Total Books (English) - 17582

CallNo Barcode Title Author Publisher Code Year ISBN Edition Pages Library
390 ADA 00145418 An autoethnography of letter writing and relationships through time: Adams, Jennifer L Routledge 2023 9781032331874 xi:184p. UG Library
390 BAJ 00140801 The Owl Delivered the Good News All Night Long : Aleph Book Company; 2021 9789390652747 xliii, 496 pages UG Library
390 DOU 05004630 Purity and danger : Douglas, Mary. Routledge, 2005 0415289955 (pbk.) xxi, 244 p. ; Knowledge Centre
390 KUI 00143376 The Power of Ritual: Kuile, Casper Ter William Collins, 2020 9780008389932 207p UG Library
390 LEV 00095111 The Savage Mind Levi-Strauss Claude University of chicago Press 9780226474847 290P UG Library
390 MIC 05049180 Exploring the senses / Routledge, 2014 0415711061 | 9780415711067 vi, 342 p. : Knowledge Centre
390 SAC 10005238 Sacred and profane : Sachdeva, G. S., Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2020 9789353885151 xvi,257 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
390 SAC 10005339 Sacred and profane : Sachdeva, G. S., Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2020 9789353885151 xvi,257 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
390 SEN 00084043 Aviation and Hospitality Sengar, Shailendra Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2008 9788126134397 248p UG Library
390 WAN 00054043 Culture Shock USA Wanning, Esther Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company 2000 9781558680555 248 p.: UG Library
390 WAN 00054041 Culture Shock USA Wanning, Esther Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company 2000 9781558680555 248 p.: UG Library
390 WAN 00054044 Culture Shock USA Wanning, Esther Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company 2000 9781558680555 248 p.: UG Library
390 WAN 00054045 Culture Shock USA Wanning, Esther Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company 2000 9781558680555 248 p.: UG Library
390 WAN 00054042 Culture Shock USA Wanning, Esther Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company 2000 9781558680555 248 p.: Knowledge Centre
390.08994811 MIG 05008550 Symbolic heat : McGilvray, Dennis B. Mapin Pub. in association with University of Colorado Museum, Boulder ; | Grantha Corp. ; | Distributed in North America by Antique Collectors' Club, 1998 0944142877 (pbk.) 72 p. Knowledge Centre
390.0954 CHA 00056088 Customs, Fasts and Festivals of India Chaturvedi, B K Goodwill Publishing House 8172451768 258p UG Library
390.0954 SAR 00099973 The Folk-Element In Hindu Culture Sarkar, Benoy Kumar Oriental Books, xvi, 312 p. UG Library
390.1962 CHE 05022361 Guide to Overseas Education [pg.Lib.Edication Section] Chellakumar, C B Paul Campu Abroad Knowledge Centre
390.5 POU 05062183 Head in the Cloud : Poundstone, William One World Publications, 2016 9781786070135 306p. ; Knowledge Centre
390.5 POU 03012134 Head in the Cloud : Poundstone, William One World Publications, 2016 9781786070135 306p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
391 ARN 00101770 Fashion : Arnold, Rebecca. Oxford University Press, 9780199547906 xiv, 146 p. : UG Library
391 BAR 00106271 The Language of Fashion Barthes Roland Oxford 1998 9781845203801 xiii 183 p. UG Library
391 BAR 05005033 Fashion theory : Routledge, 2007 9780415413398 (hardcover) | 04 xvi, 607 p. : Knowledge Centre
391 BAR 00106280 Fashion as communication Barnard, Malcolm Routledge, 1996 9780415260183 | 9780415260183 xiii 209 p. UG Library
391 BAR 05009427 Fashion : Routledge, 2012 9780415462334 (set : alk. pape xxix,249 p.: Knowledge Centre
391 BAR 05009428 Fashion : Routledge, 2012 9780415462334 (set : alk. pape xxix,249 p.: Knowledge Centre
391 BAR 05009429 Fashion : Routledge, 2012 9780415462334 (set : alk. pape xxix,249 p.: Knowledge Centre
391 BAR 05009430 Fashion : Routledge, 2012 9780415462334 (set : alk. pape xxix,249 p.: Knowledge Centre
391 BRU 00118364 Fashion Cultures Revisited : Stella Bruzzi Routledge, 2000 9780415680059 | 9780415680066 2nd ed, xx, 419 p, : UG Library
391 EDW 00104222 Fashion in focus : Edwards, Tim, Routledge, 2011 9780415447935 (hardback : alk. 178 p. : UG Library
391 ENT 00106411 The fashioned body : Entwistle, Joanne. Polity Press ; | Blackwell, 2000 074562006X | 9780745620077 | 0 258 p. : UG Library
391 FIS 05047581 Performance, fashion and the modern interior : Fisher, Fiona Berg Publishers, 2011 9781847887825 | 1847887821 | 1 English ed. vii, 293 p. : Knowledge Centre
391 KAI 05039909 Fashion and cultural studies / Kaiser, Susan B. Berg, 2012 9781847885654 (pbk) | 18478856 English ed. xii, 227 p. : Knowledge Centre
391 LAV 00079202 Costumes Kostume Trajes L'aventurine L`aventurine 2002 2914199201 382p UG Library
391 RAC 05029495 Complete Costume History: Vollstandige Kostumgeschichte Le Costume Historique [ug.Lib.Reference Section] Racinet, Auguste Gtaschen 3822850950 544p Knowledge Centre
391 RIE 05005104 The fashion history reader : Routledge, 2010 9780415493239 (hbk. : alk. pap xxvi, 566 p. : Knowledge Centre
391 ROL 07009263 The language of fashion / Roland, Barthes Bloomsbury, 2014 9781472505422 ix,171p. Library - BR Campus
391 STE 00104219 The Berg companion to fashion / Steele, Valerie. Berg, 2010 9781847885920 (hbk.) | 1847885 xviii, 782 p., [32] p. of plates : UG Library
391.009 THA 05075006 Worn : Thanhauser, Sofi, Penguin, 2022 9780141990316 First Edition. xviii, 375p.; Knowledge Centre
391.009 THA 10004207 Worn : Thanhauser, Sofi, Penguin, 2022 9780141990316 First Edition. xviii, 375p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
391.009034 FUR 00087806 Mallarme on Fashion- a Translation of the Fashion Magazine La Derniere Mode, With Commentary Furbank, P N Seagull 2004 8170462843 221 p.: UG Library
391.00905 COR 05002884 Dressed Society: Clothing, the Body and Some Meaning of the World / Corrigan, Peter Sage Publications, 2008 9780761952060 196 p.: Knowledge Centre
391.00905 COR 05022359 The dressed society Corrigan, Peter, SAGE Publications, 2008 9780761952060 | 0761952063 | 9 196 p. : Knowledge Centre
391.00951 MER 00106324 Chinese clothing Hua, Mei, Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521186896 | 97801521186896 163 p. : UG Library
391.00954 GON 00110184 Khadi Gonsalves, Peter. SAGE Publications, 2012 9788132107354 (hardback) | 978 xxxi, 290 p. : UG Library
391.00954 GON 05034238 Khadi Gonsalves, Peter. SAGE Publications, 2012 9788132107354 (hardback) | 978 xxxi, 290 p. : Knowledge Centre
391.00954 SHU 07009344 The grace of Four moons/ Shukla,Pravina Indiana University Press, 2016 9780253021137 IX,491 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
391.009542 SWA 08000461 Costumes & textiles of Awadh : Swarup, Sushama, Roli Books, 2012 9788174368911 (hbk.) | 8174368 158 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
391.009593 WIC 00084831 Dressing the Colonised Body Politics, Clothing and Identity in Sri Lanka Wickramasinghe, Nira Orient Longman Publications 2003 8125024794 157 p.: UG Library
391.2019 MAI 05069139 The psychology of fashion / Mair,Carolyn Routledge, 2018 9781138658677 140p.; Knowledge Centre
391.2019 MAI 00130791 The psychology of fashion / Mair,Carolyn Routledge, 2018 9781138658677 140p.; UG Library
391.2019 MAI 09000187 The psychology of fashion / Mair,Carolyn Routledge, 2018 9781138658677 140p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
391.2019 MAI 05068540 The psychology of fashion / Mair,Carolyn Routledge, 2018 9781138658677 140p.; Knowledge Centre
391.4130954 JAI 05029473 Feet & footwear in Indian culture / Jain-Neubauer, Jutta. Bata Shoe Museum in association with Mapin Publishing Pvt. Ltd. ; | Distributed in North America by Antique Collectors' Club, 0921638132 (Bata Shoe Museum F 171 p. : Knowledge Centre
391.430 GUP 07014940 Phulkari from Punjab: Gupta,Anu H. Niyogi Books, 2019 9789389136340 232p.; Library - BR Campus
391.430954552 GUP 05069546 Phulkari from Punjab: Gupta,Anu H. Niyogi Books, 2019 9789389136340 232p.; Knowledge Centre
391.434 RID 00147624 The expressive use of masks across cultures and healing arts / Ridley, Susan Routledge 2024 9781032430874 | 9781032430867 xxv;271p. UG Library
391.473 BRE 05054454 The suit : Breward, Christopher. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2016 9781780235233 240p.; Knowledge Centre
391.5 LOW 05057081 Hair / Lowe, Scott. Bloomsbury Acedemic; 2016 9781628922868 (paperback) 140 pages ; Knowledge Centre
391.64 SMI 00080702 Japanese Bath [ Hotel Management Section ] Smith, Bruce Gibbis-Smith Publisher 0158685027 95p UG Library
391.65 CHA 07014320 Indian Village Revisited : Chauhan, Brij Raj. Rawat Publications, 2018 9788131609262 216p.; Library - BR Campus
391.65 CHA 05062277 Indian Village Revisited : Chauhan, Brij Raj. Rawat Publications, 2018 9788131609262 216p.; Knowledge Centre
391.65 CHA 05062431 Indian Village Revisited / Chauhan Raj, Brij. Rawat Publication, 2018 9788131609262 216p.; Knowledge Centre
391.65 ELL 05022360 Tattooing the world : Ellis, Juniper. Columbia University Press, 9780231143684 (alk. paper) | 9 x, 275 p. : Knowledge Centre
391.65 JIN 00107043 One Million Tattoos Yi Jian Alastair Campbell 2010 9781905814923 128 P. UG Library
391.650 KON 07012666 The Konyaks : Konyak, Phejin, Roli Books, 9789351941125 | 9351941124 195 pages, 5 unnumbered page : Library - BR Campus
391.70954 NIG 00071383 Indian Jewellery Nigam, M L ROLI BOOKS PVT LTD 2005 8174360670 | 9788174360670 95p UG Library
391.70954 SHA 00071387 Handcrafted Indian Enamel Jewellery Sharma, Rita Devi ROLI BOOKS PVT LTD 2005 8174362479 | 9788174362476 144p UG Library
391.91 BAL 00114717 Adjustment Problems Of Hearing Impaired Madhubala,Jampala Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171418317 103 p. UG Library
392 GEN 05053262 The Rites of passage / Gennep, Arnold van, Routledge 1960 198 p. Knowledge Centre
392 HAW 00104801 Sati The Belssing Ana The Curse Hawley Stratton John Oxford University 1994 9780195077742 xii 214 p. UG Library
392 LOP 07014323 Social structure / Lopez, Jose Rawat Publication, 2019 9788131610534 vi,129p.; Library - BR Campus
392.1 DEN 01016664 Circumcision and human rights Springer, 2009 1402091672 (eBook ISBN) | 9781 xix, 273 p. : Knowledge Centre
392.120954 VEN 05032452 Dimensions of female sex-ratio inter state variations in India : Serials Publications, 2013 9788183875769 | 8183875769 xxv, 303 p. : Knowledge Centre
392.140954 BHA 00100002 Indian Puberty Rites Bhattacharyya, Narendra Nath Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 124 p. UG Library
392.36 LAF 08000185 A home in the world : Laffon, Martine. H.N. Abrams, 2004 9780810956070 p. cm. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
392.36094 GOO 00104994 Furnishing the Eighteenth Century: Goodman,Dena. Routledge 2011 9780415884792 x,245p UG Library
392.5 BRA 00093063 Dowry Bradley, Tamsin Women unlimited 9788188965472 245p UG Library
392.5 DUF 00019601 Choice of a Wife Dufoyer, Pierre St.Paul Publications 1968 147 p. UG Library
392.5 HUT 05022331 Marriage rites,customs and ceremonies of the WORLD Hutchinson H,N Logos Press 9788172681951 341p Knowledge Centre
392.5 KIN 00019602 Ideal Husband Kinsella, Leo J Better Your Self 176 p UG Library
392.5095 MEN 05022330 South Asians and the Dowry Problem Menski, Werner Sage Publications 8170368731 260p Knowledge Centre
392.50954 SHE 00068968 The Political Economy of Dowry Sheel, Ranjana. Manohar, 1999 8173042640 229 p. ; UG Library
392.50954 WAY 00103701 Broken mirrors : Wyatt, Robin, SAGE, 2010 9788132105039 (pbk.) 244 p. UG Library
392.50954 WAY 05022332 Broken mirrors : Wyatt, Robin, SAGE, 2010 9788132105039 (pbk.) 244 p. Knowledge Centre
392.50959 MYE 05066704 STORYTIME IN INDIA : MYERS, HELEN. PANDEY, UMESH. INDIANA University Press, 2019 0253041635 | 9780253041630 (pbk.) | 9780253041623 (hbk.) Knowledge Centre
392.5BOW 00072183 Making a Wedding Speech How to Fce the Big Occasion With Confidence and Style[dharmaram Library] Bowden, John Siga 8171084982 154 UG Library
392.5KIN 00019603 Ideal Wife Kinsella, Leo J Better Your Self UG Library
392.91154 SUN 01006490 South Asia and Multilateral Trade Regime (law Library) C S Sundaresan REGAL PUBLICATION 8189915312 346p Knowledge Centre
392ISA 00019600 Towards Better Home Issac, Mary St.Paul Publications UG Library
393 FIS 00085655 Immolating Women: A Global History of Widow Burning from Ancient Times to the Present Fisch, Jorg Permanent Black 2007 8178241749 610 p.: UG Library
393 SAR 05007143 NGOs and globalization : Rawat Publications, 2008 813160201X xii, 284 p. ; Knowledge Centre
393.0932 IKR 05044021 Death and burial in ancient Egypt / Ikram, Salima. Longman, 2002 0582772168 | 9789774166877 x, 241 p. Knowledge Centre
393.10947 DAV 07007557 Natural burial Davies, Douglas. Continuum, 2012 9781441152787 (pbk. : alk. pap vi: 182p. ; Library - BR Campus
393.10947 DAV 00117672 Natural burial Davies, Douglas. Continuum, 2012 9781441152787 (pbk. : alk. pap vi: 182p. ; UG Library
393.25 FRA 05005246 Handbook of Forensic Science / Willian Publishing, 2009 9781843923114 xxix,662 p. Knowledge Centre
393.9 MAJ 01003281 Pious Flames( Law Lib.) Andrea Major Oxford University Press 0195678184 257p. Knowledge Centre
393.9 MAJ 01005456 Pious Flames( Law Lib.) Andrea Major Oxford University Press 0195678184 257p. Knowledge Centre
393.90954 MAJ 00100992 Pious flames : Major, Andrea. Oxford University Press, 9780195678185 | 0195678184 x, 258 p. : UG Library
393.930954133 MOH 00132327 Death of rituals and practices: Mohanty,Subodha Kumar B R Publishing corporation , 2018 9789387587342 xiii,244p.; UG Library
393.9SHA 00088754 Sati: Historical Phenomological Essays Sharma, Arvind MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 8120805615 129p UG Library
393FIS 00085864 Immolating Women: A Global History of Widow Burning from Ancient Times to the Present Fisch, Jorg Permanent Black 2007 8178241749 610 p.: UG Library
394 BEZ 05027396 Fairs and Festivals of India / Bezbaruah, M P Gyan Publishing House : 2003 8121205891 5 Volumes Knowledge Centre
394 BEZ 05027397 Fairs and Festivals of India / Bezbaruah, M P Gyan Publishing House : 2003 8121205891 5 Volumes Knowledge Centre
394 BEZ 05027398 Fairs and Festivals of India / Bezbaruah, M P Gyan Publishing House : 2003 8121205891 5 Volumes Knowledge Centre
394 BEZ 05027399 Fairs and Festivals of India / Bezbaruah, M P Gyan Publishing House : 2003 8121205891 5 Volumes Knowledge Centre
394 BEZ 05027400 Fairs and Festivals of India / Bezbaruah, M P Gyan Publishing House : 2003 8121205891 5 Volumes Knowledge Centre
394 MAU 05005030 The Gift / Mauss Routledge , 1990 9780415267496 xxiii,199 p. Knowledge Centre
394 MAU 01007258 Gift the Form and Reason for Exchange in Archaic Societies(law Library) Marcel Mauss ROUTLEDGE 0415267498 199p Knowledge Centre
394 NIC 05046646 Thirteen Festivals : NIcholas,Ralph W. Orient BlackSwan, 2015 9788192304632 xii,252p.; Knowledge Centre
394 SRI 05022333 Carnatic Summer: Lives of Twenty Great Exponents [ma-Sociology Section] Sriram, V East West Books ( Madras ) Pvt Ltd 8188661260 311p Knowledge Centre
394.1 BAR 00063427 You Eat What You Are - People, Culture and Food Traditions Barer-Stein, Thelma Firefly Books Ltd. 544p UG Library
394.1 KOC 05002889 Vedic People: Their History and Geography Kochhar, Rajesh Orient Longman Publications 8125013849 258 p Knowledge Centre
394.10954 SEN 00073307 Food Culture in India Sen, Colleen Taylor Greenwood Press 2005 0031331332 | 9780313324871 xxvi, 197 p. UG Library
394.1095414 BAN 00085622 Hour of the Goddess: Memories of Women, Food and Ritual in Bengal Banerji, Chitrita Seagull 8170461839 119 p UG Library
394.12 BAN 07005901 Cooking cultures : Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107140363 viii, 255 pages ; Library - BR Campus
394.12 BAN 00132141 Cooking cultures : Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107140363 viii, 255 pages ; UG Library
394.12 BAT 07000242 The public value of the humanities Bloomsbury, 2011 9781849662451 | 9781849660631 xv,319p.; Library - BR Campus
394.12 CHA 05009639 The Writer's feast : Chaudhuri, Supriya Orient Blackswan, 2011 9788125041955 xvi, 238 p. ; Knowledge Centre
394.12 COU 05005210 Food and culture : Routledge, 2008 9780415977760 (cloth) | 041597 2nd ed. xiii, 608 p. : Knowledge Centre
394.12 COW 00143184 An Economist Gets Lunch : Cowen,Tyler. Plume, 2012 9780452298842 x,293p, ; UG Library
394.12 FRE 00143610 Why Food Matters / Freedman, Paul Yale university press, 2021 9780300253771 204p,; UG Library
394.12 GLA 04012003 The gospel of food : Glassner, Barry. Ecco, 2007 0060501219 | 9780060501211 1st ed. xiii, 285 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
394.12 INN 01006605 Secret Ingredients : Race, Gender, And Class At The Dinner Table Inness A Sherrie Palgrave Macmillan 2000 1403970084 246p. Knowledge Centre
394.12 POL 03012009 The Omnivore's Dilemma : Pollan, Michael. Bloomsbury, 2006 9781408812181 450 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
394.12 POL 00080890 Omnivore`s Dilemma:The Search for a Perfect Meal in a Fast-Food World Polan, Michael Blooma Bury 450p UG Library
394.12 PRE 05062955 Taste matters : Prescott, John, Reaktion Books, 2012 9781861899149 | 1861899149 208 p. : Knowledge Centre
394.12 PRE 07013250 Taste matters : Prescott, John, Reaktion Books, 2012 9781861899149 | 1861899149 208 p. : Library - BR Campus
394.12 STA 00143193 An Edible History of Humanity / Standage, Tom. Bloomsbury, 2009 9780802719911 xiii,269p, ; UG Library
394.12 WIL 05002894 Drinking Cultures: Alcohol and Identity Wilson, Thomas M BERC 9781859738733 281 p Knowledge Centre
394.12 WRA 04012125 Catching fire Wrangham, Richard W., Basic Books, 2009 9780465020416 1 online resource (v, 309 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
394.12094 BOD 00060860 European Gastronomy Bode, Willi Grub Street 2000 1902304578 | 9781902304571 262p UG Library
394.120941 PAN 05062956 Spicing up Britain : Panayi, Panikos. Reaktion Books, 2008 9781861896582 283p.; Knowledge Centre
394.120941 WAR 00123457 Eating Out Warde, Alan. Cambridge University Press, 2000 0521590442 (hb) | 0521599695 ( xi, 246 p:. UG Library
394.120941 WAR 00097412 Eating out : Warde, Alan. Cambridge University Press, 0521590442 (hb) | 0521599696(p xi, 246 p. ; UG Library
394.120945 RIL 00103799 The Oxford companion to Italian food / Riley, Gillian. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780198606178 (hardcover : alk xxiii, 637 p. : UG Library
394.120947 SMI 05072285 Cabbage and caviar : Smith, Alison K. Reaktion Books, 2021 9781789143645 352p., Knowledge Centre
394.120954 SIN 10003539 Indian Food Heritage : Singh, A K xi, 363p., Yeshwanthpur Campus
394.120954 SRI 05057568 Curried cultures : Srinivas, Tulasi. Aleph, 2017 9789384067328 316p.; Knowledge Centre
394.120954 VIJ 00132647 Anthropology of traditional Indian food VIjayendra,B.R Aayu publications, 2017 9789385161407 xxiv,286p.; UG Library
394.12095414 RAY 05042562 Culinary culture in colonial India : Ray, Utsa. Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107042810 (hardback) ix, 274 pages : Knowledge Centre
394.1209597 LIE 05062946 Rice and baguette : Lien,Vu, Hong. Reaktion Books, 2016 9781780236575 252p.; Knowledge Centre
394.1209597 LIE 07013242 Rice and baguette : Lien,Vu, Hong. Reaktion Books, 2016 9781780236575 252p.; Library - BR Campus
394.1209678 FLY 00121015 Food, Culture, and Survival in an African City Flynn, Karen Coen. Palgrave Macmillan, 2005 9781403966391 xviii, 254 p. : UG Library
394.120973 COU 05005215 Food in the USA : Routledge, 2002 0415932319 | 0415932327 (pbk.) viii, 432 p. : Knowledge Centre
394.120973 MOW 05046328 A Revolution in Eating : McWilliams James.E Columbia University Press, 2005 9780231129930 386p.: Knowledge Centre
394.120994 NEW 05065194 The Getting of Garlic : Newton, John. Newsouth, 2018 9781742235790 452p.; Knowledge Centre
394.12509 KAR 00142851 The travelling belly: Karmakar,Kalyan Hachette book publishing india pvt ltd., 2016 9789350099100 x,307p.; UG Library
394.125209 TER 05046330 Brunch : Ternikar, Farha, Rowman & Littlefield, 2014 9781442229426 (cloth : alk. pa xiv, 147 pages : Knowledge Centre
394.12540941 PAN 05073632 Fish and chips : Panayi, Panikos. Reaktion Book, 2022 9781789146035 176p, ; Knowledge Centre
394.12540941 PAN 07013217 Fish and chips : Panayi, Panikos. Reaktion Books, 2014 9781780233611 176p.; Library - BR Campus
394.12540941 PAN 05062954 Fish and chips : Panayi, Panikos. Reaktion Books, 2014 9781780233611 176p.; Knowledge Centre
394.14 CHA 05057082 The Tobacco Story : Chanda, S N Bloomsbury 2017 9789386349835 x, 184p. Knowledge Centre
394.14 DIK 07012387 Narcotic Culture: Dikotter,Frank Hurst & Company, 2016 9781849044721 XIII,275 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
394.15 OKA 07013444 The book of tea / Okakura, Kakuzo. Replika Press Pvt.Ltd, 2001 9781569571736 vii, 82p;. Library - BR Campus
394.15 ZHE 00106326 Chinese wine Li, Zhengping. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521186506 | 9780521186506 138 p. : UG Library
394.2 APP 00092206 Organising a conference: Appleby Pauline Jaico Publishing House 2007 9788179923337 192 p.: UG Library
394.2 BEE 10000222 The Business of Events Management / Beech, John. Pearson, 2014 9789353940348 xix, 391p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
394.2 BRO 00093080 Ritual matters Brosius, Christiane Routledge 9780415553780 403p UG Library
394.2 CHO 00141221 Professional event coordination Choudhary,Yaduraj Random publications, 2021 9789352697540 viii,284p.; UG Library
394.2 DOW 07001731 Event planning and management : Dowson, Ruth. Kogan page ltd., 2015 9780749471392 (paperback) 310 pages : Library - BR Campus
394.2 FEN 00063994 Meetings, Expositions, Events, and Conventions Fenich, George G 0131125877 527p UG Library
394.2 GET 00138872 Event studies : Getz, Donald, Routledge, 2020 9780367085636 4th edition. xii, 558 p. : UG Library
394.2 GOL 00080706 Special Events:Even Leadership for a New World [ Hotel Management Section ] Goldblatt, Joe 0471450375 496p UG Library
394.2 HAY 07009411 The Power of Feasts : Hayden Brian Cambridge University, 2014 9781107617643 ix,426p.: Library - BR Campus
394.2 HOL 07010390 Events and sustainability / Holmes, Kirsten. Routledge, 2015 9780415744492 (hbk) | 97804157 xvi, 206 pages ; Library - BR Campus
394.2 MAI 00147992 International case studies in event management / Mair, Judith Routledge, 2024 9781032487106 xxii,230p. ; UG Library
394.2 MOH 00128661 Event management and Public Relations Mohan,Savitha Enkay Publishing House 2012 9789380995267 xii, 246 p. : UG Library
394.2 MUR 00145452 Event Planning and Management: Murphy Holden Larsen & Keller 2022 9781641725347 vii:235p. UG Library
394.2 QUI 05039186 Key Concepts in Event Management/ Quinn, Bernadette. Sage Publications Ltd., 2013 9781849205603 xi: 193p.; Knowledge Centre
394.2 QUI 00111617 Key Concepts in Event Management/ Quinn, Bernadette. Sage Publications Ltd., 2013 9781849205603 xi: 193p.; UG Library
394.2 YEO 05045077 The future of events and festivals / Yeoman, Ian Routledge, 2015 9780415824620 (hardback) xxii, 324 pages ; Knowledge Centre
394.2068 05039158 Events management : Raj, Razaq. SAGE Publications, 2013 9781446200728 (alk. paper) | 9 2nd ed. vi,392p.: Knowledge Centre
394.2068 KAL 00133277 Event Management: Kale, Sandhya A., Gaurav Books: 2016 9789384139193 viii,332 p.; UG Library
394.2068 0TO 05002800 Corporate Event Project Management / O`toole, William John Wiley & Sons,Inc, 2002 0471402400 285p.: Knowledge Centre
394.2068 ANT 00138979 The fundamentals of event design / Antchak, Vladimir, Routledge, 2020 9781351142083 xiv,197p.; UG Library
394.2068 CAM 00056734 Essential Tips for Organizing Conferences and Events Campbell, Fiona, Kogan Page, 2003 0749440392 | 9780749440398 ix, 149 p. ; UG Library
394.2068 CAM 05022396 Essential Tips for Organizing Conferences and Events Campbell, Fiona, Kogan Page, 2003 0749440392 | 9780749440398 ix, 149 p. ; Knowledge Centre
394.2068 CON 03005901 The event manager's bible : Conway, D G Viva books; 2010 9788130914589 3rd., 316p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
394.2068 FEN 10005405 Production and logistics in meeting expositions,events and conventions/ Fenich, George.G Pearson india eduction services pvt ltd., 2023 9789357053822 xxiii,257 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
394.2068 GAS 00118896 A Textbook of Event Management Venus Books, 2014 9788189922054 xii:328p.; UG Library
394.2068 GAS 00120449 A Textbook of event management Gaspar, Logan Random Publishers 2014 9789351114406 328p. UG Library
394.2068 LUN 07013988 Event sponsorship and fundraising : Lunt, Tom, Kogan Page Publication, 2019 9780749480929 (pbk.) xxv, 259 pages : Library - BR Campus
394.2068 MCD 03011480 Event Sponsorship / McDonnell, Ian. Routledge, 2014 9780415533881 (softcover) | 97 xiii, 143 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
394.2068 PAD 05047346 Event Management : Padia,Hasmukh R. Paradise Publishers, 2015 9789383099498 202p.; Knowledge Centre
394.2068 ROB 00122953 Events management / Robinson,Peter CABI, 2010 9781845936822 (alk. paper) | 1 xvii, 252 p. : UG Library
394.2068 ROJ 00127604 Event power Rojek, Chris. SAGE, 2013 9780857025173 (hbk.) xiii, 202 pages ; UG Library
394.2068 ROJ 00128614 Event Power : Rojek, Chris. SAGE, 2013 9780857025173 | 9780857025180 xiii, 202 p. ; UG Library
394.2068 SHA 00103529 Event planning and management Sharma Sandeep 9789380902289 297 p. UG Library
394.2068 SHO 05022387 Successful Event Management : Shone, Anton. Thomson Learning , 2005 9812435190 | 9789812435194 | 9 2nd ed. xvi, 246 p.: Knowledge Centre
394.2068 SHO 00071224 Successful Event Management : Shone, Anton. Thomson Learning , 2005 9812435190 | 9789812435194 | 9 2nd ed. xvi, 246 p.: UG Library
394.2068 SHO 05022386 Successful Event Management : Shone, Anton. Thomson Learning , 2005 9812435190 | 9789812435194 | 9 2nd ed. xvi, 246 p.: Knowledge Centre
394.2068 SHO 00071238 Successful Event Management : Shone, Anton. Thomson Learning , 2005 9812435190 | 9789812435194 | 9 2nd ed. xvi, 246 p.: UG Library
394.2068 SHO 05002108 Successful Event Management : Shone, Anton. Cengage Learning, 9788131504130 246 p. : Knowledge Centre
394.2068 SHO 05022385 Successful Event Management : Shone, Anton. Thomson Learning , 2005 9812435190 | 9789812435194 | 9 2nd ed. xvi, 246 p.: Knowledge Centre
394.2068 SHO 03009617 Successful Event Management : Shone, Anton. Thomson Learning , 2005 9812435190 | 9789812435194 | 9 2nd ed. xvi, 246 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
394.2068 WAG 00063993 Event Management Wagen, Lynn Van Der 2005 0131149385 | 9780131149380 296p UG Library
394.2072 FOX 05054187 Doing events research : Fox, Dorothy. 9780415666688 (hardback) | 978 xi, 251 pages : Knowledge Centre
394.2072 FOX 00134845 Doing events research : Fox, Dorothy. Routledge, 2018 9780415666688 | 9780815349396 | 9781315815084 xi, 251 p. : UG Library
394.26 BAH 05022388 Book of Hindu Festivals and Cereminies [ma-Sociology Section] Bahadur, Om Lata Vishwa 2000 8174761632 262p Knowledge Centre
394.26068 GOL 05002895 Events Special Events: Goldblatt, Joe John Wiley & Sons,Inc, 2002 0471396877 456p.: Knowledge Centre
394.268 FIS 00000629 United Nations Plays and Programmes Fisher, Aileen Plays Inc 285 UG Library
394.268 STE 00000624 Ten Days of Christmas Stern, G B Collins 320 p UG Library
394.268 WAS 00000519 Oxford Companion to Classical Literature Washington Irving, J M Dent 267 p UG Library
394.2682 TAS 00094021 Muslim Festivals in India and other essays Garcin de Tassy Oxford University Press 1995 9780195643145 197 p.: UG Library
394.2682970954 WAS 01006796 Muslim Festivals in India (law Lib.) M Waseem Oxford University Press 0195643143 197p. Knowledge Centre
394.26954 BHA 00104016 Fairs and Festivals of India : Bhardwaj.M G.S.Rawat For Cyber Tech Publications ; 2011 9788178847757 254 p. UG Library
394.26954 GOP 00100432 Fairs and festivals of India / Gopal, Krishan Gyan Pub. House, 8121205894 (set; jkt.) | 81212 5 v. :191 p. UG Library
394.26954 GOP 00100433 Fairs and festivals of India / Gopal, Krishan Gyan Pub. House, 8121205894 (set; jkt.) | 81212 5 v. :191 p. UG Library
394.26954 GOP 00100434 Fairs and festivals of India / Gopal, Krishan Gyan Pub. House, 8121205894 (set; jkt.) | 81212 5 v. :191 p. UG Library
394.26954 GOP 00100435 Fairs and festivals of India / Gopal, Krishan Gyan Pub. House, 8121205894 (set; jkt.) | 81212 5 v. :191 p. UG Library
394.26954 GOP 00100436 Fairs and festivals of India / Gopal, Krishan Gyan Pub. House, 8121205894 (set; jkt.) | 81212 5 v. :191 p. UG Library
394.26954 GOP 00100437 Fairs and festivals of India / Gopal, Krishan Gyan Pub. House, 8121205894 (set; jkt.) | 81212 5 v. :191 p. UG Library
394.26954 MAH 05022389 Fairs And Festivals Of India Maharaj, Swami Chidatman Anmol, 9788126136070 vii, 264 p. Knowledge Centre
394.26954 MIS 00132736 Indian tribes fairs and festivals Mishra,Supriya Laxmi Innovative imprint, 2018 9789388162142 viii,232p.; UG Library
394.269548 AYY 00047662 South Indian Festivities Ayyar, P V Jagadisa Asian Educational Services 1982 202 p. UG Library
394.269DEN3 00081021 Encyclopedia of Holidays and Celebrations:A Country-By-country Guide Dennis, Matthew Multilingual Matters Limited 0813090411 699p UG Library
394.269DEN3 00081023 Encyclopedia of Holidays and Celebrations:A Country-By-country Guide Dennis, Matthew Multilingual Matters Limited 0813090411 699p UG Library
394.269DEN3 00081022 Encyclopedia of Holidays and Celebrations:A Country-By-country Guide Dennis, Matthew Multilingual Matters Limited 0813090411 699p UG Library
394.2SHA 00091135 Festivals in Indian Society Sharma Usha Mittal Publications 9788183241137 263p UG Library
394.2SHA 00091134 Festivals in Indian Society Sharma Usha Mittal Publications 9788183241137 263p UG Library
394.4 NBT 00022956 Festivals Of India National Book Trust Of India, GREEN PARK PUBLICATIONS 1982 120p UG Library
394.5 YOU 00107843 Resistant Hinduism Young, Richard Fox. Vienna 1981 3900271097 200 p. : UG Library
394.507SHA 01008847 Textual Studies in Hinduism (law Lib) Arvind Sharma Manohar 183p Knowledge Centre
394.507SON 01009514 Hidhuism Reconsidered(law Lib) Gunther Dietz Sontheimer Manohar 9788173040726 359p Knowledge Centre
394.50954 TYA 05009550 Engendering the early household : Tyagi, Jaya. Orient Longman, 2008 9788125032328 xxviii, 378 p. ; Knowledge Centre
394.50954 TYA 05048946 Engendering the early household : Tyagi, Jaya. Orient Longman, 2008 9788125032328 xxviii, 378 p. ; Knowledge Centre
394.5924 GAN 00096337 Bhagavad Gita: The Song of God Gandhi, Mahatma Grange Books 2002 127p UG Library
394KOM 01010479 Social Solidarity and the Gift (law Lib) Aafke E Komter Cambridge University Press 9780521600842 234p Knowledge Centre
395 FOX 04002500 Etiquette for Dummies Fox, Sue John Wiley and Sons 2008 9788126513789 362 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
395 ALB 05022391 Golden Book of Manners and Etiquette [ma-Sociology Section] Albuquerque, Roy Ibh Knowledge Centre
395 ALK 04023005 Good Manners for Nice People : Alkon, Amy St. Martin Griffin, 2014 9781250030719 289p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
395 ANO 07011679 Good manners : a manual of etiquette in good society / Anonymous Porter and Coates, 1870 9781362565253 216p. Library - BR Campus
395 CLA 07011678 Social Usage and etiquette / Clapp, Eleanor B Forgotten Books Publication, 2015 9781330336649 228p.; Library - BR Campus
395 GUP 07011528 Correct manners and etiquette / Gupta, Seema V and S Publication, 2014 9789381384152 152p.; Library - BR Campus
395 KUM 00066226 Etiquette Kumar, Vijaya Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2005 8120724380 | 9788120724389 159 p. UG Library
395 KUM 00066227 Etiquette Kumar, Vijaya Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2005 8120724380 | 9788120724389 159 p. UG Library
395 MOO 07011680 Sensible etiquette of the best society, customs, manners, morals, and home culture / Moore, Clara Sophia Bloomfield. Porter and Coates Publication, 1878 9781345847215 563p.; Library - BR Campus
395 POS 05002566 Emily Post`s Etiquette / Post, Peggy HarperResource, 2004 0066209579 876p.: Knowledge Centre
395 POS 07015226 Emily Post's Etiquette : Post, Lizzie, HarperCollins, 2017 0062439251 | 9780062439253 19th edition. xi, 722 pages : Library - BR Campus
395 SAH 00066081 Book of Etiquette and Manners Sahukar, Nimeran Pustak Mahal 2004 8122308341 | 9798122308340 2nd ed. 130 p. UG Library
395 SAH 07011524 The book of etiquette and manners / Sahukar, Nimeran Pusthak Mahal Publication, 2016 9788122308341 129p. Library - BR Campus
395 SAI 05073925 The Patriarchs : Saini, Angela, Harper Collins, 2023 9789356296985 xiii, 305p.; Knowledge Centre
395 SMI 03006154 The etiquette book : Smith, Jodi R. R. Sterling Pub. Co., 2011 9781402776021 | 1402776020 ix, 405 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
395 TRU 03009390 Talk to the Hand : Truss, Lynne. Gotham Books, 2005 1592401716 | 9781592401710 x, 206 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
395.122 WAL 07011514 Elbows off the table, napkin in the lap, no video games during dinner : Wallace, Carol, St. Martin's Griffin, 1996 031214122X 1st St. Martin's Griffin ed. xi, 257 p. ; Library - BR Campus
395.142 OBY 04022993 The Perfectly Behaved Gentleman / O'Byrne, Robert CICO Books, 2014 9781782491613 128p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
395.142 OBY 04024647 The Perfectly Behaved Gentleman / O'Byrne, Robert CICO Books, 2014 9781782491613 128p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
395.144 GAR 03002447 New Rules of Etiquette : Garner, Curtrise. Viva Books, 2010 9781605500065 215 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
395.4 HIG 03000948 High-Tech Etiquette : High, Jana L. Viva Books Pvt. Ltd., 2008 9788176496131 | 8176496138 xii, 179 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
395.4 HIG 00095192 High-Tech Etiquette : High, Jana L. Viva Books Pvt. Ltd., 2008 9788176496131 | 8176496138 xii, 179 p.: UG Library
395.4 HIG 00078529 High-Tech Etiquette : High, Jana L. Viva Books Pvt. Ltd., 2008 9788176496131 | 8176496138 xii, 179 p.: UG Library
395.4 HIG 00066111 High-Tech Etiquette : High, Jana L. Viva Books Pvt. Ltd., 2008 9788176496131 | 8176496138 xii, 179 p.: UG Library
395.4 KUM 00066067 Etiquette Kumar, Vijaya Sterling Publications 2005 8179630048 | 9788179630044 111 p. UG Library
395.5 DRU 05041931 The Ethics of Emerging Media : Bloomsbury, 2014 9789384052850 279p.: Knowledge Centre
395.5 DRU 05048449 The ethics of emerging media : Drushel, Bruce. Bloomsbury publishing india, 2011 9781441118363 (hardcover : alk 279 p. : Knowledge Centre
395.5 DRU 05041529 The Ethics of Emerging Media : Bloomsbury, 2014 279p.: Knowledge Centre
395.5 FUC 00144125 Digital Ethics : Fuchs, Christian. Routledge, 2023 9781032246161 x,252p,; UG Library
395.52 CAR 03001686 Bridging the Culture Gap : Carte, Penny Kogan Page, 2008 9780749455224 202 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
395.52 CHE 03000165 Business Etiquette : Chew, Sally. Times Books International, 1992 981204387X | 9789812043870 152 p..: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
395.52 TOM 03001759 World's Business Cultures and How to Unlock Them Tomlin, Barry Viva Books 9788130908526 267 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
395.52 CAR 05000230 Bridging the culture gap Carté, Penny. Kogan Page, xiv, 202 p.; Knowledge Centre
395.52 CHA 07010806 Intercultural business communication / Chaney, Lillian H Pearson Publication, 2014 9780132971270 6th ed.; xiv, 298p. ; Library - BR Campus
395.52 CHE 00065168 Business Etiquette : Chew, Sally. Times Books International, 1992 981204387X | 9789812043870 152 p..: UG Library
395.52 DUP 00066119 Business Etiquette & Professionalism Dupont, M. Kay Viva books, 2005 9788176495240 | 8176495247 viii, 110p.; UG Library
395.52 GUL 05039483 Corporate : Gulati, Sarvesh. Rupa Publication, 2010 9788129116338 102 p.: Knowledge Centre
395.52 GUL 03009079 Corporate Soft Skills / Gulati Sarvesh Rupa Publication India Pvt.Ltd, 2006 9788129108944 xiii,306 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
395.52 GUL 03010692 Corporate : Gulati, Sarvesh. Rupa Publication, 2010 9788129116338 102 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
395.52 GUL 05011176 Corporate Soft Skills / Gulati Sarvesh Rupa Publication India Pvt.Ltd, 2006 9788129108944 xiii,306 p. : Knowledge Centre
395.52 HBS 05000127 Business Etiquette for the New Workplace : Harvard Business School Harvard Business School Press, 2005 1591399742 | 9781591399742 vii, 168 p. : Knowledge Centre
395.52 HBS 03010403 Business Etiquette for the New Workplace : Harvard Business School Harvard Business School Press, 2005 1591399742 | 9781591399742 vii, 168 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
395.52 HOD 00050908 Global Smarts: Hodge, Sheida John Wiley &Song INC 2000 0471382469 246 P. UG Library
395.52 MAR 05041960 Miss Manners Minds Your Business / Martin Judith W.W.Norton & Company, 2013 9780393349856 302p.: Knowledge Centre
395.52 MEH 05039000 Business Etiquette : Mehra, Shital Kakar. HarperCollins Publishers, 2012 9789350291085 294 p.: Knowledge Centre
395.52 MEH 00133273 Business etiquette : Mehra, Shital Kakkar. Collins Business, 2012 9789350291085 (pbk.) | 9350291088 (pbk.) xi, 294 p. : UG Library
395.52 MEH 03011973 Business Etiquette : Mehra, Shital Kakar. HarperCollins Publishers, 2012 9789350291085 294 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
395.52 MEH 07001178 Business Etiquette : Mehra, Shital Kakar. HarperCollins Publishers, 2012 9789350291085 294 p.: Library - BR Campus
395.52 MOL 05000545 Global Dexterity : Molinsky, Andy. Harvard Business Review School Press , 2013 9781422187272 (alk. paper) xxii, 200 pages : Knowledge Centre
395.52 MOL 03010367 Global Dexterity : Molinsky, Andy. Harvard Business Review School Press , 2013 9781422187272 (alk. paper) xxii, 200 pages : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
395.52 MOL 07001533 Global Dexterity : Molinsky, Andy. Harvard Business Review School Press , 2013 9781422187272 (alk. paper) xxii, 200 pages : Library - BR Campus
395.52 PAC 04019820 The Essentials of Business Etiquette : Pachter, Barbara Tata MCgraw hill, 2013 9789351342625 239p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
395.52 POS 03005383 The etiquette advantage in business : Post, Peggy William Morrow, 2005 2nd ed. vii,366p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
395.52094 BOS 03008528 European Business Customs & Manners / Bosrock, Mary Murray. Macmillan India Ltd , 2008 9780684040011 | 0684040018 (Si xiv, 481 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
395.520940 SAB 03009366 International Business Etiquette : Sabath, Ann Marie. Master Mind Books , 1999 309 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
395.52095 BOS 03008526 Asian Business Customs & Manners / Bosrock, Mary Murray. Meadowbrook Press, distributor 2007 0881665258 | 9780684052007 xiii, 383 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
395.52095 BOS 03007560 Asian Business Customs & Manners / Bosrock, Mary Murray. Meadowbrook Press, distributor 2007 0881665258 | 9780684052007 xiii, 383 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
395.52095 MOR 03005480 Kiss, bow, or shake hands : Morrison, Terri. Adams Media, 2007 159869216X | 9781598692167 xviii, 222 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
395.52095 SCH 05046609 Access to Asia : Schweitzer, Sharon, 9781118919019 | 9781118919026 1 online resource (401 pages) : Knowledge Centre
395.520954 KUM 03001024 Doing Business in India Kumar, Rajesh Palgrave Macmillan 9781403967527 164 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
395.520954 KUM 05000901 Doing business in India : Kumar, Rajesh, Palgrave Macmillan, 1403967520 ix, 164 p. ; Knowledge Centre
395.53GUP 00039181 Correct Etiquettes & Manners for All Occasions Gupta, Seema Pustak Mahal 160 p UG Library
395.5409 VIS 00143182 The Rituals of Dinner : Visser, Margaret. Harper collins, 2017 9780241293645 xxiii,453p, ; UG Library
395.59 SHE 04028979 The art of civilized conversation : Shepherd, Margaret. Broadway Books, 2006 0767921690 | LPNDEL4C703855 | 9780767921695 1st ed. 228 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
396 BEB 00100144 Woman and Socialism Bebel, August All India Democratic Women's Association, 2010 480 p.: UG Library
396 SAL 05062423 Woman And WomanHood / Saleeby, C.W. Rohit Publications, 2018 978938382583 288p.; Knowledge Centre
396.0954 TAL 05045293 History of Indian Culture / Talware Mahendra Kumar Manglam Publications, 2014 9789382983323 320p.: Knowledge Centre
396.8743DAN 00088051 365 Things Every New Mom Should Know Danis, Linda OM BOOKS 8173625573 267p UG Library
397.124NET 01010097 Islam, Christianity and Tradition: A Comparitive Exploration (law Lib) Ian Richard Netton Edinburgh University 9780748623921 242p Knowledge Centre
398 BLA 01007404 Print, Folklore and Nationalism in Colonial South India(law Library) Stuart Blackburn Permanent Black 8178241498 247p Knowledge Centre
398 CHI 00112639 Ordinary people, extraordinary violence : Chitralekha, Routledge, 2012 9780415624831 xviii, 326 pages ; UG Library
398 CLA 05022383 Folklorista and Indian Folklore Claus, J Peter Rrcp 216 p Knowledge Centre
398 CLA 05022384 Folklorista and Indian Folklore Claus, J Peter Rrcp 216 p Knowledge Centre
398 GRE 00147995 50 Greatest Folktales Rupa Publications 2024 9789361569029 262p UG Library
398 MUT 00083842 Folklore, Public Sphere and Civil Society Muthukumaraswamy, M D Ind Com Press 8190148141 317p UG Library
398 MUT 00083844 Folklore as Discourse Muthukumaraswamy, M D Ind Com Press 8190148168 254p UG Library
398 PAT 07004563 Multilingualism and Multiculturalism : Pattanayak Supriaya Orient Blackswan Private Limited 2016 9788125060000 xii, 396 p.; Library - BR Campus
398 PAT 05046641 Multilingualism and Multiculturalism : Pattanayak Supriaya Orient Blackswan Private Limited 2016 9788125060000 xii, 396 p.; Knowledge Centre
398 SIN 05022328 Folk, Faith & Feudalism: Rajasthan Studies Singhi, N K Rawat 381 Knowledge Centre
398.01 DUN 00034268 Essays in Folklore Theory and Method Dundes, Alan Cra-A 1990 247 p. UG Library
398.03 DHA 05067414 A Gourmet's journey : Dhamija, Jasleen, Women Unlimited, 2018 9789385606120 | 9385606123 174 pages : Knowledge Centre
398.03 MCC 05008974 Folklore : Mccormick, Charlie T ABC-CLIO, 2011 9781598842418 (hbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed. / 3 v. (xxiii, 1260, 27 p.) : Knowledge Centre
398.03 MCC 05008975 Folklore : Mccormick, Charlie T ABC-CLIO, 2011 9781598842418 (hbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed. / 3 v. (xxiii, 1260, 27 p.) : Knowledge Centre
398.03 MCC 05008976 Folklore : Mccormick, Charlie T ABC-CLIO, 2011 9781598842418 (hbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed. / 3 v. (xxiii, 1260, 27 p.) : Knowledge Centre
398.0954 GOS 00123263 Indian Folklore Goswami, Indira B R Publishing Corporation. | Distributed by BRPC (India) , 2001 8176461865 xxiv, 226 p:. UG Library
398.0954 GOW 00090858 Mask and the Message Gowda, K Chinnappa Aakrithi Computers 272p UG Library
398.0954 GOW 00096216 The Mask and the Message Gowda, K. Chinnappa Madipu Prakashana 272 p. UG Library
398.0954 HAN 05017479 Theoretical Essays in Indian Folklore / Handoo Jawaharlal Zooni Publications, 2000 256 p. : Knowledge Centre
398.0954 KIN 05008015 The tale of the tulsi plant and other studies : Kincaid, C. A. Asian Educational Services, 1994 177 p. : Knowledge Centre
398.0954 MAR 00133446 Nature, culture, and gender : Mary Vidya Porselvi, P., Routledge, 2016 9781138676749 | 1138676748 | 9781138219618 First South Asia edition. xiv, 196 pages : UG Library
398.0954 SAR 00058445 Folklore of India Sareen, T R Anmol Publications 1993 8170416418 viii, 379 p. UG Library
398.0954 WAD 05002560 Essays on North Indian Folk Traditions Wadley, Susan S Chronical Book 8180280160 256p Knowledge Centre
398.0954 WAD 00096308 Essays on North Indian folk traditions / Wadley, Susan Snow, Chronicle Books ; | Distributed by Orient Longman, 8180280160 xiii, 256 p. ; UG Library
398.0954163 ELW 00132316 Myths of the North - East Frontier of India: Elwin Verrier, B.R Publishing Corporation, 2018 9789387587038 xxii,448 p.; UG Library
398.09542 WAD 05009546 Essays on North Indian folk traditions / Wadley, Susan Snow, Chronicle Books ; | Distributed by Orient Longman, 2005 9788180280160 xiii, 256 p. ; Knowledge Centre
398.09548 THU 05060940 Omens and superstitions of southern india / Thusrton, Edgar. Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014 9781500529765 | 1500529761 265p. Knowledge Centre
398.0954PAI 00090857 Coastal Karnataka Pai, Rastrakavi Govinda Manipal Power Press 8186668063 329p UG Library
398.09603 PEE 00097878 African Folklore : Peek, Philip M. Routledge, 9780415803724 xxxii, 593 p. ; UG Library
398.0973 BEN 05024303 In search of authenticity : Bendix, Regina. University of Wisconsin Press, 1997 0299155404 (cloth : alk. paper xi, 306 p. ; Knowledge Centre
398.2 AES 00029700 The Fables of Aesop Aesop Rupa& Co 1988 xiv, 152 p. UG Library
398.2 AES 00024386 Fables of Aesop Aesop, Penguin Books 1981 xx, 229 p. UG Library
398.2 AES 00034948 50 Aesop`s Fables Aesop Better Yourself Books 1992 8171080855 64 p. UG Library
398.2 ALL 00096543 Myths - Of The World : The Illustrated Treasury of the World's Greatest Stories Duncan Bard Publishers 2009 9781844838288 320 p UG Library
398.2 ASH 00073430 Folk and Fairy Tales Ashliman D L Greenwood Press 2005 0313328102 | 9780313328107 viii, 268 p. UG Library
398.2 BEN 05009050 Urban legends : Greenwood Press, 2007 031333952X (alk. paper) | 9780 xxi, 349 p. ; Knowledge Centre
398.2 BRO 00131337 Folklore : Bronner, Simon J., Routledge, 2017 9781138774940 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138774957 (pbk. : alk. paper) xi, 228 pages : UG Library
398.2 COT 00052349 Encyclopedia World Mythology Cotterell, Arthur 1999 0752533258 320 p.: UG Library
398.2 COU 00067517 Greek and Roman Mythology Cough, Malcolm Todtri 1577170644 128p UG Library
398.2 FRY 00135323 Mythos / Fry, Stephen Penguin Books 2018 9781405934138 442p. UG Library
398.2 HAF 07014828 Making intangible heritage : Valdimar Tr. Hafstein, Indian University Press, 2018 9780253037923 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9780253037930 (paperback : alk. paper) First edition. viii, 204 pages : Library - BR Campus
398.2 LEE 00000618 Folk Tales of All Nations Lee, F H TUDOR 960 p UG Library
398.2 MAN 00146995 Pazanchol Kathakal Manayil, Manoj DC Books 2019 9789352827459 479p UG Library
398.2 MAV 05064156 Aurelia : Mavor, Carol. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2017 9781780237176 312p. ; Knowledge Centre
398.2 MUK 05058030 Domoruchorit : Mukhopadhyay, Trilokyonath. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199477395 xxiv, 243p. Knowledge Centre
398.2 MUR 05065132 Great folk tales of the world / Murthy, Anitha. Speaking Tiger Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2019 9789388874366 180 p. ; Knowledge Centre
398.2 NSP 00091492 Best-loved stories told at the National Storytelling Festival / National Storytelling Press ; | Distributed to the book trade by August House Publishers, 1879991012 : | 1879991004 (sof 223 p. ; UG Library
398.2 RAJ 05072515 Myths and Legends: Rajendran,Sowmya Rupa Publications Pvt. Ltd 2020 9789389967692 144pages Knowledge Centre
398.2 RAJ 00139774 Myths and Legends: Rajendran,Sowmya Rupa Publications Pvt. Ltd 2020 9789389967692 144pages UG Library
398.2 RAJ 00146916 Ennum Kathusookshikkenda Nattarivukal Rajagopalan, C R DC Books 2021 9789354325434 1278p UG Library
398.2 RAJ 00146917 Ennum Kathusookshikkenda Nattarivukal Rajagopalan, C R DC Books 2021 9789354325434 1278p UG Library
398.2 RAJ 00146918 Ennum Kathusookshikkenda Nattarivukal Rajagopalan, C R DC Books 2021 9789354325434 1278p UG Library
398.2 RIB 00034959 Parables and Fables for Modern Man Ribes, Peter St Paul Publications 1991 8171090060 | 8171091393 | 8171 228 p. UG Library
398.2 RIB 00034958 Parables and Fables for Modern Man Ribes, Peter St Paul Publications 1991 8171090060 | 8171091393 | 8171 228 p. UG Library
398.2 RIB 00034957 Parables and Fables for Modern Man Ribes, Peter St Paul Publications 1991 8171090060 | 8171091393 | 8171 228 p. UG Library
398.2 RIB 00034960 Parables and Fables for Modern Man Ribes, Peter St Paul Publications 1991 8171090060 | 8171091393 | 8171 228 p. UG Library
398.2 SAN 00140227 Best Ever Russian Folk Tales and Many More Sankaramangalam,Praveen Mango-Caravan 2015 9788126475919 1024p UG Library
398.2 SAR 00094187 Tales of birbal Saran, Minal Oxford press 9780195602012 71p UG Library
398.2 SEA 07013956 Aladdin : Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2019 9781631495168 117 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
398.2 THO 00034946 Tales of Other Lands Thomas, Vernon Better Yourself Books 1991 8171081290 95 p UG Library
398.2 TUL 07012398 Upcountry tales : Tully, Mark, Speaking Tiger Publishing Pvt.Ltd, 2017 9789386582690 287 pages ; Library - BR Campus
398.2 WIL 05067458 The mythology book / Pengion Random House, 2018 9781465473370 | 1465473378 | 9780241301913 | 0241301912 351p.; Knowledge Centre
398.203 ARM 05022327 Short History of Myth: [pg-General ] Armstrong, Karen 0144000938 134p Knowledge Centre
398.203 HAA 05039638 The Greenwood encyclopedia of folktales and fairy tales / Greenwood Press, 2008 9780313334412 ((set) : alk. pa 1160p.: Knowledge Centre
398.203 HAA 05039639 The Greenwood encyclopedia of folktales and fairy tales / Greenwood Press, 2008 9780313334412 ((set) : alk. pa 1160p.: Knowledge Centre
398.203 HAA 05039640 The Greenwood encyclopedia of folktales and fairy tales / Greenwood Press, 2008 9780313334412 ((set) : alk. pa 1160p.: Knowledge Centre
398.203 HAA 05009033 The Greenwood encyclopedia of folktales and fairy tales / Haase, Donald Greenwood Press, 2008 9780313334429 ((vol 1) : alk. 3 v. 394 p. Knowledge Centre
398.203 HAA 05009034 The Greenwood encyclopedia of folktales and fairy tales / Haase, Donald Greenwood Press, 2008 9780313334429 ((vol 1) : alk. 3 v. 394 p. Knowledge Centre
398.203 HAA 05009035 The Greenwood encyclopedia of folktales and fairy tales / Haase, Donald Greenwood Press, 2008 9780313334429 ((vol 1) : alk. 3 v. 394 p. Knowledge Centre
398.203 HOG 05022397 Encyclopedia of Greek Mythology [ MS-COMMU ] Houtzager, Guus Rebo Publishers 9036615011 269p Knowledge Centre
398.203COT 00071480 Encyclopedia of Mythology: [dharmaram Library] Cotterell, Arthur Lorenz 1859671640 255p UG Library
398.208 GAT 07011579 The annotated African American folktales / W W Norton & Company, 2018 9780871407535 (hardcover) First edition. xcii, 651p. Library - BR Campus
398.208968073 GRE 05008990 Latino American folktales / Green, Thomas A Greenwood Press, 2009 9780313362996 (alk. paper) viii, 174 p. ; Knowledge Centre
398.208995073 GRE 05011243 Asian American folktales / Green, Thomas A Greenwood Press, 2009 9780313362972 (alk. paper) viii, 167 p. ; Knowledge Centre
398.208996073 GAT 05059674 The annotated African American folktales / W W Norton & Company, 2018 9780871407535 (hardcover) First edition. xcii, 651p. Knowledge Centre
398.209 KUM 07009097 Exploring Folk Literature/ Kumar,Manoj Yking Books, 2016 9789385528354 VIII,163 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
398.209 ZIP 05009499 Fairy tales and the art of subversion : Zipes, Jack, Routledge, 2012 9780415610254 (pbk. : alk. pap xv, 265 p. ; Knowledge Centre
398.209 ZIP 05009451 Fairy tales and the art of subversion : Zipes, Jack, Routledge, 2012 9780415610254 (pbk. : alk. pap xv, 265 p. ; Knowledge Centre
398.20902 FEE 00120306 Mythology in the Middle Ages : Fee, Christopher R. Praeger, 2011 9780275984069 (hard copy : alk xxxii, 281 p. ; UG Library
398.2093 BIR 07004553 Chinese Myths Birrell Anne Orient Blackswan Pvt.Ltd. 9788125039464 80p Library - BR Campus
398.2093 BIR 00094457 Chinese Myths Birrell Anne Orient Blackswan Pvt.Ltd. 9788125039464 80p UG Library
398.2093 BUR 07004552 Greek Myths Burn Lucilla Orient Blackswan Pvt.Ltd. 9788125039471 80p Library - BR Campus
398.2093 BUR 00094458 Greek Myths Burn Lucilla Orient Blackswan Pvt.Ltd. 9788125039471 80p UG Library
398.2093 CUR 07004551 Persian Myths Curtis Vesta Sarkhosh Orient Blackswan Pvt.Ltd. 9788125039495 80p Library - BR Campus
398.2093 CUR 00094459 Persian Myths Curtis Vesta Sarkhosh Orient Blackswan Pvt.Ltd. 9788125039495 80p UG Library
398.2093 DAL 07004554 Hindu Myths Dallapiccola A L Orient Blackswan Pvt.Ltd. 9788125039488 80p Library - BR Campus
398.2093 DAL 00094456 Hindu Myths Dallapiccola A L Orient Blackswan Pvt.Ltd. 9788125039488 80p UG Library
398.2093 GAR 07004550 Roman Myths Gardner Jane F Orient Blackswan Pvt.Ltd. 9788125039501 80p Library - BR Campus
398.2093 GAR 00094455 Roman Myths Gardner Jane F Orient Blackswan Pvt.Ltd. 9788125039501 80p UG Library
398.20932 PIN 00125084 Egyptian Myth : Pinch, Geraldine. Oxford University Press, 2004 9780192803467 143 p. : UG Library
398.2093802 SET 05070166 Arion and the Dolphin / Seth, Vikram. Penguin Random House India Pvt Ltd, 2012 9780143418153 50p. ; Knowledge Centre
398.2093802 SET 07014987 Arion and the Dolphin / Seth, Vikram. Penguin Random House India Pvt Ltd, 2012 9780143418153 50p. ; Library - BR Campus
398.2093802 SET 04030072 Arion and the Dolphin / Seth, Vikram. Penguin Random House India Pvt Ltd, 2012 9780143418153 50p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
398.2095 NAI 07009063 In Quest of Indian Folktales Naithani Sadhana Orient Blackswan Pvt.Ltd. 2006 9788125034506 328p Library - BR Campus
398.2095 NAI 00094454 In Quest of Indian Folktales Naithani Sadhana Orient Blackswan Pvt.Ltd. 2006 9788125034506 328p UG Library
398.2095 STO 04028301 Legends and Myths of India, Egypt China and Japan / Storm, Rachel Herms House, 2011 9780857237330 256p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
398.209503 STO 00092929 The encyclopedia of eastern mythology Storm Rachel Lorenz Books 0754800695 256p UG Library
398.20951 WAL 00098266 Chinese Mythology: Walters, Derek Diamond Books; 9780261666573 190 p. UG Library
398.20952 LOD 04023320 The Bamboo Principle : Lodi, Ken Embassay Books, 2014 9789383359400 116p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
398.20954 AMI 00105723 The tale of the twin warriors : Babu Amin, Bannanje. Sahitya Akademi, 2009 9788126027811 | 8126027819 First edition. xxvi, 153 pages ; UG Library
398.20954 BRE 05017481 Folktales of India / The University Of Chicago Press, 1989 9780226040820 xxi,357 p. : Knowledge Centre
398.20954 BUR 00134952 The best of tall tales: Burns,Michael Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2018 9789353041489 xii,165p.; UG Library
398.20954 CHA 00091435 In quest of Indian folktales : Naithani, Sadhana. Indiana University Press, 0253345448 (cloth : alk. paper xi, 328 p. : UG Library
398.20954 HAR 00083845 Indian Ocean Folktales Haring, Lee Ind Com Press 8190148109 146p UG Library
398.20954 KIN 05022329 Tales of the Sun Or Folklore Of Southern India Kingscote, Howard Asian Educational Services, xii, 308 p. Knowledge Centre
398.20954 PAT 00140259 Yoga Mythology: Pattanaik,Devdutt Harper Collins 2019 9789353570842 326p UG Library
398.20954 PRE 00117877 Indian Literature and Universal Oneness Vol I Prem P.C. Authorspress,. 2013 9788172736477 xliv,292 p.: UG Library
398.20954 RAM 00074520 Foktales from India Ramanujan, A K Penguin Books 1991 0140233288 | 9780140233285 xxxv, 420 p. UG Library
398.20954 RAM 00081591 Foktales from India Ramanujan, A K Penguin Books 1991 0140233288 | 9780140233285 xxxv, 420 p. UG Library
398.20954 SIN 00092589 Popular literature and pre-modern societies in South Asia / Published by Dorling Kindersley (India), licensees of Pearson Education in South Asia, 9788131713587 358 p. ; UG Library
398.20954 STE 07012439 Shehzadi mircha folktales from the punjab / Steel, Flora Annie. Speaking Tiger Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2017 9789386702623 viii, 263p. Library - BR Campus
398.20954 STE 05058394 Shehzadi mircha folktales from the punjab / Steel, Flora Annie. Speaking Tiger Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2017 9789386702623 viii, 263p. Knowledge Centre
398.20954 VIJ 00104208 Hundred Tamil folk and tribal tales / Vijayaraghavan Sujatha Orient BlackSwan, 2010 9788125039204 xxxi,291p. ; UG Library
398.209541 ABB 00138936 Route to Oral Literature / Sahitya Akademi, 2018 9789388468022 xiv,148p.; UG Library
398.20954137 ELW 00132330 Folk songs of chhattisgarh Elwin,Verrier B R Rhythms 2018 9788188827763 lxi,466p.; UG Library
398.20954137 RAM 05034070 Tribal songs, ballads and oral epics of Bastar / Ram, Uma. B.R. Rhythms, 2012 9788188827275 | 8188827274 xvii, 267 p. ; Knowledge Centre
398.20954137 RAM 07013367 Tribal songs, ballads and oral epics of Bastar / Ram, Uma. B.R. Rhythms, 2012 9788188827275 | 8188827274 xvii, 267 p. ; Library - BR Campus
398.2095414 MIT 00110704 Tales From Thakurmar Jhuli : Mitra Majumadāra, Dakshiṇārañjana, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198082200 (pbk.) | 9780198 Enl. and updated ed. xxiii, 150 p. : UG Library
398.209543 ELW 00132306 Folk - Tales of Mahakoshal: Elwin, Verrier, B.R Publishing Corporation, 2018 9789387587007 xxv,523 p.; UG Library
398.2095452 LAL 00125355 Chamba Achamba : Malashri Lal Sahitya Akademi, 2012 9788126032662 | 8126032669 1st ed. xii, 360 p., UG Library
398.2095479 FEL 00125677 Two Oral Narratives From The Countryside Of Maharashtra Feldhaus, Anne Primus, 2015 9789384082680 613 p. UG Library
398.2095482 KRI 07001294 Socio-Cultural History of Kanyakumari District / Krishnan Jeyabala.P.Dr Sarup Book Publishers Pvt.Ltd, 2015 9788176259859 x,221p.: Library - BR Campus
398.2095483 RAM 00079638 Strings & Cymbals Prasaranga Kannada University 2007 xvi, 365 p. UG Library
398.20954DES 00087771 101 Folktales from India De Souza, Eunice 0670049670 287p. UG Library
398.20954RAM.N 00035493 Folktales from India Ramnujan, A K UBSPD 342 p UG Library
398.209567 STE 00120245 Folktales of Iraq / Stevens E S Dover Publications, 2006 0486444058 (pbk.) xxiv, 303 p. : UG Library
398.20966 Na'A 00096675 African discourse in Islam, oral traditions, and performance / Naʼallah, Abdul Rasheed. Routledge, 2010 9780415805926 | 0415805929 | 9 xiv, 183 p. ; UG Library
398.2097 CRA 00116650 Urban legends Craughwell, Thomas J., Black Dog & Leventhal ; | Chris Lloyd [distributor], 2005 9781579124663 | 1579124666 688 p. ; UG Library
398.21 AND 00001121 Fairy Tales Anderson, Hans UG Library
398.21 HIL 00078999 Vedic Mythology Hillebrandt, Alfred MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1999 8120808010 | 9788120808010 476p UG Library
398.21 HIL 00079000 Vedic Mythology Hillebrandt, Alfred MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1999 8120808010 | 9788120808010 476p UG Library
398.21 HUR 05064246 Zombies : Luckhurst, Roger. Reaktion Books, 2015 9781780236698 224p.; Knowledge Centre
398.21 LIN 05064827 Trolls : Lindow, John. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2014 9781780235653 160 p. ; Knowledge Centre
398.21 SIN 00045808 Vedic Mythology Singh, Nagendra K R A.P.H Publishing Corporation 1997 8170248671 iv, 301 p. UG Library
398.21 SUG 05064255 Fairies : Sugg, Richard. Reaktion Books, 2018 9781780238999 | 1780238991 279p. : Knowledge Centre
398.2103 SPE 01014549 The Oxford dictionary of proverbs / Oxford University Press, 9780199539536 (pbk. : acidfree xii, 388 p. ; Knowledge Centre
398.2103 SPE 05003803 The Oxford dictionary of proverbs / Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199539536 (pbk. : acidfree 5th ed. xii, 388 p. ; Knowledge Centre
398.210943 GRI 05046679 Grimm's Fairy Tales / Grimm W.C Wordsworth Classics, 1993 9781853261015 272p.: Knowledge Centre
398.22 HAD 00085128 Arabian Nights Haddaway, Hussain 9780393331660 518p UG Library
398.22 HEL 00112465 The Arabian nights / Heller-Roazen, Daniel W. W. Norton & Co., 2010 9780393928082 (pbk.) | 0393928 1st ed. xv, 523 p. ; UG Library
398.22 MAC 00090305 Arbian Nights Entertainments Mack, Robert L Oxford 9780192834799 935p UG Library
398.2209 RAM 00121041 Essays On The Arabian Nights ed by, Rahman Rizwanur Primus Books, 2015 9789384082000 viiii, 140 p.: UG Library
398.220953 AL 00098412 The Islamic context of the Thousand and one nights / Mua„sawi, Muhsin Jaa„sim. Columbia University Press, 2009 9780231146340 (cloth : alk. pa x, 334 p. ; UG Library
398.220954 TIW 00105708 Bharthari Tiwari, Nandkishore. Sahitya Akademi 2002 156 P. UG Library
398.234 KER 00141273 A Brief History of Atlantis : Kershaw, Stephen P. Robinson; 2017 9781472136992 417p UG Library
398.24 AES 07010999 Aesop's fables / Aesop's Fables/ Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199540754 306 p. ; Library - BR Campus
398.245296655 DON 05072735 Winged stallions and wicked mares : Doniger, Wendy. Speaking Tiger Books LLP, 2021 9789354470073 xv, 332p. ; Knowledge Centre
398.245296655 DON 05072240 Winged stallions and wicked mares : Doniger, Wendy. Speaking Tiger Books LLP, 2021 9789354470073 xv, 332p. ; Knowledge Centre
398.2454 ARN 05064253 The Dragon : Arnold, Martin. Reaktion Books, 2018 9781780238975 328p. : Knowledge Centre
398.2454 DEL 07014832 Monsters : Dell Christopher Thames & Hudson Ltd, 2016 9780500292556 215p.: Library - BR Campus
398.27 CHE 05074543 Soulful Sojourn : Chengappa, Savera Bestbook Buddies technology P. Ltd., 2023 9789389954616 385 p. ; Knowledge Centre
398.28 DON 07014227 The ring of truth and other myths of sex and jewelry / Speaking Tiger, 2017 9789386338860 xxi,397p.; Library - BR Campus
398.28 DON 00129278 The ring of truth and other myths of sex and jewelry / Speaking Tiger, 2017 9789386338860 xxi,397p.; UG Library
398.28 DON 07012392 The ring of truth and other myths of sex and jewelry / Speaking Tiger, 2017 9789386338860 xxi,397p.; Library - BR Campus
398.28 DON 05056861 The ring of truth and other myths of sex and jewelry / Speaking Tiger, 2017 9789386338860 xxi,397p.; Knowledge Centre
398.2DIG 00087488 Wonder-Tales of South Asia: Translated from Hindi, Urdu, Nepali and Persian Digby, Simon 9780195683639 303 p UG Library
398.2MUT 00083847 NFSC Folk Festival 2002 Muthukumaraswamy National Folklore UG Library
398.3 HAN 05017474 Folklore New Perspective / Zooni Publications, 1999 305 p. : Knowledge Centre
398.3 HAN 05017473 Folklore in the Changing World / Zooni Publications, 1999 ix,333 p. : Knowledge Centre
398.3 HAN 05017477 Folklore and Gender / Zooni Publications, 1999 209 p. : Knowledge Centre
398.3 HAN 05017476 Folklore and Discourse / Zooni Publications, 1999 viii,199 p. : Knowledge Centre
398.352 BER 00049415 King Arthur Berthelot, Anne Thames and Hudson 1997 0500300798 | 9780500300794 160 p. : UG Library
398.353 WAT 05022324 Terrible Beauty: The People and Ideas That Shaped the Modern Mind [ma-Sociology Section] Watson, Peter Phoenix Press 1842124447 847p Knowledge Centre
398.358 PHI 01005199 Encyclopedia of Wars (law Library) Charles Phillips Viva Books Private Limited 8130902389 503p Knowledge Centre
398.358 PHI 01005201 Encyclopedia of Wars (law Library) Charles Phillips Viva Books Private Limited 8130902389 503p Knowledge Centre
398.358 PHI 01005200 Encyclopedia of Wars (law Library) Charles Phillips Viva Books Private Limited 8130902389 503p Knowledge Centre
398.36 NAI 00097282 The Holy Water Naikar, Basavaraj Sarup Book Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 9788176256209 56p UG Library
398.364 ARC 04008432 The Wisdom of Water / Archer, John. Viva Books Pvt. Ltd., 2008 9781741752397 338 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
398.365 BER 03005514 The Power of Gold; Bernstein, Peter L John Wiley, 2000 9780471003786 xi,432p; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
398.4 FRA 00017860 Golden Bough Frager, James George Mc Millan 970p UG Library
398.41 ROB 00112697 Religions of the Marginalised Robinson,Gnana I S P C K 1998 817214458X 100p UG Library
398.4103 HAZ 00045197 Dictionary of Faiths & Folklore; Hazlitt, W C Leopard 1995 1858912512 | 9781858912516 672p UG Library
398.410941 LUC 00123325 The mummy's curse : Luckhurst, Roger. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199698714 (acidfree paper) 1st ed. xiv, 321 p. : UG Library
398.42 DON 03008364 The Destruction of Atlantis : Donnelly, Ignatius. Dover Publications, 2004 0486431444 (pbk.) | 9780486431 vi, 452 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
398.45 RAJ 05047705 Multiculturalism in Indian Tradition and Literature / M.Rajagopalachary Atlantic, 2016 251 p. Knowledge Centre
398.469 EAS 05008971 Fabulous creatures, mythical monsters, and animal power symbols : Eason, Cassandra. Greenwood Press, 2008 9780275994259 (alk. paper) | 0 xx, 181 p. : Knowledge Centre
398.4954 DAB 03012971 The Case for Reason : Dabholkar,Narendra. Contxt, 2019 9789387894112 129p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
398.495479 DAB 00136835 The Case for Reason : Dabholkar,Narendra. Contxt, 2019 9789387894112 129p.; UG Library
398.54 HAN 05017475 Folklore in Modern India / Handoo,Jawaharlal Central Institute Of Indian Languages, 1998 viii,232 p. : Knowledge Centre
398.6DCR 00072097 ? 1001 Riddles for Children [dharmaram Library] D`Cruz, Jubel Siga 8171085768 111 UG Library
398.8 TOW 04008496 World's best puzzles / Townsend, Charles Barry Orient Paperbacks, 2009 9788122201567 128p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
398.9 DCR 00112092 The Best Proverbs and Quotes Dcruz Jubel Better Yourself Books 2008 9788171086924 279p UG Library
398.9 DCR 00140129 The Best Proverbs and Quotes Dcruz Jubel Better Yourself Books 2008 9788171086924 279p UG Library
398.9 KCH 05036863 Keralathile Pazhanjollukal / The Director,Kerala Council for Historical Research, 2012 9788185499437 xxxvi,951p.: Knowledge Centre
398.9 KIR 03006371 What you need to know about proverbs & sayings / Kirkpatrick, E. M Learners Publishing, 2003 9789814107433 188 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
398.9 MAN 05022313 Proverbs : Manser, Martin H Viva Books 2005 9788130900247 440p Knowledge Centre
398.9 MAN 04013580 Proverbs : Manser, Martin H Viva Books 2005 9788130900247 440p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
398.9 MAN 03004602 Proverbs : Manser, Martin H Viva Books 2005 9788130900247 440p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
398.9 MAN 00115681 Proverbs: Meaning and Origins of More Than 1500 Popular Sayings Manser, H Martin Viva Books 8130900246 440p UG Library
398.9 MUN 00112096 Aspire to Inspire Munshi Fahim 9788171088119 144p UG Library
398.9 NEI 00052601 Dictionary of Proverbs Nelson, Jens Goodwill Publishing House 8172450370 202p UG Library
398.9 RED 00115679 Prime Proverbs Reddy, G S Neelkamal Publlication, 2004 200 p.: UG Library
398.9 RED 00115070 Prime Proverbs Reddy, G S Neelkamal Publlication, 2004 200 p.: UG Library
398.9 RID 00045256 Macmillan Dictionary of English Proverbs Explained Ridout, Ronald 0333634063 222 p UG Library
398.903 BER 00115069 Ntcs Dictionary of Rpoverbs and Cliches Bertram, Anne Viva Books Private Limited 1998 8185617937 321 UG Library
398.903 BHA 00115067 Dictionary of Proverbs Bhatia, S K Gita Enterprises 8187877138 184p UG Library
398.903 KLE 00115680 Dictionary of Proverbs Kleiser, Grenville APH 8176488143 218p UG Library
398.903 KLE 05002567 Dictionary of Proverbs / Kleiseer, Grenville APH, 2004 8176488143 304p.: Knowledge Centre
398.903 KLE 00115068 Dictonary of Proverbs Kleiser, Grenville APH 2005 8176488135 305p UG Library
398.903 KLE 00115678 Dictionary of Proverbs Kleiser, Grenville APH Publishing 2005 9788176488143 305 p.: UG Library
398.903 LEY 05022325 International Dictionary of Proverbs [ma-English Section] Ley, Gerd De Jaico Publishing House 8179924262 434p Knowledge Centre
398.9082 SCH 07014141 Never Marry a Women with Big Feet : Schipper Mineke Speaking Tiger Publishing Pvt.Ltd, 2017 9789386702883 443p.: Library - BR Campus
398.909 MIE 00073439 Proverbs a Hand Book Mieder Wolfgang Greenwood Press, 2000 9780313326981 304 p.: UG Library
398.92103 SPE 04018727 The Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs / Speake, Jennifer Oxford University Press, 2015 042000062008 375p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
398.92103 SPE 07007990 Oxford dictionary of proverbs / Oxford University Press 2015 9780191799440 (ebook) : | 9780 Sixth edition. XI,383 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
398.9912 PIL 00140310 Chanakya Neeti Pillai,Radhakrishnan Jaico Publishing House 2020 9789388423571 323p UG Library
398.9912 PIL 07015613 Chanakya's 100 Best Sutras / Pillai Radhakrishnan Jaico Publishing, 2024 9789393559982 257p.: Library - BR Campus
398.9914 FAL 00096080 A dictionary of hindustani proverbs : Fallon, S. W., Asian Educational Services, 8120606639 iii, 320 p. ; UG Library
398.99144 BAS 00103022 Cultural history of Bengali proverbs / Basāka, Sudeshṇā, Gyan Pub. House, 9788121210287 | 8121210283 250 p. ; UG Library
398.99146 CHA 05007974 The Konkani proverbs / Chavan, V. P. Asian Educational Services, 1995 87 p. ; Knowledge Centre
398.994811 JEN 00135218 A Classified Collection of Tamil Proverbs Jensen Hermen Mittal publications, 2016 9788183246606 xxviii,499p. ; UG Library
398.994811 JEN 05022326 Tamil Proverbs / Jensen,Herman Asian Educational Services: 499 p. Knowledge Centre
398.994811 PER 00100669 Tamil Proverbs Percival P Asian Educational Services, 2002 xi, 573 p. UG Library
398.9SIM 00045248 Concise Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs. Simpson, John Oxford University Press. 1996 0192800027 | 9780192800022 2nd ed. 316P Yeshwanthpur Campus
398GIL 00084349 Robin Hood Gilbert, Henry Wilco 8188280283 306p UG Library
398MUT 00083843 Voicing Folklore Careers, Concerns and Issues: A Collection of Interviews Muthukumaraswamy, M D Ind Com Press 8190148125 257p UG Library
398VEN 00083846 Mailaralinga Jatre: Reflections on the Dynamics of Folklore Venkatesha, M N National Folklore Support Centre 132p UG Library
3GOR1 00064690 System Simulation Gordon, Geoffrey Prentice Hall of India 8120301404 324p UG Library
4.068 HOL 05001518 It Manager`s Handbook : Holtsnider, Bill Harcourt India Private Limited 2001 8178670224 337 p. : Knowledge Centre
4.0904MYH 00065582 ROAD AHEAD BILL GATES Myhrvold, Nathan 0140243518 332p UG Library
4.16BRE 00070954 The Intel Microprocessors / Brey, Barry B Prentice Hall of India, 2005 8120329600 900 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
4.1SHR 00057348 Computer Systems and Applications Shroff, Rustam Himalaya Publishing House 559p UG Library
4.1SHR1 00057349 Computer Systems and Applications Shroff, Rustam Himalayan 559p UG Library
4.22HEN.P 00048159 Computer Architechture a Quantitative Approach Hennessy, L John 1558603298 914 p UG Library
4.22MAN 00037263 Computer System Architecture / Mano, M Morris Prentice Hall of India, 1994 8120308557 xiii,525p.; Knowledge Centre
4.2WHI 00064665 Systems Analysis and Design Methods Whitten, L Jeffrrey Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd 8175153717 724p UG Library
4.65PET 00064649 Computer Networks: A Systems Approach Peterson, L Larry ELSEVIER 8181472063 814p UG Library
4.65TAN2 00059479 Computer Networks Tannenbaum, S Andrew Pearson Education 891p UG Library
4.65TAN4 00064650 Computer Networks Tanenbaum, S Andrew Pearson Education 8178087855 886p UG Library
4.678ANA 01010432 Managing Web Usage in the Workplace; a Social, Ethical and Legal Perspective(law Lib) Murugan Anadarajan IRM PRESS 1931777721 376p Knowledge Centre
4.678LEV 00065654 Internet for Dummies Levine, John 0764541730 380p UG Library
4.68FOR 00054261 Local Area Networks Forouzan, A Behrouz 0070486662 618p UG Library
4.68KEI1 00038269 Local Area Networks Keiser, E Gerd M g h 420 UG Library
4.6GOV 00047134 IBM PC and Clones, Hardware, Trouble Shooting and Maintenance Govindaraju, B 0074601369 732 p Knowledge Centre
4.6RAH 00049874 Building Web Database Applications With Visual Studi 6 Rahmel, Dan 0070402027 856p Knowledge Centre
400 CHO 00069103 On Language Chomsky, Noam Penguin Books 2002 9780143030003 269 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
400 KEN 03003161 First Word: The Search for the Origins of Language Kenneally, Christine Penguin 9780670034901 357 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
400 ADG 05068104 Language unlimited : Adger, David, Oxford University Press, 2019 0198828098 | 9780198828099 First edition. vii, 264 pages : Knowledge Centre
