Total Books (Hotel Management) - 3003

CallNo Barcode Title Author Publisher Code Year ISBN Edition Pages Library
640 BRA 03009304 Shameless Shortcuts : Bradley, Fern Marshall. Yankee Books, 2004 0899093906 (hardcover) | 97808 xi, 388 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
640 BUT 00031570 1001 House Hold Hints Kusum Burman, India Book House 91 UG Library
640 GOL 04016055 The organized student : Goldberg, Donna. Simon & Schuster, 2005 0743270207 (pbk.) | 9780743270 xxi, 263 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
640 LAH 07001611 How to Make the Right Decision / Laha Arnab.K Random House Publishers India Pvt Ltd, 2015 9788184001624 viii,182p.: Library - BR Campus
640 LAH 05044081 How to Make the Right Decision / Laha Arnab.K Random House Publishers India Pvt Ltd, 2015 9788184001624 viii,182p.: Knowledge Centre
640 MEN 00066211 Home Comforts Mendelson, Cheryl 2005 0743272862 | 9780743272865 884p UG Library
640 SAN 03005955 Green Barbarians : Sandbeck, Ellen. Scribner, 2010 9781416571827 | 1416571825 | 9 1st Scribner trade pbk. ed. xiii, 274 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
640 SAN 04009697 Green barbarians : Sandbeck, Ellen. Scribner, 2010 9781416571827 | 1416571825 | 9 1st Scribner trade pbk. ed. xiii, 274 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
640 SIN 00119377 Family Resource Management : Historical and Contemporary Developments Singal, Savita Dominant Publishers & Distributers Pvt Ltd, 2014 9789382007388 388p.; UG Library
640 SLE 00135057 Go green, save green : Sleeth, Nancy. Tyndale House, 2009 9781414326986 (pbk) xix, 410 p. ; UG Library
640 SOL 00143358 Tap to Tidy: Solomon, Stacey Ebury Press 2021 9781529109498 256p UG Library
640 TRA 00125956 Home Management and Budget Trambadia D. Irina Cyber Tech Publication, 2016 978935053477923 v, 204 p.: UG Library
640 WRI 04028303 Natural living : Wright, Liz, Gaia Books ; | [distributed to the trade by Octopus Books], 2010 9781856753203 | 1856753204 320 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
640.03 COL 00042561 Dictionary of Hotels,Tourism and Catering Management. Collin, P H U B S 275p UG Library
640.068 NEG 00110325 Housekeeping: Theory And Practice Negi,Jagmohan Dr. S. Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 2013 9788121997737 xiv: 457 p. UG Library
640.19 IYE 04030325 This Handmade Life / Iyer, Nandita Ebury Press, 2022 9780143454588 322p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
640.19 IYE 03013424 This Handmade Life / Iyer, Nandita Ebury Press, 2022 9780143454588 322p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
640.3 LAB 00048199 Webster's New World Dictionary Of Culinary Arts Labensky, Steven 1997 0013182726 | 9780131827264 447p UG Library
640.3 LAB 00066727 Webster's New World Dictionary Of Culinary Arts Labensky, Steven 1997 0013182726 | 9780131827264 447p UG Library
640.3 POT 00123429 Food Science Potter, Norman N CBS Publishers, 2007 9788123904726 5th edi. xi, 608 p:. UG Library
640.3 POT 00032866 Food Science Potter, N Norman Cbs 780 UG Library
640.302 SHE 00066432 Fat - Burner Foods/ Shreeve, M Caroline Octopus Publishing Group Limited 2009 0600603806 128 p UG Library
640.4 SHA 00057343 Home Managment and Housekeeping Sharma S.R. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 1994 8170419115 1st Ed. 337 p. UG Library
640.4 SHA 00057890 Home Managment and Housekeeping Sharma S.R. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 1994 8170419115 1st Ed. 337 p. UG Library
640.43 DAV 03002661 60 Second Organizer : Davidson, Jeff. Jaico Publishing House, 2008 9788179928691 184 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
640.43 FRY 04008372 The great big book of p ersonal productivity / Fry, Ron Viva books, 2003 9788176493741 413p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
640.43 SMI 03006090 The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time & Life Management : Smith, Hyrum W. Nicho, bealey, 1994 9781857880755 219 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
640.43 SMI 03009370 The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time & Life Management : Smith, Hyrum W. Nicho, bealey, 1994 9781857880755 219 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
640.43 SMI 00080968 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time & Life Management. Smith, Hyrum W Nicholas Brealey Publishing 2007 219p UG Library
640.43 TRA 00129960 Eat That Frog!; Tracy, Brian Tata McGraw-Hill, 2007 9780070659582 xii;128p. UG Library
640.43 TRA 00144563 Eat that Frog for Students : Tracy, Brian Berrett koehler publishing, 2023 9781523092932 xi,173p, ; UG Library
640.43 TRA 03003914 Eat That Frog!; Tracy, Brian Tata McGraw-Hill, 2007 9780070659582 xii;128p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
640.43 XAV 00108189 Be Happy And Live Longer Xavier Francis Dr.G. Asian Trading Corporation 2011 8170866022 xiv; 177 p. UG Library
640.43WIN 00042672 Best Organizing Tips: Quick, Simple Ways to Get Organised & Get on With You Winston, Stephanie 0671886436 222 p UG Library
640.460954 RAY 00098886 Cultures of servitude; Ray,Raka Oxford university press; 9780198066279 xv;255 p. UG Library
640.54219218 FOR 05064076 Operation Market Garden September 1944 / Forty,Simon. Casemate Publishers, 2018 9781612005867 192p.; Knowledge Centre
640.625 WAC 00067432 Spirits and Liquers Walton, Stuart Southwater 1842151541 256p UG Library
640.7 AKA 00131584 UGC NET/JRF/SET: Akanksha, Upakar Prakashan, 2018 9789350133132 vii,752 p.; UG Library
640.711LIC 00087397 Textbook of Home Science Teachers of Lady Irwin College 0861317009 302 p UG Library
640.711SOV 00087398 Textbook of Husehold Arts Soundarraj, Stella Orient Longman Publications 8125009515 367 p UG Library
640.73 ANT 00035316 Consumer Rights. Antony, M J Hpb 126 p. UG Library
640.73 ELL 05039482 Bargain fever : Ellwood, Mark. Portfolio, 2013 9781591845805 viii,278p.: Knowledge Centre
640.73 ELL 05037669 Bargain Fever : Ellwood Mark Portfolio/Penguin, 2013 viii,278p.: Knowledge Centre
640.73 GOL 05059860 Consumer economics : Goldsmith, Elizabeth B., Routledge, 2016 9781138846586 (hardback) Third Edition. xv, 561 pages ; Knowledge Centre
640.73 RAJ 05057550 The Ultimate Guide to Smart Shopping / Rajesh,V. Rupa Publications, 2017 9788129148612 xxxviii,170p.; Knowledge Centre
640.73 SUR 00106355 Consumers' Awareness About Rights And Grievance Redressal Surekha Durga Abhijeet Publications, 2010 9789380031804 191 p. UG Library
640.94068 NRA 00085997 Hospitality and Restaurant Management:Competency Guide National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation NRAEF 2007 0132283808 257p UG Library
640.954 ROY 00121045 Looking Within, Looking Without : Kumkum Roy. Primus Books, 2015 9789384082338 | 9384082333 xv, 419 p, : UG Library
640.954 ROY 07000491 Looking Within, Looking Without : Kumkum Roy. Primus Books, 2015 9789384082338 | 9384082333 xv, 419 p, : Library - BR Campus
640HAI 00008277 Hotel Hailey, Arthur Pan Books UG Library
641 ADR 00079971 Elbulli 1994-1997 Adria, Ferran Bulli Books 2006 8478715347 413 p UG Library
641 BIS 05073903 Calcutta on your plate / Biswas, NIlosree. Rupa Publication India Pvt Ltd, 2022 9789355207746 198p.; Knowledge Centre
641 BLO 00057833 All About Chocolate Bloom, Carole. Macmillan 1998 0028622839 | 9780028622835 370 p. UG Library
641 BLO 00058469 All About Chocolate Bloom, Carole. Macmillan 1998 0028622839 | 9780028622835 370 p. UG Library
641 BOD 00060744 European Gastronomy Bode, Willi Grub Street 2003 1902304578 260p UG Library
641 BRI 05075221 Eating the Present Tasting the Future : O'Brien, Charmaine. Penguin Random House India Pvt Ltd, 2023 9780143450238 xxiii, 358 p.; Knowledge Centre
641 BRI 05073904 Eating the present tasting the future / O Brien, Charmaine. Penguin Random House, 2023 9780143450238 xxiii,358p.; Knowledge Centre
641 BRU 00057012 ASIAN FUSION Brugger, Wini 2000 0470244232 123p UG Library
641 CRO 00120009 Food and wine tourism : Croce, Erica. CAB International, 2010 9781845936617 (alk. paper) ix, 201 p. : UG Library
641 DAL 00034434 Party Cooking Dalal, Tarla S Dalal 156 UG Library
641 FUE 00035091 Chef`s Compendium of Professional Recipes Fuller, John Butter Worth 401 p. UG Library
641 GOP 00032874 Nutritive Value of Indian Foods Gopalan C. National Institute Of Nutrition 1971 1st Ed. 156 p. UG Library
641 HAM 00050249 The Balti Cook Book Hamlyn Classic Regional Cooker Hamlyn Classic Regional Cooker 1996 0600589412 | 9780600589419 160 p. UG Library
641 HOD 00040346 Gourmet Shopper Hodyson, Moira Avon Books 1983 071001007954 368 p.: UG Library
641 JAM 00123768 Food Science Jamaluddin, Md. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2015 9788126164448 320 p:. UG Library
641 KHA 05058054 Colonels Kitchen / Khan, H A., Lt col. Lt col H A Khan, 2016 291p. Knowledge Centre
641 KIT 00082267 Food and Culture Kittler, Pamela 9780495381877 558p UG Library
641 MAC 00060746 Scotch Whisky: a Liquid History Maclean, Charles Cassell 1844030784 287p UG Library
641 MAH 00123425 Food Mahindru, S N APH Publishing Corporation, 2013 9789331320513 x, 230 p:. UG Library
641 MAN 05072507 Heal with Foods , Chandra Manjari. Rupa Publication. 2022 9789355200938 xiv,240p ,; Knowledge Centre
641 MCN 00051805 James Mc Nair's Favorites McNair, James. Chronicle Books 1999 0811801152 | 9780811801157 616 p. UG Library
641 MEE 00057999 Pachakam Cheidu Noakku Ammal, Meenakshi S S. Meenakshi Ammal Publications 331p UG Library
641 MUD 00035046 Food Science Mudambi, R Sumati W E 1991 222 p.: UG Library
641 MUD 00093379 Food scince Mudambi, Sumati R. New Age International Publishers 2006 8122417795 | 9788122417791 224p UG Library
641 MUD 00093380 Food scince Mudambi, Sumati R. New Age International Publishers 2006 8122417795 | 9788122417791 224p UG Library
641 PAU 00120451 Kitchen Guide to hotel management Paul Pradeep Random Publishers 2014 9789351113379 291p. UG Library
641 PEG 00036057 Food: Presentation and Display Pegler, M Martin Retail Reporting Corporation 1991 0934590419 223p UG Library
641 PRA 00112017 Food and Beverage Service Prasad,Umesh Sonali Publications, 2011 9788184113259 280p.; UG Library
641 ROB 00034801 Healthy Catering Manual Robbins, Christopher Dorling Kindersley 1989 00034801 224p UG Library
641 SHA 00055307 Dictionary of Food & Nutrition Sharma, J L Cbs 8123906285 820p UG Library
641 SHA 00060747 Cold Kitchen: A Guide to Gar De Manger Sharma D.D. Aman Publications 2004 8182040019 169 p. UG Library
641 SIN 00137212 Nutritive Value of Food Singh, Gurminder Preet Random Publications, 2019 9789352693573 295 p.; UG Library
641 WRI 00050263 Food Wright, Clarissa Dickson 1999 0091878217 320p UG Library
641 YAD 00057372 Management of Hotel and Catering Industry Yadav, C P Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2002 8126109688 328p UG Library
641. KAZ 00079017 Japanese Food and Cooking Kazuko, Emi 2006 0754807991 256p UG Library
641.003 RIE 00060859 Chef's Companion Riely, Elizabeth 2003 0047139842 | 9780471398424 355 p UG Library
641.013 BOU 00088720 Cook`s Tour: in Search of the Perfect Meal Bourdain, Anthony Bloomsbury 1582341400 274p UG Library
641.013 CHU 00147300 Digital gastronomy : Chua, Chee Kai, 9789811257407 xxv, 405 pages : UG Library
641.013 RDA 00058696 Eat Better Live Better / Reader`s Digest The Reader's Digest Association, Inc 1982 0895771411 416p UG Library
641.013 RDA 00057397 Eat Better Live Better / Reader`s Digest The Reader's Digest Association, Inc 1982 0895771411 416p UG Library
641.013 SPE 05046341 The perfect meal : Spence, Charles. Wiley Blackwell, 2014 9781118490822 (paperback) xix,400p.: Knowledge Centre
641.013094 GIL 00056533 European Gastronomy into the 21st Century Gillespie, Cailein. Butter Worth Heinemann 2001 0750652675 | 9780750652674 207 p. UG Library
641.013094 GIL 00060858 European Gastronomy into the 21st Century Gillespie, Cailein. Butter Worth Heinemann 2001 0750652675 | 9780750652674 207 p. UG Library
641.0303 SEL 00066434 Miracle Foods: 25 Super Nutritious Foods for Great Health Selby,Anna. Anna Selby 2003 0600601927 | 9780600601920 144 p. UG Library
641.0321 PAR 05048604 Food Nutrition and Cookery / Parkash, Mayank. Random Publications, 2016 9789351118428 266 p. ; Knowledge Centre
641.0321 SIN 00145981 Food, Nutrition and Cookery Singh, Ranvijay Venus Books, 2023 9789395431736 1st ed ix,280p. ; UG Library
641.068 ELE 00135629 Food production operations E-learning 3G E-Learning, 2017 9781680956283 x,248p.; UG Library
641.068 BAL 00119124 Food Production Operations / Bali,Parvinder S. Oxford university Press, 2014 9780198061816 2nd ed, xiv,586p. ; UG Library
641.068 BAL 05002264 Food Production Operations / Bali,Parvinder S. Oxford university Press, 2014 9780198061816 2nd ed, xiv,586p. ; Knowledge Centre
641.068 MAL 00057828 Food Service and Catering Management Malhotra, R K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2002 8126112603 432p UG Library
641.068 MCW 00063984 Fundamentals of Meal Management Mc Williams, Margaret 2005 0130394807 324p UG Library
641.068 TYA 00120983 A TextBook On Food Production And Operation Tyagi, Vijay Cyber Tech Publications. 2015 9789350533437 264 p.: UG Library
641.0712 BAR 00127470 Design and Technology Food Technology Barker, Celia Causeway Press 1996 9781873929629 141 p.: UG Library
641.083 SMI 05019647 Children's food : Blackie Academic & Professional, 1997 0751402745 : 1st ed xiv, 258 p. : Knowledge Centre
641.1 JEN 00058265 Dr.Jenson`s Guide to Body Chemistry & Nutrition Jensen, Dr Bernard Viva Books Private Limited 2002 8176492507 | 9788176492508 139 p UG Library
641.1 PAM 00083020 Encyclopedia of Foods:And Their Healing Power [hotel Management Section] Pamplona-Roger, George D Editorial Safeiz 8472081842 399p UG Library
641.1 PAM 00083021 Encyclopedia of Foods:And Their Healing Power [hotel Management Section] Pamplona-Roger, George D Editorial Safeiz 8472081842 399p UG Library
641.1 PAM 00083022 Encyclopedia of Foods:And Their Healing Power [hotel Management Section] Pamplona-Roger, George D Editorial Safeiz 8472081842 399p UG Library
641.1 RAJ 03005304 Elixir of Life : Raju, K. V. Books for change, 2006 8182910277 | 9798182910279 vii, 408 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
641.1 REN 00131697 Food science and nutrition Renuka ,G Paradoise press, 2018 9789386194855 317p.; UG Library
641.1 SHA 00132154 Encyclopedia of Food Science Technology, Health & Nutrition: Sharma Viniti, Amiga Press INC. 2019 9789387295025 viii,220 p.; UG Library
641.107112 BIJ 03010699 Eating Wisely and Well / Bijlani, Ramesh. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd., 2012 9788129119971 132 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
641.107112 BIJ 04024217 Eating Wisely and Well / Bijlani, Ramesh. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd., 2012 9788129119971 132 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
641.1YEO 00048577 Longevity: the Tao of Eating and Healing Yeoh, Aileen Times Books International 9812043632 395 p UG Library
641.2 BIG 00094242 Sharp Shooters Biggs David New Holland Publishers (UK) Ltd. 9781845376970 192p UG Library
641.2 BUF 00047973 Coolers:low-Alchol & Nonalcoholic Drinks Buff, Sheila Grange 1999 1856279464 160 p UG Library
641.2 CAL 00066183 Juicing for Life Calbom,Cherie. Health Harmony 2001 8170219132 | 9788170219132 351 p. UG Library
641.2 DDD 00034448 Cocktails Dartpm, Mike Tiger 1990 9781855010543 144 p. UG Library
641.2 DUR 00042066 THE Beverage Books. Durkan, Andrew Hodder and Stoughton 1995 308p UG Library
641.2 GRO 00034740 Grossman`s Guid e to Wines Beers and Spirits Grossman, J Harold Scribner`s 1983 638 UG Library
641.2 WIS 00048200 Party Drinks Wisniewski,Ian. Conran Octopus 1999 1840910747 | 9781840910742 144 p. UG Library
641.2068 CHA 00063551 BAR Management and Control Chakravarti, B K APH 2004 8176486922 168p UG Library
641.2103 WAL 00127483 The illustrated encyclopedia of Wine Walton, Stuart Hermes House, 2011 9781844779680 256p : . UG Library
641.22 STE 00066155 101 Essential Tips Wine Stevenson,Tom. Dorling Kinfersley Ltd 1997 1405301686 | 9781405301688 72 p. UG Library
641.22 AIN 00066129 Red Wine Guide Ainsworth, Jim. The Mitchell Beazley 2002 1840006285 | 9781840006285 192 p. UG Library
641.22 ATK 00066245 Sauvignon Blanc Atkins,Susy. Mitchell Beazley 2003 1840006870 | 9781840006872 64 p. UG Library
641.22 ATK 00066225 Merlot Atkins, Susy. Mitchell Beazley 2005 1840006889 | 9781840006889 64 p. UG Library
641.22 ATK 00066242 How To Choose Wine Atkins,Susy. Mitchell Beazley 2002 1840005777 | 9781840005776 64 p. UG Library
641.22 BEA 00066187 White Wine Guide Beazley, Michell Beazley 2000 1840006277 | 9781840006278 192 p UG Library
641.22 BEC 00066241 How to Match Food and Wine Beckett, Fiona. Michell Beazley 2002 1840005769 | 9781840005769 64 p. UG Library
641.22 BEL 00034673 Wine and Beverage Standardsa Bell, A Donald Vance 1989 350 p. UG Library
641.22 BOL 00079312 Exploring Wine [BHM Section] Kolpan, Stephen 0471352950 820p UG Library
641.22 BRO 00066243 Cabernet Sauvignon Broom, Dave. Mictchell Beazley 2005 1840006862 | 9781840006865 64 p. UG Library
641.22 BRO 00066244 Chardonnay Broom, Dave. Mitchell Beazley 2003 1840006854 | 9781840006858 64 p. UG Library
641.22 CLA 00118094 Wine Tourism Clark, Alek Discovery Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2011 9788183568937 256p.; UG Library
641.22 DES 00053306 Book of Wine Desseauve, Thierry Flammarion 2080136623 213p UG Library
641.22 DOM 00065090 Wine Domine, Andre Konemann 3833110325 926p UG Library
641.22 EDW 00051848 Red Wine Companion: a Connoisseur`s Guide Edwards, Michael Apple 1850768447 256p UG Library
641.22 EDW 00080928 Champagne and Sparkling Wine Edwards, Michael. Mitchell Beazley Pocket Guides 1999 1840000775 | 9781840000771 160 p. UG Library
641.22 EDW 00066148 Champagne and Sparkling Wine Edwards, Michael. Mitchell Beazley Pocket Guides 1999 1840000775 | 9781840000771 160 p. UG Library
641.22 EWI 00079317 Wine Style Ewing-Mulligan, Mary. John Wiley & Sons 2005 0764544535 | 9780764544538 244 p. UG Library
641.22 EWI 00084669 Wine Style Ewing-Mulligan, Mary. John Wiley & Sons 2005 0764544535 | 9780764544538 244 p. UG Library
641.22 FOR 00063438 The Complete Wine Course Forrest, Tom. Carlton 2003 1844429814 | 9781844429813 400 p. UG Library
641.22 GAY 00040348 Guide To The Best Wineries of North America Gayot,Andre. An Andre Gayot Publication 1993 9781881066026 374 p. UG Library
641.22 GUP 05047240 Wine tourism around the world : Gupta, Saurabh. Random Publication, 2015 978935111559 vi,281p.; Knowledge Centre
641.22 JOH 00065181 World Atlas of Wine Johnson, Hugh Beazley 1840003324 352p UG Library
641.22 JON 00067503 The Aperitif Companion Jones,Andrew. Knickerbocker Press 1998 1577150287 | 9781577150282 192 p. UG Library
641.22 JOS 00065116 Good Wine Guide Joseph, Robert A Dorling Kindersley Book 2003 1405300302 | 9781405300308 413 p UG Library
641.22 KIN 00034797 Atlas of Wine Knig, Alics Octopus 1989 9780600567646 192P UG Library
641.22 LEM 00068208 Grossman`s Cyclopedia the Concise Guide to Wines, Beers, and Spirits Lembeck, Harrit 0762412100 640p UG Library
641.22 MAC 00034443 Pocket Guide to Champagne and Sparklilng Wines Macquitty,Jane. A Fireside Book 1986 076714007956 160 p. UG Library
641.22 MAC 00130116 The wine bible / MacNeil, Karen, Workman Pub., 2001 9781563054341 xvii, 910 p. : UG Library
641.22 MAY 00080919 Only Wiine Book You`ll Ever Need May, Danny Viva Books Private Limited 2006 1593371012 278 p.: UG Library
641.22 MEY 07007074 The Book of Wine / Meyer Jackson Aadamsmedia, 2015 9781440584572 224p.: Library - BR Campus
641.22 MIL 00047020 Champagne Cocktails Miller,Anistatia. Regan Books 1999 0060392924 | 9780060392925 114 p. UG Library
641.22 MOR 00143022 Beyond grapes: Morad,Yacov Library tales publishing, 2020 9781732888838 ix,111p.; UG Library
641.22 PED 00065093 Good Housekeeping: Wine Book Pedley, Jonathan Harper Collins Publishers 2001 0007662483 | 9780007662487 192 p UG Library
641.22 PIV 00120618 French wine/ Pivot Bernard Plon & Flammarion 2014 9782080201546 249p. UG Library
641.22 RAD 00066149 Fortified and Sweet Wines Radford, John. Mitchell Beazley 2000 1840002484 | 9781840002485 208 p. UG Library
641.22 ROB 00047016 Vines, Grapes and Wines Robinson, Jancis Mitchell Beazley 1994 1857329996 280 p UG Library
641.22 SPE 00051849 The White Wine Companion Spence, Godfrey. A Quintet Book 1998 1850768455 | 9781850768456 256 p. UG Library
641.22 SPE 00066090 Teach Yourself Spence, Godfrey. Hodder & Stoughton 2003 0340845295 | 9780340845295 100 p. UG Library
641.22 STE 00048221 New Sotheby's Wine Encyclopedia Stevenson, Tom A Dorling Kindersley Book 1997 0751303135 | 9780751327779 600 p UG Library
641.22 STE 00066234 101 Essential Tips Wine Stevenson,Tom. Dorling Kinfersley Ltd 1997 1405301686 | 9781405301688 72 p. UG Library
641.22 WAL 00048279 The Complete Atlas of Wine Walton, Stuart Ultimate Editions 1997 1860352081 | 9781860352089 160 p UG Library
641.22 WAL 00052129 The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Wine, Beer, Spirits & Liqueurs Walton, Stuart Lorenz Books 1999 0754803341 | 9780754803348 512 p UG Library
641.22 WAL 00067463 Wines of the World Walton,Stuart. Southwater 2001 1842151509 | 9781842151501 160 p. UG Library
641.22 WIS 00048262 Party Drinks Wisniewski,Ian. Conran Octopus 1999 1840910747 | 9781840910742 144 p. UG Library
641.22 ZOE 00034674 Production Wine Analysis Zoecklein, W Bruce Avi 476 p. UG Library
641.22019 MIT 05011376 The psychology of wine : Mitchell, Evan. Praeger/ABC-CLIO, 2009 9780313376504 (hard copy : alk vi, 202 p. ; Knowledge Centre
641.2203JOH 00048507 Pocket Encycloprdia of Wine 2000 Johnson`s, Hugh 0684867567 280p UG Library
641.2204 JOH 00034739 Wintage: the Story of Wine Johnson, Hugh Simon 1989 9780671687021 480 p. UG Library
641.220945 BAS 00066729 Vino Italiano: The Regional Wines of Italy Bastianich, Joseph 0609608487 528p UG Library
641.222 COO 00118105 The wine Year : Cooper, Rosalind. Merrell, 2010 0895861313 (pbk.) : | 97818589 224p.; UG Library
641.222 MIL 05062889 Wine : Millon, Marc. Reaktion Books 2013 9781780231112 175p.; Knowledge Centre
641.2224 COL 00142608 Sparkling wine anytime : Cole,Katherine. Abrams, 2021 9781419747557 287p.; UG Library
641.2224 EPS 05062932 Champagne : Epstein, Becky Sue, Reaktion Books, 2011 9781861898579 136p.; Knowledge Centre
641.2224 EPS 07013208 Champagne : Epstein, Becky Sue, Reaktion Books, 2011 9781861898579 136p.; Library - BR Campus
641.2224 JUH 00063997 2000 Champagnes Juhlin, Richard Methusalem 2004 9163062607 344p UG Library
641.2224 PHI 00047022 The Champagne Almanac Philpott,Don. Eric Dobby Publishing Ltd 1993 1858820073 | 9781858820071 204 p. UG Library
641.2224 SUT 00034741 Champagne Sutcliffe,Senera. Simon And Schuster 1988 067166672x 224 p. UG Library
641.2226 EPS 05073638 Strong, Sweet & dry : Epstein, Becky Sue, Reaktion Books, 2020 9781789141528 272 pages : Knowledge Centre
641.22GAI 00080716 Wine for Every Day and Every Occasion [ Hotel Management Section ] Gaiter, Dorothy J 0060548177 294p UG Library
641.22MUR 00047962 Service Craft Wine Service Workbook Murray, Jennifer 0333543866 50p UG Library
641.22TUO 00038444 Wine and Food Handbook Tuor, Conrad Hodder and Stoughton 255 UG Library
641.22VOI 00034444 Pocket Guide to Fortivied and Dessert Voss, Roger Fireside 176 UG Library
641.23 FOS 00034652 Book Of Beer Foster 1989 179 p.: UG Library
641.23 FOS 00034653 Book Of Beer Foster 1989 179 p.: UG Library
641.23 JAC 00062253 Great Beer Guide Jackson,Michael. A Dorling Kinferley Book 2000 0751308137 | 9780751308136 542 p. UG Library
641.23 LAF 00048232 Beer Basics Lafrance, Peter. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1995 0471119369 | 9780471119364 188 p. UG Library
641.23 LEV 00065119 Beer Lover's Companion Leventhal, Josh. Konemann 1999 3829035004 | 9783829035002 325 p. UG Library
641.23 LEV 00051851 Beer Lover's Companion Leventhal, Josh. Konemann 1999 3829035004 | 9783829035002 325 p. UG Library
641.23 LEV 00066179 Beer Lover's Companion Leventhal, Josh. Konemann 1999 3829035004 | 9783829035002 325 p. UG Library
641.23 OHA 00057827 The Bloody Mary O'hara,Christopher B. Apple press 1999 1840922346 | 9781840922349 120 p. UG Library
641.23 OHA 00051850 The Bloody Mary O'hara,Christopher B. Apple press 1999 1840922346 | 9781840922349 120 p. UG Library
641.23 PEP 00046981 The International Book Of Beer Pepper, Barrie 1996 1880908468 | 9781880908464 143p UG Library
641.23 SMI 07013206 Beer : Smith, Gavin D. Reaktion Books, 2014 9781780232607 160p.; Library - BR Campus
641.23 SMI 05062940 Beer : Smith, Gavin D. Reaktion Books, 2014 9781780232607 160p.; Knowledge Centre
641.23 TRA 00068904 The Beer Drinker's Handbook Trayner,Kevin. New Holland Publishers 2002 1859747159 | 9781859747155 159 p. UG Library
641.23 TRA 00057820 The Beer Drinker's Handbook Trayner,Kevin. New Holland Publishers 2002 1859747159 | 9781859747155 159 p. UG Library
641.2303 VER 00088724 The Complete Encyclopedia of Beer Verhoef E. Rebo Publishers 1997 9036615232 | 9789036615235 304 p. UG Library
641.2303 VER 00056544 The Complete Encyclopedia of Beer Verhoef E. Rebo Publishers 1997 9036615232 | 9789036615235 304 p. UG Library
641.25 GUN 00065099 Whisky and Scoland Gunn, Neil M 0028563433 191p UG Library
641.25 KRE 00064219 Guide to Tequila Kretchmer, Laurence. Konemann 1998 3829019076 | 9783829019071 192 p. UG Library
641.25 KRE 00063910 Guide to Tequila Kretchmer, Laurence. Konemann 1998 3829019076 | 9783829019071 192 p. UG Library
641.25 KRE 00066178 Guide to Tequila Kretchmer, Laurence. Konemann 1998 3829019076 | 9783829019071 192 p. UG Library
641.25 SAL 00071376 50 Great Recipes: Sharbats Salma, Hussain. Roli Books 2004 8174363661 | 9788174363664 95 p. UG Library
641.25 WIL 07013252 Tequila : Williams,Ian. Reaktion Books, 2015 9781780234359 176p.; Library - BR Campus
641.25 WIL 05062890 Tequila : Williams,Ian. Reaktion Books, 2015 9781780234359 176p.; Knowledge Centre
641.2509 HER 07013259 Vodka : Herlihy, Patricia. Reaktion, 2012 9781861899293 | 1861899297 (hbk.) 165 p. : Library - BR Campus
641.252 BEN 00057834 Whisky: Two Set Books Benitah, Thierry Flammarion 2005 95p UG Library
641.252 BEN 00057835 Whisky: Two Set Books Benitah, Thierry Flammarion 2005 95p UG Library
641.252 BEN 00065089 Whisky: Two Set Books Benitah, Thierry Flammarion 2005 95p UG Library
641.252 DAR 00068897 The Illustrated History of Whisky Darwen, James Harold Starke 1993 1872457150 | 9781872457154 216p UG Library
641.252 HAM 00050252 Best Barbecues Hamlyn Cookery Club Hamlyn Cookery Club 1999 9780600600015 96 p.: UG Library
641.252 JAC 00063911 Malt Whisky Companion Jackson, Michael Penguin Group 2004 1405302348 | 9781405302340 448 p.: UG Library
641.252 KOS 05062888 Whiskey : Kosar,Kevin R. Reaktion Books, 2010 9781861897800 144p.; Knowledge Centre
641.252 KOS 07013257 Whiskey : Kosar,Kevin R. Reaktion Books, 2010 9781861897800 144p.; Library - BR Campus
641.252 LER 00064220 Single Malt & Scotch Whisky: Select and Savor Over 200m Brands and Varieties Lerner, Daniel Konemann 3829004184 184p UG Library
641.252 ROS 00118101 The world's best whiskies : Roskrow, Dominic. Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 2010 9781584798866 (alk. paper) 287 p. : UG Library
641.252 WHI 00134740 Whisky: Whisky, La Maison du Flammarion, 2017 9782080203397 207 p.; UG Library
641.252ART 00080827 Single Malt Whisky Companion:A Connoisseur`s Guide Arthur, Helen Apple 1840923628 256p UG Library
641.252MAC 00048531 Malt Whisky Maclean, Charles Mitchell Beazley 1857326830 175p UG Library
641.253 DEL 00065178 World of Cognac Delos, Gilbert 2003 0785810412 160p UG Library
641.253 EPS 05062942 Brandy : Epstein, Becky Sue. Reaktion Books, 2014 9781780233482 151p.; Knowledge Centre
641.253 EPS 07013195 Brandy : Epstein, Becky Sue. Reaktion Books, 2014 9781780233482 151p.; Library - BR Campus
641.255 BAR 00046982 Cocktail Essentials Barker, Alex Grange 1856279928 64p UG Library
641.255 OCT 00051804 Cocktails Octopus Publications 0060059985 96p UG Library
641.25509 SOL 05062883 Gin : Solmonson, Lesley Jacobs. Reaktion Books, 2012 9781861899248 (hbk.) | 1861899246 (hbk.) 167 pages : Knowledge Centre
641.255DEN 00038449 Creative Cocktails Dent, Nicola Grange Books UG Library
641.257 HCC 00050257 Noodles and Stir-Fries Hamlyn Cookery Club Hamlyn Cookery Club 1999 96 p.: UG Library
641.25909 FOS 05062907 Rum : Foss, Richard. Reaktion Books, 2016 9781861899262 141p.; Knowledge Centre
641.25909 FOS 07013243 Rum : Foss, Richard. Reaktion Books, 2016 9781861899262 141p.; Library - BR Campus
641.26 PET 00048197 The Tea Companion Pettigrew, Jane Apple 1997 1850767777 | 9781850767770 192 p.: UG Library
641.3 ACH 00066059 The Story of Our Food Achaya K.T. Universities Press 2000 0817371293 | 9788173712937 138 p. UG Library
641.3 ACH 00099159 The illustrated food of India A-Z Achaya,K,T Oxford university press; 9780195698442 xvi;296 p. UG Library
641.3 ARO 04022810 Self Healing : Arora, C. P. Rupa Publications, 2012 9788129119452 444 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
641.3 ARO 03010782 Self Healing : Arora, C. P. Rupa Publications, 2012 9788129119452 444 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
641.3 CHO 00108860 Food Chemistry Chopra H.K. Narosa Publishing House 2010 9788184870398 xvii; 569 p. UG Library
641.3 CHO 00124207 Food Chemistry Chopra H.K. Narosa Publishing House 2010 9788184870398 xvii; 569 p. UG Library
641.3 CIV 00079311 Cuisine and Culture Civitello, Linda Wiley 2008 9780471741725 2nd Ed 410 p. UG Library
641.3 COS 00138416 Food ethics education / Costa,Rui Springer, 2018 9783319647364 xi,239p.; UG Library
641.3 DAL 00080696 Hungry Planet:What the World Eats [ Hotel Management Section ] Daluisio, Faith TEN SPEED PRESS 1580086810 287p UG Library
641.3 DRI 05074576 Poshan Utsav : Deendayal Research Institute Deendayal Research Institute, 2024 xix, 278p.; Knowledge Centre
641.3 DSU 00122527 Essentials of Food Micro Biology DSU Oxford Book Company, 2016 9789350302552 272 p:. UG Library
641.3 FED 03008306 Mendel in the Kitchen : Fedoroff, Nina V. Joseph Henry Press, 2004 9780309092050 xiii, 370 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
641.3 FED 04012053 Mendel in the Kitchen : Fedoroff, Nina V. Joseph Henry Press, 2004 9780309092050 xiii, 370 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
641.3 FRA 00034292 Food Microbiology Frazier, Cc William M G H 532 p. UG Library
641.3 GEO 00023080 Food for Beginners George, Susan Rpc 1981 173 p.: UG Library
641.3 GIL 00049619 Four Seasons Cookbook: Over 135 Delicious Seasonal Dishes Gill, Shirley SEBASTIAN KELLY 1840814209 160p UG Library
641.3 GOP 00130401 Healthcare and food science Gopaiah, Kurra Venkata Random Publications 2017 9788193307878 342p. UG Library
641.3 GUP 00066068 Foods That Are Killing You Gupta, M K Pustak Mahal 2004 8122300073 | 9798122300078 152 p.: UG Library
641.3 HAR 00122529 Laboratory Methods in Food Micobiology Harrigan, Wilkie F Academic Press, 2015 9789351070061 3rd Edi. xii, 532 p:. UG Library
641.3 HUN 05075211 Edible Insects : Hunter, Gina Louise. Reaktion Books Ltd , 2021 9781789144468 176 p.; Knowledge Centre
641.3 IGL 00143125 1000 Recipes Cook's Bible / Igloobooks Igloobooks, 2017 9781784406844 304p.; UG Library
641.3 ING 00083292 Food: Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences [hotel Management Section] Inglis, David 9780415392044 301p UG Library
641.3 ING 00083295 Food: Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences [hotel Management Section] Inglis, David 9780415392044 301p UG Library
641.3 ING 00083296 Food: Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences [hotel Management Section] Inglis, David 9780415392044 301p UG Library
641.3 ING 00083294 Food: Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences [hotel Management Section] Inglis, David 9780415392044 301p UG Library
641.3 ING 00083293 Food: Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences [hotel Management Section] Inglis, David 9780415392044 301p UG Library
641.3 JAY 00033545 Modern Food Microbiology Jay, M James Van Nostrand 1980 328 p.: UG Library
641.3 JAY 00121071 Modern food microbiology Jay James M CBS Publishers 2005 9798123904756 4th ed. 701p. UG Library
641.3 JEW 00123430 Dictionary of Food and Nutrition Jewel, Raul APH Publishing Corporation, 2015 9788131305409 430 p:. UG Library
641.3 LAR 00042380 Pratique Larousse Longman 1992 0600571955 624p UG Library
641.3 LOV 00047033 Food Combining Love, Gilly SEBASTIAN KELLY 1840810793 94p UG Library
641.3 MAN 00091873 Foods; Manay N Shakuntala New Age International Publishers 9788122422153 490p UG Library
641.3 MAN 00068092 Foods Facts and Principles Manay, N Shakuntala New Age International Publishers 2005 8122413250 | 9788122413250 2nd ed, xxiv, 540 p,: UG Library
641.3 MAN 00110200 Foods; Manay N Shakuntala New Age International Publishers 9788122422153 490p UG Library
641.3 MCG 00065167 All About Food Mcgrath, Helen Oxford University Press 2001 0198327676 | 9780198327677 240 p,: UG Library
641.3 MCW 00077984 Food Around the World a Cutural Perspective Mcwilliams, Margaret 0131936395 485p UG Library
641.3 MCW 00081503 Food Around the World: A Cultural Perspective [hotel Management Section] Mcwilliams, Margaret 0131936395 486p UG Library
641.3 MON 05046337 Food is culture / Montanari, Massimo, Columbia University Press, 2006 0231137907 (hard cover : alk. xii, 149 p. ; Knowledge Centre
641.3 NEW 00063835 Food: The Definititve Guide Newton, John Merehurst Ltd 2000 1853911747 | 9781853911743 496 p UG Library
641.3 PAR 05062886 Al dente : Parasecoli, Fabio. Reaktion Books, 2014 9781780232768 332p.; Knowledge Centre
641.3 REI 05064154 Apple / Reiss, Marcia. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2015 9781780233406 255p. Knowledge Centre
641.3 REN 00131698 Food hygiene and sanitation Renuka,G Paradise press, 2018 9789386194848 321p.; UG Library
641.3 RID 00065174 Food Around the World Ridgwell, Jenny Cambridge Univversity Press 1986 0198327285 128p UG Library
641.3 ROD 00077348 Food Hygiene and Sanitation Roday Sunetra Oxford 2014 0074631780 | 9780070700208 315p UG Library
641.3 ROD 00120455 Food Hygiene and Sanitation Roday Sunetra Oxford 2014 0074631780 | 9780070700208 315p UG Library
641.3 ROD 00065160 Food Hygiene and Sanitation Roday Sunetra Oxford 2014 0074631780 | 9780070700208 315p UG Library
641.3 ROD 00048491 Food Hygiene and Sanitation Roday Sunetra Oxford 2014 0074631780 | 9780070700208 315p UG Library
641.3 SHU 00065179 World on Your Plate Shulman, Martha Rose Carroll and Brown Publishers 1903258243 288p UG Library
641.3 SIN 00131610 Food Microbiology: Singh, Ranjana Kumari. Iswar Books, 2017 9789386806062 vi,304 p.; UG Library
641.3 SIN 00118506 Papaya Sinha kumar Satish Oxford Book Company, 2014 9789350301807 viii, 255 p.: UG Library
641.3 SRI 00065122 Food Science Srilakshmi, B New Age International Publishers 2003 401p UG Library
641.3 SRI 00068093 Food Science Srilakshmi, B New Age International Publishers 2003 401p UG Library
641.3 SRI 00063010 Food Science Srilakshmi, B New Age International Publishers 2003 401p UG Library
641.3 TEL 00061084 The Kitchen Hand: A Miscellany of Kitchen Wisdom Telford, Anthony. Allen and Unwin Pvt Ltd 2003 1865088900 | 9871865088905 292 p. UG Library
641.3 TUL 00065163 Food & Nutrition Tull, Anita Oxford University Press 2001 0198327668 | 9780198327660 282 p.: UG Library
641.3 WER 00127472 Ingredients Werle, Loukie h.f.ullmann, 2005 9783833159718 384p : . UG Library
641.3 WRI 00080718 Curry:Fragrant Dishes from India, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Wright, Jeni 2006 1405315725 352p UG Library
641.3 YAD 00057347 Food Hazards and Food Hygiene Yadav, Seema Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2000 8174886850 165 p.; UG Library
641.3000945 FIS 00058930 A Flavour of France Fisher, Teresa. An Imprint Of Hidder Children's Books 2001 0750232323 | 9780750232326 32 p. UG Library
641.3001 MAS 00050264 Food for the Soul Mascetti, Manuela Dunn. Newlwaf 1996 0752205471 | 9780752205472 182 p. UG Library
641.3001 ONF 05062902 Appetites for thought : Onfray, Michel, Reaktion Books, 2015 9781780234458 (pbk.) | 1780234457 (pbk.) 136 pages ; Knowledge Centre
641.3001 ONF 07013202 Appetites for thought : Onfray, Michel, Reaktion Books, 2015 9781780234458 (pbk.) | 1780234457 (pbk.) 136 pages ; Library - BR Campus
641.3001 STU 05073637 Food design small : Stummerer, Sonja, De Gruyter, 2020 3110679752 | 9783110679755 223 pages : Knowledge Centre
641.3001 WOR 05073636 Taste : Worth, Sarah E. Reaktion Book, 2021 9781789144802 236p, ; Knowledge Centre
641.3002 GOO 04009673 Harvest for hope Goodall, Jane, Time Warner AudioBooks, 2005 9780446698214 296 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
641.3002 THI 00085105 Table Is Laid: The Oxford Anthology of South Asian Food Writing Thieme, John 0195674448 384p UG Library
641.3002 THI 00085349 Table Is Laid: The Oxford Anthology of South Asian Food Writing Thieme, John 0195674448 384p UG Library
641.3002 THI 00087464 Table Is Laid: The Oxford Anthology of South Asian Food Writing Thieme, John 0195674448 384p UG Library
641.3003 BEN 05003804 A Dictionary of Food and Nutrition / Bender, David A. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199234875 | 0199234876 3rd ed. 596 p. ; Knowledge Centre
641.3003 LAR 00118106 Larousse gastronomique : Gastronomique, Larousse Clarkson Potter/Publishers, 2009 9780307464910 1st American ed. 1206 p. : UG Library
641.3003 RUB 00049648 The Master Dictionary of Food and Wine Rubash, Joyce. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1996 0471287563 | 9780471287568 458 p. UG Library
641.300642IET.B 00035089 Larder Chef: Food Preparation and Presentation Leto, M J Butter Worth 308 p. UG Library
641.3009 TOU 00143862 A History of Food / Toussaint Samat, Maguelonne. Wi;leyBlackwell, 2009 9781405181198 xx,756p,; UG Library
641.30094309 HEI 05062949 Beyond Bratwurst : Heinzelmann, Ursula. Reaktion Books, 2014 9781780232720 384p.; Knowledge Centre
641.300944 TEB 05072289 Savoir faire : Tebben, Maryann. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2020 9781789143324 340p. ; Knowledge Centre
641.300945 6KAI 00058934 A Flavour of Kenya Kairi, Wambui. Hodder Wayland 1999 0750242493 | 9780750242493 32 p. UG Library
641.300945 BRO 00058935 A Flavour of West Africa Brownlie, Alison. An Imprint Of Hidder Children's Books 2002 0750242035 | 9780750242035 32 p. UG Library
641.300945 FIS 00058932 A Flavour of Japan Fisher,Teresa. An Imprint Of Hodder Children's Books 2002 0750242507 | 9780750242509 32 p. UG Library
641.300945 ILL 00058936 A Flavour of the Caribbean Illsley, Linda. An Imprint Of Hidder Children's Books 1998 0750234032 | 9780750234030 32 p. UG Library
641.300945 PIR 00058938 A Flavour of Italy Pirotta, Saviour. Hodder Wayland 1999 0750242043 | 9780750242042 32 p. UG Library
641.300945 RAN 00058937 A Flavour of Israel Randall, Ronne. An Imprint Of Hidder Children's Books 1999 0750242027 | 9780750242028 32 p. UG Library
641.300945 SHU 00058931 A Flavour of China Shui, Amy. An Imprint Of Hidder Children's Books 2001 0750233990 | 9780750233996 32 p. UG Library
641.300952 RAT 05064192 Japan's cuisines : Rath, Eric C., Reaktion Books, 2016 9781780236438 278p.; Knowledge Centre
641.300952 RAT 07013222 Japan's cuisines : Rath, Eric C., Reaktion Books, 2016 9781780236438 278p.; Library - BR Campus
641.300952 RAT 05062948 Japan's cuisines : Rath, Eric C., Reaktion Books, 2016 9781780236438 278p.; Knowledge Centre
641.300954 SEN 10002241 Feasts and fasts : Sen, Colleen Taylor, Speaking tiger publishing pvt ltd., 2015 9781780233529 | 1780233523 | 9789385755347 349 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
641.300954SRE 00080814 Fresh Flaours of India Sreedharan, Das Conran Octopus 160p UG Library
641.300972 AMI 00132165 Mexico A Culinary Quest: TransGlobe Publishing Ltd, 2017 9780500970829 n, 600 p.; UG Library
641.300994 REY 05073639 True to the land : Reyk, Paul Van. Reaktion Books , 2021 9781789144062 286p, ; Knowledge Centre
641.302 HAM 00080828 100 Health-Boosting Foods Hamlyn Hamlyn 256p UG Library
641.302 KIL 00034430 Bread and Circus Whole Food Bible Kilham, S Christopheer Addison Wesley 1991 9780201517620 320 UG Library
641.303 ARO 00057346 Anmol Dictionary of Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics Arora,Madhu. Anmol Publications 1996 8170414369 2nd Ed. 301 p. UG Library
641.303 CHA 00118983 Research Methodology and Techniques in Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics Chand Ramesh Anmol Publiccation Pvt, 2014 9788126162499 viii, 304 p.: UG Library
641.303 FOE 00103986 Eating Animals : Foer Jonathan Safran Penguin Books ; 2009 9780141031934 341 p. UG Library
641.303 FOR 00048494 Visual Food Encyclopedia Fortin, Francois 0028610067 683 p UG Library
641.303 FRA 00048297 Food Microbiology Frazier,William C. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1998 0074621017 4th Ed. xiv; 537 p UG Library
641.303 FRA 00048298 Food Microbiology Frazier,William C. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1998 0074621017 4th Ed. xiv; 537 p UG Library
641.303 FRA 00048487 Food Microbiology Frazier,William C. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1998 0074621017 4th Ed. xiv; 537 p UG Library
641.303 FRA 00048488 Food Microbiology Frazier,William C. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1998 0074621017 4th Ed. xiv; 537 p UG Library
641.303 FRA 00048489 Food Microbiology Frazier,William C. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1998 0074621017 4th Ed. xiv; 537 p UG Library
641.303 FRA 00048490 Food Microbiology Frazier,William C. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1998 0074621017 4th Ed. xiv; 537 p UG Library
641.303 ING 00066277 The Encyclopedia of Food Ingram, Christine Lorenz Book 2005 0754815552 | 9780754815556 512 p UG Library
641.303 POW 00058933 Vegetables Powell, Jillian 0750234563 32p UG Library
641.303 RIE 00069841 The Chef's Companion Riely, Elizabeth. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1996 0471287598 | 9780471287599 316 p. UG Library
641.303 RIE 00049646 The Chef's Companion Riely, Elizabeth. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1996 0471287598 | 9780471287599 316 p. UG Library
641.303 SNO 00127578 World Food Vol I&II Snodgrass, Mary Ellen DBS Imprints, 2014 9789382423669 358 p.: UG Library
641.303 SNO 00127579 World Food Vol I&II Snodgrass, Mary Ellen DBS Imprints, 2014 9789382423669 358 p.: UG Library
641.308 MSA 00122466 Chemistry of Food Additives and Preservatives Msagati, Titus A. M. Wiley-Blackwell, 2013 xiv, 322 p:. UG Library
641.309 KIP 00053048 Cambridge World History of Food Kiple, Kenneth F 2000 0521402158 2153p UG Library
641.309 KIP 00053049 Cambridge World History of Food Kiple, Kenneth F 2000 0521402158 2153p UG Library
641.30954 ROY 00066210 A Master Of Taste Roy, Nilanjana S. Penguin Books 2004 0143031481 | 9780143031482 363 p. UG Library
641.32 BHA 04017256 A Quest For Nature's Bounty : Bharatha, M. R. Pustakshakthi Publication, 2008 9788190740944 263 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
641.32 BHA 03003788 A Quest For Nature's Bounty : Bharatha, M. R. Pustakshakthi Publication, 2008 9788190740944 263 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
641.32009 JUR 00119218 The Language of Food : Jurafsky, Dan, W.W. Norton & Company, 2014 9780393240832 i,246 p.: UG Library
641.32009 JUR 07009487 The Language of Food : Jurafsky, Dan, W.W. Norton & Company, 2014 9780393240832 i,246 p.: Library - BR Campus
641.33 ZAK 00066144 20000 Secrets of Tea Zak,Victoria. A Dell Book 1999 0440235294 | 071009006508 251 p. UG Library
641.3318 HAR 00077985 Essential Cook Book Thunder Bay Press LAUREL GLEN PUBLISHING 1592230032 304p UG Library
641.336 BOS 05074397 The World of Sugar : Bosma, Ulbe The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2023 9780674294073 xi, 448 p. , Knowledge Centre
641.336 SMI 07013249 Sugar : Smith, Andrew F., Reaktion Books, 2015 9781780234342 159p.; Library - BR Campus
641.336 SMI 05062891 Sugar : Smith, Andrew F., Reaktion Books, 2015 9781780234342 159p.; Knowledge Centre
641.337 SAB 07012428 Teatimes: Saberi, Helen Reaktion Books Publication, 2018 9781780239286 247p.; Library - BR Campus
641.3372 ELL 05062570 Empire of tea : Ellis, Markman, Speaking Tiger Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2015 9789385755699 326p. Knowledge Centre
641.3372 HEI 00119342 The Story of Tea : Heiss, Mary Lou. Ten Speed Press, 2007 9781580087452 | 1580087450 xiii, 417 p. : UG Library
641.3372 KAR 00066202 The Book of Tea Kakuzo, Okakura. Tuttle Publishing 2000 0804832196 | 676251832198 114 p. UG Library
641.3372 SAB 05062921 Tea : Saberi, Helen. Reaktion Books, 2010 9781861897763 183p.; Knowledge Centre
641.3372 SAB 07013251 Tea : Saberi, Helen. Reaktion Books, 2010 9781861897763 183p.; Library - BR Campus
641.3372KNO.L 00048280 TEA Knox, Lucy 0600597148 63p UG Library
641.3372STE 00068896 Book of Tea Stella, Alain Flammarion 0208030478 199p UG Library
641.3373 CLA 00138798 Coffee / Clarke, R. J. Elsevier Applied Science Publishers ; | Sole distributor in the USA and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co., 2020 9789402418132 Volumes UG Library
641.3373 STE 00065153 The Book Of Coffee Stella, Alain Flammarion 1997 2080136194 | 9782080136190 232p UG Library
641.3374 BAU 00134733 Encyclopedia of Chocolate: Bau, Frederic Flammarion, 2018 9782080203663 415 p.; UG Library
641.3374 BOS 00067493 Chocolate Bose,Sarbari. S.S.S. Publications 2000 8187264523 136 p. UG Library
641.3374 BOU 00052074 The Book Of Chocolate Bourin, Jeanne Flammarion 1996 2080135880 216p UG Library
641.3374 FAR 00048290 Simply Cadburys Chocolate Farrow, Joanna 0600598276 128 p UG Library
641.3374 FRA 00066266 The Chocolate Cookbook France, Christine. Lorenz Books 2002 0754811026 | 9780754811022 320 p. UG Library
641.3374 FRA 00066270 Heavenly Chocolate France,Christine. Southwater 1996 1842158155 | 9781842158159 160 p. UG Library
641.3374 HAM 00050253 Chocolate Cookbook Hamlyn Cookery Club Hamlyn Cookery Club 1999 9780600599050 96 p. UG Library
641.3374 MCF 00047049 The Encyclopedia of Chocolate Mcfadden,Christine. Lorenz Books 1999 1859673597 | 9781859673591 256 p. UG Library
641.3374 MCF 00055040 The Encyclopedia of Chocolate Mcfadden,Christine. Lorenz Books 1999 1859673597 | 9781859673591 256 p. UG Library
641.3374 MCF 00067435 Chocolate Mcfadden, Christine. Hermes House 1996 1843090686 | 9781843090687 256 p. UG Library
641.3374 MED 00052072 Chocolate and the Art of Low Fat Desserts Medrich,Alice. A Time Warner Co 1994 0044651666 | 9780446516662 190 p. UG Library
641.3374 MOS 05062928 Chocolate : Moss, Sarah; Badenoch, Alexander, Reaktion Books, 2009 9781861895240 136p.; Knowledge Centre
641.3374 MOS 07013209 Chocolate : Moss, Sarah; Badenoch, Alexander, Reaktion Books, 2009 9781861895240 136p.; Library - BR Campus
641.3374 NOR 00057011 Chocolate Norwak, Mary 1997 0304349917 128p UG Library
641.3374 PAR 00063425 Practical Chocolate Cooking Parragon Parragon Book Ltd. 256p UG Library
641.3374 PAR 00063426 1000 Chocolate Parragon Book Parragon Book Ltd. 2003 9781405416511 1024p UG Library
641.3374 SOU 00056541 Chocolate Southwater Southwater 2000 1842150235 | 9781842150238 64 p. UG Library
641.3374 TAT 00067484 Pure Vegetarian Chocolates Tated, Pushpa. Anjali Cooking School 2003 79 p. UG Library
641.3374 WOC 00068533 Chocoholic Wolf-Cohen, Elizabeth. Southwater 1994 1842155067 | 9781842155066 96 p. UG Library
641.3374LOU 00048135 Chocolate Lousada, Patricia 0751307394 144p UG Library
641.3383 BAT 03008417 The World of Spice / Bateman, Michael. Kyle Cathie, 2003 1856264726 | 9781856266741 240 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
641.3383 FRE 00094475 Out of the Cast Freedman Paul Orient Blackswan Pvt.Ltd. 9788125036852 275p UG Library
641.3383 FRE 00048213 Complete Book of SPICES Freke, Ellen Apple 1850768722 128p UG Library
641.3383 FRE 00048315 Complete Book of SPICES Freke, Ellen Apple 1850768722 128p UG Library
641.3383 FRE 00104187 Out of the Cast Freedman Paul Orient Blackswan Pvt.Ltd. 9788125036852 275p UG Library
641.3383 FRE 07004487 Out of the Cast Freedman Paul Orient Blackswan Pvt.Ltd. 9788125036852 275p Library - BR Campus
