Total Books (Media) - 1884

CallNo Barcode Title Author Publisher Code Year ISBN Edition Pages Library
302.2 ADL 03002197 Understanding Human Communication / Adler, Ronald B. Oxford Universtiy Press, 2008 9780195687507 9th ed. 522 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.2 ADL 03002249 Understanding Human Communication / Adler, Ronald B. Oxford Universtiy Press, 2008 9780195687507 9th ed. 522 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.2 BHA 04001880 Professional Communication Bhardwaj, Kumkum I K International 2008 9788190694230 449p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.2 DAH 05029241 Communication Process in Organizations / Dahiya, D S Rawat Publications, 1997 8170333773 167 p Knowledge Centre
302.2 DAV 03001725 Optimal Human Relations : Mortensen, David C. Transaction Publishers, 2008 9781412807579 | 1412807573 204 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.2 DEN 03001892 Communicate to Win Denny, Richard Kogan Page 9788175543287 127 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.2 DSO 05015081 Modern Communication Technologies Dsouza, Y K Dominant Publishers 8187336056 265p Knowledge Centre
302.2 HOO 00123531 The Social Psychology of Communication Hook, Derek Palgrave Macmillan, 2016 9781137604798 xv, 371 p:. UG Library
302.2 JOS 05029242 Sociology and Communication Revolution / Joseph, M K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 2002 8126105895 342 p Knowledge Centre
302.2 KON 04006066 Professional Communication/ Koneru, Aruna Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070660021 xx, 500 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.2 PRA 05047742 Theories of Human Communication / Prasad,Kameshwar. Shree Niwas Publications, 2014 9789350320662 250p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2 REI 03001158 Media Rules: Mastering Today's Technology to Connect With and Keep Your Audience Reich, Brian Johb Wiley & Sons 9780470108888 230p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.2 TUH 10003674 The science of effective communication: Tuhovsky,Ian Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353337711 xiv,194p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.2 TUL 03001590 Intercultural Communication for Business Tuleja, Elizabeth A Thomson South-Western 9788131504338 189 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.2 TUL 03001591 Intercultural Communication for Business Tuleja, Elizabeth A Thomson South-Western 9788131504338 189 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.2 ADA 00147810 Social Dynamics of mass communication / Adams, Nardo Venus Books, 2024 9788119920181 x,248p. ; UG Library
302.2 ADL 00093938 Inter Play Adler Ronald B Oxford University Press, Inc. 9780195309928 464p UG Library
302.2 ADL 05029141 Understanding Human Communication Adler, B Ronald 0195219104 524p Knowledge Centre
302.2 ADL 03008971 Understanding Human Communication / Adler, Ronald B. Oxford Universtiy Press, 2008 9780195687507 9th ed. 522 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.2 ADL 00086559 Understanding Human Communication Adler, Ronald B 9780195687507 522 p UG Library
302.2 ADL 00087485 Understanding Human Communication Adler, Ronald B 9780195687507 522 p UG Library
302.2 AND 10000382 Communication Theories and Models. Anadal, Dr N Himalaya Publishing House 1998 9789352020423 viii; 232 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.2 AND 05029143 Technical Communication. Anaerson Paul V USA: 1900 9812548597 647p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2 AND 07013536 Technical Writing: Anderson,Paul V. Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1995 9780155023253 93 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
302.2 ANG 10002392 Culture, discourse, and the workplace / Angouri, Jo, Routledge, 2018 9780415523950 (hardcover) | 9780415523967 (softcover) xiv, 229 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.2 ANM 05029210 Modern Ugc Net/slet Mass Communication / A Team of Experts Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 2005 8126121580 486 p. Knowledge Centre
302.2 ANO 05017544 International Communication: Concepts and Cases: M S Communication Shelf Anokwa, Kwadwo 0534575196 296p Knowledge Centre
302.2 ATK 10004161 The art of explanation : Atkins, Ros. Wildfire, 2023 9781472298416 312 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.2 ATK 05074958 The art of explanation : Atkins, Ros. Wildfire, 2023 9781472298416 312 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2 AVG 05029249 Social Study of Information and Communication Technology : Avgerou, Chrisanthi Oxford University Press, 2004 0199253528 290 p Knowledge Centre
302.2 BAR 07006520 Get Set for Communication Studies/ Barton,Will Edinburgh University Press, 2005 9780748620296 IX,179 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
302.2 BAR 05029283 Get Set for Communication Studies / Barton, Will Edinburgh University Press, 2005 0074862029 182 p Knowledge Centre
302.2 BAR 05029233 A Roland Barthes Reader / Barthes Vintage, 1993 0099224917 198 p Knowledge Centre
302.2 BAR 00085731 Anthropology of Texts, Persons and Publics: Barber, Karin Cambridge 2007 9780521546874 276 p UG Library
302.2 BEC 00068062 As Communication Studies : The Essential Introduction Beck Andrew Ruotledge Group 2004 0410415527 261 p UG Library
302.2 BEC 00091303 Communication studies : Beck, Andrew, Routledge, 0415247519 (hbk) | 0415247527 ix, 261 p. : UG Library
302.2 BEC 05029207 Communication Studies : Beck, Andrew Routledge, 2002 0415247527 261p Knowledge Centre
302.2 BEC 00110105 Communication Studies Beck, Andrew, Routledge, 2004 9780415287937 | 0415287928 | 0 xiii, 352 p. : UG Library
302.2 BEE 05029149 Communication Principles for a Lifetime Beebe, Steven A Pearson, 2007 0205467024 483p Knowledge Centre
302.2 BEN 05029287 As communication & culture : Bennett, Peter, Routledge, 2008 9780415455121 3rd ed. xii, 331 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2 BER 05042465 Interpersonal communication / 9783110276428 (hbk) | 97831102 1 online resource (628 pages) : Knowledge Centre
302.2 BHA 04002659 Professional Communication Bhardwaj, Kumkum I K International 2008 9788190694230 449p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.2 BLO 00138011 Re-Theorizing Literacy Practices : Bloome,David. Routledge, 2019 9780815368632 xv,258p.; UG Library
302.2 BOB 04013563 Fire Up Your Communication Skills : Bob, Captain Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 2010 9788130918921 315p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.2 BOH 00078560 On Dialogue Bohm Eavid Routledge 2004 0415336414 114 p UG Library
302.2 BOO 00070194 Communicate With Confidence Booher Dianna Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing 2004 0070533164 413 p UG Library
302.2 BOU 05002573 Information & Communication Technology in Organizations / Bouwman, Harry Sage Publications, 2005 1412900905 223p.: Knowledge Centre
302.2 BOW 00081526 Communication Across Cultures: Mutual Understanding in a Global World Bowe, Heather Cambridge 2007 194p UG Library
302.2 BOY 00095448 Communication Secrets Boyes Carolyn Collins 9780007324446 128p UG Library
302.2 BRY 00107137 Communication and Emotion Bryant Jennings Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Inc., Publications 2003 9780805857832 vii, 610 p. UG Library
302.2 BRY 05002415 Communication and Emotion / Bryant, Jennings Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 2003 0080584032 610p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2 BUR 00138337 Linguistic Communication and Communicative Behavior / Burger, C. M. Global Vision Publishing House , 2011 9788182204317 281 p.: UG Library
302.2 BUR 03010011 Linguistic Communication and Communicative Behavior / Burger, C. M. Global Vision Publishing House , 2011 9788182204317 281 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.2 BUZ 05002572 Gender in Applied Communication Contexts / Buzzanell, Patrice M Sage Publications, 2004 0761928650 373p.: Knowledge Centre
302.2 CAR 00130943 How to jump start your (next) career Carnegie,Dale Manjul publishing house, 2018 9789387383296 x,266p.; UG Library
302.2 CHA 00059380 Samvahana Maadhyamagalu Chandrashekar, B S Kanna University 2003 206p UG Library
302.2 CHA 07013129 Semiotics : Chandler, Daniel, Routledge, 2017 9781138232921 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9781138232938 (softcover : alk. paper) Third edition. xx, 331 pages : Library - BR Campus
302.2 CHA 00098634 Semiotics : Chandler, Daniel. Routledge, 0415363764 (hbk. : alk. paper) xviii, 307 p. : UG Library
302.2 CHA 00078894 Semiotics : Chandler, Daniel Routledge, 2003 0415265940 xviii; 273 p. UG Library
302.2 CHA 05029282 Semiotics : Chandler, Daniel Routledge, 2003 0415265940 xviii; 273 p. Knowledge Centre
302.2 CHO 05037806 Global media, culture, and identity : Chopra, Rohit Routledge, 2011 9780415877909 (alk. paper) | 0 xviii, 258 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2 CHO 07000063 Global media, culture, and identity : Chopra, Rohit Routledge, 2011 9780415877909 (alk. paper) | 0 xviii, 258 p. : Library - BR Campus
302.2 COB 05025688 The Routledge companion to semiotics / Paul Cobley Routledge, 2010 9780415440721 (hbk.) | 0415440 xxii, 398 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2 COL 05029284 Crystal Clear Communication : Cole, Kris East West Books Pvt.Ltd., 2001 8188186852 314 p Knowledge Centre
302.2 CON 00135681 Visual-gestural communication : Conley, Willy. Routledge, 2019 9781138605855 (hardback) | 9781138605862 (pbk.) First edition. xi,242p.; UG Library
302.2 CRO 07000327 Understanding communication theory : Croucher, Stephen Michael, Routledge, 2016 9780415748032 (hardback) | 978 365p.: Library - BR Campus
302.2 CRO 07009819 Understanding communication theory : Croucher, Stephen Michael, Routledge, 2016 9780415748032 (hardback) | 978 365p.: Library - BR Campus
302.2 CRO 05056130 Understanding communication theory : Croucher, Stephen Michael, Routledge, 2016 9780415748032 (hardback) | 978 365p.: Knowledge Centre
302.2 CRU 05029290 Meaning in language : Cruse, D. A. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199559466 (pbk.) | 0199559 3rd ed. 497 p. Knowledge Centre
302.2 DAN 00140590 Communication Skills and Personality Development Dandekar,Vivek Madhukar Mangalam Publications 2019 9789386123596 288p UG Library
302.2 DEC 00048612 How to Communicate Effectively. Decker, Bert Kogan Page 1989 850918910 96 p. UG Library
302.2 DEN 03008129 Communicate to Win Denny, Richard Kogan Page 9788175543287 127 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.2 DEV 07015130 The Interperonal Communication Book / Devito Joseph.A Pearson, 2015 9789332543157 13th ed 352p.: Library - BR Campus
302.2 DEV 00051283 The Interpersonal Communication Book (WMU) Devito, A Joseph 2001 0321055640 424p UG Library
302.2 DEV 07011643 The Interperonal Communication Book / Devito Joseph.A Pearson, 2015 9789332543157 13th ed 352p.: Library - BR Campus
302.2 DEV 07004639 The Interperonal Communication Book / Devito Joseph.A Pearson, 2015 9789332543157 13th ed 352p.: Library - BR Campus
302.2 DEV 07011644 The Interperonal Communication Book / Devito Joseph.A Pearson, 2015 9789332543157 13th ed 352p.: Library - BR Campus
302.2 DEV 07004640 The Interperonal Communication Book / Devito Joseph.A Pearson, 2015 9789332543157 13th ed 352p.: Library - BR Campus
302.2 DEV 05067618 The Interpersonal Communication Book / Devito, Joseph A. Pearson, 2019 9781292261843 15th ed. 425p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2 DEV 00063806 Interpersonal Communication Book: Devito, A Joseph 2004 0205367658 420p UG Library
302.2 DEV 00063807 Interpersonal Communication Book: Devito, A Joseph 2004 0205367658 420p UG Library
302.2 DEV 07015328 The Interperonal Communication Book / Devito Joseph.A Pearson, 2015 9789332543157 13th ed 352p.: Library - BR Campus
302.2 DEV 00119131 The interpersonal communication book / DeVito, Joseph A., Pearson, 2013 9780205031085 13th ed. xxviii, 400 p. : UG Library
302.2 DHA 05029147 Mass Communication and Social Development: {mscom] Dharmendra Singh Adhyayan Publishers 8189161075 1720p Knowledge Centre
302.2 DSO 05029234 Communication Today and Tomorrow / D`Souza, Y K Discovery Publishing House, 1999 0817141446 312 p Knowledge Centre
302.2 DUC 05049219 Communication in everyday life : Duck, Steve, Sage, 2015 9781452259789 (pbk. : acidfree Second edition. xxx, 372 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.2 DUC 05041714 The basics of communication : Duck, Steve. Sage, 2009 9781412941532 (pbk.) xxxv, 416 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2 DUC 05044790 Communication in everyday life : Duck, Steve, Sage, 2015 9781452259789 (pbk. : acidfree Second edition. xxx, 372 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.2 DUK 03008458 The Basics of Communication : Duck, Steve. SAGE Publications, 2012 9781412981095 (pbk. : acidfree 2nd ed. xxxvi, 429 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.2 DUK 00148009 The Basics of Communication : Duck, Steve. SAGE Publications, 2012 9781412981095 (pbk. : acidfree 2nd ed. xxxvi, 429 p. : UG Library
302.2 DUK 00109089 The Basics of Communication : Duck, Steve. SAGE Publications, 2012 9781412981095 (pbk. : acidfree 2nd ed. xxxvi, 429 p. : UG Library
302.2 EAD 05002509 21st century communication : William F.Eadie. Sage, 9781412950305 (cloth) | 141295 2 v. (xxviii, 942 p.) ; Knowledge Centre
302.2 EAD 05002511 21st century communication : William F.Eadie. Sage, 9781412950305 (cloth) | 141295 2 v. (xxviii, 942 p.) ; Knowledge Centre
302.2 ECO 05029146 Going Digital: How New Technology Is Changing Our Lives: [mscomn] Economist Profile Books Ltd 1861970706 370p Knowledge Centre
302.2 ECO 05017547 E-Trends: Making Sense of the Electronic Communications Revolution: [mscomn] Economist Profile Books Ltd 1861973861 402p Knowledge Centre
302.2 EIC 05073799 Content / Eichhorn,Kate. The MIT Press, 2022 9780262543286 xiv,168p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2 ESS 05021007 Handbook of comparative communication research / Routledge, 2012 9780415802710 | 9780415802758 xxi, 544 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2 FIN 00146472 Communicating : Finnegan, Ruth Routledge, 2024 9781032484143 Third edition. xvii,320p. ; UG Library
302.2 FIN 05047783 Communicating : Finnegan, Ruth H. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group , 2014 9780415837781 (hardback) | 978 Second Edition. xxiii, 336 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.2 FIS 00105024 Introduction to Communication Studies Fiske, John. Routledge, 2011 9780415596480 (hardback) | 041 3rd ed. li, 195 p. : UG Library
302.2 FLO 00050478 Visual Identities Floch, Jean-Marie 2000 0826447392 178p UG Library
302.2 FOS 01011785 Rhetorical Criticism : Foss, Sonja K. Waveland Press, 1996 0881338737 2nd Ed. xiv, 553 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2 FOS 07013497 Rhetorical Criticism / Foss, Sonja K Waveland Publication, 1989 9780881338737 xiii,552p.; Library - BR Campus
302.2 GAN 00058553 Mass Media and Communication Strategies Gandhi, Ved Prakash Kanishka Publishers Distributors 2004 8173912114 2nd Ed viii; 335 p. UG Library
302.2 GEN 00105168 Baudrillard and Signs : Genosko, Gary. Routledge, 1994 0415112567 : | 0415112575 (pbk xxii, 197 p. ; UG Library
302.2 GLA 05075121 Revenge of the Tipping Point / Gladwell, Malcolm Abacus, 2024 9780349147185 xi, 352p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2 GLA 07015775 Revenge of the Tipping Point / Gladwell, Malcolm Abacus, 2024 9780349147185 xi, 352p.; Library - BR Campus
302.2 GLA 10005371 Revenge of the Tipping Point / Gladwell, Malcolm Abacus, 2024 9780349147185 xi, 352p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.2 GLA 04030785 Revenge of the Tipping Point / Gladwell, Malcolm Abacus, 2024 9780349147185 xi, 352p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.2 GOL 05002551 International media communication in a global age / Routledge, 9780415998994 (hbk) | 04159989 vii, 480 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2 GOR 00058704 Mcluhan for Beginners Gordon, W Terrence Orient Longman Publications 2002 8125024735 148p UG Library
302.2 HAL 00063446 Among Cultures : The Challenges of Communication Hall J Bradford Thomson WadsWorth 2002 0155050966 372 p UG Library
302.2 HAR 05029243 Interactions : Hardt, Hanno Rowman, 1998 0847688879 251 p Knowledge Centre
302.2 HAR 00050188 Human Communication Harris, Stuart Bpb Book Center 1992 2nd Ed 156 p. UG Library
302.2 HER 00088156 Global Media: Herman, Edward S Cassell 2004 9780826458193 262p UG Library
302.2 HIL 05037304 Key themes in interpersonal communication Anne Hill, James Watson, Danny Rivers & Mark Joyce McGraw Hill/Open University Press, 2007 217 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2 HOL 05029288 Inter-Cultural Communication : Holliday, Adrian Routledge, 2005 0415270618 233 p Knowledge Centre
302.2 HOL 00070474 Intercultural Communication Holliday Adrian Routledge 2004 0415270618 233 p UG Library
302.2 HOL 00070475 Intercultural Communication Holliday Adrian Routledge 2004 0415270618 233 p UG Library
302.2 JEN 04009324 Communication Basics / Jennings, Judy Cengage Learning, 2004 9788131515204 148 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.2 JON 00110456 Key concepts in media and communications Jones, Paul, SAGE, 2011 9781412928212 | 1412928214 | 9 xiii, 256 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.2 JON 07012897 Key concepts in media and communications Jones, Paul, SAGE, 2011 9781412928212 | 1412928214 | 9 xiii, 256 p. : Library - BR Campus
302.2 JON 00109093 Key concepts in media and communications Jones, Paul, SAGE, 2011 9781412928212 | 1412928214 | 9 xiii, 256 p. : UG Library
302.2 JOS 05040642 Handbook of mass communication : Joshi,V.K. Enkay Publishing House, 2012 9789380995373 vi,280p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2 KAM 00055596 Global Communication : Yahya R Kamalipour. Wadsworth / Thomson Learning, 2002 0534561276 (pbk.) xxiii, 288 p. : UG Library
302.2 KAM 00057958 Global Communication : Yahya R Kamalipour. Wadsworth / Thomson Learning, 2002 0534561276 (pbk.) xxiii, 288 p. : UG Library
302.2 KAM 00059626 Global Communication : Yahya R Kamalipour. Wadsworth / Thomson Learning, 2002 0534561276 (pbk.) xxiii, 288 p. : UG Library
302.2 KAM 05029250 Global Communication : Yahya R Kamalipour. Wadsworth / Thomson Learning, 2002 0534561276 (pbk.) xxiii, 288 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2 KAM 00061740 Global Communication : Yahya R Kamalipour. Wadsworth / Thomson Learning, 2002 0534561276 (pbk.) xxiii, 288 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.2 KIM 00128303 Evolution of communicative flexibility : Kimbrough D MIT Press, 2008 9780262151214 (hardcover : alk x, 356 p. : UG Library
302.2 KNA 05002495 Interpersonal communication / Knapp, Mark L SAGE, 9781848601659 | 1848601654 xix, 360 p. 4 v. ; Knowledge Centre
302.2 KNA 05002496 Interpersonal communication / Knapp, Mark L SAGE, 9781848601659 | 1848601654 xix, 360 p. 4 v. ; Knowledge Centre
302.2 KNA 05002497 Interpersonal communication / Knapp, Mark L SAGE, 9781848601659 | 1848601654 xix, 360 p. 4 v. ; Knowledge Centre
302.2 KNA 05002498 Interpersonal communication / Knapp, Mark L SAGE, 9781848601659 | 1848601654 xix, 360 p. 4 v. ; Knowledge Centre
302.2 KON 00123997 Professional Communcation Koneru Aruna Mcgraw Hill Education India, 2008 9780070660021 xx, 500 p.: UG Library
302.2 KON 04011602 Professional Communication/ Koneru, Aruna Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070660021 xx, 500 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.2 KRC 05056611 Communication science theory and research : Krcmar, Marina, Routledge, 2016 9780415533836 (hardback) | 978 xix, 360 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.2 KRI 05029225 On communicating / Krippendorf, Klaus. Routledge, 2009 9780415978590 (hardback : alk. vii, 372 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2 KUM 00099607 Mass Communication And Writing Skills Kumar Praveen Centrum Press 9789380836225 295p UG Library
302.2 KUM 00095187 Mass Communication And Writing Skills Kumar Praveen Centrum Press 9789380836225 295p UG Library
302.2 KUN 00089773 Process of Communication Kundra, S Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2005 8126124350 392 p UG Library
302.2 LAK 00060038 Communicating Art Lakshminarayanan, K R Scitech Publications (india) Pvt. Ltd. 226p UG Library
302.2 LAN 10004995 Connect: How to Inspire, Influence & energise anyone, Anywhere, Anytime/ by Simon Lancaster Lanncaster, Simon [Author] Heligo Books 2022 9781788706438 288p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.2 LEI 00048613 Perfect Communications Leigh, Andrew 1999 0099410060 119p UG Library
302.2 LIU 00109090 Introducing intercultural communication Liu, Shuang SAGE, 2011 9781848600355 (hbk.) | 1848600 1st ed. x, 318 p. : UG Library
302.2 LOR 05029145 Mass Communications: A Comparative Introduction [ MS Com] Lorimer, Rowland Manchester university press, 1994 0719039479 316p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2 LOW 00127871 How to talk to anyone / Lowndes,Leil Harper Element 2014 9780007272617 334p. UG Library
302.2 LOW 03003935 How to Talk to Anyone; Lowndes, Leil Tata McGraw-hill. 2010 9780070586208 xv;345p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.2 LUG 07014369 Blaming the victim : Lugo-Ocando, Jairo. Pluto Press, 2015 9780745334424 | 0745334423 | 9780745334417 | 0745334415 | 9781783712281 | 1783712287 | 9781783712267 | 1783712260 215p.: Library - BR Campus
302.2 LUL 00139026 Evolutionary communication : Lull, James, Routledge, 2020 9781138312241 | 9781138312258 xxv,316p.; UG Library
302.2 LUM 00057957 Communicating With Credibility and Confidence: Diverse People, Diverse Settings Lumsden, Gay 2002 0534509444 408p UG Library
302.2 LUT 05029223 Talk to Win : Luthra, Shamshir Rai Wisdom Tree, 2002 8186685227 139 p Knowledge Centre
302.2 MAC 00093891 Global Media Discourse Machin David Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 9780415359467 188p UG Library
302.2 MAC 05002552 Global media discourse : Machin, David, Routledge, 9780415359450 (pbk.) | 9780415 viii, 188 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2 MAH 07010145 Media Audience and The Social Structure/ Mahajan, Sonia Random Publications, 2015 9789351115144 288 p.: Library - BR Campus
302.2 MAR 00104092 Key Terms in Semiotics. Martin, Bronwen. Continuum, 2006 0826484557 (hbk.) | 0826484565 275 p. : UG Library
302.2 MAR 05029240 Key Terms in Semiotics / Martin, Bronwen Continuum, 2006 0826484557 275 p Knowledge Centre
302.2 MAR 05037957 Key Terms in Semiotics / Martin, Bronwen Continuum, 2006 0826484557 275 p Knowledge Centre
302.2 MAR 05029226 Communication Studies / Marsen, Sky Palgrave Macmillan, 2006 210 p Knowledge Centre
302.2 MAT 00053104 Communication Indian Perspectives and Prospects Mathur, B Kanwar Mohit Publications 2001 8174451544 xi; 199 p UG Library
302.2 MCK 01000307 Powerful Communication Skills (law Lib) Colleen Mckenna Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2003 8176493767 116p Knowledge Centre
302.2 MEH 05035508 World communication / Mehta,Malti. Sarup Book Publishers, 2013 9788176258746 345p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2 MEH 00133476 Speak to anyone easily: Mehta,Rajiv Rupa publication india pvt ltd., 2018 9789353047160 xii,223p.; UG Library
302.2 MEN 00062617 Development Communication and Media Debate. Menon Mridula Kanishka Publishers 2004 9788173912122 2nd ed. 316 p UG Library
302.2 MIC 00055147 Communication and Research for Management Michael, V P HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2001 8178660490 404p UG Library
302.2 MIL 05052505 Global media studies / Miller, Toby, Policy press, 2016 9780745644318 (hardback : alk. vii,247p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2 MIR 00036555 New Commuications Techniques Mirabito, M Michael Focal Press 1990 xi,244p. UG Library
302.2 MON 05002601 Cultural Approach to Interpersonal Communication: Essential Readings / Monaghan, Leila Blackwell Publishing, 2007 1405125942 482p.: Knowledge Centre
302.2 MOP 05002587 Global communication : McPhail, Thomas L. Wiley-Blackwell, 9781444330304 (pbk.) | 1444330 xiv, 400 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2 MOR 00058559 Human Communication Morreale, Sherwyn P 2001 0534566197 541 p UG Library
302.2 MOR 07000115 Trust me : Morgan, Nick, Jossey-Bass, 2009 9780470404355 (cloth) | 047040 1st ed. x, 209 p. ; Library - BR Campus
302.2 MOS 05029208 The political economy of communication / Mosco, Vincent. Sage Publications, 2009 9781412947008 | 9781412947015 2nd. x, 268 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.2 MOS 00075282 Communication Secrets. Moss, Geoffrey Thomson Learning 2004 0009812546 183p UG Library
302.2 MUK 10005351 The gift of the gab : Mukerjee Sankar, Hory. Sage, 2020 9789353286804 xii,195p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.2 MUK 10001402 The gift of the gab : Mukerjee Sankar, Hory. Sage, 2020 9789353286804 xii,195p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.2 MUK 05073059 The gift of the gab : Mukerjee Sankar, Hory. Sage, 2020 9789353286804 xii,195p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2 NAR 00049280 Mass Communication Narula, Uma Haranand Publications Pvt Ltd 2000 8124101353 115 p. UG Library
302.2 NAR 00088155 Handbook of Communication: Models Perspectives and Stratergies Narula, Uma Atlantic 2008 8126906715 434p UG Library
302.2 NAR 05029289 Communication Models / Narula Uma Atlantic, 2006 8126906766 121 p. Knowledge Centre
302.2 NAR. 05029235 Handbook of Communication : Narula, Uma Atlantic, 2006 8126905131 434 p Knowledge Centre
302.2 PEA 00128935 Human communication / Pearson, Judy C McGraw-Hill Companies, 2013 9780078036873 (acidfree paper) 5th ed., [Rev. ed.] xxv, 388 p. : UG Library
302.2 PUT 05004843 Building theories of organization : Routledge, 2009 9780805847093 | 080584709X | 9 xviii, 222 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.2 RAG 05029286 Development and Communication in India : Raghavan, G N S Gian Publishing House, 2004 8121204062 215 p Knowledge Centre
302.2 RAI 00053127 Communication in the Digital Age Rai A N Authors Press 2000 8172730284 356 p UG Library
302.2 RAI 00050477 Communication in the Digital Age Rai A N Authors Press 2000 8172730284 356 p UG Library
302.2 RAM 10003717 Professional Communication / Raman, Meenakshi Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199481125 Third ed. x, 372p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.2 RAM 10003718 Professional Communication / Raman, Meenakshi Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199481125 Third ed. x, 372p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.2 RAM 04012359 Professional Communication / Raman, Meenakshi. Oxford University Press ; 2011 9780198061120 | 0198061129 430 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.2 RAN 00055141 Communication Theories and Models. Anadal, Dr N Himalaya Publishing House 1998 9789352020423 viii; 232 p. UG Library
302.2 RAY 00049282 Communication Today Ray, Reuben Himalaya Publishing House 1997 1st Ed 467 p. UG Library
302.2 RAY 00058617 Media and Communication Management Rayudu, C S Himalaya 2002 8174937129 720p UG Library
302.2 RAY 05001085 Communication / Rayudu, C.S. Himalaya publishing House, 2012 9789350519530 712p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2 RAY 05029144 Communication - MS Communication Shelf Rayudu, C S Himalaya Publishing House 8183180280 714p Knowledge Centre
302.2 RAY 04017440 Communication / Rayudu, C.S. Himalaya publishing House, 2012 9789350519530 712p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.2 RAY 00055132 Communication Rayudu, C S HIMALAYA 2001 697p UG Library
302.2 RAY 00137020 Communication / Rayudu, C.S. Himalaya publishing House, 2018 9789350519530 712p. : UG Library
302.2 RAY 07013326 Communication / Rayudu, C.S. Himalaya publishing House, 2012 9789350519530 712p. : Library - BR Campus
302.2 RAY 00137021 Communication / Rayudu, C.S. Himalaya publishing House, 2018 9789350519530 712p. : UG Library
302.2 REG 05004834 Close relationships / Regan, Pamela C. Routledge, 2011 9780415877435 (hardback : alk. p. cm. Knowledge Centre
302.2 REI 00086862 Media Rules! Reich, Brian John Wiley & Sons,Inc. 2008 9780470108888 230 p UG Library
302.2 ROD 00050331 Perspective of Communication and Communicatetive Competence Rodriques M V Concept Publishing Com 2000 8170227801 390 p UG Library
302.2 ROD 00050426 Perspective of Communication and Communicatetive Competence Rodriques M V Concept Publishing Com 2000 8170227801 390 p UG Library
302.2 RUB 00049963 Communication and Human Behavior. Ruben, D Brent 1992 0131558471 460 p UG Library
302.2 RUB 00051348 Communication and Human Behavior. Ruben, D Brent 2000 0205267696 396p UG Library
302.2 RUB 00051351 Communication and Human Behavior. Ruben, D Brent 2000 0205267696 396p Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.2 RUB 00051350 Communication and Human Behavior. Ruben, D Brent 2000 0205267696 396p Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.2 RUB 00051349 Communication and Human Behavior. Ruben, D Brent 2000 0205267696 396p UG Library
302.2 RUB 00040787 Communication and Human Behavior. Ruben, D Brent 1992 0131558471 460 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.2 RUB 00040788 Communication and Human Behavior. Ruben, D Brent 1992 0131558471 460 p UG Library
302.2 SAM 05029142 Handbook of Cross-Cultural Communication: [mscomn] Samover, A Larry Jaico Publishing House 8179923932 503p Knowledge Centre
302.2 SCH 05038914 Humble inquiry : Schein, Edgar H. Brett-Koehler Publishers, 2013 9781626562547 121p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2 SCH 05002491 Communication theory / SAGE, 2010 9781848601130 (set of 4 volume v. 1-4 : Knowledge Centre
302.2 SCH 05002492 Communication theory / SAGE, 2010 9781848601130 (set of 4 volume v. 1-4 : Knowledge Centre
302.2 SCH 05002493 Communication theory / SAGE, 2010 9781848601130 (set of 4 volume v. 1-4 : Knowledge Centre
302.2 SCH 05002494 Communication theory / SAGE, 2010 9781848601130 (set of 4 volume v. 1-4 : Knowledge Centre
302.2 SHA 05017550 Mass Communication: Theory and Practice in the 21st Century: M S Communication Shelf Sharma, Diwakar Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 8176295078 344p Knowledge Centre
302.2 SHA 00060019 Mass Communication Sharma, Diwakar Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 8176295086 xv; 344 p. UG Library
302.2 SHE 05059330 Crisis communication in a digital world/ Sheehan,Mark Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107678231 XII,188 Pages,: Knowledge Centre
302.2 SHE 00058210 Sterling Book of Effective Communication:listen!speak, Read & Write Shehzad, Wasima Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2003 8120724895 122 UG Library
302.2 SHU 00053110 Communication Technologies Changes and Challenges Shukla Rajiv Rajat Publications 2000 8187317833 300 p UG Library
302.2 SIN 00055597 Media Culture And Communication Singh, J K Mangal Deep Publications 2002 8175940638 vi; 240 p. UG Library
302.2 SIN 00055261 Media Culture And Communication Singh, J K Mangal Deep Publications 2002 8175940638 vi; 240 p. UG Library
302.2 STA 00052827 Mastering Communication Stanton, Nicky Macmillan Press Ltd 1996 0333693434 3rd Ed xiv; 409 p. UG Library
302.2 STA 00052833 Mastering Communication Stanton, Nicky 1996 0333665090 409p Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.2 STA 05029150 Media Now:Understanding Media Culture and Technology Straubhar, Joseph THomson wadsworth, 2004 0534620191 524p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2 STE 05011568 Introduction to cognition and communication / Stenning, Keith. MIT Press, 2006 0262195380 (alk. paper) vi, 603 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2 STJ 05009431 Semiotics / Routledge, 2011 9780415476812 (set : alk. pape v. <1, 3> :372 p. Knowledge Centre
302.2 STJ 05009432 Semiotics / Routledge, 2011 9780415476812 (set : alk. pape v. <1, 3> :372 p. Knowledge Centre
302.2 STJ 05009433 Semiotics / Routledge, 2011 9780415476812 (set : alk. pape v. <1, 3> :372 p. Knowledge Centre
302.2 STJ 05009434 Semiotics / Routledge, 2011 9780415476812 (set : alk. pape v. <1, 3> :372 p. Knowledge Centre
302.2 THO 10001535 Communication for social change : Thomas, Pradip Ninan. Sage Publications India pvt ltd, 2019 9789352808083 (hardcover : alk. paper) viii,216p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.2 THO 10005287 Communication for social change : Thomas, Pradip Ninan. Sage Publications India pvt ltd, 2019 9789352808083 (hardcover : alk. paper) viii,216p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.2 THO 00136120 Communication for social change : Thomas, Pradip Ninan. Sage Publications India pvt ltd, 2019 9789352808083 (hardcover : alk. paper) viii,216p.; UG Library
302.2 THU 05002553 International communication : Routledge, 2010 9780415444552 (hardback : alk. xxiii, 590 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2 THU 07015318 International Communication : Thussu Daya Kishan Bloomsbury Academic, 2022 9781780932651 xxii,369p.: Library - BR Campus
302.2 TIE 05029148 101 Ways to Better Communication Tierney, Elizabeth Kogan Page 8175541520 89p Knowledge Centre
302.2 TOW 01021219 Handbook on the digital creative economy / Edward Elgar, 2013 1781004889 (pbk.) | 9781781004 xiii, 441 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.2 TOW 01020727 Handbook on the digital creative economy / Edward Elgar, 2013 1781004889 (pbk.) | 9781781004 xiii, 441 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.2 TRE 00081887 Thinking Through Communication: Trenholm, Sarah Allyn and Bacon 1999 9780205289998 2nd,ed. 400 UG Library
302.2 TRE 05029209 Thinking Through Communication : Trenholm, Sarah Allyn and Bacon, 2000 0205289991 400 p Knowledge Centre
302.2 TRE 05037954 Thinking Through Communication : Trenholm, Sarah Viacom Company, 1995 0205289991 xvi,400p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2 TUB 00086796 Human Communication: Tubbs, Stewart L McGraw-Hill 2003 9780071212755 Ninth Edition 522 p UG Library
302.2 TUR 05064418 An introduction to communication / Turner, Lynn H., Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781107151048 (alk. paper) | 9781316606919 (pbk) xxi,302p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2 TYA 04009534 Professional Communication / Tyagi, Kavita PHI Learning, 2011 9788120342286 265 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.2 TYA 04014607 Professional Communication / Tyagi, Kavita PHI Learning, 2011 9788120342286 265 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.2 VEN 05029244 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTS) : Venkatesh, S Authors Press, 2004 8172731469 314 p Knowledge Centre
