Total Books (Life Sciences) - 13941

CallNo Barcode Title Author Publisher Code Year ISBN Edition Pages Library
364 AHU 00060074 Criminology Ahuja, Ram Rawat Publications 2002 8170336104 411 p , UG Library
364 AHU 00060391 Criminology Ahuja, Ram Rawat 2000 411 p , UG Library
364 CHA 00015725 CRIMINOLOGY. VOL I & II Chang, Dae H Vikas 1976 461 p , Yeshwanthpur Campus
364 CHA 00015726 CRIMINOLOGY. VOL I & II Chang, Dae H Vikas 1976 461 p , Yeshwanthpur Campus
364 DOU 00009412 Suicide Douglas, Jack D New Jersey 1970 400 p , Yeshwanthpur Campus
364 REC 00008223 Crime Problem Reckless, Walter C Vakils 1967 830 p , Yeshwanthpur Campus
364 SID 00016633 Criminology; Problems and Perspectives Siddique, Ahmed Eastern Book Company 1978 336 p , Yeshwanthpur Campus
364 VAR 00011989 Crime Criminal and Convict Varma, Paripurnanand Ram Prasad 1963 280 p , Yeshwanthpur Campus
364 VAT 00025517 Criminology (in Questions and Answers) Vatsyayan, Knrn 1982 312 p, Yeshwanthpur Campus
364 WEI 01004745 Leading Constitutional Cases on Criminal Justice (law Lib) Lloyd L Weinreb FOUNDATION PRESS 9781599411118 1210p Knowledge Centre
364 AHU 05053591 Criminology / Ahuja, Ram. Rawat Publications, 2000 8170336090 | 9788170336105 xii,411p.; Knowledge Centre
364 AHU 01000054 Criminology (law Library) Ram Ahuja Yrawat 8170336090 411p Knowledge Centre
364 AHU 05019800 Criminology / Ahuja, Ram. Rawat Publications, 2000 8170336090 | 9788170336105 xii,411p.; Knowledge Centre
364 AHU 00141459 Criminology Ram, Ahuja Rrawat, 2018 8170336090 | 9788170336099 411 p.; UG Library
364 AHU 00141460 Criminology Ram, Ahuja Rrawat, 2018 8170336090 | 9788170336099 411 p.; UG Library
364 AHU 00141461 Criminology Ram, Ahuja Rrawat, 2018 8170336090 | 9788170336099 411 p.; UG Library
364 AHU 00141462 Criminology Ram, Ahuja Rrawat, 2018 8170336090 | 9788170336099 411 p.; UG Library
364 AHU 00141463 Criminology Ram, Ahuja Rrawat, 2018 8170336090 | 9788170336099 411 p.; UG Library
364 AHU 00141464 Criminology Ram, Ahuja Rrawat, 2018 8170336090 | 9788170336099 411 p.; UG Library
364 AHU 00141465 Criminology Ram, Ahuja Rrawat, 2018 8170336090 | 9788170336099 411 p.; UG Library
364 AHU 00141466 Criminology Ram, Ahuja Rrawat, 2018 8170336090 | 9788170336099 411 p.; UG Library
364 AHU 00141467 Criminology Ram, Ahuja Rrawat, 2018 8170336090 | 9788170336099 411 p.; UG Library
364 AHU 00141468 Criminology Ram, Ahuja Rrawat, 2018 8170336090 | 9788170336099 411 p.; UG Library
364 AIC 01022024 National Cyber Crime Reference Handbook / AICTE, 2014 380p.; Knowledge Centre
364 AKE 05037615 Social learning theory and the explanation of crime : Akers, Ronald L Transaction, 2003 0765801337 (alk. paper) 379 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 AMA 01014128 Criminology and political theory / Amatrudo, Anthony. SAGE, 1412930499 (hbk.) | 9781412930 ix, 165 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364 AND 01013507 Classics in environmental criminology / Taylor & Francis, 9781439817797 (hardcover : alk p. cm. Knowledge Centre
364 AVA 01022843 Science of Evidence / Avadhani V.S.R Vinod Publications(P)Ltd, 2016 9788193250808 cxl,1248p.: Knowledge Centre
364 BEN 01017045 Handbook on the economics of crime / Edward Elgar, 2010 9781847209542 (hbk.) | 1847209 xv, 533 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 BER 01002729 Crime, Justice, and Society:An Introduction to Criminology ( Law Lib.) Ronald J Berger Viva Books Private Limited 8130904217 586p. Knowledge Centre
364 BRA 01013451 What else works? : William Publishing, 9781843927662 (pbk.) | 1843927 xiv, 290 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 BRO 01013443 Handbook on crime / Willan, 1843923726 (hbk.) | 9781843923 xxxvii, 946 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364 BRO 05047455 Criminology : Brown, Stephen Eugene, Routledge, 2015 9781138915596 (hardcover : alk Ninth edition. xxiv, 620 pages : Knowledge Centre
364 BRO 01027839 Criminology : Brown, Stephen Eugene, Routledge, 2019 9781138601796 (pbk) | 9781138601789 (hbk) Tenth Edition. xix, 565 pages : Knowledge Centre
364 BRO 05026124 Crime and Law in Media Culture/ Brown, Sheila Open University , 2000 0335205488 224p.: Knowledge Centre
364 BRO 00109259 Crime and law in media culture Brown,Sheila, Open University Press, 2003 0335205496 | 0335205488 (pbk.) vi, 224 p. ; UG Library
364 BRO 05047549 Criminology : Brown, Stephen Eugene, Anderson Pub., 2013 9781455730100 (pbk.) | 1455730 8th ed. x, 578 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 BUR 05058005 An introduction to criminological theory / Burke, Roger Hopkins. Willan Pub., 1843921642 (pbk.) ix, 300 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364 BUR 07006766 An introduction to criminological theory / Burke, Roger Hopkins. Willan Pub., 2005 1843921642 (pbk.) 2nd ed. ix, 300 p. ; Library - BR Campus
364 CAR 01013032 Crime, culture and the media / Carrabine, Eamonn. Polity, 0745634656 | 9780745634654 | 0 234 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364 CAR 05061987 Crime and Social Theory / Carrbine, Eamonn. Palgrave, 2017 9780230290891 xii, 196p.; Knowledge Centre
364 CAR 01010644 Criminology: A Socialogical Introduction (law Lib) Eamonn Carrabine ROUTLEDGE 9780415464512 530p Knowledge Centre
364 CAR 01026287 Alternative criminologies / Routledge, 2018 9781138067424 (hardback) | 9781138067431 (pbk.) xxii, 491 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364 CAS 01025433 Criminology / Case, Stephen, Oxford university press, 2017 9780198736752 | 0198736754 xix, 928 pages : Knowledge Centre
364 CLI 05055328 Sociology of deviant behavior / Clinard, Marshall Barron, Thomson/Wadsworth, 2008 9780495093350 (student ed.) | 13th ed. xviii, 587 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364 COL 01000262 Introducin Criminology ( Law Library ) Civie Coleman LAWMAN 8175040319 201p Knowledge Centre
364 CON 05055329 Criminology / Conklin, John E. Pearson Allyn and Bacon, 2007 0205464408 (pbk. : alk. paper) 9th ed. xi, 516 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 COO 05045106 Key concepts in crime and society / Sage, 2015 9780857022561 (paperback) | 08 xiii, 183p.: Knowledge Centre
364 CRO 01011020 Introduction to Criminology and Criminal Justice (law Lib) Chris Crowther Palgrave Macmillan 9781403912169 398p Knowledge Centre
364 CUL 01002726 Criminological Theory:Past to Present ( Law Lib.) Frncis Cullen Roxbury 1891487558 542p. Knowledge Centre
364 DAN 05044861 Signs of crime : Danesi, Marcel De Gruyter Mouton, 2013 1614515522 | 9781614515524 180 p. Knowledge Centre
364 DEK 05049218 Contemporary critical criminology / DeKeseredy, Walter S., Routledge, 2011 9780415556675 (hardback) | 041 xii, 132 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364 DEK 05005296 Contemporary critical criminology / DeKeseredy, Walter S., Routledge, 2011 9780415556675 (hardback) | 041 xii, 132 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364 DIJ 01011186 The World of Crime: Jan Van Dijk Sage Publications 2008 9781412956796 435p Knowledge Centre
364 DOW 05055350 Crime,Social control and human rights : Downes David Willan Publishing, 2007 9781843924043 xxviii,452p.; Knowledge Centre
364 DOW 01004927 Crime, Socila Control and Human Rights: from Moral Panics to States of Denial (law Lib) David Downes Willain Publishers 9781843922285 452p Knowledge Centre
364 DOW 01010363 Crime, Socila Control and Human Rights: from Moral Panics to States of Denial (law Lib) David Downes Willain Publishers 9781843922285 452p Knowledge Centre
364 DUB 01025009 Criminal law and the authority of the state / Hart Publishing, 2017 9781509905133 (hardback : alk. 252 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364 EBB 01021250 Comparative and international criminal justice systems : CRC Press, 2013 9781466560338 (hardcover : alk Third Edition. xxi, 302 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364 EBB 01022478 Comparative and international criminal justice systems : CRC Press, 2013 9781466560338 (hardcover : alk Third Edition. xxi, 302 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364 ERI 01013027 Crime in an insecure world / Ericson, Richard Victor. Polity, 0745638295 | 9780745638294 | 0 viii, 256 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 FAR 00143442 Criminology of Homicidal Poisoning : Farrell, Michael. Springer, 2017 9783319591179 1st ed. 2017. XVII, 209p.; UG Library
364 FAR 00144574 Building Complex Temporal Explanations of Crime : Farrall, Stephen. Palgrave macmillan, 2021 9783030748296 xvii,162p, ; UG Library
364 FIN 01026094 Criminology skills / Finch, Emily, Oxford university press, 2012 9780198718819 (paperback) | 01 Second edition. xvii, 412p.; Knowledge Centre
364 FIN 01018523 Criminology skills / Finch, Emily. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199597376 (pbk.) 402 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 FOU 05022882 Discipline and Punish: the Birth of the Prison Foucault, Michel 0679752552 333p Knowledge Centre
364 FUR 05055362 Contemporary readings in criminology / SAGE, 2009 9781412956628 (pbk.) | 1412956 xviii, 333 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 GAR 05019794 Criminology and Social Theory Garland, David 0198299427 223p Knowledge Centre
364 GRE 05055340 Crime and media : Greer, Chris. Routledge, 9780415422390 (pbk) | 97804154 xix, 601 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 GRE 05055341 Crime and media : Greer, Chris. Routledge, 9780415422390 (pbk) | 97804154 xix, 601 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 GUP 01019314 Fundamentals of Criminology / Mohan Sen Gupta Centrum Press, 2013 9789381938355 vii, 304 p. Knowledge Centre
364 GUP 00055085 Corruption in India Gupta, K N Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2001 8126109734 383p UG Library
364 GUP 01027774 Fundamentals of criminology/ Gupta, Chandra Prakash Random Publications, 2019 9789352691340 274p. ; Knowledge Centre
364 HAG 01013353 Introduction to criminology : Hagan, Frank E. Sage Publications, 9781412979719 (pbk.) | 1412979 xix, 553 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 HAG 01024974 Introduction to criminology : Hagan, Frank E., Sage publication Inc., 2017 9781483389172 (pbk. : alk. pap Ninth edition. xvii, 468 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364 HAL 01011388 Criminology (law Lib) Chris Hale Oxford University Press 9780199227297 641p Knowledge Centre
364 HAL 01023046 State, power, crime / SAGE, 2009 9781412948043 (hbk.) | 1412948 xviii, 278 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 HAL 05048196 Theorizing crime & deviance : Hall, Steve, SAGE, 2012 9781848606715 (hbk.) | 1848606 294 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364 HAN 01021805 Readings in international criminal justice issues / Serials Publications, 2011 9788183874496 | 8183874495 vi, 325 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364 HAR 01017644 Snapshots of research : SAGE, 2011 9781412989190 (pbk.) xii, 445 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 HAY 05059132 Framing crime : Routledge, 9780415459037 | 0415459036 | 9 xii, 211 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 HEA 00144965 Mixed Methods in Criminology / Heap, Vicky Routledge, 2019 9781138309463 x,299p.; UG Library
364 HEA 00142047 Mixed methods in criminology / Heap,Vicky. Routledge, 2019 9781138309456 xii,299p.; UG Library
364 HEN 01010853 Recent developments in criminological theory : Ashgate, 9780754624691 (hbk.) | 0754624 xxxviii, 521 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 HEN 01011680 Recent developments in criminological theory : Ashgate, 9780754624691 (hbk.) | 0754624 xxxviii, 521 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 HEN 07006764 The Essential Criminology Reader / Westview Press, 2006 9780813343198 xiv,381p.: Library - BR Campus
364 HOL 00145341 Family Criminology: Holt, Amanda Palgrave Macmillan 2021 9783030711689 ix:283p. UG Library
364 INN 01021648 Signal crimes : Innes, Martin, Oxford University Press: 2014 9780199684465 (hbk.) | 0199684 First edition. xx, 190 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364 JEW 05026123 Media & Crime / Jewkes, Yvonne Sage Publications, 2005 0761947655 238p.: Knowledge Centre
364 JEW 01017645 Media & crime / Jewkes, Yvonne, SAGE, 2011 9781848607026 (hbk.) | 1848607 2nd ed. viii, 317 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364 JON 01018552 History of criminal justice / Jones, Mark and Johnston Peter Elsevier, 2012 9781437734911 (pbk.) 5th ed. xi, 398 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 JON 01025210 Criminology / Jones, Stephen Oxford university press, 2017 9780198768968 | 0198768966 Sixth edition. xiii, 454 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364 JON 00097008 Criminology / Jones, Stephen Oxford University Press, 9780199218097 | 0199218099 xviii, 447 p. ; UG Library
364 KEM 05045377 Crime and social policy John Wiley & Sons, 2013 9781118509838 (ePub) | 9781118 133p.: Knowledge Centre
364 KUM 00144207 Encyclopaedia of Crime Criminology and Forensic Science / Kumar, Anand. Oxford Book company, 2022 9789350306666 viii,279p,; . viii,550p UG Library
364 KUM 00144206 Encyclopaedia of Crime Criminology and Forensic Science / Kumar, Anand. Oxford Book company, 2022 9789350306666 viii,279p,; . viii,550p UG Library
364 LAL 00141495 Cross-Examination of handwriting expert / Lal,B. Selective and Scientific books, 2010 8189128191 350p.; UG Library
364 LAL 00141496 Cross-Examination of handwriting expert / Lal,B. Selective and Scientific books, 2010 8189128191 350p.; UG Library
364 LAL 00141497 Cross-Examination of handwriting expert / Lal,B. Selective and Scientific books, 2010 8189128191 350p.; UG Library
364 LAL 00141498 Cross-Examination of handwriting expert / Lal,B. Selective and Scientific books, 2010 8189128191 350p.; UG Library
364 LAL 00141499 Cross-Examination of handwriting expert / Lal,B. Selective and Scientific books, 2010 8189128191 350p.; UG Library
364 LIE 01025166 The Oxford handbook of criminology / Liebling,Alison Oxford university press, 2017 9780198719441 (pbk.) xxv,1030p.; Knowledge Centre
364 LOA 01018535 Public criminology? / Loader, Ian. Routledge, 2010 9780415445498 (hardback : alk. 196 p ; Knowledge Centre
364 LOA 05004629 Public criminology? / Loader, Ian. Routledge, 2010 9780415445498 (hardback : alk. 196 p ; Knowledge Centre
364 LYN 01019884 Radical and Marxist theories of crime / Lynch, Michael J. Ashgate, 2011 9781409423096 | 1409423093 xxix, 515 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 MAG 05019798 Introduction to Criminology (UGC Outonomous Grant) (MSC PSY) Maguire, Brendan 0534537847 372p Knowledge Centre
364 MAG 01017654 Critical issues in crime and justice : SAGE, 2011 9781412970570 (pbk.) | 1412970 xv, 377 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364 MAN 05033428 Sociology of Crime / Mandal, Bindeshwari Pd. Centrum Press, 2011 9789380921532 vii,296p.; Knowledge Centre
364 MAR 05003885 Privilege or punish : Markel, Dan. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195380064 (hbk. : alk. pap xx, 231 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364 MAS 01007642 CRIMINAL VISIONS MEDIA REPRESENTATIONS OF CRIME AND JUSTICE (LAW LIB) Paul Mason Willain Publishers 1843920131 310 p Knowledge Centre
364 MCC 05044924 Deviant behavior : Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, 2008 9780205570836 | 0205570836 Eighth ed. xii, 436 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 MCG 01025705 The Routledge handbook of technology, crime and justice / Routledge, 2017 9781138820135 (hardback) xxv, 696 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364 MCL 05037332 Criminological perspectives : SAGE, 2013 9781446207857 (hbk.) | 1446207 3rd ed / xxviii, 739 pages : Knowledge Centre
364 MIT 00143325 90 Days: Mitra, Anirudhya Harpper Collins 2022 9789394407565 242p UG Library
364 MOR 01007618 Criminology, Civilisation and the New World Order ( Law Lib.) Wayne Morrison Cavendish 410p. Knowledge Centre
364 MUN 01025944 Student handbook of criminal justice and criminology / Routledge, 2004 1859418414 (pbk.) | 9781138129 xi, 312 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364 MUN 01009786 Criminology (law Lib) John Muncie Sage Publications 1412911656 348 p Knowledge Centre
364 MUN 01009787 Criminology (law Lib) John Muncie Sage Publications 1412911656 348 p Knowledge Centre
364 MUN 01009788 Criminology (law Lib) John Muncie Sage Publications 1412911656 348 p Knowledge Centre
364 MUN 01012325 Crime: Muncie,John Willan Publishers 2010 9781843925163 263p.; Knowledge Centre
364 MUN 01007557 STUDENT HANDBOOK OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND CRIMINOLOGY(LAW LIBRARY) John Muncie Cavendish 1859418414 312p Knowledge Centre
364 NAR 05019799 Crime, Corruption and Development Reddy, D Narasimha DEEP & DEEP 266p Knowledge Centre
364 NEW 05041083 Criminology / Newburn, Tim. Routledge, 2012 9780415628938 (hbk.) | 9780415 2nd ed. xxii, 1082 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 NEW 01007900 Criminology (law Lib) Tim Newburn Willain Publishers 9781843922841 1019p. Knowledge Centre
364 NEW 01012329 Key Readings in Criminology / Newburn, Tim Willan Publishers 2009 9781843924029 908p.; Knowledge Centre
364 OBR 05005500 Criminology : O'Brien, Martin, Routledge, 2008 0415427932 (hbk.) | 0415427940 xvii, 219 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364 OMA 01017656 Crime and risk / O'Malley, Pat. Sage Pub, 2010 9781847873514 112 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 POW 00133336 Digital criminology : Powell, Anastasia, Routledge, 2018 9781138636736 (hbk) | 9781138636743 (pbk) ix,209p.; UG Library
364 PRO 00140694 Mechanistic criminology / Proctor, K. Ryan, Routledge, 2019 9781138342552 (hbk) | 9781138342569 (pbk) 1 Edition. xii, 391 pages : UG Library
364 PUR 05019657 Handbook of Criminology / Purvi, Ramakant Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2006 8178883465 353p Knowledge Centre
364 QUI 01015633 Regulation and Criminal Justice : Cambridge University Press, 9780521190701 (hardback) p. cm Knowledge Centre
364 RAJ 05048142 Criminology : Rajpurohit G S Random Publications, 2016 9789351119074 300 p. Knowledge Centre
364 RAN 01023041 Crime Society / Rani,Poonam. Random Publications, 2015 9789351116264 298p.; Knowledge Centre
364 RAN 05048141 Crime and Society / Rani, Poonam Random Publications, 2016 9789351116264 298 p. Knowledge Centre
364 REI 01013013 Law and Order: Reiner,Robert Polity Press 9780745629971 252p.; Knowledge Centre
364 ROS 01019514 Crime and the Economy / Rosenfeld, Richard SAGE Publications, Limited | SAGE Publications, Incorporated [Distributor] 2013 9781848607170 | 1848607172 (Tr vii,141p.; Knowledge Centre
364 SCA 01002727 Crime and Criminals ( Law Lib.) Frank R Scarpitti Roxbury 1891487094 543p. Knowledge Centre
364 SHA 01026405 Criminology And Penology / Sharma, Rajendra K. Atlantic Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd, 2016 9788171567546 257p.; Knowledge Centre
364 SHA 01027775 Sociological theory of crime and criminology/ Sharma , D.V. Random Publications, 2019 9789352691289 289p. ; Knowledge Centre
364 SHA 01012687 The informal economy and connections with organised crime : BJu Legal Publishers, 9789089741646 x, 210 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 SHA 05024316 Comparative criminal justice systems : Shahidullah, Shahid M., Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2012 9781449604257 (pbk.) | 1449604 xxi, 554 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 SHE 01007536 TRANSNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE CRIMINOLOGY(LAW LIBRARY) James Sheptycki GLASS HOUSE 1904385052 375p Knowledge Centre
364 SHO 05004993 International handbook of criminology / CRC Press, 2010 9781420085518 | 1420085514 xxv, 700 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 SHU 01021730 Criminology : Shukla,Girjesh. Lexis Nexis, 2013 9789351430001 xx,251p.; Knowledge Centre
364 SHU 01019913 Criminology : Shukla,Girjesh. Lexis Nexis, 2013 9789351430001 xx,251p.; Knowledge Centre
364 SIE 05020137 CRIMINOLOGY [ Msc-Psychology ] Siegel, Larry 0534516971 664p Knowledge Centre
364 SIE 01014159 Criminology / Siegel, Larry J. Thomson/Wadsworth, 0534645771 (student ed.) | 978 xx, 698 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 SIN 01023042 Crime Society / Sinha,Pramod Kumar. Random Publications, 2015 9789351117346 xi,272p.; Knowledge Centre
364 SIN.. 00025521 Criminology and Social Disorganisation Sing, K Prakashana 1984 431 p . Yeshwanthpur Campus
364 SLO 01015599 The Dark Side of The Ivory Tower : Sloan, John J. Cambridge University Press, 9780521195171 (hardback) | 052 xiii, 211 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364 SMI 05005206 Routledge handbook of international criminology / Routledge, 2011 9780415779098 (hardback) p. cm. Knowledge Centre
364 STE 05019797 Creating Criminals : Stern, Vivien Books for Change , 2006 208p.: Knowledge Centre
364 STE 05055374 Creating Criminals : Stern, Vivek. Zed Books, 2006 8182910293 208p.; Knowledge Centre
364 SUM 05055380 Blackwell Companion to Criminology / Sumner, Colin 2007 9781405175623 516p.; Knowledge Centre
364 TAK 01024950 Globalisation and the challenge to criminology / Pakes, francis Routledge, 2013 9780415686075 (hardback) | 041 1st ed. vi, 184 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 TUR 01002526 Russell on Crime (law Lib.) Cecil J W Turner Universal Law Publishing 810p. Knowledge Centre
364 TUR 01002527 Russell on Crime (law Lib.) Cecil J W Turner Universal Law Publishing 810p. Knowledge Centre
364 VAR 00145979 Theories and Causes of Crime / Varghese Isaac Random Publications, 2023 9788196035822 1st ed, XIII,304p.; UG Library
364 VIT 01016946 Criminology : Vito, Gennaro F. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2012 9780763766658 (pbk.) 3rd ed. p. cm. Knowledge Centre
364 WAL 01011187 Criminology: An Interdisciplinary Approach (law Lib) Anthony Walsh Sage Publications 1412938406 495p Knowledge Centre
364 WAL 01011188 Introduction to criminology : Walsh, Anthony, Sage, 9781412956833 (pbk.) | 1412956 xxxiv, 596 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 WAL 01014395 Introduction to criminology : Walsh, Anthony, Sage, 9781412956833 (pbk.) | 1412956 xxxiv, 596 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 WAL 00091100 Criminology : Walklate, Sandra. Routledge, 0415335531 (hbk.) | 9780415335 viii, 222 p. ; UG Library
364 WAL 05055345 Introduction to criminology : Walsh, Anthony, Sage, 9781412956833 (pbk.) | 1412956 xxxiv, 596 p. : Knowledge Centre
364 WAL 01007510 BASICS CRIMINOLOGY(LAW LIBRARY) Sandra Walklate ROUTLEDGE 0041533554 222p Knowledge Centre
364 WAT 01014121 International criminology : Watts, Rob. Routledge, 0415431786 (hbk.) | 9780415431 268 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364 WEI 00121812 Statistics in Criminal Justice Weisburd, David. Springer 2014 9781461491705 | 9781461491699 4th ed. 783p. UG Library
364 WEI 01004912 Leading Constitutional Cases on Criminal Justice (law Lib) Lloyd L Weinreb FOUNDATION PRESS 9781599411118 1210p Knowledge Centre
364 WHI 01000044 Crime and Society (law Library) Rob White Oxford University Press 2005 0195517792 358p Knowledge Centre
364 WIK 01011374 Explanation of Crime: Context, Mechanisms and Development (law Lib) Per-Olof H Wikstrom Cambridge University Press 9780521119054 305p Knowledge Centre
364 WIK 01011470 Explanation of Crime: Context, Mechanisms and Development (law Lib) Per-Olof H Wikstrom Cambridge University Press 9780521119054 305p Knowledge Centre
364 WIL 01027693 Criminology theory : Williams III,Frank P. Routledge, 2016 9781138136410 355p.; Knowledge Centre
364 WIL 01000172 Textbook on Criminology (law Library) Katherine S Williams Blackstone Press 1841741957 572p Knowledge Centre
364 WIN 01021238 An introduction to crime and crime causation / Winters, Robert C. CRC Press, 2014 9781466597105 (hardback) xvii, 305 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364 YAR 00147608 Cybercrime and society / Yar, Majid, Sage, 2024 9781529772074 | 9781529772067 Fourth. 390 pages UG Library
364 ZAI 05047666 History of Criminol Justice and Punishment / Zainoddin Sayed Aasma. Cyber Tech, 2014 9789350533659 v, 213 p, : Knowledge Centre
364 ZED 01010579 Criminal Justice (law Lib) Lucia Zedner Oxford University Press 9780198763666 319p Knowledge Centre
364..1523 PRO 01013014 Sexual murderers : Wiley, 9780470059531 | 0470059532 | 9 xviii, 253 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.01 AKE 00074102 Criminological Theories: Introduction Evaluation and Application Akers, Ronald L Rawat Publications 2004 8170338387 354 p . UG Library
364.01 AKE 01000025 Criminological Theories Introduction, Evaluation, and Application (law Library) Ronald L Akers Yrawat 8170338387 354p Knowledge Centre
364.01 AKE 00060367 Criminological Theries Akers, L Ronald Rawat 2004 354p UG Library
364.01 AKE 05020110 Criminological Theories: Introduction, Evaluation and Application: Akers, L Ronald Rawat Publications 8170338387 352p Knowledge Centre
364.01 AKE 05019790 Criminological Theories: Introduction, Evaluation and Application: Akers, L Ronald Rawat Publications 8170338387 352p Knowledge Centre
364.01 AKE 07006884 Criminological Theories Introduction, Evaluation, and Application (law Library) Ronald L Akers Yrawat 8170338387 354p Library - BR Campus
364.01 AND 01021342 Environmental criminology : Andresen, Martin A. Routledge, 2014 9780415856126 (hbk) | 97804158 xiv, 274 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.01 AND 01020740 Environmental criminology : Andresen, Martin A. Routledge, 2014 9780415856126 (hbk) | 97804158 xiv, 274 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.01 CRE 01023096 What is criminology about? : Routledge, 2015 9781138025400 (hardback) vi, 213 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.01 CUL. 05055327 Criminological Theory : Cullen, Francis T Roxbury Publishing Company, 2003 1891487558 542p.; Knowledge Centre
364.01 DEL 01016945 Criminological theory : Jones and Bartlett publishers, 2011 9780763771362 xxi, 279.; Knowledge Centre
364.01 HIR 01021907 Liberal criminal theory : Hart Publishing, 2014 9781849465144 (hardback) | 184 xxix, 375 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.01 TIB 05044766 Criminological theory : Tibbetts, Stephen G. Sage, 2015 9781483359526 (pbk. : alk. pap Second edition. xvii, 259 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.01 WAL 01020801 Criminological theory : Walsh, Anthony, Elsever, 2014 9781455777648 (pbk.) | 1455777 xxi, 215 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.0151 BAC 00144829 Statistics for criminology and criminal justice / Bachman, Ronet, Sage publications, 2022 9781544375700 Fifth edition. xxii, 590 pages : UG Library
364.015195 WAL 01016952 Statistics in criminology and criminal justice : Walker, Jeffery T. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2009 9780763755485 (hardcover) | 07 3rd ed. xi, 498 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.015195 WAL 05055344 Statistics in criminology and criminal justice : Walker, Jeffery T. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2009 9780763755485 (hardcover) | 07 3rd ed. xi, 498 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.015195 WAL 00118155 Understanding statistics for the social sciences, criminal justice, and criminology / Walker, Jeffery T. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2013 9781449649227 (pbk.) | 9781449 ix, 233 p. : UG Library
364.015195 WAL 05024339 Understanding statistics for the social sciences, criminal justice, and criminology / Walker, Jeffery T. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2013 9781449649227 (pbk.) | 9781449 ix, 233 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.0285 LIU 01008356 Artificial Crime Analysis Systems:Using Computer Simulations and Geographic Information Systems Lin Liu IGI Publishing 9781599045917 485p. Knowledge Centre
364.03 GOO 01014335 A dictionary of law enforcement / Gooch, Graham. Oxford University Press, 9780192807021 (alk. paper) 1 v. ; Knowledge Centre
364.03 RAN 01015285 Encyclopedia of criminology / Rana,Lokesh. Anmol Publication, 9788126129294 264p.; Knowledge Centre
364.03 VER 05048235 Encyclopedia of administration and criminal justice / Verma,Ambika Prashad. Manglam Publication, 2012 9789381142639 4 Volumes Knowledge Centre
364.03 VER 05048236 Encyclopedia of administration and criminal justice / Verma,Ambika Prashad. Manglam Publication, 2012 9789381142639 4 Volumes Knowledge Centre
364.03 VER 05048237 Encyclopedia of administration and criminal justice / Verma,Ambika Prashad. Manglam Publication, 2012 9789381142639 4 Volumes Knowledge Centre
364.03 VER 05048238 Encyclopedia of administration and criminal justice / Verma,Ambika Prashad. Manglam Publication, 2012 9789381142639 4 Volumes Knowledge Centre
364.03NEW 01010366 Dictionary of Policing (law Lib) Tim Newborn Willain Publishers 9781843922872 357p Knowledge Centre
364.04 FIN 01009276 Governing Through Globalised Crime: Futures for International Criminal Justice (law Lib) Mark Findlay Willain Publishers 9781843923084 276p Knowledge Centre
364.04 JEH 01011045 Coping With Overloaded Criminal Justice Systems: The Rise of Prosecutorial Power Across Europe (law Lib) Jorg-Martin Jehle Springer 3540339582 333p Knowledge Centre
364.04 PHE 01004961 World of Criminal Justice (law Library) Phelps Gale Group 0787650722 519p Knowledge Centre
364.04 PHE 01004962 World of Criminal Justice (law Library) Phelps Gale Group 0787650722 519p Knowledge Centre
364.04 SIN 05058385 Sedition in Liberal Democracies / Singh,Anushka. Oxford university Press, 2018 9780199481699 xii,391p.; Knowledge Centre
364.04 STE 01000239 Crime Risk and Justice: the Politics of Crime Control in Liberal Democracies (law Library ) Kevin Stensons LAWMAN 8175040335 232p Knowledge Centre
364.042 SHA 00099904 Mumbai Political Economy Of Crime And Space Shaban, Abdul Orient Blackswan Pvt. Ltd., 2010 9788125039143 xix, 236 p.; UG Library
364.042 SHA 07009192 Mumbai Political Economy Of Crime And Space Shaban, Abdul Orient Blackswan Pvt. Ltd., 2010 9788125039143 xix, 236 p.; Library - BR Campus
364.042VEL 01011237 Applied Crime Analysis (law Lib) Karim H Vellani Butterworth Heinemann 0750672951 185p Knowledge Centre
364.0434WIL 01009808 Landlord & Tenant Casebook (law Lib) Del W Williams Estates Gazetee 0072820374 458 p Knowledge Centre
364.04FIN 01010370 Governing Through Globalised Crime: Futures for International Criminal Justice (law Lib) Mark Findlay Willain Publishers 9781843923084 276p Knowledge Centre
364.05 SHA 01027945 Criminology and Penology : Sharma,Devendra Kumar. Random Publications, 2019 9789352691524 vi,315p.; Knowledge Centre
364.05 GAU 01024397 Criminal Law Criminology and Administration of Criminal Justice / Gaur,K.D. Universal Law Publishing, 2015 9789350355701 lx,1086p.; Knowledge Centre
364.05 GAU 01023383 Criminal Law Criminology and Administration of Criminal Justice / Gaur,K.D. Universal Law Publishing, 2015 9789350355701 lx,1086p.; Knowledge Centre
364.05 GAU 01023304 Criminal Law Criminology and Administration of Criminal Justice / Gaur,K.D. Universal Law Publishing, 2015 9789350355701 lx,1086p.; Knowledge Centre
364.05 QAD 05001098 Criminology and Penology: Qadri,S.M.A Eastern Book Company, 2011 9789350280263 xxx,680 p.; Knowledge Centre
364.0664 LIN 03001030 Due Diligence Handbook: Corporate Governance, Risk Management and Business Planning Spedding, Linda S Elsevier 9780750686211 710p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
364.068 KAN 01018557 Managing criminal justice organizations : Kania, Davis Anderson Pub., 2012 9781437734898 | 1437734898 2nd ed. xv, 303 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.068 STO 01026403 Criminal Juatice Organizations : Srojkovic, Stan. Cengage Learning, 2007 9781111356460 5th Ed. xxii,530p.; Knowledge Centre
364.07 ROB 01026295 The criminology and criminal justice companion / Robinson,Susan. Palgrave, 2017 9780230229921 xv,233p.; Knowledge Centre
364.071 HAR 00128580 Study skills for criminology / Harrison, John SAGE, 2012 9781849207942 (pbk.) 2nd ed. x, 198 p. ; UG Library
364.071 PAL 00145968 Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Criminology / Palmer Darren (Editor) Palgrave Macmillan 2020 9783030351571 XV,143p.; UG Library
364.071 SET 01011670 Cases on technologies for teaching criminology and victimology : Information Science Reference, 9781605668727 (hardcover) | 97 287p. cm. Knowledge Centre
364.072 ARO 01027777 Research methods for criminal justice and criminology/ Arora, Sonia Random Publications, 2019 9789352693382 273p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.072 BAC 01011881 The practice of research in criminology and criminal justice / Bachman, Ronet. Sage Publications, 9781412950329 (pbk.) 1 v. (various pagings) : 480p Knowledge Centre
364.072 BAC 01024984 The practice of research in criminology and criminal justice / Bachman, Ronet. Sage, 2017 9781506306810 (pbk. : alk. pap Sixth Edition. xxii, 520 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.072 BAC 01024978 Fundamentals of research in criminology and criminal justice : Bachman, Ronet, Sage, 2017 9781506323671 (pbk. : alk. pap xxiii, 646 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.072 BAC 01017631 The practice of research in criminology and criminal justice / Bachman, Ronet. SAGE, 2011 9781412978750 (pbk.) | 1412978 4th ed. 443 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.072 BAC 01024987 Fundamentals of research in criminology and criminal justice / Bachman, Ronet, Sage, 2018 9781506359571 (pbk. : alk. pap Fourth edition. xix, 337 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.072 BAY 01021231 Criminal justice research methods : Bayens, Gerald J. CRC Press, 2011 9781439836965 (pbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed. xix, 280 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.072 CAU 01021346 Criminological research for beginners : Caulfield, Laura, Routledge, 2014 9780415509602 (hardback) | 978 xix, 245 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.072 DAN 01016951 Research methods for criminology and criminal justice : Dantzker, Mark L. Jones and Bartlett publishers, 2006 9780763736156 2nd ed xvii, 237p.; Knowledge Centre
364.072 HAG 01020679 Research methods in criminal justice and criminology / Hagan, Frank E. Pearson, 2014 9780133008616 | 0133008614 Ninth edition. xix, 444 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.072 HAR 01030162 Research methods for criminology and criminal justice / Hartley, Richard D., M P P House, 2020 9789391155636 xii, 365p,.; Knowledge Centre
364.072 HAR 01030309 Research methods for criminology and criminal justice / Hartley, Richard D., M P P House, 2020 9789391155636 xii, 365p,.; Knowledge Centre
364.072 KIN 01013925 Doing research on crime and justice / Oxford University Press, 9780199287628 | 0199287627 xxiv, 527 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.072 LOH 00135691 Measuring Crime : Lohr,Sharon. CRC Press, 2019 9781138489073 viii,157p.; UG Library
364.072 MEA 01027930 Fundamentals of criminological and criminal justice inquiry : Mears, Daniel P., Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781316645130 (paperback) | 9781107193703 (hardback) 1 Edition. xxi,348p.; Knowledge Centre
364.072 MEA 01029714 Fundamentals of criminological and criminal justice inquiry : Mears, Daniel P., Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781316645130 (paperback) | 9781107193703 (hardback) 1 Edition. xxi,348p.; Knowledge Centre
364.072 SIN 00145978 Criminological Research Singh Prahlad Narayan Random Publications, 2023 9788196035808 1st ed, IX,252p.; UG Library
364.072 WIN 05062052 Criminological research : Wincup, Emma. Sage, 2017 9781446209141 (pbk.) | 9781446209134 (hardback) 2nd edition. xii,202p.; Knowledge Centre
364.072 WIT 01021350 Research methods in crime and justice / Withrow, Brian L. Routledge, 2014 9780415884365 (hbk. : alk. pap xxii, 414 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.072 WIT 01020166 Research methods in crime and justice / Withrow, Brian L. Routledge, 2014 9780415884365 (hbk. : alk. pap xxii, 414 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.072/1 07009300 Qualitative research in criminology / Miller, Jody Transaction Publication, 2015 9781412856775 (alk. paper) 363 pages ; Library - BR Campus
364.0721 WIT 01025929 Research methods in crime and justice / Withrow, Brian L., Routledge, 2016 9781138124226 (hardback) | 113 2nd edition. xxxiii, 553 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.0727 UN 01007802 Manual for the development of a system of criminal justice statistics / United Nations, 9211614589 x, 151 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.082 BAR 01020811 Women, crime and criminal justice : Barberet, Rosemary. Routledge, 2014 9780415856355 (hardback) | 978 xii, 231 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.082 CAR 01021331 Feminism and global justice / Carrington, Kerry. Routledge, 2015 9780415711111 (hardback) | 978 xiv, 194 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.082 MAL 07012310 Women, gender, and crime : Mallicoat, Stacy L., Sage, 2019 9781506399270 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvii, 271p.; Library - BR Campus
364.082 MAL 05062076 Women, gender, and crime : Mallicoat, Stacy L., Sage, 2019 9781506399270 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvii, 271p.; Knowledge Centre
364.082 MAL 07011837 Women, gender, and crime : Mallicoat, Stacy L., Sage publications Inc., 2019 9781506366869 (pbk. : alk. pap 3rd edition. xxiii,661p.; Library - BR Campus
364.082 MAL 01020584 Women and crime : SAGE, 2012 9781412987509 (pbk.) | 1412987 xxi, 641 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.082 MAL 00130977 Women, gender, and crime : Mallicoat, Stacy L., Sage publications Inc., 2019 9781506366869 (pbk. : alk. pap 3rd edition. xxiii,661p.; UG Library
364.082 REN 01021332 Feminist criminology / Renzetti, Claire M. Routledge, 2013 9780415381437 (hbk) | 97804153 xiv, 143 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.082 UMA 01024694 Nameless Faceless : Umanath, nirmala R Universal Law Publishing, 2016 9789350358108 xvi, 276 p. Knowledge Centre
364.082 UMA 01023755 Nameless Faceless : Umanath, nirmala R Universal Law Publishing, 2016 9789350358108 xvi, 276 p. Knowledge Centre
364.0820973 GUN 01024104 Women, crime, and justice : Gunnison, Elaine, John-Wiley and sons, 2017 9781118793466 (pbk.) xi,306p.; Knowledge Centre
364.089 BHU 01019444 Race and criminal justice/ Bhui,Hindpal Singh Sage Publications, 2009 9781412945554 xi,222p.; Knowledge Centre
364.09034 RAF 01012341 The origins of criminology : Routledge, 9780415451116 | 0415451116 | 9 xxvi, 348 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.092 CUL 05048719 Challenging criminological theory : Transaction Publishers, 2015 9781412854900 429 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.0922 HAY 05005534 Fifty key thinkers in criminology / Routledge, 2010 9780415429108 (hbk) | 97804154 xxxi, 312 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.0951 RAN 05019656 Dimensions of Crime and Corruption in India: [MSW] Ranga Reddy, A Serials Publications 8188186771 698p Knowledge Centre
364.0954 BAN 07004559 The Wicked City Banerjee Sumanta Orient BlackSwan Pvt.Ltd., 2009 9788125037491 643p.; Library - BR Campus
364.0954 BAN 00094433 The Wicked City Banerjee Sumanta Orient BlackSwan Pvt.Ltd., 2009 9788125037491 643p.; UG Library
364.0954 GOY 05019791 Crime in India: [MSW] Goyal, Sunit RBSA 8176112526 206p Knowledge Centre
364.095414 BAN 07009072 The wicked city : Banerjee, Sumanta. Orient Blackswan, 9788125037491 | 8125037497 ix, 643 p., [6] p. of plates : Library - BR Campus
364.095414 BAN 01014195 The wicked city : Banerjee, Sumanta. Orient Blackswan, 9788125037491 | 8125037497 ix, 643 p., [6] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
364.1 ATR 05020116 Sociology of Crime and Criminology Atri, K Parvesh Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 8174888179 324 p Knowledge Centre
364.1 BEY 07009316 Curtailing corruption : Beyerle, Shaazka M. Lynne Rienner, 2014 9781626370562 (pb) | 162637056 ix, 325 p. : Library - BR Campus
364.1 BOA 00060520 World`s Greatest Unsolved Crimes Boar, Roger 0753706954 192p UG Library
364.1 GIL 00092126 Most wanted: Gill K P S Roli Books, 2009 9788174362070 144p.; UG Library
364.1 GOT 05020115 General Theory of Crime: [ MSW] Gottfredson, R Michael 0804717745 296p Knowledge Centre
364.1 JAM 07013714 The Crime Books / Penguin Random House, 2017 9780241298961 352p.; Library - BR Campus
364.1 KUN 01014021 Ready Reckoner of Offences, Fines and Punishment Under Central Laws / Kunjuraman,Sushan. Current Publication, 299p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1 OUR 00000634 Trial of Vincent Ourder, Will Image 280 p UG Library
364.1 PAD 00089166 Corruption Socio-Legal Dimensions Padmaja, K ICFAI, 2007 8131413594 273p.; UG Library
364.1 PAR 01004938 CRIME INVESTIGATION AND MEDICAL SCIENCE / Manoj H Parekh DWIVEDI, 2007 880p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1 RAO 01004443 Current Issues in Criminal Justice and Medical Law (law Lib) Joga S V Rao Eastern Law House 8171771033 228p. Knowledge Centre
364.1 RAS 01018044 Handbook on Offences and Punishments / Rashid M.A LexisNexis Butterworth Wadhwa, 2013 9788180388545 2nd Ed xx,828 p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1 RAS 01029558 Handbook on offences and punishment / M A Rashid. Lexis Nexis, 2023 9789395116084 5th ed xxiv,947p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1 RAS 01019099 Handbook on Offences and Punishments / Rashid M.A LexisNexis Butterworth Wadhwa, 2013 9788180388545 2nd Ed xx,828 p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1 RAS 01023942 Handbook on Offences and Punishments / Rashid M.A LexisNexis Butterworth Wadhwa, 2015 9789351434252 3rd Ed xxii,951 p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1 SAN 05063928 Terrorism : Sandler, Todd. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190053437 xx, 186p. Knowledge Centre
364.1 WAL 00025497 Crime Problem Reckless, Vakils, 1971 828 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
364.1 WHI 05072288 crimedotcom : White, Geoff. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2020 9781789142853 341p., Knowledge Centre
364.10024 JAY 00090663 Malicious Medicine Jayadevan, Anitha Penguin 9780143103950 105p UG Library
364.101 AKE 05020121 Criminological Theories Introduction Evaluation, and Application Akers, Ronald L Rawat Publications 8170338387 354p Knowledge Centre
364.101 BHR 01000264 Introduction to Criminological Theory (law Library ) Rogerhopkins Burke LAWMAN 8175040262 287p Knowledge Centre
364.101 BUR 01012312 An Introduction to Criminological Theory: Burke, Roger Hopkins Willan Publishers 9781843924074 411p.; Knowledge Centre
364.106 ALL 01019874 Defining and defying organized crime : Allum, Felia, Routledge, 2010 9780415548526 (cloth : alk. pa xx, 231 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.106 CAT 07013665 Mafia organizations : Catino, Maurizio, Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108476119 (hardback) | 9781108466967 (pbk.) XII,305 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
364.106 DAI 05073439 The Mafia : Dainotto, Roberto M. Reaktion Books, 2015 9781780239934 239p.: Knowledge Centre
364.106 DAI 05063992 The Mafia : Dainotto, Roberto M. Reaktion Books, 2015 9781780239934 239p.: Knowledge Centre
364.106 GAW 07014206 The history of the mafia /​ Cawthorne, Nigel. Arcturus, 2017 9781788280709 208p.; Library - BR Campus
364.106 GAW 05067365 The history of the mafia /​ Cawthorne, Nigel. Arcturus, 2017 9781788280709 208p.; Knowledge Centre
364.106 MAL 01019322 Understanding organized crime / Mallory, Stephen L. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2012 9781449622572 (pbk.) | 1449622 2nd ed. xxi, 303 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.106 PAL 00109499 Normal Organizational Wrongdoing Palmer,Donald Oxford Univ Press 2012 9780199573592 | 019957359X xv; 313 p. UG Library
364.106 SHA 05008997 Organized crime : Shanty, Frank G ABC-CLIO, 2008 9781576073377 (hard copy : alk 2 v. (xix, 792, I-15 p.) : Knowledge Centre
364.106 SHA 05008998 Organized crime : Shanty, Frank G ABC-CLIO, 2008 9781576073377 (hard copy : alk 2 v. (xix, 792, I-15 p.) : Knowledge Centre
364.106 SIF 05055360 Viva Facts on File the MAFIA Encyclopaedia / Sifakis, Carl. Multilingual Matters Lim, 2006 8130902753 510p.; Knowledge Centre
364.10609458 PAO 05003881 Mafia Brotherhoods / Paoli, Letizia . Oxford University press , 2003 9780195375268 289 p. Knowledge Centre
364.1060954 MIC 05067276 Mafia raj : Stanford University Press, 2019 9781503607316 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781503606388 (cloth : alk. paper) ix, 334 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.1060973 ALB 01023137 Organized crime : Albanese, Jay S. Roultledge, 2015 9780323296069 Seventh edition. xx, 392 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.1060973 FER 10004933 Borgata : rise of empire : A history of the American Mafia Vol.1 /by Louis Ferrante. Ferrante, Louis [Author] Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2023 9781474604307 1st Ed. xv, 384 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
364.10660972 BUN 05007438 Narcos Over the Border : Routledge, 2011 9780415560726 xv,237 p. Knowledge Centre
364.1066098 GRI 07006208 Gangster Warlords : Grillo Ioan Bloomsbury Circus, 2016 9781408846056 377p.: Library - BR Campus
364.1066GEM 01010379 Street Gangs, Migration and Ethnicity(law Lib) Frank Van Gemert Willain Publishers 9781843923961 286p Knowledge Centre
364.10846WAH 01007632 Ageing, Crime and Society (law Lib) Azrini Wahidin Willain Publishers 1843921529 276p Knowledge Centre
364.109 AAS 00129630 Globalization & Crime / Aas, Katja Franko, SAGE, 2013 9781446201978 | 144620197 | 97 Second edition. 272 p . ; UG Library
364.109 WAG 07010046 Thuggee : Wagner, Kim A. Primus Books, 2014 9780230547179 (hardback) | 978 xx, 261 p. : Library - BR Campus
364.1092 SRE 00117004 My days in the underworld Śrīdhar, Tranquebar Press, 2013 9789383260348 (pbk.) | 9383260 viii, 465 p., [8] p. of plates : UG Library
364.10924 KOI 05064726 Charles Sobhraj Inside The Heart Of The Bikini Killer / Koirala, Raamesh. Rupa Publications, 2018 9789353332624 xi,204p.; Knowledge Centre
364.10954 SCH 05020120 Constructing the criminal tribe in colonial India : Schwarz, Henry. Wiley-Blackwell, 9781405120579 (hbk. : alk. pap viii, 163 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.10954 WAG 00118330 Thuggee : Wagner, Kim A. Primus Books, 2014 9780230547179 (hardback) | 978 xx, 261 p. : UG Library
364.10973 GAT 10004723 The Coming storm : Penguin Random House, 2024 9781785948169 vii, 372p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
364.11 HAR 01007146 Criminal Enterprise: Individual, Organisations and Criminal Responsiblity (law Library) Christopher Harding Willain Publishers 9781843922292 284 p. Knowledge Centre
364.1130954 RAM 05020119 Great Festival of Cash and Crash! the Sage of a Super Conman of the Century: Technology of Swindling: How to Swindle in Style and Remain a Saint Ramachandra, C M C M Ramachandra 86p Knowledge Centre
364.1130954 RAM 05020118 Great Festival of Cash and Crash! the Sage of a Super Conman of the Century: Technology of Swindling: How to Swindle in Style and Remain a Saint Ramachandra, C M C M Ramachandra 86p Knowledge Centre
364.12 PRA 00145969 Specialized Crime Investigation Prasad, Shirkant Venus Books, 2023 9789386559135 1st ed, x,264p.; UG Library
364.12 SAF 00022153 Criminalistics: an Introduction to Forensic Science Saferstein, Richard Prentice -Hall 1978 424 p . UG Library
364.128 HOU 05020117 Science Versus Crime Houck Max.M Viva Books 2010 9788130912981 201P Knowledge Centre
364.128 HOU 04008350 Science Versus Crime Houck Max.M Viva Books 2010 9788130912981 201P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
364.13 CHA 01013449 State crime in the global age / Willan Pub., 9781843927037 (pbk.) | 1843927 xiv, 306 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.13 CHR 01021351 Alcohol : Chrzan, Janet. Routledge, 2013 9780415892490 (hardback : alk. 188 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.13 PHI 00127746 Alcohol a history Phillips, Rod Speakin tiger acdemic, 2016 9789385755903 370p : . UG Library
364.130954 DEB 05057602 On the Trail of the Black: Debroy, Bibek. Rupa publication India Pvt. Ltd., 2017 9788129149220 xxii,309 p.: Knowledge Centre
364.130954 DEB 03012580 On the Trail of the Black: Debroy, Bibek. Rupa publication India Pvt. Ltd., 2017 9788129149220 xxii,309 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
364.131 LIN 00143865 Blurring Intelligence Crime : Lint, Willem Bart de. Springer nature, 2021 9789811603518 xii,227p,; UG Library
364.131 SUB 00086107 Political Violence and the Police in India Subramanian, K S Sage Publications, 2007 9788178297545 257 p.: UG Library
364.131 THO 05067949 ISRO misfired : Thomas, K. V. Sage, 2019 9789353285845 xviii, 193p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1310954 VAI 10005106 My Son's Inheritance : Vaidik, Aparna Aleph Book Company, 2020 9788194233787 xvii, 173 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
364.131SUB 01009432 Political Violence and the Police in India K S Subramanian Sage Publications 9780761935933 257p Knowledge Centre
364.132 SIN 03006012 CBI and 2G / Singh, Joginder 9788124116241 136p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
364.132091724 STA 01005737 Role of Parliament in Curbing Corrpution ( Law Lib ) Rick Stapenhurt World Bank 0821367234 263p Knowledge Centre
364.1322 RIA 01012508 Violation of Human Rights in North - East India (an armed conflict situation) Riamei,Gaikhamsin Maxford Books 9788181160423 257p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1323 BHA 01006043 Challenging Corruption in Asia: Case Studies and a Framework for Action Vinay Bhargava World Bank 0821356836 270 p Knowledge Centre
364.1323 CAM 01006059 Many Faces of Corruption ( Law Lib ) Edgardo J Campos World Bank 0821367250 447p Knowledge Centre
364.1323 CAM 05019796 Many Faces of Corruption:Tracking Vulnarabilities at the Sector Level [MA-SOCIOLOGY SECTION] Campos, Edgardo J 0821367250 447p Knowledge Centre
364.1323 CHA 07009492 Thieves of state : Chayes, Sarah, W W Norton & Company 2015 9780393239461 (hardcover) 262 pages : Library - BR Campus
364.1323 CHA 00122818 Thieves of state : Chayes, Sarah, W W Norton & Company 2015 9780393239461 (hardcover) 262 pages : UG Library
364.1323 COC 01026308 Unmasked : Cockcroft, Laurence. I.B.Tauris, 2017 9781784536084 xviii,264p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1323 COC 00119151 Global Corruption : Cockcroft, Laurence. I.B. Tauris, 2012 9780812245028 | 9781780767604 xvii, 270 p., UG Library
364.1323 COH 01026959 International corruption / Cohen, Paul Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 9780414052604 (hbk.) Second edition. 1 volume ;xxxiii, 483p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1323 CRE 00095230 Corruption & Development Aid: Cremer, Georg Lynne Rienner, 2010 9788130912257 169 p.: UG Library
364.1323 HEI 01007046 Political corruption : Transaction Publishers, 2002 0765807610 (pbk. : alk. paper) 3rd ed. xvi, 970 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.1323 JOH 00123494 Syndromes of corruption : Johnston, Michael, Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521853346 (hbk.) | 0521618592 xiii, 267 p. ; UG Library
364.1323 JOH 01017649 Public sector corruption / SAGE, 2010 9781849206044 (set : hbk.) | 1 4 vol. (xxix, 366; vi, 421; vi, 414; vi, 369 p.) : Knowledge Centre
364.1323 JOH 01017648 Public sector corruption / SAGE, 2010 9781849206044 (set : hbk.) | 1 4 vol. (xxix, 366; vi, 421; vi, 414; vi, 369 p.) : Knowledge Centre
364.1323 JOH 01017647 Public sector corruption / SAGE, 2010 9781849206044 (set : hbk.) | 1 4 vol. (xxix, 366; vi, 421; vi, 414; vi, 369 p.) : Knowledge Centre
364.1323 JOH 01017646 Public sector corruption / SAGE, 2010 9781849206044 (set : hbk.) | 1 4 vol. (xxix, 366; vi, 421; vi, 414; vi, 369 p.) : Knowledge Centre
364.1323 MIS 05020101 Economics of Corruption Mishra, Ajit 0195648072 343p Knowledge Centre
364.1323 MON 05066574 Kickback : Montero, David. Viking, 2018 9780670016471 (hardcover) 296p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1323 NAM 00109845 Leading Without Licence Namasivayam Satheesh Rupa 2012 9788129119384 148 p. UG Library
364.1323 NAM 04024229 Leading Without Licence Namasivayam Satheesh Rupa 2012 9788129119384 148 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
364.1323 PUN 01012332 Police Corruption: Punch, Maurice Willan Publishers 9781843924104 281p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1323 ROS 01004934 International Handbook on the Economic of Corruption(law Lib) Susan Rose EDWARD ELGAR 1845422422 615p Knowledge Centre
364.1323 ROS 10002081 Corruption and government : Rose-Ackerman, Susan. Cambridge university press, 2016 9781107081208 (hardback) | 978 Second edition. xxii, 618 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
364.1323 ROS 05047422 Corruption and government : Rose-Ackerman, Susan. Cambridge university press, 2016 9781107081208 (hardback) | 978 Second edition. xxii, 618 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.1323 ROS 07013089 International Handbook on the Economics of Corruption / Edward Elgar, 2006 9781847207456 xxxviii,615p.: Library - BR Campus
364.1323 ROS 01021529 International handbook on the economics of corruption. Edward Elgar, 2011 9781849802512 (hbk. cased) | 1 xxxi, 587 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.1323 ROS 01023499 Greed, corruption, and the modern state : Rose, Susan Edward Elgar, 2015 9781784714697 | 1784714690 xii, 370 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.1323 SAH 05048231 Corruption : Sahoo,S.C. Navyug Books, 2013 9789380731988 262p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1323 SOR 05056581 Corruption and criminal justice : S�reide, Tina. Edward Elgar Pub., 2016 9781784715984 (e-book) 1 online resource (288 p.) ; Knowledge Centre
364.1323 THA 00108003 Anna Hazare Thakur Pradeep pentagon press: 2011 9788182745452 ix, 114 p. UG Library
364.1323 THA 04015231 Anna Hazare : Thakur Pradeep Sree Books Center, 2012 9789350491836 151 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
364.1323 TI 01014406 Global corruption report 2008 Cambridge University Press, 9780521727952 (pbk.) | 0521727 [398] p. : Knowledge Centre
364.1323 TI 05055343 Global corruption report 2007 : Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521700702 xxviii,372p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1323 USL 01023459 Corruption, inequality, and the rule of law : Uslaner, Eric M. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521145640 xiii, 345 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.1323 VAS 05061313 Cash corruption and economic development / Vashisht, Vikram. Routledge, 2017 9781138063860 (hardback) xvii, 124p. Knowledge Centre
364.1323 VER 00120035 Corruption and Human Rights Verma Sachin Random Publications, 2014 9789351113904 296 p.: UG Library
364.1323 VER 00121856 Corruption and Human Rights Verma Sachin Venus Books,, 2014 9788189922368 296 p.: UG Library
364.1323 WAD 01027921 Corruption And Criminal Justice / Wade, Anne. Society Publishing, 2018 9781773610047 xi, 331p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1323 YAD 05059325 The politics of corruption in dictatorships Yadav, Vineeta Cambridge univeristy press, 2016 9781316647523 xv,316p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1323091724 KER 01025714 Anti-corruption in international development / Kerusauskaite, Ingrida, Routledge, 2018 9781138575349 (hardback) xx,223p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1323091732 LAS 01025710 Uncovering the crimes of urbanisation : Lasslett, Kristian, Routledge, 2018 9781138120327 (hardback) First edition. xv, 253 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.1323095 DHI 00116513 Corruption And Lokpal Dhiman, O.P Kalpaz Publications 2013 9788178359519 307 p.; UG Library
364.13230954 HAZ 00141933 Ethical Response to Corruption Hazarika,Niru Concept Publishing Pvt Ltd 2020 9789388937597 175p UG Library
364.13230954 HAZ 00142900 Ethical Response to Corruption Hazarika,Niru Concept Publishing Pvt Ltd 2020 9789388937597 175p UG Library
364.13230954 LEL 05057431 Corruption in India : Lele, Chitra. Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2015 9788126920372 xxvi, 133p. Knowledge Centre
364.13230954 MIT 05047420 Corruption and development in Indian economy / Mitra, Arup, Cambridge univeristy press, 2016 9781107152670 (hardback) xii,158p.; Knowledge Centre
364.13230954 MIT 07009801 Corruption and development in Indian economy / Mitra, Arup, Cambridge univeristy press, 2016 9781107152670 (hardback) xii,158p.; Library - BR Campus
364.13230954 MIT 00132142 Corruption and development in Indian economy / Mitra, Arup, Cambridge univeristy press, 2016 9781107152670 (hardback) xii,158p.; UG Library
364.13230954 RAM 05058078 Why scams are here to stay : Ram, N., Aleph Book Company, 2017 9789384067311 | 9384067318 xxix, 202 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.13230954 RAM 05057598 Why scams are here to stay : Ram, N., Aleph Book Company, 2017 9789384067311 | 9384067318 xxix, 202 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.13230954 SAN 07000421 The roots of ill-governance and corruption / Santhakumar, V. Sage Publications, 2015 9789351500599 (hardback : alk. xii,177p.; Library - BR Campus
364.13230954 SAN 05042767 The roots of ill-governance and corruption / Santhakumar, V. Sage Publications, 2015 9789351500599 (hardback : alk. xii,177p.; Knowledge Centre
364.13230954 SEN 07014360 Crime and corruption in Indian economy / Deep & Deep Publications, 2007 9788184500301 xxi, 277 p. ; Library - BR Campus
364.13230954 VAI 00127079 When crime pays / Vaishnav Milan Harper Colins 2017 9789352643127 410p. UG Library
364.13230954 VAI 07015710 When Crime Pays : Vaishnav Milan HarperColins Publishers, 2018 9789353023430 xxv,410p.: Library - BR Campus
364.132309598 ASP 05065461 Democracy for sale : Aspinall, Edward. Cornell University Press, 2019 9781501732980 xvi,308p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1323NUI 01010526 Corruption and the Secret of Law Monique Nuijiten ASHGATE 9780754676829 222p Knowledge Centre
364.1323WB 01006033 Anticorruption in Transaction: Who Is Succeeding and Why? (law Lib) World Bank 0821366920 105p Knowledge Centre
364.133 REU 00116393 Draining development? Reuter Peter World Bank, 2012 9780821388693 | 082138869X | 9 xvi: 531p.: UG Library
364.133 TAX 01021729 Guide to Black Mondy Act : Taxmann Taxmann's Publications, 2015 9789350717301 448 p. Knowledge Centre
364.133 TAX 01022036 Guide to Black Mondy Act : Taxmann Taxmann's Publications, 2015 9789350717301 448 p. Knowledge Centre
364.1330954 LEL 03012975 Black Money in India : Lele, Chitra Atlantic Publishers, 2018 9788126927869 xiv, 155p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
364.1332 KOS 05062916 Moonshine : Kosar, Kevin R. Reaktion Books, 2017 9781780237428 143p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1336 HAR 05056860 Smuggling : Harvey, Simon. Reaktion Books, 2016 9781780235950 333p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1336 JOJ 01012407 Crime, War and Global Trafficking (law Lib) Christine Jojarth Cambridge University Press 9780521713764 325p Knowledge Centre
364.1336091824 MAT 05048423 Margins of the market : Mathew, Johan, University of California Press, 2016 9780520288546 (cloth : alk. pa xv,248p.; Knowledge Centre
364.133650959 WIN 10004370 Narcotopia : Winn, Patrick Icon Books, 2024 9781785789731 xiv, 364 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
364.13365098 LES 01025810 Making peace in drug wars : Lessing, Benjamin, Cambridge university press, 2018 9781107199637 (hardback : alk. xxi, 326 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.1336JOJ 01010885 Crime, War and Global Trafficking (law Lib) Christine Jojarth Cambridge University Press 9780521713764 325p Knowledge Centre
364.1338 VAI 03012962 Black Money And Tax havens Vaidyanathan. R Westland Publications Ltd. 2017 9789386850072 184 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
364.1338 OBE 05062251 The Panama Papers : Obermayer,Bastian. A oneworld Book, 2017 9781786070708 x,390p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1338 SUR 00125095 Black money and tax evasion in India : Sury, M. M. New Century Publications 2014 9788177083880 hbk | 8177083880 xv, 210 pages ; UG Library
364.1338 VAI 00129738 Black Money And Tax havens Vaidyanathan. R Westland Publications Ltd. 2017 9789386850072 184 p. : UG Library
364.13380954 THA 05061155 Thin dividing line / Guha Thakurta, Paranjoy, Penguin Random House, 2017 9788184005882 | 8184005881 xviii, 282p.; Knowledge Centre
364.134 SAL 00139772 Lynch files : Ziya Us Salam, Sage publicaions india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353282196 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxvi,193p.; UG Library
364.134 SAL 00136127 Lynch files : Ziya Us Salam, Sage publicaions india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353282196 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxvi,193p.; UG Library
364.134 SAL 10005214 Lynch files : Ziya Us Salam, Sage publicaions india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353282196 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxvi,193p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
364.135 FAG 05020123 The Atlas of Human Rights Fagan, Andrew Earth Scan, 9781849711463 128 p. Knowledge Centre
364.135 NAT 01027929 International and transnational crime and justice / Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108708838 (paperback) | 9781108497879 (hardback) Second edition. xlv,535p.; Knowledge Centre
364.135EDW 01008487 Transnational Organised Crime: Perspectives on Global Security (law Lib.) Adam Edwards ROUTLEDGE 0415403391 290p. Knowledge Centre
364.137 TIN 07012397 Migrant Refugee Smuggler Saviour / Tinti Peter Hurts & Compan, 2018 9781849049535 xiii,331p.: Library - BR Campus
364.138 BEI 01006457 JUDGING WAR CRIMES AND TORTURE(LAW LIBRARY) Ynes Beigbgbeder Koninklijke Brill 9004153292 377p Knowledge Centre
364.138 COL 01027886 Torture as state crime : Collard, Melanie, Routledge, 2019 9781138210059 (hardback) vii,217p.; Knowledge Centre
364.13803 HOR 01014670 Encyclopedia of war crimes and genocide / Horvitz, Leslie Alan. Facts on File, 9780816060016 (hardcover : alk ix, 582 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.142 HUN 01025916 Enforcing the law : Hunter, Susan, Routledge, 1996 1563246821 (alk. paper) | 9781 xii, 249 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.142 SET 01020129 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 (37 of 1954) : Seth Delhi Law House, 2013 9789381308271 xcvi, 1711, xxiv, 620 p. Knowledge Centre
364.142 SET 01020130 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 (37 of 1954) : Seth Delhi Law House, 2013 9789381308271 xcvi, 1711, xxiv, 620 p. Knowledge Centre
364.145 BRU 01027208 The Oxford handbook of environmental criminology / Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190279707 (hardcover) xxii, 938 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.145 CHA 00133412 Green laws compliance Chandan,Kumar Jnanada prakashan, 2018 9788171399253 vi,294p.; UG Library
364.145 ELL 01024513 Eco-global crimes : Ashgate, | Routledge, 2016 9781138271548 xi, 318 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.145 HAL 01024473 Greening criminology in the 21st century : Hall,Matthew Routledge , 2017 9781472467560 (hardback) xi,239pages. Knowledge Centre
364.145 NUR 00136887 An introduction to green criminology & environmental justice / Nurse, Angus, Sage publications ltd.,1 2016 1473908108 | 9781473908109 | 9781473908093 | 1473908094 xii, 222 pages ; UG Library
364.145 ROS 01023178 Following the proceeds of environmental crime : Routledge, 1988 9780415532396 (hardback) x, 253 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.145 ROS 01025936 Following the proceeds of environmental crime : Routledge, 2014 9780415532396 (hardback) | 978 x, 253 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.145 SPA 01024840 Environmental crime in transnational context : Routledge, 2016 9781472469625 (hardback : alk. xiv, 309 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.147 COR 01007636 CAR CRIME (LAW LIB) Claire Corbett Willain Publishers 1843920247 237 p Knowledge Centre
364.15 HAL 01021348 Hate crime / Hall, Nathan. Routledge, 2013 9780415540261 (hbk) | 97804155 Second edition. xvi, 246 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.15 HOL 05005035 Fatal violence : Holmes, Ronald M. CRC Press, 2010 9781439826874 (hbk. : alk. pap xv, 196 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.15 HOP 00142951 Acid Crime : Hopkins,Matt. Palgrave macmillan, 2021 9783030622954 xi,204p.; UG Library
364.15 JAI 01024632 Interpersonal criminology : Jaishankar, K., CRC Press, 2017 9781498748599 (alk. paper) xiii, 311 pages: Knowledge Centre
364.15 JAI 00143436 Interpersonal criminology : Jaishankar, K., CRC Press, 2020 9780367596262 xxx,270p,; UG Library
364.15 KER 01022488 Sex trafficking : Keren-Paz, Tsachi. Routledge 2013 9780415583312 (hbk) | 04155833 x, 272 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.15 KLE 01022241 Ethics and criminal justice : Kleinig, John, Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521864206 (hbk.) | 0521864 x, 283 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.15 MEL 05003888 Stalking, threatening, and attacking public figures Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195326383 (cloth : alk. pa xvii, 474 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.15 MIE 00123462 Rethinking Homicide Miethe, Terance D. Cambridge University Press, 2004 9780521540582 | 0521540585 (pb xxii, 320 p:. UG Library
364.15 PER 05007420 Hate and bias crime : Perry, Barbara Routledge, 2003 0415944083 (hardcover : alk. xviii, 520 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.15 SEG 05020108 Sex Trafficking: Segrave, Marie Willan Publishers 9781843925101 226p.; Knowledge Centre
364.15 SEG 01012334 Sex Trafficking: Segrave, Marie Willan Publishers 9781843925101 226p.; Knowledge Centre
364.15 SIN 01028803 Shreeram's Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing / Singh, Chander Parkash. Shree Ram Law House, 2020 9789385618925 iv, 264p.; Knowledge Centre
364.15 SUJ 01020580 Domestic Violence / Sujatha A.S ALP Books, 2013 9789382215851 215p.: Knowledge Centre
364.15 TER 01021236 The international trafficking of human organs : Territo, Leonard Taylor & Francis, 2011 9781439867891 (hardback) xxix, 255 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.15 WAL 01000257 Gender, crime, and criminal justice / Walklate, Sandra. Willan Pub., 2004 1843920689 | 9798175040259 2nd ed. x, 237 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.15 WAL 01012506 Law on Violence against Women Walikhanna,Charu Serials Publications 9788183872331 328p.; Knowledge Centre
364.15 WIN 01021235 Human trafficking : Winterdyk, John CRC Press, 2012 9781439820360 (hardcover : alk xi, 306 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.15 WOL 05007338 The subculture of violence : Wolfgang, Marvin E., Sage Publications, 1982 9780415606318 xxiii, 387 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.15082 JAF 01013037 Honour killing : Jafri, Amir H. Oxford University Press, 9780195476316 | 019547631X xii, 160 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.15082 NAI 01017739 Gender Justice : Nair, G. Rajasekharan Eastern Law House 2011 9788171772414 472 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.15082 SIE 01022446 Gender Justice and Legal Pluralities : Routledge, 2013 9781138934856 236p.; Knowledge Centre
364.15082 WYK 01011874 Violence, gender and justice / Wykes, Maggie, SAGE, 1412923360 (hbk.) | 9781412923 ix, 193 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.15082WYK 01011191 Violence, Gender & Justice(law Lib) Maggie Wykes Sage Publications 9781412923378 193p Knowledge Centre
364.1509 BHA 00145975 Criminology Penology and Victimology Bhardwaj Sandeep Academic University Press, 2023 9789395546584 X,338p.; UG Library
364.1509 MUK 00119397 Social Issues : Human Trafficking, Rights of Migrant Workers and Their Education Mukherjee, Manju Mohan Atlantic Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd, 2012 9788126916283 xi:282p.; UG Library
364.150922 SMI 07014241 100 Most Infamous Criminals / Smith Jo Durden Arcturus, 2017 9781788280747 208p.: Library - BR Campus
364.150945NIC 01010315 Prostitution and Human Trafficking(law Lib) Andrea Nicola Springer 9780387736280 255p Knowledge Centre
364.150954 HRL 01014023 Trafficking & the law. Human Rights Law Network, 8189479202 ix, 419 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.150954 HRL 01028981 Trafficking & The Law / Human Rights Law Network, 2011 9788189479756 2nd ed. xv, 516 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.150954 MAN 00138778 Reconciliation: Mander,Harsh Westland books 2018 9789387578340 171p UG Library
364.150954 QAD 01026363 Ahmad Siddique's Criminology Penology and Victimology / Qadri, Syed Mohammad Afzal. Eastern Book Company, 2016 9789351452584 | 9789351454311 7th ed. xlviii,655p.; Knowledge Centre
364.150954 QAD 01023423 Ahmad Siddique's Criminology Penology and Victimology / Qadri, Syed Mohammad Afzal. Eastern Book Company, 2016 9789351452584 | 9789351454311 7th ed. xlviii,655p.; Knowledge Centre
364.150954 VAS 01030251 Ahmad Siddique's Criminology, Penology & Victimology / Vashishtha, Sanjay. Eastern Book Company, 2024 9788119114542 8th ed. xlii,558p.; Knowledge Centre
364.150954 VAS 01030195 Ahmad Siddique's Criminology, Penology & Victimology / Vashishtha, Sanjay. Eastern Book Company, 2024 9788119114542 8th ed. xlii,558p.; Knowledge Centre
364.150973 GER 01017642 Hate crimes : Gerstenfeld, Phyllis B. SAGE, 2011 9781412980258 (pbk.) | 1412980 2nd ed. xix, 347 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.150973 GER 01007458 Hate Crimes: Causes, Controls, and Controversies ( Law Lib.) Phyllis B Gerstenfeld Sage Publications 0761928146 291p. Knowledge Centre
364.150973 GER 00129628 Hate Crimes : Gerstenfeld, Phyllis B. SAGE, 2013 9781452256627 3rd ed. xxi, 365 p. : UG Library
364.150973 GER 00130109 Hate Crimes: Causes, Controls, and Controversies Gerstenfeld, Phyllis B Sage Publications, 2018 0761928146 4th ed, 410 p.: UG Library
364.150973 MIR 01021242 The study of violent crime : Mire, Scott. CRC Press, 2011 9781439807477 | 1439807477 xvi, 228 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.151 AKH 05010872 Reducing Genocide to Law : Akhavan Payam Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521824415 xii,191 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.151 ALV 05005562 Genocidal crimes / Alvarez, Alex. Routledge, 2010 9780415466752 (hbk.) | 0415466 xi, 202 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.151 BAL 07011456 Genocide : Ball, Howard, ABC-CLIO, 2011 9781598844887 (hbk. : alk. pap xviii, 276 p. ; Library - BR Campus
364.151 JIN 05048124 Representing genocide : Jinks, Rebecca, Bloomsbury, 2016 9781474256940 (hardback) 269 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.151 JON 03005398 Worse Than War : Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah. PublicAffairs, 2009 9781586487690 (alk. paper) | 1 1st ed. xii, 658 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