641.3383 LEU 00134732 Cooking with turmeric Leureux, Garabce Elwin street, 2018 9781911130246 76 p.; UG Library
641.3383 MOR 00048236 Spice Ingredients Cookbook Morris, Sallie Lorenz 1859673724 256 p UG Library
641.3383 MUC 00038077 Spices and Natural Flevourings Mulherin, Jennifer Tiger 1994 9781855012189 144 UG Library
641.3383 MUL 00055043 Spices & Natural Flavourings Mulherin, Jennifer Tiger Books International 1855012189 144p UG Library
641.3383 RAG 00138858 Handbook of Spices, Seasonings and Flavorings / Raghavan,Susheela. CRC Press, 2018 9780815351191 2nd ed.(rep) 330p.; UG Library
641.3383 RAG 00136241 Handbook of spices, seasonings, and flavorings / Raghavan, Susheela. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2007 084932842X | 9780849328428 2nd ed. 330 p., [8] p. of plates : UG Library
641.338309 CZA 05062919 Spices : Czarra, Fred R. (Fred Raymon), Reaktion Books, 2009 9781861894267 176p.; Knowledge Centre
641.3383094 KRO 03003601 Taste of Conquest: The Rise and Fall of the Three Great Cities of Spice Krondl, Michael Ballantine Books 9780345480835 304 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
641.3383094 KRO 04015774 Taste of Conquest: The Rise and Fall of the Three Great Cities of Spice Krondl, Michael Ballantine Books 9780345480835 304 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
641.33837 GUZ 05073634 Mustard : GĆ¼zey, Demet. Reaktion Book, 2019 9781789141436 139p, ; Knowledge Centre
641.3384 SEN 07012377 Curry: Sen,Colleen Taylor. Speaking Tiger. 2009 9789386338839 141 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
641.34 AMB 00080719 Smoothies and Juices:A Selection of Refreshing and Invigorating Drinks [ Hotel Management Section ] Ambridge, Christine 1405432667 176p UG Library
641.34 FLO 00048258 Complete Fruit Book Flower's, Bob Rupa & Co 1995 1856261859 | 9781856261852 256 p UG Library
641.34 FLO 00067464 Complete Fruit Book Flowerdew Bob. Kyle Cathie Ltd 2000 1856263541 | 9781856263542 255 p. UG Library
641.34 VAN 00067504 Exotic Fruit and Vegetables Handbook Van den Berg, Oona Hamlyn 2000 0600600556 | 9780600600558 175p UG Library
641.3411 JAN 05062937 Apple : Janik, Erika. Reaktion Books, 2011 9781861898487 132p.; Knowledge Centre
641.3411 JAN 07013203 Apple : Janik, Erika. Reaktion Books, 2011 9781861898487 132p.; Library - BR Campus
641.3431 HYM 05062913 Oranges : Hyman, Clarissa. Reaktion Books, 2013 9781780230993 151p.; Knowledge Centre
641.3431 HYM 07013232 Oranges : Hyman, Clarissa. Reaktion Books, 2013 9781780230993 151p.; Library - BR Campus
641.3431 LOV 05062914 Oranges : Hyman, Clarissa. Reaktion Books, 2016 9781780235844 152p.; Knowledge Centre
641.34334 SON 05062923 Lemon : Sonneman, Toby F., Reaktion Books, 2012 9781780230344 141p.; Knowledge Centre
641.34334 SON 07013199 Lemon : Sonneman, Toby F., Reaktion Books, 2012 9781780230344 141p.; Library - BR Campus
641.3437 SUT 05062934 Figs : Sutton, David A. (David Andrew), Reaktion Books, 2014 9781780233499 128p.; Knowledge Centre
641.3437 SUT 07013216 Figs : Sutton, David A. (David Andrew), Reaktion Books, 2014 9781780233499 128p.; Library - BR Campus
641.345 ALB 05062915 Nuts : Albala, Ken. Reaktion Books, 2014 9781780232829 128p.; Knowledge Centre
641.345 ALB 07013229 Nuts : Albala, Ken. Reaktion Books, 2014 9781780232829 128p.; Library - BR Campus
641.3462 NAS 05062927 Dates : Nasrallah, Nawal. Reaktion Books, 2011 9781861897961 136p.; Knowledge Centre
641.3462 NAS 07013211 Dates : Nasrallah, Nawal. Reaktion Books, 2011 9781861897961 136p.; Library - BR Campus
641.3463 LAN 05062918 Olive : Lanza, Fabrizia. Reaktion Books, 2011 9781861898685 125p.; Knowledge Centre
641.3463 LAN 07013230 Olive : Lanza, Fabrizia. Reaktion Books, 2011 9781861898685 125p.; Library - BR Campus
641.3464 STO 05062904 Pomegranate : Stone, Damien. Reaktion Books, 2017 9781780237497 150p.; Knowledge Centre
641.3464 STO 07013200 Pomegranate : Stone, Damien. Reaktion Books, 2017 9781780237497 150p.; Library - BR Campus
641.347 AND 05075217 Berries : Anderson, Heather Arndt. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2018 9781780238951 175 p.; Knowledge Centre
641.347 AND 05060778 Berries : Anderson, Heather Arndt. Reaktion Books, 2018 9781780238951 175p. Knowledge Centre
641.35 BON 00055042 Vegetables Bonar, Ann Tiger Books International 1855014998 144p UG Library
641.35 CRO 00031540 Vegetables And Fruits Crockett, James Underwood Amsterdam Time Life 1988 158 p. UG Library
641.3521 SMI 05062905 Potato : Smith, Andrew F., Reaktion Books, 2011 9781861897992 | 1861897995 142 p. : Knowledge Centre
641.3521 SMI 07013239 Potato : Smith, Andrew F., Reaktion Books, 2011 9781861897992 | 1861897995 142 p. : Library - BR Campus
641.3525 GLO 00052073 Onion Glover, Brian 0754806324 242p UG Library
641.3561 LOV 07013225 Melon. Lovegren,Sylvia. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2016 9781780235844 152p;. Library - BR Campus
641.357 BON 00055044 Herbs Bonar, Ann Tiger Books International 1994 1855012170 144p UG Library
641.357 CLE 00048269 The Encyclopedia of Herbs and Spices Clevely, Andi Hermes House 1997 1901289060 | 9781901289060 512p UG Library
641.358 MIS 00119835 Techniques of Mushroom Cultivation Mishra, Shubhrata R. Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9789350564363 171p.; UG Library
641.358 KUM 00118520 Mushroom Cultivation Kumar Mukul Oxford Book Company, 2014 9789350301814 vii, 288 p.: UG Library
641.358 SUR 00048260 The Illustrated Book of Mushrooms Surcek, Mirko. Caxton Editions 1998 1840670479 | 9781840670479 256 p. UG Library
641.36 ALL 07013246 Sausage : Allen, Gary (Gary J.) Reaktion Books, 2015 9781780235004 159p.; Library - BR Campus
641.36 ALL 05062898 Sausage : Allen, Gary (Gary J.) Reaktion Books, 2015 9781780235004 159p.; Knowledge Centre
641.36 EHL 00043433 Creative Meat Dishes 0 Grange Books 124p UG Library
641.36 KNO 00061587 The World Encyclopedia of Meat, Game and Poultry Knox, Lucy Lorenz Books 2000 0754806022 | 9780754806028 256 p UG Library
641.36 NOL 00108955 Handbook of Analysis of Edible Animal By-Products ed by, Nollet M.L. Leo CRC Press, 2011 9781439803608 | 9781439803608 xiv, 457 p. : UG Library
641.36 TRO 00068908 Meat & Game Trotter, Charlie Ten Speed Press 2000 9781580082389 239p UG Library
641.36 VER 00135344 Meat poultry and fish technology Verma,Ram Prakash Random publications, 2018 9789386391377 316p.; UG Library
641.3609 KRA 07013220 Hot dog : Kraig, Bruce. Reaktion Books, 2009 9781861894274 144 pages : Library - BR Campus
641.3609 KRA 05062896 Hot dog : Kraig, Bruce. Reaktion Books, 2009 9781861894274 144 pages : Knowledge Centre
641.362 YAB 00066436 Miracle Juices: 60 Juices for a Healthy Life Yabsley,Charmaine. Hamlyn 2001 0600602850 | 9780600602859 143 p. UG Library
641.363 DAL 00066023 Roz Ka Khana Dalal,Tarla. Sanjay & Co. 2004 8186469354 | 00115583600006 | 102 p. UG Library
641.363 YAR 05062944 Lamb : Yarvin, Brian. Reaktion Books, 2015 9781780234991 128p.; Knowledge Centre
641.363 YAR 07013223 Lamb : Yarvin, Brian. Reaktion Books, 2015 9781780234991 128p.; Library - BR Campus
641.364 ROG 05062925 Pork : Rogers, Katharine M. Reaktion Books, 2012 9781780230405 135p.; Knowledge Centre
641.364 ROG 07013238 Pork : Rogers, Katharine M. Reaktion Books, 2012 9781780230405 135p.; Library - BR Campus
641.365 FER 00061586 Chicken: a Cook`s Collection of 500 Fabulous Chicken, Turkey and Game Dishes Ferguson, Valerie 2000 0754804593 | 9780754804598 256p UG Library
641.365 HIL 00080361 Chicken: Over 400 Fabulous Recipes for All Occasions. Hill, Simona Anness Publishing Ltd 2003 1844772381 512p UG Library
641.365 SIM 00069226 Chicken for All Seasons Sims,Paul. Trident Press International 2001 1582791414 | 9781582791418 80 p. UG Library
641.36FAR 00080813 Meat:80classic and Contemporary Recipes Farrow, Joanna Hamlyn 144p UG Library
641.36GAS3 00080713 MEAT, Poultry & Game [ Hotel Management Section ] Gastronomic Committe 0600611620 533p UG Library
641.37 PUS 00128484 Milk and Dairy Food Pushpesh J. Cyber Tech Publications, 2017 9789350534960 280p : . UG Library
641.371 CHO 00130413 Milk the Most Perfect Food Choda, Pradeep Kumar Random Publications, 2017 9788193307885 272 p.: UG Library
641.371 VEL 05062922 Milk : Velten, Hannah. Reaktion Books, 2010 9781861896568 158p.; Knowledge Centre
641.371 VEL 07013226 Milk : Velten, Hannah. Reaktion Books, 2010 9781861896568 158p.; Library - BR Campus
641.371476 HER 05073633 Yoghurt : Hersh, June. Reaktion Book, 2021 9781789144123 160p, ; Knowledge Centre
641.373 HAC 00063841 Handbook of Cheese Hachette Hachette Illustra 2000 1842021834 | 9781842021835 213 p. UG Library
641.373 HAR 00118862 The world Encyclopedia of Cheese Harbutt, Juliet Hermes House 2009 9781843099598 256 p. : UG Library
641.373 HAR 00066114 Illustrated Encyclopedia A Cook's Guide To Cheese Harbutt,Juliet. Sebastian Kelly 1999 1840812516 | 9781840812510 256 p. UG Library
641.373 HAR 00061588 The World Encyclopedia Of Cheese Harbutt, Juliet 2002 0754809927 | 9780754809920 256p UG Library
641.373 IBU 00080758 Dumont`s Lexicon of Cheese:production.Origin.Types.Taste Iburg, Anne Rebo Publishers 2004 9036616891 301p UG Library
641.37309 DAL 05062929 Cheese : Dalby, Andrew, Reaktion Books, 2009 9781861895233 152p.; Knowledge Centre
641.373HAR 00048249 Cook`s Guide to Cheese Harbutt, Juliet SEBASTIAN KELLY 1840812516 256p UG Library
641.375TIM 00034736 Guide to Cheese Los Angeles Timperley, Carol Hp Books 120 UG Library
641.38 CHA 00048234 Taste of Honey - Honey for Heatlh, Beauty & Cookery, Recipes & Traditions Charlton, Jane 0027642185 125 p UG Library
641.38 SHA 00066173 Improve Your Health With Honey Sharma, Rajeev Dr. The Book Factory 2005 8128809202 | 9788128809200 106 p. UG Library
641.3874 ARO 00066224 All You Wanted to Know About Chocolate Arora, Neelaxi Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2005 8120726448 159p UG Library
641.392 FLE 05062931 Caviar : Fletcher, Nichola, Reaktion Books, 2010 9781861896506 136p.; Knowledge Centre
641.392 HAM 00134800 Seafood : Wilk, Richard R., Routledge, 2019 9781138191860 (hdk) | 9781138191877 (pbk.) xi,138p,: UG Library
641.392 HAY 00144668 Fish and Seafood Keto Diet Cookbook : Hayes, Elisa Elisa Hayes Ltd, 2021 9781802861891 110p, ; UG Library
641.392 SAF 00058911 Caviar Saffron, Inga. Broadway Books 2002 0767906241 | 9780767906241 270 p. UG Library
641.392 TRO 00068909 Seafood Trotter, Charlie Tenspeed Press 2000 239p UG Library
641.394 DAL 00046953 Mocktail And Snacks Dalal, Tarla. Sanjay Dalal For Sanjay & Co 1999 8186469052 | 799860990582 72 p. UG Library
641.394 LIN 00048511 A Passion for Oysters Line,Shirly. Mitchell Beazley 1995 1857326296 | 9781857326291 64 p. UG Library
641.394 REB 00080771 Scallops:Treasures Form the Bottom of the Sea for Crative Cooking REBO Publications Rebo Publishers 2002 9036616131 | 9789036616133 96 p. UG Library
641.396 MIT 00127830 Edible Insects of the World Mitsuhashi Jun CRC Press 2017 9781498756570 ix, 286 p. ; UG Library
641.3FER 00034440 Food: Canadas Magazines of Mar Beautiful Cooking April, May, June Ferguson, Carol Telemedia UG Library
641.3FER 00034441 Food: Canadas Magazines of Mar Beautiful Cooking April, May, June Ferguson, Carol Telemedia UG Library
641.3STA 00034442 Food and Wine Oct 89 Staener, Ila American Express UG Library
641.4 HAL 00057373 Catering Like a PRO from Planning to Profit Halvorsen, Francine 0471006882 278p UG Library
641.4 KAL 00139158 Food Preservation and Processing / Kalia,Manoranjan. Kalyani Publishers, 2018 9788127242626 Rep. 545p.; UG Library
641.4 KUM 00117952 Food Preservation and Processing Kumari, Shobha Oxford Book Company, 2014 9789350301784 viii:277p.; UG Library
641.4 SIN 00146020 Food Storage and Preservation / Singh Anju. Asia Publishers and Distributors, 2023 9788119391912 XI,264P.; UG Library
641.4 VAS 00057345 Introduction to Food, Nutrition and Food Processing Vashisht,Meera. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 1998 8174886850 1st Ed. 347 p. UG Library
641.40954IND 00035038 Food Processing Industries in India Ministry Of Food Processing Nd, GLOBAL 124 p. UG Library
641.42CLY 00015183 Campbell`s Book Clyde, H.campbell Vance 855p UG Library
641.42PER 00035159 Cannign Andpreserving Perrari, Linda Mallard 72 p. UG Library
641.4520284 PEA 05064225 Refrigerator : Peavitt, Helen. Reaktion Books, 2017 9781780237510 222p.; Knowledge Centre
641.453 COX 00034654 Dep Freezing a Comprehensiv Guide to Its Theory and Pracitce Cox, M Pat F F 1979 480 p. UG Library
641.473HAR 00066113 Cook`s Guide to Cheese Harbutt, Juilet SEBASTIAN KELLY 1840812516 256p UG Library
641.49 BEL 00063443 Eurodelices:Fish and Seafood Bellhasen, Fabien Konemann 3829011296 334p UG Library
641.49 BEL 00063442 Eurodelices: Meat and Poultry Bellahsen, Fabien Konemann 3829011326 334p UG Library
641.5 PHI 00054436 Modern Cookery: For Teaching and the Trade Philip,Thangam E. Orient Longman Publications 2003 9788125025184 5th Ed. 750 p. UG Library
641.5 PHI 00066256 Modern Cookery: For Teaching and the Trade Philip,Thangam E. Orient Longman Publications 2003 9788125025184 5th Ed. 750 p. UG Library
641.5 PHI 00066257 Modern Cookery: For Teaching and the Trade Philip,Thangam E. Orient Longman Publications 2003 9788125025184 5th Ed. 750 p. UG Library
641.5 THA.A 00032875 Modern Cookerty for Teaching and and the Trade Thangam, E Philip Longman 762 UG Library
641.5 ABD 00104128 The Epicure Cookbook : Abdulla Ummi Orient Longman Limited ; 1998 9788125015277 130 p. UG Library
641.5 ALB 00034346 Larousse Gastronomique Albaret, Lucette Himalaya 1194 UG Library
641.5 ALB 00034347 Larousse Gastronomique Albaret, Lucette The Hamlyn Publishing Group 1988 0600323900 1193p, UG Library
641.5 ARO 00051503 Theory of Cookery Arora,Krishna. Frank Brothers & Co 2008 9788184095036 6th Ed. 356 p. UG Library
641.5 ARO 00088463 Theory of Cookery Arora,Krishna. Frank Brothers & Co 2008 9788184095036 6th Ed. 356 p. UG Library
641.5 ARO 00065872 Theory of Cookery Arora,Krishna. Frank Brothers & Co 2005 9788171700875 5th Ed. 366 p. UG Library
641.5 ARO 00065873 Theory of Cookery Arora,Krishna. Frank Brothers & Co 2005 9788171700875 5th Ed. 366 p. UG Library
641.5 ARO 00065875 Theory of Cookery Arora,Krishna. Frank Brothers & Co 2005 9788171700875 5th Ed. 366 p. UG Library
641.5 ARO 00065880 Theory of Cookery Arora,Krishna. Frank Brothers & Co 2005 9788171700875 5th Ed. 366 p. UG Library
641.5 ARO 00065871 Theory of Cookery Arora, Krishna Frank & Brothers & Co 2005 0817170087 366p UG Library
641.5 ARO 00065874 Theory of Cookery Arora, Krishna Frank & Brothers & Co 2005 0817170087 366p UG Library
641.5 ARO 00065878 Theory of Cookery Arora, Krishna Frank & Brothers & Co 2005 0817170087 366p UG Library
641.5 ARO 00065877 Theory of Cookery Arora ,Krishna Frank Brothers & Co 1999 9788171700875 | 817170087x 3rd Ed. viiii, 327 p: UG Library
641.5 ARO 00065879 Theory of Cookery Arora ,Krishna Frank Brothers & Co 1999 9788171700875 | 817170087x 3rd Ed. viiii, 327 p: UG Library
641.5 ARO 00143181 Theory of Cookery Arora,Krishna. Frank Brothers & Co 2008 9788184095036 6th Ed. 356 p. UG Library
641.5 ARO 00051600 Theory of Cookery Arora ,Krishna Frank Brothers & Co 1999 9788171700875 | 817170087x 3rd Ed. viiii, 327 p: UG Library
641.5 ARO 00051601 Theory of Cookery Arora ,Krishna Frank Brothers & Co 1999 9788171700875 | 817170087x 3rd Ed. viiii, 327 p: UG Library
641.5 ARO 00051599 Theory of Cookery Arora ,Krishna Frank Brothers & Co 1999 9788171700875 | 817170087x 3rd Ed. viiii, 327 p: UG Library
641.5 BAL 00145425 Chef: Baldwin Toby Larsen & Keller, 2020 9781641723114 vii,189p.; UG Library
641.5 BAN 00066069 Oil-Free Cookery Banerjee,Satarupa. Rupa.Co 2003 8171679501 | 9798171679507 90 p. UG Library
641.5 BAS 00057020 Art of Nutritional Cooking Baskette, Michael 1999 0137544170 407p UG Library
641.5 BER 00033370 Culinary Arts Institute Encyclopedic Cookbook Berolzheimer, Ruth Grossen & Dunlap 1976 974 p.: UG Library
641.5 BER 00048130 New Cook Berry, Mary 0075130462 168p UG Library
641.5 BER. 00048129 Mary Berry`s Complete Cook Book Berry, Mary 0751302058 UG Library
641.5 BIL 00050261 Step By Step Cookbook Biller, Hilary New Holland Books 1995 1853683523 224p UG Library
641.5 BLA 00051846 Mix `n` Match Menus: Create Your Own Menu for Every Occasion Blackmore, Rachel J B Fairfax Press 1863431772 350p UG Library
641.5 CAL 00065121 Farmhouse Cookbook Calabria, Jo Anne 0752901583 111p UG Library
641.5 CAM 00127476 Practical cookery : Campbell, John, Hodder education, 2012 9781444170085 (hbk.) | 9781444 12th ed. / xiv, 674P : . UG Library
641.5 CAM 00089498 Practical Cookery Campbell, John 9780340948385 694p UG Library
641.5 CAP 00066233 Supper of the Lamb Capon, Robert Farrar Image Books 1974 0385023958 238 p. UG Library
641.5 CAP 00018492 Supper of the Lamb Capon, Robert Farrar Image Books 1974 0385023958 238 p. UG Library
641.5 CAR 00065088 Cooking School Secrets for Real World Cooks Carucci, Linda 2005 0811842436 352p UG Library
641.5 CAV 00064245 A Tasty Trip Around the World: Louisiana,California,Mexico,South America Michael,Cavendish. Transcript Publishing 1994 2921488450 | 773990101223 64 p. UG Library
641.5 CES 00062629 Advanced Practical Cookery Ceserani, Victor. Hodder & Stoughton 2002 0340848537 | 9780340848531 3rd Ed. 416 p. UG Library
641.5 CES 00065170 Advanced Practical Cookery Ceserani, Victor. Hodder & Stoughton 2002 0340848537 | 9780340848531 3rd Ed. 416 p. UG Library
641.5 CES 00035621 Practical Cookery Ceserani, Victor. ELBS 1995 0340630779 8th Ed. 758 p. UG Library
641.5 CES 00047043 Practical Cookery Ceserani,Victor. Hodder & Stoughton 1995 0340655135 | 9780340655139 758 p. UG Library
641.5 CES 00032871 Cookery: An Introduction Ceserani,Victor. Edward Arnold 1987 9780713174915 170 p. UG Library
641.5 CHA 00038074 Essential Mexican Cookery Chacellor Press Chapman 111 UG Library
641.5 CHA 00038075 Essential Thai Cookery Chancellor Press Chancellor 1994 9781851526611 112p UG Library
641.5 CHA 00038076 Essential Italian Cookery Chancellor Press Chancellor 112 UG Library
641.5 CHA 00047034 Classic Thai Chan, Kit Ultimate Editions 1997 1860352170 | 9781860352171 64 p UG Library
641.5 CHA 00080935 Certificate Course Cookery Chaturvedi, Sapna Eternal Dreams 122p UG Library
641.5 CHE 00108335 The art and science of culinary preparation Chesser,Jerald W. Educational Institute of the American Culinary Federation, 1992 0963102311 1st ed. xi, 586 p. : UG Library
641.5 CHO 00129698 Kitchen and Kichens Chouhan, Aparna Oxford, 2015 9789350302361 240 p.: UG Library
641.5 CHO 00062254 Original Indian Cookery Chopra,Veena. Infinity 2002 9788179290187 256 p. UG Library
641.5 CLE 00049631 The Ultimate Cooking Course and Kitchen Encyclopedia Clements, Carole 1998 0754801691 506p UG Library
641.5 CLE 00066737 Ultimate Cooking Course and Kitchen Encyclopedia Clements, Carole Anness Publishing Ltd 1998 1840381086 512p UG Library
641.5 COH 00048284 Cook`s Companion Cohen, Elizabeth Wolf Apple 1850767246 144p UG Library
641.5 CON 00067462 The Master Chef Conil, Jean The J G Press 1995 1572151366 | 094154011357 250 p UG Library
641.5 COR 00047044 Natural Cooking Cornish, Elizabeth Grange 1856276023 128p UG Library
641.5 COR 00118102 Cookwise : Corriher, Shirley O. William Morrow, 1997 0688102298 (alk. paper) | 9780 1st ed. xviii, 524 p., [8] p. of plates : UG Library
641.5 CRA 00047964 Practical Professional Cookery Cracknell, H L Macmillan 1992 0333559258 | 9780333559253 908 p UG Library
641.5 CRA 00045726 Practical Professional Cookery Cracknell, H L The Macmillan Press Ltd 1992 0333559258 908p UG Library
641.5 DHI 00123431 Punjabi Hospitality Dhillon, Parminder Singh Abhijeet Publications, 2015 9789350741696 145 p:. UG Library
641.5 DOE 00035511 1000 Healthy Eating Recipes Doeser, Linda Hamlyn 352 UG Library
641.5 DUC 00066611 Spoon Food and Wine Ducasse, Alain Conran Octopus 1840912618 211p UG Library
641.5 ECG 00040353 Favorite Brand Name Recipe Cookbook The Editors Of Consumer Guide Beekman House 1981 0517346966 384 p. UG Library
641.5 ESC 00065133 Complete Guide to the Art of Modern Cookery Escoffier, A ELSEVIER 2005 0818147810 646p UG Library
641.5 FBI 00064242 Cooking Essentials for the New Professional Chef: Student Workbook Food & Beverage Institute Van Nostrand Reinhold 1997 0442024673 | 9780442024673 210 p. UG Library
641.5 FER 00035407 Greek Cooking Ferguson, Judith Tiger Books 1992 9781855012134 64p. UG Library
641.5 FER 00035408 French Cooking Ferguson, Judith Tiger Books 1992 9781855011120 64p. UG Library
641.5 FER 00035409 Japanese Cooking Ferguson, Judith Tiger Books International 1992 9781855011199 64 p. UG Library
641.5 FER 00035410 Italian Cooking Ferguson, Judith Tiger Books 1992 9781855011137 64 p. UG Library
641.5 FIN 00047039 Food Preparation & Cookery Finch,Clive. Addison Wesley Longman 1998 0582309379 | 9780582309371 516 p. UG Library
641.5 FLO 00066731 Tyler Florence`s Real Kitchen Florence,Tyler. Clarkson Potter 2003 0609609971 | 9780609609972 304 p. UG Library
641.5 FUL 00034431 The New Idea Cookbook Fulton, Margaret Southdown Press 1986 0908429282 194 p. UG Library
641.5 GAS 00072808 Meat, Poultry & Game Gastronomique, Larousse 533p UG Library
641.5 GAS 00072807 Fish & Seafood Gastronomique,Larousse 344p UG Library
641.5 GAT 00065112 Gabriel Gate`s Indulgences Gate, Gabriel Allen and Unwin Pty Ltd 1865080799 182p UG Library
641.5 GEO 00102506 The Suriani Kitchen : George, Lathika westland ltd., 9789380032917 240 p. UG Library
641.5 GIS 00057017 Chef`s Art - Secrets of Four-Star Cooking at Home Gisslen, Wayne 0471836842 649p UG Library
641.5 GIS 00048319 The Chef's Art: Secrets of Four-Star Cooking at Home Gisslen,Wayne. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1993 0471836842 | 9780471836841 649 p. UG Library
641.5 GRI 03007744 Sophie Grigson's Ingredients Book / Grigson, Sophie. Pyramid Books, 1991 1855100762 192 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
641.5 GRI 04015653 Sophie Grigson's Ingredients Book / Grigson, Sophie. Pyramid Books, 1991 1855100762 192 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
641.5 HAA 00034113 Encyclopeadia of Indian Coking Khalid Aziz, PENGUIN 1991 9781854710260 192 p. UG Library
641.5 HAM 00050259 More Than Mince Hamlyn Hamlyn 2000 9780600599913 96 p. UG Library
641.5 HAM 00050267 Complete Cook: Hamlyn Publishers Octopus Publishing Group. 2000 0600598594 | 9780600598596 606 UG Library
641.5 HAM 00048519 Million Menus Cookbook Hamlyn 1992 0600576019 | 9780600576013 300 p UG Library
641.5 HAM 00048520 Hamlyn Cookbook Hamlyn 1995 0600588270 | 9780600588276 256 p UG Library
641.5 HAM 00057818 World`s Greatest Cookery Encyclopedia Hamlyn 2003 0600608638 1436 UG Library
641.5 HAM 00069249 Complete Cook Hamlyn 2000 0753711257 605p UG Library
641.5 HAR 05046335 Food and wine pairing : Harrington, Robert J., John Wiley, 2008 9780471794073 (pbk. : alk. pap xiii, 322 p. : Knowledge Centre
641.5 HAY 00060867 Food Preparation And Cooking Hayter,Roy. Hotel & Catering Training Co 1995 0333651154 | 9780333651155 250 p. UG Library
641.5 HIL 00048134 Good Food Fast Hillier, Malcolm London 1995 0751301647 | 9780751301649 128 p UG Library
641.5 HSI 00047048 Chinese Vegetarian Cooking Hsiung, Deth-Ta Grange 1856274675 128p UG Library
641.5 JOR 05042677 Eating with the chefs : Jƶrgensen, Per-Anders, Phaidon, 0714865818 | 9780714865812 306 pages, 10 unnumbered pages : Knowledge Centre
641.5 KAL 00034111 Cooking With Indian Masters Kalra, Inder Singh J. Allied Publishers Ltd 1986 8170230063 214 p. UG Library
641.5 KUM 00047974 The Art and Science of Cooking: A Students Manual Khanna, Kumud. Phoenix Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1998 8174840117 3rd Ed. 353 p. UG Library
641.5 LAB 00048282 On Cooking [ Techniques from Expert Chefs ] Labensky, Sarah 0131954490 1080p UG Library
641.5 LAB 00081504 On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals [hotel Management Section] Labensky, Sarah R 0131713272 1406p UG Library
641.5 LAG 00080760 Complete Art of Cooking: Lagorce, Stephane Rebo Publishers 2006 9789036619479 719p UG Library
641.5 LAL 00035406 Chinese Cooking Lalitha Ahmed, Tiger Books 1992 9781855011083 64 p., UG Library
641.5 LAR 00068096 Worlds Greatest Cookery Encyclopedia Gastronomique, Larousse 0600608638 1436p UG Library
641.5 LAR 00056545 World`s Greatest Culinary Encyclopedia Gastronomique, Larousse 0609609718 1350p UG Library
641.5 LAR 00072805 Dessserts, Cakes & pastries Larousse Hamlyn 2004 351 p. UG Library
641.5 LAR 00072806 Vegetables & Salads Gastronomique, Larousse 2004 0600611620 532p UG Library
641.5 LIV 00130117 The Martha Stewart Living Cookbook : Living, Martha Stewart Clarkson Potter Publishers, 2007 9780307393838 1st ed. 704 p. : UG Library
641.5 LLO 00044191 Tomato Cookbook Lloyd Davies, Victoria Salamander Books Ltd 96p UG Library
641.5 MAR 00070807 Certificate Course Cookery Marathi, Tara. Shlok Distant Edition Pvt.Ltd 2002 122 p. UG Library
641.5 MAR 00071838 Certificate Course Cookery Marathi, Tara. Shlok Distant Edition Pvt.Ltd 2002 122 p. UG Library
641.5 MAT 00148097 Catering Services: Mathur, Akhil Keya International, 2025 9789395080613 viii,280p. ; UG Library
641.5 MCG 00063847 Mcgee on Food and Cooking McGee, Harold 2005 0340831499 880p UG Library
641.5 MCW 00071830 Illustrated Guide to Food Preparation Mcwilliams, Margaret. Pearson 2006 0130394858 | 9780130394859 9th Ed. 342 p. UG Library
641.5 NAR 00035075 Basic Cookery: Fundamental Recipes and Veriations a Welsby, A Derek Heinemann 677 UG Library
641.5 NEG 00110323 Fundamentals Of Culinary Art Negi,Jagmohan Dr. S. Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 2013 9788121940290 xx; 460 p. UG Library
641.5 NIL 00033891 The Penguin Cookery Book Nilson, Bee. Penguin Books 1972 3rd Ed. 479 p. UG Library
641.5 OLI 00069259 The Naked Chef Oliver, Jamie. Hyperion 2000 1401308236 | 9781401308230 250 p. UG Library
641.5 OLI 00065175 Happy Days With the Naked Chef Oliver, Jakie 2002 0078686852 317p UG Library
641.5 OLI 00080723 Jamie`s Kitchen:A Cooking Course for Everyone [ Hotel Management Section ] Oliver, Jamie 1401300227 333p UG Library
641.5 PAM 00086998 250 Recipes for Healing and Prevention [BHM-SECTION] Pamplona-Roger, George Editorial Safeiz 9788472082601 287 p UG Library
641.5 PAN 00035060 Vegetarian Wonders Form India Pandya, Michael Indus 92 p. UG Library
641.5 PAN 05042672 India Cook Book / Pant,Pushpesh. Roli Books, 2015 9780714859026 815p.; Knowledge Centre
641.5 PAR 00122218 Kitchen, Catering, Buffet, Beverage and banquet Management Parmar Neha Oxford Book Company 2015 9789350302415 248p. UG Library
641.5 PHA 00080788 Silver Spoon PHAIDON 0714844675 1263p UG Library
641.5 PHI 00087400 Modern Cookery: For Teaching and the Trade Philip,Thangam E. Orient Longman Publications 2003 9788125025184 5th Ed. 750 p. UG Library
641.5 PHI 00087401 Modern Cookery: For Teaching and the Trade Philip,Thangam E. Orient Longman Publications 2003 9788125025184 5th Ed. 750 p. UG Library
641.5 PHI 00039773 Modern Cookery: for Teaching and Trade Philip, Thangam E. Orient Longman Publications 1988 8125004009 3rd Ed. 518 p. UG Library
641.5 PHI 00039774 Modern Cookery: for Teaching and Trade Philip, Thangam E. Orient Longman Publications 1988 8125004009 3rd Ed. 518 p. UG Library
641.5 PHI 00032876 Modern Cookery: for Teaching and Trade Philip, Thangam E. Orient Longman Publications 1988 8125004009 3rd Ed. 518 p. UG Library
641.5 PHI 00056884 Modern Cookery: for Teaching and Trade Philip, Thangam E. Orient Longman Publications 1988 8125004009 3rd Ed. 518 p. UG Library
641.5 PHI 00056885 Modern Cookery: for Teaching and Trade Philip, Thangam E. Orient Longman Publications 1988 8125004009 3rd Ed. 518 p. UG Library
641.5 PHI 00056886 Modern Cookery: for Teaching and Trade Philip, Thangam E. Orient Longman Publications 1988 8125004009 3rd Ed. 518 p. UG Library
641.5 PHI 00048311 Modern Cookery: for Teaching and Trade Philip, Thangam E. Orient Longman Publications 1988 8125004009 3rd Ed. 518 p. UG Library
641.5 PHI 00048291 Modern Cookery: for Teaching and Trade Philip, Thangam E. Orient Longman Publications 1988 8125004009 3rd Ed. 518 p. UG Library
641.5 PHI 00048293 Modern Cookery: for Teaching and Trade Philip, Thangam E. Orient Longman Publications 1988 8125004009 3rd Ed. 518 p. UG Library
641.5 PHI 00048295 Modern Cookery: for Teaching and Trade Philip, Thangam E. Orient Longman Publications 1988 8125004009 3rd Ed. 518 p. UG Library
641.5 PHI 00048296 Modern Cookery: for Teaching and Trade Philip, Thangam E. Orient Longman Publications 1988 8125004009 3rd Ed. 518 p. UG Library
641.5 PHI 00048294 Modern Cookery: for Teaching and Trade Philip, Thangam E. Orient Longman Publications 1988 8125004009 3rd Ed. 518 p. UG Library
641.5 PHI 00035626 Modern Cookery: For Teaching and the Trade Thangam, E Philip Orient Longmans 1965 4th ed, 762 p.; UG Library
641.5 RAI 00087395 Basic Food Preparation: A Complete Manual Rain, Usha Orient Longman Publications 2007 8125023003 | 9788125023005 498p UG Library
641.5 RAI 00084657 Basic Food Preparation: A Complete Manual Rain, Usha Orient Longman Publications 2007 8125023003 | 9788125023005 498p UG Library
641.5 RAM 00127471 Gordon Ramsay's Secrets Ramsay, Gordon Quadrille, 2008 9781844000975 224p : . UG Library
641.5 RAN 00144773 Hotal Management Quantity Food Recipes / Rana Varinder, Singh. Random publications, 2022 9789393884626 viii, 296p, ; UG Library
641.5 REA 00048538 One Dish Meals: The Easy Way Reader's Digest Reder's Digest Association Limited 1994 0276421191 | 9780276421198 352 p UG Library
641.5 ROM 00048527 Joy of Cooking Rombauer, Irma S. Scribner 1995 0026045702 | 9780026045704 915 p. UG Library
641.5 RUS 00066740 Cooking from the Heart Russo,Richard. Random House Inc 2003 0076791371 | 9780767913713 306 p. UG Library
641.5 SAI 00069832 Cooking at De Gustibus Sailhac, Arlene Feltman Stewart Tabori &chang 1584794593 256p UG Library
641.5 SCH 00048317 Fast and Fresh Cooking Schwartz,Oded. Reader's Digest 1996 0276422376 | 9780276422379 284 p. UG Library
641.5 SCH 00048536 Fast and Fresh Cooking Schwartz,Oded. Reader's Digest 1996 0276422376 | 9780276422379 284 p. UG Library
641.5 SCU 00119200 The Opera of Bartolomeo Scappi 1570 Scully Ternce University of Toronto Press, 2008 9781442611481 vii, 787 p,: UG Library
641.5 SHE 00047036 Fat-Free Cooking Sheasby, Anne Sebastian Kelly 1999 1840810785 | 9781840810783 96 p UG Library
641.5 SHU 00079533 Culinary Boot Camp Shulman,Martha Rose. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2006 9780764572784 242 p. UG Library
641.5 SIN 00132164 A Manual of Culinary Fundamentals: Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 2016 9789382127031 xii,248 p.; UG Library
641.5 SIN 00133198 Cookery for the hospitality industry Singh,Gurminder Preet Random publications, 2018 9789352690411 viii,294p.; UG Library
641.5 SIT 00135683 Eat, Drink, Animate : Sito,Tom. CRC Press, 2019 9780815399766 xxiv,184p.; UG Library
641.5 SMI 00064241 How to Cook: Smith, Delia 0789471868 492p UG Library
641.5 SMI 00063987 Complete Illustrated Cookery Course Smith, Delia 2003 0563214546 | 9780563214540 576p UG Library
641.5 SOU 04008587 The Essential Culinary Guide : Soundararajan, Crossover, 2010 9788190659727 390p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
641.5 STA 00066612 Study Guide on Cooking Stamm,Christine. Prentice Hall 1999 0013973256 | 9780139732560 2nd Ed. 250 p. UG Library
641.5 STA 00066738 Study Guide on Cooking Stamm,Christine. Prentice Hall 1999 0013973256 | 9780139732560 2nd Ed. 250 p. UG Library
641.5 TAM 00080708 Tamasin`s Kitchen Bible [ Hotel Management Section ] Tamasin, Day-Lewis 0029784363 511p UG Library
641.5 TEE 00088728 Steak Book: Tee, Susana Parragon 2005 1405448822 | 9781405448826 96p UG Library
641.5 THI 00095473 Kitchen mysteries : This, HerveĢ. Columbia University Press, 2007 9780231141703 (cloth : alk. pa ix, 220 p. : UG Library
641.5 THI 05046331 Building a meal : This, HervƩ. Columbia University Press, 2009 9780231144667 (hard cover : al xiii, 135 p. : Knowledge Centre
641.5 THI 05046340 Kitchen mysteries : This, HerveĢ. Columbia University Press, 2007 9780231141703 (cloth : alk. pa ix, 220 p. : Knowledge Centre
641.5 THU 00080368 Essential Barbecue Cook Book [hotel Management Section] Thunder Bay Press Thuder Bay Press 255p UG Library
641.5 TOM 00127484 The complete book of Modern Classics Editor: Tomnay, Susan ACP books, 2006 1863965106 496P : . UG Library
641.5 TRO 00104042 The Kitchen Ses sions : Trotter With Charlie Ten Speed Press,Berkeley ; 1999 9780898159974 240 p. UG Library
641.5 WAL 00048263 Great Big Cookbook Walden, Hilaire Lorenz 1859675700 256p UG Library
641.5 WHE 00039780 Taste of Asia Steven Wheeler Lorsen 96 p UG Library
641.5 WHI 00080336 Best Ever Three & Four Ingredient Cook Book. White, Jenny Anness Publishing Ltd 2005 1844777790 512p UG Library
641.5 WIL 00145146 Larousse on cooking / John Wiley Wiley, 2012 9781118349960 (cloth) : alk. p 591 p. ; UG Library
641.5 WIL 00036058 Look & Cook : Fish Classics Anne, William Dorling Kindersley 1992 9780751300291 127p UG Library
641.5 WIL 00036059 Look &n Cook : Meat Classics Willan, Anne Dorling Kindersley 2008 9780863189890 127p UG Library
641.5 WIL 00036060 Look & Cook-Chicken Classics Anne, Willan Dorling Kindersley 1992 0863188621 127p UG Library
641.5 WIL 00036062 Anne Willan`s Look and Cook Creative Appetizers Willan, Anne, Dorling Kindersley 1993 9780751300307 127p UG Library
641.5 WIL 00036063 Look & Cook : Fruit Desserts Willan Anne, Darling Kindersley 1992 9780863189876 127p UG Library
641.5 WIL 00040398 Look and Cook : Creative Casserols Willan, Ann Dorling Kindersley 1993 97807513005741310620 127p UG Library
641.5 WIL 00120722 Larousse on cooking / John Wiley Wiley, 2012 9781118349960 (cloth) : alk. p 591 p. ; UG Library
641.5 WIL 00067436 Cooked to Perfection Williams, Peter Quadrille 1997 1899988890 | 9781899988891 320 p UG Library
641.5 WIL 00079720 15-Minute Cook Willan,Anne. Sara Taylor 2000 1844000311 | 9781844000319 128 p. UG Library
641.5 WOM 00035513 Women's Circle: For Cooks on the Go Magazine Printers Inc Magazine Printers Inc 1992 1559932031 128 p. UG Library
641.500954HAM 00050254 Indian Flavours Hamlyn Cookery Club Hamlyn Cookery Club 96p UG Library
641.5015 BLO 00094236 Culinary math: 3rd edition Blocker, Linda John wiley & sons 9780470068212 262p UG Library
641.5023 BRE 00066610 So You Want to Be a Chef? Brefere, Lisa M John Wiley & Sons,Inc. 2005 0471646911 | 9780471646914 375p UG Library
641.50289 MAR 00063992 Food-Safe Kitchens Marchiony, Ann. Upper Saddle River 2004 0131125907 | 9780131125902 136 p. UG Library
641.503 LAR 00055035 Larousse Gastronomique Larousse-Bordas 2001 0600602354 | 9780600602354 1349p UG Library
641.503HER 00040400 Herings Dictionary of Classical and Modern Cookery. 0 Virtue Books Ltd 582p UG Library
641.50495 KON 00068195 Culinaria Greece Konemann, Culinaria Konemann 2004 3833110538 | 9783833110535 459p UG Library
641.5079 LEO 00079532 Club Cuisine: Cooking With a Master Chef Leonard, Edward G Jhon Wiley & Sons Inc 2007 0047174171 | 9780471741718 274 p UG Library
641.507CESJHG 00039777 Practical Cookery Ceserani Kinton Hodder 172 p UG Library
641.508 SAN 00071206 Lacomida Delbarrio: Latin American Cooking in the U.S.A. Sanchez, Aaron 2003 0609610759 | 9780609610756 340p UG Library
641.50820973RUS 00084097 Women of Taste: Recipes and Profiles of Famous Women Chefs [HOTEL MANAGEMENT SECTION] Russell, Beverly 0471179434 214p UG Library
641.509 VIJ 00061387 101 Kerala Delicacies Vijay,Padma G. Rupa.Co 1998 8171672787 | 9788171672783 P.V. UG Library
641.509 VIJ 00069258 101 Kerala Delicacies Vijay,Padma G. Rupa.Co 1998 8171672787 | 9788171672783 P.V. UG Library
641.509 VIJ 04024207 101 Kerala Delicacies Vijay,Padma G. Rupa.Co 1998 8171672787 | 9788171672783 P.V. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
641.5092 AND 00120614 Reinventing food Ferran AdriĆ / Andrews, Colman Phaidon Press Limited 2010 9780714859057 359p. UG Library
641.5092 BOU 00142953 Kitchen confidential : Bourdain, Anthony. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2021 9781526650955 Insider's ed. xix, 362 p. : UG Library
641.50922 WHI 00104041 The Accidental Foodie : Whitaker Neale Murdoch Book ; 2005 9781740455954 240 p. UG Library
641.5092273 BRO 00069263 Chef, the Story and the Dish Behind the Scenes With America`s Favorite Chefs Brown, Rochelle Stewart Tabori &chang 1584792280 108p UG Library
641.50924 REB 00080762 Desserts: from Delicious Fruit to Creamy Chocolate for Creative Cooking Rebo Publishers Rebo Publishers 2002 9036616239 | 9789036616232 96 p. UG Library
641.50924 REB 00080763 French:Ooh La La, the Seduction of French Cuisine for Creative Cooking Rebo Publications Rebo Publishers 2003 9036614686 | 9789036614689 96 p. UG Library
641.50924 REB 00080764 Jewish: Modern Dishes With a Traditional Touch in Creative cooking REBO Publications Rebo Publishers 2004 9036616042 | 9789036616041 96 p. UG Library
641.50924 REB 00080765 Moroccan:The Colors and Fragrant Spices of the Souq for Creative Cooking REBO Publications Rebo Publishers 2004 9036616182 | 9789036616188 96 p. UG Library
641.50924 REB 00080766 Portuguese: Sweet Melancholy from the Fado Restaurant for Creative Cooking REBO Publications Rebo Publishers 2004 9036616271 | 9789036616270 96 p. UG Library
641.50924 REB 00080772 Shrimp:Special Recipes With Large and Small Shrimp for Crative Cooking REBO Publishers Rebo Publishers 2002 9036616158 | 9789036616157 96 p. UG Library
641.50924 REB 00080773 South American: A Sun Drenched Cuisine from Creative Cooking REBO Publishers REBO Publishers 2005 9036616263 | 9789036616263 96 p. UG Library
641.50924 REB 00080774 Spanish:Bring the Flavors of Sunny Spain into Your Kitchen With Creative Cooking REBO Publications Rebo Publishers 2004 9036614805 | 9789036614801 96 p. UG Library
641.50924 REB 00080776 Turkish: The Mysterious Blend of East and West in Crative Cooking REBO Publications Rebo Publishers 2004 9036616107 | 9789036616102 96 p. UG Library
641.50924 REB 00080778 Vietnamese: Discover Light, Inspiring Cookery Form Vietnam for Creative Cooking REBO Publishers Rebo Publishers 2003 9036614848 | 9789036614849 96 p. UG Library
641.50924 REB 00080779 Eggs: Boiling, Baking and Whisking for Crative Cooking REBO Publishers Rebo Publishers 2002 9036616026 | 9789036616027 96 p. UG Library
641.50924 REB 00080783 Indonesian: Exotic Dishes Form Empal Daging to Nasi Goreng for Creative Cooking REBO Publishing Rebo Publishers 2003 9036614716 | 9789036614719 96 p. UG Library
641.50924 REB 00080786 Mussels:The Tastiest Recipes and the Bet Shellfish for Crative Cooking REBO Publishers Rebo Publishers 2002 9036616220 | 9789036616225 96 p. UG Library
641.5094 ROM 00068199 Culinaria Romer, Joachim Konemann 2004 3833111240 | 9783833111242 640 p UG Library
641.5094 TRO 00065096 Charlie Trotter's Trotter, Charlie The Speed Press 1994 0898156289 | 9780898156287 215 p UG Library
641.50940 ROM 00053299 Culinaria European Specialties Romer, Joachim KONEMANN 3895082341 640p UG Library
641.50941 TRO 00065176 Meat & Game Trotter`S, Charlie TEN SPEED PRESS 1580082386 239p UG Library
641.50941 TRO K 00065177 Raw Trotter, Charlie TEN SPEED PRESS 1580084702 215p UG Library
641.50944 DOM 00053298 Culinaria France Domine, Andre Konemann 3829020198 468p UG Library
641.50945 PIR 00068197 Culinaria Italy Piras, Claudia Konemann 2004 0383311133 496p UG Library
641.50945 PIR 00053296 Culinaria Italy Piras, Claudia Konemann 2000 3829029012 496p UG Library
641.50945 STE 00064244 What's Cooking Italian Stephens,Penny. Queen Street House 1999 1405405716 | 9781405405713 256 p. UG Library
641.50945 STE 00074596 What's Cooking Italian Stephens,Penny. Queen Street House 1999 1405405716 | 9781405405713 256 p. UG Library
641.50945 WHI 00046983 Cook`s Guide to Italian in Gredients Whiteman, Kate Anness Publishing Ltd 1999 1840382058 | 9781840382051 128p UG Library
641.50945SAR 00080930 Food Is Home:The Little Book of Italian Cooking Sarjano 0014400027 269p UG Library
641.50946 TRU 00053300 Culinaria Spain. Trutter, Marion Konemann 1998 3829019653 488p UG Library
641.50947 BAR 00118865 Potato/ Barker Alex Hermes House 2009 9781843095316 256p. UG Library
641.50947 REB 00080767 Potatoes: The Versatile Potato as a Basis for Creative Cooking REBO Publishing Rebo Publishers 2002 9036616190 | 9789036616195 96 p. UG Library
641.50947 REB 00080769 Rice Dishes: Rice Recipes From Around the World For Creative Cooking REBO Publishing Rebo Publishers 2003 9036616247 | 9789036616249 96 p. UG Library
641.50947 REB 00080770 Russian Creative Cooking: Discover the Secrets of Russian Cuisine With REBO Publishing Rebo Publishers 2005 0903661628 | 9789036616287 96 p. UG Library
641.509495 FAR 00055907 Taste of Greece Farrow, Jonna Lorenz 1997 1859673716 | 9781859673713 96 p UG Library
641.5095 MOR.H 00058928 Chinese and Asian Kitchen Bible Morris, Sallie 0075480402 256p UG Library
641.5095 OWE 00045368 Classic Asian Cook Book Owen, Sri 0751304395 160 p UG Library
641.5095 SHA 00138597 Wazwaan : Sharief,Waza. Roli Books, 2019 9788194110934 96p.; UG Library
641.50951 MAS 00053295 Ultimate Recipes Chinese Mason, Haldane 1999 0752542419 | 9780752542416 512 p UG Library
641.50951 TAN 00055909 Straits Chinese Cookbook Tan,Terry. Times Books International 1981 9812042369 172 p. UG Library
641.50951CHA 00080833 Fresh Chinese Chan, Wynnie Hamlyn 256p UG Library
641.50952 MOR 00058926 Best Chinese Recipes Morris, Sallie Infinity Books 192p UG Library
641.50952 REB 00080775 Sushi & Sashimi: The Secrets of the Sushi Chef as a Guide to Crative Cooking Rebo Publishers Rebo Publishers 2004 9036614813 | 9789036614818 96p UG Library
641.50952REB 00080784 Japanese:The Sophistication of Miso Siru and Sukiyaki Is the Very Height of Crative Cookig [hotel Management Section] REBO Publishing Rebo Publishers 9036614732 96p UG Library
641.50954 ASH 00140564 Masala Lab : Ashok, Krish. Penguin Random House India Pvt Ltd, 2020 9780143451372 xxviii, 259p. ; UG Library
641.50954 ARO 00080781 Indian Recipes. Arora, Arti Lustre Press 2006 8174370498 84p UG Library
641.50954 ASH 07015046 Masala Lab : Ashok, Krish. Penguin Random House India Pvt Ltd, 2020 9780143451372 xxviii, 259p. ; Library - BR Campus
641.50954 ASH 04030115 Masala Lab : Ashok, Krish. Penguin Random House India Pvt Ltd, 2020 9780143451372 xxviii, 259p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
641.50954 ASH 05071579 Masala Lab : Ashok, Krish. Penguin Random House India Pvt Ltd, 2020 9780143451372 xxviii, 259p. ; Knowledge Centre
641.50954 BAL 00128849 Best Ever Indian Cooking : Baljekar, Mridula Hermes House, 2014 9781844776238 | 1844776239 511 p. : UG Library
641.50954 BHA 00035044 Indian Cookbook Bhatia, Kaushi N Sterling 1992 166 p.: UG Library
641.50954 GOP 00061382 Delicious Dishes (vegetarian) - Gopal, G Sura Books (pvt) Ltd. 2000 108p UG Library
641.50954 JAF 00058565 Indian Cookery Jaffrey,Madhur. BBC Worldwide Ltd 2002 0563488212 | 9780563488217 238 p. UG Library
641.50954 JIN 00061386 Indian Menus - a New One, Everyday! Jindal, Malti Rupa & Co 8171678602 128p UG Library
641.50954 KAP 00055036 Indian Cuisine: Vegetarian Kapoor,Kiran. Lustre Press 1996 8174370544 | 9798174370548 83 p. UG Library
641.50954 KAP 00055038 Indian Cuisine Kapoor, Kiran Lustre Press 1999 9798174370531 | 9798174370555 83p UG Library
641.50954 KAP 00055039 Indian Cuisine Kapoor, Kiran Lustre Press 1999 9798174370531 | 9798174370555 83p UG Library
641.50954 KAP 00055037 Indian Cuisine Kapoor, Kiran Lustre Press 1999 9798174370531 | 9798174370555 83p UG Library
641.50954 KHA 00060654 Indian Cookery - the Taste of India Khattar, Anju Crest 8124204950 230p UG Library
641.50954 PAN 00061385 50 Great Curries of India Panjabi, Camellia RUPA & CO 2004 8129104369 192p UG Library
641.50954 SAR 00080789 Gourmet Indian Cookbook Saraswat, Chef Arvind ROLI BOOKS PVT LTD 8174362991 128p UG Library
641.50954 UBE 00035045 Delighits of Indian Appetizers Uberoi, Pritam Sterling 1992 79 p.: UG Library
641.50954 VIJ 00080834 Fresh Indian Vijayakar, Sunil Hamlyn 256p UG Library
641.509542 KAL 00077976 Jiggs Kalra`s Calssic Cooking of Avadh Karla, Jiggs. Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd 2005 8177645676 126 p. UG Library
641.5095458PAT 00035042 Cook`s Tour of South India Patil, Vimla Sterling 144 p. UG Library
641.509546SHA 00080790 Wazwaan:Traditional Kashmiri Cuisine [hotel Management Section] Sharief Waza, Khan Mohammed ROLI BOOKS PVT LTD 8174361715 96p UG Library
641.5095483KOT 00081160 Kerala Syrian Christian Favourites Kottukappally, Thressi John Kscf 8188000159 80 UG Library
641.50954GOP 00061381 Delicious Dishes: Non-Vegetarian Gopal G. Sura Books Pvt Ltd 2000 9788174784612 108 p. UG Library
641.50954KAL 00045725 Cooking With Indian Masters Kalra, J Inder Singh Allied Publications 8170230063 214p UG Library
641.50954PAD 00035043 Indian and Mughlai Rice Treats Padma Vijay, G Sterling 136 UG Library
641.50954PAN1 00080780 Food Path Cuisine Along the Grand Trunk Road:From Kabul to Kolkata Pant, Pushpesh ROLI BOOKS PVT LTD 8174363629 141p UG Library
641.50954PAT 00035061 Indian Cuisine Patil, Vimla RUPA 92 p. UG Library
641.50954UBE 00035040 Pure Vegetarian Indian Cookery Uberoi, Pritam Sterling 122 p. UG Library
641.50954UBR 00035041 Indian Cookery Uberoi, Pritam Sterling UG Library
641.50956 KIM 00055904 Taste of the Middle East Kimberley, Soheila Lorenz 1996 1859671675 | 9781859671672 96 p UG Library
641.509593 CHA 00053316 Discover Thai Cooking Chaslin, Pierre Times Editions Pte Ltd 1992 9971401126 144p UG Library
641.509595 YEW 00055910 Rasa Malaysia Yew, Betty Times Books International 1994 9812041176 192 p UG Library
641.509597 HUT 00055911 Singapore Food Hutton, Wendy Times Books International 9812043055 208p UG Library
641.509598 BOG 00053315 The Best of Indonesian Cooking Boga, Yasa Times Books International 1998 9812040439 | 9789812040435 196 p UG Library
641.509598 BRA 00055912 Cook Indonesian Brackman, Agnes De Keijzer Times Books International 1994 9812042466 | 9789812042460 130p UG Library
641.5095BHO 00080817 Year of Cooking Like Mummyji:Real British Asian Cooking for All Seasons Bhogal, Vicky 0074325970 176p UG Library
641.5096 GRA 00055906 Taste of Africa Grant, Rosamund Lorenz 1859671802 96p UG Library
641.50972 HAM 00053308 Essential Mexican Hamlyn 0600591271 112p UG Library
641.50972 ORT 00055908 Taste of Mexico Ortiz, Elisabeth Lambert. Lorenz Books 1996 1859672884 | 9781859672884 94 p. UG Library
641.509729 GRA 00055905 Taste of the Caribbean Grant, Rosamund Lorenz 1859671853 96p UG Library
641.509729 PAR 00053297 Culinaria The Caribbean Parkinson, Rosemary Konemann 1999 3895089028 | 9783895089022 460 p UG Library
641.50973 VER 00034647 The White House Chef Cookbook Verdon,Rene. Doubleday & Co Inc 1968 287 p. UG Library
641.50973 WAT 00063955 Golden Arches East Watson,James L. Stanford University Press 1997 0804732078 | 9780804732079 256 p. UG Library
641.50973 WAT 00063954 Golden Arches East Watson,James L. Stanford University Press 1997 0804732078 | 9780804732079 256 p. UG Library
641.5097471 PEL 00071207 Rao`s Cookbook: Over 100 Years of Italian Home Cooking: Pellegrino, Frank 1998 0679457496 182p UG Library
641.5097751 TRO 00069264 Charle Trotter`s Cookbook Totter`S, Charlie 0898156289 214p UG Library
641.50979419 KEL 00063440 French Laundry Cookbook Keller, Thomas Artisan 1999 9781579651268 325p UG Library
641.51 FOX 00144735 The Professional Guide for Becoming a Chef and Building a Successful Culinary Carrer / Fox, Kairo. Larsen and keller, 2023 9798888361320 viii,236p, ; UG Library
641.512 HAM 00050260 Quick Cooking Hamlyn Cookery Club Hamlyn Cookery Club 1999 9780600599173 | 9780600599173 96 p. UG Library
641.514 DAL 00048517 Easy Gourmet Cooking Dalal, Tarla. Sanjay & Co 1999 8186469443 64 p. UG Library
641.514 AWW 00058006 Gourment.Gifts Australian Women`s Weekly ACP Publishing Pty Limited 1863961496 63p UG Library
641.514 DAL 00053302 Easy Gourmet Cooking Dalal, Tarla. Sanjay & Co 1999 8186469443 64 p. UG Library
641.514 DAL 00048497 Easy Gourmet Cooking: a Collection of Fusionb Recipes Dalal, Tarla Sanjay 64 p UG Library
641.514 GOU 00069839 Est of Gourmet 2005 20th Anniversary Edition Conde Nast Books 1400063647 301p UG Library
641.514 PEG 00066660 Gourmet & Speciality Shops Pegler, Martin M Visual Reference Publications, INC. 1584710527 175p UG Library
