corporation 2007 9788131301081 319 p. UG Library
370.9 MIS 00113464 Education Misra, Bhawna Akansha Publishing House 2004 8187606460 | 9788187606468 230 p. UG Library
370.9 MOO 00134761 Ancient Indian Education Mookerji, Radha Kumud Cosmos Publications 1999 8170208963 344 p. UG Library
370.9 MOO 00113436 Ancient Indian Education Mookerji, Radha Kumud Cosmos Publications 1999 8170208963 344 p. UG Library
370.9 MUK 00113434 Ancient Indian Education Mukhopadhyaya, Nrisinha Prasad Shipra 2004 8175411791 105 p. UG Library
370.9 NCE 00113451 Microscale Chemistry Experiments for Sr. Secondary Level Gupta H.O. National Council Of Educational Research and Training 2005 8174504656 1st Ed. 168 p. UG Library
370.9 PAL 00113449 Fifty Great Thinkers on Education Palmer, Joy A. Routledge 2004 0415231264 254 p. UG Library
370.9 PAL 00113382 Fifty Great Thinkers on Education Palmer, Joy A. Routledge 2004 0415231264 254 p. UG Library
370.9 RAO 00113422 Global Educational Stdies Rao, D. Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2001 8171416160 135 p. UG Library
370.9 RAO 00113384 Education for the 21st Century Rao, Bhaskara Digumarti Discovery Publishing House , 2001 8171413897 280 p.: UG Library
370.9 RAO 00113432 World Education Forum Rao Bhaskara,Digumarti Discovery Publishing House 2003 0817141639x 318 p. UG Library
370.9 RAO 00113418 History of Education Rao, V. K. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 9788176487054 270 p. UG Library
370.9 RAO 00113458 History of Education Rao, V. K. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 9788176487054 270 p. UG Library
370.9 RAO 00113435 History of Education Rao, V. K. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 9788176487054 270 p. UG Library
370.9 RAO 00114845 History of Education Rao, V. K. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 9788176487054 270 p. UG Library
370.9 RAO 00113465 History of Education Rao, V. K. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 9788176487054 270 p. UG Library
370.9 RAO 00113433 World Education Forum Rao Bhaskara,Digumarti Discovery Publishing House 2003 0817141639x 318 p. UG Library
370.9 RAO 00113420 Education for the 21st Century Rao, Bhaskara Digumarti Discovery Publishing House , 2001 8171413897 280 p.: UG Library
370.9 RAO 00113460 Education for the 21st Century Rao, Bhaskara Digumarti Discovery Publishing House , 2001 8171413897 280 p.: UG Library
370.9 RAVI 00120120 A Comprehensive Study of Education Ravi Samuel S PHI Learning Pvt, 2015 9788120341821 xxix, 946 p.: UG Library
370.9 RAVI 00120121 A Comprehensive Study of Education Ravi Samuel S PHI Learning Pvt, 2015 9788120341821 xxix, 946 p.: UG Library
370.9 RUH 00113448 The Doctrines Of The Great Educators Rusk, Robert R. Kanishka Publishers Distributors 2005 8173915911 189 p. UG Library
370.9 SHA 00113457 Advanced Educational Foundations for Teachers Sharpes, K. Donald Routledge Falmer 2000 0815338619 | 9780815338611 522 p. UG Library
370.9 SHA 00114865 History And Problems Of Education Sharma, Yogendra K Kanishka Publishers 2001 8173915938 408p UG Library
370.9 SHA 00114864 History And Problems Of Education Sharma, Yogendra K Kanishka Publishers 2001 8173915938 408p UG Library
370.9 SHA 00133046 Encyclopedia of history of world educational thought Sharma,Anita ABD publishers, 2019 9788183766210 viii,252p.; UG Library
370.9 SHI 05046426 Globalization and international education / Shields, Robin, Bloomsbury, 2013 9781441135766 (pbk. : alk. pap xii, 139 pages ; Knowledge Centre
370.9 SWA 00123508 Comparative Education Swami, Sumitra Centrum Press, 2014 9789350843673 306 p:. UG Library
370.9 TAL 00113462 Managing Educational Challenges Talesra, Hemlata Authors Press 2005 8172732058 | 9788172732059 349 p. UG Library
370.9 VAS 00113383 History of Educational Administration Vashist, S. R. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126120827 415 p. UG Library
370.9 VEN 00113463 Education in Information Age Venkataiah S. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2005 8126121947 | 9788126121946 270 p. UG Library
370.9 VEN 00113387 Contemporary Education Venkataiah, S. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2005 8126121939 284 p. UG Library
370.903 MON 00114874 Encyclopaedia Of Great Thinkers On Education Monroe, Paul Cosmo Publications 2003 8177553879 306p UG Library
370.903 MON 00114877 Encyclopaedia Of Great Thinkers On Education Monroe, Paul Cosmo Publications 2003 8177553879 306p UG Library
370.903 MON 00114875 Encyclopaedia Of Great Thinkers On Education Monroe, Paul Cosmo Publications 2003 8177553879 306p UG Library
370.903 MON 00114876 Encyclopaedia Of Great Thinkers On Education Monroe, Paul Cosmo Publications 2003 8177553879 306p UG Library
370.91340954 WOO 03006663 Leaving Microsoft to change the world : Wood, John Collins, 2006 9780061121081 278p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
370.91724 BRA 00129057 The promise of a pencil / Braun, Adam Scribner 2014 9781476730639 254p. UG Library
370.9173 ROD 00130064 What is it about me you can't teach? : Rodriguez, Eleanor Renée. Corwin, 2017 9781506345642 (pbk. : alk. pap Third edition. xx, 303 p.: UG Library
370.9173 WOO 00096957 Leaving Microsoft to Change the World : Wood John Collins, 9780007237036 278 p. UG Library
370.91732 SCH 05056714 Questioning assumptions and challenging perceptions : Schaffer, Connie L., Rowman & Littlefield, 2016 9781475822021 (cloth : alk. pa xv, 95 pages : Knowledge Centre
370.91734 YUC 05058463 Developing support systems for rural teachers' continuing professional development / Sage, 2015 9789351501206 (hardback : alk. vi, 255 pages : Knowledge Centre
370.917340954 SHR 00134273 Education for Rural Reconstruction: Shriram Naik, V., Astha Publishers & Distributors,, 2018 9789385330223 240 p.; UG Library
370.92 KRI 00091986 To be Sure Teaching Krishnamacharyulu V. Neelkamal Publications Pvt Ltd 2008 9788183161633 | 9788183161633 255 p. UG Library
370.92 PAR 00113459 Becoming a Teacher Parkay, Forrest W. Allyn And Bacon 1998 0205316867 | 9780205316861 622 p. UG Library
370.92 WAS 07008762 Up from slavery : Washington, Booker T., Norton, 1996 0393967255 (pbk.) | 9780393967 1st ed. xi, 262 p. : Library - BR Campus
370.92 WAS 00110156 Up from slavery Washington, Booker T., Dover Publications, 1995 0486287386 (pbk.) | 9780486287 vii, 166 p. ; UG Library
370.92 WAS 00106492 Up from slavery Washington, Booker T., Dover Publications, 1995 0486287386 (pbk.) | 9780486287 vii, 166 p. ; UG Library
370.92 WAS 07005296 Up from slavery Washington, Booker T., Dover Publications, 1995 0486287386 (pbk.) | 9780486287 vii, 166 p. ; Library - BR Campus
370.92 WES 01012698 The Education of Booker T. Washington: West,Michael Rudolph columbia University Press 9780231130493 281p.; Knowledge Centre
370.922 GEO 00105247 world great educators Cynthia,George. Anomol Publications 2007 9798126131111 vii,285 p. UG Library
370.922 JHA 00111251 World Great Educationists Jha Rodrick Sanjay Centrum Press, 2013 9789381460948 x, 310 p.: UG Library
370.922 SUZ 05072343 The Routledge encyclopedia of modern asian educators : Routledge, 2021 9781138933613 | 9780367617240 xiii, 422p.; Knowledge Centre
370.922 TAN 00133594 World great educationists Taneja,C;.B ABD piblishers, 2019 9788183766418 x,310p.; UG Library
370.922 TAN 00144474 Educational Thinkers / Taneja, V R. Atlantic, 2022 9788171561124 176p, ; UG Library
370.94 DAS 00113466 A New Appraoch to Teacher & Education in the Emerging Indian Society Dash, B. N. Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804943 559 p. UG Library
370.94 RAO 00114852 European Education and Teachers Rao, D, Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2003 8171417027 245 p UG Library
370.94 RAO 00113438 European Education and Teachers Rao, Dr Digumarti Bhsskara Discovery Publishing House 2003 8171417027 245p UG Library
370.941 ECC 05007469 The dangerous rise of therapeutic education / Ecclestone, Kathryn. Routledge, 2009 9780415397001 (hdbk. : alk. pa xviii, 182 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.941 KAS 00106613 Exploring key issues in education / Kassem,Derek. Continuum, 2009 9781847060846 (pbk.) | 9781847 x, 183 p. ; UG Library
370.941 MAT 00123449 An Introduction to the Study of Education Matheson, David Routledge, 2015 9780415623100 4th edi. xiii, 445 p:. UG Library
370.941 MCA 00108738 Learning In and Out of School : MacBeath, John E. C. Routledge, 2012 9780415692960 | 9780415692960 x. 191 p. UG Library
370.942 CHA 00110694 Education And Economics/ Chattopadhyay, Saumen Oxford University Press 2012 9780198082255 1st Ed. 334p. UG Library
370.942 GOR 05018173 Philosophers as Education Reformers : Gordon Peter Routledge, 1979 9780415564748 xiv,314 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.95 4 RAO 00113514 Education System Rao, V. K. A.P.H . Publishing Corporation 2004 8176484881 426 p. UG Library
370.951 YON 00136888 Analects of the new education of China: Zhu, Yongxin McGraw Hill education. 2016 9780071843751 viii,406p.; UG Library
370.954 AGG 00113478 Development and Planning of Modern Education Aggarwal J.C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ld 2004 0812591367 | 9788125913672 8th Ed. 560 p. UG Library
370.954 AGG 00113476 Development and Planning of Modern Education Aggarwal J.C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ld 2004 0812591367 | 9788125913672 8th Ed. 560 p. UG Library
370.954 ASL 00116530 The Challenge of Education and Training Aslam, M. Concept Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., 2013 9788180699696 xi: 194p.: UG Library
370.954 CHO 01004094 Educational Regimes in Contemporary India (law Library) Radhika Chopra Sage Publications 0761933492 346 p. Knowledge Centre
370.954 DAS 00133706 Development of educational system in india Dash,B.N Dominant publishers and distributors pvt ltd., 2018 9789384161057 410p.; UG Library
370.954 DAS 00057316 Teacher and Education in the Emerging Indian Society Dash B. N. Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804587 431 p.: UG Library
370.954 KSH 00133589 Research in educational statistics O.M.Kshirsagar ABD publishers, 2019 9788183766333 viii,279p.; UG Library
370.954 SAT 00125937 New Trends in Teaching and Learning Satav S. Satish Ishika Publishing House, 2017 9789385302404 vii. 312 p.: UG Library
370.954 SEL 05032467 Women Empowerment and Education / Selvam,S.K.Paneer. Discovery Publishing House, 2013 9789350563106 117p.; Knowledge Centre
370.954 SHA 05033468 History and Development of Education In Modern India / Sarup Book Publications, 2011 9788176257428 v.; Knowledge Centre
370.954 SHA 05033469 History and Development of Education In Modern India / Sarup Book Publications, 2011 9788176257428 v.; Knowledge Centre
370.954 SHA 05033470 History and Development of Education In Modern India / Sarup Book Publications, 2011 9788176257428 v.; Knowledge Centre
370.954 SHA 05033471 History and Development of Education In Modern India / Sarup Book Publications, 2011 9788176257428 v.; Knowledge Centre
370.954 SHA 05033472 History and Development of Education In Modern India / Sarup Book Publications, 2011 9788176257428 v.; Knowledge Centre
370.954 SHA 00146268 History of Education in India Sharma, Ram Nath Atlantic, 2022 9788171565993 442p. ; UG Library
370.954 SHA 05033456 HIstory and Development of Education In Modern India / Sarup Book Publishers, 2012 9788176257855 5 v.; Knowledge Centre
370.954 SHA 05033457 HIstory and Development of Education In Modern India / Sarup Book Publishers, 2012 9788176257855 5 v.; Knowledge Centre
370.954 SHA 05033458 HIstory and Development of Education In Modern India / Sarup Book Publishers, 2012 9788176257855 5 v.; Knowledge Centre
370.954 SHA 05033459 HIstory and Development of Education In Modern India / Sarup Book Publishers, 2012 9788176257855 5 v.; Knowledge Centre
370.954 SHA 05033460 HIstory and Development of Education In Modern India / Sarup Book Publishers, 2012 9788176257855 5 v.; Knowledge Centre
370.954 TAJ 00144355 Current Challenges in Education Taj, Haseen Neelkamal Publications 2005 8183160204 466 p. UG Library
370.954 ADV 00091379 Schooling the National Imagination: Advani,Shalini Oxford University press 9780198062752 205p.; UG Library
370.954 AGG 00113372 Educational Reforms in India for the 21st Century Aggarwal, J. C. Shipra Publications 2004 0817541202 218 p. UG Library
370.954 AGG 00113479 Modern Indian Education Aggarwal, J. C. Shipra Publications 2004 8175410876 206 p. UG Library
370.954 AGG 00113469 Landmarks in the History of Modern Indian Education Aggarwal, J. C. Vikas 2004 8125916148 | 9788125916147 5th Ed. 560 p. UG Library
370.954 AGG 00022145 Development and Planning of Modern Education Aggarwal, J. C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1982 0706915704 424 p. UG Library
370.954 AGG 00114726 Development and Planning of Modern Education Aggarwal J.C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ld 2004 0812591367 | 9788125913672 8th Ed. 560 p. UG Library
370.954 AGG 00113472 Development and Planning of Modern Education Aggarwal J.C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ld 2004 0812591367 | 9788125913672 8th Ed. 560 p. UG Library
370.954 AGG 00113477 Development and Planning of Modern Education Aggarwal J.C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ld 2004 0812591367 | 9788125913672 8th Ed. 560 p. UG Library
370.954 AGG 00113473 Development and Planning of Modern Education Aggarwal J.C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ld 2004 0812591367 | 9788125913672 8th Ed. 560 p. UG Library
370.954 AGG 00113470 Landmarks in the History of Modern Indian Education Aggarwal, J. C. Vikas 2004 8125916148 | 9788125916147 5th Ed. 560 p. UG Library
370.954 AGG 00114722 Landmarks in the History of Modern Indian Education Aggarwal, J. C. Vikas 2004 8125916148 | 9788125916147 5th Ed. 560 p. UG Library
370.954 AGG 00113475 Landmarks in the History of Modern Indian Education Aggarwal, J. C. Vikas 2004 8125916148 | 9788125916147 5th Ed. 560 p. UG Library
370.954 AGG 00079611 Landmarks in the History of Modern Indian Education Aggarwal, J. C. Vikas 2004 8125916148 | 9788125916147 5th Ed. 560 p. UG Library
370.954 AGR 00113453 Development of Educational System in India Agrawal, A. K. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126122552 | 9788126122554 382 p. UG Library
370.954 AHL 00113468 Education Ahluwalia, S. P. Ashish Publishing House 2004 0817024479 157 p. UG Library
370.954 ANI 00062090 Village, Caste and Education Anitha, B. K. Rawat Publications 2000 8170335753 238 p. UG Library
370.954 BEN 00091963 Schooling India: Benei Veronique Permanent Black 9788178242637 346p UG Library
370.954 BEN 01012483 Schooling India: Benei,Veronique Permanent Black 9788178242637 346p.; Knowledge Centre
370.954 BHA 00144479 Foundations of Education / Bhattacharya, Srinibas. Atlantic, 2022 9788171566518 vi,362p, ; UG Library
370.954 BHA 00113452 Modern Indian Education Bhatt, B. D. Kanishka Publishers 1995 8173917523 2nd Ed. 303 p. UG Library
370.954 BHA 00113474 Modern Indian Education Bhatt, B. D. Kanishka Publishers 1995 8173917523 2nd Ed. 303 p. UG Library
370.954 BHA 00113471 Educating the Nation Bhattacharya, Sabyasachi Kanishka Publishers Distributors 2003 9788173915840 405 p. UG Library
370.954 BHA 00113480 Contested Terrain: Perpectives on Education in India Bhattacharya, Sabyasachi Orient Longman Publications 8125014292 446p UG Library
370.954 BOR 00131377 The progress of education in India / Borooah, Vani Kant. PalgraveMacmillian, 2017 9783319548548 xvi,158p.; UG Library
370.954 CHA 00113507 Education in Ancient and Medieval India Chaube, S. P. Vikas Publishing House 2004 8125904352 | 9788125904359 255 p. UG Library
370.954 CHA 00114721 Education in Ancient and Medieval India Chaube, S. P. Vikas Publishing House 2004 8125904352 | 9788125904359 255 p. UG Library
370.954 CHA 00113485 Educational Ideals of the Great in India Chaube, S. P. Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2002 8186804625 1st Ed. 296 p. UG Library
370.954 CHA 00113510 Development of Education System in India Chand, Tara Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126116617 | 9798126116613 234 p. UG Library
370.954 CHA 00113487 Education in Ancient and Medieval India Chaube, S. P. Vikas Publishing House 2004 8125904352 | 9788125904359 255 p. UG Library
370.954 CHA 00113688 Education in Ancient and Medieval India Chaube, S. P. Vikas Publishing House 2004 8125904352 | 9788125904359 255 p. UG Library
370.954 CHA 00114731 Development of Education System in India Chand, Tara Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126116617 | 9798126116613 234 p. UG Library
370.954 CHA 00113509 Development of Education System in India Chand, Tara Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126116617 | 9798126116613 234 p. UG Library
370.954 CHA 00113508 Development of Education System in India Chand, Tara Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126116617 | 9798126116613 234 p. UG Library
370.954 CHA 00113484 Educational Ideals of the Great in India Chaube, S. P. Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2002 8186804625 1st Ed. 296 p. UG Library
370.954 CHA 00113490 Modern Indian Education Chauhan, C. P. S. New Delhi 2004 8173916411 353 p. UG Library
370.954 CHA 00113486 Modern Issues in Education Chakrabarti, Mohit Kanishka Publishers 2005 8173915865 128p UG Library
370.954 CHA 00113585 Development of Education System in India Chand, Tara Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126116617 233 UG Library
370.954 CHA 00137923 Contemporary India and Education / Chalwadi,Shankarappa H. Current Publications, 2020 9788194196815 248p.; UG Library
370.954 CHO 01008123 Educational Regimes in Contemporary India (law Library) Radhika Chopra Sage Publications 0761933492 346 p. Knowledge Centre
370.954 CHO 00114725 Educational Regimes In Contemporary India Chopra, Radhika Sage 2005 9780761933489 346p UG Library
370.954 CLA 00053923 Teaching and Learning Clarke, Prema Sage Publications 2001 0761995471 | 9780761995470 228 p. UG Library
370.954 CRO 00088384 Transmission of Knowledge in South Crook, Nigel 0195654315 336p UG Library
370.954 DAN 00123697 Innovative Educational Methods Dangwal, Kiran Lata New Delhi Publishers, 2011 9789381274057 xi, 223 p:. UG Library
370.954 DAN 00113493 Educational Scenaraio Dandapani S. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2003 0812611553 | 9788126115532 306 p. UG Library
370.954 DAN 00113494 Educational Scenaraio Dandapani S. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2003 0812611553 | 9788126115532 306 p. UG Library
370.954 DAS 00093105 English education and the question of Indian Nationalism: Dash Santosh Aakar 9788189833640 175p UG Library
370.954 DAS 00093056 English education and the question of indian nationalism Dash, Santosh Aakar books 2010 9788189833640 175 p.: UG Library
370.954 DAS 00113491 Teacher and Education in the Emerging Indian Society Dash B. N. Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804587 431 p.: UG Library
370.954 DAS 00133572 Development of educational system in india Dash,B.N Dominant publishers and distributors pvt ltd., 2018 9789384161057 410p.; UG Library
370.954 DAS 00113481 Trends and Issues in Indian Education Dash, B N Dominant 2004 458p UG Library
370.954 DAS 00106408 Theories of education & education in the emerging Indian society Dash.B. N. Dominant Publishers and Distributors. 2010 9788178881553 795 p. UG Library
370.954 DAS 00119806 Trends & Issues in Indian Education B.N. Dash DominantPublishers, 2004 9789382007029 467 p.: UG Library
370.954 DAY 00113492 Educational Planning and Development Dayal, Brijkishore Dominant Publishers & Distributors 2004 9788178882710 302 p. UG Library
370.954 DEV 05062562 The crisis within : Devy, G. N., Aleph Book Company, 2017 9789383064106 xiii,130 pages ; Knowledge Centre
370.954 DEV 00124579 Tribal Education in India Serials Publications, 2016 9788183877701 xxi, 426.: UG Library
370.954 DHA 00113495 Issues in Indian Education Dhawan M. L. Isha Books 2005 8182051614 297 p. UG Library
370.954 DHA 00113483 Education Status in India Dhawan M.L. Isha Books 2005 8182051606 299 p. UG Library
370.954 DHA 00113482 Issues in Indian Education Dhawan M. L. Isha Books 2005 8182051614 297 p. UG Library
370.954 DIG 00113489 Reforming School Education Rao, Digumarti Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 1998 8171414036 565 p. UG Library
370.954 FRA 00113467 Village Education in India Fraser A. G. Mittal Publications 2003 210 p. UG Library
370.954 GAR 00113522 Educational Documents in Free India Garg B. R. The Associated Publishers 2004 495 p. UG Library
370.954 GHO 00113499 The Concept of Secular Education in India Ghosh,Mukthishree B. R. Publishing Corporation 1991 8170186293 | 9788176464314 364 p. UG Library
370.954 GHO 00100051 The History of Education in Ancient India : Ghosh, Suresh Chandra Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 9788121509769 ix, 172 p. UG Library
370.954 GHO 00061396 History of Education in Modern India 1757 - 1998 Ghosh, Chandra Suresh Orient Longman Publications 2000 8125018654 | 9788125018650 237 p. UG Library
370.954 GHO 00107737 The history of education in modern India, 1757-2007 Ghosh,Suresh Chandra. Orient Longman, 2000 9788125035244 3rd Edition viii, 237 p. ; UG Library
370.954 GHO 07010245 History of Education in India Ghosh, Suresh C. Rawat Publications 2007 8131601617 | 9788131601105 526 p. Library - BR Campus
370.954 GHO 07004373 The history of education in modern India 1757-2012 Ghosh, Suresh Chandra Orient Blackswan Private Limited 2013 9788125052623 4th ed. 397p. Library - BR Campus
370.954 GHO 00142831 Education in India: Ghosh,Tapan Kumar Serials publications pvt ltd., 2021 9789391844226 xv,393p.; UG Library
370.954 GHO 00086495 History of Education in India Ghosh, Suresh C. Rawat Publications 2007 8131601617 | 9788131601105 526 p. UG Library
370.954 GHO 00088647 History of Education in India Ghosh, Suresh C. Rawat Publications 2007 8131601617 | 9788131601105 526 p. UG Library
370.954 GHO 00123305 The history of education in modern India 1757-2012 Ghosh, Suresh Chandra Orient Blackswan Private Limited 2013 9788125052623 4th ed. 397p. UG Library
370.954 GHO 00091975 The history of education in modern India, 1757-2007 Ghosh,Suresh Chandra. Orient Longman, 2000 9788125035244 3rd Edition viii, 237 p. ; UG Library
370.954 GHO 05009626 The history of education in modern India, 1757-2007 Ghosh,Suresh Chandra. Orient Longman, 2000 9788125035244 3rd Edition viii, 237 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.954 GOE 00114729 Ancient Sanskrit Wisdom Goel, Aruna Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 8176296287 | 9788176296281 286p UG Library
370.954 GOE 00114728 Ancient Sanskrit Wisdom Goel, Aruna Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 8176296287 | 9788176296281 286p UG Library
370.954 GUP 05041138 Redrawing India : Gupta Kovid Random House Publishers India Pvt Ltd, 2014 9788184005639 xxiii,261p.: Knowledge Centre
370.954 GUP 00111264 Creeds of Education: Gupta, Puvvada Viswanadha. Discovery Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2013 9789350563199 287p.; UG Library
370.954 HOR 00113501 Understanding Educational Reform Horn Jr, Raymond A. Abc Clio 2002 9791576078081 338 p. UG Library
370.954 JAN 00113526 Curriculum Trends Janesick, Valerie J. A B C Clio 2003 9791851094614 233 p. UG Library
370.954 JHA 00125934 Dimensions of Education ed by, Jha Kumar Arbind Renu Publishers, 2016 9789385502088 x, 484 p.: UG Library
370.954 JOS 00113525 Education in India: Scope and Scenario Joshi, Rajni Atlantic 9788126909421 155p UG Library
370.954 KIN 00113498 The Political Economy of Education in India Kingdon,Geeta Oxford University Press 2003 9780195663143 283 p. UG Library
370.954 KSH 00133722 Research in educational statistics Kshirsagar,O.M ABD publishers, 2019 9788183766333 viii,279p.; UG Library
370.954 KUM 01020037 Education in colonial india : Kumar, Deepak Manohar Publishers & Distributors, 2013 9788173049873 | 8173049874 450 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.954 KUM 00067548 How To Develop World Class Students from Our Schools and Colleges Kumar, Jagdish English Edition Publisher 2005 8189066463 213 p. UG Library
370.954 KUM 00079027 The Politics of Gender, Community, and Modernity Kumar, Nita Oxford Iniversity Press 2007 0195682734 | 9780195682731 345 p. UG Library
370.954 KUM 00113496 Current Trends in Indian Education Kumar, Ashok Ashish Publishing House 2004 8176487783 327 p. UG Library
370.954 KUM 00113553 Current Trends in Indian Education Kumar, Ashok Ashish Publishing House 2004 8176487783 327 p. UG Library
370.954 KUM 00127627 Education, conflict and peace / Kumar, Krishna. Orient BlackSwan, 2016 9788125062479 xv, 101 p. UG Library
370.954 KUM 00097944 School Education in India New Century Publications; 9788177082265 316p UG Library
370.954 KUM 01005494 POLITICS OF GENDER, COMMUNITY AND MODERNITY (LAW LIBRARY) Nita Kumar OXFORD 0195682734 345p Knowledge Centre
370.954 KUM 01005493 POLITICS OF GENDER, COMMUNITY AND MODERNITY (LAW LIBRARY) Nita Kumar OXFORD 0195682734 345p Knowledge Centre
370.954 LIN 00059357 An Enquiry into the Impact of Foreign Countries on the System of Education in India Since 1947 Lingajammanni, A. Mysore University 1979 134 p. UG Library
370.954 LOK 01021780 Perspectives of Tribal Education / Lokhande,Dhanajay. Discovery Publishing House, 2014 9789350564820 236p.; Knowledge Centre
370.954 MAI 05073102 Educating youth : Maithreyi R. Sage, 2021 9789391370039 xiv,275p.; Knowledge Centre
370.954 MAI 10001420 Educating youth : Maithreyi R. Sage, 2021 9789391370039 xiv,275p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
370.954 MAT 00114851 Caste and Educational Development Mathur, M. L. Kalpaz Publications 2005 8178351234 236 p. UG Library
370.954 MAT 00113523 Caste and Educational Development Mathur, M. L. Kalpaz Publications 2005 8178351234 236 p. UG Library
370.954 MIS 00107467 Trends In Education Mishra B.K. R.Lall.Book Depot 2008 320 P. UG Library
370.954 MOH 00113502 Modern Trends in India Education Mohanty, Jagannath Deep & Deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 8176295493 | 9788176295499 2nd Ed. 539p. UG Library
370.954 MOH 00113512 Primary and Elementary Education Mohanty, Jagannath Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 8176293725 762p UG Library
370.954 MOH 00124587 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on Education B.R. Publishing Corporation, 2016 9789350502389 ix, 207 p.: | ix, 402 p.: UG Library
370.954 MOH 00124588 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on Education B.R. Publishing Corporation, 2016 9789350502389 ix, 207 p.: | ix, 402 p.: UG Library
370.954 MUH 00113506 Education and Politics Muhammad, Shan A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2000 8176482757 300 p. UG Library
370.954 MUK 00113503 Gandhian Education Mukalel, Joseph C. Discovery Publishing House 2003 8171412149 274 p. UG Library
370.954 MUN 00113513 Indian Education Muniruddin Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126120711 | 9788126120710 382 p. UG Library
370.954 MUN 00113504 Indian Education Muniruddin Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126120711 | 9788126120710 382 p. UG Library
370.954 MUR 00113497 Education, Health and Housing in India: Some Aspects Murthy, S. RBSA Publishers 2004 8176112135 | 9788176112130 200 p. UG Library
370.954 MUT. 00098222 Educational innovations and management/ Muthuja Babu Centrum Press; 9789380252087 vii:280 p. UG Library
370.954 NAI 00053051 A Students History of Education in India 1800-1973 Naik J.P. Macmillan India Ltd 1995 0333900766 495 p. UG Library
370.954 NAY 00119779 Education in emerging indian society Nayak B K Axis Publications 2014 9789380376233 3rd ed, 481p. UG Library
370.954 NAY 00124981 Education in emerging indian society Nayak B K Axis Publications 2014 9789380376233 3rd ed, 481p. UG Library
370.954 NCE 00114723 Sixth All India Educational Survey National Council Of Educational Research And Training NATIONAL BOOK TRUST 1999 413p UG Library
370.954 NCE 00114857 Sixth All India Educational Survey National Council Of Educational Research And Training NATIONAL BOOK TRUST 1999 413p UG Library
370.954 PAN 00113557 Development Strategies in Modern Indian Education Pandey, R.S. Kanishka Publishers 2004 8173915881 308 p. UG Library
370.954 PAT 00113558 History, Development and Contemporary Problems of Indian Education Pathak, R P Kanishka Publishers 8173919380 160p UG Library
370.954 PAT 00113549 Statistics in Educational Research Pathak, R P Kanishka Publishers 9788173919688 142p UG Library
370.954 PAW 00113542 Teacher In Emerging Indian Society Pawar N.G. Book Enclave 2004 9788181520692 221 p.: UG Library
370.954 PAW 00113555 Development of Educational System in India Pawar N. G. Book Enclave 2004 8181520750 | 9788181520753 199 p. UG Library
370.954 PAW 00113550 Development of Educational System in India Pawar N. G. Book Enclave 2004 8181520750 | 9788181520753 199 p. UG Library
370.954 PAW 00113556 Development of Educational System in India Pawar N. G. Book Enclave 2004 8181520750 | 9788181520753 199 p. UG Library
370.954 PIL 00108999 Bridging the gap Pillai,Latha SAGE ; | Indira Gandhi National Open University, 2011 9788132107521 | 8132107527 (hb xvii, 133 p. ; UG Library
370.954 PRA 05073218 Revisiting Issues and Concerns in Higher Education : Prakash, Ved. Vidyavani, 2021 9788194731641 xxvi, 377p, ; Knowledge Centre
370.954 PRA 00128322 Modern Indian Eudcation and its Problems Prasad, Amrit Swastik Publications 2017 272 p. : UG Library
370.954 PRA 00113515 Panorama of Indian Education Prasad, Janardan Kanishka 2008 9788184570526 384p UG Library
370.954 PRA 05073529 Most bitten bytes on education : Praveen, Chandrasekharan. 24by7 Publishing, 2021 9789390537334 233p, ; Knowledge Centre
370.954 PRO 00046656 Public Report on Basic Education in India The Probe Team Oxford University Press 1999 0195648706 156 p. UG Library
370.954 PRU 00113537 Education In Modern India Pruthi, R. K. Sonali Publications 2005 8188836664 293 p. UG Library
370.954 PRU 00113539 Education in Medieval India Pruthi, R. K. Sonali Publications 2005 8188836656 210 p. UG Library
370.954 PUN 00113554 Managerial Skills in Educational Administration: Role of Organisational Climat Eand Personality Factors Punia, Vandana Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 8176295833 200p UG Library
370.954 QUR 00113551 Education for All in the New Millennium Qureshi, Muniruddin Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126117656 | 9788126117659 302 p. UG Library
370.954 QUR 00113559 Education for All in the New Millennium Qureshi, Muniruddin Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126117656 | 9788126117659 302 p. UG Library
370.954 QUR 00113524 Education for All in the New Millennium Qureshi, Muniruddin Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126117656 | 9788126117659 302 p. UG Library
370.954 RAG 01012510 Recommendations of Kothari Commission Raghuram,R.K Crescent publisheng Corporation 9788183421492 286p.; Knowledge Centre
370.954 RAI 00113535 Education in Emerging Indian Society Gupta, Rainu Jagdamba Publishing 2000 8188780138 460 p.: UG Library
370.954 RAI 00113521 Education in Emerging Indian Society Gupta, Rainu Jagdamba Publishing 2000 8188780138 460 p.: UG Library
370.954 RAI 00113536 Education in Emerging Indian Society Gupta, Rainu Jagdamba Publishing 2000 8188780138 460 p.: UG Library
370.954 RAM 00129105 History of Indian Education Ramrao Bobade, Bhujang B.R. Publishing Corporation, 2017 9789386223074 330 p. : UG Library
370.954 RAO 00113528 Education in India Rao,Bhaskara Dogumarti A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2000 8176482072 259 p. UG Library
370.954 RAO 00113516 Current Trends in Indian Education Rao, Digumarti Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171413110 224 p. UG Library
370.954 RAO 00114871 Education in India. Rao Veeramachaneni Venkateswara Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418589 | 8182051622 341 p, UG Library
370.954 RAO 00113530 Teacher Education in India Rao, Digumarti Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2001 8171414060 412 p. UG Library
370.954 RAO 00112955 Stage Wise Progress of Education in India / Rao Pulla D Madhav Books, 2012 9789380615103 | 9789380615103 xxxiv, 268 p ; UG Library
370.954 RAO 00113520 Education in India Rao, Mr. Veeramachaneni Venkateswara Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418589 341 p. UG Library
370.954 RAO 00113552 National Policy on Education Rao, Digumarti Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171414265 528 p. UG Library
370.954 RAO 00113531 Teacher Education in India Rao, Digumarti Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2001 8171414060 412 p. UG Library
370.954 RAO 00113517 Education in India Rao, Mr. Veeramachaneni Venkateswara Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418589 341 p. UG Library
370.954 RAO 00113518 Education for All Rao Veeramachaneni Venkateswara Sonali Publications 2004 8188836303 306 p. UG Library
370.954 RAO 00113532 Global Educational Studies Rao, Digumarti Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2001 8171416160 135 p. UG Library
370.954 RAO 05069025 Beyond macaulay : Rao, Parimala V. Routledge, 2020 9780367463878 x, 260p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.954 RAO 00111258 Role of Education in Economic development/ Rao, D. Pulla. Abhijeet Publications, 2012 9789350740071 xix:356p.; UG Library
370.954 RAO 00113519 Education System Rao, V. K. A.P.H . Publishing Corporation 2004 8176484881 426 p. UG Library
370.954 RAO 00114719 Teacher Education in India Rao, Digumarti Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2001 8171414060 412 p. UG Library
370.954 RAO 00113505 Teacher Education in India Rao, Digumarti Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2001 8171414060 412 p. UG Library
370.954 RAO 00113543 Current Trends in Indian Education Rao, Digumarti Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171413110 224 p. UG Library
370.954 RAO 00113529 National Policy on Education Rao, Digumarti Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171414265 528 p. UG Library
370.954 RAT 00113540 Development of Education System in India Rather A. R. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418163 212 p. UG Library
370.954 RAT 00113511 Development of Education System in India Rather A. R. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418163 212 p. UG Library
370.954 RAT 00113538 Development of Education System in India Rather A. R. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418163 212 p. UG Library
370.954 RAT 00113544 Development of Education System in India Rather A. R. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418163 212 p. UG Library
370.954 RAT 00113541 Development of Education System in India Rather A. R. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418163 212 p. UG Library
370.954 RED 05047471 Methods of Modern Education : Reddy, Vidya Sagar SBW Publishers, 2014 viii, 328 p. Knowledge Centre
370.954 RED 00123642 Philosophical and Sociological Perspectives on Education Reddy, G Vidya Sagar Astha Publishers and Distributors, 2016 9789382126782 248 p:. UG Library
370.954 RED 00134277 Methods of modern education : changing perspective Vidya Sagar Reddy, G. SBW Publishers, 2014 9788185708287 viii,328 p.; UG Library
370.954 SAL 00123903 Education and Social Sector Saleem Imran Regal Publications, 2012 9788184841817 xvii,590 p." UG Library
370.954 SAN 00112384 Education, philosophy, and practice / Sanyal Indrani Published by Decent Books in association with Centre for Sri Aurobindo Studies, Jadavpur University, Kolkata : | Distributed by D.K. Printworld, 2011 9788186921562 | 8186921567 x, 347 p. ; UG Library
370.954 SAR 00113566 Educational Reform: a Self- Scrutinizing Memoir Sarason, Seymour B Teachers College Press 2002 292p UG Library
370.954 SAT 00114099 Trends in Education Satija, B. R. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2003 8174881832 | 9788174881830 536 p. UG Library
370.954 SEN 00002090 Progress of Education in Free India Sen, N.b New Book Society 300 p UG Library
370.954 SHA 00113547 Handbook of Vedic Education Sharma, Urmila Shubhi Publications 2002 0818722696x 1st Ed. 261 p. UG Library
370.954 SHA 00114691 Indian Educational At The Cross Road Sharma, R N Shubhi Publications 2002 8187226633 272p UG Library
370.954 SHA 00113565 History of Education Sharma, Seema Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126120983 | 9788126120987 345 p. UG Library
370.954 SHA 00113569 National Policy on Education and Programme of Implementation Sharma R. C. Mangal Deep Publications 2004 8175940867 360 p. UG Library
370.954 SHA 00099142 Human Resource Development In Schools Sharma, Deepak A P H Publishing Corporation, 9788131306680 vii, 226 p. UG Library
370.954 SHA 00141882 Educational status of scheduled tribes: Shah,Ghanshyam Rawat publications, 2020 9788131611449 x,397p.; UG Library
370.954 SHA 00141883 Educational Status of Scheduled castes : Shah,Ghanshyam. Rawat Publications, 2020 9788131611456 x,352p.; UG Library
370.954 SHA 00113545 The Doctrines of the Great Indian Educators Sharma, Yogendra K. Kanishka Publishers 2004 8173915989 2nd Ed. 371 p. UG Library
370.954 SHA 00134332 School Education in Contemporary India: Sharmista, Dr. Akhand Publishing House: 2018 9789381416518 ix, 168p, : UG Library
370.954 SHA 00113562 The Doctrines of the Great Indian Educators Sharma, Yogendra K. Kanishka Publishers 2004 8173915989 2nd Ed. 371 p. UG Library
370.954 SHA 00144477 History of education in India / Sharma, R N. Atlantic, 2022 9788171565993 vi,442p,; UG Library
370.954 SHA 00113419 History of Education Sharma, Seema Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126120983 | 9788126120987 345 p. UG Library
370.954 SHA 00112243 History of Education in India Sharma, Ram N Atlantic 2004 8171566006 | 9788171566006 343p UG Library
370.954 SHA 00137426 Not just grades : Sharma, Rajeev Penguin Random House India Pvt ltd.., 2018 9780670090716 xvi, 389 pages : UG Library
370.954 SHA 00113568 History Of Indian Education Sharma Bharti Vohrapublishers & Distributors 2004 9788178890562 312 p. UG Library
370.954 SHA 00138022 Problems of education / Sharma,Promila. A P H Publishing Corporation, 2020 9788176489034 336p.; UG Library
370.954 SHA 00113534 B.Ed Guide: Sharma, Bharti Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 0812611780 800 p.: UG Library
370.954 SHA 00113546 The Doctrines Of The Great Western Educators Sharma, Yogendra K. Kanishka Publishers 2004 8173915997 2nd Ed. 509 p. UG Library
370.954 SHA 00088158 History of Education in India Sharma, Ram N Atlantic 2004 8171566006 | 9788171566006 343p UG Library
370.954 SHA 00114732 B.Ed Guide: Sharma, Bharti Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 0812611780 800 p.: UG Library
370.954 SHA 00113567 Problems of Education in India Sharma, Ram Nath Atlantic Publishers And Distributors 2004 0817156612x 438 p. UG Library
370.954 SHA 00114720 The Doctrines of the Great Indian Educators Sharma, Yogendra K. Kanishka Publishers 2004 8173915989 2nd Ed. 371 p. UG Library
370.954 SHO 00053925 Learning and Freedom Shotton, John Robert Sage Publications 1998 8170366755 210 p. UG Library
370.954 SHU 00014174 Kothari Commossion Report Shukla, U.C. Prakashan Kendra 1975 122 p. UG Library
370.954 SIN 00113570 National Policy on Education Singh,Chitrangada Dominant Publishers & Distributors 2004 9788178882758 306 p. UG Library
370.954 SIN 00113563 National Policy on Education Singh,Chitrangada Dominant Publishers & Distributors 2004 9788178882758 306 p. UG Library
370.954 SIN 05023211 Fundamentals of Educational Management / Singh, H M Vikas Publishing house pvt ltd, 1995 xxz,216p.; Knowledge Centre
370.954 SIN 00113548 Teacher Educational in Turmoil Singh, R. P. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2004 8120724313 | 9788120724310 278 p. UG Library
370.954 SIN 00113533 Education and Human Resource Development Jyoti Singh Deep & Deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 8176295825 | 9788176295826 169 p. UG Library
370.954 SIN 00061934 Education and Human Resource Development Jyoti Singh Deep & Deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 8176295825 | 9788176295826 169 p. UG Library
370.954 SIN 00113560 Modern Education Uttam Kumar Singh Commonwealth Publishers. 8171694306 352p UG Library
370.954 SIN 00113564 Modern Education Uttam Kumar Singh Commonwealth Publishers. 8171694306 352p UG Library
370.954 SIN 03009542 Indian Education in Emerging Society / Singh, C. P. Lotus Press , 2008 9798183821178 350 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