302.2 WAR 05042113 Communication : Warren, John T., Sage, 2015 9781452217819 (paperback : aci Second Edition. xviii, 273 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.2 WAR 05000830 Communication : Warren, John T., SAGE Publications, 2010 9781412959421 (pbk. : acidfree xviii,212p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2 WAR 00130831 Cross-cultural communication : perspectives in theory and practice Warren, Thomas L. Baywood publishing company,Inc. 2017 9781138637177 vii,138p.; UG Library
302.2 WAR 00106404 Communication : Warren, John T., SAGE Publications, 2010 9781412959421 (pbk. : acidfree xviii,212p.; UG Library
302.2 WB 05002555 2006 Information and Communications for Development: Global Trends and Policies / World Bank The World Bank, 2006 0821363468 303p.: Knowledge Centre
302.2 WIN 05029285 Using communication theory : Windahl, Swen, Sage Publications, 2009 141294838X (hbk.) | 9781412948 2nd ed. x, 302 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2 WIN 00099598 Principles of Communication. Winterson, David Centrum Press, 2010 9789380836294 vii, 303 p. UG Library
302.2 WOO 00061734 Communication Theories in Action Wood, T Julia Thomson 2004 0534566391 3rd Ed xxi; 374 p. UG Library
302.2 YAN 00086982 Introducing Social Semiotics Yan Leeuwen, Theo Routledge 2005 9780415249447 301 p UG Library
302.2 ZEL 00109922 Explorations In Communication and History / ed by. Zelizer Barbie Routledge, 2008 9780415777346 | 041577733X (al vi, 234 p. ; UG Library
302.201 MCQ 00078890 Mcquali's Mass Communication Theory / Mcquail Denis Sage Publications, 2006 8178295350 616 p UG Library
302.201 BAB 04021836 Communication Theory / Babu, T. R. Ganesh Scitech Publishers, 2013 9788183713665 3rd ed. V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.201 BAB 04021837 Communication Theory / Babu, T. R. Ganesh Scitech Publishers, 2013 9788183713665 3rd ed. V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.201 BRO 05072917 An Ethics of Political Communication / Brown, Alexander. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group. 2022 9781032075938 ix, 431p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.201 COB 05007282 The communication theory reader / Cobley, Paul Routledge, 1996 0415147166 | 0415147174 (pbk.) xii, 506 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.201 COB 05066975 The Communication Theory Reader / Routledge, 2018 9781138347403 xii, 506p.; Knowledge Centre
302.201 DAI 05045299 Applying Communication Theory for Professional Life: A Practical Introduction. Dainton, Marianne 2005 0761929142 250p Knowledge Centre
302.201 DAI 05027727 Applying Communication Theory for Professional Ilife : Dainton, Marianne Sage Publications, 2005 0761929142 250 p Knowledge Centre
302.201 DAI 00103747 Applying Communication Theory for Professional Life : Dainton, Marianne. SAGE Publications, 2011 9781412976916 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xvi, 247 p. : UG Library
302.201 DAI 00082715 Applying Communication Theory for Professional Life: A Practical Introduction. Dainton, Marianne 2005 0761929142 250p Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.201 FLO 00131643 Exploring communication theory : Floyd, Kory Routledge, 2017 9781138200142 (hardback) | 9781138200159 (pbk.) 403 pages : UG Library
302.201 FLO 00144212 Exploring Communication Theory Making Sense of Us / Floyd, Kory. Routledge, 2022 9781032015194 2nd. xviii,408p,; UG Library
302.201 FLO 00131321 Exploring communication theory : Floyd, Kory Routledge, 2017 9781138200142 (hardback) | 9781138200159 (pbk.) 403 pages : UG Library
302.201 FUC 00142389 Marxist humanism and communication theory : Fuchs, Christian, Routledge, 2021 9780367697136 | 9780367697129 xii,298p.; UG Library
302.201 GRI 05048081 A First Look at Communication Theory / Griffin, Em McGraw-Hill, 2012 9780071086424 xv, 486 p. Knowledge Centre
302.201 GRI 03012801 A First Look at Communication Theory / Griffin, Em McGraw-Hill, 2012 9780071086424 xv, 486 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.201 HAM 05017650 Opening Acts Performance Ina s Communication and Cultural Studies (MS Communication ) Hamera, Judith 1412905583 280p Knowledge Centre
302.201 KRE 00085399 Multimodal Descourse: Kress, Gunther Hodder Arnold 2001 9780340608777 142 p UG Library
302.201 LAN 00130254 The human science of communicology : Lanigan, Richard L. Duquesne University Press, 1992 0820702420 (cloth) : | 0820702 1st ed. xvi, 273 p: UG Library
302.201 LIT 05027707 Theories of Human Communication / Littlejohn, Stephen W Thomson Learning, 2003 9812548815 378p Knowledge Centre
302.201 LIT 05001558 Theories of human communication / Littlejohn, Stephen W. Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 0534549578 (alk. paper) xiv, 378 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.201 LIT 00075221 Theories of Human Communication Littlejojhn Stephen W Thomson Wordsworth 2001 9812548815 378 p UG Library
302.201 LIT 00089682 Communication Theory Littlejohn, W Stephen Cengage 2008 367 p UG Library
302.201 LIT 05027706 Theories of Human Communication / Littlejohn, Stephen W Thomson Learning, 2003 9812548815 378p Knowledge Centre
302.201 ORB 00063448 Interracial Communication : Theory into Practice Orbe P Mark Thomson Learning 2001 0534528503 326 p UG Library
302.201 SHO 05029236 Gatekeeping theory / Shoemaker, Pamela J. Routledge, 2009 9780415981385 (hardback : alk. 173 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.201 SOM 05027732 Principles of Communication / Somasundaram Vijaya Authors Press, 2005 8172732589 333 p. Knowledge Centre
302.201 STA 05002398 An integrated approach to communication theory and research / Stacks, Don W Routledge, 2009 9780805863819 | 0805863818 | 9 2nd ed. xiv, 576 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.201 STO 00062646 Clarifying Communication Theories: a Hands on Approach: Stone, Gerald Surjeet Publications 2003 8122900070 356p UG Library
302.201 STO 05002399 Clarifying Communication Theories : Stone, Gerald Surjeet Publications, 2003 8122900070 358 p Knowledge Centre
302.202 MCQ 05017560 Mcquail`s Mass Communication Theory: M S Comn Mcquail, Denis 0761965475 542p Knowledge Centre
302.202 MUR 04026335 Communication Skills for Engineers / Muralikrishna, C. Pearson, 2011 9788131733844 2nd Ed. 276p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.2021 REI 00077700 Communication Research Statistics / Reinard John C Sage Publications, 2006 0761929878 581 p UG Library
302.2021 REI 05002397 Communication Research Statistics / Reinard John C Sage Publications, 2006 0761929878 581 p Knowledge Centre
302.203 DON 05010879 The international encyclopedia of communication / Donsbach, Wolfgang Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405131995 (alk. paper) | 1 12 v. (ccxxxiv, 5694 p.) : Knowledge Centre
302.203 DON 05010880 The international encyclopedia of communication / Donsbach, Wolfgang Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405131995 (alk. paper) | 1 12 v. (ccxxxiv, 5694 p.) : Knowledge Centre
302.203 DON 05010881 The international encyclopedia of communication / Donsbach, Wolfgang Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405131995 (alk. paper) | 1 12 v. (ccxxxiv, 5694 p.) : Knowledge Centre
302.203 DON 05010882 The international encyclopedia of communication / Donsbach, Wolfgang Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405131995 (alk. paper) | 1 12 v. (ccxxxiv, 5694 p.) : Knowledge Centre
302.203 DON 05010883 The international encyclopedia of communication / Donsbach, Wolfgang Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405131995 (alk. paper) | 1 12 v. (ccxxxiv, 5694 p.) : Knowledge Centre
302.203 DON 05010884 The international encyclopedia of communication / Donsbach, Wolfgang Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405131995 (alk. paper) | 1 12 v. (ccxxxiv, 5694 p.) : Knowledge Centre
302.203 DON 05010885 The international encyclopedia of communication / Donsbach, Wolfgang Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405131995 (alk. paper) | 1 12 v. (ccxxxiv, 5694 p.) : Knowledge Centre
302.203 DON 05010886 The international encyclopedia of communication / Donsbach, Wolfgang Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405131995 (alk. paper) | 1 12 v. (ccxxxiv, 5694 p.) : Knowledge Centre
302.203 DON 05010887 The international encyclopedia of communication / Donsbach, Wolfgang Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405131995 (alk. paper) | 1 12 v. (ccxxxiv, 5694 p.) : Knowledge Centre
302.203 DON 05010888 The international encyclopedia of communication / Donsbach, Wolfgang Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405131995 (alk. paper) | 1 12 v. (ccxxxiv, 5694 p.) : Knowledge Centre
302.203 DON 05010889 The international encyclopedia of communication / Donsbach, Wolfgang Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405131995 (alk. paper) | 1 12 v. (ccxxxiv, 5694 p.) : Knowledge Centre
302.203 DON 05010890 The international encyclopedia of communication / Donsbach, Wolfgang Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405131995 (alk. paper) | 1 12 v. (ccxxxiv, 5694 p.) : Knowledge Centre
302.203 DON 05028071 The international encyclopedia of communication / Donsbach, Wolfgang Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405131995 (alk. paper) | 1 12 v. (ccxxxiv, 5694 p.) : Knowledge Centre
302.203 DON 05028072 The international encyclopedia of communication / Donsbach, Wolfgang Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405131995 (alk. paper) | 1 12 v. (ccxxxiv, 5694 p.) : Knowledge Centre
302.203 DON 05028073 The international encyclopedia of communication / Donsbach, Wolfgang Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405131995 (alk. paper) | 1 12 v. (ccxxxiv, 5694 p.) : Knowledge Centre
302.203 DON 05028074 The international encyclopedia of communication / Donsbach, Wolfgang Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405131995 (alk. paper) | 1 12 v. (ccxxxiv, 5694 p.) : Knowledge Centre
302.203 DON 05028075 The international encyclopedia of communication / Donsbach, Wolfgang Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405131995 (alk. paper) | 1 12 v. (ccxxxiv, 5694 p.) : Knowledge Centre
302.203 DON 05028076 The international encyclopedia of communication / Donsbach, Wolfgang Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405131995 (alk. paper) | 1 12 v. (ccxxxiv, 5694 p.) : Knowledge Centre
302.203 DON 05028077 The international encyclopedia of communication / Donsbach, Wolfgang Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405131995 (alk. paper) | 1 12 v. (ccxxxiv, 5694 p.) : Knowledge Centre
302.203 DON 05028078 The international encyclopedia of communication / Donsbach, Wolfgang Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405131995 (alk. paper) | 1 12 v. (ccxxxiv, 5694 p.) : Knowledge Centre
302.203 DON 05028079 The international encyclopedia of communication / Donsbach, Wolfgang Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405131995 (alk. paper) | 1 12 v. (ccxxxiv, 5694 p.) : Knowledge Centre
302.203 DON 05028080 The international encyclopedia of communication / Donsbach, Wolfgang Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405131995 (alk. paper) | 1 12 v. (ccxxxiv, 5694 p.) : Knowledge Centre
302.203 DON 05028081 The international encyclopedia of communication / Donsbach, Wolfgang Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405131995 (alk. paper) | 1 12 v. (ccxxxiv, 5694 p.) : Knowledge Centre
302.203 DON 05028082 The international encyclopedia of communication / Donsbach, Wolfgang Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405131995 (alk. paper) | 1 12 v. (ccxxxiv, 5694 p.) : Knowledge Centre
302.203 PRA 05002362 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media and Communication in 21st Century /in a Set of 14 Vol.1 Prabhakar, Naval Commonwealth Publications, 2006 8131100340 270 p.: Knowledge Centre
302.203 PRA 05002361 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media and Communication in 21st Century /in a Set of 14 Vol.1 Prabhakar, Naval Commonwealth Publications, 2006 8131100340 270 p.: Knowledge Centre
302.203 PRA 05002359 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media and Communication in 21st Century /in a Set of 14 Vol.1 Prabhakar, Naval Commonwealth Publications, 2006 8131100340 270 p.: Knowledge Centre
302.203 PRA 05002358 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media and Communication in 21st Century /in a Set of 14 Vol.1 Prabhakar, Naval Commonwealth Publications, 2006 8131100340 270 p.: Knowledge Centre
302.203 PRA 05002360 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media and Communication in 21st Century /in a Set of 14 Vol.1 Prabhakar, Naval Commonwealth Publications, 2006 8131100340 270 p.: Knowledge Centre
302.203 PRA 05002366 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media and Communication in 21st Century /in a Set of 14 Vol.1 Prabhakar, Naval Commonwealth Publications, 2006 8131100340 270 p.: Knowledge Centre
302.203 PRA 05002277 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media and Communication in 21st Century /in a Set of 14 Vol.1 Prabhakar, Naval Commonwealth Publications, 2006 8131100340 270 p.: Knowledge Centre
302.203 PRA 05002356 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media and Communication in 21st Century /in a Set of 14 Vol.1 Prabhakar, Naval Commonwealth Publications, 2006 8131100340 270 p.: Knowledge Centre
302.203 PRA 05002350 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media and Communication in 21st Century /in a Set of 14 Vol.1 Prabhakar, Naval Commonwealth Publications, 2006 8131100340 270 p.: Knowledge Centre
302.203 PRA 05002351 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media and Communication in 21st Century /in a Set of 14 Vol.1 Prabhakar, Naval Commonwealth Publications, 2006 8131100340 270 p.: Knowledge Centre
302.203 PRA 05002353 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media and Communication in 21st Century /in a Set of 14 Vol.1 Prabhakar, Naval Commonwealth Publications, 2006 8131100340 270 p.: Knowledge Centre
302.203 PRA 05002354 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media and Communication in 21st Century /in a Set of 14 Vol.1 Prabhakar, Naval Commonwealth Publications, 2006 8131100340 270 p.: Knowledge Centre
302.203 PRA 05002355 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media and Communication in 21st Century /in a Set of 14 Vol.1 Prabhakar, Naval Commonwealth Publications, 2006 8131100340 270 p.: Knowledge Centre
302.203 PRA 05002357 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media and Communication in 21st Century /in a Set of 14 Vol.1 Prabhakar, Naval Commonwealth Publications, 2006 8131100340 270 p.: Knowledge Centre
302.203 SCH 00092926 Encyclopedia of Communication and Information / Macmillan Reference USA, 2002 0028653866 (set : hardcover : 3 v. (xxvii, 1161 p.) : UG Library
302.203 SCH 00092928 Encyclopedia of Communication and Information / Macmillan Reference USA, 2002 0028653866 (set : hardcover : 3 v. (xxvii, 1161 p.) : UG Library
302.203 SCH 00092927 Encyclopedia of Communication and Information / Macmillan Reference USA, 2002 0028653866 (set : hardcover : 3 v. (xxvii, 1161 p.) : UG Library
302.203 WAT 00081342 Dictionary of Media and Communication Studies / Watson, James Hodder Arnold, 2003 0340808292 | 9780340808290 6th Ed. 339 p. UG Library
302.203 WAT 05027767 Dictionary of Media and Communication Studies / Watson, James Hodder Arnold, 2003 0340808292 | 9780340808290 6th Ed. 339 p. Knowledge Centre
302.203 WAT 05027768 Dictionary of Media and Communication Studies / Watson, James Arnold, 2003 0340808292 6th 338 p Knowledge Centre
302.203 WAT 00109260 Dictionary of Media and Communication Studies / Watson, James Hodder Arnold, 2003 0340808292 | 9780340808290 6th Ed. 339 p. UG Library
302.2068 RAY 05017644 Media and Communication Management: MS Communication Shelf Rayudu, C S Himalaya 8174937129 720p Knowledge Centre
302.2068 RAY 05017649 Media and Communication Management - MS Communication Shelf Rayudu, C S HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 8178667207 718 p Knowledge Centre
302.207073 GEH 05047789 A Century of Communication Studies : Routledge Taylor & Francis Group , 2015 9780415820363 vi, 308 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.207073 SCH 00068849 The Beginnings Of Communication Study In America Schramm,Wilbur 1997 0761907165 | 9780761907169 206p UG Library
302.2071 FAS 00107786 The SAGE Handbook of Communication and Instruction Fassett,Deanna L. SAGE Publications, 2010 9781412970877 | 1412970873 xii, 471 p. ; UG Library
302.2071 FAS 05027769 Critical Communication Pedagogy / Fassett, Deanna L Sage Publications, 2007 9781412916264 201 p Knowledge Centre
302.2071 FAS 00089588 Critical Communication Pedagogy / Fassett, Deanna L Sage Publications, 2007 9781412916264 201 p UG Library
302.2071 JEF 05062515 Pedagogy, disability and communication : Routledge, 2017 9781138225527 (hardback) xx, 227 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.2072 ALL 05002395 Quantitative research in communication / Allen, Mike, SAGE, 2009 9781412956956 (cloth : alk. pa xi, 242 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2072 BOY 00138733 Applied Communication Research Methods : Boyle,Michael P. Routledge, 2020 9780367178727 2nd ed. xxiv,459p.; UG Library
302.2072 BOY 05047790 Applied Communication Research Methods : Routledge Taylor & Francis Group , 2015 9780765642332 xxiii, 423 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.2072 CAR 05004760 Distinctive qualities in communication research / Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group, 2010 9780415990257 | 9780415990264 xvi, 119 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.2072 CRA 05002392 Theorizing Communication : Craig, Robert T Sage, 2007 9781412952378 523 p Knowledge Centre
302.2072 FRE 05005086 Routledge handbook of applied communication research / Routledge, 2009 9780805849837 (acidfree paper) xl, 670 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.2072 MER 05027762 Communication Research Methods / Merrigan, Gerianne Thomson, 2004 0534581404 362 p Knowledge Centre
302.2072 MYT 07002475 Media Audience Research : Mytton, Graham, Sage, 2016 9789351506430 3rd edition. 281 p. Library - BR Campus
302.2072 MYT 00125698 Media Audience Research : Mytton, Graham, Sage, 2016 9789351506430 3rd edition. 281 p. UG Library
302.2072 MYT 10001554 Media Audience Research : Mytton, Graham, Sage, 2016 9789351506430 3rd edition. 281 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.2072 RUB 05027770 Communication research measures : Rebecca B Rubin Rouledge, 2009 9780415871464 400 p. Knowledge Centre
302.2072 RUB 05005011 Communication research measures II : Routledge, 2009 9780805851328 (hbk.) | 0805851 xviii, 505 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.2072 TRE 05002391 Introducing communication research : Treadwell, Donald. SAGE Publications, 2011 9781412944571 (pbk.) | 1412944 xviii, 226 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2072 TRE 00111529 Introducing communication research : Treadwell, Donald. SAGE Publications, 2014 9781452217352 (pbk. : acidfree 2nd ed. 304p.; UG Library
302.2072 WRE 05003899 Quantitative Research Methods for Communication Wrench, Jason S. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195699289 xi, 537 p. Knowledge Centre
302.20721 BOY 00146065 Applied communication research methods : Boyle, Michael P., Routledge 2024 9781032328065 | 9781032288819 Third edition. xvii;316p. UG Library
302.20721 CRO 05047785 Understanding communication research methods : Croucher, Stephen Michael. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group , 2015 9780415833103 (hardback) | 978 vii, 360 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.20721 CRO 00135427 Understanding communication research methods : Croucher, Stephen Michael, Routledge, 2019 9781138052659 (hbk) | 9781138052680 (pbk) Second edition. 323 pages : UG Library
302.20721 LIN 00130985 Qualitative communication research methods / Lindlof, Thomas R. Sage publicaions Inc., 2019 9781452256825 (pbk. : alk. pap Fourth edition. xix,494p.; UG Library
302.20721 PET 00131421 Communication research methodology : Pettey, Gary R., Routledge, 2017 9780415507448 (pbk.) | 9780415507431 (hardback) xiv,197p.; UG Library
302.20721 PET 00131638 Communication research methodology : Pettey, Gary R., Routledge, 2017 9780415507448 (pbk.) | 9780415507431 (hardback) xiv,197 p.; UG Library
302.20721 STA 05065163 An integrated approach to communication theory and research / Routledge, 2019 9781138561441 | 9781138561472 Third edition. xvii,590p.; Knowledge Centre
302.20721 VER 05062767 Quantitative methods in media and communication / Verboord,Marc. Sage, 2013 9781446294345 vi,429p.; Knowledge Centre
302.209 POE 00103657 A History of Communications : Poe, Marshall. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521179447 (pbk.) | 0521179 xi, 337 p. ; UG Library
302.209 POE 00107852 A History of Communications : Poe, Marshall. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521179447 (pbk.) | 0521179 xi, 337 p. ; UG Library
302.209 POE 00103680 A History of Communications : Poe, Marshall. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521179447 (pbk.) | 0521179 xi, 337 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.209052 PAT 05074410 What Next ? / Pathak, Dhanush Bhanjan. Blue Rose, 2021 9789354724237 245p.; Knowledge Centre
302.209052 PRI 05072904 Power, media and the COVID-19 pandemic : Routledge, 2022 9780367706302 | 9780367706326 xiv, 273p, : Knowledge Centre
302.2095 BLA 01024107 Contemporary culture and media in Asia Black, Daniel Rowman and littlefield, 2016 9781783487097 vi,286p.; Knowledge Centre
302.20952 YAM 03009340 Different Games Different Rules : Yamada, Haru. Oxford University Press, 1997 0195094883 | 9780195094886 166 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.20952 YAM 05027758 Different Games Different Rules : Yamada, Haru. Oxford University Press, 1997 0195094883 | 9780195094886 166 p.: Knowledge Centre
302.20954 BEL 05002382 Commuication, Culture and Confrontation Bel, Bernard Sage Publications, 2010 9788132102274 474 p Knowledge Centre
302.20954 AIT 05070154 National Conference on Emerging In ICT & Management IT Enabled Education In Engineering and Management Research / Acharya Institute of Technology, 2012 304p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.20954 BEL 05027759 Commuication, Culture and Confrontation Bel, Bernard Sage Publications, 2010 9788132102274 474 p Knowledge Centre
302.20954 GIR 00117527 Information and communication technology Girish, S. Hallur Prakashana 2012 320p.; UG Library
302.20954 KUM 07013031 Mass communication in India / Kumar, Keval J. Jaico Pub. House, 2018 8172243731 4rd completely rev. & updated ed. 609p.: Library - BR Campus
302.20954 KUM 07013032 Mass communication in India / Kumar, Keval J. Jaico Pub. House, 2018 8172243731 4rd completely rev. & updated ed. 609p.: Library - BR Campus
302.20954 KUM 07013033 Mass communication in India / Kumar, Keval J. Jaico Pub. House, 2018 8172243731 4rd completely rev. & updated ed. 609p.: Library - BR Campus
302.20954 KUM 07007791 Mass communication in India / Kumar, Keval J. Jaico Pub. House, 2000 8172243731 3rd completely rev. & updated ed. 408 p. ; Library - BR Campus
302.20954 MEH 00035266 Mass Communication and Journalism in India Mehta D S Allied Publishers 1979 404 p UG Library
302.20954 MEH 00035267 Mass Communication and Journalism in India Mehta D S Allied Publishers 1992 8170233534 404 p UG Library
302.20954 MEH 00036522 Mass Communication and Journalism in India Mehta D S Allied Publishers 1992 8170233534 404 p UG Library
302.20954 MEH 00049279 Mass Communication and Journalism in India Mehta D S Allied Publications 1999 8170233534 403 p UG Library
302.20954 MEH 07006173 Mass Communication and Journalism in India Mehta D S Allied Publishers 1992 8170233534 404 p Library - BR Campus
302.20954 MEH 00061742 Mass Communication and Journalism in India Mehta, D S Allied Publications 2003 8170233534 402p UG Library
302.20954 MEL 05027757 Critical Issues in Communication : Melkote, R Srinivas Sage Publications, 2001 0761995110 492 p Knowledge Centre
302.20954 MEL 05017645 Critical Issues in Communication Looking Inward for Answers: Essays in Habor of K e Eapen {mscom] Melkote, R Srinivas 0761995110 485p Knowledge Centre
302.20954 MEL 05017646 Critical Issues In Communication Melkote, Srinivas R Sage Publications, 2001 0761995110 492p Knowledge Centre
302.20954 MEL 00050483 Critical Issues In Communication Melkote, Srinivas R Sage Publications, 2001 0761995110 492p UG Library
302.20954 PAN 05017554 Information and Communication Technology Pandey, V C 0819017990 283p Knowledge Centre
302.20954 PRA 05027755 Communication for Development : Prasad, Kiran B R Publishing Corporation; 2009 9788176466677 286 p Knowledge Centre
302.20954 PRA 05027756 Communication for Development : Prasad, Kiran B R Publishing Corporation; 2009 9788176466677 286 p Knowledge Centre
302.20954 SRI 05056045 Information and Communication Technology / Srinivasa,K.S. Navyug Books International, 2015 9789382974222 298p.; Knowledge Centre
302.20954 THA 05059856 IIMC Jnu Indian Institute of mass communication : Thapar, Sheetal. Cosmos Bookhive Private Limited, 2016 9788177292541 301p. Knowledge Centre
302.213 NEV 05027749 Elia Kazan : Neve, Brian I B Tauris & Co. Ltd., 2008 9781845115609 252 p Knowledge Centre
302.22 COH 05056495 The visual narrative reader / Cohn, Neil, Bloomsbury publishing Inc, 2016 9781472577900 (hardback) | 978 xxiv,350p.; Knowledge Centre
302.22 GAL 05037114 Experimental semiotics : John Benjamins Pub. Co., 2012 9789027202642 160 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.22 HUM 05027748 Short cuts : Humez, Alexander. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195389135 (alk. paper) 296 p. Knowledge Centre
302.220395487 RAN 05072333 Media and social development : University of Mysore, 2018 9789353467739 | 9789353468958 xvi, 240p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.220395487 RAN 05072334 Media and social development : University of Mysore, 2018 9789353467739 | 9789353468958 xvi, 240p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.220395487 RAN 05072335 Media and social development case studies : Rani, N Usha. University of Mysore : 2018 9789353515188 xviii, 303p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.220395487 RAN 05072336 Media and social development case studies : Rani, N Usha. University of Mysore : 2018 9789353515188 xviii, 303p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.220395487 RAN 05072337 Media and social development : University of Mysore : 2018 9789353517038 xxx, 260p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.220395487 RAN 05072338 Media and social development : Rani, N Usha., University of Mysore : 2020 9789353463847 xxxii, 252p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.220395487 RAN 05072324 Media and social development : Rani, N Usha. University of Mysore, 2018 xxiii, 240p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.220395487 RAN 05072325 Media and social development : Rani, N Usha. University of Mysore, 2018 9789353511500 xxiv, 185p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.220395487 RAN 05072320 Media and social development : Rani, N Usha. University of Mysore, 2018 9788192694269 xxiv, 242p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.220395487 RAN 05072326 Media and social development : Rani, N Usha., University of Mysore, 2018 9789353512453 xxiv, 174p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.220395487 RAN 05072321 Media and social development : Rani, N Usha. University of Mysore, 2018 9789353465483 xxiv, 246p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.220395487 RAN 05072322 Media and social development : Rani, N Usha. University of Mysore, 2018 9788192694276 xxii, 229p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.220395487 RAN 05072323 Media and social development : Rani, N Usha. University of Mysore, 2018 xxiv, 237p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.220395487 RAN 05072327 Media and social development : Rani, N Usha., University of Mysore, 2018 xxiv, 172p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.220395487 RAN 05072328 Media and social development : Rani, N Usha., University of Mysore, 2018 9789353519803 xxiv, 154p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.220395487 RAN 05072329 Media, social development : Rani, N Usha., University of Mysore, 2018 978933513504 xxxiv, 252p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.220395487 RAN 05072330 Media, social development : Rani, N Usha., University of Mysore, 2018 978933513504 xxxiv, 252p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.220395487 RAN 05072331 Media and social development : University of Mysore, 2018 9789353467739 | 9789353468958 xvi, 240p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.220395487 RAN 05072332 Media and social development : University of Mysore, 2018 9789353467739 | 9789353468958 xvi, 240p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.222 FUR 03002585 Body Language at Work Furnham, Adrian Universities Press 9788173713187 82 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.222 WHA 05017648 Pragmatics and non-verbal communication Wharton, Tim. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521870979 (hardback) | 052 x, 219 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.222 ALL 01000316 Definitive Book of Body Language / Allan Barbara Pease Manjul Publishing House, 2005 0008183222 395p.; Knowledge Centre
302.222 CHI 00133368 Visual Communication Chiranjeev, Avinash Jnanada Prakashan, 2018 9788171398997 290 p.: UG Library
302.222 DIK 00088194 Visual Culture: Dikovitskaya, Margret The MIT Press 2005 9780262042246 316p UG Library
302.222 DOU 00087986 Natural Symbols : Explorations in Cosmology With a New Introduction Douglas Mary Routledge 2003 0415314542 (pbk.) | 9780415314 xxxix, 194 p UG Library
302.222 DOU 00076201 Natural Symbols : Explorations in Cosmology With a New Introduction Douglas Mary Routledge 2003 0415314542 (pbk.) | 9780415314 xxxix, 194 p UG Library
302.222 DOU 00078554 Natural Symbols : Explorations in Cosmology With a New Introduction Douglas Mary Routledge 2003 0415314542 (pbk.) | 9780415314 xxxix, 194 p UG Library
302.222 DOU 05005382 Natural Symbols : Explorations in Cosmology With a New Introduction Douglas Mary Routledge 2003 0415314542 (pbk.) | 9780415314 xxxix, 194 p Knowledge Centre
302.222 EVE 05059637 Effective data visualization : Evergreen, Stephanie D. H., Sage Publications, 2017 9781506303055 (pbk. : alk. pap xiii, 243p. Knowledge Centre
302.222 FON 00107390 The new secret language of symbols : Fontana, David. Duncan Baird Publishers 2010 0811804623 : | 9781844838899 | 192 p. : UG Library
302.222 GOF 05004092 Relations in public : Goffman, Erving. Transaction Publishers, 2010 9781412810067 (alk. paper) | 1 xxvi, 396 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.222 KUM 05027750 Media Research and Planning / Kumar, Rajesh DPS Publishing House, 2010 9788190893572 280 p Knowledge Centre
302.222 MAC 00127122 Introduction to multimodal analysis / Machin, David, Hodder Arnold ; | Distributed in the U.S.A. by Oxford University Press, 2007 9780340929384 (pbk.) | 0340929 xviii, 206 p. : UG Library
302.222 MAN 00087563 Images a Reader Manghani, Sunil 2006 0141290045 331p UG Library
302.222 MOR 00090572 Peoplewatching Morris, Desmond Wintage Books 9780099429784 526p UG Library
302.222 NAY 00133367 Types of Commnication Nayak, Akshaya Kumar Jnanada Prakashan, 2018 9788171398966 272 p.: UG Library
302.222 OLS 00084291 Visual Rhetoric : Olson, Lester C Sage Publications, 2008 9781412949194 437 p UG Library
302.222 OLS 05027751 Visual Rhetoric : Olson, Lester C Sage Publications, 2008 9781412949194 437 p Knowledge Centre
302.222 PAN 05069534 Flower Shower : Pande,Alka. Niyogi Books, 2019 9789385285950 260p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2​22 PAN 07014928 Flower Shower : Pande,Alka. Niyogi Books, 2019 9789385285950 260p.; Library - BR Campus
302.222 ROS 05007159 Visual methodologies : Rose, Gillian, SAGE Publications, 2007 9781412921909 | 9781412921916 2nd ed. xvi, 287 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.222 ROS 05037064 Visual methodologies : Rose, Gillian, SAGE, 2012 9780857028877 | 9780857028884 3rd ed. xx, 386 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.222 WAI 04015285 Understand body language / Wainwright, Gordon R. Hodder Education , 2009 302.222 176 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.222 WIL 00086560 Visual Communication: Williams, Rick Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 2007 9780805850659 448 p UG Library
302.2223 TRE 00095208 1001 Symbols Tresidder Jack Duncan Baird Publishers 9781904292586 373p UG Library
302.222DOU 01007249 Natural Symbols: Exploration in Cosmology (law Lib) Mary Douglas ROUTLEDGE 0415314542 194p Knowledge Centre
302.222MAN 00086510 Imanges: A Reader Manghani, Sunitl Sage 2006 9781412900454 331 p UG Library
302.222MOR 03005978 Peoplewatching Morris, Desmond Wintage Books 9780099429784 526p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.222PEA 01000317 Body Language (law Lib) Allan Pease Sheldon Press 152p Knowledge Centre
302.224 BRO 03012156 The Discussion Book : Brookfield, Stephen D Wiley, 2016 9788126561247 260p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.224 BRO 05062233 The Discussion Book : Brookfield, Stephen D Wiley, 2016 9788126561247 260p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.224 WOL 07011059 Tales of literacy for the 21st century : Wolf, Maryanne. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198724179 (pbk.) IX,195pages,: Library - BR Campus
302.2242 BUT 05072956 Excitable speech : Butler, Judith. Routledge, 2021 0415915880 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0415915872 (hc) | 9780367705244 xxiv, 188p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.2242 COR 05011337 Opposing hate speech / Cortese, Anthony Joseph Paul. Praeger Publishers, 2006 0275984273 (alk. paper) xvii, 229 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.2242 ERI 01014236 Talk and social theory : Erickson, Frederick. Polity Press, 0745624707 (hb. : alk. paper) xi, 228 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2242 OMA 10004431 Talking Heads: The New Science of How Conversation shapes Our Worlds/ by Shane O'Mara O'Mara, Shane [Author] Penguin 2023 9781847926494 1st Ed. 232p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.2242 SEI 00072819 Communication Making Connections. Seiler, William T 2000 0020520533 i 10 UG Library