641.51406 WEM 00095516 The dessert architect / Wemischner, Robert. Cengage Learning, 1428311777 p. cm. UG Library
641.5159CHI 00068531 Everyday Chinese Chin, Katie 0609605860 191p UG Library
641.52 WILL 00036061 Look & Cook :Main Dish Vegetables Anne, Willam Darling Kindersley 1992 9780863189883 127 UG Library
641.521 SAN 00093768 Rude food Sanghvi, Vir Penguin books 9780143031390 333p UG Library
641.5287 KEA 00119335 Pressure Cooking The Easy Way Keane, Maureen, Three rivers Press, 1997 9780761512851 xv, 192 p. : UG Library
641.536 CHA 00066733 Catering College Delights: Vegetarian Chakravarti B.K. CBS Publishers & Distributors 1999 8123906536 1st Ed. 129 p. UG Library
641.5365 DAS 00107260 The bengal Cookbook Dasgupta minakshie UBS publishers' Distributors Pvt: 1982 9788174762054 2nd ed 218 p. UG Library
641.5365 GUP 00107261 A Treasure For Budding Cooks Gupta kusum UBS Publishers Distributors Pvt: 2008 9788174765871 xv. 161 p. UG Library
641.5368 MOR 00074600 Gluten Free Cookbook Morgan, Paul. Quantum Publishing Ltd 2006 1845092325 | 9781845092320 127 p. UG Library
641.54 KHA 00121021 Family secrets : Khan, Zarine 9789351941088 191 pages : UG Library
641.54 OLI 00063833 Jamie`s Dinners: The Essential Family Cookbook Oliver, Jamie Hyperion 322p UG Library
641.54 VED 05072553 Whose samosa is it anyway? : Sonal, Ved. Penguin Random House India, 2021 9780670092406 | 0670092401 xli, 202 pages ; Knowledge Centre
641.54SIN 00080835 Classic Dinners Steer, Gina Star Fire 0184451532 256p UG Library
641.555 AWW 00058007 30-Minute Meals Australian Women`s Weekly ACP Publishing Pvt Ltd 2000 1863962077 | 9781863962070 63 p. UG Library
641.555 LAW 00118100 Nigella express : Lawson, Nigella, Hyperion, 2007 1401322433 | 9781401322434 [vi], 390 p. : UG Library
641.555 RAY 00118867 Rachael Ray's big orange book / Ray, Rachael. Clarkson Potter Publishers, 2008 9780307383198 (pbk.) 1st ed. 360 p. : UG Library
641.56 KON 00068196 Culinaria Spain Konemann, Culinaria Konemann 3833111402 488p UG Library
641.56 LAT 00050262 Clare's Kitchen: The All Party Cookbook Latimer, Clare. Bloomsbury 1994 0747517045 | 9780747517047 159 p. UG Library
641.56 ROL 00120989 The Bloomsbury Cookbook Rolls, Jans Ondaatje. Thames and Hudson Ltd, 2014 9780500517307 384 p:. UG Library
641.561 GIL 00066194 Indian Spa Cuisine Gill, Manjit Singh. Roli Books Pvt Ltd 2005 8174363556 | 9788174363558 95 p. UG Library
641.5622 LTB 00067471 Real Food for Kids Life Time Books Life Time Books 1994 0705420310 | 9780705420310 64 p. UG Library
641.5622 PER 00066435 Brain Food Perretta, Lorraine. Hamlym 2001 0600603350 | 9780600603351 128 p. UG Library
641.5622 TLB 00067472 Real Food for Kids Life Time Books Life Time Books 1994 0705420310 | 9780705420310 64 p. UG Library
641.563 REE 00066260 Cooking The Punjabi Way Reejhsinghani, Aroona. Jaico Publishing House 2005 8172240775 | 9798172240775 137 p. UG Library
641.563 REE 00066157 Cooking The Punjabi Way Reejhsinghani, Aroona. Jaico Publishing House 2005 8172240775 | 9798172240775 137 p. UG Library
641.563 ATT 00144666 Cookbook 1Mediterranean Diet : Attridge, Lily. Phormictopus Ltd, 2021 9781914412011 113p, ; UG Library
641.563 BAB 00067465 Eat and Stay Slim With Soups and Salads Babbar, Purobi. Vakils, Feffer & Simons Ltd 1996 8187111097 90 p. UG Library
641.563 BER 00063558 Betty Crocker's Diabetes Cookbook Bergenstal,Richard M. Wiley Publishing Inc 2003 0764567047 | 785555110311 | 97 255 p. UG Library
641.563 CHH 00067466 Zero Oil Sweets Book Chhajer,Bimal M.D. Book Factory 2003 8128802461 186 p. UG Library
641.563 DAL 00066021 Forever Young Diet Dalal,Tarla. Ssnjay & Co 2004 8186469974 | 00127331100001 102 p. UG Library
641.563 DAL 00047015 Low Calorie Healthy Cooking Dalal,Tarla. Sanjay & Co 1999 8190035320 | 799860990513 140 p. UG Library
641.563 HAM 00065118 Food for Good Health Hamlyn 0600606066 256p UG Library
641.563 HAM 00050247 Hamlyn Low- Fat Cooking Hamlyn Pulications Octopus Publishing group Ltd 1999 0600596583 | 9780600596585 144p, UG Library
641.563 HAR 00065129 The Big Book Of Quick & Healthy Recipes 365 Hartvig, Kirsten. Duncan Baird Publishers 2005 1844830748 | 9781844830749 192 p. UG Library
641.563 HAY 00144667 Keto Diest Cookbook With Poultry : Hayes, Elisa. Elisa Hayes, 2021 9781802861938 110p, ; UG Library
641.563 HER 00065124 Live Longer and Better Hermann, Mindy G 0785308067 385p UG Library
641.563 IBY 00067491 Recipes for Happines International Board Of Yoga International Board of Yoga 2001 8185053561 1st Ed. 188 p. UG Library
641.563 KEN 00062625 The Power House Diet Kenton, Leslie. Vermilion 2004 9780091891633 421 p. UG Library
641.563 MAR 00066433 Power Food Marshall, Janette. Hamlyn 2002 0600603822 | 9780600603825 128 p. UG Library
641.563 MOO 00048268 High- Fibre Cooking Moon, Rosemary Apple 0001850761 224p UG Library
641.563 MOR 00066205 Ayurvedic Cooking for All Morningstar,Amadea. New Age Books 1995 0817822075 | 9788178220758 395 p. UG Library
641.563 PAN 00049616 Allergy-Free Cooking: Over 50 Enticing and Tasty Recipes Avoid Problems Pannell, Maggie SEBASTIAN KELLY 1840814128 96p UG Library
641.563 REE 00067492 Cooking The Punjabi Way Reejhsinghani, Aroona. Jaico Publishing House 2005 8172240775 | 9798172240775 137 p. UG Library
641.563 SCO 00052138 Healing Foods Scott, Jill Anness Publishing Ltd 2000 1840386401 | 9781840386400 512 p UG Library
641.563 SHE 00065120 High Fiber Cook Book Sheasby, Anne Lorenz 1859678831 96p UG Library
641.563 SHR 00066208 Fat-Burner Foods Shreeve, Caroline M. Hamlyn 2005 0600612872 | 9780600612872 128 p. UG Library
641.563 SIP 00074592 Low-Cheolesterol Cookbook For Dummies Siple,Molly. Wiley Publishing Inc 2005 0764571605 | 9780764571602 364 p. UG Library
641.563 TMC 00057015 Moosewood Restaurant Cooks for a Crowd The Moosewood Collective John Wiley & Sons Inc 1996 0471120170 | 9780471120179 500 p. UG Library
641.563 WIN 00132160 Food Health and Happiness: Winfrey Oprah, Macmillan, 2017 9781509850853 n,231 p.; UG Library
641.5631 BAN 00066075 Cooking For Diabetics Banerjee,Satarupa. Pustak Mahal 2003 8122306438 | 9798122306438 115 p. UG Library
641.56311 MOR 00074601 Healthy Heart Cookbook Morgan, Paul Pica Digital 2006 1845092333 128p UG Library
641.56314 BIL 00066200 The Diabetic's Billimoria, Frenny. Penguin Books 2004 110 p. UG Library
641.56314 VIJ 00062260 Diet for Diabetics Vijay, Padma G. Jaico Publishing House 2004 8172241526 | 9788172241520 225 p. UG Library
641.5631SCO 00088727 Sober Kitchen: Recipes and Advice for a Lifetime of Sobriety Scott, Liz 1558322213 474p UG Library
641.5632 RAM 00087403 Basket of Vegetarian Recipes Ramani, S V Orient Longman Publications 9788125029144 144 p UG Library
641.56323 JEF 00066120 High Blood Pressure: Food Facts and Recipes Jefferson,Angie. Blood Pressure Association 2005 0600611833 | 9780600611837 128 p. UG Library
641.5635 KAP 00061729 Low Calorie: Vegetarian Cookbook Kapoor, Sanjeev. Popular Prakashan 2001 8171548881 106 p. UG Library
641.5635 WYA 00048204 Cooking Light [ Cookbook 1996 ] Wyatt, Nancy Fitzpatrick 0848714563 272p UG Library
641.5635 DIS 00119339 Now Eat This! : Dispirito, Rocco. Ballantine Books, 2010 9780345520906 (pbk.) | 0345520 xxiii, 246 p. : UG Library
641.5635 KAB 00107254 Low Calorie Cookbook Kabra G. kanchan UBS.Publishers' Distributore Pvt; 2005 9788174764706 xxvii. 147 p. UG Library
641.5635 KAP 00067450 Low Calorie: Vegetarian Cookbook Kapoor, Sanjeev. Popular Prakashan 2001 8171548881 106 p. UG Library
641.5635 KOP 00107255 Wedding collection : Kapoor, Sanjeev, Popular Prakashan [for Khana Khazana Publications], 2010 9788179916032 128 P. : UG Library
641.5635 PAR 00053312 Ultimate Recipes Low-Fat Parragon Parragon 2000 0752542443 | 9780752542447 512p, UG Library
641.5635 PAR 00063844 1000 Low Fat, Salt, Sugar and Cholestrol Recipes to Tempt Your Tastebuds PARRAGON PUBLISHERS Parragon Book 2005 0075258930 1024p UG Library
641.5635 RDA 00048537 Live Longer Cookbook The Reader's Digest Association Inc The Reader's Digest Association Inc 1992 0895773953 352 p. UG Library
641.5635 WAR 00048207 Complete Vegetarian Ward, Susie Shooting Star Press 1573355291 224p UG Library
641.5635RAN 00087396 High Fibre, Low Calorie Diet and Recipe Book Rao, Rani Orient Longman Publications 9788125032618 318 p UG Library
641.5636 KHA 00070808 Vegetarian Cuisines of the World Khatau, Asha. BPI (india) Pvt Ltd 2005 8176930849 | 9788176930840 292 p. UG Library
641.5636 STA 00049628 Low Fat Vegetarian Cooking: Innovative Vegetarian Recipes for the Adventuou Stacey, Jenny Apple 1850768803 128p UG Library
641.5636 ACS 00067486 Pure Vegetarian Snacks and Chats Anjali Cooking School Anjali Cooking School 2004 80 p. UG Library
641.5636 BOS 00067494 Vegetarian Appetizers Bose,Sarbari. S.S.S.Publications 2000 8187294523 136 p. UG Library
641.5636 BOS 00067496 Vegetarian Bose,Sarbari. S.S.S.Publications 2000 8187294523 136 p. UG Library
641.5636 CHO 00067505 Indian Vegetarian Cooking Chopra,Veena. Infinity Books 2001 0818723394 | 9788187233947 160 p. UG Library
641.5636 CHR 00128847 Grow Organic Cook Organic Christine Hermes House, 2012 9781844776269 512 p.: UG Library
641.5636 DAL 00066033 Paneer Dalal, Tarla. Sanjay & Co 2005 8186469907 102 p. UG Library
641.5636 DAL 00048308 The Pleasures of Vegetarian Cooking Dalal,Tarla. Vakils Feffer & Simons Ltd 1998 8187111070 184 p. UG Library
641.5636 DAL 00048314 Vegetarian Cooking Dalal, Tarla Vakils, Feffer & Simons 8187111135 168p UG Library
641.5636 DAL 00067446 Saatvik Khana Dalal,Tarla. Sanjay & Company 2000 8184469222 | 799860990551 72 p. UG Library
641.5636 DEN 00052139 Complete Encyclopedia of Vegetables and Vegetarian Cooking Denny, Roz Hermes House 1997 1901289036 512 p UG Library
641.5636 DEV 05053663 The art of Indian vegetarian cooking : Lord Krishna's cuisine Yamuna Devi Bala books, 1987 xiii,799p.; Knowledge Centre
641.5636 DHA 00066215 The Joy Of Vegetarian Cooking Dhamija,Jasleen. Penguin Books 2000 0140287493 | 9780140287493 401 p. UG Library
641.5636 FAR 00067441 30 Minutes Vegetarian Farrow,Joanna. Hamlyn 2000 0600600580 | 9780600600589 125 p. UG Library
641.5636 FRA 00128855 Vegetarian Cookbook / Fraser, Linda Hermes House, 2011 9781843092544 256 p. : UG Library
641.5636 FUR 00141949 Chillies, Chhana and Rasa / Furstenau,Nina Mukerjee. Aleph, 2021 9789390652600 xiii,249p.; UG Library
641.5636 GEL 00128865 1,000 Vegetarian Recipes / Gelles, Carol. MacMillan, 1996 0025429655 | 9780025429659 598 p. ; UG Library
641.5636 GUP 00048470 Vegetarianism Gupta L.C. Galgotia Publishing Co 1999 885989338 159 p. UG Library
641.5636 HOU 05046339 Fresh: Houston Jennifer John Wiley & Sons, 2011 9780470677964 197p.: Knowledge Centre
641.5636 HUS 00128856 180 Vegetarian Indian Recipes Husain, Shehzad Hermes House 2010 9780857232403 96 p.: UG Library
641.5636 JON 00144665 The Mediterranean Dieat Air Fryer for Vegetarians : Jones, Francesca, Medite, 2021 9781803013602 112p, ; UG Library
641.5636 KAP 00066038 Sanjeev Kapoor's Vegetarian Snaks and Starters Kapoor,Sanjeev. Popular Prakashan Pvt Ltd 2005 8179910628 | 9788179910627 104 p. UG Library
641.5636 KEN 00118107 Raw food for the real world : Kenney, Matthew. Regan Books, 2005 9780060793555 1st ed. 375p.; UG Library
641.5636 KHA 00071836 Vegetarian Cuisines of the World Khatau, Asha. BPI (india) Pvt Ltd 2005 8176930849 | 9788176930840 292 p. UG Library
641.5636 KUM 00126274 The original organics cookbook / Kumar, Kuntal. Teri Press, The Energy and Resources Institute, 2008 9788179931554 | 8179931552 xi, 114 p. : UG Library
641.5636 LAL 00035411 Vegetarian Cooking Lalita, Ahmed. Tiger Books 1987 9781855011090 64 p. UG Library
641.5636 MOR 00144669 Ein Kerem: Exploring and Cooking in Jerusalems Biblical Village / Mor, Pnina Ein. Lunch box publication, 2021 9781602804197 239p, ; UG Library
641.5636 NAU 00074598 Cooking With Fungi Naumann Naumann and Gobel 2006 3625110709 | 9783625110705 160 p. UG Library
641.5636 OSE 00071833 The Enlightened Kitchen Oser, Marie 2002 0047108929 | 9780471089292 302p UG Library
641.5636 PAN 00132171 The Indian Vegetarian Cookbook / Pant Pushpesh, Phaidon Press Limited, 2018 9780714876412 270pages ; UG Library
641.5636 PAN 00134736 The Indian Vegetarian Cookbook / Pant Pushpesh, Phaidon Press Limited, 2018 9780714876412 270pages ; UG Library
641.5636 PAY 00134734 Encyclopedia of vegetarian cuisine / Payany, EstƩrelle. Flammarion, 2016 9782080202765 English-language edition. 415 p. : UG Library
641.5636 PHI 00104149 Vegetarian Recipes : Philip's Thangam Orient BlackSwan ; 2011 9788125037385 278 p. UG Library
641.5636 PRA 00066016 South Indian Vegetarian Kitchen Prasad GJV. Roli Books 2005 8174363653 | 9788174363657 95 p. UG Library
641.5636 PRA1 00066017 South Indian Vegetarian Kitchen Prasad, Gjv ROLI BOOKS PVT LTD 8174363653 95 UG Library
641.5636 RAM 00104146 Basket of Vegetarian Recipes : Ramani S.V Orient Longman ; 2006 9788125029144 144 p. UG Library
641.5636 STA 00067490 Quick and Simple Recipes Vegiterian Star,Fire. Flame Tree Publishing 2000 1904041000 | 9781904041009 47 p. UG Library
641.5636 SWA 00052627 Mediterranean Vegetarian Cooking Swarbrick, Janet Apple 1850766665 128p UG Library
641.5636 VAS 00035074 The Vegetarian Menu Book Moorthy,Vasantha. U.B.S. Publishers Distributors Ltd 1993 9788185944197 286 p. UG Library
641.5636 VEG 00057837 Complete Thanksgiving Cookbook Vegetarian Times Macmillan 1998 0028625676 | 9780028625676 225 p. UG Library
641.563609 MIT 00138598 Pure and Healthy : Mittal,Vidhu. Roli Books, 2019 9788194206811 232p.; UG Library
641.56360954 BHA 00074594 India's Vegetarian Cooking Bharadwaj, Monisha. Kyle Cathie Ltd 2006 1856266613 | 97818566611 176 p. UG Library
641.56360954 YOG 05072520 Sattvi Cooking , Yogendra Hansaji J. Rupa Publication, 2021 9789390918850 xi,319p ,; Knowledge Centre
641.563609548PAD 00066084 Darshin:Vegetarian Cuisine from South India Padmanabhan, Chandra Harper Collins 8172232179 72p UG Library
641.56360956 HAG 00134737 The Middle Eastern vegetarian cookbook / Hage, Salma, Phaidon press, 2016 9780714871301 272 p. : UG Library
641.56363CHA 00088723 Bold Vegetarian Chef: Adventures in Flavour With Soy, Beans, Vegetables and Grains Charney, Ken 0471212784 313p UG Library
641.5636BIS 00067474 Cooking Vegetarian Salads Common Recies Biswas, Rakhi N.K Print and Pack 52p UG Library
641.5636DAL. 00050057 New World of Idlis and Dosas Dalal, Tarla SANJAY & COMPANY 8186469486 88p UG Library
641.5636RAO 00084806 Vegetarian Fare [HOTEL MANAGEMENT SECTION] Rao, Radha Orient Longman Publications 8125029931 154p UG Library
641.5636SWA 00048210 Mediterranean Vegetarian Cooking Swarbrick, Janet Apple 1850766665 128p UG Library
641.5637 AWW 00058005 Gluten-Free Cooking The Australian Women's Weekly ACP Publishing Pvt Limited 2000 9781863961790 63 p. UG Library
641.5637 DAL 00066019 Calcium Rich Recipes Dalal, Tarla. Sanjay & Co 2005 8186469931 102 p. UG Library
641.5637 DAL 00066020 Healthy Snaks Dalal, Tarla SANJAY & COMPANY 8186469893 102p UG Library
641.5637 DAL 00066035 Low Cholesterol Recipes Dalal,Tarla. Sanjay & Co 2005 8189491059 | 00129203000001 102 p. UG Library
641.5637 HAY 00069227 Quick and Easy Meals for Slimmers Hay, Donna. Trident Press International 2001 1582790949 | 9781582790947 82 p. UG Library
641.5637 KAP 00048522 Khazana of Healthy Tasty Recipes Kapoor, Sanjeev. Popular Prakashan 2000 8171546714 142 p. UG Library
641.5637 KAP 00048523 Khazana of Healthy Tasty Recipes Kapoor, Sanjeev. Popular Prakashan 2000 8171546714 142 p. UG Library
641.5637 KAP 00048526 Khazana of Healthy Tasty Recipes Kapoor, Sanjeev. Popular Prakashan 2000 8171546714 142 p. UG Library
641.5637 KAP 00048525 Khazana of Healthy Tasty Recipes Kapoor, Sanjeev. Popular Prakashan 2000 8171546714 142 p. UG Library
641.5637 LYN 00080832 Cooking For A Healthy Heart Lynas,Jacqui. Hamlyn 2004 0600610519 | 9780600610519 128 p. UG Library
641.5637 RAJ 00070809 Healthy Cooking Rajayer,Sandhya. Zaika - BPI (india) Pvt Ltd 2002 8176930229 | 9788176930222 174 p. UG Library
641.5637 SHE 00048285 Ultimate Healthy Eating Cookbook Sheasby, Anne Hermes House 1901289028 512p UG Library
641.5637KAP 00048524 Khazana of Healthy Tasty Recipes Kapoor, Sanjeev. Popular Prakashan 2000 8171546714 142 p. UG Library
641.5638 FRA 00048261 The Low Cholesterol Cookbook France,Christine. Lorenz Books 1998 1859675743 | 9781859675748 96 p. UG Library
641.5638 FRA 00046987 The Low Cholesterol Cookbook France,Christine. Lorenz Books 1998 1859675743 | 9781859675748 96 p. UG Library
641.5638 HAM 00050251 Low Fat Food Hamlyn Cookery Club Hamlyn Cookery Club 96p UG Library
641.5638 LIN 00057014 Recipes for a Healthy Heart Lindsay,Anne. Family Heart Association 1996 1898697426 | 9781898697428 240 p. UG Library
641.5638 PAR 00074165 The Best Ever Low Fat Paragon Parragon 2003 1405405228 | 9781405405225 256 p. UG Library
641.5638 REB 00080925 Low Cholesterol:Now You`re Cookin` REBO Rebo Publishers 9036619564 96p UG Library
641.5638 STA 00074597 Low Fat: Practical Cooking Star Fire Star Fire 2004 1903817498 | 9781903817490 256 p. UG Library
641.56381 HUM 00062261 The Best 1000 Low Fat Recipes Humphries,Carolyn. Infinity Books 2002 9788179290316 415 p. UG Library
641.56384 AHS 00119338 Healthy Slow Cooker Cookbook American Heart Association Clarkson Potter Publishers, 2012 9780307888020 1st ed. vi, 250 p., UG Library
641.56384TEE 00080923 Low Fat;simple and Delicious Easy-To-make Recipes Tee, Susanna 1405462280 96p UG Library
641.566 CLA 00048514 Cooking For Christmas Clark,Maxine. Ebury Press 1994 9780091789701 80 p. UG Library
641.566 FAR 00048513 Traditional British Cooking Farrow,Joanna. Ebury Press 1995 0091789702 | 9780091808990 80 p. UG Library
641.567 RAJ 00067482 Prasadam Food of Hindu Gods Rajan, Nalini Vakils, Feffer & Simons 2003 8187111534 | 9788187111535 xii, 83 p,: UG Library
641.567 TAT 00067483 Pure Vegetarian Chinese Delights Tated,Pushpa. Anjali Cooking School 2005 3rd Ed. 80 p. UG Library
641.568 BON 00066723 Holidays Appetit, Bon 0679442782 160p UG Library
641.568 JON 00049618 Entertaining in Style: Parties, Festivals and Celebrations Jones, Bridget Anness Publishing Ltd 0184038543 256p UG Library
641.568 MEN 00034800 Buffets and Receptions Mengelatte, Pierre Virtue 1210 UG Library
641.568 PET 00145431 Cooking and Baking for Holidays and Special Occasions / Peterson Ana Larsen & Keller 2022 9781641725231 vii, 236p.; UG Library
641.56834HON 00080922 Low Fat Cuisine HONOS VERLAG Honos Verlag 3829908369 120p UG Library
641.5686 LAW 00120530 Nigella Christmas : Lawson, Nigella, Hyperion, 2009 9781401323363 | 1401323367 1st U.S. ed. x, 277 p. : UG Library
641.57 ARM 00051390 Techniques Healthy Cooking Armentrout, Jennifer S 0471332690 634p UG Library
641.57 GIS 00057016 Professional Cooking Gisslen, Wayne 1995 0471593001 828p UG Library
641.57 PRA 00142291 Practical professional cooking Prakash,Mayank Random publications, 2020 9789352694211 x,276p.; UG Library
641.57 ASH 00048474 Recipes for Large Numbers Ashley, Stephen. Hospitality Press 1996 0186250461 | 9781862504615 354 p. UG Library
641.57 ASH 00035368 Catering for Large Numbers Ashley, Stephen Butterworth-Heinemann 1993 0186250461 | 9780409306422 304 p.: UG Library
641.57 ASH 00058925 Recipes for Large Numbers Ashley, Stephen. Hospitality Press 1996 0186250461 | 9781862504615 354 p. UG Library
641.57 BAL 00119126 Quantity Food Production Operations and Indian Cuisine Bali, Parvinder S. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198068495 | 0198068492 x, 330 p., 32 p.: UG Library
641.57 BAL 00119160 Food Production Operations Bali, Parvinder S. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199450510 xvii:586p.; UG Library
641.57 CIA 00090529 Professional Chef Culinary Institute of America JOhn Wiley & Son 0471382574 1036p UG Library
641.57 CON 00034293 New Professinal Chef Bocuse, Paul Vance 1991 830 o, UG Library
641.57 CUL 00108581 The professional chef / Culinary Institute Institute Of America John Wiley & Sons, 2011 9780470421352 | 0470421355 9th ed. xix, 1212 p. : UG Library
641.57 CUL 00048237 New Professional Chef Bocuse, Pail 1996 0471286796 1180 p UG Library
641.57 GIS 00127477 Professional cooking / Gisslen, Wayne, John Wiley & Sons, INC. 2003 9780471208815 5th ed. 168p : . UG Library
641.57 GIS 00046951 Professional cooking / Gisslen, Wayne, Wiley, 1999 0471239976 (cloth : college : 4th ed. xxxiii, 858 p. : UG Library
641.57 JOH 00065135 Professional Chef Culinary Institute of America JOhn Wiley & Son 0471382574 1036p UG Library
641.57 KAP 00048247 Healthy and Delicious Kapoor, Sandy. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1996 0471318779 | 9780471318774 522 p. UG Library
641.57 KAP 00057018 Healthy and Delicious Kapoor, Sandy. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1996 0471318779 | 9780471318774 522 p. UG Library
641.57 MAG 00048469 An Introduction to Food Beverage Studies Magris,Rita. Hospitality Press 1995 1862504547 | 9781862504547 294 p. UG Library
641.57 MAG 00046948 An Introduction to Food Beverage Studies Magris,Rita. Hospitality Press 1995 1862504547 | 9781862504547 294 p. UG Library
641.57 MIT 00148096 Commercial Cooking / Mitha, Fozaan Discovery Publishing, 2024 9788119205936 251p. ; UG Library
641.57 PAU 00035270 Classical Cooking: The Modern Way Pauli,Eugen. Van Nostrand Reinhold 1989 0442272065 2nd Ed. 560 p. UG Library
641.57 SAR 00062258 Professional Chef Saraswat,Arvind. UBS Publisher's Distributors Pvt Ltd 2003 9788174764591 775 p. UG Library
641.57 SCH 00065106 Chef`s Book of Formulas Yeilds and Sizes Schmidt, Arno 2003 0471227161 354p UG Library
641.57 THO 00145427 Commercial Cooking Advanced / Thomas Joseph Larsen & Keller, 2021 9781641727969 vii, 238p.; UG Library
641.57 THO 00145429 Commercial Cooking Advanced / Thomas Joseph Larsen & Keller, 2021 9781641727969 vii, 238p.; UG Library
641.572 BHA 00120986 Food Service: Bhandari, Parminder K Sonali Publishing, 2009 9788184112238 296 p.; UG Library
641.572 LEV 00112013 Food Service / Lever William Discovery Publishing House Pvt.Ltd 2011 9788183569323 232p. UG Library
641.5741BLE 00049622 Home Collection - Regional French Recepies Bleu, Le Cordon Periplus Editions 9625932755 64p UG Library
641.5753 SIN 00141046 Ship catering services Singh,Gurminder Preet Random publications, 2021 9789352697977 viii,292p.; UG Library
641.5753 SPA 05046336 Food at sea : Spalding, Simon, Rowman & Littlefield, 2015 9781442227361 (cloth) xii, 265 pages : Knowledge Centre
641.578 APP 00066736 Outdooe Entertaining Appetit, Bon 0375407677 192p UG Library
641.578 FOS 00034446 Barbecues and Picnics Nicole Foster, Octopus 1985 55p UG Library
641.5784 HAM 00066207 Barbecues Hamlyn Hamlyn 2005 0600613089 | 9780600613084 128 p.: UG Library
641.5784 TRE 00066606 Grilling Treuille,Eric. Dorling Kinderaley Ltd 2000 0789455927 | 9780789455925 168 p. UG Library
641.5784 TUB 00066269 Grill Stylish Food to Sizzle Tubby, Linda Aquamarine 1903141125 144p UG Library
641.5784MAL 00088722 High Heat: Grilling and Roasting Year-Round With Master Chef and Waldy Malouf Malouf, Waldy 0767910702 288p UG Library
641.57MCV 00051388 Fundamentals of Menu Planning [ BHM ] Mcvetry, Paul J 0471369470 UG Library
641.58 DOE 00048256 Ultimate Wok and Stir-Fry Cook Book Doeser, Linda Lorenz 1997 1859676456 256p UG Library
641.58 NAN 00034110 Good Housekeeping Complete Microwave Cookbook Nancy Antony, Ebury 1984 128 p.: UG Library
641.586 HAR 00068529 Barbecue Bible Harriot, Ainsley. DK Publishing Inc 2000 0789468077 | 9780789468079 186 p. UG Library
641.586 TLB 00067470 Barbecue Special Time Life Books Time Life Books 1994 9780705420334 64 p. UG Library
641.587 SAS 00120596 Pressure perfect : Sass, Lorna J. Morrow, 2004 0060505346 (hc) | 978006050534 1st ed. x, 354 p. ; UG Library
641.5882 ITA 00067467 Microwave Menus Time Life Books Time Life Books 1994 9780705420396 64 p,: UG Library
641.5882SEL 00080815 Asian Microwave Cookbook Selvarajah, Carol Times Books International 9812043047 304p UG Library
641.589 CIA 00080369 The Professional Chef's Knife Kit The Culinary Institute of America John Wiley & Sons Inc 2000 0471349976 | 9780471349976 150 p. UG Library
641.589 DAL 00048510 Tava Cooking Dalal, Tarla. Sanjay & Co 1999 8186469117 72 p. UG Library
641.589 DAY 00085996 Knife Skills for Chefs Day, Christopher P 0131180185 172 p UG Library
641.589 HAW 00049632 Clay Pot Cooking Hawkins,Kathryn. The Apple Press 1998 1850769931 | 9781850769934 128 p. UG Library
641.589 MIT 00148400 Mastering Knife Skills/ Mittal, Aman Keya International, 2025 9789395080422 200p. ; UG Library
641.589 NAU 00074599 Wok Time! Naumann Noumann and Gobel 2006 3625110954 | 9783625110958 160 p. UG Library
641.59 BIT 00130540 The Best Recipes in the World Bitman, Mark Broadway Books 2005 9780767906722 757p. UG Library
641.59 FER 00049637 Street Food Ferguson, Clare Ryland Peters 1999 1900518872 142p UG Library
641.59 HOL 00143185 The Edible Atlas : Holland,Mina. Canongate Publisher, 2014 9780857868572 357p, ; UG Library
641.59 KON 00094235 Culina mundi Konemann Konemann press 9783833121715 1055p UG Library
641.59 MAC 00095800 International cuisine / MacVeigh, Jeremy. Delmar Cengage Learning, 9781418049652 xii, 532 p. : UG Library
641.59 MEN 00066164 The Essential Goa Cookbook Menezes, Maria Teresa. Penguin Books 2000 0141000872 | 9780141000879 371 p. UG Library
641.59 RAM 00112016 World Kitchen/ Ramsays,Gordon Optomen, 2009 9781844007134 256p.; UG Library
641.59 REV 00051389 L`atelier of Alain Ducasse Revel, Jean-Farnncois 2000 0471376736 247p UG Library
641.59 ULL 00094234 Culina mediterranea Ullmann H F Ullmann press 9783833147852 799p UG Library
641.59 WIL 00134738 The world atlas of street food / Wilson, Carol.- Editor. Thames & Hudson Ltd, 2017 9781477313961 | 9780500519493 First edition. 399 p. : UG Library
641.590954 KAR 00048579 A Princely Legacy: Hyderabadi Cuisine Karan, Pratibha Harper Collins 1998 8172233183 | 9788172233181 164 p UG Library
641.59145 VIE 05073718 Dinner In Rome : Viestad, Andreas. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2020 9781789146745 230p.; Knowledge Centre
641.5916364 SNO 00066732 Gulf Coast Kitchens Snow, Constance 0609610112 400p UG Library
641.591822 GRI 00064238 Sunshine Food Grigson,Sophie. Dorling Kindersley Inc 2001 0789471620 | 9780789471628 203 p. UG Library
641.591822 RAM 00142952 Mediterranean Pizza and bread recipes : Ramos,Sandra. Sandra Ramos, 2021 9781914102578 52p.; UG Library
641.591954 RAJ 00054068 Indian Vegetarian Cookery Rajalakshmi, Subramnian Rajalakshmi Subramian 2002 530p UG Library
641.591954 RAJ 00054069 Indian Vegetarian Cookery Rajalakshmi, Subramnian Rajalakshmi Subramian 2002 530p UG Library
641.591954RAJ 00054070 Indian Vegetarian Cookery Rajalakshmi, Subramnian Rajalakshmi Subramian 2002 530p UG Library
641.592 HOB 00049998 Vegetarian Thai Cooking Hobday, Cara 1995 0765198622 80p UG Library
641.592 HSI 00049997 Chinese Cantonese Cooking Hsiung, Deh-Ta 1994 0765199467 80p UG Library
641.593 MAN 00057824 Low Fat Chinese Man, Kathy Southwater 2000 0184215088 96p UG Library
641.593 SMI 00057838 Dim Sum Smith,Fiona. Ryland Peters & Small 2001 1841721107 | 9781841721101 62 p. UG Library
641.5930954 HAM 00050256 Indian Food and Folklore: Hamlyn 2000 0600598608 14p UG Library
641.594 BAN 00047201 Book of Indian Sweets Banerjee, Satarupa Rupa & Co 1994 8171671500 229p UG Library
641.594 BOU 00064255 Les Halles Cookbook: Strategies, Recipes and Techniques of Classic Bistro Cooking Bourdain, Anthony. Bloomsbury 2003 0747566887 | 9780747566885 304 p. UG Library
641.594 HAR 00064239 Gourmet Express Harriott,Ainsley. Dorling Kindersley 2000 0789474999 | 9780789474995 176 p. UG Library
641.594 HAR 00064240 Meals in Minutes Harriott,Ainsley. Dorling Kindersley Publishing Inc 2003 9780789467263 192 p. UG Library
641.594 HOB 00048508 Great European Chefs Hobhouse, Caroline Pyramid Books 1871307791 224p UG Library
641.594 LAN 00116776 The cultivation of taste : Lane, Christel. Oxford University Press 2014 9780199651658 (hardback) 1st edition. xi,368p; UG Library
641.594 PAN 00047203 50 Great Curries of India Panjabi, Camellia Rupa & Co 1997 0185626128 192p UG Library
641.594 PAT 00066028 Mughlai Magic Patel,Amrita. New Dawn Press Inc 2005 1845572459 | 9781845572457 118 p. UG Library
641.594 RAI 00047202 Tandoor: The Great Indian Barbeque Rai, Ranjit 1995 0670868329 262p UG Library
641.594 RL 00120993 The silver spoon. Phaidon Press, 2013 9780714862453 | 9780714862569 2nd ed. (rev. & updated) in English. 1504 p. : UG Library
641.594015 WOO 00063831 The Ottoman Kitchen: Woodward, Sarah Conron - Octopus 2001 978140911879 144 p UG Library
641.5940902 KLE 07013224 The medieval kitchen : KlemettilƤ, Hannele. Reaktion Books, 2012 9781861899088 230p.; Library - BR Campus
641.5940902 KLE 05062950 The medieval kitchen : KlemettilƤ, Hannele. Reaktion Books, 2012 9781861899088 230p.; Knowledge Centre
641.594092 VAR 05062951 Wine : Varriano,John. Reaktion Books, 2010 9781861897909 280p.; Knowledge Centre
641.594092 VAR 07013201 Wine : Varriano,John. Reaktion Books, 2010 9781861897909 280p.; Library - BR Campus
641.5941 FAR 00048528 Traditional British Cooking Farrow Joanna Ebury Press 1995 80 p.: UG Library
641.5941 FAR 00048530 Chocolate Farrow, Joanna. Ebury Press 1994 0091808995 | 9780091808990 80 p. UG Library
641.5941 MOR 05049235 Cooking with Shakespeare / Morton, Mark Steven, Greenwood Press, 2008 9780313337079 (alk. paper) | 0 xvi, 319 p. : Knowledge Centre
641.5941 ROB 00119343 The Complete Robuchon / Robuchon, Joel, Alfred A. Knopf, 2008 9780307267191 | 0307267199 1st American ed. vi, 813 p. ; UG Library
641.5943 MET1 00080362 Culinaria Germany [hotel Management Section] Metzer, Christine KONEMANN 3895089060 460p UG Library
641.59436 LOH 00066730 East of Paris Lohninger, Mario 2003 0066214491 346p UG Library
641.59439 GER 00063840 Culinaria Hungary Gergely, Aniko Konemann 2000 3829026188 318p UG Library
641.5943MET 00063431 Culinaria Germany Metzger, Christine Culinaria Konemann 460p UG Library
641.5944 ERI.T 00048518 Le Cordon Bleu Complete Cooking Techniques Wright, Jeni 0688152066 351p UG Library
641.5944 FRA 00063837 Desserts France, Delices De Konemann 2000 0382902746 240p UG Library
641.5944 BLE 00063838 Home Collection Regional French Bleu,Le Cordon. Periplus Editions 2000 9625932755 | 9789625932750 64 p. UG Library
641.5944 BUR 00066594 French Colonial Cookery Burton, David Faber and Faber Ltd, 2000 0571190243 | 9780571190249 xx,259 p, UG Library
641.5944 CHA 00066607 La France Gourmande Charpentier, Marolyn. Pavilion 2003 1862053723 | 9781862053724 256 p. UG Library
641.5944 DOM 00068198 Culinaria France Konemann, Culinaria Konemann 3833111291 468p UG Library
641.5944 DUC 00094238 Ducasse flavors of france Ducasse, Alain Artisan press 1998 9781579653194 264p UG Library
641.5944 ESC 00050266 Ma Cuisine Escoffier,Auguste. Hamlyn 2000 0600601048 | 9780600601043 884 p. UG Library
641.5944 GAR 00118089 Barefoot in Paris : Garten, Ina. Clarkson Potter/Publishers, 9781400049356 1st ed. 238 p. : UG Library
641.5944 JOU 00063424 A Taste of Provence Jouanin,Francie. Konemann 2001 9783829080248 384 p. UG Library
641.5944 KEL 00064229 Bouchon Keller, Thomas Artisan 2001 1579652395 | 9781579652395 xvii, 342 p.: UG Library
641.5944 KEL 00066613 Bouchon Keller, Thomas Artisan 2001 1579652395 | 9781579652395 xvii, 342 p.: UG Library
641.5944 PAS 00134735 Flavors from the French Mediterranean / Passedat, GĆ©rald, Flammarion, 2016 9782080202512 | 2080202510 English language edition. 175 p. : UG Library
641.5944 VIL 00063839 The Food of France Villegas, Maria Murdoch Books 2000 0864119704 | 9780864119704 291 p. UG Library
641.5944 WILL 00048206 Look & Cook Willan`s, Anne 1995 0075130171 127p UG Library
641.5944DOM 00063430 Culinaria France Domine, Andre Culinaria Konemann 468p UG Library
641.5945 AGO 00066725 Encyclopedia of Italian Cooking Agostini, Pino 1571456104 416p UG Library
641.5945 APP 00118099 A16 : Appleman, Nate. Ten Speed Press, 2008 9781580089074 | 1580089070 ix, 278 p. : UG Library
641.5945 ART 00119189 Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well Artusi, Pellegrino. University of Toronto Press, 2003 9780802086570 | 0802086578 lxxiv, 653 p., UG Library
641.5945 BAS 00069835 Lidia's Family Table Bastianich, Matticchio Lidia. 2004 1400040353 | 9781400040353 419p UG Library
641.5945 BLE 00049621 Home Collection - Italian Bleu, Le Cordon Periplus Editions 1999 9625932801 | 9789625932804 64 p.: UG Library
641.5945 BON 00069251 Neapolitan Cooking Bonechi Bonechi 2000 8847611156 | 9788847611153 191 p.: UG Library
641.5945 BOT 05042678 Never trust a skinny Italian chef / Bottura, Massimo, Phaidon, 9780714867144 | 0714867144 301 pages : Knowledge Centre
641.5945 HAZ 00066763 Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking Hazan, Marcella Alfred A. Knopf 2003 0039458404 | 9780394584041 xi, 688 p,: UG Library
641.5945 HOF 00079316 The Olive and The Caper Hoffman, Susanna Workman Publishing 2004 1563058480 | 019628038487 xvii,589 p.: UG Library
641.5945 IAC 00118096 La cucina : Italian Academy of Cuisine Rizzoli, 2009 9780847831470 (hardcover) | 08 English language ed. xii, 928 p. : UG Library
641.5945 KIR 00064250 Twelve: A Tuscan Cook Book Kiros, Tessa Murdoch Books 2003 1740452607 | 9781740452601 415 p.: UG Library
641.5945 RUC 00066762 The Sopranos: Family Cookbook Rucker, Allen. Warner Books 2002 0446530573 | 9780446530576 200 p. UG Library
641.5945 SCA 00108580 Italian cooking at home Scappin,Gianni. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011 9780470182581 (cloth) vii, 328 p. : UG Library
641.5945 TIH 00080371 Venetian Taste [hotel Management Section] Tihany, Adam D 0896600858 192p UG Library
641.5945 WAD 00064252 Italian: Step By Step Wadey, Rosemary. Parragon 2001 0752545701 | 9780752545707 206 p. UG Library
641.5945 WHI 00079534 Fiamma: The Essence of Contemporary Italian Cooking White,Michael. John Wiley & Inc Inc 2006 9780764599316 272 p. UG Library
641.5945 WHI 00049615 Cooks Guide to Italian Ingredients Whiteman, Kate Anness Publishing Ltd 1999 1840382058 128p UG Library
641.5945 WRI 00049624 The Classic Italian Cooking Course - Learn How to Cook All the Italian Favo Wright, Jeni SEBASTIAN KELLY 1999 1840814225 128p UG Library
641.594531 BON 00069256 The Cooking Venice and the North-East Bonechi Bonechi Be 2000 8847607531 | 9788847607538 191 p.: UG Library
641.59455 PHA 00120615 Tuscany / Phadon Phaidon Press, 2011 9780714860787 | 0714860786 271 p. : UG Library
641.59458 BON 00069253 Eating in Sicily Bonechi, Be Bonechi Be 2005 8847603110 | 9788847603110 127 p.: UG Library
641.59458 JOH 00120524 Sicily Johns Pamela Sheldon Phaidon Press Limited 2013 9780714863528 270p. UG Library
641.5945BET 00080709 In a Roman Kitchen:Timeless Recipes Form the Eternal City [ Hotel Management Section ] Bettoja, Jo 0471221473 308p UG Library
641.5945CRO 00048133 Classic Italian Cookbook Croce, Julia Della 0751303127 176p UG Library
641.5946 ADR 00120527 A day at elBulli/ Adria, Ferran Phaidon Press Limited 2008 9780714856742 528p. UG Library
641.5946 ROD 00118869 The food of Spain / Roden, Claudia. Ecco, 2011 9780061969621 | 0061969621 1st ed. 609 p. : UG Library
641.59469 BON 00069250 Portuguese Cooking Bonechi Bonechi 2002 8847609216 | 9788847609211 127 p. UG Library
641.5948 MEE 00066057 Cook and See Tradional South Indian Recipes. Ammal, S Meenakshi S MEENAKSHI AMMAL PUBLICATIONS 2004 296p UG Library
641.59495 HAR 00048539 Taste of the Aegean Greek Cooking and Culture Harris, Andy 1992 1558593616 152p UG Library
641.59495 SAL 00128850 The complete book of Greek cooking : Salaman, Rena. Hermes House, 2011 9780857236425 256 pages : UG Library
641.594JOS 00047204 Great Indian Cookbook Joseph, Vincent Grange 1856276597 96p UG Library
641.595 MOR.H 00049630 Practical Encyclopedia of Asian Cooking Morris, Sallie 0754801934 256p UG Library
641.595 SHA 00111384 Restaurant Marketing/ Sharma, Monica. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2013 9788126157235 296p.; UG Library
641.595 ABR 07014933 Eating with history : Abraham, Tanya, Niyogi Books, 2020 9789389136265 | 9389136261 202 pages : Library - BR Campus
641.595 BAL 00080755 Asian and Thai Curry Baljekar, Mridula. Hermes House 2003 0184477757 | 9781844777570 96 p. UG Library
641.595 BAL 04017255 Curry : Balkekar, Mridula Hermes House, 2003 9781844771707 256p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
641.595 BAL 00128854 Curries 500 : Baljekar, Mridula. Hermes House ; 2011 9781846818431 256 p.: UG Library
641.595 BAL 03008248 Curries 500 : Baljekar, Mridula. Hermes House ; 2011 9781846818431 256 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
641.595 CHO 00123767 Advances in Food Science and Technology Choudhary, N L Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2015 9788126164424 304 p:. UG Library
641.595 CRA 00048493 TAO of Food Craze, Richard Godsfields Books 1999 1899434631 130 p UG Library
641.595 GEO 00119344 Asian Flavors of Jean-Georges / Vongerichten, Jean-Georges. Broadway Books, 2007 9780767912730 | 076791273X 1st ed. x, 290 p. : UG Library
641.595 HUY 00069836 Blue Ginger the Colour and Flavours of Asia Huynh, Les Murdoch Books, 2000 1740453743 | 9781740453745 192 p.: UG Library
641.595 HUY 00066609 Blue Ginger Huynh, Ies Murdoch 2004 1740453743 192p UG Library
641.595 KIN 00066199 Asian Kingsley, Farina Wong Apple , 2000 9781840924398 119 p.: UG Library
641.595 LAT 00066163 Essential Andra Cooking Latif, Bilkees I 1999 0140271848 336 UG Library
641.595 NAU 00074603 Exotic Asian Cooking Naumann Noumann and Gobel 2006 3625110873 | 9783625110873 160 p. UG Library
641.595 PAT 00066185 The Complete Indian Cookbook Patil,Vimla. Rupa.Co 2003 8129101270 | 9788129101273 218 p. UG Library
641.595 PAT 00066190 The Complete Indian Cookbook Patil,Vimla. Rupa.Co 2003 8129101270 | 9788129101273 218 p. UG Library
641.5950 HAF 00066082 South Asian Cooking Hafeez, Amtul Rupa company 2004 8129106043 | 9788129106049 viii, 58 p.: UG Library
641.5951 DOE 00049625 Classic Chinese Cooking: Tempting Tastes from the East Doeser, Linda Anness Publishing Ltd 0184038218 96p UG Library
641.5951 DOE 00070824 Chinese [ BHM ] Doeser, Linda Anness Publishing Ltd 1840385278 256p UG Library
641.5951 DUN 00138105 The food of Sichuan / Dunlop, Fuchsia, Bloomsbury publishing, 2019 9781324004837 (hardcover) | 9781408867556 495p.; UG Library
641.5951 GAL 05062935 Dumplings : Gallani, Barbara. Reaktion Books, 2015 9781780234335 141p.; Knowledge Centre
641.5951 GAL 07013197 Dumplings : Gallani, Barbara. Reaktion Books, 2015 9781780234335 141p.; Library - BR Campus
641.5951 GIL 00047018 Classic Chinese and Oriental Cooking Giles, Belinda Grange 1992 1856272257 287p UG Library
641.5951 HOM 00063830 Foolproof Chinese Cookery: STEP BY STEP TO EVERYONE`S FAVOURITE CHINESE RECIPES Hom, Ken 0056355133 128p UG Library
641.5951 HSI 00062257 The Chinese Kitchen Hsiung, Deh-Ta Kyle Cathie Ltd 1999 1856264173 | 9781856264174 236 p. UG Library
641.5951 HSI 00069260 Food of China Hsiung, Deh-Ta Murdoch 2000 1740450329 296p UG Library
641.5951 KEN 00048230 Taste of China Ken, Hom Pavilion 1851452478 192 p UG Library
641.5951 OCT 00063846 Complete Chinese Cooking Octopus Publications Hamlyn 2004 0600601919 | 9780600601913 255p UG Library
641.5951 OWE 00067434 China the Beautiful Cook Book Weldon, Oven 1991 0067575889 256p UG Library
641.5951 STA 00067488 Quick and Simple Recipes Chinese Star, Fire Flame Tree Publishing 2000 1904041078 | 97810904041078 48 p.: UG Library
641.5951 WON 00048310 Chinese Cook Book Wong,Amy. Merehurst Ltd 1995 1853914215 | 9781853914218 160 p. UG Library
641.5951 YAN 00048226 Classic Chinese Cookbook Yan, Kit`so A Dorling Kindersley Book 1998 0751305634 | 9780751305630 240 p.: UG Library
641.5951 YAN 00048132 Classic Chinese Cookbook Yan, Kit`so A Dorling Kindersley Book 1998 0751305634 | 9780751305630 240 p.: UG Library
641.5952 LAW 00064248 A Little Taste of Japan: Recipes of Japan Lawson,Jane. Murdoch Books 2003 1740453719 | 9781740453714 256 p. UG Library
641.5954 BHA 00053311 The Indian Pantry Bharadwaj, Monisha. Kylw Cathie Ltd 1996 1856262243 | 9781856262248 237 p. UG Library
641.5954 RAD 00120534 Annapurni/ Radhakrishna Sabita Roli Books 2015 9789351941309 224p. UG Library
641.5954 SUK 00143445 The Philosophy of Curry / Sukhadawala, Sejal. British Library 2022 9780712354509 106p,; UG Library
641.5954 ACH 00047014 Indian Food Achaya, K T Oxford University Press 1998 0195644166 | 9780195644166 xvi, 322 p.: UG Library
641.5954 ACH 00047021 Historical Dictionary of Indian Food Achaya, K .T 1998 0195642546 347p UG Library
641.5954 ACH 00065164 A Historical Dictionary of Indian Food Achaya K.T. Oxford University Press 1998 9780195658682 347 p. UG Library
641.5954 AGG 00143191 The Exquisite World of Indian Cuisine / Aggarwal, Uma Allied Publisher, 2010 9788184244748 480p, ; UG Library
641.5954 ANS 05043739 Ismail Merchant's Ansin, Mikki. Pengiun Group; 1988 9780670823482 1st ed. xviii, 156 p. : Knowledge Centre
641.5954 ARO 00066029 Assamese Cusine Arora, Neelaxi Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 1996 8120718550 | 9788120718555 102 p.: UG Library
641.5954 BAL 00048212 Complete Indian Cookbook Baljekar, Mridula Colour Library Direct 1998 1858335868 304p UG Library
641.5954 BAN 00084826 Bangla Ranna: An Introduction to Bengali Cuisine Banerjee, Satarupa Orient Longman Publications 2007 9788125029151 186 p.: UG Library
641.5954 BHA 00048253 The Indian Pantry Bharadwaj, Monisha. Kylw Cathie Ltd 1996 1856262243 | 9781856262248 237 p. UG Library
641.5954 BIS 00067476 Cooking Non-Vegetarian Recipes Biswas, Rakhi N.K Print and Pack 2000 56 p.: UG Library
641.5954 BOS 00066025 Bengali Kitchen Bose, Sujit Roli Books Pvt, 2004 8174361286 | 9788174361288 96 p.: UG Library
641.5954 BOS 00067495 Indian Sweets Bose, Sarbari S.S.S.Publications 2000 136 p,: UG Library
641.5954 BOS 00067498 Snacks Bose, Sarbari S.S.S.Publications 2000 136 p, UG Library
641.5954 BOS 00067499 Subzian Bose, Sarbari S.S.S.Publications 2000 136 p,: UG Library
641.5954 BRO 00066206 Angloindian Food and Customs Brown, Patricia Penguin Books 1998 0140271376 | 9780140271379 xvii, 414 p.: UG Library
641.5954 BUR 00048203 The Raj At Table Burton,David. Faber And Faber 1993 0057114389 | 9780571143894 240 p. UG Library
641.5954 CAH 00120600 India--food & cooking : the ultimate book on Indian cuisine Chapman Pat New Holland Publishers Ltd 2007 9781845376192 256p. UG Library
641.5954 CHA 00048216 Indian Restaurant Cookbook Chapman Pat Judy Piatkus Ltd, 1996 0861883780 | 9780861883783 192 p.: UG Library
641.5954 CHA 05044974 Dining with the Maharajas : Chanana, Ruchika Roli Books, 2015 9788174369680 | 8174368744 174 p. Knowledge Centre
641.5954 DAL 00048473 The Delights of Vegetatian Cooking Dalal, Tarla. Vakils,Feffer & Simons Ltd 1978 8187111054 182 p. UG Library
641.5954 DAL 00066022 Dals Dalal, Tarla Sanjay and Company 2004 8186469923 102 p.: UG Library
641.5954 DAL 00067502 T .V . Meals Dalal, Tarla Sanjay & Company 2001 84 p,: UG Library
641.5954 DAV 00068534 Indian Food Sense Davider, Ruth N East West Books Pvt.Ltd 2001 8186852794 x, 293 p.: UG Library
641.5954 DHO 00143192 The Parsi kitchen : Dhondy, Anahitha. Harper Collins, 2021 9789353578404 199p, ; UG Library
641.5954 DSO 00066278 The Good Goan Cookbook D'Souza, Zubin. English Edition 2005 0818785314x 124 p. UG Library
641.5954 FER 00132170 The foodhall cookbook : Fernandes, Gresham, Roli Books, 2017 9789351941002 | 9351941000 191 pages : UG Library
641.5954 GAN 00066722 Indian Flavor Gandhi, Jeeti. Laurel Glen Publishing 2002 1571458646 | 9781571458643 127 p. UG Library
641.5954 GOW 00065172 Ayurvedic Cooking Gowans, Shanti. Jaico Publishing House 2005 8179920550 | 9788179920558 161 p. UG Library
641.5954 HAJ 00109043 Gujarati Kitchen Hajratwala Bhanu Westland: 2011 9789380658490 161 p. UG Library
641.5954 HAM 00048402 Hamlyn Essential Indian Hamlyn 0600596354 112p UG Library
641.5954 HOO 00070816 Traditional Muslim Cuisine: Khoja Khana Hooda,Fateema. Zaika - BPI (india) Pvt Ltd 2003 8176930881 | 9788176930888 92 p. UG Library
641.5954 HUS 00143190 The Mughal Feast / Husain,Salma Yusuf. Roli books, 2021 9788193704974 223p, ; UG Library
641.5954 HUS 00118863 Indian Food and cooking Husain, Shehzad Hermes House 2011 9781840385472 256p. UG Library
641.5954 HUS 00143863 Daastan-e-Dastarkhān : Hussain, Sadaf. Hachette book publishing, 2019 9789388322416 xv,211p,; UG Library
641.5954 HUS 00120597 500 Indian Recipes Husasin Shehzad Hermes House 2012 9781846817298 256p. UG Library
641.5954 HUS 00128852 The Healthy Low- Fat Indian Cookbook Husain, Shehzad Hermes House, 2011 9781843091806 256 p : . UG Library
641.5954 IYE 00120598 660 curries Iyer Raghavan Workman Publishing Company Inc 2008 9780761137870 807p. UG Library
641.5954 JAF 00053313 A Taste of India Jaffrey, Madhur. Pavilion 1985 1862050988 | 9781862050983 255 p. UG Library
641.5954 JAF 00047200 A Taste of India Jaffrey, Madhur. Pavilion 1985 1862050988 | 9781862050983 255 p. UG Library
641.5954 JAF 00064226 A Taste of India Jaffrey, Madhur. Pavilion 1985 1862050988 | 9781862050983 255 p. UG Library
641.5954 JAF 00068213 A Taste of India Jaffrey, Madhur. Pavilion 1985 1862050988 | 9781862050983 255 p. UG Library
641.5954 KAC 00066055 Kashmir Kitchen Kachru, Purnima Roli Books, 2005 8174361170 | 9788174361172 96 p,: UG Library
641.5954 KAN 10002236 A Taste of time : Kanjilal, Mohona. Speaking Tiger Books LLP, 2021 9789390477579 488p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
641.5954 KAN 05072242 A Taste of time : Kanjilal, Mohona. Speaking Tiger Books LLP, 2021 9789390477579 488p. ; Knowledge Centre
641.5954 KAN 04012052 Healthy Indian Cooking : Kanani, Manisha. Hermes House; 2009 9781846814648 256 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
641.5954 KAN 03008274 Healthy Indian Cooking : Kanani, Manisha. Hermes House; 2009 9781846814648 256 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
641.5954 KAP 00048229 Khazana of Indian Recipes Kapoor`s, Sanjeev Popular Prakashan 1999 8171548725 122 p,: UG Library
641.5954 KAP 00048248 Khazana of Indian Recipes Kapoor`s, Sanjeev Popular Prakashan 1999 8171548725 122 p,: UG Library
641.5954 KAP 00067449 Green Planet Kapoor, Sanjeev. Popular Prakahsna 2004 8179911276 | 9788179911273 94 p.: UG Library
641.5954 KAP 00067451 Swadishta Khana Kapoor`S, Sanjeev Popular Prakahsna 2003 8179911179 | 9788179911174 94 p.: UG Library
641.5954 KAP 00126269 Mastering the art of Indian Cooking: Kapoor, Sanjeev Stewart, Tabor & Chang 2011 9781584799337 608p. UG Library
641.5954 KAT 00070821 Indian Cusine Down Under Katdare, Asha. Suhas Pvt Ltd 1998 0646359940 | 9780646359946 40 p. UG Library
641.5954 KAT 00070820 Indian Cusine Down Under Katdare, Asha. Suhas Pvt Ltd 1998 0646359940 | 9780646359946 40 p. UG Library
641.5954 KHA 00121022 Amritsar Khanna Vikas Roli Books, 2014 9788174369833 230 p.: UG Library
641.5954 KHO 00066600 Favourite Balti and Indian Recipes Khokhar,Sabiha. Merehurst Ltd 1997 1853915564 | 9781853915567 153 p. UG Library
641.5954 KUM 00133278 Globalization of Indian Food: Kumari, Shobha, Ishwar Book: 2018 9789386806215 vi,264 p. UG Library
641.5954 MAH 00048401 International Curry Cooking Maheswari Devi, N Times Books International 9812045198 155p UG Library
641.5954 MAR 07012380 Shared Tables Marathe Kaumudi Speaking Tiger Pulbishing Pvt. Ltd 2017 9789386338976 302 p.: Library - BR Campus
641.5954 MAR 00127170 Shared Tables Marathe Kaumudi Speaking Tiger Pulbishing Pvt. Ltd 2017 9789386338976 302 p.: UG Library
641.5954 MAR 00143447 The Essential Marathi Cookbook Marathe, Kaumudi. Penguni Books 2009 9780143068020 xvii,398p,; UG Library
641.5954 MAT 00067443 Indian Sweets Mathur, Sudha Ocean Books Pvt, 2002 0818710032 155 p,: UG Library
641.5954 MCI 00128864 100 Great Indian Recipes/ Master Chefs of India Roli Books, 2010 9788174367648 142 p.: UG Library
641.5954 MCI 00120529 1000 Great Indian Recipes/ Master Chefs of India Roli Books 2012 9788174363459 528p. UG Library
641.5954 MEH 00066040 Taste of Rajasthan Choudhary, Harveen Nita Mehta Publications 2004 8176760080 103 p,: UG Library
641.5954 MEN 00066170 Essential Goa Cookbook Menezes, Maria Teresa 2000 0141000872 371p UG Library
641.5954 MIT 00132169 Pure & Special: Mittal Vidhu, Roli Books, 2017 9788174369024 n,224 p.; UG Library