400 ADG 09000330 Language unlimited : Adger, David, Oxford University Press, 2019 0198828098 | 9780198828099 First edition. vii, 264 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
400 AGG 00046918 Modern Approach to Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning Aggarwal, R S S Chand 1999 8121905516 422 p UG Library
400 AGG 07015645 A Modern Approach To Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning / Aggarwal R.S.Dr S Chand and Company Limited, 2024 9789355011534 17.4p.: Library - BR Campus
400 AND 00128735 A Propos B1-B2 Andant, Christine Langers 2010 9789380809021 175 p. : UG Library
400 AND 00110115 Languages Anderson, Stephen R. Oxford University Press 2012 9780199590599 (pbk.) 1st ed. xv, 135 p. : UG Library
400 BLA 05022369 All About Language [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Blake, Barry J 9780199238392 322 p Knowledge Centre
400 BLA 05022370 All about language / Blake, Barry J. Oxford University Press, 9780199238408 (hbk. : alk. pap xvii, 322 p. : Knowledge Centre
400 BLO 00023721 Language Bloomfield, Leonard, Motilal Banarasidas Publishers Pvt, Ltd 2005 8120811968 (pbk.) | 9788120811 viii, 566 p. : UG Library
400 BLO 00004382 Language Bloomfield, Leonard, Motilal Banarasidas Publishers Pvt, Ltd 2005 8120811968 (pbk.) | 9788120811 viii, 566 p. : UG Library
400 BLO 00088415 Language Bloomfield, Leonard, Motilal Banarasidas Publishers Pvt, Ltd 2005 8120811968 (pbk.) | 9788120811 viii, 566 p. : UG Library
400 BRA 07002237 Introducing language and linguistics / Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107035461 (hardback) | 978 487p.: Library - BR Campus
400 CRY 00099921 A Little Book Of Language / Crystal,David. Orient Black Swan, 2010 9788125040699 | 9780300170825 260 p. UG Library
400 CRY 00110371 A Little Book Of Language / Crystal,David. Orient Black Swan, 2010 9788125040699 | 9780300170825 260 p. UG Library
400 CRY 05017534 A Little Book Of Language / Crystal,David. Orient Black Swan, 2010 9788125040699 | 9780300170825 260 p. Knowledge Centre
400 DEV 00148002 India: Devy, G N Aleph Book Company 2024 9789393852670 194p UG Library
400 EVE 00109814 Language Everett, Daniel Leonard. Profile Books, 2012 9781846682674 (pbk.) | 9781846 351 p. ; UG Library
400 GEN 05041150 How languages work : Cambridge University Press, 2014 9780521767446 (hardback) | 978 xxvi,647p.: Knowledge Centre
400 HAL 00080005 An Introduction to Language and Linguistics Hall, Christopher J., Continuum, 2005 0826487335 | 0826487343 (pbk.) xvii, 344 p. : UG Library
400 HAM 00129325 Minima philologica / Hamacher, Werner, Fordham University Press 2015 9780823265343 (hardback) | 978 First edition. 161 pages ; UG Library
400 JON 07012214 Public speaking / Jones, Frank Nisha Scientific Publication, 2018 9789383982165 82p.; Library - BR Campus
400 JOY 07015598 Katibwttada Kathegalu / Joyappa B.R Chinthana Chittara, 2019 9788193774847 155p.: Library - BR Campus
400 KAT 00083856 Languages of the World. Katzner, Kenneth 2002 0415250048 384p UG Library
400 KED 00011092 Foriegn Loan Words in Kannada Shanker Kedilaya, A University UG Library
400 KUM 07001057 Language and Literature:A Shifting Paradigm / Kumar Satendra Yking Books, 2014 9789382532637 268p.: Library - BR Campus
400 MCA 05022530 Oxford Companion to the English Language: Abridged Edition Mcarthur, Tom 0198631367 1052p Knowledge Centre
400 PRA 07002655 All about English : C L N Prakash Foundation Books, 2014 9789384463403 204 p. Library - BR Campus
400 PRI 00111802 Clinical Linguistics: An Overview Priyadarshi, Brajesh. Discovery Publishing Pvt Ltd., 2013 9789350562413 293p.; UG Library
400 RAJ 00009945 Tamil Phonetic Reader Rajaram S Central Institute 1972 UG Library
400 ROB 00079275 Language in Social Worlds Robinson, W. Peter. Blackwell Publishing 2003 0631193367 | 9780631193364 xv, 368 p. UG Library
400 ROB 00097915 Language in theory : Robson, Mark, Routledge, 0415320488 (pb) | 0415320496 ( xvii, 176 p. ; UG Library
400 SMI 00081885 Language, Frogs & Savants:More Linguistic Problems, Puzzles and Polemics Smith, Neil 1405130385 200 UG Library
400 TAM 00111400 Modern Language and Linguistic/ Tambal, Sudhesh R. Pacific Publication, 2013 9789381630150 272p.; UG Library
400 THO 07015523 Endangered languages : Thomason, Sarah Grey, Cambridge University Press, 2015 9780521684538 (softcover) | 9780521865739 (hardcover) xiii , 229 pages ; Library - BR Campus
400 VIN 05009324 Nijaguna / Vimarsha Sankalana Christ University Kannada Sanga, 2012 9788192228181 xx,258 p. : Knowledge Centre
400CHA 00005783 Linguistics Jenwal and Dravidian Chanthanath, Asian Books UG Library
400PAT 00012841 Aspects of Affiliated Llinguistics Pattenayak, D P Asia UG Library
400STT 00002227 India Our First Love Stiyarinah, Sadhu UG Library
401 ALS 00119270 Philosophy of language Alston, William P. Prentice-Hall 1964 xiii, 113 p. UG Library
401 AND 05038365 Linguistics and Evolution : Andresen, Julie Tetel Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107650114 vi, 308 p. Knowledge Centre
401 BAN 05043259 Mind, Brain and Language Multidisciplinary Perspectives / Banich, Marie T Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Publishers, 2003 0805833277 394p.: Knowledge Centre
401 BOE 05043573 The biolinguistic enterprise : Boeckx, Cedric Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199553280 (pbk.) | 9780199 xv, 543 p. : Knowledge Centre
401 BOT 05043260 Unravelling the evolution of language / Elsevier, 0080443184 p. cm. Knowledge Centre
401 BUR 04012120 The talking ape : Burling, Robbins. Oxford University Press, 2005 0199279403 (alk. paper) | 9780 ix, 286 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
401 BYR 05005251 Arguing about language / Routledge, 2010 9780415462433 (hc : alk. paper xiii, 600 p. ; Knowledge Centre
401 CAP 00103926 Language turned on itself: Cappelen Herman Oxford university press; 2010 9780199575527 169 p. UG Library
401 CAR 00095231 The Language Instinct Debate Carroll Donald Continuum 9781846840937 224P UG Library
401 CAV 05046850 For more than one voice : Cavarero, Adriana. Stanford University Press, 2005 080474954X (hardcover : alk. p xxv, 264 p. ; Knowledge Centre
401 CHA 00091053 Key thinkers in linguistics and the philosophy of language / Oxford University Press, 9780195187670 (cloth : alk. pa xii, 282 p. ; UG Library
401 CHA 05022532 Key Thinkers in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language [ma-English Section] Chapman, Siobhan 0195187687 282p Knowledge Centre
401 CHO 05022534 New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind [ma-English Section] Chimsky, Noan 0521658225 228p Knowledge Centre
401 CHO 05022539 Cartesian Linguistics Chomsky Noam Cambridge University Press 9780521708173 158p Knowledge Centre
401 CHO 05022531 Powers and prospects : Chomsky, Noam. South End Press, 0896085368 (cloth) | 978813090 xii, 244 p. ; Knowledge Centre
401 CHO 07009222 New Horizons in the Study of language and mind/ Chomsky Noam Cambridge university Press, 2000 9780521658225 XVI,214 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
401 CHO 05038316 The science of language : Chomsky, Noam. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107016378 (hbk.) | 9781107 vi, 321 p. ; Knowledge Centre
401 CHO 01007254 Power& Prospects Reflections on Human Nature and the Social Order(law Library) Noam Chomsky Viva Books Private Limited 8130906228 244p Knowledge Centre
401 CHO 05062867 What kind of creatures are we ? / Chomsky, Noam. Tulika Books, 2016 9788193732939 xxii, 150p. Knowledge Centre
401 CHR 05074971 The language game: Christiansen, Morten H Penguin Random House, 2022 9781804991008 xiv, 349 p. , Knowledge Centre
401 CHR 10004172 The language game: Christiansen, Morten H Penguin Random House, 2022 9781804991008 xiv, 349 p. , Yeshwanthpur Campus
401 DAS 00107245 Inhabiting Human languages; Dasgupta Probal Samskriti 2012 9788187374701 148 p UG Library
401 DAS 00107246 Inhabiting Human languages; Dasgupta Probal Samskriti 2012 9788187374701 148 p UG Library
401 DER 00078986 Of Grammatology Derrida, Jacques. Johns Hopkins University Press, | Motilal Banarsidass 1976 8120811879 | 9788120811874 | 0 1st Indian Edition xc, 354 p. ; UG Library
401 DOR 05056605 The Instruction of Imagination : Dor, Daniel, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780190256623 (hardback : acid xii, 259 pages ; Knowledge Centre
401 FEN 00135846 A critical introduction to philosophy of language : Fennell, John Routledge, 2019 9781138339712 (hbk : alk. paper) | 9781138339729 (pbk : alk. paper) x,301p.; UG Library
401 FEN 00135554 A critical introduction to philosophy of language : Fennell, John Routledge, 2019 9781138339712 (hbk : alk. paper) | 9781138339729 (pbk : alk. paper) x,301p.; UG Library
401 FOR 00104102 After Herder : Forster, Michael N. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199228119 (hbk. : alk. pap xi, 482 p. ; UG Library
401 GEL 05005300 Words and Things : Gellner,Ernest. Routledge, 2005 9780415345484 xxiv,360p.; Knowledge Centre
401 HAR 00018854 Structural linguistics Harris, Zellig Sabbettai, University of Chicago Press 1951 0226217714 xv, 384 p. UG Library
401 HAW 00098165 Language & Philosophical Linguistics/ Blackwell Publishing,Ltd,; 9781405116732 vii;490 p. UG Library
401 KNI 00050492 The Evolutionary Emergence of Language Cambridge University Press 2000 0521781574 | 9780521786966 xi, 426 p. UG Library
401 LEA 05059906 Linguistic relativities : Leavitt, John Harold, Cambridge University Press, 9780521767828 (hardback) 245 p. cm. Knowledge Centre
401 LEA 05045518 Semiotic Principles and Human Communication / Leach Karson Koros Press Limited, 2014 9781781637517 viii,248p.: Knowledge Centre
401 LEP 05029065 Philosophy of Language Oxford University, 9780199552238 1083p Knowledge Centre
401 LEV 07002695 Pragmatics / Levinson, Stephen C. Cambridge University Press, 2003 0521540895 | 9780521540896 xvi,420p.; Library - BR Campus
401 LIT 05068442 Metaphors in the mind : Littlemore, Jeannette. Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108403986 (paperback) xvi,275p.; Knowledge Centre
401 LYC 00096881 Philosophy of language : Lycan, William G. Routledge, 9780415957519 (hardback : alk. x, 221 p. ; UG Library
401 MAC 05022538 The origin of speech / MacNeilage, Peter F. New York : | Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199581580 (pbk.) | 0199581 xi, 389 p. : Knowledge Centre
401 MAR 00105276 The biolinguistic enterprise : Sciullo,Di Anna, Maria. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199553280 (pbk.) | 9780199 xv, 543 p. : UG Library
401 MCE 05066717 Language and meaning in the age of modernism : Mcelvenny, James. Edinburg University Press Ltd, 2019 9781474425063 188 p. ; Knowledge Centre
401 MOI 00129019 Revolution of the ordinary/ Moi Toril Orient BlackSwan 2017 9789386392749 290p. UG Library
401 MOI 05058840 Revolution of the ordinary/ Moi Toril Orient BlackSwan 2017 9789386392749 290p. Knowledge Centre
401 MOR 00089621 Introduction to the Philosophy of Language Morris, Michael 0521603110 326p UG Library
401 PIA 00089139 Of Minds and Language: A Dialogue With Noam Chomsky in the Basque Country Piattelli-Palmarini, Massimo 9780199544660 459p UG Library
401 PIN 07005441 The language instinct : Pinker,Steven. Penguin, 2015 9780141980775 ix,524p.; Library - BR Campus
401 PIN 07004912 The stuff of thought : Pinker,Steven. Penguin, 2007 9780141015477 ix,499p.; Library - BR Campus
401 PIN 07004915 The language instinct : Pinker,Steven. Penguin, 2015 9780141980775 ix,524p.; Library - BR Campus
401 ROR 00090264 Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity Rorty, Richard Cambridge University 0521367816 201p UG Library
401 SAM 05022536 The "language instinct" debate / Sampson, Geoffrey. Continuum, 9780826473851 (pbk.) | 0826473 224 p. : Knowledge Centre
401 SAX 05062048 Child Language : Saxton,Matthew. Sage, 2017 9781446295625 2nd ed xviii,383p.; Knowledge Centre
401 SZA 00138341 Philosophy of language Philosophy of Language Cambridge University Press 2019 9781107480629 327p UG Library
401 THO 05022535 Music and the Origins of Language: Theories Form the French Enlightenment [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Thomas, Downing A 0521028620 195p Knowledge Centre
401 TIW 00141310 Language, Being, and Cognition : Tiwari, Devendra Nath, Global Vision Publishing House; 2021 9781634159401 | 1634159403 xxxii, 478 pages ; UG Library
401 TUR 00022073 Stylistics Turner, George W. Penguin, 1973 014021643X 256 p. UG Library
401 TUR 00014313 Stylistics Turner, George W. Penguin, 1973 014021643X 256 p. UG Library
401 UND 05022533 Humboldt, Wroldview and Language Underhill, James W Edinburgh University Press Ltd., 9780748638420 161p Knowledge Centre
401 YUL 07015497 The study of language / Yule, George, Cambridge University Press, 2023 9781009233415 | 9781009233408 Eighth edition. XII,390P.: Library - BR Campus
401.07 SHA 00050760 Principles and Practices of Language Teaching Sharma, Kadambari Commonwealth Publishers. 1997 8171694098 310 p. UG Library
401.21 REI 05022537 Descriptions and Beyond Reimer Marga Clarendon Press 9780199270521 655p Knowledge Centre
401.33 SEU 05043258 The logic of language Seuren, Pieter A. M. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199559480 | 0199559481 (hb xv, 428 p. : Knowledge Centre
401.4 BAR 00104786 Always On Baron S Naomi Oxford University 2010 9780199735440 xiv 289 p. UG Library
401.4 DUN 00136867 The Reflexivity of Language and Linguistic Inquiry : Duncker,Dorthe. Routledge, 2019 9781138481534 211p.; UG Library
401.4 GEN 05056467 Critical semiotics : Genosko, Gary, Bloomsburry, 2016 9781472596376 (hardback) | 978 193 pages ; Knowledge Centre
401.4 KRI 05032803 Content analysis : Krippendorff, Klaus. SAGE, 2013 9781412983150 (pbk. : acidfree 3rd ed. xiv, 441 p. : Knowledge Centre
401.4 LEM 05022540 New Age Lexicon:An A-Z of Everything You Wanted to Know from Absent Healing, Through God to Zone Therapy [ma-English Section] Lemesurier, Peter Bhavana Books & Prints 0818650575 268 Knowledge Centre
401.4 LUD 05060649 Living words : Ludlow, Peter, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198801382 First edition. x, 189 pages ; Knowledge Centre
401.40954 SIN 01003239 Languages and Scripts (law Lib) K S Singh Oxford University Press 0195643933 431p. Knowledge Centre
401.41 05068447 Language and subjectivity / McNamara, T. F. Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108468558 xiv,250p.; Knowledge Centre
401.41 CHA 04000387 Logic: Informal, Symbolc & Inductive / Chakraborti, Chanda Prentice-Hall of Inida, 2008 9788120332485 562 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
401.41 BAK 00146620 Using corpora in discourse analysis / Baker, Paul Bloomsbury, 2023 9781350083752 x,263p. ; UG Library
401.41 BAK 00111194 Key Terms in Discourse Analysis / Baker, Paul, Continuum International Publishing Group, 2011 9781847063205 (hardcover) | 18 234 p. ; UG Library
401.41 BAK 00110679 Key Terms in Discourse Analysis / Baker, Paul, Continuum International Publishing Group, 2011 9781847063205 (hardcover) | 18 234 p. ; UG Library
401.41 BAK 07014397 Key Terms in Discourse Analysis / Baker Paul Bloomsbury, 2017 9789386643506 234p.: Library - BR Campus
401.41 BHA 05044578 Critical Discourse Analysis / Bhardwaj Kundan Sonali Publications, 2014 9788184115314 264p.: Knowledge Centre
401.41 BLA 00092706 Pragmatic Stylistics Black Elizabeth Edinburgh University Press 9780748620418 166p UG Library
401.41 BOH 00104826 On Dialogue Bohm,David. Routledge, 1996 9780415149112 xviii: 101 P. UG Library
401.41 BOH 05004778 On dialogue / Bohm, David, Routledge, 2004 9780415336413 [Routlege classics ed.] xxvii, 114 p. ; Knowledge Centre
401.41 BUR 00099791 Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching : Burns, Anne, Routledge, 2010 9780415991445 (hbk : alk. pape x, 196 p. : UG Library
401.41 CAM 05045120 Working with written discourse / Cameron, Deborah, SAGE, 2014 9781446267233 (pbk.) | 1446267 xii, 199 p. : Knowledge Centre
401.41 COF 04013526 Applying English Grammar : Coffin, Caroline Open university, 2004 9780340885147 311p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
401.41 COF 05022592 Applying English Grammar: Functional and Corpus Approaches Coffin, Caroline Open university 0340885149 311p Knowledge Centre
401.41 COF 03004563 Applying English Grammar : Coffin, Caroline Open university, 2004 9780340885147 311p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
401.41 COF 07006536 Applying English Grammar : Coffin, Caroline Open university, 2004 9780340885147 311p. : Library - BR Campus
401.41 COF 05043273 Applying English Grammar: Functional and Corpus Approaches Coffin, Caroline Open university 0340885149 311p Knowledge Centre
401.41 COR 05007342 Time-constrained memory : Corriveau, Jean-Pierre. L. Erlbaum Associates, 1995 9780805817126 xx, 408 p. : Knowledge Centre
401.41 COU 00130398 Interactional Linguistics : Couper-Kuhlen, Elizabeth Cambridge, 2018 9781107616035 617 p.: UG Library
401.41 COU 05059720 Interactional Linguistics : Couper-Kuhlen, Elizabeth Cambridge, 2018 9781107616035 617 p.: Knowledge Centre
401.41 COV 05043281 Spatial language and dialogue / Coventry Kenny R Oxford University Press, 9780199554201 (acidfree paper) x, 216 p. : Knowledge Centre
401.41 CUR 00103862 Narratives and narrators : Currie, Gregory. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199282609 xx, 243 p. ; UG Library
401.41 CUT 00093163 Pragmatics and discourse Cutting, Joan Routledge 9780415446679 239p UG Library
401.41 FEZ 05042117 Discourse Analysis : Strauss, Susan G. Routledge, 2014 9780415522182 | 9780415522199 viii, 411 p; Knowledge Centre
401.41 FEZ 05040556 Discourse Analysis : Strauss, Susan G. Routledge, 2014 9780415522182 | 9780415522199 viii, 411 p; Knowledge Centre
401.41 FEZ 00118202 Discourse Analysis : Strauss, Susan G. Routledge, 2014 9780415522182 | 9780415522199 viii, 411 p; UG Library
401.41 FLO 05056486 Discourse in context Flowerdew, John Bloomsbury publishing Inc., 2014 9781474269780 vi,349p.; Knowledge Centre
401.41 FOL 00104238 Language, education, and discourse : Foley, Joseph. Continuum, 2005 0826461875 (HB) | 0826488013 ( xi, 337 p. : UG Library
401.41 GEE 05045063 The Routledge handbook of discourse analysis / Routledge, 2012 9780415551076 (alk. paper) | 9 xxvi, 681 p. : Knowledge Centre
401.41 GEE 07005965 Unified discourse analysis : Gee, James Paul, Routledge, 2015 9781138774513 (hbk) | 97811387 viii, 134 pages ; Library - BR Campus
401.41 GEE 05043280 How to do discourse analysis : Gee, James Paul. Routledge, 9780415572071 (hardback) | 978 p. cm. Knowledge Centre
401.41 GEE 05039905 An introduction to discourse analysis : Gee, James Paul. Routledge, 2014 9780415721257 (hardback) | 978 Fourth edition. 242p.; Knowledge Centre
401.41 GEE 07014616 Introducing discourse analysis : Gee, James Paul, Routledge, 2018 9781138298385 (pbk.) | 9781138298347 (hardback) x, 170 pages ; Library - BR Campus
401.41 GEO 05037976 Discourse Analysis : Georgakopolou, Alexandra Edinburgh University Press | Columbia University Press [Distributor] 2004 9780748620456 | 0748620451 (Tr 2nd ed.,New Edition 215p.; Knowledge Centre
401.41 GEO 05022543 Discourse Analysis : Georgakopolou, Alexandra Edinburgh University Press | Columbia University Press [Distributor] 2004 9780748620456 | 0748620451 (Tr 2nd ed.,New Edition 215p.; Knowledge Centre
401.41 GOA 00109990 Meaning and Humour Goatly, Andrew, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107004634 (hardback) | 978 xvii, 361 p. : UG Library
401.41 GOD 00131335 Discourse : Goddard, Angela, Routledge, 2017 9780415856539 (hbk) | 9780415856553 (pbk) xiii, 214 pages : UG Library
401.41 HAR 05048558 Discourse, grammar and ideology : Hart, Christopher Bloomsbury publishing Plc., 2016 9781441133571 (HB) | 978144111 x, 216 pages : Knowledge Centre
401.41 HYL 05044642 Discourse studies reader : Hyland, Ken Bloomsbury, 2013 9781441179821 (hbk.) vi, 347 pages : Knowledge Centre
401.41 HYL 05038631 Bloomsbury Companion to Discourse Analysis / Bloomsbury, 2013 9781441167866 (pbk. : alk. pap xiii,393p.; Knowledge Centre
401.41 JAW 05044505 The discourse reader / Routledge, 2014 9780415629485 (hardback) | 978 Third edition. xv, 518 pages : Knowledge Centre
401.41 JAW 05004741 The discourse reader / Routledge, 1999 0415197333 | 9780415346320 xvi, 602 p. ; Knowledge Centre
401.41 JOH 00068073 Discourse Analysis Johnstone, Barbara. Blackwell, 2002 0631208763 (alk. paper) | 0631 xv, 269 p. ; UG Library
401.41 JOH 00104823 Signs in Use Johansen,Dines Jorgen. Routledge, 2002 9780415262040 vi:246 P. UG Library
401.41 JON 00137235 Discourse analysis : Jones, Rodney H., Routledge, 2019 9781138669666 Second edition. xvii, 231 p. : UG Library
401.41 JON 00111949 Discourse analysis : Jones, Rodney H. Routledge, 2012 9780415610001 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii, 229 p. ; UG Library
401.41 JON 00147647 Discourse analysis : Jones, Rodney H. Routledge, 2024 9781032455280 Third edition. xv,256p. ; UG Library
401.41 JON 07010062 Discourse and creativity / Jones,Rodney Pearson Longman, 2012 9781408251881 (pbk.) 1st ed. xi, 252 p. : Library - BR Campus
401.41 KAT 00142765 A new philosophy of discourse : Kates, Joshua, Bloomsbury Academic ; 2021 9781350163621 | 9781350186958 249 p. ; UG Library
401.41 KEL 00048333 A Theory of Linguistic Signs Keller, Rudi. Oxford University Press, 1998 0198237332 | 0198237952 (pbk.) xiv, 262 p. ; UG Library
401.41 KRI 05043272 Content Analysis: An Introduction to Its Methodology / Krippendorff, Klaus Sage Publications, 2004 0761915451 413p.: Knowledge Centre
401.41 LIT 05066655 Multilingual text analysis challenges, models, and approaches / World Scientific 2019 9789813274877 (hardcover) x,489p.; Knowledge Centre
401.41 LOC 00115674 Critical discourse analysis Locke, Terry, Continuum, 2004 0826464866 96 p. : UG Library
401.41 LOX 00097931 Performativity / Loxley, James, Routledge, 9780415329255 (hardback : alk. 185 p. ; UG Library
401.41 MAC 05034246 How to do critical discourse analysis : Machin, David, SAGE, 2012 9780857028914 (hbk.) | 9780857 236 p. : Knowledge Centre
401.41 MCC 00067909 Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers McCarthy, Michael, Cambridge University Press, 1991 0521365414 (hard covers) | 052 x, 213 p. : UG Library
401.41 MCK 05023602 Textual analysis : McKee, Alan Sage Publications, 2003 0761949933 (pbk.) | 0761949925 159 p. ; Knowledge Centre
401.41 MIL 00082323 Discourse Mills, Sara, Routledge, 2004 0415290147 (pbk. : alk. paper) vi, 168 p. ; UG Library
401.41 MIL 00079120 Discourse Mills, Sara, Routledge, 2004 0415290147 (pbk. : alk. paper) vi, 168 p. ; UG Library
401.41 MIL 00079172 Discourse Mills, Sara, Routledge, 2004 0415290147 (pbk. : alk. paper) vi, 168 p. ; UG Library
401.41 NAI 00099175 Narrative Gravity; Nair Rukmini Bhaya Oxford university press; 9780195657005 425 p. UG Library
401.41 PAL 10002465 Discourse analysis : Paltridge, Brian, Bloomsbury publishing plc., 2022 9781350093638 | 9781350093621 Third edition. viii,315 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
401.41 PAL 05037797 Discourse analysis : Paltridge, Brian. Continuum, 2006 9780826485564 (hbk.) | 0826485 xii, 244 p. : Knowledge Centre
401.41 POT 05045770 Discourse and social psychology : Potter, Jonathan, Sage Publications, 1987 0803980558 | 0803980566 (pbk.) 216 p. : Knowledge Centre
401.41 RAJ 00122888 Positioning Gender in Discourse Baxter, Judith Palgrave Macmillan 2015 9781137582478 215 p:. UG Library
401.41 RAJ 07010454 Positioning Gender in Discourse Baxter, Judith Palgrave Macmillan 2015 9781137582478 215 p:. Library - BR Campus
401.41 SAL 07005964 Text and Discourse Analysis / Salkie Raphael Routledge, 2015 9781138168893 xi,114p.: Library - BR Campus
401.41 SIN 05035913 The phraseological view of language De Gruyter Mouton, 2011 9783110256888 (alk. paper) | 9 xii, 324 p. : Knowledge Centre
401.41 SPE 00103675 Conversation and Gender Speer, Susan A Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521696036 xi, 344 p. UG Library
401.41 TAN 07005960 The handbook of discourse analysis / Wiley Blackwell, 2015 9780470670743 (cloth) Second edition. 952p.: Library - BR Campus
401.41 TAN 07005961 The handbook of discourse analysis / Wiley Blackwell, 2015 9780470670743 (cloth) Second edition. 952p.: Library - BR Campus
401.41 WID 00111654 Discourse analysis / Widdowson, H. G. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780194389211 (pbk.) | 0194389 xvi, 136 p. ; UG Library
401.41 WOD 00100085 Methods of critical discourse analysis / Wodak, Ruth, SAGE, 9781847874542 (hbk.) | 9781847 ix, 204 p. : UG Library
401.4122 BLO 05037978 The Practice of Critical Discourse Analysis : Bloor Meriel & Bloor Thomas Hodder Education, 2007 9780340912379 207p.; Knowledge Centre
401.422 JOS 05037977 Language and politics / Joseph, John Earl. Edinburgh University Press, 2006 074862452X (hbk.) | 0748624538 x, 170 p. ; Knowledge Centre
401.43 ALO 05056405 The Cambridge handbook of formal semantics / Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107028395 | 1107028396 xii, 925 pages : Knowledge Centre
401.43 BAK 05022594 Sociolinguistics and Corpus Linguistics Baker, Paul Edinburgh University Press Ltd. 9780748627363 189p Knowledge Centre
401.43 CAN 00092035 Semantics : Cann, Ronnie. Cambridge University Press, 9780521819626 | 0521819628 | 9 xiii, 292 p. : UG Library
401.43 CLA 07002798 Relevance theory / Clark, Billy. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9780521878203 (hardback) | 978 xix, 398 p. ; Library - BR Campus
401.43 COW 05022593 Semantics Cowie A P Oxford University Press 9780194389235 130p Knowledge Centre
401.43 CRA 07002803 The emergence of meaning Crain, Stephen, Cambridge University Press 2012 9780521674881 (paperback) | 97 xvii, 287 pages : Library - BR Campus
401.43 CRA 00110878 The emergence of meaning Crain, Stephen, Cambridge University Press 2012 9780521674881 (paperback) | 97 xvii, 287 pages : UG Library
401.43 EVA 05056395 The crucible of language : Evans, Vyvyan, Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107123915 (hardback) | 978 xvii, 359 pages : Knowledge Centre
401.43 FIN 05037113 What is a context? John Benjamins Pub. Co., 2012 9789027255792 (alk. paper) | 9 vi, 253 p. Knowledge Centre
401.43 FIN 00126874 Semantic Relationism Fine,Kit Wiley-Blackwell 2009 9781405196697 146p UG Library
401.43 GEE 05022567 Theories of lexical semantics / Geeraerts, Dirk, Oxford University Press, 9780198700319 (pbk.) | 0198700 xix, 341 p. : Knowledge Centre
401.43 HOF 07015528 Realms of meaning : Hofmann, Th. R. Longman, 1993 0582028868 (pbk.) xx, 339 p. ; Library - BR Campus
401.43 LYO 10002097 Linguistic semantics : Lyons, John, Cambridge University Press, 1995 9780521438773 xvi, 376 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
401.43 MOH 00050491 Grammatical Semantics CSLI ; | National University of Singapore, 1999 1575862018 (cloth : acidfree p ix, 285 p. : UG Library
401.43 POR 05022595 Formal Semantics [ Ms.Communication ] Portner, Paul 0631215425 486p Knowledge Centre
401.43 SAE 05057194 Semantics / Saeed, John I., Wiley, 2016 9781118430163 (paperback) Fourth edition. xx, 471 pages ; Knowledge Centre
401.43 SIM 00132766 Semantic singularities : Simmons, Keith. Oxford univeristy press, 2018 9780198791546 (hardback : alk. paper) New product edition. x,249p.; UG Library
401.43 SIN 00137596 Semantics / Singh,Sanoj. Random Publications, 2019 9789352692149 viii,322p.; UG Library
401.43 WEL 01027545 The meaning of more / Wellwood, Alexis. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780198804659 (hb : alk. paper) vi,216p.; Knowledge Centre
401.43 WIL 00145446 Meaning in Language: Wilson, Emma Willford Press 2021 9781647281212 235p. UG Library
401.4309 PER 05047801 Global conceptual history : Bloomsbury , 2016 9781474242547 (hardback) | 978 xvi, 376 p. ; Knowledge Centre
401.4322 PET 00095813 Quantifiers in language and logic Peters, Stanley, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2006 9780199291250 | 019929125X (hb xix, 528 p. UG Library
401.4322 PET 05043271 Quantifiers in language and logic Peters, Stanley, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2006 9780199291250 | 019929125X (hb xix, 528 p. Knowledge Centre
401.45 ALL 00124637 The Cambridge handbook of pragmatics / Allan Keith Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521192071 (hardback) | 978 x, 776 p. ; UG Library
401.45 CHO 07014668 Pragmatics / Choudhary Rajni Random Publications, 2019 9789352692071 281p.: Library - BR Campus
401.45 GRU 05005435 The pragmatics reader / Routledge, 2011 9780415546591 (alk. paper) | 0 xi, 529 p. : Knowledge Centre
401.45 HUA 07015524 The Oxford Handbook of Pragmatics / Huang Yan Oxford University Press, 2019 9780198826774 xxv,711p.: Library - BR Campus
401.45 KOR 00106757 Critical pragmatics : Korta, Kepa. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521748674 xiii, 178 p, UG Library
401.45 MEI 05063927 The Oxford handbook of lying / Meibauer, Jorg., ed. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780198736578 (hardback) | 9780191056208 (updf) | 9780191056215 (epub) | 9780191800306 (online content) 1st edition. xxiv, 660p. Knowledge Centre
401.45 ZHA 07002241 Elastic language : Zhang, Grace Qiao, Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107028449 (hardback) xvi,241p.: Library - BR Campus
401.5 LEP 05068094 Imagination and convention : LePore, Ernest, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198797418 First edition. viii, 292 pages ; Knowledge Centre
401.5 LEP 09000317 Imagination and convention : LePore, Ernest, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198797418 First edition. viii, 292 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
401.9 FIE 05022611 Psycholinguistics : Field, John, Routledge, 0415258901 | 041525891X (pbk.) xx, 366 p. : Knowledge Centre
401.9 AIT 05004764 The articulate mammal : Aitchison, Jean, Routledge, 2011 9780415610186 (pbk. : alk. pap Routledge classics ed. xx, 286 p. : Knowledge Centre
401.9 AIT 05022617 Glossary of Language and Mind [ma-English Section] Aitchison, Jean 0748618244 131p Knowledge Centre
401.9 ALT 05043201 Psycholinguistics : Routledge ; 9780041522991 xxiv: 510 P. Knowledge Centre
401.9 ALT 05043202 Psycholinguistics : Routledge ; 9780041522991 xxiv: 510 P. Knowledge Centre
401.9 ALT 05043203 Psycholinguistics : Routledge ; 9780041522991 xxiv: 510 P. Knowledge Centre
401.9 ALT 05043204 Psycholinguistics : Routledge ; 9780041522991 xxiv: 510 P. Knowledge Centre
401.9 ALT 05043205 Psycholinguistics : Routledge ; 9780041522991 xxiv: 510 P. Knowledge Centre
401.9 ALT 05043206 Psycholinguistics : Routledge ; 9780041522991 xxiv: 510 P. Knowledge Centre
401.9 BLO 05043194 Language and space / MIT Press, 1996 0262024039 | 9780262024037 x, 597 p. : Knowledge Centre
401.9 CAR 00130941 Communicating your way to success Carnegile,Dale Manjul publishing, 2018 9789387383289 ix,163p.; UG Library
401.9 CHI 05044756 Language, space and mind : Chilton, Paul A. Cambridge university, 2014 9781107010130 (hardback) xix,333p.; Knowledge Centre
401.9 CHO 05022612 Language and Mind [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Chomsky, Noam 9780521674935 190 p Knowledge Centre
401.9 DOW 01015582 Language and Religion : Downes, William. Cambridge University Press, 9780521792233 (hardback) viii,280p.; Knowledge Centre
401.9 DUF 00130360 Reflections on psycholinguistic theories / Duffield, Nigel. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108404648 xxxiii, 380p .; UG Library
401.9 FAT 05068328 The psychological power of language / Fatemi, Sayyed Mohsen, Routledge, 2019 9781138044739 (pbk.) | 9781138044715 (hbk) viii,140p.; Knowledge Centre
401.9 FAT 09000182 The psychological power of language / Fatemi, Sayyed Mohsen, Routledge, 2019 9781138044739 (pbk.) | 9781138044715 (hbk) viii,140p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
401.9 FER 05006403 Fundamentals of psycholinguistics / Fernández, Eva M. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781405191470 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 316 p. : Knowledge Centre
401.9 FIE 00097901 Psycholinguistics Field, John Routledge; 041527599 231p UG Library
401.9 FIE 00103737 Psycholinguistics : Field, John, Routledge, 2004 0415258901 | 041525891X (pbk.) xx, 366 p. : UG Library
401.9 GOL 00104708 Constructions at Work Goldberg E. Adele Oxford university 2010 9780199268528 vii 280 p. UG Library
401.9 HAM 05018174 Experience and the Growth of Understanding : Hamlyn D.W Routledge, 1978 9780415564908 159 p.: Knowledge Centre
401.9 HAR 05043261 The psychology of language : Harley, Trevor A. Psychology Press, 9781841693811 (hbk.) | 1841693 xvii, 602 p. : Knowledge Centre
401.9 HAR 05005172 Talking the talk : Harley, Trevor A. Psychology Press, 2010 9781841693392 (hb : alk. paper xiii, 338 p. : Knowledge Centre
401.9 ING 00106594 First language acquisition : Ingram, David, Cambridge University Press, 1989 0521341094 | 9780521349161 | 0 xi, 572 p. : UG Library
401.9 JAC 01017089 Foundations of Language : Jackendoff,Ray. Oxford University Press, 2002 9780199264377 xix,477p.; Knowledge Centre
401.9 KAP 07009440 Women Talk More Than Men And Other Myths about Language Explained / Kaplan Abby Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107446908 xvi,293p.: Library - BR Campus
401.9 KIR 00091474 Psycholinguistic learning disabilities: Kirk, Samuel A. University of Illinois Press 0252001427 (pbk) x, 198 p. UG Library
401.9 KOT 07013022 Chutnefying English Kothari Rita Penguin Books, 2011 9780143416395 xli, 235 p. Library - BR Campus
401.9 KOT 00106278 Chutnefying English Kothari Rita Penguin Books, 2011 9780143416395 xli, 235 p. UG Library
401.9 LIB 05073895 Mindreader : Liberman, David J. Penguin Random House, 2022 9780593236185 xiv,220p.; Knowledge Centre
401.9 LUD 05044462 The psychology of language : Ludden, David Sage, 2016 9781452288802 (pbk. : alk. pap xxvii, 617 pages : Knowledge Centre
401.9 MAL 00104678 Words and the mind : Mal,t Barbara C. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195311129 (cloth : alk. pa viii, 344 p., [8] p. of plates : UG Library
401.9 MOO 00111695 The perception of speech : Moore, Brian C. J. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199561315 (hbk.) | 0199561 346 p. : UG Library
401.9 MOU 00117138 Statistical learning and language acquisition / Mouten, De Gruyter Walter de Gruyter, Inc, 2012 9781934078235 (hbk : acidfree xii, 511 pages : UG Library
401.9 OCO 00127082 Communicating with one another : O'Connell, Daniel C. Springer, 2008 9780387776316 (hc : acidfree p xxii, 265 p. : UG Library
401.9 SAM 05048474 The cultural memory of language / Samata, Susan, Bloomsbury, 2014 9781472583734 (hardback) ix, 187 pages ; Knowledge Centre
401.9 SCO 00111613 Psycholinguistics/ Scovel, Thomas. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780194372138 135p.; UG Library
401.9 SIG 10004883 The Power of Words: How to Speak, Listen and Think Better/ by Mariano Sigman Sigman, Mariano [Author] Macmillan Business, 2023 9781035041572 1st Ed. 295 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
401.9 SIN 00141223 The psychology for language Singh,Sanoj Random publications, 2021 9789352697519 viii,271p.; UG Library
401.9 SMI 05056400 Introducing language and cognition : Sharwood Smith, Michael, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107152892 (hardback : alk. xvii,224p.; Knowledge Centre
401.9 SPI 00110874 The Cambridge handbook of psycholinguistics Spivey,Michael J. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521860642 | 9780521677929 xx, 745 p. : UG Library
401.9 STE 07010163 An Introduction to Psycholinguistics / Stainber Danny.D Routledge, 2016 9781138226975 2nd ed xvii,306p.: Library - BR Campus
401.9 TRU 00025662 Sociolinguistics Trudgill, Peter. Penguin, 1983 0140224793 (pbk.) : Rev. ed. 204 p. : UG Library
401.905 WAT 05004912 Experimental and theoretical advances in prosody / Psychology Press, 2010 9781848727403 1300 p. Knowledge Centre
401.91 DUF 07011689 Reflections on psycholinguistic theories / Duffield, Nigel. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108404648 xxxiii, 380p .; Library - BR Campus
401.922 DEV 05022542 Ignorance of Language Devitt Michael Clarendon Press, Oxford 9780199250967 304p Knowledge Centre
401.93 BAR 05047611 Task sequencing and instructed second language learning / Bloomsbury, 2014 9781623562762 (hardback) viii, 237 pages ; Knowledge Centre
401.93 BAR 07002191 The development of language / Psychology Press, 1999 9780863778476 xii, 415 p. : Library - BR Campus
401.93 BER 05048756 Why only us : Berwick, Robert C., MIT Press, 2016 9780262034241 | 0262034247 215 pages, 4 unnumbered pages of plates : Knowledge Centre
401.93 BOT 05005288 Language development over the lifespan / Routledge, 2009 9780415998536 | 0415998530 | 9 vi, 313 p. : Knowledge Centre
401.93 BUC 05043263 Children`s Communications Skills:From Birth to Five Years / Buckley, Belinda Routledge, 2003 0415259940 255p.: Knowledge Centre
401.93 CHA 00126235 Culture and Foreign Language Education : Chan Meng Wai De Gruyter Mouton: 2015 9781501510946 | 9781501503023 ix: 378 p.: UG Library
401.93 CHA 05067918 Empiricism and language learnability / Chater, Nick, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198734260 (pbk.) | 0198734263 (pbk.) First edition. 257 pages : Knowledge Centre
401.93 CHA 09000291 Empiricism and language learnability / Chater, Nick, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198734260 (pbk.) | 0198734263 (pbk.) First edition. 257 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
401.93 CLA 05057356 First language acquisition / Clark, Eve V., Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781316507605 (Paperback) | 97 Third edition. xiii, 575 pages : Knowledge Centre
401.93 DOR 00100905 The psychology of second langauage acquisition Dornyei,Zoltan Oxford university press; 9780194421973 viii;339 p. UG Library
401.93 DOR 00099199 The psychology of second langauage acquisition Dornyei,Zoltan Oxford university press; 9780194421973 viii;339 p. UG Library
401.93 ELL 00111614 Second Language Acquisition/ Ellis, Rod. Oxford Universtiy Press, 2011 9780194372121 147p.; UG Library
401.93 GOL 05043262 The resilience of language : Goldin-Meadow, Susan. Psychology Press, 1841690260 xxi, 262 p. : Knowledge Centre
401.93 KEN 07002181 Introduction to language development / Kennison, Shelia M. Sage Publication, 2014 9781412996068 (pbk. : alk. pap xxi, 469 pages : Library - BR Campus
401.93 LEV 07005896 Narrative development in young children : Levy, Elena Terry, Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107041110 (hardback) xii, 240 pages : Library - BR Campus
401.93 MAC 00109416 Research methods in second language acquisition Mackey,Alison Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 9781444334265 (hardcover : alk 1st ed. 326 p. cm. UG Library
401.93 NIC 05056556 Bilingualism across the lifespan : American Psychological Association, 2016 9781433822834 | 1433822830 viii, 351 pages ; Knowledge Centre
401.93 NIN 07006237 Syntactic development, its input and output / Ninio, Anat. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199565962 | 0199565961 x, 244 p. : Library - BR Campus
401.93 NIY 04014760 Computational Nature of Language Learning and Evolution / Niyogi, Pattha PHI, 2007 9788120331730 478 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
401.93 OGR 00115675 How Children Learn Language O` Grady, William 2005 0521531926 240p UG Library
401.93 ORT 05060937 The usage-based study of language learning and multilingualism / Georgetown University Press, 2016 9781626163249 | 9781626163997 xvi, 290 pages : Knowledge Centre
401.93 OWE 05070100 Language development : Owens, Robert E Jr. Pearson Education Limited, 2016 9781292104423 462p. ; Knowledge Centre
401.93 OWE 05070101 Language development : Owens, Robert E Jr. Pearson Education Limited, 2016 9781292104423 462p. ; Knowledge Centre
401.93 OWE 05070102 Language development : Owens, Robert E Jr. Pearson Education Limited, 2016 9781292104423 462p. ; Knowledge Centre
401.93 PLO 05047595 Advancing quantitative methods in second language research / 9780415718332 (hardback) | 978 xvi, 357 pages ; Knowledge Centre
401.93 SAV 05057355 Introducing second language acquisition / Saville-Troike, Muriel, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107149526 (hardback) | 978 Third edition. x,232p.; Knowledge Centre
401.93 SAX 00132934 Child language: Saxton,Matthew. Sage Publications Ltd., 2017 9781446295625 2nd ed. 383 p. ; UG Library
401.93 SCA 00089598 Second Language Acquisition Scarling, Carlo Papini Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126133383 268p UG Library
401.93 SCH 05056402 Language learning and the brain : Schütze, Ulf, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107158450 (hardback : alk. ix,179p.; Knowledge Centre
401.93 SCH 05057354 Language learning and the brain : Schütze, Ulf, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107158450 (hardback : alk. ix,179p.; Knowledge Centre
401.93 TRO 05004901 The child language reader / Trott, Kate, Routledge, 2004 0415281016 (pbk. : alk. paper) xviii, 364 p. ; Knowledge Centre
401.93CLA 00092040 First language acquisition / Clark, Eve V. Cambridge University Press, 9780521514132 | 0521514134 | 9 xii, 490 p. : UG Library
401.93CLA 05023914 First language acquisition / Clark, Eve V. Cambridge University Press, 9780521514132 | 0521514134 | 9 xii, 490 p. : Knowledge Centre
401CHA 01009578 Key Thinkers in Lingustic and the Philosophy of Language (lawlib) Siobhan Chapman Oxford University Press 9780195187687 282p Knowledge Centre
401CHA.R 00073879 Key Thinkers in Lingustics and the Philosophy of Law (dharmaram Library) Chapman, Siobhan 0748617582 282p UG Library
401LAN 00015986 Language and Culture Landar, Herbert Oxford Charendon Press UG Library
401LEP 00111520 Philosophy of Language Oxford University, 9780199552238 1083p UG Library
401LEV 00081172 Pragmatics / Levinson, Stephen C. Cambridge University Press, 2003 0521540895 | 9780521540896 xvi,420p.; UG Library
401MOR 01009715 Introduction to the Philosophy of Language (law Lib) Michael Morris Cambridge University Press 9780521603119 326p Knowledge Centre
402.23 ASH 05053150 Atlas of the world's languages / Asher R E Routledge, 0415310741 | 9780415310741 1 atlas (xv, 400 p.) : Knowledge Centre
402.48 JOU 00100658 Pallava Antiquities Jouveau-Dubreuil G Asian Educational Services, 9788120605713 32 P UG Library
402.48 JOU 00100657 Pallava Antiquities Jouveau - Dubreuil G Probsthain And Co., 76 p. UG Library
402.49 YAZ 05007931 The antiquities of Bidar / Yazdani, Ghulam. Printed at the Baptist mission press, | Asia Educational Services, 1917 1 p. l., 28 p. Knowledge Centre
402.87 FUL 05047605 Practical language testing / Fulcher, Glenn. Hodder Education, 2010 9780340984482 (pbk.) | 0340984 xvi, 352 p. : Knowledge Centre
403 AYT 00045196 Wordsworth Dictionary of Foreign Words in English Ayto, John Wordsworth Classics of World Literature 1991 1853263443 | 9781853263446 325p UG Library
403 CHA 00043764 Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar Chalker, Sylvia 1996 0198613148 448 p.: UG Library
403 CRY 05045399 The Cambridge encyclopedia of language / Crystal, David, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521516983 | 9780521736503 3rd ed. 516 p. : Knowledge Centre
403 DAV 00052603 Dictionary of Confusible Words Davidson, G Sarupa and Sons 8176251321 197p UG Library
403 DAV 00115063 Dictionary of Alternative Meaning Davidson, G IVY Publishing House 2004 8178900882 135p UG Library
403 DOW 00112619 The Dictionary of Worthless Words Dowling,Dave eVookz Learning Solutions Private Limited 2013 9789386201029 252p UG Library
403 GRE 07001755 A Student's Grammar of the English Language / Greenbaum,Sidney. Pearson, 2008 9788131721988 496p.; Library - BR Campus
403 HAN 00045201 NTC`S Dictionary of Debate Hanson, Jim Viva Books Private Limited 1998 8185617759 196p UG Library
403 HIG 00045204 Harrap`s Essential English Dictonary Higgleton, Elaine Allied Chambers India Ltd 0818606205 1167p Yeshwanthpur Campus
403 KOV 00001451 Vishwashanti Mallayya, H L Subhas UG Library
403 MAD 05059145 Konkani Thesaurus / Madtha, Prashant., Fr. St Joseph's college of commerce, 2018 551p. Knowledge Centre
403 MAD 05059146 Konkani Thesaurus / Madtha, Prashant., Fr. St Joseph's college of commerce, 2018 551p. Knowledge Centre
403 MUK 00041736 The Development Dictionary Mukerji, Rupa Schaum Series 1996 301p UG Library
403 MUN 05029690 Oxford Dictionary of the World Munro, David 0198600607 672 p Knowledge Centre
403 OUP 00056249 Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary Oxford University Press 0194315363 1486 UG Library
403 PET 00115062 Cambridge Guide to English Usage Peters, Pam 2004 0521847109 608 UG Library
403 ROB 01002704 Chambers 21 St Century Dictionary (law Lib) Mairi Robinsin Allied Publishing Pvt Ltd 8186062319 1654p Knowledge Centre
403 SOL 00058614 Dictionary of Theatre Solder, R IVY Publishing House 8178900548 192p UG Library
403 TRA 00087349 Dictionary of Historical and Comparative Linguistics. Trask, R L 0748610030 403 p UG Library
403MON 00071998 Dictionary of English and Sanskrit [dharmaram Library] Monier-Williams MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 8120804546 542p UG Library
403WEE 00045205 An Etymological Dictionary Of Modern English Weekley, Ernest 1967 0486218732 | 9780486218748 814p Yeshwanthpur Campus
404 CAS 00044288 Learning to Use Wordperfect 5.0/lotus 123 and Dbase III + Cashman, Shelly 0878355251 824 p UG Library
404 GRE 00090627 Essays in Linguistics Greenberg, Joseph H University of chicago press 0226306151 108p UG Library
404.2 BHA 05057265 The handbook of bilingualism and multilingualism / Wiley, 2013 9781118941270 Second edition. xxiii, 940 pages : Knowledge Centre
404.2 DEA Crosslinguistic influence and crosslinguistic interaction in multilingual language learning / De Angelis, Gessica, Bloomsbury publishing Plc., 2015 9781474235853 (hardback) xii, 260 pages : Knowledge Centre
404.2 HAR 05022616 The Bilingual Family Harding-Esch, Edith Cambridge University Press; 9780521004640 190p Knowledge Centre
404.2 HOU 05068438 The Cambridge handbook of bilingualism / Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781107179219 xv,664p.; Knowledge Centre
404.2 PAV 00116796 The Bilingual Mind & What it Tells Us About Language & Thought Pavlenko Aneta Oxford University Press, 2014 9780521716567 xv, 382 p.: UG Library
404.2 SKU 00104175 Bilingualism Or Not : Skutnabb-Kangas Tove Orient Longman ; 2007 9788125032687 378 p. UG Library
404.2 SKU 05022371 Bilingulism or Not: The Education of Minorities [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Skutnabb-Kangas, Tove Orient Longman Publications 8125032681 378p Knowledge Centre
404.2 SKU 05022372 Bilingulism or Not: The Education of Minorities [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Skutnabb-Kangas, Tove Orient Longman Publications 8125032681 378p Knowledge Centre
404.2 STA 07008094 Multilingualism / Stavans Anat Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107471481 xii,308p.: Library - BR Campus
404.2 WEI 05009483 Bilingualism and multilingualism : Routledge, 2010 9780415462679 (set : hbk.) | 0 4 v. :xxiv,578 p. : Knowledge Centre
404.2 WEI 05009484 Bilingualism and multilingualism : Routledge, 2010 9780415462679 (set : hbk.) | 0 4 v. :xxiv,578 p. : Knowledge Centre
404.2 WEI 05009485 Bilingualism and multilingualism : Routledge, 2010 9780415462679 (set : hbk.) | 0 4 v. :xxiv,578 p. : Knowledge Centre
404.2 WEI 05009486 Bilingualism and multilingualism : Routledge, 2010 9780415462679 (set : hbk.) | 0 4 v. :xxiv,578 p. : Knowledge Centre
404.2 WEI 05004819 The bilingualism reader / Routledge, 2006 0415355559 (pbk.) | 0415355540 2nd ed. 573 p. : Knowledge Centre
404.2019 COO 00104852 Language and bilingual cognition / Vivian Cook Psychology Press, 2011 9781848729247 (hbk.) | 1848729 xiii, 591 p. : UG Library
404.2019 COO 05005286 Language and bilingual cognition / Vivian Cook Psychology Press, 2011 9781848729247 (hbk.) | 1848729 xiii, 591 p. : Knowledge Centre
404.2019 GRO 00104853 Language and cognition in bilinguals and multilinguals : Groot, A. M. B. de. Psychology Press, 2011 9781848729018 | 1848729014 xiii, 514 p. : UG Library
404.2019 GRO 05004818 Language and cognition in bilinguals and multilinguals : Groot, A. M. B. de. Psychology Press, 2011 9781848729018 | 1848729014 xiii, 514 p. : Knowledge Centre
404.2083 BAI 07009418 Children's multilingual development and education : Bailey, Alison L., Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107042445 (hardback) xxi, 319 pages ; Library - BR Campus
404.2083 KAB 05004776 Becoming biliterate : Kabuto, Bobbie. Routledge, 2011 9780415871792 (hardback) | 041 xviii, 139 p. : Knowledge Centre
404.2083 KAB 00104990 Becoming biliterate: Kabuto,Bobbie. Routledge 2011 9780415871808 xviii139p. UG Library
404.2083 MEI 05068609 Bilingual children : Meisel, Jurgen M., Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781316632611 xvi,259p.; Knowledge Centre
404.24 TUL 05043267 Teaching the Mother Tongue in a Multilingual Europe / Tulasiewicz, Witold Continuum, 2005 0826470270 230p.: Knowledge Centre
404.3 RAV 00051661 Business Data Processing Using COBOL - II Sem BCA Ravi, Shankar Subhas Publications 2001 258p UG Library
404.3 RAV 00051662 Business Data Processing Using COBOL - II Sem BCA Ravi, Shankar Subhas Publications 2001 258p UG Library
404.3 RAV 00051663 Business Data Processing Using COBOL - II Sem BCA Ravi, Shankar Subhas Publications 2001 258p UG Library
407 CHO 07005816 The soul of India / Chopra, Tarun. Prakash Books, 2006 8172341504 | 9788172341503 216 p. : Library - BR Campus
407 GUD 00007399 How to Learn an Unwritten Language Gudschinsky Sarah, C Holt,Rinehart And Winston 1967 64 p. UG Library
407 KON 04014833 English Language Laboratories : Konar, Nira PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343429 xiv, 229 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
407 KON 05009199 English Language Laboratories : Konar, Nira PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343429 xiv, 229 p. Knowledge Centre
407 LAD 00014588 Language Teaching Lado, Robert Tata Mcgraw Hill 1974 xiv, 239p.; UG Library
407 MUN 05043266 Communicative Syllabus Design:A Sociolinguistic Model for Defining the Content of Purpose-Specific Language Programmes / Munby, John Cambridge University Press, 2007 0521282942 232 p.: Knowledge Centre
407 RIC 07009916 Longman Dictionary of Language Teching & Applied Linguistics / Richards Jack.C Routledge, 2016 9781138694866 644p.: Library - BR Campus
407 STE 07007578 Fundamental concepts of language teaching / Stern, H. H. Oxford University Press, 1983 9780194370653 582 p. : Library - BR Campus
407.1 JON 00146645 Literature, spoken language and speaking skills in second lauguage learning/ Jones, Christian Cambride, 2022 9781108460798 xv,248p. ; UG Library
407.1 REP 05022615 Using corpora in the language classroom / Reppen, Randi. Cambridge University Press, 9780521146081 | 9780521146081 xiii, 104 p. : Knowledge Centre
407.1041 BAR 00112635 Getting the buggers into languages : Barton, Amanda. Continuum, 2003 0826472532 | 0826471706 (pbk.) v, 136 p. : UG Library
407.11 RIC 05022614 Professional Development for Language Teachers: Strategies for Teacher Learning [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Richards, Jack C 9780521849111 202 p Knowledge Centre
407.11 RIC 00112546 Professional Development for Language Teachers Richards, C. Jack Cambridge University Press 2005 9781107400139 x; 202 p UG Library
407.2 LIT 05038787 Research methods in linguistics / Continuum, 2010 9780826489920 (hbk.) | 0826489 xi, 227 p. : Knowledge Centre
407.2 LIT 05038623 Research methods in linguistics / Continuum, 2010 9780826489920 (hbk.) | 0826489 xi, 227 p. : Knowledge Centre
407.6 DOU 04013594 Understanding language testing / Douglas, Dan. Hodder Education, 9780340983430 (pbk.) | 0340983 ix, 156 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
407.6 DOU 00096611 Understanding language testing / Douglas, Dan. Hodder Education, 9780340983430 (pbk.) | 0340983 ix, 156 p. : UG Library
407.6 HUG 07002716 Testing for language teachers / Hughes, Arthur, Cambridge University Press, 2003 9780521189989 2nd ed. xii, 251 p. : Library - BR Campus
407.6 HUG 05022599 Testing for Language Teachers [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Hughes, Arthur 9780521823258 251 p Knowledge Centre
407.6 MCK 05022600 Assessing Young Language Learners [ma-English Section] Mckay, Penny 0521601231 388p Knowledge Centre
408 ARS 00049175 Classical Literary Criticism Aristotle Horace, Loginus PENGUIB 160p UG Library
408 ARS 00011218 Classical Literary Criticism Aristotle Horace, Loginus PENGUIB 160p UG Library
408 DEW 00111982 Critical Interpretation of Aristotle Dewani, Richa Wisdom Press 2013 9789382006992 vi; 282 p UG Library
408 VER 07005800 Ocean to sky : Verma, Kunal. Lustre Press, Roli Books, 2007 8174363807 | 9788174363800 204 p. : Library - BR Campus
408.0072 SAD 00085812 Spoken English: A Foundation Course for Speakers of Punjabi (part I) Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 8125034692 203 p UG Library
408.0072 SAD 00085813 Spoken English: A Foundation Course for Speakers of Punjabi (part I) Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 8125034692 203 p UG Library
408.0072 SAD 00085825 Spoken English: A Foundation Course for Speakers of Tamil (part 2) Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 8125034684 245 p UG Library
408.24 MED 05022598 Laughing Matters Medgyes, Peter Cambridge University Press 9780521799607 262p Knowledge Centre
408.2ALL 00089299 Readings in Applied English Linguistics Allen, Harold B Amerind 535p UG Library
409 BAR 00004206 Story of Languge Barber, Charles Pan Books LTD 1964 286 p.: UG Library
409.2 NOR 05059558 Leadership: Northouse, Peter G. SAGE Publication : 2007 9788178297866 4th ed. xx, 395 p. ; Knowledge Centre
409.2 NOR 01011554 Leadership: Northouse, Peter G. SAGE Publication : 2007 9788178297866 4th ed. xx, 395 p. ; Knowledge Centre
409.24 MUL 00096038 My Autobiography: Muller, F. Max Asian Educational Services 81206008291 327 p. UG Library
409.24 MUL 00096036 The life and letters of the right Honourable Friedrich Max Müller; Muller, F. Max Longmans, Green, and co., 1903 8120617991 534p. UG Library
409.24 MUL 00096037 The life and letters of the right Honourable Friedrich Max Müller; Muller, F. Max Longmans, Green, and co., 1903 8120617991 534p. UG Library
409.2ROW 01011550 Cases in Leadership (law Lib) W Glenn Rowe SAGE Publication 9788178299167 421p Knowledge Centre
409.5 ARO 00102319 Atlas of the languages and ehics communities of asia; Arora P.K Cyber tech publications; 9788178847429 280 p. UG Library
409.54 DEV 05060368 Bhartiya bhasha lok sarvekshan : Devi, Ganesh. Orient Blackswan Pvt Ltd, 2017 9789386689092 xxiv,124p.; Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEV 05060369 Bhartiya bhasha lok sarvekshan : Devi, Ganesh. Orient Blackswan Pvt Ltd, 2017 9789386689054 xli, 213p.; Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEV 05060376 Bhartiya Bhasha Lok Sarvekshan : Devi,Ganesh. Oreint Blackswan, 2017 9789386689047 ix, 523p.; Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEV 05060377 Bhartiya bhasha lok sarvekshan : Devi, Ganesh. Orient Blackswan Pvt Ltd, 2017 9789386689054 xli, 213p.; Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEV 05060360 Bharatiya bhasha lok sarvekshan : Devi, Ganesh.N., ed. Orient Blackswan, 2015 9788125057451 7th ed lxi, 200p.; Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEV 05060361 Bharatiya bhasha lok sarvekshan : Devi, Ganesh.N., ed. Orient Blackswan, 2015 9788125056904 xxxiv, 336p.; Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEV 05060347 The people's linguistic survey of india volume thirty part II : Devy, Ganesh., ed. Orient Blackswan, 2015 9788125056263 lv, 284p. Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEV 05060348 Peoples's linguistic survey of india Volume twenty four part II : Devy, G N., ed. Orient Blackswan, 2016 9788125062400 xxxviii, 199p. Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEV 05065219 Bharatiya bhasha lok sarvekshan : Haryana Ki Bhashayen (Volume 10, Part 1) (Hindi) / Devi, Ganesh N., ed. Orient Blackswan, 2019 9789352875115 xxxiv,264p.; Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEV 05065220 Bharatiya Bhasha Lok Sarvekshan: Jammu aur Kashmir Ki Bhashayen (Volume 12, Part 1) (Hindi) / Devi, Ganesh N., ed. Orient Blackswan, 2019 9789352875146 ix,399p.; Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEV 00130522 The languages of Kerala and Lakshadweep / Devy G N Orient Blackswan 2015 9788125056270 liv, 298 pages ; UG Library
409.54 DEV 00130525 The languages of Rajasthan / Devy G N Orient Blackswan 2017 9788125063971 xl, 276 pages : UG Library
409.54 DEV 00130527 The languages of Himachal Pradesh / Devy G N Orient Blackswan 2017 9789386296863 xxxiv, 469 pages ; UG Library
409.54 DEV 05065223 The languages of Goa : People's Linguistic Survey of India, Vol. 8, Part 2 / Devi, Ganesh N., ed. Orient Blackswan, 2019 9789352875481 xlvi,274p.; Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEV 05060356 People's Linguistic survey of India Volume seventeen part-II : Devy, G N., ed. Orient Blackswan, 2017 9789386689443 lvii, 749 pages : Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEV 05060357 People's Linguistic survey of India Volume five part-II : Devy, G N., ed. Orient Blackswan 2017 9789386689153 xlvi, 519 pages : Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEV 05060358 People's Linguistic survey of India Volume sixteen part-II : Devy, G N., ed. Orient Blackswan, 2017 9788125061441 xlvi, 300p. Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEV 05060359 People's Linguistic survey of India Volume twenty part-II : Devy, G N., ed. Orient Blackswan, 2018 9789352871940 xxxvi, 218p. Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEV 05060362 Bharatiya bhasha lok sarvekshan : Devi, Ganesh N., ed. Orient Blackswan, 2015 9788125056898 lxiii, 327p. Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEV 05060363 Bharatiya bhasha lok sarvekshan : Devi, Ganesh N., ed. Orient Blackswan, 2015 9788125059714 xliii, 416p. Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEV 05060364 Bharatiya bhasha lok sarvekshan : Devi, Ganesh., ed. Orient Blackswan, 2015 9788125061120 liii, 902p. Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEV 05060365 Bharatiya bhasha lok sarvekshan : Devy, Ganesh., ed. Orient Blackswan, 2015 9788125062912 vii, 688p. Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEV 05060366 Bharatiya bhasha lok sarvekshan : Devy Ganesh N., ed. Orient Blackswan, 2016 9788125061366 viii, 399p. Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEV 05060367 Bharatiya bhasha lok sarvekshan : Devi, Ganesh., ed. 9788125062516 lxxiii, 533p. Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEV 05040113 The Languages of Jammu & Kashmir / Orient Blackswan Private Limited, 2014 9788125055167 lviii,382p.: Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEV 05040114 The Languages of Meghalaya : Orient blackswan, 2014 9788125055174 li,402p.: Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEV 05040115 Bhartiya Bhasha Lok Sarvekshan:Uttarakhand / Devi N Ganesh Orient BlackSwan, 2014 9788125054948 200p.: Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEV 05038154 People's Linguistic Survey of India : Orient Black Swan, 2014 9788125054894 xli,198p.; Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEV 05062386 Bharatiya bhasha lok sarvekshan : Devi, Ganesh N., ed. Orient Blackswan, 2018 9789352873166 xliv,352p.; Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEY 05062363 People's Linguistic survey of India Volume Thirty Seven : Devy, G N., ed. Orient Blackswan, 2018 9789352872923 xxxviii,194p.; Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEY 05060349 People's Linguistic survey of India Volume twenty Seven part-II : Devy, G N., ed. Orient Blackswan, 2015 lxviii, 454p. Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEY 05060350 People's Linguistic survey of India Volume twenty three part-II : Devy, G N., ed. Oriental Blackswan, 2016 xxxiv, 62p. Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEY 05060351 People's Linguistic survey of India Volume twenty one part-II : Devy, G N., ed. Orient Blackswan, 2016 9788125063124 xlii, 277 pages : Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEY 05060352 People's Linguistic survey of India Volume twenty eight part-II : Devy, G. N, ed. Orient Blackswan, 2016 9788125063964 xxxvi, 237 pages : Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEY 05060353 People's Linguistic survey of India Volume eighteen part-II : Devy, G N., ed. Oriental Blackswan, 2016 9788125064435 xlviii, 438p. Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEY 05060354 People's Linguistic survey of India Volume four part-II : Devy, G N., ed. Orient Blackswan, 2017 9789386392688 xxxviii, 320 pages ; Knowledge Centre
409.54 DEY 05060355 People's Linguistic survey of India Volume Ten part-II : Devy, G N., ed. Orient Blackswan, 2017 xlii, 250p. Knowledge Centre
409.54 MAJ 00135156 Nation and region in grierson's linguistic survey of India/ Majeed, Javed. Routledge, 2019 9780367183912 South asian edition. vii,229p, : UG Library
409.54 SUB 00110864 South Asian Languages: A Syntactic Typology Subbarao,Karumuri V. Cambridge University Press 2012 9781107035331 xix; 369 p. UG Library
409.6 BOT 05022613 The cradle of language / Botha, Rudolf Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199545858 (acidfree paper) xviii, 386 p., [12] p. of col. plates : Knowledge Centre
410 FRA 05043221 Linguistic Diversity and Language Theories / Frajzyngier, Zygmunt John Benjamins Publishing Co, 2004 0902723082 430p.: Knowledge Centre
410 HEI 05043576 The Oxford handbook of linguistic analysis / Heine, Bernd. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199677078 (hardback) 2nd edition. 1180 p. Knowledge Centre
410 AIT 00022061 Linguistics Aitchison, Jean Hooder and Stoughton 1978 0340231068 2nd ed. 189 p. UG Library
410 AKM 00039057 Inguistics: An Introduction to Language & Communication Akmajian, Adrian Prentice Hall of India 8120310403 577p UG Library
410 AKM 00043934 Inguistics: An Introduction to Language & Communication Akmajian, Adrian Prentice Hall of India 8120310403 577p UG Library
410 AKM 05059609 Linguistics : The MIT Press, 2017 9780262533263 (pbk. : alk. pap Seventh edition. xiv,591p.; Knowledge Centre
410 AKM 00102046 Linguistics : MIT Press, 0262011859 (alk. paper) | 0262 xiv, 604 p. : UG Library
410 ARO 00081886 Handbook of Linguistics Aronoff, Mark Blackwell 2003 1405102527 | 9781405102520 824p UG Library
410 AUS 05009413 Endangered languages : Routledge, 2011 9780415438438 (set : alk. pape xxviii,516 p. : Knowledge Centre
410 AUS 05009412 Endangered languages : Routledge, 2011 9780415438438 (set : alk. pape xxviii,516 p. : Knowledge Centre
410 AUS 05009411 Endangered languages : Routledge, 2011 9780415438438 (set : alk. pape xxviii,516 p. : Knowledge Centre
410 AUS 05009410 Endangered languages : Routledge, 2011 9780415438438 (set : alk. pape xxviii,516 p. : Knowledge Centre
410 BAU 10002459 The linguistics student's handbook/ Bauer, Laurie Edinburgh university press, 2021 9781474474092 2nd ed., viii,416 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
410 BHA 00111869 English Language Teaching: Bhanot, Suman. Kanishka Publishers, Distributors, 2013 9788184574890 ix: 196p.; UG Library
410 BOE 05043577 The Oxford handbook of linguistic minimalism / Boeckx, Cedric Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199549368 xxvi, 707p. : Knowledge Centre
410 BOE 00105271 Linguistic minimalism : Boeckx, Cedric. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780199297573 (hbk.) | 0199297 ix, 246 p. : UG Library
410 BOE 00110873 The Cambridge Handbook of Biolinguistics Boeckx,Cedric. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9780521761536 | 9780521761536 xiv; 676 pages ; UG Library
410 BRO 07006111 Theoritical Linguistics/ Koros Press Limited, 2015 9781781634363 VIII,287 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
410 CHO 05073757 The secrets of words / Chomsky, Noam, The MIT Press, 2022 9780262046718 130 pages ; Knowledge Centre
410 CHO 00088375 Architecture of Language Chomsky, Noam Oxford University Press 2000 0019568446 89 p.: UG Library
410 CHO 00099207 The Architecture of language Chomsky, Noam Oxford University Press 9780195684469 89 p. UG Library
410 CHO 00099206 The Architecture of language Chomsky, Noam Oxford University Press 9780195684469 89 p. UG Library
410 CHO 05022638 The Architecture of language Chomsky, Noam Oxford University Press 9780195684469 89 p. Knowledge Centre
410 CHO 05022742 The Architecture of language Chomsky, Noam Oxford University Press 9780195684469 89 p. Knowledge Centre
410 CHO 01012723 The essential Chomsky / Chomsky, Noam. New Press, 9780143065470 ix, 515 p. ; Knowledge Centre
410 CLA 00104857 Indo-European linguistics : Clackson, James. Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521653138 (hbk.) | 0521653 xxii, 260 p. ; UG Library
410 CLU 00144298 Introducing Linguistics / Culpeper, Jonathan. Routledge, 2023 9780367493011 xi,519p,; UG Library
410 COG 00058739 Chomsky: for Beginners. Cogswell, David Orient Longman Publications 2001 8125020470 | 9788125020479 153 p. : UG Library
410 COG 00084867 Chomsky: for Beginners. Cogswell, David Orient Longman Publications 2001 8125020470 | 9788125020479 153 p. : UG Library
410 COG 00084868 Chomsky: for Beginners. Cogswell, David Orient Longman Publications 2001 8125020470 | 9788125020479 153 p. : UG Library
410 COL 07006109 Text and Commentaries in Socio Linguistics/ Koros Press limited, 2015 9781781634332 VII,287 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
410 COM 10002078 The World's major languages / Comrie, Bernard. Routledge, 2018 9780367580711 3rd ed., xvii,933p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
410 COM 00108990 The World's major languages Comrie,Bernard Routledge, 2011 9780415609029 | 9780415609029 2nd ed. xvi; 911 p. cm. UG Library
410 CON 05067432 A descriptive grammar of Hindko, Panjabi, and Saraiki / Conners, Thomas J. De Gruyter, 2019 9781614512967 (print) | 9781501500329 (ebk. (epub)) | 9781614512257 (ebk. (pdf)) 1st edition. xxxiv,612p.; Knowledge Centre
410 CRY 00022072 Linguistics Crystal, David, Penguin Books, 1971 0140213325 (pbk.) | 0140135316 Repr. with revisions. 267 p. : UG Library
410 CRY 00049372 Linguistics Crystal, David, Penguin Books, 1971 0140213325 (pbk.) | 0140135316 Repr. with revisions. 267 p. : UG Library
410 CRY 00011798 Linguistics Crystal, David, Penguin Books, 1971 0140213325 (pbk.) | 0140135316 Repr. with revisions. 267 p. : UG Library
410 CRY 00015664 Linguistics Crystal, David, Penguin Books, 1971 0140213325 (pbk.) | 0140135316 Repr. with revisions. 267 p. : UG Library
410 CUM 01025347 Case studies in communication disorders / Cummings, Louise, Cambridge university press, 2016 9781316608388 (pbk) | 13166083 xiii, 511 pages ; Knowledge Centre
410 DAV 00015984 Modern Theories of Language Davis, Philip W Prentice-Hall 1973 403 p.: UG Library
410 DEL 05022575 Using the Mother Tongue; Making the Most of the Learner`s Language [ma-English Section] Deller, Sheelagh Multilingual Matters Limited 8130902885 95p Knowledge Centre
410 DEL 00092382 Using the mother tongue: Deller Sheelagh Viva Books 9788130902883 95p UG Library
410 DEN 00109032 Linguistics For Everyone Denham Kristin Wadsworth Cengage learning: 2010 9781413032598 xviii,534 p. UG Library
410 DEV 07004573 People's Linguistic Survey of India The Languages of Punjab / Orient BlackSwan, 2016 9788125062400 xxxi,199p.: Library - BR Campus
410 DIX 00095393 Basic linguistic theory / Dixon, Robert M. W. Oxford University Press, 9780199571055 (v. 1 ) | 019957 489P UG Library
410 DIX 00095392 Basic linguistic theory / Dixon, Robert M. W. Oxford University Press, 9780199571055 (v. 1 ) | 019957 3 v. : UG Library
410 ELG 00015982 What is linguistics? Elgin, Suzette Haden. Prentice-Hall 1973 0139524088 | 0139523901 (pbk.) xiv, 125 p. UG Library
410 FAS 05040916 An introduction to language and linguistics / Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107070646 (hardback) | 978 Second Edition. xvi,557p.: Knowledge Centre
410 FAS 05043270 An Introduction to Language and Linguistics / Fasold, Ralph Cambridge University Press. 2006 9780521847681 540p.: Knowledge Centre
410 FAS 05074466 An introduction to language and linguistics / Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107070646 (hardback) | 978 Second Edition. xvi,557p.: Knowledge Centre
410 FIN 00050172 Language Finegan, Edward, Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1999 0155078275 (pbk.) | 9780155078 3rd ed. xxvi, 613 p. : UG Library
410 FMP 00109293 English Language And Literature Full Marks Pvt Ltd Full Marks Pvt Ltd 2012 9789381957448 704 p. UG Library
410 FRO 05043265 An introduction to Language; Fromkin Victoria Thomson; 9781413023169 586 p. Knowledge Centre
410 FRO 00075288 An Introduction to Language Fromkin, Victoria. Thomson/Heinle, 2003 9812548742 | 9789812548740 | 0 7th ed. xx, 620 p. : UG Library
410 FRO 00065950 An Introduction to Language Fromkin, Victoria. Thomson/Heinle, 2003 9812548742 | 9789812548740 | 0 7th ed. xx, 620 p. : UG Library
410 FRO 00065952 An Introduction to Language Fromkin, Victoria. Thomson/Heinle, 2003 9812548742 | 9789812548740 | 0 7th ed. xx, 620 p. : UG Library
410 FRO 00065951 An Introduction to Language Fromkin, Victoria. Thomson/Heinle, 2003 9812548742 | 9789812548740 | 0 7th ed. xx, 620 p. : UG Library
410 GAR 05074471 Introducing linguistics : Cambridge University Press, 2021 9781108710657 xvi, 621p.; Knowledge Centre
410 GEN 05064435 How languages work: Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108454513 2nd ed. xxxviii, 646p.; Knowledge Centre
410 GIL 07014104 A short manual of comparative philology for classical students / Giles, Peter Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108082105 xxxviii,543p.; Library - BR Campus
410 GLE 00022948 Descripitive Linguistics Gleason, H A Oxford University Press 503 p UG Library
410 GOR 00084765 Saussure for Beginners Gordon, W Terrence Orient Longman Publications 2004 8125022325 122p UG Library
410 GUE 07000328 Sentence and discourse / Oxford University, 2015 9780198739425 (pbk.) xix,310p.: Library - BR Campus
410 GUN 05067170 The Oxford handbook of reference / Oxford University Press, 2019 9780199687305 | 0199687307 First edition. xiv, 575 pages : Knowledge Centre
410 GUP 00111590 A New Concept of English Teaching/ Gupta, J.P. ABD Publishers, 2013 9788183764186 iv:208p.; UG Library
410 GUP 05032575 A New Approach to Modern Linguistic Theory / J P Gupta A B D Publishers, 2013 9788183764193 vi, 264 p. Knowledge Centre
410 HAL 05039505 The essential Halliday / Halliday, M. A. K. Continuum, 2009 9780826495341 (hbk) | 08264953 viii, 472 p. : Knowledge Centre
410 HAL 05022577 An introduction to language & linguistics: Hall Christopher J Continuum International publishers 9781846841330 344p Knowledge Centre
410 HAL 05043264 On Language and Linguistics / Halliday, M A K Continuum, 2003 0826458696 476 p.: Knowledge Centre
410 HAR 07012986 Course in general linguistics / Saussure, Ferdinand de, Bloomsbury, 2013 9781472512055 (pbk.) xxxix,281p.: Library - BR Campus
410 HAR 07012987 Course in general linguistics / Saussure, Ferdinand de, Bloomsbury, 2013 9781472512055 (pbk.) xxxix,281p.: Library - BR Campus
410 HAR 05042029 Course in general linguistics / Saussure, Ferdinand de, Bloomsbury, 2013 9781472512055 (pbk.) xxxix,281p.: Knowledge Centre
410 HAR 07005374 Course in general linguistics / Saussure, Ferdinand de, Bloomsbury, 2013 9781472512055 (pbk.) xxxix,281p.: Library - BR Campus
410 HAZ 05056143 An introduction to language / Hazen, Kirk, 9780470658963 | 9780470658956 First edition. 1 online resource (453 pages). Knowledge Centre
410 HEI 05029044 The oxford handbook of linguistic analysis Heine, Bernd Oxford university press 9780199544004 1016p Knowledge Centre
410 HOE 05022597 Text, discourse and corpora : Continuum, 9780826491718 (hbk.) | 0826491 x, 253 p. : Knowledge Centre
410 ISA 00095412 I-language : Isac, Daniela. Oxford University Press, 9780199534203 (pbk.) | 0199534 xii, 318 p. : UG Library
