Total Books (Philosophy and Theology) - 14994

CallNo Barcode Title Author Publisher Code Year ISBN Edition Pages Library
100 FEI 05023300 Doing Philosophy: Feinberg, Joel Thomson Wadsworth. 2008 0495096075 4th ed 115p Knowledge Centre
100 LAW 04015489 Philosophy / Law, Stephen. DK, 2007 9780756626259 | 0756626250 352 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
100 STR 03001897 Did My Genes Make Me Do It? : Stroll, Avrum. One World, 2008 9781851684489 | 1851684484 242 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
100 ABD 00017281 Christ Abdjhdh, 111 UG Library
100 AHB 00146432 Socrates: ahbel-Rappe, Sara Bloomsbury 2018 9789386950727 187p UG Library
100 ALT 00133031 Philosophy for non-philosophers / Althusser, Louis, Bloomsbury Academic, 2017 9781472592019 (hardback) | 9781474299275 (pbk.) vi, 216 p. ; UG Library
100 ANS 00140357 NTA UGC-NET Paper -1 Asnari,M S Ramesh Publishing House 2021 9789387604636 256+56p UG Library
100 APP 00068571 Thinking It Through Appiah, Kwame Antony 2003 0195160282 412p UG Library
100 BAG 00145849 A Philosophers' Manifesto: Baggini, Julian Cambridge University Press 2022 9781009272667 281p UG Library
100 BAG 00102797 Making Sense : Baggini, Julian Oxford University Press, 9780192805061 304 p. UG Library
100 BAG 00145667 How to Think Like a Philosopher: Baggini, Julian Granta 2023 9781783789801 314p UG Library
100 BAL 05038323 The Cambridge history of philosophy, 1870-1945 / Baldwin, Thomas Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521591041 (hb.) | 05215910 xiii, 959 p. ; Knowledge Centre
100 BAR 00134849 Journey into Philosophy : Baronett, Stan. Routledge, 2017 9781138936478 (hardback) | 9781138936485 (pbk.) 1 [edition]. xxvii, 720 p.; UG Library
100 BAU 07013424 Carnival and cannibal / Baudrillard, Jean Seagull Publication, 2010 9781906497200 92p.; Library - BR Campus
100 BEA 00102307 Philosophy : Beards, Andrew. Liturgical Press, 9780814654743 | 0814654746 | 9 ix, 142 p. ; UG Library
100 BEN 00147633 Nussbaum's politics of wonder : Bendik-Keymer, Jeremy David Bloomsbury Academic, 2023 9781350076075 228 p. ; UG Library
100 BHA 00009216 Philosophy Logic and Language / Bhattacharyya, Kalidas Allied 1965 280p. UG Library
100 BLA 00103390 The big questions; Blackburn Simon Quercus publishing; 9781849160001 208 p. UG Library
100 BLA 00068285 Think Blackburn, Simon 2005 0192100246 311p UG Library
100 BOE 00090355 Consolation of Philosophy Boethus Oxford 9780199540549 171p UG Library
100 BOE 00109835 The Consolation Of Philosophy Boethius Dover Publishings Inc 2002 9780486421636 xxii; 121 p. UG Library
100 BOO 00140358 NTA UGC NET/SLET Paper II: Philosophy Bookhive 2019 244p UG Library
100 BRI 00009728 Introduction to Philosophy / Edgar Sheffield Brightman. Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1963 373p. UG Library
100 BRO 00146123 Philosophy of Science: Brown, James Robert Bloomsbury 2017 9789386643483 263p UG Library
100 BUN 00107829 The Blackwell companion to philosophy Bunnin,Nicholas Blackwell Publishing 2003 9780631219071 | 0631219080 (pb 2nd edition xviii, 951 p. : UG Library
100 BUR 05034544 Philosophy and Contemporary Issues / Burr, John R Prentice Hall of India, 2004 9788120333659 524 p Knowledge Centre
100 BUR 04014565 Philosophy and Contemporary Issues / Burr, John R Prentice Hall of India, 2004 9788120333659 524 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
100 BUT 00142259 50 Philosophy Classics Butler-Bowdon,Tom Nicholas Brealey 2013 9781473655423 325p UG Library
100 CAR 04008489 What philosophy is : Carel, Havi Continuum, 2007 9781846540951 xviii, 325p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
100 CAR 05034433 What Philosophy Is : Carel, Havi Continuum, 2004 0826472427 325 p Knowledge Centre
100 CAR 00094741 What Philosophy Is Carel Havi Continuum 9781846840951 325p UG Library
100 CAR 07005908 What philosophy is : Continuum, 2004 0826472419 | 0826472427 (pbk.) xviii, 325 p. ; Library - BR Campus
100 CAS 00146426 Libertarian Anarchy: Casey, Gerard Bloomsbury 2021 9789354352119 195p UG Library
100 CAV 00073885 Philosophical Passages. Cavell, Stanley 1995 0631192719 200p UG Library
100 CHA 00147438 Philosophy: Chaudhuri, Shatarupa DK Printworld 2020 9780241412992 208p UG Library
100 CHA 00089446 An Introduction to Indian Philosophy Chatterjee, Satish Chandra RUPA & CO 2007 8129111950 | 9788129111951 404p UG Library
100 CHA 04024211 An Introduction to Indian Philosophy Chatterjee, Satish Chandra RUPA & CO 2007 8129111950 | 9788129111951 404p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
100 CHR 05041102 Philosophy for everyone / Routledge, 2014 9780415719452 (hardback) | 978 ix, 145 pages ; Knowledge Centre
100 COL 00023195 Philosophy and Political of Psychotherapy Collier, Andrew New York 1977 214 p. UG Library
100 COX 00117663 How to be a philosopher, or, How to be almost certain that almost nothing is certain / Cox, Gary, Continuum, 2010 9781441144782 viii, 136 p. ; UG Library
100 CRA 05048901 Philosophy : Craig, Edward. Oxford University Press, 2002 0192854216 | 9780192854216 132 p. : Knowledge Centre
100 CRA 00059139 Philosophy : Craig, Edward. Oxford University Press, 2002 0192854216 | 9780192854216 132 p. : UG Library
100 CRA 01016442 Philosophy : Craig, Edward. Oxford University Press, 2002 0192854216 | 9780192854216 132 p. : Knowledge Centre
100 CRE 00070133 Thinking Philosophically. Creel, Richard E 2001 0631219358 342p UG Library
100 CRE 00094051 Thinking philosophically : Creel, Richard E., Blackwell, 063121934X (hbk. : alk. paper) xv, 342 p. ; UG Library
100 CUN 00120875 Everyday examples : Cunning, David. 9781472574640 (hardcover) | 97 ix, 295 pages ; UG Library
100 DAI 00147635 Posthumanism in practice / Bloomsbury Academic, 2023 9781350293809 249 p. ; UG Library
100 DAV 00106529 Martin Heidegger : Davis,Bret.W Acumen, 2010 9781844651986 (hardcover) | 18 xvi, 288 p. : UG Library
100 DIL 00130294 Philosophy as criticism : Dilman, İlham. Continuum International Publishing Group, 2011 9781441146915 (pbk.) | 1441146 xi, 163 p. ; UG Library
100 DIL 05045040 Philosophy as criticism : Dilman, İlham. Continuum International Publishing Group, 2011 9781441146915 (pbk.) | 1441146 xi, 163 p. ; Knowledge Centre
100 DOE 00071493 Philosophical Imaginary. Doeff, Le Miche 2000 0826459919 198p UG Library
100 DOR 10004733 The philosophy book / Dorling Kindersley Dorling Kindersley ltd., 2011 0756668611 (hc.) | 9780756668617 (hc.) 2nd ed., 360 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
100 DUP 04008686 50 Philosophy ideas : Dupre, Ben Quercus, 2007 9781847240064 208p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
100 DWI 00146439 The public sphere from outside the west / Dwivedi, Divya Bloomsbury 2019 9781472571939 (hb) | 9789388414876 xii, 340 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : UG Library
100 EWI 00020650 Fundamental Questions of Philosophy / Ewing, A C Allied 1964 260p. UG Library
100 FAL 00105166 Philosophy goes to the movies: Falzon,Christopher. Routledge 2007 2nd ix,267 p. UG Library
100 FEI 00046711 Reason and Responsibility: Readings in Some Basic Problems of Philisophy (WMU) Feinberg, Joel 1999 0534543510 718 p UG Library
100 FEI 00046712 Reason and Responsibility: Readings in Some Basic Problems of Philisophy (WMU) Feinberg, Joel 1999 0534543510 718 p UG Library
100 FEI 00040815 Reason and Responsibility: Readings in Some Basic Problems of Philisophy (WMU) Feinberg, Joel 1999 0534543510 718 p UG Library
100 FEI 00087059 Reason and Responsibility: Readings in Some Basic Problems of Philisophy (WMU) Feinberg, Joel 1999 0534543510 718 p UG Library
100 FEI 00106683 Reason and responsibility : Feinberg,Joel. Thomson/Wadsworth, 2005 9780534625573 (student's ed.) 12th ed. x, 706 p. ; UG Library
100 FEL 00065653 Reason and Responsiblity Readings in Some Basic Problems of Philosophy Feinberg, Joel 0000 0534197221 607p UG Library
100 FES 00147086 Five Proofs of the Existence of God / Feser, Edward, Ignatius Press 2017 9781621641339 330 pages : UG Library
100 FIE 00072088 Philosphical Quetions. Fieser, James 2005 0195139836 656 UG Library
100 FIN 05034451 Nietzxche`s Philosophy / Fink, Eugen Continuum, 2003 0826459986 184 p Knowledge Centre
100 FIS 05005071 Philosophical delusion and its therapy : Fischer, Eugen, Routledge, 2011 9780415331791 | 041533179X xviii, 300 p. ; Knowledge Centre
100 GAR 00002737 Individual and Today`s World / John W. Gardner Macmillan Co. 1965 128p. UG Library
100 GEE 00140558 What Would de Beauvoir Do? Gee,Tabi Jackson Cassell Illustrated 2018 9781788400305 192p UG Library
100 GRI 00102301 The philosophy of Art: Griggs Edward Howard Cosmo publications; 9788130706832 347 p. UG Library
100 GUT 05034468 Reading Philosophy: Selected Texts With a Method for Beginners [ma-Philosophy Section] Gutternplan, Samuel 0631234381 300p Knowledge Centre
100 HAI 00148001 Enlightened spirituality: Fordham University Press 2024 1531505732 | 9781531505738 v, 131 pages ; UG Library
100 HAL 00017492 Concise Introduction to Philosophy / William H Halverson Random House 1968 502p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
100 HAM 05034458 Living Philosophy : Hamilton, Christopher Edinburgh University Press, 2001 0748614184 179 p. Knowledge Centre
100 HEA 00107854 Conceptions of philosophy O'Hear,Anthony Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521138574 | 0521138574 (pb vii, 366 p. ; UG Library
100 HIR 00005111 Essentials of Indian Philosophy Hiriyanna, M 1969 1 UG Library
100 HON 00145839 Public Things: Honing, Bonnie Dev Publishers and Distributors 2019 9789387496125 144p UG Library
100 HOW 05034450 Philosophy for Counselling and Psychotherapy : Howard, Alex Palgrave Macmillan, 2000 9780333750988 380 p Knowledge Centre
100 IRU 00148147 Dreaming to be Human Come True/ Irudayadason, Nishant Alphonse Christian World Imprints, 2023 9789395457309 256p UG Library
100 IRW 05006422 Introducing philosophy through pop culture : Irwin, William Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 9781444334531 (pbk.) viii, 368 p. ; Knowledge Centre
100 JAY 00148135 Can We Ever Know How Much We Don't Know? Jayard, S Stephen Christian World Imprints, 2024 9789395457477 617p UG Library
100 JHA 07013846 Ancient philosophy / Jha, Aniruddh Edukeen Publication, 2019 9788194205647 288p.; Library - BR Campus
100 JOS 00148153 Our Cosmic and Spiritual Destiny/ Joseph, M D Christian World Imprints, 2022 9789351486077 296p UG Library
100 KAI 00107486 Love of wisdom Kaipan Joy sdb Kristu Jyoti Pub 2008 9788187370420 2nd Revised Edition xvi;283 P. UG Library
100 KAI 00107907 Love Of Wisdom Kaipan Joy sdb Kristu Jyothi Publications 2010 9788187380420 3rd Edition xviii;303 P. UG Library
100 KAN 00148143 Thinking and Believing Beyond Boundaries/ Kannanaikkal, Jose Christian World Imprints, 2024 9789360658588 236p UG Library
100 KEK 01020644 The nature of philosophical problems : Kekes, John. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198712756 | 0198712758 1st ed. xv, 238 p. ; Knowledge Centre
100 KOE 00002738 Act of Creation Koesther, Authur 1964 1 UG Library
100 KOL 00071546 Experience of Philosophy: Kolak, Daniel 2004 0195177681 710p UG Library
100 LAG 00129823 A Philosophy of Dirt Lagerspetz,Olli Reakton Books 2018 9781780239187 256p UG Library
100 LAG 07012426 A Philosophy of Dirt Lagerspetz,Olli Reakton Books 2018 9781780239187 256p Library - BR Campus
100 LAN 00147440 The little book of philosophy / Dorling Kindersley Limited 2018 9781465475565 | 9780241341179 | 1465475567 [Abridged edition]. 199 pages : UG Library
100 LAN 00121768 The Philosophy Book / Landau,Cecile. Jonathan Metcalf, 2011 9781405353298 352 p.: UG Library
100 LAN 05046075 The Philosophy Book / Landau,Cecile. Jonathan Metcalf, 2011 9781405353298 352 p.: Knowledge Centre
100 LAN 00141371 The Philosophy Book / Landau,Cecile. Jonathan Metcalf, 2011 9781405353298 352 p.: UG Library
100 LAW 03006397 Philosophy / Law, Stephen. DK, 2007 9780756626259 | 0756626250 352 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
100 LAW 00147632 Hannah Arendt and Simone Weil : Bloomsbury Academic, 2024 9781350344464 234 p. ; UG Library
100 LEV 03006019 I Think, Therefore I Am : Levene, Lesley. Michcal o Mara books Ltd, 2010 9781843174615 192 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
100 LEW 00010638 Discarded Image Lewis, C S Cambridge 1964 ix,231p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
100 LIB 00045025 Child Psychology Hetherington, Maris Mc-Graw-hill 1975 1 UG Library
100 MAL 05040912 Kant's politics in context / Maliks, Reidar. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199645152 x,195p.; Knowledge Centre
100 MAN 00140349 NTA UGC-NET General Paper -1: Manivannan R J Kiran Institute 2019 272p UG Library
100 MAR 00009720 Critical History of Modern Philosophy Marish F, Motilal Banarsidass 1967 1 UG Library
100 MAR 00023180 Introduction to Philosophical Inquiry / Margolis, Joseph Edr , Aak 1974 680p. UG Library
100 max 00026992 Fo Sho Hing Tsan King Max Muller F Monlac 0p Knowledge Centre
100 MAY 00005893 History of Modern Philosophy Mayor, Eurania Publishers 1966 1 UG Library
100 MCK 00146412 American Philosophy from Wounded Knee to the Present McKenna, erin Bloomsbury 2018 9789388002615 421p UG Library
100 MIL 00111697 Philosophy of Scientific method Mill,John Stuart Cosmo publications, 2010 9788130706979 l,461p.; UG Library
100 MIT 05001467 Roots of Wisdom Mitchell, Helen Buss Thomson wadsworth, 2008 0495094854 532p.; Knowledge Centre
100 MOO 00072000 Philosophy: The Power of Ideas. Moore, Brooke Noel 2000 0070611106 582p UG Library
100 MOO 00070515 Philosophy the Power of Ideas Moore, Brooks Noel Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company ltd 2006 0070611106 | 9780070611108 577 p. UG Library
100 MUN 00020669 Ways of Philosophy / Milton K. Munitz Macmillan 1979 372p. UG Library
100 NAG 00107299 What does it all mean? Nagel,Thomas, Oxford University Press, 1987 9780195052169 | 0195052927 101 p. ; UG Library
100 NIC 05001466 Philosophy through science fiction : Routledge, 2009 9780415957564 (hardcover) | 04 xii, 433 p. ; Knowledge Centre
100 OSB 00084853 Philosophy: for Beginners. Osborne, Richard Orient Longman Publications 2007 8125031685 184p Yeshwanthpur Campus
100 OSB 00084852 Philosophy: for Beginners. Osborne, Richard Orient Longman Publications 2007 8125031685 184p UG Library
100 OSB 00084850 Philosophy: for Beginners. Osborne, Richard Orient Longman Publications 2007 8125031685 184p UG Library
100 OSB 00084851 Philosophy: for Beginners. Osborne, Richard Orient Longman Publications 2007 8125031685 184p Yeshwanthpur Campus
100 PAP 00115230 Philosophy Papineau, David Duncan Baird Publishers 2000 1844830454 | 9781844830459 224 p. UG Library
100 PAP 00068528 Philosophy Pa[ineau, David Duncan Baird Publishers 2004 1844830454 224p UG Library
100 PAT 00140678 The Trail to enlightenment : Patnaik, Shuvendu ProLibris Publishing Media; 2018 9789381639993 (Vol.1) | 9789381639986 (Vol.2) | 9789381639979 (Vol.3) 344 p. ; UG Library
100 PAT 00140679 The Trail to enlightenment : Patnaik, Shuvendu ProLibris Publishing Media; 2018 9789381639993 (Vol.1) | 9789381639986 (Vol.2) | 9789381639979 (Vol.3) 344 p. ; UG Library
100 PAT 00140680 The Trail to enlightenment : Patnaik, Shuvendu ProLibris Publishing Media; 2018 9789381639993 (Vol.1) | 9789381639986 (Vol.2) | 9789381639979 (Vol.3) 344 p. ; UG Library
100 PHE 00104560 Philosophy : Phelan, J. W. Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521537428 (pbk.) vi, 346 p : UG Library
100 PHE 07008038 Philosophy : Phelan, J. W. Cambridge University Press, 2005 9780521537421 vi, 346 p : Library - BR Campus
100 PHE 00111500 Philosophy : Phelan, J. W. Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521537428 (pbk.) vi, 346 p : UG Library
100 PRA 05034545 Vishwadharma Dharshana : Prabhushankara Shivarathreswara Grahthamale, 2000 608 p Knowledge Centre
100 PUT 00140012 Paramasoonyam : Puttanani, Jose. S. M. Books & Publications; | Media House; 2018 9789387298521 (PB) 152 p. ; UG Library
100 PUT 00139710 Paramasoonyam : Puttanani, Jose. S. M. Books & Publications; | Media House; 2018 9789387298521 (PB) 152 p. ; UG Library
100 RAJ 04022728 Food For Thought / Rajaram, M. Rupa Publications, 2012 9788129119421 130 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
100 RAJ 00076184 Relevance of Philosophy in 21st Century: Rajani, K R Associated Publishers 2006 8184290365 360p UG Library
100 RAN 07007325 Philosophy Who Needs It / Rand Ayn A Signet Book, 1982 9780451138934 xii,308 p. : Library - BR Campus
100 RAN 05011052 Philosophy Who Needs It / Rand Ayn A Signet Book, 1982 9780451138934 xii,308 p. : Knowledge Centre
100 RAU 00075131 Ultimate Questions Thinkignn About Philosophy [WMU] Rauhut, Nils Ch 0321108930 257p UG Library
100 RAU 05013924 Ultimate Questions : Rauhut, Nils Ch Penguin Academics, 2004 0321108930 257 p Knowledge Centre
100 RAU 05034465 Ultimate Questions : Rauhut, Nils Ch Penguin Academics, 2004 0321108930 257 p Knowledge Centre
100 ROS 07005279 The Norton introduction to philosophy / W.W.Norton & Company.Inc, 2015 9780393932201 (pbk. : alk. pap First Edition. xxvii, 1137 pages ; Library - BR Campus
100 ROS 05048769 The Norton introduction to philosophy / W.W.Norton & Company.Inc, 2015 9780393932201 (pbk. : alk. pap First Edition. xxvii, 1137 pages ; Knowledge Centre
100 ROS 05044452 The Norton introduction to philosophy / W.W.Norton & Company.Inc, 2015 9780393932201 (pbk. : alk. pap First Edition. xxvii, 1137 pages ; Knowledge Centre
100 RUS 05005225 An outline of philosophy / Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2009 9780415473453 (pbk) | 04154734 xiv, 338 p. ; Knowledge Centre
100 RUS 05033321 An outline of philosophy / Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2009 9780415473453 (pbk) | 04154734 xiv, 338 p. ; Knowledge Centre
100 RUS 00020680 Problems of Philosophy Russell, Burtrand Oxford UG Library
100 SAL 04009664 Ten eternal questions : Sallis, Zoe. Chronicle Books, 2005 9780811853675 | 0811853675 215 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
100 SAL 00147430 German Idealism and the Question of System Sallis, John Indiana University Press 2024 9780253069719 170p UG Library
100 SAU 00144863 Doing philosophy: Saunders, Clare Bloomsbury India, 2023 9789354359521 Second Edition 242p UG Library
100 SHA 00011687 Modern Economic Theroy Krishan Dewett, Kewal Chand Co 1973 849 p. UG Library
100 SIA 00103611 Philosophy In Context Sia, Santiago Dharmaram Publications, 9788186861874 136 p. UG Library
100 SIN 00005890 Indian Psychology Sinha, Jadunith Motilal Banarsidass 2008 512p UG Library
100 SIN 00128194 Indian Psychology Sinha, Jadunith Motilal Banarsidass 2008 512p UG Library
100 SIN 00128195 Indian Psychology Sinha, Jadunith Motilal Banarsidass 2008 512p UG Library
100 SIN 00128196 Indian Psychology Sinha, Jadunith Motilal Banarsidass 2008 512p UG Library
100 SMU 00069984 Introduction to philosophy Smullyan, Arthur, [from old catalog] Prentice-Hall of India 1967 ix, 418 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
100 SOB 00070051 Core Questions in Philosophy: a Text With Reading. Sober, Elliott 1995 0002413161 596p UG Library
100 SOL 05013922 Introducing philosophy : Solomon, Robert C. Oxford University Press, 0195155106 xxviii, 724 p. : Knowledge Centre
100 STE 05036975 Fundamentals of philosophy / Stewart, David, Pearson, 2013 9780205242993 | 0205242995 Eighth edtion. x, 531 pages ; Knowledge Centre
100 STE 00092579 Fundamentals of philosophy Stewart David Pearson Education 9788131719435 513p UG Library
100 STE.B 05001461 Fundamentals of Philosophy: Stewart, David Prentice Hall, 1996 0000133973 540 p.; Knowledge Centre
100 STO 05034466 Philosophy : Stokes, Philip Eagle Editions Ltd., 2007 9781841937021 304 p. Knowledge Centre
100 STO 07012907 Philosophy : Stokes, Philip Eagle Editions Ltd., 2007 9781841937021 304 p. Library - BR Campus
100 STO 00106105 Philosophy: Stokes,Philip. Capella. 2002 9781848375949 219 p. UG Library
100 STR 00075011 Did My Genes Make Me Do It? Stroll, Avrum Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851684484 242 p. UG Library
100 TEI 00108127 Philosophy Teichman,Jenny. B. Blackwell, 1995 063119617x 2nd ed. viii, 294 p. ; UG Library
100 TEN 00125730 Introducing philosophy : Tennant, Neil, Routledge 2015 9780415537117 (hardback) | 978 xxii, 433 pages : UG Library
100 THA 00142262 Philosophy for Beginners Thakur,Akarsh Edukeen Publisher 2019 9789389387353 272p UG Library
100 TIT 05034461 What If... Tittle, Peg Pearson, 2005 0321202783 243 p Knowledge Centre
100 TIT 05034459 What If... Tittle, Peg Pearson, 2005 0321202783 243 p Knowledge Centre
100 TIT 05034460 What If... Tittle, Peg Pearson, 2005 0321202783 243 p Knowledge Centre
100 TRI 07008600 UGC NET/SET Philosophy Tripathi A M Danika Publication, 2017 9788189301088 628p.: Library - BR Campus
100 TRI 00073888 Philosophy Matters. Trigg, Roger 2002 0631225455 157p UG Library
100 TRO 00124861 Wise words : Trombley, Stephen, Head of Zeus Ltd 2016 9781784971311 | 1784971316 xi, 404 pages UG Library
100 TRO 00133452 Wise words : Trombley, Stephen, Head of Zeus Ltd 2016 9781784971311 | 1784971316 xi, 404 pages UG Library
100 WAR 00068393 Philosophy the Basics Warburton, Nigle 1992 0415146941 178p UG Library
100 WAR 00111511 Philosophy : Warburton, Nigel, Routledge, 2001 0415239974 (hbk) | 0415239982 2nd ed. ix, 256 p. ; UG Library
100 WAR 05041103 Philosophy : Warburton, Nigel, Routledge, 2013 9780415693165 (pbk. : alk. pap 5th ed. xiv, 182 p. ; Knowledge Centre
100 WAT 00099072 The Philosophy Of Mysticism Watkin, Edward Ingram Cosmo Publications, 9788130706948 412 p. UG Library
100 WEE 00140557 What Would Nietzsche Do? Weeks,Marcus Cassell Illustarted 2017 9781844039265 192p UG Library
100 WEE 07013854 How philosophy works / Penguin Publication, 2019 9780241363188 110p.; Library - BR Campus
100 WEI 00140551 The Socrates Express: Weiner,Eric Avid Reader Press 2020 9781982152093 330p UG Library
100 WEI 07014099 Plato's threefold city and soul / Weinstein, Joshua I Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107170162 vii,289p.; Library - BR Campus
100 WEI 00142031 The Socrates express : Weiner,Eric. Avid readers press, 2020 9781982152093 xix,330p.; UG Library
100 WIL 00073928 Simply Philosophy. Wilson, Brendan 2002 0748615687 224p UG Library
100 WIL 05034467 Simply Philosophy : Wislon, Brendan Edinburgh University Press, 2003 0748618236 208 p. Knowledge Centre
100 WIL 05034431 Simply Philsophy / Wilson, Brendan Edinburgh University Press, 2002 0748615687 224 p Knowledge Centre
100 WIL 07012926 Tetralogue : Williamson Timothy Oxford University Press, 2017 9780198777175 153p.: Library - BR Campus
100.0954 HIR 05034470 Bharathiya Tatvashastrada Roopu Rekhegalu / Hiriyanna, M Abhinava, 2000 432 p Knowledge Centre
100.0954 MOS 00057775 Indian Philosophy in Modern Times Brodov V. Progress Publishers 1984 5010017040 365 p. UG Library
100.095RAG 01005417 Debates in Indian Philosophy:classical, Colonial and Contemporary(law Lib) A Raghuramaraju Oxford University Press 0195671511 139p Knowledge Centre
100.1 CHE 00091834 Experience and Philosophy Chethimattam John B Dharmaram Publications 312p UG Library
100.21TRI 00092630 Philosophy matters : Trigg, Roger. Blackwell Publishers, 0631225463 (pbk. : alk. paper) viii, 157 p. ; UG Library
100.39873 MAR 00078480 Introduciton to Philosophy Maritain,Jacques Continuum 2005 0826477178 | 9780826477170 1st Ed. 178 p. UG Library
100.39875 MAR 00089344 Introduction to Philosophical Problems Margolis, Joseph 266p UG Library
100.543 JHG 00033570 Journalistic Writing and Literary Writing 1987 65 p. UG Library
100.543 JHG 00033571 Journalistic Writing and Literary Writing 1987 65 p. UG Library
100.72 CHA 00086132 Reseach in Philosophy Chatturvedi, D D Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 1999 0812610208 416 p UG Library
100.76 TRI 05028759 UGC NET/SLET : Philosophy Tripathi A M Danika publish co 408p Knowledge Centre
100.76 TRI 05028758 UGC NET/SLET : Philosophy Tripathi A M Danika publish co 408p Knowledge Centre
100.OKA 00085441 Philosophy of Science Okasha, Samir 2008 0195681681 144 p UG Library
100.SOB 00080064 Core Questions in Philosophy:A Text With Readings Sober, Elliott Prentise Schlor 1995 596p UG Library
100.SOL 00068455 Joy of Philosophy Solomon, Robert C 1999 0195165403 269p UG Library
100.THO 00075006 Philosophy of Mind. Teach Yourself 2003 0340867566 166p UG Library
100.TOB 00073884 Parliament of Minds. Tobias, Michael 2000 0791444848 309p UG Library
100BUN 01000087 Blackwell Companion to Philosophy (law Lib) Nicholas Bunnin Blackwell Publishing 0631219080 951p Knowledge Centre
100CRE 01006266 THINKING PHILOSOPHICALLY(LAW LIBRARY) Richard E Creel Blackwell Publishing 0631219358 342p Knowledge Centre
100GUT 01000086 Reading Philosophy:Selected Texts With a Method for Beginners (law Lib) Samuel Guttenplan Blackwell Publishing 0631234381 300p Knowledge Centre
100SOL 01000088 Introducing Philosopy (law Lib) Robert Solomon Oxford University Press 0195155106 723p Knowledge Centre
101 BAD 05006462 Second manifesto for philosophy / Badiou, Alain. Polity, 2011 9780745648613 (hbk) | 07456486 xxxiv, 164 p. ; Knowledge Centre
101 BAD 00126871 Philosophy and the Event Badiou,Alain Polity Press 2013 9780745653952 154p UG Library
101 CHA 00089472 Philosophical Enquiries Chatterjee, Margaret MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1988 8120803167 294p UG Library
101 COL 00073855 Philosophy and Post Structuralist Theory. Colebrook, Claire 2005 0748622276 265p UG Library
101 DEB 00070050 Consolations of Philosophy. De Botton, Alain 2000 0679442766 265p UG Library
101 DEL 00138708 What is Philosophy Deleuze,Gilles Verso 2015 9780860916864 253p UG Library
101 DER 00138710 Who's afraid of philosophy? : Derrida, Jacques. Stanford University Press, 2002 0804742944 (alk. paper) | 0804742952 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 208 p. ; UG Library
101 DOR 00072724 Interventions Dorairaj, A. Joseph Folk Resources and Research Centre 2006 8187905062 180 p. UG Library
101 EDE 00135872 The theory and practice of philosophy / Edel, Abraham, Transaction Publishers, 2009 9781412808224 (alk. paper) | 1412808227 (alk. paper) xxi, 475 p. ; UG Library
101 GAS 00133020 The traveler's guide to classical philosophy Gaskin, J. C. A. Thames & Hudson, 2011 9780500289341 (pbk.) | 0500289344 (pbk.) | 9780500515655 (hbk.) 176 p. UG Library
101 KAI 00118815 Love of Wisdom SDB Kaipan Joy kristu Jyoti Publication, 2014 9788187370826 4th ed. xiv, 315 p.: UG Library
101 KLE 00129673 Philosophy 101 Kleinman,Paul Adams Media 2013 9781440567674 288p UG Library
101 KLE 05058147 Philosophy 101 Kleinman,Paul Adams Media 2013 9781440567674 288p Knowledge Centre
101 MAC 00109838 The Tasks Of Philosophy Macintyre,Alasdair Cambridge University Press 2006 9780521670616 xiv; 230 p. UG Library
101 MAD 07014556 What do philosophers do? : Maddy, Penelope, Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190618698 (hardcover : alk. paper) xi, 248 pages ; Library - BR Campus
101 NAD 00129637 Advances in Experimental Philosophy And Philosophical Methodology Nado,Jennifer Bloomsbury 2016 9781350048577 179p UG Library
101 NOR 05062610 Taking Back Philosophy : Nordan, Van. Columbia University Press, 2017 9780231184373 xxvi,216p.; Knowledge Centre
101 OMU 00143077 The Time of Revolution: O'Murchadha, Felix Blommsbury 2022 9789389391145 246p UG Library
101 OSH 00080983 Sun Rises in the Evening Osho Westland Limited 2008 239p UG Library
101 PET 00126885 Being shephers in the techological world Peter,Jerin Kristu Jyoti Publications 2016 152p UG Library
101 RES 05034482 Philosophical Reasoning : Rescher, Nicholas Balckwell Publishing, 2001 282 p Knowledge Centre
101 ROY 00070016 Theory and Practice: a Collection of Essays. Roy, Krishna Allied 2003 8177644777 142p UG Library
101 RUS 00140788 A Brief Guide to Smart Thinking : Russell, James M. Robinson; 2020 9781472145529 274 p. ; UG Library
101 SEN 00122387 Knowledge truth and realism Sen,Kumar Pranab Indian Council of Philosophical Research 2007 167p UG Library
101 THO 00105176 Hermeneutics and the human sciences : Ricœur, Paul. Cambridge University Press ; | Editions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, 1981 0521234972 | 0521280028 (pbk. viii, 314 p. ; UG Library
101 VER 05034480 Between Philosophy and Poetry : Verdicchio, `Massimo Continuum, 2002 0826460062 222 p Knowledge Centre
101 VER 07007575 Between philosophy and poetry / Verdicchio, Massimo Continuum Publication, 2002 9780826460066 223p. Library - BR Campus
101.03CRA 01006186 Shorter Routledge Encyclpedia of Philosophy(law Lib) Edward Craig ROUTLEDGE 0415324955 1077p. Knowledge Centre
101.4 NAU 00145908 Philosophy and the language of the people : Nauta, Lodi, Cambridge University Press 2021 9781108845960 | 9781108994118 275pages UG Library
101.4 SOR 05045843 Talking Philosophy / Sorabji Richard Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199462889 xiv,140p.: Knowledge Centre
101MAC 01010270 Tasks of Philosphy: Selected Essays (law Lib) Alasdair Macintyre Cambridge University Press Moral relativism, truth, and j 230p Knowledge Centre
101MAC 01009722 Tasks of Philosphy: Selected Essays (law Lib) Alasdair Macintyre Cambridge University Press Moral relativism, truth, and j 230p Knowledge Centre
101MAC 01007059 Tasks of Philosphy: Selected Essays (law Lib) Alasdair Macintyre Cambridge University Press Moral relativism, truth, and j 230p Knowledge Centre
102 COH 00140528 Cracking Philosophy Cohen,Mathew Octopus Publishing 2016 9781844038060 399p UG Library
102 DAV 00012899 Search Formeaning in Life Readings on Philosophy Davidson, Robert F Holt Rinehart & Winston 1966 414 p UG Library
102 EWI 00014846 Fundamental Questions of Philosophy Ewing, A. C. Allied 1964 280 p. UG Library
102 EWI 00018026 Fundamental Questions of Philosophy Ewing, A C 1964 260 p UG Library
102 PHI 00079707 Philosophy and Science Fiction Philips,Michael Prometheus Books 1984 0713652483 | 9790879752483 392 p. UG Library
102 RAJ 03010715 Food For Thought / Rajaram, M. Rupa Publications, 2012 9788129119421 130 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
102 STE 00140013 Philosophy for Busy People: Stephen,Alain Michael O'Mara Books Limited 2019 9781789291605 192p UG Library
102 SWE 00129658 Philosophical Thinking and the Religious Context Sweetman,Brendan Bloomsbury 2015 9781501307683 208p UG Library
102 WEI 00140677 The Socrates express : in search of life lessons from dead philosophers / Weiner, Eric Avid Reader Press; 2020 9781982152093 330 p. ; UG Library
102.07 CAl 05058922 Plato and a platypus walk into a bar-- : Cathcart, Thomas, Penguin Books, 2008 9780143113874 215 p. : Knowledge Centre
102.07 CAl 00125783 Plato and a platypus walk into a bar-- : Cathcart, Thomas, Penguin Books, 2008 9780143113874 215 p. : UG Library
102.07 CAT 00112556 Plato and a platypus walk into a bar-- : Cathcart, Thomas, Penguin Books, 2008 9780143113874 215 p. : UG Library
102.42 ALL 00088024 Primary Reading in Philosophy for Understanding Theology Allen, Diogenes 1992 0664252087 308p UG Library
102.85 BYN 00110721 The digital phoenix : Blackwell Publishers, 1998 0631203524 (pbk.) 412 p. : UG Library
102.85 LAW 05067548 What Am I Doing With My Life? : Law, Stephen. Rider, 2019 9781846046186 xi, 259p.; Knowledge Centre
102NEW 00084305 Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy Newton, Issac 2004 0521538483 148p UG Library
103 AUD 00106134 The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy Audi, Robert Cambridge University Press 1999 9780521637220 | 0521637228 (Tr 2nd ed.,Revised xxxiv;1000 P. UG Library
103 AUD 05055530 Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy / Audii, Robert. 1999 0000521228 1001p.; Knowledge Centre
103 BHL.W 05001464 Fontana Biographical Companion of Modern Thought Bullock, Rlan Fontana, 1984 866 p.; Knowledge Centre
103 BLA 01014545 The Oxford dictionary of philosophy / Blackburn, Simon, Oxford University Press, 9780199541430 407 p. : Knowledge Centre
103 BLA 07005418 The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy / Blackburn, Simon Oxford University Press, Incorporated 1994 9780198735304 | 0198735308 (Tr 3rd ed. x,531p.; Library - BR Campus
103 BLA 05003802 The Oxford dictionary of philosophy / Blackburn, Simon, Oxford University Press, 9780199541430 407 p. : Knowledge Centre
103 BOR 00071504 Encyclopedia of Philosophy in a Set of 10 Vols: Borchert, M, Donald 2004 0028657829 1 UG Library
103 BOR 00071508 Encyclopedia of Philosophy in a Set of 10 Vols: Borchert, M, Donald 2004 0028657829 1 UG Library
103 BOR 00071507 Encyclopedia of Philosophy in a Set of 10 Vols: Borchert, M, Donald 2004 0028657829 1 UG Library
103 BOR 00071506 Encyclopedia of Philosophy in a Set of 10 Vols: Borchert, M, Donald 2004 0028657829 1 UG Library
103 BOR 00071505 Encyclopedia of Philosophy in a Set of 10 Vols: Borchert, M, Donald 2004 0028657829 1 UG Library
103 BOR 00071509 Encyclopedia of Philosophy in a Set of 10 Vols: Borchert, M, Donald 2004 0028657829 1 UG Library
103 BOR 00071513 Encyclopedia of Philosophy in a Set of 10 Vols: Borchert, M, Donald 2004 0028657829 1 UG Library
103 BOR 00071512 Encyclopedia of Philosophy in a Set of 10 Vols: Borchert, M, Donald 2004 0028657829 1 UG Library
103 BOR 00071511 Encyclopedia of Philosophy in a Set of 10 Vols: Borchert, M, Donald 2004 0028657829 1 UG Library
103 BOR 00071510 Encyclopedia of Philosophy in a Set of 10 Vols: Borchert, M, Donald 2004 0028657829 1 UG Library
103 BRO 00115812 Illustrated Dictionary of Philosophy Brown,Sable Lotus 2004 8189093525 | 9788189093525 180 UG Library
103 COH 05034483 The Essentials of Philosophy & Ethics / Cohen, Martin Hodder Head line Group, 2006 0340900288 310 p Knowledge Centre
103 COH 05011587 The essentials of-- philosophy & ethics / Cohen, Martin, Hodder Arnold ; | Distributed in the U.S. of America by Oxford University Press, 2006 9780340900284 xv, 310 p. : Knowledge Centre
103 CRA 00070131 Shorter Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Craig, Edward 2000 0415324955 1071p UG Library
103 DUP 04008683 50 big ideas : Dupre, Ben Quercus 2009 9781847249869 208p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
103 EDM 00130256 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130257 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130258 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130259 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130260 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130261 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130262 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130263 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130264 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130265 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130266 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130267 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130268 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130269 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130270 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130271 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130272 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130273 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130274 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130275 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130276 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130277 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130278 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130279 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130280 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130281 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130282 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130283 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130284 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 EDM 00130285 International Encyclopaedia of Great Philosophers Edman,Irwin Cosmo Publications 2010 9788130713335 392p UG Library
103 FER 00130210 Encyclopaedia of History of Philosophical Systems Ferm,Vergilius Impact Global Publishinh Inc 2013 9781619520110 307p UG Library
103 FER 00130211 Encyclopaedia of History of Philosophical Systems Ferm,Vergilius Impact Global Publishinh Inc 2013 9781619520110 307p UG Library
103 FER 00130212 Encyclopaedia of History of Philosophical Systems Ferm,Vergilius Impact Global Publishinh Inc 2013 9781619520110 307p UG Library
103 FER 00130213 Encyclopaedia of History of Philosophical Systems Ferm,Vergilius Impact Global Publishinh Inc 2013 9781619520110 307p UG Library
103 FER 00130214 Encyclopaedia of History of Philosophical Systems Ferm,Vergilius Impact Global Publishinh Inc 2013 9781619520110 307p UG Library
103 FER 00130215 Encyclopaedia of History of Philosophical Systems Ferm,Vergilius Impact Global Publishinh Inc 2013 9781619520110 307p UG Library
103 FER 00130216 Encyclopaedia of History of Philosophical Systems Ferm,Vergilius Impact Global Publishinh Inc 2013 9781619520110 307p UG Library
103 FER 00130217 Encyclopaedia of History of Philosophical Systems Ferm,Vergilius Impact Global Publishinh Inc 2013 9781619520110 307p UG Library
103 FER 00130218 Encyclopaedia of History of Philosophical Systems Ferm,Vergilius Impact Global Publishinh Inc 2013 9781619520110 307p UG Library
103 FER 00130219 Encyclopaedia of History of Philosophical Systems Ferm,Vergilius Impact Global Publishinh Inc 2013 9781619520110 307p UG Library
103 HAYS 05001459 Students`s Dictionary of Psychology [m Sc Psychology] Hayes, Nicky 0340873035 319 Knowledge Centre
103 HON 00072011 Oxford Companion to Philosophy: Honderich, Ted 2000 0199264791 1054p UG Library
103 IAN 05040732 Dictionary of World Philosophy / Iannone Pablo.A Routledge, 2013 9780415862608 xviii,554p.: Knowledge Centre
103 KUM 00139996 Encyclopaedia of Philosophy Kumar,Raj Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd 2011 9788131103548 10 Vols UG Library
103 KUM 00139997 Encyclopaedia of Philosophy Kumar,Raj Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd 2011 9788131103548 10 Vols UG Library
103 KUM 00139998 Encyclopaedia of Philosophy Kumar,Raj Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd 2011 9788131103548 10 Vols UG Library
103 KUM 00139999 Encyclopaedia of Philosophy Kumar,Raj Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd 2011 9788131103548 10 Vols UG Library
103 KUM 00140000 Encyclopaedia of Philosophy Kumar,Raj Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd 2011 9788131103548 10 Vols UG Library
103 KUM 00140001 Encyclopaedia of Philosophy Kumar,Raj Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd 2011 9788131103548 10 Vols UG Library
103 KUM 00140002 Encyclopaedia of Philosophy Kumar,Raj Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd 2011 9788131103548 10 Vols UG Library
103 KUM 00140003 Encyclopaedia of Philosophy Kumar,Raj Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd 2011 9788131103548 10 Vols UG Library
103 KUM 00140004 Encyclopaedia of Philosophy Kumar,Raj Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd 2011 9788131103548 10 Vols UG Library
103 KUM 00140005 Encyclopaedia of Philosophy Kumar,Raj Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd 2011 9788131103548 10 Vols UG Library
103 MAT 00021580 Encyclopaedia of Reality Matson, Katinka Granada 1979 366 p UG Library
103 MAU 05003631 The Penguin dictionary of philosophy / Mautner, Thomas. Penguin Books, 1997 9780140512502 Rev. ed. xiii, 641 p. ; Knowledge Centre
103 MAU 01014937 The Penguin dictionary of philosophy / Mautner, Thomas. Penguin Books, 0140512500 xiii, 641 p. ; Knowledge Centre
103 MAU 05001818 The Penguin dictionary of philosophy / Mautner, Thomas. Penguin Books, 1997 0140512500 | 9780140512502 Rev. ed. xiii, 641 p. ; Knowledge Centre
103 MOS 00090711 A to Z of Philosophy Moseley, Alexander Continuum, 2008 9780826499486 261p UG Library
103 PUT 00106143 ACPI Encyclopedia of Philisiphy / Puthenpurackal,Johnson J. Asian Trading Corporation, 2010 9798170865741 2 v.; UG Library
103 PUT 00106144 ACPI Encyclopedia of Philisiphy / Puthenpurackal,Johnson J. Asian Trading Corporation, 2010 9798170865741 2 v.; UG Library
103 PUT 05074413 ACPI Encyclopedia of Philisiphy / Puthenpurackal,Johnson J. Asian Trading Corporation, 2010 9798170865741 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
103 PUT 05074414 ACPI Encyclopedia of Philisiphy / Puthenpurackal,Johnson J. Asian Trading Corporation, 2010 9798170865741 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
103 SUR 00129666 A practical Vedic dictionary / Surya Kanta. Oxford University Press, 1981 0195612981 : | 9780195612981 xvii, 750 p. ; UG Library
103.954 COW 05028219 Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies.Vol.5 [ug.Lib.General Reference Section] Coward, Harold MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 8120804260 609p Knowledge Centre
103.954 LAR 05028230 Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies.Vol.4 Larson MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2006 8120803116 674p Knowledge Centre
103.954 MAL 05028224 Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies.Vol.10 Malvania, Dalsukh MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2007 8120831691 828p Knowledge Centre
103.954 POT 05028229 Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies.Vol.3 Potter, Karl H MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1998 8120803108 635p Knowledge Centre
103.954 POT 05028220 Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies.Vol.6 [ug.Lib General Reference Section] Potter, Karl H MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 8120808940 672p Knowledge Centre
103.954 POT 05028221 Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies.Vol.7 [ug.Lib.General Reference Section] Potter, Karl H MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 8120808959 636p Knowledge Centre
103.954 POT 05028222 Encyclopeadia of Indian Philosophies. Potter, Karl H MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2002 0812081553 827p Knowledge Centre
103.954 POT 05028223 Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies.Vol.9 [ug.Lib.General Reference Section] Potter, Karl H MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 8120819683 762p Knowledge Centre
103.954 POT 05028225 Encyclopeadia of Indian Philosophies.Vol.11 Potter, Karl H MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2006 0812083061 825p Knowledge Centre
103.954 POT 00111189 Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies Volume 1 Bibliography Potter, Karl H MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1974 8120803086 898p.; UG Library
103.954 POT 05028226 Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies Volume 1 Bibliography Potter, Karl H MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1974 8120803086 898p.; Knowledge Centre
103.954 POT 05028227 Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies Volume 1 Bibliography Potter, Karl H MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1974 8120803086 898p.; Knowledge Centre
103.954 POT 05028228 Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies Volume II the Tradition of Nyaya Vaisesika Up to Gangesa [ug.Lib.General Reference Section] Potter, Harl H MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 8120803094 744p Knowledge Centre
105 USE 05038414 Appartenance et globalisation en Education : USEK Saint-Esprit de Kaslik, 2012 10157263 312p.: Knowledge Centre
105.15195 YAN 05051737 New developments in psychometrics : Springer, 2003 4431703438 (alk. paper) | 9784 xvi, 702 p. : Knowledge Centre
105.724 SAN 05034481 Experimental Design and Statistics for Psychology / Sani, Fabio Blackwell Publishing, 2006 1405100249 224 p Knowledge Centre
107 1241 TAY 00125581 100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers Taylor John L Bloomsbury, 2014 9781472909565 viii, 120 p.: UG Library
107 FER 00140584 Book Detail Page Discrimination as Perceived by International Students : A Phenomenological Exploration / Fernandes, Edison Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485438 xvi, 293 p. 24 cm UG Library
107 RAD 05034484 The Dhammapada : Radhakrishnan, S Oxford University Press, 1999 0195640802 194 p Knowledge Centre
107 THO 00064758 Teach Yourself Philosophy Thompson, Mel 2000 0340859695 214p UG Library
107.1 FIN 00125788 The philosophy skills book : Finn, Stephen J Continuum, 2012 9781441198747 (hardcover) | 14 vi, 225 p. ; UG Library
107.11 KEN 07006244 Teaching Philosophy Kenkmann, Andrea Continuum International Publishing Group 2009 9781847062444 21 Library - BR Campus
107.11 KEN 00090726 Teaching Philosophy Kenkmann, Andrea Continuum International Publishing Group 2009 9781847062444 21 UG Library
107.11 KEN 05039475 Teaching Philosophy Kenkmann, Andrea Continuum International Publishing Group 2009 9781847062444 21 Knowledge Centre
107.1141 DUR 07006255 Get set for philosophy / Burnham, Douglas. Edinburgh University Press, 2003 0748616578 viii, 223 p. ; Library - BR Campus
107.1241 TAY 05048520 100 Ideas For Secodary Teachers : Taylor, John L Bloomsburry, 2014 9781472909565 120 p. Knowledge Centre
107.24 PUT 00072198 Philosophical Methods Through the Prevalent to a Relevant Puthenpurackal, Johnson J Asian Trading Corporation 2004 8170863252 289 UG Library
108 STU 00020668 Elements of Philosophy Stumpf, Samuel E Mcgraw-Hill 1979 xi,505p. UG Library
108 TIT 00020656 Range of Philosophy Titus, Harold H East-West 1974 xi,386p. UG Library
108.082 PER 07012880 History of Women in Philosophy/ Perumalil,Augustine. Global Vision Publishing House, 2018 9789386603340 XIII,377 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
109 RAD 00005109 History of Philosophy Eastern & western Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1967 390 p. UG Library
109 ALA 00106509 Feminist reflections on the history of philosophy Alanen,Lilli. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004 1402024886 (alk. paper) | 9781 xvii, 252 p. ; UG Library
109 CHA 00131397 Comparative philosophy without borders Chakrabarti,Arindam Bloomsbury academic. 2017 9781350036659 viii,246p.; UG Library
109 CON 00146417 Doing philosophy comparatively / Connolly, Tim. Bloomsbury 2020 9781780938394 (pb) | 9781780936536 (hb) | 9789389351484 ix, 232 pages; UG Library
109 COP 00070118 History of Philosophy in a Set of 11 Volumes. Copleston, Frederick 2003 0826468950 1 UG Library
109 COP 00070119 History of Philosophy in a Set of 11 Volumes. Copleston, Frederick 2003 0826468950 1 UG Library
109 COP 00070121 History of Philosophy in a Set of 11 Volumes. Copleston, Frederick 2003 0826468950 1 UG Library
109 COP 00070120 History of Philosophy in a Set of 11 Volumes. Copleston, Frederick 2003 0826468950 1 UG Library
109 COP 00070122 History of Philosophy in a Set of 11 Volumes. Copleston, Frederick 2003 0826468950 1 UG Library
109 COP 00070128 History of Philosophy in a Set of 11 Volumes. Copleston, Frederick 2003 0826468950 1 UG Library
109 COP 00070127 History of Philosophy in a Set of 11 Volumes. Copleston, Frederick 2003 0826468950 1 UG Library
109 COP 00070126 History of Philosophy in a Set of 11 Volumes. Copleston, Frederick 2003 0826468950 1 UG Library
109 COP 00070125 History of Philosophy in a Set of 11 Volumes. Copleston, Frederick 2003 0826468950 1 UG Library
109 COP 00070124 History of Philosophy in a Set of 11 Volumes. Copleston, Frederick 2003 0826468950 1 UG Library
109 COP 00070123 History of Philosophy in a Set of 11 Volumes. Copleston, Frederick 2003 0826468950 1 UG Library
109 DEL 00070132 Story of Philosophy from Antiquity to the Present. Delius, Christoph Konemann 2000 3829020376 120p UG Library
109 DUR 00144051 The story of philosophy; Durant, Will, Simon and Schuster, 1961 9780671739164 xxx,704p.; UG Library
109 DUR 05047558 The story of philosophy; Durant, Will, Simon and Schuster, 1961 9780671739164 xxx,704p.; Knowledge Centre
109 DUR 00005106 Story of Philosophy Durant, Will WSP 1966 544 p UG Library
109 DUR 00018183 Story of Philosophy Durant, Will WSP 1966 544 p UG Library
109 DUR 10001045 The Story of Philosophy : Durant, Will, Simon and Schuster, 1961 xxx,543p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
109 DUR 00016470 Story of Philosophy Durant, Will Simon & Schuster 1961 xvi,412p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
109 DUR 00020649 Story of Philosophy Durand, Will Simon & Schuster 412p. UG Library
109 DUR 00089345 Story of Philosophy Durand, Will Simon & Schuster 412p. UG Library
109 DUR 07005340 Story of Philosophy Durant, Will WSP 1966 544 p Library - BR Campus
109 FLA 00129639 Berkeley Flage,Daniel E Polity Press 2014 9780745656342 202p UG Library
109 FRI 00129647 Hegel Fritzman,J M Polity 2014 9780745647258 185p UG Library
109 FUL 00019558 History of Philosophy Fuller, B A G Oxford 1976 ix,567p. UG Library
109 FUL 05034469 A History of Philosophy Fuller, B. A. G. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., 1969 3rd Ed. 618 p. Knowledge Centre
109 FUL 00006211 A History of Philosophy Fuller, B. A. G. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., 1969 3rd Ed. 618 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
109 FUL 00005889 A History of Philosophy Fuller, B. A. G. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., 1969 3rd Ed. 618 p. UG Library
109 GAA 00078611 Sophie's World Gaarder, Jostein A Dolphin Paper Back 2003 1858815304 | 9781858815305 482 p. UG Library
109 GAR 05008510 The Oxford handbook of world philosophy / Garfield, Jay L Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195328998 (alk. paper) xxi, 633 p. ; Knowledge Centre
109 GAR 00107921 The Oxford handbook of world philosophy / Garfield, Jay L Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195328998 (alk. paper) xxi, 633 p. ; UG Library
109 GRA 07013858 The history of philosophy / Grayling, A C. Penguin Publication, 2019 9780241304556 xv,611p.; Library - BR Campus
109 HAR 00070117 One Thousand Years of Philosophy. Harre, Rom 2001 0631219013 361p UG Library
109 HEG 05001462 Lectures on the history of philosophy, 1825-6 / Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199568932 (v. 1 : hbk.) | Rev. ed. 323 p. Knowledge Centre
109 HEG 05001463 Lectures on the history of philosophy, 1825-6 / Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199568932 (v. 1 : hbk.) | Rev. ed. 323 p. Knowledge Centre
109 HEG 01017063 Lectures on the history of philosophy, 1825-6 / Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199568932 (v. 1 : hbk.) | Rev. ed. 323 p. Knowledge Centre
109 JOH 05041526 A Brief History of Philosophy From Socrates to Derrida / Johnston Derek Bloomsbury, 2014 9789384052867 211p.: Knowledge Centre
109 LAV 10002010 From socrates to sartre : Lavine, T. Z. Bantam Books, 1984 9780553251616 xviii, 426 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
109 LAV 10002011 From socrates to sartre : Lavine, T. Z. Bantam Books, 1984 9780553251616 xviii, 426 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
109 LAV 10002012 From socrates to sartre : Lavine, T. Z. Bantam Books, 1984 9780553251616 xviii, 426 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
109 LAV 10002013 From socrates to sartre : Lavine, T. Z. Bantam Books, 1984 9780553251616 xviii, 426 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
109 LAV 00068770 From Socrates to Sartre Lavine, T. Z. Bantam Books 1984 0553553259 | 076783007994 423 p. UG Library
109 LEC 00068368 Fifty Great Contemporary Thinkers Lechte, John 2004 0415077088 250p UG Library
109 LEC 05034449 Fifty Great Contemporary Thinkers : Lechte, John Routledge, 2004 0415074088 252 p Knowledge Centre
109 MAS 00008560 Critical History of Modern Philisophy. Masih, Y 1978 260 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
109 PAN 00068330 Form in Forms Panthanmackel, George Pantha Asian Trading Corporation 2002 8170862841 69p UG Library
109 RAD 00005110 History of Philosophy Eastern & western Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1967 390 p. UG Library
109 RAG 00138630 Calibrating Western Philosophy for India Raghuramaraju,A Routledge 2019 9780367360887 102p UG Library
109 RAP 00071982 Great Philosophers. Monk, Ray 2001 0753811367 570 UG Library
109 ROM 05034473 One Thousand Years of Philosophy : Harre, Rom Black Well, 2000 362 p Knowledge Centre
109 ROO 00127536 The Story of Philosophy Rooney,Anne Arcturus 2013 9781782122814 208p UG Library
109 ROS 00139882 The Philosopher's Handbook; Rosen Stanley Random House 2000 9780375720116 628p UG Library
109 ROS 00093240 The Philosopher's Handbook; Rosen Stanley Random House 2000 9780375720116 628p UG Library
109 ROS 03006694 The Philosopher's Handbook; Rosen Stanley Random House 2000 9780375720116 628p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
109 RUS 07008585 History of western philosophy / Russell, Bertrand Routledge, 2004 9781138694750 1st pbk. ed. xi,778 p. ; Library - BR Campus
109 RUS 10003203 History of western philosophy / Russell, Bertrand Routledge, 2004 9781138694750 1st pbk. ed. xi,778 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
109 SCH 05062398 A History Of Philosophy / Schwegler, Albert Dr. Vandana Publications, 2018 9789383386598 384p.; Knowledge Centre
109 SOL 00068397 Passion for Wisdom (a Brief Hisory of Philosophy) Solmon, Robert C 1997 137p UG Library
109 THI 05067263 A History Of Philosophy / Thilly, Frank. Central Publishing House, 2016 xiii, 453p.; Knowledge Centre
109.02 KUL 00106233 Encyclopaedia of World Great Philosophers Kulkarni,Jagmohan. Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 2011 9788131103036 264 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
109.02 KUL 00106234 Encyclopaedia of World Great Philosophers Kulkarni,Jagmohan. Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 2011 9788131103036 264 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
109.02 KUL 00106235 Encyclopaedia of World Great Philosophers Kulkarni,Jagmohan. Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 2011 9788131103036 264 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
109.02 KUL 00106236 Encyclopaedia of World Great Philosophers Kulkarni,Jagmohan. Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 2011 9788131103036 264 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
109.02 KUL 00106237 Encyclopaedia of World Great Philosophers Kulkarni,Jagmohan. Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 2011 9788131103036 264 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
109.02 KUL 00106238 Encyclopaedia of World Great Philosophers Kulkarni,Jagmohan. Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 2011 9788131103036 264 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
109.02 KUL 00106239 Encyclopaedia of World Great Philosophers Kulkarni,Jagmohan. Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 2011 9788131103036 264 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
109.02 KUL 00106240 Encyclopaedia of World Great Philosophers Kulkarni,Jagmohan. Commonwealth Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 2011 9788131103036 264 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
109.2 ARR 05034538 The World's Great Philosophers / Arrington, L Robert Blackwell, 2002 0631231463 360 p Knowledge Centre
109.2 DUI 00101075 The 100 most influential philosophers of all time / Duignan, Brian. Britannica Educational Pub. in association with Rosen Educational Services, 9781615300099 (library binding 367 p. : UG Library
109.2 DUR 05046552 The story of Philosophy / Durant,Will. Blind Persons' Association, 2014 11 Volumes Knowledge Centre
109.2 DUR 05046553 The story of Philosophy / Durant,Will. Blind Persons' Association, 2014 11 Volumes Knowledge Centre
109.2 DUR 05046554 The story of Philosophy / Durant,Will. Blind Persons' Association, 2014 11 Volumes Knowledge Centre
109.2 DUR 05046555 The story of Philosophy / Durant,Will. Blind Persons' Association, 2014 11 Volumes Knowledge Centre
109.2 DUR 05046556 The story of Philosophy / Durant,Will. Blind Persons' Association, 2014 11 Volumes Knowledge Centre
109.2 DUR 05046557 The story of Philosophy / Durant,Will. Blind Persons' Association, 2014 11 Volumes Knowledge Centre
109.2 DUR 05046558 The story of Philosophy / Durant,Will. Blind Persons' Association, 2014 11 Volumes Knowledge Centre
109.2 DUR 05046559 The story of Philosophy / Durant,Will. Blind Persons' Association, 2014 11 Volumes Knowledge Centre
109.2 DUR 05046560 The story of Philosophy / Durant,Will. Blind Persons' Association, 2014 11 Volumes Knowledge Centre
109.2 DUR 05046550 The story of Philosophy / Durant,Will. Blind Persons' Association, 2014 11 Volumes Knowledge Centre
109.2 DUR 05046551 The story of Philosophy / Durant,Will. Blind Persons' Association, 2014 11 Volumes Knowledge Centre
109.2 EDM 00102799 Philosophy Bites Edmonds, David, Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199576326 (hbk.) | 0199576 xxiv, 244 p. ; UG Library
109.2 EDM 00110067 Philosophy Bites Edmonds, David, Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199576326 (hbk.) | 0199576 xxiv, 244 p. ; UG Library
109.2 EDM 00110808 Philosophy Bites Edmonds, David, Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199576326 (hbk.) | 0199576 xxiv, 244 p. ; UG Library
109.2 HET 00135873 What makes a philosopher great? : Hetherington Routledge 2018 9781138936157 (hbk) | 9781138936164 (pbk) x, 272 pages ; UG Library
109.2 MAG 05005581 The Story of Philosophy / Magee, Bryan A Dorling Kindersley book, 1998 9781405353335 240 p. : Knowledge Centre
109.2 MAH 00133553 World great philosophers Mahto,Mahendra ABD publishers, 2019 9788183766500 ix,307p.; UG Library
109.2 PIR 05041929 101 Great Philosophers : Pirie Madsen Bloomsbury, 2014 9789384052904 x,204p.: Knowledge Centre
109.2 STO 05067369 Philosophy : Stokes,Philip. Arcturus, 2011 9781848378506 256p.; Knowledge Centre
109.2COO 01000083 World Philosopers (law Lib) David Cooper Blackwell Publishing 0631232613 571p Knowledge Centre
109.54MUC 00068333 Six Systems of Indian Philosophy Max Muller, Friedrich Chronical Book 8180280101 294p UG Library
109WIL 01009580 Simply Philosophy (law Lib) Brendan Wilson Edinburgh University 9780748615681 224 Knowledge Centre
11 SHA 00015776 National Biographical Dictionary of India Sharma, Sterling 1972 302 p UG Library
11.4KAA 01005212 Rajiv Gandhi Assassination:The Investigation (law Lib) D R Kaarthikeyan New Dawn Press Group 6. Running, but Going Nowhere 260p Knowledge Centre
110 KRI 00102515 Truth And Actuality / Krishnamurti .j. Krishnamurthi Foundation India Pub , 8187326182 171 p. UG Library
110 MAR 05034541 Aristotle Metaphysics : Aristotle. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2006 0198751079 (hbk.) | 0198751087 xlii, 289 p. : Knowledge Centre
110 ARI 00110503 The metaphysics Aristotle. Dover Publications Inc 2007 9780486440873 | 0486440877 Dover ed. 346 p. ; UG Library
110 ARI 00104106 Metaphysics : Aristotle Clarendon Press Oxford ; 2003 9780198240877 2nd Edition 254 p. UG Library
110 ASH 05034537 Negative Dialectics / Ashton, E B Routledge, 1996 0415052211 416 p Knowledge Centre
110 BAD 00099089 Philosophy in the present / Badiou, Alain. Polity, 9780745640969 (hbk.) | 0745640 xii, 104 p. ; UG Library
110 BAD 01012399 Philosophy in the Present / Badiou, Alain. Polity, 9780745640969 (hbk.) | 0745640 xii, 104 p. ; Knowledge Centre
110 BEN 05057123 Oxford studies in metaphysics / Oxford University Press, 2017 978/0198791980 x,319p. : Knowledge Centre
110 CAR 00107841 An introduction to Metaphysics / Carroll, John W. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521826297 (hardback) | 052 ix, 267 p. ; UG Library
110 CAR 05034548 An introduction to Metaphysics / Carroll, John W. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521826297 (hardback) | 052 ix, 267 p. ; Knowledge Centre
110 CHA 00011317 Let Me Explain Chardin, Teilhard De Collins 1970 190 p UG Library
110 CHA 00003660 Phenomenon of Man Charduri, Sevasadan 1959 337 p UG Library
110 CHA 00103651 The Metaphysics of text: Chaudhuri Sukanta Cambridge university press; 2010 9781107400337 225 p. UG Library
110 CHA 04012155 The Metaphysics of text: Chaudhuri Sukanta Cambridge university press; 2010 9781107400337 225 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
110 CHE 00002087 Cnciousness and Reality Chethimattom, John B 1967 1 UG Library
110 CHE 00002162 Consciousness and Reality Chethimattam, B Dharmaram 1965 260 p UG Library
110 CON 00071531 Riddles of Existence: A Guided Tour of Metaphysics: Conee, Earl 2005 0199282269 210p UG Library
110 CRU 05001533 Aristotle-- Metaphysics beta : Crubellier, Michel, Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199546770 (hard : alk. pap 296 p. ; Knowledge Centre
110 DEV 01017069 Putting metaphysics first : Devitt, Michael, Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199576975 (pbk. : alk. pap x, 346 p. ; Knowledge Centre
110 FLE 00018272 God and Philosophy Flew, Antony Huchinson 1968 208p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
110 FRO 00108125 Basic teachings of the great philosophers Frost, S. E., Ancher Books 1942 9780385030076 New and enl. ed. xii; 301 p. ; UG Library
110 GAR 00131320 What is this thing called metaphysics? / Garrett, Brian, Routledge, 2017 9781138832244 (hbk) | 9781138832251 (pbk) | 9781315736105 (ebk) Third edition. xiv, 159 pages ; UG Library
110 GOP 00115232 Janana Maranagalache Gopinath Brilliant 2003 55p UG Library
110 HAL 05069490 Aristotle's Metaphysics : Halper, Edward C. Bloomsbury Academic, 2012 9789386950765 xii, 144p. ; Knowledge Centre
110 HAW 05034535 Metaphysical Essays : Hawthorne, John Oxford Univesity Press, 2008 0199291241 299 p Knowledge Centre
110 HEI 00110538 Introduction to metaphysics Heidegger, Martin. Yale University Press, 2000 0300083270 (hardcover : alk. p xxx, 255 p. ; UG Library
110 HON 00109667 Reification: A New Look At an Old Idea Honneth Axel Oxford University Press 2008 9780199898053 xii; 168 p. UG Library
110 KAI 00109832 Relationalism Kaipayil Joseph JIP Publications 2009 8187664061 84 p. UG Library
110 KAI 00112086 Relationalism Kaipayil Joseph JIP Publications 2009 8187664061 84 p. UG Library
110 KAN 00107482 The Philosopher of Meta-Reason Kannany Thomas Intercultural Publications 2003 8185574545 xix; 528 P. UG Library
110 KAN 00104687 Prolegomena to any future metaphysics that will be able to present itself as a science : Kant, Immanuel, Oxford University Press, 2004 9780198751519 ix, 250 p ; UG Library
110 KIR 05011515 Metaphysics : Aristotle. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 1993 0198240864 : | 0198240872 (pbk 2nd ed. vi, 254 p. : Knowledge Centre
110 KRI 05034542 Truth and Actuality / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 2003 8187326182 171 p Knowledge Centre
110 LAW 00103146 Closure : Lawson, Hilary. Routledge, 0415011388 | 0415136504 (pbk.) xlviii, 372 p. ; UG Library
110 LEP 05034540 Being : Le poidevin Robin Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521735445 (pbk.) | 0521735 viii, 212 p. ; Knowledge Centre
110 LOU 05034536 Metaphysics : Loux, Michael J Routledge, 2002 309 p Knowledge Centre
110 LOU 00131311 Metaphysics : Loux, Michael J., Routledge, 2017 9781138639331 (hbk) | 9781138639348 (pbk) | 9781315637242 (ebk) Fourth edition. xii, 356 pages ; UG Library
110 MAC 05001458 Varieties of Things: Foundations of Contemporary Metaphysics Macdonald, Cynthia Blacker & Sons, 2005 9780631186953 278p.; Knowledge Centre
110 MAC 00073878 Immemorial Silence. Mackendrick, Karmen 2001 0791448789 170p UG Library
110 MAN 05044667 The Bloomsbury Companion to Metaphysics / Bloomsbury, 2015 9781472585851 384p.: Knowledge Centre
110 MAR 07006249 Aristotle Metaphysics : Aristotle. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2006 0198751079 (hbk.) | 0198751087 xlii, 289 p. : Library - BR Campus
110 MAR 01017076 The mind in nature / Martin, C. B. Clarendon Press, 2008 9780199234103 xvi, 224 p. ; Knowledge Centre
110 MIL 00064750 Philosophy of Language Miller, Alexander UCL Press 2000 1857284704 346p UG Library
110 MIL 00103924 Hegel's: Miller A.V Oxford university press; 1977 9780198245971 595 p. UG Library
110 MOL 05001532 Powers : Molnar, George, Oxford University Press, 019925978X xiv, 238 p. : Knowledge Centre
110 MUM 00110119 Metaphysics Mumford, Stephen. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199657124 1st ed. 113 p. : UG Library
110 MUM 05034539 Russell on Metaphysics / Mumford, Stephen Routledge, 2003 0415277450 256 p Knowledge Centre
110 NEE 00103613 Physics Without Metaphysics? Neelamkavil, Raphael Dharmaram Publications, 2006 9788186861890 382 p. UG Library
110 NEY 07010440 Metaphysics : Ney, Alyssa. Routledge, 2014 9780415640749 (hbk) | 97804156 xiv, 310 pages ; Library - BR Campus
110 NIC 00071520 Word Has Been Abroad: A Guide Through Balthasar`s Aesthetics: Nichols, Aidan 2000 0567085945 266p UG Library
110 NOR 00003696 Future of Man Norman Denny, Collins 1969 1 UG Library
110 OCL 05017347 Reification Oxford University Press; 2008 9780199898053 168p Knowledge Centre
110 OHE 00124929 Logic, thought and language O'Hear Anthony Cambridge University Press, 2002 0521529662 (pbk.) vii, 346 p. ; 23 cm. UG Library
110 PAL 00148212 Constructivism and the Metaphysics of Qualitative Research/ Paley, John Routledge, 2025 9781032307183 xv,301p. ; UG Library
110 PAN 00072214 Society in Being. Panthanmackel Msfs, George Asian Trading Corporation 2003 8170863031 216 UG Library
110 POI 05004810 The Routledge companion to metaphysics / Routledge, 2009 9780415396318 (hardback : alk. p. cm. Knowledge Centre
110 POL 05011538 A companion to Heidegger's Introduction to metaphysics / Polt, Richard Yale University Press, 2001 0300085230 (alk. paper) | 0300 xvii, 342 p. ; Knowledge Centre
110 REA 07009218 Metaphysics : Rea, Michael C. Routledge, 2014 9780415574419 (hardback : alk. xiii, 216 pages ; Library - BR Campus
110 RED 05034546 GOD and the Evolving Universe : Redfield, James Penguin Putnam Inc., 2000 1585422029 315 p Knowledge Centre
110 RED 03005965 God and the Evolving Universe : Redfield, James. Penguin, 2002 1585421375 | 9781858421374 321 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
110 RED 04008120 God and the Evolving Universe : Redfield, James. Penguin, 2002 1585421375 | 9781858421374 321 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
110 RIG 00144067 Logic, Everyday Discourse, and Metaphysics Rigamonti, Gianni Springer, 2021 9783030745974 xx,108p.; UG Library
110 ROS 00124903 Scientific metaphysics Ross,Don Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199696499 | 0199696497 243p UG Library
110 ROS 00138200 Experimental metaphysics / Rose, David Bloomsbury publishing Plc., 2017 vii, 242 pages ; UG Library
110 SMI 05034604 Matter matters : Smith, Kurt. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199583652 (hbk.) | 0199583 x, 299 p. : Knowledge Centre
110 SPR 01017200 The importance of subjectivity : Sprigge, Timothy L. S. Clarendon Press, 2011 9780199591541 | 0199591547 xi, 355 p. ; Knowledge Centre
110 STE 00144807 A Plea for Naturalistic Metaphysics : Steinvorth, Ulrich Palgrave macmillan, 2021 9783030726027 v,97p, ; UG Library
110 STU 01026068 Locke's metaphysics / Stuart, Matthew, Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198805595 xvii, 522 pages ; Knowledge Centre
110 TAH 00125890 An introduction to metametaphysics Tahko, Tuomas E., cambridge University Press 2015 9781107077294 (hb : alk. paper ix, 258 pages ; UG Library
110 TAL 00137260 Metaphysics : Tallant, Jonathan. Bloomsbury publishing Plc., 2017 9781441162397 | 1441162399 | 9781441104540 (pbk.) | 1441104542 (pbk.) | 9781350006706 2nd ed., 286p.; UG Library
110 TAL 00131367 Metaphysics : Tallant, Jonathan. Bloomsbury publishing Plc., 2017 9781441162397 | 1441162399 | 9781441104540 (pbk.) | 1441104542 (pbk.) | 9781350006706 2nd ed., 286p.; UG Library
110 UNG 05060733 Empty ideas : Unger, Peter K. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199330812 (hardback : alk. xiv, 258p.; Knowledge Centre
110 VAT 05058155 Of reality : Vattimo, Gianni, Columbia university press, 2016 9780231166966 (cloth : alk. pa x, 235 pages ; Knowledge Centre
110 WU 00147112 In Search of the Lost World : Wu, Tsaiyi Vernon Press, 2023 9781648896309 xxxiv,144p. ; UG Library
110 YAG 01017112 Worlds and individuals, possible and otherwise / Yagisawa, Takashi. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199576890 (hbk. alk. paper xii, 314 p. ; Knowledge Centre
110 YUT 00012458 The Importance of Living Yutang, Lin William 1949 viii,444p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
110 ZIM 05011511 Oxford studies in metaphysics. Zimmerman, Dean W Clarendon Press, 2006 x, 400 p. : Knowledge Centre
110 ZWI 00146499 Elements and Relations: Zwick, Martin Springer, 2023 9783030994020 xviii,702p. ; UG Library
110.82 BAT 00099084 The phenomenal woman : Battersby, Christine, Routledge, 0415920353 (cloth : alk. paper xii, 236 p. ; UG Library
110.954 LAL 05067138 India and civilizational futures : Oxford University Press, 2019 9780199499069 xiv,318p.; Knowledge Centre
111 BAD 00117454 Briefings on existence : Badiou, Alain. State University of New York Press, 2006 0791468038 (hardcover : alk. p xii, 190 p. ; UG Library
111 BAD 00119262 Being and event / Badiou, Alain. Bloomsbury, 2007 9781472511065 (pbk. : alk. pap xxxv,559p.; UG Library
111 BAD 05038756 Being and event / Badiou, Alain. Bloomsbury, 2007 9781472511065 (pbk. : alk. pap xxxv,559p.; Knowledge Centre
111 BOH 00104835 Unfolding Meaning/ Bohm,David Routledge 1985 9780415136389 xiii,177p UG Library
111 BOS 05034534 Confronting Reality : Ram Chandran, Larry Bossidy Random House, 2004 0001844192 264 p Knowledge Centre
111 DCR 00072096 1001 Fascinating Facts. D`Cruuz, Jubel Siga 2005 8171085482 156 UG Library
111 GHO 05066974 Tagore, Einstein And The Nature Of Reality : Routledge, 2019 9780367374945 ix, 241p.; Knowledge Centre
111 INW 00122260 Existence Inwagen, Peter Van Cambidge University Press, 2014 9781107625266 261 p:. UG Library
111 KAI 00112088 An Essay On Ontology Kaipayil Joseph Karunikan Books, 2008 9788190584401 vii, 97 p.: UG Library
111 KAI 00112064 Critical Ontology Kaipayil Joseph Jeevalya Institute of Philosophy, 2002 8187644029 x, 55 p.: UG Library
111 MCM 05056088 Heidegger, authenticity, and the self : Routledge, 2015 9780415672696 (hardback : alk. First edition. xii, 283 pages ; Knowledge Centre
111 MUL 00110941 The Routledge guidebook to Heidegger's Being and time / Mulhall, Stephen, Routledge, 2013 9780415664424 (hardback : alk. xiv, 220 p. ; UG Library
111 NOI 00134666 Becoming within Being Noica,Constatin Marquettee University Press 2009 0874627591 400p UG Library
111 PLU 00098868 Badiou : Pluth, Ed. Polity, 9780745642772 (hbk.) | 9780745 194 p. ; UG Library
111 RAE 05047955 The philosophy of being; Raeymaeker, Louis de. B. Herder Book Co. 1954 xii, 360 p. Knowledge Centre
111 SAR 05040555 Being and Nothongness : Sartre Jean-Paul 142.7 9780415278485 xxi,659p.: Knowledge Centre
111 SAR 05004749 Being and nothingness : Sartre, Jean-Paul, Philosophical Library, 1956 638 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111 WRA 07010272 The Cambridge companion to Heidegger's Being and time / Cambridge University Press, 2013 9780521895958 (hardback) | 978 xx, 426 p. ; Library - BR Campus
111 WRI 00117441 The case for qualia / Wright,Edmond MIT Press, 2008 9780262232661 (hardcover : alk viii, 384 p. ; UG Library
111.092 HAT 05001472 Descartes on forms and mechanisms / Hattab, Helen. Cambridge University Press, 9780521518925 (hardback : alk. x, 236 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111.1 KOO 00107585 Human Dignity Koodapuzha Jose Oriental institute of Religious Studies India: 1998 261 p. UG Library
111.1 KOS 01017152 The structure of objects Koslicki, Kathrin. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199539895 288 p. : Knowledge Centre
111.1 OLS 00107939 An introduction to existentialism. Olson, Robert G. Dover Publications 1962 9780486200552 221 p. UG Library
111.1CHO 00076139 Life After Death: The Books of Answers [ Dharmaram Library] Chopra, Deepak Routledge 1846040574 281p UG Library
111.2 SIN 00080505 Life and Origin Of The Universe Singh, T.D. Bhaktivedanta Institute 2005 8190136933 | 9788190136938 89 p. UG Library
111.5 BUR 00107378 Sunya and nothingness in science, philosophy and religion Burde,Jayant. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited. 2009 9788120833432 | 8120833430 1st ed. xxii, 289 p. : UG Library
111.5 PAN 00121736 Philosophy of Scence and Religion Pandey, Vishwamitra Lobus Press 2012 9789382074588 262 p.: UG Library
111.6 MOO 04003194 Infinite Moore, A W Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 2001 0415252857 268 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
111.6 BAR 03010641 The Infinite Book : Barrow, John D. Vintage Books , 2005 9780099443728 328 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
111.6 HEL 04007882 Infinity : Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107003873 (hardback) | 1107003873 (hardback) xiii, 311 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
111.82 FOR 00143866 The Art of Identification : Forguson, Res. University press, 2021 9780271090573 253p,; UG Library
111.82 LAR 01024125 Theory of identities / Laruelle, François, Columbia university press, 2016 9780231168946 (cloth : alk. pa xxi, 270 pages ; Knowledge Centre
111.82 MAG 05044990 Politics of the one : Continuum, 2013 9781441112828 | 9781441187192 xxii, 256 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111.82 WAL 00123734 Identity Walke Giselle Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521897266 x, 217 p. : UG Library
111.84 DOU 00124621 Aquinas's disputed questions on evil : Dougherty M V Cambridge University Press 2016 9781107044340 (hb : alk. paper xii, 251 pages ; UG Library
111.84 EAG 07012630 On evil / Eagleton, Terry Seagull Publication, 2010 9788170463481 165p.; Library - BR Campus
111.84 MUR 00111975 The sovereignty of good / Murdoch, Iris. Routledge, 2001 041525552X | 0415253993 (pbk.) 105 p. ; UG Library
111.84 MUR 05004625 The sovereignty of good / Murdoch, Iris. Routledge, 2001 041525552X | 0415253993 (pbk.) 105 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111.85 BUR 01017004 Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beatiful / Burke, Edmund. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199537884 xxviii,173p.; Knowledge Centre
111.85 RAN 05055528 The future of the image / Rancière, Jacques. Verso, 9781844672974 [vii], 147 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111.85 ADO 00078461 Aesthetic Theory Adorno, Theodor W Continuum 2005 0826476910 472 p. UG Library
111.85 ADO 05040804 Aestheric Theory / Adorno Theodor.W Bloomsbury, 2013 9781780936598 xxi,489p.: Knowledge Centre
111.85 ADO 07005366 Aestheric Theory / Adorno Theodor.W Bloomsbury, 2013 9781780936598 xxi,489p.: Library - BR Campus
111.85 ADO 00078917 Aesthetic Theory Adorno, Theodor W Continuum 2005 0826476910 472 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
111.85 ARR 00112776 Beauty Ed By, Arrington Lauren Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107693432 xiv, 195 p.: UG Library
111.85 BAR 04015679 The artful universe expanded / Barrow, John D., Oxford University Press, 2005 019280569X (alk. paper) | 9780192805690 [New ed.]. xii, 321 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
111.85 BRE 00073886 Philosophies of Art and Beauty:Introducing Aesthetics. Bredin, Hugh 2000 0748611916 226p UG Library
111.85 BUD 00110025 Aesthetic Essays Budd, Malcolm, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199556175 (alk. paper) | 0 282 p. ; UG Library
111.85 BUD 07006258 Aesthetic Essays Budd, Malcolm, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199556175 (alk. paper) | 0 282 p. ; Library - BR Campus
111.85 BUR 00090300 Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beatiful / Burke, Edmund. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199537884 xxviii,173p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
111.85 BUR 00122873 A philosophical enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful / Burke, Edmund, Oxford University Press 2015 9780199668717 (pbk.) | 0199668 Second edition. xliv, 154 pages ; UG Library
111.85 BUR 00103321 A philosophical enquiry into the sublime and beautiful: Burke Routledge; 9780415453264 198 p. UG Library
111.85 BUR 00090218 Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beatiful Burke, Edmund Oxford 9780199537884 173p UG Library
111.85 CAH 00118782 Aesthetics : Cahn, Steven M. Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405154345 (hardcover : alk xx, 684 p. ; UG Library
111.85 CHA 05058119 The opulence of existence : Chakravarty, Prasanta, Three Essays, 2017 9789383968213 | 9383968214 First edition. x, 296 pages ; Knowledge Centre
111.85 COO 00010703 Tranformation of Nature in Art Coomaraswamy, Ananda K DOVER 1934 250 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
111.85 COS 00109936 The Sublime Costelloe, Timothy M., Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521194372 (hardback) | 978 xiii, 304 pages : UG Library
111.85 CRO 07014568 Critical Aesthetics and Postmodernism Crowther,Paul Oxford University Press 1993 9780198835714 214p Library - BR Campus
111.85 CRO 00138343 Critical Aesthetics and Postmodernism Crowther,Paul Oxford University Press 1993 9780198835714 214p UG Library
111.85 CUP 05056391 The aesthetics of emotion : Cupchik, Gerald C., Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107024458 (hardback) xxv,387p.: Knowledge Centre
111.85 CUP 07010266 The aesthetics of emotion : Cupchik, Gerald C., Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107024458 (hardback) xxv,387p.: Library - BR Campus
111.85 CUP 07009372 The aesthetics of emotion : Cupchik, Gerald C., Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107024458 (hardback) xxv,387p.: Library - BR Campus
111.85 DOR 07008063 The theory of the sublime from Longinus to Kant / Doran, Robert, Cambridg University Press, 2015 9781107101531 xiii,313p.: Library - BR Campus
111.85 FEA 00093258 Aesthetics / Oxford University Press, 0192892754 (pbk.) vii, 418 p. " UG Library
111.85 GAG 08001360 Aesthetics equals politics : MIT Press, 2019 9780262039437 (hardcover : alk. paper) viii, 317 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
111.85 GAG 00130245 Aesthetic theory : Gage,Mark Foster W. W. Norton & Co., 2011 9780393733495 (pbk.) 1st ed. 336 p.; UG Library
111.85 GAU 05055529 The routledge companion to Aesthetics / Gaut Berys Routledge; 2001 9780415327985 705 p.; Knowledge Centre
111.85 GAU 00103913 Art, emotion and ethics / Gaut, Berys Nigel. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199571529 (pbk.) Pbk. [ed.] viii, 269 p. : UG Library
111.85 GAU 01017127 Art, emotion and ethics Gaut, Berys Nigel. Oxford University Press, 2007 0199263213 (hbk. : alk. paper) 269 p. : Knowledge Centre
111.85 HAG 05006360 Art and ethical criticism / Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781444337877 | 1405134836 | 9 xii, 292 p. : Knowledge Centre
111.85 HAY 05040122 Bakhtin reframed : Haynes, Deborah J., 9781780765129 | 9780857724519 1 online resource (160 pages) : Knowledge Centre
111.85 HEN 07012386 Ugliness : Henderson, Gretchen E. Reaktion Books, 2015 9781780239316 240p. : Library - BR Campus
111.85 HEN 05064256 Ugliness : Henderson, Gretchen E. Reaktion Books, 2015 9781780239316 240p. : Knowledge Centre
111.85 HER 00104089 Aesthetics : Herwitz, Daniel Alan, Continuum, 2008 9780826489180 (HB) | 082648918 vi, 193 p. : UG Library
111.85 HOG 05059706 Beauty and sublimity : Hogan, Patrick Colm, Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107535497 ix, 286 pages ; Knowledge Centre
111.85 JOU 00117641 The new aestheticism / Manchester University Press, 2003 0719061385 (hc) | 0719061393 ( vi, 242 p. ; UG Library
111.85 KAU 05034477 Birth of Tragedy and the Case of Wagner / Kaufmann, Walter Vintage Books, 1967 0394703693 223 p Knowledge Centre
111.85 KEM 05034533 Kant's aesthetic theory : Kemal, Salim. St. Martin's Press, 1997 0312121644 (pbk.) 2nd ed. 197 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111.85 KIR 05034478 The aesthetic in Kant : Kirwan, James, Continuum, 2004 0826487785 vi, 200 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111.85 KOR 05001531 Aesthetic: The Big Questions [PHILOSOPHY SECTION] Korsmeyer, Carolyn Balck well Publishing, 1998 0631205942 366p.; Knowledge Centre
111.85 KRA 00103915 Artworld metaphysics / Kraut, Robert. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199587421 (pbk.) | 0199587 ix, 187 p. ; UG Library
111.85 LEE 00124954 The Beautiful; Lee, Vernon, University Press, 1913 9781107401662 viii, 158 p., UG Library
111.85 LYA 00064751 Aesthetics Lyas, Colin UCL Press 2003 1857285808 240p UG Library
111.85 MAG 10004540 Your brain on art : how the arts transform us / by Susan Magsamen and Ivy Ross. Magsamen, Susan [Author] and Ross, Ivy [Author] Canongate Books Ltd, 2023 9781805303305 1st Ed. xvii, 280 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
111.85 MIL 00146419 Eco-aesthetics: Miles, Malcolm, Bloomsbury 2020 9781472529404 (paperback) | 9781472529107 (hardback) | 9789389351491 xii, 241 pages. UG Library
111.85 NEI 05034543 Arguing about art : Neill Alex Routledge; 2008 9780415424516 485 p. Knowledge Centre
111.85 NEI 05001530 Arguing about art : Neill, Alex. Routledge, 0415237386 (alk. paper) | 0415 xiii, 479 p. : Knowledge Centre
111.85 NIE 05053275 The birth of tragedy / Nietzsche, Friedrich. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199540143 (pbk.) xliii, 173 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111.85 NIE 07011066 The birth of tragedy / Nietzsche, Friedrich. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199540143 (pbk.) xliii, 173 p. ; Library - BR Campus
111.85 PAR 05011543 Aesthetics and Nature Parsons, Glenn Continuum, 2008 9780826496768 164p Knowledge Centre
111.85 PAR 00090719 Aesthetics and Nature Parsons, Glenn Continuum, 2008 9780826496768 164p UG Library
111.85 RAN 05006466 The aesthetic unconscious / Rancière, Jacques. Polity, 2009 9780745646435 (hbk.) | 0745646 English ed. v, 95 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111.85 RAN 00093130 The future of the image / Rancière, Jacques. Verso, 9781844672974 [vii], 147 p. ; UG Library
111.85 RAN 07011060 The politics of aesthetics Ranciere, Jacques. Bloomsbury 2000 0826489540 (pbk.) | 9781780935 Pbk. ed. 121 p. ; Library - BR Campus
111.85 RAN 00110985 The politics of aesthetics Ranciere, Jacques. Bloomsbury 2000 0826489540 (pbk.) | 9781780935 Pbk. ed. 121 p. ; UG Library
111.85 SAI 07006241 everyday aesthetics Saito yuriko Oxford University Press 9780199278350 273p Library - BR Campus
111.85 SAI 00094007 everyday aesthetics Saito yuriko Oxford University Press 9780199278350 273p UG Library
111.85 SCH 05011542 Aesthetics and morality / Schellekens, Elisabeth. Continuum, 2007 9780826497628 (pbk.) vii, 162 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111.85 SCH 00107142 Aesthetics and morality Schellekens, Elisabeth. Continuum, 2007 0826485243 (pbk.) | 0826497624 vii, 162 p. ; UG Library
111.85 SCH 00126903 The aesthetic mind : Schellekens,Elisabeth Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199691517 (hbk) | 01996915 xiv, 455 p.; UG Library
111.85 SCR 05053266 Beauty : Scruton, Roger. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199229758 (pbk.) | 9780195 xvi, 186 p. : Knowledge Centre
111.85 SHA 07012153 The sublime / Shaw, Philip, Routledge 2017 9781138859630 (hardback) | 9781138859647 (pbk.) Second edition. xii, 237 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
111.85 SPI 05040762 An Aesthetic Education In The Era of Globalization / Spivak Gayatri Chakravorty Harvard University Press, 2012 9780674072381 xvi,607p.: Knowledge Centre
111.85 WIL 00144413 The Space that Separates : Wilson, Nick. Routledge, 2020 9780367784140 xii,245p, ; UG Library
111.8509 GUY 00123328 Values of beauty : Guyer, Paul, Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521844908 (alk. paper) | 9780 xxi, 359 p. ; UG Library
111.850903 EAG 00104488 The ideology of the aesthetic Eagleton, Terry, Blackwell, 1990 9780631163022 | 0631163026 (pb 426 p. ; UG Library
111.850903 GUY 05039498 A history of modern aesthetics / Guyer, Paul, Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107643222 (set) | 97811070 3 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
111.850903 GUY 05039499 A history of modern aesthetics / Guyer, Paul, Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107643222 (set) | 97811070 3 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
111.850903 GUY 05039500 A history of modern aesthetics / Guyer, Paul, Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107643222 (set) | 97811070 3 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
111.85092 KIR 01013811 The aesthetic in Kant : Kirwan, James, Continuum, 9780826487780 vi, 200 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111.85092 MER 07013601 : Open Books, 2012 9788932915517 | 8932915512 623 p. : Library - BR Campus
111.85092 TOW 05041050 Hume's aesthetic theory : Townsend, Dabney, Routledge, 2001 9780415868167 x, 258 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111.850922 ROS 00124639 The aesthetic ground of critical theory : Ross, Nathan Rowman & Littlefield 2015 9781783482924 (cloth : alk. pa 207p. UG Library
111.85092243 PIL 00110273 Sublime Understanding Pillow, Kirk. MIT Press, 2000 9780262661362 | 0262161923 (al viii, 377 p. ; UG Library
111.850924 KOC 05011525 Heidegger on art and art works / Kockelmans, Joseph J., M. Nijhoff Publishers ; | Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1985 902473102X xiv, 249 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111.850938 BYC 00099112 Greek and Roman aesthetics / Cambridge University Press, 9780521839280 (hbk.) | 0521839 xlii, 249 p. ; UG Library
111.850941 COS 00110868 The British aesthetic tradition Costelloe, Timothy M. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9780521518307 (hardback) | 978 x; 350 p. cm. UG Library
111.85095 CRO 00103883 The Kantian aesthetic : Crowther, Paul. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199579976 (hardback) 209 p. ; UG Library
111.85095 CRO 01017159 The Kantian aesthetic : Crowther, Paul. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199579976 (hardback) 209 p. ; Knowledge Centre
111.850952 KOR 08000321 Wabi-Sabi For Artists, Designers Poets and Philosophers / Koren, Leonard Imperfect Publishing, 2008 9780981484600 94p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
111.850954 CHA 00131306 The Bloomsbury research handbook of Indian aesthetics and the philosophy of art Chakrabarti, Arindam Bloomsbury opublishing Plc., 2018 9781350058026 x,428p.; UG Library
111.850954 POL 05058802 A rasa reader : Permanent Black, 2016 9788178245171 xxiv, 442 pages ; Knowledge Centre
111.85VAL 01009985 Art`s Claim to Truth (law Lib) Gianni Vattimo Columbia University Press 9780231138505 190 p Knowledge Centre
113 ARM 00125912 What is a law of nature? Armstrong, D. M. Cambridge University Press 2016 9781107142312 (hard back : alk Cambridge Philosophy Classics edition. 168p UG Library
113 BAN 05049018 Nature and experience : Rowman & Littlefield, 2016 9781783485208 (cloth : alk. pa xviii,224p.; Knowledge Centre
113 BIS 00138644 Philosophy of Cosmic Science: Biswas, Goutam, Global Vision Publishing House, 2019 9789386603531 xiv,255 p.; UG Library
113 BIS 00134144 Philosophy of Cosmic Science: Biswas, Goutam, Global Vision Publishing House, 2019 9789386603531 xiv,255 p.; UG Library
113 CHA 00011320 Human Energy. Chardin, Teilhard De Collins 1969 191p Yeshwanthpur Campus
113 DAS 08001361 Against nature / Daston, Lorraine, MIT Press, 2019 9780262537339 (pbk. : alk. paper) 78 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
113 FEY 00131828 Philosophy of Nature Feyerabend, Paul, Polity, 2016 9780745651590 | 0745651593 xxxii, 260 p.: UG Library
113 FEY 00124545 Philosophy of Nature Feyerabend, Paul, Polity, 2016 9780745651590 | 0745651593 xxxii, 260 p.: UG Library
113 FRE 00144867 Philosophy of science: French, Steven Bloomsbury, 2023 9789354359149 Second Edition 227p UG Library
113 HEG 00104114 Hegel's philosophy of nature : Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2004 0199272670 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxxi, 450 p. ; UG Library
113 KEE 05074002 Philosophical Physics / Keerthana, T S Notion Press, 2021 9781685230647 xix, 147p. ; Knowledge Centre
113 MAT 00135071 In Search of Cosmic Origins Mathew,Joseph ATC Publications 2014 9788170866930 321p UG Library
113 NAR 05034510 An Introduction to Cosmology Narlikar, Jayant Vishnu, Cambridge University Press, 2002 0521531411 | 9780521531412 | 8 3rd ed. xvii, 541 p. : Knowledge Centre
113 PLA 05034474 Timaeus and Critias / Plato Penguin Books, 1997 9780192807359 167 p Knowledge Centre
113 PLA 00090241 Timaeus and Critias / Plato Penguin Books, 1997 9780192807359 167 p UG Library
113 PLA 00090385 Timaeus and Critias / Plato Penguin Books, 1997 9780192807359 167 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
113 PLA 00090505 Timaeus and Critias / Plato Penguin Books, 1997 9780192807359 167 p UG Library
113 WEB 05072944 The world as idea : Webel, Charles. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 9781138013520 | 9781032115665 vi, 185p. ; Knowledge Centre
113.8 KRI 05053664 The flame of attention Krishnamurti, J. Krishnamurti foundation india , 1983 112p.; Knowledge Centre
113.8 YEO 05034447 If Tomorrow Never Comes / Yeo, Anthony Armour Publishing, 2000 9814045136 107 p Knowledge Centre
114 BAC 08000281 The poetics of space / Bachelard, Gaston, Beacon Press, 1994 9780807064733 xxxix, 241 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
114 TUC 01023684 Place in research : Tuck, Eve, Routledge, 2015 9780415626729 (hardback) | 041 xvii, 195 pages ; Knowledge Centre
115 BAR 00144860 An introduction to the philosophy of time / Baron, Sam, Polity Press, 2019 9781509524518 (hardback) | 9781509524525 (pbk.) vii, 239 pages : UG Library
115 CAL 05007376 The Oxford handbook of philosophy of time / Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199298204 | 0199298203 xiv, 689 p. : Knowledge Centre
115 DAI 00111732 Time and space Dainton, Barry, Acumen, 2010 2nd ed. xvi, 464 p. : UG Library
115 DYK 00124526 A companion to the philosophy of time Wiley-Blackwell, 2013 9781119145691 xvii, 577 p. : UG Library
115 FRA 05006483 The Inhuman : Francois Lyotard, Jean Polity Press, 1988 9780745612386 vi ; 216 p. Knowledge Centre
115 HAR 00129665 Time : Harrington, James Bloomsbury 2015 9781472506474 (pb) | 978147250 First edition. xv, 284 pages ; UG Library
115 HOF 03004609 Time / Hoffman, Eva. Profile Books, 2009 9781846680380 (pbk.) | 1846680 216 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
115 JOK 00092603 Time, Tense, and Reference. MIT Press, 2003 0262100983 (hc : alk. paper) | x, 470 p. : UG Library
115 POI 05001528 The images of time : Le Poidevin, Robin, Oxford University Press, 9780199265893 | 0199575517 (pb xiv, 193 p. ; Knowledge Centre
115 RAJ 05034511 The Eleven Pictures of Time : Raju, C K Sage Publications, 2002 0761996249 587 p Knowledge Centre
115 SKO 05060657 Objective becoming / Skow, Bradford, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198713272 (Hbk.) | 9780198 xi, 249 pages : Knowledge Centre
115 WYL 05072301 What is time : Wyller, Truls. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2020 9781789142365 152p. ; Knowledge Centre
115.092 WIL 05011560 Gilles Deleuze's philosophy of time Williams, James. Edinburgh University Press, 2011 9780748638536 | 0748638539 | 9 ix, 205 p. Knowledge Centre
115.0954 BAL 00090256 Study of Time in Indian Philosophy Balslev, Anindita Niyogi MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1999 9788120833746 200p Yeshwanthpur Campus
115.0954 BAL 00094739 Study of Time in Indian Philosophy Balslev, Anindita Niyogi MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1999 9788120833746 200p UG Library
115JOK 00126877 Time, Tense, and Reference. MIT Press, 2003 0262100983 (hc : alk. paper) | x, 470 p. : UG Library
116 COR 05007284 Emergence in science and philosophy / Corradini, Antonella Routledge, 2010 9780415802161 xiii, 314 p. : Knowledge Centre
117 GLE 07005674 Chaos: The Amazing Sciene of the Unpredictable: Gleick, James 1998 0749386061 350p Library - BR Campus
117 GLE 00076136 Chaos: The Amazing Sciene of the Unpredictable: Gleick, James 1998 0749386061 350p UG Library
117 PAR 00078503 Structuration Parker,John Viva Books Private Limited 2002 8176492760 | 9788176492768 143 p. UG Library
119 PIC 00089990 The Loom of God : Pickover, Clifford A. Sterling, 2008 9781402764004 287 p.: UG Library
119 PIC 03006152 The Loom of God : Pickover, Clifford A. Sterling, 2008 9781402764004 287 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
119.7 FRI 05034405 From Beirut to Jerusalem / Friedman, Thomas L Anchor Books, 1995 0385413726 588 p Knowledge Centre
119.95492 LAL 05056655 India and the Unthinkable : Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199466863 xlvii,228p.: Knowledge Centre
119.95492 LAL 07007192 India and the Unthinkable : Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199466863 xlvii,228p.: Library - BR Campus
120 LOC 00012857 An Essay Concerning Human Understanding Locke,John Meridian Books 1964 474 p. UG Library
120 PAR 05049254 PR AS Persons in Relation : Parackal,Joseph. Educreation Publishing, 2016 9781618135292 xii,195p.; Knowledge Centre
120 SMI 00016397 From Descartes to Kant Smith, T. V. The University Of Chicago Press 1954 878 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
120 SPO 01020643 The laws of belief : Spohn, Wolfgang, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198705857 (pbk.) | 0198705 Paperback edition 598 pages ; Knowledge Centre
120.03 NOR 05034512 The Hutchinson Dictionary of Ideas / Norton, Annie-Lucie Helicon Publishing, 1995 1859860508 583 p. Knowledge Centre
120.03 NOR 05001471 The Hutchinson Dictionary of Ideas / Norton, Annie-Lucie Helicon Publishing, 1995 1859860508 583 p. Knowledge Centre
121 BOE 00112997 Handbook of Philosophy Boersema, David. Viva Books 2012 9780816081592 (alk. paper) | 9 x, 300 p. : UG Library
121 RUS 03002397 Our Knowledge of the External World : Russell, Bertrand. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2010 9780415473477 210 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
121 ADA 00098879 The bounds of cognition / Adams, Frederick. Blackwell Pub., 9781444332704 xiii, 197 p. : UG Library
121 ALC 05034519 Theory of knowledge / Alchin Nicholas Hodder Murray. 2003 9780340914762 380 p. Knowledge Centre
121 ALC 05069977 Theory of knowledge /​ Alchin, Nicholas, Hodder Education, 2014 9781471804151 viii,472p.; Knowledge Centre
121 ALC 00125088 Theory of Knowledge Alchin Nicholas Nicholas Alchin & Company, 2014 9781471804151 3th ed, vii, 472 p.: UG Library
121 AUD 07009233 Rational belief : Audi, Robert, Oxford University, 2015 9780190221836 (pbk. : alk. pap x, 281 pages ; Library - BR Campus
121 AUD 05057059 Epistemology : Audi, Robert, Routledge, 2011 9781138283732 3rd ed. xix, 404 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 BEE 00129636 Advances in Experimental Epistemology Beebe, James R Bloomsbury 2015 9781474257053 210p UG Library
121 BEN 05034506 Keywords Truth : Benmakhaouf, Ali Sage Publications, 2004 8178294702 158 p Knowledge Centre
121 BEN 07009208 Kant's analytic / Bennett, Jonathan, Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107140547 (hardback : alk. Cambridge Philosophy Classics edition. XIII,245 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
121 BER 05034445 Reading Epistemology : Bernecker, Sven Blackwell Publishing, 2006 1405127643 198 p Knowledge Centre
121 BER 05041042 The Routledge Companion to Epistemology / Routledge, 2014 9780415722698 xxiii,911p.: Knowledge Centre
121 BER 05005075 The Routledge companion to epistemology / Routledge, 2011 9780415962193 (hardcover) | 97 xxiii, 911 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 BER 00115202 Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge Berkley, George Cosmo Publications 2000 8177554476 108p UG Library
121 BER 00140047 The Routledge companion to epistemology / Routledge, 2011 9780415962193 (hardcover) | 97 xxiii, 911 p. ; UG Library
121 BIS 00068439 Postmodern Controversy Biswas, Prasenjit Rawat Publications 2005 8170338611 190p UG Library
121 BOE 00112998 Handbook of Philosophy Boersema, David. Viva Books 2012 9780816081592 (alk. paper) | 9 x, 300 p. : UG Library
121 BOE 00112999 Handbook of Philosophy Boersema, David. Viva Books 2012 9780816081592 (alk. paper) | 9 x, 300 p. : UG Library
121 BOE 00113000 Handbook of Philosophy Boersema, David. Viva Books 2012 9780816081592 (alk. paper) | 9 x, 300 p. : UG Library
121 BOE 05037476 Handbook of Philosophy Knowledge,Logic,and Science / Boersema David Viva Books, 2014 9788130924540 xi,294p.: Knowledge Centre
121 BOE 05037477 Handbook of Philosophy Knowledge,Logic,and Science / Boersema David Viva Books, 2014 9788130924540 xi,294p.: Knowledge Centre
121 BOE 05037475 Handbook of Philosophy Knowledge,Logic,and Science / Boersema David Viva Books, 2014 9788130924540 xi,294p.: Knowledge Centre
121 BOE Handbook of Philosophy Boersema, David. Viva Books 2012 9780816081592 (alk. paper) | 9 x, 300 p. : Knowledge Centre
121 BOE 05037046 Handbook of Philosophy Knowledge,Logic,and Science / Boersema David Viva Books, 2014 9788130924540 xi,294p.: Knowledge Centre
121 BRI 05065165 An introduction to the theory of knowledge / O'Brien, Dan, Polity, 2017 9780745664316 (hardback) | 9780745664323 (pbk.) Second edition. xiii, 234 pages ; Knowledge Centre
121 BRI 05034455 Matters of Mind / O'Brien, Dan, Polity Press, 2006 074563317X (pbk.) | 9780745633 xii, 212 p. : Knowledge Centre
121 BUR 01013975 Kant's Critique of pure reason : Buroker, Jill Vance, Cambridge University Press, 052185315X (hardback) | 978052 ix, 326 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 CAS 00110921 The possibility of knowledge / Cassam, Quassim. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199208319 (hbk. : alk. pap x, 234 p. ; UG Library
121 DAR 00138021 Decolonizing Interpretive Research : Darder,Antonia. Routledge, 2019 9781138486614 xvii,135p.; UG Library
121 DEL 07006801 Kant`s Critical Philosophy the Doctrine of the Faculties Deleuze, Gilles Continuum, 2008 9780826432063 67p Library - BR Campus
121 DEL 07010173 Kant`s Critical Philosophy the Doctrine of the Faculties Deleuze, Gilles Continuum, 2008 9780826432063 67p Library - BR Campus
121 DEL 00090710 Kant`s Critical Philosophy the Doctrine of the Faculties Deleuze, Gilles Continuum, 2008 9780826432063 67p UG Library
121 DER 00119901 The case for contextualism / DeRose, Keith, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199564460 (v. 1 : hbk : al v. ;288p. UG Library
121 DWI 00135837 Epistemology and Linguistics Dwivedi,Prabha Shankar Motilal Banarsidass 2019 9788120841949 188p UG Library
121 FAI 07013643 Knowledge, dexterity, and attention : Fairweather, Abrol, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107089822 viii, 196p;. Library - BR Campus
121 FRA 00108167 Epistemology In Theory & Practice Francis,Joseph B. St.PetersPontifical Institute 2005 101 p. UG Library
121 FRA 00108168 Epistemology In Theory & Practice Francis,Joseph B. St.PetersPontifical Institute 2005 101 p. UG Library
121 GAD 07006385 Truth and method / Gadamer, Hans-Georg, Bloomsbury, 2004 9781780936246 (pbk.) | 9781780 First paperback edition / xxxvii,623p.: Library - BR Campus
121 GAD 05039478 Truth and method / Gadamer, Hans-Georg, Bloomsbury, 2004 9781780936246 (pbk.) | 9781780 First paperback edition / xxxvii,623p.: Knowledge Centre
121 GEN 05011509 Oxford studies in epistemology Gendler, Tamar Szabo. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2007 vi, 212 p. : Knowledge Centre
121 GLA 05067171 The Oxford handbook of truth / Oxford University Press, 2018 0199557926 | 9780199557929 First edition. xii, 808 pages : Knowledge Centre
121 GOR 07006252 Conversations on Truth Gordon, Mick Continuum International Publishing Group 2008 9781847064240 208p Library - BR Campus
121 GOR 00090713 Conversations on Truth Gordon, Mick Continuum International Publishing Group 2008 9781847064240 208p UG Library
121 GRE 00070045 Blackwell Guide to Epistemology. Greco, John 2004 0631202919 464p UG Library
121 GUL 05041054 Plato's theory of knowledge / Gulley, Norman. Routledge, 1962 9780415635875 viii, 203 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 GUY 01013808 The Cambridge companion to Kant's Critique of pure reason / Guyer,Paul. Cambridge University Press, 9780521883863 (hardback) | 052 xiv, 461 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 GUY 00108138 The Cambridge companion to Kant's Critique of pure reason Guyer Paul . Cambridge University Press, 9780521883863 (hardback) | 052 461 p UG Library
121 GUY 00084379 Kant Guyer, Paul 2006 0415283361 439p UG Library
121 GUY 00097926 The Cambridge companion to Kant's Critique of pure reason Guyer Paul . Cambridge University Press, 9780521883863 (hardback) | 052 461 p UG Library
121 HAD 01017070 Social epistemology / Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199577477 (hbk.) | 0199577 xviii, 350 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 HEI 00078492 The Essence of Truth Heidegger, Martin London 2005 0826477046 | 9780826477040 253 p. UG Library
121 HEI 05042098 The essence of truth : Heidegger, Martin, Bloomsbury, 2002 9781472525710 (pbk.) | 9781472 xvii,283p.; Knowledge Centre
121 HEI 07006407 The essence of truth : Heidegger, Martin, Bloomsbury, 2002 9781472525710 (pbk.) | 9781472 xvii,283p.; Library - BR Campus
121 HEN 01009683 Mainstream and formal epistemology / Hendricks, Vincent F. Cambridge University Press, 0521857899 (hardback) | 978052 xii, 188 p. : Knowledge Centre
121 HET 00092922 Epistemology futures / Oxford University Press, 0199273324 ( hdbk. : alk. pape 241 p. : UG Library
121 HIR 05007392 Durkheim, Bernard and epistemology / Hirst, Paul Q. Routledge, 2011 9780415563499 (hbk.) vi, 212 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 HOR 00103898 Truth-meaning-reality / Horwich, Paul. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199268917 (pbk.) | 0199268 vii, 341 p. ; UG Library
121 HUG 07009209 Kant's Critique of aesthetic judgement : Hughes, Fiona, Continuum, 2010 9780826497673 (hbk.) | 0826497 viii, 196 p. ; Library - BR Campus
121 HUM 07013096 An Enquiry Concerning Human Undrstanding / Hume David Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199549900 Lxv,238p.: Library - BR Campus
121 HUM 00090219 Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding Hume, David Oxford 9780199211586 238p UG Library
121 HUM 00090303 Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding Hume, David Oxford 9780199211586 238p UG Library
121 HUM 00090492 Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding Hume, David Oxford 9780199211586 238p UG Library
121 HUM 07011000 An Enquiry Concerning Human Undrstanding / Hume David Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199549900 Lxv,238p.: Library - BR Campus
121 HUN 05006582 A practical guide to critical thinking : Hunter, David A. John Wiley & Sons, 2009 9780470167571 (pbk.) | 0470167 xvii, 258 p. : Knowledge Centre
121 HUS 07014880 The DBS Handbook of Epistemology/ Husain,Tasadduq DBS Imprints, 2018 9789386648037 XIII,779 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
121 JHA 00137831 Indian Hermeneutics Jha,Ujjwala New Bharatiya Book Corporation 2013 8183151965 226p UG Library
121 KAN 01013995 Critique of pure reason / Kant, Immanuel, Cambridge University Press, 0521354021 (hardcover) | 97805 xi, 785 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 KAN 07013783 Critique of pure reason / Kant, Immanuel, Dover Publications, 2003 9780486432540 xix, 480 p. ; Library - BR Campus
121 KAN 00090308 Critique of Judgement Kant, Immanuel Oxford 9780199552467 405p UG Library
121 KAN 01013951 Critique of the power of judgment / Kant, Immanuel, Cambridge University Press, 0521344476 | 9780521348928 lii, 423 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 KOE 00133286 Scepticism, knowledge, and forms of reasoning / Koethe, John, Cornell University Press, 2005 0801444322 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9780801444326 (cloth : alk. paper) ix, 161 p. ; UG Library
121 KRI 05034508 On the Teachings / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 2002 8187326336 242 p Knowledge Centre
121 KRI 05034521 On Education / Rishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 1974 0818732600 157 p Knowledge Centre
121 LEM 05034520 An Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge/ Lemos, Noah Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521603096 232 p Knowledge Centre
121 LEM 00088993 An Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge/ Lemos, Noah Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521603096 232 p UG Library
121 LEM 00124927 An introduction to the theory of knowledge Lemos, Noah Marcelino, Cambridge University Press, 2007 0521842131 (hardback : alk. pa x, 232 p.; UG Library
121 LOC 01016971 An essay concerning Human Understanding Locke, John, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199296620 (pbk.) | 0199296 lvi, 520 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 LOC 00090220 An essay concerning Human Understanding Locke, John, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199296620 (pbk.) | 0199296 lvi, 520 p. ; UG Library
121 LOC 00090493 An essay concerning Human Understanding Locke, John, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199296620 (pbk.) | 0199296 lvi, 520 p. ; UG Library
121 LOW 00110940 The Routledge guidebook to Locke's Essay concerning human understanding / Lowe, E. J. Routledge, 2013 9780415664776 (hardback : alk. x, 207 p. ; UG Library
121 LYN 00103899 Truth as one and many / Lynch, Michael P. 2009 0199218730 | 9780199218738 x, 205 p. ; UG Library
121 MOH 05045629 Lectures on Kant's critique of pure reason / Mohanty, J. N. Munshiram Manoharlal, 2014 9788121512770 | 8121512778 261 pages ; Knowledge Centre
121 MOH 00137835 Lectures on Kant's critique of pure reason / Mohanty, J. N. Munshiram Manoharlal, 2014 9788121512770 | 8121512778 261 pages ; UG Library
121 MOS 00142217 The Oxford handbook of epistemology / Moser,Paul K Oxford University Press, 2002 0195130057 (alk. paper) | 9780195301700 x, 595 p. ; UG Library
121 NAG 05047282 Knowledge : Nagel, Jennifer. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199661268 (pbk.) 133p.: Knowledge Centre
121 NET 05005252 Arguing about knowledge / Routledge, 2009 9780415448383 (hardback : alk. xii, 583 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 NEW 01009691 The Cambridge companion to Locke's "Essay concerning human understanding" Cambridge University Press, 0521834333 (hardback) | 978052 486p.; Knowledge Centre
121 NEW 05034479 Cambridge Companion to Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding / Newman, Lex Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521542258 486 p Knowledge Centre
121 NEW1 05001470 Cambridge Companion to Locke`s Essay Concerning Human Understanding Newman, Lex Cambridge university press, 2007 9780521542258 486 p.; Knowledge Centre
121 NOR 05034446 Truth Matters : Norris, Christopher Edinburgh University Press, 2005 0748615989 228 p Knowledge Centre
121 OBR 05034435 An Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge / Brien, Dano Polity Press, 2006 0074563317 212 p. Knowledge Centre
121 OSH 07013646 Kant's Critique of pure reason : O'Shea, James R., Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107074811 xii, 297p;. Library - BR Campus
121 PAN 00119488 An Indian Ending : Rediscovering the Grandeur of Indian Heritage for a Sustainable Future : Essays in Honour of Professor Dr. John Pandikattu, Kuruvilla Serials Publications, 2013 9788183875936 xi:305p.; UG Library
121 PEA 01015766 The realm of reason / Peacocke, Christopher. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 0199270724 (alk. paper) x, 284 p. : Knowledge Centre
121 PHI 00122180 The undercover philosopher : Philips, Michael. Oneworld, 2008 9781851685813 (pbk.) | 1851685 ix, 300 p. ; UG Library
121 PLA 00121776 The Theaetetus Plato Oxford University Press 2014 0915144816 (pbk. : alk. paper) 161 p. ; UG Library
121 POP 05005498 Conjectures and refutations : Popper, Karl R. Routledge, 2002 0415285933 | 9780415285940 | 0 xvi, 582 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 PRO 05005355 The two fundamental problems of the theory of knowledge / Popper, Karl R. Routledge, 2009 9780415394314 (hardback : alk. xl, 510 p. : Knowledge Centre
121 QUE 00110043 Epistemology Smith, Quentin, 2008 9780199264933 (alk. paper) | 0 vi, 330 p. ; UG Library
121 RES 07006842 Epistemetrics / Rescher, Nicholas. Cambridge University Press, 2006 9780521861205 | 0521861209 xi, 112 p. : Library - BR Campus
121 REY 07013644 Knowledge as acceptable testimony / Reynolds, Steven/ Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107197756 1 [edition]. vii, 216p;. Library - BR Campus
121 RHE 00138695 On historicizing epistemology: Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg. Stanford University Press, 2010 9780804762885 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9780804762892 (pbk. : alk. paper) 114 p. ; UG Library
121 RIC 00110492 Berkeley's Principles of Human Knowledge Richmond, Alasdair. Continuum, 2009 9781847060280 (HB) | 184706028 xiii, 187 p. ; UG Library
121 RIC 05034603 When Truth Gives Out / Richard, Mark Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199587285 184 p. Knowledge Centre
121 RIC 00110033 Berkeley's Principles of Human Knowledge Richmond, Alasdair. Continuum, 2009 9781847060280 (HB) | 184706028 xiii, 187 p. ; UG Library
121 ROB 01017093 Intellectual Virtues : Roberts,RObert C. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199283675 viii,329p.; Knowledge Centre
121 RUS 05034507 Our knowledge of the external world : Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2009 9780415473774 (pbk) | 04154737 210 p. Knowledge Centre
121 RUS 05005197 Human knowledge : Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2009 9780415474443 (pbk) | 04154744 xv, 463 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 RUS 00089476 Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits Russel, Bertrand 2005 0415083028 538p UG Library
121 SAV 00073918 Kant`s Critque of Pure Reason. Savile, Anthony 2005 0140512041 148p UG Library
121 SEN 00069890 Rationality and Freedom. Sen, Amartya 2002 0195665287 736p UG Library
121 SEN 05034438 Rationality and Freedom / Sen, Amartya Oxford Univesity Press, 2002 0195678753 736 p Knowledge Centre
121 SEN 05034518 Rationality and Freedom : Sen, Amartya Oxford University Press, 2000 0195665287 735 p Knowledge Centre
121 SHA 00138424 Embodied Cognition / Shapiro,Lawrence. Routledge, 2019 9781138746992 2nd ed. xv,288p.; UG Library
121 SHA 05005047 Embodied cognition / Shapiro, Lawrence A. Routledge, 2011 9780415773416 (hardback : alk. xii, 237 p. : Knowledge Centre
121 SHA 05004173 Embodied cognition / Shapiro, Lawrence A. Routledge, 2011 9780415773416 (hardback : alk. xii, 237 p. : Knowledge Centre
121 SIE 05011531 Relativism refuted : Siegel, Harvey, D. Reidel Pub. Co. ; | Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1987 9027724695 xviii, 210 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 SOS 05001469 Epistemology : Sosa, Ernest. Blackwell Publishers, 0631197230 (alk. paper) | 0631 x, 590 p. : Knowledge Centre
121 SOS 00127994 Epistemology / Sosa, Ernest. Princeton University Press 2017 9780691137490 (cloth : alk. pa 235p. UG Library
121 SOS 01017148 Reflective knowledge / Sosa, Ernest. Clarendon ; | Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199217250 (hbk.) | 0199217 xii, 254 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 SOS 05057058 Epistemology / Sosa, Ernest. Princeton University Press 2017 9780691137490 (cloth : alk. pa 235p. Knowledge Centre
121 SPA 05069976 Theory of knowledge : Sprague, John. Hodder Education, 2017 9781510402478 ix,119p.; Knowledge Centre
121 STE 05034547 Contemporary Debates in Epiostemology / Steup, Matthias 2005 1405107391 348 p Knowledge Centre
121 THE 00130327 In Quest of Truth Therukattil,George JIP 2006 138p UG Library
121 THI 01007942 The heart of judgment : Thiele, Leslie Paul. Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521864445 x, 321 p. : Knowledge Centre
121 VAN 00137987 Variations on Truth/ vandevelde,Pol Bloomsbury 2011 9781472509024 238p UG Library
121 WAT 01013681 Kant's Critique of pure reason : Cambridge University Press, 9780521781626 (hardback) | 052 xiv, 410 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121 WEI 00145338 Knowledge and scientific and religious belief / Weingartner, Paul, Walter de Gruyter, 2018 9783110584431 xii, 231 pages ; UG Library
121 WIL 03007591 Consilience Wilson, Edward O. Knopf : | Distributed by Random House, 1999 1st Vintage Books ed. 367 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
121 WIL 03007592 Consilience Wilson, Edward O. Knopf : | Distributed by Random House, 1999 1st Vintage Books ed. 367 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
121 WIL 04015454 Consilience Wilson, Edward O. Knopf : | Distributed by Random House, 1999 1st Vintage Books ed. 367 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
121.03 BLA 00087385 Epistemology A-Z Blaauw, Martijn 2005 0748622136 175 p UG Library
121.05 GEN 05006678 Oxford studies in epistemology / Gendler, Tamar Szabo Clarendon Press, 2005 9780199584086 334 p. : Knowledge Centre
121.09 GER 07006830 Ancient Epistemology / Gerson Lloyd P Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521691895 179 p Library - BR Campus
121.09 GER 05034434 Ancient Epistemology / Gerson Lloyd P Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521691895 179 p Knowledge Centre
121.092 DIC 01013989 Kant on Representation and objectivity / Dickerson,A.B Cambridge University Press, 9780521037198 217p.; Knowledge Centre
121.092 DIC 05001517 Kant on Representation and Objectivity [GENERAL SECTION] Dickerson, A B 0521831210 217p Knowledge Centre
121.093 HET 00133033 The philosophy of knowledge : Hetherington,Stephen. Bloomsbury Academic, 2019 9781474258272 (hardback) 271 p. ; UG Library
121.093 HET 00133032 The philosophy of knowledge : Hetherington,Stephen. Bloomsbury Academic, 2019 9781474258272 (hardback) 271 p. ; UG Library
121.093 HET 00133034 The philosophy of knowledge : Hetherington,Stephen. Bloomsbury Academic, 2019 9781474258272 (hardback) 271 p. ; UG Library
121.093 HET 00133035 The philosophy of knowledge : Hetherington,Stephen. Bloomsbury Academic, 2019 9781474258272 (hardback) 271 p. ; UG Library
121.0954 PRA 00099961 History Of Indian Gpistemology Prasad, Jwala Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 9788121500729 xvi, 244 p. UG Library
121.2 SAN 00117468 The nature and limits of human understanding / Sanford, Anthony J. T & T Clark, 2003 0567089460 | 0567089479 (pbk.) xviii, 259 p. : UG Library
121.21 POP 05034407 Conjectures and refutations : Popper, Karl R. Routledge, 2002 0415285933 | 0415285941 (pbk.) xvi, 582 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121.3 CHU 05060741 Intuition / Chudnoff,Elijah. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198777571 x,245p.; Knowledge Centre
121.3 GOL 01009695 Anti-individualism : Goldberg, Sanford, Cambridge University Press, 9780521880480 (hbk) | 05218804 xiii, 265 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121.34 FIS 00143481 Philosophy of Perception: Fish, William Routledge, 2021 9781032219363 Second Edition 276p UG Library
121.34 FIS 05005072 Philosophy of Perception Fish, William, Routledge, 2010 9780415999113 (hardcover) | 04 ix, 177 p. : Knowledge Centre
121.34 FIS 00110068 Philosophy of Perception Fish, William, Routledge, 2010 9780415999113 (hardcover) | 04 ix, 177 p. : UG Library
121.34 MER 10003209 The World of Perception / Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, Routledge, 2008 9781032160849 viii, 95 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
121.34 NOE 00007890 Action in Perception Noe, Alva MIT Press 2008 277p UG Library
121.34 NOE 05034442 Action in Perception / Noe, Alva The MIT Press, 2004 9780262640633 277 p Knowledge Centre
121.34 PAU 05072964 Perception / Pautz, Adam. Routledge, 2021 9780415486040 | 9780415486057 xi, 263p, ; Knowledge Centre
121.34 PON 07013084 The World of Perception / Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, Routledge, 2009 9780415773812 (pbk.) | 0415773 viii, 95 p. ; Library - BR Campus
121.34 PON 05004660 The World of Perception / Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, Routledge, 2009 9780415773812 (pbk.) | 0415773 viii, 95 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121.34 SEA 05043874 Seeing things as they are : Searle, John R. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199385157 (hardcover : alk xiii, 240 p. Knowledge Centre
121.34 ZEI 07002055 The cognitive penetrability of perception : Zeimbekis, John. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198738916 (hardback) xv,441p.: Library - BR Campus
121.34092 MIA 05011579 Russell's theory of perception, 1905-1919 / Miah, Sajahan. Continuum, 2006 9780826480804 xiii, 242 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121.3422 GEN 05034404 Perceptual experience / Gendler Tamar Szabo Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2006 019928976X (pbk. : alk. paper) viii, 550 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121.4 BUR 00103929 Origins of objectivity / Burge, Tyler. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199581405 (hbk. : alk. paper) | 0199581401 (hbk. : alk. paper) | 9780199581399 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0199581398 (pbk. : alk. paper) xix, 624 p. : UG Library
121.4 CLA 00123540 Representation in Mind : Elsevier, 2004 9780080443942 | 008044394X xxvi, 244 p. : UG Library
121.4 CLA 05001520 Representation in mind : Clapin, Hugh. Elsevier, 008044394X (hardcover : alk. p xxvi, 244 p. : Knowledge Centre
121.4 FOD 07006245 Concepts Fodor, Jerry A. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 1998 0198236379 (alk. paper) | 0198 Library - BR Campus
121.4 FRO 01026634 Reconciling copyright with cumulative creativity : Frosio, Giancarlo F. Edward Elgar, 2018 9781788114172 (cased) vii,390p.; Knowledge Centre
121.4 GAU 05048887 Objectivity : Gaukroger, Stephen. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199606696 (pbk. : acidfree 112 p. : Knowledge Centre
121.4 WAT 00076044 Ideas Watson,Peter Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2005 0029760726 | 9780297607267 822 p. UG Library
121.4 WAT 00068993 Ideas Watson,Peter Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2005 0029760726 | 9780297607267 822 p. UG Library
121.4 WAT 05034401 Ideas : Watson, Peter Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2005 0029760726 822 p Knowledge Centre
121.404 ADA 00088402 Insearch of Truth: Faith and Modern Science Adams, C W Readworthy 2008 297p UG Library
121.404 ADA 00087603 In Search of Truth: Faith and Modern Science Adams, C W Readworthy Publications Ltd 2008 9788189973605 297 p UG Library
121.4LUN 01000082 Contemporary Philosophy of Thought: Truth, World, Content (law Lib) Micheal Luntley Blackwell Publishing 0631190775 398p Knowledge Centre
121.4SUT 01010849 Without Justification (law Lib) Jonathan Sutton MIT Press 9780262693479 180p Knowledge Centre
121.6 BEC 07010276 The Sensitivity Principle in Epistemology / Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107538863 xi,281p.: Library - BR Campus
121.6 DEN 00110954 Institution Pumps And Other Tools For Thinking Dennett,Daniel C. Penguin Books 2013 9781846144752 xii; 496 p. UG Library
121.6 HAW 00110155 Trust Hawley, Katherine, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199697342 | 0199697345 121 p. ; UG Library
121.6 LEV 07006832 Pragmatism and inquiry Levi, Isaac, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199698134 | 0199698139 1st ed. x,260p.; Library - BR Campus
121.6 LEV 05041523 Pragmatism and inquiry Levi, Isaac, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199698134 | 0199698139 1st ed. x,260p.; Knowledge Centre
121.6 MAZ 04017938 Implausible Beliefs : Mazur, Allan Transaction Publisher, 2008 9781412847544 237p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
121.6 RES 05011530 Presumption and the practices of tentative cognition / Rescher, Nicholas. Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521864747 (hardback) | 978052 xiii, 181 p. : Knowledge Centre
121.6 TIT 05045901 Quitting certainties Titelbaum, Michael G. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199658305 | 9780199687602 1st ed. xii,345p.: Knowledge Centre
121.65 PEA 00064785 Sceince: Evidence for Truth Pearce, E K Victor OM BOOKS 2003 8173622965 320p UG Library
121.65 PEA 00064786 Archeology: Evidence for Truth Pearce, E K Victor OM BOOKS 2000 8173622973 272p UG Library
121.65 PEA 00064787 Prophecy: Evidence of Truth Pearce, E K Victor OM BOOKS 2004 8173622981 336p UG Library
121.65 PEA 00064788 Miracles and Angels: Evidence for Truth Pearce, E K Victor OM BOOKS 2003 0817362299 215p UG Library
121.65 SCH 01029641 The Proof : The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2022 9780674279094 xiii, 298p.; Knowledge Centre
121.68 DAL 05038644 Philosophy of language : Daly, Chris. Continuum, 2012 9781441173508 (hardcover) | 97 viii,338p. Knowledge Centre
121.68 DAL 00117673 Philosophy of language : Daly, Chris. Continuum, 2012 9781441173508 (hardcover) | 97 viii,338p. UG Library
121.68 DEL 00078484 The Logic of Sense Deleuze, Gilles Continuum 2005 0082647716 | 9780826477163 403 p. UG Library
121.68 DEL 07006370 Logic of Sense / Deleuze Gilles Bloomsbury, 2015 9781474234887 xii,363p.: Library - BR Campus
121.68 DEL 00068226 Logic of Sense Deleuze, Gilles 2005 0082647716 403p UG Library
121.68 DEL 07006788 Logic of Sense / Deleuze Gilles Bloomsbury, 2015 9781474234887 xii,363p.: Library - BR Campus
121.68 GAN 00094003 Artha Ganeri Jonardon Oxford University Press 9780195671995 258p UG Library
121.68 GIB 01022238 Meaning and normativity Gibbard, Allan. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199646074 (hbk.) | 0199646 1st ed. xiv, 309 p. Knowledge Centre
121.68 HOW 00142094 An introduction to the philosophy of methodology / Howell, Kerry E. Sage 2013 9781446202982 (hbk.) | 1446202984 (hbk.) | 9781446202999 (pbk.) | 1446202992 (pbk.) x, 236 pages ; UG Library
121.68 LAW 05034436 Wittgenstein and Gadamer : Lawn, Chris. Continuum, 2004 9780826493774 xviii, 161 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121.68 LEB 05062506 Bertrand Russell and the nature of propositions : Lebens, Samuel, Routledge, 2017 9781138737457 (hardback : alk. paper) xi, 296 pages ; Knowledge Centre
121.68 LEP 00104703 Meaning, mind, and matter : Lepore, Ernie Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199580781 236 p. ; UG Library
121.68 MAC 00105939 Teleosemantics : Macdonald,Graham. Clarendon Press, 2006 9780199270279 | 0199270260 (hb 232 p. : UG Library
121.68 PEA 00110924 Truly understood / Peacocke, Christopher. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199581979 (pbk. : alk. pap xiii, 341 p. : UG Library
121.68 PUT 00072137 Going to the Rots a Multi Disciplinary Study. O F M Cap, Dr K Luke Asian Trading Corporation 2005 8170863481 361 UG Library
121.68 TIM 00068469 Text in Context Timm, Jeffrey R SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS 1997 0008170300 322p UG Library
121.68 VAT 05006366 Beyond Interpretation : Vattimo,Gianni Polity Press, 1997 9780745617534 129 p. Knowledge Centre
121.68 WEB 00123927 Understanding Representation Webb, Jen. SAGE. 2009 1412919185 (hbk.) | 9781412919 164 p:. UG Library
121.68092 SHO 05001521 Peirce`s Theory of Signs Short, T L 9780521843201 374p Knowledge Centre
121.68092 DAW 01009705 Locke, language, and early-modern philosophy / Dawson, Hannah. Cambridge University Press, 9780521852715 (cased) | 052185 xii, 361 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121.68092 TSO 05034443 John Searle`s Philosophy of Language : Tsohatizidis, Savas L Cambridge Univesity Press, 2007 9780521685344 297 p Knowledge Centre
121.680954 GAN 00104769 Artha Meaning: Jonardon, Ganeri. Oxford University Press 2006 9780198074137 ix: 258 p. UG Library
121.680954GAN 01005406 Artha Meaning: Jonardon, Ganeri. Oxford University Press 2006 9780198074137 ix: 258 p. Knowledge Centre
121.683 MAD 05011536 The politics of postmodernity : Madison, Gary Brent. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001 0792368592 (alk. paper) xv, 273 p. ; Knowledge Centre
121.686 RIC 07006797 From Text to Action Essays in Hermeneutics, II / Ricoeur Paul Continuum, 2008 9780826443953 xii,348p.: Library - BR Campus
121.686 GAD 00078496 Truth and Method Gadamer, Hans-Georg Continuum 2005 0082647697 | 9780826476975 600 p. UG Library
121.686 GAD 05067981 Hermeneutics Betwwen History And Philosophy : Gadamer, Hans-Georg. Bloomsbury Academic, 2019 9781350091405 xxxv, 348p.; Knowledge Centre
121.686 GUT 09000289 Use-Conditional Meaning : Gutzmann, Daniel. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198723837 xvii, 304p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
121.686 GUT 05067830 Use-Conditional Meaning : Gutzmann, Daniel. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198723837 xvii, 304p.; Knowledge Centre
121.686 RIC 00078466 The Conflict of Interpretations Ricoeur,Paul Continuum 2005 0826477097 | 9780826477095 508 p. UG Library
121.686 ZIM 05048854 Hermeneutics : Zimmermann, Jens, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199685356 | 0199685355 First edition. xiv, 159 pages : Knowledge Centre
121.68GIB 01009723 Cambridge Handbook of Metaphor and Thought(law Lib) Raymond W Gibbs Cambridge University Press 9780521600866 550p Knowledge Centre
121.68GIB 05001522 Cambridge Handbook of Metaphor and Thought Gibbs, Jr, Raymond W Cambridge university press, 2008 9780521600866 550p.; Knowledge Centre
121.7 EVA 00068480 Faith Beyound Reason Evans, Stephen C 1998 0748607943 167p UG Library
121.8 HIR 05067081 The Oxford handbook of value theory / Oxford University Press, 2015 9780190927028 (paperback : alk. paper) | 9780199959303 (hardcover : alk. paper) viii, 448 pages ; Knowledge Centre
121.8 KOR 00050191 Human Values Koraddi, V. R. Koraddi 1999 180 p. UG Library
121.8 OSB 00131902 Foundations of the philosophy of value: Osborne, H. Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781316626054 132 p. ; UG Library
121.8 PIR 00072012 Zen and the Art of Motar Cycle Maintenance: Pirsig, M Robert Harper 2000 192p UG Library
121.8 TRI 03009091 Human Values / Tripathi, A. N. New Age International Publishers , 2009 9788122425895 3rd ed. 327 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
121.8 TRI 10000671 Human Values / Tripathi, A. N. New Age International Publishers , 2009 9788122425895 3rd ed. 327 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
121.8072 IGN 00112739 Values for life Ignacimuthu,S St. Pauls 2013 9788171082520 140p UG Library
121.8072 MAC 00112738 Value Education What, Why, How and Who. Maccarthaigh, Brendan Siga 2001 8171084672 215 UG Library
121.8072 MAC 00072229 Value Education What, Why, How and Who. Maccarthaigh, Brendan Siga 2001 8171084672 215 UG Library
121.WAT 05001468 Kant's Critique of Pure Reason Watkins Eric Cambridge University Press 9780521787017 410p Knowledge Centre
121GAD 01007263 Truth and Method (law Lib) Hans-Georg Gadamer Continuum 0082647697 601p Knowledge Centre
121KAN 07011235 Critique of Judgement Kant, Immanuel Oxford 9780199552467 405p Library - BR Campus
121NOR 01009398 On Truth and Meaning: Language Logic and the Grrounds of Belief Christopher Norris Continuum 9780826491282 205p Knowledge Centre
121RIC 01007255 Conflict of Interpretations(law Library) Paul Ricoeur Continuum 0826477097 508p Knowledge Centre
121ROR 01007299 Objectivity Relativism and Truth:Philosophical Papers( Law Lib ) Richard Rorty Cambridge University Press 0521358779 226p Knowledge Centre
121ROR 01007300 Objectivity Relativism and Truth:Philosophical Papers( Law Lib ) Richard Rorty Cambridge University Press 0521358779 226p Knowledge Centre
121ROR 01007301 Objectivity Relativism and Truth:Philosophical Papers( Law Lib ) Richard Rorty Cambridge University Press 0521358779 226p Knowledge Centre
121ROR 01007302 Objectivity Relativism and Truth:Philosophical Papers( Law Lib ) Richard Rorty Cambridge University Press 0521358779 226p Knowledge Centre
121ROR 01009724 Objectivity Relativism and Truth:Philosophical Papers( Law Lib ) Richard Rorty Cambridge University Press 0521358779 226p Knowledge Centre
122 CAR 00116772 Hunting causes and using them : Cartwright, Nancy. Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521860819 (hbk.) | 0521860 x, 270 p. : UG Library
122 JAC 05056919 Causal powers / Jacobs, Jonathan D. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780198796572 (hardback) New product edition. 232p.; Knowledge Centre
122 KLE 05068166 Why : Kleinberg, Samantha Shroff publishers and distributors Pvt. Ltd., 2019 9789352139187 vii, 272p. ; Knowledge Centre
122 MAZ 05009552 Explanation of Natural Events and Human Actions / Mazumdar, Aruna Chronicle Books, 2005 9788180280245 vii, 162 p. Knowledge Centre
122 MOL 07006803 Power A Study in Metaphysics / Molnar George Oxford University Press, 2006 9780199204175 xiv,238p.: Library - BR Campus
122 MUM 05048814 Causation : Mumford, Stephen, Oxford University Press, 2013 019968443X (paperback) | 97801 First edition. 128 pages : Knowledge Centre
122 SIL 05067706 Causality : Silberstein, Ludwik. Macmillan and Co Lmt, 1933 viii,159p.; Knowledge Centre
122 STR 00134680 The secret connexion : Strawson, Galen, Oxford University Press 2014 9780199605842 (hbk.) | 019960584X (hbk.) | 0199605858 (pbk.) | 9780199605859 (pbk.) Revised edition. xv, 246 pages ; UG Library
122 TOM 05001523 Philosophical Perspectives 13, Epistemology, 1999 Tomberlin, James E Blackwell Publishers, Inc. 9780631218265 520 p. Knowledge Centre
122.09032 OTT 01017132 Causation and laws of nature in early modern philosophy / Ott, Walter R. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199570430 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 260 p. ; Knowledge Centre
122.092 WAT 00117467 Kant and the metaphysics of causality / Watkins, Eric, Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521835674 (hard) | 0521543614 xi, 451 p. ; UG Library
123 CRI 00136039 The Science of Fate : Critchlow,Hannah. Hodder and Stoughton, 2019 9781473659292 247p.; UG Library
123 GIB 00146108 Abraham's dice : Giberson, Karl W Oxford University Press 2016 9780190277161 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780190277154 (cloth : alk. paper) xiv, 358 pages ; UG Library
123 RDS 00115231 Inspring People A Reader's Digest selection Rdi Print And Publishing Pvt Ltd 2000 302 p. UG Library
123.3 KLA 10004923 Fluke : chance, chaos, and why everything we do matters / by Brian Klaas. Klaas, Brian [Author] John Murray, 2024 9781399804523 1st Ed. ix, 323 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
123.3 TAL 03005363 Fooled by Randomness : Taleb, Nassim. Random House , 2005 9781400067930 (acidfree paper) 2nd ed., updated. xix, 316 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
123.3 VEN 05057702 The logic of chance / Venn, John, Dover Publications, 2006 0486450554 (pbk.) | 9780486450 xxix, 508 p. : Knowledge Centre
123.5 CAM 05006401 Free will / Campbell, Joseph Keim. Polity Press, 2011 9780745646671 vi, 128 p. ; Knowledge Centre
123.5 CHA 00112385 Gandhi and Gutiérrez : Chathanatt, John Decent Books 2004 8186921281 xvii,284p: UG Library
123.5 GLA 07010213 Free will and the Brain/ Glannon,Walter Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107036031 IX,287 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
123.5 HOD 05033997 Rationality + consciousness = free will / Hodgson, David Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199845309 (alk. paper) | 0 x, 267 p. : Knowledge Centre
123.5 HOD 05017346 Rationality + consciousness = free will / Hodgson, David Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199845309 (alk. paper) | 0 x, 267 p. : Knowledge Centre
123.5 KAN 05072954 Do we have free will? : Kane, Robert. Routledge, 2022 9780367258337 | 9780367258320 xii, 214p, ; Knowledge Centre
123.5 KRI 00102443 On freedom; Krishnamurti.J Krishnamurti Foundation India; 8187326468 148 p. UG Library
123.5 LUT 00076215 Discourse on Free Will: Luther, Erasmus 2003 0826477941 122p UG Library
123.5 MAR 00137527 Creating Freedom : Martinez,Raoul. Canongate, 2016 9781782111887 xi,496p.; UG Library
123.5 PIN 01016420 Free will : Pink, Thomas. Oxford University Press, 2004 9780195681819 132 p. : Knowledge Centre
123.5 PIN 00101773 Free will : Pink, Thomas. Oxford University Press, 0192853589 132 p. : UG Library
123.5 PIN 05034505 Free Will : Pink, Thomas Oxford University Press, 2006 0195681819 132 p Knowledge Centre
123.5 SAP 10004268 Determined : Sapolsky, Robert M., Bodley head, 2023 9781847925541 511 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
123.5 SCH 05001534 The two fundamental problems of ethics / Schopenhauer, Arthur, Cambridge University Press, 9780521871402 lii, 281 p. ; Knowledge Centre
123.5 SHO 05046020 Oxford studies in agency and responsibility. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199694860 | 0199694869 | 9 246p.: Knowledge Centre
123.5 STR 05006675 Freedom and belief / Strawson, Galen. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199247493 (hbk.) | 0199247 Rev. ed. xii, 324 p. : Knowledge Centre
123.5092 MOR 07013647 Kant on freedom and spontaneity / Moran, Kate A Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107125933 xiii, 309p;. Library - BR Campus
123.5092 OKS 01013972 Foucault on freedom / Oksala, Johanna, Cambridge University Press, 0521847796 | 9780521122948 | 9 xiii, 223 p. ; Knowledge Centre
123.50922 KOS 00103922 Freedom and reason in Kant,Schelling and kierkegaard: Kosch Michelle Clarendon Press-Oxford; 2010 9780199577941 236 p. UG Library
123.8 MOR 00012079 John Paul Jone's a Sailor`s Biography. Morsion, Samuel Eliot TIME INCORPORATED 1959 456 P UG Library
124 HOF 00138568 Sketching as design thinking / Hoffman, Alma R., Routledge, 2020 9781138579408 | 9781138579415 xiii,189p.; UG Library
126 ANT 00073891 Selfhood and Authenticity. Anton, Corey 2001 0791449009 181p UG Library
126 ATK 00104484 Self and subjectivity Atkins,kim. Blackwell Pub., 2005 9781405112048 | 1405112042 (pb xi, 317 p. : UG Library
126 BAL 05029015 Enworlded Subjectivity: Its Three Worldsand Beyond .Vol.11.Part.4 [ug.Lib.Philosophy Reference Section] Balasubramanian, R Imh Press 8187586265 832p Knowledge Centre
126 BAY 01017071 The unity of consciousness / Bayne, Tim. New York : | Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199215386 (hbk. : alk. pap xiii, 341 p. : Knowledge Centre
126 BRO 05056483 Inventing agency : Brodsky, Claudia, Bloomsbury publishing Inc., 2017 9781501317149 (hardback) | 978 vi,262p.; Knowledge Centre
126 CAS 05045790 Self and world / Cassam, Quassim. Clarendon ; | Oxford University Press, 1997 9780198235408 viii, 208 p. ; Knowledge Centre
126 CHA 05029003 Philosophical Consciousness and Scientific Knowledge: Conceptual Linkages and Civilizational Background.Vol.11.Part.1 [ug.Lib.Philosophy Reference Sec Chattopadhyaya, D P Imh Press 0818758615 552p Knowledge Centre
126 CHA 05029002 Self, Society and Science: Theoritical and Historical Perspectives.Vol.11.Part.2 [ug.Lib.Philosophy Reference Section] Chattopadyaya, D P Imh Press 8187586206 493p Knowledge Centre
126 COA 09000285 Phenomenal qualities : Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198712718 | 0198712715 First edition. xii, 435 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
126 COA 05068137 Phenomenal qualities : Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198712718 | 0198712715 First edition. xii, 435 pages : Knowledge Centre
126 DAN 01024455 Normative subjects : Dan-Cohen, Meir, Oxford university press , 2016 9780199985203 (hardcover : alk xii, 258 pages : Knowledge Centre
126 FRE 05034550 Consciousness : Anthony Freeman ABC-Clio Publisers, 2003 9791576077916 ix,338 p. Knowledge Centre
126 GAL 01017150 The Oxford handbook of the self Oxford University Press, 2011 (hbk.) | 0199548013 (hbk.) 745 p. : Knowledge Centre
126 HON 05046012 Actual consciousness / Honderich, Ted, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198714385 | 0198714386 First edition. xv, 402 pages ; Knowledge Centre
126 HON 05001527 On Consciousness Honderich Ted Edinburgh University Press 0748618422 230p Knowledge Centre
126 IND 01023084 The self, ethics and human rights : Indaimo, J. A., Routledge, 2015 9780415742108 | 0415742102 xi, 271 pages ; Knowledge Centre
126 JOS 05029001 Consciousness, Indian Psychology.Vol.11.Part.3 [ug.Lib.Philosophy Reference Section] Joshi, Kireet Imh Press 8187586176 495p Knowledge Centre
126 KAR 00081075 Indian Identity:Intimate Relations the Analyst and the Mystic the Colours of Violence Kakar, Sudhir Penguin 1996 413p UG Library
126 KRI 05034549 Subjective consciousness : Kriegel, Uriah. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199570355 333 p. Knowledge Centre
126 KRI 01017136 Subjective consciousness : Kriegel, Uriah. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199570355 333 p. Knowledge Centre
126 LEV 05034437 Constructions of the Self : Levine, George Rutgers University Press, 1992 0813517737 300 p Knowledge Centre
126 LEV 00073872 Constructions of the Self. Levine, George 1992 0813517737 300p UG Library
126 MUR 00143076 The formation of the modern self : Ó Murchadha, Felix, Bloomsbury Academic 2022 9781350245488 | 9781350245471 252p UG Library
126 MUS 07006139 Critical consciousness : Mustakova-Possardt, Elena, Praeger, 2003 0275979113 (alk. paper) xix, 218 p. ; Library - BR Campus
126 NOL 05072972 The unity of a person : Noller, Jorg. Routledge, 2022 9780367722838 | 9780367722869 ix, 231p, ; Knowledge Centre
126 PAU 00117478 Personal identity / Paul,Ellen Frankel Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521617677 xiv, 383 p. ; UG Library
126 PAU 00117458 Autonomy / Paul Ellen Frankel Cambridge University Press, 2003 0521534992 xii, 340 p. ; UG Library
126 PIP 05001525 The persistence of subjectivity: Pippin Robert.B Cambridge university press; 9780521848589 369 p. Knowledge Centre
126 POS 05011264 Critical consciousness : Mustakova-Possardt, Elena, Praeger, 2003 0275979113 (alk. paper) xix, 218 p. ; Knowledge Centre
126 REN 05060753 Self-knowledge : Renz,Ursula. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190226428 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii, 329p.; [2] pages of plates : Knowledge Centre
126 SAR 05004624 The Transcendence of the ego / Sartre Routledge, 2004 9780415610179 vii,72 p. Knowledge Centre
126 SAT 05029018 Vedic Vision of Consciousness and Reality.Vol.12.Part.3 [ug.Lib.Philosophy Reference Section] Singh, Satya Prakash Imh Press 8187586184 492p Knowledge Centre
126 SEA 05001526 Consciousness And Language Searle, John R Cambridge University Press, 9780521592372 269 p. Knowledge Centre
126 SMI 00106113 Mind world : Smith, David Woodruff, Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521832039 | 0521539730 (pbk.) xviii, 309 p. : UG Library
126 THO 00103601 Self And Consciousness Thottakara, Augustine Dharmaram Publications, 219 p. UG Library
126 VEL 05005352 Understanding Consciousness / Velmans, Max, Routledge, 2009 9780415425155 (hardback) | 978 2nd ed. xi, 393 p. : Knowledge Centre
126 ZER 03006388 The Wooden Horse : Zeruneith, Keld. Overlook Duckworth, 2007 9781585678181 | 158567818X (hb 605 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
126 ZIZ 07010916 The ticklish subject / Zizek, Slavoj 9781859842911 401p.; Library - BR Campus
126.09 STE 00124933 Rethinking the Western understanding of the self Steinvorth, Ulrich. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521762748 (hardback) | 978 vii, 222 p. UG Library
126.09 STE 05034444 Rethinking the Western understanding of the self Steinvorth, Ulrich. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521762748 (hardback) | 978 vii, 222 p. Knowledge Centre
126.0922 TAY 00133017 Journeys to selfhood : Taylor, Mark C., Fordham University Press, 2000 0823220583 (hardcover) | 0823220591 (pbk.) xxi, 298 p. ; UG Library
126.0943 SCH 00142766 Apperception and self-consciousness in Kant and German idealism / Schulting, Dennis, Bloomsbury Academic ; 2021 9781350151390 241 p. ; UG Library
126.0954 DAS 00131811 Free will, agency, and selfhood in Indian philosophy / Dasti,Matthew R Oxford University Press 2014 9780199922758 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780199922734 (hardcover : alk. paper) xvi, 312 pages ; UG Library
126.0954 DAS 00131839 Free will, agency, and selfhood in Indian philosophy / Dasti,Matthew R Oxford University Press 2014 9780199922758 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780199922734 (hardcover : alk. paper) xvi, 312 pages ; UG Library
126.09SEI 01007324 Idea of the Self: Thought and Experience in Western Europe Since the Seventeenth Century Law Library) Jerrold Seigel Cambridge University Press 0521605547 724p Knowledge Centre
126ROB 01009899 Consciousness and Mental Life (law Lib) Daniel Robinson Columbia University Press 9780231512800 243 p Knowledge Centre
127 VIL 00068363 Our Creative Consultant Villar, Imeldavirginiagarde Apeca Publication 1997 9719147520 249p UG Library
128 FER 03002784 Humankind : Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe. Oxford University Press, 2004 9780192805751 | 0192805754 190 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
128 FES 03001883 Philosophy of Mind : Feser, Edward. One World, 2008 9781851684786 267 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
128 ABE 04009665 Man is the Measure : Abel, Reuben. Free Press, 1976 9780684836362 xxiv,296 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
128 ABE 03005956 Man is the Measure : Abel, Reuben. Free Press, 1976 9780684836362 xxiv,296 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
128 APP 05046690 The labyrinth : Appleman, Philip, The Quantuck Lane Press, 2014 9781593720575 First Edition. 72 pages ; Knowledge Centre
128 ARI 05062699 On the soul : Aristotle, Oxford University Press, 2018 019958821X | 9780199588213 lxxiv, 276 pages: Knowledge Centre
128 ARI 00134223 On the soul : Aristotle, Oxford University Press, 2018 019958821X | 9780199588213 lxxiv, 276 pages: UG Library
128 BAG 00071548 What`s It All About? Philosophy and the Meaning of Life: Baggint, Julian 2004 0195300084 201p UG Library
128 BIL 05040777 Self-Knowledge and Resentment / Bilgrami Akel Harvard University Press, 2006 9780674064522 396p.: Knowledge Centre
128 BRA 00112120 The posthuman / Braidotti, Rosi. Polity Press, 2013 9780745641577 (hardback) | 074 229 p. ; UG Library
128 COL 05042666 The feeling body : Colombetti, Giovanna, 9780262019958 | 9780262318419 1 online resource (289 pages) Knowledge Centre
128 COR 00108183 Rethinking human nature Corcoran,Kevin,J. Baker Academic, 2006 0801027802 | 9780801027802 (pb 152 p. ; UG Library
128 DAS 00099137 Globalization and humanity / Dasgupta, Samir, Rawat Publications, 8131603490 | 9788131603499 xv, 240 p. ; UG Library
128 DAS 01014184 Globalization and humanity / Dasgupta, Samir, Rawat Publications, 8131603490 | 9788131603499 xv, 240 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128 DE 00102102 Brahman and person : De Smet, Richard. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 9788120834590 294 p. ; UG Library
128 EAG 05053278 The meaning of life Eagleton, Terry, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199532179 | 0199532176 109 p. : Knowledge Centre
128 EAG 05034440 The Meaning of Life / Eagleton, Terry Oxford University Press, 2008 0195693299 187 p Knowledge Centre
128 EAG 00085502 The Meaning of Life / Eagleton, Terry Oxford University Press, 2008 0195693299 187 p UG Library
128 EAG 00105940 The meaning of life Eagleton, Terry, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199532179 | 0199532176 109 p. : UG Library
128 FER 04008123 Humankind : Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe. Oxford University Press, 2004 9780192805751 | 0192805754 190 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
128 FRO 03011948 To have or to be? / Fromm, Erich, Bloomsbury, 1976 9781780936802 (pbk.) xvii,190p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
128 FRO 07006360 To have or to be? / Fromm, Erich, Bloomsbury, 1976 9781780936802 (pbk.) xvii,190p.; Library - BR Campus
128 FRO 05060390 Biocultural Creatures : Frost,Samantha , Duke University Press , 2016 9780822361282 xii , 203p , : Knowledge Centre
128 FRO 05042106 To have or to be? / Fromm, Erich, Bloomsbury, 1976 9781780936802 (pbk.) xvii,190p.; Knowledge Centre
128 GRO 00135532 Being Human Gross, Richard Routledge, 2019 9781444128864 | 9780367150983 2nd ed., x,234p.; UG Library
128 HAM 05062186 How to deal with adversity / Hamilton, Christopher. Macmillan, 2014 9780230771666 First U.S. edition. 146p.; Knowledge Centre
128 HAR 05032759 The ascent of man : Harris, James F. Transaction Publishers, 2011 9781412814218 | 1412814219 xiv, 258 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128 JOH 00147401 Every living thing : Johnson, Jenell M., University Press, 2023 9780271094564 xi,185p. ; UG Library
128 JUD 00065567 Chakras - Wheels of Life. Judith, Anodea Jaico Publishing House 8178179922 453 UG Library
128 KAI 00129839 The Sacred and the Homo Religiosus Kaipan,Joy Kristu Jyoti Publications 2017 9788193374559 254p UG Library
128 KHE 05065302 Life after Life : Kher,Rajendra. Celestial Books, 2019 9789352019410 219p.; Knowledge Centre
128 KRI 05034441 To Be Human / Krishnamurthi, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 2005 0818732659 206 p Knowledge Centre
128 KRI 00102512 To Be Human / Krishnamurti .j. Krishnamurthi j 9788187326595 206 p. UG Library
128 LEV 05001524 Constructions of the Self Levine, George Rutgers university press, 1992 0813517729 300p.; Knowledge Centre
128 LUP 00126942 The Cambridge companion to life and death / Luper,Steven Cambridge Uinversity Press 2014 9781107022874 (hardback : alk. xi, 352 pages; UG Library
128 MID 05005307 Beast and man : Midgley, Mary, Routledge, 2002 0415289866 | 0415289874 (pbk.) xlii, 365 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128 MUK 00121147 The Philosophy of man making Mukherji,Santi L New Central Book Agency 2008 535p UG Library
128 NAN 00139419 Exploring identity and alterity : ATC Publishers; |; 2020 9789388968393 336 p. ; UG Library
128 NIE 07015470 Human, All too Human / Nietzsche, Friedrich. Penguin Books, 1984 9780140446173 xxx, 274 p. ; Library - BR Campus
128 NIE 00088745 Human All-Too-human: A Book for Free Spirits Nietzsche, Friedrich Prometheus Books 2008 9781591026785 536p UG Library
128 PAL 05034503 Visions of Human Nature : Palmer, Donald Mayfield Publishing, 2000 1559349719 316 p Knowledge Centre
128 PAZ 05034504 Conjunctons and Disjunctions / Paz, Octavio Arcade Publishing, 1969 1559701374 148 p Knowledge Centre
128 PER 05011513 The retreat of reason : Persson, Ingmar. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2005 0199276900 (alk. paper) vi, 494 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128 PER 05004155 The retreat of reason : Persson, Ingmar. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2005 0199276900 (alk. paper) vi, 494 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128 PFL 05040098 Integral anthropology : Ferreira, J. V. Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131605110 ix, 284 pages ; Knowledge Centre
128 RAY 00125665 Pratyaha Ray, prasanta 9789384082406 333 p. UG Library
128 REA 00108141 Philosophy for life Read, Rupert J., Continuum, 2007 9780826495600 | 0826496091 | 9 xii, 165 p. ; UG Library
128 REA 07006265 Philosophy for life Read, Rupert J., Continuum, 2007 9780826495600 | 0826496091 | 9 xii, 165 p. ; Library - BR Campus
128 RIC 00124549 Philosophical Anthropology / Ricœur, Paul. Polity, 2016 9780745688534 | 9780745688541 xv, 308 p.: UG Library
128 RIC 00092610 Human nature after Darwin : Richards, Janet Radcliffe. Routledge, 041521243X | 0415212448 (pbk.) vii, 313 p. : UG Library
128 RIC 00092920 Human nature after Darwin : Richards, Janet Radcliffe. Routledge, 041521243X | 0415212448 (pbk.) vii, 313 p. : UG Library
128 SAD 00141355 Mind is Your Business / Body The Greatest Gadget Sadguru Jaico Publishing House 2020 9788184956955 2 books in 1 UG Library
128 SCA 05008507 The body in pain : Scarry, Elaine. Oxford University Press, 1985 0195049961 (pbk) : vii, 385 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128 SCH 00106276 Bening Wrong Schuiz Kathryn Portobello Books 2010 9781846270741 viii 405 p. UG Library
128 SMI 05060732 Embodiment / Smith, Justin.E.H. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190490454 (pbk. : alk. pap xv, 365p.; Knowledge Centre
128 SOK 05034502 Phenomenology of the Human Person / Sokolowski Robert Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521717663 345 p Knowledge Centre
128 STE 00103798 Ten Theories Of Human Nature Stevenson, Leslie Oxford University Press, 2004 9780195685671 ix, 259 p. UG Library
128 STE 00129659 The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity Steiner,Rudolf Steiner Publications 1980 0880105771 302p UG Library
128 THA 09000351 Natural philosophy : Thagard, Paul, Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190678739 (volume 3) xix, 335p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
128 THA 05068117 Natural philosophy : Thagard, Paul, Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190678739 (volume 3) xix, 335p. ; Knowledge Centre
128 THO 01024469 Contributions to law, philosophy and ecology : Routledge, 2016 9781138852877 (hbk) xii, 256 pages ; Knowledge Centre
128 THU 00129830 Philosophical Anthropology/ Thuruthiyil, Scaria Kristu Jyoti Publications 2017 9788193374580 320p UG Library
128 VAS 05041008 Snacks for the Soul : Vaswani J.P JAICO Publishing House, 2008 9788179927915 xvi,317p.: Knowledge Centre
128 WAG 00143641 Nothingness and the Meaning of Life: Waghorn, Nicholas Bloomsbury, 2017 9789386643605 299p UG Library
128 WIL 05041223 The meaning of human existence / Wilson, Edward O., W.W.Norton & Company, 2014 9780871401007 (hbk.) | 0871401 First edition. 207 pages ; Knowledge Centre
128 WRI 00117446 Hume's 'A treatise of human nature' : Wright, John P. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521833769 (hardback) | 052 xx, 316 p. ; UG Library
128.02 MCC 00070595 The Magic of Mind Power Mccoll, Duncan Jaico Publishing House 2005 0817992498 | 9798179924982 | 9 177 p. UG Library
128.02 MCC 00070616 The Magic of Mind Power Mccoll, Duncan Jaico Publishing House 2005 0817992498 | 9798179924982 | 9 177 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
128.09032 LOS 00124550 Enlightenment and Action from Descartes to Kant : Losonsky, Michael. Cambridge University Press, 2001 9780521806121 xvii, 221 p. ; UG Library
128.092 COH 05042859 Kant's lectures on anthropology : Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107024915 xvi, 270 pages ; Knowledge Centre
128.092 JAC 01013950 Essays on Kant's anthropology / Cambridge University Press, 0521790387 (hbk) | 97805210378 ix, 265 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.092 SMI 05066644 What It Means To Be Human : Smith, Robert Rowland. 4th Estate, 2018 9780008218522 ix, 369p.; Knowledge Centre
128.1 CRI 00135093 Neuroscience and the soul : Crisp,Thomas M William B Erdmans Publishing Company 2016 9780802874504 (pbk. : alk. paper) vii, 286 pages ; UG Library
128.1 CRI 00135153 Neuroscience and the soul : Crisp,Thomas M William B Erdmans Publishing Company 2016 9780802874504 (pbk. : alk. paper) vii, 286 pages ; UG Library
128.1PON 00088034 Nature and Destiny of Man Pande, Baleshwar Mittal 248p UG Library
128.2 CAV 00058714 The Body for Beginners Cavallaro, Dani Orient Longman Publications 2000 8125020241 | 9788125020240 176 p.: UG Library
128.2 HEG 01016977 Hegel's Philosophy of Mind / Hegel, G.W.F. Oxford University press, 2010 9780199593026 xxvii, 277p.; Knowledge Centre
128.2 MOS 05009222 Last Frontiers of the Mind : Moses, Mohandas Prentice Hall, 2005 9788120328518 xiii, 425 p. Knowledge Centre
128.2 OHE 03002297 Mind and Persons / O'Hear, Anthony. Cambridge University Press, 2003 9780521537339 | 0521537339 274 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
128.2 ALE 07009326 Impossible minds : Aleksander, Igor. Imperial College Press, 2015 9781783265688 (hardback : alk. Revised Edition. xx, 429 pages ; Library - BR Campus
128.2 BAU 07006841 What is thought? Baum, Eric B., MIT Press, 2004 ix, 478 p. : Library - BR Campus
128.2 BAY 05072965 Philosophy of mind : Bayne, Tim. Routledge, 2022 9780415669849 | 9780415669856 xi, 288p, ; Knowledge Centre
128.2 BEA 05001480 Philosophy of Mind: Classical Problems/contemporary Issurs Beakley, Brian 0262524511 1055p Knowledge Centre
128.2 BEA 04014566 Philosophy of Mind:Classical Problems /contemporary Issues / Brian Beakley Prentice-Hall 2007 9788120333154 1055p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
128.2 BEA 05044729 The Philosophy of mind MIT Press, 1992 0262023407 | 0262521679 (pbk.) xvi,433p.: Knowledge Centre
128.2 BEA 05034402 Philosophy of Mind : Beakley, Brian Prentice Hall of India, 2006 9788120333154 1055 p Knowledge Centre
128.2 BUR 00064754 Philosophy of Mind Burwood, Stephen UCL Press 2000 1857285913 224p UG Library
128.2 CAI 00124558 The Philosophy of Cognitive Science Cain, M. J. Polity, 2016 9780745646565 | 9780745646572 vi, 226 p ; UG Library
128.2 CAV 00078912 The Body for Beginners Cavallaro, Dani Orient Longman Publications 2000 8125020241 | 9788125020240 176 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
128.2 CHA 00132190 Mind and body in health and harmony in the Asian systems of medicine / Primus Books, 2017 9789384092023 (hardback) | 9384092029 xvii, 156 pages : UG Library
128.2 CHO 00081123 Ageless Body, Timeless Mind:A Practical Alternative to Growing Old Chopra, Deepak Rider 2003 357p UG Library
128.2 CHO 00081135 Golf for Enlightenment Chopra, Deepak Rider 2003 200p UG Library
128.2 COC 00106089 An introduction to the philosophy of mind Cockburn, David, Palgrave, 2001 0333786378 | 0333961226 (pbk.) xviii, 157 p. : UG Library
128.2 DEL 00117649 Goodbye, Descartes : Devlin, Keith J. Wiley, 1997 0471142166 (cloth : alk. paper x, 301 p. : UG Library
128.2 DEN 05066567 From Bacteria To Bach And Back : Dennett, Daniel C. Penguin Books, 2017 9780141978048 xvi, 476p.; Knowledge Centre
128.2 DEN 05005295 Content and consciousness / Dennett, Daniel Clement. Routledge, 2010 9780415567862 (pbk) | 04155678 xxii, 241 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.2 FES 00087983 Philosophy of Mind an Introduction Feser, Edward Oneworld Publishers 2005 1851683763 204p UG Library
128.2 FES 04012595 Philosophy of Mind Feser Edward Oneworld Publications, 9781851684786 267p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
128.2 FES 00095201 Philosophy of Mind. Feser, Edward Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851683763 204p UG Library
128.2 FES 00095200 Philosophy of Mind Feser Edward Oneworld Publications, 9781851684786 267p UG Library
128.2 GAN 00133132 Attention, not self / Ganeri, Jonardon, Oxford University Press, 2017 9780198757405 | 0198757409 x, 392 p. ; UG Library
128.2 GER 05034403 Arguing About the Mind / Gertler, Brie Routledge, 2007 9780415771634 604 p Knowledge Centre
128.2 GIL 00110274 The World, the flesh and the subject Gilbert, Paul, Edinburgh University Press, 2005 0748614990 | 9780748614998 | 0 164 p. ; UG Library
128.2 HEG 01017066 Hegel's Philosophy of mind / Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2007 019929951X (hbk.) | 9780199299 xxvii, 680 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.2 HEI 00064749 Philosophy of Mind Heil, John 2003 0415130603 238p UG Library
128.2 HEI 05044730 Philosophy of mind : Heil, John. Routledge, 2004 0415283558 | 0415283566 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xiv, 262 p. : Knowledge Centre
128.2 HON 00138770 Mind: Your Consciousness is What and Where Honderich,Ted Reaktion Books 2017 9781780238210 208p UG Library
128.2 JAC 07006840 The Philosophy of Mind: Jacquette, Dale Continuum, 2008 9780826499189 307p Library - BR Campus
128.2 JAC 00124960 The Philosophy of Mind: Jacquette, Dale Continuum, 2008 9780826499189 307p UG Library
128.2 JAC 00090729 The Philosophy of Mind: Jacquette, Dale Continuum, 2008 9780826499189 307p UG Library
128.2 JAC 00117477 The Philosophy of Mind : Jacquette, Dale. Continuum, 2009 9780826499172 (HB) | 082649917 xiii, 307 p. : UG Library
128.2 JAC 00109030 The Philosophy of Mind : Jacquette, Dale. Continuum, 2009 9780826499172 (HB) | 082649917 xiii, 307 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
128.2 JAW 05007046 Philosophy of mind : Jaworski, William. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781444333671 (hardback : alk. x, 411 p. : Knowledge Centre
128.2 JES 07006806 New essays on singular thought / Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199567881 (hbk.) | 0199567 xii, 324 p. : Library - BR Campus
128.2 JES 00128005 New Essays on Singular Thought / Jeshion, Robin/ Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199567881 (hbk.) | 0199567 xii, 324 p. : UG Library
128.2 JES 01017065 New essays on singular thought / Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199567881 (hbk.) | 0199567 xii, 324 p. : Knowledge Centre
128.2 KRI 05034432 Exploration into Insight / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 1979 8187326328 190 p Knowledge Centre
128.2 LUD 00110226 Externalism and Self-Knowledge Ludlow, Peter, CSLI Publications, 1998 1575861070 (hardcover : alk. p x, 382 p. ; UG Library
128.2 MAN 00146424 Key terms in philosophy of mind Mandik, Pete. Continuum, 2010 182 p. ; UG Library
128.2 MAN 05039470 Key terms in philosophy of mind Mandik, Pete. Continuum, 2010 182 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.2 MAR 07013635 A history of mind and body in late antiquity / Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107181212 xi,428p.; Library - BR Campus
128.2 MAR 05068627 A history of mind and body in late antiquity / Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107181212 xi,428p.; Knowledge Centre
128.2 MAT 05008402 The measure of mind : Matthews, Robert J. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199211258 (alk. paper) | 0 x, 267 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.2 MCC 00144364 What is philosophy of mind / McClelland, Tom Polity press, 2021 9781509538768 151p, ; UG Library
128.2 MCL 05029064 The Oxford handbook of philosophy of mind / McLaughlin, Brian P Claredon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199262618 | 0199262616 xv, 815 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.2 MIL 05001514 Topics in early modern philosophy of mind / Springer, 9789048123803 (hbk.) | 9048123 xx, 265 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.2 MOS 00069724 Last Frontiers of the Mind Moses, Mohandas Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd 2005 8120328515 | 9788120328518 425 p. UG Library
128.2 PAT 00142995 Freedom of the Will without Alternatives? Pattarakalayil, James G ATC Publishers 2018 9789386516565 259p UG Library
128.2 PLA 00143468 Phenomenal consciousness : Platchias, Dimitris. Acumen, 2011 9781844652488 (hbk.) | 1844652483 (hbk.) | 1844652491 (pbk.) | 9781844652495 (pbk.) vii, 215 p. ; UG Library
128.2 PRO 00074629 The Philosophy of Body Proudfoot, Mike Blackwell Publishers 2003 1405108959 | 9781405108959 ix, 130 p. : UG Library
128.2 ROB 00076120 Mind in the Making: Robinson, James Jarvey RUPA & CO 2003 8129100096 165p UG Library
128.2 ROB 00068456 Mind Robinson, Daniel 1998 0192893084 388p UG Library
128.2 SAG 00088666 Brocas` Brain:Reflections on the Romance of Science Sagan, Carl 2008 ISB0345336895 398p Yeshwanthpur Campus
128.2 SAG 03005344 Broca's Brain : Sagan, Carl. Presidio Press, 1975 0345336895 | 9780345336897 xiii, 398 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
128.2 SEA 00115201 Mind- a Brief Introduction Saerle, R John 2004 0195157338 321p UG Library
128.2 SEA 05034408 Mind : Searle, John R Oxford University Press, 2004 0195157338 325 p Knowledge Centre
128.2 SLI 09000127 Hermeneutic Moral Realism in Psychology : Routledge, 2019 9781138594531 x,132p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
128.2 SLI 05068240 Hermeneutic Moral Realism in Psychology : Routledge, 2019 9781138594531 x,132p.; Knowledge Centre
128.2 SOT 05046016 The Mind's Construction : Soteriou Mathew Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198747970 xii,385p.: Knowledge Centre
128.2 SYT 05048103 Advances in experimental philosophy of mind / Bloomsbury, 2014 9781474257060 x, 228 pages : Knowledge Centre
128.2 TAL 05040049 Reflections of a metaphysical flâneur : Tallis, Raymond. Acumen, 2013 9781844656660 | 1844656667 xvi, 299 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.2 THO 00064760 Teach Yourself Philosophy of Mind Thompson, Mel 2000 0340867566 168p UG Library