370.954 SIN 00113561 Modern Education Uttam Kumar Singh Commonwealth Publishers. 8171694306 352p UG Library
370.954 SRI 00113527 Education in India Srivastava, Gouri Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2001 8126109777 1st Ed. 179 p. UG Library
370.954 TAJ 00114733 Current Challenges in Education Taj, Haseen Neelkamal Publications 2005 8183160204 466 p. UG Library
370.954 TAJ 00113583 Current Challenges in Education Taj, Haseen Neelkamal Publications 2005 8183160204 466 p. UG Library
370.954 TAJ 00114001 Current Challenges in Education Taj, Haseen Neelkamal Publications 2005 8183160204 466 p. UG Library
370.954 TAJ 00113581 Current Challenges in Education Taj, Haseen Neelkamal Publications 2005 8183160204 466 p. UG Library
370.954 TAJ 00113584 Current Challenges in Education Taj, Haseen Neelkamal Publications 2005 8183160204 466 p. UG Library
370.954 TAJ 00113582 Current Challenges in Education Taj, Haseen Neelkamal Publications 2005 8183160204 466 p. UG Library
370.954 TAL 00113594 Agenda for Education Talesra, Hemlata Kanishka Publishers Distributors 2004 8173916780 365 p. UG Library
370.954 TAN 00132034 Contemporary India and education Taneja, Anil Kumar Swastik publishers and Distributors, 2018 9788189981631 215p.; UG Library
370.954 TAN 00132048 Indian education commissions and committees: Taneja,Anil Kumar Swastik publishers and distributors, 2017 9788189981723 viii,222p.; UG Library
370.954 THA 00113596 New Education Policy Thakur,Devendra Deep & deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 8176294926 | 9788176294928 2nd Ed. 668 p. UG Library
370.954 THA 00133711 History of indian education Thamarasseri,Ismail Wisdom press, 2018 9789386053206 215p.; UG Library
370.954 THA 00113595 Education in the Emerging Indian Society. Thamarasseri, Ismail Kanishka 2008 9788184570427 446p UG Library
370.954 TIL 00140988 Education in India : Tilak, Jandhyala B.G Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2021 9789353887421 xxxii,364p.; UG Library
370.954 TIW 00074021 Education in India Tiwari, Shubha Atlantic 2006 8126906456 | 9788126906451 271 p. UG Library
370.954 UGC 05038982 Envisioning Education in India / Secretary,University Grants Commission, 2013 63p.: Knowledge Centre
370.954 UPA 00106396 History of Education in India Upadhyay,Devswaroop. Wisdom Press. 2012 9789381052266 267 p. UG Library
370.954 VAS 10004191 The Smart and dumb : Vasanthakumar, Vishal Penguin Random House India Pvt Ltd, 2024 9780670098637 xiv, 179p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
370.954 VEE 00113579 Modern Education for New Generation Veer, Udai Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126119101 | 9788126119103 278 p. UG Library
370.954 VEE 00113577 Problems of Education Rao, V Venkatesha Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418414 560p UG Library
370.954 VEN 00113580 Modern Tribal Education Venkataiah, S. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126108320 1st Ed. 295 p. UG Library
370.954 VIS 00123712 Teacher and Ideal Knowledge Visvanathan, G Random Publications, 2015 9789351115380 xviii, 295 p:. UG Library
370.954 WAT 03011883 The Learning Landscape : Wattal, Ameeta Mulla. Wisdom Tree, 2015 9788183284493 | 8183284493 xxiv, 232 pages : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
370.954 YAD 00113578 Tribal Education in India Yadappanavar A. V. Discovery Publishing House 2003 8171416721 231 p. UG Library
370.954 YAD 00113573 Education for All By 2015 A.D. Yadav, C. P. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2007 8126131098 | 9788126131099 296 p. UG Library
370.954 YAD 00113574 Education for All By 2015 A.D. Yadav, C. P. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2007 8126131098 | 9788126131099 296 p. UG Library
370.954 YAD 00113575 Education for All By 2015 A.D. Yadav, C. P. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2007 8126131098 | 9788126131099 296 p. UG Library
370.954 YAD 00132819 Development of education sector in india: Yadav,Shikha Rawat prakashan 2018 9789386687623 146p.; UG Library
370.954 YAD 00113576 Education for All By 2015 A.D. Yadav, C. P. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2007 8126131098 | 9788126131099 296 p. UG Library
370.954 YAD 00113572 Perpsectives of Educational Change Yadulal, Kusum Kalpaz Publications 2003 8178352095 312 p. UG Library
370.954 YAD 00113571 Perpsectives of Educational Change Yadulal, Kusum Kalpaz Publications 2003 8178352095 312 p. UG Library
370.95412 YAD 00141292 Education and Social Change / Yadav, Rama Sankar Global Vision Publishing House; 2022 9789390423668 230 p. UG Library
370.95416 NAT 00138018 Education today : Nath,Hemanta. A P H Publishing Corporatin, 2018 9789387460874 x,289p.; UG Library
370.9542 KUM 00141877 Backward and Dalit Muslims : Kumar,Surinder. Rawat Publications, 2020 9788131611166 viii,211p.; UG Library
370.9542 KUM 00053924 Lessons from Schools Kumar, Nita Sage Publications 2000 0761993789 | 9780761993780 232 p. UG Library
370.9542 KUM 00140058 Backward and Dalit Muslims: Kumar,Surinder Rawat Publications 2020 9788131611166 211p UG Library
370.95451 BAT 05035173 Chhota Hazri days : Bathla, Sanjiv. Rupa Publications India, 2010 9788129116949 (jkt.) | 9788129 P.V. (unpaged) : Knowledge Centre
370.95483 SAB 00132038 Education and modernity K.C,Sabu Concept publishing company pvt ltd., 2016 9788180698583 xxvi,278p.; UG Library
370.95484 KUM 00084795 Education Adn Social Change in South Asia Kumar, Krishna Orient Longman Publications 2007 8125030611 503 p.: UG Library
370.95491 MOR 00133005 Education An Introduction Morris, Sam ED-Tech Press, 2019 9781788823203 306 p.: UG Library
370.954NKC 00090632 National Knowledge Commission: Report to the Nation 2006-2009 National Knowledge Commission NATIONAL BOOK TRUST 244p UG Library
370.9581 BUR 01022823 Schools for conflict or for peace in Afghanistan / Burde, Dana. Columbia University Press , 2014 9780231169288 (cloth : alk. pa xvi, 211 pages : Knowledge Centre
370.95957 MEY 05072951 Building excellence in higher education : Meyer, Arnoud de. Routledge, 2022 9780367539153 | 9780367539160 First Edition. vi, 195p, ; Knowledge Centre
370.968 GEH 00133582 Innovative strategies in education Gehlawat,Manju Sarup publishers pvt ltd., 2018 9789352081165 xv,218p.; UG Library
370.973 GEN 05033475 The Reform of Education / Sarup Books Publishers, 2011 9788176257077 x,177p.; Knowledge Centre
370.973 ARO 05048749 Education under siege : Aronowitz, Stanley. Routledge, 1985 9780710213181 xi, 233 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.973 DAN 00130474 Inquiring Into the Common Core / Dana, Nancy Fichtman, Crowin A SAGE Company, 2013 9781452274263 xvi, 94 p. : UG Library
370.973 GAN 00120646 Values Attitudes and Paractices Ganesh Gayatri A Dicovery Publishing House, 2012 9789350561287 216 p.: UG Library
370.973 GAR 00077591 To Open Minds Gardner, Howard Basic Books 1991 0465086292 | 9780465086290 326 p. UG Library
370.973 GIR 00123501 Modern Issues in Education and Teaching Giri, Pradip Abhijeet Publications, 2015 9789350741474 x, 182 p:. UG Library
370.973 HOU 00128579 Shift ed : Houle, David. Corwin Press, 2011 9781412992961 (pbk.) x, 170 p. ; UG Library
370.973 JEY 00102341 American educational history : Jeynes, William. SAGE Publications, 1412914205 (cloth) | 978141291 xxv, 469 p. ; UG Library
370.973 JOY 00109892 Realizing the promise of 21st-century education Joyce, Bruce R. Corwin ; | A joint publication with Learning Forward, 2012 9781412988247 (pbk. : alk. pap xiii, 177 p. ; UG Library
370.973 MCN 00073423 Foundatins of Education Mcnergneu, F R 2000 1 UG Library
370.973 MCN 00037423 Foundations of education : McNergney, Robert F. Allyn and Bacon, 2001 0205316913 | 9780205316915 3rd ed. xxi, 599 p. : UG Library
370.973 MOH 03005752 The big picture : Mohan, T. T. Ram, Viva Books, 2004 9788176496292 xviii, 474 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
370.973 PET 05010037 Saving schools Peterson, Paul E. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2010 9780674050112 (alk. paper) viii, 320 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.973 PRE 00118567 From Digital Natives to Digital Wisdom : Prensky, Marc. Corwin, 2012 9781452230092 x, 227 p. : UG Library
370.973 ROB 05052601 Creative schools / Robinson, Ken, Penguin, 2015 9780141978574 xxviii, 292 pages : Knowledge Centre
370.973 RUR 05048298 Education and social change : Rury, John L., Routledge, 2016 9781138887053 (hardback) | 978 Fifth edition. viii, 261 pages ; Knowledge Centre
370.973 RUR 05041446 Education and social change : Rury, John L., Routledge, 2013 9780415526906 (hardback) | 978 4th ed. x, 284 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.973 RUR 05041247 Education and social change : Rury, John L., Routledge, 2013 9780415526906 (hardback) | 978 4th ed. x, 284 p. ; Knowledge Centre
370.973 SAD 00123692 Exploring education : Sadovnik, Alan R. Routledge, 2012 9780415808620 (hardback) | 978 4th ed. xi, 643 p. : UG Library
370.973 SAD 05041250 Exploring education : Sadovnik, Alan R. Routledge, 2012 9780415808620 (hardback) | 978 4th ed. xi, 643 p. : Knowledge Centre
370.973 SAD 00142334 Exploring education : Sadovnik, Alan R., Routledge, 2018 9781138222151 (hardback) | 9781138222168 (paperback) Fifth edition. xii, 592 pages ; UG Library
370.973 SEM 00128712 Foundations of Education : Semel, Susan F., Routledge 2010 9780415806244 | 9780415806251 vii, 224 p. : UG Library
370.973 SHA 00133346 Education tomorrow : Sharma, Utkarsh Jnanada Prakashan, 2018 9788171398799 306 p. ; UG Library
370.973 SPR 00127835 The American school, 1642-2000 / Spring, Joel H. McGraw-Hill, 2001 0072322748 | 9780072322743 5th ed. xii, 452 p. : UG Library
370.9955 VEM 00132066 Recent treands and developments in education Vemula,Muttu Swastik publishers and distributors, 2017 9788189981648 viii,213p.; UG Library
370.9PAC 00068371 Fifty Great Thinker Education Palmer, A 0415231264 254p UG Library
370.9PAL 00068370 Fifty Great Modern Thinkers of Education Palmer, A Joy 0415224098 289p UG Library
370COR 00048782 Education in Multicultural Societies Corner, Trevor CROOM HELM 286 p UG Library
370GOP 00002305 Samyukta Bagya American Mansiksha Gopal, Krishna Eurasia UG Library
370GRI 00009454 Libral Education of Democratic Ideal Griswold, A Whitevey UG Library
370PIE 00006222 Mensuration for Indian Schools and Colleges Pierpoint A E, Orient Longman UG Library
370STR 00009621 Pre University Examination II Year Part I Stroup, H H Vasan Co UG Library
370STR1 00009622 Pre University Exams I Year Selections in Poetry and Prose Stroup, H H Vasan Co UG Library
370UNI1 00002172 Terms in Education University of Travankore , UG Library
371 ACR 00097050 Pass Exams without Anxiety Acres, David Jaico Publishing House, 108172246749 168 p. UG Library
371 BAT 00062104 How to Top Exams and Enjoy Studies Bathia,Dhaval Jaico Publishing House 2004 8179921336 | 9788179921333 135 p. UG Library
371 CHA 04030227 Best Practices in Administration of Higher Educational Institutions in India / Chathamparampil, Thomas Christ College, 2005 167p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371 CHA 00127362 Innovations in Teaching-Learning process / Chauhan S S Vikas 2014 9780706989670 190p. UG Library
371 CHA 00113619 B.Ed Teacher Training (B.Ed ) Chatterjee, Ajoy Crescent 261p UG Library
371 FRE 00082478 Pedagogy of the Oppressed Freire, Paulo 0014025403 164p UG Library
371 GEO 05058053 Glorious past promisinf future / St. Georges college, 144p. Knowledge Centre
371 GUP 00114898 School Management Gupta, Kamlesh Pragun Publications 2006 0818964503 | 81896455 382p UG Library
371 HAL 00130478 Introduction to Teaching : Hall, Gene E., Sage Publications, 2014 9781452202914 | 1452202915 xxxvi, 546 p. : UG Library
371 ISO 05072089 Teaching of Astronomy in Asian-Pacific Region / Isobe, Syuzo. National Astronomical Obervation, 1999 Bulletin No -15,17,18,20. 53 p.; Knowledge Centre
371 KHA 00113598 School Evaluation Khan Sharif, Mohammad Ashish Publishing House 2004 8176487708 106 p. UG Library
371 KIN 00113614 Reforming Schools Kinsler, Kimberly Continuum 2004 0826448178 | 9780826448170 377 p. UG Library
371 KIN 00113607 Reforming Schools Kinsler, Kimberly Continuum 2004 0826448178 | 9780826448170 377 p. UG Library
371 KRI 00081652 Pedagogue`s Romance Reflections on Schooling Krishna Kumar 2008 0195693167 136p UG Library
371 KRI 00087468 Pedagogue`s Romance Reflections on Schooling Krishna Kumar 2008 0195693167 136p UG Library
371 LEM 00120910 Have a New You by friday Leman,Kevin Pauline 2014 9788171767977 272p UG Library
371 NAI 00022140 Elementary Education in India - A Promise to Keep Naik J P Allied Publishers 1976 98 p UG Library
371 PEA 00113613 Guide to The Kindergarten and Intermediate Class Peabody, Elizabeth P. Cosmo Publications 2004 9788177559446 227 p. UG Library
371 QUR 00113616 Modern School Education Qureshi, Hasnain Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2004 8126120207 | 9788126120215 369 p. UG Library
371 QUR 00113615 Modern School Education Qureshi, Hasnain Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2004 8126120207 | 9788126120215 369 p. UG Library
371 QUR 00114903 Modern School Education Qureshi, Hasnain Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2004 8126120207 | 9788126120215 369 p. UG Library
371 QUR 00113600 Modern School Education Qureshi, Hasnain Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2004 8126120207 | 9788126120215 369 p. UG Library
371 QUR 00113599 Modern School Education Qureshi, Hasnain Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2004 8126120207 | 9788126120215 369 p. UG Library
371 RAM 00050339 Great Thoughts on Education Ramchandani, Stella Dominant Publishers And Distributors 2000 0818733651 224 p. UG Library
371 RED 00113605 Methods of Teaching Reddy Jayaprakash R. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 9788176486712 101 p. UG Library
371 ROY 00123750 Educational Technology. Roy, Nishant Sonali Publications, 2012 9788184114171 280p.; UG Library
371 ROY 00118157 Educational Technology. Roy, Nishant Sonali Publications, 2012 9788184114171 280p.; UG Library
371 SEN 00051076 Schools That Learn Senge, Peter 0385493231 592p UG Library
371 SID 04025177 School Organisation and Administration / Sidhu, Singh Kulbir Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd , 2006 8120717430 | 9788120717435 481p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371 SID 00057306 School Organisation and Administration Sidhu, Singh Kulbir Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 8120717430 481pp UG Library
371 SIN 10004342 Learn, Don't Study / Sinha, Pramath Raj Penguin Random House, 2023 9780670097487 xxii, 158 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
371 SIN 00113618 A Textbook of School Education Surjit, Singh Dominant Publishers And Distributors 2004 1st Ed. 300 p. UG Library
371 SUL 00113602 Supervision That Improves Teaching Sullivan, Susan Corwin Press 2005 9780761939696 212 p. UG Library
371 TAJ 00113606 National Concerns & Education Taj, Haseen Dr. Neelkamal 2005 9788183160605 1st Ed. 218 p. UG Library
371 TAJ 00114901 National Concerns & Education Taj, Haseen Dr. Neelkamal 2005 9788183160605 1st Ed. 218 p. UG Library
371 THA 05062427 Education And Society / Thamarasseri, Ismail. Wisdom Press, 2017 9789386053138 231p.; Knowledge Centre
371 VAZ 00114892 Refelections On The Philosophy Of Education Vazhayil, Joy Ncert 2001 74p UG Library
371,8 HAV 00015047 They Went to College the College Graduate in America Today Havemann, Ernest Brace UG Library
371.001 HAY 00123451 Philosophy and Education : Haynes, Joanna Routledge, 2015 9780415536189 | 9780415536189 viii, 164 p:. UG Library
371.001 LEW 05048526 New Perspectives in Philosophy of Education / Lewin, David Bloomsbury, 2014 xi, 240 p. Knowledge Centre
371.003 CHE 00114264 The Executive's Guide to International Schools Chesworth, Niki Kogan Page 2000 0749433353 | 9780749433352 196 p. UG Library
371.006 CHO 00057315 Management in Education Choudhury, Roy Namita A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2001 8176482374 226 p. UG Library
371.006 DAV 00113610 The New Strategic Direction and Development Of The School Davies Brent RoutledgeFalmer 2003 0415269938 | 9780415269933 191 p. UG Library
371.006 GOE 00113755 School Organisation and Management Goel, O. P. Isha Books 2005 9788182051638 302 p. UG Library
371.0060954 SOO 00113608 Management of School Education in India Sood, Neelam A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2003 8176485004 | 9788176485005 217 p. UG Library
371.0068 FAT 00113758 Reasoning Ability of School Students Fatima S.K. Discovery Publishing House 2000 9788183563307 103 p. UG Library
371.0068 FAT 00113759 Reasoning Ability of School Students Fatima S.K. Discovery Publishing House 2000 9788183563307 103 p. UG Library
371.0068 HOL 00114952 School Management Holbrook, Allfred Cosmo Publications 2005 8130700387 356p UG Library
371.0068 HOL 00113752 School Management Holberook, Allfred Cosmo Publications 2005 8130700387 | 9788130700380 361 p. UG Library
371.0068 PAD 00114992 School Management Padmaprasad, P M Sumukha 2006 160p UG Library
371.00681 EDI 00113757 Curriculum of School Subjects Ediger, Marlow Discovery Publishing House 2007 9788183562072 279 p. UG Library
371.00681 EDI 00113756 Curriculum of School Subjects Ediger, Marlow Discovery Publishing House 2007 9788183562072 279 p. UG Library
371.006814 EDI 00113611 Language Arts Education Ediger, Marlow Discovery Publishing House 2007 8183563333 | 9788183563338 176p UG Library
371.006HUS 00113609 Budgeting and Budgetary Control in Educational Institutions: Husain, Ilyas Abhijeet Publications 2004 8188683000 | 9788188683000 210p; UG Library
371.0072 KUM 00062315 Psycho-Social Correlates of Achievement Kumari,Veena Balusu. Discovery Publishing House 2000 8171415474 124 p. UG Library
371.009 JAM 00113760 Evolution and Development of School Education James, William Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2005 8126121297 | 9788126121298 358 p. UG Library
371.00954 SAV 00128807 Contemporary India And Education Savita Neeraj Publishing House, 2017 9789383784165 240 p. : UG Library
371.00954 SIN 00088471 School Education in India: Contemporary Issues and Trends Singa, H S Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 8120713087 182p UG Library
371.00973 KAL 04008099 Early schools / Kalman, Bobbie. Crabtree Pub. Co., 1991 0865050155 : | 0865050147 (pbk 64 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.00973 PRO 00100514 The teacher in American society : Provenzo,Eugene,F Sage Publications, 9781412965934 (pbk.) x, 257 p. ; UG Library
371.01 FRE 00125845 Creating Small Schools : French, Dan. Corwin Press ; | Center for Collaborative Education, 2007 9781412941778 | 9781412941785 xiv, 232 p. : UG Library
371.01097 REK 00119626 Sustaining Extraordinary Student Achievement / Reksten, Linda E. Corwin Press, 2009 9781412917520 (cloth) | 141291 xiv, 135p. ; UG Library
371.010971 WAL 00119237 Learning to School : Wallner, Jennifer, University of Toronto Press, 2014 9781442647817 (bound) | 144264 xvi, 410 p. ; UG Library
371.013 NAM 00113762 Vocational Studies and Productive Work (SUPW) in Education Nambiar, K. K. Vijayan Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804935 258 p. UG Library
371.02 CHO 00113765 Mastery of Teaching Skills Chowdary, S B H R Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418619 341p UG Library
371.02 GEO 00113764 Grammar of Teaching and Learning George, A Commonwealth Publishers. 8171698018 259p UG Library
371.020954 SON 05046096 The order of the crest : Sondhi, Aditya. Penguin Books, 2014 9780670088003 xxii, 289 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : Knowledge Centre
371.022 DAN 00113763 Teaching Communication. Pandey, S K Commonwealth Publishers 2004 8171694543 358p; UG Library
371.022 VEN 00058554 Teaching Communication Venkataiah S Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 2002 8126108282 295 p UG Library
371.025 ALW 00009343 Oreodoxa 1972 SMC, UG Library
371.025KIS 00083481 In Celebration:Kodaikanal International School Centennial[ug.Lib.General Reference Section] Kodaikanal International School Centenni, al 0970301502 115p UG Library
371.03 ANM 00114891 Advanced Learners Dictionary of Education Anmol Publications Anmol UG Library
371.03 JAC 00114960 Illustrated Dictionary of Education Jacks, Ronald Lotus 8189093290 208p UG Library
371.03 PAD 00004081 Directory of Indiann Higher Educational Instiutions Padala Padmavathi, Panchayat 480 UG Library
371.03 RAO 00113768 Parent Education Rao, V. K. Commonwealth Publishers 2004 8171694381 264 p. UG Library
371.04 RAO 00115010 Successful Schooling Rao, Digumarti Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2003 8171416772 210 p. UG Library
371.04 RAO 00113767 Successful Schooling Rao, Digumarti Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2003 8171416772 210 p. UG Library
371.04 RAO 00113766 Successful Schooling Rao, Digumarti Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2003 8171416772 210 p. UG Library
371.04 RIE 00105615 Making schools different : Riele te, Kitty. SAGE Publications, 2009 9781847875297 (cased) | 978184 xiv: P 162 UG Library
371.040 VIT 00090661 Alternative Schooling in India Vittachi, Sarojini Sage Publications, 2008 9780761936190 267 p.: UG Library
371.040954 PAT 03011853 Breaking the Mould : Pathak, Kalpana. Westland Ltd., 2016 9789385152290 (paperback) | 93 xvi, 228 pages : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.040954 VIT 00087574 Alternative Schooling in India Vittachi, Sarojini Sage Publications 9788178297835 267 p UG Library
371.040973 CON 00125840 Alternative Schools : Conley, Brenda Edgerton. ABC-CLIO, 2002 1576074404 | 9791576074403 xiii, 273 p. ; UG Library
371.040973 CON 00127487 Alternative Schools : Conley, Brenda Edgerton. ABC-CLIO, 2002 1576074404 | 9791576074403 xiii, 273 p. ; UG Library
371.042 HAR 00087575 Choosing Home: Deciding to Homeschool With Asperger`s Syndrome Hartnett, Kennedy Martha Jessica Kingsley Publications 9781843107637 111 p UG Library
371.07125414 SEN 05038395 Pedagogy for Religion : Sengupta,Parna. Orient BlackSwan, 2011 9788125045052 x,211p.; Knowledge Centre
371.072 CHO 00087123 Reserch Methods in Education Choen, Louis Routledge 2007 9780415368780 638 p UG Library
371.0954 HAR 05033942 Excellence in School Education: Harish,Chaudhry. Scholastic India, 2010 9788184776447 First Edition xi 341 p.; Knowledge Centre
371.0954 KRI 00113612 Work Experience Krishnamacharyulu, V Neelkamal Publications 2007 0818316109 | 9788183161091 108p UG Library
371.0954 PAT 00114890 Shala Collegugalalli Parinaamakari Bhodanege Anubhodane Pattanashetty M.M. United 2003 152p UG Library
371.0954 RAJ 00114899 Experiences In School Education Rajput, J S NCERT 2001 8174500006 465p UG Library
371.0954 RAO 00113761 School Education in India Rao,Digumarti Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2004 0817141849x 298p0 UG Library
371.0954 RAO 00113769 School Education in India Rao,Digumarti Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2004 0817141849x 298p0 UG Library
371.0954 RUH 00047059 Sociological Perspectives on School Education in India Ruhela, S. P. Indian Publishers Distributors 1999 335 p. UG Library
371.0973 SIL 00023177 Crisis in the Classroom Silberman, Charles E 554 p UG Library
371.1 ASH 03001738 Talking About Retirement: The Secrets of Successful Retirement Planning Ashurst, Lin Kogan Page 9780749457198 395 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.1 KAU 00085352 Education and Human Resource Development Kaushik,Vijaya Kumari Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2003 8126116137 | 9788126116133 346 p. UG Library
371.1 KAU 00058389 Education and Human Resource Development Kaushik,Vijaya Kumari Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2003 8126116137 | 9788126116133 346 p. UG Library
371.1 ABB 00113694 The Teacher Abbott, Jacob Cosmo Publications 2004 8177559486 | 9788177559484 325 p. UG Library
371.1 ABB 00113693 The Teacher Abbott, Jacob Cosmo Publications 2004 8177559486 | 9788177559484 325 p. UG Library
371.1 ACK 00113645 Realities of Teachers Work Acker,Sandra Cassell 1999 0304326712 | 9780304326716 242 p. UG Library
371.1 BOO 00145949 The Ultimate Guide : Career as a Teacher Booth, Charley Larsen & Keller, 2023 9798888361399 vii,229p. ; UG Library
371.1 BRO 00082591 Action Research and Postmodernism. Brown, Tony Open University Press 2001 0335207626 | 9780335207626 202p UG Library
371.1 BRO 00083633 Action Research and Postmodernism: Congruence and Critique Brown, Tony 0335207626 202p UG Library
371.1 BUT 00113644 Becoming An ASA Assistant Teacher Butler, Phil A & C Black 2000 0713653493 | 9780713653496 148 p. UG Library
371.1 CHA 00085161 Da/datta: Teaching the Waste Land [EDUCATION SECTION] Chandran, Narayana K CIEFL 280 p UG Library
371.1 CHA 05074194 Organizational Commitment of Teachers of Higher education / Chathamparampil,Thomas. Centre for publication Christ college, 2004 . v,218p.; Knowledge Centre
371.1 CHA 00139523 Organizational Commitment of Teachers of Higher education / Chathamparampil,Thomas. Centre for publication Christ college, 2004 . v,218p.; UG Library
371.1 CHA 00113692 Dimensions of Teacher Education Chadda D. K. Anmol Publications 2003 817041546509 | 817041546509 123 p. UG Library
371.1 CHA 00113699 Teacher Education Chakrabarti, Mohit Kanishka Publishers,Distributors 2004 8173915717 2nd Ed. 235 p. UG Library
371.1 CHA 00113700 Teacher Education Chakrabarti, Mohit Kanishka Publishers,Distributors 2004 8173915717 2nd Ed. 235 p. UG Library
371.1 COW 00118489 Teaching Controversial issues in the Classroom : Cowan, Paula Continuum International Publishing Grouop, 2012 9781441182449 (hardcover) | 14 xv, 239 p. ; UG Library
371.1 COW 00123780 How to Survive Your First Year in Teaching Cowley, Sue 2006 0826464653 | 9781847064714 196p UG Library
371.1 DAS 00119776 Education & Human Development Dash B N Dominant Publishers 2015 9789384161293 187p. UG Library
371.1 DAY 00113701 Passion of Teaching Day, Christopher RoutledgeFalmer 2004 0041525180 | 9780415251808 204 p. UG Library
371.1 DAY 00113702 Passion of Teaching Day, Christopher RoutledgeFalmer 2004 0041525180 | 9780415251808 204 p. UG Library
371.1 DAY 00106041 The new lives of teachers / Day, Chris. Routledge, 9780415484596 (hbk.) | 0415484 xv, 224 p. : UG Library
371.1 DAY 00099829 The new lives of teachers / Day, Chris. Routledge, 9780415484596 (hbk.) | 0415484 xv, 224 p. : UG Library
371.1 DEN 00091415 How to achieve your QTS : SAGE, 9781847872845 (hb) | 184787284 xiii, 234 p. ; UG Library
371.1 DIX 05007783 The ultimate teaching manual : Dixie, Gererd. Continuum, 2011 9781441132185 (hbk.) | 1441132 viii, 208 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.1 DUG 00113698 Educating the Teachers Duggal, Shyni Atlantic Publishers & Distributors 2005 8126904305 | 9788126904303 215 p. UG Library
371.1 GAN 00113603 Human Resource Developemnt and Teacher Education Ganihar, Noorjehan N. Discovery Publishing House 2007 8183562531 | 9788183562539 229 p. UG Library
371.1 GUP 00113646 Education for Creativity Gupta, P. K. Cosmo Publications 2004 283 p. UG Library
371.1 HAR 00113647 Changing Teachers, Changing Times Hargreaves, Andy Teachers College Press 1994 0304322814 | 9780304322817 272 p. UG Library
371.1 HOL 00114953 The Newly Qualified Teachers Handbook Holmes, Elizabeth Crest 2003 8124204101 | 9788124204108 393p UG Library
371.1 HUG 00113697 Learning and Teaching Hughes, A. G. Sonali Publications 2000 8188836036 444 p. UG Library
371.1 HUG 00113696 Learning and Teaching Hughes, A. G. Sonali Publications 2000 8188836036 444 p. UG Library
371.1 JOP 00092942 Teachers are like stars Joseph, Teresa St pauls press 9788171086955 110p UG Library
371.1 KAU 00113638 Education and Human Resource Development Kaushik,Vijaya Kumari Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2003 8126116137 | 9788126116133 346 p. UG Library
371.1 KIR 00093152 Women teaching in south asia Kirk, Jackie Sage press 9788178298696 241p UG Library
371.1 KUM 00113797 Education Skills and Competencies Kumari Sarita Isha Books 2005 8182051665 286 p. UG Library
371.1 KUM 00053770 D School: Reflections on the Delhi School of Economics Kumar,Dharma Oxford University Press 1998 0195647947 | 9780195647945 288 p. UG Library
371.1 MEY 00125861 The Power of Teacher Networks / Meyers, Ellen. Corwin Press, 2009 9781412967167 | 9781412967174 xiv, 129 p. ; UG Library
371.1 MIY 00113632 Professionalisation of Teacher Education Miyan, Mohammad Mittal Publications 2004 8170999294 | 9788170999294 1st Ed. 207 p. UG Library
371.1 MIY 00114905 Professionalisation of Teacher Education Miyan, Mohammad Mittal Publications 2004 8170999294 | 9788170999294 1st Ed. 207 p. UG Library
371.1 MIY 00113631 Professionalisation of Teacher Education Miyan, Mohammad Mittal Publications 2004 8170999294 | 9788170999294 1st Ed. 207 p. UG Library
371.1 NCT 00096975 National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education National Council for Teacher Education National Council for Teacher Education 2009 93 p. UG Library
371.1 NCT 00096974 Organising Teaching Learning Resources in Teacher Education Institutions Teacher Educators Natioanl Council for teacher education; 119 p. UG Library
371.1 NCTE 00096976 Demand and Supply Estimates Of School Teachers and Teacher Educators Teacher Educators National Council For Teacher Education 165p UG Library
371.1 PAL 05025601 The courage to teach : Palmer, Parker J. Jossey-Bass, 2007 9780787996864 (cloth) | 078799 10th anniversary ed. xxi, 248 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.1 PAN 00113623 How to Become a Competent/successful Teacher Panda, Dr B N Discovery Publishing House 8171417213 179p UG Library
371.1 PAN 00113621 How to Become a Competent/successful Teacher Panda B. N. Discovery Publishing House 2003 8171417213 179 p. UG Library
371.1 PAR 00113650 Perspectives on HRD Parameswaran E.G. Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2003 1st Ed. 240 p. UG Library
371.1 POL 00114895 Teaching And Learning In The Primary School Pollard, Andrew 1995 0415102588 | 9780415102582 319p UG Library
371.1 PRA 00113620 Principles and Practices of Teacheer Education Prasad, Janardan Kanishka Publishers 8173919127 344p UG Library
371.1 PRI 00077457 Children as Partners for Health Pridmore, Pat Zed Books 2000 9781856496360 194 p. UG Library
371.1 PRU 00133011 Principles and Practices of Education Pruitt, Anders ED-Tech Press, 2019 9781788823869 315 p.: UG Library
371.1 QUE 00130436 The Frazzled Teacher's Wellness Plan : Queen, J. Allen. Corwin A SAGE Company, 2013 9781452260921 Second edition. xii, 107 p. ; UG Library
371.1 RAN 00113633 Methods of Teacher Training Ranga Rao, Ravi Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418120 456 p. UG Library
371.1 RAN 00113636 Methods of Teacher Training Ranga Rao, Ravi Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418120 456 p. UG Library
371.1 RAN 00113634 Methods of Teacher Training Ranga Rao, Ravi Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418120 456 p. UG Library
371.1 RAN 00113635 Methods of Teacher Training Ranga Rao, Ravi Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418120 456 p. UG Library
371.1 RAN 00113637 Methods of Teacher Training Ranga Rao, Ravi Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418120 456 p. UG Library
371.1 RAN 00114917 Methods of Teacher Training Ranga Rao, Ravi Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418120 456 p. UG Library
371.1 RAO 00113625 Teachers in a Changing World Rao, Digumarti Bhaskara Dr. Discovery Publishing House 2003 8171416942 336 p. UG Library
371.1 RAO 00113624 Teachers in a Changing World Rao, Digumarti Bhaskara Dr. Discovery Publishing House 2003 8171416942 336 p. UG Library
371.1 RAO 00113628 Understanding Teaching and Leaning Rao, V.K. Commonwealth Publishers 2004 8171692230 1st Ed. 338 p. UG Library
371.1 RAO 00113695 Effective Teachers and Teaching Rao V.K. Commonwealth Publishers 2005 8171692370 1st Ed. 276 p. UG Library
371.1 RAO 00113630 Problems Of Private School Teachers Rao, Digumarti Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418384 72 p. UG Library
371.1 RAO 00113629 Teacher Education Rao, V. K. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 8176484954 311 p. UG Library
371.1 RAO 00113705 Resources of Effective Teaching Rao V. K. Commonwealth Publishers 2005 8171692273 1st Ed. 256 p. UG Library
371.1 RAO 00113691 Resources of Effective Teaching Rao V. K. Commonwealth Publishers 2005 8171692273 1st Ed. 256 p. UG Library
371.1 RAV 00113689 Teaching Through Heart Ravi, Meera Viva Books 2005 9788130901695 111 p UG Library
371.1 RAV 03008163 Teaching Through Heart Ravi, Meera Viva Books 2005 9788130901695 111 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.1 REE 05037783 The New Press education reader : Reeves, Ellen Gordon New Press : | Distributed by W.W. Norton, 2006 1595581421 | 1595581103 (pbk.) xi, 352 p. ; Knowledge Centre
371.1 RIT 00129394 A Straightforward Guide To Teacher Merit Pay : Ritter, Gary W. Crowin A sage Company, 2013 9781452255514 xviii, 116 p. : UG Library
371.1 RUD 00119617 How to Succeed as a Substitute Teacher : Rude, Cicely Anne. Corwin Press, 2008 9781412944748 (cloth) | 978141 xxi,134p. ; UG Library
371.1 SAR 00113651 Teacher Education Sarita Isha Books 2004 8182050944 310 p. UG Library
371.1 SAR 00113707 Teacher Education Sarita Isha Books 2004 8182050944 309 p. UG Library
371.1 SEN 00119772 Counselling Skills For Teachers by, Sengupta Priyanka Pacific Books International, 2013 9789381138786 v, 267 p.: UG Library
371.1 SHA 00113648 Learning and Teaching: Learning Process Sharma, S K Isha Books 2004 8182051584 302p UG Library
371.1 SID 00113626 Techniques of Teaching Strategies Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan APH Publishig Corporation 2005 8176488720 | 9788176488723 313 p. UG Library
371.1 SIN 00113706 Teacher Education Singh U. K. Discovery Publishing House 2003 8171413390 294 p. UG Library
371.1 SIN 00113703 Teaching Strategies Singh R. P. APH Publishing Corporation 2004 0817648556 | 9788176485562 218 p. UG Library
371.1 SIN 00113704 Teaching Strategies Singh R. P. APH Publishing Corporation 2004 0817648556 | 9788176485562 218 p. UG Library
371.1 SIN 00113627 Teaching Strategies Singh R. P. APH Publishing Corporation 2004 0817648556 | 9788176485562 218 p. UG Library
371.1 SIN 00114893 Teaching Methods In Schools Singh, Raj Commonwealth Publishers. 2005 8171692893 531p UG Library
371.1 SIN 00113622 Teacher Education Singh U.K. Discovery Publishing House 2003 8171413390 295 p. UG Library
371.1 TIC 00113639 Teacher Induction: the Way a Head Tickle,Les Open University Press 2000 0335201784 | 9780335201785 215 p. UG Library
371.1 TRI 00133403 Beyond education Trivedi,Tanuja Jnanada prakashan, 2018 9788171398805 viii,305p.; UG Library
371.1 TUR 00113643 Sharing Expertise in Teacher Education Turner, Mike Cassell 1999 0304702897 | 9780304702893 152 p. UG Library
371.1 TUR 00113642 Sharing Expertise in Teacher Education Turner, Mike Cassell 1999 0304702897 | 9780304702893 152 p. UG Library
371.1 TUR 00113640 Sharing Expertise in Teacher Education Turner, Mike Cassell 1999 0304702897 | 9780304702893 152 p. UG Library
371.1 TUR 00113641 Sharing Expertise in Teacher Education Turner, Mike Cassell 1999 0304702897 | 9780304702893 152 p. UG Library
371.1 VPH 00113649 I Want to Be a Teacher Vikas Publishing House Vikas Publishing House 2004 8125918604 | 9788125918608 3rd Ed. 59 p. UG Library
371.10 SHA 00111664 Encyclopaedia of Curriculum Reforms & New Teaching Methods/ Sharma, Anita. ABD Publishers, 2013 9788183764247 vi:264p.; UG Library
371.10 SHA 00111665 Encyclopaedia of Curriculum Reforms & New Teaching Methods/ Sharma, Anita. ABD Publishers, 2013 9788183764247 vi:264p.; UG Library
371.10 SHA 00111666 Encyclopaedia of Curriculum Reforms & New Teaching Methods/ Sharma, Anita. ABD Publishers, 2013 9788183764247 vi:264p.; UG Library
371.10 SHA 00111667 Encyclopaedia of Curriculum Reforms & New Teaching Methods/ Sharma, Anita. ABD Publishers, 2013 9788183764247 vi:264p.; UG Library
371.1001 00142194 Releasing the Angel: Gleeson,Christopher ATF Press 2007 9781920691967 278p UG Library
371.10019 ANU 00120647 Emotional Intelligence Occupational Stress and Job Performance of Teachers Anuradha Vijaya R. Discovery Publishinh House, 2014 9789350563984 311 p.: UG Library
371.10019 GEO 05055792 The Mould : George, Martin Philip Viva Books. ; 2017 9789386385574 x, 176p. Knowledge Centre
371.10019 GEO 00134011 The Mould : George, Martin Philip Viva Books. ; 2017 9789386385574 x, 176p. UG Library
371.10019 GEO 05063630 The Mould : George, Martin Philip Viva Books. ; 2017 9789386385574 x, 176p. Knowledge Centre
371.10019 POO 00123755 Emotional Intelligence Occupational Stress and Job Satisfaction of Special Education Teachers Poornima, R Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2012 9789350560099 323 p:. UG Library
371.1006 SAY 00123787 The General teaching council Sayer John Cassell 2000 9780304705627 195p. UG Library
371.1007 CON 00130062 Using randomised controlled trials in education / Connolly, Paul. Sage, 2017 9781473902831 (pbk. : alk. pap 1st edition. vii, 188 p.: UG Library
371.1009 RAJ 00123752 Adjustment of Prospective Teachers Raju, T J Mounisuvarna Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2011 9788183567244 168 p:. UG Library
371.100941 DEN 00128074 Training to teach : Denby, Neil SAGE, 2012 9780857027627 (pbk.) 2nd edition. xiv, 338p : . UG Library
371.101 SHA 00113656 Teacher Education Sharma, Shashi Prabha Kanishka Publishers 2004 8173916713 574 p, UG Library
371.102 WOO 03002438 NO Fear in My Classroom Wootan, Frederick C Vivabooks Private Limited 9781598698824 239 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.102 ADA 05056725 The secrets of timeless teachers : Adams, Jeremy S., Rowman & Littlefield, 2016 9781475818291 (cloth : alk. pa xlvii, 193 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.102 AHU 00113720 Teacher Education Ahuja Alka Mittal Publications 2004 8170999820 | 9788170999829 190 p. UG Library
371.102 AMB 00098874 How learning works : Jossey-Bass, 9780470484104 (cloth) 301 p. UG Library
371.102 AMB 07011226 How learning works : Jossey-Bass, 9780470484104 (cloth) 301 p. Library - BR Campus
371.102 AMB 07011449 How learning works : Jossey-Bass, 9780470484104 (cloth) 301 p. Library - BR Campus
371.102 AMB 07011460 How learning works : Jossey-Bass, 9780470484104 (cloth) 301 p. Library - BR Campus
371.102 ARN 05064055 How to teach without instructing : Arnold, Rolf. Rowman & littlefield, 2015 9781475817751 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9781475817768 (pbk. : alk. paper) vii, 186 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.102 BAR 00120487 Learning to each With a Hangover Barbuti, Jon. Continuum, 2006 0826492339 | 9780826492333 vii, 183 p. ; UG Library
371.102 BAR 05047782 Teach now! the essentials of teaching : Barton, Geoff. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group , 2015 9780415714907 (hardback) | 978 xi, 266 p. ; Knowledge Centre
371.102 BEL 00117732 Teaching on solid ground Belmonte, Dominic. Corwin Press, 2006 9781412924634 | 1412924634 (pb xii, 156 p. : UG Library
371.102 BEN 04013593 The ultimate teachers' handbook : Bennett, Hazel Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 2007 9781846840685 256p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.102 BHA 00113742 Problems of Teaching: Rao,Digumarti Bhaskara A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 8176487295 204 p. UG Library
371.102 BOL 05041259 Supporting learning and teaching / Routledge, 2011 9780415583558 (hardback) | 978 2nd ed. xiii, 203 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.102 BOL 00119321 Supporting learning and teaching / Routledge, 2011 9780415583558 (hardback) | 978 2nd ed. xiii, 203 p. : UG Library
371.102 BOR 00113717 Effective Teaching Methods Borich, Gary D 0139361308 515p UG Library
371.102 BOR 00109264 Observation skills for effective teaching Borich, Gary D. Pearson/Allyn and Bacon Publishers, 2011 9780137039722 (pbk.) | 0137039 6th ed. xxi; 289 p. cm. UG Library
371.102 BRE 00119320 Seven Simple Secrets : Breaux, Annette L. Routledge, 2015 9781138013735 (paperback) 2nd ed. xiv, 153 p. ; UG Library
371.102 BRU 00144677 Student Centered Mentoring : Brueggeman, Amanda, Corwin, 2022 9781071855195 xix,207p, ; UG Library
371.102 BUR 05005403 Mentoring and coaching in schools : Burley, Suzanne. Routledge, 2011 9780415563611 (hardback) | 041 1st ed. ix, 138 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.102 CAM 03004313 Bringing Creative Teaching into the Young Learner Classroom / Cameron, Lynne. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780194422482 104 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.102 CAS 00105611 How to be a successful teacher Castle, Paul, SAGE, 2009 9781849200165 (hbk.) | 1849200 xiv, 217 p. : UG Library