410 JOH 00108343 Problems In Language and Linguistics John,Patrick Commonewealth Publishers Pvt Ltd 2011 9788131102671 1st Ed. 278 p. UG Library
410 KUB 00096318 Sourashtra Dictionary Kubendran T V Bhashabhimani, Vignesh Graphics, 228.p UG Library
410 LEH 00104837 Theoretical Bases of Indo-European Linguistics Lehmann,Winfred.P Routledge 1993 9780415138505 xi,324p UG Library
410 LYO 05048578 Semantics / Lyons, John, Cambridge University Press, 1977 0521214734 (v. 1) | 9780521291 2 v. (xiii, 897 p.) ; Knowledge Centre
410 LYO 05022588 Language and Linguistics: An Introduction [ma-English Section] Lyons, John 0521540887 356p Knowledge Centre
410 MAL 00104681 The Oxford introduction to Proto Indo European and the Proto Indo European world / Mallory, J. P. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780199296682 (alk. paper) | 0 xxiv, 731 p. : UG Library
410 MAT 05022363 Linguistics; a Very Short Introduction [ma-English Section] Matthews, P H 0195681789 132p Knowledge Centre
410 MCC 00109042 An Introduction To Linguistics And Language Studies McCabe, Anne. Equinox Pub., 2011 9781845534257 (hbk.) | 9781845 xii, 405 p. : UG Library
410 MCG 05057163 Linguistics : McGregor, William, Bloomsbury, 2016 9780567049261 (hardback) | 978 Second edition. xxiii, 471 pages : Knowledge Centre
410 MIT 00095823 Language,Emotion,& Politics in south india Mitchell Lisa Permanent Black 9788178242934 281P UG Library
410 MOS 00122881 Encyclopedia of the World's Endangered Languages Moseley, Christopher Routledge, 2007 9780700711970 xvi, 669 p:. UG Library
410 MUF 00108998 Polymorphous linguistics Mufwene,Salikoko S. MIT Press, 2005 0262062453 (alk. paper) | 9780 xxx, 550 p. : UG Library
410 MUK 07004580 Feminisms / Orient BlackSwan, 2016 9788125060734 (paperback) | 81 viii, 141 pages ; Library - BR Campus
410 MUK 00145185 Feminisms / Orient BlackSwan, 2016 9788125060734 (paperback) | 81 viii, 141 pages ; UG Library
410 NAG 05009551 English Language Teaching : Nagaraj, Geetha Orient Blackswan, 1996 9788125035190 viii, 256 p. Knowledge Centre
410 ORT 00148173 Languaging class: Ortu, Claudia Vernon Press, 2023 9781648897214 xxi,170p. : UG Library
410 PET 07014039 Indian Voices n ELT / Viva Books, 2017 9789386105363 vii,269p.: Library - BR Campus
410 PHI 05022578 Linguistic Imperialism Phillipson, Robert Oxford 0195693094 365p Knowledge Centre
410 POO 10002092 An Introduction to Linguistics Poole, C Stuart. Palgrave, 1999 0333692187 | 9780333692189 viii, 214 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
410 POO 00050176 An Introduction to Linguistics Poole, C Stuart Macmillan Press Ltd 1999 0333692187 | 9780333692189 viii, 214 p. : UG Library
410 PRA 05022596 Course in Linguistics [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Prasad, Tarni Prentice Hall of India 9788120334298 288 p Knowledge Centre
410 PRA 00092151 A course in linguistics Prasad Tarni PHI learning Private Limited 9788120334298 288p UG Library
410 PRA 04014680 A Course in Linguistics : Prasad, Tarni PHI, 2012 9788120345621 2nd ed. 292 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
410 PRI 00022059 Sociolinguistics PENGUIN 1979 380 p UG Library
410 PUL 05064070 Linguistics : Pullum, Geoffrey K., Polity press, 2018 9781509530755 | 9781509530762 viii,135p.; Knowledge Centre
410 PUL 00132765 Linguistics : Pullum, Geoffrey K., Polity press, 2018 9781509530755 | 9781509530762 viii,135p.; UG Library
410 RAD 05022589 Linguistics: An Introduction [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Radford, Andrew 0521544882 438p Knowledge Centre
410 RAD 05022665 Linguistics : An Introduction Radford, Andrew Cambridge University Press 2008 438p. Knowledge Centre
410 RAD 00107446 Linguistics:An Introduction Radford,Andrew Cambridge University Press 1999 9780521544887 xvi:438 P. UG Library
410 RAD 05059386 Linguistics : An Introduction/ Radford Andrew, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9780521152440. xv,433p.; Knowledge Centre
410 RAD 05024308 Linguistics:An Introduction Radford,Andrew Cambridge University Press 1999 9780521544887 xvi:438 P. Knowledge Centre
410 REB 09000333 Cognition and communication in the evolution of language / Reboul, Anne, Oxford University Press, 2019 9780198847243 First edition. xii, 261 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
410 REB 05067898 Cognition and communication in the evolution of language / Reboul, Anne, Oxford University Press, 2019 9780198847243 First edition. xii, 261 pages ; Knowledge Centre
410 ROA 00096089 An introduction to dravidin philology Rao Narayana.C Asian educational Services 8120601181 214P UG Library
410 ROB 00015528 General linguistics Robins, R. H. Longman, 1971 0582524075 2nd ed. xx, 398 p. UG Library
410 ROB 07004380 General linguistics Robins, R. H. Longman, 1989 0582291445 | 9780582291447 4th ed. xxiii, 445 p. : Library - BR Campus
410 ROB 00096700 Handbook of cognitive linguistics and second language acquisition / Routledge, 9780805853513 | 0805853510 | 9 x, 566 p. : UG Library
410 ROB 00049157 General linguistics Robins, R. H. Longman, 1989 0582291445 | 9780582291447 4th ed. xxiii, 445 p. : UG Library
410 ROB 00005403 General linguistics Robins, R. H. Longman, 1989 0582291445 | 9780582291447 4th ed. xxiii, 445 p. : UG Library
410 ROB 05057368 The wonders of language : Roberts, Ian G., Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781316604410 (Paperback) | 97 x, 230 pages : Knowledge Centre
410 ROW 00144276 A Concise Interduction to Linguistics / Rowe, Bruce M. Routledge, 2023 9781032214245 6th. xxi,410p,; UG Library
410 ROW 00132767 A Concise Introduction to Linguistics / Rowe, Bruce M. Routledge, 2018 9780133811216 (pbk.) | 0133811212 (pbk.) | 9780415786508 5th ed., xviii,413p.; UG Library
410 SAP 00009399 Language an Introduction to the Study of Speech Sapir, Edward Ruper Hart-Davis 250 p UG Library
410 SAS 00096088 Notes on aryan and dravidian philology Sastri Seshagiri,M Asian Educational Services 207 p UG Library
410 SAU 05043222 Writings in general linguistics / Saussure, Ferdinand de, Oxford University Press, 019926144X (hbk. : alk. paper) xxx, 336 p. : Knowledge Centre
410 SAU 05022562 Writings in general linguistics / Saussure, Ferdinand de, Oxford University Press, 019926144X (hbk. : alk. paper) xxx, 336 p. : Knowledge Centre
410 SAU 00022062 Course in General Linguistics Saussure, Ferdinand De Fontana UG Library
410 SAY 07014122 The Principles of Comparative Philology/ Sayce,Archibald Henry Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108082280 XIV,369 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
410 SEI 00100998 Controversies in Applied Linguistics: Seidlhofer Barbara Oxford university press; 9780194374446 xii;346 p. UG Library
410 SEI 07007573 Controversies in Applied Linguistics: Seidlhofer Barbara Oxford university press; 9780194374446 xii;346 p. Library - BR Campus
410 SHA 00119718 Fundamentals of Linguistics Sharma, Raj Kumar Atlantic Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd, 2014 9788126918911 xiv:209p.; UG Library
410 SHA 00145020 Limits of Language: Sharma, Pradeep Motilal Banarsidass 2020 9789390064700 191pages UG Library
410 SYA 00101392 An introduction to Linguistics: Syal Pushpinder PHI Learning Private Limited; 9788120332164 175 p. UG Library
410 SYA 04014982 An introduction to Linguistics: Syal Pushpinder PHI Learning Private Limited; 9788120332164 175 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
410 TRA 10002113 Introducing linguistics / Trask, R. L Icon books ltd., 2012 9781848310889 175 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
410 VER 05022366 Modern Linguistics VERMA S K Oxford University Press 9780195623710 380p Knowledge Centre
410 VER 05022365 Modern Linguistics VERMA S K Oxford University Press 9780195623710 380p Knowledge Centre
410 VER 00095804 Modern Linguistics VERMA S K Oxford University Press 9780195623710 380p UG Library
410 VER 00095805 Modern Linguistics VERMA S K Oxford University Press 9780195623710 380p UG Library
410 VER 00014314 Introductions to English Language Teaching Verma, S K Oxford University Press 1974 49 p. UG Library
410 WHO 00105972 Language Teaching: Whong,Melinda. Edinburgh University Press. 2011 9780748636358 vi,213 p. UG Library
410 WIN 05022587 Understanding Language: Winkler Elizabeth Grace Continuum International Publishing Group 9781846841446 255p Knowledge Centre
410 WIN 05037791 Understanding language : Winkler, Elizabeth Grace. Continuum, 2012 9781441169426 (hbk.) | 9781441 2nd ed. xiii, 326 p. : Knowledge Centre
410 YUL 05047608 The study of language / Yule, George, Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781316606377 5th ed. xii,322p.; Knowledge Centre
410 YUL 07002722 The Study of Language / Yule,George. Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107647220 4th ed. xvii,320p.; Library - BR Campus
410 YUL 00045202 The Study of Language Yule, George, Cambridge University Press, 1996 0521633923 | 9780521633925 (pb 2nd ed. xiii, 294 p. ; UG Library
410 YUL 00057915 The Study of Language Yule, George, Cambridge University Press, 1996 0521633923 | 9780521633925 (pb 2nd ed. xiii, 294 p. ; UG Library
410 YUL 00057916 The Study of Language Yule, George, Cambridge University Press, 1996 0521633923 | 9780521633925 (pb 2nd ed. xiii, 294 p. ; UG Library
410 YUL 00048348 The Study of Language Yule, George, Cambridge University Press, 1996 0521633923 | 9780521633925 (pb 2nd ed. xiii, 294 p. ; UG Library
410 YUL 00045243 The Study of Language Yule, George, Cambridge University Press, 1996 0521633923 | 9780521633925 (pb 2nd ed. xiii, 294 p. ; UG Library
410 YUL 00043942 The Study of Language Yule, George, Cambridge University Press, 1996 0521633923 | 9780521633925 (pb 2nd ed. xiii, 294 p. ; UG Library
410.076 GAL 00068828 Deltas Key to the TOEFL Test: Gallagher, Nancy New Age International Publishers 2005 8122416403 730p UG Library
410.1 00120278 Hard-science linguistics / Yngve victor H Continuum, 2004 082646114X | 9780826492395 xiii, 382 p. : UG Library
410.1 AIK 05056407 The Cambridge handbook of linguistic typology / Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107091955 xxv, 1000 pages : Knowledge Centre
410.1 COL 00138014 Corpus Linguistics for Online Communication : Collins,Luke Curtis. Routledge, 2019 9781138718968 ix,205p.; UG Library
410.1 GOO 00105272 Linguistic universals and language change Good,Jeff . Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199228997 | 9780199298495 xv, 339 p. ; UG Library
410.1 HER 05043290 Language Typology and Language Universals.Vol.1 Herausgegeben Von Walter De Gruyter 3110114232 854 Knowledge Centre
410.1 NEF 00148201 Language, science, and structure : Nefdt, Ryan M. Oxford, 2023 9780197653098 xiii,237p. : UG Library
410.1 SAM 00120277 Empirical linguistics / Sampson, Geoffrey. Continuum, 2001 0826448836 (hardback) | 082645 viii, 226 p. : UG Library
410.11 KRE 07009376 Language and complex systems / Kretzschmar, William A. Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107100459 (hardback) xiv,230p.: Library - BR Campus
410.14 PRI 10002533 Communicating linguistics : Price, Hazel Routledge, 2023 9780367560126 | 9780367560119 xi,252 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
410.151 BYB 00104794 Frequency of Use and The Organization of Language Bybee Joan Oxford University 2007 9780195301571 vii i365 p. UG Library
410.18133 BEC 00135541 Textual data science using R / Bécue-Bertaut, Monica, CRC press, 2018 9781138626911 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781315212661 (ebook) xvii,194p.; UG Library
410.188 BRE 07013596 Statistics in corpus linguistics : Brezina, Vaclav, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107125704 | 9781107565241 xix, 296 pages : Library - BR Campus
410.188 CHE 00108977 Exploring corpus linguistics Cheng,Winnie. Routledge, 2012 9780415585460 (hbk. : alk. pap ix, 241 p. : UG Library
410.188 DUR 00144200 Corpus Linguistics for Writing Development / Durrant, Philip. Routledge, 2023 9780367715786 ix,182p,; UG Library
410.188 HER 00147983 Analysing representation : Heritage, Frazer Routledge, 2024 9781032397016 xiii,225p. ; UG Library
410.19 KER 05005364 Perspectives on framing / Psychology Press, 2011 9781848729032 (hbk.) | 9780203 326 p. : Knowledge Centre
410.207 DUB 00107970 Understanding Language Through Humor Dubinsky Stanley Cambridge University Press 2011 9780521713887 ix; 202 p. UG Library
410.22 FAS 05022602 An introduction to language and linguistics / Fasold Rslph.W Cambridge University Press, 9780521847681 (hbk.) | 0521847 xv, 540 p. : Knowledge Centre
410.23 DEN 00137149 Why study linguistics / Denham, Kristin. Routledge, 2019 9781138925878 (hbk) | 9781138925885 (pbk) ix, 221p.; UG Library
410.243 BAK 00102030 Sociolinguistics and corpus linguistics / Baker, Paul, Edinburgh University Press, 0748627359 (hbk.) | 9780748627 ix, 189 p. : UG Library
410.285 CRY 05022576 Language and the internet / Crystal, David, Cambridge University Press, 9780521868594 | 0521868599 xi, 304 p. ; Knowledge Centre
410.285 CRY 07002769 Language and the internet / Crystal, David, Cambridge University Press, 9780521868594 | 0521868599 xi, 304 p. ; Library - BR Campus
410.285 EUP 00097209 Computing and Language Variation Bodenhamer, David J Edinburgh University Press; 9780748640300 296p UG Library
410.285 GRI 05043257 Computational Linguistics: An Introduction / Grishman, Ralph Cambridge University Press, 1999 9780521310383 193p.: Knowledge Centre
410.285 HAL 07007568 Computational and quantitative studies / Halliday, M A K Continuum Publication, 2006 9780826488268 ix,295p. Library - BR Campus
410.285 JUR 05022541 Speech and Language processing: Jurafsky Daniel Pearson 9788131716724 908p Knowledge Centre
410.285 JUR 05054036 Speech and language processing : Jurafsky, Daniel Pearson india education services, 2014 9789332518414 2nd ed., 940p.; Knowledge Centre
410.285 JUR 05004222 Speech and Language Processing : Jurafsky, Daniel Pearson Education Inc., 2000 9788131716724 908 p. Knowledge Centre
410.285 JUR 04019133 Speech and Language Processing : Jurafsky, Daniel Pearson Education Inc., 2000 9788131716724 908 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
410.285 JUR 04019134 Speech and Language Processing : Jurafsky, Daniel Pearson Education Inc., 2000 9788131716724 908 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
410.285 LAP 04030676 Deep Learning and Linguistic Representation / Lappin, Shalom CRC Press, 2021 9780367648749 xiv, 147 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
410.285 LAP 05072751 Deep Learning and Linguistic Representation / Lappin, Shalom CRC Press, 2021 9780367648749 xiv, 147 p. ; Knowledge Centre
410.285 LOB 09000305 Recursion : Lobina, David J., Oxford University Press, 2017 9780198785156 (hardback) First Edition xix, 226 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
410.285 LOB 05068152 Recursion : Lobina, David J., Oxford University Press, 2017 9780198785156 (hardback) First Edition xix, 226 pages : Knowledge Centre
410.285 MAN 04024449 Foundations of statistical natural language processing / Manning, Christopher D. MIT Press, 2016 0262133601 xxxvii, 680 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
410.285 MCG 05020304 Explorations in Corpus Linguistics / McCarthy Michael Cambridge University Press, 2006 52 p. : Knowledge Centre
410.285 SAM 00092701 Corpus linguistics : Continuum, 082648803X (pbk.) xiv, 524 p. : UG Library
410.285 SPR 00103848 Language, technology, and society / Sproat, Richard William. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199549382 (hbk.) | 0199549 xiii, 286 p. : UG Library
410.285 TEU 00118485 Corpus Linguistics Teubert, Wolfgang. Continuum, 2007 9780826494801 | 0826494803 | vi, 153 p. ; UG Library
410.285 TEU 00118640 Corpus Linguistics Teubert, Wolfgang. Continuum, 2007 9780826494801 | 0826494803 | vi, 153 p. ; UG Library
410.285 TEU 00110039 Corpus Linguistics Teubert, Wolfgang. Continuum, 2007 9780826494801 | 0826494803 | vi, 153 p. ; UG Library
410.285 WEI 05043289 Essential programming for linguistics/ Weisser,Martin Edinburg university; 9780748638550 x;174 p. Knowledge Centre
410.285 WEI 05022364 Essential Programming for Linguistics Weisser, Martin Edinburgh University Press Ltd; 9780748638567 174p Knowledge Centre
410.285536 BAA 05043256 Analyzing Linguistic Data: A Practical Introduction to Statistics Using R / Baayen, R H Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521709187 353p.: Knowledge Centre
410.285DAS 00089675 Corpus Linguistics: An Introduction Dash, Niladri Sekhar DORLING KINDERSLEY 8131716031 175p. UG Library
410.3 BRO 05028164 Concise encyclopedia of languages of the world / Brown, Keith Elsevier., 9780080877747 xxxvi, 1283 p. Knowledge Centre
410.3 FIN 00058610 Linguistic Terms and Concepts Finch, Geoffrey Macmillan Press Ltd 2000 033372013x | 9780333720134 xii, 251 p. UG Library
410.3 HOG 05047212 The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences / Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107475908 xxiii,1021p.; Knowledge Centre
410.3 HOG 05008094 The Cambridge encyclopedia of the language sciences / Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521866897 (hardback) xxiii, 1021 p., [8] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
410.3 HOG 05044819 The Cambridge Encyclopedia of The Language Sciences / Cambridge University Press, 2014 9780521866897 xxiii,1021p.: Knowledge Centre
410.3 JAC 05022607 Key Terms in Linguistics Jackson, Howard Continuum 173 p Knowledge Centre
410.3 JAC 00102672 Key terms in linguistics / Jackson, Howard, Continuum, 9780826487414 | 0826487416 | 9 173 p. ; UG Library
410.3 MAL 05043269 The Routledge linguistics encyclopedia / Malmkjaer Kristen Routledge, 2009 9780415421041 (alk. paper) | 9 3rd ed. xxxvii, 724 p. : Knowledge Centre
410.3 MAT 01014327 The concise Oxford dictionary of linguistics / Matthews, P. H. Oxford University Press, 9780199202720 | 0199202729 x, 443 p. : Knowledge Centre
410.3 MAT 00121180 Oxford Concise Dictionary of Linguistics Matthews, P H Oxford University Press 2014 9780199675128 443p UG Library
410.3 MAT 05003753 The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Linguistics / Matthews, P. H. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199202720 | 0199202729 2nd ed. X, 440 P. : Knowledge Centre
410.3 MAT 07007984 Oxford Concise Dictionary of Linguistics Matthews, P H Oxford University Press 2014 9780199675128 443p Library - BR Campus
410.3 MAT 05029695 The Concise Oxford Dictonary Of Lingusistics Matthews, P H Oxford University 2007 9780199202720 | 9780199202720 2nd Ed. 443 p Knowledge Centre
410.3 TRA 00062679 Key Concepts in Language and Linguistics Trask, R. L. Routledge, 1999 0415157412 (HB) | 0415157420 ( xviii, 378 p. : UG Library
410.321 CRY 00027264 A dictionary of linguistics and phonetics / Crystal, David, B. Blackwell in association with A. Deutsch, 0631140794 : | 0631140816 (pbk xi, 337 p. : UG Library
410.4 AIT 00031150 Linguistics Aitchison, Jean Longman 1987 206 p UG Library
410.45 FOL 05037108 Syntax and its limits / Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199683239 (hardback) | 978 ix,450p.; Knowledge Centre
410.7 KRI 00009400 Introduction to Linguistics for Language Teachers Krishnaswamy, N Somaiya Publications Pvt Ltd. 1971 x, 232 p. : UG Library
410.7 STE 00075613 Complete Tools for the TOEFL Test/ Steinberg, Roberta 0070604339 468 UG Library
410.71 05005267 Language in use : Routledge, 2010 9780415442046 | 0415442044 | 9 xxix, 383 p. : Knowledge Centre
410.71 QUA 00097899 The Craft of Language and LIterary Research Quadri, Syed Mohammed Haseebuddin Atlantic Publishers and Distributers (P) Ltd., 9788126913558 157 p. UG Library
410.71 BLO 05044499 Introducing language in use : Bloomer, Aileen, Routledge, 2014 9780415583053 | 9780415583381 Second Edition / xxxi,452p.: Knowledge Centre
410.71 MOH 00097288 The Craft of Language and Literary Research Mohammed, Syed Atlantic Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd. 9788126913558 157p UG Library
410.71 MOH 07014876 The Craft of Language and Literary Research Mohammed, Syed Atlantic Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd. 9788126913558 157p Library - BR Campus
410.72 BUR 00138637 Linguistic Communication and Communicative Behaviour Burger,C M Global Vision Publishing House 2019 9789388612517 281p UG Library
410.72 JOH 00108344 Research In Language And Linguistics john,Patrick CommonwealthPublishers Pvt Ltd 2011 9788131102688 1st Ed. 274 p. UG Library
410.72 RAM 00141312 Linguistic Communication / Raman, V. Shree Niwas Publications; 2022 9789389436327 250p UG Library
410.72 RAS 05038620 Quantitative research in linguistics : Rasinger, Sebastian M. Continuum, 2008 9780826496027 (hbk.) | 0826496 230 p. : Knowledge Centre
410.72 RAS 05042134 Quantitative research in linguistics : Rasinger, Sebastian M. Bloomsbury, 2013 9781441117229 (HB) | 978144118 Second Edition. xi, 286 pages : Knowledge Centre
410.72 SCH 00121471 Converging Evidence : Doris Schönefeld. John Benjamins Pub. Co., 2011 9789027223876 | 9789027284518 x, 352 p. : UG Library
410.72 ZHO 05004929 Language and cognitive processes : Taylor & Francis, 2009 9781848727229 V.; Knowledge Centre
410.72 ZHO 05004830 Language and cognitive processes : Taylor & Francis, 2009 9781848727229 V.; Knowledge Centre
410.72 ZHO 05005266 Language and cognitive processes : Taylor & Francis, 2009 9781848727229 V.; Knowledge Centre
410.72 ZHO 05004928 Language and cognitive processes : Taylor & Francis, 2009 9781848727229 V.; Knowledge Centre
410.721 GRA 07014388 Quantitative research methods for linguists : Grant, Tim Routledge, 2017 9780415736312 (hardback) | 9780415736329 (pbk.) 152p.: Library - BR Campus
410.721 POD 07015527 Research Methods Linguistics / Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107696358 xvii,525p.: Library - BR Campus
410.727 CON 05046165 Measured language : Connor-Linton, Jeff., Georgetown universitypress, 2014 9781626160378 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii, 238 pages : Knowledge Centre
410.76 FAR 04014681 A linguistics workbook / Farmer, Ann Kathleen PHI, 2012 9788120345911 300 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
410.76 FRO 00052891 Looking at Languages Frommer, Paul R. Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1999 0155078267 | 9780155078260 2nd ed. xii, 372 p. : UG Library
410.8 JOH 00108341 Linguistics and Phonetics John,Patrick Commonwealth Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2011 9788131102657 1st Ed. 270 p. UG Library
410.8 WED 07009612 Continuum companion to systemic functional linguistics / Wedster,Jonathan J Continuum, 2009 9780826494474 | 0826494471 | 9 viii, 299 p. : Library - BR Campus
410.85 YEN 00138012 Corpus-Based Language Analysis / Yen,Lynne. Magnum Publishing, 2017 9781682503607 xiv,320p.; UG Library
410.92 ALL 00082308 Roland Bathes Allen, Graham 0041526362 168 UG Library
410.92 ALL 01006136 ROLAND BARTHES(LAW LIBRARY) Graham Allen ROUTLEDGE 0041526362 169p Knowledge Centre
410.92 BAD 05009354 Roland Barthes : Routledge, 2009 9780415472579 (set : hardback) xxiv,208 p. : Knowledge Centre
410.92 BAD 05009355 Roland Barthes : Routledge, 2009 9780415472579 (set : hardback) xxiv,208 p. : Knowledge Centre
410.92 BAD 05009356 Roland Barthes : Routledge, 2009 9780415472579 (set : hardback) xxiv,208 p. : Knowledge Centre
410.92 BAD 05009357 Roland Barthes : Routledge, 2009 9780415472579 (set : hardback) xxiv,208 p. : Knowledge Centre
410.92 BAR 07012649 Signs and images : Barthes, Roland, Seagull Books, 2016 9780857422415 | 0857422413 146 pages : Library - BR Campus
410.92 BAR 07012613 Incidents / Barthes, Roland. Seagull Books, 2010 9781906497590 x, 172 p. : Library - BR Campus
410.92 BAR 07012657 'The "Scandal" of Marxism' and other writings on politics / Barthes, Roland, Seagull Books, 2015 9780857422392 131 pages ; Library - BR Campus
410.92 BAR 07012621 "Masculine, feminine, neuter" and other writings on literature / Barthes, Roland, Seagull Publication, 2016 9780857422422 162 pages ; Library - BR Campus
410.92 BOU 00118501 Saussure : Bouissac, Paul. Continuum, 2010 9781441120687 (hardcover) | 14 v, 152 p. : UG Library
410.92 CHO 05046344 Class Warfare / Cosnsky, Noam Multilingual Matters Limited : 2008 9788130906256 185 p.: Knowledge Centre
410.92 CHO 05022367 Class Warfare / Cosnsky, Noam Multilingual Matters Limited : 2008 9788130906256 185 p.: Knowledge Centre
410.92 CHO 05022368 Class warfare : Chomsky, Noam. Viva Books 1567510930 (cloth) | 813090625 185 p. ; Knowledge Centre
410.92 COL 05003523 Chomsky Collins, John, Continuum, 2008 0826486622 | 0826486630 | 9780 xii, 229 p. : Knowledge Centre
410.92 CRY 05022518 Just a phrase I'm going through : Crystal, David, Routledge, 9780415485746 (pbk. : alk. pap ix, 285 p., [16] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
410.92 CUL 01016392 Barthes : Culler, Jonathan D. Oxford University Press, 2002 0192801597 | 9780192801593 144 p. : Knowledge Centre
410.92 CUL 00101760 Barthes : Culler, Jonathan D. Oxford University Press, 9780192801597 144 p. : UG Library
410.92 HOL 05022590 Saussure: Signs, Systema and Arbitratiness [ma-English Section] Holdcroft, David 0521339189 178p Knowledge Centre
410.92 MAH 00107022 Introducing Chomsky Maher, John C., Totem Books ; | Distributed to the trade in the U.S. by National Book Network, 2011 9781848312944 175 p. : UG Library
410.92 MCG 01007020 Chomsky on the Human Language, Chomsky on the Human Mind James McGilvray Cambridge University Press 0521780136 335p. Knowledge Centre
410.92 MCG 05059423 The Cambridge Companion To Chomsky/ Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781316618141 xi,342p,; Knowledge Centre
410.92 SMI 07008034 Chomsky : Smith, N. V. Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107082144 (hardback) | 978 Third edition. xv, 461 pages ; Library - BR Campus
410.924 DAS 00106117 Leibniz : Dascal,Marcelo. Springer, 2008 9781402086670 (hardcover : alk 1st ed. xx,532 p. UG Library
410.92CHO 00068304 Cambridge Companion o Chomsky Chomsky, Mcgilvray 0052178431 335p UG Library
410AIT1 00076225 Teach Yourself Linguistics: [dharmaram Library] Aitchison, Jean 0340870834 260p UG Library
410BAK 00087171 Speech Genres & Other Late Essays M. M Bakhtin [ENGLISH SECTION] Bakhtin, M M 9780292775602 177 p UG Library
410HAL 00015556 Linguistic Sciences and Language Teaching Halliday, M A K E L B S 322p UG Library
410HURGT 00015987 Linguistic Theory of Numerals Hurford James, R Cambridge UG Library
410JAC 00089670 Key Terms in Linguistics Jackson, Howard Continuum 173 p UG Library
410MAT 00085458 Linguistics; a Very Short Introduction [ma-English Section] Matthews, P H 0195681789 132p UG Library
410PHI 00089451 Linguistic Imperialism Phillipson, Robert Oxford 0195693094 365p UG Library
410ROB1 00012877 Writing Themes About Literature Roberts, Edgar V Prentise Schlor UG Library
410SCA 00089596 English Language and Linguistics Scaringi, Carlo Papini Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126133246 273p UG Library
410YUL3 00068596 Study of Languages Yule, George 0521633923 291p UG Library
411 HED 03004134 Writing Hedge Tricia Oxford university press; 9780194421904 154 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
411 ALL 00115676 How to Write and Speak Effective English Allen, Edward, Frank ARORAS 374p UG Library
411 BLA 00057305 Mosaic One - a Content-Based Writing Book Blass, Laurie 0071145249 261p UG Library
411 DAN 00104679 The world's writing systems / Daniels,Peter T. Oxford University Press, 1996 9780195079937 xlv, 922 p. : UG Library
411 DAV 00048341 English Punctuation Davidson, G Sarupa and Sons 1998 8176250422 202 p. : UG Library
411 DOR 01006473 Writing Bids and Funding Applications (law Lib.) Jane Dorner Oxford University Press 0195677439 138p. Knowledge Centre
411 IIP 00062678 A Handbook of Punctuation Indian Institute of Publishing Vijay Nicole Imprints Pvt Ltd 2004 8182090229 | 9788182090224 xii, 133 p. : UG Library
411 NEW 00125189 Writing Short Stories Newland,Courttia Bloomsbury 2015 9781408130803 286p UG Library
411 OLI 01004069 Writing Your Thesis(law Lib) Poul Oliver SAGE Publication 8178293927 197p Knowledge Centre
411 OLI 01011175 Writing Your Thesis(law Lib) Poul Oliver SAGE Publication 8178293927 197p Knowledge Centre
411 PAX 00039112 The New American Guide to Punctuation Paxson, William C Penguin Group 1986 0451188772 | 9780451188779 211p. : UG Library
411 PEN 00115785 Abbreviations Book Pentagon Press Pentagon Ppress 2003 9788186830314 520p UG Library
411 ROG 00104492 Writing systems : Rogers, Henry, Blackwell Pub., 2005 9780631234647 | 0631234640 (pb xvi, 322 p. : UG Library
411.09 FIS 05072306 A History of writing / Fischer, Steven Roger. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2001 9781789143492 392P., Knowledge Centre
411.09 FIS 05073428 A history of writing / Fischer, Steven Roger. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2014 9781861891679 352p, ; Knowledge Centre
411.09 MAN 07006685 Alpha beta / Man, John Bantam Books Publication, 2009 9780553819656 331p. Library - BR Campus
411.7 PAN 00125959 Manuscriptology Pandya,Bhavini R. Cyber Tech, 2016 9789350534663 208 p.: UG Library
411.709543 SIN 00126856 Inscriptions of Gwalior : Singh Kumar Arvind B.R. Publishing Corporation, 2016 9789350502662 xii, 566 p.: UG Library
411.709543 SIN 00126857 Inscriptions of Gwalior : Singh Kumar Arvind B.R. Publishing Corporation, 2016 9789350502662 xii, 566 p.: UG Library
411.709543 SIN 00132337 Inscriptions of Shivpuri: SIngh,Arvind Kumar B R Publishing corporation, 2018 9789387587106 volumes UG Library
411.709543 SIN 00132338 Inscriptions of Shivpuri: SIngh,Arvind Kumar B R Publishing corporation, 2018 9789387587106 volumes UG Library
411CHA 00065652 Handbook of Punctuation Chaturvedi, Swati Black Rose Publication 8182695783 200p UG Library
411DAV 00050743 English Punctuation Davidson, G Sarupa and Sons 1998 8176250422 202 p. : UG Library
411FIE 00072152 Improving Your Spelling Boost Is Yur Word Power and Your Confidence[dharmaram Library] Field, Marion Siga 8171085512 152 UG Library
412 ALL 05063926 The Oxford handbook of taboo words and language / Allan, Keih., ed. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780198808190 (hbk.) | 9780192535696 (epdf) | 9780192535702 (epub) | 9780191845871 (online) 1st edition. xii, 448p. Knowledge Centre
412 CHR 05060073 Mindscapes -Supplement ; Christ University , 2012 iii , 58p .; Knowledge Centre
412 DUR 00093140 The Oxford guide to etymology / Durkin, Philip. Oxford University Press, 9780199236510 | 0199236518 x, 347 p. : UG Library
412 LIN 00115670 Chronology of Words and Phrases: A Thousand Years in the History of English Linda Silverdale Books 1856055760 268p UG Library
412 VER 00035199 Word-Wise Verma, Dhirendra OUP 1993 316p UG Library
412 YAD 00116390 The Pronunciation of English Yadugiri, M.A. Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 2013 9788130917771 x:386p.: UG Library
412.03 HEN 00115684 Encyclopaedia of Word and Phrase Orogins Hendrickson, Robert Multilingual Matters Limited 2004 8130901242 823p UG Library
412.78 SAR 05022544 Critique of Dialectical Reason. Volume One:Theory of Practical Ensembles [ma-English Section] Sartre, Jean-Paul Verso 1859844855 835p Knowledge Centre
412GIM 00015529 Introduction to the Pronounciation of the English Gimson, `A C E l d s UG Library
412GUI 00015700 Semiology Guirand, Pierre UG Library
412LEH 00015530 Historical Linguistics Introduction Lehmani, Winfred P OXFORD University UG Library
413 HOR 01010187 Oxford Advanced Learner`s Dictionary of Current English (law Lib) A S Hornby Oxford University Press 9780194316644 1780p Knowledge Centre
413 HOR 01010755 Oxford Advanced Learner`s Dictionary of Current English (law Lib) A S Hornby Oxford University Press 9780194316644 1780p Knowledge Centre
413 HOR 01010756 Oxford Advanced Learner`s Dictionary of Current English (law Lib) A S Hornby Oxford University Press 9780194316644 1780p Knowledge Centre
413 HOR 01010757 Oxford Advanced Learner`s Dictionary of Current English (law Lib) A S Hornby Oxford University Press 9780194316644 1780p Knowledge Centre
413 HOR 01010758 Oxford Advanced Learner`s Dictionary of Current English (law Lib) A S Hornby Oxford University Press 9780194316644 1780p Knowledge Centre
413 HOR 01010759 Oxford Advanced Learner`s Dictionary of Current English (law Lib) A S Hornby Oxford University Press 9780194316644 1780p Knowledge Centre
413 AUG 01016343 The English-English Kannada Dictionary / Augarde,A.J. Oxford University Press, 1985 9780195629910 612 p.; Knowledge Centre
413 AUG 07005724 The English-English Kannada Dictionary / Augarde,A.J. Oxford University Press, 1985 9780195629910 612 p.; Library - BR Campus
413 AUG 01014339 The English-English Kannada Dictionary / Augarde,A.J. Oxford University Press, 1985 9780195629910 612 p.; Knowledge Centre
413 BOY 05007951 Guide to 14 asiatic language / Boyd, Andrew. Asian Educational Services, 1999 x, 262 p. : Knowledge Centre
413 COL 01000570 Dictionary & Thesaurus Paperback Collins Harper Collins 0007196342 856p Knowledge Centre
413 COL 01000573 Concise Dictionary & Thesaures / Collins Harper Collins, 2004 0007162626 1139p.: Knowledge Centre
413 COL 01000576 English Dictionary (law Lib) Collins Harper Collins 0007191537 1872p Knowledge Centre
413 COL 01000577 Advanced Learner`s English Dictionary (law Lib) Collins Harper Collins 0007158009 1712p Knowledge Centre
413 GAF 00049369 Unique Dictionary Gaffar, C M Abdul Abdul Gaffar C M 1997 263 p. : UG Library
413 GAF 00049370 Unique Dictionary Gaffar, C M Abdul Abdul Gaffar C M 1997 263 p. : UG Library
413 HOR 00023658 A Dictionary Of Modern American Usage Horwill, H W Clerendin 1977 360 UG Library
413 KIR 05040908 The Concise Oxford Thesaurus / Kirkpatrick Betty Oxford University Press, 2002 9780195656329 896p.: Knowledge Centre
413 KUM 01014338 Oxford English-English-Hindi Dictionary / Oxford University Press, 9780195689624 1395 p.; Knowledge Centre
413 LAN 05050959 New Age International Webster's Student Dictionary of the English Language : Landau Sidney.I New Age International Publishers, 2009 9788122426847 xxvi,863p.: Knowledge Centre
413 LAN 05040264 New Age International Webster's Student Dictionary of the English Language : Landau Sidney.I New Age International Publishers, 2009 9788122426847 xxvi,863p.: Knowledge Centre
413 LAN 05040263 New Age International Webster's Student Dictionary of the English Language : Landau Sidney.I New Age International Publishers, 2009 9788122426847 xxvi,863p.: Knowledge Centre
413 LAN 05051346 New Age International Webster's Student Dictionary of the English Language : Landau Sidney.I New Age International Publishers, 2009 9788122426847 xxvi,863p.: Knowledge Centre
413 LON 01000575 Dictionary of Contemporary English (law Lib) Longman Longman Group Limited 0582856760 1949p Knowledge Centre
413 MAC 05003748 Macmillan English Dictionary : Macmillan Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 2002 9780333990933 International Student Edition xiv, 1692. Knowledge Centre
413 NEW 05049191 New Age International Webster's Quick Reference Dictionary Notebook / New Age International Publishers, 2008 9788122422085 96p.: Knowledge Centre
413 NEW 05040260 New Age International Webster's Standard Dictionary / New Age International(P)Limited Publishing, 2010 9788122428179 318p.: Knowledge Centre
413 NEW 05040262 New Age International Webster's Quick Reference Dictionary Notebook / New Age International Publishers, 2008 9788122422085 96p.: Knowledge Centre
413 NEW 05040261 New Age International Webster's Vest Pocket Dictionary / New Age International(P)Limited Publishers, 2010 9788122428186 382p.: Knowledge Centre
413 NEW 05040265 International Webster's Dictionary : New Age International Publishers, 2010 9788122428100 319p.: Knowledge Centre
413 OXF 01000574 Consice Oxford English Dictionary (law Lib) Soanes Oxford University Press 0195670280 1708p Knowledge Centre
413 OXF 05000663 Oxford Illustrated Dictionary / Oxford University Press, xix,997p.; Knowledge Centre
413 SHA 00050732 Dictionary of English Authors Sharp, R F Shubhi Publications 8187226234 310p UG Library
413 SPE 00032004 Illustrated Computer Dictionary Spencer, Donald D UNIVERSAL 1990 3rd ed. 328 p UG Library
413 SSS 00017932 Pioneer Illustrated Dictionary English to Telugu J.S Sant Singh & Sons, J.S. Sant Singh & sons 1990 472p UG Library
413 URD 00069393 Dictionary Of Differences Urdang, Laurence Goyal 2003 8185288849 377p UG Library
413 WEB 05029691 Websters Universal College Dictionary Websters 0517183617 942p Knowledge Centre
413.028 COW 00095399 The Oxford history of English lexicography / Cowie A.P Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780199285600 (hbk. : v. 1) | 2 v. ; UG Library
413.028 COW 00095400 The Oxford history of English lexicography / Cowie A.P Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780199285600 (hbk. : v. 1) | 2 v. ; UG Library
413.028 JAC 05048566 The Bloomsbury companion to lexicography / Jackson, Howard, Bloomsbury publishing Inc., 2013 9781441145970 (hardcover) | 97 xiii, 420 pages : Knowledge Centre
413.028 KAT 00018197 Lexicography; Katre, S. M. Annamalai University, 1965 64 p. UG Library
413.028 SVE 00092039 A handbook of lexicography Svensen, Bo Cambridge University Press 2009 9780521708241 535 p.: UG Library
413.028LEV 00080349 Lexical Access in Speech Production [ug.Lib.English Section] Levelt, Willem J M 1557863555 329p UG Library
413.1 AYT 00069071 The Oxford Dictionary Of Modern Slang Ayto, John 2005 0198610521 | 9780198610526 324p UG Library
413.1 PEN 00115669 Thesaurus Pentagon Press Pentagon Press 311p UG Library
413.1 ROG 05029688 Random House Roget`s Thesaurus / Roget`S Ballantine Books, 2001 0345447263 702p.: Knowledge Centre
413.1 STI 00068986 The Poet's Manual and Rhyming Dictionary. Stillman, Frances. Thames & Hudson 1966 0500270309 | 9780500270301 xviv, 363 p. UG Library
413.1MER 05021978 Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms Merriam, Webster Pocket Books, 1992 0877799067 443p Knowledge Centre
413.1ROG 00065701 Roget`s Thesaurus of Synonyms and Antonyms in Dictionary Form Roget, Peter Mark W r Goyal Publishers & Distributors 0818307071 649p UG Library
413.21 MIS 05008029 A trilingual dictionary : Misra, Mathura Prasada. Asian Educational Services, 2005 8120603427 1236, 94 p. ; Knowledge Centre
413.3912 DEV 00130526 The Languages of Jammu & Kashmir / Orient Blackswan Private Limited, 2014 9788125055167 lviii,382p.: UG Library
413.3912 WIL 01008623 Sanskrit-English Dictionary: Etymologically and Philologically Arranged With Special Reference to Cognate Indo-European Languages ( Law Lib.) Monier Monier-Williams Manohar 8173046654 1333p. Knowledge Centre
413CHA 00029905 Dictionary of American Slang Abridged Edtion]a Chapman, L Robert PAN 5000 UG Library
413DRU 00065608 21st Century Webster`s International Encyclopedia Drubbel, Bart Trident Press International 1582795525 1312p UG Library
413WEB1 00065603 Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language Webster Trident Press International 1582795576 1895p UG Library
413WEB2 00072231 Concise Edition Spelling Grammar & Usage [dharmaram Library] Webster`s Reference Library Geddes and Grosset 1842052713 384 UG Library
413WEB3 00072245 Concise Edition English Thesaurus [dharmaram Library] Webster`s Reference Library Geddes and Grosset 1842050192 384 UG Library
413WEB4 00072244 Concise Edition English Dictionary [dharmaram Library] Webster`s Reference Library Geddes & Grosset 1855349612 384 UG Library
414 GUE 10001948 Understanding Phonology / Gussenhoven, Carlos. Routledge, 2017 9781138961425 Fourth ed. vii, 287p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
414 HEW 07002699 Pronunciation Practice Activities : Hewings,Martin. Cambridge University Press, 2004 9780521706124 x,246p.; Library - BR Campus
414 ROA 00111611 Phonetics/ Roach, Peter. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780194372398 116p.; UG Library
414 BAL 00115668 A Textbook of English Phonetics for Indian Students Balasubramanian, T R Chand & Co 1981 vii, 207 p. : UG Library
414 BAL 00049782 English Phonetics for Indian Students Balasubramanian, T Macmillan India Limited 1992 iv, 143 p. : UG Library
414 BAL 00050175 English Phonetics for Indian Students Balasubramanian, T Macmillan India Limited 1992 iv, 143 p. : UG Library
414 BAL 00115064 A Textbook of English Phonetics for Indian Students Balasubramanian, T R Chand & Co 1981 vii, 207 p. : UG Library
414 BAL 00115667 A Textbook of English Phonetics for Indian Students Balasubramanian, T R Chand & Co 1981 vii, 207 p. : UG Library
414 BAL 00039686 English Phonetics for Indian Students Balasubramanian, T Macmillan India Limited 1992 iv, 143 p. : UG Library
414 BAL 00039687 A Textbook of English Phonetics for Indian Students Balasubramanian, T R Chand & Co 1981 vii, 207 p. : UG Library
414 BAL 00039688 A Textbook of English Phonetics for Indian Students Balasubramanian, T R Chand & Co 1981 vii, 207 p. : UG Library
414 BAL 00039689 A Textbook of English Phonetics for Indian Students Balasubramanian, T R Chand & Co 1981 vii, 207 p. : UG Library
414 BAL 00039690 A Textbook of English Phonetics for Indian Students Balasubramanian, T R Chand & Co 1981 vii, 207 p. : UG Library
414 BAL 00039691 A Textbook of English Phonetics for Indian Students Balasubramanian, T R Chand & Co 1981 vii, 207 p. : UG Library
414 BAL 00039692 A Textbook of English Phonetics for Indian Students Balasubramanian, T R Chand & Co 1981 vii, 207 p. : UG Library
414 BAL 00039685 English Phonetics for Indian Students Balasubramanian, T Macmillan India Limited 1992 iv, 143 p. : UG Library
414 BER 05032464 The Phonological Mind / Berent, Iris, Cambridge University Press, 2013 9780521769402 (hardback) | 978 xv, 360 pages : Knowledge Centre
414 CON 00039131 Better English Pronunciation Connor, J.d.o Universal Book Stall 1992 2nd ed. 150 p.: UG Library
414 CON 00031153 Better english Pronunciation Connor,O' J D Cambridge University Press, 2004 9780521789646 2nd ed. 150 p.: UG Library
414 CON 00115066 Better english Pronunciation Connor,O' J D Cambridge University Press, 2004 9780521789646 2nd ed. 150 p.: UG Library
414 CRY 05022606 Words Words Words [ MS.COMMU ] Crystal, David 0198614446 216p Knowledge Centre
414 DAV 07013124 Introducing phonetics and phonology / Davenport, Michael, Hodder Education, 2010 9781444109887 (pbk.) | 144410988X (pbk.) 3rd ed. xvii, 255 p. : Library - BR Campus
414 Dua 00095373 Syllable structure : Duanmu, San. Oxford University Press, 9780199581108 (pbk.) | 0199581 xv, 275 p. : UG Library
414 GUE 10001944 Understanding Phonology / Gussenhoven, Carlos. Routledge, 2017 9781138961425 Fourth ed. vii, 287p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
414 GUE 10001945 Understanding Phonology / Gussenhoven, Carlos. Routledge, 2017 9781138961425 Fourth ed. vii, 287p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
414 GUE 10001946 Understanding Phonology / Gussenhoven, Carlos. Routledge, 2017 9781138961425 Fourth ed. vii, 287p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
414 GUE 10001947 Understanding Phonology / Gussenhoven, Carlos. Routledge, 2017 9781138961425 Fourth ed. vii, 287p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
414 GUS 00109743 Phonology : Gussmann, Edmund. Cambridge University Press, 2002 9780521574280 xiii, 234 p. ; UG Library
414 GUS 00096612 Understanding phonology / Gussenhoven, Carlos, Hoddor Arnold ; | Distributed in the United States of America by Oxford University Press, 0340807350 (pb) | 978034080735 284 p. : UG Library
414 HAI 05047464 Introducing Phonetics / Haider, Syed Atlantic, 2016 151 p. Knowledge Centre
414 HEI 05056398 Dimensions of phonological stress / Heinz, Jeffrey, Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107102811 (hardback : alk. x,331p.; Knowledge Centre
414 HEW 00115672 Pronunciation Practice Activities Hewings, Martin 0521754577 244p UG Library
414 HEW 01012246 Pronunciation Practice Activities : Hewings,Martin. Cambridge University Press, 2004 9780521706124 x,246p.; Knowledge Centre
414 HEW 01012062 Pronunciation Practice Activities : Hewings,Martin. Cambridge University Press, 2004 9780521706124 x,246p.; Knowledge Centre
414 JOD 05037129 Foundations of voice studies Kreiman, Jody. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9780631222972 (hardback) | 978 504p.: Knowledge Centre
414 KNI 00108745 Phonetics Knight Anne Rachael Cambridge University Prees: 2012 9780521732444 xvii, 297 p. UG Library
414 KUL 05044664 Bloomsbury companion to phonology / Bloomsbury, 2013 9781441140180 (pbk. : alk. pap xv, 524 pages ; Knowledge Centre
414 LAD 00050171 A Course in Phonetics Ladefoged, Peter. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers, 1993 0155001736 3rd ed. xi, 308 p. : UG Library
414 LAS 07002692 Phonology : Lass, Roger. Cambridge University Press, 1984 9780521188432 xix, 362 p. : Library - BR Campus
414 LAV 00039055 Principles of Phonetics Laver, John Cambridge 1994 9780521456555 705 p UG Library
414 OCO 00115673 Better English Pronounciation: O`Connor, J D 0521789648 148p UG Library
414 OCO 00049375 Phonetics O'Connor, J. D. Penguin, 1973 014013638X | 9780140136388 | 0 320, [8] p. UG Library
414 OCO 00025664 Phonetics O'Connor, J. D. Penguin, 1973 014013638X | 9780140136388 | 0 320, [8] p. UG Library
414 ODD 07002681 Introducing Phonology [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Odden, David 9780521733090 348 p Library - BR Campus
414 ODD 05022608 Introducing Phonology [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Odden, David 9780521733090 348 p Knowledge Centre
414 PEN 00112536 Analyzing Sound Patterns Peng, Long Cambridge University Press 2013 9780521147408 xviii; 568 p UG Library
414 WAL 00110896 Vowel patterns in language Walker, Rachel, Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521513975 | 9780521513975 x, 356 p. : UG Library
414 WEE 05064450 Phonological tone / Wee, Lian-Hee, Cambridge University press, 2019 9781107125728 xxvii,322p.; Knowledge Centre
414 ZAR 10004047 Speech Accommodation in Student Presentations/ by Zareva, Alla Zareva, Alla [Author] 9783030379797 ix,113p Yeshwanthpur Campus
414.03JON 00068592 Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary Jones, Daniel 0521543045 601p UG Library
414.083 JOH 05022610 Patterns in child phonology Johnson, Wyn Edinburgh University Press Ltd., 9780748638208 270p Knowledge Centre
414.12 JAN 10004858 Highway to swades : rediscovering India's superpowers / by Bhairavi Jani. Jani, Bhairavi [Author] HarperCollins Publishers India, 2022 9789356998292 1st Ed. xx, 401 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
414.6 TOP 05043235 Onsets : Topintzi, Nina. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521493352 (hardback) | 052 xiii, 268 p. : Knowledge Centre
414.6 WAR 07009444 Uptalk : Warren, Paul, Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107123854 (hardcover) | 97 xvi, 223 pages : Library - BR Campus
414.6LAD 00092074 Intonational phonology / Ladd, D. Robert, Cambridge University Press, 9780521861175 (hardback) | 978 xix, 349 p. : UG Library
414.8 ASH 07002680 Introducing Phonetic Science [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Ashby, Michael 9780521733151 222 p Library - BR Campus
414.8 ASH 05022573 Introducing Phonetic Science [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Ashby, Michael 9780521733151 222 p Knowledge Centre
414.8 BAL 00050542 Phonetics Ball, Martin J. Arnold ; | Oxford University Press, 1999 0340700092 | 0340700106 (pbk) vii, 239 p. : UG Library
414.8 CAT 01017125 A practical introduction to phonetics / Catford, J. C. Oxford University Press, 2001 0199246351 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xiii, 229 p. : Knowledge Centre
414.8 CLA 07013173 An introduction to phonetics and phonology / Clark, John Blackwell Pub., 2007 1405130830 (pbk.) | 9781405130837 (pbk.) 3rd ed. xiii, 487 p. : Library - BR Campus
414.8 DAV 05022609 Introducing Phonetics & Phonology. Davenport, Mike 2005 0340810459 223p Knowledge Centre
414.8 DAV 00086484 Introducing Phonetics & Phonology. Davenport, Mike 2005 0340810459 223p UG Library
414.8 HAR 00103236 The handbook of phonetic sciences / Hardcastle, William J., Wiley-Blackwell, 9781405145909 xi, 870 p. : UG Library
414.8 JON 05044645 The Bloomsbury Companion to Phonetics / Jones, Mark J Bloomsbury, 2013 9781441146069 (hardback) ix, 314 pages : Knowledge Centre
414.8 LAD 05052826 A course in phonetics / Ladefoged, Peter. Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, 2011 9788131516591 6th ed. xiii, 322 p. ; Knowledge Centre
414.8 LOD 00110674 A Critical Introduction To Phonetics / Lodge, Ken Continuum, Internationl Publishers 2009 9780826488749 (pbk.) | 9780826 ix, 244 p. : UG Library
414.8 MAC 05074473 Phonetics and speech science / MacKay, Ian R. A., Cambridge University Press, 2023 9781108427869 | 9781108452038 xix, 457p.; Knowledge Centre
414.8 MAR 00105035 Sociophonetics: Paolo,Di,Marianna. Routledge 2010 9780415498791 xi,250p. UG Library
414.8 REE 00102042 Phonetics : Reetz, Henning Wiley - Blackwell, 9780631232261 xii, 316 p. UG Library
414.8 WAY 05064449 Phonetics : Wayland, Ratree, Cambridge university press, 2019 9781108418348 (hardback) | 9781108407076 (paperback) xxiv, 282 pages : Knowledge Centre
414GHO 00080296 Phonology of English Copied-Words in Punjabi [ug.Lib.English Section] Ghotra, Balvinder Book Enclave 8181521358 333p UG Library
414HEW 00081148 Pronunciation Practice Activities Hewings, Martin 0521706122 246p UG Library
414MOR 00058333 Elements of Prnounciation Coliln, Mortimer Cambridge UG Library
414MOR 00058334 Elements of Prnounciation Coliln, Mortimer Cambridge UG Library
414MOR 00058336 Elements of Prnounciation Coliln, Mortimer Cambridge UG Library
414MOR 00058335 Elements of Prnounciation Coliln, Mortimer Cambridge UG Library
414ROA 00068590 English Phonetics and Phonology Roach, Peter 0521008522 283p UG Library
415 07006552 Strategies of quantification Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199692439 (hbk.) | 0199692 1st ed. xiii,315p. Library - BR Campus
415 BAB 00092076 The syntax of argument structure / Babby, Leonard Harvey. Cambridge University Press, 9780521417976 | 052141797X xviii, 307 p. : UG Library
415 BEC 05045008 The Acquisition of syntactic structure animacy and thematic alignment / Becker, Misha Karen, Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107007840 (hardback) xv, 324 pages ; Knowledge Centre
415 BEC 05059730 The Acquisition Of Syntactic Structure : Becker, Misha. Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781316644935 xv, 324p,: Knowledge Centre
415 BER 00096685 Structure in language : Berg, Thomas, Routledge, 9780415991353 xii, 396 p. : UG Library
415 BHA 00131813 General English for competitive examinations Bhardwaj,A P Pearson 2013 9789332507982 596p UG Library
415 BIB 05037117 Theoretical approaches to disharmonic word order / Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199684359 (hardback) xvi,532p.; Knowledge Centre
415 BOE 00109938 Syntactic Islands Boeckx, Cedric. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521191463 (hardback) | 978 xv, 173 p. : UG Library
415 BOE 05043200 Control as movement / Boeckx, Cedric. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521195454 (hardback) x, 262 p. : Knowledge Centre
415 BOE 05043572 Bare syntax / Boeckx, Cedric. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199534241 (pbk. : alk. pap xii, 295 p. : Knowledge Centre
415 BOO 01017037 The Grammar of Words : Booij,Geert. Oxford University Press, 2005 9780199226245 2nd ed. x,345p.; Knowledge Centre
415 BOO 05022605 The Grammar of Words : Booij,Geert. Oxford University Press, 2005 9780199226245 2nd ed. x,345p.; Knowledge Centre
415 BOO 05045417 Morphologie : Booij, Geert Walter de Gruyter, 2000 3110111284 (v. 1 : alk. paper) xxviii, 972 p. Knowledge Centre
415 BOO 05045418 Morphologie : Booij, Geert Walter de Gruyter, 2000 3110111284 (v. 1 : alk. paper) xxviii, 972 p. Knowledge Centre
415 BOR 07007544 Processing syntax and morphology : Bornkessel-Schlesewsky, Ina, Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199207817 (hbk.) | 0199207 xvi, 360 p.: Library - BR Campus
415 BOR 01017068 Processing syntax and morphology : Bornkessel-Schlesewsky, Ina, Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199207817 (hbk.) | 0199207 xvi, 360 p.: Knowledge Centre
415 BOU 00098162 Adjectives, number and interfaces : Bouchard, Denis Elsevier ; 9780080440552 458 p. UG Library
415 BRA 05043249 Anaphora Prodcessing: Linguistic, Cognitive and Computational / Modelling. Branco, Antonio John Benjamins Publishing Co , 2005 9027247773 449p.: Knowledge Centre
415 BUH 00100003 Indian Paleography Buhler, Georg Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 9788121511162 138 p. UG Library
415 CAP 00112540 From grammar to meaning : Caponigro, Ivano Cambridge University Press 2013 9781107033108 xii; 364 p UG Library
415 CAR 00103658 Modern syntax: Carnie Andrew Cambridge university press; 2011 9780521682046 358 p. UG Library
415 CAR 03004645 Modern syntax : Carnie, Andrew, Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521863353 | 052186335X | 9 xii, 358 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
415 CAR 07015531 Syntax : Carnie, Andrew, Wiley Blackwell, 2021 9781119569312 | 9781119569183 Fourth edition. xvi,528p.: Library - BR Campus
415 CHO 10002112 Syntactic structures / Chomsky, Noam. Mouton de Gruyter, 2002 3110172798 (acidfree paper) | 9783110172799 2nd ed. / xviii, 117 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
415 CHO 05048333 Aspects of the theory of syntax : Chomsky, Noam, 9780262527408 (pbk. : alk. pap Fiftieth anniversary edition. 1 online resource (295 pages). Knowledge Centre
415 CIT 00106595 Symmetry in syntax : Citko, Barbara, Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107005556 (hardback) xii,276 p. UG Library
415 COL 00123132 The Time Spelling Collins HarperCollins Publishers, 2009 9780007364565 iv, 316 p.: UG Library
415 COP 05044817 Causation in grammatical structures / Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199672073 (hbk.) | 0199672 First edition. xvii, 451 pages : Knowledge Centre
415 CRI 00095396 Language Anxiety Machan Tim William Oxford University Press, 9780199232123 | 0199560544 xii, 417 p. : UG Library
415 CRI 00095395 Historical Syntax and Linguistic Theory Crisma Oxford Press 417p UG Library
415 CUL 05022619 Syntactic Nuts: Hard Cases, Syntactic Theory, and Language Acqusition [ma-English Section] Culicover, Peter W 0198700237 244p Knowledge Centre
415 CUL 00023193 Syntax Culicover, Peter W. Academic Press, 1976 0121992306 (pbk.) | 0121992500 International ed. 316 p. : UG Library
415 CUL 07007564 Natural language syntax / Culicover, Peter W. Oxford University Press, 9780199230181 (pbk.) | 0199230 xvii, 490 p. : Library - BR Campus
415 CUL 05022529 Natural language syntax / Culicover, Peter W. Oxford University Press, 9780199230181 (pbk.) | 0199230 xvii, 490 p. : Knowledge Centre
415 CUM 09000400 Constraints on numerical expressions / Cummins, Chris, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199687909 (hbk.) | 0199687900 (hbk.) | 9780199687916 (pbk.) | 0199687919 (pbk.) First edition. xii, 212 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
415 CUM 05067653 Constraints on numerical expressions / Cummins, Chris, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199687909 (hbk.) | 0199687900 (hbk.) | 9780199687916 (pbk.) | 0199687919 (pbk.) First edition. xii, 212 pages : Knowledge Centre
415 ESH 00116169 Kannada Vyakarana Kaipidi Eshwarappa, Pandith Kavyala 2005 248p UG Library
415 ESP 05022527 Words to Rhyme With: for Poets and Songwriters [ma-English Section] Espy, Willard R Viva Books Private Limited 8176499587 676p Knowledge Centre
415 ESP 00115052 Words to Rhyme With Espy, Willard R Viva Books Private Limited 2005 8176499587 676p UG Library
415 EVA 05022525 Cognitive Linguistics Evans, Vyvyan Edinburgh University Press; 9780748618323 830p Knowledge Centre
415 FRA 00143615 Gradient Acceptability and Linguistic Theory Francis, Elaine J. Oxford university press, 2022 9780192898944 xv,270p,; UG Library
415 FRI 00120280 Relations and functions within and around language Fries, Peter H Continuum, 2002 viii, 399 p. : UG Library
415 FRI 00120279 Relations and functions within and around language Fries, Peter H Continuum, 2002 viii, 399 p. : UG Library
415 FRI 05043252 Relations and Functions Within and Around Language / Fries, Peter H Continuum, 2002 0826453694 399p.: Knowledge Centre
415 GEE 05029067 The Oxford handbook of cognitive linguistics / Geeraerts Dirk Oxford University Press, 9780195143782 (cloth : alk. pa xxx, 1334 p. : Knowledge Centre
415 HAL 05038619 On grammar / Halliday, M. A. K. Continuum, 2005 9780826488220 (pbk.) | 0826488 x, 442 p. : Knowledge Centre
415 HAL 00087339 On Grammar. Halliday, M A K Continuum 2002 0826449441 | 9780826449443 442 UG Library
415 HAL 00094065 An Introduction to Funcrional Grammer Halliday M A K Hodder Education, an Hachette UK Company 9780340761670 689p UG Library
415 HAR 05022528 Phases and Interfaces of Morphology.Vol.2 [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Hariprasad, M Central Institute of English and Foreign Language 362p Knowledge Centre
415 HEI 05029062 The Oxford handbook of case / Malchukov Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199206476 | 0199206473 xxvii, 928 p. : Knowledge Centre
415 HEW 05022620 Grammar and Context: An Advanced Resource Book [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Hewings, Ann 0415310814 339p Knowledge Centre
415 HOR 05043250 A Theory of Syntax: Minimal Operations and Universal Grammar / Hornstein, Norbert Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521728812 194p.: Knowledge Centre
415 HOS 05022618 Communication and Grammar:From Pigeons to Pidgins [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Hosali, Priya CIEFL 56 p Knowledge Centre
415 HUR 05043197 Semantics : Hurford, James R. Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521671873 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xiii, 350 p. : Knowledge Centre
415 JAC 05022603 Meaning and the lexicon : Jackendoff, Ray, Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199568871 (hbk.) | 0199568 xvi, 485 p. : Knowledge Centre
415 JAS 05022591 Representing time : Jaszczolt, Katarzyna. Oxford University Press, 0199214433 (hbk.) | 9780199214 xiii, 192 p. : Knowledge Centre
415 KAT 05042798 Morphology / Katamba, Francis, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006 9781403916433 (hbk.) | 1403916 2nd ed. xvi, 382 p. : Knowledge Centre
415 KAT 10002091 Morphology / Katamba, Francis, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006 9781403916433 (hbk.) | 1403916 2nd ed. xvi, 382 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
415 KAY 00104707 Comparisons and Contrasts Kayne S.Richard Oxford University 2010 9780199732517 xvi 272 p. UG Library
415 KER 05067428 Current approaches to syntax : De Gruyter, 2019 3110538210 | 9783110538212 xvi, 600 pages : Knowledge Centre
415 KIS 05045419 Syntax - theory and analysis : 9783110202762 | 9783110377408 1 online resource (816 pages) : Knowledge Centre
415 KIS 05045420 Syntax - theory and analysis : 9783110202762 | 9783110377408 1 online resource (816 pages) : Knowledge Centre
415 KIS 05045421 Syntax - theory and analysis : 9783110202762 | 9783110377408 1 online resource (816 pages) : Knowledge Centre
415 KOE 05059409 Introducing syntax / Koeneman, Olaf, Cambridge university press, 2017 9781107096745 (hardback) x,301p.; Knowledge Centre
415 KOE 05059721 Introducing Syntax / Koeneman, Olaf. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107480643 x, 301p,; Knowledge Centre
415 LAN 00095374 Cognitive grammar : Langacker, Ronald W. Oxford University Press, 9780195331967 (pbk.) | 0195331 x, 562 p. : UG Library
415 LAR 04014916 Grammar as science / Larson, Richard K. PHI Learning, 2010 9788120343214 xvi , 433 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
415 LED 05056406 The Cambridge Handbook of historical syntax / Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107049604 (hardback) xvii, 729 pages : Knowledge Centre
415 LEG 05043199 Optimality-theoretic syntax / MIT Press, 2001 0262122359 (alk. paper) | 9780 xviii, 548 p. ; Knowledge Centre
415 LIE 05008471 The Oxford handbook of compounding / Lieber, Rochelle Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199695720 xv, 691 p. Knowledge Centre
415 LIE 05043574 The Oxford handbook of compounding / Lieber, Rochelle Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199695720 xv, 691 p. Knowledge Centre
415 LOC 00121053 Syntactic Analysis and Description : Lockwood, David G. Continuum, 2002 9780826455222 | 0826455220 (pb x, 375 p:. UG Library
415 LUR 05040941 Key terms in syntax and syntactic theory Luraghi, Silvia, Continuum, 2008 9780826496553 | 0826496555 | 0 xii, 265 p. : Knowledge Centre
415 MAL 05029046 The Oxford handbook of case / Malchukov Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199206476 | 0199206473 xxvii, 928 p. : Knowledge Centre
415 MCK 07009877 Primitive elements of grammatical theory : Mckinney bock,Katherine Routledge, 2016 9780415705394 (alk. paper) xii, 280 pages : Library - BR Campus
415 MEI 05043198 Text, time, and context : Smith, Carlota S. Springer, 2009 9789048126163 (hbk.) | 9048126 lxiv, 404 p. : Knowledge Centre
415 MIL 00103927 Language change and linguistic theory / Miller, D. Gary. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199590216 | 0199590214 | 9 412 p. UG Library
415 MIL 00103928 Language change and linguistic theory / Miller, D. Gary. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199590216 | 0199590214 | 9 412 p. UG Library
415 MIL 05043195 Language change and linguistic theory / Miller, D. Gary. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199590216 | 0199590214 | 9 412 p. Knowledge Centre
415 MIL 05043196 Language change and linguistic theory / Miller, D. Gary. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199590216 | 0199590214 | 9 412 p. Knowledge Centre
415 MOR 00120276 An introduction to syntactic theory / Moravcsik, Edith A. Continuum, 2006 0826489435 (hbk.) | 0826489443 xiv, 263 p. : UG Library
415 MOR 07007576 An introduction to syntactic theory / Moravcsik, Edith A. Continuum Publication, 2006 9780826489449 xiii,248p. Library - BR Campus
415 MUR 05022574 Grammar in Use Intermediate [ma-English Section] Smalzer, William R 0521528763 341p Knowledge Centre
415 MUY 00092073 functional categories KUYSKEN,PIETER Cambridge 9780521619981 297p UG Library
415 NEW 05022572 Chomsky`s Universal Grammar: Cook, V J Wiley India, 2007 9788126517473 326p .: Knowledge Centre
415 PAL 00041164 Grammar Palmer, F. R. Penguin, | ELBS 1984 0140135766 | 0140711236 | 0140 205 p. : UG Library
415 PAL 00052606 Mood and Modality Palmer, F. R. Cambridge University Press, 2001 0521800358 | 0521804795 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xxi, 236 p. ; UG Library
415 PAV 05022604 The structure of language : Pavey, Emma. Cambridge University Press, 9780521517867 (hardback) | 978 XV: 402 p. Knowledge Centre
415 RAD 00052191 Syntax Radford, Andrew. Cambridge University Press, 1997 0521581222 | 0521589142 (pbk.) ix, 283 p. : UG Library
415 RAI 00049964 Grammar Troublespots - an Editing Guide for Students Raimes, Ann 0521657598 170p UG Library
415 REP 05022571 Negation in gapping / Repp, Sophie. Oxford University Press, 9780199543618 (pbk.) | 9780199 xi, 266 p. : Knowledge Centre
415 REP 07007563 Negation in gapping / Repp, Sophie. Oxford University Press, 9780199543618 (pbk.) | 9780199 xi, 266 p. : Library - BR Campus
415 RIN 05064419 An introduction to grammar for language learners / Ringe, Donald A., Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108425155 | 1108425151 | 9781108441230 | 1108441238 xiii, 219 pages ; Knowledge Centre
415 ROB 05064017 The Oxford handbook of universal grammar / Ian, Roberts., ed. Oxford University Press, 2019 0199573778 | 9780199573776 | 9780198826170 (paperback) First edition. xxii, 648 pages : Knowledge Centre
415 ROU 00136882 Aspects of grammatical architecture / Rouveret, Alain, Routledge, 2018 9781138082472 (hardback) vi, 418 pages ; UG Library
415 SAK 00099362 Reporting discourse, tense, and cognition / Sakita, Tomoko I. Elsevier, 008044041X (alk. paper) xiii, 290 p. : UG Library
415 SON 00110899 Word Order Song, Jae Jung, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521872140 (hardback) | 978 xvi, 348 p. UG Library
415 SON 05029053 The Oxford handbook of linguistic typology / Song, Jae Jung, Oxford University Press, 9780199281251 (acidfree paper) xxi, 754 p. : Knowledge Centre
415 SON 00109970 Word Order Song, Jae Jung, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521872140 (hardback) | 978 xvi, 348 p. UG Library
415 SON 00135386 Linguistic typology / Song, Jae Jung, Oxford university press, 2018 9780199677498 (paperback) | 0199677492 (paperback) FIrst edition. xviii, 512 pages : UG Library
415 SZA 00104558 Quantification Szabolcsi, Anna, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521887960 (hardback) | 978 xi, 252 p. : UG Library
415 TAL 00019473 Grammar Palmer, F. R. Penguin, | ELBS 1984 0140135766 | 0140711236 | 0140 205 p. : UG Library
415 TAL 00078600 Understanding Syntax Tallerman, Maggie, Hodder Arnold, 2005 0340810327 (pbk.) | 9780340810 2nd ed. xviii, 266 p. ; UG Library
415 TAL 00102722 Understanding Syntax Tallerman, Maggie, Hodder Arnold, 2005 0340810327 (pbk.) | 9780340810 2nd ed. xviii, 266 p. ; UG Library
415 TAL 05043251 Understanding Syntax Tallerman, Maggie, Hodder Arnold, 2005 0340810327 (pbk.) | 9780340810 2nd ed. xviii, 266 p. ; Knowledge Centre
415 THO 05042528 Introducing functional grammar / Thompson, Geoff, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2014 9780415826303 (hbk) | 04158263 Third edition. xii, 313 pages : Knowledge Centre
415 THO 07007548 Introducing functional grammar / Thompson Hodder Publication, 2004 9780340807163 2nd ed. xi,293p. Library - BR Campus
415 VAN 00052190 An Introduction to Syntax Van Valin, Robert D. Cambridge University Press, 2001 0521631998 | 0521635667 (pbk.) xvi, 239 p. : UG Library
415 WHE 00022575 Easy Steps in English Spelling WHEATON 1974 72 p. : UG Library
415 WHE 00022574 Easy Steps in English Spelling WHEATON 1974 72 p. : UG Library
415 XAV 00112693 Practical English Grammar Xavier,A G St. Pauls 2011 8171084559 227p UG Library
415 YAD 00122313 Modern English Grammar Yadurajan,K S Oxford University Press 2014 0198082959 388p UG Library
415 YAM 00104260 Agency and impersonality : Yamamoto, Mutsumi, J. Benjamins Pub. Co., 2006 9027230889 (hbk. : alk. paper) viii, 151 p. : UG Library
415 ZAU 00092714 Crosslinguistic research in syntax and semantics : Georgetown University Press, 9781589010802 | 1589010809 (pb v, 247 p. : UG Library
415.01 BOR 05068436 Lexical-functional grammar : Borjars, Kersti. Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781316621653 xv,214p.; Knowledge Centre
415.014 TRA 00050554 Dictionary of Grammatical Terms in Linguistics Trask, R L 1996 0415086280 280p UG Library
415.018 BUT 00117302 Theories of Case / Butt, Miriam, Cambridge University Press, 2006 9780521793223 | 9780521797313 xiii, 258 p. : UG Library
415.018 HOF 05043578 The Oxford handbook of construction grammar / Hoffmann, Thomas Oxford University Press, 2013 9780195396683 (alk. paper) xx, 586 p. ; Knowledge Centre
415.018 JHA 05028785 Language, Grammar and Linguistics in Indian Tradition Jha V.N Centre for studies in Civilizations, 9788187586432 xxx, 421 p. Knowledge Centre
415.0182 FRE 07010045 Generative Grammar: Freidin,Robert Routledge, 2016 9780415541336 Vii,384 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
415.0182 SEU 00094209 Chomsky's Minimalism Seuren Pieter A M Oxford University Press 9780195173062 244p UG Library
415.01823 LEV 05056416 Syntactic analysis : Levine, Robert, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107614123 xv,334p.; Knowledge Centre
415.021 PIN 05022502 Words and Rules: The Ingredients of Language Pinker, Steven 0060958405 349p Knowledge Centre
415.03HAG 00058883 Dictionary of Grammar Hag, Twin Rajat Publications 8178800861 259p UG Library
415.5 AMB 00098688 Competition and variation in natural languages; Elsevier; 9780080446516 xi;361 p. UG Library
415.5 AMB 00128498 Competition and variation in natural languages; Elsevier; 9780080446516 xi;361 p. UG Library
415.55 ASU 00127999 The Logic of Pronominal Resumption / Asudeh, Ash. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199206421 | 9780199206438 xix, 463 p. : UG Library
415.6 GAI 04016118 Idioms and Phrasal Verbs : Gairns, Ruth OUP, 2011 9780194620130 207 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
415.6 GIS 00104255 The event structure of perception verbs / Gisborne, Nikolas, Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199577798 x, 317 p. : UG Library
415.62 WIT 09000301 The present perfective paradox across languages / Wit, Astrid De. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780198759539 (hbk.) xiv, 221p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
415.62 WIT 05067811 The present perfective paradox across languages / Wit, Astrid De. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780198759539 (hbk.) xiv, 221p.; Knowledge Centre
415.7 PIN 05075118 Translation, Script and Orality : Pinto, Rochelle. Orient BlackSwan, 2021 9789354420047 xiv, 391p.; Knowledge Centre
415.7 PIN 07015746 Translation, Script and Orality : Pinto, Rochelle. Orient BlackSwan, 2021 9789354420047 xiv, 391p.; Library - BR Campus
415.7 PIN 10005135 Translation, Script and Orality : Pinto, Rochelle. Orient BlackSwan, 2021 9789354420047 xiv, 391p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
415.9 ARO 05044267 What is morphology? / Aronoff, Mark. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781405194679 (pbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed. xix, 290 p. ; Knowledge Centre
415.9 BOO 05022526 Construction morphology / Booij, G. E. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199571918 | 0199571910 | 9 x, 289 p. : Knowledge Centre
415.9 DON 05042126 Morphological Theory and the Morphology of English / Don Jan Edinburgh University Press, 2014 9780748645121 ix,204p.: Knowledge Centre
415.9 GEB 00146325 The study of words : Gebhardt, Lewis, Routledge 2023 9780367466435 | 9780367466411 174p. UG Library
415.9 GIS 00130770 Defaults in morphological theory / Gisborne, Nikolas, Oxford university press, 2017 9780198712329 (hardcover) | 01 First edition. xi, 316 pages : UG Library
415.9 HIP 05056393 The Cambridge Handbook of morphology / Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107038271 (hardback : alk. xii,866p.; Knowledge Centre
415.9 LIE 07008092 Introducing morphology / Lieber, Rochelle, Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107480155 Second edition. ix,243p.; Library - BR Campus
415.9 LIE 00144201 Introducing Morphology / Lieber, Rochelle. Camebridge university press, 2022 9781108958486 3rd. xi,277p,; UG Library
415.9 LIE 05046404 Introducing morphology / Lieber, Rochelle, Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107480155 Second edition. ix,243p.; Knowledge Centre
415.9 LIE 05043575 The Oxford handbook of derivational morphology / Lieber Rochelle Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199641642 (hbk.) | 0199641 First edition. xxvi, 927 pages : Knowledge Centre
415.92 HAC 07008091 The semantics of compounding / Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107099708 (hardback) x,254p.: Library - BR Campus
415.92 LIE 00101844 Introducing morphology / Lieber, Rochelle, Cambridge University Press, 9780521719797 (pbk.) x, 215 p. : UG Library
415.92 MUL 05045422 Word-formation / Muller, Peter O De Gruyter, 2015 9783110246247 (hardcover : alk 2 volumes cm. Knowledge Centre
415.92 MUL 05045423 Word-formation / Muller, Peter O De Gruyter, 2015 9783110246247 (hardcover : alk 2 volumes cm. Knowledge Centre
415.95 BAE 07005736 The Oxford handbook of inflection / Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199591428 (hbk.) | 0199591 First edition. xxi, 688 pages ; Library - BR Campus
415KRI 00019569 Modern English Krishnaswamy, N Macmillan UG Library
415OUH 00050547 Transformational Grammar from Rules to Principles and Parameters Ouhalla, Jamal 0340556307 332p UG Library
417 HOC 05022501 Language history, language change, and language relationship : Hock, Hans Henrich, Mouton de Gruyter, 9783110218428 (hardcover : alk xvii, 588 p. : Knowledge Centre