128.2 THO 05052549 Waking, dreaming, being : Thompson, Evan, 9780231137096 | 9780231538312 1 online resource (496 pages) Knowledge Centre
128.2 TRI 05063973 I Am The Mind : Trivedi, Deep. Aatman Innovations, 2018 9789384850098 6th ed. 252p.: Knowledge Centre
128.2 WIL 00116536 Boundaries of the mind Wilson, Robert A. Cambridge University Press, 2004 052183645X | 0521544947 (pbk.) xvii, 369 p. : UG Library
128.2 ZIL 05007289 Evolution, rationality, and cognition : Zilhao, Antonio Routledge, 2005 0415362601 xi, 186 p. : Knowledge Centre
128.203GRE 05001516 Oxford Companion to the Mind (UGC Career Oriented Programme) Gregory, L Oxford university press, 1998 0000198603 856p.; Knowledge Centre
128.21 THO 00088692 Teach Yourself:Philosophy of Mind Thompson, Mel 2008 9780340867563 166p UG Library
128.2BEA 01009385 Philosophy of Mind:Classical Problems /contemporary Issues / Brian Beakley Prentice-Hall 2007 9788120333154 1055p Knowledge Centre
128.2HOR 01000907 Undiscovered Mind: How the Brain Defies Explanation (law Lib) John Horgan Phoenix Poetry 0753810980 352p Knowledge Centre
128.2SHA 01009690 Will: A Dual Aspect Theory Vol:2 (law Lib) Brian O`Shaughnessy Cambridge University Press 9780521619530 617p Knowledge Centre
128.3 BER 00103861 Memory : Bernecker, Sven. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199577569 (hardback) | 019 viii, 276 p. ; UG Library
128.3 BER 01017143 Memory : Bernecker, Sven. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199577569 (hardback) | 019 viii, 276 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.3 GEN 01017097 Intuition, imagination, and philosophical methodology / Gendler, Tamar. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199589760 (hbk.) | 0199589 x, 362 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.3 HED 05048463 The iconic imagination / Hedley, Douglas, Bloomsbury, 2016 9781441194633 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii, 302 pages ; Knowledge Centre
128.3 KEA 05001515 Poetics of Imagining; Modern to Post-Modern Kearney, Richard Edinburgh university press, 1998 0748610537 260p.; Knowledge Centre
128.3 KRI 05034430 On Freedom / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 2004 8187326468 148 p Knowledge Centre
128.3 MAS 05046615 The politics of affect / Massumi, Brian. Polity Press, 2015 9780745689814 (hardcover : alk xvi,228p.: Knowledge Centre
128.3 NIK 05047286 Memory : Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199793846 (paperback) | 97 xv, 397 pages ; Knowledge Centre
128.3 PER 05046247 The faculties : Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199935253 (hardcover : alk 342 pages ; Knowledge Centre
128.3 SAR 05005531 The imaginary : Sartre, Jean-Paul, Routledge, 2010 9780415567848 (pbk) | 97802038 p. cm. Knowledge Centre
128.3 VAS 00142552 Thought : Vassilopoulou,Panayiota Routledge, 2021 9780367000103 x,326p.; UG Library
128.3 WHI 00096693 Memory. Whitehead, Anne, Routledge, 2009 9780415402743 (hardback : alk. 1st ed. 173 p. ; UG Library
128.33 AUD 00125901 Reasons, rights, and values Audi, Robert, Cambridge University Press 2015 9781107096905 x, 301 pages ; UG Library
128.33 OKA 00118787 Evolution and Rationality : Okasha, Samir Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107416840 x, 281 p. : UG Library
128.33 ROB 05034564 Spheres of Reason : Robertson, Simon Oxford University Press, 2009 97801999572939 ix, 223 p. Knowledge Centre
128.33 YOV 00134681 Spinoza on Reason and the Free Man Yovel,Yirmiyahu Little Room Press 2004 0967710235 256p UG Library
128.33SEN 05071536 Rationality and Freedom (law Lib) Amartya Sen Oxford University Press 0195665287 736p. Knowledge Centre
128.33SEN 01006485 Rationality and Freedom (law Lib) Amartya Sen Oxford University Press 0195665287 736p. Knowledge Centre
128.37 GOL 01016981 The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Emotion / Oxford University, 2010 9780199235018 xiv,722p.; Knowledge Centre
128.37 BRA 00134573 Emotion : Brady, Michael S. Routledge: 2019 9781138081376 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138081390 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1 [edition]. vii,168p,: UG Library
128.37 DOD 00129656 The Perfect Loss Dodd,Chip Sage Hill Resources 2010 9780984399109 273p UG Library
128.37 FRA 07010185 Hegel and Marx : Fraser, Ian, Edinburgh University Press, 1998 0748609474 xi, 207 p. : Library - BR Campus
128.37 GOL 05029059 Philosophy of Emotion Goldie Peter Oxford University Press 9780199235018 722p Knowledge Centre
128.37 MOR 00112116 Emotion and imagination / Morton, Adam. Polity Press, 2013 9780745649573 (hbk.) | 0745649 viii, 230 p. : UG Library
128.37 NIK 05073820 Critique of bored reason : Nikulin, Dmitri Columbia University Press, 2022 xxii, 300 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.37092 SOR 07013648 Kant and the faculty of feeling / Sorensen, Kelly. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107178229 x, 276p;. Library - BR Campus
128.4 BAU 00125045 Practical conflicts : Baumann,Peter Cambridge, 2004 0521812712 | 0521012104 (pbk.) vii, 344 p.; UG Library
128.4 BLO 10004495 The sweet spot : suffering, pleasure and the key to a good life / by Paul Bloom. Bloom, Paul [Author] The Bodley Head, 2021 9781529111064 xxvii, 272 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
128.4 COV 05034452 Principle Centered Leadership / Covey, R Stephen Simon & Schuster, 1996 0671792806 332 p Knowledge Centre
128.4 HEA 00137429 The power of moments : Heath, Chip, 9781501147760 | 9780593079263 First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition. 307 pages : UG Library
128.4 HOL 00141419 Stillness is the Key: Holiday, Ryan Profile Books 2019 9781788162050 264p UG Library
128.4 MIS 00141936 Gandhi's philosophy of action / Mishra, Prem Anand, Concept Publishing Company Pvt Ltd 2020 9789388937511 | 9388937511 xvii, 182 pages ; UG Library
128.4 NOE 05039959 Varieties of presence / Noë, Alva. Harvard University Press, 2012 9780674062146 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 174 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.4 OHE 00131827 Philosophy of action / O'Hear,Anthony Cambridge University Press 2017 9781108414890 (paperback) | 1108414893 vii, 288 pages : UG Library
128.4 SCH 05034429 Why Me? : Schuchardt, Erika WCC Publications, 2005 2825414360 142 p Knowledge Centre
128.4 SCH 00096882 On waiting / Schweizer, Harold, Routledge, 9780415775069 (hardback : alk. x, 152 p. : UG Library
128.4 SCH 00103877 Slaves of the passions / Schroeder, Mark Andrew, Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199299508 (alk. paper) | 9 ix, 224 p. : UG Library
128.4 SNE 05038598 Autonomy / Sneddon, Andrew, Bloomsbury, 1988 9781441152312 | 9781441165015 viii,219p.; Knowledge Centre
128.4 WEL 00143631 Human Nature: Wells, Robin Headlam Bloomsbury, 2020 9789389391473 200p UG Library
128.4092 MCC 01013578 Kant's theory of action / McCarty, Richard. Oxford University Press, 9780199567720 (alk. paper) | 0 xxiv, 250 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.4092 MCC 01017098 Kant's theory of action / McCarty, Richard. Oxford University Press, 9780199567720 (alk. paper) | 0 xxiv, 250 p. ; Knowledge Centre
128.46 ADA 00087598 The Soul of Love Adams, C W Readworthy Publications Ltd 2008 9788189973636 221 p UG Library
128.46 ADA 00088405 The Soul of Love Adams, C W Readworthy Publications Ltd 2008 9788189973636 221 p UG Library
128.46 FER 00117451 On love : Ferry, Luc. Polity Press, 2013 9780745670171 ((hardback) | 07 English ed. x, 180 p. ; UG Library
128.46 HAL 00135862 Philosophy of love, sex, and marriage : Halwani, Raja, Routledge 2018 9781138280144 (hardback) | 9781138280205 (pbk.) Econd Edition. 423p UG Library
128.46 HAL 00136202 Philosophy of love, sex, and marriage : Halwani, Raja, Routledge, 2018 9781138280144 (hardback) | 9781138280205 (pbk.) Second Edition. 423 p. : UG Library
128.46 PHI 00109799 Socrates in love Phillips, Christopher, W.W. Norton & Co., 2007 0393060179 (hardcover) | 97803 1st ed. 320 p. ; UG Library
128.5 BRA 00126950 The Oxford handbook of philosophy of death Bradley,Ben Oxford University Press, 2013 9780195388923 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 502 p.: UG Library
128.5 LUP 00124544 The Philosophy of Death Luper, Steven. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521882491 | 9780521709125 ix, 253 p. ; UG Library
128.5 RUM 07014080 Immortality and the body in the age of Milton / Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108422338 | 9781108432047 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiii, 243 pages ; Library - BR Campus
128.5 SAD 10002609 Death : Sadhguru Random House India Pvt Ltd, 2020 9780143450832 xv, 349p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
128.5 SCH 00100578 Death and Mortality in Contemporary Philosophy Schumacher, Bernard N Cambridge University Press, 9780521171199 ix, 258 p. UG Library
128.5 SIN 00122390 The Joys of Death Singh,Lake Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers 2005 246p UG Library
128.5 SOU 05042209 Love De Sousa, Ronald, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199663842 | 019966384X First edition 130 pages ; Knowledge Centre
128.5092 PAT 00111681 Heidegger on death : Pattison, George, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2013 9781409466949 (hardcover : alk x,170p.; UG Library
128.5DOL 00079850 Death, Desire and Loss in Western Culture Dollimore, Jonathan 0415937728 384p UG Library
128.6 IRU 00129466 Philosophizing the Body Irudayadason, Nishant A Christian World Imprint 2017 9789351481812 252p UG Library
128.6 MIC 00109900 Images of the body in India Michaels,Axel Routledge, 2009 9780415602303 | 9780415602303 vi, 298 p. : UG Library
128.6 PRO 00110088 The Philosophy of Body Proudfoot, Mike Blackwell Publishers 2003 1405108959 | 9781405108959 ix, 130 p. : UG Library
128.6 PRO 05034453 The Philosophy of Body / Proudfood, Mike Blackwell, 2003 130 p Knowledge Centre
128.6 RAM 05067190 Human being, bodily being : Ram-Prasad, Chakravarthi, Oxford university press, 2018 0198823622 | 9780198823629 First edition. viii, 204 pages ; Knowledge Centre
128.6 SHU 00124957 Thinking through the body Shusterman, Richard. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107019065 (hardback) | 978 xiii, 368 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
128.6 SHU 00110888 Thinking through the body Shusterman, Richard. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107019065 (hardback) | 978 xiii, 368 p. ; UG Library
128.6 WIL 01019063 Bodies for Sale : Wilkinson Stephen Routledge, 2003 9780415266253 248 p.: Knowledge Centre
128.8 KRI 00102397 Don't make a problem of anything; Krishnamurti.J Krishnamurthi foundation India; 9788187326540 286 p. UG Library
128FRO 01007247 Marx`s Concept of Man(law Library) Erich Fromm Continuum 0826477917 206p Knowledge Centre
128SOK 01010278 Phenomenology of the Human Person(law Lib) Robert Sokolowski Thomas Aquinas19 Aristotle18 345p Knowledge Centre
128WOL 01007520 Beyond Transcendence in Law and Philosophy (law Ib) Louis E Wolcher Cavendish 1859419852 250p Knowledge Centre
129 KRI 10005100 Can the Mind be Quiet ? : Krishnamurti, Jiddu Aleph Book Company, 2023 9789395853217 xi, 252 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
129 PIC 04009838 A beginner's guide to immortality : Pickover, Clifford A. Thunder's Mouth Press, 2007 1560259841 (pbk.) | 9781560259 xxv, 323 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
129 SHO 00140392 Preparing for death / Shourie,Arun Penguin 2020 9780670092390 x, 516 pages UG Library
129 WIL 00031558 Afterlife: an Investigation the Evidence for Life After Death Wilson, Colin Penguin 1985 300 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
129.4 CER 05010954 Many Mansion the Edgar Cayce Story on Reincarnation / Cerminara Gina A Signet Book, 1978 9780451168177 ix,291 p. : Knowledge Centre
129.4 IVE 00022304 More Lives Than One? Iverson, Jeffrey Pan 160 p UG Library
130 BRI 05034602 Beyond belief : Bridgstock, Martin, Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521758932 xi, 202 p. : Knowledge Centre
130 BRI 00119156 Beyond belief : Bridgstock, Martin, Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521758932 xi, 202 p. : UG Library
130 BRO 05034522 Outside the Gates of Science / Broderick, Damien Thunders Mouth Press, 2007 357 p Knowledge Centre
130 GRO 00135690 The Psychology of the Paranormal / Groome,David. Routledge, 2019 9781138307889 92p.; UG Library
130 JAS 05021977 Freud : Jastrow Joseph Permabook, 1959 290 p.: Knowledge Centre
130 LAM 00136186 Extraordinary beliefs : Lamont, Peter. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107019331 (hardback) | 9781107688025 (paperback) xi, 321 pages ; UG Library
130 LAM 00110830 Extraordinary beliefs Lamont, Peter. Cambridge University Press 2013 9781107019331 (hardback) | 978 xi, 321 pages ; UG Library
130 ROB 05001519 Parapsychology the Science of Unusual Experience Roberts, Ron Arnold, 2001 0340761687 186p.; Knowledge Centre
130 SMI 00131446 Critical thinking : Smith, Jonathan C., John wiley & sons, 2018 9781119029359 (pbk.) ix, 307 pages : UG Library
130.3 YAT 05004608 The Occult Philosophy In the Elizabeth Age / Yates Routledge, 2010 9780415254090 xi,255 p. Knowledge Centre
130.9 HAN 00108744 Esotericism And The Academy : Hanegraaff, Wouter J. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521196215 x, 468 p. UG Library
130.94309043 ROL 07014151 The Nazis and the Occult : Roland Paul Arcturus, 2018 9781788285254 304p.: Library - BR Campus
131 KOR 03007000 Bring out the magic in your mind /​ Koran, Al. Thorsons, 1972 9789380227979 288 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
131 BUT 05034532 Manage Your Mind : Butler, Gillian Oxford University Press, 1995 438 p. Knowledge Centre
131 BUZ 05034509 The Mindmap Book : Buzan, Tony BBC Books, 1996 0563371013 320 p Knowledge Centre
131 BYR 07012330 How the secret Changed my Life : Byrne Rhonda Simon & Schuster, 2016 9781471158193 262p.: Library - BR Campus
131 BYR 07012235 The Secret / Byrne Rhonda Simon & Schuster, 2016 9781471172397 202p.: Library - BR Campus
131 BYR 00140386 The Secret / Byrne Rhonda Simon & Schuster, 2016 9781471172397 202p.: UG Library
131 MOH 04008030 Cosmic ordering : Mohr, Barbel. Hampton Roads Pub. Co., 2007 9781571745286 (pbk. : alk. pap xv,204 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
131 MOH 04009694 Cosmic ordering : Mohr, Barbel. Hampton Roads Pub. Co., 2007 9781571745286 (pbk. : alk. pap xv,204 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
131 RED 00038359 The Celestine Prophecy Redfield, James Bantam Books 1995 9780553409024 284 p. UG Library
131 STE 00112193 The Inner Guide Meditation Steinbrecher, Edwin C. New Age Books, 2002 9788178220604 xii: 284p UG Library
131 WAL 00117647 The truth behind the secret / Walker, James K. Harvest House, 2007 0736922989 | 9780736922982 168 p. ; UG Library
131 WEI 04021670 Messages From The Masters : Weiss, Brain Piatkus, 2000 9780749921675 262p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
131 WEI 05034410 Messages from the Masters : Weiss, M D Brian Warner Books, 2000 0446676926 264 p Knowledge Centre
131.3 DAV 05034411 The Art of Happiness : Davar, S Rustom U B S Publishers, 1996 214 p Knowledge Centre
131.3 SOM 04008212 One Book for life success : Somineni, Venu G Ocean, 2010 9788191032505 viii, 188p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
131.32 POW 05001975 Why I Am Afraid to Tell You Who I Am?: Insights to Personal Growth Powell, John 1996 1559242795 155 p Knowledge Centre
131.32 BRI 10003659 The magic of believing/ Bristol, Claude M. Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2017 9788129148346 276 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
131.32 MIN 00041345 Maximising Self Confidence. Minchinton, Jerry Jaico 1996 8172245874 255 p UG Library
131.32 POW 00041713 Why I Am Afraid to Tell You Who I Am?: Insights to Personal Growth Powell, John 1996 1559242795 155 p UG Library
131.33 JAG 00027482 Mental Tension and Its Cure Jaggi O.P. Orient Paperbacks 1984 192 p. UG Library
131.3462 FIN 05041046 Freud : Fine, Reuben, Routledge,. 1962 9780415717083 271 p.; Knowledge Centre
132.1 FOU 07008576 Madness and civilization:a history of insanity in the age of reason / Foucault, Michel, Routledge, 1989 0415255392 (hbk) | 0415253853 xiv, 282 p. ; Library - BR Campus
132.1 FOU 05005280 Madness and civilization:a history of insanity in the age of reason / Foucault, Michel, Routledge, 1989 0415255392 (hbk) | 0415253853 xiv, 282 p. ; Knowledge Centre
133 BEN 05001978 Scientific Hand Reading Benham, G William Sagar Book House 635p Knowledge Centre
133 6 LAW 00010882 Hand Analysis Myrah Lawrance, VIKAS 1973 198p. UG Library
133 BLA 00112189 Studies in occultism Blavatsky, H. P New age books, 2004 9788178220871 212p.; UG Library
133 BOL 00029824 Edgar Cayce Speaks / Bolton, Brett Avon 1987 0-380-00553-0 654p. UG Library
133 BUR 00029823 Develop Your Psychic Abilities and Get Then to Work for You Burns, Litany Pocket Books 1988 256 p UG Library
133 CAR 05038652 Varieties of Anomalous Experience : American Psychological Association, 2014 9781433815294 ix,452p.; Knowledge Centre
133 CAS 00029318 Power of Silence Castaneda, Carlos Black Swan 1987 250 p UG Library
133 CAS 00029322 Fire from Within Castaneda, Carlos Blackie 1987 320 p UG Library
133 DRU 00101137 The dictionary of the Esoteric: Drury Nevill Motilal banarsidass publishers private limited; 9788120819894 344 p. UG Library
133 EBO 00031496 Mysterious Pyramid Power / Ebon, Martin Signet 1976 170p. UG Library
133 IRW 05060939 psychology of paranormal belief : Irwin, Harvey J. University of Hertfordshire Press, 2009 9781902806938 viii, 213p. Knowledge Centre
133 LAN 00019428 In Search of Strange Phenomena Landsburg, Alan Corgi 1977 190 p UG Library
133 LEG 00029305 I Ching: Book of Changes Legge, James Tr Bantam 1987 460 p UG Library
133 MAS 05037687 The Occult / Masuo Maiyer Penguin Books, 2013 9780670086993 230p.: Knowledge Centre
133 MON 00021272 Journeys Out of the Body / Monroe, Robert A Anchor 1977 272p. UG Library
133 PET 00031510 The Peter Pyramid Or Will We Ever Get the Point Peter J. Laurence Dr. Bantam Books 1987 190 p. UG Library
133 RAM 00019426 The Third Eye Rampa Lobsang T. Corgi Books 1977 188 p. UG Library
133 RAN 00019431 Parapsychology and the Nature of Life Randall, John L Sphere 1977 256 p UG Library
133 SCH 00029307 Secret Power of Pyramids Schul, Bill Fawcett Gold Medal 1987 0449132668 222 p UG Library
133 SCH 00029313 Living Your Past Lives: Schlotterbeck, Karl Ballantine 1986 320p. UG Library
133 WIL 00029926 Occult Wilson,Colin Penguin 1971 800 p. UG Library
133 YAT 00068258 Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age Yates, Frances 1999 0000415094 255p UG Library
133.03 WEB 05028054 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027858 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027859 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027860 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027861 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027862 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027863 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027864 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027865 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027866 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027867 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027868 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027869 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027870 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027871 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027872 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027873 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027874 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027875 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027876 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027877 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027878 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027879 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027880 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027881 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.03 WEB 05027882 Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time The Unexplained / Websters Websers Unified H.S.Stuttman Inc, 1992 0874755751 | 9780761973416 112p.: Knowledge Centre
133.092 BLA 00052111 The Secret Doctrine Blavatsky, H.P. The Theosophical Publishing House 1979 0817059054 695 p. UG Library
133.092 BLA 00052112 The Secret Doctrine Blavatsky, H.P. The Theosophical Publishing House 1979 0817059054 695 p. UG Library
133.092 BLA 00052113 The Secret Doctrine Blavatsky, H.P. The Theosophical Publishing House 1979 0817059054 695 p. UG Library
133.10942 ACK 00107014 The English Ghost Ackroyd,Peter Vintage books 2011 9780099287575 276 P. UG Library
133.142 CLA 04017196 Poltergeists : Clarkson, Michael Freeboooks, 2005 9781554071593 220p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.25 MAC 00134767 Everyone Can Heal Mackwani,Sonia Body and Soul Books 2015 9789381115633 190p UG Library
133.3 CON 00115199 The Coonnolly Book of Numbers Connolly,Eileen Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2004 9788176496087 241 p. UG Library
133.3 CON 05025701 The Coonnolly Book of Numbers Connolly,Eileen Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2004 9788176496087 241 p. Knowledge Centre
133.3 BAN 08001803 Vastu : Barron's, 2002 9780764121067 144p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.3 CON 00115200 The Coonnolly Book of Numbers Connolly,Eileen Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2004 9788176496087 241 p. UG Library
133.3 HOG 00142250 Nastradamis: Hogue,John Element Books Limited 1999 1862043884 961p UG Library
133.3 LEM 00065545 Unknown Nostradamus: the Essential Biography for His 500th Birthday Lemesurier, Peter New Age Books 2004 8178221950 268p UG Library
133.3 LIN 00052488 What Your Face Reveals Lin B, Henry Jaico 2001 0817224861 244p Yeshwanthpur Campus
133.3 MCC 00065566 Nostradamus: the Man Who Saw Through Time Mc Cann, Lee 1992 0517436930 421p UG Library
133.3 RAM 00134061 Advanced course in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism Ramacharaka,Yogi Union Yoga Publishing 1905 9781906828011 231p UG Library
133.3 SAH 00060916 Secrets of Vastushastra Sahasrabudhe, N. H. A Sterling Paperback 2003 8120720423 | 9788120720428 112 p. UG Library
133.3092 REA 07015388 Nostradamus : Reading, Mario. Watkins Publishing, 2007 9781905857920 292 p. ; Library - BR Campus
133.30954 KAK 00024090 Shamans Mystics & Doctors. a Psychological Inquiry into India Kakar, Sudhir Oxford 1982 306 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
133.32 CHE 00031512 The Prophecies of Nostradamus Cheetham, Erika Corgi Books 1973 480 p. UG Library
133.32 CHE 00031513 Further Prophecies of Nostradamus. Cheetham, Erica Corgi 1989 272 p UG Library
133.32 LIN 00029929 Star Signs. the Secret Codes of the Universe Linda, Coodman PAN 1987 480 p UG Library
133.3242 OSH 00092667 Tarot in the spirit of Zen : Osho, St. Martin's Griffin, 0312317670 (pbk.) xv, 206 p. : UG Library
133.32424 FAR 05067999 A Cultural History of Tarot : Farley, Helen. Bloomsbury Academic, 2019 9781788314916 viii, 270p.; Knowledge Centre
133.32424 OSH 00135935 Tarot in the spirit of Zen : Osho, St. Martin's Griffin, 2003 0312317670 (pbk.) | 9780312317676 1st ed. xv, 206 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
133.33 SKI 05001979 Feng Shui: the Traditional Oriental Way to Enhance Your Life Skinner, Stephen Parragon, 2000 0752543873 95p.; Knowledge Centre
133.33 LIP 00067515 Feng Shui for the Home Lip, Evelyn Times Books International 1986 9812040749 | 9789812040749 83 p. UG Library
133.33 MON 05001568 Feng Shui: 365 Steps Towards Harmony Monte, Dumont Dumont Buchverlag, 2003 9783770170241 365p.; Knowledge Centre
133.33 SAN 00052853 Luminous Essence Santos, Daniel New Age Books 1997 8178220334 178 p. UG Library
133.33 SAN 00052854 Feng Shui for the Body Santos,Daniel New Age Books 2000 8178220121 242 p. UG Library
133.3303 COO 07014773 An illustrated encyclopaedia of traditional symbols/ Cooper, Jean C. Thames & Hudson Ltd, 1978 9780500271254 208 p;. Library - BR Campus
133.330954 BHA 00067533 Indian Luck Book How to Bring Luck into Your Life Bharadwaj, Monisha Rupa & Co 2001 1856264211 255p UG Library
133.330954 DWI 00067530 Sampuran Vastu Shastra Dwivedi, Bhojraj Dr. Diamond Pocket Books 2002 8171821952 218 p. UG Library
133.333 KRI 08001804 The vaastu workbook : Krishna, Talavane. Destiny Books, 2001 0892819405 (pbk.) ix, 141 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.334 WIL 00060527 I Ching or Book of Changes Wilhelm, Richard Penguin Books 2003 739 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
133.335 CON 05033680 The Connolly book of numbers / Connolly, Eileen. Borgo Press, 1988 0809561298 (v. 1) : | 08095613 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
133.335 GHY 05058664 The golden number : Ghyka, Matila C. Inner Traditions, 1976 9781594771002 (hardcover) First U.S.edition. xiii, 434 pages ; Knowledge Centre
133.335 GOO 00095228 Numerology:The Complete Goodwin matthew oliver Viva Books 9788176496056 380P UG Library
133.335 GOO 00095281 Numerology :the Complete Guide Vol-2 Goodwin Matthew Oliver Vava Books 9788176496063 794P UG Library
133.335 KAT 05034523 Dial Your Birth Number : Katakkar, M U B S Publishers, 1997 566 p Knowledge Centre
133.335 KHU 04015225 The Essence of Numerology / Khurrana, P. Rupa : 2012 9788129113207 178 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.335 KHU 07007799 The Essence of Numerology / Khurrana, P. Rupa : 2012 9788129113207 178 p. : Library - BR Campus
133.335 LAW 00058527 Secret Science of Numerology: the Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters Lawrence, Shirley Blackwell 2000 0143030124 288p UG Library
133.335 SHA 00086881 Simple Numerology: A Simple Wisdom Book Sharp, Damian Jaico Publishing House 2005 8179923746 123 p UG Library
133.3350951 WEB 00081511 Chinese Numerology: The Way to Prosperity & Fulfillment. Webster, Richard Jaico 2006 8172248024 264p UG Library
133.4 DAV 00030950 Magic and Mystery in Tibet David-Neel, Alexandra RUPA 1989 1 UG Library
133.4 JAM 00040559 Golden Bough Sir James Frazer Wordsworthreference 1996 756p UG Library
133.420954 BHA 00068972 Indian Demonology Bhattacharyya, N. N. Manohar Publishers 2000 8173043094 234 p. UG Library
133.422 NAV 00090856 The Devil Worship of the Tuluvs: Frome the Papaers of Late a c Burnell Navada, A V Aruna Printers 2008 409p UG Library
133.426 SMI 00090258 Deity and Spirit Possession in South Asia Smith, Frederick M MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2008 9788120833722 701p UG Library
133.427 PEC 05034524 Glimpses of the Devil : Peck, M Scott Free Press, 2000 0743254678 259 p Knowledge Centre
133.43 BUC 00112154 An Illustrated guide to Magical and Spiritual Symbolism: Buckland,Raymond New Age Books 2005 8178222051 244p UG Library
133.43 COE 05070331 The Pilgrimage : Coelho, Paulo. HarperCollins, 1998 9780722534878 226p.; Knowledge Centre
133.43 GAS 00101786 Witchcraft : Gaskill,Malcolm Oxford University Prees , 9780199236954 146 P. UG Library
133.43 MAU 00119692 A General Theory of Magic / Mauss, Marcel, Routledge, 2001 0415255503 | 9780415255509 | 0 vi, 183 p. ; UG Library
133.43 RAE 00109569 Celtic wicca Raeburn, Jane. Citadel Press, 2001 0806522291 | 9780806522296 viii; 200 p. ; UG Library
133.43 STE 00060134 Witchcraft Sorcery Rumors and Gossip Stewart, J. Pamela Cambridge University 2004 0052100473 | 9780521004732 228 p. UG Library
133.43019 VYS 07007851 Believing in magic Vyse, Stuart A. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199996926 (pbk. : acidfree Updated edition. xii, 316 pages : Library - BR Campus
133.43019 VYS 00116535 Believing in magic Vyse, Stuart A. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199996926 (pbk. : acidfree Updated edition. xii, 316 pages : UG Library
133.43089924 BOH 00124528 Ancient Jewish Magic : Bohak, Gideon, Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521874571 | 0521874572 ix, 483 p. : UG Library
133.4309 OLD 05004806 The witchcraft reader / Routledge, 2008 9780415415644 (hardcover) | 97 2nd ed. xiii, 408 p. ; Knowledge Centre
133.4309 PAV 05011395 Witch hunts in the western world : Pavlac, Brian Alexander, Greenwood Press, 2009 9780313348730 (alk. paper) | 0 xx, 228 p., 16 p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
133.430954 MIS 00071370 Casting the Evil Eye Mishra, Archana Roli Gokhale Editions Books 2003 8174362142 | 9788174362148 202 p. UG Library
133.4409 DAV 00101971 Grimoires : Davies, Owen Oxford University Press, 9780199204519 xi, 368 p. UG Library
133.5 BHA 00059233 Be Your Own Astrologer Bhambi, Pandit Ajai Wisdom Tree 2004 8186685472 | 9788186685471 318 p. UG Library
133.5 CAN 00112159 Conversations with Nostradamus: Cannon,Dolores New Age Books 2006 8178222930 367p UG Library
133.5 CAN 00112160 Conversations with Nostradamus: Cannon,Dolores New Age Books 2006 8178222930 367p UG Library
133.5 CHA 00061730 An Introduction to Astrology Chaudhuri V. Cosmo Publications 2000 8177557777 316 p. UG Library
133.5 COL 00052477 Success Signs Coleman,Mary Penguin Books 2001 0143027700 | 9780143027706 450 p. UG Library
133.5 GOL 05029470 Personalogy: The Precision Approach to Charting Your Life, Career and Relationships: Goldschneider, Gary 2005 0762422297 928p Knowledge Centre
133.5 GOO 00031526 Love Signs Goodman's, Linda A Pan/Macmillan book 1988 1170 p. UG Library
133.5 KWA 00065551 Concise Book of Astrology, Palmistyry and Numerology Kwatra, Saurabh Academic (india) 2003 8185185980 288p UG Library
133.5 SEA 05058136 Astrology 101 : Sears, Kathleen, Admas media, 2016 9781440594731 | 1440594732 255 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : Knowledge Centre
133.5 VAR 00098753 Brhatsamhita/ Varahamihiracarya Sri Anand printig press; 8172700768 496 p. UG Library
133.5 VEN 00022614 Astrology for Beginners. Kata Raman, IBH 1982 100 p UG Library
133.50954 DEF 05034421 Light on Relationships : De Fouw, Hart Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2002 8120818342 295 p Knowledge Centre
133.52 GOO 00079874 Linda Goodman's Star Signs Goodman's,Linda Pan Books 1987 477 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
133.53 BAN 00060423 Introduction to Feng Shui Bansal, Ashwanie Kumar Fengshui & Vastu Expert 2001 9788190125734 170 p. UG Library
133.54 CHR 00040356 Star Success Christino,Karen Pocket Books 1992 352 p. UG Library
133.54 CUN 00035877 Moon Signs, the Key to Your Inner Life Cunningham, Donna Ballnetine 1993 412 p UG Library
133.54 DAR 00118805 Your Complete Forecast 2015 Horoscope Daruwalla, Bejan HarperCollins Publishers, 2014 9789351363606 xii:526p,; UG Library
133.6 AND 00024346 Palmisstry ( How to Read the Visible Part of Your Brain ) Anderson, Mary Northomptoshire 1982 98p UG Library
133.6 BRI 00030906 Dictionary of Palmistry Bright, J S Bby 1984 240p UG Library
133.6 GER 00065555 Pratical Palmistry Germain, Comte C De Ajay Book Service 2002 8187077301 232p UG Library
133.6 PAN 00052270 How to Read Palmistry Panda, B N Ajay Book Service 2001 8187077174 404p UG Library
133.6 ROB 00059206 Discover Yourself Through Palm Reading Robinson,Rita Penguin Books 2002 0143030957 | 9780143030959 221 p. UG Library
133.6 SEN 00015141 Hart Samudsika Shastra Sen, 1947 1 UG Library
133.8 NIP 04002886 7th Sense: Primordial Strategies for Perosnal and Corporate Success Nippani, Dalyan Saga Viva Books 2008 9788130909257 169 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.8 CAR 00029311 Your Psychic Power and How to Development them Carington, Hereward India Book House 1987 358p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
133.8 CHA 00062915 Sacred Evil Chakraverti, Ipsita Roy Harper Collins Publishers India 2003 0817223452 | 9788172234522 199 p. UG Library
133.8 CHE 00095258 The psychic workshop Chestney, Kim. Adams Media, 2004 1593370210 (pbk.) xiv, 242 p. ; UG Library
133.8 EDP 00031122 Test Your Esp Ebon, Martin New American 1970 140 p UG Library
133.8 MAN 05034423 The Psychic Battlefield : Mandelbaum, W Adam Vision Paperbacks, 2000 1901250466 278 p Knowledge Centre
133.8 MIT 00031129 Out of Body Experiences Mitchell, Janet Dee Ballantine 1981 184p UG Library
133.8 NIC 00060518 World's Greatest Psychics and Mystics. Nicholas, Margaret 2002 0060058612 160p Yeshwanthpur Campus
133.8 RAD 03007492 Entangled Minds : Radin, Dean I. Paraview Pocket Books, 2006 9781416516774 357 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
133.8 RAD 04009691 Entangled Minds : Radin, Dean I. Paraview Pocket Books, 2006 9781416516774 357 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.8 RAO 00101143 Yoga and parapsychology : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2010 9788120834736 1st ed. xix, 516 p. : UG Library
133.8 RAO 00099280 Yoga and parapsychology : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2010 9788120834736 1st ed. xix, 516 p. : UG Library
133.8 SHE 00031124 How to Make Esp Work for You Sherman, Harold Fawcett 1988 1988 UG Library
133.8 WEB 05034424 Practical Guide to Past-Life Memories / Webster, Richard Jaico Publishing House, 2004 8179923207 324 p Knowledge Centre
133.8083 TAN 03006432 Is Your Child Psychic? : Tanous, Alex. Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2009 9781585427383 | 1585427381 1st Jeremy P. Tarcher ed. xix, 204 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
133.8092 CHA 00095138 My life as a psychiatrist : Chakraborty, Ajita. Stree, 2010 9788185604923 | 8185604924 xvi, 220 p. ; UG Library
133.82 WIL 00111713 Thoughts through space : Wilkins, George H. Hampton Roads Pub. Co., 2004 1571743146 (alk. paper) xxiv, 301 p. ; UG Library
133.84 DOU 00029825 Voyage to the New World an Adventure into Unlimitedness Ramtha Douglas James Mahr Fawcett 1987 276p. UG Library
133.892 PRI 00108177 Life-Changing Spiritual Power Prince,Derek Derek Prince Ministries 1997 9789380495019 461 p. UG Library
133.8CHE 00073853 Psychic Workshop a Complete Program for Fulfilling Your Spiritual Potential [DHARMARAM LIBRARY] Chestney, Kim Viva Books Private Limited 1593370210 242p UG Library
133.9 ROM 03006734 Creating money : Roman, Sanaya. H J Kramer Inc., published in a joint venture with New World Library, 2008 9781932073225 (pbk. : alk. pap Rev. ed. xxxiv, 270 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
133.9 AKB 00079810 Spiritual Psychology Husain, Akbar Global Vision Publishing House 2005 8182200954 161p UG Library
133.9 CHA 04008001 Conversations with eternity : Hugo, Victor, New Paradigm Books, 1998 1892138018 1st New Paradigm Books pbk. ed. vi, 260 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.9 EAS 05034527 Discovering Your Hidden Spiritual Resources / Easwaran, Eknath Jaico Publishing, 1996 8172245807 242 p Knowledge Centre
133.9 EBO 00029822 Test Your Esp Ebon, Martin Signet 1971 140p. UG Library
133.9 GIR 00132197 Research as realization : Primus Books, 2017 9789386552150 (hardback) xvi, 351 pages ; UG Library
133.9 KAZ 00012879 Report to Greco Translated from the Greek By P a Bien Kazantzakis, Nikos BANTAM 1970 496p UG Library
133.9 OST 00021268 Handbook of Psychic Discoveries Ostrander, Sheila Barkley 1974 310p UG Library
133.9 TUT 07012178 Studies in the out-lying fields of psychic science / Tuttle, Hudson Amazing Publication, 2018 9789384860325 207p.; Library - BR Campus
133.9013 PAR 05034526 What Happens When We Die : Parnia, Sam Hay House, 2008 241 p Knowledge Centre
133.9013 ATW 04008604 The big book of near-death experiences : Atwater, P. M. H. Hampton Roads Pub., 2007 9781571745477 (pbk. : alk. pap xx, 473 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.9013 CAR 00141323 Science and the Near-Death Experience : Carter, Chris Inner Traditions; 2010 9781594773563 303p UG Library
133.9013 HAL 00052855 A New Look at Past Lives Hall, Judy New Age Books 1998 8178220156 234 p. UG Library
133.9013 HAR 05034525 Reincarnation : Hardo, Trutz Jaico Publishing House, 2004 8179921522 234 p Knowledge Centre
133.9013 MAR 01017144 Out-of-body and near-death experiences : Marsh, Michael N. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199571505 (hbk. : alk. pap xxv, 309 p. : Knowledge Centre
133.9013 MOO 00112167 How to Master Change in Your Life Moore,Mary Carroll New Age Books 2010 8178220369 364p UG Library
133.9013 MYE 04009771 Human personality and its survival of bodily death / Myers, F. W. H. Hampton Roads Pub., 2001 9781571742384 xxv, 352 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.9013 PAR 00127568 What Happens When We Die : Parnia, Sam Hay House, 2008 241 p UG Library
133.9013 SHR 04030584 Paranormal Experiences : Beyond the Realms of Reason / Shrikhande, Mehra Unicorn Books, 2009 9788178061665 224p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.9013 WEB 00070637 Practical Guide to Past-Life Memories Webster,Richard Jaico Publishing House 2004 8179923207 | 9788179923207 242 p. UG Library
133.9013 WEI 04022982 Though Time Into Healing : Weiss, Brian Piakus, 2010 9780749918354 202p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.90135 BAC 00132411 Past Life Exploration: Backman, Dr Linda, Jaico Publishing House, 2015 9788184957570 xvi,241 p.; UG Library
133.91 VAN 04017238 Unfinshed Business : Van Praagh, James Happer One, 2009 9781615237357 236p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.93 CLA 00021269 Psychic Healers / David ST. Clair Bantam 1979 0-553-02056-0 340p. UG Library
133.93 EST 04017090 Money,and the Law of Attraction : Esther Hay House India, 2009 9788189988586 xix,265 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.93 EST 05011071 Money,and the Law of Attraction : Esther Hay House India, 2009 9788189988586 xix,265 p. : Knowledge Centre
133.93 HIC 05011070 The Law Of Altraction / Esther Hay House India, 2006 9788189988159 205 p. : Knowledge Centre
133.93 HIC 04017022 Ask and it is given / Esther Hay House India, 2011 9788190416948 xxviii,314 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.93 HIC 05010986 Ask and it is given / Esther Hay House India, 2011 9788190416948 xxviii,314 p. : Knowledge Centre
133.93 KIR 00130231 Mary's message to the world : Mary, Blue Dolphin Pub., 1991 093189266X : 189 p UG Library
133.93 OST 00021275 Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain / Sheila Ostrander, BANTOM 1970 457p. UG Library
133.93 VIR 04017030 Angel Therapy : Virtue, Doreen Hay House : 1997 9788189988135 221p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.93 WAL 04017004 Conversations with God : Walsch, Neale Donald Hachette, 1997 9780340765449 263p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.93 WAL 04016985 Conversations with God / Walsch, Neale Donald Hodder, 1995 9780340693254 211p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
133.BRE 00031120 Edgar Cayce Speaks Brett Bolton Avon 1969 xxiv,664p. UG Library
134.165 POP 00121213 Just married Popcak, Gregory Pauline Publications 2014 9788171768219 248p UG Library
134.70973SCH 01004828 Political Campaign Craftsmanship: A Professional`s Guide to Campaigning for Public Office(law Lib.) Edward Schwartzman Transation 0088738742 326p Knowledge Centre
135 ROB 00031061 Seth Dreams and Projection of Consciousness Roberts, Jane BANTAM 1988 320p UG Library
135.3 AHM 00060422 Illustrated A-Z of Understanding Dreams Ahmad Rashid Flame Tree Publishing 2002 0190404174 | 9781904041740 224 p. UG Library
135.3 FRE 01016979 The interpretation of dreams : Freud,Sigmund. Oxford World's Classic, 1999 0815550294 : liv,458p.; Knowledge Centre
135.3 FRE 00125435 The interpretation of dreams : Freud,Sigmund. Oxford World's Classic, 1999 0815550294 : liv,458p.; UG Library
135.3 SOD 00122316 Of Dreams Sodhi,Aditi Talwar Pustak Mahal 2011 9788122312157 207p UG Library
135.45 LIT 07013622 Hermetica II : Litwa, M. David. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107182530 xiii, 373p;. Library - BR Campus
135.45 VAN 00104684 The Arabic Hermes : Van Bladel, Kevin. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195376135 | 9780195376135 xii, 278 p. ; UG Library
136 KUH 05021982 Psychological Studies of Human Development / Kuhlen Raymond.G Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1970 xii,639 p.: Knowledge Centre
136.7 PAN 00132948 Child psychology and development/ Panda,Pratap Kumar. A.P.H.Publishing Corporation, 2018 9789387460355 244 p. ; UG Library
136.7 WAT 00006917 Psychology of the Child Watson, Robert Toppan 1965 1 UG Library
136.7082 REE 05001976 Advances in child development and behavior / Edited by Kail, Robert V. Academic Press, 2000 Knowledge Centre
136.7352 BER 00000812 L Enfant Bernard, Georgette J J Desclee De 1936 1 UG Library
137 GAR 00092189 Instant Hand Writing Analysis : A Key To Personal Success Gardner Ruth Pustak Mahal 1997 9788122304343 147 p UG Library
137 GRO 00038361 The Story Search for the Self Grof, Christina Thorsons 1995 334 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
137 MAU 00020647 How to Win Personal Efficiency Maurus, J. Better Your Self 1973 128 p. UG Library
137 NIC 00007303 The Revolutionary Personality Wolfenstein, Victor E. Princeton 1971 254 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
137 STA 00000800 Psychology of Personality Stagner, Ross Mcgraw-Hill 1961 3rd Ed. 586 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
138 DUB 00132409 Mysteries of Vedic Face Reading: Dubey Hrishikesh, Jaico Publishing House, 2013 9788184951301 xix,299 p.; UG Library
138 GOR 00109798 Spirals Of Reality Gormally Eric P. Dog Ear Publishing 2010 9781608443574 xx; 477 p. UG Library
138 NIE 00031495 How to Read a Person Like a Book Nierenberg, I. Gerard Pocket Books 1973 190 p. UG Library
138 STA 00065632 How to Read Faces in a Set of 2 Vols Stanton, Mary Olmsted Ajay Book Service 2004 8187077115 597p UG Library
138 STA 00065633 How to Read Faces in a Set of 2 Vols Stanton, Mary Olmsted Ajay Book Service 2004 8187077115 597p UG Library
140 EAG 00104356 Ideology Eagleton Terry ABS publishers 2007 9781844671434 xxiv,242p UG Library
140 EAG 00104357 Ideology Eagleton Terry ABS publishers 2007 9781844671434 xxiv,242p Yeshwanthpur Campus
140 FER 00148151 In the Middle of Things/ Ferrao, Victor Christian World Imprints, 2022 9789351486329 136p UG Library
140 FEU 05001562 Ideology and the ideologists / Feuer, Lewis S. Transaction Publishers, 9781412814423 (alk. paper) 210 p. Knowledge Centre
140 FRA 00128637 Philosophy of Mathematics Francis,John Global Vision Publishing House 2017 152p UG Library
140 FRE 05048860 Ideology : Freeden, Michael. Oxford University Press, 2003 019280281X | 9780192802811 142 p. : Knowledge Centre
140 HAR 00140553 Themis: Harrison,Jane Ellen Cambridge University Press 2010 9781108009492 559p UG Library
140 KAN 00148141 Through Pleasure to the Human Good/ Kannanaikkal, Jose Christian World Imprints, 2023 9789395457842 129p UG Library
140 KOU 00135861 Philosophy and Revolution from Kant to Marx Kouvelakis,Stathis Verso 2018 9781786635785 466p UG Library
140 PHE 00112112 Alain Badiou : Phelps, Hollis, 9781844655533 | 9781844655540 ix, 182 pages ; UG Library
140 SPE 00140529 First Principles Spencer,Herbert Cabridge University Press 2009 9781108004183 503p UG Library
140 ZIZ 00088425 Sublime Object of Ideology Zizek, Slavoj Navayana 2008 8189059130 240p UG Library
140.712 ZIZ 00087701 Sublime Object of Ideology Zizek, Slavojj Navayana 1989 8189059130 240p Yeshwanthpur Campus
140BRO 01002801 State of the World 1992(LAW LIB.) Lester R Brown W W Norton & Company 0393308340 256p Knowledge Centre
141 BHA 00094013 Individualism in Social Science Bhargava Rajeev Oxford University Press 9780195695717 270p UG Library
141.0941 BOU 00125057 British idealism: Boucher, David, Continuum, 2012 9780826496775 (hardback) | 082 viii, 196 p.; UG Library
141.0941 MAN 05040909 British idealism : Mander, W. J. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199559299 | 0199559295 xix, 605 p. : Knowledge Centre
141.0943 BUB 00124533 The innovations of idealism / Bubner, Rüdiger, Cambridge University Press, 2003 0521662621 | 9780521662628 x, 274 p. ; UG Library
141.0943 SOL 00088319 Age of German Idealism Solomon, Robert C 2008 0ISB041530878 408p UG Library
141.2 PAT 00138713 Plato and Europe Patočka, Jan, Stanford University Press, 2002 0804738009 (alk. paper) | 0804738017 xxi, 223 p. ; UG Library
141.3 RAJ 00099873 The Humanization of transcendental philosophy. Rajan.R,Sundara Tulika books; 1997 8185229058 vii;229 p. UG Library
141.3 STE 00068461 Transcendental Arguments Stern, Robert 1999 0199261563 327p UG Library
141.30973 GEL 00110255 Varieties of Transcendental Experience Gelpi, Donald L., Liturgical Press, 2000 0814659497 (alk. paper) xii, 364 p. ; UG Library
141.4 GUP 00133280 Indian Philosophies and Philosophers: Gupta, Manpj Kumar Ishwar Book: 2018 9789386806185 vi,320 p.; UG Library
141.409034 CAR 05009477 Break-Out From the Crystal Palace : Carroll John Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1974 9780415562225 188 p. : Knowledge Centre
142 FUC 00142927 Foundations of critical theory : Fuchs, Christian, Routledge, 2022 9781032057866 | 9781032057897 xii,267p.; UG Library
142 JAS 00055219 Critical Thinking Jason,Gary Wads worth 2001 0534573894 | 9780534573898 453 p. UG Library
142 MAC 05034528 The Idea of Pure Critique / Mackenzie, Iain Continuum, 2004 0826468071 114 p Knowledge Centre
142 SCH 05047695 Critical theory in the twenty-first century / Schecter, Darrow. Bloomsbury, 2016 9781441164322 (hardcover : alk 218 pages ; Knowledge Centre
142 SCH 00134856 Critical theory in the twenty-first century / Schecter, Darrow. Bloomsbury, 2016 9781441164322 (hardcover : alk 218 pages ; UG Library
142 SEC 00012392 Classicism: The Critical Idiom Secretan Dominique Methuen & Co Ltd 1973 85 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
142 SIM 00122257 Contemporary Critical Theorists : Simons, Jon. Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131607237 xi, 292 p:. UG Library
142 SIM 10001327 Contemporary Critical Theorists : Simons, Jon. Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131607237 xi, 292 p:. Yeshwanthpur Campus
142 SIM 05034501 Contemporary Critical Theorists : Simons, Jon Atlantic Publishers & Distributors, 2004 9788126904662 xi, 292 p. Knowledge Centre
142 SIM 07000486 Contemporary Critical Theorists : Simons, Jon. Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131607237 xi, 292 p:. Library - BR Campus
142.03 FOW 00068253 Modern Critical Terms Fowler, Roger 2003 0415058848 261p UG Library
142.3 ALL 00071488 Kant`s Transcendental Idealism: Allison, E Henry 2004 0300036299 382p UG Library
142.3 BEI 05057136 The genesis of Neo-Kantianism, 1796-1880 / Beiser, Frederick C., Oxford University Press, 0505 9780198769989 First edition. xiii, 610 pages ; Knowledge Centre
142.3 KAN 00076175 Reason, Morality and Beauty: Essays on the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant: Kant, Immanuel 2007 0195683935 190p UG Library
142.3 KAN 00076189 Terror, Peace and Universalism: Essays on the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant: Kant, Immanuel 2007 0195683943 181p UG Library
142.3 KEM 00007304 Philosophy of Kant Kemp, John Oxford 1968 130p UG Library
142.3 NIK 00017581 Introduction to Kant`s Critique of Pure Reason Nikam, N A BPP 198p UG Library
142.7 CER 05011598 Understanding phenomenology Cerbone,David R. Acumen, 2006 x, 190 p. Knowledge Centre
142.7 CER 00109010 Understanding phenomenology Cerbone,David R. Acumen, 2006 x, 190 p. UG Library
142.7 CRO 00135755 Phenomenology of human understanding Cronin, Brian, Theological Publications in India 2019 9781498292825 x, 289 pages ; UG Library
142.7 DRE 05067776 Skillful Coping : Dreyfus, Hubert L. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198777298 x, 289p.; Knowledge Centre
142.7 DRE 09000303 Skillful Coping : Dreyfus, Hubert L. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198777298 x, 289p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
142.7 KAU 00124538 Phenomenology : Käufer, Stephan. 9780745651484 viii, 235 pages ; UG Library
142.7 KNI 00142770 Crisis and Husserlian phenomenology : Knies, Kenneth, Bloomsbury Academic ; 2021 9781350145214 248 p. ; UG Library
142.7 LEW 00110064 Phenomenology Lewis, Michael, Continuum, 2010 9780826431431 | 0826431437 | 9 vii, 268 p. ; UG Library
142.7 MOR 05005068 The phenomenology reader / Routledge, 2002 0415224217 | 0415224225 (pbk.) x, 614 p. ; Knowledge Centre
142.7 MOR 00068284 Phenomenology Reader Moran, Mooney 2002 0415224225 614p UG Library
142.7 ROM 00105010 Routledge philosophy guidebook to Merleau-Ponty and phenomenology of perception / Romdenh-Romluc, Komarine. Routledge, 2011 9780415343145 (hardback : alk. ix, 260 p. ; UG Library
142.7 ROM 05005095 Routledge philosophy guidebook to Merleau-Ponty and phenomenology of perception / Romdenh-Romluc, Komarine. Routledge, 2011 9780415343145 (hardback : alk. ix, 260 p. ; Knowledge Centre
142.7 SMI 00105012 Phenomenology of perception Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, Routledge, 2002 0415278406 | 9780415278409 | 0 xxiv, 544 p. ; UG Library
142.7 SMI 05004627 Phenomenology of perception Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, Routledge, 2002 0415278406 | 9780415278409 | 0 xxiv, 544 p. ; Knowledge Centre
142.7 STA 07010188 Husserl's Transcendental phenomenology : Staiti, Andrea Sebastiano, Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107066304 (hardcover) xii, 313 pages ; Library - BR Campus
142.7 VAG 00131463 Crafting phenomenological research / Vagle, Mark D. Routledge, 2018 9781138042650 (hardback) | 9781138042667 (pbk.) Second Edition. xvi,198p.; UG Library
142.7 WAL 00141662 Phenomenology: Wallenfang,Donald Theological Publications in India 2021 9789388953504 132p UG Library
142.78 AHO 00129645 Existentialism : Aho, Kevin, Polity Press, 2014 9780745651415 | 0745651410 | 9 xvii, 193 pages ; UG Library
142.78 AHO 01021763 Existentialism : Aho, Kevin, Polity Press, 2014 9780745651415 | 0745651410 | 9 xvii, 193 pages ; Knowledge Centre
142.78 COX 00147805 Existentialism is a Humanism/ Cox, Eben Venus Books, 2024 9788119920747 ix,320p. ; UG Library
142.78 CRO 00110080 The Cambridge Companion to Existentialism Crowell, Steven Galt, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521513340 (hardback) | 978 xii, 412 pages ; UG Library
142.78 CRO 00109983 The Cambridge Companion to Existentialism Crowell, Steven Galt, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521513340 (hardback) | 978 xii, 412 pages ; UG Library
142.78 FLY 05034427 Existentialism : Flynn, Thomas R Oxford University Press, 2006 9780192804280 144 p Knowledge Centre
142.78 FLY 01016418 Existentialism : Flynn, Thomas R. Oxford University Press, 2006 0192804286 (pbk.) 144 p. : Knowledge Centre
142.78 FLY 00088272 Existentialism:A Very Short Introduction Flynn, Thomas 2008 9780192804280 144p UG Library
142.78 HOL 00078373 Simone De Beauvoir Holland,Alison Hodder & Stoughton 2002 9780340850404 91 p. UG Library
142.78 MAC 05007288 The existentialist reader : MacDonald, Paul S. Routledge, 2001 9780415936637 (pbk.) vi, 346 p. ; Knowledge Centre
142.78 MAC 00072937 The Existentialist Reader Mac Donald, S. Paul edinburg Press 2000 0748613323 | 9780748613328 346 p. UG Library
142.78 MAC 05001561 The Existentialist Reader Mac Donald, S. Paul edinburg Press 2000 0748613323 | 9780748613328 346 p. Knowledge Centre
142.78 MAR 00093111 Basic writings of existentialism / Modern Library, 0375759891 xvi, 505 p. ; UG Library
142.78 REK 07009216 Man: Rekha,Chandra Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2014 9788120837034 XI,223 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
142.78 REY 00109023 Understanding existentialism Reynolds,Jack, Acumen, 2006 1844650421 (hbk.) | 9781844650 viii, 192 p. ; UG Library
142.78 SIN 00138345 Jean Paul Sartre on man, society and freedom Singh, Mithilesh Kumar Rajat publications, 2020 9788178801650 x,190p.; UG Library
142.78 SIN 00137955 Jean Paul Sartre on man, society and freedom Singh, Mithilesh Kumar Rajat publications, 2020 9788178801650 x,190p.; UG Library
142.78 TAN 05034426 On Existentialism / Tanzer, Mark Thomson, 2008 0495003557 98 p Knowledge Centre
142.78 TID 05034425 Simone De Beauvoir / Tid, Ursula Routledge, 2007 0415263646 157 p. Knowledge Centre
142.78 VAD 00107579 Heidegger's Vision Of Human Existence In te Expression and The Appropriation of Being Vadakeoram,Paul Dr. Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India 2007 8188456314 xiii;416 P. UG Library
142.78 WAT 00112637 Kierkegaard: Watts, Michael Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851683178 226p UG Library
142.78 WAT 00076150 Kierkegaard: Watts, Michael Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851683178 226p UG Library
142.78 WIC 05068644 Introduction to existentialism : Wicks, Robert L., Bloomsbury Academic, 2020 1 [edition]. vii, 225 p.; Knowledge Centre
142.7DHA 01009400 Phenomenological Ethics:An Introduction (law Lib) Benulal Dhar RAWAT 9788131601938 179p Knowledge Centre
143.052 CLA 00014932 1976-77 Income Tax Rules Contra Law Agency , Cla 1976 1 UG Library
144 ALA 05068279 Realist Responses to Post-Human Society : Routledge, 2019 9780815377849 (hbk) x, 199 pages : Knowledge Centre
144 BAB 00143632 Humanism and embodiment : Babbitt, Susan E. Bloomsbury, 2019 9781472529145 (hardback) | 9789387863552 ix, 195 pages ; UG Library
144 BAK 10004315 Humanly Possible : Bakewell, Sarah Vintage, 2024 9781529924626 454 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
144 DAV 00096698 Humanism / Davies, Tony, Routledge, 9780415420648 (hardback (cased vi, 168 p. ; UG Library
144 DAV 00089338 Humanism Davies, Tony 2008 0415420652 168p UG Library
144 EHR 00019331 The Arrogance of Humanism Ehrenfeld, David W. Oxford University Press 1978 290 p. UG Library
144 GHA 00111817 Philosophy of Humanism/ Ghai, Naresh. Cyber Tech Publications, 2012 9788178849867 256p.; UG Library
144 JAM 00014631 Pragmatism James,William Eurasia Publishing House 1975 270 p. UG Library
144 LAW 00104697 Humanism : Law, Stephen. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199553648 (pbk.) xiv, 150 p. : UG Library
144 LAW 05003892 Humanism : Law, Stephen. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199553648 (pbk.) xiv, 150 p. : Knowledge Centre
144 MUK 00093090 Redefining humanism : Mukerji D P Tulika books, 2010 9788189487621 109 p UG Library
144 MUK 05034428 Redefining humanism : Mukerji D P Tulika books, 2010 9788189487621 109 p Knowledge Centre
144 WIL 00000809 Essays in Pragmatism James, William Hafner Publishing and Co 1965 176 p UG Library
144.0954 BAN 00097566 Humanist thought in contemporary India Bandiste D.D. B.R. Publishing Corporation 2008 9788176466066 | 8176466069 viii, 336 p. ; UG Library
144.3 GOO 05005366 Pragmatism : Routledge, 1995 0415909090 | 9780415909105 | 0 317 p. ; Knowledge Centre
144.3 MIS 00110060 New Pragmatists Misak, C. J. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199279982 (pbk.) | 9780199 vii, 195 pages ; UG Library
144.3 TAL 07009230 Pragmatism: A Guid for the Perplexed Talisse, Robert B Continuum, 2008 9780826498588 192p Library - BR Campus
144.3 TAL 00090704 Pragmatism: A Guid for the Perplexed Talisse, Robert B Continuum, 2008 9780826498588 192p UG Library
144.30973 PER 05001537 American Pragmatism and Communication Research Perry, David K Lawrence erlabum associates publishers, 2001 0805835903 264p.; Knowledge Centre
144.6 SEN 05034454 Utilitarianism and Beyond / Sen, Amartya Foundation Books, 1999 8175960582 290 p Knowledge Centre
145 BET 00025528 Idealogis and Intellectuals Beteille,Andre Oxford University Press 1980 51 p. UG Library
145 BET 00025550 Idealogis and Intellectuals Beteille,Andre Oxford University Press 1980 51 p. UG Library
145 THO 05034517 Ideaology and Modern Culture / Thompson, B John Stanford University Press, 1990 0804718458 362 p Knowledge Centre
145 THO 00138684 Ideaology and Modern Culture / Thompson, B John Stanford University Press, 1990 0804718458 362 p UG Library
146 DEE 03000767 Managing Activism : Deegan, Denise. Kogan Page, 2008 9788175543393 | 8175543396 152 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
146 CAR 01016799 Naturalism and normativity / Columbia University Press, 2010 9780231134668 vi, 368p.; Knowledge Centre
146 GIL 05072967 Responses to naturalism : Giladi, paul. Routledge, 2019 9781315180854 ix, 319p, ; Knowledge Centre
146 HAB 05006365 Between naturalism and religion : Habermas, Jürgen. Polity, 2008 0745638244 (hbk.) | 9780745638 vi, 361 p. ; Knowledge Centre
146 MAD 07006838 Second Philosophy Maddy, Penelope Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199273669 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 448 p. ; Library - BR Campus
146 MAD 00110076 Second Philosophy Maddy, Penelope Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199273669 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 448 p. ; UG Library
146 NIE 00124618 A philosophy of sacred nature : Niemoczynski Leon Lexington Books 2015 9780739199664 (cloth : alk. pa xvi, 202 pages ; UG Library
146 RIT 00106614 Understanding naturalism Ritchie, Jack. Acumen, 2008 1844650782 (hbk.) | 1844650790 x, 218 p. : UG Library
146 RIT 05011597 Understanding naturalism Ritchie, Jack. Acumen, 2008 1844650782 (hbk.) | 1844650790 x, 218 p. : Knowledge Centre
146 RIT 07006256 Understanding naturalism Ritchie, Jack. Acumen, 2008 1844650782 (hbk.) | 1844650790 x, 218 p. : Library - BR Campus
146.3 ELL 05062518 The new politics of materialism : Routledge, 2017 9781138240742 (hbk : alk. paper) x, 328 pages ; Knowledge Centre
146.3 ILT 00090174 Abc of Dialectical and Histirical Materialism Ilitskaya, Lenina Union of Soviet Socialist 2008 398p UG Library
146.3 MOS 05007461 Contemporary materialism : Routledge, 1995 0415108632 | 0415108640 (pbk.) x, 378 p. : Knowledge Centre
146.4 DUM 05040820 Origins of analytical philosophy / Dummett, Michael, Bloomsbury, 2014 9781472532466 (pbk.) xv,189p.: Knowledge Centre
146.4 DUM 07006383 Origins of analytical philosophy / Dummett, Michael, Bloomsbury, 2014 9781472532466 (pbk.) xv,189p.: Library - BR Campus
146.4 DUM 00119269 Origins of analytical philosophy / Dummett, Michael, Bloomsbury, 2014 9781472532466 (pbk.) xv,189p.: UG Library
146.4 GLO 05034462 What Is Analytic Philosophy? Glock, Hans-Jonhann Cambridge Univesity Press, 2008 9780521872676 295 p Knowledge Centre
146.4 GLO 05034463 What Is Analytic Philosophy? Glock, Hans-Jonhann Cambridge Univesity Press, 2008 9780521872676 295 p Knowledge Centre
146.4 GUT 05039480 What philosophers know : Gutting, Gary. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521856218 (hbk. : alk. pap viii, 253 p. ; Knowledge Centre
146.4 MAR 05007747 Analytic philosophy : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781444335705 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xii,581 p. Knowledge Centre
146.4 SAL 05001536 content, cognition, and communication Salmon Nathan Oxford University Press 9780199284726 Knowledge Centre
146.4 SEN 05043852 Externalism and the Mental / Sen, Madhucchanda Oxford University Press, 2015 204 p. Knowledge Centre
146.4 STR 05067461 Thinking off your feet : Strevens, Michael. The Belknap Press Of Harvard University Press, 2019 9780674986527 345p.; Knowledge Centre
146.4 STR 07013869 Thinking off your feet : Strevens, Michael. The Belknap Press Of Harvard University Press, 2019 9780674986527 345p.; Library - BR Campus
146.4 TRI 00068513 Religious Positivity Tripathi, S M Global Vision 2001 8187746017 220p UG Library
146.42 RIC 01009692 The Cambridge companion to logical empiricism Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521791786 (hardback) | 0521791782 (hardback) | 9780521796286 (pbk.) | 0521796288 (pbk.) 430p.; Knowledge Centre
146.42 RIC 07011705 The Cambridge companion to logical empiricism Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521791786 (hardback) | 0521791782 (hardback) | 9780521796286 (pbk.) | 0521796288 (pbk.) 430p.; Library - BR Campus
146.42RIC 05001535 Cambridge Companion to Logical Empiricism Richardson, Alan 9780521791786 430 p Knowledge Centre
146.44 CAR 00110510 The empiricists : Carlin, Laurence. Continuum, 2009 9781847061997 (hbk.) | 9781847 xi, 190 p. ; UG Library
146.44 CAR 05003530 The empiricists : Carlin, Laurence. Continuum, 2009 9781847061997 (hbk.) | 9781847 xi, 190 p. ; Knowledge Centre
146.44 CAR 05011586 The empiricists : Carlin, Laurence. Continuum, 2009 9781847061997 (hbk.) | 9781847 xi, 190 p. ; Knowledge Centre
146.44 CAR 05034601 The empiricists : Carlin, Laurence. Continuum, 2009 9781847061997 (hbk.) | 9781847 xi, 190 p. ; Knowledge Centre
146.44 GUP 05001865 Empiricism and experience / Gupta, Anil, Oxford University Press, 0195189582 | 9780195189582 x, 265 p. : Knowledge Centre
146.44 MEY 00106521 Understanding empiricism Meyers, Robert G., Acumen, 2006 1844650596 ($23.00) | 97818446 viii, 183 p. ; UG Library
146.44 MEY 05011596 Understanding empiricism Meyers, Robert G., Acumen, 2006 1844650596 ($23.00) | 97818446 viii, 183 p. ; Knowledge Centre
146.44 PRA 05034471 The Great Mirror: Pradhan, R. C. Kalki Prakash, 2007 121511801 403 p. ` Knowledge Centre
146.4GLO 01009717 What Is Analytic Philosophy? Johann Hans Glock Cambridge University Press 9780521694261 292p Knowledge Centre
146.5 RUS 00096570 The philosophy of logical atomism Russell Routledge classics 9780415474610 162p UG Library
146.7 KAC 00091812 Process: Kachappilly Kurian Dharmaram Publications 8186861912 142p UG Library
146.7 KEL 00073889 Process and Difference. Keller, Catherine 2002 0791452883 272p UG Library
146.7 MID 00076197 Evolution as a Religion: Strange Hopes and Stanger Fears: Midgley, Mary 2002 9780415278331 212p UG Library
146MAD 01007504 Second Philosophy Maddy, Penelope Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199273669 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 448 p. ; Knowledge Centre
147 DAS 05034472 Tradition Pluralism and Identity : Das, Veena Sage Publications, 1999 0761993819 474 p Knowledge Centre
147 GAI 00071405 The Philosopher's Dog Gaita, Raimond Routledge Taylr & Francis Group 2003 8174362789 214 p. UG Library
147.4 FUM 00133156 Knowledge, thought, and the case for dualism/ Fumerton, Richard A., Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107559257 (paperback) xv, 283 p. ; UG Library
147.4 SCA 07006834 Comparative theories of nonduality Scarborough, Milton, Continuum, 2009 viii, 237 p. : Library - BR Campus
147.4 WRI 05034531 Corporate Abuse : Wright, Lesley Macmillan, 1996 0028612906 262 p Knowledge Centre
148 DAS 00068434 Culture Religion and Philosophy Das, N K Rawat Publications 2003 8170338204 374p UG Library
148 PRI 00106667 Modernity and the reinvention of tradition : Prickett, Stephen. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521517461 viii, 265 p. : UG Library
148ROB 01005375 Empire, Identity and India:liberalism, Modernity and the Nation(law Lib) Peter Robb Oxford University Press 0195681592 231p. Knowledge Centre
148ROB 01006849 Empire, Identity and India:liberalism, Modernity and the Nation(law Lib) Peter Robb Oxford University Press 0195681592 231p. Knowledge Centre
149 ZIM 05001967 Deconstruction and Critical Theory Zima, Peter V Continuum, 2002 0082645934 231p.; Knowledge Centre
149 BEN 05041961 Not half no end Bennington, Geoffrey. Edinburgh University Press, 2010 9780748639854 (hbk.) | 0748639 xiv,165p.: Knowledge Centre
149 BER 00104821 The idea of the postmodern : Bertens,Hans. Routledge, 1995 9780415060127 | 0415060125 (pb ix, 284 p. ; UG Library
149 BLI 05061187 Reality and its structure : Bliss, Ricki. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198755630 (hardback : alk. paper) vi,324p.; Knowledge Centre
149 EAG 00104489 The illusions of postmodernism Eagleton, Terry, Blackwell Publishers, 1996 9780631203230 | 0631203230 (pb x, 147 p. ; UG Library
149 FAI 00053910 Critical Conditions: Postmodernity and the Question of Foundations Fairlamb, L Horace 0521456657 264p UG Library
149 HAL 00110501 Relativism and the foundations of philosophy Hales, Steven D. The MIT Press, 2006 0262083531 (alk. paper) | 9780 x, 216 p. ; UG Library
149 HAL 00117462 Relativism and the foundations of philosophy / Hales, Steven D. MIT Press, 2006 0262083531 (alk. paper) x, 216 p. ; UG Library
149 MCG 05047444 An Introduction to the Sociology of Ignorance : McGoey, Linsey Rotledge, 2014 ix, 131 p. Knowledge Centre
149 MCQ 10002137 Deconstruction: Edinburgh university press, 2000 9780748612567 xv,579p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
149 MUL 00142603 Constructing practical reasons / Muller,Andreas. Oxford University press, 2020 9780198754329 viii,241p.; UG Library
149 POW 00088636 Deconstruction for Beginners Powell, Jim Cataloging 2007 1934389269 156p UG Library
149 RAB 05034475 The Future of Theory / Rabate, Jean-Michel Blackwell Publishers, 2002 0631230122 170 p. Knowledge Centre
149 WOL 07010743 What is posthumanism? / Wolfe, Cary. University of Minnesota Press, 2010 9780816666140 (hc : alk. paper xxxiv, 357 p. : Library - BR Campus
149.1 CHA 01014094 Manusmriti: Chaturvedi,R.G. Universal Law Publishing Co.Pvt.Ltd, 9788175349025 lxx,724p.; Knowledge Centre
149.1BHA 01008686 Conceptualization in the Manusmrti(ccl Lib) Parnasabari Bhattacharyya Manohar 8173041547 207p. Knowledge Centre
149.2 BHA 05070461 Empiricism and the metatheory of the social sciences / Bhaskar, Roy, Routledge, 2018 9781138212510 (hbk) xxvi, 272 pages ; Knowledge Centre
149.2 BHA 05048752 Metatheory for the 21st century : Routledge, 2016 9781138856240 (hardback) | 978 xxxii,325p.; Knowledge Centre
149.2 BUN 05041949 Chasing reality : Bunge, Mario, University of Toronto Press, 2014 9781442628229 (paperback : aci xiv, 342 pages ; Knowledge Centre
149.2 HAR 00070029 Beginner`s Guide to Postmodernism. Hart, Kevin 2005 0851683380 179p UG Library
149.2 KIR 00068306 Relativism and Reality Kirk, Robert 1999 0415208165 192p UG Library
149.2 NOR 00043362 New Idols of the Cave Norris, Christopher Manchester University Press 1997 9780719050930 253 p. UG Library
149.2 PAM 00071503 East-West Interface of Reality: A Scientific and Intuitive Inquiry into the nature of Reality: Pamplany, Augustine ISR 2004 206[p UG Library
149.3 KAT 00107593 Mysticism East &West Kattackal Oriental Institiute Religious Studies India; 1993 267 p. UG Library
149.3 PEE 00018453 Spiritual Canticle Peers,Allison E Image 1961 520 p UG Library
149.7 BAN 00068508 Philosophical Semi-Colons Bandiste, D D B.R PUBLISHING CORPORATION 2005 8176464945 164p UG Library
149.7 BRA 05040776 Reason in Philosophy : Brandon Robert.B The Belknap Press of HArvard University Press, 2009 9780674725836 237p.: Knowledge Centre
149.7 HUE 00106524 Understanding rationalism Huenemann, Charles. Acumen, 2008 9781844651122 (hbk.) | 1844651 ix, 166 p. ; UG Library
149.7 PHE 00110513 The rationalists : Phemister, Pauline. Polity Press, 2006 9780745627441 (pbk.) viii, 238 p. ; UG Library
149.7 PHE 05006488 The rationalists : Phemister, Pauline. Polity Press, 2006 9780745627441 (pbk.) viii, 238 p. ; Knowledge Centre
149.7 ROW 05007301 Popper's critical rationalism : Rowbottom, Darrell P., Routledge, 2011 9780415992442 xii, 185 p. : Knowledge Centre
149.72 POI 00101758 Agnosticism : Le Poidevin, Robin, Oxford University Press, 9780199575268 xiv, 134 p. : UG Library
149.72 POI 00101964 Agnosticism : Le Poidevin, Robin, Oxford University Press, 9780199575268 xiv, 134 p. : UG Library
149.73 AGA 00106130 Philosophy from a skeptical perspective Agassi, Joseph. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521726399 | 9780521726399 xiii, 163 p. UG Library
149.73 AGA 00110066 Philosophy from a skeptical perspective Agassi, Joseph. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521726399 | 9780521726399 xiii, 163 p. UG Library
149.73 BRU 05049147 Essays on skepticism / Brueckner, Anthony, Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199658268 xi,396p.; Knowledge Centre
149.73 BRU 05045716 Essays on skepticism / Brueckner, Anthony, Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199658268 xi,396p.; Knowledge Centre
149.73 LAN 00133771 Skepticism : Landesman, Charles. Blackwell Publishers, 2002 0631213554 | 0631213562 (pbk.) x, 210 p. UG Library
149.73 RUS 05034476 Sceptical Essyas : Russell, Bertrand Routledge, 2007 0415325080 225 p Knowledge Centre
149.73 RUS 05005461 Sceptical essays / Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2004 0415325080 (pbk.) xiii, 225 p. ; Knowledge Centre
149.73 SAN 00014625 Scepticism and Animal Faith Santayana, George Locknow Publishing House 1975 314 p. UG Library
149.73AGA 01010279 Philosophy from Skeptical Perspective(law Lib) Joseph Agassi Cambridge University Press Programed texts 163p Knowledge Centre
149.94 DEL 05048454 Logic of Sense / Deleuze, Gilles Bloomsbury, 1990 362 p. Knowledge Centre
149.94 LOS 00072019 Linguistic Turns in Modern Philosophy. Losonsky, Michael 2006 0052165470 275 UG Library
149.94 TUG 00125911 Traditional and analytical philosophy : Tugendhat, Ernst, Cambridge University Press 2016 9781107145337 (hardback : alk. 435p UG Library
149.946 DEE 00135851 Introducing semiotic : Deely, John N. Indiana University Press, 1982 0253330807 | 0253202876 (pbk.) xvi, 246 p. ; UG Library
149.94MCG 01008707 Sanskrit and Orientalisam: Indology and Comparative Linguistics in Germony 1750-1958 Douglas T Macgetchin Manohar 8173045577 386p. Knowledge Centre
149.94ZAB 01009918 Hermeneutic Nature of Analytic Philosophy Santiago Zabala Disclosedness Beyond Representation [TWO] CORRECTING HEIDEGG 197 p Knowledge Centre
149.96 BEL 05053273 Poststructuralism : Belsey, Catherine. Oxford University Press, 2002 0192801805 | 9780192801807 119 p. : Knowledge Centre
149.96 BEL 00088281 Post Steucturalism Belsey, Catherina 2008 9780195678604 117p UG Library
149.96 BEL 05048906 Poststructuralism : Belsey, Catherine. Oxford University Press, 2002 0192801805 | 9780192801807 119 p. : Knowledge Centre
149.96 BEL 00083956 Poststructuralism: A Very Short Introduction [ma-Philosophy Section] Belsey, Catherine 0195678605 117p UG Library
149.96 HAR 05034513 Beyond Superstructuralism / Harland, Richard Routledge, 1993 0415063590 259 p Knowledge Centre
149.96 JAA 00077328 Simplifications: An Introduction to Structuralism and Post Structuralism Jaaware, Aniket Orient Longman Publications 2005 8125016945 559p UG Library
149.96 JAA 00077327 Simplifications: An Introduction to Structuralism and Post Structuralism Jaaware, Aniket Orient Longman Publications 2005 8125016945 559p Yeshwanthpur Campus
149.96 JAA 00078410 Simplifications: An Introduction to Structuralism and Post Structuralism Jaaware, Aniket Orient Longman Publications 2005 8125016945 559p UG Library
149.96 JAA 00078763 Simplifications: An Introduction to Structuralism and Post Structuralism Jaaware, Aniket Orient Longman Publications 2005 8125016945 559p UG Library
149.96 STU 00088175 Structuralism Sturrock, John 2003 0631232397 170p UG Library
149.96 TIR 00085158 On Theory Tirumalesh, K V Central Institute of English and Foreign Language 2002 102p UG Library
149.96 YOU 00085461 Postcolonialism: A Very Short Introduction. Young, Robert J C 2007 0195679784 178p UG Library
149.96JAA 01007221 Simplifications: An Introduction to Structuralism and Post-Structuralism (law Lib) Aniket Jaaware Orient Longman Private Limited 8125016945 559p Knowledge Centre
149.96YOU 00083955 Postcolonialism: A Very Short Introduction. Young, Robert J C 2007 0195679784 178p UG Library
149.97 CON 05034514 The Cambridge Companion to Postmodernism / Connor, Steven Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521689155 237 p Knowledge Centre
149.97 DOS 00088827 Postmodern Perspectives on Indian Society Doshi, S L Rawat Publications 2008 8131601889 336p UG Library
149.97 DRO 05007260 The postmodernism reader : Drolet, Michael Routledge, 2004 9780415160841 (pbk. : alk. pap xiii, 332 p. ; Knowledge Centre
149.97 GOU 05047619 Postmodernism. what moment? / Manchester University Press ; | Distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave, 2007 9780719073083 | 0719073081 vi, 221 p. ; Knowledge Centre
149.97 LOE 05007227 Post-modernism for psychotherapists : Loewenthal, Del, Brunner-Routledge, 2003 9781583911013 (pbk.) x, 213 p. ; Knowledge Centre
149.97 MAL 00082322 Postmodern Malas, Simon 2007 0415280656 148p UG Library
149.97 MAL 00079119 The Postmodern Malpas,Simon Routledge 2007 0415280656 | 9780415280655 148 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
149.97 MCH 07009248 The Cambridge Introduction to Postmodernism / McHale Brian Cambridge University press, 2015 9781316646984 xii,239p.: Library - BR Campus
149.97 MCL 07003948 Beginning Postcolonialism / McLeod John Viva Books, 2015 9788130919041 xii,274p.: Library - BR Campus
149.97 MCQ 05044651 Deconstruction without Derrida / McQuillan, Martin. Bloomsbury, 2012 9781472534309 | 9781441141224 214 p. Knowledge Centre
149.97 SAR 05034515 Identity, Culture and the Postmodern World / Sarup, Madan Edinburgh University Press, 2005 0074860779 192 p Knowledge Centre
149.97 SAR 00079991 Identity Culture and The Postmodern World Sarup, Madan Edinburgh 2005 0074860779 | 9780748607792 192 p. UG Library
149.97 SIM 00106991 The Routledge companion to postmodernism Sim,Stuart Routledge, 2011 9780415583329 (pbk. : alk. pa 3rd edition. xiv, 328 p. ; UG Library
149.97 SIM 05039901 Fifty key postmodern thinkers / Sim, Stuart. Routledge, 2013 9780415525855 (hardback : alk. x, 252 pages ; Knowledge Centre
149.97 WHI 00103368 Post modernism 101: White Heath Brazospress; 9781587431531 176 p. UG Library
149.97 WOO 05037621 Beginning postmodernism / Woods, Tim. Manchester University Press ; | Distributed exclusively in the USA by St. Martin's Press, Inc., 1999 0719052106 (hdc) | 0719052114 xiv, 284 p. : Knowledge Centre
149.97 WOO 07003949 Beginning Postmodernism / Woods Tim Viva Books, 2015 9788130919034 2nd ed xx,329p.: Library - BR Campus
160 JOS 00009852 Text Book of Logic Professor St.Joseph 1989 164 p. UG Library
160 RES 04003211 Introduction to Substructural Logics Restall, Greg Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 2000 0415215331 381 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
160 ADL 00127086 Reasoning : Adler Jonathan E Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521848152 (hardback) | 978 xiv, 1057 p. : UG Library
160 AGG 00127052 A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning / Aggarwal R.S S.Chand & Company Pvt.Ltd, 2016 9788121919050 224p.: UG Library
160 AGG 07010249 A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning / Aggarwal R.S S.Chand & Company Pvt.Ltd, 2016 9788121919050 224p.: Library - BR Campus
160 ALK 05074765 The rules of logic / Qazwīnī, ʻAlī ibn ʻUmar, New York University Press, 2024 9781479880249 xxviii, 171 pages ; Knowledge Centre
160 ARI 05031928 Aristotle : Aristotle. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 1994 0198240880 (alk. paper) : | 01 2nd ed. xxv, 298 p. ; Knowledge Centre
160 BAR 04009470 Logic \ Baronett, Stan Pearson, 2009 9788131721032 xi, 463 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
160 BAR 00017565 Modern Introduction to Indian Logic Barlingay, S.S National 1965 xiv; 238 p UG Library
160 BAS 00023553 Exprcises in Logic and Scientific Method Basantani, K.T. A R Sheth & Co. 1975 3rd. 244 p. UG Library
160 BAS 00023554 Exprcises in Logic and Scientific Method Basantani, K.T. A R Sheth & Co. 1975 3rd. 244 p. UG Library
160 BAS 00023555 Science, Scientific Mathod Techonological Development Basanthani, K. T. Sheth 1982 330 p. UG Library
160 BAS 00023557 Science, Scientific Mathod Techonological Development Basanthani, K. T. Sheth 1982 330 p. UG Library
160 BAS 00023558 Science, Scientific Mathod Techonological Development Basanthani, K. T. Sheth 1982 330 p. UG Library
160 BAS 00021782 Second Course in Logic Basantani, K. T. Sheth Publishers 1982 160 p. UG Library
160 BAS 00021784 Second Course in Logic Basantani, K. T. Sheth Publishers 1982 160 p. UG Library
160 BAS 00021786 Second Course in Logic Basantani, K. T. Sheth Publishers 1982 160 p. UG Library
160 BAS 07010506 Critical Thinking / Bassham Gregory McGraw Hill Education, 2013 9781259074035 xiv,483p.: Library - BR Campus
160 BAS 00022517 Second Course in Logic Basantani, K. T. Sheth Publishers 1982 160 p. UG Library
160 BAS 00021785 Second Course in Logic Basantani, K. T. Sheth Publishers 1982 160 p. UG Library
160 BAS 00021787 Second Course in Logic Basantani, K. T. Sheth Publishers 1982 160 p. UG Library
160 BAS 00021783 Second Course in Logic Basantani, K. T. Sheth Publishers 1982 160 p. UG Library
160 BAS 00026552 Second Course in Logic Basantani, K. T. Sheth Publishers 1982 160 p. UG Library
160 BAS 00023559 Science, Scientific Mathod Techonological Development Basanthani, K. T. Sheth 1982 330 p. UG Library
160 BAS 00026556 Science, Scientific Mathod Techonological Development Basanthani, K. T. Sheth 1982 330 p. UG Library
160 BEA 05005293 Logic : Beall, J. C. Routledge, 2010 9780415774987 (hc) | 978041577 xv, 184 p. ; Knowledge Centre
160 BON 05040876 Lateral Thinking An Introduction / Bono Edward De Vermilion, 2014 9780091955021 147p.: Knowledge Centre
160 BON 07006100 Lateral Thinking An Introduction / Bono Edward De Vermilion, 2014 9780091955021 147p.: Library - BR Campus
160 BRE 00120551 Nonmonotonic reasoning : Brewka, Gerhard. Cambridge University Press, 2010 0521383943 | 9780521181303 xi, 168 p. : UG Library
160 BUT 07008036 Thinking skills : Butterworth, John, Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107606302 (paperback) Second edition / iv, 348 pages : Library - BR Campus
160 CAR 00010775 Introduction to Symbolic Logic and Its Applications Carnap, Rudolf DOVER 1958 241 p UG Library
160 CHA 00091841 Unity of Knowing and acting in Kant Chackalackal Saju Dharmaram Publications 8186861513 615p UG Library
160 CHA 00127993 Definition in Greek Philosophy / Charles, David : Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199564453 (hbk.) | 0199564 x, 556 p. ; UG Library
160 CHA 05017957 Logic: Informal, Symbolic & Inductive ( Ugc-Autonomous) Chakraborti, Chhanda Prentice Hall of India 8120328558 552p Knowledge Centre
160 CHE 07012660 The Art of Logic : Cheng Eugenia Proofile Books Ltd, 2018 9781788162401 xii,304p.: Library - BR Campus
160 CHE 07012929 The Art of Logic : Cheng Eugenia Proofile Books Ltd, 2018 9781788162401 xii,304p.: Library - BR Campus
160 COH 05068617 An introduction to the philosophy of logic / Cohnitz, Daniel. Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781107110939 | 9781107527720 1st Ed viii,265p.; Knowledge Centre
160 COH 00017569 Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method Cohen, Morris R. Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd 1978 467 p. UG Library
160 COH 00019366 Introduction to Logic Scientific Method. Cohen, Morris R ALLIED 1978 467 p UG Library
160 COH 00017566 Introduction to Logic & Scientific Method Cohen, R. Morris Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd 1968 467 p. UG Library
160 COH 00020678 Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method Cohen, Morris R. Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd 1978 467 p. UG Library
160 COP 05031929 Introudction to Logic / Copi, M Irving Pearson Education, 2001 8178084864 711 p Knowledge Centre
160 COP 00015991 Introduction to Logic Copi Irving, M. Mc Millan 1972 4th Ed. 540 p. UG Library
160 COP 00000805 Introduction to Logic Copi,Irving M. Macmillan Company 1961 2nd Ed. 520 p. UG Library
160 COP 05030883 Introduction to LOGIC / Copi, M Irving Pearson Education, 2001 8178084864 xx,714p. Knowledge Centre
160 COP 00143469 Essentials of Logic Copi, Irving M Routledge, 2019 9780367237868 Second Edition 450p UG Library
160 COP 00019380 Introduction to Logic Copi Irving, M Macmillan Publishing Co.Inc 1978 5th Ed. 590 p. UG Library
160 COP 00065702 Introduction to Logic Copi, Irving M Prentice Hall of India 2001 8120309421 729p UG Library
160 COP 04019848 Introduction to logic / Copi, Irving M. Pearson, 2011 0023248807 | 9788131788653 14th ed. 627 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
160 DAS 00073825 Logic of Knowledge Base. Dash, Keshab Chandra SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS 2000 0817030346 133p UG Library
160 DEW 00120261 Essays in experimental logic / Dewey, John, Dover Publications, 2004 0486437485 (pbk.) iv, 284 p. ; UG Library
160 DIE 05038961 Becoming a critical thinker : Diestler, Sherry. Macmillan ; | Maxwell Macmillan Canada ; | Maxwell Macmillan International, 1994 0023287721 (pbk.) x, 342 p. : Knowledge Centre
160 ENG 00117609 Philosophical logic Englebretsen, George. Continuum, 2011 9781441119117 | 1441119116 | 9781441173850 | 1441173854 | 9789386250162 ix, 198 p. : UG Library
160 ENG 00143644 Philosophical logic Englebretsen, George. Continuum, 2011 9781441119117 | 1441119116 | 9781441173850 | 1441173854 | 9789386250162 ix, 198 p. : UG Library
160 ENG 00121193 Philosophical logic Englebretsen, George. Continuum, 2011 9781441119117 | 1441119116 | 9781441173850 | 1441173854 | 9789386250162 ix, 198 p. : UG Library
160 FEA 00073895 About Thinking (Dharmaram Library) Fearnside, Ward W 1997 0135351898 381p UG Library
160 FEL 04008290 Critical thinking : Feldman, Daniel A Viva books, 2004 9788176495431 vii,101p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
160 FIN 04012157 Arguments about arguments : Finocchiaro, Maurice A., Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521853273 (hardcover) | 9780521618533 | 0521618533 (pbk.) ix, 467 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
160 FIS 00068303 Logic of Real Arguments Fisher, Alec 2004 0521654815 223p UG Library
160 FIS 00109780 Critical thinking Fisher, Alec. Cambridge University Press, 2001 0521009847 | 9780521009843 249 p. ; UG Library
160 FIS 00116611 Critical thinking Fisher, Alec. Cambridge University Press, 2001 0521009847 | 9781107600829 249 p. ; UG Library
160 FIS 00099803 Critical thinking : Fisher, Alec. Cambridge University Press, 0521009847 249 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
160 FIS 05000323 Critical thinking Fisher, Alec. Cambridge University Press, 2001 0521009847 | 9780521009843 249 p. ; Knowledge Centre
160 FIS 07008037 Critical thinking : Fisher, Alec. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107401983 (pbk.) 2nd ed. viii, 294 p. ; Library - BR Campus
160 FOR 05056125 The critical thinking toolkit / Foresman, Galen A., John Wiley & Sons, 2017 9780470659960 (cloth) | 978047 xvi, 358 pages ; Knowledge Centre
160 GAR 00117606 Modal Logic for Philosophers Garson, James W. Cambridge University Press 2006 9781107609525 | 9781107609525 2nd ed, xv,: 488 p,: UG Library
160 GEN 00131347 Introduction to logic / Gensler, Harry J., Routledge, 2010 9780415996501 (hc) | 9780415996518 (pbk.) | 0415996503 (hc) | 0415996511 (pbk.) | 9781138910591 3rd ed., x,414p.; UG Library
160 GHA 00007979 Elements of Logic Ghani, Abdul Padma 1972 viii; 119 UG Library
160 GHA 00026553 Scientific Method Ghani, Abdul Praakasha Sahitya 90 p UG Library
160 GHA 00026557 Scientific Method Ghani, Abdul Praakasha Sahitya 90 p UG Library
160 GHA 00026554 Scientific Method Ghani, Abdul Praakasha Sahitya 90 p UG Library
160 GHA 00007980 Scientific Method Ghani, Abdul Praakasha Sahitya 90 p UG Library
160 GHA 00022518 Logic Scientific Method Ghani, Abdul 1982 1 UG Library
160 GHA 00022521 Scientific Method Ghani, Abdul Praakasha Sahitya 90 p UG Library
160 GHA 00022520 Scientific Method Ghani, Abdul Praakasha Sahitya 90 p UG Library
160 GHA 00007978 Elements of Logic Ghani, Abdul Padma 1972 viii; 119 UG Library
160 GHA 00023556 Scientific Method Ghani, Abdul Praakasha Sahitya 90 p UG Library
160 GHA 00016411 P.U.C. Logic Ghani, Abdul Padma Prakashana 1972 1st Ed. 218 p. UG Library
160 GIL 00101128 Logic in earliest classical India / Gillon, Brendan S. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 9788120834491 | 8120834496 viii, 202 p. : UG Library
160 GIO 00122261 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Giovanni, George di Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107499638 lxxiv, 790 p:. UG Library
160 GIO 00106652 The science of logic Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521832557 | 0521832551 lxxiv, 790 p. ; UG Library
160 GIO 00124625 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Giovanni, George di Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107499638 lxxiv, 790 p:. UG Library
160 GIO 00124626 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Giovanni, George di Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107499638 lxxiv, 790 p:. UG Library
160 GUP 00020675 Logic and Scientific Method Gupta, S. P. Ajanta Publications 1978 115 p. UG Library
160 HAI 00022519 Scientific Method (ii Puc Logic) Abdul, Ghani Padma 1979 111 p UG Library
160 HAL 00112558 The logic manual / Halbach, Volker. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199587834 (hbk. : alk pape x, 194 p. : UG Library
160 HAL 05006682 The logic manual / Halbach, Volker. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199587834 (hbk. : alk pape x, 194 p. : Knowledge Centre
160 HAN 00131339 Critical thinking : Hanscomb, Stuart, Routledge, 2017 9781138826236 (hbk) | 9781138826243 (pbk) 252 pages ; UG Library
160 HUN 05045794 A Practical Guide to Critical Thinking : Hunter David.A Wiley India, 2009 9788126537068 xvii,258p.: Knowledge Centre
160 HUR 05002008 Concise Introduction to Logic Hurley, Patrick J 0495006971 656p Knowledge Centre
160 HUR 00110260 A Concise Introduction to Logic Hurley, Patrick J., Thomson/Wadsworth, 2006 0534585051 | 9780534585051 9th ed. xv, 656 p. : UG Library
160 HUR 05059238 A Concise Introduction to Logic / Hurley, Patrick J. Thomson, 2003 9780534584825 8th ed. x, 662 p. ; Knowledge Centre
160 HUR 41000728 A Concise Introduction to Logic / Hurley, Patrick J Thomson Learning, 2006 9780495006978 9th ed. 656p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
160 HUR 22001376 Concise Introduction to Logic Hurley, Patrick J 0495006971 656p Knowledge Centre
160 HUR 04021007 A Concise Introduction to Logic / Hurley, Patrick J Thomson Learning, 2006 9780495006978 9th ed. 656p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
160 JAC 00106101 A companion to philosophical logic Jacquette,Dale. Blackwell, 2002 0631216715 (alk. paper) | 9780 xiii, 816 p. : UG Library
160 JAN 00094734 Global philosophical and ecological concepts : Jansma, Rudi. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers ; | Prakrit Bharti Academy, 9788120831988 (set) | 97881208 2 v. ; UG Library
160 JAN 00094735 Global philosophical and ecological concepts : Jansma, Rudi. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers ; | Prakrit Bharti Academy, 9788120831988 (set) | 97881208 2 v. ; UG Library
160 JOS 00017180 Text Book of Logic Professor St.Joseph 1989 164 p. UG Library
160 JOS 00108161 An Introduction to Logic Joseph H. W. B. Bharatiya Kala Prakashan 2006 9788180902086 ix; 652 p. UG Library
160 KAN 01013970 Lectures on logic / Kant, Immanuel, Cambridge University Press, 0521360137 | 9780521546911 xxxii, 695 p. ; Knowledge Centre
160 KEL 00040793 Art of Reasoning Kelley, David 1994 0393964663 658 p UG Library
160 KEL 00040794 Art of Reasoning Kelley, David 1994 0393964663 658 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022504 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022510 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022505 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022506 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022511 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022508 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022515 Logic for Puc Second Year Koppar, Ravindra Vijaya 1982 2nd ed. 204 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022514 Logic for Puc Second Year Koppar, Ravindra Vijaya 1982 2nd ed. 204 p UG Library
160 KOP 00021865 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00021866 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00021867 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00021868 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00021869 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022522 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022524 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022507 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022509 Logic for Puc First Year Koppar, Ravindra S.T Hiremath 1981 152 p UG Library
160 KOP 00016410 Logic For Second Year PUC Koppar, Ravindra Vijaya Book Depot 1973 1st Ed. 185 p. UG Library
160 KOP 00018985 Logic For Second Year PUC Koppar, Ravindra Vijaya Book Depot 1973 1st Ed. 185 p. UG Library
160 KOP 00022512 Logic for Puc Second Year Koppar, Ravindra Vijaya 1982 2nd ed. 204 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022513 Logic for Puc Second Year Koppar, Ravindra Vijaya 1982 2nd ed. 204 p UG Library
160 KOP 00022516 Logic for Puc Second Year Koppar, Ravindra Vijaya 1982 2nd ed. 204 p UG Library
160 KOP 00018986 Logic For Second Year PUC Koppar, Ravindra Vijaya Book Depot 1973 1st Ed. 185 p. UG Library
160 KOP 00020671 Logic For Second Year PUC Koppar, Ravindra Vijaya Book Depot 1973 1st Ed. 185 p. UG Library
160 KOP 00020672 Logic For Second Year PUC Koppar, Ravindra Vijaya Book Depot 1973 1st Ed. 185 p. UG Library
160 KOR 00020673 Logic for C.A Entrance Examination Korde Ashok, Himalaya 1979 196 p. UG Library
160 LEB 05042436 Statistical and inductive probabilities / Leblanc, Hugues, Dover Publications, 2006 0486449807 (pbk.) xii, 148 p. ; Knowledge Centre
160 LEB 05051715 Statistical and inductive probabilities / Leblanc, Hugues, Prentice Hall, 1962 xii, 148 p. ; Knowledge Centre
160 LIZ 00009191 Modern Introduction to Logic Vol 1 Lazarus, Aravkar Jamnadas 2008 1 UG Library
160 LYO 00131438 The new critical thinking : Lyons, Jack C., Routledge, 2018 9781138687479 (hbk) | 9781138687486 (pbk.) xvii, 362 pages ; UG Library
160 MAR 00017172 Text Book of Logic Martin, William P. Subhas Stores 1971 132 p. UG Library
160 MAR 00017173 Text Book of Logic Martin, William P. Subhas Stores 1971 132 p. UG Library
160 MAR 00020114 Text Book of Logic - I PUC Martin, W P DPSP 1978 1st ed. 199 p UG Library
160 MAR 00020115 Text Book of Logic - I PUC Martin, W P DPSP 1978 1st ed. 199 p UG Library
160 MAR 00020116 Text Book of Logic - I PUC Martin, W P DPSP 1978 1st ed. 199 p UG Library
160 MAR 00017174 Text Book of Logic Martin, William P. Subhas Stores 1971 132 p. UG Library
160 MAR 00020113 Text Book of Logic - I PUC Martin, W P DPSP 1978 1st ed. 199 p UG Library
160 MAR 00020117 Text Book of Logic Martin, W P DPSP 1978 199 p UG Library
160 MAU 00134149 Think about it : critical skills for academic writing Mauk, John Cengage Learning [distributor], 2014 9781285193847 xiii,324 p.; UG Library
160 MIT 05045638 Studies in Logic : Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 2012 9788190995030 xviii,253p.: Knowledge Centre
160 MIT 00122374 Studies in Logic : Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 2012 9788190995030 xviii,253p.: UG Library
160 MUR 00127992 Critical Reflection : Murray, Malcolm McGill-Queen's University Press, 2005 0773528792 (bound) | 077352880 xi, 516 p. : UG Library
160 MUS 01025894 Reasoning in ethics and law : Routledge, 1999 0754610454 | 9780754610458 ix, 212 p. ; Knowledge Centre
160 NAT 05005105 Simple formal logic : Vander Nat, Arnold. Routledge, 2010 9780415997454 (hardcover) | 04 xi, 347 p. : Knowledge Centre
160 PAN 00008856 Simple Study of Inductive Logic Balkrishna Pandit, S. Surjeet 1967 246 p. UG Library
160 PAN 00009188 Modern Introduction to Logic Pandurangi, H. R. Jamnadas & Sons 1968 132 p. UG Library
160 PAN 00009190 Modern Introduction to Logic Pandurangi, H. R. Jamnadas & Sons 1968 132 p. UG Library
160 PAN 00009189 Modern Introduction to Logic Pandurangi, H. R. Jamnadas & Sons 1968 132 p. UG Library
160 POR 01017215 The Voice of Reason : Porter, Burton F. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195399868 365 p. : Knowledge Centre
160 PRA 00147921 Critical and Analytical Thinking/ Prasad, A. S. Cengage Learning, 2024 9789360532192 xiv,360p. ; UG Library
160 PRI 01016433 Logic : Priest, Graham. Oxford University Press, 2000 0192893203 | 9780192893208 128 p. : Knowledge Centre
160 PRI 01017221 Logic : Priest, Graham. Oxford University Press, 2000 0192893203 | 9780192893208 128 p. : Knowledge Centre
160 PRI 04009705 Logic / Priest, Graham : Sterling, 2000 9781402768965 ix , 182 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
160 PRI 05031919 Logic : Priest, Graham Oxford University Press, 2006 0195682629 128 p Knowledge Centre
160 PRI 00085426 Logic : Priest, Graham Oxford University Press, 2006 0195682629 128 p UG Library
160 QUI 00071489 Philosophy of Logic: [ Dharmaram Library] Quine, W V 2004 0674665635 109p UG Library
160 RAV 00022523 Logic Ravindra, Koppar Padma 1982 114p UG Library
160 RUC 05031938 Infinity and the mind : Rucker, Rudy New Age International, 2010 9788122421101 342 p Knowledge Centre
160 RUC 00093673 Infinity and the mind : Rucker, Rudy New Age International, 2010 9788122421101 342 p UG Library
160 RUM 05060665 The boundary stones of thought : Rumfitt, Ian, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198801351 First edition. xiv, 345 pages : Knowledge Centre
160 SAR 07001646 Second thoughts : Sarna, Navjej HarperCollins, 2015 1559344792 (pbk.) xxvii, 484 p. : Library - BR Campus
160 SCH 00143952 The Critical Thinker Schuster, Steven Jaico Publishing House 2020 9789389305654 178p UG Library
160 SID 01017064 Logic for philosophy / Sider, Theodore. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199575596 (hbk.) | 0199575 xiv, 289 p. : Knowledge Centre
160 SIN 00122388 Fundamentals of Logic Singh,Arindama Indian Council of Philosophical Research 1998 312p UG Library
160 STE 00006130 Modern Introduction to Logic Stebbing, L S Asia 1966 7th ed. xx; 525 p UG Library
160 STE 05053670 A modern elementary logic. Stebbing, L. Susan Methuen and co Ltd., 1943 x,214p.; Knowledge Centre
160 STJ 00017179 Text Book of Logic St Josephs Evening College , St Joseph 1972 1 UG Library
160 STR 00103911 Prior analytics. Aristotle. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199250417 (pbk.) | 0199250 xx, 268 p. : UG Library
160 THO 00134850 Critical reasoning : Thomson, Anne. Routledge, 2009 9780415445863 (hardback : alk. paper) | 0415445868 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9780415445870 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0415445876 (pbk. : alk. paper) 3rd ed. ix,238 p. ; UG Library
160 VAI 00014173 Test Book of Logic Vaidyanathan, S L D 1972 1 UG Library
160 VAI 00014175 Desk Work in Logic Vaidyanathan, S L D S L D 1971 131 p UG Library
160 VAI 00013926 Text Book of Logic Vaidyanathen, S L D 1973 1 UG Library
160 VAI 00013928 Text Book of Logic Vaidyanathen, S L D 1973 1 UG Library
160 VAI 00013927 Text Book of Logic Vaidyanathan, S.l.D. Subhas Publisher's And Distributors 1973 104 p. UG Library
160 VAI 00112380 Text Book of Logic Vaidyanathan, S.l.D. Subhas Publisher's And Distributors 1973 104 p. UG Library
160 VAI 00007595 Text Book of Logic Vaidyanathan, S.l.D. Subhas Publisher's And Distributors 1973 104 p. UG Library
160 VAI 00009192 Text Book of Logic Vaidyanathan, S L D Self 2008 1 UG Library
160 VAI 00009193 Text Book of Logic. Vaidyanathan, S L D 1972 105 p UG Library
160 VAI 00009194 Text Book of Logic Vaidyanathan, S L D Self 2008 1 UG Library
160 VAI 00009195 Text Book of Logic Vaidyanathan, S L D Self 2008 1 UG Library
160 VAI 00009196 Text Book of Logic Vaidyanathan, S L D Self 2008 1 UG Library
160 VAI 00009602 Text Book of Logic Vaidyanathan, S.l.D. Subhas Publisher's And Distributors 1973 104 p. UG Library
160 VAI 00013929 Text Book of Logic Vaidyanathan, S.l.D. Subhas Publisher's And Distributors 1973 104 p. UG Library
160 VAI 00016724 Text Book of Logic , Parimal 1990 234 p UG Library
160 VAI 00007588 Desk Work in Logic Vaidyanathan, S.l.d S.L.D 1971 131 p UG Library
160 VAI 00007589 Desk Work in Logic Vaidyanathan, S.l 1971 57 UG Library
160 VAI 00007592 Desk Work in Logic Vaidyanathan, S.l 1971 57 UG Library
160 VAI 00007590 Desk Work in Logic Vaidyanathan, S. L. D. S. L. D.Vaidyanathan 1987 131 p. UG Library
160 VAI 00014176 Desk Work in Logic Vaidyanathan, S. L. D. S. L. D.Vaidyanathan 1987 131 p. UG Library
160 VAI 00007591 Desk Work in Logic Vaidyanathan S.L.D S.L.D.Vaidyanathan 1989 130 p. UG Library
160 WAR 00062545 A Mensa Book of Logic Puzzles Wareham Alan Orient Paper Backs 2000 8122201482 140 p UG Library
160 WIL 07006825 Key terms in logic Continuum, 2010 9781847061133 | 9781847061140 xviii, 178 p. Library - BR Campus
160 WIL 05040630 Key terms in logic / Continuum, 2010 9781847061133 | 1847061133 | 9 xviii, 178 p. : Knowledge Centre
160 WIL 00138766 Key terms in logic / Continuum, 2010 9781847061133 | 1847061133 | 9 xviii, 178 p. : UG Library
160 WOL 00012897 Textbook of Logic Wolf, A Columbia University Press 1962 351 p UG Library
160 WOL 00020677 Textbook of Logic Wolf, A Surjit 450p UG Library
160.22 CAV 00092611 Logic and contemporary rhertoric Cavender, Nancy M Wadsworth Cengage Learning 9780495804130 412 p UG Library
160.39873 MAR 00017175 Text Book of Logic Martin, P Subhas Prakashana 1971 1 UG Library
160.39873 MAR 00017176 Text Book of Logic Martin, P Subhas Prakashana 1971 1 UG Library
160.712 MAT 05038639 The thinking teacher's toolkit Matthews, Ruth. Continuum International Pub. Group, 2010 9781441125712 (pbk.) 199 p. Knowledge Centre
160.712 MAT 00118415 The thinking teacher's toolkit Matthews, Ruth. Continuum International Pub. Group, 2010 9781441125712 (pbk.) 199 p. UG Library
160.76 CRE 07009678 Working with visual logic a user's guide / Crews, Thad CENGAGE Publication, 2009 9788131511220 107P.; Library - BR Campus
160.9 HAR 00104101 The evolution of logic / Hart, W. D. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521766814 (hardback) | 052 xi, 299 p. ; UG Library
160.92 MAD 05046304 The logical must : Maddy, Penelope, Oxford university press, 2014 9780199391752 (hardback) 135 pages ; Knowledge Centre
160.92 ODE 00117449 The old new logic : Oderberg David S. MIT Press, 2005 0262151138 (alk. paper) | 0262 xii, 242 p. ; UG Library
160.954 GAN 05007416 Indian logic : Curzon, | Routledge, 2001 0700713069 | 9781138502321 | 0700713298 (PBK.) ix, 221 p. ; Knowledge Centre
160.954 GAN 05066768 Indian logic : Curzon, | Routledge, 2001 0700713069 | 9781138502321 | 0700713298 (PBK.) ix, 221 p. ; Knowledge Centre
160.954 MAH 05031939 Indian Logic and Ethics / Maharaj Swami Chidatman Jee Anmol Publications, 2009 9788126136278 273 p Knowledge Centre
160.954 MAH 00091126 Indian Logic and Ethics / Maharaj Swami Chidatman Jee Anmol Publications, 2009 9788126136278 273 p UG Library
160GHAI.8 00026555 Text Book of Logic Scientific Method for II Year Puc Ghai, Abdul Praakasha Sahitya 86p UG Library
160SAL 01009384 Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking (law Lib) Merlilee H Salmon Brooks/cole Publishing Company 9780534626631 492p Knowledge Centre
161 WIL 00128200 Modal logic as metaphysics Williamson, Timothy. 9780199552078 | 019955207X xvi,464 pages ; UG Library
161.0954 CHA 01016348 Classical Indian Philosophy of Induction : Chakrabarti, Kisor Kumar. Lexington Books, 2010 9780739122761 (cloth : alk. pa xv, 311 p. ; Knowledge Centre
162 S-3 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
162 ACK 00104104 Aristotle : Ackrill J.L Clarendon Press : Oxford ; 2002 9780198720867 162 p. UG Library
162 KEA 00005708 Deductive Logica a Programed Introduction Kearns John T New Century Educational Division 1969 461 p UG Library
162 MON 00025364 A Selective Course in Deductive Logic Monga A K Sterling Publishers 1982 140 p UG Library
162 PRA 00068551 Beginer`s Logic Praharaj, D M Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2005 0817888254 160p UG Library
162 ROY 00020670 Textbook of Deductive Logic Roy, Bhola Nath S C Sarkar 1979 368p UG Library
163 F\1 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
163 E\10 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
163 P-4 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
163.3 MEN 05042053 Glimpses of Nazraney Heritage / Menachery George Asaras Book, 2005 8187133082 115p.: Knowledge Centre
164 H\3 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
164 BOO 07012924 Studies in logic and probability / Boole, George, Dover Publications, 2012 9780486488264 (pbk.) | 0486488 500 p. : Library - BR Campus
164 BOO 05057697 Studies in logic and probability / Boole, George, Dover Publications, 2012 9780486488264 (pbk.) | 0486488 500 p. : Knowledge Centre
164 LAN 05057617 An introduction to symbolic logic, Langer, Susanne Katherina Knauth, Dover Publications 1967 9780486601649 3d rev. ed. 367 p. Knowledge Centre
164 MAR 05051187 First order mathematical logic / Margaris, Angelo. Blaisdell Pub. Co. 1967 x, 211 p. Knowledge Centre
164 NOR 00006485 Introduction to Mathematical Logic Noronha F J Bangalore University 1968 54 p UG Library
164 SUP 00005800 Introduction to Logic Suppes, Patrick Konark 305 p UG Library
164 SUP 00005861 Introduction to Logic Suppes, Patrick Konark 305 p UG Library
164 SUP 00005932 Introduction to Logic Suppes, Patrick Konark 305 p UG Library
164.2 BEH 00147334 Alibis and Corroborators: Behl Joshua D. (Editor) Springer, 2022 9783030956653 169p.; UG Library
165 M-4 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
165 X-1 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
165 PIR 03002427 How to Win Every Argument : Pirie, Madsen. Viva Books Private Limited, 2008 9781846841606 182 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
165 CAV 05040004 This sentence is false : Cave, Peter. Continuum, 2009 9781847062192 | 1847062199 | 9 xii, 219 p. ; Knowledge Centre
165 GOL 00142769 Contradiction set free / Goldschmidt, Hermann Levin Bloomsbury Academic ; 2020 9781350079793 152 p. ; UG Library
165 PIR 00119264 How to win every argument : Pirie, Madsen, Continuum, 2006 0826490069 (hbk.) x, 182 p. ; UG Library
165 PIR 04022748 How to Win Every Argument : Pirie, Madsen. Bloomsbury, 2006 9781472916518 182 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
165 PIR 03010531 How to Win Every Argument : Pirie, Madsen. Bloomsbury, 2006 9781472916518 182 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
165 SAI 05031940 Paradoxes / Sainsbury, R. M. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521896320 (cased) | 052189 vii, 182 p. ; Knowledge Centre
165TIN 01003607 Fallacies and Argument Appraisal (law Lib) Christoher W Tindale Cambridge University Press 9780521842082 218p Knowledge Centre
167 O\12 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
167 D\2 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
168 WAL 05002006 Informal Logic: A Pragmatic Approach [GENERAL SECTION] Walton, Douglas Cambridge university press, 2008 9780521713801 347 p.; Knowledge Centre
168 BAR 00073897 Critical Thinking Reading and Writing (Dharmaram Library) Barnet, Sylvan 1999 0312171536 461p UG Library
168 INC 00072820 Critical Thinking and Communication the Use of Rreason in Argument Inch, Edward S 1998 0205272932 371 UG Library
168 INC 05070054 Criticial thinking and communication : Inch, Edward S. Pearson Education Limited, 2015 9781292058825 Seventh (Global edition), 408p. ; Knowledge Centre
168 INC 05070055 Criticial thinking and communication : Inch, Edward S. Pearson Education Limited, 2015 9781292058825 Seventh (Global edition), 408p. ; Knowledge Centre
168 INC 05070056 Criticial thinking and communication : Inch, Edward S. Pearson Education Limited, 2015 9781292058825 Seventh (Global edition), 408p. ; Knowledge Centre
168 WAL 05031942 Media Argumentation : Walton, Douglas Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521700306 386 p Knowledge Centre
168 WAL 05039978 Methods of argumentation / Walton, Douglas N. Cambridge university press, 2013 9781107039308 (hardback) | 110 xii, 308 pages ; Knowledge Centre
168 WAL 05045826 Argument structure : Walton, Douglas N. University of Toronto Press, 1996 0802007686 (alk. paper) | 0802 xiv, 304 p. : Knowledge Centre
168WAL 01010465 Arguementation Schemes (law Lib) Douglas Walton Cambridge University Press 9780521897907 443p Knowledge Centre
169 O\2 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
169 H-3 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
169 M\4 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
170 L-3 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
170 N\9 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
170 GEN 04002501 Happiness for Dummies / Gentry, Doyle W. John Wiley and Sons, 2009 9788126519118 328 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
170 HOL 03002787 What Matters Most : Hollis, James. Gotham Books, 2009 9781592404209 270 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170 KAN 05001988 Practical Philosophy Kant, Immanuel Cambridge university press, 1996 0521654084 668p.; Knowledge Centre
170 NAD 03006016 Ethics for Our Times: Nadkarni, M. V. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198073864 | 0198073860 xv,262 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170 WHI 05002009 Contemporary Moral Problems [PHILOSOPHY SECTION] White, James E Thomson, 2009 0495553204 504 p.; Knowledge Centre
170 ABE 00110509 Ethics for modern life Abelson,Raziel. St. Martin's Press, 1995 0312099673 | 9780312099671 5th ed. ix, 498 p. ; UG Library
170 ANG 00144866 Ethics: Angier, Tom Bloomsbury, 2012 9789354357039 265p UG Library
170 ARI 00067071 Aristotle on Ethics. Hughes, Gerard J 2001 0415415220 238p UG Library
170 ART 00073883 Morality and Moral Controversies (Dharmaram Library) Arthur, John 1999 0139141286 615p UG Library
170 BAS 00068444 Aristotle`s Ethics Bostock, David 2000 0000192652 250p UG Library
170 BAT 09000382 What's wrong with morality? : Batson, C. Daniel. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199355549 | 9780199355570 265p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
170 BAT 05067833 What's wrong with morality? : Batson, C. Daniel. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199355549 | 9780199355570 265p.; Knowledge Centre
170 BEA 00027225 The Ethics of Ambiguity Beauvoir Simone De Citadel Press 1983 080650160-X 160 p UG Library
170 BEN 05005553 What is this thing called ethics? / Bennett, Christopher, Routledge, 2010 9780415491532 (hardback : alk. xx, 169 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 BLA 01016415 Ethics : Blackburn, Simon. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195681666 139 p.; Knowledge Centre
170 BLA 05048838 Ethics : Blackburn, Simon, Oxford University Press, 2001 0192804421 (pbk.) | 9780192804 139 p. : Knowledge Centre
170 BLA 00105935 Ethics : Blackburn, Simon. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195681666 139 p.; UG Library
170 BLA 05031918 Ethics : Blackburn, Simon Oxford University Press, 2006 0195681665 139 p Knowledge Centre
170 BLA 00085452 Ethics : Blackburn, Simon Oxford University Press, 2006 0195681665 139 p UG Library
170 BOB 00131026 The Cambridge Companion to ancient Ethics Bobonich,Christopher Cambridge University Press 2017 9781107652316 395p UG Library
170 BOH 05031935 Ethics in Context : Böhme, Gernot Polity ; | Blackwell Publishers, 2001 0745626386 | 0745626394 (pbk. 189 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 BOH 00110225 Ethics in Context : Böhme, Gernot Polity ; | Blackwell Publishers, 2001 0745626386 | 0745626394 (pbk. 189 p. ; UG Library
170 BON 00105585 Ethics and Human well-being : Bond, E. J. Blackwell Publishers, 1996 0631195491 (alk. paper) | 0631 x, 270 p. ; UG Library
170 BOY 05072950 Basic ethics / Boylan, Michael. Rouledge, 2021 9780367638757 | 9780367638740 3rd ed. xvii, 246, ; Knowledge Centre
170 BUR 00146826 Christian understandings of evil : Burns, Charlene Embrey, Fortress Press 2016 9781451484557 | 1451484550 xi, 218 pages ; UG Library
170 CAH 00125167 Ethics : Cahn,Steven M Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199797264 (pbk. : acidfree 5th ed. x, 982p. ; UG Library
170 CAL 05004969 The continental ethics reader / Routledge, 2003 0415943299 | 0415943302 (pbk.) xii, 299 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 CAR 01014596 Confronting evils : Card, Claudia. Cambridge University Press, 9780521899611 (hardback) | 978 329p. cm. Knowledge Centre
170 CAR 00099705 Confronting evils : Card, Claudia. Cambridge University Press, 9780521899611 (hardback) | 978 329 p. UG Library
170 CAT 05059666 Modern ethics in 77 arguments : Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2017 9781631492983 (hardcover) xi, 435p. Knowledge Centre
170 CAT 07012097 Modern ethics in 77 arguments : Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2017 9781631492983 (hardcover) xi, 435p. Library - BR Campus
170 CHA 00123613 You Are The Key Chamaria, Apurva Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd., 2015 9789385436604 256 p:. UG Library
170 CHA 05010126 Circumstance and dharma / Chatterjee, Margaret, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, 2010 9788179860809 70 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 CHR 00092550 Media Ethics: Christians Clifford G Pearson Education 8177580140 336p UG Library
170 CHR 00121475 Media ethics : Christians, Clifford G Allyn & Bacon, 2012 9780205029044 (pbk.) | 0205029 9th ed. xvii, 310 p. ; UG Library
170 COH 00076191 Contemporary Debates in Applied Ethics: [Dharmaram Library] Cohen, I Andrew 2005 1405115483 347 UG Library
170 CRI 05060666 The cosmos of duty : Crisp, Roger, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198801375 First edition. xxv, 252 pages ; Knowledge Centre
170 CUN 07006243 The Normative Web : Cuneo, Terence, Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199218837 | 9780199218837 263 p. ; Library - BR Campus
170 CUN 00109028 The Normative Web : Cuneo, Terence, Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199218837 | 9780199218837 263 p. ; UG Library
170 DAR 01019272 Morality Athurity,& Law / Darwall Stephen Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199662593 209p.: Knowledge Centre
170 DAR 05045838 Moral psychology and human agency : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198717812 (hardback) 282 pages ; Knowledge Centre
170 DEI 05031933 An introduction to Ethics / Deigh, John. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521772464 (hc) | 978052177 xii, 241 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 DOR 05031932 The Moral Psychology Handbook / Doris,(John Michael), 1963- Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199582143 (hbk. : alk. pap xii, 493 p. : Knowledge Centre
170 DOR 00131406 The ethics of theory : Doran, Robert, Bloomsburry, 2017 9781474225922 (hardback) | 9781474225939 (pbk.) x, 229 pages ; UG Library
170 DOR 00107379 The Moral Psychology Handbook / Doris,(John Michael), 1963- Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199582143 (hbk. : alk. pap xii, 493 p. : UG Library
170 DOR 01016980 The Moral Psychology Handbook / Doris,(John Michael), 1963- Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199582143 (hbk. : alk. pap xii, 493 p. : Knowledge Centre
170 DOR 00117622 The Moral Psychology Handbook Doris, John Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199582143 xii, 493 p. : UG Library
170 DYE 00116550 Wisdom of the ages Dyer, Wayne W. HarperCollins Publishers, 1998 0060192313 1st ed. xix, 268 p. ; UG Library
170 EAG 00104491 Trouble with strangers : Eagleton, Terry, Wiley-Blackwell Pub., 2009 9781405185738 (hbk. : alk. pap vii, 347 p. ; UG Library
170 EDM 00138422 Ethics and the Contemporary world / Edmonds,David. Routledge, 2019 9781138092051 xiv,359p.; UG Library
170 EDW 00007788 Logic of Moral Discourse Edwards, Paul Amerind Publushing House 1955 248 p. UG Library
170 ELL 05062124 The Moral Psychology of Internal Conflict : Ellis,Ralph. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107189959 x,236p.; Knowledge Centre
170 ELL 05061991 Morality and the Regulation of Social Behavior : Ellemers, Naomi. Routledge, 2017 9781138958180 x, 291p.; Knowledge Centre
170 ENG 01013985 Aristotle, Kant, and the Stoics : Cambridge University Press, 0521624975 (pbk.) | 9780521624 ix, 310 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 FER 00126865 Living and value : Ferré, Frederick. State University of New York Press, 2001 0791450600 (pbk. : alk. paper) xix, 364 p.; UG Library
170 FUR 05003531 Ethics : Furrow, Dwight. Continuum, 2005 9789386643537 viii, 172 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 FUR 00073869 Against Theory (Dharmaram Library) Furrow, Dwight 1995 0415910803 224p UG Library
170 GEN 05004904 Ethics : Gensler, Harry J., Routledge, 2011 9780415803861 (hardcover : alk 2nd ed. x, 190 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 GEN 03006321 Happiness for Dummies / Gentry, Doyle W. John Wiley and Sons, 2009 9788126519118 328 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170 GEO 00104779 What Should I Do ? / George, Alexander Oxford University Press , 2011 9780199586127 212 p. UG Library
170 GEO 05003875 What Should I Do ? / George, Alexander Oxford University Press , 2011 9780199586127 212 p. Knowledge Centre
170 GOG 04017360 Human Values and Professional Ethics / Gogate, S B Vikas Publication, 2011 9788125937135 326p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
170 HAI 05031950 The Happiness Hypothesis / Haidt, Jonathan Arrow Books, 2006 297 p Knowledge Centre
170 HAN 05073838 Virtue politics : Hankins, James, Harvard University Press, 2019 9780674237551 xxiii, 736 pages ; Knowledge Centre
170 HAS 05031931 Doing the Right Thing : Hass, Aaron Pocket Books, 1998 0671015125 230 p Knowledge Centre
170 HAT 05031949 Nietzsche's On the Genealogy of Morality : Hatab Lawrence J Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521697705 282 p Knowledge Centre
170 HIL 00130297 The roots and flowers of evil in Baudelaire, Nietzsche, and Hitler Hill, Claire Ortiz. Open Court, 2006 0812695860 (trade pbk. : alk. xviii, 249 p. UG Library
170 HOL 01015534 Egalitarianism : Clarendon Press, 9780199296439 (hbk.) | 0199296 xi, 339 p. : Knowledge Centre
170 HOL 00131393 Introduction to applied ethics / Holmes, Robert L., Bloomsbury academic, 2018 9781350029804 (hardback) | 9781350029811 (pbk.) xiv,527p.; UG Library
170 HOL 07006236 Egalitarianism : Clarendon Press, 9780199296439 (hbk.) | 0199296 xi, 339 p. : Library - BR Campus
170 HUM 05031930 An enquiry concerning the principles of morals / Hume, David, Oxford University Press, 1998 0198751850 (alk. paper) | 0198 292 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 IPH 05060924 Finding common ground - consensus in research ethics across the social sciences / IPHOFEN, RON. EMERALD Group Publishing, 2017 1787141314 | 9781787141315 lx,240p.; Knowledge Centre
170 JAC 05031997 Dimensions of Moral Theory / Jacobs, Jonathan Blackwell Publishing, 2002 0631229647 175 p. Knowledge Centre
170 JAH 10003618 Living in truth: Jahanbegloo, Ramin Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2022 9789355207821 127 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
170 JAN 00117456 Beyond selflessness : Janaway, Christopher Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199570850 (pbk.) | 0199570 Pbk. [ed.] 284 p. ; UG Library
170 KAM 00134938 Are we happy yet?: Kamen, Lisa Cypers Rupa publications, 2018 9788129151469 xiv,301p.; UG Library
170 KAN 00119589 Mukham Moodikku Pinnile Malayali Kannezhath, Boby Don Bosco Publications 2014 180p UG Library
170 KAN 05005399 The moral law : Kant, Immanuel, Routledge, 2005 0415078431 | 0415345472 | 9780 164 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 KAN 07010171 Critique of practical reason / Kant, Immanuel, Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107092716 | 110709271X | 9 Revised edition / xli, 141 pages ; Library - BR Campus
170 KAN 00109988 Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals Kant, Immanuel, Cambridge University Press 2012 9781107008519 (hardback) | 978 Revised edition / xliv, 87 pages ; UG Library
170 KAR 00119586 Naleyude Velluvilikal Karakat,Francis Don Bosco Publications 2014 223p UG Library
170 KAR 00119588 Thiricharivinte Kavadam karakat, Francis Don Bosco Publications 2014 136p UG Library
170 KIE 00141943 The Normativity of Rationality Kiesewetter,Benjamin Oxford University Press 2021 9780192845849 314p.; UG Library
170 KIR 07014707 Everyday ethics : Kirnan, Jean P., Routledge Publication, 2018 9781138052635 | 9781138052673 1 [edition]. xx, 224 pages ; Library - BR Campus
170 KOI 00107860 The Cambridge Companion to Spinoza's Ethics Koistinen,Olli Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521618601 | 0521853397 (ha x, 323 p. ; UG Library
170 KOL 00148142 Beyond the Binaries/ Kollareth, Dolichan Christian World Imprints, 2023 9789395457927 150p UG Library
170 KOU 07006823 Key terms in ethics / Kuusela, Oskari. 2011 9781441166104 | 1441166106 | 9 168 p. ; Library - BR Campus
170 KRA 00070031 Thinking Ethics (Dharmaram) Krasna, Beth Profile Books Ltd 2006 0186197941 150p UG Library
170 KRI 05031944 Commentaries on Living / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation | Krishnamurti Foundation of America, 2003 8187326042 262 p Knowledge Centre
170 KRI 05031943 Commentaries on Living / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 2002 8187326131 250 p Knowledge Centre
170 KRI 05031941 Commentaries on Living : Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 2002 8187326298 372p Knowledge Centre
170 KRI 07005613 Commentaries on Living / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation | Krishnamurti Foundation of America, 2003 8187326042 262 p Library - BR Campus
170 KRI 03007901 Think On These Things / Krishnamurti, J. Krishnamurti Foundation India ; 1964 9788187326687 267 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170 KRI 05061160 What are you doing with your life? / Krishnamurti, J. Rider, 2018 9781846045851 xiii, 257 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 KRI 00102394 Commentaries on Living Krishnamurti.J Penguin; 9780144001521 283 p. UG Library
170 KRI 00102395 Commentaries on Living Krishnamurti.J Penguin; 9780144001521 283 p. UG Library
170 KRI 00102396 Commentaries on Living Krishnamurti.J Penguin; 9780144001521 283 p. UG Library
170 KRI 07005461 Commentaries on Living / Krishmurti,J. Penguin, 2006 9780144001538 vii,413p.; Library - BR Campus
170 KUM 05033843 Uniting in Responsibilities in a Culture of Rights : D Jeevan Kumar Book for Change, 2010 9788182910829 117 p. Knowledge Centre
170 KUM 03008844 Human Values and Professional Ethics / Kumar, Varinder. Kalyani Publishers ; 2013 9789327226102 2nf rv. ed. p. cm School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170 LAM 00133130 An appeal to the world : Lama,Dalai William Collins, 2017 9780008278427 112 p. ; UG Library
170 LAY 05031936 Happiness : Layard, Richard Penguin Press, 2005 1594200394 304 p Knowledge Centre
170 LES 00006428 The Growing Youth Lesser R H St Paul Publications 1962 90 p UG Library
170 LES 00006444 I Wonder Course of Moral Science Lesser, R H St Paul Pub 1968 95 p. UG Library
170 LIL 00003685 Introduction to Ethics Lillie, William Allied 1967 342p UG Library
170 LIL 00003686 Introduction to Ethics Lillie, William Allied 1970 352p UG Library
170 LIL 00003687 Introduction to Ethics Lillie, William Allied 1971 350p UG Library
170 LIL 00003688 Introduction to Ethics Lillie, William Allied 1971 350p UG Library
170 LIS 00092878 Moral competence : Liszka, James Jakób, Prentice Hall, 0139744037 (paper) xviii, 410 p. : UG Library
170 MAC 07002847 Ethics : Mackinnon Barbara Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2012 9781111185909 xviii,508p.: Library - BR Campus
170 MAC 00019550 Manual of Ethics Mackenzie, John S O U P 425 p UG Library
170 MAC 00019551 Manual of Ethics Mackenzie, John S O U P 425 p UG Library
170 MAC 00020664 Ethics Mackie J L Penguin Books 1977 250 p UG Library
170 MAD 00147427 Contemporary Aristotelian ethics: Madigan, Arthur, University of Notre Dame Press 2024 0268207593 | 9780268207595 xi, 271 pages ; UG Library
170 MAG 00133028 Morality in a technological world : Magnani, Lorenzo. Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521877695 | 0521877695 xvi, 288 p. ; UG Library
170 MAR 00133142 Ethics at 3:AM : Marshall,Richard. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190635725 (alk. paper) xi, 343 p. ; UG Library
170 MAY 07002172 Applied ethics : Routledge, 2016 9781138936928 (hardcover : alk Sixth edition. xxxiii,572p.; Library - BR Campus
170 MAY 05042866 Nietzsche's on the genealogy of morality : Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521518802 (hardback) x, 345 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 MAY 00106513 Applied ethics : May,Larry. Prentice Hall, 1994 0130688428 | 9780130688422 xii, 553 p. : UG Library
170 MAY 05047260 Applied ethics : Prentice Hall, 2011 9780205708086 5th ed. x, 576 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 MID 05004808 Wickedness / Midgley, Mary, Routledge, 2001 0415255511 | 0415253985 (pbk.) xvi, 232 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 MID 05005270 Heart and Mind / Midgley Routledge, 2003 9780415304498 xviii,220 p. Knowledge Centre
170 MID 00068255 Midglay Heart and Mind Midglay, Mary 2003 0000415490 220p UG Library
170 MIL 04017272 Ethics done right : Millgram, Elijah. Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521839432 (hb) | 0521548268 (pbk.) x, 344 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
170 MIR 00059158 Identity and the Moral Life Miri, Mrinal Oxford University 2003 9780195660647 132 p. UG Library
170 MIS 05067145 Mahatma Gandhi on moral bankruptcy / Mishra,Anil Dutta. Concept, 2018 9789386682437 viii,85p.; Knowledge Centre
170 MIZ 00133282 Ethics : Mizzoni, John, Wiley Blackwell 2017 9781119150688 (pbk.) Second Edition. 212p UG Library
170 MOR 00145639 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do Morin, Amy Harper Thorsons 2015 9780008135393 260p UG Library
170 MUR 01019293 Punishment and the Moral Emotions : Murphy Jeffrie.G Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199764396 xxiii,322p.: Knowledge Centre
170 MYN 00088026 Proposals for a Comprehesive Moral Methodology Mynatty, Hormis Asian Trading Corporation 2008 8170864658 272p UG Library
170 MYN 00088080 Proposals for a Comprehesive Moral Methodology Mynatty, Hormis Asian Trading Corporation 2008 8170864658 272p UG Library
170 NAD 00119284 Ethics for Our Times: Nadkarni, M. V. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198073864 | 0198073860 xv,262 p.: UG Library
170 NAD 00106242 Ethics for Our Times: Nadkarni, M. V. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198073864 | 0198073860 xv,262 p.: UG Library
170 NAG 05038358 Mortal questions / Nagel, Thomas, Cambridge University Press, 1979 0521223601 : | 0521294606 xiii, 213 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 NAG 00052242 Mortal Questions Nagel Thomas Cambridge University Press 1997 0521406765 213 p UG Library
170 NAN 07007491 Ethical Interface/ Nandhikkara,Jose Dharmaram Publication, 2014 9788189958794 VI,453 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
170 NIE 00090234 On the Genealogy of Morals Apolemic Nietzsche, Friedrich Oxford 2008 9780199537082 170p UG Library
170 NIE 00090466 On the Genealogy of Morals Apolemic Nietzsche, Friedrich Oxford 2008 9780199537082 170p UG Library
170 NOR 05034199 The moral philosophers : Norman, Richard Oxford University Press, 1998 0198752172 (hb : alk. paper) | 2nd ed. 229 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 NOR 05039476 The moral philosophers : Norman, Richard Oxford University Press, 1998 0198752172 (hb : alk. paper) | 2nd ed. 229 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 NUC 00129644 Ethics without intention / Di Nucci, Ezio. Bloomsbury 2014 9781472523006 (hardback) | 978 viii, 266 pages ; UG Library
170 OJH 07011730 The Lexicon for Ethics,Integrity & Aptitude / Chronicle Books, 2018 9789386030474 520p.: Library - BR Campus
170 OVE 00121283 Ethics and AIDS Overbeg R,Kenneth St. Pauls 2009 9788171098460 208p UG Library
170 OWE 00106518 Nietzsche's Genealogy of morality Owen, David, McGill-Queen's University Press, 2007 9780773533486 (bound) | 077353 xii, 179 p. ; UG Library
170 OWE 00109025 Nietzsche's genealogy of morality Owen,David, Acumen, 2007 xii, 179 p. UG Library
170 PAL 01019518 Justice, equality, and morality : Pal, Jagat, Madhav Books, 2012 9789380615035 | 9380615035 203 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 PAL 00070018 Inquiry into the Nature of Moral Principles: [Dharmaram College] Pal, Jagat Abhijeet Publications 2004 8188683221 1529 UG Library
170 PAL 01019380 Justice, equality, and morality : Pal, Jagat, Madhav Books, 2012 9789380615035 | 9380615035 203 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 PAN 00088410 Ludwig Wittgenstein: Ethics and Religion Pandey, Kali Charan Rawat Publications 2008 0813160196 288p UG Library
170 PAN 00148144 Ethics, Artificial Intelligence and Human Destiny/ Pandikattu, Kuruvilla Christian World Imprints, 2023 9789395457422 304p UG Library
170 PAN 00087379 Ludwig Wittgensteing: Ethics and Religion Pandey, Kali Charan Rawat Publications 2008 0813160196 288 p UG Library
170 PAN 00087607 Ludwig Wittgensteing: Ethics and Religion Pandey, Kali Charan Rawat Publications 2008 0813160196 288 p UG Library
170 PAR 00133770 On Moral Law and Quest for Selfhood Parasain,Mohan Routledge 2017 9781138220058 201p UG Library
170 PAR 05031961 Ethics / Spinoza, Benedictus de, Oxford University Press, 2000 0198752148 (pbk. : alk. paper) vi, 359 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 PAR 05034288 On what matters / Parfit, Derek. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199572809 (vol. 1) | 01995 xiii. 825 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 PAR 05034289 On what matters / Parfit, Derek. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199572809 (vol. 1) | 01995 xiii. 825 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 PAR 00112142 On What Matters Parfit,Derek Oxfor University Press 2011 9780199681037 540p UG Library
170 PAR 00112141 On What Matters Parfit,Derek Oxfor University Press 2011 9780199681037 540p UG Library
170 PAT 00020657 Moral Law Paton, H J B I P 1979 142p UG Library
170 PAU 05031937 Objectivism, Subjectivism, and Relativism in Ethics / Paul Ellen Frankel Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521719636 421p Knowledge Centre
170 PAU 00140599 Human flourishing / Paul,Ellen Frank Cambridge University Press, 1999 0521644712 (paperback) xiv, 370 p. ; UG Library
170 PLA 00104117 Protagoras / Plato. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 1991 019823970X : | 0198239343 (pbk Rev. ed. xx, 246 p. ; UG Library
170 PLA 00090228 Gorgias Plato Oxford 2008 9780199540327 172p UG Library
170 POD 00107508 The Challenge of Conscience Podmattam,Felix M. Media House 2009 9788174952509 437 P. UG Library
170 POJ 00087722 Moral Life: An Introductory Reader in Ethics and Literature Pojman, Louis P 2007 9780195308518 1006 p UG Library
170 RAC 05045060 The Elements of Moral Philosophy / Rachels James Mc Graw Hill, 2007 9780071107280 210p.: Knowledge Centre
170 RAC 00128920 The Right Thing to Do : Rachels, Jemes McGraw Hill, 2015 9780078119088 (alk. paper) 7th ed, 382 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
170 RAC 00136929 The right thing to do : Rachels, Stuart, McGraw Hill education, 2015 9780078119088 (alk. paper) | 9789814577403 SEVENTH EDITION. ix, 382 pages ; UG Library
170 RAC 00117638 Can ethics provide answers? : Rachels, James, Rowman & Littlefield, 1997 0847683478 (cloth : alk. paper xii, 245 p. ; UG Library
170 RAN 00004813 Primer of Ethics Rangachar S. Rajaram Book House 1989 160 p. UG Library
170 RAN 00004816 Primer of Ethics Rangachar S. Rajaram Book House 1989 160 p. UG Library
170 RAN 00004814 Primer of Ethics Rangachar S. Rajaram Book House 1989 160 p. UG Library
170 RAN 00004815 Primer of Ethics Rangachar S. Rajaram Book House 1989 160 p. UG Library
170 RAN 00004817 Kavya Parijatha Snathak, Vijayendra National Book 1961 1 UG Library
170 REA 00111656 Kant's Critique of Practical Reason : Reath, Andrews. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107675384 xi: 226p.; UG Library
170 RIS 00068312 Real Ethics Rist, John M 2001 0521006082 295p UG Library
170 RIS 05031934 Real Ethics : Rist, M John Cambridge University Press, 2002 0521006082 294 p Knowledge Centre
170 ROB 07010835 Introducing ethics / Robinson, Dave Clays Publication, 2013 9781848310087 175p.; Library - BR Campus
170 ROC 10002485 Moral acrobatics : Rochat, Philippe, Oxoford university press, 2021 9780190057657 xx, 165 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
170 ROW 05072963 Moral disagreement / Rowland, Richard. Routledge, 2021 9781138589841 | 9781138589858 viii, 258p, ; Knowledge Centre
170 RUS 00089474 Human Society in Ethics and Politics Russell, Bertrand 1992 0415083001 242p UG Library
170 SAN 00020666 Ethics and Mathaethics Sanyal, B S Vikas 1970 264p UG Library
170 SAR 00142988 Advances in experimental moral psychology / Bloomsbury 2022 9781472509383 (hardback) xii, 256 pages : UG Library
170 SAT 05049148 Extraordinary responsibility : Satkunanandan, Shalini, Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107082724 (hardback) | 110 x, 254 pages ; Knowledge Centre
170 SCH 05047182 Guilt about the past / Schlink, Bernhard. Anansi, 2009 9780887849596 | 0887849598 143 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 SCH 00014948 Civilization and Ethics Schweitzer, Albery Unwin Books 1966 260 p. UG Library
170 SHA 00125071 The fundamentals of ethics Shafer-Landau, Russ. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195320862 (pbk. : alk. pap 322p UG Library
170 SHA 00138698 Plato's anti-hedonism and the Protagoras Shaw, J. Clerk, Cambridge University Press 2015 9781107046658 (hardback) 222p UG Library
170 SIN 04009231 Practical ethics / Singer, Peter Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107602571 3rd ed. 337 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
170 SIN 00068447 Ethics Singer, Peter 2005 0192892452 415p UG Library
170 SKO 05005445 The Routledge companion to ethics / Routledge, 2010 9780415413626 (hardback : alk. xxiv, 850 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 SMI 05058935 The theory of moral sentiments / Smith, Adam, Enhanced Media, 2016 9781540584946 x,298 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 SMI 07011498 The theory of moral sentiments / Smith, Adam, Enhanced Media, 2016 9781540584946 x,298 p. ; Library - BR Campus
170 SMI 05011523 Ethics and the a priori : Smith, Michael, Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521809878 | 0521007739 (pbk.) xii, 388 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 SMI 01017698 The theory of moral sentiments / Smith, Adam, Liberty Classics, 1976 0865970122 (pbk.) : | 97808659 x, 412 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 SOL 00109764 Morality and the good life Solomon, Robert C. McGraw-Hill College, 1999 0072899115 (alk. paper) | 9780 3rd ed. xix, 479 p. ; UG Library
170 SOS 00102305 social,political,and legal philosophy; Sosa Ernest Blackwell publishers ; 9780631230274 557 p. UG Library
170 SPI 00079851 Ethics (ethic Ordine Geometrico Demonstrate) Spinoza, Benedict De Cosmo Publications 2000 283p UG Library
170 STE 05036977 Introducing ethics : Sterba, James P. Pearson, 2012 9780205226689 | 020522668X Student edition. x, 150 p. : Knowledge Centre
170 SUL 05001986 Globalization of Ethics: Religious and Secular Perspectives [GENERAL SECTION] Sullivan, William M 9780521700214 305 p Knowledge Centre
170 TAY 00020665 Principles of Ethics Taylor, Paul W Dickenson 234p UG Library
170 THO 00088687 Ethics Thomson, Mel 2006 9780340926963 246p UG Library
170 TIB 05073766 What do you want out of life? : Tiberius, Valerie, Princeton University Press, 2023 9780691240688 xx, 182p.; Knowledge Centre
170 TIT 00020845 Range of Ethics Introductory Readings Titus Harold, H Affiliated 1972 418p UG Library
170 TOM 00128845 Values, Ethics and Social Responsibility Tomar T. S. B. R. Publishing, 2017 9789386223821 357 p.: UG Library
170 ULE 00093250 An introduction to Kant's Moral Philosophy Uleman Jennifer K Cambridge University Press 9780521136440 189p UG Library
170 VAT 00020655 Ethics Made Easy (questions and Answers) Vatsyayan, Kedar Nath Ram Nath 1979 252p UG Library
170 VAU 07004313 Beginning ethics : Vaughn, Lewis, W.W.Norton & Company.Inc, 2015 9780393937909 (pbk.) | 0393937 First edition. 192 pages ; Library - BR Campus
170 VAU 05044445 Beginning ethics : Vaughn, Lewis, W.W.Norton & Company.Inc, 2015 9780393937909 (pbk.) | 0393937 First edition. 192 pages ; Knowledge Centre
170 VAU 07005972 Beginning ethics : Vaughn, Lewis, W.W.Norton & Company.Inc, 2015 9780393937909 (pbk.) | 0393937 First edition. 192 pages ; Library - BR Campus
170 VOG 00141987 Desiring the good : Vogt, Katja Maria, Oxford university press, 2021 9780190692476 | 0190692472 xi, 219 pages ; UG Library
170 VOO 00106231 Conversations on ethics Voorhoeve, Alex. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199215379 (alk. paper) | 9 x, 259 p. : UG Library
170 WAR 00073901 Nature and Morality:Recollections of a Philosopher in Public Life (dharmaram Library) Warnock, Mary 2003 0826459404 225p UG Library
170 WAR 00020676 Ethics Since 1900 Warnock, Mary Oxford 1978 150p UG Library
170 WES 00088057 Practical Companion to Ethics. Weston, Anthony 2006 ISB0195189906 94p UG Library
170 WHI 05057191 Right and wrong : White, Thomas I., Wiley, 2017 9781119099338 (cloth) | 978111 Second edition. xiii, 166 pages ; Knowledge Centre
170 WIL 05042658 Moral psychology MIT Press, 2008 9780262195614 (vol. 1 : hardco xvii,474p.: Knowledge Centre
170 WOL 05064988 Readings in moral philosophy / Wolff, Jonathan. W W Norton & Company, 2018 9780393923605 (pbk.) xviii, 638 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170 WOL 07012064 An Introduction to Moral Philosophy / Wolff,Jonathan , W.W.Narton & Company , 2018 9780393644081 xvi ,280p ,: Library - BR Campus
170 WOL 05060383 An Introduction to Moral Philosophy / Wolff,Jonathan , W.W.Narton & Company , 2018 9780393644081 xvi ,280p ,: Knowledge Centre
170 ZIG 00117671 Morality Zigon, Jarrett. Berg, 2008 9781845206581 (cloth) | 978184 vi, 180 p. ; UG Library
170.0 CHA 05060646 Knowing what to do : Chappell,Sophie Grace. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198798859 viii,339p.; Knowledge Centre
170.1 FRO 00076199 Man for Himself: [Dharmaram Library] Fromm, Erich 2006 0415307716 198p UG Library
170.1 FUL 00079836 Handbook of Ethical Theory Fullerton, George Stuart Cosmo Publications 2003 395p UG Library
170.1 JAC 00067923 Dimensions of Moral Theory Jacobs, Jonathan Blackwell 2002 0631229647 | 9780631229643 175 p. UG Library
170.19 ALF 05056263 Moral psychology : Alfano, Mark, Polity Press, 2016 9780745672243 (hardback : alk. x,213p.; Knowledge Centre
170.19 WRI 00079237 The Psychology of Moral Behaviour Wright, Derek Stuart Penguin 1971 0140212922 288 p. UG Library
170.202 ALB 00029633 Golden Book of Manners and Etiquette Albuquerque, Roy Ibh 1986 134p UG Library
170.202 PEA 00131845 You can if you think you can. Peale, Norman Vincent, Prentice-Hall 1974 0139725474 xiv, 321 p. UG Library
170.202 RAN 00020648 Eternal Values for a Changing Soceity Ranganathananda, Swamy Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 1971 881p UG Library
170.20208 KRI 05031952 You Are the World / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation | Krishnamurti Fountation, 2001 8187326026 164 p Knowledge Centre
170.39873 MAR 00079855 Moral Philosophy Maritain, Jacques Cosmo Publications 2003 8177556762 389p UG Library
170.39873 MAR 00079856 Moral Philosophy Maritain, Jacques Cosmo Publications 2003 8177556762 389p UG Library
170.42 ALM 05068298 Moral rights and their grounds / Alm, David, Routledge, 2019 9781138102590 (hardback) 1 [edition]. ix,257p.; Knowledge Centre
170.42 AUD 00112175 Moral knowledge and ethical character / Audi, Robert, Oxford University Press, 1997 019511468X (cloth : acidfree p xi, 304 p. ; UG Library
170.42 CHR 00131327 What is this thing called metaethics / Chrisman, Matthew, Routledge, 2017 9781138827608 (hardback) | 9781138827622 (pbk.) xxiv, 152 pages ; UG Library
170.42 LAR 05031956 Autonomy of Morality / Larmore, Charles Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521717823 277 p Knowledge Centre
170.42 LON 05011510 Oxford studies in metaethics. Russ Shafer-Landau Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2007 272 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170.42 LON 07007537 Oxford studies in metaethics. Russ Shafer-Landau Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2007 272 p. ; Library - BR Campus
170.42 MAC 00110967 After Virtue Macintre,Alasdair. Bloomsbury 1981 9781780936253 xx: 333 p. UG Library
170.42 MAC 07006200 After Virtue Macintre,Alasdair. Bloomsbury 1981 9781780936253 xx: 333 p. Library - BR Campus
170.42 PRA 00133384 Metaethics Prasad,Shiva Nath Concept Publishing Company 2018 9351251535 176p UG Library
170.42 SET 00117445 Internal reasons : Setiya,Kieran MIT Press, 2012 9780262016483 (hardcover : alk viii, 385 p. ; UG Library
170.42 SHA 07006816 Oxford Studies in Metaethic / Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199588602 324p.: Library - BR Campus
170.42 SHA 00140602 Oxford Studies in Metaethics / Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198784654 xii,344p.; UG Library
170.42 SHA 05057122 Oxford Studies in Metaethics / Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198784654 xii,344p.; Knowledge Centre
170.42 THO 07006809 Value and context Thomas, Alan, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2006 0198250177 (alk. paper) | 9780 347p.: Library - BR Campus
170.42 WIL 00143005 Reasons / Wiland, Eric. Continuum, 2011 9781441153081 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781441145192 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9781441187338 (ebook (epub) : alk. paper) | 9781441166388 (ebook pdf : alk. paper) | 9789354352027 186p. UG Library
170.42 WIL 05004876 Ethics and the limits of philosophy / Williams, Bernard Arthur Owen. Harvard University Press, 1985 0674268571 (alk. paper) | 0674 ix, 230 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170.42 WIL 00125067 Reasons / Wiland, Eric. Continuum, 2011 9781441153081 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781441145192 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9781441187338 (ebook (epub) : alk. paper) | 9781441166388 (ebook pdf : alk. paper) | 9789354352027 186p. UG Library
170.42 WIL 05038621 Reasons / Wiland, Eric. Continuum, 2011 9781441153081 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781441145192 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9781441187338 (ebook (epub) : alk. paper) | 9781441166388 (ebook pdf : alk. paper) | 9789354352027 186p. Knowledge Centre
170.42 ZIM 05005398 Moral epistemology / Zimmerman, Aaron Routledge, 2010 9780415485531 (hardback : alk. x, 246 p. : Knowledge Centre
170.44 00117475 The reflective life : Tiberius, Valerie. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199202867 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 222 p. ; UG Library
170.44 DYE 04024277 Wisdom of the Ages : Dyer, Wayne W. Happer Collins, 1998 9780062337320 268p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
170.44 IZZ 03000502 Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die / Izzo, John. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 9780070229570 | 0070229570 178 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170.44 SHA 03003528 Who Will Cry When You Die : Sharma, Robin. Jaico Publishing House , 2010 9788184950625 | 9788179922323 210 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170.44 BAN 04023312 Arise, Awake / Bansal, Rashmi Westland, 2015 9789384030872 183p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
170.44 BAN 00123093 Arise, Awake / Bansal, Rashmi Westland, 2015 9789384030872 183p. : UG Library
170.44 BEN 00119630 The Journey to Greatness : BenShea, Noah. Corwin Press, 2009 9781412972086 (pbk.) | 1412972 xvi, 141p. ; UG Library
170.44 BIS 05043879 The good life : Bishop, Michael A. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199923113 (hardcover : alk xi, 235 p. Knowledge Centre
170.44 BLA 03005601 What matters most : Smith, Hyrum W. A Fireside book, 2000 249p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170.44 BOB 00129122 Warpath to Gandhipath Bobade, Bhujang Ramrao B. R. Publishing, 2017 9789386223043 408 p.: UG Library
170.44 CAS 00112466 The book of the courtier : Castiglione, Baldassarre, W.W. Norton & Co., 2002 0393976068 (pbk.) xvi, 404 p. ; UG Library
170.44 COV 05064869 Everyday greatness / Covey, Stephen R. Thomas Nelson, 2006 9781404111608 xvii, 445 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170.44 COV 07013728 Everyday greatness / Covey, Stephen R. Thomas Nelson, 2006 9781404111608 xvii, 445 p. ; Library - BR Campus
170.44 DOR 05067757 Talking to our selves : Doris, John M. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199570393 | 0199570396 First Edition. xi, 264 pages ; Knowledge Centre
170.44 DOR 09000440 Talking to our selves : Doris, John M. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199570393 | 0199570396 First Edition. xi, 264 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
170.44 DWO 05039937 Justice for hedgehogs Dworkin, Ronald. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2011 xi, 506 p. Knowledge Centre
170.44 DWO 01028620 Justice for hedgehogs / Dworkin, Ronald. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2011 9780674260535 xi, 506 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170.44 DWO 01018547 Justice For Hedgehogs / Dworkin Ronald Harvard University Press, 2011 9780674046719 xi,506 p. : Knowledge Centre
170.44 GAN 00137626 The gift: Gandhi, Arun Penguin books, 2017 9781405931090 vii,292p.; UG Library
170.44 GAN 05054610 The gift of anger : Gandhi, Arun, Penguin, 2017 9780718187514 vii,292p.; Knowledge Centre
170.44 GOU 03005515 Character is Destiny : Gough, Russell W. Forum, 1998 0761511636 | 9780761511632 xxiv, 167 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170.44 GOU 04009655 Character is destiny : Gough, Russell Wayne. Forum, 1998 9780761511632 xxiv, 167 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
170.44 HOW 00095857 Ethics for the real world : Howard, Ronald A. Harvard Business Press, 9781422121061 | 1422121062 212 p. : UG Library
170.44 HOW 00095856 Ethics for the real world : Howard, Ronald A. Harvard Business Press, 9781422121061 | 1422121062 212 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
170.44 HOW 03010350 Ethics for the Real World : Howard, Ronald A. Harvard Business Press, 2008 9781422121061 | 1422121062 212 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170.44 HOW 05000534 Ethics for the Real World : Howard, Ronald A. Harvard Business Press, 2008 9781422121061 | 1422121062 212 p. : Knowledge Centre
170.44 KOK 00123745 Living Good Not Leaving Good Kokandakar J.R. Central Techno Publications, 2011 9788189904869 75 p.: UG Library
170.44 LIA 00140951 The Power of Ethics : Liautaud,Susan Simon and Schuster 2021 9781471188572 294 pages UG Library
170.44 LIA 00140763 The Power of Ethics : Liautaud,Susan Simon and Schuster 2021 9781471188572 294 pages UG Library
170.44 PET 05072979 12 Rules for Life An Antidote to Chaos / Peteron Jordan.B Penguin Random House, 2018 9780241351642 | 9780141988511 xxxv,408p.: Knowledge Centre
170.44 PET 07012939 12 Rules for Life An Antidote to Chaos / Peteron Jordan.B Penguin Random House, 2018 9780241351642 | 9780141988511 xxxv,408p.: Library - BR Campus
170.44 PET 07015415 12 Rules for Life An Antidote to Chaos / Peteron Jordan.B Penguin Random House, 2018 9780241351642 | 9780141988511 xxxv,408p.: Library - BR Campus
170.44 PET 04029590 12 Rules for Life An Antidote to Chaos / Peteron Jordan.B Penguin Random House, 2018 9780241351642 | 9780141988511 xxxv,408p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
170.44 PET 05071506 Beyond order : Peterson, Jordan B. Allen Lane, 2021 9780241407639 xxviii, 402p. ; Knowledge Centre
170.44 PRA 03009295 Shining Through : Prather, Hugh. Conari Press, 2004 1573249548 (pbk.) | 9781573249 xiv, 169 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170.44 PRA 00133385 Normative Ethics and Virtue Ethics Prasad,Shiva Nath Concept Publishing Company 2018 9351251543 267p UG Library
170.44 RUS 05031945 The conquest of happiness / Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2006 0415378478 1st ed. 183 p. Knowledge Centre
170.44 RUS 10003210 The conquest of happiness / Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2006 9781138370333 1st ed. xi,183 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
170.44 SHA 31000102 Who Will Cry When You Die : Sharma, Robin. Jaico Publishing House , 2010 9788184950625 | 9788179922323 210 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170.44 SHA 05041006 Who Will Cry When You Die : Sharma, Robin. Jaico Publishing House , 2010 9788184950625 | 9788179922323 210 p.: Knowledge Centre
170.44 SHA 03009730 Who Will Cry When You Die : Sharma, Robin. Jaico Publishing House , 2010 9788184950625 | 9788179922323 210 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170.44 SHA 03009731 Who Will Cry When You Die : Sharma, Robin. Jaico Publishing House , 2010 9788184950625 | 9788179922323 210 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170.44 SHA 03009732 Who Will Cry When You Die : Sharma, Robin. Jaico Publishing House , 2010 9788184950625 | 9788179922323 210 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170.44 SON 04013604 100 Lessons to live life Blooming / Sonkia, Gopal Das Pustak Mahal, 2012 9788122312805 304 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
170.44 STE 00126862 Compassionate living for healing wholeness and harmony Stepaniak Joanne Keats Publishing 2001 0658010883 178p UG Library
170.44 STO 05073818 Why We Are Restless : Storey, Benjamin Princeton university Press, 2021 9780691220116 xii, 252 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170.44 WAR 05006634 Dishonest to God / Warnock, Mary. Continuum, 2010 9781441127129 (hbk.) 172 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170.440952 STE 03001289 Art of the Samurai Steben, Barry D Duncan Baird Publishers 9781844835942 272p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170.6 OMO 00039474 Building Your Own Conscience O`Malley,William Sj Tabor Publishing 1992 9780782901122 308 p. UG Library
170.71 LAW 00106992 The war for children's minds Law, Stephen. Routledge, 2006 9780415427685 (hbk.) | 0203969 x, 198 p. ; UG Library
170.8 KAU 00093160 On the genealogy of morals Kaufmann, Walter Vintage books 9780679724629 367p UG Library
170.82 PAR 05002025 Ethics of Gender Parsons, Susan Frank Blackwell, 2002 0631215174 202p.; Knowledge Centre
170.82 PAR 00107128 The ethics of gender / Parsons, Susan Frank. Blackwell Publishers 2002 0631215166 (alk. paper) | 0631 x, 202 p. ; UG Library
170.82 PRA 00141935 Ethics in Feminism Prasad,Shiva Nath Concept Publishing Company Pvt Ltd 2016 9788180699788 260p UG Library
170.835 KRI 00102519 What are you Doing with your Life? Krishnamurti J Krishnamurti Foundation, 9788187326352 xi, 264 p. UG Library
170.86 SIN 00096295 Secular & Global moral and Ethical Values Singh Manmohan.Dr Relum Printec Chandigarh 8190197819 30 p UG Library
170.86 SIN 00096294 Secular & Global moral and Ethical Values Singh Manmohan.Dr Relum Printec Chandigarh 8190197819 30 p UG Library
170.86 SIN 00096293 Secular & Global moral and Ethical Values Singh Manmohan.Dr Relum Printec Chandigarh 8190197819 30 p UG Library
170.8996 PAR 00142227 Virtues and values : Paris, Peter J., Fortress Press, 2004 0800636619 (alk. paper) xi, 84 p. ; UG Library
170.9 BAR 00128487 Ethics in Ancient Israel / Barton, John, Oxford University Press 2017 0199660433 | 9780199660438 First edition. viii, 316 pages ; UG Library
170.9 DAR 00145907 Modern moral philosophy : Darwall, Stephen L., Cambridge University Press 2023 9780521860475 382pages UG Library
170.9 GOL 00139784 The Cambridge history of moral philosophy / Golob,Sacha Cambridge University Press 2017 9781107033054 (hardback) xii, 751 pages ; UG Library
170.9 MAC 05005108 A short history of ethics MacIntyre, Alasdair C. Macmillan 1966 9780415287494 viii, 280 p. Knowledge Centre
170.9 MAC 00071492 Short History of Ethics: [Dharmaram Library] Macintyre, Alasdair 2004 0415173981 278p UG Library
170.9 RIC 00110487 Why be good? Richter, Duncan. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195325041 (hbk. : alk. pap viii, 214 p. ; UG Library
170.9 RIC 00088748 Why be good? Richter, Duncan. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195325041 (hbk. : alk. pap viii, 214 p. ; UG Library
170.9 SCH 01017762 Essays on the history of moral philosophy / Schneewind, J. B. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199563012 (hbk.) | 0199563 xvii, 447 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170.9 SHE 07001169 The moral arc : Shermer, Michael. Henry Holt, 2015 9780805096910 (hardback) First edition. 541 pages : Library - BR Campus
170.9 SHE 05062245 The Moral Arc : Shermer,Michael. St Martins Griffin, 2016 9781250081322 541p.; Knowledge Centre
170.92 ARI 00079858 350 Bc Nicomachean Ethics Ross, W D Cosmo Publications 2003 8177556681 250p UG Library
170.92 BRI 00050541 Mind and Morality - an Examination of Hume`s Moral Psychology Bricke, John 2000 0198250118 262p UG Library
170.92 BRI 00110863 Socratic moral psychology Brickhouse, Thomas C. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521198431 (hardback) | 978 vii, 276 p. ; UG Library
170.92 BUR 00091832 Proximity with the other: Burggraeve Roger Dharmaram Publications 8189958267 152p UG Library
170.92 BUT 05046428 Unbecoming subjects Thiem, Annika. Fordham University Press, 2008 9780823228980 (cloth alk. pape 1st ed. x, 310 p. Knowledge Centre
170.92 CAM 00110087 Peter Singer and Christian Ethics Camosy, Charles Christopher. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521199155 (hardback) | 978 viii, 278 p. ; UG Library
170.92 DEA 07006819 The value of humanity in Kant's moral theory Dean, Richard. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2006 0199285721 (hbk. : alk. paper) ix,270p.: Library - BR Campus
170.92 FAU 05008086 An Anthropology of Ethics Faubion, James D. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107004948 (hardback) | 978 x, 306 pages ; Knowledge Centre
170.92 FAU 00106229 An Anthropology of Ethics Faubion, James D. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107004948 (hardback) | 978 x, 306 pages ; UG Library
170.92 FLE 00147856 Proximity as Method: Flemmer, Riccarda Routledge, 2024 9781032801803 xii,257p. ; UG Library
170.92 HUT 00110918 Levinas Hutchens, B C Continuum 2004 0826472834 vii,191p UG Library
170.92 JAM 00087981 Singer and His Critics Jamieson, Dale 1999 1557869081 368p UG Library
170.92 LEI 00142751 Moral psychology with Nietzsche / Leiter, Brian, Oxford University Press 2021 0199696500 | 9780192897930 First edition. x, 198 pages ; UG Library
170.92 LEI 05031946 Nietzsche and Morality / Leiter, Brian Oxrord University Press, 2007 9780199285938 vii, 308 p. Knowledge Centre
170.92 LYS 00144597 Kant on Morality Humanity and Legality : Lyssy, Ansgar. Palgrave macmillan, 2021 9783030540524 x,280p, ; UG Library
170.92 MID 00078526 Heart and Mind the Varieties of Moral Experience Midgley, Mary Routledge Classics 2003 0415304490 | 9780415304498 220 p. UG Library
170.92 OLE 00138714 Foucault : O'Leary, Timothy, Continuum, 2002 082645626X | 0826456278 (pbk.) xi, 212 p. ; UG Library
170.92 ONE 00122252 Acting on principle : O'Neill, Onora, Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107035591 (hardback) | 110 Second edition. vi, 292 pages ; UG Library
170.92 ONE 00125050 Acting on principle : O'Neill, Onora, Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107035591 (hardback) | 110 Second edition. vi, 292 pages ; UG Library
170.92 ONE 05038354 Acting on principle : O'Neill, Onora, Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107035591 (hardback) | 110 Second edition. vi, 292 pages ; Knowledge Centre
170.92 PFO 00116873 Between Ethics and Politics : ed by, Pfostl Routledge taylor& Francis, 2014 9780415710640 | 9780415710640 xii, 184 p ; UG Library
170.92 SOB 05006628 Walls and vaults : Sobel, Jordan Howard. John Wiley & Sons, 2009 9780470127612 (pbk.) | 0470127 xiii, 414 p. : Knowledge Centre
170.92 WAL 00140917 Kant and the Moral Law Walker, Ralph Weidenfeld and Nicolson 2021 9781474616799 60p UG Library
170.922 CRI 00127932 The ethics of deconstruction : Critchley, Simon, Edinburg University press 2014 9780748689316 (hardback) | 978 Third edition. xxi, 324 pages ; UG Library
170.9224 RAJ 05009506 Truth and Eros / Rajchman John Routledge, 1991 9780415562119 155 p. Knowledge Centre
170.92WOO 01009671 Kantian Ethics (law Lib) Allen W Wood Cambridge University Press 9780521671149 342p Knowledge Centre
170.92WOO 01010589 Kantian Ethics (law Lib) Allen W Wood Cambridge University Press 9780521671149 342p Knowledge Centre
170.937 LAN 07013594 Exemplary ethics in ancient Rome / Langlands, Rebecca, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107040601 xi, 368 pages ; Library - BR Campus
170.938 COO 00079838 Reason and Emotion Cooper, John M Princeton University Press 1999 588p UG Library
170.938 MEY 00143466 Ancient ethics : Meyer, Susan Sauvé. Routledge, 2008 9780415940269 | 9780415940276 xi, 244 p. ; UG Library
170.938 REI 00110094 The Virtuous Life in Greek Ethics Reis, Burkhard. Cambridge University Press, 2006 9780521125369 (pbk.) | 9780521 x, 277 p. ; UG Library
170.951 WON 00136180 Confucian ethics in Western discourse / Wong, Wai-ying, Bloomsbury Academic, 2019 9781474285872 (hb) | 9781350109087 (PB) xiii, 279 pages ; UG Library
170.954 PRA 03002125 History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization: A Historical-Developmental Study ... Prasad, Rajendra Concept Publishing Company 9788180695957 562 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
170.954 BIL 05062599 Indian Ethics : Bilimoria, Purushottama. Routledge, 2007 9781138062696 x,431p.; Knowledge Centre
170.954 BIL 00087639 Indian Ethics: Classical Traditions and Contemoporary Challenges Bilimoria, Purushottama 2008 9780195696325 431 p UG Library
170.954 CHA 00145030 Understanding ethics Chaturvedi, Vibha Motilal Banarsidass 2020 9788194137436 Revised edition 348p UG Library
170.954 GEO 00138635 Indian Ethics:a New Perspective George,V C Global Vision Publishing House 2019 9789388612395 359p UG Library
170.954 PAN 00106241 Ethical life in South Asia Pandian,Anand. Oxford University Press. 2010 9780253355287 (cloth : alk. pa viii, 290 p. ; UG Library
170.954 PAN 05007377 Ethical life in South Asia / Indiana University Press, 2010 9780253355287 (cloth : alk. pa viii, 290 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170.954 PRA 00141942 Socio-Political Ethics Prasad,Shiva Nath Concept Publishing Company Pvt Ltd 2017 9788180699795 233p.; UG Library
170.954 PRA 05029006 A historical-developmental study of classical Indian philosophy of morals / Prasad, Rajendra Concept Pub. Co. : | Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy and Culture, Centre for Studies in Civilizations, 9788180695957 | 8180695956 xxxv, 562 p. ; Knowledge Centre
170.954 PRA 05029017 Conceptual-Analytic Study of Classical Indian Philosophy of Morals:History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization [PHILOSOPHY SECT] Prasad, Rajendra Concept Publishing Company 9788180695445 452p Knowledge Centre
170.954 SIN 00142263 Philosophy and Ethics Sinha,Kumkum B R Publishing Corporation 2018 9789387587489 351p UG Library
170.954 TAN 00067511 Contemporary India Ethics Tandon, Dr Nirmala English Edition 2000 8187853494 266 p. UG Library
170.954BIL 01007499 Indian Ethics: Classical Traditions and Contemporary Challenges ( Law Lib.) Purushottama Bilimoria ASHGATE 9780754633013 431p. Knowledge Centre
170.973 WOL 00106112 Moral freedom : Wolfe, Alan, W.W. Norton, 2001 0393048438 1st ed. 256 p. ; UG Library
170.973 WOL 07006018 Moral Freedom : Wolfe Alan W.W.Norton & Company, 2001 9780393323023 256p.: Library - BR Campus
170GAS 01004017 Ethics of Development(law Lib) Des Gasper SAGE Publication 8178295962 255p Knowledge Centre
170GUP 01006781 CIT Consciousness (law Lib) Bina Gupta Oxford University Press 0195661133 203p. Knowledge Centre
170HAT 01010271 Nietzsche`s on the Genealogy of Morality: An Introduction (law Lib) Lawrence J Hatab The second essay5 The first essay4 282p Knowledge Centre
170HAT1 01004718 Ethics and HRD (law Lib) Tim Hatcher RAWAT 8131601439 254p Knowledge Centre
170KAN 01007260 Moral Law (LAW LIB) Immanuel Kant ROUTLEDGE 0415345472 164p Knowledge Centre
170MILL 01003690 Ehics Done Right:Practical Reasoning as a Foundation for Moral Theory(law Library) Elijah Millgram Cambridge University Press 0521548268 344p Knowledge Centre
170MUK.R 00047534 Ethics, Religion and Culture: Facets of Mahatma Gandhi - 4 Mukherjee, Subrata Deep and Deep Publications 452 p Knowledge Centre
170SUL 01009684 Globalization of Ethics:Religious and Seular Perpectives (law Lib) William M Sullivan Cambridge University Press 9780521700214 305p Knowledge Centre
170TIM 01009703 Kant`s Grounwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (law Lib) Jens Timmentary Cambridge University Press 9780521862820 192p Knowledge Centre
170WHI 01005195 Contemporary Moral Problems (law Lib) James E White Brooks/cole Publishing Company 0534585361 640p Knowledge Centre
171 J-5 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
171 D\5 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
171 ANN 00127990 Cicero's De Finibus : Annas, Julia and Betegh, Gabor : Cambridge University Press 2016 9781107074835 (hardback) vii, 266 pages ; UG Library
171 COP 00071995 Oxford Handbook of Ethical Theory: [dharmaram Library] Copp, David 2000 0195147790 662p UG Library
171 COP 00071532 Oxford Handbook of Ethical Theory: [ Dharmaram Library] Copp, David 2003 0195147790 640p UG Library
171 DAV 00073876 Gift of Kinds(dharmaram Library) Ross, Stephen David 1999 0791442543 323p UG Library
171 DRE 05031947 Contemporary Debates in Moral Theory / Dreier, James Blackwell Publishing, 2006 1405101792 331 p. Knowledge Centre
171 GRA 10004386 Philosophy and Life : Grayling, A C Viking 2023 9780241523803 426p Yeshwanthpur Campus
171 GRA 00145614 Philosophy and Life : Grayling, A C Viking 2023 9780241523803 426p UG Library
171 GRA 05005093 Theories of ethics : Graham, Gordon, Routledge, 2011 9780415999465 (hardcover) | 97 x, 388 p. ; Knowledge Centre
171 GRA 00099079 Eight theories of ethics / Graham, Gordon, Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group, 0415315883 | 9780415315801 (pb x, 221 p. ; UG Library
171 GRI 00107919 The Grounds Of Moral Judgement. Grice,Geoffrey Russell. Cambridge U.P., 1967 9780521180092 xi, 208 p. UG Library
171 KIR 00013470 Dimensions of Authoritarianism Kirscht, John P U K P 168p UG Library
171 MID 00070043 Beast and Man (Dharmaram) Midgley, Mary 1995 0415127408 374p UG Library
171 MUM 00147478 Ethics at the beginning of life : Mumford, James. Oxford University Press, 2013 0199673969 | 9780199673964 1st ed. xvi, 212 p. ; UG Library
171 WOO 07011686 Formulas of the moral law / Wood Allen Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781108413176 83p.; Library - BR Campus
171.1 DSO 00088032 Christian Ethics and Moral Values D`Souza, Albert Mittal Publications ISB8170999936 327p UG Library
171.2 BRO 05011573 Moral virtue and nature / Brown, Stephen R. Continuum, 2008 9780826498717 viii, 151 p. ; Knowledge Centre
171.2 CIC 07011045 On Obligations. Cicero Oxford 2008 9780199540716 218p Library - BR Campus
171.2 CIC 00090375 On Obligations. Cicero Oxford 2008 9780199540716 218p UG Library
171.2 FOR 05031948 The Fear of Freedom / Fromm Routledge, 2001 0415253888 258 p Knowledge Centre
171.2 GRA 00068451 Meditatioms for the Humanist Grayling, A G 2001 0195168909 207p UG Library
171.2 JEN 05045674 Knowing the natural law : Jensen, Steven J., The Catholic University of America Press, 2015 9780813227337 (pbk. : alk. pap ix, 238 pages ; Knowledge Centre
171.2 KAL 00117607 Moral Fictionalism Kalderon, Mark Eli Oxford University Press, 2005 0199275971 | 9780199275977 x, 193 p. : UG Library
171.2 KAL 07006817 Moral Fictionalism Kalderon, Mark Eli Oxford University Press, 2005 0199275971 | 9780199275977 x, 193 p. : Library - BR Campus
171.2 KAS 00118813 Intuitionism / Kaspar, David. Bloomsbury, 2012 9781441114464 (alk. paper) | 9 x, 214 p.: UG Library
171.2 LLO 01013683 Morality in the philosophy of Thomas Hobbes : Lloyd, S. A., Cambridge University Press, 9780521861670 (hardback) xvi, 419 p. : Knowledge Centre
171.2 PRI 01017074 The emotional construction of morals / Prinz, Jesse J. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199283019 | 019928301X ix, 334 p. : Knowledge Centre
171.2 REI 00099074 Sartre's phenomenology / Reisman, David, Continuum, 0826487254 | 9780826487254 150 p. ; UG Library