302.2244 07002236 The Cambridge Handbook of Literacy / Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521862202 (hardback) | 052 xxi, 601 p. : Library - BR Campus
302.2244 BLA 00125849 Literacy and Learning : Blake,Brett Elizabeth ABC CLIO, 2002 9791576072737 xvii, 265 p. : UG Library
302.2244 SHA 04003564 Speech Communication: Human and Machine Shaughnessy, Douglas Universities Press 2008 9788173713743 545 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.2244 ADI 00079737 Literacy for Globalization : In Honour of Prof D.Janardha Reddy Reddy P Adinarayana Associated Publishers 2007 8184290543 295 p UG Library
302.2244 BAR 00104237 The Anthropology of Writing : Barton, David, Continuum, 2010 9781441108852 | 1441108858 xi, 240 p. : UG Library
302.2244 BUR 00102356 Literacy in the Digital Age / Burniske, R. W., Corwin Press, 2008 9781412957458 (cloth) | 141295 2nd ed. xii, 139 p. : UG Library
302.2244 COL 07013065 Literacy and literacies : Collins, James, Cambridge University Press, 2003 0521593565 | 0521596610 (pbk.) xx, 217 p. ; Library - BR Campus
302.2244 GEO 00137089 Research Methodology and Scientific Writing / Thomas, C. George. Ane Books, 2018 9789384726089 | 9789385462993 rep xii,531p.; UG Library
302.2244 GEO 00137090 Research Methodology and Scientific Writing / Thomas, C. George. Ane Books, 2018 9789384726089 | 9789385462993 rep xii,531p.; UG Library
302.2244 GRA 00111827 Literacy Myths, Legacies, & Lessons: Graff, Harvey J. Transaction Publishers, 2011 9781412849661 xiv: 207p.; UG Library
302.2244 HAW 05037118 Framing languages and literacies : Routledge, 2013 9780415810555 (hardback) | 978 x, 226 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.2244 HEA 05005375 On Ethnography : Heath, Shirley Brice Routledge, 2008 9780415472074 153 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2244 KOT 00115248 Reading Beyond the Alphabet Kothari, Brij Sage Publications 2003 9780761997085 282 UG Library
302.2244 OLS 00104854 The World on Paper : Olson, David R., Cambridge University Press, 1996 0521575583 (paperback) First paperback ed. xix, 318 p. : UG Library
302.2244 OLS 00092028 The Cambridge Handbook of Literacy / Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521862202 (hardback) | 052 xxi, 601 p. : UG Library
302.2244 PUR 05002377 Cultural Practices of Literacy : Purcell-Gates, Victoria Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2007 0805854924 241 p Knowledge Centre
302.2244 ROB 00100908 Writing and Script : Robinson, Andrew, Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199567782 (pbk.) | 0199567 xii, 157 p. : UG Library
302.2244 ROB 00102153 Writing and Script : Robinson, Andrew, Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199567782 (pbk.) | 0199567 xii, 157 p. : UG Library
302.2244 SHA 00095206 Education in the Digital World Sharma Ramesh C Viva Books 2005 9788130913919 187p UG Library
302.2244 STA 03010842 Writing on the Wall : Standage, Tom. Bloomsbury , 2013 9781408842089 278 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.2244 STR 05037807 Cross-cultural approaches to literacy / Street, Brian V Cambridge University Press, 1993 0521401674 (hardback) | 052140 xii, 321 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2244 THO 04023397 Research Methodology and Scientific Writing / Thomas, C. George Ane Books, 2015 9789384726089 | 9789385462993 xii,531p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.2244 THO 05052930 Research Methodology and Scientific Writing / Thomas, C. George Ane Books, 2015 9789384726089 | 9789385462993 xii,531p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2244 WHI 05005350 Understanding adult functional literacy : White, Sheida. Routledge, 2011 9780415882477 (hardback : alk. xvi, 260 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2244 WYS 00130395 How writing works : Wyse, Dominic, Cambridge, 2017 9781316636060 240 p.: UG Library
302.2244082 DAN 05002379 Women and Literacy : Daniell, Beth Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2007 0080586007 335 p Knowledge Centre
302.22440901 BOW 00127286 Literacy and power in the ancient world / Bowman, Alan K. Cambridge University Press, 1994 9780521587365 ix, 249 p. : UG Library
302.22440954 SOU 05027752 Literacy Campaign in India / Soundarapandian, M Discovery Publishing House, 2000 8171415539 182 p Knowledge Centre
302.2244NAR 01004056 Characterizing Literacy a Study of Western and Indian Literacy Experience(law Lib.) R Narasimhan Sage Publications 0761998292 197p Knowledge Centre
302.23 BAX 00130765 Media and mass communication Baxter,Wade Clanrye international, 2017 9781632406385 vi,221p.; UG Library
302.23 BLA 03000763 Effective Media Relations: How to Get Results Bland, Michael Kogan Page 9788175543362 150 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.23 BUC 05002386 Media Access: Bucy, Erik P Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004 0805841091 296 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 KUM 04000373 Mass Communication in India / Kumar, Keval J Jaico Publishing House, 2008 8172243731 373 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.23 MEH 00116472 Politics and Use of Personal Media Mehta, Malti. Sarup Book Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2013 9788176258807 146p.: UG Library
302.23 NAY 05027974 An Introduction to Cultural Studies / Nayar, Pramod K Viva Books, 2008 9788130909592 304 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 NAY 05027975 An Introduction to Cultural Studies / Nayar, Pramod K Viva Books, 2008 9788130909592 304 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 NIC 05002406 100 Ways : Nicholls Andrew Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521739849 301 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 OAT 05027968 Introduction to Media and Politics / Oates, Sarah. Sage Publications, 2008 9781412902618 (hbk.) | 9781412 ix, 230 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 RAY 00094310 Communication Rayudu C S Himalaya Publishing House 712p UG Library
302.23 SHR 00034765 Media Issues Shrivastava K M Sterling Publisher Pvt Ltd 1992 8120714709 168 p. UG Library
302.23 WEB 00130764 Mass media: Wbster,Alley Willford press, 2017 9781682853979 228p.; UG Library
302.23 ABR 00144128 Media Literacy Equity and Justice / Abreu,Belinha S De . Routledge, 2023 9780367761257 xix,292 p,; UG Library
302.23 ACH 05042983 Manufacturing Consent Noam Cohomsky and the Media / Achbar, Mark Black Rose Books, 1995 1551640023 264 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 ADL 05027738 Communication : Adler Ronal B Wadsworth, 2007 9788131506608 271 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 AGG 05027970 Media Credibility / Aggarwal, S K Mittal Publications, 1989 8170991579 246 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 AGR 00039432 Socity,Culture & Mass Communication Agrawal, Hema Rawat 1995 8170332826 210 p. UG Library
302.23 AHL 05040031 Sociology of Modern Media and Everyday Life / J P Ahluwalia Altar Publishing House, 2012 viii, 251 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 AHU 00036582 History of Press,Press Laws And communications Ahuja, B N Surjeet Publications 1988 vi; 238 p. UG Library
302.23 ALB 05017555 Media Economics: Understanding Markets, Industrues and Concepts: M S Communication Shelf Albarran, B Alan Surjeet Publications 8122900003 226p Knowledge Centre
302.23 ALB 05027969 Media Economics : Albarran, Alan B Surjeet Publications, 2005 8122900003 229 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 ALI 05027733 Media Ethics and Social Change : Alia, Valerie Edinburgh University Press, 2004 9780748617715 229 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 ALI 07006521 Media Ethics and Social Change : Alia, Valerie Edinburgh University Press, 2004 9780748617715 229 p. Library - BR Campus
302.23 ALI 05027921 Media Ethics and Social Change : Alia, Valerie Edinburgh University Press, 2004 9780748617715 229 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 ANI 07015081 Empowering Communities through Community Video : Anil Kumar, Pathlavath. Evincepub Publishing, 2021 9789354460135 133p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23 ANI 07015082 Empowering Communities through Community Video : Anil Kumar, Pathlavath. Evincepub Publishing, 2021 9789354460135 133p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23 ANI 07015083 Empowering Communities through Community Video : Anil Kumar, Pathlavath. Evincepub Publishing, 2021 9789354460135 133p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23 ANI 07015084 Empowering Communities through Community Video : Anil Kumar, Pathlavath. Evincepub Publishing, 2021 9789354460135 133p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23 ANI 07015085 Empowering Communities through Community Video : Anil Kumar, Pathlavath. Evincepub Publishing, 2021 9789354460135 133p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23 ANI 07015086 Empowering Communities through Community Video : Anil Kumar, Pathlavath. Evincepub Publishing, 2021 9789354460135 133p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23 ANI 05072392 Empowering communities through community video : Anil Kumar, Pathlavath. Evincepub Publishing, 2021 9789354460135 xii,133p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 ANI 05072393 Empowering communities through community video : Anil Kumar, Pathlavath. Evincepub Publishing, 2021 9789354460135 xii,133p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 ANI 05072394 Empowering communities through community video : Anil Kumar, Pathlavath. Evincepub Publishing, 2021 9789354460135 xii,133p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 ANI 05072395 Empowering communities through community video : Anil Kumar, Pathlavath. Evincepub Publishing, 2021 9789354460135 xii,133p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 ANI 05072396 Empowering communities through community video : Anil Kumar, Pathlavath. Evincepub Publishing, 2021 9789354460135 xii,133p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 ANO 05002401 International Communication : Anokwa, Kwadwo Thomson, 2003 0534575196 297 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 ANO 05025760 International Communication : Anokwa, Kwadwo Thomson/Wadsworth, 2003 0534575196 297 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 ANO 00091200 Mass Communications: Anokwa Kwadwo Wadsworth-Cengage Learning 9788131506516 228p UG Library
302.23 ARA 00088005 Media, Technology and Society Aram, Arul Cambridge 2008 9788184580525 211p UG Library
302.23 ARO 00036526 Deadline for the Media : Today`s Challenges to Press TV & Radio Aronson James The Bobbs-Merrill Company 1972 326 p UG Library
302.23 ARO 00033268 Language Use in Mass Media Arokianathan S Creative Publishers 1988 818523101X 104 p UG Library
302.23 ARO 00040134 Language Use in Mass Media Arokianathan S Creative Publishers 1988 818523101X 104 p UG Library
302.23 ART 00124486 Global Entertainment Media : Artz, Lee, Wiley Blackwell, 2015 9781118955437 | 9781118955444 270 p ; UG Library
302.23 ART 07013008 The globalization of corporate media hegemony / State University of New York Press, 2003 0791458229 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0791458210 (alk. paper) ix, 309 p. ; Library - BR Campus
302.23 ART 07000263 Digital wars : Arthur, Charles, KoganPage, 2014 9780749472030 (pbk.) | 0749472 Second edition. viii, 335 pages ; Library - BR Campus
302.23 ART 00146202 Global media dialogues : Artz, Lee Routledge 2024 9781032282008 | 9781032282015 261p. UG Library
302.23 ASH 00138583 New literacy and democracy Ashley, Seth 9781138625068 xi,206 p.; UG Library
302.23 ASR 00143053 Media Psychology Asrat, Yihunselam Global Vision Publishing House 2022 9789390423415 312p UG Library
302.23 AST 07013586 India's state-run media : Asthana, Sanjay, Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108481700 | 1108481701 xiii, 210 pages : Library - BR Campus
302.23 ATA 10004054 Mediated Critical Communication Pedagogy/ Edited by Ahmet Atay and Deanna L Fassett Atay, Ahmet [Ed.] 9781498568722 vi, 204p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.23 ATH 05057284 Transnational audiences : Athique, Adrian, Polity Press, 2016 9780745670218 (hardback) | 978 vi, 213 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 BAC 00146060 Toxic cultures : Bacon, Simon International Academic Publishers 2022 9781789979534 viii, 334 p. UG Library
302.23 BAN 00078311 Journalism And Electronic Media Bansal, S K APH Publishing Corporation 2007 0813130065 | 9788131300657 256p UG Library
302.23 BAN 07012704 Journalism And Electronic Media Bansal, S K APH Publishing Corporation 2007 0813130065 | 9788131300657 256p Library - BR Campus
302.23 BAN 05027772 Production studies : Vicki Mayer Routledge, 2009 9780415997959 (hardback : alk. vii, 255 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 BAR 00075209 Mass Communication Theory Baran, Stanley J Thomson 2004 9812403620 2nd ed. 400 p UG Library
302.23 BAR 00089175 Cultural Studies: Chris, Barker Sage 2008 9781412924160 3rd,ed. 525p UG Library
302.23 BAR 05017564 Mass communication theory : Baran, Stanley J. Thomson/Wadsworth, 2006 0534637973 (pbk.) 4th ed. xix, 412 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 BAR 05044604 Introduction to Mass Communication : Baran Stnaley.J Higher Education, 2010 9780071078771 xxvi,450p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23 BAR 00056199 Introduction to Mass Communication Baran Stanley J Mayfield Publishing 1999 1559349603 518 p UG Library
302.23 BAT 05005507 A2 media studies : Routledge, 2010 9780415586597 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 334 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 BAX 05025765 Basics of Communication Research / Baxter, A Leslie Thomson, 2005 0534507786 454 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 BAY 00147418 Media ecologies of literature / Bayerlipp, Susanne Bloomsbury Academic, 2023 9781501383878 219p. ; UG Library
302.23 BEC 00109425 Wikileaks Beckett,Charlie. Polity Press, 2012 0745659756 (hbk) | 97807456597 ix, 198 p. ; UG Library
302.23 BEC 00117470 Supermedia : Beckett, Charlie. Wiley, 2008 9781405179249 (hbk. : alk. pap ix, 205 p. : UG Library
302.23 BEL 05002376 Advanced Level Media / Bell, Angela Hodder Arnold, 1999 0340803967 408 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 BEL 00138897 Making sense of data in the media Bell, Andrew. Sage publications ltd., 2020 9781526447203 (pbk.) | 9781526447197 (hardback) 1st edition. 261p.; UG Library
302.23 BEN 05027964 A2 Media Studies : Bennett, Peter Routledge Publications, 2006 0415347688 286 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 BEN 01019751 After the Media : Bennett Peter Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2011 9780415586832 262p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23 BEN 05056121 Media studies : Benyahia, Sarah Casey, Routledge, 2014 9780415540148 (hbk) | 97804155 Second edition. xiii, 313 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 BER 05027976 Making Sense of Media : Berger, Arthur Asa Blackwell Publishing, 2006 1405120177 195 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 BER 07014434 Understanding the business of entertainment : Bernstein, Gregory, Routledge, 2020 9780367074524 | 9780367074531 Second edition. x, 269 pages ; Library - BR Campus
302.23 BER 05027710 Cultural meanings of news : Berkowitz, Daniel A Sage Publications, 2011 9781412967655 (pbk.) xxii, 409 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 BER 05027728 Seeing Is Believing : Berger, Arthur Asa Mayfield Publishing Company, 1998 1559349093 210 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 BER 05038694 The outrage industry : Berry, Jeffrey M., Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199928972 (hardback) | 019 x, 275 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.23 BER 00118396 The outrage industry : Berry, Jeffrey M., Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199928972 (hardback) | 019 x, 275 pages : UG Library
302.23 BER 00109088 Media analysis techniques Berger, Arthur Asa, SAGE, 2012 9781412987769 (pbk.) | 1412987 4th ed. xv, 260 p. : UG Library
302.23 BER 05003073 Seeing is believing:3rd edition Berger Arthur Asa McGraw-Hill 9780073534251 262 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 BER 00083484 Seeing Is Believing: An Introduction to Visual Communication Berger, Arthur Asa 1998 1559349093 210p UG Library
302.23 BER 07002160 The outrage industry : Berry, Jeffrey M., Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199928972 (hardback) | 019 x, 275 pages : Library - BR Campus
302.23 BER 00130973 Media analysis techniques / Berger, Arthur Asa, Sage publication Inc., 2019 9781506366210 (pbk. : alk. pap 6th edition. xviii,346p.; UG Library
302.23 BER 07011872 Media analysis techniques / Berger, Arthur Asa, Sage publication Inc., 2019 9781506366210 (pbk. : alk. pap 6th edition. xviii,346p.; Library - BR Campus
302.23 BHA 00062616 Mass Media and Information Revolution Bhargava Gopal Isha Books 2004 8182050499 279 p UG Library
302.23 BHA 05017567 Mass Emdia and Information Revolution - M S Communication Shelf Bhargava, Gopal Isha Books 8182050499 280p Knowledge Centre
302.23 BHA 07014433 Mass Communication Technology Concept and Scope / Bhattacharjee Shymali Kanishka Publishers,Distributors, 2019 9788193998861 226p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23 BHA 05028610 Media Flow And Monitoring / Bhatia, Arun Akansha Publishing House, 2005 8183700225 262 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 BHA 00056078 Media : Sensation Not Truth Bhatt S C Gyan Publishing House 2003 8121208181 181 p UG Library
302.23 BHA 00068486 Communication and Social Change Bhatia, Arun Akansha Publishing House 2004 8183700195 264p UG Library
302.23 BHA 00068503 Media Flow and Monitoring Bhatia, Arun Akansha Publishing House 2005 8183700225 262p UG Library
302.23 BHA 00066748 Media and Mass Communication Bhattacharjee Shymali Kanishka Publishers 2005 8173917175 215 p UG Library
302.23 BHA 00066758 Mass Media and Public Issues Bhargava, Gopal Isha Books 8182050422 280p UG Library
302.23 BHU 00118162 Media and Communication Management / Bhushan, Mittika Singal. Book Enclave, 2014 9788181523365 251p.; UG Library
302.23 BHU 07001488 Media and Communication Management / Bhushan, Mittika Singal. Book Enclave, 2014 9788181523365 251p.; Library - BR Campus
302.23 BIA 05027717 Media Impact : Biagi, Shirley Thomson, 2004 0534597068 388p Knowledge Centre
302.23 BIA 00036548 Media Impact : An Introduction to Mass Media Biagi, Shirley Wadsworth Publishing 1992 0534162428 2nd Ed 564 p UG Library
302.23 BIA 05047830 Media/Impact An Introduction to Mass Media / Biagi Shirley Wadsworth, 2012 9781111829537 xxiii,429p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23 BIA 07000440 Media/Impact An Introduction to Mass Media / Biagi Shirley Wadsworth, 2012 9781111829537 xxiii,429p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23 BIA 00109263 Media/impact Biagi,Shirley. Wadsworth/Thomson, 2005 0534630618 (instructor's ed.) 7th ed. xxv, 408 p. : UG Library
302.23 BIG 05025690 Postmodern Media Culture / Bignell, Jonathan Aakar Books, 2000 8189833162 240 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 BIG 00088423 Postmodern Media Culture / Bignell, Jonathan Aakar Books, 2000 8189833162 240 p UG Library
302.23 BIJ 00134848 Political internet Biju, P. R Routledge, 2017 9781138282780 xi, 271 p.; UG Library
302.23 BIT 00036547 Mass Communication: an Introduction Bittner, R John Phi 1989 440p UG Library
302.23 BJO 00146209 Academic Flying and the Means of communication/ Bjorkdahl, kristian Palgrave Macmillian 2022 9789811649103 xxi,365p. UG Library
302.23 BLA 00034422 Introuduction To Mass Communication Black, Jay Wm. C. Brown Publisher 1983 0697085899 3rd Ed xiv; 646 UG Library
302.23 BLG 00088664 Postmodern Media Culture Blgnell, Jonathan 2001 0748609881 240p UG Library
302.23 BOW 07009358 Transparency in politics and the media : 9780857723154 (e-book) | 97817 1 online resource (264 pages) : Library - BR Campus
302.23 BOW 05042190 Transparency in politics and the media : 9780857723154 (e-book) | 97817 1 online resource (264 pages) : Knowledge Centre
302.23 BOY 07002003 Approaches to Media : Boyd-Barrett, Oliver. E. Arnold ; | Distributed exclusively in the USA by St. Martin's Press, | Rawat publications 1995 0340652306 | 0340652292 (pbk.) xiv, 562 p. ; Library - BR Campus
302.23 BOY 00110099 Approaches to Media : Boyd-Barrett, Oliver. E. Arnold ; | Distributed exclusively in the USA by St. Martin's Press, | Rawat publications 1995 0340652306 | 0340652292 (pbk.) xiv, 562 p. ; UG Library
302.23 BOY 10001357 Approaches to Media : Boyd-Barrett, Oliver. E. Arnold ; | Distributed exclusively in the USA by St. Martin's Press, | Rawat publications 1995 0340652306 | 0340652292 (pbk.) xiv, 562 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.23 BOY 00085383 Approaches to Media : Boyd-Barrett, Oliver. E. Arnold ; | Distributed exclusively in the USA by St. Martin's Press, | Rawat publications 1995 0340652306 | 0340652292 (pbk.) xiv, 562 p. ; UG Library
302.23 BRA 00047968 Media Student`s Book Branston, Gill 1999 0415173086 468p UG Library
302.23 BRA 00147416 Media, Practice and Theory: Brabandere, Nicole DE Vernon Press, 2023 9781648895043 214p. ; UG Library
302.23 BRA 05002373 The Media Student's Book / Branston, Gill Routledge, 2006 0000415430 576 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 BRA 00096932 Immersed in media : Routledge, 9780415993395 (hc) | 978041599 xviii, 254 p. : UG Library
302.23 BRA 00147449 Media, practice and theory : Brabandere, Nicole De Vernon Press, 2023 9781648895043 xxxviii,214p. ; UG Library
302.23 BRE 05071581 Media Psychology / Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 9780230279209 xiii,279p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 BRI 10004453 The death of truth : how social media and the internet gave snake oil salesmen and demagogues the weapons they needed to destroy trust and polarize the world - and what we can do about it / by Steven Brill. Brill, Steven [Author] Knopf 2024 9780525658313 First ed. 317p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.23 BRU 00144213 Intermedial Studies an Introdution to Meaning Across Media / Bruhn, Jorgen. Routledge, 2022 9781032004549 x,343p,; UG Library
302.23 BRY 00094697 Media Effects : Bryant Jennings Routledge, 2009 9780805864496 (hbk) | 08058644 xv, 640 p. : UG Library
302.23 BRY 05002393 Media Effects : Bryant Jennings Routledge, 2009 9780805864496 (hbk) | 08058644 xv, 640 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 BUC 05028000 Living in the Information Age : Bucy, P Erik Wadsworth, 2002 0534590497 329 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 BUC 07006526 Media Access : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 2004 9780805841091 xx,296p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23 BUR 00090249 Media and Society: Critical Perspectives Burton, Graeme Rawat Publications 2005 8131602974 378p UG Library
302.23 BUR 00090485 Media and Society: Critical Perspectives Burton, Graeme Rawat Publications 2005 8131602974 378p UG Library
302.23 BUR 07001491 Media and society : Burton, Graeme. Rawat Publication. 2010 0335208800 (pbk.) | 9780071070256 | 9780335208807 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xiv, 342 p. : Library - BR Campus
302.23 BYG 00137863 Media Management and Digital Transformation / Routledge, 2019 9781138592087 x,167p.; UG Library
302.23 CAM 05027996 Media and Culture : Campbell, Richard Bedford/St.Martin's, 2000 0312202008 555 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 CAM 00074870 Media and Culture Campbell, Richard. 2000 0312202008 | 9780312202002 555 UG Library
302.23 CAR 05002667 Feminist visual culture / Edinburgh University Press, 2000 0748610464 xii, 322 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 CAR 05005527 Communication as Culture : Carey, James W. Routledge, 2009 9780415989756 (hardback : alk. Rev. ed. xxvii, 205 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 CAR 05002668 Communication as Culture : Carey, James W. Routledge, 2009 9780415989756 (hardback : alk. Rev. ed. xxvii, 205 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 CAR 05025691 Communication as Culture : Carey, James W. Routledge, 2009 9780415989756 (hardback : alk. Rev. ed. xxvii, 205 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 CAR 00096927 Communication as Culture : Carey, James W. Routledge, 2009 9780415989756 (hardback : alk. Rev. ed. xxvii, 205 p. ; UG Library
302.23 CAR 00138573 Writing and Editing for Digital Media Carroll, Brian Routledge, 2020 9780367245092 4th ed, 375 p.; UG Library
302.23 CAR 05044473 Media and society : Carah, Nicholas. Sage, 2015 9781446267684 (hardback) | 978 1st edition. xii,336p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23 CER 00096329 Cambridge English for the Media Ceramella Nick Cambridge University 2008 9780521144667 112 p UG Library
302.23 CHA 00109921 Tracking The Media : Chattarji, Subarno. Routledge, 2008 9780415480628 xxxiii, 302 p. ; UG Library
302.23 CHA 05031539 Media Policy and Globalization / Chakravartty, Paula Rawat Publications, 2006 9788131600993 xi,211p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 CHA 05032439 Handbook of Media Communication and Public Relation / Chakravarty,Asima. Centrum Press, 2013 978950842379 viii,272p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 CHA 00053010 Mass Media and Interpersonal Communication for Social Awakening Chandrakandan K Authors Press 2001 8172730586 209 p UG Library
302.23 CHA 05026837 Net, Media and Mass Communication / Chakravarthy, Jagadish Authors Press, 2004 8172731647 240 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 CHA 05012580 New Media Technology and Communication / Chaturvedi B K Global Vision Publishing House, 2010 9788182203495 368 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 CHA 10002628 Introduction to communication / Chawla, Abhay. Pearson India EducationServices Ltd, 2021 9789354496073 xxv, 250p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.23 CHA 05002365 Mass Communication : Chaturvedi B K Global Vision Publishing House, 2010 9788182203235 407 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 CHA 05002367 Mass Communication : Chaturvedi B K Global Vision Publishing House, 2010 9788182203235 407 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 CHA 05002368 Mass Communication : Chaturvedi B K Global Vision Publishing House, 2010 9788182203235 407 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 CHA 05027776 Media Policy and Globalization / Chakravartty, Paula Rawat Publications, 2007 8131600998 211 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 CHA 05049182 Tracking The Media : Chattarji, Subarno. Routledge, 2008 9780415480628 xxxiii, 302 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 CHA 05027766 Communication Media & Social Changes / Chandra, Prof Ramesh Isha Books, 2005 8182050426 294 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 CHA 05037932 Analysis of Media and Communication Trends (MS-COMMUNICATION ] Chandra, Prof Ramesh Isha Books 8182050499 298p Knowledge Centre
302.23 CHA 05002383 Media Policy and Globalization Chakravartty, Paula Rawat Publications 211p Knowledge Centre
302.23 CHA 07014665 All India Radio : Chandra Sekhar, Pulugurta, B.R.Publishing Corporation, 2019 9789388789103 | 9388789105 viii, 294 pages : Library - BR Campus
302.23 CHA 00103337 Oxford : Chandler Daniel Oxforduniversity press; 9780199568758 472 p. UG Library
302.23 CHA 00121188 Dictionary of Media and communication Chandler,Daniel Oxford University Press 2011 472p UG Library
302.23 CHA 07007939 Oxford : Chandler Daniel Oxforduniversity press; 9780199568758 472 p. Library - BR Campus
302.23 CHA 00127111 Mass Communication Principles and Practices Chaturvedi B.K Global Academic Publishers, 2016 9789381695074 1121 p.: UG Library
302.23 CHA 07012694 Mass Communication Principles and Practices Chaturvedi B.K Global Academic Publishers, 2016 9789381695074 1121 p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23 CHA 10005387 New media and online journalism: Chawla, Abhay Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2021 9789354491160 xi,352 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.23 CHI 00121568 Mass communication/ Chingangbam P Pearl Books 2013 9789383026104 247p. UG Library
302.23 CHI 00121565 Mass communication and writing skills Chingangbam P Pearl Books 2013 9789383026128 255p. UG Library
302.23 CHO 05037341 Media, Culture and Communication / Chordia,Dilip Singh. Rawat Publication, 2013 9788183763882 v,256p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 CHO 05032442 Media, Culture and Communication / Chordia,Dilip Singh. Rawat Publication, 2013 9788183763882 v,256p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 CHO 00111755 Media, Culture and Communication / Chordia,Dilip Singh. Rawat Publication, 2013 9788183763882 v,256p.; UG Library
302.23 CHO 00127903 Mass media premier Chopra, Niti Book Enclave, 2017 9788181524171 189p : . UG Library
302.23 CHO 07000975 Media, Culture and Communication / Chordia,Dilip Singh. Rawat Publication, 2013 9788183763882 v,256p.; Library - BR Campus
302.23 CHR 00146207 Everyday media literacy : Christian, Sue Ellen, Routledge 2024 9781032160948 | 9781032156613 Second edition. 294p. UG Library
302.23 CIR 00034604 Power to Persuade : Mass Media and the News Cirino, Robert Bantam Books 1975 246 p. UG Library
302.23 CLA 00062618 The Handbook of Media Handling Clare John Infinity Books 2001 136 p UG Library
302.23 CLA 05027966 Key Concepts & Skills for Media Studies / Clark, Vivienne Hodder Arnold, 2003 9780340807842 212 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 CLA 00034589 You and Media Clark, G David Canfield Press And San Francisco A Department Of Harper And Row, Publishers 1973 063825074 x; 276 p. UG Library
302.23 COL 00047971 Dictionary of Multimedia Collin, S M H Vishwa 1996 8174760822 295p UG Library
302.23 COL 00107657 The Media and the Public Coleman,Stephen, Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 9781405160414 | 9781405160414 viii, 188 p. : UG Library
302.23 COR 00142922 20th century media and the American psyche : Corsbie-Massay, Charisse L'Pree, Routledge, 2021 9781138572096 | 9781138572102 x,198p.; UG Library
302.23 COR 05027982 Studying Media : Corner, John Edinburgh University Press, 1998 0748610677 182 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 COR 05027963 Media and the Restyling of Politics / Corner, John Sage Publications, 2003 0761949216 210 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 COR 05027784 Studying Media : Corner, John Edinburgh University Press, 1998 182 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 COU 00096916 Media Events in a Global Age. Routledge, 2010 9780415477109 (hardback : alk. xv, 309 p. : UG Library
302.23 COU 00138566 Media voice space and power : Couldry, Nick, Routledge, 2020 9780367182052 | 9780367182069 xiv,252p.; UG Library
302.23 COU 05060755 Split screen nation : Courtney, Susan Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190459963 (cloth) | 9780190459970 (pbk.) xviii, 308p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 COY 05027725 The alternative media handbook / Coyer, Kate. Routledge, 2007 041535966X (hb : alk. paper) | xvi, 352 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 CQP 05056147 Issues in media : Sage, 2016 148338585X (paperback) | 97814 Third edition. xvi, 308 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.23 CRA 00095308 The Media Politics and public Life. Craig Geoffrey Allen & Unwin 2007 9781741141245 228P UG Library
302.23 CRE 00147685 Visual displays in qualitative and mixed method research : Creamer, Elizabeth G. Routledge 2025 9781032301419 xix,137p. ; UG Library
302.23 CRI 01023466 Moral panics in the contemporary world / Critcher, C., Bloomsbury, 2013 9781623568931 (hardcover : alk xvii, 289 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 CRO 00120247 Media society : Croteau, David. Pine Forge Press, 2003 0761987738 (p) 3rd ed. xx, 409 p. : UG Library
302.23 CRO 00127113 Media Society : Croteau, David. Pine Forge Press, 2003 9780761987734 3rd ed. xx, 409 p. : UG Library
302.23 CUR 00093882 Power Without Responsibility. Curran James Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 2007 9780415243902 459p UG Library
302.23 CUR 05042457 Media and democracy / Curran, James. Routledge, 2011 9780415317061 (hardback) | 978 x, 255 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 CUS 00146204 Beyond mainstream media : Cushion, Stephen, Routledge 2024 9781032420257 | 9781032420264 178p. UG Library
302.23 DAB 00039460 The Mass Media and You D`Abreo, Dasmond A Better Yourself Books 1994 8171082467 167 p UG Library
302.23 DAH 04030488 Media engagement / Dahlgren, Peter, 9781032016603 | 9781032016610 187p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.23 DAL 00036572 Media for Christian Formation Dalglish William A Pflaum Publisher 1969 393 p UG Library
302.23 DAN 00131425 Doing news framing analysis: D'Angelo, Paul Routledge, 2018 9781138188556 xl,369p.; UG Library
302.23 DAS 00118704 Mass Media & Society in The Post Globalization Period:Issues & Approaches Ed by, Das Rajesh Union Bridge Press, 2013 9789380601984 x, 301 p.: UG Library
302.23 DAV 00039477 Communication in Theological Education David, C R W Asian Trading Corporation 1986 x; 345 p. UG Library
302.23 DAW 07012748 Digital Technology to Digital Economy / Dawra Sudhir Swastik Publications, 2017 9789383762446 367p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23 DAY 05027971 Practical Research Methods for Media and Cultural Studies: Davies, Maire Messenger Rawat Publications, 2007 8131601005 202 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 DAY 00098680 An Encyclopaedic Survey of Mass Media and Journalism. Dayal,Kameshwar Cyber tech publications; 2011 9788178847504 vii;272 p. UG Library
302.23 DAY 00098681 An Encyclopaedic Survey of Mass Media and Journalism. Dayal,Kameshwar Cyber tech publications; 2011 9788178847504 vii;272 p. UG Library
302.23 DAY 00098682 An Encyclopaedic Survey of Mass Media and Journalism. Dayal,Kameshwar Cyber tech publications; 2011 9788178847504 vii;272 p. UG Library
302.23 DEF 00036567 Theories of Mass Communication Defleur,, J Melvin Longman 1989 368p UG Library
302.23 DEF 03011942 The HBO effect / DeFino, Dean J. Bloomsbury Academic, 2014 9781441180438 | 1441180435 | 245 pages : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.23 DEF 00120958 The HBO effect / DeFino, Dean J. Bloomsbury Academic, 2014 9781441180438 | 1441180435 | 245 pages : UG Library