417 MON 05059315 Language and a sense of place : Montgomery, Chris Cambridge university press, 2017 9781107098718 (hardback : alk. xvi,371p.; Knowledge Centre
417.020952 LEV 00098651 Translation in modern Japan / Levy Indra Routledge, 9780415573917 | 0415573912 | 9 xii, 278 p. cm. UG Library
417.0721 KRU 00112758 Research methods in language variation and change / Krug, Manfred Cambridge University Press 2013 9781107004900 (hardback) | 978 xxvi; 511 p UG Library
417.2 BAT 00104788 Bad Language Battistells L Edwin Oxford University Press 2005 vi 230 p. UG Library
417.2 PET 05022505 Censoring the Word Petley, Julian Seagull 9781905422548 112 p Knowledge Centre
417.2 SIE 00101489 Second dialect acquisition / Siegel, Jeff. Cambridge University Press, 9780521516877 | 0521516870 xii, 277 p. : UG Library
417.22 MCH 05068459 The creole debate / McWhorter, John H. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108450836 vi,173p.; Knowledge Centre
417.2PET 07013426 Censoring the Word Petley, Julian Seagull 9781905422548 112 p Library - BR Campus
417.2PET 00087802 Censoring the Word Petley, Julian Seagull 9781905422548 112 p UG Library
417.7 HAR 00095378 When Languages Die Harrison David K Oxford University Press 9780195372069 292p UG Library
417.7 AIT 00056050 Language Change Aitchison, Jean, Cambridge University Press, 1991 0521411017 (hard) | 0521422833 2nd ed. xi, 258 p. : UG Library
417.7 AIT 00052241 Seeds of Speech Aitchison, Jean Cambridge University Press 2000 0521785715 | 9780521785716 xii,282p.; UG Library
417.7 BLA 00103874 Secret language / Blake, Barry J. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199579280 (hbk.) | 0199579 xi, 328 p. : UG Library
417.7 BOT 05022508 The prehistory of language Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199545872 (cased) | 019954 xviii, 348 p. : Knowledge Centre
417.7 BUR 00131384 Understanding language change / Burridge, Kate, Routledge, 2017 9780415713382 (hardback) | 9780415713399 (pbk.) xvi, 297 pages : UG Library
417.7 CAM 00121163 Historical Linguistics Campbell, Lyle Edinburgh University Press, 2013 9780748645947 xxii, p 538:. UG Library
417.7 COU 05043225 Style: Language Variation and Identity / Coupland, Nikolas Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521618144 209p.: Knowledge Centre
417.7 CRO 05022507 An introduction to historical linguistics / Crowley, Terry. Oxford University Press, 9780195365542 (pbk.) xxxii, 376 p. : Knowledge Centre
417.7 CRY 00090609 Language Death Crystal, David Cambridge University Press 9780521121750 198p UG Library
417.7 CRY 00090610 Language Death Crystal, David Cambridge University Press 9780521121750 198p UG Library
417.7 ECO 05022504 Serendipities - Language and Lunacy [ma-English Section] Eco, Umberto 0753808781 164p Knowledge Centre
417.7 ECO 05022503 Search for the Perfect Language - Translated By James Fentress [ma-English Section] Eco, Umberto 0006863787 384p Knowledge Centre
417.7 FIS 07012383 A History of Language/ Fischer,Steven Roger. Reaktion Books, 2018 9781780239033 265 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
417.7 GEL 05008508 The linguistic cycle : Gelderen, Elly van. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199756049 (pbk. : alk. pap xx, 439 p. : Knowledge Centre
417.7 JAR 05007361 Crosslinguistic influence in language and cognition / Jarvis, Scott, Routledge, 2008 9780415879811 xiii, 287 p. : Knowledge Centre
417.7 JON 05068439 Endangered languages and new technologies / Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781107627840 xv, 211p.; Knowledge Centre
417.7 LAR 05022506 The evolution of human language : Larson, Richard K Cambridge University Press, 9780521516457 | 0521516455 | 9 x, 269 p. : Knowledge Centre
417.7 LUR 05038757 Bloomsbury companion to historical linguistics / Bloomsbury, 2010 9781441130105 (pbk.) xix,453p.; Knowledge Centre
417.7 MCM 05022513 Change, Chance, and Optimality [ma-English Section] Mcmahon, April 0198241259 201p Knowledge Centre
417.7 MUF 07015522 The ecology of language evolution / Mufwene, Salikoko S. Cambridge University Press, 2001 0521791383 | 0521794757 (pb.) xviii, 255 p. : Library - BR Campus
417.7 PER 00109968 Languages of the World Pereltsvaig, Asya, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107002784 (hardback) | 978 xvii, 278 p. : UG Library
417.7 WAL 00104992 Variation in Linguistic Systems Walker,James.A Routledge 2010 9780415990684 xviii,158p. UG Library
417.703CAM 00088819 Glossary of Historical Liguists Campbell, Lyle 2007 9780748645947 237p UG Library
417.7CRY 00092289 The future of Language / Crystal, David, Routledge, 9780415484909 (pack) p. cm. UG Library
418 BAS 00112004 Marginalised Identity Basar, Jumyir Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd 2012 9788131103838 ix; 256 p UG Library
418 BAY 05040256 Barron's 501 English Verbs / Bayer Thomas.R New Age International(P)Limited Publishers, 2008 9788122421323 xxi,648p.: Knowledge Centre
418 BEH 00098609 Language In The Real World : Routledge, 9780415774680 xii,377 p. UG Library
418 BEH 05022560 Language in the real world : Behrens, Susan Routledge, 9780415774673 (hbk : alk. pape xiii, 377 p. : Knowledge Centre
418 BER 07007562 Concise encyclopedia of applied linguistics / Berns, Margie Elsevier Publication,2010. 9789382291312 xvii,557p. Library - BR Campus
418 BER 05037779 Concise encyclopedia of applied linguistics / Berns, Margie. Elsevier, 2009 9780080965024 xvii, 571 p. Knowledge Centre
418 BOT 00079113 Second Language Acquisition: An Advanced Resource Book De Bot, Kees Routledge, 2005 9780415338707 30 3 p.: UG Library
418 BOT 00078301 Second Language Acquisition: An Advanced Resource Book De Bot, Kees Routledge, 2005 9780415338707 30 3 p.: UG Library
418 BRU 05022552 Directions in applied linguistics Multilingual Matters Ltd., 2005 1853598496 (hbk : alk. paper) xiii, 327 p. : Knowledge Centre
418 BRU 01014401 Directions in Applied Linguistics / Orient Blackswan Pvt Ltd., 9788125036555 327p.; Knowledge Centre
418 CHA 00121609 An introduction to applied linguistics Charlie, Allan Random Exports 2013 9789382226338 272p. UG Library
418 CHA 05037777 Critical applied linguistics Charlie, Allan Random Exports, 2013 0585372497 (electronic bk.) vii, 328 p. Knowledge Centre
418 COM 00115671 Speaking Effectively : Comfort, Jeremy Cambridge University Press.: 2002 9780521016773 127 p. : UG Library
418 COM 04015194 Speaking Effectively : Comfort, Jeremy Cambridge University Press.: 2002 9780521016773 127 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
418 COO 00121955 Principle & Practice in Applied Linguistics ed by,Cook Guy Oxford University Press, 1995 9780194421485 xi, 431 p.: UG Library
418 COO 05004620 Applied linguistics in action : The Open University ; | Routledge, 2010 9780415545464 (hc : alk. paper x, 282 p. : Knowledge Centre
418 COO 05022566 Second Language Writting Systems Cook, Vivian Viva Books Pvt. Ltd., 9788130905143 448 p. Knowledge Centre
418 COO 00060046 Applied Linguistics Cook, Guy Oxford University Press 2003 0194375986 | 9780194375986 134 p. UG Library
418 DAV 05022551 Glossary of Applied Linguistics [ma-English Section] Davies, Alan 0748622942 142 p Knowledge Centre
418 DAV 10003378 An introduction to applied linguistics : Davies, Alan, Edinburgh University Press, 2007 0748633545 (hard) | 0748633553 (pbk.) | 9780748633548 (hard) | 9780748633555 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xi, 199 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
418 DAV 05043245 The Handbook of Applied Linguistics / Davies, Alan Blackwell Publishing, 2004 9780631228998 866 p.: Knowledge Centre
418 DEB 05022564 Second Language Acquisition: An Advanced Resource Book De Bot, Kees Routledge, 2005 9780415338707 30 3 p.: Knowledge Centre
418 DOR 00095454 Research methods in applied linguistics : Dörnyei, Zoltán. Oxford University Press, 9780194422581 (pbk.) | 0194422 336 p. ; UG Library
418 DOR 05022559 Research methods in applied linguistics : Dörnyei, Zoltán. Oxford University Press, 9780194422581 (pbk.) | 0194422 336 p. ; Knowledge Centre
418 DOR 00057926 Motivational Strategies in the Language Classroom Dornyei, Zoltan Ambridge University Press, 2003 9780521793773 155 p.: UG Library
418 ELL 00100906 Understanding second language acquisition / Ellis, Rod. Oxford University Press, 019437081X (pbk.) 327 p. : UG Library
418 FLO 05043224 Aacademic Listening: Research Perspectives / Flowedew, John Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521455510 306 p.: Knowledge Centre
418 FRI 07014776 Applied linguistics in the real world/ Friedrich, Patricia. Routlrdge, 2019 9781138630338 xii, 184 p;. Library - BR Campus
418 GAN 05022565 Resisting linguistic imperialism in English teaching / Canagarajah, A. Suresh. Oxford University Press, 0194421546 viii, 216 p. ; Knowledge Centre
418 GAS 00096880 Second language acquisition : Gass, Susan M. Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group, 9780805854978 (hbk) | 08058549 xviii, 593 p. : UG Library
418 GOE 00115701 A Complete Guide to Idioms and Phrases Goel R.N. Vohra Publishers & Distributors 2004 8178890518 | 9788178890517 414 p. UG Library
418 GRO 05045071 Doing applied linguistics : Groom, Nicholas. Routledge, 2011 9780415566414 | 041556641X | 9 xiv, 205 p. ; Knowledge Centre
418 HAL 05056630 Mapping applied linguistics : Hall, Christopher J., Routledge, 2017 9781138957077 (hardback) | 978 Second edition. xxviii,415p.; Knowledge Centre
418 HAN 00115664 English Pronunciation in Use Hankock, Mark. Cambridge University Press 2003 0521547717 | 9780521547710 200 p. UG Library
418 HAR 05043286 Achieve IELTS 1: English for International Education/ Harrison, Louis Multilingual Matters Limited 8130908751 100p Knowledge Centre
418 HAR 05043285 Achieve IELTS 1: English for International Education/ Harrison, Louis Multilingual Matters Limited 8130908751 100p Knowledge Centre
418 HAR 05043287 Achieve IELTS 2: English for International Education/ Harrison, Louis Multilingual Matters Limited 8130908727 112p Knowledge Centre
418 HAR 05043288 Achieve IELTS 2: English for International Education/ Harrison, Louis Multilingual Matters Limited 8130908727 112p Knowledge Centre
418 HAS 00048592 The HBJ Reader. Haswell, Richard 1987 0155353233 486 p UG Library
418 HAW 00060141 IELTS To Success Hawthorn John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd, 2003 9814126829 176 p.: UG Library
418 HER 00110875 The Cambridge handbook of second language acquisition Herschensohn, Julia. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107007710 (hardback) | 978 xiv; 823 pages ; UG Library
418 HIN 05005186 Handbook of research in second language teaching and learning / L. Erlbaum Associates, 2011 9780415998727 xvii,998p. : Knowledge Centre
418 HYL 05044665 Corpus Applications in Applied Linguistics / Bloomsbury, 2013 9781472524867 260p.: Knowledge Centre
418 JAK 00056186 Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 1 Jakeman, Vanessa 2002 0521497671 156 UG Library
418 JAK 00056188 Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 1 Jakeman, Vanessa 2002 0521497671 156 UG Library
418 JAK 00056187 Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 1 Jakeman, Vanessa 2002 0521497671 156 UG Library
418 JOY 00126246 Exploring Literacies Joyce Silva De Helen Palgrave Macmillan, 2016 9780230545403 xxi ,420 p.: UG Library
418 KAP 00104257 The Oxford handbook of applied linguistics / Kaplan, Robert B. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195384253 (pbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed. xxx, 755 p. : UG Library
418 KLE 00115699 Exploring Common Pharses Kleiser, Geenville APH Publishing , 2005 9788176487184 230 p.: UG Library
418 KLE 00115656 Exploring Common Pharses Kleiser, Geenville APH Publishing , 2005 9788176487184 230 p.: UG Library
418 LEA 00103768 Phonological issues in language learning / Leather, Jonathan Blackwell, 1999 063121609X iii, 364 p. : UG Library
418 LIC 05007351 Linguistic theory and second language acquisition : Liceras, Juana M. G. Narr, 1986 3878082584 (pbk.) xi, 203 p. : Knowledge Centre
418 MAC 00121745 The Bloomsbury Companion to Second Language Acquisition Ernesto Macaro. Bloomsbury, 2013 9781441180353 viii, 357 p.: UG Library
418 MAC 00115044 Macmillan Dictionary of Contemporary Phrase and Fable Macmillans 2003 0333906373 677p UG Library
418 MAL 00112010 Voices Malshe, Anuradha Madhav Books 2011 9789380615059 xiv; 254 p UG Library
418 MAL 00068161 Linguistics and the Language of Translation Malmkjaer, Kirsten Edinburgh University Press, 2005 9780748620562 208 p.: UG Library
418 MCC 00068973 English Phrasal Verbs in Use Mccarthy, Michael Cambridge University Press 2004 0521605660 | 9780521605663 206 p. UG Library
418 MCC 00068974 English Idioms in Use Mccarthy, Michael New York 2003 9780521540872 190 p.: UG Library
418 MCC 05020303 Teaching Vocabulary : McCarten Jeanne Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521943253 30 p. : Knowledge Centre
418 MCL 07014411 Applying linguistics : Routledge, 2018 9781138237506 (hardcover) | 9781138237513 (softcover) xiii, 211 pages : Library - BR Campus
418 MEH 00138017 Handbook of Applied Language Linguistics and Literature / Mehta,S K. Ishika Publishing house, 2020 9789388454124 viii,263p.; UG Library
418 ORT 05004101 Understanding second language acquisition / Ortega,Lourdes. Hodder Education, 2011 9780340905593 xv,304p.; Knowledge Centre
418 PEN 07014408 Posthumanist applied linguistics / Pennycook, Alastair, Routledge, 2018 9781138209220 (hardcover) | 9781138209244 (softcover) First edition. x, 168 pages ; Library - BR Campus
418 RAI 00060048 Increase Your Vocabulary Word By Word Rai, Ajay Indiana Books 2003 8124203954 | 9788124203958 197 p. UG Library
418 RAI 00060049 Mark Your Words Rai Ajay Dr Indian Books, 2003 9788124203941 206 p.: UG Library
418 RIC 00039097 Error Analysis Richards, Jack C Longman 1984 9780582550445 | 0582550440 xi, 227 p. : UG Library
418 SAV 07002682 Introducing Second Language Acquisition / Saville-Troike, Muriel Cambridge University Press, 2006 9780521188449 viii, 206 p. Library - BR Campus
418 SCH 05022563 Better Vocabulary: in 30 Minutes a Day. Schwager, Edie Jaico 8172247516 189p Knowledge Centre
418 SCH 00115700 Better Vocabulary in 30 Minutes a Day Schwager, Edie Jaico Publishing House 1999 8172247516 | 9788172247515 189 p. UG Library
418 SCH 00070675 Better Vocabulary in 30 Minutes a Day (UGC Minority) Schwager, Edie Jaico 2006 8172247516 189p UG Library
418 SCH 05043223 An Introduction to Applied Linguistics / Schmitt, Norbert Hodder Arnold, 2002 9780340764190 344 p.: Knowledge Centre
418 SCH 04013575 An introduction to applied linguistics / Hodder Education, 2010 9780340984475 (pbk.) | 0340984 2nd ed. ix, 342 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
418 SEN 00056053 Modern`s Instant Vocabulary Sengupta, Amitav Mbd 765p UG Library
418 SHA 00108909 Applied Linguistics Sharma R.S Atlantic Publishers: 2012 9788126916580 2nd ed. xiv,198 p. UG Library
418 SHO 05022546 Linguistic landscape : Routledge, 9780415988728 (hardcover) | 04 viii, 352 p. : Knowledge Centre
418 SIM 05045064 The Routledge handbook of applied linguistics / Routledge, 2011 9780415490672 | 9780415658157 1st ed. xix, 725 p. ; Knowledge Centre
418 SLA 05053206 Second language acquisition / Slabakova, Roumyana, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199687275 (pbk.) | 0199687 First edition. xxi, 483 pages : Knowledge Centre
418 SPA 00044271 Guidelines: a Cross Cultural Reading/writing Text Spack, Ruth 0312259026 338 UG Library
418 SUS 05041813 Language in the real world : Routledge, 2010 9780415774673 (hbk : alk. pape xiii, 377 p. : Knowledge Centre
418 TIC 00127668 Second Language Learning in a Foreign Language Environment : Tickoo,Asha Terra Firma 2016 9788192047591 255p. UG Library
418 UPA 00140778 Applied linguistics / Upadhaya, S. D. Oxford Book Company; 2019 9789350305096 280 p. ; UG Library
418 WEL 05004653 The Routledge applied linguistics reader / Routledge, 2011 9780415566193 | 0415566193 | 9 xvii, 534 p. : Knowledge Centre
418 WIL 00101006 Doing task-based teaching / Willis, Dave. Oxford University Press, 9780194422109 | 0194422100 xv, 278 p. ; UG Library
418 WOR 00048643 Dictionary of Phrase and Fable Wordsworth Wordsworth Classics of World Literature 1853263001 1175p UG Library
418.001 HYL 07009844 Teaching and Researching Writing/ Hyland,Ken Routledge, 2013 9781408205051 Second Edition. XI,262 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
418.001 HYL 05004563 Teaching and Researching Writing / Hyland,Ken. Pearson, 2011 9788131755297 2nd ed. xi,261p.; Knowledge Centre
418.001 HYL 00128725 Teaching and Researching Writing/ Hyland,Ken Routledge, 2013 9781408205051 Second Edition. XI,262 Pages,: UG Library
418.0019 BEN 00132645 Teaching and researching autonomy / Benson, Phil, Longman/Pearson, 2011 9781408205013 (pbk.) | 1408205 2nd ed. xi, 283 p. : UG Library
418.0019 BEN 07009918 Teaching and researching autonomy / Benson, Phil, Longman/Pearson, 2011 9781408205013 (pbk.) | 1408205 2nd ed. xi, 283 p. : Library - BR Campus
418.0019 SEG 05004886 Cognitive bases of second language fluency / Segalowitz, Norman. Routledge, 2010 9780805856613 | 0805856617 | 9 xvii, 220 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.002 LIL 07011845 New technologies and language learning / Li, Li Palgrave Publication, 2017 9781137517678 x,246p.; Library - BR Campus
418.0028 WEN 00135706 Language aptitude : Wen, Zhisheng. Routledge, 2019 9781138563865 (hardback) | 9781138563872 (pbk.) xix,350p.; UG Library
418.00285 DUD 05022635 Internet and the Language Classroom:A Practical Guide for Teachers [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Dudeney, Gavin 9780521684460 171 p Knowledge Centre
418.00287 TAY 00107974 Examining speaking Taylor,Lynda Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521736701 xx; 386 p. cm. UG Library
418.004 BAM 05022636 Extensive Reading Activities for Teaching Language [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Bamford, Julian 9780521016513 220 p Knowledge Centre
418.007 MAR 07002688 Managing Curricular Innovation / Markee, Numa. Cambridge University Press, 1997 9781107400221 xi; 227 p.; Library - BR Campus
418.007 AND 05022511 Teacher Language Awareness [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Andews, Stephen 9780521530194 232p Knowledge Centre
418.007 BRO 05022556 Doing second language research Brown James Dean Oxford university press; 9780194371742 xi;314 p. Knowledge Centre
418.007 BRO 00101005 Doing second language research Brown James Dean Oxford university press; 9780194371742 xi;314 p. UG Library
418.007 COL 00057914 Literature in the Language Classroom Slater, Stephen, Cambridge University Press, 1987 0521309964 | 0521312248 (pbk.) vi, 266 p. : UG Library
418.007 COL 00057913 Literature in the Language Classroom Slater, Stephen, Cambridge University Press, 1987 0521309964 | 0521312248 (pbk.) vi, 266 p. : UG Library
418.007 COL 00106045 Literature in the Language Classroom Slater, Stephen, Cambridge University Press, 1987 0521309964 | 0521312248 (pbk.) vi, 266 p. : UG Library
418.007 COO 05055301 Second language learning and language teaching / Cook, Vivian, Arnold ; | Oxford University Press, 2008 034076192X | 9780340958766 4th ed. viii, 306 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.007 COR 00041165 Introducing Applied Linguistics Corder, Stephen Pit. Penguin Education, 1973 0140132082 | 9780140132083 | 0 392 p. ; UG Library
418.007 CUR 00131374 Methods and methodologies for language teaching: Curtis, Andy Palgrave, 2017 9781137407351 xv,242p.; UG Library
418.007 DAV 05022585 Ways of Doing: Students Explore Their Everyday and Classroom Processes [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Davis, Paul 0521585597 171 p Knowledge Centre
418.007 DUA 00096243 Language education : Dua, Hans Raj. Yashoda Publications, 8186055037 x, 320 p. ; UG Library
418.007 GEB 00057925 Language Teaching Awareness - a Guide to Exploring Beliefs and Practices Gebhard, G Jerry 0521639549 237p UG Library
418.007 GRI 05043208 Lessons from Good Language Learners / Griffiths, Carol Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521718141 324p.: Knowledge Centre
418.007 HAL 07009852 Teaching and researching language and culture / Hall, Joan Kelly. Longman, 2012 9781408205068 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xi, 264 p. ; Library - BR Campus
418.007 IGNC 07004367 Language and cultural diversity : Orient BlackSwan, 2014 9788125053941 | 9788125053958 2 v.; Library - BR Campus
418.007 JAK 00057927 Insight into IELTS Extra With Answers Jakeman, Vanessa Cambridge University Press. 2003 9780521546928 158 p.: UG Library
418.007 JAM 00050548 Errors in Language Learning and Use - Exploring Error Analysis James, Carl Longman 1998 9780582257634 304 p.: UG Library
418.007 JOH 05022514 Understanding Communication in Second Language Classrooms [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Johnson, Karen E 0521453550 187 p Knowledge Centre
418.007 KRA 00100997 Context and culture in language teaching / Kramsch, Claire J. Oxford University Press, 0194371875 (pbk.) viii, 295 p. ; UG Library
418.007 KRA 05022633 The multilingual Subject: Kramsch Claire Oxford university press; 2009 9780194424783 231 p. Knowledge Centre
418.007 LAR 00060045 Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching Larsen-Freeman, Diane Oxford University Press, 2004 9780195670158 2nd ed, 189 p.: UG Library
418.007 LIN 07002720 The Standby Book : Seth Lindstromberg Cambridge University Press, 1997 9780521154277 xii, 249 p. Library - BR Campus
418.007 LIN 05036839 The Standby Book : Seth Lindstromberg Cambridge University Press, 1997 9780521154277 xii, 249 p. Knowledge Centre
418.007 LIT 00073032 Foreign and Second Language Learning Littlewood, William. Cambridge University Press, 1984 0521254795 | 0521274869 (pbk.) 114 p. ; UG Library
418.007 MAR 00112538 Managing Curricular Innovation / Markee, Numa. Cambridge University Press, 1997 9781107400221 xi; 227 p.; UG Library
418.007 NUN 05043209 The Self-Directed Teacher: Managing the Learning Process / Nunan, David Cambridge University Press, 2000 0521497736 296p.: Knowledge Centre
418.007 NUN 07002701 Research methods in language learning / Nunan, David. Cambridge University Press, 1992 9781107400214 xii, 249 p. : Library - BR Campus
418.007 PAR 07002710 Tasks for language teachers : Parrott, Martin. Cambridge University Press, 1993 0521416485 | 0521426669 (pbk.) | 9781107400047 2nd ed. ix, 325 p. : Library - BR Campus
418.007 PAR 04009238 Tasks for language teachers : Parrott, Martin. Cambridge University Press, 1993 0521416485 | 0521426669 (pbk.) | 9781107400047 2nd ed. ix, 325 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
418.007 PAR 05043210 Tasks for Language Teachers: A Resource Book for Training and Development / Parrott, Martin Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521426664 325 p.: Knowledge Centre
418.007 PAR 00112550 Tasks for language teachers : Parrott, Martin. Cambridge University Press, 1993 0521416485 | 0521426669 (pbk.) | 9781107400047 2nd ed. ix, 325 p. : UG Library
418.007 PIE 07006569 Multilingualism and the periphery Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199945177 (hbk. : alk. pap ix,229p. Library - BR Campus
418.007 PIL 00138335 Language and communication Pillai, M N Velayudhan Jnanada Prakashan 2019 0582550343 (pbk.) 308p UG Library
418.007 RIA 05056628 The Routledge Encyclopedia of research methods in applied linguistics : Riazi, A. Mehdi, Routledge, 2016 9780415816274 (hardback) xiv, 384 pages ; Knowledge Centre
418.007 RIC 00045240 Approaches and Methods of Language Teaching Richards, Jack C Cambridge University Press. 1995 9780521012607 171 p.: UG Library
418.007 RIC 00112544 Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classrooms Richards, C. Jack Cambridge University Press 1996 9781107400184 xii; 218 p UG Library
418.007 RIC 00115665 Approaches and Methods of Language Teaching Richards, Jack C Cambridge University Press. 1995 9780521012607 171 p.: UG Library
418.007 RIC 00115666 Approaches and Methods of Language Teaching Richards, Jack C Cambridge University Press. 1995 9780521012607 171 p.: UG Library
418.007 SCH 05059767 Vocabulary in language teaching / Schmitt, Norbert. Cambridge University Press, 2000 0521660483 | 0521669383 (pbk.) xv, 224 p. ; Knowledge Centre
418.007 SLA 07002687 Literature in the language classroom : Slater, Stephen, Cambridge University Press, 1987 0521309964 | 0521312248 (pbk.) vi, 266 p. : Library - BR Campus
418.007 URP 07013020 Course in Language Teaching : Ur, Penny. Cambridge University Press, 2005 9780521671378 375p.; Library - BR Campus
418.007 URP 07002650 Course in Language Teaching : Ur, Penny. Cambridge University Press, 2005 9780521671378 375p.; Library - BR Campus
418.007 URP 07002651 Course in Language Teaching : Ur, Penny. Cambridge University Press, 2005 9780521671378 375p.; Library - BR Campus
418.007 URP 05022637 Course in Language Teaching : Ur, Penny. Cambridge University Press, 2005 9780521671378 375p.; Knowledge Centre
418.007 URP 05001854 Course in Language Teaching : Ur, Penny. Cambridge University Press, 2005 9780521671378 375p.; Knowledge Centre
418.007 VAN 05043211 Task-Based Language Education: from Thory to Practice / Van Den Branden, Kris Cambridge University Press, 2006 0052168952 284 p.: Knowledge Centre
418.007 WAJ 05059717 Classroom Observation Tasks : Wajnryb, Ruth. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9781107400153 viii,145p,; Knowledge Centre
418.007 WAJ 07002664 Classroom observation tasks : Wajnryb, Ruth. Cambridge University Press, 1992 0521403626 | 0521407222 (pbk.) viii, 145 p. : Library - BR Campus
418.007 WAL 07002723 Training foreign language teachers : Wallace,Michael J. Cambridge University Press, 1991 9780521189231 180p.; Library - BR Campus
418.007 WIL 01012241 Psychology for language teachers : Williams, Marion, Cambridge University Press, 1997 0521495288 | 0521498805 (pbk.) ix, 240 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.007 WIL 05022632 Psychology for language teachers : Williams, Marion, Cambridge University Press, 1997 0521495288 | 0521498805 (pbk.) ix, 240 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.007 WIS 05022634 Learning one-to-one / Wisniewska, Ingrid. Cambridge University Press, 9780521134583 ix, 210 p. Knowledge Centre
418.007 WRI 00057912 Games for Language Learning Wright, Andrew, Cambridge University Press, 1984 0521258618 (pbk.) | 052127737X New ed. vii, 212 p. : UG Library
418.007 WRI 05059724 Pictures of Language Learning / Wright, Andrew. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521152495 ix, 218p,; Knowledge Centre
418.007 WRI 00043770 Games for Language Learning Wright, Andrew, Cambridge University Press, 1984 0521258618 (pbk.) | 052127737X New ed. vii, 212 p. : UG Library
418.007 WRI 05022558 Pictures for language learning / Wright, Andrew, Cambridge University Press, 0521352320 | 0521358000 (pbk.) ix, 218 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.0071 WHI 03000444 From Teacher to Manager: Managing Language Organizations White, Ron Cambridge University Press 9780521709095 288p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
418.0071 AGN 05058818 Trends in language teaching / Agnihotri,Rama Kant Orient BlackSwan 2017 9789386296870 232p. Knowledge Centre
418.0071 AGN 00129025 Trends in language teaching / Agnihotri,Rama Kant Orient BlackSwan 2017 9789386296870 232p. UG Library
418.0071 ALL 00126656 Teach now! Modern Foreign Languages : Allan, Sally, Routledge, 2016 9781138016132 | 9781138016149 154 p.: UG Library
418.0071 ATK 00128481 Alternative approaches to second language acquisition / Atkinson, Dwight Routledge, 2011 9780415549257 1st ed. xii, 190 p. : UG Library
418.0071 BAC 00103905 Language assessment in practice : Bachman, Lyle F., Oxford University Press, 2010 9780194422932 (pbk.) | 0194422 x, 510 p. : UG Library
418.0071 BEK 05043207 Practice in a Second Language:Perspectives from Applied Linguistics and Cognitive Psychology / Dekeyser, Robert M Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521684040 323 p.: Knowledge Centre
418.0071 BEN 05047715 Second language acquisition : Benati, Alessandro G., Bloomsbury, 2016 0567104494 | 9780567104496 | 9 xii, 183 pages : Knowledge Centre
418.0071 BER 05005351 Understanding advanced second-language reading / Bernhardt, Elizabeth B. Routledge, 2011 9780415879095 (hardback : alk. xxi, 215 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.0071 BRO 05058962 The Cambridge guide to research in language teaching and learning / Brown, James Dean, Cambridgeuniveristy press, 2015 9781107485556 (pbk.) xx, 307 pages ; Knowledge Centre
418.0071 BUR 05043228 The Cambridge Guide to Second Language Teacher Education / Burns, Anne Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521756846 325p.: Knowledge Centre
418.0071 COH 00100891 Language learner strategies : Cohen, Andrew D. Oxford University Press, 9780194422543 (pbk.) | 0194422 viii, 336 p. : UG Library
418.0071 COL 05048572 Second language speech : Colantoni, Laura, Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107655751 xxii,407p.; Knowledge Centre
418.0071 COO 05047488 Second language learning and language teaching / Cook, Vivian, Routledge, 2016 9780415713771 (hardback : alk. Fifth Edition. ix, 334 p. Knowledge Centre
418.0071 DAV 00112797 Native Speakers and Native Users : Davies, Alan, Cambridge University Press, 2013 9780521119276 x, 177 p.: UG Library
418.0071 DEC 05069939 English : De Castro, Ana. Hodder Education, 2016 9781471880551 155p.; Knowledge Centre
418.0071 DEC 05069940 English Language Acquisition : De Castro, Ana. Hodder Education, 2017 9781471880612 156p.; Knowledge Centre
418.0071 DEC 05069941 English Language Acquisition : De Castro, Ana. Hodder Education, 2017 9781471880674 156p.; Knowledge Centre
418.0071 DEC 05069942 English : De Castro, Ana. Hodder Education, 2016 9781471868450 298p.; Knowledge Centre
418.0071 DOB 05022515 Using the Board in the Language Classroom [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Dobbs, Jeannine 0521654173 224 p Knowledge Centre
418.0071 FOT 00101015 Form-focused instruction and teacher education : Ellis, Rod. Oxford University Press, 9780194422505 | 019442250X 288 p. : UG Library
418.0071 GOR 05067280 Second language testing for student evaluation and classroom research / Gorsuch, Greta, Information Age Publishing, 2018 9781641130110 (softcover) | 9781641130127 (hardcover) xix, 371 pages : Knowledge Centre
418.0071 GRI 00106133 100+ Ideas for Teaching Languages Griffith,Nia. Continuum international Publishing Group 2008 9781846841880 151 P. UG Library
418.0071 HEA 05022516 Spontaneous Speaking: Drama Activities for Confidence and Fluency [ma-English Section] Heathfield, David Multilingual Matters Limited 2007 8130902877 95p Knowledge Centre
418.0071 HUR 05022512 Success with languages / Hurd, Stella. Routledge, 0415368367 (hardback : alk. pa 238 p. Knowledge Centre
418.0071 JON 05047607 Creativity in language teaching : Routledge, 2016 9781138843646 (hbk) | 97811388 xviii, 264 pages : Knowledge Centre
418.0071 JUL 07013123 Gender,Participation and Silence in The Language Classroom / Jule Allyson Palgrave Macmillan, 2004 9781349512522 179p.: Library - BR Campus
418.0071 LOE 05047594 Introduction to instructed second language acquisition / Loewen, Shawn, Routledge 2015 9780415529532 (hbk) | 97804155 x, 210 pages ; Knowledge Centre
418.0071 LON 05048014 Second language acquisition and task-based language teaching / Long, Michael H., Wiley, 2015 9781118882061 (ebook) 1 online resource (456 pages) Knowledge Centre
418.0071 LON 05007780 The Handbook of Language Teaching / Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781444350029 xix,803 p. Knowledge Centre
418.0071 MAL 05022510 Drama Techniques:A Resource Book of Communication Activities for Language Teachers [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Maley, Alan 9780521601191 246 p Knowledge Centre
418.0071 MAR 05057266 The handbook of classroom discourse and interaction / Wiley, 2015 9781118531129 (hardback) | 978 xv, 538 pages ; Knowledge Centre
418.0071 MEI 00106578 First and Second Language Acquisition : Meisel, Jürgen M., Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521552943 (hardback) | 978 xviii,302 p. UG Library
418.0071 MIS 00094133 Advanced English For Non-Native Learners Mishra D S Oxford University Press 9780195650785 119p UG Library
418.0071 NAS 05005198 Teaching grammar in second language classrooms : Nassaji, Hossein. Routledge, 2011 9780415802048 (hardback : alk. x, 167 p. ; Knowledge Centre
418.0071 NAT 00099721 Learning vocabulary in another language / Nation, I. S. P. Cambridge University Press, 0521800927 | 0521804981 (pbk.) xiv, 477 p. ; UG Library
418.0071 NOR 00112537 Critical Pedagogies and Language Learning Norton, Bonny Cambridge University Press 2004 9781107400122 xiii; 358 p UG Library
418.0071 NUN 05022557 Task-Based Language Teaching [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Nunan, David 9780521549479 222 p Knowledge Centre
418.0071 ORT 05007246 The longitudinal study of advanced L2 capacities / Ortega, Lourdes Routledge, 2008 9780415882194 xvi, 311 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.0071 ORT 05009487 Second language acquisition / Routledge, 2011 9780415450201 (set : alk. pape xxxiii,337 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.0071 ORT 05009488 Second language acquisition / Routledge, 2011 9780415450201 (set : alk. pape xxxiii,337 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.0071 ORT 05009489 Second language acquisition / Routledge, 2011 9780415450201 (set : alk. pape xxxiii,337 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.0071 ORT 05009490 Second language acquisition / Routledge, 2011 9780415450201 (set : alk. pape xxxiii,337 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.0071 ORT 05009491 Second language acquisition / Routledge, 2011 9780415450201 (set : alk. pape xxxiii,337 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.0071 ORT 05009492 Second language acquisition / Routledge, 2011 9780415450201 (set : alk. pape xxxiii,337 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.0071 OXF 07009873 Teaching and researching language learning strategies / Oxford, Rebecca L. Pearson Education, 2011 0582381290 (pbk.) XIV,333 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
418.0071 PUR 00123416 An Introduction to Language Learning and Teaching Gurohit,Krupa G. Cyber Tech, 2015 9789350534113 248p.; UG Library
418.0071 PUR 07000485 An Introduction to Language Learning and Teaching Gurohit,Krupa G. Cyber Tech, 2015 9789350534113 248p.; Library - BR Campus
418.0071 RIC 05058960 Key issues in language teaching / Richards, Jack C., Cambridgeuniversity press, 2015 9781107456105 (pbk.) xxii,826p.; Knowledge Centre
418.0071 RIC 00099787 Methodology in Language Teaching: Richards, Jack C Cambridge University Press, 9780521152037 vii, 422 p. UG Library
418.0071 RIC 07013025 Curriculum Development in Language Teaching Richards, C. Jack Cambridge University Press 2001 9781107400160 xiii; 322 p Library - BR Campus
418.0071 RIC 00106042 Methodology in Language Teaching: Richards, Jack C Cambridge University Press, 9780521152037 vii, 422 p. UG Library
418.0071 RIC 00112549 Curriculum Development in Language Teaching Richards, C. Jack Cambridge University Press 2001 9781107400160 xiii; 322 p UG Library
418.0071 RIC 05057358 Approaches and methods in language teaching : Richards, Jack C. Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781316617977 3rd ed. x,410p.; Knowledge Centre
418.0071 RIC 07002666 Curriculum Development in Language Teaching Richards, C. Jack Cambridge University Press 2001 9781107400160 xiii; 322 p Library - BR Campus
418.0071 ROS 05047606 Teaching and researching listening / Rost, Michael, Routledge, 2016 9781138840379 (hbk.) | 9781138 Third edition. xvi, 325 pages : Knowledge Centre
418.0071 ROS 07009843 Teaching and Researching listening/ Rost,Michael Routledge, 2016 9781408205075 Secong Edition XIV,397 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
418.0071 SAK 05047596 Study skills for linguistics / Sakel, Jeanette, 9780415720458 (hbk) | 97804157 xiv, 165 pages : Knowledge Centre
418.0071 SAM 00108345 Tasks In Second Language Learning Samuda,Virginia Palgrave Macmillan 2008 9781403911865 viii; 299 p. UG Library
418.0071 SCH 05037906 Vocabulary: Description, Acquisition and Pedagogy Schmitt Norbert Cambridge University Press 9780521585514 383p Knowledge Centre
418.0071 SIN 05022584 Language Learning, Teaching and Testing a Companion [ma-English Section] Singh, V D Cambridge 268p Knowledge Centre
418.0071 SWA 05038403 Sociocultural theory in second language education : Swain,Merrill. Orient BlackSwan, 2010 9788125046554 xvii,174p.; Knowledge Centre
418.0071 TOM 05044497 Developing Materials for Language Teaching / Bloomsbury, 2013 9781441151889 (Hardcover) Second Edition. xi, 561 pages : Knowledge Centre
418.0071 TOM 05038597 Applied linguistics and materials development / Continuum International Pub. Group, 2013 9781441195036 | 9781441109439 vii,335p.; Knowledge Centre
418.0071 TOM 05044663 Developing Materials for Language Teaching / Bloomsbury, 2013 9781441151889 (Hardcover) Second Edition. xi, 561 pages : Knowledge Centre
418.0071 TOO 00096659 Language teaching : Routledge, 9780415957533 (hbk.) | 0415957 viii, 182 p. : UG Library
418.0071 VER 05037124 A dynamic approach to second language development methods and techniques John Benjamins, 2011 9789027219985 (alk. paper) | 9 ix, 211 p. Knowledge Centre
418.0071 WEI 05035901 Applied linguistics review De Gruyter, 2011 viii, 334 p. Knowledge Centre
418.0071 WHI 07002675 From Teacher to Manager: Managing Language Organizations White, Ron Cambridge University Press 9780521709095 288p Library - BR Campus
418.0071 WOO 00127385 Planning Lessons and Courses: Woodward,Tessa. Cambridge University Press. 2010 9780521149174 xv,249 p.: UG Library
418.0071 WOO 00106043 Planning Lessons and Courses: Woodward,Tessa. Cambridge University Press. 2010 9780521149174 xv,249 p.: UG Library
418.0071 WOO 00115404 Planning Lessons and Courses Woodward, Tessa 0521633540 249p UG Library
418.0071 WRI 00106044 Games for language learning Wright, Andrew, Cambridge University Press, 2006 9780521618229 | 0521618223 3rd ed. xiii, 193 p. : UG Library
418.007104 OWE 05007251 Teaching design and technology in secondary schools : Owen-Jackson, Gwyneth Routledge, 2000 0415260728 | 9780415260732 (pb xviii, 326 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.0071041 SWA 05007250 Teaching modern Foreign Languages in Secondary Schools : Swarbrick, Ann Routledge, 1994 9780415260756 xvii, 312 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.0071073 REA 05011321 Language, education, and ideology : Reagan, Timothy G. Praeger, 2002 0897897528 (alk. paper) x, 199 p. ; Knowledge Centre
418.00711 BAI 07002683 Language Teacher Supervision Bailey, Kathleem . M Cambridge University Press 2006 9781107400207 xvi; 384 p Library - BR Campus
418.00711 BAI 05022509 Language Teacher Supervision: A Case-Based Approach [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Bailey, Kathleen M 9780521838689 384 p Knowledge Centre
418.00711 BAI 00112543 Language Teacher Supervision Bailey, Kathleem . M Cambridge University Press 2006 9781107400207 xvi; 384 p UG Library
418.00711 BAI 05036871 Language Teacher Supervision Bailey, Kathleem . M Cambridge University Press 2006 9781107400207 xvi; 384 p Knowledge Centre
418.00711 BUR 07002717 The Cambridge guide to second language teacher education / Cambridge University Press, 2009 9781107609822 viii,325p.; Library - BR Campus
418.0071RIC 00068591 Aproches and Methods in Language Teaching Richards, C Jack 0521012600 269p UG Library
418.0072 COF 05022586 Applied linguistics methods : Routledge ; | The Open University, 9780415545440 (hc : alk. paper x, 273 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.0072 AVI 07011853 Research methods for language teaching: Avineri, Netta Palgrave, 2017 9781137563422 xi,235p.; Library - BR Campus
418.0072 AVI 00131370 Research methods for language teaching: Avineri, Netta Palgrave, 2017 9781137563422 xi,235p.; UG Library
418.0072 BOW 05005065 The think-aloud controversy in second language research / Bowles, Melissa A. Routledge, 2010 9780415994835 (hbk.) | 0415994 x, 172 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.0072 DOR 05005060 Questionnaires in second language research : Doaan. Routledge, 2010 9780415998192 (hc : acidfree p 2nd ed. xiv, 185 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.0072 GAS 00134833 Data elicitation for second and foreign language research/ Gass, Susan M. Routledge, 2011 9780815349846 x, 212 p.; UG Library
418.0072 HOU 10003845 Dimensions of L2 performance and proficiency : John Benjamins Pub. Co., 2012 9789027213051 (alk. paper) | 9789027213068 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9789027273260 (ebk.) xii, 305 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
418.0072 LAR 05005219 A guide to doing statistics in second language research using SPSS / Larson-Hall, Jenifer. Routledge, 2010 9780805861853 (hbk.) | 0805861 xiii, 423 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.0072 LAR 05009387 A guide to doing statistics in second language research using SPSS / Larson-Hall, Jenifer. Routledge, 2010 9780805861853 (hbk.) | 0805861 xiii, 423 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.0072 MAC 07002073 Second language research : Mackey, Alison, Routledge, 2016 9781138808553 (hardback) | 978 Second Edition. xvii,433p.: Library - BR Campus
418.0072 PAL 05048563 Research Methods in Applied Linguistics : Paltridge, Brian, 9781472524560 (hbk.) | 9781472 xv, 590 pages ; Knowledge Centre
418.0072 PAL 05038760 Continuum companion to research methods in applied linguistics / Continuum, 2010 9780826499240 (hardcover) | 08 xiii, 370 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.0072 PER 05004685 Research in applied linguistics : Perry, Fred L. Routledge, 2011 9780415885706 (alk. paper) | 9 2nd ed. xxvi,285 p. Knowledge Centre
418.0072 PER 00128697 Research in Aapplied Linguistics Perry, Fred L. Routledge Taylor & Francis Groups 2017 9781138227750 (hardback) | 978 Third edition. xxiii, 260 p. : UG Library
418.00721 LOE 05056631 An A [to] Z of applied linguistics research methods / Loewen, Shawn, Palgrave, 2016 9781137403216 (paperback) x,210p.; Knowledge Centre
418.00727 HAL 00122975 A Guide To Doing Atatistics in Second Language Research Using SPSS and R Larson-Hall, Jenifer. Routledge Taylor, 2016 9781138024564 | 9781138024571 2nd ed, xviii,507 p.: UG Library
418.0076 ALD 07002684 Language test construction and evaluation / Alderson, J. Charles. Cambridge University Press, 1995 0521478294 (hardback) | 052147 310 p. : Library - BR Campus
418.0076 BAC 05022579 Statistical Analyses for Language Assessment [ma-English Section] Bachman, Lyle F 0521003288 364p Knowledge Centre
418.0076 BAC 07002705 Statistical analyses for language assessment / Bachman,Lyle F. Cambridge University Press, 2004 9780521189965 xiv,364p.; Library - BR Campus
418.0076 BAC 04008634 Language testing in practice : Bachman, Lyle F., Oxford University Press, 2009 9780194371483 (pbk.) | 0194371 vi, 377 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
418.0076 CHE 07011846 Assessment in the language classroom: Cheng, Liying Palgrave, 2017 9781137464835 xviii,246p.; Library - BR Campus
418.0076 CHE 00131372 Assessment in the language classroom: Cheng, Liying Palgrave, 2017 9781137464835 xviii,246p.; UG Library
418.0076 KAN 07014778 Assessment in second language pronunciation/ Kang, Okim. Routledge, 2018 9781138856875 xii, 177 p;. Library - BR Campus
418.0076 MCN 00111601 Language Testing/ McNamara, Tim. Oxford University Press, 2000 9780194372220 xv: 140p.; UG Library
418.0076 UND 00057907 Testing Spoken Language Underhill, Nic Cambridge University Press 2003 0521312760 | 9780521312769 117 p.: UG Library
418.0076 UND 00057908 Testing Spoken Language Underhill, Nic Cambridge University Press 2003 0521312760 | 9780521312769 117 p.: UG Library
418.0078 GOL 00092071 Working with images / Goldstein, Ben, Cambridge University Press, 9780521710572 (pb and cdrom) | x, 242 p. : UG Library
418.0078 MER 07011829 Technology for the language classroom: Mercado, Leo A. Palgrave, 2017 9781137497840 xviii,226p.; Library - BR Campus
418.0078 MER 00131371 Technology for the language classroom: Mercado, Leo A. Palgrave, 2017 9781137497840 xviii,226p.; UG Library
418.0078 SHE 00109939 Using Authentic Video in the Language Classroom Sherman, Jane Cambridge 2003 0521799619 | 9780521799614 ix, 277 p. : UG Library
418.0078 SHE 00067911 Using Authentic Video in the Language Classroom Sherman, Jane Cambridge 2003 0521799619 | 9780521799614 ix, 277 p. : UG Library
418.0078 STA 00110845 Language learning with technology Stanley, Graham. Cambridge University Press 2013 9781107628809 (pbk. : alk. pap xi; 250 pages cm. UG Library
418.00785 BEA 00128724 Teaching and Researching Computer-Assisted Language Learning Beatty, Ken. Routledge 2010 9781408205006 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xiii, 284 p. : UG Library
418.00785 SON 05068070 Language teacher education and technology : Bloomsbury academic, 2018 9781350094710 xiii, 186p. ; Knowledge Centre
418.00785 THO 05047610 Contemporary computer-assisted language learning Bloomsbury Academic, 2013 9781472586070 xxiii, 389 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.008 ALL 00013044 Readings for Applied Linguistics Allen, J. P. B. Oxford University Press, 1973 0194371220 | 0194370577 (pbk.) x, 284 p. UG Library
418​.02 PIE 00133002 Introducing translational studies. Pierce,George ED-Tech press, 2018 9781788823562 xi,300p.; UG Library
418.02 WEI 05022517 Translation : Oxford University Press, 0198711999 (hbk.) | 0198712006 xiv, 649 p. ; Knowledge Centre
418.02 AND 00095822 Translation Today Anderman Gunilla Viva Books Pvt.Ltd. 9788130905198 395p UG Library
418.02 BAK 05009374 Translation studies / Routledge, 2009 9780415344227 (set) | 04153442 4 v. :xxvi,357 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.02 BAK 05009375 Translation studies / Routledge, 2009 9780415344227 (set) | 04153442 4 v. :xxvi,357 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.02 BAK 05009377 Translation studies / Routledge, 2009 9780415344227 (set) | 04153442 4 v. :xxvi,357 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.02 BAK 05009376 Translation studies / Routledge, 2009 9780415344227 (set) | 04153442 4 v. :xxvi,357 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.02 BAK 10002654 In other words : Baker, Mona. 2018 9781138666887 3ed ., xviii,369 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
418.02 BAK 00104066 In other words : Baker, Mona. Routledge, 2011 9780415467537 (hardback) | 978 [2nd ed.]. 332 p. UG Library
418.02 BIE 00096631 Translation in global news Bielsa Esperanc Routledge 2009 9780415409735 (hc : alk. paper 162 p UG Library
418.02 BOA 05038761 A critical introduction to translation studies / Boase-Beier, Jean. Continuum, 2011 9781441189127 | 1441189122 | 9 vi, 187 p. ; Knowledge Centre
418.02 CHA 00048380 Translation and Understanding Chaudhuri, Sukanta Oxford University Press. 1999 9780195648775 89 p,: UG Library
418.02 CRO 05022582 Translation goes to the movies / Cronin, Michael, Routledge, 9780415422857 (hardback : alk. xviii, 145 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.02 DAS 05022553 A Handbook of Translation Studies Das Bijay Kumar Atlantic Publishers 2008 9788126904594 171 p.; Knowledge Centre
418.02 DAS 00144502 A handbook of Translation Studies: Das, Bijay Kumar Atlantic Publishers, 2000 9788126918065 3rd ed, 183p.; UG Library
418.02 DAS 00068160 A Handbook of Translation Studies Das Bijay Kumar Atlantic Publishers 2008 9788126904594 171 p.; UG Library
418.02 DAS 00099558 A Handbook of Translation Studies Das Bijay Kumar Atlantic Publishers 2008 9788126904594 171 p.; UG Library
418.02 DES 05044840 Narrating the Child Indian Context / Rakesh Desai Sarup Book Publishers P.Ltd., 2014 9788176259798 200 p. Knowledge Centre
418.02 DES 00111813 Between the Self and Other Translatioon as Praxis/ Desai, Rakesh. Sarup Book Publishers Pvt Ltd., 2013 9788176258609 1st Ed. xviii: 232p.; UG Library
418.02 GAR 05038407 Translation and Interpreting : Orient BlackSwan, 2007 9788125032076 xiv,269p.; Knowledge Centre
418.02 GEN 05022583 Contemporary translation theories Gentzler Edwin Viva Books 9788130905181 232p Knowledge Centre
418.02 GEN 00092113 Contemporary translation theories Gentzler Edwin Viva Books 9788130905181 232p UG Library
418.02 GRO 00104206 Why Translation Matters : Grossman Edith Orient BlackSwan ; 2010 9788125041672 135 p. UG Library
418.02 HAT 07014414 Translation : Hatima Basil Routledge, 2019 xviii,376p.: Library - BR Campus
418.02 HAT 05022520 Translation: An Advanced Resource Book [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Hatim, Basil 0041528306 373p Knowledge Centre
418.02 HAT 00073071 Translation an Advanced Resource Book Hatim, Basil Routledge 2005 9780415283069 373 p,: UG Library
418.02 HAT 00079138 Translation an Advanced Resource Book Hatim, Basil Routledge 2005 9780415283069 373 p,: UG Library
418.02 JI 00146332 Advances in empirical translation studies : Cambridge University Press 2022 9781108423274 (hardback) | 9781108437196 270p. UG Library
418.02 KRE 05044394 Translation and adaptation in theatre and film / Routledge, 2014 9780415829687 (hardback : alk. x, 224 pages ; Knowledge Centre
418.02 KUH 00103449 A companion to translation studies: Kuhiwczak Piotr Orient blackswan; 9788125041474 181 p. UG Library
418.02 LAN 05022631 Literary translation; landers Clifford E Viva Books 9788130905174 214p Knowledge Centre
418.02 MAL 00109623 The Oxford handbook of translation studies Malmkjaer,Kirsten Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199239306 | 0199239304 | 9 xvii, 607 p. : UG Library
418.02 MIN 00144605 (Re)Creating Language Identities in Animated Films : Minuteiia,Vincenza. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021 9783030566371 xxii,408p, ; UG Library
418.02 MUN 05039562 Introducing translation studies : Munday, Jeremy. Routledge, 2008 9780415396936 (pbk.) | 9780415 2nd ed. ix,236p.: Knowledge Centre
418.02 MUN 07009763 Introducing translation studies : Munday, Jeremy, Routledge, 2016 9781138912540 (hbk.) | 9781138 Fifth Edition. xvi, 376 pages ; Library - BR Campus
418.02 MUN 05022519 Introducing Translatin Studies: Theories and Applications MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Munday, Jeremy 0415229278 222 p Knowledge Centre
418.02 MUN 10004055 Multilingual Mediated Communication and Cognition/ Edited by Ricardo Munoz Martin and Sandra L Halverson Munoz Martin, Ricardo [Ed.] 9780367613198 vii, 176p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
418.02 PAN 00105628 Making of Indian literature : Paniker,Ayyapa. Sahitya Akademi, 1991 8172011156 : 313 p. ; UG Library
418.02 POC 05004759 The interpreting studies reader / Routledge, 2002 9780415224789 | 0415224780 (pb xii, 436 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.02 PRA 05067947 India In Translation, Translation In India / Bloomsbury, 2019 9789388414197 xxii, 325p.; Knowledge Centre
418.02 PRA 00106170 Translation and culture : Prasad G.J.V. Pencraft International, 2010 9788190941600 1st ed. 224 p. ; UG Library
418.02 RAH 00134358 In translation : Rahman, Anisur, Orient BlackSwan, 2019 9789352874620 | 9352874625 xii, 235 pages ; UG Library
418.02 RAO 00104254 Insights into literary translation and language in distinctive use / Vijayabhāskararāvu, Vāḍapalli, Authorspress, 2009 9788172734756 | 8172734751 x, 154 p. ; UG Library
418.02 RAV 00109529 Translation Studies Raval Piyush Viva Books 2012 9788130920528 vi; 238 p. UG Library
418.02 RAV 05017834 Translation Studies Raval Piyush Viva Books 2012 9788130920528 vi; 238 p. Knowledge Centre
418.02 RAV 07003962 Translation Studies Raval Piyush Viva Books 2012 9788130920528 vi; 238 p. Library - BR Campus
418.02 RAW 05038793 Translation, adaptation and transformation / Continuum International Pub. Group, 2012 9781441108562 (hardcover) | 14 xvi, 220 p. ; Knowledge Centre
418.02 RIC 00095338 Translation studies : Cambridge University Press, 9780521817318 xii, 244 p. ; UG Library
418.02 RIC 00104861 Translation studies : Alessandra,Riccardi. Cambridge University Press, 2002 0521817315 xii, 244 p. ; UG Library
418.02 ROB 00050543 Becoming a Translator - an Accelerated Course Robinson, Douglas Routledge 1997 9780415148610 330 p.: UG Library
418.02 ROB 05034240 Becoming a translator : Robinson, Douglas, Routledge, 2012 9780415615914 (hbk.) | 9780415 3rd ed. xii, 230 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.02 RUN 05074472 Max Weber : Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521292689 xii, 398p.; Knowledge Centre
418.02 SHA 00091682 Towards translation Shanti R Emerald Publishers 9788179662380 98p UG Library
418.02 SHA 00091681 Towards translation Shanti R Emerald Publishers 9788179662380 98p UG Library
418.02 STE 00088385 After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation Steiner, George Oxford University Press, 9780192880932 538p UG Library
418.02 STE 00096966 After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation Steiner, George Oxford University Press, 9780192880932 538p UG Library
418.02 TAI 05047694 Community translation / Taibi, Mustapha, Bloomsburry, 2016 9781474221658 | 1474221653 | 9 187 pages : Knowledge Centre
418.02 VEN 07013170 The translation studies reader / Routledge, 2012 9780415613477 | 9780415613484 (pbk.) 3rd ed. xiv, 546 p. : Library - BR Campus
418.02 VEN 00093033 The translation studies reader / Routledge, 0415319196 (hbk. : alk. paper) xiv, 541 p. ; UG Library
418.02 VEN 05037119 Translation changes everything : Venuti, Lawrence. Routledge, 2013 9780415696289 (hbk.) | 9780415 x, 271 p. ; Knowledge Centre
418.02 VEN 05022522 The translation studies reader / Routledge, 0415319196 (hbk. : alk. paper) xiv, 541 p. ; Knowledge Centre
418.02 VEN 05004644 The translation studies reader / Routledge, 2004 0415319196 (hbk. : alk. paper) 2nd ed. xiv, 541 p. ; Knowledge Centre
418.02 WAK 05044937 Decentering translation studies India and beyond / Orient Black Swan, 2009 9788125054580 xiii,223p.; Knowledge Centre
418.02 WAK 05038153 Decentering translation studies India and beyond / Orient Black Swan, 2009 9788125054580 xiii,223p.; Knowledge Centre
418.02 WEI 00099342 Translation : Oxford University Press, 0198711999 (hbk.) | 0198712006 xiv, 649 p. ; UG Library
418.020 HAT 07010060 Teaching and Researching Translation/ Hatim,Basil Routledge, 2016 9781408297636 XII,312 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
418.0201 PYM 05022581 Exploring translation theories / Pym, Anthony, Routledge, 9780415553629 | 0415553628 | 9 vii, 186 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.02014 PAL 05011570 Key terms in translation studies / Palumbo, Giuseppe. Continuum, 2009 9780826498250 (pbk.) 212 p. ; Knowledge Centre
418.020285 BHA 04024046 Machine Translation / Bhattacharyya, Pushpak CRC Press, 2015 9781439897188 234p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
418.020285 GOU 04013422 Learning Machine Translation / MIT Press, 2009 9780262072977 (hardcover : alk xii, 316 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
418.020285 GOU 04013423 Learning Machine Translation / MIT Press, 2009 9780262072977 (hardcover : alk xii, 316 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
418.020285 KID 00112007 Translating the Untranslatable Kidwai, Raheem, Abdur Sarup Book Publishers Pvt. Ltd 2011 9788176257534 xxviii; 346 p UG Library
418.020285 OLO 05022521 Introducing corpora in translation studies / Olohan, Maeve. Routledge, 0415268842 (hardback : alk. pa vii, 220 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.020285 RAI 05037106 Translation and web searching / Raído, Vanessa Enríquez, Routledge, 2014 9780415857291 (hardback : alk. x,212p.; Knowledge Centre
418.0203 BAK 00096741 Routledge encyclopedia of translation studies / Routledge, 9780415369305 (hardback : alk. xxii, 674 p. : UG Library
418.0207 BAK 07013174 Critical readings in translation studies / Baker, Mona. Routledge, 9780415469548 (hbk.) | 9780415 xvi, 508 p. : Library - BR Campus
418.0207 BAK 00102685 Critical readings in translation studies / Baker, Mona. Routledge, 9780415469548 (hbk.) | 9780415 xvi, 508 p. : UG Library
418.0207 BAK 00097895 Critical readings in translation studies / Baker, Mona. Routledge, 9780415469548 (hbk.) | 9780415 xvi, 508 p. : UG Library
418.02071 MIL 01022035 The Routledge handbook of translation studies / Routledge, 2013 9780415559676 (alk. paper) | 9 xvii, 571 p. ; Knowledge Centre
418.020711 BER 05042108 A companion to translation studies / John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2014 9780470671894 (hardback) First Edition. xv,638p.: Knowledge Centre
418.02072 ANG 05047597 Researching translation and interpreting / Angelelli, Claudia Routledge, 2016 9780415732536 (hbk.) xvii, 291 pages ; Knowledge Centre
418.02072 JIM 00130771 Corpus methodologies explained : Ji, Meng, Oxford university press, 2017 9780415716994 (hardcover) ix, 234 pages ; UG Library
418.02082 SIM 00104832 Gender in Translation/ Simon,Sherry Routledge 1996 9780415115360 x,195p UG Library
418.0209 VEN 05022580 The translator's invisibility : Venuti, Lawrence. Routledge, 9780415394536 (hardback) | 978 319 p. Knowledge Centre
418.02092 LAH 10004739 Translating myself and others/ Lahiri, Jhumpa Princeton University Press, 2022 9780691244785 x,198 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
418.02092 LAH 00143230 Translating Myself and Others Lahiri, Jhumpa Princeton University Press 2022 9780691244785 198p UG Library
418.020945 COR 00104900 Vernacular translation in Dante's Italy : Cornish, Alison, Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107001138 (hardback) vii, 274 p. ; UG Library
418.020952 SAT 05038794 Translation and translation studies in the Japanese context / Continuum International Pub. Group, 2012 9781441139825 | 9781441118851 viii,231p.; Knowledge Centre
418.020954 BIS 00121054 Text and Theory Biswas, Sarbojit Aadi Publications, 2015 9789382630418 246 p:. UG Library
418.020954 BIS 07001063 Text and Theory Biswas, Sarbojit Aadi Publications, 2015 9789382630418 246 p:. Library - BR Campus
418.02ECO 00084311 Mouse or Rat? Translation as Negotiation Eco, Umberto 0753817985 200p UG Library
418.03 OXF 00115689 Oxford Idioms: Dictionary for Learners of English: Oxford University Press Oxford University Press 2004 9780195669473 465 p: UG Library
418.03 WAI 00115048 Oxford Quick Reference Spelling Dictionary Waite, Maurice 2004 0198601689 214p UG Library
418.04 DEA 05056494 Retranslation : Deane-Cox, Sharon. Bloomsbury publishing Inc., 2014 9781441147349 (hardback) 210 pages ; Knowledge Centre
418.04 EMM 00131398 Literary translation and the making of originals / Emmerich, Karen bloombury academic, 2017 9781501329906 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781501329913 (hardcover : alk. paper) viii, 224 pages : UG Library
418.04 JON 05073848 Literature in motion : Jones, Ellen, Columbia University Press, 2022 9780231203029 | 9780231203036 xiv, 251 pages ; Knowledge Centre
418.04 NAR 05034184 Translation as a Touchstone/ Narasimhan, Raji. Sage Publication India Pvt Ltd., 2013 9788132109549 167p.; Knowledge Centre
418.04 NAR 00121356 Translation as a Touchstone/ Narasimhan, Raji. Sage Publication India Pvt Ltd., 2013 9788132109549 167p.; UG Library
418.04 NAR 00111587 Translation as a Touchstone/ Narasimhan, Raji. Sage Publication India Pvt Ltd., 2013 9788132109549 167p.; UG Library
418.04 SCO 07013686 The work of literary translation / Scott, Clive, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108426824 (hardback) XII,281 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
418.04 SCO 05042865 Literary translation and the rediscovery of reading / Scott, Clive, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107507654 xi, 226 pages ; Knowledge Centre
418.04 WRI 00132147 Literary translation / Wright, Chantal, Routledge, 2016 9780415745314 (hbk) | 9780415745321 (pbk) xii, 181 pages ; UG Library
418.041 BLA 00119241 Modern Italian Poets : Blakesley, Jacob S.D University of Toronto Press, 2014 9781442646421 (bound) | 144264 xiv, 375 p. ; UG Library
418.041 BOA 05048444 Translating the poetry of the Holocaust : Boase-Beier, Jean, Bloomsbury publishing Plc., 2015 9781441178657 (paperback) | 97 viii,82p.; Knowledge Centre
418.041 JAC 00144075 A Sociological Approach to Poetry Translation : Jacob, S. Routledge, 2020 9780367732707 xiv,257p,; UG Library
418.12 GIB 05022554 Language in the Law [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Gibbons, John Orient Longman Publications 8125026495 139 p Knowledge Centre
418.4 BIE 00115563 Teaching Reading at Key Stage 2 Bielby, Nicholas Stanley Thornes 2003 0748740406 208 p.: UG Library
418.4 JAN 00060051 Explorations: a Course in Reading, Thinking and Communication Skills Jansz, Oranee Foundation Books : 2005 8175961929 134 p.: UG Library
418.4 JAN 00068965 Explorations: a Course in Reading, Thinking and Communication Skills Jansz, Oranee Foundation Books : 2005 8175961929 134 p.: UG Library
418.4 KEN 01003587 Bedford Reader, Seventh Ed. (law Lib) Dorothy M Kennedy ST.MARTIN`S PRESS 0312197705 718p. Knowledge Centre
418.4 WAL 05022523 Critical Reading and Writing for Postgraduates [ma-English Section] Wallace, Mike 0001412923 223p Knowledge Centre
418.4019 BRA 05004907 Explaining individual differences in reading : Psychology Press, 2011 9781848729360 (hardback) 257 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.4019 BUR 00104223 Literary reading, cognition and emotion : Burke, Michael, Routledge, 2010 9780415872324 | 9780203840306 283 p. UG Library
418.4019 FIN 05005227 Letter Recognition From Perception to Representation / Psychology Press, 2009 9781848727113 127 p. Knowledge Centre
418.4019 PUG 05005178 How children learn to read : Psychology Press, 2009 9781848728431 (hbk. : alk. pap xxxiii, 343 p. : Knowledge Centre
418.4071 GRA 00106573 Reading in a second language : Grabe, William. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521509862 (hb : alk. paper xv, 467 p. : UG Library
418.40711 ZAD 00132485 College reading : the science and strategies of expert readers Zadina, Janet N., Wordsworth Cengage Learning , 2014 9781133964643 xxxi,658 p.; UG Library
418.40711 CHE 05047600 Reading in a second language : Routledge, 2016 9780415893923 (hardback) xvii, 315 pages ; Knowledge Centre
418.40711 FAN 00146334 Demystifying academic reading : Fang, Zhihui, Routledge 2024 9781032386881 | 9781032557915 249p. UG Library
418.4071WOO 00092066 Contemporary perspectives on reading and spelling / Routledge, 9780415497176 (pbk.) | 0415497 xi, 292 p. ; UG Library
418.409 TOW 05022555 The history of reading / Routledge, 9780415484206 (hardcover : alk 454 p. Knowledge Centre
418.409 TOW 00098560 The history of reading / Routledge, 9780415484206 (hardcover : alk 454 p. UG Library
418.4WAI 00072209 Read Faster Recalll More [dharmaram Library] Wainwright, Gordon Siga 8171085113 130 UG Library
418.82 NAG 00138933 Methodology in Translating Pre-Modern Texts / Sahitya Akademi, 2017 9788126053636 112p.; UG Library
418ARY 00055214 Newspaper Vocabulary Arya, Umesh Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126112913 224p UG Library
418BAR 00041351 Boost Your Vocabulory Barton, J G Jaico 8172244541 128 p UG Library
418BRU 00089016 Directions in Applied Linguistics:Essays in Honor B.Kaplan Bruthiaux, Pual Orient Longman Publications 9788125036555 327p UG Library
418DAV 00088822 Glossary of Applied Linguistics [ma-English Section] Davies, Alan 0748622942 142 p UG Library
418DUD 00041390 Rapid Reading Dudley, A Geoffrey Jaico 8172241534 159 p UG Library
418MCC 00068606 English Vocabulary in Use Mccarthy, Michael 0521003164 168p UG Library
418MCW 00070052 Critical Reading and Thinking (Dharmaram) Mcwhorter, Katheleen T 0536623538 464p UG Library
418MIC 00068604 English Vocabulary in Use Mc Carthy, Michael 0521016339 296p UG Library
418NAN 00048621 Use and Misuse of English Words and Phrases Nandy, Milon S.Abdul Majeed & Co 0983899443 148p UG Library
418RAD 00068417 Linguistics Radford, Andrew 0521544882 438p UG Library
418TRA 00068380 Key Concepts in Language and Linguistics Trask, R L 0415157420 378p UG Library
419 DAH 00115687 Communication in English Eith Advanced Skills Dahiya, R C S Chand 8121920639 416 UG Library
419 DAH 00115688 Communication in English With Reading, Writing and Grammer Skills Dahiya, R C S Chand 8121922429 306 UG Library
419 HAR 05064463 The impulse to gesture : Harrison, Simon, Cambridge unversity press, 2018 9781108417204 (hardcover) xix, 231 pages : Knowledge Centre
419 JES 00068091 Growth and Structure of the English Language Jesperson, Otto. Oxford University Press 1982 0190195980 | 9780195615982 244 p. UG Library
419 JES 00015976 Growth & Structure of the English Languge Jespersen, Otto Oxford University Press 1978 9th Ed. 244 p. UG Library
419 LEW 04015647 Sign language made simple / Lewis, Karen B. Doubleday, 1997 0385488572 1st ed. 255 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
419 MAT 00104720 Deaf Around The World Mathur Gaurav Oxford University 2011 9780199732531 xvii 398 p. UG Library
419.0721 ORF 05047602 Research methods in sign language studies : Wiley, 2015 9781118271414 (hardback) | 978 xii, 372 pages : Knowledge Centre
419.2 SEI 05033989 Understanding English as a lingua franca Seidlhofer, Barbara. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780194375009 (pbk.) | 0194375 xvii, 244 p. ; Knowledge Centre
419.54 DAV 05022550 Hand Talk; Davis,Jeffrey,E Cambridge university press; 9780521690300 244 p. Knowledge Centre
420 LER 00095349 You Can't Say That! Lerner Laurence Cambridge University Press 9780521140973 236p UG Library
420 LIN 03002689 English Language & Composition Lindner, Maureen Jaico Publishing House 8179925811 349 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
420 MUR 07010042 Emerging Trends in English Language teaching/ Murthy,Krishna Astha Publishers, 2016 9789382126836 292 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
420 WRE 00023427 The English Language Wrenn, C L Vikas Publishing House: 2000 0706999061 236 p.: UG Library
420 WRE 00024577 The English Language Wrenn, C L Vikas Publishing House: 2000 0706999061 236 p.: UG Library
420 AGG 00115051 Objective General English 10, 000 Plus Questions Aggarwal, R S S .Chand & Company Ltd: 2005 9788121915311 652 p.: UG Library
420 AGG 00070258 Objective General English 10, 000 Plus Questions Aggarwal, R S S .Chand & Company Ltd: 2005 9788121915311 652 p.: UG Library
420 AUC 00049905 Textbook of English for Engineers and Technologists Anna University - Madras Orient Longman Publications : 1999 8125017240 248 p.: UG Library
420 AUC 00049907 Textbook of English for Engineers and Technologists Anna University - Madras Orient Longman Publications : 1999 8125017240 248 p.: UG Library
420 AUC 00049909 Textbook of English for Engineers and Technologists Anna University - Madras Orient Longman Publications : 1999 8125017240 248 p.: UG Library
420 AUC 00049908 Textbook of English for Engineers and Technologists Anna University - Madras Orient Longman Publications : 1999 8125017240 248 p.: UG Library
420 AUC 00049906 Textbook of English for Engineers and Technologists Anna University - Madras Orient Longman Publications : 1999 8125017240 248 p.: UG Library
420 BAR 00048335 The English Language Barber, Charles Cambridge University Press 1993 0521669804 | 9780521669801 299 p. UG Library
420 BAR 00048349 The English Language Barber, Charles Cambridge University Press 1993 0521669804 | 9780521669801 299 p. UG Library
420 BHA 05074000 Englogue1 / Bhavani S. Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108726474 vii,207p.; Knowledge Centre
420 BHA 07008610 Compulsory english for civil and judicial services / Bhardwaj A P McGraw Hill Publication, 2016 9781259064081 ix,5.15p. Library - BR Campus
420 BHA 00023347 Study on the Methodological Contributions of Haridasarus of Karnataka Bharadwaj, R Vanathi 1983 132 p UG Library
420 BHA 00147070 Englogue 2: Bhavani, S Cambridge university press, 2020 9781108942348 ix,228p. ; UG Library
420 BHA 10003768 Englogue1 / Bhavani S. Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108726474 vii,207p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
420 BHA 00050473 English for Competitive Examinations Bhatnagar, R. P. Macmillan India Ltd 1994 0333925599 392 p. UG Library
420 BHA 00136696 Englogue 1 Bhavani,S Cambridge university press, 2019 9781108726474 viii,207p.; UG Library
420 BHA 00136697 Englogue 1 Bhavani,S Cambridge university press, 2019 9781108726474 viii,207p.; UG Library
420 BHA 00136698 Englogue 1 Bhavani,S Cambridge university press, 2019 9781108726474 viii,207p.; UG Library
420 BRY 00097886 Mother tongue / Bryson, Bill. Penguin Books, 9780141037462 269 p. ; UG Library
420 BUR 00025625 Oxford Guide to the English Language , Univ Yeshwanthpur Campus
420 BUR 00050177 Mastering English Language Burton, S. H. Macmillan 1992 0333515064 | 9780333515068 2nd Ed. 210 p. UG Library
420 CAR 00050545 Investigating English Discourse Carter, Ronald Routledge 1997 0415140668 | 9780415140669 247 p. UG Library
420 CHO 07008623 UGC-NET/JRF/SET English Literature (Paper-II & III) / Choudhary, Hira Lal Upkar Publication, 2016 9789350132562 6th ed. 580p.: Library - BR Campus
420 CRY 05022547 Fight for English: How Language Pundits Ate, Shot, and Left [ma-English Section] Crystal, David Oxford University Press 239p Knowledge Centre
420 CRY 00052890 The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language Crystal, David Cambridge University Press 1995 0521596556 | 9780521596558 489 p. UG Library
420 CRY 00096200 The Future of Language Crystal, David Routledge 9780415550611 184 p. UG Library
420 CRY 05022548 English as a Global Language [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Crystal, David 9780521530323 212 p Knowledge Centre
420 CRY 00097885 How Language Works / Crystal, David. Penguin Books, 9780141037363 500 p. ; UG Library
420 CRY 00048342 The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language Crystal, David Cambridge University Press 1995 0521596556 | 9780521596558 489 p. UG Library
420 DAH 00115685 Complete Course in English Dahiya, R C S Chand 8121924383 176 UG Library
420 DAH 00115683 English Dahiya, R C S Chand 8121924391 245 UG Library
420 DCE 00084967 Perspective English, Department Of Communication Department of Communicative English 2006 287p UG Library
420 DCE 00084965 Perspective English, Department Of Communication Department of Communicative English 2006 287p UG Library
420 DCE 00073267 Perspective English, Department Of Communication Department of Communicative English 2006 287p UG Library
420 DCE 00080357 Perspective English, Department Of Communication Department of Communicative English 2006 287p UG Library
420 DCE 00104643 Perspective English, Department Of Communication Department of Communicative English 2006 287p UG Library
420 DCE 00104634 Perspective English, Department Of Communication Department of Communicative English 2006 287p UG Library
420 DCE 00104633 Perspective English, Department Of Communication Department of Communicative English 2006 287p UG Library
420 DE 00117627 Blends: Voices from India Department of English Centre for publications, Christ University 2013 253p. UG Library
420 DE 00122614 Blends: Voices from India Department of English Centre for publications, Christ University 2013 253p. UG Library
420 DE 00123860 Blends: Voices from India Department of English Centre for publications, Christ University 2013 253p. UG Library
420 DEC 05073989 Blends : Department of English Christ University. Christ University, 2014 viii,406p.; Knowledge Centre
420 DEC 05073990 Blends : Department of English Christ University. Christ University, 2014 viii,406p.; Knowledge Centre
420 DEC 05073991 Blends / Department of English Christ University. Christ University, 2017 2nd ed 330p.; Knowledge Centre
420 DEC 05073992 Blends : Department of english Christ University. Christ University, 2016 1st Ed x,330p.; Knowledge Centre
420 DEC 05073993 Blends : Department of English Christ University, Christuniversity, 2014 2nd ed ix,252p.; Knowledge Centre