371.102 CHA 00113674 Innovations in Teaching-Learning Process Chauhan, S. S. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1979 0706907795 190 p. UG Library
371.102 CHA 00113679 Innovations in Teaching-Learning Process Chauhan, S. S. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1979 0706907795 190 p. UG Library
371.102 CHA 00113729 Innovations in Teaching-Learning Process Chauhan, S. S. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1979 0706907795 190 p. UG Library
371.102 CHA 00113672 Innovations in Teaching-Learning Process Chauhan, S. S. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1979 0706907795 190 p. UG Library
371.102 CHA 00019628 Innovations in Teaching-Learning Process Chauhan, S. S. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1979 0706907795 190 p. UG Library
371.102 CHO 00113676 Mastery of Teaching Skills Chowdary`, S B J R Discovery Publishing House 8171418619 316p UG Library
371.102 CHO 00113677 Mastery of Teaching Skills Chowdary`, S B J R Discovery Publishing House 8171418619 316p UG Library
371.102 COH 05010031 Teaching and its predicaments Cohen, David K., Harvard University Press, 2011 9780674051102 (alk. paper) | 9 xi, 234 p. Knowledge Centre
371.102 COW 04013569 Guerilla guide to teaching : Cowley, Sue. Continuum, 9781846841378 | 0826492924 (pb xv, 371 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.102 COW 00092399 Guerilla guide to teaching : Cowley, Sue. Continuum, 9781846841378 | 0826492924 (pb xv, 371 p. : UG Library
371.102 COW 04013524 A-Z of Teaching Cowley, Sue Continuum International Publishing Group, 2008 9781846841989 125p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.102 CUL 00087891 Mentoring in Education: Cullingford, Cedric Ashgate Publishing Ltd 2006 9780754645771 218p UG Library
371.102 DAN 05058477 Talk about teaching! : Danielson, Charlotte. Sage, 2009 9788132116080 xv,138p.; Knowledge Centre
371.102 DAV 00086471 Encyclopaedia of Modern Methods of Teaching English David, A Commonwealth Publishers. 2008 8171698441 333 p.: UG Library
371.102 DAV 00086477 Encyclopaedia of Modern Methods of Teaching English David, A Commonwealth Publishers. 2008 8171698441 333 p.: UG Library
371.102 DAV 00086476 Encyclopaedia of Modern Methods of Teaching English David, A Commonwealth Publishers. 2008 8171698441 333 p.: UG Library
371.102 DAV 00086475 Encyclopaedia of Modern Methods of Teaching English David, A Commonwealth Publishers. 2008 8171698441 333 p.: UG Library
371.102 DAV 00086474 Encyclopaedia of Modern Methods of Teaching English David, A Commonwealth Publishers. 2008 8171698441 333 p.: UG Library
371.102 DAV 00086472 Encyclopaedia of Modern Methods of Teaching English David, A Commonwealth Publishers. 2008 8171698441 333 p.: UG Library
371.102 DAV 00086473 Encyclopaedia of Modern Methods of Teaching English David, A Commonwealth Publishers. 2008 8171698441 333 p.: UG Library
371.102 DEA 00119624 Reviving the Soul of Teaching : Deal, Terrence E. Corwin Press; | NSDC, 2009 9781412940511 (cloth : acidfre xx, 131p. ; UG Library
371.102 DEY 00075391 Teacher Education in Communication Age: Dey, Bani Wisdom Publications 2000 0818954716 294 p. UG Library
371.102 ERM 05058319 Teaching better : Ermeling, Bradley A., Corwin, 2016 9781506333465 (pbk. : alk. pap xviii, 178 pages : Knowledge Centre
371.102 FAR 00096712 Teaching as leadership : Farr, Steven. Jossey-Bass, 9780470432860 (pbk.) | 0470432 xiii, 336 p. : UG Library
371.102 FIL 00144070 Teaching and Learning to CO Create / Filipovic, Jelena. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021 9783030727178 xiii,128p,; UG Library
371.102 FIS 05046153 100 ideas for surviving your first year in teaching / Fisher, Laura-Jane. Continuum, 2006 0826486673 (pbk.) xiii, 118 p. ; Knowledge Centre
371.102 FIS 07006189 100 Ideas for Surviving your First Year in Teaching / Fisher Laura-Jane Continuum, 2006 9780826486677 118p.: Library - BR Campus
371.102 FIS 00125595 100 Ideas for Surviving your First Year in Teaching / Fisher Laura-Jane Continuum, 2006 9780826486677 118p.: UG Library
371.102 FRE 00100495 Becoming a legendary teacher : Freeman, William, Corwin, 9781412954815 (pbk.) xix, 274 p. : UG Library
371.102 GAN 00134148 Teachers Job Satisfaction: Ganihar, Noorjehan N. Global Vision Publishing House, 2019 9789386603838 viii,268 p.; UG Library
371.102 GEN 00143505 Reflective Pratice in Teaching : Geng, Gretchen. Springer, 2019 9789811394775 viii,275p, ; UG Library
371.102 GHA 05005240 Teaching and learning through reflective practice : Ghaye, Tony. Routledge, 2011 9780415570961 (hbk : alk. pape 2nd ed. xii, 208 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.102 GHA 00106076 Teaching and learning through reflective practice : Ghaye, Tony. Routledge, 2011 9780415570961 (hbk : alk. pape 2nd ed. xii, 208 p. : UG Library
371.102 GHU 00130145 Effective Mentoring Ghuman, Karminder Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 2017 9789385462870 xvi, 167 p . : UG Library
371.102 GIL 00096638 Why do I need a teacher when I've got Google? : Gilbert, Ian, Routledge, 9780415468312 (hardback) | 978 220 p. UG Library
371.102 GIL 07000246 Why Do I Need a Teacher When I've Got Google? : Gilbert, Ian, Routledge, 2014 9780415709583 (hardback) | 978 Second edition. xiv, 247 p.; Library - BR Campus
371.102 GIL 04025281 Why Do I Need a Teacher When I've Got Google? : Gilbert, Ian, Routledge, 2014 9780415709583 (hardback) | 978 Second edition. xiv, 247 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.102 GIL 00119334 Why Do I Need a Teacher When I've Got Google? : Gilbert, Ian, Routledge, 2014 9780415709583 (hardback) | 978 Second edition. xiv, 247 p.; UG Library
371.102 GIL 00100195 Why do I need a teacher when I've got Google? : Gilbert, Ian, Routledge, 9780415468312 (hardback) | 978 220 p. UG Library
371.102 GOL 07014871 Teach like yourself : Goldberg,Cravity Corwin, 2019 9781544337357 XXIII,147 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
371.102 GRE 05003533 First aid kit for teachers / Grey, Duncan. Continuum International Pub., 2007 9780826489623 (pbk.) | 0826489 vii, 167 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.102 GRI 05068631 Assessment for teaching / Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781316640739 | 1316640736 Second Edition. xxii, 319p.; Knowledge Centre
371.102 HAL 05053692 Teach, reflect, learn : Hall,Patel. Viva Books, 2017 9789386105776 xiii,177p.; Knowledge Centre
371.102 HIG 04015678 The art of teaching / Highet, Gilbert, Vintage Books, 1950 0679723145 : | 9780679723141 Vintage Books ed. xvii, 268 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.102 HIG 04016007 The art of teaching / Highet, Gilbert, Vintage Books, 1950 0679723145 : | 9780679723141 Vintage Books ed. xvii, 268 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.102 JHA 00074496 Teacher Education Jha, Prem Kumar VISTA International Publishing House 2005 9788189526283 297 p.: UG Library
371.102 JOH 03004947 Teaching outside the box : Johnson, LouAnne Jossey-Bass 2011 9780470903742 2nd ed, xviii, 297p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.102 JOH 05005984 Teaching outside the box : Johnson, LouAnne Jossey-Bass 2011 9780470903742 2nd ed, xviii, 297p.; Knowledge Centre
371.102 JOH 00135380 Putting teachers first : Johnson, Brad, Routledge, 2019 9781138586659 (hardback) | 9781138586673 (pbk.) 144 pages ; UG Library
371.102 JON 00087125 Being an Effective Mentor:How to Help Beginning Teachers Succeed [EDUCATION SECTION] Jonson, Kathleen Feeney 2008 9781412940610 206 p.: UG Library
371.102 KAU 00113715 Art of Teaching Kaushik, Vijaya Kumari Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126111992 | 9788126111992 287 p. UG Library
371.102 KER 00113683 Explaning and Questioning Kerry, Trevor Nelson Thornes , 2005 0748768599 142 p. UG Library
371.102 KIR 05056721 Teaching with purpose : Kirylo, James D. Rowmann & Littlefield, 2016 9781475812930 (cloth : alk. pa xv, 184 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.102 KOT 00113665 On Being a Teacher Kottler, A. Jeffrey Corwin Press Inc 2000 0761976965 | 9780761976967 151 p. UG Library
371.102 KOT 00129345 The Teacher's Journey : Kottler, Jeffrey A. Corwin Press, 2013 9781452218274 xi, 171 p. ; UG Library
371.102 KRI 00079254 Ideas for the Classroom Krishnamurthi Foundations East West Books Pvt. Ltd 2007 9788188661671 189 p. UG Library
371.102 LAC 03005849 Making Mentoring Happen : Lacey, Kathy. Business & professional, 2006 9781875680689 | 1875680683 vii, 123 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.102 LOU 00098577 What Expert teachers do : Loughran, John Routledge, 9780415579674 xiii, 232 p. UG Library
371.102 MAL 07002689 Mentor courses : Malderez, Angi, Cambridge University Press, 1999 9780521189217 xii, 220 p. : Library - BR Campus
371.102 MAR 00123708 Revolution in Teaching Approach Mariyammal, A Random Publications, 2015 9789351117483 xvii, 265 p:. UG Library
371.102 MAR 00068729 Bridges : Activity Guide and Assessment Options Martin, Debra Bayles Merrill- Prentice Hall 2000 0130078131 xi, 101 p UG Library
371.102 MAR 03012792 The Highly Effective Teacher : Marshall, Jeff C. Viva Books, 2019 9789387925496 129p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.102 MIL 00119623 Narratives from the Classroom Miller, Paul Chamness Sage Publications, 2005 1412904072 (cloth) | 978141290 xv:269p.; UG Library
371.102 MIT 00125584 100 Ideas For Secondary Teachers Revision / Mitchell, John. Bloomsbury, 2016 9781472913753 xii,124p.; UG Library
371.102 MIT 05048096 100 Ideas For Secondary Teachers Revision / Mitchell, John. Bloomsbury, 2016 9781472913753 xii,124p.; Knowledge Centre
371.102 MUI 00130980 Effective teaching : Muijs, Daniel. Sage publications ltd., 2018 9781473944435 (paperback : alk Fourth Edition. xi, 377 pages ; UG Library
371.102 MUK 00113681 Creative Approaches to Classroom Teaching Mukalel, Joseph C Discovery Publishing House 2015 0817141401 | 9789350560341 178 p: UG Library
371.102 MUK 00113680 Creative Approaches to Classroom Teaching Mukalel, Joseph C Discovery Publishing House 2015 0817141401 | 9789350560341 178 p: UG Library
371.102 MUK 00114947 Creative Approaches to Classroom Teaching Mukalel, Joseph C Discovery Publishing House 2015 0817141401 | 9789350560341 178 p: UG Library
371.102 MUK 00113670 Creative Approaches to Classroom Teaching Mukalel, Joseph C Discovery Publishing House 2015 0817141401 | 9789350560341 178 p: UG Library
371.102 MUK 00127390 Creative Approaches to Classroom Teaching Mukalel, Joseph C Discovery Publishing House 2015 0817141401 | 9789350560341 178 p: UG Library
371.102 MUR 00129402 Designing and Implementing Effective Professional Learning / Murray, John. Crowin A Sage Company, 2014 9781452257792 xxiii, 226 p. ; UG Library
371.102 NAT 00097806 Quality Concers In Teacher Education Natesan A K APH Publishing Corporation; 9788131306864 355p UG Library
371.102 PAC 00113666 Tes 2000 Tips for Yeachers Packard, Nick Kogan Page , 2002 9788175541542 286 p, UG Library
371.102 PAC 00062978 Tes 2000 Tips for Yeachers Packard, Nick Kogan Page , 2002 9788175541542 286 p, UG Library
371.102 PAC 00113668 Tes 2000 Tips for Yeachers Packard, Nick Kogan Page , 2002 9788175541542 286 p, UG Library
371.102 PAC 00052508 Tes 2000 Tips for Yeachers Packard, Nick Kogan Page , 2002 9788175541542 286 p, UG Library
371.102 PAT 05049200 Teaching skills Pathak,R.P Dorling Kindersley Pvt Ltd., 2012 9788131767641 viii,222p.; Knowledge Centre
371.102 PER 00106053 Making learning whole : Perkins, David N. Jossey-Bass, 2009 9780470384527 (cloth) | 047038 1st ed. ix, 252 p. ; UG Library
371.102 PIT 05056719 Supporting teacher development : Pitton, Debra Eckerman. Rowman & Littlefield, 2016 9781475825145 x,116p.; Knowledge Centre
371.102 RAO 00114894 Learning and Teaching Rao V. K. Commonwealth Publishers 2005 8171692354 285 p. UG Library
371.102 RAO 00113673 School Teacher Effectiveness Rao, Bhaskara Digumarti Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171417825 83 p. UG Library
371.102 RAT 00113678 Essentials of Instructional Technology Rather, A R Discovery Publishing House 2004 0817141818 263 p. UG Library
371.102 RAT 00113718 Essentials of Instructional Technology Rather, A R Discovery Publishing House 2004 0817141818 263 p. UG Library
371.102 RAT 00113669 Essentials of Instructional Technology Rather, A R Discovery Publishing House 2004 0817141818 263 p. UG Library
371.102 RIC 00113667 Interpretation in Teaching Richarads, I A Cosmo Publications 2004 9788130700076 420 p., UG Library
371.102 RIC 00119325 Teacher Motivation : Richardson, Paul W. Routledge, 2014 9780415526838 (hardback) | 978 xxii, 254 p. ; UG Library
371.102 SEL 00097804 Teaching Strategies Selvam, Panneer S K APH Publishing Corporation; 9788131306710 99p UG Library
371.102 SEL 00130427 Reflective Practice for Teachers / Sellars, Maura. SAGE Publications, 2014 9781446256503 (hardback : alk. First edition. viii, 276 p. ; UG Library
371.102 SEL 05058311 Reflective practice for teachers / Sellars, Maura. Sage, 2017 9781473969094 (pbk. : alk. pap 2nd edition. ix,299p.; Knowledge Centre
371.102 SHA 00113716 Teaching and Monitoring Education Sharma, B. M. Akansha Publishing House 2004 8187606681 | 9788187606680 308 p. UG Library
371.102 SHA 05067232 Practical pedagogy : Sharples, Mike. Routledge, 2019 9781138599819 xi,253p.; Knowledge Centre
371.102 SHE 00123771 Creating extra-ordinary teachers : Shearer, Branton. Network Continuum, 2008 9781843711926 | 1843711923 | 9 xiv, 130 p. ; UG Library
371.102 SIN 00113810 Micro Teaching Singh, Y. K. APH Publishing House 2004 8176485586 | 9788176485586 253 p. UG Library
371.102 SIN 00114904 Micro Teaching Singh, Y. K. APH Publishing House 2004 8176485586 | 9788176485586 253 p. UG Library
371.102 SIN 00113682 Micro Teaching Singh, Y. K. APH Publishing House 2004 8176485586 | 9788176485586 253 p. UG Library
371.102 SIV 00113719 Informaion Processing Models of Teaching Theory and Research Sivakumar, P Neelkamal Publications 2005 9788183160292 222 p.: UG Library
371.102 SIV 00091982 Informaion Processing Models of Teaching Theory and Research Sivakumar, P Neelkamal Publications 2005 9788183160292 222 p.: UG Library
371.102 SIV 00114920 Informaion Processing Models of Teaching Theory and Research Sivakumar, P Neelkamal Publications 2005 9788183160292 222 p.: UG Library
371.102 SOR 05058268 The principal's guide to time management : Sorenson, Richard D., Corwin, 2016 9781506323107 (pbk. : alk. pap xxiii, 225 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.102 SYP 00113686 Art of Teaching School: How to Establish, Organise, Govern and Teach Schools of All Grades Cosmo Publications 2004 9788177559439 248 p.: UG Library
371.102 SYP 00113687 Art of Teaching School: How to Establish, Organise, Govern and Teach Schools of All Grades Cosmo Publications 2004 9788177559439 248 p.: UG Library
371.102 TAR 00113714 Essentials of Insructional Technology Chand, Tara Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126116579 x; 297 p. UG Library
371.102 THO 00113684 How to Teach Thomas H. K. Cosmo Publications 2004 0817755946 | 9788177559460 304 p. UG Library
371.102 THO 00113685 Getting Organized Thody, Angela 0826467709 100p UG Library
371.102 TIC 00089594 Harold e Palmer from Learner - Teacher to Legend [EDUCATION SECTION] Tickoo, Makhan L Orient Longman Publications 8125034323 420 UG Library
371.102 TIC 00084157 Harold e Palmer from Learner - Teacher to Legend [EDUCATION SECTION] Tickoo, Makhan L Orient Longman Publications 8125034323 420 UG Library
371.102 TIC 00084848 Harold e Palmer from Learner - Teacher to Legend [EDUCATION SECTION] Tickoo, Makhan L Orient Longman Publications 8125034323 420 UG Library
371.102 TIC 00086091 Harold e Palmer from Learner - Teacher to Legend [EDUCATION SECTION] Tickoo, Makhan L Orient Longman Publications 8125034323 420 UG Library
371.102 VAR 00113741 Geography Teaching Varma, O P Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 8120727975 342p UG Library
371.102 WAR 00113675 The Approach to Teaching Ward, Herbert Cosmo Publications 2004 8130700166 | 9788130700168 208 p. UG Library
371.102 WAR 00067115 The Approach to Teaching Ward, Herbert Cosmo Publications 2004 8130700166 | 9788130700168 208 p. UG Library
371.102 WAT 00130393 Global Perspectives on Teacher Motivation / Watt, Helen M. G. Cambridge, 2017 9781107512221 399 p.: UG Library
371.102 WHI 05058310 Ready-to-go instructional strategies that build collaboration, communication, & critical thinking / White, Denise M., Corwin, 2017 9781506333953 (Paperback : aci xix, 136 pages : Knowledge Centre
371.102 WRI 05056469 Teach. reflect. doodle ... / Wright, Paul, Bloomsburry, 2016 9781472920614 144p.; Knowledge Centre
371.1020004 MOT 00113740 Methods of Teaching Computer Science: Moturi, Ravi Kumar Discovery Publishing House 8171418236 382p UG Library
371.1020004 SIN 00113721 Teaching Computers: Singh, Y K APH 2004 0817648847 313p UG Library
371.102004 HAR 00113737 Methods of Teaching Information Technology: Harikrishna, Digumarti Discovery Publishing House 8171418058 366p UG Library
371.102004 KUM 00113739 Methods of Teaching in Computer Science: Digumarti, Bhaskara Rao Discovery Publishing House 8171418236 382p UG Library
371.102004 QUR 00113736 Modern Teaching of Computer Science Qureshi, Hasnain Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126119241 | 9788126119240 346 p. UG Library
371.102004 QUR 00113735 Modern Teaching of Computer Science Qureshi, Hasnain Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126119241 | 9788126119240 346 p. UG Library
371.102004 QUR 00114923 Modern Teaching of Computer Science Qureshi, Hasnain Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126119241 | 9788126119240 346 p. UG Library
371.102004 RAJ 00113738 Computer Education and Educational Computing Rajasekar, S Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804471 150p UG Library
371.102004 RAJ 00114915 Computer Education and Educational Computing Rajasekar, S Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804471 150p UG Library
371.102004 RAJ 00113730 Computer Education and Educational Computing Rajasekar, S Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804471 150p UG Library
371.102004 SIN 00113727 Teaching of Computers: Singh, Y K APH 8176488461 312p UG Library
371.102004 WAI 00113734 Teaching and Assessing Skills In Computer Studies Wainwright, Stewart Cambridge University Press 2003 0521753600 | 9780521753609 90 p. UG Library
371.10203 AGG 00113711 Teaching of Social Studies Aggarqwal J. C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2004 0706976622 3rd Ed. 391 p. UG Library
371.10203 AGG 00113655 Teaching of Social Studies Aggarqwal J. C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2004 0706976622 3rd Ed. 391 p. UG Library
371.10203 AGG 00114900 Teaching of Social Studies Aggarqwal J. C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2004 0706976622 3rd Ed. 391 p. UG Library
371.10203 AGG 00113657 Teaching of Social Studies Aggarqwal J. C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2004 0706976622 3rd Ed. 391 p. UG Library
371.10203 BES 05039799 Everything you need to know about teaching but are too busy to ask : Best, Brin. Continuum, 2007 9780826483775 (pbk.) | 0826483 vii, 199 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.10203 BES 04013561 Everything You Need to Know About Teaching : Best, Brin Viva-Continuum Edition, 2008 9781846841545 199p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.10203 DAS 00117070 Methods of Teaching Social Studies Dash B. N. Neelkamal Publications 2004 8183160158 312 p. UG Library
371.10203 DAS 00113725 Methods of Teaching Social Studies Dash B. N. Neelkamal Publications 2004 8183160158 312 p. UG Library
371.10203 GUP 00113713 Teaching of Social Studies Gupta, Rainu Jagdamba Book Centre 2003 8188780006 1st Ed. 378 p. UG Library
371.10203 KOC 00117068 Teaching of Social Studies Kocchar, S K Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2004 8120700767 352p UG Library
371.10203 KOC 00128381 The Teaching Of Social Studies Kochhar, S. K Sterling, 2016 9788120700765 352p : . UG Library
371.10203 KOH 00113710 Teaching of Social Studies Kohli A.S. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2000 8174882197 283 UG Library
371.10203 SAH 00113709 AIDS and Population Education Sahu, K. Binod Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 2004 8120726588 | 9788120726581 316 p. UG Library
371.10203 SAH 00113708 AIDS and Population Education Sahu, K. Binod Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 2004 8120726588 | 9788120726581 316 p. UG Library
371.10203 SIN 00127411 Teaching of Social Studies Singh, Y K APH, 2016 8176487236 | 9788176487245 296 p.: UG Library
371.10203 SIN 00113660 Teaching of Social Studies Singh, Y K APH, 2016 8176487236 | 9788176487245 296 p.: UG Library
371.10203 VEE 00113712 Methods of Teaching Social Studies Veena, Munari, B Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418996 355p UG Library
371.10203 YAD 00114907 Encyclopaedia of Teaching of Education Yadav, Bibhuti Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 9788126111909 276 p. UG Library
371.10203 YAD 00114906 Encyclopaedia of Teaching of Education Yadav, Bibhuti Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 9788126111909 276 p. UG Library
371.10203046 VEE 00113662 Modern Teaching of Population Education Veer, Udai Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126118784 | 9788126118786 352 p. UG Library
371.10203046 VEE 00114919 Modern Teaching of Population Education Veer, Udai Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126118784 | 9788126118786 352 p. UG Library
371.10203046 VEE 00113661 Modern Teaching of Population Education Veer, Udai Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126118784 | 9788126118786 352 p. UG Library
371.102030772 SIN 00061818 Modern Teaching of Rural Sociology Singh Bharat Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 8126118652 349 p UG Library
371.102030772 SIN 00113663 Modern Teaching of Rural Sociology Singh Bharat Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 8126118652 349 p UG Library
371.102030772 SIN 00113664 Modern Teaching of Rural Sociology Singh Bharat Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 8126118652 349 p UG Library
371.102032 JAM 00113653 Methods of Teaching Civics Jamandlamudi, Prashanth Kumar Discovery Publishing House 8171418066 267p UG Library
371.102032 SID 00113654 Teaching of Economics: Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan APH 8176487392 323p UG Library
371.102032 YAD 00113733 Teaching of Civics and Political Science Yadav, Nirmal Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126120185 | 9788126120185 205 p. UG Library
371.102032 YAD 00113659 Teaching of Civics and Political Science Yadav, Nirmal Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126120185 | 9788126120185 205 p. UG Library
371.102033 GUP 00127099 Teaching of Economics Gupta, Rainu Jagdamba Publishing 2003 8188780022 356p UG Library
371.102033 RUD 00113658 Methods of Teaching Economics Rudramamba B Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171419003 361 p UG Library
371.10203637 ZAI 00113731 Modern Teaching of Environmental Education: Zaidi, S M Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126119551 311p UG Library
371.102038 AGG 00113745 Teaching of Commerce Aggarwal, J. C. Vikas Publishing House 2004 8125902015 413 p. UG Library
371.102038 SUM 00119897 Teaching of commerce Sumathy M Regal Publications 2014 9788184843637 308p. UG Library
371.1020382 AGG 00113751 Teaching of Commerce: A Practical Approach Aggarwal, J C Vikas 8125902015 412p UG Library
371.1020382 AGG 00113750 Teaching of Commerce: A Practical Approach Aggarwal, J C Vikas 8125902015 412p UG Library
371.1020382 AGG 00113671 Teaching of Commerce: A Practical Approach Aggarwal, J C Vikas 8125902015 412p UG Library
371.1020382 BOR 00113749 Teaching and Assessing Skills in Business Studies Borrington, Karen Cambridge University Press 2004 0521543665 106 p. UG Library
371.1020382 KUM 00113748 Modern Teaching of Commerce Kumar, Mahesh Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2004 8126117788 | 9788126117789 324 p. UG Library
371.1020382 KUM 00113746 Modern Teaching of Commerce Kumar, Mahesh Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2004 8126117788 | 9788126117789 324 p. UG Library
371.1020382 KUM 00113747 Modern Teaching of Commerce Kumar, Mahesh Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2004 8126117788 | 9788126117789 324 p. UG Library
371.10204 MUT 00098204 Teaching of English-1 Muthuja Babu Centrum Press; 9789380252407 303 p. UG Library
371.10204 MUT 00098205 Teaching of English-1 Muthuja Babu Centrum Press; 9789380252407 303 p. UG Library
371.10204 MUT 00102982 Teaching of English-1 Muthuja Babu Centrum Press; 9789380252407 303 p. UG Library
371.10204 MUT 00102983 Teaching of English-1 Muthuja Babu Centrum Press; 9789380252407 303 p. UG Library
371.102042 ASL 00113726 Teaching of English Aslam, Mohammad Foundation Books 2004 8175961686 | 9788175961685 210 p. UG Library
371.102042 ASL 00114912 Teaching of English Aslam, Mohammad Foundation Books 2004 8175961686 | 9788175961685 210 p. UG Library
371.102042 LAL 00113723 Empowerment English Krishnaswamy, Lalitha Macmillan 2004 0333934458 237 p. UG Library
371.102042 MIS 00115831 English Language Teaching Misra, Bhawna Akansha Publishing House 2004 8187606584 284p UG Library
371.102042 NAN 00113724 Teaching of English: Nanda, V K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126122633 395p UG Library
371.102042 PAL 00015535 Scientific Study &teaching of Language Palmer, Harold E Oxford University 232p UG Library
371.102042 SEL 00124433 Application of Language and Teaching Dr. S.K. Panneer Selvam Random Publications, 2016 9789351118923 xxii, 371 p.: UG Library
371.102042 SIN 00113722 Teaching of English Singh, Y K APH 2004 8176487112 296p UG Library
371.102042 TIC 00085653 Teaching and Learning English: Tickoo, M L Orient Longman Publications 2007 8125023070 | 9788125023074 457 p UG Library
371.102042 VER 00114902 Teaching English as a Second Language Verghese, Paul C. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2004 0812070942 | 9788120709423 120 p. UG Library
371.102042 YAS 00114897 Teaching Of English Yashpal, Sunil Jagdamba Publishing 2004 8188780081 263 p. UG Library
371.10205 BAK 00140113 Methodology of biological science Bakkappa,Ravikiran Current publications, 2020 9788194539575 248p.; UG Library
371.10205 DAS 00128374 Science Teaching in Schools Das R.C. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 1965 8120700406 | 9788120700406 1st Ed. 264 p. UG Library
371.10205 AGG 00114278 Teaching Science in Schools Aggarwal, Sarvottam ADB Publishers 2005 9798189011696 UG Library
371.10205 DAS 00113834 Science Teaching in Schools Das R.C. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 1965 8120700406 | 9788120700406 1st Ed. 264 p. UG Library
371.10205 DAS 00113774 Science Teaching in Schools Das R.C. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 1965 8120700406 | 9788120700406 1st Ed. 264 p. UG Library
371.10205 DAS 00113835 Science Teaching in Schools Das R.C. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 1965 8120700406 | 9788120700406 1st Ed. 264 p. UG Library
371.10205 DAS 00113773 Science Teaching in Schools Das R.C. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 1965 8120700406 | 9788120700406 1st Ed. 264 p. UG Library
371.10205 DAS 00113807 Science Teaching in Schools Das R.C. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 1965 8120700406 | 9788120700406 1st Ed. 264 p. UG Library
371.10205 DAS 00113775 Science Teaching in Schools Das R.C. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 1965 8120700406 | 9788120700406 1st Ed. 264 p. UG Library
371.10205 DAS 00113776 Science Teaching in Schools Das R.C. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 1965 8120700406 | 9788120700406 1st Ed. 264 p. UG Library
371.10205 DAS 00113833 Science Teaching in Schools Das R.C. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 1965 8120700406 | 9788120700406 1st Ed. 264 p. UG Library
371.10205 DAS 00113832 Science Teaching in Schools Das R.C. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 1965 8120700406 | 9788120700406 1st Ed. 264 p. UG Library
371.10205 HAY 00113771 Teaching and Assessing Practical Skills in Science Hayward, Dave Cambridge University Press 2004 0521753597 | 9780521753593 115 p. UG Library
371.10205 KAL 00113830 Teaching of Science for Elementary and Secondary Pre and In-service Teachers Kalra, M. Rajinder Shipra 2004 8175411619 200 p. UG Library
371.10205 KAL 00120130 Teaching of Science A Modern Approach R.M. Kalra PHI Learning Pvt, 2012 9788120345447 x,206 p.: UG Library
371.10205 KAL 00120131 Teaching of Science A Modern Approach R.M. Kalra PHI Learning Pvt, 2012 9788120345447 x,206 p.: UG Library
371.10205 KUM 00128378 Teaching Of Mathematics Kumar, Sudhir Amol Publications PVT. LTD., 2018 9788126113323 341p : . UG Library
371.10205 NAR 00113837 Modern Methodology of Teaching Biology Narasimha, Kamala Sumukha 2008 341p UG Library
371.10205 RAT 00113798 Science Education for Citizenship Ratcliffe, Mary Open University Press 2003 9780335210855 178 p. UG Library
371.10205 RAV 00113770 Teaching of Science: Modern Methods, Models and Presentation Techniques Ravikumar, S K Mangal Deep Publications 2004 8175941553 148p UG Library
371.10205 SID 00113840 Teaching of Science Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan APH 8176487090 306p UG Library
371.10205 VAI 00113836 Science Teaching for the 21st Century Vaidya, Narendra Deep and Deep Publications 8171008119 502p UG Library
371.10205 VAI 00113838 Science Teaching in Schools for the 21st Century Vaidya, Narendra Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2003 8176291811 503p UG Library
371.102051 SIN 00114916 Modern Teaching of Mathematics Singh,Manpal. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 0812612105 | 9788126121052 390 p. UG Library
371.102051 SIN 00132061 Teaching of mathematics Singh,Chitrangada Dominant publishers and distributors pvt ltd., 2017 9789384207144 429p.; UG Library
371.102051 SIN 04030040 Teaching of mathematics Singh,Chitrangada Dominant publishers and distributors pvt ltd., 2017 9789384207144 429p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.102051 EDI 00127409 Teaching Mathematics Successfully Ediger, Marlow Discovery Publishing, 2017 269 p.: UG Library
371.102051 PAP 00128379 Teaching of Mathematics Papola, C Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126122668 | 9788126122677 368p UG Library
371.102051 RAI 00113781 Method: Teaching of Mathematics Rai B. C. Prakashan Kenra 2001 172 p. UG Library
371.102051 RAI 00113782 Method: Teaching of Mathematics Rai B. C. Prakashan Kenra 2001 172 p. UG Library
371.102051 SID 00113783 The Teaching of Mathematics Sidhu Singh Kulbir Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 2008 8120717473 | 9788120717473 4th Ed. 413 p. UG Library
371.102051 SID 00114936 The Teaching of Mathematics Sidhu Singh Kulbir Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 2008 8120717473 | 9788120717473 4th Ed. 413 p. UG Library
371.102051 SID 00113843 The Teaching of Mathematics Sidhu Singh Kulbir Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 2008 8120717473 | 9788120717473 4th Ed. 413 p. UG Library
371.102051 SID 04024937 The Teaching of Mathematics Sidhu Singh Kulbir Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 2008 8120717473 | 9788120717473 4th Ed. 413 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.102051 SID 00117257 The Teaching of Mathematics Sidhu Singh Kulbir Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 2008 8120717473 | 9788120717473 4th Ed. 413 p. UG Library
371.102051 SID 00063799 The Teaching of Mathematics Sidhu Singh Kulbir Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 2008 8120717473 | 9788120717473 4th Ed. 413 p. UG Library
371.102051 SIN 00113784 Modern Teaching of Mathematics Singh,Manpal. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 0812612105 | 9788126121052 390 p. UG Library
371.102051 SIN 00117256 Modern Teaching of Mathematics Singh,Manpal. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 0812612105 | 9788126121052 390 p. UG Library
371.102051 SIN 00113841 Modern Teaching of Mathematics Singh,Manpal. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 0812612105 | 9788126121052 390 p. UG Library
371.102054 MAN 00113779 Modern Teaching of Chemistry Singh, Man Pal Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126120754 383 UG Library
371.102054 MIT 00113780 Teaching Of Chemistry Mittal, Arun A P H Publishing Corporation 2004 9788176485203 298 p. UG Library
371.102054 MIT 00113778 Teaching Of Chemistry Mittal, Arun A P H Publishing Corporation 2004 9788176485203 298 p. UG Library
371.102054 MIT 00113777 Teaching Of Chemistry Mittal, Arun A P H Publishing Corporation 2004 9788176485203 298 p. UG Library
371.1020574 LAK 00113791 Methods of Teaching Life Sciences Lakshmi, Gadde Bhuvaneswara Discovery Publishing House 2004 0817141804 277 p UG Library
371.1020574 LAK 00127398 Methods of Teaching Life Sciences Lakshmi, Gadde Bhuvaneswara Discovery Publishing House 2004 0817141804 277 p UG Library
371.1020574 MEH 00113794 Modern Teaching of Biology Mehdi, Sagheer Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126120770 | 9788126120772 395 p. UG Library
371.1020574 MEH 00113796 Modern Teaching of Biology Mehdi, Sagheer Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126120770 | 9788126120772 395 p. UG Library
371.1020574 MEH 00113795 Modern Teaching of Biology Mehdi, Sagheer Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126120770 | 9788126120772 395 p. UG Library
371.1020574 RAV 00113799 Teaching of Biology Ravikumar, S K Mangal Deep Publications 8175941332 250p UG Library
371.10205RAO 00113772 Science Education Rao, V K APH 8176487546 308p UG Library
371.1020613 RAM 00113793 Health Education Ramachandran, L. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2004 0070699745x 284 p. UG Library
371.1020613 RAM 00113792 Health Education Ramachandran, L. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2004 0070699745x 284 p. UG Library
371.1020613 RAM 00114922 Health Education Ramachandran, L. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2004 0070699745x 284 p. UG Library
371.102064 BEG 00113831 Modern Teaching of Home Science Begum, Fahmeeda Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126121068 298p UG Library
371.102072 TAB 00086859 Classroom-Based Research and Evidence-Based Practice Taber, Keith S Sage 2007 9781412923231 199 p UG Library
371.10209 PHI 00108777 Teaching History: Developing as Reflective Secondary Teacher Phillips, Ian 2008 9781412947909 268p UG Library
371.10209 AGG 00113822 Teaching of History Aggarwal, J. C. Teaching Of History 2004 0706975073 3rd Ed. 384 p. UG Library
371.10209 AGG 00113821 Teaching of History Aggarwal, J. C. Teaching Of History 2004 0706975073 3rd Ed. 384 p. UG Library
371.10209 AGG 00113820 Teaching of History Aggarwal, J. C. Teaching Of History 2004 0706975073 3rd Ed. 384 p. UG Library
371.10209 AGG 00113825 Teaching of History Aggarwal, J. C. Teaching Of History 2004 0706975073 3rd Ed. 384 p. UG Library
371.10209 KOC 00113824 Teaching of History Kochhar, S. K. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2004 8120700252 | 9788120700253 386 p. UG Library
371.10209 KOC 00113827 Teaching of History Kochhar, S. K. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2004 8120700252 | 9788120700253 386 p. UG Library
371.10209 KOC 00113828 Teaching of History Kochhar S K Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 2004 8120700252 382 p UG Library
371.10209 KOC 00025303 Teaching of History Kochhar, S. K. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2004 8120700252 | 9788120700253 386 p. UG Library
371.10209 KOC 00057313 Teaching of History Kochhar, S. K. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2004 8120700252 | 9788120700253 386 p. UG Library
371.10209 KOC 00113826 Teaching of History Kochhar, S. K. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2004 8120700252 | 9788120700253 386 p. UG Library
371.10209 PHI 00089611 Teaching History: Developing as Reflective Secondary Teacher Phillips, Ian 2008 9781412947909 268p UG Library
371.10209 SIB 00113790 Teaching and Assessing Skills in Geography Sibley, Steve Cambridge University Press 2003 0521753570 | 9780521753579 99 p. UG Library
371.10209 SIN 00113785 Teaching of History: Modern Methods Singh Y. K. A P H Publishing Corporation 2004 8176487678 | 9788176487672 272 p. UG Library
371.10209 SRI 00113786 Methods of Teaching History Srinivas,Moturi Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418031 328 p. UG Library
371.10209 THI 00113789 Teaching of History and Civics Thimmareddy, K Vidyanidhi Prakashana 2004 552p UG Library
371.10209 THI 00113788 Teaching of History and Civics Thimmareddy, K Vidyanidhi Prakashana 2004 552p UG Library
371.10209 THI 00113787 Teaching of History and Civics Thimmareddy, K Vidyanidhi Prakashana 2004 552p UG Library
371.10209 THI 00114948 Teaching of History and Civics Thimmareddy, K Vidyanidhi Prakashana 2004 552p UG Library
371.10209 YAD 00128376 Teaching Of History Yadav, Nirmal Anmol Publications PVT. LTD, 2013 9788126118243 184p : . UG Library
371.102091 BAS 00113823 Methods of Teaching Geography Basha, S A Salim Discovery Publishing House 8171418074 206p UG Library
371.1020941 BUB 00128246 Successful Induction for New Teachers : Bubb, Sara, Sage, 2014 1446293971 | 144629398X | 978 2nd edition. xiii, 100 pages : UG Library
371.1020954 VIS 00121599 Professional Teaching Competency VISVANATHAN, G Random Publications, 2014 9789351113553 xix, p 365:. UG Library
371.1020973 HOP 05073101 Mentoring to empower researchers / Hopkins, Sam. Sage, 2020 9781526465115 xvi,220p.; Knowledge Centre
371.1022 CAR 05039113 Managing effective relationships in education Cardno, Carol E. M. SAGE, 2012 9781446203033 (hbk.) | 1446203 xii,208p.: Knowledge Centre
371.1022 CHR 04013530 Classroom Discourse Analysis : Christie, Frances Viva Book Pvt Ltd, 2007 9781846840883 196p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.1022 CHR 00092370 Classroom discourse analysis : Christie, Frances. Continuum, 1846840880 196 p. : UG Library
371.1022 FIS 00092051 Creative dialogue : Fisher, Robert, Routledge, 9780415497268 (hbk.) | 9780415 vii, 207 p. ; UG Library
371.1022 KRE 00113812 Multimodal teaching and learning : Kress, Gunther Continuum, 2001 0826448593 (hardback) | 978082 xv, 188 p. : UG Library
371.1022 KRE 00113816 Multimodal teaching and learning : Kress, Gunther Continuum, 2001 0826448593 (hardback) | 978082 xv, 188 p. : UG Library
371.1022 MIN 00123635 Enriching Education Sinha, Mintu Alfa Publications, 2016 9789385512070 xiii, 374 p:. UG Library
371.1022 MOH 00113811 English Online Mohanraj Jayashree Orient Longman 2001 122 p UG Library
371.1022 POL 00128217 Feedback : Pollock, Jane E., Corwin, 2012 9781412997430 xvi, 123 p. : UG Library
371.1022 QUA 05058318 Teacher voice : Quaglia, Russell J., Corwin, 2017 9781506317144 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 126 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.1022 SCH 00092034 Transformation of knowledge through classroom interaction / Routledge, 9780415492249 (hbk.) | 0415492 vii, 326 p. : UG Library
371.1022 WHI 05056720 Teacher communication : White, Ken W., Rowman & Littlefield, 2016 9781475828528 (cloth) | 978147 xi, 163 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.10223 KOC 00138088 The teaching of social studies Kochhar,S.K Sterling publishers pvt ltd., 2016 9788120700765 352p.; UG Library
371.1023 CHA 00118797 The Class Act: Learn.Teach.Be. Chatterjee, Debashis Wisdom Tree, 2014 9788183283731 xii:155p.; UG Library
371.1023 COR 05039522 Learner-centered instruction : Cornelius-White, Jeffrey H. Sage Publications, 2010 9781412954983 (pbk.) | 1412954 xxviii, 209 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.1023 ORA 00113732 25 Biggest Mistakes Teachers Make: And How to Avoid Them Orange, Carolyn 9781412937887 268p UG Library
371.1023 ROU 05071740 Teacher trainer tutor : Rourke, Liz O'. Indiana Publishing House, 2007 9788184081138 210p. ; Knowledge Centre
371.1023 ROU 05071741 Teacher trainer tutor : Rourke, Liz O'. Indiana Publishing House, 2007 9788184081138 210p. ; Knowledge Centre
371.1023PIP 00092070 Don't touch! : Piper, Heather. Routledge, 9780415420075 | 9780415420082 p. cm. UG Library