302.23 DEJ 05027740 Global Activism Global Media / Jong, Wilma De Pluto Press, 2004 0074532195 235 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 DEJ 05002385 Globalactivism, Global Media / Jong, Wilma De Pluto Press, 2005 0074532195 235 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 DEM 05027764 Mass Media, Social Control, and Social Change : Demers, David Surjeet Publications, 2004 8122901700 454 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 DES 05027719 Media Communication in the Twenty First Century / Kapil Desai Swastik Publishers & Distributors, 2008 0415329043 302 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 DET 05007760 Mass Communication : Detrani,Jason.R Apple Academic Press Inc, 2011 9781926692951 314 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 DEV 00081806 Media Studies: Key Issues and Debates Devereux, Eoin 2007 9781412929837 391p Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.23 DEV 05027721 Media Studies : Devereux, Eoin Sage Publications, 2007 9781412929820 xxiii,391 Knowledge Centre
302.23 DEV 00087354 Media Studies : Devereux, Eoin Sage Publications, 2007 9781412929820 xxiii,391 UG Library
302.23 DIJ 00068891 Network Society. Dijk, Jan Van 2006 0141290868 292p UG Library
302.23 DIX 05040645 Social media & journalism / Dixt,Manoj. Enkay Publishing House, 2014 9789380995922 viii,248p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 DIX 00111776 Political Discourse in Media/ Dixit, A. K. Cyber Tech Publications, 2012 9788178849775 262p.; UG Library
302.23 DOL 00036570 Practical Guide to Classroom Media Dolores Pflaum Standard Publishing 1971 118 p UG Library
302.23 DOM 00036561 The Dynamics of Mass Communication Dominick Joseph R McGraw-Hill Publishing 1990 0070175594 3rd ed. 596 p UG Library
302.23 DOM 05044593 The Dynamics of Mass Communication : Dominick Joseph.R Mc Graw Hill, 2011 9780071221467 11th ed xxiii,482p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23 DOM 00053017 The Dynamics of Mass Communication Dominick Joseph R McGraw-Hill Publishing 1990 0070175594 3rd ed. 596 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.23 DOM 00034644 The Dynamics of Mass Communication Dominick R Joseph Addison-Wesley 1983 020110251X 552 p UG Library
302.23 DOM 05027715 Dynamics of Mass Communications : Dominick, R Joseph McGraw Hill, 2003 0071111166 502p Knowledge Centre
302.23 DOM 00085325 Dynamics of Mass Communications : Dominick, R Joseph McGraw Hill, 2003 0071111166 502p UG Library
302.23 DOV 05007337 The Routledge handbook of emotions and mass media / Doveling, Katrin Routledge, 2011 9780415481601 (hardback) xiii, 422 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 DOW 00118368 Questioning the media : Downing, John Sage Publications, 1995 0803971966 (alk. paper : acidf 2nd ed. xxix, 511 p. : UG Library
302.23 DOW 00128518 The SAGE Handbook of Media Studies / Downing, John D. H. Sage Publications, 2004 0761921699 (cloth : acidfree p ix, 629 p. ; UG Library
302.23 DOW 05039514 Questioning the media : Downing, John Sage Publications, 1995 0803971966 (alk. paper : acidf 2nd ed. xxix, 511 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 DOW 00071324 Sage Handbook of Media Studies Downing, D H John 2004 0761921699 628 p UG Library
302.23 DSO 00045842 Mass Media Today and Tomorrow D`Souza, Y K Indian Publishing Distributors 8173410410 392p UG Library
302.23 DSO 00047650 Mass Media Today and Tomorrow D`Souza, Y K Indian Publishing Distributors 8173410410 392p UG Library
302.23 DUF 05002389 Key readings in media today : Duffy, Brooke Erin Routledge, 2009 9780415992046 (hardback : alk. xi, 484 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 DUF 05027730 Key Readings in Media Today : Duffy Brooke Erin Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2009 9780415992053 484 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 DUN 00144744 Mass media and American politics / Dunaway, Johanna, Sage publications, 2023 9781544390932 11th ed. xxvii, 693 pages ; UG Library
302.23 DUR 00108922 Media and Cultural Studies. Dursham Gigi Meenakshi Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 9780470658086 2nd ed. 635 p. cm. UG Library
302.23 DUR 05027726 Meaning in the media : Durant, Alan, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521199582 | 0521199581 | 9 xii, 254 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 DUR 05025764 Media and Cultural Studies / Durham, Meenakshi Blackwell Publishing, 2001 0631220968 646 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 DUR1 05001473 Media and Cultural Studies Key Works Durham, Meenakshi Gigi 1405132582 755p Knowledge Centre
302.23 DVO 00132801 Critical news literacy: Dvorkin, Jeffrey, Routledge, 2019 9781138492592 (hardback) | 9781138492639 (pbk.) x,147 p.; UG Library
302.23 DVR 05027763 Media and Cultural Studies : Durham, Meenakshi Gigi Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2001 0631220968 646 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 DWI 05037096 Mass Media and Communication in Global Scenario / Dwivedi Ratnesh Kalpaz Publications, 2013 9788178359489 280p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23 EDW 05027908 Newspeak in the 21st century Edwards, David, Pluto Press ; | Distributed in the United States of America exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 0745328946 | 9780745328935 (pb viii, 299 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 ELD 05007389 Glasgow Media Group reader / Eldridge, John Routledge, 1995 0415127301 (pbk. : v. 2 : alk. x, 399 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 ELL 01011761 Foreign Correspondence : Elliott,John Penguin Books 9780143067559 432p Knowledge Centre
302.23 ELM 00147651 The politics of media scarcity / Elmer, Greg Routledge, 2024 9781032504681 xi, 94p. ; UG Library
302.23 ELV 00133316 Misunderstanding news audiences : Elvestad, Eiri, Routledge, 2018 9781138215184 | 9781138215191 | 9781315444369 vi, 180 p. : UG Library
302.23 EME 00036545 Introduction to Mass Communications Edwin, Emery Dodd, Mead And Company 1974 0396067530 4th Ed xii; 464 p. UG Library
302.23 EME 00014590 Introduction to Mass Communications Emery Edwin Dodd, Mead & Com 1965 2nd Ed. 434 p UG Library
302.23 ERI 00145423 Foundations of visual communication : Eriksson, Yvonne, Routledge 2023 9780367771553 | 9780367769635 ix:131p. UG Library
302.23 EVA 05027781 Understanding Media : Evans, Jessica Open University Press, 2005 0335218806 191 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 EVA 00138731 Understanding Engagement in Transmedia Culture / Evans,Elizabeth. Routledge, 2020 9781138632790 xi,198p.; UG Library
302.23 EVA 05002390 Understanding Media : Evans, Jessica Open University Press, 2005 0335218806 191 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 EVA 05027786 Understanding Media : Evans, Jessica Open University Press, 2005 0335218806 191 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 EVA 00085328 Understanding Media: Inside Celebrity Evans, Jessica 2005 0335218806 191 p UG Library
302.23 EVE 05027778 New media : Anna Everett Routledge, 2003 041593995X (alk. paper) | 0415 xxx, 274 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 EVE 00073056 New Media : Everett Anna Routledge, 2003 0415939968 274 p UG Library
302.23 EVE 05027739 New Media : Everett Anna Routledge, 2003 0415939968 274 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 FAI 05027905 Media Discourse / Fairclough, Norman Hodder Arnold, 1995 9780340588895 214 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 FER 00074857 The Media in Question / Ferguson, Robert Great Britain, 2004 0340740787 203 p UG Library
302.23 FER 05025694 The Media in Question / Ferguson, Robert Great Britain, 2004 0340740787 203 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 FLE 07013415 New Media/ Flew, Terry/ Oxford University Press, 2014 9780195577853 4th ed, XV, 270p;. Library - BR Campus
302.23 FOL 05002405 Media in Your Life : Folkerts, Jean Pearson, 2008 9780205523658 xxx,459 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 FOL 00079288 Media in Your Life:An Introduction to Mass Communicaiton. Folkerts, Jean 1998 0020515414 558p UG Library
302.23 FOL 00127134 The media in your life : Folkerts, Jean. Allyn and Bacon, 1998 020515414X (pbk. : alk. paper) xxxii, 558 p. : UG Library
302.23 FOR 00077269 Making Media Content Fortunato, John A 2005 0805847480 | 9780805847482 232p UG Library
302.23 FOR 05039878 The handbook of media and mass communication theory. 9780470675052 | 9781118769973 1 online resource (984 pages). Knowledge Centre
302.23 FOR 05039879 The handbook of media and mass communication theory. 9780470675052 | 9781118769973 1 online resource (984 pages). Knowledge Centre
302.23 FRE 05056470 The contradictions of media power / Freedman, Des, Bloomsburry, 2014 9789386349767 viii,179p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 FRO 00138558 Privacy and News Media Frost, Chris Routledge, 2020 9780367140236 211 p.; UG Library
302.23 FUE 05025689 Visual Cultures and Critical Theory / Fuery, Partick Arnold, 2003 0340807482 137 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 GAM 00033479 Introducing Mass Communication Gamble, Teri Kwal M G H 584 p. UG Library
302.23 GAM 00033525 Introducing Mass Communication Gamble, Micheal W M G H 542 p. UG Library
302.23 GAN 07015672 Campus Medius Digital Mapping in Cultural and Media Studies / Ganahl Simon transcript, 2022 9783837656015 356p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23 GAN 00121645 Mass Communication Animation and Multimedia Gandhi, Ved Prakash Kanishka Publishers, Distributors, 2015 9788184576702 310 p:. UG Library
302.23 GAN 07002479 Mass Communication Animation and Multimedia Gandhi, Ved Prakash Kanishka Publishers, Distributors, 2015 9788184576702 310 p:. Library - BR Campus
302.23 GAU 07013883 Modern era of media / Gaur, Sanjay Yking Publication, 2019 9789387945616 v,226p.; Library - BR Campus
302.23 GAU 07014831 Modern era of media / Gaur, Sanjay Yking Publication, 2019 9789387945616 v,226p.; Library - BR Campus
302.23 GHO 00034880 Mass Media Today : In the Indian Context Ghosh Subir Profile Publishers 1991 0008185550026 224 p UG Library
302.23 GHO 00034881 Mass Media Today : In the Indian Context Ghosh Subir Profile Publishers 1991 0008185550026 224 p UG Library
302.23 GHO 00034878 Mass Media Today : In the Indian Context Ghosh Subir Profile Publishers 1991 0008185550026 224 p UG Library
302.23 GHO 00034879 Mass Media Today : In the Indian Context Ghosh Subir Profile Publishers 1991 0008185550026 224 p UG Library
302.23 GHO 00034882 Mass Media Today : In the Indian Context Ghosh Subir Profile Publishers 1991 0008185550026 224 p UG Library
302.23 GHO 10004057 The Routledge Companion to Media and Risk/ Ghosh, Bishnupriya [Ed.] Routledge 2020 9781032400419 1st Ed. xvi, 526p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.23 GID 05005166 The new media and technocultures reader / Routledge, 2011 9780415469135 (hardback : alk. xiv, 514 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 GOG 07014526 The Routledge Companion to Mobile Media / Routledge, 2017 9781138476660 558p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23 GOI 00034774 Mass Media in Indian 1989-90 Research And Defence Division, Ministry Of Information And Broadcasting Governament Of India Ministry Of Information And Broadcasting 1990 vi; 328 p. UG Library
302.23 GRA 05027915 Media power in politics / Graber, Doris A. CQ Press, 2011 9781604266108 (pbk. : alk. pap 6th ed. ix, 466 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 GRA 05056809 Technovisuality : I.B.Tauris, 2016 9781784530341 xii,288p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 GRA 00109262 Media power in politics / Graber, Doris A. CQ Press, 2011 9781604266108 (pbk. : alk. pap 6th ed. ix, 466 p. UG Library
302.23 GRA 05027981 The politics of news : Graber, Doris A CQ Press, 2008 9780872894068 (pbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed. x, 294 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 GRI 05027765 Understanding Media Culture / Gripsrud, Jostein Hodder Arnold, 2002 330 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 GRO 05025695 Mediamaking : Grossberg, Lawrence Sage Publications, 2006 0761925449 495 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 GUN 00050500 Democracy and the Media - a Comparative Perspective Gunther, Richard 2001 0521777437 494p UG Library
302.23 GUP 05027734 Communication and Development : Gupta, V S Concept Publishing Company, 2000 8170228492 195 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 GUP 05027744 Communication Technology, Media Policy and National Development / Gupta, V S Concept Publishing Company, 1999 8170227453 242 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 GUP 00121115 Development of mass communication Gupta Ruchika Rajat Publications 2015 9788178806501 278p. UG Library
302.23 GUR 05025699 Media and the Society in the Twentieth Century : Gorman, Lyn Blackwell Publishing, 2005 0631222359 284 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 HAK 00045848 Mass Media Hakemulder Jan R Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 1998 0812610063 257 p UG Library
302.23 HAK 00053012 Mass Media Hakemulder Jan R Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 1998 0812610063 257 p UG Library
302.23 HAL 00104865 Comparing media systems : Hallin, Daniel C. Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521835356 (hardback) | 052154 xv, 342 p. ; UG Library
302.23 HAL 00088673 New Cultural Studies:Adventures in Theory Hall, Gary 9780748622085 324p UG Library
302.23 HAL 05065247 The popular arts /​ Hall, Stuart. Orient BlackSwan, 2018 9789352873913 xxvi,398p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 HAN 05032833 Mass Communication : Hanson, Ralph E. Sage, 2014 9781452202990 (pbk.) Fourth Edition. 432p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23 HAN 05059641 Mass communication : Hanson, Ralph E., Sage Publications, 2017 9781506344461 (pbk. : alk. pap Sixth Edition. xxix, 458 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.23 HAN 05056148 Mass communication : Hanson, Ralph E., Sage, 2016 9781483344751 | 1483344754 (pb Fifth edition. xvi, 458 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.23 HAR 05027907 Journalism : Hargreaves, Ian Oxford University Press, 2007 0195687221 160 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 HAR 00085478 Journalism : Hargreaves, Ian Oxford University Press, 2007 0195687221 160 p UG Library
302.23 HAR 00086401 Journalism : Hargreaves, Ian Oxford University Press, 2007 0195687221 160 p UG Library
302.23 HAR 00068379 Key Concepts in Communication Cultural and Media Studies Hartley, John 2004 0415268893 246p UG Library
302.23 HAR 05027909 Key Concepts in Communication, Cultural and Media Studies / Hartley, John Routledge, 2004 0415268893 3rd. 362 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 HAR 00092147 AUdience Citizens : Ramaswami Harindranath. Sage Publications, 2009 9788178299358 vii, 271 p. UG Library
302.23 HAR 05027792 AUdience Citizens : Ramaswami Harindranath. Sage Publications, 2009 9788178299358 vii, 271 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 HAR 05027795 AUdience Citizens : Ramaswami Harindranath. Sage Publications, 2009 9788178299358 vii, 271 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 HAR 05002598 A Cognitive Psychology of Mass Communication Harris Richard Jackson Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 9780415993128 463p Knowledge Centre
302.23 HAR 00081175 Key Concepts in Communication, Cultural and Media Studies Hartley, John 2004 0415268893 262p UG Library
302.23 HAR 05027910 Key Concepts in Communication, Cultural and Media Studies / Hartley, John Routledge, 2004 0415268893 3rd. 362 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 HAR 00034462 Mass Media and Village Life : An Indian Study Hartmann, Paul Sage Publications 1989 290 p. UG Library
302.23 HAS 05056119 Mass Communication : Hasan, Seema, CBS publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd., 2010 9788123919010 | 9788123922508 xvi:844 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 HAS 05027705 Mass Communication : Hasan, Seema, CBS publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd., 2010 9788123919010 | 9788123922508 xvi:844 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 HAS 05027704 Mass Communication : Hasan, Seema, CBS publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd., 2010 9788123919010 | 9788123922508 xvi:844 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 HAS 00131914 The New Media Theory Reader : Hassan,Robert / Rawat Publications 2017 9788131608616 326p; UG Library
302.23 HAS 00107449 Mass Communication : Hasan, Seema, CBS publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd., 2010 9788123919010 | 9788123922508 xvi:844 p UG Library
302.23 HAU 07000443 Modern Radio Production : Hausman Carl Wadsworth, 2010 9780495571438 8th ed xxiii,390p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23 HEN 00050066 Communications and Broadcasting-Milestones in Discovery and Invention Henderson Harry Universities Press 1997 0817371181 136 p UG Library
302.23 HEN 05027735 Social Issues in Television Fiction / Henderson Lesley Edinburgh University Press, 2007 9780748625321 200 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 HER 05027742 The Global Media : Herman, Edward S Madhyam Books, 1998 8186816070 262 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 HES 05002408 Media Production / Hesmondhalgh, David Open University, 2006 0335218849 190 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 HES 00084304 Media Production Hesmondhalgh, David 2006 0335218849 191p UG Library
302.23 HES 05025776 Media Production / Hesmondhalgh, David Open University Press, 2006 0335218849 191 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 HES 05028608 The Media and Social Theory / Hesmonthalgh, David Routledge, 2008 9780415448000 xiii, 291 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 HES 05027962 Media Production / Hesmondhalgh, David Open University Press, 2006 0335218849 191 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 HES 05025777 Media Production / Hesmondhalgh, David Open University Press, 2006 0335218849 191 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 HIE 00036566 Mass Media III Hiebert, Ray Eldon Longman 1982 0582282233 x; 643 p. UG Library
302.23 HOB 07014443 Student-generated digital media in science education : Routledge, 2016 9781138833821 (hardback) | 1138833827 (hardback) | 9781138833838 (pbk.) | 1138833835 (pbk.) xx, 254 pages : Library - BR Campus
302.23 HOD 00108790 Media Culture, And Society an Introducation Hodkinson, Paul. Sage Publications, 2011 9781412920520 | 9781412920537 x, 320 p. UG Library
302.23 HOE 00109415 Media literacies Hoechsmann, Michael. Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 9781405186117 (hardback) | 978 xi, 233 p. ; UG Library
302.23 HOL 05002867 Media industries : Wiley-Blackwell, 9781405163415 (hc : alk. paper xii, 283 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 HOL 00147895 Press Reform Debate: Holder, Alivia Murphy & Moore Publishing, 2022 9781639874477 vii,225p. ; UG Library
302.23 HOU 05074641 Society in the Digital Age : Housley, William. Sage Publications Ltd, 2021 9781526478085 xi, 98 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 HOW 05027714 Understanding community media / Howley Kevin Sage Publications, 2010 9781412959049 (cloth) | 978141 xii, 410 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 JAI 00068527 Youth Media and Social Change Jain, Sushila Sublime Publications 2005 0008181920 238p UG Library
302.23 JAM 00112070 Media Literacy JAmes,Potter,W Sage Publications Inc., 2013 9781452206257 xxi,121p.; UG Library
302.23 JEF 07004606 Media and Modernity : Jeffrey Robin Permanent black, 2010 9788178243627 xix,300p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23 JEF 07011223 Media and Modernity : Jeffrey Robin Permanent black, 2010 9788178243627 xix,300p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23 JEF 00102956 Media and Modernity: Jeffrey,Robin Permanent Black 9788178242842 300p. UG Library
302.23 JEF 00093822 Media and Modernity: Jeffrey,Robin Permanent Black 9788178242842 300p. UG Library
302.23 JEF 05017647 Media and Modernity: Jeffrey,Robin Permanent Black 9788178242842 300p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 JEN 00148231 Media and society : Jensen, Klaus Bruhn Routledge, 2025 9781032655048 xiii,244p. ; UG Library
302.23 JEN 00144119 Media convergence : Bruhn Jensen, Klaus, Routledge, 2022 9781032058740 | 9781032058757 Second edition. xvi, 207p, : UG Library
302.23 JEN 00096934 Media Convergence : Jensen, Klaus Bruhn. Routledge, 2010 9780415482035 (hbk. : alk. pap x, 195 p. : UG Library
302.23 JEN 00109040 A Handbook of Media and Communication Research : ed by, Jensen Bruhn Klaus Routledge, 2012 9780415609654 (hardback : alk. 2nd ed. xii, 431 p : UG Library
302.23 JEN 05072899 Media convergence : Bruhn Jensen, Klaus, Routledge, 2022 9781032058740 | 9781032058757 Second edition. xvi, 207p, : Knowledge Centre
302.23 JEN 05039886 Writing dissent : Jensen, Robert, P. Lang, 2001 0820456519 (alk. paper) x, 150 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 JEW 05002369 Crime and media / Yvonne Jewkes SAGE, 2009 9781847870247 (hbk. set) | 184 311 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 JEW 05002370 Crime and media / Yvonne Jewkes SAGE, 2009 9781847870247 (hbk. set) | 184 311 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 JEW 05002371 Crime and media / Yvonne Jewkes SAGE, 2009 9781847870247 (hbk. set) | 184 311 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 JOH 05027785 Media Relations : Johnston, Jane Viva Books, 2008 9781741146813 264 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 JON 00095274 Media Relations Johnston Jane Allen & Unwin 9781741146813 264P UG Library
302.23 JOO 07009836 Communication in the information society / Jooni, Deepak DND Publication, 2017 9789380929255 v,249p. Library - BR Campus
302.23 JOS 05025700 Mass Media and Rural Development / Joseph, C Joni Rawat, 2004 240 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 JOS 05017569 Sociology and Communication Revolution - M S Communication Shelf Joseph, M K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126105895 340p Knowledge Centre
302.23 JOS 05017553 Text Book of Mass Communication and Media - M S Communication Shelf Joshi, Uma Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126102179 256p Knowledge Centre
302.23 JOS 05027753 Text Book of Mass Communication and Media / Joshi, Uma Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 1999 8126102179 250 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 JOS 05027918 Children and new media / Josephine J Authorspress, 2009 9788172734725 170 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 JOS 05027754 Information Communication Technologies & Development / Joshi, Uma Dominant Publishers and Distributors, 2005 8178882183 195 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 KAM 00140600 Journalism and Communication Studies Kamble,Akhil ABD Publishers 2020 9788183767064 255p UG Library
302.23 KAP 00147417 Advertisement in Print Media/ Kaptan, Sanjay Book Enclave, 2023 9789392262388 213p. ; UG Library
302.23 KAS 00138405 The War and Media Kasturi, Suman Kumar Black Prints, 2019 9789384556778 246 p.; UG Library
302.23 KAU 07013882 Media strategies for public relations and marketing / Kaur, Kamaljeet Amega Publication, 2019 9789387295292 199p.; Library - BR Campus
302.23 KEA 07002226 Democracy and media decadence / Keane, John, Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107041776 (Hardcover) | 97 vii, 255 pages : Library - BR Campus
302.23 KEL 05038615 Media spectacle and insurrection, 2011 : Kellner, Douglas, Bloomsbury 2012 9781441160973 (hbk.) | 1441160 xxii, 296 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 KEN 00146644 Alternative and Mainstream Media: Kenix, Linda Jean Bloomsbury, 2024 9789393715753 216p. ; UG Library
302.23 KER 05062024 Introducing media practice : Kerry,Mathew. Sage, 2018 9781473906518 (pbk.) | 9781473906525 (hbk.) 1st edition. xv,204p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 KHA 00119915 Interactive Media and Society ed by, Khattri Neeraj Kalpaz Publications, 2014 9789351280149 318 p.:P UG Library
302.23 KIV 00007268 Communication in India Kivlin, Joseph E National Institute Of Community Development 1968 56 p UG Library
302.23 KOH 05025812 The Indian Media Business / Kohli-khandekar, Vanita Response press, 2010 9788132102359 3rd. 373 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 KOL 05002375 Media : Kolker, Robert Phillip. Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 9781405155601 (hardcover : alk xiii, 310 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 KOL 05027904 Media : Kolker, Robert Phillip. Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 9781405155601 (hardcover : alk xiii, 310 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 KUM 00092996 Mass Communication in India Kumar, Keval Jaico publishing house 2009 9788172243731 407p UG Library
302.23 KUM 00121204 Recent trends and future prospects of mass communication Kumar Divyanshu Anmol Publishers 2013 9788126158492 288p. UG Library
302.23 KUM 05027774 Mass communication in India / Kumar, Keval J. Jaico Pub. House, 2000 8172243731 3rd completely rev. & updated ed. 408 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 KUM 00146017 Handbook of Mass Communication / Kumar, Sneha Asia Publishers & Distributors, 2023 9788119391905 ix, 264p. ; UG Library
302.23 KUM 05032837 New Media and News Media / Kumar Anand Centrum Press, 2013 9789350842416 viii,296p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23 KUM 00095259 Promoting Independent Media Kumar Krishna Viva Books Private Limited 189P UG Library
302.23 KUM 05028954 Mass Communication in India / Kumar J, Keval Jaico Publishing House, 1989 407 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 KUM 00095484 History Media and Mass Communication. Kumar Praveen Centrum Press 2010 9789380836300 297P UG Library
302.23 KUM 05047740 Media in an Authoritarian State / Kumar, Manish. Atlantic, 2014 9788126919444 xiii,202p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 LAU 05027916 Key Themes in Media Theory / Laughey, Dan Rawat Publications, 2008 8131602141 235 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 LAU 00087286 Key Themes in Media Theory / Laughey, Dan Rawat Publications, 2008 8131602141 235 p UG Library
302.23 LAU 05027911 Key Themes in Media Theory / Laughey, Dan Rawat Publications, 2008 8131602141 235 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 LAU 05062080 Key themes in media theory / Laughey, Dan. Rawat Publications, 2008 9788131602140 235p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 LAU 00117670 Media studies Laughey, Dan. Kamera Books, 2009 9781842433249 (pbk.) | 1842433 157 p. ; UG Library
302.23 LAU 00088417 Key Themes in Media Theory Laughey, Dan Rawat Publications 2007 8131602141 235p Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.23 LAU 00087629 Key Themes in Media Theory Laughey, Dan Rawat Publications 2007 8131602141 235p UG Library
302.23 LEC 00133903 News framing effects / Lecheler, Sophie, Routledge, 2019 9781138632684 (hardcover) | 9781138632707 (softcover) x, 127 pages ; UG Library
302.23 LEN 07002060 Cross-cultural journalism : Routledge, 2016 9781138784888 (hardback) | 978 xxii,343p.; Library - BR Campus
302.23 LEN 00138562 Cross-cultural journalism and strategic communication : Len-Ríos, Maria Elizabeth, Routledge, 2020 9781138595217 | 9781138595224 Second edition. 406 p.; UG Library
302.23 LES 00107635 Media and Environment. Lester,Libby. Polity, 2010 9780745644028 | 0745644015 (hb ix, 205 p. : UG Library
302.23 LEW 01024114 Media, culture and human violence : Lewis, Jeff, Rowman and little field international ltd., 2016 9781783485147 (cloth : alk. pa ix, 287 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.23 LIE 05002404 Handbook of New Media / Lievrouw, A Leah Sage, 2004 1412918731 471 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 LIP 00140890 We are data : Cheney-Lippold, John, Sage, 2018 9789352800384 xiii, 317p.; UG Library
302.23 LIP 10001539 We are data : Cheney-Lippold, John, Sage, 2018 9789352800384 xiii, 317p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.23 LIP 05062567 We are data : Cheney-Lippold, John, Sage, 2018 9789352800384 xiii, 317p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 LIP 05061954 We are data : Cheney-Lippold, John, Sage, 2018 9789352800384 xiii, 317p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 LIS 05005078 New media : Routledge, 2009 9780415431606 (hardback : alk. 2nd ed. xvi, 446 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 LLO 05045994 Journalism and PR : Lloyd, John, I.B.Tauris, 2015 9781784530624 | 178453062X xi, 138 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 LOU 00055717 The Media And Cultural Production Louw, Eric 2001 0761965831 | 9780761965831 229p UG Library
302.23 LOU 07009811 The Media And Cultural Production Louw, Eric 2001 0761965831 | 9780761965831 229p Library - BR Campus
302.23 LOU 05025986 The media and political process / Louw, P. Eric. SAGE, 2010 9781848604469 (hbk.) | 1848604 2nd ed. vi, 232 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 LUL 00118163 Media, Communication, Culture : Lull,James. Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131606094 x,308p.; UG Library
302.23 LUL 05035502 Media, Communication, Culture : Lull,James. Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131606094 x,308p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 LUL 07006531 Media, Communication, Culture : Lull,James. Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131606094 x,308p.; Library - BR Campus
302.23 LUL 10001356 Media, Communication, Culture : Lull,James. Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131606094 x,308p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.23 LUL 00077837 Media Communication Culture Lull, James 2000 0231120737 308p UG Library
302.23 LUL 00117752 Media, Communication, Culture : Lull,James. Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131606094 x,308p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.23 LUN 00108791 Media Regulation : Lunt, Peter. Sage Publications, 2012 9780857025692 (cloth) | 978085 xv, 216 p. UG Library
302.23 LUN 07009030 Media Regulation : Lunt, Peter. Sage Publications, 2012 9780857025692 (cloth) | 978085 xv, 216 p. Library - BR Campus
302.23 LYN 00144122 Responsible Journalism in Conflicted Societies : Rice, Charis. New York, 2023 9781032013305 xii,216 p,; UG Library
302.23 MAC 07015325 Media literacy : Peter Lang, 2007 9780820486680 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 082048668X (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780820497266 (cb : alk. paper) | 0820497266 (cb : alk. paper) xxxii, 710 p. : Library - BR Campus
302.23 MAC 05038605 Drugs & media : Continuum, 2012 9781441134929 (pbk. : alk. pap xxi, 340 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 MAC 05027790 Exploring Media Discourse / Macdonald, Myra Arnold, 2003 0340719885 213 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 MAD 05027917 Traditional Media and Development Communication : Madhusudan, K Kanishka Publishers, 2006 8173917949 132 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 MAJ 05027788 Communicating with Intelligence / Major James S Concept Publishing Company Pvt.Ltd., 2009 9788180696541 420 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 MAN 05039876 The HAndbook of Global Media and Communication Policy / Wiley Blackwell, 2014 9781118799451 xv,579p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23 MAR 05027780 New Media Cultures : Marshall, David P Hodder Headline Group, 2004 0340806990 120 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 MAR 05027920 Visual language theory / Kim Marriott Springer, 1998 0387983678 (alk. paper) xi, 381 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 MAR 05027731 Media Studies : Marris, Paul Edinburgh University Press, 1988 0748612068 864 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 MAR 00131301 Media and everyday life / Markham, Tim. Palgrave, 2017 9781137477187 ix,221p.; UG Library
302.23 MAR 01027831 Crime, media and culture / Martin, Greg, Routledge, 2019 9781138946002 (softcover) | 9781138945999 (hardcover) xvi, 291 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.23 MAX 05034013 Greening the media Maxwell, Richard, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780195325201 | 9780199914678 iv, 246 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 MCC 00121484 Setting the agenda : McCombs, Maxwell E. Polity ; | Blackwell Pub., 2014 0745623123 | 0745623131 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xiv, 209 p. : UG Library
302.23 MCK 05017563 Comparing media; McKenzie Robert Pearson Education 8131715310 372p Knowledge Centre
302.23 MCL 00036590 The Medium is the Message Mcluhan Marshall Bantam Books 1967 160 p UG Library
302.23 MCL 00036593 Understanding Media : The Extensions of Man Mcluhan, Marshall McGraw-Hill Book Com 1964 320 p UG Library
302.23 MCL 00052901 Understanding Media Mcluhan 2001 0415253977 390 p UG Library
302.23 MCL 09000908 Understanding media : McLuhan, Marshall, MIT Press, 1994 0262631598 : 1st MIT Press ed. xxiii, 365 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.23 MCN 05027998 Sociology of Journalism / Mcnair, Brian Hodder Arnold, 2006 0340706155 184 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 MCN 05027711 Sociology of Journalism / Mcnair, Brian Hodder Arnold, 2006 0340706155 184 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 MCQ 00010749 Sociology of Mass Communication Macquail, Denis PENGUIN Books Ltd 1972 477 p UG Library
302.23 MCQ 05075178 Mcquail's media & mass communication theory / McQuail, Denis, Sage, 2020 9789354791017 7th ed. xxi, 511p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 MCQ 05032838 Journalism and Society McQuail, Denis. Sage Publications, 2013 9781446266793 (hardback) | 978 x,244p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23 MCQ 00123954 Journalism and Society McQuail, Denis. Sage Publications, 2013 9781446266793 (hardback) | 978 x,244p.: UG Library
302.23 MCQ 01004072 Mcquail`s Mass Communication Theory(law Lib.) Denis Mcquail SAGE Publication 8178295350 616p Knowledge Centre
302.23 McQ 05037955 McQuails's Mass Communication Theory / McQuail, Denis. Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2010 9788132105794 6th ed. 621 p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 McQ 00102040 McQuails's Mass Communication Theory / McQuail, Denis. Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2010 9788132105794 6th ed. 621 p.; UG Library
302.23 MCQ 00111525 Journalism and Society McQuail, Denis. Sage Publications, 2013 9781446266793 (hardback) | 978 x,244p.: UG Library
302.23 MEH 00117882 Multimedia and Political Power Mehta, Malti Sarup Book Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 2013 9788176258760 273 p,; UG Library