420 DEC 05073994 Thoughts and Quests II / Department of English Christuniversity Press, Christuniversity, 2012 vi,160p.; Knowledge Centre
420 DEC 05073995 Thoughts and quests II / Department of English Christuniversity. Christ University, 2013 vi,160p.; Knowledge Centre
420 DEC 10003784 Blends : Voices from India : Department of English Christ University Bangalore, 252p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
420 DEC 05074168 Blends : Department of English Christ University, Christuniversity, 2014 2nd ed ix,252p.; Knowledge Centre
420 DHE 05022549 Negotiating Empowerment: Studies in English Language Education Dheram, Prmakumari Orient Longman Publications 8125032312 225p Knowledge Centre
420 DIX 04014758 Complete Course in English / Dixson, Robert J. PHI, 2011 9788120305649 169 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
420 DOE 00071908 Thoughts and Quests II Department of English, Christ University 2012 vi; 160 p UG Library
420 DOE 00071920 Thoughts and Quests II Department of English, Christ University 2012 vi; 160 p UG Library
420 ENT 00096909 Virtual English : Enteen, Jillana B. Routledge, 9780415994293 (pbk) | 04159942 xiv, 208 p. : UG Library
420 FAR 00023198 Father Is Very Fond of Me Edward Farrell, J Dimension Books 1975 00023198 232 p.: UG Library
420 FOW 00027269 Linguistics & the Novel Fowler, Roger Methuen UG Library
420 FRE 05043226 From Old English to Standard English / Freeborn, Dennis Palgrave, 1998 0333691555 479p.: Knowledge Centre
420 GOA 05009390 The language of metaphors / Goatly, Andrew, Routledge, 2011 9780415586375 | 0415586372 | 9 2nd ed. xxii, 378 p. : Knowledge Centre
420 GUP 05032413 A New Concept of English Teaching / Gupta,J.P. ABD Publishers, 2013 9788183764186 207p.; Knowledge Centre
420 HAL 05047718 Studies in English language / Halliday, M. A. K. Continuum, 2005 0826458734 xxx, 353 p. : Knowledge Centre
420 HAL 00015536 Course in Spoken Enghlish Halliday, M A K Oxford 134p UG Library
420 HOC 00026083 Course in Modern Linguistics Hockett Charles, F Oxford University Press UG Library
420 JAI 00129893 UGC NET/JRF/SLET English Jain, B. B Upkar Prakashan, 2017 9788174826800 395 p . : UG Library
420 JES 00024319 Growth & Structure of the English Languge Jespersen, Otto Oxford University Press 1978 9th Ed. 244 p. UG Library
420 JOH 05043232 Values in English Language Teaching / Johnston, Bill Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 2003 0805842942 171p.: Knowledge Centre
420 KAP 00115049 General English for Competitions Kapoor, A N S Chand And Company Ltd,: 2005 00070259 526 p.: UG Library
420 KAP 00070259 General English for Competitions Kapoor, A N S Chand And Company Ltd,: 2005 00070259 526 p.: UG Library
420 KAP 00044342 General English for Competitions Kapoor, A.N. S.Chand & Co, Ltd 1998 9788121917629 469 p. UG Library
420 KIR 05029670 World Englishes: Implications for Intenational Communication and English Language Teaching/ Kirkpatrick, Andy Cambridge 257p Knowledge Centre
420 KIR 05022569 World Englishes: Implications for International Communication and English Language Teaching/ Kirkpatrick, Andy 9780521851473 257p Knowledge Centre
420 KIR 05022570 World Englishes: Implications for International Communication and English Language Teaching/ Kirkpatrick, Andy 9780521851473 257p Knowledge Centre
420 KRI 05044649 Eco English : N Krishnaswamy Bloomsbury, 2015 9789384898397 204 p. Knowledge Centre
420 KRI 00039118 English Teaching in India Krishnaswamy N. T.R. Publications 1994 818527496 109 p. UG Library
420 KRI 00121742 Eco English : N Krishnaswamy Bloomsbury, 2015 9789384898397 204 p. UG Library
420 KRI 00043425 English Teaching in India Krishnaswamy N. T.R. Publications 1994 818527496 109 p. UG Library
420 KRI 00043426 English Teaching in India Krishnaswamy N. T.R. Publications 1994 818527496 109 p. UG Library
420 KRI 01001077 Current English for Colleges N Krishnaswamy Macmillan India Limited 168p Knowledge Centre
420 LAI 05022545 Miracle of Language / Laird, Charlton World Publishbing Compnany, 1953 296 p .: Knowledge Centre
420 LEL 00108986 English Language Lele,Chitra G. Atlantic Publishers & Distributors 2012 9788126916603 xxi; 215 p. UG Library
420 LEU 05040551 The Routledge handbook of English language studies / Routledge, 2014 9780415676182 (hardback) xxx,520p.: Knowledge Centre
420 LIL 00015983 Introduction to Linguistics Liles, Bruce L Prentice-Hall 1975 336 p UG Library
420 LON 00041707 Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture Longman 0582237947 1500 p UG Library
420 LON 05029692 Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture Longman 0582237947 1500 p Knowledge Centre
420 MAR 00048378 Questions of English Marshall, Jeremy 0198692307 192p UG Library
420 MEH 00140980 The Book of Indian Essays : Black Kite; 2020 9789389253634 xvi, 446 p. ; UG Library
420 MIS 07011849 Relocating english language teaching in the indian context / Mishra, Prashant Yking Publication, 2018 9789387945036 ix,181p.; Library - BR Campus
420 MOH 05055246 Let's Play English : Mohan,Braj. Viva Books Pvt, 2017 9789386385529 x,100p.; Knowledge Centre
420 MYE 00048600 Guide to American English Myers, L M Prentice Hall 496 p UG Library
420 OCO 00115686 The Pocket Guide to English Language O'Connor, John. Cambridge University Press 2005 8175962771 | 9788175962774 184 p. UG Library
420 PAL 00050238 English Language Teaching Paliwal A. K. Surabhi Publications 1998 0818659910x 248 p. UG Library
420 PHI 00101812 Linguistic Imperialism Phillipson, Robert Oxford University Press, 9780195693096 ix, 365 p. UG Library
420 POP 07009242 Studying English literature and language : Pope, Rob. Routledge, 2012 9780415498777 | 9780415498760 3rd ed. xix, 427 p. : Library - BR Campus
420 POT 00004212 Our Language Potter, Simeon Penguin Books 1950 205 p. UG Library
420 POT 00011797 Our Language Potter, Simeon Penguin Books 1950 205 p. UG Library
420 PRA 07008637 UGC NET/SET/JRF English Literature Paper II & III / Prabha, Vishnu Deepak Series for Test Preparation, 2015 9788192778730 149p.: Library - BR Campus
420 RAI 00051868 Grammar Troublespots: an Editing Guide for Students Raimes, Ann 0521657598 169p UG Library
420 RAN 05045393 Communication Skills and Grammar Rani,Shobha M. SBW Publishers, 2015 9788185708492 viii, 364 p.: Knowledge Centre
420 RAS 00121369 Importance of phrases in modern english Rastogi D P Advance Learner Press 2014 9789383028702 279p. UG Library
420 RIC 05043227 English - BG 2001 Department of English - Assumption / Richards, Beulah Assumption University, 2000 68p.: Knowledge Centre
420 RON 05038770 English : Continuum, 2007 0826481752 | 9780826491756 (pb 2nd ed. 282 p. : Knowledge Centre
420 ROY 00048660 Student's Companion to the English Language Roy, Chhanda Bharathi Bhavan 1998 1st Ed. 210 p. UG Library
420 SAR 00084788 English Language Teaching: Principles and Practice Saraswathi, V Orient Longman Publications 2004 0812502655 174p UG Library
420 SAR 00121376 Techniques of teaching English Sarala M O Sonali Publications 2012 9788184110470 165p. UG Library
420 SHA 07015199 NTA UGC NET / JRF / SET : English (Paper-2) / Sharma, Mridula. Arihant Publications (India) Limited, 2019 9789326192514 23, 846p.; Library - BR Campus
420 SHA 05073146 NTA UGC NET / JRF / SET : English (Paper-2) / Sharma, Mridula. Arihant Publications (India) Limited, 2019 9789326192514 23, 846p.; Knowledge Centre
420 SHA 00111867 Teaching English : Sharma, S.P. Kanishka Publishers, Distributors, 2013 9788184574906 ix:150p.; UG Library
420 SHI 00010841 Old English Verse Shippey, T A Hutchinsons 220p UG Library
420 SIN 00050170 English Language and Linguistics Sinha, H.S. Mangal Deep Publications 2000 8175940603 | 003927008865 261 p. UG Library
420 SIN 00052613 English Language and Linguistics Sinha, H.S. Mangal Deep Publications 2000 8175940603 | 003927008865 261 p. UG Library
420 SIN 01002535 Handbook of Pre-Law English (law Lib) Uma Shanker Singh Pioneer Books 240p. Knowledge Centre
420 TAN 00109031 English For UGC-NET/ SLET and Other Competitive Examinations Tandon Neeru Atlantic Publishers: 2011 9788126915316 xi,585 p. UG Library
420 THO 00121397 The teaching of english in India Thompson M S H Sarup Book Publishers 2013 9788176258692 217p. UG Library
420 TOD 00029916 Introduction to Linguistics Todd, Loreto Longman 1987 135 p UG Library
420 UPA 05059235 Beary Language : Upadhyaya,Susheela P. Karnataka Beary Sahithya Academy, 2011 266p.; Knowledge Centre
420 URE 00025615 Perspectives on English Language Teaching Ure, J.m MACMILLAN 298 p UG Library
420 WRE 00061196 The English Language Wrenn, C L Vikas Publishing House: 2000 0706999061 236 p.: UG Library
420 WRE 00049121 The English Language Wrenn, C L Vikas Publishing House: 2000 0706999061 236 p.: UG Library
420 WRE 10000443 English for Competitive Examinations : Wren & Martin S Chand, 2021 9789352837564 xxii, 609p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
420 YAD 01001069 Current English: A Guide for the User of English in India K S Yadurajan Lawyers & Judges Publishing Company 183p Knowledge Centre
420 YAD 01001068 Current English: A Guide for the User of English in India K S Yadurajan Lawyers & Judges Publishing Company 183p Knowledge Centre
420 YAD 01001076 Current English: A Guide for the User of English in India K S Yadurajan Oxford University 0195651006 183p Knowledge Centre
420 YAD 01001110 Current English: A Guide for the User of English in India K S Yadurajan Oxford University 0195651006 183p Knowledge Centre
420 YAD 01001109 Current English: A Guide for the User of English in India K S Yadurajan Oxford University 0195651006 183p Knowledge Centre
420 YAD 01001108 Current English: A Guide for the User of English in India K S Yadurajan Oxford University 0195651006 183p Knowledge Centre
420 YAD 01001107 Current English: A Guide for the User of English in India K S Yadurajan Oxford University 0195651006 183p Knowledge Centre
420 YAD 01001106 Current English: A Guide for the User of English in India K S Yadurajan Oxford University 0195651006 183p Knowledge Centre
420.001 MOH 00062667 Teaching of English: a Practical Course for B.Ed Students Mohammad, Aslam Foundation Books 8175961686 210p UG Library
420.01 BOS 00057318 Teaching of English Bose, Kshanika. Doaba House 2002 465p. UG Library
420.01 NAG 00043768 English A t Work Nagaraj, Geetha Oxford University Press, 1994 0195634942 115 p, UG Library
420.014 LEW 00112073 Word Power Made Easy Lewis, Norman Book Palace, 2013 9788183071000 512p.; UG Library
420.014 LEW 04030454 Word Power Made Easy Lewis, Norman Book Palace, 2013 9788183071000 512p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
420.014 NOR 05022640 Word Power Made Easy Lewis, Norman Book Palace, 2013 9788183071000 512p.; Knowledge Centre
420.02 BER 05045072 In the presence of English : Berns, Margie Springer, 2007 9780387368931 (alk. paper) | 0 xviii, 161 p. : Knowledge Centre
420.07 GHO 00042074 Communicative Language Teaching. Ghosh, Rena Scholars Publishing Forum 1997 8185515034 vi, 200 p. : UG Library
420.07 GHO 00042072 Communicative Language Teaching. Ghosh, Rena Scholars Publishing Forum 1997 8185515034 vi, 200 p. : UG Library
420.07 GHO 00042073 Communicative Language Teaching. Ghosh, Rena Scholars Publishing Forum 1997 8185515034 vi, 200 p. : UG Library
420.07 PAL 00050077 Communcation Skills in English Paliwal, A K Surabhi Publications 2000 8186599193 127 p. : UG Library
420.07 SHA 00055128 Communicative Approach to the Teaching of English as a Second Language Shastri, Pratima Dave Himalaya Publishing House 2002 8178663406 190 p. : UG Library
420.070 CHO 00055146 Approaches and Methods in English Language Teaching Choudhury, Dr Namita Roy HimalyaPublishing House. 2002 8178663449 134 p.: UG Library
420.072 FCO 00115682 Research Perspectives on English for Academic Purposes Flowerdew, John 0052180518 460p UG Library
420.0954PET 04013573 Indian Vioce in ELT / Peter, Francis Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 2012 9788130917801 269p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
420.14 GRA 00102081 The Vocabulary Of World English Gramley, Stephan Oxford University Press Inc., 978034074071X xi, 323 p. UG Library
420.141 BAL 04022815 Spoken English / Balan, Jayashree Tata McGraw Hill, 2010 9780070704909 2nd Ed. 253p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
420.141 CUL 00099627 Early modern English dialogues : Culpeper, Jonathan, Cambridge University Press, 9780521835411 (hardback) | 052 xxii, 472 p., [8] p. of plates : UG Library
420.141 HAL 05043231 Linguistic Studies of Text and Discourse / Halliday, M A K Continuum, 2002 0826458688 301 p.: Knowledge Centre
420.141 HUG 00050546 English in Speech and Writing Hughes, Rebecca, Routledge, 1996 0415124808 (hbk.) | 0415124816 178 p. ; UG Library
420.141 SAS 04022816 Spoken English : Sasikumar, V Tatta McGraw Hill, 2008 9780070668232 2nd Ed. 281p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
420.141 THO 07008095 Grammar in everyday talk : Thompson, Sandra A. Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107031029 (hardback) xiv,341p.: Library - BR Campus
420.143 VAL 05057352 Meaning in English : Valenzuela, Javier, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107096370 (Hardback) | 978 xiii, 288 pages :b illustrations ; Knowledge Centre
420.143 VAL 07011688 Meaning in English : Valenzuela, Javier, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107096370 (Hardback) | 978 xiii, 288 pages :b illustrations ; Library - BR Campus
420.143 WEL 10005580 The meaning of more / Wellwood, Alexis, oxford University Press, 2019 9780198804659 | 0198804652 | 9780198804666 | 0198804660 First edition. vi, 216 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
420.19 GRE 07012827 Language functions revisited : Green, Anthony, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521184991 xli, 256 p. : Library - BR Campus
420.285 GEO 00102351 English algorithmic grammar / Georgiev, Hristo. Continuum, 0826487777 (hardback) viii, 256 p. ; UG Library
420.3 MAL 00089622 Primary English Encyclopedia: The Heart of the Curriculum Mallet, Margaret 2008 9780415451031 396 p.: UG Library
420.3 MCA 00096278 Concise Oxford companion to the English language / McArthur Tom Oxford University Press, 9780192806376 (pbk.) | 0192806 xvii, 692 p. : UG Library
420.34 LOG 05022760 Real Listening & Speaking 2 With Answers [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Logan, Sally 9780521702003 111 p Knowledge Centre
420.4 VAU 00087325 Twentieth Century English Vaughn, Sharon Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2007 9788126133321 273 p.: UG Library
420.5 PAU 07009911 English Language and Linguistics A Simplified Approach / Paul D.S Atlantic Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd, 2016 9788126921379 x,281p.: Library - BR Campus
420.7 ALL 00014321 Teaching English as a Second Language Allen, Harold Byron Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company | McGraw-Hill International 1972 2d ed. x, 449 p. UG Library
420.7 ASL 04009239 Teaching of English : Aslam, Mohammad Foundation books, 2008 9788175965911 2nd ed. 224 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
420.7 DSO 00111818 Research in English Language/ D'Souza, Lawrence. Cyber Tech Publications, 2012 9788178849577 278p.; UG Library
420.7 ENG 05017503 The global future of English studies English, James F., John Wiley & Sons, 2012 9781119944645 | 9780470654941 xv, 202 p. : Knowledge Centre
420.7 GEO 00102336 Teaching english as a second language; George Sebastian Commonwealth; 9788131102381 261 p. UG Library
420.7 SIN 00115050 Teaching of English Singh, Dr Y K APH 2005 8176487120 293p UG Library
420.71 DUF 00039080 Transalation Duff, Alan Oxford University Press | ELBS 1989 0194421422 ELBS Edition 160 p. : UG Library
420.71 QUI 05070363 The use of english / Quirk, Randolph. Longman Group Limited, 1962 2nd Ed viii,370p.; Knowledge Centre
420.710 KUM 07014606 English Language Teaching: kumar,Shravan Atlantic Publishers & Distributors, 2016 9788126922796 X,274 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
420.71042 WHI 03000432 Management in English Language Teaching White, Ron Cambridge University Press 9780521377638 348 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
420.71054 VIS 05041990 Masks of conquest : Viswanathan, Gauri, 9780231171694 | 9780231539425 Twenty-fifth anniversary edition. 1 online resource (241 pages) Knowledge Centre
420.710941 BAR 00138758 English in Practice : Barry, Peter, Bloomsbury, 2014 9781780930336 2nd ed, viii, 264 p.: UG Library
420.710941 BAR 00121744 English in Practice : Barry, Peter, Bloomsbury, 2014 9781780930336 2nd ed, viii, 264 p.: UG Library
420.7129 SAL 00102702 A companion to Teaching of English; Salim.B Atlantic; 9788171569908 213 p. UG Library
420.72 CLA 00099325 Studying language : Clark, Urszula. Palgrave Macmillan, 9781403922076 (cloth) | 140392 xi, 186 p. ; UG Library
420.72 FAZ 00080283 Communicative Method in Elt: An Indian Perspective Fazili, Mubeena Atlantic, 2013 8126907312 | 9788126907311 190p.; UG Library
420.72 FAZ 00112244 Communicative Method in Elt: An Indian Perspective Fazili, Mubeena Atlantic, 2013 8126907312 | 9788126907311 190p.; UG Library
420.72 FAZ 05021897 Communicative Method in ELT: An Indian Perspective Fazili, Mubeena Atlantic 8126907312 190p Knowledge Centre
420.72 PAR 00079291 Improving English Teaching Parida, B R Discovery Publishing House 2007 8183563341 | 9788183563345 230 p. : UG Library
420.72 SEA 00102062 Researching English language : Sealey, Alison. Routledge, 9780415468978 | 0415468973 | 9 xvii, 248 p. : UG Library
420.72 SIN 07011833 Research Methodology in English / Sindkhedkar S.D.Dr International Publications, 2018 9789387556263 248p.: Library - BR Campus
420.72 SRI 05045256 Research methodology in English / Srivastava,Raju. Sublime Publications, 2013 9788181922496 248p.; Knowledge Centre
420.76 HAD 00100995 Classroom Dynamics Hadfield Jill Oxfoed University press; 9780194371476 180 p. UG Library
420.7PER 00015555 Teachers of English as a Second Language Their Training &preparation Perren, G E Longman 229p UG Library
420.8 PAU 07012144 English Language and Linguistics/ Paul D S. Atlantic Publishers & Distributors, 2018 9788126926121 XVI,368 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
420.8 BOL 00007598 The English Language Bolton, W. F. Cambridge U.P., 1966 0521073251(v.2) 2 v. UG Library
420.9 MAY 00135167 The Routledge companion to English language studies / Maybin, Janet, Routledge, 2010 9780415401739 (hbk.) | 0415401739 (hbk.) | 9780415403382 (pbk.) | 0415403383 (pbk.) | 9780203878958 (ebook) | 0203878957 (ebook) | 9781138033450 xii, 324 p. : UG Library
420.9 MAY 05022621 The Routledge companion to English language studies / Maybin, Janet, Routledge, 2010 9780415401739 (hbk.) | 0415401739 (hbk.) | 9780415403382 (pbk.) | 0415403383 (pbk.) | 9780203878958 (ebook) | 0203878957 (ebook) | 9781138033450 xii, 324 p. : Knowledge Centre
420.9 ALG 05047728 The origins and development of the English language / Algeo, John. Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2010 9781428231450 (hardcover) | 14 6th ed. xv, 347 p. : Knowledge Centre
420.9 BAR 00110879 The English Language: A Historical Indroduction Barber,Charles. Cambridge University Press 2009 9781107693937 2nd Ed. xiii; 306 p. UG Library
420.9 BAU 07009893 A history of the english language / Baugh, Albert C Routledge Publication, 2016 9781138236233 6th ed. xv,428p. Library - BR Campus
420.9 BAU 07007582 A history of the english language / Baugh, Albert C Routledge Publication, 2016 9781138236233 6th ed. xv,428p. Library - BR Campus
420.9 BRA 05022641 Adventure of English: The Biography of a Language [ma-English Section] Bragg, Melvyn 0340829931 354p Knowledge Centre
420.9 BRA 05022642 Adventure of English: The Biography of a Language [ma.English Section] Bragg, Melvyn 0340829931 354p Knowledge Centre
420.9 BRI 07011571 Old English / Brinton, Laurel J De Gruyter Mouton 2017 9783110522730 (softcover) 272p. Library - BR Campus
420.9 BRI 01017578 The English language : Brinton, Laurel J. OUP Canada, 2011 9780195431575 (pbk.) | 0195431 2nd ed. xxii, 602 p. : Knowledge Centre
420.9 BRI 00129277 Old English / Brinton, Laurel J De Gruyter Mouton 2017 9783110522730 (softcover) 272p. UG Library
420.9 BRI 00129275 Historical outlines from sound to text / Brinton, Laurel J DE Gruyter 2017 9783110522389 (softcover) 255p. UG Library
420.9 BUR 07009258 The history of the English language : Burnley, J. D. Longman, 2000 0582312639 2nd ed. xxii, 418 p. : Library - BR Campus
420.9 GOO 00104756 The Story of English Gooden,Philip. Quercus 2009 9780857383280 296 P. UG Library
420.9 HOG 05032581 The Cambridge history of the English language / Cambridge University Press, 1992 052126474X (v. 1) | 0521264758 6 v. : Knowledge Centre
420.9 HOG 05022654 History of the English Language [ma-English Section] Hogg, Richard 9780521717991 495p Knowledge Centre
420.9 HOG 05032582 The Cambridge history of the English language / Cambridge University Press, 1992 052126474X (v. 1) | 0521264758 6 v. : Knowledge Centre
420.9 HOG 05032583 The Cambridge history of the English language / Cambridge University Press, 1992 052126474X (v. 1) | 0521264758 6 v. : Knowledge Centre
420.9 HOG 05032584 The Cambridge history of the English language / Cambridge University Press, 1992 052126474X (v. 1) | 0521264758 6 v. : Knowledge Centre
420.9 HOG 05032585 The Cambridge history of the English language / Cambridge University Press, 1992 052126474X (v. 1) | 0521264758 6 v. : Knowledge Centre
420.9 HOG 05032586 The Cambridge history of the English language / Cambridge University Press, 1992 052126474X (v. 1) | 0521264758 6 v. : Knowledge Centre
420.9 HOG 05022655 History of the English Language [ma.English Section] Hogg, Richard 9780521717991 495p Knowledge Centre
420.9 HOG 05043230 A History of the English Language / Hogg, Richard Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521717991 495p.: Knowledge Centre
420.9 JOH 00102320 Encyclopedia of Language and linguistics; John Patrick Commonwealth; 9788131102725 276 p. UG Library
420.9 JOH 00102321 Encyclopedia of Language and linguistics; John Patrick Commonwealth; 9788131102725 276 p. UG Library
420.9 JOH 00102322 Encyclopedia of Language and linguistics; John Patrick Commonwealth; 9788131102725 276 p. UG Library
420.9 JOH 00102323 Encyclopedia of Language and linguistics; John Patrick Commonwealth; 9788131102725 276 p. UG Library
420.9 JOH 00102324 Encyclopedia of Language and linguistics; John Patrick Commonwealth; 9788131102725 276 p. UG Library
420.9 JOH 00102325 Encyclopedia of Language and linguistics; John Patrick Commonwealth; 9788131102725 276 p. UG Library
420.9 JOH 00102326 Encyclopedia of Language and linguistics; John Patrick Commonwealth; 9788131102725 276 p. UG Library
420.9 JOH 00102327 Encyclopedia of Language and linguistics; John Patrick Commonwealth; 9788131102725 276 p. UG Library
420.9 JOH 00102328 Encyclopedia of Language and linguistics; John Patrick Commonwealth; 9788131102725 276 p. UG Library
420.9 JOH 00102329 Encyclopedia of Language and linguistics; John Patrick Commonwealth; 9788131102725 276 p. UG Library
420.9 KEM 00091366 The handbook of the history of English / Blackwell Pub., 063123344X (hardcover : alk. p xvi, 655 p. : UG Library
420.9 KRI 07002721 The story of English in India / Krishnaswamy,N. Foundation Books, 2013 9788175963122 vii,226p.; Library - BR Campus
420.9 LAT 00137931 History of english language Latham,R.G Rajat publications, 2020 97881873174012 xix,309p.; UG Library
420.9 LAT 07014580 History of english language Latham,R.G Rajat publications, 2020 97881873174012 xix,309p.; Library - BR Campus
420.9 MAC 07010075 What is English? : Machan, Tim William. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199601257 | 0199601259 First edition. viii, 404 pages ; Library - BR Campus
420.9 MCC 03009025 Globish : McCrum, Robert. W.W. Norton & Co., 2010 9780393062557 1st ed. xii, 331 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
420.9 MOM 00086904 History of the English Language. Momma, Haruko Blackwell 2008 9781405129923 690p UG Library
420.9 MUG 05034294 The Oxford History of English / Mugglestone, Lynda. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780199660162 1st Ed. xii, 600 pages : Knowledge Centre
420.9 NEL 00106589 Intelligibility in world Englishes : Nelson, Cecil L. Routledge, 2011 9780415871815 (alk. paper) | 9 xiii,134 p. UG Library
420.9 NEV 05048889 The Oxford handbook of the history of English / Oxford University Press, 2012 9780190627881 xxxix, 942 pages : Knowledge Centre
420.9 PHI 05022643 Linguistic imperialism continued / Phillipson, Robert. Routledge, 9780415872010 (pbk) 288 p. ; Knowledge Centre
420.9 PHI 00094438 Linguistic imperialism continued / Phillipson, Robert. Routledge, 9788125037484 p. cm. UG Library
420.9 PHI 00091411 Linguistic imperialism continued / Phillipson, Robert. Routledge, 9788125037484 p. cm. UG Library
420.9 RIN 00104710 From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic / Ringe, Donald A., Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199552290 (pbk.) | 0199552 vi, 355 p. ; UG Library
420.9 SCH 05034032 English as a contact language Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107001961 (hardback) vii,388 p.: Knowledge Centre
420.9 SEA 10004422 The Routledge Handbook of English Language Studies/ Seargeant, Philip [Ed.], Hewings, Ann [Ed.] and Pihlaja, Stephen [Ed] Routledge 2018 9781032339061 1st Ed. xiv, 468p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
420.9 SIN 00088638 History of English: Singh, Ishtla Hodder 2005 0340806958 | 9780340806951 226p UG Library
420.9 SIN 00089600 History of English: Singh, Ishtla Hodder 2005 0340806958 | 9780340806951 226p UG Library
420.9 TOU 00106727 Language history of the Kamta and cooch Behar Resion Toulmin,Mathew Foundation books 2009 9788175968974 xiv;259 P. UG Library
420.9 WOO 00011681 An Outline History of the English Language Wood, Frederick T. Macmillan, 1969 0333019873 2nd ed. x, 305 p. UG Library
420.9 WOO 00089287 Outline History of the English Language: 2nd Edition Wood, Frederick T Macmillan India Limited 305 p UG Library
420.9171241 RAM 00101370 The English-Vernacular Divide: Ramanathan Vaidehi Orient Longman; 9788125030720 143 p. UG Library
420.9171241 RAM 05022735 English- Vernacular Divide: Post Colonial Language Politics and Practice [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Ramanathan, Vaidehi Orient Longman Publications 8125030727 143p Knowledge Centre
420.954 CHA 00116900 The Sexual Life of English Chandra Shefali Zubaan, 2012 9789383074310 275 p.: UG Library
420.954 HOL 07002461 Trends in Indian English Novels / Holeyannavar, Nagraj G Manglam Publications, 2014 9789382983231 298 p. Library - BR Campus
420.954 MIS 07013768 Language policy and education in India : Routledge, 2017 9781138220089 First South Asia edition. xii, 257 pages ; Library - BR Campus
420.954SAN.C 00073917 Indlish:The Book fo Every English Speaking Indian(dharmaram Library) Sanyal, Jyoti Multilingual Matters Limited 8130902818 394p UG Library
420.95KAC 00094107 Asian Englishes Beyond the Canon Kachru, Braj B Oxford University 9780195678338 333p UG Library
420.95KAC 00088797 Asian Englishes Beyond the Canon Kachru, Braj B Oxford University 9780195678338 333p UG Library
420.9BAU 00013902 History of the English Language Baugh, Albert C Allied UG Library
420.9MUG 00095390 Oxford History of English (law Lib) Lynda Muggle Stone Oxford University Press 9780199544394 485p UG Library
420.9MUG 01010147 Oxford History of English (law Lib) Lynda Muggle Stone Oxford University Press 9780199544394 485p Knowledge Centre
420ALG 00009282 Problems in the Origins and Development of the English Language Algeo, John Harcourt & Row 292p UG Library
420CHO 00027271 Language and Responsibility Chomsky, Noam Pantheen UG Library
420DIG 05022568 IGCSE English as a Second Language [ma-English Section] Digger, Alison 255p Knowledge Centre
420FOW1 00003625 Fowlers Modern English Usage Fowler, H W UG Library
420FRO 00012046 Introduction to Languages Fromkin, Victoria Holt 356p UG Library
420GLE.6T 00026082 Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics Gleason, H.a Oxford University Press 503 p UG Library
420LEE 00003623 Glossary of Prases With Rthomas, Lee Crowel UG Library
420LOW.1 00088257 English Language for Beginners Lowe, Michelle Orient Longman Publications 0812501912 204p UG Library
420LOW.G 00058707 English Language - for Beginners Lowe, Michelle Orient Longman Publications 0812501912 204p UG Library
420MCA 00045234 Oxford Companion to the English Literature Mcarthur, Tom 0198631367 1045 p UG Library
420MIL 00003624 Modern English Computer and Precis Writing Millan, Naryarett J D b t UG Library
420NUR 00009200 All About Words Nurnberg, Maxwell Prentice-Hall 400 p UG Library
420SHA 00055482 English Translation, Composition & Grammar ( Ug-English ) Usmani, Naved Ahmad Educational Book House 280p UG Library
420WRE.7U 00024578 English Language Wrenn, C.l Vikas 235 p UG Library
421 ABE 00013042 Studies in Phonetics and Linguistics Abercrombie, David Oxford University 1971 151 UG Library
421 APT 04014775 Course in Engllish Communication : Apte, Madhavi PHI, 2009 9788120330726 204 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
421 CEN 00048360 Exercises in Spoken English Central Institute of English and Foreign Language, Oxford University Press 1974 0195603052 viii, 61 p. : UG Library
421 CEN 00021438 Exercises in Spoken English Central Institute of English and Foreign Language, Oxford University Press 1974 0195603052 viii, 61 p. : UG Library
421 CEN 00048362 Exercises in Spoken English Central Institute of English and Foreign Language, Oxford University Press 1977 0195611756 ix, 96 p. : UG Library
421 CEN 00013021 Exercises in Spoken English Central Institute of English and Foreign Language, Oxford University Press 1974 0195603052 viii, 61 p. : UG Library
421 CEN 00021439 Exercises in Spoken English Central Institute of English and Foreign Language, Oxford University Press 1977 ix, 51 p. : UG Library
421 CEN 00021440 Exercises in Spoken English Central Institute of English and Foreign Language, Oxford University Press 1977 0195611756 ix, 96 p. : UG Library
421 DSD 00024657 Prose Selections. Dsdt, DPSP 1999 135p UG Library
421 ENK 00013043 Linguistics and Style Enkvist, Nils Erik Oxford University Press 1964 019437016X xii109 p. : UG Library
421 HAY 00013045 Language Laboratory Facilities Hayes, A.s Oxford University 138 p UG Library
421 KHA 00121395 A Students' handbook of spoken english Khan Amirullah Sarup Book Publications 2010 9788176259439 92p. UG Library
421 MAC 00013050 Practice Book of English Speech Maccarthy, Peter London 1969 102 p.: UG Library
421 MCM 00017471 English Idioms and How to Use Them McMordie, W. [from old catalog] H. Milford, Oxford university press, 1935 416 p. UG Library
421 RAM 00130065 Write It Right Punctuation Ram, Hari Rajat Publication, 2018 9788178807522 viii, 272 p.: UG Library
421 RIC 05020302 Moving Beyond the Plateau : Richards Jack.C Cambridge University, 2008 9780521975971 23 p. : Knowledge Centre
421 STI 00080984 Crossword Solver: Stibbs, Anne 1997 0074753294 410 p.: UG Library
421 TAY 00070368 English Converstion Practice Taylor, Grant Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company 1975 TMH ed. xvi, 301 .p : UG Library
421 TAY 00048638 English Converstion Practice Taylor, Grant Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company 1975 TMH ed. xvi, 301 .p : UG Library
421 TAY 00069398 English Converstion Practice Taylor, Grant Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company 1975 TMH ed. xvi, 301 .p : UG Library
421 TAY 00015185 English Converstion Practice Taylor, Grant Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company 1975 TMH ed. xvi, 301 .p : UG Library
421 TTT 00049885 English Communication Technical Teachers Training Institute Oxford University Press 1981 0195613813 2nd ed. 112 p. : UG Library
421 TTT 00049886 English Communication Technical Teachers Training Institute Oxford University Press 1981 0195613813 2nd ed. 112 p. : UG Library
421 TTT 00049887 English Communication Technical Teachers Training Institute Oxford University Press 1981 0195613813 2nd ed. 112 p. : UG Library
421 TTT 00049888 English Communication Technical Teachers Training Institute Oxford University Press 1981 0195613813 2nd ed. 112 p. : UG Library
421 TTT 00049889 English Communication Technical Teachers Training Institute Oxford University Press 1981 0195613813 2nd ed. 112 p. : UG Library
421 WAT 00080894 Science of Getting Rich:Attracting Fiacial Success Through Creative Thought. Wattles, Wallace D Inner Traditions 2007 1594772223 100p UG Library
421.071 MAH 10002669 English studies in India : Mahanta,Banibrata. Springer, 2022 9789811695889 xx,223p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
421.071 MAH 00142803 English studies in India : Mahanta,Banibrata. Springer, 2022 9789811695889 xx,223p.; UG Library
421.071 MAH 00142860 English studies in India : Mahanta,Banibrata. Springer, 2022 9789811695889 xx,223p.; UG Library
421.1 BAJ 07000493 Principles guide to effective english writing / Bajaj,Neha. Rajat Publications, 2015 9788178805313 293p.; Library - BR Campus
421.1 COO 05013925 English Writing System [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Cook, Vivian 0340808632 229 p Knowledge Centre
421.1 KUM 05064816 Writing badly is easy / Kumar,Amitava Aleph Book Company, 2019 9789388292511 xiv,297p.; Knowledge Centre
421.1 OBR 07009234 Read Write Right : O'brien, Terry Rupa Publishers, 2011 9788129119056 165p. : Library - BR Campus
421.1 OBR 04021328 Read Write Right : O'brien, Terry Rupa Publishers, 2011 9788129119056 165p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
421.1 TEN 00107973 Transcribing the Sound of English Tench Paul Cambridge University Press 2011 9780521166058 viii;192 p. UG Library
421.1 TON 07008905 Ellipsis in English literature : Toner, Anne, Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107073012 (Hardback) x, 255 pages ; Library - BR Campus
421.1 VER 07011295 Common errors in english / Verma, Shalini Chand Publication, 2016 9789385676208 409p.; Library - BR Campus
421.2 EHR 00031152 Schaum's Outline of English Grammar Ehrlich, Eugene McGraw-Hill, 1976 0070991049 | 0070190984 139 p. ; UG Library
421.2 MOH 03008473 Speaking English Effectively / Mohan, Krishna. MACMILLAN ; 2009 9780230639058 2nd ed. 235 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
421.403 RAO 00080006 Peculiar Words Phrases Expressions Sentences and Their Meanings in English Rao, K Venugopal Neelkamal Publications 2007 8183161324 | 9788183161329 vii, 196 p. : UG Library
421.5 ROA 00068935 English Phonetics and Phonology Roach, Peter Cambridge University press, 2000 9780521008525 3th ed. xiii, 283 p.: UG Library
421.5 ABE 05022630 Elements of general phonetics / Abercrombie, David. University Press, 9780852244517 (pbk.) 203 p. : Knowledge Centre
421.5 AGN 00121952 Impure Languages : By Agnihotri, Rama Kant. Orient Blackswan, 2015 9788125054900 xxi, 384.p.: UG Library
421.5 AGN 05044943 Impure Languages : By Agnihotri, Rama Kant. Orient Blackswan, 2015 9788125054900 xxi, 384.p.: Knowledge Centre
421.5 AGN 07004388 Impure Languages : By Agnihotri, Rama Kant. Orient Blackswan, 2015 9788125054900 xxi, 384.p.: Library - BR Campus
421.5 ARN 00005903 English Pronunication Practice Arnold, G F University of London Press Ltd. 1969 79 p. : UG Library
421.5 ASL 05022666 Introduction to English Phonetics and Phonology [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Aslam, Mohammad Foundation Books 9788175965058 100p Knowledge Centre
421.5 BAK 05022667 Ship or Sheep? : An Intermediate Pronunciation Course [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Baker, Ann 9780521606738 224p Knowledge Centre
421.5 BAK 05022734 Tree or Three? an Elementary Pronunciation Course. Baker, Ann 2007 9780521685269 2nd,Ed. 129 p Knowledge Centre
421.5 BHA 07012169 English phonotics and phonology / Bhardwaj, Kundan Sonali Publication, 2017 9788184115321 v,255p.; Library - BR Campus
421.5 BRA 05022669 Pronunciation for Advanced Learners of English [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Brazil, David 9780521387996 151 p Knowledge Centre
421.5 CAR 05034256 English phonetics and phonology : Carr, Philip, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013 9781405134545 2nd edition. xxi, 182 pages : Knowledge Centre
421.5 CHO 05067452 English Phonetics And Phonology / Choudhary, Rajni. Random Publications, 2019 9789352691616 321p.; Knowledge Centre
421.5 COL 05037127 Practical phonetics and phonology : Collins, Beverley. Routledge, 2013 9780415506496 (pbk. : alk. pap 3rd ed. xxi, 329 p. : Knowledge Centre
421.5 COL 00073058 Practical Phonetics and Phonology : Collins, Beverley. Routledge, 2003 0415261333 (hbk) | 97804154226 Special Indian Edition xix, 267 p. : UG Library
421.5 COL 00079112 Practical Phonetics and Phonology : Collins, Beverley. Routledge, 2003 0415261333 (hbk) | 97804154226 Special Indian Edition xix, 267 p. : UG Library
421.5 COL 00096884 Practical Phonetics and Phonology : Collins, Beverley. Routledge, 2003 0415261333 (hbk) | 97804154226 Special Indian Edition xix, 267 p. : UG Library
421.5 HIC 07013581 Listening to the past : Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107051577 (hbk.) | 9781107660205 (pbk.) xvii,574p.: Library - BR Campus
421.5 HIC 07013629 Listening to the past : Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107051577 xxxii,574p.; Library - BR Campus
421.5 HIC 05057369 Listening to the past : Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107051577 xxxii,574p.; Knowledge Centre
421.5 JON 00006587 The Pronunciation of English Daniel, Jones Cambridge At The University Press, 1969 222 p.: UG Library
421.5 JON 05070300 An outline of english phonetics / Jones, Daniel. Kalyani Publishers, 1979 9th Ed xx,378p.; Knowledge Centre
421.5 JON 05070301 An outline of english phonetics / Jones, Daniel. Kalyani Publishers, 1979 9th Ed xx,378p.; Knowledge Centre
421.5 JON 00005655 English Pronouncing Dictionary Jones, Danial English Language Book Socity: 1991 13th ed. xvi 544 p.: UG Library
421.5 JON 00002420 English Pronouncing Dictionary Jones, Danial English Language Book Socity: 1991 13th ed. xvi 544 p.: UG Library
421.5 JON 00004611 English Pronouncing Dictionary Jones, Danial English Language Book Socity: 1991 13th ed. xvi 544 p.: UG Library
421.5 KIN 00006550 English Intonation Practice Kingdon, Roger Longmans, Green and Co Ltd. 1967 xxii, 184 p. : UG Library
421.5 MAC 00022047 Modern English Pronunciation Practice Mackenzie Munro, M D Longman 1979 128 p.: UG Library
421.5 MAR 00102318 A course in phonetics and spoken english; Marwah Sonu Anmol publications Pvt.Ltd; 9788126146116 296 p. UG Library
421.5 MAR 00102985 A course in phonetics and spoken english; Marwah Sonu Anmol publications Pvt.Ltd; 9788126146116 296 p. UG Library
421.5 MAR 00102331 Phonetics in english; Marwah Sonu Anmol publications pvt.LTD; 9788126145904 296 p. UG Library
421.5 ROA 10002088 English phonetics and phonology : Roach, Peter Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521717403 (pbk.) | 9780521888820 4th ed. xi, 231 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
421.5 ROA 10002089 English phonetics and phonology : Roach, Peter Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521717403 (pbk.) | 9780521888820 4th ed. xi, 231 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
421.5 ROA 10002090 English phonetics and phonology : Roach, Peter Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521717403 (pbk.) | 9780521888820 4th ed. xi, 231 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
421.5 ROA 00127147 English Phonetics and Phonology Roach, Peter Cambridge 2009 9780521888820 231 p.: UG Library
421.5 ROA 00115065 English Phonetics and Phonology Roach, Peter Cambridge University press, 2000 9780521008525 3th ed. xiii, 283 p.: UG Library
421.5 ROA 04029613 English Phonetics and Phonology : Roach, Peter CUP, 2018 9780521149211 4th Ed. 231p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
421.5 ROA 04029614 English Phonetics and Phonology : Roach, Peter CUP, 2018 9780521149211 4th Ed. 231p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
421.5 ROG 05038607 English phonology and pronunciation teaching / Rogerson-Revell, Pamela. Continuum, 2011 9780826443564 | 0826443567 | 9 xii, 352 p. : Knowledge Centre
421.5 SAB 07009840 English Phonetics/ Sabharwal,Aditya Wisdom Press, 2016 9789383318780 V,247 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
421.5 SMI 05022668 Sound Change and the History of English Smith Jeremy J Oxford University Press 9780199563319 196p Knowledge Centre
421.5 THO 00112973 Phonetics Thorum, Arden R., Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2013 9781449678890 | 1449678890 | 9 xvii, 300 p. : UG Library
421.5 VAU 00087324 Phonetic Science Vaughn, Shron Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2007 9788126133499 277 p.: UG Library
421.5 WIJ 00013048 Rules of Prounciation for the English Language Axel Wijk, Oxford University UG Library
421.5 YAD 07004019 The Pronunciation of English Principles and Practice / Yagugiri.M.A Viva Books, 2015 9788130929361 386p.: Library - BR Campus
421.507 MAC 00013046 Talking of Speaking: Papers in Applied Phonetics MacCarthy, Peter Arthur Desmond. Oxford University Press, 1972 0194371190 | 0194370542 (pbk.) [7], 118 p. UG Library
421.52 JON 05002612 Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary / Jones,Daniel. Cambridge University Press, 9780521698597 xxi,599p.; Knowledge Centre
421.52 GOR 00132235 Effective Communication and Spoken English Gore,Nandini Mark Publishers 2017 8189472186 252p UG Library
421.52 HIL 00013040 English Sounds &spelling Tests Hill, L.a Oxford University 28 p UG Library
421.52 HIL 00013041 English Sounds and Spellings Dictation Pieces Hill, L A Oxford University 1967 52 p.: UG Library
421.52 JON 07005403 Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary / Jones, Daniel CUP, 2011 9781107685888 18th Ed. 580p. : Library - BR Campus
421.52 JON 04018077 Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary / Jones, Daniel CUP, 2011 9781107685888 18th Ed. 580p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
421.52 JON 05002616 Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary / Cambridge University Press, 0521862302 (hbk.) | 0521680867 xvi,599p,; Knowledge Centre
421.52 JON 01012247 Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary / Jones,Daniel. Cambridge University Press, 9780521698597 xxi,599p.; Knowledge Centre
421.52 JON 04029619 Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary / Jones Daniel Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107669208 18th ed xxxiii,580p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
421.52 JON 07001273 Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary / Jones Daniel Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107669208 18th ed xxxiii,580p.: Library - BR Campus
421.52 JON 01012066 Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary / Jones,Daniel. Cambridge University Press, 9780521698597 xxi,599p.; Knowledge Centre
421.52 MOR 00045261 Elements Opf Pronunciation: Mortimer, Colin 0521269385 100 UG Library
421.52 NEG 00119738 Spoken English and Phonetics Negi, Kamala Pacific Books International, 2013 9789381138328 256p.; UG Library
421.52 SET 00039108 Course in Phonetics &spoken English Sethi, J PRENTICE-HALL I, 2012 9788120314955 221 p. : UG Library
421.52 SET 04014774 Course in Phonetics &spoken English Sethi, J PRENTICE-HALL I, 2012 9788120314955 221 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
421.5203 JON 00039111 Everyman`s English Pronouncing Dictionary Jones Daniel Universal Book Stall 1995 9788185392042 14th ed, xxxii. 576 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
421.5203 JON 00039128 Everyman`s English Pronouncing Dictionary Jones Daniel Universal Book Stall 1995 9788185392042 14th ed, xxxii. 576 p.: UG Library
421.5203 JON 00022573 Everyman`s English Pronouncing Dictionary Jones Daniel Universal Book Stall 1995 9788185392042 14th ed, xxxii. 576 p.: UG Library
421.5203 JON 00022986 Everyman`s English Pronouncing Dictionary Jones Daniel Universal Book Stall 1995 9788185392042 14th ed, xxxii. 576 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
421.5203 JON 00039109 Everyman`s English Pronouncing Dictionary Jones Daniel Universal Book Stall 1995 9788185392042 14th ed, xxxii. 576 p.: UG Library
421.5203 JON 00039129 Everyman`s English Pronouncing Dictionary Jones Daniel Universal Book Stall 1995 9788185392042 14th ed, xxxii. 576 p.: UG Library
421.5203 JON 00039110 Everyman`s English Pronouncing Dictionary Jones Daniel Universal Book Stall 1995 9788185392042 14th ed, xxxii. 576 p.: UG Library
421.5207 HAL 00139856 Spelling Rules / Halman,R. Rajat Publications, 2020 9788178800783 vi,255p.; UG Library
421.52071 BRO 07014915 Understanding and teaching English spelling : Brown, Adam, Routledge, 2019 9781138082663 (hardback) | 9781138082670 (pbk.) xi,316p.: Library - BR Campus
421.5209 HOR 05034283 Does spelling matter? / Horobin, Simon. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199665280 (hbk.) | 0199665 1st ed. x, 270 p. : Knowledge Centre
421.52HAW 00048382 Spell It Yourself Hawker, G T 0198341385 137p UG Library
421.52ROA 00084318 Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary Roach, Peter 0052169860 599p UG Library
421.55 CRU 05022672 gimson's pronunciation of english Hodder Education 9780340958773 362 Knowledge Centre
421.5520 GIM 00017910 Introduction to the Prnunciation of English Gimson, A C E L B S UG Library
421.58 SET 04014579 A Practical Course in English Pronunciation / Sethi, J PHI, 2010 9788120325944 222 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
421.58 SET 04014921 A handbook of pronunciation of english words / Sethi, J. PHI Learning, 1993 9788120306707 viii , 101 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
421.58CRU 04013564 Gimson`s Pronunciation of English / Crutenden, Alen Hodder Education, 2008 9780340958773 362p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
421.58CRU 00088768 Gimson`s Pronunciation of English / Crutenden, Alen Hodder Education, 2008 9780340958773 362p UG Library
421.58CRU 00089623 Gimson`s Pronunciation of English / Crutenden, Alen Hodder Education, 2008 9780340958773 362p UG Library
421.5GOP 00040135 Indian English Phonology [a Case Study of Malayalee English] Gopalakrishnan Nair, N PRENTICE-HALL 63p UG Library
421.5OCOAS 00006547 Intonation of Colloquial English O`Connor, J D David Mckay UG Library
421.GIM 00017752 An introduction to the pronunciation of english Gimson.A.C E L B S 340p UG Library
421CHA 00019638 Vikas Book of General English Chandra Harth, Vikas UG Library
421CHA 00019639 Vikas Book of General English Chandra Harth, Vikas UG Library
421ENG.7 00017677 Fifteen Poets Arnold, L B S 502 p UG Library
421JAR 00015540 How to Write English Stories Jarrett, Hugh Rupa & Co UG Library
421OSM 00013047 Modern English Applied Phonetics Osman, N Oxford Charendon Press UG Library
422 STO 00052463 English Words History and Structure Stockwell, Robert 0521793629 193p UG Library
422 BAU 00043783 English Word-Formation Bauer, Laurie Cambridge Univ Press 311p UG Library
422 CRY 00109816 The story of English in 100 words Crystal, David, Profile, 2011 9781846684272 | 9781846684272 xxi, 260 p. : UG Library
422 CRY 04008620 Words / Crystal, David Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199210770 viii, 216p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
422 DEN 00100909 Words of the year / Dent, Susie. Oxford University Press, 9780199551996 (pbk.) | 0199551 xi, 148 p. ; UG Library
422 DUR 05038657 Borrowed words : Durkin, Philip. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199574995 (hardback) xix,491p.; Knowledge Centre
422 FUN 00048645 Word Origins and their Romantic Stories Funk, Wilfred J. Bell Pub. Co. : | GOYLSaaB | distributed by Crown, 1950 0517265745 : 432 p. ; UG Library
422 GOO 07014164 May we borrow your language?: Gooden, Philip Head of zeus ltd., 2016 9781784977986 xxii,359p.; Library - BR Campus
422 GOO 00133453 May we borrow your language?: Gooden, Philip Head of zeus ltd., 2016 9781784977986 xxii,359p.; UG Library
422 JOH 00004608 Spell of Words Joan Levitt, John Darwen 225 p UG Library
422 KEY 00143667 The Hidden History of Coined Words Keyes, Ralph. Oxford university Press, 2021 9780190466763 xvi,373p,; UG Library
422 KNO 00101972 How to Read A Word Knowles, Elizabeth Oxford University Press, 9780199574896 191 p. UG Library
422 LEW 05038342 Studies in words / Lewis, C. S. Cambridge University Press, 1960 9781107688650 (softcover) | 11 Second edition ; Canto Classics edition vii, 342 pages ; Knowledge Centre
422 NAY 00134964 The British Raj : Nayar, Pramod K. Routledge, 2017 9781138098299(pbk) First South Asia edition. vii, 171p. ; UG Library
422 PAL 00045228 Semantics Palmer, F R 0052158700 222 p UG Library
422 QUI 00104760 Why is Q Always Followed by U? Quinion,Michael. Penguin Books. 2009 9780141039244 x: 352 P. UG Library
422 SCO 00004682 Current Literary Terms Scott, A F Mc Millan 324 p UG Library
422 STE 03006679 The Life of Language : Steinmetz, Sol. Random House Reference, 2006 9780375721137 p. cm. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
422 TAY 05048932 The Oxford Handbook of The Word / Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199641604 First Edition. xviii, 864 pages : Knowledge Centre
422 VER 04022635 Right Word Wrong Word / Verghese, B. V. Anmol Publications, 1997 9788174885616 207p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
422 WEE 00004607 Romance of Words Weekley, Ernest John Murray 189 p UG Library
422 WIL 00104780 Word Myths Wilton,David. Oxford University Press, 2004 9780195172843 x: 221 P. UG Library
422.0076 GEN 05022670 Classroom-Based Evaluation in Second Language Education [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Genesee, Fred 0521566819 268 p Knowledge Centre
422.03 CRE 00101979 Oxford Dictionary Of Word Origins Cresswell, Julia Oxford University Press, 9780199547937 ix,502 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
422.03 CRE 07007995 Oxford Dictionary Of Word Origins Cresswell, Julia Oxford University Press, 9780199547937 ix,502 p. Library - BR Campus
422.03 CUP 00045232 Cambridge International Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs Cambridge University Press 1997 0521634539 380 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
422.03 DEL 00111602 Oxford dictionary of Reference and Allusions / Delahunty, Andrew. Oxford Universsity Press, 2012 9780199567461 (pbk.) | 0199567 3rd Ed. ix, 406p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
422.03 DEL 00101962 Adonis to Zorro : Delahunty, Andrew Oxford University Press, 9780199567454 406 p. UG Library
422.03 HEN 07009093 Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins/ Hendrickson,Robert Viva Books, 2017 9788130912943 XI,921 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
422.03 HEN 05017804 Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins Hendrickson Robert Viva Books 2005 8130901242 810 p Knowledge Centre
422.03 HEN 00072766 Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins Hendrickson Robert Viva Books 2005 8130901242 810 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
422.03 HEN 00131937 The Facts on File encyclopedia of word and phrase origins / Hendrickson, Robert, Facts On File, 2008 9780816069668 (alk. paper) | 9780816069675 (pbk) | 9788130912943 4th ed. xi, 948 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
422.03 LIN 00092535 Dictionary of english down the ages: Linda & Roger Flavell Kyle Cathie Limited 9781856266031 316p Yeshwanthpur Campus
422.03 MCD 05003629 The Penguin book of Word Histories / McDonald,Fred Penguin Books, 2010 9780140282986 vii,594 p. Knowledge Centre
422.03 OXF 00115042 Oxford Phrasal Verbs Dictionary for Learners of English Oxford University Press Oxford University Press 2003 9780195669480 374 p UG Library
422.03 REE 00040547 Dictionary of Phrase & Fable Rees Nigel Parragon Books 1993 9781858132501 357 p UG Library
422.03 TIM 00052998 Dictionary of Phrases Tim R IVY Publishing House 2001 8178900211 161 p UG Library
422.3 CHA 05003780 The Oxford Dictionary of World Histories / Oxford University Press, 2004 9780195672534 559 p. : Knowledge Centre
422.403 DEL 00092539 From bonbon to cha-cha : Oxford University Press, 9780199543694 xiv, 411 p. ; UG Library
422.403 MAN 03004577 Via-Facts on File Dictionary of Foreign Words & Phrases/ Manser, Martin H Viva Books; 2010 9788130909349 469p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
422.403 MAN 07003981 Foreign Words & Phrases / Manser Martin.H Viva Books, 2016 9788130934372 2nd ed xvii,469p.: Library - BR Campus
422.4911 YUL 00112045 Hobson - Jobson Yule, Henry New Age Books 1903 9788178224428 4 Ed xlviii; 1021 p UG Library
422.9459 SRI 00017880 Poorvagadha Lahari Srinivasa Rao, V Venk 520 p UG Library
423 BOL 04003551 English Grammar in Steps Bolton, David Orient Black Swan 2008 9788125034339 343 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423 CAM 07005399 Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary/ Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107504448 Fourth Edition XIV,1844Pages,: Library - BR Campus
423 CAM 07005408 Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary/ Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107504448 Fourth Edition XIV,1844Pages,: Library - BR Campus
423 CAM 04000352 Cambridge Advenced Learner's Dictionary / Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521686839 1572 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423 DHA 04003851 English and Communication Skills for Students of Science and Engineering Dhanavel, S P Orient Black Swan 2009 9788125037392 228 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423 DHS 04003853 English for Engineers and Technologists Department Of Humani Orient Black Swan 2006 9788125030195 216 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423 DHS 04003547 English for Engineers and Technologists Department Of Humani Orient Black Swan 2006 9788125030195 216 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423 DUT 04007082 Basic Communicaion Skills Dut, Kiranmai P Cambridge University 2010 9788175965317 119 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423 FAR 04003986 English for Business Communication Farhathullah, T M Prism Books Pvt. Ltd 2009 9788172865962 220 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423 NAM 04007084 Speaking Accurately: A Course Ininternational Communication Nambiar, K C Cambridge University 2009 9788175966659 210 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423 SAM 04007085 Innovate With English Samson, T Cambridge University 2010 9788175967793 290 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423 WEH 04000269 Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English / Wehmeier, Sally Oxford Universtiy Press, 2007 9780194316644 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423 ABR 05022624 A Glossary of Literary Terms / Abrams, M H. Thomson Wadsworth, 2007 8131503240 xiii, 370p.; Knowledge Centre
423 ABR 05022625 A Glossary of Literary Terms / Abrams, M H. Thomson Wadsworth, 2007 8131503240 xiii, 370p.; Knowledge Centre
423 ABR 00039083 A glossary of Literary Terms Abrams, M.h Prism Books Pvt Ltd: 1993 9788131526354 6th ed.: x,278 p.: UG Library
423 ABR 00039085 A glossary of Literary Terms Abrams, M.h Prism Books Pvt Ltd: 1993 9788131526354 6th ed.: x,278 p.: UG Library
423 ABR 00039086 A glossary of Literary Terms Abrams, M.h Prism Books Pvt Ltd: 1993 9788131526354 6th ed.: x,278 p.: UG Library
423 ABR 00039087 A glossary of Literary Terms Abrams, M.h Prism Books Pvt Ltd: 1993 9788131526354 6th ed.: x,278 p.: UG Library
423 ABR 07001771 A glossary of Literary Terms Abrams, M.h Prism Books Pvt Ltd: 1993 9788131526354 6th ed.: x,278 p.: Library - BR Campus
423 ABR 07011718 A glossary of Literary Terms Abrams, M.h Prism Books Pvt Ltd: 1993 9788131526354 6th ed.: x,278 p.: Library - BR Campus
423 ABR 07013309 A glossary of Literary Terms Abrams, M.h Prism Books Pvt Ltd: 1993 9788131526354 6th ed.: x,278 p.: Library - BR Campus
423 ABR 00079649 Glossary of Literary Terms. Abrams, M H Thomson Wadsworth 2007 8131503240 8th, 370p UG Library
423 ABR 00079648 Glossary of Literary Terms. Abrams, M H Thomson Wadsworth 2007 8131503240 8th, 370p UG Library
423 ABU 00107420 Al-Manhal Arabic-Malayalam Dictionary Abussalah,Mohamed Moulavi. Al-Amankitab Bhavan 1973 14th Revised Edition 1020 P. UG Library
423 AJJ 00039113 21st Century Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations Ajjan, Diana 1993 0044021548 | 071009005990 368p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 ALE 05038138 Winston Dictionary For Canadian Schools / Alexander,Henry. John.C Winston Co, 2008 v p.; Knowledge Centre
423 ALE 05038139 Winston Dictionary For Canadian Schools / Alexander,Henry. John.C Winston Co, 2008 v p.; Knowledge Centre
423 ALE 05038140 Winston Dictionary For Canadian Schools / Alexander,Henry. John.C Winston Co, 2008 v p.; Knowledge Centre
423 ALE 05038141 Winston Dictionary For Canadian Schools / Alexander,Henry. John.C Winston Co, 2008 v p.; Knowledge Centre
423 ALE 05038142 Winston Dictionary For Canadian Schools / Alexander,Henry. John.C Winston Co, 2008 v p.; Knowledge Centre
423 ALE 05038143 Winston Dictionary For Canadian Schools / Alexander,Henry. John.C Winston Co, 2008 v p.; Knowledge Centre
423 ALE 05038144 Winston Dictionary For Canadian Schools / Alexander,Henry. John.C Winston Co, 2008 v p.; Knowledge Centre
423 ALE 05038145 Winston Dictionary For Canadian Schools / Alexander,Henry. John.C Winston Co, 2008 v p.; Knowledge Centre
423 ALE 05038146 Winston Dictionary For Canadian Schools / Alexander,Henry. John.C Winston Co, 2008 v p.; Knowledge Centre
423 ALE 05055174 Winston Dictionary For Canadian Schools / Alexander,Henry. John.C Winston Co, 2008 v p.; Knowledge Centre
423 APT 00020619 Students Sanskrit English Dictionary Apte Vaman Shivram Motilal 1979 664 p UG Library
423 APT 00020622 The Student's English-Sanskrit Dictionary Apte Vaman Shivram Motilal Banarsidass 1974 501 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 AYT 01014546 Oxford dictionary of English idioms. Oxford University Press, 9780199543786 (pbk.) viii, 408 p. ; Knowledge Centre
423 AYT 05003823 Oxford dictionary of English idioms. Oxford University Press, 9780199543786 (pbk.) viii, 408 p. ; Knowledge Centre
423 AYT 00121185 Oxford dictionary of English idioms. Oxford University Press, 9780199543786 (pbk.) viii, 408 p. ; UG Library
423 AYT 07007986 Oxford dictionary of English idioms. Oxford University Press, 9780199543786 (pbk.) viii, 408 p. ; Library - BR Campus
423 BEC 00035484 Literary Terms: a Didictionary Beckson, Carl RUPA 308p UG Library
423 BHA 00062516 Sanskrit-Hindi-English Dictionary Bharadwaj S P Ashok Prakashana 2003 1056 p UG Library
423 BHA 00016586 Kittle's Kannada-English Dictionary Bhat, Mariappa M. Mangalore Press 1968 345p UG Library
423 BRI 00001740 Complete Guide to English Bright, Jagat S Wilco 420 p UG Library
423 BRU 00066437 The encyclopedia of British Writers 19th Century Krueger, Christine L Multilingual Matters Limited 2005 8130900564 398 Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 BUL 00132098 An English - Hindi Dictionary Bulcke, Camil S Chand & Company Ltd. 2014 1135p. UG Library
423 CAM 00115835 Advanced Learner`s Dictionary CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge University Press 2003 0521539625 1549p UG Library
423 CAM 00053111 Cambridge International Dictionary of English Cambridge University Press 0521588359 1678p UG Library
423 CAM 01016339 Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary / Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521885416 ( w/ CDROM) | 97 3rd ed. 1699 p. : Knowledge Centre
423 CAM 01016338 Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary / Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521885416 ( w/ CDROM) | 97 3rd ed. 1699 p. : Knowledge Centre
423 CAM 05002611 Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary / Cambridge University Press, 9780521885416 ( w/ CDROM) | 97 1699 p. : Knowledge Centre
423 CAM 05002610 Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary / Cambridge University Press, 9780521885416 ( w/ CDROM) | 97 1699 p. : Knowledge Centre
423 CAM 05002609 Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary / Cambridge University Press, 9780521885416 ( w/ CDROM) | 97 1699 p. : Knowledge Centre
423 CAM 01015576 Cambridge academic content dictionary / Cambridge University Press, 9780521871433 (hardback : alk. xviii, 1137 p. : Knowledge Centre
423 CAM 03006289 Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary / Cambridge University Press, 9780521885416 ( w/ CDROM) | 97 1699 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
423 CAM 05003743 Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary / Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521885416 ( w/ CDROM) | 97 3rd ed. 1699 p. : Knowledge Centre
423 CAR 00039070 Confusable Words Carpenter, Edwin 1995 0003705625 250p UG Library
423 CAR 00025626 The Oxford Companion To Children's Literature Humphrey Carpenter, Oxford Uniersity Press.: 1984 x. 586 p.: UG Library
423 CHA 00035494 Chambers English Dictionary Catherine Schwarz, Allied 1792 p UG Library
423 CHA 04015260 Chambers essential learners' dictionary : Chambers Harrap Publisher, 2009 9780550104786 397 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423 CHA 04015261 Chambers student learners' dictionary : Chambers , 2009 9780550104243 811 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423 CHD 00030140 Hindi-Malayalam-English Trilingual Dictionary Vol- 1 to 3 Central Hindi Directorate Central Hindi Directorate 1985 1008 p UG Library
423 CHD 00030142 Hindi-Malayalam-English Trilingual Dictionary Vol- 1 to 3 Central Hindi Directorate Central Hindi Directorate 1985 1008 p UG Library
423 CHD 00030141 Hindi-Malayalam-English Trilingual Dictionary Vol- 1 to 3 Central Hindi Directorate Central Hindi Directorate 1985 1008 p UG Library
423 COH 00004623 The Penguin Dictionary of Quotations Cohen M J. English Langage Book Socity: 1960 663 p.: UG Library
423 COL 04023316 Collins Common Errors In English and How To Avoid Them / Happers Collins, 2013 9780007506132 192p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423 COL 00001115 New National Dictionaryon Foreman, J B Collins 608 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 COM 10003697 English and Business Communication : The Institute of Company Secretaries of India ICSI House, 2005 356 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 COR 00062580 Oxford Starter French Dictionary Correard, Marie-Helene 0198607156 424p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 COS 00115150 Dictionary of Literary Terms Cosmo Cosmo Publications : 2003 8177555405 350 p. UG Library
423 CRU 00043782 Lexical Semantcs Cruse, D A 0521276438 310p UG Library
423 CRY 07005330 The Cambridge Encyclopedia Of The English Language Crystal, David 1999 0521596556 | 9780521401791 489p Library - BR Campus
423 CRY 00039091 The Cambridge Encyclopedia Of The English Language Crystal, David 1999 0521596556 | 9780521401791 489p UG Library
423 DAV 00050071 Dictionary of Modern English Usage Davidson, G Sarupa and Sons : 2000 8176251348 365 p.: UG Library
423 DAV 00050079 Dictionary of Idioms and Phrases Davidson, G Sarupa and Sons : 2000 0817625133 325 p.: UG Library
423 DEE 00001691 Hindi Sahithya Kosh Dherendra Varma Nzanamandal Ltd 1963 997 p UG Library
423 DEV 00031511 A Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms Joseph Devlin, A Warner Communications Company: 1990 070993002954 xx, 383 p.: UG Library
423 DHA 00011223 कन्नड हिन्दी कोश (Kannada-Hindi Kosh) / Hindi Sahithya Samelana, 1971 462p.; UG Library
423 DHE 00001707 Hindi Sahithya Kosh Dherendra Varma Nzanamandal Ltd 1963 997 p UG Library
423 DIA 05030836 Encyclopedia of World Writers : Diomand, Maria Josephine Multilingual Matters Limited, 2005 8130900890 xxxi,512p.; Knowledge Centre
423 DIA 05022671 Encyclopedia of World Writers : Diomand, Maria Josephine Multilingual Matters Limited, 2005 8130900890 xxxi,512p.; Knowledge Centre
423 DIG 04007403 Fifty ways to Improve your Presentation Skills in English / Dignen, Bob Orient Blackswan 2007 9788125041627 145p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423 DK 00051108 Oxford Dictionary 0 0751311103 1008p UG Library
423 DK 00115841 Illustrated Oxford Dictionary Darling Kindersly 0751311103 1008 UG Library
423 DOW 00110801 The wrong word dictionary Dowling, Dave, Marion Street Press, 2011 9781933338927 | 193333892X (pb 2nd ed. viii, 263 p. : UG Library
423 DOW 00110799 The Dictionary Of Worthless Words Dowling,Dave. eVookz 2012 9789382601029 252 p. UG Library
423 DUB 00021700 Dictionaire Du Francais Langue Etrangere Niveau 2 Dubois, Jean Labrairie 1088 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 DUT 04007081 Course Incommunication Skills Dutt, P Kiranmai Cambridge University 2010 9788175965713 307 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423 DUT 00006234 Roget`s Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases Robert, A Dutch Longman 1970 1309 p UG Library
423 EDW 00052888 Worlds Gratest Quotations Edwards, Tryon Crest 2000 8124202028 720p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 ELL 05011043 Painless Grammar : Elliott Rebecca,Ph.D Westland, 2007 9788189975333 viii,278 p. : Knowledge Centre
423 ELL 04016157 Painless Grammar : Elliott Rebecca,Ph.D Westland, 2007 9788189975333 viii,278 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423 FOW 00001346 Dictionary of Modern English Fowler, H W Oxford Charendon Press UG Library
423 FOW 00024371 A Dictionary Of Modern Critical Terms Fowler, Roger Paul 1973 208 p UG Library
423 FOW 00005639 The Concise Oxford Dictionary Fowler, H W Univ 1929 5th Ed. 1553 Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 FOW 00099203 A Dictionary of Modern English Usage Fowler ,H W Oxford Universtiy Press 9780199535347 xxxi,784 p. UG Library
423 FOW 00038175 The Concise Oxford Dictionary Of Corrent English Fowler, H W OUP 1995 1 UG Library
423 GOP 00001453 Samskrita Kannada Dictionary Diwakar, R R CHANDIGARHCRRID 500 UG Library
423 GOP 00007910 Samskrita Kannada Dictionary Diwakar, R R CHANDIGARHCRRID 500 UG Library
423 GOP 00018779 Samskrita Kannada Dictionary Diwakar, R R CHANDIGARHCRRID 500 UG Library
423 GOP 00001452 Samskrita Kannada Dictionary Diwakar, R R CHANDIGARHCRRID 500 UG Library
423 GOV 00016920 Websters Third New International Dictionary Gove, Philip Babcock 0087779006 2662p UG Library
423 GRE 00039072 Contemporary Slang Green, Jonathon Macmillan 1984 9780333634073 373 p.: UG Library
423 HAM 00013036 Oxford Classical Dictionary Hammond, N G Oxford University Press 1970 1176p UG Library
423 HAN 00024419 Collins Dictionary of the English Language Patrick, Hanks Collins 1690 p UG Library
423 HAN 00115833 Ntc`s Dictionary of Debate: [b.Ed] Hanson, Jim Viva Books Private Limited 8185617759 196p UG Library
423 HAR 00056907 Shorter Dictionnaire: Anglais-Francais/francais-anglais HARRAP 0245502351 808p UG Library
423 HAU 10000009 The American Heritage College Dictionary / Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2010 9780618196043 4th ed. xxviii, 1636 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 HAW 05003774 Color Oxford English Dictionary / Oxford University Press, 2006 0198614403 (US ed.) | 01986144 3rd. ed. x, 818 p. ; Knowledge Centre
423 HAY 00027250 Thesaurus of Book Digests Hiram Haydn, Avenel 831 p UG Library
423 HCP 03006469 Collins Cobuild Student's Dictionary : HarperCollins Publishers, 2005 9780007183869 222 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
423 HIL 00018066 English Colloquial Idioms Wood,T Frederick Macmillan: 1983 9780333634097 362 p.: UG Library
423 HOA 00048385 The Concise Dictionary Of English Etymology Hoad, T F 1996 0192830988 | 9780192830982 552p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 HOR 01014340 Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English / Oxford University Press, 0194311023 | 9780194799119 xxvii, 1055 p. Knowledge Centre
423 HOR 00078608 Oxford Advanced Learner`s Dictionary of Current English Hornby, A S Oxford 1780p UG Library
423 HOR 00078609 Oxford Advanced Learner`s Dictionary of Current English Hornby, A S Oxford 1780p UG Library
423 HOR 00001726 Advance Leaners Dictionary Hornby, Oxford Charendon Press UG Library
423 HOR 00001727 The Advanced Learner's Dictionary Of Current English Hornby, A.S. Oxford University Press 1963 1188p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 HOR 10000006 Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English / Hornby, A.S. Oxford University Press, 2020 9780194798501 10th ed. xii,1820p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 HOR 00028833 Oxford Advanced Learner`s Dictionary of Current English Hornby, A S OUP 1038 Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 JON 10003702 Oxford Language Reference OUP 2008 9780195676983 218p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 JON 00115827 Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary Jones, Daniel Cambridge University Press.: 2004 9780521600620 xxi, 606 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 JON 00049783 English Pronouncing Dictionary Jones, Daniel Cambridge University Press: 1997 9780521599351 15th ed. xix, 559 p.: UG Library
423 JON 00048352 English Pronouncing Dictionary Jones, Daniel Cambridge University Press: 1997 9780521599351 15th ed. xix, 559 p.: UG Library
423 KAP 00014072 Lokbharti Dictionary of Hindi Idioms Kapoor,Badrinath Lokbharti 1975 479 p UG Library
423 KIE 00110800 The Unword Dictionary Kiehl,Steve eVookz 2011 9781933338194 190 p. UG Library
423 KIT 00001454 Kittle's Kannada-English Dictionary Bhat, Mariappa M. Mangalore Press 1968 345p UG Library
423 KIT 00007908 Kittle's Kannada-English Dictionary Bhat, Mariappa M. Mangalore Press 1968 345p UG Library
423 KIT 00007907 Kittle's Kannada-English Dictionary Bhat, Mariappa M. Mangalore Press 1968 345p UG Library
423 KIT 00009306 Kittle's Kannada-English Dictionary Bhat, Mariappa M. Mangalore Press 1968 345p UG Library
423 KIT 00007903 Kittle's Kannada-English Dictionary Bhat, Mariappa M. Mangalore Press 1968 345p UG Library
423 KIT 00007904 Kittle's Kannada-English Dictionary Bhat, Mariappa M. Mangalore Press 1968 345p UG Library
423 KIT 00007906 Kittle's Kannada-English Dictionary Bhat, Mariappa M. Mangalore Press 1968 345p UG Library
423 KIT 00007905 Kittle's Kannada-English Dictionary Bhat, Mariappa M. Mangalore Press 1968 345p UG Library
423 KIT 00005731 Kittle's Kannada-English Dictionary Bhat, Mariappa M. Mangalore Press 1968 345p UG Library
423 KLE 00115039 Ntc`s Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations Kleinedler, S Racek Viva Books Private Limited 2004 0818561797 310p UG Library
423 KUV 00003223 Dictionary Of Contemporary English Longman 1966 189 p UG Library
423 LAR 00046422 Standard Fench-english, English French Dictionary Larousse Goyal 8185288895 996p UG Library
423 LEW 00013049 A Concise Pronouncing Dictionary of British and American English Windsor, Lewis J Oxford University Press.: 1972 231 p.: UG Library
423 LIT 00018427 Shorter Oxford English Dictionary William Little, Oxford University Press UG Library
423 LIT 00018428 Shorter Oxford English Dictionary William Little, Oxford University Press UG Library
423 LIT 00004781 The shorter Oxford English dictionary on historical principles ; Little, William, The Clarendon Press, 1933 2 v. (2475 p.) UG Library
423 LIV 05003785 Colour Oxford dictionary and thesaurus / Livingstone, Charlotte Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199607938 3rd ed. / vi, 772 p. ; Knowledge Centre
423 LON 00115855 Dictionary Opf Contemporary Englsih Longman Longman UG Library
423 LON 07001776 Longman dictionary of contemporary English / Longman Pearson, 2009 9781408215333 xiv,2081p.; Library - BR Campus
423 LON 10000004 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English / Longman Pearson, 2014 9789353946784 6th ed. xiv,2161p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 MAN 00049778 Wordsworth Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms by Manser, Martin Wordsworth Classics of World Literature 1998 9781853267574 248 p.: UG Library