364.151 LUP 07009337 Responding To Genocide : Viva Books, 2016 9789385919039 299p.: Library - BR Campus
364.151 LUP 05046351 Responding To Genocide : Viva Books, 2016 9789385919039 299p.: Knowledge Centre
364.151 LUP 05040150 Responding to genocide : Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., 2013 9781588269300 (hc : alk. paper pages cm Knowledge Centre
364.151 MAY 01016890 Genocide : May, Larry. Cambridge University Press, 9780521194655 | 0521194652 | 9 xi, 283 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.151 MAY 01012805 Genocide : May, Larry. Cambridge University Press, 9780521194655 | 0521194652 | 9 xi, 283 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.151 WAL 09000335 Confronting evil : Waller, James, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199300709 xxxv, 381 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
364.151019WAC 00068445 Becoming Evil Waller, James 0195148681 315p UG Library
364.151094 SMI 01015613 Genocide and the Europeans / Smith, Karen Elizabeth. Cambridge University Press, 9780521116350 (alk. paper) | 0 ix, 278 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.1510967 TAY 05041734 Sacrifice as terror : Taylor, Christopher C. Berg, 1999 9781859732786 | 185973278X (pb 224 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.152 BLO 01000304 With Malice Afore Thought: Astudy of the Crime and Punishment for Homicide (law Library ) Blom Louis Hart Publishing 1841134856 204p Knowledge Centre
364.152 CAP 07015591 In Cold Blood : Truman Capote Penguin Classics, 2000 9780141182575 335p.: Library - BR Campus
364.152 CAP 07005709 In Cold Blood : Truman Capote Penguin Classics, 2000 9780141182575 335p.: Library - BR Campus
364.152 COO 07009467 Kitty Genovese : Cook, Kevin, W,W, Norton & Commpany, 2014 9780393239287 First edition. 242 p.,: Library - BR Campus
364.152 VAR 00030438 Sucide in India &ab Road Varma, Paripurnanand Varma SAHITHYA BHAVAN 311 p UG Library
364.1522 WIL 00020686 Suicide: a Killer Is Stalking the Land Wilkerson, David Spire BOOKS 1978 124 p . UG Library
364.1522 MAS 00020732 Suicide and the Meaning of Civilzation Masaryk, Thomas G University of Chicago 1970 242 p . Yeshwanthpur Campus
364.1523 PAC 00134982 The Sheena Bora Case / Pachouly, Manish. Roli Books Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789351941415 | 9351941418 230 p.; UG Library
364.1523 TUF 01027029 Malik's Murder Trial : Tufail,R.M. Delhi Law House, 2019 9788193727935 3rd ed. cxliv,1540p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1523 TYA 07009140 Crime Beat : Selected Journalism / Tyagi Vivek Random Publications, 2015 9789351116318 309p.: Library - BR Campus
364.1523092 COO 00119184 Kitty Genovese : Cook, Kevin, W,W, Norton & Commpany, 2014 9780393239287 First edition. 242 p.,: UG Library
364.1523092 LIE 05046829 The wrong Carlos : Liebman, James S., Columbia University Press, 2014 9780231167222 (cloth : alk. pa xi, 429 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.1523092 MAR 00130962 The fact of a body : Marzano-Lesnevich, Alexandria, Pan books, 2017 9781250080547 (hardback) First edition. viii, 342p.; UG Library
364.1523092 PAL 05067165 The Case that Shook the Empire : Palat,Raghu. Bloomsbury, 2019 9789389000276 xxi,187p.; Knowledge Centre
364.15230922 ONA 05063911 Honour killing : Önal, Ayse. Saqi, 2008 9780863566172 (pbk.) | 0863566170 (pbk.) 256 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.1523094 OTT 05067377 The ultimate compendium of the legacy and legend of history's notorious killer, Jack the Ripper : Head Zeus, 2016 9781784976248 994p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1523094 SPI 01014223 A history of murder : Spierenburg, Petrus Cornelis. Polity, 0745643779 (hbk.) | 9780745643 274 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.15230942109034 OTT 07014207 The ultimate compendium of the legacy and legend of history's notorious killer, Jack the Ripper : Head Zeus, 2016 9781784976248 994p.; Library - BR Campus
364.1523095 FOR 03003646 House of GUCCI : Forden, Sara Gay. Collins Business, 2001 9780060937751 363 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
364.15230954 BHA 00141357 The Deadly Dozen: Bhatacharyya,Anirban Ebury Press 2019 9780143445722 281p UG Library
364.15230978863 PER 00130581 The tandoor murder: Pereira,Maxwell Westland publications pvt ltd., 2018 9789386850690 vi,289p.; UG Library
364.15232092 CEP 05068805 Furious hours : Cep, Casey N., William Heinemann, 2019 9781101947869 (hardback) First Edition. xii, 314 pages, 16 unnumbered pages of plates : Knowledge Centre
364.15234 RAG 01028743 Rarest of Rare Case Murder of an Advocate / Ragothaman, K. Law & Justice, 2021 9789390644179 xvi, 220p.; Knowledge Centre
364.15234 LIE 05005059 Suicidal mass murderers : Liebert, John CRC Press, 2011 9781420076783 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii, 317 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.1523978144 CAP 05020122 In Cold Blood:A True Account of a Multiple Murder and Its Consequences [ma-Sociology Section] Capote, Truman 0679745580 343p Knowledge Centre
364.1524 ELK 00087815 Wada Trilogy Elkunchwar, Mahesh Seagull 2004 8170461596 251 p.: UG Library
364.1524092273 CLA 01013164 Defining danger : Clarke, James W., Transaction Publishers, 0765803410 (alk. paper) | 9780 xix, 417 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.15240924 MAL 00082491 Men Who Killed Gandhi Malgonkar, Manohar Roli Books 2008 354p UG Library
364.153 PRA 01021009 Handbook on The Law of Sexual Harassment : Prasad,Shivangi. Thomson Reuters, 2015 9789384746216 lxxxii,446p.; Knowledge Centre
364.153 BHA 01007957 Sexual Harassment Work(law Library) Alok Bhasin EASTERN BOOK COMPANY 9788170129820 700p Knowledge Centre
364.153 BHA 01022079 Sexual Harassment at Work / Bhasin,Alok. Eastern Book Company, 2015 9789351452492 2nd ed. lxxii,998p.; Knowledge Centre
364.153 DIC 05059882 Legislation of Prostitution / D`Cunha, Jean Wordmakers, 1993 215 p.; Knowledge Centre
364.153 HET 01025572 Victims of rape / Hetu,Vibha. Thomson Reuters, 2018 9789386374240 xxxviii,278p.; Knowledge Centre
364.153 HET 01026184 Victims of rape / Hetu,Vibha. Thomson Reuters, 2018 9789386374240 xxxviii,278p.; Knowledge Centre
364.153 JEJ 00101062 Sex Without Consent: Jejeebhoy Shireen.J Rawat publications; 9788131603826 370 p. UG Library
364.153 MAC 01020203 Directions in Sexual Harassment Law / MacKinnon, Catharine A. Teslaw Publishers, 2014 9788192821627 x,736p.; Knowledge Centre
364.153 MUK 01000515 Women and Urban Crimes (law Lib) Mukerjee KALPAZ PUBLICATIONS 8178354063 349p Knowledge Centre
364.153 NAR 01019738 Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace : Narayana,P.S. Universal Law Publishing Co, 2013 9789350353714 xx,179p.; Knowledge Centre
364.153 NAT 01029526 Commentary on law aganist sexual harassment of women at workplace / Nath Baji Dr. Whitesmann publishing Co, 2023 9789391076931 2nd Ed xlviii,713p.; Knowledge Centre
364.153 SHA 01019998 Women in Crime : Indira Shah Dwivedi Law Agency, 2013 lxiv, 816 p. Knowledge Centre
364.153 SHA 01019625 Women in Crime : Indira Shah Dwivedi Law Agency, 2013 lxiv, 816 p. Knowledge Centre
364.153 SIN 01020387 Law of Sexual Harassment of women at workplace / Singh, Bhuvneshwar Dwivedi Law Agency, 2014 978818961973202 ix, 375 p. Knowledge Centre
364.153 THO 01000291 Sex Crime: Sex Offending and Society (law Library ) Terry Thomas LAWMAN 8175040300 190 Knowledge Centre
364.153 WIL 01013017 The use of the polygraph in assessing, treating and supervising sex offenders : a practitioner's guide / Wiley-Blackwell, 9780470742242 | 0470742240 | 9 p. cm. Knowledge Centre
364.15302854678 SHE 01013012 Sex offenders and the Internet / Sheldon, Kerry. John Wiley & Sons, 0470028009 (hbk. : alk. paper) 296 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.153082 GAN 05006883 Female sexual offenders : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 9780470683446 (cloth) | 978047 xiv, 206 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.15309 COS 00142534 Politicians behaving badly : Cossette, Paulina S., Routledge, 2020 9780367435042 | 9780367427993 ix,168p.; UG Library
364.1530941 THO 01007664 SEX CRIME SEX OFFENDING AND SOCIETY SECOND ED (LAW LIB) Terry Thomas Willain Publishers 1843921057 214 p Knowledge Centre
364.1530941LET 01010378 Sex as Crime? (law Lib) Gayle Letherby Willain Publishers 9781843922674 389p Knowledge Centre
364.1530962 ELR 10002184 Radius : El-Rifae, Yasmin, Verso, 2022 9781839767685 215p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
364.1530973 HOL 01012232 Sex crimes : Holmes, Stephen T. Sage Publications, 9781412952989 (pbk.) xiv, 327 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.1530973 HOL 05055351 Sex crimes : Holmes, Stephen T. Sage Publications, 2009 9781412952989 (pbk.) 3rd ed. xiv, 327 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.1532 HOR 01012625 Rape : challenging contemporary thinking. Horvath Miranda A H Willan 2009 9781843925194 (hbk.) | 1843925 xxvi, 353p. Knowledge Centre
364.1532092 SEB 07014725 Lucky / Sebold Alice Picador Classic, 2019 9781509873937 267p.: Library - BR Campus
364.1532097 WAS 01025922 Institutional failures : Routledge, 2011 9780754678731 (hbk. : alk. pap vi, 212 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.1534 AGU 00095725 Sex at the margins Agustin, laura Maria Zed Books, 2007 9788182910430 248 p.: UG Library
364.1534 AGU 05020107 Sex at the Margins:migration, Labour Markets and the Rescue Industry [ma-Sociology Section] Augustin, Laura Maria Books for Change 248p Knowledge Centre
364.1534 KAR 00055845 Red Light Area Karmakar, Sumati Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2001 8178880288 273p UG Library
364.1534 KAT 01012372 Law Relating to Prevention of Immoral Traffic in India Orient Publishing 872p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1534 KLJ 01000472 Immoral Traffic (prevention) Act, 1956 [act No.104 of 1956] (law Library) Karnataka Law Journal Karnataka Law Journal Publications 84p Knowledge Centre
364.1534 MAN 01020202 Law Relating to Prevention of Immoral Traffic In India / Manzar Saeed,R.P.Kataria Orient Publishing Company, 2007 9788187197652 xxxv,872p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1534 MON 05055363 Sex Traffic : Monzini, Paola. Bools for Change, 2006 9788182910201 184p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1534 NAR 01020201 Commentary on The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956 / Narayana,P.S. Asia Law House, 2013 2nd ed. xx,654p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1534 RED 01028727 Prevention of Immoral Traffic and Law / Reddi, G B. Gogia Law Agency, 2021 9789391088156 3rd ed. xix, 813p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1534RED 01000582 Prevention of Immoral Traffic and Law [law Library] G B Reddi Gogia & Company 707p Knowledge Centre
364.1536 KER 00103091 Sexual Tendencies; Kerber K.L Global vision publishing house; 2005 8182200903 310 p. UG Library
364.153IRE 01011087 Violent and Sexual Offenders: Assessment, Treatment and Management (law Lib) Jane L Ireland Willain Publishers 9781843923831 314p Knowledge Centre
364.153RUT 00072089 Protect Yourself: [ Dharmaram Library] Ruth, Beulah W OM BOOKS 8173626014 94p UG Library
364.15409861 GAR 05020106 News of a Kidnapping / Garcia Marquez, Gabriel Penguin, 2007 9780141032504 291p.; Knowledge Centre
364.155 DAS 01027016 Supreme Court on Protection of Women From Domestic Violence : Das,P.K. Maxwell Law Publishing, 2019 lvi,450p.; Knowledge Centre
364.155 FOR 05055372 Glimpse of Hell / Forrest, Duncan 1996 0304335150 214p.; Knowledge Centre
364.155 HAL 01007655 HATE CRIME (LAW LIB) Nathan Hall Willain Publishers 1843921308 268 p Knowledge Centre
364.155 MUK 01013341 Concept of Mental Cruelty Mukherjee, S.K Kamal Publishers 384p.; Knowledge Centre
364.155 PAT 01028030 Protection of Women From Domestic Violence , Pathak,Rabindra K R. Thomson Reuters, 2019 9789389046618 xxxvii,633p.; Knowledge Centre
364.155 SIN 01015761 Violence : Atlantic Publishers, 9788126909414 xxv,253p.; Knowledge Centre
364.155 WEL 01007290 Honour : Welchman, Lynn. Zubaan, 9788189013806 384 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.1551 JES 05069889 Human trafficking : Jesperson, Sasha, Hurst & Company, 2019 1787381285 | 9781787381285 xiii, 210 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.15510954 SIN 05061955 Human Trafficking Cmplexities and Pitfalls / Singh, Kangana. Yking Books, 2017 9789385528743 vi, 286p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1552 GOU 01000915 Theft Robbery Dacoity Extortion Etc ( Law Library) H S Gour Law Pub 519p Knowledge Centre
364.1552 HOB 00103462 Bandits: Hobsbawm Eric Abacus, 2000 9780349113029 226 p.: UG Library
364.1552 HOB 00105530 Bandits: Hobsbawm Eric Abacus, 2000 9780349113029 226 p.: UG Library
364.1552WAG 01009921 Thuggee Banditry and the British in Early Nineteenth-Century India (law Lib) Kim A Wagner PALGRAVE MACMILLAN 9780230226845 276p Knowledge Centre
364.15533 JIL 01023954 Law of Cruelty in India / Jilova,C.R. Universal alw Publishing, 2016 9789350356272 xxxiv,282p.; Knowledge Centre
364.15533 MAG 01006445 EAGLE EYE ON DOWRY DEMAND CRUELTY AND DOWRY DEATH(LAW LIBRARY) Ish Kumar Magoo Wilco Publishing House 8188327107 340p Knowledge Centre
364.1555 KAN 01019707 Law relating to Protection of Women from Domestic Violence / Kant Neelam Orient Publishing Company, 2010 9788187197461 lvi,480p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1555 MED 01022529 Domestic Violence : Mediratta,Surinder. Delhi Law House, 2016 9789381308332 2nd ed. lxxvi,1438p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1555 BAI 01028849 Protection of Women from Domestic Violence : Baijal,Rajat. Bharat Law Publications, 2021 9788173460708 2nd ed. 128,1350p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1555 BAI 01023305 Law of Protection of Women from Domestic Violence / Baijal,Rajat. Bharat Law Publications, 2016 9788173460555 104,1086p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1555 BAI 01023576 Law of Protection of Women from Domestic Violence / Baijal,Rajat. Bharat Law Publications, 2016 9788173460555 104,1086p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1555 BAR 01029632 Commentary on the protection of women from doemstic violence act / Barowalia. J.N Lexis Nexis. 2023 978939516091 lxix,1072p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1555 GAN 01025398 Law of Protection of Women from Domestic Violence / Ganguly, D.K. Dwivedi Law Agency, 2017 9788189619206 cxliv, 1112p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.1555 GRO 01020593 Domestic violence and criminal justice / Groves, Nicola, Routledge, 2014 9781843928201 (hardback) | 978 xiii, 176 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.1555 GUP 01030256 Commentary on the protection of women from domestic violence act, 2005 / Gupta,Rajesh. Vinod Publications, 2024 9789395939287 4th ed. cciv, 940p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1555 GUP 01027013 Commentary on the protection of women from domestic violence act,2005 : Gupta,Rajesh. Vinod Publications, 2019 9788194006206 cxliv,882p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1555 GUP 01026569 Law Relating to Protection of Women : Gupta,Sriniwas. Thomson Reuters, 2018 9789386374530 xxviii,1361p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1555 KES 01026678 The protection of women from domestic violenec act 2005 / Keshav, Kumar Bhagat Y.P. Vinod Publications (P) Ltd, 2018 ixxii,1088p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1555 MAL 01028696 Commentary On Protection of Women From Domestic Violence / Malik. Delhi Law House, 2021 9789388918213 4th ed. xc, 1350 I(12) p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1555 MED 01027375 Commentary On Protection Of Women From Domestic Violence / Mediratta, Surinder. Delhi Law House, 2019 9789381308950 3rd ed. xci, 1350 I(12) p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1555 NAT 01004925 Domestic violence : Ashgate, 2007 9780754625889 (alk. paper) xxvii, 572 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.1555 SEN 01025517 Commentaries on the protection of women from domestic violence act,2005: Sen Gupta,S.P Kamal law house, 2016 2nd ed., 944p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1555 SUB 01028889 Domestic Violence : Subramonian, Sreevatsa. UR Book Co, 2021 254p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1555 SUB 01028890 Domestic Violence : Subramonian, Sreevatsa. UR Book Co, 2021 254p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1555 SUB 01028891 Domestic Violence : Subramonian, Sreevatsa. UR Book Co, 2021 254p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1555 SUB 01028892 Domestic Violence : Subramonian, Sreevatsa. UR Book Co, 2021 254p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1555 SUB 01028893 Domestic Violence : Subramonian, Sreevatsa. UR Book Co, 2021 254p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1555 WJI 01006440 Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Handbook / Women's Justice Intiative Human Rights Law Network, 2005 p.; Knowledge Centre
364.15555 SAC 01008151 Exhaustive Commentary on the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 (law Lib.) Anil Sachdeva Delight Law Publishers 656p. Knowledge Centre
364.1555SAC 01008150 Exhaustive Commentary on the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 ( Law Lib.) Anil Sachdeva Ashish Sachdeva 655p. Knowledge Centre
364.155WEL 01009659 Honour : Welchman, Lynn. Zubaan, 9788189013806 384 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.157 TRI 00130569 Dera sacha sauda and gurmeet ram rahima: Tripathi,Anurag Penguin random house india pvt ltd., 2018 9780143442400 xiii,198p.; UG Library
364.15KAR 01010326 Sex trafficking : Kara, Siddharth. Columbia University Press, 2009 9780231139601 (cloth : alk. pa xviii, 298 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.15LEE 01009283 Human Trafficking (law Lib) Maggy Lee Willain Publishers 9781843922414 239p Knowledge Centre
364.15LEEC2 01009482 Human Trafficking (law Lib) Maggy Lee Willain Publishers 9781843922414 239p Knowledge Centre
364.15MED 01010359 Oxford Handbook of Law, Women, and Employment: Policies, Issuies, Legislature, Andcase Law (law Lib) Surinder Mediratta Oxford University Press 0195699416 238p Knowledge Centre
364.15UN 01007716 Broken Bodies, Broken Dreams: Violence Against Women Exposed (law Lib) Integrated Regional Information Networks Integrated Regional Information Networks 9966710809 250p Knowledge Centre
364.16 GRA 00147603 Cybercrime and Digital Deviance / Graham, Roderick S Routledge, 2024 9781032254524 | 9781032249193 Second edition. 218 pages cm UG Library
364.16 MCA 00147612 Forensic perspectives on cybercrime : McAlaney, John, Routledge, 2024 9781032291758 | 9781032291741 xi,135pages cm UG Library
364.16 NUN 01026412 Healers or predators ? : Nundy, Samiran., ed., Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199489541 xxviii, 657p. Knowledge Centre
364.16 OPP 03004976 Madoff with the Money / Oppenheimer, Jerry. Wiley, 2009 9780470624593 xv, 256 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
364.16 POP 05073885 Fool me once : Pope Richmond, Kelly. Harvard Business Review Press, 2023 9781647823917 vi,272p.; Knowledge Centre
364.16 SCH 04007917 Botnets : Schiller Craig A. syngress, 2011 xv, 464p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
364.16/8 BER 01018456 Cybercrime : Schell, Bernadette H. ABC-CLIO, 2004 1851096833 (hardcover : alk. p xiv, 247 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.162 FAD 05004311 An Ethical Guide to Hacking Mobile Phones / Fadia,Ankit. Macmilan, 2001 9781403928504 xii,188p.; Knowledge Centre
364.162 POL 03005291 The Pretender : Pollock, Ellen Joan. Simon and Schuster, 2002 0743204158 | 9780743204156 xi, 276 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
364.162 POL 03008405 The Pretender : Pollock, Ellen Joan. Simon and Schuster, 2002 0743204158 | 9780743204156 xi, 276 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
364.163 SCH 03003180 Undercover: How I Went from Company Man to FBI Spy and Exposed the Worst Healthcare Fraud in U S ... Schilling, John W Amacom 9780814474501 288 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
364.163 BAN 07000131 Who Cheats and How? : Banerjee, Robin. Sage Publications , 2015 9789351500612 300 p.: Library - BR Campus
364.163 BAN 03011187 Who Cheats and How? : Banerjee, Robin. Sage Publications , 2015 9789351500612 300 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
364.163 BAN 05073094 Corporate frauds : Banerjee, Robin. Sage, 2022 9789354791628 xii,312p.; Knowledge Centre
364.163 BAN 10001409 Corporate frauds : Banerjee, Robin. Sage, 2022 9789354791628 xii,312p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
364.163 BAN 10001498 Who Cheats and How? : Banerjee, Robin. Sage Publications , 2015 9789351500612 300 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
364.163 BEL 05059131 Fakes And Forgeries Bell Suzanne Viva Books 108P Knowledge Centre
364.163 CHA 01008264 Fruadulent Claims: Deceit, Insurance and Practise ( Law Library ) Matthew Chapman Xpl Publishing 9781858113777 266 p. Knowledge Centre
364.163 FIS 03004844 How to Smell a Rat : Fisher, Ken L. John Wiley & Sons, 2009 9780470526538 (cloth) : | 9788 ix, 209 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
364.163 FIS 05001610 How to Smell a Rat : Fisher, Ken L. John Wiley & Sons, 2009 9780470526538 (cloth) : | 9788 ix, 209 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.163 GOL 05001142 Fraud in the Markets : Goldmann, Peter D. Wiley, 2010 9780470507896 (cloth) | 978812 xxxiii, 234 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.163 GOL 03004779 Fraud in the Markets : Goldmann, Peter D. Wiley, 2010 9780470507896 (cloth) | 978812 xxxiii, 234 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
364.163 GOV 10004855 Fraudster Tales: History's Greatest Financial Criminals and Their Catastrophic Crimes/ by Vijay narayan Govind Govind, Vijay Narayan [Author] Pan, an imprint of Pan Macmillan pub., 2024 9788119300976 1st Ed. xi, 290 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
364.163 JON 05007650 Creative accounting, fraud and international accounting scandals / Jones, Michael, John Wiley & Sons, 2010 9780470057650 xxii, 550 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.163 MIT 01028730 Bharat's Law & Practice Relating to SFIO and Inspection, Investigation & Fraud / Mittal,D.P. Bharat Law House, 2020 9789386920362 31, 384p.; Knowledge Centre
364.163 NAP 01013716 Serious Fraud,Investigation and Trial / Napley,Kinsley. Lexis Nexis Butterworths, 9788180386077 lxvi,846p.; Knowledge Centre
364.163 PAR 01007106 ARLIDGE AND PARRY ON FRAUD(LAW LIBRARY) Jacques Parry SWEETAND MAXWELL 9780421892101 736 Knowledge Centre
364.163 POP 10004615 Fool me once : Pope, Kelly R., Harvard Business Review Press, 2023 9781647823917 vi, 272 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
364.163 SCH 04017237 Undercover: How I Went from Company Man to FBI Spy and Exposed the Worst Healthcare Fraud in U S ... Schilling, John W Amacom 9780814474501 288 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
364.163 SIN 05006069 Fraud auditing and forensic accounting / Singleton, Tommie. Wiley, 2010 9780470564134 4th ed. p. cm. Knowledge Centre
364.163 SIN 03005030 Fraud auditing and forensic accounting / Singleton, Tommie. Wiley, 2010 9780470564134 4th ed. p. cm. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
364.163 WEI 03008430 Wall Street Versus America : Weiss, Gary. Portfolio, 2006 1591840945 | 9781591840947 xxix, 290 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
364.163 YOU 01022156 A comprehensive look at fraud identification and prevention / Youngblood, James R., CRC Press, 2015 9781498700320 xxi, 314 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.163015195 BAE 05045555 Fraud analytics using descriptive, predictive, and social network techniques : Baesens, Bart, 9781119133124 | 9781119146834 1 online resource (368 pages) : Knowledge Centre
364.163015195 BAE 05055502 Fraud analytics using descriptive, predictive, and social network techniques : Baesens, Bart. Wiley, 2015 9788126558209 xxix,367p.: Knowledge Centre
364.16302854 BUT 01026296 Cyber frauds, scams and their victims / Button, Mark, Routledge, 2017 9781138931190 (hardback) | 9781138931206 (pbk.) xviii, 232 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.163092 MAR 05001141 No one would listen Markopolos, Harry. Wiley, 2010 9780470553732 (cloth) xiv, 354 p., [8] p. : Knowledge Centre
364.163092 OPP 05006014 Madoff with the money / Oppenheimer, Jerry. Wiley, 2009 9780470504987 (hardback) xv, 256 p. Knowledge Centre
364.163092 WRI 00137362 Billion Dollar Whale : Wright,Tom. Hachette, 2018 9780316453479 xvii,379p.; UG Library
364.1630941 HIL 01012679 Corporate Fraud: Hill,Stephen Bloomsbury professional Ltd 9781847662873 229p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1630954 SHA 01023744 Bank Frauds : B R Sharma Universal Law Publishing, 2016 9789351438816 4th l, 780 p. Knowledge Centre
364.1633092 MCK 07009421 Imperial underworld : McKenzie, Kirsten, Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107070738 | 1107070732 | 9 xi, 318 pages : Library - BR Campus
364.1635 OSB 00140838 Questioned documents: Osborn, Albert S. The lawyers co-operative publishing co., 1910 9781361937785 xxiv,501p.; UG Library
364.1635 OSB 00140998 Questioned documents Osborn, Albert S Law and justice pulishing company, 2021 9788194776543 2nd ed., xxiv,1042p.; UG Library
364.1635 OSB 00140622 Questioned documents Osborn, Albert S Law and justice pulishing company, 2021 9788194776543 2nd ed., xxiv,1042p.; UG Library
364.1635 RAM 01028694 Questioned Documents / Ramachandran Lawmann's, 2020 9789385444876 cxxvi,812p.; Knowledge Centre
364.164 CAM 00145388 Dead in the water : Campbell, Matthew Atlantic Books, 2022 9781838952556 xiii, 268p. : UG Library
364.164 DUR 03008771 The Pirate Organization : Durand, Rodolphe. Harvard Business School Pub. Corporation, 2012 9781422183182 (alk. paper) 191 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
364.164 DUR 07002524 The Pirate Organization : Durand, Rodolphe. Harvard Business School Pub. Corporation, 2012 9781422183182 (alk. paper) 191 p.: Library - BR Campus
364.164 KOO 05059269 Malabar in the Indian Ocean : Kooria, Mahmood., ed. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199480326 xxvii, 396p.; Knowledge Centre
364.164 MCC 01026153 Modern maritime piracy : McCabe, Robert C., Routledge, 2018 9781138059443 (hardback) xvi, 327 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.164 PAL 05046001 The new pirates : Palmer, Andrew, I.B.Tauris, 2014 9781848856332 | 1848856334 xii, 377 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.164 SUB 07010314 The sovereign and the pirate : Subramanian, Lakshmi, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199467044 (hardback) | 019 First edition. xiv, 258 pages : Library - BR Campus
364.1642019 DOL 07010018 The Psychology of Arson : Routledge, 2016 9780415810692 xix,313p.: Library - BR Campus
364.1660951 ROP 01021243 Trade secret theft, industrial espionage, and the China threat / Roper, C. A. CRC Press, 2014 9781439899380 (hardback) xiv, 303 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.1662 KER 05046277 Pop song piracy Kernfeld, Barry Dean, University of Chicago Press, 2011 0226431827 | 0226431835 | 9780 xii, 273 p. Knowledge Centre
364.1662 LEV 04009829 Free ride : Levine, Robert, Doubleday, 2011 9780385533768 | 0385533764 1st ed. x, 307 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
364.1662 SAS 05008837 Information technology for intellectual property protection : Sasaki, Hideyasu Information Science Reference, 2012 9781613501351 (hbk.) xv, 349 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.1668 TRE 01015111 Film piracy, organized crime, and terrorism / RAND Corp., 9780833045652 (pbk. : alk. pap vii, 162 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.168 COR 01019537 Virtual Worlds and Criminality Springer 2011 9783642208225 | 3642208223 (Tr ix,124p.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 KOO 01025132 White collar crimes: Koolwal,Manju Kamal publishers, 2017 9789384668945 xxiv,572p; Knowledge Centre
364.168 KUM 04002971 Cyber Crimes: A Primer on Internet Threates and Email Abuses Kumar, Ram G Viva Books 2008 9788130902289 156 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
364.168 NAG 04001037 Cyber Law and Computer Crimes / Nagia, Rajan Cyber Tech Publications, 2008 9788178844107 210p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
364.168 WEI 01000144 White-Collar Crime and Criminal Careers (law Library) David Weisburd Cambridge University Press 0521777631 189p Knowledge Centre
364.168 ARO 01028499 Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 : Arora, Somesh. OakBridge Publishing Pvt, 2021 9789391032401 cxi, 748p.: Knowledge Centre
364.168 ART 07012004 Cyber wars : Arthur, Charles, Kogan Page & Co Ltd , 2018 9780749482008 1 Edition. vi ,236p ,: Library - BR Campus
364.168 ART 05060399 Cyber wars : Arthur, Charles, Kogan Page & Co Ltd , 2018 9780749482008 1 Edition. vi ,236p ,: Knowledge Centre
364.168 AUG 01007011 Combating Cyber Crime(law Library) Paul T Augastine Crescent 8183420494 300p Knowledge Centre
364.168 BAI 10002164 The Emerald international handbook of technology-facilitated violence and abuse / Bailey, Jane Emerald publishing ltd., 2021 1839828498 | 9781839828492 First edition. xxiv, 797 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
364.168 BAN 05035413 Cyber Crime / Bansal, S K APH , 2003 8176484172 vi,341p.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 BEN 01018536 White-collar crime : Benson, Michael L. Routledge, 9780415956635 (hardback) | 041 xii, 240 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.168 BEN 01013369 White-collar crime : Benson, Michael L. Routledge, 9780415956635 (hardback) | 041 xii, 240 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.168 BRI 01012800 Corporate and White Collar Crime: Brickey,Kathleen F Wolters Kluwer 9788184733754 755p.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 CAR 01008242 Best Damn Cybercrime and Digital Forensics Book Period (law Lib.) Kevin Cardwell Syngress 9781597492287 699p. Knowledge Centre
364.168 CHA 01012578 Preventing money laundering and terrorist financing : World Bank, 9780821379127 | 0821379127 | 9 xxvii, 271 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.168 CLI 01013898 Environmental crime : Clifford,Mary Aspen Publishers, 0834210096 (paper) | 978083421 xxiv, 532 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.168 DUN 03008403 The Next War Zone : Dunnigan, James F. CITADEL PRESS ; 2002 9780806524146 303 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
364.168 EIC 01016673 Corruption in International Business : Asgate, 2009 9780754671374 xv,245p.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 EIC 01011046 Corruption in International Business : Asgate, 2009 9780754671374 xv,245p.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 FAT 01023621 Cyber Crimes / Fatima, Talat Eastern Book Company, 2016 9789351453925 2nd lxiv'; 663 p. Knowledge Centre
364.168 FAT 01030197 Cyber Crimes / Fatima, Talat. Eastern Book Company, 2021 9788119114429 3rd ed. lx, 701 p.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 FAT 01029424 Cyber Crimes / Fatima, Talat. Eastern Book Company, 2021 9789390715732 3rd ed. lxiv; 864 p.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 FAT 01022882 Cyber Crimes: Fatima,Talat. Eastern Book Company, 2016 9789351453925 II xxvi,688p.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 FIS 01027746 Lloyd's law reports : Informa, 2018 9781908501523 xx,773p.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 GEI 01023098 White-collar and corporate crime / Geis, Gilbert. Oxford University Press, 2016 0190219289 | 9780190219284 x, 162 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.168 GHE 07008426 Cyber Power : Ghernaouti Solange Taylor and Francis Group,LLC, 2013 9781466573048 xv,446p.: Library - BR Campus
364.168 GUP 01019379 Cyber crimes / Gupta,Mohan Sen. Centrum Press, 2013 9789381938362 viii,296p.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 HOL 01016353 Corporate Hacking and Technology-Driven Crime : Business Science Reference, 2011 9781616928056 (hbk.) | 9781616 xvi, 198 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.168 HOL 01027829 Cybercrime through an interdisciplinary lens / Holt, Thomas J., Routledge, 2019 9780367226336 | 9781138668836 (hbk) xiv, 251 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.168 HYN 01010427 International Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing: A UK Perspective (law Lib) Paul Hynes SWEET & MAXWELL 9781847031334 1385p Knowledge Centre
364.168 ICF 00079447 Scams and Scandals Icfai University Icfai 2006 269p UG Library
364.168 IMF 01017549 Financial Intelligence Units - an Overview International Monetary Fund - the WorldB, ank Group International Monetary Fund Publication 130p Knowledge Centre
364.168 JAI 01021232 Cyber criminology : CRC Press, 2011 9781439829493 (hbk.) xxxv, 425 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.168 JAI 05035411 Cyber Crime / Jain, Atul Isha Books, 2005 8182051061 | 9788182051072 | 9788182051089 | 9788182051065 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 JAI 05035412 Cyber Crime / Jain, Atul Isha Books, 2005 8182051061 | 9788182051072 | 9788182051089 | 9788182051065 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 JAI 00140809 Cyber Crime / Jain, Atul Isha Books, 2005 8182051061 | 9788182051072 | 9788182051089 | 9788182051065 2 v.; UG Library
364.168 JAI 00140810 Cyber Crime / Jain, Atul Isha Books, 2005 8182051061 | 9788182051072 | 9788182051089 | 9788182051065 2 v.; UG Library
364.168 JEW 01012683 Handbook of Internet crime / Willan Pub., 1843925230 (hbk.) | 9781843925 xvii, 654 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.168 JOR 01007525 Hacktivism and Cyberwars: Rebels With a Cause ( Law Lib.) Tim Jordan ROUTLEDGE 0415260043 186p. Knowledge Centre
364.168 KAN 01030151 Guide to the Prevention of Money Laundering Act & Proceeds of Crime : Kant, Surya. Wadhwa Law Chambers, 2024 2nd ed. ccxxiv, 2116p, ; Knowledge Centre
364.168 KAT 01022844 Law of Crimes and Criminology : Kathuria R.P Vinod Publications(P)Ltd, 2016 xcvi,4664p.: Knowledge Centre
364.168 KAT 01022845 Law of Crimes and Criminology : Kathuria R.P Vinod Publications(P)Ltd, 2016 xcvi,4664p.: Knowledge Centre
364.168 KAT 01022846 Law of Crimes and Criminology : Kathuria R.P Vinod Publications(P)Ltd, 2016 xcvi,4664p.: Knowledge Centre
364.168 KAT 01022847 Law of Crimes and Criminology : Kathuria R.P Vinod Publications(P)Ltd, 2016 xcvi,4664p.: Knowledge Centre
364.168 KAT 01028124 Law of Crimes & Criminology : Kathuria R.P. Vinod Publications (P) Ltd., 2019 5th ed. Volumes Knowledge Centre
364.168 KAT 01028125 Law of Crimes & Criminology : Kathuria R.P. Vinod Publications (P) Ltd., 2019 5th ed. Volumes Knowledge Centre
364.168 KAT 01028126 Law of Crimes & Criminology : Kathuria R.P. Vinod Publications (P) Ltd., 2019 5th ed. Volumes Knowledge Centre
364.168 KAT 01028127 Law of Crimes & Criminology : Kathuria R.P. Vinod Publications (P) Ltd., 2019 5th ed. Volumes Knowledge Centre
364.168 KAU 04020034 Sailing safe in cyberspace : Kaushik, Anjali. Sage publications, 2013 9788132111221 (pbk. : alk. pap xxiii,268p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
364.168 KAU 00112372 Sailing safe in cyberspace : Kaushik, Anjali. Sage publications, 2013 9788132111221 (pbk. : alk. pap xxiii,268p.; UG Library
364.168 KAU 05036924 Sailing safe in cyberspace : Kaushik, Anjali. Sage publications, 2013 9788132111221 (pbk. : alk. pap xxiii,268p.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 KEN 03007774 The Economics of Innocent Fraud : Galbraith, John Kenneth. Houghton Mifflin, 2004 0618013245 | 978061801324 xi, 62 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
364.168 KOC 05011262 Corruption : Corruption Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 9780230298439 xx, 295 p. Knowledge Centre
364.168 KUM 01029770 Cyber Crimes & Laws / Kumar, Santosh. Whitesmann, 2024 9788119725571 3rd ed. cviii, 924p.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 KUM 07012562 Underground Economy : Kumar B.V Konark Publishers Pvt,Ltd, 2017 9789322008864 xv,392p.: Library - BR Campus
364.168 KUM 07012852 Underground Economy : Kumar B.V Konark Publishers Pvt,Ltd, 2017 9789322008864 xv,392p.: Library - BR Campus
364.168 KUM 00124436 Crimes in Cyber Space-Scams and Frauds Satish Kumar Random Publications, 2016 9789351119135 304 p.: UG Library
364.168 LAL 01029384 Guide to the Prevention of Money Laundering Act & Proceeds of Crime : Lalit, Justice Uday U. Wadhwa Law Chambers, 2022 ccxxx, 1618p, ; Knowledge Centre
364.168 LAM 05075347 Scamistan : Lamba, Chhavi. Notion Press, 2025 9798896734727 xi, 95p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.168 LAM 05075348 Scamistan : Lamba, Chhavi. Notion Press, 2025 9798896734727 xi, 95p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.168 LAM 07015838 Scamistan : Lamba, Chhavi. Notion Press, 2025 9798896734727 xi, 95p. ; Library - BR Campus
364.168 LAV 00145343 Researching cybercrimes : Lavorgna, Anita Palgrave Macmillan 2021 9783030748364 vii:539p. UG Library
364.168 LUC 05046318 Cyberphobia : Lucas Edward Bloomsbury, 2015 9781408850145 306p.: Knowledge Centre
364.168 MAN 01026683 Legal Framework On Cyber Crimes / Mani,Kant. Lawmanns, 9789384668570 3rd Ed. xxviii,452p.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 MAR 01027193 Cybercriminology / Maras, Marie-Helen. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190278441 xviii, 425p.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 MAR 01027828 Cybercrime and its victims / Routledge, 2017 9780367226701 233p.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 MAS 05055370 Black finance : Masciandaro, Donato, E. Elgar, 2007 9781847202154 (hardcover) | 18 xx, 257 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.168 MAT 10005281 You just got cheated! : Mathew, Sibichen K., Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2020 9789353884338 xii,379 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
364.168 MAT 10005368 You just got cheated! : Mathew, Sibichen K., Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2020 9789353884338 xii,379 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
364.168 MAU 07012461 Cyber Mercenaries : Maurer Tim Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107566866 xx,246p.: Library - BR Campus
364.168 MAY 05020114 Stealing the Market Mayer, Martin 0465053629 208 p Knowledge Centre
364.168 MEH 01018454 Cyber crime : Information Science Reference, 2012 9781613503232 (hbk.) | 9781613 3 v. : Knowledge Centre
364.168 MEH 01018455 Cyber crime : Information Science Reference, 2012 9781613503232 (hbk.) | 9781613 3 v. : Knowledge Centre
364.168 MEH 01025173 Law on prevention of money laundering in india : Mehanathan, M C Lexis Nexis, 2017 9788131250969 2nd ed., lvii,919p.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 MEH 01018453 Cyber crime : Information Science Reference, 2012 9781613503232 (hbk.) | 9781613 3 v. : Knowledge Centre
364.168 MEH 01020688 Law on Prevention of Money Laundering in India / Mehanathan M C .Dr LexixNexis, 2014 9789351432012 liii,983p.: Knowledge Centre
364.168 MIN 01011840 Corporate and white-collar crime / SAGE, 9781412934572 (hbk.) | 1412934 xi, 210 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.168 NAR 01028536 The Law of Prevention of Money Laundering : Naroola, R.K. OakBridge Publishing Pvt, 2020 9789389176452 xx, 305p.: Knowledge Centre
364.168 NAR 01019068 The Prevention of Money Laundering Act,2002 / Naryana's Justice P.S Gogia Law Agency, 2013 9788189804480 643 p.: Knowledge Centre
364.168 NAV 05069895 Finance and security : Navias, Martin S. Hurst & Company, 2019 1787381366 | 9781787381360 xi, 310 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.168 PAY 01024985 White-collar crime : Payne, Brian K., Sage, 2017 9781506344775 (pbk. : alk. pap Second Edition. xvii, 485 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.168 PAY 01019401 White-collar crime/ Payne,Brian K. Sage Publications, 2013 9781452219936 xvii,452p.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 POL 01010738 Socioeconomic and Legal Implications of Electronic Intrusion (law Lib) Dionysios Politis Information Science Reference 9781605662046 367p Knowledge Centre
364.168 POS 05046009 God's bankers : Posner, Gerald L. Simon & Schuster, 2015 9781416576570 (hardcover) First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition. xiv, 732 pages, 16 unnumbered pages of plates : Knowledge Centre
364.168 PRA 01006443 Cyber Crime: An Introduction / Prasad, Colonel R S. ICFAI University Press, 2004 x, 197p.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 ROT 01021330 Crimes of globalization / Rothe, Dawn, Routledge, 2015 9780415856300 (hardback) | 978 xxv, 132 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.168 RYD 01021345 Fighting financial crime in the global economic crisis / Routledge, 2015 9780415706933 (hbk.) | 0415706 xiii, 232 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.168 RYD 01021499 The financial crisis and white collar crime : Ryder, Nicholas, Edward Elgar, 2014 9781781000991 | 1781000999 (hb xiii, 323 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.168 SAR 01020261 Commentary On The Prevention of Money-Laundering Act / Sarvaria S.K Universal Law Publishing Co.Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9789350354254 lii,531p.: Knowledge Centre
364.168 SAR 01030289 Commentary On The Prevention of Money-Laundering Act / Sarvaria S.K LexisNexis, 2025 9789391211653 lxxxiii, 868p.: Knowledge Centre
364.168 SEN 00144627 Multimedia Forensics / Sencar, Husrev Taha, Springer, 2022 9789811676239 xii,489p, ; UG Library
364.168 SHA 01024289 Cyber laws Sharma,J.P Ane books pvt ltd., 2016 9789385462313 116p.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 SHA 01026590 Commentary On The Prevention Of Money Laundering Act, 2002 / Shamsuddin. Commercial Law Publishers, 2018 9789387983014 lii, 946 p.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 SHA 01028530 Commentary On The Prevention Of Money Laundering Act, 2002 / Shamsuddin. Commercial Law Publishers, 2021 9789390303427 2nd ed. lvi, 1004 p.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 SHE 01028547 Treatise on Prevention of Money - Laundering Act, 2002 : Sheth,Dilip K Snow White, 2021 9789390740499 lx, 2.730p.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 SIM 01011711 Corporate crime / Ashgate, 9780754624738 | 0754624730 xix, 538 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.168 SIM 01012662 The criminology of white-collar crime / Springer, 9780387095011 (hc alk. paper) xiii, 228 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.168 SIM 01004920 Corporate crime / Ashgate, 9780754624738 | 0754624730 xix, 538 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.168 STE 07011620 Hacked : Steinmetz, Kevin F., New York University Press, 2016 9781479866106 (cl : alk. paper xv, 285 pages ; Library - BR Campus
364.168 SUT 01029352 White Collar Crime : Sutherland, Edwin H. MPP House, 1983 9789391155674 ix, 291p, ; Knowledge Centre
364.168 TAY 01019861 Digital crime and digital terrorism / Prentice Hall, 2011 9780137008773 (alk. paper) | 0 2nd ed. xxiii, 343 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.168 TIM 00144573 Rethinking Cybercrime : Owen, Tim, Palgrave macmillan, 2021 9783030558406 xxiii,262p, ; UG Library
364.168 TIW 01020289 Understanding Laws : Tiwari,Garima. Lexis Nexis, 2014 9789351431633 xii,162p.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 TON 05011333 New perspectives on economic development : Yu, Tony Fu-Lai, Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2011 9789086861606 | 9086861601 189 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.168 TRE 01005262 Crime and Money Laundering( Law Lib.) Jyoti Trehan Oxford University Press 0195673069 253p. Knowledge Centre
364.168 TRE 00094211 Crime and Money Laundering Trehan, Jyoti Oxford University Press, 2004 9780195673067 253 p.: UG Library
364.168 TRE 01006253 CRIME AND MONEY LAUNDERING(LAW LIBRARY) Jyoti Terhan Oxford University Press 0195673069 253p Knowledge Centre
364.168 UNG 05000954 The scale and impacts of money laundering / Unger, Brigitte. Edward Elgar, 1847202233 (hardcover) | 97818 xvi, 228 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.168 VAN 01023652 The Oxford handbook of white-collar crime / Van Slyke Oxford University Press 2016 9780199925513 (hardcover : alk First Edition. xv, 719 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.168 WAL 01013007 Cybercrime Wall,David S Polity Press 9780745627366 276p.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 WAL 05000835 Crime and deviance in cyberspace / Ashgate, 9780754624530 (alk. paper) | 0 xxx, 594 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.168 WAL 01011059 Crime and deviance in cyberspace / Ashgate, 9780754624530 (alk. paper) | 0 xxx, 594 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.168 WHI 01012624 Environmental Crime: White,Rob Willan Publishing 9781843925125 743p.; Knowledge Centre
364.168 YA R 00140985 Cybercrime and sociery / Yar, Majid. Sage publications ltd., 2019 9781526440655 | 9781526440648 3rd edition. x,350p.; UG Library
364.1680922 WHI 05073943 The Lazarus heist : White, Geoff. Penguin, 2022 9780241554265 288p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1680941 WIL 01021343 The origins of modern financial crime : Wilson, Sarah, Routledge, 2014 9780415627634 (hardback) First Edition. x, 257 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.1680952NAG 01010087 Cyber Crime an Corporate Liability (law Lib) Rohas Nagpal Eng 2008 520 p Knowledge Centre
364.1680954 DAS 00092814 Cyber Crime in India (law Lib) M Dasgupta Eastern Law House 9788171772209 419p UG Library
364.1680954 KUM 00131077 Black money and parallel economy: Kumar,Abhishek Regal publications, 2016 9788184845808 xix,316p.; UG Library
364.1680954 LAL 00121433 Cyber security threats/ Lalit,Gulab Chandra Mohit Publications 2014 9788174456922 375p. UG Library
364.1680954 VER 01019509 Cyber crimes in India / Verma,Amita Dr. Central Law Publications, 2012 9789381292723 1st Ed. xxiv,342p.; Knowledge Centre
364.1680954DAS 01011275 Cyber Crime in India (law Lib) M Dasgupta Eastern Law House 9788171772209 419p Knowledge Centre
364.1680954DAS 01011668 Cyber Crime in India (law Lib) M Dasgupta Eastern Law House 9788171772209 419p Knowledge Centre
364.1680973 BER 01028666 White-collar crime : Berger, Ronald J. Lynne Rienner Publishers, | M.P.P.House, 2011 9788194590231 xii, 269 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.1680973 DIM 01021237 An introduction to corporate and white-collar crime / DiMarino, Frank J. CRC Press, 2013 9781439851586 (alk. paper) xix, 266 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.1680973 DIM 01022472 An introduction to corporate and white-collar crime / DiMarino, Frank J. CRC Press, 2013 9781439851586 (alk. paper) xix, 266 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.1680973 GEI 01004834 White-Collar Criminal: The Offender in Business and the Professions (law Lib) Gilbert Geis Aldine Transactions 0202308952 448p. Knowledge Centre
364.1680973 SIM 05068332 Elite deviance / Simon, David R., Routledge, 2018 9781138061200 (pbk.) | 9781138061194 (hardcover) Eleventh Edition. xvii,354p.; Knowledge Centre
364.168BLA 01008930 Banks and financial crime : Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199291724 (alk. paper) xlviii, 495 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.168LEM 01010380 Technocrime: Technology, Crime and Social Control (law Lib) Stephane Leman Willain Publishers 9781843923855 259p Knowledge Centre
364.168MIN 01011174 Corporate and White-Collar Crime(law Lib) John Minkes Sage Publications 9781412934589 210p Knowledge Centre
364.168MUN 01008192 Asian Strategic Review 2007 (law Lib.) S D Muni Academic Foundation 9788171886678 316p. Knowledge Centre
364.168SCH 01006089 Reference Guide to Anti Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (law Library) Paul Allan Schott World Bank 0821365134 xvi + i-1 - x-11 + annexi-1 - annex viii-2 p. Knowledge Centre
364.168YAR 01011192 Cybercrime and Society (law Lib) Majid Yar Sage Publications 1412907543 185p Knowledge Centre
364.1740973 CUS 01022471 Pornography and the criminal justice system / Cusack, Carmen M., CRC Press, 2015 9781482260014 (pbk. : alk. pap xv, 274 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.1770941 BEA 01021344 Drugs and crime / Bean, Philip, Routledge, 2014 9780415657303 (hbk) | 97804156 Fourth edition. xiii, 304 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.1770954 CHA 05020113 Drug Culture in India: MSW Shelf Charles, Molly Rawat Publications 316p Knowledge Centre
364.177BEA 01000246 Drugs and Crime (law Lib) Philip Bean LAWMAN 8175040343 212p Knowledge Centre
364.177BEA 01004947 Drugs and Crime (law Lib) Philip Bean LAWMAN 8175040343 212p Knowledge Centre
364.177BEA 01010368 Drugs and Crime (law Lib) Philip Bean Willain Publishers 9781843923312 315p Knowledge Centre
364.1792 HOG 00135653 Hunting El Chapo : Hogan,Andrew. Harper Collins, 2018 9780008245856 xii,339p.; UG Library
364.18 KRU 00106707 Birds' Beasts and Bandits 14 Days With veerappan Krupakar and Senani Penguin Books; 2011 9780143415107 xi, 175 p. UG Library
364.18 KUM 00127077 Veerappan / Kumar K Vijay Rupa 2017 9788129145307 249p. UG Library
364.18 WHI 01025979 Transnational environmental crime / White, Rob Ashgate publishing pvt limited., 2013 9781409447856 (hbk) | 14094478 xxix, 535 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.185 THO 00095726 Beneath the grinding stone : Thomson, Koy. Actionaid ; | Books for Change, 9788182910836 (pbk.) | 8182910 vii, 95 p. : UG Library
364.2 BEA 01025176 Biosocial theories of crime / Beaver, Kevin M. Ashgate, 2010 9780754629191 (hbk.) | 0754629 xxvi, 496 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.2 FER 01011876 Violent crime : SAGE, 9781412959926 (alk. paper) | 1 xvii, 398 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.2 GIU 00143437 Guns and Crime : Gius,Mark. CRC press, 2017 9780367595906 xx,111p,; UG Library
364.2 VOL 01000208 Theoretical Criminology (law Lib) George Vold Oxford University Press 0195142020 346p Knowledge Centre
364.2095 VYA 05020104 Poverty Reduction in Developing Countries Experience from Asia & Africa (UGC Outonomous Grant) (MSW) Vyas, V S Rawat Publications 8170335101 315p Knowledge Centre
364.22 WOR 01010369 Environmental criminology and crime analysis / Willan, 2008 1843922819 (hbk.) | 9781843922 xxi, 294 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.24 DAV 01017639 Gender, crime and victimisation / Davies, Pamela. Sage Publications, 2010 9781847870278 (cloth) | 978184 1st ed. 221 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.24 WAL 05059881 Gender, crime, and criminal justice / Walklate, Sandra. Willan, 2001 1903240417 | 1903240409 (pbk.) ix, 201 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.25 BEA 01018804 Criminological theory : Jones and Bartlett publishers, 2011 9780763771362 xxi, 279.; Knowledge Centre
364.25 COO 05055332 Criminal and social justice Cook, Dee. SAGE Publications, 2006 9781847877390 | 076194009X (ca 212 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.25 FER 01007610 CULTURAL CRIMINOLOGY UNLEASHED(LAW LIBRARY) Jeff Ferell GLASS HOUSE 1904385370 321p Knowledge Centre
364.25 FER 01012108 Cultural criminology : Ferrell, Jeff. SAGE, 9781412931267 (hbk.) | 1412931 viii, 240 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.25 FER 01011838 Cultural criminology : Ferrell, Jeff. SAGE, 9781412931267 (hbk.) | 1412931 viii, 240 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.25 FRI 05047938 Crime and the global political economy / Friman, H Richard Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2009 9781588266767 (alk. paper) | 1 vii, 215 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.25 KUM 00145980 Theories of Crime Causation Kumar Sanjeev Random Publications, 2023 9788196035884 1st ed, X,274p.; UG Library
364.25 MOH 05020103 Leisure and Crimne: [MSW] Mohammad, M Hussainat Rawat Publications 236p Knowledge Centre
364.250954 RUS 05020102 Children of Kali: Through India in Search of Bandits, the Thug, Cult and the British Raj [MA.SOC ] Rushby, Kevin 0140302999 291p Knowledge Centre
364.254 CLI 05060748 Media and crime : Clifford, Katrina, Oxford University Press, 2017 9780195598285 | 0195598288 vii,315p.; Knowledge Centre
364.254 MAR 00144964 Crime, Justice And The Media Marsh, Ian Routledge, 2019 9781138362253 Thrid Edition vii,296p,; UG Library
364.254 TRA 00112592 Globalisation mass Media and Indian cultural values Traber, Michael ISPCK 2003 8172147538 200p UG Library
364.256 BRA 01023194 Inequality, crime, and public policy / Braithwaite, John. Routledge and K. Paul, 1979 9780415858120 xiii, 332 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.256 ROW 00128575 Race & crime : Rowe, Michael, SAGE, 2012 9781849207270 (pbk.) vii, 216 p. : UG Library
364.2560954 GOY 05019792 Anti-Social Patterns of Begging and Beggers (MA Soc) Goyal, O P Isha Books 8182051509 336p Knowledge Centre
364.256GAB 01011155 Race, Ethnicity, Crime and Justice: An International Dilemma (law Lib) Shaun L Gabbidon Sage Publications 9781412949880 241p Knowledge Centre
364.3 AIN 01000280 Offender Profiling and Crime Analysis (law Library ) Peter B Ainsworth LAWMAN 8175040270 197p Knowledge Centre
364.3 BAR 05037348 Criminal behavior : Bartol, Curt R., Pearson Education/Prentice Hall, 2011 9780135050507 (alk. paper) | 0 9th ed. xxiii, 647 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.3 BAR 05040601 Criminal behavior : Bartol, Curt R., Pearson, 2014 9780132973199 (alk. paper) | 0 10th ed. xxiii, 644 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.3 BAR 05070071 Criminal behavior : Bartol, Curt R., Pearson Education Limited, 2017 9781292157719 666p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.3 BAR 05070072 Criminal behavior : Bartol, Curt R., Pearson Education Limited, 2017 9781292157719 666p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.3 BAR 05070073 Criminal behavior : Bartol, Curt R., Pearson Education Limited, 2017 9781292157719 666p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.3 BER 05060764 The Oxford handbook of offender decision making / Bernasco, Wim Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199338801 xv, 755p.; Knowledge Centre
364.3 BHA 01019381 Studies on criminological psychology / Bharti.A Cyber Tech Publications, 2012 9788178849751 286p.; Knowledge Centre
364.3 BOR 01016474 Serial offenders : Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2012 9780763777302 | 0763777307 1st ed. xii, 316 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.3 CAM 09000312 Managing personality disordered offenders : Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198791874 (hbk.) | 0198791879 (hbk.) First edition. x, 221 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
364.3 CAM 05068106 Managing personality disordered offenders : Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198791874 (hbk.) | 0198791879 (hbk.) First edition. x, 221 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.3 CAN 05068506 Criminal Psychology / Canter, David. Routledge, 2017 9780415714792 (hardback : alk. paper) 2nd ed. vi, 288p.; Knowledge Centre
364.3 CAN 05019793 Criminal psychology Canter, David V. Hodder Education, 2008 9780340928929 | 0340928921 xii, 304 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.3 CAN 09000085 Criminal Psychology / Canter, David. Routledge, 2017 9780415714792 (hardback : alk. paper) 2nd ed. vi, 288p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
364.3 CAN 01014231 Investigative psychology : Canter, David V. John Wiley & Sons, 9780470023969 (cloth) | 978047 470p. cm. Knowledge Centre
364.3 CAN 00107145 Criminal psychology Canter, David V. Hodder Education, 2008 9780340928929 | 0340928921 xii, 304 p. : UG Library
364.3 CHA 05069483 Psycho-criminological perspective of criminal justice in Asia : Routledge, 2017 9781138365872 xviii, 298 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.3 CHA 09000546 Psycho-criminological perspective of criminal justice in Asia : Routledge, 2017 9781138365872 xviii, 298 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
364.3 CRO 01019807 Creativity and crime : Cropley, David. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107024854 (hardback : alk. vii,250p.; Knowledge Centre
364.3 FAR 00112981 Labeling theory Farrington, David P. Transaction Publihers 2014 9781412842464 (alk. paper) viii, 269 pages : UG Library
364.3 FEL 05020111 Crime and Nature [msw-Section] Felson, Marcus 0076192910 391p Knowledge Centre
364.3 GAD 05055324 Psychosocial criminology / Gadd, David, SAGE, 2007 9781412900782 (hbk.) | 1412900 vii, 206 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.3 GAI 00141229 Introduction to Criminal Psychology Gaikwad, Umakant Subhash ABD Publishers 2021 9788183767354 300p UG Library
364.3 GAI 00144325 Introduction to Criminal Psychology Gaikwad, Umakant Subhash ABD Publishers 2021 9788183767354 300p UG Library
364.3 HEL 05020130 Criminal Behavior: Theories, Typologies, and Criminal Justice Helfgott, Jacqueline B 9781412904872 605 p Knowledge Centre
364.3 HEL 05020131 Criminal Behavior: Theories, Typologies, and Criminal Justice Helfgott, Jacqueline B 9781412904872 605 p Knowledge Centre
364.3 HOL 01011868 Profiling violent crimes : Holmes, Ronald M. Sage, 9781412959971 (cloth) | 141295 xix, 319 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.3 HOW 05057228 Introduction to forensic and criminal psychology / Howitt, Dennis. Pearson, 2015 9781292003047 Fifth ed. xxx, 634 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.3 HOW 05038653 Introduction to forensic and criminal psychology / Howitt, Dennis. Pearson, 2012 9780273736219 (pbk.) | 0273736 4th ed. xxxiv, 604 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.3 JON 07010379 Disordered personalities and crime : Jones, David W. Routledge, 2016 9780415502177 (pbk. : alk. pap x, 295 pages ; Library - BR Campus
364.3 KIR 01018252 The psychology of cyber crime : Kirwan, Grainne, Information Science Reference, 2012 9781613503508 (hbk.) | 9781613 xxiv,277 p.: Knowledge Centre
364.3 KOD 05020105 Textbook of Criminal Psychology (MSW) Kodanji, Kersi Shiamak Dominant Publishers and Distributors 8178882094 254p Knowledge Centre
364.3 KOD 05019795 Text Book of Criminal Psychology - M.Sc Psychology Shelf Kodanji, Kersi Shiamak Dominant 244p Knowledge Centre
364.3 KUM 01022784 Criminal Psychology / Kumar Navin LexisNexis, 2015 9789351434238 xvi,158p.: Knowledge Centre
364.3 OPP 00146745 Analytical criminology : Opp, Karl-Dieter Routledge, 2022 9781032336428 xvi,242p. ; UG Library
364.3 OST 05068325 Neuropsychology of criminal behavior / Ostrosky, Feggy, Routledge, 2018 9781138092129 (paper back : alk. paper) | 9781138092112 (hard back : alk. paper) 1 Edition. ix,142p.; Knowledge Centre
364.3 OST 09000149 Neuropsychology of criminal behavior / Ostrosky, Feggy, Routledge, 2018 9781138092129 (paper back : alk. paper) | 9781138092112 (hard back : alk. paper) 1 Edition. ix,142p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
364.3 PAK 05020112 Psychology and crime : Pakes, Francis J. Willan Publishing, 9781843922605 (hbk.) | 1843922 xvi, 237 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.3 RAN 01027779 Studies on criminological psychology/ Rani, Navinta Random publishers, 2018 9789386391032 284p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.3 SAM 01027813 Psychology and crime / Sammons, Aidan. Routledge, 2019 9780815369288 2nd ed. x,216 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.3 SAM 09000155 Psychology and crime / Sammons, Aidan. Routledge, 2019 9780815369288 2nd ed. x,216 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
364.3 SIL 01011839 Gender & crime / Silvestri, Marisa. SAGE, 1412911982 (hbk.) | 9781412911 262 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.3 SIN 10002179 Studies on criminological psychology/ Singh,Gajendra Random ppublications, 2022 9789390780693 viii,319p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
364.3 SIN 00141287 Criminal and Forensic Psychology / Singh, Agyajit SSDN Publishers and Distributors 2021 9789388950367 01 v, 175 p. ; UG Library
364.3 SOO 01012323 Understanding criminal careers / Soothill, Keith. Willan, 1843925036 (hbk.) | 9781843925 xv, 204 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.3 TIW 07014288 Criminological Psychology/ Tiwari,Hema Random Publications, 2019 9789352691333 VIII,261 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
364.3 WAL 01019889 The neurobiology of criminal behavior : Walsh, Anthony, Ashgate, 2012 9781409438410 (hardback : alk. xiv, 216 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.3 WAL 01020581 Crime in a psychological context Walters, Glenn D. SAGE, 2012 9781412996082 (pbk.) | 1412996 269p.: Knowledge Centre
364.3 WAN 05055331 Criminal conduct & substance abuse treatment : Wanberg, Kenneth W. Sage Publications, 9781412905923 (pbk.) | 1412905 xvi, 371, 3 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.3 WAN 05020129 Criminal conduct & substance abuse treatment : Wanberg, Kenneth W. Sage Publications, 9781412905923 (pbk.) | 1412905 xvi, 371, 3 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.3 WEB 01013456 Psychology & crime / Webber, Craig. SAGE, 141291941X (hbk.) | 9781412919 xi, 212 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.3 WOR 05041107 Psychological criminology : Wortley, Richard Routledge, 2011 9781843928065 (hardback) | 184 xi, 271 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.3 YOU 01025978 The behavioural analysis of crime : Youngs, Donna, Ashgate Publishing limited., 2013 9780754626220 (hbk : alk. pape xii, 313 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.3 ZAI 00140708 Applied criminal psychology: Zaiden,L.N Magnum publishing, 2019 9781682505793 xiii,335p.; UG Library
364.3019 KAR 01022249 Emotions, crime and justice / Hart Pub., 2011 9781849466837 xiii, 380 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.3083 AHU 00060381 Youth and Crime Ahuja, Ram Rawat Publications 1996 8170333342 136 p . UG Library
364.34 KHA 05020128 Khaki and the Ethnic Violence in India [ma.Sociology] Khalidi, Omar Three Essays 8188789089 125p Knowledge Centre
364.34 PAR 00099282 Crime Psychology Parmar R G Paradise Publishers, 9789380033112 vii, 180 p. UG Library
364.34 PAT 05048159 Race crime and resistance / Patel, Tina G. Sage Publications, 2011 9781849203999 199 p. Knowledge Centre
364.340954 KHA 05020127 Khaki and the Ethinic Violence in India [ MA-SOC ] Khalidi, Omar Three Essays 8188789097 126p Knowledge Centre
364.3496073MAR 01007985 RACIALIZING JUSTICE, DISENFRANCHISING LIVES:THE RACISM CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND LAW READER(LAW Lib) Manning Marable Palgrave Macmillan 9781403977670 387p Knowledge Centre
364.36 ECH 00139535 Juvenile Crimes-A Peep into Reality : by ECHO ECHO Centre for Juvenile Justice, 2014 xxii,69p.; UG Library
364.36 BAT 01024975 Juvenile delinquency in a diverse society / Bates, Kristin Ann, Sage publication Inc., 2018 9781506347493 (pbk. : alk. pap Second edition. xix, 492 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.36 BUR 01016470 Juvenile Delinquency : Burfeind, James W., Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2011 9780763758103 | 0763758108 2nd ed. xxi, 382 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.36 DUG 05020126 Youth Justice and Social Work [MSW-SECTION] Dugmore, Paul Learning Matters 9781844450664 193 p Knowledge Centre
364.36 HOW 01011166 Preventing and reducing juvenile delinquency : Howell, James C. SAGE, 2009 9781412956383 (pbk.) | 1412956 2nd ed. xviii, 377 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.36 HOW 05055355 Preventing & reducing juvenile delinquency : Howell, James C. Sage Publications, 2003 0761925082 | 0761925090 (pbk.) xix, 393 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.36 MIL 00128076 Pathways to self-discovery and change : Milkman, Harvey B. SAGE, 2012 9781452217895 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xiii, 400 p. : UG Library
364.36 MUN 01011873 Youth and Crime Muncie,John Sage Publication 9781847874320 463p Knowledge Centre
364.36 NAV 00115310 CHILDHOOD CRISIS Navreet DPH 2003 8171417574 153 P. UG Library
364.36 SHO 05003891 Theories of delinquency : Shoemaker, Donald J. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195374179 6th ed. xi, 388 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.36 TAP 00000491 Juvenile Delinquency Tappan, Paul W Mcgraw-Hill Book Company 1949 614 p . UG Library
364.36 WIN 01021392 Juvenile justice : CRC Press, 2015 9781466579675 (hardback) viii,403p.; Knowledge Centre
364.36 ZIM 00133155 Juvenile justice in global perspective / Zimring,Franklin E. Sage Publications Pvt Ltd, 2017 9789352800452 | 1479826537 (cl : alk. paper) ix, 434 p. ; UG Library
364.36 ZIM 05062678 Juvenile justice in global perspective / Zimring, Franklin E., ed. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2017 9789352800452 ix, 434p. Knowledge Centre
364.36 ZIM 05062057 Juvenile justice in global perspective / ZImring,Franklin E. Sage, 2017 9781479826537 (cl : alk. paper) | 1479826537 (cl : alk. paper) viii,434p.; Knowledge Centre
364.36094 WIK 01009481 Adolescent Crime:Individual Differnces and Lifestyles (law Lib) Per Olof H Wikstrom Willain Publishers 9781843923695 286p Knowledge Centre
364.360941 CAS 01012324 Understanding Youth Offending: Case, Stephen Willan Publishers 2009 9781843923411 352p.; Knowledge Centre
364.36094103GOL 01010367 Dictionary of Youth Justice (law Lib) Barry Goldson Willain Publishers 9781843922933 465p Knowledge Centre
364.360942BUR 01010381 Young People, Crime and Justice (law Lib) Roger Hopkins Burke Willain Publishers 9781843923671 294p Knowledge Centre
364.360954 KUM 05020125 The Juvenile justice system in India; Kumari,Ved Oxford university press; 9780198065777 xxi;406 p. Knowledge Centre
364.360954 KUM 00098906 The Juvenile justice system in India; Kumari,Ved Oxford university press; 9780198065777 xxi;406 p. UG Library
364.360954 KUM 01003247 Juvenile Justice System in India:From Welfare to Rights (law Lib) Ved Kumari Oxford University Press 0195665511 353p Knowledge Centre
364.360954 KUM 01000178 Juvenile Justice System in India:From Welfare to Rights (law Lib) Ved Kumari Oxford University Press 0195665511 353p Knowledge Centre
364.360954 KUM 01025123 The Juvenile justice: Kumari Ved. Lexis Nexis, 2017 97893503598772 xx,216p.; Knowledge Centre
364.360954 SIN 00107070 An Outline Of Juvenile Delinquency S P Singh Sublime Publications 2010 9788181921697 250 p. UG Library
364.360973 BON 05037627 Reforming juvenile justice Bonnie, Richard J The National Academies Press, 2013 9780309278904 (pbk.) | 0309278 xix, 442 p. Knowledge Centre
364.360973 BAJ 01027781 Juvenile Justice : Bajpai, G.S. Bloombury, 2019 9789388414630 ix, 307p.; Knowledge Centre
364.360973 CCL 01026582 Frequently asked questions on the juvenile justice ( Care and protection of children) Act 2015 And The Juvenile Justice ( Care and protection of children) model rules 2016 / Centre For Child And The Law, CCl And NLSIU, 2018 9789383363551 xlvi,358p.; Knowledge Centre
364.360973 COX 01011146 Juvenile justice : Sage Publications, 2008 9781412951333 (pbk.) | 1412951 6th ed. xvi, 417 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.360973 COX 00130479 Juvenile Justice : Cox, Steven M. SAGE, 2014 9781452258232 8th edition. xv, 448 p. : UG Library
364.360973 HEI 05054461 APA handbook of psychology and juvenile justice / American Psychological Association, 2016 9781433819674 | 1433819678 First edition. xxvi, 735 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.360973 KRI 05058302 Juvenile justice and delinquency / Krisberg, Barry, Sage, 2018 9781506329239 (pbk. : alk. pap xi, 216 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.360973 LAW 01011866 Juvenile justice : Lawrence, Richard Sage Publications, 9781412950367 (pbk. : acidfree xx, 604 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.360973 PAT 05045247 Juvenile Delinquency : Patel,Bharat R. Shree Niwas Publications, 2015 9789350320815 250p.; Knowledge Centre
364.360973 REG 01016467 Delinquency in society : Regoli, Robert M. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2011 9780763777906 (pbk.) | 0763777 xxi, 547 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.360973 SHO 01019022 Juvenile justice : Shoemaker, Donald J. ABC-CLIO, 2005 1576076415 (alk. paper) | 1576 xiv, 223 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.360973 SIE 05055323 Juvenile delinquency : Siegel, Larry J., Thomson/Wadsworth, 2007 0495095427 (pbk. se) | 0495382 3rd ed. xxiv, 443 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.360973 SPR 01016472 Juvenile justice and Delinquency / Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2011 9780763760564 | 0763760560 xxix, 492 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.360973 WHE 01018555 Juvenile Justice Whitehead, John.T. Anderson Publishing; 2013 9781455778928 7th ed. 484p. Knowledge Centre
364.360973 WIN 01022466 Juvenile justice and delinquency / Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2011 9781498740357 xxix, 492 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.360973 WRO 01008351 Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice (law Library) Henry M Wrobleski Brooks/cole Publishing Company 0534519210 614 p. Knowledge Centre
364.36MAC 01010790 Prevention and Control of Delinquency (law Lib) Robert M Maclver Aldine Transactions 0202361608 215p Knowledge Centre
364.36MAC 01010880 Prevention and Control of Delinquency (law Lib) Robert M Maclver Aldine Transactions 0202361608 215p Knowledge Centre
364.37 BRO 01000238 Crime Abuse and the Elderly (law Library ) Milke Brogden LAWMAN 8175040246 191p Knowledge Centre
364.37 GAR 01021417 The Oxford handbook of gender, sex, and crime / Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199838707 (hardcover : alk xi,723p.; Knowledge Centre
364.37 MOR 05055339 Understanding Gender, Crime, and Justice / Morash, Merry. Sage, 2006 0000761905 | 9780761926306 xv,311p.; Knowledge Centre
364.374 CHA 05046089 Dongri To Dubai : Zaidi,Hussain S. Roli Books, 2012 9788174368942 xxi; 378 p.; Knowledge Centre
364.374 BAJ 01000026 Female Criminality in India ( Law Library) Anju Bajpai Yrawat 8170336074 200p Knowledge Centre
364.374 BAJ 05020124 Female Criminality in India: MSW Shelf Bajpai, Anju Rawat Publications 8170336074 198p Knowledge Centre
364.374 CHA 04017284 Dongri To Dubai : Zaidi,Hussain S. Roli Books, 2012 9788174368942 xxi; 378 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
364.374 CHE 01019413 Girls,women,and crime Chesney-Lind,Meda Sage Publications, 2013 9781412996709 2nd ed. xiv,265p,; Knowledge Centre
364.374 CHU 00121144 Women and Crime Chugh Banita Rajat Publications, 2015 9788178806808 282 p.: UG Library
364.374 CHU 01021775 Women and Crime / Chugh,Babita. Rajat Publications, 2015 9788178806808 282p.; Knowledge Centre
364.374 KUM 05055346 Women and Crime / Kumar A Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2006 8126125160 393p.; Knowledge Centre
364.374 ZAI 00109603 Dongri To Dubai : Zaidi,Hussain S. Roli Books, 2012 9788174368942 xxi; 378 p.; UG Library
364.3740954 KUM 07014234 Coming Back to the City Mumbai Stories / Kumar Anuradha Speaking Tiger, 2019 9789389231519 316p.: Library - BR Campus