302.23 MEH 05044831 A New Media Policy / Mehta, Malti Sarup Book Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2013 9788176258951 288 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 MEH 05044839 Media Conflict with Governments / Mehta, Malti Sarup Book Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2013 9788176258784 193 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 MEH 00112458 The Development Mass Communication by, Mehta Malti Sarup Book Publishers, 2013 9788176258722 291 p.: UG Library
302.23 MEH 05044672 New Media and Its Language / Mehta, Malti Sarup Book Publishers P.Ltd., 2013 9788176259026 270 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 MEN 00138406 Sourcebook of new media/ Menon, Mridula Kanishka Publishers, 2018 9788193707005 263 p.; UG Library
302.23 MIB 00052060 Mass Media in India 2000 M I B Ministry of Information & Broadcasting 8123008147 812p UG Library
302.23 MIB 00050679 Mass Media 2001 Ministry of Information & Broadcasting Ministry of Information & Broadcasting 2001 8123009429 238 p UG Library
302.23 MIB 00050449 Mass Media 2001 Ministry of Information & Broadcasting Ministry of Information & Broadcasting 2001 8123009429 238 p UG Library
302.23 MIL 07009813 Television studies : Miller, Toby. Routledge, 9780415774239 (hbk) | 04157742 254 p. : Library - BR Campus
302.23 MIL 00144145 Literacy for Digital Futures : Mills, Kathy A. Routledge, 2023 9780367683177 xviii,255p,; UG Library
302.23 MOH 00034461 Mass Media and Eduction Mohanty Padma Charan Asihish Publishing House 1992 252 p UG Library
302.23 MOL 00130048 Communication Your Research With Social Media Mollett, Amy Sage, 2017 9781412962223 xiv,312 p.: UG Library
302.23 MON 00088237 Secret of Childhood Montessori, Maria Orient Longman Publications 2008 8125014543 234p UG Library
302.23 MON 00131392 The screen media reader : Monteiro, Stephen, Bloomsbury academic, 2017 9781501311697 (hardback) | 9781501311703 (paperback) xxi, 466 pages ; UG Library
302.23 MOW 05027712 Global Information and World Communication / Mowlana, Hamid Sage Publications, 1998 0761952578 2nd 270p Knowledge Centre
302.23 MUK 05064748 The Internet Trap : Mukherjee, Ashesh. Rupa Publications, 2018 9789353333027 xxvii,161p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 MUR 05027782 Media and Accountability : Murthy, D V R Kanishka Publishers, 2004 8173917248 136 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 MUR 05027783 Media and Accountability : Murthy, D V R Kanishka Publishers, 2004 8173917248 136 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 NAR 00147413 Media Democracy/ Narang, Abhay Rajat Publications, 2024 9789395401456 xii,252p. ; UG Library
302.23 NEG 05025989 The political communication reader / Ralph Negrine and James Stanyer. Routledge, 2007 9780415359351 (hbk. : alk. pap xvii, 318 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 NEW 00085409 Media Book Newbold, Chris Hodder Headline Group 2002 9780340740484 445 p UG Library
302.23 NIG 00118564 The Handbook of Media Audiences ed by, Nightingale Virginia Wiley Blackwell, 2014 9781118721391 xiii, 540 p.: UG Library
302.23 NIG 00068501 Mass Media and Political Perceptions Nigam, Narendra Mangal Deep Publications 2005 8175941553 243p UG Library
302.23 NIG 00107656 The Handbook of Media Audiences. Nightingale,Virginia Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781405184182 xiii, 540 p. : UG Library
302.23 NIN 00112050 The Hoot Reader Ninan, Sevanti ( Ed ) Oxford University Press 2013 9780198089186 xx; 361 p UG Library
302.23 NOR 07002080 Mapping BRICS media / Routledge, 2015 9781138026247 (hardback) | 978 xvii, 272 pages ; Library - BR Campus
302.23 NYR 05002388 Sound media : Nyre, Lars. Routledge, 2008 9780415391139 (hardback : alk. xii, 221 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 OAT 00091728 Introduction to Media and Politics / Oates, Sarah. Sage Publications, 2008 9781412902618 (hbk.) | 9781412 ix, 230 p. ; UG Library
302.23 OJH 05001557 Mass Media &communication [ MS.COMMU ] Ojha, Narendra Abd Publishers 8183760422 224p Knowledge Centre
302.23 OLI 05027997 Media Effects : Oliver Mary Beth Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2009 9780805864502 640 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 ORL 05056604 Media criticism in an electronic age : Orlik, Peter B. Routledge, 2016 9781138913165 (hardback) | 978 xxiv,600p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 ORL 00096912 Electronic Media Criticism: Orlik, Peter B. Routledge, 9780415995375 540 p. UG Library
302.23 ORL 05002870 Electronic Media Criticism Orlik Peater B. Routledge, 9780415995375 540 p . Knowledge Centre
302.23 OSH 05060652 Media & society. O'Shaughnessy, Michael, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780195597240 (pbk.) | 0195597 Sixth edition / xvii,456p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 OSU 05027736 Studying the Media : O`Sullivan, Tim Hodder Arnold, 2003 9780340807651 3rd,ed. 326 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 OSU 00085406 Studying the Media : O`Sullivan, Tim Hodder Arnold, 2003 9780340807651 3rd,ed. 326 p UG Library
302.23 OTT 00091363 Critical Media Studies : Ott, Brian L. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 9781405161855 (alk. paper) | 1 vii, 326 p. : UG Library
302.23 OTT 07009816 Critical media studies : Ott, Brian L. 9781118554067 (e-book) | 97811 Second edition. 1 online resource (402 pages) : Library - BR Campus
302.23 OTT 05039891 Critical media studies : Ott, Brian L. 9781118554067 (e-book) | 97811 Second edition. 1 online resource (402 pages) : Knowledge Centre
302.23 PAD 04016179 Making News, Breaking News, Her Own Way / Padgaonkar, Latika Tranquebar, 2012 9789381626498 321 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.23 PAD 05024849 Making News, Breaking News, Her Own Way / Padgaonkar, Latika Tranquebar, 2012 9789381626498 321 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 PAN 05027919 New Heights in Modern Media and public relations / Pande, Brijendra Swastik Publications; 2010 9789380138213 288 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 PAN 00086445 Media in 21st Century: Panday, S N Abd Publishers 2007 9788183761123 375 p UG Library
302.23 PAP 05004852 Media perspectives for the 21st century : Routledge, 2010 9780415574983 (hardback) | 978 xv, 248 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 PAV 00127115 New Media Technology and the Information Superhighway Pavlik, John V. Allyn and Bacon, 1996 9780205162482 xiv, 434 p. ; UG Library
302.23 PAX 00118513 Mass communications and media studies Paxson, Peyton. Continuum, 2010 9781441108951 (pbk. : alk. pap viii, 251 p. : UG Library
302.23 PAX 00117669 Mass communications and media studies Paxson, Peyton. Continuum, 2010 9781441108951 (pbk. : alk. pap viii, 251 p. : UG Library
302.23 PAX 00134968 Mass communications and media studies : Paxson, Peyton, Bloomsbury, 2018 9781501329982 (softcover) 2nd ed. viii, 321p, : UG Library
302.23 PEA 10004044 The Communicator's Guide to Media Law and Ethics: A Handbook for Australian Professionals/ by Pearson, Mark Pearson, Mark [Author] Routledge 2024 9781032445571 1st Ed. xviii,392p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.23 PEM 00036531 Mass Media in America Pember, R Don Macmillan Company 1992 0023937807 6th Ed vi; 536 p. UG Library
302.23 PER 05061335 Media effects and society / Perse, Elizabeth M., Routledge, 2017 9780415885911 Second edition. x, 328 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 PER 00079301 Media Effects and Society Perse, Elizabeth M 2001 0805825053 331p UG Library
302.23 PER 05027729 Media Effects and Society / Perse, Elizabeth M Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001 0805825053 331 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 PET 05040137 Media and public shaming : I.B.Tauris, 2013 9781780765877 (pbk.) | 9781780 xxii, 229 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 PET 05042188 Media and public shaming : I.B.Tauris, 2013 9781780765877 (pbk.) | 9781780 xxii, 229 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 PHI 05007412 Glasgow Media Group reader / Philo, Greg Routledge, 1995 9780415130370 (v. 1 : alk. pap x, 399 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 PIE 07009821 Digital broadcasting : Pierson, Jo. Bloomsbury, 2015 9781847887405 (paperback) | 97 viii,158p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23 POL 05072911 The Routledge Companion to Media and Class Routledge. 2021 9781032084213 xvii, 311p : Knowledge Centre
302.23 POO 07002480 Using social media in the classroom : Poore, Megan. Sage, 2016 9781473912779 (hardback : alk. 2nd edition. viii, 298 p. Library - BR Campus
302.23 POT 05042742 Media literacy / Potter, W. James. Sage, 2014 9781483306674 (alk. paper) Seventh edition. xxi, 452 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.23 POT 00068872 Theory of Media Literacy a Cognitive Approach Potter, W Games 2004 0761929525 306p UG Library
302.23 POT 05033819 Media literacy / Potter, W. James. Sage Publications, 2011 9781412979450 (pbk.) | 1412979 5th ed. xxi, 463 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 POT 05027737 Media literacy / Potter, W. James. Sage Publications, 2011 9781412979450 (pbk.) | 1412979 5th ed. xxi, 463 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 POT 05059642 Media literacy / Potter, James W. Sage Publications, 2016 9781483379326 | 1483379329 Eighth edition. xxiii, 546 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.23 PRA 05028609 Women and Media : Kiran Prasad The Women Press, 2005 9788189110260 244 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 PRE 00130098 The media, journalism and democracy / Prentiss, Alexandra Arcler Press, 2017 9781680945058 xxv, 236 p . : UG Library
302.23 PRI 00074140 Media Studies Price, John Nelson Thornes Ltd 2003 0748767037 204 p UG Library
302.23 PRO 05042982 As/a-Level Media Studies : Probert, David Philip Allan Updates, 2005 9780860033844 164 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 QIN 05072929 Immersive Communication : Li, Qin. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2020 9781032082936 viii, 181p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 RAJ 00129208 Development Communication Rajpura, Mita Cyber Tech 2017 9789350535547 240p. UG Library
302.23 RAJ 05027789 The indian public sphere : Rajagopal, Arvind Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198061038 338 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 RAM 07011721 Exploring visual culture / Rampley, Matthew Edinburgh University Press, 2007 9780748618453 xii,246p.; Library - BR Campus
302.23 RAM 07013542 Technical Communication: Raman, Meenakshi Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195668049 | 9780198065296 599 p Library - BR Campus
302.23 RAN 05028606 The Media and Globalization / Rantanen, Terhi Sage Publications, 2005 0761973133 180 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 RAN 00091137 When News Was New / Rantanen, Terhi. Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 9781405175524 (hardcover) | 14 xiv, 154 p. : UG Library
302.23 RAN 05025693 When news was new / Rantanen, Terhi. Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 9781405175517 (hardcover) | 14 xiv, 154 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 RAN 07000977 Sociology of Mass Communication / Rani,Poonam. Random Publication, 2015 9789351116257 295p.; Library - BR Campus
302.23 RAO 05040616 Emerging trends in media, journalism & communication / Rao,B.S. Enkay Publishing House, 2013 9789380995700 278p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 RAO 00103679 News as Culture: Rao Ursula Foundation books; 2010 9788175967861 224 p. UG Library
302.23 RAO 00039431 Social Effects of Mass Media in India Rao Bhaskara. N Gyan Publishing House 1996 8121205212 xi; 300 p. UG Library
302.23 RAO 00074146 Mass Communication Rao, Venkateshwara N Kanishka Publishers, Distributors 2007 335 p UG Library
302.23 RAT 00050442 Translation Through Media in New Millennium Rattu K K Surabhi Publications 2000 8186599177 122 p UG Library
302.23 RAY 05025759 As Media Studies : Rayner, Philip Routledge, 2005 0415329663 372 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 RAY 05027993 AS media studies : Rayner, Philip, Routledge, 2008 9780415448239 (pbk. : alk. pap 3rd ed. xi, 346 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 RAY 00055143 Media and Communication Management Rayudu, C S Himalaya 1999 8174937129 720p UG Library
302.23 RAY 00062612 Media Studies : The Essential Resource Rayner Philip Routledge Group 2004 0415291739 285 p UG Library
302.23 RED 05027747 Media Organization Management : Redmond, James Dream Tech Press, 2005 0817722431 2nd 452 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 RED 05025791 Media Organisation Management : Redmond, James Dream Tech Press, 2003 0817722431 446 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 RIF 05040562 Analyzing media messages : Riffe, Daniel. Routledge, 2014 9780415517669 (hardcover) | 97 Third edition. xiv, 206 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.23 ROB 00124488 Media and politics in a globalizing world / Robertson, Alexa, 9780745654706 (paperback) 1 xiv, 239 pages : UG Library
302.23 ROB 07015308 Media and politics in a globalizing world / Robertson, Alexa, 9780745654706 (paperback) 1 xiv, 239 pages : Library - BR Campus
302.23 ROB 00107636 Mediated Cosmopolitanism. Robertson,Alexa. Polity, 2010 9780745649481 | 0745649475 (hb xvi, 182 p. : UG Library
302.23 ROB 00045802 Communication Cinema Development Roberge, Gaston Manohar Publishers 1998 8173041490 216 p UG Library
302.23 ROB 00033442 Tito`s Mavertick Media : The Politics of Mass Communications in Yugoslavia Robinson Gertrude Joch University if Illinois Press 1977 263 p UG Library
302.23 ROD 00062620 Making Sense of Media : Rodman, George Allyn and Bacon, 2001 0801332060 530 p UG Library
302.23 ROD 05027716 Making Sense of Media : Rodman, George Allyn and Bacon, 2001 0801332060 530 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 ROJ 05009439 Critical concepts in media and cultural studies / Routledge, 2011 9780415577045 (set : alk. pape xviii,352 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 ROJ 05009440 Critical concepts in media and cultural studies / Routledge, 2011 9780415577045 (set : alk. pape xviii,352 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 ROJ 05009441 Critical concepts in media and cultural studies / Routledge, 2011 9780415577045 (set : alk. pape xviii,352 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 ROJ 05009442 Critical concepts in media and cultural studies / Routledge, 2011 9780415577045 (set : alk. pape xviii,352 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 ROS 05074619 Visual methodologies : Rose, Gillian, Sage, 2023 9781529767193 | 9781529767209 Fifth. xv, 454p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 RRTD 01014817 Mass media in India 2008 / Publications Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, 1978 v. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 RUD 05027972 Investigating Audiences / Ruddock, Andy Sage Publications, 2007 9781412922708 185 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 RUD 00087287 Investigating Audiences / Ruddock, Andy Sage Publications, 2007 9781412922708 185 p UG Library
302.23 SAE 00118369 Screening the public sphere : Saeed, Saima, Routledge, 2013 9780415812443 | 0415812445 xx, 428 pages : UG Library
302.23 SAE 05039351 Screening the public sphere : Saeed, Saima, Routledge, 2013 9780415812443 | 0415812445 xx, 428 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.23 SAH 00141217 Mass media and communication: Sahay,Deepak Pearl books, 2021 9789383026876 vi,276p.; UG Library
302.23 SAL 00147588 Legal Aspects of Mass Communication: Saluja, Deepali Book Enclave, 2024 9788119684878 246p. ; UG Library
302.23 SAN 00036563 Media : An Introductory Analysis of American Mass Communications Sandman Peter M Prentice-Hall 1982 0135725453 3rd Ed. 525 p UG Library
302.23 SAN 00034646 Media Sandman, , Peter M Prentice-Hall 1976 0135725860 2nd Ed ix; 484 p. UG Library
302.23 SAR 00121202 Media Ownership/ Sarkar, Rita Arise Publishers 2011 9789380162485 272p. UG Library
302.23 SAR 05027779 Media Convergence : Sarathy V Partha ICFAI Press, 2005 8178817276 183 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 SAX 05027718 Mass Communication : Saxena, Rajiv Centrum Press, 2010 9789380836218 309 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 SCA 05027906 Media and Communication / Scannell, Paddy Sage Publications, 2007 303 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 SCH 00036532 Masss Communications Schramm, Wilbur University of Illinois Press 1975 0252000153 2nd Ed xi; 694 p UG Library
302.23 SCH 00036584 Mass Media and National Development Schramm, Wilbur Stanford University Press 1964 333 p UG Library
302.23 SCH 00073747 Communications in Modern Society Schramm Wilbur Surjeet Publications 2006 252 p UG Library
302.23 SCH 07015456 Health communication : Schiavo, Renata, Jossey-Bass A Wiley Brand, 2014 9781118416396 (epub) | 9781118419120 (pdf) Second edition. xxxii,623p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23 SCO 05047739 Media and development / Scott, Martin, Zed Books Ltd, 2014 9781780325514 (hbk.) | 1780325 231 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.23 SEL 00116476 The rhetorical power of popular culture Sellnow, Deanna D. Sage Publications, Inc., 2014 9781452229959 (pbk. : alk. pap Second Edition. xviii: 288p.: UG Library
302.23 SEN 10001531 Myth of 'free media' and fake news in the post-truth era / Seneviratne, Kalinga, Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2020 9789353286743 xvii, 326p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.23 SHA 07015091 Confession consent and hedonism : S, Shantharaju. Notion press, 2021 9781639046959 149p. ; Library - BR Campus
302.23 SHA 05045025 Public Relation and Press by, Shaikh Javed Rajat Publications, 2015 9788178806525 viii, 283 p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23 SHA 07010143 Media and Communications in the New World Order Sharma Kumar Ajay ABD Publishers, 2017 9788183765107 viii, 288 p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23 SHA 05040610 Media Economics / Shaikh,Javed. Wisdom Press, 2014 9789383318049 v,295p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 SHA 05042981 A-Z Mass Media / Sharma Sandeep Centrum Press, 2009 9789380106267 303 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 SHA 07012248 History of media & Mass Communication / Sharma Satish ABD Publishers, 2018 9788183765428 286p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23 SHA 00020561 Media : Government and Society Sharada Prasad H Y Bangalore University 1979 29 p. UG Library
302.23 SHA 07012919 Social Media Communication Concepts,Practice,Law and Ethics / Sharma Sandeep Book Enclave, 2017 9788181524287 295p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23 SHA 00119921 Public Relation and Press by, Shaikh Javed Rajat Publications, 2015 9788178806525 viii, 283 p.: UG Library
302.23 SHA 05072347 Confession consent and hedonism : S, Shantharaju. Notion press, 2021 9781639046959 149p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 SHA 05072348 Confession consent and hedonism : S, Shantharaju. Notion press, 2021 9781639046959 149p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 SHA 00125321 Media and Communications in the New World Order Sharma Kumar Ajay ABD Publishers, 2017 9788183765107 viii, 288 p.: UG Library
302.23 SHE 05032437 Development Communication and Journalism / Shekh,Jamal. Centrum Press, 2013 9789350842324 viii,288p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 SHE 00119206 Double Exposure : Shevchenko, Olga Transaction Publishers, 2014 9781412852708 vii, 245 p.; UG Library
302.23 SHR 00035264 Media Issues Shrivastava K M Sterling Publisher Pvt Ltd 1992 8120714709 168 p. UG Library
302.23 SHU 00044765 Mass Communication and Journalism Shukla A K Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 1997 8174885528 233 p UG Library
302.23 SHU 00045804 Mass Communication and Journalism Shukla A K Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 1997 8174885528 233 p UG Library
302.23 SIG 00137236 World entertainment media : Sigismondi, Paolo, Routledge, 2020 9781138094017 (hardback) | 9781138094024 (pbk.) xvi,210p.; UG Library
302.23 SIL 05027724 Genre Studies in Mass Media : Silverblatt Art Reference Press ; 2010 9788184050622 258 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 SIN 05027746 Media Power & Press Freedom / Singh A K Publishing House, 2010 9789380388182 264 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 SIN 07010144 Media and Journalism / Singh J.K A.P.H.Publishing Corporation, 2016 9788179460221 258p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23 SIN 07009838 Media and journalism / Singh J K A P H Publication, 2016 9788131300626 v,258p. Library - BR Campus
302.23 SIN 00119917 Mass Communication and Journalism in New Millennium by, Singh Kumar Nagendra Abhijeet Publications, 2014 9789350741368 272 p.: UG Library
302.23 SIN 00099597 Communication: Singh, Suraj Centrum Press, 9789380836119 307 p. UG Library
302.23 SIN 00050484 New Women and Mass Media Singh, Uma Surabhi Publications 2001 8186599223 240 p UG Library
302.23 SMI 05062022 Careers in media and communication / Smith, Stephanie. Sage, 2019 9781506360928 (pbk. : alk. paper) 167p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 SMI 00147421 Racializing Media Policy/ Simth, Jason A. Emerald Publishing, 2023 9781804557372 x,106p. ; UG Library
302.23 SON 05032548 100 cc : Soni, Rajiv. Rupa & Co., 2010 9788129116895 (jkt.) 203, [1] p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 SON 00112450 Handbook Of Journalism and Mass Communication Soni Sudhir Yking Books, 2013 9789380930930 x, 318 p.: UG Library
302.23 SOU 05044792 Media, persuasion and propaganda / Soules, Marshall, Edinburgh University Press, 2015 9780748644162 (hbk.) | 0748644 xii, 288 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.23 SPA 00123923 Media Effects Research Sparks, Glenn Grayson. Thomson/Wadsworth, 2006 0534629172 | 0534274943 (Infot 2nd ed. xxi, 250 p:. UG Library
302.23 SPA 00058844 Media Effects Research: A Basic Overview Sparks, G Glenn 2002 9780534629175 222p UG Library
302.23 SPA 05045517 Media effects research : Sparks, Glenn Grayson. Thomson/Wadsworth, 2006 0534629172 | 0534274943 (Infot 2nd ed. xxi, 250 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 SPI 00146750 Theorizing Mediated Infortion Distortion : Spitzberg, Brian H. Routledge, 2024 9781032501697 xv, 295p. ; UG Library
302.23 SPI 00128471 Cross-media service delivery / Spinellis, Diomidis Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003 1402074808 | 9781402074806 xiv, 228 p. : UG Library
302.23 SRA 00052824 Media Education in India Srampikal, Jacob Niscort 1997 237p UG Library
302.23 STA 01006635 Balance and Bias in Journalism ( Law Library) Guy Starkey Palgrave Macmillan 1403992495 185p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 STA 00096918 Convergence Media History. Routledge, 2009 9780415996617 (hardback : alk. xi, 211 p. : UG Library
302.23 STE 05027994 Understanding Media Cultures / Stevenson, Nick Sage Publications, 2004 0076197363 255 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 STE 00036560 Mass Media Sterling, H Christopher Praeger Publisher 1943 0915436892 xxxx; 460 p. UG Library
302.23 STE 05039839 Media Literarcy Project for Pre-University Students / Stevenson,K. Concept Publishing Company, 2012 9788180698217 viii,134p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 STE 00138561 Citizen media and practice : Stephensen, Hilde C Routledge, 2020 9781138571822 | 9781138571846 266 p.; UG Library
302.23 STE 05027745 The No-Nonsense Guide to Global Media / Steven, Peter Rawat Publications, 2005 8170339405 144 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 STO 05069504 Why current affairs needs social theory / Stones, Rob. Bloomsbury Academic India, 2015 9789387863729 207p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 STO 00138793 Why current affairs needs social theory / Stones, Rob. Bloomsbury Academic India, 2015 9789387863729 207p. ; UG Library
302.23 STR 00106263 Niche News : Stroud, Natalie Jomini. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199755516 vi : 257 p. UG Library
302.23 SUC 07015575 Aesthetics of Contemporary Travel Writing / Sucheth P R eye books, 2021 9789393052469 139p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23 SUN 00093787 Pirate Modernity. Sundaram,Ravi Routledge 2010 9788189643072 224p UG Library
302.23 SYE 05025763 Carrer in Mass Media / Syed, M H Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2006 8126124245 309 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 SYE 05027796 Mass Media : Syed, M H Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 2006 0812612430 302 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 SYE 05027720 Introduction to Mass Media / Syed, M H Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 2006 8126124210 294 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 SYE 00073364 Principles of Mass Media Syed, M H Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2006 8126124237 313p UG Library
302.23 TAY 05047552 Media interview techniques : Taylor, Robert, KoganPage, 2016 9780749474720 (paperback) | 97 xii,201p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23 TAY 00050454 Media Studies : Texts, Institutions and Audiences Taylor Lisa Blackwell Publishers 1999 0631200274 262 p UG Library
302.23 TAY 07000289 Media interview techniques : Taylor, Robert, KoganPage, 2016 9780749474720 (paperback) | 97 xii,201p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23 TAY 05045928 Media interview techniques : Taylor, Robert, KoganPage, 2016 9780749474720 (paperback) | 97 xii,201p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23 THO 00092704 Media Studies : Edinburgh University Press, 2009 9780748637836 (hb : alk. paper 3rd ed. xviii, 894 p. ; UG Library
302.23 THO 05027773 Who Owns the Media / Thomas, Pradip N Zed Books, 2002 1842774697 330 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 THU 00058846 War and the Media Thussu, Daya Kishan Sage Publications 2002 8178293331 | 9788178293332 264p UG Library
302.23 THU 07013057 War and the Media Thussu, Daya Kishan Sage Publications 2002 8178293331 | 9788178293332 264p Library - BR Campus
302.23 TRU 00144571 Media Literacy and the Effect of Socialization / Trultzsch-Wijnen, Christine Springer, 2020 9783030563592 xv,384p, ; UG Library
302.23 TUR 07000326 Re-inventing the media / Turner, Graeme. Routledge, 2016 9781138020252 (hbk) | 97811380 ix,148p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23 TUR 05002409 Media today : Turow, Joseph. Routledge, 2009 9780415960588 (hardback : alk. xxxii, 679 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 TUR 05056602 Re-inventing the media / Turner, Graeme. Routledge, 2016 9781138020252 (hbk) | 97811380 ix,148p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23 TUR 05047856 Media today : Turow, Joseph. 9780415536424 (hardback : alk. [5th edition]. pages cm Knowledge Centre
302.23 TUR 07012244 Media today : Turow, Joseph. Routledge, 2017 9781138928459 (hardback) | 978 6th edition. xxii,445p.; Library - BR Campus
302.23 TUR 05037757 Media today : Turow, Joseph. Routledge, 2010 9780415876070 (hardback) | 978 4th ed. 621 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 TUR 05025907 Television studies after TV : Graeme Turner and Jinna Tay. Routledge, 2009 9780415477697 (hardback : alk. x, 214 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 TUR 05056320 Media today : Turow, Joseph. Routledge, 2017 9781138928459 (hardback) | 978 6th edition. xxii,445p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 UMA 05027723 New Woman and Mass Media / Uma Singh Surabhi Publications, 2001 8186599223 242 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 VEM 00036544 ABC of Mass Media Vembuswami N Blackie & Son Publishers 1984 257 p UG Library
302.23 VEM 07015306 Health Communication in the Changing Media Landscape : Ravindra Kumar Vemula, 2016 9783319335391 1st ed. 2016. 1 online resource (XXV, 238 pages 5 illustrations) Library - BR Campus
302.23 VER 05039720 International media communication in a global age / Verma,Sourabh. Prateeksha Publications, 2011 9789380626390 v,216p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23 VIV 05002407 Media of Mass Communication / Vivian, John Pearson, 2008 9780205493708 xxvii,516 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23 VIV 05040638 The media of mass communication / Vivian, John. Allyn & Bacon, 2011 9780205693054 | 0205693059 | 9 10th ed. xxiv, 480 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23 VIV 05027709 Media Mass Communication / Vivan, John Allyn and Bacon, 1999 0205307671 521p Knowledge Centre
302.23 VIV 00116785 The Media Mass Communication Vivian John Allyn & Bacon, 1999 9780205291069 5th ed, xvi,, 524 p.: UG Library
302.23 VIV 05027761 Media Mass Communication / Vivan, John Allyn and Bacon, 1999 0205307671 521p Knowledge Centre
302.23 VIV 05027708 Media Mass Communication / Vivan, John Allyn and Bacon, 1999 0205307671 521p Knowledge Centre
302.23 VOL 00105039 Mass Media and Political Communication in New Democracies. Voltmer,Katrin. Routledge, 2006 0415337798 (hdbk. : alk. paper xvii, 262 p. : UG Library
302.23 WAD 05025692 Communication and media : Wadia, Angela. Kanishka Publishers, Distributors, 1999 8173912823 vi, 324 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 WAI 07010146 Media sociology : 9780745670553 (hardback) | 074 vi, 298 pages ; Library - BR Campus
302.23 WAI 07010005 Media sociology : 9780745670553 (hardback) | 074 vi, 298 pages ; Library - BR Campus
302.23 WAI 05039973 Media sociology : 9780745670553 (hardback) | 074 vi, 298 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.23 WAL 07006529 Alternative and Activist Media / Waltz Mitzi Edinburgh University Press, 2005 9780748619573 149p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23 WAL 05027771 Alternative and Activist Media / Waltz, Miyzi Edinburgh University Press, 2005 0748619585 148 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 WAS 00119919 A Textbook of Media Organisation & Management by, Waseem M.K Wisdom Press, 2015 9789383318483 v, 286 p.: UG Library
302.23 WAT 05025771 Media Communication : Watson, James Palgrave Publihsing, 2003 1403946957 368 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 WAT 00062621 Media Communication : Watson, James Palgrave Publihsing, 2003 1403946957 368 p UG Library
302.23 WAT 00068074 Media Communication : Watson, James Palgrave Publihsing, 2003 1403946957 368 p UG Library
302.23 WAT 05027701 Dictionary of Media and Communication Studies / Watson, James Hodder Arnold, 2006 0034091338 337p Knowledge Centre
302.23 WAT 01006646 Media Communication: An Introduction to Theory and Process (law Lib) James Watson Palgrave Macmillan 0140390149 368p Knowledge Centre
302.23 WEB 05042006 The marketplace of attention : Webster, James G. The MIT Press, 2014 9780262027861 xii,268p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23 WEL 00036527 Mass Media and Society Wells Alan National Press Books 1970 1st Ed. 407 p UG Library
302.23 WHE 00036562 Mediamerica Whetmore, Edward Jay Wadsworth Publishing Company 1991 0534152821 4th Ed xvi 410 p. UG Library
302.23 WIL 00135166 Understanding media theory / Williams, Kevin, Bloomsbury, 2017 0340719036 | 9789386606877 vi, 266 p. ; UG Library
302.23 WIL 00145916 Dynamics of Mass Communication Willis, John Willford Press, 2022 9781647283841 235p. ; UG Library
302.23 WOO 05027999 Communication Mosaics : Wood, Aulia T WOO 2006 9780534646868 402 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 YAD 05027703 Issues in Mass Communication : Yadava, J S Kanishka Publishers, 2008 8173912246 312 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 YAD 05002402 Issues in Mass Communication : Yadava, J S Kanishka Publishers, 2008 8173912246 312 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 YAD 05027702 Issues in Mass Communication : Yadava, J S Kanishka Publishers, 2008 8173912246 312 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 YAD 05025696 Issues in Mass Communication : Yadava, J S Kanishka Publishers, 2008 8173912246 312 p Knowledge Centre
302.23 YAD 00133382 Issues in Mass Communication : Yadava, J S Kanishka Publishers, 2008 8173912246 312 p UG Library
302.23 YAD 00133383 Issues in Mass Communication : Yadava, J S Kanishka Publishers, 2008 8173912246 312 p UG Library
302.23 YTR 00148130 Media and events in history / Ytreberg, Espen Polity Press, 2022 1509545417 | 9781509545407 vii,196p. : UG Library
302.230 FRA 07000137 Television Policy Franklin, Bob Edinburgh University Press. 2005 0748617183 | 9780748617180 292 Library - BR Campus
302.230 WIN 00095477 Press,Politics and Society Winterson David Centrum Press 2010 9789380836324 294P UG Library
302.230 ZHE 07011882 New media and transformation of social life in China / Zheng,Han. Sage, 2018 9789352803514 (print (hb) : alk. paper) xiv,235p.; Library - BR Campus
302.230068 EVA 07002580 Social media marketing Evans, Dave D. Wiley, 2010 2nd ed. xix,388p.; Library - BR Campus
302.23007 GAW 00127106 The Gawker Guide to Conquering all Media Gawker Media Atria Books, 2007 9781416532996 | 1416532994 xiii, 175 p. : UG Library
302.2301 BAR 05041374 Introduction to Mass Communication Theory / Baran,Stanley. Cengage Learning, 2006 9788131509722 5th ed. 312p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2301 SHA 07000974 Principles of Communication / by, Sharma Anshuman Random Publications, 2014 9789351113898 281 p.: Library - BR Campus
302.2301 WAY 05025752 Marxism and media studies : Wayne, Mike Aakar books, 2010 9789350020173 289 p Knowledge Centre
302.2301 ATK 07013880 Live cinema:cultures, economies, aesthethics / Bloomsbury Publication, 2018 9781501353970 xx,305p.; Library - BR Campus
302.2301 BAR 05017582 Mass Communication Theory : Baran, Stanley J. Thomson, 2004 9812403620 2nd ed. xvi, 400p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2301 BAR 05002875 Mass Communication Theory : Baran, Stanley J. Thomson, 2004 9812403620 2nd ed. xvi, 400p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2301 BAR 07000438 Mass Communication Theory : Baran Stanley.J Wadsworth, 2012 9780495902904 xxiv,456p.: Library - BR Campus
302.2301 BAR 00127453 Mass Communication Theory : Baran Stanley.J Wadsworth, 2012 9780495902904 xxiv,456p.: UG Library
302.2301 BAR 05002878 Mass communication theory : Baran, Stanley J. Thomson/Wadsworth, 2006 0534637973 (pbk.) 4th ed. xix, 412 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2301 BAR 00059437 Mass Communication Theory : Baran, Stanley J. Thomson, 2004 9812403620 2nd ed. xvi, 400p.; UG Library