423 MAT 00052819 The Concise Oxford Dictionary Of Linguistics Matthews, P H 1997 0192800086 | 9780192800084 410p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 MAT 00086182 The Concise Oxford Dictonary Of Lingusistics Matthews, P H Oxford University 2007 9780199202720 | 9780199202720 2nd Ed. 443 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 MCA 05062700 The Oxford companion to the English language / Mcarthur, Tom., ed. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199661282 (paperback) 2nd edition. xviii, 718p. Knowledge Centre
423 MCA 00026855 Longman Lexicon of Contemporary English Mcarthur,Tom. Longman 1981 9780582555273 910 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 MCL 00027251 New Collins Thesaurus William, T Mcleod Collins 1984 759 p.: UG Library
423 MER 10000005 Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary / Merriam-Webster, 2011 9780877798095 11th ed. 40a, 1623 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 MOR 00115825 NTC'S Dictionary Of Literary Terms Morner, Kathleen Viva Books Private Limited 2003 8176490202 238p UG Library
423 MOU 00107419 Arabic-English-Malayalam Dictionary Moulavi,Hakim P.B.K. Aman Book Stall 2006 2nd Edition 742 P. UG Library
423 MUK 04014461 The Primary of Grammer / Mukharji, Nirmalangshu PHI, 2011 9788120342576 278p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423 MUR 00049780 The Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms Murfin, Ross Macmillan Ltd.: 1998 9780333690963 xvi. 454 p.: UG Library
423 MUR 00077694 The Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms Murfin, Ross Macmillan Ltd: 2003 1403905053 2nd ed. xvi, 540 p.: UG Library
423 MW 03006460 Webster's New Thesaurus of the English Language / Popular Publishing, 2001 803928270018 690 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
423 OBR 07009273 The Ultimate Book Of Common Errors O' Brien Terry Rupa Publications, 2016 9788129137906 261 p.: Library - BR Campus
423 OBR 00123133 The Ultimate Book Of Common Errors O' Brien Terry Rupa Publications, 2016 9788129137906 261 p.: UG Library
423 OBR 04022790 Phrase Fact Finder / Obrien, Terry Rupa Pub;ications, 2014 9788129135377 155p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423 OLS 03004608 The big book of Words Should know : Olsen, David Adamsmedia 2010 9781605501390 443p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
423 OUP 04023059 Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary / OUP, 2015 9780194799485 9th ed. 1820p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423 OUP 07009226 Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary / OUP, 2015 9780194799485 9th ed. 1820p. : Library - BR Campus
423 OUP 07005757 Oxford student's dictionary : for learners using English to study other subjects / Oxford University Press, 2015 9780194331357 x,822p.; Library - BR Campus
423 OUP 05071919 Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary / OUP, 2015 9780194799485 9th ed. 1820p. : Knowledge Centre
423 OUP 10000008 Oxford Student Learner's Dictionary of English / Oxford University Press, 2001 9780195673487 776p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 OXF 05003792 Shorter Oxford English Dictionary / Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199233243 6th ed xlv,3742 p. Knowledge Centre
423 OXF 05003793 Shorter Oxford English Dictionary / Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199233243 6th ed xlv,3742 p. Knowledge Centre
423 OXF 00104215 Shorter Oxford English dictionary on historical principles / Stevenson, Angus. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199206872 (standard ed.) | 6th ed. / 2 v. (xlv, 3742 p.) ; UG Library
423 OXF 00104216 Shorter Oxford English dictionary on historical principles / Stevenson, Angus. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199206872 (standard ed.) | 6th ed. / 2 v. (xlv, 3742 p.) ; UG Library
423 OXF 04023084 Oxford Dictionary of English : Oxford University Press , 2010 9780199571123 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423 OXF 03010857 Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Academic English : Oxford University Press , 2014 9780194333504 916 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
423 OXF 03010865 Oxford Dictionary of English : Oxford University Press , 2010 9780199571123 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
423 OXF 04023055 Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Academic English : Oxford University Press , 2014 9780194333504 916 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423 OXF 07005756 Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Academic English : Oxford University Press , 2014 9780194333504 916 p.: Library - BR Campus
423 OXF 07004908 Shorter Oxford English Dictionary / Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199233243 6th ed xlv,3742 p. Library - BR Campus
423 OXF 07004909 Shorter Oxford English Dictionary / Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199233243 6th ed xlv,3742 p. Library - BR Campus
423 OXF 07005758 Oxford Word power Dictionary/ Oxford Oxford University Press. 2012 9780194398237 839 Pages .: Library - BR Campus
423 OXF 01016221 Shorter Oxford English dictionary on historical principles / Oxford University Press, 9780199206872 (standard ed.) | 2 v. Knowledge Centre
423 OXF 01016222 Shorter Oxford English dictionary on historical principles / Oxford University Press, 9780199206872 (standard ed.) | 2 v. Knowledge Centre
423 OXU 05003813 Oxford student's dictionary of current English / Oxford University Oxford University Press, 1978 9780194317474 800 p. : Knowledge Centre
423 PAD 00025042 Navodaya Dictionary.Eng-Eng-Kan Padakannaaya K V MTA 1984 1032 p UG Library
423 PAL 00049987 A Oxford Dictionary Of Twentieth Century World History Palmowski, Jan 1998 0192800167 | 9780192800169 680p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 PAN 00115856 Amit Student Concept Dictionary / Pandit, B S STUDENT BOOK DEPOT 2004 1420p UG Library
423 PAR 00022962 Smaller Slang Dictionary Eric Partridge, Routledge and Kegan Paul: 1961 ix, 204 p.: UG Library
423 PAR 00004624 You Have a Point There Partridge, Eric The English Language Book Society.: 1953 230 p.: UG Library
423 PAR 00022985 A Dictionary Of Cliches Partridge, Eric Routledge & Kegan Paul: 1981 261 p.: UG Library
423 PAT 05037402 Dictionary of difficult words / Pathak,Navraj. Visvbharti Publications, 2009 8189000071 320p.; Knowledge Centre
423 PEA 00115842 Concise Oxford Dictionary Pearsall, Judy Oxford University Press 2003 1670p UG Library
423 PEA 10000007 The Oxford English reference dictionary / Oxford University Press, 2003 9780195694185 2nd ed., rev. xx, 1765, 16 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 PEL 05003605 Active Study Dictionary : Pearson Longman, 2010 9781408218327 5th ed viii,1040 p. Knowledge Centre
423 PEL 05003606 Basic English Dictionary : Pearson Longman, 2002 9788177588002 431 p Knowledge Centre
423 PEN 00115826 Spelling Dictionary Pentagon Press Pentagon Press 2004 8186830227 | 9788186830222 307p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 PET 00115163 Cambridge Guide to English Usage Peters, Pam 2004 0521847109 607 p UG Library
423 PIT 00115834 Dicitonary Of Modern English Usage Pitt, Nancy Pentagon Press 2003 9788182746336 346p UG Library
423 RAD 00062916 People on People: The Oxford Dictionary of Biographical Quotations Radcliffe, Susan 0198662610 472p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 RAI 00115511 Effective Use of English Rai, Ajay Crest 2005 8124204942 311p UG Library
423 RAM 00107447 Malayalam-English-Hindi Dictionary Ramakumar SISO Publishers 2010 9798177970035 12th Edition viii:1134 P. UG Library
423 RAN 01002711 Random House Webster`s College Dictionary ( Law Lib.) Carol G Braham Random House 0375425608 1573p. Knowledge Centre
423 RAO 00017030 Teach Yourself Hindi Rao, Mohini Hind Pocket Books 204p UG Library
423 RDA 00001023 The Reader`s Digest Great Encyclopaedic Dictionary Reader`s Digest Associtations The Readers Digest Association: 1964 1743 p: UG Library
423 RDA 00001025 The Reader`s Digest Great Encyclopaedic Dictionary Reader`s Digest Associtations The Readers Digest Association: 1964 1743 p: UG Library
423 RDA 00001024 The Reader`s Digest Great Encyclopaedic Dictionary Reader`s Digest Associtations The Readers Digest Association: 1964 1743 p: Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 RDA 00027263 Family Word Finder The Reader's Digest Association Inc Dorling Kindersley 1977 896 p UG Library
423 ROB 00101517 Chambers 21st Century dictionary; Robinson Mairi Allied publishers privgate limited; 9788184243291 1653 p. UG Library
423 ROB 00050067 Encyclopaedia of English Usage Robertson, D Sarupa and Sons 8176251747 UG Library
423 ROB 00050068 Encyclopaedia of English Usage Robertson, D Sarupa and Sons 8176251747 UG Library
423 ROB 00050069 Encyclopaedia of English Usage Robertson, D Sarupa and Sons 8176251747 UG Library
423 ROB 00027252 Dictionaty of Famous Quotations Robin, Hyman Cavaye Place 688p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 SAG 00111464 Collins Cobuild Advanced English-English-Hindi Dictionary/ Sagar, Ratna. Harper Collins Publishers, 2012 9780007506385 1st Ed. 1346p.; UG Library
423 SAS 00014661 Samskrita-Kannada Dictionary Sastry M V Pranatarthihara Seshadri Press 1964 508 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 SAT 00021593 Standard English Hindi Dictionary Satyaprakash, Hindi Sahitya 1098 UG Library
423 SCH 05022623 British English a to Zed / Schur, Norman W Viva Books Private Limited, 2005 8176499579 430p .: Knowledge Centre
423 SHA 07013185 Oxford English-English-Kannada Dictionary / Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198089247 1696p.: Library - BR Campus
423 SHE 00015274 English - English - Kannada Dictionary Shenai Vittal K Orient Longman 1962 503 p UG Library
423 SHE 00002223 First Steps in English II Shakespeare, G P UG Library
423 SIM 01014239 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Knowledge Centre
423 SIM 01014240 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Knowledge Centre
423 SIM 01014241 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Knowledge Centre
423 SIM 01014242 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Knowledge Centre
423 SIM 01014243 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Knowledge Centre
423 SIM 01014244 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Knowledge Centre
423 SIM 01014245 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Knowledge Centre
423 SIM 01014246 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Knowledge Centre
423 SIM 01014247 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Knowledge Centre
423 SIM 01014248 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Knowledge Centre
423 SIM 01014249 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Knowledge Centre
423 SIM 01014250 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Knowledge Centre
423 SIM 01014251 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Knowledge Centre
423 SIM 01014252 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Knowledge Centre
423 SIM 01014253 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Knowledge Centre
423 SIM 01014254 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Knowledge Centre
423 SIM 01014255 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Knowledge Centre
423 SIM 01014256 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Knowledge Centre
423 SIM 01014257 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Knowledge Centre
423 SIM 01014258 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Knowledge Centre
423 SIM 07005053 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Library - BR Campus
423 SIM 07005054 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Library - BR Campus
423 SIM 07005055 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Library - BR Campus
423 SIM 07005056 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Library - BR Campus
423 SIM 07005057 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Library - BR Campus
423 SIM 07005058 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Library - BR Campus
423 SIM 07005059 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Library - BR Campus
423 SIM 07005060 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Library - BR Campus
423 SIM 07005061 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Library - BR Campus
423 SIM 07005062 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Library - BR Campus
423 SIM 07005063 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Library - BR Campus
423 SIM 07005064 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Library - BR Campus
423 SIM 07005065 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Library - BR Campus
423 SIM 07005066 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Library - BR Campus
423 SIM 07005067 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Library - BR Campus
423 SIM 07005068 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Library - BR Campus
423 SIM 07005069 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Library - BR Campus
423 SIM 07005070 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Library - BR Campus
423 SIM 07005071 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Library - BR Campus
423 SIM 07005072 The Oxford English dictionary / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780198611868 (set) 20 v. ; Library - BR Campus
423 SIN 00008883 Manak Hindi-Angrezi Kosh/ Singh, Ram Murti Prerana 1980 307p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 SKE 00023659 A Concise Etymological Dictionary Of The English Language Skeat, Walter W Clarendon Press 1982 661p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 SMI 00050135 The Wordsworth Classical Dictionary Smith, William Wordsworth Classics of World Literature 1996 1853263680 460 p.: UG Library
423 SOA 01014557 Concise Oxford English dictionary / Oxford University Press, 0199209154 | 9780199209156 | 9 1 CD-ROM : Knowledge Centre
423 SOA 04018726 Oxford English Dictionary / Soanes, Catherine OUP, 2006 042000062008 2nd ed. 897p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423 SOA 00115832 Concise Oxford English Dictionary Soanes, Catherine Oxford 2004 1685p UG Library
423 SOA 04024394 Compact Oxford Dictionary of Current English / OUP, 2008 9780199561742 1210p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423 SOA 05003766 Oxford dictionary of current English / Oxford University Press, 2006 9780198614371 4th ed. xvi, 1081 p. ; Knowledge Centre
423 SRI 00009040 ज्ञान शब्द कोश (Gnan Shabdh Kosh) / Gyanmandal Ltd, 1006 p.; UG Library
423 STA 00066438 The Encyclopedia of British Writers 20th Century Stade, George Multilingual Matters Limited 2000 8130900564 496p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 STE 00039115 Random House College Theasurus Stein, Jess 1992 0067941780 | 090129017003 812p UG Library
423 STE 00019066 Random House Dictionary of the English Language Stein, Jess Tulsi Shah 1960p UG Library
423 STE 10000003 Concise Oxford English Dictionary / Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198843689 12th ed. xxix, 1696 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 SUM 00049499 Dictionary of English Language and Culture Summers Della Longman 1999 058230203X 1568 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 SUM 00049500 Dictionary of English Language and Culture Summers Della Longman 1999 058230203X 1568 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 SUM 00049501 Dictionary of English Language and Culture Summers Della Longman 1999 058230203X 1568 p UG Library
423 SUM 00051869 Dictionary of English Language and Culture Summers Della Longman 1999 058230203X 1568 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 SUM 00049503 Dictionary of English Language and Culture Summers Della Longman 1999 058230203X 1568 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 SUM 00049502 Dictionary of English Language and Culture Summers Della Longman 1999 058230203X 1568 p UG Library
423 SUM 05003612 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English / Pearson, Pearson Longman, 2009 9781408202975 xiv, 2081 p. : Knowledge Centre
423 SYB 00026951 Mcgraw-Hill Dictionary Of Scientific And Technical Terms Sybil,Parker P. Mcgraw.Hill 1974 0070452695 3rd Ed. 1781p UG Library
423 TPI 00048545 The International Websters Pocket Medical And First Aid Dictionary Of The English Language Websters Publications Websters Publications 1997 1552802744 318 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 TPI 00048550 The International Websters Pocket Medical And First Aid Dictionary Of The English Language Websters Publications Websters Publications 1997 1552802744 318 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 TPI 00048542 The International Websters Pocket Medical And First Aid Dictionary Of The English Language Websters Publications Websters Publications 1997 1552802744 318 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 TPI 00048541 The New International Webster's Pocket Dictionary Of The English Language Trident Press International 1552802779 668 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 TPI 00048549 The New International Webster's Pocket Computer Dictionary Of The English Language Trident Press International 1552802736 318 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 TPI 00048544 The New International Webster's Pocket Computer Dictionary Of The English Language Trident Press International 1552802736 318 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 TPI 00048543 The New International Webster's Pocket Spelling Dictionary Of The English Language Trident Press International 1552802760 318 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 TPI 00048548 The New International Webster's Pocket Spelling Dictionary Of The English Language Trident Press International 1552802760 318 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 TUR 00052061 Longman Dictionary of Common Errors Turton, N D Longman Corpus Network : 1998 9789812239068 vii, 375 p.: UG Library
423 URD 00039075 Synonyms & Antonyms. Urdang, Laurence Macmillan 1978 9780333634080 371 p.: UG Library
423 VAL 00001538 Better English. Vallins, G.h Panther Books 1966 230 P UG Library
423 VEL 05036864 Dictionarium : Kerala Council for Historical Research, 2012 9788185499444 610p.: Knowledge Centre
423 WAI 04024395 Compact Oxford Thesaurus / OUP, 2008 9780199561759 934p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423 WAI 10000002 Pocket Oxford English Dictionary / Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198700982 11th ed. xvi, 1086 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 WAR 00107411 Manorama Bhasha Nikhandu Warrier,Radhakrishna K.Dr. Maorama Publication Division 2006 877 P. UG Library
423 WAS 00050073 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Literary Terms Washer, D IVY Publishing House 2001 8176251836 | 9788176251839 645 p. UG Library
423 WAS 00050074 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Literary Terms Washer, D IVY Publishing House 2001 8176251836 | 9788176251839 645 p. UG Library
423 WAS 00053001 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Literary Terms Washer, D IVY Publishing House 2001 8176251836 | 9788176251839 645 p. UG Library
423 WAS 00053002 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Literary Terms Washer, D IVY Publishing House 2001 8176251836 | 9788176251839 645 p. UG Library
423 WEB 00115843 New International Webster`s Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language Websters Trident Press International 2003 1582795576 1895p UG Library
423 WEB 00062546 Webster`s New World College Dictionary: New Millennium - Websters Wiley 1704p UG Library
423 WEB 00040203 Webster`s New World College Dictionary: New Millennium - Websters Wiley 1704p UG Library
423 WEE 00045206 An Etymological Dictionary Of Modern English Weekley, Ernest 1967 0486218732 | 9780486218748 814p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 WEH 00050080 Oxford Advanced Learner`s Dictionary of Current English Wehmeier, Sally 0194315363 1580p UG Library
423 WES 00031572 Words Confused And Misused Weseen, Maurice H Wheeler 1989 310 UG Library
423 WHI 00048368 Better Wordpower Whitcut, Janet 1998 0198601565 | 9780198601562 329p UG Library
423 WIL 00013052 Oxford Dictionary of English Proversbs Wilson, E.p Vivian Ridler 930p UG Library
423 WIL 00039699 Sanskrit English Dictionary Williams Monier M AITBS 1995 1300 p UG Library
423 WOO 07005400 Cambridge Learner's Dictionary / Cambridge University Press, 9780521681964 (pbk.) | 9780521 xx, 848, 60 p. : Library - BR Campus
423 WOO 07005401 Cambridge Learner's Dictionary / Cambridge University Press, 9780521681964 (pbk.) | 9780521 xx, 848, 60 p. : Library - BR Campus
423 WOO 07005402 Cambridge Learner's Dictionary / Cambridge University Press, 9780521681964 (pbk.) | 9780521 xx, 848, 60 p. : Library - BR Campus
423 WOO 00069082 The Complete Rhyming Dictionary Wood, Clement 1991 0440212057 | 071009007994 705p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 WOO 00039073 Current English Usage Wood, Frederick T Macmillan 1981 9780333634103 329 p.: UG Library
423 WOO 00039074 English Colloquial Idioms Wood,T Frederick Macmillan: 1983 9780333634097 362 p.: UG Library
423 WOO 01016341 Cambridge Learner's Dictionary / Cambridge University Press, 9780521681964 (pbk.) | 9780521 xx, 848, 60 p. : Knowledge Centre
423 WOO 05002614 Cambridge Learner's Dictionary / Cambridge University Press, 9780521681964 (pbk.) | 9780521 xx, 848, 60 p. : Knowledge Centre
423 YAP 00027249 Travellers Dictionary of Quotasion Routledge, Melbourne and Henley 1022p UG Library
423 YUC 00039116 HOBSON JOBSON Yule, Henry ROOPA AND COMPANY 1021p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423 ZIE 00057801 English - Kannada Dictionary Ziegler F Rev Asian Educational Services 2000 8120604849 614 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423.01 VIZ 00012058 A Desk book of 25000 words frequently mispronounced Vizetelly, Frank H 1919 906p UG Library
423.013 TIM 00052997 Modern Dictionary of Idioms Tim R IVY Publishing House 2001 8178900165 416 p UG Library
423.028 BAU 10002453 An introduction to English lexicology/ Bauer, Laurie Edinburg university press, 2022 9781474477901 vi,211 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
423.028 DIX 05059732 The Unmasking Of English Dictionaries/ Dixon, R.M.W. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108433341 xiv, 258p,: Knowledge Centre
423.028 DIX 07011714 The Unmasking Of English Dictionaries/ Dixon, R.M.W. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108433341 xiv, 258p,: Library - BR Campus
423.028 DIX 00131841 The Unmasking Of English Dictionaries/ Dixon, R.M.W. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108433341 xiv, 258p,: UG Library
423.028 KAT 00097898 English words : Katamba, Francis, Routledge, 041529892X (hb) | 978041529893 xix, 322 p. : UG Library
423.028 KAT 05022626 English words : Katamba, Francis, Routledge, 041529892X (hb) | 978041529893 xix, 322 p. : Knowledge Centre
423.03 BER 04013601 Thesaurus of Everyday American English / Bertram, Anne Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 1998 9788185617947 480 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423.03 BER 00048658 Thesaurus of Everyday American English / Bertram, Anne Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 1998 9788185617947 480 p. : UG Library
423.082 RUS 05068429 Women and dictionary-making : Russell, Lindsay Rose. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107187702 xiii,252p.; Knowledge Centre
423.09 OGI 00110900 Words of the world Ogilvie, Sarah. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107021839 (hardback) | 978 xvii; 241 p. UG Library
423.09 WIN 05062712 The meaning of everything : Winchester, Simon, Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198814399 (paperback) | 0198814399 (paperback) Second edition. 298 pages : Knowledge Centre
423.1 BEV 03000757 More Words You Shoul Know Bevilacqua, Michelle Viva Books Private Limited 9781593372361 267 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
423.1 MCC 03003566 Viva Student's Thesaurus / McCutchenon, Marc. Viva Books, 2011 9788130913629 3rd ed. 586 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
423.1 ABA 00048373 The Pocket Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus Abate, Frank R Oxford 1997 0195130979 972 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423.1 AHU 00052615 Dictionary of Synonyms Antonyms Ahuja, B N Goodwill Publishing House 8172450133 412p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423.1 ALL 05003754 Pocket Fowler's Modern English Usage / Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199232581 (pbk : acidfree 2nd ed. xi, 663 p. : Knowledge Centre
423.1 ALL` 00121192 Pocket Fowler's Modern English Usage / Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199232581 (pbk : acidfree 2nd ed. xi, 663 p. : UG Library
423.1 AMM 05022627 Cliches; Meanings and Origins of More Than 3, 500 Terms and Expressions [ma-English Section] Ammer, Christine Viva Books Private Limited 8176499552 488p Knowledge Centre
423.1 AMM 04013531 Cliches : Ammer, Christine Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 2005 9788176499552 488p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423.1 AYT 05033945 Brewer's dictionary of phrase & fable. Ayto, John. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2005 0304357839 17th ed. / xxvii, 1523 p. : Knowledge Centre
423.1 AYT 00094146 Mvers and Shakers Ayto John Oxford University Press 9780198614524 250p UG Library
423.1 AYT 00111604 A Century of New Words/ Ayto, John. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198070924 250p.; UG Library
423.1 AYT 04018723 A Century of New Words / Ayto, John OUP, 2007 042000062008 250p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423.1 CAM 05003747 Cambridge Phrasal Verbs Dictionary / Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521860385 (hbk.) | 052167770X 2nd ed. xiii, 417 p. : Knowledge Centre
423.1 CHA 00111607 The Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar/ Chalker, Sylvia. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198070924 448p.; UG Library
423.1 COR 00101342 Britannica Visual Dictionary Jean-Claude Corbeil Encyclopaedia Britannica 9781593394325 | 9781593394325 900 p UG Library
423.1 CRY 05003625 Pocket Spelling Dictionary / Penguin Books, 2005 9780141021102 xii,355 p. Knowledge Centre
423.1 DAV 05022628 Right, Wrong, and Risky: A Dictionary of Today`s American English Usage [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Davidson, Mark 0393061191 570p Knowledge Centre
423.1 DOW 00112627 The wrong word dictionary Dowling, Dave, 1951- eVookz 2013 0972993770 (pbk.) 263 p. : UG Library
423.1 DOW 03007199 The McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Misspelled and Easily Confused Words : Downing, David. McGraw-Hill, 2006 0071459855 | 9780070657175 xii, 516 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
423.1 EDM 00111605 Oxford Reverse Dictionary/ Edmonds, David. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198070924 405p.; UG Library
423.1 EDM 04018725 Oxford Reverse Dictionary / Edmonds, David Oxford University Press, 2002 042000062008 403p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423.1 EHR 05070371 The penguin dictionary of foreign terms and phrases / Ehrlich, Eugene. Penguin Books, 1934 9780140512946 xviii,200p.; Knowledge Centre
423.1 ESP 04013602 Words to rhyme with : Espy, Willard R. Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 2005 9788176499583 676p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423.1 ESP 07012129 Words to Rhyme With / Espy Willard.R Viva Books, 2016 9788130934433 676p.: Library - BR Campus
423.1 FER 07007997 New Oxford Rhyming dictionary / Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199674220 (paperback) Second paperback edition. xxxii, 413 pages ; Library - BR Campus
423.1 FOW 00092538 Fowler's modern English usage / Fowler, H. W. Oxford University Press, 0198610211 xxi, 873 p. ; UG Library
423.1 FOW 00099181 Pocket Flower's modern Emglish usage; Flower's Oxford university press; 9780199232581 662 p. UG Library
423.1 FRA 00001736 Weleous Book of Choice Schemes Dsouza, Frank While UG Library
423.1 HAR 00115513 NEW WORDS Hargraves, Orin Oxford university Press 2004 0195172825 319p UG Library
423.1 HIC 00078304 Quite Literally Hicks, Wynford Routledge.: 2004 9780415320191 251 p.: UG Library
423.1 HOL 01014542 How not to say what you mean : Holder, R. W. Oxford University Press, 0198604025 | 9780199235179 xx, 501 p. ; Knowledge Centre
423.1 KOZ 00097405 Selected English Collocations Kozlowska, Christian Douglas Yes Dee Publishing Pvt.Ltd. 9788190844970 247p UG Library
423.1 LEA 00088306 Oxford Learner`s Thesaurus Lea, Diana 9780194752008 1008p UG Library
423.1 LEW 00140470 Word power made easy; Lewis, Norman, Doubleday, 1949 9780143424680 [1st ed.] 528p UG Library
423.1 MCC 04009220 Cambridge Phrasal Verbs Dictionary / Cambridge University Press, 0521860385 (hbk.) | 9780521698 xiii, 417 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423.1 MCC 04013595 Student's Thesaurus / McCutcheon,Marc. Viva Books, 2010 9788130913629 3rd ed. 586p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423.1 MCC 01016342 Cambridge Phrasal Verbs Dictionary / Cambridge University Press, 0521860385 (hbk.) | 9780521698 xiii, 417 p. : Knowledge Centre
423.1 MCC 05002135 Student's Thesaurus / McCutcheon,Marc. Viva Books, 2010 9788130913629 3rd ed. 586p.; Knowledge Centre
423.1 MCC 05002615 Cambridge Phrasal Verbs Dictionary / Cambridge University Press, 0521860385 (hbk.) | 9780521698 xiii, 417 p. : Knowledge Centre
423.1 MCC 04016992 English Vocabulary in Use : McCarthy, Michael CUP, 2001 9780521684569 296p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423.1 MER 00048644 Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms Merriam, Webster Pocket Books, 1992 0877799067 443p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423.1 OUP 04018729 Oxford Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms / OUP, 2007 042000062008 2nd ed. 514p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423.1 OUP 01014544 The Oxford dictionary of synonyms and antonyms / Spooner, Alan. Oxford University Press, 0199210659 | 9780199210657 x, 514 p. ; Knowledge Centre
423.1 OUP 00088304 The Oxford dictionary of synonyms and antonyms / Spooner, Alan. Oxford University Press, 0199210659 | 9780199210657 x, 514 p. ; UG Library
423.1 OUP 00091848 The Oxford dictionary of synonyms and antonyms / Spooner, Alan. Oxford University Press, 0199210659 | 9780199210657 x, 514 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
423.1 OXE 00111606 Oxford Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms/ Oxford Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198070924 513p.; UG Library
423.1 OXF 05003765 New Oxford Dictionary For Writers and Editors / Oxford University Press, 2005 9780198610403 | 0198610408 xiv, 434 p. ; Knowledge Centre
423.1 OXF 05003777 Oxford Dictionary Of Rhymes Oxford University Oxford University Press, 2006 9780192806888 ix, 413 p. Knowledge Centre
423.1 RAT 00111609 Concise Oxford Dictionary of Quotations/ Ratcliffe, Susan. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198070924 579p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
423.1 SHO 05003828 Rajpal Dictionary Of English : Shori, Brig. A. K. Rajpal & Sons, 2010 9788170288572 722 p. Knowledge Centre
423.1 SOA 00111610 Oxford English Dictionary/ Soanes, Catherine. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198070924 897p.; UG Library
423.1 SOA 00115829 Compact Oxford Dictionary Thesaurus and Wordpower Guide Soans, Catherine Oxford University Press. 0195667476 1092 p. UG Library
423.1 SOA 00061316 Compact Oxford Dictionary Thesaurus and Wordpower Guide Soans, Catherine Oxford University Press. 0195667476 1092 p. UG Library
423.1 SPE 00111608 The Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs/ Speake, Jennifer. Oxford University Press. 2012 9780198070924 375p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
423.1 TUR 05003607 Longman Dictionary of Common Errors Turton ND Pearson Longman, 1996 9788131702260 vii,375 p. Knowledge Centre
423.1 WAI 07005746 Oxford dictionary and thesaurus / Oxford University Press, 9780199230884 (harcover) | 019 xii, 1204, 44 p. ; Library - BR Campus
423.1 WAI 00115857 Oxford Paperback Thesaurus/ Waite, Maurice Oxford 2003 967p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423.1 WAI 01014353 Oxford dictionary and thesaurus / Oxford University Press, 9780199230884 (harcover) | 019 xii, 1204, 44 p. ; Knowledge Centre
423.1 WAL 05070394 Dictionary of english idioms / Wallace , Michael J. Rupa.Co, 1988 222p.; Knowledge Centre
423.1 WEB 00115854 Dictionary and Thesaurus/ Websters Reference Library Geddes & Grosset 2000 0184205190 767p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
423.1 WEL 05003614 Pronunciation Dictionary/ Wells J C Pearson Longman. 2008 9781405881180 3rd ed viii,922 p. Knowledge Centre
423.1 WHI 00111603 Oxford Better Word Power/ Whitcut, Janet. Oxford University Press, 2012 042000062008 329p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
423.1 WIL 04013599 Dictionary of easily confused words : Williams, Deborah K. Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 2005 9788185617732 194 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423.12 CHA 04015263 Chambers students' thesaurus. / Cahmbers, 2007 9780550102133 508 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423.12 CHA 04015262 Chambers paperback thesaurus / Chambers , 2007 9780550102966 646 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423.12 LEA 01014348 Oxford Learner's Thesaurus : Oxford University Press, 9780194752008 1008 p.; Knowledge Centre
423.12 LEA 05003759 Oxford Learner's Thesaurus : Lea, Diana Oxford University Press, 2008 9780194752008 xvi, 1008 p. Knowledge Centre
423.12 MCC 04013558 Descriptionary : McCutcheon, Marc Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 2008 9788130902920 3rd ed. 644p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423.12 REF 07007994 The Oxford dictionary of synonyms and antonyms. 9780198705185 (paperback) | 01 Third Edition. xiii, 470 pages ; Library - BR Campus
423.12 WAI 01014347 Oxford thesaurus of English / Oxford University Press, 9780199560813 | 0199560811 xii, 988 p. ; Knowledge Centre
423.12 WAI 05003775 Color Oxford Thesaurus / Oxford University Press, 2006 0198614519 | 0198614500 (US ed 3rd ed. viii, 648 p. ; Knowledge Centre
423.12 WAI 05003773 Oxford thesaurus of current English / Waite, Maurice Oxford University Press, 2006 9780199202874 | 0199202877 2nd ed. vi, 504 p. Knowledge Centre
423.12 WAI 05003791 Little Oxford Thesaurus / Waite, Maurice Oxford University Press, 2006 9780198614494 3rd ed. viii, 648 p. ; Knowledge Centre
423.122 SIG 10004419 Wisdom's Dictionary of Synonyms&Antonyms/by Sigler, Evan [Ed.] and Simpson, Ana [Ed.] Wisdom Press 2023 9789392407406 1st Ed. vii, 340p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
423.13 ALL 05003632 Allen's Dictionary of English Phrases / Allen,Robert Penguin books, 2008 9780140515114 xix,805 p. Knowledge Centre
423.13 CUP 05003746 Cambridge idioms dictionary. Cambridge University Press : Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521860377 (hbk.) | 0521677696 2nd ed. xv, 505 p. ; Knowledge Centre
423.13 MCC 04009214 Cambridge Idioms Dictionary / Cambridge University Press, 0521860377 (hbk.) | 0521677696 xv, 505 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
423.13 MCC 07005377 Cambridge Idioms Dictionary / Cambridge University Press, 0521860377 (hbk.) | 0521677696 xv, 505 p. ; Library - BR Campus
423.13 MCC 01016340 Cambridge Idioms Dictionary / Cambridge University Press, 0521860377 (hbk.) | 0521677696 xv, 505 p. ; Knowledge Centre
423.13 MCC 05002613 Cambridge Idioms Dictionary / Cambridge University Press, 0521860377 (hbk.) | 0521677696 xv, 505 p. ; Knowledge Centre
423.13 TER 10003543 Scholastic Dictionary of Idioms / Terban, Marvin 9780439770835 vii, 298 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
423.13 WAL 05029700 Cambridge Idioms Dictionary / Walter, Elizabeth Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521702437 505p.: Knowledge Centre
423.1OXF 00005401 Oxford Dictionary of English Proversbs Wilson, E.p Vivian Ridler 930p UG Library
423.2 ROB 01015320 Chambers 21st Century Dictionary / Allied Publishers, 9780550142108 | 055014210X (Tr x,1654p.; Knowledge Centre
423.91431 BAH 05003830 AdvancelEAearner's English-Hindi Dictionary / Bahri, Hardev. Rajpal & Sons, 2010 8170282907 1. saṃskaraṇa. 38, 1150 p. ; Knowledge Centre
423.924 DON 07005747 The Oxford English-Hebrew dictionary / Doniach, N. S. Oxford University Press, 1996 9780198601722 xxiii,1091p.; Library - BR Campus
423.94KIT.A 00007807 Kittle Kannada-Englishdictionary Mariyapppa Bhat, University of Madras 345p UG Library
423.94KIT.A 00007808 Kittle Kannada-Englishdictionary Mariyapppa Bhat, University of Madras 345p UG Library
423.959 ABB 05045735 Dictionary of the great Andamanese language : Abbi, Anvita, Ratna Sagar, 2012 9789350361252 | 9350361256 lxx, 477 p. : Knowledge Centre
423CAM 00068599 International Dictionary of Idioms Cambridge University Press 0521779782 584p UG Library
423DIA 00066439 The Encyclopedia of World Writers 19th and 20th centuries Diamond, Marie Josephine Multilingual Matters Limited 2000 8130900890 495p Yeshwanthpur Campus
423GOL.A 00040530 Dictionary of Sex. Goldenson, Robert Ph D Wordsworth Editions Ltd. 290p UG Library
423GOV 00016919 Websters Third New International Dictionary Gove, Philip Babcock 0087779006 2662p UG Library
423HOR3 00015089 Oxford Advanced Dictionary Learner`s Dictionary of Current English Hornby, A S Oxford University UG Library
423SHA 00065694 Dictionary English-English-hindi Sharma, R K Shiva Publisher and Distributors 396p UG Library
423STE.F 00049785 Random House Webster`s College Thesaurus Stein, Jess 0375400664 792p UG Library
424 LEW 04003554 Word Power Made Easy: The Complete Handbook for Building a Superior Vocabulary Lewis, Norman Pockets Books 2008 9780671741907 528 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
424 MUD 00070456 English Grammar and Composition Mudambadithaya, G S Vikas Publicaions 2006 8125903062 viii, 249 p.: UG Library
424 TIC 00115512 Living Englsih Grammar and Composition Tickoo, M L Orient Longman : 1983 9788125010326 120 p, UG Library
425 LEW 00031158 Better English Lewis, Norman Goylsaab Publishers, 1987 415 p.: UG Library
425 MOH 04001753 Effective English Communication / Mohan, Krishna. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2000 9780074637517 | 0074637517 328 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
425 MUR 00043887 Intermediate English Grammar Murphy, Raymond Oxford University Press.: 1994 9788185618517 2nd ed. x, 350 p.: UG Library
425 MUR 00043888 Intermediate English Grammar Murphy, Raymond Oxford University Press.: 1994 9788185618517 2nd ed. x, 350 p.: UG Library
425 MUR 00043889 Intermediate English Grammar Murphy, Raymond Oxford University Press.: 1994 9788185618517 2nd ed. x, 350 p.: UG Library
425 MUR 07000470 Intermediate English Grammar Murphy, Raymond Oxford University Press.: 1994 9788185618517 2nd ed. x, 350 p.: Library - BR Campus
425 PIN 00007109 English Grammar Composition & Correspondence Pink, Alderton M The Donnington Press.: 1970 12th ed. 408 p.: UG Library
425 PUR 00037941 English Conversation Course for All Puri, K Gopal 1995 1 UG Library
425 SHA 00146249 A Comprehensive English Grammar Sharma, Raj Kumar Atlantic, 2023 9788126920129 392p. ; UG Library
425 SZK 00018140 Helping Verbs ( Ug-English ) Roger Willis, David Mckay 52p UG Library
425 THO 00039123 A Practical English Grammar Exercises 2 Thomson A J Oxford University Press, 1961 9780195620559 2nd ed 199 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
425 WIL 00039134 Collins Cobuild Student's Grammar Willis, Dave Harper Collins Publishers, 1994 240 p.: UG Library
425 AAR 05068751 The Oxford handbook of English grammar / Oxford University Press, 2020 9780198755104 (hb : alk. paper) 1st edition. xxvi, 824p. ; Knowledge Centre
425 AAR 07014404 English Syntax and Argumentation / Aarts Bas Palgrave, 2018 9781137605795 5th ed xx,402p.: Library - BR Campus
425 ABB 00018204 Conditionals Abbott, G W Longmans, Green and Co Ltd 1969 vii, 64 p. : UG Library
425 AGA 00024320 Correct English Usage Agarwal, B.s JAICO 212 p UG Library
425 AGA 00024321 How to Write Correct English Agarwal, B.S. J'aime Publications 1980 200 p. : UG Library
425 ALL 00004448 Living English Structure Allen, W. Standard Orient Longmans 1968 29 p. : UG Library
425 ALL 00023420 Living English Structure Allen, W. Stannard Orient Longman 1982 4th ed. viii, 349 p. : UG Library
425 ALL 00004383 Living English Structure Allen, W. Stannard Longmans 1968 x, 349 p. : UG Library
425 AMI 00068933 Grammar Builder Amin, A Cambridge University Press.: 2004 9780521548595 201 p.: UG Library
425 ATW 00024356 Using English Nationally and Internationally Atwal Pritam, S Kalyani Publishers, 1979 110 p.: UG Library
425 BAK 00067544 English Usage Baksi, K K English Edition 2003 8187853352 365 p.: UG Library
425 BAK 05022648 Course in English Grammar [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Bakshi, R N Orient Longman Publications 8125018468 426 Knowledge Centre
425 BAN 00100639 Indian As Known To The Ancient World: Banerjee, Gauranganath Asian Educational Services, 73 p. UG Library
425 BAN 00115565 Pierian Spring the Silver Box Grammar and Composition (b.Ed) Mcm Mcc Publication 537p UG Library
425 BAN 00115514 Pierian Spring the Sliver Box Grammar and Composition Mcc M c c Publications 537p UG Library
425 BAR 00022961 Examination English Barnard, J.b.c Macdonald and Evans 1976 7th ed v, 240 P.: UG Library
425 BBC 00034370 On We Go: Book 2 English by Radio and Television British Broadcasting Corporation. British Broadcasting Corporation 1974 0946675228 1st ed. 64 p. : UG Library
425 BHA 00127146 Cimprehensive Objective General English Bhatnagar, Mahesh Viva Books 2016 9788130933603 288 p.: UG Library
425 BHA 00039657 English for Competative Examination Bhatnagar R.P Macmillan India Ltd 1989 Revised ed. vi, 390 p. : UG Library
425 BHA 10005511 Oxford A-Z of English Usage / Butterfield, Jeremy Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199459001 2nd Ed. , vi, 195 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
425 BLO 05037121 The Functional Analysis of English : Bloor, Thomas, Routledge, 2013 9780415825931 (hbk) | 97814441 Third Edition. xiii, 320 pages : Knowledge Centre
425 BLO 00094062 Functional Analysis Of English Bloor Meriel Hodder Education 9780340806807 315p UG Library
425 BOA 00013034 Grammatical Struture & its Teaching Boadi, L.a The English Language Book Society, 1971 280 p.: UG Library
425 BRA 00002567 The Making of English Bradley, Henry Macmillan, 1968 195 p.: UG Library
425 BRA 00011679 The Making of English Bradley, Henry Macmillan, 1968 195 p.: UG Library
425 BUR 00025611 Mastering English Grammar Burton S.H. Mc Millan 1984 0333310624 1st Ed. 172 p. UG Library
425 BUR 00025610 Mastering English Grammar Burton S.H. Mc Millan 1984 0333310624 1st Ed. 172 p. UG Library
425 BYR 00018146 The Elements of Indirect Speech Byrne, Donn Longman, 1968 45 p.: UG Library
425 CAR 07014412 An Introduction to English Morphology : Carstairs-McCarthy Andrew Edinburgh, 2018 9781474428972 vii,154p.: Library - BR Campus
425 CAR 00018239 Systems and Structures of English Carroll Brendan, J Oxford University Press, 1971 64 p.: UG Library
425 CAR 00006492 Systems and Structures of English Carroll Brendan, J Oxford University Press, 1971 64 p.: UG Library
425 CHA 10000471 Functional English / Chauhan, Gajendra Singh. Cengage, 2019 9789353500474 xxiv, 475p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
425 CHA 00025422 Current English Grammar Chalker, Sylvia Macmillan Publishers Ltd 1984 0333350251 296 p. : UG Library
425 CHE 00043886 English Grammar and Usage Cheong, Lee Kok Federal Publication 1984 9810120036 2nd ed. viii, 232 p. ; UG Library
425 CHE 00043885 English Grammar and Usage Cheong, Lee Kok Federal Publication 1984 9810120036 2nd ed. viii, 232 p. ; UG Library
425 CHO 05048597 Emerging Trends in Teaching English / Chowdhury Piku Aadi Publication 2016 9789382630777 xi, 297 p.: Knowledge Centre
425 CHO 00125268 Emerging Trends in Teaching English / Chowdhury Piku Aadi Publication 2016 9789382630777 xi, 297 p.: UG Library
425 CHO 00061325 Basic Grammar and Usage Choy, Penelope Thomson Learning 2002 0155070576 | 9780155070578 6th Ed. 259 p. UG Library
425 CLA 05043229 Hyperbole in English : Claridge, Claudia. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521766357 (hardback) | 052 xiii, 301 p. : Knowledge Centre
425 CLA 00110838 Hyperbole in English : Claridge, Claudia. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521766357 (hardback) | 052 xiii, 301 p. : UG Library
425 CLM 05061233 Fundamentals of grammar : CL Media Pvt Ltd, 2008 62p. Knowledge Centre
425 COF 00092042 Exploring English Grammar Coffin, Caroline, Routledge, 2009 9780415478151 | 0415478154 | 9 xii, 449 p. : UG Library
425 COF 00096272 Exploring English Grammar Coffin, Caroline, Routledge, 2009 9780415478151 | 0415478154 | 9 xii, 449 p. : UG Library
425 COL 00024348 Writing English Collinson, D J PAN 226 p UG Library
425 COL 00000886 Longmans Elements Of English Series prepositions D H Spencer Oxford University 1955 64 p UG Library
425 COL 00014307 A Book Of English Idioms Collins, V H Longman Group Ltd, 1958 258 p.: UG Library
425 COW 00000920 English Grammar for Secondary Schools Cowperthwaite, W A Copp Clark pv UG Library
425 DEH 05059328 Parentheticals in spoken English : the syntax prosody relation Dehé, Nicole Cambridge university press, 2014 9781108403887 ix,250p.; Knowledge Centre
425 DIR 00115564 English Reader Directorate of Text Books Director Text Booksk 2005 153 p. UG Library
425 DIR 00115560 Second/third Language English Directorate of Text Books Director Text Booksk 162p UG Library
425 DIR 00115561 First Language English Directorate of Text Books Director Text Books 2005 197 p.: UG Library
425 DIR 00036825 New English Bridge Course for I Year Pre-University Entrants Directorate of Pre-University Education Directorate of Pre-University Education 1994 88 p. : UG Library
425 DOF 00043898 Meaning into words Doff, Adrian Cambridge University Press | Foundation Books 1997 8175960094 South Asian edition 95 p. ; UG Library
425 DTB 00003155 Englisgh Reader-9 D T B Mangalodhayam Publication 217p UG Library
425 EAS 00043881 Oxford Practice Grammar Eastwood, John Oxford 302p UG Library
425 ECK 00000871 Brighter Grammar Eckesley, C E UG Library
425 ECK 00000872 Brighter Grammar Eckesley, C E UG Library
425 ECK 00023415 Essential English for Foreign Students Eckersley, C.e Orient Longman 1983 248 p.: UG Library
425 ELK 00024361 A New English Primer Elkins, William R. St. Martin's Press 1974 122 p. UG Library
425 FEA 00043765 Practice With Idioms Feare, Ronald E New York 1980 0195027825 xvii, 170 p.: UG Library
425 FOD 00025730 Semantics:Theories of Meaning in Generative Grammar Fodor Janet Dean, Harvard University Press, 1982 xi, 225 p.: UG Library
425 FON 00115559 Dictionary of Grammar and Style Foster, N IVY Publishing House 2003 8178900890 140 p. : UG Library
425 FOW 00004484 King`s English Fowler, F.g Oxford University 390 p UG Library
425 FOW 00040565 Kings English Fowler F G, H W Wordsworth Reference 383p UG Library
425 FRE 00004201 Common Errors in English French, F.g Oxford University 1967 130 p.: UG Library
425 FRE 00005392 Common Errors in English French, F.g Oxford University 1967 130 p.: UG Library
425 FUN 00024325 It Pays to Increase Your Word Power Peter, Funk Banarsidas 193 p UG Library
425 GAD 00093113 Let's speak American English Gadasalli Raj Vipra-Center-Publications Division 8190230212 128p UG Library
425 GOF 00007709 English Idioms Goffin Tata Mcgraw Hill 1989 350 p.: UG Library
425 GOW 00060053 Grammar in Practice 1 Gower, Roger Cambridge University Press, 2002 9780521665766 69 p.: UG Library
425 GRA 00023664 Advanced English Practice. Graver, B D OXFORD 1982 1 UG Library
425 GRE 00039661 Contemporary English Grammar Structures & Composition Green, David Mysore 1995 340 p.: UG Library
425 HAA 00132802 Reciprocity in English : Haas, Florian, Routledge, 2010 9781138868502 viii,169 p.; UG Library
425 HAR 00115927 Communicative English Hariprsad, M Neelkamal Publications 8183160026 183p UG Library
425 HAS 00101475 Adjunct adverbials in English / Hasselgård, Hilde. Cambridge University Press, 9780521515566 (hbk.) | 0521515 xvii, 320 p. : UG Library
425 HAS 00117081 Intermediate English Grammer Supplementary Exercises. Hashemi, Louise Foundation Books 1995 8185618712 114p UG Library
425 HAS 00060055 Cambridge Grammar for First Certificate - Grammar Reference and Practice Hashemi, Louise 0521665779 243p UG Library
425 HEW 00070472 Grammar and Context: An Advanced Resource Book Hewings, Ann Routledge.: 2005 9780415310819 xx, 339 p.: UG Library
425 HEW 00070473 Grammar and Context: An Advanced Resource Book Hewings, Ann Routledge.: 2005 9780415310819 xx, 339 p.: UG Library
425 HEW 00079099 Grammar and Context: An Advanced Resource Book Hewings, Ann Routledge.: 2005 9780415310819 xx, 339 p.: UG Library
425 HEW 00079100 Grammar and Context: An Advanced Resource Book Hewings, Ann Routledge.: 2005 9780415310819 xx, 339 p.: UG Library
425 HIL 00013038 Prepositions and Adverbial Particles Hill, L. A. Oxford U.P., 1968 xxvi, 403 p. UG Library
425 HIL 00001242 Guide to correct english Hill.LA UG Library
425 HOB 00034372 Teaching Observed Hobbs, J British Broadcasting Corporation 1983 182 p.: UG Library
425 HOR 00001535 Guides to Partnes and Usage English Horuly, A S UG Library
425 HOR 00039062 Guide to Patterns and Usage in English Hornby A. S. Oxford University Press 1975 0195622723 | 9790195622729 2nd Ed. 238 p. UG Library
425 HOR 00008516 Guide to Patterns and Usage in English Hornby A. S. Oxford University Press 1975 0195622723 | 9790195622729 2nd Ed. 238 p. UG Library
425 HOR 00048374 Guide to Patterns and Usage in English Hornby A. S. Oxford University Press 1975 0195622723 | 9790195622729 2nd Ed. 238 p. UG Library
425 HOW 00019987 Guided English for India : Book 4 Howe, D.H. Oxford University Press 1971 1st ed for India 255 p. : UG Library
425 HOW 00025433 Guided English for India Howe, D.H Oxford University Press 1971 165 p UG Library
425 HOW 00025435 Guided English for India Howe, D.H Oxford University Press 1971 165 p UG Library
425 HOW 00025436 Guided English for India Howe, D.H Oxford University Press 1971 165 p UG Library
425 HOW 00025437 Guided English for India Howe, D.h Oxford 250 p UG Library
425 HOW 00025438 Guided English for India : Book 4 Howe, D.H. Oxford University Press 1971 1st ed for India 255 p. : UG Library
425 HOW 00025434 Guided English for India Howe, D.H Oxford University Press 1971 165 p UG Library
425 HUB 00025634 Training Course for Tefl Hubbard, Peter Oxford 337 p UG Library
425 HUD 05029671 The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. Huddleston, Rodney 9780521431460 1842 p Knowledge Centre
425 HUN 05059722 Late Modern English Syntax / Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781108403870 xxi, 385p,: Knowledge Centre
425 JAC 00016661 English Transformational Grammar Jacobs, Roderick A Wiley Eastern Ltd, 1976 300 p.: UG Library
425 JAC 05038751 An introduction to the nature and functions of language / Jackson, Howard, Continuum, 2011 9781441143730 (hc) | 144114373 2nd ed. ix, 231 p. : Knowledge Centre
425 JAG 00115558 Everyday Errors in English Jagadisan Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2004 8186804641 129 p.: UG Library
425 KAL 00025701 Higher Sanskrit Grammar Kala M R Motilal 1982 536 p UG Library
425 KEL 00004453 The Use of English for Technical Students Kelly, R A The English Language Bookl, 1962 189 p.: UG Library
425 KER 00004451 Common Errors in Written English Kerr, J Y K Longmans, 1969 81 p.: UG Library
425 KIR 04015306 Modern English Grammar / Kirkpatrick, Betty Media Sight, 2012 9788173142635 164 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
425 KIR 04015307 Modern English Usage / Kirkpatrick, Betty Media Sight , 2012 9788173142642 190 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
425 KIR 00054643 Brief Holt Handbook Kirszner, G Laurie 0155033409 182p UG Library
425 KLA 00023176 Sentence Sense a Basis Grammar Enno Klammer, Harcourt & Row UG Library
425 KLE 00115822 Expolring English Grammar Kleiser, Grenville APH Publishing Corporation 2004 8176487880 200 p,: UG Library
425 KLE 00115471 Expolring English Grammar Kleiser, Grenville APH Publishing Corporation 2004 8176487880 200 p,: UG Library
425 KRI 00034898 Current English for Colleges Krishnaswamy, N Macmillan , 1990 168 p.: UG Library
425 KRI 00039130 Current English for Colleges Krishnaswamy, N Macmillan , 1990 168 p.: UG Library
425 KRI 00048547 Current English for Colleges Krishnaswamy, N Macmillan , 1990 168 p.: UG Library
425 KRI 00039659 Modern English Krishnamurthy, N Macmillan India Ltd 1995 vi, 374 p. UG Library
425 LAK 00070504 English for Technical Communication Lakshminarayanan, K R Scitech Publications (India) Pvt Ltd 2005 8187328452 | 9788187328452 2nd ed. 287 p. : UG Library
425 LAP 00043912 Syntax Structure, Meaning and Function Lapolla, Randy J Cambridge 713p UG Library
425 LAR 00043916 Knowledge of Meaning an Introduction to Semantic Theory Larson, Richard Prentice-Hall of India 639p UG Library
425 LAV 00043894 H.E.L.P. With Grammar Lavender, Sue Heinemann 1996 90 p.: UG Library
425 LAV 00043895 H.E.L.P. With Grammar Lavender, Sue Heinemann 1996 90 p.: UG Library
425 LED 00050161 More Anguished English Lederer, Richard New York 1993 0440215773 195 p.: UG Library
425 LEE 00070575 Communicative Grammar of English Leech, Geoffrey Pearson 2005 8129702517 432 p UG Library
425 LEE 00004454 English at Home Class Edition Lee, W R Oxfor University Press, 1969 273 p.: UG Library
425 LEE 00052064 Communicative Grammar of English Leech, Geoffrey Pearson Education 2001 9788178081243 2nd ed, 416 p.: UG Library
425 LEE 00010681 English at Home Class Edition Lee, W R Oxfor University Press, 1969 273 p.: UG Library
425 LEE 00013032 English at Home Class Edition Lee, W R Oxfor University Press, 1969 273 p.: UG Library
425 LEE 00025609 English Grammar for Today Leech, Geoffrey N. Palgrave Macmillan, 1984 0333306449 1st ed. xvi, 224 p. : UG Library
425 LEE 00024357 A Communicative Grammar of English Leech, Geoffrey Longman Group Ltd, 1973 323 p.: UG Library
425 LEE 05070297 A Communicative Grammar of English Leech, Geoffrey Longman Group Ltd, 1973 323 p.: Knowledge Centre
425 LEE 00051113 Communicative Grammar of English Leech, Geoffrey Pearson Education 2001 9788178081243 2nd ed, 416 p.: UG Library
425 LEE 00052114 Communicative Grammar of English Leech, Geoffrey Pearson Education 2001 9788178081243 2nd ed, 416 p.: UG Library
425 LEE 05022699 English Grammar for Today Leech, Geoffrey N. Palgrave Macmillan, 2006 9781403916419 | 1403916411 | 9 2nd ed. xvii, 236 p. : Knowledge Centre
425 LEE 00086640 English Grammar for Today Leech, Geoffrey N. Palgrave Macmillan, 2006 9781403916419 | 1403916411 | 9 2nd ed. xvii, 236 p. : UG Library
425 LEE 07009875 A Communicative Grammar of English/ Leech,Geoffrey Routledge, 2017 9781138292819 3 rd ed. XIII,419 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
425 LEE 00139482 A Communicative grammar of english / Leech,Geoffrey. Pearson, 2012 9788177588590 3rd ed. xiv,440p.; UG Library
425 LEE 00039076 A Communicative Grammar Of English. Leech Geoffrey Educational Low- Priced , 1975 3th ed . xiv, 423 p.: UG Library
425 LEE 05022691 English Grammar for Today: A New Introduction [ma-English Section] Leech, Geoffrey 9780230224933 238p Knowledge Centre
425 LEE 04013560 English Grammar : Leech, Geoffrey Viva Book Pvt Ltd, 2010 9788130905228 133p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
425 LLO 05059715 Active Grammer with Answers Level-3 / Lioyd, Mark. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107694422 215p.; Knowledge Centre
425 LOB 05037128 Navigating English grammar Lobeck, Anne C. Wiley-Blackwell, 2014 9781405159944 | 9781118340301 1 online resource (xiv, 282 p.) Knowledge Centre
425 LYE 00026720 Dynamic Reading Skills Venkata, Iyer Sterling Publishers, 1986 vi, 125 p.: UG Library
425 MAC 00013028 Exercises in English Patterns & usage Mackin, Ronald Oxford University Press 1962 54 p.: UG Library
425 MAC 00025416 Learning English Macmillan, Macmillan India Ltd 1981 96 p. : UG Library
425 MAC 00025418 Active English Grammar & Composition Macmillan India Macmillan India, Ltd, 1981 356 p.: UG Library
425 MAC 00023665 Exercises in English Patterns &usage Mackin, Ronald Oxford University 158 p UG Library
425 MAC 00013027 Exercises in English Patterns & usage Mackin, Ronald Oxford University Press 1962 54 p.: UG Library
425 MAC 00013029 Exercises in English Patterns & usage Mackin, Ronald Oxford University Press 1962 54 p.: UG Library
425 MAC 00013031 Exercises in English Patterns & usage Mackin, Ronald Oxford University Press 1962 54 p.: UG Library
425 MAL 00039081 Classroom Interaction Malamah-Thomas, Ann. Oxford University Press, | ELBS 1987 0194421341 | 019437131X (pbk.) ELBS ed. x, 150 p. : UG Library
425 MAN 00104683 The language of time : Mani Inderjeet. Oxford University Press, 2005 9780199268542 (hbk : alk. pape xii, 588 p. : UG Library
425 MAN 07005404 English Grammar/ Manikonda,Savitha Foundation Books, 2014 9789382993988 Vi,118 Pages ,; Library - BR Campus
425 MAR 00031528 English for Cambridge Proficiency Archer, Margaret Hong Kong 1980 252 p. UG Library
425 MIC 00061902 Good Grammar for Effective writing. Michigan, E A Infinity Books 2004 228 p.: UG Library
425 MIC 00052602 Sentences Michelson, R Sarupa and Sons 0817625150 232p UG Library
425 MIS 10000242 A Compendium of English Grammar & Usage, Linguistic & Literary Aspects, Phonetics & Communication Skills / Mishra, A.T. Himalaya Publishing House, 2018 9789352992485 | 9789352992492 2nd ed. 2 v.;l Yeshwanthpur Campus
425 MIS 10000243 A Compendium of English Grammar & Usage, Linguistic & Literary Aspects, Phonetics & Communication Skills / Mishra, A.T. Himalaya Publishing House, 2018 9789352992485 | 9789352992492 2nd ed. 2 v.;l Yeshwanthpur Campus
425 MOH 00055034 Effective English Communication Mohan, Krishna Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd 2000 0074637517 | 9780074637517 328 p. UG Library
425 MOH 03010701 Effective English Communication / Mohan, Krishna. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2000 9780074637517 | 0074637517 328 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
425 MOR 00067539 Anyday English for Effective Communication. Rao, Mortha Prabhakara English Edition Publisher 2005 8189066749 316p UG Library
425 MOR 00024339 Teachers and Teaching ( Ug-English ) Morrison, A PENGUIN 246 p UG Library
425 MUK 00121039 English grammar and composition. Mukherjee, Gurudas Ane Books Pvt. Ltd, 2015 9789381162118 16th ed 492 p.: UG Library
425 MUR 00021568 The Problem of Style Murray, Middleton J Oxford University .: 1976 133 p.: UG Library
425 MUR 00026045 The Problem of Style Murray, Middleton J Oxford University .: 1976 133 p.: UG Library
425 MUR 00039090 Essential English Grammar Murphy,Raymond. Cambridge University Press 1998 8175960299 | 9788175960299 2nd Ed. 300 p. UG Library
425 MUR 04009227 Intermediate English Grammer Murphy, Raymond Cambridge University Press 1997 9788185618517 350p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
425 MUR 00133778 Contemporary English Grammar Murthy, Jayanthi Dakshina Book Palace 2016 9788171870028 552p UG Library
425 MUR 00039089 Intermediate English Grammar Murphy, Raymond Oxford University Press.: 1994 9788185618517 2nd ed. x, 350 p.: UG Library
425 MUR 00115557 Essential English Grammar Murphy,Raymond. Cambridge University Press 1998 8175960299 | 9788175960299 2nd Ed. 300 p. UG Library
425 MUR 07000468 Essential English Grammar Murphy,Raymond. Cambridge University Press 1998 8175960299 | 9788175960299 2nd Ed. 300 p. Library - BR Campus
425 MUR 00115556 Murphy`s English Grammar Murphy, Raymond 2004 0521616638 380 p UG Library
425 MUR 00117085 Intermediate English Grammar Murphy, Raymond Foundation Books 1994 8185618518 350p UG Library
425 MUR 00115554 Essential English Grammar Murphy,Raymond. Cambridge University Press 1998 8175960299 | 9788175960299 2nd Ed. 300 p. UG Library
425 NAG 00060847 Comprehend and Compose Nagaraj, Geetha Foundation Books , 2003 9788175962125 Special edition for Bangalore University 106 p.: UG Library
425 NAG 00060846 Comprehend and Compose Nagaraj, Geetha Foundation Books , 2003 9788175962125 Special edition for Bangalore University 106 p.: UG Library
425 NAG 00060818 Comprehend and Compose Nagaraj, Geetha Foundation Books , 2003 9788175962125 Special edition for Bangalore University 106 p.: UG Library
425 NAG 00060817 Comprehend and Compose Nagaraj, Geetha Foundation Books , 2003 9788175962125 Special edition for Bangalore University 106 p.: UG Library
425 NAG 00060816 Comprehend and Compose Nagaraj, Geetha Foundation Books , 2003 9788175962125 Special edition for Bangalore University 106 p.: UG Library
425 NAG 00060812 Comprehend and Compose Nagaraj, Geetha Foundation Books , 2003 9788175962125 Special edition for Bangalore University 106 p.: UG Library
425 NAG 00060814 Comprehend and Compose Nagaraj, Geetha Foundation Books , 2003 9788175962125 Special edition for Bangalore University 106 p.: UG Library
425 NAG 00060813 Comprehend and Compose Nagaraj, Geetha Foundation Books , 2003 9788175962125 Special edition for Bangalore University 106 p.: UG Library
425 NAG 00060815 Comprehend and Compose Nagaraj, Geetha Foundation Books , 2003 9788175962125 Special edition for Bangalore University 106 p.: UG Library
425 NAG 00060849 Comprehend and Compose Nagaraj, Geetha Foundation Books , 2003 9788175962125 Special edition for Bangalore University 106 p.: UG Library
425 NAG 00060848 Comprehend and Compose Nagaraj, Geetha Foundation Books , 2003 9788175962125 Special edition for Bangalore University 106 p.: UG Library
425 NAN 00043902 Use and Misuse of English Words and Phrases Nandy, Milon S Abdul Majeed & Co, 1995 148 p.: UG Library
425 NAN 00043903 Essentials of Correct English and Grammar Nandy, Milon Abdul Majeed & Co 1995 150 p,: UG Library
425 NAN 00043904 Converse in English Effectivejy and Correctly Nandy, Milon Abdul Majeed & Co 1995 149p UG Library
425 NAN 00043905 Mastery of Confusing and Phrases Nandy Milon S Abdul Majeed & Co 1994 284 p UG Library
425 NAN 00043906 Figures of Rhetoric Orthography and Idiomatic Phrases Nandy Milon. Abdul Majeed & Co, 1995 165 p,: UG Library
425 NAN 00043907 Origin and Growth of English and Its Useage Nandy, Milon S Abdul Majeed & Co, 1995 146 p.: UG Library
425 NAN 00051112 Practcal Guide to Everyday English Nandy, Milon S Abdul Majeed & Co 189p UG Library
425 NAN 00043909 Basic English Words and Expressions Nandy, Milon S Abdul Majeed & Company, 1994 157 p.: UG Library
425 NAN 00043918 Correct and Incorrect English Nandy, Milon Abdul Majeed & Company 1994 131p UG Library
425 NAN 00043919 Correct Use of English Grammar and Prepositional Phrases Nandy, Milon S Abdul Majeed & Co 1995 211 p.: UG Library
425 NAN 00043920 Principles of Correct English Made Simple Nandy, Milon S Abdul Majeed & Co 1995 9838994332 126 p. : UG Library
425 NAN 00043921 Mastering Advanced English Nandy, Milon S Abdul Majeed & Co 1994 356 p. ; UG Library
425 NAN 00043922 Effctive Use of English Words Nandy, Milon S Abdul Majeed & Co, 1995 149 p, UG Library
425 NAN 00043923 English Affixes, Grammatical Errors and Idiomatic Phrases Nandy, Milon Abdul Majeed & Company, 1994 167 p.: UG Library
425 NAN 00043924 Principles of Business English and Correspondence Nandy, Milon Abdul Majeed & Co 1995 231 p UG Library
425 NAN 00043925 Learner`s First Aid in English Nandy, Milon S Abdul Majeed & Co 1993 9838992127 177 p. : UG Library
425 NAN 00043928 An Aid to the Study of Correct and Good English Nandy, Milon S Abdul Majeed & Co 1995 206p UG Library
425 NAN 00043929 Advanced English Grammar Nandy, Milon S Abdul Majeed & Co 1996 9838991155 245 p. ; UG Library
425 NAN- 00043930 New Practical English Course Nandy, Milon S Abdul Majeed & Co 312p UG Library
425 NAY 00115555 Essential English Grammer Naylor, Helen Cambridge University Press 1996 0521002680 v, 106 p. : UG Library
425 NEL 00043901 Grammar Is Great! Nelson, Peta L Heinemann 223p UG Library
425 NES 00011680 Errors in English Composition Nesfield, Mc Millan 330 p UG Library
425 NES 00049133 English Grammar Composition and Usage Nesfield, J C Macmillan 1961 558p UG Library
425 NIG 00117084 ABC of Common Grammatical Errors Turton, Nigel D Macmillan India Ltd 1995 xx, 895 p. : UG Library
425 PAL 00001361 Grammar of English Words Palmer, Harold E Longman Green, 1978 300 p.: UG Library
425 PAL 00024369 English Grammar and Composition Rajendra, Pal Sultan Chand & Sons 1983 q, 67 p.: UG Library
425 PAR 00024342 Usage & Abusage Eric, Partridge Penguin Books 1981 380 p.: UG Library
425 PAU 05047511 English Grammar and Common Errors / Paul,Joginder. Cyber Tech, 2015 9789350534359 v,232p.; Knowledge Centre
425 PIL 00015792 N B S Malayalam English Dictionary Pillai, Madhavan. National Book Stall 1976 1031 p. UG Library
425 PIL 00015166 ശബ്ദതാരാവലി (Sabdataravali) പത്മനാഭപിള്ള ശ്രീകണ്ഡേശ്വരം ജി. (Padmanabhapilla, Sreekanteswaram G) Sahitya Pravarthaka C0-Operative 1967 1648 p. UG Library
425 PIN 00003939 English Grammar Composition & Correspondence Pink, Alderton M The Donnington Press.: 1970 12th ed. 408 p.: UG Library
425 PIN 00007110 English Grammar Composition & Correspondence Pink, Alderton M The Donnington Press.: 1970 12th ed. 408 p.: UG Library
425 PIN 00007108 English Grammar Composition & Correspondence Pink, Alderton M The Donnington Press.: 1970 12th ed. 408 p.: UG Library
425 PIN 00007106 English Grammar Composition & Correspondence Pink, Alderton M The Donnington Press.: 1970 12th ed. 408 p.: UG Library
425 PIN 00024312 English Grammer Composition and Correspondence Pink, M Cassel 1970 1 UG Library
425 PIN 00007569 An English Course for Schools Pink, Alderton M. Macmillan, 1960 182p.; UG Library
425 PIN 00012766 An English Course For Schools Pink, M Alderton MacMillan Co,& Ltd 1960 133 p.: UG Library
425 PIT 00018236 Activating the Use of Prepositions Pittman G A Longmans, Green and Ltd 1967 180 p UG Library
425 PRA 00070518 English for Combined Defence Services Examination Prasad, Hari Mohan Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing 2005 9780070597754 xiii, 394 p.: UG Library
425 PRA 00070519 Objective English for Competitive Examinations Prasad, Hari Mohan New Delhi 2005 9780070587977 3th ed, xvi. B.185 p.: UG Library
425 PRE 00080465 Speaking and Listening Through Drama 7-11 Prendiville, Francis Paul Champman Publishing 2007 212 p.: UG Library
425 QUI 00052062 A University Grammar of English. Quirk Randolph Longman , 1973 9788178080888 xi, 483 p.: UG Library
425 QUI 00052063 University Grammar of English Quirk, Randolph 1990 0582058864 482p UG Library
425 QUI 00039077 A University Grammar of English Quirk, Randolph Educational Low- Priced, 1973 430 p.: UG Library
425 RAD 05022659 English Syntax An Introduction Radford Andrew Cambridge University Press 9780521542753 384p Knowledge Centre
425 RAD 05022658 English Syntax: An Introduction [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Radford, Andrew 9780521711524 384 p Knowledge Centre
425 RAD 05068419 Relative clauses : Radford, Andrew. Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108729680 x,314p.; Knowledge Centre
425 RAD 05074467 Analysing English sentence structure : Radford, Andrew, Cambridge University Press, 2024 9781009322966 | 9781009322935 xviii, 543p.; Knowledge Centre
425 RAD 05057351 Analysing English sentences / Radford, Andrew. Cambridge University Press, 2016 9780521660082 (hardback) | 978 Second Edition. xv,579p.; Knowledge Centre
425 RAI 00054661 How English Works: a Grammar Handbook With Readings / Raimes, Ann Cambridge University Press, 1998 0052165758 385 p.: UG Library
425 RAI 05022690 How English Works: a Grammar Handbook With Readings / Raimes, Ann Cambridge University Press, 1998 0052165758 385 p.: Knowledge Centre
425 RAI 00054663 How English Works: a Grammar Handbook With Readings / Raimes, Ann Cambridge University Press, 1998 0052165758 385 p.: UG Library
425 RAI 00054664 How English Works: a Grammar Handbook With Readings / Raimes, Ann Cambridge University Press, 1998 0052165758 385 p.: UG Library
425 RAI 05043234 How English Works: a Grammar Handbook With Readings / Raimes, Ann Cambridge University Press, 1998 0052165758 385 p.: Knowledge Centre
425 RAI 00115729 Test Your English Rai, Ajay Jaico Books 1983 170 p. : UG Library
425 RAI 00024373 Test Your English Rai, Ajay Jaico Books 1983 170 p. : UG Library
425 RAI 00107416 Teaching of English Rai Geeta Dr. R.Lall Book Depot 2011 xix:429 P. UG Library
425 RAJ 00043911 Introduction to English Phonetics, Phonology & Morphology Rajimwale, Sharad Rawat 202p UG Library
425 RAM 00033054 A Key to Correct English Ramappa, K English Education Centre 1991 119 p.: UG Library
425 RAM 00033055 A Key to Correct English Ramappa, K English Education Centre 1991 119 p.: UG Library
425 RAM 00033056 A Key to Correct English Ramappa, K English Education Centre 1991 119 p.: UG Library
425 RID 00013055 Facts of English Ridout, Ronald Ginn UG Library
425 RID 00014387 English Proverbs Explained Ridout, Ronald Heinmen Educational Books : 1967 206 p.: UG Library
425 RID 00004389 English Proverbs Explained Ronald Ridout, UNIVERSAL Book Stall 1967 206 p. : UG Library
425 ROB 00050070 Understanding Grammar Robertson, D Sarupa and Sons 2000 8176251682 185 p.: UG Library
425 ROB 00050083 Correct and Incorrect English Robertron, D Sarupa and Sons 2001 8176251844 231 p, UG Library
425 RUS 00043892 HELP With Idioms Applebee, Jane Heinemann Publishers, 1996 81 - 85617 - 52 - X Indian ed. vi, 122 p. ; UG Library
425 SET 04014652 Handbook of Standard English and Indian Usage: Sethi,J Prentic Hall of India Pvt. Ltd 2011 9788120342743 163 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
425 SET 01011931 Handbook of Standard English and Indian Usage: Sethi,J Prentic Hall of India Pvt. Ltd 2011 9788120342743 163 p.; Knowledge Centre
425 SHA 00039093 Collins Cobuild English Grammer Exercises Shaw, Katy Indus (Harper Collins Imprint ) 1992 0003704289 iv, 108 p. : UG Library
425 SHA 00039094 Collins Cobuild English Grammer Exercises Shaw, Katy Indus (Harper Collins Imprint ) 1992 0003704289 iv, 108 p. : UG Library
425 SHA 00050072 Comprehension, Precis and Paragraph Writing Shaffer, Lawrence Sarupa and Sons .: 2000 8176251453 360 p, UG Library
425 SHA 00050076 Words Shaffer, Lawrence Sarupa and Sons 2000 8176251828 220p UG Library
425 SHE 00039078 SELF-ACCESS Sheerin, Susan Oxford University Press | ELBS 1989 0194421406 ELBS ed. 200 p. ; UG Library
425 SHE 00024343 Faster Reading Self-Taught Shefter, Harry Pocket Books 280 p UG Library
425 SHE 00005931 Short Cuts to Effective English Shefter, Harry Washington 284 p UG Library
425 SHI 00048388 Grammatical Constructions Shibatani, Masayoshi New York 1999 9780198238713 xvii, 345 p.: UG Library
425 SIN 00039068 English Guides: 2 Word Formation Sinclair, John Harper Collins 1991 0003705218 xiv, 209 p. : UG Library
425 SIN 05037413 Practical English / Singh,K.K. APH Publishing Corp, 2014 9789331321688 x,246p.; Knowledge Centre
425 SIN 10003489 Current English Grammar and Usage with Composition / Sinha, R P Oxford India, 2013 9780195658095 xvii, 466 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
425 SOU 00043910 Phonetics and Spoken English: A Workbook for University Students D`Souza, Rosy Abdul Majeed & Co, 1994 ix, 128 p.: UG Library
425 SOU 00022938 A Comprehensive Course In English Grammar and Composition. D`Souza, Frank Himalya Publishing House, 1981 378 p.: UG Library
425 SPE 00000884 Longmans Elements Of English Series prepositions D H Spencer Oxford University 1955 64 p UG Library