364.3740954 ZAI 05024833 Mafia Queens of Mumbai / Zaidi, Hussain Tranquebar, 2011 9789380283777 290 p.: Knowledge Centre
364.3740973 CHE 01019411 The female offender Chesney-Lind,Meda Sage Publications, 2013 9781412996693 3rd ed. 224p.; Knowledge Centre
364.3740973 DAT 01026438 Gender Psychology And Justice : Datchi, Corinne C. New York University Press, 2017 9781479885848 vi,319p.; Knowledge Centre
364.379 CHE 05059880 Girls, women, and crime : Sage Publications, 2004 0761928286 (Paper) viii, 257 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.38 CHA 09000419 Intellectual disability : Chafetz, Michael D. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199998111 (alk. paper) xiii, 206 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
364.38 CHA 05067675 Intellectual disability : Chafetz, Michael D. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199998111 (alk. paper) xiii, 206 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.38 CUM 10002150 Challenges in mental health and policing: Cummins, Ian Policy press, 2022 9781447360841 x,149p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
364.38 LIE 01024634 Psychiatric criminlogy Liebert, John A. CRC press, 2017 9781498714174 xviii,405p.; Knowledge Centre
364.380973 GRI 01023085 The sequential intercept model and criminal justice : Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199826759 (hardback) xi, 302 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.3BAR 01011141 Current Perspectives in Forensic Psychology and Criminal Behavior(law Lib) Curt R Bartol Sage Publications 9781412958318 329p Knowledge Centre
364.3GAD 01011156 Psychosocial Criminology: An Introduction (law Lib) David Gadd Sage Publications 9781412900799 206p Knowledge Centre
364.3HEL1 01011164 Criminal Behavior:Theories Typologies and Criminal Justice(law Lib) Jacqueline Helfgott Sage Publications 9781412904872 605p Knowledge Centre
364.3JON 01009616 Understading Crimuinal Behaviour:Phychosocial Approaches to Criminality David W Jones Willain Publishers 9781843923039 310p Knowledge Centre
364.3PAK 01011007 Criminal Psychology (law Lib) Francis Pakes Willain Publishers 9781843923640 180p Knowledge Centre
364.3PET 01008435 Serial Crime: Theoretical and Practical Issues in Behavioral Profiling Wayne Petherick Academic Press 9780120885121 256p. Knowledge Centre
364.4 TIL 01007652 Handbook of Crime Prevention and Community Safety(law Lid.) Nick Tilley Willain Publishers 1843920190 782p Knowledge Centre
364.4 AND 01026297 Handbook of crime prevention and community safety / Routledge, 2017 9781138851054 (hardback) | 9781138851061 (pbk.) Second edition. xxvi, 599 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.4 CAN 05020136 Criminal psychology : Canter, David V. Hodder Education, 9780340928929 | 0340928921 xii, 304 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.4 COD 01013029 Computer-aided fraud prevention and detection : Coderre, David G. Wiley & Sons, 9780470392430 (cloth) p. cm. Knowledge Centre
364.4 EVA 01020585 Crime prevention Evans, Karen, Sage Pub., 2011 9781847870674 | 1847870678 | 9 214p.: Knowledge Centre
364.4 FAR 05055371 Early prevention of adult antisocial behaviour / Cambridge University Press, 2003 0521651948 xiii, 379 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.4 FEN 01008427 Handbook of Loss Prevention and Crime Prevention Lawrence J Fennelly Butterworth Heinemann 0750674539 510p. Knowledge Centre
364.4 FRA 01004922 PATHWAYS AND CRIME PREVENTION (LAW LIBRARY) Alan France Willain Publishers 9781843922018 368p Knowledge Centre
364.4 KEN 01027685 Crime and terrorism risk : Routledge, 2011 9780415991827 (pbk.) | 9780203894477 (ebook) xx, 282 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.4 KNE 01010754 Urban crime prevention, surveillance, and restorative justice : CRC Press, 9781420084375 | 1420084372 xxxiii, 223 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.4 KRA 00147336 Contesting crime science : Kramer, Ronald University of California press, 2022 9780520299580 | 9780520299597 ix, 260 pages cm UG Library
364.4 MAR 05067174 The rules of security : Martin, Paul, Oxford University Press, 2019 9780198852070 First edition. ix, 256 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.4 SCH 01026148 Global perspectives on crime prevention and community resilience / Routledge, 2018 9781498748971 (hardback) xlvi, 313 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.4 SHA 01006631 Crime Prevention(law Library) Henry Shaftoe Palgrave Macmillan 0333921283 246p Knowledge Centre
364.4 SHA 07007215 The responsibility to prevent : Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198717782 (hardback) | 019 First edition. xvii, 455 pages : Library - BR Campus
364.4 SHE 01008482 Evidence-based crime prevention / Routledge, 2002 0415270472 xiv, 440 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.4 SUT 01010939 Crime Prevention: Principles, Perspectives and Practices (law Lib) Adam Sutton Cambridge University Press 9780521684255 191p Knowledge Centre
364.4 WEL 05003882 Making public places safer : Welsh, Brandon, Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195326215 (cloth : alk. pa 168 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.4 ZAV 01025715 Big data, crime and social control / Završnik, Aleš, Routledge, 2018 9781138227453 (hardback) 1 Edition. xvii, 229 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.403 NEW 05055322 The Encyclopedia of High-Tech Crime and Crime-Fighting from Airport Security to the Zyx Computer Virus / Newton, Michael. Viva Books Private Limited, 2005 8176499943 | 9788176499941 377p.; Knowledge Centre
364.4045 PAT 00142079 Social work practice in the criminal justice system / Patterson,George T. Routledge, 2020 9780367230425 2nd ed. xix,222p.; UG Library
364.409 GOS 00141567 Symbolic Violence and structural violence / Goswami,Sribas.-ed New Delhi Publishers, 2021 9788194741701 232p.; UG Library
364.40951 ZHO 01014419 Communities, crime and social capital in contemporary China / Zhong, Lena. Willan, 9781843924050 (hbk.) | 1843924 xiii, 277 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.41 MAG 01004924 Oxford Hand Book of Criminology, Fourth Ed. (law Lib) Mike Maguire Oxford University Press 9780199205431 1185p. Knowledge Centre
364.4104 CON 01026333 Modern Studies in Property Law / Hart Publishing, 2017 9781782257547 xii,336p.; Knowledge Centre
364.4152 WAG 00094151 Stranglers and bandits : Kim, A Wagner Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195698152 | 0195698150 xvi, 318 p. : UG Library
364.42086 CLA 01008462 Policies and Perceptions of Insurance Law in the Twenty First Century Malcolm Clarke Oxford University Press 0199273308 374p. Knowledge Centre
364.43 PAT 01012816 Social Security for the Aged in India Patil,G.B Karnataka Institute for Law and Parliamentary Reform 374p.; Knowledge Centre
364.440954 CHO 07011819 Demystifying criminal justice social work in India / Sage, 2017 9789386062475 (print (hb) : al xlix,297p.; Library - BR Campus
364.440954 CHO 01024986 Demystifying criminal justice social work in India / Sage, 2017 9789386062475 (print (hb) : al xlix,297p.; Knowledge Centre
364.48 DAV 07011914 Individual psychological therapies in forensic settings : Routledge 2017 9781138955714 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138955721 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1 Edition. xiii, 275 pages ; Library - BR Campus
364.48 GUP 05020135 Effective Guidance and Counselling: Modern Methods and Techniques Gupta, Manju Mangal Deep Publications 8175941294 234p Knowledge Centre
364.48 SWA 05045319 Counselling Methods & Techniques / Swami, Satpal Black Prints, 2013 9789382036142 232 p. Knowledge Centre
364.49091732 TED 05072953 Crime, bodies and space : Tedeschi, Miriam. Routledge, 2020 9780367075996 1 Edition. xiv, 258p, ; Knowledge Centre
364.4GRA 01010376 Raising the Bar: Preventing Aggression in and Around Bars, Pubs and Clubs (law Lib) Kathryn Graham Willain Publishers 9781843923183 296p Knowledge Centre
364.4TIL1 01011005 Crime Prevention (law Lib) Nick Tiley Willain Publishers 9781843923947 210p Knowledge Centre
364.6 SID 01020192 Ahmad Siddique's Criminology and Penology / Siddique,Ahmad Eastern Book Company, 2009 9788170121817 | 9789350289761 6th ed. 680p.; Knowledge Centre
364.6 SID 01014123 Ahmad Siddique's Criminology and Penology / Siddique,Ahmad Eastern Book Company, 2009 9788170121817 | 9789350289761 6th ed. 680p.; Knowledge Centre
364.6 8UN 01007798 Handbook on Restorative Justice Programmes (law Lib.) United Nations UNITED NATION Publications 9211337542 105p. Knowledge Centre
364.6 BRO 01019046 Punishment / Brooks, Thom. Routledge, 2013 9780415431811 (hbk.) | 9780415 xii,282p.; Knowledge Centre
364.6 CHA 01000503 Penology & Correctional Administration / Isha Books, 2006 8182053501 | 9788182053502 284p.; Knowledge Centre
364.6 DUF 01013926 A reader on punishment / Oxford University Press, 0198763522 (acidfree paper) | vi, 351 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.6 FAL 01025049 Punishment and culture : Falcón y Tella, María José. M. Nijhoff 2006 9004151494 (acidfree paper) xix, 267 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.6 GIO 01024548 Re-thinking the political economy of punishment : Giorgi,Alessandro De Routledge , 2006 9781138253957 xiv, 167pages. Knowledge Centre
364.6 HAN 01024972 Introduction to corrections / Hanser, Robert D., Sage publications Inc., 2017 9781506306759 (pbk. : alk. pap Second edition. xxvii, 476 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.6 JHO 00130461 Experiencing Corrections : Johnson, Lee Michael SAGE, 2012 9781412988476 | 1412988470 xvi, 279 p. ; UG Library
364.6 JON 01026133 Punishment / Routledge, 2015 9780415835503 | 9780415835510 4 Volumes Knowledge Centre
364.6 JON 01026134 Punishment / Routledge, 2015 9780415835503 | 9780415835510 4 Volumes Knowledge Centre
364.6 JON 01026135 Punishment / Routledge, 2015 9780415835503 | 9780415835510 4 Volumes Knowledge Centre
364.6 JON 01026136 Punishment / Routledge, 2015 9780415835503 | 9780415835510 4 Volumes Knowledge Centre
364.6 KHA 01030156 Crime, Punishment and Due Sentence : Khan, Humayun Rasheed. LexisNexis, 2024 9788119403868 lxvi, 714p.; Knowledge Centre
364.6 KHA 01030290 Crime, Punishment and Due Sentence : Khan, Humayun Rasheed. LexisNexis, 2024 9788119403868 lxvi, 714p.; Knowledge Centre
364.6 MUL 01026488 Research handbook on the international penal system / Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., 2016 9781783472161 (e-book) 1 online resource (544 p.) ; Knowledge Centre
364.6 PAR 01019507 Criminology and Penalogy with Victimology / Paranjape N.V. Central Law Publications, 2011 9789381292105 15th Ed. xxxvi,847p.; Knowledge Centre
364.6 PAR 01001487 Criminology and Penology(law Lib.) N V Paranjape CENTRAL LAW PUBLICATION 660p. Knowledge Centre
364.6 PRA 01007540 PENAL POPULISM(LAW LIBRARY) John Pratt ROUTLEDGE 9780415385084 210p Knowledge Centre
364.6 WEL 01026108 Rights forfeiture and punishment / Wellman, Christopher Heath, Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190274764 (hardcover : alk xi, 228p.; Knowledge Centre
364.601 ALT 01029013 A theory of legal punishment : Altman, Matthew C. Routledge, 2021 9780367698102 vi, 299p, ; Knowledge Centre
364.601 BOO 05020134 The problem of punishment / Boonin, David. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521883160 (hardback) | 052 x, 299 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.601 CAR 01026084 The preventive turn in criminal law / Carvalho, Henrique, Oxford University Press, 2017 9780198737858 | 0198737858 First edition. xvi, 207 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.601 MAT 01003634 Punishment and Political Theory (law Lib) Matt Matravers Hart 1901362884 167p Knowledge Centre
364.601 MEL 05059514 The political economy of punishment today : Routledge, 2018 9781138686281 (hardback) 1 Edition. xv, 247 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.601 SCO 01019808 Why prison? / Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107030749 | 1107030749 xxii, 381 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.601 SHU 07009585 Punishment and the history of political philosophy : Shuster, Arthur, University of Toronto Press, 2016 9781442647282 (bound) | 144264 180 pages ; Library - BR Campus
364.6010954 HRL 00069579 Can Society Escape the Noose? the Death Penalty in India Walia, Arunjeev Singh Human Rights Law Network in India 2004 1035p UG Library
364.601B00 01009672 Problem of Punishment (law Lib) David Booin Cambridge University Press 9780521709613 299p Knowledge Centre
364.601BEN 01010590 Apology Ritual: A Philosophical Theory of Punishment (law Lib) Christopher Bennett Cambridge University Press 9780521880725 210p Knowledge Centre
364.601BOO 01009381 Problem of Punishment (law Lib) David Boonin Cambridge University Press 299p Knowledge Centre
364.601JOH 01007631 Restorative Justice Reader / Gerry,Johnstone. Willan Publsihing, 2003 0001903240 510 p.; Knowledge Centre
364.601JOH 01000289 Restorative Justice Gerry Johnstone LAWMAN 8175040386 190p Knowledge Centre
364.601UNP 01007824 Handbook of Basic Principles and Promising Practices on Alternatives to Imprisonment (law Lib) Nations United UNITED NATION Publications 9789211482201 80p Knowledge Centre
364.609 PIF 01024436 Reinventing punishment : Pifferi, Michele, Oxford university press , 2016 0198743211 | 9780198743217 First Edition. xv, 305 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.60941 LAC 01010294 The prisoners' dilemma : Lacey, Nicola. Cambridge University Press, 9780521899475 (hbk. : alk. pap xx, 234 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.60941 LAC 01013757 The prisoners' dilemma : Lacey, Nicola. Cambridge University Press, 9780521899475 (hbk. : alk. pap xx, 234 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.60942CAV 01011143 Penal System: An Introduction(law Lib) Michael Cavadino Sage Publications 9781412929479 474p Knowledge Centre
364.60973 DEL 01016942 American corrections : DeLisi, Matt. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2010 9780763754877 | 0763754870 xv, 586 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.60973 RAJ 01021766 Humanisation of Prisons in India / Rajashekhar,C. Regal Publications, 2015 9788184845082 xvi,292p.; Knowledge Centre
364.60973 STO 01014394 Corrections : Sage, 1412937736 (pbk.) | 9781412937 xxi, 817 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.60973KAN 01008912 Punishment Prisons and Patriarchy:Lberty and Poewr in the Early American Republic (lawlib) Mark E Kann New Yark Press Book and Printers 337p. Knowledge Centre
364.60973STO 01011184 Corrections : Sage, 1412937736 (pbk.) | 9781412937 xxi, 817 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.620941 APP 01021165 Life after life imprisonment: Appleton, Catherine. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199582716 (hbk.) | 0199582 xx, 252 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.620942 PAD 01007845 Who to Release? : Parole, Fairness and Criminal Justice (law Lib) Nicola Padfield Willain Publishers 9781843922278 262p. Knowledge Centre
364.63 CHA 05020133 Probation, Parole and Community Corrections [ MSW ] Champion, J Dean 0002320592 688p Knowledge Centre
364.630973 SHE 01018765 Juvenile Justice/ Sherman, Francine T. John Wiley & Sons, 2011 1st Ed. xxix: 569p Knowledge Centre
364.65 MAS 01021979 Remorse, Penal Theory and Sentencing / Maslen,Hannah. Hart Publishing, 2015 9781849465434 xv,212p.; Knowledge Centre
364.65 MAS 01021947 Remorse, Penal Theory and Sentencing / Maslen,Hannah. Hart Publishing, 2015 9781849465434 xv,212p.; Knowledge Centre
364.66 FUT 01025204 The politics of the death penalty in countries in transition / Futamura, Madoka, Routledge, 2014 9780415827393 (hbk) x, 232 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.66 GAN 01023763 Abolishing the Death Penalty / Gandhi, Gopalkrishna Aleph Book Company, 2016 9789382277781 xv, 124 p. Knowledge Centre
364.66 HOD 01025980 The international library of essays on capital punishment / Hodgkinson, Peter Routledge, 2013 9781409461357 (volume I : hard 3 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
364.66 HOD 01025981 The international library of essays on capital punishment / Hodgkinson, Peter Routledge, 2013 9781409461357 (volume I : hard 3 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
364.66 HOD 01025982 The international library of essays on capital punishment / Hodgkinson, Peter Routledge, 2013 9781409461357 (volume I : hard 3 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
364.66 NOV 01020789 The global decline of the mandatory death penalty : Novak, Andrew. Ashgate, 2014 9781472423252 (hardback) | 147 viii, 182 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.66 SCH 01020780 Capital punishment : Ashgate Publishing, 2014 9781409457190 (hardback) xxiv, 319 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.66 SHA 01000389 Welfare State, Right to Life and Capital Punishment in India ( Law Library) Parul Sharma Sampark 8177680072 200p Knowledge Centre
364.66 SIM 01022683 Clarence darrow on capital punishment / Simon,Seymour. Chicago Historical Bookworks, 1991 0924772184 121p.; Knowledge Centre
364.66 WAL 01028128 Crime, Punishment And Sentencing In India / Walia, Ivneet. Thomson Reuters, 2019 9789389407310 xxv, 316p.; Knowledge Centre
364.660854 SHA 00065394 Welfare State, Right to Life and Capital Punishment In India Sharma, Parul Sampark 2000 8177680072 200 p UG Library
364.66092 KNI 00143222 Criminal Corpse and Execution : Historical Perpectives / Knoght, Carl. Staes academic press. 2022 9781639891306 204p,; UG Library
364.66095 HOO 01019936 Confronting capital punishment in Asia / Hood, Roger. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199685776 (hardback) xiv,321p.; Knowledge Centre
364.660954 DAS 01023425 Supreme Court on rarest of rare cases Das, Pramod Kumar Lexis nexis, 2016 9789351439950 xv,260p.; Knowledge Centre
364.660954 DAS 01023332 Supreme Court on rarest of rare cases Das,P.K Lexis nexis, 2016 9789351439950 xv,260p.; Knowledge Centre
364.660954 GAN 03012487 Abolishing the Death Penalty : Gandhi, Gopal. Aleph Book Company, 2016 9789382277781 xxxii,124 pages ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
364.660973 ACK 01024062 Questioning capital punishment : Acker, James R., Routledge, 2014 9780415639439 (hardback : alk. xv, 400 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.660973 EKL 05043835 How ethical systems change : Ekland-Olson, Sheldon, Routledge, 2012 9780415505192 (pbk.) | 0415505 xi, 67 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.660973 LYO 01022825 The death penalty : Lyon, Andrea D. Rowman & Littlefield / 2015 9781442232679 (cloth : alk. pa xiii,162 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.660973 NLU 05047223 Death penalty India report / National Law University, 2016 9789384272067 (set) 2 volumes : Knowledge Centre
364.660973 NLU 05047224 Death penalty India report / National Law University, 2016 9789384272067 (set) 2 volumes : Knowledge Centre
364.660973 SHA 05073721 States of Incarceration : shanahan, Jarrod. Rektion Books Ltd, 2022 9781789146660 207p.; Knowledge Centre
364.6609941 HAE 05044340 Murdering stepmothers : Haebich, Anna. UWA Pub., 2010 9781921401459 (pbk.) | 1921401 217 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.66HOO 01009533 Death Penalty:A Worldwide Perpective (law Lib) Roger Hood Oxford University Press 9780199228478 486p Knowledge Centre
364.67 HUN 00093267 Torture is a moral issue : William B. Eerdmans Pub., 9780802860293 (pbk. : alk. pap xxii, 272 p. ; UG Library
364.67 HUN 00101427 Torture is a moral issue : Hunsinger, George. William B. Eerdmans Pub., 9780802860293 (pbk. : alk. pap xxii, 272 p. ; UG Library
364.67 SCH 05053177 Does torture work? / Schiemann, John W. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780190262365 (hardback : alk. xiv, 315 pages; Knowledge Centre
364.68 AER 01029254 Critical Restorative Justice / Hart, 2020 9781509906642 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781509936908 xiii, 338 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.68 BAR 00128611 Community-Based Corrections : Barton-Bellessa, Shannon M. SAGE, 2012 9781412987462 xxiii, 631 p. : UG Library
364.68 CLA 01024956 Restorative justice in transition / Clamp, Kerry. Routledge, 2014 9780415523714 (hardback) | 041 xvi, 163 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.68 GAV 01029104 Power, race, and justice : Gavrielides, Theo, Routledge, 2022 9781032047638 | 9781472488350 xxii, 291p, ; Knowledge Centre
364.68 GAV 01027896 Routledge international handbook of restorative justice / Routledge, 2019 9781472480705 (hardback) xxviii, 520 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.68 GAV 01025836 The psychology of restorative justice : Routledge, 2015 9781472455307 (hardback : alk. xxii,268p.; Knowledge Centre
364.68 HAN 00129416 Community Corrections Hanser, Robert D. Sage, 2014 9781452256634 Second edition. xx, 632 p. : UG Library
364.68 HOY 01011620 Restorative justice : Routledge, 9780415450010 (set, hardback) v. cm. Knowledge Centre
364.68 HOY 01011621 Restorative justice : Routledge, 9780415450010 (set, hardback) v. cm. Knowledge Centre
364.68 HOY 01011622 Restorative justice : Routledge, 9780415450010 (set, hardback) v. cm. Knowledge Centre
364.68 HOY 01011623 Restorative justice : Routledge, 9780415450010 (set, hardback) v. cm. Knowledge Centre
364.68 LIE 01004831 Restorative Justice(law Library ) Marian Lifebmann JESSICA KINGSLEY 472p Knowledge Centre
364.68 SHA 05055265 Institutionalizing Constitutional Rights / Shariff Abusaleh Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199461158 xxix,483p.: Knowledge Centre
364.68 SHA 05047280 Institutionalizing Constitutional Rights / Shariff Abusaleh Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199461158 xxix,483p.: Knowledge Centre
364.68 SHA 00128197 Institutionalizing Constitutional Rights / Shariff Abusaleh Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199461158 xxix,483p.: UG Library
364.68 SHA 07011034 Institutionalizing Constitutional Rights / Shariff Abusaleh Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199461158 xxix,483p.: Library - BR Campus
364.68 SUL 01007153 HANDBOOK OF RESTORATIVE JUSTICE(LAW LIBRARY) Dennis Sullivan ROUTLEDGE 0415353564 574p Knowledge Centre
364.68 VAN 01025208 Victims and restorative justice / Vanfraechem, Inge. Routledge, 2015 9780415810661 (hardback) xv, 278 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.68 WIL 05020132 Reparation And Victim-Focused Social Work Williams, Brian Jessica Kingsley, 9781843100232 207p Knowledge Centre
364.68 WOR 01020582 Restorative justice today : Sage, 2013 9781452219912 (pbk. : alk. pap xx, 255 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.68094 BOT 01007140 Community Penalties - Change and Challenges ( Law Lib.) Anthony Bottoms Willan Publsihing 1903240492 255p. Knowledge Centre
364.68BLA 01009484 Crime Aboriginality and the Decolonisation of Justice (law Lib) Harry Blagg Hawkins 232p Knowledge Centre
364.68HAN 01011161 Community Corrections(law Lib) Robert D Hanser Sage Publications 9781412959957 531p Knowledge Centre
364.68PAV 01009640 Governing Paradoxes of Restorative Justice(law Lib) George Pavlich GLASS HOUSE 9781904385196 142p Knowledge Centre
364.6BEC 01011401 On Crimes and Punishments (law Lib) Cesare Beccaria Transaction Publishers 9781412810159 154p Knowledge Centre
364.6FRE 01010372 Penal Poulism, Sentencing Councils and Sentencing Policy (law Lib) Arie Freiberg Willain Publishers 9781843922773 248p Knowledge Centre
364.6RAS 01011113 Handbook on Offences and Punishments (law Lib) M A Rashid Lexisnexis BUTTERWORTHS 9788180385162 999p Knowledge Centre
364.6SCO 01011180 Penology(law Lib) David Scott Sage Publications 9781412948111 227p Knowledge Centre
364.72 WAL 01007643 DEVIANT KNOWLEDGE CRIMINOLOGY, POLITICS AND POLICY (LAW LIB) Reece Walters Willain Publishers 1843920298 218 p Knowledge Centre
364.73 WEL 01018551 Criminal Justice Policy & Planning/ Welsh, Wayne.N and Harris Philip W. Anderson Publishing; 2013 9781437735000 4th ed. xiv : 234pgs. Knowledge Centre
364.80973 PET 00104768 When Prisoners Come Home Petersilia,Joan. Oxford University press. 2003 9780195386127 viii: 296 P. UG Library
364.9 BRY 10002167 Fatal fascinations : Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2013 9781443851343 ix, 215p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
364.9 KNE 05048704 The Oxford handbook of the history of crime and criminal justice / Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199352333 (hardcover : alk x, 707 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.9 KNE 01023650 The Oxford handbook of the history of crime and criminal justice / Knepper, Paul Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199352333 (hardcover : alk x, 707 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.9 PAK 01013438 Comparative criminal justice / Pakes, Francis Willan, 9781843927693 | 184392031X (pb viii, 200 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.9034 DRA 01012681 Criminal Justice: Drake,Deborah Willan Publishing 9781843925149 270p.; Knowledge Centre
364.9173 DON 07010467 Rural criminology / DeKeseredy, Walter S., Routledge, 2014 9780415634359 (hardback) | 978 pages cm. Library - BR Campus
364.91734 DON 01020167 Rural criminology / DeKeseredy, Walter S., Routledge, 2014 9780415634359 (hardback) | 978 pages cm. Knowledge Centre
364.94 MEL 01013016 Controlling crime, controlling society : Melossi, Dario, Polity, 9780745634289 (hbk.) | 0745634 xii, 310 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.94 SHA 05055356 Justice, community and civil society : Willan Pub., 2008 9781843922322 (hbk.) | 1843922 ix, 245 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.941 ASH 01000048 Criminal Process, an Evaluative Study (law Library) Andrew Ashworth Oxford University Press 0198765363 344p Knowledge Centre
364.941 ASH 01016311 The criminal process / Ashworth, Andrew. Oxford University Press, 2010 0199273383 | 9780199547289 4th ed. xxvi, 471 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.941 CAM 01027482 The criminal process / Campbell, Liz. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780198818403 5th edition. xxvii,498p.; Knowledge Centre
364.941 GOD 01007639 CRIME AND JUSTICE 1750-1950(LAW LIB.) Barry Godfrey Willain Publishers 1843921162 208p Knowledge Centre
364.941 GOD 01007640 Crime and empire, 1840-1940 : Willan Pub., 2005 1843921081 (cased) | 184392107 xiii, 253 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.941 GRO 05055321 Crime and inequality / Grover, Chris, Willan Publishing, 2008 9781843923299 | 1843923297 | 9 xvi, 272 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.941 HOB 01020417 The making of criminal justice policy / Hobbs, Sue. Routledge, 2014 9780415676953 (hardback) | 978 x, 185 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.941 HUC 01013934 Criminal justice / Oxford University Press, 9780199215546 | 0199215545 xxv, 373 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.94109049 SIL 01018211 Crime, policy and the media : Silverman, Jon. Routledge, 2012 9780415672313 (hbk.) | 9780415 189 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.941ASH 01009844 Criminal Process, an Evaluative Study (law Library) Andrew Ashworth Oxford University Press 0198765363 344p Knowledge Centre
364.941GRO 01010362 Crime and Inequality (law Lib) Chris Grover Willain Publishers 9781843923299 272p Knowledge Centre
364.942 WIL 05055320 Textbook on criminology / Williams, Katherine S. Oxford Unviersity Press, 9780199290314 | 0199290318 xii, 638 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.942 WIL 01019249 Textbook on Criminology / Williams, Katherine S Oxford University Press, 2001 0195664841 | 9780195664843 4th ed 572p.; Knowledge Centre
364.9420903 GRY 01023448 Crime, policing and punishment in England, 1660-1914 / Gray, Drew D. Bloomsbury, 2016 9781441135636 (hb) | 978144111 xi, 393 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.94SHA 01009275 Justice, Community and Civil Society: A Contested Terrain (law Lib) Joanna Shapland Willain Publishers 9781843922995 245p Knowledge Centre
364.954 BHA 07013713 Crime and Punishment in Ancient India / Bhatt Bipin Edukeen Publisher, 2019 9788194205692 280p.: Library - BR Campus
364.954 DUB 07004841 Crime through time Dube,Saurabh. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198077619 | 0198077610 lxiii, 309 pages ; Library - BR Campus
364.954 DUB 05033982 Crime through time Dube,Saurabh. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198077619 | 0198077610 lxiii, 309 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.954 NCR 05073460 Crime in India 2020 : National Crime Recorde Bureau Ministry of Home Affaire, National Crime Recorde Bureau Ministry of Home Affaire, 2021 Volumes. Knowledge Centre
364.954 NCR 05073461 Crime in India 2020 : National Crime Recorde Bureau Ministry of Home Affaire, National Crime Recorde Bureau Ministry of Home Affaire, 2021 Volumes. Knowledge Centre
364.954 NCR 05073462 Crime in India 2020 : National Crime Recorde Bureau Ministry of Home Affaire, National Crime Recorde Bureau Ministry of Home Affaire, 2021 Volumes. Knowledge Centre
364.954 SOM 00100604 Crime And Religious Beliefs In India Somerville, Augustus Asian Educational Services, 2000 221 p.: UG Library
364.954 UNN 01019676 Crime and justice in India / N Prabha Unnithan Sage, 2013 9788132109778 (hardback : alk. 451 p. Knowledge Centre
364.9543 NAR 00020729 Crime & Non-Violence Nargolkar, Vasant Sulaba Rashtriya 1974 287 p . UG Library
364.954NAR 00085318 Corruption and Poverty Narasaiah, Lakshmi Discovery Publishing House 8171419445 171 p UG Library
364.973 05060721 Breaking the pendulum : Goodman, Philip Russell, Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199976058 (hardcover) | 97 xii, 219p.; Knowledge Centre
364.973 ABH 01026174 Witness Protection in Criminal Trials in India / Abhyankar,Girish. Thomson Reuters, 2018 9789386374486 xxiv,166p.; Knowledge Centre
364.973 ADH 00104358 The Intolerant Indian Adhikari,Gautam Harper Collins Publishers India 2011 9789350290514 xii,228p UG Library
364.973 ADH 05071554 The Intolerant Indian Adhikari,Gautam Harper Collins Publishers India 2011 9789350290514 xii,228p Knowledge Centre
364.973 AND 05042825 Criminological theories : Anderson, James F. Jones & Bartlett, 2015 9781449681876 (pbk) | 14496818 Second edition. xxiii, 267 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.973 BAJ 01029518 Handbook of laws and case laws for victims of crime / G.S. Bajpai. Thomson Reuters, 2022 9789392630804 xvi,332p.; Knowledge Centre
364.973 BAR 01016469 The Fundamentals of Criminal Justice : Barkan,Steven E. Jones & Bartlett, 2011 9780763754242 2nd ed. xvii,528p.; Knowledge Centre
364.973 BER 01013298 Crime, justice, and society : Berger, Ronald J. Lynne Rienner Publishers, 9788130904214 xvi, 586 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.973 BER 05045987 Crime, justice, and society : Berger, Ronald J. Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2015 9781626372252 (pb : alk. paper 4th Edition. xiv, 471 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.973 CAR 01024831 Social justice, criminal justice : Caravelis, Cyndy, Routledge, 2016 9780323264518 viii, 280 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.973 FEL 01017641 Crime and everyday life / Felson, Marcus, SAGE Publications, 2010 9781412936330 (pbk. : acidfree 4th ed. xii, 251 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.973 GAB 01024981 Race and crime / Gabbidon, Shaun L., Sage, 2016 1483384187 | 9781483384184 Fourth edition. xv, 403 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.973 HAR 07011298 An introduction to criminal justice / Sage, 2017 9781412962117 | 1412962110 | 9 xxiv, 476 pages : Library - BR Campus
364.973 LAB 01000041 Explaining Criminal Justice (law Library) Steven P Lab Roxbury Publishing Company 1931719160 189p Knowledge Centre
364.973 LAB 05059879 Explaining criminal justice / Roxbury Pub. Co., 2004 1931719160 | 9781931719162 x, 189 p. Knowledge Centre
364.973 LIL 01017652 Criminological theory : Lilly, J. Robert. SAGE Publications, 2011 9781412981453 (pbk.) | 1412981 5th ed. xiv, 489 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.973 LOI 01024476 Introduction to criminal justice information systems / by Ioimo, Ralph. Routledge , 2016 1498748813 | 9781498748810 xxi, 335 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.973 MAY 01016463 Corrections and the criminal justice system / Jones and Bartlett Pub., 2008 9780763735005 (pbk.) 1st ed. xx, 585 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.973 MEA 01014370 American criminal justice policy : Mears, Daniel P., Cambridge University Press, 9780521762465 | 0521762464 | 9 xi, 321 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.973 MES 01026402 Crime And The American Dream / Messner, Steven F. Cengage Learning, 2013 9781133528647 5th ed. ix,162p.; Knowledge Centre
364.973 PAR 01022349 Crime and Punishement : Paranjape,N.V. Lexis Nexis, 2016 9789351434665 xxiii,396 p.; Knowledge Centre
364.973 PEA 01027507 Justice administration : Peak, Kenneth J., Pearson, 2014 9780133591194 | 0133591190 Eighth Edition. xxv, 450 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.973 PEA 01024973 Introduction to criminal justice : Peak, Kenneth J., Sage publications Inc., 2017 9781506305929 (pbk. : alk. pap Second edition. xii, 496 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.973 REG 01016475 Exploring criminal justice / Regoli, Robert M. Jones and Bartlett, 2008 9780763742843 (hardcover) | 07 xix, 549 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.973 REG 01016468 Exploring criminal justice : Regoli, Robert M. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2010 9780763756482 (pbk.) | 0763756 xx1v, 427 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.973 REN 05058298 Introduction to criminal justice : Rennison, Callie Marie, Sage, 2018 9781506347721 (pbk. : alk. pap Second edition. xxviii, 424 pages : Knowledge Centre
364.973 SIE 01013822 Essentials of criminal justice / Siegel, Larry J. Thomson Higher Education, 0495006025 xxii, 505 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.973 TRA 01018554 Introduction to criminal justice / Travis, Lawrence F 2012 9781437734904 (pbk.) ed. xix, 553 p. : Knowledge Centre
364.973 TRA 05047466 Introduction to criminal justice / Travis, Lawrence F. Elsevier, 2015 9780323290715 Eighth edition. xiii, 561 pages ; Knowledge Centre
364.973015195 LYN 01004724 Understanding Crime Statistics: Revisiting the Divergence of the Ncv`s and Ucr (law Lib) James P Lynch Cambridge University Press 0521680417 340p. Knowledge Centre
364.973023 SCH 00130517 A guide to study skills and careers in criminal justice and public security / Schmalleger, Frank, Sage 2017 9781506323701 (pbk. : alk. pap ix, 94 pages ; UG Library
364.97306KRI 01011170 Continuing the Struggle for Justice: 100 Years of the National Council on Crime and Delinquency(law Lib0 Barry Krisberg Sage Publications 9781412951913 315p Knowledge Centre
364.973082 FRE 01021990 Women in the criminal justice system : CRC Press, 2016 9781482260496 (hardcover : alk xix,273p.; Knowledge Centre
364.973089 GAB 01011154 Race and Crime (law Lib) Shaun L Gabbidon Sage Publications 2008 9781412967785 371p Knowledge Centre
364.973089 GRE 01013457 Encyclopedia of race and crime / SAGE, 9781412950855 (cloth) | 141295 2 v. (xxx, 978 p.) ; Knowledge Centre
364.973089 GRE 01013458 Encyclopedia of race and crime / SAGE, 9781412950855 (cloth) | 141295 2 v. (xxx, 978 p.) ; Knowledge Centre
364.973089 SPA 05034318 Ethnicity and Crime : Spalek,Basia. Open University Press, 2008 9780335223794 xviii,465 p. ; Knowledge Centre
364.97309049 ZIM 05003890 The Great American Crime Declinre ; Ziming, Franklin E . Oxford Universit Press , 2007 9780195378986 257 p. Knowledge Centre
364.973SAN 01003087 From Nuremberg to the Hague (law Library) Philippe Sands Cambridge University Press 0521536766 192p Knowledge Centre
364.9JOH 01009058 History of Criminal Justice ( Law Lib ) Herbert Johnson Anderson Publishing Co. 1583605150 367p Knowledge Centre
364AAS 01011152 Globalization and Crime (law Lib) Katja Franko Aas Sage Publications 9781412912907 220p Knowledge Centre
364AHU.. 00073910 Criminology Ahuja, Ram Rawat Publications 8170336090 411p UG Library
364ANT 01009539 Critical Criminology Companion:(law Lib) Thlia Anthony Hawkins Press 336 Knowledge Centre
364BRO1 00081882 Crime and Law in Media Culture Brown, Sheila 0000335488 224p UG Library
364BRO1 00087589 Crime and Law in Media Culture Brown, Sheila 0000335488 224p UG Library
364FUR 01011153 Contemporary readings in criminology / SAGE, 2009 9781412956628 (pbk.) | 1412956 xviii, 333 p. : Knowledge Centre
364HAG 01011160 Introduction to Criminology: Theories, Methods and Criminal Behavior(law Lib) Frank E Hagan Sage Publications 9781412953658 533p Knowledge Centre
364HAG1 01011159 Crime Types and Criminals(law Lib) Frank E Hagan Sage Publications 9781412964791 461p Knowledge Centre
364HOU 01009480 Surveying Crime in the 21st Century (law Lib) Mike Hough WILLAN PUBLISHING 9781881798750 318p Knowledge Centre
364MAL 00059361 Aparadha Vignana Malaki, Ananda Murthy Mysore University 244p UG Library
364MAL1 00059377 Aparadha Parichaya Malaki, Ananda Murthy Mysore University 57p UG Library
364MAZ 01009329 Third Party Policing (law Lib) Lorraine Mazerolle Cambridge University Press 0521535077 261p Knowledge Centre
364STO 01011185 Applied Criminology(law Lib) Brian Stout Sage Publications 9781412947329 210p Knowledge Centre
364VOG 01010974 Crime, Inequality and the State(law Lib) Mary E Vogel ROUTLEDGE 9780415382687 Knowledge Centre
364WIL 00029967 Mammoth Book of True Crime Wilson, Colin Robinson, 1988 630 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
365 POL 01016950 Prisons : Pollock, Joqcelyn M. Jones and Barlett publishers, 2006 9780763729042 2nd ed xvii, 316p.; Knowledge Centre
365 SHE 05074541 PIO Handbook / Shekar, Manish Kumar. RTI Institute of India, 2023 9788192572574 vi, 231p.; Knowledge Centre
365 SHE 05074542 PIO Handbook / Shekar, Manish Kumar. RTI Institute of India, 2023 9788192572574 vi, 231p.; Knowledge Centre
365 UN 01012746 Handbook on prisoners with special needs / Atabay, Tomris. United Nations, 9789211302721 | 9211302722 vi, 179 p. ; Knowledge Centre
365.019 LIE 01007171 Effects of Imprisonment ( Law Lib.) Alison Liebling Willain Publishers 0184392093 492p. Knowledge Centre
365.068 GLA 05038927 The Effective Corrections Manager Gladwin,Bridget P Jones And Bartlett Learning 2014 9781449645465 3rd ed 294 Knowledge Centre
365.068 GLA 05038946 The Effective Corrections Manager Gladwin,Bridget P Jones And Bartlett Learning 2014 9781449645465 3rd ed 294 Knowledge Centre
365.068 GLA 07009459 The Effective Corrections Manager Gladwin,Bridget P Jones And Bartlett Learning 2014 9781449645465 3rd ed 294 Library - BR Campus
365.068 MAL 01026365 Penology, victimology and correctional administration in India / Malik,Krishna Pal. Allahabad Law Agency, 2015 9789380231266 xxxvi,431p.; Knowledge Centre
365.068 UN 01012729 Handbook on prisoner file management / United Nations, 9789211302660 (pbk.) | 9211302 iv, 60 p. : Knowledge Centre
365.092 BAN 00099877 Everyday Lief In A Prison Bandyopadhyay Mahuya Orient Blackswan 2010 9788125038337 xvi, 332 p, Yeshwanthpur Campus
365.092 BAN 05021984 Everyday life in a prison : Bandyopadhyay, Mahuya. Orient BlackSwan, 2010 9788125038337 | 8125038337 xvii, 332 p. ; Knowledge Centre
365.092 BAN 00094483 Everyday Lief In A Prison Bandyopadhyay Mahuya Orient Blackswan 2010 9788125038337 xvi, 332 p, Yeshwanthpur Campus
365.092 BAN 05017839 Everyday Lief In A Prison Bandyopadhyay Mahuya Orient Blackswan 2010 9788125038337 xvi, 332 p, Knowledge Centre
365.2 AHU 00030430 Prison System Ahuja, Ram Sahityhya Bhavan 1981 118 p . Yeshwanthpur Campus
365.34 AND 00109947 Subaltern Lives Anderson, Clare, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107032989 | 9781107015098 xvii, 219 p. : UG Library
365.4 SIN 01003177 Political Prisoners in India(law Lib) Ujjwal Kumar Singh Oxford University Press 0195653882 293p Knowledge Centre
365.42 COR 05022810 Reforms, Institutiions and Policies: Challenges Confronting the Indian Economuy Correa, Romar HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 8178669277 312 Knowledge Centre
365.430979495 WAR 03001325 Women's Prison : Ward, David A. Aldine Transaction, 2007 9780202309330 | 0202309339 269 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
365.43CHE 00081205 Women in Prison: An Insight into Captivity and Crime Cherukuri, Suvarna Cambridge University Press 147p UG Library
365.45092 YON 01012670 Long road home : Kim, Yong, Columbia University Press, 9780231147460 (alk. paper) | 0 x, 168 p. : Knowledge Centre
365.450947 BOL 05011351 Stalin's slave ships : Bollinger, Martin J., Praeger, 2003 0275981002 (alk. paper) xv, 217 p. : Knowledge Centre
365.460941 SED 01007590 Punishment and Madness ( Law Lib.) Toby Seddon Glass House 9781904385905 198p. Knowledge Centre
365.6 DRE 01021335 Long-term imprisonment and human rights / Routledge, 2014 9780415679121 (hardback) xxiii, 394 pages ; Knowledge Centre
365.60800954 SHA 05039266 Of women 'inside' : Shankardass, Rani Dhavan. Routledge, 2012 9780415535076 | 9781138061057 xiii, 307 p. : Knowledge Centre
365.6082 PAN 00121603 Women,crime and prison life Pancholi P V Cyber Tech Publications 2014 9789350532911 240p. UG Library
365.60820954 SHA 00133507 Of women 'inside' : Shankardass, Rani Dhavan. Routledge, 2012 9780415535076 | 9781138061057 xiii, 307 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
365.60820973 JAC 05068512 Caged Women : Routledge, 2018 9781138297401 xviii, 240p.; Knowledge Centre
365.609 HAS 07010310 Roads to freedom : Hasan, Mushirul, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199458837 (hardback) | 019 First edition. x, 276 pages ; Library - BR Campus
365.6092 GUP 00138599 Black, Warrant Gupta, Sunil Roli Books, 2019 9788194206859 178 p.; UG Library
365.6092 KHA 05062576 Framed as a terrorist : Khan, Mohammed Aamir. Speaking tiger publishing pvt ltd, 2016 9789385755224 | 9385755226 234p. Knowledge Centre
365.609485 BON 05004112 Prisoners in prison societies / Bondeson, Ulla, Transaction Pub., 1989 0887382053 | 9781412842358 ix, 371 p. : Knowledge Centre
365.60954 CHO 00134985 Behind bars : Choudhury, Sunetra. Roli Books Pvt Ltd, 2017 9789351941316 xxi, 266 p.; UG Library
365.60954 HAS 05047297 Roads to freedom : Hasan, Mushirul, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199458837 (hardback) | 019 First edition. x, 276 pages ; Knowledge Centre
365.641 LEV 01019871 Prison violence : Levan, Kristine. Ashgate Pub., 2012 9781409433903 (alk. paper) | 9 ix, 155 p. ; Knowledge Centre
365.643 FOU 07005718 Discipline and Punish : Foucault Michel Penguin Books, 1977 9780140137224 333p.: Library - BR Campus
365.643 FOU 05022881 Discipline and punish : Foucault, Michel, Vintage Books, 1977 9780679752554 | 0679752552 2nd Vintage ed. 333 p., [8] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
365.643FOU 01010117 Discipline and punish : Foucault, Michel, Vintage Books, 1977 9780679752554 | 0679752552 2nd Vintage ed. 333 p., [8] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
365.66 APS 05048782 Psychiatric services in correctional facilities / American Psychiatric Association, 2016 9780890424643 (pbk. : alk. pap Third edition. xvii, 135 pages ; Knowledge Centre
365.66 GRA 00142138 Drugs in prison : Gravett, Steve. Continuum, 2000 0826451276 | 0826451292 xvi, 206 p. : UG Library
365.66 PRO 00142045 Handbook of what works with sexual offenders / Proulx, Jean John Wiley and sons ltd., 2020 9781119439455 First Edition. xviii,534p.; UG Library
365.66 ROB 01011864 Offender rehabilitation : Robinson, Gwen, SAGE, 1412947707 (hbk.) | 9781412947 xii, 190 p. ; Knowledge Centre
365.66 ROB 01011837 Offender rehabilitation : Robinson, Gwen, SAGE, 1412947707 (hbk.) | 9781412947 xii, 190 p. ; Knowledge Centre
365.661 CRA 09000197 The rehabilitation of sexual offenders : Craissati, Jackie, Routledge, 2019 9781138570641 | 9781138570634 168p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
365.661 CRA 05068270 The rehabilitation of sexual offenders : Craissati, Jackie, Routledge, 2019 9781138570641 | 9781138570634 168p.; Knowledge Centre
365.661 MIL 05002771 Criminal conduct and substance abuse treatment for women in correctional settings : Milkman, Harvey B. Sage Publications, 9781412905930 (pbk. : alk. pap x, 243 p. : Knowledge Centre
365.661 STI 05068302 Motivational interviewing with offenders : Stinson, Jill D., The Guilford, 2017 9781462529872 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781462529889 (hardcover : alk. paper) xiv, 264 pages ; Knowledge Centre
365.661 STI 09000147 Motivational interviewing with offenders : Stinson, Jill D., The Guilford, 2017 9781462529872 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781462529889 (hardcover : alk. paper) xiv, 264 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
365.661 VAN 01023232 Correctional counseling and rehabilitation / Van Voorhis, Patricia. Anderson Publishing is an imprint of Elsevier, 2014 9781455730087 (pbk.) Eighth edition. xv, 438 pages : Knowledge Centre
365.6610973 SUN 01019387 Correctional counseling : Sun, Key. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2013 9780763799373 (pbk.) | 0763799 xvii, 231 p. ; Knowledge Centre
365.6610973 SUN 03009886 Correctional Counseling : Sun, Key. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2013 9780763799373 (pbk.) | 0763799 xvii, 231 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
365.667 ROS 01021347 Health and health promotion in prisons / Ross, Michael W., Routledge, 2013 9780415523523 (hardback) | 041 xii, 132 p. ; Knowledge Centre
365.6672 LIN 01013020 The treatment of sex offenders with developmental disabilities : Lindsay, William R. Wiley-Blackwell, 9780470741603 | 0470741600 | 9 xiii, 343 p. : Knowledge Centre
365.66GON 01003375 Prisoner`s Rights (law Lib ) Colin Gonsalves Art Vision, Designers Printers 968p. Knowledge Centre
365.7 GID 01017643 Rethinking corrections : SAGE, 2011 9781412970181 (cloth) | 141297 xx, 427 p. : Knowledge Centre
365.7 STE 05022812 Creating Criminals Prisons And Peole in a Market Society / Stern Vivien Zed Books, 2006 208p.: Knowledge Centre
365.7 TOC 05041674 Organizational change through individual empowerment : Toch, Hans. American Psychological Association, 2014 9781433817298 | 1433817292 First edition. xix, 186 pages ; Knowledge Centre
365.911309034 MCL 05022813 Crisis of Imprisonment: Protest, Politics, and the Making of the American Penal State, 1776-1941 [MSW-SECTION] Mclennan, Rebecca M 9780521537834 505 p Knowledge Centre
365.941 01011865 Punishment and prisons : Sim, Joe. SAGE, 0761960031 (hbk.) | 9780761960 xiii, 183 p. ; Knowledge Centre
365.941 JEW 01007154 HANDBOOK ON PRISONS(LAW LIBRARY) Yvonne Jewkes Willain Publishers 9781843921851 778p Knowledge Centre
365.9411 BRA 05072940 The politics of punishment : Brangan, Louise. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2022 9780367900724 xi, 194p. ; Knowledge Centre
365.95109041 DIK 01007145 Crime, Punishment and the Prison in Modern China ( Law Lib.) Frank Dikotter Hurst & Company 1850654824 440p. Knowledge Centre
365.954 PAN 07012391 Prison Days / Panit,Lakshmi,Vijaya. Speaking Tiger Publishng PVT.LTD , 2018 9789387164802 136p ,: Library - BR Campus
365.954 PAN 07014235 Prison Days / Panit,Lakshmi,Vijaya. Speaking Tiger Publishng PVT.LTD , 2018 9789387164802 136p ,: Library - BR Campus
365.95484 GAN 00128302 Educating ex-criminal tribes / Gandhi, Malli Rawat Publications 2017 9788131607886 227p. UG Library
365.954PAN 05059933 Prison Days / Panit,Lakshmi,Vijaya. Speaking Tiger Publishng PVT.LTD , 2018 9789387164802 136p ,: Knowledge Centre
365.973 BAR 05003884 The politics of imprisonment Barker, Vanessa. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195370027 (cloth : alk. pa ix, 252 p. : Knowledge Centre
365.973 BOS 00128046 Explaining U.S. imprisonment / Bosworth, Mary. Sage, 2010 9781412924863 | 1412924863 | xi, 288 p. ; UG Library
365.973 ENN 07009428 Incarceration nation : Enns, Peter Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107132887 (hardback) | 978 xiii,192 pages : Library - BR Campus
365.973 LER 00112814 The modern prison paradox : Lerman, Amy E., Cambridge University Press 2013 9781107041455 (hardback : alk. xi, 299 pages ; UG Library
365.973PRA 01011177 Addicted to Incarceration:Corrections Policy and the Politics of Misinformation in the United States(law Lib) Travis G Pratt Sage Publications 9780761928324 153p Knowledge Centre
366 GOL 03006004 Cults, Conspiracies, and Secret Societies : Goldwag, Arthur. Vintage Books, 2009 9780307390677 | 0307390675 1st Vintage Books ed. xli, 332 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
366 PRA 01001220 Hindu Social Organisation (law Lib) Pandharinath H Prabhu Popular Prakashan Pvt. 8171542069 389p. Knowledge Centre
366 SHA 05002278 Nonwestern Societies in the Modern World - Vol I - Traditions (WMU) Sharma, B L Vishwa 0912244208 299 p Knowledge Centre
366.109 RID 00143313 The Freemasons: Ridley, Jasper Robinson, 2017 9781845296780 340p UG Library
366.10954 AHU 01000077 Social Problem in India (law Lib) Ram Ahuja Rawat 508p Knowledge Centre
366CHO 01003158 World Orders, Old and New (law Lib.) Noam Chomsky Oxford University Press 0195650514 311p Knowledge Centre
366CHO 01003369 World Orders, Old and New (law Lib.) Noam Chomsky Oxford University Press 0195650514 311p Knowledge Centre
366CHO 01003152 World Orders, Old and New (law Lib.) Noam Chomsky Oxford University Press 0195650514 311p Knowledge Centre
367.182 KOR 00092940 Solidarity will transform the world Korgen, Jeffry Odell Orbis books 9781570757440 161p UG Library
367.3 KUM 00066801 Environmental Contamination and Bioreclamation Kumar, Arvind APH Publishing Corporation 2004 0817648587 494 p UG Library
367.700954 DWI 01003655 INDIA`S ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES, PROGRAMMES AND STEWARDSHIP(LAW LIBRARY) O P Dwivedi Palgrave Macmillan 0333674235 235p Knowledge Centre
367.954 COH 07004590 In the club By Cohen, Benjamin B. Grimey Bruce, 2007 9788125059080 xii, 211.p.: Library - BR Campus
367.954 COH 05044944 In the club By Cohen, Benjamin B. Grimey Bruce, 2007 9788125059080 xii, 211.p.: Knowledge Centre
560 AGA 00044921 Paleobotany Agashe,Shripad N. Oxford And IBH Publishing Co Pvt Ltd 1995 8120409426 359 p. UG Library
560 ARM 00107315 Microfossils. Armstrong,Howard, Blackwell Publishing 2005 9780632052790 2nd edition vi: 296 p. cm. UG Library
560 BEN 00141574 Digital Technology for Forensic Footwear Analysis and Vertebrate Ichnology / Bennett, Matthew R, Springer, 2019 9783319936895 | 9783319936888 1st ed. 2019. xiii,251p.; UG Library
560 COW 00135522 History of life / Cowen, Richard, Blackwell Pub., 2005 1405117567 (pbk. : alk. paper) 4th ed. xii, 324 p. : UG Library
560 GAL 04017809 500 Facts Extinct / Gallagher, Belinda Miles Kelly, 2010 9781848103115 223p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
560 JAI 00048983 Palaeontology: Evolution and Animal Distribution Jain P.C. Vishal Publications 1996 8187270039 4th Ed. 302 p. UG Library
560 JAI 00048984 Palaeontology: Evolution and Animal Distribution Jain P.C. Vishal Publications 1996 8187270039 4th Ed. 302 p. UG Library
560 JAI 00029475 An Introduction to Palaeontology Jain P.C. Vishal Publications 1987 256 p. UG Library
560 JAI 00028995 An Introduction to Palaeontology Jain P.C. Vishal Publications 1987 256 p. UG Library
560 LAL 00146716 Applied Geological Micropalaeontology/ Lal, J. K. Random Publication, 2023 9788196071967 ix,312p. ; UG Library
560 NAN 00119978 Paleontology Nanda H Anmol Publications 2014 9788126162307 312p. UG Library
560 RAU 00027812 Principles of Paleontology Raup,David M. CBS Publishers & Distributors 1985 2nd Ed. 481 p. UG Library
560 RAU 00027813 Principles of Paleontology Raup,David M. CBS Publishers & Distributors 1985 2nd Ed. 481 p. UG Library
560 ROM 00009696 Notes and Comments on Vertebrate Paleontology Romer, Alfred Sherwood. The University Press 1968 304 p. UG Library
560 THO 05048842 Fossils : Thomson, Keith Stewart. Oxford University Press, 2005 0192805045 (alk. paper) | 9780 147 p. : Knowledge Centre
560 TUR 00106596 Paleontology : Turner, Derek D. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521116374 (hardback) | 978 xi, 227 p. : UG Library
560 TYA 00031183 Introduction to Palaeontology Tyagi A.P. S.Chand & Company Ltd 1976 2nd Ed. 151 p. UG Library
560 TYA 00019287 Introduction to Palaeontology Tyagi A.P. S.Chand & Company Ltd 1976 2nd Ed. 151 p. UG Library
560 WOO 00007959 Palaeontology Invertebrate Woods,Henry. Cambridge Universiity Press 1946 8th Ed. 477 p. UG Library
560 WOO 00006186 Palaeontology Invertebrate Woods,Henry. Cambridge Universiity Press 1946 8th Ed. 477 p. UG Library
560 YAD 00061890 Fossils Yadav P.R. Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171417221 318 p. UG Library
560.0922 LEI 00086052 Encyclopedia of Notable Scientists Physicists A to Z Leiter, Darry J Viva Books Private Limited 2007 8176497983 388 p UG Library
560.45 SEL 00119984 Evolution of fossil ecosystems Selden, Paul. Manson Pub., 2012 9781840766233 (ebook) 2nd ed. 288p. UG Library
560.922 TRU 00104552 The artist & the scientists : Trusler, Peter. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521162999 (pbk.) x, 308 p. : UG Library
560.94109034FRE 00084769 Victorians and the Prehistoric Tracks to a Lost World Freeman, Michael Orient Longman Publications 8125030077 310p UG Library
560.954 MAT 00132803 A to Z geology of India : Mathur, O. P. Routledge, 2018 9789386652119 | 9386652110 207 pages ; UG Library
560BAL.8U 00039255 Mathematics Balachandra Rao, Dr S New Age International 430 p UG Library
560BAL.8U 00039256 Mathematics Balachandra Rao, Dr S New Age International 430 p UG Library
560BAL.8U 00039258 Mathematics Balachandra Rao, Dr S New Age International 430 p UG Library
560BAL.8U 00039259 Mathematics Balachandra Rao, Dr S New Age International 430 p UG Library
560BEN 00088270 History of Life a Short Introduction Benton, Michael J 9780199226320 170p UG Library
560PRO1 00014600 Economics and Commerce Professional , S Book Depot UG Library
560THO 00085477 Fossils : Thomson, Keith Stewart. Oxford University Press, 2005 0192805045 (alk. paper) | 9780 147 p. : UG Library
561 ARN 00011402 Introduction to Paleobotany Arnold, Chester R Tata Mcgraw Hill 1947 xi, 433 p UG Library
561 ARN 00011403 An Introduction To Paleobotany Arnold, Chester A Tata McGraw -Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. 1947 434 p.: UG Library
561 PRA 00050728 An Introduction to Palaeobotany Prasad, K N APH Publishing Corporation 1999 8176481149 181 p.: UG Library
561 STE 00067777 Paleobotany and the Evoloution of Plants Stewart, Wilson N Cambridge University Press, 2005 9788175962958 2nd ed, 521 p.: UG Library
561 STE 00118730 Vascular Plants and Paleobotany Stewart, Philip Apple Academic Press, 2012 9781926692982 | 1926692985 xviii, 322p. : UG Library
561.93 BAR 05056505 Algae : Barsanti, L. CRC Press, 2014 9781439867327 Second edition. xv, 345 pages : Knowledge Centre
562 PAR 04003726 In the Blink of an Eye Parker, Andrew Perseus 2003 0738206075 316 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
562 SAR 00097598 Understanding Invertebrates Sarkar Amita Discovery Publishing House Pvt.Ltd 9788183565448 332p UG Library
562 WOO 00060157 Palaeontology Invertebrate Woods,Henry. Cambridge Universiity Press 1946 8th Ed. 477 p. UG Library
567.8 SCH 00121448 Amphibian evolution : Schoch, Rainer, John Wiley & Sons 2014 9780470671771 (cloth) | 047067 xi, 264 pages : UG Library
567.9 LUC 00125199 Dinosaurs : Lucas, Spencer G., Columbia University Press 2016 9780231173100 | 0231173105 | 9 6th ed. 367p. UG Library
567.9 MAN 04008116 Grave secrets of dinosaurs : Manning, Phillip Lars, National Geographic, 2008 9781426202193 (hardcover : alk 316 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
567.9 NOR 05048833 Dinosaurs / Norman, David, Oxford University Press, 2005 0192804197 (alk. paper) | 9780 176 p. : Knowledge Centre
567.903 LAM 04009824 Dinosaur encyclopedia : Lambert, David, Dorling Kindersley, 2001 9780789479358 1st American ed. 376 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
567.912909783 FIF 04009775 Tyrannosaurus Sue : Fiffer, Steve. W.H. Freeman, 2000 9780716740179 xvi, 248 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
567.937 EVE 04015638 Sea monsters : Everhart, Michael J. National Geographic, 2007 9781426200854 | 1426200854 191 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
567.9NOR 00081780 Dinosaurs: A Very Short Introduction Norman, David 2005 0000194197 176p UG Library
567.9NOR 00085470 Dinosaurs: A Very Short Introduction Norman, David 2005 0000194197 176p UG Library
568.3CPC 00047213 Second BBM 21 Model Question Papers [ Personnel Management ] Cpc Cambridge 39p UG Library
569.5 FAG 00131450 World prehistory : Fagan, Brian M., Routledge, 2017 9781138190320 (pbk. : alk. paper) Ninth edition. xxiv,453p.; UG Library
569.8 SAN 00112533 Tool use in animals : Sanz. M, Crickette Cambridge University Press 2013 9781107011199 x, 313 pages ; UG Library
569.9 FED 04015757 The past in perspective : Feder, Kenneth L. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195394306 | 0195394305 4th ed. xxiv, 696 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
569.9 LYN 03006353 Walking with Cavemen : Lynch, John. DK Pub., 2003 0789497751 (alk. paper) | 9780 1st American ed. 224 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
569.9 LYN 04008096 Walking with Cavemen : Lynch, John. DK Pub., 2003 0789497751 (alk. paper) | 9780 1st American ed. 224 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
569.9 WAL 07006366 Last Ape Standing : Walter Chip Bloomsbury, 2013 9781620405215 220p.: Library - BR Campus
569.986 FIN 05038690 The improbable primate : Finlayson, Clive. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199658794 (hardback) xix,202p.; Knowledge Centre
569.986 PAP 07014600 The Neanderthals Rediscovered : Papagianni Dimitra Thames & Hudson, 2018 9780500292044 208p.: Library - BR Campus
570 PLO 00095383 Evolutionary Worlds Without End Plotkin Henry Oxford University Press 9780199544950 214p UG Library
570 TAY 00138225 Campbell Biology : Taylor,Martha R. Pearson, 2019 9781292229478 9th ed. 922p.; UG Library
570 ABE 00005856 Dictionary of Biology Abercrombie M. Penguin Books 1951 283 p. UG Library
570 ADA 05054733 Enterprise for life scientists : Viva Books, 2016 9788130928739 xx,248p.; Knowledge Centre
570 AGA 00122845 Biology for Chemist Agarwal, P K Pragati Prakashan, 2008 9789350069110 268 p:. UG Library
570 AGG 00115766 A Handbook of Practical Biology: for Class XI Aggarwal A.P. S. Chand & Co Ltd 2003 8121921570 | 9788121921572 1st Ed. 246 p. UG Library
570 AGG 00135012 Biology: Aggarwal,S.K Medtech, 2019 9789387938694 x,439p.; UG Library
570 AGR 00111485 Biology for chemist Agarwal,P.K Pragati Prakashan, 2008 978935006910 268p.; UG Library
570 AGR 00020639 General Biology Agrawal V.P. Jai Prakash Nath & Co 1972 3rd Ed. 230 p. UG Library
570 ALD 00045898 Making Use of Biology Alderson,Pauline. Macmillan 1995 0333620933 | 9780333620939 2nd Ed. 397 p. UG Library
570 ALE 00007701 Biology Gordon,Alexandar. Barnes & Nobels Inc 1970 9th Ed. 372 p. UG Library
570 ALL 05070001 Biology : Allott, Andrew, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198392118 | 0198392117 2014 edition. viii, 719 pages : Knowledge Centre
570 ALL 00004263 Penguin Science Survey 1968 Biology Allison,Anthony. Penguin Books 1968 222 p. UG Library
570 ALL 00122190 Microscopy : Allen, Terrence. Oxford University Press 2015 9780198701262 (pbk.) New product edition. 136p UG Library
570 ARN 00116091 Science Scope Biology Arnold, Brian. Hodder & Stoughton 2000 0340804769 | 9780340804766 163 p. UG Library
570 AST 00044340 Environment: Problems And Solutions Asthana D.K. S.Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1998 8121916925 323 p. UG Library
570 BAL 00115768 A Text Book on Biology Balakrishna T.A. Sapna Book House 2004 8128002805 | 9788128002809 308 p. UG Library
570 BHA 00021738 Second Course in Biology Bhattacharya S.S. Sheth Publishers 1982 1st Ed. 264 p. UG Library
570 BOB 00128549 Applied Life Sciences Bob, Misha Callisto Refernce 2015 9781632390776 435 p. : UG Library
570 BRA 00133604 Catchup Biology Bradley, Philip Viva Books, 2019 9788130912387 ix,211 p.: UG Library
570 BRE 00010808 Study Guide for Elements of Biology Brenner, Robert M. McGraw-Hill Book Co 1963 2nd Ed. 271 p. UG Library
570 BRE 00138311 Loose Ends...False Starts / Brenner,Sydney. WorldScientific Publishing, 2019 9789811208171 xiv,255p.; UG Library
570 BRO 00012855 Basic Biology: A First Course Brooks, Stewart M. The C.V. Mosby Co 1972 298 p. UG Library
570 BRO 00146574 Principles of Biology/ Brooker, Robert J. McGraw Hill, 2024 9781266135828 4th ed, xxviii,1057,I-31p. ; UG Library
570 BRO 00128879 Principles of biology / Brooker, Robert J., McGraw Hill 2015 9781259875120 (alk. paper) | 9 969p. UG Library
570 BUF 00007386 Principles of Biology Buffaloe Neal D. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1972 2nd Ed. 401 p. UG Library
570 BUF 00020634 Principles of Biology Buffaloe Neal D. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1972 2nd Ed. 401 p. UG Library
570 BUF 00002071 Principles of Biology Buffaloe Neal D. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1972 2nd Ed. 401 p. UG Library
570 BUN 00027823 A First Biology Course Bunyan P.T. Stanley Thornes Ltd 1982 0859503399 228 p. UG Library
570 BUR 00115767 The Canbridge Revision Guide: Biology Burton,Ian J. Cambridge University Press 2001 0521648467 | 9780521648462 190 p. UG Library
570 CAM 00128358 Biology : a global approach Campbell, Neil A Pearson Education Ltd, 2018 9781292170435 11th ed. I-52 p.: UG Library
570 CAM 00141576 Biology : Campbell, Neil A., Pearson education ltd., 2021 0805365850 | 9781292341637 12th ed., 1345p.; UG Library
570 CAM 00121401 Biology : a global approach Campbell, Neil A Pearson Education Ltd 2015 9781292008653 10th ed. I-56p. UG Library
570 CAM 05060459 Biology : Campbell, Neil.A. Pearson, 2018 9781292170435 Eleventh Edition. 1342p.; Knowledge Centre
570 CAM 00127828 Biology : a global approach Campbell, Neil A Pearson Education Ltd, 2018 9781292170435 11th ed. I-52 p.: UG Library
570 CAR 08002326 Culinary Herbs / National Home Gardening Club, 1998 158159013X 154p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570 CLE 05069932 Biology for the IB Diploma /​ Clegg, C. J. Hodder Education, 2014 9781471828997 2nd ed. xii,546p.; Knowledge Centre
570 CLE 00115765 Advanced Biology: Principles and Applications Clegg C.J. John Murry 2003 0719586046 | 9780719586040 2nd Ed. 712 p. UG Library
570 CLE 00024780 Test Your Biology: Questions Clegg C.J. John Murray 1983 119 p. UG Library
570 CLM 00136632 Objective biology for NEET 2018 : CL Media CL Media, 2017 9789332586215 | 9789386601902 xxiii, page.; UG Library
570 CRE 05072654 Statistical Methods for Research Workers/ Fisher, A Ronald Oliver and Boyd, 1954 356 p. Knowledge Centre
570 CUL 00078937 Biology: The People Behind the Science Cullen,Katherine. Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2006 8130903601 | 9788130903606 170 p. UG Library
570 DAS 00109292 I Discover Das,Baijayanti Cambridge University Press 2012 9781107606395 138 p. UG Library
570 DAV 05069931 Biology : Davis,Andrew. Hodder Education, 2017 9781471899706 320p.; Knowledge Centre
570 DAV 00137999 Biology : Davis,Andrew. Hodder Education, 2017 9781471899706 320p.; UG Library
570 DAV 05069951 Internal assessment for biology for the IB diploma : Davis, Andrew. Hodder Education, 2018 9781510432390 xv,171p.; Knowledge Centre
570 DAW 00109287 Revise IGCSE Biology Dawson,Byron Cambridge University Press 2007 9788175965614 231 p. UG Library
570 DEY 00115764 Question Bank In Biology: for CBSE Class XII Dey,Rima. S. Chand And Co Ltd 2004 8121918952 | 9788121918954 354 p. UG Library
570 ENG 04011550 Concepts In Biology/ Enger Eldon D. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2005 9780070607484 11th ed. xiii, 570 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570 ENG 00070508 Concepts in Biology Enger,Eldon D. Tata McGraw Hill 2005 0070607486 | 9780070607484 11th ed. 570 p. UG Library
570 ENG 00070242 Concepts in Biology Enger,Eldon D. Tata McGraw Hill 2005 0070607486 | 9780070607484 11th ed. 570 p. UG Library
570 ENG 00087941 Concepts in Biology Enger,Eldon D. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 2000 0070420580 | 9780697360526 9th Ed. 532 p. UG Library
570 FIE 00000319 Biology: An Inquiry Into Life Tata McGraw-Hill Tata McGraw-Hill 1949 352 p. UG Library
570 FIS 05049781 Statistical Methods for Research Workers/ Fisher, A Ronald Oliver and Boyd, 1954 356 p. Knowledge Centre
570 FOG 00033888 The Biology Problem Solver Fogiel M. Research And Education Association 1978 0878915141 1070 p. UG Library
570 FRE 00027462 Problems in Practical Advanced Level Biology Freeland P.W. Hodder And Stoughton 1985 150 p. UG Library
570 FRE 05060482 Biological science / Freeman, Scott, Pearson, 2017 9781292165073 Sixth edition. xxxi, 1162 pages : Knowledge Centre
570 FRI 00069114 Biology: The Study of Living Organism Fried,George H. McGraw-Hill Inc 1990 0073002607 | 9780073002606 443 p. UG Library
570 FRI 00115763 Theory and Problems of Biology Fried,George H. Schaum's Outline Series 1990 9780070495098 2nd Ed. 444 p. UG Library
570 FRI 00033957 Theory and Problems of Biology Fried,George H. Schaum's Outline Series 1990 9780070495098 2nd Ed. 444 p. UG Library
570 FUL 00052088 Biology: Heinemann Advanced Science Fullick,Ann. Heinemann Educational Publishers 2000 0435570951 | 9780435570958 2nd Ed. 760 p. UG Library
570 FUL 00052103 Biology: Heinemann Advanced Science Fullick,Ann. Heinemann Educational Publishers 2000 0435570951 | 9780435570958 2nd Ed. 760 p. UG Library
570 GIN 00029444 Lectures in Theoretical Population Biology Ginzburg, Lev R. Prentice-Hall Inc 1985 0135280435 246 p. UG Library
570 GKP 05058446 GATE 2018 : Life Sciences GKP C L Media, 2018 9789386601544 Pages Knowledge Centre
570 GLE 00050241 Life Science - Teacher Wrapped Edition Glencoe Prentice Hall Publications 0028277384 840p UG Library
570 GOD 05042659 Philosophy of biology / Godfrey-Smith, Peter. Princeton University Press, 2014 9780691140018 (cloth : acidfre 187 pages ; Knowledge Centre
570 GRE 00008462 Teachers' Manual Gregory, William H. S. Chand & Co 1970 157 p. UG Library
570 GUH 00142269 Biological Sciences : Guha,Anupam. New Delhi Publishers, 2021 9788194741749 407p.; UG Library
570 HAR 05063971 Homo Deus : Harari, Yuval Noah Harvill Seckr, 2015 9781910701881 | 9781784703936 440p.: Knowledge Centre
570 HAR 00129517 Homo Deus : Harari, Yuval Noah Harvill Seckr, 2015 9781910701881 | 9781784703936 440p.: UG Library
570 HAR 07013738 Homo Deus : Harari, Yuval Noah Harvill Seckr, 2015 9781910701881 | 9781784703936 440p.: Library - BR Campus
570 HAR 00125443 Homo Deus : Harari, Yuval Noah Harvill Seckr, 2015 9781910701881 | 9781784703936 440p.: UG Library
570 HAU 04008462 20th Century Science : Biology / Haugen, Peter Viva books, 2010 9788130913018 xxvi, 340p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570 HOE 00121525 Biology Hoefnagels, Marielle McGraw-Hill Education, 2015 9780073525549 Third edition xxx, 826 p:. UG Library
570 HOE 00128466 Biology: The Essentials Hoefnagels, Marielle MC Graw Hill, 2013 9780071317603 631p : . UG Library
570 HOR 00020638 Principles of Biological Control Horrobin, David F. Asia Publishing House 1970 70 p. UG Library
570 HPL 00017529 Anthropology Higginbotham Pvt Ltd Higginbotham Pvt Ltd 1968 304 p. UG Library
570 HUG 00148367 Basics of Biology/ Hughes, Blake Keya International, 2025 9788196667467 viii,304p. ; UG Library
570 JAF 00029442 Biological Clocks Manorama,Jafa. Publication 1979 24 p. UG Library
570 JOH 00120291 The living world / Johnson, George B. McGraw-Hill, 2000 069736061X | 0072289279 (disc) 2nd ed. xviii, 780 p. : UG Library
570 JOH 00146572 The living world / Johnson, George B. Mc Graw Hill 2024 9781265351069 | 9781266129001 | 9781266271762 Eleventh edition. xvii, 858pages cm UG Library
570 JOH 00020640 Social and Natural Biology Johnson, Cecil E. Affiliated East-West 1972 272 p. UG Library
570 JON 00004232 Life on Other Worlds Jones,Herald Spencer. The English Language Book Society 1959 3rd Ed. 251 p. UG Library
570 JON 00115762 As Level And A Level Biology Jones, Mary. Cambridge University Press 2003 0052153674 | 9780521536745 346 p. UG Library
570 JON 00115759 Biology: IGCSE and O Level Jones, Mary. Cambridge University Press 2002 0521891175 | 9780521891172 210 p. UG Library
570 JON 00007935 Life on Other Worlds Jones,Herald Spencer. The English Language Book Society 1959 3rd Ed. 251 p. UG Library
570 JON 00145864 Practical skills in biology / Jones, allan Pearson, 2022 9781292397078 7th ed. 644p. ; UG Library
570 KEE 00007295 Elements of Biological Science Keeton,William T. W.W.Norton &Co Inc 1967 582 p. UG Library
570 KIM 00049810 Anatomy and Physiology Kimber, Diana Clifford Macmillan Company, 1962 778 p.: UG Library
570 KIM 00012420 Biology Kimball, John W. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co Inc 1965 706 p. UG Library
570 KIM 00144630 Quantitative Biology : Kimura, Akatsuki, Springer, 2022 9789811650178 xii,130p, ; UG Library
570 KIM 00014262 Biology Kimball, John W. Amerind 1964 3rd Ed. 898 p. UG Library
570 KIM 00013665 Biology Kimball, John W. Amerind 1964 3rd Ed. 898 p. UG Library
570 KIM 00013664 Biology Kimball, John W. Amerind 1964 3rd Ed. 898 p. UG Library
570 KIM 00014263 Biology Kimball, John W. Amerind 1964 3rd Ed. 898 p. UG Library
570 KLI 00020643 Biology Teacher's Handbook Klinckmann, Evelyn. Wiley Eastern Pvt LTd 1970 692 p. UG Library
570 LUC 00126962 The Biology of Parasites Lucius Richard Wiley-Vch, 2017 9783527328482 xiii, 452 p.: UG Library
570 MAC 00012396 The Critical Idiom: Allegory Macqueen,John. Mehtuen & Co Ltd 1970 81 p. UG Library
570 MAC 00115758 I.G.C.S.E. Biology Mackean D.G. John Murray 2000 0719580536 | 9780719580536 374 p. UG Library
570 MAC 00022171 The Living World: Exploring Modern Biology Macqueen,Jean. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1978 531 p. UG Library
570 MAC 00027777 Molecular Biology and Human Disease Macleod, Alexander Blackwell Scientific Publications 1984 9780632011674 271 p.: UG Library
570 MAC 00115757 I.G.C.S.E. Biology Mackean D.G. John Murray 2000 0719580536 | 9780719580536 374 p. UG Library
570 MAD 00127843 Essentials of biology / Mader, Sylvia S. McGraw-Hill, 2012 9780071315951 3rd ed. xxvii, 652 p. : UG Library
570 MAD 00033505 Inquire Into Life Mader,Sylvia S. C.Brown Co Publishers 1982 3rd Ed. 755 p. UG Library
570 MAD 00128828 Biology Mader, Sylvia S Mc Graw Hill, 2013 9780077160906 11th Edition 924p : . UG Library
570 MAD 00146575 Essentials of biology / Mader, Sylvia S. McGraw-Hill, 2024 9781266098475 7th ed. xviii, 660,I-19p. : UG Library
570 MAD 00120080 Biology / Mader, Sylvia S. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2010 9780073525433 (hard copy : alk 10th ed. xix, 907, [91] p. : UG Library
570 MAD 00128469 Biology Mader, Sylvia S Mc Graw Hill, 2013 9780077160906 11th Edition 924p : . UG Library
570 MAH 00121879 Combined Stresses in Plants Mahalingam, Ramamurthy. Springer 2015 9783319078991 | 9783319078984 264p. UG Library
570 MAS 00128901 Understanding Biology Mason, Kenneth McGraw Hill 2015 9789814646475 989p. UG Library
570 MER 05009003 Recent advances and issues in biology / Mertz, Leslie A. Oryx Press, 2000 1573562343 (alk. paper) ix, 282 p. : Knowledge Centre