302.2301 BER 05045170 Media Analysis Techniques / Berger Arthur Asa Sage, 2012 9788132110132 4th ed xv,260p.: Knowledge Centre
302.2301 BER 05037888 Media Analysis Techniques / Berger, Arthur Asa Sage Publications, 2005 1412906830 243p.: Knowledge Centre
302.2301 BHA 00068477 Theory and Research in Interpersonal and Mass Communication Bhatia, Arun Akansha Publishing House 2005 0818370025 267p UG Library
302.2301 BRY 07009491 The TV brand builders : Bryant, Andy, KoganPage, 2016 9780749476687 (paperback) xv,328p.: Library - BR Campus
302.2301 DAT 00068500 Mass Communication Theory and Practice Datta K B Akansha Publishing House 2005 8183700047 283 p UG Library
302.2301 DAT 00068061 Mass Communication Theory and Practice Datta K B Akansha Publishing House 2005 8183700047 283 p UG Library
302.2301 DEF 00144959 Mass communication theories : DeFleur, Melvin L. Routledge, 2022 9780367533533 2nd ed, x,356p. ; UG Library
302.2301 DUR 05025778 Language and media : Durant, Alan Routledge press, 2010 9780415475747 269 p Knowledge Centre
302.2301 FLO 05046298 Philosophy of emerging media : Floyd, Juliet, Oxford university press, 2016 9780190260750 (pbk. : alk. pap xviii,446p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2301 FOR 00103354 Consuming Media: Fornas John Berg Oxford 2007 9781845207601 228 p UG Library
302.2301 HAR 05030227 Cognisitve Psychology of Mass Communication: Harris, Richard Jackson 0080583088 336p Knowledge Centre
302.2301 HAR 05025794 Cognitive Psychology of Mass Communication / Harris, Richard, Jackson Lawrence Publishers, 1999 0080583088 335 p Knowledge Centre
302.2301 HAS 00131422 Philosophy of media : Hassan, Robert, Routledge, 2017 9781138908321 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138908338 (pbk. : alk. paper) vii, 254 pages ; UG Library
302.2301 HER 05056464 Media matter : Bloomsburry, 2015 9781501320101 xiii, 310 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.2301 HER 05048443 Media matter : Herzogenrath, Bernd, Bloomsbury publishing plc, 2015 9781628923834 (HB) xiii, 310 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.2301 JOH 05025984 Language in the Media : Johnson, Sally Continuum, 2008 9781846841576 314p Knowledge Centre
302.2301 JOH 00089013 Language in the Media : Johnson, Sally Continuum, 2008 9781846841576 314p UG Library
302.2301 MAR 07012098 Network neutrality : Marsden, Christopher T., Manchester University Press, 2017 9781526107275 | 1526107279 | 9781526105486 | 1526105489 | 9781526105479 xlv, 258 pages : Library - BR Campus
302.2301 MCQ 00062619 Mass Communication Theory. Mcquail, Denis 2003 0761965475 542p UG Library
302.2301 MCQ 05027798 Mcquails Mass Communication Theory / Mcquail Denis Sage Publications, 2005 8178295350 616 p. Knowledge Centre
302.2301 MCQ 05027799 Mcquails Mass Communication Theory / Mcquail Denis Sage Publications, 2005 8178295350 616 p. Knowledge Centre
302.2301 MCQ 05027800 Mcquails Mass Communication Theory / Mcquail Denis Sage Publications, 2005 8178295350 616 p. Knowledge Centre
302.2301 MCQ 05025780 Mcquail's Mass Communication Theory / Mcquail, Denis Sage Publications, 2004 0761965475 542 p Knowledge Centre
302.2301 MCQ 05027741 Mcquali's Mass Communication Theory / Mcquail Denis Sage Publications, 2006 8178295350 616 p Knowledge Centre
302.2301 MEH 07005573 Media Magnates Netas & Me / Mehta Vinod Penguin Books, 2015 9780143425588 281p.: Library - BR Campus
302.2301 MEH 07006954 Behind a billion screens : Mehta, Nalin, HarperCollins Publishers, 2015 9789351364603 (PISBN) | 9789351364610 (EISBN) xxvii, 282 pages : Library - BR Campus
302.2301 MOO 05025779 Media/theory : Moores, Shaun Routledge, 2005 0041524384 203 p Knowledge Centre
302.2301 NAR 07007875 Globalization and television : Narayan, Sunetra Sen. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198092360 | 0198092369 First edition. XV,309 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
302.2301 NAR 00074863 Dynamics of Mass Communication : Theory and Practice Narula Uma Atlantic Publishers 2006 8126906367 293 p UG Library
302.2301 NAR 00073055 Dynamics of Mass Communication : Theory and Practice Narula Uma Atlantic Publishers 2006 8126906367 293 p UG Library
302.2301 OUE 07011578 Keywords for media studies / Ouellette,Laurie New york University, 2017 9781479883653 | 9781479859610 pages cm Library - BR Campus
302.2301 PER 05002812 Theory and Research in Mass Communication: Contexts and Consequences / Perry, David K Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 2002 0805839380 319p.: Knowledge Centre
302.2301 RIF 00146329 Analyzing media messages : Riffe, Daniel, Routledge 2024 9781032264691 | 9781032264677 Fifth edition. 232p. UG Library
302.2301 ROD 00130195 Reading the figural, or, Philosophy after the new media Rodowick, David Norman. Duke University Press, 2001 0822327112 (cloth : alk. paper xviii, 276 p. UG Library
302.2301 ROD 00128016 Reading the Figural, or, Philosophy After the New Media/ Rodowick, D N : Duke University Press 2001 0822327228 276p. UG Library
302.2301 SHA 05040609 Communication Theory / Shaikh, Javed. Wisdom Press, 2014 9789383318032 v,301p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2301 SHA 00119920 Principles of Communication / by, Sharma Anshuman Random Publications, 2014 9789351113898 281 p.: UG Library
302.2301 SIN 05025697 Print Media and photo journalism / Singh Monita Centrum Press, 2010 9789380836195 297 p Knowledge Centre
302.2301 SOM 05025781 Principles of Communication / Somasundaram, Vijaya Authors Press, 2005 8172732589 333 p Knowledge Centre
302.2301 STE 07000710 Mobil Revolution: The Making of Mobile Service Worldwide Steinbock, Dan Kogan Page 9780749445454 304 p Library - BR Campus
302.2301 TAT 07011581 The classic fairy tales : Tatar,Maria 9780393602975 Second edition. 509 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
302.2301 TAY 05006501 Zizek and the media / Taylor, Paul A., Polity, 2010 9780745643670 (hbk.) xiv, 210 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.2301 THO 00069744 Communication Theory Thomas T G Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing 2006 0070590915 335 p UG Library
302.2301 TUR 05025772 Ordinary people and the media : Turner, Graeme. SAGE Publications, 2009 9781848601666 | 9781848601673 189p. Knowledge Centre
302.2301 WAY 05025751 Marxism and media studies : Wayne, Mike Aakar books, 2010 9789350020173 289 p Knowledge Centre
302.2301 WAY 05025756 Marxism and Media Studies : Wayne Mike Pluto Press, 2003 0745319130 289 p Knowledge Centre
302.2301 WAY 05025757 Marxism and Media Studies : Wayne Mike Pluto Press, 2003 0745319130 289 p Knowledge Centre
302.2301 WAY 00072935 Marxism and Media Studies : Wayne Mike Pluto Press, 2003 0745319130 289 p UG Library
302.2301 WAY 00074145 Marxism and Media Studies : Wayne Mike Pluto Press, 2003 0745319130 289 p UG Library
302.2301 WAY 05025755 Marxism and Media Studies : Wayne Mike Pluto Press, 2003 0745319130 289 p Knowledge Centre
302.2301 WDR 07003972 World Development Report 2016 : The World Bank, 2016 9781464807282 | 1464807280 | 9781464806711 | 1464806713 xxiii, 330 pages : Library - BR Campus
302.2301 WIL 00077836 Understanding Media Theroy Williams, Kevin Hodder 2003 266p UG Library
302.23014 BEL 05002569 Approaches to Media Discourse: Bell, Allan Blackwell Publishers Inc, 2003 0631198881 287p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23014 BIG 00043361 Media Semiotics an Introduction Bignell Jonathan Manchester University Press 1997 223 p UG Library
302.23014 DAN 05047604 Language, society, and new media : Danesi, Marcel, Routledge, 2016 9781138024588 (hardback) | 978 xv, 314 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.23014 DAN 05068090 Understanding media semiotics / Danesi, Marcel, Bloomsbury Academic, 2019 9781350064171 (HB) | 9781350064164 (PB) Second edition. 304p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23014 GIL 05033379 Analysing Media Texts / Tata McGraw-Hill, 2010 9780071070416 208p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23014 GNA 05074469 Digital communication and media linguistics : Gnach, Aleksandra, Cambridge University Press, 2023 9781108748278 xviii, 308p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23014 JOH 01015592 Language In The Media : Continuum, 9780826495488 | 0826495486 | 9 xi, 314 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23014 RIF 05002873 Analyzing Media Messagesl: Using Quantitative Content Analysis in Research Riffe, Daniel Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1998 0000805891 208p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23014 RIF 05025768 Analyzing Media Messages : Fiffe, Daniel Lawrence Publishers, 1998 0000805891 208 p Knowledge Centre
302.23014 TAL 05025985 Media Discourse : Talbot, Mary Edinburgh University Press, 2007 9780748623488 vi,198 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23019 ARO 05068165 Psychology and media / Arora, Nirupama. Book Enclave, 2019 9788181524898 vi, 328 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23019 ARO 07014669 Psychology and media / Arora, Nirupama. Book Enclave, 2019 9788181524898 vi, 328 p. ; Library - BR Campus
302.23019 BAI 05002877 Media Audiences and Identity: Self-Construction in the Fan Experience / Bailey, Steve Palgrave Macmillan, 2005 0140394542 228p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23019 FER 05070218 Media psychology 101 / Ferguson, Christopher J., Springer Publishing Company, 2016 9780826196736 (print : alk. paper) x, 274 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.23019 GIL 05071582 Media Psycjology / Giles, David. Routledge, 2003 9780805840490 x,324p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23019 HAR 05025767 A cognitive psychology of mass communication / Harris, Richard Jackson. Routledge, 2009 9780415993111 | 9780415993128 xii, 463 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23019 HAR 00096930 Cognitive Psychology of Mass Communication. Harris, Richard Jackson. Routledge, 2009 9780415993111 | 9780415993128 5th ed. xii, 463 p. ; UG Library
302.23019 HAR 05002810 A cognitive psychology of mass communication / Harris, Richard Jackson. Routledge, 2009 9780415993111 | 9780415993128 xii, 463 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23019 LAN 05002811 Measuring psychological responses to media messages / Lang, Annie Erlbaum, 0805807179 (acidfree paper) x, 244 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23019 POT 05009462 Psychophysiological measurement and meaning : Potter, Robert F. Routledge, 2012 9780805862867 | 0805862862 | 9 xxii, 285 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23019 REY 01027429 Media in mind / Reynolds, Daniel, Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190872519 (cloth) x, 206 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.23019 SAN 00134569 A Cognitive Psychology of Mass Communication / Sanborn, Fred W., Routledge, 2019 9781138046269 | 9781138046276 Seventh edition. xiv, 484 p.; UG Library
302.2302 AGR 00111523 Mass Media and Communication: Agrawal, Namita. Book Enclave, 2012 9788181522917 vi: 288p.; UG Library
302.2302 AGR 05033411 Mass Media and Communication: Agrawal, Namita. Book Enclave, 2012 9788181522917 vi: 288p.; Knowledge Centre
302.230207 GAW 07006528 The gawker guide to conquering all media / Atria Books, 2007 9781416532996 | 1416532994 1st Atria Bookshardcover ed. xiii, 175 p. : Library - BR Campus
302.230228 NAR 05056116 Communication Models / Narula, Uma Atlantic, 2006 8126906774 121 p Knowledge Centre
302.230228 NAR 05025758 Communication Models / Narula, Uma Atlantic, 2006 8126906774 121 p Knowledge Centre
302.2302341 HOL 05025770 How to Get into Televison, Radio and New Media / Hollingsworth, Mike Continuum, 2003 0826467318 214 p Knowledge Centre
302.2303 SHA 04003094 Encyclopaedia of Electronic Media Shamsi, Nayyar Anmol Publications 2006 8126130180 307 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.2303 SHA 04003095 Encyclopaedia of Electronic Media Shamsi, Nayyar Anmol Publications 2006 8126130180 307 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.2303 SHA 04003093 Encyclopaedia of Electronic Media Shamsi, Nayyar Anmol Publications 2006 8126130180 307 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.2303 DOW 01017640 Encyclopedia of social movement media / SAGE Publications, Inc., 2011 9780761926887 (cloth) | 076192 xxvii, 602 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.2303 FER 05002881 Academic Dictionary of Communication Fernandes, James Isha Books 8182051924 299 Knowledge Centre
302.2303 JEN 05025775 A Handbook of Media and Communication Research : Jensen, Klaus Bruhn Routledge, 2002 0415225140 332 p Knowledge Centre
302.2303 MAN 00073745 Dictionary of Mass Communication Kumar, Manjula B K S Paperbacks 2000 8189261355 364 UG Library
302.2303 ORL 05025769 The practical media dictionary / Orlebar, Jeremy. Arnold ; | Distributed in the U.S.A. by Oxford University Press, 2003 9780340809044 | 0340809043 (pb vii, 197 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2303 YAD 00053015 Encylopaedia of Mass Media and Social Development Yadav, K P Sarupa and Sons 2000 8176250899 368p UG Library
302.2303 YAD 05025774 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media and Social Development / Yadav, K P Sarupa and Sons, 2000 8176250899 355 p Knowledge Centre
302.2304 DAN 05002880 Understanding Media Semiotics Danesi, Marcel ARNOLD, 2002 0340808845 253 p.: Knowledge Centre
302.2306 KNE 00092596 The Curse of the Mogul : Knee, Jonathan A. Portfolio, 2009 9781591842644 p. cm. UG Library
302.23068 ALB 05056149 Management of electronic and digital media / Albarran, Alan B. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2013 9781111836856 5th ed. xxii, 307 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23068 ALB 05054157 Management of electronic media / Albarran, Alan B. Thomson/Wadsworth, 2006 0534563996 | 9780534563998 3rd ed. xxiv, 333 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23068 ALB 05025795 Management of Electronic Media / Albarran, Alan B Thomson, 2003 315 p Knowledge Centre
302.23068 ALB 00074856 Management of Electronic Media Albarran Alan Thomson Learning 2002 9812548971 2nd ed. 315 p UG Library
302.23068 ALB 00066760 Management of Electronic Media Albarran Alan Thomson Learning 2002 9812548971 2nd ed. 315 p UG Library
302.23068 CHA 00147392 Electronic Media Management: Chauhan, Pooja Book Enclave, 2024 9789392262982 257p. ; UG Library
302.23068 CHA 05017575 Media Management / Chaturvedi B K Global vision publishing house, 2009 9788182202313 368 p Knowledge Centre
302.23068 CON 07015588 Media management and artificial intelligence : Connock, Alex, Routledge, 2023 9781000779233 | 9781003213611 336p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23068 CON 00147659 Media management and live experience : Connock, Alex Routledge, 2024 9781032563671 xiii,370p. : UG Library
302.23068 DEU 05025798 Managing Media Work / Deuze, Mark SAGE, 2011 9781412971249 ix, 307 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23068 EVA 03013604 Social Media Marketing : Evans, Dave Wiley, 2015 9788126531493 xvii, 388p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.23068 EVA 03013605 Social Media Marketing : Evans, Dave Wiley, 2015 9788126531493 xvii, 388p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.23068 GAN 05025753 Broadcasting and Development Communication : Gandhi, Ved Prakash Kanishka, 2008 9788184570465 398 p Knowledge Centre
302.23068 GAN 05025754 Broadcasting and Development Communication : Gandhi, Ved Prakash Kanishka, 2008 9788184570465 398 p Knowledge Centre
302.23068 GAN 00087579 Broadcasting and Development Communication : Gandhi, Ved Prakash Kanishka, 2008 9788184570465 398 p UG Library
302.23068 GER 00147662 Digital media and innovation : Gershon, Richard A. Routledge, 2024 9781032278469 Second edition. xvi, 284 p. ; UG Library
302.23068 GER 07011312 Digital media and innovation : Gershon, Richard A., Sage, 2017 9781452241418 (pbk. : alk. pap xvi, 261 pages : Library - BR Campus
302.23068 GER 05055941 Digital media and innovation : Gershon, Richard A., Sage, 2017 9781452241418 (pbk. : alk. pap xvi, 261 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.23068 GUH 00074227 Media Development and Management New Horizons Guha, Biswajeet Kanishka Publishers 2000 8173918546 350 p UG Library
302.23068 HER 05017562 Media Management in the Age of Giants (MS Comm) Herrick, Dennis F Surjeet Publications 8122901921 397p Knowledge Centre
302.23068 HOL 05047553 Media management : Hollifield, C. Ann, Routledge, 2016 9781138901018 (hbk) | 97811389 Fifth edition. xxi, 416 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.23068 KIR 00147975 Introduction to media distribution : Kirkpatrick, Scott, Routledge, 2024 9781032413952 Second edition. xiv,278p. ; UG Library
302.23068 KIR 00134803 Intoduction to Media Distribution: Krikpatrick, Scott. Routledge, 2019 9781138297357 xiii,242p,: UG Library
302.23068 KUN 05055186 Media Management / Kundra, S. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2006 8126124598 336p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23068 KUN 05025797 Strategic Management in the Media : Kung, Lucy Sage Publications, 2008 9781412903127 248 p Knowledge Centre
302.23068 KUN 00147982 Strategic Management in the Media : Kung, Lucy Sage Publications, 2008 9781529773699 xvii,262p. ; UG Library
302.23068 NIE 05048379 Media management : Nierenberg,Bogustaw. Jagiellonian University Press, 2016 9788323339908 214p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23068 RAV 00067593 News Media Management Ravindranath, P K English Edition Publisher 2005 0818906620 85 p UG Library
302.23068 SAX 00121198 A Textbook of media management Saxena Pawan Centrum Press 2013 9789350842270 296p. UG Library
302.23068 SIN 00119918 Media Management Singhal Mittika Random Publications, 2014 9789351112419 286 p.: UG Library
302.23068 SYL 05002879 Media Management A casebook Approach Sylvie George Routledge 9780805861976 414p Knowledge Centre
302.23068 WAD 05025796 Broadcast Management in India : Wadia, Angela Kanishka Publishers, 2007 8173919119 414 p Knowledge Centre
302.230684 ANA 05054640 The content trap : Anand, Bharat Narendra, Penguin, 2016 9780143428619 First Edition. xxxii, 423 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.230688 LIE 05060255 The definitive guide to entertainment marketing : Lieberman,Al. Pearson, 2017 9789332586963 Second Edition. viii,294p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2307 BRE 05025762 Media Education / Brereton, Pat Continuum, 2001 0826453961 196 p Knowledge Centre
302.2307 CHR 05002857 Assessing media education : L. Erlbaum, 0805852255 (alk. paper) | 0805 xii, 586 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2307 DEA 05025789 Reseaching Communications : Deacon, David Oxford University Press, 2007 9780340926994 430 p Knowledge Centre
302.2307 KAN 00134320 A Hand Book on Media Education: Kanankombil, Shinto. Adhyayan Publishers & Distributors, 2018 9788184354317 xiv, 170p. : UG Library
302.2307 PAH 00111626 Handbook of Media and Communication Researches/ Pahad, Anjali. Mangalam Publishers & Distributors, 2012 9788189972738 viii: 383p.; UG Library
302.23071 BEN 00147664 Classics in media theory / Bengtsson, Stina Routledge, 2024 9781032557953 xii,408p. ; UG Library
302.23071 BUR 05025790 More Than Meets the Eye : Burrton, Graeme Oxford University Press, 2002 0340762047 298 p Knowledge Centre
302.23071 FER 05025801 Media in Question / Ferguson, Robert Arnold, 2004 0340740787 203 p Knowledge Centre
302.23071 HAM 05025788 Media/cultural studies : Rhonda Hammer and Douglas Kellner. Peter Lang, 2009 9780820495262 (pbk. : alk. pap xlvii, 644 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23071 PAN 00137934 Media and methods of education Pandey,Shuchita Sarup book publishers pvt ltd., 2019 9789381759400 270p.; UG Library
302.23071 SAH 00140112 Media research methodology Sahay, Deepak Pearl books, 2021 9789380191140 vi,280p.; UG Library
302.23071 SCA 05018121 The Media Teacher's Handbook Scarratt, Elaine. Routledge, 2012 9780415499941 | 9780415499941 xii, 259 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23071 SCA 00108740 The Media Teacher's Handbook Scarratt, Elaine. Routledge, 2012 9780415499941 | 9780415499941 xii, 259 p. UG Library
302.23071 THU 00096921 Internationalizing Media Studies. Routledge, 2009 9780415455299 (hardback : alk. xiii, 320 p. : UG Library
302.23071 WIL 00111627 How to get a 2:1 in media, communication and cultural studies / Williams, Noel. Sage, 2004 0761949119 | 0761949127 (pbk.) xi, 230 p. : UG Library
302.23071 WIL 05002871 How to Get a 2:1 in Media, Coomunication and Cultural Studies / Williams, Noel Sage Publications, 2004 0761949119 230 p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23071 WIM 00061962 Mass Media Research: an Introduction Wimmer, D Roger THOMSON 2004 488p UG Library
302.23071/VOL 07010405 The handbook of global media resarch / Wiley Blackwell Publication, 2015 9781119061120 viii,547p. Library - BR Campus
302.230711 PUR 05025787 Get Set for Media and Cultural Studies / Purvis, Tony Edinburgh University Press, 2006 0748616950 205 p Knowledge Centre
302.230712 BUR 05002815 Media Literacy in Schools: Practice, Production and Progression Burn, Andrew Paul Chapman Publishing, 2007 9781412922166 187p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23071241 MAY 00127133 Teaching Creative arts and media 14+ May, Markham Open University Press 2011 9780335237524 139p. UG Library
302.23072 BER 07011875 Media research methods : audiences, institutions, texts Bertrand, Ina Palgrave, 2018 9781137552150 xiv,385p.; Library - BR Campus
302.23072 BER 00131334 Media research methods : audiences, institutions, texts Bertrand, Ina Palgrave, 2018 9781137552150 xiv,385p.; UG Library
302.23072 BUR 05033378 Analysing Media Texts / Burn, Andrew Continuum- Viva, 2004 9780826464705 ix,90 p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23072 ALT 00111248 Qualitative Media Analysis / Altheide, David L. Sage Publications, 2013 9781452230054 2nd ed. xiii, 150 p. : UG Library
302.23072 BER 00121646 Media and Communication Research Methods Berger, Arthur Asa SAGE Publications, 2014 9781452256573 Third edition xvii, 365 p:. UG Library
302.23072 BER 00105974 Media and Communication Research Methods : Berger, Arthur Asa, SAGE Publications, 2011 9781412987776 (pbk.) | 1412987 2nd ed. xvii, 341 p. : UG Library
302.23072 BHA 05025783 Theory and Research in International and Mass Communication / Bhatia, Arun Akansha Publishing House, 2005 0818370025 267 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23072 BRE 05056608 Qualitative research methods for media studies / Brennen, Bonnie Routledge, 2017 9781138219212 (hardback) | 978 Second edition. vii,246p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23072 BRE 00148209 Qualitative research methods for media studies / Brennen, Bonnie Routledge, 2025 9781032600710 Fourth edition. vii,283p. ; UG Library
302.23072 BRE 07002872 Qualitative research methods for media studies / Brennen, Bonnie. Routledge, 2013 9780415890212 (hardback) | 041 vii, 238 p. ; Library - BR Campus
302.23072 BUR 00068252 Analysing Media Texts / Burn, Andrew Continuum- Viva, 2004 9780826464705 ix,90 p.; UG Library
302.23072 BUR 00077263 Analysing Media Texts / Burn, Andrew Continuum- Viva, 2004 9780826464705 ix,90 p.; UG Library
302.23072 CHA 00089527 Framing the New Wave: Locating the Significance of N. Laksminarayan Chakravarthy, Manu N ILA Mudrana 2009 94p UG Library
302.23072 DEA 05002808 Researching Communications: A Practical Guide to Methods in Media and Cultural Analyis / Deacon, David Hodder Arnold, 2007 9780340926994 430 p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23072 FRE 07015589 Artificial Intelligence and Playable Media / Freedman Eric Routledge, 2023 ix,163p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23072 HAN 05062604 Mass Communication Research Methods : Hansen,Anders. Palgrave, 1998 9780333617106 vii,350p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23072 HAN 00062614 Mass Communication Research Methods / Hansen, Anders Macmillan Press Ltd., 1988 0033361710 | 9781403946942 350 p UG Library
302.23072 HAN 00073072 Mass Communication Research Methods / Hansen, Anders Macmillan Press Ltd., 1988 0033361710 | 9781403946942 350 p UG Library
302.23072 HAN 05025792 Mass Communication Research Methods / Hansen, Anders Macmillan Press Ltd., 1988 0033361710 | 9781403946942 350 p Knowledge Centre
302.23072 JEN 00079097 A Handbook of Media and Communication Research : Jensen, Klaus Bruhn Routledge, 2002 0415225140 332 p UG Library
302.23072 JEN 00068076 A Handbook of Media and Communication Research : Jensen, Klaus Bruhn Routledge, 2002 0415225140 332 p UG Library
302.23072 JEN 00076178 A Handbook of Media and Communication Research : Jensen, Klaus Bruhn Routledge, 2002 0415225140 332 p UG Library
302.23072 JEN 00076718 A Handbook of Media and Communication Research : Jensen, Klaus Bruhn Routledge, 2002 0415225140 332 p UG Library
302.23072 JEN 05025800 A Handbook of Media and Communication Research : Jensen, Klaus Bruhn Routledge, 2002 0415225140 332 p Knowledge Centre
302.23072 JOS 05025793 Media Research : Joshi, Uma Authors Press, 2002 0817273090 371 p Knowledge Centre
302.23072 JOS 05025698 Media Research: Cross Section Analysis Joshi, Uma Authors Press 0817273090 371p Knowledge Centre
302.23072 MCQ 05025785 Communication Theory and Research : Mcquail, Denis Sage Publications, 2005 1412918332 306 p Knowledge Centre
302.23072 MUR 00090260 Media Research; Themes and Applications Murthy, D V K Kanishka 2008 9788184570892 220p UG Library
302.23072 NAR 00146663 Media Research Methods/ Narang, Abhay Rajat Publications, 2024 9789395401463 240p. ; UG Library
302.23072 PAN 07001287 Media Research / Pandey Vinod Kumar.Dr Vista Publishers, 2014 9789382935148 248p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23072 PIC 05002850 Research Methods for Cultural Studies / Pickering, Michael Edinburgh University Press, 2008 9780748625789 240p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23072 POT 05025786 Arguing for a General Framework for Mass Media Scholarship / Potter James Sage Publications, 2009 9781412964715 394 p Knowledge Centre
302.23072 PRI 05002799 Doing media research : Priest, Susanna Hornig. Sage, 9781412960977 (pbk.) | 1412960 xvii, 248 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23072 ROS 00131390 Applied mass communication theory : Rosenberry, Jack Routledge, 2017 9781138689114 (hbk) | 9781138689121 (pbk) Seond edition. xiv, 296 pages : UG Library
302.23072 ROS 00144121 Applied Mas Communication Theory : Rosenberry, Jack. Routledge, 2022 9780367630362 3 rd x,299 p,; UG Library
302.23072 SHA 00137933 Mass media and functional english Shabina Rajat publications, 2020 9788178808086 87p.; UG Library
302.23072 SWA 00144393 The Illustrated Guide to the Mass Communication Research Project / Swann, Patricia, Routledge, 2023 9781032102634 | 9781032080758 x,178p, ; UG Library
302.23072 VIL 05067339 Mass Communication Research : Vil'anilam, John V. Dominant Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd., 2019 9789384207939 xvii, 184p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23072 WIM 05025820 Mass Media Research : D Wimmer, Roger Thomson Learning, 2003 9812435077 488 p Knowledge Centre
302.23072 WIM 00067654 Mass Media Research an Intriduction. Wimmer D, Roger Thomson Learning 2003 9812435077 488p UG Library
302.23072 WIM 05017552 Mass Media Research: an Introduction: [mscomn] Wimmer, D Roger Thomson Learning 9812435077 488p Knowledge Centre
302.23072 WIM 05002788 Mass Media Research: an Introduction: [mscomn] Wimmer, D Roger Thomson Learning 9812435077 488p Knowledge Centre
302.23072 WIM 05025782 Mass Media Research : Wimmer, D Roger Thomson Learning, 2003 9812435077 488 p Knowledge Centre
302.23072 WIM 05002641 Mass Media Research : Wimmer, D Roger Thomson Learning, 2003 9812435077 488 p Knowledge Centre
302.23072 WIM 05025799 Mass Media Research : Wimmer, D Roger Thomson Learning, 2003 9812435077 488 p Knowledge Centre
302.23072 WIM 04011331 Mass Media Research An Introduction / Wimmer, Roger D. Cengage Learnig , 2011 9788131516720 9th ed xii, 464 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.230721 BER 05056150 Media and communication research methods : Berger, Arthur Asa, Sage, 2016 9781483377568 (pbk. : alk. pap Fourth Edition. xvii, 415 p. Knowledge Centre
302.230721 BER 07002476 Media and communication research methods : Berger, Arthur Asa, Sage, 2016 9781483377568 (pbk. : alk. pap Fourth Edition. xvii, 415 p. Library - BR Campus
302.230724 SIN 05025773 Media Education / Singh, UK. Discovery Publishing House, 1996 8171413668 348 p Knowledge Centre
302.230727 DAY 00127779 Media Metrics : Dayal, Manoj Sage Texts 2017 9789386062161 (pbk. : alk. pap xxiii, 458p. UG Library
302.230727 DAY 05056156 Media Metrics : Dayal, Manoj Sage Texts 2017 9789386062161 (pbk. : alk. pap xxiii, 458p. Knowledge Centre
302.230727 DAY 07011124 Media Metrics : Dayal, Manoj Sage Texts 2017 9789386062161 (pbk. : alk. pap xxiii, 458p. Library - BR Campus
302.230727 DAY 05055989 Media Metrics : Dayal, Manoj Sage Texts 2017 9789386062161 (pbk. : alk. pap xxiii, 458p. Knowledge Centre
302.23072BER 01006578 Media Research Methods: Audiences, Institutions, Texts (law Lib) Ina Bertrand Palgrave Macmillan 9780333960950 286p Knowledge Centre
302.23072SYE 01006185 Research in Mass Media (law Lib) M H Syed Anmol Publication 8126124261 293p. Knowledge Centre
302.23076 ANA 07008602 UGC NET/JRF/SET Mass communication and journalism / Anand, Shyam Upkar Publication, 2013 9789350132845 680p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23076 AND 07008595 UGC NET/JRF/SET Mass Communication and Journalism Paper-II & III / Anand Shyam.Dr Upkar Prakashan, 2013 9789350132845 680p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23076 DWI 05028757 UGC NET/SLET - Mass Communication and Journalism Dwivedi,Arvind Mohan Ramesh Publishing House 8178122715 408p Knowledge Centre
302.23076 KUM 05028739 UGC NET/SLET- Mass Communication and Journalism Kumar A Cosmos bookhive, 8177291181 10.102p Knowledge Centre
302.23076 UPA 00130104 Communication And Mass Communication Upadyaya, Gaurav Kumar Rajat Publications, 2018 9788178807768 264 p.: UG Library
302.2308 MAT 05002816 Understanding Ethnic Media : Matsaganis, Matthew D. SAGE, 2011 9781412959124 (cloth) | 978141 xx, 314 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2308 MAT 00102055 Understanding Ethnic Media : Matsaganis, Matthew D. SAGE, 2011 9781412959124 (cloth) | 978141 xx, 314 p. : UG Library
302.2308 STR 07002474 Children, Adolescents and the Media Straburger, Victor C Sage 615p Library - BR Campus
302.2308 STR 05002819 Children, Adolescents and the Media Straburger, Victor C Sage 615p Knowledge Centre
302.23081 KRI 05047791 Gender and Media : Routledge Taylor & Francis Group , 2015 9780415695411 x, 208 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23081 ROS 00109414 The handbook of gender, sex, and media Ross,Karen. Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 9781444338546 (hardback : alk. xxvii, 576 p. : UG Library
302.23082 CRE 00127136 Women in mass communication / Creedon Pamela J Sage Publications, 2007 1412936942 (cloth) | 978141293 3rd ed. x, 346 p. ; UG Library
302.23082 CRE 01021847 Women in mass communication / Sage Publications, 2007 1412936942 (cloth) | 141293695 3rd ed. x,346p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23082 GIL 05041332 Gender and the media / Gill, Rosalind Rawat Publications, 2014 9788131606452 viii, 296 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23082 GIL 10001355 Gender and the media / Gill, Rosalind Rawat Publications, 2014 9788131606452 viii, 296 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.23082 GIL 00131903 Gender and the media / Gill, Rosalind Rawat Publications, 2014 9788131606452 | 0745612733 | 9780745619156 (pbk.) | 0745619150 (pbk.) 296 p. ; UG Library
302.23082 GIL 05039513 Gender and the media / Gill, Rosalind Rawat Publications, 2014 9788131606452 viii, 296 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23082 GOD 05033421 Women In Media / Godara,Indraj. Centrum Publications, 2012 9789380902760 v,278p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23082 GOD 00118110 Women In Media / Godara,Indraj. Centrum Publications, 2012 9789380902760 v,278p.; UG Library
302.23082 PRA 05025808 Women and Media : Prasad, Kiran The Women Press, 2004 8189110055 244 p Knowledge Centre
302.23082 ROS 05025804 Women and Media : Ross, Karen Blackwell Publishing, 2005 1405116099 219 p Knowledge Centre
302.23082 ROS 05025805 Women and Media : Ross, Karen Blackwell Publishing, 2005 1405116099 219 p Knowledge Centre
302.23082 ROS 05027973 Women and Media : Ross, Karen Blackwell Publishing, 2004 1405116099 218 p Knowledge Centre
302.23082 ROS 05025803 Women and Media : Ross, Karen Blackwell Publishing, 2005 1405116099 219 p Knowledge Centre
302.23082 ROS 05028944 Women and Media : Ross, Karen Blackwell Publishing, 2004 1405116099 219 p Knowledge Centre
302.23082 SHA 00094567 Missing:Half the Story Sharma Kalpana Zubaan 9788189884833 296p UG Library
302.23082 SHA 07014440 Media and Gender Equality / Sharma Sandeep Book Enclave, 2019 9788181524812 313p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23082 SHA 00095357 Missing:Half the Story Sharma Kalpana Zubaan 9788189884833 296p Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.23082 THO 05025806 Women Feminism and Media / Thornham, Sue Edinburgh University Press, 2007 9780748620715 176 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23083 ARN 05002665 Encyclopedia of children, adolescents, and the media / Sage Publications, 1412905303 (cloth : alk. paper 2 v. (xxxvii, 886, I-70 p.) : Knowledge Centre
302.23083 ARN 05002666 Encyclopedia of children, adolescents, and the media / Sage Publications, 1412905303 (cloth : alk. paper 2 v. (xxxvii, 886, I-70 p.) : Knowledge Centre
302.23083 BAN 05074533 Children and Media In India : Banaji, Shakuntala Routledge, 2017 9781138043008 xxi, 223 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23083 DRO 05002796 International Handbook of Children, Media and Cultue / Drotner, Kirsten Sage, 2008 9781412928328 537p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23083 JOR 00121481 Media and the well-being of children and adolescents / Jordan Amy B Oxford University Press 2014 9780199987467 xvi, 288 pages ; UG Library
302.23083 KIR 05002872 Children, Adolescents, and Media Violence a Critical Look at the Research Kirsh, Steven J Sage Publications, 2006 0761929754 409p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23083 KIR 00109095 Children, adolescents, and media violence Kirsh, Steven J SAGE Publications, 2012 9781412996433 (cloth) | 141299 2nd ed. xix; 387 p. : UG Library