371.1024 ALB 05037376 Applied behavior analysis for teachers / Alberto, Paul. Pearson, 2013 9780132655972 | 0132655977 9th ed. xiv, 456 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.1024 ALG 00100087 Preventing problem behaviors : Algozzine, Robert. Corwin Press, 9781412970488 (pbk.) xvi, 231 p. ; UG Library
371.1024 BEL 00100503 Rethinking classroom management : Belvel, Patricia Sequeira. Corwin Press, 9781412963473 (cloth : alk. pa xvii, 229 p. : UG Library
371.1024 BLU 00128229 Classroom Management Bluestein, Jane Corwin Press, 2011 9781452217369 (pbk. : alk. pap xxviii, 178 p. : UG Library
371.1024 DAV 00108739 Creating Multi-sensory Environments : Davies, Christopher, Routledge, 2012 9780415573306 | 9780415573306 xii. 160 p. UG Library
371.1024 DAV 00111761 An interpersonal approach to classroom management : Davis, Heather A. Corwin Press/A Joint Publication 2012 9781412986731 (pbk. : alk. pap xxii, 233 p. : UG Library
371.1024 DIX 04013529 Manging your classroom Dixie Gererd Continuum International Publishing Group 9781846841323 121p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.1024 DIX 00092369 Manging your classroom Dixie Gererd Continuum International Publishing Group 9781846841323 121p UG Library
371.1024 EVE 00113800 Classroom management for elementary teachers / Evertson,Carolyn M Allyn and Bacon, 1997 9780205200061 4th ed. xii, 228 p. : UG Library
371.1024 GLA 07001970 Control theory in the classroom / Glasser, William, Perennial Library, 1986 9780060960858 1st ed. vi, 144 p. ; Library - BR Campus
371.1024 MAR 00124807 Objectives of Learning Environment Mariyammal A. Random Publlications, 2015 9789351117506 xix, 296 p.: UG Library
371.1024 MEY 00128239 The Teacher's Guide to Restorative Classroom Discipline Meyer, Luanna H. Corwin Press, 2012 9781412998611 xvii, 197 p. ; UG Library
371.1024 MIL 07014909 "These kids are out of control" : Milner, H. Richard, Sage Publicationa Asi-Pacific Pte.Ltd, 2019 9781483374802 (pbk. : alk. paper) xii, 186 pages ; Library - BR Campus
371.1024 ORA 00125839 44 Smart Strategies for Avoiding Classroom Mistakes / Orange, Carolyn. Corwin Press, 2005 9780761938750 | 0761938753 xv, 218 p. : UG Library
371.1024 ORA 00119606 44 Smart Strategies for Avoiding Classroom Mistakes / Orange, Carolyn. Corwin Press, 2005 0761938745 (cloth : alk. paper xv, 218 p. : UG Library
371.1024 PAG 00087317 You Can`t Teach Until Every One Listening:Six simple Steps to Preventing Disorder, Disruption, and General Mayhem. Page, Marilyn L 2008 9781412960144 135 p UG Library
371.1024 PIN 00129407 From Discipline to Culturally Responsive Engagement : Pinto, Laura E. Crowin A Sage Company, 2013 9781452285214 | 9781452285177 xxi, 206 p. : UG Library
371.1024 REI 00119627 Teach More and Discipline Less : Reider, Barbara. Corwin Press, 2005 0761988920 (cloth) | 978076198 xvii, 138p. : UG Library
371.1024 ROG 00100066 How to manage children's challenging behaviour / Rogers, Bill, Sage Publications, 9781848606845 (cased) | 978184 xiii, 185 p. : UG Library
371.1024 SAB 00144296 Handbook of Classroom Management / Sabornie, Edward J. Routledge, 2023 3rd ed. xviii,574p,; UG Library
371.1024 WAL 00081860 Behavior Management: Walker, James E Pearson 2007 9780131710030 Ninth Edition 353p UG Library
371.1024 WAT 00103174 Classrooms as learning communities: Watkins Chris Routledge; 9780415327800 228 p. UG Library
371.1024 WOL 00074608 Solving Discipline Problems Wolfgang, Charles H. Allyn And Bacon 1995 0205165699 | 9780205165698 3rd Ed. 354 p. UG Library
371.1024 YOU 05046152 100 ideas for secondary teachers : managing behaviour Young, Johnnie Bloomsbury publishing, 2014 9781408193624 xi,107p.; Knowledge Centre
371.1024 ZUC 00117729 From lesson plans to power struggles, grades 6-12 Zuckerman, June Trop. Corwin Press, 2009 9781412968775 (cloth) | 978141 xxiv, 206 p. ; UG Library
371.1024019 BAB 05007435 The social psychology of the classroom / Babad, Elisha Y. Routledge, 2009 9780415882590 xv, 263 p. ; Knowledge Centre
371.10242 NAG 00113801 English Language Teaching Nagaraj, Geetha Orient Longman Publications 2004 8125007512 | 9788125007517 232 p. UG Library
371.10242 DHE 00084645 Negotiating Empowerment: Studies in English Language Education [EDUCATION SECTION] Dheram, Premakumari Orient Longman Publications 8125032312 225p UG Library
371.10242 KRI 00113728 Teaching English Krishanaswamy, N. Macmillan 2005 347 p. UG Library
371.10242 KRI 00114896 Teaching English Krishanaswamy, N. Macmillan 2005 347 p. UG Library
371.10242 KRI 00113743 Teaching English Krishanaswamy, N. Macmillan 2005 347 p. UG Library
371.10242 KUD 05009604 Raddings in English Language Teaching in India / Kudchedkar S Orient Blackswan Pvt. Ltd., 2002 9788125022299 385 p. Knowledge Centre
371.10242 KUD 00084622 Readings in English Language Teaching in India. Kudchedkar, S Orient Longman Publications 2002 8125022295 385p UG Library
371.10242 NAG 00113744 English Language Teaching Nagaraj, Geetha Orient Longman Publications 2004 8125007512 | 9788125007517 232 p. UG Library
371.1024ROG 00086248 Behaviour Management With Young Children [GENERAL SECTION] Rogers, Bill Sage Publication 9781847873637 166 p UG Library
371.1025 GOE 00113829 Learn and Teach Mathematics Goel,Amit Authors Press 2006 8172733054 | 9788172733056 183 p. UG Library
371.102GIL 00092597 The eleven commandments of good teaching / Gill, Vickie. Corwin, 9781412970358 (cloth) | 141297 xi, 112 p. ; UG Library
371.103 PAN 00114931 Education Planning and Human Development Pandey, V C Isha Books 2003 8182050065 304p UG Library
371.103 PAN 00114926 Education Planning and Human Development Pandey, V C Isha Books 2003 8182050065 304p UG Library
371.103 PAN 00114924 Education Planning and Human Development Pandey, V C Isha Books 2003 8182050065 304p UG Library
371.103 PAN 00114925 Education Planning and Human Development Pandey, V C Isha Books 2003 8182050065 304p UG Library
371.103 PAN 00114929 Education Planning and Human Development Pandey, V C Isha Books 2003 8182050065 304p UG Library
371.103 PAN 00114928 Education Planning and Human Development Pandey, V C Isha Books 2003 8182050065 304p UG Library
371.103 PAN 00114927 Education Planning and Human Development Pandey, V C Isha Books 2003 8182050065 304p UG Library
371.103 PAN 00114930 Education Planning and Human Development Pandey, V C Isha Books 2003 8182050065 304p UG Library
371.103033 GUP 00113817 Teaching of Economics Gupta, Rainu Jagdamba Publishing 8188780022 356p UG Library
371.103KAR 00072113 Better Schooling Better Parenting [dharmaram Library] Kariamadam C M I, Jose Asian Trading Corporation 8170862663 175 UG Library
371.106 ABI 00113809 Reformist and Conservative Teachers Abidi, Azra Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2003 8126114150 | 9788126114153 1st Ed. 171 p. UG Library
371.106 COL 05006029 Everyday Teacher Leadership : Collay, Michelle. Jossey-Bass, 2011 9780470648292 (pbk.) | 0470648 First edition. x, 211 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.106 COL 03004991 Everyday Teacher Leadership : Collay, Michelle. Jossey-Bass, 2011 9780470648292 (pbk.) | 0470648 First edition. x, 211 pages ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.106 LIE 03006128 Teacher Leadership / Lieberman, Ann. Jossey-Bass, 2004 0787962456 (alk. paper) | 9780 1st ed. xii, 100 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.106 MUR 00119610 Connecting Teacher Leadership and School Improvement / Murphy, Joseph, Corwin Press, 2005 0761931996 (cloth : alk. paper xiii, 206 p. ; UG Library
371.11 POL 05019006 Reflective Teaching / Pollard Andrew Continuum, 2006 9781846840067 xxix,503 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.1102 APP 00128089 Communicating with learners in the lifelong learning sector / Appleyard, Nancy. Learning Matters, 2010 9781844453771 | 1844453774 vi, 138 p. : UG Library
371.1102 DYM 00088956 Reflective Teaching and Learning: Dymoke, Sue Sage 2008 9781412946476 315p UG Library
371.1102 DYM 00098123 Reflective Teaching & Learning Dymoke, Sue Sage Publications; 9788132105305 315p UG Library
371.117 GAN 00134163 Cognitive styles and achievement in physics Ganihar,Noorehan N Global vision publishing house, 2019 9789386603654 2nd ed., viii,276p.; UG Library
371.12012 WIL 00110669 Developing Successful K-8 Schools Wiles Jon Corwin A Sage Company 2009 9781412941884 xv, 129 p.: UG Library
371.122 VEE 00114921 Modern Teacher Training Veer, Udai Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2004 8126119063 | 9788126119066 412 p. UG Library
371.122 GEO 00114913 Manual of Practice Teaching George, A. Commonwealth Publishers 2004 8171697739 326 p. UG Library
371.122 NAG 00113814 Modernisation of Teacher Education Singh, Nagendra Dr. Commonwealth Publishers 2003 176 p. UG Library
371.122 RAO 00113808 Instructional Objectives and Teachers Education Rao, V.K. Commonwealth Publishers 2005 8171692338 1st Ed. 306 p. UG Library
371.122 RAW 00119803 Teacher Training by, Rawat Sadhika Pacific Book International, 2013 9789381138472 v, 276 p.: UG Library
371.122 SIN 00113802 Teacher Training Singh, Amargit Kanishka Publishers Distributors 2004 8173915148 220 p. UG Library
371.122 SRI 00113815 Perspectives in Teacher Education: Srivastava, G N Prakash Concept Publishing Company 2004 8180690873 174 p: UG Library
371.122 VEE 00113804 Modern Teacher Training Veer, Udai Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2004 8126119063 | 9788126119066 412 p. UG Library
371.122 VEE 00113805 Modern Teacher Training Veer, Udai Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2004 8126119063 | 9788126119066 412 p. UG Library
371.122 VEE 00113806 Modern Teacher Training Veer, Udai Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2004 8126119063 | 9788126119066 412 p. UG Library
371.12203 JAM 00114911 Encyclopaedia of Teachers Training and Education James, William Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126122218 | 9788126122219 274 p. UG Library
371.12203 JAM 00114910 Encyclopaedia of Teachers Training and Education James, William Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126122218 | 9788126122219 274 p. UG Library
371.12203 JAM 00114909 Encyclopaedia of Teachers Training and Education James, William Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126122218 | 9788126122219 274 p. UG Library
371.12203 JAM 00114908 Encyclopaedia of Teachers Training and Education James, William Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126122218 | 9788126122219 274 p. UG Library
371.12203 JAM 00113860 Encyclopaedia of Teachers Training and Education James, William Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126122218 | 9788126122219 274 p. UG Library
371.12203 JAM 00113861 Encyclopaedia of Teachers Training and Education James, William Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126122218 | 9788126122219 274 p. UG Library
371.12203 JAM 00113862 Encyclopaedia of Teachers Training and Education James, William Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126122218 | 9788126122219 274 p. UG Library
371.12203 JAM 00113863 Encyclopaedia of Teachers Training and Education James, William Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126122218 | 9788126122219 274 p. UG Library
371.12207 DIG 00113864 Teacher Training in Science & Technology Education Rao, D Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2001 8171415776 531p UG Library
371.127 JON 04013528 Assessment Jones Sonia Contnumm International Publishing Group 9781846841309 132p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.127 JON 00092367 Assessment Jones Sonia Contnumm International Publishing Group 9781846841309 132p UG Library
371.133 ALL 00128072 The rock 'n' roll classroom : Allen, Rich Corwin, 2013 9781412999762 (pbk.) xiv, 293 p. : UG Library
371.133 MAR 00124759 Teaching With Technology Package Mariyammal A. Random Publications, 2015 9789351117490 xvii, 293 p.: UG Library
371.14 BHA 00113842 Job Satisfaction of School Teachers Bhaskara Rao, Digumarti Discovery Publishing House 2003 8171416527 94p UG Library
371.14 FAR 00096942 Why great teachers quit : Farber, Katy. Corwin Press, 9781412972451 (pbk.) 167 p. UG Library
371.14 FOO 04013588 The Devloping Teacher : Foord, Duncan Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 2011 9788130917139 95p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.14 MIS 00113845 Problems of School Teachers Mishra R. S. Commonwealth Publishers 2004 8171692877 200 p. UG Library
371.14 SIN 00113853 Training Teachers: Problesm and Issues Singh, R. P. Gyan Publishing House 2006 8121209005 | 9788121209007 280 p. UG Library
371.1412 KIS 00106400 Job Satisfaction of B.ED. Teacher Educators Kishore.N. Discovery Publishing House Pvt.Ltd. 2011 9788183567916 214 p. UG Library
371.1412 RAO 00113846 Job Satisfaction of School Teachers Rao,Dhigumarti Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171416527 93 p. UG Library
371.141240741 WAL 00128065 Supporting every child Walton, Anita Sage Publications, 2012 9780857258212 2nd ed. 162p : . UG Library
371.141240941 KAY 04013583 Teahing Assistant's Handbook / Kay, Janet Continuum, 2006 9780826454997 175p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.144 DIR 00086681 Assessment Centered Teaching: Diranna, Kathryn Corwin Press 2008 9781412954631 205 p UG Library
371.144 GAN 00113852 Performance Appraisal of Teachers Ganihar, Noorjehan N. Neelkamal Publications 2005 8183160255 | 9788183160254 194 p. UG Library
371.144 GAN 00113851 Performance Appraisal of Teachers Ganihar, Noorjehan N. Neelkamal Publications 2005 8183160255 | 9788183160254 194 p. UG Library
371.144 GAN 00113850 Performance Appraisal of Teachers Ganihar, Noorjehan N. Neelkamal Publications 2005 8183160255 | 9788183160254 194 p. UG Library
371.144 GUP 00119782 Educational evaluations and measurements Gupta Deepali Rajat Publications 2015 9788178806464 275p. UG Library
371.144 KEN 00106057 Teacher assessment and the quest for teacher quality : Kennedy,Mary M. Jossey-Bass, 2010 9780470388334 (cloth) | 047038 1st ed. xix, 428 p. : UG Library
371.144 KRI 08000269 Professional Practice / Krishnamurthy, K. G. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9788120348745 380 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.144 KRI 03011933 Professional Practice / Krishnamurthy, K. G. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9788120348745 380 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.144 MID 00099794 Managing teacher appraisal and performance : Middlewood, David RoutledgeFalmer, 0415242215 (hbk.) | 0415242226 xvi, 200 p. : UG Library
371.144 MIT 00113844 Teachers Motivation to Work Mittal, J. P. Mittal Publications 1995 8170996120 109 p. UG Library
371.144 NAI 00058392 Role of Evaluation in Education Naik, S. P. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2000 8126101628 364 p. UG Library
371.144 NAM 08000275 Professional Practice : Namavati, Roshan H Lakhani Book, 2016 9789385492662 vi, 539p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.144 PAT 00063523 Educational Evaluation Patel, N. Rambhai Dr. Himalaya Publishing House 2001 8178665727 6th Ed. 338 p. UG Library
371.144 PAT 00139386 Educational Evaluation : Patel,Rambhai N. Himalaya Publishing House, 2016 8178665727 7th rev rep ed. 400p.; UG Library
371.144 PAT 00139387 Educational Evaluation : Patel,Rambhai N. Himalaya Publishing House, 2016 8178665727 7th rev rep ed. 400p.; UG Library
371.144 RAO 00113854 School Teacher Effetiveness Rao, D Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 8171417825 86p UG Library
371.144 SID 00119781 Educational evaluation Siddiqui,Mujibul Hasan APH Pubication corporation 2014 9788131305706 298p. UG Library
371.1440 JON 00119615 Developing Effective Teacher Performance Jones, Jeff, Paul Chapman, 2006 1412919282 (hbk.) | 9781412919 x:165p.; UG Library
371.1440942 BLA 00130812 The teachers' standards in the classroom / Blatchford, Roy. Sage publications ltd., 2017 9781526404503 3rd edition. xvii,107p.; UG Library
371.148 MAX 00105314 Teamwork Maxwell,John.C Jaico Publishing House. 2010 9788130902869 viii,148 p. UG Library
371.148 AND 00092379 Teamwork Anderson,Jason Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2000 8130902869 | 9788130902869 95 p. UG Library
371.148 AND 00078592 Teamwork Anderson,Jason Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2000 8130902869 | 9788130902869 95 p. UG Library
371.148 HEW 00144756 Collaborative Response : Hewson,Kurtis. Crowin, 2022 9781071862810 xxiii,225p, ; UG Library
371.148 MAC 00129139 The skillful team leader : MacDonald, Elisa. Crown 2013 9781452218830 (pbk.) xvii, 189 pages ; UG Library
371.148 VEN 00128273 The practice of authentic PLCs : Venables, Daniel R. Corwin Press, 2011 9781412986632 (pbk.) xiii, 189 p. : UG Library
371.148 VIL 00087121 Guide to Co-Teaching: Villa, Richard A Corwin Press 2008 9781412960595 2nd ed. 213p UG Library
371.148 VIL 00130445 A Guide to Co-Teaching : Villa, Richard A., Corwin, 2014 9781452257785 3 edition. xx, 257 pages : UG Library
371.15 FLE 00113847 Starting Drama Teaching: Readers to Choose Felming, Mike David Fulton Publishers Ltd. 0185346788 168p UG Library
371.15 GAN 00133421 Organisational and learning theories Gandhi,Gurusami Jnanada prakashan, 2018 9788171399574 viii,351p.; UG Library
371.15 LEV 07005198 Dilemmas of Educational Ethics: Levinson,Meira. Hardvard Educational Press, 2016 978612509327 247p Library - BR Campus
371.15 SWA 00124805 Concept Teaching and Learning Process Swami Satpal Random Publications, 2016 9789351118411 281 p.: UG Library
371.152 LIL 00131333 Social interaction and teacher cognition / Li, Li Edinburgh university press ltd., 2017 0748675752 | 9780748675746 | 0748675744 | 9780748675753 | 9780748675760 | 0748675760 | 9780748675784 | 0748675787 vi, 222 pages : UG Library
371.154 KHA 00113292 Teaching Motivation Khan, Waseem Ahmed Discovery Publishing House 2003 8171417361 186 p. UG Library
371.15503 FAR 00079003 Encyclopaedia of Education And Human Development Farenga, Stephen J. Pentagon Press 2006 8182742390 | 9788182742390 347 p. UG Library
371.15503 FAR 00079004 Encyclopaedia of Education And Human Development Farenga, Stephen J. Pentagon Press 2006 8182742390 | 9788182742390 347 p. UG Library
371.15503 FAR 00079005 Encyclopaedia of Education And Human Development Farenga, Stephen J. Pentagon Press 2006 8182742390 | 9788182742390 347 p. UG Library
371.19 BAR 00081854 Families, Schools, and Communities: Barbour, Chandler Pearson 2008 0000132828 | 9780132392822 4th ed. 412p UG Library
371.19 DEM 05008840 Meta-communication for reflective online conversations : Demiray, Ugur Information Science Reference, 2012 9781613500712 (hardcover) xv, 304 p. Knowledge Centre
371.19 KOR 00117716 The engaged sociologist Korgen, Kathleen Odell, SAGE Publications, Inc, 2014 9781412992893 (pbk. : alk. pap 4th ed. x, 236 p. ; UG Library
371.19 LOC 00110668 The Priniciple's guide to Afterschool Programs K-8 Lockwood Turnbaugh Anne Corwin Press 2008 9781412904414 xvii, 121 p.: UG Library
371.19 MID 00120485 Leading and Managing Extended Schools : Middlewood, David. SAGEP blications, 2009 1412948290 | 9781412948296 | xii, 164 p. : UG Library
371.19 MOD 07006143 Developing caring relationships among parents, children, schools, and communities / McDermott, Dana, Sage Publications, 2008 9781412954082 (cloth : acidfre xxvi, 277 p. : Library - BR Campus
371.19 MOO 00127499 The school and community relations Moore, Edward H. Pearson, 2016 9780133905410 | 0133905411 Eleventh edition. 290p : . UG Library
371.19 SCH 00144743 Civil Discourse : Schmidt, Joe Crowin, 2022 9781071856192 xx,189p, ; UG Library
371.19 VAS 00113848 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CURRICULUM Vashisht, R P Commonwealth Publishers. 8171697402 370p UG Library
371.192 CON 10002476 Engage every family : Constantino, Steven M., Corwin, 2021 9781071803714 Second edition (revised edition). xxiv, 249 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
371.192 GES 00097190 Home, School and Community Relations Gestwicki, Carol Thomson Delmar, 1418029742 668 p. UG Library
371.192 GES 00103187 Home, school, and community relations / Gestwicki, Carol, Thomson Delmar Learning, 1418029742 (alk. paper) | 9781 xix, 668 p., [8] p. of plates : UG Library
371.192 GLA 00092602 What successful schools do to involve families : Glasgow, Neal A. Corwin Press ; | National Association of Secondary School Principals, 9781412956031 (cloth) | 141295 xix, 190 p. ; UG Library
371.192 KYL 00110666 Reaching Out Kyle W. Diane Corwin Press Inc, 2002 0761945067 xvi, 127 p.: UG Library
371.192 RIN 00092383 Humanising your coursebook: Rinvolucri Mario Viva Books 9788130902906 95p UG Library
371.192 RIN 00095291 Humanising Your Coursebook:Activities to Bring Your Classroom to life Rinvolucri Mario Viva Books Private Limited 9788130902906 95P UG Library
371.192 TAY 00092384 The mimimax teacher: Taylor Jon Viva Books 9788130902852 96p UG Library
371.192 WEI 00129794 Preparing educators to engage families : Weiss, Heather B. Sage, 2014 9781452241074 (pbk. : acidfree Third Edition xxxviii, 191 p. : UG Library
371.192 WEI 00127496 Preparing Educators to Engage Families Weiss, Heather B. SAGE 2010 9781412974370 2nd ed. xxxv, 164 p. : UG Library
371.1COW5 00088063 How to Survive Your First Year in Teaching Cowley, Sue 2006 0826464653 | 9781847064714 196p UG Library
371.2 DAS 00117391 School Organization, Adminstration And Management Dash, Biranchi Narayan Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804722 405p UG Library
371.2 MUK 03002569 Total Quality Management in Education Mukhopadhyay, Marmar Sage Publications Pvt Ltd 8178295113 225 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.2 PAN 00038237 School Management: Panda, Upendra Nath Ashish Publishing House 2004 8176487724 139 p. UG Library
371.2 RAO 00113892 Management of Education Rao, V K APH Publishing House, 2004 9788176488280 258 p.: UG Library
371.2 RAO 00113891 Management of Education Rao, V K APH Publishing House, 2004 9788176488280 258 p.: UG Library
371.2 SHU 00116529 Educational Administration Shukla, Ramakant Sublime Publications, 2013 9788181922373 vi: 240p.: UG Library
371.2 YAD 00128373 School Management and Pedagogics of Education Yadav, Seema Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2006 0812612248 | 9788126122493 375p : . UG Library
371.2 AGA 00119769 A Textbook of Education by. Agarwal L.P. Black Prints, 2014 9789382036906 413 p.: UG Library
371.2 ANA 00113857 School Management for Quality Education in 21St Century Anand, S.P. Mahamaya Publishing House 2004 8190236822 | 9788190236829 2nd Ed. 165 p. UG Library
371.2 BAI 00130056 Releasing leadership brilliance : Bailey, Simon T., Corwin, 2017 9781506346960 (Paperback : aci First Edition. xxi, 143 pages ; UG Library
371.2 BAK 00140103 Educational management and organization for teacher trainee Bakkappa,Ravikiran Current publications, 2020 9788194539544 214p.; UG Library
371.2 BEL 00099235 Perspectives on educational management and leadership : Bell, Les, Continuum, 2007 9780826488312 (hardcover : alk xi, 214 p. ; UG Library
371.2 BEL 05011575 Perspectives on educational management and leadership : Bell, Les, Continuum, 2007 9780826488312 (hardcover : alk xi, 214 p. ; Knowledge Centre
371.2 BOT 05056488 Educational leadership for a more sustainable world / Bottery, Mike. Bloomsbury publishing Inc., 2016 9781472568267 (hardback) | 978 ix, 226 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.2 BRU 00129347 Principles of School Leadership / Brundrett, Mark Sage, 2013 9781446201459 Second edition. xii, 249 p. : UG Library
371.2 BRU 00092055 Developing school leaders : Routledge, 9780415435727 (hardback : alk. p. cm. UG Library
371.2 BUR 00113592 School Leaders Building Capacity from Within: Burrello, C Leonard Corwin Press 2004 9780761931706 128 p. UG Library
371.2 CHA 00113819 School Organisation Chaube S. P. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2004 8125911324 2nd Ed. 280 p. UG Library
371.2 CHA 00114069 School Organisation Chaube S. P. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2004 8125911324 2nd Ed. 280 p. UG Library
371.2 CHA 00113858 School Organisation Chaube S. P. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2004 8125911324 2nd Ed. 280 p. UG Library
371.2 CHA 00115484 School Organisation Chaube S. P. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2004 8125911324 2nd Ed. 280 p. UG Library
371.2 COL 00081706 Organizational Learning Collinson, Vivienne Sage Publications 2007 1412916879 | 9781412916875 239 p. UG Library
371.2 CRE 00092052 The dynamics of educational effectiveness : Creemers, Bert P. M. Routledge, 9780415389518 (hardback) | 978 p. cm. UG Library
371.2 DAS 00113591 School Organisation Administration & Management Narayan Dash, Biranchi Neelkamal Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2007 403 p. UG Library
371.2 DAS 00113856 School Organisation, Adminstration and Management Dash, Biranchi Narayan Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804722 404 p. UG Library
371.2 DAS 00119800 School Management & Pedagogics of Education B.N. Dash Dominant Publishers, 2015 9789384161323 24.11 p.: UG Library
371.2 DAW 00129138 The school leader's toolkit / Dawe Mary Sage Publications, 2012 9781446201916 (hardcover) | 97 1st ed. 204p. UG Library
371.2 DEV 05056595 The social change model : Jossey Bass, 2017 9781119242437 (pbk.) x,229p.; Knowledge Centre
371.2 DEW 05058246 Collaborative leadership : DeWitt, Peter M., Corwin, 2017 9781506337111 (pbk. : alk. pap xxiii, 205 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.2 DEW 00113883 The School and Society Dewey, John Cosmo Publications 2004 129 p. UG Library
371.2 DEW 01011749 School and Society Dewey,John Aakar books 9788189833275 127p.; Knowledge Centre
371.2 DIM 00108721 Leadership, capacity building, and school improvement Dimmock,Clive A. J. Routledge, 2012 9780415404372 | 9780415404372 viii;236 p. cm. UG Library
371.2 DIM 00085356 Educational Leadership:Culture and Diversity Dimmock, Clive 0076197170 218p UG Library
371.2 DUT 00106399 A TextBook of Educational Administration Dutt,Prakash. Wisdom Press 2012 9789381052563 274 p. UG Library
371.2 DUT 00113859 A TextBook of Educational Administration Dutt,Prakash. Wisdom Press 2012 9789381052563 274 p. UG Library
371.2 ECK 00130983 Leading together : Eckert, Jonathan, Corwin, 2018 9781506380155 (pbk. :acidfree xxiii, 215 pages ; UG Library
371.2 EDI 00127100 Improving School Administration Ediger, Marlow Discovery Publishing House 2003 8171416330 230 p. UG Library
371.2 EDI 00113902 Improving School Administration Ediger, Marlow Discovery Publishing House 2003 8171416330 230 p. UG Library
371.2 EDI 00113904 Improving School Administration Ediger, Marlow Discovery Publishing House 2003 8171416330 230 p. UG Library
371.2 EDI 00113905 Improving School Administration Ediger, Marlow Discovery Publishing House 2003 8171416330 230 p. UG Library
371.2 EDI 00114934 School Organisation Ediger, Marlow Discovery Publishing House 2004 367 p. UG Library
371.2 EDI 00113901 School Organisation Ediger, Marlow Discovery Publishing House 2004 367 p. UG Library
371.2 EDI 00113907 Improving School Administration Ediger, Marlow Discovery Publishing House 2003 8171416330 230 p. UG Library
371.2 EDI 00113887 School Organisation Ediger, Marlow Discovery Publishing House 2004 367 p. UG Library
371.2 EDW 05058314 Schools that deliver / Edwards, John, Corwin, 2016 9781506333472 (pbk. : acidfree xxv, 241 pages : Knowledge Centre
371.2 FEI 00128282 The Brain and Strengths Based School Leadership / Feinstein, Sheryl. Corwin Press, 2011 9781412988452 | 1412988454 xii, 208 p. : UG Library
371.2 FIN 05006088 Leading for instructional improvement : Fink, Stephen Jossey-Bass A Wiley Imprint, 2011 9780470542750 xxix, 271p.; Knowledge Centre
371.2 FIN 03005049 Leading for instructional improvement : Fink, Stephen Jossey-Bass A Wiley Imprint, 2011 9780470542750 xxix, 271p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.2 FRA 05072861 The Business of People : Fraser, Iain. CRC Press, 2020 9781032091037 xxxi, 154p.; Knowledge Centre
371.2 GAN 00130042 The Wonder Wall : Gamwell, Peter, Corwin A Sage Publishing Company 2018 9781506357379 xxiv, 165 p . ; UG Library
371.2 GAR 00119314 Educational leadership and technology : Garland, Virginia E. Routledge, 2013 9780415809764 (hardback) | 978 xviii, 121 p. ; UG Library
371.2 GAR 05041248 Educational leadership and technology : Garland, Virginia E. Routledge, 2013 9780415809764 (hardback) | 978 xviii, 121 p. ; Knowledge Centre
371.2 GUP 00119552 Theories of Administration Gupta, Bhuvanesh Wisdom Presss, 2013 9789382006688 283p.; UG Library
371.2 GUS 00130037 Renegade leadership : Gustafson, Brad, Corwin, 2017 9781506334219 xix, 168 pages ; UG Library
371.2 GUT 07012121 The role of leadership educators : Guthrie, Kathy L., Information Age Publishing,Inc, 2018 9781641131001 (EBook) xxix,349p.: Library - BR Campus
371.2 HAR 03011633 Leading Futures : Harris. Alma. Sage Publications, 2016 9789351502555 (hardback : alk. 249 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.2 HAR 00125694 Leading Futures : Harris. Alma. Sage Publications, 2016 9789351502555 (hardback : alk. 249 p.: UG Library
371.2 HAR 03006130 Sustainable leadership / Hargreaves, Andy. Jossey-Bass, 2006 0787968380 (alk. paper) 1st ed. xii, 325 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.2 HEM 00091552 Problems of educational administration Hemchand T K Crescent Publishing corporation 9788183421393 294p UG Library
371.2 HES 00128084 The Data toolkit : Hess, Robert T. Corwin Press, 2012 9781412992978 (pbk.) xvii, 140 p. : UG Library
371.2 HIL 05047734 Leading from the edge : Hilton,James. Bloomsbury, 2016 9781472917348 xii,208p.; Knowledge Centre
371.2 HOL 00113888 School Management Holbrook, Allfred Cosmo Publications 2005 8130700387 | 9788130700380 360 p. UG Library
371.2 HOL 00113652 School Management Holbrook, Allfred Cosmo Publications 2005 8130700387 | 9788130700380 360 p. UG Library
371.2 HOU 00117751 Leaders as communicators and diplomats Houston, Paul D. Corwin Press, 2009 9781412949439 (hbk.) | 1412949 xxi, 132 p. ; UG Library
371.2 JOS 00116528 Educational Problems Joshy, Shekhar K. Pacific Books International, 2014 9789382252665 272p.: UG Library
371.2 KAL 00113899 Efficient School Management and Role of Principals Kalra, Alka A.P.H. Publishers Corporation 2004 8176487457 189 p. UG Library
371.2 KAL 00113886 Efficient School Management and Role of Principals Kalra, Alka A.P.H. Publishers Corporation 2004 8176487457 189 p. UG Library
371.2 KAS 00092061 Leadership mindsets : Kaser, Linda. Routledge, 9780415476935 (hardback : alk. xvi, 167 p. : UG Library
371.2 KAS 00129349 Leading Every Day : Kaser, Joyce S. Corwin, 2013 9781452260938 Third edition xxvi, 259 p. : UG Library
371.2 KAT 05058267 Leading intelligent, responsive schools / Katz, Steven Corwin, 2018 9781506333151 (pbk. : alk. pap xvi, 168 pages : Knowledge Centre
371.2 KAU 00113880 School Administration Organisation Kaushik,Vijaya Kumari. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126111984 | 9788126111985 305 p. UG Library
371.2 KIN 05003541 Reforming schools / Kinsler, Kimberly. Continuum, 2001 xvii, 377 p. Knowledge Centre
371.2 KIS 00129344 Unleashing the Positive Power of Differences : Kise, Jane A. G., Corwin, 2014 9781452257716 x, 273 pages : UG Library
371.2 KOC 00128372 School Administration and Management Kochhar, S. K Sterling, 2015 9788120747883 465p : . UG Library
371.2 KSH 00117964 New Trends in Schooling Systems Kshirsagar O.M. Ishika Publishing House, 2014 9789382629702 viii, 302 p.: UG Library
371.2 LAK 00046066 Economics of Human Behaviour Lakshmanasamy L. Allied Publications Ltd 1997 8170237041 364 p. UG Library
371.2 LEV 05058290 Every teacher a leader : Levin, Barbara B., Corwin, 2017 9781506326436 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii, 179 pages : Knowledge Centre
371.2 LOV 00125857 Setting Leadership Priorities : Lovely, Suzette, Corwin Press, 2006 9781412915762 xi, 114 p. : UG Library
371.2 LOV 00119625 Setting Leadership Priorities : Lovely, Suzette, Corwin Press, 2006 1412915759 (cloth) | 141291576 xi, 114p. : UG Library
371.2 LUM 00119618 Leadership as Lunacy : Lumby, Jacky. Corwin Press, 2010 9781412974271 (pbk.) xiv, 156 p.; UG Library
371.2 LYN 00119310 A Guide to Effective School Leadership Theories / Lynch, Matthew, Routledge, 2012 9780415899505 (hardback) | 978 1st ed. xii, 216 p. ; UG Library
371.2 MAC 00113908 School Management and Methods of Teaching Macnee, E. A. Sonali Publications 2003 8188836079 202 p. UG Library
371.2 MAC 00113910 School Management and Methods of Teaching Macnee, E. A. Sonali Publications 2003 8188836079 202 p. UG Library
371.2 MCK 00129342 You Don't Have To Be Bad To Get Better : McKay, Candi B. Crowin A Sage Company, 2013 9781452240879 xvii, 127 p. : UG Library
371.2 MOH 00115483 Educational Management Supervision School Organisation Mohanty, Jagannath Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804951 1st Ed. 398 p. UG Library
371.2 MOH 00113911 Educational Management Supervision School Organisation Mohanty, Jagannath Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804951 1st Ed. 398 p. UG Library
371.2 MOO 05005137 Leading professional development in education / Routledge/Falmer in association with the Open University, 2000 xiv, 336 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.2 MOR 05048754 School leadership and complexity theory / Morrison, Keith Routledge/Falmer, 2002 0415277833 (hbk) | 0415277841 xii, 215 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.2 MYA 00113898 Educational Management Myageri C. V. Vidyanidhi Prakashana 2004 2nd Ed. 218 p UG Library
371.2 MYA 00113897 Educational Management Myageri C. V. Vidyanidhi Prakashana 2004 2nd Ed. 218 p UG Library
371.2 MYT 05068742 Women in school leadership / Mythili, N Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353283780 xix,223p.; Knowledge Centre
371.2 MYT 00138162 Women in school leadership / Mythili, N Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353283780 xix,223p.; UG Library
371.2 NAI 00113882 School Planning and Management Nair, T. K. D. Shipra 2004 8175411635 198 p. UG Library
371.2 NAR 00113881 School Administration And Management Satya Narayana, P V V Sonali Publications , 2005 81888836-46x 314 p. UG Library
371.2 NAR 00113894 School Administration And Management Satya Narayana, P V V Sonali Publications , 2005 81888836-46x 314 p. UG Library
371.2 NAR 00114933 School Administration and Management Narayan,Sayta P. V. V. Sonali Publications 2004 0818883646 316 p. UG Library
371.2 NIE 05048747 Deconstructing educational leadership : Niesche, Richard. Routledge, 2014 9780415819206 (hbk.) | 9780203 xiv, 144 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.2 PAN 00113896 School Management: Panda, Upendra Nath Ashish Publishing House 2004 8176487724 139 p. UG Library
371.2 PAN 00113885 School Management: Panda, Upendra Nath Ashish Publishing House 2004 8176487724 139 p. UG Library
371.2 PAN 00123083 Educational leadership and management Panigrahi,Manas Ranjan Renu Publishers 2015 9788193037973 338p. UG Library
371.2 PAT 00113895 School Supervision Payne, William H. Cosmo Publications 2005 8177559494 | 9788177559491 222 p. UG Library
371.2 POT 00113884 Managing a Better School Potter, David David Potter And Graham Powell 1992 0435999214 150 p. UG Library
371.2 PRA 00117865 Advanced Educational Technology Prasad Kamlesh Pacific Books International, 2013 9789381138137 v, 270 p.: UG Library
371.2 PRA 00018768 Learning to Plan Prabhu, J. C. All India Association For Christian Higher Education 1978 147 p. UG Library
371.2 RAG 00091551 Educational Management Raghuram R K Crescent Publishing Corporation 9788183421485 274p UG Library
371.2 RAG 00091549 Educational Administration Raguram, R K Crescent Publishing Corporation 9788183421478 248p UG Library
371.2 RAM 00114951 A Textbook of Educational Management Ramani, K. V. Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2004 9788178882345 284 p. UG Library
371.2 RAM 00113893 A Textbook of Educational Management Ramani, K. V. Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2004 9788178882345 284 p. UG Library
371.2 RAM 00119768 A Textbook Of Educational Management Ramani K.V. Wisdom Press, 2013 9789382006121 viii, 288 p.: UG Library
371.2 RAO 00113855 Educational Administration Rao,Digumarti, Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418422 310 p. UG Library
371.2 RAO 00113906 Educational Administration Rao,Digumarti, Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418422 310 p. UG Library
371.2 RAO 00113873 Decentralised Management of Education Rao, Digumarti Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2001 8171416179 107 p. UG Library
371.2 RAO 00114939 Educational Administration Rao,Digumarti, Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418422 310 p. UG Library
371.2 RAO 00113865 Educational Administration Rao,Digumarti, Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418422 310 p. UG Library
371.2 RAO 00113868 Decentralised Management of Education Rao, Digumarti Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2001 8171416179 107 p. UG Library
371.2 RAO 00113869 Management of Education Rao, V K APH Publishing House, 2004 9788176488280 258 p.: UG Library
371.2 RAO 00113890 Management of Education Rao, V K APH Publishing House, 2004 9788176488280 258 p.: UG Library
371.2 SAL 00123770 Basics for school goernors Sallis Joan Network Educational Press Ltd. 2000 9781855390126 66p. UG Library
371.2 SAT 00113871 School Administration and Management Narayan,Sayta P. V. V. Sonali Publications 2004 0818883646 316 p. UG Library
371.2 SHA 00038351 Schol Administration Sharma B. M. CommonWealth Publishers 1994 8171693121 1st Ed. 482 p. UG Library
371.2 SHA 00113872 School Administration Sharma, B.M. Commonwealth Publishers 2004 8171693121 1st Ed. 480 p. UG Library
371.2 SHA 00113879 Classroom Administration Sharma B. M. Commonwealth Publishers 2002 8171694500 1st Ed. 282 p. UG Library
371.2 SHE 07012742 Branded : Sheninger, Eric. Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2017 9788126572106 xix, 300p.; Library - BR Campus
371.2 SHE 05061125 Branded : Sheninger, Eric. Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2017 9788126572106 xix, 300p.; Knowledge Centre
371.2 SHE 05060692 BrandED : Sheninger, Eric C., Macmillan, 2017 9788126575106 xix, 300 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.2 SIN 00113876 Modern Educational Administration Singh, Bharat Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 0812611939 | 9788126119394 286 p. UG Library
371.2 SIN 00113878 Modern Educational Administration Singh, Bharat Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 0812611939 | 9788126119394 286 p. UG Library
371.2 SIN 00113866 Modern Educational Administration Singh, Bharat Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 0812611939 | 9788126119394 286 p. UG Library
371.2 SIN 00113875 Modern Educational Administration Singh, Bharat Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 0812611939 | 9788126119394 286 p. UG Library
371.2 SIN 00113874 Modern Educational Administration Singh, Bharat Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 0812611939 | 9788126119394 286 p. UG Library
371.2 SIN 00114943 Modern Educational Administration Singh, Bharat Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 0812611939 | 9788126119394 286 p. UG Library
371.2 SIN 00106405 Changing Schools and Schooling Systems Sinha,Tushar.K Authorspress, 2010 9788172735456 x,260 p. UG Library
371.2 SIN 00113870 School Organisation and Administration Singh, Raj Commonwealth Publishers 2004 8171692915 1st Ed. 296 p. UG Library
371.2 THA 00113877 Educational Planning and Administration: Studies in Educational Development - 1 Thakur, Devendra Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 9788176294898 2nd ed . 482 p.: UG Library
371.2 THR 00113867 Education Management in Managerialist Times: Beyond the Textual Apologists Thrupp, Martin 0335210287 281p UG Library
371.2 TON 00134130 Teaching management Tondon,Satyapal Global vision publishing house, 2017 9788182208780 2nd ed., xii,255p.; UG Library
371.2 VAS 00113927 School Administration Vashist, S. R. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2002 8126113103 | 9788126113101 247 p. UG Library
371.2 VAS 00113903 School Administration Vashist, S. R. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2002 8126113103 | 9788126113101 247 p. UG Library
371.2 VAS 00114940 Classroom Administration Vashish, S R Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2002 8126113049 315 p UG Library
371.2 VEE 00113922 Modern School Organisation Veer, Udai Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126119489 | 9788126119486 412 p. UG Library
371.2 VEE 00113924 Modern School Organisation Veer, Udai Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126119489 | 9788126119486 412 p. UG Library