641.5954 MIT 00120528 Pure & simple, homemade Indian vegetarian cuisine / Mittal, Vidhu. Lustre Press, Roli Books, 2008 9788174365927 207 p. : UG Library
641.5954 MIT 00120526 Pure & Special/ Mittal Vidhu Roli Books 2013 9788174369024 224p. UG Library
641.5954 MOH 00066024 Parsi Kitchen Mohindra, Jeani Roli Books, 2005 8174361936 | 9788174361936 95 p.: UG Library
641.5954 MOH 04012055 Art of Indian cuisine / Mohan, Rocky. Roli Books, 1999 9788174360830 144 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
641.5954 MUK 00066061 Street Foods of India Mukerji, Kumar Deb and Vimla Roli Books 2001 8174361685 | 9788174361684 144p UG Library
641.5954 OBE 00120532 The masala art/ Oberoi, Hemant Roli Books 2015 9788174367570 144p. UG Library
641.5954 OGA 00066186 Ruchira: Selected Maharashtrian Vegetraian Recipes Ogale,Kamalabai. Rupa.Co 2005 9798129107335 120 p. UG Library
641.5954 OGA 00066184 Ruchira: Selected Maharashtrian Vegetraian Recipes Ogale,Kamalabai. Rupa.Co 2005 9798129107335 120 p. UG Library
641.5954 PAN 03008287 Indian Cookery / Pandya, Michael. Octopus Publishing Group ; 0862734940 43 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
641.5954 PAN 00120611 Gourmet journeys in India / Pant, Pushpesh, Lustre Press : | Roli Books, 2012 9788174365019 | 817436501X 143 p. : UG Library
641.5954 PAN 00120523 India Cookbook Pant, Pushpesh Phaidon Press Limited 2010 815p. UG Library
641.5954 PAN 04022674 50 great curries of India / Panjabi, Camellia. Kyle Books, 2006 9788129124647 10th anniversary ed. 223 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
641.5954 PAN 05072495 Ammi Pandarinathan Nirmala. Rupa Publications , 2022 9789355202970 293 p ,; Knowledge Centre
641.5954 PAT 00067445 Flavours of India Pathak`S, Meena New Holland Publishers 2000 0184330161 | 9781843301615 129 p.: UG Library
641.5954 PAT 00130119 Indian Cookong Pathak's, Meena New Holland, 2003 9781843305798 128 p.: UG Library
641.5954 PHI 00104133 Flavours From India : Philip Thangam E Disha Books ; 1993 8125008179 124 p. UG Library
641.5954 PRA 07005773 Dining with the Maharajas : Prasada, Neha, Roli Books 2013 9788174368744 | 8174368744 250 pages : Library - BR Campus
641.5954 PRA 00120531 Dining with the Maharajas : Prasada, Neha, Roli Books 2013 9788174368744 | 8174368744 250 pages : UG Library
641.5954 PUR 00048312 Indian Cook Book Singh, Purba Merehurst Ltd 1996 1853914169 160p UG Library
641.5954 RED 00066117 Andra Cumagumalu Reddy, Vijayalaxmi Prism Books Pvt. 2004 8172863160 147 p.: UG Library
641.5954 SHA 10002235 Turmeric nation : Shankar, Shylashri, Speaking Tiger Books LLP, 2020 9788194472995 334 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
641.5954 SHA 05072239 Turmeric nation : Shankar, Shylashri, Speaking Tiger Books LLP, 2020 9788194472995 334 p. ; Knowledge Centre
641.5954 SIH 00120612 The ultimate army cookbook : Sihota, Kikky, Roli Books 2013 9788174369048 | 817436904X 176 pages : UG Library
641.5954 SON 00068097 Savoring India Sonoma Williams 2000 0737020504 256p UG Library
641.5954 TYA 00066060 Mirch Masala Tyabji, Surayya. Orient Longman Publications 1975 8125022503 | 9788125022503 80 p. UG Library
641.5954 TYA 00084817 Mirch Masala Tyabji, Surayya. Orient Longman Publications 1975 8125022503 | 9788125022503 80 p. UG Library
641.5954 VED 00134739 Tiffin: Ved, Sonal Roli books, 2018 9788193704967 489 p.; UG Library
641.5954 WIC 00048202 Leith`s Indian and Srilankan Cookery Wickramasinghe, Priya Bloomsbury 1998 0747541973 | 9780747541974 xiii, 242 p.: UG Library
641.59541 HAU 00066253 The Essential North East Cook Book Hauzel,Hoihnu. Penguin Books 2003 0143030272 | 9780143030270 183 p. UG Library
641.59541 HAU 00077975 The Essential North East Cook Book Hauzel,Hoihnu. Penguin Books 2003 0143030272 | 9780143030270 183 p. UG Library
641.595414 BAN 00066147 Life and Food in Bengal Benerji, Chitrita Penguin Books 2005 0143032739 | 9780143032731 ixxxix, 237 p.: UG Library
641.595414 BAN 00066150 Life and Food in Bengal Benerji, Chitrita Penguin Books 2005 0143032739 | 9780143032731 ixxxix, 237 p.: UG Library
641.59542 AHM 00120535 Tehzeeb/ Ahmad, Adil I Roli Books 2013 9788174369826 238p. UG Library
641.59542 SUR 00143124 The Lucknow Cookbook / Sur, Chand Aleph, 2017 9789386021601 xv,229p.; UG Library
641.59545 REE 00066153 The Essential Sindhi Cookbook Reejhsinghani, Aroona. Penguin Books 2004 0143032011 | 9780143032014 240 p. UG Library
641.59545 REE 00066156 Cooking the Punjabi Way Reejhsinghani, Aroona Jaico 2005 8172240775 137 UG Library
641.595452 RAH 00066191 Sindhi Cooking Raheja,Anita. Zaika 2002 9788186982297 125 p. UG Library
641.595456 BAI 00066026 Delhi Kitchen Baig Vijaylakshmi Lustre Press Roli Books 2004 8174361960 96 p UG Library
641.595456 OBR 00066246 Flavours of Delhi: A Food Lover's Guide O'Brien, Charmaine. Penguin Books 2003 0143029363 | 9780143029366 287 p. UG Library
641.59546 DAR 00066152 Kashmiri Cooking Dar, Krisna Prasad. Penguin Books 1995 0140255656 | 9780140255652 175 p. UG Library
641.59546 NAR 00066125 The Essential Delhi Cookbook Narain, Priti. Penguin Books 2000 0140293264 | 9780140293265 292 p. UG Library
641.59547 MAN 00066145 Parsi Food and Customs Manekshaw, Bhicoo J Penguin Books 1996 0140257594 | 9780140257595 x, 434 p.: UG Library
641.59547 MAN 00066146 Parsi Food and Customs Manekshaw, Bhicoo J Penguin Books 1996 0140257594 | 9780140257595 x, 434 p.: UG Library
641.595475 BAI 00066036 Gujarati Kitchen Baig, Vijaylakshmi Roli Books 2002 8174361979 | 9788174361974 95 p.: UG Library
641.595475 BUB 00047024 Gujarat Nu Jaman Bubbar, Devaki. India Books House 1996 8185028915 202 p. UG Library
641.59548 AMM 00057996 Cook and See Part 1 Meenakshi Ammal, S S. Meenakshi Ammal Publications 2002 xvi, 296 p.: UG Library
641.59548 AMM 00057998 Cook & See Part III Meenakshi Ammal, S S. Meenakshi Ammal Publications 2002 344 p.: UG Library
641.59548 AMM 00066058 Cook and See Part 1 Meenakshi Ammal, S S. Meenakshi Ammal Publications 2002 xvi, 296 p.: UG Library
641.59548 AMM 00057997 Cook and See Part 2 Meenakshi Ammal, S S. Meenakshi Ammal Publications 1972 xv, 319 p.: UG Library
641.595482 GAN 00066041 Iyer Kitchen Ganpathy Arun ROLI BOOKS PVT LTD 2005 8174363645 95 p.: UG Library
641.595482 MUR 00143187 The Chettinad Cookbook / Murugappan, Meyyammai. Meyyammai murugappa, 2020 9788192159416 381p, ; UG Library
641.595483 ABD 00085805 Malabar Muslim Cokkery. Abdulla, Ummi Orient Longman Publications 2005 8125013490 128 p UG Library
641.595483 ABD 00066076 Malabar Muslim Cooking Abdulla, s Orient Longman Publications 8125013490 128p UG Library
641.595483 ABR 05069539 Eating with history : Abraham, Tanya, Niyogi Books, 2020 9789389136265 | 9389136261 202 pages : Knowledge Centre
641.595483 JAC 00066196 Flavours of Kerala Jacob, Hena Kscf 8188000078 80p UG Library
641.595483UMM 00066223 Malabar Muslim Cookery Ummi, Abdulla Orient Longman Publications 8125013490 128p UG Library
641.595484 KAR 00047019 Hyderabadi Cuisine Kar, Pratibha Harper Collins 8172233183 164p UG Library
641.595484 RED 00104040 Nostalgia Cusine : Reddy Sucharitha Design-Crystal ; 2008 8187330228 286 p. UG Library
641.595487 KUT 00048529 Cuisine from Coorg Huttaaiah, Ranee Vijaya Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2000 8120721098 | 9788120721098 90 p UG Library
641.595487 MUT 00066189 The Essential Kodava Cook Book Muthamma C.B. Penguin Books 2000 0140288589 | 9780140288582 185 p. UG Library
641.59548PAS 00047025 Southern Delights Akhileswarn, Parwathy India Books House 173p UG Library
641.59548SAR 00047026 Mangaloren Cuisine Hegde, Saranya S India Book House 8185028133 207p UG Library
641.595491 KHO 00048271 Taste of Baltistan Khokhar, Sabiha. Merehurst Ltd 1995 1853915009 | 9781853915000 112 p. UG Library
641.595493 RAT 00067453 Sri Lankan Cooking Ratnatunga,Manel. Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 2000 8120720482 | 9788120720480 108 p. UG Library
641.595496 LAX 00066018 Nepalese Kitchen Laxmi Devi, Loke Rajye Roli Books 2005 8174361162 | 9788174361165 96 p.: UG Library
641.5954DALL 00066032 Chawal Dalal, Tarla UG Library
641.5954KAL 00048228 Cooking With Indian Masters Kalra, J Inder Singh Allied Publications 8170230063 214p UG Library
641.5954KAP 00047017 Indian Menu Planner Pramod, Kapoor Roli Books 112p UG Library
641.5954MAN 00047013 Shaakahaari Indian Vegetarian Cookery Singh, Manju Kumari Harper Collins 8172232268 192p UG Library
641.5954WHI 00048214 Cook`s Guide to Italian Ingredients Whiteman, Kate Anness Publishing Ltd 1840382058 128p UG Library
641.5955 BON 00069252 Mediterranean Cooking Bonechi Bonechi 2000 8847607647 | 9788847607644 191 p. UG Library
641.5956 HEI 05065350 The culinary crescent : Heine, Peter. Gingko Library, 2018 1909942251 | 9781909942257 232 p. ; Knowledge Centre
641.5956 NUS 05073641 Hummus : Nussbaum, Harriet. 9781789144628 118p, ; Knowledge Centre
641.59577 COU 00047023 A Taste of Goa Coutinho, Beryl Vieira India Books House, 1996 8185028990 157 p,: UG Library
641.5959 JUE 00080367 Savoring Southeast Asia [hotel Management Section] Jue, Joyce 256p UG Library
641.5959 MOW 00066598 Southeast Asian Specialties Mowe, Rosalind KONEMANN 1999 9783895089091 319 p. UG Library
641.59591 CHA 00048273 Classic Thai Chan,Kit. Ultimate Edition 1997 1860352170 | 9781860352171 64 p. UG Library
641.59591 HOM 00063829 Foolproof THAI Cookery: Step By Step to Everyone`s Favourite THAI Recipes Hom, Ken 0563537469 128p UG Library
641.59591 THO 00049626 Hamlyn Essential THAI - Step By Step Recipes With Style Thomas, Heather 0600591530 112 UG Library
641.59593 BAS 00120602 The food and cooking of Thailand Bastyra, Judy Lorenz Books 2009 9780754818076 224p. UG Library
641.59593 GAB 05042674 Thailand : Gabriel, Jean-Pierre Phaidon, 9780714865294 | 071486529X 527 pages : Knowledge Centre
641.59593 THO 00070813 Thai Food Thompson, David PAVILLION BOOKS LTD 2002 1862055149 673p UG Library
641.59597 NGU 00142947 Mango and peppercorns / Nguyen, Tung Chronicle Books LLC, 2021 9781797202242 224p.; UG Library
641.59598 BOG 00066089 The Best Of Indonesian Cooking Boga,Yasa. Times Editions 1998 9812326197 | 9789812326195 200 p. UG Library
641.595MUR 00066608 Essential Asian Cookbook Murcodh Books Murdoch 1740454081 304p UG Library
641.596 BAC 00069837 Food and Cooking of Africa and the Middle East Bacon, Josephine 2006 0754815285 255p UG Library
641.5964 WOL 00118864 The food of Morocco / Wolfert, Paula. Ecco, 2011 9780061957550 | 0061957550 1st ed. 518 p. : UG Library
641.597 COO 00066741 Low-Fat Living Cookbook Cooper,Leslie L. Rodale Press Inc 1998 0875964354 | 9780875964355 438 p. UG Library
641.5972 BAR 00048257 Step By Step Mexican Cooking Barrett, Christine 1999 0086288246 64p UG Library
641.5972 CAR 05042679 Mexico : Carrillo Arronte, Margarita Phaidon, 9780714867526 704p.; Knowledge Centre
641.5972 MIL 00067458 Food and Cooking of Mexico South America and the Caribbean Milton, Jane Anness Publishing Ltd 512p UG Library
641.5973 DOR 00066589 Chef`s Night Out Dornenburg, Andrew 0471363456 338p UG Library
641.5973 DOR 00080363 Culinary Artistry. Dornenburg, Andrew 1996 0471287857 426p UG Library
641.5973 GRO 00104405 The best American Groopman,jerome. HarperCollins Publishers, 2010 9780061852510 | 9780061852510 xv, 346 p. : UG Library
641.5973 ROM 00053309 All About Soups & Stews Rombauer,Irma. A Dorling kindersley Book 2001 0751335347 | 9780751335347 128 p. UG Library
641.5973 TLB 00065126 Hearty Family Favorites:150 Great Comfort-Food Recipes Time-Life Books Time Life, 1997 9780783549477 320 p.: UG Library
641.5973 WES 04019016 Good Housekeeping classic home cooking : Westmoreland, Susan Hearst Books, 2010 9781588167859 367 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
641.5973 WIN 00118090 The Oprah magazine cookbook : Oprah Magazine Hyperion, 2008 9781401322601 304 p. : UG Library
641.5975 OXM 00066724 30years of Our Best Recipes Oxmoor House Oxmoor House,Inc.Book Divison of Southern Progress Corporation 2000 0848719514 | 9780848719517 400p UG Library
641.5975 VIL 00081757 Glory of Southern Cooking Villas, James 2007 0764576011 432p UG Library
641.5976 PAD 00109044 Southern Flavours Padmanabhan Chandra Westland: 2011 9789381626283 172 p. UG Library
641.59763 ROZ 00120525 Creole Roziere Babette De Phaidon Press Limited 2007 9780714856841 359p. UG Library
641.59794 PAT 00120613 Coi : stories and recipes Patterson, Daniel Phaidon Press Limited 2013 9780714865904 303p. UG Library
641.59794 WOR 00066605 The Cuisine of California Worthington, Diane Rossen Chronigle Books 2005 0081184983 | 9780811849838 327 p.: UG Library
641.5979441 ROD 00063433 Zuni Cafe Cookbook Rodgers, Judy W.W. Norton & Company 2002 545p UG Library
641.597CLE 00049617 Best Ever American Cookbook - Over 200 Step By Step Recipes Cleary, Frances Anness Publishing Ltd 1840388749 256p UG Library
641.5981 ATA 05042676 D.O.M. : Atala,Alex. Phaidon, 9780714865744 291p.; Knowledge Centre
641.5981 MEL 00066593 Ofelia, a Taste of Brazil Melo, Josimar. Konemann 2000 3829040660 | 9783829040662 134 p. UG Library
641.5981 MEL 00064243 Ofelia, a Taste of Brazil Melo, Josimar. Konemann 2000 3829040660 | 9783829040662 134 p. UG Library
641.5981 MEL 00068538 Ofelia Melhoramentos, Dba Konemann 1996 3829040660 134p UG Library
641.5994 NEW 00139558 The getting of garlic: Newton, John New south publishing, 2018 9781742235790 452p.; UG Library
641.59FAM 00088731 You Really Haven`t Been There Until You`ve Eaten the Food Famie, Keith 0609610929 255p UG Library
641.5ACH 00084808 Story of Our Food Achaya, K T Universities Press 0817371293 138p UG Library
641.5ACH 00087399 Story of Our Food Achaya, K T Universities Press 0817371293 138p UG Library
641.5C.A.I 00040354 Cookbook. G A I Orlando 799p UG Library
641.5CAM 00089499 Practical Cookery Campbell, John 9780340948385 694p UG Library
641.5CER 00080754 Aphrodisiac Cuisine [hotel Management Section] Cerdan, Chef Bruno ROLI BOOKS PVT LTD 8174362886 96p UG Library
641.5CES 00035053 Questions and Answers on Practical Cookery Ceserani, Victor 168 p. UG Library
641.5CES.,K 00036603 Practical Cookery Ceserani, Vicotr E L B S 570 UG Library
641.5CESJH 00039779 Practical Cookery Victor Ceserani Hodder 758 p UG Library
641.5CHA1 00038073 Essential French Cookery Chancellor Press Chancellor 111p. UG Library
641.5DEN 00045342 Step By Step Classics Denny, Roz 0671714155 168 p UG Library
641.5EYT 00080825 F2 Cook Book;recipes in Association With Roz Denny Eyton, Audrey 0593055306 192p UG Library
641.5FIT 00040347 On Campus Cookbook [for the Non-Kitchen Cook] Fitzgerald, Mollie Workman Company Inc. 127p UG Library
641.5FOL 00035071 Professional Chef Folsom, A Leroi Vance 468 UG Library
641.5FRE 00047031 Student Cook Book Freeman, Sarah Collins & Brown Ltd 1855850508 192p UG Library
641.5GAR 00088725 Goose: 34 Recipes Germano Pontoni: 41 Recipes By Italy`s Most Famous Chefs Garavini, Daniela Konemann 3829014643 160p UG Library
641.5GEO 00084805 Food for Beginners George, Susan Orient Longman Publications 8125031979 173p UG Library
641.5GEO 00087405 Food for Beginners George, Susan Orient Longman Publications 8125031979 173p UG Library
641.5GRA 00080721 Bills Food [ Hotel Management Section ] Granger, Bill Murdoch Books 192p UG Library
641.5GUP 00084792 Cooking the U.P. Way [HOTEL MANAGEMENT SECTION] Gupta, Niru Orient Longman Publications 8125015582 161p UG Library
641.5HAM1 00080822 Fast Simple Delicious Hamlyn All Colour Quick & Easy Over 250 Mouthwatering Recipes Hamlyn 0060061588 260p UG Library
641.5HEN 00088726 New Mayo Clinic Cook Book: Eating Well for Better Health Hensurd, Donald 0848728122 303p UG Library
641.5MAN 00010892 Conse De Langue Et De Civilization Frangises Vol Sets Manger, G Librarie Hachette UG Library
641.5MCC 00080715 Healthy Carb Cookbook for Dummies McCracken, Jan 2005 0764584766 356p UG Library
641.5MCI 00080829 Tabasco Brand Cook Book:125 Years of America`s Favorite Pepper Sauce Mcilhenny, Paul 0517223341 144p UG Library
641.5MUR 00060869 Service Craft: Wine Service Workbook Murray, Jennifer. Macmillan 1991 0333543866 | 9780333543863 50 p. UG Library
641.5PAN1 00080757 Buddhist Peace Recipes [hotel Management Section] Pant, Pushpesh ROLI BOOKS PVT LTD 8174363122 91p UG Library
641.5PAR 00034112 Wonderworld of Vegetarian Cooking Parekh, Jyoti Nikunj Western India 292 p. UG Library
641.5PHI 00048292 Modern Cookery: for Teaching and Trade Philip, Thangam E. Orient Longman Publications 1988 8125004009 3rd Ed. 518 p. UG Library
641.5PRI 00080704 Simply Bill Lbill Granger [ Hotel Management Section ] Price, Jane Murdoch 1740453638 256p UG Library
641.5RUT 00034437 Light Meals Rutherford, Iyn Mercier 80 p. UG Library
641.5RUT1 00034436 Light Meals Rutherford, Lyn Morehunt UG Library
641.5SCH 00044192 Fast and Fresh Cooking Schwartz,Oded. Reader's Digest 1996 0276422376 | 9780276422379 284 p. UG Library
641.5SIM 00056075 Ultimate: Recipe Collection 0 Trident Press International 1582791139 800p UG Library
641.5SIN 00080819 Traditonal Recipes:Everyday Cookbook Singler, Rosanna Star Fire 1844515311 256p UG Library
641.5SUB 00035627 Modern Cookery: For Teaching and the Trade Thangam, E Philip Orient Longmans 1965 4th ed, 762 p.; UG Library
641.5UDA 00080800 Fundamentals of Food Preparation Udai Veer Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126130768 322p UG Library
641.5VAL 00088730 Welcome to My Kitchen Valenti, Tom 0060198192 326p UG Library
641.5VER 00080929 Eating Out at Home:Exciting Recipes for Every Occasion Verma, Mona 0143027921 260p UG Library
641.5WHI1 00080722 White Heat [ Hotel Management Section] White, Macro Pierre Beazley 0184000343 126p UG Library
641.5WOMM 00035512 Women`s Circle: Creative Cooking P S I, Psi 128 p. UG Library
641.6 OCO 05062901 Seaweed : O'Connor, Kaori. Reaktion Books, 2017 9781780237534 190p.; Knowledge Centre
641.6 OCO 07013247 Seaweed : O'Connor, Kaori. Reaktion Books, 2017 9781780237534 190p.; Library - BR Campus
641.6 POR 05042675 Cook it raw / Phaidon, 2013 9780714865492 (hbk.) | 0714865 207 p. : Knowledge Centre
641.6 RAT 05072298 OISHII : Rath, Eric C. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2021 9781789143836 223p. ; Knowledge Centre
641.61 HAM 00069834 Preserve: Sweet & Savoury Recipes Hamlyn Octopus Publishing Group Ltd 2005 0600611426 | 9780600611424 128 p. UG Library
641.6165 STO 00142739 Wood pellet smoker grill: Stone,Bob Cooking now, 2020 9781802100259 51p.; UG Library
641.6318 AWW 00058000 Risotto Australian Women's Weekly Australian Women's Weekly 2000 9781863962292 63 p. UG Library
641.6318 FER 00049636 Rice from Risotto to Sushi Ferguson, Clare. Ryland Peters & Small 1997 1900518929 | 9781900518925 144 p. UG Library
641.6318 ING 00049633 Risotto Over 80 Recipes for a Classic Dish Ingram, Christine Southwater 1842150073 96p UG Library
641.635 BLA 00046984 Creative Chicken Blackmore, Rachel J B Fairfax Press 1863431225 96p UG Library
641.6373 GLU 00067456 The Best of Coffee: Cook Book Gluck,Sandra. HarperCollins Publishers 1994 0002554763 | 9780002554763 96 p. UG Library
641.6373MAC 00034737 Guide to Coffee and Tea Camley, Lesley 120 UG Library
641.6382 SIK 00080782 Indian Flavours Sikka, Marut ROLI BOOKS PVT LTD 2006 8174363262 127p UG Library
641.6383 HOL 00074593 Cooking With Spices For Dummies Holst,Jenna. Hungry Minds 2002 0076456336 | 9780764563362 308 p. UG Library
641.6383 MAC 00128851 Cook's Encyclopedia OF Spices Mackley, Sallie Hermes House, 2011 9780857231871 256 p : . UG Library
641.6383 MOR 00066279 Spice Book Morris, Sallie Southwater 0184215026 256p UG Library
641.6383 NOR 00126732 Herbs & spices / Norman, Jillian, Dave King Pub., 2002 9780789489395 1st Amer. ed. 336 p. : UG Library
641.6384 ARN 05054451 Chillies : Arndt Anderson,Heather. Reaktion Books Pvt, 2016 9781780236353 150p.; Knowledge Centre
641.6384 ARN 07013262 Chillies : Arndt Anderson,Heather. Reaktion Books Pvt, 2016 9781780236353 150p.; Library - BR Campus
641.6384 AYA 00130412 Complete Curry Cookbook Ayanoglu, Byron Robert Rose, 2008 9780778801849 304 p.: UG Library
641.6384 DEW 00048575 A World of Curries Dewitt, Dave 1994 0316182249 240 p UG Library
641.6384 JAN 00064253 Curries: More Than 100 Curry Recipes from All Over the World Ajansz, Meg. Hamlyn 2001 0600589315 | 9780600589310 128 p. UG Library
641.6384 PAR 00128860 The Curry Cookbook / Parragon Love Food, 2011 222 p. : UG Library
641.6385 JON 00127475 Oils Jones, Bridget Southwater, 2012 9781780191355 128p : . UG Library
641.6463 PIC 00048218 The Olive Oil: Cookbook Pickford, Louise. Salamander Books Ltd 1994 0861017676 | 9780861017676 96 p. UG Library
641.64774 OCO 05062909 Pineapple : O'Connor, Kaori. Reaktion Books, 2013 9781780231792 158p.; Knowledge Centre
641.64774 OCO 07013236 Pineapple : O'Connor, Kaori. Reaktion Books, 2013 9781780231792 158p.; Library - BR Campus
641.65 HUG 00132172 The Vegetarian Year: Hughes Jane, Modern Books, 2015 9781906761608 n,288 p.; UG Library
641.65 HUM 00128861 Vegetables Please / Humphries, Carolyn. DK Pub., 2013 9781465402028 1st American ed. 352 p. : UG Library
641.65 SPE 00065114 Complete Book of Vegetarian Cooking Sperling, Veronica Colour Library Direct 1858339006 255p UG Library
641.65 THO 04028289 50 best plants on the planet : Thomas, Cathy. Chronicle Books, 2013 9781452102832 (pbk.) | 1452102 352 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
641.65 TRO 00068905 Vegetables Trotter, Charlie 0898158389 239p UG Library
641.65655 JOH 00066764 The Tofu Cookbook Johnson,Becky. Lorenz Books 2003 0754812448 | 9780754812449 96 p. UG Library
641.65655 KAV 00059777 Indian Soy Cookbook Kavitha, Reddy Rupa & Co 8171677290 116p UG Library
641.657 FAR 00067442 Herbs and Spices Farrington, Karen Carlton 2000 1858688558 95p UG Library
641.657 RIC 00049620 Herbal Pleasures: Cooking & Crafts Richmond, Katherine Anness Publishing Ltd 1840385693 128p UG Library
641.65709 ALL 07013219 Herbs : Allen, Gary Reaktion Books, 2012 9781861899255 (hbk.) | 1861899254 (hbk.) 166 p. : Library - BR Campus
641.65709 ALL 05062885 Herbs : Allen, Gary Reaktion Books, 2012 9781861899255 (hbk.) | 1861899254 (hbk.) 166 p. : Knowledge Centre
641.657ELI 00085826 Recipes of the Jaffna Tamils [HOTEL MANAGEMENT SECTION] Eliezer, Nesa Orient Longman Publications 8125025022 148 p UG Library
641.658 BER 05062917 Mushroom : Bertelsen, Cynthia D. Reaktion Books, 2013 9781780231754 160p.; Knowledge Centre
641.658 BER 07013228 Mushroom : Bertelsen, Cynthia D. Reaktion Books, 2013 9781780231754 160p.; Library - BR Campus
641.658 JOR 00124071 The complete book of Mushrooms/ Jordan,Peter Hermes House 2011 9781843090380 256p. UG Library
641.658 LAE 00048217 The Mushroom Book Laessoe, Thomas Dorling Kindersely 1996 0751302589 | 9780751302585 256 p UG Library
641.658 NCE 00116087 Mushroom Cultivation: Instructional -Cum Oractical Manual NCERT National Council Of Research And Training 1997 41 p. UG Library
641.658 NOW 05062920 Truffle : Nowak, Zachary. Reaktion Books, 2015 9781780234366 167p.; Knowledge Centre
641.658 NOW 07013253 Truffle : Nowak, Zachary. Reaktion Books, 2015 9781780234366 167p.; Library - BR Campus
641.658 SAF 00088729 Truffles: Ultimate Luxury, Every Day Pleasure Safina, Rosario 0471225088 246p UG Library
641.658 WHE 00046955 Complete Mushroom Cook Book Wheeler, Steven 1999 128 p.: UG Library
641.658 WHE 00049613 Complete Mushroom Cook Book Wheeler, Steven 1999 128 p.: UG Library
641.659 KIR 07013213 Edible Flowers / Kirker, Constance L Reaktion Publication, 2017 9781780236384 164p.; Library - BR Campus
641.659 KIR 05062882 Edible flowers : Barash, Cathy Wilkinson, Reaktion Books, 2017 155591389X (pbk.) 164 p. : Knowledge Centre
641.659 KIR 05064177 Edible Flowers / Kirker, Constance L Reaktion Publication, 2017 9781780236384 164p.; Knowledge Centre
641.66 MUE 00034799 Professinal Chef's Book of Charcuterie Mueller, T G Vance 1986 276 p.: UG Library
641.66 TLB 00067468 Clever With Lamb Time Life Books Time Life Books 1994 9780705420327 64 p. UG Library
641.665 HUN 00049999 Game Bird Cookery Hunter & Fishing Library 0865730709 127p UG Library
641.665 RAS 00062256 Chicken: Cook Book Singh,Rashmi Uday. BPI (India) Pvt Ltd 2004 8176930202 | 9788176930208 415 p. UG Library
641.665 RAS 00070810 Chicken: Cook Book Singh,Rashmi Uday. BPI (India) Pvt Ltd 2004 8176930202 | 9788176930208 415 p. UG Library
641.673 CAL 00080761 Complete Encyclopedia of Cheese:A Unique Reference to the Many Well-Known and Lesser-Known Cheeses of the World. Callec, Christian Rebo Publishers 2002 9036615992 256p UG Library
641.673 KHA 00067448 Paneer Khanna, Sangeeta. Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd. 1998 8120719557 | 9788120719552 102 p. UG Library
641.673 REB 00080759 Cheese:Delicious Quiches, Souffle`s and Other Cheese Dishes for Creative Cooking. Rebo Publications Rebo Publishers 2002 9036616166 96p UG Library
641.67358 BAB 00067501 Say Cheese for Better Health Babbar, Purobi. Vakils, Feffer and Simons Ltd 1997 180 p. UG Library
641.675 BAI 00066248 Egg (x) Travaganza Baig, Tannie BRIJBASI ART PRESS LTD 2004 8187902159 95p UG Library
641.68 LON 00127172 Honey Long M, Lucy Reaktion Books Ltd 2017 9781780237336 184 p.: UG Library
641.68 LON 07013261 Honey Long M, Lucy Reaktion Books Ltd 2017 9781780237336 184 p.: Library - BR Campus
641.691 STE 00066726 Wild About Venison Stephen,Otway. Stoeger Publishing Co 2002 0883172402 | 370840647650 125 p. UG Library
641.692 AWW 00058001 Barbecued Seafood Australian Women's Weekly ACP Publishing Ptv Limited 2000 0186396245 | 9781863962452 63 p. UG Library
641.692 AWW 00058002 Fast Fish: Canned & Smoked Australian Women's Weekly Australian Women's Weekly 2000 9781863962957 63 p. UG Library
641.692 AWW 00058003 Seafood: Healthy Eating Australian Women's Weekly ACP Publishing Pty Limited 2000 1863961240 | 9781863961240 63 p. UG Library
641.692 BEA 00068898 Best of British Fish Beazley, Mitchell. Octopus Publishing Group 2005 9781840009996 192 p. UG Library
641.692 DEN 00080818 Easy Fish & Seafood:Whole Fish, Fish Fillets, Shellfish and Curstaceans De Montalier, Delphine Hachettee 1844301419 191p UG Library
641.692 GAL 00129691 Delicious Seafood Recipes Gale, Medwin Random Publications, 2017 9789386314543 292 p. : UG Library
641.692 GAS 00080712 Fish & Seafood. Gastronomique, Larousse 2004 0600611604 344p UG Library
641.692 HUN 05062884 Herring : Hunt, Kathy. Reaktion Books, 2017 9781780238319 143p.; Knowledge Centre
641.692 RAM 00053305 The World of Caviar Ramade, Frederic 1999 0785810846 | 9780785810841 143 p UG Library
641.692 RAN 00129689 Basic Room Division In Hotel Rana, Varinder Singh. Random Publications, 2017 9789351119142 281 p,: UG Library
641.692 WHI 00052137 World Encyclopedia of Fish and Shellfish Whiteman, Kate 0754804887 256p UG Library
641.6920945 JAC 05042673 Fish : Phaidon Press, 2012 9780714863870 | 0714863874 312 p. : Knowledge Centre
641.694 TIL 05062924 Oyster : Tillie, Carolyn. Reaktion Books, 2017 9781780238173 175p.; Knowledge Centre
641.694 TIL 07013233 Oyster : Tillie, Carolyn. Reaktion Books, 2017 9781780238173 175p.; Library - BR Campus
641.695 REB 00080785 Lobster: The Most Sophisticated Taste Sensation in Many Varieties for Crative Cooking REBO Publishers Rebo Publishers 2002 0903661614 | 9789036616140 96 p. UG Library
641.6954 DAL 00067444 Jamva Chaloji Dalal, Katy. Vakils, Feffer & Simons Pvt LTd 1997 8187111062 | 9788187111061 132 p. UG Library
641.696 DOS 00126952 Insects as Sustainable Food Ingredients : Dossey T.Aaron Elsevier, 2016 9780128028568 | 0128028564 xv, 385 p: UG Library
641.69REB 00080926 Now You`re Cookin` Wok REBO Publishers Rebo Publishers 9036619602 96p UG Library
641.71 CLE 00066262 Baking Clements, Carole Southwater 1842152548 256p UG Library
641.71 CLE 00066268 Flip Cook Baking Clements Carole South Water 2004 1844761029 160 p UG Library
641.71 DAY 00066261 Baking Day, Martha 0754812383 512p UG Library
641.71 FAR 00039445 Pizzas: Cooking With Style Farrell, Penny. A Cassell Book 1994 0030434379 | 9780304343799 96 p. UG Library
641.71 FRA 00049634 Ultimate Low Fat Baking Cookbook Fraser, Linda Anness Publishing Ltd 1840387904 256p UG Library
641.71 GFK 00040350 All About Home Baking. General Foods Kitchens Random House 1960 117 p.: UG Library
641.71 GIS 00048250 Professional Baking. Gisslen, Wayne 1994 0047159508 2nd Ed. 377 p UG Library
641.71 GIS 00048578 Professional Baking Gisslen, Wayne 0047159508 376 p UG Library
641.71 KHO 00067447 Baker's Fiesta Khanna, Sangeeta. A Sterling Paperback 2001 8120719603 | 9788120719606 87 p. UG Library
641.71 KIN 00069419 A Professional Text to Bakery and Confectionary Kingslee,John. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2005 8122417493 | 9788122417494 228 p. UG Library
641.71 KIN 00104588 A Professional Text to Bakery and Confectionary Kingslee,John. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2005 8122417493 | 9788122417494 228 p. UG Library
641.71 LF 00120601 Baking Love Food Parragon Books Ltd 2012 9781445465722 319p. UG Library
641.71 NOR 00030912 The Complete Book Of Home Baking Norwak,Mery. Treasure Press 1979 090740779x 207 p. UG Library
641.71 PHI 00104129 Book Of Baking : Philip Thangam Sangam Books ; 1994 9788125015000 116 p. UG Library
641.71AME 00035047 Baders Manual Amendola, Joseph Van Nostrand 276 l. UG Library
641.71BAB 00034738 Rotis and Nanns of India With Accompanimens Babbar, Purobi Vakils 240 UG Library
641.71KAM.S 00041174 Advances in Baking Technology. (Xerox Copy) Kamel, Basil S Chapman & Hall 1993 407p UG Library
641.71MAT 00035058 Perfect Baking at Home Mathew, A Krithika Vasab 135 UG Library
641.76 DEU 05062939 Barbecue : Deutsch, Jonathan; Elias, Megan J. Reaktion Books, 2014 9781780232591 142p.; Knowledge Centre
641.76 DEU 07013205 Barbecue : Deutsch, Jonathan; Elias, Megan J. Reaktion Books, 2014 9781780232591 142p.; Library - BR Campus
641.76 FRA 00063432 Barbecues and Salads France, Christine Hermes House 512p UG Library
641.76 GUJ 00067479 Moti Mahal's Tandoori Trail Gujral, Monish Roli Books 2004 8174363165 | 9788174363169 127 p. UG Library
641.76 KIM 00080756 Lexicon of Barbecue:The Best Recipes from Around the Globe. Kimpel, Roger Rebo Publishers 2006 9036619130 304p UG Library
641.76 MIL 05046329 Barbecue : Miller, Tim Rowman & Littlefield, 2014 9781442227538 (cloth : alk. paper) ix, 197 pages : Knowledge Centre
641.76 MUR 00068902 Grill It Murdoch Books Murdoch 2000 1740454154 | 9781740454155 399 p. UG Library
641.77 COH 00143021 Frenchmay air fryer cookbook for beginners: Cohen,Jake Jake Cohen, 2021 9781803190433 303p.: UG Library
641.77 VIJ 00066765 Deep Fry Vijayakar,Sunil. Lorenz Books 2003 0754811298 | 9780754811299 64 p. UG Library
641.79 ARO 00123424 Cold Kitchen Arora, R K A P H Publishing Corporation, 2011 9788131312797 318 p:. UG Library
641.79 GAR 00126925 Modern Garde Manger / Garlough, Robert, Delmar, Cengage Learning, 2012 9781111307615 | 9781111307608 2nd ed. xxxiv, 780 p. : UG Library
641.8 BRY 00066204 100 Great Cocktails Bryan,Tim. Roli & Janssen 2003 8174362835 | 9788174362834 94 p. UG Library
641.8 KAM 00148393 The pastry chef's guide: Kamble, Akhil Keya International, 2025 9789395080484 260p. ; UG Library
641.8 NEL 00040349 The Complete International One-Dish meal Cookbook. Nelson, Kay Shaw Scarborough House 1979 285 p.: UG Library
641.8 SCH 00039447 Book of Garnishing Christa Schmedes London 1996 119 p.: UG Library
641.8 STR 00047047 The Pasta and Pizza Street,Myra. Grange Books 1985 1856276074 | 9781856276078 127 p. UG Library
641.81 BHG 00040351 Fondue and Tabletop Cooking Better Homes And Gardens Dorling Kindersley 1973 96 p.: UG Library
641.81 BOU 00066193 The Fondue Cookbook Bounty Books Octopus Publishing 2004 0753710358 | 9780753710357 64 p.: UG Library
641.81 JOH 00066735 Fondue: Fabulous Food, Easy Entertaining Johnson, Becky. Loremz Books 2003 0754809757 | 9780754809753 64 p. UG Library
641.812 EUR 00079307 Europe`s Master Chefs Eurodelices Konemann 2004 3833111585 831p UG Library
641.812 MEH 00066045 The Complete Book Of All Time Snacks and Sandwiches Mehta,Kamal. Hind Pocket Books 2002 8121603048 134 p. UG Library
641.812 MEH 00066044 The Complete Book Of All Time Snacks and Sandwiches Mehta,Kamal. Hind Pocket Books 2002 8121603048 134 p. UG Library
641.812 MEY 00080710 Appetizer Atlas:A World of Small Bites [ Hotel Management Section ] Meyer, Arthur L 0471411027 624p UG Library
641.812 PIC 00053304 Tapas Pickford, Louise 1999 0600598756 | 9780600598756 128 p UG Library
641.812068 STO 00057400 Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts Stogo,Malcolm. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1998 0471153923 | 9780471153924 541 p. UG Library
641.812HUA 00040401 Chinese Appetizers & Garnishes. Su-Huei, Huang Sun-Chuan.Pub.Lted 151p UG Library
641.813 FRA 00074163 Soup Sensations Francer, Linda ANNESS 2002 1843093359 96p UG Library
641.813 SHE 00120603 Greatest-ever soup recipes Sheasby Anne Hermes House 2009 9781846812064 224p. UG Library
641.813 VIJ 00066042 Delicious Soups Vij, Sneha R. Crest Publishing House 2000 8124201897 | 9788124201893 1st Ed. 191 p. UG Library
641.813AVE 00080816 Cooking Light Soup:57 Essential Recipes to Eat Smart, Be Fit, Live Well Averett, Heather 0084873064 144p UG Library
641.814 BLE 00049623 Home Collection Sauces Bleu, Le Cordon. Periplus Editions 1999 9625932771 | 9789625932774 64 p. UG Library
641.814 FAR 00080820 Sauce:Over 100 of the Best Farrow, Joanna Hamlyn, a Division of Octopus, 2006 0600615421 | 9780600615422 128 p.: UG Library
641.814 ING 00074161 Salad Sensations Diliciously Different Receipes from Around World Ingram, Christine. Hermes House 2005 1843095890 | 9781843095897 96 p.: UG Library
641.814 LAR 00040083 Sauce Bible Guid to the Saucier`s Craft David Paul Larousse 1993 0471572284 384 p.: UG Library
641.814 LAR 00065138 Sauce Bible Guid to the Saucier`s Craft David Paul Larousse 1993 0471572284 384 p.: UG Library
641.814 PAR 00127480 Sauces & Salsas Paragon Love food, 2007 9781407566900 96p : . UG Library
641.814 PET 00069833 SAuces: Classical and Contemporary Sauce Making Peterson, James John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1998 0471292753 | 0471292753 xxv, 598 p.: UG Library
641.814 PET 00079314 Sauces: Peterson, James 1998 0471292753 598p UG Library
641.814 RAJ 00066039 Chutneys Pickles & Squashes Rajshri Nita Mehta Publications 1999 8176760048 103 p. UG Library
641.814 REB 00080768 Preserving:Homemade Jam and the Tastiest Chutneys for Creative Cooking REBO Publishing Rebo Publishers 2004 9036614783 | 9789036614788 96 p.: UG Library
641.814 ROU 00048251 Sauces Roux, Michel Quadrille 1899988211 176p UG Library
641.814 SCH 00048131 Sauces and Salsas Schwartz, Oded 0751307858 144p UG Library
641.814 TEB 05062900 Sauces : Tebben, Maryann Bates. Reaktion Books, 2014 9781780233512 158p.; Knowledge Centre
641.814 TEB 07013245 Sauces : Tebben, Maryann Bates. Reaktion Books, 2014 9781780233512 158p.; Library - BR Campus
641.814PET 00048264 Sauces [ Classical and Contemporary Sauce Making ] Peterson, James 0442026153 598p UG Library
641.815 AME 00074164 Understanding Baking Amendola,Joseph. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2003 0471405469 | 9780471405467 3rd Ed. 279 p. UG Library
641.815 AME 00035055 Understanding Baking Amendola, Joseph. Van Nostrand Reinhold 1992 9780442009670 2nd Ed. 299 p. UG Library
641.815 BER 00063832 Bread Bible Beranbaum, Rose Levy W w Norton 640p UG Library
641.815 BLO 00079315 Essential Baker Bloom Carole John Wiley 2007 645p UG Library
641.815 CIA 05045884 Baking & pastry : Culinary institute of America, 2016 9780470928653 (cloth : alk. pa Third edition. xx, 1116 pages : Knowledge Centre
641.815 COL 00048283 Bread Book Collister, Linda Conran Octopus 1840910615 192p UG Library
641.815 CUV 00066728 The Doughmakers Cookbook Cuvelier Diane Cuvelier Diane and Better Laplante, 2004 0060569891 | 9780060569891 viii, 264 p.: UG Library
641.815 DAL 00066034 Parathas Dalal,Tarla. Sanjay & Co. 2005 8186469915 102 p. UG Library
641.815 DIA 00148093 Bread And Pastry Production/ Dias, Elton Discovery Publishing, 2024 9788119365319 254p. ; UG Library
641.815 DOD 00065123 Weekend Baker Dodge, Abigail Johnson W.W.Norton & Company 2005 0393058832 384p UG Library
641.815 FAR 00047269 Heavenly Cakes Farrow, Joanna. Merehurst Ltd 1993 1897730047 | 9781897730041 96 p. UG Library
641.815 GIE 00080821 Artisan Baking Glezer, Maggie Artisan 1579652913 236p UG Library
641.815 GIS 00051391 Professional Baking Gisslen, Wayne 0471346470 646p UG Library
641.815 GOB 00133234 Handbook on sourdough biotechnology: Gobbetti, Marco, Springer, 2013 9781461454243 | 1461454247 vi, 298 pages : UG Library
641.815 HER 00118093 Women's Institute : Bread Herbert, Liz Simon and Schuster, 2010 9781847374004 144p.; UG Library
641.815 ING 00066263 Bread Ingram, Christine 2004 0754811751 512p UG Library
641.815 ING 00066275 Book of Bread Ingram, Christine 0754811077 256p UG Library
641.815 JAI 00048576 Making Bread at Home: 50 Recipes from Around the World Jaine, Tom Phoenix Publishers 0185799924 120 p UG Library
641.815 LAB 00117692 On baking Labensky, Sarah R. Pearson, 2013 0132374560 | 9780132374569 3rd ed. xxx, 827 p. : UG Library
641.815 NAK 00064249 Small Batch Baking Nakos, Debby, Maugans Workman publishing 2000 9780761130352 xii, 452 p,: UG Library
641.815 REE 00128862 Baking, Unplugged / Rees, Nicole. John Wiley & Sons, 2009 9780470149119 xi, 260 p. ; UG Library
641.815 RUB 05062941 Bread : Rubel, William. Reaktion Books, 2011 9781861898548 160p.; Knowledge Centre
641.815 RUB 07013196 Bread : Rubel, William. Reaktion Books, 2011 9781861898548 160p.; Library - BR Campus
641.815 SHA 00066592 Bread Machine Shapter,Jennie. Hermes House 2000 1843091771 | 9781843091776 256 p. UG Library
641.815 SIL 00065127 BREAD FROM the LA BREA BAKERY Silverton, Nancy 0679409076 260p UG Library
641.815 SIN 00145985 Bakery and Confectionery Techonology Singh, Anju Random Publications, 2023 9788196068462 1st ed, xiii,288p. ; UG Library
641.815 STA 00067487 Quick and Simple Recipes Bread Star Fire Crabtree Hall 2000 1903817811 | 9781903817810 47 p. UG Library
641.815 SUR 00095799 Advanced Bread and pastry: Suas Michel Delmar cengage learning 2009 9781418011697 1043P UG Library
641.815 SUR 00143454 Advanced Bread and pastry: Suas Michel Delmar cengage learning 2009 9781418011697 1043P UG Library
641.815 TAT 00067485 Pure Vegetarian Exotic Roties Tated,Pushpa. Anjali Cooking School 2005 1st Ed. 77 p. UG Library
641.815 THA 05075238 A Baker's Journey : Thaliath, Avin. Partridge Publishing India, 2024 9781543709346 xi, 267 p. ; Knowledge Centre
641.8153 ALB 05062911 Pancake : Albala, Ken, Reaktion, 2008 1861893922 | 9781861893925 127 pages : Knowledge Centre
641.8153 ALB 07013234 Pancake : Albala, Ken, Reaktion, 2008 1861893922 | 9781861893925 127 pages : Library - BR Campus
641.819 NEG 00110322 Food Presentation Techniques Negi,Jagmohan Dr. S. Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 2013 9788121935753 ix; 253 p. UG Library
641.81BIL 00035226 Garnishing and Decoration Biller, Rudolf Virtue 160 UG Library
641.82 TOO 00048504 The Best 125 Meatless Main Dishes Toomay, Mindy America 1992 1559582278 | 9781559582278 xvi, 376 p.: UG Library
641.822 BON 00069255 Italian Pasta the Best Recipes Ever Bonechi Be Bonechi Be 2000 0884760320 | 9788847603202 127 p.: UG Library
641.822 CAR 00063445 Passion for Pasta Carluccio Antonio Worldwide Ltd, 2003 0563487615 | 9780563487616 192 p.: UG Library
641.822 CRO 00048220 Pasta Croce, Julia Della Dorling Kindersley 1997 0751304425 | 9780751304428 168 p.: UG Library
641.822 CRO 00048270 Pasta Croce, Julia Della Dorling Kindersley 1997 0751304425 | 9780751304428 168 p.: UG Library
641.822 DAL 00067481 Pizzas & Pasta Dalal, Tarla Sanjay & Company 2000 84 p, UG Library
641.822 FRI 00063834 Advanced Professional Pastry Chef Friberg, Bo 0471359262 850p UG Library
641.822 FRI 00065131 Advanced Professional Pastry Chef Friberg, Bo 0471359262 850p UG Library
641.822 HCC 00050258 Easy Pasta Hamlyn Cookery Club Hamlyn Cookery Club 1999 9780600599081 96 p,: UG Library
641.822 ILL 00053307 Good Housekeeping Complete Book of Pasta Illsley, Janet 1996 0091857511 | 9780091857516 160 p UG Library
641.822 MAX 00048322 Vegetarian PASTA Cook Book Maxwell, Sarah Apple 1850765073 128p UG Library
641.822 MCN 00066126 Cold Pasta McNair, James. Chronicle Books 1989 0877013535 | 9780877013532 96 p. UG Library
641.822 PAR 00064251 Pasta Step By Step Parragon Publications Parragon Publications 2002 0075258006 | 9780752580067 98 p,: UG Library
641.822 PEH 00080787 Lexicon of Pasta:A Little Declaration of Love. Pehle, Tobias Rebo Publishers 2006 9036618894 299p UG Library
641.822 SHE 05054452 Pasta and noodles : Shelke,Kantha. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2016 9781780236490 176p.; Knowledge Centre
641.822 WRI 00128853 The Book Of PASTA Wright, Jeni Hermes House, 2011 9781843094333 256p : . UG Library
641.822 WRI 00058929 Pasta Bible Wright, Feni 0754804011 256p UG Library
641.822PAR1 00071831 Pasta Sauces: A Collection of Italian Style Recipes: [BHM] Paraggon Books 1405437162 96p UG Library
641.823 LAM 00049629 Real Chilli Cookbook Lambert, Marjie Apple 1850767009 124p UG Library
641.823 WRI 00066742 Real Stew Wright, Clifford A 1558321985 388p UG Library
641.824 AWW 00058004 Pizzas and Snacks Australian Women`s Weekly ACP Publishing Pty Limited 2000 0186396097 | 9781863960977 63 p,: UG Library
641.824 CLA 05062910 Pie : Clarkson, Janet, Reaktion Books, 2009 9781861894250 (cased) | 1861894252 (cased) 136 p. : Knowledge Centre
641.824 CLA 07013235 Pie : Clarkson, Janet, Reaktion Books, 2009 9781861894250 (cased) | 1861894252 (cased) 136 p. : Library - BR Campus
641.824809 HEL 05062908 Pizza : Helstosky, Carol. Reaktion Books, 2013 9781861893918 142p.; Knowledge Centre
641.824809 HEL 07013237 Pizza : Helstosky, Carol. Reaktion Books, 2013 9781861893918 142p.; Library - BR Campus
641.83 BLA 00034334 Salads for Foodservide Menu Planning Blair, C Eulalia Van Nostrand 1988 201 p.: UG Library
641.83 FRA 00048274 Salas Relishes and Dips Franco Silvana Lorenz Books 1999 0754801217 | 9780754801214 96 p,: UG Library
641.83 JAN 00034333 Soups for the Professional Chef Janericco, Terence Van Nostrand 1988 210 p.: UG Library
641.83 WEI 00127171 Salad Weinraub Judith Reaktion Books 2016 9781780236582 126 p.: UG Library
641.83 WEI 07013263 Salad Weinraub Judith Reaktion Books 2016 9781780236582 126 p.: Library - BR Campus
641.83 WHE 00048215 Best-Ever Salads Wheeler, Steven Lorenz 1859679196 256p UG Library
641.83 WHE 00080724 Salads Over 200 Mouthwatering Step-By Step Recipes Wheeler, Steven Anness Publishing Ltd 2005 1840381965 | 9781840381962 256p UG Library
641.83GAS2 00080714 Vegetables & Salads [ Hotel Management Section ] Gastronomique, Larousse 0600611612 304p UG Library
641.84 DAL 00066031 Sandwiches Dalal,Tarla. Sanjay & CO 2005 8186469958 | 00126714900003 102 p. UG Library
641.84 DAL 00066030 Sandwiches Dalal,Tarla. Sanjay & CO 2005 8186469958 | 00126714900003 102 p. UG Library
641.84 SMI 05062895 Hamburger : Smith, Andrew F., Reaktion Books, 2008 9781861893901 151p.; Knowledge Centre
641.84 WIL 07013244 Sandwich : Wilson,Bee. Reaktion Books, 2010 9781861897718 148p.; Library - BR Campus
641.84 WIL 05062899 Sandwich : Wilson,Bee. Reaktion Books, 2010 9781861897718 148p.; Knowledge Centre
641.847MAC 00080826 Infused:100+recipes for Infused Liqueurs and Cocktails Macneal, Susan Elia 0811846008 151p UG Library
641.84PIL 00040352 101+hurry-Up Hamburger Recipes. P I L Lincolnwood 96p UG Library
641.852 HOO 05072304 Jam Jelly and marmalade : Hood, Sarah B. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2021 9781789143898 136p. ; Knowledge Centre
641.852 NIC 03009227 The Green Home Fruits of the Earth : Nicol, Gloria. CICO BOOKS , 2009 9781906525279 144 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
641.8523 DOL 05074683 Breakfast Cereal : Dolan, Kathryn Cornell. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2023 9781789146950 142 p. ; Knowledge Centre
641.853 ANA 00080831 Simple Cooking for the Sweet Anand, Karen. Westland Books Pvt Ltd 2007 8187671823 | 9788187671824 64 p. UG Library
641.853 BLO 00065154 Truffles Candies, and Confections Bloom, Carole TEN SPEED PRESS 2004 1580086217 230p UG Library
641.853 DOR 00048277 Candy Doran, Laura Dover Lark Books 1579900550 128p UG Library
641.853 MAS 05060779 Sweets and candy : Mason, Laura. Reaktion Books, 2018 9781780239279 167p. Knowledge Centre
641.86 AME 00085994 Art of the Dessert Amernick, Ann John Wiley & Sones, INC. 2007 9780471443810 350 p UG Library
641.86 ARO 00148398 Dessert Making: Intermediate/ Arora, Surekha Keya International, 2025 9789395080651 viii,216p. ; UG Library
641.86 ARO 00148401 Dessert Making Beginner's Guide: Arora, Surekha Keya International, 2025 9789395080644 viii,232p. ; UG Library
641.86 BEL 00063444 Eurodelices:Desserts Bellahsen, Fabien Konemann 1999 0382901130 | 9783829011303 326 p UG Library
641.86 BOS 00067500 Sweets Deserts & Ice Creams Bose, Sarbari S.S.S.Publications 2000 8187294523 136 p.: UG Library
641.86 BOY 00062958 A Neoclassic View of Plated Desserts Boyle, Tish Jhon Wiley & Sons Inc 2001 0047129313 | 9780471293132 290 p UG Library
641.86 BRA 00065125 American Desserts Brachman, Wayne Harley 1400046653 256p UG Library
641.86 DAY 00079019 Year of Desserts 365 Delicious Step-By-step Recipes Day, Martha 2006 0754816753 512p UG Library
641.86 DSO 00070811 Sugar Free Low Calorie Desserts D'Souza,Rita. BPI (India) Pvt Ltd 2005 8176931802 | 9788176931809 168 p. UG Library
641.86 EUR 00063441 Eurodelices: Hot Appetizers Belhasen, Fabirn Konemann 1999 0382901127 334p UG Library
641.86 FAR 00048532 Woman's Day Desserts Farrell-Kingsley, Kathy. A Round Stone Press Book 1997 0670874442 | 9780670874446 350 p. UG Library
641.86 GIB 00145432 Dessert Making: Intermediate/ Gibson, Freya Larsen & Keller, 2021 9781641728041 viii,233p. ; UG Library
641.86 HAR 00035073 Appetizers, Sa Lad Dressiga and Salads Fundmantalas of Quantity Food Prepar Hardwick, B Geraline CBI Publishing Company, Inc. 1982 0843622075 359p UG Library
641.86 KAR 00048266 Patissier`s Art Karrousos, George 0471318787 305p UG Library
641.86 KAR 00064247 Patissier`s Art Karrousos, George 0471318787 305p UG Library
641.86 KAR 00057019 Patissier`s Art Karrousos, George 0471318787 305p UG Library
641.86 LEB 00119340 Ready for Dessert : Lebovitz, David. Ten Speed Press, 2010 9781580081382 | 9781607743651 1st ed. 278 p. : UG Library
641.86 MAC 00048535 New Classic Desserts Maclaucblan, Andrew 0442017359 265p UG Library
641.86 MES 00118097 Dessert University : Mesnier, Roland. Simon & Schuster, 2004 9780743223171 x, 545 p. : UG Library
641.86 MIG 00143858 Elements of Dessert / Migoya, Francisco. Wiley, 2012 9780470891988 vii,536p,; UG Library
641.86 MIN 00061390 Chocolate, Cocoa and Confectionery: Science and Technology Minifie, W Bernard Cbs 0812390505 904p UG Library
641.86 POW 00145918 Dessert Making Beginner's Guide: Powell, Deborah Larsen & Keller, 2023 9798888361146 234p. ; UG Library
641.86 RAV 00034438 Puddings and Desserts Ravindran, Bhanu Bhavi 1990 152 p. UG Library
641.86 RAV 00034439 Puddings and Desserts Ravindran, Bhanu Bhavi 1990 152 p. UG Library
641.86 STA 00067489 Quick and Simple Recipes Deserts Star Fire Crabtree Hall 2000 1903817889 | 9781903817889 47 p. UG Library
641.86 TOV 00034433 Wicked Puddings Tovey, John OCTOPUS 144 p. UG Library
641.86 TRO 00068907 Desserts Totter, Charlie Tenspeed Press 2000 9780898158151 238p UG Library
641.86 WAG 00034435 Desserts Wagstaff, Mandy. Mercier 1991 9781853912351 80 p.; UG Library
641.86 WAT 00144734 The Pastry Chefs Guide : Watts, Dustin. Larsen and keller pulishing, 2023 9798888361313 viii,240p, ; UG Library
641.86 WEM 00117782 The dessert architect Wemischner, Robert. Delmar, 2010 9781428311770 | 1428311777 x, 416 p. : UG Library
641.86 WIL 00057819 Perfect Fruit Desserts Willan, Anne 1997 0751304921 127p UG Library
641.86 WOO 00142738 Amazing recipes for wizards and muggles: Woods,Dobby Dobby woods, 2020 9781914446450 113p.; UG Library
641.862 CLA 00063556 Science of Ice Cream Clarke, Chris 0854046291 187p UG Library
641.862 FAR 00066271 Ice Cream and Iced Desserts Farrow, Joanna 0754805026 256p UG Library
641.862 PAS 00068895 Ice Creams & Sorbets Passmore, Jacki Salamander Books Limited 1840650508 128p UG Library