570 MIN 00145415 Biology Trending: Minkoff, Eli C CRC Press 2024 9781032488042 xxii:793p. UG Library
570 MIS 00117207 Biology Mishra, C.S Nirali Prakashan, 2012 9789381962961 22.20p. ; UG Library
570 MIS 00117208 Biology Mishra, C.S Nirali Prakashan, 2012 9789381962961 22.20p. ; UG Library
570 MON 05072292 Nature fast and nature slow : Money, Nicholas P. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2021 9781789144048 198P., Knowledge Centre
570 MOO 00115760 Introduction to Biology Mooney, Brian M.S. NTC Learning Works 2001 8185617902 222 p. UG Library
570 NCE 00115756 Biology: Textbook for Class 12 National Council Of Educational Research And Training National Council Of Educational Research And Training 2006 817450639x 286 p. UG Library
570 NCE 00030371 Biology National Council Of Educational Research And Training National Council Of Educational Research And Training 1989 250 p. UG Library
570 NRI 00132018 Cucurbits: Laskar,Nripendra. New India Publishing Agency, 2018 9789386546500 xiii,244 p.; UG Library
570 OMK 00145940 Concepts of Environmental Biology / Omkar New Age publishers, 2024 9789389802634 288 p.; UG Library
570 PAR 00115761 Biology: Study Guide Parkar,John. Letts Educational 2000 1843154366 | 9781843154365 160 p. UG Library
570 PER 00145947 Biology Perez Anthony Callisto Reference, 2022 9781641166478 vii, 234p.; UG Library
570 PRA 00109291 A Textbook Of ICSE Biology Prasad Anita General Printers & Publishers 1993 8176330345 222 p. UG Library
570 PUR 00049813 Life: the Science of Biology Purves, William K. Sinauer Associates Inc 1992 0716722763 3rd Ed. 1240 p. UG Library
570 PUR 00075881 Life: The Science of Biology: Purves, K William 2000 0716738732 6th ed, 982p UG Library
570 RAJ 00115755 Introductory Modern Biology Rajan,Sundara S. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 1999 8126102594 1st Ed. 485 p. UG Library
570 RAO 00123733 Preuniversity Biology Rao Sudhaker M. Expert Publishing House, 2015 IN 3th ed, 480 p: UG Library
570 RAO 00109299 Living Science Biology Rao D.K. Ratna Sagar P.Ltd 2011 9788183329538 1st Ed. 176 p. UG Library
570 RAV 00128902 Biology / Raven, Peter H., McGraw Hill 2014 9780076647965 | 9780077157685 10th ed. 1279p. UG Library
570 REI 00138309 Rethinking Biology : Reiss,Michael J. World Scientific Publishing Co. Ltd., 2020 9789811208263 xviii,347p.; UG Library
570 RIL 00115754 Biology-Now Riley,Peter D. John Murray Publishers Ltd 2004 0719580609 | 9780719580604 231 p. UG Library
570 ROB 00028527 Biology: A Functional Approach Roberts M.B.V. English Language Book Society 1985 3rd Ed. 655 p. UG Library
570 ROB 00021296 Biology: A Functional Approach (student manual) Roberts M.B.V. English Language Book Society 1974 452 p. UG Library
570 ROB 00021297 Biology: A Functional Approach Roberts M.B.V. The English Language Book Society 1976 017448013x 2nd Ed. 656 p. UG Library
570 ROB 00028528 Biology: A Functional Approach Roberts M.B.V. English Language Book Society 1985 3rd Ed. 655 p. UG Library
570 ROB 00028529 Biology: A Functional Approach Roberts M.B.V. English Language Book Society 1985 3rd Ed. 655 p. UG Library
570 ROB 00027824 Biology for Life Roberts M.B.V. Nelson 1985 408 p. UG Library
570 SAL 00128805 Anatomy & Physiology Saladin, Kenneth S. McGraw Hill, 2012 9780071316385 6th ed, xxvi, 1136 p:. UG Library
570 SAM 00131847 A textbook of bryophytes,Pteridophytes gymnosperms and paleobotany Sambamurty,A.V.S.S I K International pvt ltd., 2017 9788188237456 x,573p.; UG Library
570 SAR 00029409 Investigatory Projects in Biology Sarkar B. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1987 144 p. UG Library
570 SAR 00029430 Test Your Biology Sarin C. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1986 363 p. UG Library
570 SAR 00027773 Test Your Biology Sarin C. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1986 363 p. UG Library
570 SAR 00024779 Objective Evaluation in Biology Sarin C. Tata McGraw-Hill Publshing Co Ltd 1984 364 p. UG Library
570 SAU 00001320 Being Alive: A Functional Approach To Biology Saunders E.J. Universities Tutorial Press Ltd 1968 72310414x 308 p. UG Library
570 SAU 00013075 Being Alive: A Functional Approach To Biology Saunders E.J. Universities Tutorial Press Ltd 1968 72310414x 308 p. UG Library
570 SAX 00116564 Introduction to Life Science Saxena, Preeti Oxford Book Company, 2013 9789350301357 260 p.; UG Library
570 SAX 00116570 Scientific Nature of Life Science Saxena, Preeti Oxford Book Company, 2013 9789350301395 250 p.; UG Library
570 SCI 05030120 Scientific American Resource Library Volume 1 to 10 Deshmukh, S C 944 p Knowledge Centre
570 SCI 05030121 Scientific American Resource Library Volume 1 to 10 Deshmukh, S C 944 p Knowledge Centre
570 SCI 05030124 Scientific American Resource Library Volume 1 to 10 Deshmukh, S C 944 p Knowledge Centre
570 SCI 05030122 Scientific American Resource Library Volume 1 to 10 Deshmukh, S C 944 p Knowledge Centre
570 SCI 05030125 Scientific American Resource Library Volume 1 to 10 Deshmukh, S C 944 p Knowledge Centre
570 SCI 05030123 Scientific American Resource Library Volume 1 to 10 Deshmukh, S C 944 p Knowledge Centre
570 SCI 05030126 Scientific American Resource Library Volume 1 to 10 Deshmukh, S C 944 p Knowledge Centre
570 SCI 05030127 Scientific American Resource Library Volume 1 to 10 Deshmukh, S C 944 p Knowledge Centre
570 SCI 05030129 Scientific American Resource Library Volume 1 to 10 Deshmukh, S C 944 p Knowledge Centre
570 SCI 05030128 Scientific American Resource Library Volume 1 to 10 Deshmukh, S C 944 p Knowledge Centre
570 SEH 00139204 Introductory biology Sehgal,P.K Kalyani publishers, 2018 9789327297768 449p.; UG Library
570 SIM 00138508 Campbell essential biology / Simon, Eric J. Pearson education ltd., 2020 0134765036 (pbk. : student edition) | 9780134814131 (pbk. : books a la carte) | 0134814134 (pbk. : books a la carte) 7e. 486p.; UG Library
570 SIM 00132103 Campbell essential biology with physiology / Simon, Eric J. Pearson education limited., 2016 9780321967671 (pbk : student edition) | 0321967674 (pbk : student edition) | 9780134014968 (books à la carte) | 0134014960 (books à la carte) | 9781292102368 5th edition. 750p.; UG Library
570 SIM 00138364 Campbell essential biology with physiology / Simon, Eric J. Pearson education limited., 2020 9781292307282 6th ed., 674p.; UG Library
570 SIN 00115753 Biology for X Class Part III: Science & Technology Singh.Lakhmir. S. Chand & Co Ltd 2003 8121922933 | 9788121922937 1st Ed. 172 p. UG Library
570 SIN 00109300 Science for Tenth Class Part-3 Biology Singh Lakhmir S.Chand & Com Ltd 1981 9788121922937 1st Ed. 296 p. UG Library
570 SOL 00086336 Biology Solomon, Eldra P 0030335035 1254 p UG Library
570 STA 00111569 Biology: Concepts and Applications Starr, Cecie Thomson Wadsworth 2006 8131502848 | 9780495031987 794p UG Library
570 STA 00086214 Biology: Concepts and Applications Starr, Cecie Thomson Wadsworth 2006 8131502848 | 9780495031987 794p UG Library
570 STA 00125190 Biology / Starr Cecie Brooks/Cole 2013 9781111580988 13th ed. 827p.Index UG Library
570 STO 00046097 A Level Biology Stout G.W. Macmillan Press Pvt Ltd 1995 0333643763 | 9780333643761 293 p. UG Library
570 SUB 05028793 Medicine and Life Sciences in India.4.Part.2 [ug.Lib.Biology Reference Section] Subbarayappa, B V Imh Press 8187586079 786p Knowledge Centre
570 SUT 00055607 Biology Sutton, Julian. Macmillan Press Ltd 1998 0333658604 | 9780333658604 528 p. UG Library
570 SUT 00045969 Biology Sutton, Julian. Macmillan Press Ltd 1998 0333658604 | 9780333658604 528 p. UG Library
570 SUT 00068000 Biology Sutton, Julian. Macmillan Press Ltd 1998 0333658604 | 9780333658604 528 p. UG Library
570 TAG 00126977 Animal structure and function / Taggart, Starr Thomson/Brooks Cole, 2009 049512575X xii,778 p.: UG Library
570 TAY 00047940 Biological Science Taylor D.J. Cambridge University Press 1997 0521639239 | 9780521639231 3rd Ed. 981 p. UG Library
570 TAY 00001118 General Biology Taylor, William T D.Van Nostrand 1020 p UG Library
570 TAY 04017516 Biological Science / Taylor, D.J. CUP, 1997 9780521684170 3rd ed. 984p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570 TMH 00007707 Biology: An Inquiry Into Life Tata McGraw-Hill Tata McGraw-Hill 1949 352 p. UG Library
570 TUL 00138307 Pedagogy of Biology / Tulsiani,Harkishan. A P H Publishing Corporation, 2019 9789388316408 vii,320p.; UG Library
570 URR 00128911 Campbell biology in focus. Urry, Lisa A Pearson, 2017 9781292109589 2nd Edition 1103p : . UG Library
570 VER 00116090 Biology for Class XI Verma P.S. S. Chand & Co. 2004 8121908191 | 9788121908191 1st Ed. 1263 p. UG Library
570 VER 00116088 I.S.C. Biology: Class 12 Verma P.S. S. Chand & Co Ltd 2001 8121918936 2nd Ed. 990 p. UG Library
570 VER 00116089 Science and Technology: Biology for ninth class Verma P.S. S. Chand & Co 2004 8121905397 | 9788121905398 1st Ed. 283 p. UG Library
570 VIJ 05060193 Objective biology for NEET : Vijay, Rajiv. Pearson india education services pvt ltd, 2017 9789332586215 2nd ed., xxiii, pages sectional wise. Knowledge Centre
570 WAD 00008181 Biology: For The Modern World Waddington C.H. The English Language Book Socity 1962 120 p. UG Library
570 WAD 00008180 Biology: For The Modern World Waddington C.H. The English Language Book Socity 1962 120 p. UG Library
570 WEB 00057972 Thinking about biology / Webster, Stephen, Cambridge University Press, 2003 0521590590 | 0521599547 (pb.) xi, 235 p. ; UG Library
570 WEI 00003715 The Science of Biology Weisz,Paul B. McGraw-Hill Book Co 1967 886 p. UG Library
570 WHI 00058778 Metabolism Biosynthesis and Biochemical Energetics Whitmore G. Sarup and Sons 2002 8176253456 1st Ed. 138 p. UG Library
570 WIN 00008163 Biology and Its Relation to Mankind Winchester A.M. D.Van Nostrand Co Inc 1964 3rd Ed. 632 p. UG Library
570 WOL 00077961 Principles of Development Wolpert, Lewis 2007 0019927536 3th ed 551p UG Library
570 WOR 00012445 The Nature of Living Things Worth,Brooke C. Signet 1955 190 p UG Library
570 XU 00121529 Essentials of Life Science Xu, Jianping MedTech, 2014 9789381714928 Second Edition viii, p 480:. UG Library
570 YEE 00080657 Teaching of Biology Yeena, Singh Adhyayan Publishers & Distributors 8184350740 236p UG Library
570 ZEW 05066662 Physical biology : Imperial College Press, 2008 9781848161993 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 1848161999 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9781848162006 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 1848162006 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiii, 567 p. : Knowledge Centre
570 ZIM 00141998 Life's edge: Zimmer,Carl Picador, 2021 9781529069426 xx,346p.; UG Library
570.0321 ABC 00033884 Dictionary of Biology Abercrombie, M Penguin Books 306 UG Library
570.1 AME 00109269 Methods Of Teaching Biological Sience Ameeta P.Dr. Neelkamal Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 9788183160148 1st Ed. 375 p. UG Library
570.1 ANA 05067247 Bringing biology to life : Ananth, Mahesh. Broadview Press, 2018 9781551119908 | 1551119900 xviii, 320p.; Knowledge Centre
570.1 CAP 04015784 The web of life : Capra, Fritjof. Anchor Books, 1997 0385476760 1st Anchor Books trade paperback ed. xix, 347 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.1 CRE 00117455 Biology and epistemology / Creath,Richard Cambridge University Press, 2000 0521592909 (hbk.) | 0521597013 xviii, 295 p. : UG Library
570.1 DEV 00147444 Biological essentialism / Devitt, Michael Oxford Press, 2023 9780198840282 First edition. xv,224p. ; UG Library
570.1 GOU 00134786 Universe in creation : Gould, Roy, Harward University Press 2018 9780674976078 viii, 273 pages : UG Library
570.1 HUL 00086483 Cambridge Companion to the Philosophy of Biology Hull, David L 9780521851282 513 p UG Library
570.1 KRE 00126160 History and philosophy of biology / Kretsinger, Robert H. World Scientific 2015 9789814635035 (hardcover : alk ix, 351 pages : UG Library
570.1 KRE 00125132 History and philosophy of biology / Kretsinger, Robert H. World Scientific 2015 9789814635035 (hardcover : alk ix, 351 pages : UG Library
570.1 LER 05041510 The lagoon : Leroi, Armand Marie, Bloomsbury, 2014 9781408836200 (hbk.) | 1408836 501 pages : Knowledge Centre
570.1 LEW 00093107 Biology under the influence Lewontin Richard Aakar 9788189833664 400p UG Library
570.1 OHE 00092871 Philosophy, biology and life / Cambridge University Press, 0521678455 (pbk. : alk. paper) viii, 327 p. : UG Library
570.1 PAG 00143116 Principles of biostatistics / Pagano, Marcello, CRC Press, 2022 9780367355807 Third edition. xvi,604p.; UG Library
570.1 PRO 00116575 What is life? Pross, Addy, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199641017 | 0199641013 1st ed. xiv, 200 p. : UG Library
570.1 REG 04009805 What is life? : Regis, Edward, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008 9780374288518 (hardcover : alk 1st ed. 198 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.1 REG 03008436 What is life? : Regis, Edward, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008 9780374288518 (hardcover : alk 1st ed. 198 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
570.1 REG 03005490 What is life? : Regis, Edward, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008 9780374288518 (hardcover : alk 1st ed. 198 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
570.1 REG 04012124 What is Life? : Regis E. D. Oxford University Press; 2008 9780195383416 198 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.1 REG 03005990 What is life? : Regis, Edward, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008 9780374288518 (hardcover : alk 1st ed. 198 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
570.1 ROS 00143474 Philosophy of biology : Rosenberg, Alexander, Routledge, 2008 0415315921 (hardback : alk. paper) | 041531593X (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0203926994 (ebook) xii, 241 p. : UG Library
570.1 RUS 00102752 Philosophy of biology / Ruse, Michael Prometheus Books, 9781591025276 | 1591025273 473 p. : UG Library
570.1 RUS 00087380 Philosophy of Bioloby [BIOLOGY SECTION] Ruse, Michael Prometheus Books 1573921858 370 p UG Library
570.1 SHA 00134956 Who is the Scientist- Subject? : Shah, Esha. Routledge, 2018 9781138363847 First South Indian Edition. ix,173p,: UG Library
570.1 VIJ 00102267 Perspectives in Structural Biology Vijayan M. Universities Press (India) Ltd., 1999 9788173712549 | 9788173712548 xv, 746 p. UG Library
570.11 CSH 00119989 Emerging model organisms : Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2010 9780879698263 ( v. 1 : hardcov v. < 1-2 > ; UG Library
570.11 HAE 04011398 Modeling biological systems : Haefner, James W. Springer, 2005 9788181284716 2nd ed. 475 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.113 CHE 00128534 Big mechanisms in systems biology : Chen, Bor-Sen, Elsevier, 2017 9780128094792 viii, 870 pages : UG Library
570.113 SEG 05041798 A primer on mathematical models in biology: Segel, Lee A. Siam, 2013 9781611972498 (pbk.) xix, 424 p.; Knowledge Centre
570.113 VOI 00131657 The inner workings of life : Voit, Eberhard O., Cambridge university press, 2016 9781107149953 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781316604427 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 209 pages ; UG Library
570.113 YAN 00142622 Biological Pattern Discovery with R : Yang, Zheng Rong, World scientific publishing, 2022 9789811240119 xiv,447p.; UG Library
570.15 KRE 00122800 Systems Biology Kremling, Andreas CRC Press, 2014 9781466567894 xv, 363 p:. UG Library
570.15 STE 04017802 Mathematics of Life : Stewart, Ian Profiles books, 2012 9781846682056 385p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.151 AIT 00098146 Mathematics for biological scientists / Aitken, Michael R. F. Garland Science, 9780815341369 (pbk.) | 0815341 xix, 452 p. : UG Library
570.151 BOD 05041991 Mathematics for the life sciences / Bodine, Erin N. Princeton University Press, 2014 9780691150727 (hardback) | 069 xx, 608 pages : Knowledge Centre
570.151 CAN 00098883 Maths from scratch for biologists / Cann, Alan. Wiley, 0471498343 (cased) | 047149835 xii, 228 p. : UG Library
570.151 GLA 00121530 Experimental Design for Biologists Glass, David J CSH Press, 2014 9781621820413 Second edition viii, 289 p:. UG Library
570.151 LOG 05006609 Mathematical methods in biology / Logan, J. David Wiley, 2009 9780470525876 (pbk.) xiii, 417 p. : Knowledge Centre
570.151 SID 05062474 Nature-inspired computing : Siddique, N. H., CRC Press, 2017 9781482244823 (hardback : acidfree paper) xxv, 596 pages ; Knowledge Centre
570.151 TAK 00093327 Mathematics for life science and medicine Takeuchi.Y Springer 9788184892420 227p UG Library
570.151 TAK 00093328 Mathematics for life science and medicine Takeuchi.Y Springer 9788184892420 227p UG Library
570.15118 ALL 05052291 Mathematical models in biology : Allman, Elizabeth Spencer, Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521819806 (hb.) | 0521525861 xiii, 370 p. : Knowledge Centre
570.15118 ALL 00079795 An Introduction to Mathematical Biology Allen, Linda J S 2007 0130352160 348p UG Library
570.15118 EDE 05050969 Mathematical models in biology / Edelstein-Keshet, Leah. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2005 0898715547 | 9780898715545 xliii, 586 p. : Knowledge Centre
570.15118 VRI 05049684 A course in mathematical biology : Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2006 0898716128 (pbk.) | 9780898716 xii, 309 p. : Knowledge Centre
570.1519 ROS 00143870 Bayesian Thinking in Biostatistics / Rosner, Gary L. CRC press, 2021 9781439800089 xix,601p,; UG Library
570.15195 DAN 00057761 Biostatistics Daniel,Wayne W. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2000 9971512947 7th Ed. 755 p. UG Library
570.15195 DAN 00077626 Biostatistics Daniel,Wayne W. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2000 9971512947 7th Ed. 755 p. UG Library
570.15195 FOR 04000536 Introduction to Biostatistics : Forthofer, Ronald N Elsevier, 2008 9788131201992 567 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.15195 KAR 00128644 Comprehensive textbook of Biostatistics & Research Methodology Kartikeyan, S Bhalani Publishing House, 2016 9789381496251 643p : . UG Library
570.15195 KUS 00123015 Biostatistics Basic Concepts and Methodology K.S. Kushwaha New India Publishing Agency, 2014 9789383305469 v, 223 p.: UG Library
570.15195 LEW 00015683 Biostatistics / Lewis,Alvin E. Affiliated East-West Press, 1966 xi,227 p.; UG Library
570.15195 PAU 00091110 Biostatistics and microbiology : Paulson, Daryl S., Springer, 2008 9780387772813 (pbk.) | 0387772812 (pbk.) ix, 216 p. ; UG Library
570.15195 ZAR 00057762 Biostatistical Analysis Zar, Jerrold H Pearson Education, 2003 8178089653 | 9788178089652 4th.ed 123 p.; UG Library
570.15195 ZAR 00079869 Biostatistical Analysis Zar, Jerrold H Pearson Education, 2003 8178089653 | 9788178089652 4th.ed 123 p.; UG Library
570.15195 ZAR 00121402 Biostatistical Analysis Zar, Jerrold H Pearson Education 2014 8178089653 | 9789332536678 5th.ed 756p. UG Library
570.15195 ZAR 00137056 Biostatistical Analysis Zar, Jerrold H Pearson Education 2014 8178089653 | 9789332536678 5th.ed 756p. UG Library
570.15195 ZAR 00137057 Biostatistical Analysis Zar, Jerrold H Pearson Education 2014 8178089653 | 9789332536678 5th.ed 756p. UG Library
570.15195 AHO 04024389 Foundational and applied statistics for biologists using R / Aho, Ken A. CRC Press, 2014 9781439873380 xxi, 596 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.15195 ALM 00142447 Statistical modeling for biological systems: Almudevar,Anthony Springer, 2020 9783030346744 xxii,354p.; UG Library
570.15195 ALM 00145505 Statistical modeling for biological systems: Almudevar, Anthony; Springer, 2020 9783030346775 xxii, 354p.; UG Library
570.15195 AMB 00093397 Topics In Biostatistics Ambrosius Walter.T Springer 9788184894271 528p UG Library
570.15195 ANN 00132121 A Textbook Of Biostatistics: Annadurai B, New Age International Pvt .Ltd, Publishers, 2017 9788122420517 xxi,368 p.; UG Library
570.15195 ARO 00055130 Biostatistics Arora P.N. Himalaya Publishing House 1996 1st Ed. 447 p. UG Library
570.15195 ARO 00055129 Biostatistics Arora P.N. Himalaya Publishing House 1996 1st Ed. 447 p. UG Library
570.15195 BAL 00131525 Biostatistics Balaji, K I K International publishing house pvt ltd., 2012 9789381141502 xiii,301p.; UG Library
570.15195 BAN 00077503 Introduction to Biostatistics Banerjee, Pranab Kumar S Chand & Company Ltd 2005 9788121923293 196 p.: UG Library
570.15195 BAN 00077504 Introduction to Biostatistics Banerjee, Pranab Kumar S Chand & Company Ltd 2005 9788121923293 196 p.: UG Library
570.15195 BAN 00077506 Introduction to Biostatistics Banerjee, Pranab Kumar S Chand & Company Ltd 2005 9788121923293 196 p.: UG Library
570.15195 BAN 00077505 Introduction to Biostatistics Banerjee, Pranab Kumar S Chand & Company Ltd 2005 9788121923293 196 p.: UG Library
570.15195 BAR 04010610 Biomimetics : CRC Press, 2012 9781439834763 (hardback : alk. xix, 735 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.15195 BAR 00144297 Biostatistics : Baronov, David. Routledge, 2023 9781032328386 284p,; UG Library
570.15195 BRO 04024042 Game-theoretical models in biology / Broom, Mark, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2013 9781439853214 (hardback : acid xxiii, 494 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.15195 CER 00142362 Linear Selection Indices in Modern Plant Breeding / Céron-Rojas, J. Jesus, Springer international publishing, 2018 9783319912233 | 9783319912226 1st ed. 2018. XXII, 256 pages UG Library
570.15195 COM 00123010 Dynamical Biostatistical Models Commenges, Daniel. CRC Press, 2016 9781498729673 xxxiv, 374 p:. UG Library
570.15195 DAN 00102224 Biostatistics Daniel,Wayne W. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2000 9971512947 7th Ed. 755 p. UG Library
570.15195 FAR 00079791 Dynamical Models in Biology Farkas, Miklos 2001 0122491033 187p UG Library
570.15195 GER 00120741 Basic Biostatistics : Gerstman, B. Burt, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2015 9781284036015 | 9781284025460 (pbk.) | 1284025462 (pbk.) 2nd ed, xv, 644 p. : UG Library
570.15195 GUR 00074933 An Introduction to Biostatistics Gurumani N. MJP Publishers 2005 8180940063 | 9788180940064 2nd Ed. 407 p. UG Library
570.15195 GUR 00073729 Research Methodology for Biological Sciences Gurumani N. MJP Publishers 2006 8180940160 | 9788180940163 753 p. UG Library
570.15195 GUR 00074179 Research Methodology for Biological Sciences Gurumani N. MJP Publishers 2006 8180940160 | 9788180940163 753 p. UG Library
570.15195 GUR 00108712 An Introduction to Biostatistics Gurumani N. MJP Publishers 2005 8180940063 | 9788180940064 2nd Ed. 407 p. UG Library
570.15195 GUR 00073724 An Introduction to Biostatistics Gurumani N. MJP Publishers 2005 8180940063 | 9788180940064 2nd Ed. 407 p. UG Library
570.15195 HAM 04012461 A Short Course in Biostatistics / Hammar, Niklas. Overseas Press ; 2008 9789144017198 | 9788188689927 156 p>: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.15195 KAL 00105101 Understanding biostatistics Anders, Källén. Wiley Publication 2011 0801620783 xii,375p. UG Library
570.15195 KAR 00127922 Comprehensive textbook of Biostatistics & Research Methodology Kartikeyan, S Bhalani Publishing House, 2016 9789381496251 643p : . UG Library
570.15195 KHA 00077471 Fundamentals of Biostatistics: Irfan, Ali Khan Ukaaz Publications 2006 81900044109 496 p.: UG Library
570.15195 KHA 00077472 Fundamentals of Biostatistics: Irfan, Ali Khan Ukaaz Publications 2006 81900044109 496 p.: UG Library
570.15195 KHA 00077474 Fundamentals of Biostatistics: Irfan, Ali Khan Ukaaz Publications 2006 81900044109 496 p.: UG Library
570.15195 KHA 00077473 Fundamentals of Biostatistics: Irfan, Ali Khan Ukaaz Publications 2006 81900044109 496 p.: UG Library
570.15195 KHA 00062710 Fundamentals of Biostatistics: Irfan, Ali Khan Ukaaz Publications 2006 81900044109 496 p.: UG Library
570.15195 KHA 00062725 Fundamentals of Biostatistics: Irfan, Ali Khan Ukaaz Publications 2006 81900044109 496 p.: UG Library
570.15195 KHA 00062556 Fundamentals of Biostatistics: Irfan, Ali Khan Ukaaz Publications 2006 81900044109 496 p.: UG Library
570.15195 KUM 00128183 Biostatistics Kumar,Jyoti AITBS Publishers, 2014 9789374734674 2nd ed. 298p.; UG Library
570.15195 LRI 04029764 Data analysis for the life sciences with R / Irizarry, Rafael A., CRC Press, 2017 9781498775670 | 1498775675 xxi, 353 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.15195 LRI 05061066 Data analysis for the life sciences with R / Irizarry, Rafael A., CRC Press, 2017 9781498775670 | 1498775675 xxi, 353 pages : Knowledge Centre
570.15195 MCK 05045342 Statistics explained : McKillup, Steve. Cambridge University Press, 2006 9781107673847 xii, 267 p. : Knowledge Centre
570.15195 MCK 05048137 Statistics explained : McKillup, Steve. Cambridge University Press, 2006 9780521835503 (hbk.) | 0521835 xii, 267 p. : Knowledge Centre
570.15195 MIR 04024439 Growth curve analysis and visualization using R / Mirman, Daniel, CRC Press, 2014 9781466584327 xviii, 170 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.15195 NEG 00128182 Biostatistics / Negi K S AITBS Publishers 2015 9788174731777 2nd ed. 252p. UG Library
570.15195 NEG 00128181 Methods in Biostatistics / Negi K S AITBS Publishers 2017 9789374735053 3rd ed. 371p. UG Library
570.15195 PAG 07007387 Principles of Biostatistics / Pagano Marcello Cengage Learning, 2015 9788131502112 xvi,523p.: Library - BR Campus
570.15195 PAG 00077609 Principles of Biostatistics/ Pagano, Marcello Thomson Wadsworth 2007 8131502112 2nd,Ed. 525 p, UG Library
570.15195 PAN 04023817 Biostatistics : Pandey, Manju M V Learing, 2015 9788130927534 696p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.15195 PAN 00121678 Biostatistics Basic and Advanced Pandey Manju MV Learning, 2015 9788130927534 xxii, 696 p.: UG Library
570.15195 RAI 00118517 Research Methodology and Biostatistics Manoj Rai Anmol Publications Pvt, 2014 9788126157556 vii, 296 p.: UG Library
570.15195 RAO 00131530 Fundamentals of biostatistics Rao, Hanmanth P I.K.International publishing house pvt ltd., 2011 9789380578712 281p.; UG Library
570.15195 RAS 00079077 Fundamentals of Biostatistics Rastogi, Veer Bala Ane Books India 2007 9788180521157 366 p.: UG Library
570.15195 RAS 00078056 Fundamentals of Biostatistics Rastogi, Veer Bala Ane Books India 2007 9788180521157 366 p.: UG Library
570.15195 RAS 00121064 Biostatistics Rastogi Veer Bala MedTec 2015 9789384007591 471p. UG Library
570.15195 RAS 00121065 Biostatistics Rastogi Veer Bala MedTec 2015 9789384007591 471p. UG Library
570.15195 RAS 00121066 Biostatistics Rastogi Veer Bala MedTec 2015 9789384007591 471p. UG Library
570.15195 RAS 00139481 Biostatistics / Rastogi,Veer Bala. MedTec, 2015 9789384007591 3rd rev ed. xv,471p.; UG Library
570.15195 SAM 00128893 Statistics for the life sciences / Samuels, Myra L. Pearson 2016 9780321989581 | 9781292101811 5th ed. ix, 637 pages : UG Library
570.15195 SIN 00128497 Bio-Statistics Singh, Ronald Apple Academics 2010 9781926686844 303 p. : UG Library
570.15195 SOK 05033551 Introduction to biostatistics / Sokal, Robert R. Dover Publications, 2009 9780486469614 | 0486469611 2nd ed., Dover ed. xiv, 363 p. : Knowledge Centre
570.15195 SRI 00098149 Understanding Biostatistics Srivastava Sharad Discovery publishing 9788183565196 303p UG Library
570.15195 STE 00078051 Calculations for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Stephenson,Frank H. Academic Press 2004 8181474112 | 9788181474117 302 p. UG Library
570.15195 STE 00062693 Calculations for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Stephenson,Frank H. Academic Press 2004 8181474112 | 9788181474117 302 p. UG Library
570.15195 SUC 05042814 Practical biostatistics : Suchmacher, Mendel. Elsevier/Academic Press, 2012 9780124157941 | 0124157947 1st ed. xii, 236 p. : Knowledge Centre
570.15195 TRI 00134190 Biostatistics for the biological and health sciences / Triola, Marc M. Pearson education ltd., 2019 9781292229362 715p.; UG Library
570.15195 TRI 00077602 Biostatistics for the Biological and Health Sciences/ Triola M D, Marc M 0321194365 699p UG Library
570.15195 TRI 00145857 Biostatistics: Triola, M. Marc Pearson education ltd., 2023 9781292452012 third edition 777p. ; UG Library
570.15195 WIL 00138831 Biostastics: Williams ,Brain CRC press, 2020 9780367411435 x,201p.; UG Library
570.15195 WUN 00079076 Computational Biology: Unix Linux, Data Processing and Programming Wunschiers, R Springer 2006 8181284208 284p UG Library
570.15195ROS 00087185 Fundamentals of Biostatistics Rosner, Bernard 9780495064411 868 p UG Library
570.15195STE1 00083620 Calculations for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology: A Guide to Mathematics in the Laboratory Stephenson, Frank H ELSEVIER 8181474112 302p UG Library
570.1720151 SEG 00033894 Biochemical Caluclations Segel, Irwin H. John Wiley, 1976 441 p.: UG Library
570.19195 ALB 04021219 Biometrics : Intech, 2014 9789533071879 196p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.282 BRA 00122287 Atomic force microscopy Braga, Pier Carlo Humana Press, 2004 1588290948 (alk. paper) | 9781 394p. UG Library
570.282 CHA 00098134 Bioimaging : Chandler, Douglas E. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 9780763738747 (alk. paper) | 0 xvi, 440 p., 9 p. of plates : UG Library
570.282 GIR 00138591 A practical guide to optical microscopy / Girkin, John, CRC Press, 2020 9781138064706 | 113806470X | 9781138065062 | 1138065064 260 p.; UG Library
570.282 JIA 00107330 Virtual microscopy and virtual slides in teaching, diagnosis, and research / Jiang Gu Taylor & Francis, 2005 9780849320675 (hardcover : alk 356 p. : UG Library
570.282 SCH 00146637 Transmitted Light Microscopy of Rock-Forming Minerals: Schmidt, Susanne Theodora Springer, 2023 9783031196119 xii,278p. ; UG Library
570.282 SPE 00120079 Basic methods in microscopy : Spector David L Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2006 0879697474 (cloth : alk. paper ix, 382 p. : UG Library
570.282 WES 00116831 Basic Stereology for Biologists and Neuroscientists / West, Mark J., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press : 2012 9781936113606 x, 203 p. : UG Library
570.2825 FRA 05065577 Single-particle cryo-electron microscopy : World Scientific, 2018 9789813234857 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9813234857 (hardcover : alk. paper) xii, 565p.; Knowledge Centre
570.2825 SCH 00112531 Scanning Electron Microscopy for the Life Sciences ed by, Schatten, Heide. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9780521195997 xi, 261 p., UG Library
570.2825 ZEW 00105998 4D electron microscopy : Zewail, Ahmed H. Imperial College Press ; | Distributed by World Scientific Pub., 2010 9781848163904 (hardcover : alk xii, 341 p. : UG Library
570.2825 ZEW 05066671 4D electron microscopy : Zewail, Ahmed H. Imperial College Press ; | Distributed by World Scientific Pub., 2010 9781848163904 (hardcover : alk xii, 341 p. : Knowledge Centre
570.285 LAC 04000949 Bioinformatics: Managing Scientific Data Lacroix, Zoe Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 2008 8181473728 439 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.285 AGB 04029694 Bio-informatic systems, processing and applications / River Publishers, 2013 9788793102187 (hd. bd.) x, 234 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.285 ALO 00119826 An Introduction to Systems Biology : Alon, Uri, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2007 1584886420 | 9781584886426 xvi, 301 p., [4] p. of plates : UG Library
570.285 ATT 00136247 Bioinformatics challenges at the interface of biology and computer science : Attwood, Teresa K., John Wiley and sons ltd., 2016 9780470035504 (cloth) | 0470035501 (cloth) | 9780470035481 (pbk.) | 047003548X (pbk.) xviii, 403 pages : UG Library
570.285 BAS 00131187 Python for bioinformatics / Bassi, Sebastian, CRC press, 2018 9781138035263 (pbk. : alk. pap Second edition. xxix, 420 pages ; UG Library
570.285 BOS 05050872 Bioinformatics : Bosu, Orpita. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195676839 | 0195676831 xii, 587 p. : Knowledge Centre
570.285 BUR 00131509 Structural bioinformatics: Burkowski, Forbes J. CRC press, 2018 9781138581494 xxiii,406p.; UG Library
570.285 CHE 04020956 Bioinformatics technologies / Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe Springer, 2005 3540208739 (hbk. : alk. paper) xv, 396 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.285 CHE 04021646 Bioinformatics technologies / Springer, 2005 9788181285317 | 9783540208730 xv, 396 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.285 CHE 04022086 Bioinformatics technologies Springer, 2005 3540208739 | 9783540208730 396p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.285 CHO 00128357 Bioinformatics for Beginners : Choudhuri, Supratim, Elsevier Inc, 2014 9780124104716 xi, 225 p. : UG Library
570.285 CHR 00137685 Introduction to bioinformatics in microbiology / Christensen,Henrik Springer, 2018 9783319992792 (hardcover : alk. paper) x,213p.; UG Library
570.285 CON 04021009 Bioinformatics / Conrad, Edward Apple Academic Press, 2010 9781926686264 304p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.285 DAN 00146577 Bioinformatics: An Introdictory textbook/ Dandekar, Thomas Springer, 2023 9783662650356 ix,357p. ; UG Library
570.285 DON 00142621 Biological language model : Dong, Qiwen, World scientific publishing, 2020 9789811212949 xv,248p.; UG Library
570.285 FER 04021010 Introduction To Bio-Informatics / Apple Academic Press , 2010 9781926686806 304 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.285 GUL 00132500 Essentials of bioinformatics Gulwe,Ashish Oxford book company, 2018 9789350304570 216p.; UG Library
570.285 HAD 00124235 Computing for Biologists : Libeskind-Hadas, Ran. Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107042827 | 9781107642188 x, 207 p,: UG Library
570.285 HAS 00140693 Hands on data science for biologists using Python / Hasija, Yasha, CRC press, 2021 9780367546793 | 9780367546786 First edition. xii,286p.; UG Library
570.285 HOD 00128333 Bioinformatics Hodgman, T. Charlie. Garland Science 2010 9780415394949 | 0415394945 2nd ed. x, 340 p. : UG Library
570.285 JON 00098248 An introduction to bioinformatics algorithms/ Jones Neil,C Ane Books pvt,Ltd.; 9788180520785 xv:695 p. UG Library
570.285 KEL 00131186 Computational biology : Kelley, Scott T. ASM Press, 2018 9781683670025 (pbk.) xv, 194 pages ; UG Library
570.285 KNI 00143558 Textbook of Bioinformatics / Knight, Regan. States academic press, 2022 9781639895106 viii,232p, ; UG Library
570.285 KON 00146353 Systems Biology: Konieczny, Leszek Springer 2023 9783031315565 257p. UG Library
570.285 LAC 04007916 Bioinformatics : Lacroix, Zoe Elsevier, 2003 xxi, 441p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.285 LEE 00135500 Beginners guide to bioinformatics for high throughput sequencing / Lee, Eric Cheng-Yu, World scientificpublishing, 2018 9789813230514 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9789813231665 (paperback : alk. paper) xiv, 262 pages : UG Library
570.285 LES 04019073 Introduction to bioinformatics / Lesk, Arthur M. Oxford University Press, 2002 0199251967 (alk. paper) | 9780195685251 xvi, 283 p., [4] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.285 MAJ 00121511 Scalable Pattern Recognition Algorithms Maji, Pradipta. Springer 2014 9783319056302 | 9783319056296 304p. UG Library
570.285 MAZ 04023931 Stochastic dynamics for systems biology / Mazza, Christian CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2014 9781466514935 | 1466514930 xii, 260 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.285 MOM 00128530 Concepts in bioinformatics and genomics / Momand, Jamil, Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190610548 448p : . UG Library
570.285 NAR 00093386 Bioinformatics a primer Narayanan.p New Age International 8122416101 248p UG Library
570.285 NAR 00093385 Bioinformatics a primer Narayanan.p New Age International 8122416101 248p UG Library
570.285 NAT 00143728 Computational Biology : Nathaniel, Ivie States Academic press, 2022 9781639891214 vi,237p,; UG Library
570.285 NEE 00147228 A textbook of bioinformatics : Neelakanta, Perambur S. World Scientific, 2024 9780000991751 xii,671p. ; UG Library
570.285 NEE 00142617 A textbook of bioinformatics : Neelakanta, Perambur S., World scientific, 2021 9789811212888 | 9789811213847 xii,671p.; UG Library
570.285 PAT 05068036 Emerging areas in bioinformatics / Patil, Dnyaneshwari D. Shroff Publishers and ddistributors Pvt.Ltd., 2019 9789352138844 322p. ; Knowledge Centre
570.285 PER 04021551 Bioinformatics / Intech, 2012 9789535108788 326p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.285 RAJ 04020955 Bioinformatics : Rajadurai, M. PBS Books Enterprises, 2010 9788190930000 158p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.285 RAM 00121878 Bioinformatics Ramsden, Jeremy. Springer 2015 9781447167020 | 9781447167013 3rd ed. 308p. UG Library
570.285 RAM 05068031 Deep learning for life sciences : Ramsundar, Bharath Shroff publishers and distributers Pvt.Ltd., 2019 9789352138333 x, 222p. ; Knowledge Centre
570.285 RAM 00146352 Bioinformatics: Ramsden, Jeremy Springer 2023 9783030456061 404p. UG Library
570.285 ROF 00124128 Introduction to computer-intensive methods of data analysis in biology / Roff, Derek A., Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521846285 (hardback) | 052160 vii, 368 p. : UG Library
570.285 SIS 00146008 Bioinformatics / Sisodia, Menka Asia Publishers & Distributors, 2023 9788119391271 X,264P. ; UG Library
570.285 SUN 00130610 Algorithms For Next-Generation Sequencing / Sung, Wing-Kin, CRC Press, 2017 9781466565500 xiii, 347 p. : UG Library
570.285 VIA 00128320 Managing your biological data with Python / Via, Allegra. CRC Press, 2014 9781439880937 (alk. paper) xxv, 544 pages ; UG Library
570.285 VIA 05056025 Managing your biological data with Python / Via, Allegra. CRC Press, 2014 9781439880937 (alk. paper) xxv, 544 pages ; Knowledge Centre
570.285 WAN 00136032 Essential computing skills for biologists / Wang, Ziling, Higher education press ltd. company, 2018 9781848169241 (hardcover : alk. paper) ix, 293 pages : UG Library
570.285 WUN 04016254 Computational Biology: Wunschiers, R Springer, 2004 9788181284204 284 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
570.285 YE 00125525 Bioinformatics : Ye, Shui Qing, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2010 9781584888109 (alk. paper) | 1 Ind.ed. xxvi, 618 p. : UG Library
570.28557 MON 00137290 Data Stewardship For Open Science : Mons, Barend, CRC Press, 2018 9781498753173 | 9780815348184 xviii, 226 p. ; UG Library
570.3 DEM 00028513 Purnell's Concise Dictionary of Nature: Purnell, 2000 254p UG Library
570.3 OUP 01014331 A dictionary of biology. Oxford University Press, 9780199204625 717 p. : Knowledge Centre
570.3 OXU 05003758 A dictionary of biology Oxford University Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199204625 6th ed. viii, 717 p. Knowledge Centre
570.511352 THI 00124063 Computational Biology Thiagarajan, B MJP Publishers 2009 9788180940637 493p. UG Library
570.71 HER 00128439 Science stories you can count on : Herreid, Clyde Freeman, National Science Teachers Association Press 2017 9789386105868 549 pages : UG Library
570.71 KON 00128429 Everyday mysteries life science : Konicek-Moran, Richard. Viva Books, 2017 9781936959303 | 9789386105929 Vol-I xvi, 254 pages : UG Library
570.712 DAV 05069933 Biology for the IB MYP 4 &​ 5 : Davis, Andrew. Hodder Education, 2015 9781471841705 314p.; Knowledge Centre
570.72 BAL 00091107 The Practice of statistics in the life sciences / Baldi, Brigitte. W.H. Freeman and Company, 9781429218764 (extended versio xxv, 761 p. : UG Library
570.72 CAR 05062839 How scientific progress occurs : Carlson, Elof Axel. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2018 9781621822974 (case : alk. paper) ix, 209 p. ; Knowledge Centre
570.72 HAW 00102279 Biomeasurement : Hawkins, Dawn Oxford University Press, 9780199219995 xxiii, 337 p. UG Library
570.72 KEM 00146231 How to be a scientist : Kemp, Roslyn A., CRC Press 2024 9780815346098 | 9781032584690 First edition. 252p. UG Library
570.72 RAM 00125976 Bioethics and Biosafety Ramamurthi R. A.P. H. Publishing, 2016 9788131302651 xi, 308p.: UG Library
570.72 SCH 00146224 Life Science Management: Schonbohm, Avo Springer 2022 9783030987633 224p. UG Library
570.724 LUT 00122294 The rise of experimental biology : Lutz, Peter L. Humana Press, 2002 0896038351 (alk. paper) | 9780 xiii, 200 p. : UG Library
570.752 BHA 00097449 Understanding Biopreservation Bhattacharya Lata Discovery Publishing House Pvt.Ltd 9788183565103 297p UG Library
570.752 BHA 00098148 Understanding Biopreservation Bhattacharya Lata Discovery Publishing House Pvt.Ltd 9788183565103 297p UG Library
570.76 KUM 00129898 CSIR-UGC NET/JRF/SLET Mathematical Science Kumar, Alok Upkar Prakashan, 2017 9788174823809 792 p. : UG Library
570.76 MUB 00124295 CSIR- UGC Life Sciences Mubashshir Unique Publishers, 2014 9789351872825 xvii,889 p.: UG Library
570.76 NAG 10001233 NTA CSIR UGC NET/SET : Nagesh, Ashish. Arihant Publications (India) Ltd., 2021 9789326194747 1237, i-15p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
570.76 PUS 05065494 Upkar's CSIR UGC Net/JRF/SET Life Sciences / Pushkar,Kumar. Upkar, 2018 9788174824233 xvi,672p.; Knowledge Centre
570.76 RAJ 00120140 Experimental Procedures In Life Sciences Rajan S.Dr. Anjanaa Book House 2010 9788191016505 1st Ed. viii; 552 p. UG Library
570.76 RAJ 00108253 Experimental Procedures In Life Sciences Rajan S.Dr. Anjanaa Book House 2010 9788191016505 1st Ed. viii; 552 p. UG Library
570.76 RAJ 00108254 Experimental Procedures In Life Sciences Rajan S.Dr. Anjanaa Book House 2010 9788191016505 1st Ed. viii; 552 p. UG Library
570.76 SIN 00091944 CSIR- UGC NET/JRT/SLET - Life Sciences Singh,A P Upkar Prakashan 9788174824233 410p UG Library
570.76 SIN 00093283 UGC-CSIR NET for JRF/Lectureship : Singh, Mohen Danika Publishing Company, 2010 556 P UG Library
570.76 SIN 05031103 UGC-CSIR NET for JRF/Lectureship : Singh, Mohen Danika Publishing Company, 2010 556 P Knowledge Centre
570.76 WHI 00136383 A problems approach to introductory biology / White, Brian T., ASM Press, 2006 1555813720 | 9781555813727 xi, 265 p. : UG Library
570.78 GOS 00138110 A textbook of laboratory techniques Goswami,Chinmoy Wisdo press, 2017 9789380199665 296p.; UG Library
570.78 MAL 00125303 Single Molecule Dynamics in Life Science Malik, Ahtesham Oxford Book Company, 2017 9789350302941 312 p.: UG Library
570.79 NOR 00126163 Nobel Prizes and Nature's Surprises Norrby, Erling, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte.Ltd., 2013 9789814520980 (hard cover : al xviii, 451 p. : UG Library
570.79 NOR 05066837 Nobel prizes and life sciences Norrby, Erling. World Scientific, 2010 9789814299367 (hard cover : al xv, 317 p. ; Knowledge Centre
570.79 NOR 00116624 Nobel Prizes and Nature's Surprises Norrby, Erling, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte.Ltd., 2013 9789814520980 (hard cover : al xviii, 451 p. : UG Library
570.79 NOR 05065570 Nobel Prizes and Nature's Surprises Norrby, Erling, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte.Ltd., 2013 9789814520980 (hard cover : al xviii, 451 p. : Knowledge Centre
570.79 NOR 00106638 Nobel prizes and life sciences Norrby, Erling. World Scientific, 2010 9789814299367 (hard cover : al xv, 317 p. ; UG Library
570.92 DAW 07005667 Brief Candle in The Dark Dawkins Richard Bantam Press, 2015 9780593072561 | 9780552779449 455 p.: Library - BR Campus
570.92 DAW 00123097 Brief Candle in The Dark Dawkins Richard Bantam Press, 2015 9780593072561 | 9780552779449 455 p.: UG Library
570.92 DAW 00124088 Brief Candle in The Dark Dawkins Richard Bantam Press, 2015 9780593072561 | 9780552779449 455 p.: UG Library
570.92 DAW 05038586 An appetite for wonder : Dawkins,Richard. Transworld Publishers, 2013 9780552779050 307p.; Knowledge Centre
570.92 HOL 00098257 Research Methods For The Biosciences ; Holmes,Debbie Oxford University Prees , 9780195686319 xvi 381 UG Library
570.92 STE 00117965 Phytopathology in Plants Stewart Philip Apple Acadmic Press, 2011 9781926692807 334 p.: UG Library
570.922 FRA 05067347 Peace / World Scientific, 1997 9789810211790 | 9810211791 (pbk) | 9810211805 | 9810211813 (pbk.) 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
570.922 JAM 00092018 Remarkable biologists / James, I. M. Cambridge University Press, 9780521875899 (hardback) | 052 xii, 184 p. : UG Library
570.922 KAU 00111566 World Great Biologists/ Kaushal, Swati. Centrum Press, 2013 9789381938560 x:308p.; UG Library
570.95483 NAY 00105235 Models of teaching biology Nayar,Ajitha.K Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2006 9788126126095 ix,135p. UG Library
570AGA 00007383 Genetics Agarwal, S C Rajeev UG Library
570ARO 00029422 Refresher Course in Biology Arora, Kailash UG Library
570ARO1 00038938 Modern ABC of Biology II Puc Arora, B B Modern UG Library
570ARO2 00038630 Modern ABC`s of Biology for II PUC Arora, B B Modern UG Library
570ARU 00017497 Pre University Biology Aruna, Murthy UG Library
570ARU1 00017507 Pre University Biology Aruna, Murthy Aruna UG Library
570ARU1 00017508 Pre University Biology Aruna, Murthy Aruna UG Library
570ARU1 00017509 Pre University Biology Aruna, Murthy Aruna UG Library
570BHA 00023204 Text Book of Biology for II Puc Bhattacharya, Sheth UG Library
570BHA1 00025748 II Course in Biology Bhattacharya, Sheth UG Library
570BHA2 00027888 Text Book of I Puc Mathematics Bhat S, Ishwara Collins Subhas Pub UG Library
570BHA2 00027890 Text Book of I Puc Mathematics Bhat S, Ishwara Collins Subhas Pub UG Library
570BHA2 00027891 Text Book of I Puc Mathematics Bhat S, Ishwara Collins Subhas Pub UG Library
570BHA2 00027892 Text Book of I Puc Mathematics Bhat S, Ishwara Collins Subhas Pub UG Library
570BHA2 00027889 Text Book of I Puc Mathematics Bhat S, Ishwara Collins Subhas Pub UG Library
570BU 00005853 General Science Bangalore University , Bang University UG Library
570CAM 00033771 Basic Biochemistry for Medical Students Campbell, P N Academic Press UG Library
570CHA 00017743 Economic Geography Chanduri, UG Library
570CLA 00009217 Elements of Ecology Clark, Toppan Co UG Library
570DAW 00012008 Biological Stands and Standing Method Dawson, UG Library
570GAB 00005935 Human Evolution Gabriel, Lasker Rinehart of Winston Inc UG Library
570GAR 00010278 Principles of Genetics Gardner, Eldon J UG Library
570KAN 00023203 Text Book of Biology for II Puc Kantharaj, Shth UG Library
570KHA 00007455 Genetics Heridity and Education Khanna, S S Central UG Library
570KHA 00007457 Genetics Heridity and Education Khanna, S S Central UG Library
570LOU 00007928 Papers on Genetics Louis, Levine S l UG Library
570MCE 00003732 Cell Physiology and Biochemistry Mcelry, William D UG Library
570MOO 00012127 Modern Biology Moon, Ott Holt n Yb UG Library
570MUR 00005897 Pre University Biology Murthy, Aruna Aruna Pub UG Library
570MUR1 00007433 Pre University Biology Murthy, Aruna Aruna Pub UG Library
570MUR1 00007434 Pre University Biology Murthy, Aruna Aruna Pub UG Library
570MUR2 00017729 Pre University Biiology Murthy, Aruna UG Library
570MUR3 00017773 Class Book of Biology Murthy, Aruna UG Library
570NAI 00028324 Text Book of Biology II Naidu B V, Srinivasa Prakash Sahithya UG Library
570NAI 00028326 Text Book of Biology II Naidu B V, Srinivasa Prakash Sahithya UG Library
570NAI 00028328 Text Book of Biology II Naidu B V, Srinivasa Prakash Sahithya UG Library
570NAI 00028330 Text Book of Biology II Naidu B V, Srinivasa Prakash Sahithya UG Library
570NAI 00028333 Text Book of Biology II Naidu B V, Srinivasa Prakash Sahithya UG Library
570NAI 00028331 Text Book of Biology II Naidu B V, Srinivasa Prakash Sahithya UG Library
570NAI 00028329 Text Book of Biology II Naidu B V, Srinivasa Prakash Sahithya UG Library
570NAI 00028327 Text Book of Biology II Naidu B V, Srinivasa Prakash Sahithya UG Library
570NAI 00028325 Text Book of Biology II Naidu B V, Srinivasa Prakash Sahithya UG Library
570NAI0 00038629 Text Book for II PUC Biology Nair, P K G HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
570NAI1 00028443 Text Book of Biology Vol II Nair, P K G Himalaya UG Library
570NAI1 00028445 Text Book of Biology Vol II Nair, P K G Himalaya UG Library
570NAI1 00028446 Text Book of Biology Vol II Nair, P K G Himalaya UG Library
570NAI1 00028447 Text Book of Biology Vol II Nair, P K G Himalaya UG Library
570NAI1 00028444 Text Book of Biology Vol II Nair, P K G Himalaya UG Library
570NAI2 00029548 Text Book of II Puc Biology Nair, P K Himalaya UG Library
570NAI2 00029550 Text Book of II Puc Biology Nair, P K Himalaya UG Library
570NAI2 00029551 Text Book of II Puc Biology Nair, P K Himalaya UG Library
570NAI2 00029552 Text Book of II Puc Biology Nair, P K Himalaya UG Library
570NAI2 00029549 Text Book of II Puc Biology Nair, P K Himalaya UG Library
570NAI3 00038616 Text Book of II Puc Biology Nair, P K G HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
570NAI3 00038617 Text Book of II Puc Biology Nair, P K G HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
570NAI3 00038618 Text Book of II Puc Biology Nair, P K G HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
570NAI3 00038620 Text Book of II Puc Biology Nair, P K G HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
570NAI3 00038622 Text Book of II Puc Biology Nair, P K G HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
570NAI3 00038623 Text Book of II Puc Biology Nair, P K G HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
570NAI3 00038621 Text Book of II Puc Biology Nair, P K G HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
570NAI3 00038619 Text Book of II Puc Biology Nair, P K G HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
570OPA 00005618 Origin of Life Oparin, Dover Publications Inc UG Library
570RAO 00007542 Pre University Biology Rao, Sudhakar M Geetha UG Library
570RAO1 00010249 Pre University Biology Rao, Sudhakar M Geetha UG Library
570RAO1 00010250 Pre University Biology Rao, Sudhakar M Geetha UG Library
570RAO1 00010251 Pre University Biology Rao, Sudhakar M Geetha UG Library
570RAO1 00010253 Pre University Biology Rao, Sudhakar M Geetha Knowledge Centre
570RAO1 00010254 Pre University Biology Rao, Sudhakar M Geetha UG Library
570RAO1 00010252 Pre University Biology Rao, Sudhakar M Geetha UG Library
570RAO2 00011240 P u Biology Rao, Sudhakar Geetha Book House UG Library
570RAO2 00011241 P u Biology Rao, Sudhakar Geetha Book House UG Library
570RAO2 00011242 P u Biology Rao, Sudhakar Geetha Book House UG Library
570REN 00006909 Text Book of Biology for Iind Year p u c Renukumar, Renuka Pub UG Library
570REN1 00011631 Text Book of Biology Renukumar, Sri Ranga Pub UG Library
570REN1 00011632 Text Book of Biology Renukumar, Sri Ranga Pub UG Library
570REN1 00011633 Text Book of Biology Renukumar, Sri Ranga Pub UG Library
570REN1 00011634 Text Book of Biology Renukumar, Sri Ranga Pub UG Library
570REN2 00012231 Text Book of Biology for 2 Years Renukumar, B M Knowledge Centre
570REN2 00012232 Text Book of Biology for 2 Years Renukumar, B M UG Library
570REN2 00012233 Text Book of Biology for 2 Years Renukumar, B M UG Library
570ROM 00011702 Vertebrate Body Romer, A S S Chand & Co. UG Library
570SHA 00039197 Pre-University Biology Shakuntala, Katu Duturhm UG Library
570SHA 00039201 Pre-University Biology Shakuntala, Katu Duturhm UG Library
570SHA 00039200 Pre-University Biology Shakuntala, Katu Duturhm UG Library
570SHA 00039198 Pre-University Biology Shakuntala, Katu Duturhm UG Library
570SHA 00039199 Pre-University Biology Shakuntala, Katu Duturhm UG Library
570SHA1 00049060 Puc Biology Vol II Shakuntala, Katre UG Library
570SIN1 00007706 Principles of Genetics Sinnot, Edurnd Mc Graw Hill UG Library
570SRE 00028349 Text Book of Biology Vol I Sreenivasa Naidu, Prakash Sahithya UG Library
570SRE 00028351 Text Book of Biology Vol I Sreenivasa Naidu, Prakash Sahithya UG Library
570SRE 00028353 Text Book of Biology Vol I Sreenivasa Naidu, Prakash Sahithya UG Library
570SRE 00028352 Text Book of Biology Vol I Sreenivasa Naidu, Prakash Sahithya UG Library
570SRE 00028350 Text Book of Biology Vol I Sreenivasa Naidu, Prakash Sahithya UG Library
570SUD 00011620 Pre University Biology Sudhakar, Rao Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD 00011626 Pre University Biology Sudhakar, Rao Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD 00011629 Pre University Biology Sudhakar, Rao Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD 00011628 Pre University Biology Sudhakar, Rao Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD 00011627 Pre University Biology Sudhakar, Rao Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD 00011625 Pre University Biology Sudhakar, Rao Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD 00011621 Pre University Biology Sudhakar, Rao Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD 00011622 Pre University Biology Sudhakar, Rao Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD 00011623 Pre University Biology Sudhakar, Rao Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD 00011624 Pre University Biology Sudhakar, Rao Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD1 00012218 Puc Biology Sudhakar Rao, Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD1 00012223 Puc Biology Sudhakar Rao, Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD1 00012225 Puc Biology Sudhakar Rao, Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD1 00012224 Puc Biology Sudhakar Rao, Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD1 00012222 Puc Biology Sudhakar Rao, Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD1 00012219 Puc Biology Sudhakar Rao, Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD1 00012220 Puc Biology Sudhakar Rao, Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD1 00012221 Puc Biology Sudhakar Rao, Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD2 00028339 Text Book of Puc Biology I Puc Sudhakar Rao, M Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD2 00028341 Text Book of Puc Biology I Puc Sudhakar Rao, M Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD2 00028342 Text Book of Puc Biology I Puc Sudhakar Rao, M Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD2 00028343 Text Book of Puc Biology I Puc Sudhakar Rao, M Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD2 00028340 Text Book of Puc Biology I Puc Sudhakar Rao, M Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD2 00038628 Biology Rao, M Sudhakar Geetha 389 UG Library
570SUD3 00028448 Text Book of Puc Biology Vol II 1987 Sudhakar Rao, M Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD3 00028452 Text Book of Puc Biology Vol II 1987 Sudhakar Rao, M Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD3 00028449 Text Book of Puc Biology Vol II 1987 Sudhakar Rao, M Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD3 00028450 Text Book of Puc Biology Vol II 1987 Sudhakar Rao, M Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD3 00028451 Text Book of Puc Biology Vol II 1987 Sudhakar Rao, M Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD4 00038624 Text Book of II Puc Biology Rao, M Sudhakara Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD4 00038627 Text Book of II Puc Biology Rao, M Sudhakara Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUD4 00038625 Text Book of II Puc Biology Rao, M Sudhakara Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUN 00028453 Text Book of Biology II Puc Sundarajan, Subhas Pub UG Library
570SUN 00028455 Text Book of Biology II Puc Sundarajan, Subhas Pub UG Library
570SUN 00028457 Text Book of Biology II Puc Sundarajan, Subhas Pub UG Library
570SUN 00028456 Text Book of Biology II Puc Sundarajan, Subhas Pub UG Library
570SUN 00028454 Text Book of Biology II Puc Sundarajan, Subhas Pub UG Library
570SUN1 00039194 Puc University Biology Sundara Rajan, S Vandhana Pub UG Library
570SUN1 00039195 Puc University Biology Sundara Rajan, S Vandhana Pub UG Library
570SUN1 00039196 Puc University Biology Sundara Rajan, S Vandhana Pub UG Library
570SUS 00011732 Pre University Biology Audhakar, Rao Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUS 00011735 Pre University Biology Audhakar, Rao Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUS 00011734 Pre University Biology Audhakar, Rao Geetha Book House UG Library
570SUS 00011733 Pre University Biology Audhakar, Rao Geetha Book House UG Library
570THU 00028432 Text Book of Biology for I Puc Thujalappa, Excellent UG Library
570THU 00028437 Text Book of Biology for I Puc Thujalappa, Excellent UG Library
570THU 00028433 Text Book of Biology for I Puc Thujalappa, Excellent UG Library
570THU 00028434 Text Book of Biology for I Puc Thujalappa, Excellent UG Library
570THU 00028436 Text Book of Biology for I Puc Thujalappa, Excellent UG Library
570THU 00028435 Text Book of Biology for I Puc Thujalappa, Excellent UG Library
570VEN 00005633 Text Book of Biology Venkataraman, P United Pub UG Library
570VEN 00005634 Text Book of Biology Venkataraman, P United Pub UG Library
570VEN1 00028334 Text Book of Biology (I Puc) Venkatesh, M G Nudi UG Library
570VEN1 00028337 Text Book of Biology (I Puc) Venkatesh, M G Nudi UG Library
570VEN1 00028338 Text Book of Biology (I Puc) Venkatesh, M G Nudi UG Library
570VEN1 00028336 Text Book of Biology (I Puc) Venkatesh, M G Nudi UG Library
570VEN1 00028335 Text Book of Biology (I Puc) Venkatesh, M G Nudi UG Library
570VEN2 00028344 Text Book of Biology for I Puc Venkataraman, United UG Library
570VEN2 00028348 Text Book of Biology for I Puc Venkataraman, United UG Library
570VEN2 00028345 Text Book of Biology for I Puc Venkataraman, United UG Library
570VEN2 00028346 Text Book of Biology for I Puc Venkataraman, United UG Library
570VEN2 00028347 Text Book of Biology for I Puc Venkataraman, United UG Library
570VEN3 00028439 Text Book of I Puc Biology Venkatesh, M G Nudi UG Library
570VEN3 00028442 Text Book of I Puc Biology Venkatesh, M G Nudi UG Library
570VEN3 00028440 Text Book of I Puc Biology Venkatesh, M G Nudi UG Library
570VEN3 00028441 Text Book of I Puc Biology Venkatesh, M G Nudi UG Library
570VER 00029426 Cell Biology, Genetics and Ecology Verma, P S S Chand & Co UG Library
570WAD 00004234 Biology for the Modern Waddington, C H UG Library
571 6 ELE 00133922 Theory practice and techniques in cell biology Elearning 3G E learning, 2018 9781680947502 viii,282p.; UG Library
571 6 AMB 00015676 Cell Biology Ambrose, E J The English Language , 1975 x, 500 p.: UG Library
571 ACH 00139111 Archegoniates : Acharya,Baman Chandra. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327277128 rep. 516p.; UG Library
571 BHA 00002513 An Elementary Text-Book Of Zoology Bhatia B.L. McMillan & Co Ltd 1955 4th Ed. 576 p. UG Library
571.0113 FAL 00095599 Computational cell biology Fall Christopher.P Springer 9798181282681 468P UG Library
571.072 ANE 00086633 Experiments in Microbiology Plant Pathology and Biotechnology Aneja, K R New Age International Publishers 2008 0812241494 599 p UG Library
571.072 ANE 00074945 Experiments in Microbiology Plant Pathology and Biotechnology Aneja, K R New Age International Publishers 2008 0812241494 599 p UG Library
571.072 ANE 00093297 Experiments in Microbiology Plant Pathology and Biotechnology Aneja, K R New Age International Publishers 2008 0812241494 599 p UG Library
571.072 ANE 00093298 Experiments in Microbiology Plant Pathology and Biotechnology Aneja, K R New Age International Publishers 2008 0812241494 599 p UG Library
571.072 ANE 00092266 Experiments in Microbiology Plant Pathology and Biotechnology Aneja, K R New Age International Publishers 2008 0812241494 599 p UG Library
571.072 ANE 00067987 Experiments in Microbiology Plant Pathology and Biotechnology Aneja, K R New Age International Publishers 2008 0812241494 599 p UG Library
571.072 ANE 00067116 Experiments in Microbiology Plant Pathology and Biotechnology Aneja, K R New Age International Publishers 2008 0812241494 599 p UG Library
571.072 PAL 00147146 Microbiology and Plant Pathology Paliwal, Poonam Book Enclave, 2023 9789392262258 262p. ; UG Library
571.072 PAL 00146597 Microbiology and Plant Pathology Paliwal, Poonam Book Enclave, 2023 9789392262258 262p. ; UG Library
571.072 ZIN 00121948 Microbiology and Plant Pathology Zingare, A K Satyam Publishers and Distributors, 2013 9788192141947 250 p:. UG Library
571.1 HIL 00091318 Animal physiology / Hill, Richard W. Sinauer Associates, 0878933158 (harcover) xxvi, 770, [67] p. : UG Library
571.1 MOY 00129534 Principles of Animal Physiology / Moyes, Christopher D. Pearson, 2016 9789332577473 2nd ed. xxx, 758 p. : UG Library
571.1 SIN 00131606 Developmental biology; Singh, Bibhuti Dutta, Ishwar Books, 2017 9789386806086 vi,272 p.; UG Library
571.1 SUH 00145990 A textbook of Animal physiology and Biochemistry / Suhasini G. A.K.Publications, 2022 9789395033176 1st ed. 224p.; UG Library
571.11 CHA 00029424 Biological Rhythms Chandrashekaran M.K. Madras Science Foundation 1985 1st Ed. 84 p. UG Library
571.11 FOS 00063052 Rhythms Of Life Foster,Russell. Profile Books 2004 9781861972354 276 p. UG Library
571.1257 PER 00123333 Molecular and physiological basis of nematode survival / Perry, Roland N CABI, 2011 9781845936877 (alk. paper) | 1 xviii, 320 p. : UG Library
571.157 MOR 00127841 Biosynthesis in insects / Morgan, E. David Royal Society of Chemistry, 2004 0854046917 xiii, 199 p.: UG Library
571.16 ELE 00135421 Vertebrate ecophysiology E-Learning 3G E-learning, 2017 9781680955224 x,233p.; UG Library
571.17 KUM 00120149 Fish and Fisheries Kumar Santosh New Central Book Agency Ltd, 2010 9788173815362 viii, 462 p.: UG Library
571.2 BHA 00121498 Methods and techniques in plant physiology Bhattacharya A New India Publishing Agency 2015 9789383305506 202p. UG Library
571.2 HEM 00121497 Advances in plant physiology Hemanataranjan A Scientific Publishers 2014 9788172339364 Vol.15 632p. UG Library
571.2 SHA 00116457 Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology Sharma, Sanjay Kumar Random Publications, 2013 9789351111276 272p.: UG Library
571.2 ABB 00136249 Emerging trends of plant physiology for sustainable crop production / Abbas, Zafar Apple academic press Inc., 2018 9781771886369 (hardcover : alk. paper) xx,394p.; UG Library
571.2 CHA 00129596 Physiology of Flowering Plants Chandra, Namita Medtech, 2017 9789386479518 263 p. : UG Library
571.2 DYA 00136864 Comprehensive and Molecular Phytopathology / Elsevier, 2018 9789351072010 483 p.; UG Library
571.2 GOY 00119051 Advances in Plant Physiology Goyal, Suneel Kumar Centrum Press, 2014 9789350845943 287p.; UG Library
571.2 HAL 00136248 Crop responses to environment : Hall, A. E. CRC Press, 2018 9781138506381 (hardback) Second edition. xix,256p.; UG Library
571.2 HEM 00126973 Advances in Plant Physiology ed by, Hemantaranjan A. Scientific Publisher, 2015 9788172339647 xiv, 474 p.: UG Library
571.2 HOP 00121486 Introduction to plant physiology / Hopkins, William G. John Wiley & Sons, 2008 9780470247662 (cloth) | 978812 4th ed. xviii, 503 p. : UG Library
571.2 JON 00132016 Photosynthesis Concepts and Applications; Saunders, Jonathon., Larsen & Keller, 2017 9781635492200 viii,223 p.; UG Library
571.2 KIN 03004653 Reaching for the sun : King, John, Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521736688 2nd ed xi,298p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
571.2 LAM 00122281 Plant physiological ecology / Lambers, H. Springer, 1998 0387983260 (alk. paper) xxvii, 540 p. : UG Library
571.2 LAM 00127342 Plant physiological ecology / Lambers, H. Springer, 1998 9780387983264 xxvii, 540 p. : UG Library
571.2 NOB 00107316 Physicochemical and environmental plant physiology Nobel,Park S. Elsevier Academic Press, 2005 9780125200264 (alk. paper) 3rd ed. xx, 567 p. : UG Library
571.2 OXL 05056790 Plant Physiology : Oxlade,Edwin. Viva Books, 2016 9789385919398 ix,156p.; Knowledge Centre
571.2 SAH 00139256 Plant Physiology and Metabolism / Sahu,Arun Chandra. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327268720 rep. 238p.; UG Library
571.2 SHA 00122935 Plant Stress Physiology Sergey Shabala, CABI, 2012 9781845939953 x, 318 p. : UG Library
571.2 SIV 00121487 Practical plant physiology Sivakumar R Narendra Publishing House 2015 9789384337247 229p. UG Library
571.2 SUM 00140737 Plant stress biology Suman Sandeep Kumar New delhi publishers, 2019 978938879095 342p.; UG Library
571.2 TAI 00117908 Plant Physiology / Taiz, Lincoln. Sinauer Associates, 2010 9780878938667 | 0878938664 5th ed. xxxiv, 782,p. : UG Library
571.2 TRI 00079881 Advances in Plant Physiology Trivedi, P C I.K International Publishing House, 2006 9788188237692 262 p UG Library
571.2 WIT 05056538 Biocommunication of plants / Springer, 2012 9783642235238 (alk. paper) | 3 x, 386 p. : Knowledge Centre
571.3 DAS 00131692 Morphology and anatomy of stem Das,Susheela M. Paradise press, 2018 9789386194220 283p.; UG Library
571.31 MCG 00094038 Theoretical Morphology Mcghee George R Overseas Press 9780231106177 316p UG Library
571.31 MCG 04012571 Theoretical Morphology Mcghee George R Overseas Press 9780231106177 316p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
571.31 THO 08001716 On growth and form / Thompson, D'arcy University of Camebrige, 1961 9780521437769 345p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
571.316 KIS 00138812 Vertebates: Kisia, Seth M. CRC Press, 2020 9780367414467 542 p.; UG Library
571.316 KUL 00054323 Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates Kulshrestha S.K. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 1992 8170416469 1st Ed. 597 p. UG Library
571.32 EVE 00130120 Esau's Plant Anatomy : Evert, Ray Franklin. Wiley-Interscience, 2006 9788126565535 3rd ed. xx, 601 p. : UG Library
571.32 NOG 00121489 Atlas of Plant Cell Structure Noguchi, Tetsuko. Springer 2014 9784431549413 | 9784431549406 202p. UG Library
571.32 SAN 00143196 Aromatic, Medicinal, and Agricultiral Plants in Indo Trans Himalayan Region: Saanwal,Nikita New delhi Publishers, 2022 9789392513398 140p,; UG Library
571.32 STE 00128968 Essentials of developmental plant anatomy / Steeves, Taylor A., Oxford University Press 2017 9780190657055 (hbk.) x, 168 pages : UG Library
571.3295 SRI 00131853 Frontiers in fungal ecology, diversity and metabolites Sridhar,K.R I K International publishing house pvt ltd., 2009 9788189866914 xvi,336p.; UG Library
571.3295 YAD 00125870 Fungi and Plant Anatomy Yadav, Amit 9788176117319 287 p.: UG Library
571.33BER 00022169 Developmental Biology Berril, N J T M Hall 1982 536 UG Library
571.4 BRA 00129583 Biophysics : Bradley, Zane Larsen & Keller, 2017 9781635490480 271 p. : UG Library
571.4 BRA 00143544 Biophysics : Bradley, Zane. Murohy & Moore, 2022 9781639870783 viii,227p, ; UG Library
571.4 CLA 04007755 Introductory biophysics : Claycomb, James Jones & Bartlett, 2011 9789380853222 xvi, 359p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
571.4 CLA 04007434 Introductory biophysics : Claycomb, James Jones & Bartlett, 2011 9789380853222 xvi, 359p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
571.4 COT 00058793 Biophysics: an Introduction Cotterill, Rodney John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2002 396 p.: UG Library
571.4 COT 00060732 Biophysics: an Introduction Cotterill, Rodney John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2002 396 p.: UG Library
571.4 COT 00060191 Biophysics: an Introduction Cotterill, Rodney John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2002 396 p.: UG Library
571.4 COT 04023226 Biophysics : Cotterill, Rodney, Wiley, 2002 9788126551606 | 0471485381 (pb xii, 395 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
571.4 ELE 00136356 Core Concepts in Physics: Biophysics / Elearning 3G E-Learning, 2019 9781984620255 265p.; UG Library
571.4 NEW 00133736 Physics of the life sciences / Newman, Jay, Springer, 2008 9780387772585 (hbk.) | 0387772588 (hbk.) xvii, 718 p. : UG Library
571.4 NOL 00108829 Methods in Modern Biophysics Nolting, Bengt, Springer, 2004 9788181281173 xiv, 254 p. : UG Library
571.4 NOL 00079144 Methods in Modern Biophysics Nolting, Bengt, Springer, 2004 9788181281173 xiv, 254 p. : UG Library
571.4 NOL 00061446 Methods in Modern Biophysics Nolting, Bengt, Springer, 2004 9788181281173 xiv, 254 p. : UG Library
571.4 NOL 00069700 Methods in Modern Biophysics Nolting, Bengt, Springer, 2004 9788181281173 xiv, 254 p. : UG Library
571.4 NOR 00107240 Quantitative understanding of biosystems : Nordlund, Thomas M. Taylor & Francis, 2011 9781420089721 (alk. paper) xxii, 557 p. : UG Library
571.4 PAT 00131133 Biophysics / Pattabhi, Vasantha. Narosa Publishing House, 2009 9788173199615 2nd Ed. xvi, 260 p. ; UG Library
571.4 PAT 00131785 The DBS handbook of biophysics Patak,Lalit DBS imprints, 2018 9789384229993 xxi,698p.; UG Library
571.4 SAN 00148379 Handbook of Biological Physics/ Sandhu, S. G. Agrotech Press, 2025 9789383101320 272p. ; UG Library
571.403 RIT 00077969 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Biophysics. Singh, Rita Global Vision Publishing House 2006 8182201543 648p UG Library
571.403 RIT 00077968 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Biophysics. Singh, Rita Global Vision Publishing House 2006 8182201543 648p UG Library
571.43 PAL 04003000 Textbook of Biomechanics Pal, Subrata Viva Books 2008 9788130911120 300 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
571.43 ETH 04007867 Introductory Biomechanics: Ethier, C Ross cambridge University, 2009 9780521165181 Xi,511p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
571.43 OOM 04007866 Biomechanics : Oomens, C. W. J. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521875585 | 0521875587 xiv, 332 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
571.43 OOM 05059684 Biomechanics : Oomens, Cees W. J., Cambridge University Press; 2018 9781107163720 | 1107163722 Second edition. xvi,402p,; Knowledge Centre
571.4552 MCD 00121452 Photobiology of higher plants / McDonald, Maurice S. John Wiley, 2003 0470855223 (cloth : alk. paper xiv, 354 p. : UG Library
571.47 DEF 04010567 Electrical properties of cells : DeFelice, Louis J. Plenum Press, 1997 0306453452 xi, 244 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
571.5 BLO 00009984 Text Book of Histology Bloom, William W B Saunders Company 1968 9th ed. 856p UG Library
571.5 DES 00067978 A Textbook of Histology Deshmukh,Shivaji. Dominant Publishers And Distributors 2005 8178883104 | 9788178883106 322 p. UG Library
571.5 MAJ 00020089 A Textbook of Histology Majumdar, N. N. Vikas, 1980 312 p.; UG Library
571.5 MAJ 00020088 A Textbook of Histology Majumdar, N. N. Vikas, 1980 312 p.; UG Library
571.5 STI 00011238 Handbook of Histology Stiles, Karl A M G H 250 UG Library
571.5 VER 00093494 Fundamentals of Histology Verma.G.P New Age International 9788122413447 445p UG Library
571.5 VER 00067982 Fundamentals of Histology Verma.G.P New Age International 9788122413447 445p UG Library
571.5 WIN 00011239 Text Book of Histology Windley, Willam F M G H 550 UG Library
571.5 WIN 00007459 Text Book of Histology Windley, Willam F M G H 550 UG Library
571.538 KUM 00119830 Plant Cell and Tissue Culture Kumar, Bhupendra Random Publications, 2014 9789351113690 283p.; UG Library
571.538 ARU 00116552 Animal Tissue Culture Aruni, A. Wilson. MJP Publishers, 2011 9788180941214 191p.; UG Library
571.538 FRE 00127335 Culture of animal cells : Freshney, R. Ian, Wiley Blackwell, 2016 9781118873656 Seventh edition. xxxviii, 684 pages, UG Library
571.538 JHA 00080656 Plant Tissue Culture:Basic and Applied Jha, Timir Baran Universities Press 8173714886 206p UG Library