171.2 SIN 00136193 The ideal of a rational morality : Singer, Marcus George, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2002 0198250215 (alk. paper) xix, 333 p. ; UG Library
171.2092 KNO 00147426 Aquinas and the infused moral virtues / Knobel, Angela, University of Notre Dame Press 2021 0268201099 | 9780268201098 xi, 214 pages ; UG Library
171.2GEO 01009670 Body-Self Dualism in Contemporary Ethics and Politics (law Lib) Patrick Lee Cambridge University Press 9780521882484 222 Knowledge Centre
171.3 NAT 05002045 Aristotle: Nicomachean ethics. Natali, Carlo, Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199558445 | 0199558442 296 p. ; Knowledge Centre
171.3 ARI 00147823 The Ethics of Aristotle Aristotle Sanage Publishing House 2021 9789391316952 344p UG Library
171.3 ARI 00104701 Eudemian Ethics Books. I.II.&VIII Woods Michael Oxford University 2005 9780198240204 2Edition xii 212 p. UG Library
171.3 ARI 07010254 Nicomachean ethics / Aristotle, Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107039605 (hardback) | 978 Revised edition. xlii, 210 pages ; Library - BR Campus
171.3 ARI 00090374 Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle Oxford 9780199213610 277p UG Library
171.3 ARI 00100932 The Nicomachean ethics / Aristotle. Oxford University Press, 9780199213610 xliii, 277 p. ; UG Library
171.3 ATH 00126880 Virtue ethics Athanassoulis, Nafsika, Bloomsbury, 2013 9781441118196 (hardcover : alk xii, 175 p.; UG Library
171.3 CEL 07010241 Aristotle's ethics and medieval philosophy : Celano, Anthony J. Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107134850 ix, 263 pages ; Library - BR Campus
171.3 MIL 00125042 The Reception of Aristotle's Ethics Miller,Jon Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521513883 (hardback) x, 310 pages; UG Library
171.3 MIL 00111650 Aristotle's Nicomachean ethics Miller, Jon. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521514484 | 0521514487 | 9 viii: 290p.; UG Library
171.3 POL 07010268 Cambridge companion to Aristotle's Nicomachean ethics / Cambridge University Press, 2014 9780521192767 (hardback : alk. xii, 474 pages ; Library - BR Campus
171.3 TAY 00104107 Aristotle : Taylor C.C.W Clarendon Press Oxford ; 2006 9780198250678 258 p. UG Library
171.301 RIC 00089902 Dimensions of Communication Richardson, Lee Appleton Century Crofts 1969 488p. UG Library
171.4 DHA 00087608 Phenomenological Ethics an Introduction Dhar, Benulal Rawat Publications 8131601935 179 p UG Library
171.4 DHA 00088409 Phenomenological Ethics an Introduction Dhar, Benulal Rawat Publications 8131601935 179 p UG Library
171.4 KIT 00135841 Beatific enjoyment in medieval scholastic debates : Kitanov, Severin. Lexington Books 2014 9780739174159 (cloth : alk. paper) xix, 285 pages ; UG Library
171.4MOO 01008917 Conflict of Interest: Challenges and Solutions in Business, Law, Medicine, and Public Policy (law Lib.) Don A Moore Cambridge University Press 0521844398 300p. Knowledge Centre
171.5 BYK 00120971 Utilitarianism : Bykvist, Krister. Continuum, 2010 9780826498083 | 0826498086 | 9 viii, 176 p. : UG Library
171.5 CRI 00103900 Utilitarianism / Mill, John Stuart, Oxford University Press, 1998 019875163X | 0198751621 vii, 157 p. ; UG Library
171.5 MUL 05044701 Future People : Mulgan Tim Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199556731 384p.: Knowledge Centre
171.5 MUL 07006257 Understanding utilitarianism Mulgan,Tim. Acumen, 2007 9781844650903 v,194 p. Library - BR Campus
171.5 MUL 00106525 Understanding utilitarianism Mulgan,Tim. Acumen, 2007 9781844650903 v,194 p. UG Library
171.5 ODE 00132674 On consequentialist ethics: Odell, S. Jack, Thomson/Wadsworth, 2004 0534595758 191 p. ; UG Library
171.5 PER 00134584 God, the good, and utilitarianism : Perry,John Cambridge University Press 2014 9781107050754 x, 221 pages ; UG Library
171.509 HOL 05072767 A History of Utilitarian Ethics : Hollander, Samuel. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2020 9780367785307 xiv, 400p. ; Knowledge Centre
171.5092 WES 00068300 Introduction to Mill`s Utilitarian Ethics West, Henry R 2004 0521535417 216p UG Library
171.6 STR 05008475 Conscience : Strohm, Paul, Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199569694 133 p. : Knowledge Centre
171.609024 BRA 05006489 The Renaissance conscience Braun, Harald E Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781444335668 (pbk.) x, 164 p. Knowledge Centre
171.7 LUK 03001723 Moral Relativism / Lukes, Steven. Viva Books Private Limited, 2008 9781846680090 176 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
171.7 BRE 05007189 Marx's ethics of freedom / Brenkert, George G. Routledge & K. Paul, 1983 0710094612 : | 9780415555913 xii, 263 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
171.7 CLA 00092981 Evolution and ethics : W.B. Eerdmans Pub., 0802826954 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 339 p. ; UG Library
171.7 DAR 00117464 Contractarianism, contractualism / Darwall Stephen Blackwell Pub., 2003 0631231099 | 0631231102 (pbk. vii, 286 p. ; UG Library
171.7 HAM 00109836 The Intrinsic Worth Of Persons Hampton Jean Cambridge University Press 2007 9780521673259 xiii; 223 p. UG Library
171.7 HAV 00081019 Moral Minds Hauser, Marc D 2006 0060780703 489p UG Library
171.7 KEL 00138691 Moral relativism, moral diversity & human relationships Kellenberger, James. Pennsylvania State University Press, 2001 0271021497 (alk. paper) xi, 236 p. ; UG Library
171.7 SPE 00109960 The Data of Ethics Spencer, Herbert, Cambridge University Press 2012 9781108040853 xxxi, 334 p. ; UG Library
171.7ALE 01009702 Structural Evolution of Morality (law Lib) Mckenzie J Alexander Cambridge University Press 9780521870320 300p Knowledge Centre
171.7JAM 01009771 Ethics and the Environment: An Introduction Dale Jamieson Cambridge University Press 9780521682848 221p Knowledge Centre
172 C\4 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
172 D\7 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
172 BEL 01014320 Ethics and world politics / Oxford University Press, 9780199548620 (pbk.) | 0199548 xxi, 440 p. ; Knowledge Centre
172 CAR 00124631 Lincoln's ethics Carson, Thomas L., Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107030145 (hardback) xxvii, 427 pages.: UG Library
172 CIU 00060551 Ethics of Leadership Ciulla, B Joanne Thomson Learning 2003 9812436553 276p UG Library
172 DAS 00107999 Political Violence in Assam Das Sanghita Centrum Press: 2011 9789380921662 288 p. UG Library
172 GIU 00055767 Ethics of Leadership Ciulla, Joanne B 0155063170 276p UG Library
172 HAL 05073834 Political ethics : Princeton University Press, 2022 9780691241135 | 9780691179681 x, 288p.; Knowledge Centre
172 PAR 05064074 Moral obligations and sovereignty in international relations : Paras, Andrea, Routledge, 2019 9781138560178 (hardback) xii,186p.; Knowledge Centre
172 PER 01025354 A global political morality : Perry, Michael J., Cambridge university press, 2017 9781107158511 (hardback) | 978 x, 197 pages ; Knowledge Centre
172 REA 00094519 The philosophy of need / Cambridge University Press, 0521678447 (pbk. : alk. paper) v, 251 p. ; UG Library
172 VAZ 05049020 Political responsibility : Vázquez Arroyo, Antonio Y., Columbia University Press, 2016 9780231174848 (cloth : alk. pa xxi,334p.; Knowledge Centre
172 WAL 05059762 Democracy and goodness : Wallach, John R., Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108422574 (hardback : alk. xii,310p,; Knowledge Centre
172 WEL 05046044 A guide to ethics and public policy : Welch, D Don. Routledge, 2014 9781138013773 (hardback) | 9781138013797 (pbk) 168p.; Knowledge Centre
172 WID 00109007 Global Ethics Widdows Heather Acumen Publishing Limited 2011 9781844652822 ix; 294 p. UG Library
172 WIT 00033387 Politics and Ethics Patterns in Partnership Witers, X Francis Paulist 1975 122p UG Library
172.0951 CIJ 07002792 Moral China in the age of reform / Ci, Jiwei, Cambridge univeristy press, 2014 9781107038660 (hardback) | 978 x, 230 pages ; Library - BR Campus
172.0954 KAP 00131039 Ethical Facts Of Governance / Regal Publications, 2016 9788184846003 xvi, 268 p. ; UG Library
172.0954 KAP 00131040 Ethics In Governance : Regal Publications, 2016 9788184846102 xiv, 231 p. ; UG Library
172.1 COA 00081040 Morality and Political Violence Coady, C A Cambridge University Pess 2008 317p UG Library
172.1 HEL 05003878 How terrorism is wrong Held, Virginia. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195329599 (alk. paper) | 0 x, 205 p. Knowledge Centre
172.1 HON 05031962 Terrorism for Humanity : Honderich, Ted Pluto Press, 2003 0074532133 216 p Knowledge Centre
172.1 MOO 05046593 Privacy, security, and accountability : Rowman & Littlefield, 2016 9781783484751 (cloth : alk. pa vii,262p.: Knowledge Centre
172.1 NAT 05031954 Terrorism and the ethics of war / Nathanson, Stephen, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521199957 (hbk.) | 0521199 x, 317 p. ; Knowledge Centre
172.1 NAT 01014383 Terrorism and the ethics of war / Nathanson, Stephen, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521199957 (hbk.) | 0521199 x, 317 p. ; Knowledge Centre
172.1 TAN 05066746 The ethics of multiple citizenship / Tanasoca, Ana, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108429153 (hbk) xv, 204 pages ; Knowledge Centre
172.1 TAY 05072927 Ethics and Terrorism / Taylor, Max. ed. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2021 9781032120652 x, 191p. ; Knowledge Centre
172.1 WEL 01003524 Is There a Duty to Obey the Law? / Christopher Heath Wellman Cambridge University Press, 2000 0521537843 200p.; Knowledge Centre
172.1 WEL 01003605 Is There a Duty to Obey the Law? / Christopher Heath Wellman Cambridge University Press, 2000 0521537843 200p.; Knowledge Centre
172.1COA 01009681 Morality and Political Violence(law Lib) C A J Coady Cambridge University Press 9780521705486 317p Knowledge Centre
172.2 BAN 01024977 Criminal justice ethics : Banks, Cyndi, Sage, 2017 9781506326054 (pbk. : alk. pap Fourth edition. xviii, 452 pages ; Knowledge Centre
172.2 BAN 05056222 Criminal justice ethics : Banks, Cyndi, Sage, 2017 9781506326054 (pbk. : alk. pap Fourth edition. xviii, 452 pages ; Knowledge Centre
172.2 BAN 01014396 Criminal justice ethics : Banks, Cyndi. SAGE, 9781412958325 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 418 p. : Knowledge Centre
172.2 BAN 01014397 Criminal justice ethics : Banks, Cyndi. SAGE, 9781412958325 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 418 p. : Knowledge Centre
172.2 BAN 01019400 Criminal justice ethics/ Banks,Cyndi Sage Publication, 2013 9781412995450 3rd ed. xiv,369p.; Knowledge Centre
172.2 CLA 05031963 Social Work Ethics : Clark, Chris L Palgrave, 2002 0333719344 227 p Knowledge Centre
172.2 FRE 04014847 Ethics in public management / Frederickson, H. George PHI Learning, 2005 9788120328730 viii , 390 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
172.2 KOL 01015776 Justice and Equity / Kolm,serge-Christophe. MIT Press, 026211223X (alk. paper) | 9780 ix, 265 p. : Knowledge Centre
172.2 KRA 01022632 Torture and moral integrity : Kramer, Matthew H., Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198714200 (hbk.) | 0198714 First edition. xv, 339 pages ; Knowledge Centre
172.2 MAC 00129333 The ethics of surveillance : Macnish, Kevin, Routledge 2017 9781138643789 (hbk : alk. pape vi, 215 pages ; UG Library
172.2 POR 00135082 Justice as a virtue : Porter, Jean, William B Erdmans Publishing Company 2016 9780802873255 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiii, 286 pages ; UG Library
172.2 RAM 00124348 Ethics, Integrity And Values In Public Service Ramesh.K.Arora New Age 2014 9788122436563 498 UG Library
172.2 REA 05031964 Social Work Values and Ethics / Reamer, Frederic G Rawat Publications, 2005 8170339154 247 p Knowledge Centre
172.2 SAN 01024717 Justice : Sandel,Michael J. Penguin Books, 2009 9780141041339 295 Pages,: Knowledge Centre
172.2 SCH 01003108 Elements of justice / Schmidtz, David. Cambridge University Press, 0521831644 (hbk.) | 0521539366 ix, 243 p. : Knowledge Centre
172.2 SCH 01003689 Elements of justice / Schmidtz, David. Cambridge University Press, 0521831644 (hbk.) | 0521539366 ix, 243 p. : Knowledge Centre
172.2 TAN 00123488 Justice without borders : Tan, Kok-Chor, Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521834546 | 0521542324 (pb.) xiii, 219 p. ; UG Library
172.2 UPA 00130543 Ethics, integrity and aptitude in governance Upadhyay, Ranvijay Sage 2018 9789386446626 550p. UG Library
172.2 WOL 01025930 The ethics of justice without illusions / Wolcher, Louis E., Routledge, 2016 9781138855649 (hbk) | 97808153 xiv, 250 pages ; Knowledge Centre
172.209 JOH 05006344 A brief history of justice / Johnston, David, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781405155762 (hardback) | 978 265 p. : Knowledge Centre
172.2GIB 01003132 Ethics and Politics of Asylum (law Lib.) Mattew J Gibney Cambridge University Press 0521009375 287p Knowledge Centre
172.2TAN 01000167 Justice Without Borders, Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism and Patriotism (law Library) Kok-Chor Tan Cambridge University Press 0521542324 219p Knowledge Centre
172.2TAN 01004715 Justice Without Borders, Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism and Patriotism (law Library) Kok-Chor Tan Cambridge University Press 0521542324 219p Knowledge Centre
172.4 BAD 00073782 Business Ethics Badi, Ravindranath V. Vrinda Publications (p) Ltd 2006 8182810302 499 p. UG Library
172.4 BEA 01013376 Justice and morality : Beattie, Amanda Russell. Routledge, 9780754675228 (hardback : alk. vi, 206 p. ; Knowledge Centre
172.4 FRA 03005900 The Ethics of Global Governance /​ Franceschet, Antonio. Viva Books, 2010 9788130912424 205 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
172.4 HEL 05048306 Global political theory / Held, David Polity Press, 2016 9780745685175 (hardback) | 978 xi, 332 p. Knowledge Centre
172.4 PRI 00085743 Moral Limit and Possibility in World Politics. Price, Richard M 2008 9780521716208 309 p UG Library
172.4 SCH 00136927 The ethics of armed humanitarian intervention / Scheid, Don E., Cambridge university press, 2014 9781107036369 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781107610675 (pbk. : alk. paper) xii, 282 pages ; UG Library
172.4 SMI 00067288 Ethics and Foreign Policy Smith Karen E Cambridge University Press 2001 0521009308 223 p UG Library
172.42 ALK 01020783 Fighting for rights : Alkopher, Tal Dingott. Ashgate, 2013 9781409445395 (alk. paper) | 1 viii, 209 p. ; Knowledge Centre
172.42 ATA 05031953 The ethics of peace and war : Atack, Iain. Edinburgh University Press, 2005 0748615253 | 0748622454 (hard) ix, 173 p. ; Knowledge Centre
172.42 BAR 05059750 War In International Thought/ Bartelson, Jens. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108410496 x, 241p. Knowledge Centre
172.42 BER 05007387 War, ethics, and justice : Bergman, Annika Routledge, 2011 9780415552349 xvi, 190 p. : Knowledge Centre
172.42 BRU 05059621 The ethics of war and peace revisited : Georgetown University Press, 2018 9781626165069 | 9781626165076 vii, 336 pages ; Knowledge Centre
172.42 DEM 01020746 Military ethics and emerging technologies / New York : | Routledge, 2014 0415737109 | 9780415737104 313 p. ; Knowledge Centre
172.42 FIN 05059367 Terrorism And The Right To Resist; Finlay Christopher J. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107612563 xiii,339p,; Knowledge Centre
172.42 FIN FIN. 07012463 Terrorism And The Right To Resist; Finlay Christopher J. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107612563 xiii,339p,; Library - BR Campus
172.42 FOT 04008488 War & Ethics : Fotion, Nicholas Continuum, 2008 9781846841682 viii, 178p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
172.42 FOT 00143664 War and Ethics: Fotion, Nicholas Bloomsbury, 2017 9789386606884 178p UG Library
172.42 FOT 01015597 War and Ethics : Fotion, Nicholas. Continuum, 9780826492609 (pbk : alk. pape viii, 178 p. ; Knowledge Centre
172.42 FRO 05004873 The ethics of war and peace : Frowe, Helen. Routledge, 2011 9780415492393 (hardback : alk. p. cm. Knowledge Centre
172.42 FRO 05040911 How We fight Frowe, Helen. Oxford University Press, 2014 xiii,196p.; Knowledge Centre
172.42 GRO 07002804 The ethics of insurgency : Gross, Michael L., Cambridge 2015 9781107019072 (hardback : alk. 323p. Library - BR Campus
172.42 GRO 00121661 The ethics of insurgency : Gross, Michael L., Cambridge 2015 9781107019072 (hardback : alk. 323p. UG Library
172.42 GRO 00107823 Moral Dilemmas Of Modern War Gross, Michael L., Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521685108 | 0521866154 (ha xiii, 321 p. ; UG Library
172.42 HIM 05046801 Drones and the ethics of targeted killing / Himes, Kenneth R., Rowman and Littlefield 9781442231559 (cloth : alk. pa xv,196p. Knowledge Centre
172.42 JOH 01025918 Ethics and the use of force : Johnson, James Turner. Routledge, 2016 9781138248755 vi,174p.; Knowledge Centre
172.42 KAP 10003621 Mission accomplished applying military principles to real life/ Kapoor, Virender Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2021 9789390547944 x,266 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
172.42 KIN 03005903 The Morality of War : Kinsella, David. Viva Books, 2008 9788130908069 | 8130908069 viii,414 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
172.42 MAY 00110026 After War Ends May, Larry. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107018518 (hardback) | 978 ix, 248 pages ; UG Library
172.42 OMA 05062703 Principled spying : Omand, David. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198785590 x, 286p. Knowledge Centre
172.42 REN 01019273 Just War and International Order : Rengger Nicholas Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107644748 xviii,205p.: Knowledge Centre
172.42 REN 01019729 Just War and International Order : Rengger Nicholas Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107644748 xviii,205p.: Knowledge Centre
172.42 SAM 01029020 Beyond the responsibility to protect in international law : Samara, Angeliki. Routledge, 2021 9780367429706 xi, 206p, ; Knowledge Centre
172.42 STE 01029132 The Ethics of War and the Force of Law : Steinhoff, Uwe. Routledge, 2021 9780367621421 xiv, 321p. ; Knowledge Centre
172.42 WEN 05041956 Inventing peace : Wenders, Wim. I.B.Tauris, 2013 9780857722706 (ebook) 1 online resource (224 pages) : Knowledge Centre
172.420954 ROY 00110836 Hinduism and the ethics of warfare in South Asia Roy, Kaushik, Cambridge University Press 2012 9781107017368 (hardback) | 978 xix, 288 pages ; UG Library
172.422 DOY 05073568 Nuclear ethics in the twenty-first century : Doyle, Thomas E II. Rowman & Littefield, 2022 9781538164136 ix, 207p, ; Knowledge Centre
172.42COH 01010740 Democracies at War Against Terrorism (law Lib) Samy Cohen PALGRAVE MACMILLAN 9780230604568 269p Knowledge Centre
172.42REE 01007331 Price of Peace: Just War in the Twenty-First Century(law Lib) Charles Reed Cambridge University Press 0521677858 340p Knowledge Centre
172/.42092 REI 00131921 Thomas Aquinas on war and peace / Reichberg, Gregory M. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107019904 (hardback) 302 p. ; UG Library
172MOR 01011214 Classics of Moral and Political Theory (law Lib) Michael L Morgan Hackett Publishing Co 0872205770 1094p Knowledge Centre
172PAR 01009721 Paradoxes of Political Ethics (law Lib) John M Parrish Cambridge University Press 9780521873550 283p Knowledge Centre
173 ARI 00126939 Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle, Oxford University 1980 282p UG Library
173 ARI 00022086 Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle, Oxford University 1980 282p UG Library
173 BOO 00000827 Twist Twele & twenty. Boone, Pat Prentice -Hall 1978 171 p UG Library
173 EDA 00135758 Strangers to Spouses Edathumparambil,Binu Theological Publications in India 2019 9789388953108 198p UG Library
173 JAC 00093015 The morality of adoption : W.B. Eerdmans, 0802829791 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxix, 337 p. ; UG Library
173 RUS 05031955 Marriage and morals / Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2009 9780415482882 (pbk) 195 p. Knowledge Centre
173 RUS 00089477 Marriage and Morals Rusell, Bertrand 0415079179 203p UG Library
173 RUS 10003208 Marriage and morals / Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2009 9781138302099 vi, 195 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174 ANU 04002632 Ethics in Management: Insights from Ancient Indian Wisdom Anubhavananda, Swami Ane Books 2008 8180522903 350 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 BAJ 03000255 Business Ethics : Bajaj, P. S. Dreamtech Press, 2008 9788177221671 | 8177221671 316 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 BAU 04001402 Engineering Ethics Baura, Gail D Elsevier 2008 8131206661 220 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 BAU 04002693 Engineering Ethics Baura, Gail D Elsevier 2008 8131206661 220 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 CAN 03002658 High-Performance Ethics : Cantrell, Wes. Jaico Publishing House, 2008 9788179929308 254 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 CRA 03003530 Business Ethics / Crane, Andrew. Oxford Universtiy Press , 2010 9780199564330 614 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 FER 03000254 Business Ethics : Ferrell, O. C. Dreamtech Press, 2008 9788177225136 | 8177225138 461 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 GHO 03000071 Ethics in Management and Indian Ethos / Ghosh, Biswanath. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2008 9788125920595 | 8125920595 307 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 GOV 04003913 Engineering Ethics: Includes Human Values Govindarajan, M Prentice-Hall of Inida 2004 9788120325784 181 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 HAR 04000238 Engineering Ethics: Harris, Charles E Thomson South Western, 2008 8131500330 238 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 HAR 04003148 Engineering Ethics: Harris, Charles E Thomson South Western, 2008 8131500330 238 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 HAR 1 04003300 Engineering Ethics Harris, Charles E Thomson South-Western 2009 9788131511121 213 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 HAR 1 04003301 Engineering Ethics Harris, Charles E Thomson South-Western 2009 9788131511121 213 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 LOM 03001166 Six Steps to Super Womandom : Lomas, Margaret. John Wiley and Sons, 2008 8126514558 | 9788126514557 120 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 MAR 04001747 Ethics in Engineering Martin, Mike W Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 1996 9780070540736 439 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 MAR 04006798 Ethics in Engineering Martin, Mike W Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 1996 9780070540736 439 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 NAA 04005129 Textbook on Professional Ethics and Human Values Naagarazan, R S New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2006 9788122419382 169 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 NAA 04005130 Textbook on Professional Ethics and Human Values Naagarazan, R S New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2006 9788122419382 169 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 PIN 03002235 Human Resource Management : Pinnington, Ashly. Oxford Universtiy Press , 2007 9780199562008 347 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 PRI 03002296 Leadership Ethics : Price, Terry L. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521699112 252 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 REY 04001639 Ethics in Information Technology Reynolds, George W Thomson South-Western 2007 9788131503652 350 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 RUN 03001900 Ethics : Runzo, Joseph. One World, 2008 9781851682478 | 1851682473 381 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 SHE 03002331 Ethics in Management / Sherlekar, S. A. Himalaya Publishing House, 2008 9788183188296 166 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 SPI 04005736 Ethics Spinoza, Benedict Words Worth Editon 2009 9781840221190 270 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 BAB 03011728 Professional Ethics and Human Values / Babu, Dhinesh S. University Science Press , 2016 9789380386249 130 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 BAB 03011729 Professional Ethics and Human Values / Babu, Dhinesh S. University Science Press , 2016 9789380386249 130 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 BAG 03007928 The Professional / Bagchi,Subroto. Penguin Portfolio, 2009 9780670082957 xxi,217p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 BAJ 04012801 Business Ethics : Bajaj, P. S. Dreamtech Press, 2008 9788177221671 | 8177221671 316 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 BAJ 04014109 Business Ethics : Bajaj, P. S. Dreamtech Press, 2008 9788177221671 | 8177221671 316 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 BRU 05007255 Reciprocity, altruism and the civil society : Bruni, Luigino, Routledge, 2008 9780415569644 xiii, 158 p. : Knowledge Centre
174 CHR 00091475 Media ethics : Christians, Clifford G. Longman, 0582284473 | 058228371X (pbk.) xix, 332 p. : UG Library
174 CHR 00110038 Communication Ethics and Universal Values Christians, Clifford G. Sage Publications, 1997 9780761905851 | 0761905847 (ac xvi, 384 p. : UG Library
174 CRO 05031965 Ethics of Global Development : Croker, David A Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521885195 416 p Knowledge Centre
174 CRO 05001995 Ethics of Global Development:agency, Capability, and Deliberative Democracy [GENERAL SECTION] Crocker, David A Cambridge 416p Knowledge Centre
174 DAN 00134830 Ethics in science : D'Angelo, John, CRC press, 2019 9781138035423 Second edition. xv, 144 p.; UG Library
174 DAT 00095795 Modern handbook Media Ethics Datta.K.B ACE Books india 9788190974325 295P UG Library
174 DAV 01025906 Reason and professional ethics / Davson-Galle, Peter. Routledge., 2009 9781138274365 ix, 298 p. : Knowledge Centre
174 DAY 00059440 Ethics in Media Communications: Cases and Controversies Day, Louis Alvin 2003 0534562353 468p UG Library
174 FEN 05002089 Aspects of Tourism, Tourism Ethics / Fennell, David A. Viva Books Pvt. Ltd. 2010 9788130912325 404 p. Knowledge Centre
174 GOO 00106612 Ethics and entertainment : Good,Howard. McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2010 9780786439096 (softcover : alk viii, 319 p. ; UG Library
174 GOV 04026698 Engineering Ethics: Includes Human Values Govindarajan, M Prentice-Hall of Inida 2004 9788120325784 181 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 GOV 04026699 Engineering Ethics: Includes Human Values Govindarajan, M Prentice-Hall of Inida 2004 9788120325784 181 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 GOV 04019918 Engineering Ethics: Includes Human Values Govindarajan, M Prentice-Hall of Inida 2004 9788120325784 181 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 GRE 00115297 Ethics in research Gregory, Ian, Continuum, 2003 9780826464774 xi, 80 p. ; UG Library
174 HAR 04024970 Engineering Ethics : Concepts and Cases / Harris, Charles E. Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131517291 302p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 HAV 01007988 Economic analysis, moral philosophy, and public policy / Hausman, Daniel M., Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521846293 | 052160866X (pbk.) 2nd ed. x, 342 p. : Knowledge Centre
174 HOS 05031957 The Ethics of Management / Hosmer, Larue Tone Universal Book Stall, 1999 185 p Knowledge Centre
174 JOS 00139191 Human Values and Ethics : Joshi,Madhuri. Kalyani Publishers, 2018 9789353594503 119p.; UG Library
174 KRO 00101084 Thinking Ethics Krasna Beth Profile books; 9781861979414 vii;150 p. UG Library
174 MAC 05005444 Researching with integrity : Macfarlane, Bruce, Routledge, 2009 041542903X (hardback : alk. pa xv, 190 p. : Knowledge Centre
174 MAN 04014490 Values and Ethics in Business and Profession / Manna, Samita PHI, 2012 9788120340985 188p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 MAN 05068878 Values and Ethics in Business and Profession / Manna, Samita PHI, 2012 9788120340985 188p. : Knowledge Centre
174 MAR 04026695 Ethics in Engineering / Martin, Mike W. McGraw Hill, 2014 9789339204457 340p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 MAR 04026694 Ethics in Engineering / Martin, Mike W. McGraw Hill, 2014 9789339204457 340p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 MIL 00102784 Globalizing justice : Miller, Richard W., Oxford University Press, 9780199581993 (pbk.) 341 p. ; UG Library
174 MIL 01015346 Globalizing justice : Miller, Richard W., Oxford University Press, 9780199581993 (pbk.) 341 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174 MOH 03008214 A Global Lesson : Mohn, Reinhard, Crown Publishers, 2009 9780307587688 | 0307587681 (hb 1st American ed. 188 p., [8] p. of plates : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 MOH 03009278 A Global Lesson : Mohn, Reinhard, Crown Publishers, 2009 9780307587688 | 0307587681 (hb 1st American ed. 188 p., [8] p. of plates : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 MOO 01026742 In House Lawyers' Ethics : Moorhead, Richard. HART Publishing, 2019 9781509905942 (hardback : alk. paper) xi,248p.; Knowledge Centre
174 NAA 04026696 A Textbook on Professional Ethics and Human Values / Naagarazan, R S New Age International Publishers, 2016 9788122439724 191p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 NAA 04026697 A Textbook on Professional Ethics and Human Values / Naagarazan, R S New Age International Publishers, 2016 9788122439724 191p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 NAA 00145289 A textbook on professional ethics and human values / Naagarazan, R.S. New age international publishers, 2023 9788122479270 3rd Ed xvii,266p.; UG Library
174 NAD 05040486 Ethics for Our Times : Nadkarni M.V Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199450534 xx,331p,: Knowledge Centre
174 OTT 03005582 Adam Smith's Marketplace of Life / Otteson, James R. Cambridge University Press, 2002 0521816254 | 0521016568 (pbk.) xiii, 338 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 PEC 00139318 A world waiting to be born/ Peck, M. Scott Bantam Books 1994 9780553373172 366p. UG Library
174 PEC 05022031 Investment ethics / Peck, Sarah W., John Wiley & Sons, 2011 9780470434536 (pbk. : acidfree xxiii, 282 p. : Knowledge Centre
174 PER 05002003 Real-World Media Aethics:Inside the Broadcast and Entertainment Industries Perebinossoff, Philippe Elsevier 9780240809212 327p Knowledge Centre
174 PIN 05003854 Human Resource Management : Pinnington, Ashly. Oxford Universtiy Press , 2007 9780199562008 347 p.: Knowledge Centre
174 PIN 03008903 Human Resource Management : Pinnington, Ashly. Oxford Universtiy Press , 2007 9780199562008 347 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 RAU 05010123 Ethics : Raut, Kalicharan. Indian Institute of Advanced Study, 2010 9788179860762 xx, 147 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174 ROS 05041002 The moral foundation of economic behavior / Rose, David C. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199360598 xiii, 269 p. : Knowledge Centre
174 RUN 00108191 Ethics : Runzo, Joseph. One World, 2008 9781851682478 | 1851682473 381 p.: UG Library
174 SAN 05048086 What money can't buy : Sandel,Michael J. Penguin, 2012 LPNHY160901599 | 9780241954485 viii,244p.; Knowledge Centre
174 SAR 00097638 Values & Ethics Of Profession & Business Sarangi S K Asian Books Pvt.Ltd.; 9788184120523 243p UG Library
174 SED 05007873 Economics of Good and Evil : Sedlacek, Tomas. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199767205 (alk. paper) xii, 352 p. : Knowledge Centre
174 SED 03005678 Economics of Good and Evil : Sedlacek, Tomas. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199767205 (alk. paper) xii, 352 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 SED 00107332 Economics of Good and Evil : Sedlacek, Tomas. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199767205 (alk. paper) xii, 352 p. : UG Library
174 SEN 03004167 On Ethics and Economics / Sen, Amartya. B. Blackwell, 1987 0631154949 : | 9780195627619 | xiii, 131 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 SEN 01013815 On Ethics and Economics / Sen, Amartya. B. Blackwell, 1987 0631154949 : | 9780195627619 | xiii, 131 p. : Knowledge Centre
174 SHA 05031959 Morality of Markets / Shah, J Parth Academic Foundation, 2004 8171883664 358 p Knowledge Centre
174 SHA 05031960 Morality of Markets / Shah, J Parth Academic Foundation, 2004 8171883664 358 p Knowledge Centre
174 SHA 05031966 Social & Personal Ethics / Shaw, Willliam H Wadsworth, 2002 0534561705 514 p Knowledge Centre
174 SHA 05074746 Artificial Intelligence and Social Ethics : Shah, Neepa. Rawat Publications, 2024 9788131613450 220p.; Knowledge Centre
174 SUB 04025165 Professional Ethics / Subramanian, R. OUP, 2013 9780198086345 504p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 SUB 04019823 Professional Ethics / Subramanian, R. OUP, 2013 9780198086345 504p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 SUB 09001123 Professional ethics / Subramanian, R. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199475070 2nd ed. xiv,457 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 SUB 07009668 Professional Ethics / Subramanian, R. OUP, 2013 9780198086345 504p. : Library - BR Campus
174 SUB 03009610 Professional Ethics / Subramanian, R. OUP, 2013 9780198086345 504p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 SUG 05064072 Methods in medical ethics / Sugarman,Jeremy. Georgetown University Press, 2010 9781589017016 (pbk. : alk. paper) 2nd ed. xiii, 353 p. : Knowledge Centre
174 T2S 00059989 Ethics in Business - CD Train to Success Zenith Global Consultants Limited UG Library
174 T2S 22000621 Ethics in Business - CD Train to Success Zenith Global Consultants Limited Knowledge Centre
174 THO 05037170 Restoring responsibility : Thompson, Dennis F. Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521838304 | 0521547229 (pb.) viii, 349 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174 VEL 03006306 Business Ethics : Velasquez, Manuel G. PHI, 2011 9788120329706 6th. ed. x,437 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174 VEL 04014729 Business Ethics : Velasquez, Manuel G. PHI, 2011 9788120329706 6th. ed. x,437 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 VEL 00119666 Business Ethics : Velasquez, Manuel G. PHI, 2011 9788120329706 6th. ed. x,437 p.: UG Library
174 VEL 41000370 Business Ethics : Velasquez, Manuel G. PHI, 2011 9788120329706 6th. ed. x,437 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174 VER 05008067 Ethical dimensions of the economy Ver Eecke, Wilfried. Springer, 2008 9783540771104 (hardcover : alk 1st ed. xiii,301 p. Knowledge Centre
174.2 CRI 05001999 Health and the good society : Cribb, Alan. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 9780199242733 xiv, 236 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.2 HAR 04002782 Perspectives in Business Ethics Hartman, Laura Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070620049 483 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.2 SAN 03002493 Ethics and Values in Business Management / Sanjeev, Rinku. Ane Books, 2009 9788180522147 | 8180522148 256 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.2 SAN 04002631 Ethics and Values in Business Management Sanjeev, Rinku Ane Books 2008 9788180522147 257 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.2 AGA 05044485 Truly human enhancement : Agar, Nicholas. The MIT Press, 2014 9780262026635 (hardcover : alk 214 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.2 ARR 07014900 The Routledge Companion to Bioethics / Routledge, 2018 9781138476578 xxiv,607p.: Library - BR Campus
174.2 BAK 05002116 The Cambridge world history of medical ethics / Baker, Robert B Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521888790 (hardback) | 052 xxviii, 876 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.2 BAY 00139753 Bioethics in action / Baylis,Francoise Cambridge University Press 2018 9781107120891 (hardback) | 9781107543935 (pbk. ) vii, 177 pages ; UG Library
174.2 BEA 00132519 Contemporary issues in bioethics Beauchamp, Tom L Wadsworth cengage learning, 2014 9781133935292 xiv,777p.; UG Library
174.2 BER 05045754 Essentials of public health ethics / Bernheim, Ruth Gaare, Jones & Bartlett, 2015 9780763780463 xi, 259 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.2 BER 05045926 Essentials of public health ethics / Bernheim, Ruth Gaare, Jones & Bartlett, 2015 9780763780463 xi, 259 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.2 BLA 05042655 Humanity enhanced : Blackford, Russell, The MIT Press, 2014 9780262026611 (hardcover : alk 231 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.2 BLE 10004034 Medical Humanities: Bleakley, Alan [Author] Routledge 2024 9781032467849 1 ed. xviii, 192p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.2 BUC 05060718 Better than human : Buchanan, Allen E., Oxford University Press, 2011 9780190664046 xii,199p.; Knowledge Centre
174.2 CAM 07010206 Bioethics : Campbell, Alastair V. Routledge, 2013 9780415504096 (hardback) | 041 x, 188 pages ; Library - BR Campus
174.2 CAM 00142753 Mormonism, medicine, and bioethics / Campbell, Courtney S., Oxford University Press 2021 9780197538524 x, 288 pages ; UG Library
174.2 CAP 01025732 International biolaw and shared ethical principles : Routledge, 2018 9781472483980 (hardback) | 978 xiii, 164 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.2 COL 07008903 Medical humanities : Cole, Thomas R., Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107015623 (Hardback) | 978 xii, 450 pages : Library - BR Campus
174.2 COR 05031970 Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions / Corey, Gerald Brooks/Cole, 2003 0053435615 506 p Knowledge Centre
174.2 DEM 05062093 Bioethics : DeMarco, Joseph P., Broadview press, 2017 9781554813575 | 1554813573 392 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.2 EVA 05017350 The history and future of bioethics : Evans, John Hyde, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199860852 (alk. paper) | 0 li, 199 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.2 EVA 00112192 The history and future of bioethics : Evans, John Hyde, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199860852 (alk. paper) | 0 li, 199 p. ; UG Library
174.2 FOR 05002118 Ethical Reasoning for Mental Health Professinals / Ford, Gary G Sage, 2006 0761930930 392 p Knowledge Centre
174.2 FUL 05031975 Healthcare Ethics and Human Values : Fulford, K W M Blackwell, 2004 0631202242 496 p Knowledge Centre
174.2 HAM 05054735 Health care management and the law / Hammaker, Donna K., Jones & Bartlett, 2018 9781284777349 Second edition. xxxiii,830p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.2 HAM 05056770 Health care management and the law / Hammaker, Donna K., Jones & Bartlett, 2018 9781284117349 Second edition. xxxiii, 830 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.2 HAR 04009726 Perspectives in Business Ethics Hartman, Laura Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 9780070620049 483 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.2 HAR 05057579 Ethical health informatics : Jones & Bartlett, 2017 9781284053708 (paper.) | 12840 Third edition. xxxviii, 763 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.2 HOL 00129640 Bioethics : Holland, Stephen 9780745690599 (hardcover : alk Second edition. pages cm UG Library
174.2 HOL 07014783 Bioethics : Holland, Stephen 9780745690599 (hardcover : alk Second edition. pages cm Library - BR Campus
174.2 HOL 05021009 Arguing about bioethics / Routledge, 2011 9780415476324 (hardback : alk. xvi, 602 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.2 JEC 00098951 Bioethics : Jecker, Nancy S Jones & Bartlett , 9789380108094 vii, 545 p. UG Library
174.2 JEC 00101081 Bioethics; Jecker Nancy,S Jones and bartlet; 9789380108094 545 p. UG Library
174.2 JEN 05062754 Professional practice in counselling and psychotherapy : Jenkins, Peter. Sage, 2017 9781446296639 x,228p.; Knowledge Centre
174.2 JUL 00117403 Ethics of Artificial Reproductive Technologies Julian,Baiju Asian Trading Corporation 2012 8170866383 92p UG Library
174.2 LEW 05042060 The biological foundations of bioethics / Lewens, Tim. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198712657 1st edition. 222p.: Knowledge Centre
174.2 MAC 00129153 Ethics in Global Health : Macklin, Ruth, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199890453 xxiv, 408 p. ; UG Library
174.2 MAN 05007316 Health and human rights : Mann, Jonathan M Routledge, 1999 9780415921022 (pbk.) 505 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.2 MCC 00134616 Handbook on critical life issues / McCarthy,Donald G Theological Publications in India 2013 9780935372588 (alk. paper) Rev. 3rd ed. vii, 213 p. ; UG Library
174.2 MCC 00134617 Handbook on critical life issues / McCarthy,Donald G Theological Publications in India 2013 9780935372588 (alk. paper) Rev. 3rd ed. vii, 213 p. ; UG Library
174.2 MOR 05061245 Second generation biometrics : Mordini, Emilio., ed. Springer, 2012 9789400738911 (hbk. : alk. paper) | 9400738919 (hbk. : alk. paper) | 9789400738928 (eISBN) x, 353 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.2 MOS 00133140 Ethics and health care : Moskop, John C., Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107015470 (hardback) | 9781107601758 (paperback) xi, 376 p. ; UG Library
174.2 MUN 00132685 Intervention and reflection : Munson, Ronald, Wadsworth cengage learning, 2012 9780495095026 | 0495095028 | 9781285071527 xx,523p.; UG Library
174.2 MUR 01011671 Critical interventions in the ethics of healthcare : Ashgate, 2009 9780754673965 (hardback : alk. xiii, 241 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.2 MUR 01024508 Critical interventions in the ethics of healthcare : Ashgate, 2009 9780754673965 (hardback : alk. xiii, 241 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.2 PAT 05031974 Emerging values in health care Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2010 9781843109471 253 p. Knowledge Centre
174.2 PEC 05042566 Public health ethics and practice Peckham Stephen Policy, 2010 9781847421036 (hbk.) | 1847421 xii,224 p. Knowledge Centre
174.2 POD 00139695 Biomedical ethics: 10 Vol.set / Podimattam, Felix. Media House; 2014 9789374955475 (HB) 399 p. ; UG Library
174.2 POD 00139696 Biomedical ethics: 10 Vol.set / Podimattam, Felix. Media House; 2014 9789374955475 (HB) 399 p. ; UG Library
174.2 POD 00139697 Biomedical ethics: 10 Vol.set / Podimattam, Felix. Media House; 2014 9789374955475 (HB) 399 p. ; UG Library
174.2 POD 00139698 Biomedical ethics: 10 Vol.set / Podimattam, Felix. Media House; 2014 9789374955475 (HB) 399 p. ; UG Library
174.2 POD 00139699 Biomedical ethics: 10 Vol.set / Podimattam, Felix. Media House; 2014 9789374955475 (HB) 399 p. ; UG Library
174.2 POD 00139700 Biomedical ethics: 10 Vol.set / Podimattam, Felix. Media House; 2014 9789374955475 (HB) 399 p. ; UG Library
174.2 POD 00139701 Biomedical ethics: 10 Vol.set / Podimattam, Felix. Media House; 2014 9789374955475 (HB) 399 p. ; UG Library
174.2 POD 00139702 Biomedical ethics: 10 Vol.set / Podimattam, Felix. Media House; 2014 9789374955475 (HB) 399 p. ; UG Library
174.2 POD 00139703 Biomedical ethics: 10 Vol.set / Podimattam, Felix. Media House; 2014 9789374955475 (HB) 399 p. ; UG Library
174.2 POD 00139704 Biomedical ethics: 10 Vol.set / Podimattam, Felix. Media House; 2014 9789374955475 (HB) 399 p. ; UG Library
174.2 PRA 00133376 Biomedical Ethics. Prasad,Shiva Natha Concept Publishing Company 2018 8180699803 269 UG Library
174.2 PRA 00133377 Biomedical Ethics. Prasad,Shiva Natha Concept Publishing Company 2018 8180699803 269 UG Library
174.2 SAL 01025917 Ethics and professionalism in healthcare : Salloch,Sabine Taylor and fransis group , 2046 9781472479518 (hardback : alk. xv,182pages. Knowledge Centre
174.2 SAL 01024471 Ethics and professionalism in healthcare : Salloch,Sabine Taylor and fransis group , 2046 9781472479518 (hardback : alk. xv,182pages. Knowledge Centre
174.2 SAN 03012180 Ethics and Values in Business Management / Sanjeev, Rinku. Ane Books, 2009 9788180522147 | 8180522148 256 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.2 SAN 01024293 Ethics and Values in Business Management / Sanjeev, Rinku. Ane Books, 2009 9788180522147 | 8180522148 256 p.: Knowledge Centre
174.2 SAT 00086630 Bioethics and Biosafety Satessh, M K I K International 9788190675703 796 p UG Library
174.2 SCH 01025910 Clinical ethics consultation: Schildmann, Jan Routledge, 2010 9781138254466 xiv,221p.; Knowledge Centre
174.2 SVA 05040155 The ethics primer for public administrators in government and nonprofit organizations / Svara, James H. 9781449619015 (pbk.) | 1449619 Second edition. xiii, 259 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.2 SZA 07009321 Faith in Freedom: Szasz,Thomas Transaction Publishers, 2015 9781412855778 XXVII,241 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
174.2 TEA 01022559 Global bioethics and human rights : Rowman & Littlefield, 2014 9781442232143 xi,443p.; Knowledge Centre
174.2 TJE 05031971 Ethics and Values in Psychotherapy / Tjeltveit, C Alan Routledge, 1999 0415156645 338 p Knowledge Centre
174.2 WAR 05067794 The Healing Virtues : Waring, Duff R. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199689149 vi, 232p.; Knowledge Centre
174.2 WAR 09000401 The Healing Virtues : Waring, Duff R. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199689149 vi, 232p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.201 ELL 00110946 Slow cures and bad philosophers : Duke University Press, 2001 0822326574 (cloth : alk. paper x, 197 p. ; UG Library
174.201 KIN 05045533 Bioethics,Public Moral Argument,and Social Responsibility / Routledge, 2012 9781138788664 xv,179p.: Knowledge Centre
174.2076 CAM 00129641 Bioethics : Campbell, Alastair V. Routledge 2017 9780415790307 (hardback : alk. Second edition. xii, 202 pages ; UG Library
174.2094 MCL 01022498 The voices and rooms of European bioethics / Riutledge, 2015 9780415737197 (hardback) | 978 xxii,209p.; Knowledge Centre
174.20973 BAI 05048302 Ethics for behavior analysts / Bailey, Jon S., Routledge, 2016 9781317363439 | 1317363434 | 9 3rd edition. 1 online resource (xxi, 381 pages) : Knowledge Centre
174.20973 BAI 00135693 Analyzing Ethics Questions from Behavior Analysts : Bailey,Jon S. Routledge, 2019 9780815360698 xv,178p.; UG Library
174.24 COH 00092881 Toward a good Christian death : Morehouse Pub., 0819218006 (pbk.) xi, 147 p. ; UG Library
174.24 COM 00117554 Toward a good Christian death : Morehouse Pub., 1999 0819218006 (pbk.) xi, 147 p. ; UG Library
174.25 FUK 05002046 Our Posthuman Future:Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution Fukuyama, Francis Farrar Straus & Giroux ISB0374236437 256p Knowledge Centre
174.26 BRO 05031973 Ethics Out of Economics : Broome, John Cambridge University Press, 1999 0521644917 266 p Knowledge Centre
174.26 BRO 05031989 Economics, Ethics, and Environmental Policy : Bromley, Daniel W Blackwell Publishing, 2002 0631229698 286 p Knowledge Centre
174.26 SEN 05031995 On Ethics and Economics Sen, Amartya 2003 0019562761 131p Knowledge Centre
174.26 SEN 00069888 On Ethics and Economics Sen, Amartya 2005 0019562761 131p UG Library
174.26 SEN 05034490 On Ethics and Economics : Sen, Amartya Oxford University Press, 2006 0019562761 131 p Knowledge Centre
174.26 SIN 00061271 One World Singer,Peter Orient Longman Publications 2003 8125026584 236 p. UG Library
174.26 SMI 01016967 Distributive justice and the new medicine / Smith, George Patrick, Edward Elgar, 2008 9781847207579 (hbk.) | 1847207 xii, 187 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.26 UMA 05031958 Economics and Ethics / Umadevi, S Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 8176294322 176 p Knowledge Centre
174.28 DRE 00125778 Galileo's middle finger : Dreger, Alice Domurat, Penguin Books 2015 9781594206085 (hardcover) 337 pages ; UG Library
174.28 GOT 05042471 The global politics of human embryonic stem cell science : Gottweis, Herbert, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 9780230002630 (hardback) | 023 ix, 225 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.28 HYU 05038341 Bioethics and the future of stem cell research / Hyun, Insoo, Cambridge University Press, 2013 9780521768696 (hardback) | 978 xii, 225 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.28 KUR 00084370 Science and Ethics: Can Science Help Us Make Wise Moral Judgements? Kurtz, Paul Prometheus Books 2007 9781591025375 359p UG Library
174.28 SMI 00110215 A Christian Response to the New Genetics Smith, David H., Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2003 0742514986 (cloth : alk. paper xiv, 190 p. ; UG Library
174.28MAN 01004750 Rethinking Informed Consent in Bioethics(law Library) Neil C Manson Cambridge University 212p Knowledge Centre
174.28PLO 01007521 Law and Ethics of Medical Research: International Biothics and Human Rights ( Law Lib.) Aurora Plomer Cavendish 0185941687 158p. Knowledge Centre
174.29004 FLO 05046015 The Ethics of Information / Floridi Luciano Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198748052 xix,357p.: Knowledge Centre
174.2928233 GAZ 04015709 The Ethical Brain : Gazzaniga, Michael S. HarperPerennial, 2006 9780060884734 (pbk. : alk. pap xix, 202, 16 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.2928233 GAZ 03008371 The Ethical Brain : Gazzaniga, Michael S. HarperPerennial, 2006 9780060884734 (pbk. : alk. pap xix, 202, 16 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.295538 WUJ 05034008 Well-mannered medicine Wujastyk, Dagmar. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199856268 (hardcover : alk 238 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.296042 BER 00132915 Ethical dilemmas in genetics and genetic counseling : Berliner, Janice L., Cambridge university press, 2015 9780199944897 (pbk : alk. paper) ix, 226 pages ; UG Library
174.296042 CHA 01020981 The right to know and the right not to know : Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107076075 (hardback) | 110 Second edition. xiii, 216 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.296042 MIS 07000835 Ethics Governance & Sustainability / Mishra, Bhuwneshwar Taxmann Publishing, 2015 398 p. Library - BR Campus
174.296042HAY 01009478 Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Database:European Perpectives (law Lib) Matti Hayry Cambridge University Press 9780521856621 283p Knowledge Centre
174.296042OVE 01010929 Gene Patents and Collaborative Licensing Models (law Lib) Geertrui Van Overwalle Cambridge University Press 9780521896733 477p Knowledge Centre
174.2968 GIO 00126873 Scientific and philosophical perspectives in neuroethics Giordano, James J Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521878555 (hardback : alk. xxix, 388 p.: UG Library
174.2968 SZA 05067238 Ethics and law for neurosciences clinicians : Szalados, James E., Rutgers University Press, 2019 9780813593883 xi, 177 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.29689 BHU 05006680 Psychiatry's contract with society : Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199566778 (pbk. : alk. pap 1st ed. xi, 254 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.29689 BOG 05034489 Values and Ethics in Mental Health Practice : Bogg, Daisy Learning Matters Ltd., 2010 9781844453757 ix, 166 p. Knowledge Centre
174.29689 KNA 05054472 Ethical dilemmas in psychotherapy : Knapp, Samuel, American Psychological Association, 2015 9781433820120 (pbk.) | 1433820 First edition. x, 202 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.29689 WID 05044695 Empirical ethics in psychiatry / Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199297368 (pbk. : alk. pap viii, 255 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.2968914 BHO 10002029 Ethical Issues in counselling and psychotherapy practice : Bhola, Poornima., ed. Springer Nature, 9789811018060 xviii, 245p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.29698023 GRO 01025924 Military medical ethics for the 21st century / Gross, Michael L., Routledge, 2013 9781409438984 (hbk. : alk. pap xiii, 304 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.297954 WIL 01023172 Ethics and the acquisition of organs Wilkinson, T. M., Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199607860 (hbk. : alk. pap x,209p.; Knowledge Centre
174.3 BAN 00091830 The Quest for postmodern ethics Bannon Brad Dharmaram Publcations 2007 8189958077 269p Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.3 BAN 00106082 The Quest for postmodern ethics Bannon Brad Dharmaram Publcations 2007 8189958077 269p Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.3 BAN 01013790 The Quest for postmodern ethics Bannon Brad Dharmaram Publcations 2007 8189958077 269p Knowledge Centre
174.3 BAN 00094653 The Quest for postmodern ethics Bannon Brad Dharmaram Publcations 2007 8189958077 269p UG Library
174.3 BOO 01022234 Lawyers' ethics and professional responsibility / Boon, Andrew, Hart Publishing, 2015 9781849467841 | 1849467846 xxxvi, 424 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.3 CAP 01025026 Ethical rationalism and the law / Hart, 2017 9781849467865 (hardback : alk. viii, 268 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.3 COL 01027340 The judge : Collins, Ronald K. L., Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190490140 (hardback) xxiii, 265 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.3 COL 07013817 The judge : Collins, Ronald K. L., Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190490140 (hardback) xxiii, 265 pages ; Library - BR Campus
174.3 HEF 01021820 Dimensions of justice : Heffernan, William C., Jones & Bartlett, 2015 9781449634056 (pbk.) | 1449634 xx, 326 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.3 HER 01026104 Legal ethics / Herring, Jonathan. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780198788928 (pbk) Second edition. xxiv, 477p.; Knowledge Centre
174.3 HER 01020600 Legal ethics / Herring, Jonathan, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198703457 | 0198703457 xxiii, 446 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.3 KLE 05031972 Ethics and Criminal Justice : Kleingig, John Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521682831 283 p Knowledge Centre
174.3 POP 01020881 International rule of law and professional ethics / Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2014 9781472428035 (hbk.) | 1472428 viii, 224 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.3 SAR 05040913 Professional ethics at the international bar / Sarvarian, Arman, Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199679461 | 0199679460 First edition. xxvi, 306 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.3 SCH 01019010 Ethical problems in the practice of law / Lerman, Lisa G. Aspen Publishers, 2005 0735529140 (hardcover) xlv, 738 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.3 SHA 01024625 A theory of mediators' ethics : foundations, rationale, and application Shapira, Omer Cambridge university press, 2016 9781107143043 xxxi,466p.; Knowledge Centre
174.3 TIM 07006805 Oxford studies in normative ethics Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199693269 (v. 1 : hbk.) | 338p.: Library - BR Campus
174.3 TIM 07006839 Oxford studies in normative ethics Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199693269 (v. 1 : hbk.) | 338p.: Library - BR Campus
174.3 WEN 00124624 Ethics and law : Wendel, W. Bradley, Cambridge University Press 2014 9781107617247 (pbk.) | 1107617 x, 251 pages ; UG Library
174.30941 MCP 01027124 Professional ethics / Oxford University Press, 2018 0198823177 | 9780198823179 18th edition. xi, 253 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027516 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027517 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027518 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027519 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027520 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027521 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027522 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027523 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027524 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027525 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027526 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027527 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027528 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027529 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027530 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027531 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027532 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027513 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027514 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30954 KIR 01027515 Selected judgements on professional ethics / Kirpal,B.N. Bar Council of India Trust, 2019 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
174.30973 ORL 00132146 Ethics for the legal professional / Orlik, Deborah K. Pearson, 2014 9780133109290 (pbk.) | 0133109291 (pbk.) 8th ed. xxii, 329 p. : UG Library
174.30973 VIS 00112920 Martin Luther King Jr. and the morality of legal practice : Vischer, Robert K. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107031227 (hardback) x, 316 p. ; UG Library
174.30973SCH 01009729 Paralegal Ethics (law Lib) Angela Schneeman West Legal Studies 9780766809499 282p Knowledge Centre
174.309747 ABE 01014004 Lawyers in the dock : Abel, Richard L. Oxford University Press, 9780195374230 (hardback : alk. x, 573 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.30994 EVA 01015617 Assessing Lawyers' Ethics : Evans, Adrian Helli. Cambridge University Press, 9780521764223 (pbk.) xii, 267 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.30994 EVA 01017240 Assessing Lawyers' Ethics : Evans, Adrian Helli. Cambridge University Press, 9780521764223 (pbk.) xii, 267 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.30994 EVA 01016887 Assessing Lawyers' Ethics : Evans, Adrian Helli. Cambridge University Press, 9780521764223 (pbk.) xii, 267 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.3ECO 01000256 Ethical Challenges to Legal Education & Conduct (law Lib) Kim Economides Hart 1901901362116 366p Knowledge Centre
174.3LUB 01009375 Legal Ethics and Human Dignity (law Lib) David Luban Cambridge University Press 9780521862851 337p Knowledge Centre
174.3LUB 01009719 Legal Ethics and Human Dignity (law Lib) David Luban Cambridge University Press 9780521862851 337p Knowledge Centre
174.3MON 01010573 Essential Professional Conduct: Legal Ethics (law Lib) Geoff Monahan Routledge-Cavendish 9781876905279 137p Knowledge Centre
174.3SIR 01004790 Profssional Ethics, Accountancy for Lawyers and Bench Bar Relation (law Library) J P S Sirohi Allahabad Law Agency 462p Knowledge Centre
174.4 05038584 Business Ethics: DeGeorge,Richard,T. Pearson, 2011 9788131763353 xi,524p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 ALB 03003543 Business Ethics : Albuquerque, Daniel. Oxford Universtiy Press, 2010 9780195699647 | 0195699645 325 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 ANU 03001207 Ethics in Management : Anubhavananda, Swami. Ane Books, 2008 8180522903 | 9788180522901 350 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 BAD 05029823 Business Ethics / Badi, R V Vrinda, 2005 8182810302 xxii,499p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 BAJ 04002240 Business Ethics: An Indian Perspective Bajaj, P S Dreamtech Press 2008 9788177221671 316 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 BOA 10002936 Ethics and the conduct of business / Boatright, John R Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd. , 2018 9789352862306 8th ed. xvii, 555p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 BOA 10002937 Ethics and the conduct of business / Boatright, John R Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd. , 2018 9789352862306 8th ed. xvii, 555p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 BOA 10002938 Ethics and the conduct of business / Boatright, John R Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd. , 2018 9789352862306 8th ed. xvii, 555p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 BOA 10002939 Ethics and the conduct of business / Boatright, John R Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd. , 2018 9789352862306 8th ed. xvii, 555p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 CRA 03002229 Business Ethics : Crane, Andrew. Oxford Universtiy Press, 2007 9780195691658 | 0195691652 566 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 10000351 Business Ethics : Ferrell, O.C. Rajiv Book Binding House, 2022 9789355730978 12th ed. xvii, 585p,; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 FER 04002239 Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases Ferell, O C Dreamtech Press 2008 9788177225136 461 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 GUP 03002533 Ethics Incorporated : Gupta, Dipankar. Sage Publications, 2006 9780761934714 | 0761934715 203 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 HAR 00104635 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman,Laura P. Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing com Ltd, 2005 9780070620049 3rd ed. xii,483p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 HAR 05003134 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman,Laura P. Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing com Ltd, 2005 9780070620049 3rd ed. xii,483p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 HOR 03002639 Ethics in Marketing / Horowitz, Shel. Jaico Books, 2009 9788179927663 160 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 HOY 03001755 Ethical Executive : Hoyk, Robert. Kogan Page, 2008 9780749457204 136 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 JEN 03001556 Cases in Business Ethics / Jennings, Marianne M. Thomson South-Western, 2008 9788131505106 | 8131505103 474 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 JEN 03001555 Cases in Business Ethics / Jennings, Marianne M. Thomson South-Western, 2008 9788131505106 | 8131505103 474 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 JOH 03000810 Ethics in the Workplace : Johnson, Craig E. Sage Publications , 2008 9781412905398 | 1412905397 335 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 KIT 03001285 Ethical Organisation Kitson, Alan Palgrave Macmillan 9780230542242 252 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MON 03001334 Corpocracy Monks, Robert A G Johb Wiley & Sons 9780470145098 252p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MOR 10004747 Business Ethics : Morrison, Janet. Bloomsbury , 2015 9789356403215 xx,404p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 MOR 05074725 Business Ethics : Morrison, Janet. Bloomsbury , 2015 9789356403215 xx,404p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 PAI 03000454 Business Ethics as Practice : Painter-Morland, Mollie. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521877459 302 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 SAD 05054150 The Theory and Practice of Managerial Ethics / Sadri,Sorab. Jaico Publishing House, 2001 8172248172 | 9788172248178 xxix,488p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 SAD 03002678 Theory and Practice of Managerial Ethics / Sadri, Jayashree. Jaico Publishing House, 2008 8172248172 | 9788172248178 488 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 SEK 03002532 Ethical Choices in Business / Sekhar, R. C. Response Books, 2002 0761997180 (pbk. : alk. paper) 2nd ed. 308 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 SET 03001054 Economic Imperatives and Ethical Values in Global Business : Sethi, S. Prakash Kluwer Academic Publlishers , 2000 792378938 | 9780792378938 423 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 SHA 05029803 Business Ethics / Shaw, William H. Thomson, 2005 9789812403582 | 9812403582 4th Edition xii,432p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 SHE 03000177 Integrity at Work Shelton, Ken East West Books 217 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 SIM 03001179 Integrity Dividend : Simons, Tony. John Wiley & Sons, 2008 9780470185667 244 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 SIM 03000158 Integrity Dividend : Simons, Tony. John Wiley & Sons, 2008 9780470185667 244 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 03003505 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W. Thomson South-Western, 2009 9788131509814 | 8131509818 380 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 05017793 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning , 2009 9788131509814 380p. Knowledge Centre
174.4 ABL 05060818 The handbook of business and corruption : Abbländer, Michael S.; Hudson, Sarah, Emerald, 2017 9781786354464 xviii,551p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 AGU 05031988 Managing Corporate Ethics / Aguilar, J Francis Oxford University Press, 1994 0195085345 176 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 ALB 03008879 Business Ethics : Albuquerque, Daniel. Oxford Universtiy Press, 2010 9780195699647 | 0195699645 325 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 ALB 05032018 Business ethics : Albuquerque, Daniel. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195699647 | 0195699645 xvii, 597 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 ALB 05001798 Business ethics : Albuquerque, Daniel. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195699647 | 0195699645 xvii, 597 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 ALB 05003968 Business ethics : Albuquerque, Daniel. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195699647 | 0195699645 xvii, 597 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 ALB 07007653 Business ethics : Albuquerque, Daniel. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195699647 | 0195699645 xvii, 597 p. : Library - BR Campus
174.4 ALB 07015127 Business ethics : Albuquerque, Daniel. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195699647 | 0195699645 xvii, 597 p. : Library - BR Campus
174.4 AND 00095841 The MBA oath : Anderson, Max. Portfolio, 9781591843351 256 p. UG Library
174.4 ARD 00069878 Ethics and Accountability in Government and Business Arora, Ramesh K Rawat 2005 0818735920 232p UG Library
174.4 ARV 05048350 The ethical economy : Arvidsson, Adam. Columbia University Press, 2013 9780231152648 (cloth : alk. pa xx, 186 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 BAD 04022157 Defining Moments : Badaracco, Joseph. Harvard Business School Press, 1997 0875848036 (alk. paper) | 9780 xi, 147 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 BAD 00069875 Business Ethics / Badi, R V Vrinda, 2005 8182810302 xxii,499p.; UG Library
174.4 BAD 03009291 Defining Moments : Badaracco, Joseph. Harvard Business School Press, 1997 0875848036 (alk. paper) | 9780 xi, 147 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 BAD 05000364 Defining moments : Badaracco, Joseph. Harvard Business School Press, 1997 0875848036 (alk. paper) xi, 147 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 BAG 07005505 The Professional : Bagchi, Subroto Portfolio, 2009 9780670085958 239 p. Library - BR Campus
174.4 BAG 05009275 The Professional : Bagchi, Subroto Portfolio, 2009 9780670085958 239 p. Knowledge Centre
174.4 BAJ 05000633 Business Ethics : Bajaj, P.S Biztantra, 2004 9788177221671 316 P.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 BAJ 05001305 Business Ethics : Bajaj, P.S Biztantra, 2004 9788177221671 316 P.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 BAN 00143515 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance / Bansal, Sandeep K. Kalayani Publication, 2021 9789327285208 482p, ; UG Library
174.4 BAN 10003715 Business Ethics Bansal, Sanjeev K Kalyani Paublishers 9789327249132 13.9+23p Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 BAN 00074794 Foundations of Ethics in Management Banerjee P, Bani. Excel Books, 2005 8174464360 | 9798174464360 xvii,176p.; UG Library
174.4 BAR 00074798 Comparative Ethics in Management Barat, Nikhil Excel Books 2005 8174464433 | 9798174464438 138 p. UG Library
174.4 BEA 05002125 Ethical Theory and Business / Beauchamp, L Tom Prentice Hall, 2003 0133985202 656 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 BEC 05032049 Values & Ethics in Social Work : Beckett, Chris Sage Publications, 2006 1412901405 200 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 BHA 05032053 Business Ethics and Managerial Values / Bhatia, S K Deep& Deep Publications Pvt Ltd., 2003 8176293946 208 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 BHO 03008509 CORPORITUAL : Bhowmik, Raj. MACMILLAN ; 2008 9780230635470 144 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 BHO 05046790 The Subaltern Speaks : Bhowal,Sanatan. Orient BlacSwan, 2016 9788125062790 xxiv,184p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 BIJ 10000071 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance / Bijalwan, Jyotsna Ghildiyal. McGraw Hill, 2020 9789353168414 xix, 363p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 BLA 05071736 The Power of Ethical Management / Blanchard, Kenneth. William Morrow, 1988 9780091826659 139p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 BOA 05059197 Ethics and the conduct of business / Boatright, John Raymond, Pearson, 2003 9788178089867 4th ed. xi, 452 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 BOA 00088564 Ethics and the Conduct of Business. Boatright, John R Dorling Kindersley 2008 461p UG Library
174.4 BOA 10002810 Ethics and the conduct of business / Boatright, John R Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd. , 2018 9789352862306 8th ed. xvii, 555p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 BOA 05060257 Ethics and the conduct of business / Boatright,John.R. Pearson, 2018 9789352862306 Eighth Edition. xvi,555p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 BOA 05032050 Ethics and the Conudct of Business / Boatright, R John Prentice Hall, 2003 0013083145 3rd. 416 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 BOA 00066954 Ethics and the Conduct of Business Boatright, John R. Prentice Hall 1997 0135517982 | 9780135517987 401 p. UG Library
174.4 BOA 07013576 Ethics in finance / Boatright, John Raymond, John Wiley & Sons,Inc, 2014 9781118615829 Third edition. xi, 282 pages ; Library - BR Campus
174.4 BRA 05059215 Ethical managing : Brady, F. Neil. Macmillan, | Collier Macmillan, 1990 0023133414 xiii, 218 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 BRA 05032541 Screw Business As Usual : Branson, Richard. Virgin Books , 2013 9780753540596 386 p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 BRA 03009077 Screw Business As Usual : Branson, Richard. Virgin Books , 2013 9780753540596 386 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 BRE 01012338 The Oxford handbook of business ethics / Oxford University Press, 9780195307955 (hardcover : alk xii, 733 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 BRE 05000198 The Oxford handbook of business ethics / Oxford University Press, 9780195307955 (hardcover : alk xii, 733 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 BRE 07011143 Applied Business A. Bredeson Dean South - Western, 2012 9780538453974 xxiv, 358 p.: Library - BR Campus
174.4 BRE 00126913 Applied Business A. Bredeson Dean South - Western, 2012 9780538453974 xxiv, 358 p.: UG Library
174.4 BRO 07011150 Business Professional Ethics For Directors, Executives & Accountants Brooks J. Leonard South Western, 2012 9780538478403 6th ed. xxvii, 716 p.: Library - BR Campus
174.4 BUC 05062495 Restructuring capitalism : Buchholz, Rogene A., Routledge, 2017 9781138636682 (hbk) 1 Edition. xx, 551 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 CAM 03008527 The Ethical Organisation / Campbell, Robert. MacMillan India Ltd , 2009 9780230327825 267 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 CHA 03004493 Ethics In Management : Chakraborty, S. K. Oxford University Press, 1995 9780195640922 | 0195640926 294 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 CHA 00073414 The Management And Ethics Omnibus Chakraborty S. K. Oxford University Press 2003 0019565565 | 9780195656237 273 p. UG Library
174.4 CHA 00094036 Values and Ethics for Organizations : Chakraborty, S. K. Oxford University Press, 1998 9780195647648 | 0195647645 272 p.: UG Library
174.4 CHA 03004130 Values and Ethics for Organizations : Chakraborty, S. K. Oxford University Press, 1998 9780195647648 | 0195647645 272 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 CHA 03004067 Ethics In Management : Chakraborty, S. K. Oxford University Press, 1995 9780195640922 | 0195640926 294 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 CHA 00094145 Management By Values Chakraborty Oxfor University Press 9780195632187 322p UG Library
174.4 CHA 05032037 Ethics In Management : Chakraborty, S. K. Oxford University Press, 1995 9780195640922 | 0195640926 294 p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 CHA 00080215 Values and Ethics for Organizations: Theory and Practice. Chakraborty, S K 2004 0195647645 272p UG Library
174.4 COV 05047519 The Speed of Trust : Covey, Stephen M.R. Simon and Schuster UK Ltd. 2006 9781847392718 354 p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 COV 04015651 Smart trust : Covey, Stephen M. R. Free Press, 2012 9781451651454 | 9781451651478 1st Free Press hardcover ed. xxiii, 296 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 CRA 05002126 Business Ethics / Crane, Andrew. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195691658 | 9780199697595 2nd ed. xxiii, 566 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 CRA 05032024 Business Ethics / Crane, Andrew. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195691658 | 9780199697595 2nd ed. xxiii, 566 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 CRA 07013490 Business Ethics : Crane Andrew Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198755968 xv,569p.: Library - BR Campus
174.4 CRA 03008880 Business Ethics / Crane, Andrew. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195691658 | 9780199697595 2nd ed. xxiii, 566 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 CRA 05032023 Business Ethics / Crane, Andrew. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195691658 | 9780199697595 2nd ed. xxiii, 566 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 CRA 05047121 Business Ethics / Crane, Andrew. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195691658 | 9780199697595 2nd ed. xxiii, 566 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 CRA 07011431 Business Ethics : Crane Andrew Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198755968 xv,569p.: Library - BR Campus
174.4 CRA 07011432 Business Ethics : Crane Andrew Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198755968 xv,569p.: Library - BR Campus
174.4 CRA 05002253 Business ethics : Crane, Andrew, Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199564330 3rd ed. xxv, 614 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 CRA 07007657 Business Ethics / Crane, Andrew. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195691658 | 9780199697595 2nd ed. xxiii, 566 p. ; Library - BR Campus
174.4 CRA 00105925 Business Ethics / Crane, Andrew. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195691658 | 9780199697595 2nd ed. xxiii, 566 p. ; UG Library
174.4 CUL 00144272 Business, Ethics and Society : Cullen, John G. Sage publication, 2022 9781526495235 xx,320p,; UG Library
174.4 DAS 00069879 Ethics in Business Concept, Cases and Context Das Ananda, Gupta Rawat Publications 2005 8170338557 200p UG Library
174.4 DEG 00123583 Business Ethics DeGeorge, Richard T Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd., 2015 9789332536524 7th edi. 550 p:. UG Library
174.4 DEM 03005019 You've Got to Be Kidding! : Demars, Nan. Wiley, 2011 9780470947517 xxiii,288 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 DEM 05006058 You've Got to Be Kidding! : Demars, Nan. Wiley, 2011 9780470947517 xxiii,288 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 DON 03010263 Ties that Bind : Donaldson, Thomas. Harvard Business School Press, 1999 0875847277 (alk. paper) | 9780 x, 306 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 DON 05000658 Ties that bind : Donaldson, Thomas, Harvard Business School Press, 1999 0875847277 (alk. paper) x, 306 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 DUP 04008289 Business Etiquette & Professionalism Dupont, M. Kay Viva books, 2005 9788176495240 | 8176495247 viii, 110p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 EKS 05068561 Economics, ethics and power : Ekstedt, Hasse, Routledge, 2019 9781138281028 (hardback : alk. paper) ix, 287 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 END 05046258 Ethical Innovation in Business and the Economy / Enderle, Georges Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015 xv, 317 p. Knowledge Centre
174.4 ESS 05032013 Fast Forward Leadership : Essex, Louellen Pearson Education, 2000 0273642014 197 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 EVE 05032059 Adam Smith's Moral Philosophy / Evensky, Jerry Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521852471 329 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 FEL 00073846 Memory as a Moral Decision the Role of Ethics in Organizational Cultaure [Dharmaram Library] Dwlsmn, Steven P 2004 0765805863 249 UG Library
174.4 FER 07014476 Business Ethics : Ferrell O. C. Cengage Learning, 2017 9788131533093 | 8131533093 xviii,514p. ; Library - BR Campus
174.4 FER 00127313 Business Ethics Ferrell, O. C. Cengage Learning 2017 1305500849 (paperback) | 97813 Eleventh edition. xviii, 654 p. ; UG Library
174.4 FER 00127051 Business Ethics : Ferrell O. C. Cengage Learning, 2017 9788131533093 | 8131533093 xviii,514p. ; UG Library
174.4 FER 04008132 Business Ethics : Fernando, A. C. Pearson , 2014 9788131774342 2nd ed. 549 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 00081772 Business Ethics : Ferrell, O C Dream Tech Press, 2007 9788177225136 6th ed. 461 p UG Library
174.4 FER 05002122 Business Ethics : Ferrell, O C Dream Tech Press, 2007 9788177225136 6th ed. 461 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 FER 00143684 Business Ethics : Fernando, A.C. Pearson, 2019 9789353437442 xxviii, 588p.; UG Library
174.4 FER 00129370 Business Ethics Fernando.A.C Pearson, 2016 9788131774342 2nd xxv, 549 p.; UG Library
174.4 FER 00129371 Business Ethics Fernando.A.C Pearson, 2016 9788131774342 2nd xxv, 549 p.; UG Library
174.4 FER 03009945 Business Ethics : Fernando, A. C. Pearson , 2014 9788131774342 2nd ed. 549 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 10002815 Business ethics : Ferrell O. C Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd. , 2019 9789355730978 12th ed. xviii, 585p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 FER 03004242 Business Ethics : Fernando, A. C. Pearson Education Inc., 2009 9788131711736 508 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 04027362 Business Ethics : Ferrell O. C. Cengage Learning, 2017 9788131533093 | 8131533093 xviii,514p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 04013112 Business Ethics : Fernando, A. C. Pearson Education Inc., 2009 9788131711736 508 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 05004226 Business Ethics : Fernando, A. C. Pearson Education Inc., 2009 9788131711736 508 p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 FER 03013272 Business Ethics : Fernando, A.C. Pearson, 2019 9789353437442 xxviii, 588p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 03013273 Business Ethics : Fernando, A.C. Pearson, 2019 9789353437442 xxviii, 588p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 04014108 Business Ethics : Ferrell, O C Dream Tech Press, 2007 9788177225136 6th ed. 461 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 03011440 Business Ethics : Fernando, A. C. Pearson , 2014 9788131774342 2nd ed. 549 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 03011441 Business Ethics : Fernando, A. C. Pearson , 2014 9788131774342 2nd ed. 549 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 04012759 Business Ethics : Ferrell, O C Dream Tech Press, 2007 9788177225136 6th ed. 461 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 03012226 Business Ethics : Ferrell O. C. Cengage Learning, 2017 9788131533093 | 8131533093 xviii,514p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 10000137 Business Ethics : Fernando, A.C. Pearson, 2019 9789353437442 xxviii, 588p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 FER 10000138 Business Ethics : Fernando, A.C. Pearson, 2019 9789353437442 xxviii, 588p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 FER 10000139 Business Ethics : Fernando, A.C. Pearson, 2019 9789353437442 xxviii, 588p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 FER 03013038 Business Ethics : Fernando, A. C. Pearson , 2014 9788131774342 2nd ed. 549 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 03011779 Business Ethics : Fernando, A. C. Pearson , 2014 9788131774342 2nd ed. 549 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 03013039 Business Ethics : Fernando, A. C. Pearson , 2014 9788131774342 2nd ed. 549 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 03011780 Business Ethics : Fernando, A. C. Pearson , 2014 9788131774342 2nd ed. 549 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 03011781 Business Ethics : Fernando, A. C. Pearson , 2014 9788131774342 2nd ed. 549 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 FER 05044151 Business Ethics / Fernando.A.C Pearson, 2014 9788131774342 2nd xxv,549p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 FOR 07012122 The sincerity edge : Fort, Timothy L., Stanford Business Books, 2017 9780804797450 (cloth : alk. paper) ix, 161 pages ; Library - BR Campus
174.4 FRA 07002297 Global business ethics : Francis, Ronald D. KoganPage, 2016 9780749473952 viii, 236 pages ; Library - BR Campus
174.4 FRA 07005983 Global business ethics : Francis, Ronald D. KoganPage, 2016 9780749473952 viii, 236 pages ; Library - BR Campus
174.4 FRA 05001365 Business Ethics : Francis, Ronald D. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2009 9780070152595 xiv,248p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 FRA 07010566 Business Ethics : Francis, Ronald D. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2009 9780070152595 xiv,248p.; Library - BR Campus
174.4 FRE 00069871 Business Ethics Ethical Decision Making and Cases Ferrell, O C Dream Tech Press 2006 8177225138 461p UG Library
174.4 FRE 05002558 Stakeholder theory : Cambridge University Press, 9780521190817 | 0521190819 | 9 xvii, 343 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 GAR 00079231 Responsiblity at Work: How Leading Pofessionals Act (or Don`t Act) Responsibly Gardner, Howard John Wiley and Sons 2007 348p UG Library
174.4 GAR 05031982 Good Work When Excellence and Ethics Meet [msc COUN.PSY ] Gardner, Howard Basic Books, 2001 0465026087 291 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 GAR 03004384 Responsibility at Work : Gardner, Howard. Jossey-Bass, 2007 9780787994754 (cloth) 1st ed. 348 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 GAV 05071737 Business Ethics / Gavai, A K. Himalaya Publishing House, 2008 9789350247303 193p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 GEL 05059196 Ethics in decision making / Glenn, James R. John Wiley & Sons, 1986 0471822442 xvii, 253 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 GEO 05059217 Business ethics / De George, Richard T. Macmillan ; | Collier Macmillan, 1990 0023280115 3rd ed. x, 486 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 GEO 05057272 The Oxford handbook of professional economic ethics / Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199766635 (alk. paper) xxii, 777 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 GHI 10003144 Business ethics : Ghillyer, Andrew W., McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2010 9780073377100 (alk. paper) | 0073377104 (alk. paper) 2nd ed. xx, 359 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 GHO 04022972 Business Ethics Ghosh.P.K Vrinda Publications 2009 9788182811355 431 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 GRA 05072777 Ethics and Economics : Graafland, Johan. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2022 9781032020983 | 9781032020624 1st ed. xvii,251p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 GRA 05031994 HRM Ethics : Gravett, Linda Dream Tech Press., 2003 8177223879 206 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 GRA 05031992 HRM Ethics : Gravett, Linda Dream Tech Press., 2003 8177223879 206 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 GRA 05031993 HRM Ethics : Gravett, Linda Dream Tech Press., 2003 8177223879 206 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 GUP 05040336 Ethics incorporated : Gupta, Dipankar, Response Books, 2006 0761934707 (hbk.) | 0761934715 Rev. ed. 203 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 GUP 00074803 Management By Consciousness in 21st Century G. P. Gupta Excel Books 2004 8174463801 202 p. UG Library
174.4 GUP 05039133 Ethics incorporated : Gupta, Dipankar, Response Books, 2006 0761934707 (hbk.) | 0761934715 Rev. ed. 203 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 GUP 04015922 Ethics incorporated : Gupta, Dipankar Happer, 2004 9798172235658 220p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 HAM 05031996 The Ethics of Cyberspace / Hamelink, Cees J., Sage Publications, 2000 9780761966692 (pbk.) | 0761966 xi, 207 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 HAR 00117183 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, P Laura Tata McGraws-Hill, 2007 0070620040 | 9780070620049 3rd ed. x, 483 p UG Library
174.4 HAR 00123859 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, P Laura Tata McGraws-Hill, 2007 0070620040 | 9780070620049 3rd ed. x, 483 p UG Library
174.4 HAR 07001951 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, P Laura Tata McGraws-Hill, 2007 0070620040 | 9780070620049 3rd ed. x, 483 p Library - BR Campus
174.4 HAR 07001952 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, P Laura Tata McGraws-Hill, 2007 0070620040 | 9780070620049 3rd ed. x, 483 p Library - BR Campus
174.4 HAR 00069877 Perspectives in Business Ethics (dharmarm Library) Hartman, Laura P 2002 0070582432 810p UG Library
174.4 HAR 01012141 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman,Laura P. Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing com Ltd, 2005 9780070620049 3rd ed. xii,483p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 HAR 03011221 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, Laura P. McGraw-Hill, 2005 0072881461 | 0070620040 | 9780 3rd ed. x,483 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 HAR 03011222 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, Laura P. McGraw-Hill, 2005 0072881461 | 0070620040 | 9780 3rd ed. x,483 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 HAR 03011223 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, Laura P. McGraw-Hill, 2005 0072881461 | 0070620040 | 9780 3rd ed. x,483 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 HAR 03011224 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, Laura P. McGraw-Hill, 2005 0072881461 | 0070620040 | 9780 3rd ed. x,483 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 HAR 05047115 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, P Laura Tata McGraws-Hill, 2007 0070620040 | 9780070620049 3rd ed. x, 483 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 HAR 10000103 Business Ethics : Hartman, Laura P Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2011 9781259098277 2nd ed xvi,608p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 HAR 00087359 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, P Laura Tata McGraws-Hill, 2007 0070620040 | 9780070620049 3rd ed. x, 483 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 HAR 05031991 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, P Laura Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2002 0070582432 806 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 HAR 01024281 Business Ethics : Hartman, Laura P Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2011 9781259098277 2nd ed xvi,608p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 HAR 05002325 Case Studies on Business Ethics and Corporate Governance - Promoing Social Responsibility / Harish, R Icfai Center for Management Research, 2008 326 p. Knowledge Centre
174.4 HAR 03013768 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, Laura P. McGraw-Hill, 2005 0072881461 | 0070620040 | 9780 3rd ed. x,483 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 HAR 03011672 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, Laura P. McGraw-Hill, 2005 0072881461 | 0070620040 | 9780 3rd ed. x,483 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 HAR 05030926 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, Laura P. McGraw-Hill, 2005 0072881461 | 0070620040 | 9780 3rd ed. x,483 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 HAR 05032019 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, P Laura Tata McGraws-Hill, 2007 0070620040 | 9780070620049 3rd ed. x, 483 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 HAR 05032020 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, P Laura Tata McGraws-Hill, 2007 0070620040 | 9780070620049 3rd ed. x, 483 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 HAR 05032022 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, P Laura Tata McGraws-Hill, 2007 0070620040 | 9780070620049 3rd ed. x, 483 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 HAR 05032021 Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman, P Laura Tata McGraws-Hill, 2007 0070620040 | 9780070620049 3rd ed. x, 483 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 HAT 00079873 Ethics and HRD Hatcher,Tim Rawat Publications 2007 8131601439 | 9788131601433 254 p. UG Library
174.4 HAU 10001960 Economic Analysis Moral Philosophy and Public Policy / Hausman, Danie., et al. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781316610886 Third edition xx, 397p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 HAU 05074477 Economic Analysis Moral Philosophy and Public Policy / Hausman, Danie., et al. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781316610886 Third edition xx, 397p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 HAY 05067318 The business guide to effective compliance and ethics : Hayward, Andrew. Kogan Page, 2019 9780749482978 xxiv, 355p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 HBP 05000021 Doing business ethically / LES50NS/[Harvard Business Press], 2010 9781422139851 (pbk.) | 1422139859 (pbk.) x, 99 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 HBR 05032011 Harvard Business Review on Corporate Ethics / Harvard Business School Press, 2003 0159139273 194 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 HBR 00062291 Harvard Business Review on Corporate Ethics Havard Business Review Harvard Business School Press 0159139273 194p UG Library
174.4 HBS 05032048 Harvard Business Review on Corporate Ethics / Harvard Business School Press, 2003 159139273X (alk. paper) vii, 194 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 HBS 05032076 Harvard Business Review on Corporate Ethics / Harvard Business School Press, 2003 159139273X (alk. paper) vii, 194 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 HBS 03004183 Harvard Business Review on corporate Ethics / Harvard Business School Press Harvard Business School Press, 2003 9781591392736 | 159139273X 194 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 HEI 03010396 High Performance with High Integrity / Heineman, Benjamin W. Harvard Business Press, 2008 9781422122952 | 1422122956 198 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 HEI 05000203 High Performance with High Integrity / Heineman, Benjamin W. Harvard Business Press, 2008 9781422122952 | 1422122956 198 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 HIN 00131997 Ethics : Hinman, Lawrence M. Wadsworth Pub Co, 2013 9781133050018 | 9781133310099 | 1133050018 5th ed. xviii, 376 p. : UG Library
174.4 HOR 05031990 Ethics in Marketing / Horowitz, Shel Jaico Publishing House, 2005 8179923657 160 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 HOS 05059227 The ethics of management / Hosmer, Larue Tone. Irwin, 1987 025603480X | 0870949675 (Dow J xiii, 185 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 HOY 07000707 The Ethical Executive Hoyk, Robert Kogan Page 2009 9780749457204 1st 136 Library - BR Campus
174.4 HUN 03006086 Winners Never Cheat : Huntsman, Jon M. pearson, 2010 9788131729311 xxii,224 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 JAC 03004277 International Management Ethics: Jackson, Terence. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521618656 viii,300 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 JAC 03004636 International Management Ethics: Jackson, Terence. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521618656 viii,300 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 JAC 00105184 International Management Ethics: Jackson, Terence. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521618656 viii,300 p.: UG Library
174.4 JEN 03006403 The Seven Signs of Ethical Collapse : Jennings, Marianne. St. Martin's Press, 2006 0312354304 | 9780312354305 1st ed. xvi, 334 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 JEN 05032005 Cases in Business Ethics / Jennings, Marianne M Cengage Learning, 2007 9788131505106 476 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 JEN 05002136 Cases in Business Ethics / Jennings, Marianne M Cengage Learning, 2007 9788131505106 476 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 JEN 05032052 Cases in Business Ethics / Jennings, Marianne M Cengage Learning, 2007 9788131505106 476 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 JEN 10003128 Cases in Business Ethics / Jennings, Marianne M Cengage Learning, 2007 9788131505106 476 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 JEN 00123854 Cases in Business Ethics / Jennings, Marianne M Cengage Learning, 2007 9788131505106 476 p UG Library
174.4 JEN 05032051 Business Ethics : Jennings, M Marianne Thomson, 2004 0324110804 523 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 JOH 05034488 Absolute Honesty : Johnson,Larry PHI Private Ltd., 2007 9788120333086 292 p. Knowledge Centre
174.4 JOH 05044812 Organizational ethics : Johnson, Craig E. SAGE Publications, 2016 9781483344409 | 1412987962 (pb 3rd ed. xxxii, 509 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 JOH 04014686 Absolute Honesty : Johnson,Larry PHI Private Ltd., 2007 9788120333086 292 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 JOH 03007553 Absolute Honesty : Johnson, Larry, AMACOM, American Management Association, 2003 0814407811 | 9780814407813 ix, 292 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 JOS 00146456 Research ethics in applied economics : Josephson, Anna Routledge, 2024 9780367457419 xviii,378p. ; UG Library
174.4 JOS 00134892 Business Ethics : Sison, Alejo G., Routledge, 2018 9781138242562 | 9781138242579 1st ed. xxiii, 207 p. ; UG Library
174.4 JUR 05059669 Radical thoughts on ethical leadership / Information age publishing, 2017 9781681239880 (pbk.) | 9781681239897 (hardcover) xiii, 228 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 KAM 10000876 Business Ethics : Kamatchi, P. Wiley, 2019 9789389520699 ix,355p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 KAM 10000877 Business Ethics : Kamatchi, P. Wiley, 2019 9789389520699 ix,355p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 KAM 10000878 Business Ethics : Kamatchi, P. Wiley, 2019 9789389520699 ix,355p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 KAP 05008786 The balanced company : Kaptein, Muel. Oxford University Press, 2002 0199255504 (hbk. : alk. paper) 344 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 KER 07002276 Business Ethics An Interactive Introduction / Kernohan Andrew Broadview Press, 2015 9781554811502 xi,248p.: Library - BR Campus
174.4 KLI 00118170 Ethics and project management Kliem, Ralph L. CRC Press, 2012 9781439852613 224p.: UG Library
174.4 KLI 05039693 Ethics and project management Kliem, Ralph L. CRC Press, 2012 9781439852613 224p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 KWA 05068615 Markets and morals : Ng, Yew-Kwang. Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781316646571 xi,209p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 LAD 01021427 Mastering the ethical dimensions of organizations : Ladkin, Donna. Edward Elgar, 2015 9781781954089 (hardback) | 978 xi,224p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 LEI 05042615 Ethical leadership : Leigh, Andrew. Kogan Page, 2013 9780749469566 (pbk.) viii, 232 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 LEI 00111889 Ethical leadership : Leigh, Andrew. Kogan Page, 2013 9780749469566 (pbk.) viii, 232 pages ; UG Library
174.4 LEI 07000595 Ethical leadership : Leigh, Andrew. Kogan Page, 2013 9780749469566 (pbk.) viii, 232 pages ; Library - BR Campus
174.4 LYN 00050601 Human Integrity Ethics Lynch, J. J. Infinity Books 2000 8187233648 | 9788187233640 297 p. UG Library
174.4 MAC 05042553 Conscious capitalism : Mackey, John, Harvard Business Review Press, 2013 9781422144206 (hbk.) | 9781422 xiv, 344 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 MAC 05000250 Conscious capitalism : Mackey, John, Harvard Business Review Press, 2013 9781422144206 (hbk.) | 9781422 xiv, 344 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 MAC 07002517 Conscious capitalism : Mackey, John, Harvard Business Review Press, 2013 9781422144206 (hbk.) | 9781422 xiv, 344 p. : Library - BR Campus
174.4 MAC 03009195 Conscious Capitalism : Mackey, John. Harvard Business Review Press, 2013 9781422144206 (hbk.) | 9781422 xiv, 344 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MAC 05000314 Conscious capitalism : Mackey, John, Harvard Business Review Press, 2013 9781422144206 (hbk.) | 9781422 xiv, 344 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 MAD 04013502 Ethics in Business : Maddux, Dorothy J. Viva books, 2011 9788130918150 2nd ed. ii, 82 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 MAD 05002121 Ethics in Business / Maddux, Robert B Viva Books Private Limited., 2004 8176495646 70 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 MAD 00038871 Essentials of Business Ethics: Madsen, P Meridian 1990 9780452010444 407p UG Library
174.4 MAD 03005720 Ethics in Business : Maddux, Dorothy J. Viva books, 2011 9788130918150 2nd ed. ii, 82 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MAI 05066783 Transforming Systems : Maira, Arun. Rupa, 2019 9789353335748 xxv, 221p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 MAN 03004154 Ethics in Business and Corporate Governance/ Mandal, S. K. T M H, 2010 9780070682016 | 0070682011 369 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MAN 03010631 Being Ethical : Manikutty, S. Random House India , 2011 9788184001389 237 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MAN 03009142 Being Ethical : Manikutty, S. Random House India , 2011 9788184001389 237 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MAN 03010867 Ethics in Business and Corporate Governance / Mandal, S. K. McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., 2012 1259004856 | 9781259004858 500 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MAN 07011388 Ethics in Business and Corporate Governance / Mandal, S. K. McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., 2012 1259004856 | 9781259004858 500 p.: Library - BR Campus
174.4 MAN 05032060 Executive's Handbook of Model Business Conduct Codes / Manley, W Walter Prentice Hall, 1991 0013296757 274 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 MAN 05038580 Ethics in Business and Corporate Governance/ Mandal, S. K. T M H, 2010 9780070682016 | 0070682011 369 p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 MAN 05038579 Ethics in Business and Corporate Governance/ Mandal, S. K. T M H, 2010 9780070682016 | 0070682011 369 p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 MAR 00134879 Ethical leadership : Marques, Joan, Routledge, 2018 9781138636538 (hbk) | 9781138636552 (pbk) 1 Edition. vi,215p.; UG Library
174.4 MAT 07010112 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibilites / Mathur S. P. New Age International Ltd, 2017 9789385923791 xiv, 189 p.: Library - BR Campus
174.4 MAT 00069876 Corporate Governance and Business Ethics Text Cases Mathur, U C 2005 1403928592 305p UG Library
174.4 MAT 00124328 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibilites / Mathur S. P. New Age International Ltd, 2017 9789385923791 xiv, 189 p.: UG Library
174.4 MAT 03012323 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibilites / Mathur S. P. New Age International Ltd, 2017 9789385923791 xiv, 189 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MAX 03006457 The Power of One : Maxwell, John C. Nelson Reference & Electronic , 1798 9780785260059 | 0785260056 x , 238 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MAX 05032042 There's No Such Thing As Business Ethics : Maxwell, C John WarnerBooks, 2003 0446532290 142 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 MCD 05048570 Business ethics : Mcdonald, Gael. Cambridge Univ Press, 2014 1107674050 | 9781107674059 xix,461p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 MED 05073103 The conscientious manager : Medicharla, Phani. Sage, 2021 9789391370732 xxii,258p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 MED 10001417 The conscientious manager : Medicharla, Phani. Sage, 2021 9789391370732 xxii,258p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 MEL 05064980 Are markets moral? / Melzer, Arthur M., ed. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018 9780812250527 (hardcover : alk. paper) vi, 250 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 MIS 05041569 Business Ethics : Mishra, Rajiv K. Rupa Publications, 2006 9788129109248 | 8129109247 xiii, 208p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 MIS 03010686 Business Ethics : Mishra, Rajiv K. Rupa Publications, 2006 9788129109248 | 8129109247 xiii, 208p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MIS 04017973 Business Ethics : Mishra, Rajiv K. Rupa Publications, 2006 9788129109248 | 8129109247 xiii, 208p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 MOD 00073913 Ethical Management : Modh, Satish Macmillan India Ltd , 2005 1403926786 216 p.: UG Library
174.4 MOD 03011726 Ethical Management : Modh, Satish. Trinity , 2015 9789351381303 274 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MOD 03011727 Ethical Management : Modh, Satish. Trinity , 2015 9789351381303 274 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MOD 03008519 Ethical Management : Modh, Satish Macmillan India Ltd , 2005 1403926786 216 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 MOO 05032006 Business ethics / Economist, 2001 1861972814 | 9781861972811 xi, 206 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 MOO 05032007 Business ethics / Economist, 2001 1861972814 | 9781861972811 xi, 206 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 MRU 04018243 Business Ethics and Value Systems / Mruthyunjaya, H.C PHI Learing, 2013 9788120346314 xxv, 749 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 MUR 07015374 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance / Murthy C.S.V Himalaya Publishing House Pvt.Ltd, 2018 9789350971499 434p.: Library - BR Campus
174.4 MUR 00123853 Business Ethics Murthy, C S V Himalaya Publishing House, 2007 8183181481 629 p:. UG Library
174.4 MUR 07000811 Business Ethics : Murthy, C.S.V. Himalaya Publishing House, 2010 9789350518120 629p. : Library - BR Campus
174.4 MUR 07015417 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance / Murthy C.S.V Himalaya Publishing House Pvt.Ltd, 2018 9789350971499 434p.: Library - BR Campus
174.4 MUR 04017465 Business Ethics : Murthy, C.S.V. Himalaya Publishing House, 2010 9789350518120 629p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 MUR 05062338 Business Ethics : Murthy. C.S.V. Himalaya Publishing House, 2018 9789351422570 629p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 MUR 00131303 Ethics in marketing : Murphy, Patrick E., Routledge, 2017 9781138648081 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138648098 (pbk. : alk. paper) Second edition. xii,198p.; UG Library
174.4 NAG 00124362 Indian Ethos and Values Nagarajan K. New Age International Publishers, 2011 9788122431919 xviii, 147 p.: UG Library
174.4 NAG 10000745 Indian Ethos and Values Nagarajan K. New Age International Publishers, 2011 9788122431919 xviii, 147 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 NAN 07001405 Indian Ethos and Values in Management / Nandagopal.R Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2011 9780071067799 xvi,343p.: Library - BR Campus
174.4 NAS Ethics without the sermon / Nash, Laura L. Harvard Business Press, 2009 9781422140260 (pbk. : alk. pap v, 77 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 NAS 05000027 Ethics without the sermon / Nash, Laura L. Harvard Business Press, 2009 9781422140260 (pbk. : alk. pap v, 77 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 NAS 05000329 Good intentions aside : Nash, Laura L. Harvard Business School Press, 1990 0875842259 (alk. paper) xv, 259 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 NAS 05000558 Ethics without the sermon / Nash, Laura L. Harvard Business Press, 2009 9781422140260 (pbk. : alk. pap v, 77 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 NIR 07010580 Business ethics and corporate governance / Nirmala, K Himalaya Publication, 2013 9789351421573 376p.: Library - BR Campus
174.4 OHA 00126338 Something for Nothing : O'Hara, Maureen, W.W. Norton, 2016 9780393285512 First edition. x, 223 p.: UG Library
174.4 OTS 00144984 Thinking About Statistics : Otsuka, Jun Routledge, 2023 9781032326108 ix,193p.; UG Library
174.4 PAI 05024396 Business Ethics as Practice : Painter-Morland, Mollie. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521877459 302 p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 PAL 03009376 From Principles to Profit : Palmarossa, Paul. Arcturus, 2006 0572031920 | 9780572031923 288 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 PAR 05071742 Concepts and realities in business ethics (COREBE) : Parthasarathy, S. Sadagopan Publishers, 2003 300p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 PEP 03008821 Extreme Trust : Peppers, Don. Portfolio/Penguin, 2012 9781591844679 viii, 326 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 PET 04014730 Business ethics : Peterson, Robert A. PHI Learning, 2005 9788120327382 xii , 286 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 PRA 00141934 Ethics in Busines, Applied and Environment Prasad,Shiva Nath Concept Publishing Company Pvt Ltd 2015 978818069771 294p UG Library
174.4 RAJ 00047259 Study in Business Ethics. Rituparna, Raj Himalaya Publishers 1999 8174936998 166 p, UG Library
174.4 RAO 00072633 Business Ethics and Professional Values / Rao, A. B. Excel Books, 2006 8174464794 | 9788174464798 195 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 RAO 00072634 Business Ethics and Professional Values / Rao, A. B. Excel Books, 2006 8174464794 | 9788174464798 195 p.: UG Library
174.4 RAO 00072635 Business Ethics and Professional Values / Rao, A. B. Excel Books, 2006 8174464794 | 9788174464798 195 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 RAO 03009489 Business Ethics and Professional Values / Rao, A. B. Excel Books, 2006 8174464794 | 9788174464798 195 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 RAO 00074708 Business Ethics and Professional Values / Rao, A. B. Excel Books, 2006 8174464794 | 9788174464798 195 p.: UG Library
174.4 RAO 05037197 Business Ethics / Rao K.B ABD Publishers, 2013 9788183763691 264p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 RAO 00119668 Business ethics and professional values Rao A B Excel Books 2009 9798174464797 195p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 RAO 03011602 Humanising Management : Rao, G. P. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 2016 9789380156385 217 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 RAO 10000879 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance / Rao, K. Viyyanna. Wiley, 2019 9789389633245 xx,561p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 RIJ 05032012 A Study in Business Ethics / Raj, Rituparna Himalaya Publishing, 1999 8174937005 166 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 ROD 07000738 Business ethics and corporate social responsibility / Rodriques,M.V. Concept Publishing Co, 2015 9789351251330 xx,304p.; Library - BR Campus
174.4 RUG 00117125 Just business : Ruggie, John Gerard, WW Norton & company Ltd 2013 9780393062885 (hardcover) l, 251 pages ; UG Library
174.4 SAD 05032088 The Theory and Practice of Managerial Ethics / Sadri,Sorab. Jaico Publishing House, 2001 8172248172 | 9788172248178 xxix,488p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 SAD 05031967 Business Ethics : Sadri, Sorab Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 1998 0074633791 319 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SAD 05031968 Business Ethics : Sadri, Sorab Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 1998 0074633791 319 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SAH 00130046 Business Ethics Sahoo, Jayadev. Adhyayan Publishers, 2017 9788184354942 xviii, 157 p.: UG Library
174.4 SAN 00124958 Wall Street Values : Santoro, Michael A. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107017351 (hardback : alk. xv, 232 p. ; UG Library
174.4 SAN 03008983 What Money Can't Buy : Sandel, Michael. Penguin Books , 2012 9781846144721 244 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 SAR 05032028 Values and Ethics of Profession and Business : Sarangi, S K VMP Books, 2004 0818183027 368 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SAR 05032027 Values and Ethics of Profession and Business : Sarangi, S K VMP Books, 2004 0818183027 368 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SAW 07011930 Ethics in business and management / Sawant, V K International Publication, 2018 9789387556058 v,304p.; Library - BR Campus
174.4 SCH 03007894 Managerial Ethics : Routledge, 2010 9781848728332 (hardcover : alk 316 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 SCH 04021122 Managerial ethics : Routledge, 2010 9781848728332 (hardcover : alk 316p. cm. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 SEK 05036604 Ethical Choices in Business / Sekhar, R. C. Response Books, 2002 0761997180 (pbk. : alk. paper) 2nd ed. 308 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 SEK 00123855 Ethical Choices in Business Sekhar, R C Response Books, 2002 9790761997183 2nd edi. 308 p:. UG Library
174.4 SEK 05031977 Ethical Choices in Business / Sekhar, R C Sage Publications, 1996 8170366194 264 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SEK 00116667 Ethical choices in business Sekhar, R. C., Response Books, 2002 0761997180 (pbk. : alk. paper) 2nd ed. 308 p. : UG Library
174.4 SEK 00042689 Ethical Choices in Business / Sekhar, R C Sage Publications, 1996 8170366194 264 p UG Library
174.4 SEK 05031978 Ethical Choices in Business / Sekhar, R C Sage Publications, 1996 8170366194 264 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SEK 00046672 Ethical Choices in Business / Sekhar, R C Sage Publications, 1996 8170366194 264 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SEK 05031981 Ethical Choices in Business / Sekhar, R C Sage Publications, 1996 8170366194 264 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SEK 05031976 Ethical Choices in Business / Sekhar, R C Sage Publications, 1996 8170366194 264 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SEK 05031980 Ethical Choices in Business / Sekhar, R C Sage Publications, 1996 8170366194 264 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SEK 05031979 Ethical Choices in Business / Sekhar, R C Sage Publications, 1996 8170366194 264 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SEK 05002324 Ethical Choices in Business / Sekhar, R C Sage Publications, 1996 8170366194 264 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SEK 07009701 Ethical choices in business / Sekhar, R. C., Response Books, 2002 0761997180 (pbk. : alk. paper) 2nd ed. 308 p. : Library - BR Campus
174.4 SEN 10001537 Mindful communication for sustainable development: Seneviratne,Kalinga. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789352805518 353 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 SEN 00136123 Mindful communication for sustainable development : Seneviratne, Kalinga, Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2018 9789352805518 xiv, 353 pages : UG Library
174.4 SEN 10005323 Mindful communication for sustainable development: Seneviratne,Kalinga. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789352805518 353 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 SEN 00131910 Mindful communication for sustainable development: Seneviratne,Kalinga. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789352805518 353 p. ; UG Library
174.4 SEN 03012757 Mindful communication for sustainable development: Seneviratne,Kalinga. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789352805518 353 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 SHA 00110599 Sage Brief Guide to Business Ethics Lisa Shaw SAGE, 2012 9781412997218 (pbk. : acidfree x, 391 p. ; UG Library
174.4 SHA 00124511 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility : Sharma, Sanju. Rawat Publications, 2016 9788131607602 xii, 202 p, : Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 SHA 07010579 Business ethics and corporate governance / Sharma R K Kalyani Publication, 2009 9788127253004 18.18p.: Library - BR Campus
174.4 SHA 07010111 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility : Sharma, Sanju. Rawat Publications, 2016 9788131607602 xii, 202 p, : Library - BR Campus
174.4 SHA 05037831 General Studies For Civil Services Preliminary Examination Sharma, Arun McGraw Hill Education 2014 9781259064388 Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 SHA 00069872 Business Ethics / Shaw, William H. Thomson, 2005 9789812403582 | 9812403582 4th Edition xii,432p.; UG Library
174.4 SHA 05002322 Business Ethics / Shaw, H William Thomson, 2001 9812403582 430 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SHA 05031999 Business Ethics / Shaw H, William Thomson, 2005 9812403582 4th. 432 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SHA 01014186 Business ethics / Shaw, William H., Thomson Wadsworth, 9780495095019 | 049509501X xi, 468 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 SHA 10001345 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility : Sharma, Sanju. Rawat Publications, 2016 9788131607602 xii, 202 p, : Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 SHA 03011854 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility : Sharma, Sanju. Rawat Publications, 2016 9788131607602 xii, 202 p, : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 SHA 00128296 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility : Sharma, Sanju. Rawat Publications, 2016 9788131607602 xii, 202 p, : UG Library
174.4 SIM 07013953 A contemporary look at business ethics / Sims, Ronald R., IAP, 2017 9781681239545 (pbk.) | 9781681239552 (hardcover) xi, 565 pages ; Library - BR Campus
174.4 SIN 00118203 Ethics / Singh,K.K. APH Publishing Corp, 2014 9789331321626 viii,228p.; UG Library
174.4 SIN 05037391 Ethics / Singh,K.K. APH Publishing Corp, 2014 9789331321626 viii,228p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 SIN 05062163 Caring economics : Singer,Tania. Picador, 2015 1250064120 (hardcover) | 9781250064127 (hardcover) | 9781250071248 (softcover) | 1250071240 (softcover) | 9781250064165 (ebook) First edition. x,228p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 SIN 05037148 Business and Human Rights / Sage, 2013 9788132111399 xiv,401p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 SPI 05002124 Humanism in Business / Spitzeck Heiko Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521727624 438 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SPI 07002850 Global capitalism, culture, and ethics / Spinello, Richard A. Routledge, 2014 9780415843942 (hardback : alk. xv, 285 pages ; Library - BR Campus
174.4 STA 05046571 Understanding business ethics / Stanwick, Peter Allen, Routledge, 2016 9781506303239 (pbk. : alk. pap Third edition. xxvii, 568 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.4 STE 05031987 Just Business : Sternberg, Elaine Oxford Univesity Press, 2000 0198296622 2nd. 302 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 SWA 05073105 Good values great business / Swaroopa, Prasanna Br. Sage, 2019 9789353284558 xix,239p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 SWA 10005180 Good values great business / Swaroopa, Prasanna Br. Sage, 2019 9789353284558 xix,239p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 SWA 00138133 Good values, great business Swaroopa, Br. Prasanna Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353284558 xix,239p.; UG Library
174.4 SWA 03005421 Corruption and Corporate Governance in India : Swamy, Subramanian. Har-Anand, 2009 9788124114865 180p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 TAY 10004302 Higher ground : Taylor, Alison HBR Press, 2024 9781647823436 xi, 285 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 TAY 05075020 Higher ground : Taylor, Alison HBR Press, 2024 9781647823436 xi, 285 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.4 TOF 05072814 Corporate Responsibility and Political Philosophy : Toft, Kristian Høyer, Routledge, 2020 9781138065543 xi, 170p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 TRE 05007107 Managing business ethics : Treviño, Linda Klebe. John Wiley, 2011 9780470343944 (pbk. : alk. pap 5th ed. xix, 460 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.4 TRE 05032047 Managing Business Ethics : Trevino, K Linda John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003 0471598488 332 p Knowledge Centre
174.4 TRI 05045889 Business ethics : Tricker, R. Ian Routledge, 2014 9780415815000 (hardback) | 978 xiv, 441 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.4 VEL 00086332 Business Ethics : Velasquez, Manuel Pearson Education, 2006 9788131706930 6th ed, 447 p.: UG Library
174.4 VEL 05032016 Business Ethics : Velasquez, Manuel Pearson Education, 2006 9788131706930 6th ed, 447 p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 VEL 05032015 Business Ethics : Velasquez, Manuel Pearson Education, 2006 9788131706930 6th ed, 447 p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 VEL 00054934 Business Ethics - Concepts and Cases. Velasquez, Manuel G Prentice Hall of India 2002 0812032109 5th,Ed. 528p UG Library
174.4 VEL 00069873 Business Ethics Concepts and Cases Velasquez, Manuel G Pearson Education Inc. 2006 8177583905 544p UG Library
174.4 VEL 00055790 Business Ethics Velasquez, G. Manuel Pearson Education 2002 8178086336 | 9788178086330 527 p. UG Library
174.4 VEL 05059251 Business ethics : Velasquez, Manuel G. Prentice Hall, 1992 9780130960252 3rd ed. x, 448 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 VEL 00059486 Business Ethics Velasquez, G. Manuel Pearson Education 2002 8178086336 | 9788178086330 527 p. UG Library
174.4 VEL 22001829 Business Ethics : Velasquez, Manuel Pearson Education, 2006 9788131706930 6th ed, 447 p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 VEL 00060538 Business Ethics Velasquez, G. Manual Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd 2002 0812032109 | 9788120321090 5th Ed. 528 p. UG Library
174.4 VIS 05060418 Introduction to Business Ethics / Viswan V.Vivek. Viva Books, 2018 9789387692244 ix,220p.; Knowledge Centre
174.4 VIS 07011597 Introduction to Business Ethics/ Viswan V,Vivek Viva Books, 2018 9789387692244 IX,206 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
174.4 VOP 07013967 Business ethics / Vopat, Mark C Peterborough Publication, 2018 9781554814305 407p.; Library - BR Campus
174.4 WAT 05011305 How honesty pays : Watson, Charles E. Praeger Publishers, 2005 0275987876 (alk. paper) viii, 185 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.4 WEI 00117182 Business Ethics: Weiss, Joseph W Thomson, | South-Western Cengage Learning, 2009 9780324597042 508p.: UG Library
174.4 WEI 05017734 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning , 2009 9788131509814 380p. Knowledge Centre
174.4 WEI 00081769 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 2003 0000813152 487 p. UG Library
174.4 WEI 05002323 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 2003 0000813152 487 p. Knowledge Centre
174.4 WEI 05031969 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 2003 0000813152 487 p. Knowledge Centre
174.4 WEI 05032017 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 2003 0000813152 487 p. Knowledge Centre
174.4 WEI 04013095 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 04013096 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 05060018 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning , 2009 9788131509814 380p. Knowledge Centre
174.4 WEI 03004750 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W. Thomson South-Western, 2009 9788131509814 | 8131509818 380 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 00122621 Business Ethics: Weiss, Joseph W Thomson, | South-Western Cengage Learning, 2009 9780324597042 508p.: UG Library
174.4 WEI 00123850 Business Ethics Weiss, Joseph W South-Western, 2003 9788131500422 3rd edi. xvi, 487 p:. Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 WEI 07007245 Business Ethics Weiss, Joseph W Barrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. 2014 9781626564244 6th edi. xxix, 613 p:. Library - BR Campus
174.4 WEI 03006876 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W. Thomson South-Western, 2009 9788131509814 | 8131509818 380 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 03006877 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W. Thomson South-Western, 2009 9788131509814 | 8131509818 380 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 05032010 Business Ethics: Weiss, Joseph W Thomson, | South-Western Cengage Learning, 2009 9780324597042 508p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 WEI 03006878 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W. Thomson South-Western, 2009 9788131509814 | 8131509818 380 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 03006879 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W. Thomson South-Western, 2009 9788131509814 | 8131509818 380 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 03006880 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W. Thomson South-Western, 2009 9788131509814 | 8131509818 380 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 05010941 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning , 2009 9788131509814 380p. Knowledge Centre
174.4 WEI 00123571 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning , 2009 9788131509814 380p. UG Library
174.4 WEI 05017752 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning , 2009 9788131509814 380p. Knowledge Centre
174.4 WEI 03007066 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W. Thomson South-Western, 2009 9788131509814 | 8131509818 380 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 00123599 Business Ethics Weiss, Joseph W Barrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. 2014 9781626564244 6th edi. xxix, 613 p:. UG Library
174.4 WEI 03000329 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W. Thomson South-Western, 2006 9780324306002 | 0324306008 4th ed. 517 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 05034851 Business Ethics: Weiss, Joseph W Thomson, | South-Western Cengage Learning, 2009 9780324597042 508p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 WEI 05038818 Business Ethics: Weiss, Joseph W Thomson, | South-Western Cengage Learning, 2009 9780324597042 508p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4 WEI 03004899 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W. Thomson South-Western, 2009 9788131509814 | 8131509818 380 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 03004898 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W. Thomson South-Western, 2009 9788131509814 | 8131509818 380 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 00050690 Business Ethics Weiss,Joseph The Dryden Press 1998 0030247470 | 9780030247477 335 p. UG Library
174.4 WEI 00104673 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 WEI 00117089 Business Ethics: Weiss, Joseph W Thomson, | South-Western Cengage Learning, 2009 9780324597042 508p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 WEI 00090156 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. UG Library
174.4 WEI 04009967 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 04009966 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 04009965 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 04009964 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 04009963 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 04009962 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 04009961 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 04009972 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 04009971 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 04009970 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 04009969 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 04009968 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.4 WEI 00100519 Business Ethics : Weiss, Joseph W Cengage Learning, 9788131509814 380 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.4 WER 05034027 Obstacles to ethical decision-making : Werhane, Patricia Hogue. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107000032 (hard cover) viii,246 p,: Knowledge Centre
174.4 WIT 05070047 The Ethical Leader Witzel,Morgen Bloomsbury 2018 9781472965714 229p Knowledge Centre
174.4 WIT 00138787 The Ethical Leader Witzel,Morgen Bloomsbury 2018 9781472965714 229p UG Library
174.4 ZAD 00116833 The Civil Corporation / Zadek, Simon. Earthscan, 2007 9781844074310 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 288 p. : UG Library
174.4 ZIN 00144333 The challenge of leading an ethical and successful organization / Zinkin, John, De gruyter, 2023 9783110780819 1st xvi,157p, ; UG Library
174.40952 DEM 00047686 Japanese Euiquette and Ethics in Business [ WMU ] Demente, Boye Lafayette 0844285307 190 p UG Library
174.40954 FRA 07010091 Ethics,Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility in India Issues and Perspectives / Kalpaz Publications, 2016 9789351281955 258p.: Library - BR Campus
174.40973 EIC 05047968 The rise and fall of corporate social responsibility / Eichar, Douglas M. Transaction Publishers, 2015 9781412856904 (hbk. : alk. pap xi, 382 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.40994 MOO 03000736 Business ethics Economist, 2001 1861972814 | 9781861972811 | 9 xi, 206 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.40994 MOO 03001886 Business ethics Economist, 2001 1861972814 | 9781861972811 | 9 xi, 206 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.4FER 05032000 Business Ethics : Ferrell, O C Dream Tech Press, 2007 9788177225136 6th ed. 461 p Knowledge Centre
174.4GAR2 00081552 Responsiblility at Work [msc.Psychology Section] Garndner, Howard Wiley 348p Knowledge Centre
174.4GIB 01011500 Ethics and Business: An Introduction (law Lib) Kevin Gibson Cambridge University Press 9780521682459 255p Knowledge Centre
174.4HIR 01007899 Corporate Social Responsibility and the Shaping of Global Public Policy (law Lib) Matthew J Hirschland Palgrave Macmillan 1403974535 202p. Knowledge Centre
174.4SHA 00054535 Business Ethics / Shaw, H William Thomson, 2001 9812403582 430 p Knowledge Centre
174.4SHA 05070174 Business Ethics / Shaw, H William Thomson, 2001 9812403582 430 p Knowledge Centre
174.4VEL3 22001828 Business Ethics : Velasquez, Manuel Pearson Education, 2006 9788131706930 6th ed, 447 p.: Knowledge Centre
174.4WEL 00069874 Business Ethics Weiss, Joseph W Thomson Learning 9812549722 487p UG Library
174.6 ROS 05032046 Rethinking Business Ethics : Rosenthal, B Sandra Oxford University Press, 1999 0195117360 204 p Knowledge Centre
174.6 ROS 05002142 Rethinking Business Ethics : Rosenthal, B Sandra Oxford University Press, 1999 0195117360 204 p Knowledge Centre
174.72MAY 01009331 War Crimes and Just War (law Lib) Larry May Cambridge University Press 9780521691536 343p Knowledge Centre
174.9 CAT 04001463 Engineering Ethics Peace, Justice, and the Earth Catalano, George D Morgan and Claypool Publishers 2008 9781598294835 69 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.9 ACH 05073847 Joseph Conrad and Ethics / Columbia University, 2021 9788322794579 vii, 316p.; Knowledge Centre
174.9 MER 05002128 The handbook of social research ethics / Donna M Mertens Sage Publications, 2009 9781412949187 (cloth) xvi, 667 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.9 PHA 00086482 Media and Journalism Ethics Phadke, S P Abd Publishers 2008 9788183761406 334 p UG Library
174.9 WIL 05002127 Computer ethics etiquette & safety : Willard Nancy E Viva Books, 2009 9788130909042 85 p Knowledge Centre
174.9 WIL 00095290 Computer Ethics Etiquette & Safety:For the 21st-Century Student Willard Nancy.E Viva Books 9788130909042 85P UG Library
174.9001 HOO 07014573 Essential of thinking ethically in qualitative research / Hoonaard, Van Den Routledge Publication, 2018 9780815349990 159p.; Library - BR Campus
174.90014 CHO 00147686 Research and publication ethics : Chowdhary, Nimit Routledge, 2024 xi,284p. ; UG Library
174.90014 CHO 05075189 Research and publication ethics : Chowdhary, Nimit, Routledge, 2024 9781032904986 xi, 284p.; Knowledge Centre
174.90014 COO 05054471 Ethical choices in research : Cooper, Harris M., American Psychological Association, 2016 9781433821684 | 1433821680 xi, 240 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.90014 NIC 05039899 Research integrity and responsible conduct of research Nichols-Casebolt, Ann, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780195378108 (pbk. : alk. pap 160p.: Knowledge Centre
174.90014 THO 00147566 Research and publication ethics / Thomas, Joseph I. Book Enclave, 2024 115p. ; UG Library
174.900142 CMC 00146410 The politics and ethics of representation in qualitative research : Critical Methodologies Collective Routledge 2022 9780367281014 | 9780367281038 154p. UG Library
174.900142 PAN 05005433 Handbook of ethics in quantitative methodology / Panter, A. T. Routledge, 2011 9781848728547 (hbk. : alk. pap p. cm. Knowledge Centre
174.9004 FLO 05008196 The Cambridge handbook of information and computer ethics / Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521888981 (hbk.) | 0521888 xv, 327 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.9004 LAN 00070115 Internet Ethics: [ Dharmaram College] Langford, Duncan 2000 0333776267 281p UG Library
174.9004 QUI 07010388 Ethics for the information Age/ Quinn,Michael J. Pearson, 2015 9781292061238 6th Edition. 527 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
174.9004 REY 00075333 Ethics In Information Technology Reynolds,George Thomson 2004 9789812542632 255 p. UG Library
174.9004 WEC 01025965 Computer ethics / Weckert, John. Ashgate, 2007 0754625982 (hbk.) | 9780754625 xxvii, 487 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.90057 SAE 05068266 The politics of big data : Routledge, 2018 9781138293748 (hardback) xi, 345 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.90058 MAN 00131318 Cybersecurity ethics : Manjikian, Mary, Routledge, 2018 9781138717497 (hardback) | 9781138717527 (pbk.) xiii,232p.; UG Library
174.90063 BLA 05075013 Ethical machines : Blackman, Reid, HBR Press, 2022 9781647822811 204 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.90068 VIC 01019348 Human-tech : Vicente, Kim J. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199765140 (hardback) | 019 xviii, 276 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.9025042 COH 07002217 Confronting the Internet's dark side : Cohen-Almagor, Raphael. Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107105591 (hardback) | 978 xv, 389 pages ; Library - BR Campus
174.9030223 VER 05032057 Media Ethics in the 21st Century / Verma, N K Sumit Enterprises, 2006 8184200064 226 p Knowledge Centre
174.907 BLA 00107904 Doing ethics in media : Black, Jay. Routledge, 2011 9780415881500 (hardback) | 041 xiv, 441 p. : UG Library
174.907 BLA 05005550 Doing ethics in media : Black, Jay. Routledge, 2011 9780415881500 (hardback) | 041 xiv, 441 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.907 BLA 00110042 Doing ethics in media : Black, Jay. Routledge, 2011 9780415881500 (hardback) | 041 xiv, 441 p. : UG Library
174.907 DES 00097306 Media Ethics And Social Change Desai, Kapil Swastik Publications; 9789380138169 256p UG Library
174.907 DIX 05040646 Ethics in media and journalism / Dixit,Manoj. Enkay Publishing House, 2012 9789380995366 vi,264p.; Knowledge Centre
174.907 FOR 07002845 The ethical journalist : Foreman, Gene. John Wiley & Sons,Ltd, 2016 9781119031734 (paperback) Second edition. xx,396p.: Library - BR Campus
174.907 FOR 05032041 The Ethical Journalist : Foreman, Gene. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 9781405184458 (hardcover : alk xxiv, 408 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.907 FOR 05056126 The ethical journalist : Foreman, Gene. John Wiley & Sons,Ltd, 2016 9781119031734 (paperback) Second edition. xx,396p.: Knowledge Centre
174.907 FRI 05033395 Online journalism ethics : Friend, Cecilia, PHI Learning, 2009 9788120337701 xxvi, 246 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.907 LUG 00136885 Ethical reporting of sensitive topics / Luce, Ann, Routledge, 2019 9780815348658 (hardcover) | 9780815348665 (softcover) xiv, 294 pages ; UG Library
174.907 MCB 00121649 The new ethics of journalism : McBride Kelly New Age 2014 9781604265613 (pbk. : acidfree xii, 243 pages : UG Library
174.907 MEY 01016976 Journalism Ethics : Meyers, Christopher Oxford university Press, 2010 9780195370799 xi, 368 p. Knowledge Centre
174.907 MEY 00099041 Journalism Ethics : Meyers, Christopher Oxford university Press, 2010 9780195370799 xi, 368 p. UG Library
174.907 PAT 05037098 Journalism ethics : Patching, Roger, Routledge, 2014 9780415656757 (hardback) | 978 xx,300p.: Knowledge Centre
174.907 PAT 07009815 Journalism ethics : Patching, Roger, Routledge, 2014 9780415656757 (hardback) | 978 xx,300p.: Library - BR Campus
174.907 PAT 05072896 Journalism ethics at the crossroads : Patching, Roger, Routledge, 2022 9780367197278 | 9780367197285 xvi, 289p, : Knowledge Centre
174.907 SAX 00111275 Journalism Ethics/ Saxena, Pawan Kumar. Random Publications, 2012 9789381421659 viii:272p.; UG Library
174.907 SHA 05032043 Journalism Ethics and Code / Shamsi, Nayyar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 2005 8126123273 394 p Knowledge Centre
174.907 SMI 05044519 Ethics in journalism / Smith, Ron F. Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405159340 (pbk. : alk. pap 6th ed. xi, 367 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.907 SMI 07002846 Ethics in Journalism / Smith Ron.F Wiley, 2014 9788126550654 6th ed 367p.: Library - BR Campus
174.907 THA 07009652 Media Ethics Thakurta Guha Paranjoy Oxford University Press 2012 019807087x | 9780198070870 2nd Ed. xxi; 542 p. Library - BR Campus
174.907 THA 05003945 Media ethics : Guha Thakurta, Paranjoy. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195697957 (pbk.) xxviii, 334 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.907 TSE 00143030 Transparency, public relations, and the mass media : Tsetsura, Katerina Routledge, 2017 9780367607456 104 pages ; UG Library
174.907 UPA 07012247 Ethics and Codes in Modern Journalism / Upadhyay Aman ABD Publishers, 2018 9788183765398 292p.: Library - BR Campus
174.907 WAR 05056124 Radical media ethics : Ward, Stephen J. A. 9781118477588 | 9781118477595 1 online resource (260 pages) Knowledge Centre
174.907 WAR 05039875 Global media ethics Wiley-Blackwell, 2013 xiii, 326 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.907 WYA 05042185 The ethics of journalism : I.B.Tauris & Co.Ltd, 2015 9781780765853 | 978-1780766744 xxiv, 279 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.9074 RAJ 00085322 Journalsim Ethics and Objectives Rajsekhar, T Sonali Publications 2007 8184110707 274 p UG Library
174.907940 SIN 00133349 European codes of journalism ethics Singh, Pushpendra P Jnanada prakashan, 2018 9788171397280 pages UG Library
174.90904 SAL 03001081 Ethical Issues of Information Systems / Salehnia, Ali. I R M Press, 2002 1931777152 | 9781931777155 301p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.90904 SPI 05002079 Case Studies in Information and Computer Ethics / Spinello, Richard A Prentice Hall, 1997 0013533845 285 p Knowledge Centre
174.90904 KIZ 00107628 Ethical and social issues in the information age Kizza,Joseph Migga. Springer-Verlag, 2003 9780387954219 2nd edition xxiii, 374 p. : UG Library
174.90904 REY 04021650 Ethics in information technology / Reynolds, George Walter, Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131518755 | 1111534128 (pbk.) | 9781111534134 (instructor ed.) | 1111534136 (instructor ed.) 4th ed. xxi, 498 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.9097 ALI 01005167 Violation of journalistic ethics and public taste : Jacob, Alice, N.M. Tripathi, xvi, 138 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.9097 ARO 00119916 Journalism Ethics and Mass Management by, Aroro Neha Random Publications, 2014 9789351112143 282 p.: UG Library
174.9097 COH 05002078 Speech, Media, And Ethics / Cohen Raphael Palgrave, 2001 9780333770764 216 p Knowledge Centre
174.9097 HAK. 00045844 Media Ethics and Laws Hakemulder, Dr Jan R Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126100702 355p UG Library
174.9097 LOG 01005162 Violation of freedom of the press : Loghani, Usha. N.M. Tripathi, xxviii, 142 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.9097 MAT 00142396 Ethical Journalism : Mathewson,Joe. Routledge, 2022 9780367690779 vi,192p,; UG Library
174.9097 MAT 05072889 Ethical Journalism : Mathewson,Joe. Routledge, 2022 9780367690779 vi,192p,; Knowledge Centre
174.9097 MUL 00144572 Undercover reporting, deception, and betrayal in journalism / Muller, Denis, Routledge, 2023 9780367464936 | 9781032414003 viii, 95 pages ; UG Library
174.9097 SCH 00033527 The Responsibilities of Journalism Schmuhl, Robert East West Press 1989 8185336016 138 p. UG Library
174.915 WEL 10002580 Ethics in Counselling & Psychotherapy : Welfel, Elizabeth Reynolds Brooks/Cole 2010 9781439042021 | 9789353503383 4 ed. 574 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.915 WEL 00142745 Ethics in Counselling & Psychotherapy : Welfel, Elizabeth Reynolds Brooks/Cole 2010 9781439042021 | 9789353503383 4 ed. 574 p. UG Library
174.915 BAN 00110534 Ethical issues and guidelines in psychology Banyard, Philip. Routledge, 2005 041526880X (hardcover) | 97804 xiii; 173 p. cm. UG Library
174.915 DUR 05074624 Conducting research with human participants : Durdella, Nathan, Sage publications inc., 2023 9781544348636 | 1544348630 xxv, 302 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.915 DUR 10002487 Conducting research with human participants : Durdella, Nathan, Sage publications inc., 2023 9781544348636 | 1544348630 xxv, 302 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.915 FIS 05002077 Decoding the ethics code : Fisher, Celia B. Sage Publications, 2009 9781412959162 (pbk.) | 1412959 xxxvi, 358 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.915 FIS 05004130 Decoding the ethics code : Fisher, Celia B. Sage Publications, 2012 9781412994378 (pbk.) 2nd ed., updated ed. 366 p. Knowledge Centre
174.915 FIS 05058285 Decoding the ethics code : Fisher, Celia B. Sage, 2017 9781483369297 (pbk. : alk. pap Fourth edition. xli, 523 pages P: Knowledge Centre
174.915 FIS 05034208 Decoding the ethics code : Fisher, Celia B. SAGE, 2013 9781412997607 (pbk.) 3rd ed. xxxii, 423 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.915 KIT 05004855 Foundations of ethical practice, research, and teaching in psychology and counseling / Kitchener, Karen S. Brunner-Routledge, 2010 9780415965415 (hardback : alk. 2nd ed. p. cm. Knowledge Centre
174.915 KNA 05069507 APA handbook of ethics in psychology / American Psychological Association, 2012 143381000X | 9781433810015 (v. 1) | 1433810018 (v. 1) | 9781433810022 (v. 2) | 1433810026 (v. 2) 1st ed. 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
174.915 KNA 05069508 APA handbook of ethics in psychology / American Psychological Association, 2012 143381000X | 9781433810015 (v. 1) | 1433810018 (v. 1) | 9781433810022 (v. 2) | 1433810026 (v. 2) 1st ed. 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
174.915 KOO 05004181 Ethics in psychology : Koocher, Gerald P. Oxford University Press, 1998 0195092015 (hardcover : alk. p 2nd ed. ix, 502 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.915 KOO 00141298 Ethics in psychology : Koocher, Gerald P. Oxford University Press, 1998 9780195092011 2nd ed. ix, 502 p. : UG Library
174.915 ODO 05032063 Handbook of Professional Ethics for Psychologists / Odonohue, William Sage Publications, 2003 0761911898 472 p Knowledge Centre
174.915 PEL 00137860 The elements of Ethical Practice : Routledge, 2019 9780367187941 xvi,241p.; UG Library
174.915 TIE 05034302 Ethics for psychologists : Tien,Liang. SAGE Publications, 2012 9781412978217 (pbk.) | 1412978 xvi, 551 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.915 TIE 05069514 Ethics for psychologists : Tien,Liang. SAGE Publications, 2012 9781412978217 (pbk.) | 1412978 xvi, 551 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.915 TRI 05042342 Handbook of professional and ethical practice for psychologists, psychotherapists and counsellors / Routledge, 2015 9780415705288 (hbk) | 97804157 2nd edition. xv,341p.; Knowledge Centre
174.915 WEL 05032061 Ethics in Counselling & Psychotherapy : Welfel, Elizabeth Reynolds Brooks/Cole 2010 9781439042021 | 9789353503383 4 ed. 574 p. Knowledge Centre
174.9150971 TRU 05032036 Ethics for the Practice of Psychology in Canada / Truscott, Derek University of Alberta Press, 2004 0888644221 202 p Knowledge Centre
174.91583 COH 07012255 Counseling Ethics for the 21st Century : Cohen Elliot.D Sage, 2019 9781506345475 xxi,248p.: Library - BR Campus
174.91583 COT 05002117 Counseling Ethics and Decision Making / Cottone, R Rocco Pearson, 2007 0131710052 516 p Knowledge Centre
174.91583 HER 05042876 ACA ethical standards casebook / Herlihy, Barbara. American Counseling Association, 2006 1556202555 (alk. paper) 6th ed. xv, 264 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.91583 HOU 05032062 Culturally Relevant Ethical Decision Making in Counseling / Houser, Rick Sage Publications, 2006 1412905877 334 p Knowledge Centre
174.91583 HOU 00130460 Ethics in Counseling & Therapy : Houser, Rick. A SAGE Publications, 2013 9781412981378 | 1412981379 xix, 375 p. : UG Library
174.91583 PRO 05042770 Values and ethics in counselling and psychotherapy / Proctor, Gillian. Sage Publication, 2014 9781849206136 (hardback) | 978 1st edition. pages cm Knowledge Centre
174.91583 REM 07002198 Ethical, legal, and professional issues in counseling / Remley, Theodore Phant, Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall, 2007 0131789619 Updated 2nd ed. xviii, 462 p. : Library - BR Campus
174.91587 LEF 05068348 Ethics and values in industrial-organizational psychology / Lefkowitz, Joel, Routledge, 2017 9781138189935 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781138189928 (hardback : alk. paper) Second edition. x, 603 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.93 ISR 05002076 Research Ethics for Social Scientists : Mark, Israel Sage Publications, 2006 1412903890 193 p Knowledge Centre
174.93 FLY 00128610 Case Studies for Ethics in Academic Research in the social Sciences / Flynn, Leisa R. SAGE Publications, 2013 9781412996389 xv, 82 p. ; UG Library
174.93 ISR 05032034 Research Ethics for Social Scientists : Mark, Israel Sage Publications, 2006 1412903890 193 p Knowledge Centre
174.93 ISR 05032033 Research Ethics for Social Scientists : Mark, Israel Sage Publications, 2006 1412903890 193 p Knowledge Centre
174.93 ISR 05032035 Research Ethics for Social Scientists : Mark, Israel Sage Publications, 2006 1412903890 193 p Knowledge Centre
174.93 ISR 05042136 Research Ethics and Integrity for Social Scientists : Israel Mark Sage, 2015 9781446207499 2nd ed xi,247p.: Knowledge Centre
174.93 JEA 00133334 The relational ethics of narrative inquiry / Clandinin, D. Jean, Routledge, 2018 9781138285705 (hardback) | 9781138285729 (pbk.) viii, 219 pages ; UG Library
174.93 MIL 00110453 Ethics in Qualitative Research Miller,Tina. Sage 2012 9781446210895 2nd Ed. viii; 194 p. UG Library
174.93 MIL 05024311 Ethics in Qualitative Research Miller,Tina. Sage 2012 9781446210895 2nd Ed. viii; 194 p. Knowledge Centre
174.93 SIE 00129619 Planning ethically responsible research Sieber, Joan E. SAGE, 2013 9781452202594 2nd ed. xix, 238 p. UG Library
174.930072 DEN 05066960 Ethical futures in qualitative research : Routledge, 2018 9780815349877 279p.; Knowledge Centre
174.9302 THA 00109821 Media Ethics Thakurta Guha Paranjoy Oxford University Press 2012 019807087x | 9780198070870 2nd Ed. xxi; 542 p. UG Library
174.9302 THA 01020770 Media Ethics Thakurta Guha Paranjoy Oxford University Press 2012 019807087x | 9780198070870 2nd Ed. xxi; 542 p. Knowledge Centre
174.9302 THA 00108074 Media Ethics Thakurta Guha Paranjoy Oxford University Press 2012 019807087x | 9780198070870 2nd Ed. xxi; 542 p. UG Library
174.9302 THA 00108075 Media Ethics Thakurta Guha Paranjoy Oxford University Press 2012 019807087x | 9780198070870 2nd Ed. xxi; 542 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
174.930223 BHA 05032045 Media and Communication Ethics / Bhatia, Arun Akansha Publishing House, 2005 8183700233 268 p Knowledge Centre
174.930223 BHA 00068505 Media and Communication Ethics Bhatia, Arun Akansha Publishing House 2005 8183700233 268p UG Library
174.930223 DAY 05032014 Ethics in Media Communications : Day, Louis, Alvin Thomson, 2003 9780534562359 468 p Knowledge Centre
174.9306 ZYL 05032026 The Ethics of Cultural Studies / Zylinska Joanna Continuum, 2010 9780826475244 176 P Knowledge Centre
174.93321 IIB 00137758 Ethics in banking Indian institute of banking and finance Taxmann publications, 2018 9789388266338 399.00 UG Library
174.9355 CHA 00119525 Military Philosophy Chavanavar S. V Manas Publications, 2014 9788170494935 183 p.: UG Library
174.9361 REA 05030953 Social Work Values and Ethics / Ramer, Frederic G. Rawat Publications, 2005 8170339154 | 9788170339151 xi,247p Knowledge Centre
174.9361 WRO 05058939 Human rights and social justice : Wronka, Joseph, Sage Publications, 2017 9781483387178 (pbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed., xlix, 420 pages : Knowledge Centre
174.9361 WRO 00091620 Human rights and social justice : Wronka, Joseph, Sage Publications, 9781412938723 (cloth) | 141293 xxxi, 335 p. : UG Library
174.93613 BAN 05032044 Ethics and Values in Social Work / Banks, Sarah Palgrave, 2001 0333947983 217 p Knowledge Centre
174.93613 BAR 00137672 Ethics and values in social work : Barsky, Allan Edward. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190678111 2nd edition. xv, 552p.; UG Library
174.93613 PUL 05040632 The ethical foundations of social work / Pullen-Sansfaçon, Annie. Pearson, 2012 9781408224434 | 1408224437 xxiii, 208 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.9362 BEC 05062075 Values & ethics in social work / Beckett, Chris, Sage, 2017 9781473974807 | 1473974801 | 9781473974814 | 147397481X 3rd edition. xvi, 179p.; Knowledge Centre
174.9362 BEC 05045334 Values & ethics in social work : Beckett, Chris, Sage, 2005 1412901391 (hbk.) | 1412901405 200 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.9362 SER 00109077 Youth work ethics Sercombe, Howard Sage Publications, 2010 9781847876034 | 9781847876041 x; 182 p. UG Library
174.93625 LIC 00112784 Distant strangers : Lichtenberg, Judith. Cambridge University Press 2014 9780521763318 | 9780521124621 276p; UG Library
174.93625 LIC 07002787 Distant strangers : Lichtenberg, Judith. Cambridge University Press 2014 9780521763318 | 9780521124621 276p; Library - BR Campus
174.93632 FYF 01025688 Moral issues in intelligence-led policing / Fyfe, Nicholas R., Routledge, 2018 9780415373791 (hardback) xvii, 312 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.93632 MaC 00126820 Police Ethics and Values MacVean, Allyson Sage, 2012 9780857253859 154 p.: UG Library
174.936323 FIT 05037330 Law enforcement ethics : Fitch, Brian D. SAGE Publications, 2014 9781452258171 (pbk.) p. cm. Knowledge Centre
174.936325 BOW 01027773 Ethics and the practice of forensic science / Bowen, Robin T., CRC Press , 2018 9781498777131 (hardback : alk. paper) Second Edition. xvii, 253 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.936325 DOW 01019011 Ethics in forensic science / Academic, 2012 9780123850195 (hbk.) | 0123850 xiii, 454 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.9364 BRA 01021974 Justice, crime, and ethics / Elsevier, 2015 9780323262279 Eighth edition. xvii,482p.; Knowledge Centre
174.9364 BRA 05055224 Justice, crime, and ethics / Elsevier, 2015 9780323262279 Eighth edition. xvii,482p.; Knowledge Centre
174.9364 ROB 01021234 Ethics for criminal justice professionals / Roberson, Cliff, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2010 9781420086706 (hc : alk. paper x, 285 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.93646 KLS 01004923 Correctional ethics / Ashgate, 0754624315 (alk. paper) xxviii, 590 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.937 ART 00123554 Professional Values and Practice Arthur, James RoutledgeFalmer, 2005 9780415317276 | 9780415317276 x, 179 p:. UG Library
174.937 LEV 05058420 Dilemmas of educational ethics : Harvard University Press, 2016 9781612509327 | 9781612509334 255 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.9371713 JAC 05069317 Ethics and law for school psychologists / Jacob, Susan. John Wiley & Sons inc, 2016 9781119157069 (hardback) Seventh edition. xv, 431 p. ; Knowledge Centre
174.9372 KNO 00128240 Thinking Through Ethics and Values in Primary Education / Knowles, Gianna. Sage Publications, 2012 9780857257338 1st ed. 163 p.: UG Library
174.9381 BRE 03000436 Marketing Ethics / Brenkert, George G. Blackweel Publishing, 2008 9780631214236 256 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.9382 KEI 00079283 The Ethics of Teaching a Case Book Keith-Spiegel, Patricia 2002 0080584063 273 p UG Library
174.95 SEE 04001574 Fundamentals of Ethics Seebauer, Edmund G Oxford Universtiy Press 2008 0195686136 269p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.95 BRI 00130251 Ethics and science : Briggle, Adam. Cambridge University Press 2012 9780521878418 (hardback) | 978 xviii, 370 pages: UG Library
174.95 ORE 03006148 Merchants of Doubt : Oreskes, Naomi. Bloomsbury, 2010 9781408824665 355 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.95 PIE 00123446 The Honest Broker Pielke, Roger A., Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521873208 (hbk.) | 0521873 x, 188 p:. UG Library
174.95 SEE 04012318 Fundamentals of Ethics For Scientists and Engineers / Seebauer, G. Edmund. Oxford University Press; 2001 9780195698480 269 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.9503 BAR 05002087 Encyclopedia of Ethics in Science and Technology / Barber, Nigel Viva Books Private Limited, 2005 8176499951 386 p Knowledge Centre
174.957 JON 04005429 Britannica Guide to Genetics: The Most Exciting Development in Life Science-From Mendel to the ... Jones, Steve Robinson 2009 9781845299446 380 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.957 SIN 00122284 The Cambridge textbook of bioethics / Singer Peter.A Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521872843 (hardback) | 978 xvi, 538 p. : UG Library
174.957 BED 00119994 The ethics of protocells : Bedau Mark A MIT Press, 2009 9780262012621 (hardcover : alk x, 365 p. ; UG Library
174.957 BUR 00142980 A companion to genethics / Blackwell Publishers, 2002 0631206981 (alk. paper) | 9781405120289 xvi, 489 p. ; UG Library
174.957 GHO 00077942 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Bioethics. Ghosh, S K Global Vision 2003 8187746807 962p UG Library
174.957 GHO 00077943 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Bioethics. Ghosh, S K Global Vision 2003 8187746807 962p UG Library
174.957 GHO 00077944 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Bioethics. Ghosh, S K Global Vision 2003 8187746807 962p UG Library
174.957 GOE 00128198 IPR, Biosafety and Bioethics Goel, Deepa Pearson 2013 9788131774700 233p UG Library
174.957 GUI 00076186 Handbook of Bioethics and Religion: [Dharmaram Library] Guinn, E David 2006 0195178734 436p UG Library
174.957 HON 01016356 Genomics and Bioethics : Medical Information Science Reference, 2011 9781616928834 (h/c) | 97816169 xxii,307p.; Knowledge Centre
174.957 IGN 00116849 Bioethics S. Ignacimuthu Narosa Plishing House, 2009 9788173199660 xiii, 5:50 p.: UG Library
174.957 JON 00079816 Bioethics;when the Chllenges of Life Become Too Difficult Jones, Gareth Atf Press 255p UG Library
174.957 LIN 00117628 Naturalized bioethics : Lindemann,Hilde Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521895248 (hardback) | 052 xiii, 275 p. ; UG Library
174.957 OAK 01011691 Bioethics Oakley, Justin. Ashgate, 9780754625971 (alk. paper) 559p. cm. Knowledge Centre
174.957 OUE 00106230 Bioethics and disability : Ouellette, Alicia. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521110303 (hardback) xiv, 371 p. ; UG Library
174.957 POL 00126860 Bioscience ethics Pollard, Irina. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521768283 (hardback) xiv, 317 p.: UG Library
174.957 POL 00091989 Bioscience ethics / Pollard, Irina. Cambridge University Press, 9780521745277 xiv, 317 p. : UG Library
174.957 RAS 00128728 The Ethics of Inheritable Genetic Modification : Rasko, John E.J Cambridge University Press, 2006 9780521822770 | 0521822777 | xxxv, 315 p. : UG Library
174.957 SCU 00106118 Feminist bioethics : Scully,Jackie Leach. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010 9780801894244 (hardcover : alk xvi, 307 p. ; UG Library
174.957 SIN 05034500 The Cambridge textbook of bioethics / Singer Peter.A Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521872843 (hardback) | 978 xvi, 538 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.957 SUT 00125733 Christian Bioethics : Sutton, Agneta. T & T Clark, 2008 9780567031969 (hbk.) | 0567031 180 p. ; UG Library
174.957 VAL 04020281 Biomedical ethics for engineers : Vallero, Daniel A. Elsevier/Academic Press, 2007 0750682272 | 9780750682275 | 9 xxiii, 408 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.957RAM 00080084 Bioethics and Biosafety Rallapalli, Ramamurthi P h Publishing Corporation 308p UG Library
174.96 JAS 00127361 The Ethics of Invention Jasanoff, Sheila, W.W. Norton & Company 2016 9780393078992 (hardcover) First edition. x,306p.; UG Library
174.96 JAS 05053716 The Ethics of Invention Jasanoff, Sheila, W.W. Norton & Company 2016 9780393078992 (hardcover) First edition. x,306p.; Knowledge Centre
174.962 ALA 03009558 Professional Ethics and Human Values / Alavudeen, A. University Science Press , 2010 9789380386003 333 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
174.962 BAI 04021067 Engineering and social justice : Purdue University Press, 2012 9781557536068 | 1557536066 (pb xii, 209 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.962 GON 00146774 Ethics and Responsible Research and Innovation in Practice: Gonzalez-Esteban, Elsa Springer, 2023 9783031331763 xii,247p. ; UG Library
174.962 UNG 04012978 Controlling Technology : Unger, H. Stephen. Wiley India ; 2011 9788126533435 2nd ed. 353 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.962 WHI 04017507 Ethics in Engineering Practice and Research / Whitbeck, Caroline CUP, 2011 9781107668478 2nd ed. 414p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.962 WHI 04008185 Ethics in Engineering Practice and Research / Whitbeck, Caroline. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521897976 (hardback) | 9780521723985 (paperback) Second edition. p. cm Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
174.963 NOR 05045185 Agricultural and food controversies : Norwood, F. Bailey, Oxford University Pr, 2015 9780199368426 | 0199368422 | 0 viii, 155 pages ; Knowledge Centre
174.964794 JAS 05007544 Ethical decision making in the hospitality industry / Jaszay, Christine. Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2006 9780131136809 xxi, 436 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.9652 GIL 00108650 Accountants' truth Gill,Matthew Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199603107 | 9780199603107 Pbk. ed. x, 198 p. ; UG Library
174.9657 BRO 00126916 Business Professional Ethics For Directors, Executives & Accountants Brooks J. Leonard South Western, 2012 9780538478403 6th ed. xxvii, 716 p.: UG Library
174.9657 FIS 05000934 Accountants Responses to Ethical Issues at work / Fisher, C. CIMA Publishing, 1859714609 vii, 150 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.9657 SCH 05021065 Research on Accounting Ethics / Schwartz, Bill N Elsevier Science Inc., 2000 9780762307432 vii, 284 p. Knowledge Centre
174.96572 PAR 00073951 Ethics in Public Relations(dharmaram Library) Parsons, Patricia J 2005 0749444061 187p UG Library
174.96572 PAR 05032098 Ethics in Public Relations : Parsons, J Patricia Kogan Page, 2006 0749444061 188 p Knowledge Centre
174.9658 CHA 00094006 in Management vedantic perspectives Chakraborty Oxford University Press 294p UG Library
174.9664 BAR 00085909 Ethical Sourcing in the Global Food System Barrientos, Stephanie Earthscan 2006 1844071995 204 p UG Library
174.982 BEK 05002090 Screenwriting with a conscience Beker, Marilyn. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004 080584127X (alk. paper) | 0805 xx, 245 p. Knowledge Centre
174.991 SHR 00098382 Tourism Ethics: Shrivastavea,Atul Centrum Press, 9789380540092 viii , 320 p. UG Library
174.991 BUT 05002086 Aspects of Tourism, The Tourism Area Life Cycle : Butler, Richard W. Viva Books Pvt. Ltd., 2010 9788130912295 385 p. Knowledge Centre
174.991 BUT 05002088 Aspects of Tourism, The Tourism Area Life Cycle : Butler, Richard W. Viva Books Pvt. Ltd., 2010 9788130912295 385 p. Knowledge Centre
174.991 FEN 00107262 Codes of Ethics in Tourism Fennell A. David Viva Books 2010 9788130912332 viii,186 p. UG Library
174.991 LOV 05035909 The ethics of tourism : Lovelock, Brent. Routledge, 2013 9780415575577 (hbk : alk. pape 1st ed. xvi, 368 p. : Knowledge Centre
174.991 SAH 00118978 Handbook of Tourism Ethics Sah Kumar Rakesh Anmol Publications Pvt, 2014 9788126160914 vii, 290 p.: UG Library
174.991 SMI 00102889 The ethics of tourism development / Smith, Mick, Routledge, 0415266858 | 0415266866 (pbk.) x, 195 p. : UG Library
174.9KEL 05032056 Ethics at Work / Kelly, Bob Gower, 2004 0566081504 201 p Knowledge Centre
174/.957 MEP 00098133 Bioethics : Mepham, T. B. Oxford University Press, 9780199214303 | 0199214301 xviii, 418 p. : UG Library
174MUR 00051483 Ethics in Organizations Murray, David Crest 8124202087 239p Knowledge Centre
174OAK 01009477 Virture Ethics and Professional Roles (law Lib) Justin Oakley Cambridge University Press 9780521027298 188p Knowledge Centre
175 KIE 05001996 Media Ethics Kieran, Matthew Routledge, 2005 0415168384 195p.; Knowledge Centre
175 WIL 03001689 Computer Ethics Etiquette & Safety : Willard, Nancy E. Viva Books, 2008 9788130909042 | 8130909049 85 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
175 BIV 00145409 Mixed media : Bivins, Thomas H. Routledge 2023 9781000891058 | 9781003290674 4th ed. ix:339p. UG Library
175 BIV 00130093 Mixed Media : Bivins, Thomas H. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2018 9781138700970 | 9781138700987 Third edition. xiii, 337 p . : UG Library
175 CHA 00063670 Ethics of Reporting the News: Role of the Press and the Moral Code: Chaturvdi, G D ABD Publishers 2004 8189011189 245p UG Library