641.862 POO 00053303 Ice Cream Poole, Shona Crawford Conran Octopus 1840911735 95p UG Library
641.862 RAN 00035057 Home Made Ice Creams and Desserts Ranganathan, Sumathi. Vasan Book Depot 1991 3rd Ed. 120 p. UG Library
641.862 WEI 05062936 Ice cream : Weiss, Laura. Reaktion Books, 2011 9781861897923 176p.; Knowledge Centre
641.862 WEI 07013221 Ice cream : Weiss, Laura. Reaktion Books, 2011 9781861897923 176p.; Library - BR Campus
641.863 SUT 00048235 Ice Creams Sorbets and Other Cool Delights Suthering, Jane 0861018621 128 p UG Library
641.864 BRO 00048512 Truly Wonderful Puddings and Desserts Brookes, Susan 1995 0600587169 159p UG Library
641.8644 QUI 05062906 Pudding : Quinzio, Jeri. Reaktion Books, 2012 9781780230429 147p.; Knowledge Centre
641.8644 QUI 07013240 Pudding : Quinzio, Jeri. Reaktion Books, 2012 9781780230429 147p.; Library - BR Campus
641.865 MAT 00148392 The Professional Pastry Chef: Mathur, Akhil Keya International, 2025 9789395080507 Viii,230p. ; UG Library
641.865 ATK 00066272 Pastry the Complete Art of Pastry Making Atkinson, Catherine 0754808203 256p UG Library
641.865 ATK 00066273 Perfect Pastry the Fine Art of Sweet and Savoury Pastry-Making Atkinson, Catherine Southwater 1842157663 128p UG Library
641.865 CHO 00128545 Cooking Processes in Baking and Pastry Making Chouhan, Aparna New Delhi 2015 9789350302354 224 p. : UG Library
641.865 EDW 05075210 Biscuits and Cookies : Edwards, Anastasia. Reaktion Books Ltd , 2019 9781789140491 136 p.; Knowledge Centre
641.865 FRI 00065136 Professional Pastry Chef Friberg, Bo 2003 0471359254 1020p UG Library
641.865 FRI 00035268 Professional Pastry Chef Friberg, Bo 2003 0471359254 1020p UG Library
641.865 KIN 00138435 A Professional Text to Bakery and Confectionery / Kingslee,John. New Age International Limited, 2019 9789387788220 2nd ed. xiii,193p.; UG Library
641.865 LOD 00048222 Art of Sugarcraft Pastillage & Sugar Moulding Lodge, Nicholas Chancellor Press 1851529624 64p UG Library
641.865 MAX 00074162 Irresistible Cakes Acelebration of Fabulous Bake Sfor All Occasions (BHM ) Maxwell, Sarah ANNESS 1843095238 96p UG Library
641.865 MON 00067438 Delicious Home-Made Montagard, Jean 0855325828 32p UG Library
641.865 MUR 00132157 Food Production and Patisserie: Murugan Annamali, Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, 2018 9789386841483 n,326 p.; UG Library
641.865 MUR 00131194 Food production and patisserie Murugan,annamalai Diascovery publishing house pvt ltd., 2018 9789386841483 325p.; UG Library
641.865 PAR 00080921 Delicious Pastries Parragon Love Food 96p UG Library
641.865 SUL 00035269 Pastry Chef Sultan, J William Van Nostrand 674 UG Library
641.865 WIL 00120721 Larousse. John Wiley, John Wiley, 2012 9781118208823 (cloth) 447 p. : UG Library
641.865023 MAC 00066588 Making of a Pastry Chef Maclauchlan, Andrew 1999 0471293202 338p UG Library
641.8650944 FER 05061339 French pĆ¢tisserie : Ferandi Flammarion, 2017 9782080203182 655p.; Knowledge Centre
641.8652 MUR 00063836 Complete Pies and Tarts Cookbook Murdoch Murdoch 256p UG Library
641.8652 WIL 00048205 Look & Cook:Perfect Pies and Tarts Willan`s, Anne Dorling Kindersley 1995 0751300691 127 p UG Library
641.8652 WIL 00040397 Look & Cook:Perfect Pies and Tarts Willan`s, Anne Dorling Kindersley 1995 0751300691 127 p UG Library
641.8652 WOL 00048320 Simple Tarts Wolf Cohen, Elizabeth Apple 1850766878 80p UG Library
641.8653 ACO 00067440 Eggless Cakes Aloysius, Rosalind Vakils, Feffer & Simons 8187111151 44p UG Library
641.8653 DAY 00066276 Cakes & Bakes Cook Book Day, Martha 0754812855 320p UG Library
641.8653 DEA 00069838 Cake Decorating the Complete Step-By-step Guide Deacon, Carol New Holland 1845371860 144p UG Library
641.8653 GAS 00080711 Desserts, Cakes & Pastries. Gastronomique, Larousse 2004 0600611590 352p UG Library
641.8653 GOB 00069246 Celebration Cakes Goble, Karen New Holland Publishers 2005 1843309777 160p UG Library
641.8653 HUN 05062930 Cake : Humble, Nicola. Reaktion Books, 2016 9781861896483 144p.; Knowledge Centre
641.8653 HUN 05062943 Doughnut : Hunwick, Heather Delancey. Reaktion Books, 2015 9781780234984 173p.; Knowledge Centre
641.8653 HUN 07013212 Doughnut : Hunwick, Heather Delancey. Reaktion Books, 2015 9781780234984 173p.; Library - BR Campus
641.8653 HUN 07013207 Cake : Humble, Nicola. Reaktion Books, 2016 9781861896483 144p.; Library - BR Campus
641.8653 MAC 00069842 All-Colour Cake Decorating Course: A Step - By - Step Guide to Making Traditional and Fantasy Cakes Macgregor, Elaine Guantum Book 1861609590 223p UG Library
641.8653 MAH 00118091 Ultimate cake / Maher, Barbara. DK Pub., 1998 9781405371148 1st pbk. ed. 160 p. : UG Library
641.8653 MAX 00053310 Making Classic Cakes Maxwell, Sarah Anness Publishing Ltd 2000 1840385774 96p UG Library
641.8653 NIL 00066264 Cakes and Cake Decorating Nilsen, Angela 0075481341 256p UG Library
641.8653 RAN 00066066 TEMPTING CAKES Rangachari, Kasturi New Dawn Press 1845572424 120p UG Library
641.8653 WIL 00066599 Wedding Cakes You Can Make Wilson, Dede 0076455719 168p UG Library
641.8653 WIL 00069247 Fantastic Party Cakes 20 Fun Cakes to Make and Decorate Wilkinson, Alllison New Holland 2005 1845370457 80p UG Library
641.8653REB 00080924 Now You`re Cookin` Chocolate REBO Publishers Rebo Publishers 9036619750 96p UG Library
641.8654 ATK 00129928 500 Cookies, Biscuits & Bakes Atkinson, Catherine Hermes House, 2012 0857234552 | 9780857234551 256 p . : UG Library
641.8654 ATK 00069248 New Cookie Book More Than 150 Great Cookie, Biscuit, Bar and Brownie Recipes Atkinson, Catherine ANNESS 2004 1843097214 256p UG Library
641.8654 GRA 00034432 Cake Decorating Deborah Gray, Mercier 1991 9781853911392 256p UG Library
641.8654 McR 00128867 The Golden Book of Cookies / McRae, Anne Barrons, 2008 9780764161858 | 0764161857 1st English language ed. 704 p. : UG Library
641.8654 PAR 00066181 Cookies Street, Queen House 2002 0752592874 31p UG Library
641.8654 WAL 00055041 Great Big Cookie Book Walden, Hilaire Lorenz 1998 1859675700 | 9781859675700 256p UG Library
641.8654 WIL 00068530 Chocolate Chip Cookies Wilson, Dede 1558322957 176p UG Library
641.8659 VAR 00047046 French Country Cooking Varnom, John Grange 1856276910 128p UG Library
641.86WIL 00048211 Look and Cook [ Fruit Desserts ] Willan`s, Anne 0863189873 127p UG Library
641.87 DAV 00128823 The Oxford Companion to Food / Davidson, Alan, University Press, 2014 9780199677337 3rd edition / xxx, 921 p. : UG Library
641.87 HAM 00066228 Little Book of Champagne Cocktails Hamlyn Hamlyn 2001 0600604365 | 9780600604365 94 p. UG Library
641.87 HAM 00066222 Little Book of Gin Cocktails Hamlyn 0600600610 94p UG Library
641.87 KEE 00063912 Wines of the World Keevil, Susan 1405302909 672p UG Library
641.87 SEN 00066151 Complete World Bartender Guide Sennett, Bob 0055329900 540p UG Library
641.87 SIM 00063908 Book of Wine Simon, Joanna A Dorling Kindersley Book 2001 0751307769 | 9780751307764 224 p UG Library
641.87 ULL 00094244 The ultimate guide fo spirits & cocktails Ullmann H.F. Ullmann 9783833150173 816p UG Library
641.872 GOE 00129700 Principle of Wine Making Goel, Ashok Random Publications, 2017 9789351112174 278 p. : UG Library
641.872 IRW 00048239 Step By Step Guide to Making Home Made Wine Irwin, Judith Colour Library Direct 1858337186 154 p UG Library
641.872 WAL 00047050 World Encyclopedia of Wine Walton, Stuart Lorenz 0185967254 256p UG Library
641.872 YEN mn 00038447 Beers of the World Yenne, Bill Bison Group 192 UG Library
641.873 HAM 00066220 LITTLE BOOK OF VODKA COCKTAILS Hamlyn 0600607496 96p UG Library
641.873 LUC 00065128 365 Cocktails Lucas, Brian Duncan Baird Publishers 1904292739 192p UG Library
641.873 PIN 00066258 Beer Pini, Udo Feierabend 3936761566 96p UG Library
641.873 REE 00048505 Better Beer and How to Brew It Reese, M R 0882662570 122p UG Library
641.873 SLO 00143017 Sun company brewing cookbook: Slocum,David Sun brewing 2020 9780578781556 xviii,184p.; UG Library
641.874 KAT 00080717 Bar & Beverage Book [ Hotel Management Section ] Katsigris, Costas 0471647993 737p UG Library
641.874 BAL 00066160 Bartendet`s Guide House, Random 0345405447 375p UG Library
641.874 BER 00058012 Mixing 100 Different Cocktails Bernard Infinity Books 8179290220 160p UG Library
641.874 BER 00066267 Cocktail Berg, Oona Van Den 0754812316 96p UG Library
641.874 BIG 00063434 Whisky & Bourbon Cocktails Biggs, David New Holland Publishers 79p UG Library
641.874 BIG 00063435 Rum Cocktails Biggs, David New Holland Publishers 0184330712 79p UG Library
641.874 BIG 00066158 Rum Cocktails Biggs, David New Holland Publishers 0184330712 79p UG Library
641.874 BIG 00063436 Gin & Vodka Cocktails Biggs, David New Holland Publishers 78p UG Library
641.874 BIG 00063437 Classic Cocktails Biggs, David New Holland Publishers 79p UG Library
641.874 BIG 00068906 Cocktail Handbook Biggs, David Caxton Edition 1840673419 160p UG Library
641.874 BOH 00063909 The Bartender's Guide: Over 1400 Recipes Bohrmann, Peter. Greenwich 2004 0862883792 | 9780862883799 560 p. UG Library
641.874 BOH 00063996 Bartender`s Guide Bohrmann, Peter 0862883792 560p UG Library
641.874 BOS 00066143 Official Bartenders and Party Guide Boston 0446676888 272p UG Library
641.874 CAR 00080823 A-Z of Cocktails Carroll, Richard Apple 2005 1845431049 | 9781845431044 344p UG Library
641.874 CAR 00120450 Bar and beverage management Carlisle Noah Random Publishers 2014 9789351113027 336p. UG Library
641.874 CHA 00058927 Your Cocktail Bar: Putting It Together Charles Infinity Books 125p UG Library
641.874 CHA 00062255 Your Cocktail Bar: Putting It Together Charles Infinity Books 125p UG Library
641.874 CHO 00129699 Mixed Drink, Coocktails and Mocktails Chouhan, Aparna Oxford, 2015 9789350302378 248 p.: UG Library
641.874 CHR 00144670 Mixology Cocktail Recipes : Chris, Fuzz. ... 2021 9781803608068 77p, ; UG Library
641.874 COL 00066229 Little Book of Tequila Cocktails Collins Wayne Hamlyn 2000 0600601455 96 p UG Library
641.874 COS 00060655 Cocktail Handbook Castantino, Maria Jaico Books 256p UG Library
641.874 DOE 00066180 Cocktail Doser, Linda 2002 1405406275 96p UG Library
641.874 ELL 00058939 Bar Attendant's Handbook Ellis, George Hospitality Press 2001 1862504687 | 9781862504684 323 p UG Library
641.874 ELL 00068537 Bar Attendant`s Handbook Ellis, George Global Business Press 2002 0817512024 323p UG Library
641.874 ELL 00068536 Bar Attendant`s Handbook Ellis, George Global Business Press 2002 0817512024 323p UG Library
641.874 FRO 00050063 Ultimate Cocktail Book Frost,Cara Imprint 2000 0600600572 208 P. UG Library
641.874 HAM 00066218 Little Book of Exotic Cocktails Hamlyn 0600608069 94p UG Library
641.874 HAM 00066221 Little Book of Brandy Cocktails Hamlyn Hamlyn 2001 0600604373 94p UG Library
641.874 HIL 00050250 Appreaciating Whisky Hills, Phillip 2000 0004724496 188p UG Library
641.874 JEL 00057831 Modern Bartender Jelicich, Jason Hospitality Press 1862504938 160p UG Library
641.874 KAM 00148396 The Bar and Beverage Handbook/ Kamble, Akhil Keya International, 2025 9789395080477 235p. ; UG Library
641.874 LUC 00060617 365 Cocktails: Mixers, Shakes and Shots Lucas, Brian Duncan Baird Publishers 1904292739 192p UG Library
641.874 MAR 00040345 Playboy`s New Bar Guide. Mario, Thomas Jove 399p UG Library
641.874 MAT 00148391 Bartending: Mathur, Akhil Keya International, 2025 9789395080606 204p. ; UG Library
641.874 NAG 00142611 The cocktail revolution: Nagy,Michael Wasteland press, 2020 9781681113678 145p.; UG Library
641.874 OCT 00063845 Cocktails: The Complete Book of Cocktail Recipes for the Bartender Octopus Publishers 2002 0753705001 361p.: UG Library
641.874 PAL 00145424 Bartending: Palmer Henry Larsen & Keller, 2021 9781641727938 vii, 236p.; UG Library
641.874 PAR 00094243 The Bartender's Book Parragon Parragon 9781407533964 384p UG Library
641.874 PAR 00066116 Cocktails Street, Queen House 1405409207 32p UG Library
641.874 PAR 00118088 1001 Cocktails & Other decadent drinks Parragon Books Parragon Books Ltd, 2011 9781445444147 320p.; UG Library
641.874 PAT 00148094 Bartending/ Patel, Jenish Discovery Publishing, 2024 9788119205905 233p. ; UG Library
641.874 QUI 00127481 Shots Quirk, Steve New Holland, 2012 9781742572383 206p : . UG Library
641.874 SCO 00047012 World`s Best Bartender`s Guide Scott, Joseph 1557882967 245p UG Library
641.874 WAL 00068900 Bartender` Companion to 750 Cocktails Walton, Stuart Anness Publishing Ltd 1844777766 512p UG Library
641.874 WAL 00068903 Ultimate Book of Cocktails Walton, Stuart ANNESS 2004 1843099365 256p UG Library
641.874 WAL 00067461 Clssic Cocktails Walton, Stuart Lorenz Books 2005 9780754815082 511p UG Library
641.874 WAL 00061589 Complete Guide to Cocktails and Drinks - How to Create Fantastic Drinks Using Spirits, Liqueurs, Wine, Beer and Mixers Walton, Stuart 0754811719 256p UG Library
641.874 WALT 00063428 ULTMATE BOOK OF COCKTAILS Walton, Stuart ANNESS 1843099373 256p UG Library
641.874 WIL 00144732 Mastering Bartending for Beginners / Williams, Nikolas. Larsen and keller publishing, 2023 9798888361221 viii,228p, ; UG Library
641.874068 CHA 00065068 Bar: Management and Control Chakravarti, B K APH 2004 8176486922 168p UG Library
641.874068 ELE 00135999 Bar management and control Elearning 3G E-Learning, 2017 9781680956290 xii,238p.; UG Library
641.8740994 STE 00048464 Australian Bartenders Guide to Cocktails Steabben, Russell Hospitality Press 1862504539 195 p UG Library
641.874ELL 00047491 Australian Bar Attendant`s Handbook Ellis, George Hospitality Press 1862504687 323p UG Library
641.874ELL 00048466 Australian Bar Attendant`s Handbook Ellis, George Hospitality Press 1862504687 323p UG Library
641.874HAM 00066236 LITTLE BOOK OF CLASSIC COCKTAILS Hamlyn 0600607488 94p UG Library
641.874JAC 00048496 Cocktail Book Jackson, Michael Mitchell Beazley 1857323351 96 p UG Library
641.874JACK 00048503 Bar and Cocktail Book Jackson`s, Michael Mitchell Beazley 1857326334 224p UG Library
641.875 HAM 00066219 LITTLE BOKK OF ALCOHOL-FREE COCKTAILS Hamlyn 0600604357 95p UG Library
641.875 PET 00066122 Juices and tonics Petersen-schelpelern, Elsa. Ryland Peters And Small 2000 9781841728339 | 9781841728339 62 p. UG Library
641.875 PET 00066121 Juices and tonics Petersen-schelpelern, Elsa. Ryland Peters And Small 2000 9781841728339 | 9781841728339 62 p. UG Library
641.875 ROW 00061085 Energy Juices Rowley,Nic. Duncan Baird Publishers 2000 1844830217 | 9781844830213 72 p. UG Library
641.877LAV 00080931 Coffee Cok Book Laurence, Janet 0811810364 60p UG Library
641.877PAL 00080932 Garden of Jea Pallan, Nancy Shumaker 0768323525 UG Library
641.8COLGF 00039441 Art of the Cocktail 100 Classic Cocktail Recipes Philip Collins 120 p UG Library
641.8TRO 00080697 Charlile Trotter:Cooks at Home [ Hotel Management Section ] Trotter, Charlie TEN SPEED PRESS 1580082505 209p UG Library
641.94068 COU 00066761 Food and Beverage Management Cousins,John. Pearson Education 2003 0582452716 | 9780582452718 2nd Ed. xii; 328 p. UG Library
641.940683 NAT 00077983 Human Resources Managemet and Supervision Competency Guide National Restaurant Association Educatio, nal Foundation 0132222124 372p UG Library
641.940688CAS 00042814 Hotel and Food Service Marketing a Managerial Approach Buttle, Francis Cassel Euducational Ltd 414p UG Library
641.94068FOS 00042813 Business of Hospitality Back Office Operations and Administration Foster, Dennis L Mcgraw-Hill Book Co 206p UG Library
641.94068JON 00080934 Management of Foodservice Operations Jones, Peter 0304331813 264p UG Library
641.944 BLA 00063429 Elegant Hotels of Europe Black, Wendy 1994 0866362290 192p UG Library
641.944 BON 00069254 French Cooking the Great Treditional Recipes Bonechi Bonechi 8847608767 127p UG Library
641.95068 GEO 03009445 Food Beverage Service and Management / George, Bobby. Jaico Publishing House , 2005 8179924092 | 9788179928844 649 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
641.95068 KOT 00062627 Profitable Food and Beverage Management Kotas,Richard. Hodder & Stoughton 1994 0340595124 | 9780340595121 338 p. UG Library
641.95068 SIN 00122221 Principles and practices in hotel, bar and beverage management Sinha, Aadesh Centrum Press 2015 9789350847725 328p. UG Library
641.95068WAL 00051387 Restaurantfrom Concept to Operation Walker, John R 0471356069 418p UG Library
641.95551462 CLA 00067431 Mediterranean Clark, Jaqueline Southwater 2000 1842150197 | 9781842150191 256p UG Library
641.956 KO 00067437 Japanese Ko, Masaki 0754815870 96p UG Library
641CES 00034447 Practical Cookery Ceserani, Victor E L B S 568 UG Library
641COR 00010900 French in 2 Lessoms Cortina, Colins Collins UG Library
641HAY 00042563 Food Preparation and Cooking. Hayter, Roy Macmillan Press Ltd 250p UG Library
641KIP.O 00049776 Cambridge World History of Food Kiple, F Kenneth 0521402158 UG Library
641KIP.O 00049777 Cambridge World History of Food Kiple, F Kenneth 0521402158 UG Library
641LIL1 00032877 Food & Beverage Service Lilly Rape, R Crimsat UG Library
641MET 00084064 Food Beverage and Service Management [hotel Management Section] Metti, M C Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126132447 278p UG Library
641WAR 00045354 Thailand: the Beautiful Cookbook: Authentic Recipes from the Regions of Tha Warren, William Weldon Owen 1875137114 256 p UG Library
642 BHO 00139846 Food Service Management : Bhojwani,Mudit. Rajat Publications, 2020 9788178802664 282p.; UG Library
642 FLO 00080359 Tyler`s Ultimate;brilliant Simple Food to Make Anytime [hotel Management Section] Florence, Tyler 1400052386 254p UG Library
642 AND 00051424 Food and Beverage Service Andrews,Sudhir. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1980 0070963584 192 p. UG Library
642 AND 00035988 Food and Beverage Service Andrews,Sudhir. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1980 0070963584 192 p. UG Library
642 AND 00035987 Food and Beverage Service Andrews,Sudhir. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1980 0070963584 192 p. UG Library
642 AND 00032862 Food and Beverage Service Andrews,Sudhir. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1980 0070963584 192 p. UG Library
642 AND 00066192 Food and Beverage Service Andrews,Sudhir. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1980 0070963584 192 p. UG Library
642 AND 00065158 Food and Beverage Service Andrews,Sudhir. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1980 0070963584 192 p. UG Library
642 AND 00051425 Food and Beverage Service Andrews,Sudhir. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1980 0070963584 192 p. UG Library
642 AND 00035624 Food and Beverage Service Andrews,Sudhir. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1980 0070963584 192 p. UG Library
642 AND 00035989 Food and Beverage Service Andrews,Sudhir. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1980 0070963584 192 p. UG Library
642 AXL 00066602 Food and Beverage Service Axler, Bruce H. John Wiley & Sons 1990 0471621765 | 9780471621768 222 p. UG Library
642 DHA 00107258 Food and Beverage Service Dhawan, Vijay. Frank Bros & Co Ltd 2002 8171704557 | 9788171704552 2nd Ed. 412 p. UG Library
642 DHA 00051608 Food and Beverage Service Dhawan, Vijay. Frank Bros & Co Ltd 2000 8171704557 1st Ed. 402 p. UG Library
642 DHA 00065891 Food and Beverage Service Dhawan, Vijay. Frank Bros & Co Ltd 2002 8171704557 | 9788171704552 2nd Ed. 412 p. UG Library
642 DHA 00065895 Food and Beverage Service Dhawan, Vijay. Frank Bros & Co Ltd 2002 8171704557 | 9788171704552 2nd Ed. 412 p. UG Library
642 DHA 00065897 Food and Beverage Service Dhawan, Vijay. Frank Bros & Co Ltd 2002 8171704557 | 9788171704552 2nd Ed. 412 p. UG Library
642 DHA 00065899 Food and Beverage Service Dhawan, Vijay. Frank Bros & Co Ltd 2002 8171704557 | 9788171704552 2nd Ed. 412 p. UG Library
642 DHA 00065900 Food and Beverage Service Dhawan, Vijay. Frank Bros & Co Ltd 2002 8171704557 | 9788171704552 2nd Ed. 412 p. UG Library
642 DHA 00065898 Food and Beverage Service Dhawan, Vijay. Frank Bros & Co Ltd 2002 8171704557 | 9788171704552 2nd Ed. 412 p. UG Library
642 DHA 00065896 Food and Beverage Service Dhawan, Vijay. Frank Bros & Co Ltd 2002 8171704557 | 9788171704552 2nd Ed. 412 p. UG Library
642 DHA 00065894 Food and Beverage Service Dhawan, Vijay. Frank Bros & Co Ltd 2002 8171704557 | 9788171704552 2nd Ed. 412 p. UG Library
642 DHA 00065892 Food and Beverage Service Dhawan, Vijay. Frank Bros & Co Ltd 2002 8171704557 | 9788171704552 2nd Ed. 412 p. UG Library
642 DHA 00065893 Food and Beverage Service Dhawan, Vijay. Frank Bros & Co Ltd 2002 8171704557 | 9788171704552 2nd Ed. 412 p. UG Library
642 DHA 00051610 Food and Beverage Service Dhawan, Vijay. Frank Bros & Co Ltd 2002 8171704557 | 9788171704552 2nd Ed. 412 p. UG Library
642 DHA 00051609 Food and Beverage Service Dhawan, Vijay. Frank Bros & Co Ltd 2000 8171704557 1st Ed. 402 p. UG Library
642 GEO 00066201 Food and Beverage Service George, Bobby Jaico Publishing House 8179924092 329p UG Library
642 GLA 00065095 Elegant Eating Glanville, Philippa V&a Publications 1851773371 144p UG Library
642 HAY 00040399 Bar Service Hayter, Roy Macmillan Press Ltd 1996 9780333633939 iv, 124 p.: UG Library
642 HAY 00060868 Bar Service Hayter, Roy Macmillan Press Ltd 1996 9780333633939 iv, 124 p.: UG Library
642 KAT 00120988 Hotel Management Kathuria, Anil Sonali Publications, 2008 9788184111354 298 p:. UG Library
642 KIV 00045998 Menu Planning for the Hospitality Industry Kivela, Jaksa Hospitality Press 1994 1862504296 | 9781862504295 202p UG Library
642 LIL 00045651 Food and Beverage Service Lillicrap, Dennis. BookPower 2006 0340611529 | 9780340905234 7th Ed. 493 p. UG Library
642 LIL 00035054 Questions and Answers On Food and Beverage Service Lillicrap, Dennis R. Hodder & Stoughton 1991 9780340557808 3rd Ed. 141 p. UG Library
642 LIL 00048307 Questions and Answers On Food and Beverage Service Lillicrap, Dennis R. Hodder & Stoughton 1991 9780340557808 3rd Ed. 141 p. UG Library
642 LIL 00048259 Food and Beverage Service Lillicrap,Dennis. Hodder And Stoughton 1998 0340730676 | 9780340730676 5th. Ed. 433 p. UG Library
642 LIL 00089821 Food and Beverage Service Lillicrap,Dennis. Educational Low-Priced Sponsored Texts 2002 9780340905234 | 9780340847039 6th Ed. 469 p. UG Library
642 LIL 00060752 Food and Beverage Service Lillicrap,Dennis. Educational Low-Priced Sponsored Texts 2002 9780340905234 | 9780340847039 6th Ed. 469 p. UG Library
642 LIL 00089500 Food and Beverage Service Lillicrap, Dennis. BookPower 2006 0340611529 | 9780340905234 7th Ed. 493 p. UG Library
642 LIL 00089501 Food and Beverage Service Lillicrap, Dennis. BookPower 2006 0340611529 | 9780340905234 7th Ed. 493 p. UG Library
642 LIL 00032873 Food and Beverage Service Lillicrap, Dennis. BookPower 2006 0340611529 | 9780340905234 7th Ed. 493 p. UG Library
642 MCV 00066601 Fundamentals of Menu Planning Mcvety, Paul J 2001 0471369470 225p UG Library
642 MUR 00132155 Food and Beverage Service: Murugan Annamalai, Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, 2018 9789386841476 n.364 p.; UG Library
642 MUR 00131193 Food And Beverage Service / Murugan, Annamalai. Discovery Publishing House Pvt, Ltd, 2018 9789386841476 364 p. ; UG Library
642 NEG 00110321 Food And Beverage Service: Skills And Techniques Negi,Jagmohan Dr. S. Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 2013 9788121997607 viii; 371 p. UG Library
642 NEG 00110320 Food And Beverage Service Operation Negi,Jagmohan Dr. S. Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 2013 9788121997720 xii; 340 p. UG Library
642 RAT 00050059 Food Service Management Ratti, Manish. Rajat Publications 2000 8187317698 290 p. UG Library
642 ROD 00120456 Food science and nutrition / Roday, Sunetra. Oxford 2012 9780198078869 | 0198078862 Second Edition. xxi, 408 pages, 4 unnumbered pages of plates : UG Library
642 ROS 00120599 Dinner : Rosenstrach, Jenny. Ecco, 2012 9780062080905 | 0062080903 1st ed. xxiii, 312 p. : UG Library
642 SET 05057113 Catering Management an Integrated Approach / Sethi,Mohini. New Age International Publishers, 2015 9788122436891 3rd ed. xi,473p.; Knowledge Centre
642 SET 00039775 Catering Management an Integrated Approach Mohini Sethi Wiley 438 p UG Library
642 SIN 00143455 Food and Beverage Service Singaravelavan, R. Oxford University Press, 2020 9780199464685 Second Edition xxvi,756p.; UG Library
642 SIN 00143456 Food and Beverage Service Singaravelavan, R. Oxford University Press, 2020 9780199464685 Second Edition xxvi,756p.; UG Library
642 SIN 00143457 Food and Beverage Service Singaravelavan, R. Oxford University Press, 2020 9780199464685 Second Edition xxvi,756p.; UG Library
642 SIN 00143458 Food and Beverage Service Singaravelavan, R. Oxford University Press, 2020 9780199464685 Second Edition xxvi,756p.; UG Library
642 SIN 00143459 Food and Beverage Service Singaravelavan, R. Oxford University Press, 2020 9780199464685 Second Edition xxvi,756p.; UG Library
642 SIN 00057382 Effective Food Service Management Singh, Y P Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2000 8126107340 301 p.: UG Library
642 SIN 00058467 Effective Food Service Management Singh, Y P Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2000 8126107340 301 p.: UG Library
642 SIN 00120457 Food and beverage service / Singaravelavan, R. Oxford Univerity Press, 2012 9780198065272 (pbk.) | 0198065 xxii, 683 p., 8 p. of plates : UG Library
642 SIN 00136837 Food and beverage service / Singaravelavan, R. Oxford Univerity Press, 2019 9780198065272 | 9780199464685 2nd ed, xxii, 683 p., 8 p. of plates : UG Library
642 TYA 00111937 Hotel Restaurant And Food Service Management/ Tyagi, Vijay. Cyber Tech Publications, 2011 9788178847627 264p.; UG Library
642 VER 00048242 Professional Food And Beverage Service Management Verghese,Brian. Macmillan India Ltd 1999 0333932617 173 p. UG Library
642 VER 00048243 Professional Food And Beverage Service Management Verghese,Brian. Macmillan India Ltd 1999 0333932617 173 p. UG Library
642 VER 00048244 Professional Food And Beverage Service Management Verghese,Brian. Macmillan India Ltd 1999 0333932617 173 p. UG Library
642 VER 00048245 Professional Food And Beverage Service Management Verghese,Brian. Macmillan India Ltd 1999 0333932617 173 p. UG Library
642 VER 00087917 Professional Food And Beverage Service Management Verghese,Brian. Macmillan India Ltd 1999 0333932617 173 p. UG Library
642 VER 00087918 Professional Food And Beverage Service Management Verghese,Brian. Macmillan India Ltd 1999 0333932617 173 p. UG Library
642 VER 00046946 Professional Food And Beverage Service Management Verghese,Brian. Macmillan India Ltd 1999 0333932617 173 p. UG Library
642.065742 NAT 00077977 Controlling Foodservice Costs Competency Guide National Restaurant Association Educatio, nal Foundation 0132283360 196p UG Library
642.068 ALL 00077986 Cases in Food Service and Clinical Nutrition Mangement Chabot, Amy Allen 0131114646 125p UG Library
642.068 LIL 00062628 Food and Beverage Service Lillicrap, Dennis 0340847026 470p UG Library
642.0688 NAT 00077979 Menu Marketing and Managemet Copmetency Guide Natinal Restaurant Asociation Educationa, l Foundation 0132222019 152p UG Library
642.0688NAT 00085995 Menu Marketing and Managemet Copmetency Guide Natinal Restaurant Asociation Educationa, l Foundation 0132222019 152p UG Library
642.1 SMI 07013214 Fast food : Smith, Andrew F., Reaktion Books, 2016 9781780235745 224p.; Library - BR Campus
642.1 SMI 05062881 Fast food : Smith, Andrew F., Reaktion Books, 2016 9781780235745 224p.; Knowledge Centre
642.2 ARO 00120458 Banqueting and catering management Arora R K APH Publishing corporation 2011 9788131310199 247p. UG Library
642.2 ARO 00120459 Banquet management and room division Arora R K APH Publishing 2011 9788131312773 352p. UG Library
642.2 SCA 05046333 Catering Management Scanlon, Nancy Loman John Wiley & Sons , Inc, 2007 0000471813 | 9780471429814 3th ed, xv+283 p.: Knowledge Centre
642.2 SCA 00077751 Catering Management Scanlon, Nancy Loman John Wiley & Sons , Inc, 2007 0000471813 | 9780471429814 3th ed, xv+283 p.: UG Library
642.2521 MCM 00038446 Popular Potato: Best Recipes Mc Monigal, Valwyn Bay Books 96 p UG Library
642.2MET 00084046 Catering Housekeeping and Hotel Management Metti, M C Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126132492 283p UG Library
642.3 TLB 00067469 Perfect Picnics Time-Life Books Time Life Book 1994 64 p.: UG Library
642.4 KHA 00116453 Catering Management Khan, Kamran Ali. Random Publications, 2013 9789351110132 272p.: UG Library
642.4 BUR 00057826 In the Royal Manner Burrell, Paul. Warner Books 1999 0044652641 | 9780446526418 144 p. UG Library
642.4 COL 00046949 Success in Principles of Catering. Colleer, Micheal Michael coller and colin Sussams 1990 0719547717 | 9780719547713 xii, 352 p.: UG Library
642.4 COL 00057821 Success in Principles of Catering. Colleer, Micheal Michael coller and colin Sussams 1990 0719547717 | 9780719547713 xii, 352 p.: UG Library
642.4 DUP 00064246 Comfortable Entertaining at Home With Ease and Grace Dupree, Nathalie 0670878855 304p UG Library
642.4 ERD 00060638 Start and Run a Profitable Catering Business from Thyme to Timing: Your Step-By-ste[ Business Plan Erdosh, George Jaico 8172247559 166p UG Library
642.4 FOS 00062622 Theory of Catering Foskett, David 0340850418 596p UG Library
642.4 HAL 00063557 From Planning to Profit Catering Like a Pro Halvorsen, Francine John Wiely & Sons, Inc, 2004 0471214221 | 9780471214229 xiv, 334 p.: UG Library
642.4 HAL 00071840 From Planning to Profit Catering Like a Pro Halvorsen, Francine John Wiely & Sons, Inc, 2004 0471214221 | 9780471214229 xiv, 334 p.: UG Library
642.4 HIL 00067439 Entertaining Hillier, Malcolm 0751304565 191p UG Library
642.4 JIT 00107264 A textbook of Catering management Jitendra M.D Wisdom Press: 2012 9789381052600 252 p. UG Library
642.4 LEO 00120753 Modern Buffets : Leonard, Edward G. John Wiley, 2012 9780470484661 xvi, 208 p. : UG Library
642.4 MCD 00145435 Modern Buffet Presentation McDermott, Repert Larson & Keller, 2020 9781641722322 vii,198p. ; UG Library
642.4 MIS 07013838 Catering management practices Misra,Siddhartha Paradise press, 2018 9789386194930 283p.; Library - BR Campus
642.4 MIS 00133703 Catering technology,food service and hospitality management Misra,Siddhartha Paradise press, 2018 9789386194503 276p.; UG Library
642.4 MIS 00131685 Catering management practices Misra,Siddhartha Paradise press, 2018 9789386194930 283p.; UG Library
642.4 RID 00045652 The Catering Management Handbook Ridgway, Judy Kogan page 1994 0749409452 | 9780749409456 246 p.: UG Library
642.4 RID 00048471 The Catering Management Handbook Ridgway, Judy Kogan page 1994 0749409452 | 9780749409456 246 p.: UG Library
642.4 SCA 00037055 Catering menu management / Scanlon, Nancy Loman. Wiley, 1992 0471546151 (alk. paper) xv, 238 p. : UG Library
642.4 SCA 00110547 Catering management Scanlon, Nancy Loman. Wiley, 2013 9781118091494 (pbk.) | 9781118 4th ed. x; 262 p. cm. UG Library
642.4 SCH 00079310 White House Chef Scheib, Walter Jihn Wiley & Sons Inc, 2007 9780471798422 viii, 327 p.: UG Library
642.4 SHI 00062623 Introduction to Catering: Ingredients for Success Shiring,Stephen B. Thomson Learning 2004 9812402101 | 9789812402103 xviii, 398 p,: UG Library
642.4 SHI 00066123 Introduction to Catering: Ingredients for Success Shiring,Stephen B. Thomson Learning 2004 9812402101 | 9789812402103 xviii, 398 p,: UG Library
642.4 SHI 00052131 Introduction to Catering: Ingredients for Success Shiring,Stephen B. Thomson Learning 2004 9812402101 | 9789812402103 xviii, 398 p,: UG Library
642.4 SHI 00075299 Introduction to Catering: Ingredients for Success Shiring,Stephen B. Thomson Learning 2004 9812402101 | 9789812402103 xviii, 398 p,: UG Library
642.4 SHI 00060636 Introduction to Catering: Ingredients for Success Shiring,Stephen B. Thomson Learning 2004 9812402101 | 9789812402103 xviii, 398 p,: UG Library
642.4 SHI 00060650 Introduction to Catering: Ingredients for Success Shiring,Stephen B. Thomson Learning 2004 9812402101 | 9789812402103 xviii, 398 p,: UG Library
642.4 SMA 00034650 Catering for Functions Small, M R Hutchinsons 1983 2nd 192 p.: UG Library
642.4 STE 00118104 Entertaining / Stewart, Martha. C. Potter, 1998 9780609803851 1st paperback ed. 314 p. : UG Library
642.4068 ARD 00127574 The Professional Caterer's Handbook : Arduser, Lora. DBS Imprints, 2014 9789382423409 | 9780910627603 611 p. : UG Library
642.4068 GOD 03008548 Starting and Running a Catering Business : Godsmark, Carol. Macmillan India Ltd , 2008 9780230636279 2nd ed. 247 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
642.4068 MAT 00098458 Catering : Mattel, Bruce. John Wiley, 9780764557989 (cloth) | 076455 viii, 358 p. : UG Library
642.40681 KEI 00047972 Food and Beverage Control Keister, Douglas C 1990 0133232395 450p UG Library
642.40688 ISM 00061081 Catering Sales and Convention Services Ismail,Ahmed. An International Thomason Publishing Co 1999 0766800377 | 9780766800373 239 p. UG Library
642.44 CAR 00148100 Hotel and Catering Operations/ Carvalho, Benita Discovery Publishing, 2024 9788119365722 238p. ; UG Library
642.44 SHO 00049644 Hotel Catering: A Handbook for Sales and Operations Shock, Patti J. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1992 0471544183 | 9780471544180 400 p. UG Library
642.45 WAL 00035271 Professional Chef`s Book of Buffets Waldner, K George Van Nostrand 1971 224 p.: UG Library
642.47 EDI 00032867 Catering Handbook Edith, Hayden Book Company 1984 290 p,: UG Library
642.47 KIN 00034109 he Theory of Catering Kinton, Ronald E L B S 1990 6th ed, xi, 451 p.: UG Library
642.47 KIN 00089776 he Theory of Catering Kinton, Ronald E L B S 1990 6th ed, xi, 451 p.: UG Library
642.47 SIN 00129690 Catering Science Singh, Gurminder Preet Random Publications, 2017 9789351119159 289 p.: UG Library
642.47KINC 00034877 Theory of Catering Kinton, Rohald Arnold-Heinneman 438 UG Library
642.47MAR 00035272 Introduction to Catering a Margis, Marzia Blackwell Scientific 275 UG Library
642.47SETHI 00032859 Catering Management: An Intergreated Approach [hotel Management Section] Sethi, Mohini W E 396 p. UG Library
642.4SEG 00080699 Opera Lover`s Cookbook:Menus for Elegant Entertaining [ Hotel Management Section ] Segan, Francine Stewart Tabori &chang 1584795360 224p UG Library
642.4SMA.1 00034651 Catering for Functions Small, M R 0091525713 192p UG Library
642.5 BAL 00144784 Fast Food Operations / Prakash, Mayank. Random Publications, 2022 9789393884718 viii,308p, ; UG Library
642.5 CHA 00032868 Technical Guide to Hotel Operation Chakravarthi, B.K Metropolitan 1993 267 p.: UG Library
642.5 DRY 00054750 Profitable Menu Planning Drysdale, John A. Prentice Hall 2002 0130891649 | 9780130891648 3rd Ed. 418 p. UG Library
642.5 KAZ 00035161 Food Service Facilities Planning Kazarian, A Edward Avi Publishing Company 1983 2nd 308 p.: UG Library
642.5 SCA 00047080 Quality Restaurant Service Guaranteed Scanlon,Nancy Loman. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1998 0471028525 | 9780471028529 212 p. UG Library
642.540878 KAP 01003618 Erotic justice : Kapur, Ratna, Glass House Press, 1904385249 (pbk.) | 9781904385 v, 219 p. ; Knowledge Centre
642.540878 KAP 01007366 Erotic justice : Kapur, Ratna, Glass House Press, 1904385249 (pbk.) | 9781904385 v, 219 p. ; Knowledge Centre
642.56 DIA 00039448 The Steward Peter Dias Orient 1996 291 p.: UG Library
642.56092 CLI 00047270 Best in Restaurant Corporate Identity Cliff, Stafford 0823061388 224p UG Library
642.5933 HUG 00032869 Economics for Hotel and Catering Students Hughes, L Howard English Language Book Society 1988 248 p.: UG Library
642.6 BRO 00047490 The Waiter's Handbook Brown, Graham. Hospitality Press 1993 0186250430 | 9781862504301 180 p. UG Library
642.6 CHA 00131689 Food and beverage service and mangement Chandra,Ashish Paradise press, 2018 9789386194954 273p.; UG Library
642.6 EVE 00066274 How to Create Fabulous Table Setting Table Magic Evelegh, Tessa Aquamarine 1903141222 160p UG Library
642.6 EVE 00057836 Table Stylings Evelegh,Tessa. Lorenz Books 2000 0754809315 | 9780754809319 64 p. UG Library
642.6 HAL 00051847 Tabletops Hall,John. Clarkson Potter 1997 0517703327 | 9780517703328 136 p. UG Library
642.6 JAC 00048233 Fruit and Vegetable Carving Kacob, Meera John Times Books International 9812045589 95 p UG Library
642.6 MEY 00079313 Professional Table Service Meyer,Sylvia. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1990 0471289264 | 9780471289265 464 p. UG Library
642.6 MEY 00049645 Professional Table Service Meyer,Sylvia. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1990 0471289264 | 9780471289265 464 p. UG Library
642.6 MUR 00045608 Service Craft Murray, Jennifer London 1991 0333543866 50 p.: UG Library
642.6 WHI 00032863 Hotel Reception White, B Paul ARNOLD HEINEMANN 1985 4th 195 p.: UG Library
642.6BRO.H 00048574 Waiter`s Handbook Brown, Graham Hospitality Press 1862504946 208 p UG Library
642.6CAL.B 00058011 Fantastic Food Decorating Caldirola, Emanuela 0806955139 118p UG Library
642.7 EVE 00063439 Tablechic - the Art of Table Dressing, Step By Step Evelegh, Tessa Hermes House Limted 160p UG Library
642.7 EVE 00067455 Table Stylings Evelegh,Tessa. Lorenz Books 2000 0754809315 | 9780754809319 64 p. UG Library
642.7 GRO 00066209 The Art Of Napkin Folding Gross, Gay Merrill. Laurel Glen 2004 1592231926 64 p. UG Library
642.7 HET 00051808 The Simple Art of Napkin Folding Hetzer,Linda. William Morrow 1980 0060934891 | 9780060934897 128 p. UG Library
642.79 BEE 00079018 Complete Illustrated Book of Napkins and Napkin Folding Beech, Rick Lorenz Books 2000 256p UG Library
642.79 STA 00118092 Napkins with a twist : Stark, David, Artisan, 2006 9781579652968 144 p. : UG Library
642.8 FUR 00048252 Table Furstenberg, Diane Von 0679447571 154p UG Library
642.8 THO 05037009 Napkin Folding / Thomas, Rita Random Exports, 2013 9789382226918 vii,216 p. Knowledge Centre
642.8 VAD 00048238 Creative Table Decor With Indian Vegetarian Menus Vadera, Nilam 0086303529 155 p UG Library
642.8 WAI 00057825 Festive Tables - Recipes, Menus, and Tablesettings for Every Occasion Waites, Raymond 0821219758 160p UG Library
642DHA 00051496 Food and Beverage Service Dhawan, Vijay. Frank Bros & Co Ltd 2000 8171704557 1st Ed. 402 p. UG Library
642HAY 00042562 Food and Drink Service. Hayter, Roy Macmillan Press Ltd 124p UG Library
642NUT 00035059 Advanced Service Techniques Nutley, Joyce Stoughton 193 o, UG Library
642VER 00048246 Professional Food And Beverage Service Management Verghese,Brian. Macmillan India Ltd 1999 0333932617 173 p. UG Library
643 CHA 00111941 Management Of Housekeeping Operations/ Chand, Ramesh. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2013 9788126157198 viii: 280p.; UG Library
643 LAW 00048254 Decorating Ideas for the Home Lawrence, Mike SEBASTIAN KELLY 1840810858 96p UG Library
643 PAT 00119106 House Keeping Management Patrick, James Random Exports, 2013 9789382226901 viii:296p.; UG Library
643 SHA 00058468 Home Management and House Keeping Sharma, S R Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2002 8126112891 | 9788126112890 337 p.: UG Library
643.06 BRA 03002443 Right Brain Teasers : Bragdon, Allen D. Viva Books, 2010 9788130915067 152 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
643.1 BRY 00127282 At Home A Short History Of Private Life Bryson, Bill Tranworld Publishers, 2010 9780385608275 | 9780552772556 536 p.: UG Library
643.1 BRY 00095152 At Home A Short History Of Private Life Bryson, Bill Tranworld Publishers, 2010 9780385608275 | 9780552772556 536 p.: UG Library
643.2 DOR 08001678 Container and modular buildings : construction and design manual / DOM Publishers, 2019 9783869223018 255p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
643.25 SIN 05039822 Commercial homes in tourism / Singh,Ranvijay. Anmol Publications, 2014 9788126159475 viii,296p.; Knowledge Centre
643.3 BAR 00127469 Classic Kitchen Projects Barrett, Niall. Taunton Press, 2000 1561583863 168 p. : UG Library
643.3 HIL 00061384 Kitchen Living Hilliard, Elizabeth. Greenwich Editions 2000 0862884977 | 9780862884970 160 p. UG Library
643.3 ROS 00068094 100 Bright Ideas for Kitchens Rose,Sue. Hamlyn 2002 0600606538 | 9780600606536 128 p. UG Library
643.3 SAL 00079014 Kitchens Stewart Lorenz Books 1999 1859679250 | 9781859679258 96 p. UG Library
643.3 SHA 00111797 Handbook of Modern Kitchen Management: Sharma, Rashmi S. Cyber Tech Publications, 2013 9789350531327 viii: 240p.; UG Library
643.3 TAY 00079009 Design and Decorate Kitchens Taylor, Lesley. New Holland Publishers 2003 1843301849 | 9781843301844 80 p. UG Library
643.30942 PEN 05048452 The birth of the English kitchen 1600-1850 / Pennell, Sara, Bloomsbury publishing Plc., 2016 9781441188083 (hardback) xiv, 256 pages ; Knowledge Centre
643.52 CPI 00066085 Bathroom Ideas Creative Publishing International Creative Publishing International 1994 0865739269 | 9780865739260 96 p. UG Library
643.52 NAS 00074595 Bathrooms Barn,Pottery. Oxmoor House 2003 0848727614 | 749075092021 192 p. UG Library
643.52 SAL 00079016 Paint Recipes for Surfaces Stewart Lorenz Books 2000 0754803090 | 9780754803096 96 p. UG Library
643.52 STE 00079011 Bathrooms Stewart Lorenz Books 1999 1859679234 | 9781859679234 96 p. UG Library
643.52 TAY 00079006 Bathrooms: Design and Decorate Taylor, Lesley. New Holland Publishers Ltd 2003 1843301830 | 9781843301837 80 p. UG Library
643.52 TAY 00079007 Bathrooms: Design and Decorate Taylor, Lesley. New Holland Publishers Ltd 2003 1843301830 | 9781843301837 80 p. UG Library
643.53 SAL 00079012 Bedrooms Stewart Lorenz Books 1999 1859679242 | 9781859679241 96 p. UG Library
643.53 SAV 00066161 101 Bathrooms Stylish Rooms Solutions Savill, Julie BBC Worldwide ltd, 2004 0563534419 | 9780563534419 223 p,: UG Library
643.53 SAV 00066177 101 Bedrooms Stylish Solutions. Savill, Julie BBC Worldwide Ltd, 2005 0563534427 | 9780563534426 223 p.: UG Library
643.54 STE 00079015 Living Spaces Stewart Lorenz Books 2000 0754803104 | 9780754803102 96 p. UG Library
643.54 TAY 00079010 Design and Decorate Living Rooms Taylor,Lesley. New Holland Publishers Ltd 2003 1843301857 | 9781843301851 80 p. UG Library
643.55 DAA 08000565 New Indoorpool Design / Ralf Daab, 2006 9783937718279 189p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
643.6 BRA 04007017 Right Brain Teasers: A Photo-Quiz for the Mind's Eye Bragdon, Allen D Viva Books 2010 9788130915067 152 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
643.6 BRA 07000680 Right Brain Teasers: A Photo-Quiz for the Mind's Eye Bragdon, Allen D Viva Books 2010 9788130915067 152 p Library - BR Campus
643.7 BER 03009536 Renovate : Bernstein, Fred A. Filipacchi, 2004 2850188484 | 9782850188480 248 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
643.7 BER 08000183 Renovate : Bernstein, Fred A. Filipacchi, 2004 2850188484 | 9782850188480 248 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
643HOM 00040362 Better Homes and Gardens Handyman`s Books. Mathew Bantam Books 384p UG Library
644 BEN 00108954 Greening Your Home : Bennett, Clayton. McGraw-Hill, 2008 9780071499095 | 9780071499095 xiii, 153 p. : UG Library
644 SHA 04020825 Food Process Engineering : Sharma, Shri K. Wiley, 2000 9788126538485 348p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
645 LIN 00063907 Homes & Gardens : Book of Design - A Complete Resource for Interior Style Line Matthew New York 2000 0304354910 256 p UG Library
645.03 POL 00072800 Illustrated Dictionary of Gardening: Royal Horticulture Society 2004 1405307609 854p UG Library
645.046547 SHA 08002517 Igcognito : Unraveling the Fabric of Bengaluru / Metro Books, 2024 9788194720171 136p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
645.1 GAN 00049717 Modern Oriental Carpets: With 466 Illustrations, 42 in Colour, 4 Maps Gans-Ruedin, E 450p UG Library
645.10954 MAT 00066124 Indian Carpets Mathur, AshaRani Rupa & Company. 2004 8129103095 | 9788129103093 96 p.: UG Library
645.2 HDI 00066094 Wall Finishes The Home Decorating Institute Cowles Creative Publishing 2000 0865738823 | 9780865738829 64 p. UG Library
645.3 CPI 00066088 More Creative Window Treatment Creative Publishing Creative Publishing 2000 0865734887 | 9780865734883 127 p. UG Library
645.3 LUK 00066086 Curtains Luke, Heather Creative Publishing International 2003 1589230884 | 9781589230880 126 p. UG Library
645.3 RAN 00066091 The Encyclopedia Of Windows Fashions Randall,Charles T. Orange 2000 1890379034 | 9781890379032 226 p. UG Library
645.3 SRE 00045367 Window Dressing Stewart Lorenz 1996 1859671136 96.: UG Library
645.4 FIE 00066136 Chairs Fiell, Peter Charlotte Gtaschen 2002 3822855073 | 9783822855072 191 p.: UG Library
645.4 SAL 00079013 Furniture Makeovers Stewart Lorenz Books 2000 9780754803119 96 p. UG Library
645.432947 CER 08002453 European Masters /3 Vol-9 : Ediciones atrium, 1996 8477411425 255p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
645.5 HOU 00095915 The atlas of mind body and spirit Hougham, Paul Octopus Publishing Group Ltd 9781856752473 224p UG Library
645.50924 REB 00080777 Tuscany: Mouth-Watering Antipasti, Entrees, and Desserts for Creative Cooking REBO Publishers Rebo Publishers 2002 0903661483 | 9789036614832 96 p. UG Library
645.6 SMI 00045365 Design Ideas for Small Spaces - Bedrooms and Baths Smith, Norman Rockport Publishers 1996 1564963020 | 9781564963024 41 p, UG Library
645.6 WAL 00045366 Bed Dressing Walton, Sally Lorenz 1996 1859671233 96 p.: UG Library
646 SOL 00061827 The Girls Guide to Power and Success Solovic, Susan Wilson. American Management Association 2001 0814405894 | 9780814405895 208 p. UG Library
646 STR 00143310 The Game: Strauss, Neil William Marrow 2005 9780062312976 452p UG Library
646.2 CAV 00030918 Encyclopedia of Home Sewing Covers, Curtains Marshalll Cavendish 125 UG Library
646.2 EVE 08000569 Sewing You Tutorial : Evelegh, Tessa Carlton Books, 2015 9781780975115 128p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
646.21 PTA 00128858 Home dƩcor Ptang Studio LTD Loft, 2012 9788499368627 255 p. : UG Library
646.21 SOT 00070823 Simplicity's Quick & Easy Sewing For The Home Table Toppers Soto, Anne Marie. Emmaus 1995 0875966772 | 9790875966778 128 p. UG Library
646.3 SPE 00137230 Standard methods for thermal comfort assessment of clothing / Å pelic, Ivana, CRC Press, 2019 9781138391475 | 9781138390980 First edition. xv,228 p.; UG Library
646.34 WEL 00106270 The Fashion Reader Welters Linda Oxford 2011 9781847885890 2ed edition xxx 674 p. UG Library
646.4 NOR 07014753 Seventeenth-century women's dress patterns / V & A Pub., 2011 9781851776313 (bk. 1) | 1851776311 (bk. 1) | 9781851776856 (bk. 2) | 1851776850 (bk. 2) Hbk. ed. v. <2> : Library - BR Campus
646.404 ARN 07012425 Dress code : Arntzen, Mari Grinde, Reaktion Books, 2015 9781780234397 | 1780234392 127 p. ; Library - BR Campus
646.404 ARN 05056858 Dress code : Arntzen, Mari Grinde, Reaktion Books, 2015 9781780234397 | 1780234392 127 p. ; Knowledge Centre
646.5954 BUD 00118868 The Ultimate Indian Cook Book Budhwar, Meera Quantum Publishing 2011 9781845734671 176p. UG Library
646.5954 BIS 00067473 Indian Cooking: Sweet Additions Biswas,Rakhi. N.K Print and Pack 2000 56 p. UG Library
646.5954 BIS 00067475 Indian Cooking Ice-Cream, Custard Souffle and Sauces Biswas,Rakhi. N.K Print and Pack 2000 52 p. UG Library
646.5954 PAT 00118866 Celebrates Indian Cooking/ Pathak Meena New Holland Publishers Ltd 2007 9781845379247 128p. UG Library
646.6BOU 00048533 Creative Napkin Folding [ With Steo-By-Step Instructions ] Boursin, Didier 0855327502 96p UG Library
646.7 JAC 03007002 How to get things done : Jackman, Ann. Hamlyn, 2006 9780753719046 144 p. : col. ill. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
646.7 ALL 03007916 Getting Things Done : Allen, David. Penguin Books ; 2001 9780142000281 267 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
646.7 CAN 00080956 How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be the 25 Principles of Success. Canfield, Jack Harper Perennial 2007 335p UG Library
646.7 GRY 05039069 Your life - train for it / Grylls,Bear. Random House India, 2014 9780593074190 207p.; Knowledge Centre
646.7 HAW 00080978 Life Lessons for Loving the Way You Live:7 Essential Ingredients for Finding Balance and Serenity. Hawthorne, Jennifer Read Westland 2007 333p UG Library