571.5382 GUP 00136862 Plant Tissue Culture Engineering / Springer, 2008 9789402412703 viii,480p.; UG Library
571.5382 MIS 00091297 Plant Tissue Culture Misra S P Ane Books Pvt ltd 2009 8190840649 256p UG Library
571.5382 RAZ 00144518 Introduction to Plant Tissue Culture / Razdan, M. K. CBS publishers, 2019 9788120417939 3rd ed xvii,400p, ; UG Library
571.5382 RAZ 00144519 Introduction to Plant Tissue Culture / Razdan, M. K. CBS publishers, 2019 9788120417939 3rd ed xvii,400p, ; UG Library
571.5382 RAZ 00144520 Introduction to Plant Tissue Culture / Razdan, M. K. CBS publishers, 2019 9788120417939 3rd ed xvii,400p, ; UG Library
571.5382 RAZ 00144521 Introduction to Plant Tissue Culture / Razdan, M. K. CBS publishers, 2019 9788120417939 3rd ed xvii,400p, ; UG Library
571.5382 RAZ 00144522 Introduction to Plant Tissue Culture / Razdan, M. K. CBS publishers, 2019 9788120417939 3rd ed xvii,400p, ; UG Library
571.5382078 SMI 00128340 Plant Tissue Culture Smith, Roberta. H Elsevier, 2013 9789382291763 3rd edition 788p : . UG Library
571.58 SHA 00131534 Plant tissue culture Sharma, Vinay, I.K.International publishing house pvvt ltd., 2015 9789384588441 xii,392p.; UG Library
571.6 IWA 00130484 Karp's Cell Biology Iwasa,Janet John Wiley & Sons Inc 2018 9781119454175 8th Ed. xviii; 792 p. UG Library
571.6 MYE 00143727 Cell Culture : Myers, Ted. States academic press, 2022 9781639890989 232p,; UG Library
571.6 ROB 00010256 Cell Biology Robertis,De E.D.P. W.B.Saunders Co 1970 5th Ed. 555 p. UG Library
571.6 ROB 00009677 Cell Biology Robertis,De E.D.P. W.B.Saunders Co 1970 5th Ed. 555 p. UG Library
571.6 TAN 00119818 Cell and Molecular Biology Tandan, Neeraj Random Publications, 2014 9789351112518 286p.; UG Library
571.6 WIL 00005612 Cytology Wilson G.B. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co 1966 2nd Ed. 318 p. UG Library
571.6 AGR 00028178 A Text Book of Cell Biology Agrawal V.P. K. Nath & Co. 1978 1st Ed. 420 p. UG Library
571.6 AGR 00028177 A Text Book of Cell Biology Agrawal V.P. K. Nath & Co. 1978 1st Ed. 420 p. UG Library
571.6 AGR 00028179 A Text Book of Cell Biology Agrawal V.P. K. Nath & Co. 1978 1st Ed. 420 p. UG Library
571.6 AGR 00028250 A Text Book of Cell Biology Agrawal V.P. K. Nath & Co. 1978 1st Ed. 420 p. UG Library
571.6 AGU 00131254 Models of cellular regulation / Aguda, B. Oxford university press, 2012 9780198570912 (hbk.) | 9780199 x, 183 pages : UG Library
571.6 AIB 00086216 Molecular Biology of the Cell Alberts, Bruce 9780815341062 1268 p UG Library
571.6 ALB 00098138 Essential cell biology / Garland Science, 9780815341291 (hardcover) | 97 1 v. (various pagings) : UG Library
571.6 ALB 00135679 Essential cell biology / Alberts, Bruce, W W Norton and company Inc., 2019 9780393679533 (hardcover) | 9780393680393 Fifth edition. xxxii,733p.; UG Library
571.6 ALB 00126107 Essential Cell Biology / Alberts, Bruce. Ganland Science, 2014 9780815344544 | 9780815344551 Fourth edition. xxiii,726 p.: UG Library
571.6 ALB 00033886 Molecular Biology of the Cell Bruce Alberts, Dennis Garland 1146 p UG Library
571.6 ALE 05047305 The cell : Allen, Terence D. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199578757 (pbk.) | 0199578 145 p. : Knowledge Centre
571.6 ARO 00059584 Cell Biology Arora,Reeta. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 1998 8126100591 1st Ed. 361 p. UG Library
571.6 ASH 00121944 The Cell Asha, S Manglam Publications, 2014 9789382983149 305 p:. UG Library
571.6 BAR 00132014 Introduction to cell biology Barnes,Casper Larsen and Keller 2017 9781635490619 viii,232p.; UG Library
571.6 BHA 00054365 Molecular Cell Biology Bhamrah, H S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126111437 422p UG Library
571.6 BHA 00054366 Molecular Cell Biology Bhamrah, H S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126111437 422p UG Library
571.6 BHA 00054367 Molecular Cell Biology Bhamrah, H S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126111437 422p UG Library
571.6 BHA 00054368 Molecular Cell Biology Bhamrah, H S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126111437 422p UG Library
571.6 BHA 00054369 Molecular Cell Biology Bhamrah, H S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126111437 422p UG Library
571.6 BOL 00067101 Cell Biology Bolsover, Stephen R 0471263931 531p UG Library
571.6 BRA 00110132 Secret Chambers Brasier, M. D. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199644001 (hbk.) | 0199644 1st ed. xviii, 298 p., [8] p. of plates : UG Library
571.6 BRA 00077623 Essential Cell Biology Alberts,Bruce 1998 0815329717 | 9780815329718 630p UG Library
571.6 BUC 00139826 Networks in Cell Biology / Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521882736 x,271p.; UG Library
571.6 BUR 00008019 Cell Biology Burke,Jack D. Williams & Walkins Co 1970 345 p. UG Library
571.6 BUS 00066646 Electronic Companion to Molecular Cell Biology Buskirk, Robert Van Cogito Learning Media 1999 1888902493 323p UG Library
571.6 BUT 00004236 Inside the Living Cell Butler J.A.V. The English Language Book Society 1969 174 p. UG Library
571.6 CAS 00125886 Case Studies in Cell Biology Casem Lynn Merri Elsevier, 2016 9780128013946 xix, 384 p.: UG Library
571.6 CHA 00128113 Cell Biology Channarayappa Universities Press 2015 9788173717161 594p. UG Library
571.6 CHA 00126791 Cell biology : Channarayappa Universities Press, 2014 9781680957549 (hardcover) xi,594 p.: UG Library
571.6 COH 00008240 Elements of Cytology Cohn,Norman S. Freeman Book Company, 1979 0155220764 2nd Ed. 494 p. UG Library
571.6 COH 00027782 Elements of Cytology Cohn,Norman S. Freeman Book Company, 1979 0155220764 2nd Ed. 494 p. UG Library
571.6 COH 00029453 Elements of Cytology Cohn,Norman S. Freeman Book Company, 1979 0155220764 2nd Ed. 494 p. UG Library
571.6 COH 00027781 Elements of Cytology Cohn,Norman S. Freeman Book Company, 1979 0155220764 2nd Ed. 494 p. UG Library
571.6 COH 00008241 Elements of Cytology Cohn,Norman S. Freeman Book Company, 1979 0155220764 2nd Ed. 494 p. UG Library
571.6 COO 00092860 The cell : Cooper, Geoffrey M. ASM Press ; | Sinauer Associates, 9780878933006 | 087893300X xix, 820 p. : UG Library
571.6 COO 00077824 Cell a Molecular Approach [ Ug.Reference ] Cooper, Geoggrey M Asm Press 820p UG Library
571.6 DAL 00018227 A Text Book Of Cytology Dalela, R. C. Jai Prakash Nath & co., 1972 380 p; UG Library
571.6 DAL 00017530 A Text Book Of Cytology Dalela, R. C. Jai Prakash Nath & co., 1972 380 p; UG Library
571.6 DAL 00017640 A Text Book Of Cytology Dalela, R. C. Jai Prakash Nath & co., 1972 380 p; UG Library
571.6 DAL 00004982 A Text Book Of Cytology Dalela, R. C. Jai Prakash Nath & co., 1972 380 p; UG Library
571.6 DAY 00147317 Cell Biology and Physiology/ Dayal, Sangeeta Book Enclave, 2023 9789392262289 268p. ; UG Library
571.6 DOR 00123436 Enclycopedia of Cell-Cell Interactions Doran, Gloria Callisto Reference, 2015 9781632392206 326 p:. UG Library
571.6 GAU 00137268 The DBS Handbook of Cell Biology / Gaur,Harendra Kumar. DBS Imprints, 2018 9789384229665 xx,710p.; UG Library
571.6 GIE 00017601 Cell Physiology Giese,Arthur. W.B. Saunders Co 1968 3rd Ed. 671 p. UG Library
571.6 GIE 00008170 Cell Physiology Giese,Arthur. W.B. Saunders Co 1968 3rd Ed. 671 p. UG Library
571.6 GIE 00008168 Cell Physiology Giese,Arthur. W.B. Saunders Co 1968 3rd Ed. 671 p. UG Library
571.6 GIE 00008169 Cell Physiology Giese,Arthur. W.B. Saunders Co 1968 3rd Ed. 671 p. UG Library
571.6 GOP 00019072 Essentials of Cytology Gopalakrishnan T.S. Pearl Publications 1972 3rd Ed. 204 p. UG Library
571.6 GOP 00019073 Essentials of Cytology Gopalakrishnan T.S. Pearl Publications 1972 3rd Ed. 204 p. UG Library
571.6 GOP 00006729 Elements Of Cytology Gopalakrishnan T.S. Pearl Publications 1971 2nd Ed. 173 p. UG Library
571.6 GUP 00048981 Cytology Genetics Evolution and Ecology Gupta P.K. Rastogi Publications 1998 1st Ed. P.V. UG Library
571.6 HAN 00077865 Cell Signalling Hancock,John T. Oxford University Press 2006 0195680782 | 9780195680782 2nd Ed. 296 p. UG Library
571.6 HAR 00118733 Becker's world of the cell / Hardin, Jeff. Benjamin Cummings, 2012 9780321716026 (student ed.) | 8th ed. xxviii, 793, [87] p. : UG Library
571.6 HAR 05060457 Beckers world of the cell / Hardin, Jeff. Pearson, 2018 9781292177694 Ninth edition. 920p.; Knowledge Centre
571.6 HAR 00135702 Plant Cell Biology / Harper,Mark. Larsen and Keller, 2018 9781635496482 189p.; UG Library
571.6 HAW 00061442 Plant Cell Biology Hawes,Chris. Oxford University Press 2001 9780195671018 2nd Ed. 338 p. UG Library
571.6 ISL 00123369 Textbook of Cell Biology Islam, Aminul Books and Allied (P) Ltd, 2014 9788187134275 2th Ed xii; 847 p.: UG Library
571.6 ISL 00132373 Essentials of Cell Biology Islam, Aminul Books and Allied (P) Ltd, 2018 9789384294137 xii; 403 p.: UG Library
571.6 ISL 00132374 Essentials of Cell Biology Islam, Aminul Books and Allied (P) Ltd, 2018 9789384294137 xii; 403 p.: UG Library
571.6 ISL 00132375 Essentials of Cell Biology Islam, Aminul Books and Allied (P) Ltd, 2018 9789384294137 xii; 403 p.: UG Library
571.6 KAR 00027864 Cell Biology Karp,Gerald. Mcgraw Hill Book Co 1984 2nd Ed. 898 p. UG Library
571.6 KAR 00109253 Cell Biology Karp,Gerald John Wiley & Sons Inc 2010 9780470505762 6th Ed. xviii; 765 p. UG Library
571.6 KAR 00117942 Cell biology / Karp, Gerald. McGraw-Hill, 1984 0070333653 : | 9781118318744 2nd ed. xvi, 896 p. : UG Library
571.6 KOT 00011237 Cell Membrane Transport Kotyk,Arnost. Plenum Press 1970 498 p. UG Library
571.6 KRE 00122297 Cell biology assays/ Kreitzer,Geri Academic Press 2010 9780123751522 286p. UG Library
571.6 KUB 00135622 Bacterial ion channels and their eukaryotic homologs / Kubalski, Andrzej. ASM Press, 2005 1555813283 (hardcover) | 9781555813284 xx, 321 p.; UG Library
571.6 KUM 00108049 Cell Biochemistry Kumari Sanju Random Publications: 2011 9789381421505 viii, 296 p. UG Library
571.6 KUM 00029476 The Textbook of Cytology Genetics and Evolution Kumar H.D. Kalyani Publishers 1985 288 p. UG Library
571.6 KUM 00034390 The Textbook of Cytology Genetics and Evolution Kumar H.D. Kalyani Publishers 1985 288 p. UG Library
571.6 KUM 00028254 Algal Cell Biology Kumar H.D. Affiliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd 1985 201 p. UG Library
571.6 KUT 00029238 Cell Biology Kuttikan.Maria A. Jac Publicdations 1987 4th Ed. 150 p. UG Library
571.6 KUT 00029239 Cell Biology Kuttikan.Maria A. Jac Publicdations 1987 4th Ed. 150 p. UG Library
571.6 LAN 00002616 Cell Function Langley L.L. Van Nostrand Reinhold CO 1968 2nd Ed. 364 p. UG Library
571.6 LEW 00098145 Lewin's Cells Cassimeris Lynne Jones and Bartlett Publishers 2011 9780763782665 2nd ed. 1053p UG Library
571.6 LEW 00078078 Cells Lewin, Benjamin 2007 0763739057 | 9780763739058 863p UG Library
571.6 LEW 00094618 Lewin's Cells Cassimeris Lynne Jones and Bartlett Publishers 2011 9780763782665 2nd ed. 1053p UG Library
571.6 LOD 00045353 Molecular cell biology / Lodish,Harvey W.H. Freeman, 2008 0716743663 | 9780716743668 | 0 6th ed. 1150 p UG Library
571.6 LOD 00053279 Molecular cell biology / Lodish,Harvey W.H. Freeman, 2008 0716743663 | 9780716743668 | 0 6th ed. 1150 p UG Library
571.6 LOD 00077618 Molecular Cell Biology Lodish, Harvey 2003 0716743663 | 9780716743668 5th Ed. 973p UG Library
571.6 LOD 00109069 Molecular cell biology / Lodish,Harvey W.H. Freeman, 2008 0716743663 | 9780716743668 | 0 6th ed. 1150 p UG Library
571.6 MAD 00144849 Cytoskeleton and Cell Movement / Maddina, Balaji Yadav Random Publications, 2022 9789393884770 viii302p, ; UG Library
571.6 MAJ 00020605 Modern Concepts of Cytology Majupuria,Trilok Chandra. S. Nagin & Co. 1977 2nd Ed. 308 p. UG Library
571.6 MAL 00121680 Freifelder's Essentials of Molecular Bilogy Malacinski M. George Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2015 9789384323059 4th ed, xix, 491 p.: UG Library
571.6 MAL 07011977 Freifelder's Essentials of Molecular Bilogy Malacinski M. George Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2015 9789384323059 4th ed, xix, 491 p.: Library - BR Campus
571.6 MOR 00029546 Cytology Wilson G.B. Affiliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd 1977 2nd Ed. 319 p. UG Library
571.6 MUK 00148032 Cell Biology: Fundamentals & Applications/ Mukherjee, Arunima Oxford Book Company, 2024 9788189473501 308p. ; UG Library
571.6 MUN 00029416 Cell Biology Muneeswaran A. Brighton Book House, 1985 336 p.; UG Library
571.6 MUN 00028252 Cell Biology Muneeswaran A. Brighton Book House, 1985 336 p.; UG Library
571.6 NAT 00031178 Cell Biology Nath,Vishwa. S.Chand & Co Ltd 1970 1st Ed. 181 p. UG Library
571.6 NAZ 00118719 Cell Biology, Genetics and Plant Breeding Naz, Shiv Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd, 2014 9788126163274 1st ed. 291p.; UG Library
571.6 NEL 00108667 Cell-cell junctions Nelson James W. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2010 9780879698843 | 0879698845 (ha viii, 443 p. : UG Library
571.6 OSB 00112948 Recent Advances in Cytology & Genetics Osborn Michael Random Publications, 2013 9789382220404 viii, 304 p.: UG Library
571.6 PAN 04007449 The cell Panno, Joseph,Ph.D Viva Boooks 2007 9788130907086 (alk. paper) xvii, 186 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
571.6 PAP 00147706 Matrix Pathobiology and Angiogenesis/ Papadimitriou, Evangelia Springer, 2023 9783031196171 xxvii,320p. ; UG Library
571.6 PAT 00069213 Separating Cells Patel D. Springer-Verlag 2001 0387916121 | 9780387916125 168 p. UG Library
571.6 PAT 00086553 Separating Cells Patel D. Springer-Verlag 2001 0387916121 | 9780387916125 168 p. UG Library
571.6 PAU 00007713 Cell Biology Paul, John Heinneman Educational 1970 2nd ed, ix, 220 p.: UG Library
571.6 PLO 00118434 Lewin's cells. Plopper George Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2015 9789380853888 3rd ed. / 1056p. UG Library
571.6 PLO 00122789 Principles of Cell Biology Plopper, George Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2016 9781284047608 | 1284047601 (pb 2nd edi. xxii, 565 p:. UG Library
571.6 PLO 00117146 Principles of cell biology / Plopper, George. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2013 9781449637514 (pbk.) 510 p. : UG Library
571.6 POW 00026161 Essentials of Cytology Powar C.B. Himalaya Publishing House 1983 1st Ed. 368 p. UG Library
571.6 POW 00027788 Essentials of Cytology Powar C.B. Himalaya Publishing House 1983 1st Ed. 368 p. UG Library
571.6 POW 00027787 Essentials of Cytology Powar C.B. Himalaya Publishing House 1983 1st Ed. 368 p. UG Library
571.6 POW 00017473 Cell Biology Powar, C B Himalaya 1977 462 p UG Library
571.6 POW 00028508 Cell Biology Powar, C B Himalaya 1977 462 p UG Library
571.6 POW 00096235 Cell Biology Powar, C B Himalaya 1977 462 p UG Library
571.6 POW 00028949 Cell Biology Powar, C B Himalaya 1977 462 p UG Library
571.6 PRA 00050341 Cell Biology Prasad, S N Campus Books 2000 8187815019 358 p.: UG Library
571.6 RAJ 00058109 Cell and Molecular Biology Rajan, Sundara S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126113561 432p UG Library
571.6 RAJ 00057792 Cell and Molecular Biology Rajan, Sundara S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126113561 432p UG Library
571.6 RAO 00029018 Cytology and Cell Physiology Rao P.M. Himalaya Publishing House 1983 1st Ed. 183 p. UG Library
571.6 RAO 00029017 Cytology and Cell Physiology Rao P.M. Himalaya Publishing House 1983 1st Ed. 183 p. UG Library
571.6 RAO 00031274 Cytology and Cell Physiology Rao P.M. Himalaya Publishing House 1983 1st Ed. 183 p. UG Library
571.6 RAS 00083309 Fundamentals of Molecular Biology Rastogi, Veer Bala Ane Books 8180521370 442p UG Library
571.6 RAS 00028983 Introductory Cytology Rastogi,Veer Bala. Kedar Nath Ram Nath 1988 9th Ed. 556 p. UG Library
571.6 RAS 00029483 Introductory Cytology Rastogi,Veer Bala. Kedar Nath Ram Nath 1988 9th Ed. 556 p. UG Library
571.6 RAS 00005072 Introductory Cytology Rastogi, Veer Bala. Kedar Nath Ram Nath 1969 1st Ed. 147 p. UG Library
571.6 RAS 00028984 Introductory Cytology Rastogi,Veer Bala. Kedar Nath Ram Nath 1988 9th Ed. 556 p. UG Library
571.6 RAS 00093413 Cell and Molecular biology Rastogi S.C. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2003 8122414877 | 9788122414875 2nd Ed. 633 p. UG Library
571.6 RAS 00093415 Cell Biology Rastogi S.C. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2005 8122416888 | 9788122416886 3rd Ed. 532 p. UG Library
571.6 RAS 00093416 Cell Biology Rastogi S.C. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2005 8122416888 | 9788122416886 3rd Ed. 532 p. UG Library
571.6 RAS 00067984 Cell and Molecular Biology Rasthogi, S C New Age International Publishers 8122414877 633p UG Library
571.6 ROB 00022844 Cell and Molecular Biology Robertis,De E.D.P. Saunders College 1980 7th E. 672 p. UG Library
571.6 ROY 00108704 Cell Biology Roy,Chandra Satyesh New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd 1997 9788173813955 xlvii; 621 p. UG Library
571.6 SAD 00077827 Cell Biology Sadava, Davide Panima Publishing Corporation 2004 698p UG Library
571.6 SAL 00132104 Cell biology and genetics Salve,Balasaheb S Garima prakashan, 2017 9789382730385 344p.; UG Library
571.6 SAR 00132518 Cell structure and function Sarkar,Bindu Medtech, 2017 9789386479501 viii,228p.; UG Library
571.6 SEN 00070745 Cytology and Genetics Sen,Sumitra. Narosa Publishing House 2005 8173195137 | 9788173195136 404 p. UG Library
571.6 SHA 00118589 Essential of Cell Biology Sharma, Sanjay Kumar Agrotech Press, 2013 9789383101177 250p.; UG Library
571.6 SHA 00112946 Cell Biology, Physiology and Mycology Sharma Kumar Sajay Agrotech Press, 2014 9789383101061 250. p.: UG Library
571.6 SHA 00116865 Cell and Molecular Biology Sharma Kumar Sanjay Agrotech Press, 2013 9789383101054 viii, 256 p.: UG Library
571.6 SHA 00018226 Fundamentals of Cytology Sharp,Lester W. Mcgraw-Hill Book Co Inc 1943 270 p. UG Library
571.6 SHA 00017482 Fundamentals of Cytology Sharp,Lester W. Mcgraw-Hill Book Co Inc 1943 270 p. UG Library
571.6 SHA 00111851 Encyclopaedia Of Cell Biology For Biotechnologists/ Sharma, A.K. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd., 2013 9788126157105 viii:296p.; UG Library
571.6 SHE 00060174 Cell and Molecular Biology Sheeler, Philip John Wiley & Sons 2002 9814126489 700p UG Library
571.6 SHE 05059752 The cell as a machine / Sheetz, Michael P., Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107052734 (hardback) ix,425p,; Knowledge Centre
571.6 SHU 00029458 Introductory Cell Biology Shukla G.R. Jai Prakash Nath & Co 1966 120 p. UG Library
571.6 SHU 00073726 A Textbook of Cell Biology Shukla R.M Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2005 8178883031 | 9788178883038 457 p. UG Library
571.6 SHU 00067990 A Textbook of Cell Biology Shukla R.M Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2005 8178883031 | 9788178883038 457 p. UG Library
571.6 SIN 00029415 Cell Biology Singh, S P Rastogi, 1983 282 p UG Library
571.6 SIN 00029456 Cell Biology Singh S.P. Rastogi Publications 1987 7th Ed. 320 p. UG Library
571.6 SIN 00108054 Encyclopaedia of Cytology Sinha, Kumar Satish Oxford Book company: 2012 9789350300701 vi, 278 p. UG Library
571.6 STA 00132517 Cell biology and genetics: Starr, Cecie Brooks.Cole cengage learning, 2013 9781111580995 x,233p.; UG Library
571.6 STA 00108713 Molecular And Cell Biology Stansfield,William D. Tata McGraw Hill Educationa Pvt.Ltd. 2010 9780070153790 xiv;14.37 p. UG Library
571.6 STO 00053280 Working With Molecular Cell Biology Storrie, Brian 0716736047 216p UG Library
571.6 SUN 00059563 Cytology Rajan,Sundara S. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2000 8126106425 | 9788126106424 291 p. UG Library
571.6 SUN 00124236 Integrative mechanobiology : Sun, Yu, 9781107078390 xii, 371 p.: UG Library
571.6 SWA 00016401 The Cell Swanson,Carl P. Prentice-Hall Inc 1960 114 p. UG Library
571.6 SWA 00002519 Cytology and Cytogenetics Swanson,Carl P. Macmillan And Co.Ltd 1968 596 p. UG Library
571.6 SWA 00001421 Cytology and Cytogenetics Swanson,Carl P. Macmillan And Co.Ltd 1968 596 p. UG Library
571.6 SWA 00020632 The Cell Swanson,Carl P. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1971 3rd Ed. 150 p. UG Library
571.6 TAY 00143157 Principles of Cell Biology/ Taylor, Oliver. States Academic Press, 2022 9781639894352 236p.; UG Library
571.6 TOM 00098135 Cell Biology Tompkins, Susan Apple Academic Press Inc., 9781926686899 312 p. UG Library
571.6 TUR 00142466 Cell biology and translational medicine volume 7 stem cells and therapy: Turksen,Kursad Springer, 2020 9783030378448 viii,153p.; UG Library
571.6 TYA 00138273 Cell biology Tyagi,Suruchi Wisdom press, 2019 9789388387156 232p.; UG Library
571.6 ULL 00029404 Cytology and genetics Ullah, Muzammil Kedar Nath Ram Nath 1980 viii, 270 p. lix, : UG Library
571.6 VAN 00086516 Advances in Molecular and Cell Biology VOL 33 Van Der Vusse, Ger 0444514961 620 p UG Library
571.6 VER 00126453 Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology: Verma, P. S. S Chand & Company Ltd, 2006 8121924421 | 9788121924429 594 p.: UG Library
571.6 VER 00031287 Cytology Verma P.S. S. Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1988 7th Ed. 567 p. UG Library
571.6 VER 00029425 Cell Biology Genetics Molecular Biology And Evolution Verma P.S. S. Chand & Company Ltd. 1974 6th Ed. 124 p. UG Library
571.6 VER 00139642 Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology / Verma,P S. S Chand and Company Ltd., 2020 9788121924429 rep xxiii,294p.; UG Library
571.6 VER 00139643 Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology / Verma,P S. S Chand and Company Ltd., 2020 9788121924429 rep xxiii,294p.; UG Library
571.6 VER 00128138 Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology: Verma, P. S. S Chand & Company Ltd, 2006 8121924421 | 9788121924429 594 p.: UG Library
571.6 VER 00031288 Cytology Verma P.S. S. Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1988 7th Ed. 567 p. UG Library
571.6 VER 00028958 Cell Biology Genetics Molecular Biology and Evolution Verma P.S. S. Chand & Co pvt Ltd 1987 7th Ed. 476 p. UG Library
571.6 VER 09001068 Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology: Verma, P. S. S Chand & Company Ltd, 2006 8121924421 | 9788121924429 594 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
571.6 VER 07010562 Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology: Verma, P. S. S Chand & Company Ltd, 2006 8121924421 | 9788121924429 594 p.: Library - BR Campus
571.6 VER 07010563 Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology: Verma, P. S. S Chand & Company Ltd, 2006 8121924421 | 9788121924429 594 p.: Library - BR Campus
571.6 VER 07010564 Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology: Verma, P. S. S Chand & Company Ltd, 2006 8121924421 | 9788121924429 594 p.: Library - BR Campus
571.6 VER 00077501 Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology: Verma, P. S. S Chand & Company Ltd, 2006 8121924421 | 9788121924429 594 p.: UG Library
571.6 VER 00077502 Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology: Verma, P. S. S Chand & Company Ltd, 2006 8121924421 | 9788121924429 594 p.: UG Library
571.6 VER 00141055 Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology / Verma,P S. S Chand and Company Ltd., 2020 9788121924429 rep xxiii,294p.; UG Library
571.6 VER 00077500 Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology: Verma, P. S. S Chand & Company Ltd, 2006 8121924421 | 9788121924429 594 p.: UG Library
571.6 VER 00077499 Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology: Verma, P. S. S Chand & Company Ltd, 2006 8121924421 | 9788121924429 594 p.: UG Library
571.6 VER 00092173 Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology: Verma, P. S. S Chand & Company Ltd, 2006 8121924421 | 9788121924429 594 p.: UG Library
571.6 VER 00141054 Cell biology, Verma, P. S S. Chand & Company, 2016 9789385676147 1191 p.; UG Library
571.6 VER 00048715 Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology: Verma, P. S. S Chand & Company Ltd, 2006 8121924421 | 9788121924429 594 p.: UG Library
571.6 VER 00028525 Cell Biology, Genetics, Evolution and Ecology Verma P.S. S.Chand & Co Ltd. 1986 8th Ed. P.V. p. UG Library
571.6 VER 10003946 Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology / S Chand and Company Limited, 2004 9788121924429 Multicolour edition xxiii, 1296p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
571.6 VER 10003947 Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology / S Chand and Company Limited, 2004 9788121924429 Multicolour edition xxiii, 1296p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
571.6 VER 10003948 Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology / S Chand and Company Limited, 2004 9788121924429 Multicolour edition xxiii, 1296p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
571.6 VER 10003949 Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology / S Chand and Company Limited, 2004 9788121924429 Multicolour edition xxiii, 1296p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
571.6 VER 00139380 Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology / Verma,P S. S Chand and Company Ltd., 2020 9788121924429 rep xxiii,294p.; UG Library
571.6 VER 00139381 Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology / Verma,P S. S Chand and Company Ltd., 2020 9788121924429 rep xxiii,294p.; UG Library
571.6 VER 00024516 Cell Biology, Genetics, Evolution and Ecology Verma P.S. S. Chand & Co Ltd., 1983 6th Ed. 228 p.; UG Library
571.6 VIS 00146223 Cell biology Vishwas, Shekhar Rajat Publications 2024 9789395401029 264p. UG Library
571.6 WAN 00118424 Thrive in cell biology / Wang, Qiuyu. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199697328 (pbk.) | 0199697 viii, 468 p. : UG Library
571.6 WIL 00132004 Principles of plant cell biology Wilson,Agatha Calisto reference, 2017 9781632398017 vi,223p.; UG Library
571.6 WIL 00128421 Molecular Biology of the Cell Wilson, John Garland Science, 2015 9780815344537 6th ed xvi, 966 p. : UG Library
571.6 WOL 04009807 How we live and why we die : Wolpert, L. W.W. Norton & Co., 2009 9780393339383 1st American ed. 240 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
571.6 WOL 03008281 How We Live and Why We Die : Wolpert, Lewis. W.W. Norton & Co., 2009 9780393072211 (hardcover) : | 1st American ed. 240 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
571.6 YAD 00066825 Cell Culture Yadav, P R Discovery Publishing House 8183560199 311p UG Library
571.6028 EKT 00120255 Applications of synchrotron radiation ; Ide-Ektessabi, Ari. Springer, 2007 9783540464242 (acidfree paper) xiii, 218 p. : UG Library
571.6076 WIL 00078074 Molecular Biology Of The Cell Wilson, John 2002 0815335776 | 9780815335771 711p UG Library
571.62 OPA 00126735 Plasmodesmata / Oparka, Karl.J Blackwell Pub., 2005 9781405125543 xiv, 311 p. : UG Library
571.62 WAY 00118723 Plant cell biology Wayne, Randy. Academic Press, 2009 9780123742339 (hardback : alk. xvi:392p.; UG Library
571.629 COS 00108707 Cellular microbiology Cossart,Pascale ASM Press, 2000 1555811574 (hc.) | 97815558115 xxii, 362 p. : UG Library
571.629 DAS 00122742 Plant cell biology / Dashek William V Science Publishers, 2006 1578084083 | 9781578084081 | 1 xii, 494 p. : UG Library
571.629 RAM 00121949 Cellular Microbiology Ramamurthy, V R Black Prints, 2013 9789382036289 xii, 245 p:. UG Library
571.629 SHA 00124737 A Textbook of Molecules and Molecular Reaction in Plant Cells Sharma, N. S. International Scientific Publishing Academy, 2016 9788182930834 259 p:. UG Library
571.633 KRI 00124736 A Textbook of Molecular Cell Motility and Shapes Krishnamurthy, Aishwarya International Scientific Publishing Academy, 2016 9788182930810 279 p.: UG Library
571.633 MOO 00131258 Visualizing the invisible : Moore, Peter, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199767090 (hardcover : alk xviii, 362 p. ; UG Library
571.633 SIN 00118590 Nanobiology Singh, Veenita Agrotech Press, 2014 9789383101610 256p.; UG Library
571.638 BAR 00117506 Purifying and culturing neural cells Barres, Ben A Cold Spring Harbor, 2014 9781936113996 | 9781936113996 viii, 205 pages : UG Library
571.638 DUT 05062805 3D Cell Culture : Dutta, Ranjna.C. Pan stanford Publishing Pe Ltd, 2018 9789814774536 xiv,211p.; Knowledge Centre
571.638 FRE 00077829 Culture Of Animal Cells Freshney, Ian R John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2006 9812532234 | 9789812532237 5th Ed. 642p UG Library
571.6381 MAN 00146226 Animal Cell Culture: Mani, Shalini Springer 2023 9783031194849 xvi;327p. UG Library
571.6381 MAN 00125972 Encyclopaedia of Animal Cell and Tissue Culture ed by, Mane M. Anil Agrotech Press, 2016 9789384568276 vii, 264 p.: UG Library
571.6381 MAN 00148170 Animal cell culture : Mani, Shalini Springer,, 2023 9783031194870 xvi,327p. : UG Library
571.6381 MAN 00125973 Encyclopaedia of Animal Cell and Tissue Culture ed by, Mane M. Anil Agrotech Press, 2016 9789384568276 vii, 264 p.: UG Library
571.6381 MAN 00125974 Encyclopaedia of Animal Cell and Tissue Culture ed by, Mane M. Anil Agrotech Press, 2016 9789384568276 vii, 264 p.: UG Library
571.6381 MAS 00077820 Animal Cell Culture Masters, John R W Oxford 2000 0199637962 | 9780199637966 3rd Ed. 315p UG Library
571.6381 RAV 00123915 Animal Cell Culture Ravi, M Samanthi Publications, 2010 9788190656511 218 p:. UG Library
571.6382 BLA 00121940 Plant Cell Culture : Davey, Michael R Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9788126550715 xvi, 341 p:. UG Library
571.6382 BLA 05056519 Plant Cell Culture : Davey, Michael R Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9788126550715 xvi, 341 p:. Knowledge Centre
571.6382 KUM 00119819 Culture of Plant Cell, Tissues and Organs Kumar, Bhupendra Random Publications, 2014 9789351112181 290p.; UG Library
571.6382 LOY 00086339 Plant Cell Culture Protocols Loyola-Vargas, Victor M Humana Press 9781588295477 393 p UG Library
571.6382 VAR 05058062 Plant cell culture protocols / Vargas Loyola, Victor M. ed., Springer ; | Humana Press, 2012 9781617798177 (alk. paper) | 1 3rd ed. xiv, 430 p. : Knowledge Centre
571.64 BIT 00086335 Advances in Molecular and Cell Biology Vol 32: Molecular and Cellular Insights to Ion Channel Biology Bittar, Edward E 0444506454 485 p UG Library
571.64 NAB 04010320 Cellular membrane domains / Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9780470595442 (cloth) | 978047 xiii , 456 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
571.642 JAI 00120289 Plant membrane and vacuolar transporters / Jaiwal Pawan K CABI Pub., 2008 9781845934026 (alk. paper) | 1 viii, 384 p. : UG Library
571.65 NOV 00117139 Endoplasmic reticulum : Novick, Susan Ferro John Inglis, 2013 9781936113828 (hardcover : alk viii, 328 pages : UG Library
571.6542 HUS 00126747 The Plant Cytoskeleton in Cell Differentiation and Development / Hussey Patrick J. Published in the USA and Canada by CRC Press, 2004 1841274216 | 9781841274218 xiii, 325 p. : UG Library
571.6542 SHA 00146345 Cytoskeleton and Cell Movement/ Sharma A K Random Publications 2023 9789394137929 294p. UG Library
571.656 WAR 00107341 The Golgi Warren,Graham. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2011 9780879698737 (hardcover : alk viii:322 p. cm. UG Library
571.659 PYK 00121548 Plastid biology / Pyke, Kevin. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521885010 (hardback) | 052 viii, 203 p. : UG Library
571.66 MIS 00117140 The nucleus : Misteli, Tom Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2011 9780879698942 (hardcover : alk ix, 517 p. : UG Library
571.66 SHA 00129033 The nuclear envelope : Shackleton, Sue Springer | Humana Press 2016 9781493935284 | 1493935283 xiv, 523 pages : UG Library
571.7 PAL 00124238 Systems biology : Palsson, Bernhard, 9781107038851 xviii, 531 pages ; UG Library
571.7 SIN 00133862 Advances in responses of plants under stress SIngh,Hardev Oxford book company, 2019 9789350304853 viii,288p.; UG Library
571.72 EVE 00132461 Biology of plants Raven, Peter H., W.H. Freeman and Company Publishers, 2013 9781429219617 (international edition) | 9781464113512 (international edition) | 1429219610 (international edition) Eighth edition. xvii, 727, A 1-6, FR 1-11, G 1-26, Ic 1-7, I 1-64 pages : UG Library
571.72 GRO 00112506 The biology of plants / Grodzicker, Terri COld harbor laboratory press, 2012 9781621820253 | 1621820254 xvii, 328 pages : UG Library
571.74 FER 00144291 Systems Biology of Cell Signaling : Ferrell, James E. Crc press, 2022 xiv,266p,; UG Library
571.74 MAR 00128531 Cellular signal processing : Marks, Friedrich, Garland Science, 2017 9780815345343 Second edition. 637p : . UG Library
571.742 EST 00117115 Auxin signaling : Estelle, Mark Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2011 9780879698980 (hardcover : alk viii, 253 p. : UG Library
571.742 SON 05056541 Phytohormones : Son Tran, Lam. Springer, 2014 9781493904907 xi,361p.; Knowledge Centre
571.75 BRA 00134267 Animal osmoregulation / Bradley, Timothy J. Oxford University Press, 2009 0198569963 (pbk.) | 9780198569961 (pbk.) | 0198569955 (hbk.) | 9780198569954 (hbk.) vii, 168 p. : UG Library
571.77 FOS 03001940 Rhythms of Life : Foster, Russell. Viva Books Press Limited, 2008 9781861972354 | 1861972350 276 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
571.782 VIE 00120538 Dormancy in Plants : CABI Pub., 2000 0851994474 xiv, 385 p. : UG Library
571.8 ART 00108953 Evolution : Arthur, Wallace. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781405186582 | 9781405186582 xii,404 p. UG Library
571.8 BAN 00119253 Developmental Biology Banerjee, S. Dominant Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd, 2015 9789384161026 483p.; UG Library
571.8 CHA 00146151 An Introduction to Developmental Biology S. Chattopadhyay Books and Allied Ltd, 2016 9789384294830 xiv, 630 p.: UG Library
571.8 CHA 00126621 An Introduction to Developmental Biology S. Chattopadhyay Books and Allied Ltd, 2016 9789384294830 xiv, 630 p.: UG Library
571.8 CHA 00126622 An Introduction to Developmental Biology S. Chattopadhyay Books and Allied Ltd, 2016 9789384294830 xiv, 630 p.: UG Library
571.8 ELE 00136359 Core Concepts in Biology :Developmental Biology / Elearning 3G E-Learning, 2019 9781984620064 287p.; UG Library
571.8 GIL 00079792 Developmental Biology. Gilbert, Scott F Sinauer Associates 2003 0878932585 7th,Ed. 838p UG Library
571.8 HOD 00109755 Developmental Biology Hodge Russ Viva Books 2012 9788130915555 xx; 204 p. UG Library
571.8 MUL 00079142 Developmental Biology Muller,Werner A. Springer 1997 8181283643 | 9788181283641 382 p. UG Library
571.8 NEL 07013669 Biology and feminism : Nelson, Lynn Hankinson, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107090187 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781107462038 (pbk. : alk. paper) XI,253 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
571.8 PED 00086286 Current Topics in Developmental Biology Vol - 34 Pedersen, Roger A 1996 0121531341 287 p UG Library
571.8 REE 00142595 Handbook of developmental biology Reeves,Leonardo States academic press, 2022 9781639892587 vi,235p.; UG Library
571.8 ROY 00084461 Environment, Development, and Evolution Toward a Synthesis Roy D, Pearson 2004 0262083191 | 9780262083195 304p UG Library
571.8 SCH 00086288 Current Topics in Developmental Biology Vol 61 Schatten, Gerald P 2004 0121531619 247 p UG Library
571.8 SCH 00086289 Current Topics in Developmental Biology - Vol 63 Schatten, Gerald P 2004 0121531635 248 UG Library
571.8 SUB 00116560 Developmental Biology Subramanian, M.A. MJP Publishers, 2012 9788180941511 xiv,232 p.; UG Library
571.8 THO 08001966 On growth and form / Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth, Cambridge University Press, 2021 9781107672567 (pbk) | 1107672562 (pbk) An abridged edition/Canto classics edition. xx, 345 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
571.8 WOL 05033572 Principles of development / Wolpert, Lewis Oxford University Press, 2002 0199249393 (hbk.) | 0198792913 2nd ed. xxv, 542 p. : Knowledge Centre
571.8 WOL 04015618 Principles of development / Wolpert, Lewis Oxford University Press, 2002 0199249393 (hbk.) | 0198792913 2nd ed. xxv, 542 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
571.8 WOL 07006731 Principles of development / Oxford University Press, 2007 0199275378 (hbk. : alk. paper) 3rd ed. xxiii, 551 p. : Library - BR Campus
571.80284 SHA 00117122 Imaging in developmental biology : Sharpe James Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2011 9780879699390 (hardcover : alk xv, 883 p. : UG Library
571.819 YOU 00106637 Introduction to cell biology Young, John K. World Scientific, 2010 9789814307314 (hbk.) | 9814307 xii, 219 p. : UG Library
571.82 STE 00134636 Reproductive Physiology in Plants: Stewart,Philip. Apple Academic Press, 2011 9781926692647 342p,: UG Library
571.829 HEI 00122282 Sex in fungi : Heitman Joseph ASM Press, 2007 9781555814212 | 1555814212 xxv, 542 p. : UG Library
571.833 BRI 00112980 Generation and interpretation of morphogen gradients Briscoe, James Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2010 9780879698812 (hc : alk. paper 308 p. : UG Library
571.84 LI 00128114 Cell cycle checkpoints : Li,Willis X Humana Press/Springer, 2011 9781617792724 (alk. paper) | 1 x, 307 p. : UG Library
571.8417 JAK 00133660 Fish reproductive biology: Jakobsen, Tore Wiley india pvt ltd., 2009 9788126550814 ix,429p.; UG Library
571.844 RON 00112992 Symmetry breaking in biology Li, Rong (Editor) Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2010 9780879698898 (hardcover : alk vii, 301 p. : UG Library
571.844 PAN 00132101 Biochemical and environmental toxicology Pandey,Poonam Amiga press inc., 2018 9789384533137 viii,216p.; UG Library
571.844 RHO 00132100 Aneuploidy: Rhodes,David Callisto reference, 2015 9781632390714 vi,248p.; UG Library
571.845 TOG 04008189 The evolution of anisogamy : Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521880954 (hardback) xi, 250 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
571.8451 SKI 00098795 Sertoli cell biology / Skinner, Michael K Elsevier Academic Press, 0126477515 (alk. paper) xv, 494 p., [12] p. of plates : UG Library
571.8452 RAM 00122238 Reproductive Biology of Plants Ramawat, K G CRC Press. 2014 9781482201321 (hardcover : alk viii, 382 p:. UG Library
571.849 HAL 00124998 Cell Growth : Hall Michael N. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2004 0879696729 | 9780879696726 xii, 652 p. : UG Library
571.85 BIE 00126992 The Coiled Spring : Bier, Ethan. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2000 0879696605 | 0879695625 | 0879 xv, 252 p.: UG Library
571.85 WAG 05042654 Homology, genes, and evolutionary innovation / Wagner, G�unter P., 9780691156460 | 9781400851461 1 online resource (495 pages) : Knowledge Centre
571.861 SIM 04015533 In the womb : Sims, Michael, National Geographic, 2009 9781426201752 (hardcover : alk 159 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
571.862 LER 00121880 Flowering plant embryology : with emphasis on economic species Lersten, Nels R Wiley India 2014 9788126545056 212p. UG Library
571.862 PRA 00146722 Propagation of Plants/ Prasad, Ram Nandan Random Publications, 2023 9789394137219 x,284p. ; UG Library
571.862 THO 05056528 Plant embryo culture : Humana Press/Springer, 2011 9781617379871 (alk. paper) | 1 xi, 377 p. : Knowledge Centre
571.864 CAN 00098331 Fertilization in protozoa and metazoan animals : Springer, 3540670939 (hardcover : acidfr xv, 318 p. : UG Library
571.878 CLA 04005730 Means of an End: The Biological Basis of Aging and Death Clark, William R Oxford Universtiy Press 1999 9780195125931 234 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
571.89 BRO 00077825 Gene Cloning and Dna Analysis an Introduction. Brown T A 2006 1405111216 386p UG Library
571.89 HAR 00082994 Cloning, Gene Expression, and Protein Purification: Experimental Procedures and Process Ratinale Hardin, Charles 0019569653 435p UG Library
571.89 HOU 00077616 Animal Transgenesis and Cloning Houdebine, Louis-Marie 2003 0470848286 220p UG Library
571.89RAO 00081041 Cloning Rao, K M Sonali Publications 0818411091 301p UG Library
571.8PED 00086287 Current Topics in Developmental Biology Vol - 45 Pedersen, Roger A 0121531457 261 p UG Library
571.8SCH 00086290 Current Topics in Developmental Biology - Vol 64 Schatten, Gerald P 0121531643 261 p UG Library
571.91176 BHA 00132847 Aquatic Animal Diseases and Human Health: Bhardwaj,K.D. , Cyber Tech Publications, 2018 9789350536803 x,216 p.; UG Library
571.92 NEN 00132541 Fungicides In Plant Disease Control: Nene, Y.L. Medtech, 2018 9789386479846 x,644 p.; UG Library
571.92 PUR 00135245 Handbook of systemic fungicides Puri,Sriniwas Random publications, 2017 9789386355706 292p.; UG Library
571.92 CAR 00112524 Control of crop diseases / Carlile, W. R. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521133319 (pbk.) 3rd ed. xiv, 177 p. : UG Library
571.92 CAR 00125191 Fungicides Carisse,Odile InTech 2010 9789533072661 538p. UG Library
571.92 MIS 00062554 Mollicutes and Plant Diseases Mishra,Shubrata R . Discovery Publishing House 2004 8171417930 242 p. UG Library
571.92 TRI 00139131 Crop Diseases : Tripathi,D P. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789353591519 2nd rev ed. 479p.; UG Library
571.936 BAE 00117516 Cell Survival and Cell Death : ed by, H. baehrecke Eric Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2013 9781936113316 vii, 380 p.: UG Library
571.936 COS 00138121 Cellular microbiology / Cossart, Pascale ASM Press, 2005 155581302X | 9781555813024 2nd ed. xxx, 593 p. : UG Library
571.936 COS 00135591 Cellular microbiology / Cossart, Pascale ASM Press, 2005 155581302X | 9781555813024 2nd ed. xxx, 593 p. : UG Library
571.936 GRE 00133960 Cell death : Green, Douglas R., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2018 9781621822134 | 9781621822141 Second edition. xix, 278 p.: UG Library
571.936 GRE 00108671 Means to an end Green,Douglas R. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2011 9780879698881 | 087969887X (hb xii, 220 p. : UG Library
571.936 JOH 00125218 Cell death techniques : Johnstone Ricky W Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 2015 9781621820123 | 1621820122 | 9 xiii, 514 pages ; UG Library
571.95 BHA 00108261 Environmental Toxicology Bhattacharya S. Books And Allied Pvt Ltd 2011 9788187134312 221 p. UG Library
571.95 GAL 00137323 Essentials of environmental toxicology / Arcler Press LLC , 2017 9781680946222 (hardcover) 282pages.; UG Library
571.95 SHA 00045668 Principles of Environmental Toxicology Shaw, Ian C Taylor & Francis Ltd. 1998 9780748403561 216 p. UG Library
571.95 SIN 00122407 Biochemical and Environmental Toxicology Singh, B K P Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9788126157563 304 p:. UG Library
571.95 SIN 00125286 Agro-Toxicology and Eco-System Management Singh,Parmeshwar Oxford Book Company, 2017 9789350302897 264 p.: UG Library
571.95 TYA 00110347 Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry Tyagi,Rajeev. Manglam Publishers & Distributors 2013 9788189972790 1st Ed. 311 p. UG Library
571.952 ANJ 00131863 Oxidative stress in plants: Anjum,Naser A. I.K.International publishing house pvt ltd., 2012 9789381141021 xxii,522p.; UG Library
571.96 COI 00125001 Immunology : Coico, Richard, Wiley Blackwell, 2015 9781118396919 7th ed, xxiii, 406 p.: UG Library
571.96 COI 00125230 Immunology : Coico, Richard, Wiley Blackwell, 2015 9781118396919 7th ed, xxiii, 406 p.: UG Library
571.96 MUR 00132402 Janeway's Immuno Biology: Murphy, Kenneth, Taylor &Francis Group, 2012 9780815345305 xix,868 p.; UG Library
571.96 SHE 00093468 Immunology: Introductory Textbook Shetty,Nandini. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2005 9788122416780 2nd Ed. 207 p. UG Library
571.96 SHE 00093467 Immunology: Introductory Textbook Shetty,Nandini. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2005 9788122416780 2nd Ed. 207 p. UG Library
571.96 VAR 00134457 The DBS Handbook of Immunology. Varshney, Prateesksha. DBS Imprints: 2018 9789386648129 xv,726p.: UG Library
571.96 ALT 00079790 Advances In Immunology Alt, Frederick W Academic Press 2004 9780120224821 380p UG Library
571.96 ARO 00083616 Illustrated Dictionary of Immunology Arora, M Prakash Ane Books 2007 0818052227 | 9788180522277 585p UG Library
571.96 ARU 00098250 Immunology Arora,M,P Ane Books Pvt,Ltd; 9788190832229 xi;402 p UG Library
571.96 BAR 00138267 Applied Immunology and Biochemistry / Barker,Taylor. Ed-Tech Press, 2020 9781788821346 rep xiv,330p.; UG Library
571.96 CAN 00097445 Advances in IMmunology Elsevier Academic Press, 0120224836 304 p. UG Library
571.96 CAZ 00093305 immunology Cazenave P.V New Age International 9788122403206 199 UG Library
571.96 CAZ 00045625 Immunology Pasteur's Heritage Cazenave P.A. Wiley Eastern Ltd 1991 8122403204 199 p. UG Library
571.96 CAZ 00093306 Immunology Pasteur's Heritage Cazenave P.A. Wiley Eastern Ltd 1991 8122403204 199 p. UG Library
571.96 CHA 00102212 Immunology and Immunotechology Chakravarty, Ashim K Oxford University Press, 9780195676884 592 p. UG Library
571.96 COI 00097950 Immunology Coico, Richard A John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 9780470081587 391p UG Library
571.96 DEL 00137042 Essential Immunology Delves, Peter J. Wiley Blackwell, 2017 0632059028 | 9780632059027 | 9781118415771 13th Ed. 556 p.; UG Library
571.96 DOA 00126109 Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews Immunology Doan,Thao Wolters Kluwer, 2013 9788184737639 2nd ed, v,376 p.: UG Library
571.96 ELE 00136357 Core Concepts in Biology :Immunology / Elearning 3G E-Learning, 2019 9781984620071 264p.; UG Library
571.96 ELE 00137284 Core Concepts in Biology :Immunology / Elearning 3G E-Learning, 2019 9781984620071 264p.; UG Library
571.96 FER 00146222 Immunology and Immunological Techniques/ Ferreira, Lois Venus Books 2023 9789386559159 252p. UG Library
571.96 GHO 00129729 Immunology & Immunotechnology Ghosh, Shyamasree Books and Allied, 2017 9789384294908 xix,vii,810 p.: UG Library
571.96 GHO 00129730 Immunology & Immunotechnology Ghosh, Shyamasree Books and Allied, 2017 9789384294908 xix,vii,810 p.: UG Library
571.96 GHO 00129731 Immunology & Immunotechnology Ghosh, Shyamasree Books and Allied, 2017 9789384294908 xix,vii,810 p.: UG Library
571.96 GHO 00146145 Immunology and Immunotechnology Ghosh, Shyamasree Books and Allied, 2021 9788195318926 xliii,904 p.: UG Library
571.96 HAN 00106914 Immunology Hannigan, B. M. Viva Books, Pvt. Ltd., 2010 9788130912844 2 ed. 382 p. UG Library
571.96 HAN 00096560 Immunology Hannigan, B. M. Viva Books, Pvt. Ltd., 2010 9788130912844 2 ed. 382 p. UG Library
571.96 JAN 00118739 Immuno Biology: The Immune System in Health and Disease.6 Edition/ Janeway, Charles A 2005 0443073104 | 9780815342908 7th ed. 823p UG Library
571.96 JAN 00079794 Immuno Biology: The Immune System in Health and Disease.6 Edition/ Janeway, Charles A 2005 0443073104 | 9780815342908 7th ed. 823p UG Library
571.96 JOS 00083623 Immunology Joahi, K R Agrobios 8177541749 360p UG Library
571.96 KIN 00077935 Kuby Immunology. Kindt, Thomas J W.H.Freeman and Company 2007 0716785900 | 9780716767640 6th ed. xxii, 574 p.: UG Library
571.96 KOT 00128648 Immunology Revisited Kothari, Manu Bhalani Publishing House, 2012 9789381496107 132p : . UG Library
571.96 KUB 00048098 Immunology Kuby, Janis 1997 0716728680 | 9780716728689 664p UG Library
571.96 KUM 00131682 Text Book Of Immunology: Kumar Arvind., TERI Press, 2013 9788179933800 xiv,308 p.; UG Library
571.96 LYD 00119825 Immunology / Lydyard, Peter M. Garland Science, 2011 9780415607537 (pbk.) | 0415607 3rd ed. x, 358 p. : UG Library
571.96 LYD 00058327 Immunology Lydyard, P M Viva Books Private Limited 2003 8176491519 318 UG Library
571.96 MAD 00141051 A textbook of immunology: Madhavee Latha,P S Chand and company ltd., 2021 9788121939188 303p.; UG Library
571.96 MAL 00049797 Immunology: an Illustrated Oueline Male, David GowerMedical Publishing 1991 0397448252 | 9780397448258 2nd ed, xv, 128 p, UG Library
571.96 MAL 00120002 Immunology David Male Elsevier Saunders, 2013 9780323080583 | 9780702045486 8th ed. x, 472 p. : UG Library
571.96 MUR 00109851 Janeway's Immuno Biology Murphy, Kenneth Garland Science 2012 9780815342434 8th Ed. xix; 828 p. UG Library
571.96 OWE 00120004 Kuby Immunology Owen, Judith A. W.H. Freeman, 2013 9781429219198 (North American 7th ed. xxvii, 692, p.: UG Library
571.96 OWE 00117943 Kuby Immunology Owen, Judith A. W.H. Freeman, 2013 9781429219198 (North American 7th ed. xxvii, 692, p.: UG Library
571.96 PAN 00116852 Immunology & Immunotechnology Pandian Rajasekara M Panima Publishing Corpoation 9788186535615 328p UG Library
571.96 PAN 00094611 Immunology & Immunotechnology Pandian Rajasekara M Panima Publishing Corpoation 9788186535615 328p UG Library
571.96 PAR 00091071 The immune system / Parham, P. Garland Science, 9780815341468 | 0815341466 1 v. (various pagings) : UG Library
571.96 PAT 00107310 Immunology Essential and Fundamental Pathak,Sulabha. Capital Publishing Company 2011 818558912 xv:450 P. UG Library
571.96 PAU 00127744 Textbook of Immunology Paul Ajoy Books and Allied Ltd, 2016 9789384294724 vii, 818 p.: UG Library
571.96 PAU 00127745 Textbook of Immunology Paul Ajoy Books and Allied Ltd, 2016 9789384294724 vii, 818 p.: UG Library
571.96 PAU 00124228 Textbook of Immunology Paul Ajoy Books and Allied Ltd, 2016 9789384294724 vii, 818 p.: UG Library
571.96 PAU 00124229 Textbook of Immunology Paul Ajoy Books and Allied Ltd, 2016 9789384294724 vii, 818 p.: UG Library
571.96 PAU 00146146 Textbook of Immunology Paul Ajoy Books and Allied Ltd, 2016 9789384294724 vii, 818 p.: UG Library
571.96 PAU 00126615 Textbook of Immunology Paul Ajoy Books and Allied Ltd, 2016 9789384294724 vii, 818 p.: UG Library
571.96 PAU 00126616 Textbook of Immunology Paul Ajoy Books and Allied Ltd, 2016 9789384294724 vii, 818 p.: UG Library
571.96 PRA 00128116 Immunology Prasad, Vijaya Raghava SBW Publishers 2015 9788185708379 336p. UG Library
571.96 PUN 00138326 Kuby Immunology / Punt,Jenni. Macmillan Education, 2019 9781319114701 8th ed. xxviii,805p.; UG Library
571.96 RAY 00023839 Employment Planning for the Rural Poor : The Case of Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes Rayappa Hanumantha P Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1980 114 p UG Library
571.96 ROI 00038383 Immunology: Roitt, Ivan Mosby 1993 3rd,ed 260p UG Library
571.96 ROT 00052584 Essential Immunology Roitt,Ivan M. Blackwell Science 2001 0632059028 | 9780632059027 10th Ed. 481 p. UG Library
571.96 SHA 00135371 Immunology: Sharma,Anil K Pan standford publishing, 2019 9789814774512 xiv,246p.; UG Library
571.96 SHE 00045635 Immunology: Introductory Textbook Shetty,Nandini. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1994 8122406408 235 p. UG Library
571.96 SHE 00067973 Immunology: Introductory Textbook Shetty,Nandini. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2005 9788122416780 2nd Ed. 207 p. UG Library
571.96 SHE 00092273 Immunology: Introductory Textbook Shetty,Nandini. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2005 9788122416780 2nd Ed. 207 p. UG Library
571.96 TIZ 00029452 Immunology: an Introduction Tizaard,Ian R. Saunders College Publishing 1987 833702029 428 p. UG Library
571.964 OKA 00138493 Advances in immunolabeling and related fields Oka,Nessa Callisto reference, 2015 9781632390462 vii,365p.; UG Library
571.967 GRE 00117113 Antibodies : Greenfield, Edward A Cold spring Harbor Laboratory press 2014 9781936113804 (hardback) | 193 Second edition. xxi, 847 pages : UG Library
571.967 KUM 00146346 Antibody Engineering: Kumar, Rajiva Venus Books 2023 9789386559388 288p. UG Library
571.993 WAK 00139833 Structural Biology of Bacterial Pathogenesis / ASM Press, 2005 9781555813017 xi,273p.; UG Library
571.9931 MON 00139244 Plant Bacteriology / Mondal,Kalyan K. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789327216318 Rep. 190p.; UG Library
571.99312 TIR 00139205 Introductory plant bacteriology Tripathi,D.P Kalyani publishers, 2018 9789327297843 481p.; UG Library
571.994KHA 00083613 Emerging Protozoan Pathogens Khan, Naveed Ahmed 9780415428644 510p UG Library
571.9992 DAV 00138797 Biological control of plant-parasitic nematodes : Davies, Keith G. Springer, 2020 9789402418019 xiii, 311 p. : UG Library
571TRI 00083997 Palaeobotany to Modern Botany Trivedi, P C Pointer 9788171325405 366p UG Library
572 BRO 00133606 Biochemistry Brown,T.A Viva books pvt ltd., 2018 9789387153523 xxiv,538p.; UG Library
572 BRO 00129284 Biochemistry Brown T.A. Viva Books, 2018 9789387153523 xxiv, 537 p.: UG Library
572 ELE 00136220 Biochemistry and molecular biology Elearning 3G E-Learning, 2018 9781680959246 275p.; UG Library
572 HAQ 00132132 Biochemistry Haue,Mohd Azharul Jnanada Prakashan, 2014 9788171395972 vii,300p.; UG Library
572 JAI 00141104 Elementary biochemistry Jail,J.L S Chand and company ltd., 2016 9788121928168 xix,588p.; UG Library
572 JAY 00092265 Laboratory Manual in Biochemistry Jayaraman J. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1981 0852264283 | 9780852264287 1st Ed. 180 p. UG Library
572 KUM 00133669 Biomolecules,polymers and drugs Kumar,Dheeraj Random publications, 2018 9789386391254 272p.; UG Library
572 SIN 00135437 Viva in biochemistry SIngh,S.P CBS publishers and distributors pvt ltd., 2018 9789386478610 5th ed., xii,322p.; UG Library
572 WEI 00067900 General Biochemistry Weil.J.H New Age International 2010 9788122406416 6th ed, xxiii, 515 p.; UG Library
572 WEI 00072879 General Biochemistry Weil.J.H New Age International 2010 9788122406416 6th ed, xxiii, 515 p.; UG Library
572 WEI 00045720 General Biochemistry Weil.J.H New Age International 2010 9788122406416 6th ed, xxiii, 515 p.; UG Library
572 WEI 00135395 Biochemistry: Weissberg,Artie Callisto reference, 2018 9781632399526 vi,229p.; UG Library
572 WIL 00110198 Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Wilson, Keith Cambridge University Press, 9780521178747 xvi, 744 p. UG Library
572 WIL 00102278 Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Wilson, Keith Cambridge University Press, 9780521178747 xvi, 744 p. UG Library
572 WIL 07010556 Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Wilson, Keith Cambridge University Press, 9780521178747 xvi, 744 p. Library - BR Campus
572 WIL 07010557 Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Wilson, Keith Cambridge University Press, 9780521178747 xvi, 744 p. Library - BR Campus
572 WIL 07010558 Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Wilson, Keith Cambridge University Press, 9780521178747 xvi, 744 p. Library - BR Campus
572 ALD 00045905 Biochemistry: for Advanced Biology Aldridge,Susan. Cambridge University Press 1994 0521437814 | 9780521437813 155 p. UG Library
572 APP 00138224 Biochemistry : Appling,Dean R. Pearson, 2019 9781292267203 2nd ed. 925p.; UG Library
572 APP 00129498 Biochemistry Appling, Dean R. Pearson, 2017 9789332585454 912 p.; UG Library
572 BAL 00128364 The DBS Handbook of Biochemistry Balwan, Wahied Khawar DBS Imprints, 2015 9789382423973 xxii, 719 p.: UG Library
572 BAL 00009872 Dynamic Aspects of Biochemistry Baldwin,Ernest. At The University Press 1959 3rd Ed. 525 p. UG Library
572 BAN 00122788 Biomolecules Banerjee S Dominant Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., 2015 9789382007708 345 p:. UG Library
572 BER 00132396 Biochemistry: Berg, Jeremy M., W.H. Freeman and Company, 2015 9781319153939 xxxii,c 43 p.; UG Library
572 BER 00029019 A Textbook of Biochemistry Berry A.K. Emkay Publications 2000 1st Ed. 255 p. UG Library
572 BER 00138324 Biochemistry / Berg,Jeremy M. Macmillan International, 2019 9781319114657 9th ed. xlii,1096p.; UG Library
572 BER 00029020 A Textbook of Biochemistry Berry A.K. Emkay Publications 2000 1st Ed. 255 p. UG Library
572 BHA 00137105 Chemistry of natural products Bhat,Sujata V. Narosa Publishing House ; | Narosa, 2018 8173194815 | 9788173194818 | 3540406697 (Springer : hd. bd.) | 9783540406693 (Springer : hd. bd.) xxxi, 840 p. : UG Library
572 BHA 00137106 Chemistry of natural products Bhat,Sujata V. Narosa Publishing House ; | Narosa, 2018 8173194815 | 9788173194818 | 3540406697 (Springer : hd. bd.) | 9783540406693 (Springer : hd. bd.) xxxi, 840 p. : UG Library
572 BHA 00124202 Biochemical Methods Anusha,Bhaskar Narosa Publishing House, 2014 9788184873443 xii, 13.9 p.: UG Library
572 BHA 00110901 Chemistry of natural products Bhat,Sujata V. Narosa Publishing House ; | Narosa, 2005 8173194815 | 9788173194818 | 3 xxxi, 840 p. : UG Library
572 BHA 00108847 Chemistry of natural products Bhat,Sujata V. Narosa Publishing House ; | Narosa, 2005 8173194815 | 9788173194818 | 3 xxxi, 840 p. : UG Library
572 BHU 00105063 Chemistry Of Biomolecules Bhutani.S.P. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 2009 9788190840651 xiv,290p. UG Library
572 BHU 00105064 Chemistry Of Biomolecules Bhutani.S.P. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 2009 9788190840651 xiv,290p. UG Library
572 BLA 00055096 Biochemistry: Biomedical Sciences Explained Blackstock James C. Butterworth 1999 0750632569 | 9780750632560 307 p. UG Library
572 BRO 00126344 Biochemistry Brown T.A. Scion Publishing Ltd, 2017 9781907904288 xxii, 522 p.: UG Library
572 CAM 00027866 Biochemistry Illustrated Peter,Campbell N. Churchill Livingstone 1982 0443029784 225 p. UG Library
572 CAM 10003801 Biochemistry / Campbell, Mary K Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2006 9788131502839 Fifth ed., xxiii, 689p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
572 CAM 00134755 Biochemistry / Campbell, Mary K. Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, 2012 9780840068583 | 9781111425647 7th ed. 117p.; UG Library
572 CHA 00014380 Biochemistry Laboratory Techniques Chaykin,Sterling. Wiley Eastern Pvt Ltd 1970 168 p. UG Library
572 COB 00136860 Essentials of Biochemistry / Cobb,Gustavo. Syrawood Publishing House, 2019 9781682868294 256p.; UG Library
572 CON 00097947 Bioinformatics Conrad, Edward Apple Academic Press Inc.; 9781926686264 304p UG Library
572 CON 00038515 Outlines of Biochemistry Conn, Eric John Wiley & Sons 1987 9971511649 5th Ed. ix, 690 p.: UG Library
572 CON 00038516 Outlines of Biochemistry Conn, Eric John Wiley & Sons 1987 9971511649 5th Ed. ix, 690 p.: UG Library
572 CON 00038518 Outlines of Biochemistry Conn, Eric John Wiley & Sons 1987 9971511649 5th Ed. ix, 690 p.: UG Library
572 CON 00038519 Outlines of Biochemistry Conn, Eric John Wiley & Sons 1987 9971511649 5th Ed. ix, 690 p.: UG Library
572 CON 00038517 Outlines of Biochemistry Conn, Eric John Wiley & Sons 1987 9971511649 5th Ed. ix, 690 p.: UG Library
572 CON 00003689 Outlines of Biochemistry Conn Eric E. New Delhi 2nd ed, 4668 p.: UG Library
572 CON 00028877 Outlines of Biochemistry Conn, Eric John Wiley & Sons 1987 9971511649 5th Ed. ix, 690 p.: UG Library
572 CON 00020039 Outlines of Biochemistry Conn E.E. Wiley Eastern Ltd 1978 0852261241 4th Ed. 629 p. UG Library
572 CON 00011185 Outlines of Biochemistry Conn Eric E. New Delhi 2nd ed, 4668 p.: UG Library
572 CON 00018984 Outlines of Biochemistry Conn Eric E. New Delhi 2nd ed, 4668 p.: UG Library
572 CON 00131118 Outlines Of Biochemistry Conn, Eric E Wiley, 2006 9788126509300 5th Edition ix, 693 p. : UG Library
572 CON 00015868 Outlines of Biochemistry Conn,Eric E. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1972 0471668475 3rd Ed. 535 p. UG Library
572 CON 00130650 Outlines Of Biochemistry Conn, Eric E Wiley, 2006 9788126509300 5th Edition ix, 693 p. : UG Library
572 CRA 00127320 Basics of Biochemistry Crasta, Darrel Koros Press, 2015 9781781637043 280 p.: UG Library
572 DEB 00108699 Comprehensible Viva & Practical Biochemistry Deb A.C. New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd 2005 817381208x 3rd ed. xiii; 92 p. ; UG Library
572 DEB 00120142 Comprehensible Viva & Practical Biochemistry A.C. Deb New Central Book Agency Ltd, 1996 817381208-X xiii, 92 p.: UG Library
572 DEB 00110013 Comprehensible Viva & Practical Biochemistry Deb A.C. New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd 2005 817381208x 3rd ed. xiii; 92 p. ; UG Library
572 DEB 00110014 Fundamentals of Biochemistry Deb, A.C. New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd 2011 817381144X | 9788173811449 10th ed. xxviii, 997 p. ; UG Library
572 DUA 00124204 Biochemical Methods of Analysis Saroj, Dua Narosa Publishing House, 2010 9788184870282 viii, 6.33 p.: UG Library
572 DUR 00014726 Primitive Classification Durkheim, Emile Cohen 95p UG Library
572 ELL 00062720 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Elliott, H William Oxford University Press 2004 568 p.: UG Library
572 ELL 00045849 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Elliott, H William Oxford University Press 2004 568 p.: UG Library
572 FEN 00045863 Biocoordination Chemistry Fenton,David E. Oxford University Press 1995 0198557736 | 9780198557739 91 p. UG Library
572 FRU 00012848 General Biochemistry Fruton, Joseph S. Asia Publishing House, 1970 2nd Ed. 1073 p.; UG Library
572 GAR 00128589 Biochemistry Garrett, Reginald H. Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning 2013 9781133108795 5th Edition. xxxv, 1168 p. : UG Library
572 GAU 00131701 Textbook of environmental biochemistry Gaur,Harender K Book enclave, 2018 9788181524478 304p.; UG Library
572 GOL 05047368 Anthropology : Goldenweiser, Alexander, F.S. Crofts & Co., 1937 xxi, 550 p., [30] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
572 GUP 00122532 Competitive Biochemistry Gupta, Om Prakash Jaya Publishing House, 2014 9789382471769 xix, 362 p:. UG Library
572 GUR 00072888 Lipid Biochemisty Gurr Michael I. Blackwell Scince 1998 1405129190 | 9781405129190 5th Ed. 320 p. UG Library
572 GUR 00062691 Lipid Biochemisty Gurr Michael I. Blackwell Scince 1998 1405129190 | 9781405129190 5th Ed. 320 p. UG Library
572 GUR 00061300 Lipid Biochemisty Gurr Michael I. Blackwell Scince 1998 1405129190 | 9781405129190 5th Ed. 320 p. UG Library
572 HAR 00118417 Biochemistry : Hardin, Charles C. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199765621 (cl : acidfree p xviii, 316 p. : UG Library
572 HAR 00022872 Metals in Biochemistry Harrison P.M. Chapman and Hall 1980 0412121609 78 p. UG Library
572 HEG 00067986 Textbook of Biochemistry Hegde,Parameshwar H. Mohit Publications 2005 8174452079 | 9788174452078 312 p. UG Library
572 HEL 00074231 The Biochemistry of Cell Signalling Helmreich,Ernst J.M. Oxford University Press 2005 0195673840 | 9780195673845 328 p. UG Library
572 HEM 00126956 Chemical Biology : Hempel, E.Jonathan Humana Press, 2015 9781493922680 | 1493922688 xiv, 333 p. : UG Library
572 HOL 00121725 Handbook of Bio-Chemistry Holt, Henry Apple Academic Press Inc, 2010 9781926686561 304 p.: UG Library
572 HON 00006106 Understanding Culture Honigmann, John.j Oxford &IBH Publishers 1963 467 p.: UG Library
572 HON 00008468 Understanding Culture Honigmann, John.j Oxford &IBH Publishers 1963 467 p.: UG Library
572 JAI 00141106 Fundamentals of Biochemistry / Jain, J L S Chand & Company, 2020 9789352838301 xxxii,1615p.; UG Library
572 JAI 00019737 Fundamentals of Biochemistry Jain J. L. S. Chand & Co Ltd, 1979 315 p.; UG Library
572 JAI 00019735 Fundamentals of Biochemistry Jain J. L. S. Chand & Co Ltd, 1979 315 p.; UG Library
572 JAI 00019736 Fundamentals of Biochemistry Jain J. L. S. Chand & Co Ltd, 1979 315 p.; UG Library
572 JAI 00019740 Fundamentals of Biochemistry Jain J. L. S. Chand & Co Ltd, 1979 315 p.; UG Library
572 JAI 00019739 Fundamentals of Biochemistry Jain J. L. S. Chand & Co Ltd, 1979 315 p.; UG Library
572 JAI 00019738 Fundamentals of Biochemistry Jain J. L. S. Chand & Co Ltd, 1979 315 p.; UG Library
572 JAI 00049590 Fundamentals of Biochemistry Jain J.L. S. Chand & Company Limited, 2001 81- 219 - 0343 - 2 Fifth Edition 924 p.; UG Library
572 JAI 00122646 Fundamentals of Biochemistry / Jain, J L S Chand & Company 2015 9788121924535 xxxii,1615p.; UG Library
572 JAI 07004966 Fundamentals of Biochemistry / Jain, J L S Chand & Company 2015 9788121924535 xxxii,1615p.; Library - BR Campus
572 JAI 07004967 Fundamentals of Biochemistry / Jain, J L S Chand & Company 2015 9788121924535 xxxii,1615p.; Library - BR Campus
572 JAI 07004968 Fundamentals of Biochemistry / Jain, J L S Chand & Company 2015 9788121924535 xxxii,1615p.; Library - BR Campus
572 JAI 07004969 Fundamentals of Biochemistry / Jain, J L S Chand & Company 2015 9788121924535 xxxii,1615p.; Library - BR Campus
572 JAI 07004970 Fundamentals of Biochemistry / Jain, J L S Chand & Company 2015 9788121924535 xxxii,1615p.; Library - BR Campus
572 JAY 00093347 Laboratory Manual in Biochemistry Jayaraman J. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1981 0852264283 | 9780852264287 1st Ed. 180 p. UG Library
572 JAY 00026849 Laboratory Manual in Biochemistry Jayaraman J. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1981 0852264283 | 9780852264287 1st Ed. 180 p. UG Library
572 JAY 00093348 Laboratory Manual in Biochemistry Jayaraman J. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1981 0852264283 | 9780852264287 1st Ed. 180 p. UG Library
572 JAY 00024531 Laboratory Manual in Biochemistry Jayaraman J. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1981 0852264283 | 9780852264287 1st Ed. 180 p. UG Library
572 JAY 00084950 Laboratory Manual in Biochemistry Jayaraman J. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1981 0852264283 | 9780852264287 1st Ed. 180 p. UG Library
572 JAY 00027459 Laboratory Manual in Biochemistry Jayaraman, J Wiley 180 p UG Library
572 JEN 00108904 Structural bioinformatics Jenny Gu Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 9780470181058 | 0470181052 (cl 2nd ed. xxvi, 1035 p., [32] p. of plates : UG Library
572 JOS 00093350 Question bank of biochemistry JOSHI R.A Springer 8122417361 205p UG Library
572 JOS 00093349 Question bank of biochemistry JOSHI R.A Springer 8122417361 205p UG Library
572 JOS 00146341 Physiological Aspects of Biochemistry/ Joshi, Bal Chandra Venus Books 2023 9789395431200 295p. UG Library
572 KAL 00145882 Biophysical Chemistry Kalsi, P. S. and Mahanta, N New Age Publishers, 2023 9789395161497 2nd ed. 240p.; UG Library
572 KHO 05066803 Chemical biology : Khorana, Har Gobind, World Scientific, 2000 9789810233310 xi, 619 p. : Knowledge Centre
572 KIM 00144064 Ganglioside Biochemistry / Kim Cheorl Ho. Springer, 2020 9789811558177 xvi, 214p,; UG Library
572 KUC 00069116 Theory And Problems Of Biochemistry Kuchel,Philip W. Schaum's Outlines Series 1998 0070361495 | 9780070361492 2nd Ed. 559 p. UG Library
572 KUM 00122536 Introduction to Biochemistry Kumar, Manendra Globus Press, 2016 9789385379321 280 p:. UG Library
572 LAL 00126110 Textbook of Biochemistry Lal, Harbans CBS Publishers, 2017 9789385915796 3rd ed, xv,614 p.: UG Library
572 LEH 00020168 Biochemistry Lehninger, Albert L. Worth Publishers, 1984 8170961262 2nd Ed. 1103 p.; UG Library
572 LEH 00034384 Biochemistry Lehninger, Albert L. Worth Publishers, 1984 8170961262 2nd Ed. 1103 p.; UG Library
572 MAD 00146511 Hormone Biochemistry and Function/ Maddina, Balaji Yadav Venus Books, 2023 9789395431187 281p. ; UG Library
572 MAL 00047440 Biochemistry for Students Malhotra,Varun Kumar. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pvt Ltd 1991 8171791972 8th Ed. 329 p. UG Library
572 MAL 00014278 Biochemistry of Plants and Animals Mallette,Frank. Wiley Eastern Pvt Ltd 1960 1st Ed. 552 p. UG Library
572 MAL 00038382 PRACTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY FOR STUDENTS Malhotra, Varun Kumar Jaypee Brothers 1986 8171790747 viii; 127 p UG Library
572 MAL 00055099 Man, Beast and Zombie Malik, Kenan 0753812959 470p UG Library
572 MAN 00118504 Handbook of Biochemistry Manpal Richa Agrotech Press, 2013 9789383101290 vii, 239 p.: UG Library
572 MAR 00026851 Harper's Review of Biochemistry Martin,David W.D. Lange Medical Publications 1983 19th Ed. 638 p. UG Library
572 MAT 00058123 Bio-Chemistry Mathur, Ramesh Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2002 8126113251 | 9788126113255 486 p.: UG Library
572 MAT 00058124 Bio-Chemistry Mathur, Ramesh Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2002 8126113251 | 9788126113255 486 p.: UG Library
572 MAT 00126103 Biochemistry A Short Course Matthews R. Harry Wiley-Liss, Inc, 1997 9788126547845 xvi, 505 p.: UG Library
572 MCF 03012172 A world From Dust : Mcfarland, Ben Oxford University Press, 2016 9780190275013 1st ed. ; xiv, 333p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
572 McK 00137036 Biochemistry : McKee, Trudy, Oxford University, 2017 9780190209957 International sixth edition. xx, 714, 46, 17, 2, 34 pages : UG Library
572 MEH 00098776 Advanced Biochemistry; Mehta S,K Campus Books; 9788180302701 v;272 p. UG Library
572 MER 00014295 Elementary Biochemistry Mertz,Edwin T. Vakils Ferrer And Simons Pvt Ltd 1960 3rd Ed. 350 p. UG Library
572 MER 00006242 Elementary Biochemistry Mertz,Edwin T. Allied Pacific Pvt Ltd 1969 298 p. UG Library
572 MUR 09000941 Clinical biochemistry : Murphy, Michael P. Elsevier, 2019 9780702072987 Sixth edition. vii, 179 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572 MUR 00037332 Harper's Biochemistry Murray,Robert K. Prentice-Hall International Inc 1990 9780838536582 23rd Ed. 806 p. UG Library
572 NAG 00118510 Textbook of Biochemistry S. Nagini Scitech Publications , 2007 9788183710701 2nd ed, G.20 p.: UG Library
572 NAG 00118508 MCQs Clinical Biochemistry Nagini S. Scitech Publications, 1999 8187328096 137 p.; UG Library
572 NAS 00033861 Biochemistry Nuffield Advanced Science Penguin Books 1970 166 p. UG Library
572 NEL 07004297 Lehninger principles of biochemistry / Nelson, David L. W.H. Freeman, 2013 9781429234146 (North American 6th ed. 1198, [101] p. : Library - BR Campus
572 NEL 07004298 Lehninger principles of biochemistry / Nelson, David L. W.H. Freeman, 2013 9781429234146 (North American 6th ed. 1198, [101] p. : Library - BR Campus
572 OKI 00138429 Handbook of chemistry,biochemistry and biology Okino,Alisa Magnum Publishing, 2018 9781682504994 xiv,296p.; UG Library
572 OKO 00093393 Basic Separation Techniques in Biochemistry Okotore R.O. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1998 8122411703 | 9788122411706 71 p. UG Library
572 OKO 00047809 Basic Separation Techniques in Biochemistry Okotore R.O. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1998 8122411703 | 9788122411706 71 p. UG Library
572 PAP 05062807 Coarse-grained modeling of biomolecules / Papoian, Gargin. A, CRC Press, 2018 9781466576063 | 1466576065 xxvii,429p.; Knowledge Centre
572 PAT 00058863 Concise Textbook of Biochemistry Pattabiraman T.N. All India Publishers & Distributors 2002 8185502951 3rd Ed. 182 p. UG Library
572 PLU 00022176 An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry Plummer, David T. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1979 2nd Ed. 362 p. UG Library
572 POW 00031522 Biochemistry Powar C.B. Himalaya Publishing House 1988 1st Ed. 493 p. UG Library
572 POW 00042560 Biochemistry Powar C.B. Himalaya Publishing House 1994 8174930191 3rd Ed. 879 p. UG Library
572 PRA 00098780 Essential Biochemistry. Pratt,Charlotte,W John Wiley & Sons,inc; 9780471451662 761 p. UG Library
572 PRA 00137041 Essential Biochemistry. Pratt,Charlotte,W John Wiley & Sons,inc; 2018 9780471451662 | 9781119451129 606 p.; UG Library
572 PUG 04010738 Structure dynamics and function of biological macromolecules and assemblies / IOS Press, 2005 1586034758 ( | 9781586034757 vi, 189 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572 RAM 00026399 Textbook Of Biochemistry Rao,Rama A.V.S.S. L.K. & S. Publishers 1983 4th Ed. 504 p. UG Library
572 RED 00120171 Biosensors and Bioelectronics Reddy, D Dharaneeswara I. K. INternational Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, 2013 9789382332190 487 p UG Library
572 RED 00021408 Biochemistry Reddy, Narayana Prasaranga | Bangalore University 1981 viii, 294 p. : UG Library