371.2 VEE 00128370 Modern School Organisation Veer, Udai Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2008 9788126119493 412 p. UG Library
371.2 VEE 00113925 Modern School Organisation Veer, Udai Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126119489 | 9788126119486 412 p. UG Library
371.2 VEN 00113928 Educational Strategies Venkataiah, S. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126116463 | 9788126116461 287 p. UG Library
371.2 VER 00107457 School Management Verma J.P.Dr. R.Lal Book Depot 2007 519 P. UG Library
371.2 VER 00114068 Educational Administration Verma, Romesh Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2004 8126122722 | 9788126122721 426 p.; UG Library
371.2 VER 00113926 Educational Administration Verma, Romesh Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2004 8126122722 | 9788126122721 426 p.; UG Library
371.2 VER 00085353 Educational Administration Verma, Romesh Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2004 8126122722 | 9788126122721 426 p.; UG Library
371.2 YAD 00113923 School Management and Pedagogics of Education Yadav, Seema Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 0812612248 | 9788126122486 374 p. UG Library
371.2001 RAJ 05009654 Educationa and Administration in French Pondicherry and Indian Puducherry / Rajendran.DR.M Srihari Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2008 9788175259379 xxxi,365 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.200711 SAN 05010830 Applied critical leadership in education : Santamaría, Lorri J. Routledge, 2012 9780415881043 (hardback) | 041 xvi, 193 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.20072 BRU 05039191 Researching educational leadership : Brundrett, Mark. Sage Publications, 2013 9780857028303 (hardcover) | 97 1st ed. x,188p.: Knowledge Centre
371.20091372 DON 00113971 Managing Urban Schools: Leading from the Front Donnelly, Jim Kogan Page 2003 0749438681 151p.: UG Library
371.20092 LAH 00137819 With a Little Help From my Friends Lahiri, Dev Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2016 9788129137883 | 8129137887 (pa First impression. x, 222 p:. UG Library
371.20092 LAH 00123165 With a Little Help From my Friends Lahiri, Dev Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2016 9788129137883 | 8129137887 (pa First impression. x, 222 p:. UG Library
371.200923 DAT 00086953 Integrating Educational Systems for Successful Reform in Diverse Contexts Datnow, Amanda 9780521674348 254 p UG Library
371.200941 BRU 00111595 Leadership in education / Brundrett, Mark. SAGE Publications, 2003 0761940480 (pbk.) | 0761940472 xx, 202 p. ; UG Library
371.200941 DAV 00128053 Leading the Strategically Focused School : Davies, Brent, SAGE, 2011 9781849208086 | 1849208085 | 2nd ed. xvi, 173 p. : UG Library
371.200941 HEL 00123782 Managing in the educational madhouse Hellawell David E The Questions publishing company ltd 1999 9781841900117 126p. UG Library
371.200941 HOY 00113970 Improving Quality Education Hoy, Charles Falmer Press, 2000 0750709405 157 p.: UG Library
371.200941 KAR 00111445 Globalization A Challenge To Educational Management Karanam Pushpanadham Sarup Book Publishers Pvt. 2012 9788176258302 x, 421 p.: UG Library
371.200941 MUK 00081897 Total Quality Management in Education Mukhopadhyay, Marmar 2006 0761933689 225 UG Library
371.200941 RAY 00123552 Individual Schools, Unique Solutions Raynor, Adrian. RoutledgeFalmer, 2004 0415336252 (hbk. : alk. paper) x, 196 p:. UG Library
371.200941 SUK 00119805 Total Quality Management In Education by. Sukumar Sreeja K. Abhijeet Publications, 2014 9789350741283 v.244 p.: UG Library
371.2009411 RAO 00132473 School leadership: Rao,M.S Aadi publications, 2018 9789387799097 148p.; UG Library
371.200973 GLA 07001971 The quality school : Glasser, William, Perennial Library, 1990 9780060965136 1st ed. x, 171 p. ; Library - BR Campus
371.200973 HAR 00120494 Supporting the Emotional work of School Leaders Harris, Belinda. P.C.P., 2007 9780761944676 | 9780761944683 xi, 193 p. ; UG Library
371.200973 KIL 00128615 From Silos to Systems : Kilgore, Sally. Corwin, 2011 9781412973083 | 9781412973076 xiv, 203 p. : UG Library
371.200973 KOW 00113972 Case Studies on Educational Adminstration Kowalski, Theodore Longman, 2001 9780321081438 3th ed, 226 p.: UG Library
371.200973 STR 00128276 The new school management by wandering around / Streshly, William A. Corwin Press, 2012 9781412996044 (pbk. : alk. pap xxii, 310 p. : UG Library
371.200994 DUI 00086954 Educational Leadership Duignan, Patrick Cambridge University Press 2007 0521685125 | 9780521685122 176 p UG Library
371.201 BRU 00117731 Staying on track Brubaker, Dale L. Corwin Press, 2007 1412939356 (cloth) | 978141293 2nd ed. xxviii, 170 p. ; UG Library
371.201 DIG 00113975 EDUCATION, EMPLOYMENT AND HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Rao, Digumarti Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2003 8171416810 474 p. UG Library
371.201 DIG 00113976 EDUCATION, EMPLOYMENT AND HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Rao, Digumarti Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2003 8171416810 474 p. UG Library
371.201 ELL 00128251 Working With and Evaluating Difficult School Employees / Eller, John, Corwin, 2010 9781412958684 | 1412958679 | xii, 119 p. ; UG Library
371.201 NOR 00091451 Human Resource Administration for educational Leaders Norton M Scott Sage Publications 435p UG Library
371.201 RAN 00123510 Educational Planning and Administration Rani, Poonam Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9788126161089 305 p:. UG Library
371.201 SHA 00113974 Theory of Educational Administration Sharma, B. M. Commonwealth Publishers 2005 8171694497 1st Ed. 235 p. UG Library
371.201 SHA 00114942 Theory of Educational Administration Sharma, B. M. Commonwealth Publishers 2005 8171694497 1st Ed. 235 p. UG Library
371.2011 CRA 00135819 Developing as an educational leader and manager / Crawford, Megan. Sage Publications, 2014 9780857029225 (hardcover) 1st ed. x,215p.; UG Library
371.2011 DEW 00144673 De Implementation: Dewitt, Peter M. Corwin, 2022 9781071885215 xxi,134p, ; UG Library
371.2011 PRE 00109883 Educational leadership Preedy,Margaret Open University ; | Sage Publications, 2012 9781446201633 (hardback) | 978 ix, 300 p. : UG Library
371.2011 ROB 00123962 Leadership and Learning Robertson, Jan SAGE Publications, 2011 9781849201735 | 9781849201742 1st ed. xiii, 245 p:. UG Library
371.2011 SHA 05004998 Ethical leadership and decision making in education : Shapiro, Joan Poliner. Routledge, 2011 9780415874601 (hardback : alk. 3rd ed. xviii, 226 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.2011 TOM 00085351 Educational Ledadership (personal Growth for Professional Development Tomlinson, Harry 9780761967774 226 p UG Library
371.2011 TUT 00128571 How Successful Schools Work Tutt, Rona. Sage Publications, 2012 9780857028532 | 9781446207703 xiv, 101 p. : UG Library
371.2011 WIL 05044660 Education in the balance : Wilkins, Raphael. Bloomsbury, 2014 9781780936826 (hardback) | 978 200 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.2011 WIS 00130481 Leading Professional Practice in Education / Sage Publications, 2013 9781446253335 | 9781446253342 1st ed. xi, 294 p. : UG Library
371.201109417 OSU 00131087 Leading and managing schools O'Sullivan, Helen Sage publications ltd., 2011 9780857023964 xv,181p..; UG Library
371.2012 BON 00129352 I'm in the Principal's Seat, Now What? : Bonilla, Allan R. Corwin, 2013 9781452274348 xx, 110 p. ; UG Library
371.2012 BRO 00128234 The Daily Practices of Successful Principals / Brock, Barbara L. Corwin, 2012 9781412959858 | 1412959853 | xvii, 168 p. : UG Library
371.2012 FUL 00128583 The moral imperative realized / Fullan, Michael. Corwin Press, 2011 9781412996105 (pbk.) xiii, 81 p. : UG Library
371.20120941 DAN 00086952 School Leadership in the 21st Centruy: Davies, Brent RoutledgeFalmer 2005 9780415279529 2nd ed. 224 p UG Library
371.201209713 COU 00128235 The principal as Leader of the Equitable School / Council, Ontario Principals Corwin Press, 2012 9781412981170 xiv, 161 p. : UG Library
371.20120973 DES 05060787 Breakthrough principals : Desravines, Jean, Jossey Bass, 2016 9781118801178 (paperback) | 97 First Edition. xv, 336 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.20120973 WHI 00129771 The Principal : Whitehead, Bruce M. Sage, 2013 9781412987103 (cloth) xxvi, 492 p. ; UG Library
371.2013 VAS 00113973 Principles of Educational Supervision Vashist, S R Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd , 2002 9788126113279 479 p.: UG Library
371.202 KOT 00103553 Modernisation of social work education: Kotwal Pradeep Adhyayan publishers; 9788184352306 246 p. UG Library
371.203 DIP 07014037 Improving instruction through supervision, evaluation, and professional development / DiPaola, Michael F., IAP, 2018 9781641131681 (Ebook) Second Edition. x,406p.: Library - BR Campus
371.203 RAG 00089198 Encyclopaedia of Educational Planning and Development:Recommendations of Kothari Commission Vol.5 Raghuram, R K Crescent 9788183421508 286p UG Library
371.203 RAG 00089197 Encyclopaedia of Educational Planning and Development:Recommendations of Kothari Commission Vol.5 Raghuram, R K Crescent 9788183421508 286p UG Library
371.203 RAG 00089196 Encyclopaedia of Educational Planning and Development:Recommendations of Kothari Commission Vol.5 Raghuram, R K Crescent 9788183421508 286p UG Library
371.203 RAG 00089195 Encyclopaedia of Educational Planning and Development:Recommendations of Kothari Commission Vol.5 Raghuram, R K Crescent 9788183421508 286p UG Library
371.203 RAG 00089194 Encyclopaedia of Educational Planning and Development:Recommendations of Kothari Commission Vol.5 Raghuram, R K Crescent 9788183421508 286p UG Library
371.203 SAG 00088952 Diagnotic Classroom Observation: Saginor, Nicole Sage 2008 9781412955140 183p UG Library
371.203 SHE 05006420 Improving teacher quality : Laine, Sabrina W. M. Jossey-Bass, 2011 9780470585900 (pbk.) x, 164 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.203 SHE 00106060 Improving teacher quality : Laine, Sabrina W. M. Jossey-Bass, 2011 9780470585900 (pbk.) x, 164 p. : UG Library
371.203 SPA 00128050 Instructional Coaches and the Istructional Leadership Team : Spaulding, Dean T. Corwin Press 2012 9781452226385 (pbk.) | 1452226 xviii, 140 p. : UG Library
371.203 SUL 00129135 Supervision that improves teaching and learning : Sullivan, Susan, Crown 2013 9781452255460 (pbk.) 4th ed. xix, 235 pages : UG Library
371.2038 AGA 00113956 Educational Technolgy and Conceptual Understanding Agarwal, Rashmi Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126106654 240p UG Library
371.204 ELE 00135992 Quality in Education 3G E-learning, 2017 9781680955651 x,242 p.; UG Library
371.204 SIN 00113913 Quality Education Singh U.K. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171413366 256 p. UG Library
371.204 SIN 00113934 Quality Education Singh U.K. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171413366 256 p. UG Library
371.204 SIN 00113933 Quality Education Singh U.K. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171413366 256 p. UG Library
371.204 SIN 00113935 Quality Education Singh U.K. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171413366 256 p. UG Library
371.204 SIN 00113963 Quality Education Singh, R. K. Abhijeet Publications 2003 8188683167 | 9788188683161 166 p. UG Library
371.204 VEN 00113961 Quality Education Venkataiah, S. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 9788126116201 272 p. UG Library
371.206 ANA 00113932 Educational Wastage Ananda G. Commonwealth Publishers 2000 8171696368 1st Ed. 267 p. UG Library
371.206 POS 00128577 School budgeting for hard times : Poston, William K. Corwin, 2011 9781412990905 (pbk.) | 1412990 xi, 186 p. : UG Library
371.206 ROT 05068398 Creating winning grant proposals : Rothstein, Anne L., The Guilford Press, 2019 9781462539093 | 9781462539086 xviii, 302 pages : Knowledge Centre
371.206 ROT 09000084 Creating winning grant proposals : Rothstein, Anne L., The Guilford Press, 2019 9781462539093 | 9781462539086 xviii, 302 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.207 KOT 00111243 Improving Quality in Education / Kotwani,S.T. Rawat Publication, 2013 9788183764056 vi,280p.; UG Library
371.207 NEH 00119780 Educational administration management and planning Nehru,R.S.S A P H publishing corporation, 2013 9789331318558 xiv,265p.; UG Library
371.207 ASH 00128249 School Systems that Learn : Ash, Paul B. Corwin,Learnongforward, 2013 9781452271989 viii, 193 p. : UG Library
371.207 BAR 00128082 Deliverology 101 : Barber, Michael, Corwin Press, 2011 9781412989503 (pbk.) | 1412989 xx, 281 p. : UG Library
371.207 BLA 00128228 The Answer is in the Room Blankstein, Alan M. Corwin Press 2011 9781412998765 (pbk.) xxii, 117 p. : UG Library
371.207 BLA 04029028 Failure is Not an Option : Blankstein, Alan M Sage Publications, 2010 9788132104742 263p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.207 CHA 00120508 Improving Schools Through External Intervention Chapman, Chris, Continuum, 2005 0826468748 | 9780826468758 x, 176 p. ; UG Library
371.207 COR 00109891 Multi-dimensional education Corrigan, Michael W. Corwin Press, 2011 9781412992596 (pbk.) | 9781412 xx, 295 p. : UG Library
371.207 COW 00130470 Getting Serious About the System : Cowan, D'Ette. Corwin Press, 2012 9781452205113 xiv, 145 p. : UG Library
371.207 CRE 00108722 Improving quality in education Creemers,Bert P. M. Routledge, 2012 9780415548748 | 9780415548748 vi; 301 p. cm. UG Library
371.207 CRO 00128108 From school improvement to sustained capacity : Crowther, Frank, Corwin Press, 2011 9781412986946 (pbk.) xxvii, 211 p. : UG Library
371.207 DAY 00119784 Educational Planning & Development Dayal Brijkishore Wisdom Press 2013 9789382006190 302p. UG Library
371.207 DON 00130451 Collaborative Inquiry for Educators : Donohoo, Jenni. Crowin A Sage Company, 2013 9781452274416 | 145227441 xiii, 124 p. : UG Library
371.207 FLI 05038624 Rethinking the education improvement agenda : Flint, Kevin J. Continuum, 2012 9781441161895 (hardcover) | 14 312 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.207 FRE 00129400 Collaborative School Reviews : Freedman, Beverley. Corwin ( A Joint Publication) 2013 9781452242958 xiv, 201 p. : UG Library
371.207 FUL 00130802 Deep learning : Fullan, Michael, Corwin, 2018 9781506368580 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii, 187 pages : UG Library
371.207 HAM 00144271 Building to Impact : Hamilton, Arran. Crowin, 2022 9781071880753 xxiv,205p,; UG Library
371.207 HAT 07011955 The international handbook of consultation in educational settings / Routledge Publication, 2017 9781138013483 | 9781138013483 (Paperback) xiv, 404p.; Library - BR Campus
371.207 HOR 00129158 Implementing Change Through Learning : Hord, Shirley M. Crowin, A Sage Company, 2013 9781452234120 xxi, 143 p. : UG Library
371.207 KOT 05032407 Improving Quality in Education / Kotwani,S.T. Rawat Publication, 2013 9788183764056 vi,280p.; Knowledge Centre
371.207 KOT 05032754 Improving Quality in Education / Kotwani,S.T. Rawat Publication, 2013 9788183764056 vi,280p.; Knowledge Centre
371.207 LAU 00124982 Educational Planning and Management James C, Laurene Rajat Publications, 2015 9788178804774 vi, 288 p.: UG Library
371.207 MCN 00119608 A School District's Journey to Excellence : McNeal, Bill. Corwin Press, 2009 9781412941570 (cloth : acidfre xix, 184 p. : UG Library
371.207 MOE 00130473 Improving Achievement With Digital Age Best Practices / Moersch, Christopher. Crowin A SAGE Company, 2014 9781452255507 xv, 178 p. : UG Library
371.207 MON 05007108 Managing, controlling, and improving quality / Montgomery, Douglas C. John Wiley & Sons, 2011 9780471697916 (cloth : alk. pa xii, 501 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.207 MON 00108730 High-level leadership Mongon,Denis. Routledge, 2012 9780415689533 | 9780415689533 viii; 183 p. cm. UG Library
371.207 ODD 00129351 Improving Student Learning when Budgets are Tight / Odden, Allan. Corwin, 2012 9781452217086 | 1452217084 (p xxi, 184 p. ; UG Library
371.207 PAG 00128238 The School Improvement Specialist Field Guide Page, Deb. Corwin, 2013 9781452240893 xx, 231 . : UG Library
371.207 PHA 00118160 The Heart-Brain Relationship Phaniindra, K.S.V Discovery Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2014 9789350564387 88p.; UG Library
371.207 RAN 05045082 Education policy and planning / Rani,Poonam. Centrum Publication, 2014 9789350843680 287 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.207 SCH 05006062 Engaging Students : Schlechty, Phillip C., Jossey-Bass, 2011 9780470640081 (pbk.) xi, 212 p. ; Knowledge Centre
371.207 SCH 03005023 Engaging Students : Schlechty, Phillip C., Jossey-Bass, 2011 9780470640081 (pbk.) xi, 212 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.207 SCO 05056471 Interventions in education systems reform and development / Scott, David, Blooms bury publishing Plc., 2015 9781472526069 | 9781474293563 218 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.207 SHA 01005178 Educational Planning / G S Sharma Indian Law Institute, 1967 279p Knowledge Centre
371.207 THA 00133070 Educational planning, administration, and Management: Thamarasseri, Ismail, Wisdom Press, 2018 9789386053244 x,217 p.; UG Library
371.207 THR 00103180 School improvement : Thrupp, Martin, Continuum, 082646503X (hbk.) | 0826465048 xvi, 144 p. ; UG Library
371.207 WIN 00128586 The turnaround toolkit : Winters, Lynn. Corwin, 2011 9781412975018 (pbk. : acidfree xii, 299 p. : UG Library
371.207 ZAC 00130422 Mastering Academic Language : Zacarian, Debbie. Corwin A SAGE Company, 2013 9781452255439 ix, 229 p. : UG Library
371.2070285 KEL 05041241 Using Effectiveness Data for School Improvement Kelly, Anthony, Routledge, 2011 9780415562775 (hbk.) | 0415562 1st ed. xii, 232 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.2070285 KEL 00123720 Using Effectiveness Data for School Improvement Kelly, Anthony, Routledge, 2011 9780415562775 (hbk.) | 0415562 1st ed. xii, 232 p. : UG Library
371.20709 SCH 00106058 Leading for learning : Schlechty, Phillip C., Jossey-Bass, 2009 9780787994341 (pbk.) | 0787994 1st ed. xx, 324 p. : UG Library
371.2070941 HAR 00120507 Improving Schools in Exceptionally Challenging Circumstances : Alma Harris Continuum, 2006 0826474942 | 9780826474957 | 9 xi, 158 p. ; UG Library
371.2070954 TAN 00132039 Educational management and planning Taneja, Anil Kumar Swastik publications, 2018 9789383762477 232p.; UG Library
371.2070979541 SAG 00128274 The relentless pursuit of excellence : Sagor, Richard. Corwin, 2012 9781412996457 (pbk.) xxii, 169 p. : UG Library
371.2090973 CHE 00106063 Education nation : Chen, Milton. Jossey-Bass, 2010 9780470615065 (hardback) | 047 xxii, 296 p. : UG Library
371.21 AMA 00113900 Classroom Dynamics Aman Amit Kumar APH Publishing Corporation 2012 9788131314616 1st Ed. 83p. UG Library
371.21 HAD 01013872 Classroom Dynamics / Hadfield,Jill Oxford University Press, 9780194371476 180p.; Knowledge Centre
371.21 MCD 00114938 Materials And Methods In ELT Mcdonough, Jo 2002 0631180036 | 9780631180036 316p UG Library
371.227 COO 05005309 Work integrated learning : Cooper, Lesley. Routledge, 2010 9780415556767 (hardback) | 978 1st ed. xiv, 221 p. ; Knowledge Centre
371.242 MOL 00128717 The Marketisation of Higher Education : Molesworth, Mike Routledge 2011 9780415584456 | 0415584450 | 9 xiii, 248 p. ; UG Library
371.254 JAC 05042193 Streaming An Education System in Miniature / Jackson Brian Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2014 9781138008267 156p.: Knowledge Centre
371.26 ARV 04020227 Manhattan GMAT : Venkararaman, Hemanth Manhattan, 2012 9781935707660 5th ed. guid 7 159p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 GMAC 03003615 GMAT Verbal Review: The Only Study Guide With 300 Past GMAT Questions and Their Answers By the ... French, Doug Johb Wiley & Sons 9780470747452 335 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 KAL 04016150 SAT 2400 : Kaplan , 2012 9781609787073 395 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 KAP 04024577 GRE Premier 2016 / Kaplan, 2015 9781506200255 | 9781506234410 581p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 KAP 04016134 GMAT Premier Kaplan kaplan Publishing, 2010 9781607142706 | 9781609780937 666 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 KOL 03003613 Nova's GRE Prep Course: With Software and Online Course / Kolby, Jeff. Prakash Books , 2010 9788172343460 618 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 KOL 03003618 Nova's GMAT Data Sufficiency Prep Course / Kolby, Jeff. Prakash Books , 2011 9788172343514 424 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 MAR 04003557 Cracking the GMAT With DVD Martz, Geoff Vintage Books 2009 9780375429262 595 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 MAR 04021722 Cracking the GMAT Premium 2015 / The Princeton, 2014 9780804124942 757p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 NAM 00113919 Methods for Quality Education Nambiar, K. K. Vijayan Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804927 242 p. UG Library
371.26 NAM 00113917 Methods for Quality Education Nambiar, K. K. Vijayan Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804927 242 p. UG Library
371.26 NAM 00113918 Methods for Quality Education Nambiar, K. K. Vijayan Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804927 242 p. UG Library
371.26 PRI 04003558 Cracking the GRE Princeton Review Vintage Books 2010 9780375429781 447 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 PRI 04005792 Cracking the GRE Princeton Review Vintage Books 2010 9780375429781 447 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 PRI 04005776 Cracking the GRE Princeton Review Vintage Books 2010 9780375429781 447 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 PRI 04005793 Cracking the Sat 2009 Princeton Review Vintage Books 2008 9780375428579 661 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 PRI 04016125 GRE 2013 : Random House, 2012 9780307944726 486 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 PRI 04027617 Cracking The GMAT Premium 2018 / Princeton Review, 2017 9780451487568 773p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 PRI 04027619 Cracking The GRE Premium 2018 / Priceton, 2017 9780451487650 567p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 PRI 04027618 Cracking The GMAT 2018 / The Princeton, 2018 9780451487582 698p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 PRI 04027620 Cracking The GRE 2018 / Priceton Review, 2017 9780451487674 503p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 SIL 04016144 SAT Chemistry Subject Test 2011-2012 / Silver,Theodore Random House, 2011 9780375428142 2011-2012 ed. 352 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 VAI 04002242 Cracking the GMAT: The Ultimate Guide to the Graduate Managemetn Admission Test Vaishnav, Jagdeep I Dreamtech Press 2005 9788177226027 707 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 VAI 04002243 Cracking GRE: The Ultimate Guide to the Graduate Record Examination Vaishnav, Jagdeep I Dreamtech Press 2005 9788177226003 673 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 AIC 04019648 CMAT 2014 / G. K. Publications Ltd , 2014 9788183559379 v.p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 BAR 04030466 Barron's The Trusted Name in Test Prep GMAT / Barron India edition, 2017 9781506261720 vi,794p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 BAR 03013508 Barron's The Trusted Name in Test Prep GMAT / Barron India edition, 2017 9781506261720 vi,794p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 BLA 03007413 McGraw-Hill's SAT : Black, Christopher. Tata McGraw-Hill ; 2011 9781259002922 767 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 BOY 00129102 Formative Assessment for Teaching and Learning Boyle, Bill. SAGE, 2014 9781446273319 | 9781446273326 232 p. : UG Library
371.26 BRA 03006579 GAAP 2012 : Bragg, Steven M. John Wiley & Sons, 2011 9780470923962 xiii, 1322 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 BRO 04013525 Introduction to Assessment / Broadfoot, Patricia Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 2008 9781846841088 184p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 CHA 00119425 Test Success in the Brain-Compatible Classroom Chapman Carolyn Corwin Press, 2009 9781412969994 2nd ed, xii, 229 p.: UG Library
371.26 COH 05037347 Assessment of children and youth with special needs / Cohen, Libby G. Pearson, 2011 9780137054534 | 013705453X 4th ed. xxi, 410 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.26 DIA 05056699 Assessment for learning : Dial, Eileen, 9781475819694 (hardcover : alk viii, 123 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.26 EHR 04029497 Barron's Writing Workbook for the New SAT / New Age International Publishers, 2017 9789385923944 376p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 ETS 04027012 The Official Guide to the GRE Revised General Test with CD-ROM. McGraw-Hill, 2012 9780071791236 | 9781259061080 2nd ed. 563 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 ETS 03007420 The Official Guide to the GRE Revised General Test with CD-ROM. McGraw-Hill, 2012 9780071791236 | 9781259061080 2nd ed. 563 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 ETS 04027145 Official GRE Quantitative Reasoning Practice Questions: volume- 1 / ETS McGraw Hill Education, 2016 9789339217976 8th ed. ; xi, 340p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 FRE 00129108 Modern Classroom Assessment Frey, Bruce B. SAGE 2014 9781452203492 | 9781483310855 xxi, 366 pages ; UG Library
371.26 GAD 04016135 Cracking the SAT French Subject Test / Gaden, Monique Random house, 2011 9780375428159 2011-12 ed. 232 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 GAL 04005797 Barron's Gre Graduate Record Examiniation Galgotia, Sharon Wei Galgotia Publication 2009 9788175155695 543 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 GAR 00105610 Assessment and learning Gardner,John. Sage. 2006 9781412910514 ix,230 p. UG Library
371.26 GAR 00109879 Assessment and learning Gardner, John Sage Publications, 2012 9780857023827 (hardback) | 978 2nd ed. 301 p. cm. UG Library
371.26 GEE 04029505 Barron's Essential Words for the GRE / New Age International Publishers, 2019 9789387477018 418p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 GEU 04027589 Preparation for GRE Test 2017 : Geula, Erfun McGraw Hill Education, 2016 9789352602698 Indian Edition ; 553p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 GIO 05056703 Common sense questions about tests : Giordano, Gerard, Rowman & Littlefield, 2016 9781475821475 (cloth : alk. pa xix,132p.; Knowledge Centre
371.26 GKP 04024569 CMAT : Conducted by AICTE / C L Media, 2015 9789351444107 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 GMA 04025179 The Official Guide for GMAT 2016 / John Wiley, 2015 9788126554614 836p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 GMA 03009656 Manhattan GMAT : Venkararaman, Hemanth Manhattan, 2012 9781935707660 5th ed. guid 7 159p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 GMA 04019046 Word Translations GMAT Strategy Guide / Manuttran GMAT, 2010 9780982423875 4th Ed. 205p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 GOW 07015242 The Answr Writing Manual : Gowda Srushti Deshmukh,IAS UPSC Guide, 2022 9788195441204 286p.: Library - BR Campus
371.26 GRE 04027511 GRE 2017 : Green, Sharon Weiner Galgotias Publication, 2017 9788175157637 21st ed. ; xi, 606p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 GRE 04027512 GRE 2017 : Green, Sharon Weiner Galgotias Publication, 2017 9788175157637 21st ed. ; xi, 606p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 GRE 04027513 GRE 2017 : Green, Sharon Weiner Galgotias Publication, 2017 9788175157637 21st ed. ; xi, 606p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 GRE 03007421 GRE : Graduate Record Examination General Test / Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited ; 2012 9781259029240 13th 470 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 GRE 04029504 Barron's Pass Key to the GRE / Green Sharon Weiner.M.A New Age International (P)Limited,Publishers, 2014 9788122435719 284p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 GRE 04027592 GRE 2017 : Green, Sharon Weiner Galgotias Publication, 2017 9788175157637 21st ed. ; xi, 606p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 GRE 04027590 Barron's The Leader in Test Preparation New SAT / Green, Sharon Welner Galgotias, 2016 9788175157644 1031p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 GRE 04020242 Barron's The Leadership in Test Preparation GRE / Green, Sharon Weiner Golgotia, 2013 9788175157538 20th ed. 599p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 GRE 04027246 Barron's : GRE 2016 Green, sharon Weiner M. A. Galgotia Publication Pvt Ltd; 2016 9788175157637 xi, 606 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 GRE 04025132 Barron's : GRE 2016 Green, sharon Weiner M. A. Galgotia Publication Pvt Ltd; 2016 9788175157637 xi, 606 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 GRE 03007139 GRE : Graduate Record Examination General Test / Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited ; 2012 9781259029240 13th 470 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 HAL 00054038 Developing and Validating Multiple-Choice Test Items Haladyna, M Thomas Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers 1999 0805831479 2nd Ed 250 p UG Library
371.26 HAL 00054039 Developing and Validating Multiple-Choice Test Items Haladyna, M Thomas Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers 1999 0805831479 2nd Ed 250 p UG Library
371.26 JAF 04024570 Barron's The Leader in Test Preparation : Jaffe, Eugene D Galgotia Publications, 2014 9788175157460 vii, 661 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 JAF 04024571 Barron's The Leader in Test Preparation : Jaffe, Eugene D Galgotia Publications, 2014 9788175157460 vii, 661 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 JAF 03003617 Barron's GMAT Graduate Management Admission Test / Jaffe, Eugene D. Galgotia Publication, 2009 9788175156074 488 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 JAF 04025129 Barron's The Leader in Test Preparation : Jaffe, Eugene D Galgotia Publications, 2014 9788175157460 vii, 661 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 JAI 00042739 101 Exam Tips Jain, Priya Excel Books 8174460403 124 p UG Library
371.26 JIA 05058427 Technology enhanced innovative assessment : IAP Information, 2018 9781681239293 (pbk.) | 9781681 vi,301p.; Knowledge Centre
371.26 KAP 04024578 GMAT 800 / Kaplan, 2014 9781618656940 9th Ed. 372p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 KAP 04008602 GMAT premier 2012 : Kaplan Kaplan, 2011 9781609780913 662p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 KAP 04009192 GMAT premier 2012 : Kaplan Kaplan, 2011 9781609780913 662p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 KAP 04027588 GMAT Prep 2018 / Kalpan Publishing Kalpan Publishing, 2018 9781506234434 768p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 KAP 04027587 GRE Prep 2018 : Kalpan Publishing Kalpan Publishing, 2017 9781506234410 373p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 KAP 04016141 SAT Advanced : Kaplan, 2010 9781419553400 2nd ed. 395 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 KAP 04016123 New GMAT Essentials with Computer Adaptive Practice Test 2013 / Kaplan, 2012 9781609780944 754 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 KAP 04025133 GRE Premier 2016 / Kaplan, 2015 9781506200255 | 9781506234410 581p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 KAP 04029621 GRE Pre Plus 2019 / Kaplan, 2018 9781506247557 681p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 KES 00124979 Education and Mental Measurement Kesarwani Sulekha Jnanada Prakashan, 2015 9788171396665 v, 260 p.: UG Library
371.26 KOL 04025124 GMAT : Math Tests Kolby, Jeff Nova Press ; 2016 9788172345594 v, 380p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 KOL 04025125 GRE: Math Prep Course Kolby, Jeff Nova Press; 2016 9788172345549 iii, 468p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 KTP 04009844 GMAT verbal foundations / Kaplan, 2009 9781607148388 | 160714087X (pb ix, 317 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 KUM 04028494 Koncepts of Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency / Kumar, Gajendra Disha Publications, 2017 9789384905286 220p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 LIN 00092586 Measurement and assessment in teaching / Linn, Robert L. Prentice Hall, 2005 9788131720752 9th ed. xviii, 550 p. : UG Library
371.26 MAN 03009648 5LB. Book of GRE Practice Problems : Manhattan Prep, 2013 9781937707293 1210 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 MAN 03009654 Manhattan GMAT : Manhattan Prep , 2012 9781935707837 5th ed. 129 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 MAN 03009659 Manhattan GMAT : Manhattan Prep , 2012 9781935707646 129 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 MAN 04027597 Manhattan Prep GRE 5lb. : Manhattan Manhattan Publishing, 2015 9781506234441 2nd ed. ; 1054p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 MAN 03009658 Manhattan GMAT : Manhattan Prep , 2012 9781935707684 147 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 MAN 03009657 Manhattan GMAT : Manhattan Prep , 2012 9781935707677 5th ed. 298 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 MAN 03009655 Manhattan GMAT : Manhattan Prep , 2012 9781935707639 129 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 MAR 04029515 GMAT Math Workbook / Markal Ender New Age International(P)Limited,Publishers, 2014 9788122435740 316p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 MAR 04016124 GMAT 2013 : Martz, Geoff Random Book house, 2012 9780375427473 694 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 MAT 04009843 GMAT Math Foundations : Kaplan Pub., 2009 9781607140863 | 1607140861 390 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 MCC 04025160 500 Questions to Know by test Day GMAT Math and Integrated Reasoning / McCune, Sandra Luna McGraw Hill, 2014 9789339213718 289p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 MCG 04029057 The official guide to the GRE general test/ McGraw Hill Publication, 2017 9789352607372 3rd Ed. xi;570p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 MGP 05066984 Manhattan Prep 5lb. Book of GRE Practice Problems / Manhattan, 2018 9781506247595 | 9781506263175 1035p. : Knowledge Centre
371.26 MGP 04029648 Manhattan Prep 5lb. Book of GRE Practice Problems / Manhattan, 2018 9781506247595 | 9781506263175 1035p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 NAM 00113921 Methods for Quality Education Nambiar, K. K. Vijayan Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804927 242 p. UG Library
371.26 NAM 00114937 Methods for Quality Education Nambiar, K. K. Vijayan Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804927 242 p. UG Library
371.26 NAM 00113920 Methods for Quality Education Nambiar, K. K. Vijayan Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804927 242 p. UG Library
371.26 PIE 03010440 Cracking the GRE Premium : Pierce, Doug. Penguin Random House , 2014 9780804124706 567 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 PIE 04020241 Cracking the GRE : Pierce, Doug RAmdom House, 2014 9780307945648 549p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 PIE 04015457 Cracking the GRE 2013. / Pierce, Dough The princeton, 2010 9780307944696 486 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 PIE 03010466 Cracking the GRE : Pierce, Doug. Penguin Random House , 2014 9780804124683 | 15499057 495 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 PRI 04005791 Cracking the GRE Mathematics Subject Test Princeton Review Vintage Books 2009 9780375429729 444 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 PRI 04029654 Cracking the GRE / Penguin Random House, 2019 9780525568056 514p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 PRI 04016111 The anxious test-taker's guide to cracking any test / Random House, 2009 9780375429354 290 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 PRI 03013645 GMAT 2023: Princeton Review The Princeton Review 2022 9780593450604 917p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 PRI 03013646 GRE Prep 2023 : Princeton Review Princeton Review, 2022 9780593450628 595p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 PRI 03013647 GRE Prep 2023 : Princeton Review Princeton Review, 2022 9780593450628 595p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 RAN 04005748 1012 GMAT Practice Questions Random House Vintage Books 2009 9780375429279 692 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 RAN 04008583 11 Practice test for the SAT & PSAT 2012 / Randaom house ; Random House, 2011 9780375428371 viii,717p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 RAN 04008585 Cracking the New GRE 2012 / Random Random House, 2011 9780375428180 486p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 RAN 04008586 Cracking the GMAT 2012 / Martz, Geoff Random House, Inc. 2011 9780375428258 v, 598p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 REV 03010437 11 Practice Tests for the SAT & PSAT : Penguin Random House , 2014 9780804125093 | 15502791 965 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 REY 04015103 Measurement and assessment in education / Reynolds, Cecil R. PHI Learning, 2009 9788120343504 2nd ed. xx , 519 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 ROB 03010444 Cracking the SAT : Robinson, Adam. Penguin Random House , 2014 9780804124652 718 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 ROB 04021714 Cracking the GMAT 2015 / Martz, Geoff Penguin Random House, 2014 9780804124928 693 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 ROB 04016131 Cracking the SAT 2013 / Robinson, Adam The Princeton , 2012 9780307944801 720 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 SAI 03010438 SAIL : G. K. Publications (P) Ltd., 2014 9788183558501 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 SAL 00114724 Tests And Measurement For People Who Hate Ests And Measurement Salkind, Neil J 2006 1412913640 | 9781412913645 371p UG Library
371.26 SAL 00081740 Tests & Measurement for People Who(think They) Hate Tests & Measurement Salkind, Neil J 0001412940 371p UG Library
371.26 SAL 05058322 Tests & measurement for people who (think they) hate tests & measurement / Salkind, Neil J., Sage, 2018 9781506368382 (pbk. : alk. pap Third edition. xxi, 424 pages : Knowledge Centre
371.26 SET 00130054 Measurement And Evaluation In Education Sethi.M.K Rajat Publications, 2018 9788178807652 viii, 286 p.: UG Library
371.26 SHA 00128059 Putting FACES on the Data : Sharratt, Lyn. Corwin Press, 2012 9781452202587 xviii, 256 p. : UG Library
371.26 SHA 04022821 Study Package for CMAT / Sharma, Arun Tata McgrawHill, 2013 9781259064159 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 SHA 00133050 Measurement and evaluation techniques: Sharma, R. S ABD publishers, 2019 9788183766074 vi,278p.; UG Library
371.26 SIN 04030427 The Complete Reference Manual CMAT 2023 / Sinha, S K Arihant, 2023 9789326199971 812p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 SPI 00109266 Linking assessment to instructional strategies Spinelli, Cathleen G., Pearson, 2011 9780137146246 | 9780137146246 vi, 201 p. : UG Library
371.26 STE 05062758 High-impact teaching that creates assessment-literate learners / Stewart McCafferty, Anita, Corwin, 2018 9781506382098 (pbk. : alk. paper) xv, 227 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.26 TAI 00114914 Fundamentals of Classroom Testing Taiwo, A. Adediran Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2004 0706997867 176 p. UG Library
371.26 TAI 00113916 Fundamentals of Classroom Testing Taiwo, A. Adediran Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2004 0706997867 176 p. UG Library
371.26 TAI 00113915 Fundamentals of Classroom Testing Taiwo, A. Adediran Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2004 0706997867 176 p. UG Library
371.26 THA 00133045 Educational assessment and evaluation Thamarsseri,Ismail Wisdom press, 2018 9789386053183 191p.; UG Library
371.26 THI 00086825 Test Scoring. Thissen, David Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Inc. 2001 0805837663 | 9780805837667 422 p UG Library
371.26 THO 03007419 McGraw-Hill's 6 Practice Tests / Thomas, Christopher. Tata McGraw-Hill ; 2011 9780071332521 395 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 TRA 00114258 The Student's Guide to Exam Success Tracy, Eileen Viva Books Private Limited 2002 0817649268 | 9788176492683 184 p. UG Library