175 CHR 00143493 Media Ethics: Christians, Clifford G Routledge; 2017 9780815366577 405p UG Library
175 CHR 05056120 Media ethics : Christians, Clifford G. Routledge, 2017 9781138672383 (hardback) | 978 10th edition. xv,405p.; Knowledge Centre
175 COU 05042118 Ethics of media / Palgrave Macmillan, 2013 9780230347830 xi, 298 pages : Knowledge Centre
175 COU 05042232 Ethics of media / Palgrave Macmillan, 2013 9780230347830 xi, 298 pages : Knowledge Centre
175 DAV 01023482 Controversies in digital ethics / Davisson, Amber L., Bloomsbury publishing Inc., 2016 9781501310560 (hardback : alk. viii, 380 pages : Knowledge Centre
175 DAY 00091060 Media communicatin ethics Day Louis Alvin Cengage Learning 9788131505946 382p UG Library
175 ESS 07009812 Digital media ethics: digital media and society series / Ess,Charles Polity Publication, 2014 9780745656069 2nd Ed. xx,284p. Library - BR Campus
175 ESS 05002085 Digital Media Ethics : Ess, Charles. Polity Press, 2009 9780745641645 xxi, 256 p. ; Knowledge Centre
175 ESS 05006389 Digital Media Ethics : Ess, Charles. Polity Press, 2009 9780745641645 xxi, 256 p. ; Knowledge Centre
175 FOR 00131456 World media ethics : Fortner, Robert S., John Wiley & sons, 2018 9781118989999 (hardback) | 9781118990001 (paper) vii, 249 pages ; UG Library
175 HOR 05044475 Understanding media ethics / Horner, David Sanford. Sage, 2015 9781849207874 (hbk.) | 9781849 x, 256 pages ; Knowledge Centre
175 JON 05037151 Ethics at the cinema Oxford University Press, 2011 9780195320398 (hardcover : alk viii,341p.: Knowledge Centre
175 LUM 05032104 Remote Control : Lumby,Catharine Cambridge University Press, 2003 0521534275 | 9780521534277 256 p. Knowledge Centre
175 LUM 00077279 Remote Control : Lumby,Catharine Cambridge University Press, 2003 0521534275 | 9780521534277 256 p. UG Library
175 MCN 05002129 The ethics of sports : Mike McNamee Routledge, 2010 9780415478618 (hardback : alk. 1st ed. xiv, 505 p. : Knowledge Centre
175 PLA 05042741 Media ethics : Plaisance, Patrick Lee. Sage, 2014 9781452258089 (alk. paper) xvii, 267 pages : Knowledge Centre
175 SHA 00050553 Deciding What We Watch Shaw,Colin Oxford University 2000 9780198159360 184 p. UG Library
175 TES 00109404 Compassion, morality, and the media Tester,Keith, Open University, 2001 0335205143 | 0335205135 (pbk.) viii, 152 p. ; UG Library
175 WIL 05002338 The handbook of mass media ethics / Wilkins, Lee and Clifford G Christians Routledge, 2008 9780805861914 | 9780805861921 398 p. Knowledge Centre
175.1 BER 05032099 Digital Dilemmas : Berkman, Robert I Surjeet Publications, 2005 8122901867 386 p Knowledge Centre
175.1 BHA 05032101 Media and Communication Ethics / Bhatia, Arun Akansha Publishing House, 2005 8183700233 268 p. Knowledge Centre
175.1 DAY 00058849 Ethics in Media Communications Day, Louis, Alvin Thomson 2002 0534562353 | 9780534562359 4th Ed. 468 p. UG Library
175.1 HAK 05037929 Media Ethics and Laws. Hakemulder, Jan R Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2005 8126100702 355p Knowledge Centre
175.1 Rai 00146013 Media Ethics and Laws / Rai, Ramesh Asia Publishers & Distributors, 2023 9788119391820 xi,240p. ; UG Library
175.1 SHA 05032100 Ethics of Journalism in Transition / Sharma, Jitendra Kumar Authors Press, 2005 8172732120 271 p Knowledge Centre
175SPI 01011227 Cyberethics: Morality and Law in Cyberspace (law Lib) Richard A Spinello Jones and Bartlett Publisher 9780763737832 232p Knowledge Centre
176 COM 00091491 Sexual Behavior in Society Comfort Alex Viking Press 157p UG Library
176 VAT 00104467 Kamasutra Vatsyayana Penguin Books 2011 9780143416081 143 p. UG Library
176.22 MAC 01018952 Human cloning : Macintosh, Kerry Lynn. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107031852 (hardback : alk. xvi, 307 p. ; Knowledge Centre
176.4 HAL 09000161 Revenge pornography : Hall, Matthew, Routledge, 2018 9781138124400 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781138124394 (hardback : alk. paper) ix,151p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
176.4 HAL 05068271 Revenge pornography : Hall, Matthew, Routledge, 2018 9781138124400 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781138124394 (hardback : alk. paper) ix,151p.; Knowledge Centre
176.4 WEE 05057301 What is sexual history? / Weeks, Jeffrey, Polity, 2016 9780745680248 (hardcover : alk xi, 187 pages ; Knowledge Centre
176.7 MON 05006455 Porn : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 9781405199629 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 262 p. : Knowledge Centre
176GAV 01007613 Defending the Genetic Supermarket: Law and Ethics of Selecting the Next Generation ( Law Lib.) Colin Gavaghan UCL 9781844720583 238p. Knowledge Centre
176IRI 01007239 Ethics of Sexual Difference ( Law Lib ) Irigaray Continuum 0826477127 179p Knowledge Centre
177 CLU 00000811 Social Atitude Clump, Cyril C St.Paul`s Publication 1962 104 p UG Library
177 DAL 05059189 Caring to Know : Dalmiya, Vrinda. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199464760 First Edition xi, 327pages ; Knowledge Centre
177 WEB 07004411 Shanti Sena: Philosophy, History and Action Weber, Thomas Orient Longman Publications 2009 9788125036838 290p Library - BR Campus
177 WEB 00089430 Shanti Sena: Philosophy, History and Action Weber, Thomas Orient Longman Publications 2009 9788125036838 290p UG Library
177.1 LAS 05002084 In Search of Hospitality : Lashley, Conrad Butterworth, 2002 0750645628 299 p Knowledge Centre
177.1 LAS 05032038 In Search of Hospitality : Lashley, Conrad Butterworth, 2002 0750645628 299 p Knowledge Centre
177.1 LAS 00056536 In Search of Hospitality Lashley,Conrad Butterworth Heinemann 2000 0750645628 | 9780750645621 300 p. UG Library
177.1 LAS 05045336 In search of hospitality : Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000 9780750654319 xviii, 300 p. : Knowledge Centre
177.1 LAS 05010615 In Search of Hospitality Lashley,Conrad. Butterworth Heinemann 2000 0750645628 | 9780750645621 300 p. Knowledge Centre
177.2 RAN 05066723 The concept of conversation : Randall, David. Edinburg University Press Ltd, 2019 9781474430111 266 p. ; Knowledge Centre
177.3 CAR 05032039 Lying and deception : Carson Thomas.L Oxford university press, 2010 9780199577415 280 p. Knowledge Centre
177.3 MCG 05004744 The interplay of truth and deception : Routledge, 2010 9780415995665 | 0415995663 | 9 xviii, 198 p. : Knowledge Centre
177.3 ROW 00143332 Why We Lie Row, Dorothy Fourth Estate, 2010 9780007412532 364p UG Library
177.3 SUL 05032040 The Concise Book of Lying / Sullivan, Evelin Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2001 0374128685 334 p Knowledge Centre
177.3 SVE 10002240 A philosophy of lying/ Svendsen, Lars Reaktion books ltd., 2022 9781789145632 136p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
177.62 FRA 03007373 Click : Fraser, George C. Tata McGraw-Hill ; 2008 9780070264779 TMH ed. 213 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
177.62 JES 00135562 Friendship and social media: a philosophical exploration / Jeske, Diane, Routledge, 2019 9781138629448 (hbk : alk. paper) | 9781138387409 (pbk : alk. paper) xiii,160p. UG Library
177.62VER 01006642 Philosophy of Friendship(law Library) Mark Vernon PALGRAVE MACMILLAN 0230517145 182p Knowledge Centre
177.7 AND 10004326 Infectious Generosity : Anderson, Chris WH Allen, 2024 9780753560501 xi, 242 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
177.7 ARM 00119298 Twelve steps to a compassionate life / Armstrong, Karen, Alfred A. Knopf, 2010 9780307595591 1st ed. 222 p. ; UG Library
177.7 ARM 00119297 Twelve steps to a compassionate life / Armstrong, Karen, Alfred A. Knopf, 2010 9780307595591 1st ed. 222 p. ; UG Library
177.7 ARM 03008423 Twelve Steps To A Compassionate Life / Armstrong, Karen. Thorndike Press, 2011 9781410435033 (hardcover) | 97 Large print ed. 307 p. (large print) ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
177.7 HAN 07013642 Love's enlightenment : Hanley, Ryan Patrick, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107105225 xv, 182p;. Library - BR Campus
177.7 JAM 03009256 The Power of Giving : Jamal, Azim Jaico, 2013 9788179925744 158p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
177.7 SCH 05060650 Loving justice, living Shakespeare / Schwartz, Regina M., Oxford University Press, 2016 0198795211 | 9780198795216 First edition. x, 141 pages ; Knowledge Centre
177.7 STA 09000251 The roots of goodness and resistance to evil : Staub, Ervin. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780190607982 xiii, 389 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
177.7 STA 05069014 The roots of goodness and resistance to evil : Staub, Ervin. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780195382037 xiii, 389 pages ; Knowledge Centre
177.7 STA 05067766 The roots of goodness and resistance to evil : Staub, Ervin. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780195382037 xiii, 389 pages ; Knowledge Centre
177.7 STA 10003551 The roots of goodness and resistance to evil : Staub, Ervin. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780190607982 xiii, 389 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
177.7 SUN 05032058 Beyond Business : Sundar, Pushpa Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2000 0074631071 384 p Knowledge Centre
177.7 WAH 05062203 Kindness Boomerang : Wahba, Orly. Flatiron Books, 2017 9781250152312 P.; Knowledge Centre
177.7 ZIZ 00109557 The Neighbor Zizek, Slavoj. University of Chicago Press, 2005 0226707385 (cloth : alk. paper 190 p. : UG Library
178 J\6 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
178 KHA 00143359 Barkat: Khanna, Vikas Ebury Press 2021 9780670095162 150p UG Library
178 SHA 05032025 Social and Personal Ethics / Shaw, H William Wadsworth Publishing, 1998 0053454360 519 p Knowledge Centre
179 JOH 04003063 Computer Ethics Johnson, Deborah G Pearsoneducation 2008 8177585932 202 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
179 CAL 05060743 Japanese environmental philosophy / Callicott,Baird.J Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190456320 (cloth : alk. pa xxiii, 310p.; Knowledge Centre
179 DEB 05060730 Dignity : Debes,Remy., Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199385997 (cloth : alk. pa xix, 408p.; [2] pages of plates : Knowledge Centre
179 GAR 05060727 Debating climate ethics / Gardiner, Stephen Mark, Oxford university Press, 2016 9780199996483 (pbk. : alk. pap vi, 272p.; Knowledge Centre
179 HAU 00018441 Should Anyone Say Forever? on Making, Keeping and Breaking Commitments Haughey, John C Image 1977 1 UG Library
179 HOS 05032029 Unsustainable : Hossay, Patrick Zed Books, 2006 1842776576 280 p Knowledge Centre
179 HOS 05032030 Unsustainable : Hossay, Patrick Zed Books, 2006 1842776576 280 p Knowledge Centre
179 HOS 01015762 Unsustainable : Hossay, Patrick, Zed Books ; | Distributed in the USA by Palgrave Macmillan, 2006 1842776568 (hbk.) | 1842776576 vii, 280 p. : Knowledge Centre
179 MEN 04022290 Gifted : Inspiring stories of people with disabilities / Menon, Sudha Random House, 2014 9788184005455 260 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
179 MEN 07005553 Gifted : Inspiring stories of people with disabilities / Menon, Sudha Random House, 2014 9788184005455 260 p. : Library - BR Campus
179 MEN 00141411 Gifted : Inspiring stories of people with disabilities / Menon, Sudha Random House, 2014 9788184005455 260 p. : UG Library
179 MIL 05060758 The character gap : Miller, Christian B. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190264222 | 0190264225 xvii, 276p.; Knowledge Centre
179 STA 05042797 The new behaviorism : Staddon, J. E. R. Psychology Press, 2014 9781848726888 (pbk) | 97818487 ix, 282 pages : Knowledge Centre
179 STA 07002056 The new behaviorism : Staddon, J. E. R. Psychology Press, 2014 9781848726888 (pbk) | 97818487 ix, 282 pages : Library - BR Campus
179.09 LEA 00070647 Art of Thank You (UGC Minority) Leas, Connie Jaico Publishing House 2005 8179925226 187p UG Library
179.1 ATT 05042231 Environmental ethics : Attfield, Robin, Polity, 2014 9780745652535 (paperback) Second edition. vii, 272 pages ; Knowledge Centre
179.1 BRE 05054502 Ethical values and the integrity of the climate change regime / Ashgate, 2015 9781472469595 (hardback : alk. xx,288p.; Knowledge Centre
179.1 BRU 00117447 The fanaticism of the apocalypse : Bruckner, Pascal, 9780745669762 | 074566976X 204 pages ; UG Library
179.1 CHA 05074492 The promise of multispecies justice / Duke, 2022 9781478016250 | 9781478018896 xi, 284 pages : Knowledge Centre
179.1 GAG 05067248 Caring for glaciers : Gagne, Karine. University Of Washington Press, 2018 9780295744001 xxv, 231p.; Knowledge Centre
179.1 GAR 01017162 Climate Ethics: Gardiner Stephen M. Oxford university press; 2010 9780195399615 351 p.: Knowledge Centre
179.1 GAR 00089697 Ethics of Climate Change: Right and Wrong in a Warming World Garvey, James Continuum 1846841666 179p. UG Library
179.1 GAR 03005366 Climate Ethics: Gardiner Stephen M. Oxford university press; 2010 9780195399615 351 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
179.1 GAR 00103771 Climate Ethics: Gardiner Stephen M. Oxford university press; 2010 9780195399615 351 p.: UG Library
179.1 GOT 05068614 Morality and the environmental crisis / Gottlieb, Roger S., Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781316506127 xi, 240p.; Knowledge Centre
179.1 KAW 00142245 The virtues of sustainability / Kawall,Jason Oxford University Press 2021 9780190919856 | 9780190919825 | 9780190919849 | 9780190919832 270p UG Library
179.1 LAM 00140664 Our only home : Lama, Dalai Bloomsbury Sigma; 2019 144 p. ; UG Library
179.1 OHE 00125054 Philosophy and the environment Ohear,Anthony Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107696075 (pbk.) | 1107696 vii, 277 p : UG Library
179.1 ROS 00131322 Climate justice : Roser, Dominic, Routledge, 2017 9781138845282 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138845275 (pbk. : alk. paper) ix, 229 pages : UG Library
179.1 SAN 05034034 The ethics of species : Sandler, Ronald L. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107023468 (hardback) | 110 xii, 235 p. ; Knowledge Centre
179.1 SCR 05036939 Green philosophy : Scruton,Roger. Atalantic Books, 2012 9781848872028 457p.; Knowledge Centre
179.1 SHR 00061951 Environmental Ethics Shrivastava, A. K. A P H Publshing Corporation 2004 8176485977 | 9788176485975 462 p. UG Library
179.1 SKR 00125744 Future ethics : Skrimshire,Stefan Continuum, 2010 9781441176554 | 1441176551 | 9 xvi, 290 p. ; UG Library
179.1 SRI 00068440 Readings in Environmental Ethics Srivastava, D C Rawat Publications 0817033893 316p UG Library
179.1 VAN 05032087 Bio Politics : Vandana, Shiva Zed Books, 1995 1856493369 294 p Knowledge Centre
179.1 VAN 05032086 Monocultures of the Mind : Vandana, Shiva Third World Network, 1995 9839747045 183 p Knowledge Centre
179.1 WAN 05034494 Genetic Engineering Dreams of Nightmares? Ho, Mae-Wan Research Foundation, 1997 218 p Knowledge Centre
179.1SAN 01009991 Character and Environment: A Virture Oriented Approach to Environmental Ethics (law Lib) Ronald L Sandler Lawyers & Judges Publishing Company 201p Knowledge Centre
179.3 ADA 07006430 The sexual politics of meat : Adams, Carol J., Bloomsbury, 2015 9781501312830 (paperback) | 15 Bloomsbury revelations edition. lii, 281 pages : Library - BR Campus
179.3 ADA 00143640 Neither Man Nor Beast: Adams. Carol J Bloomsbury, 2018 9781350040205 272p UG Library
179.3 ARM 05005224 The animal ethics reader / Routledge, 2008 9780415775397 (pbk.) | 0415775 2nd ed. xxvii, 646 p. : Knowledge Centre
179.3 CAV 04015675 The animal question : Cavalieri, Paola, Oxford University Press, 2001 0195143809 (alk. paper) | 9780195173659 viii, 184 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
179.3 COL 05046811 Beating hearts : Colb, Sherry F., 9780231175142 (cloth : alk. pa vii,237p. Knowledge Centre
179.3 COR 00112522 The Politics of Species : Ed By, Corbey Raymond Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107032606 Xiv, 295. P.: UG Library
179.3 DEG 00102827 Animal rights : DeGrazia, David. Oxford University Press, 2002 0192853600 | 9780192853608 131 p. : UG Library
179.3 DEG 05048805 Animal rights : DeGrazia, David. Oxford University Press, 2002 0192853600 | 9780192853608 131 p. : Knowledge Centre
179.3 LIN 00104676 Why animal suffering matters : Linzey, Andrew. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195379778 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 206 p. ; UG Library
179.3 MIL 05006631 Beyond animal rights : Milligan, Tony. Continuum, 2010 9781441194862 xii, 168 p. ; Knowledge Centre
179.3 NEW 00104999 Animals in Greek and Roman thought : Newmyer, Stephen Thomas. Routledge, 2011 9780415773348 (hardback) | 041 xviii, 130 p. ; UG Library
179.3 OSB 00103921 Dumb beasts and dead philosophers : Osborne, Catherine. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199568277 (pbk.) | 0199568 xi, 262 p. UG Library
179.3 ROC 00132994 Animal ethics in animal research / Röcklinsberg, Helena, Cambridge university press, 2017 9781108420617 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781108430685 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvii,179p.; UG Library
179.30954 KAR 00091345 Savage humans and stray dogs : Karlekar, Hiranmay, SAGE Publications, 9788178298795 (paper back) p. cm. UG Library
179.3DON 01009975 Feminist Care Tradition in Animal Ethics (law Lib) Josephine Donovan Columbia University Press 9780231140393 392p Knowledge Centre
179.50903 CAB 00127144 Blasphemy : Cabantous, Alain. Columbia University Press, 2002 0231118767 | 9780231118767 x, 288 p. ; UG Library
179.6 FUR 00133974 How Fear Works: Furedi, Frank Bloomsbury Publising Lmt, 2018 9781472947727 306 p.; UG Library
179.6 HOL 10004261 Courage is calling : Holiday, Ryan, Profile books ltd., 2021 9780593191675 | 9781788166270 xxiii, 278 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
179.6 HOL 00141429 Courage is Calling: Holiday,Ryan Profile Books 2021 9781788166270 278p UG Library
179.6 ROB 05059783 The 5 Second Rule: Robbins, Mel. A Savio Republic Book, 2017 9781682612385 231p. Knowledge Centre
179.6 ROB 00140795 The 5 Second Rule: Robbins, Mel. A Savio Republic Book, 2017 9781682612385 231p. UG Library
179.6 ROB 07012658 The 5 Second Rule: Robbins, Mel. A Savio Republic Book, 2017 9781682612385 231p. Library - BR Campus
179.6 ROB 00138784 The 5 Second Rule: Robbins, Mel. A Savio Republic Book, 2017 9781682612385 231p. UG Library
179.6092 HOB 05002083 Plato and the Hero : Hobbs, Angela Cambridge University Press, 2000 9780521417334 xvi, 280 P. Knowledge Centre
179.7 YOU 05002081 Medically Assisted Death / Young, Robert Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521880244 251 p Knowledge Centre
179.7 BAT 01007033 Death, dying and the ending of life / Ashgate Pub., 075462174X (hbk. : alk. paper) 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
179.7 BAT 01007034 Death, dying and the ending of life / Ashgate Pub., 075462174X (hbk. : alk. paper) 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
179.7 BER 00117648 Violence : Bernstein, Richard J., 0745670636 | 9780745670638 | 0 ix, 228 pages ; UG Library
179.7 CHA 01013789 Euthanasia : Chackalackal,Saju Dharmaram Publication, 818686119X 85p.; Knowledge Centre
179.7 CHA 00091808 The Sanctity of life Vs The Quality of life Chamakala Lucose CMI Dharmaram Publications 8186861815 255p UG Library
179.7 DUB 00137404 Against humanity : Dubal, Sam University of california press, 2018 9780520296091 | 9780520296107 xix, 274 p. ; UG Library
179.7 EAS 00065544 Dialogue With Death: a Journey Through Consciousness Easwaran, Eknath Jaico 2005 8172247575 239p UG Library
179.7 HAB 05006477 The future of human nature / Habermas, Jurgen. Polity ; | Distributed in the USA by Blackwell Pub., 2003 0745629865 (alk. paper) | 9780 viii, 127 p. ; Knowledge Centre
179.7 JAI 00107361 Peace,Non-Violence and Gandian Concerns Jain Vidya Rawat Publications 2011 9788131604571 xix:288 P. UG Library
179.7 MER 05054126 Gandhi on non-violence / Speaking Tiger, 2007 9789386050472 152p.; Knowledge Centre
179.7 PET 00107480 Advancing the Culture of Death Peter Hung Manh Tran C.Ss.R Pauline Sisters Bombay Society 2011 9788171767441 492 P. UG Library
179.7 POJ 00117547 Life and death : Pojman, Louis P. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 1992 086720334X xvi, 175 p. : UG Library
179.7 PRA 05032054 Choosing to Die : Prado, C G Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521874847 211 p Knowledge Centre
179.7 RIE 10004253 Catastrophe ethics: Rieder, Travis Duckworth, 2024 9780715655511 321 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
179.7 ROS 05040767 Dignity Rosen, Michael, Harvard University Press, 2012 0674064437 | 9780674064430 | 9 xvii, 176 p. Knowledge Centre
179.7 SUM 01019939 Assisted death Sumner, L. W. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199687473 xii,236p.; Knowledge Centre
179.7 TUL 00110933 Euthanasia, choice and death / Tulloch, Gail. Edinburgh University Press, 2005 0748622470 (hard) | 9780748622 xiii, 158 p. ; UG Library
179.7 WAT 01026110 Scarlet A : Watson, Katie. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190624866 (updf) | 9780190 viii,280p.; Knowledge Centre
179.7 WOO 00120876 Death's dominion Woods, Simon, Open University Press, 2007 xiv, 178 p. UG Library
179.7 YOR 01024559 The right to life and the value of life : Ashgate, | Routledge, 2016 9781138251113 xvi, 448 p. ; Knowledge Centre
179.76 PAS 00072156 Is the Fetus Human? [dharmaram Library] Pastuszek, Eric 1991 0895554860 87 UG Library
179.7DEG 01003522 Human Identity and Bioethics(law Library) David Degrazia Cambridge University Press 0052153268 300p Knowledge Centre
179.7KEO 01003557 Euthanasia, Ethics and Public Policy: An Argument Against Legalisation (law Lib) John Keown Cambridge University Press 0521009332 318p. Knowledge Centre
179.7MCL 01007568 Impairment and Disability: Law and Ethics at the Beginning and End of Life ( Law Lib.) Sheila A M Mclean UCL 9781844720408 207p. Knowledge Centre
179.7PRO 01010581 Choosing to Die: Elective Death and Multiculturalism (law Lib0 C G Prado Cambridge University Press 9780521697583 211p Knowledge Centre
179.8 CIV 00147849 On arrogance : Civitarese, Giuseppe Routledge, 2024 9781032677118 1 Editionn. 134p. ; UG Library
179.8 POT 05032055 Ten Most Effective Ways to Overcome Anger : Potter-Efron, Ron Jaico, 1996 0817224584 156 p Knowledge Centre
179.809 EVA 07011740 A (brief) history of vice : Evans, Robert, Plume, 2016 9780147517609 (hardcover) xii, 259 pages ; Library - BR Campus
179.9 GRI 03002295 Forgivenss : Griswold, Charles L. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521703512 242 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
179.9 BAS 00018486 Let`s Start Praying Again Basset, Bernard Image 1972 120 p UG Library
179.9 BRE 00069093 Simple Abundance Journal of Gratitude Breathnach, Sarah ban A Tome Warner Company 2000 0044644652 | 9780446521062 100 p. UG Library
179.9 CLO 04024244 Integrity : Cloud, Henry Happer Collins, 2006 9780060849696 292p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
179.9 FIA 00110498 Tolerance and the ethical life Fiala, Andrew G. Continuum, 2005 0826478441 | 9780826499882 vi, 194 p. ; UG Library
179.9 FIA 00106099 Tolerance and the ethical life Fiala, Andrew G. Continuum, 2005 0826478441 vi, 194 p. ; UG Library
179.9 FRI 05007347 The ethics of forgiveness : Fricke, Christel Routledge, 2011 9780415885430 (hbk.) | 0415885 vi, 212 p. ; Knowledge Centre
179.9 GAR 00109487 Truth, beauty, and goodness reframed Gardner, Howard, Basic Books, 2011 9780465021925 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 244 p. : UG Library
179.9 GAR 00125613 Truth, beauty, and goodness reframed Gardner, Howard, Basic Books, 2011 9780465021925 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 244 p. : UG Library
179.9 HAR 05031998 An Attitude of Gratitude : Harrell, D Keith Hay House, 2003 1401902006 235 p Knowledge Centre
179.9 HBR 10004574 HBR's 10 Must reads on trust / Harvard Business Review Press, 2023 9781647825249 165 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
179.9 HOO 05011600 Understanding virtue ethics Hooft, Stan van. Acumen, 2006 1844650448 (hardcover) | 18446 v, 184 p. Knowledge Centre
179.9 HOO 00106526 Understanding virtue ethics Hooft, Stan van. Acumen, 2006 1844650448 (hardcover) | 18446 v, 184 p. UG Library
179.9 HOR 05007179 Aspects of toleration : Methuen, 1985 0416392903 : | 9780415555821 180 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
179.9 JOS 00018484 Love Is All Joseph Image Books 1973 156 p. UG Library
179.9 KLE 00134677 On Loyalty and Loyalties Kleining,John Oxford University Press 2014 9780199371266 315p UG Library
179.9 KOF 00107479 Healing Relationships Kofler,Len St Pauls 2007 9788171099542 287 P. UG Library
179.9 KOF 00140146 Healing Relationships Kofler,Len St Pauls 2007 9788171099542 287 P. UG Library
179.9 KWN 00018452 Joy of Being Human Kennedy, Eugene Image 1976 354 p UG Library
179.9 MAG 05038957 Sincerity : Magill, R. Jay Norton, 2012 9780393080988 (hardcover) 1st ed. 272 p. ; Knowledge Centre
179.9 MER 00018437 Thomas Merton Reader. By Thomas P. Mc Donnell Merton, Image 1974 514 p UG Library
179.9 MER 00018474 Conjectures of a Guilty By Stander Merton, Thomas Image Books 1968 358 p UG Library
179.9 MER 00018495 Conjectures of a Guilty By Stander Merton, Thomas Image Books 1968 358 p UG Library
179.9 MER 00018478 Contemplation in a World of Action Merton, Thomas Image Books 1973 350 p.: UG Library
179.9 MER 00018499 Thomas Merton: Contemplative Prayer Merton, Thomas Image 1969 116 p UG Library
179.9 OPP 05005455 The science of giving : Psychology Press, 2011 9781848728851 (hbk. : alk. pap p. cm. Knowledge Centre
179.9 PEP 00134682 Trust : Peperzak, Adriaan Theodoor, Fordham University Press 2013 9780823244881 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9780823244898 (pbk. : alk. paper) First edition ix, 190 pages ; UG Library
179.9 ROG 05072971 The Authority of Virtue : Rogers, Tristan J. Routledge, 2021 9780367857431 viii, 169p, ; Knowledge Centre
179.9 STE 05062777 Tolerance in world history / Stearns, Peter N., Routledge, 2017 9780415789301 ix,197p.; Knowledge Centre
179.9 TRI 00118356 Pursuit of Human Excellence Tripathi A.N Altantic Publishers, 2013 9788126917655 xiv, 290 p.: UG Library
179.9 ULA 05072974 Virtue, Narrative, and Self : Ulatowski, Joseph. Routledge, 2021 9780367418205 viii, 257p, ; Knowledge Centre
179.92 MER 00018445 Contemplation in a World of Action Merton, Thomas Image 396 p UG Library
179.9GRI 01009689 Forgiveness:A Philosophical Exploration (law Lib) Charles L Griswold Cambridge University Press 9780521703512 242p Knowledge Centre
179/.3 FEL 00128002 The Moral Menagerie : Fellenz, Marc R., University of Illinois Press, 2007 9780252031182 (alk. paper) | 0 301 p. ; UG Library
18 W-6 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
180 O\5 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
180 J-6 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
180 H\10 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
180 ADA 00145339 Philosophy and jurisprudence in the Islamic world / Wlater de Gruyter, 2019 9783110551976 (hbk. ; xi, 316 pages ; UG Library
180 ADS 01020638 Classical philosophy : Adamson, Peter. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199674534 xx,346p.; Knowledge Centre
180 ALL 00108126 Greek philosophy Allen.Reginald E. Free Press ; | Maxwell Macmillan Canada ; | Maxwell Macmillan International, 1991 0029004950 3rd ed., rev. and expanded. vii, 446 p. ; UG Library
180 ALL 04008035 Greek philosophy Allen.Reginald E. Free Press ; | Maxwell Macmillan Canada ; | Maxwell Macmillan International, 1991 0029004950 3rd ed., rev. and expanded. vii, 446 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
180 ANN 00102826 Ancient philosophy : Annas, Julia. Oxford University Press, 2000 0192853570 (pbk.) | 9780192853 127 p. : UG Library
180 ANN 05048802 Ancient philosophy : Annas, Julia. Oxford University Press, 2000 0192853570 (pbk.) | 9780192853 127 p. : Knowledge Centre
180 ARP 00140793 Philosophy Hacks : Arp, Robert Cassell; 2018 9781788400398 207 p. ; UG Library
180 BEN 05064426 Dialectic after Plato and Aristotle / Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108471909 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781108458573 (pbk. : alk. paper) First [edition]. xi,391p.; Knowledge Centre
180 BEN 07013624 Dialectic after Plato and Aristotle / Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108471909 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781108458573 (pbk. : alk. paper) First [edition]. xi,391p.; Library - BR Campus
180 BUR 00110045 Explorations in ancient and Modern Philosophy Burnyeat, Myles. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107400061 (2 vol. set) | 1 x, 382 p. : UG Library
180 CHA 00072233 Where Will East and West Meet? [Dharmaram Library] Chakkalakal C M I, Werner Asian Trading Corporation 2005 8170863651 121 UG Library
180 DES 00139667 Ancient, Medieval and Modern Philosophy : Desbruslais, Cyril. Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth; | Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485193 285 p. ; UG Library
180 DES 00148156 Contemporary Philosophy : Desbruslais, Cyril. Christian World Imprints; | Jnana Deepa; 2021 9789351485421 xii, 343 p. 24 cm. UG Library
180 DES 00148161 Ancient, Medieval and Modern Philosophy : Desbruslais, Cyril. Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth; | Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485193 285 p. ; UG Library
180 DES 00140575 Contemporary Philosophy : Desbruslais, Cyril. Christian World Imprints; | Jnana Deepa; 2021 9789351485421 xii, 343 p. 24 cm. UG Library
180 DIO 00139986 Lives of eminent philosophers / Diogenes Laertius, 9780521886819 (hbk.) | 9781316642856 xi, 943 pages ; UG Library
180 FUR 00088315 From Aristotale to Augustine Furley, Davide 2008 9780415308748 457p UG Library
180 IRW 00090267 Classical Philosophy Irwin, Terence Oxford 0192892533 433p UG Library
180 LEE 05041000 Strategies of argument : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199890477 (hardback) xvii, 399 pages : Knowledge Centre
180 LLO 01020607 The ideals of inquiry : Lloyd, G. E. R. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198705604 | 0198705603 1st ed. ix, 163 p. ; Knowledge Centre
180 MAY 00131003 a Sketch of Ancient Philosophy From Thales to Cicero Mayor,Joseph B Cambridge Uiversity Press 2016 254p UG Library
180 MCE 00107683 The shape of ancient thought McEvilley,Thomas, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited | School of Visual Arts, 2002 9788120833395 xxxvi, 731 p. : UG Library
180 MIK 00103923 Greek popular religion in Greek philosophy / Mikalson, Jon D., Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199577835 (hbk.) | 0199577 xii, 302 p. ; UG Library
180 OLS 05034589 Introduction to Exist Ential Ism / Olson, Robert G Dover Publications, Inc. 1962 0486200558 221 p Knowledge Centre
180 PER 05066948 Ancient philosophy : Routledge, 2018 9781138668812 xxx, 805 pages ; Knowledge Centre
180 SHI 00064753 Classical Philosophy Shields, Christopher` 2004 0415233984 162p UG Library
180 SHI 00070044 Black Well Guide to Ancient Philosopher (Dharmaram) Shields, Christopher 2003 0631222154 328p UG Library
180 SIN 07014814 The great philosophers and their ideas / Singh, Mahesh Kumar Book Shores Publication, 2018 9789386807014 v,191p.; Library - BR Campus
180 SME 00111190 Understanding Sankara Smet de,Richard motilal Banarsidass 2013 9788120836136 xii,525p UG Library
180 SME 00110810 Understanding Sankara Smet de,Richard motilal Banarsidass 2013 9788120836136 xii,525p UG Library
180 TAY 00088314 From the Beginning to Plato Taylor, C C W 2008 ISD0415308739 494p UG Library
180.5 CAS 05060658 Oxford Studies In Ancient Philosophy : Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198795803 308 pages ; Knowledge Centre
180.5 INW 00117479 oxford studies in ancient philosophy Inwood Brad oxford University Press 2010 9780199597123 318p UG Library
180.5 INW 00103864 Oxford studies in ancient philosophy: Inwood Brad Oxford university press; 2009 9780199575572 300 p. UG Library
180.5 INW 00103865 Oxford studies in ancient Philosophy: Inwood Brad Oxford university press; 2010 9780199586813 310 p. UG Library
180.5 INW 00128008 Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy: Vol.47 Inwood, Brad : Oxford University Press 2014 9780198722724 308p. : UG Library
180.5 SED 05011508 Oxford studies in ancient philosophy Sedley, David Oxford University Press, 2007 viii, 428 p. Knowledge Centre
180.5 SED 05002080 Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy / Sedley, David Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199227310 394 p Knowledge Centre
180.938 CAS 05057121 Oxford studies in ancient philosophy / Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198778233 336p.; Knowledge Centre
180PET 01009576 On Ancient Philosophy (law Lib) John Peterman Brooks/cole Publishing Company 9780534595722 228p Knowledge Centre
180SED 01007317 Cambridge Companion to Greek and Roman Philosophy (law Lib) David Sedley Cambridge University Press 0521775035 396p Knowledge Centre
181 E-2 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
181 I-3 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
181 KRI 00102491 The Nature of the New Mind / Krishanamurthi ,J . Krishanamurth Fondation India , 8187326190 276 P. UG Library
181 RAD 04006245 Indian Philosophy Radhakrishnan, S Oxford Universtiy Press 2008 9780195698411 650 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
181 RAD 04006246 Indian Philosophy Radhakrishnan, S Oxford Universtiy Press 2008 9780195698411 650 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
181 RAM 04005709 Eastern Philosophy Ram-Prasad, Chakrava Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2005 9780297847441 256 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
181 BAI 00138643 Philosophical Psychology of Soul Mechanism Bailey,A Global Vision Publishing House 2019 9789388612562 132p UG Library
181 BAN 00148220 An Introduction to the Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda/ Bandyapadhyay, Saikat Motilal Banarsidass; 2024 9789359661681 250p UG Library
181 BAR 00142061 Dharma: Barman,Ranjit Kumar Abhijeet Publications 2021 9789388865609 230p UG Library
181 BEN 00145202 The Universe in the World: Benjamin, Veronica M T Motilal Banarsidass 2023 9789357600309 423p UG Library
181 CHA 00148223 Rethinking saint Sankaradeva Chaliha, Anjana Motilal Banarsidass; 2024 9789359665740 388p UG Library
181 CHA 05029005 Philosophical Concepts Revevant to Sciences in Indian Tradition [PHILOSOPHY SECTION] Chattopadhyaya, D P Imh Press 0ISB818758629 579p Knowledge Centre
181 CHA 00122372 Indian Philosophical Systems Chari,s m s Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers 2011 250p UG Library
181 CHE 00131798 An Indian Rational Theology Chemparathy,George Motilal Banarsidass 2018 9788120842021 202p UG Library
181 DAS 05074852 A History of Indian Philosophy / Dasgupta, S N Classics, 2024 9789358566512 xxiii, 621p.; Knowledge Centre
181 DAV 00145822 Buddhist psychology; Davids, Caroline A. F. Rhys G. Bell and sons ltd., 1914 9789381406106 xii, 212 p. UG Library
181 DK 10004907 Philosophers Who Changed History DK Publishing Dorling kindersley, 2024 9780241656822 22 368 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
181 FRA 00076103 Study in the History of Oriental Religion: [ Dharmaram Library] Frazer, G James RUPA & CO 2003 8129100800 240p UG Library
181 GAN 00110065 Philosophy as Therapeia Carlisle, Clare, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521165150 (pbk.) | 0521165 vii, 245 p. ; UG Library
181 GOM 00145830 How Buddhism Began Gombrich, Richard F Routledge 2018 9781138328938 180p UG Library
181 GUP 00130184 Friendships of Largeness and Freedom Gupta,Uma Das Oxford University Press 2018 0199481210 502p UG Library
181 JAI 00129679 The Making of Brahmanic Hegemony Jaiswal,Suvira Tulika Books 2016 9789382381839 244p UG Library
181 JOS 00131797 An Inquiry into Understanding of Truth Joseph,Eugene,Newman Theological Publications in India 2018 9789383163809 241p UG Library
181 KAP 00122386 The Philosophy and Religion of Sri Caitanya Kapoor, O B L Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers 2008 248p UG Library
181 KIN 07006239 Indian Philosophy:An Introduction to Hindu and Buddhist Thought (law Lib) Richard King Edinburgh University 9780748609543 263 Library - BR Campus
181 KOL 00136179 Asian philosophies / Koller, John M., 9781138629714 (hardback) | 9781138629721 (pbk.) Seventh Edition. 395 p. ; UG Library
181 KRI 10005091 What are you looking for? Krishnamurti, Jiddu Aleph Book Company, 2023 9789395853644 152p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181 KRI 00144874 What are you looking for? Krishnamurti, Jiddu Aleph Book Company, 2023 9789395853644 152p UG Library
181 KUD 00068398 Learning Asian Philosophy Kupperman, Joel J 1999 208p UG Library
181 KUP 00088013 Classic Asian Philosophy: A Guide to the Essential Texts Kupperman, Joel 2007 0195189817 189p UG Library
181 KUP 00087789 Classic Asian Philosophy. Kupperman, Joel J 2001 ISB0195133358 164p UG Library
181 KUR 00046387 Between Partners Kachappilly, Kurian Asian Trading Corporation 1999 8170862310 xvi; 130 p UG Library
181 KUR 00046388 Between Partners Kachappilly, Kurian Asian Trading Corporation 1999 8170862310 xvi; 130 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181 LEA 00068378 Key Concepts in Eastern Philosophy Leaman, Oliver 2004 0415173699 319p UG Library
181 LEA 00064237 Key Concepts in Eastern Philosophy Leaman, Oliver Routledge 2004 0415173639 xxx; 319 p UG Library
181 LEA 00068383 Eastern Philosophy Leamon, Oliver 2004 0000415582 305p UG Library
181 MAC 00096281 Orientalism A Reader Macfie,A,L Edinburgh university press 0748614427 382p UG Library
181 MAR 00137822 A Critical Examination of Nyaya Marathe,M P New Bharatiya Book Corporation 2017 8183153097 310p UG Library
181 MCL 05055233 Understanding Asian philosophy : McLeod, Alexus, Bloomsbury, 2014 9789386349200 ix, 192 pages : Knowledge Centre
181 MEH 00133387 The Call of the Upanishads Mehata,Rohit Motilal Banarsidass 2017 9788120807496 320p UG Library
181 ORI 01001310 Orientalism : A L Macfie Edinburgh University 0748614427 382p. Knowledge Centre
181 PAL 00133386 Socio religious Thoughts of Gandhi and Ambedkar: Paliwal, Anurag Crescent Publishing Corporation 2018 9788183424837 200p UG Library
181 PAN 00130303 The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Chinese Philosophy and Gender Pang-White,Ann A Bloomsbury 2018 9781350058033 413p UG Library
181 RAD 04008614 Indian Philosophy Radhakrishnan, S Oxford Universtiy Press 2008 9780195698411 650 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
181 RAM 03007489 Eastern Philosophy Ram-Prasad, Chakrava Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2005 9780297847441 256 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
181 RAM 03007614 Eastern Philosophy Ram-Prasad, Chakrava Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2005 9780297847441 256 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
181 SAM 00142757 Vivekacudamani of sri Samkara Bhagavatapada Sankaranarayanan, P Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 2022 9788172764203 7th Edition 503p UG Library
181 SHA 00024340 Thinkers of the East Idries Shah, Penguin 1971 198 p UG Library
181 STA 00145025 Sacred sound and language in classical Śaiva Siddhānta : Stamm, Mikael Motilal Banarsidass 2022 9789391430771 406p UG Library
181 SWA 00139880 A Million Thoughts Swami,OM Jaico Publishing House 2018 9788184959451 334p UG Library
181 THO 00135781 A Christian Response to Gandhian Satyagraha Thomas, T K Christava Sahitya Samiti 2004 8178210150 152p UG Library
181 TYA 00148225 Sustainable Promises : Tyagi, Naresh. Motilal Banarsidass, 2024 9789359662299 xviii, 208p.; UG Library
181 TYA 05075197 Sustainable Promises : Tyagi, Naresh. Motilal Banarsidass, 2024 9789359662299 xviii, 208p.; Knowledge Centre
181 VAS 00145848 Yoga Philosophy: Vasu, Srisa Chandra Dev Publishers and Distributors 2013 9789381406212 97p UG Library
181 VIT 00001310 Yoga System of Health Vital Das, Yogi Karnos 1969 1 UG Library
181 WOO 00135838 Principles of Tantra Woodroffe,John New Age Books 2014 9788178224541 512p UG Library
181-48 CAR 00139758 Consciousness and Individuality in the Advaita Vedanta of Shankara Carri,Sebastian Global Vision Publishing House 2019 9789388612142 2nd Edition 124Pages UG Library
181.009 COL 00068372 Fifteen Great Eastern Thinkers Collison, Diane 2003 0415202841 418p UG Library
181.04 HAR 00112613 The Six Systems of Hindu Philosophy Harshananda,Swami Ramakrishna Math 2000 114p UG Library
181.04/4 MOO 00129677 The Jaina philosophy of non-absolutism, Mookerjee, Satkari. Abhijeet Publications 2017 9789350742877 323p : . UG Library
181.043 FRA 00107880 The philosophy of Buddhism = Frauwallner, Erich, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 9788120834811 xxxiii, 578 p. ; UG Library
181.043 FRA 00094737 The philosophy of Buddhism = Frauwallner, Erich, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 9788120834811 xxxiii, 578 p. ; UG Library
181.043 BAU 00072312 Void and Fullness in the Buddhist, Hindu and Christian Traditions[dharmaram Library] Baumer, Bettina D k Print World 2005 8124603405 292 UG Library
181.043 BHA 00103077 Philosophy of Buddhism: Bhardwaj Manohar Cyber tech publications; 9788178845357 288 p. UG Library
181.043 BUR 00131430 Buddhism : Burton, David, Routledge, 2017 9780415789141 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9780415789158 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1st [edition]. vii, 211 pages ; UG Library
181.043 CAR 00145831 Indian Buddhist philosophy / Carpenter, Amber D., Routledge 2014 9781844652976 (hardcover) | 9781032634302 | 9781844652983 (paperback) xviii, 313 pages ; UG Library
181.043 CON 00145823 Buddhist thought in India : Conze, Edward, Allen & Unwin, 1983 0042941288 : | 9789387496675 Repr. with corrections, 1983. 302 p. ; UG Library
181.043 GAR 05043851 Engaging Buddhism : Garfield, Jay L., Oxford University Press, 2015 9780190204341 (paperback) | 97 xxi, 376 pages ; Knowledge Centre
181.043 HUM 00019561 Buddist Way of Action Humphreys, Christmas Vikas 1977 190 p UG Library
181.043 KRI 00102389 Can humanity change? Krishnamurti.J Krishnamurti foundation India; 9788187326571 224 p. UG Library
181.043 LAU 07009437 An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy / Laumakis Stephen.J Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781316635704 xv,283p.: Library - BR Campus
181.043 NIT 00068483 Buddhist Philosophy of Social Activism Nithiyanandam, V Global Vision 2004 8187746602 216p UG Library
181.043 PAN 05047937 Buddhism : Panjvani, Cyrus Broadview Press, 2014 307 p. Knowledge Centre
181.043 PAN 00110850 Nietzsche and Buddhist philosophy Panaioti, Antoine, Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107031623 (hardback) | 978 xiii, 244 pages ; UG Library
181.043 RAM 00089459 Nagarjuna`s Philosophy as Presented in the Maha-Prajnaparamita Sastra Ramanan, Venkata K MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2002 8120801598 379p UG Library
181.043 RAM 00089460 Nagarjuna`s Philosophy as Presented in the Maha-Prajnaparamita Sastra Ramanan, Venkata K MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2002 8120801598 379p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.043 SID 05057133 Studies in Buddhist philosophy / Siderits, Mark, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198754862 | 0198754868 First Edition. viii, 313 pages ; Knowledge Centre
181.043 SIN 00138754 Contemporary Indian Buddhism: Singh,N K Global Vision Publishing House 2018 9788182209510 191p UG Library
181.043LAU 01009713 Introduction Buddhist Philosophy (law Lib) Stephen J Laumakis Cambridge University Press 9780521670081 283p Knowledge Centre
181.044 MOO 00128802 The Jaina philosophy of non-absolutism, Mookerjee, Satkari. Abhijeet Publications 2017 9789350742877 323p : . UG Library
181.044 PAT 00019566 Jainism Caillat, Colette Macmillan 1974 92p UG Library
181.045 PAL 00099955 Basic principles of Indian philosophy of language / Palit, Piyali. Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 8121511232 xvii, 170 p. ; UG Library
181.045 SEN 04030277 The Modern Monk : Sengupta, Hindol Penguin, 2016 9780143426646 207p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
181.046 SON 00068491 Grace of God and Guru in Sikh Philosophy Sondhi, S P Global Vision 2002 8187746173 198p UG Library
181.06 BUB 05040815 I and thou / Buber, Martin, Bloomsbury, 2013 9781472511461 (pbk.) | 9781472 Bloomsbury revelations edition. 95p.: Knowledge Centre
181.06 BUB 07006356 I and thou / Buber, Martin, Bloomsbury, 2013 9781472511461 (pbk.) | 9781472 Bloomsbury revelations edition. 95p.: Library - BR Campus
181.06 FRA 05004832 The Jewish philosophy reader / Routledge, 2000 0415168597 | 0415168600 xvii, 618 p. ; Knowledge Centre
181.06 MAI 00117659 Essay on transcendental philosophy Maimon, Salomon, Continuum, 2010 9781441113849 (pbk.) lxvii, 282 p. : UG Library
181.06 MOR 05032072 Cambridge Companion to Modern Jewish Philosophy / Morgan, Michael L Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521813129 382 p Knowledge Centre
181.07 ADM 05062701 Philosophy in the Islamic world : Adamson, Peter. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198818618 | 0198818610 | 9780199577491 | 0199577498 xxi, 511 pages : Knowledge Centre
181.07 JAC 05040549 What is Islamic philosophy? / Jackson, Roy, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2014 9780415632027 (hbk.) | 9780415 x,190 pages ; Knowledge Centre
181.07 KHA 00088293 Medieval Islamic Philosophical Writings Khalidi, Muhammad Ali 2008 ISB0521529638 186p UG Library
181.07 LAL 00073948 Islamic Philosophy of Religion(dharmaram Library) Laliwala, Jaferhusein I Sarupa and Sons 2005 8176254762 226p UG Library
181.07 SHA 00122251 Philosophy and Philosophers Shand, John. UCL Press, 1993 1857280741 xi, 348 p:. UG Library
181.0703 AHM 00107876 Fundamentals of Islamic Philosophy Ahmed, Sharif Cyber Tech Publications 9788178844404 344 p UG Library
181.0703 AHM 00087602 Fundamentals of Islamic Philosophy Ahmed, Sharif Cyber Tech Publications 9788178844404 344 p UG Library
181.0703 AHM 00088401 Fundamentals of Islamic Philosophy Ahmed, Sharif Cyber Tech Publications 9788178844404 344 p UG Library
181.0703 LEA 01024134 The biographical encyclopedia of Islamic philosophy Leaman, Oliver Bloombury Academic, 2015 9781472569448 xlviii,508p.; Knowledge Centre
181.09 CHA 00082402 Language Logic and Science in India Some Conceptual and Historical Perspectives Chattopadhyaya, D P Munshiram Manoharlal 8121506891 91p UG Library
181.09 SEN 00082399 Science, Philosophy and Culture: in Historical Perspective Sen, S N Munshiram Manoharlal 8121506867 185p UG Library
181.09512 CLE 00104605 Confucius Clements Jonathan Induse Source Books 2006 9798188569037 xxii: 136 p. UG Library
181.09512 CON 00141387 The analects (Lun yü) / Confucius. Penguin Books, 1979 0140443487 : 249 p. ; UG Library
181.1 JHA 00137844 The Philosophical Discipline Jha,Ganganantha Bharatiya Vidya Prakashan 2007 8121701261 126p UG Library
181.1 RAM 05032073 Eastern Philosophy / Ram-Prasad, Chakravarthi Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2005 0297847449 256 p Knowledge Centre
181.11 CON 00028098 The Wisdom of Confucius Confucius Peter Pauper Press 1963 61 p. UG Library
181.11 DAW 00022084 Confucius Dawson, Raymond Oxford University 1987 94p. UG Library
181.11 HAI 00109986 Chinese Philosophy Wen, Haiming, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521186766 (pbk.) | 0521186 Updated ed. 164 p. : UG Library
181.11 HAI 00110035 Chinese Philosophy Wen, Haiming, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521186766 (pbk.) | 0521186 Updated ed. 164 p. : UG Library
181.11 HOC 00055181 On Chuang Tzu Hochsmann, Hyun 2001 0534583717 96p UG Library
181.11 LAI 07014077 An introduction to Chinese philosophy / Lai, Karyn, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107103986 (hardback) | 9781107504097 (pbk.) 2nd Ed. xiii, 361 pages ; Library - BR Campus
181.11 LAI 01009710 An Introduction to Chinese Philosophy / Lai, Karyn L Cambridge University Press 2008 9780521608923 307p. Knowledge Centre
181.11 LAI 00145903 An introduction to Chinese philosophy / Lai, Karyn, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107103986 (hardback) | 9781107504097 (pbk.) 2nd Ed. xiii, 361 pages ; UG Library
181.11 LAI 00090691 An Introduction to Chinese Philosophy Lai, Karyn L Cambridge, 2008 9780521608923 307 p. UG Library
181.11 YUT 05032074 The Importance of Living / Yutang, Lin Jaico, 2005 8172248296 488 p Knowledge Centre
181.11 YUT 05032066 The Importance of Living / Yutang, Lin Jaico, 2005 8172248296 488 p Knowledge Centre
181.112 MAL 05067430 What philosophers should know about truth / Stoutland, Fred. De Gruyter, 2019 9783110618242 (print) | 9783110620788 (ebk. (pdf)) | 9783110618303 (ebk. (epub)) | 9783110618754 1st edition. xvi,367p.; Knowledge Centre
181.112 PEI 05046798 Confucius : Ni, Peimin. Rowman and Littlefield, 2016 9781442257412 (hardcopy) | 978 xvii,165p. Knowledge Centre
181.112 WAT 01010035 Analects of Confucius (law Lib) Burton Watson Columbia University Press 9780231141642 162 p Knowledge Centre
181.112 WIN 05032297 Tong Sing : Windridge, Charles Rupa & Co., 2003 1856263487 285 p Knowledge Centre
181.112WAT 01010855 Analects of Confucius (law Lib) Burton Watson Columbia University Press 9780231141642 162p Knowledge Centre
181.114 GRE 00133970 Effortless living : Gregory, Jason, Inner Traditions, 2018 9781620557136 (pbk.) xix, 187 pages ; UG Library
181.114 HOF 07014903 The Tao of Pooh and the TE of Piglet : Hoff Benjamin Egmost, 2019 9781405293778 424p.: Library - BR Campus
181.12 PAR 07009377 Japanese Confucianism A Cultural History / Paramore Kiri Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107635685 xii,231p.: Library - BR Campus
181.2 KHA 00070032 Wine of Wisdom (Dharmaram) Khayyam, Omar Oneworld Publishers 2005 1851683550 396p UG Library
181.2 ROV 10004071 Anaximander and the Nature of science / Rovelli, Carlo, Allen Lane, 2007 9780241655856 xx, 209 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.2 ROV 05074862 Anaximander and the Nature of science / Rovelli, Carlo, Allen Lane, 2007 9780241655856 xx, 209 pages : Knowledge Centre
181.4 ALL 00135507 Gandhi after 9/11: Allen,Douglas Oxford university press, 2019 9780199491490 viii,277p.; UG Library
181.4 AHU 04024221 Gurus Ancient Medieval and Modern : Achuja M.L. Rupa.Cp : 2009 9788129114075 xvi,231 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
181.4 AHU 05035179 Gurus Ancient Medieval and Modern : Achuja M.L. Rupa.Cp : 2009 9788129114075 xvi,231 p. Knowledge Centre
181.4 AKR 00138651 Spiritual Psychology Akbar, Husain Global Vision Publishing House 2005 8182200954 161 p UG Library
181.4 AKR 00067928 Spiritual Psychology Akbar, Husain Global Vision Publishing House 2005 8182200954 161 p UG Library
181.4 AMB 00068521 Thought and Philosophy of Dr. Br. Ambedkar Naik, C D Sarupa and Sons 2005 0008176255 475p UG Library
181.4 AUR 00013269 Vision of Sri Aurobindo Aurobindo, Dipti 1973 190p UG Library
181.4 AUR 00056204 Essential Writings of Aurobindo Aurobindo,Sri Oxford University Press 1999 0195649761 | 9780195649765 388 p. UG Library
181.4 AYR 00002356 Life Divine Aurobindo, Aurobindo 1960 1272 UG Library
181.4 BAD 07011008 Chaturvedi Badrinath : Badrinath, Chaturvedi, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199465187 (paperback) | 01 First edition. xviii, 158 pages, 1 unnumbered page ; Library - BR Campus
181.4 BAD 04017024 Swami Vivekananda, the Living Vedanta / Badrinath, Chaturvedi. Penguin Books, 2006 9780143062097 | 0143062093 xxviii, 452 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
181.4 BAD 01014952 Swami Vivekananda, the Living Vedanta / Badrinath, Chaturvedi. Penguin Books, 2006 9780143062097 | 0143062093 xxviii, 452 p. : Knowledge Centre
181.4 BAD 03010454 Swami Vivekananda, the Living Vedanta / Badrinath, Chaturvedi. Penguin Books, 2006 9780143062097 | 0143062093 xxviii, 452 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
181.4 BAH 00019553 Wisdom of Sankhya Bahadur, K P Sterling 1978 222 p UG Library
181.4 BAL 00017953 Foundations of Indian Philosophy Balbir Singh, Crient Longman 1971 302p UG Library
181.4 BAL 00073858 Essays in Indian Philosophy, Religion and Literature (Dharmaram Library) Balcerowicz, Piotr MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2004 8120819780 510p UG Library
181.4 BAL 00096227 Essays in Indian Philosophy, Religion & Literature Balcerowicz, Piotr Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 8120819780 510 p. UG Library
181.4 BAN 10001437 Art and science of management in the digital era : Banerjee, R. P., Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2022 9789353885076 xvii, 515p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 BAN 00112388 Integral philosophy of Sri Aurobindo Banerjee, Aparna Centre for Sri Aurobindo studies Jadavpur University Kolkata in collaboration with Decent Books 2012 9788186921579 152p; UG Library
181.4 BAN 00146317 A Companion to Indian Philosophy Banerji, Sures Chandra B R Publishing Company 2023 9788170187431 496p UG Library
181.4 BAR 00109338 Unmaking War Remaking Men Barry Kathleen Women Unlimited 2010 9781889657158 x; 235 p. UG Library
181.4 BAR 00138751 An Introduction to Indian philosophy : Bartley, Christopher. Bloomsbury Academic India, 2015 9789388002585 2nd ed. xi, 324p. ; UG Library
181.4 BAR 00074627 Indian Philosophy A-Z Bartely, Christopher Edinburgh University Press 2005 0748620281 viii; 196 p UG Library
181.4 BAR 00124862 A History of Pre-Buddhist Indian Philosophy Barua,Benimadhab Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 2016 9788120807969 448p UG Library
181.4 BAR 05069489 An Introduction to Indian philosophy : Bartley, Christopher. Bloomsbury Academic India, 2015 9789388002585 2nd ed. xi, 324p. ; Knowledge Centre
181.4 BAS 00092899 Some Aspects of India`s Philosophical and Scientific Heritage Bhattacharyya, Sibajiban Munshiram Manoharlal 8121506875 117p UG Library
181.4 BER 00142779 Indian and intercultural philosophy : Berger, Douglas L., Bloomsbury Academic ; 2021 9781350174177 231 p. ; UG Library
181.4 BHA 00071448 Indology Bhate, Saroja Sahitya Akademi 2002 8126014121 | 9788126014125 237 p UG Library
181.4 BHA 00095122 A taste of life : Bhatt, Mahesh, Penguin Books India, 9780143067160 (pbk.) 161 p. ; UG Library
181.4 BHA. 00089976 Taste of Life: The Last Days of U.G Krishnamurti Bhatt, Mahesh 9780143067160 161p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 BHU 05007872 Contrary thinking : Krishna, Daya. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199795550 (alk. paper) xiii,327 p. Knowledge Centre
181.4 BHU 05016791 Indian philosophy in English : Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199769254 (pbk. : alk. pap xxvii, 644 p. : Knowledge Centre
181.4 BIS 00022149 Indian Thought Bishop, Donald G Wiley 1975 430p UG Library
181.4 BOA 00112921 Philosphical perspectives of K Satchidananda Murty Boaz, Pusuluri K K Printworld ( P) Ltd 2013 9788124606780 156p. UG Library
181.4 BRO 00007272 Man in the Universe Brown, Norman W Oxford 1974 114 p UG Library
181.4 CEN 05032120 The Hindu Personality in Education / Cenkner, William Manohar Publishers, 1994 8173040400 230 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 CHA 00096097 Indigenous Philosophizing India Horizons Chacklackal Saju Dharmaram Publications 9788189958336 586 p UG Library
181.4 CHA 00135212 Truth Eternal ; Chandra, Ram. Shri Rama Chandra Mission, 2018 9789388095167 3rd ed. 174p, : UG Library
181.4 CHA 00103630 Indigenous Philosophizing India Horizons Chacklackal Saju Dharmaram Publications 9788189958336 586 p UG Library
181.4 CHA 00092901 Language Logic and Science in India Some Conceptual and Historical Perspectives Chattopadhyaya, D P Munshiram Manoharlal 8121506891 91p UG Library
181.4 CHA 00092900 Mathematics, Astronomy and Biology in Indian Tradition Some Conceptual Preliminaries Chattopadhyaya, D P Munshiram Manoharlal 8121506883 128p UG Library
181.4 CHA 00095238 Knowledge and freedom in indian philosophy Chatterjea Tara Viva Books 9788130903187 159P UG Library
181.4 CHA 05075193 Socio-political ideas of Aurobindo Ghose / Chakrabarty, Bidyut, Routledge, 2024 9781032824581 ix, 252p.; Knowledge Centre
181.4 CHA 00124864 An Introduction to Indian Philosophy Chatterjee,Satischandra Motilal Banersidass Publishers 2016 9788120840171 442p UG Library
181.4 CHE 00068552 Concepts of Parinama in Indian Philosophy Chenchulakshmi, Kolla Sundeep Prakashan 2005 8175741600 137p UG Library
181.4 DAL 00138634 Humanistic Philosophy of Tagore and Vivekanda Dalai,Anita Kumud Publications 2019 9789382885474 184p UG Library
181.4 DAL 00140009 J. Krishnamurti: Dalal,Roshen Maxmillan 2020 9789389109412 382p UG Library
181.4 DAM 00006980 Indian Thought: a Critical Survey Damodaran, K Asia 1967 500p UG Library
181.4 DAN 00132981 Sri Aurobindo and India's rebirth/ Danino,Michel. Rupa Publications India Pvt.Ltd., 2018 9789353040567 263 p. ; UG Library
181.4 DAS 00006147 History of Indian Philosophy Dasgupta, S N Kitab Mahal 1969 228p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 DAS 00006148 History of Indian Philosophy Dasgupta, S N Kitab Mahal 1969 230p UG Library
181.4 DAS 00089462 History of Indian Philosophy Dasgupta, Surendranath MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2006 8120804120 528p UG Library
181.4 DAS 00089463 History of Indian Philosophy Dasgupta, Surendranath MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2006 8120804139 620p UG Library
181.4 DAS 00089464 History of Indian Philosophy: Vol III Dasgupta, Surendranath MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2000 8120804147 614p UG Library
181.4 DAS 00089466 History of Indian Philosophy Dasgupta, Surendra Nath MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1973 9788120804166 204p UG Library
181.4 DAS 05062846 History of Indian Philosophy / Dasgupta, Surendranath. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789353041083 | 9789353041090 | 9789353041106 xxvi, 825p. Knowledge Centre
181.4 DAS 05062847 History of Indian Philosophy / Dasgupta, Surendranath. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789353041083 | 9789353041090 | 9789353041106 xxvi, 825p. Knowledge Centre
181.4 DAS 05062848 History of Indian Philosophy / Dasgupta, Surendranath. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789353041083 | 9789353041090 | 9789353041106 xxvi, 825p. Knowledge Centre
181.4 DAS 00019560 History of Indian Philosophy Dasgupta, Surendranath Motilal 1975 514p UG Library
181.4 DAS 00089465 History of Indian Philosophy Dasgupta, Surendranath Motilal 1975 514p UG Library
181.4 DAS 10004063 A History of Indian Philosophy : Dasgupta, S N Fingerprint Classics, 2024 9789358566512 xxiii, 621p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 DEV 00017584 Vacanas of Basavanna Deveerappa, H Annana Balaga 1967 496p UG Library
181.4 DUC 05073485 Dignāga's investigation of the percept : Duckworth, Douglas S. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780190623708 (paperback) | 9780190623692 (cloth) xxx, 353 pages ; Knowledge Centre
181.4 GAN 00131838 The Oxford handbook of Indian Philosophy / Ganeri,Jonardon Oxford University Press 2017 0199314624 | 9780199314621 | 9780190885007 | 0190885009 xvii, 807 pages : UG Library
181.4 GAN 00093236 Philosophy in classical India: Ganeri Jonardon Motilal Banarsidasss 9788120833371 207p UG Library
181.4 GAN 00109506 The Self Ganeri,Jonardon Oxford University Press 2012 9780199652365 1st Ed. xii; 374 p. UG Library
181.4 GAN 00122194 The Self Ganeri,Jonardon Oxford University Press 2012 9780199652365 1st Ed. xii; 374 p. UG Library
181.4 GAN 00076176 Artha: Meaning: Foundations of Philosophy in India [Dharmaram Library] Gangeri, Jonardon 2006 0195671996 258p UG Library
181.4 GHO 05043554 Essays in philosophy and yoga / Ghose, Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1998 9788170589747 604p.; Knowledge Centre
181.4 GUP 00144859 An introduction to Indian philosophy : Gupta, Bina, Routledge, 2021 9780429345210 | 0429345216 | 9781000371765 | 100037176X | 9781000371772 | 1000371778 Second edition. 477p UG Library
181.4 GUP 00119048 Reason and experience in Indian philosophy / Gupta, Bina, Indian Council of Philosophical Research ; | Distributed by Motilal Banarsidass, 9788189963071 xii, 305 p. ; UG Library
181.4 GUP 00101133 Reason and experience in Indian philosophy / Gupta, Bina, Indian Council of Philosophical Research ; | Distributed by Motilal Banarsidass, 9788189963071 xii, 305 p. ; UG Library
181.4 GUP 05072949 An introduction to Indian philosophy : Gupta, Bina, Routledge, 2021 9780367363086 2nd ed. xviii; 477p. cm. Knowledge Centre
181.4 GUP 00108326 An introduction to Indian philosophy Gupta, Bina, Routledge, 2011 9780415800037 | 9780415800037 xiii; 343 p. cm. UG Library
181.4 HAL 00141271 Philosophy of Gandhi / Halu, Anilkumar B. ABD Publishers; 2021 9788183767484 296 p. ; UG Library
181.4 HAL 00142897 Philosophy of Gandhi / Halu, Anilkumar B. ABD Publishers; 2021 9788183767484 296 p. ; UG Library
181.4 HAM 01016428 Indian Philosophy : Hamilton, Sue. Oxford University Press, 2006 0195678672 | 9780195678673 154 p. Knowledge Centre
181.4 HAM 05027922 Indian Philosophy : Hamilton, Sue Oxford University Press, 2006 0195678672 153 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 HAM 00085438 Indian Philosophy : Hamilton, Sue Oxford University Press, 2006 0195678672 153 p UG Library
181.4 HIN 00019559 Comparative Ethics in Hindu and Buddist Traditions Hindery, Roderick Motilal 1978 306 p UG Library
181.4 HIR 00065577 Outlines of Indian Philosophy Hiriyanna, M MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2005 8120810996 419p UG Library
181.4 HIR 00065578 Essential of Indian Philosophy Hiriyanna, M MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2005 8120813308 216p UG Library
181.4 HIR 00017534 Outlines of Indian Philosophy Hiriyanna, M George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1970 420 UG Library
181.4 HIR 00017585 Outlines of Indian Philosophy Hariyanna, M Prasaranga University 1970 390 p.: UG Library
181.4 HOL 00112172 Krishnamurti Holroyd, Stuart New Age Books, 2006 9788178222684 162p UG Library
181.4 HUC 00112394 Sri Aurobindo : Huchzermeyer, Wilfried D K Printworld (P) Ltd 2013 9788124607022 335p; UG Library
181.4 HUS 00079799 Applied Indian Psychology New Perspectives Husain, Akbar Global Vision Publishing House 2005 8182201101 352p UG Library
181.4 IYE 00086315 Moral and Political Thought of Mahatma Gandhi Iyer, Raghavan N 2007 0195651952 499 p UG Library
181.4 KAD 00009739 Philosophy of the Absolute Kadanakavikl, Kurian T Dharmaram 1972 224p UG Library
181.4 KAD 00009342 The Philosophy of the Absolute Kadanakavil Kurian T Dharmaram Publications 1972 224 p UG Library
181.4 KAM 00095314 Prapanch kanya : Kamal, Ritu. Viva Books, 9788130905297 | 8130905299 xxxiv, 411 p. : UG Library
181.4 KAP 00121176 Indian Philosophical Foundation of Human Rights Kapurderiya,Meghraj R P Publications 2013 9789382398028 200p UG Library
181.4 KAS 00013276 Space Time and Karma. Kashava Murthi, Y 1967 1 UG Library
181.4 KAT 00107591 Indian Philosophy Jocob Kattackal Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India: 1999 8186063544 544 p UG Library
181.4 KES 00013234 Sri Aurobindo:The Hope of Man. Keshava, Murthy Dipti 1974 524 p.: UG Library
181.4 KIN 00103770 Indian Philosophy:An Introduction to Hindu and Buddhist Thought (law Lib) Richard King Edinburgh University 9780748609543 263 UG Library
181.4 KRI 05032089 The Krishnamurti Reader / Krishnamurti Penguin Books, 2002 0143029134 250 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 KRI 05032079 The Wholly Different Way of Living / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 2002 0818732614 269 p.; Knowledge Centre
181.4 KRI 05032093 Timeless Spring : Krishnamurthi Krishnamurti Foundation | Krishnamurti Foundation, 2001 8187326093 216 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 KRI 05032078 The Way of Intelligence / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 2004 8187326476 242 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 KRI 05032068 Questions and Answers / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 2001 8187326247 107 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 KRI 05032092 Life Ahead / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 2002 8187326158 204 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 KRI 05032082 Tradition and Revolution / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation | Krishnamurti Foundation, 2003 8187326077 253 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 KRI 05032091 Don't Make a Problem of Anything : Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 2007 8187326654 286 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 KRI 00073947 Indian Philosophy a Counter Perspedctive (Dharmaram Library) Krishna, Daya SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS 2006 8170308453 595p UG Library
181.4 KRI 00115296 The Mind of J. Krishnamurti / Krisnamurti, J. Jaico Publishing House , 2002 8172242131 | 9788172242138 282 p.: UG Library
181.4 KRI 05032064 The Awakening of Intelligence / Krishnamurti, J Penguin Books, 2000 0140296492 538 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 KRI 00104831 The Limits of Thought/ Krishnamurti.J Routledge 1999 9780415193986 x,131p UG Library
181.4 KRI 00102513 Total Freedom : Krishnamurti J Krishnamurti Foundation, 9788187326344 xi, 370 p. UG Library
181.4 KRI 00102474 The First Step is the Last Step Krishnamurti J Krishnamurti Foundation, 9788187326565 286 p. UG Library
181.4 KRI 00102379 A wholly different way of living; Krishnamurti.J Krishnamurti fondation India; 818732614X 269 p. UG Library
181.4 KRI 00068438 New Perspectives in Indian Philosophy Krishna, Daya Rawat Publications 2004 0817033652 268p UG Library
181.4 KRI 00102428 Krishnamurti for beginners an anthology; Krishnamurti.J Krishnamurti foundation India; 8187326018 246 p. UG Library
181.4 KRI 00102430 Krishnamurti's notebook; Krishnamurti.J Krishnamurti foundation India; 8187326484 386 p. UG Library
181.4 KRI 00115326 Krishnamurti Reader Lutyens Mary Penguin Books 2004 0143029142 | 9780143029144 318 p. UG Library
181.4 KUM 00119047 Sri Yantra and The Feophilosophy of India Kumar,Niraj D K Printworld 2014 9788124607268 242p UG Library
181.4 KUM 00124711 A critical Survey of Indian Philosophy Kumari,Arti Centrum Press 2016 9789350848494 264p UG Library
181.4 LEE 00013271 To Raise a Laugh Leena, Vasanthi 1978 36p UG Library
181.4 LUT 05032067 The Second Krishnamurti Reader / Lutyens, Mary Penguin Books, 2002 0143029142 317 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 LUT 00089987 Lifr and Death of Krishnamurti Lutyens, Mary Sristhi 1990 8187075449 235p UG Library
181.4 LUT 00102488 The Life and Death of Krishnamurti Lutyens, mary John Murray, 9788187326588 ix, 232 p. UG Library
181.4 MAD 00076236 Sri Aurobindo`s Philosophy of Evolution: [Dharmaram Library] Madhusudan, Reddy V Institute of Human Study 2004 8185853118 370p UG Library
181.4 MAH 00118251 Modern Indian Philosophical Thoughts Mahajan,Sonia Book Enclave 2014 9788181523549 247p UG Library
181.4 MAT 00071540 Epistemology, Logic and Grammar in Indian Philosophical Analysis: [Dharmaram Library] Matilal, Bimal Krishna 2004 0195666585 150p UG Library
181.4 MAY 05042748 Philosophy as saṃvāda and svarāj : Sage, 2014 9788132111214 (HB) xlvi, 305 pages ; Knowledge Centre
181.4 MEA 00101124 J.Krishnamurti and the nameless experience Mehta Rohit Motilalbanarsidass publishers private limited; 8120805895 495 p. UG Library
181.4 MEH 00068558 Hindu Philosophy in Action Mehta, Mahesh Team Spirit 2005 0817897018 357p UG Library
181.4 MEH 00055828 J.Krishnamurti and the Nameless Experience. Mehta, Rohit MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1999 8120805909 495p UG Library
181.4 MEH 00065648 Dialogue With Death Mehta, Rohit MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2003 8120812239 370p UG Library
181.4 MER 00135056 From the Upanishads to Aurobindo Mercier,Jean L Asian Trading Corporation 2002 817086268X 134p UG Library
181.4 MIL 00019556 Vedas: Harmony Meditation and Fullfilment Miller, Jeanine B I 1975 240 p UG Library
181.4 MOH 00145824 Classical Indian Philosophy Mohanty, J N Oxford University Press 2001 0195662512 ix; 180 p UG Library
181.4 MOH 00079831 Essays on Indian Philosophy Mohanty, J N Oxford Univeristy Press 2002 347p UG Library
181.4 MOH 00059181 Classical Indian Philosophy Mohanty, J N Oxford University Press 2001 0195662512 ix; 180 p UG Library
181.4 MOH 00059185 Essays on Indian Philosophy. Mohanty, J N Oxford University Press 2003 0195658787 xxxvii; 347 p UG Library
181.4 MOH 05070034 Gandhi and philosophy : Mohan, Shaj. Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt Ltd, 2019 9789388414432 ix, 272p. ; Knowledge Centre
181.4 MOH 05039354 Sri Aurobindo, a contemporary reader / Mohanty, Sachidananda Routledge, 2008 9780415460934 xiv, 235 p. : Knowledge Centre
181.4 MON 00019552 Indian Wisdom Monier, Williams COSMOS 1978 576 p UG Library
181.4 MOO 00101138 The India mind: Moore Charles.A Motilal Banarsidass Publishers private limited; 9788120832794 458 p. UG Library
181.4 MOO 00007267 Indian Mind Moore, Charles A East West 1967 454p UG Library
181.4 MUL 00085851 Six Systems of Indian Philosophy Muller, Max F Chronical Book 2004 8180280101 294 p UG Library
181.4 MUL 00110481 Philosophy India Muller, F. Max Lotus Press Publishers & Distributers 2011 9788183822749 xiv, 270 p. UG Library
181.4 MUN 00082394 Pageant of great lives. , Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1964 3 viii, 86 p. UG Library
181.4 NAG 00019557 Fundamentals of Indian Philosophy Nagaraja Rao, P Ibc 1974 206p UG Library
181.4 NAT 00014440 You Are a Torrent of Boundless Energy Nathmal, Muni Kamlesh 1956 100 p UG Library
181.4 NIC 05046650 Unifying Hinduism : Nicholson, Andrew J. Permanent Black, 2015 9788178244730 xii,266p.; Knowledge Centre
181.4 NUM 00014405 Acharya Bhikshu: Numi Nathmal, Acharya 1973 170p UG Library
181.4 OLI 05058793 A dharma reader : Olivelle, Patrick, Permanent Black, 2016 9788178244945 xii,410p.; Knowledge Centre
181.4 OLI 00101119 Dharma: Olivelle Patrick Motilal banarsidass publish; 9788120833388 492 p. UG Library
181.4 OLS 05032065 Indian Philosophers and Postmodern Thinkers : Olson, Carl Oxford University Press, 2003 0195653904 332 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 PAD 00112387 Indian Philosophy and religion: Padhi, Bibhu D K Printworld (P) Ltd 2005 9788124601167 413p; UG Library
181.4 PAN 00099964 Sri Aurobindo Pandit M P Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 9788121507898 118 p. UG Library
181.4 PAN 00125785 Reflections Pandey,Brijendra Coomaraswamy Foundation 2016 9788183877527 179p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013238 Adoration of the Divione Mother Pandit, M P Dipti 1972 88p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013239 Dialogues and Prespectives Pandit, M P Dipti 1975 204 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013240 What Life Has Taught Me?and Other Writings Pandit, M P Dipti 1973 228 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013241 Breath of Grace Pandit, M P Aurobindo 1973 368 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013242 Meditations Pandit, M P Dipti 80 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013245 Gems from the Tantars Pandit, M P Ganesh 1970 114 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013251 Something Else Something More Pandit, M P Dipti 1975 64 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013252 Guide to Savitri(vol I) Pandit, M P Dipti 1973 280 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013253 Kularnava Tantra Pandit, M P Ganesh 1973 128 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013257 Highways of God Pandit, M P Dipti 1969 208 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013259 Kundalini Yoga Pandit, M P Ganesh 1972 1 UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013261 Lights of the Tantra Pandit, M P Ganesh 1971 104 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013263 Glossary:Of the Sanskrit Terms in Sri Aurbindo`s Works Pandit, M P Aurobindo Mandal 1966 84 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013267 Epigrams in Savitri Pandit, M P Dipti 1971 60 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013272 50th Birthday Commenmoration. Pandit, M P Krishna Murthy 1968 288 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013281 Sri Aurobindo : a Survey (1872-1972 Pandit, M P Dipti 80p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013282 Homage and a Pledge Pandit, M P Dipti 1972 70 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013283 Current Problems in the Light of Sri Aurobindo Pandit, M P Dipti 1969 38 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013284 Call and the Grace Pandit, M P Dipti 1972 84 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013285 Thought of a Shaktha Pandit, M P Ganesh 1965 44 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013286 Memorable Moments With the Mother Pandit, M P Dipti 1975 42 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013287 Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Pandit, M P 1975 65 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013292 Mother of Love Pandit M P Dipti 1972 364 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013295 Mother of Love Pandit M P Dipti 1972 364 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013294 Mother of Love Pandit M P Dipti 1972 364 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013293 Mother of Love Pandit M P Dipti 1972 364 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013296 Readings in Savitri Pandit, M. P. Dipti Publications 1975 700 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013304 Readings in Savitri Pandit, M. P. Dipti Publications 1975 700 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013297 Readings in Savitri Pandit, M. P. Dipti Publications 1975 700 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013300 Readings in Savitri Pandit, M. P. Dipti Publications 1975 700 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013298 Readings in Savitri Pandit, M. P. Dipti Publications 1975 700 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013301 Readings in Savitri Pandit, M. P. Dipti Publications 1975 700 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013299 Readings in Savitri Pandit, M. P. Dipti Publications 1975 700 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013302 Readings in Savitri Pandit, M. P. Dipti Publications 1975 700 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013303 Readings in Savitri Pandit, M. P. Dipti Publications 1975 700 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013305 Gems from Sri Aurobindo Pandit, M P Dipti 388 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013306 Gems from Sri Aurobindo Pandit, M P Dipti 1973 224 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013307 Gems from Sri Aurobindo Pandit, M P Dipti 1974 204 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013308 Gems from Aurobindo Pandit, M P Dipti 1972 94 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013309 Grace of the Great And Other Essays Pandit, M P Arun Bose 1971 114 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 PAN 00013310 Japa: Pandit, M P Dipti 1971 42 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013311 Basic of Tantra Sadhana. Pandit, M P 1972 1 UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013312 Bases of Tantra Sadhana Pandit, M P Dipti 1970 iv; 45 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013314 Light from Sri Aurobindo Pandit, M P Mysore 1970 1 UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013315 Sidelights of the Mother Pandit, M P Dipti 1975 68 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013316 Project Universal Man Pandit, M P Dipti 1974 136 p UG Library
181.4 PAN 00013318 Sri Aurobindo : Studies in the Light of His Thought Pandit, M P Aurobindo 248p UG Library
181.4 PAR 00085582 Gandhi`s Philosophy and Quest for Harmony Parel, Anthony J 2006 9780521727488 226p UG Library
181.4 PAR 00087381 Gandhi`s Philosophy and Quest for Harmony Parel, Anthony J 2006 9780521727488 226p UG Library
181.4 PAR 00084366 Gandhi`s Philosophy and the Quest for Harmony Parel, Anthony J 2007 9780521727488 226p UG Library
181.4 PAR 05032075 Gandhi's Philosophy and the Quest for Harmony / Parel, Anthony J Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521727488 226 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 PAT 00013268 My Pilgrimage to the Spirit Patel, Govindbhai Dipti 1974 136 p UG Library
181.4 PER 00124713 An introduction to Indian philosophy / Perrett, Roy W., Cambridge University Press 2016 9780521853569 | 0521853567 | 9 xv, 249 pages ; UG Library
181.4 PER 00124616 An introduction to Indian philosophy / Perrett, Roy W., Cambridge University Press 2016 9780521853569 | 0521853567 | 9 xv, 249 pages ; UG Library
181.4 PER 07009378 An Introduction to Indian Philosophy / Perrett Roy.W Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781316634820 xv,249p.: Library - BR Campus
181.4 PER 07010162 An Introduction to Indian Philosophy / Perrett Roy.W Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781316634820 xv,249p.: Library - BR Campus
181.4 PNA 00013255 Shining Harvest Pnadit, M P Gamesh 1969 268 p UG Library
181.4 PNA 00013258 Life Behind Life Pandit, M P Dipti 1969 138 p UG Library
181.4 POT 00107879 Presuppositions of India's philosophies Potter, Karl H. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 1991 9788120807792 1st Indian edition xi, 276 p. : UG Library
181.4 POT 00089467 Presuppositions of India`s Philosophy Potter, Karl H MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2002 8120807790 276p UG Library
181.4 POT 00122059 Encyclopedia of Indian Phiolosphies Potter,Karl H Motilal Banarsidass 2015 9788120836464 610p. UG Library
181.4 PRA 00135957 From vedanta to whatsapp: Prasad, Dev. Rupa Publications India Pvt ltd, 2019 9789353334475 250p.; UG Library
181.4 RAD 10002369 Indian Philosophy/ Radhakrishnan, S. Oxford Universtiy Press, 2008 9780195698411 | 9780195698428 2nd ed., xix,650 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 RAD 10002370 Indian Philosophy/ Radhakrishnan, S. Oxford Universtiy Press, 2008 9780195698411 | 9780195698428 2nd ed., xix,650 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 RAD 00081793 Indian Philosophy: Radhakrishnan, S 1923 0000198204 807p UG Library
181.4 RAD 00089471 Indian Philosophy: Radhakrishnan, S 1923 0000198204 807p UG Library
181.4 RAD 00006191 Contemporary Indian Philosophy Radhakrishnan, S George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1966 648 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 RAD 00006601 Indian Philosophy Radhakrishnan, S George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1966 808 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 RAD 05032008 Indian Philosophy / Radhakrishnan, S Oxford University Press, 2003 0195638190 737 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 RAD 05032009 Indian Philosophy / Radhakrishnan, S Oxford University Press, 2003 0195638190 737 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 RAD 00006192 Indian Philosophy Radhakrishnan, S George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1966 808 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4 RAD 00005108 A Source Book in Indian Philosophy Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli. Princetown, 1970 684 p.: UG Library
181.4 RAD 01013876 Indian philosophy / Radhakrishnan, S. Oxford University Press, 9780195698428 (v. 2) | 0195698 2 v. ; Knowledge Centre
181.4 RAD 01013877 Indian philosophy / Radhakrishnan, S. Oxford University Press, 9780195698428 (v. 2) | 0195698 2 v. ; Knowledge Centre
181.4 RAD 00099133 Indian Philosophy: Radhakrishnan, S 1923 0000198204 807p UG Library
181.4 RAD 00141228 Indian philosophy / Radhakrishnan, S. Oxford University Press, 9780195698428 (v. 2) | 0195698 2 v. ; UG Library
181.4 RAD 01025332 My search for truth / Radhakrishnan, S. MPP House, 2017 103p.; Knowledge Centre
181.4 RAD 00140731 Indian philosophy / Radhakrishnan, S. Oxford University Press, 9780195698428 (v. 2) | 0195698 2 v. ; UG Library
181.4 RAD 01025391 My search for truth / Radhakrishnan, S. MPP House, 2017 103p.; Knowledge Centre
181.4 RAD 00140377 Indian philosophy / Radhakrishnan, S. Oxford University Press, 9780195698428 (v. 2) | 0195698 2 v. ; UG Library
181.4 RAG 00069854 Debates in Indian Philosophy: Classical, Colonial, and Contemporary Raghuramaraju, A 2006 0195671511 139p UG Library
181.4 RAG 00088774 Debates in Indian Philosophy: Classical, Colonial, and Contemporary Raghuramaraju, A 2006 0195671511 139p UG Library
181.4 RAG 00118511 Enduring colonialism : Raghuramaraju, A., Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198081708 (pbk) x, 153 p. ; UG Library
181.4 RAG 00132234 Debates in Indian Philosophy: Classical, Colonial, and Contemporary Raghuramaraju, A 2006 0195671511 139p UG Library
181.4 RAG 00089489 Enduring Colonialism: Classical Presences and Modern Absences in Indian Philosophy Raghuramaraju, A 2009 9780195699364 153p UG Library
181.4 RAG 05010515 Enduring colonialism : Raghuramaraju, A., Oxford University Press, 019569936X | 9780195699364 x, 153 p. ; Knowledge Centre
181.4 RAG 05039313 Ramchandra Gandhi : A.Raghuramaraju Routledge, 2013 9780415824354 | 0415824354 viii, 355 pages, 10 unnumbered pages of plates ; Knowledge Centre
181.4 RAG 00071533 Debates in Indian Philosophy: Classical, Colonial and Contemporary: [ Dharmaram Library] Raghuramaraju, A 2004 0195671511 141p UG Library
181.4 RAG 07006254 Enduring colonialism : Raghuramaraju, A., Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198081708 (pbk) x, 153 p. ; Library - BR Campus
181.4 RAG 05039468 Enduring colonialism : Raghuramaraju, A., Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198081708 (pbk) x, 153 p. ; Knowledge Centre
181.4 RAG 00094174 Enduring colonialism : Raghuramaraju, A., Oxford University Press, 019569936X | 9780195699364 x, 153 p. ; UG Library
181.4 RAG 00099110 Debates in Indian Philosophy: Raghuramaraju A Oxford University Press; 9780195693027 ix, 139 p. UG Library
181.4 RAG 00118230 Ramchandra Gandhi : A.Raghuramaraju Routledge, 2013 9780415824354 | 0415824354 viii, 355 pages, 10 unnumbered pages of plates ; UG Library
181.4 RAJ 00117560 The philosophical traditions of India Raju, P. T. UMotilal Banarsidass 2009 0822911051 256 p. UG Library
181.4 RAM 05041696 Reading Gandhi in the Twenty-First Century: Ramakrishnan,Niranjan Palgrave Macmillan, 2013 9781137325143 viii,138 p.; Knowledge Centre
181.4 RAM 00112386 Indian Philosophy of religion Ramamurthy A Decent Books 2002 8186921222 144p: UG Library
181.4 RAN 00007402 Early Indian Thought Rangachar, S Rao 1964 v; 220 p UG Library
181.4 RAN 00007405 Early Indian Thought Rangachar, S Rao 1964 v; 220 p UG Library
181.4 RAN 00007404 Early Indian Thought Rangachar, S Rao 1964 v; 220 p UG Library
181.4 RAN 00007403 Early Indian Thought Rangachar, S Rao 1964 v; 220 p UG Library
181.4 RAO 00104351 The Biology Of Enlightenment Rao Mukunda Thomos Press(India Limited 2010 9789350290095 xiv,370p UG Library
181.4 RAO 00109337 U.G. Krishnamurti Reader Rao,Mukunda Penguin Books 2007 9780143101024 257 p. UG Library
181.4 RED 00143082 Adi Sankara and Sri Aurobindo / Reddy,V Narayan Karan. B R Publishing Corporation, 2022 9788170187264 85p.; UG Library
181.4 REY 00018246 Concept of Maya from the Vedas to the 20th Century Reyna, Ruth Asia 1962 120 p UG Library
181.4 REY 00017583 Introduction to Indian Philosophy Reyna, Ruth Tata Mcgraw-Hill 1971 xvii; 257 p UG Library
181.4 RIC 05032077 Indian Philosophy : Richard King Edinburgh University, 1999 263 p Knowledge Centre
181.4 SAR 00082412 Indian Philosophy and Philosophy of Science Sarukkai, Sundar Imh Press 8187586222 268p UG Library
181.4 SAR 04015302 Winning Friendship : Swami Vivekananda's Ways / Sarma, A.R.K. Sri Sarada , 2011 176 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
181.4 SAR 04015303 Swami Vivikananda's Winning Formulas : Sarma, A.R.K. Sri Sarada BooK House , 2011 3rd ed. 176 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
181.4 SAR 00134594 The Vivekanada Way Sarma,ARK Jaico 2018 9789386867711 237p UG Library
181.4 SAS 00013235 Way of Light Sastri, Kapali T V Aurobindo 1973 240 p UG Library
181.4 SAS 00013236 Way of Light Sastri, Kapali T V Aurobindo 1973 240 p UG Library
181.4 SAS 00013274 Sidelights on the Tantra Sastry, Kapali T V Dipti 1979 96 p UG Library
181.4 SAS 00013278 Sadhana. Sastry Kapali T V Dipti 1973 46 p UG Library
181.4 SAS 00018635 Rigveda Samhita. Sastry, Kapali T V Aurobindo 1952 168 p UG Library
181.4 SEN 00092898 Science, Philosophy and Culture: in Historical Perspective Sen, S N Munshiram Manoharlal 8121506867 185p UG Library
181.4 SEN 05029004 Philosophical Concepts Relevant to Sciences in Indian Tradition.Vol.3.Part.4 [ug.Lib.Philosophy Reference Section] Sen, Pranab Kumar Imh Press 8187586273 827p Knowledge Centre
181.4 SHA 00089444 Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy Sharma, Chandrakumar MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1987 8120803655 414p UG Library
181.4 SHA 00089458 Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy Sharma, Chandradhar MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2003 8120803655 414p UG Library
181.4 SHA 00143491 Contemporary Indian Philosophy Sharma, R N Atlantic Publishers, 2021 9788171562633 297p UG Library
181.4 SHA 00013237 Quintessence of Sri Vidya. Shankaranarayanan, S Dipti 1971 60 p UG Library
181.4 SHA 00125792 Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy Sharma, Chandradhar MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2003 8120803655 414p UG Library
181.4 SHA 00013264 Ten Great Cosmic Powers Shankaranarayanan, S Dipti 1972 132 p UG Library
181.4 SHA 00013265 Sri Chakra Shankaranarayanan, S Dipti 1973 122 p UG Library
181.4 SHA 00013266 Glory of the Divine Mother(devimahatmyam) Shankaranarayanan, S Dipti 1973 328 p UG Library
181.4 SHA 00020846 Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy Sharma, Chandradhar Motilal 1979 414 p UG Library
181.4 SHA 00065636 Philosophy of Sri Madhavacarya Sharma, B N K MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2002 8120800680 483p UG Library
181.4 SHA 00065685 Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy Sharma, Chandradhar MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2003 8120803655 414p UG Library
181.4 SHO 05071574 Hinduism essence and consequence : Shourie, Arun. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 1979 0706908341 407p. ; Knowledge Centre
181.4 SHU 00013277 Fundamentals of Yoga Shubhanarayanan, N Dipti 1974 114 p UG Library
181.4 SIN 00006613 Indian Epistemology of Perception Sinha, Jadunath Sinda 1969 224 p UG Library
181.4 SIN 00005891 Outlines of Indian Philosophy Sinha, Jadunath Sinda 1963 440 p UG Library
181.4 SIN 00005892 Outlines of Indian Philosophy Jadunath Sinha, Mathurbhumy 1963 450 p UG Library
181.4 SIN 00011151 Outlines of Indian Philosophy Sinha, Jadunath Mathurbhumy 1963 430 p UG Library
181.4 SIN 00124720 Modern Concepts in Hindu Philosophy Singh,Mahesh Kumar Centrum Press 2016 9789350848500 288p UG Library
181.4 SIN 00102306 Advaita Philosophy; Singh N.K Global vision publishing house; 9788182203709 546 p. UG Library
181.4 SOL 00130333 Philosophical Life of Mahatma Gandhi Solanki,Summer D Pacafic Books International 2017 280p UG Library
181.4 SOR 00132740 Gandhi and the Stoics : Sorabji, Richard. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199644339 (hbk.) | 9780198708667 (pbk.) | 0199644330 (hbk.) 1st ed. xiv, 224 p. : UG Library
181.4 SOR 05060738 Gandhi and the Stoics : Sorabji, Richard. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199644339 (hbk.) | 9780198708667 (pbk.) | 0199644330 (hbk.) 1st ed. xiv, 224 p. : Knowledge Centre
181.4 SRI 00015112 Existentialist Concepts and the Hindu Philosophical Systems Srinivasa, G Udayana 1970 285 p UG Library
181.4 STE 00140039 Russia looks at India : Stepanyants,Marietta Indian Council of Philosophical Research and D.K. Printworld, 2010 9788124605851 | 8124605858 xiv, 378 p. ; UG Library
181.4 SWA 00134590 The Ancient Science of Mantras Swami, O M Jaico 2018 9789386348715 471p UG Library
181.4 SWA 00072227 Truth, Power, Money a Postmodern Reading [Dharmaram Library] Swamikannu, Stanislaus Asian Trading Corporation 2004 8170863317 210 UG Library
181.4 THA 05074220 The Less You Preach The More You Learn : Tharoor, Shashi Aleph Book Company, 2023 9789395853903 xv, 182 p. , Knowledge Centre
181.4 THA 00072220 Subaltern Persepectives Philosophizing in Context [Dharmaram Library] Thandathil, George Asian Trading Corporation 2005 0817086366 305 UG Library
181.4 THE 00017825 Confluence of Indian Thought Thera, Acharya Mmm 1971 90 p UG Library
181.4 THO 05045369 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: Knowledge Centre
181.4 THO 00091847 Western Encounter with indian philosophy Thottakara Augustine Dharmaram Publications 8186861408 362p UG Library
181.4 THO 05045370 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: Knowledge Centre
181.4 THO 00123567 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: UG Library
181.4 THO 04024194 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
181.4 THO 05049192 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: Knowledge Centre
181.4 THO 05049193 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: Knowledge Centre
181.4 THO 05049194 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: Knowledge Centre
181.4 THO 05049195 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: Knowledge Centre
181.4 THO 05049196 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: Knowledge Centre
181.4 THO 05047094 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: Knowledge Centre
181.4 THO 05047095 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: Knowledge Centre
181.4 THO 05047096 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: Knowledge Centre
181.4 THO 05047097 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: Knowledge Centre
181.4 THO 05047098 Indian Philosphy Basic Concepts and Important Themes / Thottakara Augustine,CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2015 9789384964184 706p.: Knowledge Centre
181.4 THO 00094654 Western Encounter with indian philosophy Thottakara Augustine Dharmaram Publications 8186861408 362p UG Library
181.4 THU 00130329 Integral Person Thundathil,Jose JIP 2003 308p UG Library
181.4 TOL 03010071 Indian and Western Philosophies : Tola, Fernando. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited , 2013 9788120835092 373 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
181.4 TUK 00065589 Poems of Tukarama Fraser, Nelson J MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2000 8120808517 522p UG Library
181.4 TUS 00131396 Indian epistemology and metaphysics / Tuske, Joerg, Bloomsbury academic, 2017 9781472529534 (hb) xi,436p.; UG Library
181.4 TYA 00115260 Philosophy of Radhakrishnan Tyagi, R. S. Bluejay Books 2000 8187075740 | 9788187075745 191 p. UG Library
181.4 VAS 00101125 J.Krishnamurti: Vas Luis S,R Motilal banarsidass publishers private limited; 9788120820517 191 p. UG Library
181.4 VAS 03009458 The Mind of J. Krishnamurti / Krisnamurti, J. Jaico Publishing House , 2002 8172242131 | 9788172242138 282 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
181.4 VAT 05029009 Aesthetic Theories and Forms in Indian Tradition:History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization [PHILOSOPHY SECTION] Vatsyayan, Kapila Imh Press ISB8187586354 611p Knowledge Centre
181.4 VIK 00112663 Classical Indian Philosophy Vikrant,Swami Kristu Jyoti Publications 2007 124p UG Library
181.4 WAD 00107375 Indian philosophy and text science Wada Toshihiro Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2010 9788120834057 xii, 206 p. ; UG Library
181.4 WAD 00094738 Indian philosophy and text science Wada Toshihiro Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2010 9788120834057 xii, 206 p. ; UG Library
181.4 WAT 00070019 Integrated Science of the Absolute (Dharmaram Library) Guru, Nataraja D k Print World 2001 8124601860 537p UG Library
181.4 WAT 00070020 Integrated Science of the Absolute (Dharmaram Library) Guru, Nataraja D k Print World 2001 8124601860 537p UG Library
181.4 WEE 00101127 J.Krishnamurti as I Knew Hin Weeraperuma Susunaga Motilal banarsidass publishers private limited; 9788120814271 184 p. UG Library
181.4 WEE 00101115 Bliss of Reality: Weeraperuma Susunaga Motilal banarsidass publishers private limited; 8120814231 137 p. UG Library
181.4 WIL 00107906 Indian Wisdom Williams,Monier Cambridge University Press 2009 9781108007955 xlviii; 542 P. UG Library
181.4 WIL 00019562 Modern Hinduism Wilkins, W J Rupa Co 1975 426 p UG Library
181.4 WIL 00070034 Indian Wisdom or Examples of the Religion, Philosophical and Ethical Doctrines of the Hindus (Dharmaram) Williams, Monier Rupa & Co 2003 8171676081 634p UG Library
181.4 WOR 00004447 Life and Philosophy: Nathmal, Muni Adharshya Sahitya 1969 148p UG Library
181.4 YAD 00095180 Gandhi Yadav Jainendra ABD Publishers 978818376268 280p UG Library
181.4003 BAR 00101123 Indian Philosophy A-Z Bartley Christopher New Age Books; 9788178223131 x:196 p. UG Library
181.403 PAN 00087193 Encyclpaedia of Indian Philosophers Pandey, B K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126135240 256 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.403 PAN 00087197 Encyclpaedia of Indian Philosophers Pandey, B K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126135240 256 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.403 PAN 00087199 Encyclpaedia of Indian Philosophers Pandey, B K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126135240 256 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.403 PAN 00087202 Encyclpaedia of Indian Philosophers Pandey, B K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126135240 256 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.403 PAN 00087201 Encyclpaedia of Indian Philosophers Pandey, B K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126135240 256 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.403 PAN 00087200 Encyclpaedia of Indian Philosophers Pandey, B K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126135240 256 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.403 PAN 00087198 Encyclpaedia of Indian Philosophers Pandey, B K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126135240 256 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.403 PAN 00087196 Encyclpaedia of Indian Philosophers Pandey, B K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126135240 256 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.403 PAN 00087194 Encyclpaedia of Indian Philosophers Pandey, B K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126135240 256 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.403 PAN 00087195 Encyclpaedia of Indian Philosophers Pandey, B K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126135240 256 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.409 BHA 00082400 Some Aspects of India`s Philosophical and Scientific Heritage Bhattacharyya, Sibajiban Munshiram Manoharlal 8121506875 117p UG Library
181.409 CHA 00082401 Mathematics, Astronomy and Biology in Indian Tradition Some Conceptual Preliminaries Chattopadhyaya, D P Munshiram Manoharlal 8121506883 128p UG Library
181.409 DAS 00065623 History of Indian Philosophy. Dasgupta, Surendranath MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2003 8120804163 204p UG Library
181.409033 KRI 05028795 Developments in Indian Philosophy from Eighteenth Century Onwards: Classical and Western [vol.X.Part.1 [ug.Lib.Philosophy Reference Section] Krishna, Daya Imh Press 8187586087 416p Knowledge Centre
181.4092 OLS 00078767 Indian Philosophers and Postmodern Thinkers Olson,Carl 2002. 2002 0195653904 | 9780195653908 331 p. UG Library
181.4092 RAO 01014946 The other side of belief : Mukunda Rao, Penguin Books, 0144000350 | 9780144000357 xii, 350 p. : Knowledge Centre
181.409DAS 00065619 History of Indian Philosophy (vol 1) Dasgupta, Surendranath MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 8120804120 528p UG Library
181.409DAS1 00065620 History of Indian Philosophy (vol 2) Dasgupta, Surendranath MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 8120804139 620p UG Library
181.409DAS3 00065621 History of Indian Philosophy (vol 3) Dasgupta, Surendranath MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 8120804147 614p UG Library
181.409DAS4 00065622 History of Indian Philosophy (vol 4) Dasgupta, Surendranath MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 8120804155 483p UG Library
181.41 PAT 05074129 Indian Culture, Art and Heritage for Civil Services examination / Pattanaik, Devdutt. Pearson, 2022 9789356062481 2nd ed. xi, 480p. : Knowledge Centre
181.41 PAT 10003029 Indian culture, art and heritage for civil services examination / Pattanaik, Devdutt. Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2022 9789356062481 2nd ed. xi, 480 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.41 RAD 05038135 Cultural Heritage of India / Radhakrishnan, Radhakrishna Mission, 1975 4 v.; Knowledge Centre
181.41 RAD 00020042 Cultural Heritage of India Radhakrishnan, Radhakrishna Mission 1975 651 p. UG Library
181.41 RAD 05038136 Cultural Heritage of India / Radhakrishnan, Radhakrishna Mission, 1975 4 v.; Knowledge Centre
181.41 RAD 05038137 Cultural Heritage of India / Radhakrishnan, Radhakrishna Mission, 1975 4 v.; Knowledge Centre
181.41 VAT 05002141 Cultural Heritage of India : Vatsyayan, Kapila Ramakrishna Mission, 2006 8187332484 1068 p Knowledge Centre
181.41RAD 05038134 Cultural Heritage of India / Radhakrishnan, Radhakrishna Mission, 1975 4 v.; Knowledge Centre
181.42 PAN 05029008 Purvamimamsa from and Interdisciplinary Point of View.Vol.2.Part.6 [ug.Lib.Philosophy Reference Section] Pandurangi, K T Imh Press 8187586257 654p Knowledge Centre
181.43 ADA 00141264 Classical Indian Philosophy : Adamson, Peter Oxford University Press; 2020 9780198867814 397 p. ; UG Library
181.43 BHA 05029007 Development of Nyaya Philosophy and Its Social Context.Vol.3.Part.3 [ug.Lib.Philosophy Reference Section] Bhattacharyya, Sibajiban Imh Press 8187586141 573p Knowledge Centre
181.43 BHA 00031105 Jayantha Bhatta's Nyaya-Manjari Bhattacharya, Janaki Vallabha Motilal Banarsidas 1978 904 p. UG Library
181.43 CHA 00089440 Classical Indian Philosophy of Mind: The Nyaya Dualist Tradition Chakrabarti, Kisor Kumar MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1999 8120817044 309p UG Library
181.43 CHA 00089468 Classical Indian Philosophy of Mind: The Nyaya Dualist Tradition Chakrabarti, Kisor Kumar 1999 8120817074 309p UG Library
181.43 CHA 00140427 Classical Indian Philosophy of Mind: Chakrabarti,Kisor Kumar Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 2017 9788120841093 309p UG Library
181.43 KRI 00068476 Nyaya Sutras Krishna, Daya SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS 2004 8170308003 308p UG Library
181.43 PHI 00108160 Epistemology of perception Phillips,Stephen H., Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 2009 9788120833326 xiv, 723 p. ; UG Library
181.45 ALT 00112207 Yoga in modern India : Alter, Joseph New Age Books 2004 9788178223247 326p: UG Library
181.45 BHA 00135774 Philosophy of Hatha Yoga Bharati,Swami Veda Himalayan Institute India 2015 9780893890889 95p UG Library
181.45 BRA 00012940 Yoga:Yogic Suksma Vyayama Brahmachari, Dhirendra Ibc 1973 234 p UG Library
181.45 BRU 00025645 Hidden Teaching Beyond Yoga Bruston, Paul Mysore 1983 360 p UG Library
181.45 BRU 00025649 Wisdom of the Overself Bruton, Paul Mysore 1983 260 p UG Library
181.45 BRU 00023423 Quest of the Overself Brunton, Paul BIP 1982 236 p UG Library
181.45 BRU 00023425 Wisdom of the Overself Brunton, Paul BIP 1981 276 p UG Library
181.45 CHA 00137836 Metaphysics of Patanjali Sutra Chandra,Suresh Innovative Omprint 2019 9789388162616 232p UG Library
181.45 CLA 00112560 Yoga for Men Claire,Thomas New age Books 2009 9788178222974 262p UG Library
181.45 DAS 00140715 Sri Aurobindo: Das, Manoj Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education 2020 9789352102280 716p UG Library
181.45 DAS 00137848 Yoga Philosophy Dash, K Prakash Writers World 2018 9788194216971 232p UG Library
181.45 DAS 00140933 Sri Aurobindo: Das, Manoj Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education 2020 9789352102280 716p UG Library
181.45 DEU 00071550 Essential Vedanta: A New Source Book of Advaita Vedanta: [dharmaram Library] Deutsch, Eliot New Age Books 2000 8178222655 422p UG Library
181.45 EDW 00023565 Psycho-Yoga,The Practice of Mind Control Edwin, B N`Shire 1981 144 p UG Library
181.45 ELE 00019219 Yoga Philosophy of Pantanjali Elenjimittam, Anthony St.Paul 1974 222 p UG Library
181.45 FEU 00101140 The Yoga Tradition: Feuerstein George,PH.D. Motilal banarsidass publishers private limited; 9788120819238 682 p. UG Library
181.45 FRA 00065691 Yoga and Ayurveda Self-Healing and Self-Realization. Frawley, David MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2004 8120818792 333p UG Library
181.45 GAR 00023486 Principles and Practice of Yoga Therapy Garde, R K DBT 1980 128 p UG Library
181.45 HEW 00023478 Yoga Postures Hewitt, James Vikas 1981 216 p UG Library
181.45 HEW 00023479 Yoga Postures Hewitt, James Vikas 1981 216 p UG Library
181.45 IYE 00081162 B.K.S Iyengar Yoga:The Paith to Holistic Health Iyengar, B K S DK 2008 432p UG Library
181.45 IYE 00023480 Coucise Light on Yoga Iyengar, B K S Vikas 1979 240 p UG Library
181.45 IYE 05032096 Light on Yoga : Iyengar, B K S Harper Collins, 2006 8172235011 544 p Knowledge Centre
181.45 IYE 00023487 Light on Yoga.Yoga Dipika Iyengar, B K S UNWIN 1982 540 p UG Library
181.45 JAI 00122191 Selling Yoga Jain,Andrea R Oxford University Press 2015 978019930243 240p UG Library
181.45 JAI 00065665 Siva Sutras. Singh, Jaideva MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2000 8120804044 278 UG Library
181.45 KEN 00015334 Day By Day Yoga Kent, Howard Hamlyn UG Library
181.45 KOW 00112180 Practicakl psychology of yoga wisdom Kowalski,Reinhard New age books, 2008 9788178223308 xxiv,167p.; UG Library
181.45 KUL 00061164 Yoga Shibira: Yoga Workshop Kulkarni, Jeevi Harshavardhana Prakashana 2000 32p UG Library
181.45 KUM 00112397 Yoga Psychology: Kumar, Kamakhya D K Printworld(P) Ltd 2013 9788124607121 214p: UG Library
181.45 LYS 00023484 Yoga Self-Thought Lysbeth, Andre Van Vikas 1980 260 p UG Library
181.45 LYS 00023485 Yoga: Self Thought Lysebeth, Andre Van Vikas 1983 1 UG Library
181.45 MAH 00142796 The philosophy of Sri Aurobindo : Bloomsbury India ; 2020 9789390176342 253p UG Library
181.45 MAR 00112170 Karmic Facts & Fallacies Marx, Ina New Age Books, 2002 9788178220697 251p UG Library
181.45 MED 00129183 My Pocket Yoga Published Adams Media Adams Media, 2016 9781440599446 176 p.: UG Library
181.45 MIA 00023482 Get in Touch With Yourself Through Yoga Mia, Tille Tarang 128 p UG Library
181.45 OOM 00088002 Christian Outlook on Yoga. Oommen, Abraham Cambridge 2008 9788184580341 84p UG Library
181.45 OSH 07007497 Yoga Osho Penguin Books 2002 0143028146 | 9780143028147 262 p. Library - BR Campus
181.45 OSH 00060029 Yoga Osho Penguin Books 2002 0143028146 | 9780143028147 262 p. UG Library
181.45 PAN 00112201 The Yoga of Love Pandit, M P New Age Books 2002 9788178220574 103p UG Library
181.45 PAN 00013262 Sadhana Pandit, M P Dipti 1971 108 p UG Library
181.45 PAN 00112200 The yoga of knowledge : based on Sri Aurobindo's Synthesis of yoga Pandit, Madhav Pundalik New age books, 2002 9788178220789 281p.; UG Library
181.45 PAN 00112199 The yoga of works : based on Sri Aurobindo's Synthesis of yoga Pandit, Madhav Pundalik New age books, 2002 9788178220796 185p.; UG Library
181.45 PAN 00013288 All Life Is Yoga Pandit, M P Dipti 1970 84 p UG Library
181.45 PAN 00013289 All Life Is Yoga Pandit, M P Dipti 1973 64 p UG Library
181.45 PAN 00013290 All Life Is Yoga Pandit, M P Dipti 1965 1 UG Library
181.45 PAN 00013313 Culture in Yoga Pandit, M P Dipti 1967 64 p UG Library
181.45 RAM 00023481 Hatha Yoga Or the Yogi Philosophy of Physical Well-Being Ramacharaka, Yogi DBT 1977 256 p UG Library
181.45 REG 00030176 Integral Yoga: a Practical Course Rego, V L Yoga Shibir 1987 96p UG Library
181.45 REG 05062730 Integral Yoga : Rego, V. L. Integral Yoga Satsanga, 1997 3rd ed. 103p. Knowledge Centre
181.45 SAR 05032069 Yoga Darshan : Saraswati, Swami Niranjanananda Yoga Publications Trust, 2002 0008186336 501 p Knowledge Centre
181.45 SHE 05072365 The Story of Yoga : Shearer, Alistair. Penguin Random House India Pvt Ltd, 2020 9780670093892 xix, 421p. ; Knowledge Centre
181.45 SHE 07015093 The Story of Yoga : Shearer, Alistair. Penguin Random House India Pvt Ltd, 2020 9780670093892 xix, 421p. ; Library - BR Campus
181.45 SIN 05028777 History of Yoga Singh S P Centre for Studies in Civilizations, 9788187586443 lvi, 848 p. Knowledge Centre
181.45 SIN 00128824 The Psychology of Yoga Singh, Wazir University Publication, 2016 9788175557291 | 1611800420 (pb First edition. viii, 240 p. ; UG Library
181.45 SIN 00100165 History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization Singh S P Centre for Studies in Civilizations (CSC) 9788187586443 lvi, 848 p. UG Library
181.45 SIN 00023448 Yoga Sinha,Phulgenda Jaico 1980 120 p. UG Library
181.45 SIV 00078968 Yoga Mind & Body Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre Dorling Kindersley 1996 0751305677 | 9780751305678 168 p. UG Library
181.45 SREE 00137830 In Search of The Lofty Heights of Advaita Sreedharan,P K Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers 2019 9788121513050 237p UG Library
181.45 SRI 00140048 Yoga also for the Godless Sri,M Westland Publishers 2020 9789389648737 141p UG Library
181.45 SYV 00058542 Yoga Mind and Body Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre 2002 0751305677 168p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.45 THA 05032090 Yoga for Stress Relief / Thakur, Bharat Wisdom Tree, 2003 8186685308 112 p Knowledge Centre
181.45 THA 00056506 Yoga for Weight Loss Thakur, Bharat Wisdom Tree 2003 8186685316 108p UG Library
181.45 UNG 00078969 Pilates Body in Motion Ungaro,Alycea A Dorling Kindersley Book 2002 0751336912 | 9780751336917 176 p. UG Library
181.45 VIS 05032097 Meditation and Mantras [ma-Philosophy Section] Vishnu-Devananda, Swami MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 8120816153 67p Knowledge Centre
181.45 WAL 00052857 Superconsciousness Walters, Donald J. New Age Books 1999 8178220261 219 p. UG Library
181.45 WER 00019554 Yoga and Indian Philosophy Werner, Karel Motilal 1977 192 p UG Library
181.45 YAD 00023446 Yoga for Students Yadav, Hansraj BAB 1978 140 p UG Library
181.45 YAD 00023447 Yoga for Students Yadav, Yogacharya Hansraj Sheth 1298 420 P. UG Library
181.45 YEE 00068995 Yoga Yee, Rodney Thomas Dunne Books 2002 0312312272 | 9780312273316 345p UG Library
181.45 YOG 00023483 Yoga Physical Education for Women Yogendra, Sitadevi Yoga Institute 1977 192 p UG Library
181.4503 PAN 00013254 Comipled from the Writings of Sri Aurobindo By M.P.Pandit Dictionary Of Sri Aurobindo, Dipti 315 p UG Library
181.45092 GAR 00078967 Yoga for Real Women Garcia,Megan DK Publishing 2006 1405315628 | 9781405315623 160 p. UG Library
181.45092 KHA 00078966 Yoga for Women Kaur Khalsa, Shakta A Dorling Kindersley Book 2004 1405307048 | 9781405307048 224 p. UG Library
181.452 ARA 00148229 Yoga Philosophy of Patanjali with Bhasvati/ Aranya, Hariharananda Swami University of Calcutta, 2012 736p UG Library
181.452 BRA 00140410 The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Bryant,Edwin F Macmillan 2009 9789386215567 595p UG Library
181.452 CHA 00112197 The story of meditation Chakraburtty, Sneh New Age Books 2009 9788178223216 244p: UG Library
181.452 DES 00101117 Changing minds : Desmarais, Michele Marie. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 9788120833289 xviii, 253 p. ; UG Library
181.452 RAN 07007616 Patanjali's Yoga Sutra/ Ranganathan,Shyam Penguin, 2008 9780143102199 VIII,318 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
181.452 SUT 00140676 The yoga sutras : a new translation and study guide / Sutton, Nicholas Mandala Publishing; 2019 9781683837329 137 p. ; UG Library
181.452 SUT 00140609 The Yoga Sutras Sutton,Nicholas Mandala Publishing 2019 9781683837329 137 p UG Library
181.452 VEN 00101145 The yoga sutras of patanjali Venkatesananda Swami Motilal banarsidass publishers private limited; 9788120833517 xli;392 p. UG Library
181.46 GHO 05029014 Materialism and Immaterialism in India and the West: Varying Vistas Ghose, Partha Centre for Studies in Civilizations , 9788187586425 clxi, 903 p. Knowledge Centre
181.46 GOK 07010336 Lokayata/Carvaka : Gokhale, Pradīpa, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199460632 (hardback) | 0199460639 (hardback) First edition. xiv, 222 pages ; Library - BR Campus
181.46 JUR 00131808 Fire, death and philosophy : Jurrwicz,Joanna Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 2018 717 pages UG Library
181.46 KAR 00112195 The Philosophy of Lokayata : Kar, Bijayananda. Motilal Banarasidass Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2013 9788120836921 136 p.: UG Library
181.46 KAR 03009224 The Philosophy of Lokayata : Kar, Bijayananda. Motilal Banarasidass Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2013 9788120836921 136 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
181.48 BAL 05029013 Theistic Vedanta.Vol.2.Part.2 [ug.Lib.Philosophy Reference Section] Balasubramanian, R Imh Press 8187586125 929p Knowledge Centre
181.48 CHA 05045628 Indian philosophical systems : Srinivasa Chari, S. M., Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 2011 9788121511995 | 8121511992 xiii, 250 p. ; Knowledge Centre
181.48 CHA 00019565 Wisdom of the Vedas Chatterjee, J C Vikas 1975 104 p UG Library
181.48 CHA 00068468 Srikantha's Philosophy-Monotheistic Vedanta. Chaudhury, Ruma Global Vision Publishing House 2004 8182200555 419p UG Library
181.48 DAS 00104127 The Bengal Renaissance : Dasgupta Subrata Permanent Black ; 2007 9788178242798 280 p. UG Library
181.48 DEU 00089461 Philosophy of the Vedanta and the Vedantasara Deussen, Paul RUPA & CO 2007 8129111896 157p UG Library
181.48 DEU 00019555 Outlines of Indian Phylosophy Deussen, Paul ESS 1976 70 p UG Library
181.48 EDA 00067573 Human Destiny Edavana, Damodaran Sahayog Publications 1996 8190078038 391 p. UG Library
181.48 HOD 00080994 Essence of Vedanta:The Ancient Wisdom of Indian Philosophy Hodgkinson, Brian Arcturus Pub Ltd 2006 230p UG Library
181.48 ISH 00019568 Vedanta for Modern Man Isherwood, Christoper Mathurbhumy 1972 400 p UG Library
181.48 MAH 00107134 The Philosophy of Swami Rama Tirtha Maheshwari H Readworthy Publications (P) Ltd 2009 9788189973919 xv, 248 p. UG Library
181.48 MEN 04022652 The Mind of Adi Shankaracharya / Menon, Y. Keshava JAICO, 2014 9788172242145 155p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
181.48 NAT 00072311 Unitive Philosophy [Dharmaram Library] Guru, Nataraja D k Print World 2005 8124603391 472 UG Library
181.48 PRA 00072310 Vedanta Sutras of Narayana Guru: [ Dharmaram Library] Prasad, Muni Narayana D k Print World 2004 8124600856 281p UG Library
181.48 RAN 00140430 The Roots of Vedanta: Rangaswami,Sudhakshina Penguin Books 2012 9780143064459 462p UG Library
181.48 SAT 00019567 Moral Choice Bearly Hindu Thought Sathaye, S G Jaico Books 207p UG Library
181.48 SEN 00085857 Indispensable Vivekananda: An Anthology for Our Times Sen, Amiya P Permanent Black 2006 8178241307 240 UG Library
181.48 SIN 00102472 A Treasury of Indian Wisdom; Singh Karan. Penguin ananda; 9780670084500 210 p. UG Library
181.48 SRI 00065618 Advaita and Visistadvaita Chari, Srinivasa S M MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2004 8120815351 218p UG Library
181.48 SRI 00065625 Fundamentals of Visistavaita Vedanta Chari, S M Srinivasa MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2004 8120802667 423p UG Library
181.48 THO 00094656 Vedanta Philosophy Thottakara Augustine Dharmaram Publications 818686167X 374p UG Library
181.48 THO 00091800 Vedanta Philosophy Thottakara Augustine Dharmaram Publications 818686167X 374p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.48 USK 00144872 The philosophy of the Brahma-sutra: Bloomsbury, 2022 9781350150003 219p UG Library
181.48 VIC 00072305 Studies in Vedanta: Essays in Honour of S S Rama Rao Pappu [ Dharmaram Library] Victor, P George D k Print World 2003 8124603502 330p UG Library
181.48 WAD 00019564 Gita and Indian Culture Wadiyar, Jaya Chamaraja Orient 1963 68p UG Library
181.48 YAT 00072309 Psychology of Darsanamala: [Dharmaram Library] Yati, Mitya Chaitanya D k Print World 2004 8124602549 496p UG Library
181.482 BAL 05029016 Advaita Vedanta.Vol.2.Part.2 [ug.Lib.Philosophy Reference Section] Balasubramanian, R Imh Press 8187586044 696p Knowledge Centre
181.482 CEN 00065568 Tradition of Teachers Sankara and the Jagadgurus. Cenkner, William MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2001 0812081763 210p UG Library
181.482 DAV 00142987 Advaita Vedānta and Zen Buddhism : Davis, Leesa S. Bloomsbury 2022 9781441121097 (pbk.) | 9789389391374 Paperback ed. xxi, 222 p. : UG Library
181.482 DIV 00068474 Limitation of Shankara Dvivedi, M N SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS 1988 8170300274 230p UG Library
181.482 JOS 00071553 Introduction to Sankara`s Advaitism: [dharmaram Library] Joshi, P V MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2000 0812083156 215p UG Library
181.482 KAT 00107576 Religion and ethics in advaita Kattackal,Jacob St.Thomas Apostolic Seminary 1982 ix:276 P. UG Library
181.482 KRI 00132703 You Are the Supreme Light: Krishna, Nanditha, Aleph Book Company, 2018 9789387561380 ix,133 p.; UG Library
181.482 KRI 00134487 You Are the Supreme Light: Krishna, Nanditha, Aleph Book Company, 2018 9789387561380 ix,133 p.; UG Library
181.482 MAH 00107837 The philosophy of Advaita, Mahadevan,T. M. P. Bharatiya Kala Prakashan 1938 9788180900624 xv, 256 p. : UG Library
181.482 MAR 00110507 Freedom through inner renunciation : Marcaurelle, Roger. State University of New York Press, 2000 0791443612 (hc. : alk. paper) xvii, 269 p. ; UG Library
181.482 MAR 00092915 Freedom through inner renunciation : Marcaurelle, Roger. State University of New York Press, 2000 0791443612 (hc. : alk. paper) xvii, 269 p. ; UG Library
181.482 NAI 00107418 Adi Shankara:The Jagad Guru Nair,Shantha N. Global Vision Publishing House 2010 9788182203068 xiv:336 P. UG Library
181.482 NAT 00110965 Transgressing boundaries Natarajan,Kanchana. Zubaan, 2012 9789381017166 | 9789381017166 xviii, 361 p. ; UG Library
181.482 RAM 00112381 Advaitic mysticism of Śaṅkara: Ramamurthy A D K Printworld ( P ) Ltd 2013 9788124606797 294p: UG Library
181.482 RAO 07002361 Adi Sankaracharya The Voice of Vedanta / Rao Sridevi Rupa.Co, 2003 9788171678686 63p.: Library - BR Campus
181.482 SAN 00072306 Saundaryalahari of Sankaracharya: [ Dharmaram Library] Sankaracharya, Adi D k Print World 2004 8124602670 563p UG Library
181.482 SHA 07002362 Raja Rammohan Roy The Renaissance Man / Sharma H.D Rupa.Co, 2002 9788171679997 71p.: Library - BR Campus
181.482 SHA 00106087 The Advaita tradition in Indian philosophy : Sharmā, Candradhara. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 1996 812081312X | 9788120813120 1st ed. xii, 283 p. ; UG Library
181.482 SHA 00073845 Philosophy of Religion and Adviata Vedanta (Dharmaram Library) Ahem, Arvind SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS 1997 8170305519 232p UG Library
181.482 SHE 00025254 Vachapanis Contribution to Advaita Sheshagiri, Rao V N UG Library
181.482 TAB 00070014 Transformative Philosophy: a Study of Sankara, Fitche and Heidegger [ Dharmaram College] Taber, A John SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS 1992 8170303451 190p UG Library
181.482 VAR 00140374 Adi Shankaracharya: Varma,Pavan K Tranquebar 2018 9789387578258 364p UG Library
181.482 VEN 00052029 Sankaracarya Venkatachalam, V. Sahitya Akademi 1997 8172015119 105 p. UG Library
181.482 VEN 00017517 Advaita Vedanta Venkatarama, Iyer M K Asia 214 p UG Library
181.482 VIC 00072304 Life and Teachings of Adi Sankaracharya: [ Dharmaram Library] Victor, P George D k Print World 2004 8124601941 172p UG Library
181.484 DES 00052028 Abhinavagupta Deshpande G T Sahitya Akademi 1992 177 p UG Library
181.4841 SHA 00101090 Philosophy of Sri Madhvacarya :/ Sharma, B.N.K . MOTILAL BANARASI DASS , 2008 9788120800687 483 p. UG Library
181.4841 SHA 00101089 History of the Dvaita Sshool of Vedanta And its Literature : Sharma.B.N.K J.P.S Press: 9788120815759 654 .p. UG Library
181.4841 SHA 00089470 Philosophy of Sri Madhvacarya :/ Sharma, B.N.K . MOTILAL BANARASI DASS , 2008 9788120800687 483 p. UG Library
181.4844 GOP 00065592 In Praise of Ballabh Gopaldas Prathibha 2002 114p UG Library
181.49 AUR 05028244 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05028253 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05028269 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05028268 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05028266 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05028264 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05028263 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05028262 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05028261 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05028260 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05028259 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05049224 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05028258 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05028257 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05028256 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05028254 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 00009477 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. UG Library
181.49 AUR 05028265 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05028255 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05028245 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05028243 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05028252 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05028246 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05028249 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05028250 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05028251 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05028248 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05028242 SRI AUROBINDO / Aurobindo, 1970 pv Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05028247 SRI AUROBINDO / Aurobindo, 1970 pv Knowledge Centre
181.49 AUR 05028267 SRI AUROBINDO / Aurobindo, 1970 pv Knowledge Centre
181.4920 KRI 05075078 Vivekananda: Krishnan V, Govind. Aleph Book Company, 2023 9789390652921 xviii, 485p.; Knowledge Centre
181.49AUR 00009276 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. UG Library
181.49AUR 00009256 Sri Aurobindo / Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1972 60 p. UG Library
181.4BAR 07006251 Indian Philosophy A-Z (law Lib) Christopher Bartley Edinburgh University 9780748620289 196 Library - BR Campus
181.4BAR 01009402 Indian Philosophy A-Z (law Lib) Christopher Bartley Edinburgh University 9780748620289 196 Knowledge Centre
181.4BID 01009900 Crossing Horizons (law Lib) Shlomo Biderman Columbia University Press 4. No-Self: Kant, Kafka, and N 356 p Knowledge Centre
181.4KIN 01009423 Indian Philosophy:An Introduction to Hindu and Buddhist Thought (law Lib) Richard King Edinburgh University 9780748609543 263 Knowledge Centre
181.4MIR 01006789 Identity and the Moral Life Mrinal Miri Oxford University Press 0195660641 132 p. Knowledge Centre
181.4OLS 01006790 Indian Philosophers and Postmordern Thinkers: Dialogues on the Margins of Culture (law Library) Carl Olson OXFORD 0019565904 331p Knowledge Centre
181.4ORA 00019563 Indian Caste Customs O`Ralley, L S S Rupa Co 190p UG Library
181.4PAN.17 00013291 Reminiscences and Anecdotes of Sri Aurobindo Pandit, M P Dipti 226 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
181.4SON 00068466 Philosophy of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi Sonde, Nagesh D SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS 2005 0008170305 67p UG Library
181.5 GIB 00012863 Self-Protrait Gibran,Kahlil Bantam Books 1970 110 p. UG Library
181.5 GIB 00010885 Broken Wings Gibran, Kahlil BANTAM 1968 122 p UG Library
181.5 GIB 00010886 Thoughts and Mediatations Gibran, Kahlil BANTAM 1968 118 p UG Library
181.5 NAS 00124534 In search of the sacred : Nasr, Seyyed Hossein. Praeger, 2010 9780313383243 (hard copy : alk xxxiv, 373 p. ; UG Library
181.5 NAS 05047936 An anthology of philosophy in Persia. I.B. Tauris publishers : | The Institute of Ismaili Studies, 2008 9781845115418 | 1845115414 xxii, 506 p. Knowledge Centre
181.7 ABD 05032070 Social Philosophy of Sir Muhammad Iqbal / Abdul, Aleem Helal Adam Publishers, 1995 320 p Knowledge Centre
181.7 ASH 05032071 A Critical Exposition of Iqbal's Philosophy / Ehsan, Ashraf Adam Publihsing, 2003 8174353186 315 p Knowledge Centre
181.9 ADA 00147429 Don't think for yourself : Adamson, Peter, University of Notre Dame Press 2022 9780268203399 | 9780268203405 | 0268203393 xvi, 176 pages ; UG Library
181.92ADA 00068406 Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy Adamson, Peter 448p UG Library
181/.07 LEA 00143658 The biographical encyclopedia of Islamic philosophy / Bloomsbury 2018 1843711486 (hbk.) | 9789387863453 507p UG Library
182 BAR 05032113 Early Greek Philosophy / Barnes, Jonathan Penguin Books, 2001 9780140448153 282 p Knowledge Centre
182 GAD 07011065 The beginning of philosophy / Gadamer, Hans-Georg Bloomsbury Publication, 1996 9781474294461 ix, 117p.; Library - BR Campus
182 GRA 05032116 The Texts of Early Greek Philosophy : Daniel W Graham. Cambridge university press, 2010 9780521737647 1020 p. Knowledge Centre
182 GRA 05032117 The Texts of Early Greek Philosophy : Daniel W Graham. Cambridge university press, 2010 9780521737647 1020 p. Knowledge Centre
182 HER 00073893 To Think Like Me (dharmaram Library) Hermann, Arnold Parmenides Publishing 2004 1930972172 313p UG Library
182 HOL 05048106 Inventing Socrates / Hollingworth, Miles, Bloomsbury, 2015 9781623563035 (HB) | 978162356 167 pages ; Knowledge Centre
182 PAL 05002140 Parmenides and presocratic philosophy Palmer, John Anderson, Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199567904 (hbk.) | 0199567 xii, 428 p. Knowledge Centre
182 SCH 00047674 Nature and The Greeks and Science and Humanism Schrodinger, Erwin Cambridge University Press 1996 0521575508 | 9780521575508 172 p. UG Library
182 STA 00118249 A Critical History of Greek Philosophy Stace, W T Surjeet Publications 2014 9788122910742 386p UG Library
182 STA 00018101 Critical History of Greek Philosophy Stace, W T Mc Millan 386 p UG Library
182 STA 00018276 Critical History of Greek Philosophy Stace, W T Mc Millan 386 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
182 WAT 00090239 First Philosophers: The Presocratics and Sophists Waterfield, Robin Oxford 2008 9780199539093 354p UG Library
182 WAT 00090503 First Philosophers: The Presocratics and Sophists Waterfield, Robin Oxford 2008 9780199539093 354p UG Library
182.19 ADL 05002139 Great Treasury of Western Thought / Adler, Mortimer J R R Bowker, 1977 1767 p Knowledge Centre
182.2 HEA 00123323 Pythagoras and Renaissance Europe : Joost-Gaugier, Christiane L. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521517959 (hardback) | 052 xiv, 319 p. : UG Library
182.3 HAR 05064445 Melissus and Eleatic monism / Harriman, Benjamin, Cambridge university press, 2019 9781108416337 xii, 242 pages ; Knowledge Centre
182.482SHA 01008851 Pope and the Snake a Metaphorical Exploration of Advaita Vedanta (law Lib) Arvind Sharma Manohar 8173041792 149p Knowledge Centre
183 G-6 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
183.2 AHB 00111716 A companion to Socrates / Ahbel-Rappe, Sara, Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 9781405192606 (pbk.) | 1405192 Pbk. ed. xxiv, 533 p. : UG Library
183.2 BUS 00130201 Bloomsbury Companion to Socrates Bussanich,John Bloomsbury 2015 9781474250894 421p UG Library
183.2 DAN 05070028 Socrates in love : D'Angour, Armand. Bloomsbury 2019 1408883910 | 9781408883914 xiv, 247 pages : Knowledge Centre
183.2 DAN 00138783 Socrates in love : D'Angour, Armand. Bloomsbury 2019 1408883910 | 9781408883914 xiv, 247 pages : UG Library
183.2 JOH 07011399 Socrates : a man for our times / Johnson, Paul Penguen Book Publication, 2011 9780143122210 199p. Library - BR Campus
183.2 MAY 00068315 On Socrates May, Hope Thomson Learning 2000 0009812547 92p UG Library
183.2 RAP 00109024 Socrates Ahbel-Rappe,Sara, Continuum, 2009 9780826463777 (hb) | 082646377 viii, 187 p. ; UG Library
183.2 STO 00127950 The trial of Socrates / Stone, I. F. Head of Zeus ltd 0385260326 : xi, 322 p. ; UG Library
183.2 TAY 05032114 Socrates : Taylor, C C W Oxford University Press, 2006 0195681843 122 p Knowledge Centre
183.2 TAY 00101782 Socrates : Taylor, C. C. W. Oxford University Press, 0192854127 122 p. : UG Library
183.2 XEN 05032115 Conversations of Socrates / Xenophon Penguin Books, 1990 9780140445176 366 p Knowledge Centre
184 ANN 01017036 Plato : Annas,Julia. Oxford university Press, 2003 9780192802163 104p.; Knowledge Centre
184 ANN Plato : Annas, Julia. Oxford University Press, 2003 9780195681628 104 p. : Knowledge Centre
184 ANN 05032112 Plato : Annas, Julia Oxford University Press, 2008 0195681622 104 p Knowledge Centre
184 ANN 00085451 Plato : Annas, Julia Oxford University Press, 2008 0195681622 104 p UG Library
184 BEN 05011592 The Socratic method : Bensen Cain, Rebecca, Continuum, 2007 9780826488916 (hbk.) x, 135 p. ; Knowledge Centre
184 BEV 00116516 Cross-Examining Socrates : Beversluis, John, Cambridge University Press, 2000 9780521550581 xii, 416 p. ; UG Library
184 BON 00145909 Platonism Bonazzi, Mauro Cambridge University Press 2023 9781009253420 233p UG Library
184 CAV 00058709 Plato: for Beginners Cavalier, Robert Orient Longman Publications 2003 8125024727 153 p. UG Library
184 CAV 00084763 Plato: for Beginners Cavalier, Robert Orient Longman Publications 2003 8125024727 153 p. UG Library
184 CAV 00084764 Plato: for Beginners Cavalier, Robert Orient Longman Publications 2003 8125024727 153 p. UG Library
184 COO 07010259 Plato's Symposium : Cooksey, Thomas L. Continuum, 2010 9780826440679 | 0826440673 | 9 v, 174 p. ; Library - BR Campus
184 COR 00092615 Plato's stepping stones : Cormack, Michael. Continuum, 2006 9780826488084 (hard) | 0826488 148 p. ; UG Library
184 EYR 00073865 Platos the Republic a Beginners Guide (Dharmaram Library) Eyres, Harry 2007 0340804203 84p UG Library
184 FIE 00007302 The Philosophy of Plato Field, G C Oxford University : 1969 2nd ed 969 p. UG Library
184 FIN 00142029 The Oxford handbook of Plato . Fine,Gail.-ed. Oxford University press, 2019 9780190639730 2nd ed. xv,776p.; UG Library
184 GIL 05041815 Philosophos : Gill, Mary Louise, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199606184 (hbk.) | 0199606 1st ed. x, 290 p. ; Knowledge Centre
184 HAM 00070042 Collected Dialogues of Plato Including the Letters (Dharmaram Library) Hamilton, Edith 2002 0691097186 1743p UG Library
184 HAV 00088192 Preface to Plato Havlock, Eric A 1963 0674699068 328p UG Library
184 HES 07010234 Plato on the metaphysical foundation of meaning and truth / Hestir, Blake E., Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107132320 xiv,270p.; Library - BR Campus
184 HES 05047206 Plato on the metaphysical foundation of meaning and truth / Hestir, Blake E., Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107132320 xiv,270p.; Knowledge Centre
184 HOD 00127521 The Essence of Vedanta Hodgkinson,Brain Arcturus 2016 9781841934457 230p UG Library
184 KAH 00131023 Plato and the Post Socratic Dialogue Kahn,Charles H Cambridge University Press 2013 9781107576421 249p UG Library
184 KRA 00045213 Cambridge Companion to Plato Kraut, Richard 1997 0521436109 560 p UG Library
184 KRA 07010274 The Cambridge companion to Plato / Cambridge University Press, 0521430186 | 9780521436106 xiv, 560 p. ; Library - BR Campus
184 KRA 01013945 The Cambridge companion to Plato / Cambridge University Press, 0521430186 | 9780521436106 xiv, 560 p. ; Knowledge Centre
184 KRA 05002345 Cambridge Companion to Plato / Kraut, Richard Cambridge University Press, 1999 0521436109 560 p Knowledge Centre
184 KUD 00102101 Oriental theology Kudiyiruppil Dr.John Asian trading corporation; 9798170865796 242 p. UG Library
184 MAM 00140540 Reality in Process: Mampally,Joy Intercultural Books 2008 8185574669 368p UG Library
184 MIL 00136200 The philosopher in Plato's Statesman. Miller, Mitchell H. Parmenides Pub., 2004 1930972164 Pbk. ed. xxxiii, 186 p. : UG Library
184 MOO 00095217 Coffee with Plato Moor Donald R Duncan Baird Publishers 9781844834655 144p UG Library
184 NIG 05011532 Spectacles of truth in classical Greek philosophy : Nightingale, Andrea Wilson. Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521838258 (hbk.) x, 311 p. ; Knowledge Centre
184 PLA 00090231 Meno and Other Dialoues: Charmides, Laches, Lysis, Meno Plato Oxford 2008 ISB0192804251 190p UG Library
184 PLA 00090498 Meno and Other Dialoues: Charmides, Laches, Lysis, Meno Plato Oxford 2008 ISB0192804251 190p UG Library
184 PLA 00090237 Symposium Plato Oxford 2008 9780199540198 104p UG Library
184 PLA 00033468 Gorgias Indianapolis Plato, Bobbs 1976 112 p UG Library
184 PLA 00049119 Plato Republic Llewelyn Davies, John Wordsworth Classics of World Literature 1997 1853264830 xxii; 373 p. UG Library
184 PLA 00004443 Dialogues of Plato Plato, WSP 1966 386 p UG Library
184 PLA 00024391 Last Days of Socrates Plato, PENGUIN 1981 200 p UG Library
184 PLA 07007082 The Republic / Plato FP Classics, 2015 9788175993068 400p.: Library - BR Campus
184 PLA 05032111 Early Socratic Dialogues / Plato Penguin Books, 1987 9780140455038 395 p Knowledge Centre
184 PLA 07011054 Selected myths / Plato. Oxford ; | Oxford University Prss, 2009 9780199552559 (pbk.) | 0199552 xxxviii, 166 p. : Library - BR Campus
184 PLA 00023418 Great Dialogues of Plato.Tr.By.Rouse W. H. D Plato, Signet 1956 528 p UG Library
184 PLA 00140449 The Republic / Plato FP Classics, 2015 9788175993068 400p.: UG Library
184 PLA 05043877 Theaetetus / Plato. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199646166 | 0199646163 xxxiii, 161 p. ; Knowledge Centre
184 PLA 00078933 Plato Republic Llewelyn Davies, John Wordsworth Classics of World Literature 1997 1853264830 xxii; 373 p. UG Library
184 PLA 10004489 The Republic / Plato FP Classics, 2015 9788175993068 400p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
184 PLA 00056200 Selected Dialogues of Plato Plato Modern Library 2001 0375758402 xxii; 323 p UG Library
184 PLA 00090224 Defence of Socrates Euthyphro Crito Palato Oxford 2008 9780199540501 119p UG Library
184 PLA 00090464 Defence of Socrates Euthyphro Crito Palato Oxford 2008 9780199540501 119p UG Library
184 PRE 00130200 The Bloomsbury Companion to Plato Press,Gerald A Bloomsbury 2015 9781474250917 356p UG Library
184 RAT 07013795 Plato's labyrinth : Rathore, Aakash Singh. Routledge, 2018 9781138481084 First South Asian edition. xi, 174p.; Library - BR Campus
184 RAT 00137514 Plato's labyrinth : Rathore, Aakash Singh. Routledge, 2018 9781138481084 First South Asian edition. xi, 174p.; UG Library
184 RIE 00112110 Plato's gods / Riel, Gerd van. Ashgate Pub Co 2013 9780754607007 (hardcover : alk pages cm. UG Library
184 STE 05032109 Procli In Platonis Parmenidem commentaria / Proclus, E Typographeo Clarendoniano ; | Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199291816 (t. 1 : alk. pap 458 p. Knowledge Centre
184 TAY 00110703 Socrates Taylor C.C.W. Oxford University Press 1998 9780192854124 122 p. UG Library
184 TIG 00140543 Seven Systems of Indian Philosophy Tigunait,Rajmani Himalayan Institute India 1996 9780893896218 261p UG Library
184 VER 00125046 Plato's Podcasts Vernon,Mark Oneworld 2009 9781851687060 215p UG Library
184 WAR 00135859 Penology and eschatology in Plato's myths Ward, S. P. E. Mellen Press, 2002 0773472495 v, 295 p. ; UG Library
184 WAR 05046423 Arguing with Socrates : Warne, Christopher. Bloomsbury, 2013 9781441187178 | 9781441195449 xii, 209 pages ; Knowledge Centre
184 ZUC 00110524 Plato's philosophers Zuckert, Catherine H. The University of Chicago Press, 2009 9780226993355 (cloth : alk. pa viii, 888 p. ; UG Library
184ADL 01010113 Dialogues of Plato: The Seventh Letter Benjamin Jpwett CRATYLUS EUTHYDEMUS 814p Knowledge Centre
184GAL 01010107 World`s Classics: Plato Defence of Socrates Euthyphro Crito (law Lib) David Gallop Oxford University Press 0192823353 119p Knowledge Centre
184RIC 01009711 Plato`s Forms in Transition:A Reading of the Parmenides(law Lib) Samuel C Rickless Cambridge University Press 9780521864565 272p Knowledge Centre
184ROW 01009712 Plato and the Art of Philosophical Writing (law Lib) Christopher Rowe Cambridge University Press 9780521859325 290p Knowledge Centre
185 D\8 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
185 SHI 04005434 Aristotle Shields, Christopher Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 2007 9780415283328 456 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
185 ADL 00141851 Aristotle for everybody : Adler, Mortimer Jerome, Touchstone Book 1997 9780684838236 xiv, 206 p. ; UG Library
185 ALL 00007307 Philosophy of Aristotle. Allan D j Second edition 173p UG Library
185 ANA 05042227 A companion to Aristotle / Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 9781118592434 xviii,648p.; Knowledge Centre
185 ARI 05039920 Problems / Aristotle Harvard University Press, 2011 9780674996557 (v. 1) | 0674996 [New ed.] 2 v. ; Knowledge Centre
185 ARI 05039921 Problems / Aristotle Harvard University Press, 2011 9780674996557 (v. 1) | 0674996 [New ed.] 2 v. ; Knowledge Centre
185 ARI 00093112 The basic works of Aristotle / Aristotle. Modern Library, 0375757996 (pbk.) xxi, 1487 p. ; UG Library
185 ARI 00023422 Philosophy of Aristotle Aristotle, Signet 1982 420 p UG Library
185 BAR 01016387 Aristotle : Barnes, Jonathan, Oxford University Press, 2000 9780192854087 160 p. : Knowledge Centre
185 BAR 00058835 Aristotle : Barnes, Jonathan, Oxford University Press, 2000 9780192854087 160 p. : UG Library
185 BAR 00085429 Aristotle: a Very Short Introduction Barnes, Jonathan 2000 0192854089 160p UG Library
185 BAR 00130196 The Bloomsbury companion to Aristotle Baracchi,Claudia Bloomsbury 2015 9781441108739 xii, 418 pages UG Library
185 BAR 01013944 The Cambridge companion to Aristotle / Cambridge University Press, 0521411335 (hardback) | 052142 xxv, 404 p. ; Knowledge Centre
185 BAR 00052468 Cambridge Companion to Aristotle Barnes, Jonathan Cambridge University Press 1999 0521422949 xxv; 397 p. UG Library
185 BAR 00105933 Aristotle : Barnes, Jonathan, Oxford University Press, 2000 9780192854087 160 p. : UG Library
185 BAR 05048560 The Bloomsbury companion to Aristotle Baracchi, Claudia Bloomsbury publishing Plc., 2015 9781474250900 xii, 418 p.; Knowledge Centre
185 BAR 05032110 Aristotle : Barnes, Jonathan Oxford University Press, 2006 0195671848 160 p Knowledge Centre
185 BAR 00070048 Complete Works of Aristotle (Dharmaram Library) Barnes, Jonathan 1995 0691016518 2487p UG Library
185 BAR 00070049 Complete Works of Aristotle (Dharmaram Library) Barnes, Jonathan 1995 0691016518 2487p UG Library
185 LEN 00124529 Being, Nature, and Life in Aristotle : Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521768443 xvi, 289 p. ; UG Library
185 PLA 00004582 Last of the Socrates Plato, PENGUIN 1965 196 p UG Library
185 SEG 07013674 Aristotle on Religion/ Segev,mor Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781108401012 VII,189 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
185 SHI 00084373 Aristotle Shields, Christopher 2007 0415283329 456p UG Library
185 SHI 01009394 Aristotle (law Lib) Christopher Shields ROUTLEDGE 2007 9780415283328 456p Knowledge Centre
185 VEL 00125776 Aristotle : Vella, John A. Continuum, 2008 0826497071 (hbk.) | 9780826497 x, 166 p. : UG Library
185 VEL 00120948 Aristotle : Vella, John A. Continuum, 2008 9780826497079 | 9780826497086 x, 166 p. : UG Library
185 WIN 00092614 Aristotle and rational discovery : Winslow, Russell. Continuum, 2007 9780826496874 (hbk.) | 0826496 150 p. ; UG Library
185BAR 01009669 Aristotle`s Ethics as First Philosophy(law Lib) Claudia Baracchi Cambridge University Press 9780521866583 342p Knowledge Centre
186 L\11 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
186 N\7 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
186 BET 00108133 The Cambridge companion to ancient scepticism Bett,Richard Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521697545 | 0521874769 (hb xii, 380 p. ; UG Library
186.2 ATK 00145910 The Cambridge companion to Cicero's philosophy / Cambridge University Press 2022 9781108416665 | 9781108404037 335pages UG Library
186.2 SCH 00146567 Philosophy of Social Cognition/ Schlicht, Tobias Palgrave Macmillan, 2023 9783031144905 xiii,219p. ; UG Library
186.4 ALE 05032031 Neoplatonism and Western Aesthetics / Alexandrakis, Aphrodite State University, 2002 0791452808 254 p Knowledge Centre
186.4 ALE 05032032 Neoplatonism and Western Aesthetics / Alexandrakis, Aphrodite State University, 2002 0791452808 254 p Knowledge Centre
186.4 MIL 00111682 Plotinus on body and beauty : Miles, Margaret R. Blackwell, 1999 0631212744 (alk. paper) | 0631 xii, 214 p. : UG Library
187 WAR 00108135 The Cambridge companion to Epicureanism / Warren,James Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521873475 (hardback) | 052 ix, 342 p. ; UG Library
187 WAR 05002346 The Cambridge companion to Epicureanism / Warren,James Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521873475 (hardback) | 052 ix, 342 p. ; Knowledge Centre
188 AUR 00079642 Meditations : Aurelius, Marcus. Dover publications Inc, 1997 9780486298238 ix; 99 p.: UG Library
188 AUR 10002661 Meditations/ Aurelius, Marcus Hilltop publications, 2022 9789390680245 144 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
188 AUR 00100895 Meditations Aurelius Marcus Oxford university press; 9780199540594 195 p. UG Library
188 AUR 03003778 Meditations : Aurelius, Marcus. Dover publications Inc, 1997 9780486298238 ix; 99 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
188 AUR 03005539 Meditations : Aurelius, Marcus. The Modern Library, 2002 0812968255 lvii, 191 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
188 GUN 00133164 The sublime Seneca : Gunderson, Erik, Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107090019 (hardcover) vii, 229 p. ; UG Library
188 HOL 00140948 The Daily Stoic : Holiday, Ryan Profile Books Ltd; 2016 9781781257654 404 p. ; UG Library
188 HOL 00143333 The Daily Stoic : Holiday, Ryan Profile Books Ltd; 2016 9781781257654 404 p. ; UG Library
188 HOL 00140758 Lives of the Stoics Holiday,Ryan Profile Books 2020 9781788162609 329p UG Library
188 HOL 05074922 Lives of the stoics : Holiday, Ryan, Hachette, 2020 9781788166010 xv, 329 pages : Knowledge Centre
188 HOL 05003549 The stoics Holowchak, Mark, Continuum, 2008 9781847060440 (HB) | 184706044 x, 237 p. Knowledge Centre
188 HOL 10004127 Lives of the stoics : Holiday, Ryan, Hachette, 2020 9781788166010 xv, 329 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
188 INW 00103875 Seneca : Inwood, Brad Oxford University press, 2007 9780199575626 409 p. UG Library
188 INW 00068415 Cambridge Companion to the Stoics Wood, Bradin 2003 0052177005 438p UG Library
188 INW 07011710 The Cambridge companion to the Stoics Inwood, Brad Cambridge University Press, 2003 9780521779852 vii,433p.; Library - BR Campus
188.7 EPI 05043849 Discourses, fragments, handbook / Epictetus, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199595181 | 0199595186 xxxiv, 355 pages ; Knowledge Centre
189 O\8 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
189 W-4 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
189 BOE 00112468 The consolation of philosophy : Boethius, W.W. Norton & Co., 2010 9780393930719 (pbk.) | 0393930 1st ed. xx, 204 p. ; UG Library
189 KLI 00092916 Medieval philosophy : Blackwell Pub., 1405135646 (hbk.) | 9781405135 xii, 393 p. ; UG Library
189 KON 00130314 Christian Wisdom Konickal,Joseph JIP 2004 159p UG Library
189 MAR 00124719 Medieval philosophy : Marenbon, John, Oxford University Press 2016 9780199663224 | 019966322X First edition. xii, 141 pages UG Library
189 MCG 00068336 Cambridge Cmpanion to Medival Philosophy. Mcgrade, A S 2003 0521000637 405p UG Library
189 MON 00106142 A History of Mediaeval phlosophy Mondin,Battista Teological Publications In India 2005 9788188821204 vi;394 P. UG Library
189 PAN 00068329 In Struggle and Dialogue With a Concise History of Western Medieval and Renaissance Philosophyaissance Philosophy Panthamackel, George Asian Trading Corporation 2002 8170862884 130p UG Library
189 PAS 05054717 Oxford studies in medieval philosophy / Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198786375 First edition. 216 pages ; Knowledge Centre
189 PAS 05002138 The cambridge History of medieval philosophy / Pasnau, Robert Cambridge university press, 2010 9780521762182 xi;535 p. Knowledge Centre
189 PAS 05002137 The cambridge History of medieval philosophy / Pasnau, Robert Cambridge university press, 2010 9780521762182 xi;535 p. Knowledge Centre
189 SAR 00148222 Kant's moral faith/ Sarma, Arup Jyoti Motialal Banarsidass; 2024 9789359661094 209p UG Library
189 WEI 00127535 A short history of medieval philosophy. Weinberg, Julius R. Princeton University Press, 1991 304 p. UG Library
189.2 CHA 05048809 Augustine : Chadwick, Henry, Oxford University Press, 2001 0192854526 134 p. : Knowledge Centre
189.2 MEC 07010269 The Cambridge companion to Augustine / Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107025332 (hardback : alk. Second edition. xxiv, 379 pages ; Library - BR Campus
189.2 WET 00120953 Augustine : Wetzel, James. Continuum, 2010 9781847061959 | 9781847061966 146 p. ; UG Library
189.4 BOE 05032081 Consolation of Philosophy / Boethius Penguin Books, 1999 0140447806 154 p Knowledge Centre
189.4 BRO 05032080 The Cambridge Companion to Abelard / Brower, Jeffrey E Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521775965 362 p Knowledge Centre
189.4 EAR 00111649 Aquinas : Eardley, Peter S. Continuum, 2010 9780826498793 | 0826498795 | 9 vii, 156 p. ; UG Library
189.4 KER 00102152 Thomas Aquinas : Kerr, Fergus. Oxford University Press, 9780199556649 (pbk.) | 0199556 xiv, 127 p. : UG Library
189.4 KRE 00088290 Cambridge Companion Aquinas Kretzmann, Norman 2008 ISB0521437695 302p UG Library
189.4 MCI 05006358 Aquinas / McInerny, Ralph, Polity Press ; | Distributed in the USA by Blackwell Publishers, 2004 0745626866 | 9780745626871 | 0 vii, 160 p. ; Knowledge Centre
189.4 PHI 05042182 Modern Thomistic philosophy : Phillips, Richard Percival. Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Publications, 2013 9783868385397 2 v. Knowledge Centre
189.4 PHI 05042183 Modern Thomistic philosophy : Phillips, Richard Percival. Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Publications, 2013 9783868385397 2 v. Knowledge Centre
189.4 WIL 00071551 Essence of Scholasticism: Abhidharmahrdata, T1550 [dharmaram Library] Willemen, Charles MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2000 8120830946 346p UG Library
189.4 WIL 05060645 Selected writings on ethics / Duns Scotus, John, Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199673407 | 0199673403 | 9 First edition. xix, 357 pages ; Knowledge Centre
189.41 SPM 00068412 Cambridge Companion to Ockham (Dharmaram Library) Spade, Paulvincent 1999 0052158244 420p UG Library
19 U-4 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
190 EIL 05074993 The Visionaries : Eilenberger, Wolfram. Allen Lane, 2023 9780241537374 386 p.; Knowledge Centre
190 EIL 10004194 The Visionaries : Eilenberger, Wolfram. Allen Lane, 2023 9780241537374 386 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
190 ADA 05032118 Philosophy in the Age of Science and Capital / Adamson, Gregory Dale Continuum, 2002 0826460321 169 p Knowledge Centre
190 ANS 05062517 The idea of principles in early modern thought : Routledge, 2017 9781138211582 (hardback : alk. paper) 1 [edition]. xv, 303 pages ; Knowledge Centre
190 BAG 05039801 Great thinkers A-Z / Continuum, 2004 0826467423 (pbk.) | 0826473261 vi, 275 p. ; Knowledge Centre
190 BAR 10002141 The minority body : Barnes, Elizabeth Oxford university press, 2016 9780198732587 (hbk.) | 0198732589 (hbk.) | 9780198822417 (pbk.) First edition. xii, 200 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
190 BAU 00013431 Great Lights Bangalore University , Blr University 1974 1 UG Library
190 BEN 05002134 Learning from six philosophers : Bennett, Jonathan Francis. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2001 0198250916 403 p. Knowledge Centre
190 BER 00110233 Three Critics of the Enlightenment Berlin, Isaiah, Princeton University Press, 2000 0691057265 (alk. paper) | 0691 xiii, 382 p. ; UG Library
190 BLU 05048126 The laughter of the Thracian woman : Blumenberg, Hans. Bloomsbury, 2015 9781623562304 (pbk. : alk. pap viii, 210 pages ; Knowledge Centre
190 BOS 05041057 Science and philosophy and other essays / Bosanquet,Bernard. Routledge, 1927 9780415627894 446p.; Knowledge Centre
190 BOW 05041041 Rethinking the politics of absurdity : Bowker, Matthew H. Routledge, 2014 9780415717618 (hardback) 132 pages ; Knowledge Centre
190 BRU 00117469 Just the arguments : Bruce Michael Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781444336375 (hardcover : alk xiii, 409 p. ; UG Library
190 CAS 00020667 Introduction to Modern Philosophy Castell, Alburey Macmillan 1976 3rd ed. xiii; 625 p UG Library
190 CAV 07008031 Must we mean what we say? : Cavell, Stanley, Cambridge University Press, 2008 9781107113633 (hardback) | 978 Cambridge Philosophy Classics edition. xl, 331 pages cm Library - BR Campus
190 CAZ 05011572 Metaphor and continental philosophy : Cazeaux, Clive. Routledge, 2007 9780415324007 (hardback : alk. 221 p. ; Knowledge Centre
190 CLA 05007578 The Oxford handbook of philosophy in early modern Europe / Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199556137 (hbk.) | 0199556 xiv, 595 p. : Knowledge Centre
190 COH 00088020 Philosophical Tales Cohen, Martin 2008 9781405140379 282p UG Library
190 COH 05032108 Philosophical tales : Cohen, Martin, Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781405140362 (hardcover : alk xiv, 282 p. : Knowledge Centre
190 CON 05046532 Science Versus Idealism / Conforth M.A,Maurice. Blind Persons' Association, 2008 4 Volumes Knowledge Centre
190 CON 05046533 Science Versus Idealism / Conforth M.A,Maurice. Blind Persons' Association, 2008 4 Volumes Knowledge Centre
190 CON 05046534 Science Versus Idealism / Conforth M.A,Maurice. Blind Persons' Association, 2008 4 Volumes Knowledge Centre
190 CON 05046535 Science Versus Idealism / Conforth M.A,Maurice. Blind Persons' Association, 2008 4 Volumes Knowledge Centre
190 COX 05054184 Deep thought : Cox, Gary, Bloomsbury, 2015 9781472567260 (hardcover) viii, 199 pages ; Knowledge Centre
190 CRI 00101766 Continental philosophy : Critchley, Simon, Oxford University Press, 9780192853597 149 p. : UG Library
190 CRI 01016402 Continental philosophy : Critchley, Simon, Oxford University Press, 2001 0192853597 | 9780192853592 149 p. : Knowledge Centre
190 CRI 05034592 Continental Philosophy : Crithley, Simon Oxford University Press, 2005 0195671864 149 p Knowledge Centre
190 DAV 05033650 Ancient tragedy and the origins of modern science / Davis, Michael, Southern Illinois University Press, 1988 0809313901 xv, 178 p. ; Knowledge Centre
190 DAV 04009633 Ancient tragedy and the origins of modern science / Davis, Michael, Southern Illinois University Press, 1988 9780809313907 xv, 178 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
190 DSO 00141225 A Brief History of Medieval Western Philosophy D'Souza, Joaquim Kristu Jyoti Publications 2019 9788193602997 297p UG Library
190 EIL 10004499 The visionaries : Arendt, Beauvoir, Rand, Weil, and the salvation of philosophy / by Wolfram Eilenberger ; translated by Shaun Whiteside. Eilenberger, Wolfram [Author] Penguin Press, 2023 9780141998473 First U.S. hardcover edition. 386 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
190 ESP 00133030 A philosophy for Europe : Esposito, Roberto. Polity Press, 2018 9781509521050 | 9781509521067 (pb) 270 p. ; UG Library
190 FAL 00143630 History of Modern Philosophy: Falckenberg, Richard Omega Book World, 2022 9788195396696 652p UG Library
190 GAR 05054716 Oxford studies in early modern philosophy / Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2003 v. ; Knowledge Centre
190 GAR 00103863 Oxford studies in Early modern Philosophy: Garber Daniel Clarend press; 2010 9780199586325 304 p. UG Library
190 GAR 05003555 The twenty greatest philosophy books / Garvey, James, Continuum, 2006 0826490530 (hb) | 978082649053 181 p. ; Knowledge Centre
190 GIL 00129657 The Philosophical Question of Christ Gilson,Caitlin Smith Bloomsbury 2014 9781501310874 228p UG Library
190 GLE 00105586 The Edinburgh encyclopedia of continental philosophy Glendinning,Simon. University Press, 1999 0748607838 xiii, 685 p. ; UG Library
190 GOT 00136184 The dream of enlightenment : Gottlieb, Anthony, Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2016 9780871404435 (hardcover) First edition. xii, 301 pages ; UG Library
190 GRA 03005550 The Britannica Guide to the Ideas that Made the Modern World : Grayling, A. C. Robinson, 2008 xxix, 369 p., [8] p. of plates : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
190 HAW 00002224 Crucial Problems of Modern Philosophy Hawkins, D J B 1957 148 p UG Library
190 HIL 05032119 Chiristian Philosophy A-Z / Hill, Daniel, J Edinburgh University Press, 2006 0748621520 xi,247 Knowledge Centre
190 KAI 00118655 Love of Wisdom Kaipan, Joy Kristu Jyoti Publications 2014 978-81-87370-82-6 4 315p UG Library
190 KAL 00103614 Word As Metaphor Kalluveettil, Paul Dharmaram Publications, 2009 9788189958039 121 p. UG Library
190 KEA 00088321 Continental Philosophy in the 20th Century Kearney, Richard 2008 9780415308809 524p UG Library
190 KEN 01012546 The rise of modern philosophy / Kenny, Anthony John Patrick. Oxford University Press, 9780198752769 (pbk.) | 0198752 xiv, 356 p. : Knowledge Centre
190 KEN 00092890 The rise of modern philosophy / Kenny, Anthony John Patrick. Oxford University Press, 9780198752769 (pbk.) | 0198752 xiv, 356 p. : UG Library
190 KEN 00094229 The rise of modern philosophy / Kenny, Anthony John Patrick. Oxford University Press, 9780198752769 (pbk.) | 0198752 xiv, 356 p. : UG Library
190 KOR 05045825 A naturalistic epistemology Kornblith, Hilary, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198712459 | 0198712456 First edition. 221p.: Knowledge Centre
190 KOU 00136201 Philosophy and revolution : Kouvélakis, Eustache, 9781786635785 | 178663578X [New edition]. xiv, 466 pages ; UG Library
190 LAC 05067121 Academic freedom / Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198791508 First edition. vii, 215 pages ; Knowledge Centre
190 LEI 05008385 The Oxford handbook of continental philosophy / Oxford University Press, 2007 978019957991 | 0199234094 (alk xi, 812 p. : Knowledge Centre
190 LEV 00130293 The Philosopher'sGaze Levin,David Michael Duquesne University Press 1999 0820703443 493p UG Library
190 MAR 00136197 The new modern philosophy : Routledge, 2019 9781138484337 (hbk) | 9781138484344 (pbk) 1 [edition]. 727 p. ; UG Library
190 MAR 00088316 Medieval Philosophy Marenbon, John 2008 ISB0415308755 510p UG Library
190 MAR 04015520 History of philosophy / Marias, Julian Dover , 1967 9780486217390 505 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
190 MAS 00145632 Critical History of Western Philosophy Masih, Y MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2002 8120812425 565p UG Library
190 MAS 00065627 Critical History of Western Philosophy Masih, Y MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2002 8120812425 565p UG Library
190 MAY 00006117 History of Modern Philosophy Frederick Mayer, Eurasia 1966 700 p UG Library
190 MAY 05058312 Reflexivity : May, Tim. Sage, 2017 9781446295175 (pbk.) | 9781446 1st edition. xiv,234p.; Knowledge Centre
190 McD 05039953 The engaged intellect : McDowell, John Henry. Harvard University Press, 2009 9780674031647 (alk. paper) | 0 ix, 343 p. ; Knowledge Centre
190 MCD 05040769 Having the World in View / McDowell John Harvard University Press, 2009 9780674725805 ix,285p.: Knowledge Centre
190 MEL 07006820 The great conversation : Melchert, Norman. Oxford University Press, 9780195306828 1 v. (various pagings) : Library - BR Campus
190 MEL 01015715 The great conversation : Melchert, Norman. Oxford University Press, 9780195306828 1 v. (various pagings) : Knowledge Centre
190 PAP 00073894 Western Philosophy (Dharmaram Library) Papineau, David 2004 0195221435 224 UG Library
190 PAY 00147634 Populism and the people in contemporary critical thought : Bloomsbury Academic, 2023 9781350183629 249 p. ; UG Library
190 PIP 00105580 Modernism as a philosophical problem : Pippin, Robert B., Blackwell, 1999 0631214135 (alk. paper) | 0631 2nd ed. xx, 234 p. ; UG Library
190 PIR 05048107 101 great philosophers / Pirie, Madsen, Continuum, 2009 9780826430908 (hb) | 082643090 x, 204 p. ; Knowledge Centre
190 PIR 00143616 101 great philosophers / Pirie, Madsen, Continuum, 2009 9780826430908 (hb) | 082643090 x, 204 p. ; UG Library
190 RAB 05056485 The pathos of distance : Rabaté, Jean-Michel, Bloomsbury publishing Inc., 2016 9781501308000 (hardback : alk. ix, 217 pages ; Knowledge Centre
190 RAD 05032083 Late Modern Philosophy : Radcliffe, Elizabeth S Blackwell, 2007 1405146893 376 p. Knowledge Centre
190 RAD 05032084 Late Modern Philosophy : Radcliffe, Elizabeth S Blackwell, 2007 1405146893 376 p. Knowledge Centre
190 ROO 00145605 Philosophy: Rooney, Anne Arcturus Publishing Limited 2020 9781789502114 256p UG Library
190 ROR 00071494 Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature: [ Dharmaram Library] Rorty, Richard 2004 0691020167 402p UG Library
190 RUS 05032103 History of Western philosophy / Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2009 9780415325059 Gift ed. 778 p Knowledge Centre
190 SAR 00016384 New Left Thought: an Introduction Sargent, Lyman Tower 1972 188 p UG Library
190 SCH 05057585 The Norton anthology of western philosophy : Norton, 2017 9780393974683 (pbk., v. 1) | 9 First Edition. 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
190 SCH 05057586 The Norton anthology of western philosophy : Norton, 2017 9780393974683 (pbk., v. 1) | 9 First Edition. 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
190 SCH 00147636 Rethinking European modernity : Schelkshorn, Hans Bloomsbury Academic, 2024 9781350266773 498 p. ; UG Library
190 SCH 05057134 Ten neglected classics of philosophy / Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199928927 (pbk. : alk. pap xxvi, 279 pages ; Knowledge Centre
190 SCR 07008586 A Short History of Modern Philosophy : Scruton, Roger. Routledge, 2012 9780415267632 | 0415267633 (pb ix, 318 p. ; Library - BR Campus
190 SCR 00119695 A Short History of Modern Philosophy : Scruton, Roger. Routledge, 2012 9780415267632 | 0415267633 (pb ix, 318 p. ; UG Library
190 SIM 00074126 From Kant to Levi Strauss: The Background to Contemporary Critical Theory Simons, Joh Edinburgh University Press 2002 0748615067 x; 256 p. UG Library
190 SOM 05032085 Contemporary Philosophical Issues : Somasundaram Donald J Donald Johnson Institute Of Technology Pvt.Ltd., 2008 322 p Knowledge Centre
190 STR 07006813 Philosophers past and present Clarendon Press, 2011 9780199608591 | 0199608598 337p.: Library - BR Campus
190 SUL 05044648 Modern challenges to past philosophy : Sullivan, Thomas D. Bloomsbury, 2014 9781441141668 (hardback : alk. 203 pages ; Knowledge Centre
190 THU 00141227 History of Contemporary Western Philosophy Thuruthiyil, Scaria Kristu Jyoti Publications 2019 9788193909560 355p UG Library
190 TIM 00104099 Rationality and the Good Timmons, Mark Oxford University Press, Incorporated 2007 9780195311952 | 0195311957 (Tr 269 p. UG Library
190 TIM 07006807 Rationality and the Good Timmons, Mark Oxford University Press, Incorporated 2007 9780195311952 | 0195311957 (Tr 269 p. Library - BR Campus
190 TRO 00116926 Fifty thinkers who shaped the modern world Trombley, Stephen. Atlantic Books, 2012 9781848878235 (hbk.) | 9781782 392 p. ; UG Library
190 TRO 00116929 A History of Western Thought Trombley, Stephen. Atlantic Books, 2013 9780857896285 (hbk.) | 9780857 Hardback ed. 277 p. ; UG Library
190 TUB 00120873 History of Western philosophy Tubbs, Nigel. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 9780230019386 (hbk.) | 0230019 x, 190 p. UG Library
190 VAT 05006473 The End of Modernity / Vattimo,Gianni Polity Press, 2002 9780745609713 lviii,190 p. Knowledge Centre
190 WAL 05032107 The Modern Philosophical Revolution : Walsh, David Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521898959 501 p Knowledge Centre
190 WAR 00064756 Teach Yourself Postmodernism Ward, Gleen 2000 0340859709 232p UG Library
190.3 PRO 05002329 The Edinburgh Dictionary of Continental Philosophy / Protevi, John Edinburgh University Press, 2005 0748617159 628 p Knowledge Centre
190.3 PRO 05032102 The Edinburgh Dictionary of Continental Philosophy / Protevi, John Edinburgh University Press, 2005 0748617159 628 p Knowledge Centre
190.3 PRO 00090695 Edinburgh Dictionary of Continental Philosophy Protevi, Jhon Edinburgh University, 2008 0748617167 628p UG Library
190.3 REU 00067934 Concise Encyclopedia of Western Philosophy Ree, Jonathan Routledge 2005 0415329248 3rd ed. vii; 398 p. UG Library
190.3PRO 01009396 Dinburgh Dictionary of Philoshopy (law Lib) John Protevi Edinburgh University 9780748617166 627p Knowledge Centre
190.6 RUS 03002396 History of Western Philosophy / Russell, Bertrand. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2010 9780415325059 778 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
190.82 FIN 10002364 Women on Ideas : Oxford University Press, 2021 9780198859925 xxiii, 313p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
190.82 NYE 00143480 Feminism and modern philosophy : Nye, Andrea, Routledge, 2004 0415266548 | 0415266556 (pbk.) xi, 153 p. ; UG Library
190.82 THO 07013592 Early modern women on metaphysics / Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107178687 | 1107178681 viii, 295 pages ; Library - BR Campus
190.8904 MIL 05002331 Modern Critical Thought : Milne, Drew Blackwell Publishing, 2003 0631220593 372 p Knowledge Centre
190.9 DUR 03003131 Story of Philosephy : Durant, Will. Simon & Schuster , 2009 9781439101186 412 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
190.9 DUR 04003777 Story of Philosopy: The Lives and Opinions of the Greated Philosphers Durant, Will Free Press 2009 9781439101186 412 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
190.9 RUS 04003703 History of Western Philosophy Russell, Bertrand Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 2010 9780415325059 778 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
190.9 DUR 03008413 Story of Philosephy : Durant, Will. Simon & Schuster , 2009 9781439101186 412 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
190.9 MAM 00091863 Reality in Process: Mampally Joy MSFS Intercultural Books 368p UG Library
190.9 PRA 00125749 History of Western Philosophy Prabhakar,D N Astha Publishers 2016 9789385330087 253p UG Library
190.9 RUS 00064719 History of Western Philosophy Russell, Bertrand 2004 0415228549 840p UG Library
190.9 TEN 00088320 Nineteenth Century Ten, C L 2008 ISB0415308798 466p UG Library
190.9031 HAN 05002332 Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Philosophy / Hankins, James Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521608930 430 p Knowledge Centre
190.9031 HAN 05032105 The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Philosophy / Hankins, James Cambridge University Press, 2007 9789780521608 430 p Knowledge Centre
190.9031 PAR 00088317 Renaissance and Seventeenth-Century Rationalism Prakinson, G H R 2008 9780415308762 444p UG Library
190.9032 RUT 05032106 Cambridge Companion to Early Mordern Philosophy / Rutherford, Donald Cambridge University Press, 2006 0052152962 421 p Knowledge Centre
190.9032 TLU 00143476 Classical modern philosophy : Tlumak, Jeffrey. Routledge, 2007 041527592X | 9780415275927 | 0415275938 | 9780415275934 256 pages ; UG Library