425 SRE 00115469 English Reader-VIII Sree Subramanyeswara Book Dept Sree Hanuman 2005 147p UG Library
425 STO 00004680 New Lower Cambridge English Stone, Linton Mc Millan 268 p UG Library
425 STR 00025630 New Orientations in the Teaching of English Strenens, Peter Oxford University 180 p UG Library
425 STU 00022960 Structuralism and Since from Levi-Strauss to Derrida Sturrock, John Oxford University Press: 1979 190 p.: UG Library
425 SUD 00030925 Objective General English Sudha Publication Sudha Publications, 1992 150 p.: UG Library
425 SWA 00048356 How English Works Swan, Michael New York 1997 9780194314565 358 p.: UG Library
425 TAN 05022649 A to Z of English Tandon, B G Ane Books 8180520919 154 p Knowledge Centre
425 THA 00147813 A Wonderland of Words: Tharoor, Shashi Aleph Book Company 2024 9788119635535 442p UG Library
425 THA 00026156 English Grammar Composition and Translation Thakur, R D Vani Educational Books 1986 272 p.: UG Library
425 THA 00048364 Developing English Skills Thaker, P K New York 1999 9780195615418 xi, 126 p.: UG Library
425 THO 00001281 Practical English Grammar for Study Thomson, A J Oxford Charendon Press UG Library
425 THO 00104601 Practical English Grammar Exercises 1 Thomson, A.j Oxford University Press, 1995 9780195620542 3rd Edition 181 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
425 THO 00001285 Practical English Grammar for Study Thomson, A J Oxford Charendon Press UG Library
425 THO 00001283 Exercises Thomson, A.j Oxford University 1967 45 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
425 THO 00001284 Exercises Thomson, A.j Oxford University 1967 45 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
425 THO 00065442 A Practical English Grammar Thomson A J ELBS 0P Yeshwanthpur Campus
425 THO 00039061 Practical English Grammar Thomson, A J OXFORD 383 p UG Library
425 THO 00039065 Practical English Grammar Exercises 1 Thomson, A.j Oxford University Press, 1995 9780195620542 3rd Edition 181 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
425 THO 00039066 Practical English Grammar Exercises 1 Thomson, A.j Oxford University Press, 1995 9780195620542 3rd Edition 181 p.: UG Library
425 THO 00001286 Exercises Thomson, A.j Oxford University 1967 45 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
425 THO 00024355 Practical English Grammar Thomson, A J OXFORD 383 p UG Library
425 THO 00039124 A Practical English Grammar Exercises 2 Thomson A J Oxford University Press, 1961 9780195620559 2nd ed 199 p.: UG Library
425 THO 00039125 A Practical English Grammar Exercises 2 Thomson A J Oxford University Press, 1961 9780195620559 2nd ed 199 p.: UG Library
425 THO 00039126 A Practical English Grammar Exercises 2 Thomson A J Oxford University Press, 1961 9780195620559 2nd ed 199 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
425 THO 00039127 A Practical English Grammar Exercises 2 Thomson A J Oxford University Press, 1961 9780195620559 2nd ed 199 p.: UG Library
425 THO 00025633 A Practical English Grammar Exercises 2 Thomson A J Oxford University Press, 1961 9780195620559 2nd ed 199 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
425 THO 00099176 Natural Gramm Grammar: Thornbury,Scott Oxford university press; 9780195673029 220 p. UG Library
425 THO 00039063 Practical English Grammar Exercises 1 Thomson, A.j Oxford University Press, 1995 9780195620542 3rd Edition 181 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
425 THO 00039064 Practical English Grammar Exercises 1 Thomson, A.j Oxford University Press, 1995 9780195620542 3rd Edition 181 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
425 THO 00039067 Practical English Grammar Exercises 1 Thomson, A.j Oxford University Press, 1995 9780195620542 3rd Edition 181 p.: UG Library
425 THO 00025632 Practical English Grammar Exercises 1 Thomson, A.j Oxford University Press, 1995 9780195620542 3rd Edition 181 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
425 THO 00094168 A practical english grammar structure drills 2 Thomas A J Oxford university press 1995 9780195636864 116 p.: UG Library
425 THO 00094167 A Practical English Grammar Exercises 2 Thomson A J Oxford University Press, 1961 9780195620559 2nd ed 199 p.: UG Library
425 TIC 07004421 Harold E. Palmer : Tickoo, Makhan L. Orient Longman, 2008 9788125034322 xii, 420 p. ; Library - BR Campus
425 TIC 05009563 Harold E. Palmer : Tickoo, Makhan L. Orient Longman, 2008 9788125034322 xii, 420 p. ; Knowledge Centre
425 TOM 00099566 A Practical English Grammar: Thomson A J Oxford University Press, 9780195636857 122 p. UG Library
425 TOR 00134199 Understanding sentence structure : Tortora, Christina Wiley Blackwell, 2018 9781118659489 (hardback) | 9781118659946 (paper) 1 xix,348 pages cm. UG Library
425 TRA 00001533 Abc of English Usage Trouble, H A UG Library
425 TRI 00026155 Practical Manual of General English. Trivedi, R.d UBSPD 1977 210 p UG Library
425 TRI 00019626 English Grammer & Composition Trivedi, R D Vikas Publishing Hose, 1979 4th ed, 212 p.: UG Library
425 URE 00025420 Perspectives on English Languge Teaching Ure, J.m Macmillan 300 p UG Library
425 VAI 00061904 Cracking The English Comprehension Test Vaishnav, Jagdeep I Dream Tech Press 2004 8177224735 448p UG Library
425 VAL 00024350 The Best English Vallins, G H Sydney 1979 224 p.: UG Library
425 VAL 00045237 Syntax Valin, Robert D Van New York 1997 0521499151 713 p.: UG Library
425 VEN 00127363 Principles of teaching english Venkateswaran S Vikas publishing house, 2014 9780706987645 265 p.: UG Library
425 VIK 00031159 Vikas Book of Modern English Grammar Vikas, Vikas Publishng House Pvt LTD 1982 410 p UG Library
425 VIT 05057943 Proverbs and Wise Sayings / Vithayathil,Paul. Vithayathil Publications, 1992 274p.; Knowledge Centre
425 WAL 00107959 Personal Pronouns in Present-Day English Wales,Katie Cambridge University Press 1996 0521025036 xvii; 234 p. UG Library
425 WAL 05059723 Negation in early English : Wallage Philip W. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107114296 (hard back : alk. paper) xvii,221p,; Knowledge Centre
425 WAR 00062435 The Use of Tenses in english Ward, John Millington Longman 1966 ix, 159 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
425 WIJ 00115732 Hand Book of Engilish Grammer Wijesinha, Rajiva Foundation Books , 2004 9788175961937 126 p.: UG Library
425 WIL 00039133 Collins Cobuild Student's Grammar Willis, Dave Harper Collins Publishers, 1994 240 p.: UG Library
425 WIL 00005635 Best of Target Stories Wilson, Rosalind Living Media, 2001 111 p.: UG Library
425 WIN 00067858 Use Your Words Windrige C Pinnancle Books Pvt Ltd 1997 254 p UG Library
425 WOO 00001532 Current English Usage Sood, Frediek Macmillan Yeshwanthpur Campus
425 WOO 00004681 Remedial English Grammer for Foreign Students Wood, Frederick T MACMILLAN and Co LTD 1969 213 p.: UG Library
425 WOO 00005838 A Remedial English Grammar for Foreign Students Wood, Frederick T Mc Millan 1966 95 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
425 WOO 00024326 English Verbel Idioms Fredick, T Wood Pocket Books 1964 359 p.: UG Library
425 WOO 00014319 Remedial English Grammar for Foreign Students Wood Fredeick, T The Macmillan Company of India Ltd 1966 92 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
425 WOO 00023416 A Remedial English Grammar for Foreign Students Wood Frederick, T Macmillan 1965 213 p.: UG Library
425 WOO 00014320 A Remedial English Grammar for Foreign Students Wood Frederick, T Macmillan 1965 213 p.: UG Library
425 WOO 00005837 A Remedial English Grammar for Foreign Students Wood Frederick, T Macmillan 1965 213 p.: UG Library
425 WRE 00127377 High school english grammer & composition Wren.P.C BLACKIE 2017 9789352530144 384 UG Library
425 WRE 04030439 High school english grammer & composition Wren.P.C BLACKIE 2017 9789352530144 384 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
425 WRE 00004208 Elementary Grammar on Modern Lines Wren, P.c Maneckji Cooper, 1969 262 p.: UG Library
425 WRE 04030438 High school english grammer & composition Wren.P.C BLACKIE 2017 9789352530144 384 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
425 WRE 10004004 High School English Grammar & Composition : Wren, P C S Chand and Company Limited, 2024 9789358701555 Multicolour edition 420p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
425 WRE 10004005 High School English Grammar & Composition : Wren, P C S Chand and Company Limited, 2024 9789358701555 Multicolour edition 420p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
425 WRE 10004006 Key to High School English Grammar & Composition : Wren, P C S Chand and Company Limited, 2024 9789358704648 136p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
425 WRE 10004007 Key to High School English Grammar & Composition : Wren, P C S Chand and Company Limited, 2024 9789358704648 136p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
425 WRE 00115730 Key to Regular & Multicolour Editions Of High School English Grammar and Composition Wren & Martin Chand & Company Ltd, 2005 9788121924894 140 p.: UG Library
425 YUL 04016102 OXford Practice Grammer with Answers / Yule, George OUP, 2006 9780194579827 279 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
425 ZAN 00006908 Handbook of English Grammar Zandvoort, R.w Longman Group Ltd., 1975 7th ed. 345 p.: UG Library
425 ZAN 00014309 Handbook of English Grammar Zandvoort, R.w Longman Group Ltd., 1975 7th ed. 345 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
425 ZAN 00014310 Handbook of English Grammar Zandvoort, R.w Longman Group Ltd., 1975 7th ed. 345 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
425.018 HIL 00121469 Construction Grammar and its Application to English Hilpert, Martin. Edinburgh University Press, 2014 9780748675852 xii, 220 p, : UG Library
425.0183 BAN 00137324 A systemic functional grammar of English : Banks, David, Routledge , 2019 9781138605947 (hardback) | 9781138605954 (paperback) viii,127pages .; UG Library
425.01836 HOF 05074468 Construction grammar : Hoffmann, Thomas, Cambridge University Press, 2022 9781107013490 | 9781107601123 xx, 315p.; Knowledge Centre
425.07 KRI 00043428 Teaching English Grammar Krishnaswamy, N T R Publications 1995 137 p.: UG Library
425.07 KRI 00043427 Teaching English Grammar Krishnaswamy, N T R Publications 1995 137 p.: UG Library
425.09 FIS 05057373 A brief history of English syntax / Wurff, Wim van der, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9780521768580 (hardback) | 978 vii,240p.; Knowledge Centre
425.2 SCH 00006548 Present-Day English Syntax Scheurweghs, G Longmans 1959 xx, 434 p.: UG Library
425.2 SCH 00015551 Present-Day English Syntax Scheurweghs, G Longmans 1959 xx, 434 p.: UG Library
425.2 SIN 00111803 English Syntax / Singh, Sanjay Kumar. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd., 2013 9788126149636 viii: 320p.; UG Library
425.4 WAR 00006552 A Short Guide to English Style Warner, Alan Oxford University Press | The English Language Book Society 1961 viii, 198 p. : UG Library
425.5 HIC 05004613 Mindfulness and the therapeutic relationship / The Guilford press, 2010 9781609180195 xii,240 p. Knowledge Centre
425.54 FLO 05059727 Signalling Nouns In English : Flowerdew, John. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781108403894 xviii, 286p,: Knowledge Centre
425.6 GAT 00022578 A Direct Method English Course Gatenby, E.V Orient Longamans 1968 188 p.: UG Library
425.6 GAT 00022577 A Direct Method English Course Gatenby, E.V Orient Longamans 1968 188 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
425.7 HOR 00013033 The Teaching of Structural Words & Sentence Patterns Hornby, A.s Oxford University press, 1966 140 p.: UG Library
425.7 HOR 00022083 The Teaching of Structural Words & Sentence Patterns Hornby, A.s Oxford University press, 1966 140 p.: UG Library
425.7 HOR 00022082 The Teaching of Structural Words & Sentence Patterns Hornby, A S Oxford University Press 1978 165 P.: UG Library
425.7 HOR 00006429 The Teaching of Structural Words & Sentence Patterns Hornby, A.s Oxford University press, 1966 140 p.: UG Library
425.7 HOR 00006430 The Teaching of Structural Words & Sentence Patterns Hornby, A.s Oxford University press, 1966 140 p.: UG Library
425.76 AGG 07015188 Objective General English / Aggarwal R.S. S Chand and Company Limited, 2017 9789352832217 Revised Ed. 546p.: Library - BR Campus
425.76 AGG 07011296 Objective General English / Aggarwal R.S.Dr S Chand and Company Limited, 2017 9789352535354 716p.: Library - BR Campus
425.8 MAC 00013030 Exercises in English Patterns and Usage Mackin, Ronald Oxford University 1966 68 p.: UG Library
425.9 THO 00001282 Exercises 2 Future and Conditional Thomson, A. J Houghton 1967 5th,ed 43 p.: UG Library
425.92 BAU 00130388 Compounds and Compounding / Bauer, Laurie, Cambridge, 2017 9781108402552 195 p.: UG Library
425.92 DIX 05046124 Making new words : Dixon, Robert M. W. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198712374 (pbk.) | 0198712375 (pbk.) | 9780198712367 (hbk.) | 0198712367 (hbk.) First edition. xv, 448 pages ; Knowledge Centre
425.92 GIE 05057162 Lexical structures : Giegerich, Heinz J., Edinburgh University Press, 2015 9780748624614 viii, 142 pages ; Knowledge Centre
425/NAR 00034103 Rural India in Tradtion Desai, A B UG Library
425/NAR 00034104 Rural India in Tradtion Desai, A B UG Library
425AGG 00024358 Better English Grammar and Compansion Aggarwala, N K Armold UG Library
425AND 00043781 Structural Aspects of Language Change Anderson, James M 0582550335 249p UG Library
425BES.5T 00031157 Students Companion Best, Wilfred Rupa 175 p UG Library
425BHA 00043884 English Usage Bhat, J L Vee Kumar Publications Pvt Ltd 8180440346 352p UG Library
425BRU 00004380 Excercises on English and Adverbs Bruton, J G Heineman UG Library
425BUR2 00072101 To Z of Correct English [dharmaram Library] Burt, Angela Siga 8171085156 211 UG Library
425CAL 00023545 Exercise and Tests for Journalists Callinhan, E L Chilton 200 p UG Library
425CAR,3 00018148 Systems and Structures of English Carroll, Brendan Oxford University 60 p UG Library
425CARTY 00018240 Systems and Structures of English Carroll Brendan, J Oxford University Press, 1971 64 p.: UG Library
425CLO1 00015667 Reference Grammar for Students of English Close, R A Longman UG Library
425COL1 00014306 Text Book of English Idioms Collins, V H E l b s UG Library
425COL1 00014308 Text Book of English Idioms Collins, V H E l b s UG Library
425DIR 00115562 English Reader-V111 Director of Printing Director Text Booksk 149p UG Library
425GOK 00036830 New English Bridge Course for 1 Puc Entrants Government Of Karnataka, Pue Board 88p UG Library
425GOK1 00036821 New English Bridge Course for I Puc Shedules Government of Karnataka , Puc Board UG Library
425GOK1 00036826 New English Bridge Course for I Puc Shedules Government of Karnataka , Puc Board UG Library
425GOK1 00036828 New English Bridge Course for I Puc Shedules Government of Karnataka , Puc Board UG Library
425GOK1 00036829 New English Bridge Course for I Puc Shedules Government of Karnataka , Puc Board UG Library
425GOK1 00036827 New English Bridge Course for I Puc Shedules Government of Karnataka , Puc Board UG Library
425GOK1 00036822 New English Bridge Course for I Puc Shedules Government of Karnataka , Puc Board UG Library
425GOK1 00036824 New English Bridge Course for I Puc Shedules Government of Karnataka , Puc Board UG Library
425GOKJH 00036823 New English Bridge Course for I Year Pre-University Entrants Directorate of Pre-University Education Directorate of Pre-University Education 1994 88 p. : UG Library
425GOW.2 00060054 Grammar in Practice 2 -40 Units of Self-Study Grammar Exercises Gower, Roger 0521665663 71p UG Library
425GRO 00010679 Short History of English Words Groom Bernard, St Martins UG Library
425HEAT 00017682 Overseas Students`companion to English Studies Heaton, J B LONGMAN 340p UG Library
425HEY.6 00027242 English Usage Hey, Colin G David Mckay 120 p UG Library
425HILBHJ 00013039 Prepositions and Adverbial Particles Hill, L. A. Oxford U.P., 1968 xxvi, 403 p. UG Library
425KRI,6T 00025617 Modern English a Book of Grammar Usage &composition Krishnaswamy, N Wasani 374 p UG Library
425KRI2 00033090 Current English for Colleges Krishna Samy, N Kithab Mahal UG Library
425MEN 00023666 Standard English Grammer Menon, E R R Oxford UG Library
425MIT 00043897 Meaning into Words Intermediate Teacher`s Book Mitchell, Keith Cambridge University 245p UG Library
425MUR6 00068573 Essential English Grammer Murphy, Raymond Foundation Books 8175960299 300p UG Library
425NAN 00043908 Practcal Guide to Everyday English Nandy, Milon S Abdul Majeed & Co 189p UG Library
425NANDY 00048640 English Affixes, Grammatical Errors and Idiomatic Phrases Nandy, Milon S.Abdul Majeed & Co. 168p UG Library
425PINT 00007107 English Grammar Compostiton and Correspondence Pink, Malderton Cassell & Company Ltd UG Library
425PRA 00018869 Rapid Review of English Grammar - Second Edition Praninskas, Jean PRENTICE-HALL UG Library
425PRI.8 00010904 Poetry of Pritish Nandy ( Ug-English ) Pritish Nandy, OXFORD 183p UG Library
425REG.7U 00022758 Aids to English Composition Part Four Rego, Aloysius G SAINT PAUL 225 p UG Library
425RID1 00025614 Basic Skills in English Ridoot, Ronald Macmillan UG Library
425RON 00004390 English Proverbs Explained Ronald Ridout, UNIVERSAL Book Stall 1967 206 p. : UG Library
425SPE 00018399 English for Proficiency Spencer, D.h Oxford University 185 p UG Library
425TIC. 00041738 Functional Grammar With Usage and Composition: a Practical Course Tickoo, M L Frank Bros & Co 0817170171 474p UG Library
425WOO 00010678 Course in English Composition Wood Frederick, T Mc Millan UG Library
426 HAL 00018138 Thirteen Types of Narrative ( Ug-English ) Hildick, Wallace Mc Millan 127p UG Library
427 BAN 05022747 Intelligibility of Indian English: Summary of a Thessis Approved By the University of London for the Award of Ph.D. Bansal, R K Central Institute of English and Foreign Language 32p Knowledge Centre
427 BER 07011572 Varieties of English / De Gruyter, 2017 9783110522792 (paperback) First Edition. ix,405p.: Library - BR Campus
427 CLA 05040255 Dangerous English : Claire Elizabeth New Age International(P) Limited,Publishers, 2005 8122416357 202p.: Knowledge Centre
427 GRE 05048920 Slang : Green, Jonathon, Oxford University, 2016 9780198729532 (pbk.) | 0198729 First edition. Impression: 1. 130 pages : Knowledge Centre
427 HIC 00110865 Standards of English Hickey,Raymond. Cambridge University Press 2012 9780521763899 (hardback) | 978 xxii, 421 pages : UG Library
427 HIL 00110825 Constructional change in English Hilpert, Martin. Cambridge University Press 2013 9781107013483 (hardback : alk. xiv; 233 pages cm UG Library
427 JEN 05022679 World Englishes : Jenkins, Jennifer, Routledge, 9780415466110 | 9780415466127 xvi, 256 p. : Knowledge Centre
427 KAC 00091364 The handbook of world Englishes / Blackwell Pub., 9781405111850 (hbk. : alk. pap xix, 811 p. : UG Library
427 KAC 05062120 World Englishes and culture wars / Kachru, Braj B., Cambridge University Press, 2017 9780521825719 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9780521532785 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvi,304p.; Knowledge Centre
427 KLE 07014822 Is English changing? / Kleinedler, Steven Racek, Routledge Publication, 2018 9781138234673 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9781138234666 (softcover : alk. paper) ix, 193 pages ; Library - BR Campus
427 MCA 00049189 The English Lnguages Mcarthur, Tom Cambridge University Press. 1998 9780521485821 xxi, 247 p.: UG Library
427 MUK 05074793 The salad bowl : Mukherjee, Panchali. Northern Book Centre, 2021 9788172113933 viii, 245p.; Knowledge Centre
427 OXF 01016477 Oxford dictionary of English / Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199571123 (hardback) 3rd ed. / xxii,2069p.; Knowledge Centre
427 PYL 00050173 Origins and Development of the English Language Pyles, Thomas 0015500168 378p UG Library
427 ROH 00092077 One language, two grammars? : Cambridge University Press, 9780521872195 | 0521872197 xxiv, 461 p. : UG Library
427 SAY 04026000 What Not to Write : Sayce,Kay. Viva Books, 2014 9788130928159 v,144p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
427 SAY 05041319 What Not to Write : Sayce,Kay. Viva Books, 2014 9788130928159 v,144p.; Knowledge Centre
427 SAY 07000733 What Not to Write : Sayce,Kay. Viva Books, 2014 9788130928159 v,144p.; Library - BR Campus
427 SCH 05022678 The lesser-known varieties of English : Schreier, Daniel, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521883962 (hardback) | 052 xv, 370 p. : Knowledge Centre
427 SCH 07002771 The lesser-known varieties of English : Schreier, Daniel, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521883962 (hardback) | 052 xv, 370 p. : Library - BR Campus
427 SCH 05023912 The lesser-known varieties of English : Schreier, Daniel, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521883962 (hardback) | 052 xv, 370 p. : Knowledge Centre
427 SIE 07002772 Varieties of English A Typological Approach / Siemund Peter Cambridge University Press, 2013 9780521186933 xix,308p.: Library - BR Campus
427 TAG 00110857 Roots of English Tagliamonte, Sali A. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521863216 (hardback) | 978 xiv; 253 pages cm UG Library
427 TRU 00134841 International English : Trudgill, Peter. Routledge, 2017 9781138233683 (hbk) | 9781138233690 (pbk) 6th ed. ix, 163 pages : UG Library
427.0071 LEA 05022698 Dictionary Activities [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Leaney, Cindy 9780521690409 150p Knowledge Centre
427.0071 LEA 05059718 Dictionary Activities / Leaney, Cindy. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521735841 x,150p,; Knowledge Centre
427.0071LEA 07002667 Dictionary Activities [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Leaney, Cindy 9780521690409 150p Library - BR Campus
427.009 SCH 00102534 English Around The World / Schneider,Edgar W, Cambridge University Press . 9780521716581 258 P . UG Library
427.00917 MES 07011716 World englishes / Mesthrie, Rajend Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521797337 xvi,271p.; Library - BR Campus
427.0095 BAU 05022656 South Asian English: Structure, Use and Users [ma-English Section] Baumgardner, J Robert 0195640667 286p Knowledge Centre
427.02 BRI 00129276 Middle English / Brinton, Laurel J De Gruyter Mouton 2017 9783110522761 (paperback) 309p. UG Library
427.09 THO 00097868 Dictionary of Contemporary Slang Thorne, Tony A & C Black, 9780713675920 494 p. UG Library
427.09 AYT 00091352 Stone the crows : Oxford University Press, 9780199543700 | 0199543704 xi, 408 p. ; UG Library
427.09 AYT 01014334 The Oxford dictionary of slang / Oxford University Press, 0198607636 (pbk.) | 9780198607 iv, 474 p. ; Knowledge Centre
427.09 AYT 01014344 The Oxford dictionary of modern slang / Oxford University Press, 9780199232055 324 p. ; Knowledge Centre
427.09 AYT 05003819 The Oxford dictionary of modern slang / Oxford University Press, 9780199232055 324 p. ; Knowledge Centre
427.09 AYT 05003770 The Oxford Dictionary of slang / Oxford University Press, 2003 9780198607632 iv, 474 p. ; Knowledge Centre
427.09 DAL 00096889 The Routledge dictionary of modern American slang and unconventional English / Routledge, 2008 9780415371827 (alk. paper) viii,1104p. ; UG Library
427.09 DAL 00094044 Slang Dalzell Tom Routledge 9780415212595 720p UG Library
427.09 MCE 00102365 Swearing in English : McEnery, Tony, Routledge, 0415258375 | 9780415258371 xv, 276 p. : UG Library
427.09031 NEV 00102088 An Introduction to Early Modern English Nevalainen, Terttu Edinburgh University Press Ltd., 2006 9780748615237 ix, 176 p. UG Library
427.09031 NEV 00091426 An introduction to early Modern English / Nevalainen, Terttu. Oxford University Press, 9780748615230 | 0195308468 (al 176 p. ; UG Library
427.709 CHO 00101393 English social and cultural history: Choudhury Bibhash PHI Learning private limited; 9788120328495 385 p. UG Library
427.9 SEA 07009914 Exploring world Englishes : Seargeant, Philip. Routledge, 2012 9780415572095 (alk. paper) | 9 xi, 218 p. : Library - BR Campus
427.9 SEA 05021011 Exploring world Englishes : Seargeant, Philip. Routledge, 2012 9780415572095 (alk. paper) | 9 xi, 218 p. : Knowledge Centre
427.941 HUG 00078513 English Accents and Dialects Hughes, Arthur, Hodder Arnold ; | Distributed exclusively in the USA by Oxford University Press, 2005 0340887184 (pb) | 978034088718 4rd ed. 159 p. : UG Library
427.95 BOL 05043212 Asian Englishes. Bolton, Kingsley 9780415374866 396 p Knowledge Centre
427.95 BOL 05043216 Asian Englishes. Bolton, Kingsley 9780415374866 396 p Knowledge Centre
427.95 BOL 05043215 Asian Englishes. Bolton, Kingsley 9780415374866 396 p Knowledge Centre
427.95 BOL 05043214 Asian Englishes. Bolton, Kingsley 9780415374866 396 p Knowledge Centre
427.95 BOL 05043213 Asian Englishes. Bolton, Kingsley 9780415374866 396 p Knowledge Centre
427.95 LEI 05068458 Communicating with Asia : Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107666054 xv,366p.; Knowledge Centre
427.954 CHA 07001137 Foreigners and Foreign Languages in India:A Sociolinguistic History Chaudhary, Shreesh Foundation Books 2008 9788175966284 586p Library - BR Campus
427.954 CIE 05022657 Sound System of Indian English [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Foreign Languages, Central Institute Of English Central Institute of English 16p Knowledge Centre
427.954 HOS 00143090 Butler English : Hosali, Priya. B R Publishing Corporation, 2022 9788176461337 xii,308p.; UG Library
427.954 KRI 00087350 Story of English in India Krishnaswamy, N Foundation Books 2006 8175963123 226 p.: UG Library
427.954 NIH 00022079 Indian and British English Nihalani, Paroo. Oxford University Press, 1979 viii, 260 p. ; UG Library
427.954 SAI 00102094 Dialects of English : Sailaja, Pingali. Edinburgh University Press, 9780748625956 UG Library
427.954 SAI 00097892 Dialects of English : Sailaja, Pingali. Edinburgh University Press, 9780748625956 UG Library
427.954CHA 00088313 Foreigners and Foreign Languages in India:A Sociolinguistic History Chaudhary, Shreesh Foundation Books 2008 9788175966284 586p UG Library
427.95957 BAO 05068466 The making of vernacular Singapore English : Bao, Zhiming. Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108731669 xvi,214p.; Knowledge Centre
427.973 DEN 07010043 ENglish Historical Syntax/ Denison,David Routledge, 2016 9781138695252 XIII,526 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
427.973 AMB 05022622 American English : Amberg, Julie S. Cambridge University Press, 9780521852579 (hardback) | 052 xix, 223 p. : Knowledge Centre
427.973 CHO 07010044 Significant Ages of English & Non British/ Choudhary,G D Paradise, 2016 9789383099610 V,247 pages,: Library - BR Campus
427.973 GRI 05068435 Regional variation in written American English / Grieve, Jack. Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108712965 xviii,335p.; Knowledge Centre
427.973 MET 00111658 OK Metcalf, Allan A. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199892532(pbk.) xii,210p.; UG Library
427.973 WOL 05057034 American English : Wolfram, Walt, Wiley, 2016 9781118390221 (paperback) Third edition. xviii,436p.; Knowledge Centre
427.97471 LAB 00127164 The Social Stratification of English in New York City Labov, William. Cambridge University Press, 2006 9780521821223 | 0521821223 | 9 2nd ed. xii, 485 p. : UG Library
427.993 GOR 05055104 New Zealand English : Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521642922 | 9780521642927 xix, 370 p. : Knowledge Centre
428 CHA 04006243 English for Emails Chapman, Rebecca Oxford Universtiy Press 2007 9780194579124 63 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428 FRE 00033101 Written Communication in English Freeman, Sarah Orient Longman 224p UG Library
428 HAR 04006241 Engish for Specific Purposes Harding, Keith Oxford Universtiy Press 2007 9780194425759 170 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428 HUG 04006251 Practical Class Room English Hughes, Glyn Oxford Universtiy Press 2007 9780194422796 172 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428 JOH 03002001 Present Johnson, Spencer Bantam Books 9780553816662 109 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
428 MCC 07002672 English Vocabulary in Use Mccarthy, Michael Cambridge University Press 1994 8185618550 296 p. Library - BR Campus
428 MCC 07002673 English Vocabulary in Use Mccarthy, Michael Cambridge University Press 1994 8185618550 296 p. Library - BR Campus
428 MUR 04007079 Englsih Grammar: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Students of English With ... Murphy, Raymond Cambridge University Press 2009 9780521616621 379 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428 22 00052209 Study Skills in English Wallace, Michael Cambridge University Press, 1998 9788175960534 92 p.: UG Library
428 22 00085523 Study Skills in English Wallace, Michael Cambridge University Press, 1998 9788175960534 92 p.: UG Library
428 AGA 05040259 New Age Vocabulary for Achievers / New Age International(P)Limited,Publishers, 2010 9788122427486 370p.: Knowledge Centre
428 AGG 00115527 Quick Learning Objective General English Aggarwal, R S S Chand & Company Ltd 2003 8121922119 | 9788121922111 1st ed. 310 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
428 AJM 04022735 Good English : Getting It Right / Ajmani, J. C. Rupa Publications, 2011 9788129118783 318p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428 ALL 00115043 Pocket Fowler's Modern English Unsage Allen, Robert. Oxford University Press 2003 9780195672503 620p UG Library
428 ALL 00010639 Applied English Linguistics Allen Harold, B Appleton UG Library
428 AMR 05022662 English in Deprived Circumstances: Maximising Learner Autonomy [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Amritavalli, R Foundation Books 8175964359 85p Knowledge Centre
428 ARI 00143059 Englihs langaguage and communication: Aris, Smith ABD publishers, 2022 9788183768917 vii,288 p.; UG Library
428 BAN 00143070 Textbook of english communication skill Banerjee,Sudesh Global vision publishing house, 2022 9789390423743 x,196p.; UG Library
428 BAR 00115529 English Teacher`s Handbook Baruach, T C Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 8120712129 329 UG Library
428 BAS 00091676 Common errors in english Baskar R V Emerald Publishers 8179661520 98p UG Library
428 BEC 00055201 Cambridge BEC Preliminary: Self-Study Edition Bec 0521753015 130p UG Library
428 BEC 00055202 Cambridge BEC Vantage: Self-Study Edition Bec 0052175304 123p UG Library
428 BEC 00055203 Cambridge BEC Higher: Self-Study Edition Bec 0521752892 111p UG Library
428 BHA 00039119 Handbook of Composition Bhatia, M.P M.I Publications 1967 4.45 p : Yeshwanthpur Campus
428 BHA 00115473 Teach Yourself English Grammer and Composition Bhatia, H S D S Publihers 2004 8180230155 274p UG Library
428 BRU 00062907 Literature and Language Teaching Brumfit, C.J Oxford University Press 1986 0194370828 x, 289 p UG Library
428 CAM 00115468 Better Sentence Writing in 30 Minutes a Day Campbell, Dianna Jaico Publishing House 1999 8172247532 | 9788172247539 viii, 212 p. : UG Library
428 CAM 00052211 Teaching Languages to Yong Learners Cameron, Lynne Cambridge University Press 2001 0521774349 | 9780521774345 258 p. UG Library
428 CAR 00052189 The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Carter, Ronald Cambridge University Press 2001 0521805163 | 9780521805162 294 p. UG Library
428 CEL 00115728 Techniques and Resources in Teaching Grammar Celce-Murcia, Marianne Oxford University 188p UG Library
428 CLE 00039056 Linguistics for Teachers Cleary, Linda Miller McGraw Hill 1993 9780071132404 635 p. UG Library
428 COR 00039039 Introducing Applied Linguistics Corder, Pit. S Penguin Books 1973 392 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
428 COR 00045229 An Intermediate English Practice Book Corder,Pit S. Orient Longman 1960 0002070236 317 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
428 CUB 10003786 Life Scripts : Orient BlackSwan, 2014 9788125055457 viii,136p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
428 CUB 00109186 Life Scripts : Orient BlackSwan, 2014 9788125055457 viii,136p.; UG Library
428 CUB 05040117 Life Scripts : Orient BlackSwan, 2014 9788125055457 viii,136p.; Knowledge Centre
428 DAS 00062937 English Language and Grammar: Das, Susmita. Mangal Deep Publications 2002 8175941340 240 p. UG Library
428 DAV 00111394 Active Grammar with Answers : Davis, Fiona. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107632172 1st South Asian Edition. 199p.; UG Library
428 DAV 00111395 Active Grammar with Answers : Davis, Fiona. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107632172 1st South Asian Edition. 199p.; UG Library
428 DAV 00111396 Active Grammar with Answers : Davis, Fiona. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107632172 1st South Asian Edition. 199p.; UG Library
428 DHA 00099928 English and communication skills for students for students of science and engeering; Dhanavel,S P Orient blackswan; 2009 9788125037392 x;228 p. UG Library
428 DHA 00089786 English and communication skills for students for students of science and engeering; Dhanavel,S P Orient blackswan; 2009 9788125037392 x;228 p. UG Library
428 DOF 00057911 Trainer's Handbook Teach English Doff, Adrian Cambridge University Press 1988 0521498597 | 9780521498593 286 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
428 DOF 00115853 Trainer's Handbook Teach English Doff, Adrian Cambridge University Press 1988 0521498597 | 9780521498593 286 p. UG Library
428 DOF 00115040 Trainer's Handbook Teach English Doff, Adrian Cambridge University Press 1988 0521498597 | 9780521498593 286 p. UG Library
428 DOF 00052226 Language in Use / Doff, Adrian Cambridge University Press 2001 0521435544 | 9780521627078 | 9 136p UG Library
428 DOF 00052223 Language in Use / Doff, Adrian Cambridge University Press 2001 0521435544 | 9780521627078 | 9 136p UG Library
428 DOF 00052224 Language in Use / Doff, Adrian Cambridge University Press 2001 0521435544 | 9780521627078 | 9 136p UG Library
428 DOF 00115456 Language in Use / Doff, Adrian Cambridge University Press 2001 0521435544 | 9780521627078 | 9 136p UG Library
428 DOF 00115528 Language in Use / Doff, Adrian Cambridge University Press 2001 0521435544 | 9780521627078 | 9 136p UG Library
428 DOF 00052221 Language in Use / Doff, Adrian Cambridge University Press 2001 0521435544 | 9780521627078 | 9 136p UG Library
428 DOF 00048350 Trainer's Handbook Teach English Doff, Adrian Cambridge University Press 1988 0521498597 | 9780521498593 286 p. UG Library
428 DOF 00052220 Language in Use / Doff, Adrian Cambridge University Press 2001 0521435544 | 9780521627078 | 9 136p UG Library
428 DOF 00115552 Trainer's Handbook Teach English Doff, Adrian Cambridge University Press 1988 0521498597 | 9780521498593 286 p. UG Library
428 DOF 00115458 Language in Use / Doff, Adrian Cambridge University Press 2001 0521435544 | 9780521627078 | 9 136p UG Library
428 DOF 00115567 Language in Use / Doff, Adrian Cambridge University Press 2001 0521435544 | 9780521627078 | 9 136p UG Library
428 DOF 00052216 Language in Use / Doff, Adrian Cambridge University Press 2001 0521435544 | 9780521627078 | 9 136p UG Library
428 DOF 00052217 Language in Use / Doff, Adrian Cambridge University Press 2001 0521435544 | 9780521627078 | 9 136p UG Library
428 DOF 00115464 Language in Use / Doff, Adrian Cambridge University Press 2001 0521435544 | 9780521627078 | 9 136p UG Library
428 DOF 00115460 Language in Use / Doff, Adrian Cambridge University Press 2001 0521435544 | 9780521627078 | 9 136p UG Library
428 DOF 00057910 Trainer's Handbook Teach English Doff, Adrian Cambridge University Press 1988 0521498597 | 9780521498593 286 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
428 DOF 00052218 Teacher`s Book Language in Use Doff, Adsrian 2000 0521555477 130 p.: UG Library
428 DOF 00052219 Teacher`s Book Language in Use Doff, Jones 0521435536 144p UG Library
428 DOF 00052225 Language in Use / Doff, Adrian Cambridge University Press 2001 0521435544 | 9780521627078 | 9 136p UG Library
428 DOF 00052222 Pre Intermediate Teacher`s Book Language in Use Doff, Jones 0521774047 128p UG Library
428 DUF 00043766 Twist in the Tail Duff, Alan Mcconnel New Delhi 1996 0019563716 442 p.: UG Library
428 DUF 00043767 Tiger`s Eye Duff, Alan McConnell Oxford University Press 1992 Teacher's ed xiii, 298 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
428 DUF 00043769 Tiger`s Eye Duff, Alan McConnell Oxford University Press 1992 Teacher's ed xiii, 298 p. : UG Library
428 DWA 00045263 From Correction to Grammar and Stylistics Dwarakanath K. Classical Publlishing Company 1997 8170541689 476 p. UG Library
428 ECU 05073988 Life Scripts : Department of English Christ University. Orient Blackswan Private Limited, 2013 9788125052029 iv,175p.; Knowledge Centre
428 ESP 00057959 Academic Listerning Encounters Espeseth, Miriam Cambridge University Press 2002 0521578213 142 p UG Library
428 FAW 00023189 Grassroots the Writer`s Workbook Fawcett, Susan Houghton Mifflin Company 1976 0395240638 x, 227 p. ; UG Library
428 FIE 00115731 Improve Your Written English Field, Marion Jaico Publishing House 2005 8179923797 | 9788179923795 4th ed 185 p. : UG Library
428 FIE 00018247 A Guide to Precis-Writing Fielden F. J. University Tutorial Press Ltd 1966 282 p.: UG Library
428 FIE 00018270 A Guide to Precis-Writing Fielden F. J. University Tutorial Press Ltd 1966 282 p.: UG Library
428 FOS 00115470 Grammar for All Foster, N IVY Publishing House 8178900904 124p UG Library
428 FOW 10002277 A dictionary of modern English usage / Fowler, H. W. Peacock books, 2022 9788124805275 viii,1071 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
428 FRE 00033099 Written Communication in English Freeman, Sarah Orient Longman 224p UG Library
428 GLO 00115551 The Cambridge Revision Guide Glover R. Cambridge University Press 2001 0521644216 | 9780521644211 291 p. UG Library
428 GLO 00052215 The Cambridge Revision Guide Glover R. Cambridge University Press 2001 0521644216 | 9780521644211 291 p. UG Library
428 GOK 00106560 II PUC English Work Book Department of Pre University Education Sri Venkateshwara Enterprises 2011 xi,154 p UG Library
428 GOK 00106563 English Work Book for First Year Pre University Course By Department of Pre University Education Vinayaka Offset 2011 xi,203 p UG Library
428 GOO 00115566 Messages / Students Books Goody, Diana Cambridge University 2003 0521547075 144po UG Library
428 GOO 00093181 Messages / Students Books Goody, Diana Cambridge University 2003 0521547075 144po UG Library
428 GOW 00001531 The Complete Plain Words Gowers, Ernest Penguin Books 1954 271 p.: UG Library
428 GRE 00045377 Oxford English Gremmer. Greenbaum, Sidney Oxford University Press. 1996 0198612508 | 9780198612506 652 p UG Library
428 GRE 00141266 Greatest Essays / Rupa Publications ; 2021 9789389967913 541 p. ; UG Library
428 GRE 10005037 Greatest Essays / Rupa Publications ; 2021 9789389967913 541 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
428 GUP 04030428 English Grammar and Composition : Gupta, S C Arihant, 2022 9789351768746 968p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428 GUP 00111393 A New Approach to Modern Linguistic Theory / J P Gupta A B D Publishers, 2013 9788183764193 vi, 264 p. UG Library
428 HAO 00096314 Thadou- Kuki word book: Haokip Pauthang Thangsat Doungel 114 p. UG Library
428 HEN 05069973 Textual analysis for English language and literature for the IB diploma : Henly, Carolyn P. Hodder Education, 2019 9781510467156 144p.; Knowledge Centre
428 HEN 00115533 Advanced English Grammar Hewings, Martin Foundation Books 2004 0817596216 340 p.; UG Library
428 IYE 00022921 Book of Idioms Phrases & Words Iyer, B. Subramania Balaji Publications 1981 viii, 151 p. : UG Library
428 JAY 00115474 Master Your English Grammer. Jayakaran, J 2004 8176870471 544 UG Library
428 JOH 04015759 Present Johnson, Spencer Bantam Books 9780553816662 109 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428 JON 00055190 Working in English Jones, Leo Cambridge University Press 2002 0521776848 144 p UG Library
428 JON 00055197 Working in English: Teacher`s Book Jones, Leo 0052177683 144p UG Library
428 JON 00052177 Cambridge Advanced English Jones, Leo Foundation Books 2000 8175960469 252 p UG Library
428 JON 00052212 Cambridge Advanced English Jones, Leo Cambridge University Press 2000 8175960469 | 9788175960466 252 p. UG Library
428 JON 00052213 Cambridge Advanced English Teacher, S Book Jones, Leo Foundation Books 8175960523 252p UG Library
428 KAI 05069954 Language and literature for the IB MYP 3 /​ Kaiserimam, Zara. Hodder Educations, 2018 9781471880858 155p.; Knowledge Centre
428 KAN 05044632 The right word at the right time : Kahn, John Ellision. The Reder's digest association limited, 2013 9780276421440 rep. 2013 688 p. Knowledge Centre
428 KEN 00115149 Towards Communicative Competence: Workbook-2 / Kennedy, John J Department of Communicative English , 2006 86p .; UG Library
428 KEN 00115148 Towards Communicative Competence: Workbook-2 / Kennedy, John J Department of Communicative English , 2006 86p .; UG Library
428 KHU 00067542 New Upgraded Encyclopedia of English Grammar & Composition Khurana, Kavitha Dr. English Edition Publisher 2004 8189066188 620 p. UG Library
428 KLE 00115472 Common Errors in English Kleiser, Greenville APH 8176487139 202p UG Library
428 KLE 00115475 Common Errors in English Kleiser, Greenville APH 8176487139 202p UG Library
428 KNI 00115532 Business Goals 2 Knight, Gareth Cambridge University Press 2003 9780521755375 | 9780521755412 128p UG Library
428 KNI 00115463 Business Goals 2 Knight, Gareth Cambridge University Press 2003 9780521755375 | 9780521755412 128p UG Library
428 KRI 00035483 Modern Applied Linguistics Krishnaswamy, N Macmillan India Limited 1992 vii, 311 p. : UG Library
428 KRI 00039701 Modern Applied Linguistics Krishnaswamy, N Macmillan India Limited 1992 vii, 311 p. : UG Library
428 KUM 00139126 Comprehension and Communication Skills in English / Kumar,Varinder. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789327278873 rep. 18.11p.; UG Library
428 LAK 04021903 Challenges in Written English / Lakshminarayanan, K. R. Scitech Publishers, 2008 9788183711159 536p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428 LAK 04021904 Challenges in Written English / Lakshminarayanan, K. R. Scitech Publishers, 2008 9788183711159 536p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428 LAW 01011637 Oxford Language Reference; Oxford Dictionary of Quotations and Proverbs; Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus Law, Jonathan Oxford University Press 9780195676983 218p.; Knowledge Centre
428 LAW 01011638 Oxford Language Reference; Oxford Dictionary of Quotations and Proverbs; Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus Law, Jonathan Oxford University Press 9780195676983 218p.; Knowledge Centre
428 LAW 01011639 Oxford Language Reference; Oxford Dictionary of Quotations and Proverbs; Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus Law, Jonathan Oxford University Press 9780195676983 218p.; Knowledge Centre
428 LIG 00095452 How Languages Are Learned Lightbown Patsy.M Oxford University Press 9780194422246 233P UG Library
428 MAH 01013320 Fundamentals of English: Mahony,David Viva Books 9788130907024 308p.; Knowledge Centre
428 MBD 05022639 Word Power Made Eaasy:The Complete Hand Book for Building a Superior Vocabulory [ma-English Section] M B D Publications Mbd 680p Knowledge Centre
428 MCC 00045618 English Vocabulary in Use Mccarthy, Michael Cambridge University Press 1994 8185618550 296 p. UG Library
428 MCC 00115550 Touchstone Maccarthy, Michael Cambridge University Press, 2003 9780521666114 x, 128 p.: UG Library
428 MCC 07002652 Academic Vocabulary in Use / McCarthy, Michael Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521732178 176 p. Library - BR Campus
428 MCC 00048355 English Vocabulary in Use 100 Units of Vocabulary Reference and Practice Mccarthy, Michael 0052158647 296p UG Library
428 MCG 05069938 English B for the IB diploma /​ McGowan,Mark. Hodder Education, 2019 9781510446571 vii,270p.; Knowledge Centre
428 MEL 00067540 Common Errors in English Mel, Cid English Edition Publishers and Distributors 2005 8189066307 272p UG Library
428 MUR 00117083 Murphy`s English Grammar: A Self Study Reference and Pracrice Murphy, Raymond 2003 0521616638 378p UG Library
428 NAT 04015195 Telephoning in English / Naterop, B. Jean Cambridge University Press, 2004 9780521708937 3rd ed. viii, 128 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428 OCO 05022696 Pocket Guide to English Language [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Oconnor, John Foundation Books 8175962771 184p Knowledge Centre
428 OCO 05022663 Pocket Guide to English Language [ma-English Section] Oconnor, John Foundation Books 8175962771 184p Knowledge Centre
428 OGR 00035340 Contemporary Linguistics O'Grady,, William St.Martin's Press 1989 9780312018788 490 p. UG Library
428 PAN 05064717 Uncertain Journeys : Panneerselvan A.S. Speaking Tiger Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789388326711 xii,187p.; Knowledge Centre
428 PAN 07014225 Uncertain Journeys : Panneerselvan A.S. Speaking Tiger Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789388326711 xii,187p.; Library - BR Campus
428 PHI 00052608 Common Mistakes in English Phillips, Sam Goodwill Publishing House 8172450109 276p UG Library
428 PRA 05073535 Solved Question Papers On Methology of Teaching English / Praveen, C. Whitefalcon Publishing, 2020 9781636401058 x, 274p, ; Knowledge Centre
428 PUR 00115510 Assessing Grammar: Purpura, E James 0052100344 304p UG Library
428 RAI 00053363 Strengthen Your English Rai, Dr Ajay Crest 8124201811 260p UG Library
428 RAT 10003788 Oxford Quotations and Proverbs / Oxford University Press, 2001 9780195676983 x, 373p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
428 RAY 00111971 Studies in ELT, linguistics and applied linguistics/ Ray, Mohit Kumar. Atlantic Publishers & Disstributors(P) Ltd, 2012 9788126903504 vii: 251p.; UG Library
428 RAY 00115553 STUDENTS IN ELT, LINGUISTIC AND APPLIED LINGUISTICS Ray, Mohit K Atlantic Publishers and Distributors 2004 8126903503 251 UG Library
428 RED 00048381 English Vocabulary in Use Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate Redman, Stuart 0521779634 270p UG Library
428 RH 00045195 Random House Power Vocabulary Builder 0 Ballantine Publishing Group 1996 0345405455 | 070999005997 312p UG Library
428 RIC 00115462 Connect: Set of Work and Student Books Richards, C Jack 0521594952 UG Library
428 RIC 00115457 Connect: Set of Work and Student Books Richards, C Jack 0521594952 UG Library
428 RIC 00115569 Connect: Set of Work and Student Books Richards, C Jack 0521594952 UG Library
428 RIC 00115568 Connect: Set of Work and Student Books Richards, C Jack 0521594952 UG Library
428 RIC 00115461 Connect: Set of Work and Student Books Richards, C Jack 0521594952 UG Library
428 RIN 00045265 More Grammar Games: Rinvolucri, Mario Cambridge University Press 1995 9780521466301 176 p.: UG Library
428 ROB 00052604 Correct and Incorrect English Robertson, D Sarupa and Sons 8176251844 231p UG Library
428 ROD 00052214 Cambridge Revision Gudie GCEO Level English Glover R 2000 0521644216 291 p UG Library
428 SAM 00052605 Common English Errors Samson Sarup and Sons 8178900001 200p UG Library
428 SEH 00052609 Objective English Sehgal, Rajini Sarupa and Sons 8176252115 260p UG Library
428 SHA 00122172 Enhancing Communication Skills Sharma,Yashwant Pointer Publishers 2015 9788171328215 152p UG Library
428 SMI 00023440 Modern Linguistics Smith, Neil PENGUIN 1979 334 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
428 SOA 10003789 The compact oxford dictionary / Oxford University Press, 2004 0195667433 ix, 990p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
428 SPE 00045250 NTC`S Dictionary of Grammer Terminology Spears, Richard A. NTC Publishing Group 1998 8176490032 xiii, 202 p. : UG Library
428 SRI 00143056 Advanced skills for communication in english: Srinivasan, R.K. Galaxy book company, 2023 9788195035328 250 p.; UG Library
428 SRI 04030695 Advanced skills for communication in english: Srinivasan, R.K. Galaxy book company, 2023 9788195035328 250 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428 STI 07008617 Scoring strategies for the toefl ibt a complete guide / Stirling, Bruce Prakash Publication, 2017 9788175993402 799p. Library - BR Campus
428 SWA 00089436 Basic English Usage Swan, Michael Oxford University Press 1996 0194311872 | 9780194311878 370 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
428 SWA 00101793 Basic English Usage Swan Michael Oxford University Press 9780195667448 288p UG Library
428 SWA 05022650 Basic English Usage Swan Michael Oxford University Press 9780195667448 288p Knowledge Centre
428 SWA 00045226 Basic English Usage Swan, Michael Oxford University Press 1996 0194311872 | 9780194311878 370 p. UG Library
428 SWA 00089435 Basic English Usage Swan, Michael Oxford University Press 1996 0194311872 | 9780194311878 370 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
428 SWE 07002669 English for Business Communication / Sweeney, Simon CUP, 2010 9781107400535 174 p. : Library - BR Campus
428 SWE 04015187 English for Business Communication / Sweeney, Simon CUP, 2010 9781107400535 174 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428 THO 00039071 English Guides 5 reporting Thompson Geoff HarperCollins 1997 215 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
428 THO 05022661 Enriching Your Competence in English [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Thorat, Ashok Orient Longman Publications 8125019006 140p Knowledge Centre
428 THO 01014919 Objective English / Thorpe, Edgar 9788131721889 654 p. Knowledge Centre
428 TIE 05067091 English usage guides : Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198808206 (hardback) First edition. xii, 216 pages : Knowledge Centre
428 TKT 00106561 II PUC English Course Book Department of Pre University Education Vinayaka Offset 2011 xi,150 p. UG Library
428 TKT 00106562 English Course Book for First Year Pre University Course Department of Pre University Education Sree Subramanyeswara Book Depot 2011 xi,128 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
428 TOP 00115466 High School Grammer and Composition Top Publishers Top 2000 108p Yeshwanthpur Campus
428 UR.W 00115549 Five Minute Activities Ur, Penny 0521586496 105p UG Library
428 WAJ 00124928 You know what I mean? : Wajnryb, Ruth. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521878852 (hbk.) | 0521878 225 p.; UG Library
428 WAL 00115459 Initiatve Walton, Richard Cambridge University Press 2003 9780521575812 | 9780521575829 160p UG Library
428 WAL 00116157 Initiatve Walton, Richard Cambridge University Press 2003 9780521575812 | 9780521575829 160p UG Library
428 WAL 00043779 English To Use Walker L Bonnie Gaurav Publishing House: 1992 ix 266 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
428 WAL 00043771 Study Skills in English Wallace, Michael Cambridge University Press, 1998 9788175960534 92 p.: UG Library
428 WAL 00052210 Study Skills in English Wallace, Michael J Cambridge University Press, 1999 9788175960473 vi, 218 p.: UG Library
428 WAR 00012048 Introduction to Linguistics Wardhaugh, Ronald Gramercy UG Library
428 WRE 00115509 High School English Grammer and Composition Wren, P C S Chand 0812192197 416 UG Library
428 WRE 00003238 High School English Grammer and Composition Wren, P C S Chand 0812192197 416 Yeshwanthpur Campus
428 WRE 00117082 High School English Grammer and Composition Wren, P C S Chand 0812192197 416 UG Library
428 WRE 00049136 High School English Grammer and Composition Wren, P C S Chand 0812192197 416 UG Library
428 YAD 07003989 Making Sense of English: Yadugiri,M.A Viva Books Pvt Ltd. 9788130908243 501p.; Library - BR Campus
428 YAD 04013576 Making Sense of English: Yadugiri,M.A Viva Books Pvt Ltd. 9788130908243 501p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428 YAD 01013321 Making Sense of English: Yadugiri,M.A Viva Books Pvt Ltd. 9788130908243 501p.; Knowledge Centre
428..0072 BUR 00112545 Collaborative action research for english language teachers / Burns,Anne 9780521189941 ix,259p.; UG Library
428..0072 BUR 07002665 Collaborative action research for english language teachers / Burns,Anne 9780521189941 ix,259p.; Library - BR Campus
428.002434 RIL 01006420 English for Law ( Law Lib.) Alison Riley Prentice Hall 0134012097 256p. Knowledge Centre
428.002434MCK 01006419 Legal English- How to Understand and Master the Language of Law ( Law Lib.) William R Mckay Longman Group Limited 0582894360 188p. Knowledge Centre
428.00246 ROB 00105188 Cambridge English for Marketing Robinson,Nick. Cambridge University Press 2010 9780521124607 120 p. UG Library
428.00285 WIN 00100910 The Internet Windeatt Scott Oxford university press; 9780194372237 vii;136 p. UG Library
428.003 BUT 07006631 Fowler's concise dictionary of modern English usage. Fowler, H. W. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780191800979 (ebook) : | 9780 Third edition / 641p.: Library - BR Campus
428.003 CHA 04018728 Oxford Dictionary of English Grammer / Chalkar, Sylvia OUP, 1994 042000062008 448p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.003 CHA 01014341 Oxford dictionary of English grammar / Chalker, Sylvia Oxford University Press, 1998 0192800876 (pbk.) | 9780192800 448p.: Knowledge Centre
428.003 CHA 00121184 Oxford dictionary of English grammar / Chalker, Sylvia Oxford University Press, 1998 0192800876 (pbk.) | 9780192800 448p.: UG Library
428.007 CEL 04007096 Techniques and Resources in Teaching Grammar Celce-Murcia, Marian Oxford Universtiy Press 1988 9780194341912 189 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.007 AGN 05060346 Indian english : Agnihotri, Rama Kant., ed. Orient Blackswan, 2017 9788193415719 xx, 313p. Knowledge Centre
428.007 ANN 00084758 English for Engineer and Technologists: A Skills Approach University, Anna Orient Longman Publications 2002 8125022562 157p UG Library
428.007 BAR 05059742 Using Drama In Language Teaching/ Barua, Indrani. Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107546608 vi,90p,; Knowledge Centre
428.007 DAS 00119740 Teaching English As An Additional Language Dash, Neena Atlantic Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd, 2010 vii:232p.; UG Library
428.007 DUD 05043244 Developments in English for Specific Purposes:A Multi-Disciplinary Approach / Dudley-Evans, Tony Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521596756 301 p.: Knowledge Centre
428.007 GAB 00127494 Listen-In' Gabler, Burt ST. Martins Press, 1995 9780312111106 148p : . UG Library
428.007 GPA 05022673 Teachers as Course Developers [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Graves, Kathleen 9780521497220 212 p Knowledge Centre
428.007 HAL 05004983 Innovation in English language teaching : Routledge in association with Macquarie University and The Open University, 2001 0415241235 | 0415241243 (pbk.) xiv, 289 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.007 HUB 00043873 A Training Course for TEFL Hubbard, Peter. Oxford University Press, 1983 0194421260 | 9780194421263 | 0 337 p. : UG Library
428.007 HUB 00043874 A Training Course for TEFL Hubbard, Peter. Oxford University Press, 1983 0194421260 | 9780194421263 | 0 337 p. : UG Library
428.007 HUB 00043875 A Training Course for TEFL Hubbard, Peter. Oxford University Press, 1983 0194421260 | 9780194421263 | 0 337 p. : UG Library
428.007 HUB 00043876 A Training Course for TEFL Hubbard, Peter. Oxford University Press, 1983 0194421260 | 9780194421263 | 0 337 p. : UG Library
428.007 HUT 05059719 English for specific purposes : Hutchinson, Tom, Cambridge University Press, 1987 0521267323 | 9780521318372 viii, 183 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.007 LOC 00092541 Functional english grammar: Lock Graham Cambridge University 296p UG Library
428.007 MCC 05040257 25 Business Skills In English / McCracken Mark New Age International (P)Limited Publishers, 2005 9788122416572 170p.: Knowledge Centre
428.007 MED 04013584 Teaching Unplugged : Meddings,Luke Viva Books, 2011 9788130915982 103 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.007 MED 05004098 Teaching Unplugged : Meddings,Luke Viva Books, 2011 9788130915982 103 p. Knowledge Centre
428.007 MER 05022652 Learning English Routledge, 2007 9780415376877 296 p. Knowledge Centre
428.007 MIS 00097286 Research in English Language Mishra, Sujata Swastik Publications; 9789380138732 280p UG Library
428.007 MOU 07007587 English Voices: Mount,Ferdinand Simon & Schuster, 2016 9781471155970 IX,475 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
428.007 NOL 00100999 Conversation / Nolasco, Rob. Oxford University Press, 0194370968 (pbk.) 148 p. : UG Library
428.007 NOL 00101966 Conversation Nolasco, Rob Oxford University Press, 9780194370967 150 p UG Library
428.007 PAT 05009569 Innovations in English Language Teaching : Z N Patil Orient Blackswan, 2012 9788125044772 156 p. Knowledge Centre
428.007 SAM 04008624 Global Issues Sampedro Ricardo Oxford university press; 2004 9780194371810 148 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.007 SAM 05022664 Global Issues Sampedro Ricardo Oxford university press; 2004 9780194371810 148 p. Knowledge Centre
428.007 SIN 05045253 English language and communication skills / Sinha,Mosam. Yking Books, 2014 9789382532460 ix,205p.; Knowledge Centre
428.007 SPR 00115693 English For The Teacher Spratt, Mary Cambridge University Press.: 2005 9780521586511 158p.: UG Library
428.007 SPR 00115041 English For The Teacher Spratt, Mary Cambridge University Press.: 2005 9780521586511 158p.: UG Library
428.007 SPR 00115531 English For The Teacher Spratt, Mary Cambridge University Press.: 2005 9780521586511 158p.: UG Library
428.007 TIE 00049113 Writing : Tiedt, Iris M. Allyn and Bacon, 1989 0205119662 xii, 251 p. : UG Library
428.007 VAL 07002713 Teaching children English : Vale, David. Cambridge University Press, 1995 9781107400054 vi, 280 p. : Library - BR Campus
428.007 VAL 00112539 Teaching children English : Vale, David. Cambridge University Press, 1995 9781107400054 vi, 280 p. : UG Library
428.0071 RIC 07002694 Practice Teaching : Richards,Jack C. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107682245 185p.; Library - BR Campus
428.0071 AGN 05038384 Indian English : Orient BlackSwan, 2012 9788125043713 xx,313p.; Knowledge Centre
428.0071 AGU 00129271 Native and non-native teachers in English language classrooms : Agudo,Juan De Dios Martinez D Gruyter Mouton 2017 9781501512117 (hardcover : aci xi, 349 pages : UG Library
428.0071 BAJ 00137962 Principle Guide to ELT and IELT / Bajaj,Neha. Rajat Publications, 2020 9788178805337 viii,224p.; UG Library
428.0071 BAK 05022781 Essential speaking skills : Baker, Joanna. VSO ; | Continuum, 0826458440 (Continuum) | 08264 170 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.0071 BAN 00096150 Brilliant digest Study Material for first year degree Additional English Bandekar Bhavana Sathyasri Printers(pvt)Ltd 231 p UG Library
428.0071 BEN 05024304 Considering emotions in critical English language teaching : Benesch, Sarah. by Routledge, 2012 9780415882033 (hbk.) | 9780415 xii, 148 p. ; Knowledge Centre
428.0071 BIL 05022674 Dialogue Activities; Exploring Spoken Interaction in the Language Class [ma-Englisg Section] Bilbrough, Nick Cambridge University Press 244p Knowledge Centre
428.0071 BUR 05007331 Analysing English in a global context : Burns, Anne Routledge in association with Macquarie University and The Open University, 2001 9780415241168 (pbk.) xii, 276 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.0071 CAM 00094158 The teacher's guide to grammar / Cameron, Deborah, Oxford University Press, 9780199214488 | 0199214484 xi, 163 p. ; UG Library
428.0071 CHR 00110847 Leadership in English language education Christison,MaryAnn Routledge, 2008 9780805863109 (hardback : alk. xiv, 270 p. : UG Library
428.0071 COO 00106132 100+ ideas for teaching English Cooze, Angella. Continuum, 2007 9781846841866 2nd ed. 141 p. ; UG Library
428.0071 DAS 00127408 Teaching English As An Additional Language Dash Neena Atlantic Publishers & Distributors LTD 2010 9788126907793 232 p. : UG Library
428.0071 DAS 00088147 Teaching English as an Additional Language Dash, Neena Dash Atlantic 8126907797 232p UG Library
428.0071 DAV 00095453 Success In English Teaching Davies Paul Oxford University 9780194421713 221P UG Library
428.0071 DEW 05048598 Functional Skills In Language and Literature / Dewani, Richa. Random Publications, 2016 9789351119609 304 p.; Knowledge Centre
428.0071 DHE 05009603 Promoting Learner Autonomy : Dheram, Premakumari Orient Blackswan, 2010 9788125038429 ix, 100 p. Knowledge Centre
428.0071 DON 05043246 Teach Business English / Donna, Sylvie Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521585570 370p.: Knowledge Centre
428.0071 DOV 00130800 Co-teaching for English learners : Dove, Maria G., Corwin, 2018 9781483390918 (pbk. : alk. pap xviii,286p.; UG Library
428.0071 FAR 05038608 Essentials for successful English language teaching Farrell, Thomas S. C. Continuum, 2010 9781847064424 X,142p.; Knowledge Centre
428.0071 FER 05052542 Navigating the Common Core with English Language Learners : Ferlazzo, Larry; Hull-Sypnieski, Katie, 1974- Jossey Bass, 2016 9781119023005 xiv,370p.; Knowledge Centre
428.0071 FIE 07002685 Listening in the Language Classroom Field, John Cambridge University Press 2008 9780521151948 x; 366 p Library - BR Campus
428.0071 FIE 00112542 Listening in the Language Classroom Field, John Cambridge University Press 2008 9780521151948 x; 366 p UG Library
428.0071 GAN 04014683 Practical Course in Effective English Speaking Skills / Gangal, J. K. PHI, 2012 9788120345843 326 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0071 GOT 05058276 Assessing English language learners : Gottlieb, Margo, Corwin, 2016 9781483381060 (softcover : alk Second Edition. xxi, 268 pages ; Knowledge Centre
428.0071 HAL 10003452 The Routledge handbook of English language teaching / Hall, Graham, Routledge, 2020 9780367473037 xviii, 591 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
428.0071 HED 05009510 English language teaching / Routledge, 2009 9780415299435 (set) | 97804152 xxxiii,399 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.0071 HED 05009511 English language teaching / Routledge, 2009 9780415299435 (set) | 97804152 xxxiii,399 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.0071 HED 05009512 English language teaching / Routledge, 2009 9780415299435 (set) | 97804152 xxxiii,399 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.0071 HED 05009513 English language teaching / Routledge, 2009 9780415299435 (set) | 97804152 xxxiii,399 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.0071 HED 05009514 English language teaching / Routledge, 2009 9780415299435 (set) | 97804152 xxxiii,399 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.0071 HED 05009515 English language teaching / Routledge, 2009 9780415299435 (set) | 97804152 xxxiii,399 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.0071 HER 07009555 English language learners and the new standards : Heritage, Margaret. Harvard Education Press, 2015 9781612508023 (Cloth) | 161250 xi, 180 pages : Library - BR Campus
428.0071 HIN 00134814 Teaching essential units of language : Hinkel, Eli.- Editor. Routledge, 2019 9781138478763 (hbk) | 9781138478770 (pbk) x,203p.; UG Library
428.0071 HUH 00136893 Needs analysis for language course design : Huhta, Marjatta. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9780521128148 (pbk.) vi, 266p.; UG Library
428.0071 HUN 00146470 Diversity and inclusion in English language education : Hunter, Ann-Marie Routledge, 2024 9781032169903 xvii,230p. ; UG Library
428.0071 JAM 00052227 Teachers in Action James, Peter Cambridge University Press 2001 0521596890 | 9780521596893 xi., 299 p. UG Library
428.0071 JOR 05022684 English for academic purposes : Jordan, R. R. Cambridge University Press, 1997 0521554233 | 052155618X (pbk.) xx, 404 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.0071 JOR 00115530 English for Academic Purpose Jordan, R R 1997 0052155618 404p UG Library
428.0071 KRO 05043243 International Legal English: A Course for Classroom or Self-Study Use Krois-Lindner, Amy Cambridge University Press 2007 9780521675178 320 p Knowledge Centre
428.0071 KRO 00105191 International Legal English: A Course for Classroom or Self-Study Use Krois-Lindner, Amy Cambridge University Press 2007 9780521675178 320 p UG Library
428.0071 LAD 00128067 Teaching beginner ELLs using picture books : Lado, Ana. Corwin Press, 2012 9781452235233 (pbk.) | 1452235 xvi, 204 p. : UG Library
428.0071 LAR 00109222 Techniques and principles in language teaching Larsen-Freeman, Diane Oxford University Press, 2011 9780194423601 | 0194423603 (pb 3rd ed. xix, 252 p. : UG Library
428.0071 LIN 00147643 Digital storytelling as translanguaging : Linville, Heather A. Routledge, 2024 9781032261966 xvii,157p. ; UG Library
428.0071 MCD 05022680 Materials and Methods in ELT McDonough, Jo Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 9781405127936 x, 280 p. Knowledge Centre
428.0071 MCG 05044646 Teaching Materials and the Roles of EFL/ESL Teachers / McGrath, Ian Bloomsbury, 2013 9781441143693 xv, 234 p. Knowledge Centre
428.0071 MIS 00121390 Innovations in ELT inthe changing context Mishra prashant Sarup Book Publishers 2014 9788176259415 290p. UG Library
428.0071 MIS 07007532 Vital Issues in English Language Teaching / Yking Books, 2016 9789385528170 271p.: Library - BR Campus
428.0071 MIS 05039677 Post-Colonial Pedagogical Issues : Adhyayan Publishers & Distributors, 2014 9788184353983 xxxi,366p.; Knowledge Centre
428.0071 MOH 05056295 Let Us Hear Them Speak : Mohanraj, Jayashree. Sage, 2015 9789351502463 (pbk. : alk. pap xxii,122 p.: Knowledge Centre
428.0071 MOH 04027820 Let Us Hear Them Speak : Mohanraj, Jayashree. Sage, 2015 9789351502463 (pbk. : alk. pap xxii,122 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0071 MOH 07011121 Let Us Hear Them Speak : Mohanraj, Jayashree. Sage, 2015 9789351502463 (pbk. : alk. pap xxii,122 p.: Library - BR Campus
428.0071 MOH 03012496 Let Us Hear Them Speak : Mohanraj, Jayashree. Sage, 2015 9789351502463 (pbk. : alk. pap xxii,122 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
428.0071 MOH 05052801 Let Us Hear Them Speak : Mohanraj, Jayashree. Sage, 2015 9789351502463 (pbk. : alk. pap xxii,122 p.: Knowledge Centre
428.0071 MUJ 00140880 Teaching English as a second language : Mujumdar, Aarati, Sage publiations india pvt ltd., 2017 9789386446619 xv, 349, I-6 pages : UG Library
428.0071 MUL 05022675 Introducing English Language : Mullany, Louise. Routledge, 9780415448857 (pbk.) | 0415448 xiii, 303 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.0071 NAG 05022660 English Language Teaching: Approaches, Methods, Techniques [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Nagaraj, Geetha Orient Longman Publications 8125007512 232p Knowledge Centre
428.0071 NAT 05009395 Language curriculum design / Nation, I. S. P. Routledge, 2010 9780415806053 (hbk. : alk. pap xvi, 224 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.0071 PAN 00146333 Critical memetic literacies in English education : Routledge 2024 9781032471334 | 9781032471341 250p. UG Library
428.0071 PIM 05048093 100 Ideas for supporting learners with EAL / Pim, Chris. Continuum, 2012 9781441193568 (pbk.) | 9781441 xiii,149p.; Knowledge Centre
428.0071 PIM 00125597 100 Ideas for supporting learners with EAL / Pim, Chris. Continuum, 2012 9781441193568 (pbk.) | 9781441 xiii,149p.; UG Library
428.0071 QUI 00119323 Teach now! English : Quigley, Alex. Routledge, 2014 9780415711005 (hardback) | 978 xviii:236p.; UG Library
428.0071 SAD 00084772 Foundation Course in Spoken English Part 2/ Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 8125034005 245p UG Library
428.0071 SAD 00084774 Spoken English a Foundation Course Part 2 (For Speakers of Marathi)/ Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 8125034668 245p UG Library
428.0071 SAD 00084775 Spoken English a Foundation Course Part 2 (For Speakers of Marathi)/ Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 8125034668 245p UG Library
428.0071 SAD 00084776 Spoken English: Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 2008 8125034781 245p.; UG Library
428.0071 SAD 00084777 Spoken English: Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 2008 8125034781 245p.; UG Library
428.0071 SAD 05022741 Foundation Course in Spoken English Part 1 (For Speakers of Kannada)/ Sadanand, Kamlesh 203p Knowledge Centre
428.0071 SAD 00084780 Foundation Course in Spoken English Part 2 (For Speakers of Malayalam)/ Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 8125034722 245p UG Library
428.0071 SAD 00084781 Foundation Course in Spoken English Part 2 (For Speakers of Malayalam)/ Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 8125034722 245p UG Library
428.0071 SAD 00084786 Spoken English a Foundation Course Part 1 & 2(For Speakers of Tamil)[english-Section] Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 8125034676 203p UG Library
428.0071 SAD 00084787 Spoken English a Foundation Course Part 1 & 2(For Speakers of Tamil)[english-Section] Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 8125034676 203p UG Library
428.0071 SAD 00084793 Foundation Course in Spoken English Part 1 (for Speakers of Telugu)/ Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 8125033998 203p UG Library
428.0071 SIN 05037395 Audio-visual aids for teaching English Singh, Raj Kumar Anmol publication Pvt Ltd., 2013 9788126149513 264p.; Knowledge Centre
428.0071 SRA 00107485 Teaching Media Education Srampickal,Jacob. Jacob Srampickal and Leela Joseph 2000 113 P. UG Library
428.0071 STO 05022743 Best Practices for Teaching Writing [ma-English Section] Stone, Randi Corwin Press 96p Knowledge Centre
428.0071 TAY 05022676 Using Folktales [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Taylor, Eric K 0052163749 302 p Knowledge Centre
428.0071 UR 07002649 A course in English language teaching / Ur, Penny. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107684676 (pbk.) 2nd ed. x, 325 p. : Library - BR Campus
428.0071 WAT 05022651 Stories Wajnryb, Ruth Cambridge university press 9780521001601 248p Knowledge Centre
428.0071 WED 05044644 Understanding language classroom contexts : Wedell, Martin, Bloomsbury, 2013 9781441133076 (PB) | 978144119 vii, 238 pages : Knowledge Centre
428.0071 ZAC 00128068 The essential guide for educating beginning English learners / Zacarian, Debbie. Corwin Press, 2012 9781452226156 (pbk.) xiv, 137 p. : UG Library
428.0071054 ARO 05047890 English Language Teaching : Arora,Navita. McGraw Hill, 2012 9780071078146 xix,323p.; Knowledge Centre
428.0071054 BLO 05022653 Eighteenth-Century English Novel [ma-English Section] Bloom, Harold 0791078965 463p Knowledge Centre
428.0071054 DHE 05009590 Negotiating empowerment : Dheram, Premakumari Orient Longman, 2008 9788125032311 xiv, 225 p. ; Knowledge Centre
428.0071054 GUP 00140463 Let's Talk in English: Gupta,Manish Penguin Books 2015 9780143425908 319p UG Library
428.0071054 KHA 00121358 English language Teaching/ Khan A A Adhyayan Publishers 2013 9788184353723 269p. UG Library
428.0071054 KHA 05038376 Essential readings for teachers of English : Orient BlackSwan, 2012 9788125046684 xxvi,342p.; Knowledge Centre
428.0071054 RAM 00124969 Teaching English A Handbook for Preceptors / Ramar R. Discovery Publishing House, 2016 9789350567746 264 p.: UG Library
428.0071054 RAM 05047918 Teaching English A Handbook for Preceptors / Ramar R. Discovery Publishing House, 2016 9789350567746 264 p.: Knowledge Centre
428.0071054 SHA 07007533 Teaching of English in India : Sharma Vidya Shankra.Dr Yking Books, 2015 9789382532774 246p.: Library - BR Campus
428.0071054 SHA 00141294 English Language Teaching, Moral Values and Globalization / Sharma, Ram Manglam Publication; 2019 9789386123459 243 p. UG Library
428.0071054 SHE 00077990 Learning and Teaching English in India Sheorey, Ravi. Sage Pub., 2006 0761934650 (US : hbk.) | 97807 226 p. ; UG Library