371.26 TRA 00058258 The Student's Guide to Exam Success Tracy, Eileen Viva Books Private Limited 2002 0817649268 | 9788176492683 184 p. UG Library
371.26 UMA 04027591 Barro's The Leader in the Test Preparation GMAT 2017 / Umar, Bobby Galgotias, 2014 9788175157620 757p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 UMA 04029512 Barron's Pass Key to the GMAT / Umar, Bobby New Age International (P)Limited,Publishers, 2015 9788122435719 425 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 VEN 04020226 Manhattan GMAT: Venkararaman, Hemanth Manhattan, 2012 9781935707653 5th ed. Guide 5 131p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.26 WHI 03004926 CPA Exam Review / Whittington, O. Ray Wiley, 2011 9780470923849 38th 1383 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.26 WIG 00053724 Educative Assessment:Designing Assessments to Inform and Improve Student Performance Wiggins, Grant 0787908487 361p UG Library
371.26 WIG 00053725 Educative Assessment:Designing Assessments to Inform and Improve Student Performance Wiggins, Grant 0787908487 361p UG Library
371.26 ZAH 01006724 Handbook for Judicial Service Examinations:Civil Criminal Law(law Library) Mohammed Zaheeruddin Gogia & Company 568p Knowledge Centre
371.26013 ARD 00054055 Multiple Measures Ardovino, Joan Corwin Press Inc 2000 0761976809 | 9780761976806 114 p. UG Library
371.26013 ARD 00054054 Multiple Measures Ardovino, Joan Corwin Press Inc 2000 0761976809 | 9780761976806 114 p. UG Library
371.26013 ARD 00054053 Multiple Measures Ardovino, Joan Corwin Press Inc 2000 0761976809 | 9780761976806 114 p. UG Library
371.260285 CRI 04013592 e-Assessment Handbook / Crisp, Geoffey Continuum, 2008 9781846841101 273p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.260711 KUR 07011333 Testing and measurement : Kurpius, Sharon E. Robinson. Sage Publications, 2006 1412910021 (pbk.) xv, 183 p. : Library - BR Campus
371.2608 ANA 05052392 Testing problems in perspective : American Council on Education, 1966 xiii, 671 p. Knowledge Centre
371.260941 FIL 00082502 Social World of Pupil Assessment: Processes and Contexts of Primary Schooling [education Section] Filer, Ann 0826447996 168p UG Library
371.260954 BHA 00123638 Education and Mental Measurement Bhat, Nasir Mohammad A P H Publishing Corporation, 2015 9789331324238 xiv, 249 p:. UG Library
371.260973 AERS 05058426 Standards for educational and psychological testing / American Educational Research Association, 2014 9780935302356 (alk. paper) ix, 230 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.260973 CIZ 00060675 Setting Performance Standards Cizek, J. Gregory Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers 2001 0805836748 | 9780805836745 510 p. UG Library
371.260973 FRE 01024485 Artificial intelligence and the future of testing / L. Erlbaum Associates, | Routledge, 1990 9781138987562 xiv, 329 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.260973 KUB 00127492 Education Testing and Measurement Kubiszyn, Tom John Wiley & Sons, 2007 9780471700050 8th Edition 530p : . UG Library
371.261 AND 01012582 Developing tests and questionnaires for a national assessment of educational achievement / Anderson, Prue, World Bank, 9780821374979 (alk. paper) | 0 xvii, 168 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.261 GRO 00117065 Assessment of Students Achievement. Gronlund, Norman E 1998 0205268587 230 UG Library
371.261 HOP 00091875 Classroom testing :Construction / Hopkins, Charles D. F.E. Peacock, 1989 0875813348 2nd ed. x, 193 p. UG Library
371.262 CIZ 00088947 Standard Setting: Cizek, Gregory J Sage 2007 1412916836 | 9781412916837 352p UG Library
371.262 DAS 00119783 Educational measurement statistics & guidance services Dash B N Dominant Publishers 2014 9789382007555 181p. UG Library
371.262 FRE 00068941 Planning and Implementing Assessment Freeman, Richard RoutledgeFalmer 2004 0749420871 | 9780749420871 326 p. UG Library
371.262 FRE 00077208 Planning and Implementing Assessment Freeman, Richard RoutledgeFalmer 2004 0749420871 | 9780749420871 326 p. UG Library
371.262 FRE 00077210 Planning and Implementing Assessment Freeman, Richard RoutledgeFalmer 2004 0749420871 | 9780749420871 326 p. UG Library
371.262 FRE 00077209 Planning and Implementing Assessment Freeman, Richard RoutledgeFalmer 2004 0749420871 | 9780749420871 326 p. UG Library
371.262 FRE 00113943 Planning and Implementing Assessment Freeman, Richard RoutledgeFalmer 2004 0749420871 | 9780749420871 326 p. UG Library
371.262 KEL 01012580 Using the results of a national assessment of educational achievement / Kellaghan, Thomas. The World Bank, 9780821379295 (alk. paper) | 9 xv, 167 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.262 KRI 00113753 Examination System Krishna, Modugula Ravi Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418244 403 p. UG Library
371.262 KRI 00113754 Examination System Krishna, Modugula Ravi Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418244 403 p. UG Library
371.262 KRI 00114935 Examination System Krishna, Modugula Ravi Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418244 403 p. UG Library
371.262 KRI 00115482 Examination System Krishna, Modugula Ravi Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418244 403 p. UG Library
371.262 MER 00109887 Interpreting standardized test scores Mertler, Craig A. Sage Publications, 2007 9781412937184 (cloth) | 141293 xiv, 253 p. : UG Library
371.262 SAL 00119898 Tests & measurement for people who (think they) hate tests & measurement / Salkind, Neil J. SAGE Publications, 2013 9781412989756 (pbk. : acidfree 2nd ed. xxiii, 399 p. : UG Library
371.262 SUS 00079546 Asssessing Student Learning a Common Sense Guide [ug.Lib.Education Section] Suskie, Linda Anker Publishing Co 1882982711 331p UG Library
371.262 VAS 00113945 Theory of Educational Measurement Vashist, S. R. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2002 0812611326 | 9788126113262 383 p. UG Library
371.262 VAS 00114946 Theory of Educational Measurement Vashist, S. R. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2002 0812611326 | 9788126113262 383 p. UG Library
371.262 VAS 00113946 Theory of Educational Measurement Vashist, S. R. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2002 0812611326 | 9788126113262 383 p. UG Library
371.264 BAC 00113959 Statistical Analyses for Langauge Assessment Bachman Lyle F. Cambridge University Press 2004 0521003288 | 9780521003285 364 p. UG Library
371.264 BEL 00084696 Multiple Assessments for Multiple Intelligences Bellanca, James Skylight Professional Development 1997 1575170760 | 9781575170763 3rd ed. 264p UG Library
371.264 BRO 00070571 500 Tips on Assessment Brown, Sally Crest Publishing House 2004 8124204152 | 9788124204153 150 p. UG Library
371.264 JAM 00113997 Using Assessment for School Improvement: James, Mary 2004 0435999192 265p UG Library
371.264 SHA 10003924 How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT Sharma, Arun Mc Graw Hill 2022 9789355321626 xxvii+VI.31 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
371.267 WEE 00115485 Assessment Weeden, Paul RoutledgeFalmer 2002 0415235928 | 9780415235921 164 p. UG Library
371.27 BHA 00113944 Modern Educational Measurement and Evaluation System Singh Bharat Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 0812611942 | 9788126119424 355 p. UG Library
371.27 BRO 00113912 Promoting Quality in Learning Brodfoot, Patricia Cassel 2000 0304706841 | 9780304706846 280 p. UG Library
371.27 DAS 00113962 Educational Measurement Statistics and Guidance Serviceds Dash, B N Dominant Publisher and Distributors 2004 9788178881010 182 p.: UG Library
371.27 GAL 00117728 Developing performance-based assessments Gallavan, Nancy P. Corwin Press, 2009 9781412969802 (cloth) | 978141 xi, 227 p. : UG Library
371.27 RAI 00115480 Educational Measurement and Evaluation Rani, T. Swarupa Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418597 345 p. UG Library
371.27 RAJ 00113889 Techniques of Measurement and Evaluation Singh Raj. Commonwealth Publishers 2005 8171692923 435 p. UG Library
371.27 RAN 00114932 Educational Measurement and Evaluation Rani, T. Swarupa Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418597 345 p. UG Library
371.27 RAN 00113909 Educational Measurement and Evaluation Rani, T. Swarupa Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418597 345 p. UG Library
371.27 RAO 00114000 Assessing Learning Achievement: Rao Dhigumarti, Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2001 8171416012 107 p. UG Library
371.27 RAO 00113998 Global Synthesis of Educational Assessment Rao, D. Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2001 8171416136 144 p. UG Library
371.27 RAO 00113964 Self Evaluation in Student Teaching Rao, Digumarti Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 1997 8171413749 76 p. UG Library
371.27 RAO 00113999 Global Synthesis of Educational Assessment Rao, D. Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2001 8171416136 144 p. UG Library
371.27 RAO 00113942 Assessing Learning Achievement: Rao Dhigumarti, Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2001 8171416012 107 p. UG Library
371.27 RIN 05057976 Constructing tests and grading in elementary and high school subjects, Rinsland, Henry Daniel, George G.Harrap & co, 1938 xvi, 323 p. Knowledge Centre
371.27 SHA 00113978 School Evaluation Khan Sharif, Mohammad Ashish Publishing House 2004 8176487708 106 p. UG Library
371.27 SMI 00113958 Measurment and Evaluation in Elementary School Smith D. Commonwealth 2005 8171698956 268 p. UG Library
371.27 SON 00113941 Methods Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education Sonkar, Satish Book Enclave 2003 8181520505 256 p. UG Library
371.27 SON 00113939 Methods Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education Sonkar, Satish Book Enclave 2003 8181520505 256 p. UG Library
371.27 SRI 00113914 Education - Assessment, Evaluation and Remedial Srivastava D S Isha Books 2004 8182051703 310 p UG Library
371.27 VAS 00113977 Practice of Educational Evaluation Vashist, S.R. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2004 8126113294 | 9788126113293 499 p. UG Library
371.27 VAS 00115481 Theory of Educational Evaluation Vashist S.R. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126117133 | 9788126117130 435 p. UG Library
371.27 VAS 00113957 Theory of Educational Evaluation Vashist S.R. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126117133 | 9788126117130 435 p. UG Library
371.27 VAS 00114945 Theory of Educational Evaluation Vashist S.R. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126117133 | 9788126117130 435 p. UG Library
371.2703 WAL 00114961 Encyclopaedia of Modern Techniques of Educational Testing Walton, A. John Commonwealth Publishers 2004 8171699111 362 p. UG Library
371.2703 WAL 00114962 Encyclopaedia of Modern Techniques of Educational Testing Walton, A. John Commonwealth Publishers 2004 8171699111 362 p. UG Library
371.2703 WAL 00114964 Encyclopaedia of Modern Techniques of Educational Testing Walton, A. John Commonwealth Publishers 2004 8171699111 362 p. UG Library
371.2703 WAL 00114965 Encyclopaedia of Modern Techniques of Educational Testing Walton, A. John Commonwealth Publishers 2004 8171699111 362 p. UG Library
371.2703 WAL 00114963 Encyclopaedia of Modern Techniques of Educational Testing Walton, A. John Commonwealth Publishers 2004 8171699111 362 p. UG Library
371.271 AGG 00109274 Essentials Of Examiation System Aggarwal J. C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 1997 9788125900511 | 9788125900511 xiv, 422 p. UG Library
371.271 AGG 00117066 Essentials of Examination System: Evaluation, Tests and Measurements: Aggarwal, J C Vikas Publishing House, 2004 8125900519 422 p.: UG Library
371.271 AGG 00115818 Essentials of Examination System: Evaluation, Tests and Measurements: Aggarwal, J C Vikas Publishing House, 2004 8125900519 422 p.: UG Library
371.271 AGG 00113588 Essentials of Examination System: Evaluation, Tests and Measurements: Aggarwal, J C Vikas Publishing House, 2004 8125900519 422 p.: UG Library
371.271 AGG 00113996 Essentials of Examination System: Evaluation, Tests and Measurements: Aggarwal, J C Vikas Publishing House, 2004 8125900519 422 p.: UG Library
371.271 AGG 00100198 Essentials Of Examiation System Aggarwal J. C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 1997 9788125900511 | 9788125900511 xiv, 422 p. UG Library
371.271 ETS 04027143 Official GRE Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions volume-1 : ETS McGraw Hill Education, 2016 9789339217969 11th ed. ; xi, 241p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.271 GEO 00113938 Constructing Classroom Examinations George, David Commonwealth 2005 8171699464 273 p. UG Library
371.271 MOD 00001763 Examination System Krishna, Modugula Ravi Discovery Publishing House 8171418244 403p UG Library
371.271 PUR 00113936 Teaching Techniques Puri, Usha Pragun Publications 2006 8189645145 | 81896455 397 p. UG Library
371.271 RAO 00114969 Teachers and Testing Techniques Rao, V. K. Commonwealth Publishers 2005 8171692265 1st Ed. 260 p. UG Library
371.271 RAO 00113960 Self Evaluation in Student Teaching Rao, D. Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 1997 8171413749 76 p. UG Library
371.271 TAI 00113937 Fundementals of Classroom Testing Taiwo, Adediran A. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1995 0706997867 177 p. UG Library
371.271 TRA 00068652 Students Guide to Exam Success Tracy, Eileen Viva Books Private Limited 0817649268 180p UG Library
371.272 MAR 00054052 Transforming Classroom Grading Marzano,Robert J. Association For Supervision And Curriculum Development 2000 0871203839 | 9780871203830 147 p. UG Library
371.272 MAR 00054051 Transforming Classroom Grading Marzano,Robert J. Association For Supervision And Curriculum Development 2000 0871203839 | 9780871203830 147 p. UG Library
371.272 MAR 00054050 Transforming Classroom Grading Marzano,Robert J. Association For Supervision And Curriculum Development 2000 0871203839 | 9780871203830 147 p. UG Library
371.272 OCO 00130805 How to grade for learning : O'Connor, Ken, Corwin, 2018 9781506334158 (Paperback : aci Fourth Edition. xxii, 364 pages : UG Library
371.272 SHE 04022397 Handbook of Automated Essay Evaluation : Routledge , 2013 9780415810968 361p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.272 SHE 07000490 Handbook of Automated Essay Evaluation : Routledge , 2013 9780415810968 361p. : Library - BR Campus
371.28 HOL 05049207 How children fail / Holt, John Caldwell, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1982 0201484021 Rev. ed. 298 p. ; Knowledge Centre
371.28 LEN 00130452 Common Core CPR : Lent, ReLeah Cossett. Crowin literacy, 2013 9781452291369 xxix, 306 p. : UG Library
371.28 SAP 05058294 High expectations teaching : Saphier, Jon, Corwin, 2017 9781506356792 (pbk. : alk. pap xvi, 229 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.2913 MUJ 00137926 Drop-outs in primary education Mujiaba,Afa Dul Rajat publications, 2020 9788178807911 157p.; UG Library
371.2913 SID 00113940 Secondary School Drop Outs Siddiqui, Mohd Abid A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 8176486795 | 9788176486798 152 p. UG Library
371.2914 LOC 00125590 100 Ideas For Primary Teachers Lockyer Stephen Bloomsbury, 2015 9781472913623 viii, 119 p.: UG Library
371.2914 POT 05048097 100 Ideas for Primary : Potter Molly Bloomsbury, 2015 9781472910707 x,117p.: Knowledge Centre
371.2914 POT 07006185 100 Ideas for Primary : Potter Molly Bloomsbury, 2015 9781472910707 x,117p.: Library - BR Campus
371.2914 POT 00125602 100 Ideas for Primary : Potter Molly Bloomsbury, 2015 9781472910707 x,117p.: UG Library
371.2950941 MCC 00123774 Getting the buggers to turn up / McCormack, Ian. Continuum, 2005 0826473326 (pbk.) | 9780826473 vii, 156 p. : UG Library
371.295CAL 00088060 Getting the Students Fit Cale, Lorraine Continuum 1846840848 214p UG Library
371.295MCC 00088066 Getting the Students to Turnup McCormack, Ian Continuum 1846840872 156p UG Library
371.2CON 00089244 Southern Theory:The Global Dynamics of Knowledge in Social Science Connell, Raewyn Allen&unwin 9781741753578 271p UG Library
371.2DEA 00086636 Shaping School Culture: The Heart of Leadership [EDUCATION SECTION] Deal, Terrence E 0000787930 152 p UG Library
371.3 AGG 00109270 Principles, Methods and Techniques of Teaching. Aggarwal J. C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2004 8125910565 427 p. UG Library
371.3 AGG 00113984 Principles, Methods and Techniques of Teaching. Aggarwal J. C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2004 8125910565 427 p. UG Library
371.3 KSH 00133575 Educational technology in changing society O.M,Kshirsagar ABD publishers, 2019 9788183766326 viii,264p.; UG Library
371.3 VEN 00127392 Educational Technology Venkataiah, N. APH Publishing Corporation 2004 8176484857 234 p. UG Library
371.3 AGG 00113954 Essentials of Educational Technology: Teaching Learning Aggarwal, J. C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1995 0706997190 463 p. UG Library
371.3 AGG 00113953 Essentials of Educational Technology: Teaching Learning Aggarwal, J. C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1995 0706997190 463 p. UG Library
371.3 AGG 00123799 Essentials of Educational Technology: Teaching Learning Aggarwal, J. C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1995 0706997190 463 p. UG Library
371.3 AGG 00115479 Essentials of Educational Technology: Teaching Learning Aggarwal, J. C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1995 0706997190 463 p. UG Library
371.3 AGG 00113952 Essentials of Educational Technology: Teaching Learning Aggarwal, J. C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1995 0706997190 463 p. UG Library
371.3 AGG 00117071 Principles, Methods and Techniques of Teaching. Aggarwal J. C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2004 8125910565 427 p. UG Library
371.3 AGG 00113993 Principles, Methods and Techniques of Teaching. Aggarwal J. C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2004 8125910565 427 p. UG Library
371.3 AGG 00114944 Essentials of Educational Technology: Teaching Learning Aggarwal, J. C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1995 0706997190 463 p. UG Library
371.3 AGG 00114967 Principles, Methods and Techniques of Teaching. Aggarwal J. C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2004 8125910565 427 p. UG Library
371.3 BAW 00096519 Developing teaching competencies / Viva Books, 9788130914732 227 p.; UG Library
371.3 BAW 03004576 Developing teaching competencies / Viva Books, 9788130914732 227 p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.3 BUR 05006169 They Snooze, You Lose : Burmark, Lynell, Jossey-Bass, 2011 9780470902905 (pbk.) | 0470902 1st ed. xvii, 262 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.3 BUR 03005136 They Snooze, You Lose : Burmark, Lynell, Jossey-Bass, 2011 9780470902905 (pbk.) | 0470902 1st ed. xvii, 262 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.3 CHA 05047229 Classroom management teaching and techniques / Chadha,D S. Miital Publication, 2016 97881831246835 vi,175p.; Knowledge Centre
371.3 CHR 05021614 Disrupting class : Christensen, Clayton M. McGraw-Hill, 2011 9780071749107 (acidfree paper) Updated and expanded new ed. xiii, 256 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.3 CHR 05018409 Disrupting class : Christensen, Clayton M. McGraw-Hill, 2011 9780071749107 (acidfree paper) Updated and expanded new ed. xiii, 256 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.3 DHA 00127413 Techniques of Teaching Dhand, Harry A P H Publishing, 2016 264 p.: UG Library
371.3 DHA 00113947 Techniques of Teaching Dhand, Harry Ashish Publishing House 2004 8176484849 264 p. UG Library
371.3 DHA 00113586 Techniques of Teaching Dhand, Harry Ashish Publishing House 2004 8176484849 264 p. UG Library
371.3 DON 00017445 Modern Innovations in the Teaching of Reading Donald University Of London Press Ltd 1974 0340190760 112 p. UG Library
371.3 ENG 05069965 Personal project for the IB MYP 4&​5 : England, Laura. Hodder Education, 2018 9781510446595 vii, 118p.; Knowledge Centre
371.3 GAG 00113967 Programmes for Young Children Garg, B R Associated Publishers 206p UG Library
371.3 HER 00133585 Methods of teaching Herbart Sarup book publishers pvt ltd., 2018 9789352080991 214p.; UG Library
371.3 HOW 05044661 Progressive education : Howlett, John. Bloomsbury, 2013 9781441141729 | 9781441177582 306 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.3 JAC 00114968 Illustrated Dictionary of Education Jacks, Ronald Lotus Press 2004 8189093290 | 9788189093297 208 p. UG Library
371.3 JOY 00109277 Models Of Teaching Joyce Bruce PHI Learning Pvt Ltd 2011 9788120335462 8th Ed. xv; 558 p. UG Library
371.3 KAR 00132052 Models of teaching Karthaka,Swarnalatha Adhyayan publishers and distributors, 2017 9788184355833 181p.; UG Library
371.3 KAU 00113929 Modern Methods of Teaching Kaushik, Vijaya Kumari Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126111976 | 9788126111978 316 p. UG Library
371.3 KHA 00144410 Instruction modeling : Khachatryan, George A., Oxford university press, 2020 9780190910709 | 0190910704 xiv, 263 pages : UG Library
371.3 KOC 00128369 Methods and Techniques of Teaching Kochhar, S. K. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 2010 8120700716 | 9788120700710 2nd Ed. 364 p. UG Library
371.3 KOC 04025178 Methods and Techniques of Teaching Kochhar, S. K. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 2010 8120700716 | 9788120700710 2nd Ed. 364 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.3 KRI 00113948 Educational Technology: Expanding Our Vision Krishnamurthy, R C Authors Press 8172731221 328p UG Library
371.3 KSH 00133583 Instruction methodolgy in education O.M,Shirsagar Ishika publishing jhouse, 2019 9789385302879 viii,264p.; UG Library
371.3 KUL 00113990 Concept Based Methodology of Teaching English Kulkarni, K G Pradeepa 2004 246p UG Library
371.3 LAN 00015056 Human Relation in Teaching Lane Howard, Prentice-Hall Inc 1955 346 p UG Library
371.3 LEM 05049202 Teach like a champion : Lemov, Doug, Jossey-Bass, 2010 9780470550472 (pbk.) 1st ed. xix, 332 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.3 LEW 03004312 Bringing Technology into the Classroom / Lewis, Gordon. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780194425940 96 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.3 MEH 00114966 Effective Methods of Teaching Mehrotra, K. ABD Publishers 2005 8189011715 | 9798189011719 243 p. UG Library
371.3 MOU 00095300 Project-Based Learning Using Information Technology : Moursund,David. Viva Books, 9788130909059 xiii,136p. ; UG Library
371.3 MUK 03007355 Competency Mapping for Superior Results : Mukherjee, Sraban. Tata McGraw - Hill, 2011 9780070680876 xv , 162 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.3 NAY 05018178 The Philosophy of Open Education : Routledge, 1975 9780415563581 xiii,213 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.3 NAY 00113988 Classroom Teaching Nayak, A. K. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 0817648489x 374 p. UG Library
371.3 NAY 00113930 Classroom Teaching Nayak, A. K. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 0817648489x 374 p. UG Library
371.3 PAI 00100890 Homework: Painter Lesley Oxford university press; 9780194375740 146 p. UG Library
371.3 PAR 01016794 Combining E- Learning and M - Learning : Parsons,David. Information Science, 2011 9781609604813 xxviii,369p.; Knowledge Centre
371.3 RAO 00113950 Instructional Technology Rao V. K. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 0817648704 | 9788176487047 274 p. UG Library
371.3 RAO 00113949 Instructional Technology Rao V. K. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 0817648704 | 9788176487047 274 p. UG Library
371.3 RAO 00113951 Instructional Technology Rao V. K. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 0817648704 | 9788176487047 274 p. UG Library
371.3 RAO 00114052 Instructional Technology Rao V. K. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 0817648704 | 9788176487047 274 p. UG Library
371.3 RED 00117892 Planning for Technical Vocational Education Reddy Sambasiva K, Arpan Publication, 2014 9789382135180 287 p.: UG Library
371.3 RED 00061113 Methods of Teaching Reddy R. Jayaprakash. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 8176486701 | 9788176486705 102 p. UG Library
371.3 RED 00113986 Principles of Scientific Coaching Reddy,Chinnappa P. Ashish Publishing House 2004 8176485071 127 p. UG Library
371.3 RED 00113980 Methods of Teaching Reddy R. Jayaprakash. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 8176486701 | 9788176486705 102 p. UG Library
371.3 RED 00113982 Methods of Teaching Reddy R. Jayaprakash. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 8176486701 | 9788176486705 102 p. UG Library
371.3 RIL 00144465 Educational Systems : Riley, Luna. Willford press, 2023 9781647284541 vi,240p, ; UG Library
371.3 RIP 00015060 Speech Correction Van Riper, C. Prentice-Hall Inc 1949 470 p. UG Library
371.3 ROB 00085711 Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching/ Roblyer, M D DORLING KINDERSLEY 8131716090 424p UG Library
371.3 ROF 00133820 Circle solutions for student wellbeing / Roffey, Sue. SAGE, 2014 9781446272848 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9781446272855 (pbk. : alk. paper) 2nd edition. ix,129 p.; UG Library
371.3 SHA 00113991 Effective Classroom Teaching: Sharma, S R Mangal Deep Publications 2004 8175940557 172 p.: UG Library
371.3 SHA 00113965 Effective Classroom Teaching: Sharma, S R Mangal Deep Publications 2004 8175940557 172 p.: UG Library
371.3 SHA 00113981 School Teaching: Sharif, Khan APH 8176487716 107p UG Library
371.3 SMH 00114003 TEACHING OF SCIENCE Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan A.P.H Publishing Corporation 2005 8176487104 303 UG Library
371.3 SRI 00114021 Education:Instructional Methods Srivastava D.S. Isha Books 2004 8182051657 297 p. UG Library
371.3 SRI 00114020 Education:Instructional Methods Srivastava D.S. Isha Books 2004 8182051657 297 p. UG Library
371.3 SRI 00113966 Education: Skills and Competencies Srivastava, D.S. Isha Books 2004 8182051665 287 p. UG Library
371.3 STE 00146618 Advanced instructional design techniques : Stefaniak, Jill E., Routledge, 2024 9781032262031 xvi,200p. ; UG Library
371.3 TAY 00015082 Essays in Teaching Taylor, Harold Harper & Brothers 1950 1st Ed. 239 p. UG Library
371.3 THA 00132873 Technology and Innovations In Education: Thamarasseri, Ismail, Wisdom press, 2018 9789386053169 x,237 p.; UG Library
371.3 TUC 00129396 Blended Learning in Grades 4-12 : Tucker, Catlin R. Corwin A Sage Company, 2012 9781452240862 (pbk. : alk. pap xxv, 245 p. : UG Library
371.3 TUC 05065071 Blended learning in action : Tucker, Catlin R., Corwin, 2017 9781506341163 (pbk. : acidfree paper) xviii, 203 p. ; Knowledge Centre
371.3 VAV 00144305 Doing Comparative Case Studies : Vavrus, Frances. Routledge, 2023 9781032106885 226p,; UG Library
371.3 WAL 01012243 Studey Skills in English Wallace,Michael J. Cambridge University Press 9780521151795 208p.; Knowledge Centre
371.3 WIL 00095283 We're Getting Wired We're Going Mobile;What's Next? Williams Bard Viva Books 9788130909035 274P UG Library
371.3 WOO 05045385 Technoteaching : Wood, Julie M. Harvard Education Press, 2014 9781612506791 (paper) | 978161 214p.: Knowledge Centre
371.30 DRY 05011049 The Report / Drysdale,Alasdair. Westland, 2004 9789380032733 2bp.; Knowledge Centre
371.301 BAV 00125938 Open in Distance Learning Education Baviskar S.G. ABD Publishers, 2017 9788183764971 vii, 228 p.: UG Library
371.301 DIN 05038418 Higher Education : Dinesh P.T Kalpaz Publications, 2014 9789351280507 488p.: Knowledge Centre
371.301 DIN 05038419 Higher Education : Dinesh P.T Kalpaz Publications, 2014 9789351280507 488p.: Knowledge Centre
371.301 KUM 00111925 Total Quality Management in Secondary Schools/ Kumari, D. Nagaraja. Discovery Publishing House Pvt.Ltd, 2012 9789350561256 196p.; UG Library
371.301 RAO 05042282 Inspired by Village Schools MovingAway From Labels / Rao Indumathi CBR Network, 2010 xx,377p.: Knowledge Centre
371.301 SET 05057102 Principles of Education and Curriculum Development / Sethi,Seema. KSK Publishers, 2014 9788189983871 251p.; Knowledge Centre
371.301 WEL 07005393 Pedagogy in Higher Education/ Wells,Gordon. Cambridge University Press, 2013 978110756944 XI,251 Pages,; Library - BR Campus
371.302 DRY 00095435 The Report / Drysdale,Alasdair. Westland, 2004 9789380032733 2bp.; UG Library
371.30201 MAL 00114236 Learning to Learn Malone S. A. Viva Books Private Limited 2000 8176493260 | 9788176493260 87 p. UG Library
371.3028 KOC 00113983 Methods and Techniques of Teaching Kochhar, S. K. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 2010 8120700716 | 9788120700710 2nd Ed. 364 p. UG Library
371.3028 KOC 00113969 Methods and Techniques of Teaching Kochhar, S. K. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 2010 8120700716 | 9788120700710 2nd Ed. 364 p. UG Library
371.3028 RAO 00114029 Methods and Techniques of Teaching Rao, Nagaeshwara Singamaneni Sonali Publications 2004 8188836338 351 p. UG Library
371.3028 RAO 00114028 Methods and Techniques of Teaching Rao, Nagaeshwara Singamaneni Sonali Publications 2004 8188836338 351 p. UG Library
371.3028 RAO 00114027 Methods and Techniques of Teaching Rao, Nagaeshwara Singamaneni Sonali Publications 2004 8188836338 351 p. UG Library
371.3028 RAO 00113979 Methods and Technioques of Teaching Rao,Singamaneni, Nageshwara Sonali Publications 2004 8188836338 351 p. UG Library
371.3028 BRI 03004559 How to Pass Exams / O'brien, Dominic Viva Books; 2011 9788130917061 253p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.3028 BUT 00092368 Lesson planning / Butt, Graham. Continuum, 9781846841316 ix, 100 p. : UG Library
371.3028 ISM 00132028 Perspectives On education: Thamarasseri Dr. Ismail, Discovery Publishing house PVT. LTD, 2018 9789350568941 n,187 p.; UG Library
371.3028 JER 00136890 Effective medium-term planning for teaching / Jerome, Lee, Sage publications ltd., 2015 9781446273708 (hardcover) | 9781446273715 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiv, 196 pages : UG Library
371.3028 KAR 00114970 A Text Book On Instructional Technology Karthikeyan, K 2003 8176112445 346 UG Library
371.3028 KLE 00114016 Models for Study: Kleiser, Grenville Shubhi Publications 8187226811 184p UG Library
371.3028 KOC 00114017 Methods and Techniques of Teaching: Kocchar, S K Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2004 8120700716 363p UG Library
371.3028 KOC 00114955 Methods and Techniques of Teaching: Kocchar, S K Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2004 8120700716 363p UG Library
371.3028 LEI 00114026 Coaching Made Easy Leibling, Mike Kogan Page 2003 0074943953 | 9780749439538 177 p. UG Library
371.3028 LEI 00062938 Coaching Made Easy Leibling, Mike Kogan Page 2003 0074943953 | 9780749439538 177 p. UG Library
371.3028 NAS 00115191 From Blackbooard to the Web. Naseema, C Kanishka Publishers 2004 8173916802 148p UG Library
371.3028 NAS 00114004 From Blackbooard to the Web. Naseema, C Kanishka Publishers 2004 8173916802 148p UG Library
371.3028 NAS 00114035 From Blackbooard to the Web. Naseema, C Kanishka Publishers 2004 8173916802 148p UG Library
371.3028 NOR 04016744 Effective Study Skills / Norbert Menezes, S. J. Prabhat Prakashan, 2011 3rd ed. 123p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.3028 PAL 00068391 Brain Train : Studying for Success Palmer Richard Spon Press 1996 041919830X 2nd Ed 331 p UG Library
371.3028 PAL 00060271 Brain Train : Studying for Success Palmer Richard Spon Press 1996 041919830X 2nd Ed 331 p UG Library
371.3028 RAH 00114030 Modern Teaching Methods and Techniques Rahman, Zikr-Ur Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2004 8126118628 | 9788126118625 317 p. UG Library
371.3028 RAH 00114050 Modern Teaching Methods and Techniques Rahman, Zikr-Ur Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2004 8126118628 | 9788126118625 317 p. UG Library
371.3028 RAH 00114005 Modern Teaching Methods and Techniques Rahman, Zikr-Ur Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2004 8126118628 | 9788126118625 317 p. UG Library
371.3028 RAH 00114022 Modern Teaching Methods and Techniques Rahman, Zikr-Ur Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2004 8126118628 | 9788126118625 317 p. UG Library
371.3028 RAO 00114032 Methods and Techniques of Teaching Rao, Nagaeshwara Singamaneni Sonali Publications 2004 8188836338 351 p. UG Library
371.3028 RAO 00114033 Methods and Techniques of Teaching Rao, Nagaeshwara Singamaneni Sonali Publications 2004 8188836338 351 p. UG Library
371.3028 RAO 00127391 Educational Technology Rao V.K. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 8176484938 407 p. UG Library
371.3028 SAM 00114959 Introduction to Educational Technology Sampath, K Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2004 8120703766 367p UG Library
371.3028 SHA 00114957 Fundamental Aspects of Educational Technology Sharma, Y K Kanishka Publishers 2002 8173915970 451p UG Library
371.3028 SID 00127412 Techniques of Classroom Teaching Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan APH Publishing Corporation 2005 8176488712 | 9788176488716 | 9 303 p. UG Library
371.3028 SID 00114010 Techniques of Classroom Teaching Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan APH Publishing Corporation 2005 8176488712 | 9788176488716 | 9 303 p. UG Library
371.3028 SID 00114954 Techniques of Classroom Teaching Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan APH Publishing Corporation 2005 8176488712 | 9788176488716 | 9 303 p. UG Library
371.3028 SID 00114041 Technology in Teacher Education Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 8176485845 | 9788176485845 323 p. UG Library
371.3028 SID 00114043 Technology in Teacher Education Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 8176485845 | 9788176485845 323 p. UG Library
371.3028 SID 00114044 Technology in Teacher Education Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 8176485845 | 9788176485845 323 p. UG Library
371.3028 SID 00114042 Technology in Teacher Education Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 8176485845 | 9788176485845 323 p. UG Library
371.3028 SID 00113994 Technology in Teacher Education Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 8176485845 | 9788176485845 323 p. UG Library
371.3028 SID 00114031 Techniques of Classroom Teaching Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan APH Publishing Corporation 2005 8176488712 | 9788176488716 | 9 303 p. UG Library
371.3028 SIN 00114061 Instructional Technology in Educational Singh Y. K. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 8176488372 260 p. UG Library
371.3028 SIN 00114062 Instructional Technology in Educational Singh Y. K. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 8176488372 260 p. UG Library
371.3028 SIN 00114051 Instructional Technology in Educational Singh Y. K. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 8176488372 260 p. UG Library
371.3028 THA 00092181 The portrait of a super student: Thakore Abhishek Pustak Mahal, 2009 8122307329 141p.; UG Library
371.30280941 HAY 05046148 100 ideas for lesson planning / Haynes, Anthony. Continuum, 2007 9780826483089 (pbk.) | 0826483 xi, 115 p. ; Knowledge Centre
371.30280941 HAY 07006182 100 ideas for lesson planning / Haynes, Anthony. Continuum, 2007 9780826483089 (pbk.) | 0826483 xi, 115 p. ; Library - BR Campus
371.30280941 POT 00125579 100 Ideas For Reimary Teachers Potter Molly Bloomsbury, 2014 9781408193655 xi, 124 p.: UG Library
371.30280941 POT 07006186 100 Ideas for Primary Teachers : Potter Molly Bloomsbury, 2014 9781408193655 x,125p.: Library - BR Campus
371.30280941 POT 05048095 100 Ideas for Primary Teachers : Potter Molly Bloomsbury, 2014 9781408193655 x,125p.: Knowledge Centre
371.30281 FOR 03000637 How to Write Reports & Proposals Forsyth, Patrick Kogan Page 8175543086 117 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.30281 WES 03000638 How to Write a Marketing Plan Westwood, John Kogan Page 8175543140 123 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.30281 ARK 00080187 How to Succeed in Your Social Science Degree Arksey, Hilary Sage Publications 2007 9781412902267 243 p. UG Library
371.30281 BED 00139038 Study skills for foundation degrees / Bedford, Dorothy, Routledge, 2020 9780367331344 | 9780367331351 Third edition. x,187p.; UG Library
371.30281 CHO 00114039 Programmed Learning Chopra, Punam A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2005 8176488771 | 9788176488778 118 p. UG Library
371.30281 CHO 00114048 Programmed Learning Chopra, Punam A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2005 8176488771 | 9788176488778 118 p. UG Library
371.30281 CRI 00081226 Learning Power in Practice; a Guide for Teachers Crick, Ruth Deakin 2006 1412922208 123 p.: UG Library
371.30281 FOR 03008138 How to Write Reports & Proposals Forsyth, Patrick Kogan Page 8175543086 117 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.30281 FRY 00114011 Great Big Book of How to Study Fry, Ron Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2003 9788176493987 445 p. UG Library
371.30281 FRY 00114234 Last Minute Study Tips Fry, Ron Viva Books Private Limited 2003 8176493996 | 9788176493994 128 p. UG Library
371.30281 FRY 00113589 Great Big Book of How to Study Fry, Ron Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2003 9788176493987 445 p. UG Library
371.30281 KER 00113604 Learning Objecties, Task Setting and Differentiation Kerry, Trevor Nelson Thorness 2005 0748768580 | 9780748768585 124 p. UG Library
371.30281 KER 00114038 Learning Objecties, Task Setting and Differentiation Kerry, Trevor Nelson Thorness 2005 0748768580 | 9780748768585 124 p. UG Library
371.30281 LEN 03008109 Study Skills Strategies : Lengefeld, A. Uelaine. Viva Books Private Limited ; 2004 9788176497107 90 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.30281 MCM 00114036 How to Study And Teaching How to Study McMurry, F. M. Cosmo Publications 2004 8177559451 | 9788177559453 304 p. UG Library
371.30281 MCM 00067107 How to Study And Teaching How to Study McMurry, F. M. Cosmo Publications 2004 8177559451 | 9788177559453 304 p. UG Library
371.30281 MOD 05072639 Exam warriors / Modi, Narendra. Penguin Books, 2018 9780143441502 xi, 191p.; Knowledge Centre
371.30281 PAU 00054996 Study Smarter Not Harder - Learn Genius Inside U, How to Learn, Expand Ur M Paul, Kevin Jaico 8172248075 216 UG Library
371.30281 PER 00034930 Success in Examination Pereria, Arty Better Yourself Books 1985 8171080839 68 p. UG Library
371.30281 POW 00114037 Returning to Study Powell, Stuart Viva Books Pvt Ltd 1999 9788176491051 141 p. UG Library
371.30281 RAV 00114235 A Guide to Study Skills Ravi, Meera Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2005 8130900947 | 9788130900940 53 p. UG Library
371.30281 RAV 00114046 A Guide to Study Skills Ravi, Meera Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2005 8130900947 | 9788130900940 53 p. UG Library
371.30281 RAV 07000611 A Guide to Study Skills Ravi, Meera Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2005 8130900947 | 9788130900940 53 p. Library - BR Campus
371.30281 WOO 10002551 Letters to a new student : Wood, Gary Routledge, 2019 9781138362536 (hbk) | 9781138362543 (pbk) x,124 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
371.30281BAR 00081089 Study! a Guide to Effective Learning, Revision and Examination Techniques Barrass, Robert 0415269954 218p UG Library
371.30281LEW 00034970 HOW TO STUDY Lewis, Hedwig S.j GSP 250 P UG Library
371.30281SUV 00081117 Book on Career Management How to Study and Succeed Suvasish, Mukhopadyay Multilingual Matters Limited 8130908859 126p UG Library
371.303 LAY 00115001 Encyclopaedia of Modern Methods of Teaching in a Set of 6 Volumes Lay, E J S Anmol Publications 2004 8178170418 686 p.: UG Library
371.303 LAY 00115038 Encyclopaedia of Modern Methods of Teaching in a Set of 6 Volumes Lay, E J S Anmol Publications 2004 8178170418 686 p.: UG Library
371.303 LAY 00115034 Encyclopaedia of Modern Methods of Teaching in a Set of 6 Volumes Lay, E J S Anmol Publications 2004 8178170418 686 p.: UG Library
371.303 LAY 00115035 Encyclopaedia of Modern Methods of Teaching in a Set of 6 Volumes Lay, E J S Anmol Publications 2004 8178170418 686 p.: UG Library
371.303 LAY 00115037 Encyclopaedia of Modern Methods of Teaching in a Set of 6 Volumes Lay, E J S Anmol Publications 2004 8178170418 686 p.: UG Library
371.303 LAY 00115036 Encyclopaedia of Modern Methods of Teaching in a Set of 6 Volumes Lay, E J S Anmol Publications 2004 8178170418 686 p.: UG Library