646.7 HBR 10005012 Getting it all done : working parents : tips, stories, and strategies for the job that never ends. Harward Business review Harvard Business Review Press, 2021 9781633699755 xvii, 206 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
646.7 JAC 04015254 How to get things done : Jackman, Ann Hachette, 2006 9780753719046 144 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
646.7 JAI 04020931 A Life Is a Pack of 52 Cards / Jain, Sumeet The Good Books, 2013 9789380619675 236p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
646.7 KLE 05001609 The de-stress diva's guide to life : Klein,Ruth. Wiley, 9788126528226 viii,248p.; Knowledge Centre
646.7 MAX 04016991 Make today Count / Maxwell, John C. Center Street, 2004 9781599950815 136p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
646.7 MOL 03005881 Skin Fitness : Molloy, Hugh. Allen&Unwin, 2008 9781741753738 xii, 137 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
646.7 RAM 04016165 Shades of life: Ramanjan, Vasundhara Westland, 2012 9789381626559 160 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
646.7 SYL 00000748 No More Alibis Sylvia of Holliwood , Macfadden Book pv UG Library
646.7 WAD 05052812 Life skills for success / Wadkar, A. J., Sage, 2016 9789351507314 (pbk. : alk. pap xvi, 404 pages ; Knowledge Centre
646.7 WAD 05056296 Life skills for success / Wadkar, A. J., Sage, 2016 9789351507314 (pbk. : alk. pap xvi, 404 pages ; Knowledge Centre
646.7 WAD 07011122 Life skills for success / Wadkar, A. J., Sage, 2016 9789351507314 (pbk. : alk. pap xvi, 404 pages ; Library - BR Campus
646.7 WAD 04027729 Life skills for success / Wadkar, A. J., Sage, 2016 9789351507314 (pbk. : alk. pap xvi, 404 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
646.71 PAR 03002605 Learning for Earning Parsloe, Eric Universities Press 9788173713163 77 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
646.72 COC 00000737 Help Yourself Co Beautiful Cocks, Dorothy Longman 260 p UG Library
646.72 GAR 00111491 Text book of Cosmetics Garud,Akanksha Pragati Prkashan, 2012 9789350066911 252p.; UG Library
646.72 GAR 00122856 Text book of Cosmetics Garud,Akanksha Pragati Prkashan, 2012 9789350066911 252p.; UG Library
646.72 SHA 00141384 Herbal Beauty and Body Care: Sharma,Rashmi Pustak Mahal 2016 8122301061 | 9788122301069 144p UG Library
646.72 WOL 01010136 The beauty myth : Wolf, Naomi. Vintage Publication, 0060512180 (pbk.) | 9780099861 348 p. ; Knowledge Centre
646.7248 LOW 05047574 Historical wig styling : Lowery, Allison, Focal Press, 2013 9780240821245 (hardback) vii, 266 pages : Knowledge Centre
646.726 GRO 03008447 Your Future Face : Gross, Dennis. Viking, 2005 0670033715 (acidfree paper) | 210 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
646.72GUN 00092218 Glamour Gundle, Stephen Oxford University Press 9780199569786 472p UG Library
646.75 SCH 07006378 The new encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding / Schwarzenegger, Arnold. Simon & Schuster, 1999 0684857219 (pbk.) 1st Fireside ed. xxxii, 800 p. : Library - BR Campus
646.75SCH 00045378 Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding Schwarzenegger, Arnold 0671633813 728 p UG Library
646.76 LOW 03007398 How to Instantly Connect with Anyone / Lowndes, Leil. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2009 9780070147294 xxii , 314 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
646.76 LOW 04017396 How to Instantly Connect with Anyone / Lowndes, Leil. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2009 9780070147294 xxii , 314 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
646.77 ARG 00129204 Why Men Love Bitches / Argov, Sherry. Adams Media Corp, 2009 1580627560 xvi, 271 p. : UG Library
646.77081 STR 01016117 Rules of the game / Strauss, Neil. Harper, 9780061988950 374 p. : Knowledge Centre
646.77092 NIC 05036955 The Romantic Economist : Nicolson, William Penguin Books, 2013 9781780721026 204p.; Knowledge Centre
646.78 LEN 03000096 3 Big Questions for Frantic Family: A Leadership Fable Lencioni, Patrick Wiley 9780787995324 221 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
646.78 LEN 03000417 3 Big Questions for Frantic Family: A Leadership Fable Lencioni, Patrick Wiley 9780787995324 221 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
646.78 GRA 03011141 Men are from mars, women are from venus Gray, John. Haper collins publishers limited, 2015 9788172235031 xi, 307 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
646.78 LEN 05001084 The 3 big questions for a frantic family : Lencioni, Patrick, Jossey-Bass, 9780787995324 (cloth) | 078799 x, 221 p. ; Knowledge Centre
646.78 NEM 03010889 Don't Bite Your Tongue : Nemzoff, Ruth. Palgrave, Macmillan , 2008 9780230605183 234 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
646.78 ORB 04009881 5 simple steps to take your marriage from good to great / Orbuch, Terri. Delacorte Press, 2009 9780385342865 | 0385342861 1st ed. xxxvii, 224 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
646.78GRA 00065553 Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus Gray, John 0006016848 286p UG Library
646.78GUP 00088056 Portrait of a Perfect Woman Gupta, Seema Pustak Mahal ISB8122308511 125p UG Library
646.79 HBR 10004608 HBR guide to designing your retirement / Harvard Business Review Press, 2023 9781647824914 xiv, 229 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
646.79 RAY 00048323 Retirement Facilities Planning Design and Marketing Raymond, J 1992 0713471751 192p UG Library
646.7ALL 00068724 Ready for Anything: Productivity, Principles for Work and Life Allen, David 0140144545 164 UG Library
646.7CAR 00129967 How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job [ug.Lib.Commerce Section] Carnegie, Dale Vermillion 207p UG Library
646.7CAR 00080955 How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job [ug.Lib.Commerce Section] Carnegie, Dale Vermillion 207p UG Library
646DAV 00008128 Law and Practice of Banking Davar, S R UG Library
646OWL 00010693 Weldon`s Costing Simplified Owler, Lwj M Donald UG Library
647 CAS 00071248 The Hotel Book Cassidy, Shelly-Maree. Taschen 2002 3822858897 | 9783822858899 399 p. UG Library
647 CHO 00133222 Hotel and Hospitality management houskeeping: Choudhary, Yaduraj, Random Publications, 2018 9789352690633 vi,272 p.; UG Library
647 KUM 00133220 Food Science Catering Technology Kitchen Management: Kumar, Umesh, Random Publications, 2018 9789386372222 x,310 p.; UG Library
647 NEG 00061978 Grading and Classification of Hotels, Toursim Resorts and Restaurants Negi,Jagmohan. Kanishka Publishers Distributors 2003 8173915687 2nd Ed. 319 p. UG Library
647 PAN 00133218 Food Production Housekeeping And Laundry Operations: Pant, Anoop, Random Publications, 2018 9789352690510 vi,314 p.; UG Library
647 RAJ 00056760 Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Rajaram, S M Anan Publications 2003 52p UG Library
647 RAJ 00056761 Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Rajaram, S M Anan Publications 2003 52p UG Library
647 RAN 00115919 Accounting Randall, Harold 0521539935 357p UG Library
647 SUD 00051426 Hotel Housekeeping Sudhir, Andrews Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 1985 0074515144 136 p. UG Library
647 VER 00118103 Food Management Verma, R.K Advance Learner Press, 2013 9789383028092 231p.; UG Library
647 WAG 00063905 Professional Hospitality Wagen, Lynn Van Der. Global Books & Subscription Services 1999 8175120282 | 9788175120280 323 p. UG Library
647 WAG 00045344 Professional Hospitality Wagen, Lynn Van Der. Global Books & Subscription Services 1999 8175120282 | 9788175120280 323 p. UG Library
647 WAG 00117741 Professional Hospitality Wagen, Lynnvander Global Books & Subscriptioon Services, 2002 9788175120273 234p.; UG Library
647,94NEG 00064794 Practical Guide to Principles of Grading and Classificaztion of Hotels Tour Naegi, Jagmohan Nri 318 p. UG Library
647. 9541 AND 00035094 Professional Food Service Andrioli, Sergio Heinemann Professional 1990 134 p.; UG Library
647.01 RAJ 00056763 Yield Management for Hotels: a New Concept to Optimise Your Rooms & Food and Beverage Revenue Rajaram, S M Anand Publications UG Library
647.01 RAJ 00056765 Yield Management for Hotels: a New Concept to Optimise Your Rooms & Food and Beverage Revenue Rajaram, S M Anand Publications UG Library
647.01 RAJ 00056764 Yield Management for Hotels: a New Concept to Optimise Your Rooms & Food and Beverage Revenue Rajaram, S M Anand Publications UG Library
647.03 COL 00047435 Dictionary of Hotels, Tourism and Catering Management Collin P.H. UBS Publishers Distributors Ltd 1995 8174760628 | 9788174760623 275 p. UG Library
647.03 COL 00047963 Dictionary of Hotels, Tourism and Catering Management Collin P.H. UBS Publishers Distributors Ltd 1995 8174760628 | 9788174760623 275 p. UG Library
647.05 GAH 04016551 Building Repair and Maintainance Management / Gahlot, P. S. CBS publisher, 2011 9788123912431 405p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
647.0668 FOR 00067478 Maximizing Hospitality Sales Forsyth, Patrick. Cassell 1999 0304704288 | 9780304704286 164 p. UG Library
647.068 CHO 00133200 Hotel tourism and catering management Choudhary,Yaduraj Random publications, 2018 9789352690640 viii,302p.; UG Library
647.068 ACH 00118979 Hospitality and Food Management Acharya Preeti Centrum Press, 2014 9789350844694 vii, 289 p.: UG Library
647.068 BHU 00123652 Hotel Management and Administrative Practices Bhushan, Devesh Random Publications, 2015 9789351114956 290 p:. UG Library
647.068 CAS 00128382 Housekeeping Management / Casado, Matt A., John Wiley & Sons, 2012 9781118071793 | 1118071794 2nd ed. xv, 264 p. : UG Library
647.068 CAS 00127616 Housekeeping Management / Casado, Matt A., John Wiley & Sons, 2012 9781118071793 | 1118071794 2nd ed. xv, 264 p. : UG Library
647.068 CHO 00096195 Hotel Management: Chopra, Ravi Suneel Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd., 81856231203 D. 103 p. UG Library
647.068 DUT 00120731 Hotel Management and Marketing Dutta, Pankaj Book Enclave, 2014 9788181523396 248 p:. UG Library
647.068 GUP 00148399 Restaurant Management/ Gupta, Amit Keya International, 2025 9789395080460 236p. ; UG Library
647.068 JHA 00047434 Hotel Marketing / Jha S.M. Himalaya Publishing House, 1998 8174933395 328 p. UG Library
647.068 JHA 05033811 Hotel Marketing / Jha S.M. Himalaya Publishing House, 1998 8174933395 328 p. Knowledge Centre
647.068 JHA 00120713 Hotel Marketing / Jha S.M. Himalaya Publishing House, 1998 8174933395 328 p. UG Library
647.068 KAU 00111386 Supervision in the Hospitality Industry/ Kaul, Ajay Anmol Publications; 2013 9788126157259 296p.; UG Library
647.068 KAU 00122211 Administration and management in hotel, banquet and catering Kaul, Ajay Centrum Press 2015 9789350847626 328p. UG Library
647.068 KAU 00111943 Supervision in the Hospitality Industry/ Kaul, Ajay Anmol Publications; 2013 9788126157259 296p.; UG Library
647.068 MIS 00132918 Hotel and catering management Misra,Siddhartha Paradise press, 2017 9789386194510 320p.; UG Library
647.068 MUL 00057830 Managing People in the Hospitality Industry Mullins,Laurie J. Addison Wesley Longman Ltd 1998 0582319293 | 9780582319295 3rd Ed. 499 p. UG Library
647.068 PAU 00118874 Hotel, Tourism and catering management Paul Pradeep Centrum Publishers 2014 9789350844724 284p. UG Library
647.068 PIZ 00074602 International Encyclopedia of Hospitality Management Pizam, Abraham Butterworth-Heinemann 2005 0750659963 685 p UG Library
647.068 RAG 00143460 Hotel housekeeping : Raghubalan, G. Oxford, 2021 9780199451746 | 0199451745 Third edition. xx,790p.; UG Library
647.068 RAG 00143461 Hotel housekeeping : Raghubalan, G. Oxford, 2021 9780199451746 | 0199451745 Third edition. xx,790p.; UG Library
647.068 RAG 00143462 Hotel housekeeping : Raghubalan, G. Oxford, 2021 9780199451746 | 0199451745 Third edition. xx,790p.; UG Library
647.068 RAG 00143463 Hotel housekeeping : Raghubalan, G. Oxford, 2021 9780199451746 | 0199451745 Third edition. xx,790p.; UG Library
647.068 RAG 00143464 Hotel housekeeping : Raghubalan, G. Oxford, 2021 9780199451746 | 0199451745 Third edition. xx,790p.; UG Library
647.068 SIN 00057344 Effective Hotel Management Singh, Y P Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126107421 293p UG Library
647.068 SIN 00123649 Administration and Management in Banquet and Catering Sinha, Aadesh Random Publications, 2015 9789351117162 xii, 320 p:. UG Library
647.068 VER 00097129 Hotel Management and Tourism Verma, Ravindra Centrum Press; 9789380540955 240p UG Library
647.068 VER 00118975 Fundamentals of Hospitality and Facilities in Hotel Management Verma Gopal Anmol Publication Pvt, 2014 9788126160389 vii, 304 p.: UG Library
647.068 WAT 00047987 Event Management in Leisure and Tourism Watt,David C. Addison Wesley Longman Ltd 1998 0582357063 | 9780582357068 200 p. UG Library
647.068 WOO 05057313 Hospitality management : Wood, Roy C., Sage Publications Ltd, 2015 9781446246948 | 1446246949 | 9 xvi, 191p. Knowledge Centre
647.0683 LEE 00075222 HRM in Tourism and Hospitality: Internation Perspectives on Small to Medium Sized Enterprises Lee-Ross, Darren Thomson Learning 2005 9812542698 | 9789812542694 xix, 202 p.: UG Library
647.0683 LEE 00072263 HRM in Tourism and Hospitality: Internation Perspectives on Small to Medium Sized Enterprises Lee-Ross, Darren Thomson Learning 2005 9812542698 | 9789812542694 xix, 202 p.: UG Library
647.0683 LEE 00069850 HRM in Tourism and Hospitality: Internation Perspectives on Small to Medium Sized Enterprises Lee-Ross, Darren Thomson Learning 2005 9812542698 | 9789812542694 xix, 202 p.: UG Library
647.0683 LEE 00063901 HRM in Tourism and Hospitality: Internation Perspectives on Small to Medium Sized Enterprises Lee-Ross, Darren Thomson Learning 2005 9812542698 | 9789812542694 xix, 202 p.: UG Library
647.0683 LEE 00071219 HRM in Tourism and Hospitality: Internation Perspectives on Small to Medium Sized Enterprises Lee-Ross, Darren Thomson Learning 2005 9812542698 | 9789812542694 xix, 202 p.: UG Library
647.0683 LEE 00071220 HRM in Tourism and Hospitality: Internation Perspectives on Small to Medium Sized Enterprises Lee-Ross, Darren Thomson Learning 2005 9812542698 | 9789812542694 xix, 202 p.: UG Library
647.0683 LEE 00071221 HRM in Tourism and Hospitality: Internation Perspectives on Small to Medium Sized Enterprises Lee-Ross, Darren Thomson Learning 2005 9812542698 | 9789812542694 xix, 202 p.: UG Library
647.0683 TES 00096435 Handbook of hospitality human resources management / Butterworth-Heinemann, 9780080450810 522 p.; UG Library
647.0688 MAW 00075214 The Fundamentals of Hospitality Marketing Mawson, Steve Continuum, 2000 9812542760 | 9789812542762 viii, 116 p,: Yeshwanthpur Campus
647.0688 MAW 00102884 The Fundamentals of Hospitality Marketing Mawson, Steve Continuum, 2000 9812542760 | 9789812542762 viii, 116 p,: UG Library
647.0688 MAW 00063902 The Fundamentals of Hospitality Marketing Mawson, Steve Continuum, 2000 9812542760 | 9789812542762 viii, 116 p,: UG Library
647.0688 MAW 00067385 The Fundamentals of Hospitality Marketing Mawson, Steve Continuum, 2000 9812542760 | 9789812542762 viii, 116 p,: UG Library
647.0688 BOW 00118873 Hospitality marketing Bowie, David, Elsevier / Butterworth-Heinemann, 2011 9780080967912 (pbk.) | 0080967 2nd ed. xii,434p.; UG Library
647.0688 BOW 00112022 Hospitality marketing Bowie, David, Elsevier / Butterworth-Heinemann, 2011 9780080967912 (pbk.) | 0080967 2nd ed. xii,434p.; UG Library
647.0688 MAW 00069851 The Fundamentals of Hospitality Marketing Mawson, Steve Continuum, 2000 9812542760 | 9789812542762 viii, 116 p,: UG Library
647.0688 MAW 00069995 The Fundamentals of Hospitality Marketing Mawson, Steve Continuum, 2000 9812542760 | 9789812542762 viii, 116 p,: UG Library
647.0688 MAW 00069993 The Fundamentals of Hospitality Marketing Mawson, Steve Continuum, 2000 9812542760 | 9789812542762 viii, 116 p,: UG Library
647.0688 MAW 00069996 The Fundamentals of Hospitality Marketing Mawson, Steve Continuum, 2000 9812542760 | 9789812542762 viii, 116 p,: UG Library
647.0688 MAW 00069994 The Fundamentals of Hospitality Marketing Mawson, Steve Continuum, 2000 9812542760 | 9789812542762 viii, 116 p,: Yeshwanthpur Campus
647.0688 MAW 00071839 The Fundamentals of Hospitality Marketing Mawson, Steve Continuum, 2000 9812542760 | 9789812542762 viii, 116 p,: Yeshwanthpur Campus
647.0688 SUD 00070806 Hospitality Marketing Sudan,Amrik Singh. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2005 8126110686 | 9788126110681 349 p. UG Library
647.068MAT 00080804 Hotel Management Mathews, J Pointer Publihsrs 211p UG Library
647.068MET 00084042 Management of Hotel Engineering Metti, M C Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126132942 296p UG Library
647.068MET1 00084048 Hotel Management and Administration Metti, M C Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126132508 293p UG Library
647.068MET2 00084053 Hospitality and Food Management Metti, M C Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126132430 275p UG Library
647.068MET3 00084057 Hotel and Motel Professional Management Metti, M C Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126132959 271p UG Library
647.068MET4 00084059 Hotel Management and Catering Metti, M C Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126132379 271p UG Library
647.068MET5 00084068 Hotel Planning Management Metti, M C Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126132461 283p UG Library
647.068MET6 00084063 Hotel Management Principles and Guidelines Metti, M C Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126132300 281p UG Library
647.068MET7 00084060 Hospitality and Facilities in Hotel Management Metti, M C Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126132478 274p UG Library
647.068MIR 00087895 Hotel Management: Marketing, Sales and Accounting Mirajkar, Mridula Kanishka 9788184570939 272p UG Library
647.068SAN 00084056 Hotel Management Sangar, J P Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126126914 416p UG Library
647.068SUD 00080802 Restaurant Management Sudan, Amrik Singh Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126110651 272p UG Library
647.07 THO 00075585 How to Prepare for the Hotel Management: Extrance Examination: Thorpe, Showick 2007 0070611459 732p UG Library
647.0715 MIL 00057399 Your Hospitality Field Experience - a Student Workbook Miller, E Jack 0471053279 278p UG Library
647.2 ABB 00071202 Front Office: Procedures, Social Skills, Yield and Management Abbott, Peter 1999 0750642300 210p UG Library
647.2 BAK 00069843 Principles of Hotel Front Office Operations Baker, Sue Thomson 2006 9789812652652 2nd Edition 325 p. UG Library
647.2 BAK 00069847 Principles of Hotel Front Office Operations Baker, Sue Thomson 2006 9789812652652 2nd Edition 325 p. UG Library
647.2 BAK 00069844 Principles of Hotel Front Office Operations Baker, Sue Thomson 2006 9789812652652 2nd Edition 325 p. UG Library
647.2 BAK 00069846 Principles of Hotel Front Office Operations Baker, Sue Thomson 2006 9789812652652 2nd Edition 325 p. UG Library
647.2 BAK 00069845 Principles of Hotel Front Office Operations Baker, Sue Thomson 2006 9789812652652 2nd Edition 325 p. UG Library
647.2 BAK 00086005 Principles of Hotel Front Office Operations Baker, Sue Thomson 2006 9789812652652 2nd Edition 325 p. UG Library
647.2 BAN 00142292 Principles of Hotel Front Office Operations / Banerji,Julee Sinha. Random publications, 2020 9789352694297 ix,266p.; UG Library
647.2 BAR 00075208 Principles of Hotel Front Office Operations Baker, Sue Thomson 2006 9789812652652 2nd Edition 325 p. UG Library
647.2 WOO 00052840 Working in Hotels and Catering Wood, Roy C. International Thomson Business Press 2000 1861521855 | 9781861521859 2nd Ed. 236 p. UG Library
647.42 BHA 00088594 Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting Bhattacharyya, Asish K Printice Hall of India 1070p UG Library
647.477HER 00080707 HIP Hotels: USA [hotel Management Section ] Herbert, Ypma 0500284040 256p UG Library
647.64068 NYK 00063990 Hospitality Management Strategies Nykiel, Ronald. Prentice Hall 2005 0130618764 | 9780130618764 470 p. UG Library
647.64068 NYK 00070812 Hospitality Management Strategies Nykiel, Ronald. Prentice Hall 2005 0130618764 | 9780130618764 470 p. UG Library
647.75WEX 00088721 Dining in Style Wexler, Madelin 0866364323 150p UG Library
647.9 POW 00064223 Introduction to the Hospitality Industry: Powers, Tom 0471274585 522p UG Library
647.90468 LOC 00045649 People and The Hotel and Catering Industry Lockwood, Andrew. Cassell 1984 0304315117 | 9780304315116 214 p. UG Library
647.9068 LOC 00043434 People and the Hotel and Catering Industry Lockwood, Andrew Cassell Educational Limited 1994 214 p.: UG Library
647.90683 WAL 00128464 Supervision in the hospitality industry / Miller, Jack E., John Wiley & Sons 2017 9781119148463 (cloth : acidfre 8th ed. xii, 386 pages ; UG Library
647.90687 STE 00060633 Purchasing Stefanelli,John M. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1997 0471135836 | 9780471135838 4th Ed. 663 p. UG Library
647.92 DRA 00131686 Hotel hosuekeeping and laundry operations Drave,Vinayaka A Paradise press, 2018 9789386194541 260p.; UG Library
647.92 NEG 00055158 Managing Hotels and Restaurants Negi, Jagmohan. Authors Press 2002 8172730616 | 9788172730611 390 p. UG Library
647.92 SHA 00111382 Organizational Behaviour in Hotels and Restaurants/ Sharma, Ravi. Anmol Publications; 2013 9788126157211 296p.; UG Library
647.92 SHA 00111942 Organizational Behaviour in Hotels and Restaurants/ Sharma, Ravi. Anmol Publications; 2013 9788126157211 296p.; UG Library
647.92068 DAV 00065737 Textbook of Hotel Management David, J Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2005 8126124318 | 9788126124312 x, 334 p.: UG Library
647.92068 DAV 00065738 Textbook of Hotel Management David, J Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2005 8126124318 | 9788126124312 x, 334 p.: UG Library
647.92095 PET 00068899 Asia's Best Hotels & Resorts Peters Ed. Apa Publications 2005 9812581634 | 9789812581631 384 p. UG Library
647.93 NEG 00112021 Managing Hotels and Resturants Negi,Jagmohan Authors Press, 2012 9788172736170 xvii,469p.; UG Library
647.93 PET 00033074 Managing Hotels Venison, Peter English Language Book Society 1983 137 p.: UG Library
647.93 VEN 00035619 Managing Hotels Peter Venison, Heinemann Professional 1989 137 p.: UG Library
647.94 SIN 00051685 Hotel and Hospitality Management Singh,Rajender. Kalpaz Publications 2000 8178350033 313 p. UG Library
647.94 AGA 00146271 How to set up a Hospital Along with SOPs Agarwal, Arun K. Atlantic, 2022 9788126920952 653p. ; UG Library
647.94 AHU 05047299 Service Quality Management in Hospitality and Tourism / Ahuja Ravindra Random Publications, 2016 9789351119678 310p.: Knowledge Centre
647.94 AND 00032860 Hotel Housekeeping Andrews, Sudhir Tata McGraw-Hill: 2016 9781259004988 3rd edition 334p : . UG Library
647.94 BAN 00097808 Hotel Facility Planning Bansal, Tarun Oxford University Press; 2010 9780198064633 322 p. UG Library
647.94 BAN 00107253 Hotel Facility Planning Bansal, Tarun Oxford University Press; 2010 9780198064633 322 p. UG Library
647.94 BRA 00035050 Questions on Hotle Hostel and Hospital Housekeeping Branson, C Joan Edward Arnold 1992 118 p.: UG Library
647.94 BRA 00089505 Hotel,Hostel and Hospital Housekeeping Branson, C Joan book Po wer elst, 1988 9780340525180 5th ed, 308 p.: UG Library
647.94 BRA 00035620 Hotel,Hostel and Hospital Housekeeping Branson, C Joan book Po wer elst, 1988 9780340525180 5th ed, 308 p.: UG Library
647.94 BRA 00068210 Hotel,Hostel and Hospital Housekeeping Branson, C Joan book Po wer elst, 1988 9780340525180 5th ed, 308 p.: UG Library
647.94 BRA 00089504 Hotel,Hostel and Hospital Housekeeping Branson, C Joan book Po wer elst, 1988 9780340525180 5th ed, 308 p.: UG Library
647.94 BRA 00068209 Hotel,Hostel and Hospital Housekeeping Branson, C Joan book Po wer elst, 1988 9780340525180 5th ed, 308 p.: UG Library
647.94 BRA 00060751 Hotel,Hostel and Hospital Housekeeping Branson, C Joan book Po wer elst, 1988 9780340525180 5th ed, 308 p.: UG Library
647.94 CHA 00111738 Hospitality Destination and Site Management/ Chand, Ramesh. Centrum Press, 2013 9789381460207 viii:248p.; UG Library
647.94 CHA 00123766 Fundamentals of Hospitality Housekeeping Chauhan, Amrik Singh Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2015 9788126163717 272 p:. UG Library
647.94 CHA 00047082 Hotel Management Theory Chakravarti B K APH UG Library
647.94 CHA 00047083 Hotel Management Theory Chakravarti B K APH UG Library
647.94 CHO 00060637 Welcome to Hospitality:An Introduction Chon, (kaye) Kye-Sung Thomson Learning 2000 9812402071 | 9789812402073 2nd ed, xiii , 466 p.: UG Library
647.94 CHO 07015431 Welcome to Hospitality:An Introduction Chon, (kaye) Kye-Sung Thomson Learning 2000 9812402071 | 9789812402073 2nd ed, xiii , 466 p.: Library - BR Campus
647.94 CHO 00133217 Ethical Foundations of Hotel And Hospitality Management: Choudhary, Yadhuraj, Random Publications, 2018 9789352690503 viii,322 p.; UG Library
647.94 CHO 00060651 Welcome to Hospitality:An Introduction Chon, (kaye) Kye-Sung Thomson Learning 2000 9812402071 | 9789812402073 2nd ed, xiii , 466 p.: UG Library
647.94 CHO 00062624 Welcome to Hospitality:An Introduction Chon, (kaye) Kye-Sung Thomson Learning 2000 9812402071 | 9789812402073 2nd ed, xiii , 466 p.: UG Library
647.94 CHO 00069849 Welcome to Hospitality:An Introduction Chon, (kaye) Kye-Sung Thomson Learning 2000 9812402071 | 9789812402073 2nd ed, xiii , 466 p.: UG Library
647.94 CHO 00133230 Hospitality Marketing and Managerial Economics: Choudhary, Sandeep, Random Publications, 2018 9789352690626 viii,282 p.; UG Library
647.94 CHO 00142267 Accommodation services Choudhary,Yaduraj Random publications, 2020 9789352695546 viii,291p.; UG Library
647.94 CHO 00133199 Hotel lodging restaurant and resort management Choudhary,Yaduraj Random publications, 2018 9789386391100 viii,283p.; UG Library
647.94 DAA 00094239 Event design Daab Daab press 9783866540064 299p UG Library
647.94 DEB 00143860 The Life of A Hotelier : Deberry,Al Clovercroft publishing, 2020 9781950892594 138p,; UG Library
647.94 ELE 00136006 Rooms Division Management / 3G E-Learning, 2017 9781680956658 xii,228p.; UG Library
647.94 ERI 00116653 Human Resource in Hospital Management Erickson, Thomas Global Vision Publishing House, 2013 9788182205338 viii, 232 p.; UG Library
647.94 FHR 00066188 Hotel Restaurent Guide India Federation Of Hotel & Restaurant Federation Of Hotel & Restaurant 2004 839 p. UG Library
647.94 GAL 00129496 The Airbnb Story : Gallagher, Leigh Virgin Books, 2017 9780753545584 xx, 236 p. ; UG Library
647.94 HUN 00117928 Hospitality Supervision Level 3 Hunter Gary Seng Lee Press 2013 9781408009253 xxii, 486.,p UG Library
647.94 JAC 00135482 Hotel Management / Jackson,Esmeralda Larsen and Keller, 2018 9781635497328 vi,256p.; UG Library
647.94 JON 00057023 The International Hospitality Industry Jones, Peter. John Wiley& Sons Inc 1993 0471594121 | 9780471594123 243 p. UG Library
647.94 JON 00051725 The International Hospitality Industry Jones, Peter. John Wiley& Sons Inc 1993 0471594121 | 9780471594123 243 p. UG Library
647.94 JON 00091683 Handbook of Hospitality operations and IT Jones peter Butterworth-Heinemann 9780750687539 432p UG Library
647.94 JON 00050064 The International Hospitality Industry Jones, Peter. John Wiley& Sons Inc 1993 0471594121 | 9780471594123 243 p. UG Library
647.94 KHA 00123653 House Keeping and Laundry Operations Khatan, Rajendra Kumar Random Publications, 2015 9789351115472 287 p:. UG Library
647.94 KUM 00133228 Hospitality Industries in Next Millennium: Kumar, Chandan, Random Publications, 2018 9789352690602 viii,296 p.; UG Library
647.94 KUM 05003112 Marketing of Hospitality and Tourism Services / Kumar,Prasanna. Tata McGraw Hill Edu Pvt Ltd, 2010 9780070670570 xviii,349p.; Knowledge Centre
647.94 LAS 00052635 In Search of Hospitality Lashley,Conrad. Butterworth Heinemann 2000 0750645628 | 9780750645621 300 p. UG Library
647.94 LOD 00137215 Hotel Housekeeping / Lodi,Parashuram. Random Publications, 2019 9789352693528 viii,333p.; UG Library
647.94 MAD 00051694 Hospitality Industries in Next Millennium Madhukar, Manoj. Rajat Publications 2001 8178800004 1st Ed. 342 p. UG Library
647.94 MAR 05007559 Providing quality service : Martin, William B. Prentice Hall, 2003 0130967459 (pbk.) xvii, 167 p. : Knowledge Centre
647.94 MUL 00047611 Managing People in the Hospitality Industry Mullins, J Laurie 0582319293 499 p UG Library
647.94 MUR 00145428 Hospitality and Catering Intermediate / Murphy Esther Larsen & Keller, 2022 9781641725385 vii, 238p.; UG Library
647.94 NAI 00104017 Hotel management And Security : Nair Vinod Cyber Tech Publication ; 2011 9788178848228 286 p. UG Library
647.94 NEG 00048208 Principles of Grading and Classfication of Hotels, Tourism Resorts and Rest Negi, Dr Jagmohan Nri publications, 1992 xii, 319 p.: UG Library
647.94 NEG 00034796 Principles of Grading and Classfication of Hotels, Tourism Resorts and Rest Negi, Dr Jagmohan Nri publications, 1992 xii, 319 p.: UG Library
647.94 ORP 00129693 Hip Hotels Ocean Readings Publishing Phoenix, 2012 9789881590299 335 p.: UG Library
647.94 PAL 00127581 Guide To Hotel Housekeeping Palmer, Mary E. CPSIA, 2017 9781533158291 30 p.: UG Library
647.94 PAR 00148101 Housekeeping/ Parmar, Mark Discovery Publishing, 2024 9788119365081 241p. ; UG Library
647.94 PHI 00144731 Housekeeping : Phillips, Leia. Larsen and keller publishing, 2023 9798888361191 viii,238p, ; UG Library
647.94 PYO 00065069 Benchmarks in Hospitality and Tourism Pyo, Sungsoo Jaico Publishing House 2005 8179922839 164 p, UG Library
647.94 RAG 00119113 Hotel Housekeeping : Raghubalan, G. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780198061090 (pbk.) | 0198061 2nd ed. xii, 732 p. : UG Library
647.94 RAH 00074072 Tourism and Hospitality Services Raheja, Banwari Lal. Arise Publisher Distributors 2006 8189557203 | 9788189557201 1st Ed. 280 p. UG Library
647.94 RAJ 00111745 Hospitality Trends and Dimensions/ Rajpal, Nandini. Centrum Press, 2013 9789381460184 viii: 248p.; UG Library
647.94 RAJ 00137214 Environmental Management for Hotels / Rajput,Yogendra. Random Publications, 2019 9789352693511 viii,255p.; UG Library
647.94 RAN 00120718 Hotel Housekeeping : Raghubalan, G. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780198061090 (pbk.) | 0198061 2nd ed. xii, 732 p. : UG Library
647.94 RAN 00133227 Global Sourcebook on Hospitality Management: Rana, Varinder Singh, Random Publications, 2018 9789352690541 x,330 p.; UG Library
647.94 RAT 00051686 Hotel Tourism and Hospitality Management Ratti, Manish Rajat 8187317779 329p UG Library
647.94 RAT 00051711 Hotel Tourism and Hospitality Management Ratti, Manish Rajat 8187317779 329p UG Library
647.94 RAY 00145436 Strategic Management for Hospitality and Tourism Ray, Chris Clanrye International, 2022 9781647262013 245p. ; UG Library
647.94 RAY 00143587 Strategic Management for Hospitality and Tourism / Ray, Chris. Murphy & Moore, 2022 9781639875085 vi,245p,; UG Library
647.94 RPI 00066659 Retail and Restaurant Rockport Publishers Inc. Rockport Publishers Inc. 1997 1564963381 | 9781564963383 79 p. UG Library
647.94 SAH 00137219 Room Management Applications in Hotel Industry / Sahu,Ram Ratan. Random Publications, 2019 9789352693672 viii,279p.; UG Library
647.94 SHA 00133223 Maintenance In Home and Hotels: Sharma, manoj, Random Publications, 2018 9789386391117 x,278 p.; UG Library
647.94 SHA 00118982 Qulity in Hospitality Services Sharma Sandeep Anmol Publications Pvt, 2014 9788126161065 vii, 288 p.: UG Library
647.94 SHA 00133232 Service Operations Management In Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Sharma, Manoj, Random Publications, 2018 9789352690855 viii,268 p.; UG Library
647.94 SHR 00112237 Hospitality Service and Product Shrivvastava Atul Centrum Press, 2013 9789381293973 viii, 256 p.: UG Library
647.94 SIN 00111796 Hospitality Service Quality/ Singh, Ranvijay. Centrum Press, 2013 9789381460023 256p.; UG Library
647.94 SIN 00129697 Housekeeping in Home And Hotels Singh, Gurminder Preet Random Publications, 2017 9789351119203 298 p. : UG Library
647.94 SIN 00142516 Development of business and hotel marketing management Singh,Shweta Random publications, 2021 9789352697250 viii,284p.; UG Library
647.94 SUD 05037695 Encyclopaedia of Hotel Tourism and Hospitality Management in 21st Century / Sudan,Amrik Singh. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2001 0812610970x 6 v.; Knowledge Centre
647.94 SUD 05037699 Encyclopaedia of Hotel Tourism and Hospitality Management in 21st Century / Sudan,Amrik Singh. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2001 0812610970x 6 v.; Knowledge Centre
647.94 SUD 05037700 Encyclopaedia of Hotel Tourism and Hospitality Management in 21st Century / Sudan,Amrik Singh. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2001 0812610970x 6 v.; Knowledge Centre
647.94 SUD 05037698 Encyclopaedia of Hotel Tourism and Hospitality Management in 21st Century / Sudan,Amrik Singh. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2001 0812610970x 6 v.; Knowledge Centre
647.94 SUD 05037696 Encyclopaedia of Hotel Tourism and Hospitality Management in 21st Century / Sudan,Amrik Singh. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2001 0812610970x 6 v.; Knowledge Centre
647.94 SUD 05037697 Encyclopaedia of Hotel Tourism and Hospitality Management in 21st Century / Sudan,Amrik Singh. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2001 0812610970x 6 v.; Knowledge Centre
647.94 TAI 00120453 Global hospitality industry and service quality management Taing Vineet Random Publishers 2014 9789351113102 256p. UG Library
647.94 TAN 00127582 Hotel Housekeeping Training Manual With 150 SOP Tanji, Hotelier CPSIA 2015 9781490480367 142 p.: UG Library
647.94 THA 00106565 Trends in Hospitality Thaliath,Avin. Centre for Publishers 2011 9788192228105 v, 152 p UG Library
647.94 TOM 10003490 Facilities Planning: Tompkins,James A. John Wiley and Sons, 2010 9788126542536 4th ed. x, 854 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
647.94 TOM 05044155 Facilities Planning: Tompkins,James A. John Wiley and Sons, 2010 9788126542536 4th ed. x, 854 p.; Knowledge Centre
647.94 WAG 00047487 Professional Hospitality Wagen, Der Hospitality Press 1862504954 324p UG Library
647.94 WHI 00144733 Successful Hotel Restaurant and Resort Management / White, Tucker. Larsen and keller publishing, 2023 9798888361276 vii,234p, ; UG Library
647.94 YPM 00048318 Hip Hotels Ypma, Herbert 0500281114 256p UG Library
647.94008 PRA 05039707 Research Methodology and Techniques in Hotel Management / Pratap Shikha Centrum Press, 2014 9789350844762 viii,304p.: Knowledge Centre
647.94008 SET 00065150 Handbook of Hospitality and Tourism Sethi, Praveen. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2005 8126104414 | 9788126104413 305 p. UG Library
647.940083 MIC 05031723 Best Impressions in Hospitality : Michael, Angie Delmar, 2004 0766815846 214 p Knowledge Centre
647.9401 KIV 00068535 Menu Planning Kivela,Jaksa. Global Book & Subscription Services 2001 8175120215 | 9788175120211 202 p. UG Library
647.94023 BAL 05037006 Hospitality operations : Ball, Stephen Continuum, 2003 9780826448262 vii, 255 p. Knowledge Centre
647.94023 CAM 00047486 How to Get a Job in Hotels & Resorts Campbell, Andrew Hospitality Press 1995 1862504555 186p UG Library
647.94023 CAM 00048281 How to Get a Job in Hotels & Resorts Campbell, Andrew Hospitality Press 1995 1862504555 186p UG Library
647.94023 CHR 00050244 A Guide to College Programs in Culinary Arts, Hospitality and Tourism A Directory Of CHRIE Member Colleges And Universities John Wiley & Sons Inc 1999 0471329428 | 9780471329428 6th Ed. 375 p. UG Library
647.94023 ELE 00135996 Culinary arts and hospitality Elearning 3G E-Learning, 2018 9781680948820 xii,302p.; UG Library
647.94023 JEN 05046332 Careers in Hospitality & Tourism Jensen, Michael Shally Grey House Publishing, 2014 9781619254770 xiii:342p.; Knowledge Centre
647.94023 JEN 00117738 Careers in Hospitality & Tourism Jensen, Michael Shally Grey House Publishing, 2014 9781619254770 xiii:342p.; UG Library
647.94023 NIN 00063988 Hospitality Operations: Careers in the World`s Greatest Industry Ninemeier, D Jack 0131407775 670p UG Library
647.94023 RIE 00047986 Hospitality Tourism Careers Riegel, Carl. Prentice Hall 1998 0132285452 | 9780132285452 252 p. UG Library
647.94023 RIE 00052639 Hospitality & Tourism Careers: a Blue Print for Success Riegel, Carl 0132285452 252 UG Library
647.94023 SAM 00048583 Guiding Your Entry into the Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism Mega Profession Samuels, Jack B. Prentice Hall 1999 0136424481 | 9780136424482 295 p. UG Library
647.94023 WAL 07012306 Exploring the Hospitality Industry / Walker John.R Pearson, 2017 9781292102801 367p.: Library - BR Campus
647.94023 WIL 00047485 Creating Your Career Portfolio Williams,Anna Graf. Upper Saddle River 1997 0137543670 | 9780137543670 88 p. UG Library
647.940285 COX 00063986 Internet Marketing in Hospitality Cox, Barabara 0130984752 322p UG Library
647.940285 DWI 00118970 Computers For Hotel Management Dwivedi Neeraj Centrum Press, 2014 9789350844557 vii. 284 p.: UG Library
647.940285 ELE 00136007 Accommodations Management / 3G E-Learning, 2017 9781680956573 xii,240p.; UG Library
647.940285 NYH 00063989 Technology Strategies for the Hospitality Industry Nyheim, Peter D 2005 0130305049 366p UG Library
647.940285 SEA 04021313 Computers in Hotels : Seal, Partho Pratim. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198084006 | 0198084005 xiv, 349 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
647.940285 SEA 00119112 Computers in Hotels : Seal, Partho Pratim. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198084006 | 0198084005 xiv, 349 p. : UG Library
647.9403 KEL 05043704 Encyclopaedia of Quality Management in Hospital & Health-Care Administration / Kelly, Diane L Pentagon Press, 2006 8182742072 219 p Knowledge Centre
647.9403 KEL 05043705 Encyclopaedia of Quality Management in Hospital & Health-Care Administration / Kelly, Diane L Pentagon Press, 2006 8182742072 219 p Knowledge Centre
647.9403 KEL 05043706 Encyclopaedia of Quality Management in Hospital & Health-Care Administration / Kelly, Diane L Pentagon Press, 2006 8182742072 219 p Knowledge Centre
647.9403 KEL 05043707 Encyclopaedia of Quality Management in Hospital & Health-Care Administration / Kelly, Diane L Pentagon Press, 2006 8182742072 219 p Knowledge Centre
647.9403 KEL 05043708 Encyclopaedia of Quality Management in Hospital & Health-Care Administration / Kelly, Diane L Pentagon Press, 2006 8182742072 219 p Knowledge Centre
647.9403 KEL 05043703 Encyclopaedia of Quality Management in Hospital & Health-Care Administration / Kelly, Diane L Pentagon Press, 2006 8182742072 219 p Knowledge Centre
647.94030 SUD 00057374 Encyclopaedia of Hotel Tourism and Hospitality Managment in 21st Century Sudan, Amrik Singh Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 0812610970 UG Library
647.94030 SUD 00057378 Encyclopaedia of Hotel Tourism and Hospitality Managment in 21st Century Sudan, Amrik Singh Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 0812610970 UG Library
647.94030 SUD 00057379 Encyclopaedia of Hotel Tourism and Hospitality Managment in 21st Century Sudan, Amrik Singh Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 0812610970 UG Library
647.94030 SUD 00057377 Encyclopaedia of Hotel Tourism and Hospitality Managment in 21st Century Sudan, Amrik Singh Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 0812610970 UG Library
647.94030 SUD 00057375 Encyclopaedia of Hotel Tourism and Hospitality Managment in 21st Century Sudan, Amrik Singh Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 0812610970 UG Library
647.94030 SUD 00057376 Encyclopaedia of Hotel Tourism and Hospitality Managment in 21st Century Sudan, Amrik Singh Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 0812610970 UG Library
647.9405 RAJ 00123765 Basics of Hotel Management Rajpal, Nandini Centrum Press, 2015 9789350847824 320 p:. UG Library
647.94051 GEE 00065171 Calculations for Hospitality and Catering Gee,Gordon E. Hodder & Stoughton 1997 0340683457 | 9780340683453 3rd Ed. 90 p. UG Library
647.9406 HAS 00138321 Hospitality Business Development / Hassanien,Ahmed. Routledge, 2020 9781138491182 2nd ed. xxvii,207p.; UG Library
647.9406 OKU 00138323 Strategic Management For Hospitatlity and Tourism / Okumus,Fevzi. Routledge, 2020 9780815393474 2nd ed. xvii,337p.; UG Library
647.9406 OKU 07015078 Strategic Management For Hospitatlity and Tourism / Okumus,Fevzi. Routledge, 2020 9780815393474 2nd ed. xvii,337p.; Library - BR Campus
647.9406 VER 00111799 Hospitality Automation and Computerisation/ Gopal, Verma, Centrum Press, 2013 9789381460030 viii:248p.; UG Library
647.9406 VER 04023279 Hospitality Automation and Computerisation / Gopal, Verma Anmol Publication, 2013 9788126160433 304 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
647.94063 MED 00056537 Business of Hotels Medlik, S 0750641150 221p UG Library
647.940661GEE 00035048 Calcultaions for the Hotel Ands Catering Industry Gee, E Gordon H & S 84 p. UG Library
647.94068 ABB 00069144 Front Office: Procedures, Social Skills, Yield and Management. Abbott, Peter Elsevier 2005 8131201163 | 9788131201169 2nd ed, 211 p.; UG Library
647.94068 ABB 00069852 Front Office: Procedures, Social Skills, Yield and Management. Abbott, Peter Elsevier 2005 8131201163 | 9788131201169 2nd ed, 211 p.; UG Library
647.94068 ABB 00069853 Front Office: Procedures, Social Skills, Yield and Management. Abbott, Peter Elsevier 2005 8131201163 | 9788131201169 2nd ed, 211 p.; UG Library
647.94068 ABB 00051806 Front Office: Procedures, Social Skills, Yield and Management. Abbott, Peter Elsevier 2005 8131201163 | 9788131201169 2nd ed, 211 p.; UG Library
647.94068 AND 00095422 Textbook Of Front Office Management & Operations Andrews Sudhir Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd. 9780070655768 463p UG Library
647.94068 AND 00095423 Textbook Of Front Office Management & Operations Andrews Sudhir Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd. 9780070655768 463p UG Library
647.94068 BAL 00070814 Hospitality Operations Ball,Stephen. Thomson Learning 2003 9789812542946 255 p. UG Library
647.94068 GUP 00142442 Popular master guide Hotel management NCHMCT-JEE: Gupta,R Ramesh publishing house, 2018 9788178123882 Pages UG Library
647.94068 IHD 00124779 Indian Hotel Directory IHD A Perfect media Phblication 2010 9788192188805 338p UG Library
647.94068 IHD 00120869 Indian Hotel Directory IHD A Perfect media Phblication 2010 9788192188805 338p UG Library
647.94068 IHD 00136081 Indian Hotel Directory IHD A Perfect media Phblication 2010 9788192188805 338p UG Library
647.94068 IHD 00131881 Indian Hotel Directory IHD A Perfect media Phblication 2010 9788192188805 338p UG Library
647.94068 IHD 00105588 Indian Hotel Directory IHD A Perfect media Phblication 2010 9788192188805 338p UG Library
647.94068 IHD 00073507 Indian Hotel Directory IHD A Perfect media Phblication 2010 9788192188805 338p UG Library
647.94068 IHD 00073520 Indian Hotel Directory IHD A Perfect media Phblication 2010 9788192188805 338p UG Library
647.94068 IHD 00111407 Indian Hotel Directory IHD A Perfect media Phblication 2010 9788192188805 338p UG Library
647.94068 IHD 00118338 Indian Hotel Directory IHD A Perfect media Phblication 2010 9788192188805 338p UG Library
647.94068 IHD 00127736 Indian Hotel Directory IHD A Perfect media Phblication 2010 9788192188805 338p UG Library
647.94068 IHD 00094728 Indian Hotel Directory IHD A Perfect media Phblication 2010 9788192188805 338p UG Library
647.94068 KAT 00119098 Hotel, Loding Restaurant and Resort Management Katare, Vipin Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd, 2014 9788126161003 285p.; UG Library
647.94068 KUM 00133580 Hospitality marketing and management Kumar,Naveen Paradise press, 2018 9789386194916 281p.; UG Library
647.94068 MET 00084066 Hotel Front Office Management Metti, M C Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2008 9788126132386 290p.; UG Library
647.94068 MIL 00084015 Resorts: Management and Operation [hotel Management Section] Mill, Robert Christie 9780471747222 478p UG Library
647.94068 MIS 00133569 Catering technology,food service and hospitality management Misra,Siddhartha Paradise press, 2018 9789386194503 276p.; UG Library
647.94068 MLL 00071017 Resorts Management and Operation (UGC Outonomous Grant) Christie, Robert 2005 0471361887 441p UG Library
647.94068 SHA 00065074 Hotel Management Sharma,Yogendra K. Kanishka Publishers Distributors 2005 8173917582 386 p. UG Library
647.94068 SIN 00146023 Hotel Front Office: Sinha Swadesh Asia Publishers and Distributors, 2023 9788119391790 XII,240P.; UG Library
647.94068 YU 00063555 The Internatioanl Hospitality Business: Management and Operations Yu, Larry. Jaico Publishing House 1999 0078900559 | 9788179922828 404 p. UG Library
647.94068 ABB 00035093 Front Office : Lewry, Sue Butterworth, 1992 0750642300 246 p. UG Library
647.94068 ABB 05031725 Front Office : Lewry, Sue Butterworth, 1992 0750642300 246 p. Knowledge Centre
647.94068 ABB 00052630 Front Office: Procedures, Social Skills, Yield and Management Abbott, Peter 1999 0750642300 210p UG Library
647.94068 ABB 00071225 Front Office: Procedures, Social Skills, Yield and Management. Abbott, Peter Elsevier 2005 8131201163 | 9788131201169 2nd ed, 211 p.; UG Library
647.94068 ABB 00071226 Front Office: Procedures, Social Skills, Yield and Management. Abbott, Peter Elsevier 2005 8131201163 | 9788131201169 2nd ed, 211 p.; UG Library
647.94068 ABB 00071227 Front Office: Procedures, Social Skills, Yield and Management. Abbott, Peter Elsevier 2005 8131201163 | 9788131201169 2nd ed, 211 p.; UG Library
647.94068 ABB 00071228 Front Office: Procedures, Social Skills, Yield and Management. Abbott, Peter Elsevier 2005 8131201163 | 9788131201169 2nd ed, 211 p.; UG Library
647.94068 AHM 00055761 Front Office Operations and Management Ismail, Ahmed Thomson 2001 9812406174 355 p UG Library
647.94068 AHM 00068184 Hotel Organisation Ahmed M.N. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2005 8128126135 | 9788126122936 425 p. UG Library
647.94068 AHM 00065735 Hotel Organisation Ahmed M.N. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2005 8128126135 | 9788126122936 425 p. UG Library
647.94068 AHM 00067393 Hotel Organisation Ahmed M.N. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2005 8128126135 | 9788126122936 425 p. UG Library
647.94068 AHM 00084044 Hotel Organisation Ahmed M.N. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2005 8128126135 | 9788126122936 425 p. UG Library
647.94068 AHM 05031726 Front Office Operations and Management / Ismail, Ahmed Thomson, 2002 9812406174 355 p Knowledge Centre
647.94068 AHM 00065736 Hotel Organisation Ahmed M.N. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2005 8128126135 | 9788126122936 425 p. UG Library
647.94068 ALT 00119091 Hotel Restaurant Management Altis, Tom Random Exports, 2013 9789382226949 xi:240p.: UG Library
647.94068 AND 00095420 Sales & Marketing Andrews Sudhir Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd. 9780070153233 270p UG Library
647.94068 AND 00095421 Sales & Marketing Andrews Sudhir Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd. 9780070153233 270p UG Library
647.94068 AND 00095416 Hotel Housekeeping Management & Operations Andrews Akash Tata McGraw-Hill 2008 9780070655720 478 p. UG Library
647.94068 AND 00095417 Hotel Housekeeping Management & Operations Andrews Akash Tata McGraw-Hill 2008 9780070655720 478 p. UG Library
647.94068 AND 00127750 Hotel Front Office:Training Manual Andrews, Sudhir T M H | Mcgraw hill education 1990 9781259004971 3 edition 176 p. | 374p : . UG Library
647.94068 AND 00032861 Hotel Front Office:Training Manual Andrews, Sudhir T M H | Mcgraw hill education 1990 9781259004971 3 edition 176 p. | 374p : . UG Library
647.94068 AND 00089820 Hotel Front Office:Training Manual Andrews, Sudhir T M H | Mcgraw hill education 1990 9781259004971 3 edition 176 p. | 374p : . UG Library