428.0071054 SHE 05022681 Learning and Teaching English in India:Research in Applied Linguistcs [ma-English Section] Sheorey, Ravi 0761934650 226p Knowledge Centre
428.0071054SHE 00073920 Learning and Teaching English in India(dharmaram Library) Sheorey, Ravi 0761934650 226p UG Library
428.0071073 ZWI 05058241 Academic language mastery. Zwiers, Jeff, Corwn, 2017 9781506338019 (pbk. : alk. pap x, 106 pages : Knowledge Centre
428.00711 JOH 00109012 Research on second language teacher education Johnson,Karen E. Routledge, 2011 9780415883337 | 0415883326 (ha xii, 285 p. : UG Library
428.00711 MAC 04015858 English for Academic Purposes Macpherson, Robin Yes Dee Publishing Pvt.Ltd., 9788190844949 150p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.00711 MAC 00097363 English for Academic Purposes Macpherson, Robin Yes Dee Publishing Pvt.Ltd., 9788190844949 150p UG Library
428.0071141 PAR 05047699 Developing university English teaching : B R Parida E. Mellen Press, 1995 0773490175 200 p. ; Knowledge Centre
428.0071141THA 04015181 Camebridge Academic English : Thine, Craig CUP, 2012 9780521165198 179 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.00712 DEA 05022750 English for Gifted and Talend Students/ Dean, Geoff 9781412936057 110p Knowledge Centre
428.00712 BAR 05058286 Developing literacy in the secondary classroom / Woolley, Gary. Sage, 2017 9781473947566 (pbk. : alk. pap 1st edition. vii,232p.; Knowledge Centre
428.00712 BRA 05006474 The English teacher's survival guide : Brandvik, Mary Lou. Jossey-Bass, 2011 9780470525135 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xv, 320 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.00712 DAS 05037416 Teaching of English / Dash,B.N. Dominant Publishers, 2004 9789382007036 xiii,319p.; Knowledge Centre
428.00712 GIO 00128218 Getting to The Core of English Language arts, Grades 6-12 Giouroukakis, Vicky. Corwin A Sage Company 2012 9781452218816 (pbk. : acidfree xiv, 219 pages : UG Library
428.00712 GIO 00119326 Teaching Grammar, Structure and Meaning : Giovanelli, Marcello. Routledge, 2015 9780415709873 (hardback) | 978 vii:139p.; UG Library
428.00712 GOO 05022689 The expert teacher of English / Goodwyn, Andrew, Routledge, 9780415316958 (hardback) | 041 224 p ; Knowledge Centre
428.00712 HIC 00119620 Literacy Projects for Student-Centered Classrooms : Hickman, Karrell. Corwin Press, 2007 9781412924504 (cloth) | 978141 xvi,151p. : UG Library
428.00712 KEN 05056724 The game plan : Kennett, Daron W., Rowman & Littlefield, 2016 9781475815153 (hardcover) | 97 xi,288p.; Knowledge Centre
428.00712 NOT 00138202 Learning challenge lessons, secondary English language arts : Nottingham, Jill, Corwin, 2019 9781544330525 xvii, 239 pages : UG Library
428.00712 PAL 00128686 How to teach writing across the curriculum : Palmer, Sue, Routledge, 2011 9780415579919 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xi, 91 p. : UG Library
428.00712 PAT 07004901 English language for Cambridge International AS & A level / Pattison, Julian, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198300120 (pbk.) | 0198300 iv, 283 pages : Library - BR Campus
428.00712 PAT 07004902 English language for Cambridge International AS & A level / Pattison, Julian, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198300120 (pbk.) | 0198300 iv, 283 pages : Library - BR Campus
428.00712 SAA 05070008 English B course companion / Saa'd Aldin, Kawther, Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198422365 2nd edition. xi, 443 pages : Knowledge Centre
428.00712 WOL 00128705 Writing Behind Every Door Wolpert-Gawron, Heather, Routledge 2014 9780415734646 (hbk) | 97804157 ix, 185 p. : UG Library
428.0071241 CLA 00121710 The complete guide to becoming an English teacher Clarke, Stephen. SAGE, 2010 9781847872883 | 9781847872890 2nd ed. xx, 378 p. : UG Library
428.0071241 COO 00125582 100 Ideas For Secondary Teachers Cooze Angella Bloomsbury, 2014 9781408194935 xi, 132 p.: UG Library
428.0071241 COO 05048512 100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers : Cooze, Angella Bloomsbury, 2014 132 p. Knowledge Centre
428.007125483 SIM 00132046 ICT-enabled teaching in English classrooms Simon, Shibu Sarup boook publishers pvt ltd., 2017 9789352080748 xxii,340p.; UG Library
428.0071273 MAR 05049608 Vocabulary for the Common Core / Marzano, Robert J., Marazanoresearch, 2013 0985890223 | 9780985890223 xi, 286 pages : Knowledge Centre
428.0071KRO 07002679 International Legal English: A Course for Classroom or Self-Study Use Krois-Lindner, Amy Cambridge University Press 2007 9780521675178 320 p Library - BR Campus
428.0071TAY 00091995 Using folktales / Taylor, Eric K. Cambridge University Press, 052163749X (pbk.) x, 302 p. : UG Library
428.0072 BUC 07002657 Assessing listening / Buck, Gary. Cambridge University Press, 2001 9780521666619 (pbk.) | 9780521 xiii, 274 p. ; Library - BR Campus
428.0072 BUR 05024305 Collaborative action research for english language teachers / Burns,Anne 9780521189941 ix,259p.; Knowledge Centre
428.0072 CEF 05022737 Exercises in Spoken English (part 2 Consonants)ma-English SECTION] Central Institute of English and Foreigh, Langrages 0195608925 51 p Knowledge Centre
428.0072 CIE 05022736 Exercise in Spoken English Part 1: Accent, Rhythm and Intonation [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Foreingn Languages, Central Institute Of English 0195603052 61p Knowledge Centre
428.0072 CIE 05022738 Exercises in Spoken English.Part.3.Vowels [MA. ENGLISH SECTION] Central Institute of English and Foreign, Languages 0195611756 96p Knowledge Centre
428.0072 GAN 04014684 A practical Course in Spoken English / Gangal, J.K PHI Learning, 2011 9788120339613 272 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0072 GAN 04009266 A practical Course in Spoken English / Gangal, J.K PHI Learning, 2011 9788120339613 272 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0072 MAR 05022739 Lessons from nothing Marsland,Bruce cambridge 9780521627658 90p Knowledge Centre
428.0072 SAD 00085814 Spoken English: A Foundation Coursefor Speakers of Punjabi(part 2) Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 8125034706 245 p UG Library
428.0072 SAD 00085815 Spoken English: A Foundation Coursefor Speakers of Punjabi(part 2) Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 8125034706 245 p UG Library
428.0072 SAD 00085816 Spoken English: A Foundation Coure for Speakers of Marathi: Part I Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 0812503465 203 p UG Library
428.0072 SAD 00085817 Spoken English: A Foundation Course for Speakers of Marathi(part 2) Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 8125034668 245 p UG Library
428.0072 SAD 00085819 Spoken English: A Foundation Course for Speakers of Gujarati Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 0812503479 203 p UG Library
428.0072 SAD 00085818 Spoken English: A Foundation Course for Speakers of Gujarati Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 0812503479 203 p UG Library
428.0072 SAD 00085821 Spoken English: A Foundation Course for Speakers of Gujarati(part 2) Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 8125034803 245 p UG Library
428.0072 SAD 00085820 Spoken English: A Foundation Course for Speakers of Gujarati(part 2) Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 8125034803 245 p UG Library
428.0072 SAD 00085822 Spoken English: A Foundation Course for Speakers of Bangla (part 1) Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 8125034757 203 p UG Library
428.0072 SAD 00085824 Spoken English: A Foundation Course for Speakers of Tamil(part 1) Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 8125034676 203 p UG Library
428.0072 SAD 00084782 Foundation Course in Spoken English Part 1 (For Speakers of Malayalam)/ Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 8125034714 203p UG Library
428.0072 SAD 00084783 Foundation Course in Spoken English Part 1 (For Speakers of Malayalam)/ Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 8125034714 203p UG Library
428.0072 SAD 00084784 Spoken English a Foundation Course Part 2 (For Speakers of Bangla)/ Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 8125034765 245p UG Library
428.0072 SAS 00085823 Spoken English a Foundation Course for Speakers of Bangla (part 2) Sadanand, Kamlesh Orient Longman Publications 8125034765 245 p UG Library
428.0072 SRE 04009570 Spoken English / Sreevalsan, M.C Vikas Publication, 2009 9788125931218 336 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0072 WAL 07002654 Action Research for Language Teachers / Wallace, Michael J Cambridge University Press, 1998 9780521189248 273 p. Library - BR Campus
428.00721 LIN 00092021 Language activities for teenagers Lindstromberg, Seth Cambridge University Press 9780521541930 225p UG Library
428.0076 PRI 04005794 Cracking the Toefl Ibt 2011 Edi Princeton Review Vintage Books 2010 9780375429743 546 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 ROG 04002271 Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test IBT Edition Rogers, Bruce Thomson South-Western 2007 9788131502907 732 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 STI 05059741 Unlock Reading & Writing Skills 4/ Stirling, Johanna. Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107533417 135p. Knowledge Centre
428.0076 ALL 05070006 English A : Allison, Rob, Oxford University Press, 2019 9780198434528 | 0198434529 2nd edition. vi, 402 pages : Knowledge Centre
428.0076 AND 05070007 English A : Androulaki,Anna. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780198434610 2nd edition. iv, 252 pages : Knowledge Centre
428.0076 ASH 05069955 Language &​ literature : Ashworth, Gillian. Hodder Education, 2019 9781471841668 360p.; Knowledge Centre
428.0076 BAT 04019651 Oxford Preparation Course for the TOEFL iBT Exam : Bates, Susan OUP, 2011 9780198081456 643 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 BAT 04016127 Oxford Preparation Course for the TOEFL iBT Exam : Bates, Susan OUP, 2011 9780198081456 643 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 BAT 03008861 Oxford Preparation Course for the TOEFL iBT Exam : Bates, Susan OUP, 2011 9780198081456 643 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
428.0076 CEL 04028768 Cambridge English IELTS11 Academic with Answers / CUP, 2016 9781316627303 144p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 CEL 04028770 Cambridge English IELTS 10 with Answers / CUP, 2015 X000R1QWN9 179p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 COL 04013606 Key Worrds fot the TOEFL test / HarperCollins, 2012 9780007492183 751 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 CUL 04009241 Cambridge vocabulary for IELTS with answers : Cullen, Pauline. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521736428 | 9780521709750 (pbk.) 174 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 CUP 04009215 Cambridge IELTS. Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521544629 (Student's book wit 176 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 CUP 04009216 Cambridge IELTS. Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521544629 (Student's book wit 176 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 CUP 04009217 Cambridge IELTS. Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521544629 (Student's book wit 176 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 CUP 04009218 Cambridge IELTS. Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521544629 (Student's book wit 176 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 CUP 04009219 Cambridge IELTS. Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521544629 (Student's book wit 176 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 CUP 04009233 Cambridge IELTS. Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521544629 (Student's book wit 176 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 CUP 05022647 Cambridge Tests for IELTS Cambridge University Press 0521682142 156p Knowledge Centre
428.0076 CUP 05022646 Cambridge Tests for IELTS Cambridge University Press 0521682142 156p Knowledge Centre
428.0076 CUP 05022645 Cambridge Tests for IELTS Cambridge University Press 0521682142 156p Knowledge Centre
428.0076 CUP 05022644 Cambridge Tests for IELTS Cambridge University Press 0521682142 156p Knowledge Centre
428.0076 CUP 05001395 Cambridge Tests for IELTS Cambridge University Press 0521682142 156p Knowledge Centre
428.0076 CUP 05001394 Cambridge Tests for IELTS Cambridge University Press 0521682142 156p Knowledge Centre
428.0076 CUP 05000697 Cambridge IELTS. Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521544629 (Student's book wit 176 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.0076 CUP 04019555 Camebridge IELTS with Answers 6 : CUP, 2007 9780521720212 | 9780521700511 176p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 CUP 04019556 Camebridge IELTS with Answers 6 : CUP, 2007 9780521720212 | 9780521700511 176p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 CUP 04019557 Camebridge IELTS with Answers 6 : CUP, 2007 9780521720212 | 9780521700511 176p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 CUP 04019558 Camebridge IELTS with Answers 6 : CUP, 2007 9780521720212 | 9780521700511 176p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 DAV 05043248 Assessing Academic English: Testing English Proficiency 1950-89: The IELTS Solution / Davies, Alan Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521542500 456 p.: Knowledge Centre
428.0076 DAY 05059737 Unlock Reading & Writing Skills 2 / Day, Jeremy. Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107533363 138p,; Knowledge Centre
428.0076 ETS 04025182 The Official Guide to the TOEFL Test / McGraw Hill, 2012 9781259061097 653p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 FIR 05059739 Unlock Reading & Writing Skills3 / Firth, Matt. Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107533400 143p,; Knowledge Centre
428.0076 HAR 04015257 IELTS practice tests / Harrison, Mark cengage, 2006 9788131505922 242 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 HAS 05022733 Intermediate English Grammar Supplementary Exercises: With Answers [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Hashemi, Louise Foundation Books 8185618712 126 p Knowledge Centre
428.0076 HAW 07012826 Criterial features in L2 English : Hawkins, John A., Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521184779 xviii, 183 pages ; Library - BR Campus
428.0076 HOP 04009226 Grammar for IELTS With Answers/ Hopkins, Diana CUP. 2007 9780521706117 258 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 HOP 05022682 Grammar for IELTS With Answers/ Hopkins, Diana CUP. 2007 9780521706117 258 p Knowledge Centre
428.0076 JAK 04019554 Cambridge Practice Test for IELTS Self study Edition 1 / Jakeman, Vanessa CUP, 1997 9780521682145 156p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 KAP 04023095 TOEFL iBT Premier 2014-15 with 4 Practice Tests / Kaplan Publications, 2014 9781618656933 5th ed. 388p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 LIN 05022685 English Langage & Composition [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Lindner, Maureen Jaico Publishing House 8179925811 347 p Knowledge Centre
428.0076 LOU 04029469 Barron's IELTS strategies and tips / Lougheed, Lin, New Age International, 2015 9788122438932 | 1438073658 (pbk.) | 9781438085395 (MP3 audio) | 1438085397 (MP3 audio) vii, 268 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 LOU 04029513 Barron's IELTS strategies and tips / Lougheed, Lin, New Age International, 2015 9788122438932 | 1438073658 (pbk.) | 9781438085395 (MP3 audio) | 1438085397 (MP3 audio) vii, 268 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 MAR 04008380 IELTS Resource Pack : marks, Jon Viva books. 2009 9788130908762 144p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 MAT 04029510 Barron's Essential Words for The TOEFL / Matthiesen Steven New Age International (P) Limited,Publishers, 2011 9788122431513 311p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 MCC 04015259 IELTS Reading Skills / McCarter, Sam MACMillan, 2009 9780230009455 96 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 MCG 04027011 Official TOEFL iBT Tests / Tata McGraw Hill, 2015 9789385880193 458p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 MCG 04030580 The Official Guide to the TOEFL iBT Test / McGraw Hill, 2021 9789390491131 689p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 MCG 07014641 Official Toefl iBT Tests : McGraw Hill Education, 2019 9789353166830 458p.: Library - BR Campus
428.0076 MCG 07014642 Official Toefl iBT Tests : McGraw Hill Education, 2019 9789353166830 458p.: Library - BR Campus
428.0076 PIE 03008246 Cracking the TOEFL iBT 2013 / Pierce, Dpuglas. Random House ; 2013 9780307944689 842 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
428.0076 SCO 04015244 404 essential tests forIELTS general training modules / Scovell, Donna M K Books, 2008 97881901159 128 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 SCO 05059735 Unlock Reading & Writing Skills 1/ Scott, Andrew. Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107533356 141p,: Knowledge Centre
428.0076 SHA 04025181 Barron's TOEFL iBT : Sharpe, Pamela J Galgotia Publications Pvt.Ltd., 2013 9788175157545 xii, 808 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 SHA 04029466 Barron's outsmart the TOEFL : test strategies and tips Sharpe, Pamela J. New Age International, 2014 9788122435733 391 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 SHA 04029467 Barron's outsmart the TOEFL : test strategies and tips Sharpe, Pamela J. New Age International, 2014 9788122435733 391 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 SHA 04029503 Barron's TOEFL Strategies and Tips / New Age International Publishers, 2017 9788122438888 391p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 SHA 04029509 Barron's TOEFL Strategies and Tips / New Age International Publishers, 2017 9788122438888 389p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 SHA 04029514 Barron's Practice Exercises for the TOEFL / New Age International Publishers, 2018 9789386418555 571p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 SHY 04015239 Study English IELTS preparation : Shymkiw, Anna university of Technology , 2007 9780908537273 312 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 SHY 05043268 Study English: IELTS Preparation.Resource Book / Shymkiw, Anna Planet Edumark, 2007 0908537271 312 p.: Knowledge Centre
428.0076 SLA 04015251 IELTS on track test practice : Slater, Stephen M k Books, 2013 9788190115957 216 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 SLA 04015238 IELTS on track : Slater, Stephen M.K Books, 2011 9781876768362 216 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 STI 04025180 Scoring Strategies for the TOEFL iBT : A Complete Guide / Stirling, Bruce Nova Press, 2016 9788172345624 799p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.0076 WIL 05022683 Academic Encounters:American Studies Reading Study Skills Writing [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Williams, Jessica 9780521673693 242 p Knowledge Centre
428.0076OUP 00089968 Oxford Preparation Course for the TOEIC Test: New Edtion Oxford University Press 9780194564007 pv UG Library
428.00785 DAM 00102696 IT Revolution,globalization and the teaching of english; Damodar.G Atlantic; 9788171569694 150 p. UG Library
428.007SPR 00068611 English for the Teacher Spratt, Mary 0521586518 158p UG Library
428.007SPR2 00068605 English for the Teacher a Language Development Course Spratt, Mary 0521586518 158p UG Library
428.00835 TAG 05057357 Teen talk : Tagliamonte, Sali, Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107037168 (hardback) | 978 xiv,298p.; Knowledge Centre
428.00941 HAR 00060041 Mighty Fine Words and Smashing Expressions Hargraves, Orin. Oxford University Press, 2003 0195157044 xiii, 305 p. ; UG Library
428.00941 HAR 00098517 Mighty Fine Words and Smashing Expressions Hargraves, Orin. Oxford University Press, 2003 0195157044 xiii, 305 p. ; UG Library
428.00994 PET 05029687 The Cambridg Guide to Australian English Usage / Peters, Pam Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521702423 906p.: Knowledge Centre
428.01 BRO 00057960 Academic Encounters: Life in Society Brown, Kirstine 2002 0521666163 248 p UG Library
428.02 CRO 05022686 Still Lost in Translation: More Misadventures in English Abroad [ma-English Section] Croker, Charlie R h Books 157p Knowledge Centre
428.0261 HAY 00096896 Thinking Spanish translation : Haywood, Louise M. Routledge, 2009 9780415481304 (pbk.) | 0415481309 (pbk.) | 9780415440059 | 041544005X | 9780203886014 | 9780415440042 2nd ed. xvi,288p. : UG Library
428.0285 PAR 05043247 Technology-Mediated Learning Environments for Young English Learners: Connections in and Out of School / Parker, Leann L Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2008 0805862323 321p.: Knowledge Centre
428.02911 NIR 00105561 Siting translation : Niranjana, Tejaswini, University of California Press, 1992 0520074505 (cloth) | 052007451 xii, 203 p. ; UG Library
428.02911 NIR 07013147 Siting translation : Niranjana, Tejaswini, University of California Press, 1992 0520074505 (cloth) | 052007451 xii, 203 p. ; Library - BR Campus
428.02911 NIR 00105219 Siting translation : Niranjana, Tejaswini, University of California Press, 1992 0520074505 (cloth) | 052007451 xii, 203 p. ; UG Library
428.0291471 KOT 07013076 Translating India : Kothari Rita Foundation Books, 2006 9788175963054 137p.: Library - BR Campus
428.0291471 KOT 07013077 Translating India : Kothari Rita Foundation Books, 2006 9788175963054 137p.: Library - BR Campus
428.02954TUL 00089215 Buddhist Translations Problems and Perspectives Tuluk, Lama Doboom Manohar Publishers 8173040133 249p UG Library
428.02965 ALL 01014949 The Penguin Office Dictionary / Penguin Books, 9780141028170 xii,1140p.; Knowledge Centre
428.03 BAD 07010037 An introduction Applied Language Skills/ Badgujar,Avinash Gaurav Books, 2016 9789384139278 VIII,327 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
428.03 PAH 00115692 Dictionary of Grammar Pahuja, N P Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2001 8174885315 238 p. : UG Library
428.03 SHU 05045262 Applied Language Skills / Shukla,Rajesh. Ritu Publications, 2015 9789381451229 312p.; Knowledge Centre
428.03BAR.2 00087623 Encyclopaedia of English Language and Communication Skills Dr Dilip Mark 9788189472238 199p UG Library
428.03BAR1 00087622 Encyclopedia of English Language and Communication Skills Barad, Dilip P Mark 9788189472238 200pq UG Library
428.04 RIC 00093184 New interchange / English for international communication ( Intro, 1-3 volumes) Richard Jack C Cambridge University Press 2006 9788175963702 | 9788175963757 105 p UG Library
428.04 RIC 00093185 New interchange / English for international communication ( Intro, 1-3 volumes) Richard Jack C Cambridge University Press 2006 9788175963702 | 9788175963757 105 p UG Library
428.04 RIC 00092083 New interchange / English for international communication ( Intro, 1-3 volumes) Richard Jack C Cambridge University Press 2006 9788175963702 | 9788175963757 105 p UG Library
428.04 RIC 00092084 New interchange / English for international communication ( Intro, 1-3 volumes) Richard Jack C Cambridge University Press 2006 9788175963702 | 9788175963757 105 p UG Library
428.04 RIC 00092085 New interchange / English for international communication ( Intro, 1-3 volumes) Richard Jack C Cambridge University Press 2006 9788175963702 | 9788175963757 105 p UG Library
428.04 RIC 00092086 New interchange / English for international communication ( Intro, 1-3 volumes) Richard Jack C Cambridge University Press 2006 9788175963702 | 9788175963757 105 p UG Library
428.04 RIC 00092087 New interchange / English for international communication ( Intro, 1-3 volumes) Richard Jack C Cambridge University Press 2006 9788175963702 | 9788175963757 105 p UG Library
428.04 RIC 00092088 New interchange / English for international communication ( Intro, 1-3 volumes) Richard Jack C Cambridge University Press 2006 9788175963702 | 9788175963757 105 p UG Library
428.04 RIC 00092081 New interchange / English for international communication ( Intro, 1-3 volumes) Richard Jack C Cambridge University Press 2006 9788175963702 | 9788175963757 105 p UG Library
428.04 RIC 00092082 New interchange / English for international communication ( Intro, 1-3 volumes) Richard Jack C Cambridge University Press 2006 9788175963702 | 9788175963757 105 p UG Library
428.040465 MAC 00055200 English for Business Studies Mackenzie, Ian. Cambridge University Press 2002 0521752868 | 9780521752862 2nd Ed. 157 p. UG Library
428.040465 MAC 00055199 English for Business Studies Mackenzie, Ian. Cambridge University Press 2002 0521752868 | 9780521752862 2nd Ed. 157 p. UG Library
428.040465 MAC 00105196 English for Business Studies Teacher's Book: MacKenzie, Ian. Cambridge University Press 2010 9780521743426 3rd 191 p. UG Library
428.040465 MAC 00105189 English for Business Studies Teacher's Book: MacKenzie, Ian. Cambridge University Press 2010 9780521743426 3rd 191 p. UG Library
428.07 ANN 00084757 English for Engineers and Technologists University, Anna Orient Longman Publications 2002 8125022570 161p UG Library
428.07 MUK 00115465 Approaches to English Language Teaching Mukalel, Joseph C New Delhi 2005 8171414001 | 9789350560341 218 p. : UG Library
428.07 MUK 00111864 Approaches to English Language Teaching Mukalel, Joseph C New Delhi 2005 8171414001 | 9789350560341 218 p. : UG Library
428.076 BAK 10002380 Descriptive english/ Bakshi, S.P., Arihant publication india ltd., 2016 9789385980770 696p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
428.076 CLA 04015188 Essential Bulats : Clark, David CUP, 2006 9780521698559 95 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.076 PRA 04022787 Objective English for Competitive Examinations / Prasad, Hari Mohan Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2014 9789332901773 5th ed. V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.076 THO 07009223 Objective English / Thorpe, Edgar Pearson, 2014 9788131798041 5th ed. 765p. : Library - BR Campus
428.076 THO 03012486 Objective English for Competitive Examinations / Thorpe, Edgar. Pearson Publications, 2017 9789332547070 6th ed. p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
428.076 THO 04022786 Objective English / Thorpe, Edgar Pearson, 2014 9788131798041 5th ed. 765p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.092 KHA 05022732 English for Students of the Humanities and the Social Sciences [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Khanna, R K Orient Longman Publications 8125000887 199p Knowledge Centre
428.092 PLA 05022740 English for Nurses: A Natural Approach to Language Learning. Plat, Margarita Orient Longman Publications 9788125031512 106p Knowledge Centre
428.092 ROS 05022692 Career English for Nurses [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Rose, Selva Orient Longman Publications 8125030239 247p Knowledge Centre
428.092 ROY 05022688 English for Students of Science [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Roy, A Orient Longman Publications 8125003959 234p Knowledge Centre
428.1 CHA 00097579 Right Way to Improve Your Voccabulary Chaudhari, Bharti Pacific Books International 9789380472652 210 p. UG Library
428.1 NAD 03001765 Words You Should Know in High School Nadler, Jay Nadler Viva Books Private Limited 9781593372941 240 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
428.1 BAT 04022666 Word Power Made Easy / Batra, S. Anmol Publishers, 2003 9788174884688 276p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.1 BER 05056468 How to sound really clever : Bergh, Hubert van den. Bloomsburry, 2016 9781472922472 214p.; Knowledge Centre
428.1 CAR 00087326 Grammer in English Learning Careca, Samuca Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2007 9788126133284 279 p UG Library
428.1 CHA 07012013 101 two-letter words / Merritt, Stephin, W.W.Norton & Company, 2014 9780393240191 (hardcover) First Edition. 1 volume (unpaged) : Library - BR Campus
428.1 CRO 00115659 Better Spelling in 30 minutes a Day Crosby, Harry H. Career Press, 2003 8172247524 | 9788172247522 | 1 Trade ed. 185 p. ; UG Library
428.1 GOO 04020937 The Vocabulary of Success : Good, C. Edward Good Time Publisher, 2010 9788190939638 257p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.1 HIL 00006549 Drills and Tests in English Sounds Hill, L. A. Longmans, 1967 2nd ed. xii, 91 p. UG Library
428.1 LAK 04016110 A Handy Book On English Grammer / Lakshminarayanan, K. R. Scitech, 2011 9788183713726 611p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.1 LEW 00056059 Instant Word Power Lewis, Norman Goylsaab Publishers & Distributors 1993 8185288143 x, 310 p. : UG Library
428.1 MAN 10005512 1001 Words You Need to Know and Use : Manser, Martin Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199459049 ix, 166 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
428.1 MCC 00146324 English vocabulary : McCarthy, Michael, Routledge 2023 9781032256979 186p. UG Library
428.1 NUR 00029711 All About Words Nurnberg, Maxwell Penguin Group 1987 0451625986 xii, 412 p. : UG Library
428.1 PEL 05003613 Essential Activator/ Pearson Longman, 2006 9781405815680 viii,981 p. Knowledge Centre
428.1 THO 00092530 Basic Vocabulary: Thorpe Edgar Dorling Kindersley 9788131721292 5.37p UG Library
428.1 THO 05057591 How to teach vocabulary / Thornbury, Scott. Pearson, 2002 9780582429666 vi, 185p. Knowledge Centre
428.1 WHI 04018724 Oxford Better Word Power / Whitcut, Janet OUP, 1998 042000062008 329p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.107 MOR 03004131 Vocabulary Morgan, John Oxford 2004 9780194421867 2nd., 168 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
428.10712 CAR 05049607 Vocabulary games for the classroom / Carleton, Lindsay. Marzano Research Laboratory, 2010 9780982259269 (pbk.) | 9780982 vii, 261 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.1076 UPE 05065253 Know Your English : Upendran,S. Universities Press, 2018 9788173717321 xxiii,474p.; Knowledge Centre
428.1076 LOU 05040236 Barron's IELTS : International Language Testing System Lougheed, Lin New age international publishers, 2011 9788122431537 2nd ed. vi,412p.; Knowledge Centre
428.1076 PEL 05003608 Language Activator : Pearson Education. 2002 9780582419520 xxv,1530 p. Knowledge Centre
428.1076 SOR 00127756 McGraw-Hill's IELTS / Sorrenson, Monica. Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited ; 2012 9781259029233 456 p.: UG Library
428.1076 SOR 03007140 McGraw-Hill's IELTS / Sorrenson, Monica. Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited ; 2012 9781259029233 456 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
428.1BAK 00089946 Ship or Sheep? an Intermediate Pronunciation Course Baker, Ann 9780521744959 224p UG Library
428.2 BAK 00130382 American and British English: Baker, Paul Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107460881 xiii, 264 p . : UG Library
428.2 CAM 03002647 Better Sentence Writing in 30 Minutes a Day Campbell, Dianna Jaico Publishing House 8172247532 212 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
428.2 NAI 00119706 Communication/ Nair, Bhanuvikraman Atlantic 2011 9788126915552 129p. UG Library
428.2 ALG 00092532 British or American English? : Algeo, John. Cambridge University Press, 9780521371377 | 0521371376 | 9 xii, 348 p. ; UG Library
428.2 BAK 07012800 American and British English: Baker, Paul Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107460881 xiii, 264 p . : Library - BR Campus
428.2 BAU 03007215 Essentials of English Grammar : Baugh, L. Sue. Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited ; 2005 9780070610842 3rd ed. 200 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
428.2 BEN 00115696 English Grammar Bender, Elaine Viva Books Private Limited 2001 8176490474 88 p. : UG Library
428.2 BER 07002072 From words to grammar / Berry, Roger, Routledge, 2015 9780415713757 (hardback) | 978 xi,189p.: Library - BR Campus
428.2 BER 00108997 English grammar Berry,Roger, Routledge, 2011 9780415561082 | 9780415561099 xviii; 270 p. cm. UG Library
428.2 BOR 07014409 Introducing English grammar / Börjars, Kersti, Routledge, 2019 9781138635296 | 9781138635319 Third edition. xiv, 344 pages : Library - BR Campus
428.2 BRA 00102713 At a glance. Brandon, Lee E. Houghton Mifflin, 0618542264 (pbk.) xvii, 213 p. ; UG Library
428.2 BUR 10002536 Analysing sentences : Burton-Roberts, Noel, Routledge, 2022 9780367633783 | 9780367633752 Fifth edition. xix,270 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
428.2 BUR 05060075 Awsome Grammar / Burckmyer,Becky. Rupa Publications india pvt ltd, 2018 9788129146472 207p.; Knowledge Centre
428.2 CHO 07002668 English Basics : Cholij, Mark CUP, 2004 9780521520607 208 p, : Library - BR Campus
428.2 CHO 04015186 English Basics : Cholij, Mark CUP, 2004 9780521520607 208 p, : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.2 DEP 05038596 Advanced English grammar : Depraetere, Ilse, Continuum International Pub. Group, 2012 9781441110893 | 9781441149312 ix,362p.; Knowledge Centre
428.2 DOW 07010174 English grammar : Downing, Angela. Routledge, 2016 9780415732673 (hardback) | 978 Third edition. xix, 529 pages : Library - BR Campus
428.2 EAS 00099179 Oxford guide to english grammar; Eastwood,John Oxford university press; 9780195667455 ix;446 p. UG Library
428.2 EHR 00069589 Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of English Grammar Ehrlich, Eugene McGraw-Hill, 2000 0071359850 | 0070604959 3rd ed. xii, 153 p. ; UG Library
428.2 EHR 00070507 Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of English Grammar Ehrlich, Eugene McGraw-Hill, 2000 0071359850 | 0070604959 3rd ed. xii, 153 p. ; UG Library
428.2 ELI 00051332 English Simplified Ellsworth, Blanche 0032104598 64p UG Library
428.2 ELI 00051333 English Simplified Ellsworth, Blanche 0032104598 64p UG Library
428.2 FAB 00102048 Sentence Structure Fabb, Nigel 9780415341820 viii,122 p. UG Library
428.2 GAN 05009251 A Practical Course for Developing Writing Skills in English / Gangal, J.K PHI Learning, 2011 9788120342873 360 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.2 GAN 04014682 A Practical Course for Developing Writing Skills in English / Gangal, J.K PHI Learning, 2011 9788120342873 360 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.2 GAN 04009518 A Practical Course for Developing Writing Skills in English / Gangal, J.K PHI Learning, 2011 9788120342873 360 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.2 GIR 04018945 Communication Techniques / Girdhar, A. P. I K international Publisher, 2013 9789382332244 270p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.2 GIR 04018943 Communicative English-1 / Girdhar, A. P. I K International Publishing House, 2012 9789382332060 198p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.2 GIR 00119708 Communication Techniques / Girdhar, A. P. I K international Publisher, 2013 9789382332244 270p. : UG Library
428.2 GRI 00144229 Grammar and Style Choices for College Writers / Griswold, Olga. Routledge, 2023 9780367740689 vi,242p,; UG Library
428.2 HER 07005204 English linguistics : Herbst, Thomas, De Gruyter Mouton, 2010 9783110203677 (pbk. : alk. pap xv, 368 p. : Library - BR Campus
428.2 HEW 04009209 Advanced grammar in use : Hewings, Martin. Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521532914 (pbk.) | 9780521731447 2nd ed. ix, 264 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.2 HEW 04009210 Advanced English Grammar : Hewings, Martin cambridge university Press, 1999 9788175960671 340 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.2 HEW 00111397 Advanced English Grammar : Hewings, Martin cambridge university Press, 1999 9788175960671 340 p. : UG Library
428.2 HEW 07000465 Advanced English Grammar : Hewings, Martin cambridge university Press, 1999 9788175960671 340 p. : Library - BR Campus
428.2 HUD 00048351 English Grammar an Outline Huddleston, Rodney Cambridge University Press, 1996 0521586992 xi, 212 p.: UG Library
428.2 HUN 07015506 The Riverside Guide To Writing / Hunt, Douglas. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1991 0395572754 xxiii, 682 p. ; Library - BR Campus
428.2 HUT 00045212 English for Specific Purposes: a Learning Centred Approach. Hutchinson, Tom 1998 0521318378 182 p UG Library
428.2 JOS 00138908 Fine-Tune Your English : Joseph,Mathew. Orient Blackswan, 2019 9789352873685 2nd ed (rep) vii,240p.; UG Library
428.2 KLA 04009288 Analyzing English grammar / Klammer, Thomas P., Longman, 2010 9788131763360 | 0205685943 6th ed. xviii, 446 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.2 KUM 04009463 Learn Corrct english : Kumar, Shiv K. Pearson, 2007 9788131708989 203 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.2 LAN 00048590 Sentence Skills Langan, John, McGraw-Hill, 1990 0070363447 4th ed. xii, 482 p. ; UG Library
428.2 LES 03007328 The McGraw-Hill Handbook of English Grammar and Usage / Lester, Mark. Tata McGraw-Hill ; 2005 9780070601154 344 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
428.2 MAR 00115695 English Basics Cholij, Mark. Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521520606 (pbk.) | 9780521520 vii, 208 p. : UG Library
428.2 MOR 05038665 Doing Grammar / Morenberg, Max, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199947331 Fifth Edition. xxiv,360p.; Knowledge Centre
428.2 MUL 05047463 Introducing English language : Mullany, Louise, Routledge, 2015 9781138016187 (hardback) | 978 Second edition. xiii, 310 pages ; Knowledge Centre
428.2 MUR 04009222 Essential English grammar, Murphy, Raymond Cambridge University Press, 1998 9788175960299 300p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.2 NAR 05022677 Teacher`s Grammar of English: Linking Grammar With Communication [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Narayanswamy, K R Orient Longman Publications 8125026649 402p Knowledge Centre
428.2 NEL 07000323 An introduction to English grammar / Greenbaum, Sidney, Routledge, 2016 9781138855458 (hbk.) | 9781138 Fourth Edition. xii,335p.: Library - BR Campus
428.2 NEL 05056884 English : Nelson, Gerald, Routledge, 2011 9780415582957 (hbk : alk. pape 2nd ed. ix, 179 p. ; Knowledge Centre
428.2 NEL 07001059 An introduction to English grammar / Greenbaum, Sidney, Routledge, 2016 9781138855458 (hbk.) | 9781138 Fourth Edition. xii,335p.: Library - BR Campus
428.2 NES 00024345 English-Grammer Nesfield, 1987 558p UG Library
428.2 PAL 00062682 The Good Grammar Guide Palmer, Richard Routledge, 2003 0415312264 | 9780415312264 xix, 198 p. : UG Library
428.2 QUI 00106711 A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language / Quirk Randolph Pearson, 2010 9788131733431 x, 1779 p.; UG Library
428.2 QUI 07001777 A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language / Quirk Randolph Pearson, 2010 9788131733431 x, 1779 p.; Library - BR Campus
428.2 RAM 05017838 Creative Grammar / Ramaswamy Indira Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2012 9781259026096 144 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.2 RAM 03007360 Creative Grammar / Ramaswamy Indira Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2012 9781259026096 144 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
428.2 SAN 05022744 Academic Listening Encounters:American Studies [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Sanabria, Kim 9780521684323 164 p Knowledge Centre
428.2 SCH 00017899 Modern English Grammar Schibsbye, Knud Oxford University 1970 390p UG Library
428.2 SEA 05065412 Grammar 101 : Sears, Kathleen, Adams Media, 2017 9781507203590 (paperoverboard) | 1507203594 (paperoverboard) First Adams Media hardcover edition. 288 pages ; Knowledge Centre
428.2 SEE 10005510 Oxford A-Z of Grammar and Composition / Seely, John Oxford Press, 2016 9780199459025 2nd Ed. , xxiv, 183 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
428.2 SEE 00134224 The Oxford guide to effective writing and speaking / Seely, John, Oxford University Press, 2013 9780192806130 (pbk.) | 0192806130 (pbk.) 3rd ed. 312 p. : UG Library
428.2 SHE 05022748 Grammar and Compositions: A Senior Course [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Sheppard, C A Orient Longman Publications 8125007962 124 p Knowledge Centre
428.2 SOL 04013596 Viva's Studymates Perfect Grammar : Soles, Derek Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 2010 9788130913063 178p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.2 SWA 04016108 Oxford English Grammmer Course : Swan, Michael Oxford, 2011 9780194420778 362 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.2 THO 04022123 English for Comopetitive Examinations / Pearson, 2013 9788131791196 463p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.2 TRU 05022687 Eats, Shoots & Leaves : Truss, Lynne. Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 2007 1846680352 xiv, 209p.; Knowledge Centre
428.2 TRU 07010837 Eats, shoots & leaves Truss, Lynne Profile Book Publication, 2004 9781861976123 205p.; Library - BR Campus
428.2 TUR 00045225 ABC of Common Grammatical Errors Turton, Nigel D Macmillan India Ltd 1995 xx, 895 p. : UG Library
428.2 TUR 03006942 ABC of common grammatical errors /​ Turton, Nigel D. Macmillan, 2011 9780333924303 895p., School of Business Management (Kengeri)
428.2 UR 07002676 Grammar Practice Activities: Ur, Penny. Cambridge University Press 1988 0521586488 | 9780521586481 288 p Library - BR Campus
428.2 UR 00115658 Grammar Practice Activities: Ur, Penny. Cambridge University Press 1988 0521586488 | 9780521586481 288 p UG Library
428.2 UR 00045242 Grammar Practice Activities: Ur, Penny. Cambridge University Press 1988 0521586488 | 9780521586481 288 p UG Library
428.2 UR 00045617 Grammar Practice Activities: Ur, Penny. Cambridge University Press 1988 0521586488 | 9780521586481 288 p UG Library
428.2 VAS 03007619 English Grammar for Everyone : Vas, Gratian. Shree Book Centre ; 2011 9788184990003 552 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
428.2 VIS 04011783 English For Technical Communication/ Viswamohan Aysha Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd, 2008 9780070264243 x, 239 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.2 WAL 03007491 English made Simple / Waldhorn, Arthur, Doubleday, 1981 0385174837 (pbk.) : Rev. ed. 196 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
428.2 WAL 04007183 English made Simple / Waldhorn, Arthur, Doubleday, 1981 0385174837 (pbk.) : Rev. ed. 196 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.2`AUT 05022700 English for Engineers and Technologists: Volumes 1 and 2 Combined Edition [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Authors, Course Orient Longman Publications 8125030190 216p Knowledge Centre
428.2024097 CAL 00036537 Exercises and Tests for Journalists Callihan, E. L. Chilton Book Co., 1979 0801968240 : 2d ed. ix, 200 p. ; UG Library
428.2024097CAL 00034600 Germmer for Journalists Callihan, E L Pennsylvani 314 p. UG Library
428.20246 MCC 00105190 Grammar for Business McCarthy, Michael. Cambridge University Press 2009 9780521727204 272 p. UG Library
428.202465 BOO 03007370 Booher's Rules of Business Grammar : Booher, Dianna Daniels. McGraw-Hill, 2009 9780071486682 (pbk. : acidfree xxii, 294 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
428.202465 BOO 04020035 Booher's Rules of Business Grammar : Booher, Dianna Daniels. McGraw-Hill, 2009 9780071486682 (pbk. : acidfree xxii, 294 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.202465 WAL 10002263 English for academic CVs, resumes, and online profiles / Wallwork, Adrian. Springer, 2019 9783030110895428 xvi, 200p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
428.203 PET 07002239 The Cambridge dictionary of English grammar / Peters, Pam. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9780521863193 viii, 391 pages ; Library - BR Campus
428.207 PAR 04007083 Grammar for English Language Teachers With Exercises and a Key Parrott, Martin Cambridge University Press 2010 9780521152648 470 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.207 PAR 04009225 Grammar for English Language Teachers With Exercises and a Key Parrott, Martin Cambridge University Press 2010 9780521152648 470 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.207 PAR 04015189 Grammar for English Language Teachers With Exercises and a Key Parrott, Martin Cambridge University Press 2010 9780521152648 470 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.207 PAR 00106047 Grammar for English Language Teachers With Exercises and a Key Parrott, Martin Cambridge University Press 2010 9780521152648 470 p UG Library
428.20712 THO 00100889 Grammar / Thornbury, Scott, Oxford University Press, 9780194421928 (pbk.) | 0194421 xi, 132 p. : UG Library
428.24 BOU 04007091 Test It, Fix It English Grammar Bourke, Kenna Oxford Universtiy Press 2003 9780194386203 87 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 COW 04007080 Teacher's Grammar of English: A Course Book and Reference Guide Cowan, Ron Cambridge University Press 2008 9780521141758 709 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 EAS 04007095 Oxford Guide to English Grammar Eastwood, John Oxford Universtiy Press 2010 9780195667455 446 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 ELE 00133902 Basic communication skills Elearning 3G E-Learning, 2018 9781680947670 2nd ed., xiv,354p.; UG Library
428.24 GRE 04007098 Oxford English Grammar Greenbaum, Sidney Oxford Universtiy Press 2010 9780195672572 652 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 LEE 04000579 Communicative Grammar of English / Leech, Geoffrey Pearson Education, 2008 8177588591 440 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 RIC 04007092 English for Customer Care: Express Series Richey, Rosemary Oxford Universtiy Press 2007 9780194579063 80 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 RIC 1 04007089 New Interchange English for International Communication: Students Book 3 Richards, Jack C Cambridge University 2008 9788175963764 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 RIC 2 04007088 New Interchange English for International Communications: Workbook 3 Richards, Jack C Cambridge University 2008 9788175963771 96 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 RIC 4 04007087 New Interchange English for International Communications: Intro Student's Book Richards, Jack C Cambridge University 2010 9788175963702 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 RIC 5 04007086 New Interchange English for International Communications: Workbook 1 Richards, Jack C Cambridge University 2010 9788175963733 96 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 RIC 6 04007078 New Interchange English for International Communication Workbook 2 Richards, Jack C Cambridge University 2006 9788175963757 96 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 RIC 6 04007077 New Interchange English for International Communication Workbook 2 Richards, Jack C Cambridge University 2006 9788175963757 96 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 SWA 04007097 Practical English Usage Swan, Michael Oxford Universtiy Press 2006 9780195679892 653 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 THO 04007094 Natural Grammar: The Keyworkds of English and How They Work Thornbury, Scott Oxford Universtiy Press 2005 9780195673029 220 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 UPE 04009461 Know Your Enlish Upendran S. Universities Press Private Limited 2011 9788173717291 xix; 195 P. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 AGN 00043914 Second Language Acquisttion Agnihotri, R K Sage 389p UG Library
428.24 AIS 04013611 Complete Skills for IELTS : Aish, Fiona HarperCollins, 2012 144 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 AIS 04015249 Complete Skills for IELTS / Aish, Fiona Collins , 2012 9780007916023 144 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 AKM 00082601 Linguistics: Akmajian, Adrian Prentice Hall of India 2001 8120326547 | 9788120326545 5th ed. 604p UG Library
428.24 ALL 07002663 Cambridge English for Nursing Allum, Virginia Cambridge University 9780521144735 120p Library - BR Campus
428.24 ALL 00090547 Cambridge English for Nursing Allum, Virginia Cambridge University 9780521144735 120p UG Library
428.24 ARN 05043242 Imagine That! Mental Imagery in the EFL Classroom / Arnold, Jane 2007 9780521716109 191 p.: Knowledge Centre
428.24 AZA 00063958 Fundamentals of English Grammar: Azar, Betty Schrampfer Longman. 2002 9780130136312 3th ed. 458 p.: UG Library
428.24 AZA 00063959 Fundamentals of English Grammar: Azar, Betty Schrampfer Longman. 2002 9780130136312 3th ed. 458 p.: UG Library
428.24 BAL 00142513 Advanced english vocabulary Balwan,Attied Khawar Random publications, 2020 9789352695928 viii,335p.; UG Library
428.24 BAR 00043891 Early Modern English Barber, Charles Edinburgh University 280p UG Library
428.24 BC 04009388 English Skills for Technical Students / Orient BlackSwan, 2002 9788125020974 162 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 BHA 05073986 Exploring English 2 / Bhavani, S. Cambridge University Press. : 2017 9781108431149 iv, 164 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.24 BHA 05063881 Exploring English 2 / Bhavani, S. Cambridge University Press. : 2017 9781108431149 iv, 164 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.24 BHA 05063882 Exploring English 2 / Bhavani, S. Cambridge University Press. : 2017 9781108431149 iv, 164 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.24 BHA 05063883 Exploring English 2 / Bhavani, S. Cambridge University Press. : 2017 9781108431149 iv, 164 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.24 BHA 00127353 Exploring English 2 / Bhavani, S. Cambridge University Press. : 2017 9781108431149 iv, 164 p. : UG Library
428.24 BHA 05054678 Exploring English 2 / Bhavani, S. Cambridge University Press. : 2017 9781108431149 iv, 164 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.24 BHA 05055201 Exploring English 2 / Bhavani, S. Cambridge University Press. : 2017 9781108431149 iv, 164 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.24 BHA 05055202 Exploring English 2 / Bhavani, S. Cambridge University Press. : 2017 9781108431149 iv, 164 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.24 BHA 05055203 Exploring English 2 / Bhavani, S. Cambridge University Press. : 2017 9781108431149 iv, 164 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.24 BHA 07010700 Exploring English 2 / Bhavani, S. Cambridge University Press. : 2017 9781108431149 iv, 164 p. : Library - BR Campus
428.24 BHA 00127439 Exploring English 2 / Bhavani, S. Cambridge University Press. : 2017 9781108431149 iv, 164 p. : UG Library
428.24 BHA 00127440 Exploring English 2 / Bhavani, S. Cambridge University Press. : 2017 9781108431149 iv, 164 p. : UG Library
428.24 BHA 00127441 Exploring English 2 / Bhavani, S. Cambridge University Press. : 2017 9781108431149 iv, 164 p. : UG Library
428.24 BHA 00127442 Exploring English 2 / Bhavani, S. Cambridge University Press. : 2017 9781108431149 iv, 164 p. : UG Library
428.24 BHA 00127443 Exploring English 2 / Bhavani, S. Cambridge University Press. : 2017 9781108431149 iv, 164 p. : UG Library
428.24 BLU 00098890 Function in english; Blundell Jon Oxford university press; 9780198062837 xvii;274 p. UG Library
428.24 BRA 04015241 Target band 7 : Braverman, Simone Educational Software Technologies , 2008 9788190202671 138 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 BUR 04030729 The A to Z of Correct English / Burt, Angela Better yourself books, 2002 9788171085156 211p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 CAL 00128223 Preventing Long-Term ELs : Calderón, Margarita Espino Corwin, 2011 9781412974165 | 141297416X xiii, 161 p. : UG Library
428.24 CAR 04018076 Cambridge grammar of English : Carter, Ronald, Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521857678 (hbk. and CDROM) | 0521674395 (pbk. and CDROM) | 0521581664 (hbk.) | 0521588464 (pbk.) | 0521588456 (Network CDROM) | 9780521737456 1 v. (various pagings) ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 CAR 05022697 Exploring Grammar in Context:Grammer Reference and Practice Upper-Intermediate and Advanced [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Carter, Ronald 0000521868 286 p Knowledge Centre
428.24 CAS 03009296 The Active Reader : Casanave, Christine Pearson. Prentice Hall Regents , 1987 0130037400 | 9780130037404 206 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
428.24 CHA 05047335 Graduate English Grammer and Syntax / Chatfield,Paul. Cyber Tech, 2013 9789350530863 vii,248p.; Knowledge Centre
428.24 CLA 07009883 The Routledge Student Guide to English Usage : Clark Stewart Routledge, 2017 9781138281127 xi,390p.: Library - BR Campus
428.24 CLA 07009915 The Routledge Student Guide to English Usage : Clark Stewart Routledge, 2017 9781138281127 xi,390p.: Library - BR Campus
428.24 COE 00101980 Oxford Living Grammar : Coe, Norman Oxford University Press, 9780194557085 156 p. UG Library
428.24 COL 03007399 Correct your English Errors : Collins, Tim. Tata McGraw - Hill, 2007 9780070139602 ix , 309 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
428.24 COL 04013630 Skills for the Tofel iBT test : HarperCollins, 2012 9780007492992 174 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 COL 04013610 Easy Learning Grammar and Punctuation / HarperCollins, 2009 9780007452750 319 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 COL 04013609 Easy Learning English Vocabulary / HarperCollins, 2011 9780007452736 344 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 COL 04013608 Easy Learning How to use English : HarperCollins, 2011 9780007452743 310 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 COL 04013607 Easy Learning English Conversation / HarperCollins, 2011 9780007452712 255 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 COO 05040258 American Accent Training : Cook Ann New Age International(P)Limited Publishers, 2007 9788122420104 198p.: Knowledge Centre
428.24 COR 00043931 Inventing English Corey, Dale Berkley 400p UG Library
428.24 COW 00099789 The Teacher's Grammar of English: Cowan, Ron Cambridge University Press, 9780521141758 xv, 709 p. UG Library
428.24 CUB 00127434 Exploring English 1 Christ University Bengaluru Foundation. : 2017 9789385386541 iv, 143 p. : UG Library
428.24 CUB 00127435 Exploring English 1 Christ University Bengaluru Foundation. : 2017 9789385386541 iv, 143 p. : UG Library
428.24 CUB 00127436 Exploring English 1 Christ University Bengaluru Foundation. : 2017 9789385386541 iv, 143 p. : UG Library
428.24 CUB 00127437 Exploring English 1 Christ University Bengaluru Foundation. : 2017 9789385386541 iv, 143 p. : UG Library
428.24 CUB 00127438 Exploring English 1 Christ University Bengaluru Foundation. : 2017 9789385386541 iv, 143 p. : UG Library
428.24 CUP 10003769 Exploring English 1 for Undergraduate Students : Cambridge University Press, 2016 9789385386541 viii, 143p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
428.24 DAY 00090545 Cambridge English for Job-Hunting Day, Jeremy Oxford 9780521144704 112p UG Library
428.24 DHA 03013360 The Sources of Authenticity in English Grammar and Business Communication / Dhand, Deepika Himalaya Punblishing House, 2022 9789352738854 509p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
428.24 DIG 00115697 English 365: Digen, Bob Cambridge University Press 2004 0521753643 | 9780521753647 | 0 96 p. : UG Library
428.24 DIG 00115660 English 365: Digen, Bob Cambridge University Press 2004 0521753643 | 9780521753647 | 0 96 p. : UG Library
428.24 DIG 00115698 For work and life english 365 Dignen Bob Cambridge University Press 9780521718080 144p UG Library
428.24 DIG 00081167 For work and life english 365 Dignen Bob Cambridge University Press 9780521718080 144p UG Library
428.24 DIG 00092080 For work and life english 365 Dignen Bob Cambridge University Press 9780521718080 144p UG Library
428.24 DIG 00092079 For work and life english 365 Dignen Bob Cambridge University Press 9780521718080 144p UG Library
428.24 DIG 00092078 For work and life english 365 Dignen Bob Cambridge University Press 9780521718080 144p UG Library
428.24 DOR 07011649 Better english: Massey, Dorothy Viva Books Publication, 2016 9789385919503 ix,134p.; Library - BR Campus
428.24 DOR 00111294 Effective Communication skills in English/ Doraiswamy, R ABD Publishers, 2011 9798183760446 241p.; UG Library
428.24 DUI 04015256 Essay writing for English tests Duigu, Gabi M K Books, 2009 9788190115902 68 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 DUT 01012059 A Course in Communication skills Dutt,Kiranmai.P Cambridge University Press Pvt Ltd 9788175965713 307p Knowledge Centre
428.24 EAS 00100901 Oxford : Eastwood John Oxford university press; 9780194375979 432 p. UG Library
428.24 EAS 04019935 Oxford Practice Grammer with Answers / Eastwood, John Oxford, 1999 9780195654721 432p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 EDG 03004069 From Experience to Knowledge in Elt/ Edge, Julian Oxford; 2009 9780194422710 204p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
428.24 ESA 00119716 Engligh on the Go: Travel, Health, Business Esack, Yasmin Atlantic Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd, 2013 9788126917730 xiii:97p.; UG Library
428.24 FAR 07002670 English Language Education in South Asia: Farrell Lesley Foundation; 2011 9788175967809 291 p. Library - BR Campus
428.24 FAR 00103682 English Language Education in South Asia: Farrell Lesley Foundation; 2011 9788175967809 291 p. UG Library
428.24 FEI 00043869 The Grammar Handbook Feigenbaum, Irwin. Oxford University Press, 1985 0194341070 (pbk.) : | 97801943 vii, 358 p. ; UG Library
428.24 FEI 00043871 The Grammar Handbook Feigenbaum, Irwin. Oxford University Press, 1985 0194341070 (pbk.) : | 97801943 vii, 358 p. ; UG Library
428.24 FEI 00043870 The Grammar Handbook Feigenbaum, Irwin. Oxford University Press, 1985 0194341070 (pbk.) : | 97801943 vii, 358 p. ; UG Library
428.24 FEI 00063570 The Grammar Handbook Feigenbaum, Irwin. Oxford University Press, 1985 0194341070 (pbk.) : | 97801943 vii, 358 p. ; UG Library
428.24 FOK 00043938 Theories of Literature in the Twentieth Century Fokkeema, Douwe Orient Longman Ltd 219p UG Library
428.24 FRA 05003812 Oxford Collocations Dictionary : Mcintosh, Colin Oxford University Press, 2009 9780194325387 xii, 963 p. Knowledge Centre
428.24 GAI 00100902 Oxford Word Skills. Gairns Ruth Oxford university press; 9780194620079 254 p. UG Library
428.24 GAR 10003723 New Directions Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking / Gardner, Peter S. Cambridge University Press, 2005 9780521541732 2nd ed. vi, 73p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
428.24 GAR 10003724 New Directions Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking / Gardner, Peter S. Cambridge University Press, 2005 9780521541732 2nd ed. vi, 73p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
428.24 GAR 07002690 New directions : Gardner, Peter S. Cambridge University Press, 2005 9780521125512 2nd ed. xiii, 292 p. : Library - BR Campus
428.24 GAR 10003868 New Directions Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking / Gardner, Peter S. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9780521125512 2nd ed. xiii, 292p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
428.24 GAR 10003869 New Directions Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking / Gardner, Peter S. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9780521125512 2nd ed. xiii, 292p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
428.24 GOO 00043900 Redesigning English New Texts, New Identities Goodman, Sharon THE Open University 250p UG Library
428.24 GRU 00101009 English for presentations Grussendroff Marion Oxford University press; 9780194579360 80 p. UG Library
428.24 GUS 00107984 Communicative activities for EAP Guse,Jenni. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521140577 xii, 318 p. : UG Library
428.24 HAD 05005262 Matching books and readers : Hadaway, Nancy L. Guilford Press, 2010 9781606238813 (pbk. : alk. pap xvi, 256 p. ; Knowledge Centre
428.24 HAI 04009211 Advanced grammar in use supplementary exercises / Hewings, Martin Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521732147 136 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 HAL 05009343 Exploring English language teaching : Hall, Graham, Routledge, 2011 9780415584135 (hbk.) | 0415584 1st ed. xiii, 282 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.24 HAR 05022745 English in Mind: Teachers Book [MA-ENGLISH SECTION] Hart, Brian 9780521708982 128 p Knowledge Centre
428.24 HAR 04015250 Achieve IELTS 2 : English for international educationion : Harrison, Louis Viva Books, 2008 9788130908724 176 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 HAR 05064014 Embark : Hart, Steve. Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781316603611 vii, 328p. Knowledge Centre
428.24 HED 05005239 Teaching readers of English : Hedgcock, John. Routledge, 2009 9780415999649 (hbk.) | 0415999 xx, 431 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.24 HED 05007249 Teaching readers of English : Hedgcock, John. Routledge, 2009 9780415999649 (hbk.) | 0415999 xx, 431 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.24 HOC 00043932 Course in Modern Linguistics Hockett, Charles F Oxford & IBH 621p Yeshwanthpur Campus
428.24 IBB 04015185 Cambridge English for Engineering Ibbotson, Mark Oxford 9780521144612 112p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 IBB 00090546 Cambridge English for Engineering Ibbotson, Mark Oxford 9780521144612 112p UG Library
428.24 INT 00043861 Enrich Your English Inthira, S R Oxford University Press 1995 9780195630527 | 0195630521 xvi, 221 p. : UG Library
428.24 INT 00043862 Enrich Your English Inthira, S R Oxford University Press 1995 9780195630527 | 0195630521 xvi, 221 p. : UG Library
428.24 INT 00043864 Enrich Your English Inthira, S R Oxford University Press 1995 9780195630527 | 0195630521 xvi, 221 p. : UG Library
428.24 INT 00043863 Enrich Your English [ Communication Skills Book ] Inthira Oxford University 221p UG Library
428.24 INT 00043867 Enrich Your English Boo II : Academic Skills Inthira, Sr Oxford University Press 1995 153 p. UG Library
428.24 INT 00043865 Enrich Your English Inthira, S R Oxford University 1995 0195630548 xviii, 153 p. : UG Library
428.24 INT 00043868 Enrich Your English Inthira, S R Oxford University 1995 0195630548 xviii, 153 p. : UG Library
428.24 INT 00043866 Enrich Your English Inthira, S R Oxford University 1995 0195630548 xviii, 153 p. : UG Library
428.24 JOH 04015248 IELTS and Toefl made Easy : John, George BGHD , 2008 720 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 JON 01012065 Communicative grammar practice : Jones, Leo, Cambridge University Press, 0521398916 iii, 105 p. : Knowledge Centre
428.24 KAP 07014583 Ielts prep plus 2019-2020 / Kaplan Kaplan Publication, 2018 9781506249315 vii,403p.; Library - BR Campus
428.24 KHA 00121396 Teaching listening and speaking Khan, M Amirullah Sarup Book Publishers 2013 9788176259460 106p. UG Library
428.24 KRI 00043941 Modern Applied Linguistics an Introduction Krishnaswamy, N Macmillan India Ltd 1992 311p UG Library
428.24 KUM 10002396 English language and communication skills for enginners/ Kumar, Sanjay Oxford university press, 2018 9780199491360 ix,299 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
428.24 LAU 00128285 Using Formative Assessment to Differentiate Middle School Literacy instruction : Laud, Leslie. Corwin, 2013 9781452226217 xix, 206 p. : UG Library
428.24 LEG 05041973 Academic English Skills for Success / Legg Miranda Hong Kong University Press, 2014 9789888208647 xi,191p.: Knowledge Centre
428.24 LOT 04008440 real English Grammar pre-intermediate Lott, Hester Viva books, 2010 9788130908786 232p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 LOT 04008439 Real English Grammar Intermediate / Lott, Hester Viva Books, 2007 9788130908779 298p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 LOT 04013581 Real English Grammar Intermediate / Lott, Hester Viva Books, 2007 9788130908779 298p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 LOU 04029498 Barron's Essential Words for the IELTS : New Age International Publishers, 2019 9789387788350 379p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 LOU 04029502 Barron;s IELTS Practice Exams / New Age International Publishers, 2019 9789387788534 457p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 LOU 04029499 Barron's IELTS : New Age International Publishers, 2018 9789387477001 521p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 MAK 04015236 IELTS Esary Booster : Malwama, Akanksha M K Books, 2009 9788190115926 198 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 MAR 04015258 IELTS Gradiation : Martineau, Charlie MACMillan, 2008 9781405080774 128 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 MAS 04015180 Business Vocabulary In Use Advanced / Mascull, Bill CUP, 2011 9781107604582 176p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 MAS 07002660 Business Vocabulary In Use Advanced / Mascull, Bill CUP, 2011 9781107604582 176p. : Library - BR Campus
428.24 MAS 04008448 Better english : Massey, Dorothy Viva books, 2007 9788130907239 ix, 134p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 MCA 00043933 Oxford Companion to the English Langlish Mcarthur, Tom Oxford 1996 9780198631361 1053p UG Library
428.24 MCC 04029501 A book for IELTS McCarter, Sam New age international publisher, 2007 9788122421217 3rd ed. vii,216p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 MCC 05040233 A book for IELTS McCarter, Sam New age international publisher, 2007 9788122421217 3rd ed. vii,216p.; Knowledge Centre
428.24 MCC 04028787 English Phrasal Verbs in Use / Mccarthy, Michael Cmabridge, 2017 9780521736381 185p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 MCC 04029610 English Phrasal Verbs in Use / Mccarthy, Michael Cmabridge, 2017 9780521736381 185p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 MER 00043890 Learning English Development and Diversity Mercer, Neil Open University 343p UG Library
428.24 MUR 04009223 Essential grammar in use : Murphy, Raymond. Cambridge University Press, 1997 9780521133890 | 0521559278 (without answers) 3rd ed., New ed. 300 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 MUR 00100896 Music and Song : Murphey Tim 151 p. UG Library
428.24 MUR 04019642 English Grammar in Use : Murphy, Raymond. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521189392 (paperback) | 97 4th ed. x, 380 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 NAI 05020321 Fast Tracks / Nair Bhaskaran P Foundation, 2009 9788175966772 191 p.: Knowledge Centre
428.24 NAN 00043915 Perfect Your English Nandy, Milon S Abdul Majeed & Co, 1995 152 p. UG Library
428.24 NAP 00043939 Linguistcs an Introduction Napoli, Donna Oxford University Press 580p UG Library
428.24 NER 00046664 English Have a Go Nery, Caryn Oxford University Press 1996 0193120240 | 9780193120242 144 p. UG Library
428.24 NIR 00043935 Siting Translation History, Post-structuralism, and the Colonial Context Niranjana, Tejaswini Orient Longman 203p UG Library
428.24 OUS 00043913 Cambridge Guide to Literature in English Ousby, Ian Cambridge 1992 9780521429047 1109p UG Library
428.24 OXF 04029653 Exercises in Spoken EnglishPart-1 : Oxford University press, 2014 9780195603057 61p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 PAL 04014848 Everyday Dialogues In English Dixson,Robert J. Prentice Hall Of India Private Limited 1999 9788120305663 236 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 PAL 00048656 Everyday Dialogues In English Dixson,Robert J. Prentice Hall Of India Private Limited 1999 9788120305663 236 p. UG Library
428.24 PAT 00043936 An Outline of English Literature Rogers, Pat Oxford 1992 9780192880789 490 p UG Library
428.24 PEA 05060198 Practice tests plus with key PTE academic : Pearson test of English academic Pearson india education Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2018 9789352867035 208p.; Knowledge Centre
428.24 RAN 04019257 English Communication Made Easy / Rana, Aradhana Ane Books, 2011 9789380156095 379p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 RED 04028788 English Vocabulary in Use / Redman, Stuart Cambridge, 2017 9781107683938 3rd ed. ; 264p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 RED 00093182 face2face Redston Chris Cambridge University 9780521137614 160p UG Library
428.24 REI 10003719 Studying in english : Reinders, Hayo., et al. Palgrave, 2017 9781137594051 2nd ed. xi, 252p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
428.24 REI 10003720 Studying in english : Reinders, Hayo., et al. Palgrave, 2017 9781137594051 2nd ed. xi, 252p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
428.24 REI 07011847 Studying in english: Reinders, Hayo Palgrave Publication, 2017 9781137594051 xi,250p.; Library - BR Campus
428.24 REP 07002244 Grammar and beyond : Reppen, Randi. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521142960 (Student's Book Multiple volumes (various paging) ;425p.: Library - BR Campus
428.24 REP 07002243 Grammar and beyond : Reppen, Randi. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521142960 (Student's Book Multiple volumes (various paging) ;425p.: Library - BR Campus
428.24 REP 07002242 Grammar and beyond : Reppen, Randi. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521142960 (Student's Book Multiple volumes (various paging) ;425p.: Library - BR Campus
428.24 REV 00046665 Highly Recommended Revell, Rod Oxford University Press, 1988 0194376656 | 9780194376655 New, 2nd ed. 110 p. UG Library
428.24 RIC 04008633 English for Customer Care: Express Series Richey, Rosemary Oxford Universtiy Press 2007 9780194579063 80 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 RIC 00101008 English for customer care Richey Rosemary Oxford university press; 9780194579063 80 p. UG Library
428.24 RIC 04015191 New Interchange:english for international communications Student's book-2 Richard Jack C Cambridge University Press 9788175963740 104p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 RIC 04015190 New Interchange : Richards, Jack C. CUP, 2006 9788175963702 104p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 ROY 00043893 Reading Between the Lines Roy, Boardman Cambridge University 87p UG Library
428.24 RUC 00093183 More:Student's Book:2 Ruchta,Herbert Cambridge University 9780521713009 127P UG Library
428.24 SAN 05008100 Cambridge English for Human Resources Sandford,George. Cambridge University Press 2011 9780521184694 128 p. Knowledge Centre
428.24 SAN 00106590 Cambridge English for Human Resources Sandford,George. Cambridge University Press 2011 9780521184694 128 p. UG Library
428.24 SAU 00043940 Course in Generallinguistics Desaussure, Ferdinand Mcgraw-Hill Paperbacks 240p UG Library
428.24 SIN 05067456 English Grammar And Usage / Singh, Sanoj. Random Publications, 2019 9789352691609 288p.; Knowledge Centre
428.24 SIN 05001393 Textbook of Communicative English / Sinha, Smita Dominant Publishers and Distributors, 2007 8178886162 205 p.: Knowledge Centre
428.24 SIV 00043917 Knit India Through Literature Sivasankari Eastwest Books 414p UG Library
428.24 SLA 00095451 English for primary teachers: Slattery Mary Oxford Iniversity 148P UG Library
428.24 SMA 00045259 Write to Be Read Smalzer, R. William Cambridge University Press 1996 0052144991 | 9780521449915 274 p. UG Library
428.24 SMA 00057964 Write to Be Read Smalzer, R. William Cambridge University Press 1996 0052144991 | 9780521449915 274 p. UG Library
428.24 SOU 03008638 Basics of Communication in English : Soundararaj, Francis. Macmillan India Ltd , 2012 9780230324428 292 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
428.24 SUR 04017523 A Handbook for English Language Laboratories / Sureshkumar, E. CUP, 2007 9788175967151 179p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 SWA 04008619 Practical English Usage Swan, Michael Oxford Universtiy Press 2006 9780195679892 653 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 SWA 04019643 Oxford English Grammar Course : Swan, Michael. Oxford University Press , 2011 9780194312509 348 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
428.24 SWA 10002397 Practical English usage/ Swan, Michael., Oxford university press, 2016 9780194202466 4th ed.,