371.303 NAN 00114977 Modern Techniques of Teaching in a Set of 5 Volumes Nanda, V K Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2003 8178174883 284p UG Library
371.303 NAN 00114980 Modern Techniques of Teaching in a Set of 5 Volumes Nanda, V K Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2003 8178174883 284p UG Library
371.303 NAN 00114978 Modern Techniques of Teaching in a Set of 5 Volumes Nanda, V K Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2003 8178174883 284p UG Library
371.303 NAN 00114979 Modern Techniques of Teaching in a Set of 5 Volumes Nanda, V K Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2003 8178174883 284p UG Library
371.303 NAN 00114981 Modern Techniques of Teaching in a Set of 5 Volumes Nanda, V K Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2003 8178174883 284p UG Library
371.303 NAR 00114982 Encyclopaedia of Techniques Opf Teaching Narang, M Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8174883258 488p UG Library
371.303 NAR 00114985 Encyclopaedia of Techniques Opf Teaching Narang, M Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8174883258 488p UG Library
371.303 NAR 00114983 Encyclopaedia of Techniques Opf Teaching Narang, M Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8174883258 488p UG Library
371.303 NAR 00114984 Encyclopaedia of Techniques Opf Teaching Narang, M Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8174883258 488p UG Library
371.303 RAM 00124990 Modern Methods and Techniques of Teaching Stella, Ramchandani Dominant Publishers, 2014 9789382007579 ix, 284 p.: UG Library
371.303 RAO 00114972 Encyclopaedia of Modern Methods of Teaching and Learning Rao, V K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8128126181 304p UG Library
371.303 RAO 00114973 Encyclopaedia of Modern Methods of Teaching and Learning Rao, V K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8128126181 304p UG Library
371.303 RAO 00114976 Encyclopaedia of Modern Methods of Teaching and Learning Rao, V K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8128126181 304p UG Library
371.303 RAO 00114975 Encyclopaedia of Modern Methods of Teaching and Learning Rao, V K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8128126181 304p UG Library
371.303 RAO 00114974 Encyclopaedia of Modern Methods of Teaching and Learning Rao, V K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8128126181 304p UG Library
371.303 SEL 00124489 Modern Techniques in Teaching S.K. Panner Selvam Random Publications, 2016 9789351118916 xxii, 316 p.: UG Library
371.3038 PAN 00114664 Digital Technologies and Teaching Strategies Pandey, V C Isha Books 8182050499 310p UG Library
371.30574 LAK 00114067 Methods of Teaching Biology Lakshmi, Bhuvaneshwara Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171419143 349p UG Library
371.3078 CHA 00114083 Technology in the Preparation of Teachers Chandra, Ramesh Isha Books 8182050065 271p UG Library
371.3078 EIL 04008370 Handbook of educational technology / Ellington, Henry Kogan page, 2005 9788175542372 3rd ed. xi, 263p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.3078 HEI 00033531 Instuctional Media and The New Technologies of Instuction Heinich, Robert Macmillan Co. 1989 0029460832 3rd Ed. 444 p. UG Library
371.3078 HEI 00049296 Instuctional Media and The New Technologies of Instuction Heinich, Robert Macmillan Co. 1989 0029460832 3rd Ed. 444 p. UG Library
371.3078 JUK 00100189 Understanding the Digital Generation : Jukes, Ian 21st Century Fluency Project Inc., 9781412938440 150 p. UG Library
371.3078 KAR 00114053 Text Book on Instructional Technology: Karthiketan, C RBSA 8176112445 346p UG Library
371.3078 MCA 03008081 Developing Instructional Design : MCA Viva Books Private Limited ; 2004 9788176495486 75 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.3078 PRA 00127387 Advanced educational technology Prasad Janardan Kanishka publishers, 2016 9788173915512 280p : . UG Library
371.3078 SHA 00117876 Educational Technology in 21st Century Sharma Indrajit Arpan Publiishers, 2014 9789382135241 v, 285 p.: UG Library
371.3078 VEN 00114065 Technical Education Venkataiah, S. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126112115 | 9788126112111 274 p. UG Library
371.32 DOL 00015052 Problems in Reading Dolch, Edward William The Garrard Press 1948 369 p. UG Library
371.32 NIS 00051538 Developing Textbook Thinking Nist, L. Sherrie Houghton Mifflin Company 1998 0395868386 | 9780395868386 4th Ed. 430 p. UG Library
371.32 NIS 00051540 Developing Textbook Thinking Nist, L. Sherrie Houghton Mifflin Company 1998 0395868386 | 9780395868386 4th Ed. 430 p. UG Library
371.32 NIS 00051539 Developing Textbook Thinking Nist, L. Sherrie Houghton Mifflin Company 1998 0395868386 | 9780395868386 4th Ed. 430 p. UG Library
371.32 RAM 00114073 Essentials of Micro Teaching Ram Babu, A Neelkamal Publications 2007 8183161294 251p UG Library
371.32 SHA 00058383 Text Books and Education in India Sharma, Sita Ram Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 1998 8126101393 1st Ed. 410 p. UG Library
371.32DOC.6YT 00015053 A Manual For Remedial Reading Dolch, Edward William The Garrard Press 1945 464 P. UG Library
371.33 BHA 00114014 Educational Technology: Concept and Technique: Bhat, B D Kanishka Publishers 2004 8173917426 383p UG Library
371.33 BHA 00114013 Educational Technology: Concept and Technique: Bhat, B D Kanishka Publishers 2004 8173917426 383p UG Library
371.33 BHA 00114012 Educational Technology: Concept and Technique: Bhat, B D Kanishka Publishers 2004 8173917426 383p UG Library
371.33 BHA 00114060 Educational Technology Bhatia, R. L. Surjeet Publications 2004 3rd Ed. 250 p. UG Library
371.33 ELL 00114986 Handbook of Educational Technology Ellington, Henry Kogan Page 2004 8175542373 | 9788175542372 3rd Ed. 264 p. UG Library
371.33 ELL 00092402 A handbook of educational technology Percival, Fred. Kogan Page ; | Nichols Pub., 1988 0893972975 (Nichols Pub.) : | 2nd ed. 263 p. : UG Library
371.33 ELL 00114064 A handbook of educational technology Percival, Fred. Kogan Page ; | Nichols Pub., 1988 0893972975 (Nichols Pub.) : | 2nd ed. 263 p. : UG Library
371.33 GIR 00114996 Edncyclopaedia of Educational Technology Giridhar, C H Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 8178171698 448 p.: UG Library
371.33 GIR 00114997 Edncyclopaedia of Educational Technology Giridhar, C H Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 8178171698 448 p.: UG Library
371.33 GIR 00114999 Edncyclopaedia of Educational Technology Giridhar, C H Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 8178171698 448 p.: UG Library
371.33 GIR 00114998 Edncyclopaedia of Educational Technology Giridhar, C H Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 8178171698 448 p.: UG Library
371.33 GIR 00115000 Edncyclopaedia of Educational Technology Giridhar, C H Commonwealth Publishers. 2004 8178171698 448 p.: UG Library
371.33 JAI 00133574 Educational technology Jain,Purabi Wisdom press, 2018 9789386053077 298p.; UG Library
371.33 JAM 03001724 Online Professional Development: A Customized Approach for Technology Leaders James, Jayne W Viva Books 9788130909097 294 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.33 KRI 00114009 Educational Technology Expanding Our Vision Krishnamurthy, R C 2003 8172731221 328 p UG Library
371.33 KUM 04002015 Educational Technology Kumar, K L New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122421583 340 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.33 KUM 00113931 Educational Technology Kumar, K L New Age International Publishers 8122408338 336p UG Library
371.33 KUM 00114024 Methods of Teaching Educational Technology Kumari,Chodavarapu Jalaja. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418104 317 p. UG Library
371.33 KUM 00114034 Methods of Teaching Educational Technology Kumari,Chodavarapu Jalaja. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418104 317 p. UG Library
371.33 KUM 00114956 Methods of Teaching Educational Technology Kumari,Chodavarapu Jalaja. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418104 317 p. UG Library
371.33 KUM 00114049 Methods of Teaching Educational Technology Kumari,Chodavarapu Jalaja. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418104 317 p. UG Library
371.33 MAN 00103664 Essentials Of Educational Technology Mangal S.K PHI Learning private limited; 2009 9788120337237 812 p. UG Library
371.33 MOU 03001730 Project-Based Learning Using Information Technology Moursund, David Viva Books 9788130909059 136 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.33 MYA 00114941 Educational Technology Myageri, C. V. Vidyanidhi Prakashana 2004 242 p. UG Library
371.33 PAN 00114082 Educational Technology Pandey, V C Isha Books 8182051738 312p UG Library
371.33 PAN 00114081 Educational Technology Pandey, V C Isha Books 8182051738 312p UG Library
371.33 PRA 00114040 Advanced Educational Technology. Prasad, Janardan 2005 8173915512 279 UG Library
371.33 RAO 00114047 Nature of Educational Technology Reddy R. S. Commonwealth Publishers. 2005 8171692281 340 p. UG Library
371.33 RAO 00063515 Educational Technology Rao, Usha Himalaya Publishing House 2001 8178666014 4th Ed. 277 p. UG Library
371.33 RAO 00114063 Nature of Educational Technology Reddy R. S. Commonwealth Publishers. 2005 8171692281 340 p. UG Library
371.33 SAM 00113968 Introduction to Educational Technology Sampath, K Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2004 8120703766 367 UG Library
371.33 SHA 00114045 Modern Educational Technology Sharma, Anuradha Commonwealth Publishers. 2005 8171695744 263 p. UG Library
371.33 SID 00114066 Challenges of Educational Technology: Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan APH 8176485721 358p UG Library
371.33 TOM 03000363 Taxonomy: for the Technology Domain Tomie, Lawerence Information Science Publishing 270p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.33 VAN 00114059 Educational Technology Vanaja, M. Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804978 300 p. UG Library
371.33 VAN 00114057 Educational Technology Vanaja, M. Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804978 300 p. UG Library
371.33 VAN 00114058 Educational Technology Vanaja, M. Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804978 300 p. UG Library
371.33 VAN 00114949 Educational Technology Vanaja, M. Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804978 300 p. UG Library
371.33 VEN 00113955 Educational Technology Venkataiah, N. APH Publishing Corporation 2004 8176484857 234 p. UG Library
371.33 VEN 00113989 Educational Technology Venkataiah, N. APH Publishing Corporation 2004 8176484857 234 p. UG Library
371.33 WIL 03001764 We're Getting Wired, We're Going Mobile, What's Next? : Williams, Bard. Viva Books, 2008 9788130909035 | 8130909030 274 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.33 WIL 03003495 We're Getting Wired, We're Going Mobile, What's Next? : Williams, Bard. Viva Books, 2008 9788130909035 | 8130909030 274 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.33 ZAI 00113987 Modern Teching of Educational Technology Zaidi, S.M. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126118806 | 9788126118809 312 p. UG Library
371.33 ZAI 00113995 Modern Teching of Educational Technology Zaidi, S.M. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126118806 | 9788126118809 312 p. UG Library
371.33 AGA 00119786 Elementary educational technology Agarwal L P Wisdom Press 2014 9789383318025 309p. UG Library
371.33 AGA 00119794 Modern Educational Technology Agarwal, J.P. Black Prints, 2013 9788192313795 x:246p.; UG Library
371.33 AND 00132648 Audio visual aids in education Aderson,Skye ED-Tech press, 2019 9781788822848 xiv,284p.; UG Library
371.33 ARN 00130022 Digital technologies and learning in the early years / Arnott, Lorna. Sage, 2017 9781412962438 | 9781412962421 1st edition. xii, 142 p.: UG Library
371.33 BAI 00133009 Modern Educational Technology: Bailey, Jesse, ED- Tech Press, 2018 9781788823777 xii, 319 p.; UG Library
371.33 CHA 05067234 Design thinking for digital wellbeing Chambers, Fiona C. Routledge, 2019 9781138578074 xiii, 202p.; Knowledge Centre
371.33 CHA 00114007 Educational Technology Chand, Tara Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 1990 0812612041 | 9788126120413 416 p. UG Library
371.33 CHA 00114008 Educational Technology Chand, Tara Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 1990 0812612041 | 9788126120413 416 p. UG Library
371.33 CHU 07011873 Digital resources for learning. Springer, 2017 9789811037757 xix,246 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
371.33 DAV 00128726 Tech Tools For Improving Student Literacy Davey, Bradford. Routlrdge 2014 9780415734714 | 9780415733144 xiii, 180 p. : UG Library
371.33 DET 01015553 Fostering self-regulated learning through ICT / Information Science Reference, 9781616929015 (hardcover) | 97 xxvi,472 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.33 FEL 00144468 Learning Innovation and the Future of Higher Education / author States academic press, 2023 9781639897100 vi,223p, ; UG Library
371.33 HEI 00071043 Instructional Media and Technologies for Learning Heinich, Robert Merrill,An Imprint Of Prentice Hall 1999 0138591598 | 9780138591595 6th Ed. 428 p. UG Library
371.33 HER 07012030 Mobile learning : Information Age Publication, 2018 9781641131223 | 9781641131230 (hardcover) xvii, 272p.; Library - BR Campus
371.33 HES 00130450 Breakthrough Leadership in the Digital Age : Hess, Frederick M., Crowin A Sage Company, 2014 9781452255491 | 1452255490 xx, 188 p. : UG Library
371.33 JAI 00133708 Educational Technology Jain, Purabi Wisdom Press, 2018 9789386053077 298 p.: UG Library
371.33 KSH 00133699 Advanced educational technology : Kshirsagar O. M. ABD Publishers, 2019 3540590900 (alk. paper) viii, 272 p. : UG Library
371.33 KUM 00139840 Advanced Education Technology / Kumara,T M Prashantha. Current publications, 2021 9789390253388 vi,306p.; UG Library
371.33 KWO 05056722 Technology for classroom and online learning : Kwon, Samuel M., Rowman & Littlefield, 2016 9781475815436 (cloth : alk. pa xviii, 187 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.33 LAL 00114002 Essentials of Educational Technology: Lal, Madan Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126122501 372p UG Library
371.33 LAL 00114025 Essentials of Educational Technology: Lal, Madan Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126122501 372p UG Library
371.33 LUC 00099804 Re-designing learning contexts : Luckin, Rosemary. Routledge, 9780415554411 (hard copy) | 97 viii, 198 p. : UG Library
371.33 MAG 05058287 Disruptive classroom technologies : Magaña, Sonny, Corwin, 2017 9781506359090 (Paperback : aci First Edition. xxvii, 121 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.33 MAN 00109281 Essentials Of Educational Technology Mangal S.K PHI Learning private limited; 2009 9788120337237 812 p. UG Library
371.33 MAN 00109282 Essentials Of Educational Technology Mangal S.K PHI Learning private limited; 2009 9788120337237 812 p. UG Library
371.33 MAR 05056701 Blending instruction with technology : Martin, Michael, Rowman & Littlefield, 2016 9781475826999 (cloth : alk. pa xiv, 127 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.33 MCK 00092391 Multiple intelligences and instructional technology Mckenzie Walter Viva Books 2009 9788130909080 191p UG Library
371.33 MCK 04008412 Multiple intelligences and instructional technology Mckenzie Walter Viva Books 2009 9788130909080 191p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.33 MCK 00138277 Educational Techniques and Methodology / McKinney,Sage. Ed-Tech Press, 2018 9781788823234 xvi,325p.; UG Library
371.33 MIS 00147385 Digital Education in the 21st Century/ Mishra, Savita Aadi Publications, 2024 9789392586255 ix,223p. ; UG Library
371.33 MOH 00114991 Modern Trends in Educational Technology Mohanty, Jagannath Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804811 404 p. UG Library
371.33 MOH 00113500 Modern Trends in Educational Technology Mohanty, Jagannath Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804811 404 p. UG Library
371.33 MOO 00147419 Ethics and educational technology : Moore, Stephanie L. Routledge, 2023 9780415895088 xviii,310p. ; UG Library
371.33 MYA 00113992 Educational Technology Myageri, C. V. Vidyanidhi Prakashana 2004 242 p. UG Library
371.33 NAG 03011961 A Breief Course on Technology Management / Nagarajan, K. New Age International Publishers, 2015 9788122436884 250 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.33 PAC 00110819 Best practices for teaching with emerging technologies Pacansky-Brock, Michelle. Routledge, 2013 9780415899383 (hardback) | 978 x, 161 p. : UG Library
371.33 PAN 00111234 Digital Development in Education/ Panneer, N.K. ALP Books, 2013 9789382215752 247p.; UG Library
371.33 PAN 00132030 A textbook of educational technology Pandey,Amrita Rrajat publications, 2018 9788178807232 272p.; UG Library
371.33 PAN 00114015 Educational Technology Pandey, V C Isha Books 8182051738 312p UG Library
371.33 PAR 00131265 Research in ICT education Parmar,Vanraj V. Cyber tech publications, 2017 9789350536117 248p.; UG Library
371.33 PAT 04018306 ICT in Education : Patil, S. S. Prathiksha Publication, 2012 9789380626659 456 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.33 PAT 00111984 ICT in Education : Patil, S. S. Prathiksha Publication, 2012 9789380626659 456 p UG Library
371.33 RAO 00115487 Educational Technology Rao V.K. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 8176484938 407 p. UG Library
371.33 RAO 00114950 Educational Technology Rao V.K. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 8176484938 407 p. UG Library
371.33 RAY 00118533 Educational Technology Ray, P.K.S. Dominant Publishers, 2014 9789382007715 195p.; UG Library
371.33 ROB 00073426 Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching/ Roblyer, M D 0139743871 355p UG Library
371.33 SAM 00114023 Introduction to Educational Technology Sampath, K Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 1981 8120703766 367p UG Library
371.33 SAN 00057946 Using Newspapers in the Classroom Sanderson, Paul Cambridge University Press 1999 0521645263 | 9780521645263 275 p. UG Library
371.33 SAR 00114072 Increasing Role of Technology in Education: Sarita, Kumari Isha Books 282p UG Library
371.33 SAR 00114080 Increasing Role of Technology in Education: Sarita, Kumari Isha Books 282p UG Library
371.33 SCH 00128269 Educational technology for school leaders Schrum,Lynne M. Corwin Press, 2012 9781452217277 (pbk. : alk. pap xxii, 217 p. : UG Library
371.33 SCH 00109897 Educational technology for school leaders Schrum,Lynne M. Corwin Press, 2012 9781452217277 (pbk. : alk. pap xxii, 217 p. : UG Library
371.33 SEL 00123753 Education with Technology Selvam, S K Panneer Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2013 9789350562550 209 p:. UG Library
371.33 SHA 00125324 Role of ICT In Education Trends and Approaches Sharma Anita ABD Publishers, 2017 9788183765237 viii, 264 p.: UG Library
371.33 SHA 00123502 Digital Technology in Education Sharma P L Pearl Books, 2013 9789381575550 288 p:. UG Library
371.33 SHA 00117872 Educational Technology & Teaching Strategies Sharma Indrajit Arpan Publisher, 2014 9789382135289 v, 266 p.; UG Library
371.33 SHA 00117873 Educational Technology for Teachers Sharma Indrajit Arpan Publihers, 2014 9789382135265 266 p.: UG Library
371.33 SHA 00117879 Information and Communication Technologies in education Sharma Indrjit Arpan Publication., 2014 9789382135272 v,288 p.: UG Library
371.33 SHA 00114006 Advanced Educational Techonology Sharma, Seema Anmol 2005 9788126124152 423 p. UG Library
371.33 SID 00113985 Challenges of Educational Technology Siddiqui, Mujibul Hassan APH 8176485837 356 UG Library
371.33 SID 00114987 Encyclopaedia of Educational Technology Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan A P H Publishing Corporation 2004 8176485713 | 9788176485715 358 p. UG Library
371.33 SID 00114988 Encyclopaedia of Educational Technology Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan A P H Publishing Corporation 2004 8176485713 | 9788176485715 358 p. UG Library
371.33 SID 00114989 Encyclopaedia of Educational Technology Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan A P H Publishing Corporation 2004 8176485713 | 9788176485715 358 p. UG Library
371.33 SID 00114990 Encyclopaedia of Educational Technology Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan A P H Publishing Corporation 2004 8176485713 | 9788176485715 358 p. UG Library
371.33 SMI 00133584 Knowledge assessment in educational technology Smith,Plato ABD publishers, 2019 9788183766579 viii,264p.; UG Library
371.33 SPE 00119315 Foundations of educational technology : Spector, J. Michael. Routledge, 2012 9780415874700 (hbk. : alk. pap xix, 189 p. : UG Library
371.33 SPE 05041251 Foundations of educational technology : Spector, J. Michael. Routledge, 2012 9780415874700 (hbk. : alk. pap xix, 189 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.33 STA 04022824 Teaching and learning in the digital age Starkey, Louise. Routledge, 2012 9780415663625 (hardback) | 041 xii, 139 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.33 STA 00110866 Teaching and learning in the digital age Starkey, Louise. Routledge, 2012 9780415663625 (hardback) | 041 xii, 139 p. : UG Library
371.33 SWA 00119771 Audio Visual Aids In Education Swami Satpal Black Prints, 2013 9789382036098 xi. 234 p.: UG Library
371.33 THA 04024905 Instructional Technology / Thamarasseri, Ismail A P H Publication, 2014 9789331322524 221p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.33 THA 00123756 Advanced Educational Technology Thakur, Lakshameshwar Centrum Press. 2015 9789350847282 272 p:. UG Library
371.33 TIW 00147788 Challenges of Educational Technology/ Tiwari, Ramendra Random Publications, 2024 9789357519441 x,264p. ; UG Library
371.33 VAN 00114055 Educational Technology Vanaja, M. Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804978 300 p. UG Library
371.33 VAN 00114054 Educational Technology Vanaja, M. Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804978 300 p. UG Library
371.33 VAN 00114056 Educational Technology Vanaja, M. Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804978 300 p. UG Library
371.33 VIS 00123718 Transformation of Education Visvanathan, G Random Publications, 2015 9789351115298 xxii, 338 p:. UG Library
371.33 WES 00145443 Educational Technology/ West, Aiden Larsen & Keller 2020 9781641722698 vii:248p. UG Library
371.33 WHI 00130425 Planning for Technology : Whitehead, Bruce M. Corwin A SAGE Company, 2013 9781452268262 Second edition. xvi, 273 p. : UG Library
371.33 WIS 00106054 Teaching for Understanding with technology Wiske, Martha Stone. Jossey-Bass, 2005 0787972304 1st ed. xxii, 152 p. ; UG Library
371.33 YAD. 00134321 Concepts of Education Management Yadav, Santosh Kumar. Ane Books Pvt.Ltd.: 2018 9789385462887 x, 330p. : UG Library
371.33 YAM 01015139 Technology implementation and teacher education : Information Science Reference, 9781615208975 (hardcover) | 16 xxiii, 482 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.33019 MOY 05008849 Student reactions to learning with technologies : Moyle, Kathryn Information Science Reference, 2012 9781613501771 (hardcover) xvii, 300 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.33072 SPE 00089411 Handbook of Research on Educational Communication and Technology Spector, Michael J Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 2008 0805858490 | 9780805858495 3rd ed. 894p UG Library
371.3309 KUM 00111785 Innovative Trends in Education/ Kumar, T. Pradeep Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131316672 xviii: 380p.; UG Library
371.33091724 HAI 05045346 Approach of ICT in education for rural development : Haijun, Zeng. Sage Publication, 2015 9789351501893 (hardback : alk. xxxiv, 572 pages : Knowledge Centre
371.330941 AUD 00121753 The Ultimate Guide to Using ICT Across the Curriculum Audain Jon Bloomsbury, 2014 9781441144003 xii, 244 p.: UG Library
371.330954 AWA 00132062 Technology for transforming education: Awasthi,Deepa Concept publishing company pvt ltd., 2017 9789351252535 xxix,154p.; UG Library
371.330954 MAH 00125936 Multimedia and ICT Enabled Classroom Way For Future Learning Solution B.C. Mahapatra Sarup Book Publishers, 2016 9789352080410 xii, 187 p,: UG Library
371.330973 GRA 00128109 Leading the technology-powered school / Grady, Marilyn L. Corwin Press, 2011 9781412949484 (pbk.) ix, 106 p. : UG Library
371.331 BAL 00114076 Administration and Reorganisation of Teacher Education Balsara, Maitrya Kanishka Publishers Distributors 2004 8173916764 348 p. UG Library
371.331 STE 00147786 Administration and Reorganisation of Teacher Education/ Stewart, Najem Ramdom Publications, 2024 9789357512688 ix,240p. ; UG Library
371.331 VAS 00114077 Classroom Administration Vashist, S. R. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2002 8126113049 | 9788126113040 315 p. UG Library
371.332 TAL 00114995 Synectics Model of Teaching Talawar, M S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd : 2004 9788126120963 253 p.: UG Library
371.332 TAL 00114078 Synectics Model of Teaching Talawar, M S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd : 2004 9788126120963 253 p.: UG Library
371.332 SIN 00114071 Child Education Singh U. K. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171413617 256 p. UG Library
371.332 SIN 00114994 Child Education Singh U. K. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171413617 256 p. UG Library
371.332 SIN 00114070 Child Education Singh U. K. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171413617 256 p. UG Library
371.332 SRI 00114074 Education Srivastava D.S. Isha Books 2004 8182051673 321 p. UG Library
371.332 SRI 00114075 Education Srivastava D.S. Isha Books 2004 8182051673 321 p. UG Library
371.332 TAL 00114079 Synectics Model of Teaching Talawar, M S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd : 2004 9788126120963 253 p.: UG Library
371.332 WES 00039082 Drama Wessels, Charlyn. Oxford University Press, | ELBS 1987 0194421384 (pbk.) | 0194370976 ELBS ed. 137 p. : UG Library
371.334 FEE 04007002 Delivering E-Learning Fee, Kenneth Kogan Page 2010 9780749459581 180 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.334 AHI 00132043 E-Learning Ahila Priyadarshini,R Discovery publishing house pvt ltd., 2018 9789386841322 353p.; UG Library
371.334 BAR 07009831 Handbook of social media marketing / Bardhan, Pryush Bhushan Astha Publication, 2017 9789381991862 v,216p. Library - BR Campus
371.334 BAV 00123633 Changing Education S G Baviskar Ishika Publishing House, 2015 9789382629856 201 p:. UG Library
371.334 BON 05006164 The World is Open : Bonk, Curtis J. Wiley Jossey-Bass, 2009 9781118013816 xxx, 481p.; Knowledge Centre
371.334 BON 03005131 The World is Open : Bonk, Curtis J. Wiley Jossey-Bass, 2009 9781118013816 xxx, 481p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.334 BUC 04009493 Moodle administration Büchner, Alex G. SPD Pvt. Ltd., 2008 ix, 357 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.334 CAR 00102345 Digital literacies : Carrington Victoria SAGE Publications, 9781847870377 | 1847870376 | 9 x, 174 p. ; UG Library
371.334 CHE 00100562 Multimedia In Education: Cheng, Irene World Scientific, 9789812837059 ix,178 p. UG Library
371.334 CON 05006185 Managing Online Instructor Workload : Conceição, Simone C. O., Jossey-Bass, 2011 9780470888421 (pbk.) 1st ed. p. cm. Knowledge Centre
371.334 CON 03005145 Managing Online Instructor Workload : Conceição, Simone C. O., Jossey-Bass, 2011 9780470888421 (pbk.) 1st ed. p. cm. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.334 COO 04009492 Moodle 2.0 first look : Cooch, Mary. Packt Pub., 2010 viii, 255 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.334 DAN 00111265 Application of Computer Technology in Education/ Dange, Jagannath K. Prateeksha Publications, 2012 9789380626512 x: 182p.; UG Library
371.334 DAR 04022040 Instructional Technologies : Darbyshire, Paul IRM Press, 2005 9781591402374 274p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.334 DUB 00126651 Effective E-Learning : Duyney, Madhuri Universities Press, 2011 9788173717284 281p. : UG Library
371.334 DUB 04017979 Effective E-Learning : Duyney, Madhuri Universities Press, 2011 9788173717284 281p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.334 DVO 05006068 Moodle for Dummies / Dvorak, Radana. Wiley Pubishing, Inc., 2011 9780470949429 (pbk : alk. pape 1st ed. 388 p.: Knowledge Centre
371.334 DVO RAD 03005029 Moodle for Dummies / Dvorak, Radana. Wiley Pubishing, Inc., 2011 9780470949429 (pbk : alk. pape 1st ed. 388 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.334 EDM 01016791 Cases on GLobalized and Culturally Appropriate E-Learning : Edmundson,Andrea. Information Science, 2011 9781615209897 xxii,383p.; Knowledge Centre
371.334 FEE 05008259 Delivering E-Learning Fee, Kenneth Kogan Page 2010 9780749459581 180 p Knowledge Centre
371.334 GAL 00106079 ICT for teaching assistants Galloway, John. Routledge, 2011 9780415583060 (hardback) | 978 2nd ed. vii,186 p. UG Library
371.334 GRA 00121600 Intelligent and Adaptive Learning Systems Graf, Sabine Information Science Reference, 2012 9781609608422 xxv, 398 p:. UG Library
371.334 HAZ 00146627 Guide to teaching data science: An interdisciplinary approach/ Hazzan, Orit Springer, 2023 9783031247576 xxvi,321p. ; UG Library
371.334 HUA 00128979 Reshaping learning : Huang Ronghuai Springer, 2013 9783642323003 | 3642323006 xvii, 450 p. : UG Library
371.334 JAI 00114993 Computer in Education Jain, Atul Isha Books 2004 274 p. UG Library
371.334 KHA 10004245 Brave new words : Khan, Salman, Penguin random house, 2024 9780593656969 | 9780241736579 xxxiii,237 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
371.334 LIV 05049203 1-to-1 learning : Livingston, Pamela. International Society for Technology in Education, 2009 9781564842541 (pbk.) 2nd ed. ix, 237 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.334 LIV 00119634 Using Microsoft Office to Enhance Student Learning / Livers, Allan F. Corwin Press, 2008 9781412941211 (cloth w/cd) | 1 xx, 255 p. : UG Library
371.334 MAN 00128241 Transforming Teaching and Learning Through Data-Driven Decision Making / Mandinach, Ellen Beth. Corwin Press, 2012 9781412982047 xvii, 259 p. : UG Library
371.334 MAY 10003293 The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning / Mayer, Richard E. Cambridge university press, 2022 9781108841580 | 9781108814669 Third Edition. xx,607 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
371.334 MCD 05007266 Researching IT in education : McDougall, Anne Routledge, 2010 9780415560016 (pbk.) xv, 214 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.334 MIH 00146058 Data Analytics in e-Learning: Mihaescu, Marian Christian Springer 2022 9783030966430 vii,165p. UG Library
371.334 MOE 04008312 Beyond Hardware : Moersch, Christopher Viva Books, 2009 9788130909066 162p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.334 MOR 00079273 Integrating Computer Technology into the Classroom Morrison, Gary R. Merrill 1999 0013270000 | 9780132700009 379 p. UG Library
371.334 PAN 00114088 Digital Technology and Teaching Panday, V C Isha Books 8182050499 309 UG Library
371.334 PAP 00127585 Media rich instruction : Papa, Rosemary. Springer 2015 9783319001517 311p. UG Library
371.334 PER 00129128 Mobile learning for all : Perez, Luis, Crown 2013 9781452258553 (pbk.) xxiii, 216 pages : UG Library
371.334 PIS 05057188 Rapid instructional design : Piskurich, George M., Wiley, 2015 9781118973974 | 1118973976 Third edition. xxi, 537 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.334 PRI 00120500 Effective Teaching with Internet Technologies Pritchard, Alan SAGE Publications, 2007 9781412930949 | 9781412930956 x , 132 p. : UG Library
371.334 RIC 04009491 Moodle 1.9 e-learning course development : Rice, William H. Packt Publishing Ltd., 2008 360 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.334 ROS 00054748 E-Learning: Rosenberg, J Marc McGrew-Hill 2001 0071362681 | 639785323372 340 p. UG Library
371.334 SHA 00114087 Net Oriented Education: Sharma, B M Akansha Publishing House 0818760669 394p UG Library
371.334 SIN 00114086 Computer Education: Singh, U K Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171413560 329p UG Library
371.334 SPR 01010810 E-Learning Technologies and Evidence-Based Assessment Approaches (law Lib) Christine Spratt Information Science Reference 9781605664118 313p Knowledge Centre
371.334 TUC 05006698 Handbook of technology-based training / Tucker, Brian, Gower, 1997 0566078090 (cloth) x, 437 p. ; Knowledge Centre
371.334 VIS 00123721 Y' Generation Learning Visvanathan, G Random Publications, 2015 9789351115342 xxi, 285 p:. UG Library
371.334 VIS 00123701 Learning Without Limit Visvanathan, G Random Publications, 2015 9789351115397 xxiii, 333 p:. UG Library
371.334019 WOO 05056888 Psychology for the classroom : Woollard, John, Routledge, 2011 9780415590921 (hardback) | 978 First edition. xv, 135 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.334019 WOO 07011525 Psychology for the classroom : Woollard, John, Routledge, 2011 9780415590921 (hardback) | 978 First edition. xv, 135 p. : Library - BR Campus
371.334072 LAZ 01016665 Handbook of Research On E-Learning Standards and Interoperability : Information Science Reference, 9781616927899 (hardcover) | 97 xxvii, 603 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.3340954 BEH 00132041 Educational technology in the 21st century Behera,Santhosh Kumar New Delhi Publishers, 2017 9789385503597 233p.; UG Library
371.3340954 CHA 00140911 Indian Education System in the Wake of Covid-19: Chaudhary,Suman Kalyan SSDN Publishers and Distributors 2021 9789388950398 234p UG Library
371.3344 BEN 04013571 Handbook Of Online Education Bennett Shirley Continuum 9781846841095 345P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.3344 BEN 00095289 Handbook Of Online Education Bennett Shirley Continuum 9781846841095 345P UG Library
371.3344 MEA 00119316 Learning Online : Means, Barbara Routledge, 2014 9780415630283 (hbk) | 97804156 xi, 219 p.; UG Library
371.3344 SEL 00120642 E- Resources for Teaching and Learning Selvam Panneer S.K Discovery Publishing House, 2012 9789350560792 236 p.: UG Library
371.3344 SIN 00142511 Web-based literacy and education Singh,Sanoj Random publication, 2020 9789352695980 viii,316p.; UG Library
371.33446 SEL 00120634 Web Based Teaching-Learning Process Selvam Panneer S.K Discovery Publishing House, 2012 9789350561317 275 p,: UG Library
371.334464 PAR 00105616 Teaching tech-savvy kids : Parker, Jessica K. Corwin Press, 2010 9781412971508 (pbk.) xxiii, 191 p. : UG Library
371.3344678 BEN 00129401 Cool Tech Tools For Lower Tech Teachers : Bender, William N., Crowin A Sage Company' 2013 9781452235530 (pbk. : alk. pap viii, 233 p. : UG Library
371.3344678 BRU 00098626 Reading and dyslexia in different orthographies / Psychology Press, 2010 9781841697123 (hbk.) | 1841697 xviii, 314 p. : UG Library
371.3344678 BRU 05005543 Reading and dyslexia in different orthographies / Psychology Press, 2010 9781841697123 (hbk.) | 1841697 xviii, 314 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.3344678 CAR 00130433 The Architecture of Productive Learning Networks Lucila Carvalho Rotledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2014 9780415816564 xviii, 293 p. : UG Library
371.3344678 COS 00128215 Digital Learning For All Now Costa, Jonathan P. Corwin, 2012 9781452220055 (pbk.) | 1452220 xxiii, 178 p. : UG Library
371.3344678 CRA 05017416 Supporting online students : Crawley, Anita, Jossey-Bass, 2012 9781118076545 (hardback) First edition. xxiii, 262 pages : Knowledge Centre
371.3344678 CRA 01013627 Using WEB 2.0 tools in the K-12 classroom / Crane, Beverley E. Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2009 9781555706531 (alk. paper) xvii, 189 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.3344678 DAS 00123689 E-Education in the Digital Era Das, Ashish Kumar Sarup Book Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2015 9789352080106 218 p:. UG Library
371.3344678 DEM 00129343 Untangling The Web : Dembo, Steve. Crowin A Sage Compnay, 2013 9781483333205 xvi, 181 p. : UG Library
371.3344678 ELK 05053705 E-learning fundamentals : Elkins,Diane. Viva Books, 2017 9788130932521 x,165p.; Knowledge Centre
371.3344678 FEA 05032769 Successful Online Learning : Michael Feavel Jones And Bartlett Publishers, 2011 9780763776190 xi, 205 p. Knowledge Centre
371.3344678 HER 00099795 A guide to authentic E-learning / Herrington, Jan. Routledge, 9780415997997 (alk. paper) | 0 xiv, 213 p. : UG Library
371.3344678 HUG 05053718 The Virtual training guidebook : HUggett,Cindy. Viva Books Pvt, 2015 9788130930824 vii,208p.; Knowledge Centre
371.3344678 MAS 05005436 E-learning and social networking handbook : Mason, Robin. Routledge, 2008 9780415426060 (hardback) | 041 ix, 194 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.3344678 MEA 05056887 Learning Online : Means, Barbara Routledge, 2014 9780415630283 (hbk) | 97804156 xi, 219 p.; Knowledge Centre
371.3344678 OHL 00100409 Digital community, digital citizen / Ohler, Jason. Corwin Press, 9781412971447 (pbk. : alk. pap xi, 1729.26 p. UG Library
371.3344678 PAC 05038780 Key issues in e-learning : Pachler, Norbert. Continuum International Pub. Group, 2011 9781847063588 (hardcover) | 97 viii, 171 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.3344678 PAL 05006475 The Excellent Online Instructor : Palloff, Rena M., Jossey-Bass, 2011 9780470635230 (pbk.) xxii, 176 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.3344678 REN 00123690 E-Learning and Social Networking Handbook Rennie, Frank. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2013 9780415503754 | 9780415503754 2nd ed. viii, 199 p:. UG Library
371.3344678 RIC 00102342 Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for classrooms / Richardson, Will. Corwin Press, 9781412959711 (cloth : acidfre xiii, 151 p. : UG Library
371.3344678 SEL 00121598 Virtual Classroom Selvam, Panneer S K Random Publications, 2014 9789351111917 330 p:. UG Library
371.3344678 SEO 05041263 Using social media effectively in the classroom : Seo, Kay Kyeong-Ju. Routledge, 2012 9780415896795 (hardback) | 978 xiv, 224 p. ; Knowledge Centre
371.33446780951 HAI 05042712 E-learning in China / Zeng, Haijun. Sage, 2014 9788132111603 (hardback : alk. xxvii,344p.: Knowledge Centre
371.33446780954 MOH 10004276 Educating a billion: Mohan, Arjun Penguim random house india pvt ltd., 2023 9780670099856 xii,185 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
371.334468 JOC 05064993 Youth media matters : Jocson, Korina Mineth, University of Minnesota Press, 2018 9780816691845 (hardback) | 9780816691869 (pb) 186p.: Knowledge Centre
371.334468 JOC 07012130 Youth media matters : Jocson, Korina Mineth, University of Minnesota Press, 2018 9780816691845 (hardback) | 9780816691869 (pb) 186p.: Library - BR Campus
371.3345 DIC 00130447 Apps for Learning, Middle School : Dickens, Harry. Crowin A Sage Company, 2013 9781452243061 | 1452243069 xiii, 144 p. : UG Library
371.3345 FIN 00106061 Powerpoint for teachers : Finkelstein, Ellen. Jossey-Bass, 2008 9780787997175 (pbk) | 07879971 1st ed. xvii, 333 p. : UG Library
371.3346 MEH 00120639 Internet and Education Mehta Basant Discovery Publishing House, 2014 978935056397722 313 p.: UG Library
371.3346754 POO 05047348 Using social media in the classroom : Poore, Megan. SAGE, 2013 9781446202807 (hbk.) | 1446202 xxv, 256 p. ; Knowledge Centre
371.334LYN 00086996 Learning Online:A Guide to Success in the Virtual Clsssroom [EDUCATION SECTION] Lynch, Maggie Mcvay 0415700000 220 p UG Library
371.334POW 00090844 Ict Enabled Education Powar, K B Association of Indian Universities 8175200790 191p UG Library
371.335 SEL 00111242 Teaching Learning with Multimedia/ Selvam, S.K. Panneer. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd., 2013 9788126155026 viii: 434p.; UG Library
371.335 BAG 00105233 Modern Education: Bagulia, Abdul Mannan Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126122196 | 9788126122196 418p UG Library
371.335 BAG 00114096 Modern Education: Bagulia, Abdul Mannan Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126122196 | 9788126122196 418p UG Library
371.335 BUC 00073626 Media Education Buckingham, David Polity 2004 9780745628301 219 p. UG Library
371.335 CHE 05037068 Video teaching-learning material in education / Chetanlal,Neera. Rajat Publications, 2012 9788178805665 vi,129p.; Knowledge Centre
371.335 KAM 07015307 Media Education / Kamat H.D Crescent Publishing Corporatation, 2015 8183420400 478p.: Library - BR Campus