647.94068 AND 00107257 Hotel Front Office A Training Manual Andrews Sudhir Tata McGeaw Hill Education Pvt, 2009 9780070655706 2nd ed xxviii. 380 p.: UG Library
647.94068 AND 00035625 Hotel Front Office: Training Manual Andrews, Sudhir. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 2004 0074515136 176 p. UG Library
647.94068 AND 00038295 Hotel Front Office: Training Manual Andrews, Sudhir. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 2004 0074515136 176 p. UG Library
647.94068 AND 00038294 Hotel Front Office: Training Manual Andrews, Sudhir. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 2004 0074515136 176 p. UG Library
647.94068 AND 00107259 Hotel Housekeeping Management & Operations Andrews Akash Tata McGraw-Hill 2008 9780070655720 478 p. UG Library
647.94068 AND 00065157 Hotel Front Office: Training Manual Andrews, Sudhir. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 2004 0074515136 176 p. UG Library
647.94068 ANG 00108333 Hospitality today Angelo,Rocco M. Educational Institute, American Hotel & Lodging Association, 2007 9780866122948 6th ed. xxxiv, 560 p. : UG Library
647.94068 ANG 00121444 Hospitality today : Angelo, Rocco M. Educational Institute, American Hotel & Lodging Association, 2004 0866122613 | 9780866122610 5th ed. xxxiii, 551 p. : UG Library
647.94068 ARI 00142444 The ultimate guide for hotel management NCHMCT-JEE: Arihant Arihant publications india ltd., 2018 9789311127040 Pages UG Library
647.94068 BAL 00119129 International Cuisine & Food Production Management / Parvinder S. Bali, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198073895 | 5 xv, 527 p.: UG Library
647.94068 BAL 00070815 Hospitality Operations Ball,Stephen. Thomson Learning 2003 9789812542946 255 p. UG Library
647.94068 BAN 00123654 Innovations in Hospitality Management Systems Banerjee, Abhishek ABD Publishers, 2016 9788183764889 288 p:. UG Library
647.94068 BAR 00048201 Hotel Front Office Management. Bardi, James A 1996 0471287121 469p UG Library
647.94068 BAR 00048267 Hotel Front Office Management. Bardi, James A 1996 0471287121 469p UG Library
647.94068 BAR 07010127 Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry. Barrows, Clayton W., Wiley, 2012 9780470399743 (hardback) | 978 Tenth Edition / xxv, 720 pages ; Library - BR Campus
647.94068 BAR 00120720 Hotel front office management / Bardi, James A., John Wiley & Sons, 2011 9780470637524 (acidfree paper) 5th ed. xv, 492 p. : UG Library
647.94068 BAR 00120723 Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry. Barrows, Clayton W., Wiley, 2012 9780470399743 (hardback) | 978 Tenth Edition / xxv, 720 pages ; UG Library
647.94068 BAR 00071204 Hotel Front Office Management: Bardi, James A John Wiley & Sons 2006 0471687103 | 9780471687108 | 9 468p UG Library
647.94068 BAR 00071841 Hotel Front Office Management: Bardi, James A John Wiley & Sons 2006 0471687103 | 9780471687108 | 9 468p UG Library
647.94068 BAR 00120716 Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry. Barrows, Clayton W., Wiley, 2012 9780470399743 (hardback) | 978 Tenth Edition / xxv, 720 pages ; UG Library
647.94068 BAR 00035145 Hotel Front Offic Manaagementa Bardi, A James Van Nostrand 346 p. UG Library
647.94068 BAR 00118981 Hotel Front Office Management: Bardi, James A John Wiley & Sons 2006 0471687103 | 9780471687108 | 9 468p UG Library
647.94068 BAR 00057839 Hotel Front Office Management: Bardi, James A John Wiley & Sons 2006 0471687103 | 9780471687108 | 9 468p UG Library
647.94068 BER 05007558 Organizational behavior for the hospitality industry / Berger, Florence, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009 9780132447379 (alk. paper) | 0 xvii, 425 p. : Knowledge Centre
647.94068 BHA 00061878 Front Office Management Bhatnagar, Kumar Sushil Frank & Brothers & Co 2004 8171706525 | 9788171706525 440 p.: UG Library
647.94068 BHA 00061880 Front Office Management Bhatnagar, Kumar Sushil Frank & Brothers & Co 2004 8171706525 | 9788171706525 440 p.: UG Library
647.94068 BHA 00061882 Front Office Management Bhatnagar, Kumar Sushil Frank & Brothers & Co 2004 8171706525 | 9788171706525 440 p.: UG Library
647.94068 BHA 00061881 Front Office Management Bhatnagar, Kumar Sushil Frank & Brothers & Co 2004 8171706525 | 9788171706525 440 p.: UG Library
647.94068 BHA 00061879 Front Office Management Bhatnagar, Kumar Sushil Frank & Brothers & Co 2004 8171706525 | 9788171706525 440 p.: UG Library
647.94068 BHA 00120714 Hotel Management & Hospitality Bhavsar S.J Vital Publications, 2014 9789381169308 v, 248 p.: UG Library
647.94068 BHA 00065901 Front Office Management Bhatnagar, S. K. Frank & Brothers & Co 2004 8171706525 654 p. UG Library
647.94068 BHA 00065907 Front Office Management Bhatnagar, S. K. Frank & Brothers & Co 2004 8171706525 654 p. UG Library
647.94068 BHA 00065909 Front Office Management Bhatnagar, S. K. Frank & Brothers & Co 2004 8171706525 654 p. UG Library
647.94068 BHA 00065910 Front Office Management Bhatnagar, S. K. Frank & Brothers & Co 2004 8171706525 654 p. UG Library
647.94068 BHA 00065908 Front Office Management Bhatnagar, S. K. Frank & Brothers & Co 2004 8171706525 654 p. UG Library
647.94068 BHA 00065906 Front Office Management Bhatnagar, S. K. Frank & Brothers & Co 2004 8171706525 654 p. UG Library
647.94068 BHA 00065903 Front Office Management Bhatnagar, S. K. Frank & Brothers & Co 2004 8171706525 654 p. UG Library
647.94068 BHA 00065904 Front Office Management Bhatnagar, S. K. Frank & Brothers & Co 2004 8171706525 654 p. UG Library
647.94068 BHA 00065905 Front Office Management Bhatnagar, S. K. Frank & Brothers & Co 2004 8171706525 654 p. UG Library
647.94068 BHA 00065902 Front Office Management Bhatnagar, S. K. Frank & Brothers & Co 2004 8171706525 654 p. UG Library
647.94068 BHA 00121017 Catering Technology Bhandari Parminder K. Sonali Publications, 2009 9788184112153 384 p.: UG Library
647.94068 BHA 00118586 Hotel Management & Hospitality Bhavsar S.J Vital Publications, 2014 9789381169308 v, 248 p.: UG Library
647.94068 BHU 00119101 Fundamental of Hotel Management and Operations Bhushan, Devesh Anmol Publicatioons Pvt. Ltd, 2014 9788126160228 291p.; UG Library
647.94068 BIS 00119127 Human Resource Management In Hospitality Biswas Malay Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198069850 xvi, 339 p.: UG Library
647.94068 BRA 00034784 Hotel Front Office Braham, Bruce Virtue & company Ltd , 1985 187 p.: UG Library
647.94068 BRA 00034785 Hotel Front Office Braham, Bruce Virtue & company Ltd , 1985 187 p.: UG Library
647.94068 BRO 00112023 Growth Strategies of Hotel Industry Brown,nancy Discovery Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2011 9788183569248 264p.; UG Library
647.94068 BRO 00128463 Housekeeping by design : Brody, David, The University of Chicago Press 2016 9780226389097 (cloth : alk. pa 199 pages : UG Library
647.94068 CAR 00148103 Hotel Operations Management/ Carvalho, Benita Discovery Publishing, 2024 9788119365609 266p. ; UG Library
647.94068 CHA 00048484 Front Office Management in Hotel Chakravarthi B.K. CBS Publishers & Distributors 1999 8123906544 1st Ed. 163 p. UG Library
647.94068 CHA 00048479 Front Office Management Chakravarthi, B K Cbs 1998 8123906544 160 p UG Library
647.94068 CHA 00050062 Hotel Management Chakravarti B.K. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 1999 8176480304 303 p. UG Library
647.94068 CHA 00048483 Front Office Management in Hotel Chakravarthi B.K. CBS Publishers & Distributors 1999 8123906544 1st Ed. 163 p. UG Library
647.94068 CHA 00099163 Hotel management theory; Chakravarthi,Dr,B,K APH publishing corporation; 8170249473 vii;578 p. UG Library
647.94068 CHA 00099164 Hotel management theory; Chakravarthi,Dr,B,K APH publishing corporation; 8170249473 vii;578 p. UG Library
647.94068 CHA 00069161 Front Office Management in Hotel Chakravarthi B.K. CBS Publishers & Distributors 1999 8123906544 1st Ed. 163 p. UG Library
647.94068 CHA 00061728 Restaurant Management Chakravarti B.K. A.P.H.Publishing Corporation 2004 8176485519 | 9788176485517 241 p. UG Library
647.94068 CHA 00047040 Hotel Management Chakravarti B.K. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 1999 8176480304 303 p. UG Library
647.94068 CHA 00061982 Hotel Management Chakravarti B.K. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 1999 8176480304 303 p. UG Library
647.94068 CHA 00048485 Front Office Management in Hotel Chakravarthi B.K. CBS Publishers & Distributors 1999 8123906544 1st Ed. 163 p. UG Library
647.94068 CHA 00048478 Front Office Management in Hotel Chakravarthi B.K. CBS Publishers & Distributors 1999 8123906544 1st Ed. 163 p. UG Library
647.94068 CHA 00048486 Front Office Management in Hotel Chakravarthi B.K. CBS Publishers & Distributors 1999 8123906544 1st Ed. 163 p. UG Library
647.94068 CHA 00069342 Front Office Management in Hotel Chakravarthi B.K. CBS Publishers & Distributors 1999 8123906544 1st Ed. 163 p. UG Library
647.94068 CHA 00084117 Front Office Management in Hotel Chakravarthi B.K. CBS Publishers & Distributors 1999 8123906544 1st Ed. 163 p. UG Library
647.94068 CHA 00048477 Front Office Management in Hotel Chakravarthi B.K. CBS Publishers & Distributors 1999 8123906544 1st Ed. 163 p. UG Library
647.94068 CHA 00048482 Front Office Management in Hotel Chakravarthi B.K. CBS Publishers & Distributors 1999 8123906544 1st Ed. 163 p. UG Library
647.94068 CHA 00065077 Restaurant Management Chakravarti B.K. A.P.H.Publishing Corporation 2004 8176485519 | 9788176485517 241 p. UG Library
647.94068 CHA 00060757 Restaurant Management Chakravarti B.K. A.P.H.Publishing Corporation 2004 8176485519 | 9788176485517 241 p. UG Library
647.94068 CHA 00066734 Making of a Chef Chakravarti B.K. CBS Publishing & Distributors 1998 8123905815 1st Ed. 168 p. UG Library
647.94068 CHA 00111940 Insights Into Guest Management and Hotel Amenities/ Chaturvedi, Manish. Cyber Tech Publications, 2013 9789350531297 viii:232p.; UG Library
647.94068 CHA 00048480 Front Office Management in Hotel Chakravarthi B.K. CBS Publishers & Distributors 1999 8123906544 1st Ed. 163 p. UG Library
647.94068 CHH 00146025 Hotel Management: Chhaya Bhavi Asia Publishers and Distributors, 2023 9788119391721 XI,256P.; UG Library
647.94068 CHH 00111793 Hospitality Promotion and Advertisement Management/ Chhaya, Bhavi. Centrum Press, 2013 9789381460139 248p.; UG Library
647.94068 CHO 00135354 Hospitality Management: Choudhary,Yaduraj Random publication, 2018 9789352690619 288 p.; UG Library
647.94068 CLA 00079536 International Hospitality Management Clarke, Alan. Elesevier 2007 9780750666756 1st Ed. 382 p. UG Library
647.94068 CRO 00065073 Global Alliances In Tourism And Hospitality Management Crotts, John C. Jaico Publishing House 2005 8179922855 | 9788179923665 166 p. UG Library
647.94068 DEF 00079535 Hospitality Financial Management Defranco, Agnes John Lwiley 2007 368p UG Library
647.94068 DIX 00081722 Front Office Operations Dix,Colin. Longman 1998 0582319315 | 9780582319318 4th Ed. 218 p. UG Library
647.94068 DIX 00046985 Front Office Operations Dix,Colin. Longman 1998 0582319315 | 9780582319318 4th Ed. 218 p. UG Library
647.94068 DIX 00046229 Front Office Operations Dix Colin Longman Limited 1998 0582319315 | 9788131701560 4th ed 218 p UG Library
647.94068 DIX 00120711 Front Office Operations Dix Colin Longman Limited 1998 0582319315 | 9788131701560 4th ed 218 p UG Library
647.94068 DUB 00120987 Hospitality Tourism and Hotel Management Dubey, Nirmal Sonali Publications, 2011 9788184112948 280 p.; UG Library
647.94068 DWI 00118860 Basic of Hospitality Financial Management Dwivedi, Neeraj Centrum Press 2014 9789350844410 271p. UG Library
647.94068 ELE 00135997 Hotel operations reports,calculations and bookkeeping Elearning 3G E-Learning, 2018 9781680948790 2nd ed., xiv,327p.; UG Library
647.94068 ELE 00135994 Hospitality insurance and risk management Elearning 3G E-Learning, 2017 9781680956443 xii,244p.; UG Library
647.94068 ELE 00135998 Hospitality asset management Elearning 3G E-Learning, 2017 9781680956429 xii,240p.; UG Library
647.94068 ENI 00095475 Hospitality strategic management : Enz, Cathy A., John Wiley & Sons, 9780470083598 (cloth) | 047008 xviii, 676 p. : UG Library
647.94068 FER 00148099 Food Service Management/ Fernandes, Bismarck Discovery Publishing, 2024 9788119365647 250p. ; UG Library
647.94068 FIR 00117793 Front Office Management Firewal Media Firewal Media, 2008 9788131803615 283p.; UG Library
647.94068 FOL 00065113 Hospitality Tourism And Leisure Management: Issues In Strategy And Culture Foley,Malcolm. Cassell 1997 0304332372 | 9780304332397 262 p. UG Library
647.94068 FOS 00047032 The The Business of Hospitality: Back Office Operations and Administration Foster,Dennis L. Glencoe 1992 0071129944 | 9780071129947 206 p. UG Library
647.94068 FOS 00048475 Rooms at the Inn: Front Office Operations and Administration Foster, Dennis L. Glencoe 1999 0071129952 | 9780071129954 206 p. UG Library
647.94068 FOS 00048300 The The Business of Hospitality: Back Office Operations and Administration Foster,Dennis L. Glencoe 1992 0071129944 | 9780071129947 206 p. UG Library
647.94068 FOS 00045650 The The Business of Hospitality: Back Office Operations and Administration Foster,Dennis L. Glencoe 1992 0071129944 | 9780071129947 206 p. UG Library
647.94068 FOS 00048087 The The Business of Hospitality: Back Office Operations and Administration Foster,Dennis L. Glencoe 1992 0071129944 | 9780071129947 206 p. UG Library
647.94068 FOS 00046986 VIP: An Introduction to Hospitality Foster, Dennis L. Glencoe 1993 0071162526 | 9780071162524 251 p. UG Library
647.94068 FOS 00047992 VIP: An Introduction to Hospitality Foster, Dennis L. Glencoe 1993 0071162526 | 9780071162524 251 p. UG Library
647.94068 FOS 00044446 The The Business of Hospitality: Back Office Operations and Administration Foster,Dennis L. Glencoe 1992 0071129944 | 9780071129947 206 p. UG Library
647.94068 FRA 00079617 India 2008-09 Hospitality Directory Francis, L Amelia Publications 2000 690p UG Library
647.94068 GAN 00112934 Hotel Management Diet & Nutrition Gandhi Gaurav Random Publications, 2012 9789381421741 viii, 280 p.: UG Library
647.94068 GAN 00120448 Hotel Management/ Gandhi Gaurav Random Publishers 2012 9789381421758 272p. UG Library
647.94068 GEE 00056029 International Hotel Management Gee, Y Chuck Educational Institute 504p UG Library
647.94068 GIB 00145438 Hotel Housekeeping : Advanced/ Gibson, Elena Larsen & Killer, 2022 9781641725415 viii,236p. ; UG Library
647.94068 GIL 00065081 Tourism and Hotel Management Gill, Pushpinder S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126113308 239p UG Library
647.94068 GOL 00091528 Hotel convention sales, services, and operations / Golden-Romero, Pat. Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann, 0750679026 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvii, 312 p. : UG Library
647.94068 GRA 00082044 Hotel and Motel Management and Operations Gray, William S 1994 0013095795 346p UG Library
647.94068 GRA 05007549 Hotel and motel management and operations / Gray, William S., PH/PTR, 2003 0130990891 4th ed. xiv, 412 p. : Knowledge Centre
647.94068 GUP 00120726 Basic of Hotel Office Management Gupta, Ashim ABD Publishers, 2014 9788183764650 307 P:. UG Library
647.94068 GUP 00118870 Hotel Front Office/ Gupta, Ashim Anmol Publishers 2014 9788126160990 283p. UG Library
647.94068 GUP 00119096 A Window to Hotel Management Gupta, Ashim Random Publications, 2014 9789351113324 303p.; UG Library
647.94068 GUP 00118576 Hotel M anagement Marketing Sales and Accounting Gupta Ashim Anmol Publications, 2014 9788126161027 vii, 276 p.: UG Library
647.94068 GUP 00142443 NCHMCT-JEE: Gupta,R Ramesh publishing house, 2017 9788178124490 Pages UG Library
647.94068 Gur 05060809 The Routledge handbook of hospitality marketing / Gursoy,Dogan. Routledge, 2018 9781138214668 (hbk : alk. pape xxiv, 627p.; Knowledge Centre
647.94068 HAR 00071015 Hospitality Strategic Management Harrison,Jeffrey S. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2005 0471478539 | 9780471478539 544 p. UG Library
647.94068 HAR 00064222 Hospitality Strategic Management Harrison,Jeffrey S. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2005 0471478539 | 9780471478539 544 p. UG Library
647.94068 HAR 00071234 Hospitality Strategic Management Harrison,Jeffrey S. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2005 0471478539 | 9780471478539 544 p. UG Library
647.94068 HAS 00117779 Hospitality Business Development Hassanien, Ahmed Routledge | NetLibrary, Incorporated [Distributor] 2010 9781856176095 | 0080884989 (EB Revised xxi: 288p.; UG Library
647.94068 HAY 00080139 Hotel Operations Management:2nd Edition [hotel Management Section] Hayes, David 2007 0131711490 570p UG Library
647.94068 HAY 00098453 Human resources management in the hospitality industry / Hayes, David K. John Wiley & Sons, 9780470084809 (cloth) | 047008 xiii, 490 p. : UG Library
647.94068 HAY 05007550 Hotel operations management / Hayes, David K. Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007 9780131711495 2nd ed. xix, 570 p. : Knowledge Centre
647.94068 HEN 00074160 Opportunities in Hotel and Motel Careers Henkin,Shepard. McGraw-Hill 2006 0071458700 | 9780071458702 194 p. UG Library
647.94068 HIN 00147493 Hospitality and tourism marketing : Hinson, Robert E. Routledge, 2024 9781032688473 xxii,352p. : UG Library
647.94068 ING 00068107 Yield Management Ingold, Anthony Thomson Learning 2003 9812542701 | 9789812542700 343p UG Library
647.94068 ISM 00069848 Front Office Operations and Management Ismail, Ahmed Thomson 2005 9812406174 355p UG Library
647.94068 ISM 00048299 Hostel Sales and Operations Ismail,Ahmed. An International Thomson Publishing Co 1999 0827386478 | 9780827386471 236 p. UG Library
647.94068 ISM 00089493 Front Office:Operations And Management Ismail, Ahmed Thomson Wadsworth 2002 9788131504093 | 9789812406170 355p UG Library
647.94068 ISM 00089496 Front Office:Operations And Management Ismail, Ahmed Thomson Wadsworth 2002 9788131504093 | 9789812406170 355p UG Library
647.94068 ISM 00089497 Front Office:Operations And Management Ismail, Ahmed Thomson Wadsworth 2002 9788131504093 | 9789812406170 355p UG Library
647.94068 ISM 00089495 Front Office:Operations And Management Ismail, Ahmed Thomson Wadsworth 2002 9788131504093 | 9789812406170 355p UG Library
647.94068 ISM 00089494 Front Office:Operations And Management Ismail, Ahmed Thomson Wadsworth 2002 9788131504093 | 9789812406170 355p UG Library
647.94068 ISM 00060634 Front Office:Operations And Management Ismail, Ahmed Thomson Wadsworth 2002 9788131504093 | 9789812406170 355p UG Library
647.94068 ISM 00067387 Front Office:Operations And Management Ismail, Ahmed Thomson Wadsworth 2002 9788131504093 | 9789812406170 355p UG Library
647.94068 ISM 00061082 Hostel Sales and Operations Ismail,Ahmed. An International Thomson Publishing Co 1999 0827386478 | 9780827386471 236 p. UG Library
647.94068 IVA 00143020 The Routledge handbook of hotel chain management / Ivanova, Maya Routledge, 2020 9781138805057 (hbk) | 9780367660109 xxv, 555 pages ; UG Library
647.94068 JON 00063848 Professional Management of Housekeeping Operations Jones, Thomas J.A. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2004 0471268941 | 9780471268949 4th Ed. 508 p. UG Library
647.94068 JOS 00119094 Hotel and Resort Management Joseph, Sebastian T Random Publications, 2013 9789351110163 272p.; UG Library
647.94068 JOS 00148102 Hotel and Restaurant Management/ Josh, Venet Discovery Publishing, 2024 9788119205769 247p. ; UG Library
647.94068 KAM 00111652 Basics of Hospitality: Kamra, Krishan K. Kanishka Publishers, Distributors; 2012 9788184573657 xx: 284p.; UG Library
647.94068 KAM 00111651 Basics of Hospitality: Kamra, Krishan K. Kanishka Publishers, Distributors; 2012 9788184573657 xx: 284p.; UG Library
647.94068 KAN 00117739 The DBS Handbook of Hotel Management Kanjlia, Krishan Kumar DBS Imprints, 2013 9788192372846 xv:773p.; UG Library
647.94068 KAN 00065087 Service Quality Management in Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Kandampully, Jay Jaico Publishing House 2004 8179921840 339p UG Library
647.94068 KAR 00111740 Hospitality Insurance and Risk Management/ Lamba, Kartik. Centrum Press, 2013 9789381460115 viii:248p.; UG Library
647.94068 KAS 00034746 Effective Front Office Operations Kasavana, Michael L. A CBI Book 1981 0843622008 308 p. UG Library
647.94068 KAS 00034747 Effective Front Office Operations Kasavana, Michael L. A CBI Book 1981 0843622008 308 p. UG Library
647.94068 KAT 00119110 Hospitality Tourism and Hotel Management Katare, Vipin Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2014 9788126160945 288p. UG Library
647.94068 KAT 00120985 Front office : Kathuria, Anil Sonali Publication, 2008 9788184111392 300 p.: UG Library
647.94068 KAU 00111747 Strategic Hospitality Management/ Kaul, Ajay. centrum Press, 2013 9789381460092 viii: 248p.; UG Library
647.94068 KHA 00065733 Front Office Khan M.A. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2005 8126122978 | 9788126122974 420 p. UG Library
647.94068 KHA 00065734 Front Office Khan M.A. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2005 8126122978 | 9788126122974 420 p. UG Library
647.94068 KHA 00119108 Room management applications Khan, Kamran Ali Random Publications, 2014 9789351110194 272p.; UG Library
647.94068 KLI 00127749 Hotel front office simulation : Kline, Sheryl Fried John Wiley & Sons, 2003 9780471203315 ix, 125p. : UG Library
647.94068 KNO 00050265 Hospitality Management: An Introduction Knowles, Tim. PITMAN Publishing 1994 0273602780 | 9780273602781 231 p. UG Library
647.94068 KOT 00053698 Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism Kotler,Philip. Pearson Education 2006 0817808564 | 9788131722244 4th Ed. 956 p. UG Library
647.94068 KUM 00146022 Tourism and Hotel Management / Kumari Purnima. Asia Publishers and Distributors, 2023 9788119391899 XII,276P.; UG Library
647.94068 KUM 00133705 Communication skills for hospitality management Kumar,Naveen Paradise press, 2018 9789386194442 320p.; UG Library
647.94068 KUM 00123656 Planning and Management in Hospitality Markets Kumari, Purnima ABD Publishers, 2016 9788183764902 288 p:. UG Library
647.94068 KUM 00133570 Communication skills for hospitality management Kumar,Naveen Paradise press, 2018 9789386194442 320p.; UG Library
647.94068 LAS 00050785 Hospitality Retail Management Lashley, Conrad. Butterworth Heinemann 2000 0750646160 | 9780750646161 355 p. UG Library
647.94068 LAS 00052629 Hospitality Retail Management Lashley, Conrad. Butterworth Heinemann 2000 0750646160 | 9780750646161 355 p. UG Library
647.94068 LAS 00056964 Hospitality Retail Management Lashley, Conrad. Butterworth Heinemann 2000 0750646160 | 9780750646161 355 p. UG Library
647.94068 LAS 05045335 Franchising hospitality services / Butterworth/Heinmann, 2000 9780750647724 xviii, 274 p. ; Knowledge Centre
647.94068 LEA 07013383 Global Hospitality Management / 3G E-Learning, 2017 9781680954227 ix,216p.: Library - BR Campus
647.94068 LEA 07013384 Hospitality Security Services / 3G E-Learning, 2017 9781680956474 ix,272p.: Library - BR Campus
647.94068 MAD 00053093 Professional Housekeeping Madhukar,Manoj. Rajat Publications 2001 8178800012 1st Ed. 315 p. UG Library
647.94068 MAD 00055154 Professional Housekeeping Madhukar,Manoj. Rajat Publications 2001 8178800012 1st Ed. 315 p. UG Library
647.94068 MAG 00123277 A hotel manager's handbook : Simon, Carol J., Apple Acdemic Press Inc 2016 9781771883481 (alk. paper) 247p. UG Library
647.94068 MAL 00064221 Financial Management In The Hotel and Restaurant Industry Malhotra R.K. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2003 8174887083 361 p. UG Library
647.94068 MAL 00057817 Fundamentals of Hotel Management And Operations Malhotra R.K. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 1998 8174887059 1st Ed. 369 p. UG Library
647.94068 MAL 00058466 Fundamentals of Hotel Management And Operations Malhotra R.K. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 1998 8174887059 1st Ed. 369 p. UG Library
647.94068 MAT 00084047 Operation in Hotel Management Metti, M C Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126132294 275p UG Library
647.94068 MED 00035090 Business of Hotels Medlik, S Butterworth Heinemann 1992 2nd 188 p.: UG Library
647.94068 MED 00056967 The Business of Hotels Medlik S. Butterworth Heinemann 2000 0750641150 | 9780750641159 4th Ed. 222 p. UG Library
647.94068 MEH 00112935 Hotel Management & Tourism Mehta Neeta Random Publications, 2012 9789381421765 viii, 248 p.: UG Library
647.94068 MEH 00111739 Hospitality Innovation Management/ Mehta, Ruchi. Centrum Press, 2013 9789381460214 viii: 248p.; UG Library
647.94068 MEH 00111380 Hotel Convention Sales, Service and Operations/ Mehta, Ruchi. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2013 9788126157143 296p.; UG Library
647.94068 MET 00084058 Hotel Management Sales and Marketing Service Metti, M C Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126132409 279p UG Library
647.94068 MIR 00074062 Global Sourcebook on Hospitality Management Mirajkar, Mridula. Kanishka Publishers Distributors 2006 8173918279 | 9788173918278 348 p. UG Library
647.94068 MIT 00112018 Organizing Systems in Hotels Mittal,R.R ALP Books, 2012 9789382215394 261p.; UG Library
647.94068 MOR 00095519 Hospitality & Travel marketing Morrison Alastair Delmar Cengage learning 9781435486867 786P UG Library
647.94068 MOR 00099451 Hospitality & Travel marketing Morrison Alastair Delmar Cengage learning 9781435486867 786P UG Library
647.94068 MOR 00120982 Hospitality & Travel marketing Morrison Alastair Delmar Cengage learning 9781435486867 786P UG Library
647.94068 MUR 07012305 Hotel Accommodation management / Murugan Annamalai Dominant, 2018 9789384207830 261p.: Library - BR Campus
647.94068 NAI 00105265 Dynamics Of Hotel Management Nair, Vinod. Cyber Tech Publications, 2007 9788178842806 254 p. UG Library
647.94068 NAT 00077978 Hospitaligy and Restaurant Management Competency Guide National Restaurant Association Educatin, al Foundation 0132283808 257p UG Library
647.94068 NEB 00049642 Managing Hotels Effectively Nebel, C Eddystone Jhon Wiley & Sons 1991 0471289094 436 p UG Library
647.94068 NEG 00099162 A Textbook Hotel Management. Negi,K,S wisdom press; 2011 9789380199238 v;349 p UG Library
647.94068 NEG 00110324 Hospitality Reception And Front Office: Procedure and Systems Negi,Jagmohan Dr. S. Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 2013 9788121939928 xii; 276 p. UG Library
647.94068 NIG 05037000 Encyclopaedia of Hotel, Kitchen, Catering Technology, Food Service and Hospitality Management / Nigam, Shruti Centrum Press, 2014 9789350841624 vii, 296 p. Knowledge Centre
647.94068 NIG 05037001 Encyclopaedia of Hotel, Kitchen, Catering Technology, Food Service and Hospitality Management / Nigam, Shruti Centrum Press, 2014 9789350841624 vii, 296 p. Knowledge Centre
647.94068 NIL 05031724 Resorts Management and Operation / Christie Mill, Robwrt John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2001 0471361887 446 p. Knowledge Centre
647.94068 NOT 00057381 Open Your Oen Bed and Breakfast Notarius, Barnara 0471373990 326p UG Library
647.94068 NRA 00086001 Coustomer Service: National Restaurant Association Educatio, nal Foundation Pearson 2007 0132283816 | 9780132283816 100 p UG Library
647.94068 OFA 00117780 Hotel management operations Ofallon, Michael J. John Wiley, 2009 9780470177143 (pbk.) 5th ed. xviii: 494p.; UG Library
647.94068 OLS 00050255 Strategic Management in the Hospitality Industry Olsen, Michael. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1998 0471292397 | 9780471292395 2nd Ed. 385 p. UG Library
647.94068 OLS 05007561 Strategic management in the hospitality industry / Olsen, Michael D. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008 9780131196629 (alk. paper) | 0 3rd ed. xvii, 358 p. : Knowledge Centre
647.94068 PAI 00073403 Strategic Planning Systems in Hospitality and Tourism Phillips P.A. CABI Publishing 1998 0851992862 212 p. UG Library
647.94068 PAN 00118861 Financial Management in Hotel and Restaurant Industry Pancholi, Ankur Centrum Press 2014 9789350844571 272p. UG Library
647.94068 PAU 00119102 Basics of Catering Technology, Food services and Hospital Management Paul, Pradeep Centrum Press, 2014 9789350844373 281p.; UG Library
647.94068 PHI 00071914 Strategic Planning Systems in Hospitality and Tourism: Phillips, P A 1998 0851992862 212p UG Library
647.94068 PIZ 00108582 International encyclopedia of hospitality management / Pizam,Abraham Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann, 2010 9781856177146 2nd Ed. xxviii, 712 p. : UG Library
647.94068 PIZ 00127752 International encyclopedia of hospitality management / Pizam,Abraham Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann, 2010 9781856177146 2nd Ed. xxviii, 712 p. : UG Library
647.94068 POW 00035985 Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry Powers, Tom John Wiley & Sons 1988 Sixth Edition 523p : . UG Library
647.94068 POW 00035273 Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry Powers, Tom John Wiley & Sons 1988 3th ed 592 p.: UG Library
647.94068 POW 00050243 Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry Powers, Tom John Wiley & Sons 1988 3th ed 592 p.: UG Library
647.94068 POW 00065092 Introduction to Management and Hospitality Industry Powers, Tom John Wiley & Sons 2003 0471216887 7th ed x, 118 p UG Library
647.94068 POW 00071231 Introduction to Management and Hospitality Industry Powers, Tom John Wiley & Sons 2003 0471216887 7th ed x, 118 p UG Library
647.94068 POW 00127753 Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry Powers, Tom John Wiley & Sons 1988 Sixth Edition 523p : . UG Library
647.94068 POW 00035986 Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry Powers, Tom John Wiley & Sons 1988 Sixth Edition 523p : . UG Library
647.94068 PRA 05032894 Convention Management and Service / Pratap,Sikha. Anmol Publications, 2013 9788126157075 viii,296p.; Knowledge Centre
647.94068 PRA 00118461 Resort Destinations Prasad, Dayanand Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd 2014 9788126159468 280p. UG Library
647.94068 PRA 00118574 Fundamentals of Hotel, Tourism and Catering Management Pratap Shikha Anmol Publications, 2014 9788126160686 viii, 296 p.: UG Library
647.94068 PRI 00101464 Managing tourism and hospitality services Prideaux, B. CABI, xvii, 337 p. UG Library
647.94068 PUS 00137217 Hotel Housekeeping : Pushpanjali Random Publications, 2019 9789352693467 viii,323p.; UG Library
647.94068 RAI 00118871 Textile and laundry in hotel industry/ Rai, Surender Kumar Centrum Press 2014 9789350844779 285p. UG Library
647.94068 RAI 00120454 Hotel Asset Management/ Rai, Surinder Kumar Random Publishers 2014 9789351113362 302p. UG Library
647.94068 RAI 00129702 Textile and Laundry in Hotel Industry/ Grover, Naresh Random Publications, 2016 9789350844779 293 p.: UG Library
647.94068 RAI 00120727 Career in Hotel Management Rai, Surinder Kumar Random Publications, 2014 9789351113348 297 P:. UG Library
647.94068 RAJ 00056757 Hotel Management Made Easy Rajaram, S M Anand Publications 2003 252 p.: UG Library
647.94068 RAJ 00056758 Hotel Management Made Easy Rajaram, S M Anand Publications 2003 252 p.: UG Library
647.94068 RAJ 00056759 Hotel Management Made Easy Rajaram, S M Anand Publications 2003 252 p.: UG Library
647.94068 RAJ 00111736 Guest Service Management/ Rajpal, Nandini. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd., 2013 9788126149704 viii:248p.; UG Library
647.94068 RAM 00080796 Front Office Management Subban, T Rama Cyber Tech Publications 2008 264p.; UG Library
647.94068 RAN 00129695 Hotel Management Catering Technology Rana, Varinder Singh Random Publications, 2017 9789351119180 272 p.: UG Library
647.94068 RAW 00103530 Hotel operations and management: Rawat Mahesh Yking books; 9788191058895 263 p. UG Library
647.94068 REI 00120719 Hospitality marketing management / Reid, Robert D. John Wiley & Sons, 2010 9780470088586 (cloth) | 978812 5th ed. xv, 656 p. : UG Library
647.94068 ROB 00148098 Dynamics of Supervision in the Hospitality Sector/ Roberts, Najan Random Publications, 2024 9789357513586 xi,274p. ; UG Library
647.94068 RUT 00082045 Hotel Management and Operations Rutherford, Denney G John Wiley & Sons,Inc. 2007 0000471651 | 9780471470656 4th ed. 478p UG Library
647.94068 RUT 00059811 Hotel Management and Operations Rytherford,Denney G. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2002 0471370525 | 9780471370529 3rd Ed. 536 p. UG Library
647.94068 RUT 00080365 Hotel Management and Operations Rutherford,Denney G. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2007 0471470651 | 9780471470656 4th Ed. 478 p. UG Library
647.94068 RUT 00049641 Hotel Management and Operations Rutheford, Denney G. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1994 0471285684 | 9780471285687 2nd Ed. 462 p. UG Library
647.94068 RUT 00065104 Hotel Management and Operations Rytherford,Denney G. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2002 0471370525 | 9780471370529 3rd Ed. 536 p. UG Library
647.94068 RUT 00070802 Hotel Management and Operations Rytherford,Denney G. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2002 0471370525 | 9780471370529 3rd Ed. 536 p. UG Library
647.94068 SHA 00111737 Hospitality Brand Management/ Sharma, Monica. centrum Press, 2013 9789381460016 viii:256p.; UG Library
647.94068 SHA 00080805 Service Quality Management in Hospitality Industry Sharma, G K Mangal Deep Publications 2007 0817594207 185p UG Library
647.94068 SHA 00073758 Hotel Management Sharma,Yogendra K. Kanishka Publishers Distributors 2005 8173917582 386 p. UG Library
647.94068 SHA 00068183 Hotel Management and Hospitality Enterprises Sharma,Jitendra K. Kanishka Publishers Distributors 2006 8178173911 | 9788173918209 256 p. UG Library
647.94068 SHA 00118458 Fundamentals of hotel management and operations Sharma, Monica Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 2014 272p. UG Library
647.94068 SHA 00118980 Hospitality Operations Management Sharma C.H Anmol Publications Pvt, 2014 9788126160938 vii, 292 p.: UG Library
647.94068 SHA 00133195 Basics of front office operations Sharma,Sanjeev Random publications, 2018 9789352690305 viii,291p.; UG Library
647.94068 SHA 00118580 Fundamentals of Hotel and Motel Professional Management Sharma Monica Anmo Publication, 2014 9788126160532 viii, 296 p.: UG Library
647.94068 SHA 00120991 Perspectives of Hotel Management Sharma, D K Pearl Books, 2012 9789381575338 264 p:. UG Library
647.94068 SHE 00075025 Economics of Hotel Management Sheela A.M. New Age International Publishers 2002 8122414192 | 9788122414196 1st Ed. 224 p. UG Library
647.94068 SHI 00120712 Hospitality Management Shirke, Gajanan Shroff Publishers &Distributors, 2011 9789350233887 xviii, 447 p:. UG Library
647.94068 SHO 00132168 Professional Hotel Organisation and Front office Management: Shoff David, Amiga Press INC, 2019 9789387295063 viii,216 p.; UG Library
647.94068 SHO 05007555 Marketing essentials in hospitality and tourism : Shoemaker, Stowe. Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2008 9780131708273 xxv, 611 p. : Knowledge Centre
647.94068 SIN 00148397 Human resources management in the hospitality industry / Singh, S. D. Keya International, 2025 9789395080415 276p. : UG Library
647.94068 SIN 00074169 Hotel Front Desk Management and Online Services Singh, Ratandeep. Kanishka Publishers Distributors 2006 8173918392 | 9788173918391 381 p. UG Library
647.94068 SIN 00116459 Hospitality Management Singh, Shweta Random Publications, 2013 9789351110156 276p.: UG Library
647.94068 SIN 00116460 Managing Hotels Effectively Singh, Ranvijay Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9788126158799 viii:280p.: UG Library
647.94068 SIN 00146024 Hotel and Catering Management / Singh. S. K , Asia Publishers and Distributors, 2023 9788119391714 IX,264P.; UG Library
647.94068 SIN 00146026 Hospitality and Tourism Marketing / Singh Neelam Asia Publishers and Distributors, 2023 9788119391806 XIII,280P.; UG Library
647.94068 SIN 00111743 Hospitality Reservation Management/ Singh, Ranvijay. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd., 2013 9788126149797 viii:248p.; UG Library
647.94068 SIN 00111744 Hospitality Security Services Singh, Neelam. Centrum Press, 2013 9789381460054 viii: 256p.; UG Library
647.94068 SIN 00112238 Hospitality Success Strategies Singh Chandra Mahesh Centrum Press, 2013 9789381460238 viii, 256 p.: UG Library
647.94068 SIN 00074063 Hotel, Loding Restaurant and Resort Management Singh,Percy K. Kanishka Publishers Distributors 2006 8173918244 | 9788173918247 278 p. UG Library
647.94068 SIN 00118454 Hospitality Management Singh, Mahesh Chandra Centrum Press 2013 9789381293966 256p. UG Library
647.94068 SIN 00118462 Fundamentals of hotel management: Singh S K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2014 9788126160624 288p. UG Library
647.94068 SIN 00103273 HRM in hotel and tourism industry: Singh Percy.K KAnishka publishers; 97884184570786 364 p. UG Library
647.94068 SIN 00123657 Planning and Strategies in Hospitality Sector Singh, Mahesh Chandra ABD Publishers, 2016 9788183764919 320 p:. UG Library
647.94068 SIN 00118573 Fundamentals of Hotel Management Singh Ranvijay Anmol Publications, 2014 9788126160617 viii, 304 p.: UG Library
647.94068 SRI 07014655 Hospitality Brand Management / Srivastava Sanjeev ABD Publishers, 2020 9788183767255 254p.: Library - BR Campus
647.94068 STU 00064224 Hotel and Lodging Management: Stutts, T Alan 0471474479 340p UG Library
647.94068 TES 00118872 Principle of Management for the Hospitality Industry / Tesone,Dana. Elsevier, 9781856177993 ix,405p.; UG Library
647.94068 TES 00143121 Principles of Management for the Hospitality Industry / Tesone,Dana. Routledge, 2013 9781856177993 Sprcial Indian Edition ix,405p.; UG Library
647.94068 TES 00071229 Hospitality Information Systems and E-Commerce Tesone D.V. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2006 0471478490 | 9780471478492 285 p. UG Library
647.94068 TES 00071230 Hospitality Information Systems and E-Commerce Tesone D.V. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2006 0471478490 | 9780471478492 285 p. UG Library
647.94068 TES 00065134 Hospitality Information Systems and E-Commerce Tesone D.V. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2006 0471478490 | 9780471478492 285 p. UG Library
647.94068 TEW 00136840 Hotel front office : Tewari, Jatashankar R. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780195699197 | 019569919X xii, 451 p. : UG Library
647.94068 TRA 00108881 An Introduction to Revenue Management for the Hospitality Industry : Tranter, Kimberly A. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009 9788131760994 | 9788131765715 xvi, 335 p. : UG Library
647.94068 TRA 00120715 An Introduction to Revenue Management for the Hospitality Industry : Tranter, Kimberly A. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009 9788131760994 | 9788131765715 xvi, 335 p. : UG Library
647.94068 TRA 05007537 An Introduction to Revenue Management for the Hospitality Industry : Tranter, Kimberly A. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009 9788131760994 | 9788131765715 xvi, 335 p. : Knowledge Centre
647.94068 VAI 00120992 Hotel Organisation and Management Vaish, Prachi Pearl Books, 2007 9788189979225 232 p.: UG Library
647.94068 VAI 00080811 Hotel Organisation and Management Vaish, Prachi Pearl Books, 2007 9788189979225 232 p.: UG Library
647.94068 VAL 00109866 Check-In Check-Out Managing Hotel Operation Vallen,Gary K. Pearson Education 2009 9788131727164 8th Ed. 604 p. UG Library
647.94068 VAT 00125955 Hotel Management C.K. Vats Pearl Books, 2015 9789383026401 263 p.: UG Library
647.94068 VER 00111267 HRM in Tourism Industry/ Verma, N.K. Prateeksha Publications, 2011 9789380626215 295p.; UG Library
647.94068 WAL 00081724 Introduction to Hospitality Management Walker,John R. Pearson Education 2004 8129709244 | 9788129709240 799 p. UG Library
647.94068 WAL 05060506 Introduction to hospitality / Walker, John R., Pearson, 2017 9781292157597 Seventh edition. 653 pages : Knowledge Centre
647.94068 WAL 00057823 Introduction to Hospitality Walker, John R. Prentice Hall 1999 0139178813 | 9780139178818 2nd Ed. 501 p. UG Library
647.94068 WAL 00074068 Introduction to Hospitality Management Walker,John R. Pearson Education 2004 8129709244 | 9788129709240 799 p. UG Library
647.94068 WAL 00047073 Introduction to Hospitality Walker, John R. Prentice Hall 1996 0139178813 | 9780131995147 409 p. UG Library
647.94068 WAL 00065109 Introduction to Hospitality Walker, John R. Prentice Hall 1996 0139178813 | 9780131995147 409 p. UG Library
647.94068 WAL 00126267 Introduction to hospitality management / Walker, John R., Pearson Prentice Hall, 2010 9780136069461 | 0136069460 | 0 5th ed. xxxvii, 662 p. : UG Library
647.94068 WAY 05073725 The Spirit to serve / Marriott. J W Snowball Publishing, 1997 9781607968801 xxi,232p.; Knowledge Centre
647.94068 WEI 00061080 Hotel/Motel Operations Weissinger, Stewart Suzanne. Delmar Thomson Learning 2000 0766812146 | 9780766812147 2nd Ed. 193 p. UG Library
647.94068 WOO 05002748 Professional front office management / Pearson/Prentice Hall, 9788131717486 xxvii, 676 p. : Knowledge Centre
647.94068 WOO 00108334 Leadership and management in the hospitality industry Woods,Robert H. Educational Institute, American Hotel & Lodging Association, 2002 9780866122238 2nd ed. ix, 429 p. : UG Library
647.94068 WOO 05039187 Key Concepts in Hospitality Management/ Wood, Roy C. Sage Publications Ltd., 2013 9781446200698 xiv: 180p.; Knowledge Centre
647.94068 WOO 00111618 Key Concepts in Hospitality Management/ Wood, Roy C. Sage Publications Ltd., 2013 9781446200698 xiv: 180p.; UG Library
647.94068 YAD 00118098 Hospitality Networking Yadav, Abhay Centrum Press, 2013 9789381460160 viii: 256p.; UG Library
647.94068 YU 08000800 The Guidelines on Resort Design / Yu,Ariel Design Media Publishing, 2013 9789881566355 253p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
647.94068 YU 00056031 The Internatioanl Hospitality Business: Management and Operations Yu, Larry. Jaico Publishing House 1999 0078900559 | 9788179922828 404 p. UG Library
647.94068 YU 00065078 The Internatioanl Hospitality Business: Management and Operations Yu, Larry. Jaico Publishing House 1999 0078900559 | 9788179922828 404 p. UG Library
647.94068 YU 05010427 International Hospitality Business (MTA) Yu, Larry Jaico Publishing House 8179922820 403p Knowledge Centre
647.940681 AND 05007545 Financial management for the hospitality industry / Andrew, William P. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007 0131179098 | 9780131179097 xx, 636 p. : Knowledge Centre
647.940681 CHA 05007547 Hospitality financial management / Chatfield, Robert E., Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2005 0130482870 xvi, 299 p. : Knowledge Centre
647.940681 DEF 00059330 Cost Control in the Hospitality Industry Defranco, Agnes L 0135753252 382p UG Library
647.940681 DEF 05007541 Cost control in the hospitality industry / DeFranco, Agnes L., Prentice Hall, 2000 9780135753255 xviii, 382 p. : Knowledge Centre
647.940681 GEE 00047038 Calculations for the Hotel Catering Industry Gee, Gordon E 0340504536 83p UG Library
647.940681 HAY 00109140 Revenue management for the hospitality industry Hayes, David K. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2011 9780470393086 (pbk.) | 0470393 xvi, 512 p. : UG Library
647.940681 SUM 00120751 Hospitality and Tourism Sumarjan Norzuwana Crc Press, 2014 9781138001510 xviii,618 p.: UG Library
647.940682 AND 00127751 Hotel Housekeeping Andrews, Sudhir Tata McGraw-Hill: 2016 9781259004988 3rd edition 334p : . UG Library
647.940682 CHA 00123650 Advance Hotel Engineering Chabbra, Mahendra Singh Random Publictions, 2015 9789351115359 268 p:. UG Library
647.940682 AND 00095418 Hotel Housekeeping: Andrews,Sudhir. Tata McGraw-Hill 2009 9780070655713 2nd ed 302 p. UG Library
647.940682 AND 00095419 Hotel Housekeeping: Andrews,Sudhir. Tata McGraw-Hill 2009 9780070655713 2nd ed 302 p. UG Library
647.940682 AND 00107256 Hotel Housekeeping: Andrews,Sudhir. Tata McGraw-Hill 2009 9780070655713 2nd ed 302 p. UG Library
647.940682 BAR 00067454 Successful Restaurant Design Baraban, Regina S 0471359351 304p UG Library
647.940682 CAS 00059812 Housekeeping Management Casado, Matt A 0471251895 290p UG Library
647.940682 GHO 04011165 Hotel Engineering / Ghosal Sujit Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198062912 438 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
647.940682 MAG 00127580 A General Manager's Housekeeping Maguire, Will Corbett, 2008 9781434844569 31 p.: UG Library
647.940682 RAN 00056962 Developing Hospitality Properties and Facilities Ransley,Josef. Butterworth Heinemann 2000 0750645547 | 7807564554 292 p. UG Library
647.940682 RAN 00053277 Developing Hospitality Properties and Facilities Ransley,Josef. Butterworth Heinemann 2000 0750645547 | 7807564554 292 p. UG Library
647.940682 RAN 00050786 Developing Hospitality Properties and Facilities Ransley,Josef. Butterworth Heinemann 2000 0750645547 | 7807564554 292 p. UG Library
647.940682 RAN 00056538 Developing Hospitality Properties and Facilities Ransley,Josef. Butterworth Heinemann 2000 0750645547 | 7807564554 292 p. UG Library
647.940682 SIN 00129694 Hotel Engineering / Singh, Gurminder Preet Random Publications, 2017 9789351119166 298 p.: UG Library
647.940682 SUD 00051427 Hotel Housekeeping Sudhir, Andrews Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 1985 0074515144 136 p. UG Library
647.940682 SUD 00096194 Hotel Housekeeping Sudhir, Andrews Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 1985 0074515144 136 p. UG Library
647.940682 SUD 00035622 Hotel Housekeeping Sudhir, Andrews Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 1985 0074515144 136 p. UG Library
647.940682 SUD 00035623 Hotel Housekeeping Sudhir, Andrews Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 1985 0074515144 136 p. UG Library
647.940682 SUD 00038293 Hotel Housekeeping Sudhir, Andrews Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 1985 0074515144 136 p. UG Library
647.940682 SUD 00065159 Hotel Housekeeping Sudhir, Andrews Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 1985 0074515144 136 p. UG Library
647.940683 BOE 05042082 Human resource management in the hospitality industry : Boella, M. J. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2014 9780415632539 (hbk : alk. pape Ninth edition. xv, 331 pages : Knowledge Centre
647.940683 BRY 00049640 Concierge Key to Hospitality Bryson, Mcdowell 0471528935 243p UG Library
647.940683 ELE 00136004 Supervision in the Hospitality Industry / 3G E-Learning, 2017 9781680956542 xii,258p.; UG Library
647.940683 FRA 00042332 Human Resource Management in the Hospitality Industry Go, M Frank John Wiley & Sons, Inc 1996 0471110566 330 p.: UG Library
647.940683 GIL 05007539 Cases in human resource management in hospitality / Gilmore, Shirley. Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2005 0131119834 xv, 439 p. : Knowledge Centre
647.940683 GOY 05038552 Hospital Administration and Human Resource Management: Goyal,R.C Prentice Hall of India, 2008 9788120328747 xi,406p.; Knowledge Centre
647.940683 MIC 00056272 Best Impressions In Hospitality Michael,Angie. Delmar 2000 0766815846 | 9780766815841 214 p. UG Library
647.940683 MIC 00061079 Best Impressions In Hospitality Michael,Angie. Delmar 2000 0766815846 | 9780766815841 214 p. UG Library
647.940683 MIL 00069271 Supervision in the Hospitality Industry Miller, Jack. E John Wiley & Sons 2003 0471313505 4th ed x, 92 p UG Library
647.940683 MIL 00084016 Supervision in the Hospitality Industry: Applied Human Resources [hotel Management Section] Miller, Jack E 0471657484 522p UG Library
647.940683 MIL 00065130 Supervision in The Hospitality Industry Miller,Jack E. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2007 0471396893 | 9780471657484 5th Ed. 522 p. UG Library
647.940683 MIL 00070804 Supervision in The Hospitality Industry Miller,Jack E. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2007 0471396893 | 9780471657484 5th Ed. 522 p. UG Library