302.23083 LEM 00124484 Children and Media : Lemish, Dafna, Wiley Blackwell, 2015 9781118787069 | 9781118786772 xiv, 278 p ; UG Library
302.23083 OSG 05072914 Youth culture and the media : Osgerby, Bill, Routledge. 2021 9780415621656 | 9780415621663 Second Edition. viii, 256p : Knowledge Centre
302.23083 PAH 00092891 Media and Youth. Pahad, Anjali Serials publish 2009 9788183873062 107p UG Library
302.23083 SAH 05074758 Media, violence and youth / Sahu, Dipti Ranjan, Rawat Publications, 2024 9788131613535 viii, 219 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.23083 SAK 05056748 Children's TV and digital media in the Arab world : 9781784535056 xiii,248p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23083 SAN 00107783 The Handbook of Children, Media, and Development. Sandra L. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781444336948 | 9781444336948 xxiii, 614 p. : UG Library
302.230830973 STR 07011305 Children, adolescents, and the media / Strasburger, Victor C., Sage , 2009 9781412944670 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xviii, 615 p. : Library - BR Campus
302.230830973 STR 05045013 Children, adolescents, and the media / Strasburger, Victor C., Sage , 2009 9781412944670 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xviii, 615 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.230835 RUD 00111527 Youth and media / Ruddock, Andy. Sage Publications, 2013 9781848600911 (hardback) | 978 1st ed. 220p.: UG Library
302.230835 RUD 05032834 Youth and media / Ruddock, Andy. Sage Publications, 2013 9781848600911 (hardback) | 978 1st ed. 220p.: Knowledge Centre
302.230835 RUD 00123829 Youth and media / Ruddock, Andy. Sage Publications, 2013 9781848600911 (hardback) | 978 1st ed. 220p.: UG Library
302.2308621 TUR 05045520 Understanding celebrity / Turner, Graeme. SAGE, 2004 0761941673 | 0761941681 pbk. vi, 148 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23087 ELL 05072909 The Routledge Companion to Disability and Media / Routledge. 2020 9781032085371 xxvi, 423p : Knowledge Centre
302.23087 ELL 00139027 The Routledge companion to disability and media / Ellis, Katie Routledge, 2020 9781138884588 xxvi,423p.; UG Library
302.23088297 RAN 05057167 Media framing of the Muslim world : Rane, Halim, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014 1137334827 | 9781137334824 (pb viii, 205 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.23089 ALI 07006522 Media and Ethics Minorties / Ali Valerie Edinburgh University Press, 2005 9780748620692 xi,204p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23089 SIA 00099611 Cultural Diversity and Global Media : Siapera, Eugenia. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 9781405180474 | 1405180471 | 9 vi, 222 p. ; UG Library
302.2309 ADA 00134858 The ashgate research companion to media geography Adams,Paul C.- Editor. Routledge, 2018 9781138476868 xiii,382p.; UG Library
302.2309 ADA 05002876 Geographies of media and communication : Adams, Paul C. Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 9781405154130 (hc : alk. paper xvi, 262 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2309 BRI 05025807 A Social History of the Media : Briggs, Asa, Polity, 2009 9780745644943 | 9780745644950 3rd ed. viii, 346 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2309 BRI 05002795 Social History of the Media : Briggs, Asa Polity Press, 2006 9780745635125 304 p.: Knowledge Centre
302.2309 BRI 05025766 Social History of the Media : Briggs, Asa Polity Press, 2006 9780745635125 304 p.: Knowledge Centre
302.2309 BRI 00099609 A Social History of the Media : Briggs, Asa, Polity, 2009 9780745644943 | 9780745644950 3rd ed. viii, 346 p. : UG Library
302.2309 CAN 05017572 History and the Media [MSOCM] Cannadine David 1403920370 175 Knowledge Centre
302.2309 CHO 00111628 Mass Media and Television/ Chordia, Dilip Singh. ABD Publishers, 2013 9788183763899 vi: 312p.; UG Library
302.2309 CHU 07002069 New media, old media : Routledge, 2016 9781138021099 (hardback) | 978 Second edition ix,740p.; Library - BR Campus
302.2309 CUL 07002434 A short history of the modern media / Cullen, Jim, Wiley Blackwell, 2014 9781444351415 (cloth : alk. pa xvi, 288 pages : Library - BR Campus
302.2309 DUB 05025809 Dvelopment Communication / Dubey International Book Distributing Co., 2009 9788181892690 829 p Knowledge Centre
302.2309 GOR 05002403 Media and society into the 21st century : Gorman, Lyn. Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 9781405149358 (pbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed. 374 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.2309 HAS 05056153 The New Media Theory Reader / Rawat Publications, 2017 9788131608616 xxx,326p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2309 HAS 07012246 The New Media Theory Reader / Rawat Publications, 2017 9788131608616 xxx,326p.; Library - BR Campus
302.2309 HAS 00128517 The New Media Theory Reader / Rawat Publications, 2017 9788131608616 xxx,326p.; UG Library
302.2309 HAS 10001351 The New Media Theory Reader / Rawat Publications, 2017 9788131608616 xxx,326p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.2309 HAS 05055943 The New Media Theory Reader / Rawat Publications, 2017 9788131608616 xxx,326p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2309 HUI 05005082 New media, old media : Routledge, 2006 0415942233 (alk. paper) | 0415 x, 418 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2309 KAT 00096929 Narrating Media History. Routledge, 2009 9780415419154 (hardback : alk. xxiii, 275 p. : UG Library
302.2309 KOV 03010898 Revolutions in Communication : Kovarik, Bill. Bloomsbury , 2014 9789384052898 367 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.2309 KOV 05041528 Revolutions in Communication : Kovarik Bill Bloomsbury, 2014 9789384052898 x,367p.: Knowledge Centre
302.2309 MAN 00111522 Media, communication and development : Manyozo, Linje, SAGE, 2012 9788132109051 xix, 258 p. : UG Library
302.2309 MAN 00141866 Media, communication and development : Manyozo, Linje, SAGE, 2012 9788132109051 xix, 258 p. : UG Library
302.2309 MCP 05002794 Development communication : Wiley-Blackwell, 9781405187954 (hardcover : alk xiii, 239 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.2309 WIT 00147410 Information and news literacy pedagogy : Wittebols, James H. Peter Lang, 2023 9781433199929 141 p. ; UG Library
302.230904 BUR 05019976 Media And Society : Burton, Graeme Rawat Publications; 2009 9788131602973 xiii; 378p. Knowledge Centre
302.230904 GOR 05025817 Media and Society in the Twentieth Century : Gorman, Lyn Blackwell Publishing, 2003 0631222359 284 p Knowledge Centre
302.230904 GOR 05002793 Media and Society in the 20th Century: A Historical Introduction Gorman, Lyn Blackwell Publishing, 2003 0631222359 284p.: Knowledge Centre
302.230904 GOR 05025816 Media and Society in the Twentieth Century : Gorman, Lyn Blackwell Publishing, 2003 0631222359 284 p Knowledge Centre
302.230904 GOR 05017542 Media and Society in the Twentietyh Century. Gorman, Lyn 0631222359 284p Knowledge Centre
302.230917 IQA 00137507 Media and the global south : Routledge , 2019 9780367376642 xvii,207pages.; UG Library
302.230917 MEL 05006359 Arab media : Polity, 2011 9780745645353 (pbk) | 07456453 ix, 206 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.23091724 JOS 05040644 Globalisation of print and electronic media / Joshi,V.K. Enkay Publishing House, 2014 9789380995908 viii,264p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23092 ARM 00109423 Virilio And The Media Armitage John Polity Press 2012 9780745642284 181 p. UG Library
302.23092 GRO 05039904 Transforming McLuhan : Peter Lang, 2010 9781433110672 (pbk. : alk. pap xxiv, 238 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23092 MER 05025810 Baudriland and the Media : Merrin, William Polity Press, 2005 0745630731 190 p. Knowledge Centre
302.23092 NEI 05002786 Clarifying Mcluhan: An Assessment of Process and Product / Neill, S D Greenwood Press, 1993 0031328444 151p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23092 SAL 05044560 Contemporary biographies in communications & media / Salem Press, a division of EBSCO Information Services ; | Grey House Publishing, 2014 9781619252349 | 1619252341 [1st ed.]. vii, 229 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.23094 HAR 05025802 Western media systems / Hardy, Jonathan, Routledge, 2008 9780415396912 (hbk. : alk. pap xvii, 282 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23094 WIL 05002824 European Media Studies / Williams, Kevin Hodder Arnold, 2005 0340719028 184 p.: Knowledge Centre
302.230941 HAM 05047616 Framing post-Cold War conflicts : Hammond, Phil, Manchester University Press ; | Distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave, 2007 9780719076961 (hbk.) | 0719076 x, 245 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.230941 WIL 05002785 Get Me a Murder a Day / Williams, Keven Arnold, 2007 0340614668 288 p.: Knowledge Centre
302.2309417 MOR 00099693 A History of the Media in Ireland / Morash, Chris, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521843928 (hardback) | 052 xvii, 244 p. : UG Library
302.230941COU 01006588 Media Consumption and Public Engagement: Beyond the Presumption of Attention(law Lib) Nick Couldry Palgrave Macmillan 9781403985347 247p Knowledge Centre
302.23095 ERN 00073301 Asian Media Studies Erni, John Nguyet Blackwell Publishing 2005 0631234993 260p Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.23095 ERN 00074133 Asian Media Studies Erni, John Nguyet Blackwell Publishing 2005 0631234993 260p UG Library
302.23095 ERN 05017561 Asian Media Studies Erni, John Nguyet Blackwell Publishing 2005 0631234993 260p Knowledge Centre
302.23095 KIM 05002790 Media consumption and everyday life in Asia / Routledge, 9780415962452 | 9780203892480 ix, 238 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.230951 JEF 00125697 Media at Work in China and India : Jeffrey,Robin Sage, 2015 9789351503002 (hardback : alk. xliv,347p.: UG Library
302.230951 JEF 10001558 Media at Work in China and India : Jeffrey,Robin Sage, 2015 9789351503002 (hardback : alk. xliv,347p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.230951 JEF 07000058 Media at Work in China and India : Jeffrey,Robin Sage, 2015 9789351503002 (hardback : alk. xliv,347p.: Library - BR Campus
302.230951 ZHE 10001538 New media and transformation of social life in China / Zheng,Han. Sage, 2018 9789352803514 (print (hb) : alk. paper) xiv,235p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.230951 ZHE 05062026 New media and transformation of social life in China / Zheng,Han. Sage, 2018 9789352803514 (print (hb) : alk. paper) xiv,235p.; Knowledge Centre
302.230954 BAB 05040583 Communication Theory / Babu Ganesh.T.R Scitech Publications(India)Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9788183715058 5.118p.: Knowledge Centre
302.230954 BAN 10002626 Editor missing : Ruben, Banerjee. HarperCollins Publishers, 2022 9789394407466 xiv, 237p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.230954 BAN 05025818 Dancing to Global Capital Media in India / Bandhu, Pranjali Vikas Adyayan Kendra, 2000 138 p Knowledge Centre
302.230954 BAN 00116942 South Asian Media Cultures Banaji, Shakuntala Anthem Press India, 2012 9789380601465 viii: 265p. ; UG Library
302.230954 BAT 00103812 Indian Mass and the Politics of Change: Batabyal Somnath Routledge; 2011 9780415610322 230 p. UG Library
302.230954 BHA 07014431 Media And Mass Communication An Introduction / Bhattacharjee Shymali Kanishka Publishers,Distributors, 2019 9788173917172 215p.: Library - BR Campus
302.230954 BHA 00050682 India`s Media and Modern Journalism Bhatnagar, Rajeev Indian Publishing Distributors 8173411832 360p UG Library
302.230954 BHA 00050445 India`s Media and Modern Journalism Bhatnagar, Rajeev Indian Publishing Distributors 8173411832 360p Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.230954 BRO 00050482 Image Journeys - Audio Visual Media and Cultural Change in India Brosius, Christaine Sage Pub.India Pvt.Ltd 340p UG Library
302.230954 CHA 10003046 National identity in Indian popular cinema, 1947-1987 / Chakravarty, Sumita S. Oxford university press, 1993 0292755511 (alk. paper) | 0292711565 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780195647471 1st ed. 341 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.230954 CHO 07005476 The big connect : Chopra, Shaili. Random House India, 2014 9788184005509 (pbk.) | 8184005 213 p. : Library - BR Campus
302.230954 CHO 05032440 Mass Media and Television / Chordia,Dilip Singh. ABD Publishers, 2013 9788183763899 vi,312p.; Knowledge Centre
302.230954 DAS 00110457 Media, Gender, and Popular Culture in India Dasgupta,Sanjukta. SAGE Publications, 2012 9788132107293 (hard back) | 97 217 p. : UG Library
302.230954 DAS 00108984 Media, Gender, and Popular Culture in India Dasgupta,Sanjukta. SAGE Publications, 2012 9788132107293 (hard back) | 97 217 p. : UG Library
302.230954 DAT 00068502 Mass Media in India Datta, K B Akansha Publishing House 2005 8183700012 262p UG Library
302.230954 DHA 00074147 Media and Mandal Singh, Dharmendra Adhyayan Publishers 2005 8189161466 176p UG Library
302.230954 DUD 05073659 InterMedia in South Asia : Routledge, 2012 9780415698184 v, 121 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.230954 GIL 05017570 Information Revolution and India: a Critique - Mscom Shelf Gill, S S RUPA & CO 8129104504 329p Knowledge Centre
302.230954 GUN 00050671 Handbook of the Media in Asia Gunaratne, A Shelton 2000 0761994270 722p UG Library
302.230954 KAH 10001532 The game of votes : Khan, Farhat Basir, Sage, 2019 9789353286927 xxi, 232p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.230954 KEV 05025811 Mass Communication in India / Keval, J Kumar Jaico Publishing, 2004 8172243731 401 p Knowledge Centre
302.230954 KHA 05067541 The Making Of Star India : Khandekar-Kohli, Vanita. Penguin Random House, 2019 9780670090792 xxii, 214p.; Knowledge Centre
302.230954 KHA 01006191 Indian Media Business(law Lib) Vanita Kohli-Khandekar Sage Publications 0761934693 264p. Knowledge Centre
302.230954 KOH 03011186 The Indian Media Business / Kohli, Vanita. Sage Publications, 2013 9788132113560 (pbk. : alk. pap Fourth Edition. xxxviii,442p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.230954 KOH 00093744 The Indian Media Business / Kohli-khandekar, Vanita Response press, 2010 9788132102359 3rd. 373 p UG Library
302.230954 KOH 05025819 The Indian Media Business / Kohli-Khandekar, Vanita Response Books, 2006 0761934693 2nd ed. 264 p. Knowledge Centre
302.230954 KOH 01004013 The Indian media business / Kohli, Vanita. Response Books, 8178296500 (India : pb) | 0761 264 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.230954 KOH 10001611 The Indian media business : Khandekar, Vanita Kohli, Sage, 2021 9789354790904 5th. xxiii, 297p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.230954 KOH 00088633 The Indian Media Business / Kohli-Khandekar, Vanita Response Books, 2006 0761934693 2nd ed. 264 p. UG Library
302.230954 KOH 00079106 The Indian Media Business / Kohli-Khandekar, Vanita Response Books, 2006 0761934693 2nd ed. 264 p. UG Library
302.230954 KOH 07000052 The Indian Media Business / Kohli, Vanita. Sage Publications, 2013 9788132113560 (pbk. : alk. pap Fourth Edition. xxxviii,442p.; Library - BR Campus
302.230954 KOH 05041405 The Indian Media Business / Kohli, Vanita. Sage Publications, 2013 9788132113560 (pbk. : alk. pap Fourth Edition. xxxviii,442p.; Knowledge Centre
302.230954 NAR 10001549 India connected : Sage, 2016 9789385985027 (hardback : alk. paper) ix,292p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.230954 NAR 00141858 India connected : Sage, 2016 9789385985027 (hardback : alk. paper) ix,292p.; UG Library
302.230954 NAR 01024988 India connected : Sage, 2016 9789385985027 (hardback : alk. paper) ix,292p.; Knowledge Centre
302.230954 PAX 05041527 Mass Communications and Media Studies An Introduction / Paxson Peyton Bloomsbury, 2014 9789384052874 viii,251p.: Knowledge Centre
302.230954 PHI 05065214 Media's shifting terrain : Philipose, Pamela, Orient BlackSwan, 2019 9789352875344 | 9352875346 xvii, 302 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.230954 PRA 00126821 Political communication : Prasad, Kiran B.R. Pub. Corp., 2003 8176463906 (set) | 8176463914 2 v. (xx, 725 p.) ; UG Library
302.230954 PRA 00126822 Political communication : Prasad, Kiran B.R. Pub. Corp., 2003 8176463906 (set) | 8176463914 2 v. (xx, 725 p.) ; UG Library
302.230954 RAB 07014435 Mediascape In 21st Century : Kanishka Publishers,Distributors, 2018 9788193448045 314p.: Library - BR Campus
302.230954 RAB 07014436 Mediascape In 21st Century : Kanishka Publishers,Distributors, 2018 9788193448045 314p.: Library - BR Campus
302.230954 RAN 05025815 Indian media in a globalised world / Ranganathan, Maya. SAGE Publications, 2010 9788132104018 (hard back) 275 p. Knowledge Centre
302.230954 RAN 05025814 Indian media in a globalised world / Ranganathan, Maya. SAGE Publications, 2010 9788132104018 (hard back) 275 p. Knowledge Centre
302.230954 SUD 00144317 Culture, communication and India's development / Sudhakar Rao, N. Concept publshing, 2022 9789354390234 | 9354390234 xxix, 370 pages : UG Library
302.230954 SUL 00137894 Media Imperialism in India and Pakistan / Sulehria,Farooq. Routledge, 2018 9781138303294 xii,258p.; UG Library
302.230954 SUN 05002789 Pirate modernity : Sundaram, Ravi. Routledge, 9780415409667 | 0415409667 | 9 xix, 224 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.230954 SUN 05034287 No limits : Sundaram,Ravi. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198083986 (hbk.) | 0198083 1st Ed. xv, 422 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.230954 SUN 05055389 No limits : Sundaram,Ravi. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198083986 (hbk.) | 0198083 1st Ed. xv, 422 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.230954 THO 01013779 Political Economy of Communications in India : Thomas, Pradip Ninan. SAGE Publications, 2010 9788132104490 (hard back) 267p. cm. Knowledge Centre
302.230954 THO 00096471 Political Economy of Communications in India : Thomas, Pradip Ninan. SAGE Publications, 2010 9788132104490 (hard back) 267p. cm. UG Library
302.230954 THU 10001551 Communicating India's soft power : Thussu, Daya Kishan. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2013 9789351508168 (PB) 233 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.230954 THU 05057877 Communicating India's soft power : Thussu, Daya Kishan. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2013 9789351508168 (PB) 233 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.230954 THU 07011856 Communicating India's soft power : Thussu, Daya Kishan. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2013 9789351508168 (PB) 233 pages ; Library - BR Campus
302.230954 THU 01014905 Troubled reflections : Thukral, Gobind. Indian Institute of Advanced Study, 165, 214 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.230954 UDU 07009443 Making News in Global India : Udupa Sahana Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107149359 xiii,278p.: Library - BR Campus
302.230954 UDU 07002210 Making news in global India : Udupa, Sahana, Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107099463 (hardback) 278 p. Library - BR Campus
302.230954 ULL 10001609 Many voices, many worlds : Ullah, Faiz. Sage, 2021 9789391138462 First. xviii, 342p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.230954 UPA 10003686 Western media narratives on india: Upadhyay, Umesh Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2024 9789390260942 xix,164 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.230954 UPA 05075079 Western Media Narratives on India: Upadhyay, Umesh. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2024 9789390260942 xix, 164p.; Knowledge Centre
302.230954 VIL 05017545 Growth and Development of Mass Communication in India - Mscom Shelf Vilanilam, J V National Book Trust 8123741057 238p Knowledge Centre
302.230954 VIL 01003996 Mass communication in India : Vilanilam, John V. Sage Publications, 2005 0761933719 | 0761933727 (pbk.) 223 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.230954 VIL 00127131 Mass communication in India : Vilanilam, John V. Sage Publications, 2005 0761933719 | 0761933727 (pbk.) 223 p. ; UG Library
302.230954 VIL 05025761 Mass Communication in India : Vilanilam, J V Sage Publications, 2005 0761933727 223 p Knowledge Centre
302.230954 YAD 07014437 Issues in Mass Communication The Basic Concepts / Kanishka Publishers,Distributors, 2018 9788173912245 312p.: Library - BR Campus
302.230954 YAD 07014438 Issues in Mass Communication The Basic Concepts / Kanishka Publishers,Distributors, 2018 9788173912245 312p.: Library - BR Campus
302.2309542NAR 01008759 Press, Politics and Society Uttar Pradesh, 1885 - 1914 (law Lib.) Kirti Narain Manohar 8173042233 302p. Knowledge Centre
302.23095493 CRA 05045298 Embattled media : Sage, 2015 9789351500629 (hardback : alk. xxi,396p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23095493 CRA 00121831 Embattled media : Sage, 2015 9789351500629 (hardback : alk. xxi,396p.: UG Library
302.23095493 CRA 07000062 Embattled media : Sage, 2015 9789351500629 (hardback : alk. xxi,396p.: Library - BR Campus
302.23095493 CRA 10001564 Embattled media : Sage, 2015 9789351500629 (hardback : alk. xxi,396p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.23095493 CRA 05044472 Embattled media : Sage, 2015 9789351500629 (hardback : alk. xxi,396p.: Knowledge Centre
302.230954KOH 05017571 Indian Media Business - M S Communication Shelf Kohli, Vanita 0761996494 257p Knowledge Centre
302.230956 LEN 05065679 Media in the Middle East : Palgrave Macmillam, 2017 9783319657707 xxx,265p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2309620905 HAS 05048727 Media, revolution and politics in Egypt : Hassan, Abdalla F., 9781784532178 | 9780857726575 1 online resource (228 pages) Knowledge Centre
302.2309620905 HAS 07009571 Media, revolution and politics in Egypt : Hassan, Abdalla F., 9781784532178 | 9780857726575 1 online resource (228 pages) Library - BR Campus
302.230968 TIT 03010921 Yuva India : Raghavan, Lulu. Random House Group Limited, 2015 9788184006513 xxxii,166 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.230968 TIT 07005636 Yuva India : Raghavan, Lulu. Random House Group Limited, 2015 9788184006513 xxxii,166 p.: Library - BR Campus
302.230968 TIT 05042556 Yuva India : Raghavan, Lulu. Random House Group Limited, 2015 9788184006513 xxxii,166 p.: Knowledge Centre
302.2309722 HAL 07002773 Comparing media systems beyond the Western world / Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107013650 (hardback) | 110 ix, 344 p. : Library - BR Campus
302.230973 BAK 00127124 Media concentration and democracy : Baker, C. Edwin. Cambridge University Press, 2007 0521868327 (hardback) | 978052 xiii, 256 p. ; UG Library
302.230973 BOW 00127123 Media madness : Bowman, James, Encounter Books, 2008 9781594032127 (hardcover : alk 1st ed. 133 p. ; UG Library
302.230973 COG 00120315 Encyclopedia of politics, the media, and popular culture Cogan, Brian, Greenwood Press, 2009 9780313343797 (hard copy : alk 399p. UG Library
302.230973 CRO 00108792 Media Society : Croteau, David. SAGE, Publications, 2012 9781412974202 | 1412974208 (pb 4th ed. xix, 395 p. : UG Library
302.230973 DEN 00034367 Reshaping the Media / Dennis, Everette E Sage 1989 202 p UG Library
302.230973 DEN 00057951 Media Debates:Great Issues for the Digital Age. Dennis, E Everette 2002 0534579337 215p UG Library
302.230973 DEN 05017573 Media Debates:Great Issues for the Digital Age. Dennis, E Everette 2002 0534579337 215p Knowledge Centre
302.230973 DIN 00107765 Gender, Race, and Class in Media. Dines,Gail SAGE Publications, 2011 9781412974417 3rd ed. xiv; 671 p. : UG Library
302.230973 GRA 05042739 Mass media and American politics / Graber, Doris A. Sage, 2015 9781452287287 (pbk. : alk. pap Ninth Edition. xix, 441 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.230973 GUT 05056154 Media control : Gutsche, Robert E., Bloomsbury, 2015 9781501320132 x,383p.; Knowledge Centre
302.230973 LAK 00026484 Practical Problems on Income-Tax Fully Solved Lakhotia, Ram Niwas Asha Publishing House 1985 484p UG Library
302.230973 LAZ 05040622 Thinking critically about media and politics / Lazere, Donald. Pardigm Publisher, 2013 9781612052731 (hardcover : alk 161p.; Knowledge Centre
302.230973 LAZ 07000048 Thinking critically about media and politics / Lazere, Donald. Pardigm Publisher, 2013 9781612052731 (hardcover : alk 161p.; Library - BR Campus
302.230973 ROS 05058851 What are journalists for ? Rosen, Jay. Yale University Press, 1999 9780300089073 xiii, 338p. Knowledge Centre
302.230973 ROS 05058852 What are journalists for ? Rosen, Jay. Yale University Press, 1999 9780300089073 xiii, 338p. Knowledge Centre
302.230973 ROY 07004452 An Ordinary Person's Guide to Empire / Roy Arundhati Penguin Books, 2013 9780143419310 317p.: Library - BR Campus
302.230973 ROY 01016053 An ordinary person's guide to empire / Roy, Arundhati. Penguin Books, 2005 9780144001606 viii, 317 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.230973 SCH 05002663 Encyclopedia of media and politics / Schaefer, Todd M CQ Press, 1568028350 (alk. paper) | 9781 xxxvii, 344 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.230973 STA 05017581 Creation of the Media:Political Origins of Modern Communications Starr, Paul 0465081932 484p Knowledge Centre
302.230973 WIL 00127110 Images of Germany in the American Media Willis. Jim London: 1999 0275959635 xii, 193 p. ; UG Library
302.230996 HAR 00143033 Participatory media in environmental communication : Harris, Usha Sundar, Routledge, 2019 9780367733568 xii, 182 pages ; UG Library
302.231 HJO 00138890 Undrstanding Social Media / Hjorth,Larissa. Sage Publication, 2019 9781526425966 2nd ed. ix,220p.; UG Library
302.231 ALT 07014998 Irresistible : Alter, Adam L., Vintage, 2017 9781847924599 354 pages : Library - BR Campus
302.231 ALT 05069986 Irresistible : Alter, Adam L., Vintage, 2017 9781847924599 354 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.231 ALT 05054584 Irresistible : Alter, Adam L., Vintage, 2017 9781847924599 354 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.231 AND 00138554 Automated media / Andrejevic, Mark, Routledge, 2020 9780367196592 | 9780367196837 172 p.; UG Library
302.231 ARO 05064923 The next billion users : Arora, Payal. Harvard University Press, 2019 9780674241800 268 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.231 ART 00134567 Social Media Livestreaming: Artwick, Claudette G. Routledge, 2019 9781138586390 103 p.; UG Library
302.231 ATH 05056117 Digital media and society : Athique, Adrian. Polity Press, 2013 9780745662299 (pbk.) | 0745662 viii, 295 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.231 BAR 00140735 Social media: Barman,Pranab New delhi publishers, 2021 9788194741725 249p.; UG Library
302.231 BEN 05005123 A teaching assistant's guide to child development and psychology in the classroom / Bentham, Susan, Routledge, 2011 9780415569224 (cloth : alk. pa 2nd ed. xii, 214 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.231 BOL 10002162 Social media, freedom of speech and the future of our democracy/ Bollinger, Lee C. Oxford university press, 2022 9780197621097 xl,404p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.231 BOL 08001391 The digital plenitude : Bolter, J. David, MIT Press, 2019 9780262039734 xiv, 216 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.231 BOU 07015587 Qualitative Research Using Social Media / Bouvier Gwen Routledge, 2022 9780367333478 viii,203p.: Library - BR Campus
302.231 BRE 00138502 Opting out of digital media / Brennen, Bonnie, Routledge, 2019 9781138601734 | 9780429469947 131 p.; UG Library
302.231 CHA 00145444 Electronic and Digital Media/ Chapman, Reuben Willford Press 2020 9781682858745 vii:182p. UG Library
302.231 CHA 00145810 Uncertainty of Communication : Chao Dong Author House, 2021 9781665525213 xlvi, 174p.; UG Library
302.231 CIN 00148233 Emerging Digital media ecologies : Cinque, Toija Routledge, 2025 9781032013183 xxxii,250p. : UG Library
302.231 COL 05011302 Hello avatar Coleman, Beth. MIT Press, 2011 9780262015714 (hardcover alk. xvi, 194 p. Knowledge Centre
302.231 COS 00144793 Social Media and the Post Truth World Order : Cosentino, Gabriele Palgrave macmillan, 2020 9783030430078 viii,147p, ; UG Library
302.231 CUB 05055242 Finite media : Cubitt, Sean, Duke University Press, 2017 9780822362814 (hardcover : alk viii, 244 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.231 DAN 05056480 The semiotics of Emoji : Danesi, Marcel, Bloomsbury publishing inc., 2017 9781474281997 (hardback) | 978 viii, 197 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.231 DAS 00134328 New Media New Poetics: Dasgupta, Buroshiva. Adhyayan Publishers & Distributers: 2018 9788184355888 vi, 111p,: UG Library
302.231 DAT 00101073 New Insights in Mass Media. Datta K,B Akansha publishing house; 2010 9788183702355 vii;275 p. UG Library
302.231 DEN 05046596 Critical perspectives on social media and protest : Rowman & Littlefield, 2015 9781783483358 (cloth : alk. pa vi,240p.: Knowledge Centre
302.231 DEW 05025845 The New Media Handbook / Dewdney, Andrew Routledge; 2006 780415307123 329 p Knowledge Centre
302.231 DEW 05056127 The New Media Handbook / Dewdney, Andrew Routledge; 2006 780415307123 329 p Knowledge Centre
302.231 ERB 00142357 Extremist propaganda in social media : Erbschloe, Michael, CRC press, 2019 9781138493674 (hardback : alk. paper) xxiii,210p.; UG Library
302.231 FAL 05068292 Media, surveillance and affect : Falkenhayner, Nicole, Routledge, 2019 9781138609433 (hardback) viii,173 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.231 FAR 00148232 Digital media metaphors : Farkas, Johan Routledge, 2025 9781032674599 ix,157p. ; UG Library
302.231 FER 07002348 The reputation economy : Fertik, Michael. Piatkus, 2015 9780349406855 First edition. 244 pages ; Library - BR Campus
302.231 FER 05044389 The reputation economy : Fertik, Michael. Piatkus, 2015 9780349406855 First edition. 244 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.231 FIL 00146398 Democratic frontiers : Routledge 2022 9781032002675 | 9781032002712 First Edition. 115p. UG Library
302.231 FIL 00146741 Digital totalitarianism : Filimowicz, Michael Routledge, 2022 9781032002439 xi,90p. ; UG Library
302.231 FLY 00109422 The social media handbook Flynn, Nancy, Pfeiffer, 2012 9781118084625 | 9781118084625 xxviii, 356 p. ; UG Library
302.231 FLY 05036742 The social media handbook Flynn, Nancy, Wiley India, 2012 9788126535866 xxviii,356p.; Knowledge Centre
302.231 FUC 07015304 Social media : Fuchs, Christian, Sage Publication, 2021 9781529752755 | 1529752752 | 9781529752748 | 1529752744 Third edition. xvii, 428 pages : Library - BR Campus
302.231 FUC 05072885 Digital capitalism / Fuchs, Christian, Routledge, 2022 9781032119182 | 9781032119205 xiv, 328p, : Knowledge Centre
302.231 FUC 07015326 Digital capitalism / Fuchs, Christian, Routledge, 2022 9781032119182 | 9781032119205 xiv, 328p, : Library - BR Campus
302.231 GIL 07009887 Digital literacies / Gillen, Julia, Routledge, 2016 9780415660891 (hbk) | 97804156 xiii, 190 pages : Library - BR Campus
302.231 GIL 05056882 Digital literacies / Gillen, Julia, Routledge, 2016 9780415660891 (hbk) | 97804156 xiii, 190 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.231 GRA 01020642 Society and the Internet : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199661992 (hbk.) | 0199661 xxiii, 390 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.231 GRA 00144148 Digital Performance in Everyday Life / Gratch,Lyndsya Michalik. Routledge, 2022 9781138342149 viii,247p,; UG Library
302.231 GUP 07011884 Role of Social Media in Society Transformation/ Gupta P K Yking Books, 2018 9789385528897 368 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
302.231 GUP 05039717 Development of electronic media / Gupta,D.R. Pearl Books, 2012 9789381575222 293p.; Knowledge Centre
302.231 HAR 00109412 Digital futures for cultural and media studies Hartley, John, Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 9780470671009 (hardback : alk. 249 p. UG Library
302.231 JEN 01029012 A theory of communication and justice / Jensen, Klaus Bruhn. Routledge, 2021 9781138807242 | 9781138807266 x, 301p, ; Knowledge Centre
302.231 JOR 05025834 Hacking : Jordan Tim Polity Press, 2008 9780745639727 160 p Knowledge Centre
302.231 KAS 07012242 Social Media Connecting the World 24*7 / Kasturi Suman Kumar Dominant Publishers & Distributors Pvt.Ltd, 2017 9789384207557 348p.: Library - BR Campus
302.231 KAW 07000980 The art of social media : Kawasaki,Guy. Portfolio, 2014 9780241199473 xii,196p.; Library - BR Campus
302.231 KEN 00144565 Digital Age Resistance : Kennis, Andrew. Routledge, 2022 9780367638511 xlviii,443p, ; UG Library
302.231 KUN 05002557 Internet and the Mass Media / Kung, Lucy Sage Publications, 2008 9781412947350 182 p Knowledge Centre
302.231 KUN 05025836 Internet and the Mass Media / Kung, Lucy Sage Publications, 2008 9781412947350 182 p Knowledge Centre
302.231 LAN 00148124 Media Innovations AR and VR: Langer, Elle Springer, 2023 9783662662793 xii,124p. ; UG Library
302.231 LEH 00145421 Social Media Theory and Communications practice/ Lehmann, Whitney Routledge 2024 9781032185873 xiii,205p. UG Library
302.231 LEI 07012032 Myths of PR : Leigh, Rich, KoganPage Publication, 2017 9780749479596 x, 210p.; Library - BR Campus
302.231 LI 00130099 Emerging Media : Wigen Li Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2016 9781138940697 | 9781138940703 xviii, 330 p . : UG Library
302.231 LIE 05002863 New Media / Lievrouw Leah A Sage Publications, 2009 9781412947107 291p.: Knowledge Centre
302.231 LIE 05002864 New Media / Lievrouw Leah A Sage Publications, 2009 9781412947107 291p.: Knowledge Centre
302.231 LIE 05002865 New Media / Lievrouw Leah A Sage Publications, 2009 9781412947107 291p.: Knowledge Centre
302.231 LIE 05002866 New Media / Lievrouw Leah A Sage Publications, 2009 9781412947107 291p.: Knowledge Centre
302.231 LIN 00144820 Digital media & society / Lindgren, Simon, Sage publications, 2022 9781529722505 | 1529722500 | 9781529722499 | 1529722497 2nd edition. 298 pages ; UG Library
302.231 LIP 07014427 Social media communication : Lipschultz, Jeremy Harris, Routledge, 2018 9781138229761 (hbk.) | 9781138229778 (pbk.) Second edition xx, 375 pages ; Library - BR Campus
302.231 LIP 05044568 Social media communication : Lipschultz, Jeremy Harris, Routledge, 2015 9781138776449 (hardback) | 978 xvi, 251 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.231 LOR 10004281 Extremely online : Lorenz, Taylor, WH Allen, 2023 9781982146863 viii, 373 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.231 LOW 05037099 Collaborative media : L�owgren, Jonas. 9780262318440 (e-book) | 97802 1 online resource (205 pages) : Knowledge Centre