371.335 KAR 00114093 Audio Visual Adis and Education: Karthik, Priyanjan Dominant 2004 292p UG Library
371.335 LOW 00099740 Learning with animation : Cambridge University Press, 9780521851893 (hardback) | 052 ix, 391 p. : UG Library
371.335 MOH 00114097 Mass Media and Education Mohanty, Padma Charan Ashish Publishing House 2004 8176487775 251 p. UG Library
371.335 MOH 00114095 Mass Media and Education: Mohanty, P C APH 8176487775 251p UG Library
371.335 RAM 05024457 Video analysis and repackaging for distance education / Ram, Ranjith. Springer, 2012 9781461438366 xiii,175 p. Knowledge Centre
371.335 SET 00114094 Multimeadia Education Sethi, Anurag International Scientific Publishing Academy 8182930057 274p UG Library
371.335 SHA 00114971 Media and Education Sharma, B.M. Commonwealth Publishers 2005 8171693113 1st Ed. 444 p. UG Library
371.335 SHA 00114090 Media and Education Sharma, B.M. Commonwealth Publishers 2005 8171693113 1st Ed. 444 p. UG Library
371.335 SIN 00114092 Media Educatio Singh, U K Discovery Publishing House 8171413668 348p UG Library
371.335 SIN 00114091 Broadcasting Education: Singh, U K Discovery Publishing House 8171413684 207p UG Library
371.3358 DAS 00111220 Modern Methods of Teaching/ Das, M.K, ALP Books, 2012 9789382215141 1st Edition. 271p.; UG Library
371.3358 DEV 07012701 Television and education Dev,Meenu Discovery publishing house pvt ltd., 2018 9789386841285 136p.; Library - BR Campus
371.3358 DEV 00132064 Television and education Dev,Meenu Discovery publishing house pvt ltd., 2018 9789386841285 136p.; UG Library
371.3358 RAO 00139848 Handbook of Modern Methods of Teaching / Rao,V K. Rajat Publications, 2020 9788187317517 viii,323p.; UG Library
371.3358 RAS 00111221 Educational Television in India : Rasool, Shahid, Concept Publishing Company Pvt Ltd., 2012 9788180698279 xx: 252p.; UG Library
371.3358 VEN 00114089 Broadcasting Education Venkataiah S. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2005 8126121963 293 p. UG Library
371.335MUR 00084401 Media Education in Third World [MS.COMMUNICATION SECTION] Muthy, C S H N Kanishka Publishers 9788173919855 282p UG Library
371.335SIN.S. 00002400 BROADCASTING EDUCATION [ B.ED ] Singh, U K 8171413684 207 UG Library
371.337 BAE 00098546 Gaming for classroom-based learning : Information Science Reference, 9781615207138 (hardcover) | 97 p. cm. UG Library
371.337 WHI 05041262 Using Games to Enhance Learning and Teaching : Routledge, 2012 9780415897716 (hardback) | 978 xv, 210 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.337 WHI 00119333 Using Games to Enhance Learning and Teaching : Routledge, 2012 9780415897716 (hardback) | 978 xv, 210 p. : UG Library
371.35 GAR 00078519 Four Decades of Distance Education in India Garg, Suresh Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2006 8130902605 | 9788130902609 603 p. UG Library
371.35 GAR 00095235 Four Decades of Distance Education in India Garg, Suresh Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2006 8130902605 | 9788130902609 603 p. UG Library
371.35 SHA 00079876 Distance Education Sharma, Madhulika Kanishka Publishers 2007 8173918090 348 p. UG Library
371.35095 JUN 05036630 Quality assurance in distance education and E-learning : Sage Publications, 2013 9788132110064 (hardback) xxiv, 307 pages : Knowledge Centre
371.358 FUL 01014420 Distinctive distance education design : Fuller, Richard G., Information Science Reference, 9781615208654 (hardcover) | 97 209 p. cm. Knowledge Centre
371.358 HOB 01021538 Copyright clarity Hobbs, Renee. Corwin, 2010 9781412981590 (pbk. : alk. pap xii,128p.; Knowledge Centre
371.358 HUS 00121601 E-Learning Husain, M Pearl Books, 2012 9789381575420 248 p:. UG Library
371.358 JAC 05064992 Writing in online courses : Jackson, Phoebe., ed. Myers Education Press, 2018 9781975500092 | 1975500091 | 9781975500085 | 1975500083 xxvi, 244 p, ; Knowledge Centre
371.358 MUK 00096618 Cases on technology enhanced learning through collaborative opportunities / Information Science Reference, 2010 9781615207510 (hardcover) | 16 xix, 407 p. : UG Library
371.358095 LAT 00099808 Distance and blended learning in Asia / Latchem, C. R. Routledge, 9780415994095 (hbk) | 04159940 xiv, 266 p. ; UG Library
371.359095 BAG 00105597 Distance education technologies in Asia Baggaley, Jon. SAGE ; | International Development Research Centre, 2010 9788132105619 (hard back) xxxv: 270 P. UG Library
371.359095 BAG 00104735 Distance education technologies in Asia Baggaley, Jon. SAGE ; | International Development Research Centre, 2010 9788132105619 (hard back) xxxv: 270 P. UG Library
371.36 MOR 00144275 Desing Thinking for Students Projects / Morgan, Tony Sage publication, 2022 9781529761696 xix,372p,; UG Library
371.36 TAV 05058329 The take-action guide to world class learners : Zhao, Yong, Corwin, 2016 9781483339511 (pbk. : alk. pap ix, 150 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.37 BAK 05056397 Dialogue, argumentation, and education : Schwarz, Baruch B., Cambridge Uiversity Press, 2017 9781107141810 (hardback) xxi, 293 pages : Knowledge Centre
371.37 WAL 05058262 Quality questioning : Walsh, Jackie A. Corwin, 2017 9781506328874 (pbk. : alk. pap Second edition. xxii, 235 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.38 TIS 08000945 Slow looking : Tishman, Shari, Routledge, 2018 9781138240407 (hardback) | 9781138240414 (pbk) x, 155 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.384 KNI 00129125 International perspectives on forest school : Knight Sara Sage, 2013 1446259137 | 9781446259139 | 1 xix, 211 pages : UG Library
371.384 MAR 00107962 Outdoor and Experiential Learning Martin,Andy, Gower, 2004 056608628x xvi, 198 p. : UG Library
371.39 ARD 10002266 Case method and pluralist economics : Ardalan, Kavous. Springer, 2018 9783319720708 xv, 232p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
371.39 CHA 00114144 Participatory Workshops: A Sourcebook of 21 Sets of Ideas and Activites Chambers, Robert Kogan Page 8175542381 222p UG Library
371.39 DAT 00114145 Group Discussion: Methods of Teaching: Dattatrey, P Book Enclave 8181520483 287p UG Library
371.39 DAT 00114143 Group Discussion: Methods of Teaching: Dattatrey, P Book Enclave 8181520483 287p UG Library
371.39 DAW 00101193 Intentional teaching : Dawkins, Bonnie U. Corwin Press, 9781412951869 xvi, 161 p. : UG Library
371.39 DEN 00146303 Global Perspectives on Educational Innovations for Emergency Situations/ Dennen, Vanessa Springer 2022 9783030996369 345p. UG Library
371.39 DUN 05068604 The Cambridge handbook of cognition and education / Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108401302 xviii, 729p.; Knowledge Centre
371.39 GRA 00124442 Learner Centered Education Gracy A Random Publication, 2016 9789351119029 xxv, 291 p.: UG Library
371.39 HEL 00106839 Teaching Digital Natives Helppell,Stephen Crown Sage Company 2010 9781412975414 xx; 203 P. UG Library
371.39 HEL 00106840 Teaching Digital Natives Helppell,Stephen Crown Sage Company 2010 9781412975414 xx; 203 P. UG Library
371.39 JOS 05066658 Tips and tools : Joshi, Havovi. World Scientific, 2019 9789813278431 xi,77p.; Knowledge Centre
371.39 JOY 04015138 Models of teaching / Joyce, Bruce R PHI, 2011 9788120335462 8th ed. 558p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.39 KAP 00093943 Learning from Children What to Teach Them Kapur Malavika Sage Publications 9780761936114 197p UG Library
371.39 LIL 05018157 Montessori from the start : Lillard, Paula Polk. Schocken Books, 2003 0805211128 1st ed. xxi, 259 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.39 MCD 00138199 Developing expert learners : McDowell, Michael Corwin, 2019 9781544337159 xx, 254 pages ; UG Library
371.39 THO 00128097 Facilitating authentic learning, grades 6 - 12 : Thomas, Laura R. Crowin, 2013 9781452216485 (pbk.) xv, 148 pages ; UG Library
371.39 TOL 00119611 Cultivating the Learner-Centered Classroom : Tollefson, Kaia. Corwin Press, 2008 9781412949965 (cloth) | 978141 xvi, 198 p. : UG Library
371.392 MON 00097421 The Secret of childhood Montessori, Maria Orient Blackswan Pvt.Ltd.; 9788125038276 189p UG Library
371.392 MON 00114102 The Montessori Method Montessori, Maria Cosmo Publications 2004 9788177559477 386 p. UG Library
371.392 STO 04012714 Montessori Lillard,Stoll Angeline Oxford University Press 2007 9780195369366 xiv; 404 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.392 STO 00109244 Montessori Lillard,Stoll Angeline Oxford University Press 2007 9780195369366 xiv; 404 p. UG Library
371.393 APP 00082046 Feedback Methods and Student Performance Naidu, Dr P Ch Appala Discovery Publishing House 2007 0008183561 60p UG Library
371.393 BRA 00135571 Improving student behavior : Braverman, Ami, Routledge, 2019 9781138362819 (hardback) | 9781138362826 (pbk.) 85 pages ; UG Library
371.393 LEE 07006144 Resolving behaviour problems in your school : Lee, Chris. PCP, 2007 9781412924139 (cased) | 978141 xviii, 109 p. ; Library - BR Campus
371.393 MOR 00123790 The teaching assistant's guide to managing behaviour / Morgan, Jill, Continuum, 2007 9780826496829 (pbk.) | 0826496 vii, 140 p. : UG Library
371.393 RAO 00079468 Changing Teacher Behaviour Through Feedback Rao, T. V. ICFAI University Press 2006 8131401634 | 9788131401637 245 p. UG Library
371.393SWA 00089663 Behaviour Management: Ideas in Action Swainston, Tony Continuum 9781846841897 88p. UG Library
371.394 CAP 00119324 Teach Smart : Caposey, P. J. Routledge, 2014 9781596672499 xvii:107p.; UG Library
371.394 CHA 00129132 Planning and organizing standards-based differentiated instruction / Chapman, Carolyn, Crown 2014 9781452299594 (pbk.) 2nd ed. x, 281 pages ; UG Library
371.394 GOR 00123901 Coaching and Learning in Schools : Gornall, Sarah, Sage Publications, 2013 9781446240878 | 9781446240885 141 p ; UG Library
371.394 GRE 00129151 Differentiated Instructional Strategies : Gregory, Gayle. CORWIN, A Sage Company, 2013 9781452260983 Third Edition. xviii, 212 p. : UG Library
371.394 GRE 00128230 Differentiated instruction Gregory, Gayle H Corwin Press 2011 9781452217406 (pbk. : alk. pap xx, 187 p. : UG Library
371.394 GRE 00128268 Differentiated instruction / Gregory, Gayle. H Corwin Press, 2011 9781452217406 (pbk. : alk. pap xx, 187 p. : UG Library
371.394 GRE 00129150 Professional Learning Guide for Differentiated Instructional Strategies : Gregory, Gayle. Corwin, A SAGE Company, 2013 9781452291642 Third edition. ix, 148 p. : UG Library
371.394 LAU 00128231 Differentiated Instruction in Literacy, Math, and Science Laud, Leslie Corwin Press 2011 9781452217338 (pbk. : alk. pap xxi, 190 p. : UG Library
371.394 POT 00125586 100 Ideades For Secondary Teachers Potter Molly Bloomsbury, 2016 9781472925022 xiii, 121 p.: UG Library
371.394 WIL 00119622 Multiple Intelligences for Differentiated Learning / Williams, R. Bruce. Corwin Press, 2002 9780971733213 (pbk. : acidfree 97 p.: UG Library
371.3943 DAS 00140255 Life's Amazing Secrets: Das, Gaur Gopal Penguin Books 2019 9780143442295 208p UG Library
371.3943 LAL 04020935 The Edge : Lal, Nishit Good Time Books, 2013 9789380619637 174p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.3943 NAI 00140725 ജീവിത വിപുലീകരണത്തിന്റെ ഇലവൻ കാമാൻഡ്മെന്റ്സ് Nair, Santhosh Jaico Publishing House 2013 9788184955217 224p UG Library
371.3943 NAI 03010802 Tathaastu : Nair, Sajeev. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd., 2011 9788129117700 187 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.3943 VAR 00119765 Will I Win? Varghese, P.A. Peacock Books, 2013 9788124802847 viii:141p.; UG Library
371.3943 ZIM 05005261 Handbook of self-regulation of learning and performance / Routledge, 2011 9780415871112 (alk. paper) | 9 p. cm. Knowledge Centre
371.39445 KSH 00120510 Techological Applications in School Kshirsagar O.M Ishik Publishing House, 2014 9789382629719 viii,288 p.: UG Library
371.395 BEL 00114098 Reflective Analysis of Student Work Bella, J. Norene Corwin Press 2004 0000761989 | 9780761945987 128 p. UG Library
371.395 GAR 00128242 Unlocking Group Potential to Improve Schools / Garmston, Robert J. Corwin, 2012 9781412998895 xviii, 258 p. ; UG Library
371.395 RAC 00070572 500 Tips on Group Learning Race,Phil Crest Publishing House 2004 8124204179 | 9788124204177 135 p. UG Library
371.395 SHA 05058256 Leading collaborative learning : Sharratt, Lyn, Corwin, 2016 9781483368979 (pbk. : alk. pap xxxiii, 278 pages : Knowledge Centre
371.3950 KIS 00111633 Cooperative Learning/ Kishore, Kaushal. A P H Publishing Corporation; 2012 9788131312636 xii: 167p.; UG Library
371.396 HAY 05064764 53 Interesting Things To Do In Your Lectures / Haynes, Anthony. The Professional And Higher Partnership Ltd, 2012 9781907076305 xvi, 138p. : Knowledge Centre
371.397 BAR 00114085 Cambridge International Diploma for Teachers and Trainers: Workbook Barker, Ian Foundation Books 2007 8175963506 100 p.: UG Library
371.397 BAR 00114084 Cambridge International Diploma for Teachers and Trainers: Workbook Barker, Ian Foundation Books 2007 8175963506 100 p.: UG Library
371.397 FER 00096619 Handbook of research on effective electronic gaming in education / Information Science Reference, 2009 9781599048086 | 1599048086 | 9 3 v. (lvii, 1486, [33] p.) : UG Library
371.397 FER 00096620 Handbook of research on effective electronic gaming in education / Information Science Reference, 2009 9781599048086 | 1599048086 | 9 3 v. (lvii, 1486, [33] p.) : UG Library
371.397 FER 00096621 Handbook of research on effective electronic gaming in education / Information Science Reference, 2009 9781599048086 | 1599048086 | 9 3 v. (lvii, 1486, [33] p.) : UG Library
371.397 HOD 05010934 The virtual worlds handbook : Hodge, Elizabeth. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2011 9780763777470 (pbk.) | 0763777 xix, 336 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.397 ZOE 00138996 Learning simulations in education / Zoellner, Brian P., Routledge, 2020 9780367175122 | 9780367175146 xiv,143 p.; UG Library
371.39HEN 00089409 Art of Discussion-Based Teaching: Opening Up Conversation in the Classroom [EDUCATION SECTION] Henning, John E 0415956331 226p UG Library
371.3JOY 00068298 MODELS OF TEACHING Joyce, Bruce 0000876922 491p UG Library
371.3TINNF 00012061 Teaching Elementary Reading Miles Tinker, A Appleton 615 p UG Library
371.4 PAN 00131259 Guidance and counselling in education Pandey,Amrita Rajat publications, 2018 9788178806358 244p.; UG Library
371.4 AGA 05045328 guidance & counselling. L P Agarwal Careers Research and Advisory Centre] | Wisdom Press, 2014 v, 324 p. Knowledge Centre
371.4 AGG 00142281 Guidance and Counselling / Aggarwal,Neha. New Delhi Publishers, 2021 9789391012045 148p.; UG Library
371.4 ANA 00114146 ABC's of Guidance in Education Anand S.P. Mahamaya Publishing House 2004 8190236806 | 9788190236805 5th Ed. 278 p. UG Library
371.4 BUR 00105619 When kids are grieving : Burns, Donna M. Corwin, 2010 9781412974905 (pbk.) | 1412974 xiv, 108 p. : UG Library
371.4 CHA 00067806 Guidance And Counselling Chandra, Ramesh Prof. Kalpaz Publications 2005 8178351412 316 p. UG Library
371.4 CHA 00114103 Principles and Techniques of Guidance Chauhan S.S. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2001 8125911537 2nd Ed. 287 p. UG Library
371.4 CHA 00114104 Principles and Techniques of Guidance Chauhan S.S. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2001 8125911537 2nd Ed. 287 p. UG Library
371.4 CHA 00114105 Principles and Techniques of Guidance Chauhan S.S. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2001 8125911537 2nd Ed. 287 p. UG Library
371.4 CHA 00114107 Principles and Techniques of Guidance Chauhan S.S. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2001 8125911537 2nd Ed. 287 p. UG Library
371.4 CHA 00114106 Principles and Techniques of Guidance Chauhan S.S. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 2001 8125911537 2nd Ed. 287 p. UG Library
371.4 CHI 00114158 Guidance and Educational Counselling Chibber, S.K. Commonwealth Publishers 2005 8171695663 250 p. UG Library
371.4 CHI 00114148 Guidance and Educational Counselling Chibber, S.K. Commonwealth Publishers 2005 8171695663 250 p. UG Library
371.4 CHO 00124113 Educational counselling Choudhury,Monisha Wisdom Press 2015 9789383318872 250p. UG Library
371.4 CHO 00119788 Handbook of Educational & Vocational Guidance by, Choudhury Monisha Wisdom Press, 2015 9789383318889 v, 257 p.: UG Library
371.4 CHU 00114147 A Text Book of Educational and Vocational Guidance Chaube S.B. Dominant Publishers And Distributors 2004 9788178882475 376 p. UG Library
371.4 CLE 00138194 50+ tech tools for school counselors : Cleveland, Angela, Sage publications ltd , 2019 9781544338378 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiv, 141 pages : UG Library
371.4 DAV 00114160 Guidance and Councelling David A. Commonwealth Publishers 2005 0817169845x 356 p. UG Library
371.4 DAV 00114108 Guidance and Councelling David A. Commonwealth Publishers 2005 0817169845x 356 p. UG Library
371.4 DAV 00114149 Guidance and Councelling David A. Commonwealth Publishers 2005 0817169845x 356 p. UG Library
371.4 DAV 00115013 Guidance and Councelling David A. Commonwealth Publishers 2005 0817169845x 356 p. UG Library
371.4 DES 04024727 Six Secrets Smart Students Don't Tell You / Deshmukh, Chandan. Westland Ltd., 2014 9789384030162 117 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.4 DES 03010426 Six Secrets Smart Students Don't Tell You / Deshmukh, Chandan. Westland Ltd., 2014 9789384030162 117 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.4 DIM 05022880 Evidence-Based School Counseling: Making a Difference With Data-Driven Practices [MSC-PSYCHOLOGY SECTION] Dimmitt, Carey 9781412948906 225p Knowledge Centre
371.4 ELE 00135985 Guidance and counselling : 3G E-learning, 2017 0620013265 x, 234 p. ; UG Library
371.4 HAT 00130437 The Use of Data in School Counseling : Hatch, Trish. Corwin, a SAGE Company, 2014 9781452290256 | 1452290253 xxii, 387 p. : UG Library
371.4 KAU 00014586 Foundations of Counselling and Guidance. Kaur, Surjit Sterling 1971 151 P UG Library
371.4 KIN 00114150 Counselling Skills for Teachers King,Gail Open University Press 2003 0335200001 | 9780335200009 138 p. UG Library
371.4 KIN 00103718 The Praeger handbook of education and psychology / Kincheloe, Joe L. Praeger, 2007 0313331227 (set : alk. paper) 259 p. (xiii, 1015 p.) : UG Library
371.4 KIN 00103719 The Praeger handbook of education and psychology / Kincheloe, Joe L. Praeger, 2007 0313331227 (set : alk. paper) 259 p. (xiii, 1015 p.) : UG Library
371.4 KIN 00103720 The Praeger handbook of education and psychology / Kincheloe, Joe L. Praeger, 2007 0313331227 (set : alk. paper) 259 p. (xiii, 1015 p.) : UG Library
371.4 KIN 00103721 The Praeger handbook of education and psychology / Kincheloe, Joe L. Praeger, 2007 0313331227 (set : alk. paper) 259 p. (xiii, 1015 p.) : UG Library
371.4 KIN 00086165 Praeger Handbook of Education and Psychology Kincheloe, Joel Praeger, 2008 0313331235 259 p.: UG Library
371.4 KIN 00086166 Praeger Handbook of Education and Psychology Kincheloe, Joel Praeger, 2008 0313331235 259 p.: UG Library
371.4 KIN 00086168 Praeger Handbook of Education and Psychology Kincheloe, Joel Praeger, 2008 0313331235 259 p.: UG Library
371.4 KIN 00086167 Praeger Handbook of Education and Psychology Kincheloe, Joel Praeger, 2008 0313331235 259 p.: UG Library
371.4 KOC 00114736 Guidance and Counselling in Colleges and Universities Kochhar, S. K. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2004 8120700856 | 9788120700857 462 p. UG Library
371.4 KOC 00114125 Guidance and Counselling in Colleges and Universities Kochhar, S. K. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2004 8120700856 | 9788120700857 462 p. UG Library
371.4 KOC 00057307 Guidance and Counselling in Colleges and Universities Kochhar, S. K. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2004 8120700856 | 9788120700857 462 p. UG Library
371.4 KOC 00080557 Guidance and Counselling in Colleges and Universities Kochhar, S. K. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2004 8120700856 | 9788120700857 462 p. UG Library
371.4 KOC 00025439 Guidance and Counselling in Colleges and Universities Kochhar, S. K. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2004 8120700856 | 9788120700857 462 p. UG Library
371.4 KUS 00079735 Guidance and Counselling Kushal, K. B. The Associated Publishers 2007 9788184290400 1st Ed. 158 p. UG Library
371.4 MAR 00089567 Multicultural School Psychology Compentencies: Marlines, Danielle Sage 2008 9781412905145 520p UG Library
371.4 MAS 00022496 Counselling Youth Mascarenchas, Marie Mignon Asian Trading Corporation 1980 104 p. UG Library
371.4 MAS 00022497 Counselling Youth Mascarenchas, Marie Mignon Asian Trading Corporation 1980 104 p. UG Library
371.4 MCL 00114165 Counselling and Guidance in Schools Mclaughlin, Colleen David Fulton Publishers Ltd. 1996 1853464236 | 9781853464232 82 p. UG Library
371.4 MER 00078621 School Psychology for the 21st Century Merrell, Kenneth W. The Guilford Press 2006 1593852509 | 9781593852504 368 p. UG Library
371.4 MIS 00115012 Guidance and Counselling Mishra R.C. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 8176485861 | 9788176485869 584 p. UG Library
371.4 MIS 00115017 Guidance and Counselling Mishra R.C. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 8176485861 | 9788176485869 584 p. UG Library
371.4 NAM 00114110 Strategies of Guidance Based Education Nambiar, K. K. Vijayan Neelkamal Publications 2005 8183160271 251 p. UG Library
371.4 NAM 00114152 Strategies of Guidance Based Education Nambiar, K. K. Vijayan Neelkamal Publications 2005 8183160271 251 p. UG Library
371.4 NAM 00114109 Strategies of Guidance Based Education Nambiar, K. K. Vijayan Neelkamal Publications 2005 8183160271 251 p. UG Library
371.4 NAM 00114142 Strategies of Guidance Based Education Nambiar, K. K. Vijayan Neelkamal Publications 2005 8183160271 251 p. UG Library
371.4 NAR 00035963 Counselling and Guidance Roa, S. Narayana TMH, 1993 321 p.: UG Library
371.4 NAY 00114129 Guidance and Counselling Nayak A. K. APH Publishing Corporation 2004 8176484865 241 p. UG Library
371.4 NAY 00114151 Guidance and Counselling Nayak A. K. APH Publishing Corporation 2004 8176484865 241 p. UG Library
371.4 NAY 00064359 Guidance and Counselling Nayak A. K. APH Publishing Corporation 2004 8176484865 241 p. UG Library
371.4 ORM 00081850 Case Studies - Applying Educational Psychology Ormrod, Jeanne Ellis Prentice Hall 2007 0131980467 160 p UG Library
371.4 PAN 00114140 Educational Guidence and Councelling Pandey V. C. Isha Books 2005 8182051711 | 9788182051713 300 p. UG Library
371.4 PAN 00114139 Educational Guidence and Councelling Pandey V. C. Isha Books 2005 8182051711 | 9788182051713 300 p. UG Library
371.4 PAN 00114126 Educational Guidence and Councelling Pandey V. C. Isha Books 2005 8182051711 | 9788182051713 300 p. UG Library
371.4 PAR 00100186 Thinking and acting like an eclectic school counselor / Parsons, Richard D. Corwin Press, 9781412966467 (cloth) | 978141 xiii, 137 p. : UG Library
371.4 PHR 00100070 Thinking and acting like a cognitive school counselor / Parsons, Richard D. Corwin Press, 9781412966481 (cloth) | 978141 xi, 176 p. : UG Library
371.4 QUR 00114111 Educational Couselling Qureshi, Hasnain Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126117842 | 9788126117857 392 p. UG Library
371.4 QUR 00114162 Educational Guidance Qureshi, Hasnain Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2004 8126117877 | 9788126117871 385 p. UG Library
371.4 QUR 00114157 Educational Couselling Qureshi, Hasnain Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126117842 | 9788126117857 392 p. UG Library
371.4 QUR 00114114 Educational Couselling Qureshi, Hasnain Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126117842 | 9788126117857 392 p. UG Library
371.4 QUR 00115014 Educational Couselling Qureshi, Hasnain Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126117842 | 9788126117857 392 p. UG Library
371.4 QUR 00114112 Educational Couselling Qureshi, Hasnain Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126117842 | 9788126117857 392 p. UG Library
371.4 QUR 00114113 Educational Couselling Qureshi, Hasnain Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126117842 | 9788126117857 392 p. UG Library
371.4 QUR 00114164 Educational Guidance Qureshi, Hasnain Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2004 8126117877 | 9788126117871 385 p. UG Library
371.4 QUR 00114161 Educational Guidance Qureshi, Hasnain Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2004 8126117877 | 9788126117871 385 p. UG Library
371.4 QUR 00114163 Educational Guidance Qureshi, Hasnain Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2004 8126117877 | 9788126117871 385 p. UG Library
371.4 RAN 07011315 Guidance and counselling for children and adolescents in schools / Ranganathan, Namita, Sage, 2017 9789386062918 (Print (PB)) xviii,253p Library - BR Campus
371.4 RAN 05056276 Guidance and counselling for children and adolescents in schools / Ranganathan, Namita, Sage, 2017 9789386062918 (Print (PB)) xviii,253p Knowledge Centre
371.4 RAO 00035965 Counselling and Guidance Roa, S. Narayana TMH, 1993 321 p.: UG Library
371.4 RAO 00115011 Academic Enviroment: Advice Counsel and Activities Rao V. K. Commonwealth Publishers. 2005 8171692311 304 p. UG Library
371.4 RAO 00035964 Counselling and Guidance Roa, S. Narayana TMH, 1993 321 p.: UG Library
371.4 RAO 00114154 Guidance and Counselling Rao,Nageswara S. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418406 346 p. UG Library
371.4 RAO 00114155 Guidance and Counselling Rao,Nageswara S. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418406 346 p. UG Library
371.4 RAO 00120622 Counselling and Guidance / Rao, S. Narayana McGraw Hill Education , 2014 9781259005077 3rd ed. xxiii, 408p.; UG Library
371.4 RAO 03007181 Counselling and Guidance Roa, S. Narayana TMH, 1993 321 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.4 RAO 10000393 Counselling and Guidance / Rao, S. Narayana McGraw Hill Education , 2014 9781259005077 3rd ed. xxiii, 408p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
371.4 RAO 07004948 Counselling and Guidance / Rao, S. Narayana McGraw Hill Education , 2014 9781259005077 3rd ed. xxiii, 408p.; Library - BR Campus
371.4 RAO 07004949 Counselling and Guidance / Rao, S. Narayana McGraw Hill Education , 2014 9781259005077 3rd ed. xxiii, 408p.; Library - BR Campus
371.4 RAO 07004950 Counselling and Guidance / Rao, S. Narayana McGraw Hill Education , 2014 9781259005077 3rd ed. xxiii, 408p.; Library - BR Campus
371.4 RAO 07004951 Counselling and Guidance / Rao, S. Narayana McGraw Hill Education , 2014 9781259005077 3rd ed. xxiii, 408p.; Library - BR Campus
371.4 RAO 07004952 Counselling and Guidance / Rao, S. Narayana McGraw Hill Education , 2014 9781259005077 3rd ed. xxiii, 408p.; Library - BR Campus
371.4 RAO 00114159 Guidance and Counselling Rao,Nageswara S. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418406 346 p. UG Library
371.4 SAT 00123505 Educational Counselling and Guidance Satsangi, Bharti Rajat Publications, 2015 9788178806471 x, 279 p:. UG Library
371.4 SED 00080552 Counselling Young People in School Sederholm, Gudrun Helga Jessica Kingsley Publications 2003 1843100444 | 9781843100447 92 p. UG Library
371.4 SEH 05039862 Encyclopaedia of Counselling / Sehgal Varun.K Pacific Books International, 2013 9789382252115 274p.: Knowledge Centre
371.4 SEH 05039863 Encyclopaedia of Counselling / Sehgal Varun.K Pacific Books International, 2013 9789382252115 274p.: Knowledge Centre
371.4 SEH 05039864 Encyclopaedia of Counselling / Sehgal Varun.K Pacific Books International, 2013 9789382252115 274p.: Knowledge Centre
371.4 SEH 05039865 Encyclopaedia of Counselling / Sehgal Varun.K Pacific Books International, 2013 9789382252115 274p.: Knowledge Centre
371.4 SEH 05039866 Encyclopaedia of Counselling / Sehgal Varun.K Pacific Books International, 2013 9789382252115 274p.: Knowledge Centre
371.4 SHA 00114156 Principles of Educational and Vocational Guidance Sharma, K. Yogendra Kanishka Publishers Distributors 2005 8173917108 | 9788173917103 484 p. UG Library
371.4 SHA 00114116 Principles of Educational and Vocational Guidance Sharma, K. Yogendra Kanishka Publishers Distributors 2005 8173917108 | 9788173917103 484 p. UG Library
371.4 SHA 00114115 Principles of Educational and Vocational Guidance Sharma, K. Yogendra Kanishka Publishers Distributors 2005 8173917108 | 9788173917103 484 p. UG Library
371.4 SHR 00114138 Principles of Guidence and Counselling Shrivastava K.K. Kanishka Publishers,Distributors 2004 8173915954 2nd Ed. 428 p. UG Library
371.4 SHR 00114137 Principles of Guidance and Counselling Shrivastava, K. K. Kanishka Publishers 2004 8173915385 428 p. UG Library
371.4 SWA 00004502 Guidance Services in Colleges and Universities Swamy R. V. Bangalore University 1971 180 p. UG Library
371.4 SWE 00023196 Rural Poor Students and Guidance Sweeney, Thomas J. Houghton Mifflin Company 1975 72 p. UG Library
371.4 TAN 00013171 First Course in Guidance and Cpunselling Taneja, V B Mohindra 229 p UG Library
371.4 VIS 00120914 Guidance and Counselling Vishala,Mary S Chand and Company 2009 8121927471 218p UG Library
371.4 WEB 00055391 How to Promote Children`s Social and Emotional Competence Webster-Stratton, Carolyn 0761965017 318 UG Library
371.4 YAD 00114735 Guidance and Counselling Yadav, Seema Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126122420 | 9788126122424 386 p. UG Library
371.4 YOG 05022888 Guidance and Career Counselling (MSW) Jogesh Kumar, Singh APH 8176489352 424 Knowledge Centre
371.403 LAK 00115018 Encyclopaedia of Guidance and Counselling Lakshmi K.S. Mittal Publications 2004 8170997577 | 9788170997603 | 9 1st Ed. 283 p. UG Library
371.403 LAK 00115020 Encyclopaedia of Guidance and Counselling Lakshmi K.S. Mittal Publications 2004 8170997577 | 9788170997603 | 9 1st Ed. 283 p. UG Library
371.403 LAK 00115019 Encyclopaedia of Guidance and Counselling Lakshmi K.S. Mittal Publications 2004 8170997577 | 9788170997603 | 9 1st Ed. 283 p. UG Library
371.403 LAK 00115021 Encyclopaedia of Guidance and Counselling Lakshmi K.S. Mittal Publications 2004 8170997577 | 9788170997603 | 9 1st Ed. 283 p. UG Library
371.403 PAN 00115015 Child Counselling and Education Pandey V.C. Isha Books 2004 8182051010 318 p. UG Library
371.403 PAN 00115016 Child Counselling and Education Pandey V.C. Isha Books 2004 8182051010 318 p. UG Library
371.404 SEH 00112344 Counselling for student Sehgal,Varun K. Pacific books international, 2014 9789382252078 274p.; UG Library
371.404 HOR 00099274 Counselling pupils in schools : RoutledgeFalmer, 0415158346 (pbk.) xii, 179 p. : UG Library
371.404 PAG 00117133 Promoting health and emotional well-being in your classroom / Page, Randy M. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2011 9780763776121 (pbk. : alk. pap 5th ed. xviii, 437 p. : UG Library
371.4042 ROG 00055392 Teacher Leadership and Behaviour Management Rogers, Bill 0761940200 160 UG Library
371.4071 SHR 00146727 Internship (on the job training) Sharma, Rohan Random Publications, 2023 9789394137912 ix,276p. ; UG Library
371.407155 HAM 00130848 School Counseling Practicum and Internship : Hamlet, Helen S., Sage, 2017 1506304877 | 9781506304878 x, 445 p. : UG Library
371.40941 BOV 05007459 Counselling in schools : Bovair, Keith D. Fulton Publishers, 1993 9781853462245 133 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.40954 PAT 05039688 A School Counsellor Casebook / Patel Vikram Byword Books Private Limited, 2013 9788181931153 xix,425p.: Knowledge Centre
371.40954 SHA 00068777 Guidance and Counselling in India Sharma, Ram Nath Atlantic Publishers & Distributors 2005 8128126911 | 9788126903511 483 p. UG Library
371.40954SHA.S 00062596 Guidance and Counselling in India: M.Sc Psychology Shelf Sharma, Ramnath Atlantic 8126903511 482p UG Library
371.40971 SID 00138404 Essentials of Guidance and Counselling : Siddiqui,Mohd Abid. Kanishka Publishers, 2019 9788184578546 xvi,390p.; UG Library
371.40971 SIN 00132959 Guidance and counselling/ Singaravelu,G. APH Publishing Corporation, 2018 9789387460287 128 p. ; UG Library
371.41 ELE 00135986 Modern counselling psychology 3G E-Learning, 2017 9781680955491 x,234 p.; UG Library
371.41 RAO 00033580 Counselling Psychology Rao,Narayana S. Tata McGraw-Hill Publshing Company Ltd 1987 P.V. UG Library
371.41 RAO 00033581 Counselling Psychology Rao,Narayana S. Tata McGraw-Hill Publshing Company Ltd 1987 P.V. UG Library
371.42 CAM 00135480 Fundamentals of Educational and Counselling Psychology / Camus,V. Magnum Publishing, 2017 9781682503133 xiv,291p.; UG Library
371.42 RAN 00137579 Career Guidance and Counseling through the Lifespan / Rani,Prabha. Random Publications, 2019 9789352691456 viii,315p.; UG Library
371.42 YEL 00119792 Indian Education Yellappa, P. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2013 9788126155040 x:325p.; UG Library
371.42 KOC 00021277 Guidance in Indian Education Kocchhar S. K. Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1979 1st Ed. 400 p. UG Library
371.42 KUM 05007399 Personal, academic and career development : Kumar, Arti, Routledge, 2008 0415423600 (pbk.) | 0415423597 xx, 306 p. : Knowledge Centre
371.42 NEW 00125310 Emerging Trends in Indian Education Newar Lota Minu Book ENclave, 2016 9788181523730 xi, 293 p.: UG Library
371.42 PAN 05045084 Indian Education : Panda,B.K. Anmol Pub. : 2015 9788126163694 xvii, 421 p. ; Knowledge Centre
371.42 PAN 00124114 Indian Education : Panda,B.K. Anmol Pub. : 2015 9788126163694 xvii, 421 p. ; UG Library
371.42 RAN 07014287 Career Guidance and Counseling through the Lifespan / Rani,Prabha. Random Publications, 2019 9789352691456 viii,315p.; Library - BR Campus
371.42 THA 00132884 Contemporary Concerns In Indian Education Thamarasseri,Ismail Wisdom press, 2018 9789386053237 259p. UG Library
371.42082 JOT 00099474 Guidance and counselling Jothi,Arul Centrum press; 9789380252209 vii;288 p. UG Library
371.42082 JOT 00102883 Guidance and counselling Jothi,Arul Centrum press; 9789380252209 vii;288 p. UG Library
371.422 SHA 04001042 Emerging Technologies in Education Shastri, V K Authors Press, 2007 9788172733889 168p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
371.422 CHE 00129392 101 Solutions For School Counselors and Leaders in Challenging Times / Chen-Hayes, Stuart. Crowin A Sage Company, 2014 9781452274478 xx, 355 p. ; UG Library
371.422 DAN 00141295 Essentials of Guidance and Counselling / Dandapat, Asis Kumar, Kumud Publications, 2018 9789382885443 181 p. : UG Library
371.422 HES 00110451 Counseling children and adolescents in schools Hess,Robyn. SAGE Publications, 2012 9781412990875 (pbk.) | 9781412 xii, 423 p. : UG Library
371.422 RAN 07014280 Counseling children and adolescents in schools/ Rani,Prabha Random Publications, 2019 9789352691500 VIII,307 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
371.422 STU 05042762 The essential school counselor in a changing society / Studer, Jeannine R. Sage, 2015 9781452257464 (pbk. : alk. pap xxv, 444 pages : Knowledge Centre
371.422 STU 05054750 The essential school counselor in a changing society / Studer, Jeannine R. Sage, 2015 9781452257464 (pbk. : alk. pap xxv, 444 pages : Knowledge Centre
371.4220973 ZYR 05058252 Facilitating evidence-based, data-driven school counseling : Zyromski, Brett, Corwin, 2016 9781506323114 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 159 pages ; Knowledge Centre
371.425 ARU 00064367 Career Counselling: Arulmani,Gideon Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd 2004 0070483086 | 9780070483088 364 p. UG Library
371.425 ARU 00064368 Career Counselling: Arulmani,Gideon Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd 2004 0070483086 | 9780070483088 364 p. UG Library
371.425 BAR 00080562 Guidance and Counselling Barki, B. G. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 1986 8120709446 | 9788120709447 126 p. UG Library
371.425 BAR 00064355 Guidance and Counselling Barki, B. G. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 1986 8120709446 | 9788120709447 126 p. UG Library
371.425 CHA 00067804 Career Information & Guidance And Counselling Chandra, Ramesh Prof. Isha Books 2005 8182051428 | 9788182051423 286 p. UG Library
371.425 CHA 00114127 Career Information & Guidance And Counselling Chandra, Ramesh Prof. Isha Books 2005 8182051428 | 9788182051423 286 p. UG Library
371.425 GHO 00037806 The Career Guide Ghose, Jayanthi UBS Publishers Distributors Ltd 1995 262 p. UG Library
371.425 KID 00083908 Understanding career counselling : Kidd, Jennifer M. Sage Publications, 2006 1412903386 | 1412903394 xiii, 160 p. : UG Library
371.425 NAY 00064352 Guidance and Career Counselling Nayak A. K. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 0817648492x 351 p. UG Library
371.425 NAY 00114118 Guidance and Career Counselling Nayak A. K. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 0817648492x 351 p. UG Library
371.425 NAY 00113597 Guidance and Career Counselling Nayak A. K. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 0817648492x 351 p. UG Library
371.425 NAY 00115022 Guidance and Career Counselling Nayak A. K. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 0817648492x 351 p. UG Library
371.425 NAY 00114136 Guidance and Career Counselling Nayak A. K. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 2004 0817648492x 351 p. UG Library
371.425 PAL 05032451 Career and Vocational Guidance / Pal,Omprakash B. Discovery Publishing House, 2013 9789350563540 150p.; Knowledge Centre
371.425 PAL 00120638 Principles and Methods of Guidance Pal Omprakash B Discovery Publishing House, 2013 9789350563557 200 p.: UG Library
371.425 PAR 00100104 Thinking and acting like a solution-focused school counselor / Parsons, Richard D. Corwin, 9781412966443 (cloth) | 141296 xi, 147 p. : UG Library
371.425 RAO 00064353 Counselling and Guidance Narayana, Rao, S. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd 2005 0074604740 | 9780074604748 2nd Ed. 321 p. UG Library
371.425 RAO 00064354 Counselling and Guidance Narayana, Rao, S. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd 2005 0074604740 | 9780074604748 2nd Ed. 321 p. UG Library
371.425 RIC 00037800 How To Write Better Application For Jobs Chand, Nihal. SUDHA 1995 147p UG Library
371.425 SHA 00114135 Career Guidance and Counselling Sharma, Shashi Prabha Kanishka Publishers 2005 8173917116 | 9788173917110 430 p. UG Library
371.425 SHA 00064364 Career Guidance and Counselling Sharma, Shashi Prabha Kanishka Publishers 2005 8173917116 | 9788173917110 430 p. UG Library
371.425 SHA 00066931 Career Guidance and Counselling Sharma, Shashi Prabha Kanishka Publishers 2005 8173917116 | 9788173917110 430 p. UG Library
371.425 SON 00037925 All India Directory of Employment Oportunities Students Aid Publication 1994 1 UG Library
371.425 SRI 03010589 Career Interviews / Srivastava, Sushil Kumar. Pointer Publishers , 2012 9788171326938 213 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
371.425 STU 00037924 All India Directory of Employment Opportunities for Graduates Soni,Neelam Student Aid Publications 1995 60 p. UG Library
371.425 STU 00037930 How to Start and Succeed in Your Own Business Soni,Neelam Student Aid Publications 1995 1st Ed. 189 p. UG Library
371.425 VAS 00047979 Vocational Guidance in Secondary Schools Vashist S.R. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 1995 0817041766x 1st Ed. 348 p. UG Library
371.42503 HOP 00015196 Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance Hopke,William E J G Ferguson Publishing Company 1972 0385039247 707 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
371.42503 HOP 00015195 Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance Hopke,William E J G Ferguson Publishing Company 1972 0385039247 707 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
371.42503 MOR 00061561 International Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance Morkes, Andrew Viva Books Private Limited 2004 8176496464 12th ed. 560p Yeshwanthpur Campus
371.42503 MOR 00061562 International Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance Morkes, Andrew Viva Books Private Limited 2004 8176496464 12th ed. 560p Yeshwanthpur Campus
371.42503 MOR 00061563 International Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance Morkes, Andrew Viva Books Private Limited 2004 8176496464 12th ed. 560p Yeshwanthpur Campus
371.42503 MOR 00061564 International Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance Morkes, Andrew Viva Books Private Limited 2004 8176496464 12th ed. 560p Yeshwanthpur Campus
371.42507 DAS 00123632 Career Information in Career Guidance and Counselling Dash, B N Dominant Publishers and Distributors Pvt Ltd., 2016 9789382007630 325 p:. UG Library
371.42508 VIVA 04008395 Internatio