647.940683 NEG 00051604 Human Resource Development And Management in the Hotel Industry Negi, Jagmohan. Frank Bros. & Co. 2004 8171704530 | 9788171704538 294 p. UG Library
647.940683 NEG 00065916 Human Resource Development And Management in the Hotel Industry Negi, Jagmohan. Frank Bros. & Co. 2004 8171704530 | 9788171704538 294 p. UG Library
647.940683 NEG 00065920 Human Resource Development And Management in the Hotel Industry Negi, Jagmohan. Frank Bros. & Co. 2004 8171704530 | 9788171704538 294 p. UG Library
647.940683 NEG 00065917 Human Resource Development And Management in the Hotel Industry Negi, Jagmohan. Frank Bros. & Co. 2004 8171704530 | 9788171704538 294 p. UG Library
647.940683 NEG 00065919 Human Resource Development And Management in the Hotel Industry Negi, Jagmohan. Frank Bros. & Co. 2004 8171704530 | 9788171704538 294 p. UG Library
647.940683 NEG 00065918 Human Resource Development And Management in the Hotel Industry Negi, Jagmohan. Frank Bros. & Co. 2004 8171704530 | 9788171704538 294 p. UG Library
647.940683 NIC 05042080 Human resource management for the hospitality and tourism industries / Nickson, Dennis. Routledge, 2013 9780415642118 (hbk : alk. pape 2nd ed. xv, 352 p. ; Knowledge Centre
647.940683 SHA 00074064 HRM in Hospitality Industry Sharma,Hemant. ABD Publishers 2006 8183760864 371 p. UG Library
647.940683 SOM 00079308 Hospitality Employee Management and Supervision: Concepts and Practical Applications Sommerville, Kerry L Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd 2007 344p UG Library
647.940683 VER 00118455 Fundamentals of human resource management in the hotel industry Verma, Gopal Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2014 9788126160709 304p. UG Library
647.940683 WOO 00121441 Managing hospitality human resources / Woods, Robert H. Educational Institute, American Hotel & Lodging Association, 2002 0866122214 | 9780866122214 3rd ed. xiv, 461 p. : UG Library
647.940683LEE 00081723 HRM in Tourism & Hospitality Lee-Ross, Darren 0304704113 202 UG Library
647.940683MET 00084067 Human Resource Management in Hotel Industry Metti, M C Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126132348 296p UG Library
647.940683MET1 00084065 Human Resoruce Management in Hospitality and Tourism Metti, M C Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126132331 278p UG Library
647.940684 KIN 05007554 Managing for quality in the hospitality industry / King, John H., Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006 0130945897 (softcover) xx, 298 p. : Knowledge Centre
647.940684 OKU 00117781 Strategic Management for Hospitality and Tourism / Okumus, Fevzi Routledge | Taylor & Francis Group [Distributor] 2010 9780750665223 | 0080940463 (EB xiv: 333p.; UG Library
647.940684 OKU 05042083 Strategic Management for Hospitality and Tourism / Okumus, Fevzi Routledge | Taylor & Francis Group [Distributor] 2010 9780750665223 | 0080940463 (EB xiv: 333p.; Knowledge Centre
647.940684 OKU 05041410 Strategic Management for Hospitality and Tourism / Okumus, Fevzi Routledge | Taylor & Francis Group [Distributor] 2010 9780750665223 | 0080940463 (EB xiv: 333p.; Knowledge Centre
647.940684 OLS 00096434 Handbook of hospitality strategic management Olsen Michael Butterworth-Heinemann 9780080450797 488 p UG Library
647.940684 PYO 05036997 Benchmarks in hospitality and tourism / Sungsoo Pyo Haworth Hospitality Press, 2001 0789019140 (hard : alk. paper) 164 p. : Knowledge Centre
647.940684 PYO 05039691 Benchmarks in hospitality and tourism / Haworth Hospitality Press, 2001 0789019140 (hard : alk. paper) 164 p. : Knowledge Centre
647.940684 RAI 00119100 Handbook of Environmental Management for Hotels Rai, Surender Kumar Centrum Press, 2014 9789350844670 288p.; UG Library
647.940685 KAN 05037011 Service quality management in hospitality, tourism, and leisure / Kandampully, Jay Haworth Hospitality Press, 2001 0789007266 (hc : alk. paper) | xvii, 339 p. : Knowledge Centre
647.940685 KAN 07010470 Service quality management in hospitality, tourism, and leisure / Haworth Hospitality Press, 2001 0789007266 (hc : alk. paper) | xvii, 339 p. : Library - BR Campus
647.940685 MOR 00143585 Quality Mananement in Hospitality Industry / Morgan, Elizabeth. Murphy & Moore, 2022 9781639874699 vi,225p,; UG Library
647.940685 NAT 00077982 Nraef Manage First Food Production Competency Guide National Restaurant Assodiaation 2007 0131752340 159p UG Library
647.940687 NAT 00077981 Nraff Manage First Inventory and Purchasing Competency Guide National Restaurant Association Educatio, nal Foundation 0132222167 98p UG Library
647.940688 KOT 00052910 Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism Kotler, Philip. Prentice Hall 1996 9780133956252 2nd Ed. vx 703 p. UG Library
647.940688 ABB 00121442 Hospitality sales and marketing / Abbey, James R. Educational Institute, American Hotel & Lodging Association, 2003 0866122532 (pbk.) | 9780866122 4th ed. xiii, 561 p. : UG Library
647.940688 AHM 00060795 Hotel Sales and Operations Ahmed, Ismail 2003 0827386478 235p UG Library
647.940688 DON 05068083 Hospitality e-marketing / Donne, Edgar ABD Publishers, 2020 9788183767262 viii, 248p. ; Knowledge Centre
647.940688 DON 07014656 Hospitality e-marketing / Donne, Edgar ABD Publishers, 2020 9788183767262 viii, 248p. ; Library - BR Campus
647.940688 ELE 00135995 Hospitality E-marketing Elearning 3G E-Learning, 2017 9781680956443 x,228p.; UG Library
647.940688 GOL 00112020 Hotel Convention Sales Services and Operations Golden-Romero,Pat Butterworth-Heinmann, 2007 9788131220283 xvii,312p.; UG Library
647.940688 HSU 00057398 Marketing Hospitality Hsu, H C Cathy 0471348856 360p UG Library
647.940688 KOT 05044175 Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism / Kotler Philip Pearson, 2014 9789332518278 6th ed 629p.: Knowledge Centre
647.940688 KOT 00056307 Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism Kotler, Philip. Prentice Hall 1996 9780133956252 2nd Ed. vx 703 p. UG Library
647.940688 KOT 00048002 Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism Kotler, Philip. Prentice Hall 1996 9780133956252 2nd Ed. vx 703 p. UG Library
647.940688 KOT 05060239 Marketing For Hospitality and Tourism / Kotler,Philip.T. Pearson, 2018 9789332586260 7th Ed. 680p.; Knowledge Centre
647.940688 KOT 03006198 Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism /ā€‹ Kotler, Philip. Pearson, 2011 9788131759349 5th. ed. xxiii,683 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
647.940688 KOT 03006197 Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism /ā€‹ Kotler, Philip. Pearson, 2011 9788131759349 5th. ed. xxiii,683 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
647.940688 KOT 00048090 Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism Kotler, Philip. Prentice Hall 1996 9780133956252 2nd Ed. vx 703 p. UG Library
647.940688 MEH 00111741 Hospitality Marketing and Sales/ Mehta, Ruchi. Centrum Press, 2013 9789381293980 viii: 256p.; UG Library
647.940688 MOR 00068102 Hospitality and Travel Marketing Morrison,Alastair M. Thomson Learning 2002 0813150249 | 9788131502495 625 p. UG Library
647.940688 MOR 00055244 Hospitality and Travel Marketing Morrison,Alastair M. Thomson Learning 2002 0813150249 | 9788131502495 625 p. UG Library
647.940688 MOR 00060978 Hospitality and Travel Marketing Morrison,Alastair M. Thomson Learning 2002 0813150249 | 9788131502495 625 p. UG Library
647.940688 MOR 00080364 Hospitality and Travel Marketing Morrison,Alastair M. Thomson Learning 2002 0813150249 | 9788131502495 625 p. UG Library
647.940688 MOR 00087120 Hospitality and Travel Marketing Morrison,Alastair M. Thomson Learning 2002 0813150249 | 9788131502495 625 p. UG Library
647.940688 NAT 00077980 Nraef Manage First Restaurant Marketing Competency Guide National Restaurant Association Educatio, nal Foundation 0013222206 171p UG Library
647.940688 PAN 00119109 Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism Pant, Anoop Random Publications, 2014 9789351110187 276p.; UG Library
647.940688 POW 00048495 Marketing Hospitality Powers,Tom. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1997 0471127035 | 9780471127031 2nd Ed. 440 p. UG Library
647.940688 PRA 00118583 Fundamentals of Hotel Convention Sales Service and Operations Prasad Dayanand Anmol Publication, 2014 9788126160556 vii, 272 p.: UG Library
647.940688 SCH 00060741 Contemporary Hotel Sales Schwarz, Andrew 0131740385 274p UG Library
647.940688 SHA 00068105 Hospitality and Tourism Marketing Sharma, Sunil. Akansha Publishing House 2005 8183700179 | 9788183700177 273 p. UG Library
647.940688 SHA 00047614 Hospitality Sales: a Marketing Approach Shaw, Margaret 0471296791 339 p UG Library
647.940688 SWE 00068100 Internet Marketing for Your Tourism Business Sweeney,Susan C.A. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2005 8122416179 | 9788122416176 562 p. UG Library
647.940688 SWE 05002374 Internet Marketing for Your Tourism Business : Sweeney,C.A.Susan. New Age International, 9788122416176 xxv,562p.; Knowledge Centre
647.940688 TIW 05039823 Current Trends in Hospitality and Tourism / Tiwari,Surya Bhushan. ABD Publishers, 2014 9788183764445 vii,190p.; Knowledge Centre
647.940688 WEA 00051807 Hospitality Marketing Wearne,Neil. Hospitality Press 1994 1862504431 | 9781862504431 352 p. UG Library
647.940688 WEA 00057198 Hospitality Marketing Wearne,Neil. Hospitality Press 1994 1862504431 | 9781862504431 352 p. UG Library
647.94068FOS. 00045193 Front Office Operations and Administration Foster, Dennis L 0071129952 205p UG Library
647.94068FOS.. 00048303 Marketing Hospitality: Sales and Marketing for Hotels, Motels, and Resorts Foster,Dennis L. Glencoe 1993 0071129502 | 9780071129503 190 p. UG Library
647.94068KOC 00080808 Organisation and Management of Hotels Kochhar, B K Cyber Tech Publications 256p UG Library
647.94068MED 00037057 Thebusiness of Hotels Medlik, S Butterworth Heinman 212 UG Library
647.94068MET 00084041 Hotel Organisation and Management: A Critical Approach Metti, M C Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126132362 287p UG Library
647.94068MET1 00084062 Hospitality Financial Management Metti, M C Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126132416 284p UG Library
647.94068MET2 00084061 Hospitality and Tourism Management Systems Metti, M C Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126132423 283p UG Library
647.94068RAS 00079309 Hotel Organisation and the Front Office Management Rastogi A.P. Aman Publications 2005 8182040043 | 9788182040045 293 p. UG Library
647.94068RAT 00080806 Hospitality Management: Theories and Practices Ratti, Manish Rajat Publications 8178802775 287p UG Library
647.94068SIN 00051826 Tourism Marketing: Principles, Policies and Strategies Singh, Ratandeep Kanishka Publishers 8173913668 598p UG Library
647.94068WAL, 00074067 Intorduction to Hospitality (MTA) Walker, John R 0139178813 500p UG Library
647.9407 ALI 05065145 pplying partial least squares in tourism and hospitality research /ā€‹ Ali, Faizan. Emerald, 2019 9781787567009 xviii,240p.; Knowledge Centre
647.9407 ALI 10002146 Applying partial least squares in tourism and hospitality research /ā€‹ Ali, Faizan. Emerald, 2019 9781787567009 xviii,240p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
647.94071 STU 05006084 The Cornell school of hotel administaration on hospitality : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011 9780470554999 xii, 500p.; Knowledge Centre
647.94071 STU 03005045 The Cornell school of hotel administaration on hospitality : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011 9780470554999 xii, 500p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
647.94072 BRO 07000091 Researching hospitality and tourism : Brotherton, Bob. SAGE, 2008 1412903912 (hbk.) | 9781412903 xi, 240 p. : Library - BR Campus
647.94092 JON 00127618 Professional Mangement of Housekeeping Of Operations Jones,Thomas J John Wiley & Sons, 2008 9780471762447 5th ed, 477 p.: UG Library
647.94092 TOM 00143183 Heads in Beds : Tomsky Jacob. Anchor Books. 2012 9780307948342 306p, ; UG Library
647.940922 SAL 05046334 Contemporary biographies in hospitality & tourism / Grey House Publishing, 2009 9781619254817 (acidfree paper) xi, 201 pages ; Knowledge Centre
647.94094 KUN 08000362 Cool Hotels : Europe / Kunz, Martin Nicholas. Neues publishing, 2009 9783832793319 220p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
647.940940 TAS 00067459 The Hotel Book Great Escapes Europe Taschen, Angelika Gtaschen 2002 3822858897 399p UG Library
647.940954 DAS 07015429 Tourism Marketing / Dasgupta, Devanshish. Dorling Kindersley (India0 Pvt. Ltd., 2011 9788131731826 280 p. ; Library - BR Campus
647.940954 HHI 00058018 Hotels & Resorts Guide - India, Nepal & Sri Lanka - 2002 India Tourism Development Corporation Ministry of Information UG Library
647.940954 KAP 00071366 Indian Heritage Hotels: Legacy of Splendour: Kapoor, Anuradha ROLI BOOKS PVT LTD 2005 8174363890 204p UG Library
647.940960 TAS 00067460 Hotel Book Great Escapes of Africa Taschen Gtaschen 3822819115 399p UG Library
647.94098 CAS 00040084 The Management Of Hotel Operations Peter, Jones. Cassell Educational Ltd 1989 9780304315727 182 p. UG Library
647.94098 CAS 00051716 The Management Of Hotel Operations Peter, Jones. Cassell Educational Ltd 1989 9780304315727 182 p. UG Library
647.94098 CAS 00080933 The Management Of Hotel Operations Peter, Jones. Cassell Educational Ltd 1989 9780304315727 182 p. UG Library
647.94098 JOH 00119093 Hotel Operations Management John, Nancy Random Exports, 2013 9789382226932 288p.; UG Library
647.940988 KOT 07015147 Marketing For Hospitality and Toursim Kotler,Philip. Pearson Education Inc 2007 8177582038 | 9788177582031 3rd,Ed. 909 p. Library - BR Campus
647.940988 KOT 00080098 Marketing For Hospitality and Toursim Kotler,Philip. Pearson Education Inc 2007 8177582038 | 9788177582031 3rd,Ed. 909 p. UG Library
647.94401BLA 00048209 Elegant Hotels of Europe Black, Wendy 0866362274 192p UG Library
647.94BRALL 00032870 Hotel,Hostel and Hospital Housekeeping Branson, C Joan book Po wer elst, 1988 9780340525180 5th ed, 308 p.: UG Library
647.94GUS 00080803 Hotel Housekeeping Necessary Features Gusain, K S Cyber Tech Publications 312p UG Library
647.94HER 00080720 Hip Hotels:Beach [hotel Management Section] Herbert, Ypma 0500284865 256p UG Library
647.94ING 00051723 Yield Management - Strategies for the Service Industries [MTA-SECTION] Ingold, Anthony 0826448259 350p UG Library
647.94LOC 00051719 Quality Management in Hospitality: Best Practice in Action Lockwood, Andrew, Baker, Michael 0304334855 168p UG Library
647.94MET 00084050 Service Quality Management in Hospitality and Tourism [HOTEL MANAGEMENT SECTION] Metti, M C Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126132317 275p UG Library
647.94REN 00049639 Basic Hotel Front Office Procedures Renner, Peter 0471290645 216p UG Library
647.94SUD1 00080799 Housekeeping Management Sudan, Amrik Singh Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126110678 292p UG Library
647.95 BRO 00131791 The DBS handbook of food services: Brown,Douglas,R DBS Imprints, 2015 9789382423522 Volumes UG Library
647.95 BRO 00131792 The DBS handbook of food services: Brown,Douglas,R DBS Imprints, 2015 9789382423522 Volumes UG Library
647.95 BLY 00060653 Pubs, Bars and Clubs Handbook Blyth, Danny 0749440538 119p UG Library
647.95 CAS 00062963 Bar Excellence - Designs for Pubs and Clubs Casamassima, Christy 0866366806 168p UG Library
647.95 CON 00053314 Terence Conran on Restaurants Conran Conran Octopus 1840910380 192p UG Library
647.95 DOR 00060639 Dining Out: Secrets From America's Leading Critics, Chefs, and Restaurateurs Dornenburg, Andrew. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1998 0047129277 | 9780471292777 343 p. UG Library
647.95 FOS 00089502 Ceserani and Kinton`s: The Theory of Catering Foskett, David 9780340939277 709p UG Library
647.95 FOS 00089503 Ceserani and Kinton`s: The Theory of Catering Foskett, David 9780340939277 709p UG Library
647.95 FUL 00035092 Kitchen Planning and Management Fuller John Buter Worth Heinemann 1991 231 p.: UG Library
647.95 GAR 00098401 Modern food service purchasing : Garlough, Bob. Delmar Learning, 9781418039646 (soft cover) | 1 p. cm. UG Library
647.95 JOE 00120616 Where chefs eat/ Warwick, Joe Phaidon Press Inc. 2015 9780714868660 974p. UG Library
647.95 MAR 00080703 Outdoor Dining [ Hotel Management Section] Marti, Cinta Pageone Publishing 9812452591 359p UG Library
647.95 MIS 00131694 Food services and catering management Miisra,Siddhartha Paradise press, 2018 9789386194947 262p.; UG Library
647.95 MOR 00048467 Cost Management for Profitable Food and Beverage Operations Morrison, Paul. Hospitality Press 1994 1862504776 | 9781862504776 254 p. UG Library
647.95 MOR 00046947 Cost Management for Profitable Food and Beverage Operations Morrison, Paul. Hospitality Press 1994 1862504776 | 9781862504776 254 p. UG Library
647.95 NEG 00107265 Bar Operation and Management Negi Jagmohan Kanishka Publishers. Distributors: 2011 9788184573053 xii 231 p. UG Library
647.95 PEG 00062960 Cafes & Coffee Shops No. 2 Pegler, Martin Visual Reference Publications, INC. 1584710586 175p UG Library
647.95 PEG 00062964 Contempoary Restaurants and Bars Pegler, M Martin Visual Reference Publications, INC. 1584710462 175p UG Library
647.95 RAN 00066595 Introduction to Professional Foodservice Rande,Wallace L. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1996 0471577464 | 9780471577461 285 p. UG Library
647.95 SAR 00060632 Successful Pubs and Inns Sargent, Michael. Butterworth Heinemann 1998 0750641134 | 9780750641135 2nd Ed. 245 p. UG Library
647.95 SHA 00146021 Food and Beverage Service / Sharma Sohan. Asia Publishers and Distributors, 2023 9788119391929 X,300P.; UG Library
647.95 SIN 00111734 Banquet Management/ Singh, Ranvijay. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd., 2013 9788126149834 viii:264p.; UG Library
647.95 STR 00095517 Dining room and banquet management / Strianese, Anthony J. Thomson/Delmar Learning, 9781418053697 | 1418053694 xx, 428 p. : UG Library
647.95 VIC 00066597 21st Century Hotel Vickers, Graham Laurence King 1856694011 240p UG Library
647.95 WEX 00047037 Dining in Style Wexler, Madelin. PBC International Inc 1996 0866364323 | 9780866364324 153 p. UG Library
647.95 WEX 00048288 Dining in Style Wexler, Madelin. PBC International Inc 1996 0866364323 | 9780866364324 153 p. UG Library
647.950 GIL 00145430 Hotel Front Office Management / Gilbert Natalie Willford Press, 2023 9781647283971 viii, 229p.; UG Library
647.950151 JON 00061083 Culinary Calculations Jones,Terri. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2004 0471226262 | 9780471226260 198 p. UG Library
647.95023 SIN 00118459 Fundamentals of training manual for waiter and restaurant owner Sinha Aadesh Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd 2014 9788126160846 304p. UG Library
647.95023 SIN 00118460 Modern Technology on Food Preservation Singh Sheetal Centrum Press 2014 9789350844731 282p. UG Library
647.9506 BED 00144774 Public House and Beverage Management / Bedi,Siddharth. Random Publications, 2022 9789390780754 viii,320p. ; UG Library
647.95063 DIL 00068921 Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labor Cost Controls Dilmer, Paul R John Wiley & Sons 2003 0471208779 7th ed x, 146 p UG Library
647.95068 CAS 00066604 Larousse Cocktails Culinary Institute of America 2005 0471380229 351p UG Library
647.95068 CHO 00130409 Hospitality Marketing Choudhary, Yaduraj Random 2017 9789386314222 287p. UG Library
647.95068 WAL 00063843 The Restaurant From Concept To Operation Walker,John R. John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2005 0471450286 | 9780471450283 4th Ed. 414 p. UG Library
647.95068 ADJ 00117929 Food And Beverge Service Adjey Zoe Seng Lee Press 2013 9781408007426 xxix, 362,.p UG Library
647.95068 AND 00112071 Text book of Food and Beverage Management Andrews,Sudhir Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd., 2011 9780070655737 xxv,588p.; UG Library
647.95068 ARO 07014249 Communication skills for hospitality management and tourism industry/ Arora,Neha Book Enclve, 2019 9788181524980 III,272 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
647.95068 BAS 00085992 Chef Manager Baskette, Michael 0131189131 326 p UG Library
647.95068 BIR 00065098 Design and Layout of Foodservice Facilities Birchfield, John C 0471292095 320p UG Library
647.95068 BIR 00085991 Design and Layout of Foodservice Facilities Birchfield, John C 0471292095 320p UG Library
647.95068 BRO 00128383 The Restaurant Manager's Handbook : Brown, Douglas Robert, DBS Imprints, 2014 9789382423416 Rev. 4th ed. 1052 p. : UG Library
647.95068 BRO 00127576 The professional bar & beverage manager's handbook : Brown, Douglas Robert DBS Imprints, 2014 0910627592 | 9780910627597 | 9 553 p. : UG Library
647.95068 CAG 00143582 Operations Management in Hospitality Industry / Cage, William. States Press, 2022 9781639893959 vi,246p, ; UG Library
647.95068 CAL 00074167 Start Your Restaurant Calmes,Jere L. Eentrepreneur Press 2006 1599180006 | 9781599180007 231 p. UG Library
647.95068 CAL 00074166 Start Your Restaurant Calmes,Jere L. Eentrepreneur Press 2006 1599180006 | 9781599180007 231 p. UG Library
647.95068 CAR 00079537 Leadership Lessons From A Chef Finding Time to Be Great Carroll,Charles M. John Wiley 2008 9780470125304 176 p. UG Library
647.95068 CAS 00127755 Larousse Cocktails Castellon, Fernando Hamlyn, 2005 9780600612612 351p : . UG Library
647.95068 CHA 00133700 Bar and beverage management Chandra,Ashish Paradise press, 2018 9789386194527 277p.; UG Library
647.95068 CHA 00131690 Food and beverage operations Chandra,Ashish Paradise press, 2018 9789386194534 297p.; UG Library
647.95068 COU 00062626 Food and Beverage Management Cousins,John. Pearson Education 2003 0582452716 | 9780582452718 2nd Ed. xii; 328 p. UG Library
647.95068 COU 00066596 Food and Beverage Management Cousins,Jonn. Longman 1995 0582275431 | 9780582275430 222 p. UG Library
647.95068 CUL 00047488 The Food and Beverage Manager Cullen, Paul. Hospitality Press 1997 1862504598 | 9781862504592 224 p. UG Library
647.95068 DAV 00060610 Food and Beverage Management Davis, Bernard 0750632860 392p UG Library
647.95068 DAV 05021033 Food and beverage management / Davis, Bernard Routledge, 2012 9780415506908 (hbk : alk. pape xxvi, 385 p. : Knowledge Centre
647.95068 DUB 00120537 Bar and Beverage Management Dubey Nirmal Sonali Publications 2011 9788184112849 296p. UG Library
647.95068 EXE 00034750 Restaurant Operations and Controls a Practical Guide. Escoffier, Marcel Robrt P H I 1986 246 UG Library
647.95068 FEI 00117761 Purchasing Ed by,Feinstein Hale Andew Wilky India, 2012 9788126537266 8th ed, xv, 688 p.: UG Library
647.95068 FLY 00050781 Public House and Beverage Management Flynn,Michael. Butterworth Heinemann 2000 0750646780 | 9780750646789 219 p. UG Library
647.95068 FLY 00053276 Public House and Beverage Management Flynn,Michael. Butterworth Heinemann 2000 0750646780 | 9780750646789 219 p. UG Library
647.95068 FOS 00048302 Food and Beverage: Operations Methods and Cost Controls Foster,Dennis L. Glencoe 1992 0071129936 | 9780071129930 238 p. UG Library
647.95068 GEO 00074224 Food Beverage Service and Management / George, Bobby. Jaico Publishing House , 2005 8179924092 | 9788179928844 649 p.: UG Library
647.95068 GIL 00143581 Hotel Front Office Management / Gilbert, Natalie. States Press, 2022 9781639892730 viii,229p,; UG Library
647.95068 GOR 00047492 Complete Restaurant Management Guide Gordon, Robert T 0765603055 284p UG Library
647.95068 HEN 00084118 Handheld Computers for Chefs [HOTEL MANAGEMENT SECTION] Hendee, Susan Sykes 9780471789192 160p UG Library
647.95068 HID 00129701 Stylish Restaurants Hi-design Phoenix, 2011 9789881554796 368 p.: UG Library
647.95068 JON 00046950 Hospitality and Catering Jones, Ursula Cassell 1997 0304331848 362 p.: UG Library
647.95068 KAT 00094237 Design and equipment for restaurants and foodservice Katsigris, Costas John wiley & sons 9780471762485 603p UG Library
647.95068 KOT 00095476 Management By Menu Kotschevar Lendal.H John Wiley & Sons,Inc 9780470450048 411P UG Library
647.95068 KUM 00137122 Food Service Management / Kumar,Umesh. Random Publications, 2019 9789386372239 rep 299p.; UG Library
647.95068 KUM 00141041 Improving food and beverage performance Kumar,Pradip Random publications, 2021 9789352697458 viii,294p.; UG Library
647.95068 LIP 00066603 Professional Beverage Management Lipinski,Bob. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1996 0471287377 | 9780471287377 482 p. UG Library
647.95068 MAH 00048534 Restaurant Franchising Mahmood, Khan A. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1999 0471291943 | 9780471291947 2nd Ed. 399 p. UG Library
647.95068 MAR 05007560 Quality service : Martin, William B. Prentice Hall, 2002 0130930180 (pbk.) xvii, 202 p. : Knowledge Centre
647.95068 MAR 00054751 Quality Service: What Every Hospitality Manager Needs to Know Martin, B William 0130930180 202p UG Library
647.95068 MAR 00127747 Design and equipment for restaurants and foodservice : Marshall, Kornelia Scitus academics, 2017 9781681172491 (hardcover : alk 1st edition. 259p : . UG Library
647.95068 MAR 00063991 Quality Service: What Every Hospitality Manager Needs to Know Martin, B William 2004 0130930180 202p UG Library
647.95068 MAT 00112234 Food, Catering and Beverage Management Mathur Akhil Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2012 9788126147335 viii, 288 p.: UG Library
647.95068 MCG 00143446 The Surprise Restaurant Manager / Mcgarrie, Ken Korgen hospitality, 2020 9781736282304 xiv,185p,; UG Library
647.95068 MEY 00143859 Sitting the Table : Meyer, Danny. Harpercollins Publishers, 2008 9780060742768 320p,; UG Library
647.95068 MIL 00046952 Restaurant Management Mill, Robert Chirstie. Pearson Press 1998 0132017741 | 9780132017749 388p UG Library
647.95068 MIL 00054752 Restaurant Management Mill, Robert Chirstie. Pearson Press 1998 0132017741 | 9780132017749 388p UG Library
647.95068 MIL 00095474 Restaurant Management Mill, Robert Chirstie. Pearson Press 1998 0132017741 | 9780132017749 388p UG Library
647.95068 MOO 00145434 Managing Service in Food and Beverage Operations/ Moore, Charlotte Larsen & Keller, 2022 9781641729550 viii,234p. ; UG Library
647.95068 MUL 00054749 Hospitality Management and Organisational Behaviour Mullins, Laurie J. Longman 2001 0582432251 | 9780582432253 4th Ed. 503 p. UG Library
647.95068 NEG 00073762 Food And Beverage: Management and Cost Control Negi,Jagmohan. Kanishka Publishers 2005 8173916691 397 p. UG Library
647.95068 NRA 00086002 Controlling Foodservice Costs:Competency Guide National Restaurant Association Educatio, nal Foundation 0132283360 196 p UG Library
647.95068 OJU 00095518 Practical food & beverage cost control / Ojugo, Clement. Delmar Cengage Learning, 1428335447 | 9781428335448 xxv, 502 p. : UG Library
647.95068 OPA 05048288 Appetite for innovation : Opazo, M. Pilar 9780231176781 | 9780231541633 1 online resource (336 pages) : Knowledge Centre
647.95068 PAY 00071205 West and Wood's Introduction to Food Service Payne-Palacio,June. Prentice-Hall Inc 1997 0134954254 | 9780134954257 8th Ed. 606 p. UG Library
647.95068 POW 00065180 Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry Powers, Tom 0471274577 667p UG Library
647.95068 PRA 00118095 Fundamentals of Rooms Service Management Pratap, Shikha Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd, 2014 9788126160723 viii:280p.; UG Library
647.95068 REI 00064228 Hospitality Marketing Amangement: Reid, Robert D. John Wiley 2006 0471476544 | 9780471476542 4th Ed. 620 p. UG Library
647.95068 REI 00047578 Hospitality Marketing Management Reid, Robert D. Van Nostrand Reinhold 1993 0442278489 | 9780442278489 2nd Ed. 399 p. UG Library
647.95068 SIN 00123651 Competititve Advanage in Hospitality Organisation Singh, Nirmala ABD Publications, 2016 9788183764865 288 p:. UG Library
647.95068 SIN 00141553 Hotel management : Singh,Shweta. Random Publications, 2021 9789352697274 viii,302p.; UG Library
647.95068 SIN 00127827 Food Hospitality Singh, Ranvijay ABD Publishers, 2016 9788183764872 288 p.: UG Library
647.95068 SOL 00143857 The heart of hospitality: Solomon, Micah. Selectbooks, 2018 9781590794890 xii,223p,; UG Library
647.95068 TES 05007564 The little book of cases in hospitality management : stories from industry practitioners / Tesone, D. V. Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2006 013118329X xii, 116 p. ; Knowledge Centre
647.95068 WAL 00060631 Improving Food and Beverage Performance Waller, Keith. Butterworth Heinmann 1996 0075062812 | 9780750628129 376 p. UG Library
647.95068 WAL 00065139 The Restaurant From Concept To Operation Walker,John R. John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2005 0471450286 | 9780471450283 4th Ed. 414 p. UG Library
647.95068 WAL 00065091 The Restaurant From Concept To Operation Walker,John R. John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2005 0471450286 | 9780471450283 4th Ed. 414 p. UG Library
647.95068 WAL 00098447 The restaurant : Walker, John R., John Wiley, 9780471740575 (cloth) | 047174 x, 493 p. : UG Library
647.950681 SIN 00111385 Restaurant Service Basics/ Singh, Ranvijay Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 2013 9788126157242 288p.; UG Library
647.950681 DIT 00065097 Principles of Food Beverage and Labour Cost Controls Dittmer,Paul R. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2003 0471293253 | 9780471293255 7th Ed. 576 p. UG Library
647.950681 DIT 00060794 Principles of Food Beverage and Labour Cost Controls Dittmer,Paul R. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2003 0471293253 | 9780471293255 7th Ed. 576 p. UG Library
647.950681 DOP 00077750 Food and Beverage Cost Control Dopson, Lea R John Wiley 2007 4th,Ed. 585p UG Library
647.950681 ELE 00135628 Food and beverage cost control E-learning 3G E-learning, 2017 9781680956320 xii,244p.; UG Library
647.950681 KEI 00085993 Analyzing and Controlling Foodservice Costs: Keiser, James Pearson 2008 9780131191129 5th ed 645 p UG Library
647.950681 MIL 00060793 Food and Beverage Cost Control Miller, Jack E. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2003 0471273546 | 9780471273547 3rd Ed. 606 p. UG Library
647.950681 NRA 00085998 Inventory and Purchasing: National Restaurant Association Educatio, nal Foundation Pearson 2007 0132222167 | 9780132222167 98 p UG Library
647.950681 OJU 00048272 Practical Food and Beverage Cost Control Ojugo, Clement. An International Thomson Publishing Co 1999 0766800385 | 9780766800380 404 p. UG Library
647.950681 SIN 00111383 Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labour Cost Controls/ Singh, Ranvijay. Anmol Publications; 2013 9788126157228 viii:288p.; UG Library
647.950682 BAR 00057822 Successful Restaurant Design Baraban, S Regina 0471359351 304p UG Library
647.950682 BOT 00112015 How to run a successful restaurant Botham,Jacob Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2011 9788183569293 240p.; UG Library
647.950682 KAT 00069257 Design and Equipment for Restaurants and Foodservice Katsingris, Costas 0471090689 510p UG Library
647.950683 ARD 00127575 The Encyclopedia of Restaurant Training : Arduser, Lora. DBS Imprints, 2014 9789382423386 c15-520. : UG Library
647.950687 FEI 00063842 Purchasing Feinstein,Andrew Hale. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2005 0471460052 | 9780471460053 6th Ed. 706 p. UG Library
647.950687 FEI 00065137 Purchasing Feinstein,Andrew Hale. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2005 0471460052 | 9780471460053 6th Ed. 706 p. UG Library
647.950687 FEI 00068212 Purchasing Feinstein,Andrew Hale. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2005 0471460052 | 9780471460053 6th Ed. 706 p. UG Library
647.950687 FEI 00065107 Purchasing Feinstein,Andrew Hale. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2005 0471460052 | 9780471460053 6th Ed. 706 p. UG Library
647.950687 MON 05002028 Purchasing : Monczka, Robert. Cengage Learning, 9788131505007 552 p. : Knowledge Centre
647.950687 MON 05001311 Purchasing : Monczka, Robert. Cengage Learning, 9788131505007 552 p. : Knowledge Centre
647.950688 KUM 00133712 Hospitality marketing and management Kumar,Naveen Paradise press, 2018 9789386194916 281p.; UG Library
647.950688 NRA 00086000 Restaurant Marketing: National Restaurant Association Educatio, nal Foundation Pearson 2007 0013222206 | 9780132222068 171 p UG Library
647.950688 REI 05055016 Hospitality marketing management / Reid, Robert D. Wiley, 2006 0471476544 (acidfree) | 978047 4th ed. xiv, 626 p.: Knowledge Centre
647.9506884 MAR 00066591 Restaurant Basics Marvin, Bill. John Wiley 1992 0471551740 | 9780471551744 225p UG Library
647.9506884 MAR 00049647 Restaurant Basics Marvin, Bill. John Wiley 1992 0471551740 | 9780471551744 225p UG Library
647.950688REL 00069261 Hospitality Marketing Management Reid, Robert D 0471476544 626p UG Library
647.95068CAS CAS 00127474 Larousse Cocktails Castellon, Fernando Hamlyn, 2005 0600612619 351p : . UG Library
647.95068KATRNG 00039439 Bar and Beverage Book Costas Katsigris John UG Library
647.95088 DAV 00071203 Food & Beverage Management Davis Bernard Heinneman 1985 9788131201022 381 p.: UG Library
647.95088 DAV 00069155 Food & Beverage Management Davis Bernard Heinneman 1985 9788131201022 381 p.: UG Library
647.95088 DAV 00033075 Food & Beverage Management Davis Bernard Heinneman 1985 9788131201022 381 p.: UG Library
647.95088 DAV 00074223 Food & Beverage Management Davis Bernard Heinneman 1985 9788131201022 381 p.: UG Library
647.95088 DAV 00034445 Food & Beverage Management Davis Bernard Heinneman 1985 9788131201022 381 p.: UG Library
647.95088 SHA 00116661 A Textbook of Food and Beverage Management Sharma, Piyush Domiinant Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd, 2013 9789382007234 315 p.; UG Library
647.95092 GIL 03001989 How Starbucks Saved My Life Gill, Michael Harper Collins 2008 9780007267675 265 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
647.95092 GIL 00118541 How Starbucks Saved My Life Gill, Michael Harper Collins 2008 9780007267675 265 p UG Library
647.95092 KUC 05065288 Becoming a restaurateur / Kuh, Patric, Simon & Schuster, 2019 9781982103309 (hardcover : alk. paper) 115p.; Knowledge Centre
647.95092 SUB 07015090 Murder on the menu : Subramanian, Nirupama. Juggernaut Books, 2021 9789391165307 190p. Library - BR Campus
647.95092 SUB 05072359 Murder on the menu : Subramanian, Nirupama. Juggernaut Books, 2021 9789391165307 190p. Knowledge Centre
647.95095483 KIN 00071016 Kingfisher Cityinfo Great Food Guide Bangalore 20006 (UGC Outonomous Grant) (MTA) Kingfishers City Info Books 240p UG Library
647.9541 WOO 00053301 Strategic Questions in Food and Beverage Management Wood,Roy C. Butterworth Heinemann 2001 0075064480 | 9780750644808 250 p. UG Library
647.9541 WOO 00056540 Strategic Questions in Food and Beverage Management Wood,Roy C. Butterworth Heinemann 2001 0075064480 | 9780750644808 250 p. UG Library
647.9541 WOO 00056957 Strategic Questions in Food and Beverage Management Wood,Roy C. Butterworth Heinemann 2001 0075064480 | 9780750644808 250 p. UG Library
647.9543 TEN 00143018 Mixology bar: Tenny,Buck Buck tenny, 2021 9781802769210 74p.; UG Library
647.9554 BHA 00127650 Much ado over coffee : Bhattacharya, Bhaswati, Social Science Press, 2017 9789383166169 xxii, 399 pages, UG Library
647.9554 BHA 05058807 Much ado over coffee : Bhattacharya, Bhaswati, Social Science Press, 2017 9789383166169 xxii, 399 pages, Knowledge Centre
647.9571 MOR 00119345 The Art of Living According to Joe Beef : Morin, Frederic, Ten Speed Press, 2011 9781607740148 | 1607740141 1st ed. xi, 291 p. : UG Library
647.9573 GOR 05008304 ONWARD : Schultz, Howard John Wiley & Sons, 2011 9780470977644 xii, 336 p. Knowledge Centre
647.9573 KRO 05064874 Griding it out : Kroc, Ray. St. Martin's Griffin, 1977 9781250127501 xii, 206 p. ; Knowledge Centre
647.9573 MIG 00095520 The modern cafeĢ / Migoya, Francisco J. John Wiley & Sons ; | Culinary Institute of America, 9780470371343 (cloth) | 047037 viii, 550 p. : UG Library
647.9573 SON 00099149 Ready Reckoner for Hospitality,Tourism And Hotel Management; Kanishka Pub. 9788184571424 310 p. UG Library
647.957308 SCH 05046700 Pour Your Heart Into It: Schultz Howard Hyperion, 1997 9780786883561 351p.: Knowledge Centre
647.959405 ROB 00118783 Cafe Culture in Pune Robinson, Teresa Platz Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198099437 viii:284p.; UG Library
647.960687 KIV 00048492 Purchasing for the Hospitality Industry Kivela,Jaksa Jack. Edward Arnold 1989 0713183438 | 9780713183436 246 p. UG Library
647.9691 ROG 05046818 Marketing destinations and venues for conferences, conventions and business events / Rogers, Tony, Routledge, 2016 9781138852150 (pbk.) | 9781138 2nd edition. 295 p. Knowledge Centre
647CER 00060742 Charming Hotels: City, Country and Sea Cerver, Francisco Asencio 0823006182 172p UG Library
647RAJ 00056762 Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Rajaram, S M Anan Publications 2003 52p UG Library
648 DES 00034204 Management of Small-Scale Industries Desai, Vasant Himalaya 1989 642 p.: UG Library
648 GRA 00050246 Good House Keeping Complete Home Book Gray, Linda 0007100752 303p UG Library
648 KON 05063957 The life changing magic of tidying / Kondo, Marie. Vermilion, 2011 9780091955106 248p. Knowledge Centre
648 SCH 00048326 Professional Housekeeper Schneider, Madelin 1999 0471291935 4th ed 311p UG Library
648 SCH 00038448 Professional Housekeeper Schneider Medelin Van Nostrand 501 UG Library
648 SCO 00039776 Professional Housekeeper. Madelin Schneider Vance 1993 9780442205126 3rd ed. 503 p UG Library
648 SIN 03009451 Housekeeping : Singh, Malini. Jaico Publishing House , 2008 9788179929476 415 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
648.01 YAD 00042819 Text Book of Textile and Laundry Yadav, Seema Anmol Pub Pvt Ltd 1997 236 p.: UG Library
648.1 SHA 00057888 Textile and Laundry Sharma, S R Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126112662 261p UG Library
648.1 ZIA 00066216 Stain Removal Zia, Stephanie 2005 0600611248 124 p UG Library
648.401 PEA 05020433 Corporate Strategies:A Selection of Readings from Business World Pearce, A John M g h Knowledge Centre
648.5 BAH 07001664 Super Economies : Raghav Bahl Allen Lane, 2015 9780670088126 xxi,392p.: Library - BR Campus
648.5 BAH 05044739 Super Economies : Raghav Bahl Allen Lane, 2015 9780670088126 xxi,392p.: Knowledge Centre
648.5 BHA 00133398 A treatise on cleanliness Bhargava,Rajat Jnanada prakashan, 2018 9788171398669 viii,309p.; UG Library
648.5 HAR 00066249 Cleaning: Hints & Tips Harris, Cindy Ryland Peters & Small 1841728489 63p UG Library
648.8003 CHA 03004803 Sales Encyclopedia: Chapin, Robert J Embassy Books; 2009 9789380227528 xxviii,679p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
649 KAI 00140134 Challenges of the Digital Ages: Kaitholil,George Better Yourself Books 2018 9788171089079 88p UG Library
649.1 AIG 03002650 Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World Ziglar, Zig Jaico Publishing House 9788184950601 245 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
649.1 SHA 03002649 Family Wisdom: from the Monk Sold His Ferrari Sharma, Robin Jaico Publishing House 8179922308 198 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
649.1 AIG 03006982 Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World Ziglar, Zig Jaico Publishing House 9788184950601 245 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
649.1 BOY 00135206 The orchid and the dandelion : Boyce, W. Thomas, Bluebird, 2019 9781101946572 (ebook) | 9781509805136 (pbk) xiii,277p. ; UG Library
649.1 CBR 05042283 Potage Guide to Early Chilhood Education / CBR Network(South Asis), 2015 676p.: Knowledge Centre
649.1 CHO 09000739 The seven spiritual laws of success for parents / Chopra, Deepak Rider Publication, 1997 9780712670739 156p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
649.1 CLI 00121263 The Secrets of Successful Parenting Clifford-Poston,Andrea Better Yourself Books 2011 8171084966 128p UG Library
649.1 DYE 00123135 What do You Really Want for Your Children? Dyer, Wayne W. Quil an Imprint, 2001 9780380730476 462 p. ; UG Library
649.1 FRI 10004971 Parents who lead : the leadership approach you need to parent with purpose, fuel your career, and create a richer life / by Stewart D. Friedman and Alyssa F. Westring. Friedman, Stewart D. [Author] Harvard Business Review Press, 2020 9781633696501 1st Ed. xvi, 238 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
649.1 GON 05045317 Child, family, and community : Gonzalez-Mena, Janet. Pearson, 2013 9780132657143 | 0132657147 6th ed. xxii, 409 p. : Knowledge Centre
649.1 HOL 10004452 The daily dad : 366 meditations on parenting, love and raising great kids / by Ryan Holiday. Holiday, Ryan [Author] Portfolio/Penguin 2023 9781800815032 xv, 407p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
649.1 HUT 09000040 A practitioner's guide to enhancing parenting skills : Hutchings, Judy. Routledge, 2019 9781138560536 (pbk.) First Edition. vi, 209p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
649.1 HUT 05068469 A practitioner's guide to enhancing parenting skills : Hutchings, Judy. Routledge, 2019 9781138560536 (pbk.) First Edition. vi, 209p.; Knowledge Centre
649.1 JAI 03007285 Parenting in the 21st Century / Jain, Ambuji. Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2012 9780071078252 132 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
649.1 JON 00050000 Parents Are Teachers Too Jones, Claudia Wiiliamson Publishing 1988 394p UG Library
649.1 MAR 00097182 Health, safety, and nutrition for the young child / Marotz, Lynn R. Delmar, 0766809463 (pbk.) | 9780766809 xviii, 526 p. : UG Library
649.1 MAR 00131778 Health, safety, and nutrition for the young child / Marotz, Lynn R. Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2012 9781111298371 | 1111298378 | 9781111185695 8th ed. xvi,551p.; UG Library
649.1 MED 05040396 Brain rules for baby : Medina,John. Pearpress, 2014 9780983263388 324p.; Knowledge Centre
649.1 MOF 00063776 Parenting Journey: from Conception Throught Eh Teen Years: Moffatt, Gregory 2004 0275979032 335p UG Library
649.1 MOR 10002489 13 Things mentally strong parents don't do : Morin, Amy. Harper Collins, 2017 9780062565730 | 0062565737 | 9 First edition. 342p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
649.1 MOR 05059782 13 Things mentally strong parents don't do : Morin, Amy. Harper Collins, 2017 9780062565730 | 0062565737 | 9 First edition. 342p. Knowledge Centre
649.1 MUK 10002160 Race, class, parenting and children's leisure : Mukerjee, Utsa Bristol university press, 2023 9781529219517 xii,169p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
649.1 PAN 03003843 Nurturing Leader : Pandit, Shrinivas. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Ltd., 2007 9780070617551 | 0070617554 xi;63 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
649.1 SCL 00064069 Educated Parent: Recent Trends in Raising Children: Sclafani, D Joseph 2004 0275982246 229p UG Library
649.1 SHA 04022658 Family Wisdom from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Sharma, Robin JAICO, 2014 9788179929827 198p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
649.1 STR 05005370 Parenting with reason : Strahan, Esther Yoder, Routledge, 2010 9780415413282 (alk. paper) | 0 xiv, 357 p. : Knowledge Centre
649.1 WIT 05039581 The young child : Wittmer, Donna Sasse. Pearson, 2013 9780132944014 | 0132944014 6th ed. xviii, 558 p. : Knowledge Centre
649.1019 LIA 05062198 Inside Out Parenting : Liang, Holan Dr. BlueBird, 2017 9781509830176 306p.; Knowledge Centre
649.10243 HBR 10004557 Doing it all as a solo parent / Harvard Business Review Press, 2022 9781647822071 | 1647822076 | 9781647822088 (ePub ebook) | 1647822084 (ePub ebook) | 9781647822095 | 1647822092 xviii, 174 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
649.10851 COH 05004799 What every man should know about being a dad / Cohen, David, Routledge, 2009 9780415486163 (hbk.) | 0415486 vi, 239 p. : Knowledge Centre
649.10973MIL 00092627 Positive child guidance / Miller, Darla Ferris. Delmar Learning, 9780495807711 xiii, 377 p. : UG Library
649.122 NEL 03006700 Positive Discipline for Preschoolers : Nelsen, Jane. Three Rivers Press, 2007 0307341607 | 9780307341600 Completely rev. and expanded 3rd ed. viii, 356 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
649.123 HER 05068263 The tantrum survival guide : Hershberg, Rebecca Schrag, The Guilford Press, 2019 9781462529711 (paperback) | 9781462537259 (hardback) First Edition. xii,250p.; Knowledge Centre
649.123 HER 09000201 The tantrum survival guide : Hershberg, Rebecca Schrag, The Guilford Press, 2019 9781462529711 (paperback) | 9781462537259 (hardback) First Edition. xii,250p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
649.125LEN 00072082 Adolescence Isn`t Terminal It Just Feels Like It! [dharmaram Library] Leman, Kevin Dr 0842352880 241 UG Library
649.132 WIL 00123551 Help Your Boys Succeed Wilson, Gary B. Continuum International Pub. Group, 2008 110 p:. UG Library
649.151 BAR 00101512 Understanding your young child with special needs / Bartram, Pamela. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 9781843105336 (pb : alk. paper 80 p. UG Library
649.1512 MAR 05022043 Raising and educating a deaf child / Marschark, Marc. Oxford University Press, 1997 0195094670 (alk. paper) xx, 235 p. : Knowledge Centre
649.152 ING 10000232 Teaching social communication : Ingersoll, Brooke. The Guildord Press, 2019 9781462538089 Second edition xi, 148p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
649.152 ING 10000230 Teaching social communication to children with autism and other development delays : Ingersoll, Brooke. The Guilford Press, 2019 9781462538195 2nd Ed xiii,448p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
649.154 WAL 00119413 Autism and Early Years Practice / Wall, Kate J. SAGE Publications, 2010 9781847875075 | 9781847875082 2nd ed. xiii, 162 p.: UG Library
649.156 LEW 03006632 The Price of Privilege : Levine, Madeline. HarperCollins, 2006 9780060595852 246 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
649.1SHA 00086879 Family Wisdom: from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Sharma, Robin Jaico Publishing House 8179922308 198 p UG Library
649.51 FAU 04009756 Amazing minds : Faull, Jan. Berkley Books, 2010 9780425232248 (alk. paper) xiv, 352 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
649.55 BAI 00144595 Reserching Virtual Play Experiences : Bailey, Chris. Palgrave macmillan, 2021 9783030786939 xxi,382p, ; UG Library
649.6 BLA 03012644 Whale Done Parenting : Blanchard, Ken. [] HarperCollins Publisher India Ltd., 2009 9781626567320 160 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
649.6 NOR 00017335 Teach Yourself Book: Etiquette and Good Manners Norman, W.s Paul 190 p UG Library
649.64 AVR 00101495 A non-violent resistance approach with children in distress : Avraham-Krehwinkel, Carmelite. Jessica Kingsley, 9781843104841 (pbk.) | 1843104 190 p. ; UG Library
649.64 COW 00123775 Getting your little darlings to behave / Cowley, Sue. Continuum, 2004 0826465021 | 9780826491596 xii, 169 p. : UG Library
649.64 COW 00120506 Getting your little darlings to behave / Cowley, Sue. Continuum, 2004 0826465021 | 9780826491596 xii, 169 p. : UG Library
649.64 DOB 00110436 The New Dare to Discipline Dobson, James Dr. Authentic 1992 0842305076 | 9789381905364 274 p. : UG Library
649.64 HAL 00107642 Parenting a defiant child Hall, Philip S., AMACOM, 2007 9780814474686 | 0814409075 | 0 xii, 222 p. : UG Library
649.64 OOR 00095295 Challenging Children Oort Henk Van Viva Books Private Limited 9788130902913 95P UG Library
649.7 BOR 00129200 Unselfie : Borba, Michele. Touchstone, 2016 9781501110030 | 9781501110078 262 p. : UG Library
649.7 BOR 03012643 Unselfie : Borba, Michele. Touchstone, 2016 9781501110030 | 9781501110078 262 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
649.80846 BAR 05009020 Sustenance and hope for caregivers of elderly parents : Barsamian, Gloria G. Praeger/ABC-CLIO, 2009 9780313360114 (alk. paper) xiii, 125 p. ; Knowledge Centre