190.9033 HAA 05009657 The Cambridge history of eighteenth-century philosophy / Haakonssen, Knud Cambridge University Press, 2006 9781107616868 (set : alk. pape 2 v. (xvi. 1407 p.) ; Knowledge Centre
190.9033 HAA 05009658 The Cambridge history of eighteenth-century philosophy / Haakonssen, Knud Cambridge University Press, 2006 9781107616868 (set : alk. pape 2 v. (xvi. 1407 p.) ; Knowledge Centre
190.9034 MOY 00104849 The Routledge Companion to Nineteenth Century Philosophy / Moyar,Dean. Routledge, 2010 9780415404501 (hardback : alk. xxvii, 929 p. ; UG Library
190.904 CAN 00088323 Philosophy of Meaning, Knowledge and Value in the Twentieh Century Canfield, John V 2004 0415308828 466p UG Library
190.904 GAN 00138652 Tagore's philosophy of education: Ganihar, Noorjehan N Global vision publishing house, 2013 9788182205505 vi,224p.; UG Library
190.904 GAN 00134129 Tagore's philosophy of education: Ganihar, Noorjehan N Global vision publishing house, 2013 9788182205505 vi,224p.; UG Library
190.904 KEA 05004963 The Continental philosophy reader / Kearney, Richard. Routledge, 1996 0415095255 | 0415095263 (pbk.) xiv, 481 p. : Knowledge Centre
190.904 KEA 00138351 The Continental philosophy reader / Kearney, Richard. Routledge, 1996 0415095255 | 0415095263 (pbk.) xiv, 481 p. : UG Library
190.904 LEC 00097933 Fifty Key Contemporary Thinkers : Lechte, John. Routledge, 2008 9780415326933 (hbk.) | 0415326 2nd ed. xxiii, 435 p. ; UG Library
190.904 MAT 00087386 Logical and Ethical Issues: An Essay on Indian Philosophy of Religion Matilal, Bimal Krishna Chronical Book 2004 0818028011 187 p UG Library
190.904 MOR 00143473 The Routledge Companion to Twentieth Century Philosophy Moran, Dermot Routledge, 2021 9781032032771 1024p UG Library
190.904 MOR 05004641 The Routledge Companion to Twentieth Century Philosophy / Routledge, 2010 9780415429580 xvi,1024 p. Knowledge Centre
190.904 THU 00141268 History of Contemporary Western Philosophy / Thuruthiyil, Scaria Kristu Jyoti Publications; 2019 9788193909560 355p UG Library
190.905 MAR 05044728 Philosophy at 3:AM : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199969531 (hardback : alk. vi, 296 pages ; Knowledge Centre
190.9051 CRO 00143465 Philosophy after Postmodernism: Crowther, Paul Routledge, 2020 9780367475369 235p UG Library
190.9051 LIV 00124542 The Problems of Contemporary Philosophy : Paul Livingston Polity Press, 2015 9780745670294 | 9780745670300 viii, 229 p.: UG Library
190.90511 BAG 05011603 What more philosophers think / Baggini, Julian Continuum, 2007 9780826493002 (PB) viii, 197 p. ; Knowledge Centre
190.90511 BAG 07006253 What more philosophers think / Baggini, Julian Continuum, 2007 9780826493002 (PB) viii, 197 p. ; Library - BR Campus
190.94 BAD 00078478 Infinite Thought Truth and the Return to Philosophy Badiou, Alian Continuum 2005 0826479294 147 p. UG Library
190.94 GIL 05055184 Deep postmodernism : Gill, Jerry H. Humanity Books, 9781616141769 (cloth : alk. pa 172 p. ; Knowledge Centre
190.94 PIN 00095669 Art Truth and politics Pinter Harold Three Essays 23P UG Library
190.9BOU 01009979 Columbia Companion to 20th Century Philosophies (law Lib) Constantin V Boundas Columbia University Press 9780231142021 740p Knowledge Centre
190COL 01009581 Philosophy and Post Structuralist Theory (law Lib) Claire Colebrook Edinburgh University 9780748622276 267p Knowledge Centre
190COP/V1 01009574 History of Philosophy Greece and Rome (law Lib) Frederick Copleston S J Image Books 9780385468435 521p Knowledge Centre
190COP/V2 01009575 History of Philosophy:Medieval Philosophy Vol-2 (law Lib) Frederick Copleston S J Image Books 9780385468442 611p Knowledge Centre
190GLE 01009397 Idea of Condinental Philoshophy Simon Glendinning Edinburgh University 9780748624713 144p Knowledge Centre
190GRA 01009573 Classics of Western Philosophy (law Lib) J E Gracia Blackwell Publishing 9780631236115 614 Knowledge Centre
190MUL 01009579 Post Continental Philosophy: An Outline (law Lib) John Mullarkey Continuum 9780826464613 260 Knowledge Centre
190SHA 01009422 Philosophy and Philosophers: An Introduction to Western Philoshophy (law Lib) John Shand Mcgill Queens University Press 9780773511392 348p Knowledge Centre
190SIM 01006178 From Kant to Levi-Strauss: The Background to Contemporary Critical Theory(law Lib) Jon Simons Edinburgh University 0748615067 256p. Knowledge Centre
191 I-1 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
191 E\8 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
191 ELT 04003260 Dennett Reconcilling Science and Our Self-Conception Elton, Matthew Polity 2003 9780745621173 296 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
191 ABR 00103005 Herbert Marcuse : Abromeit, John, Routledge, 0415289092 | 0415289106 (pbk.) xi, 274 p. ; UG Library
191 BOY 00134679 Saintly influence : Boynton,Eric Fordham University Press, 2009 9780823230877 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9780823230884 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1st ed. xii, 323 p. ; UG Library
191 CAD 00031149 Uncommon Wisdom : Conversation With Remarkable People Capra, Fritjof Flamingo 1988 352p UG Library
191 CAP 04015727 The Hidden Connections : Capra, Fritjof. Doubleday, 2002 0385494718 | 9780385494724 1st ed. xix, 300 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
191 CAP 03007788 The Hidden Connections : Capra, Fritjof. Doubleday, 2002 0385494718 | 9780385494724 1st ed. xix, 300 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
191 COC 05034590 The cambridge companion to Dewey / Molly Cochran Cambridge university press; 2010 9780521697460 xv;356 p. Knowledge Centre
191 COC 00099736 The Cambridge companion to Dewey / Cambridge University Press, 9780521874564 | 9780521697460 p. cm. UG Library
191 COL 05011585 The anti-Chomsky reader / Collier, Peter Encounter Books, 2004 189355497X (alk. paper) 1st ed. xv, 260 p. ; Knowledge Centre
191 COY 00135713 Peirce for architects / Coyne, Richard, Routledge, 2019 9781138319578 (hardback) | 9781138319585 (pbk.) xiii, 135 pages : UG Library
191 CUK 00014645 Growth of American Thought Curti, Merle 1964 900 p UG Library
191 DAV 00102019 The Essential Davidson Davidson, Donald Oxford University Press, 978019928886 282 p. UG Library
191 DEL 00078607 Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy Delanda, Manuel Continuum 2005 0826479324 | 9780826477064 232 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
191 DEL 00078479 Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy Delanda, Manuel Continuum 2005 0826479324 | 9780826477064 232 p. UG Library
191 DEV 01017104 Empiricism, perceptual knowledge, normativity, and realism : Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199573301 (alk. paper) | 0 xvi, 302 p. ; Knowledge Centre
191 DEW 00017499 Philosophy Psychology and Social Practice Dewey,John Capricorn Books 1963 314 p. UG Library
191 DUR 00140656 Fallen leaves : Durant, Will, Simon & Schuster; 2014 9781476771540 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9781476771557 (trade pbk. : alk. paper) First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition. x, 192 pages ; UG Library
191 FRE 00110517 The thought of John Sallis Freydberg, Bernard. Northwestern University Press, 2012 9780810128279 (pbk. : alk. pap xxi; 449 p. cm. UG Library
191 GAS 05006460 Richard Rorty ; Gascoigne, Neil. Polity, 2008 0745633404 (hbk.) | 9780745633 vi, 263 p. ; Knowledge Centre
191 GIB 00088989 Cambridge Companion to Quine Gibson, Roger F Jr 2004 0521639492 323p UG Library
191 GOR 00058712 Saussure for Beginners Gordon, W Terrence Orient Longman Publications : 2000 8125022325 123 p. UG Library
191 GOR 00088253 Saussure for Beginners Gordon, W Terrence Orient Longman Publications : 2000 8125022325 123 p. UG Library
191 GRE 05011578 Quine's Naturalism : Gregory, Paul A continuum, 2008 9780826490995 147 p Knowledge Centre
191 GRE 05002333 Quine's Naturalism : Gregory, Paul A continuum, 2008 9780826490995 147 p Knowledge Centre
191 HAR 05011516 American philosophies : Harris, Leonard Blackwell Publishers, 2002 0631210016 (alk. paper) | 0631 viii, 456 p. ; Knowledge Centre
191 HIC 00090717 Hilary Putnam Hickey, Lance P Continuum International Publishing Group 2008 9781847060778 191p UG Library
191 HUX 00002620 Ends and Means Huxley, Aldous University 1938 338 p UG Library
191 HUX 00002624 Art of Seeing Huxley, Windenfe 1968 130 p UG Library
191 JAH 05058093 Letters to a young philosopher / Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199480388 | 0199480389 First edition. xxvi, 152 pages ; Knowledge Centre
191 JAN 00068302 Philosophy of William James: An Introduction Gale, Richard M 2005 0521549558 246p UG Library
191 MAR 05005070 Philosophy, psychoanalysis and emancipation / Marcuse, Herbert, Routledge, 2011 9780415137843 (hbk.) | 0415137 vi, 249 p. ; Knowledge Centre
191 MIS 00099077 The Oxford Handbook of American Philosophy / Misak, cheryl Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199219315 (alk. paper) | 0 xiii, 642 p. ; UG Library
191 MIS 00126870 The Oxford Handbook of American Philosophy / Misak, cheryl Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199219315 (alk. paper) | 0 xiii, 642 p. ; UG Library
191 NAG 05008401 Secular philosophy and the religious temperament : Nagel, Thomas, Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195394115 (hardback : alk. 171 p. ; Knowledge Centre
191 PET 05018182 John Dewey Reconidered: Routledge, 1977 9780415562522 128 p. : Knowledge Centre
191 RAN 04016976 The Voice of Reason: Rand, Ayn Meridian, 1989 9780452010468 353p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
191 RUS 07006248 John Searle / Rust, Joshua. Continuum, 2009 9780826497512 (hbk.) | 0826497 ix, 174 p. : Library - BR Campus
191 RUS 00076130 On Essay on the Foundations of Geometry: [ Dharmaram Library] Russell, Bertrand 1996 0041514146 198p UG Library
191 RUS 00076132 Fact and Fiction Russell, Bertrand Routledge 1995 156p UG Library
191 RUS 00076133 Our Knowledge of the External World: [ Dharmaram Library] Russell, Bertrand 2003 0415096057 251p UG Library
191 RUS 00076134 Principles of Social Reconstruction: [ Dharmaram Library] Russell, Bertrand 1998 0415143497 173p UG Library
191 RUS 00076135 Roads to Freedom [ Dharmaram Library] Russell, Bertrand 2005 0415154308 158p UG Library
191 SCH 10004991 A theory of jerks : and other philosophical misadventures / by Eric Schwitzgebel. Schwitzgebel, Eric [Author] MIT Press, 2019 9780262043090 xii, 367 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
191 SCH 00147905 A History of American Philosophy Schneider, Herbert W Motilal Banarsidass 1969 9788120824546 Reprint 590p UG Library
191 SEA 05034588 Philosophy in a New Century / Searke John R Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521731584 201 p Knowledge Centre
191 THO 00109013 Daniel Dennett Thompson,David, Continuum, 2009 9781847060082 | 9781847060082 xi, 178 p. ; UG Library
191 VOP 05006461 The Rorty reader / Wiley-Blackwell, 9781405198318 (hardcover : alk 548 p. Knowledge Centre
191 VOP 00098880 The Rorty reader / Wiley-Blackwell, 9781405198318 (hardcover : alk 548 p. UG Library
191 YAN 00106106 The philosophical I : Yancy,George. Rowman & Littlefield, 2002 0742513416 (alk. paper) | 0742 xxix, 295 p. ; UG Library
191.082 ZAC 00110496 Women of color and philosophy Zack,Naomi. Blackwell Publishers, 2000 0631218661 (pbk. : alk. paper) xi, 320 p. ; UG Library
191RUS4 00076131 Authority and the Individual: [ Dharmaram Library] Russell, Bertrand 2005 0415119561 96p UG Library
192 G\3 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
192 B\1 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
192 B\2 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
192 M\1 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
192 RUS 04006995 Best Russell`S, Bertrand Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 2009 9780415473583 128 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
192 RUS 03002398 Philosophical Essays / Russell, Bertrand. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2010 9780415474498 163 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
192 RUS 05033976 Sceptical Essays Russell, Bertrand Routledge Classics 2007 0415325080 | 9780415325080 225 p. Knowledge Centre
192 TRA 05034493 Thought's Footing / Travi's Charles Oxford University Press, 2006 9780199562374 217 p Knowledge Centre
192 AHM 07010279 Wittgenstein's Philosophical investigations : Ahmed, Arif. Continuum, 2010 9780826492630 (hbk.) | 0826492 vi, 167 p. ; Library - BR Campus
192 ANS 07006261 John Locke & Natural Philosophy/ Anstey,Peter R Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199589777 XI,243 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
192 APP 05072976 Wittgenstein and the limits of language / Appelqvist, Hanne. Routledge, 2020 9781032176352 x, 289p, ; Knowledge Centre
192 AYE 00024078 Past Master Series Ayer, A J 1980 195p UG Library
192 AYE 05034575 HUME : Ayer, A J Oxford University Press, 2006 0195682491 125 p Knowledge Centre
192 AYE 00085430 HUME : Ayer, A J Oxford University Press, 2006 0195682491 125 p UG Library
192 AYE 05048858 Hume : Ayer, A. J. Oxford University Press, 2000 0192854062 | 9780192854063 125 p. : Knowledge Centre
192 BAI 05057259 The Bloomsbury companion to Hume / Bailey, Alan. Bloomsbury, 2015 9781474243933 xvii,447p.; Knowledge Centre
192 BEE 01017084 The correspondence of John Locke / Locke, John, Clarendon Press, 2010 9780199573615 (v. 1 : hbk. : a v. <1> ; Knowledge Centre
192 BER 00090236 Principles of Human Knowledge and Three Dialogues Berkeley, George Oxford 2008 9780199555178 236p UG Library
192 BER 00090470 Principles of Human Knowledge and Three Dialogues Berkeley, George Oxford 2008 9780199555178 236p UG Library
192 Ber 05034587 Philosophical Writings / Berkeley Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521707626 338 p Knowledge Centre
192 BER 00125053 Philosophical Works / Berkeley, George, Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521881357 (alk. paper) | 0 443 p. : UG Library
192 BER 00071527 Cambridge Companion to Berkeley: [ Dharmaram Library] Berkeley 2004 0521456576 452p UG Library
192 BET 05011547 Berkeley's philosophy of spirit : Bettcher, Talia Mae. Continuum, 2007 9780826486431 173 p. ; Knowledge Centre
192 BET 00125746 Berkeley : Bettcher, Talia Mae. Continuum, 2008 9780826489906 | 9780826489913 xv, 207 p. : UG Library
192 BRO 00088318 British Philosopy and the Age of Enlightement Brown, Stuart 2008 9780415308779 395p UG Library
192 CHA 01013978 The Cambridge companion to Locke Cambridge University Press, 0521383714 (hbk.) | 9780521387 329p.; Knowledge Centre
192 CHI 05004781 Wittgenstein / Child, William Routledge, 2011 9780415312059 (alk. paper) | 9 xix, 278 p. ; Knowledge Centre
192 CLA 05059427 Mill and paternalism / Claeys, Gregory. Cambridge university press, 2013 9780521761086 | 0521761085 ix, 255 pages; Knowledge Centre
192 COO 05011544 Applying Wittgenstein / Read, Rupert J., Continuum, 2007 9780826494504 xx, 187 p. ; Knowledge Centre
192 COV 05003535 Hume Coventry, Angela Michelle. Continuum, 2007 0826489222 | 0826489230 | 9780 xiii, 178 p. Knowledge Centre
192 DAN 00111506 Briefly:Hume's Dialogues concerning Natural religion Daniel,david mills SCM Press 2006 0334040256 59p UG Library
192 DAN 00103897 Three dialogues between Hylas and Philonous / Berkeley, George, Oxford University Press, 1998 0198751494 (pbk.) | 0198751486 v, 186 p. ; UG Library
192 DIM 07006810 T.H. Green Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2006 0199271666 (alk. paper) | 9780 321p.: Library - BR Campus
192 DUN 00059144 Locke Dunn, John Oxford University Press 2003 0192803948 | 9780192803948 112 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
192 DUN 00059145 Locke Dunn, John Oxford University Press 2003 0192803948 | 9780192803948 112 p. UG Library
192 DUN 01017033 Locke : Dunn, John, Oxford University Press, 2003 0192803948 [Rev. ed.]. 112 p. : Knowledge Centre
192 FAN 05041071 Symposium On J.L.Austin / Routledge, 1969 9780415681209 xii,486p.: Knowledge Centre
192 FiN 00102304 Hobbes : Finn, Stephen J. Continuum, 9780826488374 (hbk.) | 0826488 xiii, 143 p. ; UG Library
192 FIT 00143653 Starting with Mill / Fitzpatrick, John R. Continuum, 2010 9781847062390 | 9789386606778 | 9781847062406 | 1847062393 | 1847062407 xiii, 178 p. ; UG Library
192 FIT 07010264 Starting with Mill / Fitzpatrick, John R. Continuum, 2010 9781847062390 | 9789386606778 | 9781847062406 | 1847062393 | 1847062407 xiii, 178 p. ; Library - BR Campus
192 FOR 07007689 Starting with Locke / Forster, Greg, Continuum, 2011 9781847065827 (hardback) | 184 xi, 159 p. ; Library - BR Campus
192 FOR 05039473 Starting with Locke / Forster, Greg, Continuum, 2011 9781847065827 (hardback) | 184 xi, 159 p. ; Knowledge Centre
192 FRO 00138690 Lessons from a materialist thinker : Frost, Samantha. Stanford University Press, 2008 9780804757478 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9780804757485 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiii, 212 p. ; UG Library
192 GER 05006415 Hobbes : Gert, Bernard, Polity Press, 2010 9780745648828 (pbk.) xi, 183 p. ; Knowledge Centre
192 GLO 05011514 Wittgenstein and analytic philosophy Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199213238 (hardback) | 019 xxii, 315 p. Knowledge Centre
192 GLO 05002336 Wittgenstein and analytic philosophy Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199213238 (hardback) | 019 xxii, 315 p. Knowledge Centre
192 GRA 00101787 Wittgenstein : Grayling, A. C. Oxford University Press, 0192854119 142 p. : UG Library
192 GRA 05048915 Russell : Grayling, A. C. Oxford University Press, 2002 0192802585 | 9780192802583 147 p. : Knowledge Centre
192 GRA 01016450 Russell : Grayling, A.C. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195687231 147 p. Knowledge Centre
192 GRA 05034569 Russell : Grayling, A C Oxford University Press, 2007 0019568723 147 p Knowledge Centre
192 GRA 00085443 Russell : Grayling, A C Oxford University Press, 2007 0019568723 147 p UG Library
192 GRI 01013943 The Cambridge companion to Bertrand Russell / Cambridge University Press, 0521631785 (hardback)) | 05216 xvii, 550 p. ; Knowledge Centre
192 GRI 05061294 Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Adam Smith : Griswold, Charles L., Routledge, 2018 9781138218956 (hardback : alk. paper) 1 [edition]. xxi, 275 pages ; Knowledge Centre
192 GUI 05059928 Issac Newton And Natural Philosophy / Guicciardini,Niccolo , Reaktion Books , 2018 9781780239064 268p ,: Knowledge Centre
192 HAA 05034558 The Cambridge Companion to Adam Smith / Haakonssen, Knud Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521779243 409 p Knowledge Centre
192 HAC 05034581 Wittgenstein mind and will; Hacker P.M.S Black well; 2000 9780631219873 462 p. Knowledge Centre
192 HAC 00140919 Wittgenstein Hacker, Peter Weidenfeld and Nicolson 2021 9781474616799 86p UG Library
192 HAR 01017174 David Hume : Hardin, Russell, Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199571536 | 0199232563 xvi, 260 p. ; Knowledge Centre
192 HAR 00109026 David Hume Hardin,Russell, Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199232567 | 0199232563 (al xvi, 260 p. ; UG Library
192 HEA 00111509 Introducing Wittgenstein Heaton, John M., Totem Books ; | Distributed to the trade in the United States by National Book Network, 1996 175 p. : UG Library
192 HOB 00104084 The correspondence / Hobbes, Thomas, Clarendon Press, 1994 9780198237471 | 9780198237471 2 v. (lxxv, 1008 p.) : UG Library
192 HOB 00104692 The correspondence / Hobbes, Thomas, Clarendon Press, 1994 9780198237471 | 9780198237471 2 v. (lxxv, 1008 p.) : UG Library
192 HON 00064741 Philosopher: A Kind of Life Honderich, Ted 2003 0415236975 438p UG Library
192 HUM 00071491 Philosophy of David Hume [ Dharmaram Library] Hume, David 2004 1403915075 562p UG Library
192 HUM 00103925 A treatise of human nature: Hume David Oxford university; 1978 9780198245889 743 p. UG Library
192 HUM 00094630 David Hume Selected Essays Hume David Oxford University Press 9780199540303 410p UG Library
192 HUX 00002625 Perennial Philosophy Huxley, Aldous Fontana 1932 320 p UG Library
192 HUX 00002628 Science Liberty and Peace Huxley,Aldous Chatto & Windus 1950 64 p. UG Library
192 JOL 00107851 Wittgenstein Jolley Dean Kelly Acumen, 2010 9781844651894 | 1844651886 (hb ix, 214 p. ; UG Library
192 JON 07006796 Starting With Berkeley Jones, Nick Continuum International Publishing Group 2008 9781847061874 191p Library - BR Campus
192 JON 00090727 Starting With Berkeley Jones, Nick Continuum International Publishing Group 2008 9781847061874 191p UG Library
192 JON 05011581 Starting With Berkeley Jones, Nick Continuum International Publishing Group 2008 9781847061874 191p Knowledge Centre
192 KIS 05011605 Wittgenstein's form of life (To imagine a form of life, I) / Kishik, David. Continuum, 2008 9781847062239 146 p. : Knowledge Centre
192 KLA 01013976 Wittgenstein : Cambridge University Press, 0521803977 | 9780521008686 | 0 xv, 272 p. : Knowledge Centre
192 KOE 00024344 Act of Creation Koestler, Arthur Picador 1975 490 p UG Library
192 LAB 00129663 Science and religion in Wittgenstein's fly bottle Labron, Tim, 9781441151193 (pbk. : alk. pap 138p UG Library
192 LAI 00053861 Politics of Experience and the Bird of Paradise Laing, R D 1990 0140134867 155p Knowledge Centre
192 LAN 05004597 Russell / Landini, Gregory. Routledge, 2011 9780415396264 (hardback : alk. xvi, 468 p. : Knowledge Centre
192 LEW 00098327 Darwin: Lewens,Tim . Simultaneously Pub. 9780415346382 288 p. UG Library
192 LEW 00084374 Darwin Lewens, Tim 2007 0041534638 289p UG Library
192 LLO 00130198 The Bloomsbury companion to Hobbes Lloyd,S A Bloomsbury, 2013 9781441190451 (hardcover : alk x, 334 p.: UG Library
192 LOC 05007168 A fantasy of reason : Locke, Don. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980 9780415555692 xi, 398 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
192 LON 01024433 Preparatory principles / Bentham, Jeremy. Oxford university press , 2016 9780198782902 (hardback) xi, 516pages. Knowledge Centre
192 LOW 00084381 Locke Lowe, E J 2005 0415283485 220p UG Library
192 MAC 07006798 Starting With Hobbes Macdonald Ross, George Continuum International Publishing Group 2008 9781847061614 181p Library - BR Campus
192 MAC 05011582 Starting with Hobbes MacDonald Ross, G. Continuum, 2009 9781847061607 (hardback) | 978 vii, 181 p. 22 cm. Knowledge Centre
192 MAC 00090715 Starting With Hobbes Macdonald Ross, George Continuum International Publishing Group 2008 9781847061614 181p UG Library
192 MAR 05048890 The Oxford handbook of Hobbes / Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199791941 (hardcover : alk xiv, 649 pages ; Knowledge Centre
192 MAR 00084377 Hobbes Martinich, A P 2005 0415283280 261p UG Library
192 MAR 00117643 Riding the wind : Marshall, Peter H., Cassell, 1998 0304334251 x, 262 p. ; UG Library
192 MCG 05034559 Making of a Philosopher : McGinn, Colin Harper Collings Books, 2001 0060197927 241 p Knowledge Centre
192 MCG 05034585 Elucidating the Tractatus : McGinn, Marie. Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press , 2009 9780199568246 (pbk. : alk. pap xii, 316 p. ; Knowledge Centre
192 MEL 05045020 Mind, meaning, and reality Mellor, D. H. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199645084 (hbk.) | 0199645 xiv,232p.: Knowledge Centre
192 MIL 05006427 J.S. Mill : Miller, Dale E., Polity, 2010 9780745625843 (pbk.) viii, 252 p. ; Knowledge Centre
192 MOS 01013928 The life of David Hume / Mossner, Ernest Campbell, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 0199243360 (pbk.) | 9780199243 xx, 709 p. : Knowledge Centre
192 NEE 00091845 Physics without Metaphysics? Neelamkavil Raphael Dharmaram Publications, 2006 8186861890 380p, : UG Library
192 NEE 04018005 Physics without Metaphysics? Neelamkavil Raphael Dharmaram Publications, 2006 8186861890 380p, : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
192 NEW 07010256 Isaac Newton : Newton, Isaac, Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107042384 (hardback) | 978 Revised Edition. xliv, 198 pages : Library - BR Campus
192 NOO 00106102 Hume Noonan, Harold W. Oneworld, 2007 185168493X (pbk.) | 9781851684 viii, 215 p. ; UG Library
192 NOR 05034583 Cambridge Companion to Hume / David Fate Norton Cambridge, 1993 0521387108 400 p Knowledge Centre
192 NOR 00090690 Cambridge Companion to Hume / David Fate Norton Cambridge, 1993 0521387108 400 p UG Library
192 NOR 07011702 The Cambridge companion to Hume Norton, David Fate Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521677349 2nd ed. xvii,539p. Library - BR Campus
192 PAR 05041037 Jeremy Bentham : Routledge, 1974 9780415692427 xxvii,204p.: Knowledge Centre
192 PET 00073862 J s Mill a Beginners Guide [dharmaram Library] Abbott, Rob 2007 0340804742 84p UG Library
192 POD 00110082 The Cambridge Companion to Oakeshott Podoksik, Efraim. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521764674 (hardback) | 978 xvii, 367 pages ; UG Library
192 POD 00109978 The Cambridge Companion to Oakeshott Podoksik, Efraim. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521764674 (hardback) | 978 xvii, 367 pages ; UG Library
192 POP 05004770 After The open society : Popper, Karl R. Routledge, 2007 9780415309080 (hardback) p. cm. Knowledge Centre
192 POP 05004665 Unended quest / Popper, Karl R. Routledge, 2002 0415285895 (hbk) | 0415285909 [Rev. ed.]. x, 315 p. ; Knowledge Centre
192 POT 01013598 Wittgenstein's notes on logic / Potter, Michael D. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199215836 (hbk.) | 0199215 xii, 310 p. ; Knowledge Centre
192 POT 05002347 Wittgenstein's notes on logic / Potter, Michael D. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199215836 (hbk.) | 0199215 xii, 310 p. ; Knowledge Centre
192 PRA 04012521 Language, Reality, and Transcendence : Pradhan, R. C. BrownWalker Press, 2008 9781599424750 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii, 264 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
192 PRA 00112555 Philosophy of Wittgenstein : Pradhan, R C Decent Books : | Distributed by D.K. Printworld, 2001 viii, 213 p. ; UG Library
192 RAD 07010152 A Companion to Hume / Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781444337860 xiii,573p.: Library - BR Campus
192 RAP 00074604 Popper Raphael, Frederic Routledge 1999 0415923913 | 9780415923910 59 p. UG Library
192 RIV 05034584 Medicine, Magic and Religion Rivers, W H R New York 0415254035 135p Knowledge Centre
192 ROU 05064186 A happy future is a thing of the past : Roufos, Pavlos. Reaktion Books, 2018 9781780239859 218p.; Knowledge Centre
192 RUS 00047671 Philosophy of Leibniz Russell, Bertrand 1997 0041508296 311p UG Library
192 RUS 01006568 Unpopular Essays(law Lib) Bertrand Russell ROUTLEDGE 0415119634 190p Knowledge Centre
192 RUS 00064711 Why I Am Not a Christian Russell, Bertrand 2000 0415325102 224p UG Library
192 RUS 05032094 Philosophical Essays / Russell, Bertrand Routledge, 1996 0041510579 159 p Knowledge Centre
192 RUS 00064712 Analysis of Matter Ruskin, Bertrand 2000 0415082978 408p UG Library
192 RUS 00064713 Philosophy of Leibniz Russell, Bertrand 1992 0041508296 310p UG Library
192 RUS 00064714 Philosophical Essays Russell, Bertrand 2004 0041510579 158p UG Library
192 RUS 00064715 Mysticism and Logic: Including a Freeman`s Worship Russell, Bertrand 2000 0041510937 224p UG Library
192 RUS 00064716 My Philosophical Development Russenn, Bertrand 2000 0415136016 207p UG Library
192 RUS 05034574 Unpopular Essays / Russell, Bertrand Routledge, 2006 0415119634 190 p Knowledge Centre
192 RUS 00064717 Logic and Knowledge Russell, Bertrand 2004 0415090741 382p UG Library
192 RUS 00064718 Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy Russell, Bertrand 2000 0415096049 206p UG Library
192 RUS 00064720 Education and the Social Order Russell, Bertrand 2000 0415079160 158p UG Library
192 RUS 00064721 Autobiography Russell, Bertrand 2004 0041522862 748p UG Library
192 RUS 05004890 Autobiography / Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2009 9780415473736 (hb) | 041547373 xvi, 746 p. ; Knowledge Centre
192 RUS 00064722 Outline of Philosophy Russell, Bertrand 2000 0415141176 247p UG Library
192 RUS 00064723 Inquiry into Meaning and Truth Russell, Bertrand 2000 0415136008 352p UG Library
192 RUS 00078504 The Conquest of Happiness Russell, Bertrand Routledge Classics 2006 0415378478 | 9780415378475 183 p. UG Library
192 RUS 00092095 Unpopular essays / Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2009 9780415473705 (pbk) p. cm. UG Library
192 RUS 00078531 In Praise of Idleness and Other Essays Bertrand, Russell Routledge 2005 0415325064 | 9780415325066 171 p. UG Library
192 RUS 00089473 My Philosophical Development Russell, Bertrand 1995 0415136016 207p UG Library
192 RUS 00089475 Basic Writing of the Bertrand Russell Russel, Bertrand 9780415083010 736p UG Library
192 RUS 00068407 Cambridge Companion to Bertrand Russell (dharmaram Library) Bertrand, Russell 2003 550p UG Library
192 RUS 00089478 Theory of Knowledge: The 1913 Manuscript Russell, Bertrand 2005 0415082986 197p UG Library
192 RUS 05033977 The basic writings of Bertrand Russell / Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2009 9780415472388 (pbk) p. cm. Knowledge Centre
192 RUS 00078582 Sceptical Essays Russell, Bertrand Routledge Classics 2007 0415325080 | 9780415325080 225 p. UG Library
192 RUS 05005463 The basic writings of Bertrand Russell / Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2009 9780415472388 (pbk) p. cm. Knowledge Centre
192 SAV 00130199 The Bloomsbury Companion to Locke Savonius-Worth,S J Bloomsbury 2014 9781472528445 330p UG Library
192 SCE 05039471 Popper, objectivity and the growth of knowledge Sceski, John H. Continuum, 2007 xii, 159 p. ; Knowledge Centre
192 SCH 07006802 Bentham Schofield, Philip, Continuum, 2009 9780826495891 (hbk.) | 0826495 viii, 183 p. Library - BR Campus
192 SCH 00106515 Bentham Schofield, Philip, Continuum, 2009 9780826495891 (hbk.) | 0826495 viii, 183 p. UG Library
192 SCH 05011546 Bentham Schofield, Philip, Continuum, 2009 9780826495891 (hbk.) | 0826495 viii, 183 p. Knowledge Centre
192 SCH 00089341 Philosophy of Bertrand Russell Schillpp, Paul Arthur Sristhi 2001 8187075376 417p UG Library
192 SLA 00142778 Hume's natural philosophy and philosophy of physical science / Slavov, Matias, Bloomsbury Academic ; 2020 9781350087866 | 9781350185036 197 p. ; UG Library
192 SLU 07011570 The Cambridge companion to Wittgenstein / Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107120259 (hbk : alk. pape Second edition. xiv, 515 pages ; Library - BR Campus
192 SOR 01013962 The Cambridge companion to Hobbes / Cambridge University Press, 0521410193 (hardback) | 978052 xii, 404 p. : Knowledge Centre
192 STE 07014096 Wittgenstein in the 1930s : Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108425872 xii,290p. Library - BR Campus
192 STE 00132933 Wittgenstein : Stern,David G. Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107041165 (hardback) lxxiv, 420 p. ; UG Library
192 TAY 05060663 Reflecting subjects : Taylor, Jacqueline Anne, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198801429 xiii, 196 pages ; Knowledge Centre
192 TAY 05002348 The philosophy of Herbert Spencer Taylor, M. W. Continuum, 2007 9780826487230 (hbk.) | 0826487 xiv, 183 p. Knowledge Centre
192 TEJ 07010265 Starting with Wittgenstein / Tejedor, Chon. Continuum, 2011 9781847061416 | 1847061419 | 9 x, 183 p. ; Library - BR Campus
192 TOW 00147637 Taste and experience in eighteenth-century British aesthetics : Townsend, Dabney Bloomsbury Academic, 2022 9781350298705 247 p. ; UG Library
192 TSO 05068460 Interpreting J L Austin : Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107565692 xi, 238p.; Knowledge Centre
192 WIT 00106088 Tractatus Logico-philosophicus Wittgenstein Ludwig Routledge Classics 1974 9780415254083 176 p UG Library
192 WIT 05034568 Philosophische untersuchungen : Wittgenstein Ludwig Wiley blackwell; 2009 9781405159296 321 p. Knowledge Centre
192 WOO 05002344 Locke : Woolhouse, Roger Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521817868 528 p Knowledge Centre
192 ZAR 00110285 The Philosophers' Quarrel Zaretsky, Robert, Yale University Press, 2009 9780300121933 (cloth : alk. pa x, 247 p. : UG Library
192.2 HUM 05032135 Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion / Hume, David Penguin Books, 1990 153 p Knowledge Centre
192BAC.P 00070139 Cambridge Companion to Bacon (Dharmaram) Peltonen, Markku 0052143534 372p UG Library
192JAN 01009707 Newton as Philosopher (law Lib) Andrew Jaiak Cambridge University Press 9780521862868 196p Knowledge Centre
192LAN 01009694 Wittgenstein`s Apprenticeship With Russell(law Lib) Gregory Landini Cambridge University Press 9780521870238 300p Knowledge Centre
192LEW 01009392 Darwin Tim Lewens ROUTLEDGE 9780415346382 289p Knowledge Centre
192MCG 01000905 Making of Philosopher (law Lib) Colin Mcginn Harper Perennial 0060197927 241p Knowledge Centre
192RUS 01006559 Outline of Philosophy (law Lib) Bertrand Russell ROUTLEDGE 0415141176 247p Knowledge Centre
193 00143652 Starting with Leibniz Woolhouse, R. S. Continuum, 2010 9781847062031 | 9789386950789 | 9781847062048 | 9781441142337 (e-book) viii, 164 p. UG Library
193 C-4 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
193 BUR 05002326 Kant's philosophies of judgement; Burnham,Douglas Edinburg university; 2004 9780748616350 vii;213 p. Knowledge Centre
193 FRO 00119899 From Marx`s Concept of Man Fromm, Erich Continuum 2005 0826477917 | 9780826477910 206p. UG Library
193 GUY 05002328 The Cambridge Companion to Kant and Modern Philosophy / Guyer, Paul Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521529956 722 p Knowledge Centre
193 LOE 05002327 The death of Nietzsche's Zarathustra / Loeb, Paul S. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521519236 (hbk.) xiii, 269 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 NIE 00024392 Ecce Homo: How One Becomes What One Is Nietzsche, Friedrich Penguin Books 1979 142 p. UG Library
193 SPE 05034499 Habermas : Specter, Matthew G. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521488037 (hardback) | 978 xii, 263 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 SPE 00106593 Habermas : Specter, Matthew G. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521488037 (hardback) | 978 xii, 263 p. ; UG Library
193 ADO 05006431 Lectures on negative dialectics : Adorno, Theodor W., Polity, 2008 9780745635101 (pbk.) xix, 267 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 ADO 00140081 Can one live after Auschwitz? : Adorno, Theodor W., Stanford University Press, 2003 0804731438 (PB) | 0804731446 (PB) xxvii, 525 p. ; UG Library
193 ADO 00068215 Adorno Esthetic Theory Adorno, Thodor W 2005 0826476910 471p UG Library
193 ADO 00078918 Jargon of Authenticity [ug.Philosophy Section] Adorno, Theodor Routledge Classics 2003 0415289912 xx; 142 p. UG Library
193 AGG 05068758 Plop : Aggarwal, Neha. Uyirmmai Publications, 2019 9789387636835 189 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 AGG 00137385 Plop : Aggarwal, Neha. Uyirmmai Publications, 2019 9789387636835 189 p. ; UG Library
193 AGG 05066908 Plop : Aggarwal, Neha. Uyirmmai Publications, 2019 9789387636835 189 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 AGG 07014870 Plop : Aggarwal, Neha. Uyirmmai Publications, 2019 9789387636835 189 p. ; Library - BR Campus
193 ALL 00079833 Reading the New Nietzsche Allison, David B Motilal Banarsidass 2007 316p UG Library
193 ALL 00146156 The Cambridge Habermas lexicon / Cambridge University Press 2019 9781107172029 (alk. paper) | 9781316623206 1 [edition]. 809pages UG Library
193 ALT 00085603 Spectre of Hegel: Early Writings Althusser, Louis Verso 1997 0185984099 264 p UG Library
193 ALZ 00124628 Hegel's theory of responsibility Alznauer, Mark. Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107078123 (hardback) x, 218 p.: UG Library
193 AME 05032154 Kant and the Historical Turn : Ameriks, Karl, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2006 0199205345 (pbk.) | 0199205337 vi, 335 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 ANS 00135857 Nietzsche's search for philosophy : Ansell-Pearson, Keith, Bloomsbury 2018 9781474254694 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781474254700 (pbk. : alk. paper) 181p UG Library
193 ANT 01009773 Leibniz : Antognazza, Maria Rosa, Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521806190 (hardback) | 052 xxvii, 623 p. : Knowledge Centre
193 ASS 00124936 Freud and Nietzsche Assoun, Paul-Laurent, Continuum, 2000 xl, 238 p. UG Library
193 BAD 00068217 Badiou Infinite Thought Badiou, Alain 2005 0826479294 147p UG Library
193 BAI 00138983 Kant and the continental tradition : Routledge, London: 9781138503748 245 p.; UG Library
193 BAR 07006804 Open Questions Introduction to Philosophy / Barcalow Emmett Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1993 9780195156560 296p.: Library - BR Campus
193 BAT 00078488 On Nietzsche Bataille, George Continuum 1992 0826477089 | 9780826477088 188 p. UG Library
193 BAT 00068219 Bataukke in Nietzsche Bataille, George 2005 0826477089 188p UG Library
193 BEI 05041974 After Hegel : Beiser, Frederick C., Princeton University Press, 2014 9780691163093 (cloth : alk. pa ix, 232 pages ; Knowledge Centre
193 BEI 01013958 The Cambridge companion to Hegel and nineteenth-century philosophy / Cambridge University Press, 9780521539388 (pbk.) | 0521539 xiv, 425 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 BEI 05002091 Cambridge Companion to Hegel / Beiser, Frederick C Cambridge University, 1999 0521387116 518 p Knowledge Centre
193 BEI 00084376 Hegel Beiser, Frederick 2005 0415312086 361p UG Library
193 BEI 00087783 Hegel Beiser, Frederick 2005 0415312086 361p UG Library
193 BEI 01009390 Hegel Frederick Beiser ROUTLEDGE 9780415312080 361 Knowledge Centre
193 BEN 05068334 Experiencing multiple realities : Bența, Marius I., Routledge, 2018 9780415793322 (hbk) xii, 151 pages ; Knowledge Centre
193 BLO 00131987 Heidegger and Nietzsche : Blond, Louis P. Continuum, 2012 9781441104434 207 p. ; UG Library
193 BLO 05002119 Nietzsche: The body and culture : Blondel Eric Athlone Press, 1991 9780485113910 353 p Knowledge Centre
193 BLO 07006811 Nietzsche, the body and culture : Blondel, Eric, Athlone Press, 1991 0485113910 353 p. ; Library - BR Campus
193 BLU 05066580 Lions / Blumenberg, Hans. Seagull Books, 2018 9780857424303 128p.; Knowledge Centre
193 BOW 00101775 German philosophy : Bowie, Andrew, Oxford University Press, 9780199569250 (pbk.) 137 p. : UG Library
193 BOW 05048848 German philosophy : Bowie, Andrew, Oxford University Press, 9780199569250 (pbk.) 137 p. : Knowledge Centre
193 BRA 00109003 Heidegger's later writings Braver,Lee. Continuum, 2009 9780826439673 | 082642211X (hb x, 157 p. ; UG Library
193 BRI 00138642 Nietzsche Brinton,Crane Cosmo Publications 2019 9788130715971 204p UG Library
193 BRO 00142776 Hegel on possibility : Brown, Nahum Bloomsbury Academic ; 2020 9781350081697 232 p. ; UG Library
193 BUB 00111944 Between man and man / Buber, Martin, Routledge, 2002 0415278260 | 0415278279 (pbk.) xx, 268 p. ; UG Library
193 BUB 00068221 I and Thou Buber, Martin 2004 0826476937 101p UG Library
193 BUR 07006835 Kant's philosophies of judgement; Burnham,Douglas Edinburg university; 2004 9780748616350 vii;213 p. Library - BR Campus
193 BUR 05011569 Kant's Philosophies of Judgement / Burnham, Douglas. Edinburgh University Press, 2004 0748616357 vi, 213 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 BUR 00106519 Reading Nietzsche Burnham, Douglas. Acumen, 2006 9781844650750 xiii, 247 p. UG Library
193 BUR 01015767 Kant's Philosophies of Judgement / Burnham, Douglas. Edinburgh University Press, 2004 0748616357 vi, 213 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 BUR 01009399 Kant's Philosophies of Judgement / Burnham, Douglas. Edinburgh University Press, 2004 0748616357 vi, 213 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 CAM 00127520 The early Heidegger's philosophy of life : Campbell, Scott M. Fordham University Press, 2012 9780823242191 (cloth : alk. pa xx, 294 p. ; UG Library
193 CAR 05002113 Carnap and Twentieth-Century Thought : Carus, A W Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521862271 346 p Knowledge Centre
193 CLA 00082305 Heideger Martin Clark, Timothy 2007 0415229294 184 UG Library
193 CLA 05032156 Martin Heidegger / Clark, Timothy Routledge, 2007 0415229294 184 p Knowledge Centre
193 CLA 05009386 Martin Heidegger / Clark, Timothy, Routledge, 2011 9780415590891 (hbk : alk. pape 2nd ed. xvii, 197 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 COL 00092427 Marx Collier Andrew Oneworld Publications 9781851683468 170p UG Library
193 COL 05055188 Habermas and literary rationality / Colclasure, David L. Routledge, 9780415994712 vi, 124 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 COM 00140082 Mourning sickness : Comay, Rebecca. Stanford University Press, 2011 9780804761260 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9780804761277 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiv, 202 p. ; UG Library
193 COO 00112392 Theodor Adorno Key Concepts / Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131604885 xii,212p.; UG Library
193 COO 07010278 Theodor Adorno Key Concepts / Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131604885 xii,212p.; Library - BR Campus
193 COO 07007567 Theodor Adorno Key Concepts / Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131604885 xii,212p.; Library - BR Campus
193 COO 05032818 Theodor Adorno Key Concepts / Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131604885 xii,212p.; Knowledge Centre
193 CRO 05045636 Schopenhauer's Encounter with Indian Thought : Cross Stephen Munshiram Manoharlal, 2013 9788121512794 287p.: Knowledge Centre
193 CRO 00106688 Heidegger's religious origins : Crowe, Benjamin D., Indiana University Press, 2006 0253347068 (cloth : alk. paper xv, 296 p. ; UG Library
193 CYK 00141939 Heidegger's metaphysical abyss : Cykowski, Beth, Oxford University Press 2021 9780198865407 | 0198865406 First edition. 196 pages ; UG Library
193 DAH 05066738 Kant and his German contemporaries / Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107140899 (v. 1 : hardback : alk. paper) | 9781107178168 (v. 2 : hardback : alk. paper) First [edition]. xii,285p.; Knowledge Centre
193 DAS 05047712 Revisiting W B Yeats's World and Art / Das, Bijay Kumar Atlantic, 2016 9788126922451 126 p. Knowledge Centre
193 DAS 07009842 Revisiting W B Yeats's World and Art / Das, Bijay Kumar Atlantic, 2016 9788126922451 126 p. Library - BR Campus
193 DES 00052469 Cambridge Companion to Descartes Cottingham John Cambridge University Press 1998 0521366968 | 9780521366960 440 p. UG Library
193 DRI 07010233 Nietzsche on mind and nature / Dries, Manuel. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198722236 (hardback) 234p.: Library - BR Campus
193 DRI 09000287 Nietzsche on mind and nature / Dries, Manuel. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198722236 (hardback) 234p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
193 DRI 05068125 Nietzsche on mind and nature / Dries, Manuel. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198722236 (hardback) 234p.: Knowledge Centre
193 DUN 00125779 Idealism: Dunham,Jeremy. Acumen, 2011 9781844652419 x,334 p. UG Library
193 DUN 00106516 Idealism: Dunham,Jeremy. Acumen, 2011 9781844652419 x,334 p. UG Library
193 ELK 00131989 Heidegger and a metaphysics of feeling : Elkholy, Sharin N. Continuum, 2008 9781441101525 | 0826498752 153 p. ; UG Library
193 EMD 07013657 Nietzsche's naturalism : Emden, Christian J., Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781107685086 x, 254 pages ; Library - BR Campus
193 FAR 05009482 Exceedingly Nietzsche : Routledge, 2010 9780415562232 179 p.: Knowledge Centre
193 FIN 05032157 Nietzxche's Philosophy / Fink, Eugen Continuum, 2003 0826459978 184 p. Knowledge Centre
193 FIN 05074763 The Habermas-Rawls debate / Finlayson, James Gordon, Rawat Publications, 2019 9788131613795 xi, 294 pages ; Knowledge Centre
193 FIN 01017115 Habermas : Finlayson, James Gordon. Oxford University Press, 2005 0192840959 (pbk.) | 9780192840 156 p. : Knowledge Centre
193 FOR 05039958 The twenty-five years of philosophy F�orster, Eckart. Harvard University Press, 2012 9780674055162 | 9780674064980 xi, 408 p. : Knowledge Centre
193 FRE 00067579 On Metapsychology-11 Freud,Sigmund Shrijiee`sbook International 2003 503 p. UG Library
193 FRE 00067580 Studies On Hysteria-3 Freud, Sigmund Shrijiee`sbook International 2003 384 p. UG Library
193 FRE 00066282 Case Histories II Freud,Sigmund Shrijiee'sbook International 2003 399 p. UG Library
193 FRE 00066283 Art And Literature Freud, Sigmund Shrijiee`sbook International 2003 527 p. UG Library
193 FRE 05032141 Interpretation of Dreams / Freud, Sigmund English Edition, 2000 8187853069 324 p Knowledge Centre
193 FRE 00067577 Civilization Society and Religion-12 Freud, Sigmund Shrijiee'sbook International 2003 381 p. UG Library
193 FRE 00067578 Historical and Exopsitory Works on Psychoanalysis-15 Freud, Sigmund Shrijee's Book International 2003 512 p. UG Library
193 FRE 07007514 Interpretation of Dreams / Freud, Sigmund English Edition, 2000 8187853069 324 p Library - BR Campus
193 FRE 00035846 Character and Culture Freud, Sigmund Macmillan 320 p UG Library
193 FRE 00035847 Studies in Parapsychology Freud, Sigmund Mac 1963 126 p UG Library
193 FRE 00035848 Dora:An Analysis of a Case of Hysteria Freud, Sigmund Mac 1963 158 p UG Library
193 FRE 05030683 Early Psychoanalytic Writings / Freud, Sigmund Macmillan Co, 1963 002076300X 254p. Knowledge Centre
193 FRE 00035850 General Psychological Theory Freud, Sigmund Mac 1963 224 p UG Library
193 FRE 00035851 Sexual Enlightment Freud, Sigmund Mac 1963 190 p UG Library
193 FRE 00052899 Totem and Taboo. Freud 2001 0041525387 201p UG Library
193 FRE 05034571 Totem And Taboo : Freud, Sigmund Vintage Bookds, 2000 0394701240 206 p Knowledge Centre
193 FRI 05032127 The Cambridge Companion to CARNAP / Friedman, Michael Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521549455 371 p Knowledge Centre
193 FRI 05010033 Walter Benjamin Friedlander, Eli. Harvard University Press, 2012 9780674061699 | 9780674063020 xi, 285 p. Knowledge Centre
193 FRI 05040785 Walter Benjamin Friedlander, Eli. Harvard University Press, 2012 9780674061699 | 9780674063020 xi, 285 p. Knowledge Centre
193 FRO 00068229 From Marx`s Concept of Man Fromm, Erich Continuum 2005 0826477917 | 9780826477910 206p. UG Library
193 FUL 07005332 Jurgen Habermas : Fultner,Brabara. Rawat Publications, 2011 9788131604779 xiii,264 p. ; Library - BR Campus
193 FUL 00112389 Jurgen Habermas : Fultner,Brabara. Rawat Publications, 2011 9788131604779 xiii,264 p. ; UG Library
193 FUL 05034221 Jurgen Habermas : Fultner,Brabara. Rawat Publications, 2011 9788131604779 xiii,264 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 GAD 00068230 Gadamer Tuth and Method Gadamer, Hans-George 2005 0082647697 601p UG Library
193 GOL 00122064 Heidegger on concepts, freedom and normativity / Golob, Sacha, Cambridge University Press 2014 9781107031708 (hardback : alk. xvii, 270 pages ; UG Library
193 GOL 00092613 Nietzsche, godfather of fascism? : Princeton University Press, 2002 0691007098 (alk. paper) | 0691 xv, 341 p. ; UG Library
193 GRO 00110090 The philosophy of Gadamer Grondin, Jean. Acumen, 2003 1902683641 (hardback) | 190268 ix, 180 p. UG Library
193 GRO 00107846 The philosophy of Gadamer Grondin, Jean. Acumen, 2003 1902683641 (hardback) | 190268 ix, 180 p. UG Library
193 GRO 05011590 The philosophy of Gadamer Grondin, Jean. Acumen, 2003 1902683641 (hardback) | 190268 ix, 180 p. Knowledge Centre
193 GUI 07010271 The Cambridge companion to Heidegger Cambridge University Press, 1993 0521385709 (hc) | 0521385970 ( xx,389p.: Library - BR Campus
193 GUI 05032122 Cambridge Companion to Heidegger / Guignon, Charles B Cambridge University Press, 2008 0521528887 2nd. 426 p Knowledge Centre
193 GUY 05034491 The Cambridge Companion to Kant and Modern Philosophy / Guyer, Paul Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521529956 722 p Knowledge Centre
193 GUY 00088758 Cambridge Companion to Kant and Modern Philosophy Guyner, Paul 2007 9780521823036 722p UG Library
193 HAA 07006800 Starting With Nietzsche Haase, Ullrich Continuum International Publishing Group 2008 9781847061638 178p Library - BR Campus
193 HAA 00090720 Starting With Nietzsche Haase, Ullrich Continuum International Publishing Group 2008 9781847061638 178p UG Library
193 HAA 05011583 Starting With Nietzsche Haase, Ullrich Continuum International Publishing Group 2008 9781847061638 178p Knowledge Centre
193 HAB 05007509 On the pragmatics of communication Habermas, Jürgen. MIT Press, 1998 9780745630472 viii, 454 p. : Knowledge Centre
193 HAH 00130292 Perspectives on Habermas Hahn,Lewis Edwin 0812694279 586p UG Library
193 HAM 00085739 Writings on Philosophy and Language Hamann, Johann Georg 2007 9780521520676 252 p UG Library
193 HAR 00134051 Nature's suit : Hardy, Lee. Ohio University Press 2013 9780821420652 (hc : alk. paper) | 9780821420669 (pb : alk. paper) xii, 248 pages ; UG Library
193 HAR 00106100 Art matters: Harries, Karsten. Springer, 2009 9781402099885 (hbk.) | 1402099 xii,201 p. UG Library
193 HAS 05044026 Hegel and the art of negation : Hass, Andrew, I.B.Tauris, 2014 9781780765570 (hbk.) | 1780765 227 pages ; Knowledge Centre
193 HEG 00099081 Phenomenology of Spirit Hegel G W F Motilal Banorsidass, 9788120814738 xxxvii, 595 p. UG Library
193 HEI 05004658 Basic Writing / Heidegger Routledge, 2008 9780415584821 xliii,342 p. Knowledge Centre
193 HEI 05048110 Mindfulness / Heidegger Martin Bloomsbury, 2016 9781474272056 xliii,373p.: Knowledge Centre
193 HEI 00078474 The Essence of Human Freedom Heidegger Martin Continuum 2005 0826479367 220 p. UG Library
193 HEI 00110502 Contributions to philosophy (of the event) Heidegger, Martin. Indiana University Press 1989 9780253001139 (cloth : alk. pa xvi, 433 pages ; UG Library
193 HEI 05006432 Letters to his wife, 1915-1970 / Heidegger, Martin, Polity, 2008 9780745641355 (hbk.) | 0745641350 (hbk.) | 9780745641362 (pb.) | 0745641369 (pb.) English ed. xv, 354 p. : Knowledge Centre
193 HEI 07006375 Mindfulness / Heidegger Martin Bloomsbury, 2016 9781474272056 xliii,373p.: Library - BR Campus
193 HEI 04024274 What is Called Thinking / Heidgger, Martin Happer Collins, 1968 9780060905286 252p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
193 HEI 10003214 Basic Writings: Heidegger, Martin Routledge, 2011 9781032160825 xliii,342 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
193 HEL 00070137 Cambridge Companion to Heidegger (Dharmaram) Guignon, Charles 1997 0521385970 389p UG Library
193 HIL 00109770 Introduction To Logic and Theory Of Knowledge Lectures1906/07 Hill , Claire Ortiz Springer 2008 9781402067266 xxix; 479 p. UG Library
193 HIL 00058708 Lacan for Beginners Hill,Philip Orient Longman Publications 2000 8125022368 | 9788125022367 168 p. UG Library
193 HIL 00088255 Lacan for Beginners Hill,Philip Orient Longman Publications 2000 8125022368 | 9788125022367 168 p. UG Library
193 HOL 05009480 Nietzsche Wagner,and the Philosophy of Pessimism / Hollinrake Roger Routledge, 2010 9780415562256 308 p. : Knowledge Centre
193 HOP 00110091 The Philosophy of Husserl Hopkins, Burt C. Acumen Publishing House 2011 9781844650118 (pbk.) | 9780773 xii, 290 p. ; UG Library
193 HOR 00078473 Eclipse of Reason. Horkheimer, Max 2004 0826477933 129p UG Library
193 HOR 05040812 Eclipse of reason / Horkheimer, Max, Bloomsbury, 2013 9781780938189 (pbk.) viii,134p.: Knowledge Centre
193 HOR 07006234 Eclipse of reason / Horkheimer, Max, Bloomsbury, 2013 9781780938189 (pbk.) viii,134p.: Library - BR Campus
193 HOR 00138678 Dialectic of enlightenment : Horkheimer, Max, Stanford University Press, 2002 0804736324 (alk. paper) | 0804736332 (pbk. : alk. paper) xix, 282 p. ; UG Library
193 HOR 00068233 Horkheimer Eclipse of Reason Horkheimer, Max 2005 0826477933 129 p UG Library
193 HOS 00132287 A short history of German philosophy / Hösle, Vittorio, Princeton University Pres 2017 9780691167190 (cloth) 275pages cm UG Library
193 HOU 00074610 An introduction to Hegel Houlgate, Stephen. Blackwell, 2005 0631230629 (alk. paper) | 0631 2nd ed. xv; 314 p. ; UG Library
193 HOW 00059141 Clausewitz : Howard, Michael, Oxford University Press, 2002 0192802577 | 9780192802576 84 p. : UG Library
193 HOW 00085445 Clausewitz : Howard, Michael, Oxford University Press, 2002 0192802577 | 9780192802576 84 p. : UG Library
193 ILL 00143074 The relevance of Hegel's concept of philosophy : Bloomsbury Academic 2021 9781350162594 516p UG Library
193 ING 00118129 Habermas Ingram, David, Cornell University Press, 2010 9780801476013 | 9788131606551 xvii, 360 p. ; UG Library
193 ING 05040094 Habermas Ingram, David, Cornell University Press, 2010 9780801476013 | 9788131606551 xvii, 360 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 ING 00128960 Habermas Ingram, David, Cornell University Press, 2010 9780801476013 | 9788131606551 xvii, 360 p. ; UG Library
193 ING 05041323 Habermas Ingram, David, Cornell University Press, 2010 9780801476013 | 9788131606551 xvii, 360 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 ING 00117583 Habermas Ingram, David, Cornell University Press, 2010 9780801476013 | 9788131606551 xvii, 360 p. ; UG Library
193 ING 07007542 Habermas Ingram, David, Cornell University Press, 2010 9780801476013 | 9788131606551 xvii, 360 p. ; Library - BR Campus
193 INW 01016424 Heidegger : Inwood, M. J., Oxford University Press, 2000 0192854100 | 9780192854100 150 p. : Knowledge Centre
193 INW 00101776 Heidegger : Inwood, M. J., Oxford University Press, 0192854100 150 p. : UG Library
193 INW 00100930 Heidegger : Inwood, M. J., Oxford University Press, 0192854100 150 p. : UG Library
193 INW 01017027 Heidegger : Inwood, M. J., Oxford University Press, 2000 0192854100 | 9780192854100 150 p. : Knowledge Centre
193 JAC 00140943 Nietzsche : Jackson, Roy Hodder & Stoughton Ltd; 2014 9781444790573 222 p. ; UG Library
193 JAC 00112130 The philosophy of Schopenhauer / Jacquette, Dale. Acumen, 2005 1844650081 (hardcover) | 18446 xiii, 305 p. ; UG Library
193 JAN 00109576 The shadow of that thought Janicaud, Dominique, Northwestern University Press, 1996 0810112345 (alk. paper) | 0810 ix, 149 p. ; UG Library
193 JAN 00085446 Schopenhauer : Janaway, Christopher. Oxford University Press, 2002 0192802593 | 9780192802590 137 p. : UG Library
193 JAN 00059142 Schopenhauer : Janaway, Christopher. Oxford University Press, 2002 0192802593 | 9780192802590 137 p. : UG Library
193 JAN 01016453 Schopenhauer : Janaway,Christopher. Oxford University Press, 1994 9780195682595 137p.; Knowledge Centre
193 JAN 05048918 Schopenhauer : Janaway, Christopher. Oxford University Press, 2002 0192802593 | 9780192802590 137 p. : Knowledge Centre
193 JAR 05003548 Spinoza Jarrett, Charles E. Continuum, 2007 9780826485953 | 0826485952 | 0 xi, 226 p. Knowledge Centre
193 JOH 05069496 Kant's Philosophy : Johnston, James Scott. Bloomsbury India, 2013 9789388912372 268p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 JOL 00084380 Leibniz Jolley, Nicholas 2005 0415283388 260p UG Library
193 JUN 00058807 The Spirit in Man, Art and Literature Jung Routledge Classics 2000 0415304393 | 9780415304399 182 p. UG Library
193 JUN 00052902 Modern Man in Search of a Soul Jung 1993 0041525390 250p UG Library
193 KAN 00078550 Moral Law Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals Kant,Immanuel Routledge Classics 2005 0415345472 | 9780415345477 164 p. UG Library
193 KAN 01013953 Theoretical philosophy after 1781 / Kant, Immanuel, Cambridge University Press, 0521460972 (hbk.) | 9780521147 xiii, 530 p. : Knowledge Centre
193 KAN 05032124 Basic writngs of Kant / Kant Modern Library, 2001 9780375757334 478 p Knowledge Centre
193 KAN 05061295 Kant God, and metaphysics : Kanterian, Edward. Routledge, 2018 9781138908581 (hardback : alk. paper) xvii, 444 pages ; Knowledge Centre
193 KLE 05048453 The Bloomsbury dictionary of eighteenth century German philosophers / Klemme, Heiner, Bloomsbury publishing Plc., 2016 9781474255974 (pb) xl, 898 pages ; Knowledge Centre
193 KLO 00078487 Nietzsche and the Vicious Circle Klossowski Pierre Continuum 2005 0826477194 217 p UG Library
193 KLO 00112638 Nietzsche and the Vicious Circle Klossowski Pierre Continuum 2005 0826477194 217 p UG Library
193 KOF 05002130 Nietzsche and Metaphor / Kofman, Sarah KOF 1993 0485114224 239 p Knowledge Centre
193 KRA 05002120 Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit : Krasnoff, Larry Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521695374 164 p Knowledge Centre
193 KRI 05007876 Implications of the Philosophy of Kant : Krishnachandra Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198077336 x,218 p. Knowledge Centre
193 LAV 05009479 Nietzsche : Lavrin Janko Routledge, 2010 9780415562447 vii,146 p.: Knowledge Centre
193 LEI 00103870 Philosophical texts / Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Oxford University Press, 1998 0198751524 (alk. paper) | 0198 vi, 313 p. : UG Library
193 LEM 00084866 Heidegger for beginners Lemay,Eric. Orient Black Swan 1994 9788125028994 118 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
193 LEM 00088254 Heigegger for Beginners Lemay, Eric Orient Longman Publications 1994 8125028994 118p UG Library
193 LEM 00078901 Heidegger for beginners Lemay,Eric. Orient Black Swan 1994 9788125028994 118 p. : UG Library
193 LEM 00107707 Heidegger for beginners Lemay,Eric. Orient Black Swan 1994 9788125028994 118 p. : UG Library
193 LEV 00146071 The question of the aesthetic / Levine, George Oxford University Press 2022 9780192844859 xi,284p. UG Library
193 LOD 05011526 Leibniz and his correspondents / Lodge, Paul New York : | Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521834104 xiii, 310 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 MAN 00142794 Nietzsche and the earth : Manschot, Henk, Bloomsbury Academic ; 2021 9781350134393 | 9781350189423 177 p. ; UG Library
193 MAR 00122891 The Cambridge Companion to Friedrich Schleiermacher Marina, Jacqueline Cambridge University Press, 2005 9780521891370 | 9780521891370 xiv, 348 p:. UG Library
193 MCG 00102308 Heidegger : McGrath, S. J., W. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 9780802860071 (pbk. : alk. pap xii, 131 p. ; UG Library
193 MCG 05067980 Wittgenstein's Family Letters : Bloomsbury, 2019 9781474298131 xliv, 295p.; Knowledge Centre
193 MEI 00131988 Heidegger, work, and being / Mei, Todd S. Continuum, 2009 9781441156471 177 p. ; UG Library
193 MOR 07012868 Nietzshe's Last Laugh : More Nicholas.D Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107636866 xi,225p.: Library - BR Campus
193 MOR 08001300 Kant for architects / Morgan, Diane, Routledge, 2018 9780415698689 (hbk : alk. paper) | 9780415698696 (pbk : alk. paper) xvi, 145 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
193 MOR 05002115 Edmund Husserl Founder of Phenomenology / Moran, Dermot Polity, 2005 0745621228 297 p Knowledge Centre
193 MOR 05006393 Edmund Husserl : Moran, Dermot. Polity, 2005 074562121X | 0745621228 (pbk.) xiii, 297 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 MOY 05062713 The Oxford handbook of Hegel / Moyar, Dean. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199355228 (hardcover : alk. paper) xlix, 828 pages ; Knowledge Centre
193 MUL 05006355 Adorno : Müller-Doohm, Stefan. Polity Press, 2009 9780745631097 (pbk.) Pbk. ed. xiii, 667 p. : Knowledge Centre
193 MYE 00078372 Nietzsche's Thus Spake Zarathustra a Beginner's Guide Myerson, George Hodder & Stoughton 2007 0340804211 | 9780340804216 85 p. UG Library
193 NAB 05002114 Nietzsche and the metaphysics of the tragic / Nabais, Nuno, Continuum, 2006 9780826466785 (pbk.) | 0826466 xiv, 204 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 NEU 00045222 Cambridge Companion to Frud Neu,Jerome Cambridge University Press 1991 0052137779 | 9780521377799 356 p. UG Library
193 NEU 00134674 Kant's idealism Neujahr, Philip J. Mercer, 1995 086554476X (alk. paper) viii, 134 p. ; UG Library
193 NIE 00047672 The Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche Magnus Bernd Cambridge University Press 1996 0521367670 403 p UG Library
193 NIE 00070136 The Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche Magnus Bernd Cambridge University Press 1996 0521367670 403 p UG Library
193 NIE 00106477 Thus spake Zarathustra Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, Dover Publications, 1999 0486406636 (pbk.) | 9780486406 x, 270 p. ; UG Library
193 NIE 05042301 Basic writings of Nietzsche / Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, Modern Library, 2000 0679783393 | 9780679783398 Modern Library ed. xxiv, 862 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 NIE 05032158 Writings from the early notebooks / Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521855846 (hardback : alk. l, 274 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 NIE 00145604 Thus Spake Zarathustra: Nietzsche, Friedrich Rupa 2023 9789355209962 344p UG Library
193 NIE 00093110 Basic writings of Nietzsche / Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, Modern Library, 0679783393 xxiv, 862 p. ; UG Library
193 NIE 00022066 Ecce Homo: How One Becomes What One Is Nietzsche, Friedrich Penguin Books 1979 142 p. UG Library
193 NIE 00022067 Nietzsche Reader Nieetzsche, Fredrich PENGUIN 1981 284p. UG Library
193 NIE 07010877 The will to Power/ Nietzsche,Friedrich Vintage Books, 1967 9780394704371 XXXI,558 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
193 NIE 00090389 Birth of Tragedy Nietzsche,Friedrich Oxford 2008 9780199540143 173 p. UG Library
193 NIE 00090502 Birth of Tragedy Nietzsche,Friedrich Oxford 2008 9780199540143 173 p. UG Library
193 NIE 00079633 Beyond Good and Evil : Nietzsche, Friedrich Vintage Books, 1997 0048629868 150 p UG Library
193 NIE 05032126 Beyond Good and Evil : Nietzsche, Friedrich Vintage Books, 1997 0048629868 150 p Knowledge Centre
193 NIE 00027215 Thus Spoke Zarathustra Nietzsche, Friedrich Oxford 1985 9780199537099 350p UG Library
193 NIE 00090494 Beyond Good and Evil : Nietzsche, Friedrich Vintage Books, 1997 0048629868 150 p UG Library
193 NIE 00090240 Thus Spoke Zarathustra Nietzsche, Friedrich Oxford 1985 9780199537099 350p UG Library
193 NIE 00090388 Beyond Good and Evil : Nietzsche, Friedrich Vintage Books, 1997 0048629868 150 p UG Library
193 NIE 00090472 Thus Spoke Zarathustra Nietzsche, Friedrich Oxford 1985 9780199537099 350p UG Library
193 NIE 00079634 Twilight of the Idols and the Antichrist Nietzsche,Friedrich Dover Publications Inc 2004 0486434605 | 9780486434605 134 p. UG Library
193 NIE 07007615 Thus spoke Zarathustra : Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, Penguin Books, 1961 0140441182 | 9780140441185 342 pages ; Library - BR Campus
193 NIE 00073864 Nietzcehe`s Thus Spake Zarathustra (Dharmaram Library) Myerson, Gerorge 2070 0340804211 88p UG Library
193 NIE 00106455 The essential Nietzsche Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, Dover Publications, 2006 0486451178 | 9780486451176 Dover ed. 170 p. ; UG Library
193 NIE 07006593 Beyond good and evil : Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199537075 (pbk.) | 0199537 New ed. xxxi, 198 p. ; Library - BR Campus
193 NIE 00056201 Will to Power Nietzsche, Friedrich 1967 0394704371 575p UG Library
193 NIE 07007312 The essential Nietzsche Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, Dover Publications, 2006 0486451178 | 9780486451176 Dover ed. 170 p. ; Library - BR Campus
193 NIE 00090226 Ecce Homo Nietzsche,Friedrich Oxford 2008 9780192832283 138 p. UG Library
193 NIE 00090497 Ecce Homo Nietzsche,Friedrich Oxford 2008 9780192832283 138 p. UG Library
193 PAP 00099340 The Nietzsche disappointment : Pappas, Nickolas, Rowman & Littlefield, 0742543463 (alk. paper) | 0742 xvii, 267 p. ; UG Library
193 PAR 05039932 From Kant to Husserl Parsons, Charles, Harvard University Press, 2012 0674048539 | 9780674048539 | 9 xiv, 242 p. : Knowledge Centre
193 PAR 00101121 Heidegger and asian thought Parkes Graham Motilal banarsidass publishers private limited: 8120808029 282 p. UG Library
193 PAS 05009478 Nietzsche:Imagery and Thought : Methuen, 1978 9780415562249 262 p.: Knowledge Centre
193 PEA 05002132 A companion to Nietzsche / Pearson, Keith Ansell Blackwell Pub., 2006 1405116226 (hardcover) | 97814 xxii, 600 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 PER 05011571 Leibniz : Perkins, Franklin. Continuum, 2007 9780826489210 (pbk.) viii, 174 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 PIN 01013965 Hegel's Phenomenology : Pinkard, Terry P. Cambridge University Press, 052156834X (pbk.) | 9780521568 vii, 451 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 PIP 00110052 Introductions to Nietzsche Pippin, Robert B., Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107007741 (hardback) | 978 x, 292 pages ; UG Library
193 PIP 01013948 Hegel's idealism : Pippin, Robert B., Cambridge University Press, 0521370264 | 9780521379236 | 0 xii, 327 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 PIP 00109981 Introductions to Nietzsche Pippin, Robert B., Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107007741 (hardback) | 978 x, 292 pages ; UG Library
193 POL 07013645 Kant's theory of normativity : Pollok, Konstantin, 9781107127807 xv, 326p;. Library - BR Campus
193 POP 00078567 The Open Society and Its Enemies Popper Karl Routledge Classics 2007 0415278422 | 9780415237314 470 p UG Library
193 POP 00078566 The Open Society and Its Enemies Popper Karl Routledge Classics 2007 0415278422 | 9780415237314 470 p UG Library
193 POT 05032152 The cambridge companion to Frege / Potter,Michael Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521624794 xvii;639 p. Knowledge Centre
193 POT 00108137 The cambridge companion to Frege / Potter,Michael Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521624794 xvii;639 p. UG Library
193 POW 00058737 Postmodernism Powell, Jim Orient Longman Publications 1998 8125020233 163 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
193 POW 00055061 Postmodernism Powell, Jim Orient Longman Publications 1998 8125020233 163 p. UG Library
193 POW 00084865 Postmodernism Powell, Jim Orient Longman Publications 1998 8125020233 163 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
193 POW 00084864 Postmodernism Powell, Jim Orient Longman Publications 1998 8125020233 163 p. UG Library
193 PUR 00087472 Reason, Morality and Beauty Essay on the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant Puri, Bindu 2007 0195683935 191 UG Library
193 RAF 00130197 The Bloomsbury companion to Heidegger Raffoul,Francois Bloomsbury 2016 9781441199850 xxviii, 489 pages; UG Library
193 RAF 05057204 The Bloomsbury companion to Heidegger / Bloomsbury, 2016 9781474245104 xxviii, 501 pages ; Knowledge Centre
193 RAY 00076185 Nietzsche: After Hindred Years: A Cross Gultual Dialogue: [dharmaram Library] Ray, B N Authors Press 2006 8172732856 262p UG Library
193 SAY 00078905 Nietzsche Sautet, Marc Orient Longman Publications 2004 8125026606 192 p. UG Library
193 SCH 05006498 Wittgenstein : Schroeder, Severin. Polity Press, 2006 xi, 273 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 SCH 05034492 Essays and Aphorisms / Schopenhauer, Arthur Penguin Books, 2004 9780140442274 242 p Knowledge Centre
193 SCH 05033653 The world as will and representation / Schopenhauer, Arthur, Dover Publications, 1969 0486217612 | 9780486217611 | 0 v. : Knowledge Centre
193 SCH 00052464 Cambridge Companion to Schopenhauer Christopher, Janaway Oxford University Press 1999 0521629241 | 9780521629249 478 p. UG Library
193 SCH 05068633 The world as will and representation. / Schopenhauer, Arthur, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521870344 | 0521871840 Volumes ; Knowledge Centre
193 SCR 05048866 Kant : Scruton, Roger. Oxford University Press, 2001 9780192801999 Rev. ed. 141 p. : Knowledge Centre
193 SED 00138621 Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals:an Introduction Sedgwick,Sally Cambridge University Press 2008 9780521604161 205p UG Library
193 SHA 08001293 Heidegger for architects / Sharr, Adam. Routledge, 2007 0415415152 (hbk.) | 9780415415156 (hbk.) | 0415415179 (pbk.) | 9780415415170 (pbk.) | 0203934199 (ebk.) | 9780203934197 (ebk.) xiii, 128 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
193 SHE 00109980 Kant's Observations and Remarks Shell, Susan Meld, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521769426 (alk. paper) xv, 286 p. ; UG Library
193 SIE 07010186 Hegel's Phenomenology of spirit / Siep, Ludwig. Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107022355 (hardback) xxii, 307 pages ; Library - BR Campus
193 SIN 05048853 Hegel : Singer, Peter, Oxford University Press, 2001 019280197X (pbk.) | 9780192801 131 p. : Knowledge Centre
193 SIN 00106522 Understanding Hegelianism Sinnerbrink, Robert. Acumen, 2007 9781844650934 (hbk.) | 1844650 xii, 228 p. ; UG Library
193 SMI 00093945 Husserl Smith david woodruff Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 9780415289757 467p UG Library
193 SMI 05032155 Husserl / Smith, David Woodruff Routledge, 2008 0415289750 467 p Knowledge Centre
193 SMI 05032121 Husserl / Smith, David Woodruff Routledge, 2008 0415289750 467 p Knowledge Centre
193 SMI 05002143 Cambridge Companion to Husserl / Smith, Barry Cambridge University Press, 1999 0521436168 518 p Knowledge Centre
193 SMI 00084378 Husserl Smith, David Woodruff 2007 0415289750 462p UG Library
193 SPE 00112127 The philosophy of Hegel Speight, Allen. Acumen, 2008 viii, 166 p. ; UG Library
193 SPI 00082294 Nietzsche Fredrich Spinks, Lee 0415263603 184 UG Library
193 STA 01012671 Nietzsche and Levinas : Columbia University Press, 9780231144049 (cloth : alk. pa xiv, 272 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 STA 05057116 Kant's modal metaphysics / Stang, Nicholas F. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198712626 (hardback : alk. xv,360p.; Knowledge Centre
193 STE 05002133 Hegelian metaphysics / Stern, Robert, Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199239108 (alk. paper) | 0 x, 397 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 STE 05068632 The New Cambridge Companion To NIETSCHE / Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781316613863 xv,447p.; Knowledge Centre
193 STE 00110939 The Routledge guide book to Hegel's Phenomenology of spirit / Stern, Robert, Routledge, 2013 9780415664455 (hardback : alk. xix, 272 p. ; UG Library
193 SWE 00117586 Kant on practical life Sweet, Kristi E., Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107037236 (hardback) xi: 223p. ; UG Library
193 TAN 05032125 Nietzsche : Tanner, Michael Oxford University Press, 2007 0019568270 113 p Knowledge Centre
193 TAN 00085431 Nietzsche : Tanner, Michael Oxford University Press, 2007 0019568270 113 p UG Library
193 TAN 01016439 Nietzsche : Tanner, Michael. Oxford University Press, 1994 9780192854148 113 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 TAN 01017035 Nietzsche : Tanner, Michael. Oxford University Press, 1994 9780192854148 113 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 TAY 01013969 Hegel / Taylor,Charles. Cambridge University Press, 9780521291996 580p.; Knowledge Centre
193 THO 01009572 Derrida Habermas Deader(law Lib) Lasse Thomassen Edinburgh University 9780748622504 321 Knowledge Centre
193 THO 00110050 Habermas Thomassen, Lasse. Continuum, 2010 9780826487650 (HB) | 082648765 viii, 182 p. ; UG Library
193 THO 00109787 The Derrida Habermas Reader / Thomassen Lasse Edinburgh University Press, 2006 9780748622504 321 p UG Library
193 THO 00106597 Heidegger, art, and postmodernity / Thomson, Iain D. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107001503 (hardback) | 110 xix, 245 p. : UG Library
193 THO 05032153 The Derrida Habermas Reader / Thomassen Lasse Edinburgh University Press, 2006 9780748622504 321 p Knowledge Centre
193 TON 00117584 Heidegger, metaphysics and the univocity of being Tonner, Philip. Continuum, 2010 9781441172297 (hard) | 1441172 viii, 218 p. ; UG Library
193 VAD 00009736 Discovery of Being Vadakethala, Francis J Dharmaram 1970 1 UG Library
193 VAN 05041034 Heidegger and the Romanties : Vandevelde Pol Routledge, 2012 9780415727976 202p.: Knowledge Centre
193 VAN 00124527 A companion to Schopenhauer Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 9781119144809 xvi, 414 p. : UG Library
193 VIE 00147431 Hegel : Vieweg, Klaus, Stanford University Press 2023 9781503630574 xii, 468 pages : UG Library
193 WAR 00145905 German philosophy and the First World War / Warren, Nicolas de, Cambridge University Press 2023 9781108423496 426pages UG Library
193 WAR 05006429 Kant : Ward, Andrew, Polity Press, 2006 9780745626208 (pbk.) ix, 253 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 WAT 00112128 The philosophy of Heidegger / Watts, Michael, McGill-Queen's University Press, 2011 9780773539150 (bound) | 077353 xii, 300 p. ; UG Library
193 WEL 00107849 The philosophy of Nietzsche Welshon,Rex, Acumen, 2004 9781902683904 | 1902683900 (PB xi, 227 p. ; UG Library
193 WEL 05011588 The philosophy of Nietzsche Welshon,Rex, Acumen, 2004 9781902683904 | 1902683900 (PB xi, 227 p. ; Knowledge Centre
193 WES 00142777 Heidegger and the problem of phenomena / Westerlund, Fredrik Bloomsbury Academic ; 2020 9781350086470 271 p. ; UG Library
193 WIC 00126940 Nietzsche Wicks,Robert One world 2002 9781851687572 211p UG Library
193 WOO 07006821 Starting with Leibniz Woolhouse, R. S. Continuum, 2010 9781847062031 | 9789386950789 | 9781847062048 | 9781441142337 (e-book) viii, 164 p. Library - BR Campus
193 WOO 00143475 Understanding Nietzscheanism Woodward, Ashley Routledge, 2014 9780367239220 272p UG Library
193 WOO 05040603 Starting with Leibniz Woolhouse, R. S. Continuum, 2010 9781847062031 | 9789386950789 | 9781847062048 | 9781441142337 (e-book) viii, 164 p. Knowledge Centre
193 WOO 00109831 Philosophical Texts Woolhouse R.S. Oxford University Press 1998 9780198751533 vi; 313 p. UG Library
193 WRA 00146157 The Cambridge Heidegger lexicon / Cambridge University Press 2021 9781107002746 (alk. paper) 567pages UG Library
193 WUE 00146158 The Cambridge Kant lexicon / Cambridge University Press 2021 9781139018159 803p UG Library
193 YOU 00136189 German philosophy in the twentieth century : Young, Julian, Routledge, 2018 9781138220003 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138220010 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1 [edition]. 263 pages ; UG Library
193 YOU 07010229 Individual and Community in Nietzsche's Philosophy Young, Julian 9781107049857 xiv, 247 p:. Library - BR Campus
193 YOU 00122262 Individual and Community in Nietzsche's Philosophy Young, Julian 9781107049857 xiv, 247 p:. UG Library
193 YOU 00084384 Schopenhauer Young, Julian 2006 0415333474 271p UG Library
193 ZAH 00138682 Husserl's phenomenology Zahavi, Dan. Stanford University Press, 2003 0804745455 (cloth : alk. paper) | 0804745463 (pbk. : alk. paper) viii, 178 p. ; UG Library
193 ZWE 00129326 Nietzsche Zweig,Stefan Hesperus Press 2013 9781843913832 99p UG Library
193.092 BAI 05039362 Deprovincializing Habermas : Routledge, 2013 9780415859332 ix,247p.: Knowledge Centre
1931KAN 01009696 Immanuel Kant:Anthropology History and Education(law Lib) Gunter Zoller Cambridge University Press 9780521452502 597p Knowledge Centre
193CIA 01006143 Martin Heidgegger (law Lib) Timothy Clark ROUTLEDGE 0415229294 184p Knowledge Centre
193DEL 01007251 Nitzsche and Philosophy(law Library) Gilles Deleuze VIVA BOOKS PRIVATE LIMITED 1846840759 205p Knowledge Centre
193GUI 01007318 Cambridge Companion to Heidegger(law Lib) Charles B Guignon Cambridge University Press 0521528887 426p Knowledge Centre
193GUY 01007319 Cambridge Companion to Kant and Modern Philosophy(law Lib) Paul Guyer Cambridge University Press 0521529956 722p Knowledge Centre
193HOR 01007243 Eclipse of Reason(law Lib.) Max Horkheimer Continuum 0826477933 129p Knowledge Centre
193HUH 01007315 Cambridge Companion to Adorno(law Lib.) Tom Huhn Cambridge University Press 0521775000 428p Knowledge Centre
193HUL 01009938 Things Beyond Resemblance (law Lib) Robert Hullot-Kentor Introduction to T. W. Adorno`s The Idea ofNatural-History The Idea of Natural-History Theodor W. Adorno Suggested Reading: Jameson on 322 p Knowledge Centre
193KAN 01005475 Terror, Peace and Universalism: Essays on the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant(law LIBRARY) Bindu Puri Oxford University Press 0195683943 182p. Knowledge Centre
193KNE 01009704 Kant and the Power of Imagination (law Lib) Jane Kneller Cambridge University Press 9780521851435 172p Knowledge Centre
193NIE 01000085 Nietzsche`s Philosophy (law Lib) Eugen Fink Continuum 0826459986 184p Knowledge Centre
193PIP 01009774 Hegels`s Practical Philosophy: Rational Agency as Ethical Life (law Lib) Robert B Pippin Cambridge University Press 9780521728720 308p Knowledge Centre
193PIP 01010586 Hegels`s Practical Philosophy: Rational Agency as Ethical Life (law Lib) Robert B Pippin Cambridge University Press 9780521728720 308p Knowledge Centre
193RAF 01009401 Heidegger and Practical Philosophy Francois Raffoul State University of New York Press 9780791453445 367p Knowledge Centre
193SMI 01009391 Husserl (law Lib) David Woodruff Smith ROUTLEDGE 9780415289757 467p Knowledge Centre
193YOU 01009388 Schopenhauer Julian Young ROUTLEDGE 9780415333474 271 Knowledge Centre
193ZUI 01009675 Social Philosophy After Adorno(law Lib) Lambert Zuidervaart Cambridge University Press 9780521690386 219p Knowledge Centre
193ZUI 01010472 Social Philosophy After Adorno(law Lib) Lambert Zuidervaart Cambridge University Press 9780521690386 219p Knowledge Centre
194 BAR 00102526 Theory after Derrida : Baral,Kailash C . Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 9780415484473 361 p. ; UG Library
194 BOU 05002342 Deleuze and philosophy / By Constantin V Boundas Edinburgh University Press, 2006 0748624791 (hbk.) | 0748624805 ix, 257 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 BRA 03001936 Descartes / Bracken, Harry M. One World, 2008 9781851682942 | 1851682945 152 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
194 GAS 05002321 Impossible Mourning of Jacques Derrida / Gaston, Sean Continum, 2006 0826490352 152 p Knowledge Centre
194 HIL 05002145 Cambridge Introduction to Jacques Derrida / Hill, Leslie Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521682817 140 p Knowledge Centre
194 KEN 05064181 Georges Bataille /​ Kendall,Stuart. Reaktion Books, 2007 9781861893277 231p.; Knowledge Centre
194 SAR 00024338 Words Sartre, Jean -Paul PENGUIN 160 p UG Library
194 ALI 07012584 Conversations with Edward Said / Ali Tariq Seagull, 2018 9780857425959 128p.: Library - BR Campus
194 ALI 05066549 Conversations with Edward Said / Ali Tariq Seagull, 2018 9780857425959 128p.: Knowledge Centre
194 ALL 00129334 The philosophical sense of transcendence : Allen, Sarah, Duquesne University Press, 2009 9780820704227 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 378 p. ; UG Library
194 ALT 00131401 How to be a Marxist in philosophy Althusser,Louis Bloomsbury, 2017 9781474280549 xxix,188 p.; UG Library
194 ASH 00096706 Edward Said Ashcroft Bill Routledge Francis Group 2008 9780415476898 2nd Ed 185 p UG Library
194 ASH 00079158 Edward Said / Ashcroft Bill Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2007 0415247780 167 p UG Library
194 ASH 05034573 Edward Said / Ashcroft Bill Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2007 0415247780 167 p Knowledge Centre
194 BAD 07006443 Theoretical Writings / Badiou Alain Bloomsbury, 2015 9781474234115 294p.: Library - BR Campus
194 BAD 05038641 Theory of the subject / Badiou, Alain Bloomsbury, 2009 9781441159595 xliv,367p.; Knowledge Centre
194 BAD 00146427 Logics of worlds : Badiou, Alain, Bloomsbury 2019 9781350043015 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1 [edition]. 541pages UG Library
194 BAD 05038792 Theory of the subject / Badiou, Alain Bloomsbury, 2009 9781441159595 xliv,367p.; Knowledge Centre
194 BAD 05048593 Theoretical Writings / Badiou Alain Bloomsbury, 2015 9781474234115 294p.: Knowledge Centre
194 BAR 00124522 Badiou and Plato Bartlett, A. J. Edinburgh University Press, 2011 9781474410304 vi, 248 p.: UG Library
194 BAR 00087805 Neutral. Barthes, Roland Seagull 2002 8170463068 280p UG Library
194 BAR 00068218 Barthes Criticism and Truth Rbarthes, Roland 2005 0826477070 59 UG Library
194 BAR 05002111 Michel Foucaualt : Barker, Phillip Edinburgh University Press, 2003 0748610383 160 p Knowledge Centre
194 BAR 07013868 Theory after Derrida : Routledge, 2018 9781138346567 2nd edition (With a new Post script) ix,377p.; Library - BR Campus
194 BAR 00137510 Theory after Derrida : Routledge, 2018 9781138346567 2nd edition (With a new Post script) ix,377p.; UG Library
194 BAU 05040822 The Intelligence of Evil : Baudrillard Jean Bllomsbury, 2013 9781780935683 168p.: Knowledge Centre
194 BAU 07007397 The Intelligence of Evil : Baudrillard Jean Bllomsbury, 2013 9781780935683 168p.: Library - BR Campus
194 BEA 07012587 Conversations with Jean-Paul Sartre / Beauvoir Simone De Seagull Books, 2018 9780857425935 114p.: Library - BR Campus
194 BEA 00129322 Life drawing : Bearn, Gordon C. F., Fordham University Press 2013 9780823244805 (cloth : alk. pa First edition. x, 342 pages : UG Library
194 BER 05040818 Key writings / Bergson, Henri, Bloomsbury, 2014 9781472528018 (pbk. : alk. pap 521p.: Knowledge Centre
194 BER 07006364 Key writings / Bergson, Henri, Bloomsbury, 2014 9781472528018 (pbk. : alk. pap 521p.: Library - BR Campus
194 BOU 00112391 Key Concepts Bourdieu, Pierre Rawat Publications 2012 9788131604793 248p; UG Library
194 BOU 07007572 Key Concepts Bourdieu, Pierre Rawat Publications 2012 9788131604793 248p; Library - BR Campus
194 BOU 00107143 Gilles Deleuze Boundas ,Constantin V. Continuum, 2009 9781847065179 (hbk.) | 9781847 xiv, 241 p. ; UG Library
194 BOU 07006582 Gilles Deleuze Boundas ,Constantin V. Continuum, 2009 9781847065179 (hbk.) | 9781847 xiv, 241 p. ; Library - BR Campus
194 BOU 05011564 Gilles Deleuze : Boundas, Constantin V Continuum, 2009 1847065171 (hbk.) | 9781847065 xiv, 241 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 BOU 07006573 Deleuze and philosophy / By Constantin V Boundas Edinburgh University Press, 2006 0748624791 (hbk.) | 0748624805 ix, 257 p. ; Library - BR Campus
194 BOU 07006808 Sartre, self-formation, and masculinities / Boulé, Jean-Pierre. Berghahn Books, 2005 1571817425 | 9781571817426 | 1 228 p. ; Library - BR Campus
194 BRA 05032146 Descartes / Bracken Harry M Oneworld Publcations, 2007 9781851682942 152 p Knowledge Centre
194 BRA 00112631 Descartes Bracken, Harry M Oneworld Publishers 2007 1851682945 viii 152 p UG Library
194 BRA 00078561 Descartes Bracken, Harry M Oneworld Publishers 2007 1851682945 viii 152 p UG Library
194 BRA 00087666 Descartes Bracken, Harry M Oneworld Publishers 2007 1851682945 viii 152 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
194 BRO 00143650 Starting with Hume Brown, Charlotte Randall Bloomsbury 2017 9789386606754 177p UG Library
194 BRO 05006347 A companion to Descartes / Blackwell Pub., 2008 9781444337846 xvi, 542 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 BRY 00102872 Deleuze and religion; Bryden Mary Routledge; 9780415240291 208 p. UG Library
194 BUC 00124926 A Deleuzian century? Buchanan,Ian Duke University Press, 1999 0822323591 (pbk. : alk. paper) 274p UG Library
194 BUC 07007570 Deleuze and the contemporary world / Buchanan, Ian Edinburgh University Press, 2006 9780748623426 vi, 232 p. : Library - BR Campus
194 BUC 05011551 Deleuze and the contemporary world / Buchanan, Ian Edinburgh University Press, 2006 9780748623426 vi, 232 p. : Knowledge Centre
194 BUC 05002144 Deleuze and the Contemporary World / Buchanan, Ian Edinburgh University Press, 2006 0748623426 232 p Knowledge Centre
194 CAR 00089005 Cambridge Companion to Merleau - Ponty Carman, Taylor 2005 0521007771 396p UG Library
194 CAT 01014372 Reading Sartre / Catalano, Joseph S. Cambridge University Press, 9780521766463 (hardback) | 052 xvi, 213 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 CAT 00099684 Reading Sartre / Catalano, Joseph S. Cambridge University Press, 9780521766463 (hardback) | 052 xvi, 213 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
194 CAT 00099083 Reading Sartre / Catalano, Joseph S. Cambridge University Press, 9780521766463 (hardback) | 052 xvi, 213 p. ; UG Library
194 CLA 05002146 Descartes : Clrke, Desmond M Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521823013 507 p Knowledge Centre
194 CLA 05057137 French philosophy, 1572-1675 / Clarke, Desmond M., Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198749578 (cloth) | 019874 First edition. xiv, 275 pages ; Knowledge Centre
194 COL 05032129 Gilles Deleuze / Colebrook, Claire. Routledge, 2002 0415246334 (alk. paper) | 0415 x, 170 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 COL 00082296 Gilles Deleuze. Colebrook, Claire 2002 0415246342 170p UG Library
194 COL 05032128 Gilles Deleuze / Colebrook, Claire. Routledge, 2002 0415246334 (alk. paper) | 0415 x, 170 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 COO 00106530 Theodor Adorno : Cook,Deborah. Acumen, 2008 9781844651207 (pbk.) | 1844651 xii, 212 p. ; UG Library
194 COX 07006250 The Sartre dictionary / Cox, Gary, Continuum, 9780826498915 (hb) | 082649891 232 p. ; Library - BR Campus
194 COX 00102680 The Sartre dictionary / Cox, Gary, Continuum, 9780826498915 (hb) | 082649891 232 p. ; UG Library
194 COY 08001281 Derrida for architects / Coyne, Richard. Routledge, 2011 9780415591782 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9780415591799 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780203816622 (ebk.) xxiv, 115 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
194 CUL 00058834 Barthes Culler, Jonathan Oxford University Press 2002 0192801597 145 p UG Library
194 CUL 05011552 Deleuze and performance / Cull, Laura Edinburgh University Press, 2009 9780748635047 (pbk.) 282 p. : Knowledge Centre
194 CUL 07007555 Deleuze and performance / Cull, Laura Edinburgh University Press, 2009 9780748635047 (pbk.) 282 p. : Library - BR Campus
194 CUN 07010270 The Cambridge companion to Descartes' Meditations / Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107018600 (hardback) | 978 xviii, 320 pages ; Library - BR Campus
194 DAV 05006426 Jacques Ranciere / Davis, Oliver, Polity, 2010 9780745646558 (pbk.) xii, 217 p. : Knowledge Centre
194 DEL 07006799 Starting With Rousseau Delaney, James Continuum International Publishing Group 2008 9781847062796 171p Library - BR Campus
194 DEL 00078470 Difference and Repetition Deluze, Gilles Continuum 2005 0826477151 xxi; 400 p UG Library
194 DEL 00078475 Francis Bacon : The Logic of Sensation Deleuze Gilles Continuum 2005 0826479308 151 p UG Library
194 DEL 05040806 Anti-Oedipus : Deleuze Gilles Bloomsbury, 2012 9781780936611 xiv,454p.: Knowledge Centre
194 DEL 05040802 A Thousand Plateaus : Deleuze Gilles Bloombury, 2014 9781780935379 xviii,723p.: Knowledge Centre
194 DEL 07013117 Desert islands and other texts, 1953-1974 / Deleuze, Gilles, Semiotext(e) ; | Distributed by MIT Press, 2004 1584350180 323 p. ; Library - BR Campus
194 DEL 07006230 Difference and Repetition / Deleuze Gilles Blooms Bury, 2014 9781472572356 xix,416p.: Library - BR Campus
194 DEL 07013021 A Thousand Plateaus : Deleuze Gilles Bloombury, 2014 9781780935379 xviii,723p.: Library - BR Campus
194 DEL 00090703 Starting With Rousseau Delaney, James Continuum International Publishing Group 2008 9781847062796 171p UG Library
194 DEL 00142795 Starting with Rousseau / Delaney, James J., Bloomsbury ; 2017 9781847062789 (hc) | 9789386826800 x, 171 p. ; UG Library
194 DEL 05011584 Starting With Rousseau Delaney, James Continuum International Publishing Group 2008 9781847062796 171p Knowledge Centre
194 DEL 00068225 Difference and Repetition Deluze, Gilles 2005 0826477151 399p UG Library
194 DEL 00078494 A Thousand Plateaus : Capitalism and Schizophrenia Gilles Deleuze Continuum 2004 0826476945 688 p UG Library
194 DEL 07005373 A Thousand Plateaus : Deleuze Gilles Bloombury, 2014 9781780935379 xviii,723p.: Library - BR Campus
194 DEL 07005372 Anti-Oedipus : Deleuze Gilles Bloomsbury, 2012 9781780936611 xiv,454p.: Library - BR Campus
194 DEN 00084383 Rousseau Dent, Nicholas 2005 0415283507 248p UG Library
194 DER 00078472 Dissemination. Derrida, Jacques 2005 0826476961 401p UG Library
194 DER 00053865 Dissmination. 1900 UG Library
194 DER 00078491 Positions Derrida Jacques Continuum 2005 0826477119 93 p UG Library
194 DER 00138712 Without Alibi Derrida, Jacques. Stanford University Press, 2002 0804744106 (alk. paper) | 0804744114 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxxv, 304 p. ; UG Library
194 DER 00138699 Points Derrida, Jacques. Stanford University Press, 1995 0804723958 (alk. paper) : | 0804724881 (pbk. : alk. paper) : xii, 499 p. ; UG Library
194 DER 00138696 Parages Derrida, Jacques. Stanford University Press, 2011 9780804735810 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9780804735827 (pbk. : alk. paper) 262 p. ; UG Library
194 DER 00138692 Negotiations : Derrida, Jacques. Stanford University Press, 2002 0804738912 (alk. paper) | 0804738920 (pbk. : alk. paper) viii, 404 p. ; UG Library
194 DER 05004663 Writing and Difference / Derrida Routledge, 2010 9780415253833 xxiii,446 p. Knowledge Centre
194 DER 00068227 Dissemination Derrida, Jacques 2005 0826476961 401p UG Library
194 DER 00068228 Positions Jacques Derrida Bass, Alan 2005 0826477119 93p UG Library
194 DER 05006353 A taste for the secret / Derrida, Jacques. Polity, 2001 0745623336 (alk. paper) | 9780 viii, 161 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 DER 00109009 Jacques Rancière Deranty,Jean-Philippe Acumen, 2010 9781844652327 (hbk.) | 9781844 xii, 207 p. ; UG Library
194 DER 05032123 Writing and Difference / Derrida, Jacques Routledge, 2001 0415253837 448 p Knowledge Centre
194 DES 07011040 Meditations on first philosophy : Descartes, René, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780192806963 | 0192806963 l, 279 p. ; Library - BR Campus
194 DES 05032151 Meditations on First Philosophy : Descartes Cambridge University Press, 1996 9780521558181 120 p. Knowledge Centre
194 DES 05002110 Selected Philosophical Writings : Descartes Cambridge University, 2009 9780521352642 249 p Knowledge Centre
194 DES 00070138 Cambridge Companion to Descartes (Dharmaram Library) 1998 0521366968 441p UG Library
194 DES 00090324 Meditations on first philosophy : Descartes, René, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780192806963 | 0192806963 l, 279 p. ; UG Library
194 DES 01017113 A Discourse on the Method : Descartes, Rene Oxford University Press, 9780199540075 lxxv, 84 p. Knowledge Centre
194 DES 00100929 A Discourse on the Method : Descartes, Rene Oxford University Press, 9780199540075 lxxv, 84 p. UG Library
194 DES 01017034 Meditations on first philosophy : Descartes, René, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780192806963 | 0192806963 l, 279 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 DES 07006589 A Discourse on the Method : Descartes, Rene Oxford University Press, 9780199540075 lxxv, 84 p. Library - BR Campus
194 DES 00128206 The passions of the soul : Descartes, René, Oxford University Press 2015 9780199684137 | 0199684138 xxxviii, 361 pages : UG Library
194 DES 05059389 Descartes Meditations On First Philosophy : Descartes, Rene. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107059207 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781107665736 (pbk. : alk. paper) 2nd ed. liv, 157 pages ; Knowledge Centre
194 DOO 00110089 The Philosophy of Derrida Dooley,Mark. Acumen, 2007 xii, 164 p. ; UG Library
194 DOO 00107844 The Philosophy of Derrida Dooley,Mark. Acumen, 2007 xii, 164 p. ; UG Library
194 DOO 00109027 The Philosophy of Derrida Dooley,Mark. Acumen, 2007 xii, 164 p. ; UG Library
194 DOS 05032143 The Cambridge Companion to Gadamer / Dostal, Robert J Cambridge University Press, 2002 0521000416 317 p Knowledge Centre
194 DUE 05006386 Deleuze / Due, Reidar. Polity, 2007 0745630340 (hbk.) | 9780745630 188 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 DUF 05038764 Deleuze and the history of mathematics : Duffy, Simon B. Bloomsbury, 2013 9781441129505 xi,210p.; Knowledge Centre
194 DUR 00044944 The Story of Philosophy Durant, Will Washington Square Press 2005 076714006997 543 p:. UG Library
194 EDG 00107847 The philosophy of Habermas Edgar,Andrew. Acumen, 2005 xii, 292 p. UG Library
194 EDG 05011589 The philosophy of Habermas Edgar,Andrew. Acumen, 2005 xii, 292 p. Knowledge Centre
194 ELD 05056096 Foucault's last decade / Elden, Stuart, Polity, 2016 9780745683928 (pbk.) xiv, 247 pages ; Knowledge Centre
194 EUP 05004120 Deleuze's philosophical lineage / Edinburgh University Press, 2009 9780748633005 (pbk.) | 0748633 iv, 426 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 FAG 00079990 Derrida : Edinburgh University Press, 2007 9780748625468 (hbk.) | 0748625 vii; 246 p. ; UG Library
194 FAG 05032140 Derrida : Fagan, Madeleine Edinburgh University Press, 2007 246 p Knowledge Centre
194 FAG 05011554 Derrida Edinburgh University Press, 2007 9780748625468 (hbk.) | 0748625 vii, 246 p. Knowledge Centre
194 FAU 05009314 Michel Foucault Power Essential Works Of Foucault 1954-1984 / Penguin Books, 1994 9780140259575 xliii,484 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 FIL 00058736 Foucault for Beginners Fillingham, Lydia Alix Orient Longman Publications 2003 8125019138 156 p UG Library
194 FIL 00078907 Foucault for Beginners Fillingham, Lydia Alix Orient Longman Publications 2003 8125019138 156 p UG Library
194 FLY 07010237 Sartre : Flynn, Thomas R., Cambridge University Press, 2014 9780521826402 (hardback) xv, 436 pages ; Library - BR Campus
194 FLY 00124633 Sartre : Flynn, Thomas R., Cambridge University Press, 2014 9780521826402 (hardback) xv, 436 pages ; UG Library
194 FOU 00058783 The Birth of the Clinic Foucault, Michel Routledge Classics 2000 0415307724 | 9780415307727 266 p. UG Library
194 FOU 05005253 Archaeology of knowledge Foucault, Michel, Routledge, 2002 0415287529 | 0415287537 (pbk.) vi; 239 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 FOU 04011994 The order of things; Foucault, Michel, Vintage Books 1970 0679753354 | 9780679753353 xxiv, 387 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
194 FOU 00111698 The government of self and others / Foucault, Michel, Palgrave Macmillan ; | St Martin's Press , 2010 9781403986665 (alk. paper) | 1 xvi, 402 p. ; UG Library
194 FOU 00056280 Foucault: A Critical Reader. Foucault 1986 0631140433 244p UG Library
194 FOU 01013238 The Cambridge introduction to Michel Foucault / Downing, Lisa. Cambridge University Press, 9780521864435 (hbk.) | 0521864 xii, 138 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 FOU 00093030 Society must be degended Foucault, Michel Picador 978031242260 310p UG Library
194 FOU 05009298 Essential Works of Foucault 1954-1984 / Michel Foucault Penguin Books, 1997 9780140259544 xlv,334 p. : Knowledge Centre
194 FOU 00093821 Abnormal: Foucault Michel Navayana 9788189059026 374P. UG Library
194 FOU 00076206 Birth of the Clinic: An Archeology of Medical Perception: [dharmaram Library] Foucault, Michel 2006 0415307724 266p UG Library
194 FOU 00092790 Archaeology of knowledge Foucault, Michel, Routledge, 2002 0415287529 | 0415287537 (pbk.) vi; 239 p. ; UG Library
194 FOU 00095676 Abnormal : Foucault Michel Navayana 9788189059026 374P UG Library
194 FOX 00068307 New Sartre. Fox, Nik Farrell 2003 0826461840 195p UG Library
194 FOX 07006262 The New Sartre/ Fox,nik Farrell. Continuum, 2003 9780826461841 IX,190 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
194 FRI 00135848 Eco-deconstruction : Fritsh,Matthias Fordham University Press 2018 9780823279500 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9780823279517 (pbk. : alk. paper) First edition. xii, 371 pages ; UG Library
194 FUG 07007569 Deleuze and the social / Fuglsang, Martin Edingburg University Press, 2006 9780748620937 vii,274.00 Library - BR Campus
194 FUG 05032137 Deleuze and the Social / Fuglsang, Martin Edinburgh University Press, 2006 0748620931 280 p Knowledge Centre
194 FUL 05039463 Sex and philosophy : Fullbrook, Edward. Continuum, 2008 9781847060655 (hbk.) | 1847060 xvii, 269 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 GAN 07012731 The Creative Curve How to Develop the Right Idea at the Right Time / Gannett Allen Penguin Random House, 2018 9780753548738 270p.: Library - BR Campus
194 GAN 05064912 The Creative Curve How to Develop the Right Idea at the Right Time / Gannett Allen Penguin Random House, 2018 9780753548738 270p.: Knowledge Centre
194 GAS 05034251 The impossible mourning of Jacques Derrida / Gaston, Sean. Continuum, 2006 0826490352 (hbk.) | 9780826490 viii, 152 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 GAS 05032142 Derrida and disinterest / Gaston, Sean. Continuum, 2005 9780826491633 viii, 176 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 GAS 00089692 Starting With Derrida: Plato, Aristotle and Hegel Gaston, Sean Continuum 2008 9781846841637 223p. UG Library
194 GAS 00143648 Starting with Derrida : Gaston, Sean. Continuum, 2007 9780826497864 (pbk.) | 9789386826732 | 0826497861 (pbk.) | 9780826497857 (hbk.) | 0826497853 (hbk.) x, 223 p. ; UG Library
194 GAS 05032136 Starting with Derrida : Gaston, Sean. Continuum, 2007 9780826497864 (pbk.) | 9789386826732 | 0826497861 (pbk.) | 9780826497857 (hbk.) | 0826497853 (hbk.) x, 223 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 GIR 00068231 Girard Violence and the Sacred Girad, Rene 2005 0826477186 351p UG Library
194 GLE 00107896 Derrida Glendinning,Simon. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780192803450 | 019280345X 124 p. : UG Library
194 GLE 05032145 Derrida's legacies : Simon Glendinning. Routledge, 2008 9780415454278 (hardback (cased 155 p. Knowledge Centre
194 GUI 05011550 Deleuze and the body Edinburgh University Press, 2011 9780748638642 (hbk.) | 0748638 vi, 229 p. Knowledge Centre
194 GUT 01013994 The Cambridge companion to Foucault / Cambridge University Press, 0521840821 | 9780521600538 | 0 xix, 465 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 GUT 00068301 Cambridge Companion to Foucault Gutting, Gary 1999 0521408873 360p UG Library
194 GUT 00101771 Foucault : Gutting, Gary. Oxford University Press, 0192805576 (alk. paper) 124 p. : UG Library
194 GUT 00072018 French Philosophy in the Twentieth Century [dharmaram Library] Gutting, Gary 2001 0521665590 419 UG Library
194 GUT 00084211 Foucault: A Very Short Introduction. Gutting, Gary 2005 9780192805577 124p Knowledge Centre
194 HAN 00096695 Emmanuel Lévinas / Hand, Seán. Routledge, 9780415402767 (hardback : alk. xiv, 138 p. ; UG Library
194 HAT 00110092 The Philosophy of Sartre Hatzimoysis, Anthony. Acumen Publishing Limited 2011 9781844650477 | 9780773539389 xiii, 142 p. ; UG Library
194 HAT 00107850 The Philosophy of Sartre Hatzimoysis, Anthony. Acumen Publishing Limited 2011 9781844650477 | 9780773539389 xiii, 142 p. ; UG Library
194 HEG 00130286 Jean Baudrillard : Hegarty, Paul, Continuum, 2004 0826462820 | 0826462839 (pbk.) 180 p. UG Library
194 HEI 05032139 Essays on Heidegger and Others : Heidegger Cambridge University Press, 1997 0521358787 202 p Knowledge Centre
194 HIL 05020948 Cambridge Introduction to Jacques Derrida [ma-Philosophy Section] Hill, Leslie 9780521682817 140p Knowledge Centre
194 HIL 00081181 Cambridge Introduction to Jacques Derrida Derrida, Jacques Cambridge 2007 140p UG Library
194 HOL 00071490 Feminist Interpretations of Jacques Derrida: [ Dharmaram Library] Holland, J Nancy 2002 0271016353 252p UG Library
194 HOP 00107848 The Philosophy of Husserl Hopkins, Burt C. Acumen Publishing House 2011 9781844650118 (pbk.) | 9780773 xii, 290 p. ; UG Library
194 HOR 07010834 Introducing foucauly / Horrocks, Chris Gutenberg Press, 1997 9781848310605 175p.; Library - BR Campus
194 HUD 01006142 Homi K. Bhabha / Huddart, David Routledge, 2005 0415328233 (hbk. : alk. paper) xiii, 202 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 HUG 05038785 Philosophy after Deleuze / Hughes, Joe. Continuum, 2012 9781441147158 (hardcover) | 97 x,174p.; Knowledge Centre
194 IRI 00068234 Ethics of Sexual Difference Irigaray, Y 2005 0826477127 179p UG Library
194 JEN 00127518 Deleuzian intersections: Jenson,Casper Bruun Berghahn Books, 2010 9781845456146 (alk. paper) | 1 278 p. UG Library
194 JEV 07010869 Intriducing baudrillard / Jevtic, Zoran Clay Publication, 2012 9781848312074 175p.; Library - BR Campus
194 JOH 00137974 The Deleuze Lucretius encounter Johnson,Ryan J Edinburg University Press 2018 9781474432306 275p UG Library
194 KEL 05006430 Kristeva / Keltner, S. K. Polity, 2010 9780745638973 (pbk.) xii, 189 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 KHA 00102966 Introduction to the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze / Khalfa, Jean. Continuum, 0826459951 | 082645996X (pbk.) x, 211 p. ; UG Library
194 KIR 00129662 Sartre and theology Kirkpatrick, Kate, 9780567664501 (hb) | 978056766 xi, 221 pages ; UG Library
194 KLO 00068235 Klossowski Nietzche and the Vicious Circle Kilossowski, K 2005 0826477194 217p UG Library
194 LAC 05032134 Exrits: A Selection / Lacan, Jacques Routledge, 2001 0415253926 376 p Knowledge Centre
194 LAM 07006831 The non-philosophy of Gilles Deleuze / Lambert, Gregg, Continuum, 2002 0826459560 (pbk.) | 0826459552 xiv, 182 p. : Library - BR Campus
194 LAM 05032138 The Non-Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze / Lambert, Gregg Continuum, 2002 0826459560 182 p Knowledge Centre
194 LAM 00142771 French and Italian Stoicisms : Bloomsbury Academic ; 2021 9781350082038 243 p. ; UG Library
194 LAM 05034200 The Non-Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze / Lambert, Gregg Continuum, 2002 0826459560 182 p Knowledge Centre
194 LAN 00082300 Jean Baudrillard Lane, Richard J 0415215153 156 UG Library
194 LAN 05032167 Jean Baudrillard / Lane, Richard J Routledge, 2007 0415215153 156 p Knowledge Centre
194 LAN 05032133 Jean Baudrillard / Lane, Richard J., Routledge, 2009 9780415474474 (hardback : alk. 2nd ed. xiv, 166 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 LEC 05032159 Julia Kristeva Live Theory / Lechte, John Continuum, 2004 0826463568 182 p Knowledge Centre
194 LEE 00127530 Reading Descartes otherwise : Lee, Kyoo. Fordham University Press, 2013 9780823244843 (cloth : alk. pa 1st ed. xi, 219 p. ; UG Library
194 LEE 00127531 Reading Descartes otherwise : Lee, Kyoo. Fordham University Press, 2013 9780823244843 (cloth : alk. pa 1st ed. xi, 219 p. ; UG Library
194 LEF 00135855 Metaphilosophy / Lefebvre, Henri, Verso 2016 9781784782740 (pbk. : alk. pap English language edition. xx, 364 pages ; UG Library
194 LEF 05032169 Introduction to Modernity : Lefebyre, Henri Verso, 1995 1859840566 402 p Knowledge Centre
194 LEF 05047984 Critique of everyday life / Lefebvre, Henri, Verso, 1991 9781781683170 905p.; Knowledge Centre
194 LEF 05032144 Key Writings / Lefebvre Continuum, 2003 0082646646 284 p Knowledge Centre
194 LEF 05042095 Rhythmanalysis : Lefebvre, Henri, Bloomsbury, 2004 9781472507167 (pbk.) viii,118p.; Knowledge Centre
194 LEF 00128000 Metaphilosophy / Lefebvre, Henri, Verso 2016 9781784782740 (pbk. : alk. pap English language edition. xx, 364 pages ; UG Library
194 LEO 00104793 Derrida and antiquity Leonard Miriam Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199545544 (alk. paper) | 0 xi, 406 p. UG Library
194 LEV 05037549 Sartre / Levy Neil Oneworld Publishers, 2007 9781851682904 xvii,155p.; Knowledge Centre
194 LEV 00078564 Sartre Levy, Neil, Oneworld, 2002 1851682902 xviii; 155 p. ; UG Library
194 LEV 00076155 Sartre: One World Philosophers: [ Dharmaram Library] Levy, Neil Oneworld Publishers 2007 1851682902 155p UG Library
194 LIN 00143654 Starting with Sartre Linsenbard, Gail Bloomsbury 2018 9789386950796 127p UG Library
194 LOL 05002147 Pierre Gassendi and the Birth of Early Modern Philosophy / Lolordo, Antonia LOL 2007 0521866138 283 p Knowledge Centre
194 LUC 00104235 A Derrida dictionary / Lucy, Niall. Blackwell Pub., 2004 0631218424 (alk. paper) | 0631 ix, 183 p. ; UG Library
194 LYO 00078482 Libidinal Economy Lyotard Jean-Francois Continuum 2005 0826477003 | 9780826477002 266 p. UG Library
194 LYO 00076218 Libidinal Economy Lyotard Jean-Francois Continuum 2005 0826477003 | 9780826477002 266 p. UG Library
194 MAC 05064204 Michel Foucault /​ Macey, David, Reaktion Books, 2004 9781861892263 160p.; Knowledge Centre
194 MAL 00082301 Jean-Francois Lyotard Malpas, Simon 2007 0415256151 150 UG Library
194 MAN 05069498 Sartre : Manser, Anthony. The Athlone Press, 1966 9789387863385 280p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 MAN 00088424 Rupture With Memory: Derrida and Spectres That Haunt Marxism Mannathukaren, Nissim Navayana 2006 8189059084 116p UG Library
194 MAN 00138779 Sartre : Manser, Anthony. The Athlone Press, 1966 9789387863385 280p. ; UG Library
194 MAR 00124923 Bergsonian philosophy and Thomism Maritain, Jacques, University of Notre Dame Press, 2007 9780268021528 (cloth : alk. pa 383 p.; UG Library
194 MAR 00068236 Introduction to Philosophy Maritain, M 2005 0826477178 178p UG Library
194 MAT 00112129 The philosophy of Merleau-Ponty / Matthews, Eric, Acumen Pub., 2002 190268351X | 1902683528 (pbk.) vi, 186 p. ; UG Library
194 MAT 00143649 Starting with Hegel Matarrese, Craig B Bloomsbury 2018 9789387146402 177p UG Library
194 MAY 00107845 The Philosophy of Foucault May, Todd. Acumen, 2006 xi, 170 p. UG Library
194 MAY 00108981 The Philosophy of Foucault May, Todd. Acumen, 2006 xi, 170 p. UG Library
194 MCA 00082307 Paul De Man Mcquillan, Martin 2007 0415215137 143 UG Library
194 MCD 05020958 Rousseau and freedom / McDonald, Christie Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521515825 (hardback) | 052 xiii, 312 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 MCH 05053105 A Foucault primer : McHoul, A. W. UCL Press, 1995 1857285530 | 9781857285536 xiii, 140 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 MCQ 07006754 The politics of deconstruction : McQuillan, Martin. Pluto Press, 2007 9780745326757 (hbk.) | 0745326 viii, 259 p. ; Library - BR Campus
194 MCQ 00092709 The politics of deconstruction : McQuillan, Martin. Pluto Press, 2007 9780745326757 (hbk.) | 0745326 viii, 259 p. ; UG Library
194 MCQ 00110093 The politics of deconstruction : McQuillan, Martin. Pluto Press, 2007 9780745326757 (hbk.) | 0745326 viii, 259 p. ; UG Library
194 MCQ 01013227 The politics of deconstruction : McQuillan, Martin. Pluto Press, 2007 9780745326757 (hbk.) | 0745326 viii, 259 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 MEI 05038749 After finitude : Meillassoux, Quentin, Continuum, 2009 9781441173836 Pbk. ed. viii, 148 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 MES 00146070 The writing of innocence : Messina, Aïcha Liviana, State University of New York 2022 9781438488998 | 9781438489001 xv;201p. UG Library
194 MIL 05032166 Michael Foucault / Mills, Sara Rouledge, 2004 0415245699 143 p Knowledge Centre
194 MOR 00107953 The Cambridge introduction to Emmanuel Levinas Morgan,Michael L., Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521141062 | 0521193028 (ha ix, 259 p. ; UG Library
194 MOR 00125070 Starting with Merleau-Ponty Morris, Katherine J. Continuum, 2012 9781847062802 (hardcover : alk xviii, 192 p. UG Library
194 NAA 00138706 Taking on the tradition : Naas, Michael. Stanford University Press, 2003 0804744211 (alk. paper) | 080474422X (pbk. : alk. paper) xxx, 211 p. ; UG Library
194 NOL 00146547 The Cambridge Descartes lexicon / Nolan, Lawrence. Cambridge University Press 2016 9780521193528 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781009362542 lxviii, 778 pages : UG Library
194 OLE 00098872 Foucault and philosophy / Wiley-Blackwell, 9781405189606 (hardcover : alk ix, 259 p. ; UG Library
194 PAL 00129643 Deleuze and futurism : Palmer, Helen. Bloomsbury 2014 9781472521897 (hardback) | 978 xxiv, 254 pages ; UG Library
194 PAL 00078904 Sartre Palmer, Donald Orient Longman Publications 2006 8125024719 156 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
194 PAL 00084766 Sartre Palmer, Donald Orient Longman Publications 2006 8125024719 156 p. UG Library
194 PAL 00084767 Sartre Palmer, Donald Orient Longman Publications 2006 8125024719 156 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
194 PAL 00084768 Sartre Palmer, Donald Orient Longman Publications 2006 8125024719 156 p. UG Library
194 POW 00058738 Derrida for Beginners Powell, Jim Orient Longman Publications 2003 8125019162 185 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
194 POW 05011563 Jacques Derrida : Powell, Jason. Continuum, 0826490018 (hbk.) | 0826490026 viii, 250 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 POW 00102031 Jacques Derrida : Powell, Jason. Continuum, 0826490018 (hbk.) | 0826490026 viii, 250 p. ; UG Library
194 POW 00078911 Derrida for Beginners Powell, Jim Orient Longman Publications 2003 8125019162 185 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
194 POW 00085809 Derrida for Beginners Powell, Jim Orient Longman Publications 2003 8125019162 185 p UG Library
194 PRA 00090721 Starting With Descartes Prado, C G Continuum, 2008 9780826436641 170p UG Library
194 RAN 05032130 Modern Classical Philosophers / Rand, Benjamin Cosmo Publications, 2004 8130700034 372 p Knowledge Centre
194 RAN 05032131 Modern Classical Philosophers / Rand, Benjamin Cosmo Publications, 2004 8130700034 372 p Knowledge Centre
194 RED 05032168 The Jean Baudrillard reader / Redhead, Steve, Columbia University Press, 2008 9780231146128 (cloth : alk. pa 225 p. cm. Knowledge Centre
194 RIC 00068240 Conflict of Interpretations Hermeneutic, Essays 2005 0826477097 508p UG Library
194 ROB 07010862 Introducing Descartes / Robinson, David Gutenbrg Press, 2013 9781848311725 171p.; Library - BR Campus
194 ROL 00133024 Gilles Deleuze's transcendental empiricism : Rolli,Marc. Edinburg University Press, 2018 9781474432252 314 p. ; UG Library
194 ROY 00082298 Jacques Derrida Royle, Nicholas. Routledge 2000 0415229316 | 9780415229319 185 p. UG Library
194 ROY 00106517 In memory of Jacques Derrida Royle, Nicholas, Edinburgh University Press, 2009 9780748632961 (pbk.) | 0748632 xv, 192 p. : UG Library
194 ROY 05011567 In memory of Jacques Derrida Royle, Nicholas, Edinburgh University Press, 2009 9780748632961 (pbk.) | 0748632 xv, 192 p. : Knowledge Centre
194 ROY 05037940 Jacques Derrida Royle, Nicholas Routledge, 2007 0415229316 182p.: Knowledge Centre
194 ROY 00079162 Jacques Derrida Royle, Nicholas Routledge, 2007 0415229316 182p.: UG Library
194 SAR 00026858 Adlieux: a Farewell to Sartre De Beauvour, Simone PENGUIN 1984 1 UG Library
194 SAR 00021579 Being and Nothingness: Phenomnological Essay on Ontology Sartre, Jean Paul Pocket 1980 808 p UG Library
194 SAR 00052465 The Cambridge companion to Sartre Cambridge University Press, 1992 0521381142 | 0521388120 (pbk.) xvii; 387 p. : UG Library
194 SAR 07011359 Being and Nothingness: Phenomnological Essay on Ontology Sartre, Jean Paul Pocket 1980 808 p Library - BR Campus
194 SAR. 00035870 Words: the Autobiography Sartre, Jean-Paul Vintage 256 p UG Library
194 SCH 00074159 Twentieth-Century French Philosophy Schrift, Alan D. Blackwell Pub., 2006 1405132175 (hardcover : alk. p xxvi; 300 p. ; UG Library
194 SCH 05024359 Understanding Foucault : Schirato, Tony. SAGE, 2012 9781446252345 (hardback) | 144 2nd ed. xxviii, 208 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 SCH 07006112 Understanding Foucault : Schirato, Tony. SAGE, 2012 9781446252345 (hardback) | 144 2nd ed. xxviii, 208 p. ; Library - BR Campus
194 SCO 00131990 Ricœur and the hermeneutics of suspicion / Scott-Baumann, Alison. Continuum, 2009 9781441170392 (pbk.) | 1847061885 (hbk.) 237 p. ; UG Library
194 SCO 05057289 Understanding Foucault, understanding modernism / Bloomsbury, 2017 9781628927702 (hardback : alk. xi, 265 pages ; Knowledge Centre
194 SHE 05006369 Camus / Sherman, David, Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 9781405159302 (hardcover : alk 217 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 SHO 04009802 Descartes' bones : Shorto, Russell. Doubleday, 2008 9780385517539 | 038551753X xx, 299 p., [8] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
194 SIM 05003543 Rousseau : Simpson, Matthew. Continuum, 2007 0826489397 | 9780826489395 | 0 x, 146 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 SIM 00125063 Merleau-Ponty and theology Simpson, Christopher Ben, Bloomsbury 2014 9780567296283 (hbk.) | 0567296 x, 258 pages; UG Library
194 SIM 00102303 Rousseau : Simpson, Matthew. Continuum, 9780826489401 (pbk.) | 0826489 x, 146 p. ; UG Library
194 SJO 00147434 Through the eyes of Descartes : Sjöholm, Cecilia, Indiana University Press 2024 9780253068224 | 9780253068231 224pages cm. UG Library
194 SKI 05003527 Descartes : Skirry,Justin. Continuum, 2008 9780826489869 xi,182p.; Knowledge Centre
194 SLO 05006387 Derrida, an Egyptian : Sloterdijk, Peter, Polity, 2009 9780745646398 (pbk.) | 0745646 xiii, 80 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 SMA 05058773 Foucault, Marxism, and critique / Smart, Barry. Routledge, 1983 0710095333 (pbk.) | 9781138566 ix, 144 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 SMA 05009509 Truth and Eros / Rajchman John Routledge, 1991 9780415562119 155 p. Knowledge Centre
194 SMI 05007383 Contemporary French philosophy : Smith, Colin, Greenwood Press, 1976 9780415610704 266 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 SMI 00130301 Toward the outside : Smith, Michael B. Duquesne University Press, 2005 0820703680 (hardcover : alk. p xv, 270 p. UG Library
194 SOK 03005824 Intellectual Impostures : Sokal, Alan D. Profile Books, 2003 1861976313 (pbk.) | 9781861976 xx, 276 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
194 SOR 01016407 Descartes : Sorell, Tom. Oxford University Press, 2000 0192854097 | 9780192854094 116 p. : Knowledge Centre
194 SOR 05032165 Descartes : Sorell, Tom Oxford University Press, 2006 0195682688 116 p Knowledge Centre
194 SRJ 00134670 In the margins of deconstruction : Srajek, Martin C. Duquesne University Press, 2000 0820703125 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1st pbk. ed. xii, 364 p. ; UG Library
194 STI 05011559 Gilles Deleuze Stivale,Charles.J Acumen, 2005 9781844650293 xii, 212 p. Knowledge Centre
194 STI 00106528 Gilles Deleuze Stivale,Charles.J Acumen, 2005 9781844650293 xii, 212 p. UG Library
194 TAY 07005333 Michel Foucault / Taylor, Dianna. Acumen, 2011 1844652351 (pbk.) | 9781844652 viii, 200 p. ; Library - BR Campus
194 TAY 00112390 Michel Foucault / Taylor, Dianna. Acumen, 2011 1844652351 (pbk.) | 9781844652 viii, 200 p. ; UG Library
194 TAY 00111584 Michel Foucault / Taylor, Dianna. Acumen, 2011 1844652351 (pbk.) | 9781844652 viii, 200 p. ; UG Library
194 THA 07009900 Jacques Derrida Thakkar K.M Cyber Tech Publications, 2016 9789350534717 v, 208 p.: Library - BR Campus
194 THA 00125923 Jacques Derrida Thakkar K.M Cyber Tech Publications, 2016 9789350534717 v, 208 p.: UG Library
194 TRA 05038773 Foucault and theology / Tran, Jonathan. T & T Clark, 2011 9780567033437 (pbk.) | 0567033 x, 211 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 VEY 05006400 Foucault : Veyne, Paul, Polity, 2010 9780745646428 (pbk.) English ed. vi, 194 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194 WAR 00143651 Starting with Kant Ward, Andrew Bloomsbury 2017 9789386606761 176p UG Library
194 WAR 00129339 Why Rousseau Was Wrong Ward,Frances Bloomsbury 2013 9781441115539 249p UG Library
194 WAT 00145396 French Philosophy Today: Watkin, Christopher Edinburg University Press 2017 9781474425834 258p UG Library
194 WIL 00112395 Understanding Poststructuralism / Williams, James. Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131604809 ix: 180p.; UG Library
194 WIL 05034224 Understanding Poststructuralism / Williams, James. Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131604809 ix: 180p.; Knowledge Centre
194 WIL 00111588 Understanding Poststructuralism / Williams, James. Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131604809 ix: 180p.; UG Library
194 WIL 07012853 Understanding Poststructuralism / Williams, James. Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131604809 ix: 180p.; Library - BR Campus
194 WIL 00099090 Gilles Deleuze's:Differnce and resetition; Williams James Motilal Banarsidass publishers private limited; 9788120827622 viii;216 p. UG Library
194 WIL 00106527 Gilles Deleuze's philosophy of time Williams, James. Edinburgh University Press, 2011 9780748638536 | 0748638539 | 9 ix, 205 p. UG Library
194 WIL 00147428 Descartes' meditative turn: Wild, Christopher J., Stanford University Press 2024 9781503638280 | 9781503638594 341 pages : UG Library
194 WOK 05032132 Rousseau : Wokler, Robert Oxford University Press, 2006 0195681851 171 p Knowledge Centre
194 WOL 00074154 A Derrida reader Edinburgh University Press, 1998 0748609644 | 0748609652 (hardb 224 p.; UG Library
194 WOL 00072936 A Derrida reader Edinburgh University Press, 1998 0748609644 | 0748609652 (hardb 224 p.; UG Library
194 YOU 05073440 Simone Weil / Yourgrau, Palle. Reaktion Books, 2011 9781861897985 189p.; Knowledge Centre
194 YOU 05064233 Simone Weil / Yourgrau, Palle. Reaktion Books, 2011 9781861897985 189p.; Knowledge Centre
194.03 PAR 05002341 The Deleuze dictionary / Parr, Adrian Columbia University Press, 2005 0231138148 (cloth : alk. paper 318 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194.03 APR 00104090 The Deleuze dictionary / Parr, Adrian. Edinburgh University Press, 2005 0748618988 (hbk.) | 0748618996 318 p. ; UG Library
194.03 APR 07006549 The Deleuze dictionary / Parr, Adrian. Edinburgh University Press, 2005 0748618988 (hbk.) | 0748618996 318 p. ; Library - BR Campus
194.082 HOW 05004854 French women philosophers : Routledge, 2004 0415261392 (hb) | 0415261406 ( xiv, 453 p. ; Knowledge Centre
194.092 LEA 05064195 Jean-Paul Sartre /​ Leak, Andrew N, Reaktion Books, 2006 9781861892706 167p.; Knowledge Centre
1941 CAR 00068411 Cambridge Companion Merleau-Ponty Carman, Taylor 2005 0521809894 396p UG Library
194ASH 01006131 Edward Said(law Lib) Bill Ashcroft ROUTLEDGE 0415247780 167p Knowledge Centre
194CLA 01009687 Descartes a Biography (law Lib) Desmond M Clarre Cambridge University Press 9780521823012 507p Knowledge Centre
194COL 01006139 Gilles Deleuze(law Lib) Claire Colebrook ROUTLEDGE 0415246342 170p Knowledge Centre
194DEL 01007238 A Thousand Plateaus : Capitalism and Schizophrenia Gilles Deleuze Continuum 2004 0826476945 688 p Knowledge Centre
194DEL1 01007240 Anti-Oedipus:capitalism and Schizophrenia (law Lib) Gilles Deleuze Continuum 0826476953 427p Knowledge Centre
194DER 01007265 Writing and Difference ( Law Library ) Jacques Derrida ROUTLEDGE 0415253837 446p. Knowledge Centre
194DEU 01009772 Philosophy of Simone De Beauvoir (law Lib) Penelope Deutscher Cambridge University Press 9780521885201 196 p Knowledge Centre
194FAU 01010135 Power James D Faubion Penguin Books Programed texts 484p Knowledge Centre
194LAN 01011435 Jean Baudrillard (law Lib) Richard J Lane ROUTLEDGE 0415215153 156p Knowledge Centre
194MAL 01006138 Jean-Francois Lyotard (law Lib) Simon Malpas ROUTLEDGE 0415256151 156p Knowledge Centre
194MCQ 01006137 Paul De Man(law Lib) Martin Mcquillan ROUTLEDGE 0415215137 143p Knowledge Centre
194MIL 01006132 Michel Foucault (law Lib) Sara Mills ROUTLEDGE 0415245699 149p Knowledge Centre
194RIL 01005228 Cambridge Companion to Rousseau(law Lib.) Patrick Riley Cambridge University Press 0521576156 453p Knowledge Centre
194ROU 01010329 Philosophy in Turbulent Times(law Lib) Elisabeth Roudinesco Columbia University Press 9780231143004 184p Knowledge Centre
194ROY 01006133 Jaques Derrida(law Lib) Nicholas Royle ROUTLEDGE 0415229316 185p Knowledge Centre
194SMA 01006148 Michel Foucault(law Lib) Barry Smart ROUTLEDGE 0041528533 150p Knowledge Centre
195 A\1 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
195 AGA 00138703 Potentialities : Agamben, Giorgio, Stanford University Press, 1999 0804732779 (cloth : alk. paper) | 0804732787 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 307 p. ; UG Library
195 DIC 00124620 Agamben's coming philosophy : Dickinson, Colby. Rowman & Littlefield International Ltd 2015 9781783484010 (cloth : alk. pa viii, 269 pages ; UG Library
195 JON 00079170 Antonio Gramsci Steve Jones Routledge 2007 0041531948 154 p UG Library
195 JON 00082291 Antonio Gramsci Steve Jones Routledge 2007 0041531948 154 p UG Library
195 MUR 05032161 Giorgio Agamben / Murray, Alex, Routledge, 2009 9780415451680 (hardback : alk. 1st ed. 149 p. Knowledge Centre
195 SRI 05018147 The postcolonial Gramsci / Routledge, 2012 9780415874816 (acidfree paper) ix, 253 p. : Knowledge Centre
195DOU 01009688 Pico Della Mirandola:New Essays (law Lib) M V Dougherty Cambridge University Press 9780521847360 225p Knowledge Centre
195JON 01006135 Antonio Gramsci Steve Jones Routledge 2007 0041531948 154 p Knowledge Centre
196 U-1 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
196.1 RAL 00133040 A watch over mortality : Raley, Harold C., State University of New York Press, 1997 0791431533 (alk. paper) | 0791431541 (pbk. : alk. paper) 289 p. ; UG Library
196.4 IMA 07002384 Mirza Ghalib and The Mirs of Gujarat / Imam Mir Jaffar Rupa.Co, 2006 9788129109415 259p.: Library - BR Campus
196.7 MON 00087406 Secret of Childhood. Montessori, Maria Orient Longman Publications 2007 8125014551 234 p UG Library
197 Q\4 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
197 GUR 00067574 Meetings With Remarkable Men. Gurdjieff, G L English Edition Publisher 2005 0818906696 361 p UG Library
197 HAM 00126946 A History of Russian Philosophy Hamburg, G M Cambridge University Press 2013 781107612785 423p UG Library
197 NIE 00021577 Nietzsche Reader Nietzsche, PENGUIN 1987 285 p UG Library
197 OUS 00137981 A new model of the universe : Uspensky, P. D. Dover Publications, 1997 0486297012 (pbk.) xxi, 554 p. : UG Library
197.2 BEA 00142784 Lev Shestov : Beaumont, Matthew, Bloomsbury Academic ; 2021 9781350151147 | 9781350204027 1. 200 p. ; UG Library
197.54 KRI 00065689 Jiddu Krishnamurti: World Philosopher Williams, Dr C V MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2004 8120820339 581p UG Library
198 GAN 05009505 Truth and Eros / Rajchman John Routledge, 1991 9780415562119 155 p. Knowledge Centre
198 LEV 00087665 Sartre Levy, Neil Oneworld Publishers 2007 1851682902 155 p UG Library
198 WAT 00087664 Kierkegaard. Watts, Michael Oneworld Publishers 2007 1851683178 226p UG Library
198 WAT 00078562 Kierkegaard. Watts, Michael Oneworld Publishers 2007 1851683178 226p Yeshwanthpur Campus
198.5 CHA 03001938 Philosophy and Religion : Charlesworth, Max. One World Oxford, 2008 9781851683079 | 1851683070 218 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
198.5 ZWE 00076104 Baruch Spinoza: The Living Thoughts [ Dharmaram Library] Zweing, Arnold RUPA & CO 2003 8129101122 116p UG Library
198.8 KIE 00090339 Repetition and Philosophical Crumbs Kieregaard, Soren Oxford University 2008 9780199214198 187p UG Library
198.9 KIE 05002337 Repetition Kierkegaard, S�ren, Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199214198 (pbk.) | 0199214 xxxvii, 187 p. Knowledge Centre
198.9 CAR 00142782 Kierkegaard and philosophical eros : Carlsson, Ulrika, Bloomsbury Academic; 2021 9781350133716 | 9781350203938 179 p. ; UG Library
198.9 CHA 00070141 Kierkegaard Reader: {Dharmaram College] Chamberlain, Jane 2001 0631204687 402p UG Library
198.9 CHA 00076098 Kierkegaard Reader: [ Dharmaram Library] Chamberlain, Jane 2001 0631204687 394p UG Library
198.9 CON 00124630 Kierkegaard's Fear and trembling : Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107034617 (hardback) xiv, 278 p.: UG Library
198.9 GAR 01016432 Kierkegaard : Gardiner, Patrick L., Oxford University Press, 2002 9780192802569 132 p. : Knowledge Centre
198.9 GAR 00059146 Kierkegaard Gardiner, Patrick L., Oxford University Press, 2002 0192802569 132 p. : UG Library
198.9 GAR 00085442 Kierkegaard Gardiner, Patrick L., Oxford University Press, 2002 0192802569 132 p. : UG Library
198.9 HOW 00089145 Kiekegaard and Socrates: A Study in Philosophy and Faith Howland, Jacob 2006 9780521862035 231p UG Library
198.9 HOW 05032160 Kierkegaard and Socrates : Howland, Jacob. Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521862035 (hardcover) | 97805 xii, 231 p. ; Knowledge Centre
198.9 KIE 00069085 The soul of Kierkegaard : Kierkegaard, Søren Dover Publications, 2003 0486427137 (pbk.) 254 p. ; UG Library
198.9 KIE 07013027 Either/or : Kierkegaard, Søren, Penguin Books, 1992 0140445773 (pbk.) : 633 p. ; Library - BR Campus
198.9 KIE 05032162 The Kierkegaard Reader / Chamberlain, Jane Blackwell Publishers, 2001 0631204687 403 p Knowledge Centre
198.9 KLE 05040980 Kierkegaard and the rise of modern psychology / Klempe, Sven Hroar. Transaction Publishers, 2014 9781412853866 (cloth : alk. pa xvi, 260 pages ; Knowledge Centre
198.9 PAL 00078906 Kierkegaard: For Beginners Palmer, Donald D Orient Longman Pvt Ltd 2007 8125031693 150 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
198.9 PAL 00084872 Kierkegaard: For Beginners Palmer, Donald D Orient Longman Pvt Ltd 2007 8125031693 150 p UG Library
198.9 PAL 00084873 Kierkegaard: For Beginners Palmer, Donald D Orient Longman Pvt Ltd 2007 8125031693 150 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
198.9 ROB 00145085 Recovering Christian character : Roberts, Robert C, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2022 9780802873163 xix, 380 pages ; UG Library
198.9 SHE 07006815 Starting with Kierkegaard / Sheil Patrick Continuum International Publishing Group, 2011 9781847065803 xi,172p.: Library - BR Campus
198.9 SHE 00125751 Starting with Kierkegaard Sheil, Patrick. Continuum, 2011 9781847065810 (pbk.) | 1847065 xi, 172 p. ; UG Library
198.9 SHE 05039474 Starting with Kierkegaard / Sheil Patrick Continuum International Publishing Group, 2011 9781847065803 xi,172p.: Knowledge Centre
198.9 WAT 05032163 Kierkegaard : Watts Michael Oneworld Publications, 2007 9781851683178 226 p Knowledge Centre
198.9 WAT 00106503 Kierkegaard Watkin, Julia. Continuum, 2000 0826450865 (pbk.) | 9780826450 xxi, 120 p. ; UG Library
198.9HOW 01010273 Kierkegaard and Socrates(law Lib) Jacob Howland Cambridge University Press 9780521721738 231p Knowledge Centre
199 F-1 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
199 I\11 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
199 L\4 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
199 DER 00058782 Writing and Difference Derrida, Jacques 2000 0415255376 440p UG Library
199 GRA 00059143 Wittgenstein Grayling, A. C. Oxford University Press, 2001 0192854119 142 p. : UG Library
199 JAN 00147631 African philosophy and enactivist cognition : Janz, Bruce B Bloomsbury Academic, 2023 9781350292185 256 p. ; UG Library
199.4371 KAF 00078766 Diaries of Franz Kafka. Kafka, Franz Indialog Publications 2003 9788187981474 446 p UG Library
199.492 BUN 00130202 The Bloomsbury Companion to Spinoza Bunge,Wiep Van Bloomsbury 2014 9781472532725 380p UG Library
199.492 DOB 00124635 Spinoza's critique of religion and its heirs : Dobbs-Weinstein, Idit, Cambridge University Press 2015 9781107094918 (hardback : alk. 275p. UG Library
199.492 FOR 07012921 Spinoza and German Idealism / Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107538931 xii,285p.: Library - BR Campus
199.492 GAR 00052467 The Cambridge companion to Spinoza Cambridge University Press, 1996 0521392357 (hardback) | 052139 xiii; 465 p. ; UG Library
199.492 HUE 01009708 Interpreting Spinoza : Cambridge University Press, 9780521871839 (hbk.) | 0521871 x, 196 p. ; Knowledge Centre
199.492 MEL 05038334 Spinoza's 'theological-political treatise' : Melamed, Yitzhak Y Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521882293 (hardback) | 052 xiv, 294 p. ; Knowledge Centre
199.492 MEL 00122265 Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise Melamed, Yitzhak Y Cambridge University Press, 2010 9781107636927 xiv, 294:. UG Library
199.492 NAD 00110243 Spinoza Nadler, Steven M., Cambridge University Press, 1999 0521552109 (hardcover) xiii, 407 p. : UG Library
199.492 POP 00087663 Spinoza : Popkin, Richard H. Oneworld, 2004 1851683399 153 p. ; UG Library
199.492 POP 00078565 Spinoza : Popkin, Richard H. Oneworld, 2004 1851683399 153 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
199.492 SCR 05032147 Spinoza : Scruton, Roger Oxford University Press, 2006 0195682645 129 p Knowledge Centre
199.492 SCR 01016455 Spinoza : Scruton, Roger. Oxford University Press, 2002 0192803166 (pbk.) | 9780195682 129 p. : Knowledge Centre
199.492 SCR 05048922 Spinoza : Scruton, Roger. Oxford University Press, 2002 0192803166 (pbk.) | 9780195682 129 p. : Knowledge Centre
199.492 SCR 00102144 Spinoza : Scruton, Roger. Oxford University Press, 2002 0192803166 (pbk.) | 9780195682 129 p. : UG Library
199.492 SPI 05042419 On the Improvement of the Understanding the Ethics Correspondence / Spinoza Benedict de Dover Publications,INC, 1955 9780486202501 xxii,420p.: Knowledge Centre
199.492 SPI 05005167 Spinoza / Della Rocca, Michael. Routledge, 2008 0415283299 (hbk. : alk. paper) xii, 341 p. ; Knowledge Centre
199.492 STE 05064456 Spinoza's political psychology : Steinberg, Justin Cambridge university press, 2018 9781107141308 (hardback) First edition. xv,235p; Knowledge Centre
199.4973 POU 00116526 Žižek Pound, Marcus. William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2008 9780802860019 (pbk. : alk. pap xv, 168 p. ; UG Library
199.4973 KUL 00107025 Introducing Slavoj Zizek Kul-Want,Christopher Totem Books 2011 9781848312937 176 P. UG Library
199.4973 SBR 05060335 Everything always wanted know about literature but were afraid to ask zizek / Sbriglia, Russell., ed. Orient Blackswan, 2017 9789386689610 viii, 334p. Knowledge Centre
199.4973 ZIZ 05042093 Interrogating the real / Žižek, Slavoj. Bloomsbury, 2005 9781472514936 (pbk.) xxvii,373p.; Knowledge Centre
199.4973MYE 01011433 Slavoj Zizek (law Lib) Tony Myers ROUTLEDGE 0415262658 142p Knowledge Centre
199.5 PAN 05032148 Bavawalas : Pandit, Shrinivas McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2007 0070621519 105 p Knowledge Centre
199.54 GOP 00022137 Hindu Social Philosophy Gopalan, S Wiley Eastern Limited 1979 293 p UG Library
199.54 GOP 00020679 Hindu Social Philosophy Gopalan, S Wiley Eastern Limited 1979 293 p UG Library
199.54 HIR 00020681 Outlines of Indian Philosophy Hiriyanna, M Blackie 1979 419 p UG Library
199.54 HIR 00020651 Essentials of Indian Philosophy Hiriyanna, M Blackie 1973 214 p UG Library
199.54 HIR 00020653 Outlines of Indian Philosophy Hiriyanna, M Blackie 1979 419 p UG Library
199.54 KRI 00022048 Beginnings of Learning Krishnamurthi, J PENGUIN 1978 270 p UG Library
199.54 KRI 00008327 Impossible Question Krishna Murthy J, Victor 1972 208 p UG Library
199.54 KRI 05032149 On Nature and the Environment / Krisnamurti, J Penguin Books, 2005 0014400139 105 p Knowledge Centre
199.54 KRI 05032150 On Nature and the Environment / Krisnamurti, J Penguin Books, 2005 0014400139 105 p Knowledge Centre
199.54 KRI 00010874 Talsk & Dialogues Krishna Murthy, J Avon 1968 1 UG Library
199.54 NAN 00068651 Savage Freud and Other Essys on Possible and Retrievable Selves Nandy, Ashis Oxford University Press 2000 0001956439 xii; 275p UG Library
199.54 NAN 00068170 Exiled at home Nandy, Ashis. Oxford University Press, 2005 0195667921 | 9780195667929 vii; 212 p. : UG Library
199.54 NAN 07005172 Exiled at home Nandy, Ashis. Oxford University Press, 2005 0195667921 | 9780195667929 vii; 212 p. : Library - BR Campus
199.54 OSH 00065561 Revolution: Talks on Kabir Osho Jaico 2004 8172248598 323p UG Library
199.54 RAG 00020684 Indian Heritage Raghavan, V I.I. W C 1980 4th ed. lxxvii; 494 p UG Library
199.54 RAN 00047656 Living By J. Krishnamurti Ranchan, O P Indian Publishing Distributors 1998 8173410585 247 p. UG Library
199.54 VAS 00070629 Mind of J Krishnamurthy Vas, Luis S R Jaico 2005 8172242131 xii; 282 p UG Library
199.54 VAS 00070639 Mind of J Krishnamurthy Vas, Luis S R Jaico 2005 8172242131 xii; 282 p UG Library
199.56 GIB 00070590 Great Works of Kahlil Gibran Gibran, Kahlil Jaico 2006 8172241348 436 p UG Library
199.5692 GIB 00065631 Prophet Gibran, Kahlil Shree 2004 8179631028 96p UG Library
199.5694 POP 00112641 Spinoza : Popkin, Richard H. Oneworld, 2004 1851683399 153 p. ; UG Library
199.5694 POP 05032164 Spinoza : Popkin, Richard H. Oneworld, 2004 1851683399 153 p. ; Knowledge Centre
199.569442 BYR 00078477 I and Thou Buber, Martin Continuum 2005 0826476937 2nd ed. 102 p UG Library
199.6 BEL 00079843 Understanding African Philosophy Bell, Richard H 2002 0415939372 189p UG Library
199.6 COE 05007325 The African philosophy reader : Coetzee P.H. Routledge, 2003 9780415968096 2nd ed. xvii, 667 p. ; Knowledge Centre
199.6 ENG 00135840 African philosophy : English,Parker Prentice Hall, 1996 0133237265 xvi, 356 p. ; UG Library
199.6 GOR 00110028 An Introduction to Africana Philosophy Gordon, Lewis R. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521858854 (hardback) | 052 xii, 275 p. ; UG Library
199.6 MOS 00117538 African philosophy : Mosley,Albert G Prentice Hall, 1995 0023841818 x, 438 p. ; UG Library
199.6GOR 01009714 An Introduction to Africana Philosophy Gordon, Lewis R. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521858854 (hardback) | 052 xii, 275 p. ; Knowledge Centre
199.9 HAN 00018464 Thomas Merton, Monk Patrick, Hant Image 1976 236 p UG Library
199.99 RAS 00104506 From religion to Faith - Testimonies of Multi-Religious Experiences Rassendren Etienne Asian Trading Corporation 2010 9788170865940 viii, 77 p UG Library
200 FOR 03001885 Religion : Forward, Martin. One World, 2008 9781851682584 | 1851682589 190 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
200 LIO 05002112 World's Religions / A Lion, Hand Book Lion Publishing, 1994 0745937209 464 p Knowledge Centre
200 ABB 00006600 Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies Abbe J A, Dubois 1968 1 UG Library
200 AMA 00146876 Peoples' theology in Asia/ Amaladoss, Michael ATC Publishers, 2021 9789391399214 172p UG Library
200 APO 00145720 A Guide to Christian Art Apostolos-Cappadona, Diane Bloomsbury , 2023 9789356404793 298p UG Library
200 ARC 05058107 Religion 101 : Archer, Peter Adams Media 2009 9781440572630 (paper over boar 288 pages : Knowledge Centre
200 ARC 00125786 Religion 101 : Archer, Peter Adams Media 2009 9781440572630 (paper over boar 288 pages : UG Library
200 AUG 00091844 Dialogical Dynamic of Religions Augustine Thottakkara Dhararam publications 156p UG Library
200 BAI 00106505 The secular faith controversy : Bailey, Edward I. Continuum, 2001 0826449247 | 9780826449252 | 0 vi, 113 p. ; UG Library
200 BAI 00112400 The secular faith controversy : Bailey, Edward I. Continuum, 2001 0826449247 | 9780826449252 | 0 vi, 113 p. ; UG Library
200 BAL 05042746 On world religions : SAGE : | Indian Council for Cultural Relations, 2014 9788132118343 | 8132118340 xxii, 281 pages : Knowledge Centre
200 BAU 00099967 The Bejewelled Buddha From India To Burma : Bautze-Picron, Claudine Sanctum Books, 9788190995009 xx, 186 p. UG Library
200 BEN 00145734 T&T Clark Handbook of Ecclesiology Bender, Kimlyn J Bloomsbury , 2023 9789356405042 493p UG Library
200 BOW 00071477 God: A Brief History: The Human Search for Eternal Truth [ Dharmaram Library] Bowker, John 2005 0789480506 396p UG Library
200 CAP 05067197 On Religion / Caputo, John D. Routledge, 2019 9781138714861 2nd ed. xii, 217p.; Knowledge Centre
200 CAP 00146539 On Religion / Caputo, John D. Routledge, 2019 9781138714861 2nd ed. xii, 217p.; UG Library
200 CAS 00145736 T&T Clark Handbook of Pneumatology Castelo, Daniel Bloomsbury , 2023 9789356404854 387p UG Library
200 CHH 00124726 Religious Practice and Democracy in India Chhibber, Pradeep K Cambridge University Press 2016 9781316601204 202p UG Library
200 CHH 07009404 Religious Practice and Democracy in India Chhibber, Pradeep K Cambridge University Press 2016 9781316601204 202p Library - BR Campus
200 CHR 00145743 The Bloomsbury Handbook to Studying Christians Chryssides, George D. Bloomsbury Academic India 2023 9789356404991 338p UG Library
200 CLA 00146436 The holy one of Israel and his chosen people : Clarke, Sam. Mel Cohen 2016 9780997717303 (pbk.) | 9780997717310 (ebk.) | 9780997717327 (epdf) 1st edition. 152pages cm UG Library
200 CLA 00143656 Ten Great Religions: Clarke, James Freeman Omega Book World, 2022 9788195396689 628p UG Library
200 COC 00145731 T&T Clark Handbook of Christian Prayer Cocksworth, Ashley Bloomsbury , 2023 9789356405059 725p UG Library
200 CON 00145732 T&T Clark Handbook of Christian Theology and tClimate Change Conradie, Ernst M Bloomsbury , 2023 9789356405080 713p UG Library
200 COO 04015452 National Geographic concise history of world religions : Cooke, Tim(ed) National Geographic, 2011 9781426206986 | 1426206984 | 9 352 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
200 CRE 05038318 Religious thought in the eighteenth century, Creed, John Martin, The university press, 1934 xl, 301 p. Knowledge Centre
200 DIA 00146877 Here I am Dias, Anthony ATC Publishers, 2022 9789391399276 133p UG Library
200 DWO 05039947 Religion without god / Dworkin, Ronald. 9780674726826 | 9780674728035 1 online resource (193 pages) Knowledge Centre
200 EAG 05045107 Culture and the Death of God / Eagleton Terry Yale University Press, 2015 9780300212334 x,234p.: Knowledge Centre
200 ERP 00145735 T&T Clark Handbook of Edward Schillebeeckx Erp, Stephen Van Bloomsbury , 2023 9789356405073 463p UG Library
200 ESP 00088295 Religion & Globalization Esposito, John L 2008 9780195176957 609p UG Library
200 FAR 00143937 Introducing world religions : Farhadian, Charles E., Baker Academic 2015 9780801032349 (cloth) | 9781540964915 xxi, 600 pages : UG Library
200 FOE 00012621 Modern Sriramakrishna For Thinking on Education , Macmillan 1922 1 UG Library
200 FOR 00072034 Religiion [dharmaram Library] Forward, Martin Oneworld Publishers 1851682589 190 UG Library
200 GEA 00097022 Continuum glossary of religious terms / Geaves, Ron. Continuum, 082644881X | 0826448828 (pbk.) vii, 471 p. ; UG Library
200 GEE 00124718 From the big bang to God : Geering, Lloyd, Polebridge Press 2013 9781598151398 (alk. paper) 195 pages; UG Library
200 GOO 00007462 Religion Among the Primitives Goode, William J Free Press 1951 322 p UG Library
200 GRO 00121566 Major Indian Religions/ Grover R S Cyber Tech 2013 9789350530535 256p. UG Library
200 GUH 05045740 In the Name of the Goddess : Guha-Thakurta Tapati Primus Books, 2015 9789384082468 xii,390p.: Knowledge Centre
200 HAR 00018434 Christianity in the 20th Century. Hardon, John A Image 1971 598 p UG Library
200 HAR 00018476 Religions of the World Hardon, John A Image 1968 268 p UG Library
200 HIN 00145741 T&T Clark Handbook of Theological Anthropology Hinsdale, Mary Ann Bloomsbury , 2023 9789356404823 459p UG Library
200 HUB 00145738 T&T Clark Handbook of Public Theology Hubenthal, Christoph Bloomsbury , 2023 9789356405004 580p UG Library
200 JAI 00008326 Glimpses of World Religions Jaico, JAICO 1957 284 p. : UG Library
200 JAM 00124907 A Study of Religions James,Emmanuel E Theological Book Trust 2006 8174750495 405p UG Library
200 JEW 00033278 Jesus Christ Superstar Jewison, Norman Dharmaram 1990 1 UG Library
200 JOH 00145728 T&T Clark Companion to Atonment Johnson, Adam J Bloomsbury , 2023 9789356405189 589p UG Library
200 JOS 00133131 An inquiry into understanding of truth : Joseph,Eugene Newman. Theological Publication in India, 2018 9789383163809 241 p. ; UG Library
200 JOS 00145727 St Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort Joseph, Lawrence St. Pauls , 2012 9789350151143 149p UG Library
200 KAI 00146416 Conversion of the Church and Conversion of the World kaithakottil, Joyce Omega Book World 2023 9789391694326 429p UG Library
200 KRI 00146545 Religion: Kripal, Jeffrey J Gale Gengage Learning 2016 9780028662879 (hardcover) xxiii, 418 pages ; UG Library
200 KRU 00146437 The Identity Struggle of Dalit Christians: Krupa, Bethel ISPCK 2020 9789388945622 383p UG Library
200 KUN 00089620 Theories of Religion: A Reader Kunin, Seth D 2006 0074862001 524p UG Library
200 KUT 00146440 Towards a Transformed Indian Church: Kuthukallunkal, Sebastian Omega Book World 2023 9789391694463 332p UG Library
200 LAU 00146414 Becoming Native to Win the Natives Laughlin, Tabor Wipf & Stock 2016 9781498290180 69p UG Library
200 LIF 00018182 The World`s Great Religions Life Magazine Mysore 1967 100 p UG Library
200 LOY 00019375 Santa Francis Xavier Loyala Mandir , Karnataka Mahila Hindi Seva Samiti 1978 1 UG Library
200 MAC 00017745 Living Religions of the Indian People Macnicol, Nicol YMCA 1971 390 p UG Library
200 MAN 00146433 Spirituality of Peoples Movements: Mangai, Poulose ISPCK 2012 9788184652598 309p UG Library
200 MAX 00026995 Jaina Sutras Max Muller F Monlac 0p Knowledge Centre
200 MAX 00027000 Sacred Book of China Max Muller F Monlac 0p Knowledge Centre
200 MCE 00146425 Key words of Pope Francis Mcelwee, Joshua J Bloomsbury 2018 9781472960580 204p UG Library
200 MCG 00082757 Introduction to Christianity McGrath, Alister 2005 0631201963 444p UG Library
200 MCL 04009679 World religions : McLoughlin, Sean Star Fire, 2007 9781844519231 192 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
200 MET 00144870 The Anthropology of Religion: Metcalf, Peter Routledge, 2023 9781032303154 216p UG Library
200 MOL 00106119 Experiencing the world's religions : Molloy, Michael, McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2008 9780073535647 (alk. paper) | 9 4th ed. xvii, 576 p. : UG Library
200 MUK 04007442 Process Biotechnology Fundamentals / Mukhopadhyay, S.N. Viva Books, 2010 9788130915753 3rd ed, x, 614p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
200 NAY 00103599 Understanding Religious Phenomenon Nayak G C Dharmaram Publishers, 9788186861068 94 p. UG Library
200 NET 00146878 Powerful anecdotes and illustrations/ Nettikat, Antony ATC Publishers, 2023 9789388968201 211p UG Library
200 NIC 00124617 A None's story : Nicolaou, Corinna, Columbia University Press 2016 9780231173940 | 0231173946 xiv, 289 pages ; UG Library
200 NIE 00035344 Religions of the World Nielson, C Niel Martin 1976 1 UG Library
200 NIG 00095486 World religions : Nigosian, S. A. Bedford/St. Martin's, 9780312442378 (pbk.) | 0312442 xviii, 558 p. : UG Library
200 NYE 00068394 Religion the Basics Nye, Malory 2003 0415263794 227p UG Library
200 NYE 05041066 Religion : Nye, Malory. Routledge, 2008 9780415449472 (hbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed. viii, 232 p. ; Knowledge Centre
200 ORS 05038320 The Cambridge companion to religious studies / Orsi, Robert A Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521883917 (hardback) | 978 428 p. ; Knowledge Centre
200 PAH 00005839 What Is Religion? Pahlajani, T B BVB 1971 76 p UG Library
200 PAN 00145072 Mystery and hermeneutics / Panikkar, Raimon, Orbis Books, 2021 9781626983755 | 9781626983953 242 p. ; UG Library
200 PAR 00006602 Caste, Prejudices and Individualism Paranjpe, A C Lalvani 1970 1 UG Library
200 PAT 00146413 An Indian Church in an Alien Land Pathmanathan, Napoleon Kirubai Publications 2022 9786249930001 397p UG Library
200 PAT 00006213 Idea of God Pattson A, Pringle Academic Pub 1967 1 UG Library
200 PEC 00145744 T & T Clark Companion to Augustine and Modern Theology Pecknold, C C Bloomsbury Academic India 2023 9789356405110 287p UG Library
200 PIN 00145725 Mediating Catholicism Pinal, Eric Hoenes Del Bloomsbury , 2023 9789356405011 245p UG Library
200 PRA 00145726 Seeking God Experience Prabhu, C R St. Pauls , 2023 9789392340598 224p UG Library
200 PRA 00146542 Religion and Extremism Rejecting Diversity Pratt. Douglas Bloomsbury 2022 9789354358500 196pages UG Library
200 RAD 00007379 Religion in a Changing World Radhakrishnan, S George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1974 190 p UG Library
200 RAD 00006174 East and West Religion Radhakrishnan, S George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1967 150 p UG Library
200 RAD 00007685 East and West Religion Radhakrishnan, S George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1967 150 p UG Library
200 RAD 00005107 Eastern Religions and Western Thoughts Radhakrishnan, S Oxford University 1968 1 UG Library
200 RAD 00007255 Bhagavadgeetha Radhakrishanan, George Allen UG Library
200 RAD 00005707 Idealist View of Life Radhakrishnan, S UNWIN 1970 278 p UG Library
200 RAJ 00091074 Dalit Christians of Andhra: Rajpramukh K E Serials Publications 2008 9788183871433 101p UG Library
200 RAJ 07013330 Thurible/ Raja, A.C/ An Imprint Of Leadstart Publishing PVT LTD, 2013 9789383562787 230p;. Library - BR Campus
200 RAL 00142164 The Interface of Science and Religion : Ralte, Rodinmawia. Christian World Imprints, 2017 9789351482215 xv, 243p.; UG Library
200 RAL 05055561 The Interface of Science and Religion : Ralte, Rodinmawia. Christian World Imprints, 2017 9789351482215 xv, 243p.; Knowledge Centre
200 RAM 00145739 T&T Clark Handbook of the Early Church Ramelli, Ilaria, L E Bloomsbury , 2023 9789356405158 704p UG Library
200 RAS 00102118 From religion to faith: Rassendren Dr.Etienne Asian trading corporation; 9788170865940 77 p. UG Library
200 REI 00145729 T&T Clark Companion to Liturgy Reid, Alcuin Bloomsbury , 2023 9789356404885 561p UG Library
200 RIN 00136807 Introduction to the study of religion Ring,Nancy C Orbis Books, 1998 1570751838 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 340 p. : UG Library
200 ROB 00139659 Understanding the role of religion in building up sustainable existence : Robertson, Selvam. Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485063 309 p. ; UG Library
200 ROB 00121103 World religions : Robinson,Thomas A Hendrickson Publishers, 2006 1565633172 (alk. paper) x, 339 p. : UG Library
200 ROD 00145737 T&T Clark Handbook of Political Theology Rodriguez, Ruben Rosario Bloomsbury , 2023 9789356404908 579p UG Library
200 SAI 00146415 Borderless Spirituality Sailus, Vinod S Omega Book World 2024 9788196483128 420p UG Library
200 SAN 00146434 The Church Reformer Martin Luther and His Ninety-Five Theses Sang, Salai Sen Ro Omega Book World 2023 9789389069808 72p UG Library
200 SAN 00145742 T&T Clark Introduction to Spirit Christology Sánchez M, Leopoldo A. Bloomsbury , 2023 9789356404960 202p UG Library
200 SCH 01017083 The believing primate : Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199557028 | 0199557020 xii, 365 p. : Knowledge Centre
200 SHI 01023472 The global ethic and law : Shingleton, Bradley, Baden-Baden Nomos 2015 9781474259262 183p.; Knowledge Centre
200 SIL 00146875 Enjoying God's presence as a Catholic disciple/ Silva, Vinay ATC Publishers, 2023 9789391399894 151p UG Library
200 SIN 05031743 Religion, Ritual and Royalty / Singh, N K Rawat, 1999 316 p Knowledge Centre
200 SLA 00145733 T&T Clark Handbook of Christian Theology and the Modern Sciences Slattery, John P Bloomsbury , 2023 9789356404892 367p UG Library
200 SMI 00146429 Mission as hospitality : Smither, Edward L., Cascade Books 2021 9781725257313 | 1725257319 | 9781725257320 | 1725257327 viii, 137 pages ; UG Library
200 SMI 00137249 Religion : Smith, Christian, Princeton University Press, 2017 9780691175416 (hardcover : alk. paper) x, 277 pages : UG Library
200 SPR 00146411 Abortion Sproul, R C Reformation Trust 2010 9781567692099 233p UG Library
200 STA 00095843 Religion : Stanford, Peter, Quercus, 9781848660595 (hbk.) | 1848660 208 p. ; UG Library
200 SUL 00019389 Kao-De-ka-ban Sulaiman, Khateeb Sultan 1977 1 UG Library
200 TUL 00014441 Can Intelligent Comprehend Religion? ssaa, Tulsi Adharsh 1967 94 p UG Library
200 UBE 00124725 Religion Civil Society and the State Ueroi, J P S Oxford University Press 1999 0195648528 166p UG Library
200 VIS 05031770 The Christians of Kerala : Visvanathan, Susan 1999 0195647998 278 p Knowledge Centre
200 WES 05066787 The Golden Age of Indian Buddhist Philosophy / Westerhoff, Jan. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198732662 | 019873266X xxii, 326p.; Knowledge Centre
200 WHI 00145730 T&T Clark Companion to Reformation Theology Whitford, David M Bloomsbury , 2023 9789356405127 510p UG Library
200 WIL 00092196 A to Z of world religions Willis, Jim Jaico publishing house 9788179924556 490p UG Library
200 WOO 05048013 Religions in the modern world : Routledge, 2016 9780415858809 (hbk) | 04158588 Third edition. xvi, 598 pages : Knowledge Centre
200 ZUB 00101142 Treasury of Spiritual Wisdom; Zubko Andy Motilal Banarsidass publishers private limited; 9788120819498 506 p. UG Library
200.0904BYR 01003533 Religion in an Expanding Europe (law Lib) Timothy A Byrnes Cambridge University Press 9780521676519 352p Knowledge Centre
200.0954 LOB 05057774 Religious demography of india : Lobo, Lancy., ed. Rawat Publications, 2018 9788131609323 188p. Knowledge Centre
200.0954 MAD 01003222 India`s Religions:Perspectives from Sociology and History / T N Madan Oxford University Press, 2004 0195668294 428p,; Knowledge Centre
200.0954 MAD 01003223 India`s Religions:Perspectives from Sociology and History / T N Madan Oxford University Press, 2004 0195668294 428p,; Knowledge Centre
200.0954 MAD 00132239 India`s Religions:Perspectives from Sociology and History / T N Madan Oxford University Press, 2004 0195668294 428p,; UG Library
200.0954 MAD 05002236 Modern Myths Locked Minds:Secularism and Fundamentalism in India Madan, T N Oxford 323p Knowledge Centre
200.0954 SIN 05031767 Dimensions of Indian Thought and Culture / Singh, Ramjee Manak Publications, 1998 238 p Knowledge Centre
200.0954LAR 01003342 India`s Agony Over Religion (law Library) Gerald James Larson Oxford University Press 0195640640 392p Knowledge Centre
200.1 RAD 04003745 Idealist View of Life Radhakrishnan, S Collins Business 2009 9788172238445 361 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
200.1 RAD 04005702 Idealist View of Life Radhakrishnan, S Collins Business 2009 9788172238445 361 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
200.1 BRA 04014895 Fundamentals of Religion / Brahma, Nalini Kanta PHI, 2009 9788120333031 297 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
200.1 CHA 00070027 Philosophy and Religion ( Dharmaram Library ) Charlesworth, Max Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851683070 218p UG Library
200.1 HEG 05002062 Lectures on the philosophy of religion : Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Clarendon Press, 2006 9780199283521 (pbk.) | 0199283 1-vol. ed. xvii, 552 p. : Knowledge Centre
200.1 HEG 05002061 Lectures on the philosophy of religion / Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199283538 (v. 1 : pbk. : a 494 p. Knowledge Centre
200.1 HEG 05002652 Lectures on the philosophy of religion / Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199283538 (v. 1 : pbk. : a 494 p. Knowledge Centre
200.1 HEG 05002452 Lectures on the philosophy of religion / Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199283538 (v. 1 : pbk. : a 494 p. Knowledge Centre
200.1 HIC 00020654 Philosophy of Religion Hick, John Prentice -Hall 1979 133 p UG Library
200.1 HIC 00022139 Philosophy of Religion Hick, John Prentice -Hall 1979 133 p UG Library
200.1 HIC 04014567 Philosophy of religion / Hick, John PHI, 2012 9788120306875 4th ed. 148 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
200.1 HIC 00020682 Philosophy of Religion Hick, John Prentice -Hall 1979 133 p UG Library
200.1 KOK 00123743 The progressive religion; Kokandakar,J,R Renaissance; 9788190671798 95 p. UG Library
200.1 KOK 00099700 The progressive religion; Kokandakar,J,R Renaissance; 9788190671798 95 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
200.1 LAN 07008776 The Consolation of Philosophy / Langston Douglas.C W.W.Norton & Company, 2010 9780393930719 xx,204p.: Library - BR Campus
200.1 MIZ 00143882 Modernity and the Rise of the Pocket God Mize, Jonathan J Recourse Publications 2021 9781666708981 164p UG Library
200.1 RAD 05013805 Idealist View of Life Radhakrishnan, S Collins Business 2009 9788172238445 361 p Knowledge Centre
200.1 RAD 00101082 Religion,science & culture Radhakrishnan S Orient paperbacks; 9788122200126 117 p. UG Library
200.1 SCO 05002638 Mapping the Sacred Scott Jamie S Overseas Press Pvt.Ltd. 9788188689590 486p Knowledge Centre
200.1 SCO 04012526 Mapping the Sacred Scott Jamie S Overseas Press Pvt.Ltd. 9788188689590 486p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
200.1 THI 00069866 Concise Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Religion Thiselton, Anthony C Oneworld Publishers 1851683011 344p UG Library
200.1 THO 00064759 Teach Yourself Philosophy and Religion Thompson, Mel 2000 0340867574 278p UG Library
200.11 MCC 00107333 The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Religion Mccleary Rachel M. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780195390049' | 0195390040 (c xiii, 400 p. : UG Library
200.112 AGI 00117452 Caring for future generations : Agius,Emmanuel Praeger, 1998 0275965015 (alk. paper) | 0275 xv, 257 p. ; UG Library
200.123 BAS 00017546 Sri Basaveshwara , UG Library
200.15 SIN 00080497 Thoughts on Synthesis of Science and Religion: Srila Prabhupada Birth Centenary Volume Singh, T D Bhaktivedanta Institute 2007 8190136909 672p UG Library
200.19 MCN 05031768 The neuroscience of religious experience / McNamara, Patrick, Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521889582 (hardback) xvi, 301 p. ; Knowledge Centre
200.19 ALP 05069380 The god part of the brain : Alper, Matthew. Sourcebooks INC, 2008 9781402214523 273p. ; Knowledge Centre
200.19 BAI 00143078 The end(s) of religion : Bain-Selbo, Eric, Bloomsbury Academic 2022 9781350045255 278pages UG Library
200.19 BAR 05004784 Psychology of religion / Routledge, 2010 9780415488761 (set : alk. pape 4 v. : Knowledge Centre
200.19 BAR 05004785 Psychology of religion / Routledge, 2010 9780415488761 (set : alk. pape 4 v. : Knowledge Centre
200.19 BAR 05004786 Psychology of religion / Routledge, 2010 9780415488761 (set : alk. pape 4 v. : Knowledge Centre
200.19 BAR 05004787 Psychology of religion / Routledge, 2010 9780415488761 (set : alk. pape 4 v. : Knowledge Centre
200.19 BAR 05009359 Psychology of religion / Routledge, 2010 9780415488761 (set : alk. pape 4 v. : Knowledge Centre
200.19 BAR 05009360 Psychology of religion / Routledge, 2010 9780415488761 (set : alk. pape 4 v. : Knowledge Centre
200.19 BAR 05009361 Psychology of religion / Routledge, 2010 9780415488761 (set : alk. pape 4 v. : Knowledge Centre
200.19 BAR 05009358 Psychology of religion / Routledge, 2010 9780415488761 (set : alk. pape 4 v. : Knowledge Centre
200.19 BUC 00109794 Where the waters meet Buckley, David. Karnac Books, 2008 1855755912 | 9781855755918 165 p. ; UG Library
200.19 COR 05002653 Religion and emotion : Oxford University Press, 0195166248 (cloth : alk. paper vi, 359 p. ; Knowledge Centre
200.19 DAV 05006674 Emotion, identity, and religion : Davies, Douglas James. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199551521 | 0199551529 (hb vi, 325 p. ; Knowledge Centre
200.19 DEY 05045623 Becoming Hindus andMuslims / Dey Saumya Munshiram Manoharlal, 2015 9788121512909 xxxiv,279p.: Knowledge Centre
200.19 JON 00147115 Experimenting with religion : Jong, Jonathan Oxford, 2023 9780190875541 xii,186p. ; UG Library
200.19 LEE 05002517 Encyclopedia of psychology and religion / Springer, 9780387718019 (alk. paper) 2 v. (xxv, 997 p.) : Knowledge Centre
200.19 LEE 05002518 Encyclopedia of psychology and religion / Springer, 9780387718019 (alk. paper) 2 v. (xxv, 997 p.) : Knowledge Centre
200.19 NEL 04009905 The spiritual doorway in the brain : Nelson, Kevin. Dutton, 2011 9780525951889 (hardcover) | 05 viii, 326 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
200.19 PAL 00124530 Handbook of The Psychology of Religion and Spirituality Paloutzian Raymond F. The Guilford Press, 2015 9781462520534 2nd ed, xvi, 698 p.: UG Library
200.19 PYY 07006260 Current approaches in the cognitive science of religion / Continuum, 2002 0826457096 (hb) | 082645710X ( 277 p. : Library - BR Campus
200.19 RII 01017126 A sociology of religious emotion / Riis, Ole. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199567607 (hbk. : alk. pap vi, 270 p.: Knowledge Centre
200.19 SHI 05048781 Psychedelic mysticism : Shipley, Morgan, Lexington Books, 2015 1498509096 | 9781498509091 xii, 281 p. ; Knowledge Centre
200.19 VAI 03008339 Spiritual Evolution : Vaillant, George E., Broadway Books, 2008 9780767926577 1st ed. xiii, 238 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
200.19 VAI 04017208 Spiritual Evolution : Vaillant, George E., Broadway Books, 2008 9780767926577 1st ed. xiii, 238 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
200.19 WYN 05011522 Emotional experience and religious understanding : Wynn, Mark, Cambridge University Press, 2005 9780521840569 xiv, 202 p. ; Knowledge Centre
200.2 KIS 05031769 Religion at the Service of Nationalism : Kishwar, Madhu Oxford University Press, 2001 0195657993 323 p Knowledge Centre
200.3 BOW 00069066 Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions Bowker, John Oxford University Press 2005 0019861053 702 p UG Library
200.3 BOW 01000860 Concise Dictionary of World Religions (law Lib) John Bowker Oxford University Press 0019861053 702p Knowledge Centre
200.3 HIN 00115119 Penguin Dictionary of Religions: Hinnells, R John 2002 0140512616 760p UG Library
200.3 JON 00081050 Encyclopaedia of Religion 15 Volume Sets Jones, Lindsay 2005 0028657330 610p UG Library
200.3 JON 00081064 Encyclopaedia of Religion 15 Volume Sets Jones, Lindsay 2005 0028657330 610p UG Library
200.3 JON 00081063 Encyclopaedia of Religion 15 Volume Sets Jones, Lindsay 2005 0028657330 610p UG Library
200.3 JON 00081062 Encyclopaedia of Religion 15 Volume Sets Jones, Lindsay 2005 0028657330 610p UG Library
200.3 JON 00081061 Encyclopaedia of Religion 15 Volume Sets Jones, Lindsay 2005 0028657330 610p UG Library
200.3 JON 00081060 Encyclopaedia of Religion 15 Volume Sets Jones, Lindsay 2005 0028657330 610p UG Library
200.3 JON 00081059 Encyclopaedia of Religion 15 Volume Sets Jones, Lindsay 2005 0028657330 610p UG Library
200.3 JON 00081058 Encyclopaedia of Religion 15 Volume Sets Jones, Lindsay 2005 0028657330 610p UG Library
200.3 JON 00081053 Encyclopaedia of Religion 15 Volume Sets Jones, Lindsay 2005 0028657330 610p UG Library
200.3 JON 00081054 Encyclopaedia of Religion 15 Volume Sets Jones, Lindsay 2005 0028657330 610p UG Library
200.3 JON 00081055 Encyclopaedia of Religion 15 Volume Sets Jones, Lindsay 2005 0028657330 610p UG Library
200.3 JON 00081057 Encyclopaedia of Religion 15 Volume Sets Jones, Lindsay 2005 0028657330 610p UG Library
200.3 JON 00081056 Encyclopaedia of Religion 15 Volume Sets Jones, Lindsay 2005 0028657330 610p UG Library
200.3 JON 00081052 Encyclopaedia of Religion 15 Volume Sets Jones, Lindsay 2005 0028657330 610p UG Library
200.3 JON 00081051 Encyclopaedia of Religion 15 Volume Sets Jones, Lindsay 2005 0028657330 610p UG Library
200.3 LOR 00060918 The Quotable Spirit Lorie, Peter Newleaf 1996 9780752205951 xvi; 367 p UG Library
200.3 MEL 05009007 Religions of the world : Melton, Gordon J. ABC-CLIO, 2010 9781598842036 2nd ed. 6 v. (cxvi, 3200, I-51 p.) : Knowledge Centre
200.3 MEL 05009008 Religions of the world : Melton, Gordon J. ABC-CLIO, 2010 9781598842036 2nd ed. 6 v. (cxvi, 3200, I-51 p.) : Knowledge Centre
200.3 MEL 05009009 Religions of the world : Melton, Gordon J. ABC-CLIO, 2010 9781598842036 2nd ed. 6 v. (cxvi, 3200, I-51 p.) : Knowledge Centre
200.3 MEL 05009010 Religions of the world : Melton, Gordon J. ABC-CLIO, 2010 9781598842036 2nd ed. 6 v. (cxvi, 3200, I-51 p.) : Knowledge Centre
200.3 MEL 05009012 Religions of the world : Melton, Gordon J. ABC-CLIO, 2010 9781598842036 2nd ed. 6 v. (cxvi, 3200, I-51 p.) : Knowledge Centre
200.3 MEL 05009011 Religions of the world : Melton, Gordon J. ABC-CLIO, 2010 9781598842036 2nd ed. 6 v. (cxvi, 3200, I-51 p.) : Knowledge Centre
200.3 SHA 00058305 The Sterling Dictionary of Religion Sharma, Amirta Sterling Publishing Pvt Ltd 2002 8173591261 167 p UG Library
200.3 STU 00087973 Brill Dictionary of Religion: Stuckrd, Kocku Von Brill 2007 9789004151000 533p UG Library
200.3 STU 00087974 Brill Dictionary of Religion: Stuckrd, Kocku Von Brill 2007 9789004151000 533p UG Library
200.3 STU 00087975 Brill Dictionary of Religion: Stuckrd, Kocku Von Brill 2007 9789004151000 533p UG Library
200.3 STU 00087976 Brill Dictionary of Religion: Stuckrd, Kocku Von Brill 2007 9789004151000 533p UG Library
200.3 WIL 00073890 Religion Book(dharmaram Library) Willis, Jim Visible Ink Press 2004 1578591511 490p UG Library
200.3 WOR 00073854 Wordsworth Encyclopedia of World Religions ( Dharmaram Library ) Wordsworth Wordsworth Editions 1999 1840220295 1082p UG Library
200.3BHA 01008632 Glossary of Indian Religious Terms and Concepts (law Lib) Narendra Nath Bhattacharyya Manohar 8185054851 227p Knowledge Centre