572 RED 00021410 Biochemistry Reddy, Narayana Prasaranga | Bangalore University 1981 viii, 294 p. : UG Library
572 RED 00021415 Biochemistry Reddy, Narayana Prasaranga | Bangalore University 1981 viii, 294 p. : UG Library
572 RED 00021411 Biochemistry Reddy, Narayana Prasaranga | Bangalore University 1981 viii, 294 p. : UG Library
572 RED 00021414 Biochemistry Reddy, Narayana Prasaranga | Bangalore University 1981 viii, 294 p. : UG Library
572 RED 00021412 Biochemistry Reddy, Narayana Prasaranga | Bangalore University 1981 viii, 294 p. : UG Library
572 RED 00021409 Biochemistry Reddy, Narayana Prasaranga | Bangalore University 1981 viii, 294 p. : UG Library
572 SAD 00137109 Biochemical Methods Sadasivam.S New Age International pvt ltd., 2018 9788122421408 3rd ed., xiv,270p.; UG Library
572 SAD 00093442 Biochemical Methods Sadasivam.S New Age International 9788122421408 270P UG Library
572 SAD 00093441 Biochemical Methods Sadasivam.S New Age International 9788122421408 270P UG Library
572 SAG 00093497 MCQs in Biochemistry Sagar,Vidya G New age international 9788122423570 288p UG Library
572 SAG 00093498 MCQs in Biochemistry Sagar,Vidya G New age international 9788122423570 288p UG Library
572 SAI 00106845 Solid State NMR Spectroscopy for Biopolymers: Saito,Hazime. Springer 2006 1402043023 xiii:464 P. UG Library
572 SAT 00107226 Fundamentals of Biochemistry Satyanarayana U. Books and Allied (P) Ltd 2008 9788187134459 306 P. UG Library
572 SAT 00146143 Fundamentals of Biochemistry Satyanarayana U. Books and Allied (P) Ltd 2008 9788187134459 306 P. UG Library
572 SHA 00120342 Basic techniques in biochemistry and molecular biology Sharma R K I K International 2013 9788190746267 261p. UG Library
572 SHA 00132532 Practical manual of biochemistry (For Medical Dental and students) Sharma,Sadhana Medtech, 2016 9789381714737 xii,195p.; UG Library
572 SHA 00028989 Introductory Biochemistry Sharma, B.L. Jai Prakash Nath & Co. 1982 3rd rev ed viii, 172 p. : UG Library
572 SHA 00028990 Introductory Biochemistry Sharma, B.L. Jai Prakash Nath & Co. 1982 3rd rev ed viii, 172 p. : UG Library
572 SHI 00146593 Endocrine Biochemistry/ Shivani Book Enclave, 2023 9789392262630 258p. ; UG Library
572 SHO 00143165 Textbook of Biochemistry / Shourie,Abhilasha. I.K International, 2021 9788194746317 xiii,458p, ; UG Library
572 SIN 00062689 Biochemistry Singh,Rajbir. Mittal Publications 2002 1st Ed. 349 p. UG Library
572 SIN 00128643 Biochemistry Singh, J. N Bhalani Publishing House, 2017 9789381496404 609p : . UG Library
572 SMI 00062445 Clinical Biochemistry: Lecture Notes On Smith, Alistair F. Blackwell Scientific Publications 1996 9781405121576 6th Ed. 317 p. UG Library
572 SMI 00062690 Clinical Biochemistry: Lecture Notes On Smith, Alistair F. Blackwell Scientific Publications 1996 9781405121576 6th Ed. 317 p. UG Library
572 SMI 00027762 Principles of Biochemistry: General Aspects Smith,Emil L. McGraw-Hill Book Co 1983 07y665702 7th Ed. 886 p. UG Library
572 SMI 00027763 Principles Of Biochemistry: Mammalian Biochemistry Smith,Emil L. McGraw-Hill Book Co 1985 759 p. UG Library
572 SRI 00019534 Elements of Biochemistry Srivastava H.S. Rastogi Publications 1979 1st Ed. 220 p. UG Library
572 SRI 00019532 Elements of Biochemistry Srivastava H.S. Rastogi Publications 1979 1st Ed. 220 p. UG Library
572 SRI 00019538 Elements of Biochemistry Srivastava H.S. Rastogi Publications 1979 1st Ed. 220 p. UG Library
572 SRI 00019531 Elements of Biochemistry Srivastava H.S. Rastogi Publications 1979 1st Ed. 220 p. UG Library
572 SRI 00019537 Elements of Biochemistry Srivastava H.S. Rastogi Publications 2010 8171338828 5th Ed. 331 p. UG Library
572 SRI 00029505 Elements of Biochemistry Srivastava H.S. Rastogi Publications 1987 2nd Ed. 252 p. UG Library
572 SRI 00019535 Elements of Biochemistry Srivastava H.S. Rastogi Publications 1979 1st Ed. 220 p. UG Library
572 STE 00014280 Concepts in Biochemistry : A Programmed Text Stephenson K William Wiley Eastern Private Limited 1973 222 p UG Library
572 STE 00014279 Concepts in Biochemistry : A Programmed Text Stephenson K William Wiley Eastern Private Limited 1973 222 p UG Library
572 STE 00020038 Concepts in Biochemistry : A Programmed Text Stephenson K William Wiley Eastern Private Limited 1973 222 p UG Library
572 STR 00016483 Biochemistry Stryer,Lubert. W.H. Freeman And Co. 1975 071670174x 877 p. UG Library
572 TAL 00021031 Textbook of Biochemistry and Human Biology Talwar, G.P. Prentice -Hall of India Pvt Ltd 1980 xxiv, 1082 p. : UG Library
572 THO 00144434 Natural Products in Chemical Biology / Thomas, Laney. Callisto Reference, 2023 9781641167956 vi,236p, ; UG Library
572 TRE 00028679 Biochemistry Trehan,Keshav. Wiley Eastern Ltd 1987 0852269072 1st Ed. 490 p. UG Library
572 TRE 00028680 Biochemistry Trehan,Keshav. Wiley Eastern Ltd 1987 0852269072 1st Ed. 490 p. UG Library
572 TRE 00093486 Biochemistry Trehan,Keshav. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1990 9788122402488 2nd Ed. 560 p. UG Library
572 TRI 00120347 Cellular and biochemical sciences Tripathi G I K International 2010 9788188237852 1378p. UG Library
572 VAS 00038374 Textbook Of Biochemistry Vasudevan D.M. Jaypee Brothers 1995 8171792454 1st Ed. 632 p. UG Library
572 VAS 00138114 Practical textbook of biochemistry for medical students Vasudevan,D M Jaypee brothers medical publishers pvt ltd., 2020 9789352705146 3rd ed., xvi,271p.; UG Library
572 VAS 00138115 Practical textbook of biochemistry for medical students Vasudevan,D M Jaypee brothers medical publishers pvt ltd., 2020 9789352705146 3rd ed., xvi,271p.; UG Library
572 VAS 00138116 Practical textbook of biochemistry for medical students Vasudevan,D M Jaypee brothers medical publishers pvt ltd., 2020 9789352705146 3rd ed., xvi,271p.; UG Library
572 VOE 07004704 Fundamentals of biochemistry : Voet, Donald. Wiley, 2013 9781118218273 4th ed. ii,AQ-120p.; Library - BR Campus
572 WEI 00093503 General Biochemistry Weil.J.H New Age International 2010 9788122406416 6th ed, xxiii, 515 p.; UG Library
572 WEI 00093504 General Biochemistry Weil.J.H New Age International 2010 9788122406416 6th ed, xxiii, 515 p.; UG Library
572 WHI 00016668 Principles of Bio-Chemistry White,Abraham. McGraw-Hill Kogakusha Ltd 1973 5th Ed. 853 p. UG Library
572 WIL 00086058 Principles and Techniques of Bichemistry and Molecular Biology. Wilson, Keith 2008 9780521691802 783 p UG Library
572 WOO 00027778 Introducing Biochemistry Wood, E J E L B S 265p UG Library
572 YAM 00134991 Biochemistry Yaming Xi,Che Chen Medtech, 2017 9789386479143 xvi,331p.; UG Library
572 ZUB 00068616 Principles of Biochemistry Zubay, Geoffrey L Wm.C. Brown Publishers 1995 0697264769 ix, 129 p UG Library
572.015 ROU 00142623 Computational modeling and simulations of biomolecular systems Roux,Benoit World scientific publishing, 2021 981123275X | 9789811232756 xii,196p.; UG Library
572.024 NAT 00093390 A textbook of Mebicinal Biochemistry nath r.l New Age International 8122409245 616p UG Library
572.024 NAT 00093389 A textbook of Mebicinal Biochemistry nath r.l New Age International 8122409245 616p UG Library
572.024 RAO 00093409 Medical biochemistry laboratory manual rao mallikarjuna rao.n New Age International 9788122421811 123p UG Library
572.024 RAO 00093410 Medical biochemistry laboratory manual rao mallikarjuna rao.n New Age International 9788122421811 123p UG Library
572.028 COO 00122310 The tools of Biochemistry Cooper, Terrance G Wiley -India Pvt. Ltd., 2011 9788126530168 xv, 423 p:. UG Library
572.03 CAM 00091525 Oxford dictionary of biochemistry and molecular biology / Oxford University Press, 9780198529170 | 0198529171 xv, 720 p. : UG Library
572.05 ELE 00135313 Illustrated Handbook of Bioorganic Chemistry / Learning,3G E. 3G E-Learning, 2018 9781680944068 324p.; UG Library
572.0721 RAM 00138038 Plant analytical Techniques / Ramteke,S D. Daya Publishing House, 2019 9789388173537 226p.; UG Library
572.078 BOY 00077599 Biochemistry Laboratory Boyer, Rodney 2006 0805346139 | 9780805346138 380p UG Library
572.078 LAS 00138327 Biochemistry in the Lab : Lasseter,Benjamin F. CRC Press, 2020 9781138589926 xiii,187p.; UG Library
572.078 MIC 00125884 Sample Preparation Techniques for Soil, Plant, and Animal Samples MIcic Miodrag Humana Press, 2016 9781493931842 xxiii, 404 p.: UG Library
572.078 NIN 00120085 Fundamental Laboratory Approaches for Biochemistry and Biotechnology Ninfa Alexander J John Wiley & Sons, 2010 9780470087664 2nd ed, xix,457 p.: UG Library
572.078 ROS 00067108 Lab Ref : a Handbook of Recipes, Reagents, and Other Reference Tools for Use at the Bench Roskams,Jane. I.K. International Pvt Ltd 2004 8188237051 | 9788188237050 272 p. UG Library
572.078 SHR 00120146 Molecular Techniques in Biochemistry and Biotechnology Shrivastava S. New Central Book Agency Ltd, 2011 9788173816017 xiii, 470 p.: UG Library
572.092 KAR 10004246 Breaking through : Karikó, Katalin, Crown colophon/ 2023 9780593443163 First edition. xiv, 320 pages, [8] pages of plates : Yeshwanthpur Campus
572.2 KAU 00116452 Biochemistry of Plants Kaur, Mandeep Random Publications, 2013 9789351111153 278p.: UG Library
572.2 BOW 00142460 Plant biochemistry / Bowsher, Caroline, CRC press, 2021 9780815344995 | 9780367685355 Second edition. xvi,473p.; UG Library
572.2 DAY 00137386 Phytochemicals: Dayal, Rameshwar I K International publishing house pvt ltd., 2018 9789385909825 xii,173p.; UG Library
572.2 QUI 00120365 Chemistry and biology of ellagitannins : Quideau, Stephane World Scientific, 2009 9789812797407 (hbk.) | 9812797 xix, 374 p. : UG Library
572.2 RAA 00110004 Phytochemical Rechniques Raaman, N New India Publishing Agency 2006 8189422308 xii, 306 p. : UG Library
572.2 SAB 00140098 Biochemistry and forestry Saba,Neelam Random publications, 2020 9789352694761 viii,283p.; UG Library
572.2 SPE 00138821 Flavonoids and Related Compounds : CRC Press, 2020 9780367372248 rep xx,451p.; UG Library
572.2 YEX 00138420 Phytochemicals in citrus : Ye, Xingqian CRC press, 2018 9781498742726 (hardback : alk. paper) | 1498742726 (hardback : alk. paper) xvii, 501 pages : UG Library
572.21 SHU 00021224 Cytogenetics and Evolution Shukla R.S. S. Chand & Co Ltd 1977 2nd Ed. 338 p. UG Library
572.21 SHU 00021225 Cytogenetics and Evolution Shukla R.S. S. Chand & Co Ltd 1977 2nd Ed. 338 p. UG Library
572.3 STU 00100477 Biological Applications of Infrared Spectroscopy Stuart B John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517251 xx, 191 p. UG Library
572.33 KUR 00138008 The Molecules of Life : Kuriyan,John. Garland Science, 2013 9780815341888 xxii,1008p.; UG Library
572.330113 HOL 00108865 Molecular modeling Holtje H.D. Wiley-VCH, 2008 9783527315680 | 3527315683 (pb 3rd, rev. and expanded ed. x, 310 p. : UG Library
572.330285 CLA 00117496 Exploring Bioinnformatics Clair St. Caroline Jones & Bartlett, 2015 9781284034240 2nd ed, xi, 297 p.: UG Library
572.36 COR 00144428 Biological Applications of Mass Spectrometry / Corbyn, Max. Murphy & Moore , 2023 9781639877362 vi,252p, ; UG Library
572.36 GAM 00120333 Molecular imaging with reporter genes / Gambhir Sanjiv Sam Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521882330 (hardback) | 052 xiii, 321 p. : UG Library
572.36 HEC 00100481 Assessment and Control of Biochemical Mwethods Hector, Terry H John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517381 xvii, 150 p. UG Library
572.36 JOS 00143570 Biochemical Techniques : Joseph, Kylie. Murphy & Moore 2022 9781639870745 viii,233p,; UG Library
572.36 KUM 00145992 Basic Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Kumari Veena Random Publications, 2023 9789394137790 1st ed. x,296p.; UG Library
572.36 MAN 00145708 Bioanalytical chemistry. Manz, Andreas Imperial College Press 2024 9781783266715 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9781783266722 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780000991638 Second edition / xx, 236 pages : UG Library
572.36 NRC 00117523 The Unique U.S.-Russian Relationship in Biological Science and Biotechnology : National Research Council National Research Council , 2013 9780309269803 | 0309269806 xi, 244 p,: UG Library
572.36 OKO 00093394 Basic separation techniques in Biochemistry Okotore r.o New Age International 9788122411706 78p UG Library
572.36 RAI 00138486 Analytical biochemistry Raies,Mohammad Book enclave, 2019 9788181524836 xii,216p.; UG Library
572.36 RAI 00138171 Analytical biochemistry Raies,Mohammad Book enclave, 2019 9788181524836 xii,216p.; UG Library
572.36 RIZ 00133702 Bioanalytical chemistry Rizvi,Syed Eazaz Hussain Book Enclave, 2017 9788181524195 x,157p.; UG Library
572.36 SHO 00131671 Bioanalytical Techniques: Shourie Abhilasha, The Energy and Resource Institute (TERI), 2015 9788179935293 ix,410 p.; UG Library
572.36 SIN 00139113 Bioanalytical Techniques : Singh,Gursharan. Kalyani Publishers, 2016 9789327260908 155p.; UG Library
572.36 TAL 00117886 Bioanalytical Techniques Talluri Sekhar I.K. International Publishing House, 2012 9789381141700 xx, 254 p.: UG Library
572.42 HAR 05056536 Plant metabolomics : Humana Press : | Springer, 2012 9781617795930 | 1617795933 xiii, 340 p. : Knowledge Centre
572.42 HOS 00138063 Plant macronutrient use efficiency: Hossain, Mohammad Anwar Academic press, 2018 9780128121047 xxi,302p.; UG Library
572.42 PIL 00132506 Handbook of plant nutrition Pilbeam, Allen C Agrotech press, 2018 9789387160071 viii,296p.; UG Library
572.42 SIN 00148114 Plant molecular biology/ Singh, K. N. P. Agrotech Press, 2025 9789383101894 viii,280p. ; UG Library
572.42 WEC 05056522 The handbook of plant metabolomics Wiley-Blackwell, 2013 9783527327775 | 9783527669899 1 online resource (xxvi, 424 p.) : Knowledge Centre
572.429 STO 00136386 Microbial metal and metalloid metabolism : Stolz,John F ASM Press, 2011 9781555815363 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 1555815367 (hardcover : alk. paper) xv, 369 p., [16] p. of plates : UG Library
572.43 WAL 00142364 Modern biophysical chemistry: Walla, Peter Jomo Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH and co., 2014 9783527337736 2nd ed., xiv,344p.; UG Library
572.43 BAL 00129601 Principles of Molecular Biology Bala Rastogi, Veer Medtech, 2017 9789384007478 x, 433 p. : UG Library
572.43 BAL 00128835 Principles of Molecular Biology Bala Rastogi, Veer Medtech, 2017 9789384007478 x, 433 p. : UG Library
572.43 BAL 00135005 Principles of Molecular Biology Bala Rastogi, Veer Medtech, 2017 9789384007478 x, 433 p. : UG Library
572.43 BAL 00135269 Principles of Molecular Biology Bala Rastogi, Veer Medtech, 2017 9789384007478 x, 433 p. : UG Library
572.43 BAL 00135270 Principles of Molecular Biology Bala Rastogi, Veer Medtech, 2017 9789384007478 x, 433 p. : UG Library
572.43 BAL 00135271 Principles of Molecular Biology Bala Rastogi, Veer Medtech, 2017 9789384007478 x, 433 p. : UG Library
572.43 BUS 00120091 The PCR Revolution : edited by Stephen A. Bustin. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521882316 | 0521882311 xviii, 307 p., UG Library
572.43 CAN 00062991 Biophysical Chemistry Part-2 Cantor,Charles R. W.H. Freeman And Co 2004 1403945446 | 9781403945457 345 p. UG Library
572.43 CAN 00062990 Biophysical Chemistry Part- 1 Cantor,Charles R. W.H. Freeman And Co 1980 9781403945440 341 p. UG Library
572.43 GAS 00125512 Inorganic chemical biology : Gasser,Gilles John Wiley & Sons 2014 9781118684153 (ePub) | 9781118 409p. UG Library
572.43 GOL 00116558 Recent Advances in Biophysical Chemistry Goldie, William Random Exports, 2013 9789382220497 xii: 312p.; UG Library
572.43 PRE 01027431 Searching for a mechanism : Prebble, J. N. Oxford University Press, 190 9780190866143 xviii,276p.; Knowledge Centre
572.43 SCH 04014966 Into the cool : energy flow, thermodynamics, and life / Schneider, Eric D. PHI Learning, 2005 9788120329423 xviii , 362 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.43 SHE 00131503 Physical biochemistry : Sheehan, David, Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 9780470856024 (hbk.) | 9780470856031 (pbk.) | 9788126564842 2nd ed. xiv, 407 p., [8] p. of plates : UG Library
572.43 TRO 00112508 Principles of molecular biology Tropp,Burton E. Jones and bartlett lerning, 2014 9781449689179 xxx,750p.; UG Library
572.4358 SHI 05065556 Bioluminescence : Shimomura, Osamu. World Scientific, 2012 9789814366083 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9814366080 (hardcover : alk. paper) xxvii, 468p. ; Knowledge Centre
572.4358 THO 00128111 Bioluminescence : Thouand,Gerald Springer 2014 9783662433843 | 9783662436189 206pages cm UG Library
572.4358 THO 00128112 Bioluminescence : Thouand,Gerald Springer 2014 9783662433843 | 9783662436189 206pages cm UG Library
572.436 BAR 00130567 Biomolecular thermodynamics : Barrick, Douglas, CRC Press, 2018 9781138068841 (hardback : acid xxvi, 524 pages : UG Library
572.436 HAY 00112521 Biological Thermodynamics Haynie, Donald T Cambridge University Press; 2001 9780521704045 2nd ed. 379p UG Library
572.436 HAY 00097454 Biological Thermodynamics Haynie, Donald T Cambridge University Press; 2001 9780521704045 2nd ed. 379p UG Library
572.436 HIL 05042390 Free energy transduction and biochemical cycle kinetics / Hill, Terrell L. Dover Publications, 2005 0486441946 (pbk.) | 9780486441 119 p. : Knowledge Centre
572.44 BAG 04029217 Biomolecular kinetics : Bagshaw, C. R. CRC Press, 2017 9781498727235 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 1498727239 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781138066588 (hardback : alk. paper) | 1138066583 (hardback : alk. paper) xxiv, 445 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.46 BAR 00132810 Photosynthesis and bioenergetics / Barber, J. World scientific publishing, 2018 9789813230293 (hardcover : alk. paper) xvii, 348 pages : UG Library
572.46 KUM 00124462 Photosynthesis and Photo Morphogenesis Kumar Ravi Random Publications, 2016 9789351119616 298 p.: UG Library
572.46 PES 05056575 Handbook of photosynthesis / CRC Press, 2016 9781482230734 (hardback : acid Third edition. xxx, 804 pages : Knowledge Centre
572.46 SAI 00147321 Enzymology and Bioenergetics/ Saini, Poonam Book Enclave, 2023 9789392262593 293p. ; UG Library
572.46 SIN 00146229 Membrane biology and bioenergetics/ Singh, Rana Vikram Venus Books 2023 9789386559302 296p. UG Library
572.46 STE 00134634 Photosynthesis : Stewart,Philip. Apple Academic Press, 2011 9781926692630 337 p. : UG Library
572.46HAL 00068574 Photosynthesis Hall, D O 0521644976 214p UG Library
572.472 FUK 00122242 Plant Cell Wall Patterning and Cell Shape Fukuda, Hiroo Wiley Blackwell. 2015 9781118647370 xiv, 416 p:. UG Library
572.472 NIC 05056537 Applied plant cell biology : Springer, 2014 9783642417863 (alk. paper) | 3 xiv, 481 pages : Knowledge Centre
572.49 LAG 05066846 The enigma of ferment : Lagerkvist, Ulf. World Scientific, 2005 9812564217 (pbk. : alk paper) | 9789812564214 vii, 161 p. : Knowledge Centre
572.51 BER 04002088 Bioinorganic Chemistry Bertini, Ivano Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2007 9788176490009 611 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.51 BHA 00142475 Metal ions in Biochemistry / Bhattacharya,Pabitra Krishna. CRC Press, 2021 9780367622251 2nd ed. xvii,274p.; UG Library
572.51 RAI 00141601 Trace metals in the environment and living organisms : Rainbow, Philip S., Cambridge university press, 2018 9781108470933 | 9781108456869 xv, 742 pages : UG Library
572.51 REH 00121462 Bioinorganic Chemistry Rehder, Dieter, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199655199 | 0199655197 x, 230 p. : UG Library
572.51 ROA 00082695 Bioinorganic Chemistry a Short Course. Roat-Malone, Rosette M Wiley 2007 501p UG Library
572.51 SHA 00108824 Bioinorganic Chemistry Sharma Ashok Kumar Random Publications 2011 9789381421048 248 p. UG Library
572.51 SHA 04011075 Bioinorganic Chemistry Sharma Ashok Kumar Random Publications 2011 9789381421048 248 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.516 PAR 00117485 Calcium Techniques : ed by, Parys Dold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2014 9781621820789 | 9781936113583 xvi, 592 p : UG Library
572.516 TEP 00077624 Calcium Signalling Tepikin,Alexei V. Oxford Unversity Press 2001 0199638470 | 9780199638475 2nd Ed. 230 p. UG Library
572.52 RED 00090992 Bioinorganic Chemistry Reddy, K Hussain New Age International Publishers 8122414370 650p UG Library
572.52 RED 00090993 Bioinorganic Chemistry Reddy, K Hussain New Age International Publishers 8122414370 650p UG Library
572.545 ILY 00146343 Chemistry of Biological Nitrogen Fixation/ Ilyas, Shahla Venus Books 2023 9789386559074 256p. UG Library
572.56 BHU 00105053 Carbohydrates Bhutani S.P. Ane's Books Pvt.Ltd. 2010 9789380156842 x,125p. UG Library
572.56 DEL 00058859 Carbohydrates Delvin,Samuel. IVY Publishing House 2002 8178900785 108 p. UG Library
572.56 GER 00144994 The Art of Carbohydrate Analysis / Gerwig, Gerrit J Springer, 2021 9783030777906 xxv,350p.; UG Library
572.56 HEC 00122301 Bioorganic chemistry; Oxford university; 9780195695809 xiii;624 p. UG Library
572.56 HEC 00098779 Bioorganic chemistry; Oxford university; 9780195695809 xiii;624 p. UG Library
572.56 JOS 00144785 Complex Carbohydrates & Advances in Biosciences / Joshi, Bal Chandra. Random publications, 2022 9789393884763 viii,305p, ; UG Library
572.56 PAT 00122472 Bioorganic Chemistry Patil, Meghshyam K Oxford Book Company, 2016 9789350302743 288 p:. UG Library
572.565 JIN 00135289 Cyclodextrins : Jin, Zhengyu, World scientific publishing, 2018 9789813229655 (hardcover : alk. paper) vi, 286 pages : UG Library
572.567 NAP 00117142 Transforming glycoscience : The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C National Academies Press, 2012 9780309260831 (pbk.) | 0309260 xvi, 191 p. : UG Library
572.57 GOM 00142598 Lipid signaling in human diseases Gomez-Cambronero, Julian Springer, 2020 9783030336677 xiv,336p.; UG Library
572.572 NAG 00129566 Plant Lipids Nagraj.G Avishkar Publisher, 2016 9788179105436 268 p,: UG Library
572.6 BIS 00141247 Proteomics: Bisht,Ajay Singh Random publications, 2021 9789352697052 viii,310p.; UG Library
572.6 CON 00134650 Proteomics: Conrad, Edward. Apple Academic Press, 2010 9781926686257 301p,: UG Library
572.6 AKA 00121455 Genomics and proteomics engineering in medicine and biology Akay Metin IEEE Press ; | Wiley, 2007 0471631817 | 9780471631811 297p. UG Library
572.6 ALM 00127599 Proteins : Almeida, Paulo, Garland Science 2016 9780815345022 395p. ; UG Library
572.6 ALZ 05004589 Neuroproteomics / Taylor & Francis, 2010 9781420076257 (hardcover : alk xix, 322 p. : Knowledge Centre
572.6 CAL 00069153 Understanding DNA: The Molecule and How It Works Calladine,Chris R. Academic Press 2004 8131201546 | 9788131201541 3rd Ed. 334 p. UG Library
572.6 CAL 00072887 Understanding DNA: The Molecule and How It Works Calladine,Chris R. Academic Press 2004 8131201546 | 9788131201541 3rd Ed. 334 p. UG Library
572.6 GED 00147141 Proteomics in Systems Biology: Geddes-McAlister, Jennifer Humana Press, 2023 9781071621264 xii,370p. ; UG Library
572.6 GOL 00107321 Protein-protein interactions Golemis,Erica A. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2005 9780879697235 (hardcover : alk 2nd ed. xiv, 938 p. : UG Library
572.6 KES 00138430 Introduction to proteins : Kessel, Amit, CRC press, 2018 9781498747172 (hbk. : alk. paper) | 1498747175 (hbk. : alk. paper) Second edition. lii, 932 pages : UG Library
572.6 LIL 00112520 Structural Aspects of Protein Synthesis. Liljas, Anders. World Scientific, 2013 9789814313209 (hardcover : alk 2nd edition / xi, 438 pages ; UG Library
572.6 MAD 00141246 Proteomics: Maddina,Balaji Yadav Random publications, 2021 9789352697663 vi,280p.; UG Library
572.6 OVE 00128550 Activity-Based Proteomics Overkleeft, Herman S. Humana Press 2017 9781493964376 (hbk : alk. pape xi, 222 pages : UG Library
572.6 PAL 04019794 Proteomics / Palzkill, Timothy, Springer, 2008 9788181288004 viii, 127 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.6 PEN 00129289 Proteomics Pennington, S. R. Viva Books, 2017 9789386105998 xxii, 313 p.: UG Library
572.6 RAM 00124070 Protein engineering Ramya M 9788184874242 22.4p. UG Library
572.6 SHU 00141061 Cytogenetics Evolution biostatistics and Plant Breeding Shukla, R.S. S. Chand, 2001 8121912709 | 9788121912709 584 p.; UG Library
572.6 TOR 00143733 New Frontiers in Protein Science / Torres, Anton. Murphy & Moore, 2022 9781639873876 vi,234P ,; UG Library
572.6 TRA 00131511 The ten most wanted solutions in protein bioinformatics Tramontano, Anna CRC press, 2018 9781138581487 186p.; UG Library
572.6 TWY 00108702 Principles of proteomics Twyman,Richard M. Taylor & Francis Group 2004 9781859962732 xiii, 241 p. : UG Library
572.6 VOD 00093329 Protien Nanotechnology:Protocols,Instrumentation,and Applicationa Vodinh,Tuan Humana Press 9788184893984 463p UG Library
572.6 VOD 00093330 Protien Nanotechnology:Protocols,Instrumentation,and Applicationa Vodinh,Tuan Humana Press 9788184893984 463p UG Library
572.6 WHI 00077617 Proteins: Structure And Function Whitford, David 2005 0471498947 | 9780471498940 527p UG Library
572.6 YON 04010673 Introduction to computational proteomics / Yona, Golan, CRC Press, 2011 9781584885559 (hardcover : alk xxii, 739 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.60285 SIN 00108035 Practical Bioinformatics Sinha Kumar Satish Oxford Book Company: 2012 9789350300800 vi,288 p. UG Library
572.62 DIS 00129032 Plant kinases : Dissmeyer Nico Humana ; | Springer, 2011 9781617792632 (alk. paper) | 1 x, 312 p. : UG Library
572.62 HER 00132510 Plant proteomics Herman, Gerald Oxford book company, 2018 9789350303252 viii,288p.; UG Library
572.62 ROY 00147443 Plant proteomics : Roychoudhury, Aryadeep CRC Press, 2024 9781032395920 First edition xi,295p. ; UG Library
572.633 FUX 04024412 Computational approaches to protein dynamics : CRC Press, 2015 9781466561571 | 1466561572 xxvi, 453 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.633 LIL 00133735 Structural aspects of protein synthesis / Liljas, Anders. World Scientific, 2004 981238863X | 9812388672 (pbk.) xvi, 290 : UG Library
572.633 LIL 00142625 Textbook of structural biology / Liljas, Anders, World scientific publishing, 2020 9789813142466 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9813142464 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9789813142473 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9813142472 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780000989093 Second edition. viii, 599 pages : UG Library
572.633 SCH 04023459 Protein and peptide folding, misfolding, and non-folding John Wiley & Sons, 2012 9780470591697 | 0470591692 548p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.633 SUN 00077619 Structural Genomics And High Throughput Structural Biology Sundstrom, Michael 2006 0824753356 285p UG Library
572.633 YUA 00135282 Biophysics and biochemistry of protein aggregation : Yuan, Jian-Min, World scientific publishing, 2017 9789813202375 (hardcover : alk. paper) xii, 314 pages : UG Library
572.633 ZIM 04011473 An introduction to protein informatics / Zimmermann, Karl-Heinz. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003 1402075782 (alk. paper) | 9788 xviii, 280 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.636 CAV 05060908 Protein NMR spectroscopy : Academic Press, 2007 012164491X (alk. paper) | 9780 2nd ed. xxv, 885 p. : Knowledge Centre
572.636 HEB 04018819 Basics of X- Ray Diffraction and Its Applications / Hebbar, K. Ramakanth I K International Publishing House, 2007 9788189866075 257p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.636 SCH 00086554 Protein Microarrays [BIOTECHNOLOGY SECTION] Schena, Mark 0763731277 469 p UG Library
572.636 WIL 00109256 How proteins work Mike Williamson Garland Science, 2012 9780815344469 | 9780815344469 xv, 464 p. : UG Library
572.64 MOR 00112974 Protein homeostasis Morimoto, Richard I. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2012 9781936113064 (hardcover : alk 1st ed. viii, 349 p. : UG Library
572.64 MOR 00117134 Protein homeostasis Morimoto, Richard I. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2012 9781936113064 (hardcover : alk 1st ed. viii, 349 p. : UG Library
572.64 NUS 00117144 Wnt signaling : Nusse, Roel Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2013 9781936113231 (hardcover : alk vii, 454 p. : UG Library
572.64 ZAC 00106627 Protein-protein complexes : Zacharias,Martin. Imperial College Press ; | Distributed by World Scientific Pub., 2010 9781848163386 | 184816338X | 9 ix, 390 p. : UG Library
572.6503 JAK 00097072 Peptides from A to Z : Jakubke, Hans-Dieter. Wiley-VCH, 9783527317226 (alk. paper) | 3 ix, 403 p. : UG Library
572​.69 TIF 00138492 Binding protein Tiff,Steven Callisto reference, 2015 9781632390875 vi,208p.; UG Library
572.696 ROT 00135526 Proteins crossing membranes : Rothman, S. S. CRC press, 2019 9780367074494 (paperback : alk. paper) | 9780367074500 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9780429020810 (General) xxxi,215p.; UG Library
572.7 HAM 00144449 Enzymes : Hamilton, Caden Callisto reference, 2023 9781641167963 vi,239p, ; UG Library
572.7 PEA 00144718 Enzyme Biotechnology / Pearson, Annabelle. Callisto reference, 2023 9781641167130 viii,216p, ; UG Library
572.7 SUZ 00138588 How Enzymes Work Suzuki, Haruo Jenny Stanford, 2020 9789814800662 2nd ed, 270 p.; UG Library
572.7 SVE 05059527 Understanding enzymes : Pan Stanford Publishing, 2016 9789814669320 xxiii,890 p. ; Knowledge Centre
572.744 BIS 00135627 Enzyme kinetics : Bisswanger, Hans. WILEY-VCH, 2017 352730343X ( hbk. : alk. paper) | 9783527342518 3rd ed., xix,316p.; UG Library
572.744 BOW 00135003 Fundamentals of enzyme kinetics / Bowden,A.C. Medtech, 2017 9783527330744 (pbk. : acidfree paper) | 9789385998508 3rd ed. xv,421p. ; UG Library
572.744 TAY 04010764 Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanisms/ Taylor B. Kenneth Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002 9788184890471 xiii, 227 P. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.744 TAY 05044426 Enzyme kinetics and mechanisms Taylor, Kenneth B. Kluwer Academic Pub., 2002 xiii, 227 p. : Knowledge Centre
572.744 TAY 04023155 Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanisms/ Taylor B. Kenneth Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002 9788184890471 xiii, 227 P. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.76 LOE 00138006 Restriction enzymes : Loenen, Wil A. M., Cold spring harbor laboratory press, 2019 9781621821052 (printed hardcover) xiv,346p.; UG Library
572.786 GRE 05073770 Remnants of ancient life : Greenwalt, Dale E., Princeton University Press, 2022 9780691221151 viii, 278p.; Knowledge Centre
572.8 BER 04000979 Bioinformatics Computing / Bergeron, Bryan PHI Learning, 2010 9788120322585 439 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.8 ELE 00136370 Core Concepts in Biology :Molecular Biology / Elearning 3G E-Learning, 2019 9781984620101 259p.; UG Library
572.8 FRE 00077606 Molecular Biology: Freifelder, David Narosa Publishing , 2001 8185198349 Second 834 p.: UG Library
572.8 FRE 00124827 Essentials of Molecular Biology Freifelder, David Panima Publishing, 1996 8186535039 2nd ed, 478 p.: UG Library
572.8 MCE 00003936 Cell Physiology and Biochemistry Mcelroy,William D. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1969 2nd Ed. 120 p. UG Library
572.8 MOO 04005731 Digital Code of Life Moody, Glyn Willey Publication 2004 9780471327882 389 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.8 MOO 03003247 Digital Code of Life: How Bioinformatics Is Revolutionizing Science, Medicine, and Business Moody, Glyn Willey Publication 9780471327882 389 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
572.8 WAT 05060115 Molecular Biology of The Gene / Watson, James D. Pearson, 2017 9789332585478 7th ed. xxxi,872p.; Knowledge Centre
572.8 WON 04005515 ABCs of Gene Cloning Wong, Dominic W S Springer International 2006 9788184890143 295 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.8 WOO 00022172 Concepts of Molecular Genetics Woodward,Dow O. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1977 0070996733 418 p. UG Library
572.8 AGA 00027074 Textbook Of Physiology And Biochemistry Agarwal R.A. S. Chand & Co Ltd 1981 2nd Ed. 480 p. UG Library
572.8 ALB 00120356 Molecular biology of the cell / Alberts, Bruce, Garland Science 2014 0815344325 | 9780815344322 | 0 Sixth edition. xxxiv, 1342, 34, 53, 1 pages : UG Library
572.8 ALU 00107307 Handbook of computational molecular biology by Aluru,Srinivas. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2010 9781584884064 38-1 P. UG Library
572.8 ARO 00026163 Cytogenetics and Evolution Arora,Mohan P. Atma Ram & Sons 1982 348 p. UG Library
572.8 BEN 00120748 Quickstart Molecular Biology : Benfey, Philip N. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2014 9781621820338 | 9781621820345 vii, 160 p, : UG Library
572.8 BER 04013312 Bioinformatics Computing / Bergeron, Bryan PHI Learning, 2010 9788120322585 439 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.8 BER 04013313 Bioinformatics Computing / Bergeron, Bryan PHI Learning, 2010 9788120322585 439 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.8 BER 04019603 Bioinformatics Computing / Bergeron, Bryan PHI Learning, 2010 9788120322585 439 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.8 BER 04027099 Bioinformatics Computing / Bergeron, Bryan PHI Learning, 2010 9788120322585 439 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.8 BLA 00147613 The applied genomic epidemiology handbook : Black, Allison, CRC Press, 2024 9781032530291 | 9781032530260 First edition. 144p.; UG Library
572.8 BRE 05066812 In the spirit of science : Brenner, Sydney, World Scientific, 2018 9789813271739 (hardcover : alk. paper) xiv, 112 pages : Knowledge Centre
572.8 BRO 00092858 Gene cloning and DNA analysis : Brown, T. A. Blackwell Pub., 1405111216 (pbk. : alk. paper) xx, 386 p. : UG Library
572.8 BUT 00077965 The Molecular Fabric Of Cells Butterworth-Heinemann 1991 0750614994 | 9780750614993 289p UG Library
572.8 BYR 00138485 Introduction to GeneCloning Byron, Anton Oxford, 2020 9789350305607 viii,336 p.; UG Library
572.8 CHA 00099612 Molecular Biotechnology; Channarayappa University Press 9788173715013 1217 p. UG Library
572.8 CLA 05000891 Molecular biology / Clark, David P. Academic Press, 2013 9780123785947 (alk. paper) 2nd ed. p. cm. Knowledge Centre
572.8 CLA 00137040 Molecular biology / Clark, David P. Academic Press, 2019 9780128132883 3rd ed. 1001 p.; UG Library
572.8 COL 00062692 Integrative Appraoaches to Molecular Biology Collado-Vides, Julio Ane Books 8180520544 345p UG Library
572.8 COL 00063023 Integrative Appraoaches to Molecular Biology Collado-Vides, Julio Ane Books 8180520544 345p UG Library
572.8 CRA 00102339 Molecular Biology : Craig, Nancy L Oxford University Press, 9780199562060 xli, 839 p. UG Library
572.8 DAL 00122413 Molecular genetics of bacteria / Dale, Jeremy, Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 9780470741856 (hardcover) | 97 5th ed. xiii, 388 p. : UG Library
572.8 DEK 00126960 Biotechnologyical Tools for Genetic Resources Deka, Pradip Chandra Daya Pubblishing, 2016 9789351247746 415 p.: UG Library
572.8 DES 00067766 Cytogenetics and Evolution Deshmukh,Ujjwala. Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2005 8178883090 | 9788178883090 P.V. UG Library
572.8 ELE 00132015 Illustrated hanbook of molecular biology 3G Elearning 3G E-Learning, 2018 9781680946895 322p.; UG Library
572.8 ELL 04029907 Pattern recognition in computational molecular biology : Elloumi, Mourad. Wiley, 2016 9781118893685 (cloth) xxviii, 622 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.8 FER 00147887 Current Progress in Nucleic Acids Research/ Ferreira, Lois Random Publications, 2024 9789357510608 viii,300p. ; UG Library
572.8 FRE 00060169 Molecular Biology: Freifelder, David Narosa Publishing , 2001 8185198349 Second 834 p.: UG Library
572.8 FRE 00077826 Essentials of Molecular Biology Freifelder, David Panima Publishing, 1996 8186535039 2nd ed, 478 p.: UG Library
572.8 GAK 00118223 Molecular Biology A Laboratory Manual Gakhar S.K i.K. International Publishing, 2013 9789382332305 viii, 119 p.: UG Library
572.8 GAR 00021293 Cytogenetics: An Introduction Garber E.D. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1972 007099322x 259 p. UG Library
572.8 GRE 00109523 Molecular cloning Green, Michael R. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2012 9781936113422 | 9781621821045 4th ed. 3 v. (xxxiii, 1890, 46 p.) : UG Library
572.8 GRE 00109524 Molecular cloning Green, Michael R. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2012 9781936113422 | 9781621821045 4th ed. 3 v. (xxxiii, 1890, 46 p.) : UG Library
572.8 GRE 00109525 Molecular cloning Green, Michael R. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2012 9781936113422 | 9781621821045 4th ed. 3 v. (xxxiii, 1890, 46 p.) : UG Library
572.8 GRI 00055604 Modern Genetic Analysis: Integrating Genes and Genomes Griffiths, Anthony J F 0716743825 736p UG Library
572.8 HAR 00011252 Nucleus and Cytoplasm Harris, Henry. Oxford 1970 2nd Ed. 182 p. UG Library
572.8 HER 00004976 Basic Principles of Molecular Genetics Herskowitz, Irwin H Thomas Nelson 302p UG Library
572.8 HIG 00079075 Bioinformatics and Molecular Evolution Higgs, Paul G Blackwell Science, 2005 9781405138024 | 9781405138024 365 p.: UG Library
572.8 HOF 09001112 Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology / Camebridge University Press, 2018 9781108716987 929p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.8 HOW 00138413 Gene Cloning and Manipulation Christopher Howe Cambridge, 2007 9781316508923 2nd edition. 266 p.: UG Library
572.8 HOW 00138414 Gene Cloning and Manipulation Christopher Howe Cambridge, 2007 9781316508923 2nd edition. 266 p.: UG Library
572.8 HOW 00124240 Gene Cloning and Manipulation Christopher Howe Cambridge, 2007 9781316508923 2nd edition. 266 p.: UG Library
572.8 JAI 00060175 Text Book of Biotechnology Jain, S K C b S UG Library
572.8 JAY 00024813 Laboratory Manual in Molecular Genetics Jayaraman,Kunthala. Wiley Eastern Ltd 1983 40 p. UG Library
572.8 JAY 00024814 Laboratory Manual in Molecular Genetics Jayaraman,Kunthala. Wiley Eastern Ltd 1983 40 p. UG Library
572.8 JEF 00074927 Molecular Diagnosis Jeffery, S 1999 0387915117 | 9780387915111 124p UG Library
572.8 JEF 00078082 Molecular Diagnosis Jeffery, S 1999 0387915117 | 9780387915111 124p UG Library
572.8 JIA 00062688 Current Topics Ion Computatiobal Molecular Biology Jiang, Tao Ane Books 542p UG Library
572.8 KAR 00077819 Cell And Molecualr Biology Karp, Gerald John Wiley & Sons 2007 9780470169612 843p UG Library
572.8 KEY 00123434 Cytogenetics Key, Morgan Callisto Reference, 2015 9781632391445 150 p:. UG Library
572.8 KJE 00133221 Nucleic acid nanotechnology: Kjems, Jorgen, Springer, 2014 9783642388149 (hard cover : alk. paper) xii,339 p.; UG Library
572.8 KLU 00141577 Concepts of genetics / Klug, William S., Pearson education ltd., 2020 9780134604718 (Student edition) | 0134604717 (Student edition) | 9780134818924 (Books á la Carte edition) | 013481892X (Books á la Carte edition) | 9781292265322 Twelfth edition. 862p.; UG Library
572.8 KUM 00138302 Advances in Molecular Genetics / Kumari,Veena. Agrotech Press, 2020 9789387160583 viii,272p.; UG Library
572.8 KUM 00147800 Antisense technology Methods of Delivery and RNA Studies/ Kumari, Veena Random Publications, 2024 9789357510615 ix,300p. : UG Library
572.8 KUM 00029457 Recent Advances in Molecular Biology Kumar, H D Usha 1976 25p UG Library
572.8 KUM 00045966 Molecular Biology & Biotechnology. Kumar, H D 1997 0706997565 474p UG Library
572.8 KUM 00045968 Molecular Biology Kumar, H D Vikas 8125905634 289p UG Library
572.8 KUM 00029492 Recent Advances in Molecular Biology Kumar, H D Usha 1976 25p UG Library
572.8 KUM 00147952 Biophysics and molecular biology: Kumar, Pranav Pearson, 2024 9788119896622 5th ed, xi,266p. ; UG Library
572.8 KUM 00124293 Complete Biology Kumar, Vinay McGraw Hill Education Ltd, 2013 9781259064302 xxx, 1306 p.: UG Library
572.8 KUM 00141068 Molecular Biology Kumar, H D Vikas publishing house pvt ltd., 2020 9788125910138 2nd rev.ed., ix,370p.; UG Library
572.8 KUM 00125283 Advanced in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Kumar,Manendra Oxford Book Company, 2017 9789350302873 272 p.: UG Library
572.8 LIE 00144400 Cytogenetics and molecular cytogenetics / Liehr,Thomas. CRC press, 2023 9781032121628 | 9781032122212 First edition. xxi, 360 pages : UG Library
572.8 LOS 00136861 Molecular and cellular biology of viruses / Lostroh, Phoebe. CRC Press, 2019 9780815345237 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780367076320 (hardback : alk. paper) 501p.; UG Library
572.8 MAH 00122777 Bioinformatics and Molecular Evolution Mahajan, Naresh Random Publications, 2015 9789351116936 xi, 288 p:. UG Library
572.8 MAL 00078076 Essentials of Molecular Biology Malacinski, M Geroge Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 1998 9780867208603 | 9780867208603 3th ed, 532 p.: UG Library
572.8 MAL 00048053 Essentials of Molecular Biology Malacinski, M Geroge Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 1998 9780867208603 | 9780867208603 3th ed, 532 p.: UG Library
572.8 MAL 00120217 Essentials of Molecular Biology Malacinski, George M. Narosa Publishing House, 2005 9788173196966 4th Ed, xix: 491 p.: UG Library
572.8 MAT 00144230 RNA The Epicenter of Genetic Information / Mattick, John. Crc press, 2023 9780367567781 xv,404p,; UG Library
572.8 MCE 00020633 Cell Physiology and Biochemistry Mcelroy,William D. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1971 152 p. UG Library
572.8 MCE 00011703 Cell Physiology and Biochemistry Mcelroy,William D. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1971 152 p. UG Library
572.8 MCL 00119816 Molecular Biology McLennan, Alexander Garland Science, 2015 9780415684163 4th ed. ix:382p.; UG Library
572.8 MEL 00144719 Molecular Biology / Melton, Vanessa Syrawood publishing house, 2023 9781647403355 viii,225p, ; UG Library
572.8 MIT 00127329 Modern Genetic Analysis Mitchell, Alphonse Koros Press Limited 2014 9781781634233 viii, 288 p.: UG Library
572.8 MOO 04015464 Digital Code of Life: How Bioinformatics Is Revolutionizing Science, Medicine, and Business Moody, Glyn Willey Publication 9780471327882 389 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.8 MUK 00118224 Molecular Biophysics Mukherjee Biswajit Black Prints, 2013 9789382036449 xi, 240 p.: UG Library
572.8 MUR 00133197 Nucleic acid polymerases Murakami, Katsuhiko S Springer, 2014 9783642397950 viii,342p.; UG Library
572.8 MYS 05056530 Plant gene silencing : Springer, 2015 9781493924523 (hardcover) | 14 xi, 307 pages : Knowledge Centre
572.8 PAO 00055851 Introduction to Molecular Biology Paolella, Peter 1998 0071158375 241p UG Library
572.8 PEV 00124294 Computational Molecular Biology An Algorithmic Approach Pevzner A. Pavel PHi Learning Pvt, 2010 9788120325500 xvii.314 p.: UG Library
572.8 POP 00084601 Techniques in Animal Cytogenetics Popescu, P Springer 3540667377 229p UG Library
572.8 POR 00022502 Molecules to Man Porter,George. Crane Russak & Co Inc 1980 410 p. UG Library
572.8 POW 00063468 Molecular Genetics for Cancer Powar C.B. Himalaya Publishing House 2003 8178666804 1st Ed. 226 p. UG Library
572.8 PRA 00122531 Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Prasad, Vijaya Raghava Astha Publishers and Distributors, 2015 9789382126690 240 p:. UG Library
572.8 PRA 00139199 Introduction to cytogenetics Prassad,Ganesh Kalyani publishers, 2016 9789327235852 xv,512p.; UG Library
572.8 RAJ 00052622 Cytogenetics Sundara,Rajan. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2000 8126106379 1st Ed. 526 p. UG Library
572.8 RAJ 00061780 Cytogenetics Sundara,Rajan. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2000 8126106379 1st Ed. 526 p. UG Library
572.8 RAJ 00059564 Cytogenetics Sundara,Rajan. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2000 8126106379 1st Ed. 526 p. UG Library
572.8 RAM 00145780 Advanced mammalian cell culture techniques : CRC Press, 2024 9781032494524 First edition. xviii, 105p.; UG Library
572.8 RAM 00135267 Gene machine : Ramakrishnan, Venki, Harper collins, 2018 9780465093366 | 9789353023232 First U.S. edition. xii, 272 pages : UG Library
572.8 RAN 00122533 Techniques in Molecular Biology Rana, Rashmi Agrotech Press, 2014 9789383101979 272 p:. UG Library
572.8 RAS 00083311 Fundamentals of Molecular Biology Rastogi, Veer Bala Ane Books 8180521370 442p UG Library
572.8 RAS 00083310 Fundamentals of Molecular Biology Rastogi, Veer Bala Ane Books 8180521370 442p UG Library
572.8 RAS 00098261 Fundamentals of Molecular Biology Rastogi, Veer Bala Ane Books 8180521370 442p UG Library
572.8 RAS 00086125 Fundamentals of Molecular Biology Rastogi, Veer Bala Ane Books 8180521370 442p UG Library
572.8 RAS 00093414 Cell and Molecular biology Rastogi S.C. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2003 8122414877 | 9788122414875 2nd Ed. 633 p. UG Library
572.8 RAS 00093418 Concepts In Molecular Biology Rastogi S.C. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1993 8122404944 | 9788122404944 | 9 1st Ed. 286 p. UG Library
572.8 RAS 00067756 Concepts in Molecular Biology Rastogi, S C New Age International Publishers 8128122444 281p UG Library
572.8 RAT 00121515 Molecular Biology and biotechnology Rathore Ashok K Discovery Publishing House 2015 9789350567487 475p. UG Library
572.8 REE 00128877 Practical skills in biomolecular sciences / Reed, Robert Pearson 2016 9781292100739 (print) 5th ed. 556p. ; UG Library
572.8 REI 01024628 Governing digitally integrated genetic resources, data, and literature : global intellectual property strategies for a redesigned microbial research commons Reichman, J. H Cambridge University press, 2016 9781107021747 xxii,655p.; Knowledge Centre
572.8 ROY 00132110 Molecular biology Roy,Diptanshu Ishwar books, 2017 9789386806024 vi,296p.; UG Library
572.8 RUS 00111572 i Genetics: Russell, Peter J. Pearson Education, Inc., 2010 9780321610225 3rd Ed. xix:828p.; UG Library
572.8 RUS 00077612 Genetics a Molecular Approach/ Russell, Peter J 2006 0805346651 2nd,Ed. 842p UG Library
572.8 SAB 00139844 Cytogenetics / Saba,Neelam. Random Publications, 2020 9789352695881 viii,290p.; UG Library
572.8 SAM 00078071 TheCondensed Protocols from Molecular Cloning a Laboratory Maual Sambrook 2006 0879698128 800p UG Library
572.8 SAN 00144202 Single Cell Analysis / Santra, Tuhin Subhra. MDPI publications, 2021 9783036506289 x,239p,; UG Library
572.8 SAR 00022398 Experiments In Cytogenetics With Theoretical Background Sarin,Chanchal. Vishal Publications 1981 224 p. UG Library
572.8 SAR 00022399 Experiments In Cytogenetics With Theoretical Background Sarin,Chanchal. Vishal Publications 1981 224 p. UG Library
572.8 SHA 00108032 Fundamentals of Molecular Biology Sharma kumar Ashok Oxford Book Company: 2012 9789350300749 vi, 288 p. UG Library
572.8 SHA 00142521 Molecular biology and biochemistry Sharma,Triveni Random publications, 2020 9789352694792 viii,294p.; UG Library
572.8 SHU 00051632 Cytogenetics Evolution and Plant Breeding Shukla R.S. S. Chand 2001 8121912709 | 9788121912709 558 p. UG Library
572.8 SHU 00148375 Introduction to Gene/ Shukla, R. N. Agrotech Press, 2025 9789384568139 viii,258p. ; UG Library
572.8 SHU 00125970 Analysis of Chromosome Shukla R.N Agrotech Press, 2015 9789384568177 vi, 272 p.: UG Library
572.8 SHU 00067765 Molecular Genetics Shukla R.M. Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2005 8178883066 | 9788178883069 340 p. UG Library
572.8 SIN 00098394 Moleular biology/ Singh R,N CBS Publishers & Distributors; 9788123916064 x;382 p. UG Library
572.8 SIN 00024897 Cytogenetics Plant Breeding and Evolution Sinha U. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1976 2nd Ed. 408 p. UG Library
572.8 SIN 00122523 Advances in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Singh, Bibhuti Dutta Anmol Publications, 2015 9788126164332 304 p:. UG Library
572.8 SIN 00020335 Cytogenetics Plant Breeding and Evolution Sinha U. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1976 2nd Ed. 408 p. UG Library
572.8 SIN 00015959 Cytogenetics Plant Breeding and Evolution Sinha U. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1976 2nd Ed. 408 p. UG Library
572.8 SKW 00132237 Genetics 101 : Skwarecki, Beth, Adams Media 2018 9781507207642 (hardback) | 1507207646 (hardcover) First Adams Media hardcover edition. 255p UG Library
572.8 SMA 00061705 Molecular World: the Third Dimension Smart, Lesley The Open University 2004 0854046607 240p UG Library
572.8 SRI 00047719 Molecular Genetics Srivastava,Sharad. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd. 1997 8174887423 342 p. UG Library
572.8 SRI 00048108 Plant Tissue Culture and Molecular Biology Srivastava P.S. Narosa Publishing House 1998 8173192340 811 p. UG Library
572.8 STO 00131443 An introduction to molecular anthropology / Stoneking, Mark. John wiley & sons, 2017 9781118061626 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 1118061624 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiii, 380 pages : UG Library
572.8 SUB 00120218 Molecular Developmental Biology Subramoniam, T Norosa Publishing House, 2011 9788184871067 2nd Ed, xvi, 348 p.: UG Library
572.8 SWA 00009698 Cytogenetics Swanson,Carl P. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1973 194 p. UG Library
572.8 SWA 00009697 Cytogenetics Swanson,Carl P. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1973 194 p. UG Library
572.8 SWA 00033954 Cytogenetics Swanson,Carl P. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1990 0876922019 2nd Ed. 577 p. UG Library
572.8 TAK 05021619 The manga guide to molecular biology / Takemura, Masaharu, No Starch Press ; | Ohmsha, 2009 9781593272029 | 1593272022 English ed. ix, 225 p. : Knowledge Centre
572.8 TAY 00061706 Molecular World: Mechanism and Synthesis Taylor, Peter Royal Society of Chemistry 2003 0085404695 367p UG Library
572.8 THO 05056030 Single cell diagnostics : Humana Press, 2007 1588295788 (alk. paper) | 9781 xi, 182 p. : Knowledge Centre
572.8 TRO 00111292 Molecular Biology : Tropp, Burton E. Jones and Bartlett India Pvt. Ltd., 2012 9789380853499 4th ed. xxxviii:1097p.; UG Library
572.8 TRO 00106915 Molecular biology Tropp, Burton E. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2012 9781449600921 (alk. paper) 4th ed. xxxviii, 1097 p. : UG Library
572.8 TRO 00094617 Molecular Biology Tropp Burton E Jones and Bartlett Publishers 9780763759636 1000p UG Library
572.8 TUR 00058285 Instant Notes in Molecular Biology Turner, P C Viva Books Private Limited 1998 8185617686 307p UG Library
572.8 TUR 00045790 Instant Notes in Molecular Biology Turner, P C Viva Books Private Limited 1998 8185617686 307p UG Library
572.8 TUZ 04011240 Introduction to molecular biophysics Tuszynski, J. A. CRC Press, 2003 9780849300394 (alk. paper) | 0 550 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.8 VER 00141069 Molecular biology Verma,P.S S Chand and company pvt ltd., 2016 9788121931915 viii,392p.; UG Library
572.8 VID 00131532 Molecular biology Vidyavathi,N I.K.International publishing house pvt ltd., 2007 9788189866358 xiii,180p.; UG Library
572.8 WAL 00077598 Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Walker, John M Panima Publishing 2006 9788186535400 4th ed. 563 p.; UG Library
572.8 WAL 00143151 Molecular Biology: Walker, Edward Murphy and Moore, 2022 9781639873746 viii,238p.; UG Library
572.8 WAT 00060333 Molecular Biology of the Gene Watson, James Pearson Education 732p UG Library
572.8 WAT 00094615 Molecular Biology Of The Gene Watson, James D Gold Spring Laboratory Press 2008 9780321507815 841p UG Library
572.8 YAD 00148380 Utilising Molecular Biology in Applications/ Yadav, Rajesh Kumar Keya International, 2025 9788197276545 viii,280p. ; UG Library
572.8 YOC 00086990 Information Theory, Evolution and the Origin of Life [BIOLOGY SECTION] Yockey, Hubert P 9780521802932 258 p UG Library
572.8 ZHA 00132443 Essential experiments for molecular biology Zhang, Shuping Medtech, 2017 9789386479136 vi,126p.; UG Library
572.8 ZLA 00125006 Molecular Biology : Zlatanova, Jordanka Garland Science, 2016 9780815345046 xix, 624 p, : UG Library
572.8/0285/6312 WAN 00097519 Data mining in bioinformatics / Springer, 1852336714 (alk. paper) | 8181 xi, 340 p. : UG Library
572.8015 STE 00091296 Calculations for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Stephenson,Frank H. Academic Press 2004 8181474112 | 9788181474117 302 p. UG Library
572.80151 JIA 00117889 Current Topics in Computational Molecular Biology / ed by, Jaing Tao MIT Press, 2002 9780262100922 xiii, 542 p. : UG Library
572.8015118 CLO 00125516 Computational molecular biology : Clote, Peter. John Wiley, 2014 0471872512 (alk. paper) | 0471 ix, 286 p. : UG Library
572.80151187 CLO 00077605 Computational Molecular Biology Clote, Peter 2000 0471872520 | 9780471872528 286p UG Library
572.802 ATT 07010559 Introduction to Bioinformatics / Attwood, T K Pearson, 1999 9788177586411 237p. : Library - BR Campus
572.802 ATT 07010560 Introduction to Bioinformatics / Attwood, T K Pearson, 1999 9788177586411 237p. : Library - BR Campus
572.802 ATT 07010561 Introduction to Bioinformatics / Attwood, T K Pearson, 1999 9788177586411 237p. : Library - BR Campus
572.80285 DWY 04001918 Genomic Perl: from Bioinformatics Basics to Working Code Dwyer, Rex A Cambridge University Press 2005 9780521547185 334 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.80285 ALI 05003566 Bioinformatics : Sharma, Kal Renganathan. McGraw-Hill, 2009 9780071593069 (alk. paper) | 0 xvi, 320 p. : Knowledge Centre
572.80285 APP 00106636 Bioinformatics : Appel,Ron.D World Scientific, 2009 9789812838773 | 9812838775 xx, 443 p. : UG Library
572.80285 ATT 04023478 Introduction to Bioinformatics / Attwood, T K Pearson, 1999 9788177586411 237p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.80285 ATT 04023479 Introduction to Bioinformatics / Attwood, T K Pearson, 1999 9788177586411 237p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.80285 BEN 04016246 Algorithms in Bioinformatics / Benson, Gary Springer, 2004 9798181281387 528 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.80285 BLO 00138518 Computational biology : Blossey, Ralf, CRC Press, 2019 9781138587861 Second edition. xiii,285 p.; UG Library
572.80285 BOC 00131490 Algorithmic aspects of bioinformatics / Böckenhauer, Hans-Joachim. Springer, 2007 9783540719120 (acidfree paper) | 9783662564035 x, 396 p. : UG Library
572.80285 BUJ 04011088 Practical Bioinformatics / Bujnicki Janisz.M Springer, 2004 9788181285225 xiii,265 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.80285 CLA 04021071 Exploring bioinformatics : St. Clair, Caroline. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2010 9781284034240 | 0763758299 (pb xii, 360 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.80285 CLA 00125224 Exploring bioinformatics : St. Clair, Caroline. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2010 9780763758295 (pbk.) | 0763758 xii, 360 p. : UG Library
572.80285 DO 00112518 Advances in statistical bioinformatics : Do, Kim-Anh Cambridge University Press 2013 9781107027527 (hardback) xv; 481 p UG Library
572.80285 DWY 05044633 Genomic Perl : Dwyer, Rex A. Cambridge University Press, 2003 9780521547185 xvii, 334 p. Knowledge Centre
572.80285 EWE 04016291 Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics: Ewens, Warren J. Springer, 2005 9788181285027 597 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.80285 GEL 05047239 R Programming for Bioinformatics / Gentleman, Robert CRC Press, 2009 9781498797733 314p. : Knowledge Centre
572.80285 GEL 04025940 R Programming for Bioinformatics / Gentleman, Robert CRC Press, 2009 9781498797733 314p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.80285 HAU 00093296 Introduction to computational biology Haubold,Bernhard Springer 9788184890624 328p UG Library
572.80285 HAU 00093295 Introduction to computational biology Haubold,Bernhard Springer 9788184890624 328p UG Library
572.80285 KAL 00132495 Basic terminology on bioinformatics Kalaria,Rishee K Oxford book company, 2019 9789350304549 187p.; UG Library
572.80285 KAL 04021445 Principles of biomedical informatics / Kalet, Ira. Elesevier, 2014 9780123914620 (ebook) Second edition. 668 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.80285 KIN 00129723 Python for bioinformatics / Kinser, Jason M., Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2009 9780763751869 xvii, 417 p. : UG Library
572.80285 KUM 00126957 Bioinformatics : Kumar Sushil Book Enclave, 2016 9788181523860 xx, 289p. : UG Library
572.80285 MAH 00123014 Applied Bioinformatics Statistics Mahajan, Naresh Random Publications, 2015 9789351116929 xi, 288 p:. UG Library
572.80285 MID 00117947 Bioinformatics Middha, Sushil Kumar College Book House. 2012 9789381979006 220p.; UG Library
572.80285 MOD 04029065 Bioinformatics programming using Python / Model, Mitchell L. O'Reilly, 2017 9788184048988 xxvii, 492 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.80285 RAS 00124291 Bioinformatics Methods and Applications : Rastogi, S. C. PHI, 2013 9788120347854 4th ed. 628p. : UG Library
572.80285 RAS 04019618 Bioinformatics Methods and Applications : Rastogi, S. C. PHI, 2013 9788120347854 4th ed. 628p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.80285 ROK 00133404 Bioinformatics software Singh, Haojam Rocky Janada prakashan, 2018 9788171394845 vi,406p.; UG Library
572.80285 SIN 04024330 Bioinformatics with R Cookbook / Sinha, Paurush Praveen Shroff Publishers, 2014 9789351107002 325p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.80285 STE 05056572 Calculations for molecular biology and biotechnology / Stephenson, Frank Harold, Academic Press, 2016 9780128022115 (paperback) | 01 Third edition. xiii, 481 pages : Knowledge Centre
572.80285 SUN 04024388 Algorithms in bioinformatics : Sung, Wing-Kin. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2010 9781420070330 xvii, 381 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.80285 WON 00126958 Computational Biology and Bioinformatics : Wong, Ka-Chun. CRC Press, 2016 9781498724975 | 1498724973 xii, 426 p, : UG Library
572.80285 WON 04029327 Computational Biology and Bioinformatics : Wong, Ka-Chun. CRC Press, 2016 9781498724975 | 1498724973 xii, 426 p, : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.80285518 YAN 00106628 Machine learning approaches to bioinformatics Yang, Zheng Rong. World Scientific, 2010 9789814287302 xiv, 322 p. : UG Library
572.802856312 WAN 04011085 Data Mining in Bioinformatics / Wang Jason T.L Springer, 2005 9798181285323 xi,340 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.802856312 WAN 05005724 Data Mining in Bioinformatics / Wang Jason T.L Springer, 2005 9798181285323 xi,340 p. Knowledge Centre
572.802856312 WAN 04018273 Data Mining in Bioinformatics / Wang Jason T.L Springer, 2005 9798181285323 xi,340 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.80285674 CER 04016301 XML for bioinformatics Cerami, Ethan. Springer, 2005 9788181283801 304p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.80285XIO 00081164 Essential Bioinformatics Xiong, Jin 0521706106 339p UG Library
572.803 SIN 00132134 Dictionary of molecular biology and biochemistry Singh, Haojam Rocky Jnanada prakashan, 2011 9788171394548 362p.; UG Library
572.8078 CAR 00109848 Molecular Biology Techniques Carson,Susan Elsevier 2012 9780123855442 xxvi; 200 p. UG Library
572.8078 WEI 00120286 Genetic variation : Weiner M P Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2007 9780879697808 (pbk. : alk. pap xxi, 472 p. : UG Library
572.8092 WAT 00128457 Inspiring science : Watson, Jim Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2003 9780879696986 xxxi, 503 p. : UG Library
572.8157 GIL 00122230 Insect Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Gilbert, Lawrence I Elsevier/Academic Press, 2012 9780123847478 (hbk.) | 0123847 1st ed. 563 p:. UG Library
572.819 ANS 00122293 Reporter genes Anson,Donald S Humana Press, 2007 9781588297396 (alk. paper) 158p. UG Library
572.819 ANS 00126991 Reporter genes Anson,Donald S Humana Press, 2007 9781588297396 (alk. paper) 158p. UG Library
572.82 MAH 00137085 Plant Molecular Biotechnology / Mahesh,S. New Age International Publishers, 2012 9788122422559 rep xiv,418p.; UG Library
572.82 MAH 00137086 Plant Molecular Biotechnology / Mahesh,S. New Age International Publishers, 2012 9788122422559 rep xiv,418p.; UG Library
572.82 BUC 00126102 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology of Plants / Buchanan, Bob B. Willey Blackwell, 2015 9780470714218 2nd ed, xv,1264p. ; UG Library
572.82 GRO 00125621 Plant Geners, Genomes and Genetics Grotewold, Erich John Wiley & Sons Ltd 2015 9781119998877 | 9781119998884 239p. UG Library
572.82 GRO 00125760 Plant Geners, Genomes and Genetics Grotewold, Erich John Wiley & Sons Ltd 2015 9781119998877 | 9781119998884 239p. UG Library
572.82 GRO 00121884 Plant Geners, Genomes and Genetics Grotewold, Erich John Wiley & Sons Ltd 2015 9781119998877 | 9781119998884 239p. UG Library
572.82 KOV 05056845 Plant epigenetics : Humana Press, 2010 9781607616450 (alk. paper) | 1 x, 273 p. : Knowledge Centre
572.82 KUM 00147807 Handbook of Epigenetics and Chromatin/ Kumari, Veena Random Publications, 2024 9789357510646 x,312p. ; UG Library
572.82 MAH 00086635 Plant Molecular Biotechnology Mahesh, S New Age International Publishers 2008 8122422551 418 p UG Library
572.82 MAH 00093370 Plant molecular biotechnology Mahesh.s New Age international 8122422551 418p UG Library
572.82 MAH 00093369 Plant molecular biotechnology Mahesh.s New Age international 8122422551 418p UG Library
572.82 MAL 00146592 Cell and Molecular Biology of Plants / Malik, Parveen Book Enclave, 2023 9789392262319 252p. ; UG Library
572.82 MAL 00147147 Cell and Molecular Biology of Plants / Malik, Parveen Book Enclave, 2023 9789392262319 252p. ; UG Library
572.82 SIN 00146227 The Genetic Manipulation in Plants/ Singh, Manoj Kumar Random Publications LLP 2023 9789394137646 304p. UG Library
572.829 ROC 00098263 Environment molecular Microbiology; Horizon press: 1898486298 | 9781898486299 x; 264 p. UG Library
572.82928 JON 00120545 The Molecular Life of Plants / Wiley-Blackwell, 2013 9780470870112 | 9780470870129 xxiv, 742 p. : UG Library
572.82928 JON 00128843 The Molecular Life of Plants / Jones,Russell Wiley-Blackwell, 2017 9788126567690 xxiv, 742 p. : UG Library
572.8293 MAL 00126984 The Lure of Bacterial Genetics : Maloy, Stanley ASM Press, 2011 9781555815387 | 1555815383 xiv, 362 p. : UG Library
572.8293 SHA 00108666 Cell biology of bacteria Shapiro,Lusy Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2011 9780879699079 viii, 264 p. : UG Library
572.8293 SNY 00121537 Molecular Genetics of Bacteria Snyder, Larry ASM Press, 2013 1555817165 (ebook) | 978155581 4th ed. xx, 707 p. : UG Library
572.8293 SNY 00118743 Molecular Genetics of Bacteria Snyder, Larry ASM Press, 2013 1555817165 (ebook) | 978155581 4th ed. xx, 707 p. : UG Library
572.838 CHA 00106716 Elements of evolutionary genetics Charlesworth, Brian. Roberts and Co. Publishers, 2010 9780981519425 | 0981519423 xxvii, 734 p. : UG Library
572.838 COR 00127321 Biochemical evolution : Cornish-Bowden, Athel, Garland Science, 2016 9780815345527 2nd edition. 274 p. ; UG Library
572.838 DEH 00119162 Molecular Biotechnology Dehlinger, Carolyn A. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2016 9781284031409 xvii:305p.; UG Library
572.838 GAG 00132012 Current topics in phylogenetics Gagel,David W Magnum publishing, 2018 9781682504949 xv,285p.; UG Library
572.838 JAK 00137468 Current Topics in Phylogenetics / Jakka,Lakshmi Prasanna. Random Publications, 2019 9789352693078 viii,335p.; UG Library
572.838 NIE 00093332 Statistical Methods in Molecular Evolution Nielsen,Rasmus Springer 9788181286109 504p UG Library
572.838 NIE 00093331 Statistical Methods in Molecular Evolution Nielsen,Rasmus Springer 9788181286109 504p UG Library
572.838 PAG 00121446 Evolutionary genomics and proteomics / Pagel Mark Sinauer Associates, 2008 9780878936557 | 0878936556 | 9 xvi, 351 p. : UG Library
572.838 PRA 00077770 Evolutionary Genetics Prakash M Discovery Publishing House 2007 8183561926 | 9788183561921 367p UG Library
572.838 SMI 00077622 Evolutionary Genetics Maynard, Smith Oxford University Press, 2006 0195680294 | 9780195680294 2nd ed, 330 p.: UG Library
572.838 YAN 00128541 Molecular Evolution : Yang, Ziheng, Oxford, 2014 9780199602612 | 9780199602605 First edition. xv, 492 p. : UG Library
572.838FOX 00083614 Evolutionary Genetics Concepts and Case Studies Fox, Charles W 0195687000 592p UG Library
572.84 NIE 00142449 In situ hybridization protocols / Nielsen, Boye Schnack Humana press, 2020 9781493914586 (alk. paper) | 9781071606223 5th ed., xiii,392p.; UG Library
572.85 LEW 00144483 Aptamers in Biotechnology / Lewis, Fleur. States academic press, 2023 9781639897322 vi,236p, ; UG Library
572.86 MEY 03001920 Hunting the Double Helix : Meyer, Anna. Viva Books, 2008 9781741141078 232 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
572.86 AGG 00137038 Genomes / Aggarwal, S.K. Medtech, 2018 9789386479167 | 9780879698065 x, 475 p. : UG Library
572.86 ALE 00131814 Genes, determinism, and God / Alexander, Denis, Cambridge University Press 2017 9781107141148 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781316506387 (paperback : alk. paper) 385p UG Library
572.86 BRI 00142054 Forensic DNA profiling : Bright,Jo-Anne. CRC Press, 2020 9781032082318 xv,242p.; UG Library
572.86 BRO 00128538 Genomes 4 / Brown, T. A. Garland Science, 2018 9780815345084 (alk. paper) 4th. 520p : . UG Library
572.86 BUG 00141456 DNA and RNA profiling in human blood : Bugert, Peter. Humana Press, 2009 9781934115930 (hardcover : alk. paper) xi, 341 p. : UG Library
572.86 CAM 00125202 Discovering genomics, proteomics, and bioinformatics / Campbell, A. Malcolm. CSHL Press : | Pearson/Benjamin Cummings, 2007 0805382194 | 9780805382198 | 9 2nd ed. xv, 447 p. : UG Library
572.86 CHE 00067054 The Gene and the Genetic Code Cherayil J.D. M/s Baby 1984 2nd Ed. 198 p. UG Library
572.86 CHE 00031175 The Gene and the Genetic Code Cherayil J.D. M/s Baby 1984 2nd Ed. 198 p. UG Library
572.86 CHE 00015680 Gene and the Genetic Code Cherayil J.D. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. 1979 187 p. UG Library
572.86 CHE 00031176 The Gene and the Genetic Code Cherayil J.D. M/s Baby 1984 2nd Ed. 198 p. UG Library
572.86 CHE 00031177 The Gene and the Genetic Code Cherayil J.D. M/s Baby 1984 2nd Ed. 198 p. UG Library
572.86 DAV 04009750 The sequence : Davies, Kevin Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2001 9780297646983 vi , 310 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.86 DID 00122290 In situ detection of DNA damage Didenko,Vladimir V Humana Press, 2002 0896039528 (alk. paper) | 9780 313p. UG Library
572.86 DOU 00127596 DNA nanoscience : Douglas, Kenneth CRC Press 2017 9781498750127 (hardback) 424p. UG Library
572.86 DOU 00134727 DNA nanoscience : Douglas, Kenneth CRC Press 2017 9781498750127 (hardback) 424p. UG Library
572.86 DUB 04029320 Fundamentals of data mining in genomics and proteomics / Dubitzky, Werner Springer, 2007 9788184891911 xxii, 281 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.86 FRI 00126161 Emperor of Enzymes : Friedberg, Errol C., World Scientific, 2016 9789814699808 (hardcover : alk xviii, 319 p, : UG Library
572.86 FRI 05065576 Emperor of Enzymes : Friedberg, Errol C., World Scientific, 2016 9789814699808 (hardcover : alk xviii, 319 p, : Knowledge Centre
572.86 GOV 00137691 Templated DNA nanotechnology: Govindaraju, Thimmariah Pan standford publishing, 2019 9789814800211 xvii,426p.; UG Library
572.86 GRI 00145851 Genetics and philosophy : Griffiths, Paul, Cambridge University Press 2013 9781107002128 (hardback) | 1107002125 (hardback) | 9780521173902 (paperback) | 0521173906 (paperback) viii, 270 p. : UG Library
572.86 HAR 00098139 Essential genetics : Hartl, Daniel L. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 9780763773649 (alk. paper) | 0 xxiv, 575 p. : UG Library
572.86 HAW 00048104 Gene Structure and Expression Hawkins,John D. Cambridge University Press 1996 0521586909 | 9780521586900 3rd Ed. 212 p. UG Library
572.86 HAW 00046085 Gene Structure and Expression Hawkins,John D. Cambridge University Press 1996 0521586909 | 9780521586900 3rd Ed. 212 p. UG Library
572.86 HEC 00093340 Genetic variance detection hecker,karl.h Springer 8122419836 189p UG Library
572.86 HEC 00093339 Genetic variance detection hecker,karl.h Springer 8122419836 189p UG Library
572.86 HEI 00138001 DNA is not destiny : Heine, Steven J., W.W.Norton and company,Inc., 2017 9780393244083 (hardcover) | 9780393355802 First edition. 344 pages : UG Library
572.86 HEI 05060404 DNA is not destiny : Heine, Steven J., Norton, 2017 9780393244083 (hardcover) First edition. 344 pages : Knowledge Centre
572.86 KIE 00107340 DNA sequencing III Kieleczawa,Jan. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2009 9780763742973 (alk. paper) | 0 xvi, 184 p., 8 p. of plates : UG Library
572.86 KUM 00148028 Gene Evolution/ Kumari, Veena Agrotech press, 2025 9789384568115 viii,256p. ; UG Library
572.86 KUM 00083630 DNA Fingerprinting Kumar, U Agrobios 2008 8177543466 266 p.: UG Library
572.86 LEW 00027871 Genes Lewin,Benjamin. Wiley Eastern Ltd 1983 085226514x 715 p. UG Library
572.86 LEW 00028273 Genes Lewin,Benjamin. Wiley Eastern Ltd 1983 085226514x 715 p. UG Library
572.86 LEW 00028510 Genes Lewin,Benjamin. Wiley Eastern Ltd 1983 085226514x 715 p. UG Library
572.86 LEW 00028272 Genes Lewin,Benjamin. Wiley Eastern Ltd 1983 085226514x 715 p. UG Library
572.86 MAG 00135294 Human DNA polymerases : Maga, Giovanni, World scientific publishing, 2018 9789813226401 (hardcover) xxi, 375 pages : UG Library
572.86 MAR 00093372 Analytical tools for dna,genes and genomes nuts and bolts Markoff, New Age International 8122419852 283p UG Library
572.86 MAR 00093371 Analytical tools for dna,genes and genomes nuts and bolts Markoff, New Age International 8122419852 283p UG Library
572.86 MAT 00142592 DNA and RNA: Matthews,Samantha Murphy and Moore, 2022 9781639871681 viii,242p.; UG Library
572.86 MCC 00136858 Plant Genetics : Syrawood Publishing House, 2019 9781682867860 212p.; UG Library
572.86 MEY 04008379 Hunting the Double Helix : Meyer, Anna. Viva Books, 2008 9781741141078 232 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.86 MIC 00131936 DNA science : Micklos, David A. I K International pvt ltd., 2003 0879696362 (alk. paper) | 9788188237357 2nd ed. xii, 575 p. : UG Library
572.86 NES 00127600 Synthetic biology handbook / Nesbeth,Darren N CRC Press 2016 9781466568471 (hardback : alk. xvii, 318 pages : UG Library
572.86 OOI 00112523 Genetic mapping in experimental populations / Ooijen, J. W. van, Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107013216 (hardback) | 978 xii; 157 p UG Library
572.86 PAC 05051272 Algebraic statistics for computational biology / Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521857007 xii, 420 p. : Knowledge Centre
572.86 PEV 04028948 Bioinfomatics and Functional Genomics / Pevsner, Jonathan Wiley, 2015 9788126567683 3rd ed. ; 1123p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.86 PEV 04028946 Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics / Pevsner, Jonathan Wiley India, 2013 9788126538348 951p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.86 PRA 00077771 Human Gene Evolution Prakash M Discovery Publishing House 2007 8183561942 | 9788183561945 1326p UG Library
572.86 PUR 00083626 The Gene Purohit S.S. Agrobios 2006 8177542893 | 9788177542899 369 p. UG Library
572.86 REI 05062868 Who we are and how we got here : Reich, David. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198831440 xxvii, 335p. Knowledge Centre