302.231 LUP 07014530 Digital sociology / Lupton, Deborah. Routledge, 2015 9781138022768 (hardback) | 978 v, 230 pages ; Library - BR Campus
302.231 LUP 05047990 Digital sociology / Lupton, Deborah. Routledge, 2015 9781138022768 (hardback) | 978 v, 230 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.231 MAH 05068326 The psychology of social media / Mahon,Ciaran MC Routledge, 2019 9781138047754 x,106p.; Knowledge Centre
302.231 MAH 00137872 The psychology of social media / Mahon,Ciaran MC Routledge, 2019 9781138047754 x,106p.; UG Library
302.231 MAH 05069146 The psychology of social media / Mahon,Ciaran MC Routledge, 2019 9781138047754 x,106p.; Knowledge Centre
302.231 MAH 10000236 The psychology of social media / Mahon,Ciaran MC Routledge, 2019 9781138047754 x,106p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.231 MAR 07012700 Social Media Marketing/ Martin,Paul. Global Vision Publishing House, 2017 9788182208186 XII,401 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
302.231 MAR 10004052 Social Media Monetization: Platforms, Strategic Models and critical Success Factors/ by Francisco J Martinez-Lopez, Yangchun Li & Susan M.Young Martinez-Lopez, Francisco J [Author] 9783031145742 x, 243p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.231 MAR 07012695 Mass media primer / Chopra, Niti Book Enclave Publication, 2017 9788181524171 vii,185p.; Library - BR Campus
302.231 MCC 05068801 Because internet : McCulloch, Gretchen Harvill Secker, 2019 9781787302310 326p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.231 MEI 00147656 Social media : Meikle, Graham Routledge, 2024 9780367897802 Second edition. 169p. ; UG Library
302.231 MOE 01022641 Social Media Intelligence / Moe, W. Wendy Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107451537 x,194 p.: Knowledge Centre
302.231 MOE 07002775 Social Media Intelligence / Moe, W. Wendy Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107451537 x,194 p.: Library - BR Campus
302.231 MOE 03012582 Social Media Intelligence / Moe, W. Wendy Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107451537 x,194 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.231 MOR 07014522 Social Media Materialities and Protest / Routledge, 2019 9781138093089 xi,164p.: Library - BR Campus
302.231 MOR 05064860 Can you hear me? : Morgan, Nick. Harvard Business Review Press, 2018 9781633694446 xii, 270 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.231 MOR 00144300 Soocial Media Images and Conflicts / Mortensen, Mette. Routledge, 2023 9781032010564 xii,137p,; UG Library
302.231 MOR 05040513 To Save Everything, Click Here : Morozov,Evgeny. Penguin Books, 2013 9780241957707 xv,413p.; Knowledge Centre
302.231 MOR 07014442 Social media materialities and protest : Mortensen, Mette. Routledge: 2019 9781138093065 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138093089 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1 Edition. 164p,: Library - BR Campus
302.231 MOR 00134574 Social media materialities and protest : Mortensen, Mette. Routledge: 2019 9781138093065 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138093089 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1 Edition. 164p,: UG Library
302.231 MOT 00135550 Social media and public relations : Motion, Judy. Routledge, 2019 9780415856263 (hardback) | 9780367278984 1 Edition. 224 pages ; UG Library
302.231 MUK 05060417 The internet trap : Mukherjee,Ashesh. University of Toronto Press, 2018 9781442649835 xx,105p.; Knowledge Centre
302.231 NAR 05073948 Virtual society / Narula, Herman, Penguin, 2022 9780241616598 First edition. xx, 260 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.231 PAN 00123466 The Social Media Handbook Pandey, Ravi N Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2015 9788126164646 288 p:. UG Library
302.231 POW 05068509 Cyberpsychology And Society : Routledge, 2018 9781138063532 x, 230p.; Knowledge Centre
302.231 POW 09000088 Cyberpsychology And Society : Routledge, 2018 9781138063532 x, 230p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
302.231 POW 05069133 Cyberpsychology And Society : Routledge, 2018 9781138063532 x, 230p.; Knowledge Centre
302.231 PRE 05025835 The new media environment : Press, Andrea Lee. Wiley-Blackwell, 9781405127677 (hardcopy : alk. 225p. cm. Knowledge Centre
302.231 PRE 05000771 The new media environment : Press, Andrea Lee. Wiley-Blackwell, 9781405127677 (hardcopy : alk. 225p. cm. Knowledge Centre
302.231 RAT 00147665 Strategic Media Planning and Buying: Rathore, Basant Routledge, 2024 9781032724577 xx,420p. ; UG Library
302.231 REE 00134827 Digitized lives : Reed, T. V. Routledge, 2019 9781138309531 | 9781138309548 Second Edition. xix, 311 p.; UG Library
302.231 SCH 00144798 The Narrative Subject : Schachtner, Christina Palgrave macmillan, 2020 9783030511913 xv,269p, ; UG Library
302.231 SEG 00144112 Mixed methods perspectives on communication and social media research / Segumpan, Reynaldo Gacho, Routledge, 2023 9781003265887 xxviii,280p.; UG Library
302.231 SET 05025831 Encyclopedia of Media management in electronic age / Sethi,Sumit Anmol publications Pvt.Ltd., 2009 9788126137992 vii; 307 p. Knowledge Centre
302.231 SET 05025832 Encyclopedia of Media management in electronic age / Sethi,Sumit Anmol publications Pvt.Ltd., 2009 9788126137992 vii; 307 p. Knowledge Centre
302.231 SET 05025833 Encyclopedia of Media management in electronic age / Sethi,Sumit Anmol publications Pvt.Ltd., 2009 9788126137992 vii; 307 p. Knowledge Centre
302.231 SHA 05047345 Electronic Media : Sharma,Rashmi. Regal Publications, 2007 9788189915506 xiv,379p.; Knowledge Centre
302.231 SHR 00119922 Social Media Growth & Development by, Shrivastava Sandesh Astha Publishers, 2015 9789382126607 vi, 232 p.: UG Library
302.231 SIA 00108797 Understanding New Media Siapera Eugenia SAGE Publications, 2012 9781848607798 viii,279 p. UG Library
302.231 SIA 07009825 Understanding New Media / Siapera, Eugenia. Sage Publications, 2011 9781848607781 (cloth) | 978184 1st ed. 279p.; Library - BR Campus
302.231 SIA 05048630 Understanding New Media / Siapera, Eugenia. Sage Publications, 2011 9781848607781 (cloth) | 978184 1st ed. 279p.; Knowledge Centre
302.231 SIN 00134576 The death of Web 2.0 : Singh, Gregory Matthew, Routledge, 2019 9780415703796 (hardback) | 9780415703802 (pbk.) x,195p.; UG Library
302.231 STI 03010885 Breakpoint : Stibel, Jeff. Palgrave Macmillan , 2013 9781137464668 246 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.231 STI 05041688 Break Point : Stibel,Jeff. Palgrave Macmillan, 2013 9781137464668 246 p.; Knowledge Centre
302.231 SUL 05047423 Psychology of the digital age : Suler, John R., Cambridge univeristy press, 2016 9781107128743 (hbk. : alk. pap xiii, 464 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.231 TAP 03003932 Grown up digital : Tapscott Don Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing company limited, 2009 9780070140677 368 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.231 TAP 05025843 Grown up digital : Tapscott Don Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing company limited, 2009 9780070140677 368 p Knowledge Centre
302.231 TIN 05067122 Actionable media : Tinnell, John Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190678081 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780190678074 (cloth : alk. paper) xx, 255 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.231 TOE 01027887 Social life and political life in the era of digital media : Toews, David, Routledge, 2018 9781138242326 (hbk) 1 Edition. xii, 177 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.231 TRE 05025844 Blogging, citizenship, and the future of media / Mark Tremayne Routledge, 2007 9780415979405 (pbk.) | 0415979 xix, 287 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.231 TRI 00117932 Public Services In The Digital Age Trivedi, Dr.Tanuja Jnanada Prakashan, 2013 9788171395910 vi. 264 p.: UG Library
302.231 TUR 07007069 Reclaiming Conversation : Turkle Sherry Penguin Press, 2015 9781101980460 436p.: Library - BR Campus
302.231 VAI 05062849 Antisocial media : Vaidhyanathan, Siva. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190933166 276p. Knowledge Centre
302.231 VAL 00143425 Concepts of Quality Connected to Social Media and Emotions / Vald,Denisa Elena. Springer, 2020 9783658288662 vii,222p,; UG Library
302.231 WAL 00145410 Strategic social media as activism : Wallace, Adrienne A Routledge 2024 9781032272191 | 9781032272184 xix:314p. UG Library
302.231 WEI 05044020 Closer together, further apart : Weiss, Robert Gentle path press, 2014 9780985063337 xiv,208p.; Knowledge Centre
302.231 WES 00131436 Communicative civic-ness : Wessels, Bridgette, Routledge, 2018 9781138959378 (hardcover) | 9781138959408 (pbk.) 1 Edition. 201p.; UG Library
302.231 WHI 00130761 Digital media and communication White,Alfred Larsen and Kwller, 2017 9781635490091 viii,333p.; UG Library
302.231 ZUC 05045348 Digital cosmopolitans : Zuckerman, Ethan. Norton Company, 2015 9780393350326 (pbk.) vi, 312 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.2310072 KOM 05044813 Perspectives on social media : Kommers, Piet A. M. Routledge, 2015 9780415854153 (hardback) | 978 xv, 192 pages. ; Knowledge Centre
302.231019 BEG 10004734 The Phone Fix / Begeti, Faye. Head of zeus ltd., 2024 9781035903009 310 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.23102 CAR 00138894 Social media for academics / Carrigan, Mark. Sage publications ltd., 2020 9781526459121 (pbk.) | 9781526459114 (hardback) 2nd edition. xv,272p.; UG Library
302.231071 DUD 05045070 Digital literacies : Dudeney, Gavin Pearson, 2013 9781408296899 x, 387 p. Knowledge Centre
302.231083 DUN 01016765 Interactive Media Use and Youth : Dunkels,Elza Information Science Reference, 2011 9781609602062 xxvii,290 p. Knowledge Centre
302.2310835 CLA 05062141 Young People and the Future of News : Clark, Lynn Schofield; Cambridge University Press, 2017 97813166407222 xii,305p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2310835 MES 05004807 Wired youth : Mesch, Gustavo S., Routledge, 2010 9780415459938 (hbk.) | 0415459931 (hbk.) | 9780415459945 (soft cover) | 041545994X (soft cover) 176 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2310835 PAL 03006740 Born Digital : Palfrey, John G. Basic Books, 2008 0465005152 | 9780465005154 vii, 375 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.2310835 PAL 03007575 Born Digital : Palfrey, John G. Basic Books, 2008 0465005152 | 9780465005154 vii, 375 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.23109 GUN 05056802 Social media in the Arab world : I.B.Tauris, 2016 9781784535780 | 1784535788 xv, 264 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.231095 CHO 05044279 State, society and information technology in Asia : Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2014 9781472443793 (hardback : alk. xiv, 234 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.2310954 BAR 10001610 Social media in India : Barclay, Francis P. Sage, 2022 9789354790751 xix, 296p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.2310954 BED 00141885 Globalisation and Social networking : Bedi,Shefali. Rawat Publications, 2021 9788131612040 205p.; UG Library
302.2310954 THO 05067172 The politics of digital India : Thomas,Pradip Ninan. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780199494620 xvi,231p.; Knowledge Centre
302.2310956 JON 05073458 Digital Authoritarianism in the Middle East : Jones, Marc Owen. Hurst & Company, 2022 9781787384798 xiii, 392p, ; Knowledge Centre
302.23109581 AGG 01024123 The Taliban's virtual emirate : Aggarwal, Neil Krishan, Coulmbia univeristy press, 2016 9780231174268 (cloth : acidfre xix, 211 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.232 BHA 00050446 Print Media and Broadcast Journalism Bhatnagar, Rajeev Indian Publishing Distributors 2001 8173411816 370p UG Library
302.232 HAK 00058446 Print Media Communication Hakemulder R Jan Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 2002 0812611259 240 p UG Library
302.232 HAK 00045836 Print Media Communication Hakemulder Dr Jan R Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd 1998 8126100664 243 p UG Library
302.232 ISR 05025842 Communications and Power : Israel, Milton Foundation Books, 1994 8185618445 336 p Knowledge Centre
302.232 KIE 00144090 Writing Cultures and Literary Media : Kiernan, Anna. Palgrave macmillan, 2021 9783030750800 xi,113p,; UG Library
302.232 LEW 10004059 Digital Media Foundations: An Introduction for Artists and Designers/ by Richard Lewis and James Luciana Lewis, Richard [Author] and Luciana, James [Author] 9780415787307 xix, 353p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.232 SAX 00146012 Print Media Communication / Saxena, Pawan Kumar Asia Publishers & Distributors, 2023 9788119391745 x,288p. ; UG Library
302.232 SHA 05025848 Print Media and Electronic Media : Sharma, Jitendra Kumar Authors Press, 2003 8172731094 297 p Knowledge Centre
302.232 SHA 05025841 Print Media and Electronic Media : Sharma, Jitendra Kumar Authors Press, 2003 8172731094 297 p Knowledge Centre
302.232 SHA 05025837 Print Media and Electronic Media : Sharma, Jitendra Kumar Authors Press, 2003 8172731094 297 p Knowledge Centre
302.232 SIN 00136895 Sociology of Journalism / Singh,Sanoj. Random Publications, 2019 9789352692163 292p.; UG Library
302.232 STA 00111906 Writing Society Through Media : Stahlberg,Per. Rawat Publication, 2013 9788131604724 248p.; UG Library
302.232 STA 05032441 Writing Society Through Media : Stahlberg,Per. Rawat Publication, 2013 9788131604724 248p.; Knowledge Centre
302.232 STA 07006518 Writing Society Through Media : Stahlberg,Per. Rawat Publication, 2013 9788131604724 248p.; Library - BR Campus
302.232 STA 05034328 Writing Society Through Media : Stahlberg,Per. Rawat Publication, 2013 9788131604724 248p.; Knowledge Centre
302.232 STA 10001358 Writing Society Through Media : Stahlberg,Per. Rawat Publication, 2013 9788131604724 248p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.2322 RIC 05030203 Analysing Newspapers: An Approach from Critical Discourse Analaysis(law Lib) John E Richardson Palgrave Macmillan 1403935653 268p Knowledge Centre
302.2322 RIC 01006626 Analysing Newspapers: An Approach from Critical Discourse Analaysis(law Lib) John E Richardson Palgrave Macmillan 1403935653 268p Knowledge Centre
302.234 ARO 00147590 Media Metamorphosis: Arora, Neha Book Enclave, 2024 9788119684632 248p. ; UG Library
302.234 BIG 05025813 Post Modern Media Culture / Blgneli, Jonathan Edinburgh University Press, 2001 0748609881 240 p Knowledge Centre
302.234 BUD 00036565 Beyond Media : New Approaches to Mass Communication Budd, W Richard Transaction Publisherw 1991 0887386989 292 p UG Library
302.234 BUR 05056155 Media and Society : Burton,Graeme. Rawat Publications, 2017 9788131608883 vii,342p.; Knowledge Centre
302.234 BUR 10001352 Media and Society : Burton, Graeme. Rawat Publications, 2017 9788131608883 2nd ed. vii, 342p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.234 BUR 05055942 Media and Society : Burton,Graeme. Rawat Publications, 2017 9788131608883 vii,342p.; Knowledge Centre
302.234 CAN 00148128 Activist Media: Documenting Movements and Networked Solidarity/ Canella, Gino Rutgers University, 2022 9781978824355 171p. ; UG Library
302.234 CHA 05005738 E-Habits : Charnock,Elizabeth Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2010 9780071070959 250 p. Knowledge Centre
302.234 CHA 03007387 E-Habits : Charnock,Elizabeth Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2010 9780071070959 250 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
302.234 COL 00110056 Media, Culture, and Society Collins, Richard, Sage Publications, 1986 0803997485 | 0803997493 (pbk.) 346 p., [1] leaf of plates : UG Library
302.234 CUR 00081804 Mass Media and Society. Curran, James 2005 9780340884997 400p UG Library
302.234 CUR 05025847 Mass Media and Society / Curran, James Hodder Arnold, 2005 400 p Knowledge Centre
302.234 DEF 00036568 Theories of Mass Communication De fleur, L Melvin David Mckay 1966 xviii,171p. UG Library
302.234 DOW 05025827 Radical Media: Rebellious Communication and Social Movements: [ Mscom] Downing, D H John 0803956991 426p Knowledge Centre
302.234 DSO 05025857 Electronic Media and the Internet / Dsouza, Y K Dominant Publishers, 1999 270 p Knowledge Centre
302.234 GRI 00104247 Relocating Television : Gripsrud, Jostein, Routledge, 2010 9780415564526 (hardback) | 041 xxi, 275 p. : UG Library
302.234 HER 05055388 Manufacturing consent : Herman, Edward S. Vintage Books, 1988 0394549260 | 0679720340 (pbk.) 1st ed. xvi, 412 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.234 HOD 00147981 Media, Culture, and Society: Hodkinson, Paul Sage Publications, 2024 9781529796537 xiv,357p. ; UG Library
302.234 HUT 00109036 Media Talk : Hutchby, Ian. Open University Press, 2006 0335209963 | 9780335209958 | 9 xii, 185 p. ; UG Library
302.234 LES 05017574 Visual Communication: Images With Messages Les Ter, Paul Martin 420p Knowledge Centre
302.234 MAN 00050485 Visual Media Communication Mandav Pradeep Authors Press 2001 8172730470 210 p UG Library
302.234 MAN 00055598 Visual Media Communication Mandav Pradeep Authors Press 2001 8172730470 210 p UG Library
302.234 PET 05039510 Anthropology & mass communication : Peterson, Mark Allen. Berghahn Books, 2003 1571812776 (alk. paper) xii, 321 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.234 POS 05073723 Amusing ourselves in death : Postman, Neil. Penguin Books, 1985 9780143036531 xxii,183p.; Knowledge Centre
302.234 REA 00034366 Super Media : A Cultural Studies Approach Real R Michael Sage Publications 1989 280 p UG Library
302.234 SEB 05049190 Mass Mediated Culture & New trends : Xavier University Press, 2016 9788193225639 160p.; Knowledge Centre
302.234 SHA 05025849 Electronic Media / Shamsi, N Afaque Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 2006 8126126604 357 p Knowledge Centre
302.234 TIW 05075097 Video Culture in India : Tiwary, Ishita. Oxford University Press, 2024 9780198913221 xii, 226p.; Knowledge Centre
302.234 WAI 00128336 Media Sociology A Reappraisal / Rawat Publications, 2017 9788131608326 vi,298p.: UG Library
302.234 WAI 05056594 Media Sociology A Reappraisal / Rawat Publications, 2017 9788131608326 vi,298p.: Knowledge Centre
302.234 WAI 07010147 Media Sociology A Reappraisal / Rawat Publications, 2017 9788131608326 vi,298p.: Library - BR Campus
302.234 WAI 10001353 Media Sociology A Reappraisal / Rawat Publications, 2017 9788131608326 vi,298p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.234 ZAC 05025850 Communication Media and Electronic Revolution / Zachariah, Aruna Kanishka Publishers, 2005 8173911584 225 p Knowledge Centre
302.2340688 ROW 05067309 Podcasting marketing strategy : Rowles, Daniel. Kogan Page, 2019 9780749486235 xi, 251p.; Knowledge Centre
302.234083 UNI 05017543 Impact of Television Advertising on Children - M S Comn Shelf Unnikrishnan, Namita Sage Publications 8170364728 426p Knowledge Centre
302.234083 UNN 05025828 Impact of Television Advertising on Children / Unnikrishnan, Namita Sage Publications, 1995 8170364728 426 p Knowledge Centre
302.234083 UNN 00045841 The Impact of Television Advertising on Children Unnikrishnan Namita Sage Publications 1996 8170364728 426 p UG Library
302.2340973 SIN 05044523 Role of Media in Society / Singal, Mittika Random Publications, 2015 9789351112150 287 p. Knowledge Centre
302.2340973 SIN 07000979 Role of Media in Society / Singal, Mittika Random Publications, 2015 9789351112150 287 p. Library - BR Campus
302.2343 BRA 05002821 Cinema and Cultural Modernity / Branston, Gill Open University Press, 2000 0335200761 207p.: Knowledge Centre
302.2343 BRO 05002820 Audience Studies Reader Brooker Will Routledge 9780415254359 347p Knowledge Centre
302.2343 BRO 05004892 The audience studies reader / Routledge, 2003 0415254345 | 0415254353 (pbk.) xviii, 347 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2343 COR 00146205 Cinema, media, and human flourishing / Corrigan, Timothy, Oxford University Press 2023 9780197624180 | 9780197624197 xxvii, 169 pages : UG Library
302.2343 DIC 00089002 Cinema and the Urban Poor in Southe India Dickey, Sara 2007 9780521055970 213p UG Library
302.2343 DUR 05025830 World cinemas, transnational perspectives / Natasa Durovicova Routledge, 2010 9780415976534 (hardback : alk. xv, 368 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.2343 HAY 05025829 Key Concepts in Cinema Studies : Hayward, Susan Routledge, 2004 0415227402 527 p Knowledge Centre
302.2343 HOO 05025821 Reel to real : Hooks, Bell. Routledge, 2009 9780415964807 (pbk) | 04159648 viii, 312 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.2343 KAV 00089243 Global Bollywood Kavoori, Anandam P 2008 9780195699487 314p UG Library
302.2343 KAV 00089448 Global Bollywood Kavoori, Anandam P 2008 9780195699487 314p UG Library
302.2343 MAL 05006476 Explorations in new cinema history : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781405199490 (hbk.) | 9781405 xi, 335 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2343 RAI 05025825 Untimely Bollywood / Rai Amit S Oxford University Press, 2009 9780198066422 303 p Knowledge Centre
302.2343 RAI 05025824 Untimely Bollywood / Rai Amit S Oxford University Press, 2009 9780198066422 303 p Knowledge Centre
302.2343 ROG 05039890 Cinematic appeals : Rogers, Ariel. Columbia University Press, 2013 9780231159166 (cloth : alk. pa xv, 330 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.2343 RSJ 05002843 Indian cinema in the time of celluloid: Rajadhyaksha Ashish Tulika Books 9788189487522 441P Knowledge Centre
302.2343 RSJ 05008515 Indian cinema in the time of celluloid: Rajadhyaksha Ashish Tulika Books 9788189487522 441P Knowledge Centre
302.2343 SUT 05010779 Cinematic sociology : Sutherland, Jean-Anne, Pine Forge Press, 2010 9781412960465 (pbk.) xiv, 284 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2343 SUT 05039826 Cinematic Sociology : Sage, 2013 9781412992848 xv,475p.: Knowledge Centre
302.2343 SUT 00108779 Cinematic sociology : Sutherland, Jean-Anne, Pine Forge Press, 2010 9781412960465 (pbk.) xiv, 284 p. : UG Library
302.2343 VEL 05002833 Tamil Cinema: The Cultural Politics of India`s Other Cultural Indusustry / Velayutham, Selvaraj Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2008 9780415396806 201p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23430954 BAS 05031161 Bollywood : Basu Anustup Orient BlackSwan, 2012 9788125047551 x,262p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23430954 DUD 05025823 Bollywood : Dudrah Rajinder Kumar Sage Publications, 2006 0761934618 210 p Knowledge Centre
302.23430954 DUD 00074134 Bollywood : Dudrah Rajinder Kumar Sage Publications, 2006 0761934618 210 p UG Library
302.23430954 DUD 05045696 SRK and Global Bollywood / Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199460472 xxxviii,355p.; Knowledge Centre
302.23430954 DUD 05025822 Bollywood : Dudrah Rajinder Kumar Sage Publications, 2006 0761934618 210 p Knowledge Centre
302.23430954 DUD 01006165 Sociology Goes to the Movies (law Lib.) Rajinder Kumar Dudrah Sage Publications 0761934618 210p Knowledge Centre
302.23430954 DUD 01004085 Sociology Goes to the Movies (law Lib.) Rajinder Kumar Dudrah Sage Publications 0761934618 210p Knowledge Centre
302.23430954 DUD 07013311 SRK and Global Bollywood / Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199460472 xxxviii,355p.; Library - BR Campus
302.23430954 DUD 07001145 SRK and Global Bollywood / Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199460472 xxxviii,355p.; Library - BR Campus
302.23430954 LAL 01005368 Finger Printing Popular Culture : Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195679182 | 9780195692679 xxvii, 197 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.23430954 LAL 05025826 Fingerprinting Popular Culture : Lal, Vinay Oxford University Press, 2007 0195692675 197 p Knowledge Centre
302.23430954 LAL 00103190 Finger Printing Popular Culture : Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195679182 | 9780195692679 xxvii, 197 p. ; UG Library
302.2343095482 VEL 05074051 Tamil cinema in the twenty-first century : Velayutham, Selvaraj. Routledge, 2021 9780367645366 xvi, Knowledge Centre
302.2344 WAY 05025838 Understanding Film Marxist Perspectives / Wayne Mike Pluto Press, 2005 0745319920 253 p. Knowledge Centre
302.2345 BUT 05062650 Television : Butler, Jeremy G., Routledge, 2018 9781138743960 (hardback) | 9781138744004 (pbk.) Fifth edition. xiii, 407 pages : Knowledge Centre
302.2345 CAS 05025840 Key Concepts in Television Studies : Casey, Bernadette Routledge, 2004 0415172373 291 p Knowledge Centre
302.2345 CHA 00053100 Television and Social Transformation Chauhan Kanwar Sarup & Sons 2001 8176251887 386 p UG Library
302.2345 COR 05002832 Television Whats on Whos Watching and What It Means / Cornstock George, Erica Scharrer Academic Press, 1999 0120121834 388p.: Knowledge Centre
302.2345 CRI 01006589 A Study Of Modern Television Thinking Inside The Box / Andrew Crisell Palgrave Macmillan 2000 0333964098 183p.: Knowledge Centre
302.2345 HAM 05017576 Contemporary Televison Series [MSCOM] Hammond Michael, Lusy Mazdon 0748619011 260 Knowledge Centre
302.2345 HEN 05011580 Social issues in television fiction Henderson, Lesley. Edinburgh University Press, 2007 9780748625314 (hbk.) | 0748625 vi, 200 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2345 HIL 00134288 Media experiences : Hill, Annette, Routledge 2019 9780415625357 (hardback) | 9780415625364 (paperback) xi,223 p.; UG Library
302.2345 KEN 00073305 Teaching TV Production in a Digital World Kenny Robert F Rain Tree Publishing Pvt Ltd 2005 1591582040 199 p UG Library
302.2345 KUM 05025988 Television and Development of Women / Kumari, Preeti Mittal Publications, 2006 8183241611 178 p Knowledge Centre
302.2345 MAN 05027787 Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television / Mader, Jerry Other India Press, 1998 0818556938 317 p Knowledge Centre
302.2345 MEH 05025910 India on Television : Mehta, Nalin Harper Collins, 2008 9788172237264 393 p Knowledge Centre
302.2345 NAL 05025908 Television in India : Nalin, Mehta Routledge, 2009 9780415447591 170 p Knowledge Centre
302.2345 SAB 05025839 Satellite Television : Sabharwal, Tajeet Dr Kanishka, 2008 9788184570649 278 p Knowledge Centre
302.2345 SAX 00121563 Television and social change Saxena Pawan Kumar Random Publishers 2011 9789381421543 304p. UG Library
302.2345 SHA 00048639 Television and Its Viewers [ Cultivation Theory and Research ] Shanahan, James 1999 0521587557 267p UG Library
302.2345 SHA 00050497 Television and Its Viewers - Cultivation Theory and Research Shanahan, James Cambridge 1999 266p UG Library
302.2345 STR 05048731 Post-TV : Strangelove, Michael, University of Toronto Press, 2015 9781442646629 | 1442646624 | 9 347 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.2345 VIJ 05027743 Foreign Television and Indian Youth : Vijayalakshmi, Peddioyina Concept Publishing Company, 2005 8180690792 156 p Knowledge Centre
302.2345 YAD 05002813 Television and Social Change Yadav, J P Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126119721 246p Knowledge Centre
302.234501 DER 05006391 Echographies of television : Derrida, Jacques. Polity Press ; | Blackwell Publishers, 2002 0745620361 (alk. paper) | 0745 viii, 174 p. : Knowledge Centre
302.2345083 LEM 05025854 Screening gender on childern's telecision : By Lemish, Dafna Routledge, 2010 9780415482066 xii ; 222 p. Knowledge Centre
302.2345083 MAC 05002837 Advetising to Children:Concepts and Controversies / Macklin, Carole M Sage Publications, 1999 0761912851 319p.: Knowledge Centre
302.2345094 NEL 05025853 TV DRAMA IN TRANSITION : Nelson, Robin Macmillan Press Ltd., 1997 0333677544 277 p Knowledge Centre
302.23450941 THO 05025852 Television Drama : Thornham, Sue Palgrave Macmillan, 2005 0333968883 212 p Knowledge Centre
302.23450954 PUN 05039366 Television at Large in South asia / Routledge, 2013 9788189643355 268p.: Knowledge Centre
302.23450954 SEN 07007167 Channeling cultures : Sen, Biswarup Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198092056 (hbk.) | 0198092 First edition. xix, 322 pages ; Library - BR Campus
302.23450954 SEN 05043844 Channeling cultures : Sen, Biswarup Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198092056 (hbk.) | 0198092 First edition. xix, 322 pages ; Knowledge Centre
302.23450973 LEM 00060039 Thinking Through Television Lembo Ron Cambridge University 2000 0521585775 254 p UG Library
302.234509973 CHA 05002661 Broadcast television effects in a remote community Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002 9780805837353 xx, 169 p. ; Knowledge Centre
302.2345HOS 01008620 Television and Terror: Conflicting Times and the Crisis of News Discourse (law Lib) Andrew Hoskins PALGRAVE MACMILLAN 9780230002319 217p Knowledge Centre
302.234GOK 01007390 Indian Popular Cinema-A Narrative of Cultural Change (law Lib) Moti K Gokulsing Orient Longman Private Limited 8125015817 151p. Knowledge Centre
302.234SHA.1 00082289 Electronic Media Shamsi, Afaque Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126126604 357 Knowledge Centre
302.235 KAT 00060040 Perpetual Contact : Mobile Communication, Private Talk, Public Performance Katz E James Cambridge University 2002 0521002664 391 p UG Library
302.2374 CHA 05025846 Multicultural Broadcasting: Myths, Reality and Concepts: [mscomn] Chakravarthy, Jagadish Authors Press 8172731965 288p Knowledge Centre
302.23954 CHI 00134125 Mass media and communication Chiranjeev,Avinash Jnanada prakashan, 2018 9788171398973 vi,256p.; UG Library
302.23973 MEY 00135527 Neoliberalism and the media / Meyers, Marian, Routledge, 2019 9781138094420 (hbk) | 9781138094437 (pbk) xvi, 235 pages ; UG Library
302.23BLO 01007970 Global Children, Global Media Migration Media and Childhood(law Library) Liesbeth Block PALGRAVE MACMILLAN 9780230506992 222p Knowledge Centre
302.23CHA 01007006 Media Policy and Globalization ( Law Lib.) Paula Chakravartty RAWAT 8131600998 211p. Knowledge Centre
302.23DUR 01006189 Media and Cultural Studies Keywords(law Lib) Meenakshi Gigi Durham Blackwell Publishing 0631220968 646p Knowledge Centre
302.23EBC 01006712 Media, Press and Telecommunications Law(law Library) Eastern Book Company EASTERN BOOK COMPANY 8170129451 512p Knowledge Centre
302.23MEN 00068463 Effective Media Mass Communication Menon, P K Aavishkar Publihsers 8179100057 191 UG Library
302.23O SUL 05027713 Studying the Media / Osullivan, Tim Hodder Arnold, 2003 0340807652 326p Knowledge Centre
302.23PAV 01009932 Media in the Digital Age John V Pavlik Eng 2008 346 p Knowledge Centre
302.23PRI 01005208 Post -Broadcast Democracy(law Lib.) Markus Prior Cambridge University Press 9780521675338 315p Knowledge Centre
302.24 ECO 00079232 Turning Back the Clock : Hot Wars and Media Populism Eco Umberto Harvill Secker 2007 9781846550355 369p UG Library
302.24 ROG 00105172 A Critical Discourse Analysis of Family Literacy Practices: Rogers, Rebecca. Routledge 2003 9780805847840 xv,225 p. UG Library
302.242 WEI 05002834 Deviance and Social Control a Reader / Weitzer, Ronald McGraw Hill, 2007 0007245900 397p.: Knowledge Centre
302.24FLO 01010582 Communicating Affection: Interpersonal Behavior and Social Context Kory Floyd Cambridge University Press 9780521731744 222p Knowledge Centre
302.25 05025856 Theory Testing in Organizatiional Behaviour : Danserence, Fred Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1984 418 p. Knowledge Centre
302.25 CUM 00141783 Organization Development and Change / Cummings,Thomas G. Cengage Learning, 2020 9788131531679 10th ed. 8th rep xxi,810p.; UG Library
302.25 CUM 00145276 Organization Development and Change / Cummings, Thomas G. Cengage Learning, 2019 9789355737441 11th ed. xxi,714p.; UG Library
302.25 CUM 10002865 Organization Development and Change / Cummings, Thomas G. Cengage Learning, 2019 9789355737441 11th ed. xxi,714p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.25 CUM 10002866 Organization Development and Change / Cummings, Thomas G. Cengage Learning, 2019 9789355737441 11th ed. xxi,714p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
302.25 CUM 05025863 Organization Development & Change : Cummings, Worley Thomson Learning, 2001 9812431071 | 9789812431073 7th ed. xxii, 706 p. Knowledge Centre
302.25 CUM 05025868 Organization Development & Change : Cummings, Worley Thomson Learning, 2001 9812431071 | 9789812431073 7th ed. xxii, 706 p. Knowledge Centre
302.25 CUM 05025860 Organization Development & Change : Cummings, Worley Thomson Learning, 2001 9812431071 | 9789812431073 7th ed. xxii, 706 p. Knowledge Centre
302.25 CUM 05009077 Organization Development & Change : Cummings, Worley Thomson Learning, 2001 9812431071 | 9789812431073 7th ed. xxii, 706 p. Knowledge Centre
302.25 CUM 05027797 Organization Development & Change : Cummings, Worley Thomson Learning, 2001 9812431071 | 9789812431073 7th ed. xxii, 706 p. Knowledge Centre
302.25 CUM 05025859 Organization Development & Change : Cummings, Worley Thomson Learning, 2001 9812431071 | 9789812431073 7th ed. xxii, 706 p. Knowledge Centre
302.25 CUM 05025861 Organization Development & Change : Cummings, Worley Thomson Learning, 2001 9812431071 | 9789812431073 7th ed. xxii, 706 p. Knowledge Centre
302.25 CUM 05025866 Organization Development & Change : Cummings, Worley Thomson Learning, 2001 9812431071 | 9789812431073 7th ed. xxii, 706 p. Knowledge Centre
302.25 CUM 05025865 Organization Development & Change : Cummings, Worley Thomson Learning, 2001 9812431071 | 9789812431073 7th ed. xxii, 706 p. Knowledge Centre
302.25 CUM 05019090 Organization Development & Change : Cummings, Worley Thomson Learning, 2001 9812431071 | 9789812431073 7th ed. xxii, 706 p. Knowledge Centre
302.25 CUM 05025867 Organization Development & Change : Cummings, Worley Thomson Learning, 2001 9812431071 | 9789812431073 7th ed. xxii, 706 p. Knowledge Centre
302.25 CUM 05025864 Organization Development & Change : Cummings, Worley Thomson Learning, 2001 9812431071 | 9789812431073 7th ed. xxii, 706 p. Knowledge Centre
302.25 CUM 05025862 Organization Development & Change : Cummings, Worley Thomson Learning, 2001 9812431071 | 9789812431073 7th ed. xxii, 706 p. Knowledge Centre
302.25 MCS 05057315 Privacy and the media / Mcstay, Andrew. Sage Publications Ltd, 2017 9781473924932 (pbk.) | 9781473 1st edition. vii, 212p. Knowledge Centre
302.25 MCS 07011869 Privacy and the media / Mcstay, Andrew. Sage Publications Ltd, 2017 9781473924932 (pbk.) | 9781473 1st edition. vii, 212p. Library - BR Campus
302.25 MEL 05025858 Communication Gap in Development / Melkote, R Srinivas Rawat Publications, 2000 157 p Knowledge Centre
302.251 HAR 00144530 Social Media Management : Hart, Marcus. Murphy and Moore, 2023 9781639878048 vii,190p, ; UG Library