200.4 ASH 00040546 Giant Book of Myths and Legends Ashley, Mike Magpie Books 1995 564p UG Library
200.4 GRA 00024315 Greek Myths Graves, Robert PENGUIN 1980 412 p. UG Library
200.4 GRA 00024316 Greek Myths Graves, Robert PENGUIN 1980 412 p. UG Library
200.4 OFL 05031771 The Origins of Evil in Hindu Mythology / O'Flaherty, Wendy Doninger MOTILAL BANARSI DASS, 1988 8120803868 411 p Knowledge Centre
200.7 KIN 00106292 Orientalism and religion King, Richard, Routledge, 1999 9780415202589 | 0415202582 (pb viii, 283 p. UG Library
200.7 KUN 00092894 Vedanta and myth Kundu, Ashok Kumar Book enclave 9788181522566 182p UG Library
200.7 PAL 00073838 Eight Theories of Religion Pals, Daniel L 2006 0195165705 340p UG Library
200.71 CHR 00087298 Study of Religion: An Introduction to Key Ideas and Methods. Chryssides, George 2007 9780826464484 429 p UG Library
200.71 HIN 07015233 The Routledge companion to the study of religion / Routledge, 2010 9780415473279 (hardback : alk. paper) | 0415473276 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9780415473286 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0415473284 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780203868768 (ebook) | 0203868765 (ebook) 2nd ed. xiii, 610 p. ; Library - BR Campus
200.71 MAR 05062445 A critical introduction to the study of religion / Martin, Craig, Routledge, 2017 9781138202245 (hbk) | 9780415419932 (pbk) Second edition. xxi,192p.; Knowledge Centre
200.71 MAR 00146522 A critical introduction to the study of religion / Martin, Craig, Cambridge University Press 2023 9781032190464 | 9781032190471 Third edition. 197pages UG Library
200.71 MUC 00134519 Why study religion? : Muck, Terry C., Baker Academic 2016 9780801049958 (pbk.) xii, 202 pages ; UG Library
200.71 NAD 07012163 Religious Teachings on Social Issues / Shree Publishers & Distributors, 2018 9788183299428 xxi,312p.: Library - BR Campus
200.7104 JUN 05002580 Study of Religion Under the Impact of Fascism Junginger, Horst Brill 9789004163263 663 p Knowledge Centre
200.71COR 00090491 Get Set for Religious Studies Corrywright, Dominic Edinburgh University, 0074862032 196p UG Library
200.72 CON 00087388 Approaches to the Study of Religion Connolly, Peter 1999 0304337102 286 p UG Library
200.72 COX 00129318 An introduction to the phenomenology of religion / Cox, James L. Continuum, 2010 9781441191380 (HB) | 144119138 x, 185 p. : UG Library
200.72 GOL 00087994 Aesthetics and Analysis in Writing on Religion: Modern Fascination Gold, Daniel 2003 0520236149 304p UG Library
200.72 TIW 00088004 Reflection and Studies in Religion Tiwari, Ravi Cambridge 2008 9788184580372 194p UG Library
200.81 BOI 00146523 The Bloomsbury reader in religion, sexuality, and gender / Boisvert, Donald L T and T Clark 2019 9781474237796 (hardback) | 9781474237789 (pbk.) xii, 271 pages ; UG Library
200.82 APE 05042863 Women, feminism and religion in early Enlightenment England / Apetrei, S. L. T. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9781107696709 x, 325 p. : Knowledge Centre
200.82 BIL 01016961 Female stereotypes in religious traditions / E.J. Brill, 1995 9004102906 (cloth : alk. paper xii, 261 p. ; Knowledge Centre
200.82 CRA 00110048 Gender and Religion Crandall, Barbara. Continuum International Pub. Group, 2012 9781441175373 (pbk.) | 1441175 2nd ed. xii, 216 p. ; UG Library
200.82 CRA 00110228 Gender and Religion Crandall, Barbara. Continuum International Pub. Group, 2012 9781441175373 (pbk.) | 1441175 2nd ed. xii, 216 p. ; UG Library
200.82 FRA 00069856 Women and Religion Franzmann, Majella 2000 0019510773 192p UG Library
200.82 HOL 00101203 Women In Religion Holm, Jean Continuum, 1994 9780826453044 xii, 181 p. UG Library
200.82 HOL 00107146 Women in Religion Holm,Jean Continuum 2004 082645304x xxii:180 P. UG Library
200.82 JUS 07006270 Feminism in the study of religion : Juschka,Darlene M. Continuum, 2001 0826447260 | 0826447279 (pbk.) xi, 700 p. ; Library - BR Campus
200.82 JUS 05034325 Feminism in the study of religion : Juschka,Darlene M. Continuum, 2001 0826447260 | 0826447279 (pbk.) xi, 700 p. ; Knowledge Centre
200.82 JUS 00071495 Feminism In the Study of Religion: [ Dharmaram Library] Juschka, M Darlene 2005 0826447279 692p UG Library
200.82 MIS 00124800 Woman and Religion / Mishra, Anil Dutta Regal publications, 2011 9788184840650 xiii,282p.; UG Library
200.82 MIS 00124799 Woman and Religion / Mishra, Anil Dutta Regal publications, 2011 9788184840650 xiii,282p.; UG Library
200.82 MIS 00124798 Woman and Religion / Mishra, Anil Dutta Regal publications, 2011 9788184840650 xiii,282p.; UG Library
200.82 MIS 00124797 Woman and Religion / Mishra, Anil Dutta Regal publications, 2011 9788184840650 xiii,282p.; UG Library
200.82 THO 00091816 Women and workship: Thottakara Augustine CMI Dharmaram Publications 818686122X 296p UG Library
200.82 TRZ 00128040 Why are Women More Religious Than Men? / Trzebiatowska, Marta. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199608102 | 0199608105 1st ed. vii, 205 p. ; UG Library
200.82 TRZ 00130306 Why are Women More Religious Than Men? / Trzebiatowska, Marta. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199608102 | 0199608105 1st ed. vii, 205 p. ; UG Library
200.820954 BAG 05039664 Beyond the private world : Primus Books, 2014 9789384082024 | 9384082023 ix, 369 p. ; Knowledge Centre
200.8663 YIP 00142554 Bisexuality, religion and spirituality : Yip,Andrew Kam-Tuck Routledge, 2020 9780367030209 x,199p.; UG Library
200.8664 BOI 00124470 Queer Religion Boisvert,Donald L Praeger, 2012 9780313353581 (hard back : alk 2 v. ; UG Library
200.8664 BOI 00124471 Queer Religion Boisvert,Donald L Praeger, 2012 9780313353581 (hard back : alk 2 v. ; UG Library
200.8691 MAC 05068489 Borderland religion : Routledge, 2018 9781138482722 (hardcover) xii, 175p.; Knowledge Centre
200.86940954 WAK 05005504 Subalternity and religion : Wakankar, Milind. Routledge, 2010 9780415778787 (hc : alk. paper xii, 202 p. ; Knowledge Centre
200.89 NAG 00118414 The Saffron Tide : The Rise of the BJP Nag, Kingshuk Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2014 9788129131270 247p.; UG Library
200.89 VIA 05060749 Modern religion, modern race / Vial, Theodore M., Oxford University Press, 2016 9780190212551 (cloth : alk. pa xv, 277p.; Knowledge Centre
200.89914HIN 01006601 Religious Reconstruction in the South Asian Diasporas (law Lib) John R Hinnells Palgrave Macmillan 9780333774014 335p Knowledge Centre
200.8996TRO 01010438 African Diaspora and the Study of Religion (law Lib) Theodore Louis Trost Palgrave Macmillan 1403977860 268p Knowledge Centre
200.8BHA 01008852 Religious Culture of North-Eastern India (law Lib) N N Bhattacharyya 1995 159 p Knowledge Centre
200.8TAM 01008658 Feminine Sacred in South Asia (law Lib) Harald Tambs-Lyche Visible and Invisible Aspects of theDevl Dances in Sankhu, Nepalbal gopal shrestha Hindu Woman, the Ritualistsanj 147 p Knowledge Centre
200.9 ARM 04015680 The Battle for God / Armstrong, Karen. Ballantine Books, 2001 0345391691 | 9780345391698 1st Ballantine Books ed. xviii, 442, [7] p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
200.9 ARM 03008358 The Battle for God / Armstrong, Karen. Ballantine Books, 2001 0345391691 | 9780345391698 1st Ballantine Books ed. xviii, 442, [7] p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
200.9 CHA 00141270 Philosophical Religions of the World / Chatterjee, Satish ABD Publishers; 2020 9788183767163 280 p. ; UG Library
200.9 CHA 00141230 Philosophical Religions of the World Chatterjee, Satish ABD Publishers 2020 9788183767163 280p UG Library
200.9 DAV 00119309 World Christianity in the twentieth century : davies,Noel SCM Press, 2008 0334040442 | 9780334040446 xvi, 283 p. ; UG Library
200.9 HAW 00141347 The story of religion : Hawkins, John Arcturus 2016 9781785990175 | 1785990179 208 pages : UG Library
200.9 HOL 00146533 A little history of religion / Holloway, Richard, Yale University Press 2016 9780300208832 (c1 : alk. paper) | 9780300228816 viii, 244 pages : UG Library
200.9 MAC 00137420 Living With the Gods : MacGregor,Neil. Allen Lane, 2018 9780241308295 xxiii,488p.; UG Library
200.9 NOS 00128969 A history of the world's religions / Noss, David S. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008 9780136149842 (casebound) | 01 12th ed. xii, 655 p. : UG Library
200.9 STU 05045264 The geography of religion Stump, Roger W., Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2008 0742510808 (cloth : alk. paper xviii, 423 p. : Knowledge Centre
200.9022NIZ 01007709 Religion and Politics in India During the Thirteenth Century ( Law Lib ) Khaliq Ahmad Nizami Oxford University Press 0195655001 440p Knowledge Centre
200.9034 MAT 00136198 New religions / Matthews, Carol S., Chelsea House Publishers, 2005 079108096X (hardcover) xiv, 214 p. : UG Library
200.904 BIL 05046812 Beyond the secular West / Bilgrami, Akeel Colombia University Press, 2016 9780231170802 (cloth : alk. pa 278 p. Knowledge Centre
200.904 CHA 05033339 Religious Fundamentalism and Human Rights / Chaudhary,S.K. Mohit Books International, 2011 9789380748191 vii,296p.; Knowledge Centre
200.904 CHR 05045267 A reader in new religious movements / Chryssides, George D., Continuum, 2006 0826461670 (hbk.) | 0826461689 viii, 432 p. ; Knowledge Centre
200.904 LEW 05043848 Controversial new religions / James R Lewis Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199315314 (pbk. : alk. pap Second edition. xii, 480 pages ; Knowledge Centre
200.904 LEW 05048702 The Oxford handbook of new religious movements. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780190466176 (hardback : alk. Second Edition. xv, 526 pages ; Knowledge Centre
200.904 RUT 07007697 Fundamentalism : Ruthven, Malise. Oxford University Press, 2004 0192840916 vi, 246 p. ; Library - BR Campus
200.905 KAU 05004097 Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth? : Kaufmann, Eric P. Profile, 2010 9781846681448 (pbk.) | 1846681 xxii, 330 p. : Knowledge Centre
200.905 KAU 03004606 Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth? : Kaufmann, Eric P. Profile, 2010 9781846681448 (pbk.) | 1846681 xxii, 330 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
200.9051 05032764 Post-secular society / Peter Nynas Transaction Publishers, 2012 9781412846103 | 1412846102 282 p. : Knowledge Centre
200.9051 NYN 05041657 Post-secular society / Transaction Publishers, 2015 9781412854825 viii,282p.; Knowledge Centre
200.9051 PHI 00111512 The post-secular in question : Gorski, Philip S. Social Science Research Council ; | New York University Press, 2012 9780814738726 (cl : alk. paper 375 p. ; UG Library
200.9051 WAR 00124552 The new visibility of religion : Continuum, 2008 9781847061324 vi, 219 p. : UG Library
200.90511 KRE 00107136 Bad Faith Kresssel Neil J Pentagon Press 2008 9788182743281 327 p. UG Library
200.92 DEV 07013851 Great saints of india / Devi, Mataji Shelley Peridot Publication, 2019 9789389404142 279p.; Library - BR Campus
200.92 GOD 00106510 Teaching Durkheim Godlove,Terry F. Jr. Oxford University Press, 2005 0195165276 (hbk. : alk. paper) xii, 244 p. ; UG Library
200.92 GOD 05031764 Teaching Durkheim / Godlove, Terry F Oxford University Press, 2005 243 p Knowledge Centre
200.92 KUR 00135782 A Quest for the Unknown Kurien,M Christava Sahitya Samiti 2002 239p UG Library
200.92 SAN 00092612 Nietzsche and the Gods / State University of New York Press, 2001 0791451143 (pbk. : alk. paper) xix, 235 p. ; UG Library
200.922 JES 05011304 Holy people of the world : Jestice, Phyllis G ABC-CLIO, 2004 1576073550 (hardcover : alk. p 3 v. :335 p. Knowledge Centre
200.922 JES 05011426 Holy people of the world : Jestice, Phyllis G ABC-CLIO, 2004 1576073550 (hardcover : alk. p 3 v. :335 p. Knowledge Centre
200.922 JES 05011427 Holy people of the world : Jestice, Phyllis G ABC-CLIO, 2004 1576073550 (hardcover : alk. p 3 v. :335 p. Knowledge Centre
200.922 KUM 00133554 World great yoga and meditation gurus Kumar Sandeep ABD publishers, 2019 9788183766531 vii,307p.; UG Library
200.922 WED 05007520 Hermeneutics, politics, and the history of religions : Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195394337 (hardcover) | 01 xxxiv, 328 p. ; Knowledge Centre
200.92273 RUF 00072206 Profiles of Faith: [ Dharmaram Library] Ruffin, C Bernard 2000 0764801066 385p UG Library
200.92ZEL 01008777 Untouchable Saints: An Indian Phenomenon (law Lib) Eleanor Zelliot Manohar 8173046441 285p Knowledge Centre
200.938 TRI 00101098 Religions of the Hellenistic-Roman age / Tripolitis, Antonia, W.B. Eerdmans, 080284913X (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 165 p. : UG Library
200.95 HAW 03003771 Asian Religions : Hawkins, Bradley K. Pearson Longman, 2004 0321172884 | 9780321172884 xi, 356 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
200.95 HAW 04017122 Asian Religions : Hawkins, Bradley K. Pearson Longman, 2004 0321172884 | 9780321172884 xi, 356 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
200.95 KRO 00088045 Once Upon a Time in Asia Kroeger, James H Jesuit Communication Foundation 2006 9789710305414 165p UG Library
200.95 MOA 00140583 Major Religious Traditions in India : An Introduction / Moanungsang Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485285 (HB) | 9789351485292 (PB) x, 354 p. 25 cm. UG Library
200.95 RAD 00101083 Indian religious thought. Radhakrishnan,S Orient paperbacks; 9788122204247 168 p. UG Library
200.9510905 ART 05065150 Contemporary religions in China / Arthur, Shawn, Routledge, 2019 9781138601970 (hardback) | 9781138601987 (pbk.) vii,300p.; Knowledge Centre
200.95109051 MIL 05011251 Chinese religions in contemporary societies / Miller, James ABC-CLIO, 2006 9781851096268 (hbk. : alk. pap xvii, 317 p. : Knowledge Centre
200.954 BHA 00095997 Vaisnavism, Saivism and Minor Religious Systems Bhandarkar, R. G. J. Jetley | for Asian Educational Services, 8120607201 238 p. UG Library
200.954 BHA 00099972 Vaisnavism, Saivism and Minor Religious Systems Bhandarkar R G Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 9788121509998 167 p. UG Library
200.954 CLO 00096279 Religion in India : Clothey, Fred W. Routledge, 9780415940238 (hardback : alk. 282 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
200.954 CLO 00085045 Religion in India a Historical Introduction Clothey, Fred W 2006 9780415940238 282p UG Library
200.954 DAL 07004851 Religious Interactions in Mughal India Dalmia, Vasudha Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198081678 xxiv:391p.; Library - BR Campus
200.954 DAL 00118790 Religious Interactions in Mughal India Dalmia, Vasudha Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198081678 xxiv:391p.; UG Library
200.954 DAL 05040935 Religious Interactions in Mughal India Dalmia, Vasudha Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198081678 xxiv:391p.; Knowledge Centre
200.954 DUB 00108150 Ancient to Modern Dube Ishita Banerjee Oxford University Press 2009 019569662x 388 p. UG Library
200.954 GRE 01014417 Religious movements and institutions in Medieval India / Oxford University Press, 9780195677034 | 019567703X xxv, 598 p. ; Knowledge Centre
200.954 IYE 00134784 Economics if Religion in India Iyer,Sriya Harward University Press 2018 9780674237988 292p UG Library
200.954 IYE 00138233 The Economics of Religion in India / Iyer,Sriya. The Belknap Press, 2018 9780674237988 292p.; UG Library
200.954 LOK 07002428 Swami Lokeswarananda's eternal wisdom of India / Lokeśvarānanda, Rupa & Co., 2010 9788129116253 xix, 677 p. ; Library - BR Campus
200.954 LOR 07004803 Religious movements in South Asia, 600-1800 / Lorenzen, David N Oxford University Press, 2004 0195664485 viii, 380 p. ; Library - BR Campus
200.954 MAD 00050115 Religion in India Madan, T N Oxford University Press 2002 0195630920 | 9780195630923 460 p UG Library
200.954 MAD 00079931 Religion in India Madan, T N Oxford University Press 2002 0195630920 | 9780195630923 460 p UG Library
200.954 MAD 00079933 Religion in India Madan, T N Oxford University Press 2002 0195630920 | 9780195630923 460 p UG Library
200.954 MAD 00079934 Religion in India Madan, T N Oxford University Press 2002 0195630920 | 9780195630923 460 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
200.954 MAD 00079935 Religion in India Madan, T N Oxford University Press 2002 0195630920 | 9780195630923 460 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
200.954 MAD 05035379 Religion in India / T N Madan Oxford University Press, 1991 460 p. Knowledge Centre
200.954 MAD 00079932 Religion in India Madan, T N Oxford University Press 2002 0195630920 | 9780195630923 460 p UG Library
200.954 PAT 00097773 Rethinking religion / Patra, Soumyajit. Rawat Publications, 2010 8131602672 (hbk.) | 9788131602 xvi, 248 p. : UG Library
200.954 PAT 05007122 Rethinking religion / Patra, Soumyajit. Rawat Publications, 2010 8131602672 (hbk.) | 9788131602 xvi, 248 p. : Knowledge Centre
200.954 PAT 01014079 Rethinking religion / Patra, Soumyajit. Rawat Publications, 2010 8131602672 (hbk.) | 9788131602 xvi, 248 p. : Knowledge Centre
200.954 PAT 00112150 Rethinking religion / Patra, Soumyajit. Rawat Publications, 2010 8131602672 (hbk.) | 9788131602 xvi, 248 p. : UG Library
200.954 PEC 05040754 South Asian religions : Routledge, 2013 9780415448512 (hardback) | 978 x,259p.: Knowledge Centre
200.954 RAD 05020232 Religion and Soceity Radhakrishnan, S Knowledge Centre
200.954 SIN 07014531 On religion : Khushwant Singh, Rupa Publicaions India Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9788129135025 (pbk.) | 8129135027 (pbk.) 206 pages ; Library - BR Campus
200.954 SIN 00138628 Ambedkar's Philosophy on Religion and Morality Singh,Reyansh Venus Publications 2019 9789387851030 278p UG Library
200.954 SIN 00137825 Ambedkar's Philosophy on Religion and Morality Singh,Reyansh Venus Publications 2019 9789387851030 278p UG Library
200.954 SIN 00133840 Minority population in india SInha,Abhishek ABD publishers, 2019 9788183766777 viii,236p.; UG Library
200.954 THO 00133618 Religious sects in India: Thorton,D.M Mittal publications, 2016 9788183247078 110p.; UG Library
200.954091732 NAR 07008376 Religion and urbanism : Routledge, 2016 9780415745208 (hb) xx, 216 pages : Library - BR Campus
200.956 FEI 00110935 Where God was born : Feiler, Bruce S. William Morrow, 2005 0060574879 (alk. paper) 1st ed. x, 405 p. ; UG Library
200.959 HYD 00132216 Hidden Histories: Primus Books, 2018 9789386552846 xix,306 p.; UG Library
200.96711 BHA 00098393 Cult, religion, and society : Bhatt, G. S. Rawat Publications, 8131603296 xii, 420 p. : UG Library
200.973 ESP 01012649 Religion and the American presidency : Columbia University Press, 9780231143325 (cloth : alk. pa xiv, 543 p. : Knowledge Centre
200.973 HAC 05005545 Religion and American culture : Routledge, 2003 0415942721 (alk. paper) | 0415 2nd ed. xvi, 550 p. ; Knowledge Centre
200.98 SAN 00026298 Voice of Divinity: Saying of Sri Sankaracharya of Kanchi Peetam sankaracharya, Sri Bani Book 1981 178 p UG Library
200.98 MIT 00131381 Religions of India : Mittal, Sushil, Routledge, 2018 9781138681255 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138681262 (pbk. : alk. paper) Second edition. viii,330p.; UG Library
200.98 MIT 00138647 Religions of India : Mittal, Sushil, Routledge, 2018 9781138681255 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138681262 (pbk. : alk. paper) Second edition. viii,330p.; UG Library
200.9KOT 01000943 History of World Religion (law Lib) G N Kothiyal Adhyayana Publishers & Distributors 8189161784 240p Knowledge Centre
200DSO 01001296 Sociology of Religion:Historical Review(law Lib.) Leela Dsouza Yrawat 8170339286 396p. Knowledge Centre
201 DOR 00088626 Myth and Literature Dorairaj, Joseph A Frrc 2008 160p UG Library
201 DSO 00024185 Christha Tatwasharshana D`Souza, Edwin UNIV 358 p UG Library
201 GIR 07006441 Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World / Girard Rene Bloomsbury, 2016 x,447p.: Library - BR Campus
201 HOF 00017730 Renewal of Civilization David Hofman, Bahai 1970 122 p UG Library
201 JAI 05062446 Science and socio-religious revolution in India : Jain, Pankaj, Routledge, JAI 9781138023598 (hardback) xxii,98p.; Knowledge Centre
201 JOS 00122147 A Complete Manual of Canon Law Reichel J. Oswald M.A John Hodges, 1896 9781314865257 xv, 416 p.: UG Library
201 KOT 00140607 Sociology of religion Kothari,Virendra Academic Aspirations 2021 9789390473229 356 p UG Library
201 MAR 00143662 Tribal Religion: Maring, M K Koshilning Omega Book World, 2021 9788194991021 240p UG Library
201 MER 00068435 Key Concepts in Critical Theory Ecology. Merchant, Carolyn Rawat Publications 1996 0817033341 383p UG Library
201 NEW 00121157 An essay in aid of a grammar of assent Newman John Henry Cambridge University Press 2010 9781108021456 485p. UG Library
201 STE 05064117 Moral pressure for responsible globalization : Steiner, Sherrie M. BRILL, 2018 9789004363748 (hardback : alk. paper) xii,382p.; Knowledge Centre
201 WAD 03008373 The Faith Instinct : Wade, Nicholas. Penguin Press, 2009 9781594202285 310 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
201 WAD 04009886 The faith instinct : Wade, Nicholas. Penguin Press, 2009 9780143118190 | 1594202281 310 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
201 WAD 04015713 The Faith Instinct : Wade, Nicholas. Penguin Press, 2009 9781594202285 310 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
201 ZUU 00143478 An Analytical Philosophy of Religion Zuurdeeg, Willem F Routledge, 2016 9781138990401 320p UG Library
201.08 PAR 00033243 Vilfredo Pareto Finer, S Blackwell Paperback 1986 335 p. : UG Library
201.09 ATH 00146986 Orthodoxy: Athanasius, Thomas DC Books 2023 9789357322546 232p UG Library
201.3 CAM 07010701 The hero with a thousand faces / Campbell, Joseph, New World Library, 2008 9781577315933 (hardcover : alk 3rd ed. xiii, 418 p. : Library - BR Campus
201.3 CAM 07010661 The hero with a thousand faces / Campbell, Joseph, New World Library, 2008 9781577315933 (hardcover : alk 3rd ed. xiii, 418 p. : Library - BR Campus
201.3 CAM 07010660 The Power of Myth with Bill Moyers / Campbell Joseph Anchor Books, 1991 9780385418867 xx,291p.: Library - BR Campus
201.3 CAM 07010715 The Power of Myth with Bill Moyers / Campbell Joseph Anchor Books, 1991 9780385418867 xx,291p.: Library - BR Campus
201.3 COU 05031742 Myth / Coupe, Laurence, Routledge, 2009 9780415442411 (hardback : alk. 2nd ed. 230 p. ; Knowledge Centre
201.3 DOT 00073433 Myth a Handbook Doty,William G. Greenwood Press 2005 0313326967 | 9780313326967 196 p. UG Library
201.3 FRA 05070334 The Golden Bough : Frazer, James. Wordsworth Reference, 1993 9781853263101 xiv, 756p.; Knowledge Centre
201.3 JEN 00143482 Myths and mythologies : Jensen, Jepee Sinding Equinox, 2009 1904768083 (hbk.) | 9781904768081 (hbk.) | 1904768091 (pbk.) | 9781904768098 (pbk.) xiii, 448 p. : UG Library
201.3 JES 2008 00092892 Genesis myth of manifold meanings Jesudas, Ignatius Global vision 9788182202689 163p UG Library
201.3 KHA 00132656 Monument,myth and mythology: Khamari,Dillip Kumar Aayu publications, 2017 9789385161643 xv,143p.; UG Library
201.3 LEE 01020608 The world of myth {an anthology} / Leeming, David Adams, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199316366 xv, 330 pages ; Knowledge Centre
201.3 LEE 00071547 Oxford Companion to World Mythology: [ Dharmaram Library] Leeming, David 2003 0195156692 442p UG Library
201.3 MID 05005120 The myths we live by / Midgley, Mary, Routledge, 2011 9780415610247 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii, 271 p. ; Knowledge Centre
201.3 PAT 07005466 Devlok with Devdutt Pattanaik / Pattanaik,Devdutt. Penguin, 2016 9780143427421 vii,182p.; Library - BR Campus
201.3 SEG 05031760 Myth : Segal, Robert A Oxford University Press, 2006 0195682653 163 p Knowledge Centre
201.3 SEG 00085467 Myth : Segal, Robert A Oxford University Press, 2006 0195682653 163 p UG Library
201.3 SEG 05048884 Myth : Segal, Robert Alan, 9780198724704 | 0198724705 Second edition. 142 pages : Knowledge Centre
201.3 SEG 01016437 Myth : Segal, Robert A. Oxford University Press, 2006 0195682653 | 9780195682656 163 p. Knowledge Centre
201.303 MER 05018155 Encyclopedia Of World Mythology and Legend / Mercatante, Anthony S VIva Books, 2012 9788130915623 3rd Ed. xv, 624 p. : Knowledge Centre
201.303 MER 05018156 Encyclopedia Of World Mythology and Legend / Mercatante, Anthony S VIva Books, 2012 9788130915623 3rd Ed. xv, 624 p. : Knowledge Centre
201.303 MER 00109534 The Facts on File encyclopedia of world mythology and legend Mercatante, Anthony S. Viva Books 2012 9780816073115 (hc : alk. paper 3rd ed. 2 v. (xv, 1241 p.) : UG Library
201.303 MER 00109535 The Facts on File encyclopedia of world mythology and legend Mercatante, Anthony S. Viva Books 2012 9780816073115 (hc : alk. paper 3rd ed. 2 v. (xv, 1241 p.) : UG Library
201.303 STO 00092207 U*X*L encyclopedia of world mythology. U*X*L/Gale, 9781414430300 (set) | 97814144 5 v. : UG Library
201.303 STO 00092208 U*X*L encyclopedia of world mythology. U*X*L/Gale, 9781414430300 (set) | 97814144 5 v. : UG Library
201.303 STO 00092209 U*X*L encyclopedia of world mythology. U*X*L/Gale, 9781414430300 (set) | 97814144 5 v. : UG Library
201.303 STO 00092210 U*X*L encyclopedia of world mythology. U*X*L/Gale, 9781414430300 (set) | 97814144 5 v. : UG Library
201.303 STO 00092211 U*X*L encyclopedia of world mythology. U*X*L/Gale, 9781414430300 (set) | 97814144 5 v. : UG Library
201.4 PET 00087992 Children of Abraham: Judaism, Chriatianity and Islam Peters, F E 2004 0691120412 237p UG Library
201.5 APE 00142201 Signs of peace : Apel, William D. Orbis Books, 2006 1570756813 (pbk.) xxi, 202 p. : UG Library
201.5 BAN 00089640 Religious Pluralism, Globalization, and World Politics Banchoff, Thomas 2008 9780195323405 348p. UG Library
201.5 BAN 00120313 Democracy and the new religious pluralism / Banchoff Thomas Oxford University Press, 2007 0195307224 (cloth : alk. paper x, 334 p. : UG Library
201.5 CLO 05074089 Learning interreligiously : Clooney, Francis X. Fortress Press, 2018 150641771X | 9781506417714 xiii, 370 pages ; Knowledge Centre
201.5 COH 00131837 The future of interreligious dialogue : Cohen,Charles L Theological Publications in India 2018 9781626982451 viii, 327 pages ; UG Library
201.5 DEM 00109705 Bringing the sacred down to earth Dempsey, Corinne G. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199860326 | 0199860327 | 9 xi, 199 p. : UG Library
201.5 GIL 00085338 Pluralism: A New Paradigm for Theology Gillis, Chester Peeters Press 1998 192p UG Library
201.5 GOS 00126906 The religious other : Goshen-Gottstein,Alon 9780739192566 (cloth : alk. pa x,186 pages; UG Library
201.5 JON 00107104 Towards an intercultural theology Jongeneel Jan. A. B. Centre for Contemporary Christianity 2010 9789380548128 xvii;289 P. UG Library
201.5 LAM 03006067 Toward a True kinship of Faiths : Lama, Dalai. Three Rivers Press, 2010 9780385525060 xvii, 188p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
201.5 MCK 00129131 On religious diversity / McKim, Robert. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199774029 | 9780199774036 ix, 172 p. ; UG Library
201.5 MEI 05007534 The Oxford handbook of religious diversity / Oxford University Press, 2011 9780195340136 (alk. paper) xii, 456 p. ; Knowledge Centre
201.5 MOY 00126893 In Response to th Religious Other Moyaert,Marianne Lexington Books 2014 9780739193716 215p UG Library
201.5 PUT 00085331 Pluralism of Pluralism (A Pluralistic Probe into Philosphizing) Puthenpurackal, Johnson J Asian Trading Corporation 2006 8170863929 393 p UG Library
201.5 ROS 00135766 Words to live by : Theological Publications in India 2019 9781626982796 (pbk.) xviii, 245 pages : UG Library
201.5 ROS 00138774 Pluralism:the Future of Religion Rose,Kenneth Bloomsbury 2019 9789388912464 190p UG Library
201.5 SUG 05055215 Religious pluralism and the modern world : Sugirtharajah, Sharada., ed. Palgrave Macmillan, 2012 9780230296695 (hardback) | 023 xiv, 269 pages ; Knowledge Centre
201.5 TRI 00124165 Religious diversity : Trigg, Roger. Cambridge University Press 2014 9781107023604 (hardback) | 978 ix, 199 pages ; UG Library
201.50 RAL 00140581 Inter-Religious Relations in India : Ralte, Rodinmawia Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485278 | 9351485277 x, 210 pages ; UG Library
201.50954 FUC 05067152 Religious interactions in modern India / Oxford University Press, 2019 9780198081685 | 0198081685 First edition. xxxiii, 438 pages ; Knowledge Centre
201.5ASS 01008876 At the Confluence of Two Rivers: Muslims and Hindus in South India (law Lib) Jackie Assayag Manohar 8173045127 313p Knowledge Centre
201.6 GEL 00144152 Conservative Religion and Mainsteram Culture : Gelfgren, Stefan. Palgrave macmillan, 2021 9783030593803 xvi,266p,; UG Library
201.60046 MOB 00145796 Digital media, young adults, and religion : Routledge, 2021 9781032238241 viii, 182p.; UG Library
201.60063 DEL 00141668 Re-enchanting the Earth : Delio, Ilia, Theological Publications in India 2021 9781608338467 238p UG Library
201.61 CHA 00078571 Philosophy and Religion Charlesworth, Max Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851683070 | 9781851683079 218 p. UG Library
201.615 BLA 05002586 Psychoanalysis and Religion in 21st Century: Competitors or Collaborators / Black, David M Routledge, 2006 9780415379441 278p.: Knowledge Centre
201.615 HAI 00109543 The righteous mind Haidt, Jonathan. Pantheon Books, 2012 9780307377906 | 9780307377906 1st ed. xvii, 419 p. : UG Library
201.615 HAI 05049256 The righteous mind : Haidt,Jonathan. Penguin Books, 2012 9780141039169 xviii,500p.; Knowledge Centre
201.615 HUS 00132957 Explorations in human spirituality/ Husain,Akbar. Global Vision Publishing House, 2018 9788182209794 2nd ed. 406 p. ; UG Library
201.615 HUS 00101068 Explorations in Human Spirituality; Husain Akbar Global vision publishing house: 2010 9788182203167 xiv;406 p. UG Library
201.6302 BAH 00147414 Media and Religion/ Bahadur, Rajesh Rajat Publications, 2024 9789395401555 xii,260p. ; UG Library
201.630223 STO 05017502 Media and religion : Stout, Daniel A. Routledge, 2011 9780805863833 (hardback : alk. p. cm. Knowledge Centre
201.65 ARO 07012132 Religion and Science/ Neha,Arora. University Publication, 2017 9788175557635 VIII,151 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
201.65 BAG 00142145 Faith, science, & reason : Baglow, Christopher T., Midwest Theological Forum, 2009 9781936045259 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1st ed. 292 p. : UG Library
201.65 BHA 00087929 Seven Noble Laureats on Science and Spirituality. Swami, Bhaktisvrupa Damodara Bhaktivedanta Institute 2004 8190136925 109p UG Library
201.65 BRO 00117661 Science and Religion Hedley Brooke, John Cambridge University Press 2014 9781107664463 | 1107664462 (Tr x: 566p. ; UG Library
201.65 BRO 00117660 Science and Religion Hedley Brooke, John Cambridge University Press 2014 9781107664463 | 1107664462 (Tr x: 566p. ; UG Library
201.65 BRO 05040048 Science and Religion Hedley Brooke, John Cambridge University Press 2014 9781107664463 | 1107664462 (Tr x: 566p. ; Knowledge Centre
201.65 BRO 05007528 Science and religion around the world / Oxford University Press, 2011 9780195328196 (hardback : alk. xv, 316 p. ; Knowledge Centre
201.65 CHO 04009653 War of the Worldviews : Chopra, Deepak. Harmony Books, 2011 9780307886880 (hbk.) | 0307886 1st ed. xix, 315 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
201.65 CHO 03008431 War of the Worldviews : Chopra, Deepak. Harmony Books, 2011 9780307886880 (hbk.) | 0307886 1st ed. xix, 315 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
201.65 CHO 00107062 War of the worldviews Chopra, Deepak. Rider 2011 9781846043048 1st ed. 315 p. cm. UG Library
201.65 CLA 01016982 The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Science / Oxford University Press, 2006 9780199543656 xvi,1023p.; Knowledge Centre
201.65 CLY 00124543 The Predicament of Belief : Clayton, Philip, Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199695270 | 9780199677962 x, 184 p. ; UG Library
201.65 COY 05057471 Faith versus fact : Coyne, Jerry A. Penguin Books, 2015 9780143108269 xxii, 311p. Knowledge Centre
201.65 DAM 00088624 Seven Nobel Laureates on Science and Laureates Damodara Swami, Bhaktisvarupa Bhaktivedanta Institute 2004 8190136925 109p Yeshwanthpur Campus
201.65 DIX 00088274 Science and Religion Dixon, Thomas Oxford University Press 2008 9780199295517 150 p. UG Library
201.65 DIX 00105938 Science and Religion Dixon, Thomas Oxford University Press 2008 9780199295517 150 p. UG Library
201.65 DON 00130319 Dimensions of faith : Donaldson, Steve SAIACS Press 2016 1498220053 | 9781498220057 xvi, 282 pages : UG Library
201.65 FRA 00095920 The faith of scientists in their own words / Princeton University Press, 9780691134871 (hbk. : alk. pap xviii, 523 p. ; UG Library
201.65 GOL 03006368 Measuring the Immeasurable : Goleman, Daniel. [] Sounds True, 2008 9781591796541 (cloth) | 159179 xi, 552 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
201.65 GOL 04008119 Measuring the Immeasurable : Goleman, Daniel. [] Sounds True, 2008 9781591796541 (cloth) | 159179 xi, 552 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
201.65 HAR 00143471 Philosophy, science, and religion for everyone / Harris, Mark, Routledge, 2018 9781138234154 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138234215 (pbk. : alk. paper) xx, 173 pages ; UG Library
201.65 HAR 00099082 The Cambridge companion to science and religion / Harrison, Peter Cambridge University Press, 9780521885386 | 0521885388 | 9 xi, 307 p. ; UG Library
201.65 NAV 00111705 Science and faith within reason : Navarro, Jaume. Ashgate, 2011 9781409426080 (hardcover : alk xiii, 231 p. : UG Library
201.65 ROB 00110374 Absence of mind Robinson,Marilynne. Yale University Press, 2010 9780300145182 (cloth : alk. pa xviii, 158 p. ; UG Library
201.65 ROB 05017527 Absence of Mind / Robinson, Marilynne Yale University Press, 2010 xviii: 158p. Knowledge Centre
201.65 SAC 00146131 The Great Partnership: Sacks, Rabbi Jonathan Schocken Books 2011 9780805212501 370p UG Library
201.65 STE 00146115 How to relate science and religion : Stenmark, Mikael. W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2004 9780802828231 xx, 287 p. ; UG Library
201.65 WAR 00147202 The big questions in science and religion / Ward, Keith, Templeton Press, 2008 9781599471358 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 1599471353 (pbk. : alk. paper) vi, 281 p. ; UG Library
201.650904 WIT 00081026 Measure of God:Our Century-Long Struggle to Reconcile Science & Religion Witham, Larry 2005 0060591919 358p UG Library
201.654 SIN 00080499 Life, Matter: And Their Interactions. Singh, T D Bhaktivedanta Institute 2006 8190136992 122p UG Library
201.66128 NEW 00112118 Principles of neurotheology / Newberg, Andrew B., Ashgate Pub, 2010 9781409408109 (hardcover : alk x, 276 p. : UG Library
201.66584 ZEN 00097851 God goes to work : Zender, Tom, John Wiley & Sons, 9780470563656 (cloth) | 047056 xvii, 235 p. ; UG Library
201.67 GRA 00131826 Philosophy, art, and religion : Graham, Gordon, Cambridge University Press 2017 9781107132221 (alk. paper) 174p UG Library
201.69WIN 01007914 Modernity, Religion, and the War on Terror (law Lib) Richard Dien Winfield Ashgate 143p. Knowledge Centre
201.7 BEC 05059594 Contesting religious identities : Brill, 2017 9789004336049 (hardback : alk. xiii, 301 pages ; Knowledge Centre
201.7 CAM 05031761 When Religion Meets New Media / Campbell, Heidi, Routledge, 2010 9780415349567 (hardback : alk. 1st ed. vii, 219 p. : Knowledge Centre
201.7 HAR 00143910 Spirituality and Social Action Haris, Andy Wipe and Stock 2020 9781725263468 118p UG Library
201.7 HOO 00090716 Fundamentalisms and the Media Hoover, Stewart M Continuum International Publishing Group 2008 9781847061348 223p UG Library
201.7 JAM 00140887 Transnational Religious Movements : James, Jonathan D., Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd 2017 9789386446558 188p; UG Library
201.7 KUL 00121418 Religion and culture of ancient India Kukarni,Jagmohan Commonwealth Publishers 2014 9788131104804201.7 417p. UG Library
201.7 MAH 07010438 Media, religion, and culture : Mahan, Jeffrey H. Routledge Taylore & Francis Group, 2014 9780415683180 (hb) | 978041568 xvii, 159 pages : Library - BR Campus
201.7 MEL 00133392 Sociology of the sacred : Mellor, Philip A., Sage publications ltd., 2014 9781446272237 | 1446272230 | 9781446272244 | 1446272249 202 pages ; UG Library
201.7 NAN 00087769 Wrongs of the Religious Right: Reflections of Science, Secularism and Hindutva Nanda, Meeera Three Essays 2005 8188789313 118p. UG Library
201.7 OGR 05067508 In The Name Of God : O'Grady, Selina. Atlantic Books, 2019 9781843547006 xvi, 462p.; Knowledge Centre
201.7 PAL 05019637 The Wiley-Blackwell companion to religion and social justice / Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 9781405195478 (hardcover : alk xviii, 638 p. ; Knowledge Centre
201.7 PAL 00146548 The Wiley-Blackwell companion to religion and social justice / Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 9781405195478 (hardcover : alk xviii, 638 p. ; UG Library
201.7 ROY 00110944 Holy ignorance : Roy, Olivier, Columbia University Press, 2010 9780231701266 (alk. paper) | 0 xiv, 259 p. ; UG Library
201.7 VAT 00129320 Crediting God : VAtter, Miguel Fordham University Press, 2011 9780823233199 (cloth : alk. pa 1st ed. vii, 376 p. ; UG Library
201.7073P07 01003703 Peacemakers in Action: Profiles of Religion in Conflict Resolution (law Lib) David Little Cambridge University Press 0521618940 503p. Knowledge Centre
201.72 ANC 00144869 Religion and democracy : Anckar, Carsten, Routledge, 2022 9780367714611 | 9780367721343 Second edition. xiv, 216 pages ; UG Library
201.72 ARM 03010711 Fields of Blood : Armstrong, Karen. The Bodley Head , 2014 9781847921864 (hardback) | 184 499 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
201.72 ARM 00122384 Fields of Blood : Armstrong, Karen. The Bodley Head , 2014 9781847921864 (hardback) | 184 499 p.: UG Library
201.72 ARM 00119271 Fields of Blood : Armstrong, Karen. The Bodley Head , 2014 9781847921864 (hardback) | 184 499 p.: UG Library
201.72 BAI 00127995 God-Botherers and Other true Believers : Bailey, F. G. Berghahn Books, 2008 9781845455125 (hardback : alk. xi, 229 p. ; UG Library
201.72 CAN 01013987 Law and religion in theoretical and historical context / Cambridge University Press, 9780521425902 viii, 328 p. ; 24 cm. Knowledge Centre
201.72 CRI 00127933 The faith of the faithless : Critchley, Simon, Verso 2012 9781781681688 (pbk. : alk. pap Paperback edition. ix, 291 pages ; UG Library
201.72 DAV 00138707 Theology and the political : Davis,Creston Duke University Press, 2005 0822334607 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 0822334720 (pbk. : alk. paper) xii, 476 p. ; UG Library
201.72 HIR 00146779 Religion, politics, and society: Hirji, Karim F. Daraja and Zand Graphics, 2022 9781990263125 560p. ; UG Library
201.72 OWE 05041791 Religion, the Enlightenment, and the new global order / Owen, John M Columbia University Press, 2010 9780231150064 (alk. paper) | 9 x, 290 p. ; Knowledge Centre
201.72 OWE 05041558 Religion, the Enlightenment, and the new global order / Owen, John M Columbia University Press, 2010 9780231150064 (alk. paper) | 9 x, 290 p. ; Knowledge Centre
201.72 SOP 01027916 Religion and nationalism in global perspective / Soper, J. Christopher, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781316639122 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781107189430 (hardback : alk. paper) First [edition]. xvii,267p.; Knowledge Centre
201.72 VAI 00120962 Religion, caste, and nation in South India : Vaithees V. Ravi, Oxford University, 2015 9780199451814 | 0199451818 First edition. xv, 347 pages : UG Library
201.72 VRI 00085005 Political Theologies: Public Religions in a Postsecular World De Vries, Hent Social Science Press 2007 0818735836 356p UG Library
201.720 FER 00136192 Holy warriors : Fernandes, Edna. Portobello Books Ltd, 2007 9781846270963 | 067005870X xxiii, 334 p. ; UG Library
201.720947 SIM 05044277 Religion, politics and nation-building in post-communist countries / Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2015 9781472449696 (hardback : alk. xiii, 220 pages : Knowledge Centre
201.723 AL 00095167 Human rights and the world's major religions. Praeger, 0275984257 (set : alk. paper) 5 v. ; UG Library
201.723 BAN 00106244 Religion and the Global Politics of Human Rights Banchoff,Thomas. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780195343380 (pbk. : alk. pap viii, 324 p. ; UG Library
201.723 BRA 01015773 Human rights and the world's major religions / Praeger, 0275984257 (set : alk. paper) 5 v. ; Knowledge Centre
201.723 BRA 01015774 Human rights and the world's major religions / Praeger, 0275984257 (set : alk. paper) 5 v. ; Knowledge Centre
201.723 BRA 00095166 Human rights and the world's major religions. Praeger, 0275984257 (set : alk. paper) 5 v. ; UG Library
201.723 BRA 01015770 Human rights and the world's major religions / Praeger, 0275984257 (set : alk. paper) 5 v. ; Knowledge Centre
201.723 BRA 01015771 Human rights and the world's major religions / Praeger, 0275984257 (set : alk. paper) 5 v. ; Knowledge Centre
201.723 BRA 01015772 Human rights and the world's major religions / Praeger, 0275984257 (set : alk. paper) 5 v. ; Knowledge Centre
201.723 FOR 00110891 Toleration in conflict Forst, Rainer, Cambridge University Press, 2013 9780521885775 (hardback) | 978 xiv; 635 pages cm. UG Library
201.723 GHA 05009378 Religion and human rights / Routledge, 2010 9780415477871 (set) | 97804155 xxii,336 p. : Knowledge Centre
201.723 GHA 05009379 Religion and human rights / Routledge, 2010 9780415477871 (set) | 97804155 xxii,336 p. : Knowledge Centre
201.723 GHA 05009380 Religion and human rights / Routledge, 2010 9780415477871 (set) | 97804155 xxii,336 p. : Knowledge Centre
201.723 GHA 05009381 Religion and human rights / Routledge, 2010 9780415477871 (set) | 97804155 xxii,336 p. : Knowledge Centre
201.723 HAA 00095165 Human rights and the world's major religions. Praeger, 0275984257 (set : alk. paper) 5 v. ; UG Library
201.723 HAA 00095168 Human rights and the world's major religions. Praeger, 0275984257 (set : alk. paper) 5 v. ; UG Library
201.723 HAA 00095169 Human rights and the world's major religions. Praeger, 0275984257 (set : alk. paper) 5 v. ; UG Library
201.723 ITU 00143931 The meaning of religious freedom in the public sphere / Iturrieta, Pablo Muñoz, Pickwick Publications 2020 9781532639708 | 1532639708 | 9781532639715 | 1532639716 x, 299 pages ; UG Library
201.723 MCC 01026067 Litigating religions : McCrudden, Christopher, Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198759041 (hardback) First edition. xiv, 196 pages ; Knowledge Centre
201.723 NUS 05046388 The New Religious Intolerance : Nussbaum Martha.C The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2012 9780674725911 xiii,285p.: Knowledge Centre
201.723 NUS 05039956 The new religious intolerance Nussbaum, Martha Craven, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2012 0674065905 | 9780674065901 | 9 xiii, 285 p. Knowledge Centre
201.723 NUS 00116971 The new religious intolerance Nussbaum, Martha Craven, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2012 0674065905 | 9780674065901 | 9 xiii, 285 p. UG Library
201.723 SHA 05066968 Religious Tolerance : Sharma,Arvind. Harper Collins, 2019 9789353024765 xiii,569p.; Knowledge Centre
201.727 FIT 00146125 Religion and politics in international relations : Fitzgerald, Timothy Bloomsbury 2017 9789386606709 284p UG Library
201.727 MAR 01027081 Religion and international security / Marsden, Lee, Polity, 2019 9780745663623 (hardback) | 9780745663630 (pbk.) x, 270 pages ; Knowledge Centre
201.727 MER 10003467 Religion and Politics in the Modern World / Merkl, Peter H New York University Press, 1985 0-8147-5393-0 ix, 276 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
201.727 SEI 05040759 The Routledge handbook of religion and security / Routledge, 2013 9780415667449 | 0415667445 | 9 xiii, 275 p. ; Knowledge Centre
201.727 WEL 00110130 Religion and Human Security Wellman, James K. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199827732 (hardcover : alk x, 332 p. : UG Library
201.727 WEL 00142091 After empire : Welch, Sharon D. Fortress Press, 2004 0800629868 (pbk. : alk. paper) xviii, 237 p. ; UG Library
201.7270902 PHI 00103674 War, religion, and empire : Phillips, Andrew, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521122092 (pbk.) | 0521122 xi, 364 p. ; UG Library
201.7273 CAT 03006386 Making War in the Name of God / Catherwood, Christopher. Citadel Press, 2007 9780806527857 | 0806527854 (hb xii, 212 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
201.7273 CHO 04015982 Peace is the Way : Chopra, Deepak. Harmony Books, 2005 0307236072 | 9780307236074 1st ed. 263 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
201.7273 CHO 03008316 Peace is the Way : Chopra, Deepak. Harmony Books, 2005 0307236072 | 9780307236074 1st ed. 263 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
201.7273 CHO 04009888 Peace is the Way : Chopra, Deepak. Harmony Books, 2005 0307236072 | 9780307236074 1st ed. 263 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
201.7273 GAB 00136190 God's generals : Gabriel, Richard A., Skyhorse Publishing, 2017 9781510708662 | 1510708669 | 9781473898097 | 1473898099 xiii, 242 pages : UG Library
201.7273 HAS 05060934 Religion on the battlefield / Hassner, Ron E. Cornell University Press, 2016 9780801451072 222 pages : Knowledge Centre
201.7273 OME 00146528 Decolonizing religion and peacebuilding / Omer, Atalia, Oxford University Press 2023 9780197683033 291p UG Library
201.7282 BRO 01012650 Sex, Marriage, and Family in World Religions Browning,Don S. Columbia university Press 9780231131179 641p.; Knowledge Centre
201.73 SUT 07010352 Visions of development / Sutoris, Peter Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199472109 xxiii,309p. Library - BR Campus
201.73 SUT 05058124 Visions of development / Sutoris, Peter Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199472109 xxiii,309p. Knowledge Centre
201.73 SUT 07013860 Visions of development / Sutoris, Peter Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199472109 xxiii,309p. Library - BR Campus
201.73MAR 01005996 Finding Global Balance: Common Ground Between the Worlds of Development and Faith (law Lib) Katherine Marshall World Bank 0082136247 146p Knowledge Centre
201.76 JOH 00140330 I am Divine: Johnson,Jerry Harper Collins 2017 9789352774852 164p UG Library
201.76 MAR 05031762 Development and Faith : Marshall, Katherine The World Bank, 2007 329 p Knowledge Centre
201.76 SHA 00135871 A theology of community organizing : Shannahan, Chris. 9780415890939 (alk. paper) 1 [edition]. viii, 210 pages ; UG Library
201.7626 CHA 00087506 Discourses on Aging and Dying Chatterjee, Suhita Chopra 2008 9780761936442 272 p UG Library
201.7628292 HOL 01027757 Religion, gender, and family violence : Brill, 2018 9789004372092 (hardback : alk. paper) xi, 250 pages ; Knowledge Centre
201.7628991 MCG 00135101 Religious identity and cultural negotiation : McGill, Jenny, 1498290140 | 9781498290142 | 9781498290128 (pbk.) | 1498290124 (pbk.) ix, 275 pages ; UG Library
201.763 MER 07013663 How violence shapes religion : Meral, Ziya, Cambridge Unversity Press, 2018 9781108429009 (harback : alk. paper) | 9781108452854 (pbk. : alk. paper) First [edition].. x, 217 pages ; Library - BR Campus
201.76332 GIR 05040824 Violence and the sacred / Girard, René, Bloomsbury, 2013 9781472520814 (pbk.) 383p.: Knowledge Centre
201.76332 GIR 07006389 Violence and the sacred / Girard, René, Bloomsbury, 2013 9781472520814 (pbk.) 383p.: Library - BR Campus
201.76332 KIR 00134518 Violence and theology Kirk-Duggan, Cheryl A. Abingdon Press, 2006 0687334330 (paperback : alk. paper) | 9780687334339 (paperback : alk. paper) xi, 92 p. ; UG Library
201.76332 MER 05064436 How violence shapes religion : Meral, Ziya, Cambridge Unversity Press, 2018 9781108429009 (harback : alk. paper) | 9781108452854 (pbk. : alk. paper) First [edition].. x, 217 pages ; Knowledge Centre
201.763325 JON 00103930 Blood that cries out from the earth : Jones, James William, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195335972 | 019533597X xviii, 190 p. ; UG Library
201.763325 SAI 01026952 Weapon of peace : Saiya, Nilay, 9781108474313 x, 231 pages ; Knowledge Centre
201.763325JON 01010308 Blood That Cries Out from the Earth(law Lib) James W Jones Oxford University Press 9780195335972 190p Knowledge Centre
201.764 OWE 00093000 Religion and the death penalty : W.B. Eerdmans, 0802821723 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxiii, 294 p. ; UG Library
201.76MAR 01005945 Development and Faith: Where Mind, Heart, and Soul Work Together (law Lib.) Katherine Marshall World Bank 0821371738 329p. Knowledge Centre
201.77 LEC 00099586 Nature,Culture And Religion at the Crossroads of Asia / Lecomte-Tilouing,Marie Social Science Press, 2010 9788187358466 382 p. UG Library
201.77 BER 00119215 Religion, Space, and the Enviornment Bergmann, Sigurd, Transaction Publishers, 2014 9781412852579 | 1412852579 xix, 479 p.; UG Library
201.77 ESS 00136171 Ecomysticism : Von Essen, Carl, Bear & Co., 2010 9781591431183 (pbk.) | 1591431182 (pbk.) xi, 274 p. : UG Library
201.77 LEC 05031763 Nature,Culture And Religion at the Crossroads of Asia / Lecomte-Tilouing,Marie Social Science Press, 2010 9788187358466 382 p. Knowledge Centre
201.77 VON 00110210 Ecomysticism Von Essen, Carl, Bear & Co., 2010 9781591431183 (pbk.) | 1591431 xi, 274 p. : UG Library
201.954 PAL 05029025 Old Wisdom and New Horizon:History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization [RELIGION SECTION] Pal Kumar, Manoj Multilingual Matters Limited 9788130910086 492p Knowledge Centre
201.954 PAL 05029024 Old wisdom and new horizon / Pal, M. K. Jointly Published by CSC and Viva Books for the Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy, and Culture, 9788130910086 | 813091008X xxv, 495 p. : Knowledge Centre
201.954 SHA 05038417 Wisdom & Consciousness from the East : Sharma Subhash IBA Publications, 2013 9788192099637 vii,212p.: Knowledge Centre
201/.7 JAM 00131922 Transnational Religious Movements : James, Jonathan D., Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd 2017 9789386446558 188p; UG Library
202 E\1 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
202 Q\8 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
202 DAN 00051507 Introduction to Christian Studies Daniel, J. T. All India Association For Christian Higher Education 2001 438 p. UG Library
202 MIG 00146132 The hope of liberation in world religions / Miguel, A Baylor University Press, 2008 9781932792508 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 1932792503 (pbk. : alk. paper) viii, 342 p. ; UG Library
202 NIC 00130208 Comparative theology and the problem of religious rivalry Nicholson, Hugh Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199772865 (hardcover) | 01 xxiv, 320 p.; UG Library
202 PAN 00110219 Absolute Revelation and Universal Religion Pandiappallil, Joseph. Peter Lang, 2006 082047780X (pbk.) | 9780820477 433 p. ; UG Library
202 TAL 00136168 Contemporary philosophical theology / Taliaferro, Charles, Routledge, 2016 9780415527224 (pbk) 1 [edition]. vii, 242 pages ; UG Library
202 WAR 00110914 The Lion Christian Quotation Collection Lion Publishing 1997 0745950965 476p UG Library
202.09 ERA 00078471 Discourse on Free Will Luther, Erasmus Continuum 2005 0826477941 | 9780826477941 120 p. UG Library
202.11 ALE 04011993 God / Waugh, Alexander. Thomas Dunne Books, 2004 0312329059 | 9780312329051 1st U.S. ed. x, 342 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
202.11 ARM 07006324 A history of god / Armstrong, Karen Vintage Publication, 1999 978009927367 xvi,515p. Library - BR Campus
202.11 CHO 00140042 The Future of God: Chopra,Deepak Rider 2014 9781846044168 256p UG Library
202.11 DEB 04009874 God : Debray, Régis. Verso, 2004 9781859845899 307 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
202.11 HAM 00088046 God`s Indwelling Presence Hamilton, James M 2006 ISB0805443835 233p UG Library
202.11095 HIL 00078640 Is the Goddess a Feminist? Hiltebeitel, Alf Oxford University 2002 0195664191 | 9780195664195 287 p. UG Library
202.110954 GUP 00137513 Goddesses of Kathmandu Valley : Gupto,Arun. Routledge, 2018 9781138363878 2nd edition xviii,223p.; UG Library
202.114 FEE 07012384 The Goddess : Fee, Christopher R. Reation Books, 2016 9781780235097 176p.; Library - BR Campus
202.114 FEE 05056859 The Goddess : Fee, Christopher R. Reation Books, 2016 9781780235097 176p.; Knowledge Centre
202.114 FEE 00129834 The Goddess : Fee, Christopher R. Reation Books, 2016 9781780235097 176p.; UG Library
202.1140954BHA 01008762 Indian Mother Goddess ( Law Lib.) N N Bhattacharyya Manohar 8173043248 363p. Knowledge Centre
202.117 BLA 00140803 The Sacred History : Black, Jonathan Quercus; 2013 9781780874876 510 p. ; UG Library
202.117 BLA 00145029 The Sacred History : Black, Jonathan Quercus; 2013 9781780874876 510 p. ; UG Library
202.12 KRI 05040407 Sacred Animals of India / Krishna Nanditha Penguin Books, 2010 9780143423201 xii,274p.: Knowledge Centre
202.120954 KRI 05040408 Sacred plants of India / Krishna, Nanditha, Penguin Books India, 2014 9780143066262 (pbk.) | 0143066 xiv, 295 p. : Knowledge Centre
202.15 JON 05048803 Angels : Jones, David Albert. Oxford Univ Press, 2011 9780199547302 (pbk.) xviii, 141 p. : Knowledge Centre
202.1503 CRE 00110277 The Watkins dictionary of angels Cresswell, Julia Watkins Publishing 2006 9781842932056 | 1842932055 217 p. ; UG Library
202.2 MAR 00137833 Kierkegaard on Intellect and Faith Marzband,Rahmatollah Bharatiya Book Corporation 2010 8183151140 162p UG Library
202.2 PAG 00142529 Religion and sexualities : Page, Sarah-Jane, Routledge, 2020 9781138504288 | 9781138504271 ix,232p.; UG Library
202.2BHA 01007231 Question of Faith: Tracts for the Times (law Lib) Rustom Bharucha Sangam Books Limited 0000863113 94p Knowledge Centre
202.3 BRE 00136205 Religion, death, and dying / Praeger Publishers, 2010 9780313351730 (set : hc : alk. paper) | 9780313351754 (vol. 1. : alk. paper) | 9780313351778 (vol . 2 : alk. paper) | 9780313351792 ( vol. 3 : alk. paper) | 0313351732 (set : hc : alk. paper) | 0313351759 (vol. 1. : alk. paper) | 0313351775 (vol . 2 : alk. paper) | 0313351791 ( vol. 3 : alk. paper) 3 v. ; UG Library
202.3 BRE 00136206 Religion, death, and dying / Praeger Publishers, 2010 9780313351730 (set : hc : alk. paper) | 9780313351754 (vol. 1. : alk. paper) | 9780313351778 (vol . 2 : alk. paper) | 9780313351792 ( vol. 3 : alk. paper) | 0313351732 (set : hc : alk. paper) | 0313351759 (vol. 1. : alk. paper) | 0313351775 (vol . 2 : alk. paper) | 0313351791 ( vol. 3 : alk. paper) 3 v. ; UG Library
202.3 BRE 00136207 Religion, death, and dying / Praeger Publishers, 2010 9780313351730 (set : hc : alk. paper) | 9780313351754 (vol. 1. : alk. paper) | 9780313351778 (vol . 2 : alk. paper) | 9780313351792 ( vol. 3 : alk. paper) | 0313351732 (set : hc : alk. paper) | 0313351759 (vol. 1. : alk. paper) | 0313351775 (vol . 2 : alk. paper) | 0313351791 ( vol. 3 : alk. paper) 3 v. ; UG Library
202.3 CHO 05031727 Life After Death : Chopra, Deepak Harmony Books, 2006 0307345785 281 p Knowledge Centre
202.3 JON 00133022 Death, anxiety, and religious belief : Jong, Jonathan. Bloomsbury, 2018 9781350061606 xiv, 232 p. : UG Library
202.3 KAT 00146526 Death and religion in a changing world / Graces-Foley,Kathgleen, Routledge 2022 9780367649326 | 9780367649302 Second edition. 331pages UG Library
202.3 MIL 00110913 Heaven : Miller, Lisa. Harper, 2010 9780060554750 : | 0060554754 1st ed. xxvii, 331 p. ; UG Library
202.3 MIR 00129162 A Traveler's Guide to the Afterlife Mirabello, Mark Inner Traditions, 2016 9781620555972 ix, 214 p.: UG Library
202.3 RUS 05031728 Paradise : Rushby, Kevin Constable, 2006 1845290011 271 p Knowledge Centre
202.303 PEA 04016024 A brief history of the end of the world / Pearson, Simon Robinson, 2006 9781845291600 310p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
202.4 HOB 00144871 The Bloomsbury handbook of religion and nature: Hobgood, Laura Bloomsbury, 2018 9789354358425 342p UG Library
202.403 TAY 00090731 Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature Taylor, Bron Continuum International Publishing Group 2008 9781847062734 944p UG Library
202.403 TAY 00090732 Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature Taylor, Bron Continuum International Publishing Group 2008 9781847062734 944p UG Library
203 G\8 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
203 B\3 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
203 BUT 05064085 Tourism and religion : Butler,Richard. Channel View Publications, 2018 9781845416447 (pbk : alk. paper) | 9781845416454 (hbk : alk. paper) xii,301p.; Knowledge Centre
203 HOU 00136209 Things : Fordham University Press, 2012 9780823239450 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9780823239467 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1st ed. xvi, 482 p. : UG Library
203 INC 00061451 Dictionary of Religion and Religions Ince,Richard Cosmo Publications 2004 8177558757 | 9788177558753 294 p. UG Library
203.10954 FER 05007454 Health and religious rituals in South Asia : Ferrari, Fabrizio M Routledge, 2011 9780415561457 (hbk) xxii, 224 p. : Knowledge Centre
203.12 GEN 00081012 Dictionary of Bible and Religion Gentz, William H 1986 0687107571 1147p UG Library
203.3720954 BHA 00085267 Justice: Political, Social, Juridical Bhargava, Rajeev Sage Publications 2008 9788178297934 325 p UG Library
203.4GIR 01007264 Violence and the Sacred(law Lib) Rene Girard Continuum 0826477186 352 p Knowledge Centre
203.5 BOW 00129605 Sharing the Sacra : Bowman, Glenn. Berghahn Books, 2012 9780857454867 | 9780857454874 viii, 185 p. : UG Library
203.5 SMI 05042480 Religion, culture, and sacred space / Smith, Martyn. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008 0230608302 (alk. paper) | 9780 x, 184 p. ; Knowledge Centre
203.509548 ISM 00076090 Karnataka Temples Ismail, K. Sunder Prakashan 1984 216 p. UG Library
203.51 BOU 00095966 Four Pilgrims Boulting, William Asian Educational Services, 8120608054 256 p. UG Library
203.51 COL 05031741 Reframing pilgrimage : Coleman, Simon, Routledge, 2004 0415303540 (alk. paper) | 0415 xii, 197 p. ; Knowledge Centre
203.51 GRO 05009703 Sacred Sites Of the World / Grover Nirad Lustre Press Roli Books , 2010 9788174364586 160 p. : Knowledge Centre
203.51 GRO 04015636 Sacred Sites Of the World / Grover Nirad Lustre Press Roli Books , 2010 9788174364586 160 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
203.51 RAG 08000567 Pilgrimage and faith : Serindia Publications, 2010 9781932476477 (alk. paper) | 9 356 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
203.51 REA 05045198 Pilgrimage : Reader, Ian, Oxford University Pr, 2015 9780198718222 | 0198718225 First edition. xiv, 130 pages : Knowledge Centre
203.51954 KHA 05003072 Pilgrim Shrines of India: Mythology, Archaeology, History and Art Khanna, Amar Nath B.B.N 8173052387 248p Knowledge Centre
203.6 MEL 05009013 Religious celebrations : Melton, Gordon J ABC-CLIO, 2011 9781598842050 (hard copy : alk 2 v. (xxiii, 1036 p.) : Knowledge Centre
203.6 MEL 05009014 Religious celebrations : Melton, Gordon J ABC-CLIO, 2011 9781598842050 (hard copy : alk 2 v. (xxiii, 1036 p.) : Knowledge Centre
203.7 BRO 00117590 The Oxford handbook of religion and the arts Brown, Frank Burch Oxford University Press, 2014 9780195176674 (hardcover : alk xx, 541p. ; UG Library
203.7 HAR 07012207 Ancient Art and Ritual / Harrison Jane Ellen Rohit Publications, 2017 9789383382491 136p.: Library - BR Campus
203.7 SAN 00118445 Making Spirits : Santo, Diana Espirito I.B.Tauris, 2013 9781848857964 (hbk.) | 1848857 ix, 260 p. : UG Library
203.809548 BER 00118316 Ritual, caste, and religion in colonial South India / Bergunder, Michael Verlag der Franckeschen Stiftungen ; | Harrassowitz in Kommission, | Primus Books, 2010 9789380607214 | 9783447063777 386 p. ; UG Library
204 E\6 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
204 EMO 04003701 Secret Life of Water Emoto, Masaru Free Press Business 2005 9780743289825 178 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
204 ALA 00085330 Bede Griffiths Experience and Understanding of Mystical Consciousness Alappadan, Antu Asian Trading Corporation 2006 8170863910 280 p UG Library
204 BLO 03006047 Soulution : Bloom, William. Hay House, 2004 140190341X (pbk.) | 1401903428 279 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
204 BRU 00140970 Instructions for Spiritual Living / Brunton, Paul, Inner Traditions India; 2019 9781644110218 (pbk.) xii, 241 pages ; UG Library
204 BUT 03006089 50 Spiritual Classics : Butler-Bowdon, Tom. Nicholas Brealey, 2006 9781857883497 | 1857883497 320 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
204 BUT 07015005 50 spiritual classics : Butler-Bowdon, Tom. Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2017 1473658381 | 9781473658387 vi, 323 p. ; Library - BR Campus
204 BUT 05070482 50 spiritual classics : Butler-Bowdon, Tom. Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2017 1473658381 | 9781473658387 vi, 323 p. ; Knowledge Centre
204 BUT 09000594 50 spiritual classics : Butler-Bowdon, Tom. Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2017 1473658381 | 9781473658387 vi, 323 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
204 BUT 00080681 50 Spiritual Classics : Butler-Bowdon, Tom. Nicholas Brealey, 2006 9781857883497 | 1857883497 320 p.: UG Library
204 CHA 05020309 Spirituality Science & Technology / Indian Philosophical Congress, 2012 xv,589 p.: Knowledge Centre
204 CHO 05011158 The 7 Spiritual Laws SuperHeroes / Chopra Deepak Bantam Press, 2011 9780593068106 vii,167 p. : Knowledge Centre
204 CHO 00119292 The 7 Spiritual Laws SuperHeroes / Chopra Deepak Bantam Press, 2011 9780593068106 vii,167 p. : UG Library
204 ELL 00124466 The healing power of spirituality : Ellens,Harold J Praeger/ABC-CLIO, 2010 9780313366451 (set : alk. pape 3 v. : UG Library
204 ELL 00124467 The healing power of spirituality : Ellens,Harold J Praeger/ABC-CLIO, 2010 9780313366451 (set : alk. pape 3 v. : UG Library
204 ELL 00124468 The healing power of spirituality : Ellens,Harold J Praeger/ABC-CLIO, 2010 9780313366451 (set : alk. pape 3 v. : UG Library
204 FLO 00128024 The Truth Within : Flood, Gavin, Oxford University Press 2013 9780199684564 (hard cover) | 0 xviii, 310 pages ; UG Library
204 GOS 00082407 Science and Spirituality: A Quantum Integration Goswami, Amit Munshiram Manoharlal 2006 8121508169 183p UG Library
204 HEE 05018192 Spirituality in the Modern World : Routledge, 2012 9780415495318 xxxiii,480 p. : Knowledge Centre
204 HEE 05018193 Spirituality in the Modern World : Routledge, 2012 9780415495318 xxxiii,480 p. : Knowledge Centre
204 HEE 05018194 Spirituality in the Modern World : Routledge, 2012 9780415495318 xxxiii,480 p. : Knowledge Centre
204 HEE 05018195 Spirituality in the Modern World : Routledge, 2012 9780415495318 xxxiii,480 p. : Knowledge Centre
204 HIT 00145850 A philosopher looks at the religious life / Hitz, Zena, Cambridge University Press 2023 9781108993159 194p UG Library
204 HOT 03008996 Transforming Life's Paradigm : Kothari, Suresh. Universal Spritual Upliftment and Charitable Trust / 2012 407 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
204 IBR 05072695 Finding a home in creation : Dharmaram Publications, 2022 9789392996191 352p. ; Knowledge Centre
204 IBR 05072697 In der schopfung heimat finden : Matthias Grunewald Verlag, 2020 9783786732273 edition Schopfung 2 329p. ; Knowledge Centre
204 KLA 00140685 Feminist spirituality : Lexington Books, 2009 9780739127940 (alk. paper) | 0739127942 (alk. paper) | 9780739139172 (electronic) | 0739139177 (electronic) vi, 208 p. ; UG Library
204 MAN 05010168 Interleaves : Mani, Lata Yoda Press, 2011 9789380403182 137 p. Knowledge Centre
204 MAN 00071653 Interleaves : Mani, Lata Yoda Press, 2011 9789380403182 137 p. UG Library
204 RAO 00143260 India's Greatest Minds: Rao, Mukunda Hachette India 2022 9789389253535 499p UG Library
204 REE 00125074 Theology for International Law Reed,Esther D Bloomsbury 2013 9780567262066 350p UG Library
204 SHE 05047303 Spirituality : Sheldrake, Philip. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199588756 (pbk.) | 0199588 1st ed. xvii, 133 p. : Knowledge Centre
204 SIN 05071299 The little book of encouragement / Penguin Viking, 2021 9780670094943 142p.; Knowledge Centre
204 SIN 07015025 The little book of encouragement / Penguin Viking, 2021 9780670094943 142p.; Library - BR Campus
204 VYA 08000710 Positive Thinking Vyas, Jagruti Cyer Tehc Publications, 2017 9789350535226 240 p . ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
204 VYA 00129833 Positive Thinking Vyas, Jagruti Cyer Tehc Publications, 2017 9789350535226 240 p . ; UG Library
204 WAL 05001547 Tomorrows God: Our Greatest Spiritual Challenge: [PG] Walsh, Neale Donald Hodder, 2005 0340830239 406p.; Knowledge Centre
204.092 BHA 04017010 Code Name God : Bhaumik, Mani Penguin 2005 9780144001033 222p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
204.2 EAS 04019023 God makes the rivers to flow : Eknath, Easwaran, Nilgiri Press, 2003 1586380087 | 9781586380083 3rd ed. p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
204.2 EVE 05064447 Networks and religion : Everton, Sean F., Cambridge university press, 2018 9781108416702 (hbk.) | 9781108404075 (pbk.) xxiii,389p.; Knowledge Centre
204.2 IYA 00130341 Transformative Religious Experience Iyadurai,Joshua Marina 2017 9789356274862 265p UG Library
204.2 PET 00136798 Spiritual Transformations : Peters, Karl Edward, Fortress Press, 2008 9780800663209 (alk. paper) | 0800663209 (alk. paper) xiii, 146 p. : UG Library
204.2 RAM 00122092 The Oxford Handbook of Religious Conversion Rambo, Lewis R 9780195338522 xiii, 803 p:. UG Library
204.2 TOL 05037550 Power of Now : Tolle, Eckhart Hodder, 2005 9780340733500 xix,192p.; Knowledge Centre
204.2 WAL 04016989 Conversations with God / Walsch, Neale Donald Hachette, 1998 9780340765456 392p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
204.2 WIL 00122069 Leaving the fold : Wilson, S. G. Fortress Press, 2004 0800636759 (alk. paper) xvii, 158 p. ; UG Library
204.2 YAT 05005494 Rosicrucuan Enlightenment: [dharmaram Library] Yates, A Frances 0415267692 332p Knowledge Centre
204.2 YAT 00076210 Rosicrucuan Enlightenment: [dharmaram Library] Yates, A Frances 0415267692 332p UG Library
204.20954 MAN 00101069 Religious conversion myths and reality Mani. A A P H Publishing corporation; 9788131305355 192 p UG Library
204.20954 ROB 00076160 Religious Conversion in Inida: Modes, Motivationa and Meanings: [dharmaram Library] Robinson, Rowena 2007 0195689046 414p UG Library
204.22 HAR 00109934 Mystics Harmless, William, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195300383 (cloth : alk. pa xv, 350 p. : UG Library
204.22 KAC 00112516 Mystic Musings in Art and Poetry : Kachappilly,Kurian Christian World Imprints, 2013 9788192512112 187p.: UG Library
204.22 KAC 05035604 Mystic Musings in Religions : Christian World Imprints, 2013 9788192512181 xii,235p.; Knowledge Centre
204.22 KAC 00119459 Process Religion and Society Kachappilly, Ed Kurian CMI Dharmaram Publivsyiond, 2011 9788189958398 286 p.: UG Library
204.22 KAC 00117315 Mystic Musings in Religions : Christian World Imprints, 2013 9788192512181 xii,235p.; UG Library
204.22 MIS 00138759 Esoteric Mysticism: Misra,Harishikesh Janada Prakashan 2018 9788171391387 246p UG Library
204.22 PAN 00145073 Mysticism and spirituality / Panikkar, Raimon, Orbis Books, 2014 9781626980822 (v. 1) | 9781626981027 (v. 2) English edition. 358 p. ; UG Library
204.22HAR 00088798 Mystics Harmless, Williams S J 9780195300383 350p UG Library
204.30954 BHA 00099963 Medival Bhakti Movements in India: Bhattacharyya N N Munshiram Manoharlal, 1989 9788121504597 ix, 393 p. UG Library
204.30954 RAJ 00124502 Bhakti Movement and Literature M. Rajagopalachary Rawat Publications, 2016 9788131608128 x, 230 p.: UG Library
204.30954 RAJ 10001332 Bhakti Movement and Literature M. Rajagopalachary Rawat Publications, 2016 9788131608128 x, 230 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
204.30954 RAJ 07010167 Bhakti Movement and Literature M. Rajagopalachary Rawat Publications, 2016 9788131608128 x, 230 p.: Library - BR Campus
204.32 EAS 04003733 Timeless Wisdom: Passages for Meditation from the World's Saints and Sages Easwaran, Eknath Jaico Publishing House 2009 9788179929506 227 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
204.32 HAU 00119029 Gifts in the ruins : Haughton, Rosemary. Orbis Books, 2004 1570755566 xvi, 160 p. : UG Library
204.35 KIN 00093259 Autum Years; King Robert H Continuum International Publishing Group 9780826416391 175p UG Library
204.36 SAD 00141341 Inner engineering : Sadhguru, Penguin random house india pvt ltd., 2016 9780812997798 First Edition. xii, 271 pages ; UG Library
204.36 SAD 00133454 Inner engineering : Sadhguru, Penguin random house india pvt ltd., 2016 9780812997798 First Edition. xii, 271 pages ; UG Library
204​.4 BRO 31000244 The Presence Process : Brown, Michael, Jaico ; 2011 9788184952049 303 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
204​.4 BRO 03006981 The Presence Process : Brown, Michael, Jaico ; 2011 9788184952049 303 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
204.4 DYE 03003210 Inspiration : Dyer, W. Wayne Hay House, 2006 9781401907211 | 1401907210 255 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
204.4 BEL 00107458 Shoonya Belakvaadi,Sreesha Prism Books Pvt Ltd. 2011 9788172866556 xii:143 P. UG Library
204.4 CAM 00129196 The Yogi Code : Alborzian, Cameron, Evliven Books, 2017 9781501154522 | 9781501154546 227 p. : UG Library
204.4 CHO 00141391 Metahuman: Chopra,Deepak Penguin Books 2020 9781846046094 354p UG Library
204.4 DYE 05010958 Inspiration/ Dyer Wayne.W Hay House India, 2010 9788189988715 xi,252 p.: Knowledge Centre
204.4 DYE 04023173 Inspiration/ Dyer Wayne.W Hay House India, 2010 9788189988715 xi,252 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
204.4 GIB 05035149 The Vision : Gibran,Kahlil. Rupa Publications, 1994 9788129118868 xv,120p.; Knowledge Centre
204.4 KOK 00123742 Material civilisation and spirituality; Kokandakar J,R Renaissance; 9788190671781 58 p. UG Library
204.4 KOK 00099699 Material civilisation and spirituality; Kokandakar J,R Renaissance; 9788190671781 58 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
204.4 MIT 00112187 Spirituality Mittal, Indu New Age Books, 2010 9788178223544 xiv:115p UG Library
204.4 PRO 04009728 Excuse me, your God is waiting : Prosser, Michelle, Hampton Roads Pub. Co., Inc., 2008 9781571745521 (pbk. : alk. pap xxi, 193 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
204.4 PRO 03005343 Excuse Me, Your God is Waiting : Prosser, Michelle Epiphany. Hampton Roads Pub. Co., Inc., 2008 9781571745521 (pbk. : alk. pap xxi, 193 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
204.4 SIN 00080504 Life and Spiritual Evolution Singh T D Bhaktivedanta Institute 2006 8190136968 55 p UG Library
204.4 SYE 00136208 Religious diversity in the workplace / Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107136038 (hardback) | 9781316501733 (paperback) xxii, 495 pages ; UG Library
204.4 SYE 07013799 Religious diversity in the workplace / Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107136038 (hardback) | 9781316501733 (paperback) xxii, 495 pages ; Library - BR Campus
204.4 THU 03012955 Yogi on Dalal Street : Thukral, Arun CNBC Tv18 Broadcast ltd, 2018 9789387860124 296p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
204.4 TOL 05011003 A New Earth : Tolle Eckhart Penguin Books, 2005 9780141039411 313 p. : Knowledge Centre
204.4 TOL 07005592 A New Earth : Tolle Eckhart Penguin Books, 2005 9780141039411 313 p. : Library - BR Campus
204.4082 RAY 05009052 WomanSoul : Praeger, 2008 9780313351099 (alk. paper) | 0 xv, 277 p. ; Knowledge Centre
204.42 WAL 04017021 When Everything Changes Change Everything : Walsch, Neale Donald Hodders, 2009 9780340998793 299p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
204.46 NAR 00142850 Food and faith : Narayan,Shoba Harpercollins publishers, 2020 9789353579036 283p.; UG Library
204.46 STE 00143006 Ritual : Stewart, Pamela J. Bloomsbury, 2014 9781441185693 (pbk.) | 1441185690 (pbk.) | 9781441137296 (hardback) | 1441137297 (hardback) ix, 171 pages ; UG Library
204.46 STE 05044653 Ritual : Stewart, Pamela J. Bloomsbury, 2014 9781441185693 (pbk.) | 1441185 ix, 171 pages ; Knowledge Centre
204.46 THO 05050304 Love of God : Thottakara,Augustine. Dharmaram Publications, 2016 9789384964627 487p.; Knowledge Centre
204.46 THO 05050305 Love of God : Thottakara,Augustine. Dharmaram Publications, 2016 9789384964627 487p.; Knowledge Centre
204.46 THO 04027351 Love of God : Thottakara,Augustine. Dharmaram Publications, 2016 9789384964627 487p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
204.46 THO 07010583 Love of God : Thottakara,Augustine. Dharmaram Publications, 2016 9789384964627 487p.; Library - BR Campus
204.46 THO 00126680 Love of God : Thottakara,Augustine. Dharmaram Publications, 2016 9789384964627 487p.; UG Library
204.47 FLO 00068305 Ascetic Self Flood, Gavin 2005 0052160401 287p UG Library
204.47 LAU 00145046 Celibacy in the ancient world : Launderville, Dale. Liturgical Press, 2010 9780814656976 | 0814656978 xli, 571 p. : UG Library
204.4RAD 01006483 Religion, caste, and state / Radhakrishnan, P., Rawat Publications, 8131600637 | 9788131600634 viii, 300 p. ; Knowledge Centre
204.5 JES 00132746 Genesis Myth of Mainfold Meanings: The Biblical Myth of Adam and Eve Jesudasan,Ignatius Global Vision Publishing House 2018 9789386603227 2nd 163p UG Library
204.5SEN 01005467 Social and Religious Reform:The Hindus of British India(law Lib) Amiya P Sen Oxford University Press 0195677021 226p Knowledge Centre
204.5SEN 01005468 Social and Religious Reform:The Hindus of British India(law Lib) Amiya P Sen Oxford University Press 0195677021 226p Knowledge Centre
204.5SEN 01005469 Social and Religious Reform:The Hindus of British India(law Lib) Amiya P Sen Oxford University Press 0195677021 226p Knowledge Centre
205 WEB 05017382 Conflict Resolution and Gandhian Ethics Weber,Thomas. The Gandhi Peace Foundation; 1991 180p. Knowledge Centre
205 BOO 00141297 Ethics 101 : Boone, Brian, Adams Media; 2017 9781507204931 255 pages ; UG Library
205 BOO 05058031 Ethics 101 : Boone, Brian, Adams Media, 2017 9781507204931 (hardback) | 150 255p. Knowledge Centre
205 CUR 00080083 Moral Theology of John Paul II Curran, Charles E T & t Clark 2006 262p UG Library
205 FAS 05008815 Comparative religious ethics : Fasching, Darrell J., Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781444331332 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xiv, 360 p. : Knowledge Centre
205 GEN 00133141 Ethics and religion / Gensler, Harry J., Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107052444 viii, 196 p. ; UG Library
205 HAR 00112121 God, goodness and philosophy / Haris,Harriest A Ashgate, 2011 9781409428510 (hardcover : alk xi, 257 p. : UG Library
205 LAM 05043763 Beyond Religion : Lama Dalai Harpercollins Publishers India, 2012 9789350292051 188 p. : Knowledge Centre
205 LAM 05011132 Beyond Religion : Lama Dalai Harpercollins Publishers India, 2012 9789350292051 188 p. : Knowledge Centre
205 LES 01013955 Religion in legal thought and practice / Lesnick, Howard, Cambridge University Press, 9780521119108 (hbk.) | 0521119 xx, 623 p. : Knowledge Centre
205 OHI 00144961 What is religious ethics? : Oh, Irene, Routledge, 2023 9781138393592 xii,183p.; UG Library
205 SCH 00081029 Blackwell Companion to Religious Ethics Schweiker, William Blacker & Sons 2008 613p UG Library
205.40954 ZUB 00085634 Visual History of the Women`s Movement in India Zubaan Zubaan Book 2006 8189013815 146 p UG Library
205.6 PAC 00080284 Construction of Good and Evil in Iris Murdoch`s Discourse. Pachuau, Mararet L Atlantic 2007 8126908092 122p UG Library
205.6242 SIN 00080498 Towards a Culture of Harmony & Peace. Singh, T D Bhaktivedanta Institute 2005 8190136941 274p UG Library
205.6242 SIN 00088037 Towards a Culture of Harmony and Peace Singh, T D Bhaktivedanta Institute 2005 9718190136941 274p UG Library
205.65 PEN 00080501 Science, Spirituality and The Nature of Reality Penrose, Sir Roger Bhaktivedanta Institute 2005 8190136976 77 p UG Library
205.65 SIN 00080503 Essays on Science & Religion. Singh, T D Bhaktivedanta Institute 2005 8190136984 101p UG Library
205.66 FRE 01017208 Sex and the soul : Freitas, Donna. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195311655 | 0195311655 xxii, 299 p. : Knowledge Centre
205.66 ROD 00117443 Jewish/Christian/queer : Roden Frederick Ashgate, 2009 9780754673750 (alk. paper) | 0 xvi, 249 p. ; UG Library
205.67 NEU 00090707 Golden Rule: The Ethics of Reciprocity in World Religion Neusner, Jacob Continuum International Publishing Group 2008 9781847062963 185p UG Library
206 N\11 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
206 AMB 05040401 For god's sake : Ambi,Parameswaran. Penguin Books, 2014 9780670087242 ix,258p.; Knowledge Centre
206 BRI 00139876 St John Paul II: the Pope of the common good : Britto,Richard. Christian World Imprints; 2020 9789351485070 (PB) 208 p. ; UG Library
206 BRI 00139675 St John Paul II: the Pope of the common good : Britto,Richard. Christian World Imprints; 2020 9789351485070 (PB) 208 p. ; UG Library
206 CAP 00137201 The Life of St. Catherine of Siena Capua,Raymond Tan Books 2003 353p UG Library
206 DOU 00099463 The Philosophy of the mind Douglas,James Cosmo publications; 9788130706924 387 p. UG Library
206 NEW 00139453 Discourses addressed to mixed congregations / Newman, John Henry, Patrick Donahoe; 1853 9781361903957 vi, 282 p. ; UG Library
206.1 CHO 03011269 The Soul of Leadership / Chopra, Deepak. Rider , 2010 9781846044939 220 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
206.1 GLA 00129324 Messianic thought outside theology / Glazova,Anna Fordham University Press 2014 9780823256716 (cloth : alk. pa vi, 307 pages : UG Library
206.1 PAT 05062584 Leader : Pattanaik, Devdutt. Harper Collins, 2017 9789352644957 235p. Knowledge Centre
206.1 SIM 05073104 Leadership lessons from the bhagavad gita / Simpson, Ace V. Sage, 2020 9789353286866 xxiv,310p.; Knowledge Centre
206.1 SIM 10001418 Leadership lessons from the bhagavad gita / Simpson, Ace V. Sage, 2020 9789353286866 xxiv,310p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
206.57 DAV 00131822 Monasticism : Davis, Stephen J., Oxford University Press 2018 9780198717645 | 0198717644 First edition. xvi, 142 pages : UG Library
206.57 DAV 00133158 Monasticism: Davis, Stephen J., Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198717645 | 0198717644 xvi, 142 p. ; UG Library
206.570820954 KHA 00079251 Nuns, Yoginis, Saints, and Singers: Women`s Renunciation in South Asia Khandelwal, Meena Zubban 2007 8189884344 375 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
206.570820954 KHA 00085633 Nuns, Yoginis, Saints, and Singers: Women`s Renunciation in South Asia Khandelwal, Meena Zubban 2007 8189884344 375 p UG Library
206.570820954KHA 01007297 Nuns, Yoginis, Saints and Singers:Womens`s Renunciation in South Asia ( Law Lib ) Meena Khandelwal Zubian Original 9788189884345 375p Knowledge Centre
207 ARL 00107101 Striving for Excellence: Educational Ministry in the Church. Arles Siga Asia Theological Association; 2007 413 p. UG Library
207 AUS 00143943 A Post-Covid Catechesis Austin, Victor Lee Cascade Books 2022 9781666730418 71p UG Library
207 BER 00018440 Triumphet Third Century. Bergin, Robert Fatima International 1976 95 p UG Library
207.2 SHO 01011659 Harvesting Our Souls: Shourie,Arun Rupa co 9788129107848 432p.; Knowledge Centre
207.5 BER 00133176 Learning religion : Berliner, David Berghahn Books, 2007 9781845453749 vi, 239 p. ; UG Library
207.5 SEL 00134678 Religious education and the challenge of pluralism Seligman,Adam B Oxford University Press 2014 9780199359479 (hardback) | 9780199359486 (paperback) xii, 238 pages ; UG Library
207.5 SEL 00138715 Religious education and the challenge of pluralism Seligman,Adam B Oxford University Press 2014 9780199359479 (hardback) | 9780199359486 (paperback) xii, 238 pages ; UG Library
207.5 WOO 00125591 100 ideas for Teaching Religious Education Wood, Cavan. Continuum International Pub. Group, 2008 9781847062307 | 184706230X xi, 116 p. : UG Library
208 DON 05044928 The Norton anthology of world religions / Doniger, Wendy W W Norton & Company, 2015 9780393062533 | 0393062579 First edition. xxxi, 709 p. Knowledge Centre
208 JOH 08000622 CAD Fundamentals for Architecture / John, Elys Laurance King, 2013 9781780672823 208p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
208 LOP 05047965 The Norton anthology of world religions / Lopez, Donald S W W Norton & Company, 2015 9780393062533 (hardcover) First edition. 2 volumes : Knowledge Centre
208 MIL 07005278 The Norton anthology of world religions / W.W.Norton, 2015 9780393062533 (hardcover) First Edition. 2 volumes cm Library - BR Campus
208 MIL 05042191 The Norton anthology of world religions / W.W.Norton, 2015 9780393062533 (hardcover) First Edition. 2 volumes cm Knowledge Centre
208 MIL 05042192 The Norton anthology of world religions / W.W.Norton, 2015 9780393062533 (hardcover) First Edition. 2 volumes cm Knowledge Centre
208.2 WES 00120702 The Torah, the Gospel, and the Qur'an : Wessels, Antonie. 9780802869081 (pbk. : alk. pap xxi, 312 pages UG Library
208.4 BAB 01025888 Law, religion and love : Routledge, 2018 1138684562 | 9781138684560 (hb xix, 314 pages ; Knowledge Centre
208.46 KIM 00110027 Aging, Spirituality, and Religion Kimble, Melvin. Fortress Press, 1995 0800634187 | 9780800634186 | 0 xxiv, 637p. ; UG Library
209 P\5 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
209 K\3 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
209 BRE 05038355 Fundamentalism : Brekke, Torkel. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521766258 (hardback) | 052 xii, 291 p. ; Knowledge Centre
209 BUT 00002368 Christianity and History Butterfield, Herbert Collins Fontana 1967 189 p. : UG Library
209 CHA 00082410 Ways of Understanding the Human Past Chattopadhyaya, D P Imh Press 2003 8187586052 164p UG Library
209 MAT 00125023 Modern Religious and SecularMovements Mathew,John V Sceptre 2014 183p UG Library
209 MOA 00140565 Towards Understanding Modern Religious and Secular Movements in India / Moanungsang, Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485537 (HB) | 9789351485544 (PB) 417p UG Library
209 MOY 00143618 A Study on the Cultic Movements: Moyon, Ngoruw, Koningthung Omega Book World, 2020 9789389069648 431p UG Library
209 OLI 00110061 New Religious Movements Oliver, Paul. Continuum, 2012 9781441125538 (hbk.) | 1441125 vii, 183 p. ; UG Library
209 SMI 00040355 The Religions of Man Smiths, Huston Harper & Row 1958 xi; 371 p. UG Library
209.09045 ASH 05067591 A historical introduction to the study of new religious movements / Ashcraft, W. Michael. Routledge, 2018 9781138059887 (hardback : alk. paper) vii, 251p.; Knowledge Centre
209.5 PAT 00088093 Church in Asia Amidst the Many Poor and the Many Religious: A Study of Aloysius Pieris` Writings Patmury, Gloria Asian Trading Corporation 2008 8170864496 164p. UG Library
21 Q-1 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
210 BAO 04013590 The Future Of Post-Human Religion : Baofu Peter Viva Books, 2012 9788130919973 xv,492 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
210 BAO 05010932 The Future Of Post-Human Religion : Baofu Peter Viva Books, 2012 9788130919973 xv,492 p. : Knowledge Centre
210 BAY 00131829 Philosophy of religion : Bayne, Tim. Oxford University Press 2018 9780198754961 (pb : alk. paper) New product edition. 133p UG Library
210 BOS 00140981 The Oxford History of Hinduism : Oxford University Press; 2019 9780198846307 South Asia Edition 344 p. ; UG Library
210 BRO 00124164 Philosophy and the Christian Faith Brown,Colin Inter Varsity Press 1968 320p UG Library
210 CAH 00117618 Ten Essential Texts in the Philosophy of Religion : ed by, Cahn M. Steven Oxford University Press, 2005 0195171004 xiii, 512 p. ; UG Library
210 CAP 00117642 The religious / Caputo,John D Blackwell, 2002 0631211683 (alk. paper) | 0631 xiii, 322 p. ; UG Library
210 CHA 05042686 The Nyaya Theory of Knowledge : Chatterjee,Satischandra. Rupa Publications, 2015 9788129136770 xxii,423p.; Knowledge Centre
210 CLA 07014897 The philosophy of religion : Clack, Beverley, Polity, 2019 9781509516926 (hardback) | 9781509516933 (pbk.) 3 [edition]. ix,273p.: Library - BR Campus
210 COT 00124902 Philosophy of religion : Cottingham, John, Cambridge University Press 2014 9781107019430 (hardback13) | 9 xiv, 192 pages; UG Library
210 COT 00107912 The spiritual dimension Cottingham,John, Cambridge University Press, 2005 9780521604970 | 9780521604970 xii, 186 p. ; UG Library
210 CRA 05013923 Philosophy of Religion: A Reader and Guide [pg.Lib.Religion Section] Craig, William Lane 0748614621 634p Knowledge Centre
210 GLI 05007112 Patterns in philosophy and sociology of religions / Gligor,Mihaela Rawat Publications, 2011 8131603881 xvii, 235 p. : Knowledge Centre
210 GLI 05006528 Patterns in philosophy and sociology of religions / Gligor,Mihaela Rawat Publications, 2011 8131603881 xvii, 235 p. : Knowledge Centre
210 GLI 00107360 Patterns in philosophy and sociology of religions / Gligor,Mihaela Rawat Publications, 2011 8131603881 xvii, 235 p. : UG Library
210 GNA 00124915 Religion and Religious Interactions Gnanakan,Ken Theological Book Trust 2012 309p UG Library
210 GRA 05045848 Wittgenstein and natural religion / Graham, Gordon, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198713975 | 0198713975 First edition. xiii, 219 pages ; Knowledge Centre
210 HAR 00137973 Critical Realism and Spirituality Hartwig,Mervyn Routledge 2014 9781138798038 358p UG Library
210 HAS 00146541 Religion and Development in the Global South / Hasan, Rumy, Palgrave Macmillan 2020 9783319570631 1st ed. 2017. 225 pages UG Library
210 HUM 07015247 Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion / Hume David Alpha Editions, 2018 9789386874504 114p.: Library - BR Campus
210 HUM 00090225 Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion and the Natural History of Religion Hume, David Oxford 2008 9780199538324 218p UG Library
210 HUM 00090496 Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion and the Natural History of Religion Hume, David Oxford 2008 9780199538324 218p UG Library
210 JAM 00124908 Asian Concepts of Salvation James, Emmanuel E Theological Book Trust 2009 8174750614 214p UG Library
210 JAM 05055558 Racism, the Thorn in the Humanity's Peaceful Coexistence : Christian World Imprints, 2017 9789351482086 xxxvii,155p.; Knowledge Centre
210 JOR 07006822 Philosophy of religion : Jordan,Jeffery J Continuum, 2011 9781441109941 | 9781441192158 viii, 191 p. ; Library - BR Campus
210 JOR 00121177 Philosophy of religion : Jordan,Jeffery J Continuum, 2011 9781441109941 | 9781441192158 viii, 191 p. ; UG Library
210 KON 00131840 The Quest and The Question Joseph,Konickal Jeevalaya 2018 818766407X 300p UG Library
210 KVA 05006679 Oxford studies in philosophy of religion. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199603213 (hbk.) | 0199603 ix, 256 p. ; Knowledge Centre
210 LEW 00124906 Why philosophy matters for the study of religion - and vice versa Lewis, Thomas A., 9780198744740 | 0198744749 First edition. viii, 177 pages; UG Library
210 MAR 00118668 Jesus and the Gospels / Marsh, Clive. T & T Clark International, 2005 056704372X (pbk. : alk. paper) 127 p. ; UG Library
210 MAT 00085774 Logical and Ethical Issues: An Essay on Indian Philosophy of Religion Matilal, Bimal Krishna Chronical Book 2004 0818028011 187 p UG Library
210 MEI 05005081 The philosophy of religion reader / Routledge, 2008 9780415408905 | 0415408903 | 9 xvii, 718 p. : Knowledge Centre
210 MEI 05005076 The Routledge companion to philosophy of religion / Routledge, 2007 9780415435536 | 9780415380386 xx, 714 p. ; Knowledge Centre
210 MIT 00119720 God Made the Man and Man made the Gods Mittal, J.P. Peacock Books, 2010 9788124802304 xv:229p.; UG Library
210 MUL 05035103 Rammohan to Ramakrishna / Muller,F.Max. Rupa Publications, 2002 9788129100177 vii,184p.; Knowledge Centre
210 MUR 00084364 Introduction to the Phiosophy of Religion Michael, J 2008 9780521619554 291p UG Library
210 OPP 00136196 Naturalism and religion : Oppy, Graham, Routledge, 2018 9780815354642 (hardback) | 9780815354666 (pbk.) vi, 199 pages ; UG Library
210 OSH 07015477 Philosophia Perennis Series 2: Osho Penguin Random House India, 2017 9780143441472 336p.: Library - BR Campus
210 PET 05031787 Philosophy of Religion : Peterson,Michael Oxford university press, 1996 9780195135466 x;630 p. Knowledge Centre
210 PET 00087503 Reason & Religious Belief: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion Peterson, Michael 9780195335996 350 p UG Library
210 PET 00079623 Philosophy of religion Oxford University Press, 2007 0195188292 (pbk. : alk. paper) 3rd ed. viii; 648 p. ; UG Library
210 PET 00071545 Philosophy of Religion: Selected Readings: [ Dharmaram Library] Peterson, Michael 2004 0195188292 645p UG Library
210 PET 00082762 Dancing With the Sacred Evolution, Ecology, and God Peters, Karl E 2002 1563383934 171p UG Library
210 PRU 00121435 History of religion and philosophy in Ancient India Pruthi R K Commonwealth Publishers 2014 9788131104637 348p. UG Library
210 RUS 05031789 Russell on Religion / Russell, Bertrand Routledge, 2006 0415180929 261 p Knowledge Centre
210 SHA 00107911 The philosophy of religion Sharma,Arvind. Rupa & Co., 2007 9788129109057 x, 301 p. ; UG Library
210 SHA 05035221 The philosophy of religion Sharma,Arvind. Rupa & Co., 2007 9788129109057 x, 301 p. ; Knowledge Centre
210 SWE 00143645 Religion / Sweetman, Brendan. Continuum, 2007 9780826486264 (hbk.) | 9789386826787 | 0826486266 (hbk.) | 9780826486271 (pbk.) | 0826486274 (pbk.) viii, 172 p. ; UG Library
210 SWE 01016376 Religion / Sweetman, Brendan. Continuum, 2007 9780826486264 (hbk.) | 9789386826787 | 0826486266 (hbk.) | 9780826486271 (pbk.) | 0826486274 (pbk.) viii, 172 p. ; Knowledge Centre
210 TIM 00129646 Free will in philosophical theology / Timpe, Kevin, Bloomsbury 2015 9781441123312 (hbk.) | 1441123 x, 177 pages ; UG Library
210 WAI 00132745 Reason, revelation, and devotion : Wainwright, William J. Cambridge University Press 2016 9781107062405 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781107650367 (pbk. : alk. paper) 203pages UG Library
210 WAL 00127516 Agnosticism: Wall,James Kirk Iuniverse Inc. 2011 9781450287098 271p UG Library
210 WIL 00090724 Philosophy of Religion for AS Level Wilkinson, Michael B Continuum International Publishing Group 2009 9781847065407 127p UG Library
210 WIL 00090725 Philosophy of Religion for A2 Level Wilkinson, Michael B 2009 9780826422712 152p UG Library
210 WIL 00110069 Philosophy of Religion Wilkinson, Michael B. Continuum, 2010 9781441165183 (hbk.) | 9781441 x, 394 p. ; UG Library
210 YUL 00125022 Message of Religions Yulios,Geevarghese Sceptre 2016 221p UG Library
210 ZAC 00124914 Modern Religious and Secular Movements in India Zachariah,Aleyamma Theological Book Trust 2016 6 310p UG Library
210.1 SCH 05041816 Philosophy and the study of religions : Schilbrack, Kevin, 9781444330533 | 9781118393888 1 online resource (248 pages). Knowledge Centre
210.1 SCH 00132296 Philosophy and the study of religions : Schilbrack, Kevin, Wiley Blackwell 2014 9781444330526 (cloth) | 9781444330533 (pbk.) xx, 226 pages ; UG Library
210.1 UNG 00135866 The Religion of the Future Unger,Roberto Mangabeira Verso 2014 9781784787301 468p UG Library
210.14 YEL 00130298 Semiotics of religion : Yelle, Robert A. Continuum International Pub. Group, 2012 9781441142825 | 9781441104199 242p UG Library
210.3 QUI 00085959 Philosophy of Religion A-Z Quinn, Patrick 2005 0074862211 246 p UG Library
210.3 TAL 00117653 A dictionary of philosophy of religion Taliaferro, Charles Continuum, 2010 9781441111975 (pbk.) xxx, 286 p. ; UG Library
210.3 TAL 00117563 A dictionary of philosophy of religion / Taliaferro,Charles Continuum, 2010 9781441111975 (pbk.) | 9781441 xxx, 286 p. ; UG Library
210.3 VAN 07006824 Key terms in philosophy of religion VanArragon, Raymond J. Continuum, 2010 viii, 158 p. Library - BR Campus
210.5 KVA 05011512 Oxford studies in Philosophy of Religion / Kvanvig, Jonathan L Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199542659 viii, 254 p. Knowledge Centre
210.92 BRY 01023468 The religious philosophy of Roger Scruton / Bryson, James Bloomsbury publishing pic., 2016 9781474251327 | 9781474251334 xxiii,273p.; Knowledge Centre
210.92 MIC 00105582 Kant and the problem of God Michalson, Gordon E., Blackwell Publishers, 1999 0631212191 (alk. paper) | 0631 xi, 196 p. ; UG Library
210.92 ROS 07013590 The Ethical Commonwealth in History : Rossi Philip.J Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108438636 64p.: Library - BR Campus
210.92 SHA 00125059 Derrida and theology Shakespeare, Steven, T & T Clark, 2009 xi, 233 p. UG Library
210.92 YOU 00125047 Nietzsche's philosophy of religion/ Young, Julian. Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521854229 (hardback) | 052168 xii, 230 p.; UG Library
210.922 HEN 00108209 The Reconstruction Of Religion Henriksen,Olav-Jan William B. Eeadmans Publishing Company 2001 0802849227x x; 208 p. UG Library
210.922 HEN 00093017 The reconstruction of religion : Henriksen, Jan-Olav. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 080284927X (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 208 p. ; UG Library
210.922 OLA 05004118 The reconstruction of religion : Henriksen, Jan-Olav. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2001 080284927X (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 208 p. ; Knowledge Centre
210.92241 WIE 00088019 God and the Reach of Reason Wielenberg, Erik J 2008 9780521707107 243p UG Library
210.92TOU 01009699 Nietzsche`s Philosophy of Religion(law Lib) Julian Young Cambridge University Press 9780521681049 230p Knowledge Centre
210.954 MOH 05002454 Foundations of the Composite Culture in India/ Mohamed, Malik Aakar Books, 2007 9788189833183 496p.: Knowledge Centre
210CRA 01009387 Philosophy of Religion: A Reader and Guide Lane William Craig Rutgers University Press 634 Knowledge Centre
210MUR 01010469 Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion (law Lib) Michael J Murray Cambridge University Press 9780521619554 291p Knowledge Centre
211 J\5 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
211 L-1 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
211 M\2 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
211 ARM 00119294 The case for God / Armstrong, Karen, Knopf, 2009 9780307269188 1st ed. xviii, 406 p. ; UG Library
211 BEH 00080502 God, Intelligent Design & Fine-Tuning Behe, Michael J. Bhaktivedanta Institute 2005 8189635018 | 9788189635015 58 p. UG Library
211 BHA 00081080 Code Name God:The Spiritual Odyssey of a Man of Science Bhaumik, Mani 2006 0144001039 222p UG Library
211 BOW 00119263 God : Bowker, John. 9780198708957 (pbk.) 135pages cm UG Library
211 BRO 00140973 Krishna's Lineage : Oxford University Press; 2019 9780197508039 South Asia Edition 420 p. ; UG Library
211 BYR 00073429 God Byrne, James Continuum 2001 0826451691 xiv; 170 p. UG Library
211 CHO 00064740 How to Know God Chopra, Deepak 2000 0712605487 306p UG Library
211 GUE 05041692 God Revised: Guengerich,Gallen. Palgrave Macmllan, 2013 9781137464644 xi,227 p.; Knowledge Centre
211 KAC 00091843 God of Love : Kachappilly, Kurian Dharmaram, 2000 8186861432 250 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
211 KAC 05031753 God of Love : Kachappilly, Kurian Dharmaram, 2000 8186861432 250 p Knowledge Centre
211 KAC 00053979 God of Love : Kachappilly, Kurian Dharmaram, 2000 8186861432 250 p UG Library
211 KAC 00084481 God of Love : Kachappilly, Kurian Dharmaram, 2000 8186861432 250 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
211 KOV 00029309 Gods, Demons and Spirits Kovoor, T Abraham Jaico Publishing House 1987 259 p. : UG Library
211 KOV 00029310 Begone Godmen: Encounters With Spiritual Fraunds Kovoor, T Abraham Bby 1986 1 UG Library
211 KRO 00144140 After Disbelief : Kronman, Anthony T Yale university press, 2022 9780300259926 176p,; UG Library
211 MAI 04009672 On God : Mailer, Norman. Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2008 0812979400 (pbk.) | 9780812979 Random House trade pbk ed. xv, 215 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
211 MAI 03007509 On God : Mailer, Norman. Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2008 0812979400 (pbk.) | 9780812979 Random House trade pbk ed. xv, 215 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
211 MAN 00079835 Belief in God:And Introduction to the Philosophy of Religon Mawson, T J Oxford Univeristy Press 2005 269p UG Library
211 PEE 00145906 Life Without God: Peels, Rik Cambridge University Press 2023 9781009297776 200p UG Library
211 SCR 00117682 The face of God Scruton, Roger. Continuum, 2012 9781847065247 (hbk.) | 1847065 x, 186 p. : UG Library
211 SIN 00080500 God Is a Person Singh,T. D. Bhaktivedanta Institute 2006 8189635034 | 9788189635039 114 p. UG Library
211 SIN 00080506 Reality Of God's Existence Singh, T. D. Bhaktivedanta Institute 2006 8189635050 | 9788189635053 59 p. UG Library
211 SMA 00111503 Atheism and theism / Smart, J. J. C. Blackwell Pub., 2003 0631232583 (alk. paper) | 0631 2nd ed. xiii, 270 p. ; UG Library
211 STO 00072187 Names of God [dharmaram Library] Stone, Nathan OM BOOKS 2004 8173621594 159 UG Library
211 TOL 04024227 Kingdom of God and Peace Essays Tolstoy, Leo Rupa & Co 2001 8171675158 xii; 544 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
211 TOL 00052505 Kingdom of God and Peace Essays Tolstoy, Leo Rupa & Co 2001 8171675158 xii; 544 p. UG Library
211 VEN 00112089 Sneham Bibilil Vengaloor C.M.I S,Vengaloor. C,M,I, 78 p.: UG Library
211 WAR 00136800 God and the philosophers Ward, Keith, Fortress Press, 2009 9780800663513 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0800663519 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1st Fortress Press ed. 153 p. ; UG Library
211.09 DOM 00136191 A history of the concept of God : Dombrowski, Daniel A., State University of New York Press, 2016 9781438459370 (hardcover : alk. paper) vi, 273 pages ; UG Library
211.092 DOM 00073870 Analytic Theism, Hartshorne, and the Concept of God (dharmaram Library) Dombrowski, Daniel A 1996 0791431002 247p UG Library
211.3 KAC 00044536 God of Love Revisited Kachappilly C M I, Kurian Dharmaram 1998 8186861076 xvii; 324 p. UG Library
211.3 KAC 00044537 God of Love Revisited Kachappilly C M I, Kurian Dharmaram 1998 8186861076 xvii; 324 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
211.3 TAL 05044659 The image in mind : Taliaferro, Charles. Continuum, 2011 9781847064820 | 9781441167798 vii, 213 p. : Knowledge Centre
211.4 RUS 00092096 Why i am not a christian Russell, Bertrand Routledge Press 9780415325103 223p UG Library
211.4 VEL 04012485 Death And Transcendence Velassery Sebastian Overseas Press India Pvt.Ltd. 9788188938222 243p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
211.4 Vel 00094041 Death And Transcendence Velassery Sebastian Overseas Press India Pvt.Ltd. 9788188938222 243p UG Library
211.40954 QUA 05017330 Disenchanting India : Quack, Johannes. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199812608 (hardcover : alk xvii, 362 p. : Knowledge Centre
211.6 BER 00148207 Secularism : Berlinerblau, Jacques Routledge, 2024 9781032596822 Second edition. x,248p. ; UG Library
211.6 BER 00142530 Secularism : Berlinerblau, Jacques, Routledge, 2022 9780367691578 | 9780367691585 viii,210p.; UG Library
211.6 BIL 05046645 Secularism, identity, and enchantment / Bilgrami, Akeel, Prmanent black, 2015 9788178244716 xiii, 397 pages ; Knowledge Centre
211.6 BOY 00073904 Who Are We Now:Christian Humanism and the Global Market from Hegel to Heaney (dharmaram Library) Boyle, Nicholas 1998 0567087263 348p UG Library
211.6 CAL 00107397 Rethinking secularism Calhoun,Craig Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199796687(pbk. : alk. pape ix, 311 p. : UG Library
211.6 CAL 05010313 Rethinking secularism Calhoun,Craig Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199796687(pbk. : alk. pape ix, 311 p. : Knowledge Centre
211.6 COP 00144132 Understanding humanism / Copson, Andrew Routledge, 2023 9780367506049 | 9780367506056 217p.; UG Library
211.6 COP 05072723 Secularism : Copson, Andrew. Oxford University press , 2019 9780198747222 xviii, 139 p. ; Knowledge Centre
211.6 DHY 05031759 Secularism : Dhyani, S N Rawat, 1996 236 p Knowledge Centre
211.6 FOW 00117629 Humanism : Fowler, Jeaneane D. Sussex Academic Press, 1999 1898723702 (pbk. : alk. paper) 347 p. ; UG Library
211.6 GEL 07010519 Religion, Secularism, and Ethnicity in Contemporary Nepal / Oxford University Press 2016 9780199467723 xiii,491p.; Library - BR Campus
211.6 GEL 05047178 Religion, Secularism, and Ethnicity in Contemporary Nepal / Oxford University Press 2016 9780199467723 xiii,491p.; Knowledge Centre
211.6 GRA 00125182 The God argument : Grayling, A. C. Bloomsbury 2013 9781408837405 | 1408837404 x, 269 p.; UG Library
211.6 GRA 05042782 The God argument : Grayling, A. C. Bloomsbury, 2013 9781408837436 x, 269 pages ; Knowledge Centre
211.6 IFP 00096275 Cultural traditions and the idea of secularization Central for studies in civilizations 8121508762 136 p UG Library
211.6 KHU 00072020 Love Them Loathe Them: [dharmaram Library] Khushwant Singh Imprint One 2000 8188861014 96p UG Library
211.6 KUR 05002448 Multi-secularism : Kurtz, Paul, Transaction Publishers, 9781412814195 p. cm. Knowledge Centre
211.6 KUR 05041656 Multi-secularism : Kurtz, Paul, Transaction Publishers, 2010 9781412852777 viii, 263 p. ; Knowledge Centre
211.6 NAN 05031757 The Wrongs of the Religious Right : Nanda, Meera Three Essays, 2005 8188789305 118 p Knowledge Centre
211.6 PIN 00142998 Humanism: Pinn, Anthony B Bloomsbury 2022 9789389351699 174p UG Library
211.6 PRA 00133381 Indian Model of Secularism: Prakash,Tej Global Publications 2018 9789383181858 272p UG Library
211.6 SHA 01006527 Secularism and Ayodhya Politics in India(law Lib) Jyoti Sharma Deep & Deep Publications Pvt.Ltd. 8176299936 466p Knowledge Centre
211.6 SHO 00050276 Secular Agenda Shourie, Arun Harper Collins 2000 8172232586 xi; 376 p. UG Library
211.6 ZAH 05031758 Secularism, Communalism and the Intellectuals / Zaheer, Baber Three Essays, 2000 8188789283 98 p Knowledge Centre
211.6068 UBE 00075410 Managing Secularism in the New Millenium Uberoi, N K Excel Books 2000 8174461930 xiii; 124 p UG Library
211.6068 UBE 00074792 Managing Secularism in the New Millenium Uberoi, N K Excel Books 2000 8174461930 xiii; 124 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
211.609 KAT 01015581 Religion and the political imagination / Cambridge University Press, 9780521766548 (hardback) | 052 ix, 383 p. ; Knowledge Centre
211.60954 AIJ 05031777 On Communalism and Globalisation : Aijaz, Ahmed Three Essays, 2004 8188789151 117 p Knowledge Centre
211.60954 CHA 00140311 Republic of religion : Chandrachud, Abhinav, Penguin Books 2020 9780670092451 | 0670092452 xxiv, 284 pages ; UG Library
211.60954 GOD 00125176 Secularism Godbole,Madhav Rupa Publications 2016 9788129137623 429p UG Library
211.60954 NAN 05031776 Wrongs of the Religious Right : Nanda, Meera Three Essays, 2005 8188789313 118 p Knowledge Centre
211.60954NEE 01007423 CRISIS OF SECULARISM IN INDIA(LAW LIBRARY) Anuradha Dingwaney Needham Permanent Black 8178241943 411p Knowledge Centre
211.60973 KAH 01024119 Race and secularism in America / Kahn, Jonathon Samuel, Columbia univeristy press, 2016 9780231174909 (cloth : alk. pa vi, 277 pages ; Knowledge Centre
211.6BAB 01002990 Secularism, Communalism and the Intellectuals (law Lib) Zaheer Baber Three Essays Collective 8188789283 99p Knowledge Centre
211.6BHA 01006888 Secularism and Its Critics (law Lib) Rajeev Bhargava Oxford University Press 0195650271 550p Knowledge Centre
211.6BHA 01006889 Secularism and Its Critics (law Lib) Rajeev Bhargava Oxford University Press 0195650271 550p Knowledge Centre
211.6BHA 01003291 Secularism and Its Critics (law Lib) Rajeev Bhargava Oxford University Press 0195650271 550p Knowledge Centre
211.6CHA 01003179 Beyond Secularism the Rights of Religious Minorities (law Lib) Neera Chandhoke Oxford University Press 0000195639 321p Knowledge Centre
211.6COS 01006939 Secularism`s Last Sigh? (law Lib) Brenda Cossman Oxford University Press 0000195685 190p Knowledge Centre
211.6COS 01003244 Secularism`s Last Sigh? (law Lib) Brenda Cossman Oxford University Press 0000195685 190p Knowledge Centre
211.6DHY 01000022 Secularism (law Library) S N Dhyani Yrawat 235p Knowledge Centre
211.6GHA 01009803 Does God Believe in Human Rights? : Essays on Religion and Human Rights (law Lib) Nazila Ghanea Koninklijke Brill 9789004152540 272p Knowledge Centre
211.6JAC 01003939 Wheel of Law: India`s Secularism in Comparative Constitutional Context (law Lib) Gary Jeffrey Jacobsohn Oxford University Press 0195667247 324p Knowledge Centre
211.6JAC 01006915 Wheel of Law: India`s Secularism in Comparative Constitutional Context (law Lib) Gary Jeffrey Jacobsohn Oxford University Press 0195667247 324p Knowledge Centre
211.6JAC 01006916 Wheel of Law: India`s Secularism in Comparative Constitutional Context (law Lib) Gary Jeffrey Jacobsohn Oxford University Press 0195667247 324p Knowledge Centre
211.6JAC 01003332 Wheel of Law: India`s Secularism in Comparative Constitutional Context (law Lib) Gary Jeffrey Jacobsohn Oxford University Press 0195667247 324p Knowledge Centre
211.6JAC 01006917 Wheel of Law: India`s Secularism in Comparative Constitutional Context (law Lib) Gary Jeffrey Jacobsohn Oxford University Press 0195667247 324p Knowledge Centre
211.6MAD 01003721 Modern Myths, Locked Minds Secularism and Fundamentalism in India (law Lib) T N Madan Oxford University Press 0195647076 323p Knowledge Centre
211.6MAD 01003346 Modern Myths, Locked Minds Secularism and Fundamentalism in India (law Lib) T N Madan Oxford University Press 0195647076 323p Knowledge Centre
211.7 HOW 00124551 Objecting to God Howson, Colin. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521768351 | 9780521186650 xi, 220 p. ; UG Library
211.8 ANT 00101910 Philosophers Without Gods : Antony, Louise M Oxford University Press, 9780199743414 xv, 315 p. UG Library
211.8 BAG 01016391 Atheism : Baggini, Julian. Oxford University Press, 2003 0192804243 | 9780192804242 119 p. : Knowledge Centre
211.8 BAG 00102124 Atheism : Baggini, Julian. Oxford University Press, 0192804243 119 p. : UG Library
211.8 BAY 05046797 Atheist mind, humanist heart : Bayer, Lex, Rowman and Littlefield, 2014 9781442236790 (cloth : alk. pa x, 178p.; Knowledge Centre
211.8 BUL 00118825 The Oxford Handbook of Atheism / edited by Stephen Bullivant Oxford University Press, 2013 0199644659 | 9780199644650 First edition. xvi, 763 pa,; UG Library
211.8 DAW 05057076 The God delusion / Dawkins, Richard, Penguin, 2016 9781784161927 471p.; Knowledge Centre
211.8 DAW 00109454 The God delusion Dawkins, Richard, Black Swan 2006 9780552774291 463 p. UG Library
211.8 DAW 00141389 Outgrowing God: Dawkins,Richard Black Swan 2020 9781784164201 293p UG Library
211.8 DAW 01011783 The God delusion Dawkins, Richard, Bantam Press. 2006 0593055489 (hbk) | 0593058259 406 p. ; Knowledge Centre
211.8 LED 05059185 The evolution of atheism : LeDrew, Stephen, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780190225179 x, 262 pages ; Knowledge Centre
211.8 MAR 00127929 Atheism, morality, and meaning / Martin, Michael, Prometheus Books, 2002 1573929875 (alk. paper) 330 p. ; UG Library
211.8 ONF 00110221 Atheist Manifesto Onfray, Michel, Arcade Pub. : | Distributed by Hachette Book Group, 2007 9781559708203 (alk. paper) | 1 1st English-language ed. xvi, 219 p. ; UG Library
211.8 STE 00125571 The future of atheism : Stewart,Robert B Fortress Press, 2008 9780800663148 (alk. paper) | 0 xvii, 212 p. ; UG Library
211.809 SPE 05044686 Atheists : Spencer, Nick, Bloomsbury, 2014 9781472902962 (hbk.) | 1472902 xxi, 298 pages ; Knowledge Centre
211KAR 00081081 Battle for God:A History of Fundamentalism Karen Armstrong 0345391691 442p UG Library
211WAR 00079818 God : Ward, Keith. Oneworld Publishers, 2007 9781851683239 | 1851683232 264 p.: UG Library
212 ANA 05056432 Voice of the soul / Anahat Harmeet Kaur; 2017 xxi, 58p. Knowledge Centre
212 LEV 00138694 Of God who comes to mind Lévinas, Emmanuel. Stanford University Press, 1998 0804730938 (cloth : alk. paper) | 0804730946 (pbk. : alk. paper) 2nd ed. xv, 211 p. ; UG Library
212.1 CRA 00136896 The Kalam Cosmological Argument / Craig,Lane William. Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2000 9781579104382 216p.; UG Library
212.1 EVA 00128004 Natural Signs and Knowledge of God : Evans, C. Stephen. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199661077 (pbk.) | 0199661 x, 207 ; UG Library
212.1 EVE 00087984 Non Existence of God Everitt, Nicholas 2004 0415301076 326p UG Library
212.1 LAY 00134675 Letters to Doubting Thomas: Layman,C Stephen Oxford University Press 2007 019530814X 278p UG Library
212.1 LEV 00147092 Proofs of God : Levering, Matthew, Baker Academic 2016 9780801097560 (pbk.) x, 246 pages ; UG Library
212.1 TUR 00138679 Faith, Reason, and the Existence of God Turner, Denys, Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521841615 | 0521602564 (pbk.) xix, 271 p. ; UG Library
212.2 DAN 00111504 briefly:Anselm's Proslogion Daniel,David Mills SCM Press 2006 0334040388 74p UG Library
212.52 KRI 05031765 The First and Last Freedom / Krishnamurti, J Krishnamurti Foundation, 2006 8187326417 264 p Knowledge Centre
212.6 KEL 00144150 Religious Revelation / Kellenberger,James Palgrave macmillan, 2021 9783030538712 x,88p,; UG Library
212.6 MEN 00087960 Agnostic Inquirer Menssen, Sandra 2008 9780802803948 330p UG Library
212.6 PAN 00080066 Absolute Revelation and Universal Religion Pandiappallil, Joseph. Peter Lang, 2006 082047780X (pbk.) | 9780820477 433 p. ; UG Library
212.7 PRA 22001559 Ancient Wisdom Modern Insights/ Pradeep Kumar, A D NK Centre for Educational Studies 8175255048 244p Knowledge Centre
212.7 PRA 00080979 Ancient Wisdom Modern Insights/ Pradeep Kumar, A D NK Centre for Educational Studies 8175255048 244p UG Library
213 S-4 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
213 MID 00096600 Evolution as a Religion Midgley, Mary Routledge Classics, 9780415278333 212 p. UG Library
213 BHA 00147329 Evolution : Bhattacharyya, Somnath CRC Press, 2024 9781032301181 First edition. xvii,185p. ; UG Library
213 HOR 00117625 Understanding religion and science Barnes, Michael Horace. Continuum, 2010 9781441118165 | 1441118160 | 9 vi, 308 p. ; UG Library
213 OLE 00123025 By design or by chance? O'Leary, Denyse. Augsburg Books, 2004 0806651776 (alk. paper) xiii, 337 p ; UG Library
213 PER 00003697 Origins; Pereira, Lancelot, Pontifical Athenaeum, 1964 viii, 294 p. UG Library
213 VEL 00146862 The mystery of the triune God and some of the resonance in creation/ Veliath, Dominic Theological Publications in India 2022 9788195234936 158p UG Library
213.53 HUR 00000126 Humsresque Hurst, Fannie World 320 UG Library
213.72 AUG 00093806 The City of God Augustine The Modern Library 9780679783190 903P UG Library
214 P\12 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
214 BAR 00135118 Theodicy and eschatology Barber,Bruce ATF Press, 2005 1920691227 (pbk.) xix, 212 p. ; UG Library
215 P\6 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
215 R\11 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
215 HAG 03003160 Finger Prints of God : Hagerty, Barbara Bradley. Riverhead Books, 2009 9781594488771 323 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
215 ACZ 05048321 Why science does not disprove God / Aczel, Amir D., HarperCollins Publishers, 2014 9780062230591 (trade) | 006223 First edition. viii, 294 pages : Knowledge Centre
215 ALE 00110937 Beyond Belief Alexander,Denis Lion Hudson Plc 2004 9780745951416 219p UG Library
215 CHO 07005682 Is God an illusion? : Chopra, Deepak. Rider, 2011 9781846043055 (pbk.) xix, 315 pages : Library - BR Campus
215 COL 03007797 Tha Language of God: Collins, Francis S Free Press, 2006 9781416542742 305p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
215 COL 04003728 Tha Language of God: Collins, Francis S Free Press, 2006 9781416542742 305p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
215 DEL 00122311 From Teilhard to Omega Delio,Ilia Theological Publications in India 2014 9789386163175 263p UG Library
215 ECK 01017207 Science vs. religion : Ecklund, Elaine Howard. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195392982 (alk. paper) : | xi, 228 p. ; Knowledge Centre
215 GIB 00089511 Oracles of Science: Celebrity Scientists Versus God and Religion Giberson, Karl 2007 9780195386189 273p UG Library
215 GRE 00147793 Philosophy of Science and Religion/ Grey, Janus Venus Books, 2024 9788119920051 viii,264p. ; UG Library
215 GRI 00109774 God Grinde, Bjorn, Darwin Press, 2011 9780878501847 | 9780878501847 xi, 221 p. : UG Library
215 GRI 00122048 Beyond the God delusion : Grigg, Richard, Fortress Press, 2008 9780800662721 (pbk. : alk. pap ix, 150 p. ; UG Library
215 KAU 00117631 Reinventing the Sacred : Kauffman, Stuart A. Basic Books, 2008 9780465003006 (alk. paper) | 0 xiii, 320 p. : UG Library
215 KAU 03007723 Reinventing the Sacred : Kauffman, Stuart A. Basic Books, 2008 9780465003006 (alk. paper) | 0 xiii, 320 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
215 KAU 04015627 Reinventing the Sacred : Kauffman, Stuart A. Basic Books, 2008 9780465003006 (alk. paper) | 0 xiii, 320 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
215 MAR 00133772 The Genesis of Life Marshall,Alan Xulon Press 2014 9781628716184 142p UG Library
215 MOR 00111706 Science and religion : Morvillo, Nancy. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 9781405189668 (hardcover : alk vii, 358 p. : UG Library
215 PAM 07009029 Mastery meets mystery : Pamplany,Augustine Serials Publications, 2016 9788183877626 (hardback) | 818 xix, 479 pages : Library - BR Campus
215 PIC 00135130 Science Religion Dialogue and Its Contemporary Significance Pichalakkattu,Binoy ATC Publications 2018 9789386516350 334p UG Library
215 RAN 05031786 Human Being in Depth : Walker, Janet A State University of New York Press, 1991 0790406792 159 p Knowledge Centre
215 STE 05040147 Quantum gods : Stenger, Victor J., Prometheus Books, 2009 9781591027133 (cloth : alk. pa 292 p. : Knowledge Centre
215 SWE 00117610 Religion and science Sweetman, Brendan Continuum, 2010 9781847060143 | 9781847060150 viii, 232 p. ; UG Library
215 SWE 05039472 Religion and science: Sweetman, Brendan. Continuum, 2010 9781847060143 (hbk.) | 9781847 viii, 232 p. ; Knowledge Centre
215 THA 03012120 Mathematics in Religion : Thakur, Rajesh Kumar. Roopa Publications, 2016 9788129142030 153 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
215 THA 00125569 Mathematics in Religion : Thakur, Rajesh Kumar. Roopa Publications, 2016 9788129142030 153 p.: UG Library
215 WAR 04008416 Pascal's fire : Ward, Keith, Oneworld, 2006 9781851684465 xiv, 270 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
215.6 POD 00107604 Mariology Of The East Podipara Placid J. Oriental Institute Of Religious Studies 50 P. UG Library
215.7 GOU 04015634 Rocks of ages : Gould, Stephen Jay Ballantine Books, 1999 9780345450401 241 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
216 X-5 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
218 Q-5 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
218 HOH 00125017 Embracing The Household of God Ho, Huang Po Sceptre 2014 181p UG Library
218 PAN 00092885 Religious beliefs, superstitions and wittgenstein Pandey K C Readworthy 9789380009216 294p UG Library
22 F-4 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
22 X-3 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
22 X-4 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
22 KRI 00017457 Organization & Admin of College Libraries Krishna, S H 1975 1 UG Library
22 MOZ 00141205 The Beginnings of Christian Theology Mozley, J K TheCambridge University Press 2016 9781316619902 137p UG Library
22 SHA 00017267 Library Building and Furniture Sharma H D, 1972 1 UG Library
22.09034 STA 01007996 Empire of Books / Stark, Ulrike Permanent Black , 2007 Indigenous Responses to Print 586p. Knowledge Centre
220 ALD 00140497 Psalms Alden,Robert L Moody Publishers 2019 9780802419040 335p UG Library
220 ALL 00121074 All the names in the Bible. 9780529106506 | 0529106507 xlii, 749 pages ; UG Library
220 ANT 00140051 Gospel Tales for Today Antony,Joe M A Claretian Publications 2020 9788189851804 175p UG Library
220 BAL 00013487 Living Bible Ballou, Robert O Macmillan 1982 1 UG Library
220 BIB 00145121 Bible (Youth Bible) / Asian Trading Corporation, 2022 9789391399412 409 p. ; UG Library
220 BIB 00003695 Holy Bible Nelson, 260 p UG Library
220 BRU 00121093 The Origin of the Bible Bruce,F F Authentic 2015 9789383691678 331p UG Library
220 BRW 00068289 Bible Makes Sense Brueggemann, Walter 1997 0884890872 155p UG Library
220 BUC 00012377 Story of Bible. Buck, Pearl S Signet 1974 180 p UG Library
220 CAT 00117396 Catholic Women's Devotional Bible Zondervan 1991 1797p UG Library
220 CHA 00140566 A Biblical Masala : Encountering Diversity in Indian Biblical Studies / Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485469 390 p. ; UG Library
220 CHR 00004628 Holy Bible Gideons, 1984 1108 p UG Library
220 CHR 00004629 Holy Bible Gideons, 1984 1108 p UG Library
220 COG 00015665 English Bible Coggan, Donald David Mckay 1973 46 p UG Library
220 COU 00140011 Jon Courson's application commentary : Courson, Jon. Nelson Reference & Electronic, 2006 9781418501471 v. <2> ; UG Library
220 DAS 05031729 BIBLE : Silva, William Pragathi Press, 1997 2158 p Knowledge Centre
220 DSL 00068911 Bible (Konkani) Silva, William PRAGATI PRESS 1997 2138p UG Library
220 EVE 00133014 Everyday Matters Bible for Women Hendrickson Publishers 2012 9781619701359 1603p UG Library
220 FAR 00002363 Short Bible Farrer, Austin Longman 1956 189 p UG Library
220 GER 00145740 T&T Clark Handbook of the Old Testament Gertz, Jan Christian Bloomsbury , 2023 9789356404984 840p UG Library
220 GID 01010120 Holy Bible (law Lib) Gideons Lawyers & Judges Publishing Company 1217p Knowledge Centre
220 GID 00016758 Holy Bible Gideons, 1982 1108 UG Library
220 GRU 00143663 Understanding Scripture: Grudem, Wayne Omega Book World, 2012 9788193700853 203p UG Library
220 HAH 00140181 Scripture matters : Hahn, Scott. Emmaus Road Pub., 2003 1931018170 xiv, 191 p. ; UG Library
220 HOL 00142252 The Apologetics Study Bible for Students Holman Bible Publishers 2009 9781434614835 1408p UG Library
220 HOW 00143621 An Introduction to the Old Testament Historical Books Howard, David M, Jr. Omega Book World, 2019 9788194042556 450p UG Library
220 HUG 00072121 Cover to Cover Through the Bible as It Happened [dharmaram Library] Hughes, Selwyn CWR, Waverly Abbey House 1999 1853451363 366 UG Library
220 HUN 00134459 100 Bible topics made plain & simple Hunt, Marvin. Spruce Street Pub., 2008 9780970323637 (pbk.) 256 p. : UG Library
220 HUR 03003710 Christian Community Bible / Grigab, Patricia. Claretian Publications , 2010 9789710511513 1948 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
220 JOH 00140131 Bible Vijnanakosam John,E C Theological Literature Council 2017 1123p UG Library
220 KAR 00141250 A Guide to Bible Study / Karimattam, Michael Media House; 2020 9789388989756 134 p. ; UG Library
220 KEN 00030908 Bible Stories David Kent, Galley Press 1085 93 UG Library
220 KIN 00064767 Holy Bible: New Kind James Version King James Indian Social Institute 2000 532p UG Library
220 KUT 00148137 Exploring the Themes in the Gospel of John / Kuttiyanikkal, Cyril Christian World Imprints, 2024 9789395457859 265p UG Library
220 LAL 00139682 Zairema's approach to the Bible : Laldintluanga,H. Christian World Imprints; 2020 9789351484943 (HB) 118 p. ; UG Library
220 LAL 00139686 Socio-economic parables in Luke : Lalfakmawia, H. Joseph. Christian World Imprints; 2020 9789351484868 (HB) 420 p. ; UG Library
220 LIO 01015257 The Holy Bible / Lion heart books Pvt, 9781592233557 xxvi,875p.; Knowledge Centre
220 MAT 00068314 Thenum Paalum Mattam, Kurian Media House 2004 8174951199 123p UG Library
220 MCC 05044351 Let Nothing Trouble You : McCaffrey Eugene The Columba Press, 2015 9781782182191 136p.: Knowledge Centre
220 MCG 00034852 Communicating the Word of God Wijngaards, J N M IPI 1980 514 p UG Library
220 MIL 00148157 The Oral World of the Old Testament: Miller II, Robert Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485551 78p UG Library
220 MOO 00143624 Bible Characters Moody, Dwight Lyman Omega Book World, 2019 9789389069327 338p UG Library
220 MOR 00137200 100 Bible Versus Morgan,Robert J B and H Publishing Group 2010 9781433689451 270p UG Library
220 NEW 00112820 The Expanded Bible/ Longman, Tremper Thomson Nelson 2009 608p UG Library
220 PET 00139898 The Message Peterson, Eughen H Claretian 2013 1978p UG Library
220 PET 00129483 The Message Peterson, Eughen H Claretian 2013 1978p UG Library
220 POR 05002633 Illustrated Guide to the Bible Porter, J R Duncan Baird Publishers 1900131005 288p Knowledge Centre
220 RAW 00139665 Parables as a mode of agrarian-resistance : Rawsea, L.H. Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485155 324 p. ; UG Library
220 RUD 00121078 Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia Rudolph,W Württembergische Bibelanstalt, 1976 3438052148 1574p UG Library
220 SIN 00089793 Holy Bible and the Scriptures of the World: A Presentation of the Quintessence of the Universal Teachings Singh, Manmohan International Open Institiute of World Religion 2007 8190197800 136p. UG Library
220 SOC 00135121 Understanding the Sriptures Socias,James Midwest Theological Forum 2004 9781936045129 332p UG Library
220 VAD 00121783 Socio critical sayings of amos Vadackumkara,Thomas Theological Publications in India 2015 9789383163236 397p UG Library
220 VAR 00139688 Inheritance and resistance : Varkey, Mothy. Christian World Imprints; 2020 9789351484677 (HB) 116 p. ; UG Library
220 WIJ 00034851 Background to the Gospels Wijngaards, J N M Tpi 1985 340 p UG Library
220 WIN 00120879 The Bible Made Clear Winter,David Lion Hudson 2008 9780745952734 160p UG Library
220 WOL 00143622 An Introduction to the Old Testament Pentateuch Wolf, Herbert Omega Book World, 2019 9788194042525 332p UG Library
220 WRI 00145853 Why the Bible Began Wright, Jacob L Cambridge University Press 2023 9781108490931 482p UG Library
220 YOU 00142233 Young's Analytical concordance to the Bible Young,Robert Hendrickson Publishers 2011 9781565638105 1090p UG Library
220 YOU 00135127 Bible: ATC Publications 2017 9789386516695 439p UG Library
220.0202 HUN 00101112 The Ultimate Bible Outline Book ; Hunt,John AMG Pub; 9780899571058 905 p. UG Library
220.03 LEO 00092789 Dictionary of Biblical theology. Leon-Dufour, Xavier, Burns & oates xxix, 617 p. UG Library
220.03BRO 00071539 Oxofrd Dictionary of the Bible: [dharmaram Library] Browning, W R F 0019860890 493p UG Library
220.04 POO 00081013 Bible in Stamps Poonolly, Cherian Cherry Books 1993 43p UG Library
220.046 DAL 00132284 Apocalyptic thought in early Christianity Daly j,Robert Baker Academic ; | Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2009 9780801036279 (pbk.) | 0801036275 (pbk.) 303 p. : UG Library
220.046 MUR 00134500 Apocalypticism in the Bible and its world : Murphy, Frederick James. Baker Academic, 2012 9780801039782 (pbk.) xviii, 429 p. : UG Library
220.07 BIB 00121252 Bible Quiz Pauline Publication 1989 81-7176003-1 70p UG Library
220.07 CHI 00134059 Tough Times Chip Authetic 2014 9781860246371 104p UG Library
220.07 ESS 00118054 The essential Bible handbook. Abingdon Press, 2009 9781426700590 (hardback : alk. xliii, 800 p. : UG Library
220.07 HOY 00134779 The judgment seat of Christ : Hoyt, Samuel L. Grace Gospel Press, 2011 9780979963711 (pbk.) | 0979963710 (pbk.) 226 p. ; UG Library
220.07 KAR 00120661 Biblical Treasures Kariamadam, Paul Carmel International Publishing House 2013 9789380483481 255p UG Library
220.07 LAN 00134478 The Complete Book of Bible Trivia Lang,J Sthephen New Life Literature 2018 9788187120704 504p UG Library
220.07 LEO 00134766 Daniel Hosea and Joel Leod,F Wayne Mac Authentic 2005 9781932805758 198p. UG Library
220.07 MAT 00112686 Opening the Bible Mattam,Zacharias Kristu Jyoti Publications 1998 8190066692 312p UG Library
220.07 PEA 07009787 Navigate : Peale Norman Vincent JAICO Publishing House, 2013 9788184955101 144p.: Library - BR Campus
220.07 ROD 00121250 Bible Puzzles and Quizzes Rodrrigues,Louis Rapose St. Pauls 2011 9788171097968 87p UG Library
220.07 STO 00110915 Understanding the Bible Stott,John Scripture Union 2013 9781859996409 ix,214p UG Library
220.07 THO 00135808 Romans 8-16 Thomas, M M Christava Sahitya Samithi 2004 110p UG Library
220.07 THO 00135809 Acts of the Apostoles Thomas,M M Christava Sahitya Samithi 2004 134p UG Library
220.07 THO 00135814 The Revelation to John Thomas,M M Christava Sahitya Samithi 2004 194p UG Library
220.07 THO 00135784 Amos and Jeremiah Thomas,M M Christava Sahitya Samithi 2012 157p UG Library
220.07 THO 00135790 Colossians Philemon Thomas,M M Christava Sahitya Samithi 2004 105p UG Library
220.07 THO 00135793 Exodus Thomas, M M Christava Sahitya Samithi 2004 117p UG Library
220.07 THO 00135798 Luke 9-19 Thomas, M M Christava Sahitya Samithi 2004 127p UG Library
220.07 THO 00135799 Luke 19-24 Thomas,M M Christava Sahitya Samithi 2004 117p UG Library
220.07 UKK 00120908 Bible Quiz Ukken,Johny Pauline 2010 9788171767168 222p UG Library
220.07 UKK 00120913 Bible Quiz Ukken,Johny Pauline 2010 9788171767168 222p UG Library
220.07 UKK 00120909 Bible Quiz Ukken,Johny Pauline 2010 9788171767168 222p UG Library
220.071 BRO 00092958 Brown's dictionary of bible characters Brown, John Christian Heritage 9781845505669 594p UG Library
220.071 DAN 00122202 Multipurpose tools for Bible study Danker, Frederick W. Fortress Press, 2003 0800635957 (alk. paper) Rev. and expanded ed. 330 p.; UG Library
220.071 FOW 00093262 New paradigms for Bible study : T & T Clark International, 0567026604 (pbk.) xi, 287 p. : UG Library
220.071 GUT 00112878 Read the Bible for life : Guthrie, George H. B&H Pub., 2011 9780805464542 (pbk.) | 0805464 xii, 338 p. ; UG Library
220.071 KLE 00142156 Handbook for personal Bible study : Klein, William W. NavPress, 2008 9781600061172 | 1600061176 446 p. ; UG Library
220.072 HEN 00072075 Living By the Book: [dharmaram Library] Hendricks, G Howard 2000 0802408168 346p UG Library
220.082 BAL 05067366 Women in the Bible : Baldock,John. Arturus, 2018 9781788283960 208p.; Knowledge Centre
220.09 PIA 00145090 The Bible from late antiquity to the Renaissance : Liturgical Press, 2017 0814644619 | 9780814644614 365 pages : UG Library
220.09 SMI 00092986 How the bible was built Smith, Charles Merrill William B Eerdmans 9780802829436 97p UG Library
220.09 VER 05046378 Let There be India ! : Verghese Babu.K.Dr WOC Publishing, 2014 9789384328115 xxiv,705p.: Knowledge Centre
220.0902 LIE 05042867 An introduction to the medieval Bible / Liere, Franciscus A. van 9780521865784 (hardback) | 978 xv,320p.; Knowledge Centre
220.0902 LIE 00121778 An introduction to the medieval Bible / Liere, Franciscus A. van 9780521865784 (hardback) | 978 xv,320p.; UG Library
220.0902 LIE 00122046 An introduction to the medieval Bible / Liere, Franciscus A. van 9780521865784 (hardback) | 978 xv,320p.; UG Library
220.0904 KIT 00126904 The Bible in the public square : Kittredge,Cynthia Briggs Fortress Press, 2008 9780800638597 (alk. paper) v, 267 p.; UG Library
220.1 DUB 00022708 Authenticity - A Biblical Theology of Discernment Dubay S M Thomas Dimension Books 1977 208 p UG Library
220.1 LUT 00110499 Seven Reason Why You Can Trust The Bible Lutzer,Erwin W. Moody Publishers 1998 9780802484390 216 p. UG Library
220.1 WAT 00147161 Biblical critical theory : Watkin, Christopher, Zondervan Academic, 2022 9780310128724 xxiv, 648 pages : UG Library
220.103ALE 00064773 Dictionaryt of the Old Testament Pentateuch Alexander, T Desmond 0851119867 954p UG Library
220.12 EVA 00122327 Exploring the origins of the Bible Evans,Craig A Baker Academic, 2008 9780801032424 (pbk.) | 0801032 272 p. UG Library
220.12 GAL 00142205 The biblical canon lists from early Christianity : Gallagher, Edmon L., Oxford University Press 2017 9780198792499 | 0198792492 First edition. xxii, 337 pages ; UG Library
220.12 PEC 00135032 Canonical theology : Peckham, John, William B Erdmans Publishing Company 2016 9780802873309 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiii, 295 pages : UG Library
220.13 BAL 00111206 The Bible in pastoral practice : Ballard, Paul H. William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2006 080283115X (pbk. : alk. paper) xxiii, 316 p. ; UG Library
220.13 BAL 00093001 The Bible in pastoral practice : Ballard, Paul H. William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2006 080283115X (pbk. : alk. paper) xxiii, 316 p. ; UG Library
220.13 BRA 00109581 Reclaiming the Bible for the church Braaten,Carl E. W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1995 0802808980 (pbk. : alk. paper) xii, 137 p. ; UG Library
220.13 MUL 00091831 Dynamism of the Work of God and Biblical Personalities Mullooparambil, Sebastian Dharmaram Publications, 2009 9788189958220 285 p. UG Library
220.13 MUL 00103616 Dynamism of the Work of God and Biblical Personalities Mullooparambil, Sebastian Dharmaram Publications, 2009 9788189958220 285 p. UG Library
220.13 PAD 00087964 But Is It All True? Padgett, Alan G 2006 ISB0802863167 175p UG Library
220.13 PON 00134626 The inspiration and truth of Sacred Scripture : Pontifical Bible Commission Theological Publications in India 2014 9780814649039 (paperback) | 0814649033 (paperback) xxii, 181 pages ; UG Library
220.1309015 GRA 00120700 The inspiration and interpretation of scripture : Graves, Michael, 9780802869630 (pbk.) viii, 201 pages UG Library
220.13DOW 00071487 Doing Things With Words in the Fist Christian Century: [dharmaram Library] Downing, F Gerald Sheffield Academic Press 1841271519 272p UG Library
220.15 BAN 00131029 Understanding prophecy : Bandy, Alan S. Kregel Academic 2015 9780825442711 264pages cm UG Library
220.15 GUT 00118035 A concise guide to Bible prophecy : Guthrie, Stan. 9780801015090 (pbk.) 172 pages ; UG Library
220.15 VIN 00118057 Vine's topical commentary. Vine, W. E. Thomas Nelson, 2010 9781418543082 | 141854308X 255 p. ; UG Library
220.2 HEI 00121091 How to Study The Bible and Enjoy It Heitzig,Skip Authentic 2015 9789383691685 141p UG Library
220.3 AND 00117426 Where to find it in the Bible / Anderson, Ken, T. Nelson Publishers, 1996 0785211578 (pbk.) Nelson's comfort print ed. 578 p. : UG Library
220.3 BAL 00142254 The Oxford encyclopedia of the Bible and theology / Balentine,Samuel E Oxford University Press 2015 9780190239947 (v. 1 : acidfree paper) | 9780190239954 (v. 2 : acidfree paper) 2 volumes ; UG Library
220.3 BAL 00142255 The Oxford encyclopedia of the Bible and theology / Balentine,Samuel E Oxford University Press 2015 9780190239947 (v. 1 : acidfree paper) | 9780190239954 (v. 2 : acidfree paper) 2 volumes ; UG Library
220.3 BRO 01014540 A dictionary of the Bible / Oxford University Press, 9780199543984 (pbk.) | 0199543 xiv, 395 p. : Knowledge Centre
220.3 COO 00137244 The Oxford encyclopedia of the books of the Bible / Oxford University Press, 2011 9780195377378 (set : alk. paper) | 0195377370 (set : alk. paper) | 9780199944330 (Vol.1) | 9780199944347 (Vol.2) 2 v. 1178p: UG Library
220.3 COO 00137245 The Oxford encyclopedia of the books of the Bible / Oxford University Press, 2011 9780195377378 (set : alk. paper) | 0195377370 (set : alk. paper) | 9780199944330 (Vol.1) | 9780199944347 (Vol.2) 2 v. 1178p: UG Library
220.3 FRE 00118019 Eerdmans dictionary of the Bible / Freedman,david noel W.B. Eerdmans, 2000 0802824005 (hardcover : alk. p xxxiii, 1425 p. : UG Library
220.3 HIL 00142160 Holman Giant print illustrated Bible dictionary Hillyer,Norman Holman Reference 2007 9780805494976 397p UG Library
220.3 LON 00121075 The Baker illustrated Bible dictionary / Longman, Tremper. Baker Books, 2013 9780801012976 (cloth) xviii, 1767 pages : UG Library
220.3 MCQ 00121077 The Bible search engine / McQuade, Pamela. Barbour Publishing, 2011 9781602609884 (pbk.) | 1602609 280 p. : UG Library
220.3 MIL 00118060 Who's who & where's where in the Bible 2.0 / Miller, Stephen M., Barbour Pub., 2012 9781616268633 | 1616268638 Expanded & updated edition 480 p. : UG Library
220.3 MOU 00118017 Mounce's complete expository dictionary of Old & New Testament words / Mounce,William D Zondervan, 2006 0310248787 | 9780310248781 xxvi, 1316 p. ; UG Library
220.3 POR 05004794 Dictionary of biblical criticism and interpretation / Routledge, 2006 9780415552745 406 p. : Knowledge Centre
220.3 RYK 00064770 Dictionary of Biblical Imagery Ryken, Leland 1998 0830814515 1058p UG Library
220.3 SAK 00140507 The New Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible. Sakenfeld,Katharine Doob Abingdon Press, 2006 0687054273 (alk. paper) | 9780687054275 (alk. paper) | 9780687333554 (v. 2) | 0687333555 (v. 2) | 9780687333653 (v. 3) | 9780687333752 (v. 4) | 9780687333950 (v.5) 5 v. : UG Library
220.3 SAK 00140508 The New Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible. Sakenfeld,Katharine Doob Abingdon Press, 2006 0687054273 (alk. paper) | 9780687054275 (alk. paper) | 9780687333554 (v. 2) | 0687333555 (v. 2) | 9780687333653 (v. 3) | 9780687333752 (v. 4) | 9780687333950 (v.5) 5 v. : UG Library
220.3 SAK 00140509 The New Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible. Sakenfeld,Katharine Doob Abingdon Press, 2006 0687054273 (alk. paper) | 9780687054275 (alk. paper) | 9780687333554 (v. 2) | 0687333555 (v. 2) | 9780687333653 (v. 3) | 9780687333752 (v. 4) | 9780687333950 (v.5) 5 v. : UG Library
220.3 SAK 00140510 The New Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible. Sakenfeld,Katharine Doob Abingdon Press, 2006 0687054273 (alk. paper) | 9780687054275 (alk. paper) | 9780687333554 (v. 2) | 0687333555 (v. 2) | 9780687333653 (v. 3) | 9780687333752 (v. 4) | 9780687333950 (v.5) 5 v. : UG Library
220.3 SAK 00140511 The New Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible. Sakenfeld,Katharine Doob Abingdon Press, 2006 0687054273 (alk. paper) | 9780687054275 (alk. paper) | 9780687333554 (v. 2) | 0687333555 (v. 2) | 9780687333653 (v. 3) | 9780687333752 (v. 4) | 9780687333950 (v.5) 5 v. : UG Library
220.3 SMI 00118027 Smith's Bible dictionary. Smith, William, Barbour Books, 1987 1557480176 : 336 p. : UG Library
220.3 VAN 00094530 Dictionary for theological interpretation of the Bible / SPCK ; | Baker Academic, 0801026946 (U.S. edition) | 02 896 p. ; UG Library
220.3 VIN 00064775 Strong`s Concise Concordance Vine`s Concise Dictionary of the Bible Vine`S 1999 0786242546 426p UG Library
220.4 MCK 00140683 Codex Sinaiticus : The British Library; | Hendrickson Publishers 2015 9780712358606 (hbk. ; | 0712358609 (hbk. ; | 9781619706477 (hbk. ; | 1619706474 (hbk. ; xix, 320 pages : UG Library
220.44 LAN 00073896 Beauty and the Enigma (dharmaram Library) Landy, Francis Sheffield Academic Press 2001 1841271470 427p UG Library
220.44 NIL 00080079 Biblical Hebrew Nicholson, Sarah Mc Graw Hill 2006 347p UG Library
220.52003 GIL 00092875 A dictionary of the English Bible and its origins / Gilmore, Alec. Sheffield Academic Press, 1841270687 (alk. paper) 192 p. ; UG Library
220.52009 BRA 00108188 A visual History of the English Bible Brake, Donald L., Baker Books, 2008 9780801013164 349 p. : UG Library
220.520094109031 TAD 00122095 The Social Universe of the English Bible Tadmor, Naomi. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521769716 | 052176971X xvi, 208 p:. UG Library
220.520243 KOH 00088062 Concise Concordance to the New Revised Standard Version Kohlenber, John R 1993 0195284100 300p UG Library
220.5203 CRY 00103916 Begat : Crystal, David, Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199585854 (hbk.) | 0199585 vii, 327 p. ; UG Library
220.52032 JAM 05002585 The Christian Walk: BIBLE James King Word to word 9780982240540 22:10 p Knowledge Centre
220.52033 STR 00117416 Strong's exhaustive concordance of the Bible / Strong, James, Abingdon, 1986 0687400325 (alk. paper) | 0687 1800, 227, 169, 107, 16 p. ; UG Library
220.52034 MAR 00112490 The English Bible : Marks Herbert Norton, 2012 9780393927450 (pbk., v. 1) | 9 1st ed. xxxi, 518 p. : UG Library
220.52034 MAR 00112491 The English Bible : Marks Herbert Norton, 2012 9780393927450 (pbk., v. 1) | 9 1st ed. xxxi, 518 p. : UG Library
220.52034 MAR 07008750 The English Bible : Marks Herbert Norton, 2012 9780393927450 (pbk., v. 1) | 9 1st ed. xxxi, 518 p. : Library - BR Campus
220.52034 MAR 07008749 The English Bible : Marks Herbert Norton, 2012 9780393927450 (pbk., v. 1) | 9 1st ed. xxxi, 518 p. : Library - BR Campus
220.52038 BRA 00118020 A visual history of the King James Bible : Brake, Donald L., Baker Books, 2011 9780801013478 (cloth) | 080101 283 p. : UG Library
220.52038 HAM 00105175 The King James Bible after four Hundred years : Hamlin,Hannibal. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521768276 xi, 364 p. : UG Library
220.5204 CAR 00090238 Bible: Authorized King James Version Carroll, Robert Oxford 2008 9780199535941 445p UG Library
220.52042 KOH 00142210 The Concise Concordance to the New Revised Standard Version Kohlenberger II,John R Oxford University Press 2019 9780190063498 300p UG Library
220.52043 CAR 00088743 Bible: Authorized King James Version With Apocrypha Carrol, Robert 2008 1 Yeshwanthpur Campus
220.5208 ATH 00107623 The Orthodox study Bible St. Athanasius Academy of Orthodox Theology Thomas Nelson, 2008 9780718003593 | 0718003594 xxviii, 1822 p. : UG Library
220.520813 GOO 00064812 Zondervan NIV Exhaustive Concordance Goodrick, W Edward 1999 0310229979 5058p UG Library
220.520813 GRE 00111207 Zondervan all in one bible reference guide Green Kevin Zondervan, 2008 9780310283096 675p.; UG Library
220.520813 HOL 00142129 Holman concise topical concordance Holman Bible Publishers, 1998 0805493492 (hb) | 9780805495492 692 p. ; UG Library
220.6 BER 00117400 Darwin, creation and the fall : Berry, R J Apollos, 2009 9781844743810 | 1844743810 208 p. ; UG Library
220.6 BLA 00138653 The Bible of To-day Blakiston,Alban Cambridge University Press 2016 9781316620007 240p UG Library
220.6 COR 00105129 Path to freedom: Corbon,Jean. St.Anthony Messenger Press 1963 9780867166163 xii,276p. UG Library
220.6 DAV 00125056 Biblical criticism : Davies, Eryl W., Bloomsbury 2013 9780567013064 (hardback) | 056 165 pages; UG Library
220.6 DAY 00111141 Roget's Thesaurus of the Bible Day,Colin A Authentic Books 2012 9789381905432 932p UG Library
220.6 DEL 00128027 Biblical Interpretation and Method/ : Dell,Katharine J Oxford University Press 2013 9780199645534 (hardback) First edition. xxiii, 355 pages ; UG Library
220.6 GIB 00109554 Biblical semantic logic Gibson, Arthur, Sheffield Academic Press 2001 0312077963 : | 9781841271736 xi, 244 p. ; UG Library
220.6 GOL 00147169 Five views of Christ in the Old Testament : Zondervan Academic, 2022 9780310125525 322 pages UG Library
220.6 GOL 00135098 Reading Jesus's Bible : Goldingay, John, William B Eardmans Publishing Company 2017 9780802873644 (pbk. : alk. paper) vii, 262 pages ; UG Library
220.6 HAH 00140186 Spirit & life : Hahn, Scott. Emmaus Road Pub., 2009 9781931018531 (pbk.) | 1931018537 (pbk.) xii, 158 p. ; UG Library
220.6 HAR 05060726 Criticism and confession : Hardy,Nicholas. Oxford University Press, 2017 0198716095 | 9780198716099 First edition. xii, 464p.; Knowledge Centre
220.6 KIN 00136819 God's Economy : Kinsler,Ross Orbis Books, 2005 1570755876 (pbk.) xxx, 250 p. ; UG Library
220.6 KOS 00125893 For the Love of God's Word Kostenberger, Andreas J Kregel Publications 2015 444p UG Library
220.6 LIE 05005569 The Oxford handbook of the reception history of the Bible / Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199204540 (hbk.) | 0199204 xv, 725 p. : Knowledge Centre
220.6 LOD 00106790 Claiming Abraham : Lodahl, Michael E., Brazos Press, 2010 9781587432392 (pbk.) | 1587432 x, 227 p. ; UG Library
220.6 LOD 00146110 Claiming Abraham : Lodahl, Michael E., Brazos Press, 2010 9781587432392 (pbk.) | 1587432 x, 227 p. ; UG Library
220.6 MAT 00101085 Meeting Christ in the scriptures : Mattam, Zacharias. Kristu Jyoti Publications, 9788187370499 | 8187370491 xii, 327 p. : UG Library
220.6 MCK 00073839 How to Read the Bible History, Prophecy, Literature Why Modern Readers Need to Know the Difference and What It Means for Faith Today [dharmaram Library] Mckenzie, Steven L 2005 0195161491 207p UG Library
220.6 PAN 00126900 Speak Lord Panackel,Charles Kristu Jyoti Publications 2016 9788187370956 251p UG Library
220.6 PAN 00126896 Know the Bible Panackel,Charles Kristu Jyoti Publications 2016 360p UG Library
220.6 REY 00092948 The lamb of god Reymond, Robert L Mentor Publish 9781845501815 126p UG Library
220.6 ROG 00088300 Oxford Hand Book:Biblical Studies Rogerson, J W 2008 9780199254255 896p UG Library
220.6 SUG 05056503 The postcolonial Biblical reader / Blackwell Pub., 2006 140513349X (hbk. : alk. paper) xii, 317 p. ; Knowledge Centre
220.6 SUG 05058055 Postcolonial criticism and biblical interpretation / Sugirtharajah, R. S. Oxford University Press, 2002 0198752695 ix, 231 p. : Knowledge Centre
220.6 THE 00135108 The Bible and contemporary culture / Theissen, Gerd. Fortress Press, 2007 0800638638 (pbk. : alk. paper) xx, 163 p. ; UG Library
220.6 THE 00122084 The Bible and contemporary culture / Theissen, Gerd. Fortress Press, 2007 0800638638 (pbk. : alk. paper) xx, 163 p. ; UG Library
220.6 VIN 00076242 Biblical Folklore: [dharmaram Library] Vincent, Daniel Concept Publishing Company 2005 8180693821 328p UG Library
220.6 VOL 00109680 Captive to the word of God Volf,Miroslav. W.B. Eerdmans Pub., 2010 9780802865908 (pbk. : alk. pap viii, 180 p. ; UG Library
220.6 WHE 00117417 The Bible and the comic vision / Whedbee, J. William. Cambridge University Press, 1998 0521495075 xii, 315 p. ; UG Library
220.601 ADA 00132286 Reading Scripture with the church : Adam,A K M Baker Academic, 2006 0801031737 (pbk.) | 9780801031731 (pbk.) | 9780801031731 155 p. ; UG Library
220.601 BAR 00147182 Listening to scripture : Bartholomew, Craig G., 9780801099038 | 9781540966421 xi, 208 pages ; UG Library
220.601 BAR 00146822 A manifesto for theological interpretation / Bartholomew, Craig G Baker Academic 2016 9780801030871 (pbk.) xi, 292 pages ; UG Library
220.601 BAU 00122124 Inductive Bible study : Bauer, David R. Baker Academic, 2011 9780801027673 (cloth) xvi, 446 p. : UG Library
220.601 BIL 00110795 The Word of God for the people of God : Billings, J. Todd. W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2010 9780802862358 (pbk. : alk. pap xviii, 235 p. : UG Library
220.601 CAR 00109678 Collected writings on Scripture Carson, D. A. Apollos 2010 9781433514418 (hc) | 978184474 335 p. : UG Library
220.601 GOL 00127528 Models for interpretation of scripture Goldingay, John. W.B. Eerdmans ; | Paternoster Press, 1995 0802801455 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 328 p. : UG Library
220.601 GRE 00122324 Practicing theological interpretation : Green, Joel B., Baker Academic, 2011 9780801039638 (pbk.) xiv, 146 p UG Library
220.601 HER 00146820 Engaging the Old Testament : Hernández, Dominick S., Baker Academic 2023 9781540962836 | 9781540965585 xii, 302 pages ; UG Library
220.601 JES 00135797 Liberation Hermeneutics in the Indian Interpretation of the Bible Jesurathnam,Kondasingu Christava Sahitya Samithi 2012 349p UG Library
220.601 JOB 05002414 Postmodern Bible Reader / Jobling, David Black Well, 2001 0631219625 381p.: Knowledge Centre
220.601 KAI 00140499 Introduction to biblical hermeneutics : Kaiser, Walter C., Zondervan, 2007 9780310279518 | 0310279518 Rev. and expanded ed. 350 p. ; UG Library
220.601 KOS 00142165 Invitation to biblical interpretation : Köstenberger, Andreas J., Kregal Publications 2011 9780825430473 891 pages ; UG Library
220.601 POK 00118018 Hermeneutics as a theory of understanding Pokorny, Petr W.B. Eerdmans Pub., 2011 9780802827210 (pbk. : alk. pap xv, 208 p. : UG Library
220.601 POK 00109681 Hermeneutics as a theory of understanding Pokorny, Petr W.B. Eerdmans Pub., 2011 9780802827210 (pbk. : alk. pap xv, 208 p. : UG Library
220.601 POR 00135786 Biblical Hermeneutics Porter,Stanley E Omega Book World 2012 97881937008-4 224p UG Library
220.601 PRI 00056069 Words and the Word Prickett, Stephen Cambridge University Press 1989 0521368383 xii; 305 p. UG Library
220.601 SCH 00109702 The power of the word Schussler Fiorenza, Elisabeth, Fortress Press, 2007 9780800638337 (alk. paper) | 0 viii, 280 p. ; UG Library
220.601 STE 00122106 A basic guide to interpreting the Bible : Stein, Robert H., Baker Academic, 2011 9780801033735 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xi, 228 p. : UG Library
220.601 SUG 05006398 Exploring postcolonial biblical criticism : Sugirtharajah, R. S. Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 9781405158572 (pbk. : alk. pap vii, 211 p. Knowledge Centre
220.601 TAT 00109682 Interpreting the Bible Tate, W. Randolph. Hendrickson Publishers, 2006 1565635159 (alk. paper) | 9781 viii, 482 p. : UG Library
220.601 THO 00109679 Evangelical hermeneutics Thomas, Robert L., Kregel Publications, 2002 082543839X | 9780825438394 524 p. ; UG Library
220.601 WRI 00147174 Interpreting Scripture : Wright, N. T. Zondervan Academic, 2020 9780310098362 | 031009836X xii, 387 pages ; UG Library
220.6019 ELL 00095159 Psychology and the Bible : Praeger, 0275983471 (set : alk. paper) 4 v. ; UG Library
220.6019 ELL 00095160 Psychology and the Bible : Praeger, 0275983471 (set : alk. paper) 4 v. ; UG Library
220.6019 ELL 00095161 Psychology and the Bible : Praeger, 0275983471 (set : alk. paper) 4 v. ; UG Library
220.6019 ELL 00095162 Psychology and the Bible : Praeger, 0275983471 (set : alk. paper) 4 v. ; UG Library
220.603 MCK 00117471 The Oxford encyclopedia of biblical interpretation / McKenzie,Steven Oxford UniversityPress 2013 9780199832262 (set : alk. pape 559p 2 volumes ; UG Library
220.603 MCK 00117472 The Oxford encyclopedia of biblical interpretation / McKenzie,Steven Oxford UniversityPress 2013 9780199832262 (set : alk. pape 559p 2 volumes ; UG Library
220.6082 SCH 00122060 Feminist interpretation : Schottroff, Luise. Fortress Press, 1998 080062999X (ptk : alk. paper) xv, 270 p. ; UG Library
220.6082 SCH 00123028 Feminist interpretation : Schottroff, Luise. Fortress Press, 1998 080062999X (ptk : alk. paper) xv, 270 p. ; UG Library
220.6088042 COL 00081009 Feminist Perspectives on Biblical Scholarship Collins, Adela Yarbro Scholars Press 1985 144p UG Library
220.609 MCK 00101052 Dictionary of major biblical interpreters / McKim, Donald K. IVP Academic ; | Inter-Varsity Press, 9780830829279 (cloth : alk. pa xxviii, 1106 p. ; UG Library
220.609 PAT 00092943 Text and context Pathrapankal, Joseph Christava sahitya samithi 9788178211251 240p UG Library
220.609 THO 00087970 Reading the Bible With the Dead Thompson, Jhon L 2007 9780802807533 324p UG Library
220.609 YAR 00098976 History of biblical interpretation : Yarchin, William. Hendrickson Publishers, 1565637208 (hc : alk. paper) xxx, 444 p. ; UG Library
220.609 YAR 00127936 History of biblical interpretation : Yarchin, William. Hendrickson Publishers, 1565637208 (hc : alk. paper) xxx, 444 p. ; UG Library
220.60922 MCK 00088097 Historical Handbook of Major Biblical Interpreters Mc Kim, Donald K 2008 0830814523 643p UG Library
220.61 ART 00122899 Engaging the Christian scriptures : Arterbury, Andrew E. Baker Academic 2014 9780801039447 (pbk.) xii, 276 pages UG Library
220.61 BAR 00085340 Biblical Interpretation Barton, John 2006 9780521485937 338 p UG Library
220.61 DUV 00125896 Living God's Word : Duvall, J. Scott. Zondervan, 2012 9780310292104 | 0310292107 317 p. : UG Library
220.61 GOL 00133775 A reader's guide to the Bible Goldingay, John, IVP Academic 2017 9780830851744 (pbk. : alk. paper) 190 pages ; UG Library
220.61 HAU 05036969 An introduction to the Bible : Hauer, Christian E. Pearson, 2012 9780205051656 | 0205051650 8th ed. xviii, 382 p. : Knowledge Centre
220.61 MIC 00109572 Understanding scripture Mickelsen, A. Berkeley. Hendrickson, 1992 0943575842 (pbk.) : | 97809435 Rev. ed. xi, 141 p. : UG Library
220.61 MIL 00134470 How to Get Into the Bible Miller,Stephen M Thomson Nelson 1998 9781418549169 469p UG Library
220.61 MOY 05007757 Introduction to biblical studies / Moyise, Steve. T & T Clark International, 2004 0567083977 2nd ed. x, 136 p. ; Knowledge Centre
220.61 PLU 00140482 40 questions about interpreting the Bible / Plummer, Robert L. Kregel Publications, 2010 9780825434983 (pbk.) 347 p. : UG Library
220.61 POL 00146129 Testing Scripture : Polkinghorne, J. C., Brazos Press, 2010 9781587433139 (pbk.) xii, 108 p. ; UG Library
220.61 POR 04009644 The illustrated guide to the Bible / Porter, J. R. Duncan Baird publishers, 1995 9781900131001 288 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
220.61 POR 03006352 The illustrated guide to the Bible / Porter, J. R. Duncan Baird publishers, 1995 9781900131001 288 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
220.61 RIC 05031772 The Bible : Riches, John Oxford University Press, 2006 0195682637 160 p Knowledge Centre
220.61 RIC 01016456 The Bible : Riches, John Kenneth. Oxford University Press, 2000 0192853430 | 9780192853431 | 9 160 p. : Knowledge Centre
220.61 RIC 05048926 The Bible : Riches, John Kenneth. Oxford University Press, 2000 0192853430 | 9780192853431 | 9 160 p. : Knowledge Centre
220.61 ROS 00121095 Parables & other Bible studies. Rose Pub., 2010 9781596364165 (pbk. : alk. pap 108 p. : UG Library
220.61 RYK 00121101 Ryken's Bible handbook / Ryken, Leland. Tyndale House Publishers, 2005 9780842384018 (hardcover) | 08 660 p. : UG Library
220.61 TAB 00109782 The Bible Tabb,Mark TH1NK Books, 2006 1576839567 | 9781576839560 271 p. ; UG Library
220.61 WAL 00118055 The Lion guide to the Bible / Walker, P. W. L. Lion, 2010 9780745952925 (hbk.) | 0745952 320 p. ; UG Library
220.6108 PER 00105151 Your Invitation to Scripture: Perrotta,Kevin. Servant Publications 2000 9781569553435 181 p. UG Library
220.61BEE 00112649 The Victor journey through the Bible / Beers, V. Gilbert Victor Books, 1996 156476480X 416 p. : UG Library
220.61RIC 00085423 The Bible : Riches, John Oxford University Press, 2006 0195682637 160 p UG Library
220.64 ALE 00142111 The city of God and the goal of creation / Alexander, T. Desmond, Crossway 2018 9781433555749 (tp) 190 pages ; UG Library
220.64 MAI 00122055 Daughter Zion, mother Zion : Maier, Christl M., Fortress Press, 2008 9780800662417 (alk. paper) | 0 x, 285 p. : UG Library
220.64 MAI 00126888 Daughter Zion, mother Zion : Maier, Christl M., Fortress Press, 2008 9780800662417 (alk. paper) | 0 x, 285 p. : UG Library
220.65 TOW 00117753 The essence of the New Testament : Towns,Elmer L B & H Academic, 2012 9781433677052 (HC) | 143367705 xiv, 368 p. : UG Library
220.66 BOL 00102822 Judges; Boling Robert.G The anchor yale Bible; 9780300139457 338 p. UG Library
220.66 HOD 00135854 Literary study of the Bible : Hodgkins, Christopher, Wiley Blackwell 2019 9781444334951 (paperback) 1 [edition]. 472p UG Library
220.66 MEY 00100056 I and II Esdras: Myers, Jacob Yale University Press, 9780300139983 xxiv, 383p. UG Library
220.66 POP 00102824 Song of song : Pope Marvin.H The Anchor Yale Bible; 9780300139495 743 p. UG Library
220.67 LAW 00110086 The Historical - A Critical Method Law, David R. T&T Clark International 2012 9780567400123 (pbk.) | 9780567 ix,331 p. : UG Library
220.67 LAW 07006497 The Historical - A Critical Method Law, David R. T&T Clark International 2012 9780567400123 (pbk.) | 9780567 ix,331 p. : Library - BR Campus
220.7 BAR 00068367 Oxford Bible Commentary Barton, John 2001 0198755007 1386 UG Library
220.7 COL 00143660 The Jerome Biblical Commentary for the Twenty- First Century Collins, John J Bloomsbury, 2022 9789394701410 Third Fully Revised Edition 2196p UG Library
220.7 FEE 00110786 How to Read the Bible book by book Fee,Gordon D Zondervan 2002 978-0-310-28573-1 444p UG Library
220.7 HEN 00110514 Mathew Henry's Commentary On The Whole Bible Henry,Mathew. Hendrickson Publishers 2008 9781598562750 xvi; 2000 p. UG Library
220.7 HEN 00064774 Mathew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible [ Dharmaram Librery ] Henry 1995 1884543049 1024 p UG Library
220.7 MAC 00064768 Believer`s Bible Commentary Macdonald, William 1995 0840719728 2393p UG Library
220.7 MAN 00119582 Yohanante Suvishesham Maniparampil,Jose Biblia Publications 2014 8187271655 503p UG Library
220.7 MAN 00119581 Mathaiyude Suvishesham Maniparampil,Jose Biblia Publications 2014 8187271620 943p UG Library
220.7 MAN 00119580 Markosinte Suvishesham Maniparampil,Jose Biblia Publications 2014 8187271639 657p UG Library
220.7 MAN 00119578 The Gospel According to the Beloved Disciple Maniparampil,Jose Claretian Publications 2011 8189851578 382p UG Library
220.7 MAN 00119584 Lukayute Suvishesham Maniparampil,Jose Biblia Publications 2014 8187271647 712p UG Library
220.7 PLA 00137210 Christ Centred Exposistion: Exalting Jesus in 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus Platt,David Holman Reference 2013 326p UG Library
220.7 PLA 00137211 Christ Centred Exposistion:Exalting Jesus in 1 and 2 Thessalonians Platt,David Holman Reference 2015 276p UG Library
220.7 ROD 00112573 Bible Word Search/ Rodrigues,Louise St. Pauls 2012 9789350151303 120p UG Library
220.7 WEI 00111723 The Bible exposition commentary / Wiersbe, Warren W. Victor, 2003 0781435315 (v. 1) | 0781434815 551p.; UG Library
220.7 WEI 00111724 The Bible exposition commentary / Wiersbe, Warren W. Victor, 2003 0781435315 (v. 1) | 0781434815 551p.; UG Library
220.7 WEI 00111725 The Bible exposition commentary / Wiersbe, Warren W. Victor, 2003 0781435315 (v. 1) | 0781434815 551p.; UG Library
220.7 WEI 00111726 The Bible exposition commentary / Wiersbe, Warren W. Victor, 2003 0781435315 (v. 1) | 0781434815 551p.; UG Library
220.7 WIL 00129648 Jesus Walk Wilson,Ralph F Jesus Walk 2010 9780981972183 807p UG Library
220.7 ZAC 00135811 The Four Gospels in One Zachariah,George K Christava Sahitya Samithi 2000 325p UG Library
220.7082 NEW 00137989 Women's Bible commentary Newsom,Carol A SPCK 2014 9780281072590 Revised and expanded edition. xxxi, 648 p. : UG Library
220.72 KLE 00072224 Teacher`s Manual: [ Dharmaram Library] Kleyn, Diana Christian Focus 2000 0185792701 160p UG Library
220.77 MOU 00096795 Pastoral epistles / Mounce, William D. Thomas Nelson Publishers, 0849902452 cxxxvi, 641 p. ; UG Library
220.77 AND 00100059 Hosea Andersen, Francis I Yale University Press, 9780300139693 xvii, 699 p. UG Library
220.77 AUN 00096796 Revelation / Aune, David Edward. Word Books, 0849902517 (v. 1) | 9780849902 3 v. (1354 p.) ; UG Library
220.77 AUN 00096797 Word Biblical Commentary Aune, David E. Thomas Nelson Inc., 9780849907869 903 p. UG Library
220.77 AUN 00129328 Word Biblical Commentary Aune, David E. Thomas Nelson Inc., 1998 9780849907869 903 p. UG Library
220.77 BOL 00102821 Joshua; Boling Robert.G The Anchor yale Bible; 9780300139440 580 p. UG Library
220.77 CHR 00096790 Word Biblical commentary Christensen, Duane L. Thomas Nelson Inc., 0849910323 915 p. UG Library
220.77 COG 00102809 11 Kings : Cogan Mordechai The Anchor yale boble; 9780300140743 371 p. UG Library
220.77 COG 00102810 11 Kings : Cogan Mordechai The Anchor yale boble; 9780300140743 371 p. UG Library
220.77 DUR 00130185 The Collegeville Bible commentary :New Testament Durken,Daniel Theological Publications in India 2018 0814622100 (Old Testament) | 0 886p UG Library
220.77 DUR 00130186 The Collegeville Bible commentary :New Testament Durken,Daniel Theological Publications in India 2018 0814622100 (Old Testament) | 0 886p UG Library
220.77 EVA 00096793 Word Biblical Comentary Evans, Craig A. Thomas Nelson Inc., 9780849902536 594 p. UG Library
220.77 GAR 00096792 Song of Songs / Garrett, Duane A. T. Nelson, 0849908256 xiv, 478 p. ; UG Library
220.77 HAG 00096798 Word Biblical Commentary Hagner Donald A. Word Incorporated, 9780849910968 935 p. UG Library
220.77 LEV 00102818 Numbers 1-20; Levone Baruch.A The Anchor Yale Bible; 9780300140774 528 p. UG Library
220.77 MAR 00096794 2 Corinthians / Martin, Ralph P. Word Books, 0849902398 | 9780849902390 lxiii, 527 p. ; UG Library
220.77 MCC 00102819 1 Samuel; Mccarter P.Kyle.JR The Anchor Yale Bible; 9780300139501 474 p, UG Library
220.77 MCC 00102820 1 Samuel; Mccarter P.Kyle.JR The Anchor Yale Bible; 9780300139501 474 p, UG Library
220.77 MIL 00102816 Leviticus 17-22 Milgrom Jacob The Anchor Yale Bible; 9780300140569 1892 p. UG Library
220.77 MIL 00102817 Leviticus 17-22 Milgrom Jacob The Anchor Yale Bible; 9780300140569 1892 p. UG Library
220.77 PRO 00102807 Exodus 1-18: Propp Willam.H The anchor yale bible; 9780300139389 680 p. UG Library
220.77 PRO 00102808 Exodus 1-18: Propp Willam.H The anchor yale bible; 9780300139389 680 p. UG Library
220.77 WEN 00096791 Genesis / Wenham, Gordon J. Word Books, 0849902002 (v. 1) | 9780849902 353 p. UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085279 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085278 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085281 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085283 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085285 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085302 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085301 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085300 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085299 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085298 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085297 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085296 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085295 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085294 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085293 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085292 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085291 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085290 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085289 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085288 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085287 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085286 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085315 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085314 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085313 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085312 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085311 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085310 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085309 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085308 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085307 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085306 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085305 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085304 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085303 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085284 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085282 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085280 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.77 WEN 00085277 Word Biblical Commentary 1994 0849902010 517p UG Library
220.8 ADA 00064779 Biblical View of Self-esteem, Self-Love and Self-Image Adams, E Jay OM BOOKS 2005 8173623872 142p UG Library
220.83036 DEM 00131745 Reading the Bible, transforming conflict / Dempsey, Carol J. Orbis Books, 2011 9781570759147 (pbk.) x, 229 p. ; UG Library
220.83053 PAD 00131746 As Christ submits to the church : Padgett, Alan G., Baker Academic, 2011 9780801027000 (pbk.) | 0801027004 (pbk.) xviii, 151 p. ; UG Library
220.830685 HES 00143897 Family in the Bible : Hess, Richard S. Baker Academic, 2003 0801026288 (pbk.) 175 p. : UG Library
220.83068742 STI 00128030 Fathers and Daughters in the Hebrew Bible Stiebert,Johanna Oxford University Press 2013 9780199673827 265p UG Library
220.861 FOW 00109805 Modern Medicine And The Bible Fowler Alan W. Ortho Books 2002 0952911442 3rd Ed. 240 p. UG Library
220.9 CHI 05002647 Cambridge Companion to the Bible / Chilton, Bruce Cambridge University Pres, 2008 9780521691406 724p.: Knowledge Centre
220.9 MAR 00064790 Fun Facts About the Bible You Never Knew Martins, Robyn OM BOOKS 2004 8173625905 248p UG Library
220.91 BEI 00109688 The Moody Atlas Of The Bible Beitzel,Barry J. The Moody Boble Institute of Chicago 2009 9780802404411 xii; 304 p. UG Library