572.86 ROS 00124234 Genes, Cells and Brains Rose, Hilary Foundation Books, 2012 9789384463472 329 p:. UG Library
572.86 ROS 05062645 DNA : Rosenfield, Israel, 1939-; Ziff, Edward; Van Loon, Borin, 1951- Columbia University Press, 2011 978023142700 xii,257p.; Knowledge Centre
572.86 ROS 00121667 Genes, Cells and Brains Rose, Hilary Foundation Books, 2012 9789384463472 329 p:. UG Library
572.86 SIN 00077821 Dna Structure and Function Sinden, Richard R Academic Press, 2006 0126457506 | 9788131203255 398 p.: UG Library
572.86 SLA 05047271 Genes : Slack, Jonathan, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199676507 | 019967650X First edition. xiv, 120 pages : Knowledge Centre
572.86 UGA 00143607 Satellite DNAs in Physiology and Evolution Ugarkovic, Duroica. Springer, 2021 9783030748883 xi,234p,; UG Library
572.86 WAT 00080988 DNA the Secret of Life. Watson, James 2003 0099451840 487p UG Library
572.86025 SCH 00126229 Genomes, Browsers, and Databases : Schattner, Peter, Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521884433 | 0521884438 | xii, 328 p. : UG Library
572.860285 MAJ 00119987 Methods for computational gene prediction / Majoros, William H. Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521877510 (hbk.) | 9780521 xvii, 430 p. : UG Library
572.8607 BIC 00138719 Genomics Data Analysis : Bickel,David R. CRC Press, 2020 9780367280369 xviii,121p.; UG Library
572.86072 CRI 00121552 Introduction to computational genomics : Cristianini, Nello. Cambridge University Press, 2007 0521856035 (hbk.) | 9780521856 xvii, 182 p. : UG Library
572.860727 MIL 10002307 An introduction to statistical genetic data analysis / Mills, Melinda C., Westchester publishing services, 2020 9780262538381 xvi, 415 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
572.860727 XUS 00131506 Principles of statistical genomics Xu, Shizhong Springer, 2018 9781493977253 xv,428p.; UG Library
572.8609 WIL 05064934 Unravelling the double helix : Williams, Gareth. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2019 9781474609364 xxx, 494 p. ; Knowledge Centre
572.86092 FRI 05065571 A Biography Of Paul Berg : Friedberg, Errol C. World Scientific, 2014 9789814569033 (hardcover) | 9814569038 (hardcover) | 9789814569040 (pbk.) | 9814569046 (pbk.) xxxvi, 406p.; Knowledge Centre
572.862 RAO 00108975 Plant Genomics & Bioinformatics. ed by.Rao, P Govind Studium Press Lcc, 2009 1933699396 | 9781933699394 424 p. : UG Library
572.862 SIN 00116510 Plant Bioinformatics Singh, Sadhana. Black Prints India Inc., 2013 9789382036463 xiii: 222p.: UG Library
572.8629 WAN 05054699 Next-generation sequencing data analysis / Wang, Xinkun, CRC Press, 2016 9781482217889 (hbk : alk. pape xi, 246 pages : Knowledge Centre
572.86293 SES 00121665 Bacterial Genomics Seshasayee, Aswin Sai Narain Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107079830 xi, 211 p:. UG Library
572.86293 WOL 00140751 The second messenger cyclic Di-GMP / Wolfe, Alan J ASM Press, 2010 9781555814991 (hard cover) | 1555814999 (hard cover) xi, 344 p. : UG Library
572.8630285 BAX 00062989 Bioinformatics - a Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins Baxevanis, D Andreas John Wiley and Sons 2002 9814126756 2nd ed, 470 p.: UG Library
572.8633 BAT 00078052 DNA Topology Bates, Andrew D 2006 0019568317 | 9780195683172 198p UG Library
572.8633 BIN 00122289 Gene mapping, discovery, and expression Bina Minou Humana Press, 2006 1588295753 (alk. paper) | 1597 334p. UG Library
572.8633 BRO 00125758 Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis Brown, T. A. John Wiley and Sons, 2016 9781119072560 | 9781119072560 7th edi. xix, 353 p:. UG Library
572.8633 BRO 00108972 Gene Cloning and DNA analysis : Brown, T. A. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 9781405181730 | 9781405181730 6th ed. xvi, 320 p. : UG Library
572.8633 BRO 00122794 Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis Brown, T. A. John Wiley and Sons, 2016 9781119072560 | 9781119072560 7th edi. xix, 353 p:. UG Library
572.8633 CAU 00062704 A Beginners Guide to Microarray: Gene Expression Data Analysis Causton, C Helen Blackwell Publishing, 2004 0140512735 | 9781405127356 160 p.: UG Library
572.8633 DAR 00146228 Cloning, Genetics and Stem Cell Technology Darwin, Plato Keya international Press LLP 2024 9789395080026 279p. UG Library
572.8633 KAP 00143763 Next Generation Sequencing and Data Analysis / Kappelmann-Fenzl, Melanie Springer 2021 9783030624897 xii,218p,; UG Library
572.8633 KIE 00121456 DNA sequencing II : Kieleczawa, Jan Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2006 0763733830 (alk. paper) | 9780 xxii, 362 p., 8 p. of plates : UG Library
572.8633 KUM 00148368 Applications of Genome Characterization/ Kumari, Veena Agrotech Press, 2025 9789384568085 256p. ; UG Library
572.8633 MOU 00118734 Bioinformatics : Mount, David W. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2004 0879696877 (hardcover : alk. p 2nd ed. xii, 692 p. : UG Library
572.8633 MOU 04028947 Bioinformatics : Mount, David W CBS 2005 9788123912417 692p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.8633 PRI 00124832 Principles Of Genome Analysis & Genomics S.B. Primrose Blackwell Publishing, 2003 9781405170314 3th ed, viii, 263 p.: UG Library
572.8633 PRI 00116854 Principles Of Genome Analysis & Genomics S.B. Primrose Blackwell Publishing, 2003 9781405170314 3th ed, viii, 263 p.: UG Library
572.8633 THE 00142659 Statistical physics of DNA : Theodorakopoulos, Nikos, World scientific publishing, 2020 9789811209536 xvi,179p.; UG Library
572.8633 TRA 00061441 DNA-Protein Interactions Travers,Andrew. Oxford University Press 2000 9780195670837 374 p. UG Library
572.86330285 AMO 04016293 Theoretical and experimental DNA computation / Amos, Martyn. Springer, 2005 9788181284112 xiii, 172 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.86330285 BAX 05003453 Bioinformatics : Baxevanis Andrea.D Wiley India, 2009 9788126521920 540 p. Knowledge Centre
572.86330285 BAX 04030248 Bioinformatics : Baxevanis Andrea.D Wiley India, 2009 9788126521920 540 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.8636 STE 04000358 Microarray Bioinformatics / Stekel, Dov Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521670500 263 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.8636 DRA 04024055 Statistics and data analysis for microarrays using R and Bioconductor Draghici, Sorin CRC Press, 2012 9781439809754 1042 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.8636 FRA 04025938 Microarray Image Analysis : Fraser, Karl CRC Press, 2016 9781498797757 311p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.8636 GUZ 00126953 Microarray Data Analysis : Guzzi Hiram Pietro Humana Press, 2016 9781493931729 2nd ed, xi, 226 p, : UG Library
572.8636 WAN 00121546 DNA methylation microarrays Wang, Sun-Chong, CRC Press, 2008 9781420067279 (alk. paper) | 1 230p. UG Library
572.864 OLI 00144066 Single Stranded DNA Binding Proteins Oliveira, Marcos T. Humana press, 2021 9781071612897 xi,376p,; UG Library
572.8645 BEL 00118430 DNA replication / Bell Stephen D Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2013 9781936113484 (hardcover : alk xiii, 561 pages : UG Library
572.8645 DEP 00109255 Genome duplication DePamphilis, Melvin L. Garland Science, 2011 9780415442060 | 9780415442060 xiii, 449 p. : UG Library
572.86459 GRA 00133917 DNA repair and replication : Grand, R. J. A. CRC press, 2019 9780815345992 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781138612914 (hardback : alk. paper) xvi,348p.; UG Library
572.865 AVI 00121454 Measuring gene expression / Avison, Matthew B. Taylor & Francis, 2007 0415374723 (alk. paper) | 9780 x, 324 p. : UG Library
572.865 AYY 00122520 Specific Gene Expression and Epigenetics Ayyanathan, Kasirajan Apple Academic Press Inc., 2014 9781771880367 xxvii, 298 p:. UG Library
572.865 FRA 00108103 Epigenetics Francis Richard C. W.W.Norton & Company 2011 9780393070057 xv; 234 p. UG Library
572.865 JIS 00138447 The cell language theory : Ji, Sungchul Sorld Scientific, 2018 9781848166608 xxx, 579 p. : UG Library
572.865 MEL 05068206 Impressionable biologies : Meloni, Maurizio. Routledge, 2019 9781138049413 xvi,216p.; Knowledge Centre
572.865 SHI 00126986 Gene Expression Profiling : Shimkets, Richard A. Humana Press, 2004 1588292207 | 9781588292209 x, 168 p. : UG Library
572.865 SIN 00146340 Gene expression and regulation/ Singh, Chandrama Venus Books 2023 9789386559227 294p. UG Library
572.8652 ALO 05056529 Plant functional genomics : Springer, 2015 9781493924431 | 1493924435 Second edition. xv, 532 pages : Knowledge Centre
572.869 BUS 00107311 Lateral DNA Transfer Bushman,Frederic. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2002 9780879696214 (hbk.) | 0879696 xiv, 448 p. : UG Library
572.87 MIF 00135449 Practical guide to ChIP-seq : Mifsud, Borbala, CRC press, 2019 9781138596528 (hardback : alk. paper) xii,99p.; UG Library
572.88 ARL 00142600 RNA spectroscopy: Arluison, Véronique Springer, 2020 9781071602775 xi,356p.; UG Library
572.88 ATK 00117137 RNA worlds : Atkins, John F. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2011 9780879699468 (hardcover : alk xv, 361 p. : UG Library
572.88 ELL 00122799 Molecular Biology of RNA Elliott, David Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199671397 2nd edi. 426 p:. UG Library
572.88 ENG 00126234 RNA Interference (RNAI) Nuts & Bolts of Rnai Technology ed by, Engelke R. David DNA Press, 2003 9780966402780 viii, 236 p.: UG Library
572.88 GES 00118751 The RNA world : Gessteland, Raymond F. I.K.International Pvt Ltd, 2006 9788188237999 xxiii: 768p.; UG Library
572.88 JIN 00144831 RNA Abundance Analysis : Jin, Hailing Humana press, 2021 9781071607428 xi,233p, ; UG Library
572.88 KOR 04024443 RNA-seq data analysis : Korpelainen, Eija, CRC Press, 2015 9781466595002 | 1466595000 xxiv, 298 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
572.88 KOT 00144660 RNA Damage and Repair / Kotta Loizou, Ioly Springer, 2021 9783030765705 ix,178p, ; UG Library
572.88 PAU 00135435 MicroRNA : Paul, Jaishree, CRC press, 2018 9781138054837 (hardback : alk. paper) xiv,202p.; UG Library
572.88 RIO 00117136 RNA : Rio, Donald C Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2011 9780879698904 (hardcover : alk xiii, 586 p. : UG Library
572.8845 CAR 00122285 Transcriptional regulation in eukaryotes Carey,Michael F. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2009 9780879697624 | 0879697628 (pb 2nd ed. xix, 620 p. : UG Library
572.8845 CAR 00108672 Transcriptional regulation in eukaryotes Carey,Michael F. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2009 9780879697624 | 0879697628 (pb 2nd ed. xix, 620 p. : UG Library
572.9 MCH 00067362 The Human Genome Diversity Project M'Charek, Amade 2005 0521539870 | 9780521539876 213p UG Library
572.93 DAY 05041048 From tribe to empire; Moret, Alexandre, Routledge, 1996 9780415867979 xxx, 371 p.; Knowledge Centre
572NOU 00002153 Human Destiny Nouy Du Lecomte, Signet 189 UG Library
573 ARO 00059580 Physiological Ecology Arora D.K. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 1996 8174882375 1st Ed. 435 p. UG Library
573 BAT 00003933 Man in Nature Bates, Marston Prentice-Hill of India 1964 2n ed, 116 p.; UG Library
573 BAT 00008467 Man in Nature Bates, Marston Prentice-Hill of India 1964 2n ed, 116 p.; UG Library
573 BAT 00020627 Man in Nature Bates, Marston Prentice-Hill of India 1964 2n ed, 116 p.; UG Library
573 BEL 00013719 Textbook of Physiology and Biochemistry Bell,George H. The English Language Book Society 1972 0443010293 8th Ed. 11160 p. UG Library
573 BEU 00016654 Origins of Man.Physical Anthropology Beutter-Janusch, J Wiley Eastern university: 1969 675 p. UG Library
573 BOA 00007446 The Mind of Primitive Man Boas,Franz. The Free Press 1963 254 p. UG Library
573 BUE 00006116 Origins of Man.Physical Anthropology Janusch, John Buettner Wishwa Prakash 1969 674 p.: UG Library
573 DAW 00075042 Climbing Mount Improbable Dawkins, Richard Penguin Books 2006 9780141026176 308 p.; UG Library
573 EDE 00012803 Missing Link Edey, Maitland A Time Life 1973 160p UG Library
573 HOF 00139820 Methods of molecular analysis in the life sciences / Hofmann, Andreas, Cambridge university press, 2014 9781107044708 (hardback) | 1107044707 (hardback) | 9781107622760 (paperback) | 110762276X (paperback) xiii, 213 pages : UG Library
573 JUR 00097233 Introduction to Physical Anthropology Jurmain, Robert Thomson/Wadsworth 9780534644222 539p UG Library
573 LAR 00098863 A companion to biological anthropology / Wiley-Blackwell, 9781405189002 (hardcover : alk xxiv,572 p. : UG Library
573 LAS 00007463 Evolution of Man Lasker, Gabriel Ward Holt 1961 240 p.: UG Library
573 MEA 00005264 Antropology. A Human Science Mead, Margaret Affilited East- West Press, 1964 260 p.: UG Library
573 MEA 00005265 Antropology. A Human Science Mead, Margaret Affilited East- West Press, 1964 260 p.: UG Library
573 MEA 00006129 Antropology. A Human Science Mead, Margaret Affilited East- West Press, 1964 260 p.: UG Library
573 MEA 00006128 Antropology. A Human Science Mead, Margaret Affilited East- West Press, 1964 260 p.: UG Library
573 MEA 00006124 Antropology. A Human Science Mead, Margaret Affilited East- West Press, 1964 260 p.: UG Library
573 MEA 00016382 A Rap on Race Mead, Margaret & Baldwin J B Lippincott 1971 256 p.: UG Library
573 MOR 00033514 INTRODUCTION TO ANTHROPOLogy Morril, T Warren KANDALL UG Library
573 WHI 00012804 First Men White, Edmund Time Life 1974 158 p UG Library
573 WIL 00075079 The Future of Life Wilson,Edward O London 2002 9780349115795 | 9780349115795 xxiv; 229 p. UG Library
573 WIL 00108180 The Future of Life Wilson,Edward O London 2002 9780349115795 | 9780349115795 xxiv; 229 p. UG Library
573 WIL 00090662 The Future of Life Wilson,Edward O London 2002 9780349115795 | 9780349115795 xxiv; 229 p. UG Library
573 WOO 00012802 Life Before Man Wood, Peter Time Life 1973 160 p UG Library
573..2 CUN 00048114 Environmental Science Cunningham, William P. 1995 0697286711 3rd Ed. 742p UG Library
573.015195 COR 05054450 Proceedings of the 8th International Biometric Conference, August 25-30, 1974, Constanța, Romania / Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, 1975 384 p. : Knowledge Centre
573.1536 SCH 00098339 Current Topics in Devolopemental Biology : Schatten,gerald P. Elsevier Academic Press, 9780121531683 382 p. UG Library
573.1536 SCH 00098335 Current Topics in Devolopemental Biology : Schatten,gerald P. Elsevier Academic Press, 9780121531683 382 p. UG Library
573.1536 SCH 00098337 Current Topics in Devolopemental Biology : Schatten,gerald P. Elsevier Academic Press, 9780121531683 382 p. UG Library
573.1536 SCH 00098338 Current Topics in Devolopemental Biology : Schatten,gerald P. Elsevier Academic Press, 9780121531683 382 p. UG Library
573.2 CAV 04009698 The great human diasporas : Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi Luca Basic Books, 1995 9780201442311 xiii , 300 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
573.2 CUN 00043466 Environmental Science Cunningham,William P. 1996 0697286711 4th Ed. 452 p UG Library
573.2 CUN 00054656 Environmental Science Cunningham,William P. 1996 0697286711 4th Ed. 452 p UG Library
573.2 CUN 00049967 Environmental Science Cunningham,William P. 1996 0697286711 4th Ed. 452 p UG Library
573.2 CUN 00041715 Environmental Science Cunningham,William P. 1996 0697286711 4th Ed. 452 p UG Library
573.2 CUN 00041716 Environmental Science Cunningham,William P. 1996 0697286711 4th Ed. 452 p UG Library
573.2 CUN 00043465 Environemental Science - a Global Concern Cunningham, P William 0697286711 458 p UG Library
573.2 CUN.S 00054657 Environmental Science Cunningham, William P. 1995 0697286711 3rd Ed. 742p UG Library
573.2 FOL 00106095 Humans before humanity : Foley, Robert. Blackwell Publishers, 1995 0631170871 (acidfree paper) | ix, 238 p. : UG Library
573.2 GAR 04007429 Human genetics / Gardner, A Viva Books, 2010 9788130913643 2nd ed. xv, 328p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
573.2 JOH 00069117 From Lucy to Language Johanson, Donald 1996 0684810239 272p UG Library
573.2 KHO 00123453 Introduction to Environmental Sciences Khoiyangbam, R S The Energy and Resources Institute, 2015 9788179934555 xvii, 426 p:. UG Library
573.2 MCC 04008103 The Ape that Spoke : McCrone, John. William Morrow and Co., 1991 068810326X : | 9780688103262 1st U.S. ed. 288 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
573.2 MCC 03008355 The Ape that Spoke : McCrone, John. William Morrow and Co., 1991 068810326X : | 9780688103262 1st U.S. ed. 288 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
573.2 STR 04015691 The Complete World of Human Evolution Stringer, Chris. Thames & Hudson, 2005 0500051321 | 9780500051320 240 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
573.21MCK 00003930 Human Genetics Mckushik, Victor A Prentice Hall 148 p UG Library
573.2JH 00016402 Did Man Get Here By Evolution Or By Creation , Brooklyn 195 p UG Library
573.2WHY 00015133 Ladder of Life Whyte, Gowans Thrift Books UG Library
573.3561 UNG 05048924 Teeth : Ungar, Peter S., Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199670598 (pbk.) | 0199670 First edition. xiv, 137 pages : Knowledge Centre
573.4 CHA 00013482 Culture and Biological Man Chapple,Eliot D. Holt,Rinehort And Winston Inc 1970 346 p. UG Library
573.4 DEB 00105318 Enviromental Management: Deb,Swapan C. Jaico Publishing House, 2009 9788179921340 2nd Edition xi,322 p. UG Library
573.4 NEB 00047680 Environmental Science. Nebel Bernard Prentice-Hall,Inc 2000 Seventh,Ed. 1 UG Library
573.4 PAN 00040512 Environmental Management Pandey,G N UG Library
573.4 TAR 00051517 Applications & Investigations in Earth Science Tarbuck, J Edward 0130112887 348p UG Library
573.4 TUC 00044273 Environment Science Turk, Jonathan 1996 0030166578 712 p.: UG Library
573.4 TUR 00047681 Environmentnal Science Turk,Jonathan Saunders College Publishing 1999 0130831344 | 9780030166570 4th Ed. 712 p. UG Library
573.4 TUR 00040791 Environmentnal Science Turk,Jonathan Saunders College Publishing 1999 0130831344 | 9780030166570 4th Ed. 712 p. UG Library
573.4 TUR 00040792 Environmentnal Science Turk,Jonathan Saunders College Publishing 1999 0130831344 | 9780030166570 4th Ed. 712 p. UG Library
573.4 TUR 00068615 Home Study Experiments : Environmentnal Science Turk, Jonathan Saunders College Publishing 1999 0030166675 | 9780030166570 4th Ed. 94 p. UG Library
573.4 TUR 00068638 Home Study Experiments : Environmentnal Science Turk, Jonathan Saunders College Publishing 1999 0030166675 | 9780030166570 4th Ed. 94 p. UG Library
573.5 SHU 00020329 Plant Ecology and Soil Science Shukla, R S S Chand & Company Ltd , 1980 282 p.: UG Library
573.5 SHU 00020333 Plant Ecology and Soil Science Shukla, R S S Chand & Company Ltd , 1980 282 p.: UG Library
573.5 SHU 00020330 Plant Ecology and Soil Science Shukla, R S S Chand & Company Ltd , 1980 282 p.: UG Library
573.5 SHU 00020332 Plant Ecology and Soil Science Shukla, R S S Chand & Company Ltd , 1980 282 p.: UG Library
573.5 SHU 00020331 Plant Ecology and Soil Science Shukla, R S S Chand & Company Ltd , 1980 282 p.: UG Library
573.5SHU 00020334 Plant Ecology and Soil Science Shukla, R S S Chand & Company Ltd , 1980 282 p.: UG Library
573.609481 MEL 00129756 Problems Of Conceptions Melhuus, Marit. Berhahn, 2012 9780857455024 xii p.:174 p.: UG Library
573.76 ZAL 05062706 Skeletons : Zalasiewicz, J. A., Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198802105 (hbk.) | 0198802102 First edition. xiii, 294 pages : Knowledge Centre
573.8 BRA 09000939 International review of neurobiology : Bradley, Ronald J Elsevier, 2003 9780123668578 244p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
573.8 HEC 00093342 Genetic variance detection Hecker,karl.h Springer 8122419844 275p UG Library
573.8 HEC 00093341 Genetic variance detection Hecker,karl.h Springer 8122419844 275p UG Library
573.8 LEV 05066822 The saga of the nerve growth factor : Levi-Montalcini, Rita. World Scientific, 1997 9810226047 xiv, 486 p. : Knowledge Centre
573.8 MAT 00066651 Neurobiology. Mathews, Gary G Blackwell 2001 0632044969 | 9780632044962 2nd ed. 563p UG Library
573.8 SHA 00143559 Textbook of Neurobiology / Sharma, Deepak. I K International 2021 9789390455553 xii,379p, ; UG Library
573.81544 BAR 00119250 A Spider's World : Barth, Friedrich G., Springer, 2002 3540420460 (hardcover : alk. p xiv, 394 p. : UG Library
573.84076 LAN 00125239 Molecular Neuroscience : Lansford, Rusty 9781621820130 | 9781621820147 xiv, 632 pages : UG Library
573.8536 KOR 00128810 Electrical Dynamics of The Dendritic Space Korogod, Sergey M., Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521896771 | 0521896770 xi, 211 p. : UG Library
573.86 ALC 00081283 Brain: A Beginner`s Guide Al-Chalabi, Ammar Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851683739 | 9781851683734 212p UG Library
573.86 DAV 00141342 The Secret Life of the Brain: David,Alfred Cassell 2019 9781788400268 192p UG Library
573.86 HOU 09000626 Study guide to accompany Bob Garrett's Brain & behavior : an introduction to biological psychology Hough, Gerald Sage Publication, 2018 9781506392479 258 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
573.8619 MLO 00137410 Elastic Mlodinow, Leonard Penguin random houes, 2018 9780241335192 ix,252 p.; UG Library
573.86387 HAL 00119988 The neural crest and neural crest cells in vertebrate development and evolution / Hall, Brian Keith, Springer, 2009 9780387098456 (hbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed. xxii, 400 p., 9 p. of plates : UG Library
573.86ALC 00076145 Brain: A Beginners Guide: [ Dharmaram Library] Al-Chalabi, Ammar Oneworld Publishers 1851683739 212p UG Library
573.877 HUR 00119981 Chemical signals in vertebrates 11 / Hurst, Jane L Springer, 2008 0387739440 | 9780387739441 | 9 xxv, 432 p. : UG Library
573.89 FAR 00133229 Soundscape ecology : Farina, Almo, Springer, 2014 9789400773738 xiii,315 p.; UG Library
573STE.R 00015904 Physical Anthropology Stein,Philip L. M G H 1978 13 UG Library
573TEJ 00039731 Milssing Link ( Ug-Kannada ) Purnachandra Tejasvi, K P Pusthakalaya 134p UG Library
574 VOD 00044298 Biology - Lab Manual Vodopich, Darrell 0697234983 560 p UG Library
574 AUD 00127322 Biology Life on Earth With Physiology Audesirk, Teresa Pearson. 2017 9781292158167 11th ed, 1025 p.: UG Library
574 KAR 00136900 Capsule for CSIR NET Life Science : Kar,Debasish. New Delhi Publishers, 2018 9789386453228 652p.; UG Library
574 AGR 10001199 Environmental ecology, biodiversity, climate change and disaster management : Agrahari, Ravi P. McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2022 9789355320254 2nd Ed xii,B.III.78p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
574 AUD 00048097 Biology Life on Earth With Physiology Audesirk, Teresa Pearson. 2017 9781292158167 11th ed, 1025 p.: UG Library
574 BAL 00041060 Introduction to Philosophy: Lecture Guide Baldner, Kent 0078720417 UG Library
574 CAI 00066649 Discover Biology Cain, Michael L 0393973778 638p UG Library
574 CAM 00077600 Essential Biology Campbell, Neil. A 2007 0321485254 462p UG Library
574 CHA 00056240 Biology: T.B. for Class XI Chakraborthi, D P NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDU & RESR TRAINING 8174500642 362p UG Library
574 COO 00016574 Biology Cooke, H J Longmans, Green and Company, 1949 viii, 480 p.: UG Library
574 COO 00016717 Biology Cooke, H J Longmans, Green and Company, 1949 viii, 480 p.: UG Library
574 COO 00016581 Biology Cooke, H J Longmans, Green and Company, 1949 viii, 480 p.: UG Library
574 COO 00016575 Biology Cooke, H J Longmans, Green and Company, 1949 viii, 480 p.: UG Library
574 COO 00016576 Biology Cooke, H J Longmans, Green and Company, 1949 viii, 480 p.: UG Library
574 COO 00016579 Biology Cooke, H J Longmans, Green and Company, 1949 viii, 480 p.: UG Library
574 COO 00016577 Biology Cooke, H J Longmans, Green and Company, 1949 viii, 480 p.: UG Library
574 COO 00016580 Biology Cooke, H J Longmans, Green and Company, 1949 viii, 480 p.: UG Library
574 COO 00016721 Biology Cooke, H J Longmans, Green and Company, 1949 viii, 480 p.: UG Library
574 COO 00016578 Biology Cooke, H J Longmans, Green and Company, 1949 viii, 480 p.: UG Library
574 CSHLP 00117126 Cold Spring Harbor symposia on quantitative biology volume LXXVI CSHLP Biological Laboratory 2011 9781936113576 422p. UG Library
574 DAS 00056241 Biology: a T.B. for Class XII Das, Rama V S NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDU & RESR TRAINING 757p UG Library
574 DOL 00044297 Biology Laboratory Manual Dolphin, D Warren 0697127885 488 p UG Library
574 ELL 00010809 Laboratory Guide for Biology Elliott,Alfred M. Appleton-Century-Crofts Inc 1957 304 p. UG Library
574 FEN 00128458 Integrative Animal Biology Fenton, M. Brock Nelson, 2014 9780176502027 xxiv, 558 p.: UG Library
574 FIS 00058329 Chemistry for Biologists Fisher, J Viva Books Private Limited 2002 8176490954 246 UG Library
574 FUL 00066648 Biology Fullick, Ann 1994 0043557079 521p UG Library
574 GAU 00133534 Paradise dictionary of ecology Gaur,Harendra K Paradise press, 2018 9789386194824 284p.; UG Library
574 GRA 00006099 The Foundations of Life Science Graubard,Mark . Affiliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd 1959 626 p. UG Library
574 IND 00115181 Complte Z - Z Biology Handbook: Indge, Bill 2002 0034087273 310p UG Library
574 IND 00133598 Biology A to Z Handbook Indge, Bill Viva Books, 2019 9788130925158 4th ed, 314 p.: UG Library
574 JAC 00051514 Biological Sciences Laboratory - Western Michigan University Jackson, M Celene 0007242995 156p UG Library
574 JAM 00115178 Illustrated Dictionary of Bio Chemistry James, Henry Lotus 2000 8189093150 207p UG Library
574 KIL 00115782 Mastering Biology Kilgour, O F G 0333446798 514p UG Library
574 KOL 00139555 Birds of Banni Grassland / Koladiya,Mukesh H. The Ravi Sankaran Foundation, 2016 302p.; UG Library
574 LOS 04011694 Biology/ Losos Jonathan B. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd, 2011 9780070702387 8th ed, xvi, 1259 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
574 MAD 00044296 Laboratory Manual Biology Mader, S Sylvia 0697123863 438 p UG Library
574 MIL 00045904 Biology Milner, Bryan Cambridge University Press. 1997 0521556643 | 9780521556644 192p UG Library
574 PAD 00056242 Biology: T.B. Fvor Class XII Padmanabhan, G NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDU & RESR TRAINING 452p UG Library
574 RAT 00122478 Ecology, Ethology and Toxicology Rathoure, K Ashol New Delhi Publi, 2016 978818550033 1st ed; 446 p.: UG Library
574 RAU 00014668 Puc Biology Shaker, Ram UG Library
574 RAV 00050242 Biology Raven, H Peter 0697225704 1311 p UG Library
574 RIC 00115177 Illustrated Dictionary of Ecology Richards, Diana Lotus 2003 8189093274 231 p UG Library
574 SHA 00122521 Research Methodology and Techniques in Biochemistry Sharma, A K Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9788126161751 304 p:. UG Library
574 SHU 00148365 Analysing Genome/ Shukla, R. N. Agrotech Press, 2025 9789384568146 280p. ; UG Library
574 SIM 00066647 Advanced Biology Simpkins, J 0003222764 760p UG Library
574 SIN 00131588 UGC-CSIR JRF/NET: Singh, Pramod. Danika Publishing, 2019 9788189301040 xi,308 p.; UG Library
574 STA 00067369 Diversity of Life Taggart, Starr 2001 0534379435 496p UG Library
574 STU 05031065 The Environment : Sutton, Philip W Polity Press, 2007 187 p Knowledge Centre
574 SUB 00108715 Analysing Genome Subramanian C. Dominant Publishers And Distributors 2007 9788178884837 363 p. UG Library
574 SUN 00055605 Biology Question Bank Sundararajan, S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2002 8126112417 432p UG Library
574 SUN 00044807 College Botany Vol II Rajan, S. Sundara Himalaya Publishing House, 1998 5th rev ed, 442 p. : UG Library
574 SUN 00044809 College Botany Vol II Rajan, S. Sundara Himalaya Publishing House, 1998 5th rev ed, 442 p. : UG Library
574 TAY 00093487 Biological time Taylor, Bernie New age international pvt ltd 9788122416084 209p UG Library
574 TAY 00093488 Biological time Taylor, Bernie New age international pvt ltd 9788122416084 209p UG Library
574 TWY 00058332 Instant Notes Developmental Biology Twyman, R M Viva Books Private Limited 2003 0817649237 451 p UG Library
574 VOF 00146221 Biology - Loboratory Manual Vodopich, Darrell Mc Graw Hill 2023 9781265136734 13th ed. 602p UG Library
574 YOU 00005895 From Molecule to Man Young, J Z To Margerison Crown 1969 209 UG Library
574.01 LAN 04007013 Life Ascending Lane, Nick Popular Science 2010 9781861978189 344 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
574.01 LEV 00093100 The Dialectical Biologist Levins Richard Aakar Books 9788189833770 303p UG Library
574.01 LEV 01011747 The dialectical biologist / Levins, Richard. Harvard University Press, 0674202813 (alk. paper) ix, 303 p. : Knowledge Centre
574.01 TRI 00103088 Man,Mind and Nature: Tripathi S.M Global vision publishing house; 8187746041 424 p. UG Library
574.012 JAR 05052139 Mathematical taxonomy / Jardine, Nicholas. Wiley 1971 0471440507 xviii, 286 p. Knowledge Centre
574.015 BAT 00061695 Introduction to Mathematics for Life Scientists Batschelet E. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003 8181280849 3rd Ed. 643 p. UG Library
574.0151 BAC 00104063 A short History of Mathematical Population Dynamics : Bacaer Nicolas Springer ; 2011 9780857291141 160 p. UG Library
574.0151 HEI 05054369 Theoretical approaches to complex systems : Springer-Verlag, 1978 0387087575 244 p. : Knowledge Centre
574.0151 YEA 00124400 An Introduction To the Mathematics of Biology: With Computer Algebra Modles Yeargers Edward Birkhauser, 1996 9788184898088 viii, 417 p.: UG Library
574.01519 BAS 00147768 Biostatistics and Mathematical Biology / Bast, Felix Pearson, 2023 9789356066267 xiv,354p. ; UG Library
574.015192 LOS 05049929 Stochastic processes and applications in biology and medicine II / Iosifescu, Marius. Editura Academiei; | Springer-Verlag, 1973 3540062718 | 0387062718 321p.; Knowledge Centre
574.015195 FOR 00097368 Biostatistics Forthofer, Ronald N Academic Press; 9788131211199 502p UG Library
574.015195 RAO 04000159 Introduction to Biostatistics and Research Methods / Rao, P S S Sundar Prentice-Hall of Inida, 2008 9788120328761 262 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
574.015195 BAS 10003008 Biostatistics and Mathematical Biology / Bast, Felix. Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2023 9789356066267 xiv, 354 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
574.015195 BAS 05074141 Biostatistics and Mathematical Biology / Bast, Felix. Pearson, 2023 9789356066267 xiv, 354p.; Knowledge Centre
574.015195 SUN 00055028 Introduction to Biostatistics Sundar Rao, P S S Prentice Hall of India 2002 0812031008 259 p UG Library
574.015195BAI 00068602 Statistical Methods in Biology Bailey, Norman T J 0521498457 255p UG Library
574.018 SEA 05049512 Multivariate statistical analysis for biologists Seal, Hilary L. J. Wiley 1964 xi, 207 p. Knowledge Centre
574.0182 CHI 05049724 Introduction to stochastic processes in biostatistics / Chiang, Chin Long, John Wiley Sons, Inc. 1968 xvi, 313 p. Knowledge Centre
574.0182 MAT 05068682 Statistical analysis in biology / Mather K. Methuen & Co Ltd, 1951 267p.; Knowledge Centre
574.0182 MAT 05051003 Statistical Analysis in Biology / Mather, Kenneth Chapman and Hall Ltd., 1972 412210207 263 p. Knowledge Centre
574.0182 RIC 05054364 Diffusion processes and related topics in biology / Ricciardi, Luigi M., Springer-Verlag, 1977 0387081461 200 p. : Knowledge Centre
574.0184 LEV 05054363 Mathematical models in biological discovery / Springer-Verlag, 1977 0387081348 vi, 240 p. : Knowledge Centre
574.028 SWA 00139114 Biological Tools and Techniques / Swargiary,Ananta. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327275605 263p.; UG Library
574.028 NAR 00124880 Research Methodology in Plant Science Narayana Suresh P. Scientific Publishers, 2016 9788172339920 xiv, 388 p.: UG Library
574.028 SHA 04024688 Introduction to Bioinformatics and Microarray Technology / CBS Publishers, 2010 9788123918785 203p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
574.028 SIN 00121885 Research methods in plant science Singh,Chandra P Agrotech Press 2015 9789384568542 264p. UG Library
574.028 SIN 00121886 Research methods in plant science Singh,Chandra P Agrotech Press 2015 9789384568542 264p. UG Library
574.03 CUR 00027819 Longman Illustrated Dictionary of Biology Curtis,Neil. Longman York Press 1984 9780582892552 256 p. UG Library
574.03 HOL 00027821 Henderson's Dictionary of Biological Terms Holmes,Sandra. Longman Group Ltd 1979 0582462428 510 p. UG Library
574.03 PUJ 00115185 Dictionary of Biology Puja A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors 2003 8174732055 401p UG Library
574.03 RAN 00115182 Dictionary of Biology Rani, Reeta Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 1988 8126118334 467p UG Library
574.03 RIT 00105250 Viva-Facts On File: Encyclopedia Of Biology. Rittner,Don. Viva Books 2011 9788130918105 xiii,400 p. UG Library
574.03 RIT 00115183 Encyclopedia of Biology Rittner, Don Viva Books; 2005 9788130900902 400 p. UG Library
574.03 RIT 04007457 Viva-Facts On File: Encyclopedia Of Biology. Rittner,Don. Viva Books 2011 9788130918105 xiii,400 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
574.03 SAL 00087514 Encyclopaedia of Ecology and Environment.Vol.1-10 Salpekar, Aaradhana Salpekar Bhartiya Khadi Gramodog Vikas Abhikaran 8189775006 344 p UG Library
574.03 SAL 00087512 Encyclopaedia of Ecology and Environment.Vol.1-10 Salpekar, Aaradhana Salpekar Bhartiya Khadi Gramodog Vikas Abhikaran 8189775006 344 p UG Library
574.03 SAL 00087515 Encyclopaedia of Ecology and Environment.Vol.1-10 Salpekar, Aaradhana Salpekar Bhartiya Khadi Gramodog Vikas Abhikaran 8189775006 344 p UG Library
574.03 SAL 00087517 Encyclopaedia of Ecology and Environment.Vol.1-10 Salpekar, Aaradhana Salpekar Bhartiya Khadi Gramodog Vikas Abhikaran 8189775006 344 p UG Library
574.03 SAL 00087519 Encyclopaedia of Ecology and Environment.Vol.1-10 Salpekar, Aaradhana Salpekar Bhartiya Khadi Gramodog Vikas Abhikaran 8189775006 344 p UG Library
574.03 SAL 00087521 Encyclopaedia of Ecology and Environment.Vol.1-10 Salpekar, Aaradhana Salpekar Bhartiya Khadi Gramodog Vikas Abhikaran 8189775006 344 p UG Library
574.03 SAL 00087520 Encyclopaedia of Ecology and Environment.Vol.1-10 Salpekar, Aaradhana Salpekar Bhartiya Khadi Gramodog Vikas Abhikaran 8189775006 344 p UG Library
574.03 SAL 00087518 Encyclopaedia of Ecology and Environment.Vol.1-10 Salpekar, Aaradhana Salpekar Bhartiya Khadi Gramodog Vikas Abhikaran 8189775006 344 p UG Library
574.03 SAL 00087516 Encyclopaedia of Ecology and Environment.Vol.1-10 Salpekar, Aaradhana Salpekar Bhartiya Khadi Gramodog Vikas Abhikaran 8189775006 344 p UG Library
574.03 SAL 00087513 Encyclopaedia of Ecology and Environment.Vol.1-10 Salpekar, Aaradhana Salpekar Bhartiya Khadi Gramodog Vikas Abhikaran 8189775006 344 p UG Library
574.03 SOO 00065276 Dictionary of Biology Sood, M S CBS 1985 400 p.: UG Library
574.03 SOO 00027786 Dictionary of Biology Sood, M S CBS 1985 400 p.: UG Library
574.03 TUL 00115186 Dictionary of Biology Tuli, S K Sahni Publications 2000 8175640987 304 p UG Library
574.032 MAR 00033836 Dictionary of Biology Australian Women`s Weekly, Comprehensiv 189 UG Library
574.032 OUP 00115184 Dictionary of Biology / Oxford University Press Oxford 2003 642p UG Library
574.0321 GRA 00092671 The Dictionary of the Biological Sciences / Gray, Peter, Reinhold Book, 1967 0898744415 xx, 602 p. ; UG Library
574.03ABE 00004975 Dictionary of Biology Abercombile, Penguin UG Library
574.03BHU 00065676 DICTIONARY OF BIOLOGY Bhutani, Dhamo K Academic (india) 8185185158 423p UG Library
574.05 DAV 04002403 Texbook of Environment & Ecology Dave, Deeksha Cengage Learning 2008 9788131507636 270 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
574.05 HAR 00135417 Handbook of evolutionary zoology Harmon.Lee Intelliz press, 2017 9781682512920 xiv,283p.; UG Library
574.062 OBR 00123113 Natural Surroundings O'Brien, Terry Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2016 9788129137913 136 p:. UG Library
574.07 DUF 00110545 Animal Waste,Water Quality And Human Health Dufour,Al. World Health Organisation 2012 9781780401232 x; 476 p. UG Library
574.07 HOL 05068387 Modern statistics for modern biology / Holmes, Susan. Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108705295 xxiii,382p.; Knowledge Centre
574.07 SON 00110549 Chemistry Of Ozone In Water And Wastewater Treatment Sonntag,Clemens Von. IWA Publishing 2012 9781843393139 ix; 301 p. UG Library
574.072 BSC 00004994 Research Problems in Biology Biological Science Curriculum Study George G.Harrap & Co.Ltd 1965 244 p. UG Library
574.072 BSC 00004997 Research Problems in Biology Biological Science Curriculum Study George G.Harrap & Co.Ltd 1965 244 p. UG Library
574.072 BSC 00004996 Research Problems in Biology Biological Science Curriculum Study George G.Harrap & Co.Ltd 1965 244 p. UG Library
574.072 FRE 00129499 Biological science : Freeman, Scott Pearson, 2016 9789332575912 5th ed. 1503 p. : UG Library
574.0724 BAR 05054370 Vito Volterra Symposium on Mathematical Models in Biology : Springer-Verlag, 1980 0387102795 (U.S. : pbk.) vi, 417 p. : Knowledge Centre
574.0724 BHA 00047720 Tissue Culture Bhan,Satish. Mittal Publications 1998 8170996945 1st Ed. 231 p. UG Library
574.0724 BHA 00067360 Modern Tools and Techniques in Life Science Bhate, Asha Sarupa and Sons 8176255521 338 p UG Library
574.0724 JAI 00017098 Practical Biology Jain M.P. Sultan Chand & Sons 1977 1st Ed. 160 p. UG Library
574.0724 JAI 00017099 Practical Biology Jain M.P. Sultan Chand & Sons 1977 1st Ed. 160 p. UG Library
574.0724 KIR 00013072 Experimental Biology Kirby T.W. Oxford University 1971 225 p. UG Library
574.0724 KUM 00119834 Research on Plant Tissue Culture Kumar, Sachin Random Publications, 2014 9789351112198 280p.; UG Library
574.0724 KUM 00047714 Methods in Plant Tissue Culture Kumar, U. Agrobios (India) 2007 8177540777 | 8187167122 2nd ed 444 p. : UG Library
574.0724 KUM 00024692 A Manual of Practical Biology: Part 2 Kumar,Renu B.M. S. Chand & Co Ltd 1983 1st Ed. 76 p. UG Library
574.0724 NAG 00092163 Practical biotechnology and plant tissue culture Nagar Santosh S Chand & Company Ltd 2009 9788121932004 111p UG Library
574.0724 NAG 00144523 Practical biotechnology and plant tissue culture Nagar Santosh S Chand & Company Ltd 2009 9788121932004 111p UG Library
574.0724 NAG 00144524 Practical biotechnology and plant tissue culture Nagar Santosh S Chand & Company Ltd 2009 9788121932004 111p UG Library
574.0724 NAG 00144525 Practical biotechnology and plant tissue culture Nagar Santosh S Chand & Company Ltd 2009 9788121932004 111p UG Library
574.0724 NAG 00144526 Practical biotechnology and plant tissue culture Nagar Santosh S Chand & Company Ltd 2009 9788121932004 111p UG Library
574.0724 NAG 00144527 Practical biotechnology and plant tissue culture Nagar Santosh S Chand & Company Ltd 2009 9788121932004 111p UG Library
574.0724 SIN 00127889 Tissue Culture Singh,Parminder Cyber Tech 2016 9789350534755 256p. UG Library
574.0724 SWA 00022358 Laboratory Techniques in Modern Biology Swarup H. Kalyani Publishers 1981 374 p. UG Library
574.072AIB.S 00004995 Research Problems in Biology Biological Science Curriculum Study George G.Harrap & Co.Ltd 1965 244 p. UG Library
574.076 BER 00127332 3000 Solved Problems in Biology Bernstein, Ruth. McGraw-Hill, 1988 0070050228 (pbk.) ix, 406 p. : UG Library
574.084 BAR 05046542 The Wonders of Life on Earth / Blind Persons' Association, 2011 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
574.084 BAR 05046543 The Wonders of Life on Earth / Blind Persons' Association, 2011 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
574.09 CHA 05031104 CSIR-NET Life sciences : Chaudhary b.l New Age International Publishers, 2010 9788122421033 656 p Knowledge Centre
574.09 CHA 00093309 CSIR-NET Life sciences : Chaudhary b.l New Age International Publishers, 2010 9788122421033 656 p UG Library
574.09 KAR 00125946 CSIR-UGC Advanced Guide For Net Life Science Kar Debasish New Delhi Publishers, 2016 9789385503238 964 p.: UG Library
574.1 LEV 00008139 Zoethout's Laboratory Experiments in Physiology Levedahl,Blaine H. The C.V. Mosby Co. 1963 6th Ed. 170 p. UG Library
574.105 PAN 00109196 Biochemistry Physiology and Endocrinology Pandey B.N. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd 2012 9780071330039 xi; 478 p. UG Library
574.105 PAN 00109197 Biochemistry Physiology and Endocrinology Pandey B.N. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd 2012 9780071330039 xi; 478 p. UG Library
574.1519 AMB 00093398 Topics In Biostatistics Ambrosius Walter.T Springer 9788184894271 528p UG Library
574.19 BER 00028973 A Text Book of Biological Chemistry Berry A.K. Emkay Publications 1988 1st Ed. 324 p. UG Library
574.19 BER 00028974 A Text Book of Biological Chemistry Berry A.K. Emkay Publications 1988 1st Ed. 324 p. UG Library
574.19 NAR 00072924 Essentials of Biophysics Narayanan P New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2000 0812241219x | 9788122412192 1st Ed. 510 p. UG Library
574.19 NAR 00074201 Essentials of Biophysics Narayanan P New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2000 0812241219x | 9788122412192 1st Ed. 510 p. UG Library
574.19 NAR 00093388 Essentials of Biophysics / Narayanan P. New Age International Publishers, 2010 9788122420807 2nd Ed. xx, 532 p.; UG Library
574.19 NAR 00093387 Essentials of Biophysics / Narayanan P. New Age International Publishers, 2010 9788122420807 2nd Ed. xx, 532 p.; UG Library
574.19 NAR 00060723 Essentials of Biophysics Narayanan P New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2000 0812241219x | 9788122412192 1st Ed. 510 p. UG Library
574.19 NAR 10000580 Essentials of Biophysics / Narayanan P. New Age International Publishers, 2010 9788122420807 2nd Ed. xx, 532 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
574.19 ROY 00039797 A Text Book of Biophysics Roy R.N. New Central Book Agency Pvt Ltd 1996 8173811458 676 p. UG Library
574.19 ROY 00039859 A Text Book of Biophysics Roy R.N. New Central Book Agency Pvt Ltd 1996 8173811458 676 p. UG Library
574.19 SMI 00022360 Current Trends in Cryobiology Smith,Audrey U. Plenum Press 1970 252 p. UG Library
574.19 TRE 00093485 Biochemistry Trehan,Keshav. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1990 9788122402488 2nd Ed. 560 p. UG Library
574.191 CAS 00016509 Biophysics Casey, E J East-West 1962 335 p.: UG Library
574.191 KAR 00121691 Recent Advances in Biophysics Karasek, Betty Callisto Reference, 2015 9781632395283 196 p:. UG Library
574.191 KUM 00122774 Concepts of Biophysics Kumar, Ashok Random Publications, 2015 9789351117469 xi, 272 p:. UG Library
574.191 MUK 00111653 Biophysical and Biochemical Techniques/ Mukherjee, Biswajit. Black Prints India Inc., 2013 9789382036258 xi:224p.; UG Library
574.191 NAR 00055850 Essentials of Biophysics Narayanan P New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2000 0812241219x | 9788122412192 1st Ed. 510 p. UG Library
574.191 PAN 00125090 Biophysics Pan Chengchen Intelliz Press, 2016 9781682510131 xvi, 207 p.: UG Library
574.191 PAT 00060738 Biophysics Pattabhi,Vasantha. Narosa Publishing House 2000 8173194262 | 9788173194269 253 p. UG Library
574.191 PIR 00116724 Biophysics Piramal, Vatsala. Dominant Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd 2014 9789382007722 366p.; UG Library
574.191 PIR 00116559 Biophysics Piramal, Vatsala. Dominant Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd 2014 9789382007722 366p.; UG Library
574.191 UOG 00099355 Life's Devices: Indian University Press; 367 p . UG Library
574.191 VOG 00093502 Comparative Biomechanics Vogel,Steven. Princeton University Press 2006 8122417175 | 9788122417173 580 p. UG Library
574.191 VOG 00093501 Comparative Biomechanics Vogel,Steven. Princeton University Press 2006 8122417175 | 9788122417173 580 p. UG Library
574.191 VOG 00072940 Comparative Biomechanics Vogel,Steven. Princeton University Press 2006 8122417175 | 9788122417173 580 p. UG Library
574.191 VOL 05052305 Biophysics / Volʹkenshteĭn, M. V. Mir, 1983 Rev. from the 1981 Russian ed. 640 p. : Knowledge Centre
574.191CAS 00009679 Biophysics Concepts and Mechanism Casey, E J Konark 340p UG Library
574.192 BER 00111293 Biochemistry/ Berg, Jeremy M. Kate Ahr Parker, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012 9781429276351 7th Ed.(International Edition) xxxii:1098p.; UG Library
574.192 DEV 00120344 Biomolecules Devasena T MJP Publishers 2010 9788180940798 26p. UG Library
574.192 NEL 04000192 Lehninger Priciples of Biochemistry / Nelson, David W h Freeman, 2008 9781429208925 1158 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
574.192 OCH 00112505 Biochemistry / Ochs, Raymond S. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2014 9780763757366 (alk. paper) | 9 1st ed. xix, 413 p. : UG Library
574.192 AND 00007663 Essentials of Physiological Chemistry Anderson,Arthur K. Toppan Co Ltd 1963 4th Ed. 480 p. UG Library
574.192 ARU 00124068 Objective Biochemistry Arun,N MJP Publishers 2010 9788180940866 382p. UG Library
574.192 BAN 00072945 Biomolecules Banerjee S. Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2005 8178883694 | 9788178883694 345 p. UG Library
574.192 BEE 00125205 Experimental Biochemistry Beedu, Sashidhar Rao ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA PVT.LTD 2005 8188237418 | 9788188237418 302p UG Library
574.192 BEE 00067122 Experimental Biochemistry Beedu, Sashidhar Rao ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA PVT.LTD 2005 8188237418 | 9788188237418 302p UG Library
574.192 BEI 00000606 Concepts in Biochemistry Beithal, Francis B UG Library
574.192 BET 00124129 Introduction to General, Organic, BioChemistry Frederick, A.Bettelheim Cengage Learning, 2008 9780495118664 xxv, 804 p.: UG Library
574.192 BHA 00124289 Biochemistry for Life Sciences Bhardwaj Uma Pearson: 2014 9789332528475 xviii, 534 p.: UG Library
574.192 BUC 00067120 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants Buchanan, Gruissem ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA PVT.LTD 2000 8188237116 | 9788188237111 1367p UG Library
574.192 BUC 00118718 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants Buchanan, Gruissem ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA PVT.LTD 2000 8188237116 | 9788188237111 1367p UG Library
574.192 CHO 00122493 Fundamentals of Biological Chemistry Choudhary, N L Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9788126161843 312 p:. UG Library
574.192 DAS 00146166 Biophysical ,bioorganic and bioinorganic chemistry/ Das,Asim K Books and allied pvt ltd., 2021 9788194845522 2nd ed. 859p.;22 UG Library
574.192 DAS 00133224 Biophysical ,bioorganic and bioinorganic chemistry Das,Asim K Books and allied pvt ltd., 2018 9789384294069 842p.; UG Library
574.192 DAS 00133225 Biophysical ,bioorganic and bioinorganic chemistry Das,Asim K Books and allied pvt ltd., 2018 9789384294069 842p.; UG Library
574.192 DAS 00133226 Biophysical ,bioorganic and bioinorganic chemistry Das,Asim K Books and allied pvt ltd., 2018 9789384294069 842p.; UG Library
574.192 DEB 00027070 Fundamentals of Biochemistry Deb, A.C. New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd 2011 817381144X | 9788173811449 10th ed. xxviii, 997 p. ; UG Library
574.192 DEV 04011544 Enzymes/ Devika R Vijay Nicole Imprints pvt. Ltd, 2011 9788182092921 xii, 223 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
574.192 FAI 00007985 Essentials of Biological Chemistry Fairley,James L. Affiliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd 1966 2nd Ed. 314 p. UG Library
574.192 FAI 00014287 Essentials of Biological Chemistry Fairley,James L. Affiliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd 1966 2nd Ed. 314 p. UG Library
574.192 HOL 00022873 Elements of General and Biological Chemistry Holum,John R. John Wiley and Sons 1979 047105951x 5th Ed. 571 p. UG Library
574.192 JAI 00049591 Fundamentals of Biochemistry Jain J.L. S. Chand & Company Limited, 2001 81- 219 - 0343 - 2 Fifth Edition 924 p.; UG Library
574.192 JAI 00051636 Fundamentals of Biochemistry Jain J.L. S. Chand & Company Limited, 2001 81- 219 - 0343 - 2 Fifth Edition 924 p.; UG Library
574.192 KAL 00120074 Hawk's Physiological Chemistry Kalsi, P.S MedTec 2015 9789384007362 updated and revised version 1472p. UG Library
574.192 KUC 00127333 Biochemistry Kuchel, Philip W McGraw Hill Education 1998 9780070667440 Second Edition xiv, 474 p. : UG Library
574.192 LEH 00027867 Principles of Biochemistry Albert L, Lehninger Cbs 1984 1011 p UG Library
574.192 LEH 00027868 Guide To Lehninger's Principles of Biochemistry Eikeren,Paul Van. CBS Publishers & Distributors 1986 544 p. UG Library
574.192 LIP 00116851 Principles of Bioinorganic Chemistry Lippard J. Stephen Panima Publishing , 1997 9788186535196 xvii 409 p.: UG Library
574.192 NEL 00140836 Lehninger principles of biochemistry / Nelson, David L., Macmillan learning, 2021 9781319228002 | 9781319381493 Eighth edition. xxxiii,1096p.; UG Library
574.192 NEL 00128360 Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry David L. Nelson, W.H. Freeman, 2013 9781319108243 7th ed. :xxviii, 1198 p.: UG Library
574.192 NEL 05073657 Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry Nelson, David L 2007 1403948763 1119p Knowledge Centre
574.192 NEL 00077875 Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry Nelson, David L 2007 1403948763 1119p UG Library
574.192 NEL 00077874 Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry Nelson, David L 2007 1403948763 1119p UG Library
574.192 NEL 00120089 Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry David L. Nelson, W.H. Freeman, 2013 9781429234146 | 1429234148 6th ed. :xxviii, 1198 p.: UG Library
574.192 OSE 00033773 Hawk`s Physiological Chemistry Oser L, Bernard T M H UG Library
574.192 OSE 00009360 How`s Physcological Hawk, TMH 1967 274 p UG Library
574.192 PAD 00146165 Biochemical Calculations & Biostatics Padmini,E Books and Allied (p) Ltd 9788187134060 304 p UG Library
574.192 PAD 00096420 Biochemical Calculations & Biostatics Padmini,E Books and Allied (p) Ltd 9788187134060 304 p UG Library
574.192 PAD 00096418 Biochemical Calculations & Biostatics Padmini,E Books and Allied (p) Ltd 9788187134060 304 p UG Library
574.192 PAD 00096419 Biochemical Calculations & Biostatics Padmini,E Books and Allied (p) Ltd 9788187134060 304 p UG Library
574.192 PAT 00038371 Laboratory Manual in Biochemistry. Pattabiraman, T N AITBS 1994 92 UG Library
574.192 PLU 00033841 Practical Biochemistry David, Plummere T Tmh 369 p UG Library
574.192 RAS 00127344 Principles of Biochemistry Rastogi, Veer Bala Medtech, 2017 9789384007492 | 9789385998577 5th ed, 668 p.: UG Library
574.192 RAS 00127343 Principles of Biochemistry Rastogi, Veer Bala Medtech, 2017 9789384007492 | 9789385998577 5th ed, 668 p.: UG Library
574.192 RAS 00129681 Principles of Biochemistry Rastogi, Veer Bala Medtech, 2017 9789384007492 | 9789385998577 5th ed, 668 p.: UG Library
574.192 RAS 00129590 Principles of Biochemistry Rastogi, Veer Bala Medtech, 2017 9789384007492 | 9789385998577 5th ed, 668 p.: UG Library
574.192 SAD 00073251 Biochemical Methods. Sadashivan, S New Age International Publishers 2005 8122409768 255p UG Library
574.192 SAT 07007450 Biochemistry Satyanarayana U. Books and Allied (P) Ltd, 2013 9788131236017 4th ed. 799p.; Library - BR Campus
574.192 SAT 09000931 Biochemistry : Satyanarayana, U. Elsevier, 2021 9788131264355 6th ed., xviii,777p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
574.192 SAT 00118832 Biochemistry Satyanarayana U. Books and Allied (P) Ltd, 2013 9788131236017 4th ed. 799p.; UG Library
574.192 SAT 00118833 Biochemistry Satyanarayana U. Books and Allied (P) Ltd, 2013 9788131236017 4th ed. 799p.; UG Library
574.192 SAT 07012948 Biochemistry : Satyanarayana, U. Elsevier, 2017 9788131248850 5th Ed. 777 p. ; Library - BR Campus
574.192 SAT 07012947 Biochemistry : Satyanarayana, U. Elsevier, 2017 9788131248850 5th Ed. 777 p. ; Library - BR Campus
574.192 SAT 00131102 Biochemistry : Satyanarayana, U. Elsevier, 2017 9788131248850 5th Ed. 777 p. ; UG Library
574.192 SAT 10003936 Biochemistry : Satyanarayana, U RELX India Pvt Ltd, 2021 9788131269411 6th ed. xviii, 776p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
574.192 SAT 10003937 Biochemistry : Satyanarayana, U RELX India Pvt Ltd, 2021 9788131269411 6th ed. xviii, 776p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
574.192 SAT 10003938 Biochemistry : Satyanarayana, U RELX India Pvt Ltd, 2021 9788131269411 6th ed. xviii, 776p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
574.192 SAT 10003939 Biochemistry : Satyanarayana, U RELX India Pvt Ltd, 2021 9788131269411 6th ed. xviii, 776p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
574.192 SAT 10003940 Biochemistry : Satyanarayana, U RELX India Pvt Ltd, 2021 9788131269411 6th ed. xviii, 776p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
574.192 SAT 10003941 Biochemistry review & assessment : Satyanarayana, U RELX India Pvt ltd, 2023 9788131269145 130p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
574.192 SAT 10003942 Biochemistry review & assessment : Satyanarayana, U RELX India Pvt ltd, 2023 9788131269145 130p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
574.192 SAT 10003943 Biochemistry review & assessment : Satyanarayana, U RELX India Pvt ltd, 2023 9788131269145 130p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
574.192 SAT 00127414 Biochemistry Satyanarayana U. Books and Allied (P) Ltd, 2013 9788131236017 4th ed. 799p.; UG Library
574.192 SAT 00127415 Biochemistry Satyanarayana U. Books and Allied (P) Ltd, 2013 9788131236017 4th ed. 799p.; UG Library
574.192 SAT 00127416 Biochemistry Satyanarayana U. Books and Allied (P) Ltd, 2013 9788131236017 4th ed. 799p.; UG Library
574.192 SAT 00142620 Biochemistry : Satyanarayana, U. Elsevier, 2021 9788131264355 6th ed., xviii,777p.; UG Library
574.192 SAT 00127417 Biochemistry Satyanarayana U. Books and Allied (P) Ltd, 2013 9788131236017 4th ed. 799p.; UG Library
574.192 SAT 10003944 Biochemistry review & assessment : Satyanarayana, U RELX India Pvt ltd, 2023 9788131269145 130p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
574.192 SAT 00127418 Biochemistry Satyanarayana U. Books and Allied (P) Ltd, 2013 9788131236017 4th ed. 799p.; UG Library
574.192 SAT 10003945 Biochemistry review & assessment : Satyanarayana, U RELX India Pvt ltd, 2023 9788131269145 130p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
574.192 SAT 07007393 Biochemistry Satyanarayana U. Books and Allied (P) Ltd, 2013 9788131236017 4th ed. 799p.; Library - BR Campus
574.192 SEG 00109846 Biochemical Calculations / Segel, Irwin H. Wiley India, 2004 9788126526437 2nd Ed. xiii; 441 p. UG Library
574.192 SEG 00131101 Biochemical Calculations / Segel, Irwin H. Wiley India, 2004 9788126526437 2nd Ed. xiii; 441 p. UG Library
574.192 SEG 00092845 Biochemical calculations : Segel, Irwin H., Wiley, 1976 0471774219 2d ed. xiii, 441 p. : UG Library
574.192 SHA 00137037 Dynamic aspects of biochemistry. Sharma, Deepa Medtech, 2018 9789386800305 x, 291 p. UG Library
574.192 SHA 00108853 Biochemistry Sharma,Dushyant Kumar Narosa Publishing House 2010 9788173199523 xiv; 265 p. UG Library
574.192 SMI 00066650 Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Smith, A . D 1997 0198506732 738p UG Library
574.192 SRI 00019533 Elements of Biochemistry Srivastava H.S. Rastogi Publications 2010 8171338828 5th Ed. 331 p. UG Library
574.192 SRI 00019536 Elements of Biochemistry Srivastava H.S. Rastogi Publications 2010 8171338828 5th Ed. 331 p. UG Library
574.192 STR 00052580 Biochemistry Stryer,Lubert. W.H. Freeman And Co. 1995 0716720094 4th Ed. 1064 p. UG Library
574.192 STR 00048099 Biochemistry Stryer, Lubert 1995 0716720094 4th ed 1064p UG Library
574.192 UPA 00063490 Biophysical Chemistry - Principles and Techniques Upadhyay, Avinash HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2003 8178665883 602p UG Library
574.192 VOE 00077818 Biochemistry/ Voet, Donald 2000 0047119350 1591p UG Library
574.192 VOE 00137043 Principles Of Biochemistry Voet,Donald John Wiley & Sons 2016 9781118092446 | 9781119451662 5th Ed. xxxii; 1098 p.; UG Library
574.192 VOE 00141591 Biochemistry / Voet, Donald. Wiley India pvt ltd., 2021 9780470570951 (alk. paper) | 0470570954 (alk. paper) | 9780470917459 (alk. paper) | 0470917458 (alk. paper) | 9789354243820 xxiii,1473p.; UG Library
574.192 VOE 00109355 Principles Of Biochemistry Voet,Donald John Wiley & Sons 2013 9781118092446 4th Ed. xxxii; 1077 p. UG Library
574.192 WHI 00003928 Chemical Background for the Biological Science White,Emil H. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1969 152 p. UG Library
574.192 WHI 04007704 Principles of Biochemistry / White, Abraham McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1959 2nd ed. xiii, 1149p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
574.192 WHI 00020630 Chemical Background for the Biological Science White,Emil H. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1969 152 p. UG Library
574.192 WIH 00028199 Biologist`s Guide to Principles and Techniques of Practical Wilson, Keith EO 398 p UG Library
574.192 YUD 04007713 Biochemistry / Yudkin, Michael. Houghton Mifflin, 1975 0395171997 x, 528 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
574.192 ZUB 00052098 Biochemistry Zubay, Geoffrey 0697219003 987p UG Library
574.192 ZUB 00052106 Principles of Biochemistry Zubay, Geoffrey L 1995 0697142752 863p UG Library
574.192028 BOR 00146351 The Chemistry of Biology: Borner, Armin Springer 2023 9783662665206 222p UG Library
574.192028 PLU 04011670 An Introducation to Practical Biochemistry/ T. Plummer David Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 1971 9780070994874 3th ed, xx, 332 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
574.19203 LIK 00133526 Paradise dictionary of biochemistry Likitha Rau,S.P Paradise press, 2018 9789386194787 252p.; UG Library
574.19203 KUM 00115137 Dictionary of Biochemistry Kumar, Raj Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8128126172 3587p UG Library
574.1924 BRO 00069145 Nutritional Biochemistry Brody, Tom Elsevier 2006 8131201503 | 9788131201503 1005 p UG Library
574.1924 SIN 00121947 Nutrition Biology Singh, Neelima Alp Books, 2014 9789383204137 263 p:. UG Library
574.19245 BRA 04007714 Proteins : Elsevier Trends Journals ; | Sole distributors for the USA and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co., 1990 1851665129 viii, 270 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
574.19245 CRE 00067127 Protein Structure Creighton T.E. Oxford University Press 1997 0195670663 | 9780195670660 383 p. UG Library
574.19245 ROE 00067125 Protein Purification Applications Roe,Simon. Oxford University Press 2004 0195670671 | 9780195670677 2nd Ed. 165 p. UG Library
574.19245 ROE 00061443 Protein Purification Applications Roe,Simon. Oxford University Press 2004 0195670671 | 9780195670677 2nd Ed. 165 p. UG Library
574.19245 ROE 00067126 Protein Purification Applications Roe,Simon. Oxford University Press 2004 0195670671 | 9780195670677 2nd Ed. 165 p. UG Library
574.19245 SEG 00005706 Globular Protein Molecules: Their Structure and Dynamic Properties Segal,Jacob. People's Publishing House 1976 150 p. UG Library
574.19245 WUT 05066801 NMR in structural biology : World Scientific, 1995 9789810223847 xx, 738 p. : Knowledge Centre
574.192456 JAK 00082706 Peptides from A-Z: Jakubke, Hans-Dieter Wiley -VCH Verlag GmbH & co 2008 9783527317226 394p UG Library
574.1925 KUM 00105055 Nucleic Acids Kumar,Ajay. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 2010 9789380156903 xi,119p. UG Library
574.1925 PRA 00124296 Enzyme Technology Pacemaker of Biotechnolgy Prasad Krishna Nooralabettu PHI Learning Pvt, 2011 9788120342392 xii, 360 p.: UG Library
574.1925 RAG 00133750 Enzymology and Bioprocess Technology Raghuvanshi, Pratiksha, Random Publications, 2018 9789386355614 x,274 p.; UG Library
574.1925 STA 00138854 Enzyme Assays for Food Scientists / Stauffer,Clyde E. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 2020 9781493999941 vii,317p.; UG Library
574.19283 CAN 00077594 Biophysical Chemistry: Schinmmel, Cantor 2004 1403945446 1371p UG Library
574.19283 CAN 00077596 Biophysical Chemistry: Schinmmel, Cantor 2004 1403945446 1371p UG Library
574.19283 CAN 00077595 Biophysical Chemistry: Schinmmel, Cantor 2004 1403945446 1371p UG Library
574.19285 HAW 00100480 Quantitative Bioassay Hawcroft, David John Wiley & Sons, 9788126517374 xxiii, 300 p. UG Library
574.19285028 EVA 00110338 Biomolecular NMR spectroscopy Evans,Jeremy N. S. Oxford University Press, 1995 0198547676 (hbk.) | 0198547668 xvi, 444 p. : UG Library
574.192MER2 00014294 Elementory Biochemistry Merty, Edwin T VAKILS FEFFER & SIMON UG Library
574.192RAM.5 00027869 Text Book of Biochemistry Fifth Revised Edition Rama Rao, A.v.s.s U B S 538p UG Library
574.192SHA.G 00029504 INTRODUCTORY BOCHEMISTRY Sharma, B.l Jai Prakash Nath 173P UG Library
574.192WHI 00003731 Chemical Background for the Biological Sciences White,Emil H. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1969 152 p UG Library
574.192WHI3 00015668 Principal of Biochemistry White, Handler Hill Publishishing UG Library
574.195 CON 04003186 Oulines of Biochemistry 5/E Conn, Eric E Wiley 2008 9971511649 693 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
574.2 RAY 00020342 Virus and Mycoplasma: Diseases of Plants in India Raychaudhuri, S P Oxford 1977 102 P. UG Library
574.2322 SHU 00055601 Bacterial Diseases Shukla, Arvind N Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2002 8126110945 359 p UG Library
574.2322 SID 00137266 The DBS handbook of bactreial diseases Siddiqui,Anjum DBS Imprints, 2018 9789386648044 xv,704p.; UG Library
574.29 LYD 00098253 Instant notes in immunology / Lydyard, Peter M. Bios/Springer, 0387915869 (pbk. : alk. paper) ix, 318 p. : UG Library
574.3 AUS 00005123 Fertilization Austin C.R. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1968 149 p. UG Library
574.3 AUS 00007550 Fertilization Austin C.R. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1968 149 p. UG Library
574.3 BAL 00141033 Developmental biology / Balwan, Wahied Khawar Random Publications, 2021 9789352697083 269 p.; UG Library
574.3 BER 00022168 Development Berrill N.J. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1976 566 p. UG Library
574.3 SCH 00107303 Current Topics in Developmental Biology Schatten,Gerald P. Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier 2006 9780121531737 x:286 P. UG Library
574.33 BAL 00009359 An Introduction to Embryology Balinsky B.I. W.B. Saunders Co 1970 0721615171 3rd Ed. 730 p. UG Library
574.33 BEE 00011251 Embryos and Ancestors Beer,Gavin De. Oxford University 1958 3rd Ed. 198 p UG Library
574.33 CAR 00029400 Patten's Foundations of Embryology Carlson,Bruce M. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1981 0070994796 4th Ed. 672 p. UG Library
574.33 CHR 00055858 Patten's Foundation of Embryology Chrlson, Bruce M McGraw Hill Inc 1999 0007114093 752 p UG Library
574.33 WIL 00010006 Foundations of Experimental Embryology Willer, Benjamin H. Prentice-hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1964 226 p. UG Library
574.33 WIL 00010005 Foundations of Experimental Embryology Willer, Benjamin H. Prentice-hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1964 226 p. UG Library
574.374 KRI 00070671 Longevity: the Golden Years Krishnan M.H. Jaico Publishing House 2006 8179925099 | 9788179925096 231 p. UG Library
574.4 BON 00009695 Morphogenesis Bonner,John Tyler. Oxford & IBH Publishers 1965 296 p. UG Library
574.4 CAV 00026864 Atlas of Anatomy Cavendish, Marshall Marhsall Cavendish Books Limited 1985 158 p UG Library
574.4 SAX 00029544 Environmental Analysis: Water Soil And Air Saxena M.M. Agro Botanical Publishers 1987 8185031223 174 p. UG Library
574.40184 BOO 05051508 The measurement of biological shape and shape change / Bookstein, Fred L., Springer-Verlag, 1978 0387089128 viii, 191 p. : Knowledge Centre
574.5 ODU 07007440 Fundamentals of Ecology Odum,Eugene P. Thomson Wadsworth 2005 8131500209 | 9788131500200 5th Ed. 598 p. Library - BR Campus
574.5 AGA 00122867 Fundamentals of Ecology Agarwal,S K APH Publishing Company 2015 442p UG Library
574.5 ALE 00029488 Introductory Mycology Alexopoulos Constantine J. Wiley Eastern Ltd 1952 08522660180 632 p. UG Library
574.5 ARO 00045970 Ecology Arora Mohan P. Himalaya Publishing House 1997 2nd Ed. 360 p. UG Library
574.5 ARO 00063485 Ecology Arora,Mohan P. Himalaya Publishing House 2004 8178667851 5th Ed. 540 p. UG Library
574.5 ARU 00029240 Concepts of Ecology Armugam N. Saras Publications, 1988 3rd Ed. 426 p.; UG Library
574.5 ARU 00029241 Concepts of Ecology Armugam N. Saras Publications, 1988 3rd Ed. 426 p.; UG Library
574.5 BEE 00083312 First Ecology Beeby,Alan. Oxford University Press 2004 0195686292 | 9780195686296 318 p. UG Library
574.5 BEE 00083313 First Ecology Beeby,Alan. Oxford University Press 2004 0195686292 | 9780195686296 318 p. UG Library
574.5 BEG 00048047 Ecology: Individuals Populations And Communities Begon,Michael. Blackwell Science 1990 0632023449 | 9780632023448 2nd Ed. 945 p. UG Library
574.5 BEN 00013494 Principles of Field Biology and Ecology Benton, Allen H M G H 340 p UG Library
574.5 BEN 00022165 Field Biology and Ecology Benton, Allen H. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1974 3rd Ed. 564 p. UG Library
574.5 CHA 05059433 Ecology Principles And Applications/ Chapman JL, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9780521689205 vi,330p,; Knowledge Centre
574.5 CHA 00045624 Ecology: Principles and Applications Chapman J.L. Cambridge University Press 1992 0521498562 | 9780521498562 294 p. UG Library
574.5 CHA 00046095 Ecology: Principles and Applications Chapman J.L. Cambridge University Press 1992 0521498562 | 9780521498562 294 p. UG Library
574.5 CLA 00005610 Elements of Ecology Clarke,George L. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1954 562 p. UG Library
574.5 CLA 00009218 Elements of Ecology Clarke,George L. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1954 562 p. UG Library
574.5 DE0 00034383 Enviromental Chemistry Anil Kumar, De Wiley 340 p UG Library
574.5 DIS 00001072 Vanishing Prairie: A True-Life Adventure Disney,Walt. Simon And Schuster 1955 124 p. UG Library
574.5 DUB 05040600 A Textbook of Ecology / Dubey S.K Dominant, 2012 9789380642727 316p.: Knowledge Centre
574.5 GOP 00029495 Elements of Ecology Gopal,Brij. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1979 0706909739 1st Ed. 200 p. UG Library
574.5 GOP 00025986 Elements of Ecology Gopal,Brij. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1979 0706909739 1st Ed. 200 p. UG Library
574.5 GOP 00021076 Elements of Ecology Gopal,Brij. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1979 0706909739 1st Ed. 200 p. UG Library
574.5 JUN 05031066 Ecology / Juneja, Kavita Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 2002 8126111623 431 p Knowledge Centre
574.5 KAU 00029485 Introductory Ecology Kaushik M.P. Jai Prakash Nath & Co 1982 4th Ed. 332 p. UG Library
574.5 KHA 00146009 Ecology / Asia Publishers & Distributors, 2023 9788119391226 x,288p. ; UG Library
574.5 KOR 04009333 Concepts of ecology / Kormondy, Edward John, PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 1996 9788120311480 4th ed. xiv, 238 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
574.5 KOR 00029494 Concepts of Ecology Kormondy,Edward J. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1984 0876924585 3rd Ed. 298 p. UG Library
574.5 KOR 00028277 Concepts of Ecology Kormondy,Edward J. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1984 0876924585 3rd Ed. 298 p. UG Library
574.5 KOR 00007761 Concepts of Ecology Kormondy,Edward J. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1969 208 p. UG Library
574.5 KOR 00007762 Concepts of Ecology Kormondy,Edward J. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1969 208 p. UG Library
574.5 KOR 05067262 Concepts of ecology / Kormondy, Edward John, PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 1996 9788120311480 4th ed. xiv, 238 p. : Knowledge Centre
574.5 KOR 00028276 Concepts of Ecology Kormondy,Edward J. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1984 0876924585 3rd Ed. 298 p. UG Library
574.5 KOR 00029447 Concepts of Ecology Kormondy,Edward J. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1984 0876924585 3rd Ed. 298 p. UG Library
574.5 KOT 00022401 Concepts of Ecology Kotpal R.L. Vishal Publications 1982 256 p. UG Library
574.5 KOT 00022402 Concepts of Ecology Kotpal R.L. Vishal Publications 1982 256 p. UG Library
574.5 KOT 00012984 Concepts of Ecology Kotpal R.L. Vishal Publications 1982 256 p. UG Library
574.5 KUM 00041905 Modern Concepts of Ecology Kumar H.D. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1995 0706986768 8th Ed. 478 p. UG Library
574.5 KUM 00021087 Modern Concepts of Ecology Kumar H.D. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1981 2nd Ed. 293 p. UG Library
574.5 KUM 00024903 Modern Concepts of Ecology Kumar H.D. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1983 5th Ed. 293 p. UG Library
574.5 KUM 00022174 Modern Concepts of Ecology Kumar H.D. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1981 2nd Ed. 293 p. UG Library
574.5 KUM 00025987 Modern Concepts of Ecology Kumar H.D. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1983 5th Ed. 293 p. UG Library
574.5 KUM 00024902 Modern Concepts of Ecology Kumar H.D. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1983 5th Ed. 293 p. UG Library
574.5 KUM 00028941 Modern Concepts of Ecology Kumar H.D. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1986 6th Ed. 386 p. UG Library
574.5 KUM 00028942 Modern Concepts of Ecology Kumar H.D. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1986 6th Ed. 386 p. UG Library
574.5 KUM 00031273 Modern Concepts of Ecology Kumar H.D. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1986 6th Ed. 386 p. UG Library
574.5 KUM 00029443 Modern Concepts of Ecology Kumar H.D. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1986 6th Ed. 386 p. UG Library
574.5 KUM 00045965 General Ecology Kumar H.D. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 1995 0706998855 653 p. UG Library
574.5 KUM 00045967 Modern Concepts of Ecology Kumar H.D. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1995 0706986768 8th Ed. 478 p. UG Library
574.5 KUN 00093357 Ecology for Millions Kundan H.L. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2006 8122418015 | 9788122418019 1st Ed. 285 p. UG Library
574.5 KUN 00093358 Ecology for Millions Kundan H.L. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2006 8122418015 | 9788122418019 1st Ed. 285 p. UG Library
574.5 MAC 00058326 Ecology Mackenzie,Aulay. Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2002 0817649335 | 9788176493352 2nd Ed. 339 p. UG Library
574.5 MAC 00073728 Ecology Mackenzie,Aulay. Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2002 0817649335 | 9788176493352 2nd Ed. 339 p. UG Library
574.5 MAC 00057970 Instant Notes on Ecology Mackenzie, Aulay Viva Books Private Limited 0817649335 339p UG Library
574.5 MAC 00109145 Ecological versatility and community ecology MacNally, Ralph C. Cambridge University Press, 1995 052140553X (hardback) | 978052 xvii, 435 p. : UG Library
574.5 MIL 00075302 Essentials of Ecology Milller,Tyler G. Thomson 2005 9812656332 | 9789812656339 3rd Ed. 113 p. UG Library
574.5 MIS 00005939 Ecology Workbook Misra R. Oxford & IBH Publishing CO. 1967 244 p. UG Library
574.5 MIS 00121676 Ecology workbook Misra R Scientific Publishers 2013 9788172338053 244p. UG Library
574.5 MOH 00055242 Ecology and Development Mohan,Madan. Rawat Publications 2000 304 p. UG Library
574.5 MOH 00050693 Ecology and Development Mohan,Madan. Rawat Publications 2000 304 p. UG Library
574.5 ODU 00003729 Ecology Odum,Eugene P. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co Pvt LTd 1975 2nd Ed. 244 p. UG Library
574.5 ODU 00044925 Fundamentals of Ecology Odum,Eugene P. Natraj Publishers 1996 0818501955x 3rd Ed. 574 p. UG Library
574.5 ODU 00075276 Fundamentals of Ecology Odum,Eugene P. Thomson Wadsworth 2005 8131500209 | 9788131500200 5th Ed. 598 p. UG Library
574.5 ODU 00011165 Ecology Odum,Eugene P. Amerind Pubishing Co Pvt Ltd 1963 152 p. UG Library
574.5 ODU 00005124 Fundamentals of Ecology Odum,Eugene P. W.B. Saunders Co 1959 2nd Ed. 545 p. UG Library
574.5 ODU 00028255 Ecology Odum,Eugene P. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co Pvt LTd 1975 2nd Ed. 244 p. UG Library
574.5 ODU 00012981 Ecology Odum,Eugene P. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co Pvt LTd 1975 2nd Ed. 244 p. UG Library
574.5 ODU 00004270 Ecology Odum,Eugene P. Amerind Pubishing Co Pvt Ltd 1963 152 p. UG Library
574.5 PRA 00132835 Principles of ecology Prajapati,Gautam P Cyber tech publications, 2018 9789350536506 264p.; UG Library
574.5 RAJ 00139145 Ecology / Raj,Manideep. Kalyani Publishers, 2016 9789327259957 xiv,752p.; UG Library
574.5 SEN 00022403 Concepts in Indian Ecology Sen, David N. Shoban Lal Nagin Chand & Co 1986 330 p.: UG Library
574.5 SEN 00029489 Concepts in Indian Ecology Sen, David N. Shoban Lal Nagin Chand & Co 1986 330 p.: UG Library
574.5 SOM 00016655 The Biology of Behavior Sommers,Peter Van. John Wiley & Sons Australasia Pty Ltd 1972 184 p. UG Library
574.5 SUB 00055240 Ethics of Ecology and Environment Subbarao S. Rajat Publications 2001 8178800179 1st Ed. 412 p. UG Library
574.5 VER 00031282 Principles of Ecology Verma P.S. S. Chand & Company Ltd. 1989 4th Ed. 591 p. UG Library
574.5 WAL 00008463 Adaptation Wallace, Bruce. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1963 113 p. UG Library
574.5 WAL 00020624 Adaptation Wallace, Bruce. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1963 113 p. UG Library
574.5 WRI 00044408 World Resources 1998-99 The World Resources Institute The World Bank 1998 0195214080 | 9780195214086 369 p. UG Library
574.5 WRI 00044451 World Resources 1998-99 The World Resources Institute The World Bank 1998 0195214080 | 9780195214086 369 p. UG Library
574.5 WRI 00044452 World Resources 1998-99 The World Resources Institute The World Bank 1998 0195214080 | 9780195214086 369 p. UG Library
574.5 YAD 00061953 Human Ecology Yadav P.R. Discovery Publishing House 2004 0817141754x 264 p. UG Library
574.50151 VAN 00134999 Elementary Mathematical Ecology / Vandermeer, John. Medtech, 2017 0894644653 (alk. paper) | 9789385998720 (pbk) Reprint ed. x, 294 p. : UG Library
574.5015195 PAT 05051362 Statistical ecology; Pennsylvania State University Press 1971 0271001119 3 v. Knowledge Centre
574.5015195 PAT 05050964 Statistical ecology; Pennsylvania State University Press 1971 0271001119 3 v. Knowledge Centre
574.5015195 PAT 05052309 Statistical ecology; Pennsylvania State University Press 1971 0271001119 3 v. Knowledge Centre
574.5028 SUT 00046089 Ecological Census Techniques SutherIand, William J. Cambridge University Press 1996 9780521635141 336 p. UG Library
574.5028SUT 00068580 Ecological Census Techniques William, J Sutherland 0521635144 336p UG Library
574.503ALL 00121182 Oxford Dictionary of Ecology [DHARMARAM LIBRARY] Allaby, Michael 0198609051 462p UG Library
574.503ALL 00073840 Oxford Dictionary of Ecology [DHARMARAM LIBRARY] Allaby, Michael 0198609051 462p UG Library
574.508 SCU 05049356 The Golden age of theoretical ecology, 1923-1940 : Springer-Verlag, 1978 0387087699 xi, 490 p. : Knowledge Centre
574.52 HAR 00045332 Habitats: Fourteen Foldout Panoramas of the World`s Ecological Zones Hare, Tony MACMILLAN 1994 0002548155 | 9780025481558 142 p UG Library
574.524 BUC 00058135 The Forgotten Pollinators Buchmann,Stephen L. Island Press 1996 1559633522 | 9781559633529 292 p. UG Library
574.524 CUS 05051786 Integrodifferential equations and delay models in population dynamics / Cushing, J. M. Springer-Verlag, 1977 0387084495 (U.S. : pbk.) 196 p. : Knowledge Centre
574.524 YOD 05050392 Competition for space and the structure of ecological communities / Yodzis, Peter, Springer-Verlag, 1978 0387089365 vi, 191 p. : Knowledge Centre
574.5248 BLO 00067965 Prokaryotic Genomics Blot,Michel. Birkhauser Verlag 2004 8181281993 | 9788181281999 208 p. UG Library
574.5248 FRE 05051133 Deterministic mathematical models in population ecology / Freedman, Herbert I. M. Dekker, 1980 0824766539 x, 254 p. : Knowledge Centre
574.5248 FRE 05050887 Deterministic mathematical models in population ecology / Freedman, Herbert I. M. Dekker, 1980 0824766539 x, 254 p. : Knowledge Centre
574.526 RUT 00133854 Fundamentals of Fresh Water Ecology: Rutherford, Julian, Oxford Book Company, 2019 9789350304822 viii,280 p.; UG Library
574.52632 JAI 00108039 A Manual of Fresh Water Ecology Jaidev Somesh Oxford Book Company: 2010 9789380179841 303 p. UG Library
574.526322 CHA 00131214 Reservior ecology Chalak,Ashwini Dnyandeo Discovery publishing house pvt ltd., 2018 9789386841216 163p.; UG Library
574.52642 KOT 00047722 Biodiversity Conservation Kotwal, P. C Agro Botanica 1998 8187167009 227p UG Library
574.526420913 BEA 03008389 The Last Rain Forests : Beazley, Mitchell. The world Conservation Union ; 1990 9780855337896 200 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
574.526420913 BEA 04015740 The Last Rain Forests : Beazley, Mitchell. The world Conservation Union ; 1990 9780855337896 200 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
574.5CHO 00068608 Ecology Principles and Applications Champman, J L 0521005752 329p UG Library
574.5WAL1 00003927 Adaptation Wallace, Bruce UG Library
574.8 PAO 04011662 Introduction To Molecular Biology/ Paolella Peter Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd, 2010 9780071070577 xiii, 241 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
574.8 HUN 00055613 Vital Forces Hunter, Graeme K 2000 0123618118 364p UG Library
574.8 SUN 00059586 Introduction to Molecular Biology Rajan, Sundara S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2003 8126113375 395p UG Library
574.8 ULL 00028998 Cytology and genetics Ullah, Muzammil Kedar Nath Ram Nath 1980 viii, 270 p. lix, : UG Library
574.824 DES 00073725 A Textbook of Histology Deshmukh,Shivaji. Dominant Publishers And Distributors 2005 8178883104 | 9788178883106 322 p. UG Library
574.824 MAT 00054351 A Textbook of Histology Mathur,Ramesh. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2002 8126111658 | 9788126111657 1st Ed. 347 p. UG Library
574.824 MAT 00054352 A Textbook of Histology Mathur,Ramesh. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 2002 8126111658 | 9788126111657 1st Ed. 347 p. UG Library
574.86 SCH 00045892 What Is Life? Schrodinger,Erwin. Cambridge University Press 1989 9780521427081 | 9780521427081 184 p. UG Library
574.87 RID 04003710 Cenome Ridley, Matt Fourth Estate 2009 9781857028348 344 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
574.87 VER 00128142 Cytology Verma P S S. Chand & Co. Pvt Ltd 2015 9788121908146 485 p. UG Library
574.87 VER 00019074 Cytology Verma, P.S. S. Chand And Co Ltd, 2020 9788121908146 Rec Ed. 485 p.; UG Library
574.87 VER 00141062 Cytology Verma, P.S. S. Chand And Co Ltd, 2020 9788121908146 Rec Ed. 485 p.; UG Library
574.87 DAL 00005120 Text Book of Cytology Dalela, UG Library
574.87 GOP 00001773 Element of Ethyology Krishana, G Pearl Books UG Library
574.87 GUP 00022784 A Textbook Of Cytology Genetics and Evolution Gupta P.K. Rastogi 1979 3rd Ed. 459 p. UG Library
574.87 GUP 00022785 A Textbook Of Cytology Genetics and Evolution Gupta P.K. Rastogi 1979 3rd Ed. 459 p. UG Library
574.87 KLE 00048111 Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology Kleinsmith, J Lewis 0065004043 810p UG Library
574.87 SAR 00135011 Cell structure and function Sarkar,Bindu Medtech, 2017 9789385998362 viii,228p.; UG Library
574.87 SHA 00000604 Fundamentals of Cytology Sharp, Lester W Mc Graw Hill UG Library
574.87 VER 00048982 Cytology Verma P.S. S. Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1988 7th Ed. 567 p. UG Library
574.87 VER 00139644 Cytology / Verma,P S. S Chand and Co Ltd., 2018 9788121908146 rep. xiv,485p.; UG Library
574.87 VER 00139645 Cytology / Verma,P S. S Chand and Co Ltd., 2018 9788121908146 rep. xiv,485p.; UG Library
574.87 WEI 05049907 Statistical analysis of DNA sequence data / M. Dekker, 1983 0824770323 ix, 255 p. ; Knowledge Centre
574.87 WIL 00123435 DNA Repair Wilson, Nas Callisto Reference, 2015 9781632391506 242 p:. UG Library
574.87 WIN 07010553 From genes to clones : Winnacker, Ernst L. VCH, 0895736144 (U.S. : pbk.) : xiii, 634 p. : Library - BR Campus
574.87 WIN 07010554 From genes to clones : Winnacker, Ernst L. VCH, 0895736144 (U.S. : pbk.) : xiii, 634 p. : Library - BR Campus
574.87 WIN 07010555 From genes to clones : Winnacker, Ernst L. VCH, 0895736144 (U.S. : pbk.) : xiii, 634 p. : Library - BR Campus
574.872 SCH 00001297 What is Life? Schrödinger, Erwin, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107604667 (pbk.) Canto ed. viii, 184 p. : UG Library
574.872 SCH 00109972 What is Life? Schrödinger, Erwin, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107604667 (pbk.) Canto ed. viii, 184 p. : UG Library
574.8732 BAL 00137271 The DBS Handbook of Genetics / Balwan,Wahid Khawar. DBS Imprint, 2018 9789384229825 xxxii,728p.; UG Library
574.8732 DOO 00061701 Nucleic Acids: Doonan,Shawn. Royal Society Of Chemistry 2004 0854044817 | 9780854044818 182 p. UG Library
574.8732 HAC 00028186 An Introduction to Recombinant DNA Techniques Hackett,Perry B. The Bejamin/Cumming Publishing Co Inc 1986 0805336729 194 p. UG Library
574.8732 SHA 00108029 Biochemistry Of Nucleic Acid Sharma, Ashok Kumar Random Publications 2011 9789381421017 viii; 304 p. UG Library
574.8732 WIN 00092856 From genes to clones : Winnacker, Ernst L. VCH, 0895736144 (U.S. : pbk.) : xiii, 634 p. : UG Library
574.8732 WIN 00124828 From genes to clones : Winnacker, Ernst L. Panima Publishing Corporation, 2003 8186535409 xiii, 634 p. : UG Library
574.87322 BAL 00055849 Mother of All Genes and Other Adventures in Popular Science Balasubramanian, D Universities Press 2001 8173713820 186p UG Library
574.87322 COE 00055847 Art of Genes Coen, Enrico 2000 0192862081 386p UG Library
574.87322 POW 00063487 Gene Regulation Powar C.B. Himalaya Books Pvt Ltd 2003 8188718017 1st Ed. 342 p. UG Library
574.87322 WAT 00055846 Passion for DNA Watson, James D 2000 0198604289 250p UG Library
574.873224 HUN 00061445 Functional Genomics Hunt,Stephen P. Oxford University Press 2000 9780195671001 253 p. UG Library
574.87328 ADA 00116843 The Biochemistry of the Nucleic Acids / Adams, R. L. P. Chapman & Hall, 1992 0412460300 | 9780412399404 11th ed. xxii, 675 p. : UG Library
574.87328 MAD 00125971 The Structure and Function of Nucleic Acids Maddina Yadav Balaji Random Publications, 2016 9789351118039 294 p.: UG Library
574.87328 SAN 05066679 Selected papers of Frederick Sanger : Sanger, Frederick, World Scientific, 1996 9810224303 xiii, 662 p. : Knowledge Centre
574.873282 HYD 00132502 Genetics and Molecular Biology / Hyde David R. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2010 9780070141193 xxiv, 1010 p.: UG Library
574.873282 HYD 04011574 Genetics and Molecular Biology / Hyde David R. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2010 9780070141193 xxiv, 1010 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
574.873282 SHU 00142378 Technique in DNA sequencing Shukla,R.N Oxford book company, 2022 9789391096564 viii,296p.; UG Library
574.875 PAU 00096425 Textbook of Cell and Molecular Biology Paul Ajoy Books and allied (p)Ltd 2007 9788187134749 | 9789384294571 1381 p (xliv).: UG Library
574.875 PAU 00123367 Textbook of Cell and Molecular Biology Paul Ajoy Books and allied (p)Ltd 2015 97893842694571 4th Ed xxii;1381 p.: UG Library
574.875 PAU 00123368 Textbook of Cell and Molecular Biology Paul Ajoy Books and allied (p)Ltd 2015 97893842694571 4th Ed xxii;1381 p.: UG Library
574.875 PAU 00096424 Textbook of Cell and Molecular Biology Paul Ajoy Books and allied (p)Ltd 2007 9788187134749 | 9789384294571 1381 p (xliv).: UG Library
574.875 PAU 00096426 Textbook of Cell and Molecular Biology Paul Ajoy Books and allied (p)Ltd 2007 9788187134749 | 9789384294571 1381 p (xliv).: UG Library
574.875 PAU 00146147 Textbook of Cell and Molecular Biology Paul Ajoy Books and allied (p)Ltd 2007 9788187134749 | 9789384294571 1381 p (xliv).: UG Library
574.875 PAU 00127424 Textbook of Cell and Molecular Biology Paul Ajoy Books and allied (p)Ltd 2007 9788187134749 | 9789384294571 1381 p (xliv).: UG Library
574.875 PAU 00127425 Textbook of Cell and Molecular Biology Paul Ajoy Books and allied (p)Ltd 2007 9788187134749 | 9789384294571 1381 p (xliv).: UG Library
574.875 PAU 00127426 Textbook of Cell and Molecular Biology Paul Ajoy Books and allied (p)Ltd 2007 9788187134749 | 9789384294571 1381 p (xliv).: UG Library
574.875 PAU 00127427 Textbook of Cell and Molecular Biology Paul Ajoy Books and allied (p)Ltd 2007 9788187134749 | 9789384294571 1381 p (xliv).: UG Library
574.875 PAU 00127428 Textbook of Cell and Molecular Biology Paul Ajoy Books and allied (p)Ltd 2007 9788187134749 | 9789384294571 1381 p (xliv).: UG Library
574.876 MIT 00069988 The Biology of the Cell Cycle Mitchison, J. M. Cambridge University Press, 1971 052108251X | 0521096715 (pbk) v, 313 p. UG Library
574.8762 RAM 00102270 Fundamentals of Cytogenetics and Genetics Ram, Mahabal PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 9788120340336 653 p. UG Library
574.8762 UJJ 00073727 Cytogenetics and Evolution Deshmukh, Ujjwala Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2005 8178883090 91p UG Library
574.87RAS6 00005073 Introductory Cytology Rasthogi, V B Kedar Nath UG Library
574.88 ALP 00067970 DNA Sequencing Alphey,Luhe. Bios Scientific Publishers Ltd 1997 1859960618 | 9781859960615 206 p. UG Library
574.88 BOO 00110341 A Guide On Objective Biotechnology Boopathi,Manikanda N. Narendra Publishing House 2011 9789380428246 1st Ed. vi; 241 p. UG Library
574.88 COL 00062702 Gene Regulation and Metabolism Collado-Vides, Julio. Ane Books 2004 9788180520532 310 p. UG Library
574.88 CRA 00132017 Molecular Biotechnology: Cook Craig., Intelliz Press LLC, 2018 9781682513927 xiii301 p.; UG Library
574.88 MOH 00118749 Textbook of Environmental Biotechnology Mohapatra, Pradipta Kumar I.K.International Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2006 9788188237548 viii:664p.; UG Library
574.88 RAS 00093417 Concepts In Molecular Biology Rastogi S.C. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1993 8122404944 | 9788122404944 | 9 1st Ed. 286 p. UG Library
574.88 THA 00131536 Practical biotechnology: Thatoi,Hrudayanath I.K.International pvt ltd., 2017 9789385909160 xiii,520p.; UG Library
574.88 TWY 00045619 Advanced Molecular Biology. Twyman, R M Viva Books Private Limited 1998 8176490024 499p UG Library
574.88 TWY 00045789 Advanced Molecular Biology. Twyman, R M Viva Books Private Limited 1998 8176490024 499p UG Library
574.8809 SAP 04012048 Where the truth lies : Sapp, Jan. Cambridge University Press, 1990 9780521367516 | 0521367514 (pbk.) ix, 340 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
574.893282 ERL 00078083 PCR Technology Erlich, Henry A Oxford University Press 1992 0195098757 | 9780195098754 246 p UG Library
574.8AGRS1 00028251 A Text Book of Cell Biology Agrawal V.P. K. Nath & Co. 1978 1st Ed. 420 p. UG Library
574.90223 WHI 04008010 The Atlas of the Living World / Whitfield, Philip Houghton Mifflin Company, 1989 219 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
574.90223 WHI 03007758 The Atlas of the Living World / Whitfield, Philip Houghton Mifflin Company, 1989 219 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
574.909541 HUM 00065398 Biodiversity of Ladakh Humbert-Droz, Blaise. Sampark 2004 8177680056 243 p. UG Library
574.92 ACH 00116567 Marine Biology Acharya, Manjushree International Scientific Publishing Academy 2011 9788182930339 xiii: 290 p.; UG Library
574.92 CAS 00128470 Marine Biology Castro, Peter Mc Graw-Hill, 2013 9780071318570 9th Edition 462p : . UG Library
574.92 DUB 00067382 Marine Biology Dubey, S K Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2005 8178882965 370 p UG Library
574.92 SID 00137463 Essentials of Marine Biology / Siddaiah Random Publications, 2019 9789352692705 viii,308p.; UG Library
574.929 KHA 00131203 Water biology Khanna,D.R Discovery publishing house pvt ltd., 2018 9789350568880 379p.; UG Library
574ARA 00038960 Modern Biology Text Book for II Puc Aradhya, H S W New Age UG Library
574ARA 00038964 Modern Biology Text Book for II Puc Aradhya, H S W New Age UG Library
574ARA 00038963 Modern Biology Text Book for II Puc Aradhya, H S W New Age UG Library
574ARA 00038961 Modern Biology Text Book for II Puc Aradhya, H S W New Age UG Library
574ARA 00038962 Modern Biology Text Book for II Puc Aradhya, H S W New Age UG Library
574ARA1 00039251 Modern Biology II Puc Aradhya, H S N New Age UG Library
574ARO0 00038720 Modern`s ABC of Biology for II PUC Arora, Bb Modern UG Library
574ARO1 00036801 Modern Abc of Biology for I Puc Arora, B B Modern UG Library
574ARO1 00036803 Modern Abc of Biology for I Puc Arora, B B Modern UG Library
574ARO1 00036804 Modern Abc of Biology for I Puc Arora, B B Modern UG Library
574ARO1 00036805 Modern Abc of Biology for I Puc Arora, B B Modern UG Library
574ARO1 00036802 Modern Abc of Biology for I Puc Arora, B B Modern UG Library
574ARO2 00038717 Modern ABC of Biology for II Puc Arora, B B Modern UG Library
574ARO2 00038718 Modern ABC of Biology for II Puc Arora, B B Modern UG Library
574ARO2 00038719 Modern ABC of Biology for II Puc Arora, B B Modern UG Library
574ARO3 00041704 Modern ABC of Biology II Arora, B B Modern Pub UG Library
574ARO4 00049081 Modern ABC of Biology II Puc Arora, R B Modern UG Library
574BAL1 00026317 Biiology II Puc Balakrishna, T R Pandiths UG Library
574BAL2 00047391 Modern ABC`S of Biology Balachandra Naidu Nedesh UG Library
574BAL2 00047392 Modern ABC`S of Biology Balachandra Naidu Nedesh UG Library
574BAL2 00047393 Modern ABC`S of Biology Balachandra Naidu Nedesh UG Library
574BAL2 00047394 Modern ABC`S of Biology Balachandra Naidu Nedesh UG Library
574BEL 00013718 Text Book of Physical & Biochemistry Bell, Davidson UG Library
574BHA-II 00021734 Second Course in Biology Bhattacharya S.S. Sheth Publishers 1982 1st Ed. 264 p. UG Library
574BHA-II 00021736 Second Course in Biology Bhattacharya S.S. Sheth Publishers 1982 1st Ed. 264 p. UG Library
574BHA-II 00021735 Second Course in Biology Bhattacharya S.S. Sheth Publishers 1982 1st Ed. 264 p. UG Library
574BHA-II 00021737 Second Course in Biology Bhattacharya S.S. Sheth Publishers 1982 1st Ed. 264 p. UG Library
574BHA-II 00021739 Second Course in Biology Bhattacharya S.S. Sheth Publishers 1982 1st Ed. 264 p. UG Library
574BUR 00016075 General Biology Burdict, UG Library
574CSR 00025713 Botany/zoology:Civil Services Examination Preliminary Screening Test C S R, Csr 160 p UG Library
574GAJ 00039416 Text Book of Biology for II Puc Gajaraj, K M Saraswati UG Library
574GAJ 00039417 Text Book of Biology for II Puc Gajaraj, K M Saraswati UG Library
574GAJ 00039418 Text Book of Biology for II Puc Gajaraj, K M Saraswati UG Library
574GAJ 00039419 Text Book of Biology for II Puc Gajaraj, K M Saraswati UG Library
574GAJ 00039420 Text Book of Biology for II Puc Gajaraj, K M Saraswati UG Library
574KAN.II 00021831 Textbook of Biology for II PUC Kantharaj, G R Chetan 388 p UG Library
574KAN.II 00021833 Textbook of Biology for II PUC Kantharaj, G R Chetan 388 p UG Library
574KAN.II 00021834 Textbook of Biology for II PUC Kantharaj, G R Chetan 388 p UG Library
574KAN.II 00021832 Textbook of Biology for II PUC Kantharaj, G R Chetan 388 p UG Library
574KAN.II 00021830 Textbook of Biology for II PUC Kantharaj, G R Chetan 388 p UG Library
574KAN1 00024420 Text of Biolgy for II Puc Kantharaj, G R Chetan Pub UG Library
574KAN1 00024424 Text of Biolgy for II Puc Kantharaj, G R Chetan Pub UG Library
574KAN1 00024426 Text of Biolgy for II Puc Kantharaj, G R Chetan Pub UG Library
574KAN1 00024428 Text of Biolgy for II Puc Kantharaj, G R Chetan Pub UG Library
574KAN1 00024429 Text of Biolgy for II Puc Kantharaj, G R Chetan Pub UG Library
574KAN1 00024427 Text of Biolgy for II Puc Kantharaj, G R Chetan Pub UG Library
574KAN1 00024425 Text of Biolgy for II Puc Kantharaj, G R Chetan Pub UG Library
574KAN1 00024423 Text of Biolgy for II Puc Kantharaj, G R Chetan Pub UG Library
574KAN1 00024421 Text of Biolgy for II Puc Kantharaj, G R Chetan Pub UG Library
574KAN1 00024422 Text of Biolgy for II Puc Kantharaj, G R Chetan Pub UG Library
574MAL 00029438 Experiments in Biology for Class XI Malhotra, S T M H 208 p UG Library
574MAN 00019720 A Text Book of Botany Vol I Suryanarayana, K. United Publishers 1972 206 p. : UG Library
574MAN 00019722 A Text Book of Botany Vol I Suryanarayana, K. United Publishers 1972 206 p. : UG Library
574MBD 00041737 Biology .Vol.I.[for First Year P.U.C] M B D Malhotra Book Depot UG Library
574MBD1 00041691 Companion Biology I M.B.D Malhotra UG Library
574MBD1 00041692 Companion Biology I M.B.D Malhotra UG Library
574MUR 00014105 Puc Biology Murthy, Aruna UG Library
574MUR 00014106 Puc Biology Murthy, Aruna UG Library
574MUR 00014108 Puc Biology Murthy, Aruna UG Library
574MUR 00014110 Puc Biology Murthy, Aruna UG Library
574MUR 00014112 Puc Biology Murthy, Aruna UG Library
574MUR 00014114 Puc Biology Murthy, Aruna UG Library
574MUR 00014113 Puc Biology Murthy, Aruna UG Library
574MUR 00014111 Puc Biology Murthy, Aruna UG Library
574MUR 00014109 Puc Biology Murthy, Aruna UG Library
574MUR 00014107 Puc Biology Murthy, Aruna UG Library
574MUR2 00013745 Text Book of Biology Puc Murthy, Aruna Aruna Pub UG Library
574MUR2 00013746 Text Book of Biology Puc Murthy, Aruna Aruna Pub UG Library
574MUR3 00014009 Puc Biology-(revised) I Murthy, Aruna Aruna Pub UG Library
574MUR3 00014011 Puc Biology-(revised) I Murthy, Aruna Aruna Pub UG Library
574MUR3 00014012 Puc Biology-(revised) I Murthy, Aruna Aruna Pub UG Library
574MUR3 00014010 Puc Biology-(revised) I Murthy, Aruna Aruna Pub UG Library
574MUR3 00014013 Puc Biology-(revised) I Murthy, Aruna Aruna Pub UG Library
574MUR3 00014014 Puc Biology-(revised) I Murthy, Aruna Aruna Pub UG Library
574MUR4 00016342 Puc Biology Murthy, Aruna Aruna Pub UG Library
574MUR4 00016343 Puc Biology Murthy, Aruna Aruna Pub UG Library
574MUR4 00016344 Puc Biology Murthy, Aruna Aruna Pub UG Library
574MUR4 00016345 Puc Biology Murthy, Aruna Aruna Pub UG Library
574MUR5 00037983 Text Book of I Puc Biology Murthy K V, Narayana Excellent UG Library
574MUR5 00037992 Text Book of I Puc Biology Murthy K V, Narayana Excellent UG Library
574MUR5 00037987 Text Book of I Puc Biology Murthy K V, Narayana Excellent UG Library
574MUR5 00037988 Text Book of I Puc Biology Murthy K V, Narayana Excellent UG Library
574MUR5 00037989 Text Book of I Puc Biology Murthy K V, Narayana Excellent UG Library
574MUR5 00037991 Text Book of I Puc Biology Murthy K V, Narayana Excellent UG Library
574MUR5 00037990 Text Book of I Puc Biology Murthy K V, Narayana Excellent UG Library
574MUR5 00037986 Text Book of I Puc Biology Murthy K V, Narayana Excellent UG Library
574MUR5 00037984 Text Book of I Puc Biology Murthy K V, Narayana Excellent UG Library
574NAI 00024687 Text Book of Puc Biology Naidu, Murthy Prakash Sahithya UG Library
574NAI 00024688 Text Book of Puc Biology Naidu, Murthy Prakash Sahithya UG Library
574NAI.K.I 00021890 Textbook of Biology for I PUC Naidy, Srinivasa B K Prakash 328 p UG Library
574NAI.K.I 00021892 Textbook of Biology for I PUC Naidy, Srinivasa B K Prakash 328 p UG Library
574NAI.K.I 00021891 Textbook of Biology for I PUC Naidy, Srinivasa B K Prakash 328 p UG Library
574NAI.M.II 00021893 Textbook of Biology. Vol II Naidu, Srinivasa B V Prakash 380 p UG Library
574NAI.M.II 00021894 Textbook of Biology. Vol II Naidu, Srinivasa B V Prakash 380 p UG Library
574NAI.M.II 00021895 Textbook of Biology. Vol II Naidu, Srinivasa B V Prakash 380 p UG Library
574NAI1 00027873 Text Book of Biology Naidu, B V Prakash Sahithya UG Library
574NAI1 00027876 Text Book of Biology Naidu, B V Prakash Sahithya UG Library
574NAI1 00027877 Text Book of Biology Naidu, B V Prakash Sahithya UG Library
574NAI1 00027875 Text Book of Biology Naidu, B V Prakash Sahithya UG Library
574NAI1 00027874 Text Book of Biology Naidu, B V Prakash Sahithya UG Library
574NAI2 00034152 Text Book of I Puc Biology Nair, P K Himalaya Pub UG Library
574NAI2 00034153 Text Book of I Puc Biology Nair, P K Himalaya Pub UG Library
574NAI2 00034154 Text Book of I Puc Biology Nair, P K Himalaya Pub UG Library
574NAI2 00034156 Text Book of I Puc Biology Nair, P K Himalaya Pub UG Library
574NAI2 00034155 Text Book of I Puc Biology Nair, P K Himalaya Pub UG Library
574NAI3 00036683 Text Book of Biology I Puc Nair, P K G HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
574NAI3 00036690 Text Book of Biology I Puc Nair, P K G HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
574NAI3 00036692 Text Book of Biology I Puc Nair, P K G HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
574NAI3 00036691 Text Book of Biology I Puc Nair, P K G HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
574NAI3 00036689 Text Book of Biology I Puc Nair, P K G HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
574NAI3 00036685 Text Book of Biology I Puc Nair, P K G HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
574NAI3 00036686 Text Book of Biology I Puc Nair, P K G HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
574NAI3 00036688 Text Book of Biology I Puc Nair, P K G HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
574NAI3 00036687 Text Book of Biology I Puc Nair, P K G HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
574NAI3 00036684 Text Book of Biology I Puc Nair, P K G HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
574NAIM 00026316 Biology II Puc Naidu, Murthy Prakash Sahithya UG Library
574NAR.1 00037985 TEXT BOOK OF BIOLOGY I PUC Murthy, K V Excellent 664 P. UG Library
574RAM 00026595 Prac.Exercises in Objective Type for Eng & Med.Entrance Examinations:Biolog Ramachandra, R Eee 174 p UG Library
574RAO 00014682 Puc Biology Ram Sudhakar, Geetha Book House UG Library
574RAO 00014681 Puc Biology Ram Sudhakar, Geetha Book House UG Library
574REN 00021229 T/b of Biology for I Puc Renukumar, S.Chand Company Ltd 264 p UG Library
574REN 00021234 T/b of Biology for I Puc Renukumar, S.Chand Company Ltd 264 p UG Library
574REN 00021232 T/b of Biology for I Puc Renukumar, S.Chand Company Ltd 264 p UG Library
574REN 00021231 T/b of Biology for I Puc Renukumar, S.Chand Company Ltd 264 p UG Library
574REN 00021230 T/b of Biology for I Puc Renukumar, S.Chand Company Ltd 264 p UG Library
574REN 00021233 TEXTBOOK OF BIOLOGY for I PUC Renukumar, B M S Chand UG Library
574REN 00020636 Textbook of Biology: Vol I Renukumar, B M Praakasha Sahitya 295 p UG Library
574REN 00020637 Textbook of Biology: Vol I Renukumar, B M Praakasha Sahitya 295 p UG Library
574REN.II 00021835 Textbook of Biology Vol II Renukumar, B M S Chand 274 p UG Library
574REN.II 00021836 Textbook of Biology Vol II Renukumar, B M S Chand 274 p UG Library
574REN.II 00021838 Textbook of Biology Vol II Renukumar, B M S Chand 274 p UG Library
574REN.II 00021839 Textbook of Biology Vol II Renukumar, B M S Chand 274 p UG Library
574REN.II 00021837 Textbook of Biology Vol II Renukumar, B M S Chand 274 p UG Library
574REN2 00024691 Text Book of Puc Biology Renukumar, S Chand & Co. UG Library
574RENS 00007080 Text Book of Biology for 2nd Year p u c Renukumar, B M Renuka Pub UG Library
574RENS 00007082 Text Book of Biology for 2nd Year p u c Renukumar, B M Renuka Pub UG Library
574RENS 00007089 Text Book of Biology for 2nd Year p u c Renukumar, B M Renuka Pub UG Library
574RENS 00007088 Text Book of Biology for 2nd Year p u c Renukumar, B M Renuka Pub UG Library
574RENS 00007087 Text Book of Biology for 2nd Year p u c Renukumar, B M Renuka Pub UG Library
574RENS 00007086 Text Book of Biology for 2nd Year p u c Renukumar, B M Renuka Pub UG Library
574RENS 00007085 Text Book of Biology for 2nd Year p u c Renukumar, B M Renuka Pub UG Library
574RENS 00007084 Text Book of Biology for 2nd Year p u c Renukumar, B M Renuka Pub UG Library
574RENS 00007083 Text Book of Biology for 2nd Year p u c Renukumar, B M Renuka Pub UG Library
574RENS 00007081 Text Book of Biology for 2nd Year p u c Renukumar, B M Renuka Pub UG Library
574SHA1 00036858 I Puc Biology Text Shakuntala, Kalra Interline UG Library
574SHA1 00036862 I Puc Biology Text Shakuntala, Kalra Interline UG Library
574SHA1 00036861 I Puc Biology Text Shakuntala, Kalra Interline UG Library
574SHA1 00036859 I Puc Biology Text Shakuntala, Kalra Interline UG Library
574SHA1 00036860 I Puc Biology Text Shakuntala, Kalra Interline UG Library
574SUD.V 00020867 Textbook of I Puc Biology - New Syllabus Sudhakara Rao, M Geetha 290 p UG Library
574SUD.V 00020871 Textbook of I Puc Biology - New Syllabus Sudhakara Rao, M Geetha 290 p UG Library
574SUD.V 00020870 Textbook of I Puc Biology - New Syllabus Sudhakara Rao, M Geetha 290 p UG Library
574SUD.V 00020872 Textbook of I Puc Biology - New Syllabus Sudhakara Rao, M Geetha 290 p UG Library
574SUD.V 00020869 Textbook of I Puc Biology - New Syllabus Sudhakara Rao, M Geetha 290 p UG Library
574SUD.V 00020868 Textbook of I Puc Biology - New Syllabus Sudhakara Rao, M Geetha 290 p UG Library
574SUD1 00014004 Biology Puc I Sushakar, Rao Geetha Book House UG Library
574SUD1 00014005 Biology Puc I Sushakar, Rao Geetha Book House UG Library
574SUD1 00014007 Biology Puc I Sushakar, Rao Geetha Book House UG Library
574SUD1 00014008 Biology Puc I Sushakar, Rao Geetha Book House UG Library
574SUD1 00014006 Biology Puc I Sushakar, Rao Geetha Book House UG Library
574SUD3 00006935 P u c Biology Rao, Sudhakar Geetha UG Library
574SUD4 00027878 Text Book of Puc Biology Sudhakar Rao, M Geetha Book House UG Library
574SUD4 00027880 Text Book of Puc Biology Sudhakar Rao, M Geetha Book House UG Library
574SUD4 00027882 Text Book of Puc Biology Sudhakar Rao, M Geetha Book House UG Library
574SUD4 00027879 Text Book of Puc Biology Sudhakar Rao, M Geetha Book House UG Library
574SUD5 00033331 Text Book for II Puc Biology Sudhakar Rao, M Geetha Book House UG Library
574SUD6 00040018 Text Book of Puc Biology Sudhakar Rao Geetha Book House UG Library
574SUN1 00051457 College Botany for I B.Sc Sundararajan, S Himalaya 442p UG Library
574SUN5 00038946 Pre University Biology Sundara Rajan, S Vaydhana Pub UG Library
574SUN6 00038948 Pre-University Biology Sundara Rajan, S Vandhana Pub UG Library
574SUN6 00038950 Pre-University Biology Sundara Rajan, S Vandhana Pub UG Library
574SUN6 00038951 Pre-University Biology Sundara Rajan, S Vandhana Pub UG Library
574SUN6 00038949 Pre-University Biology Sundara Rajan, S Vandhana Pub UG Library
574SUN7 00047438 II Puc Biology Sundarajan, S Vardhana UG Library
574SUR 00013740 Text Book of Biology Puc Suryanarayana, A Bharat Book UG Library
574SUR 00013741 Text Book of Biology Puc Suryanarayana, A Bharat Book UG Library
574SUR1 00040901 C.E.T Biology Sureshnath, M C Deepa Pub UG Library
574TAY3 00068610 Biological Science Taylor, D J 0521639239 984p UG Library
574THU. 00049564 New Expert Biology - Vol I for I PUC Thulajappa, P L Expert 492p UG Library
574THU. 00049565 New Expert Biology - Vol I for I PUC Thulajappa, P L Expert 492p UG Library
574THU. 00049566 New Expert Biology - Vol I for I PUC Thulajappa, P L Expert 492p UG Library
574THU.S.I 00028438 Text Book of Biology for I Puc Thulajap, A Y Eee 414 p UG Library
574VEN 00019708 Textbook of Biology Venkateshman, United Pub UG Library
574VEN 00019711 Textbook of Biology Venkateshman, United Pub UG Library
574VEN 00019709 Textbook of Biology Venkateshman, United Pub UG Library
574VEN 00019710 Textbook of Biology Venkateshman, United Pub UG Library
574VEN.II 00021807 Text Book of Biology for II PUC Venkatraman, P United Pub 310 p UG Library
574VEN.II 00021806 Text Book of Biology for II PUC Venkatraman, P United Pub 310 p UG Library
574VEN.II 00021811 Text Book of Biology for II PUC Venkatraman, P United Pub 310 p UG Library
574VEN.II 00021810 Text Book of Biology for II PUC Venkatraman, P United Pub 310 p UG Library
574VEN.II 00021808 Text Book of Biology for II PUC Venkatraman, P United Pub 310 p UG Library
574VEN.II 00021809 Text Book of Biology for II PUC Venkatraman, P United Pub 310 p UG Library
574VEN2 00006914 Text Book of Biology Venkataraman, P United UG Library
574VEN2 00006915 Text Book of Biology Venkataraman, P United UG Library
574VEN4 00024689 Text Book of Puc Biology Venkataraman, United UG Library
574VEN4 00024690 Text Book of Puc Biology Venkataraman, United UG Library
574VEN5 00026318 Text Book of Biology II Puc Venkataraman, P UG Library
574VEN5 00026319 Text Book of Biology II Puc Venkataraman, P UG Library
574VEN6 00027883 Text Book of Biology for I PUC Venkatraman, P Subhas Pub UG Library
574VEN6 00027887 Text Book of Biology for I PUC Venkatraman, P Subhas Pub UG Library
574VEN6 00027886 Text Book of Biology for I PUC Venkatraman, P Subhas Pub UG Library
574VEN6 00027884 Text Book of Biology for I PUC Venkatraman, P Subhas Pub UG Library
574VEN6 00027885 Text Book of Biology for I PUC Venkatraman, P Subhas Pub UG Library
574VER 00019286 Cell Biology, Genetics Evolution and Ecology Verma, P S S Chand 600 p UG Library
574YAS.R 00036713 Text Book of Biology Yashwanth Gowda, UNITED PUBLISHER 472p UG Library
574YAS.R 00036715 Text Book of Biology Yashwanth Gowda, UNITED PUBLISHER 472p UG Library
574YAS.R 00036716 Text Book of Biology Yashwanth Gowda, UNITED PUBLISHER 472p UG Library
574YAS.R 00036717 Text Book of Biology Yashwanth Gowda, UNITED PUBLISHER 472p UG Library
574YAS.R 00036714 Text Book of Biology Yashwanth Gowda, UNITED PUBLISHER 472p UG Library
574YASR5 00038821 Text Bok of Biology Volume II Yashwanth Gowda, B A United 724 p UG Library
574YASR5 00038822 Text Bok of Biology Volume II Yashwanth Gowda, B A United 724 p UG Library
574YASR5 00038823 Text Bok of Biology Volume II Yashwanth Gowda, B A United 724 p UG Library
575 RAS 00129613 Organic Evolution Rastogi, Veer Bala Midtech, 2018 9789386800008 thirteen edt: xviii.: 588 p.: UG Library
575 RAS 00121794 Organic Evolution Rastogi,Bala Veer . MedTec 2014 9789381714515 404p. UG Library
575 BOH 00119064 Molecular Plant Pathology Bohra, J.S. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2014 9788126159048 270p.; UG Library
575 DAR 00052271 The Origin of Species Darwin,Charles. General Book Depot 2000 479 p. UG Library
575 DAR 07007247 The Origin of Species Darwin,Charles. General Book Depot 2000 479 p. Library - BR Campus
575 DAR 07007382 The origin of species / Darwin, Charles Happer Pulicatin, 2011 9780007902231 604p. Library - BR Campus
575 DAR 01029625 The world's most famous court trial : Darrow, Clarence. Law & Justice Publishing Co, 2023 9789393850867 339p.; Knowledge Centre
575 DAW 03012193 The Extended Selfish Gene : Dawking, Richard Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198788782 40th ed. ; xxxi, 543p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
575 ELL 00116864 Handbook of Biological Science Ellison Fergie Agrotech Press, 2014 9789383101337 268 p.: UG Library
575 ENO 00033670 EVOLUTION OR CREATION Enoch, H UESI 172 UG Library
575 HEA 00016590 Readings in Genetics and Evolution Head J.J. Oxford University Press 1973 P.V. UG Library
575 LEA 00019027 Origins Leakey,Richard E. E.P. Dutton 1977 269 p. UG Library
575 MCM 04012156 Hypersea : McMenamin, Mark A. Columbia University Press, 1994 0231075308 (acidfree paper) | xvi, 343 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
575 NAY 00029244 Advanced Organic Evolution Chandrasekharan, Nayar M Sudarsana 439 p UG Library
575 OME 00131204 Bioenergies and clean enviornment. Omer,Abdeen Mustafa Discovery publishing house pvt ltd., 2018 9789386841384 256p.; UG Library
575 PAT 05033602 Evolution / Colin Patterson British Museum (Natural History) 1978 9780565007831 196 p.; Knowledge Centre
575 PRA 00139230 Objective Genetics / Prasad,B K. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789327275414 Rep. 468p.; UG Library
575 RAS 00132643 Organic evolution Rastogi,Veer Bala Medtech, 2018 9789387025486 3rd ed., x,405p.; UG Library
575 RID 00108952 Evolution Ridley Mark Blackwell: 1996 9780632042920 | 9780632042920 2nd ed. xxi, 719 p. UG Library
575 RID 00029405 The Problems of Evolution. Ridley, Mark OXFORD 1986 166P UG Library
575 SET 00146960 Malayali Oru Janithaka Vayana Sethuraman, K DC Books 2023 9789389445473 496p UG Library
575 SIN 00139229 Objective Genetics / Singh,Phundan. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789327269413 Rep. 415p.; UG Library
575 WES 00058283 Bioinfomatics Westhead D.R. Viva Books Private Limited 2003 8176494194 | 9788176494199 viii; 257 p. UG Library
575..1 SUN 00059585 Genetics Rajan, Sundara S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126106409 442p UG Library
575.001 MCC 04030046 Introduction to Metaphysics / McCarthy, Gabby ED Tech Press, 2018 9781788823753 289p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
575.0092 DAR 00109434 Autobiography Of Charles Darwin Darwin Francis Rupa.Co 2003 9788129100597 146 p. UG Library
575.016 NEL 00126737 Illustrate A to Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants' Nelson,Jim Time-Life Books 2001 034406206322 544 p.: UG Library
575.016 ARV 00122402 Textbook of Forensic Chemistry Arvind, Udai Centrum Press, 2013 9789350843031 296 p:. UG Library
575.016 KUM 00120354 Microbial Physiology Kumari, S Meena MJP Publishers 2006 9788180940132 345p. UG Library
575.016 PAU 00123526 Handbook of Disease Causing Microbes Paul, Jaishree Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 2016 9789385462054 xvi, 336 p:. UG Library
575.016 SIN 00124706 Microbes: in action Singh, Joginder Agrobios India 2015 9788177545760 412p. UG Library
575.0162 WAT 00075039 Darwin:The Indelible Stamp the Evolution of an Idea Watson, James D 0762421363 1257p UG Library
575.0162HOD 00068408 Darwin Hodge, Jonathan 0521777305 481p UG Library
575.0162MAY 00084324 Theory of Evolution Maynard Smith, John 0521451280 354p UG Library
575.1 BRI 04008144 Britannica Illustrated Science Library / Britannica Illustrated Science Library 2009 9781593398453 101p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
575.1 AGA 00093290 Statistical analysis of quantitative genetics AGARWAL B.L New Age International 8122420397 243p UG Library
575.1 AGA 00093289 Statistical analysis of quantitative genetics AGARWAL B.L New Age International 8122420397 243p UG Library
575.1 ARC 00055159 Bioinformatics and Human Genome Misra, Archana Authors Press 2001 8172730721 329p UG Library
575.1 ARU 00131486 Quantitative genetics for quality experimentation Arunachalam V Viva Books 2017 9788130918020 318p. UG Library
575.1 BOR 00008466 The Code of Life Borek, Ernest. Columbia University Press 1965 xi; 226 p. UG Library
575.1 CHR 05054368 Measuring selection in natural populations / Springer-Verlag, 1977 0387084355 xxxi, 564 p. : Knowledge Centre
575.1 GRI 00112634 Beginner`s Guide Genetics Griffiths A, Guttman B Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851683046 308 UG Library
575.1 GRI 00072035 Beginner`s Guide Genetics Griffiths A, Guttman B Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851683046 308 UG Library
575.1 GRI 00048112 Modern Genetic Analysis Griffiths, J F Anthony 1998 0716731185 675p UG Library
575.1 HIC 00057974 Instant Notes Geneticds Winter, P C Viva Books Private Limited 2003 8176494208 374p UG Library
575.1 KAM 00124705 Genetic basic of growth and development Kamalvanshi Mahendra Random Publishers 2015 9789351115939 264p. UG Library
575.1 KRI 00139268 Principles of Genetics and Cytogenetics / Krishnan,V. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327272086 381p.; UG Library
575.1 MAR 05054367 Stochastic problems in population genetics / Maruyama, Takeo, Springer-Verlag, 1977 0387083499 viii, 245 p. ; Knowledge Centre
575.1 MIG 00077866 Developmental Genetics Miglani, Gurbachan S ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA PVT.LTD 2006 8188237590 765p UG Library
575.1 MOO 00081702 Principles of Developmental Genetics Moody, Sally A Academic Press 1055p UG Library
575.1 NAG 05054365 Selection in one- and two-locus systems / Nagylaki, Thomas, Springer-Verlag, 1977 0387082476 vii, 208 p. : Knowledge Centre
575.1 NAR 00052624 Heredity and Genetics Narain, Rabindra 2000 154p UG Library
575.1 NAR 00052625 Heredity and Genetics Narain, Rabindra 2000 154p UG Library
575.1 PAV 00108961 Textbook Of Genetics ed by,Pavlovic Tatiana Apple Academics: 2010 9781926686943 320 p. UG Library
575.1 POW 00066797 Genetics Power, C B HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2003 8178662515 1031p UG Library
575.1 POW 00066798 Genetics Power, C B HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2003 8178662515 1031p UG Library
575.1 SIN 00013671 Principles of Genetics Sinnot,Edmund W. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd 1959 5th ed 459 p. UG Library
575.1 SKI 04007423 Genetics or the health sciences : Skirton, Heather Viva Books, 2010 9788130913650 xii, 225p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
575.1 SUZ 04015406 An Introduction to genetic analysis / Suzuki, David T. W.H. Freeman, 1986 0716717050 3rd ed. x, 612 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
575.1 TOM 00103508 Handbook of genetics and biotechnology: Tomar Rukam.S New India publishing agency; 9788190723794 763 p. UG Library
575.1 WAT 00005736 Double Helix Watson, James D Windenfe 1965 240 p UG Library
575.1 WHI 00009672 Towards an Understanding of the Mechanism of Heredity Whitehouse H.L.K. The English Language Book Society 1969 2nd Ed. 447 p. UG Library
575.1018 BUL 00027820 The Mathematical Theory of Quantitative Genetics Bulmer M.G. Oxford University Press 1980 0198575300 254 p. UG Library
575.103 REE 00062547 Encyclopaedia of Genetics Reeve, E C R Standard Book House 2004 Vol.1-2 448p UG Library
575.103 REE 00062548 Encyclopaedia of Genetics Reeve, E C R Standard Book House 2004 Vol.1-2 448p UG Library
575.107 PRI 07010550 Principles of Gene Manipulation Primrose, S B 2004 0632059540 390p Library - BR Campus
575.107 PRI 07010551 Principles of Gene Manipulation Primrose, S B 2004 0632059540 390p Library - BR Campus
575.107 PRI 07010552 Principles of Gene Manipulation Primrose, S B 2004 0632059540 390p Library - BR Campus
575.10724 PRI 00067112 Principles of Gene Manipulation Primrose, S B 2004 0632059540 390p UG Library
575.1BUR1 00028247 Science of Genetics : an Introduction to Heredity Burns, W George Macmillan Co., 1986 515 p.; UG Library
575.1HAR 04008344 Essential Genetics Hartl,Daniel L. Jones And Bartles Publishers 1996 0086720883 | 9780867208832 458 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
575.1RAS1 00028266 A Text Book of Genetics Rastogi, Bala Veer. Kedar Nath Ram Nath 1987 5th Ed. 547 p. UG Library
575.1STE.C 00028249 Molecular Genetics: An Introduction Narrative Stent, S Gunther Cbs 768 p UG Library
575.1YAD 00073949 Textbook of Genetics [DHARAMARAM LIBRARY] Yadav P R Campus Books 8187815566 444p UG Library
575.21 GIL 00000502 Comparative Embryology of the Verteleater Gilseath, Esmach M G H 1953 982 p.: UG Library
575.21 NAH 00116563 Handbook of Cell, Genetic and Microbial Biotechnology Naha, Surendra Dominant Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd, 2014 9789382007463 561 p.; UG Library
575.2433 GRA 04013716 Classical fourier analysis / Gradakos, Loukas Springer, 2008 9788132204060 2nd ed. xvi , 489 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
575.4359 BRA 00138964 Spectroscopic properties of natural flavonoids Brahmachari, Goutam World scientific publishing, 2019 9789813275683 xxiii.,326p.; UG Library
575.5 KLU 00119998 Essentials Of Genetics Klung,William S. Pearson Prentice Hall 2005 9780131435100 5th Ed. xvii; 568 p. UG Library
575.5 KLU 00109254 Essentials Of Genetics Klung,William S. Pearson Prentice Hall 2005 9780131435100 5th Ed. xvii; 568 p. UG Library
575.5 MOO 00020735 Evolution Moore, Rath Time-Life Books 1974 192 p UG Library
575.54 DOR 05056842 Biotechnology of hairy root systems / Springer, 2013 9783642390180 (alk. paper) | 3 vii, 159 pages : Knowledge Centre
575.54 HER 00129228 Plant Roots Herman, Gerald Oxford, 2018 9789350303269 296 p.: UG Library
575.5733 DAS 00133524 Morphology and anatomy of leaf Das,Susheela M Paradise press, 2018 9789386194213 281p.; UG Library
575.5DAW 00072007 Selfish Gene [dharmaram Library] Dawloms, Richard 0199291144 360 UG Library
575.5GLA 00006193 Genetics Glarja, Honegger Laveter Dell Books UG Library
575.6 WIN 00001189 Genetics Winchester, A.m Ibh 504p UG Library
575.60954 KAP 00131865 Plant reporductive biology and conservation Kapoor,Rupam I.K.International publishing house pvt ltd., 2015 9789382332909 xxii,468p.; UG Library
575.63 SPI 04005958 Vector Analysis: 480 Fully Solved Problems Spiegel, Murray R Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070682580 238 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
575.63 SPI 04005957 Vector Analysis: 480 Fully Solved Problems Spiegel, Murray R Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2009 9780070682580 238 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
575.7 TEM 00045906 Modern Entomology Tembhare D.B. Himalaya Publishing House 1997 8174933506 1st Ed. 623 p. UG Library
575.764 FRA 00138818 Chemical Elements in Plants and soil : Franzle,Stefan. Springer, 2020 9789402418101 viii,196p.; UG Library
575.8 WIL 04003772 Spark of Life: Darwin and the Primeval Soup Wills, Christorpher Perseus 2000 0738201960 291 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
575.9 TRE 00119829 Plant behaviour and intelligence / Trewavas, Anthony. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199539543 xii:291p.; UG Library
575.9 TRE 00121540 Plant behaviour and intelligence / Trewavas, Anthony. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199539543 xii:291p.; UG Library
575HAR1 00009996 Gene Action Hartman, Philip Prentice -Hall UG Library
575RAS 00020548 Organic Evolution Rastogi, Veer Bala Midtech, 2018 9789386800008 thirteen edt: xviii.: 588 p.: UG Library
576 CHA 00070552 Textbook of Microbiology Chakraborty, P New Central Book Agency Pvt.Ltd 2006 0008173818 720p UG Library
576 DUB 00051634 Text Book of Microbiology Maheshwari, D K S Chand 1999 682p UG Library
576 GRA 00000479 Witton`s Microbiology Gray Young, Genevier Mc Graw Hill pv UG Library
576 HER 04017518 Introductory Microbiology / Heritage, J. CUP, 1996 9788175961036 234p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
576 KAN 00092855 Laboratory Manual in General Microbiology Kannan N Panima Publishing Corporation 8186535405 315p UG Library
576 KOT 00008826 Concepts of Genetics Kotpal R L Rastogi 1980 255 p UG Library
576 KUM 00131934 Concepts of genetics Kumar,Bhupendra SBW publishers, 2014 9788185708256 282p.; UG Library
576 MAH 00077864 Biotechnological Applications of Microorganisms Maheshwari D K ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA PVT.LTD 2006 8188237973 400p UG Library
576 MAR 00135741 Essentials of microbiology / Marques,Patricia Arcler press, 2018 9781680945294 (hardcover) 266p.; UG Library
576 MOA 00055853 Microbial Physilogy Moat, Albert G 2002 0471394831 715p UG Library
576 MUK 00126943 The Gen Mukherjee,Siddhartha Penguin Books 2016 592p UG Library
576 PAT 00122793 Introductory Microbiology Pathak, D V Daya Publishing House, 2015 9789351243267 162 p:. UG Library
576 RAJ 00072943 Genetical and Biochemical Applications of Microbiology Rajvaidya,Neelima. APH Publishing Corporation 2006 8131300005 | 9788131300008 345 p. UG Library
576 RAT 00138002 Essentials of microbiology Rathoure,A.K Brillion publishing, 2018 9788193404638 xxvi,663p.; UG Library
576 RED 00093431 General Microbiology Reddy,Rajeshwar.k New Age International 9788122426717 310p UG Library
576 RED 00093422 General Microbiology Reddy,Rajeshwar.k New Age International 9788122426717 310p UG Library
576 SAG 00093499 MCQs in Microbiology Sagar,Vidya.G New age international 9788122423525 81p UG Library
576 SAR 00098251 Animal Stem Cells Sarkar Amita Discovery Publishing house Pvt.Ltd 9788183564021 318p UG Library
576 SAR 00097594 Animal Stem Cells Sarkar Amita Discovery Publishing house Pvt.Ltd 9788183564021 318p UG Library
576 SCH 00132995 General microbiology / Schlegel, Hans Günter, Cambridge University Press, 1993 052143372X (hardback) | 0521439809 (pbk.) 7th ed. xvii, 655 p. : UG Library
576 SCH 00046080 General Microbiology Schlegel, Hans G Cambridge University Press 1995 0521498503 xi:655p UG Library
576 SHA 00067995 Manual of Microbiology Tools & Techniques Sharma, Kanika Ane Books 2008 8180521435 405p UG Library
576 SIN 00116855 Textbook of Microbiology Singh Balvinder Globalmedik Health Science Publishers. 2011 9788190401180 xi, 622 p.: UG Library
576 TIW 00080251 Laboratory Techniques in Microbiology & Biotechnology Tiwari, R P Abhishek Publications 2004 8182470773 189p UG Library
576 VAR 00077863 Biotechnological Applications of Microbes Varma, Ajit ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA PVT.LTD 2007 8188237310 350p UG Library
576.03 BEL 04029732 Environmental Microbilogy / Belic, Biljana Apple Academic, 2018 9781926686776 304 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
576.03 ROB 00098788 Genetics Robinson Thomson: 9780028656076 312 p. UG Library
576.03 ROB 00098789 Genetics Robinson Thomson: 9780028656076 312 p. UG Library
576.03 ROB 00098790 Genetics Robinson Thomson: 9780028656076 312 p. UG Library
576.03 ROB 00098791 Genetics Robinson Thomson: 9780028656076 312 p. UG Library
576.076 AGG 00132986 A textbook of objective microbiology Aggarwal,R.M Wisdom press, 2017 6789411052382 232p. UG Library
576.1192 NOB 00029502 Microorganisms and Man Nobel W.C. Arnold-Heinemann 1979 72 p. UG Library
576.136 MAL 00109849 Microbial Genetics Maloy,Stanly R. Narosa Publishing House 2006 9788173196973 2nd Ed. xxiii; 525 p. UG Library
576.139 SRI 00059587 Genetics of Micro-Organisms Srivastava,Sharad. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 1995 8174880771 1st Ed. 346 p. UG Library
576.139 SUN 00059582 Genetics AND Physiology OF Microbes Rajan, Sundara S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126113677 463p UG Library
576.139 VER 00129029 Molecular genetics of plant-microbe interactions : Verma D P S M. Nijhoff ; | Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1987 9024734266 | 9789024734269 xxxii, 338 p. : UG Library
576.15 MAI 00069151 Environmental Microbiology Maier, Raina M Elsevier 8131202534 585p UG Library
576.15 MOH 00118750 Textbook of Environmental Microbiology Mohapatra, Pradipta K. I.K.International Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2008 9788190656672 xii:533p.; UG Library
576.163 ADA 00132522 Food microbiology: M,Adam Medtech, 2014 9789381714614 xviii,418p.; UG Library
576.163 ANE 00138127 Modern food microbiology Aneja, K. R MedTech, 2018 9789386800022 xii,648p.; UG Library
576.163 SPA 00082683 Food Flavors and Chemistry Advances of the New Millennium [msc.Chemistry Section] Spanier, Arthur H 0854048758 647p UG Library
576.164 YAD 00131620 The DBS handbook of industrial microbiology Adav,Amit DBS imprints. 2017 9789384229634 xxv,719p.; UG Library
576.165 DES 00122791 Current Research in Biochemistry and Microbiology Deshmukh, A M Oxford Book Company, 2015 9789350302125 xiv, 246 p:. UG Library
576.19096 GAU 04017480 Advances in Environmental Biopollution / Gaur, P.K. Oxford book company, 2012 9789350300060 307p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
576.192 CHR 00138828 Microbial Enzymes in Aquatic Environments / Springer-Verlag, 2020 9781071600795 xviii,317p.; UG Library
576.5 BAL 00133522 Paradise dictionary of genetics Balwan,Wahied Khawar Paradise press, 2018 9789386194305 269p.; UG Library
576.5 BAS 00126627 Principles of Genetics S.B. Basu Books and Allied PVt, 2016 IN vi, 566 p.: UG Library
576.5 BAS 00126628 Principles of Genetics S.B. Basu Books and Allied PVt, 2016 IN vi, 566 p.: UG Library
576.5 DAW 04003767 Selfish Gene Dawkins, Richard Oxford Universtiy Press 2009 9780195690668 360 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
576.5 ELR 04011549 Genetics/ Elrod Susan Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd, 2009 9780070139190 4th ed. xii, I.19 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
576.5 GAR 00084098 Principles of Genetics. Gardner,John Eldon. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1994 0471504874 8th Ed. 649 p. UG Library
576.5 GAR 00077508 Principles of Genetics. Gardner,John Eldon. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1994 0471504874 8th Ed. 649 p. UG Library
576.5 GAR 00077509 Principles of Genetics. Gardner,John Eldon. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1994 0471504874 8th Ed. 649 p. UG Library
576.5 GAR 00077507 Principles of Genetics. Gardner,John Eldon. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1994 0471504874 8th Ed. 649 p. UG Library
576.5 GAR 00077510 Principles of Genetics. Gardner,John Eldon. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1994 0471504874 8th Ed. 649 p. UG Library
576.5 KLU 00127324 Essntials of Genetics Kulg, William .A Pearson, 2017 9781292108865 546 p.: UG Library
576.5 LAC 00097457 From Genetics To Mathematics World Scientific; 9789812837240 219p UG Library
576.5 PAN 00109198 Cytology,Genetics And Molecular Genetics Pandey B.N. Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited 2012 9780071330022 xi; 524 p. UG Library
576.5 PAN 00109199 Cytology,Genetics And Molecular Genetics Pandey B.N. Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited 2012 9780071330022 xi; 524 p. UG Library
576.5 SHI 00133108 Elements of genetics Shinde,Sanjay N. Oxford book company, 2018 9789350304747 viii,241p.; UG Library
576.5 SIN 00139170 Fundamentals of Genetics : Singh,B D. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327283099 341p.; UG Library
576.5 SNU 00141582 Principles of genetics Snustad,D Peter John Wiley and sons, 2019 9781119657552 7th ed., xx,627p.; UG Library
576.5 ABH 00146010 Genetics / Abhishek,Akhil Asia Publishers, 2023 9788119391240 x, 292p. ; UG Library
576.5 AGR 00029482 A Textbook of Genetics Agrawal V.P. K.Nath & Co. 1976 1st Ed. 249 p. UG Library
576.5 AHL 00093291 Genetics Ahluwalia,karvita B. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1985 0852260113 | 9780852260111 1st Ed. 372 p. UG Library
576.5 AHL 00093292 Genetics Ahluwalia,karvita B. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1985 0852260113 | 9780852260111 1st Ed. 372 p. UG Library
576.5 AHL 00026839 Genetics Ahluwalia,Bhutiani Karvita. Wiley Eastern Ltd 1985 372 p. UG Library
576.5 AHL 00074949 Genetics Ahluwalia,karvita B. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1985 0852260113 | 9780852260111 1st Ed. 372 p. UG Library
576.5 AHL 00067770 Genetics Ahluwalia,karvita B. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 1985 0852260113 | 9780852260111 1st Ed. 372 p. UG Library
576.5 ALT 00029499 Genetics Altenburg, Edgar. Oxford & IBH Pubishing Co. 1987 496 p. UG Library
576.5 ARO 00059583 Genetics and Organic Evoluation Arora,Reeta. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd. 1998 8126100575 1st Ed. 360 p. UG Library
576.5 ARO 00063478 Fundamentals of Genetics Arora,Mohan P. Himalayan Publishing House 2004 1st Ed. 429 p. UG Library
576.5 ARO 00028245 Genetics Arora, Mohan P. Himalaya Publishing House, 1987 1st Ed. 366 p.; UG Library
576.5 ARO 00055144 Genetics Arora Mohan P. Himalaya Publishing House 2000 8174937587 4th Ed. 456 p. UG Library
576.5 BAL 00015876 Genetics Baldwin,Roger E. JohnWiley & Sons Inc 1973 296 p. UG Library
576.5 BAL 00141236 Animal genetics and genomics Balwan,Wahied Khawar Random publications, 2021 9789352697038 viii,296p.; UG Library
576.5 BAN 00120148 Problems on Genetics, Molecular Genetics Evolutionary Genetics Banerjee Kr, Pranab New Central Book Agency Ltd, 2013 9788173814983 xiv, 646 p.: UG Library
576.5 BEH 00067372 Genetics Through Problems Behera B.N. Sarupa and Sons 2004 0817625438 1st Ed. 179 p. UG Library
576.5 BER 01016994 Justice in genetics : Bernier, Louise. Edward Elgar Pub., 2010 9781848443150 (hardback) p. cm. Knowledge Centre
576.5 BON 00003931 Heredity Bonner,David M. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1968 2nd Ed. 115 p. UG Library
576.5 BUR 00012892 The Science of Genetics: an Introduction to Heredity Burns,George W. The Macmillan Co 1969 400 p. UG Library
576.5 BUR 00045902 Exercises in Applied Genetics Burnet, Lynn. Cambridge University Press 1996 0521338832 | 9780521338837 vi; 120 p. UG Library
576.5 BUR 00029515 Essential Genetics Burnet, Lynn. Cambridge University Press 1986 146 p. UG Library
576.5 BUR 00045901 Essential Genetics Burnet, Lynn. Cambridge University Press 1986 146 p. UG Library
576.5 BUR 00007431 The Science of Genetics: an Introduction to Heredity Burns,George W. The Macmillan Co 1969 400 p. UG Library
576.5 CHA 00132526 Fundamentals of genetics Chattopadhyay,Indranil Medtech, 2018 9789387025509 xx,759p.; UG Library
576.5 CHA 04029046 Fundamentals of genetics Chattopadhyay,Indranil Medtech, 2018 9789387025509 xx,759p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
576.5 CON 00135339 Genetics Conrad,Edward Apple academic press, inc., 2010 9781926686233 303p.; UG Library
576.5 DAL 00018225 A Text Book of Genetics Dalela R.C. Jai Prakash Nath & Co 1972 3rd Ed. 352 p. UG Library
576.5 DAL 00005122 A Text Book of Genetics Dalela R.C. Jai Prakash Nath & Co 1971 2nd Ed. 343 p. UG Library
576.5 DAL 00028267 A Text Book of Genetics Dalela R.C. Jai P rakash Nath & Co 1986 9th Ed. 626 p. UG Library
576.5 DAL 00000215 A Text Book Of Genetics Dalela R.C. Jai Prakash Nath & Co. 1972 3rd Ed. xii; 352 p. UG Library
576.5 DAV 00077871 The Gist of Genetics Davis, Rowland H. Jones And Bartlett Publishers 1996 0867209194 | 9780867209198 250 p. UG Library
576.5 DAW 00088757 Selfish Gene Dawkins, Richard 2008 ISB0195690664 360p UG Library
576.5 DOB 00019914 Genetics of the Evolutionary Process Dobzhansky,Theodosius. Columbia University Press 1970 505 p. UG Library
576.5 DOB 00014260 Genetics and the Origin of Species Dobzhansky, Theodosius. Oxford University Press 1978 3rd Ed. 363 p. UG Library
576.5 DOB 00007797 Genetics and the Origin of Species Dobzhansky, Theodosius. Oxford University Press 1978 3rd Ed. 363 p. UG Library
576.5 DOB 00010004 Genetics and the Origin of Species Dobzhansky, Theodosius. Oxford University Press 1978 3rd Ed. 363 p. UG Library
576.5 DOB 00010003 Genetics and the Origin of Species Dobzhansky, Theodosius. Oxford University Press 1978 3rd Ed. 363 p. UG Library
576.5 DOB 00007798 Genetics and the Origin of Species Dobzhansky, Theodosius. Oxford University Press 1978 3rd Ed. 363 p. UG Library
576.5 DUJ 00142377 Trajectories of genetics / Dujon, Bernard, ISTE ltd., 2020 9781786305336 xxi,241p.; UG Library
576.5 ELE 00136358 Core Concepts in Biology :Genetics / Elearning 3G E-Learning, 2019 9781984620095 263p.; UG Library
576.5 ELR 00055603 Theory And Problems Of Genetics Elrod,Susan. McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 2002 0007048659 | 9780070474390 4th Ed. 500 p. UG Library
576.5 FIN 00028246 Microbial and Molecular Genetics Fincham J.R. Hodder And Stoughton 1976 2nd Ed. 150 p. UG Library
576.5 FLE 04007432 Genetics / Hickey, G. I. Taylor & Francis Group, 2007 041537619X (alk. paper) 3rd ed. vi, 379 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
576.5 GAR 00010279 Principles of Genetics Gardner,Eldon J. Wiley Eastern Pvt Ltd., 1972 0852263031 3rd Ed. 513 p. UG Library
576.5 GAR 04012982 Principles of Genetics / Gardner, Eldon John. Wiley India ; 2011 9788126510436 8th ed. 116 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
576.5 GAR 00045669 Principles of Genetics. Gardner,John Eldon. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1994 0471504874 8th Ed. 649 p. UG Library
576.5 GAR 00048100 Principles of Genetics. Gardner,John Eldon. John Wiley & Sons Inc 1994 0471504874 8th Ed. 649 p. UG Library
576.5 GAR 00131478 Human Genetics Gardner A Viva Books 2017 9789386105356 2nd ed. 328p. UG Library
576.5 GAR 00028262 Principles of Genetics Gardner,Eldon J. John Wiley & Sons 1984 0171892033 7th Ed. 580 p. UG Library
576.5 GAR 04019416 Principles of Genetics / Gardner, Eldon John. Wiley India ; 2011 9788126510436 8th ed. 116 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
576.5 GAR 00009666 Principles of Genetics Gardner,Eldon J. Wiley Eastern Pvt Ltd., 1972 0852263031 3rd Ed. 513 p. UG Library
576.5 GIT 00112991 Speaking of genetics Gitschier, Jane. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2010 9781936113033 (pbk. : alk. pap x, 259 p. : UG Library
576.5 GOP 00019076 Introduction to Genetics Gopalakrishnan T.S. Pearl Publications 1974 2nd Ed. 254 p UG Library
576.5 GOT 00001273 Developmental Genetics Gottlieb,Frederick J. Chapman And Hall Ltd 1966 118 p. UG Library
576.5 GRI 00049808 An Introduction to Genetic Analysis Griffiths,Antony J.F. W.H. Freeman And Co 1996 0716726041 | 9780716726043 6th Ed. 914 p. UG Library
576.5 GRI 00120086 Introducation To Genetic Analysis Griffiths J.F. Anthony W.H. Freeman & Company, 2012 9781429276344 3th ed, xxi, 802 p.: UG Library
576.5 GRI 00048095 An Introduction to Genetic Analysis Griffiths,Antony J.F. W.H. Freeman And Co 1996 0716726041 | 9780716726043 6th Ed. 914 p. UG Library
576.5 GUP 00137078 Genetics / Gupta,P.K. Rastogi Publications, 2019 9788193775707 5th revised ed. xxxi,759p.; UG Library
576.5 GUP 00137079 Genetics / Gupta,P.K. Rastogi Publications, 2019 9788193775707 5th revised ed. xxxi,759p.; UG Library
576.5 GUT 00074934 Genetics: A Beginner's Guide Guttman B. Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851683046 | 9781851683048 308 p. UG Library
576.5 HAR 00045352 Essential Genetics Hartl,Daniel L. Jones And Bartles Publishers 1996 0086720883 | 9780867208832 458 p. UG Library
576.5 HAR 00003897 Gene Action Hartman,Philip E. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1968 158 p. UG Library
576.5 HAR 00098141 Genetics:7th ed Hartl Daniel,L Jones and bartlet oublishers 9780763772154 763p UG Library
576.5 HAR 00131466 Genetics : Hartl, Daniel L., Jones & Bartlett Learning 2019 9781284122930 (hbk.) | 128412293X (hbk.) | 9781284136609 (hbk.) | 1284136604 (hbk.) 9th ed. xxxi, 829 pages : UG Library
576.5 HAR 00009997 Gene Action Hartman,Philip E. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1969 2nd Ed. 260 p. UG Library
576.5 HAR 00077870 Essential Genetics Hartl,Daniel L. Jones And Bartles Publishers 1996 0086720883 | 9780867208832 458 p. UG Library
576.5 HAR 00127336 Genetics: From Genes to Genomes Hartwell,Leland. H McGraw Hill, 2015 9789339219888 827 p.: UG Library
576.5 HAR 00121069 Genetics : Hartl, Daniel L. Jones and Bartlett, 2009 9780763758684 (alk. paper) 7th ed. 763p. ; UG Library
576.5 HAR 00078073 Genetics Hartl, Daniel L 2005 0763715115 854p UG Library
576.5 HAR 00077621 Genetics: Analysis Of Genes And Genomes Hartl, Daniel L. 2005 9780763715113 854p UG Library
576.5 HAR 00091317 Essential genetics / Hartl, Daniel L. Jones and Bartlett, 1999 0763708380 | 9780763708382 2nd Ed. xxiii, 552 p. : UG Library
576.5 HAW 00045623 Gene Structure and Expression Hawkins,John D. Cambridge University Press 1996 0521586909 | 9780521586900 3rd Ed. 212 p. UG Library
576.5 HEX 00022167 The Science of Genetics Hexter,Willliam. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1980 08769213910 596 p. UG Library
576.5 HIC 00144057 Plant Chemical Genomics / Hicks, Glenn R. Humana Press, 2021 9781071609538 2 ed xii,196p,; UG Library
576.5 HIL 00012884 Genetics & Human Heredity Hill Ben J. Mcgraw Hill Book Co Inc 1955 526 p. UG Library
576.5 HOT 00080249 Dictionary of Genetics Hotter P. IVY Publishing House 2007 8178901595 | 9788178901596 385 p. UG Library
576.5 ISA 00140442 The code breaker : Isaacson, Walter, Simon & Schuster 2021 9781398502314 536p UG Library
576.5 ISA 00140671 The code breaker : Jennifer Doudna, gene editing, and the future of the human race / Isaacson, Walter Simon & Schuster 2021 9781398502314 536 p. ; UG Library
576.5 JHA 00035363 Genes And Evolution Jha A.P. Macmillan India Ltd 1993 706 p. UG Library
576.5 JHA 00035364 Genes And Evolution Jha A.P. Macmillan India Ltd 1993 706 p. UG Library
576.5 JOS 00143557 Rediscovering Genetics : Joshi, Sunitha. I K International, 2020 9789389795752 xx,218p, ; UG Library
576.5 KAU 00147143 Plant gene regulatory networks : Kaufmann, Kerstin Humana Press, 2023 9781071633533 2nd ed, xii,382p. ; UG Library
576.5 KHA 00118737 Essentials of Genetics Khanna, Pragya I.K.International Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2010 xxiii:467p.; UG Library
576.5 KHA 00008136 Genetics Heredity & Evolution Khanna S.S. Central Book Depot 1970 2nd Ed. 307 p. UG Library
576.5 KHA 00008046 Genetics Heredity & Evolution Khanna S.S. Central Book Depot 1970 2nd Ed. 307 p. UG Library
576.5 KHA 00007456 Genetics Heredity & Evolution Khanna S.S. Central Book Depot 1970 2nd Ed. 307 p. UG Library
576.5 KHA 00029474 Genetics and Evolution Khanna S.S. Central Book Depot 1986 4th Ed. 433 p. UG Library
576.5 KIN 00007294 Genetics King,Robert C. Oxford University Press 1967 2nd Ed. 452 p. UG Library
576.5 KLU 00145713 Concepts of genetics / Klug, William S., Pearson education ltd., 2022 9789353940409 11th ed. 889p. UG Library
576.5 KLU 00128359 Concepts Of Genetics Klug S.William Pearson 2012 9780321795786 10th Ed. xxxvii; 742 p. UG Library
576.5 KLU 00109907 Concepts Of Genetics Klug S.William Pearson 2012 9780321795786 10th Ed. xxxvii; 742 p. UG Library
576.5 KLU 00138488 Concepts of genetics / Klug, William S., Pearson, 2018 9789332577466 Tenth edition. 885 p.; UG Library
576.5 KOC 00014363 Genetics and Evolutions Kochhar P.L. S.Nagin & Co. 1974 9th Ed. 424 p. UG Library
576.5 KOC 00014365 Genetics and Evolutions Kochhar P.L. S.Nagin & Co. 1974 9th Ed. 424 p. UG Library
576.5 KOC 00026328 Genetics and Evolution Kochhar P.L. Ratan Prakash Mandir 1985 13th Ed. 415 p. UG Library
576.5 KOC 00029466 Genetics and Evolution Kochhar P.L. Ratan Prakash Mandir 1985 13th Ed. 415 p. UG Library
576.5 KOC 00014364 Genetics and Evolutions Kochhar P.L. S.Nagin & Co. 1974 9th Ed. 424 p. UG Library
576.5 KOC 00014366 Genetics and Evolutions Kochhar P.L. S.Nagin & Co. 1974 9th Ed. 424 p. UG Library
576.5 KOT 00021285 Concepts of Genetics Kotpal R.L. Rastogi Publications 1978 4th Ed. 244 p. UG Library
576.5 KOT 00019070 Concepts of Genetics Kotpal R.L. Rastogi Publications 1978 4th Ed. 244 p. UG Library
576.5 KOW 00082991 Solving Problems in Genetics Kowles,Richard. Springer 2001 479 p. UG Library
576.5 KOW 00061299 Solving Problems in Genetics Kowles,Richard. Springer 2001 479 p. UG Library
576.5 KRE 00111291 Lewin's essential genes / Krebs, Jocelyn E. Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2013 9781449644772 3rd ed., International ed. xxi, 847 p. : UG Library
576.5 KRE 00128505 Lewin's Genes XII Krebs Jocelyne Jones and Bartlett Publishers 2018 9781284104493 837p : . UG Library
576.5 KRE 00098144 Lewin's Genes X Krebs Jocelyne Jones and Bartlett Publishers 9780763779924 930p UG Library
576.5 KRE 00107344 Lewin's essential genes Krebs, Jocelyn E. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2010 9780763774103 (alk. paper) | 0 2nd ed. xxi, 809 p. : UG Library
576.5 KRE 04008404 Lewin's essential genes Krebs, Jocelyn E. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2010 9780763774103 (alk. paper) | 0 2nd ed. xxi, 809 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
576.5 KRE 00111458 Lewin's Genes XI Krebs Jocelyne Jones and Bartlett Publishers 2014 9789380853710 940p; UG Library
576.5 KUM 00125290 Basics Elements of Genetics Kumar, Sushil Book Enclave, 2016 9788181523891 294 p.: UG Library
576.5 LAM 00108950 The Applied Genetics of Humans, Animals, Plants and Fungi Lamb, Bernard C. Imperial College Press ; 2007 9781860946103 | 9781860946103 2nd ed. xxi, 619 p. : UG Library
576.5 LAS 00019083 Genetics Of Livestock Improvement Lasley, John F. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1978 3rd Ed. 491 p. UG Library
576.5 LEA 00132029 Illustrated handbook Of Genetics: 3G- E Learning 2017 9781680946888 n,312 p.; UG Library
576.5 LEV 00008152 Papers on Genetics Levine, Louis. The C.V. Mosby Co 1971 497 p. UG Library
576.5 LEW 00079793 Genes Lewin, Benjamin Oxford Uniersity Press, 1990 0763752223 First 857 p.; UG Library
576.5 LEW 00077872 Genes Lewin, Benjamin Oxford Uniersity Press, 1990 0763752223 First 857 p.; UG Library
576.5 LEW 00073733 Genes Lewin, Benjamin Oxford Uniersity Press, 1990 0763752223 First 857 p.; UG Library
576.5 LEW 00063015 Genes Lewin, Benjamin Oxford Uniersity Press, 1990 0763752223 First 857 p.; UG Library
576.5 LEW 00033105 Genes Lewin, Benjamin Oxford Uniersity Press, 1990 0763752223 First 857 p.; UG Library
576.5 LEW 00049939 Genes Lewin, Benjamin Oxford Uniersity Press, 1990 0763752223 First 857 p.; UG Library
576.5 LEW 00028197 Genes Lewin, Benjamin Oxford Uniersity Press, 1990 0763752223 First 857 p.; UG Library
576.5 LIT 00121547 Genetic destinies / Little, Peter. Oxford University Press, 2002 0198504543 | 9780198504542 1st ed. x, 264 p. : UG Library
576.5 MAC 00055306 Dictionary of Genetics and Cell Biology Maclean,Norman. CBS Publishers & Distributors 1987 422 p. UG Library
576.5 MAN 00126961 Mycology and Microbiology Manoharachary C. Scientific Publishers, 2016 9788172339890 xvi, 607 p.: UG Library
576.5 MAR 00097274 Genetics Marcus, Alice. MJP Publishers; 2009 9788180940729 356 p. UG Library
576.5 MAR 00019080 Developmental Genetics Markert,Clement L. Pentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1971 212 p. UG Library
576.5 MCK 00013742 Human Genetics Mckusick,Victor A. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1972 2nd Ed. 221 p. UG Library
576.5 MCK 00009998 Human Genetics Mckusick,Victor A. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1972 2nd Ed. 221 p. UG Library
576.5 MCK 00009999 Human Genetics Mckusick,Victor A. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1972 2nd Ed. 221 p. UG Library
576.5 MEY 00029237 Genetics Meyyan R.P. Saras 1988 3rd Ed. 245 p. UG Library
576.5 MEY 00029236 Genetics Meyyan R.P. Saras 1988 3rd Ed. 245 p. UG Library
576.5 MIG 00048105 Basic Genetics Miglani,Gurbachan S. Narosa Publishing House 2000 8173193002 636 p. UG Library
576.5 MIG 00048107 Basic Genetics Miglani,Gurbachan S. Narosa Publishing House 2000 8173193002 636 p. UG Library
576.5 MIG 00048106 Basic Genetics Miglani,Gurbachan S. Narosa Publishing House 2000 8173193002 636 p. UG Library
576.5 MUL 00005636 Studies in Genetics Muller H.J. Oxford & IBH Publishers Co. 1962 618 p. UG Library
576.5 MUL 00005613 Studies in Genetics Muller H.J. Oxford & IBH Publishers Co. 1962 618 p. UG Library
576.5 NAH 00138294 Principles of Genetics / Naha,Surendra. Wisdom Press, 2019 9789388387170 270p.; UG Library
576.5 PAI 00022166 Foundations of Genetics Pai,Anna C. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1974 386 p. UG Library
576.5 PAN 04011659 Cytology,Genetics And Molecular Genetics Pandey B.N. Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited 2012 9780071330022 xi; 524 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
576.5 PAN 00131615 Principles of genetics Pandey,S.N Ane books pvt ltd., 2018 9789386761231 360p.; UG Library
576.5 PAN 00131505 Principles of genetics Pandey,S.N Ane books pvt ltd., 2018