220.91 CUR 00094732 Oxford Bible atlas / Oxford University Press, 9780199560462 (pbk. : alk. pap x, 229 p. : UG Library
220.91 LAU 00088288 Fifty Major Cities of the Bible Laughlin, John C H 2008 ISB0415223156 246p UG Library
220.91 LAU 05005217 Fifty major cities of the Bible : Laughlin, John C. H. Routledge, 2006 0415223148 (hbk.) | 0415223156 xviii, 246 p. : Knowledge Centre
220.91 LOS 00093021 The uttermost part of the earth : Losch, Richard R. W.B. Eerdmans, 0802828051 (pbk. : alk. paper) xi, 260 p. : UG Library
220.91 MCQ 00118032 The Dictionary of Bible Places Mcquade,Pamela L Barbour Publishing inc. 2010 9781602608467 246p UG Library
220.910223 BEI 00142216 Atlas bíblico de Tyndale / Rowland, Nick, Moody Publishers 2009 9781414375656 (hc) | 9780802404411 1 atlas (304 pages) : UG Library
220.92 ASC 00119037 Passionate Visionary Ascough,Richard S St. Pauls 2008 190 UG Library
220.92 BIR 00110794 A Bird's Eye View of Paul Bird,Michael F inter varsity press 2008 9781844742554 192p UG Library
220.92 DAV 00110917 Yours faithfully : Equinox Pub., 2004 1904768318 (hb) | 1904768326 ( xi, 160 p. ; UG Library
220.92 HAU 00145087 Sacred strangers : Haught, Nancy, Liturgical Press, 2017 9780814645048 xiii, 113 pages ; UG Library
220.92 HUD 00112860 Fascinating People of the bible Hudson,Christopher D Barbour Publishing 2009 9781602604544 365p UG Library
220.92 SAV 00112704 St. paul for Today Savarimuthu, Stanislas St. Peters Pontifical Institute Publications 2009 163p UG Library
220.92 TUC 00118025 The biographical Bible : Tucker, Ruth, 9780801014819 (cloth) xi, 427 pages : UG Library
220.9203 LOS 00111198 All the people in the Bible : Losch, Richard R. William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2008 9780802824547 (pbk. : alk. pap viii, 578 p. : UG Library
220.92082 SPU 00121102 Sermons on women of the Bible / Spurgeon, C. H. Hendrickson Publishers, 2008 9781598562842 (hbk. : alk. pap xv, 374 p. ; UG Library
220.93 CUR 03003775 The Letter and the Scroll : Currie, Robin. National Geographic, 2009 9781426205149 (hardcover) | 97 335 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
220.93 CUR 04007159 The Letter and the Scroll : Currie, Robin. National Geographic, 2009 9781426205149 (hardcover) | 97 335 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
220.93 MAZ 00117392 archaeology of the bible mazar,amihai yale university press 1992 9780300140071 576p UG Library
220.93092 SHA 00147475 Freeing the Dead Sea Scrolls and other adventures of an archaeology outsider / Shanks, Hershel. Continuum, 2010 9781441152176 (hbk.) | 1441152172 (hbk.) x, 251 p. : UG Library
220.95 ATH 00117552 The Tel Dan inscription : Athas, George. Sheffield Academic Press, 2003 0826460569 (alk. paper) xii, 331 p. : UG Library
220.95 EAS 00109686 The Illustrated Guide To Biblical Histotry Easley Kendell H. Holman Reference 2000 9780805428346 xiii; 306 p. UG Library
220.95 GON 00145091 The Bible in the early church / Gonzalez, Justo L., William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2022 9780802881748 x, 194 pages ; UG Library
220.95 MAT 00122910 The Cultural World of the Bible : Matthews, Victor Harold, Baker Academic 2015 9780801049736 (pbk. : alk. pap Fourth Edition. xv, 318 pages UG Library
220.9505 ANI 00121255 The Most Wonderful Story Aniso,M C D Pauline Publications 2014 8171760791 126p UG Library
220.9505 COL 05056368 The illustrated Bible. Collins Michael Dorling Kindersley, 2012 9781405391382 512p.; Knowledge Centre
220.9505 TAI 00088072 Seeds of Trust: Reflecting on the Bible in Silence and Song Taize Asian Trading Corporation 2005 8170863856 141p UG Library
220.95050207 07005599 The Bible / Mayer, Sheldon, DC Comics, 2012 9781401234256 | 1401234259 60 p. : Library - BR Campus
220.9522 GOW 00094551 The new manners & customs of Bible times / Gower, Ralph, Moody Press, 080245965X 352 p. : UG Library
221 ALL 00146814 1 & 2 Chronicles/ Allen, Leslie C Bloomsbury 2024 9789361315879 140p UG Library
221 BRO 00128951 Old Testament Textual Criticism Brotzman,Ellis R Theological Publications in India 2017 255p UG Library
221 CRO 00146851 Isaiah/ Crouch, C L Bloomsbury 2024 9789361315572 123p UG Library
221 DAV 00146840 Numbers/ Davis, Eeryl W Bloomsbury 2024 9789361316685 85p UG Library
221 DEL 00146849 Job/ Dell, Katharine J Bloomsbury 2024 9789361316395 111p UG Library
221 EXU 00146813 Song of Songs/ Exum, J Cheryl Bloomsbury 2024 9789361311697 118p UG Library
221 FIR 00146856 1 & 2 Samuel: Firth, David Bloomsbury 2024 9789361315947 94p UG Library
221 GRA 00146852 1 & 2 Kings/ Grabbe, Lester L Bloomsbury 2024 9789361316401 109p UG Library
221 HAD 00146812 Joel, Obadiah, Habakkuk, Zephaniah/ Hadjiev, Tchavdar S Bloomsbury 2024 9789361315527 145p UG Library
221 HAM 00129323 Marital Imagery in the Bible Hamer,Colin Apostolos 2015 9781910942253 313p UG Library
221 HOU 00146807 Amos/ Houston, Walter J Bloomsbury 2024 9789361310195 115p UG Library
221 JEN 00146850 Leviticus/ Jenson, Philip Peter Bloomsbury 2024 9789361312915 113p UG Library
221 KUM 00125170 Justice and Righteousness and Concern for the Poor in Jer 21:1-23:8 Kumar M David,Stanly Theological Publications in India 2016 9789383163441 562p UG Library
221 LUC 00146838 Daniel/ Lucas, Ernest C Bloomsbury 2024 9789361312229 108p UG Library
221 MCC 00146853 Joshua/ McConville, J Gordon Bloomsbury 2024 9789361318023 82p UG Library
221 MID 00146855 Lamentations/ Middlemas, Jill Bloomsbury 2024 9789361312281 135p UG Library
221 MIL 00146811 Jeremiah/ Mills, Mary E Bloomsbury 2024 9789361314971 95p UG Library
221 SCH 00146816 Proverbs/ Schwab, Zoltan Bloomsbury 2024 9789361312328 131p UG Library
221 STE 00146854 Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi/ Stead, Michael R Bloomsbury 2024 9789361314841 142p UG Library
221 THO 00139663 Othering and embodiment : Thomas, M.C. Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485230 138 p. ; UG Library
221 TIE 00146834 Ezra-Nehemiah/ Tiemeyer, Lena-Sofia Bloomsbury 2024 9789361310577 130p UG Library
221 TIT 00125171 Like a tree by Streams of Water Titus,Joseph P Theological Publications in India 2016 9789383163502 177p UG Library
221 TIT 00128950 Like a tree by Streams of Water Titus,Joseph P Theological Publications in India 2016 9789383163502 177p UG Library
221 WAR 00146815 Genesis/ Warner, Megan Bloomsbury 2024 9789361310249 113p UG Library
221.0202 WAL 00094529 Chronological and background charts of the Old Testament / Walton, John H., Zondervan, 0310481619 124 p. : UG Library
221.1 BRI 00107888 The Authority of the Old Testament Bright John Nashville Abingdon Press 1967 9780687030323 272 P. UG Library
221.12 SEI 00146422 The goodly fellowship of the prophets : Seitz, Christopher R. Baker Academic, 2009 9780801038839 (pbk.) 136 pages UG Library
221.15 BAR 00110023 Oracles of God Barton, John, Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195334357 (pbk.) New ed. xii, 324 p. ; UG Library
221.15 BAR 00137242 Oracles of God : Barton, John, Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195334357 (pbk.) New ed. xii, 324 p. ; UG Library
221.6 DUM 00106798 The faith of Israel Dumbrell, William J. Baker Academic, 2002 9780801025327 (pbk.) 2nd ed. 347 p. ; UG Library
221.6 FRO 00031127 You Shall Be as Gods a Radical Interpretation of the Old Testment and Its Fromm, Erich Fawcett 1986 192 p UG Library
221.6 HAL 05042572 More essays on the comparative method / Charles C Ragin Eisenbrauns, 1983 0931464145 xiv, 250 p. ; Knowledge Centre
221.6 SCH 00122915 This strange and sacred scripture: Schlimm, Matthew Richard. Baker Academic 2015 9780801039799 (pbk.) xvi, 254 pages UG Library
221.6 VAN 00094552 Theological interpretation of the Old Testament : Baker Academic, 9780801036248 (pbk.) 336 p. ; UG Library
221.601 BRI 00106802 The Virtuous Reader Briggs,Richard S. Baker Academic 2010 978081038433 270 p. UG Library
221.601 GOL 00134509 Key questions about Biblical interpretation : Goldingay, John. Baker Academic, 2011 9780801039591 (pbk.) | 0801039592 (pbk.) xii, 384 p. ; UG Library
221.601 KEN 00107622 He Began With Moses...' Kent,Grenville J. R. Inter-Varsity Press 2010 9781844744480 256 P. UG Library
221.609 HEN 00087962 Biblical Interpretation at Qumran Henze, Matthias 2005 ISB0802839371 214p UG Library
221.609015 HEI 00093194 Reading the Old Testament with the ancient church : Heine, Ronald E. Baker Academic, 9780801027772 (pbk.) | 0801027 204 p. ; UG Library
221.61 HOP 00105132 Priests, prophets, and sages: Hoppe,Leslie J. St.Anthony Messenger Press 2006 9780867166972 129p. UG Library
221.61 MAT 00121092 The Old Testament : Matthews, Victor Harold. Baker Academic, 2012 9780801048357 (pbk.) 3rd ed. xii, 322 p. : UG Library
221.66 EXU 00110252 Tragedy and Biblical Narrative Exum, J. Cheryl. Cambridge University Press, 1992 0521410738 (hardback) xiv, 206 p. ; UG Library
221.67 GAL 00145052 David's successors : Galvin, Garrett, Liturgical Press, 2016 9780814682517 xi, 173 pages ; UG Library
221.67 HOW 00142154 Giving the sense : Howard,David M Kregel Academic & Professional, 2003 0825428920 | 1844740161 482 p. : UG Library
221.67 WAL 00122893 Ancient Near Eastern thought and the Old Testament : Walton, John H., Baker Academic, 2006 0801027500 (pbk.) | 9780801027 368 p. UG Library
221.7 HIN 00111209 Zondervan King James Version commentary : Hindson, Edward E. Zondervan, 2010 9780310251392 (hardcover, prin 1211 p. : UG Library
221.7 WAL 00118037 The IVP background Bible commentary : Walton, John H., InterVarsity Press, 2000 0830814191 (cloth : alk. paper 832 p. : UG Library
221.8155 SCH 00093007 The Fruit of Her Hands : Schwartz, Matthew B. William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2007 9780802817723 (pbk. : alk. pap x, 197 p. ; UG Library
221.83054 BAC 05004752 Women in the Hebrew Bible : Routledge, 1999 9780415915618 | 0415915619 (pb xxvi, 539 p. ; Knowledge Centre
221.83062 SEM 00129468 Study of the Land in the Old Testament Sema,Kiyeho Christian World Imprint 2017 9789351481942 300p UG Library
221.833 WAG 05024418 Is God an economist? : Wagner-Tsukamoto, Sigmund. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 9780230222229 (hbk.) | 0230222 xvi, 277 p. : Knowledge Centre
221.83624 OLY 05038338 Disability in the Hebrew Bible Olyan, Saul M. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521888073 (hardback) | 978 xii, 188 p. Knowledge Centre
221.92 KEL 00065612 Heroes of the Bible Young King David Kelly, Jack 0000 0866115846 190p UG Library
221.92 VUR 00065595 Heroes of the Bible Joseph and His Brothers. Vurnakes, Claudia WALDMAN PUBLISHING CORP., 0000 190p UG Library
221.92 VYR 00065596 Heroes of The Bible Jesus of Nazareth. Vurnakes, Claudia PLAYMORE INC., AND WALDMAN PUBLISHNG CORP., 0000 192p UG Library
221.922 DAV 00089774 First Person:Essays in Biblical Autobiography Davies, Philip R Sheffield Academic Press 2008 1841272450 168p UG Library
221.922 DAY 00092765 First Person: Davies Philip R Sheffield Academic Press 9781841272450 168p UG Library
221.922 EDE 00140083 Remembering biblical figures in the late Persian and early Hellenistic periods : Oxford University Press; 2013 9780199664160 (hbk.) | 0199664161 (hbk.) First edition. xxiv, 516 pages ; UG Library
221.95 ARN 00120680 Ancient Israel's history : Arnold,Bill T 9780801039300 (cloth) xv, 544 pages UG Library
221.95 MOO 00118062 Biblical history and Israel's past Moore, Megan Bishop, William B. Eerdmans Pub. Company, 2011 9780802862600 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii, 518 p. : UG Library
221.95 MOO 00109677 Biblical history and Israel's past Moore, Megan Bishop, William B. Eerdmans Pub. Company, 2011 9780802862600 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii, 518 p. : UG Library
221.95 TUL 00109555 The Old Testament story Tullock, John H. Prentice Hall, 1997 0132663473 | 9780132663472 4th ed. xv, 394 p. : UG Library
221.9500933 DAV 00125545 In search of 'ancient Israel' : Davies, Philip R., Bloomsbury 2015 9780567662972 | 0567662977 Second editon xxiii, 164 pages ; UG Library
222 N-6 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
222.06 WIL 00137241 Kingship and memory in ancient Judah / Wilson, Ian Douglas, Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190499907 (hardcover : alk. paper) x, 308 pages ; UG Library
222.061 DUT 00120693 Reading the historical books : Dutcher-Walls, Patricia. 9780801048654 (pbk.) xxi, 178 pages UG Library
222.061 LES 00092945 The flow of the new testament Leschert, Dale F Mentor 9781857925012 524p UG Library
222.066 KRA 00111685 The composition of the narrative books of the Old Testament / Kratz, Reinhard Gregor, T & T Clark, 2005 0567089207 (alk. paper) | 0567 xii, 361 p. ; UG Library
222.07 RED 00118822 The History of Israel / Redford, Douglas Standard Pub., 2008 9780784719053 303 p. : UG Library
222.076 ABR 00107506 The Complete Bible Quiz & Quest Part-I Abraham,Sunny Rev. Suvartha Bhavan 2002 8187429100 320 P. UG Library
222.1 MEN 00112594 God of Israel or God of All Menezes, Rui de St. Pauls 2010 9789350150429 190p UG Library
222.1049 KIZ 00092949 The pentateuch Kizhakkeyil, Sebastian St pauls 9788171098040 536p UG Library
222.106 RED 00118826 The Pentateuch / Redford, Douglas Standard Pub., 2008 9780784719046 302 p. ; UG Library
222.106 TAB 00122814 The aura of Torah : Tabick, Larry. The Jewish Publication Society 2014 9780827609488 (pbk. : alk. pap xxxvii, 373 pages ; UG Library
222.106 WAT 00109583 Reading Law Watts James W. Sheffield Academic Press 1999 1850759979 189 p. UG Library
222.1061 ALE 00122120 From paradise to the promised land : Alexander, T. Desmond. Baker Academic, 2012 9780801039980 (pbk.) | 0801039 3rd ed. xxii, 360 p. : UG Library
222.1061 BRI 00132290 A theological introduction to the Pentateuch : Briggs Richard,S Baker Academic, 2012 9780801039126 (pbk.) | 0801039126 (pbk.) xiv, 210 p. : UG Library
222.1061 WOL 00072040 Introduction to the Old Testament Pentateuch [dharmaram Library] Wolf, Herbert 1991 0802441297 276 UG Library
222.11 LUC 00064780 Can We Believe Genesis Today [ Dharmaram Librery ] Lucas, Ernest 2003 8173624860 192 p UG Library
222.110 CRA 00145068 In quest of the historical Adam : Craig, William Lane, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2021 9780802879110 xvii, 421 pages : UG Library
222.110 HEN 00137247 The text of Genesis 1-11 : Hendel, Ronald S. Oxford University Press, 1998 0195119614 (alk. paper) xv, 168 p. : UG Library
222.110009 COH 00087985 Noah`s Flood: The Genesis Story in Western Thoughts Cohn, Norman 1996 0300068239 154p UG Library
222.110071 MIL 00138676 The Book of Genesis Miller, William T., Paulist Press, 2006 0809143488 (alk. paper) xii, 280 p. ; UG Library
222.1106 DAY 00142772 From creation to Abraham : Day, John, T & T Clark ; 2022 9780567703101 271 p. ; UG Library
222.1106 GUN 00140493 Creation and chaos in the primeval era and the eschaton : Gunkel, Hermann, W. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2006 0802828043 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780802828040 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780802828040 xlii, 442 p. ; UG Library
222.1106 MAC 00147087 Genesis and Christian theology / W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2012 9780802867254 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxiii, 341 p. : UG Library
222.1106 MAN 00109570 The lament of Eve Manley, Johanna, Monastery Books, 1993 0962253626 : iv, 153 p. ; UG Library
222.110601 HEN 00104891 Reading Genesis : Ronald Hendel. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521518611 | 052151861X | 9 xi, 230 p. ; UG Library
222.1106082 BRE 05002457 Prophets and Daniel: A Feminst Companion to the Bible Brenner, Athalya Sheffield Academic Press 1841271632 317p Knowledge Centre
222.1106089 BRE 00136813 Genesis Brenner,Athalya Fortress Press, 2010 9780800659998 (alk. paper) | 0800659996 (alk. paper) xvi, 344 p. : UG Library
222.110609420902 FLO 05009516 Representations of Eve in antiquity and the English Middle Ages / Flood, John, Routledge, 2011 9780415877961 | 0415877962 xvi, 193 p. : Knowledge Centre
222.11064 CHI 00111674 Abraham's curse : Chilton, Bruce. Doubleday, 2008 9780385520270 (alk. paper) | 0 1st ed. 259 p. ; UG Library
222.1107 WAL 00072058 Story of Joseph and the Family of Jacob [dharmaram Library] Wallace, Ronald S 2001 0094606881 135 UG Library
222.11077 GUN 04009788 Genesis / Mercer University Press, 1997 9780865545175 477 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
222.110832 PAN 00092605 Political Philosophy and the God of Abraham Pangle, Thomas L The Johns hopkins university press 2003 9780801887611 285p UG Library
222.11092 ROS 00131763 Abraham : Rosenberg, David, Basic Books, 2006 0465070949 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9780465070947 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 0465070957 (pbk.) | 9780465070954 (pbk.) xvii, 342 p. ; UG Library
222.11092 SEG 00127938 Joseph's bones : Segal, Jerome M., Riverhead Books, 2007 9781594489396 | 1594489394 xii, 307 p. ; UG Library
222.110924 VER 00140967 I Am Joseph : Vernet, Joan Maria Kristu Jyoti Publications; 2021 280 p. ; UG Library
222.12 HUM 03008396 The Miracles of Exodus : Humphreys, Colin J. Continuum ; 2003 9780826469526 362 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
222.1206 GOR 05002451 Narrative and identity Gorospe, Athena E. Brill, 2007 9004158553 | 9789004158559 xvi, 380 p. Knowledge Centre
222.12064 HYD 00110532 God in our midst Hyde, Daniel R. Reformation Trust Pub., 2012 9781567692815 1st ed. xvi, 255 p. ; UG Library
222.12066 EDA 00088073 Exodus Event and Its Historical Carnals Edayadiyil, George Cmi Asian Trading Corporation 2007 8170864291 156p UG Library
222.1207 DOZ 00107883 Commentary on Exodus Dozeman, Thomas B. W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2009 9780802826176 | 0802826172 (cl xix, 868 p. ; UG Library
222.1209505 URI 04005747 Exodus Uris, Leon Bantam Books 1959 0553258478 599 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
222.1307 SKL 00147181 Leviticus : Sklar, Jay, Zondervan Academic, 2023 9780310942184 xxvii, 835 pages ; UG Library
222.13077 MIL 00100054 Leviticus 1-16 Milgrom, Jacob The Anchor Bible, 9780300139402 xi, 1163 p. UG Library
222.14 RIS 00112711 The Blessing of Aaron RIS,Gerard St. Pauls 2013 9789350151167 112p UG Library
222.1407 AWA 00147185 Numbers / Awabdy, Mark A., Baker Academic, 2023 9780801035746 652 p, UG Library
222.1407 OLS 00130236 Numbers Olson,Dennis John Knox Press 2012 196p UG Library
222.15 LEV 00137238 Deuteronomy and the hermeneutics of legal innovation / Levinson, Bernard M. Oxford University Press, 1997 9780195152883 xiv, 205 p. ; UG Library
222.1507 THO 00122150 Deuteronomy / Thompson, Deanna A., Westminister John Knox Press, 2014 9780664233433 | 9780664260354 First edition. xvii, 270 p ; UG Library
222.15077 WEI 00100057 Deuteronomy 1 - 11 Weinfeld, Moshe Yale University Press, 9780300139433 xi, 458 p. UG Library
222.206 NIC 00134668 Deuteronomy and the Judaean diaspora Nicholson, Ernest W. Oxford University Press 2014 0198702736 | 9780198702733 xi, 196 pages ; UG Library
222.207 GOL 00147178 Joshua / Goldingay, John, Baker Academic, 2023 9781540964618 xvii, 507 pages ; UG Library
222.35 CAM 00102811 Ruth; Campbell Edward.F Anchor yale Bible; 9780300139464 188 p. UG Library
222.406 BRE 00109588 Samuel and Kings Brenner,Athalya Sheffield Academic Press, 2000 1841270822 (pbk. : alk. paper) 149 p. : UG Library
222.4092 WRI 00122056 David, King of Israel, and Caleb in biblical memory / Wright, Jacob L. Cambridge University Press 2014 9781107062276 (hardback) | 978 271p. UG Library
222.4092 WRI 00125440 David, King of Israel, and Caleb in biblical memory / Wright, Jacob L. Cambridge University Press 2014 9781107062276 (hardback) | 978 271p. UG Library
222.507 HEN 00147155 1-2 Kings / Hens-Piazza, Gina, Abingdon Press, 2006 0687490219 (binding: pbk., adhesive : alk. paper) xx, 407 p. ; UG Library
222.5092 BEA 00129835 The Jezebel letters : Beach, Eleanor Ferris, Fortress Press, 2005 0800637542 (hardcover : alk. p xi, 220 p. : UG Library
222.5092 BEA 00122089 The Jezebel letters : Beach, Eleanor Ferris, Fortress Press, 2005 0800637542 (hardcover : alk. p xi, 220 p. : UG Library
222.63077 KNO 00100060 I Chronicles 10 - 29 Knoppers, Gary N Doubleday, 9780300139532 x, 1045 p. UG Library
222.906 HOL 00142791 Narrative and other readings in the book of Esther / Holt, Else K., T & T Clark ; 2021 9780567697615 1. 172 p. ; UG Library
222.906 TRE 00118809 Esther and the End of Final Solutions' Treloar, Richard ATF Press, 2008 9781920691868 xxviii, 449 p. ; UG Library
222.9077 MOO 00102823 Esther; Moore Carey.A The Anchor Yale Bible; 9780300139488 117 p. UG Library
223 D-3 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
223.06 BRO 00107621 Character in crisis Brown, William P., W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1996 9780802841353 xi, 179 p. ; UG Library
223.06 CHA 00141679 Light in a spotless mirror : Charlesworth,James H Trinity Press International, 2003 1563383993 ix, 149 p. ; UG Library
223.06 CLI 00109587 The Poetical Books Clines David J.A. Sheffield Academic Press 1997 1850757879 370 p. UG Library
223.06 FID 00128038 Seeing the World and Knowing God : Fiddes, Paul S., Oxford University Press 2013 0199644101 (hardcover) | 97801 1st ed. vii, 423 pages ; UG Library
223.061 BVL 00072041 Introduction to the Old Testament Poetic Books [dharmaram Library] Bullock, Hassell C 1988 0802441416 271 UG Library
223.061 CRE 00110237 Old Testament Wisdom Crenshaw, James L. Westminster John Knox Press, 1998 0664254624 (alk. paper) Rev. and enl. xv, 255 p. ; UG Library
223.1 CHA 00072042 Why Me? an Exposition of the Book of Job: [ Dharmaram Library] Chandy, Kuruvilla OM BOOKS 8173626111 160p UG Library
223.106 JAN 00108182 At the scent of water Janzen, J. Gerald, William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2009 9780802848291 (pbk. : alk. pap xiii, 137 p. : UG Library
223.2 PUN 00129827 Gems/ Punnapadam,Thomas Kristu Jyoti Publications 2009 9788187370482 324p UG Library
223.2 PUN 00129828 Gems/ Punnapadam,Thomas Kristu Jyoti Publications 2009 9788187370482 324p UG Library
223.2/06 GIL 00128488 Jewish and Christian Approaches to the Psalms : Gillingham,Susan/ Oxford University Press 2015 9780199699544 (acidfree paper) xix, 271 pages, [16] pages of plates : UG Library
223.205204 DAH 00102812 Psalms 1; Dahood Mitchell The Anchor Yale Bible; 9780300139563 329 p. UG Library
223.205204 DAH 00102813 Psalms 1; Dahood Mitchell The Anchor Yale Bible; 9780300139563 329 p. UG Library
223.205204 DAH 00102814 Psalms 1; Dahood Mitchell The Anchor Yale Bible; 9780300139563 329 p. UG Library
223.206 BRI 00147205 The Lord is my shepherd : Briggs, Richard S., Baker Academic, 2021 9781540961853 xvii, 203 pages ; UG Library
223.206 BRO 00137246 The Oxford handbook of the Psalms / Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199783335 (cloth : alk. paper) xix, 661 pages : UG Library
223.206 BUL 00147215 Theology from the Psalms : Bullock, C. Hassell, Baker Academic, 2023 9781540966964 | 9781540967015 190 pages; UG Library
223.206 BUL 00122328 Encountering the book of Psalms: Bullock, C. Hassell. Baker Academic, 2001 0801022452 266 p. UG Library
223.206 COH 00138711 Why O Lord: Cohen,David J Paternoster 2013 9781842277546 210p UG Library
223.206 HUN 05003538 An introduction to the Psalms / Hunter, Alastair G. T & T Clark, 2008 9780567032973 (hbk : alk. pape viii, 158 p. ; Knowledge Centre
223.206 JOH 00092969 Interpreting the Psalms : InterVarsity Press ; | Apollos, 9781844740772 (pbk. : alk. pap 345 p. ; UG Library
223.206 LOC 00121083 Psalms : Lockyer, Herbert. Kregel, 1993 0825431468 (deluxe hardback) : 792 p. ; UG Library
223.206 WAL 00120701 The Psalms as Christian lament : Waltke, Bruce K. 9780802868091 (pbk. : alk. pap xv, 312 pages UG Library
223.2067 WAL 00122086 The Psalms as Christian worship Waltke, Bruce K. William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2010 9780802863744 | 9780802863744 xii, 626 p. ; UG Library
223.2067 WAL 00107618 The Psalms as Christian worship Waltke, Bruce K. William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2010 9780802863744 | 9780802863744 xii, 626 p. ; UG Library
223.207 BRU 00117675 Psalms Brueggemann, Walter. Cambridge University Press, 2014 9780521840927 (hardback) | 978 xxvi, 639 p.; UG Library
223.207 CHA 00147192 Psalms 1-50 : Charry, Ellen T., Brazos Press, 2015 9781587431579 (cloth) xxvi, 271 pages ; UG Library
223.2077 EAT 00118657 Meditating on the Psalms Eaton John Continuum 9780826477330 189p UG Library
223.2077 EAT 00092798 Meditating on the Psalms Eaton John Continuum 9780826477330 189p UG Library
223.2077 ROS 00118044 A commentary on the Psalms / Ross, Allen P. Kregel Academic & Professional, 2011 9780825425622 | 082542562X v. 887p UG Library
223.7 WAL 00145084 Proverbs : Waltke, Bruce K., William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2021 9780802875037 xxviii, 472 pages ; UG Library
223.707 FOX 00100064 Proverbs 10-31 : Yale University Press, 9780300142099 (alk. paper) 1205 p. : UG Library
223.707 GOL 00147191 Proverbs / Goldingay, John, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2023 9780802879417 477 pages ; UG Library
223.7077 FOX 00100062 Proverbs 1 9 Fox, Michael V Yale University Press, 9780300139594 xix, 474 p. UG Library
223.806 JOH 00108187 Useless beauty Johnston,Robert K., Baker Academic, 2004 0801027853 208 p. : UG Library
223.8077 SEO 00100058 Ecclesiastes: Seow, Choon-Leong Yale University Press, 9780300139600 xvii, 419 p. UG Library
223.9 BRE 00084392 Song of Songs: A Feminist Companion to the Bible (second Series) Brenner, Athalya Sheffield Academic Press 2000 1841270520 211p UG Library
223.906 LIO 00102099 My beloved: Lionel Rev.Fr.S.Joseph Asian trading corporation; 9798170865901 155 p. UG Library
223.9077 GRI 00147201 Song of Songs / Griffiths, Paul J. Brazos Press, 2011 9781587431357 (hdbk.) lviii, 182 p. ; UG Library
224 BRA 00147175 Jeroboam's wife : Branch, Robin Gallaher, Baker Academic, 2010 9781565637450 (alk. paper) | 9780801045714 (alk. paper) xxiii, 270 p. ; UG Library
224 GRE 00145081 Preaching Christ From Leviticus : Greidanus, Sidney, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2021 9780802876027 xix, 313 pages ; UG Library
224 JOS 00139692 Methodological issues in interpreting the Old Testament passages : Joseph, Joel. Christian World Imprints; 2020 9789351484622 (HB) | 9789351484639 (PB) 161 p. ; UG Library
224 PAK 00140573 An Evaluation of the Old Testament Women Against the Ideal Woman in Proverbs / Pakhuongte, Fidelia Lallawmzuali. Christian World Imprints ; 2021 9789351485360 (HB) | 9789351485377 (PB) xviii, 136 p. 23 cm. UG Library
224 PAT 00139673 Leadership in the Prophetic Literature with special reference to eighth century BCE Prophets / Patton,A.Abeni. Christian World Imprints; 2020 9789351484745 (HB) 256 p. ; UG Library
224 PIN 00143636 Life of Elijah Pink, A W Omega Book World, 2019 9789389069112 289p UG Library
224 SHO 00139693 Redefining relationships in Romans : Shohe, Zakali. Christian World Imprints; 2020 9789351484653 (HB) | 9789351484660 (PB) 126 p. ; UG Library
224 SUB 00139691 Imagery of love in the Old Testament : Subramani, N. Christian World Imprints; 2020 9789351483700 (HB) 276 p. ; UG Library
224.03 BOD 00111677 Dictionary of the Old Testament Prophets Boda,Mark J. IVP Academic, 2012 9780830817849 (USA hardcover : xxvi, 966 p. ; UG Library
224.03 BOD 00110536 Dictionary of the Old Testament Prophets Boda,Mark J. IVP Academic, 2012 9780830817849 (USA hardcover : xxvi, 966 p. ; UG Library
224.06 BOL 00072039 Introductiion to the Old Testament Prophetic Books [dharmaram Library] Bullock, C Hassell 1986 0802441424 391 UG Library
224.06 BRE 00109585 Prophets and Daniel Brenner,Athalya Sheffield Academic Press, 2001 1841271632 | 9781841271637 317 p. ; UG Library
224.06 BRE 00092764 A feminist companion to the latter prophets Brenner Athalya T & T Clark 0567040305 384p UG Library
224.06 JEN 00096541 Ethical dimensions of the prophets / Jensen, Joseph, Liturgical Press, 9780814659830 (alk. paper) | 0 xi, 203 p. ; UG Library
224.06 JES 00129456 Exploring Dalit Liberative Hermeneutics in India and the World Jesurathnam,Kondasingu Christian World Imprints 2015 9789351480631 461p UG Library
224.06 TUL 00147193 Reading the prophets as Christian scripture : Tully, Eric J., Baker Academic, 2022 9780801099731 xii, 409 pages : UG Library
224.061 HUT 00108208 Fortress introduction to the Prophets Hutton,Rodney R., Fortress Press, 2004 0800636708 ix, 115 p. 22 cm. UG Library
224.106 BAU 00120697 The book of Isaiah : Bautech Richard J 9780802867735 (pbk. : alk. pap viii, 234 pages UG Library
224.106 RUB 00147100 Thus saith the Lord : Rubenstein, Richard E. Harcourt, 2006 0151012199 | 9780151012190 1st ed. xii, 258 p. : UG Library
224.106 RUB 00112398 Thus saith the Lord : Rubenstein, Richard E. Harcourt, 2006 0151012199 | 9780151012190 1st ed. xii, 258 p. : UG Library
224.106 THA 00107502 Structure and theology of Second Isaiah Tharekadavil,Antony Good Shepherd Major Seminary 2008 8190343971 | 9788190343978 242 P. UG Library
224.1060901 BLE 00111204 Opening the sealed book : Blenkinsopp, Joseph, William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 9780802840219 (pbk. : alk. pap xx, 315 p. ; UG Library
224.1060901 BLE 00101109 Opening the sealed book : Blenkinsopp, Joseph, William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 9780802840219 (pbk. : alk. pap xx, 315 p. ; UG Library
224.1061 BEY 00109825 Encountering The Book Of Isaiah Beyer Bryan E. Baker Academic 2007 9780801026454 303 p. UG Library
224.1072 BLE 00102815 Isaiah 1-39 Blenkinsopp Joseph The Anchor yale Bible; 9780300139617 524 p. UG Library
224.2 GOL 00145092 The Book of Jeremiah / Goldingay, John, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2021 9780802875846 xxvii, 1033 pages ; UG Library
224.206 BRU 00122070 Like fire in the bones : Brueggemann, Walter. Fortress Press, 2006 0800635612 (alk. paper) | 9780 xvi, 255 p. ; UG Library
224.206 BRU 00123033 Like fire in the bones : Brueggemann, Walter. Fortress Press, 2006 0800635612 (alk. paper) | 9780 xvi, 255 p. ; UG Library
224.2077 HOL 00084358 Jeremiah 2: A Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah Chapters 26-52 Holladay, William L 1989 543p UG Library
224.3 GOL 00145093 The book of Lamentations / Goldingay, John, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2022 9780802825421 xix, 228 pages ; UG Library
224.3077 SAL 00117587 A critical and exegetical commentary on Lamentations Salters, Robert B. T&T Clark, 2010 9780567576514 | 0567576515 xxxiv, 375 p. ; UG Library
224.407 KIZ 00085335 Ezekiel Kizhakkeyil, Sebastian ATC Publications 2007 9788170864141 157 p UG Library
224.507 WID 00147165 Daniel : Widder, Wendy, Zondervan Academic, 2023 9780310942368 xxvi, 575 pages ; UG Library
224.8007 AND 00100055 Amos Andersen Francis I Yale University Press, 9780300140705 xxi, 979 p. UG Library
224.92 HAV 00142781 Jonah : Havea, Jione, T & T Clark ; 2020 9780567674548 138 p. ; UG Library
224.9206 PER 00137977 The Honemoon is Over: Perry,T A Hendrickson Publishers 2007 9780801047428 250p UG Library
224.92077 YOU 00122159 Jonah : Youngblood, Kevin J., Zondervan, 2013 9780310282990 186 p,; UG Library
224.95 TUR 00147173 Habakkuk : Turner, Kenneth J., Zondervan Academic, 2023 9780310942436 xxii, 276 pages ; UG Library
224.96077 BER 00100063 Zephaniah Berlin, Adele Yale University Press, 9780300140804 xvi, 165 p. UG Library
225 AIC 00146843 The Letters of Jude and Second Peter/ Aichele, George Bloomsbury 2024 9789361312519 85p UG Library
225 AND 00146847 Colossians/ Anderson, Janice Capel Bloomsbury 2024 9789361310164 122p UG Library
225 ASC 00146842 1 & 2 Thessalonians/ Ascough, Richard S Bloomsbury 2024 9789361311574 99p UG Library
225 AYM 00146835 James/ Aymer, Margaret Bloomsbury 2024 9789361315633 89p UG Library
225 BAT 00133790 Understanding the Gospels Bateman IV,Herbert W Kregel 2014 9780825444166 283p UG Library
225 BER 00143633 Introduction to the New Testament Berkhof, Louis Omega Book World, 2019 9789389069310 218p UG Library
225 BIB 00023201 Good News for the Modern Man: the New Testment in Todays`s Bible, N T Bible Society of India 1971 658 p UG Library
225 CAR 00146859 Luke: Carey, Greg Bloomsbury 2024 9789361318498 102p UG Library
225 FIO 00146857 1 Peter: Fiorenza, Elisabeth Schussler Bloomsbury 2024 9789361315121 97p UG Library
225 FOW 00146845 Ephesians/ Fowl, Stephen E Bloomsbury 2024 9789361316531 78p UG Library
225 GRA 00146848 Hebrews/ Gray, Patrick Bloomsbury 2024 9789361312045 105p UG Library
225 IMM 00130309 Acts of the Apostles Immanuel,Babu Primalogue 2016 310p UG Library
225 LOZ 00146860 John: Lozada, Francisco Bloomsbury 2024 9789361313066 116p UG Library
225 MAR 00146836 Philippians/ Marchal, Joseph A Bloomsbury 2024 9789361319945 102p UG Library
225 MAT 00146837 The Acts of the Apostles/ Matthews, Shelly Bloomsbury 2024 9789361313462 96p UG Library
225 MCK 00018458 Power and the Wisdom Mckenzie, John L Image 1972 320 p UG Library
225 MOO 00146844 Revelation/ Moore, Stephen D Bloomsbury 2024 9789361310362 122p UG Library
225 PEL 00131832 Say the Word,Thus Pellissery,Jose Theological Publications in India 2018 9789383163786 552p UG Library
225 PHI 00012793 New Testament in Modern English Philips, J B Macmillan Co. 1963 280 p UG Library
225 SEE 00146846 Philemon/ Seesengood, Robert Bloomsbury 2024 9789361319921 112p UG Library
225 SIL 00140502 New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology and Exegesis Silva,Moies Zondervan 2014 9780310276197 2nd Edition 5 Vols UG Library
225 SIL 00140503 New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology and Exegesis Silva,Moies Zondervan 2014 9780310276197 2nd Edition 5 Vols UG Library
225 SIL 00140504 New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology and Exegesis Silva,Moies Zondervan 2014 9780310276197 2nd Edition 5 Vols UG Library
225 SIL 00140505 New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology and Exegesis Silva,Moies Zondervan 2014 9780310276197 2nd Edition 5 Vols UG Library
225 SIL 00140506 New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology and Exegesis Silva,Moies Zondervan 2014 9780310276197 2nd Edition 5 Vols UG Library
225 SMI 00146861 Mark: Smith Abraham Bloomsbury 2024 9789361310096 101p UG Library
225 STR 00118056 The New Strong's Expanded Dictionary of Bible Words Strong,James Thomson Nelson Publishers 2001 0785246762 1466p UG Library
225 TWO 00146841 2 Corinthians/ Twomey, Jay Bloomsbury 2024 9789361319990 98p UG Library
225 VAN 00130183 Drawn into the mystery of Jesus through the Gospel of John Vanier, Jean, Theological Publications in India 2018 0809142961 (pbk.) 360 p. : UG Library
225 WAI 00146858 Matthew: Wainwright, Elaine M Bloomsbury 2024 9789361319860 85p UG Library
225 WAN 00146839 Romans/ Wan, Sze-Kar Bloomsbury 2024 9789361311031 127p UG Library
225.06 GRE 00136177 Trajectories through the New Testament and the Apostolic Fathers / Oxford University Press, 2009 0199267839 (alk. paper) | 9780199267835 xvii, 506 p. ; UG Library
225.066 EVA 00122894 Ancient texts for New Testament studies : Evans, Craig A. Baker Academic, 2005 9780801048425 | 0801048427 Baker Academic paperback ed. xxxvi, 539 p. ; UG Library
225.072 BOC 00111205 Seeing the Word : Bockmuehl, Markus N. A. Baker Academic, 2006 0801027616 | 9780801027611 297 p. : UG Library
225.09 MOR 00133016 Jewish Themes in the New Testament Morris,Paul Paternoster 2013 9781842278215 268p UG Library
225.0922 SOS 07006705 Sisters of sinai Soskice, Janet Vintage Book Publication, 2010 9780099546542 xiv,329p. Library - BR Campus
225.5 ABS 00002376 Good News for Modern Man American Bible Society, Collins 598 p UG Library
225.5 MOO 00072052 Beloved Disciple: Following John to the Heart of Jesus: [dharmaram Library] Moore, Beth 2000 0633152684 339p UG Library
225.5209 PET 00111693 The message : Peterson,Eugene H. NavPress, 1998 1576831191 | 1576831205 (pbk.) 816 p. ; UG Library
225.6 BAR 00111134 Jesus and the Word and other essays / Barrett, C. K. Pickwick Publications, 1995 1556350295 (alk. paper) xii, 276 p. ; UG Library
225.6 BEA 00121089 Handbook on the New Testament use of the Old Testament : Beale, G. K. Baker Academic, 2012 9780801038969 (pbk.) | 0801038 xviii, 173 p. ; UG Library
225.6 EVA 00109556 New Testament Backgrounds Evans Craug A. sheffield Academic Press 1997 1850757968 335 p. UG Library
225.6 FOS 00126866 New Testament studies Foster,Paul SAGE, 2010 9781848601680 (hbk.) | 1848601 4 v.; UG Library
225.6 FOS 00126867 New Testament studies Foster,Paul SAGE, 2010 9781848601680 (hbk.) | 1848601 4 v.; UG Library
225.6 FOS 00126868 New Testament studies Foster,Paul SAGE, 2010 9781848601680 (hbk.) | 1848601 4 v.; UG Library
225.6 FOS 00126869 New Testament studies Foster,Paul SAGE, 2010 9781848601680 (hbk.) | 1848601 4 v.; UG Library
225.6 GRO 00108178 New Testament survey Gromacki,Robert G. Baker Academi, 1974 9780801036262 xi, 433 p. : UG Library
225.6 MAC 00142179 The New Testament and intellectual humility / Macaskill, Grant, Oxford University Press 2018 9780198799856 | 0198799853 First Edition. viii, 270 pages ; UG Library
225.6 MCK 00018447 Power and the Wisdom Mckenzie, John L Image 1972 1 UG Library
225.6 MOY 00129321 Evoking Scripture : Moyise, Steve. T & T Clark, 2008 0567033244 (hbk : alk. paper) 163 p. ; UG Library
225.6 MOY 00134510 The later New Testament writings and Scripture : Moyise, Steve. Baker Academic, 2012 9780801048531 (pbk.) x, 182 p. ; UG Library
225.6 NEV 00147472 A peaceable hope : Neville, David J. Baker Academic, 2013 9780801048517 (pbk.) xv, 288 p. ; UG Library
225.6 PRI 00010871 This Way to Life Derek Prime, Hodder 1968 95p UG Library
225.6 SCH 00122914 Theology of the New Testament Schnelle, Udo. Baker Academic, 2009 9780801036040 (cloth) | 080103 910 p. UG Library
225.6 SEG 05054748 A postcolonial commentary on the New Testament writings T & T Clark, 2009 9780567637079 (pbk.) | 0567637 x, 466 p. Knowledge Centre
225.6 STI 00109694 Jesus and Paul reconnected Still,Todd D. William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2007 9780802831491 (pbk. : alk. pap xvi, 166 p. cm. UG Library
225.601 BLO 00122107 A handbook of New Testament exegesis / Blomberg, Craig. Baker Academic, 2010 9780801031779 (pbk.) | 0801031 xx, 298 p. : UG Library
225.61 ACH 00092988 Introducing the New Testament : Achtemeier, Paul J. W.B. Eerdmans Pub., 0802837174 xii, 624 p. : UG Library
225.61 BUR 00140044 The New Testament in antiquity / Burge, Gary M., Zondervan, 2009 9780310244950 | 0310244951 479 p. : UG Library
225.61 CHI 00122082 Studying the New Testament Chilton, Bruce Fortress Press, 2011 9780800697358 Fortress Press ed. ix, 174 p:. UG Library
225.61 CHI 00129481 Studying the New Testament Chilton, Bruce Fortress Press, 2011 9780800697358 Fortress Press ed. ix, 174 p:. UG Library
225.61 DRA 00109810 Introducing The New Testament Drane,John A Lion Book 1999 9780745939841 480 p. UG Library
225.61 ELW 00122898 Encountering the New Testament : Elwell, Walter A. Baker Academic, 2013 9780801039645 (cloth) 3rd ed. xvi, 430 p. UG Library
225.61 GEI 00122909 A popular survey of the New Testament Geisler, Norman L. Baker Books 2007 9780801016615 (pbk.) Paperback edition. 331 pages UG Library
225.61 JOH 00101784 The New Testament : Johnson, Luke Timothy. Oxford University Press, 9780199735709 xii, 146 p. : UG Library
225.61 MOL 00122130 Reading the New Testament in the church : Moloney, Francis J. Baker Academic 2015 9780801049804 (pbk.) xiv, 226 pages ; UG Library
225.61 NIE 00140491 A concise guide to reading the New Testament : Nienhuis, David R., Baker Academic 2018 9780801097638 (pbk. : alk. paper) ix, 197 pages ; UG Library
225.61 POW 00106686 Introducing the New Testament : Powell, Mark Allan, Baker Academic, 2009 9780801028687 (cloth) | 080102 560 p. : UG Library
225.61 SCH 00106793 Magnifying God in Christ Schreiner, Thomas R. Baker Academic, 2010 9780801038266 (pbk.) 272 p. ; UG Library
225.61 SCH 00146121 Magnifying God in Christ Schreiner, Thomas R. Baker Academic, 2010 9780801038266 (pbk.) 272 p. ; UG Library
225.61 STO 00135025 Basic introduction to the New Testament / Stott, John R. W., William B Erdmans Publishing Company 2017 9780802874696 (pbk. : alk. paper) xii, 216 pages ; UG Library
225.6122 CAR 00094521 An introduction to the New Testament Carson D A Apollos 9781844740895 781p UG Library
225.66 EVA 00142793 New studies in textual interplay / T & T Clark ; 2021 9780567678973 | 9780567698223 267 p. ; UG Library
225.66 FUN 00142184 Parables and presence : Funk, Robert Walter, Fortress Press, 1982 0800606884 xi, 206 p. ; UG Library
225.67 TOM 00109783 'If this be from heaven ...' Tomson, Peter J., Sheffield Academic Press, 2001 1841271969 (pbk.) | 9781841271 455 p. ; UG Library
225.7 CAM 00140516 1, 2, & 3 John / Campbell, Constantine R., Zondervan 2017 9780310327325 (hardcover) xv, 246 pages ; UG Library
225.7 HIN 00111208 Zondervan King James Version commentary : Hindson, Edward E. Zondervan, 2010 9780310251507 (hardcover, prin 879 p. : UG Library
225.7 KNI 00140512 The No-Stress Bible Guide Knight,George W Barbour Books 2016 9781643520186 319p UG Library
225.7 KOS 00140492 The Cradle,The Cross, and The Crown: Kostenberger,Andreas J B and H Academic 2016 9781433684005 1130p UG Library
225.7 WAT 00118014 Parallel Commentary on the New Testament Mark,Water AMG Publishers 2003 9780899574448 961p UG Library
225.7 WIE 00112651 Wiersbe's expository outlines on the New Testament / Wiersbe, Warren W. Victor Books, 1992 0896938484 858 p. ; UG Library
225.7 WIE 00111721 The Bible exposition commentary / Wiersbe, Warren W. Victor Books, 1989 0896936597 (set) | 1564760308 2 v. ; UG Library
225.7 WIE 00111722 The Bible exposition commentary / Wiersbe, Warren W. Victor Books, 1989 0896936597 (set) | 1564760308 2 v. ; UG Library
225.7 WIL 00118016 The Complete Bible Commentary Williams,George Kregel 1994 9780825441042 1058p UG Library
225.77 COU 00140010 Jon Courson's application commentary : Courson, Jon. Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2003 0785251553 1801 p. ; UG Library
225.77 RED 00118824 The New Testament Church : Redford, Douglas Standard Pub., 2007 9780784719015 303 p. ; UG Library
225.9 BON 00107373 I,Paul Bonano,salvatore J. Claretian Publications India 2009 9788189851385 vii:277 P. UG Library
225.9 GRA 00110919 Jesus / Grant, Michael, Rigel Publications 2008 0297771345 : 261 p. : UG Library
225.9 HYL 00140088 Women in the New Testament world / Hylen, Susan E., Oxford University Press; 2019 9780190237578 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9780190237585 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvi, 212 pages : UG Library
225.92 BAD 00138704 Saint Paul : Badiou, Alain. Stanford University Press, 2003 080474470X (cloth : alk. paper) | 0804744718 (alk. paper) x, 111 p. ; UG Library
225.92 BAU 00143938 Paul, the apostle of Jesus Christ / Baur, Ferdinand Christian, Cascade Books 2021 9781725246058 | 9781725246294 xxxvi, 520 pages ; UG Library
225.92 BLA 00127942 Paul and the philosophers / Blanton,Ward Fordham University Press 2013 9780823249640 (cloth : alk. pa vii, 628 pages ; UG Library
225.92 BOC 00131755 Simon Peter in Scripture and memory : Bockmuehl, Markus N. A. Baker Academic, 2012 9780801048647 (pbk.) | 0801048648 (pbk.) xvi, 223 p. ; UG Library
225.92 BRU 00146122 Paul : Bruggen, J. van, P&R Pub., 2005 9780875526485 xix, 411 p. : UG Library
225.92 LON 00135096 Paul ; Longenecker, Richard N. William B Erdmans Publishing Company 2015 9780802843029 (pbk. : alk. paper) Second edition. xxviii, 407 pages ; UG Library
225.92 LOP 00122197 Apostle to the conquered : Lopez, Davina C., Fortress Press, 2008 9780800662813 (alk. paper) | 0 xix, 248 p : UG Library
225.92 LOP 00122047 Apostle to the conquered Lopez Davina C Fortress Press 2008 9780800697693 248p. UG Library
225.92 LOP 00126883 Apostle to the conquered : Lopez, Davina C., Fortress Press, 2008 9780800662813 (alk. paper) | 0 xix, 248 p : UG Library
225.92 NOV 00145076 Paul, then and now / Novenson, Matthew V., William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2022 9780802881717 xvi, 248 pages ; UG Library
225.92 PAI 00110269 Just James Painter, John. T&T Clark Ltd. 1997 9780567086976 | 1570031746 xiv, 326 p. ; UG Library
225.92 PER 00090696 Peter: Apostle for the Whole Church Perkins, Pheme T & T Clark, 1994 0567087433 209p UG Library
225.92 POL 00112643 The Apostle : Pollock, John Charles. David C Cook, 2012 9780781405737 (pbk.) 3rd ed. 301 p. ; UG Library
225.92 SAN 05048900 Paul : Sanders, E. P. Oxford University Press, 2001 0192854518 | 9780192854513 165 p. : Knowledge Centre
225.92 SCH 00088098 Apostle Paul: His Life and Theology Schnelle, Udo 2005 0801027969 695p UG Library
225.92 SEE 05006448 Paul : Seesengood, Robert Paul. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 9781405178907 (pbk. : alk. pap x, 254 p. ; Knowledge Centre
225.92 TWE 00120681 Paul and the miraculous : Twelftree, Graham H. 9780801027727 (pbk.) xxv, 390 pages UG Library
225.92 VAR 00112731 Thomas/ Varghese, Roy Abraham St. Pauls 2011 9789350150498 214p UG Library
225.92 YOU 00122127 Paul, the Jewish theologian : Young, Brad, Baker Academic 1997 1565632486 (pbk.) xx, 164 p. : UG Library
225.924 NED 00086127 Quest for the Historical Thomas Apostle of India:A Reading of the Evidence. Nedungatt, George Rekha Printers 2008 9788188821235 428 p UG Library
225.924 PIC 00088014 Paul the Apostle Picrilli, Robert E 1986 0802463258 247p UG Library
225.92SHA 00081024 Brother of Jesus:The Dramatic Story and Menaing of the First Archaeological Link to Jesus and His Family Shanks, Hershel 2003 0060556609 226p UG Library
225.93 CHA 00109537 Jesus and Archaeology Charlesworth James H. William B. Eerdmans publishing Co. 2006 9780802848802 740 p. UG Library
225.93 CHA 00092991 Jesus and Archaeology Charlesworth James H. William B. Eerdmans publishing Co. 2006 9780802848802 740 p. UG Library
225.95 BEC 00147473 Christian beginnings : Becker, Jurgen Westminster/John Knox Press, 1993 0664251951 (pbk. : alk. paper) 359 p. ; UG Library
225.95 CAR 00122132 Seven events that shaped the New Testament world / Carter, Warren, Baker Academic 2013 9780801039164 (pbk.) xxi, 162 pages : UG Library
225.95 STR 00119022 Bethsaida: Strickert,Fred The Liturgical Press 1998 081465519X 187p UG Library
225.95 TAY 00088103 Paul:His Letters, Message and Heritage Taylor, Sj, Michael J St Pauls 2007 9789710390625 256 UG Library
226 .092 LAH 00106495 Searching for Mary Magdalene : Lahr Jane Welcome Books, 2006 9781932183894 1st ed. 239 p. : UG Library
226 ABH 00111137 Mission as God's Project in the Synoptics Abhilash,Varghese ISPCK 2012 978-81-84652109 454p UG Library
226 BLA 00071485 Sentence Conjunctions in the Gospel of Matthew: [dharmaram Library] Black, L Stephanie Sheffield Academic Press 2000 1841272558 416p UG Library
226 BOO 00139447 Book of the gospels: english standard version catholic edition : The Conference of Catholic Bishops of India; 2017 9789388968294 396 p. ; UG Library
226 BUL 00002364 Saviour Bulcke, C Catholic Press 1968 xv; 220 p. UG Library
226 COX 00112636 Harmony of the Gospels Cox,Steven L Holman 2007 9780805494440 364p UG Library
226 DEF 00139681 Lifting up the serpent in the Gospel of John : deForest,Allison R. Christian World Imprints; 2020 9789351484820 (HB) 199 p. ; UG Library
226 DOH 00020817 Gospel Without Compromise Doherty, Catherine De Hueck Collins 1979 160 p UG Library
226 KUL 00145097 The Gospels : Kulandaisamy, L, ATC Publishers, | Academy of Biblical Communion, 2023 9789391399825 400 p. ; UG Library
226 LAL 00140567 Cosmic Christology in the Gospel of Matthew : Matthew's Utilization of Nature Miracles and Jewish Cosmology / Lalramchhana RC Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485568 (HB) | 9789351485575 (PB) xx, 310 p. 25 cm UG Library
226 LON 00002367 Good News for Modern Man Longman 1967 600 p. UG Library
226 LON 00140576 Socio-Cultural Reading of Wealth in the Gospel of Mark / Longkumer, Matsung. Christian World Imprints ; 2021 9789351485384 (HB) | 9789351485391 (PB) xvi, 126 p. 23 cm. UG Library
226 NAD 00107597 The theology of the paschal lamb in Ephrem of Nisibis Naduvilezham,Joseph Dr. Oriental Institute of Religious Studies 2000 8186063765 341 P. UG Library
226 PUT 00140956 Echoing the Gospel : Puthankudy, Sojan Kristu Jyoti Publications; 2020 9788194368717 497 p. ; UG Library
226 VEL 00140179 Sathoshathinte Suvisesham Vellanickal,Mathew Pro Sanctity Publications 2015 126p UG Library
226 VEL 00140150 Karunayude Mugham Vellanickal,Mathew Pro Sancitity Publications 2016 135p UG Library
226 VEL 00140166 Parisudhathmavinte Suvisesham Vellanickal,Mathew Pro Sanctity Publications 2019 104p UG Library
226.03GRE 00064772 Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels Green, B Joel 0851106463 932p UG Library
226.06 WRI 00116930 How God Became King Wright, N. T. HarperOne, 2012 9780061730573 (hardback) | 978 1st. ed. xvii, 282 p. ; UG Library
226.06 BAR 00085341 The Cambridge companion to the Gospels / Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521807662 (hbk.) | 9780521807 xii, 300 p. ; UG Library
226.06 FAL 00105145 What Jesus Said and Why It Matters Now Timothy,Fallon.D St.Anthony Messenger Press 2006 9780867166736 152 p. UG Library
226.06 GRE 00138680 The Fourfold Gospel Commentary Gregory,Andrew ISPCK 2006 02814056919 211p UG Library
226.06 HOR 00122066 Jesus in context : Horsley, Richard A. Fortress Press, 2008 9780800663124 (alk. paper) | 0 vi, 274 p. ; UG Library
226.06 HOR 00123030 Jesus in context : Horsley, Richard A. Fortress Press, 2008 9780800663124 (alk. paper) | 0 vi, 274 p. ; UG Library
226.06 LAW 00135147 Sense and stigma in the gospels : Lawrence, Louise Joy, Oxford University Press 2013 9780199590087 (Hbk.) | 0199590087 (Hbk.) | 9780199590094 (Pbk.) | 0199590095 (Pbk.) First edition. x, 195 pages ; UG Library
226.06 TIS 00109961 Origin of the four Gospels. Tischendorf, Constantin von, Cambridge University Press 2012 9781108043335 (pbk.) 287 p. UG Library
226.06 TOL 00106458 The Gospel in brief Tolstoy, Leo, Dover Publications, Inc., 2008 9780486468112 (pbk.) | 0486468 Dover ed. 173 p. ; UG Library
226.06 WAT 00140498 The fourfold gospel : Watson, Francis, Theological Publications in India 2017 9780801095450 (cloth) xiii, 207 pages : UG Library
226.06 WAT 00134624 The fourfold gospel : Watson, Francis, Theological Publications in India 2017 9780801095450 (cloth) xiii, 207 pages : UG Library
226.06 WAT 00134625 The fourfold gospel : Watson, Francis, Theological Publications in India 2017 9780801095450 (cloth) xiii, 207 pages : UG Library
226.0601 GOL 00101106 Gospel-Centred Hermeneutics : Goldsworthy,Graeme. Apollos Pub , 9781844741458 341 P. UG Library
226.06082 TAY 00135145 Women in the story of Jesus : Taylor,Marion Ann William B Eerdmans Publishing Company 2016 9780802873033 (pbk. : alk. paper) xi, 276 pages ; UG Library
226.061 PER 00101107 Introduction to the synoptic gospels / Perkins, Pheme. William B. Eerdmans Pub., 9780802817709 xvi, 312 p. ; UG Library
226.061 PUS 00106789 An introduction to the Gospels and Acts Puskas, Charles B. William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2008 9780802845573 (pbk. : alk. pap xv, 210 p. : UG Library
226.061 PUS 00110793 An introduction to the Gospels and Acts / Puskas, Charles B. William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2008 9780802845573 (pbk. : alk. pap xv, 210 p. : UG Library
226.066 ABA 00122503 The synoptic problem and statistics / Abakuks, Andris. CRC Press 2015 9781466572010 (hardcover : alk 205p. UG Library
226.066 BRO 00141667 The Gospels as Stories: Brown,Jeannine K Theological Publications in India 2021 9789388953351 210p UG Library
226.066 BUR 00109579 Rethinking the Gospel sources Burkett, Delbert T & T Clark International, 2004 0567025500 (pbk.) | 0567025403 ix, 290 p. ; UG Library
226.066 HAY 00137975 Echoes of Scriture in the Gospels Hays,Richard B Baylor University Press 2018 9781481309479 504p UG Library
226.066 POR 00147214 The synoptic problem : Baker Academic, 2016 9780801049507 (pbk.) x, 194 pages ; UG Library
226.066 STE 00085339 Studying the Synoptic Gospels Stein, Robert H 2007 9780801022586 302p UG Library
226.066 TRE 00068290 Hebrew Christ Tresmontant, Claude 1989 0819908762 323p UG Library
226.066 WHI 04009794 Scripting Jesus : White, L. Michael. HarperOne, 2010 9780061228797 (hardback) 1st ed. xii, 516 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
226.066 WHI 03006381 Scripting Jesus : White, L. Michael HarperOne, 2010 9780061228797 1st ed. xii, 516 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
226.067 BAU 00110234 Jesus and the Eyewitnesses Bauckham, Richard. William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2006 0802831621 (cloth : alk. paper xiii, 538 p. ; UG Library
226.067 KEE 00120872 Jesus in history : Kee, Howard Clark. Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1996 0155011251 3rd ed. x, 310 p. UG Library
226.067 ROD 00126875 Structuring early Christian memory Rodríguez, Rafael, T & T Clark, 2010 9780567264206 (hbk.) | 0567264 xii, 278 p.; UG Library
226.07 RED 00118823 The Life and Ministry of Jesus : Redford, Douglas Standard Pub., 2007 9780784719008 303 p.; UG Library
226.092 ADA 00121152 The Magdalene mystique : Adam, Betty Conrad. Morehouse Pub., 2006 0819222313 | 9780819222312 ix, 165 p. : UG Library
226.092 BOE 00092796 The Mary Magdalene cover-up : Boer, Esther de. T & T Clark, 9780567031822 (pbk. : alk. pap x, 213 p. ; UG Library
226.092 CAN 00135863 The place of Judas Iscariot in Christology Cane, Anthony, Ashgate Pub., 2005 075465284X (hardback : alk. paper) vi, 211 p. ; UG Library
226.092 HIG 00110497 Unveiling Mary Magdalene Higgs, Liz Curtis. Waterbrook Press, 2001 1400070848 | 9781400070213 1st ed. 289 p. ; UG Library
226.092 LYO 00128033 Joseph of Arimathea : Lyons, William John, Oxford University Press 2014 9780199695911 (hbk.) | 9780199 First edition. vi, 193 pages ; UG Library
226.092 MOS 00106121 Doubting Thomas Most, Glenn W. Harvard University Press, 2005 9780674025615 xv, 267 p. : UG Library
226.092 SCH 00118656 Mary Magdalene understood / Schaberg, Jane. Continuum, 9780826418982 (hardcover : alk 176 p. ; UG Library
226.092 SCH 00092797 Mary Magdalene understood / Schaberg, Jane. Continuum, 9780826418982 (hardcover : alk 176 p. ; UG Library
226.0922 BAU 00092879 Gospel women : Bauckham, Richard. W.B. Eerdmans, 0802849997 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxi, 343 p. ; UG Library
226.093 GIB 00109785 The final days of Jesus Gibson, Shimon. HarperOne, 2009 9780061458484 | 9780061458484 1st ed. xvi, 254 p., [24] p. of plates : UG Library
226.1 WIL 00121087 The fulfillment : Wilson,Crl W NavPress, 2009 9781600063206 (pbk.) 453 p. ; UG Library
226.2 KHI 00125021 Matthean Beatitudes in Scoio Historical Context Khiangte,Vanlachawna Christian World Imprints 2016 9789351481195 311p UG Library
226.2 PIE 00128949 Jesus and the Prodigal Son Pierce,Brain J Theological Publications in India 2017 219p UG Library
226.2 TOU 00072063 Behond the King: [ Dharmaram Library] Toussaint, D Stanley 2000 0825438454 394p UG Library
226.2 TRE 00068293 Gospel of Mathew Tresmontant, Claude 1996 0000931888 598p UG Library
226.2 WIE 00130249 Be Loyal Wiersbe,Warren W David C Cook 1980 9780896933132 216p UG Library
226.206 BAX 00137978 Israel's Only Shepherd: Baxter,Wayne Bloomsbury 2012 9780567274618 216p UG Library
226.206 CHO 00142787 Matthew's account of the Massacre of the Innocents in light of its reception history / Cho, Sung J., T & T Clark ; 2022 9780567699534 288 p. ; UG Library
226.206 LUZ 00101421 The history of English law : Pollock, Sir Frederick. Law & Justice Publishing Co, 2022 9789393850539 Second Edition. Volumes. UG Library
226.206 MUL 00103633 Macrostructure of Matthew's Gospel Mullooparambil, Sebastian Dharmaram Publications, 2011 9788189958404 186 p. UG Library
226.206 WES 00108169 Understanding Matthew : Westerholm, Stephen, Baker Academic, 0801027381 (pbk.) 160 p. ; UG Library
226.206 WES 00092954 Understanding Matthew : Westerholm, Stephen, Baker Academic, 0801027381 (pbk.) 160 p. ; UG Library
226.2077 MIT 00121088 The Gospel of Matthew / Mitch, Curtis. Baker Academic, 2010 9780801036026 (pbk. : alk. pap 383 p. : UG Library
226.2077 MOR 00093009 The Gospel according to Matthew / Morris, Leon, W.B. Eerdmans ; | Inter-Varsity Press, 0802836968 (cloth) xvii, 781 p. ; UG Library
226.2077 SAC 00138528 The Gospel of Matthew / Harrington, Daniel J. Liturgical Press, 1991 0814658032 xiii, 429 p. ; UG Library
226.2077 WRI 00127525 Matthew for everyone Wright, N. T. SPCK ; | Westminster John Knox Press, 2004 0664227864 (v. 1 : U.S. ed.) | 2nd ed. 2 v. : UG Library
226.2077 WRI 00127526 Matthew for everyone Wright, N. T. SPCK ; | Westminster John Knox Press, 2004 0664227864 (v. 1 : U.S. ed.) | 2nd ed. 2 v. : UG Library
226.2226 HOO 00112577 Endings/ Hooker, Morna D Hendrickson Publishers Inc 2003 1565633563 104p UG Library
226.265 PAN 00107530 Mary the Type of the Church in the Johannine Writings Panthapallil Mary Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India: 1995 818606317x xxxvii,274 p. UG Library
226.3 FER 00110429 Let's Study Mark Ferguson,Sinclair B. Banner of Truth Trust, 1999 9780851517551 xix; 304 p. UG Library
226.3 PEA 00133784 Mark/ Peau, Andrew T Kregal Publications 2017 9780825444111 352p UG Library
226.3 ROS 00110430 Let's Study Matthew Ross, Mark E. Banner of Truth Trust 2009 9781848710078 xxi; 329 p. UG Library
226.30486 CRO 00087965 Mutilation of Mark`s Gospel Croy, Clayton N 2003 ISB0687052939 230p UG Library
226.306 DAR 00110537 Decoding Mark Dart, John. Trinity Press International, 2003 1563383748 | 9781563383748 ix, 213 p. ; UG Library
226.306 LEV 00109564 A Feminist companion to Mark Levine,Amy-Jill Sheffield Academic Press Ltd 2004 0829815910 | 9781841271941 261 p. ; UG Library
226.306 LYO 00142774 Gospel women and the long ending of Mark / Lyons-Pardue, Kara J., T & T Clark ; 2020 9780567692405 187 p. ; UG Library
226.306 MAL 00093261 Jesus' urgent message for today : Maloney, Elliott C. Continuum, 0826416047 (pbk.) ix, 150 p. ; UG Library
226.306 WES 00092957 Word in words Westhelle, Vitor Christava sahitya samithi 9788178210988 182p UG Library
226.307 BOC 00131821 Mark Bock,Darrell Cambridge University Press 2015 978110703421123 424p UG Library
226.307 NAI 00092791 The Gospel of Mark: Naickanparampil Michael CSsR Asian Trading Corporation 9788170865117 259p UG Library
226.307 STE 00111136 Mark / Stein, Robert H., Baker Academic, 2008 9780801026829 (cloth) | 080102 xxi, 823 p. : UG Library
226.3072 API 00105121 Journeys Into Mark: Apicella,Raymond. St.Anthony Messenger Press 1990 9780867161120 60p. UG Library
226.3077 HEA 00122136 The Gospel of Mark / Healy, Mary, Baker Academic, 2008 9780801035869 (pbk.) | 0801035 348 p. : UG Library
226.3077 SAC1 00138529 The Gospel of Mark / Donahue, John R. Liturgical Press, 2002 0814658040 (alk. paper) xv, 488 p. ; UG Library
226.3077 WRI 00129650 Mark for everyone / Wright, N. T. SPCK ; | Westminster John Knox Press, 2004 066422783X (U.S. ed.) | 028105 2nd ed. xi, 243 p. : UG Library
226.4 MIL 00110427 Let's Study Luke Milne,Douglas J.W. Banner of Truth Trust 2005 9780851518961 xvii; 414 p. UG Library
226.4 STR 00112578 The Charismatic Theology of St. Luke Stronstad,Roger Hendrickson Publishers Inc 1984 9780913573112 96p UG Library
226.406 CHA 00092775 Living the Magnificat : Mowbray, 9781906286064 (pbk.) | 1906286 xiv, 124 p. ; UG Library
226.406 KUH 00122137 The kingdom according to Luke and Acts : Kuhn, Karl Allen, Baker Academic 2015 9780801048876 (pbk.) xxiii, 310 pages ; UG Library
226.406 KUR 00105111 Following Jesus: William,Kurz, S.J. Servant Publications 2003 9781569553787 177p. UG Library
226.406 SHI 00125546 An introduction to the study of Luke-Acts Shillington, V. G. Bloomsbury 2015 9780567656421 | 056765642X | 9 Second edition. 172 pages UG Library
226.406 THU 00146804 Parables unplugged : Thurén, Lauri. Fortress Press 2014 0800699793 | 9780800699796 viii, 422 pages : UG Library
226.407 BRA 00142786 Luke : Brawley, Robert L. T & T Clark ; 2020 9780567669391 | 0567669394 ix, 237 p. ; UG Library
226.4077 SAC 00138530 The Gospel of Luke / Johnson, Luke Timothy. Liturgical Press, 1991 0814658059 xiv, 466 p. ; UG Library
226.4077 WRI 00127524 Luke for everyone Wright, N. T. SPCK ; | Westminster John Knox Press, 2004 0664227848 (U.S. ed.) | 028105 2nd ed. xiii, 319 p. : UG Library
226.5 BEU 00136167 A commentary on the Gospel of John / Beutler, Johannes, William B.Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2017 9780802873361 (hardcover : alk. paper) xv, 623 pages ; UG Library
226.5 BRO 00135785 An Introduction to the Gospel of John Brown,Raymond E Omega Book World 2019 356p UG Library
226.5 FRE 00140086 The Glory of the Crucified One : Frey, Jörg, Baylor University Press; 2018 9781481309097 (hardback : alk. paper) xxxi, 455 pages ; UG Library
226.5 FRE 00140087 Theology and history in the Fourth Gospel : Frey, Jörg, Baylor University Press; 2018 9781481309899 (alk. paper) xiii, 241 pages ; UG Library
226.5 HEI 00135113 The Gospel of John Heil,John Paul SAIACS Press 2015 9788187712633 196p UG Library
226.5 JOL 00022748 Remain in My Live Le Joly, E STP 1979 1 UG Library
226.5 MLA 00117394 Be a Life Giver Mlakuzhyil George St. Pauls 2012 9789350151075 381p UG Library
226.5 MON 00112681 Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John Montague,George T St. Pauls 2001 8171094961 102 UG Library
226.5 NGE 00112889 The Gospel according to John Ngewa,Samuel M Evangel Publishing Hous 2003 9966201149 524p UG Library
226.5 ORC 00073873 Courting Betrayal (dharmaram Library) Orchard, Helen C JSOT Press 1998 1850758840 294p UG Library
226.5/07 FAR 00122165 Reformation Commentary on Scripture Farmer, Craig S 9780830829675 (hardcover : alk lx, 539 p:. UG Library
226.506 BAU 00122139 The testimony of the beloved disciple : Bauckham, Richard. Baker Academic, 2007 9780801034855 (pbk.) | 0801034 313 p. ; UG Library
226.506 BRU 00122121 Gospel of glory : Bauckham, Richard. Baker Academic 2015 9780801096129 (pbk.) xvii, 237 pages ; UG Library
226.506 CAL 00122042 A love supreme : Callahan, Allen Dwight. Fortress Press, 2005 0800637089 (alk. paper) x, 128 p. ; UG Library
226.506 CAR 00119043 The Gospel in Solentiname / Cardenal, Ernesto. Orbis Books, 2010 9781570759024 (pbk.) Rev. one-vol. ed. xv, 636 p., [4] p. of plates : UG Library
226.506 CUL 00130224 The Gospel and letters of John Culpepper, R. Alan. Abingdon Press, 1998 0687012392 (pbk. : alk. paper) 327 p.; UG Library
226.506 JES 00092897 Gospels of deconstructed Adamic myth : Jesudasan, Ignatius. Global Vision Pub. House, 9788182202658 xx, 228 p. ; UG Library
226.506 LOA 00135080 Jesus in John's Gospel : Loader, William R. G., William B Erdmans Publishing Company 2017 0802875114 | 9780802875112 x, 532 pages ; UG Library
226.506 MEK 00107573 Lamb Of God ed by Mekkattukunnel Andrews Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India: 2010 9788188456499 xxviii, 322 p. UG Library
226.506 MOL 00122907 Love in the gospel of John : Moloney, Francis J. Baker Academics 2013 9780801049286 (cloth) xvi, 249 pages UG Library
226.506 PAU 05073011 Beyond the breach : Paul, Priya. Peeters, 2021 9789042936775 xiv, 410 p. ; Knowledge Centre
226.506 THO 00101422 The God of the Gospel of John / Thompson, Marianne Meye. W.B. Eerdmans, 080284734X (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 269 p. ; UG Library
226.506 VAL 00107504 New society in John's Gospel Vallianipuram,Thomas Biblia Publications 2008 8187271140 xxx; 479 p UG Library
226.5061 BRO 00135142 Interpreting the Gospel and the Letters of John : Brown, Sherri, William B EErdmans Publishing Company 2017 9780802873385 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvi, 355 pages : UG Library
226.5061 BUR 00122321 Interpreting the Gospel of John : Burge, Gary M., Baker Academic 2013 9780801048845 (pbk.) | 0801048 Second edition. xvi, 224 pages UG Library
226.5066 DOD 00138685 The interpretation of the fourth Gospel, Dodd, C. H. Cambridge U.P., 1968 0521095174 xii, 478 p. UG Library
226.507 BRA 00122322 John Brant, Jo-Ann A., Baker Academic, 2011 9780801034541 (pbk.) | 0801034 xxii, 330 p. UG Library
226.507 ENG 00142168 John and philosophy : Engberg-Pedersen, Troels, Oxford University Press 2018 9780198792505 | 9780198809258 | 0198792506 First edition. ix, 417 pages ; UG Library
226.507 KEE 00124934 The Gospel of John Keener,Craig S Baker Academic 2003 9780801046759 831p UG Library
226.507 KEE 00124935 The Gospel of John Keener,Craig S Baker Academic 2003 9780801046759 831p UG Library
226.5077 FOR 00147204 The Gospel of John : Ford, David F., Baker Academic, 2021 9781540964083 xii, 484 pages ; UG Library
226.5077 MAR 00122135 The Gospel of John / Martin, Francis, Baker Academic 2015 9780801036477 (pbk.) 366 pages : UG Library
226.5077 NEY 00106799 The Gospel of John in Cultural and Rhetorical Perspective Neyrey, Jerome H., William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2009 9780802848666 (pbk. : alk. pap xx, 489 p. ; UG Library
226.5077 SAC 00138531 The Gospel of John / Moloney, Francis J. Liturgical Press, 1998 0814658067 xxii, 594 p. ; UG Library
226.5077 WRI 00130227 John for everyone Wright, N. T. SPCK ; | Westminster John Knox Press, 2004 0664227899 (v. 1 : U.S. ed.) | 2nd ed. 2 v : UG Library
226.6 GRE 00072053 Word of His Grace a Guide to Teaching and Preaching from Acts [dharmaram Library] Green, Chris Inter-Varsity Press 2005 1844740757 189 UG Library
226.6 JOH 00110419 Let's Study Acts Johnson,Dennis E. Banner of Truth Trust 2003 9780851518343 xxiv; 371 p. UG Library
226.6 KEL 00020814 Gospels Explained Kelleher, Seau B Asian 1980 250 p UG Library
226.6 KIZ 00112565 A Quiz on the Acts of the Apostles Kizhakkeyil,Sebastian St. Pauls 2008 9788171098903 102p UG Library
226.6 LIV 00112884 The Book of Acts Livingstone,Greg Authentic Publishers 2011 9788173626128 388p UG Library
226.606 JOS 05061254 A postcolonial reading of the Acts of the Apostles : Jose, L. Christian World Imprints, 2018 9789351482543 | 9351482545 xxviii, 296 pages ; Knowledge Centre
226.606 PAU 00143922 Teachings for an Unbelieving World: Paul II, John Ave Maria Press 2019 9781646801855 | 1646801857 116p UG Library
226.606 STI 00090723 Contextualizing Gender in Early Christian Discourse; Thinking Beyond Thecla Stichele, Caroline Vander T & T Clark, 2008 9780567030368 246p UG Library
226.6067 KLA 00117549 Magic and paganism in early Christianity : Klauck, Hans-Josef. T & T Clark, 2000 0567087492 xii, 132 p. ; UG Library
226.6067 PEN 00118651 In praise of Christian origins : Penner, Todd C. T & T Clark International, 2004 0567026205 xl, 400 p. ; UG Library
226.6077 KUR 00121073 Acts of the Apostles / Kurz, William S., 9780801036330 (pbk.) 397 pages : UG Library
226.6077 SAC 00138532 The Acts of the Apostles / Johnson, Luke Timothy. Liturgical Press, 1992 9780814658079 | 0814658075 xvi, 568 p. ; UG Library
226.6092 LEN 00110055 Luke's Portrait of Paul Lentz, John Clayton. Cambridge University Press, 1993 0521433169 (hardback) | 052160 xiii, 192 p. ; UG Library
226.706 KEE 00125899 Miracles : Keener, Craig S., Baker Academic, 2011 9780801039522 (cloth) | 080103 2 v. (xxxviii, xxx, 1172 p.) ; UG Library
226.706 KEE 00125900 Miracles : Keener, Craig S., Baker Academic, 2011 9780801039522 (cloth) | 080103 2 v. (xxxviii, xxx, 1172 p.) ; UG Library
226.8 BAI 00111138 Poet and peasant : Bailey, Kenneth E. Eerdmans, 1976 0802834760 238 p. ; UG Library
226.8 GAL 00032592 Music of God.Parables of Life and Faith Galilea, Segundo Claretian 1989 120 p UG Library
226.8 HUG 00112705 Stories Jesus Told Hughes,John Jay St. Pauls 2003 8171094147 135p UG Library
226.8 MAT 00072071 Parables for Preachers: [ Dharmaram Library] Mathews, Dominic OM BOOKS 2000 8173625980 216p UG Library
226.8 MCK 00068356 Parables Mckenna, Megan 1994 0008834475 167p UG Library
226.8 MOO 00121253 Stories and Parables of Jesus Moozhayil,Leela Pauline Publications 2013 8171763804 83p UG Library
226.8 NOU 00112726 The Return of the Prodigal Son Nouwen,Henri J St. Pauls 2010 8171093639 143p UG Library
226.8 OMA 00128945 Being There O'Malley,William J Theological Publications in India 2016 200p UG Library
226.8 PET 00112090 Parables for busy people Peter George,K St. Pauls 2012 9788171088133 167p UG Library
226.806 POW 00143924 The good samaritan : Powery, Emerson B., Baker Academic 2022 9781540960665 xvi, 176 pages ; UG Library
226.806 SCH 00122093 The Parables of Jesus Schottroff, Luise. Fortress Press, 2006 0800636996 (pbk. : alk. paper) viii, 288 p:. UG Library
226.9 BRO 00110931 The Lord's prayer through North African eyes : Brown, Michael Joseph. T & T Clark International, 2004 0567026701 (pbk.) xiv, 298 p. ; UG Library
226.9 LUN 00147177 Jesus' Sermon on the Mount : Lundbom, Jack R., Fortress Press, 2015 1451493029 | 9781451493023 xxxiii, 341 pages : UG Library
226.906 HAR 00147096 Taking Jesus at his word : Hart, Addison Hodges, William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2012 9780802866912 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 166 p. ; UG Library
226.906 LAW 00130316 Comparative Characterization in the Sermon on the Mount Lawrence,Arren Bennet SAIACS Press 2017 264p UG Library
226.93 CAN 00141681 Beatitudes : Cantalamessa, Raniero. Servant Books, 2009 9780867169225 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0867169222 (pbk. : alk. paper) xi, 146 p. ; 21 cm. UG Library
226.9606 BOF 00136808 Praying with Jesus and Mary : Boff, Leonardo. Orbis Books, 2005 1570755752 (pbk.) vi, 217 p. ; UG Library
226.9606 HAH 00140191 Understanding "Our Father" : Hahn, Scott. Emmaus Road Pub., 2002 1931018154 xii, 146 p. ; UG Library
226.9606 WRI 00147206 The Lord's prayer : Wright, William M., Baker Academic, 2023 9781540963062 xv, 190 pages ; UG Library
226I GN 00032595 Encountering the Liberating God Ignacimuthu, Claretian 1990 160 p UG Library
226TOP 00032597 Way to Peace: Liberation Through the Bible Topel, L John Claretian 198 p UG Library
227 K\4 Library Property Counter Keys / key Yeshwanthpur Campus
227 FAL 00135105 New Testament Letters: Saint Paul Fallon,Michael ATC Publications 2004 8170865158 769p UG Library
227 PIN 00134047 Gleaning From Paul Pink,Arthur W Bottom of the Hill Publishing 2011 97881612030906 273p UG Library
227 SAL 00125180 The Concept of Freedom in Galatians saldanha,Assisi Theological Publications in India 2016 9789383163571 526p UG Library
227 SPE 00134060 Who Has Betwitched You Spence,Alan J Paternoster 2014 9781842278277 131p UG Library
227. 5HEI 00072057 Pathway to God`s Treasure: [dharmaram Library] Heitzig, Lenya 2000 0842342613 256p UG Library
227.012 CHI 00107887 The Church's Guide for Reading Paul Childs,Brevard S. William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2008 9780802862785 xi, 276 p. ; UG Library
227.06 ADA 00147208 The new perspective on grace : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2023 9780802878915 402 pages; UG Library
227.06 BAR 00143969 Paul and the power of grace / Barclay, John M. G., William B Eerdmans Publishing Company 2020 9780802874610 xviii, 184 pages ; UG Library
227.06 BOR 00145065 Hearing Paul's voice : Boring, M. Eugene, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2020 9780802877505 xvi, 240 pages ; UG Library
227.06 GOR 00135022 Apostle of the crucified Lord : Gorman, Michael J., William B Erdmans Publishing Company 2017 9780802874283 (pbk. : alk. paper) Second edition. xxiv, 707 pages UG Library
227.06 GOR 00135027 Becoming the gospel : Gorman, Michael J., William B Erdmans Publishing Company 2015 9780802868848 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 341 pages ; UG Library
227.06 HAR 00145036 A window into the spirituality of Paul / Hartin, Patrick J. Liturgical Press, 2015 9780814637630 viii, 142 pages ; UG Library
227.06 MAI 00129660 Picturing Paul in empire : Maier, Harry O., 9780567287632 | 9780567059956 xxiv, 257 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates ; UG Library
227.06 MAR 00140090 Bodies on the verge : SBL Press; 2019 9781628372250 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780884143345 (hbk. : alk. paper) xv, 361 pages ; UG Library
227.06 MEE 05049133 The writings of St. Paul : W.W. Norton, 2007 0393972801 (pbk.) | 9780393972 2nd ed. xxxv, 710 p. ; Knowledge Centre
227.06 MEE 00109560 Paul in Israel's story Meech, John L. Oxford University Press, 2006 0195306945 (cloth : alk. paper viii, 182 p. ; UG Library
227.06 MEE 07004021 The writings of St. Paul : W.W. Norton, 2007 0393972801 (pbk.) | 9780393972 2nd ed. xxxv, 710 p. ; Library - BR Campus
227.06 PAI 00108195 In praise of the Inexpressible Paillard,Jean, Hendrickson, 2003 1565637348 x, 156 p. ; UG Library
227.06 PHI 00131985 Paul, his letters, and Acts / Phillips, Thomas E. Baker Academic, 2010 9780801047435 (alk. paper) | 1598560018 x, 243 p. ; UG Library
227.06 STI 00142780 Irenaeus and Paul / T & T Clark ; 2020 9780567672872 | 0567672875 ix, 318 p. ; UG Library
227.06 THO 00146832 Apostle of persuasion: Thompson, James, Baker Academic 2020 9780801099724 xii, 307 pages ; UG Library
227.06 WES 00111727 The Blackwell companion to Paul / Westerholm, Stephen, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781405188449 (hardback) xviii, 615 p. ; UG Library
227.06 WHI 00092944 The Apostle of God White, Johan L Hendrickson publish 2009 97881565632837 277p UG Library
227.06 WOR 00145099 The least of these : Works, Carla Swafford, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2020 9780802874467 xvi, 205 pages ; UG Library
227.06 WRI 00147090 Interpreting Paul : Wright, N. T. Zondervan Academic 2020 9780310098683 | 0310098688 xi, 207 pages ; UG Library
227.0601 COU 00127955 Interpreting the truth : Countryman, Louis William, Trinity Press International, 2003 1563384108 (pbk.) ix, 245 p. ; UG Library
227.06082 MAR 00122094 The politics of heaven : Marchal, Joseph A. Fortress Press, 2008 9780800663001 (alk. paper) | 0 xiii, 213 p. ; UG Library
227.061 HOR 00125559 An introduction to the study of Paul / Horrell, David G. Bloomsbury 2015 9780567656247 (hardcover) | 97 Third edition. xv, 230 pages : UG Library
227.1 BAR 00131981 The Epistle to the Romans : Barrett,C.K. Baker Academic, 2011 9780801039669 278 p. ; UG Library
227.1 BRU 00145100 The letter to the Romans : Bruner, Frederick Dale, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2021 9780802879431 xiv, 215 pages ; UG Library
227.10 CAM 00145078 Phoebe : Campbell, Joan Cecelia, Liturgical Press, 2009 9780814652817 (pbk.) | 0814652816 (pbk.) xi, 122 p. : UG Library
227.1007 FIN 00092872 Roman House Churches for Today : Finger, Reta Halteman, William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2007 9780802807649 (pbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed. xiii, 207 p. : UG Library
227.106 CRA 00109578 On Romans and Other New Testament Essays Cranfield C.E.B. T & T Clark 1998 9780567086372 ix; 191 p. UG Library
227.106 DAS 00109699 Solving the Romans debate Das, A. Andrew. Fortress Press, 2007 0800638603 (alk. paper) | 9780 xii, 324 p. ; UG Library
227.106 ELL 00122083 The Arrogance of Nations Elliott, Neil Fortress Press, 2008 9780800697686 xiv, 223 p:. UG Library
227.106 ESL 00109690 Conflict and identity in Romans Esler, Philip Francis. Fortress Press, 2003 0800634357 (pbk. : alk. paper) xii, 458 p. : UG Library
227.106 LON 00146819 Introducing Romans : Longenecker, Richard N. William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2011 9780802866196 (pbk.) xxvii, 490 p. ; UG Library
227.106 MCG 00127931 Celebrating Romans : McGinn, Sheila E William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2004 0802828396 (cloth : alk. paper xix, 276 p. : UG Library
227.106 MCK 00145082 Preaching Romans : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2019 9780802875457 (pbk. : alk. paper) vii, 191 pages ; UG Library
227.106 TAB 00138700 The political theology of Paul Taubes, Jacob. Stanford University Press, 2004 0804733449 (cloth : alk. paper) | 0804733457 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiv, 160 p. : UG Library
227.10609 GRE 00110240 Reading Romans Through the Centuries Greenman, Jeffrey P. Brazos Press, 2005 1587431564 (pbk.) 223 p. ; UG Library
227.1077 SAC 00138533 Romans / Byrne, Brendan Liturgical Press, 1996 0814658083 xix, 503 p. : UG Library
227.2 JAC 00110420 Let's Study 1st Corinthians Jackman,David. Banner of Truth Trust, 2004 9780851518855 xiii; 306 p. UG Library
227.2 PEP 00141659 Unveiling Paul's Women Peppiatt,Lucy Theological Publications in India 2018 9789383163830 90p UG Library
227.2 PEP 00131842 Unveiling Paul's Women Peppiatt,Lucy Theological Publications in India 2018 9789383163830 90p UG Library
227.206 DEM 00101096 Paul on Marriage and Celibacy : Deming, Will, William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2004 9780802839893 2nd ed. xxii, 271 p. ; UG Library
227.2064 KIM 00122053 Christ's body in Corinth : Kim, Yung Suk. Fortress Press, 2008 9780800662851 (alk. paper) | 0 ix, 142 p. : UG Library
227.2067 LIT 00133786 Paul's theology of preaching : Litfin, A. Duane. Inter Varsity Press 2015 9780830824717 (pbk. : alk. paper) Revised and expanded edition. 392 pages ; UG Library
227.2077 MON 00124162 First Corinthians / Montague, George T. Baker Academic, 2011 9780801036323 (pbk.) | 0801036 307 p. : UG Library
227.2077 SAC 00138534 First Corinthians / Collins, Raymond F., Liturgical Press, 1999 0814658091 (alk. paper) xxviii, 695 p. ; UG Library
227.2077 SAC 00138535 Second Corinthians / Lambrecht, Jan. Liturgical Press, 1999 0814658105 (alk. paper) xiii, 250 p. ; UG Library
227.3 PRI 00110421 Let's Study 2nd Corinthians Prime,Derek. Banner of Truth Trust 2000 9780851517995 xiii; 152 p. UG Library
227.4 MAT 00112584 Everything is Grace Mattam,Zacharias St. Pauls 2011 9789350150924 192p UG Library
227.4 THO 00110423 Let's Study Galatians Thomas,Derek. Banner of Truth Trust, 2004 9780851518763 185 p. UG Library
227.406 DOR 00147210 The psychology of the Fruit of the Spirit : Dornyei, Zoltan, Zondervan Academic, 2022 9780310128458 xii, 292 pages ; UG Library
227.406 ELL 00122901 Galatians and Christian theology : Elliott,Mark W Baker Academics 2014 9780801049514 (pbk.) xx, 380 pages UG Library
227.407 GRE 00147170 Galatians / Greene-McCreight, Kathryn, Brazos Press, 2023 9781587431449 xx, 204 pages ; UG Library
227.407 NGE 00111678 Galatians / Ngewa, Samuel. Hippo Books, 2010 9789966805416 (softcover) | 99 x, 194, [1] p. ; UG Library
227.4077 SAC 00138536 Galatians / Matera, Frank J. Liturgical Press, 1992 0814658113 | 081465858X (pbk.) xiii, 252 p. ; UG Library
227.5077 SAC 00138544 Colossians and Ephesians / MacDonald, Margaret Y. Liturgical Press, 2000 0814658199 xvi, 390 p. ; UG Library
227.5077 WIL 00121085 Ephesians / Williamson, Peter S. Baker Academic, 2009 9780801035845 (pbk.) 217 p. : UG Library
227.6 FER 00110431 Let's Study Philippians Ferguson,Sinclair B. Banner of Truth Trust 1997 9780851517148 xvii; 137 p. UG Library
227.606 BLO 00142790 Mutual boasting in Philippians : Blois, Isaac D., T & T Clark ; 2020 9780567694041 207 p. ; UG Library
227.607 GUT 00147188 Philippians / Guthrie, George H., Zondervan Academic, 2023 9780310243892 xix, 367 pages ; UG Library
227.607 HAM 00121096 Philippians, Colossians, Philemon / Hamm, M. Dennis. 9780801036460 (pbk. : alk. pap 254 pages : UG Library
227.607 MIG 00122164 Philippians and Philemon Migliore, Daniel L. 9780664232634 (hardcover : alk First edition. xvii, 274 p:. UG Library
227.6077 SAC 00138537 Philippians and Philemon / Thurston, Bonnie Bowman. Liturgical Press, 2005 0814658202 (alk. paper) xiv, 290 p. ; UG Library
227.707 LOH 00084359 Colossians and Philemon Lohse, Eduard Fortress Press 1986 219p UG Library
227.8 DUN 00068335 Cambridge Companion to St. Paul Dunn, James D G 2005 0521786940 301p UG Library
227.8106 NIC 00142151 From hope to despair in Thessalonica : Nicholl, Colin R. Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521831423 xx, 315 p. ; UG Library
227.8106 SMI 00068288 Comfort One Another Smith, Abraham 2005 0664251781 160p UG Library
227.81077 LUD 00124728 The earliest Christian text : Lüdemann, Gerd. Polebridge 2013 9781598151336 (alk. paper) 143 p. UG Library
227.81077 SAC 00138538 First and Second Thessalonians / Richard, Earl. Liturgical Press, 1995 081465813X xv, 409 p. ; UG Library
227.82 YOU 00110425 Let's Study 1 & 2 Thessalonians Young, Andrew W. Banner of Truth Trust 2001 9780851517988 194 p. UG Library
227.83 COO 00110428 Let's Study 1st Timothy Cook,John W. The Banner Of Truth Trust 2009 9781848710474 xiv; 130 p. UG Library
227.830 POR 00147209 The pastoral epistles : Porter, Stanley E., Baker Academic, 2023 9780801027185 xxi, 969 pages ; UG Library
227.83077 SAC 00138539 The Pastoral Epistles : Fiore, Benjamin, Liturgical Press, 2007 9780814658147 | 0814658148 xxi, 253 p. ; UG Library
227.83077 STE 00118045 The fight of faith : Stedman, Ray C. Discovery House Publishers, 2009 9781572932661 | 157293266X 311 p. ; UG Library
227.87 JON 00110424 Let's Study Hebrews Jones,Hywel R. Banner of Truth Trust 2002 9780851518145 xxii; 169 p. UG Library
227.87 MCC 00145034 A body you have prepared for me : McCruden, Kevin B. Liturgical Press, 2013 9780814658888 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 146 pages ; UG Library
227.87 VAN 00134595 A Different Priest Vanhoye,Albert Theological Publications in India 2013 9789383163045 445p UG Library
227.87 VAN 00134596 A Different Priest Vanhoye,Albert Theological Publications in India 2013 9789383163045 445p UG Library
227.8707 GOR 00106502 Hebrews Gordon, R. P. Sheffield Academic Press, 2000 1841271136 | 9781841271149 | 1 190 p. ; UG Library
227.8707 ROY 00106689 The Epistle to the Hebrews : Royster, Dmitri, St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2003 0881412473 | 9780881412475 254 p. ; UG Library
227.87077 SAC 00138540 Hebrews / Mitchell, Alan C. Liturgical Press, 2007 0814658156 | 9780814658154 xx, 357 p. ; UG Library
227.906 NIE 00135865 Reading the epistles of James, Peter, John, and Jude as scripture : Nienhuis, David R., William B Eerdmans 2013 9780802865915 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvii, 314 pages ; UG Library
227.9077 WRI 00127519 Early Christian letters for everyone : Wright, N. T. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge ; Louisville, KY : Westminster John Knox Press, 2011 9780664227982 (alk. paper) xi, 224 p. ; UG Library
227.9107 PAI 00122323 James and Jude / Painter, John. Baker Academic 2012 9780801036347 (pbk.) xiv, 256 pages UG Library
227.91077 BRO 00117466 James and Jude / Brosend, William F. Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521814820 | 0521892015 (pbk.) xv, 206 p. ; UG Library
227.91077 DIB 00084357 James: A Contemporary on the Epistle of James Dibelius, Martin Fortress Press 1981 285p UG Library
227.91077 SAC 00138541 James / Hartin, P. J. Liturgical Press, 2003 0814658164 (alk. paper) xix, 319 p. ; UG Library
227.91077 WAL 00084386 Community of the Wise: The Letter of James Wall, Robert W 1997 1563381435 354p UG Library
227.92 HAR 00110426 Let's Study 1st Peter Harrell,William W. Banner of Truth Trust, 2004 9780851518688 xvi; 175 p. UG Library
227.92077 SAC 00138542 1 Peter / Senior, Donald. Liturgical Press, 2003 0814658172 (alk. paper) xv, 315 p. ; UG Library
227.93 JOH 00110422 Let's Study: 2nd Peter and Jude Johnston,Mark. Banner of Truth Trust 2005 9780851519173 xvii; 126 p. UG Library
227.94 SMA 00072054 Thunder and Love: [ Dharmaram Library] Smalley, S Stephen Word Books 2000 1860240224 223p UG Library
227.9406 EDW 00084390 Johannine Episles Edwards, Ruth B JSOT Press 2001 0185075750 121p UG Library
227.94066 SAC 00138545 1, 2, and 3 John / Painter, John. Liturgical Press, 2002 0814658121 xvii, 411 p. ; UG Library
227.9407 FIN 00132289 Studies in John's Epistles : Findlay, George G. Kregel Publications, 1989 0825426294 (pbk.) : 447 p. ; UG Library
228 LON 00147198 Revelation through Old Testament eyes : Longman, Tremper, Kregel Academic, 2022 9780825444739 | 082544473X 351 pages ; UG Library
228 MOY 00126876 Studies in the Book of Revelation Moyise,Steve T and T Clark 2001 0567088146 206p UG Library
228 NGH 00139687 Roman Capitalism and Revelation / Nghaklianmawia, P C. Christian World Imprints; 2020 9789351484783 (HB) 135 p. ; UG Library
228 RIC 07013083 The Rule of Metaphor / Ricoeur Routledge, 2006 9780415312806 ix,454 p. Library - BR Campus
228 RIC 05004623 The Rule of Metaphor / Ricoeur Routledge, 2006 9780415312806 ix,454 p. Knowledge Centre
228 THE 00134460 A Commentary on the Book of Revelation Thekkemury,Jacob St. Pauls 2018 9789350150863 423p UG Library
228.05209 FAL 00088059 Apocalyse Fallon, Michael Msc Asian Trading Corporation 2007 8170863465 131p UG Library
228.06 ATK 00143956 The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ: Atkinson, David Wipe and Stock 2020 9781725261785 112p UG Library
228.06 DES 00138686 An introduction to Revelation / Desrosiers, Gilbert. Continuum, 2000 0567081796 | 0826450024 129 p. ; UG Library
228.06 THO 00137243 The Book of Revelation : Thompson,Leonard L Oxford University Press, 1997 3161538692 | 0195115805 xviii, 265 pages ; UG Library
228.077 DOY 00105102 Apocalypse: Doyle,Stephen C. St. Anthony Messenger Press 2005 9780867165715 xiii,210p. UG Library
228.077 FOR 00100061 Revelation Ford, Massyngberde J Yale University Press, 9780300139938 xxiii, 455 p. UG Library
228.077 HEN 00142196 Revelation / Henry, Matthew, Crossway Books, 1999 1581340656 (pbk. : alk. paper) xi, 191 p. ; UG Library
228.077 SAC 00138543 Revelation / Harrington, Wilfrid J. Liturgical Press, 1993 0814658180 xix, 271 p. ; UG Library
228.077 SMA 00147212 The revelation to John : Smalley, Stephen S. SPCK, 2005 9780281050314 | 0281050317 xvii, 633 p. ; UG Library
228.077 WIL 00122131 Revelation / Williamson, Peter S. Baker Academics 2015 9780801036507 (pbk.) 378 pages : UG Library
228.077 WIN 00142197 Revelation : Witmer, Stephen, Crossway 2015 1433543206 | 9781433543203 95 pages ; UG Library
228.90954 MAH 00012843 The Approach of Operational Research to a Planning india. Mahalanobis, P C 1969 167 P. UG Library
229 MEN 00112751 Wisdom traditions of Israel Menezes,Rui de St. Pauls 2013 9789350151570 212p UG Library
229 OTZ 00126878 Tobit and Judith Otzen,Benedikt Sheffield Academic Press 2002 0826464379 162p UG Library
229.1 STO 00084360 Fourth Ezra: A Comentary on the Book of Fourth Ezra Stone, Michale Edward Fortress Press 1990 496p UG Library
229.3066 CHE 00106511 The Exodus Story in the Wisdom of Solomon : Cheon, Samuel. Sheffield Academic Press, 1997 1850756708 169 p. ; UG Library
229.8 DEC 00090712 Thirteenth Apostle Deconick, April D Continuum International Publishing Group 2008 9781847065681 259p UG Library
229.8 FOS 00102147 The Apocryphal Gospels : Foster, Paul, Oxford University Press, 9780199236947 (pbk.) | 0199236 152 p. : UG Library
229.8 FOS 00090506 Apocryphal Gospels Foster, Paul Oxford University, 2008 9780199236947 152p UG Library
229.8 FRI 00147719 Jesus, Mary, and Joseph : Frilingos, Christopher A., University of Pennsylvania Press' 2017 9780812249507 (hardcover) 1st edition. xi, 183 pages ; UG Library
229.8 GOO 00146806 Thomas and the Gospels : Goodacre, Mark S. W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2012 9780802867483 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0802867480 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 226 p. ; UG Library
229.8 KRO 00081025 Lost Gospel:The Quest for the Gospel of Judas Iscariot Krosney, Herbert 2006 1426200412 309p UG Library
229.8 MAN 00119583 Rahasya Suviseshangal Maniparampil,Jose Biblia Publications 2011 8187271299 711p UG Library
229.8 NEW 00134504 The forgotten Gospels : Newton,Tim Counterpoint : | Distributed by Publishers Group West, 2009 9781582435084 (cloth) | 9780786719006 (cloth) xi, 212 p. : UG Library
229.8 PAG 00134776 Reading Judas : Pagels, Elaine H., Viking, 2007 9780670038459 | 0670038458 xxiii, 198 p. ; UG Library
229.8 PAG 00127566 Beyond Belief : Pagels, Elaine H., Random House, 2003 0375501568 (alk. paper) 1st ed. 241 p. ; UG Library
229.8 POR 00092994 The lost Gospel of Judas : Porter, Stanley E., William B. Eerdmans Pub., 0802824560 (pbk. : alk. paper) viii, 127 p. ; UG Library
229.8 RIP 00022734 Beatitudes Ripoll, F St.Paul`s Publication 1981 118 p. UG Library
229.8 ROB 00110519 The secrets of Judas Robinson, James M. HarperSanFrancisco, 2007 9780061170645 | 9780061170645 1st ed. xi, 257 p. : UG Library
229.913 COL 00072055 Apocalyptic Imagination [dharamaram Libarary] Collins, John J 1998 0802843719 337 UG Library
229.92 SCO 00134592 The Hermeneutics of Christologycal Psalmody in Paul: sCOTT,mATTHEW Cambridge University Press 2014 9781316500798 221p UG Library
229.92052 BUR 00135094 New Testament apocrypha : Burke,Tony William B Erdmans Publishing Company 2016 9780802872890 (volume 1) volumes ; UG Library
229.94 BER 00023200 This Apocalyptic Age. Bergin, Robert Fatima 1971 160 p UG Library
22I ON1 00024333 Absurd Drama Ionesco, Eugene PENGUIN 200p UG Library
23 Q-2 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
23 BAL 00081982 Training in Library & Information Science Ballabh, Dr Anand SBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd. 2006 8189741055 313p UG Library
230 . 2 LAN 00106500 The Catholic tradition Langan, Thomas. University of Missouri Press, 1998 9780826211835 535 p. ; UG Library
230 .041092 HAN 00110211 Covenant and communion : Hahn, Scott. Brazos Press, 2009 9781587432699 (pbk.) | 1587432 204 p. ; UG Library
230 .041092 HAN 00106499 Covenant and communion : Hahn, Scott. Brazos Press, 2009 9781587432699 (pbk.) | 1587432 204 p. ; UG Library
230 ABH 00148140 Saccidananda/ Abhishiktananda, Swami Christian World Imprints, 2024 9789395457873 222p UG Library
230 ABR 00111210 Immersed in the life of God : Abraham, William J. William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2008 9780802863966 (pbk. : alk. pap xi, 209 p. ; UG Library
230 ABR 00142136 Divine agency and divine action: Abraham, William J. Oxford University Press 2017 9780198786504 | 0198786506 | 9780198786511 | 0198786514 | 9780198786528 | 0198786522 First edition. 232p UG Library
230 ALE 00148061 The Blaze Aleena, S B Carmel International Publishing House 2023 9789390096619 72p UG Library
230 ALL 00125448 Reformed Catholicity : Allen, Michael, Baker Academic 2015 9780801049798 | 0801049792 viii, 168 pages ; UG Library
230 ALM 00137207 Christ and Cosmic Redemption Almeida Rathan Nicholas Dhyanavana Publications 2017 9788189144326 388p UG Library
230 ALV 00134629 Transparencies Alvers,Rubem Theological Publications in India 2013 9789383163014 132p UG Library
230 ALV 00134630 Transparencies Alvers,Rubem Theological Publications in India 2013 9789383163014 132p UG Library
230 AMA 00135090 Lord the Air Smells Good Amaladass,Anand ATC Publications 2018 9789386516411 298p UG Library
230 ANG 00148041 A Way of Life in Love Angel, Miguel Kristu Jyoti Publications 2024 9789393227249 143p UG Library
230 ANI 00126886 Blood Anidjar,Gil Columbia University Press 2016 9780231167215 441p UG Library
230 APR 00139874 Beyond Time and Space Aprem St. Pauls 2020 93p UG Library
230 ARA 00146113 From news to Good News: Arackal, Francis Omega Book World 2024 9789389069990 426p UG Library
230 ARM 05046821 Signs and wonders : Armour, Ellen T., Columbia University Press, 2016 9780231172486 (cloth : alk. pa 323 p. Knowledge Centre
230 ARU 00135104 River or the Ocean Arulsamy,S ATC Publications 2017 9789386516053 139p UG Library
230 AYR 00143939 Finding Christ in the crisis : Ayre, Harrison, Our Sunday Visitor 2020 9781681927732 First. 101pages UG Library
230 BAB 00143000 Jesus and Ambedkar Babu, George A Sebastian ATC Publishers 2022 9789391399351 120p UG Library
230 BAD 00135111 The face of God : Badde, Paul, Ignatius Press, 2010 9781586175153 | 1586175157 378 p., [16] p. of plates : UG Library
230 BAD 00137190 The True Icon Badde,Paul Asian Trading Corporation 2012 9788170867500 158p UG Library
230 BAP 00135097 Planted by the Stream Baptist, A John ATC Publishers 2019 9789386516770 161p UG Library
230 BAR 00078523 God Here and Now Barth, Karl Routledge Classics 2003 0415304474 | 9780415304474 139 p. UG Library
230 BAU 00121173 Constructing Indian Christianities Bauman,Chad M Routledge 2014 9781138020184 264p UG Library
230 BEL 00119040 Ten Ways the Church Has Changed Bellitto,Christopher M St. Pauls 2006 218p UG Library
230 BIN 00135136 Angels of God Binz,Stephen J St.Pauls 2017 9789350152973 159p UG Library
230 BLO 00147476 Exploring Christian Song Bloxam, M Jennifer Exploring Christian Song 2017 9781498549929 238p UG Library
230 BOC 00133785 Messiah in the Passover Bock,Darrell L Kregel Publications 2017 9780825445378 381p UG Library
230 BOE 00112122 Heaven on earth? : Boersma,Hans Wiley-Blackwell 2013 9781118551929 (pbk.) 235p UG Library
230 BOS 00148138 Human Project Versus Divine Project/ Bosco, William John Christian World Imprints, 2024 9789360651077 110p UG Library
230 BRA 00140545 Studying Christianity Brackney, William H. Continuum, 2010 9780826498861 | 0826498868 | xxvi, 161 p. : UG Library
230 BRA 00117616 Studying Christianity Brackney, William H. Continuum, 2010 9780826498861 | 0826498868 | xxvi, 161 p. : UG Library
230 BUC 00148139 Religious Fundamentalism/ Buchem, Wungtei Christian World Imprints, 2024 9789395457811 123p UG Library
230 CAl 00147481 Liturgy as Revelation Caldwell, Philip Fortress Press 2014 978145148038253900 566p UG Library
230 CAP 00122332 What would Jesus deconstruct: Caputo, John D. Baker Academic, 2007 9780801031366 (pbk.) | 0801031 160 p.; UG Library
230 CHA 00122145 A Catholic atlas, or Digest of catholic Theology Charles C. Grafton Longmans Green and Company, 1908 9781110726813 xi, 242 p.: UG Library
230 CHA 00011318 Activation of Energy Chardin, Collins 1970 416 p UG Library
230 CHA 00011321 Writings in Time of War [ UG Religion] Chardin, Collins 1968 320 p UG Library
230 CHA 00011323 Vision of the Past Chardin, Pierre Teilhard De Collins 1966 286 p UG Library
230 CHA 00011324 Making of a Mind Chardin, Collins 1965 1 UG Library
230 CHA 00135029 Bishops Saints and Politics Chapman,Mark D T and T Clark 2007 9780567031792 243p UG Library
230 CHI 00102986 Christian Religion And Ethics Chidanandjee, Shri Shri Ravindra Brahmachari Anmol, 9788126137060 vii, 296 p. UG Library
230 CHO 00120886 A Virtuous Church Choondal,Gilbert Kristu Jyoti Publications 2009 978818730475 152p UG Library
230 CHO 00143915 The Covenant Life Cho, David D Resource Publications 2020 9781725272552 137p UG Library
230 CHR 00132292 Christianity today / Chryssides, George D., Continuum, 2010 9781847065414 (HB) | 1847065414 (HB) | 9781847065421 (pbk.) | 1847065422 (pbk.) xi, 169 p. : UG Library
230 CHU 00145723 Divine Ransom in Love Chungath, Paul St. Pauls , 2021 9788194749592 152p UG Library
230 CLA 00122196 Adventures in the spirit : Clayton, Philip, Fortress Press, 2008 9780800663186 (alk. paper) | 0 ix, 310 p. ; UG Library
230 CLA 00146824 A call to Christian formation : Clark, John C., Baker Academic 2021 9781540960689 | 9781540964243 xiii, 208 pages ; UG Library
230 CLA 00123023 Adventures in the spirit : Clayton, Philip, Fortress Press, 2008 9780800663186 (alk. paper) | 0 ix, 310 p. ; UG Library
230 COL 00112898 Tough questions about God, faith, and life / Charles Colson . Colson, Charles W. Tyndale House, 2006 9781414312972 (sc : alk. paper xix, 232 p. ; UG Library
230 CON 00132298 Theology from the great tradition / Cone, Steven D., Bloomsbury Academic 2018 9780567670007 (hpod : alk. paper) | 9780567669995 (pbk. : alk. paper) 726pages cm UG Library
230 COR 00148044 The Parish in Catholic Tradition/ Coriden, James A Theological Publications in India 2024 9789395623506 133p UG Library
230 COS 00148134 Birth of the Messiah and the Church Cosman, Stephen Henry Christian World Imprints, 2024 9789395457798 262p UG Library
230 CRI 00147099 The third person of the Trinity : Crisp, Oliver D Zondervan Academic 2020 9780310106913 | 0310106915 xxi, 231 pages ; UG Library
230 CUR 00139875 Soul of Christ Curley,Marie Paul Pauline Publications 2016 9788171768691 167p UG Library
230 DEV 00140125 Aadaminte Kumbasaram Dev,Anoop St. Pauls 2014 9788180910968 127p UG Library
230 DRI 00112855 What doctrine christians should believe Driscoll,Mark Authentic Publishers 2010 9789381905814 463p UG Library
230 DSO 00092197 What's so great about Christianity / D'Souza, Dinesh, Regnery Pub., 9788179928318 | 1596985178 xvii, 348 p. ; UG Library
230 DSO 00088047 What`s So Great About Christianity D`Souza, Dnesh Jaico Publishing House 9788179928318 348 UG Library
230 DSO 00108213 What`s So Great About Christianity D`Souza, Dnesh Jaico Publishing House 9788179928318 348 UG Library
230 DUP 00019817 Jesus Christ and His Spirit: Theological Approaches Dupius, James S J Theological 1977 262 p UG Library
230 DYS 00148060 Thiruppiravi Dyson, Y Carmel International Publishing House 2023 9789390096671 104p UG Library
230 EAT 00133018 A Lantern to My Feet Eaton,John Paternoster 2014 9781842278284 266p UG Library
230 ENG 05071548 Communal challenge and secular response / Asghar Ali Engineer. Shipra Publications, 2003 9788175411333 xiv,274p.; Knowledge Centre
230 ERI 00122897 Christian Ttheology Erickson, Millard J. Baker Academic, 2013 9780801036439 (cloth) 3rd ed. xiv, 1186 p. UG Library
230 ERI 00122903 Introducing Christian doctrine Erickson, Millard J. Baker Academic 2015 9780801049194 (cloth) Third Edition. xiii, 498 pages UG Library
230 EVA 00118053 Theology you can count on : Evans, Tony, Moody Publishers, 2008 9780802466532 1373 p. : UG Library
230 FAB 00129336 Theopoetic folds : Faber,Roland Fordham University Press 2013 9780823251551 (cloth : alk. pa First edition. viii, 304 pages ; UG Library
230 FAG 00146865 The liminal papacy of Pope Francis/ Faggioli, Massimo Theological Publications in India 2021 9789388953306 205p UG Library
230 FAN 00124918 Theology of Creation and Environment Faniran,Adetoye Theological Book Trust 2013 317p UG Library
230 FAR 05014442 Introducing World Christianity / Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 9781405182485 280 p. : Knowledge Centre
230 FER 00140530 God as rock in the Psalter / Fernandes, Salvador, 9783631634646 xv, 413 pages : UG Library
230 FOR 00046661 Theology a Very Short Introduction Ford, David F. Oxford University Press 2007 0195682521 | 9780192853141 188 p. UG Library
230 FOR 00085421 Theology a Very Short Introduction Ford, David F. Oxford University Press 2007 0195682521 | 9780192853141 188 p. UG Library
230 FOR 01016460 Theology : Ford, David, Oxford University Press, 2000 0192853848 | 9780192853844 184 p. : Knowledge Centre
230 FOR 05048934 Theology : Ford, David, Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199679973 (paperback) | 01 Second edition. xiv, 190 pages : Knowledge Centre
230 FRA 00140154 Koodasakal Francis,Pope Carmel International Publishing House 2019 9788194361312 159p UG Library
230 FRA 00140167 Parishudhathmavu Francis.Pope Carmel International Publishing House 2019 9788194252924 190p UG Library
230 FRA 00140165 Parisudha Qurbana Francis,Pope Carmel International Publishing House 2021 9788390096176 136p UG Library
230 FRA 00139884 Strong in the face of tribulation : Francis, Pope. Conference of Catholic Bishops of India; 2020 9789388968560 265 p. ; UG Library
230 FRA 00088628 Vachanapalakan (malayalam) Franccis Vallappura, Cmi 1999 136p UG Library
230 FRA 00139421 Strong in the face of tribulation : Francis, Pope. Conference of Catholic Bishops of India; 2020 9789388968560 265 p. ; UG Library
230 FRA 00141614 Our Mother Earth Francis,Pope St. Pauls 2021 979350153673 97p UG Library
230 FRA 00142181 Our Father Francis,Pope Nitika Don Bosco 2019 104p UG Library
230 FRO 00011325 God Exists. I Have Met Him. Frossard, Andre Collins 1970 126 p UG Library
230 GAL 00123034 Practicing Peace Gallares,Judette A Claretian Publications 2011 276p UG Library
230 GAR 00125564 God Matters: Garrett, Graeme, Liturgical Press, 1999 0814625797 (alk. paper) | 9780 ix, 218 p. : UG Library
230 GEL 00088283 Christianity Geldart, Anne 2008 ISB0431093024 160p UG Library
230 GEL 00088312 Exploing Religons: Judaism Geldart, Anne 2008 ISB0431093040 160p UG Library
230 GEO 00090460 God of All Grace George, Joseph Asian Trading Corporation 2008 8170863600 579p UG Library
230 GIL 00140478 40 Questions About Angels,Demons and Spiritual Warfare Gilhooly,John R Kergal Academics 2018 9780825444685 239p UG Library
230 GNA 00140141 Divyabali: Gnanamuthan,Rajadas Koinonia Publications 2015 528p UG Library
230 GNA 00087996 Negotiatiing Borders: Theologial Exploration in the Global Era: Essays in the Honour of Prof. Felix Wilfred Gnanapragasam, Patrick Cambridge 2008 9788184580501 665p UG Library
230 GNA 00124912 Kingdom Concerns Gnanakan,Ken Theological Book Trust 2009 8174750150 5 227p UG Library
230 GNA 00124913 Living and Liberating Gnanakan,Ken Theological Book Trust 2015 269p UG Library
230 GNA 00124917 The Whole Gospel of God Gnanakan,Ken Theological Book Trust 2014 375p UG Library
230 GOD 00143627 Eco-Friendly Ecclesia: Godwin, C R Omega Book World, 2021 9788194991076 213p UG Library
230 GOV 00128947 Catholic Biblical Renewal Govindu,Rayanna Theological Publications in India 2017 131p UG Library
230 GUA 00117685 Vattimo and theology Guarino, Thomas G. T & T Clark, 2009 9780567032324 (hbk.) | 0567032 x, 183 p. ; UG Library
230 GUR 00135072 In the fullness of time : Gurtner,Daniel M William B Erdmans Publishing Company 2016 9780802873378 (cloth : alk. paper) xi, 274 pages ; UG Library
230 HAH 00197205 The creed : Hahn, Scott, Emmaus Road Publishing 2016 9781941447772 | 1941447775 191 pages ; Knowledge Centre
230 HAH 00137197 Lenten Reflections Hahn,Scott Servant 2012 124p UG Library
230 HAH 00140126 Answering the new atheism : Hahn, Scott. Emmaus Road Pub., 2008 9781931018487 (pbk.) vii, 151 p. ; UG Library
230 HAR 00086582 Christian Theology: The Spiritual Tradition Harris, Glyndwr John Susses Academic 2001 1902210220 324 p UG Library
230 HAR 00135856 The Nazareth Route Hargreaves,Cecil Melrose Books 2008 9781906050443 293p UG Library
230 HAR 00092873 The beauty of the infinite : Hart, David Bentley. W.B. Eerdmans, 0802812546 (alk. paper) xii, 448 p. ; UG Library
230 HAS 00088023 Old Testament Theology: Basic Issues in the Current Debate Hasel, Gerhard 1991 9780802805379 262p UG Library
230 HEA 00112899 Treasury of Bible Doctrine Heading,J Precious Seed Publications 2004 1871642124 468p UG Library
230 HEA 00129332 The Bible and Epistemology Healy,Mary Paternoster 2007 9781842275405 198p UG Library
230 HEN 00134627 The Universe Bends Toward Justice Hendricks,Obery M Theological Publications in India 2011 9788188821884 254p UG Library
230 HEN 00134628 The Universe Bends Toward Justice Hendricks,Obery M Theological Publications in India 2011 9788188821884 254p UG Library
230 HES 00148047 Catholicism and Science Hess, Peter M J Bloomsbury Publications 2024 9789361310812 241p UG Library
230 HIG 00092984 Great is the Lord : Highfield, Ron, William B. Eerdmans Pub., 9780802833006 (pbk. : alk. pap xx, 467 p. ; UG Library
230 HOL 00122118 Exploring Christian theology : Holsteen,Nathan D Bethany House Publishers 2014 9780764211294 (pbk. : alk. pap 182 pages : UG Library
230 HOL 00122117 Exploring Christian theology : Holsteen,Nathan D Bethany House Publishers 2014 9780764211294 (pbk. : alk. pap 182 pages : UG Library
230 HOL 00122116 Exploring Christian theology : Holsteen,Nathan D Bethany House Publishers 2014 9780764211294 (pbk. : alk. pap 182 pages : UG Library
230 HUR 00139932 St. Joseph: Hurhuria,Fulgence St. Pauls 2020 9788171097494 86p UG Library
230 IRU 00143016 Whither India? Irudaya, Raj ATC Publishers | Indian Theological Association 2022 9789391399207 295p UG Library
230 JAM 00140569 Theological Voices for Our Times / Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485414 xii, 186 p. 25 cm. UG Library
230 JAN 00140687 God, the mind's desire : Janz, Paul D. Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521822416 | 9780521822411 (hardback) | 9780521529617 (paperback) xi, 232 p. ; UG Library
230 JAR 10003698 IFCU : A Prophetic Organisation / Jarton, Michele Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2016 9788820995676 416 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
230 JAY 00129460 Indian Theologies Jayanath, Mathew Christian World Imprints 2017 9789351480488 236p UG Library
230 JET 00143916 signs of the Time Jette, C Resource Publications 2020 9781725263338 79p UG Library
230 JOH 00140501 The Measure of a Christian Leader: John,C V Authentic Books 2015 9789385080142 341p UG Library
230 JOH 00088042 Christology:Biblical and Historical Johnson, Mini S Mittal Publications 2005 ISB8183240070 33p UG Library
230 JON 00122128 Practicing Christian doctrine : Jones, Beth Felker, Backer Academic 2014 9780801049330 (pbk.) | 0801049 ix, 246 pages ; UG Library
230 JON 00140159 Nasrayanaya Yesuvinekkurichulla Anweshanam Jones,Thomas Juniper Carmel International Publishing House 2020 9789390096169 192p UG Library
230 JOS 00140578 Life and Thoughts of Paul : Jose, Jojan. Christian World Imprints ; 2021 9789351485346 (HB) | 9789351485353 (PB) xvi, 258 p. 25 cm. UG Library
230 JOS 00130159 History and Cultural Patrimony of the Church Joseph,Lourdu Prasad St. Peters Pontifical Institute 2013 225p UG Library
230 JOS 00130160 History and Cultural Patrimony of the Church Joseph,Lourdu Prasad St. Peters Pontifical Institute 2013 225p UG Library
230 JOS 00130161 History and Cultural Patrimony of the Church Joseph,Lourdu Prasad St. Peters Pontifical Institute 2013 225p UG Library
230 JOS 00130155 Christian Doctrine Joseph, M J S F S Publications 2002 187p UG Library
230 JOS 00142991 Catholic Church and Higher Education in Kerala: Jose, Gibi ATC Publishers 2022 9789391399443 379p UG Library
230 JUL 00139872 Biblical Symbols Julios,Abraham Theological Publications in India 2020 9789388953153 206p UG Library
230 JUS 00130187 Theology After Deleuze Justaert,Kriestien Continuum 2012 9781441158901 157p UG Library
230 KAC 00084482 God-Talk Reconstructed: An Introduction to Philosophy of God Kachappilly Cmi, Kurian Dharmaram 2006 8186861955 165p UG Library
230 KAC 00084483 God-Talk : Kachappilly, Ed Kurian Dharmaram, 2006 8186861882 297 p UG Library
230 KAC 05031773 God-Talk : Kachappilly, Ed Kurian Dharmaram, 2006 8186861882 297 p Knowledge Centre
230 KAC 00142758 The Oxford handbook of Christian monasticism / Kaczynski, Bernice M., Oxfor University Press, 2020 0199689733 | 9780199689736 First edition. xix, 722 pages : UG Library
230 KAI 00140152 Karunyam: Kaitholil,George St. Pauls 2016 91p UG Library
230 KAK 00138342 The Preamble of The Indian Constitution: Biblical Perspectives Kakkanattu,Joy Philip Theological Publications in India 2019 269p UG Library
230 KAK 00138340 Message of Hope for a World in Crisis: Biblical Perspectives Kakkanattu,Joy Philip Theological Publications in India 2018 326p UG Library
230 KAK 00146867 Being and becoming ecclesia: Kakkanattu, Joy Philip Theological Publications in India 2022 9788195234950 275p UG Library
230 KAK 00146866 Fraternity in the Bible: Kakkanattu, Joy Philip Theological Publications in India 2023 9789395623056 261p UG Library
230 KAL 00135074 Indian Secularism: Kalliath,Antony Indian Theological Association 2010 8170866065 276p UG Library
230 KAL 00107596 Reflection on Theology And Church Kallarangatt,Joseph Dr. Oriental Institute of Religigious Studies India 2001 8606391 521 P. UG Library
230 KAL 00135031 Call for A New Theology of Culture Kalliath,Antony Indian Theological Association 2015 9788170867296 168p UG Library
230 KAP 00122908 Mapping modern theology : Kapic,Kelly M Baker Academic, 2012 9780801035357 (pbk.) x, 421 p. UG Library
230 KAR 00140127 Atmakalude Lokam Karimattam,Michael Atma Books 2017 9789374953303 3rd edition 199p UG Library
230 KAR 00139661 LOGOS: proclaiming and witnessing to God's word : Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485131 263 p. ; UG Library
230 KAR 00140139 Daivathinte Kannil Neeyundu Karthanam,Francis St. Pauls 2017 9789386069177 136p UG Library
230 KAR 00140138 Daivalayam Karimattam,Michael Atma Books 2020 9789388909884 144p UG Library
230 KAR 00148152 Voices from Beyond Recovering the Prophetic Voice for Today/ Karimundackal, Thomas Christian World Imprints, 2022 9789351486374 272p UG Library
230 KAR 00148160 LOGOS: proclaiming and witnessing to God's word : Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485131 263 p. ; UG Library
230 KAT 00140172 Pularvettam Kattikadu,Boby Jose Indulekha Pusthakam 2020 9789385992377 252p UG Library
230 KEA 00143923 Configured to Christ : Keating, James, Emmaus Road Publishing 2021 9781645851608 | 1645851605 xxix, 314 pages ; UG Library
230 KEE 00129678 The Mind of the Spirit Keener,Craig S Theological Publications in India 2017 9789383163687 402p UG Library
230 KEL 00120877 Church Actually Kelly,Gerard Monarch Books 2011 9780857212313 192p UG Library
230 KEL 00088040 Grassroots Christianity Kellard, Duncan OM BOOKS 2008 9788173628436 164p UG Library
230 KEN 00130207 Christianity : Kennedy, Philip. I. B. Tauris ; | Distributed in the U.S. and Canada exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 1848853831 (pbk.) | 9781848853 xlvii, 310 p.: UG Library
230 KIL 00148034 Yugantham/ Kiliyananickal, James Sophia Books 2024 9789392033636 256p UG Library
230 KIL 00140184 Sneham Baliyayappol KIliyananickal,James 112p UG Library
230 KIR 00134044 The Church and the Wold Kirk,Andrew J Paternoster 2014 9781842278123 354p UG Library
230 KIZ 00143010 The Holy Martyr of Kattadimalai Saint Devasahayam Kizhakkeyil, Sbastian ATC Publishers 2022 9789391399610 144p UG Library
230 KNI 00139900 Discipleship: Kaniiyantharayil,Dominic Kristu tyoti Publications 2017 9788193374597 167p UG Library
230 KOC 00148059 Chunkakkaran Kochumundanmalayil, Sijo Carmel International Publishing House 2024 9789390096695 64p UG Library
230 KOD 00140151 Karunayude Nakshthrapookkal Kodathra,JUlian St. Pauls 2019 9789386069511 85p UG Library
230 LAM 00133012 But is he God? Lambourn,David L Paternoster 2014 9781842278338 225p UG Library
230 LAS 00002168 Mthatha Thathobodhini Fr Laser, C D St.Joseph`orphanage Press 45p UG Library
230 LAW 05002432 Inspiration:New Century Thelogy / Law, David R Continuum, 2001 0826451837 234 p.: Knowledge Centre
230 LAZ 00135120 Towards a Theology of Christian Minorities in the Indian Scenario Today Lazar,Roy Indian Theological Association 2017 9789386516084 187p UG Library
230 LEV 00139950 Engaging the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit: Levering,Mathew Theological Publications in India 2017 9789383163663 440p UG Library
230 LON 00125013 Contextual Theologies Longchar,Wati Sceptre 2014 253p UG Library
230 LON 00125014 Doing Contextual Theologies in Asia Longchar,Wati Sceptre 2014 213p UG Library
230 LOU 00145724 Handbook on the Civil Cases Coincerning the Catholic Church in India Lourdusamy, Sahayaraj St. Pauls , 2016 9789350152911 156p UG Library
230 LOZ 00148058 Resisting the Devil Lozano, Neal St Pauls 2010 9788119597291 198p UG Library
230 MAC 00112887 The Gospel according to Jesus : MacArthur, John, Zondervan, 2008 9780310287292 (hardcover, jack Rev. & expanded anniversary ed. 300 p. ; UG Library
230 MAC 00142981 The Anachronism of Time: Mackenzie, Iain The Canterbury Press 1994 9781853110894 191p UG Library
230 MAS 00140490 Christ,the Christian, and the Church: Mascall.E L Hendrickson Publishers 2017 9781683070191 257p UG Library
230 MAS 00142990 Broadening the Horizons of Our Minds: Mascarenhas, Fiorello ATC Publishers 2021 9789391399078 93p UG Library
230 MAS 00130302 Approaching God : Masterson, Patrick. Bloomsbury 2013 9781623563721 (hbk.) | 1623563 204 pages; UG Library
230 MAT 00135067 Honest to God Mattam,Joseph ATC Publications 2017 9789386516190 168p UG Library
230 MAT 00143009 The Church in India Today: Mathew, P T ATC Publishers | Indian Theological Association 2022 9789391399283 219p UG Library
230 MAT 00143619 A Theology of Peaceful Co-Existence with Community Consciousness Mathew, Jacob Omega Book World: 2020 9789389069372 328p UG Library
230 MAT 00143628 Ecological Insights of Jesus: Mathew, Thomas Omega Book World, 2021 9788194991045 164p UG Library
230 MCC 00106803 Theology as conversation : McCormack,Bruce L. William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2009 9780802848598 (cloth : alk. pa xii, 362 p. : UG Library
230 MCG 00118038 Zondervan handbook of Christian beliefs / Mcgrath,Alister E Zondervan, 2005 0310262739 (pbk.) | 9780310262 New ed. 351 p. : UG Library
230 MCG 05006371 The Christian theology reader / Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9780470654842 (pbk. : alk. pap 4th ed. xxxvi, 608 p. : Knowledge Centre
230 MCG 05006370 Christian theology : McGrath, Alister E., Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781444335149 (pbk.) | 1444335 5th ed. xxviii, 499 p. : Knowledge Centre
230 MCG 00094535 Invitation to dogmatic theology : McGlasson, Paul. Brazos Press, 1587431742 (pbk.) | 9781587431 284 p. ; UG Library
230 MCG 00117397 Christian theology : McGrath, Alister E., Blackwell Publishers, 2001 0631225277 (hbk : alk. paper) 3rd ed. xxxi, 616 p. : UG Library
230 MCG 00109796 Theology McGrath, Alister E., Blackwell Pub., 2004 140511424X (alk. paper) | 1405 xxv, 162 p. ; UG Library
230 MCK 00110778 How did Christianity begin? : Bird, Michael F. SPCK ; | Hendrickson Publishers, 2008 9780281058501 (SPCK) | 0281058 xviii, 206 p. ; UG Library
230 MOL 00085326 Knowledge of Christ (problems in Theology) Moloney, Raymond 1999 0826451306 148 p UG Library
230 MOR 00019608 Youth Alive Morissette, Herve Holy Cross 1977 1 UG Library
230 MOR 00019610 Youth Alive Morissette, Herve Holy Cross 1977 1 UG Library
230 MOR 00019609 Youth Alive Morissette, Herve Holy Cross 1977 70 p UG Library
230 MOR 00019615 Youth Aware Morissete, Herve Holy Cross 1977 89 p UG Library
230 MOS 05038331 The wisdom of the Christian faith / Moser, Paul K Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107000605 (hardback) | 978 vii, 271 pages ; Knowledge Centre
230 MUL 00135122 Violence in Today`s Socity: Mulackal,Shalini Indian Theological Association 2011 9788170866497 142p UG Library
230 MWA 00148133 Defection from the Catholic Church in Keneya Mwandha, Kevin Otieno Christian World Imprints, 2024 9789395457972 181p UG Library
230 NAD 00140153 Katholikkara Rakshitharo? Naduthala,Varghese St. Pauls 2014 8180910512 391p UG Library
230 NAR 00139689 Contextual mission approach to the tribals in Assam : Narzary, Enosh. Christian World Imprints; 2020 9789351484813 (PB) 52 p. ; UG Library
230 NAT 00143008 The Burning Bush of the Sahara Nathan ATC Publishers 2022 9789391399559 2nd Revised Edition 308p UG Library
230 NAU 00125455 Worldview : Naugle, David K. W.B. Eerdmans Pub., 2002 0802847617 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxii, 384 p. ; UG Library
230 NEL 00135068 Human Diginity and Human Rights Neli,Linus ATC Publications 2014 9788170867029 206p UG Library
230 NEL 00148048 Friends of the Living Bread Nellickasseril, Joseph Carmel International Publishing House 2024 9788197333958 78p UG Library
230 NEU 00020720 Christian Faith: in the Doctrinal Documents of the Catholic Church Neuner, J TPI 1972 687 p UG Library
230 NGA 00140514 Servant Leadership: Ngaihte,Ginnei Thang GS Books 2017 9789385194870 296p UG Library
230 NIR 00140140 Deeptha Chinthakal Nirmal,C St. Pauls 2013 2nd Edition 92p UG Library
230 NIR 00140164 Parayathe Pokumbol Ariyathe Pokunnathu Nirmal,Vinyak St. Pauls 2015 3rd Edition 139p UG Library
230 NOU 00139420 Peacework : Nouwen, Henri. Asian Trading Corporation; 2009 9788170865018 127 p. ; UG Library
230 OLI 00139685 Jesus the model of today's catholic priests : Oliapurath, Joseph. Christian World Imprints; 2020 9789351484714 (PB) 346 p. ; UG Library
230 OLI 00148159 Human Responsibility in Salvation/ Oliparambil, Joseph Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485667 227p UG Library
230 ONE 00143968 Constructing Dalit theology for Dalit liberation / Onesimu, J. A. David, ISPCK 2012 9788184652345 xxxv, 173 pages ; UG Library
230 PAD 00088087 Challenges to Religion, Church and Theology Padinjarkekuttu, Isaac St Pauls 2008 9788171098736 213p UG Library
230 PAL 00139664 Disabilities and sin in Christianity and Hinduism : Pal, Kartik. Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485179 129 p. ; UG Library
230 PAN 00145050 Christianity. Panikkar, Raimon, Orbis Books, 2015 9781626981683 | 9781626981591 | 162698168X xxii , 369 pages ; UG Library
230 PAT 00103600 Theology of the Church New Horizons Pathil, Kuncheria Dharmaram Publications, 9788186861904 230 p. UG Library
230 PER 00148045 Spirituality of Christian Couples: Perera, Pius Carmel International Publishing House 2024 9788197333934 378p UG Library
230 PIN 00139873 Politics and Mission in Critical Times: Pinto,Simon Theological Publications in India 2020 9789388953160 329p UG Library
230 PLA 00107914 An introduction to Christian theology / Plantinga, Richard J. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521870269 (hbk.) | 9780521 xx, 634 p. : UG Library
230 PLA 05008092 An introduction to Christian theology / Plantinga, Richard J. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521870269 (hbk.) | 9780521 xx, 634 p. : Knowledge Centre
230 PRA 00135083 Lamenting Loss and Resisting Repression Prasad,D Manohar Chandra ATC Publications 2007 8170864119 213p UG Library
230 PRA 00143626 Dalithadvytha: Prasad, D Manohar Chandra Omega Book World, 2022 9789391694418 152p UG Library
230 PUL 00143661 The "Suffering Servant" of Mark to the Suffering Discipleship Pulikottil, Joseph Omega Book World, 2021 9789389069235 304p UG Library
230 PUL 00139440 Challenges of religious nationalism in India today : ITA Publications and ATC Publishers; 2019 9789388968072 316 pages ; UG Library
230 PUL 00148150 Early Christian Doctrine/ Pullan, Leighton Christian World Imprints, 2022 9789395457088 124p UG Library
230 PUR 00002371 Plainman Books at Himself Purcell, William Great Britain 1965 1 UG Library
230 PUR 00139954 Jesus: Purakel,Punnoose K St. Pauls 2017 9789350152928 303p UG Library
230 PUT 00088083 Called, Consecrated and Commissioned Puthiadam, Ignatius Sj Asian Trading Corporation 2008 0817086478 201p UG Library
230 RAH 00139456 Theological investigations: Vol. XXII / Rahner, Karl, Crossroad Publishing Company; 1991 0824509242 (v. 22) 234 p. ; UG Library
230 RAL 00148132 Gazing on the Past Ralte, Lalfakawma Christian World Imprints, 2024 9789360659417 162p UG Library
230 RAZ 00124916 The Man His Vision and Mission Razu, I John Mohan Theological Book Trust 2015 273p UG Library
230 RED 00148046 Science and Asian Spiritual Traditions Redmond, Geoffrey Bloomsbury Publications 2024 9789361315985 256p UG Library
230 ROA 00134050 Makers of the Modern Theological Mind, Dietrich Bonhoeffer Roark,Dallas M Hendrickson Publishers 2016 9781619707542 127p UG Library
230 ROH 00139871 The Universal Christ: Rohr,Richard Convergent 2019 9781524762094 260p UG Library
230 ROT 05028415 Masterplotsii: Christian Literature [RELIGION SECTION] Roth, John K Salem Press 9781587653797 518 p Knowledge Centre
230 ROT 05028416 Masterplotsii: Christian Literature [RELIGION SECTION] Roth, John K Salem Press 9781587653797 518 p Knowledge Centre
230 ROT 05028417 Masterplotsii: Christian Literature [RELIGION SECTION] Roth, John K Salem Press 9781587653797 518 p Knowledge Centre
230 ROT 05028418 Masterplotsii: Christian Literature [RELIGION SECTION] Roth, John K Salem Press 9781587653797 518 p Knowledge Centre
230 ROW 00135109 The Bible for Sinners Rowland,Christopher ATF Press 2008 1920691928 119p UG Library
230 RYA 00148158 Seminal-Conversion Experience of Paul and New Man/ Ryan, Bosco Antony Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485643 283p UG Library
230 RYR 00118042 Basic theology : Ryrie, Charles Caldwell, Moody Press, 1999 0802427340 655 p. : UG Library
230 SAL 00137208 Women as Equal Disciples Saldanha Virginia Media House 2016 288p UG Library
230 SAM 00143014 Universality of Mercy: Samy, John Antony ATC Publishers 2022 9788195336029 416p UG Library
230 SAU 00117404 Gateways to dogmatics : Sauter, Gerhard. William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2003 0802847005 (pbk. : alk. paper) xx, 310 p. ; UG Library
230 SCH 00078476 God Is New Each Moment Sachillebeeckx, Edward Continum 2005 0826477011 | 9780826477019 133 p. UG Library
230 SCH 00134601 Constructing local theologies Schreiter, Robert J., Theological Publications in India 2016 088344108X (pbk.) | 9781626981461 (anniv.ed.) 30th anniversary edition. xix, 204 pages ; UG Library
230 SCH 00134602 Constructing local theologies Schreiter, Robert J., Theological Publications in India 2016 088344108X (pbk.) | 9781626981461 (anniv.ed.) 30th anniversary edition. xix, 204 pages ; UG Library
230 SCH 00117550 Peace Building Schreiter,Robert J Theological Publications in India 2010 9788188821754 466p UG Library
230 SCU 00148035 Adhrusyaporattam/ Scupoli, Lorenzo Sophia Books 2024 9789381796566 343p UG Library
230 SI 00140193 Vaarthayum Vachanavum Si Atma Books 2020 9789388909761 192p UG Library
230 SOM 00138677 Christianity in culture : Sommerfeldt, John R. University Press of America, 2009 9780761846710 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0761846719 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780761846727 (ebook) | 0761846727 (ebook) x, 252 p. ; UG Library
230 STA 00020148 What Does It Mean to Be a Christian Staffner, H St.Paul`s Publication 1979 159 p UG Library
230 STE 00143655 Studying the Synoptic Gospels: Stein, Robert H Omega Book World, 2019 9788193596425 302p UG Library
230 STO 00140536 Natural Theology: Stokes,George Gabriel Cambridge University Press 2013 9781108053761 272p UG Library
230 SUR 00139903 In the Shadow of a Setting Sun Suresh,Jose Theo Books 2017 168p UG Library
230 SYK 00131982 The identity of Christianity : Sykes, Stephen. Fortress Press, 1984 0800607201 xii, 349 p. ; UG Library
230 THE 00140175 Raboni Thekkethala,John St. Pauls 2018 9789386069450 118p UG Library
230 THE 00140194 Venal Mazha Payumbol Theresa,Leena St. Pauls 2014 8180910997 120p UG Library
230 THI 00125753 Systematic Theology Thiselton, Anthony C. 9780802872722 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 453 pages ; UG Library
230 THO 00124925 An exploration of Christian theology Thorsen, Donald A. D. Hendrickson Publishers, 2008 9781565632363 (alk. paper) | 1 xxii, 453 p.: UG Library
230 THO 00088043 Christianity and Culture Thomas, Santosh Mittal Publications 2006 ISB8183240054 333p UG Library
230 THO 00126881 Do Not Oppress Thottumkal,Shabu Joseph Kristu Jyoti Publications 2016 9788187370987 311p UG Library
230 THR 00119021 Basics for believers : Thrasher, William L. Moody Press, 1998 0802437427 2 v. : UG Library
230 TOL 04017101 The Kingdom of God Is Within You Tolstoy,Leo. Dover Publications, 2006 9780486451381 325,p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
230 TOL 00106478 The Kingdom of God Is Within You Tolstoy,Leo. Dover Publications, 2006 9780486451381 325,p. UG Library
230 TOW 00130304 An Introduction to Christian Theology Towey,Anthony Bloomsbury 2018 9780587678195 557p UG Library
230 TRE 00098981 Virtue and the voice of God : Treier, Daniel J., William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 0802830749 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvi, 278 p. ; UG Library
230 TUS 00139902 Cry the Gospel with Your Life Tuscano,Alex Vargamudra 2020 207p UG Library
230 VAD 00088806 Pilgrimage into Heart: Community Life in Relationship Vadakkedam, Samjy Claretian Publications 2006 8187804890 254p UG Library
230 VAL 00148062 Sapangal Vilakku Vangiyavar Valliyil, Sebastian Carmel International Publishing House 2022 9789391296704 119p UG Library
230 VAL 00148063 Kristhava Sannyasa Darsanam/ Vallippalam, Job Carmel International Publishing House 2023 9789390096596 255p UG Library
230 VAL 00142993 Faith, Reason and Atheism Valluvassery, Clement ATC Publishers 2021 9789391399030 213p UG Library
230 VAL 00139881 Pope Francis: Vallely,Paul Bloomsbury 2015 9781472915962 470p UG Library
230 VAL 00148163 Righteousness of God in Paul's Letter to the Romans/ Vallianippuram, Thomas Christian World Imprints; 2024 9789360658298 359 UG Library
230 VAR 00148131 The Holy Spirit in the Process of Sanctification Varghese, Joshy Koonamparambath Christian World Imprints, 2024 9789360650728 338p UG Library
230 VAR 00148154 The Ecological Vision on Creation/ Varghese, Vinu Christian World Imprints, 2022 9789351486138 264p UG Library
230 VAR 00140571 Christian Ministry : Interdisciplinary Reimaginations in Changing Times : Christian World Imprints ; 2021 9789351485483 (HB) | 9789351485490 (PB) xxvi, 143 p. 23 cm UG Library
230 VAS 00140489 Covid 19 is a Word Not a Sentence Vasudevan,K LifeZone Media 2020 9788194719007 40p UG Library
230 VEL 00139945 The Affliction Way: Vella,Elias St. Pauls 2020 9789350153703 108p UG Library
230 VEL 00140155 Kudumbam Bibilil Vellanickal,Mathew Pro Sanctity Publications 2015 144p UG Library
230 VOL 00147718 Joy and Human Flourishing: Volf, Miroslav Fortress Press 2015 9781451482072 155p UG Library
230 WAL 00146810 T&T Clark Handbook of Jesus and Film Walsh, Richard Bloomsbury 2024 9789361318412 356p UG Library
230 WAR 00120878 Christianity : Ward, Keith, Oneworld, 2000 1851682295 | 9781851682294 195 p. ; UG Library
230 WAR 00110520 Re-thinking Christianity Ward, Keith. Oneworld Pub., 2007 1851685065 (hbk.) | 9781851685 viii, 231 p. ; UG Library
230 WEB 00125549 Word and church : Webster, J. B. T & T Clark, 2001 9780567030665 (pbk.) | 0567030 ix, 289 p. ; UG Library
230 WEB 00125542 Confessing God : Webster, J. B. T & T Clark, 2005 0567083772 (pbk.) viii, 232 p. ; UG Library
230 WES 00135091 Millennium Miscellany Wesley,Arun Kumar ATC Publications 2003 8170863007 166p UG Library
230 WHA 05038324 The focus of belief / Whately, Arnold Robert. the University press, 1937 x, 191 p. Knowledge Centre
230 WIJ 00020711 Come and See: Living Experience of Jesus Christ Wijngaards, J N M TPI 1980 254 p UG Library
230 WIJ 00019814 Communicating the Word of God Wijrgaards, J N M Dimension 1979 304 p UG Library
230 WIL 00076462 Religious of the World Christianity [ WMU ] Wilson, Brian 0135766389 128p UG Library
230 WIL 00076461 Religious of the World Christianity [ WMU ] Wilson, Brian 0135766389 128p UG Library
230 WIL 00076460 Religious of the World Christianity [ WMU ] Wilson, Brian 0135766389 128p UG Library
230 WIL 00143642 On Augustine Williams, Rowan Bloomsbury, 2016 9781472925275 218p UG Library
230 WIT 01025804 Christianity and family law : an introduction Witte, John, Cambridge university press, 2017 9781108401197 xxi,467p.; Knowledge Centre
230 WOO 00101763 Christianity : By Woodhead, Linda. Oxford University Press, 9780192803221 (alk. paper) 168 p. ; UG Library
230 WOO 05048817 Christianity : Woodhead, Linda. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199687749 (pbk.) | 0199687 Second edition. xiv, 130 pages ; Knowledge Centre
230 WOO 00073832 Christianity: A Very Short Introduction ( Dharmaram Library ) Woodhead, Linda 2006 0195682718 168p UG Library
230 WOO 00084202 Christianity: A Very Short Introduction. Woodhead, Linda 2006 0195682718 168p UG Library
230 YOU 00076141 Teach Yourself Christianity [ Dharmaram Library] Young, John 2003 0034085961 320p UG Library
230 YOU 04015292 Christianity / Young, John Hachette, 2008 9780340966426 338 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
230.00285 HUT 00146529 Digital humanities and Christianity: Hutchings, Tim De Gruyter 2021 9783110559897 vi, 343 pages : UG Library
230.003 BOW 00107624 Encyclopedia of Christianity Bowden,John Oxford University Press, 2005 9780195223934 (alk. paper) | 0 xli, 1364 p. : UG Library
230.003 BOW 05030118 Encyclopedia of Christianity / Oxford University Press, 2005 0195223934 1364p.: Knowledge Centre
230.003 JOH 05069364 World christian encyclopedia / Johnson,Todd M. Edinburgh University Press Ltd, 2020 9781474403238 3rd ed. xviii, 979p. ; Knowledge Centre
230.003 PAR 04008319 A concise encyclopedia of Christianity / Parrinder, Geoffrey Oneword, 2007 9781851681747 278p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
230.003 PAT 00110216 The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity Patte, Daniel. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521820967 (hardback) | 978 lxvii, 1343 p. ; UG Library
230.003 SEL 00098994 The lion encyclopedia of Christianity; Self,David A Lion Hudson plc; 9780745949499 127 p. UG Library
230.007 ARL 00107093 Biblical Theology and Missiological Education in Asia Arles Siga Asia Theological Association, India; 2005 8190229435 446 p. UG Library
230.01 ALL 00118829 Theological Method : Allen, Paul L. T&T Clark, 2012 9780567119087 ix, 262 p. ; UG Library
230.01 BAR 00122254 Christian philosophy : Bartholomew, Craig G., 9780801039119 (pbk.) xii, 289 pages : UG Library
230.01 BAR 00121081 Christian philosophy : Bartholomew, Craig G., 9780801039119 (pbk.) xii, 289 pages : UG Library
230.01 BRI 00111191 Adorno and theology / Brittain, Christopher Craig. T & T Clark, 2010 9780567569295 (hbk.) | 0567569 x, 238 p. ; UG Library
230.01 BRO 05067960 Sacred Language, Sacred World : Broggi, Joshua D. T&T Clark, 2018 9780567683656 x, 222p.; Knowledge Centre
230.01 COM 00138709 What is rhetorical theology? : Compier, Don H. Trinity Press International, 1999 1563382903 (pbk. : alk. paper) ix, 100 p. ; UG Library
230.01 COP 00145071 Loving wisdom : Copan, Paul, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2020 9780802875471 Second edition. xv, 357 pages ; UG Library
230.01 CRI 01017194 Analytic theology Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199203567 (cased) | 019920 316 p. : Knowledge Centre
230.01 CRI 00112404 A reader in contemporary philosophical theology / Crisp, Oliver T & T Clark, 2009 9780567031457 (hbk.) | 9780567 x, 379 p. ; UG Library
230.01 CWA 00105153 Catholic questions wise answers xxx, UG Library
230.01 DOR 05074408 Philosophical Hermeneutics / Dorairaj, A Joseph Satya Nilayam, 2011 9788190365659 164p.; Knowledge Centre
230.01 DOR 05074409 Philosophical Hermeneutics / Dorairaj, A Joseph Satya Nilayam, 2011 9788190365659 164p.; Knowledge Centre
230.01 HAU 00125452 The Work of Theology Hauerwas, Stanley, William B Eerdmans 2015 9780802871909 (pbk. : alk. pap xi, 293 pages UG Library
230.01 HEN 00138683 I am the truth : Henry, Michel, Stanford University Press, 2003 0804737754 (cloth : alk. paper) | 0804737800 (pbk. : alk. paper) 282 p. ; UG Library
230.01 JOS 00117612 Rhetorical invention and religious inquiry Jost, Walter Yale University Press, 2000 0300080565 | 0300080573 vi, 425 p. ; UG Library
230.01 JUN 00125060 Habermas and theology Junker-Kenny, Maureen. T & T Clark, 2010 9780567033222 (hbk.) | 0567033 x, 213 p ; UG Library
230.01 KIE 00106164 Spiritual writings : Kierkegaard, Søren, Perennial, 2010 9780061875991 (pbk.) | 0061875 1st ed. xxxii, 298 p. ; UG Library
230.01 LOV 00135119 Theology as interdisciplinary inquiry : Lovin,Robin W William B eerdmans Publishing Company 2017 9780802873880 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxxiii, 168 pages ; UG Library
230.01 OAK 00127998 Karl Barth on Theology and Philosophy / Oakes, Kenneth. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199661169 | 0199661162 1st ed. x, 288 p. ; UG Library
230.01 PLA 00072316 Warranted Christian Belief: [ Dharmaram Library] Platinga, Alvin 2000 0195131932 506p UG Library
230.01 REG 00112846 Christian Philosophy Regulas,Bouvert ISPCK 2013 9788184652994 276p UG Library
230.01 SCH 00087988 From Ideologies to Public Philosophies: An Introduction to Political Theory Schumaker, Paul 2008 9781405168359 488p UG Library
230.01 STA 00143927 The primacy of God : Staudt, R. Jared, Emmaus Academic 2021 9781645851677 | 9781645851684 409 pages ; UG Library
230.01 TAL 00093251 The cambridge companion to christian philosophical theology Taliaferro Charles Cambridge University Press 9780521730372 265p UG Library
230.01 TAL 05008105 The cambridge companion to christian philosophical theology Taliaferro Charles Cambridge University Press 9780521730372 265p Knowledge Centre
230.01 THA 00106147 Subaltern perspectives : Thadathil,George. Asian Trading Corp., 2005 817086366X | 9788170863663 305 p. ; UG Library
230.01 VEE 00133782 Introducing theological method : Veeneman, Mary M., Baker Books 2017 9780801049491 (pbk. : alk. paper) v, 202 pages ; UG Library
230.015 MCG 00110489 The order of things McGrath, Alister E. Blackwell Pub., 2006 9781405125567 (hardcover : alk xxix, 255 p. ; UG Library
230.015 MCG 05045288 A Scientific Theology / Mcgrath Alister.E t&t Clark, 2006 9780567031228 xx,325p.: Knowledge Centre
230.02 LAL 00125031 Understanding Christian Faith Lalrutkima Scetre 2014 288p UG Library
230.03 DYR 00109826 Global Dictionary Of Theology Dyrness William A. IVP Academic 2008 9781844743506 xxviii; 996 p. UG Library
230.03 MUL 00072043 Dictionary of Latin and Greek Theological Tems: [dharmaram Library] Muller, A Richard 2000 0801020646 340p UG Library
230.04 ADA 00112609 Korean Theology in Historical Perspective Asams,Daniel I S P C K 2012 9788184652291 317p UG Library
230.04 GAL 00147179 Karl Barth : Galli, Mark, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2017 9780802869395 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvi, 176 pages ; UG Library
230.04 GIS 00112888 The Gospel and the Newspaper Gispert-Sauch,George ISPCK 2013 9788184653229 197p UG Library
230.04 RAM 00112859 Faiths in Cinflict Ramachandra,Vinoth OM Books 2005 8173622205 192p UG Library
230.041 CAN 00110923 Theology, rhetoric, manuduction, or reading Scripture together on the path to God / Candler, Peter M. SCM Press, 2006 0334040310 (pbk. : alk. paper) xi, 190 p. ; UG Library
230.041 CHA 00110806 Leadership insights from heroes of the Bible Chandrakumar,m Authentic Books 2010 9788173628283 2nd ed 344p UG Library
230.041 ELL 00111699 The heart of biblical theology : Elliott, M. W. Ashgate, 2013 9781409440437 (hardcover : alk 187 p. ; UG Library
230.041 FOR 00108142 Reading texts, seeking wisdom Ford,David F. Eerdmans Pub., 2003 0802827632 x, 287 p. : UG Library
230.041 GOR 00141606 Riches: Gorantla,Johannes St. Pauls 2021 9789350153895 256p UG Library
230.041 GRI 00125062 Introducing Biblical theology Grindheim, Sigurd, Bloomsbury 2013 9780567458155 (hardback) | 056 ix, 267 pages; UG Library
230.041 HAF 00110223 Central Themes in Biblical Theology Hafemann, Scott J. Baker Academic, 2007 9780801034237 (pbk.) | 0801034 329 p. : UG Library
230.041 KUM 00143013 Ths Says the Lord: Kumar, David Stanly ATC Publishers | Sion Media 2022 9789391399597 270p UG Library
230.041 POW 00134788 Introducing the New Testament Powell,Mark Allan Theological Publications in India 2018 9789383163045 591p UG Library
230.041 POW 00134492 Introducing the New Testament Powell,Mark Allan Theological Publications in India 2018 9789383163045 591p UG Library
230.041 POW 00134493 Introducing the New Testament Powell,Mark Allan Theological Publications in India 2018 9789383163045 591p UG Library
230.041 RAL 00128187 And God Said What: Ralph,Margaret Nutting Theological Publications In India 2011 9788188821693 307p UG Library
230.041 ROA 00142104 Biblical theology : Roark, Nick, Crossway 2018 9781433556067 (hc) 158 pages ; UG Library
230.041 SAI 00129841 Women as Eyewitnesses to the Christian Kerygma Saindiyagu,Virginia Rajakumari kristu Jyoti Publications 2017 9788193374504 551p UG Library
230.0411 AND 00146817 Christian doctrine and the Old Testament : Anderson, Gary A., Baker Academic 2017 9780801098253 (cloth) xix, 220 pages ; UG Library
230.0411 BEC 00112836 An Eye for an Eye a Tooth for a Tooth Beck,Millianus ISPCK 2013 9788184653236 412p UG Library
230.0411 BRU 00130340 The Role of Old Testament Theology in Old Testament Interpretation Brueggemann,Walter SAIAS Press 2016 9788187712480 190p UG Library
230.0411 JES 00129464 Old Testament Theology Jesurathnam,Kondasingu Christian World Imprint 2017 9789351481515 354p UG Library
230.0411 KIM 00109582 Reading the Hebrew Bible for A New Millennium Kim,Wonil Trinity Press International, 2000 1563383144 (v. 1 : pbk. : alk. 352 p. UG Library
230.0411 MIL 00108128 The way of the Lord Miller,Patrick D. William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2007 0802832725 | 0802832725 (pbk. x, 341 p. ; UG Library
230.0411 MOB 00120691 Old Testament theology : Moberly, R. W. L. 9780801048852 (cloth) xiv, 333 pages UG Library
230.0411 MUR 00131759 Experiencing our biblical heritage / Murphy, Roland E. Hendrickson Publishers, 2001 1565634969 (pbk.) | 9781565634961 (pbk.) xv, 185 p. ; UG Library
230.0411 ROG 00123022 A theology of the Old Testament : cultural memory, communication, and being human Rogerson John W Fortress Press 2010 9780800697150 214p. UG Library
230.0411 ROG 00122044 A theology of the Old Testament : cultural memory, communication, and being human Rogerson John W Fortress Press 2010 9780800697150 214p. UG Library
230.0411 YAN 00112883 The Bible Jesus Read Yancy,Philip Authentic Publishers 2010 9788173622519 219p UG Library
230.0415 BEA 00110783 A New Testament biblical theology : Beale, G. K. Baker Academic, 2011 9780801026973 (cloth : alk. pa xxiv, 1047 p. ; UG Library
230.0415 SCH 00147184 New Testament theology / Schnabel, Eckhard J., Baker Academic, 2023 9781540963116 1176 p, UG Library
230.042 VAR 00122351 Let There Be India Varghese,Babu K Media Concerns 2014 705p UG Library
230.044 BAR 07006382 On religion : Barth, Karl, 9781780938042 (pbk. : alk. pap 180pages cm. Library - BR Campus
230.044 BAR 00119268 On religion : Barth, Karl, 9781780938042 (pbk. : alk. pap 180pages cm. UG Library
230.044 KEL 00093003 The cost of moral leadership : Kelly, Geffrey B. W.B. Eerdmans Pub., 0802805116 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvii, 300 p. ; UG Library
230.044 MAC 00107889 Christianity and liberalism Machen, J. Gresham William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2009 9780802864994 | 9780802864888 New edition xvii, 158 p. ; UG Library
230.044 PUG 00090722 Religionless Christianity : Pugh, Jeffrey C T & T Clark, 2008 9780567032591 171p UG Library
230.044092 BET 00122057 Dietrich Bonhoeffer : Bethge, Renate. Fortress Press, 2004 0800636775 1st English language ed. 88 p. : UG Library
230.044092 DOR 00085323 Barthian Revolt in Modern Theology Dorrien, Gary 2000 0664221513 239 p UG Library
230.044092 GRE 00125073 Theology against religion : Greggs, Tom. T&T Clark, 2011 9780567462794 (hardback) | 056 xiv, 242 p. ; UG Library
230.044092 HAL 00122198 Bound and free : Hall, Douglas John, Fortress Press, 2005 0800637739 (alk. paper) xii, 156 p ; UG Library
230.044092 ILI 00146540 Priest of nature: Iliffe, Rob, Oxford University Press 2017 9780199995356 xi, 522 pages, 16 unnumbered pages of plates ; UG Library
230.044092 JOH 00106684 The mystery of God : Johnson, William Stacy. Westminster John Knox Press, 1997 9780664220945 (alk. paper) 1st ed. x, 217 p. : UG Library
230.044092 KEL 00101099 The cost of moral leadership : Kelly, Geffrey B. W.B. Eerdmans Pub., 9780802805119 xvii, 300 p. ; UG Library
230.044092 MCD 00110934 Conversing with Barth / Ashgate, 2004 9780754605706 (pbk.) | 0754605 ix, 234 ; UG Library
230.044092 WAL 00131014 Kierkegaard and religion : Walsh, Sylvia, Cambridge University Press 2018 9781107180581 (hardback : alk. 245p. UG Library
230.044092 WEB 00071536 Cambridge Companion to Karl Barth: [ Dharmaram Library] Webster, John 2004 0521585600 312p UG Library
230.046 BEA 00109704 Witness to dispossession Beaudoin, Tom, Orbis Books, 2008 9781570757853 (pbk.) | 1570757 xix, 200 p. ; UG Library
230.046 BRA 00130225 Grace, order, openness and diversity : Bradley, Ian C. Continuum, 2010 9780567268907 (pbk.) | 0567268 xviii, 190 p.; UG Library
230.046 FEL 00147197 Renewing Christian worldview : Felix-Jager, Steven, Baker Academic, 2023 9781540965912 | 9781540966797 xxx, 224 pages ; UG Library
230.046 GRU 00108207 Systematic Theology Grudem,Wayne Authentic 1964 9788173625381 1290 p. UG Library
230.046 HAR 00124924 Events of Grace: Hardwick, Charley D. Cambridge University Press, 1996 0521552206 xvi, 309 p.; UG Library
230.046 KAC 00084484 Process Implications Kachappilly Cmi, Kurian Dharmaram 2006 8186861912 142p UG Library
230.046 MCF 00117542 Forgiveness and Truth McFadyen,Alister T and T Clark 2001 0567087778 227p UG Library
230.046 MIC 00117568 Postliberal theology : Michener, Ronald T. Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2013 9780567518996 (hardback) | 056 viii, 186 p. ; UG Library
230.046 MIC 00117674 Postliberal theology : Michener, Ronald T. Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2013 9780567518996 (hardback) | 056 viii, 186 p. ; UG Library
230.046 MIC 00125066 Postliberal theology : Michener, Ronald T. Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2013 9780567518996 (hardback) | 056 viii, 186 p. ; UG Library
230.046 MIL 05005308 The radical orthodoxy reader / Routledge, 2009 9780415425124 (hardback : alk. xi, 417 p. ; Knowledge Centre
230.046 PAN 00091079 Postmodernity: Pandikattu Kuruvilla SJ Serials Publications 2008 9788183872003 282p UG Library
230.0462 VIC 00118662 Witnessess of Evangelical Radicalism/ Vicent,Rafael Kristu Jyoti Publications 2014 9788187370796 300p UG Library
230.04624 GRE 00109571 Renewing the center Grenz, Stanley J. Baker Books, 2006 0801031818 | 9780801031816 2nd ed. 384 p. ; UG Library
230.04624 OLS 00110945 The SCM Press A-Z of evangelical theology / Olson, Roger E. SCM, 2005 0334040116 (pbk.) 328 p. ; UG Library
230.04624 OLS 00112906 Reformed and always reforming : Olson, Roger E. Baker Academic, 2007 9780801031694 (pbk.) | 0801031 247 p. ; UG Library
230.0463 RYR 00134467 Dispensationalism / Ryrie, Charles Caldwell, Omega Book World 2018 080242189X | 9780802421890 Rev. and expanded 265 p. ; UG Library
230.0464 BER 00134511 Liberation Theology Berghoef,Gerard Christian's Library Press 1984 0934874077 197p UG Library
230.0464 DES 00129470 The Philosophy of Liberation : Desbruslais SJ, Cyril Christian World Imprints , 2016 9789351481294 xiii, 196p.; UG Library
230.0464 DES 05055564 The Philosophy of Liberation : Desbruslais SJ, Cyril Christian World Imprints , 2016 9789351481294 xiii, 196p.; Knowledge Centre
230.071 KAL 00112700 Shared Praxis as Christian Religious Education Kalathuveettil,Thomas Kristu Jyoti Publications 1992 450p UG Library
230.071 SWA 00145058 Flourishing together : Swaner, Lynn E. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2021 9780802879578 xiv, 296 pages ; UG Library
230.071054 MAL 00107381 Theology on Wheels Malieckal Louis Dr. Indian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 2011 978-81-8465-166-9 xv:332 P. UG Library
230.072 ANI 00134787 How to read theology : Anizor, Uche, Theological Publications in India 2018 9780801049750 (pbk. : alk. paper) xv, 182 pages ; UG Library
230.072 ANI 00134490 How to read theology : Anizor, Uche, Theological Publications in India 2018 9780801049750 (pbk. : alk. paper) xv, 182 pages ; UG Library
230.072 ANI 00134491 How to read theology : Anizor, Uche, Theological Publications in India 2018 9780801049750 (pbk. : alk. paper) xv, 182 pages ; UG Library
230.073 CAR 00129459 Home of Love Carlos,Merces de Melo Christian World Imprints 2017 9789351481546 164p UG Library
230.082 ALD 00117551 Sisters with power / Aldred,Joe Continuum, 2000 0826449859 x, 165 p. ; UG Library
230.082 ANA 00124150 The Divine Feminine Anand,Subhash Claretian Publications 2015 357p UG Library
230.082 AWO 05055562 Tribal Theology : James, Lovely Awomi. Christian World Imprints, 2017 9789351481690 xlvi,201p.; Knowledge Centre
230.082 BEA 00086561 Woman Beattie, Tina 2003 0826457037 240 p UG Library
230.082 DLI 00141665 It's High Time Conference of Religious India (Women) 2021 86p UG Library
230.082 EXU 00125544 Fragmented women : Exum, J. Cheryl, Bloomsbury 2016 9780567662934 (pbk.) | 0567662 Second edition. 187 p. ; UG Library
230.082 JUL 00110920 Being feminist, being Christian : Palgrave Macmillan, 2006 1403972958 | 9781403972958 1st ed. viii, 213 p. ; UG Library
230.082 KOW 00092880 Introducing Asian Feminist Theology Kwok Pui-lan Sheffield Academinc Press Ltd 9781841270661 136p UG Library
230.082 MAT 00094657 Womanism Off The Feminist Track Mathew Sujarani National Printing Press 8186861971 90p UG Library
230.082 TAT 01016710 Knowledge that Matters : Tatman,Lucy Sheffield Academic Press, 2001 9781841273457 269 p. Knowledge Centre
230.082 TAT 00084388 Knowledge That Matters: A Feminist Theological Paradigm and Epistemology Tatman, Lucy Sheffield Academic Press 2001 1841273457 269p UG Library
230.082 TRI 00133379 Feminist Theology Trivedi,Tanuja Jnanada Prakashan 2017 9788171398447 307p UG Library
230.082 VUO 00092794 Limits of liberation : Vuola, Elina. Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 9514108256 246 p. ; UG Library
230.082 WAL 00110271 Literature, Theology, and Feminism Walton, Heather. Manchester University Press ; | Distributed in the USA by Palgrave, 2007 9780719060908 (hbk.) | 0719060 ix, 212 p. ; UG Library
230.082 WAL 07006271 Feminism and Christian Tradition: Walsh,Mary Paula. Greenwood Press, 1999 XI,441 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
230.082 WAL 00092793 Imagining theology : Walton, Heather. T & T Clark, 9780567031730 (hbk. : alk, pap xii, 152 p. ; UG Library
230.082 WAT 00109563 Feminist theology Watson, Natalie K. W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2003 0802848281 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 110 p. ; UG Library
230.082 WOO 00130336 Side By Side Wood,Beulah SAIACS Press 2007 9788187712169 541p UG Library
230.082. OGK 00126861 Bodies Lives Voices O'Grady,Kathleen Sheffield Academic Press 1998 1850758549 273p UG Library
230.082098 AQU 00088015 Feminist Intercultural Theology: Latina Explorations for a Just World Aquino, Maria Pillar 2007 9781570757419 270p UG Library
230.08664 MAR 00118828 The Sexual Theologian : edited by Marcella Althaus-Reid T & T Clark International, 2004 0567082229 (hbk : alk. paper) 134 p. ; UG Library
230.08694 CLA 00101802 Dalit Theology / Clarke, Sathianathan Oxford University Press, 9780198066910 vii, 302 p. UG Library
230.08694 CLA 01017114 Dalit Theology / Clarke, Sathianathan Oxford University Press, 9780198066910 vii, 302 p. Knowledge Centre
230.08694 RAJ 00104244 Dalit theology and Dalit liberation : Rajkumar, Peniel. Ashgate, 2010 9780754665137 (hbk. : alk. pap 206 p. ; UG Library
230.089 PHA 00145051 Christianity with an Asian face : Phan, Peter C., Orbis Books, 2003 1570754667 | 9781570754661 xvii, 253 p. ; UG Library
230.089 ROB 00117655 Black religion, Black theology Roberts, J. Deotis Trinity Press International, 2003 9781563383984 ix, 244 p. ; UG Library
230.08968073 ESP 00136809 Futuring our past : Espin,Orlando O Orbis Books, 2006 1570756473 (pbk.) | 9781570756474 xii, 308 p. ; UG Library
230.08968073 ESP 00136810 Building bridges, Doing Justice : Espin,Orlando O Orbis Books, 2009 9781570758256 (pbk.) | 1570758255 (pbk.) xi, 204 p. ; UG Library
230.08968073 VAL 00117603 Mapping public theology : Valentin, Benjamin Trinity Press International, 2002 1563383918 (pbk.) xxi, 162 p. ; UG Library
230.08996 RAJ 00135806 Re-Imagining Dalit Theology Raj,Y T Vinaya Christava Sahitya Samithi 2002 79p UG Library
230.09 BAW 00124472 Christian theology : Bawulski, Shawn J. 9780415501903 (hardback : alk. x, 282 pages ; UG Library
230.09 EVA 00109568 Christian Belief Evans G.R. Oxford University Press 2006 9780195315547 ix; 230 p. UG Library
230.09 GIB 00087667 Gibbon on Christianity Gibbon RUPA & CO 2003 8129101637 | 9788129101631 190p UG Library
230.09 GIB 00076107 Gibbon on Christianity Gibbon RUPA & CO 2003 8129101637 | 9788129101631 190p UG Library
230.09 ILL 00085336 Contemporary Theologians (context and Contributions) Illathuparamphil, Mathew Asian Trading Corporation 2006 0817086402 602 p UG Library
230.09 MEI 00129319 Christian thought : Meister, Chad V., 9781138910607 (hbk) | 97811389 Second edition. xiii, 567 pages ; UG Library
230.09 OLS 00098989 The story of Christian theology; Olson,Roger,E Om Books Secunderabad; 8173625593492 652 p. UG Library
230.09 TEN 00125454 Theology in the context of world Christianity : Tennent, Timothy C. Zondervan, 2007 9780310275114 (alk. paper) | 0 xxi, 295 p. : UG Library
230.0902 NIE 00110029 An Introduction to Medieval Theology Van Nieuwenhove, Rik, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521897549 (hardback) | 052 x, 296 p. ; UG Library
230.0902 NIE 00121172 An Introduction to Medieval Theology Van Nieuwenhove, Rik, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521897549 (hardback) | 052 x, 296 p. ; UG Library
230.0902 NIE 00109979 An Introduction to Medieval Theology Van Nieuwenhove, Rik, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521897549 (hardback) | 052 x, 296 p. ; UG Library
230.0903 BAR 00130255 The Humanity of God Barth,Karl WJK Press 1960 9780804206129 96p UG Library
230.0903 SIM 00125537 Modern Christian theology Simpson, Christopher Ben, Bloomsbury 2016 9780567664761 (hbk) | 97805676 xxii, 375pages ; UG Library
230.09031 BAU 00068414 Cambridge Companion to Reformation Techonology Bagchi, David 2000 0521776627 289p UG Library
230.0904 FOR 00082756 Modern Theologians: An Introduction to Christian Theology in the Twentieth Century Ford, David F 2005 0631195920 772p UG Library
230.0904 OLS 00118048 The journey of modern theology : Olson, Roger E. 9780830840212 (hardcover : alk 720 pages ; UG Library
230.092 ONE 05003553 Tillich : O'Neill, Andrew. T & T Clark, 2008 9780567032911 | 9780567032904 vii, 164 p. ; Knowledge Centre
230.092 BUL 00098992 Paul Tillich : Liturgical Press, 0814658288 (pbk.) xiii, 344 p. : UG Library
230.092 LIN 00111701 The Reformation theologians : Lindberg, Carter, Blackwell, 2002 0631218386 (alk. paper) | 0631 xiii, 396 p. ; UG Library
230.092 MAN 00093252 The cambridge companion to Paul Tillich Manning Russell Re Cambridge University Press 9780521677356 322p UG Library
230.092 MCE 00136172 Fifty key Christian thinkers / McEnhill, Peter. Routledge, 2004 0415170494 (hardback) | 0415170508 (pbk.) xi, 297 p. ; UG Library
230.092 THO 00118806 Tillich Thomas, J. Heywood Continuum, 2000 0826450830 | 9780826450838 xi, 188 p. ; UG Library
230.092 VAU 00106794 Mere theology Vaus, Will, InterVarsity Press, 2004 1844740269 (alk. paper) | 1844 266 p. ; UG Library
230.092/273 WRI 00127944 Postliberal theology and the church catholic : Wright,John Baker Academic, 2012 9780801039829 (pbk.) | 0801039 xi, 159 p. ; UG Library
230.092/273 WRI 00128037 Postliberal Theology and the Church Catholic : Wright, John : Baker Academic, 2012 9780801039829 (pbk.) | 0801039 xi, 159 p. ; UG Library
230.0922 BAR 00135849 Eros and self-emptying : Barrett, Lee C. William B Eerdmans 2013 9780802868053 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiv, 414 pages ; UG Library
230.0922 BEN 00112597 Great Christian thinkers : Benedict St. pauls 2012 9780800698515 (alk. paper) | 9 1st Fortress Press ed. 389 p. ; UG Library
230.0922 REE 00098977 the breeze of the centuries: Reeves,Michael Michael reeves; 9781844744152 151 p. UG Library
230.095 CHA 00133780 Grassroots Asian theology : Chan, Simon. Inter Varsity Press 2014 9780830840489 (pbk. : alk. paper) 216 pages ; UG Library
230.095 ENG 00136822 Asian Christian Theologies : England,John C ISPCK ; | Claretian Publishers ; | Orbis Books, 2002 1570754810 (v. 1) | 1570754829 (v. 2) | 1570754837 (v. 3) 3 v. : UG Library
230.095 ENG 00136823 Asian Christian Theologies : England,John C ISPCK ; | Claretian Publishers ; | Orbis Books, 2002 1570754810 (v. 1) | 1570754829 (v. 2) | 1570754837 (v. 3) 3 v. : UG Library
230.095 KIM 00084365 Christian Theology in Asia Kim, Sebastian C H 2008 9780521681834 296p UG Library
230.095 WIL 00087995 Margins: Site of Asian Theologies Wifred, Felix Cambridge 2008 9788184580310 368p UG Library
230.0954 JAY 05061256 Indian theologies : Jayanth, Mathew SJ., ed. Christian World Imprints, 2017 9789351480488 (HB) | 9351480488 | 9789351480495 (PB) | 9351480496 xxxv, 236 pages ; Knowledge Centre
230.095451 VAR 00103618 Rishikesh and Beyond : Varayilan, Davis Dharmaram Publications, 2007 9788189958107 xvi, 122 p. UG Library
230.095483VIS 01003242 Christians of Kerala(law Lib) Susan Visvanathan Oxford University Press 0195647998 279p Knowledge Centre
230.11 HEI 00118065 Classical Christian doctrine : Heine, Ronald E. Baker Academic, 2013 9780801048739 (pbk.) x, 182 p. ; UG Library
230.13 WIL 00093268 Tradition, scripture,and interpretation: Williams D H Baker Academic 9780801031649 189p UG Library
230.14 AUG 00107614 The Augustine Catechism : Augustine Saint New City Press, 1999 1565481240 (pbk.) 144 p. UG Library
230.14 AUG 04016961 On Christian doctrine Augustine, Dover Pub., 2009 9780486469188 | 0486469182 xvi, 174 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
230.14 AUG 00121773 On Christian teaching / Augustine, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199540631 xxiii, 168 p. ; UG Library
230.14 AUG 00106459 On Christian doctrine Augustine, Dover Pub., 2009 9780486469188 | 0486469182 xvi, 174 p. ; UG Library
230.14 GLE 00147457 Causation the Basics/ Glennan, Stuart Routledge, 2024 9781032061542 xii,201p. ; UG Library
230.14 KIN 00104094 On the free choice of the will, On grace and free choice, and other writings / Augustine, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521806558 | 0521806550 | 9 xli, 264 p. ; UG Library
230.14 MEA 00136199 Augustine : Meagher, Robert E. Hackett Pub. Co., 1998 0872204456 (cloth) : alk. paper) | 0872204448 (pbk. :alk. paper) xx, 315 p. ; UG Library
230.14 ROL 00107940 The Mystical Theology and The Divine Names Rolt C.E. Dover Publications Inc 2004 9780486434599 vii; 223 P. UG Library
230.14092 LEV 00122325 The theology of Augustine : Levering, Matthew, Baker Academic, 2013 9780801048487 (pbk.) xviii, 204 p. UG Library
230.14092 WEI 00112113 Athanasius : Weinandy, Thomas G. Ashgate, 2007 075461719X (hbk. : alk. paper) viii, 150 p. ; UG Library
230.14092 WEI 00111718 Athanasius : Weinandy, Thomas G. Ashgate, 2007 075461719X (hbk. : alk. paper) viii, 150 p. ; UG Library
230.15 CFC 00107511 The Chater For Priestly Formation In The Syro-Malabar Church Secretariat,Commission for Clergy and Instites of the Consecrated Life Major Archiepiscopal Curia Secretariat,Commission for Clergy and Instites of the Consecrated Life Major Archiepiscopal Curia 2007 128 P. UG Library
230.15 CFC 00107512 The Chater For Priestly Formation In The Syro-Malabar Church Secretariat,Commission for Clergy and Instites of the Consecrated Life Major Archiepiscopal Curia Secretariat,Commission for Clergy and Instites of the Consecrated Life Major Archiepiscopal Curia 2007 128 P. UG Library
230.15 CFC 00107513 The Chater For Priestly Formation In The Syro-Malabar Church Secretariat,Commission for Clergy and Instites of the Consecrated Life Major Archiepiscopal Curia Secretariat,Commission for Clergy and Instites of the Consecrated Life Major Archiepiscopal Curia 2007 128 P. UG Library
230.15 CFC 00107515 The Chater For Priestly Formation In The Syro-Malabar Church Secretariat,Commission for Clergy and Instites of the Consecrated Life Major Archiepiscopal Curia Secretariat,Commission for Clergy and Instites of the Consecrated Life Major Archiepiscopal Curia 2007 128 P. UG Library
230.15 CFC 00107516 The Chater For Priestly Formation In The Syro-Malabar Church Secretariat,Commission for Clergy and Instites of the Consecrated Life Major Archiepiscopal Curia Secretariat,Commission for Clergy and Instites of the Consecrated Life Major Archiepiscopal Curia 2007 128 P. UG Library
230.15 CFC 00107517 The Chater For Priestly Formation In The Syro-Malabar Church Secretariat,Commission for Clergy and Instites of the Consecrated Life Major Archiepiscopal Curia Secretariat,Commission for Clergy and Instites of the Consecrated Life Major Archiepiscopal Curia 2007 128 P. UG Library
230.15 CFC 00107518 The Chater For Priestly Formation In The Syro-Malabar Church Secretariat,Commission for Clergy and Instites of the Consecrated Life Major Archiepiscopal Curia Secretariat,Commission for Clergy and Instites of the Consecrated Life Major Archiepiscopal Curia 2007 128 P. UG Library
230.15 ELU 00108163 Syro-Malabar Church since the Eastern code Eluvathingal,Francis Marymatha, 2002 8187906022 | 8187906022 Indian ed. xii, 476 p. ; UG Library
230.15 KAI 00112662 Church the sacrament of Christ Kaitholil,George St. Pauls 1996 8171092845 144p UG Library
230.15 KAI 00112575 Church the sacrament of Christ Kaitholil,George St. Pauls 1996 8171092845 144p UG Library
230.15 MAN 00107531 Theological Dimensions of Christian Orient ed by Mannooramparampil Thamas Oriental Institute of Religious Studies india: 2005 8188456209 208 p. UG Library
230.15 MAN 00107540 The History of the Formation of the New Text of the Sacraments in the Syro- Malabar Church Mannooramparampil Thomas Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India: 2011 69 p. UG Library
230.15 MAN 00107541 The History of the Formation of the New Text of the Sacraments in the Syro- Malabar Church Mannooramparampil Thomas Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India: 2011 69 p. UG Library
230.15 PAL 00141252 An Introduction to Canon Law : Palathingal, Varghese Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India; 2021 110 p. ; UG Library
230.15 SEC 00107514 The Chater For Priestly Formation In The Syro-Malabar Church Secretariat,Commission for Clergy and Instites of the Consecrated Life Major Archiepiscopal Curia Secretariat,Commission for Clergy and Instites of the Consecrated Life Major Archiepiscopal Curia 2007 128 P. UG Library
230.19 BUL 00110500 The bride of the Lamb Bulgakov, Sergius. W.B. Eerdmans ; | T&T Clark, 2002 0802839150 (pbk. : alk. paper) xviii, 531 p. ; UG Library
230.19 CUN 00088311 Orthodox Christian Theology Cunningham, Mary B 2008 9780521683388 321p UG Library
230.19 MEY 00135842 Byzantine Theology : Meyendorff, John, Mowbrays, 1979 0264663063 : [7], 243 p. ; UG Library
230.19 MUT 00112615 That they may also be Sanctified in Truth Muthuraj,Joseph G Church of South India 2012 9788184652611 146p UG Library
230.2 AQU 00140681 Summa theologiae : Thomas, Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521821401 (hbk.) | 0521528925 (pbk.) [Up-to-date ed.]. xli, 298 p. ; UG Library
230.2 BAR 00122115 Exploring Catholic theology : Barron, Robert, Baker Academic 2015 9780801097508 (pbk.) xv, 250 pages ; UG Library
230.2 BAR 00122913 The priority of Christ : Barron, Robert, Brazos Press, 2007 9781587431982 (pbk.) | 1587431 352 p. UG Library
230.2 BAU 00124474 Catholic Theology: Bauerschmidt,Frederick C John Wiley and Sons 2007 9780631212973 398p UG Library
230.2 BAU 00143935 The essential Summa theologiae : Thomas, Baker Academic 2021 9781540960061 | 9781540964205 Second edition. xxix, 429 pages ; UG Library
230.2 BOH 00121780 Catholic Moral Tradition Bohr,David Theological Publications in India 1999 9789383163229 368p UG Library
230.2 BRA 00109593 Catholicism Brantl,George Konecky & Konecky 1961 9781568526706 256 p. UG Library
230.2 COL 00145109 The word made love : Collins, Christopher S., Liturgical Press, 2013 9780814680780 | 9780814680797 (ebook) xiv, 181 p. ; UG Library
230.2 DAN 00111505 Briefly:Aquinas' Suma Theologia 1 Daniel,David Mills SCM Press 2006 0334040353 92p UG Library
230.2 DUF 00084391 Liturgy in the Catechism: Celebrating God`s Wisdom and Love Duffy Ofm, Regis 1995 0225667908 95p UG Library
230.2 GRI 00117545 In the Company of the Poor Griffin,Michael Theological Publications in India 2014 9789383163113 206p UG Library
230.2 HAH 00127517 Catholic for a reason: Hahn,Scott (Ed) Emmaus Road, 1998 0966322304 (v. 1) | 0966322371 308p UG Library
230.2 KAL 05002519 Collected Works of Rev. Dr. Placid J.Podipara C.M.I. 1899-1985 / Kalayil, Thomas. Sanjos, 2007 3v.; Knowledge Centre
230.2 KAL 05002520 Collected Works of Rev. Dr. Placid J.Podipara C.M.I. 1899-1985 / Kalayil, Thomas. Sanjos, 2007 3v.; Knowledge Centre
230.2 KAL 05002521 Collected Works of Rev. Dr. Placid J.Podipara C.M.I. 1899-1985 / Kalayil, Thomas. Sanjos, 2007 3v.; Knowledge Centre
230.2 KAL 05062327 Collected Works of Rev. Dr. Placid J.Podipara C.M.I. 1899-1985 / Kalayil, Thomas. Sanjos, 2007 3v.; Knowledge Centre
230.2 KAL 05062328 Collected Works of Rev. Dr. Placid J.Podipara C.M.I. 1899-1985 / Kalayil, Thomas. Sanjos, 2007 3v.; Knowledge Centre
230.2 KAL 05062329 Collected Works of Rev. Dr. Placid J.Podipara C.M.I. 1899-1985 / Kalayil, Thomas. Sanjos, 2007 3v.; Knowledge Centre
230.2 KAL 07012364 Collected Works of Rev. Dr. Placid J.Podipara C.M.I. 1899-1985 / Kalayil, Thomas. Sanjos, 2007 3v.; Library - BR Campus
230.2 KAL 07012365 Collected Works of Rev. Dr. Placid J.Podipara C.M.I. 1899-1985 / Kalayil, Thomas. Sanjos, 2007 3v.; Library - BR Campus
230.2 KAL 07012366 Collected Works of Rev. Dr. Placid J.Podipara C.M.I. 1899-1985 / Kalayil, Thomas. Sanjos, 2007 3v.; Library - BR Campus
230.2 KAL 00107605 Pneumatocentric Ecclesiology in Nikos Nissiotis Kallarangatt,Joseph Dr. Oriental Inst. of Religious Studies 1999 818606365x 220 P. UG Library
230.2 KAS 00122168 The Gospel of Jesus Christ Kasper, Walter, 9780809106165 | 0809106167 xiv, 306 p:. UG Library
230.2 KAS 00127934 The Gospel of Jesus Christ / Kasper, Walter, Paulist Press 2015 9780809106165 | 0809106167 xiv, 306 pages ; UG Library
230.2 KAU 00123740 Blaise Pascal Thoughts Kauemann Moritz Cambridge University Press, 1908 9781107678033 x, 223 p.: UG Library
230.2 KER 05057599 The Cambridge companion to John Henry Newman / Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521871860 (hbk.) | 0521871 xvii, 280 p. ; Knowledge Centre
230.2 LAN 00109791 The Catholic tradition Langan, Thomas. University of Missouri Press, 1998 9780826211835 535 p. ; UG Library
230.2 MAC 00134669 Fragmentation and memory : MacKendrick, Karmen, Fordham University Press, 2008 9780823229499 (cloth : alk. paper) | 0823229491 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9780823229505 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0823229505 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1st ed. x, 196 p. ; UG Library
230.2 MAL 00121779 Being on fire : Malloy, Richard G. Theological Publications in India 2014 9781626980709 (pbk.) xvi, 191 pages : UG Library
230.2 MAR 00129454 Catholic Religion Martin Charles, Alfred Christian World Imprints 2016 9789351481041 486p UG Library
230.2 MCC 00134591 The Cambridge companion to the Summa theologiae Mccosker,Philip Cambridge University Press 2016 9780521879637 (hardback) | 978 xvii, 368 pages ; UG Library
230.2 MCC 00125905 The Cambridge companion to the Summa theologiae Mccosker,Philip Cambridge University Press 2016 9780521879637 (hardback) | 978 xvii, 368 pages ; UG Library
230.2 NEV 00141946 Thomas Aquinas's Quodlibetal Questions / Thomas, Oxford University Press 2020 9780190069520 | 9780190069537 lxii, 523 pages ; UG Library
230.2 NIC 00143961 Catholic dogmatic theology, a synthesis : Nicolas, J.-H. The Catholic University of America Press 2022 9780813234397 xix, 411 pages ; UG Library
230.2 OMU 00121784 The Meaning and Practice of Faith Omurchu,Diarmuid Theological Publications in India 2014 9789383163205 136p UG Library
230.2 PAL 00107535 Local Episcopal Bodies in East and West Pallath Paul Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India: 1997 573 p. UG Library
230.2 PAS 00090332 Pensees Pascal, Blaise Oxford 9780199540365 267p UG Library
230.2 SCH 00088065 God Is New Each Movement Schillebeeckx, Edward 2005 0826477011 133p UG Library
230.2 SHE 00072197 Peace of Soul [dharmaram Library] Sheen, Fulton J Asian Trading Corporation 1997 8170862124 280 UG Library
230.2 SIG 00106109 St. Thomas Aquinas on politics and ethics : Sigmund,Paul.E Norton, 1988 0393952436 (pbk.) | 9780393952 1st ed. xxix, 248, [1] p. ; UG Library
230.2 WOL 00122158 Invitation to Practical Theology : Claire E. Wolfteich. Paulist Press, 2014 9780809148905 xi, 386 p, : UG Library
230.201 LAW 05031775 What Is and What Ought to Be : Lawler, Michael G Continuum, 2005 0826417043 205 p Knowledge Centre
230.2082 LEV 00117681 The feminine genius of Catholic theology Levering, Matthew, T & T Clark, 2012 9780567633064 | 0567633063 | 9 157 p. ; UG Library
230.2092 CHE 00106474 St. Thomas Aquinas Chesterton G K Dover Publications 2009 9780486471457 | 0486471454 Dover ed. x; 130 p UG Library
230.2092 FLA 00134676 Meister Eckhart: Flasch,Kurt Yale University Press 2011 9780300204865 321p UG Library
230.2092 GEO 05073494 The triumph of failure : George, Merlyn, Salesian Publications, 2018 9789382216162 xiii, 439p, ; Knowledge Centre
230.2092 GEO 05073495 The triumph of failure : George, Merlyn, Salesian Publications, 2018 9789382216162 xiii, 439p, ; Knowledge Centre
230.2092 GRU 00125748 De Lubac : Grumett, David. T & T Clark, 2007 9780826493149 (hbk.) | 0826493 xi, 187 p. ; UG Library
230.2092 GRU 00102302 De Lubac : Grumett, David. T & T Clark, 2007 9780826493149 (hbk.) | 0826493 xi, 187 p. ; UG Library
230.2092 KRI 00090698 Catholoic Theologians in Nazi Germany Krieg, Robert A Continuum 2008 0826415768 234p UG Library
230.2092 MER 00087993 Asian Journal of Thomas Merton Merton, Thomas 1973 0811205703 445p UG Library
230.2092 ROW 00111192 Benedict XVI : Rowland, Tracey, T & T Clark, 2010 9780567034366 (hbk.) | 0567034 x, 202 p. ; UG Library
230.2092 ROW 00090511 Ratzinger`s Faith: Rowland, Tracey Oxford University, 2008 9780199207404 214p UG Library
230.20922 JON 00142789 Metaphysics of mystery : De Jong, Marijn, T & T Clark ; 2020 9780567689344 315 p. ; UG Library
230.20924 NEW 00110203 Sister of Wisdom Newman, Barbara, Scholar Press 1987 0859677370 | 9780859677370 | 0 xx, 289 p. : UG Library
230.25 PHA 00145040 Asian Christianities : Phan, Peter C., Orbis Books, 2018 9781608335152 (ebook) 1 online resource. UG Library
230.280 PAP 00135752 Israel Covenant Law: Papaioannou,Kim Theological Publications in India 2019 9788194037897 168p UG Library
230.3 GOL 00118040 Key questions about Christian faith : Goldingay, John. Baker Academic, 2010 9780801039546 (pbk.) | 0801039 ix, 345 p. ; UG Library
230.3 NEW 00139343 Tracts for the times / Newman, John Henry, 9780268036126 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0268036128 (pbk. : alk. paper) xlvii, 552 pages ; UG Library
230.3 WIL 00135088 Living free / Williams, H. A. Continuum, 2007 9781906286088 (pbk.) Pbk. ed. vi, 167 p. UG Library
230.4 KAL 00118659 Postmodernity Globalization and the Sacrament of Reconiliation Kalathikattil Alex S,D,B Kristu Jyoti publications; 2010 9788187370567 505 p. UG Library
230.4 KAL 00101079 Postmodernity Globalization and the Sacrament of Reconiliation Kalathikattil Alex S,D,B Kristu Jyoti publications; 2010 9788187370567 505 p. UG Library
230.41 BAY 00108199 Martin Luther's theology Bayer, Oswald. W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2008 9780802827999 | 0802827993 (pb xxiii, 374 p. : UG Library
230.41 FOR 00092973 A more Radical Gospel : Forde, Gerhard O. William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2004 0802826881 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxviii, 223 p. : UG Library
230.41 MAT 00101102 The Prached God : Mattes,Mark C. Lutheran Quarterly Books : 9780802828217 29 P . UG Library
230.41 SCH 00122134 The Christian faith : Schwarz, Hans, Baker Academic 2014 9780801049644 (pbk.) vi, 218 pages ; UG Library
230.41 TAP 00109507 Selected writings of Martin Luther Luther, Martin, Fortress Press, 2007 9780800662264 (pbk. : alk. pap Fortress Press 207 ed. xiii; 484 p. UG Library
230.41 TAP 00109508 Selected writings of Martin Luther Luther, Martin, Fortress Press, 2007 9780800662264 (pbk. : alk. pap Fortress Press 207 ed. xiii; 484 p. UG Library
230.41 TAP 00109509 Selected writings of Martin Luther Luther, Martin, Fortress Press, 2007 9780800662264 (pbk. : alk. pap Fortress Press 207 ed. xiii; 484 p. UG Library
230.41 TAP 00109510 Selected writings of Martin Luther Luther, Martin, Fortress Press, 2007 9780800662264 (pbk. : alk. pap Fortress Press 207 ed. xiii; 484 p. UG Library
230.41KEN 01003329 British Christians, Indian Nationalists and the Raj (law Lib) Gerald Studdert-Kennedy Oxford University Press 0195648781 274p Knowledge Centre
230.42 ALS 05004117 Reformed theology : William B. Eerdmans, 2003 0802847765 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiv, 449 p. ; Knowledge Centre
230.42 BAV 00120694 Reformed dogmatics Bavinck, Herman, Baker Academic, 2011 9780801036484 xvi, 847 p. UG Library
230.42 BIL 00127951 Union with Christ : Billings, J. Todd. Baker Academic, 2011 9780801039348 (pbk.) | 0801039 xii, 180 p. ; UG Library
230.42 CRI 00110911 Revisioning christology : Crisp, Oliver. Ashgate, 2011 9781409430049 (hardcover : alk xvii, 148 p. ; UG Library
230.42 HAL 00125453 A Theological Guide to Calvin's Institutes : HAll,David W P&R Pub., 2008 9781596380912 (cloth) xvii, [508] p. : UG Library
230.42 HOR 00147189 Pilgrim theology : Horton, Michael, Zondervan Academic, 2012 9780310330646 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 0310330645 (hardcover : alk. paper) 506 p. ; UG Library
230.42 KOO 00135034 Christian dogmatics : Kooi, Cornelis van der, William B Erdmans Publishing Company 2017 9780802872654 (hardcover : alk. paper) xiv, 806 pages ; UG Library
230.42 VAN 00147084 Biblical authority after Babel : Vanhoozer, Kevin J., Brazos Press 2016 9781587433931 (cloth) xii, 269 pages ; UG Library
230.42 WIL 00118039 Toward the future of Reformed theology : Willis,David W.B. Eerdmans, 1999 0802844677 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvi, 533 p. ; UG Library
230.462 DEC 00110804 God's Supernatural Power in You Decenso,Frank Ben Books 2009 9788176611213 252p UG Library
230.51 SMA 00129661 Preservation of the truth Small, Joseph D. Witherspoon Press, 2005 1571530533 1st ed. viii, 136 p. ; UG Library
230.51092 GUT 05007525 Charles Hodge : Gutjahr, Paul C. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199740420 (hardback : alk. xxiii, 477 p. : Knowledge Centre
230.5732 FER 00092972 Word in the World Fernando, Lorenzo St pauls press 2009 9788171098194 120p UG Library
230.6 AKI 00139744 A theology for the Church / Akin,Daniel L B & H Academic, 2007 9780805426403 | 080542640X Revised Edition xii, 979 p. ; UG Library
230.6 HOL 00117654 Baptist theology Holmes, Stephen R. T & T Clark, 2012 9780567000316 x, 179 p. ; UG Library
230.6 YAR 00112623 The formation of Christian doctrine / Yarnell, Malcolm B. B & H Academic, 2007 9780805440461 (pbk.) | 0805440 xx, 218 p. ; UG Library
230.61 PIP 00142114 The collected works of John Piper. Vol.01 / Piper, John, Crossway 2017 9781433546273 531p UG Library
230.61 PIP 00142115 The collected works of John Piper. Vol.02 / Piper, John, Crossway 2017 9781433546273 605p UG Library
230.61 PIP 00142116 The collected works of John Piper. Vol.03 / Piper, John, Crossway 2017 9781433546273 700p UG Library
230.61 PIP 00142117 The collected works of John Piper. Vol.04 / Piper, John, Crossway 2017 9781433546273 586p UG Library
230.61 PIP 00142118 The collected works of John Piper. Vol.05 / Piper, John, Crossway 2017 9781433546273 654p UG Library
230.61 PIP 00142119 The collected works of John Piper. Vol.06 / Piper, John, Crossway 2017 9781433546273 808p UG Library
230.61 PIP 00142120 The collected works of John Piper. Vol.07/ Piper, John, Crossway 2017 9781433546273 664p UG Library
230.61 PIP 00142121 The collected works of John Piper. Vol.08/ Piper, John, Crossway 2017 9781433546273 667p UG Library
230.61 PIP 00142122 The collected works of John Piper. Vol.09/ Piper, John, Crossway 2017 9781433546273 717p UG Library
230.61 PIP 00142123 The collected works of John Piper. Vol.10/ Piper, John, Crossway 2017 9781433546273 715p UG Library
230.61 PIP 00142124 The collected works of John Piper. Vol.11/ Piper, John, Crossway 2017 9781433546273 592p UG Library
230.61 PIP 00142125 The collected works of John Piper. Vol.12/ Piper, John, Crossway 2017 9781433546273 541p UG Library
230.61 PIP 00142126 The collected works of John Piper. Vol.13/ Piper, John, Crossway 2017 9781433546273 643p UG Library
230.61 PIP 00142127 The collected works of John Piper : Piper, John, Crossway 2017 9781433546273 394p UG Library
230.7 WIL 00117605 Methodist theology Wilson, Kenneth T & T Clark, 2011 0567644987 | 9780567644985 | 9 x, 193 p. ; UG Library
230.71 BTE 00088054 Directory of Theological Schools in South Asia Board Of Theological Education Board of Theological Education 2002 255p UG Library
230.71 RAZ 05073593 Present and Future : Razu, John Mohan. Candid Publications, 2022 xii, 84p.; Knowledge Centre
230.76 HAU 00125553 Sanctify them in the truth : Hauerwas, Stanley, Abingdon Press, 1998 0687082234 (pbk.) xii, 267 p. ; UG Library
230.954 ATH 00091807 Theology in India: Athappilly Sebastian CMI Dharmaram Publications 8186861769 280p UG Library
230.954 CLA 00052867 Dalits and Christianity Clarke, Sathianathan Oxford University Press 2000 9780195651300 248 p. UG Library
230.954 LIP 00076162 Writings of Brahmabandhab Upadhyay in a Set of 2 Vols: [ Dharmaram Library] Lipner, Julius UTC 2000 8185526001 298p UG Library
230.954 LIP 00076161 Writings of Brahmabandhab Upadhyay in a Set of 2 Vols: [ Dharmaram Library] Lipner, Julius UTC 2000 8185526001 298p UG Library
230.954 PAI 00088100 Hindu Catholic: Brahmabanhab Upadyay Significance for Indian Chritian Theology Painadathq, Sebastian S J Asian Trading Corporation 2008 8170864615 208p UG Library
230.954 PUT 00088025 Chritian Faith Creed in the Indian Context Puthiadam, Ignatius S J Asian Trading Corporation 2008 8170864593 297p UG Library
230.9SEL 01000858 Commemorations Studies in Christian Thought & History (law Lib) Alan P F Sell University of Wales Press 394p Knowledge Centre
230/.044092 MOL 00122041 A broad place : Moltmann, Jürgen. Fortress Press, 2008 9780800662141 (alk. paper) | 0 1st Fortress Press ed. viii, 406 p., [32] p. of plates : UG Library
230/.044092 MOL 00126882 A broad place : Moltmann, Jürgen. Fortress Press, 2008 9780800662141 (alk. paper) | 0 1st Fortress Press ed. viii, 406 p., [32] p. of plates : UG Library
230/.2 FUR 00128486 Catholic Theology After Kierkegaard / Furnal, Joshua, Oxford University Press 2016 9780198754671 | 0198754671 First edition. xv, 255 pages ; UG Library
230/.2 MES 00128494 The Prophetic Church : Meszaros, Andrew, Oxford University Press 2016 9780198786344 | 0198786344 First edition. xiii, 268 pages ; UG Library
230GUN 00084323 Cambridge Companion to Christian Doctrine Gunton, Colin E 2006 0052147695 307p UG Library
231 ZAK 03002101 Discovery of God / Zakaria, Rafiq. Popular Prakashan, 2000 8171548229 327 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
231 ARM 00019222 This Is Your Day Armstrong, Richard St.Paul 1972 364 p UG Library
231 BAR 00068296 Finding God in All Things Barry, A William Asian Trading Corporation 2003 8170861861 138p UG Library
231 BAR 00068254 Barth God Here and Now Karl, Barth 2003 0415304474 139p UG Library
231 BAU 00146805 Who is God? : Bauckham, Richard, Baker Academic 2020 9781540961907 vii, 120 pages : UG Library
231 BEN 00142172 Light of the world Benedict XVI,Pope Asian Trading Corporation 2010 9788170865871 219p UG Library
231 BIF 00022743 Experiences of God Bifet,Juan Esquerda St.Paul`s Publication 1980 196 p. UG Library
231 BIF 00020697 Experiences of God Bifet, Jaun Esquerda St.Paul 1978 106 p UG Library
231 BLA 00137188 Experiencing God Blackaby,Henry B and H Publishing Group 2008 9781433689338 341p UG Library
231 BOE 00130248 Augustine's Early Theology of Image Boersma,Gerald P Oxford University Press 2016 9780190251369 318p UG Library
231 BRA 00118022 The doctrine of God / Bray, Gerald Lewis. InterVarsity Press, 1993 0830815317 (alk. paper) 281 p. : UG Library
231 CAR 00022741 God Who Comes Carretto, Carlo St.Paul`s Publication 1980 174 p UG Library
231 CRO 00110506 God and reality Crowder,Colin. Mowbray, 1997 0264673921 | 9780264673929 xiv, 178 p. ; UG Library
231 DAY 00101299 The Image of God and the Psychology of Religion. Dayringer, Richard. Haworth Press, 2004 0789027607 (hardcover : alk. p xvii, 119 p. ; UG Library
231 DES 00142110 Children,adolescents, and spirituality DeSouza,Marian ATF Press 2006 9781920691905 120p UG Library
231 DIA 00142218 The Paschal Mystery and Paschal Celebration Dias,Anthony ATC Publishers 2021 9789391399153 260p UG Library
231 DOS 00141670 Pathways to Fraternity: Doss,Jesu Pudumai All India Don Bosco Education Society 2021 9788195414604 325p UG Library
231 DSO 00142108 Celebration of the Eucharist: D'Souza,Victor George Mangala Jyothi 2019 168p UG Library
231 EDA 00135751 I am Who i Am: Edathumparambil,Binu Theological Publications in India 2019 9789388953092 320p UG Library
231 FRA 00142158 Healing the World: Francis,Pope Conference of Catholic Bishops of India 2020 9788195336098 124p UG Library
231 GIE 00143963 How Christ saves souls- with us : Giesler, Michael., Emmaus Road Publishing, 2022 9781645851998 | 1645851990 xxviii, 185 pages ; UG Library
231 GOL 00142203 The Son of God and the New Creation Goldsworthy,Graeme Crossway 2015 9781433556319 140p UG Library
231 HAG 00142103 Biblical key to financial prosperity Hagin,Kenneth E Kenneth Hagin Ministries 2007 9780892765249 167p UG Library
231 HEL 00112875 Perspectives on the doctrine of God : Helm,Paul B & H Academic, 2008 9780805430608 | 0805430601 ix, 273 p. ; UG Library
231 JOH 00117676 Quest for the living God Johnson, Elizabeth A., Continuum, 2007 1441174621 | 9781441174628 Pbk. ed. xiii, 234 p. ; UG Library
231 KAR 00139684 God's word nourishing life and inspiring mission : Christian World Imprints; 2020 9789351484912 (PB) 308 p. ; UG Library
231 KAS 00142098 In search of lost kingdoms: Kasi,Rayappa A LTD Media Publications Chennai 373p UG Library
231 KOP 00112146 Seeking the hidden God / Kopas, Jane. Orbis Books, 2005 9781570756245 (pbk.) vii, 183 p. ; UG Library
231 LIF 00142133 The Beginning : LifeWay Press 2014 9781430035336 80 pages : UG Library
231 MAR 00140691 An introduction to the Trinity / Marmion, Declan. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521879521 | 0521879523 | 9780521705226 (pbk.) | 0521705223 (pbk.) x, 251 p. ; UG Library
231 MAT 00142100 Becoming a Missional Family: Mathew,P C Urban India Ministries 2017 9788192080611 224p UG Library
231 MCD 00105138 The Divine Family: McDonough ,William K. St.Anthony Messenger Press 1963 9780867167115 xv,224p. UG Library
231 MCF 00137189 10 Questions Every Christians Must Answer Mcfarland,Alex B and H Publishing Group 2011 9781433689444 206p UG Library
231 MIL 00102405 God; Miles Jack Vintage books; 9780679743682 446 p. UG Library
231 NEL 00135058 God? Very probably : Nelson, Robert H., SAIACS Press 2015 9781498223751 | 1498223753 xvi, 280 pages ; UG Library
231 NEY 00111139 Render to God : Neyrey, Jerome H., Fortress Press, 2004 0800636481 (pbk : alk. paper) xviii, 313 p. ; UG Library
231 NUN 00142239 Being a Franciscan in the Digital Age: Nunez,Martin Carbajo Media House 2021 9789390608690 258p UG Library
231 PAN 00147046 Jesus Christ: Panachikal, Michael The Media House 2021 9789390608874 308p UG Library
231 POD 00068354 God Is Very Fond of Me Podimattam, Felix M Claretian Publications 2005 8187804556 216p UG Library
231 RAI 00142212 The House of God Raichur,Ashish All Peoples Church and World Outreach 2014 283p UG Library
231 RAY 00142219 The table fellowship of Jesus: Rayanna,Govindu St.Antony's Shrine 2009 231p UG Library
231 SEL 00139674 With spirit and understanding : Selvanayagam,Israel. Christian World Imprints; 2020 9789351485025 (PB) 406 p. ; UG Library
231 SHI 00141660 A Complicated Love Story: Shillington, V George Theological Publications in India 2021 9789388953474 158p UG Library
231 SHU 00101419 Reforming the Doctrine of God / Shults, F. LeRon. W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2005 0802829880 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 326 p. ; UG Library
231 SOC 00142206 The Blessed Trinity and our Christian vocation: Socias,James Midwest Theological Fourm 2011 9781890177911 261p UG Library
231 SOC 00142228 Vocations and the universal call to holiness: Socias,James Midwest Theological Forum 2015 9781939231048 259p UG Library
231 SOS 00145852 Naming God : Soskice, Janet, Cambridge University Press 2023 9781108834469 247pages UG Library
231 STE 00110722 The deity formerly known as God / Stevens, Jarrett. Zondervan, 2006 0310271142 | 9780310271147 183 p. : UG Library
231 SUD 00140577 The Polluted God : Sudhakar, Solomon. Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485445 (HB) | 9789351485452 (PB) xxvi, 156 p. 23 cm. UG Library
231 THA 00109700 The immanent divine Thatamanil, John J. Fortress Press, 2006 0800637933 | 9780800637934 | 9 xxi, 231 p. ; UG Library
231 THA 00122208 The immanent divine Thatamanil, John J. Fortress Press, 2006 0800637933 | 9780800637934 | 9 xxi, 231 p. ; UG Library
231 WAR 00108192 God Ward,Keith One World Oxford 2007 1851683232 264 p. UG Library
231 WAR 03004580 God : Ward, Keith. Oneworld Publishers, 2007 9781851683239 | 1851683232 264 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
231 WOL 00135062 The God we worship : Wolterstorff, Nicholas. William B Erdmans Publishing Company 2015 9780802872494 (pbk. : alk. paper) xi, 180 pages ; UG Library
231 WOM 00112894 The True Nature of God Wommack,Andrew Andrew Wommack Ministries Trust 2008 9781906241476 127p UG Library
231. 8 CRO 00092802 Unwanted wisdom : Crowley, Paul G. Continuum, 9780826417596 (13digit hardcov 175 p. : UG Library
231.01 WIL 04003725 Lightness of Being : Wilczek, Frank. Member of the Perseus Books Group, 2008 9780465003211 270 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
231.01 WIL 04012068 Lightness of Being : Wilczek, Frank. Member of the Perseus Books Group, 2008 9780465003211 270 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
231.01 WIL 03007529 Lightness of Being : Wilczek, Frank. Member of the Perseus Books Group, 2008 9780465003211 270 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
231.01 WIL 03007803 Lightness of Being : Wilczek, Frank. Member of the Perseus Books Group, 2008 9780465003211 270 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
231.014 HEC 00107920 Theology Without Metaphysics Hector,Kevin W. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521279703 | 9780521279703 x, 301 p. ; UG Library
231.04 PAN 00145115 Trinitarian and cosmotheandric vision / Panikkar, Raimon, Orbis Books, 2019 9781626983502 English Edition. xv, 252 pages ; UG Library
231.042 BAL 00094736 Logic and Belief in Indian Philosophy Balcerowicz Piotr Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 9788120834460 685p UG Library
231.042 CHA 05007518 Tradition and Innovation : Chackalackal, Saju Asian Trading Corporation, 2011 9788170866107 514 p. : Knowledge Centre
231.042 MIT 00109776 Faith and criticism Mitchell, Basil, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 1994 0198267584 (alk. paper) : | 97 173 p. ; UG Library
231.042 SEL 00071524 Confessing and Commending the Faith: Historic Witness and Apolohetic Method: [dharmaram Library] Sell, F P Alan 2004 0708317472 549p UG Library
231.042 WHI 00106693 The Analogy of being : White, Thomas Joseph. W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. 2011 9780802865335 | 080286533X (pb xiv, 440 p. ; UG Library
231.044 ANA 00122329 The holy trinity in the life of the church Baker Academic 2014 9780801048975 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii, 253 pages ; UG Library
231.044 BUT 00147216 Trinitarian dogmatics : Butner, D. Glenn, Baker Academic, 2022 9781540962232 | 9781540965554 xii, 270 pages ; UG Library
231.044 COA 00112798 God, Sexuality, and The Self : Coakley, Sarah, Cambridge University Press, 2013 9780521558266 xxi, 365 p: UG Library
231.044 COA 00125052 God, sexuality, and the self : Coakley, Sarah, 9780521552288 (hbk.) | 0521552 xxi, 365 pages: UG Library
231.044 COA 00117602 God, Sexuality, and The Self : Coakley, Sarah, Cambridge University Press, 2013 9780521558266 xxi, 365 p: UG Library
231.044 CRI 00125436 Advancing Trinitarian Theology : Crisp, Oliver D Zondervan 2014 9780310517092 (softcover) 198 pages ; UG Library
231.044 GEO 00131754 God the Holy Trinity : George,Timothy Baker Academic, 2006 0801027659 | 9780801027659 175 p. ; UG Library
231.044 GIL 00130243 The Trinity & subordinationism : Giles, Kevin. InterVarsity Press, 2002 0830826637 (alk. paper) 282 p. UG Library
231.044 GIR 04009825 Trinity Girzone, Joseph F. Doubleday, 2002 1st ed. xiii, 141 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
231.044 HAS 00128001 Metaphysics and the Tri-Personal God / Hasker, William, Oxford University Press 2013 9780199681518 | 0199681511 First edition. viii, 269 pages ; UG Library
231.044 HAS 00127939 Metaphysics and the tri-personal God / Hasker, William, 9780199681518 | 0199681511 First edition. viii, 269 pages ; UG Library
231.044 HIN 00122201 Divine complexity : Hinlicky, Paul R. Fortress Press, 2011 9780800696696 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 284 p.; UG Library
231.044 KAR 00120703 Trinity and revelation / Kärkkäinen, Veli-Matti. 9780802868541 (pbk. : alk. pap 472pages UG Library
231.044 MAR 00107915 An Introduction to the Trinity Marmion,Declan. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521705226 | 0521879523 | 9 x, 251 p. ; UG Library
231.044 MCC 00109703 Which Trinity? whose monotheism? McCall, Thomas H. W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2010 9780802862709 (pbk. : alk. pap vii, 256 p. ; UG Library
231.044 OCO 00110936 The tripersonal God : O'Collins, Gerald. Paulist Press, 1999 0809138875 (alk. paper) 234 p. ; UG Library
231.044 PAA 00136169 Divine production in late medieval trinitarian theology : Paasch, JT, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199646371 (hardback) xiii, 203 p. ; UG Library
231.044 PHA 00110083 The Cambridge Companion to the Trinity Phan, Peter C., Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521877398 (hardback) | 052 xiv, 417 p. ; UG Library
231.044 STE 00106514 The Trinity : Stewart,Melville.Y Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003 1402017286 (alk. paper) | 9781 xviii, 261 p. ; UG Library
231.044 TOR 00125539 The Christian doctrine of God, one being three persons Torrance, Thomas F. Bloomsbury 2016 9780567658074 | 0567658074 2nd edition. xxxvi, 260 pages; UG Library
231.044 TWO 00111694 The mystery of the Holy Trinity in the fathers of the church : Twomey, Vincent. Four Courts Press, 2007 1851828591 (hard) | 9781851828 199 p. ; UG Library
231.044 VAN 00143893 The Trinity in a pluralistic age : Vanhoozer, Kevin J. W.B. Eerdmans Pub., 1997 0802841171 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 166 p. ; UG Library
231.044 VEK 00135061 God: The Tripple Face of Love Vekathnam,Mathew ATC Publications 2017 9789386516114 346p UG Library
231.044 WAR 00133139 Christ and the cosmos : Ward, Keith, Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107531819 xvii, 271 p. ; UG Library
231.044 WAR 00146421 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit : Ware, Bruce A.. Crossway Books, 2005 1581346689 (tpb) 173 pages UG Library
231.044 WAR 00124159 Christ and the cosmos : Ward, Keith, Cambridge University Press 2015 9781107112360 | 1107112362 | 9 xvii, 271 pages ; UG Library
231.0440902 THO 00111714 The logic of the Trinity Thom, Paul. Fordham University Press, 2012 9780823234769 1st ed. xvi, 236 p. cm. UG Library
231.0440902 THO 00110529 The logic of the Trinity Thom, Paul. Fordham University Press, 2012 9780823234769 1st ed. xvi, 236 p. cm. UG Library
231.044092 EME 00104680 The Trinitarian Theology of Saint Thomas Aquinas / Emery, Gilles, OP Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199206827 ( hbk. : alk. pa xii, 440 p. ; UG Library
231.1 ATT 00135816 Trinity and Plurality Attatharayil,John Philip Christava Sahitya Samithi 2019 255p UG Library
231.1 BRA 00140484 Ancient Christian Doctrine Bray,Gerald L IVP Academic 2009 9780830825318 5 vols UG Library
231.1 BRA 00140485 Ancient Christian Doctrine Bray,Gerald L IVP Academic 2009 9780830825318 5 vols UG Library
231.1 BRA 00140486 Ancient Christian Doctrine Bray,Gerald L IVP Academic 2009 9780830825318 5 vols UG Library
231.1 BRA 00140487 Ancient Christian Doctrine Bray,Gerald L IVP Academic 2009 9780830825318 5 vols UG Library
231.1 BRA 00140488 Ancient Christian Doctrine Bray,Gerald L IVP Academic 2009 9780830825318 5 vols UG Library
231.1 MAL 00112659 Called to be a temple of the Holy Trinity Maloney,George A I J A Publications 2004 8186778497 163p UG Library
231.1 THO 00112657 An introduction to the Theology of the Most Holy Trinity Thomas,K J St. Peter's Pontifical Institute Publications 2007 158p UG Library
231.12042 ACE 01004152 Reports of the National Commissions on Labour:2002-1991-1967 (law Lib) ACADEMIC FOUNDATION Academic Foundation 9788171882823 341p Knowledge Centre
231.1231 BOF 00122343 Parisudha Threethwam Boff,Leonardo Jeevan Books 2013 144p UG Library
231.3 APO 00105128 Paraclete: Apostoli,Andrew. St.Anthony Messenger Press 2005 9780867167177 ix,182p. UG Library
231.3 BEE 00110494 The Beauty And Glory of the Holy Spirit Beeke,Joel R. Reformation Heritage Books, 2012 9781601781840 (hardcover : alk xi, 345 p. : UG Library
231.3 BEE 00111719 The Beauty And Glory of the Holy Spirit Beeke,Joel R. Reformation Heritage Books, 2012 9781601781840 (hardcover : alk xi, 345 p. : UG Library
231.3 CAM 00134683 The Way of Prophetic Leadership Campbell,Jennifer Paternoster 2015 9781842278352 202p UG Library
231.3 COR 00135761 The Holy Spirit and an Evolving Church / Coriden, James A., Theological Publications in India 2019 9781626982635 (pbk.) xiii, 210 pages ; UG Library
231.3 CRO 00125168 Fruit of the Spirit Crosby,Michael H Theological Publications in India 2016 9789383163489 336p UG Library
231.3 CRO 00128948 Fruit of the Spirit Crosby,Michael H Theological Publications in India 2016 9789383163489 336p UG Library
231.3 DAL 00092932 Living water Daly E J Gujarat sahitya prakash 9789380066035 234p UG Library
231.3 DUE 00110807 More God More Power Duewel,Wesley L Authentic Books 2002 135p UG Library
231.3 DUR 00105119 Holy Spirit of God: Durrwell,François-Xavier St. Anthony Messenger Press 2006 9780867167856 xix,266p. UG Library
231.3 GRE 00135115 The Spirit over the earth : Green,Gene L William B Eerdmans Publishing Company 2016 0802872735 | 9780802872739 vi, 195 pages ; UG Library
231.3 GRE 00147213 The Spirit over the earth : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2016 0802872735 | 9780802872739 vi, 195 pages ; UG Library
231.3 HIN 00136811 The Spirit in the Church and the World Hinze,Bradford E Orbis Books, 2004 1570755280 (pbk.) xxi, 247 p. ; UG Library
231.3 KAN 00107601 The spirit of life Kaniyamparampil,Emmanuel Oriental Institute of Religious Studies, 2003 8188456055 xvi;351 P. UG Library
231.3 KIM 00131757 The Holy Spirit in the world : Kim, Kirsteen. SPCK ; | Orbis Books, 2007 9781570757501 | 157075750X xiv, 210 p. ; UG Library
231.3 MAK 00135795 Holy Spirit Makarios,Mathews Christava Sahitya Samithi 2014 106p UG Library
231.3 MOO 00120705 Secret power Moody, Dwight Lyman, Bridge-Logos Publishers, 2005 0882701142 222 pages UG Library
231.3 MOU 00107892 The Holy Spirit Moule C.F.D. Continum 2000 9780826451040 120 P. UG Library
231.3 OLI 00134506 Giver of life : Oliver, John W., Paraclete Press, 2011 9781557256751 (pbk.) xii, 129 p. ; UG Library
231.3 OWE 00022709 Holy Spirit , Your Retreat Director Owen, Aloysius J Alba 1979 108 p UG Library
231.3 PHI 00135812 The Holy Spirit in the New Testament Philip,Abraham Christava Sahitya Samithi 2018 191p UG Library
231.3 ROG 00111683 The Holy Spirit : Rogers, Eugene F. Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 9781405136235 (hardcover : alk xvi, 340 p., [4] p. of plates : UG Library
231.3 SCH 00022733 Holy Spirit Scheeben, Mattais Josef St.Paul 1980 186 p UG Library
231.3 THO 00137186 The Holy Spirit:The Thunder of His Power Thomas,Antony New Doxa Publications 2019 224p UG Library
231.3 THO 00137187 Holy Spirit:The Reality of His Presence Thomas,Antony New Doxa Publications 2019 191p UG Library
231.3 VEL 00135040 Come Holy Spirit Vella,Elias ATC Publishers 2018 9789386516473 55p UG Library
231.3 WIL 00020822 Enthusiasn in the Spirit Wild, Robert Ave Maria 1975 176 p UG Library
231.4 HER 00093019 The Trustworthiness of God : Eerdmans Pub., 2002 0802849512 (alk. paper) xiv, 289 p. ; UG Library
231.5 CLA 00146039 Abrahamic Reflections on Randomness and Providence / Clark Kelly James (Editor) Palgrave Macmillan, 2022 9783030757991 XIV,384P.; UG Library
231.5 ELL 00141663 Providence: Elliott,Mark W Theological Publications in India 2021 9789388953436 276p UG Library
231.5 FER 00138654 The Providence of Gos/ Fergusson,David Cambridge University Press 2018 9781108466578 377p UG Library
231.6 CAN 00135112 The gaze of mercy : Cantalamessa, Raniero, ATC Publications 2015 1593252854 | 9781593252854 183 pages ; UG Library
231.6 ITI 00002089 Lessons of Love Ittyavrah, St.Thomas 1969 136 p UG Library
231.6 KEN 00117450 Cross purposes : Kennedy, D. James Multnomah Publishers, 2007 1590529693 191 p. ; UG Library
231.6 MAG 00105115 God's Mercy Revealed: Magee,Peter. St.Anthony Messenger Press 2005 9780867166569 xi,164p. UG Library
231.6 UNA 00125728 Treatise on love of God Unamuno, Miguel de, University of Illinois Press, 2007 0252031245 (cloth : alk. paper xxxviii, 180 p. ; UG Library
231.6 VIE 00020140 Your Other Self Vieujean, Canon J. St.Paul`s Publication 1971 179 p. UG Library
231.7 GOS 03003524 God Is Not Dead: What Quantum Physics, Tells Us About Our Origins and How We Should Live Goswami, Amit Jaico Publishing House 9788179929926 309 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
231.7 BAR 00127953 Where mortals dwell : Bartholomew, Craig G., Baker Academic, 2011 9780801036378 (pbk.) | 0801036 xii, 372 p. : UG Library
231.7 BRA 00127941 The one in the many : Bracken, Joseph A. William B. Eerdmans, 2001 0802848923 (pbk. : alk. paper) xii, 234 p. ; UG Library
231.7 BUR 00129487 Where is God? : Burnett, Joel S., Fortress Press, 2010 9780800662974 (alk. paper) | 0 xvi, 287 p. ; UG Library
231.7 BUR 00122099 Where is God? : Burnett, Joel S., Fortress Press, 2010 9780800662974 (alk. paper) | 0 xvi, 287 p. ; UG Library
231.7 GOD 00110715 Scientists Confront Creationism Godfrey,Laurie R W W Norton and Company Inc 1983 0393301540 324p UG Library
231.7 GOS 00134583 God Is Not Dead: What Quantum Physics, Tells Us About Our Origins and How We Should Live Goswami, Amit Jaico Publishing House 9788179929926 309 p UG Library
231.7 GOS 04007164 God Is Not Dead: What Quantum Physics, Tells Us About Our Origins and How We Should Live Goswami, Amit Jaico Publishing House 9788179929926 309 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
231.7 ING 00135844 A Christian theology of place Inge, John, Ashgate, 2003 0754634981 (alk. paper) | 075463499X (pbk. : alk. paper) xiii, 161 p. ; UG Library
231.7 JOH 00135749 Creation and the Cross : Johnson, Elizabeth A., Theological Publications in India 2019 9789388953030 xvii, 238 pages ; UG Library
231.7 KAR 00141255 House of God / Karimattam, Michael Media House ; 2020 9789388989848 176 p. ; UG Library
231.7 KNI 00122087 The God of nature : Knight, Christopher C., Fortress Press, 2007 9780800662219 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 164 p. ; UG Library
231.7 POE 00146114 God and the cosmos : Poe, Harry Lee, IVP Academic, 2012 9780830839544 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0830839542 (pbk. : alk. paper) 303 p. : UG Library
231.7 SEA 00137976 God's gift giving : Seasoltz, R. Kevin. Continuum, 2007 9780826428158 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 0826428150 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9780826428165 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0826428169 (pbk. : alk. paper) vi, 246 p. ; UG Library
231.7 YAN 00112853 Disappointment with God : Yancey, Philip. Authentic Books 2013 9788173623165 260 p. ; UG Library
231.7/4 OCO 00128490 Revelation : O'Collins, Gerald, Oxford University Press 2016 9780198784203 (hbk.) | 0198784 First edition. ix, 229 pages ; UG Library
231.72 WIT 00108194 Imminent Domain Witherington,Ben, W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2009 9780802863676 (pbk. : alk. pap viii, 85 p. ; UG Library
231.72 WRI 00109684 Martin Luther's understanding of God's two kingdoms Wright, William John. Baker Academic, 2010 9780801038846 (pbk.) | 0801038 208 p. ; UG Library
231.73 HAN 00132417 The Miracles In you: Hansen, Mark Victor Jaico Publishing House, 2015 9788184957853 xiii,207 p.; UG Library
231.73 IDI 00122353 Yesuvinte Albuthnagal velippeduthunnathu Idicula,Jose Media House 2015 279p UG Library
231.73 LEW 00030166 Grand Miracle. and Other Selected Essays on Theology and Ethics Lewis, C S Fawcett 1987 165 p UG Library
231.73 MAC 00100826 Healing: MacNutt,Francis.Ph.D Asian trading corporation. 9788170862697 268 p. UG Library
231.73 MAC 00102116 Healing: MacNutt,Francis.Ph.D Asian trading corporation. 9788170862697 268 p. UG Library
231.73 MAC 00142157 Healing: MacNutt,Francis.Ph.D Asian trading corporation. 9788170862697 268 p. UG Library
231.73 NEA 00020812 Healing Power of Christ Neal, Emily Gardiner Hodder and Stoughton 1978 168 p UG Library
231.73 NET 00135016 100 Eucharistic Miracles Proved by Science approved by Church Netikat,Antony Asian Trading Corporation 2017 9789386516268 215p UG Library
231.74 BAR 00130332 Persecution and Hoe Barik,Bindulata SAIACS Press 2015 157p UG Library
231.74 JOH 00122902 God's wider presence : Johnston, Robert K., Baker Academic 2014 9780801049453 (pbk.) xix, 231 pages UG Library
231.74 JOS 00141678 A Blade of Grass Josdhyan Media House 2013 9789374955222 160p UG Library
231.74 LEV 00131007 Engaging the doctrine of Revelation : Levering, Matthew, Baker Academic 2014 9780801049248 (hardcover) xi, 363 pages UG Library
231.74 LEV 00131008 Engaging the doctrine of Revelation : Levering, Matthew, Baker Academic 2014 9780801049248 (hardcover) xi, 363 pages UG Library
231.74 LEV 00122900 Engaging the doctrine of Revelation : Levering, Matthew, Baker Academic 2014 9780801049248 (hardcover) xi, 363 pages UG Library
231.74 PIC 00068745 Templar Revelation Picknett, Lynn Corgi Books 1997 0552143308 | 9780552143301 571p. UG Library
231.74 POY 00142223 Theophany : Poythress, Vern S., Crossway 2018 9781433554377 463 pages : UG Library
231.74 WAH 00135148 Revelation as testimony : Wahlberg, Mats, William B Eerdmans Publishing Company 2014 9780802869883 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 246 pages ; UG Library
231.74 WIT 00140605 Scripture : Witherup, Ronald D., Paulist Press, 2006 080914428X (alk. paper) | 9780809144280 (alk. paper) | 9780809144280 xvi, 160 p. ; UG Library
231.74/092 MCG 00121150 John Henry Newman : McGrath, Francis J., Mercer University Press, 1997 0865546037 169 p. ; UG Library
231.76 BUR 00117635 A theology of the Jewish-Christian reality / Van Buren, Paul Matthews, University Press of America, 1995 0819199699 (v. 1 : paper : alk v. <3 > ;312p UG Library
231.76 GEN 00110530 Kingdom through covenant Gentry, Peter J. Crossway, 2012 9781433514647 (hc) | 978143351 848 p. ; UG Library
231.76 HOU 00092990 Israel the Land and the People House Wayne H Kergel publications 2009 9780825428784 348p UG Library
231.76 LUS 00101424 The promise / Lustiger, Jean-Marie, W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 0802807712 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiv, 177 p. ; UG Library
231.76 MAR 00135079 Jesus and the Holocaust : Marcus, Joel, Doubleday, 1997 0385487657 (alk. paper) 1st ed. 144 p. : UG Library
231.76 RIC 00124920 Israel in the Apostolic Church Richardson, Peter, Cambridge University Press, 2005 Digitally printed 1st pbk. version. xiii, 257 p ; UG Library
231.76 SIG 00107838 Memory and History in Christianity and Judaism Signer Michael A. University of Notre Dame Press, 2001 9780268034603 | 0268034605 (pb xv, 231 p. ; UG Library
231.765 ISA 00134468 Dragons or dinosaurs? : Isaacs, Darek. Bridge-Logos, 2010 9780882704777 (pbk.) | 088270477X (pbk.) v, 216 p. : UG Library
231.765 KAR 00146111 Creation and humanity / Kärkkäinen, Veli-Matti. William B Eerdmans Publishing Company 2015 9780802868558 (pbk. : alk. paper) xix, 554 pages ; UG Library
231.765 PLA 00146139 Where the conflict really lies : Plantinga, Alvin. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199812097 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 0199812098 (hardcover : alk. paper) xvi, 359 p. ; UG Library
231.765 POW 00109698 Participating in God Powell, Samuel M. Fortress Press, 2003 0800636023 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiv, 238 p. ; UG Library
231.7652 BRO 04015549 Intelligent thought Brockman,John Vintage Books, 2006 9780307277220 | 9780307277220 xiii, 256 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
231.7652 RUS 03002294 Can a Darwinian Be a Christian? : Ruse, Michael. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521637169 | 0521637163 242 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
231.7652 BRO 03006690 Intelligent thought Brockman,John Vintage Books, 2006 9780307277220 | 9780307277220 xiii, 256 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
231.7652 BRO 00109463 Intelligent thought Brockman,John Vintage Books, 2006 9780307277220 | 9780307277220 xiii, 256 p. ; UG Library
231.7652 CAR 00125058 Darwin and Catholicism : Caruana,Louis T & T Clark Ltd 2009 9780567476319 | 0567476316 | 9 x, 230 p.; UG Library
231.7652 CAR 00146128 Science, creation and the Bible : Carlson, Richard F., IVP Academic, 2010 9780830838899 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0830838899 143 p. ; UG Library
231.7652 GIB 00146133 The Language of Science and Faith Giberson, Karl W SPCK 2011 9780281064281 250p UG Library
231.7652 HAR 00112405 Nature's witness : Harrell, Daniel M., Abingdon Press, 2008 9780687642359 (binding: pbk., x, 165 p. ; UG Library
231.7652 LUR 00099111 Evolution and Religious Creation Myths : Lurquin, Paul F. Oxford University Press, 2007 0195315383 (cloth : alk. paper xi, 224 p. : UG Library
231.7652 MCC 00081044 Creationist Debate:The Encounter Between the Bible and the Historical Mind McCalla, Arthur 2006 0826480020 228p UG Library
231.7652 PAM 00108129 Evolution & Theology Pamplany Augustine Serials Publications, 2011 9788183874519 | 8183874517 xiv, 242 p. : UG Library
231.7652 ROS 00056370 Creator and the Cosmos Ross,Hugh Navpress 2001 1576832880 | 9781576832882 266 p. UG Library
231.7652 ROS 05031744 Creator and the Cosmos / Hugh, Ross Navpress 2001 1576832880 266 p Knowledge Centre
231.7652 STE 05031745 Darwin, God, and the Meaning of Life : Stewart-Williams, Steve, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521762786 | 9780521746403 341 p. Knowledge Centre
231.7652RUS 00072017 Can a Darwinian Be a Christian? [dharmaram Library] Ruse, Michael 2001 0521637163 242 UG Library
231.8 CAR 00127954 How long, O Lord? : Carson, D. A. Baker Academic, 2006 0801031257 (pbk.) | 9780801031 2nd ed. 240 p. ; UG Library
231.8 CAR 00107610 How Long, O Lord ? Carson D A Inter-Varsity Press 2006 9781844741328 2nd ed. 240 p. UG Library
231.8 DAP 00119031 Hope in an age of terror / DaPonte, Paul J. Orbis Books, 2009 9781570758430 (pbk.) | 1570758 xiii, 288 p. ; UG Library
231.8 EHR 04009789 God's problem : Ehrman, Bart D. HarperOne, 2008 9780061173974 (hardcover) | 00 1st ed. x, 294 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
231.8 GRE 00146791 T&T Clark handbook of suffering and the problem of evil / Bloomsbury 2024 9780567682451 | 9789356408906 | 9780567682444 727p UG Library
231.8 GRE 00146441 What does the Bible say about suffering? / Gregg, Brian Han, IVLP Academic 2016 9780830851454 (pbk. : alk. paper) 174 pages ; UG Library
231.8 KAC 00091811 God-Talk Reconstructed: An Introduction to Philosophy of God Kachappilly Cmi, Kurian Dharmaram 2006 8186861955 165p UG Library
231.8 KAC 05040897 God-Talk Reconstructed: An Introduction to Philosophy of God Kachappilly Cmi, Kurian Dharmaram 2006 8186861955 165p Knowledge Centre
231.8 MCL 00112608 Justice in the Balance/ McLaughlin,John L St. Pauls 2009 9788171099597 119p UG Library
231.8 SWI 00093263 Raging with compassion : Swinton, John, William B. Eerdmans Pub., 9780802829979 (pbk. : alk. pap viii, 264 p. : UG Library
231.8 SWI 00101417 Raging with compassion : Swinton, John, William B. Eerdmans Pub., 9780802829979 (pbk. : alk. pap viii, 264 p. : UG Library
231.8 THE 00130337 The Claim of Justice in Third Millennium Therukattil,George JIP 2000 246p UG Library
231.8 WOO 00130328 Instruments of Justice Wood,Beulah SAIACS Press 2010 69p UG Library
232 ACK 00105139 The Passion of the Lamb: Acklin ,Thomas. St.Anthony Messenger Press 2006 9780867167436 x,126p. UG Library
232 ARC 00022739 Encounter With Christ Archambeaud, G. ST Paul Publications 1965 224 p. UG Library
232 BAD 00010857 Verdict On jesus Badham,Leslie Hodder and Stoughton 1950 220 p. UG Library
232 BEN 00139426 Church Fathers : Benedict XVI, Pope. Asian Trading Corporation; 2010 9798170865345 196 p. ; UG Library
232 BIN 00145102 The passion and resurrection narratives of Jesus / Binz, Stephen J., Liturgical Press, 2016 9780814646342 124 pages ; UG Library
232 BIN 00145103 The passion and resurrection narratives of Jesus : Binz, Stephen J., Liturgical Press, 2016 9780814646359 31 pages ; UG Library
232 BOC 05038069 The Cambridge companion to Jesus / Cambridge University Press, 2001 0521792614 (hbk.) | 0521796784 xviii, 311 p. ; Knowledge Centre
232 BOC 00131749 Jesus the God-man : Bock, Darrell L., Baker Academic 2016 9780801097782 (pbk.) xiii, 194 pages ; UG Library
232 BUL 00002284 Mukti Dota Bulke, S 1962 1 UG Library
232 BUL 00002283 Mukti Dota Bulke, S 1962 1 UG Library
232 BUR 00110207 Jesus Now and Then Burridge, Richard A., Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge., | William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2004 0802809774 (pbk. : alk. paper) xii, 215 p. ; UG Library
232 BUR 00127937 Jesus Now and Then Burridge, Richard A., Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge., | William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2004 0802809774 (pbk. : alk. paper) xii, 215 p. ; UG Library
232 CHO 00088261 Third Jesus:How to Find Truth and Love in Today's World Chopra, Deepak Rider 2008 9781846041112 241p UG Library
232 CHO 05031746 The Third Jesus : Chopra, Deepak Rider, 2008 1846041112 241 p Knowledge Centre
232 CHO 00080981 Third Jesus:How to Find Truth and Love in Today`s World [religion Section] Chopra, Deepak Rider 2008 1846041112 241p UG Library
232 COC 00134672 Jesus of Nazareth in word and deed Cochrane, Charles C., Eerdmans, 1979 0802817807 xvi, 133 p. ; UG Library
232 COR 00120905 Jesus Cordeiro,Wayne Pauline 2012 9788171767649 215p UG Library
232 CRI 00126948 Christology : Crisp, Oliver D Zondervan 2013 9780310514961 (softcover) 212,pages UG Library
232 DEL 00095175 Christ in Evolution Delio Ilia Logos Press 9788172681968 227p UG Library
232 DEL 00093260 Christ in Evolution Delio Ilia Logos Press 9788172681968 227p UG Library
232 DIA 00112674 Telling the Story of Jesus in Asia: A Celebration of Faith and Life at the First Asian Mission Congress Dias, Saturnino Mario Asian Trading Corporation 2008 8170864003 504p. UG Library
232 DIC 00110784 A spectator's guide to Jesus : Dickson, John P., Lion, 2008 9780745953076 (pbk. : UK) | 07 1st Lion ed. 174 p. ; UG Library
232 DOS 00098993 Christ in the Spirit: Doss SVD Mohan ISPCK; 2005 81-7214-828-3 xxi;382 p. UG Library
232 DUB 00147176 Jesus and the God of classical theism : Duby, Steven J., Baker Academic, 2022 9781540961389 | 9781540967114 xx, 444 pages ; UG Library
232 FEE 00133783 Jesus the Lord according to Paul the Apostle : Fee, Gordon D., Baker Books 2018 9780801049828 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxii, 201pages ; UG Library
232 FOR 00059160 Jesus Ford, F. David Oxford University Press 2002 0192893165 | 9780192893161 572 p. UG Library
232 GAR 00120912 Real Life Real Miracles Garlow,James L Pauline 2012 9788171767885 256p UG Library
232 GAV 00124166 Seeking the identity of Jesus : Gaventa,Beverly Roberts William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2008 9780802824714 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 345 p. ; UG Library
232 GEO 00129461 Jesus Beyond Borders George,Samuel Christian World Imprint 2017 9789351481614 339p UG Library
232 GRA 00146864 An introduction to mariology/ Gracias, Agnelo Theological Publications in India 2022 9788195234912 198p UG Library
232 GRA 00146823 Biblical interpretation in the early church / Graves, Michael, Fortress Press 2017 9781451496376 xxix, 299 pages ; UG Library
232 GRA 00140157 Marian Feasts Grace,Prabha Vimala Publications 2016 132p UG Library
232 GRE 00110777 Christology in cultural perspective : Greene, Colin J. D. William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2004 0802827926 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvii, 434 p. ; UG Library
232 GRI 00073877 Imaginary Christs(dharmaram Library) Grigg, Richard 2000 0791446484 127p UG Library
232 HAL 00140688 Guardians of the Jesus gene / Hall, Peter R. Thames River Press; 2013 9780857281333 282 p. ; UG Library
232 HEN 00110792 Desire, gift, and recognition : Henriksen, Jan-Olav. William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2009 9780802863713 (pbk. : alk. pap xii, 379 p. ; UG Library
232 HOD 00010859 The Truth About Jesus Neil,William Hodder and Stoughton 1968 89 p. UG Library
232 HUE 00147163 Christology in Mark's gospel : Zondervan Academic, 2021 031053870X | 9780310538707 xxiii, 296 pages ; UG Library
232 ILL 00020710 Lordship of Jesus Christ Illickamury, Cyprian T C 1980 672 p UG Library
232 IN 00142162 In the end my immaculate heart will triumph Asian Trading Corporation 1996 9788170861927 84p UG Library
232 KUR 00148043 Mariology and Marian Devotion in Kerala/ Kurukkoor, George Carmel International Publishing House 2024 9789390096848 456p UG Library
232 LIN 00118667 Christology and scripture : Lincoln T,Andrew T & T Clark, 2007 9780567045676 (pbk.) | 0567045 x, 226 p. ; UG Library
232 MAC 00125729 The Person of Jesus Christ Mackintosh, H. R. Student Christian Movement, 1912 109 p. ; UG Library
232 MAT 00125010 Asian Christology Mathew,Jacob Christian World Imprints 2016 169p UG Library
232 MCK 00119024 Christ all merciful / McKenna, Megan. Orbis Books, 2002 1570754497 (pbk.) 168 p. : UG Library
232 MIR 00129478 Jesus of Nazareth: The Great Question Mark Miranda,Wilfred Claretian Publications 2017 139p UG Library
232 MUL 00103619 Messianic Rejection And Matthean Redaction : Mullooparambil, Sebastian Dharmaram Publications, 2007 9788189958015 x, 371 p. UG Library
232 NEV 00135762 The vehement jesus : Neville, David J. Theologcal Publications in India 2019 9781620324806 xvii, 292 pages ; UG Library
232 PAG 00117566 Jesus, an historical approximation / Pagola, José Antonio. Theological Publications in India 2012 9789383163021 | 1934996092 557 p. ; UG Library
232 RAU 00096202 Who is Jesus? : Rausch, Thomas P. Liturgical Press, 0814650783 (alk. paper) xi, 217 p. ; UG Library
232 RIN 00131768 Jesus Liberation and the Biblical Jubilee/ Ringe H,Sharon Fortress Press 1985 0800615541 124p UG Library
232 ROW 05067370 The essence of Jesus /​ Rowe,Arthur. Arcturus, 2007 9780572032029 234p.; Knowledge Centre
232 SCR 00122209 The people's Jesus : Scroggs, Robin. Fortress Press, 2011 9780800697914 (hc : alk. paper xiii, 241 p.; UG Library
232 SHE 00018489 Life of Christ Sheen, Fulton J Image 476 p UG Library
232 SOM 00135117 The Sublime Moment of Recognizing Jesus Christ Somar, C V ATC Publications 2014 9788170866787 462p UG Library
232 SPE 05003524 Christology : Spence, Alan. T & T Clark, 2008 0567031942 (hbk.) | 9780567031 x, 174 p. ; Knowledge Centre
232 VAN 00022707 Looking for Jesus Van, Kaam Adrain Dimension 1977 174 p UG Library
232 VAR 00126951 The Son of Man Varghese,George NLL Publications 2010 333p UG Library
232 VAS 00129455 Christology in Context Vashum,Yangkahao Christian World Imprints 2017 9789351481713 222p UG Library
232 WIJ 00034850 Come & See. Living Experience of Jesus Christ Wijngaards, J N M TPI 1983 254 p UG Library
232 WIL 00134782 What Jesus meant Wills, Garry, Viking, 2006 0670034967 | 9780670034963 xxxi, 143 p. ; UG Library
232 WILL 00135771 Christ the Heart of Creation Williams,Rowan Bloomsbury 2018 9781472945549 279p UG Library
232 YOD 00098982 The politics of Jesus : Yoder, John Howard. Eerdmans ; | Paternoster Press, 0802807348 (pbk.) xiii, 257 p. ; UG Library
232 YOU 00122905 Jesus the Jewish theologian Young, Brad. Hendrickson Publishers, 1995 1565630602 (pbk.) xxxvi, 308 p. UG Library
232.082095 ORE 00095185 The Jesus Of Asian Women Orevillo Muriel Logos Press 9788172681982 270p UG Library
232.08968073 TOR 00125450 The politics of Jesús : De La Torre, Miguel A. Rowman and Littlefield 2015 9781442250352 (cloth : alk. pa xv, 201 pages ; UG Library
232.09 JON 00107096 Jesus Christ in World History : Jongeneel, J. A. B. Peter Lang, 2011 9789380548173 xi, 453 p. ; UG Library
232.09015 KEI 00146793 The reception of Jesus in the first three centuries / Bloomsbury 2024 9780567640109 (v. 1 : hardback) | 9780567342348 (v. 2 : hardback) | 9780567600370 (v. 3 : hardback) 1 [edition]. volumes cm UG Library
232.09015 KEI 00146794 The reception of Jesus in the first three centuries / Bloomsbury 2024 9780567640109 (v. 1 : hardback) | 9780567342348 (v. 2 : hardback) | 9780567600370 (v. 3 : hardback) 1 [edition]. volumes cm UG Library
232.09015 KEI 00146795 The reception of Jesus in the first three centuries / Bloomsbury 2024 9780567640109 (v. 1 : hardback) | 9780567342348 (v. 2 : hardback) | 9780567600370 (v. 3 : hardback) 1 [edition]. volumes cm UG Library
232.09015 TIL 00131753 The disciples' Jesus : Tilley, Terrence W. Orbis Books, 2008 9781570757969 | 1570757968 xiv, 302 p. : UG Library
232.09015 TUC 00109790 Christology And The New Testament Tuckett Chritopher Edinburgh University Press 2001 9780748608690 ix; 246 p. UG Library
232.092 FEE 00098985 Pauline Christology : Fee, Gordon D. Hendrickson Publishers, 2007 1598560352 | 9781598560350 xxxi, 707 p. ; UG Library
232.095 SUG 00131819 Jesus in Asia / Sugirtharajah, R. S. Harvard University Press 2018 9780674051133 v, 311 pages ; UG Library
232.095 SUG 00131907 Jesus in Asia/ Sugirtharajah, R. S. Harvard University Press, 2018 9780674986732 (hardbound) 311 p ; UG Library
232.0954 AZA 03012649 What the Nation Really Needs to Know : Azad, Rohit. [] Harpercollins Publishers, 2016 9789352640256 | 935264025X (PISBN) xxv, 339 pages : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
232.0954 PAR 00068324 Emerging Trends in India Christology Msfs, Jacobparappally Iis Publications 1995 8185812128 310p UG Library
232.1 FRA 00124148 He is Alive Francis,Joseph B Claretian Publications 2015 9788189851934 136p UG Library
232.1 KAT 00107578 Incarnation & Resurrection in World Religions Kattackal,Jacob Oriental Institute of Religious Studies 1999 8186063552 106 P. UG Library
232.1 MUR 00112574 Christ our Joy/ Murphy,Joseph St. Pauls 2008 9789350150269 219p UG Library
232.1 OCO 00135747 A Christology of Religions ocollins,gerald Theological Publications in India 2019 9789388953047 178p UG Library
232.1 OMU 00131817 Incarnation : Ó Murchú, Diarmuid, Theological Publications in India 2018 9781626982352 (pbk.) vii, 240 pages ; UG Library
232.1 TRI 00133424 Whither divinity whither humanity Trivedi,Priya Ranjan Jnanada prakashan, 2018 9788171399628 viii,477p.; UG Library
232.12 ATA 00091817 Christology Today: Athappilly Sebastian CMI Dharmaram Publications 2007 9788189958046 307p UG Library
232.1232 HAR 00112606 Jesus/ Harrington,Daniel St.Pauls 2007 9788171099313 128p UG Library
232.12328 DAM 00112622 The Forgotton Jesus and the Trinity you never knew Damon, W K So Authentic 2010 9789382603252 243p UG Library
232.2 BIN 00121223 Threshold to God's Word Binz,Stephen J Pauline Publications 2015 9788171768363 184p UG Library
232.2 EDW 00112124 Image, word, and God in the early Christian centuries / Edwards, M. J. Ashgate Pub. Ltd., 2013 9781409406457 (alk. paper) | 9 220 p. ; UG Library
232.2 LAN 00118041 Know the words of Jesus in 30 days / Lang, J. Stephen. Guideposts ; | Distributed by Ideals Publications, 2010 9780824948078 (hardcover) | 97 511 p. ; UG Library
232.2 REB 00121282 The Word through Eastern Eyes Rebello,Cedric St. Pauls 2015 978-935015-251-5 280p UG Library
232.2 THE 00112730 The Word of God and the Religious Community Thekkekara,Mathew Kristu Jyoti Publications 2006 8187370378 303p UG Library
232.3 DAS 00121235 His Word Challenges Dasan,Vima St. Pauls 2009 8171096743 165p UG Library
232.3 HEI 00107613 Saved from Sacrifice : Heim, S. Mark. William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2006 0802832156 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiv, 346 p. UG Library
232.3 KOT 00124475 The Politics of Redemption : Kotsko, Adam. T&T Clark, 2010 9780567525888 (hbk.) | 9780567 vii, 216 p. : UG Library
232.3 PER 00117421 the jesus experiment Perkins,bill St. Pauls 2011 9789350151587 252p UG Library
232.3 RAH 00145096 The cross in contexts : Raheb, Mitri, Orbis Books, 2017 9781626982291 (pbk.) vi, 151 pages ; UG Library
232.3 VID 00147158 Atonement, law, and justice : Vidu, Adonis. Baker Academic; 2014 9780801039195 (pbk.) xxiii, 286 pages ; UG Library
232.3 VID 00122109 Atonement, law, and justice : Vidu, Adonis. Baker Academi 2014 9780801039195 (pbk.) xxiii, 286 pages ; UG Library
232.3 WIT 00147183 Mapping atonement : Witt, William G., Baker Academic, 2022 9780801030680 | 9781540965684 xii, 240 pages ; UG Library
232.4 SCH 00122054 Cross and resurrection : Schwarzwäller, Klaus. Fortress Press, 2012 9780800698829 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 164 p. ; UG Library
232.5 BEA 00147217 Union with the resurrected Christ : Beale, G. K. Baker Academic, 2023 9781540960429 xviii, 558 pages : UG Library
232.5 KEL 00112147 The resurrection effect : Kelly, Anthony, Orbis Books, 2008 9781570757709 (pbk.) xv, 205 p. ; UG Library
232.5 NOV 00125552 Resurrection : Novakovic, Lidija. Bloomsbury 2016 9780567629814 (hardback) | 978 pages cm UG Library
232.6 VAL 00092966 Hope for the Hopeless Help for the Helpless Valladares, James St pauls 2009 9788171098958 206p UG Library
232.8 BUL 00098980 The Lamb of God / Bulgakov, Sergeĭ Nikolaevich, W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 9780802827791 (pbk. : alk. pap xv, 456 p. ; UG Library
232.8 BUL 00106800 The Lamb of God Sergius Bulgakov Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing 2008 9780802827791 xv;456 P. UG Library
232.8 CAP 00146435 The divine Christ : Capes, David B., Baker Academic 2018 9780801097867 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvii, 206 pages ; UG Library
232.8 CHA 00143942 How did Jesus Know he Was God? Chami, William Wipf and stock 2020 9781725260603 97p UG Library
232.8 COR 00022742 Humour of Jesus Cormier, Henri St.Paul`s Publication 1981 206 p UG Library
232.8 KIZ 00117423 The Priest Kizhakkeyil Sebastian Asian Trading Corporation 2010 8170865395 514p UG Library
232.8 KOS 00112707 Tell My Priests Kosicki,George W St. Pauls 2011 8171096050 143p UG Library
232.8 MCG 00125556 The Son of God beyond the flesh : McGinnis, Andrew M. Bloomsbury 2014 9780567655790 | 0567655792 xii, 213 pages ; UG Library
232.8 NEL 00118818 Priest Prophet and Shepherd Nellikunnel,Moncy Kristu Jyoti Publications 2013 226p UG Library
232.8 NEL 00118660 Priest Prophet and Shepherd Nellikunnel,Moncy Kristu Jyoti Publications 2013 226p UG Library
232.8 RYA 00019226 The Humanisation of Man Jullian Ryan, John Better YourSelf Books 1974 187 p. : UG Library
232.9 BAR 05008400 Jesus beyond Christianity Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199553457 (hbk.) | 0199553 xvii, 302 p. Knowledge Centre
232.9 BRO 00147156 A history of the quests for the historical Jesus: 2 Vol. set / Brown, Colin, zondervan Academic, 2022 9780310125624 | 9780310125495 1 online resource UG Library
232.9 BRO 00147157 A history of the quests for the historical Jesus: 2 Vol. set / Brown, Colin, zondervan Academic, 2022 9780310125624 | 9780310125495 1 online resource UG Library
232.9 FON 05057447 The Jesuits in Rome Fondo edifici di culto Deagostini, 2015 9788851138011 127p.; Knowledge Centre
232.9 LIN 00124473 Christ and Spirit in the New Testament. Lindars, Barnabas University Press, 1973 0521201489 xviii, 440 p. UG Library
232.9 OBR 00129469 The Lif e of Christ O'Brien,Isiore Christian World Imprints 2015 9789351480471 612p UG Library
232.9 SHO 00108235 Does He Know a Mother's Heart? Shourie,Arun. HarperCollins Publishers. 2011 9789350290910 435 p. UG Library
232.9 SHO 00105542 Does He Know a Mother's Heart? Shourie,Arun. HarperCollins Publishers. 2011 9789350290910 435 p. UG Library
232.9 SMI 00011322 Doctorine of God Smith, Ronald Gregor Collins 1968 194 p UG Library
232.9 TAB 00117444 The Jesus dynasty : Tabor, James D., Simon & Schuster, 2006 9780743287234 | 0743287231 x, 363 p. : UG Library
232.9 TOV 00092866 Jesus: Story of God Tovey Derek ATF Press 1920691731 475.00 UG Library
232.9/56 NES 00128039 The Uncreated Light : Nes, Solrunn. William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2007 9780802817648 (cloth : alk. pa xx, 187 p., 16 p. of plates : UG Library
232.901 BOC 00132297 Jesus according to Scripture : Bock, Darrell L. Baker Academic ; | Apollos, 2002 080102370X (Baker Academic) | 0851112889 (Apollos) 704 p. ; UG Library
232.901 BRO 00073413 The Birth of Jesus Brooke George J. T & T Clark Ltd 2000 0567087565 | 9780567087560 137 p. UG Library
232.901 EDM 04015233 Jesus Edmunds, David Indus Source Books / 2009 9788188569083 181 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
232.901 HAR 00121236 Jesus our Brother Harrington,Wilfred J St. Pauls 2015 9788150152522 111p UG Library
232.901 ISB 00140360 In the footsteps of Jesus : Isbouts, Jean-Pierre, 9781426219139 (hardcover : alk. paper) Second Edition. 367 pages : UG Library
232.901 KEI 00109683 Jesus among friends and enemies Keith,Chris Baker Academic, 2011 9780801038952 (pbk.) | 9780801 xxiii, 328 p. : UG Library
232.901 KER 00084335 Jesus Lived In India: His Unknown Life Before and After the Crucifixion Kersten, Holger 2001 0143028294 264p UG Library
232.901 NOT 00140977 The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ / Notovitch, Nicolas Hachette Book Publishing India Pvt.Ltd; 2013 9789350097328 143 p. ; UG Library
232.901 NOT 04016972 The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ Notovitch, Nicolas, Dover Publications, 2008 9780486468532 (pbk.) | 0486468 Dover ed. xxviii, 79 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
232.901 NOT 00106460 The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ Notovitch, Nicolas, Dover Publications, 2008 9780486468532 (pbk.) | 0486468 Dover ed. xxviii, 79 p. : UG Library
232.901 OCO 00112137 Jesus : O'Collins, Gerald. Orbis Books, 2008 9781570757839 (pbk.) | 1570757 xvi, 246 p. ; UG Library
232.901 RAT 03005358 Pope Benedict XVI : Ratzinger, Joseph. Bloomsbury; 2007 9780747592785 xxiv,374 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
232.901 WRI 00101105 Who was Jesus? / Wright, N. T. Eerdmans, 0802806945 ix, 107 p. ; UG Library
232.903 GIR 04009837 The wisdom of His compassion : Girzone, Joseph F. Doubleday, 2009 9780385522434 (hbk.) | 0385522 1st ed. xvii, 199 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
232.904 SCO 04003781 Greatest Man Who Every Lived: Scott, Steven K Watter Brook Press, 2009 9780385526005 | 9781400074648 347 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
232.904 HIL 00142251 Servant of all : Hill, Craig C., William B Eerdmans Publishing Company 2016 9780802873620 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiv, 203 pages ; UG Library
232.904 JON 03006629 Jesus In Blue Jeans: Jones, Laurie Beth Hyperion 1997 9780786883554 307p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
232.904 MOS 00131012 Jesus and Philosophy Moser,Paul K Cambridge University Press 2009 9780521694865 236p UG Library
232.904 SCO 04016753 Greatest Man Who Every Lived: Scott, Steven K Watter Brook Press, 2009 9780385526005 | 9781400074648 347 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
232.906 NEU 00133019 A rabbi talks with Jesus Neusner, Jacob, McGill-Queen's University Press, 2000 0773520465 Rev. ed. xii, 161 p. ; UG Library
232.906 ZAS 00134508 Jesus: First Century Rabbi Zaslow,David Paraclete Press 215 9781612616445 224p UG Library
232.908 CHO 04003555 Jesus : Chopra, Deepak. Collins Business, 2008 9788172237776 273 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
232.908 ALL 00122896 Constructing Jesus : Allison, Dale C. Baker Academic, 2010 9780801035852 (cloth) | 080103 xxix, 588 p UG Library
232.908 ALL 00093010 The Historical Christ and the Theological Jesus / Allison, Dale C. William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2009 9780802862624 (pbk. : alk. pap x, 126 p. ; UG Library
232.908 BEA 00109792 The Historical Jesus Through Catholic And Jewish Eyes Beau Bryan F.Le Trinity Press International 2000 9781563383229 xviii; 171 p. UG Library
232.908 BEI 00121090 The historical Jesus : Beilby, James K. IVP Academic, 2009 9780830838684 (pbk. : alk. pap 312 p. ; UG Library
232.908 CHO 04009798 Jesus : Chopra, Deepak. Collins Business, 2008 9788172237776 273 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
232.908 CHO 03003766 Jesus : Chopra, Deepak. Collins Business, 2008 9788172237776 273 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
232.908 JER 05010987 Jesus Lived in India : Kersten Holger Penguin Books, 2001 9780143028291 xvi,320 p. : Knowledge Centre
232.908 JOH 00140177 Saint Paul John,Myyanatt A St. Pauls 2011 8180910865 222p UG Library
232.908 KEE 00101833 The Historical Jesus of the Gospels Keener, Craig William B.Eerdmans Publishing Company, 9780802862921 xxvi, 831 p. UG Library
232.908 KEI 00117666 Jesus, Criteria, and the Demise of Authenticity Keith, Chris T&T Clark International, 2012 9780567377234 | 0567377237 | 9 xviii, 230p. ; UG Library
232.908 KER 00060028 Jesus Lived in India Kersten,Holger Penguin Books 2002 0143028294 | 9780143028291 263 p. UG Library
232.908 MCD 00131986 The story of Jesus in history and faith / McDonald, Lee Martin, Baker Academic, 2013 9780801039874 (pbk.) 393 p. ; UG Library
232.908 MCK 04009730 Jesus Christ in history and Scripture : McKnight, Edgar V. Mercer University Press, 1999 9780865546776 | 0865546770 (al xiv, 332 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
232.908 SCH 00130287 Jesus: Schweizer,Edward T and T Clark 1994 0567085856 120p UG Library
232.908 SKE 00147097 The figure of Jesus in history and theology : CBQ Imprints 2020 9780915170579 1st. 281p UG Library
232.908 WIL 00025667 Jesus: the Evidence; Wilson, Ian PAN 1984 184 p UG Library
232.908071 BOC 00122133 Studying the historical Jesus : Bock, Darrell L. Baker Academic ; | Apollos, 2002 080102451X (Baker) | 085111273 230 p. : UG Library
232.90822 EVA 00094533 Fabricating Jesus : Evans, Craig A. IVP Books, 0830833188 (cloth : alk. paper 290 p. : UG Library
232.91 ALB 00020821 Mary, Mother and Model Alberione, James St.Paul 1947 237 p UG Library
232.91 BEA 00073417 God's Mother Eve's Advocate Beattie,Tina Continuum 2002 0826455638 | 9780826455635 241 p. UG Library
232.91 BOS 00080073 Empress and Handmaid:On Nature and Gender in the Cult of the Virgin Mary Boss, Sarah Jane 2000 0304339261 253p UG Library
232.91 BOS 00090705 Mary the Complete Resource Boss, Sarah Jane Continuum, 2007 9780826427588 600p UG Library
232.91 BOS 00087635 Mary;New Century Theology Jane Boss, Sarah 2008 0826457886 149p UG Library
232.91 BRA 00143891 Mary, Mother of God / Braaten, Carl E., W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2004 0802822665 (pbk. : alk. paper) viii, 123 p. ; UG Library
232.91 BRO 00020709 Mary in the New Testment Brown, Raymond E Theological 1978 323 p UG Library
232.91 CAL 00141615 Under the Mantle: Calloway,Donald H St. Pauls 2020 9789350153819 363p UG Library
232.91 COF 00121265 Mary Coffey,Kathy Pauline Publications 2010 9788171767069 152p UG Library
232.91 FEN 00143911 Imitating Mary : Fenelon, Marge. Ave Maria Press 2013 9781594713644 (pbk.) | 1594713642 (pbk.) xiv, 176 pages ; UG Library
232.91 GRA 00120881 Mary:A History of Doctrine and Devotion. Graef,Hilda pauline 2009 9788171767489 411p UG Library
232.91 GRA 00120882 Mary:A History of Doctrine and Devotion. Graef,Hilda pauline 2009 9788171767489 411p UG Library
232.91 HAH 00137196 Hail Holy Queesn Hahn,Scott Image Books 2001 9780385501699 191p UG Library
232.91 HAM 00106108 Hail Mary? : Hamington, Maurice. Routledge, 1995 0415913039 | 9780415913041 | 0 x, 216 p. ; UG Library
232.91 HOU 00143901 The reed of God / Houselander, Caryll. Christian Classics, 2006 9780870612404 | 0870612409 [New ed.]. 187 p. : UG Library
232.91 KRE 00143941 The greatest philosopher whoever lived / Kreeft, Peter, Ignatius Press 2021 9781621644798 285 pages ; UG Library
232.91 KUD 00143002 Marilogy: Kudiyiruppil, John ATC Publishers 2021 9789391399245 149p UG Library
232.91 MCK 00131744 The real Mary : McKnight, Scot. Paraclete Press, 2007 9781557255235 | 1557255237 176 p. ; UG Library
232.91 MEL 00140183 She is My Mother Mello,Alexandre Awi St. Pauls 2018 9789350153024 256p UG Library
232.91 NET 00142170 Life of Mother Mary Netikat,Antony Asian Trading Corporation 2015 9788170867241 112p UG Library
232.91 NIR 00122344 Amma Mariyam Nirmal,Vinayak Jeevan Books 2015 9789383341344 192p UG Library
232.91 OLA 00112724 The Mother of God and Her Glorious Feasts O'Laverty,H I J A Publications 2004 8186778500 198p UG Library
232.91 RUB 00103466 Mother of God : Rubin Miri Penguin books; 2010 9780141019352 532 p. UG Library
232.91 VAD 00141137 Ave Maria: Vadakkekara, Tom Media House 2021 9789388989893 182p UG Library
232.9103 KOT 00107595 Behold Your Mother Kottackal,Joseph Oriental Inst. of Religious Studies, 1999 8186063641 | 9788186063644 100 P. UG Library
232.917 CRU 00141680 See How She Loves Us: Cruz,Joan Carroll Tan Books 2012 9780895557186 255p UG Library
232.917 DEF 00143949 Inside the light : de Fatima Coelho, Angela, Tan Books 2020 1505116074 | 9781505116076 xxiii, 249 pages, 16 unnumberred pages of plates : UG Library
232.91709 CRA 00105126 Lourdes Today: Crawford,Kerry. St.Anthony Messenger Press 2008 9780867168259 151p. UG Library
232.91709 LOC 00105127 The Miracle of Lourdes: Lochran,John. St. Anthony Messenger Press 2008 9780867168631 134p. UG Library
232.92 DAV 00134667 Christ Child: Davis,J Stephen Yale University Press 2014 9780300149456 417p UG Library
232.92 HAH 00139894 Joy to the world : Hahn, Scott. Image Books 2014 9780804141123 First Edition. 175 pages ; UG Library
232.92 HEI 00122052 Christmas : Heinz, Donald. Fortress Press, 2010 9780800697334 (alk. paper) xiii, 274 p. : UG Library
232.92 VER 00147098 The Nativity: Vermis, Geza Doubleday 2006 9780385522410 171p UG Library
232.921 DON 00117570 The wife of Jesus : Le Donne, Anthony, 9781780743059 | 178074305X xi, 210 pages : UG Library
232.921 DON 00117571 The wife of Jesus : Le Donne, Anthony, 9781780743059 | 178074305X xi, 210 pages : UG Library
232.921 RES 00117457 Barth's interpretation of the Virgin Birth : Resch, Dustin. Ashgate, 2012 9781409441175 (hardcover : alk ix, 218 p. ; UG Library
232.922 MIL 00094548 The Jesus of the Bible / Miller, Stephen M., Barbour Pub., 9781602600089 (pbk.) | 1602600 379 p. : UG Library
232.927 PUL 00121227 They Touched His Life and He Theirs Pulickal,Jose St. Pauls 2009 9788171099528 221p UG Library
232.931 RAY 00002365 Now! Raymond, M St.Paul 1972 1 UG Library
232.932 BAP 00141616 St. Joseph: Baptist,John Pauline Publications 2021 9788195232635 213p UG Library
232.932 KAI 00140188 St. Joseph: Kaitholil,George St. Pauls 2021 9789350153789 141p UG Library
232.932 TUR 00087999 Saint Joseph: As Seen By Mystics and Historians Turton, Roslie A ST Pauls 2002 0971504722 444p UG Library
232.932 VET 00141617 St. Joseph of Nazareth: Vettukalumpurath,Gerard St. Pauls 2021 9789350153710 181p UG Library
232.94 BER 00105122 John the Baptist: Burke,Alexander J. St.Anthony 2006 9780867167375 vii,232p. UG Library
232.95 BEN 00092992 Jesus, the Apostles, and the early church : Benedict Ignatius Press, 9781586172206 (alk. paper) 163 p. ; UG Library
232.95 BOW 00138687 Jesus and the Pharisees Bowker, John, University Press, 1973 0521200555 192 p. UG Library
232.95 HAG 00131013 Jesus and the forgiveness of sins : Hägerland, Tobias, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107008366 | 1107008360 xvii, 304 p. ; UG Library
232.95 JOL 00019214 Christ Is the Way Joly, E Le St.Paul 1974 216 p UG Library
232.95 JOL 00019215 Jesus Christ the Life: Joly, E Le St.Paul 1974 126 p UG Library
232.95 MAT 00091809 Walk to freedom with Jesus Mathilakathu Thomas CMI Dharmaram Publications 8186861742 95p UG Library
232.954 MCL 00132295 Jesus was a liberal : McLennan, Scotty. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 9780230614291 | 0230614299 1st ed. xii, 260 p. ; UG Library
232.954 MOY 00131748 Jesus and scripture : Moyise, Steve. Baker Academic, 2011 9780801039041 viii, 147 p. ; UG Library
232.954 THO 00142167 Jesus as philosopher : Thorsteinsson, Runar M., Oxford University Press 2018 0198815220 | 9780198815228 First edition. x, 212 pages ; UG Library
232.955 COT 00130176 The Christ of the miracle stories : Cotter, Wendy, Baker Academic , 2010 9780801039508 xxvi, 293 p. ; UG Library
232.955 JOH 00093013 The meaning in the miracles / John, Jeffrey, W.B. Eerdmans, 0802827942 vii, 248 p. ; UG Library
232.957 HAH 00137199 The fourth cup : Hahn, Scott, Image 2018 9781524758790 | 1524758795 First Edition. 192 pages ; UG Library
232.957 HUM 00112559 The mystery of the last supper : Humphreys, C. J. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521517553 (hardback) | 052 xiii, 244 p. : UG Library
232.957 HUM 00107960 The mystery of the last supper Humphreys, Colin. J. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107661196 | 0521517559 (ha xiii, 244 p. : UG Library
232.96 BAR 00018436 Doctor at Calvary Barbet, Pierre Image 1963 210 p UG Library
232.96 EMM 00143945 The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ Emmerich, Ann Catherine Tan Books 2012 9780895552105 382p UG Library
232.96 GRO 00143951 The Passion of Jesus and Its Hidden Meaning: Groenings, James Tan Books 2012 9780895551894 6th Revised Edition 460p UG Library
232.96 SAU 00082765 Were You There? People of Christ`s Passion Saunders, Ross` 1999 0819218162 80p UG Library
232.96 WAL 00135099 Relics from the Crucifixion Wall, J Charles ATC Publications 2015 9789386516633 135p UG Library
232.961 ISC 03005321 The Gospel According to Judas / Iscariot, Benjamin. McMillan, 2007 0230529011 | 9780230529014 101 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
232.963 CAR 00122911 The death of Jesus in early Christianity Carroll, John T., Hendrickson Publishers, 1995 156563151X xviii, 318 p. UG Library
232.963 LOM 00128031 The Father's will : Lombardo, Nicholas E. 9780199688586 | 0199688583 First edition. ix, 270 pages ; UG Library
232.963 MAN 00107509 Story Of The Cross Maniparampil,Jose Biblia Publications 2009 8187271167 viii:166 P. UG Library
232.963 MAN 00107510 Story Of The Cross Maniparampil,Jose Biblia Publications 2009 8187271167 viii:166 P. UG Library
232.963 RUT 00134062 The Crucifixion Rutledge,Fleming William B Eerdmans Publishing Company 2015 9780802875341 669p UG Library
232.9635 YOU 00110910 Echoes from Calvary : Rowman & Littlefield, 2005 0742543846 (pbk. : alk. paper) viii, 244 p. ; UG Library
232.967 PIT 00110236 Light in Darkness Pitstick, Alyssa Lyra. William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2007 0802807550 (cloth : alk. paper xvi, 458 p., [15] p. of plates : UG Library
232.97 CHA 00107592 Resurrection Appearances in Contemporary Christology Sebastian Chalakkal Oriental Institute of Religious Studies india: 2009 9788188456451 158 p. UG Library
232.97 POW 00117754 Resurrection Witness Powell,Doug B and H Publishers 2012 9780805495812 30p UG Library
232.97 WED 00127930 Beyond Resurrection / Wedderburn, A. J. M. Hendrickson Publishers, 1999 1565634861 (pbk.) xiv, 306 p.; UG Library
232.97 WIL 00073418 True Resurrection Williams H. A. Continuum 2000 0826449433 | 9780826449436 182 p. UG Library
232.97 WIL 00109574 True Resurrection Williams H. A. Continuum 2000 0826449433 | 9780826449436 182 p. UG Library
232.9709015 VIN 00111684 Christ's Resurrection in early Christianity : Vinzent, Markus. Ashgate, 2011 9781409417910 (hardcover : alk 276 p. ; UG Library
233 P-6 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
233 ATH 05009325 Mystery and Destiny of the Human Person: Athappilly Sebastian CMI Dharmaram Publications 818686198X 215p Knowledge Centre
233 ATH 00091820 Mystery and Destiny of the Human Person: Athappilly Sebastian CMI Dharmaram Publications 818686198X 215p UG Library
233 JEN 00110779 Graced vulnerability : Jensen, David Hadley, Pilgrim Press, 2005 0829816216 (pbk. : alk. paper) xviii, 154 p. ; UG Library
233 MCW 00131766 Where is the God of justice? : McWilliams, Warren, Hendrickson Publishers, 2005 156563571X (alk. paper) xxvii, 259 p. ; UG Library
233 SAR 00122146 Christian Anthropology : Saracino, Michele, Paulist Press, 2015 9780809149254 viii, 237 p, : UG Library
233 SCH 00120699 The human being : Schwarz, Hans, 9780802870889 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 401 pages UG Library
233 SHU 00098979 Reforming theological anthropology : Shults, F. LeRon. W.B. Eerdmans Pub., 0802848877 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiv, 264 p. ; UG Library
233 TER 00130242 Till the heart sings : Terrien, Samuel L., W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. ; | Dove Booksellers, 2004 0802822371 xxiv, 260 p.; UG Library
233 VEN 00129452 A Theological Response to Street Children : Venkateswara Rao, Potana. Christian World Imprints, 2015 9789351480532 xvii, 98p. UG Library
233 VEN 05055569 A Theological Response to Street Children : Venkateswara Rao, Potana. Christian World Imprints, 2015 9789351480532 xvii, 98p. Knowledge Centre
233 WIN 00117406 The human being : Wink, Walter. Fortress Press, 2002 0800632621 (alk. paper) xv, 356 p. ; UG Library
233.082 GON 00112134 Created in God's image : Gonzalez, Michelle A. Orbis Books, 2007 9781570756979 | 157075697X xxv, 210 p. ; UG Library
233.11 ENN 00146130 The evolution of Adam : Enns, Peter, Brazos Press, 2012 9781587433153 (pbk.) | 158743315X (pbk.) xx, 172 p. ; UG Library
233.14 CAV 00135052 Evolution and the fall Cavanaugh,William T Wiliiam B Erdmans Publishing Company 2017 9780802873798 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxix, 231 pages ; UG Library
233.5 AND 00139891 Called to love : Anderson, Carl A. Doubleday, 2009 9780385527712 (alk. paper) | 0385527713 (alk. paper) | 9780770435745 (pbk.) 1st ed. x, 260 p. ; UG Library
233.5 AUN 00110486 The Whole and Divided Self Aune, David Edward. Crossroad Pub. Co., 1997 0824516680 | 9780824516680 viii, 251 p. ; UG Library
233.5 BRO 05038328 The physical nature of Christian life : Brown, Warren S., Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521515931 (hardback) | 052 xii, 178 p. ; Knowledge Centre
233.5 CAM 00118812 Gospel and Gender : Ed by, Campbell A. Douglas. T&T Clark International, 2003 9780567083500 ix, 221 p. : UG Library
233.5 COO 00110789 Body, soul, and life everlasting : Cooper, John W., Eerdmans, 2000 0802846009 | 0851114741 (UK) xxviii, 241 p. ; UG Library
233.5 DEF 00124167 Sex difference in Christian theology : DeFranza, Megan K., William B Eerdmans Publishing Company 2015 9780802869821 (pbk. : alk. pap xvi, 311 pages; UG Library
233.5 EVE 00122363 Pure Manhood Everst,Jason Asian Trading Corporation 2013 9788170867357 53p UG Library
233.5 EVE 00122364 Pure Womanhood Evert,Crystalina Asian Trading Corporation 2015 9788170867340 47p UG Library
233.5 GAI 00134462 A Theological Reader on Human Sexuality and Gender Diversities: Gaikwad,Roger ISPCK 2017 9788184656220 389p UG Library
233.5 KEN 00142195 Restoring Sexual Sanity Kennedy,D James Coral Ridge Ministries 2000 222p UG Library
233.5 LEV 00107839 Imagination and the journey of faith Levy,Sandra M. William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2008 9780802863010 xi, 190 p. ; UG Library
233.5 LOU 00109584 Queer theology Loughlin,Gerard Blackwell Publishing., 2007 9780631216070 (hardcover : alk xiii, 351 p. : UG Library
233.5 PAU 03009085 Fullness of Life : Paul, Varghese. Department of Pastroal Ministry , 2008 181 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
233.5 PAU 00137204 Man and woman He created them : John Paul Pauline Books & Media, 2006 0819874213 (pbk.) xxx, 735 p. ; UG Library
233.5 PAU 00137205 Man and woman He created them : John Paul Pauline Books & Media, 2006 0819874213 (pbk.) xxx, 735 p. ; UG Library
233.5 SHE 00072062 Doctrine of Humanity [dharmaram Library] Sherlock, Charles 1996 0851118941 303 UG Library
233.5 WAL 00109577 Self, same, other Walton, Heather Sheffield Academic Press, 2000 1841270180 | 1841270199 (pbk.) 214 p. ; UG Library
234 PAI 00107598 Life Glory and Salvatio Paikatt,Mathew. Oriental Institute of Religious Studies 2001 818606362x 367 P. UG Library
234 .25 XVI 00106496 Saved in Hope : Xvi Benedict Pope Ignatius Press ; | Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2008 9781586172510 | 1586172514 107 p. ; UG Library
234 .7 AUN 00106497 Rereading Paul together : Aune E, David Baker Academic, 2006 080102840X (pbk.) | 9780801028 270 p. ; UG Library
234 .7 AUN 00109811 Rereading Paul together : Aune E, David Baker Academic, 2006 080102840X (pbk.) | 9780801028 270 p. ; UG Library
234 BEH 00072185 Memories of Grace Portrits from the Monastery [dharmaram Library] Behrens, James Stephenb 2001 0879462205 156 UG Library
234 BOC 00145077 Paul's three paths to salvation / Boccaccini, Gabriele, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2020 9780802839213 xx, 180 pages ; UG Library
234 BRO 00122077 Fortress introduction to salvation and the cross / Brondos, David A, Fortress Press, 2007 9780800662165 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 220 p. : UG Library
234 CAS 00121270 Book of the Family Castro,Regis Claretian Publications 2004 97p UG Library
234 CHR 00019216 Encounter With Jesus Christanand, M. P. M.P. Christanand 1972 154 p. UG Library
234 COC 00147171 Glorification and the life of faith / Cocksworth, Ashley, Baker Academic, 2023 9781540961686 | 9781540966759 169 pages UG Library
234 DAV 00112107 God of salvation : Davidson,Ivor J Ashgate, 2011 9780754666196 (hardcover : alk 198 p. ; UG Library
234 DEM 00118030 Trinity and election in contemporary theology / Dempsey,Michael T W.B. Eerdmans Pub., 2011 9780802864949 (pbk. : alk. pap x, 301 p. ; UG Library
234 DEM 00142132 The cross and salvation : Demarest, Bruce A. Crossway Books, 2006 9781581348125 (hc) xxii, 544 p. ; UG Library
234 DES 00019229 Christ the Liberator Desrochers, John St.Paul 1977 296 p UG Library
234 DES 00019816 Christ the Liberator Desrochers, John Centers of Social Activities 1977 296p UG Library
234 GRE 00147207 The meaning of salvation : Green, Michael William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1965 9780802882585 255 p. UG Library
234 LIO 00088000 Threhold of Love: Pauline Family Meditation Lionell, Joseph S Asian Trading Corporation 2008 8170864836 59p UG Library
234 PIT 00112677 Hosanna in the Highest Pitcharan I J A Publications 2005 8186778527 96p UG Library
234 RAT 05011031 Pope Benedict XVI Jesus Of Nazareth / Ratzinger Joseph Bloomsbury, 2007 9780747593782 xxiv,374 p. : Knowledge Centre
234 SPR 00142107 Can I lose my Salvation? / Sproul, R. C. Reformation Trust 2015 9781567694994 (pbk.) First edition. 65 pages ; UG Library
234 THE 00139680 The theo drama of salvation : Thengapurackal,Navin Jacob. Christian World Imprints; 2020 9789351484899 (HB) 172 p. ; UG Library
234 VER 00072191 Out of the Comfort Zone: [dharmaram Library] Verwer, George OM BOOKS 2000 8173622787 148p UG Library
234 WES 00072140 Grwing in Grace [dharmaram Library] Wesley, John OM BOOKS 2004 8173623031 191 UG Library
234.1 DOS 00138620 Human TransfromationThrough Divine Grace Doss,Jude Nirmal Theological Publications in India 2019 9789388953115 333p UG Library
234.1 EVE 00112729 The Smell of Sin and the fresh air of Grace Everts,Don St. Pauls 2008 9788171098200 168p UG Library
234.1 JOH 00145112 This is my body : Johnson, Ella L., Liturgical Press, 2020 9780879072803 xxii, 246 pages ; UG Library
234.1 WOM 00112865 Grace/ Wommack,Andrew Andrew Wommack Mnistries 2012 9781906241124 160p UG Library
234.12 GEO 00130338 The Holy Spirit and Christian Mission in a Pluralistic Context George,Roji T SAIAS Press 2017 9788187712992 279p UG Library
234.13 AMA 00112691 Peace on Earth Amaladoss,Michael St. Pauls 2003 8171096093 148p UG Library
234.13 AUG 00135043 Corporal and Spiritual Acts of Mercy Augustine,R R Graviour ATC Publishers 2017 9789386516169 128p UG Library
234.13 BIC 00134053 Growing in the prophetic Bickle, Mike. Charisma House, 2008 9781599793122 x, 235 p. ; UG Library
234.13 BRA 00112745 When Every Day Matters Brant,Mary Jane Hurley Better Yourself Books 2009 9788171087051 199p UG Library
234.13 BRI 00112603 Inspiring people challenging lives Brito, F M Better Yourself Books 2003 8171085369 176p UG Library
234.13 CSO 00071483 Sacred Self: A Cultural Phenomenology of Charismatic Healing: [ Dharmaram Library] Csordas, J Thomas 2004 0520208846 328p UG Library
234.13 DEV 00112612 Lights to Guide Us through life Devaraj,S St. Pauls 2011 9788171087808 173p UG Library
234.13 DSO 00112579 Discovering Awareness D'souza,Tony Better Yourself Books 2006 9788171086719 143p UG Library
234.13 FRE 00112728 The Selfless Self Freeman,Laurence Indian Institute of Spirituality 1994 8185812098 197p UG Library
234.13 GRA 00112715 The Five Wouds of Jesus and Personal Transformation Grassi.Joseph A St. Pauls 2005 8171094953 164p UG Library
234.13 HAB 00112581 Dying was the best thing that ever happend to me Hablitzel,William E Better Yourself Books 2006 9788171087082 232p UG Library
234.13 HYB 00112748 Who You are When No One's looking Hybels,Bill St. Pauls 2011 9789350150641 159p UG Library
234.13 KAR 00130180 Wisdom: Karickal,Thomas Charis Bhavan 2017 140p UG Library
234.13 KAT 00112580 Drawn to surrender committed to forgive Kattady,Aloysius St. Pauls 2011 9789350150580 118p UG Library
234.13 LIN 00072141 Healing the Dying [dharmaram Library] Jane Linn, Mary 2000 0080912212 109 UG Library
234.13 MAL 00112685 Nesting in the Rock maloney,George A I J A Publications 2007 818677856X 144p UG Library
234.13 MEN 00112706 Sugar and Spice Menezes,George Better yourself Books 2010 8171085962 185p UG Library
234.13 MIL 00112620 The Eternal Present Miller,Andrea Wells St. Pauls 2009 9788171098095 469p UG Library
234.13 MUL 00112618 The Deeper Journey Mulholland,M Robert St. Pauls 2012 9788171088126 168p UG Library
234.13 ORO 00112588 Finding Your Hidden Treasure O'rourke,Benignus St. Pauls 2012 9789350151365 164p UG Library
234.13 PRI 00101111 The Prophet's HandBook : Price,Paula A . Whitker House Pub , 1974 9781603740340 391 p. UG Library
234.13 RAI 00096320 Understanding the Prophetic: Raichur, Ashish All Peoples Church& World Outreach, 240 p. UG Library
234.13 RUP 00112753 Your Sorrow is My Sorrow Rupp,Joyce St. Pauls 2012 8171094848 179p UG Library
234.13 SHA 00112676 Heart to Heart with Jesus Shaw,Gene Winsor St. Pauls 2010 9789350150283 104p UG Library
234.13 SHA 00112598 Heart to Heart with Jesus Shaw,Gene Winsor St. Pauls 2010 9789350150283 104p UG Library
234.13 SHE 00112742 Walk with God Sheen,Fulton J St. Pauls 2011 9788171099351 160p UG Library
234.13 SHE 00112743 Way to Inner Peace Sheen,Fulton J St. Pauls 2011 8171097731 175p UG Library
234.13 THE 00112602 In Your Mirror Thelakat, Paul St. Pauls 2012 9789350151297 214p UG Library
234.13 TOL 00112712 The Buzzards are Circling, but God's Not Finished with me Yet Toler,Stan St. Pauls 2010 9789350150184 175p UG Library
234.13 TOL 00112593 God has Never Failed me but he's sure sacred me to death a few times Tolor,Stan St. Pauls 2010 9789350150177 216p UG Library
234.13 UND 00112747 When God Breaks your Heart Underwood St. Pauls 2010 9789350150009 184p UG Library
234.13 VAR 00112702 Spiritual Insights for Effective Management of your life,Career and organization Varkey,Abraham P St. Pauls 2013 9789350151648 208p UG Library
234.13 WHI 00112736 Transforming our painful emotions Whitehead,Evelyn Eaton St. Pauls 2012 9789350150979 213p UG Library
234.1309 TUR 00122912 The Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts : Turner, Max, Hendrickson Publishers, 1998 1565633520 (pbk.) Rev. ed. xv, 383 p UG Library
234.131 ENS 00121207 Healing the Soul Ensley,Eddie Pauline Publications 2015 9788171768325 136p UG Library
234.131 GAI 00128032 Healing in the Bible : Gaiser, Frederick J. Baker Academic, 2010 9780801031014 (pbk.) xii, 276 p. ; UG Library
234.131 MEY 00112839 Beauty for Ashes Meyer,Joyce Progressive Media Vision Pvt. ltd 2003 231p UG Library
234.131 ROT 00101110 Supernatural Healing : Roth,Sid . Whtaker House Pub: 9780768428315 211 p. UG Library
234.16 BOE 00142183 The Oxford handbook of sacramental theology / Boersma,Hans Oxford University Press 2018 9780199659067 (hard cover) | 9780198816614 (paper back) | 0199659060 First edition. xx, 716 pages ; UG Library
234.16 CHA 00068352 Sacraments Chauvet, Louis-Marie Claretian Publications 2001 0818780419 203p UG Library
234.16 CIR 00147433 The Eucharistic form of God : Ciraulo, Jonathan Martin, University of Notre Dame Press 2024 9780268202231 | 0268202230 xiii, 297 pages ; UG Library
234.16 CYR 00146120 St. Cyril of Jerusalem's lectures on the Christian sacraments : Cyril, St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1986 9780913836392 xli, 83 p. ; UG Library
234.16 HAH 00139893 Swear to God : Hahn, Scott. Doubleday : 2004 0385509316 1st ed. 232 p. ; UG Library
234.16 NEL 00140689 The interruptive word : Nelson, R. David, 9780567402950 (hbk.) | 0567402959 (hbk.) | 0567658600 | 9780567658609 xiv, 256 pages ; UG Library
234.16 STU 00145089 Table and temple : Stubbs, David L. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2020 9780802874801 xviii, 403 pages : UG Library
234.1609 JOH 00122155 Sacraments and Worship : Maxwell E. Johnson. Westminster John Knox Press, 2012 9780664231576 | 0664231578 1st ed. xvii, 422 p. ; UG Library
234.161 FER 00092974 Baptism in the early church : Ferguson, Everett, William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 9780802827487 (cloth : alk. pa xxii, 953 p., [12] p. of plates : UG Library
234.161 HAM 00140479 40 questions about Baptism & the Lord's Supper / Hammett, John S. Kregel Academic 2015 9780825442773 (alk. paper) 331 pages ; UG Library
234.161 JEN 00120682 BAPTISMAL IMAGERY IN EARLY CHRISTIANITY : Jensen, Robin Margaret, 9780801048326 (pbk.) xviii, 238 pages : UG Library
234.161 MAR 00136799 Baptism : Marty, Martin E., Augsburg Books, 2008 9780806680491 (alk. paper) vii, 168 p. ; UG Library
234.161 MOR 00147160 The Bible and baptism : Morales, Isaac Augustine, Baker Academic, 2022 9781540961785 | 9781540965653 xxv, 230 pages : UG Library
234.163 AUY 00135760 The Eucharist as a countercultural liturgy : Au, Yik-Pui, Theological Publications in India 2019 9781498279307 (pbk.) | 1498279309 (pbk.) | 1498279325 | 9781498279321 xv, 176 pages ; UG Library
234.163 CAN 00112621 The Eucharist/ Cantalamessa, Raniero St. Pauls 2010 9788171093304 134p UG Library
234.163 CHU 00100825 Eucharist & Family Chundelikkat Dr,Antony Asian trading corporation; 9788170865407 210 p. UG Library
234.163 DSO 00142992 Do This in Memory of Me: D'Souza, Victor George Mangala Jyothi | ATC Publishers 2022 9789391399627 480p UG Library
234.163 GAU 00109561 Hymn Of Freedom Gaudoin-Parker,Michael L. T & T Clark Ltd 1997 9780567085498 xxv; 239 p. UG Library
234.163 GAU 00082761 Hymn of Freedom: Celebrating and Living the Eucharist Gaudoin-Parker, Michael L 1997 0056708549 239p UG Library
234.163 HAH 00137198 Consuming the Word : Hahn, Scott, Image 2013 9780307590817 | 030759081X First edition. xvi, 159 pages ; UG Library
234.163 HUN 00088287 Eucharist and Ecumenism:Let Us Keep the Feast Hunsinger, George 2008 9780521719179 350p UG Library
234.163 ILL 00122346 Eucharist Illickamury,Cyprian Jeevan Books 2013 9788189458799 264p UG Library
234.163 IND 00142143 Eucharist after the Eucharist Indian Catechetical Association 2000 106p UG Library
234.163 KOP 00081018 Eucharist an Autidote to Death Culture Kodiyan, Francis Sanathana Publications 2007 370p UG Library
234.163 LIO 00117407 Let Us Celebrate Lionel Joseph S Asian Trading Corporation 2006 8170863945 128p UG Library
234.163 MCG 00143960 The meal that reconnects : McGann, Mary E., Liturgical Press 2020 9780814660317 xii, 244 pages ; UG Library
234.163 MUD 00122151 Eucharist as Meaning : Mudd, Joseph C. Liturgical Press, 2014 9780814682210 xx, 249 p ; UG Library
234.163 SCH 00135044 Corpus Christi Schneider,Athanasius ATC Publishers 2013 9788170867388 82p UG Library
234.163 SMI 00110776 A holy meal : Smith, Gordon T., Baker Academic, 2005 0801027683 124 p. ; UG Library
234.163 TAN 00091813 The Mass: Tanner R E S Dharmaram Publications 8186861696 348p UG Library
234.163 THE 00130322 Eucharist Therukattil,George Jeevamrutha Publications 2000 ;129p UG Library
234.163 THO 00122354 Divyakarunyam Thomas,Philip Irene Books 2015 70p UG Library
234.163 UKK 00121274 The Eucharist Ukken,Clare Pauline Publications 2010 8171766005 160p UG Library
234.1630 CLA 00105106 Catholics and the Eucharist: Clark,Stephen B. Servant Books 2000 9781569551332 270 p. UG Library
234.16309031 WAN 00110085 The Eucharist in the Reformation Wandel, Lee Palmer. Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521856795 | 0521673127 (pbk.) xi, 302 p. : UG Library
234.165 BOS 00121211 Blessed is marriage Bosio,John Pauline Publications 2015 9788171768349 132p UG Library
234.165 CHE 00120670 Marriage and Family Chempakassery, Philip Carmel International Publishing House 2014 9789380483573 224p UG Library
234.165 CYR 00121229 Recipe for a Happy Marriage Cyriac,Sajith St. Pauls 2015 9788171088638 235p UG Library
234.165 KOS 00135800 Marriage: Koshy,George Christava Sahitya Samithi 2016 267p UG Library
234.165 OKO 00112576 Crossing the Threshold of Marriage Okonokwo-Alagbu,Bartholomew St. Pauls 2011 9789350150597 136p UG Library
234.165 OUE 00122163 Mystery and Sacrament of Love Ouellet, Marc Cardinal 9780802873347 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 332:. UG Library
234.165 SAM 00112840 Before the Wedding bells Sam Authentic Publishers 2010 9788173629983 207p UG Library
234.165 THO 00122341 Vivahathinu Orungumbol Thoppil,Thomas Jeevan Books 2014 204p UG Library
234.1650954 UMA 05040107 English in the Dalit Context / Orient Blackswan Private Limited, 2014 9788125055198 vi,182p.: Knowledge Centre
234.166 SCA 00022762 Power in Penance: Confession and the Holy Spirit Scanllan, Micheal Servant 1979 6:00 PM UG Library
234.2 BAR 00002373 Faith of the Church Barth, Karl Collins 1968 156 p UG Library
234.2 MCK 00143932 God's provision, humanity's need : McKirland, Christa L., Baker Academic 2022 9781540962799 | 9781540965646 217pages UG Library
234.2 PHI 00072132 Footprints in Water Searching for God in Suffering [dharmaram Library] Philip, Sunny SAIACS PRESS 2005 8187712015 167 UG Library
234.2 PUT 00107577 Religious Experience and Faith Puthenkalam,Xavier J.Dr. Oriental Institute of Religious Studies 1989 xii;197 P. UG Library
234.2 RAU 00122152 Faith, Hope, and Charity : Rausch, Thomas P. Paulist Press, 2015 9780809149247 ix, 146 p ; UG Library
234.2 RAU 00133015 Faith, Hope, and Charity : Rausch, Thomas P. Paulist Press, 2015 9780809149247 ix, 146 p ; UG Library
234.2 RUS 05005554 What I Believe / Russell, Bertrand. Routledge, 1996 9780415325097 xvii, 48 p. : Knowledge Centre
234.2 VAT 05006364 Belief / Vattimo, Gianni, Polity Press in association with Blackwell Publishers, 1999 0745619541 (alk. paper) | 9780 98 p. ; Knowledge Centre
234.23 AME 00117398 Controversial questions of Faith Ames,Alan St. Pauls 2010 9788171097623 111p UG Library
234.23 AND 00072194 Learinig to Live and Faith O;vercoming Doubt [dharamaram Libarary] Anderson, Neil T 2004 0830732543 123 UG Library
234.23 BLU 05006639 The godseeker's guide / Blue, Lionel. Continuum, 2010 9781847064189 (pbk.) ix, 186 p. ; Knowledge Centre
234.23 CHC 00112133 Celebrating our Faith Chacko Alice Kristu JyotiPublications 2013 98p UG Library
234.23 CUB 00135750 Faith, hope, and love in the Kingdom of God Cubillos, Robert Hernán, Theological Publications in India 2019 1498222854 | 9781498222853 | 9781498222839 | 9788194037873 | 1498222838 | 1498222846 ix, 453 pages : UG Library
234.23 FED 00120686 Heroes of the faith / Fedele, Gene. Bridge-Logos, 2010 9780882709345 (alk. paper) p. cm. UG Library
234.23 GEI 00112849 Conviction without Compromise Geisler,Norman Authentic Publishers 2012 9789381905357 394p UG Library
234.23 GNA 00112901 Wings of Faith Gnanapragasam,Patrick ISPCK 2013 9788184653328 264p UG Library
234.23 HEG 00143930 Faith, Doubt and Reason Hege, Brent A R Wipe and Stock 2020 9781532683985 182pages UG Library
234.23 HOR 00118034 The Christian Faith Horton,Michael Zondervan 2011 9780310286042 1052 UG Library
234.23 HOR 00118033 The Christian Faith Horton,Michael Zondervan 2011 9780310286042 1052 UG Library
234.23 ITC 00122081 Sensus Fidei: In the life of the church International Theological Commision Carmel International Publishing House 2014 112p. UG Library
234.23 KRE 00135140 Fundamentals of the Faith Kreeft,Peter St. Pauls 2015 9789350152614 328p UG Library
234.23 MAR 00110802 Bringing Theology to Life Marks,Darren c Authetic Books 2009 978-93-80737-22-5 190p UG Library
234.23 PAM 00122349 Viswasavum Vyakyanavum Pamplany,Joseph Alpha Institute 2012 302p UG Library
234.23 SHE 00112614 Spectrum of Faith Shepherd,Henry I S P C K 2012 9788184652666 261p UG Library
234.23 STR 00111508 Faith / Strobel, Lee, Zondervan, 2005 9780310293187 Visual ed. 155 p. : UG Library
234.23 VIM 00142996 Golden Heartbeats of Golden Agers: Vima, Benjamin A ATC Publishers 2022 9789391399375 117p UG Library
234.23 WAR 00131836 The Christian Idea of God Ward,Keith Cambridge University Press 2017 9781108410212 229p UG Library
234.23 WOL 00121244 Faith can give us wings Nortker,Wolf Pauline Publications 2015 9788171768318 246p UG Library
234.25 HEB 00110512 The Christian hope Hebblethwaite, Brian. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199589470 (hbk.) | 9780199 Rev. ed. viii, 247 p. ; UG Library
234.3 FIE 00105108 Delivered from evil : Fieid,Anne O.S.B. St.Anthony Messenger Press 1976 0060158123 : 104 p. UG Library
234.3 MAR 00122142 Bound for the Promised Land : Martin, Oren R. Inter Varsity Press, 2015 9780830826353 208 p; UG Library
234.5 AUG 00143896 Called to reconciliation : Augustine, Jonathan C., Baker Academic 2022 9781540965035 | 9781540965257 133pages UG Library
234.5 BAR 00068216 Doctrine of Reconciliation Barth, Karl 2005 0826477925 182p UG Library
234.5 BOT 00145041 Atonement : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2020 9780802876683 xix, 241 pages ; UG Library
234.5 BRO 00092982 Forgiveness, Reconciliation, and Moral Courage Browning, Robert L William B Eerdmans 2009 9780802827746 251p UG Library
234.5 COR 00142147 Father forgive me for i have sinned Correya,Christopher ATC Publishers 2013 9788170866695 68p UG Library
234.5 SWA 00135805 Reonciliation Swamy,Muthuraj ISPCK 2019 173p UG Library
234.5 WAT 05002591 Forgiveness in Context:Theology and Psychology in Creative Dialogue / Watts, Fraser T&T Clark International, 2004 0567084833 208p.: Knowledge Centre
234.6 CAR 00107487 The Service of Authority and Obedience: Instruction Carmel International Publishing House Carmel International Publishing House 2008 80 P. UG Library
234.63 SAN 00084363 Do This in Remembrance of Me Sandanam, John Peter St Peter`s Pontifical Institute 2002 151p UG Library
234.7 ALl 00122326 Justification and the gospel Allen, R. Michael. Baker Academic 2013 9780801039867 (pbk.) xiv, 186 pages UG Library
234.7 KLA 00111135 Justified before God : Klaiber, Walter. Abingdon Press, 2006 0687063167 (binding: adhesive 212 p. ; UG Library
234.7 OBE 00101423 The Justification Reader. Oden, Thomas C. W.B. Eerdmans, 2002 0802839665 xviii, 163 p. ; UG Library
234.7 STU 00110244 The Gospel of Justification in Christ Stumme, Wayne, W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2006 0802826903 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 182 p. ; UG Library
234.7092 KRU 00118063 Paul, the law, and justification / Kruse, Colin G. Hendrickson Publishers, 1997 156563277X (pbk.) 320 p. ; UG Library
234.7092 SEI 00094528 Christ, our righteousness : Seifrid, Mark A. Apollos/Intervarsity Press, 2000 0830826092 (pbk. : alk. paper) 222 p. ; UG Library
234.8 BRO 00107864 Holiness and Ecclesiology in the New Testament Brower Kent E. William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2007 9780802845603 | 0802845606 (pb xxiv, 385 p. ; UG Library
234.8 GRA 00105141 Until the Trumpet Sounds: Grant,Zachary. St.Anthony Messenger Press 2005 9780867166293 182 p. UG Library
234.8 MAT 00134463 Be Holy for I Am Holy Mattam,Zacharias Kristu Jyoti Publications 2018 9788193602911 234p UG Library
234.9 SEL 00103626 Divine Election And Human Rejection Selvanayagam P Dharmaram Publications, 2009 9788189958305 127 p. UG Library
234.9 WIN 05040811 Discourse on free will / Bloomsbury, 2013 9781780938233 (pbk.) 142p.: Knowledge Centre
234.9 WIN 07006231 Discourse on free will / Bloomsbury, 2013 9781780938233 (pbk.) 142p.: Library - BR Campus
235 CLE 00139422 Beyond time and space : Cleemis, Cardinal Baselios. ATC Publishers; 2021 9789388968539 176 p. ; UG Library
235 CLE 00142746 Beyond time and space : Cleemis, Cardinal Baselios. ATC Publishers; 2021 9789388968539 176 p. ; UG Library
235 GAI 00137180 33 days to merciful love Gaiyley,Michael E St. Pauls 2019 9789350153345 232p UG Library
235 HAH 00137206 Angels and saints : Hahn, Scott. Image 2014 9780307590794 (hardcover) First Edition. 203 pages ; UG Library
235 HAI 00125178 Spirituality Seeking Theology Haight, Roger Theological Publications in India 2014 9789383163182 194p UG Library
235 KUR 00126902 Ten Green Commandments of Laudato Si Kureeethadam,Joshtrom Isaac Kristu Jyoti 2016 292p UG Library
235 PUT 00140185 Snehapoorvam Aabelachan Puthuchira,John J St. Pauls 2017 9789386069139 118p UG Library
235 REB 00126909 Wandering in the Wilderness Rebello,Alex Claretian Publications 2016 240p UG Library
235 ROD 00121243 Discernment How Rodrigues,Savio Gujarat Sahitya Praksh 2008 9788189317638 84p UG Library
235 SAL 00126891 Exploring Frontiers Saldanha,Julian Claretian Publications 2016 239p UG Library
235 THO 00140570 Wider Contextualized Biblical Spirituality / Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485506 (HB) | 9789351485513 (PB) xxiv, 278 p. 25 cm. UG Library
235 VIL 00126908 Wake up the world and enlighten the future Villanueva,Pascual Chavez Kristu Jyoti Publications 2016 230p UG Library
235.2 ATT 00141261 Spiritual Accompaniment : Attard, Fabio Kristu Jyoti Publications ; 2021 9788193909546 xi, 246 p. ; UG Library
235.2 ATT 00148040 Spiritual Accompaniment : Attard, Fabio Kristu Jyoti Publications ; 2021 9788193909546 xi, 246 p. ; UG Library
235.2 BAR 00147218 Why can the dead do such great things? : Bartlett, Robert, Princeton University Press, 2013 9780691159133 (acidfree paper) xviii, 787 pages, UG Library
235.2 BUC 00118658 Notes for a Spiritual History of Father John Bosco Buccellato, Giuseppe Kristu Jyoti Publications 2008 9788187370819 184p UG Library
235.2 CER 00112703 St. Francis de Sales and the Bible Ceresko,Anthony R S F S Publications 2005 8185376689 192p UG Library
235.2 CHR 00119594 Mystic Evuprasia Chrisologa CMC Publications 2014 219p UG Library
235.2 CLE 00119595 From Hiding to Glory Cleopatra Euphrasia Publication 2014 155p UG Library
235.2 CLE 00119585 Kuttikalude Evuphrasiamma Cleopatra Evuphrasia Publications 2011 160p UG Library
235.2 CLE 00119596 Mother Euphrasia: Cleopatra Carmel International Publishing House 2013 384p UG Library
235.2 CLE 00119597 Spirit Filled Virgin Cleopatra Evuphrasia Publications 2008 73p UG Library
235.2 COE 00118816 Notes for a Spiritual History of Father John Bosco Buccellato, Giuseppe Kristu Jyoti Publications 2008 9788187370819 184p UG Library
235.2 DIA 00122312 Don Bosco Dias,Elias Kristu Jyoti Publications 2015 9788187370871 449p UG Library
235.2 DUB 00105134 Saints: DuBay,Thomas. St.Anthony Messenger Press 2007 9780867167634 170p. UG Library
235.2 HAB 00117415 St. Francis Habig Marion Asian Trading Corporation 1983 8170861144 1960p UG Library
235.2 LEO 00022736 Saint Francis Xavier Leon-Dufour, Xavier STP 1978 402 p UG Library
235.2 MAN 00141203 Seeing the Other in the Mirror of Christ Mangai, Poulose Media House 2021 97893906082 194p UG Library
235.2 MAT 00119599 Visudhar: Mathew, Alice Covenant Publishers 2014 63p UG Library
235.2 MAT 00119600 Visudhar: Mathew, Alice Covenant Publishers 2014 63p UG Library
235.2 MOR 00068323 Gaze of Joy and Confidence Morel, Claude Sfs Publications 1991 8185376379 175p UG Library
235.2 MUN 00119579 Visudha Evuprasiayude Likhithangal Mundadan, Mathias Euphrasia Publications 2014 408p UG Library
235.2 MUR 00121224 I Loved Jesus in the Night Murray,Paul St. Pauls 2012 9789350151426 105p UG Library
235.2 MUR 00121226 Reclaiming Francis Murphy M,Charles Pauline Publications 2014 9788171768240 159p UG Library
235.2 PUT 00119604 Bharatheeya Visudhar Puthenkalam, Joseph Don Bosco Publications 2005 496p UG Library
235.2 RAJ 00117413 Saints for the Modern Generation Rajan,Antony P Asian Trading Corporation 2011 8170865360 124p UG Library
235.2 RED 00135024 Back to the Heart Redigolo,Giampaolo Asian Trading Corporation 2003 817086304x 227p UG Library
235.2 THE 00120675 Story of a soul Thérèse, Pauline Books & Media, 1997 0819869953 Centenary ed. 296p UG Library
235.2 VET 00141173 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141174 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141175 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141176 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141177 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141178 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141179 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141180 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141181 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141182 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141183 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141184 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141185 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141186 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141187 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141188 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141189 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141190 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141191 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141192 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141193 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141194 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141195 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141196 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141197 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141198 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141199 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141200 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141201 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141202 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141153 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141154 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141155 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141156 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141157 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141158 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141159 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141160 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141161 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141162 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141163 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141164 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141165 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141166 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141167 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141168 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141169 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141170 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141171 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.2 VET 00141172 Life of Saints Vettickat, Jose Fr.Jose Vettickat 2012 9788189458430 1-50 vols UG Library
235.24 VIA 00120668 Blessed Vian Giovanni Maria Carmel International Publishing House 2011 9789380483245 96p UG Library
235.3 BRO 00130247 Angels love children : Brokering, Herbert, Augsburg, 1997 0806633336 (alk. paper) 127 p.: UG Library
235.3 NOW 00112653 101 Questions and Answers on Angels and Devils Nowell,Irene St. Pauls 2012 9789350151372 108p UG Library
235.4 GIR 00143909 On Satan, Demons, and Psychiatry: Girgis, Ragy R Wipf and Stock 2020 9781532699894 114p UG Library
235.4 NOR 00141136 A field guide to spiritual warefare Norton, Michael J Destiny Image Publishing 2011 9780768436426 313p UG Library
235.4 NOR 00112842 Breaking demonic strongholds : Nori, Don. Destiny Image Publishers, 2010 9780768431667 (pbk.) | 0768431 168 p. ; UG Library
235.4 OLD 00110142 The Devil Oldridge, Darren, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199580996 (pbk.) xiv, 121 pages : UG Library
235.4 PEC 04012145 Glimpses of the Devil : Peck, M. Scott Free Press, 2005 0743254678 (alk. paper) | 9780 xvii, 259 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
235.4 SCH 00122065 I am a Christian : Schneider, Carolyn M., Fortress Press, 2010 9780800697327 (alk. paper) | 0 vii, 184 p. ; UG Library
235.4 TIN 00088101 Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People Tinker, Melvin OM BOOKS 8173622264 288p UG Library
235.4 VEL 00121228 Warfare with the Devil Vella,Elias St. Pauls 2015 9789350152423 124p UG Library
235.4 YOU 00072163 Know Your Real Enemy: [dharmaram Library] Youssef, Michael 2000 0785271023 210p UG Library
235.47 KAR 00130171 Satan/ Karickal,Kurian Charis Bhavan 2016 136p UG Library
235.47 KEL 00081039 Satan a Biography Kelly, Henry Ansgar Cambridge 2007 360p UG Library
235.47 KEL 00135757 Satan in the Bible, God's minister of justice / Kelly, Henry Ansgar, Theological Publications in India 2019 9781532613319 | 1532613318 | 9781532613333 | 1532613334 xv, 187 pages ; UG Library
235.47 KEL 00091996 Satan : Kelly, Henry Ansgar, Cambridge University Press, 0521843391 (hardback) | 052160 xiii, 360 p. : UG Library
235.47 KEL 00073828 Satan a Biography ( Dharmaram Library ) Helly, Henry Ansgar 2006 0521604028 360p UG Library
235.47 NIE 00084389 Satan the Prodigal Son? a Family Problem in the Bible Nielsen, Kirsten JSOT Press 1998 1850758204 198p UG Library
235.47 THI 00143946 Saints Who Battled Satan Thigpen, Paul Tan Books 2015 9781618907189 251p UG Library
235.47 VAZ 00130170 Satan Exorcism and Spirituality Vazhacharickal,Thomas Biblia Publications 2017 453p UG Library
235.4PRI 00072225 They Shall Expel Demons What You Nee Dto Know About Demons-Your Invisible Enemies [dharmaram Libray] Prince, Derek Derek Prince Ministries 8187858060 283 UG Library
235.9 EMM 00143950 The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Emmerich, Anne Catherine Tan Books 2013 9780895550484 395p UG Library
236 E-3 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
236 ABR 00139660 Rethinking hope : Abraham, K.A. Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485117 162 p. ; UG Library
236 CAM 00147187 Paul and the hope of glory : Campbell, Constantine R., Zondervan Academic, 2020 9780310521204 | 0310521203 xxiv, 503 pages ; UG Library
236 CRI 00146871 Evidence of Satan in the modern world/ Cristiani, Leon ATC Publishers, 2024 9788119664290 281p UG Library
236 EBE 00064765 Hope Does Not Disappoint: Studies in Eschatology Eber, Jochen Theological Book Trust 2003 8174750363 356po UG Library
236 FRA 00108166 Come Lord Jesus Come Francis,Joseph St.Peter's Pontifical Institute 2002 74 p. UG Library
236 GOM 00140481 40 Questions About Heaven and Hell Gomes,Alan W Kregel Academic 2018 9780825442766 378p UG Library
236 HAI 00135055 From resurrection to return : Haire,James ATF Press, 2007 9781920691820 (pbk.) ix, 191 p. ; UG Library
236 JUZ 00143929 The New Testament and the future of the cosmos / Juza, Ryan P., Pickwick Publications 2020 9781725271494 | 9781725271487 xix, 356 pages ; UG Library
236 LAD 00134517 The Trinity guide to eschatology La Due, William J. Continuum, 2004 082641608X (pbk.) ix, 166 p. ; UG Library
236 LEW 00010917 Ecstatic Religion Lewis, I M PENGUIB 1971 220 p UG Library
236 MUH 00125557 T&T Clark handbook of Christian eschatology Mühling, Markus. Bloomsbury 2015 9780567023438 (HB) | 978056763 xv, 411 pages ; UG Library
236 ROS 00130240 Should Christians Fear Outer Darkness Rosker,Dennis Grace Gospel Press 2015 503p UG Library
236 VEK 00135129 Life and After Life Vekathanam,Mathew ATC Publications 2010 817086545X 179p UG Library
236 WAL 05029052 The Oxford handbook of eschatology / The Oxford Handbook of Eschatology Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199735884 (pbk.) | 0199735 xviii, 724 p. : Knowledge Centre
236.1 DON 00072186 Mystery of Death: Reflections the Spiritual Tradition: [dharmaram Library] Donovan, Jean 2000 0809141272 172p UG Library
236.1 SHA 00105118 Here on the Way to There: Shannon,William H. St.Anthony Messenger Press 2006 9780867165968 178p. UG Library
236.1 SLO 00072126 Sourcebook About Christian Death [dharmaram Library] Sloyan, Virginia 0929650093 160 UG Library
236.2 AGA 07012661 The Church and the Kingdom / Agamben Giorgio Seagull Books, 2018 9780857425874 64p.: Library - BR Campus
236.2 WAL 00122123 Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory : Walls, Jerry L. BrazosPress 2015 9781587433566 (pbk.) 235 pages ; UG Library
236.21 PAZ 00079830 Words of Eternal Life 2vol Set Pazhayampallil Sdb, Thomas Kristu Jyothi Publications 2003 8187370270 1745p UG Library
236.21 PAZ 00079829 Words of Eternal Life 2vol Set Pazhayampallil Sdb, Thomas Kristu Jyothi Publications 2003 8187370270 1745p UG Library
236.5 ELL 03005880 The Seven Deadly Sins of Management : Ellis, Jonathan. Profile books, 2004 1861975260 | 9781861975263 xv, 192 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
236.8 MAL 00112714 The First Day of Eternity Maloney,George A I J A Publications 1982 8186778411 173p UG Library
236.8 PET 00093193 Resurrection : W.B. Eerdmans Pub., 0802805191 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvii, 326 p. ; UG Library
236.9 BLO 00098978 A Case For Historic Premillennialism : Blomberg, Craig. Baker Academic, 2009 9780801035968 (pbk. : alk. pap xix, 184 p. ; UG Library
236.9 BLO 00111196 A Case For Historic Premillennialism : Blomberg, Craig. Baker Academic, 2009 9780801035968 (pbk. : alk. pap xix, 184 p. ; UG Library
236.9 MID 00122108 A new heaven and a new earth : Middleton, J. Richard, Baker Academic 2014 9780801048685 (pbk.) | 0801048 332 pages : UG Library
236.9 SCH 00140483 40 questions about the end times / Schnabel, Eckhard J. Kregel Academic & Professional, 2011 9780825438967 345 p. ; UG Library
236.909 COU 00130203 Approaching the apocalypse : Court, John M. I.B. Tauris, 2008 9781845117580 | 1845117581 | 9 xv, 232 p. UG Library
237 BUN 00004432 Pilgrims Progress Bungan, John Penguin 1965 1 UG Library
237 NEW 00004442 Apolqgia Provita Sua. Newman, John Henry Collins 1965 386 p UG Library
237.1 REE 00109801 Pointers To Eternity Rees Dewi Devi Rees 2010 9781847711991 236 p. UG Library
237.7 NOR 00110504 Mercy of God's humility Norman, Edward R. Continuum, 2004 0826471285 (pbk.) | 9780826471 xviii, 198 p. ; UG Library
238 BUH 00022719 Chosen People Buhlmann, Walbert St.Paul 1980 270 p UG Library
238 CON 00135041 Catechism of the Catholic Church Vaigarai Publishing Houser 2016 9788189882525 222p UG Library
238 DEE 00044844 Encounter: Faith Education Manual for Youth Deepagam Publications Deepagam Publications 156 p UG Library
238 DHA 00003694 Supplement to a New Cathectism Dhanis, Edourard Burns and Oates 1972 60 p UG Library
238 DIR 00139441 Directory for catechesis / Conference of Catholic Bishops of India; Distributed by ATC Publishers; 2020 9789388968553 228 p. ; UG Library
238 FER 00140983 Youth Ministry with a Difference / Fernandez, Joe Kristu Jyoti Publications; 2021 135 p. ; UG Library
238 KAP 00140958 Faith Formation of Adults: Kapplikunnel,Varghese Kristu Jyoti Publications 2020 9788194368762 418p UG Library
238 KAP 00140770 Faith Formation of Adults: Kapplikunnel,Varghese Kristu Jyoti Publications 2020 9788194368762 418p UG Library
238 KOR 00140971 Integrative Hospitality : Koroth, Sivy Antony Kristu Jyoti Publications; 2020 9788194368724 428 p. ; UG Library
238 KOR 00148039 Integrative Hospitality : Koroth, Sivy Antony Kristu Jyoti Publications; 2020 9788194368724 428 p. ; UG Library
238 LAL 00139690 Introducing evangelical homiletics : Lalchawimawia. Christian World Imprints; 2020 9789351484837 (HB) 175 p. ; UG Library
238 LEN 00135126 Youcat: Youth Prayer Book Lengerk,George Von ATC Publishers 2011 9788170866718 173p UG Library
238 MOR 00034828 When the Sun Rises Morissette, Herve Bby 1992 390 p UG Library
238 MOR 00034829 Jesus Is Alive Morissette, Herve Holy Cross 1991 323p UG Library
238 MOR 00034830 Beyond the Rainbow Morissette, Herve Holy Cross 1992 346 p UG Library
238 MOR 00034831 Thunder in the Rain Morissette, Herve Bby 1992 384 p UG Library
238 MOR 00034832 Listen to the River Morissette, Herve Bby 1992 362 p UG Library
238 PUL 00140957 Faith and Stages of Faith According to Fowler : Pulikan,Joy Kristu Jyoti Publications; 2019 9788193909515 616p UG Library
238 PUL 00140769 Faith and Stages of Faith According to Fowler : Pulikan,Joy Kristu Jyoti Publications; 2019 9788193909515 616p UG Library
238 RAJ 00140142 The Essential Handbook for Classroom Catechists Rajan,Antony P ATC Publishers 2018 9789386516336 80p UG Library
238 TOL 00140135 A Concise Catechism for Catholics Tolhurst,James St. Pauls 2016 9788171097579 103p UG Library
238 YOU 00135125 Youcat: confirmation Book ATC Publications 2016 9788170867067 107p UG Library
238 YOU 00135048 Docat ATC Publishers 2016 9788170867937 320p UG Library
238.11 BER 00108002 Questions of Faith Berger L. peter Blackwell Publishing: 2004 9781405108485 ix, 187 p. UG Library
238.11 BRI 00106692 Belief matters / Briscoe, Pete, Monarch Books 2008 9781854248800 (pbk.) 254 p. ; UG Library
238.11 HAR 00147479 Exploring and proclaiming the Apostles' Creed / Harn, Roger E Van Morehouse Pub., 2004 0819281166 (pbk.) | 9780819281166 (pbk.) xix, 297 p. ; UG Library
238.142 SEI 00107611 Nicene Christianity : Seitz R Christopher Brazos Press ; | Paternoster Press, 2001 1587430215 (U.S.) | 9781587430 240 p. UG Library
238.142 TOR 00125558 The trinitarian faith : Torrance, Thomas F. T. & T. Clark, 2016 0567094839 345 p., [2] p. of plates : UG Library
238.142 WIL 00092979 Clues to the nicine creed Willis, David William B Eerdmans 9780802828682 776.00 UG Library
238.2 BOU 00142979 The Commandments in the Catechism Boulding, Mary Cecily Geoffrey Chapman 1996 9780225667950 100p UG Library
238.2 CHU 00112069 Youcat English : youth catechism of the Catholic Church Church Catholic Asian Trading Corporation, 2010 9788170866008 303p.; UG Library
238.2 CON.1 00145037 Adult catechism : Conference of Catholic Bishops of India, Conference of Catholic Bishops of India, 2023 9789391399900 (Vol.1) | 9789391399917 (Vol.2) | 9789391399924 (Vol.3) 325 p ; UG Library
238.2 CON.2 00145038 Adult catechism : Conference of Catholic Bishops of India, Conference of Catholic Bishops of India, 2023 9789391399900 (Vol.1) | 9789391399917 (Vol.2) | 9789391399924 (Vol.3) 325 p ; UG Library
238.2 CON.3 00145039 Adult catechism : Conference of Catholic Bishops of India, Conference of Catholic Bishops of India, 2023 9789391399900 (Vol.1) | 9789391399917 (Vol.2) | 9789391399924 (Vol.3) 325 p ; UG Library
238.2 DIE 00112660 Catholic Question and Answer/ Dietzen,John J St. Pauls 2011 9789350150733 560p UG Library
238.2 DUF 00092761 The Creed in the Catechism : Duffy, Eamon. Continuum, 2005 0860123987 ix, 115 p. ; UG Library
238.2 SOU 00112604 Introducing the Catechism of the catholic church Souza,Cyril de Kristu Jyoti Publications 1994 205p UG Library
238.2 WIL 00135110 The Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Craft of Catechesis Willey,Petroc ATC Publications 2008 9788170866855 158p UG Library
238.3 CUR 00132952 Confessions of faith in christianity/ Curtis,W.A. Global Vision Publishing House, 2018 9788182209497 2nd ed. 320 p. ; UG Library
238.5 CAT 00142207 The Catechism in Pictures Salve Regina Publications 2009 72p UG Library
238.5 CHO 00134466 Called to be a Catechist Choondal,Gilbert Kristu Jyoti Publications 2013 9788187370789 146p UG Library
238.52 DUN 00109689 The Westminster Confession Into The 21st Century Duncan,Ligon Christian Focus Publications 2004 9781857928624 xxii; 443 p. UG Library
239 GEI 00125445 I don't have enough faith to be an atheist / Geisler, Norman L. Crossway Books, 2004 1581345615 (alk. paper) 447 p. : UG Library
239 GON 00134473 My Way or God's Way Gonsalves,Francis ISPCK 2018 9788184656718 310p UG Library
239 RAM 00147203 The certainty of the faith : Ramsay, Richard B., P&R Publishing, 2007 9781596380653 (pbk.) 280 p. UG Library
239 RUS 00110790 Exposing myths about Christianity : Russell, Jeffrey Burton. IVP Books, 2012 9780830834662 (pbk. : alk. pap 361 p. ; UG Library
239 ZAC 00130330 Jesus among other gods / Zacharias, Ravi K. Word Pub., 2000 0849942179 Youth ed. 145 p.; UG Library
239 ZAC 00130311 Can man live without God Zacharias, Ravi K. Word Pub., 1994 0849911737 : xix, 219 p. ; UG Library
239 ZAC 00130310 Beyond opinion : Zacharias, Ravi Thomas Nelson, 2007 9780849919688 (hc) | 084991968 xx, 360 p.; UG Library
239.1 HOU 00112640 Reasons for Hope/ House,Wayne H B and H 2011 9780805444810 444p UG Library
239.3 AUG 00107615 The city of God / Augustine Saint Hendrickson Publishers, 2011 9781598563375 (pbk. : alk. pap Hendrickson Publishers ed. xix, 804 p. UG Library
239.7 CAM 00110521 A Reasonable Faith Campolo,Tony. Thomas Nelson 1983 9780849920882 xv; 187 p. UG Library
239.7 NOR 00087636 Secularisation Noeman, Edward 2008 0826459455 159 p UG Library
239.7 ZAC 00130326 Has Christianity Faild You Zacharias,Ravi Rizm Educational Trust 2014 234p UG Library
239.7 ZAC 00130339 The Real Face of Athesism Zacharias,Ravi Rzim Educational Trust 2004 0801065119 185p UG Library
240 ABB 00012873 Documents of Vatican II Abbott, Walter M Guild 1966 788 p UG Library
240 AQU 00018430 Summa Theologiae: Aquinas, Thomas Image 1969 304 p UG Library
240 BER 00018432 This Apcalyptic Age. Bergin, Robert Fatima 1973 160 p UG Library
240 CHE 00018435 Orthodoxy Chesterton, G K Image 1959 160 p UG Library
240 FER 00019594 Becoming Christ Fernandes, J B St.Paul 1978 232 p UG Library
240 GAL 00018429 Parents are Lovers. Gallagher, Chuck S J Image 1977 160 P UG Library
240 ITT 00006227 Reflections Ittyavirah, St.Thomas 1971 186 p UG Library
240 JOH 00018431 Cloud of Unknowing and the Book of Privy Counseling Johnson, William Image Books 1973 1 UG Library
240 JOL 00019598 Finding God in Prayer Joly, E L E St.Paul 1976 275 p UG Library
240 MWA 00148149 Disaffiliation from the Catholic Church/ Mwandha, Kevin Otieno Christian World Imprints, 2022 9789351486503 176p UG Library
240 NBC 00019490 Called to Be Free N B C L C, Bangalore , NBCLC 1975 75 p UG Library
240 NBC 00019491 Called to Be Free N B C L C, Bangalore , NBCLC 1975 75 p UG Library
240 NBC 00019492 Called to Be Free N B C L C, Bangalore , NBCLC 1975 75 p UG Library
240 NBC 00019489 Called to Be Free N B C L C, Bangalore , NBCLC 1975 75 p UG Library
240 NBC 00019493 Called to Be Free N B C L C, Bangalore , NBCLC 1975 75 p UG Library
240 NBC 00019494 To Set the Downtrodden Free N B C L C, Bangalore , NBCLC 1987 55 p UG Library
240 NBC 00019496 To Set the Downtrodden Free N B C L C, Bangalore , NBCLC 1987 55 p UG Library
240 NBC 00019495 To Set the Downtrodden Free N B C L C, Bangalore , NBCLC 1987 55 p UG Library
240 NBC 00019497 To Set the Downtrodden Free N B C L C, Bangalore , NBCLC 1987 55 p UG Library
240 NBC 00019498 To Set the Downtrodden Free N B C L C, Bangalore , NBCLC 1987 55 p UG Library
240 NBC 00019231 Called to Be Free N B C L C, Bangalore , NBCLC 1975 75 p UG Library
240 NBC 00019230 Called to Be Free N B C L C, Bangalore , NBCLC 1975 75 p UG Library
240 PAN 00140201 Yagavediyil Panackal,John Bosco St. Pauls 2014 9788180910968 351p UG Library
240 PIT 00140156 Liturgy: Pittappillil,Francis St. Pauls 2018 9789386069351 148p UG Library
240 REB 00139951 The Way of the Cross Rebello,Alex Claretian Publications 2021 32p UG Library
240.1 RAZ 05073592 Toolkit for Christian Youth Leadership : Razu, John Mohan. Christian World Imprints, 2022 9789395457286 xiv, 43p.; Knowledge Centre
240.2 PRE 00122154 A Handbook of Moral Theology Preuss Arthur Herder Book Co, 1925 9781314149838 293 p.: UG Library
240.2 PRE 00122140 A Handbook of Moral Theology Preuss Arthur Herder Book Co, 1925 9781314149838 293 p.: UG Library
240.4 GEL 00022737 Poor of Yehweh Gelin, Albert STP 1980 160 p UG Library
240.8 KAI 00110478 Here Am I Lord Kaipan, Joy Kristu Jyoti Publications 2012 9788187370680 x, 134 p. : UG Library
241 ABI 00139928 My Encounter with Christ Abir,Antonysamy Peter ATC Publishers 2019 9789386516756 239p UG Library
241 ALL 00132285 Inspiring the World: Allen,G E Tate Publishing 2014 9781633065499 438p UG Library
241 ANA 00139683 Ethics and Christology in John's gospel / Anal, Huten Donhring. Christian World Imprints; 2020 9789351484905 (HB) 209 p. ; UG Library
241 AND 00118059 Christian ethics in plain language / Anderson, Kerby. Nelson Reference & Electronic : | Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2005 1418500038 (pbk.) | 9781418500 xv, 235 p. ; UG Library
241 ANO 00147456 Creating future people : Anomaly, Jonathan Routledge, 2024 9781032636573 Second edition. 152p. ; UG Library
241 BAC 00134614 Experiencing God in a Time of Crisis Bachelard,Sarah Theological Publications in India 2013 9789383163007 113p UG Library
241 BAC 00134615 Experiencing God in a Time of Crisis Bachelard,Sarah Theological Publications in India 2013 9789383163007 113p UG Library
241 BAI 00139977 Visudha Youseppithavinte Aathmeeya Jeevithayathra Baij,Maria Cecila Intercessory Prayer Centre 2019 1890137014 7th Edition 432p UG Library
241 BAJ 00139975 The Life of Saint Joseph Baji,Maria Cecilia Intercessory Prayer Centre 2017 1890137014 392p UG Library
241 BAN 00125570 The ethics of everyday life : Banner, Michael C., Oxford University Press 2014 9780198722069 (hbk.) | 0198722 First edition. xiii, 223 pages, 4 unnumbered pages of plates : UG Library
241 BAN 05049165 The ethics of everyday life : Banner, Michael C., Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198766469 First edition. xiii, 223 pages, 4 unnumbered pages of plates : Knowledge Centre
241 BAR 00128956 The Prioroty of Christ Barron,Robert Theological Publications in India 2007 352p UG Library
241 BEN 00139966 Pontifical Teachings Benedict XVI,Pope Carmel International Publishing House 2018 9788193714232 822p UG Library
241 BRA 00139958 Living the Beatitudes: Bransfield,J Brian Pauline Publications 2018 9788171769285 260p UG Library
241 BRA 00131747 Be good and do good : Brady, Bernard V. Orbis Books 2014 9781626980990 ix, 197 pages ; UG Library
241 BUR 00110231 Imitating Jesus Burridge, Richard A., William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2007 9780802844583 (cloth : alk. pa xxi, 490 p. ; UG Library
241 CAH 00125442 Global justice, Christology and Christian ethics / Cahill, Lisa Sowle, Cambridge University Press 2015 9781107028777 (hardback) xiv, 312 pages ; UG Library
241 CAT 00139976 CBCI Guidlines to Deal with Sexual Harassment at Workplace CBCI Centre 2017 28p UG Library
241 CHA 00147219 Women why do you cry? : Omega Book World, 2024 9788197046995 189 p. ; UG Library
241 CHA 00148049 Women why do you cry? : Omega Book World, 2024 9788197046995 189 p. ; UG Library
241 CHE 00141634 Biblical Ethics: Chempakassery,Philip Carmel International Publishing House 2021 9789391296025 152p UG Library
241 CHO 00126899 Social Catechesis Choondal,Gilbert Kristu Jyoti Publications 2017 228p UG Library
241 CLA 00122333 Readings in Christian ethics Clark,David K Baker Books, 1994 0801025818 (v. 1 : pbk.) | 080 328p UG Library
241 CUN 00092919 Christian ethics : Cunningham, David S., Routledge, 9780415375993 (hardback : alk. xiv, 399 p. ; UG Library
241 DOW 00139929 The Heart of Hope: Downey,Michael Pauline Publications 2009 9788171766987 160p UG Library
241 DRU 00071528 Genetics and Christian Ethics: New Studies in Christian Ethics: [ Dharmaram Library] Drummond, Celia, Deane 0521536375 281p UG Library
241 FER 00142224 Through wind and waves : Fernández Carvajal, Francis. Scepter, 2012 9781594171666 | 1594171661 xvi, 238 p. ; UG Library
241 FER 00125892 Community, liberalism, and Christian ethics Fergusson, David. Cambridge University Press, 1998 0521496780 xii, 219 p. ; UG Library
241 FOS 00139957 Deep Calls to Deep: Foster,David St. Pauls 2012 9788171099559 152p UG Library
241 FRA 00139865 Rebuking the Devil Francis,Pope St. Pauls 2020 9789350153659 123p UG Library
241 FRA 00139443 The name of God is mercy : Francis, Pope. Bluebird Books for Life; 2016 9781509824939 151 p. ; UG Library
241 GAR 00142137 Dodging angels on Saturday Garrett,Graeme ATF Press 2005 1920691341 171p UG Library
241 GEI 00122111 Christian ethics : Geisler, Norman L. Baker Academic, 2010 9780801038792 (pbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed. 442 p. ; UG Library
241 GEO 00148146 Religiously Political and Politically Religious/ George, M K Christian World Imprints, 2023 9789395457316 86p UG Library
241 GIL 00101823 The Cambridge Companion To Christian Ethics Gill, Robin Cambridge University Press, 9780521770705 290 p. UG Library
241 GIL 00108134 The Cambridge Companion to Christian Ethics Gill,Robin Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521164832 | 9780521164832 2nd ed. xv; 323 p. cm. UG Library
241 GIL 00146831 A Textbook of Christian Ethics Gill, Robin Bloomsbury 2024 9789356407619 4th Edition 575p UG Library
241 GIL 05009665 The Cambridge Companion to Christian Ethics Gill,Robin Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521164832 | 9780521164832 2nd ed. xv; 323 p. cm. Knowledge Centre
241 GRE 00139946 Opening to God: Green,Thomas H Pauline Publications 2014 9788171767342 152p UG Library
241 HAI 00128953 Spiritual and Religious Haight,Roger Theological Publications in India 2016 203p UG Library
241 HAR 00127940 Moral tension : Harries, Richard, Xyzzy Press, 2008 9781601480118 (softcover) | 16 173 p. ; UG Library
241 HAU 00081049 Blackwell Companion to Christian Ethics Hauerwas, Stanley 2006 1405150513 510p UG Library
241 HOO 00092918 Christian ethics : Cassell, 0304702633 | 0304702641 (pbk.) xiii, 337 p. ; UG Library
241 HYN 00142221 Theology in a third voice Hynd,Doug ATF Press 2006 1920691367 191p UG Library
241 INI 00139867 The Ever-evolving Consecrated Life Inigo Pauline Publications 2021 9788194429975 288p UG Library
241 JOH 00139908 Canonical Norms on Consecrated Life John,Joseph Vellachal Claretian Publications 2020 9788187804789 152p UG Library
241 JOS 00139952 Advent Quiz: Joseph,Francis Xavier Divya Sparsha Publications 2018 60p UG Library
241 JOS 00139978 Way of Life: Joseph,Francis Xavier Daivasparsha Publications 2021 155p UG Library
241 KAD 00139973 Youth: Kadankavil,Emmanuel Manuel St. Pauls 2020 9789350153796 287p UG Library
241 KAM 00143955 An introduction to Christian ethics : De Mingo Kaminouchi, Alberto, Liturgical Press Academic 2020 9780814688090 xii, 200 pages ; UG Library
241 KAN 00147045 Bioethical Issues Kanniyakonil, Scaria Oriental Institute of Religious Studies in India 2018 9789382762591 321p UG Library
241 KAN 00139910 Psychology and Consecrated Life: Kannanthanam,James Claretian Publications 2021 9788187804819 351p UG Library
241 KAN 00139909 Protection of Minors: Kannanthanam,James Claretian Publications 2021 9788187804833 375p UG Library
241 KAN 00120911 New Horizons in Christian Ethics Kanniyakonil,Scaria Asian Trading Corporation 2015 9788170867043 652p UG Library
241 KAR 00119592 Vazhithirivinte vazhikal Karakat,Francis Don Bosco Publications 2014 160p UG Library
241 KAR 00119593 Dharmika Vythichalangal Karakat,Francis Don Bosco Publications 2014 184p UG Library
241 KEE 00134597 A History of Catholic Moral Theology in the Twentieth Century Keenan,James F Theological Publications in India 2011 9788188821822 248p UG Library
241 KEE 00134598 A History of Catholic Moral Theology in the Twentieth Century Keenan,James F Theological Publications in India 2011 9788188821822 248p UG Library
241 KEE 00112701 Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church Keenan,James Asian Trading Corporation 2007 817086528X 326p UG Library
241 KHI 07005717 Incarnations: Khilnani,Sunil. Penguin Books 2016 9780241208229 XVIII,631 Pages ,: Library - BR Campus
241 KIZ 00139972 A Handbook of the Bible: Kizhakkeyil,Sebastian St. Pauls 2020 9789350153772 237p UG Library
241 KOC 00103627 Life In Christ : Kochappilly, Paulachan P Dharmaram Publications, 2010 9788189958343 xi, 273 p. UG Library
241 LAM 00125064 New Testament theology in a secular world : Lampe, Peter, T & T Clark, 2012 9780567324177 (hardback) | 056 viii, 207 p.; UG Library
241 LAM 00019813 Parables of Jesus, Insight and Challenge Lambrecht, J Theological 1978 346 p UG Library
241 LEI 00139982 Ho,ilies and Short Sermons for all Occasions Leising,William A I J A Publications 2008 8186778365 247p UG Library
241 LEI 00139983 Ho,ilies and Short Sermons for all Occasions Leising,William A I J A Publications 2008 8186778365 247p UG Library
241 LHO 00143629 Facebook or Face the Book: Lhouvum, Lalminthang Omega Book World 2022 9789391694067 108p UG Library
241 LOB 00020721 Christian Living: According to Vatican Moral Theology Today Lobo, George V TPI 1980 484 p UG Library
241 LOB 00020825 Christian Living According to Vatican 11 Lobo, George V Theological 1980 410 p UG Library
241 LON 00101762 Christian Ethics : By Long, D. Stephen, Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199568864 (pbk.) 135 p. : UG Library
241 LON 00139971 Cocoon to Butterfly Longworth,Lisa Better Yourself Books 2020 9788171089178 176p UG Library
241 MAL 00139980 Living the Blessed Eucharist Maloney,George A I J A Publications 2005 8186778462 62p UG Library
241 MAN 00142144 Exercise spiritual authority / Manickam, Chandrakumar. Creation House, 2009 9781599798929 (pbk.) 1st ed. xiv, 125 p. ; UG Library
241 MAT 00130164 Live Jesus Mathew, Kalathil I I S Publications 2016 8185812411 302p UG Library
241 MAT 00139878 The Divine Touch: Mathias,Michelle Pauline Publications 2020 9788194281337 120p UG Library
241 MAT 00139885 Purgatory: Mathews,John M St. Pauls 2020 9789350153857 247p UG Library
241 MCK 00128954 The Apostle Paul and the Christian Life Mcknight,Scot Theological Publications in India 2016 209p UG Library
241 MIC 00139869 Imago Dei:Man As Eccentric Being: Michael,Adaikalam Donald ATC Publishers 2020 9789388968546 234p UG Library
241 MIC 00139439 Catholic healthcare and abortions in India : Michael, Biju. Adian Trading Corporation; | The Catholic Health Association of India; 2011 8170865964 500 p. ; UG Library
241 MIC 00139974 Faith,Culture and Mission: Michael,S M St. Pauls 2020 9789350153697 395p UG Library
241 MIR 00139877 At the Feet of the Master: Miriam, N Pauline Publications 2019 9788194281306 187p UG Library
241 NAT 00134936 Treasured epistles Natwar Singh,K Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2018 9789353041564 242p.; UG Library
241 NOB 00139948 The Prodigal You Love: Noble,Theresa Aletheia Pauline Publications 2016 9788171768769 214p UG Library
241 ORT 00139934 The 99 Success Secrets of Jesus: Ortiz,Don Daniel St. Pauls 2019 9789350150276 242p UG Library
241 PAI 00139904 Francis of Assisi: Paikada,Mathew Media House 2010 9789374953655 400p UG Library
241 PES 00020722 Christian Ethics. Peschke, Henry C TPI 1971 293 p UG Library
241 PES 00020723 Christian Ethics. Peschke, Henry C TPI 1971 626 p UG Library
241 PIN 00127949 Theology and action : Pinches, Charles Robert. W.B. Eerdmans, 2002 0802848869 (alk. paper) x, 237 p. ; UG Library
241 POD 00108173 Character Morality Virtue Ethics Podimattam,Felix M. Media House 2010 9789374953631 307 p. UG Library
241 POD 00107524 Moral Action 21st Century Trajectories Podiimattam,felix M. Media House 2009 9788174952394 341 P. UG Library
241 POO 00140775 Philia and A Eucharist-Centred Ethics pooppana,Jude Joseph Kristu Jyoti Publications 2020 9788194368786 293p UG Library
241 PRE 00123031 Knowing truth, doing good : Pregeant, Russell. Fortress Press, 2008 9780800638467 (alk. paper) | 0 xi, 388 p.; UG Library
241 PUR 00139911 Holistic Spirituality in Formation for Consecrated Life: Purayidom,Teresa Claretian Publications 2010 9788189851477 271p UG Library
241 RAL 00142229 Waging peace, building a world in which life matters : Ralte,Lalrinawmi IWIT/ISPCK, 2004 8172147988 361 p. ; UG Library
241 RAN 00016583 Primer of Ethics Rangachar, S Prasaranga University 1967 150 p UG Library
241 RAY 00109693 Incarnation and imagination Ray, Darby Kathleen, Fortress Press, 2008 9780800663155 (alk. paper) | 9 x, 198 p. ; UG Library
241 SAL 00125162 Biblical Perspectives on Family in the context of Synod on Family Saldanha,Assisi Theological Publications in India 2016 334p UG Library
241 SCH 00139956 Prayer and Personal Growth Schock,Bill St. Pauls 2013 9788171091591 208p UG Library
241 SCH 00110251 Theological Ethics and Global Dynamics Schweiker, William. Blackwell Pub., 2004 1405113448 (alk. paper) | 1405 xxv, 239 p. ; UG Library
241 SCH 00131750 Love that does justice / Schubeck, Thomas Louis, Orbis Books, 2007 9781570757464 (pbk.) | 1570757461 (pbk.) viii, 211 p. ; UG Library
241 SEL 00142192 Reframing Catholic Theological Ethics Selling,Joseph A Oxford University Press 2016 9780198815129 254p UG Library
241 SEQ 00124152 Living Christian Life:Introduction to Christian Moral Theology Sequeira, Andrew Anil Claretian Publications 2015 8189581608 254p UG Library
241 SEQ 00124153 Living Christian Life:Introduction to Christian Moral Theology Sequeira, Andrew Anil Claretian Publications 2015 8189581608 254p UG Library
241 SEQ 00124154 Living Christian Life:Introduction to Christian Moral Theology Sequeira, Andrew Anil Claretian Publications 2015 8189581608 254p UG Library
241 SEQ 00124155 Living Christian Life:Introduction to Christian Moral Theology Sequeira, Andrew Anil Claretian Publications 2015 8189581608 254p UG Library
241 SEQ 00124156 Living Christian Life:Introduction to Christian Moral Theology Sequeira, Andrew Anil Claretian Publications 2015 8189581608 254p UG Library
241 SEQ 00124157 Living Christian Life:Introduction to Christian Moral Theology Sequeira, Andrew Anil Claretian Publications 2015 8189581608 254p UG Library
241 SHE 00139960 When You Can't Find God: Shepherd,Linda Evans Pauline Publications 2014 9788171767663 222p UG Library
241 SIE 00139926 The Dialogue of St. Catherine of Siena Siena,Catherine Tan Books 2010 9780895551498 213p UG Library
241 SON 00122141 The Authority of the Gospel : Song Robert William B, Eerdmans Publishing, 2015 9780802872548 xxi, 294 p ; UG Library
241 STI 00125068 Ricoeur and theology Stiver, Dan R. T&t Clark, 2012 9780567130204 | 0567130207 | 9 xii, 205 p.; UG Library
241 THA 00142191 Prenatal diagnostic technology shaking the basics of ethics/ Thasnevis,Victor Asian Trading Corporation 2004 8170863155 464p UG Library
241 THA 00142222 Spirituality and the Curruculam Thatcher,Adrian Cassell 1999 0304704849 246p UG Library
241 THO 00139427 Farmer suicide in India : Thomas, Gigesh. ATC Publishers; 2020 9789388968454 501 p. ; UG Library
241 TRO 00127928 As for mea nd my house Trotzer,James Sheep Shop Records, 1985 UG Library
241 VAG 00139979 Doing Theology: Vagaggini,Cyprian I J A Publications 2003 8186778470 213p UG Library
241 VAL 00139912 Heart Beats Valli,Joji Creativentures 2011 9788188360123 216p UG Library
241 VAR 00139425 Impact of innovative biomedical methods of treatment and research upon human life in Indian society : Vara, John. ATC Publishers; 2017 9789388968157 428 p. ; UG Library
241 VAZ 00139864 The Sermon of the Mount: Vaz,Harry Pauline Publications 2019 9788194429951 218p UG Library
241 WEL 00101095 Improvisation : Wells, Samuel, Brazos Press, 9781587430718 236 p. ; UG Library
241 WES 00122166 Renewing Moral Theology Westberg, Daniel A Inter Varsity Press, 2015 9780830824601 (pbk. : alk. pap 278 p:. UG Library
241 WHI 00128957 The Virtue of Resilence Whitehead,James D Theological Publications in India 2016 148p UG Library
241 WIL 00133773 The Joy of God William, H A Continuum 2002 082645416x 135p UG Library
241 WIL 00133777 Christian ethics : Wilkens,Steve IVP Academic 2017 9780830840236 (print : alk. paper) 221 pages ; UG Library
241 WIL 00139937 When God Seems Distant: Wilson, C St. Paul 2019 9789350152355 159p UG Library
241 WIN 00125163 Can War be Just in the 21st Century Winright.Tobias Theological Publications in India 2016 9789383163465 201p UG Library
241 WIN 00128946 Can War be Just in the 21st Century Winright.Tobias Theological Publications in India 2016 9789383163465 201p UG Library
241 ZBO 00139981 Saint Symeon the New Theologian: Zboyovski,John M I J A Publications 2011 9788186778630 464p UG Library
241..0223 MIT 00094525 Charts of Christian Ethics / Mitchell, Craig Vincent, Zondervan, 2006 9780310254522 | 0310254523 1 v. (various pagings): UG Library
241.019 BRO 00088010 Christian Ethics and the Moral Psychologies Browsing, Don S 2006 ISB0802831710 244p UG Library
241.04 SAL 00145117 Virtue and theological ethics : Salzman, Todd A., Orbis Books, 2018 9781626983045 (pbk) x, 237 pages ; UG Library
241.0412092 HOR 00125555 Solidarity and difference : Horrell, David G. T & T Clark International, 2005 0567083349 (hardcover : alk. p xvi, 339 p. ; UG Library
241.042 AST 00135748 Catholic Moral Theology and Social Ethics: Astorga,Christina A Theological Publications in India 2019 9789388953009 571p UG Library
241.042 BRE 00088030 Morally Complex World: Engaging Contemporary Modern Theology Bretzke Sj, James T Jesuit Communication Foundation 2004 9710305158 248p UG Library
241.042 DEL 00110272 Autonomy and Obedience in the Catholic Church De la Bedoyere, Quentin. T & T Clark, 2002 0567089061 (hard) | 0567088529 ix, 165 p. ; UG Library
241.042 DEL 00082763 Autonomy and Obedience in the Catholic Church De la Bedoyere, Quentin. T & T Clark, 2002 0567089061 (hard) | 0567088529 ix, 165 p. ; UG Library
241.042 HAR 00080077 Jesus and Virtue Ethics;Building Bridges Between New Testament Studies and Moral Theology Harrington S J, Daniel Lanham, Maryland 2002 216p UG Library
241.042 HOG 00123024 Applied ethics in a world church : Hogan,Linda Orbis Books, 2008 9781570757594 (pbk.) xv, 287 p ; UG Library
241.042 KEE 00103621 Toward A Global Vision Of Catholic Moral Theology : Keenan, James F Dharmaram Publications, 2007 9788189958114 vii, 145 p. UG Library
241.042 KEE 00092936 Moral wisdom Keenan, James F Claretian publish 9789710307050 190p UG Library
241.042 KEE 00134488 Catholic theological ethics, past, present, and future : Keenan, James F Theological Publications in India 2011 9788188821860 xiv, 337 p. ; UG Library
241.042 KEE 00134489 Catholic theological ethics, past, present, and future : Keenan, James F Theological Publications in India 2011 9788188821860 xiv, 337 p. ; UG Library
241.042 LAM 00108175 The Christian moral life Lamoureux,Patricia. Orbis Books, 2010 9788188821747 | 1570758816 (pb xix, 306 p. ; UG Library
241.042 MAT 00122904 Introducing moral theology : Mattison, William C., Brazos Press, 2008 9781587432231 (pbk.) 429 p. UG Library
241.042 POD 00107488 The Magisterium and morality Felix M. Podimattam Media House 2002 9788174951250 (pbk.) : 212 p. ; UG Library
241.042092 CUR 00101100 The Moral Theology of John Paul -II : Curran,Charles E. T&T Clark Pub, 9780567030931 1517.24 p . UG Library
241.042092 SPI 00084371 Genius of John Paul II the Great Pope`s Moral Wisdom Spinello, Richard A Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc 2007 9781580512060 235p UG Library
241.043 MAU 00093264 Reconstructing Christian ethics : Maurice, Frederick Denison, Westminster John Knox Press, 0664256015 (alk. paper) xxxii, 212 p. ; UG Library
241.047 JAC 00092967 In Quest of God Jackson, Paul Gujarat sahitya prakash 2009 9798187886920 327p UG Library
241.092 GIB 00128028 Engaging with Barth : Gibson,David T&T Clark, 2008 9780567442963 | 0567442969 403 p. ; UG Library
241.1 COX 00145120 Water shaping stone : Cox, Kathryn Lilla. Liturgical Press, 2015 9780814683026 xviii, 174 pages ; UG Library
241.2 GRA 00101418 Rediscovering the Natural Law in Reformed Theological Ethics / Grabill, Stephen John. William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2006 0802863132 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 310 p. ; UG Library
241.2 GRE 00121084 Dictionary of scripture and ethics / Green,Joel B Baker Academic, 2011 9780801034060 (cloth) xix, 889 p. ; UG Library
241.2 HEC 00108197 Lex Charitatis Heckel,Johannes, William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2010 9780802864451 | 0802864457 (pb xxiii, 566 p. ; UG Library
241.2 LEV 01019283 Biblical Natural Law / Levering Matthew Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199654116 260p.: Knowledge Centre
241.2 SKO 00135853 The Last Judgment Skotnicki,Andrew Routledge 2016 9781138110700 197p UG Library
241.2 VAN 00092931 Befriending the Stranger Vanier, Jean St pauls press 2009 9788171097999 141p UG Library
241.297 SOP 00072162 Know the Signs and Keep on Loving a Christian Consellor Looks of Suicide [dharmaram Library] Kumari G, Sopna SAIACS Press 2000 0819008495 48 UG Library
241.3 CON 05002639 Sin: New Century Theology / Connolly, Hugh Continuum, 2002 0826451845 168 p.: Knowledge Centre
241.3 CON 00087637 Sin: New Century Theology / Connolly, Hugh Continuum, 2002 0826451845 168 p.: UG Library
241.3 JOH 00146833 T&T Clark companion to the doctrine of sin / Johnson, Keith L Bloomsbury 2024 9780567451156 | 9789361314919 | 9780567453075 (epdf) xiv, 472 pages ; UG Library
241.3 NEL 00090706 What`s Wrong With Sin: Nelson, Derk R Continuum, 2009 9780567266767 209p UG Library
241.3 ROS 00092985 Greed as Idolatry : Rosner, Brian S. William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2007 9780802833747 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 214 p. ; UG Library
241.3 SIK 00141941 Sin in the New Testament / Siker, Jeffrey S., Oxford University Press 2020 9780190465735 | 0190465735 | 9780190465742 | 0190465743 xiii, 224 pages ; UG Library
241.4 APO 00121284 What to Do When Jesus is Hungry Apostoli,Andrew St. Pauls 2013 9789350151679 164p UG Library
241.4 AUS 00119299 Being good : Austin, Michael W W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2012 9780802865656 (paper : alk. pa viii, 284 p. ; UG Library
241.4 FRA 05062246 The Name Of God Is Mercy / Francis,Pope. Bluebird, 2016 9781509846511 xx,149p.; Knowledge Centre
241.4 KOL 00135123 Where there is love, there is God : Teresa, Christian Large Print, 2012 9781594153983 (softcover) | 1594153981 (softcover) Large print ed. 510 p. ; UG Library
241.4 KOL 00111125 Mother Teresa/ Kolodiejchuk, Brian Random House Inc, 2010 9780385531801 364p.; UG Library
241.4 LEE 00124556 The Heart of Religion : Lee, Matthew T., Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199931880 xii, 301 p. ; UG Library
241.4 MEL 00135870 The epiphany of love : Melina, Livio. William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2010 9780802865366 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0802865364 (pbk. : alk. paper) xx, 185 p. ; UG Library
241.4 RAT 00092989 Introduction to Christianity Ratzinger, Joseph Cardinal Communio books 2009 9781586170295 380p UG Library
241.4 THA 00103598 Call to Compassion : Thauhasa S D Dharmaram Publications, 9788186861858 379 p. UG Library
241.4 VOL 00087967 End of the Memory: Remembering Rightlly in the Membership World Volf, Miroslav 0802829899 244p UG Library
241.4 WHI 00129477 Holy eros : Whitehead, James D. Orbis Books, 2009 9781570758133 x, 213 p. ; UG Library
241.41 KAP 00093053 Another Way to Live Kapur R L Penguin books 2010 9780670082582 205p UG Library
241.5 BRO 00106796 Singing the Ethos of God Brock, Brian, William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2007 9780802803795 (pbk. : alk. pap xxi, 386 p. ; UG Library
241.5 COS 05031747 Appealing to Scripture in Moral Debate : Cosgrove, Charles H William B Eerdmans Publishing, 2002 0802849423 224 p. Knowledge Centre
241.5 GRE 00122330 The Old Testament and ethics Green,Joel,B Baker Academic 2013 9780801049354 (pbk.) xviii, 216 pages; UG Library
241.5 GRE 00122331 The New Testament and ethics: Green,Joel B Baker Academic 2013 9780801049361 (pbk.) | 0801049 xvi, 158 pages; UG Library
241.5 THO 00122126 Moral formation according to Paul : Thompson, James, Baker Academic, 2011 9780801039027 (pbk.) | 0801039 xv, 256 p. ; UG Library
241.5​2 SCH 03006991 Believe in the God who believes in you /​ Schuller, Robert Harold. T. Nelson, 1989 9788122202014 297 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
241.5​2 SCH 07007462 Believe in the God who believes in you /​ Schuller, Robert Harold. T. Nelson, 1989 9788122202014 297 p. ; Library - BR Campus
241.52 SCH 04000275 Believe in the God Who Believes in You / Schuller, Robert H Orient Paper Backs, 2008 8122202012 215 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
241.52 BRA 00092987 I am the Lord your God : William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 0802828124 xi, 275 p. ; UG Library
241.52 CHU 03009432 The Power of the 10 : Churn, Arlene H. Broadway Books, 2008 9780767910163 1st ed. 222 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
241.52 CHU 03007825 The Power of the 10 : Churn, Arlene H. Broadway Books, 2008 9780767910163 1st ed. 222 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
241.53 KAL 00130250 The beatitudes from the back side Kalas, J. Ellsworth, Abingdon Press, 2008 9780687650842 (binding: adhesi 122 p ; UG Library
241.62092 HOL 00135151 Power and Purpose : Hollowell, Adam Edward, William B Eerdmans Publishing Company 2015 9780802871886 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 230 pages ; UG Library
241.622 MCC 00145063 God's beauty : McCormick, Patrick T. Liturgical Press, 2012 9780814680629 | 0814680623 | 9780814680872 (ebook) | 0814680879 (ebook) xiv, 154 p. ; UG Library
241.63 THA 00071522 Marriage After Modernity: Christian Marriage in Postmodern Times: [dharmaram Library] Thatcher, Adrian JSOT Press 2000 1850759448 328p UG Library
241.63THO 00072116 Building a Marriage God`s Way [dharmaram Library] Thomas, Juliet OM BOOKS 8173624410 114 UG Library
241.64 NOL 00105110 Doing the Right Thing at Work: Nolan,James.L St.Anthony Messenger Press 2006 9780867166767 xiii,143p. UG Library
241.641 SAN 00133776 Christian counseling ethics : Sanders,Randolph K IVP Academic 2013 9780830839940 (paperback : acidfree paper) Second Edition. 552 pages ; UG Library
241.641 TRU 00140496 Ethics for Christian Ministry: Trull,Joe E Baker Academics 2017 9780801098314 275p UG Library
241.641 TRU 00120690 Ministerial ethics : Trull, Joe E. Baker Academic, 2004 0801027551 2nd ed. 288 p. UG Library
241.642 CHI 00107522 An Ethics Of Cooperation in Health Ministry Chirappanath,Stephen Heath Accessories For Ll 1998 88900273 xiii; 375 P. UG Library
241.642 HAU 00079839 Suffering Presence Theological Reflections on Medicine, the Mentally Handicapped, and the Church Hauerwas, Stanley 1986 0567291421 221p UG Library
241.642 MIC 00108172 Catholic Healthcare and Abortions In India Michael,Biju Dr. The Catholic Health Association Of India 2011 8170865964 xviii; 500 p. UG Library
241.642 VER 00092999 Reading the Bible in the Strange World of Medicine / Verhey, Allen. W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2003 0802822630 (pbk.) xiii, 407 p. ; UG Library
241.6426 GRA 05045566 The Market,Happiness,and Solidarity : Graafland John.J Routledge, 2010 9781138805439 xviii,186p.: Knowledge Centre
241.6429 TAD 00096106 How to be a Christian in a Brave New World / Tada, Joni Eareckson. Zondervan, 2006 0310259398 | 9780310259398 222 p. : UG Library
241.6495 MCQ 00090718 Bioethics Matters Mcqueen, Moira Dr Continuum, 2008 9780826435101 107p UG Library
241.64957 DEA 05045258 Re-ordering nature : T & T Clark, 2003 0567088960 (hbk.) | 0567088782 xiv, 368 p. ; Knowledge Centre
241.64957 JER 00109701 The nature of our humanity Jersild, Paul Fortress Press, 2009 9780800664428 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii, 187 p. ; UG Library
241.64957 WAT 00118013 This mortal flesh : Waters, Brent. Brazos Press, 2009 9781587432514 (pbk.) | 1587432 205 p. ; UG Library
241.6522 LOH 00094556 Virtual Integrity : Lohrmann, Daniel J., Brazos Press, 2008 9781587432347 (pbk.) | 1587432 223 p. : UG Library
241.66 ALL 00120684 God loves sex : Allender, Dan B. 9780801015663 (pbk. : alk. pap xii, 159 pages ; UG Library
241.66 ART 00110719 Every man's battle guide : Arterburn, Stephen, WaterBrook Press, 2003 157856736X 1st ed. xi, 210 p. ; UG Library
241.66 ART 00071496 Sex According to God: [ Dharmaram Library] Arthur, Kay Waterbrook Press 2003 1578566398 246p UG Library
241.66 GEN 00080996 In Pursuit of Love:Catholic Morality and Human Sexuality Genovesi, Vincent J 1996 0814655904 429p UG Library
241.66 MOO 00129642 The body in context : Moore, Gareth. Continuum, 2001 0826453562 (pbk.) xi, 242 p. ; UG Library
241.66 POD 00107870 The Ethics of Sex:A Reinterpretation Podimattam, Felix M. Media House, 2007 9788174952530 | 9788174952530 292 p. ; UG Library
241.66 POD 00107490 The Ethics of Sex:A Reinterpretation Podimattam, Felix M. Media House, 2007 9788174952530 | 9788174952530 292 p. ; UG Library
241.66 POD 00107499 Homosexuality Podimattam,Felix M. Media House, 2007 9788174952844 | 9788174952844 262 p. ; UG Library
241.66 POD 00107528 The Ethics of Sex:A Reinterpretation Podimattam, Felix M. Media House, 2007 9788174952530 | 9788174952530 292 p. ; UG Library
241.66 SOL 00092801 Rescuing Sex From the Christians / Sullivan, Clayton, Continuum, 2006 0826417922 (pbk.) ix, 132 p. ; UG Library
241.66 STU 00071486 People of Passion: What the Churches Teach About Sex: [dharmaram Library] Stuart, Elizabeth 2004 0026467362 294p UG Library
241.66 THI 00072059 Shaken By Scandals: Catholics Speak Out Abour Priests Sexual Abuse: [ Dharmaram Library] Thigpen, Paul 2000 0156955353 230p UG Library
241.6622 GRE 00094537 No sex please (until we're married) / Gregory, Ian Stuart. Life Journey, 0781441749 (pbk.) p. cm. UG Library
241.664 BOW 00147194 Reclaiming sexual wholeness : Zondervan Academic, 2022 9780310093107 370 pages ; UG Library
241.671 BRE 00112123 Hospitality as holiness : Bretherton, Luke. Ashgate Pub., 2006 9781409403494 (paper) vi, 215 p. ; UG Library
241.671 JOS 00085337 Centrality of Self in Saiva Siddhanta Joseph, V S George Asian Trading Corporation 2006 8170863686 246 p UG Library
241.675 NOT 00127948 That they may be one : Nothwehr, Dawn M., Orbis Books, 2008 9781570757938 xvii, 250 p. ; UG Library
241.676 AEL 00108206 Spiritual Friendship Aelred,Rievaulx Christian Classics, Ave Maria Press, 2008 9780870612428 | 0870612425 (pb 147 p. ; UG Library
241.68 PHI 00129465 Paul and Common Meal Philip,George Christian World Imprint 2017 9789351482079 236p UG Library
241.68 YOU 00105104 Breaking Free of the Web : Young, Kimberly S. St. Anthony Messenger Press, 2007 9780867168044 (pbk. : alk. pap v, 167 p. ; UG Library
241.691 ANT 00141609 Integral Ecology: Antonisamy,F St. Pauls 2021 9789350153871 160p UG Library
241.691 BER 00112616 The Christian Future and the Fate of the Earth Berry,Thomas St. Pauls 2012 9789350151266 129p UG Library
241.691 FRA 00134494 Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home Francis,Pope Theological Publications in India 2018 9789383163960 280 pages ; UG Library
241.691 FRA 00134495 Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home Francis,Pope Theological Publications in India 2018 9789383163960 280 pages ; UG Library
241.691 GEO 00147095 Stewardship of Creation George, Marie Saint Catherine of Siena Press 2009 9780980028423 144p UG Library
241.691 LEA 00112733 Through Ecological Eyes Leal,Rober Barry St. Pauls 2010 9788171099498 184p UG Library
241.691 MAR 00092864 Christian Environmental Ethics : Martin-Schramm, James B. Orbis Books, 2003 1570754993 x, 325 p. : UG Library
241.691 MIL 00120888 God Creation and Climate Change Miller,Richard W Insight Books 2010 8171767410 203p UG Library
241.691 STU 00103631 We All Are Guests On Earth! Stueckelberger, Christoph Dharmaram Publications, 2010 9788189958374 55 p. UG Library
241.693 LIN 00049572 Animal Theology Linzey, Andrew University of Illionois Press 1996 0252064674 x 214 p UG Library
241.693 LIN 00088455 Animal Theology Linzey, Andrew University of Illionois Press 1996 0252064674 x 214 p UG Library
241.693 SAM 00135780 A Christian Response to Ecological Crisis Samuel,Thomas Christava Sahity Samithi 2009 9788172811381 178p UG Library
241.6976 ANA 00091802 Psycho-Spiritual Dimensions of Formation: Anatharackel Mathew Dharmaram Publications 2001 8186861351 422p UG Library
241.6976 PET 00146792 T&T Clark reader in abortion and religion: Bloomsbury 2024 9780567694744 | 9789356408586 | 9780567694737 452p UG Library
241.962 BRE 00135152 Political trauma and healing : Brett, Mark G., William B Eerdmans Publishing Company 2016 9780802873071 (pbk. : alk. paper) viii, 248 pages ; UG Library
241.967 KUN 00134763 Blood and Tears Kunnumpuram,Kurien St. Pauls 2012 9789350151228 288p UG Library
241/.042 SEL 00128489 Reframing Catholic Theological Ethics / Selling, Joseph A., 0198767129 | 9780198767121 First edition. ix, 254 pages : UG Library
241NIE 01007248 Moral Man and Immoral Societ(law Lib.) Reinhold Niebuhr Continuum 0826477143 186p Knowledge Centre
242 AUG 00140136 The Confessions of St. Augustine Augustine.St St. Pauls 2020 9788171096619 316p UG Library
242 BAK 07008712 Showings : Julian, W.W. Norton & Co., 2005 0393979156 (pbk.) | 9780393979 1st ed. xxvii, 213 p. ; Library - BR Campus
242 BAV 05007881 Jesus : Bauckham, Richard. New York : | Oxford Univ Press, 2011 9780199575275 | 0199575274 xii, 125 p. : Knowledge Centre
242 BEC 00090730 Encounters With God: Beckett, Sister Wendy Continuum, 9780826441782 132p UG Library
242 BRI 00112721 The Joy of Intimacy with God Bright,Bill St. Pauls 2008 9788171098316 127p UG Library
242 BRI 00112719 The Joy of Faithful Obedience Bright,Bill St. Pauls 2008 9788171098286 139p UG Library
242 BRI 00112718 The Joy of Dynamic Giving Bright,Bill St. Pauls 2008 9788171098231 123p UG Library
242 CAB 00032594 Way to Freedom: Meditation Oriental Appraoch and Christian Caballero, Nicolase Claretian 1989 152 p UG Library
242 GAL 00137174 The Seven Prayers of Jesus Gallusz,Laszlo Pauline Publications 2019 9788171769452 160p UG Library
242 GUI 00019812 Prayer of the Presence of God Guillerand, Dom Augustin Dimension 1966 192 p UG Library
242 HAG 00002225 With the Silent Christ.Reflections for Religions Hagspiel, Bruno Bruce 1952 64 p UG Library
242 HAS 00122206 Surprises around the bend : Hasler, Richard A. Augsburg Books, 2008 9780806680415 (alk. paper) | 0 viii, 184 p.; UG Library
242 HOW 00120880 The best spiritual reading ever Howse,Christopher Continuum, 2002 082646288X xxiv, 215 p. ; UG Library
242 HOW 00092755 The Assurance of Hope / Continuum, 2006 0826482716 | 9780826482716 [Updated]. xxii, 215 p. ; UG Library
242 HOW 00092779 Prayers For This Life / Continuum, 2005 0826476422 (cased) xx, 203 p. ; UG Library
242 JOL 00022749 Christ Lives in Me Joly, Edward Le St. Paul Publications 1981 324 p UG Library
242 JOL 00020138 Finding God in Prayer Joly, Le St Paul 1979 275 p UG Library
242 JON 00107483 The Way Jones, Stanley E. Suvartha Bhavan 1963 364 P. UG Library
242 JUL 00109695 Love's trinity Julian,John Liturgical Press, 2009 9780814653081 (pbk.) | 9780814 xii, 336 p. ; UG Library
242 KAI 00110473 Encounters with God Kaipan, Joy Kristu Jyoti Publications 2012 9788187370697 x, 180 p. : UG Library
242 KAL 05034185 Thoughts for Change : Abdul Kalam, A. P. J. Pentagon Press , 2013 9788182747074 xxv, 289 pages : Knowledge Centre
242 KAL 03009232 Thoughts for Change : Abdul Kalam, A. P. J. Pentagon Press , 2013 9788182747074 xxv, 289 pages : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
242 KIE 05048373 The lily of the field and the bird of the air : Kierkegaard, Søren, Princeton, 2016 9780691170473 (hardback : alk. xxxv,90p.; Knowledge Centre
242 KUM 00120915 Amma Visudhar Kumarakom,Jaimon Sophia Books 2015 9789381796542 64p UG Library
242 LES 00034964 I Wonder Lesser, R. H. Better Yourself Books 1990 8171080421 118 p. UG Library
242 MAL 00022704 Everlasting Now Maloney, George A Ave 1979 222 p UG Library
242 MAL 00022711 Broken But Loved Maloney, George A Alba 1980 1 UG Library
242 MAN 00100835 You Surprised Me Mannath Joe Asian trading corporation; 9788170865308 224 p. UG Library
242 MAR 00121416 Meditation Markkar Mohan Winsome Books India 2007 9798188043490 355p. UG Library
242 MEL 00104512 One Minute Nonsense De Mello, Anthony, Gujarat sahitya prakash 1988 0829407421 (pbk.) U.S. and Canadian ed. 340 p. : UG Library
242 MER 00018443 The Sign of Jonas Merton, Thomas Image 1953 352 p UG Library
242 MER 00018444 The Sign of Jonas Merton, Thomas Image 1953 352 p UG Library
242 MIL 00112895 The unfinished soul : Miller, Calvin, Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2004 0805431837 ix, 182 p. ; UG Library
242 MOR 00105125 Living God's Justice: Morneau,Robert . F St.Anthony Messenger Press 2006 9780867167429 xi,212p UG Library
242 NET 00120919 Parisudha Kannyakamariyathinte Jeevacharithram Nettikattu,Antony Sophia Books 2015 9789381796986 127p UG Library
242 PAO 00019212 My Life With Christ Paone, Anthony J St.Paul 1974 318 p UG Library
242 PEN 00110927 Seeking His mind : Pennington, M. Basil. Paraclete Press, 2002 1557253080 xxiii, 134 p. ; UG Library
242 PHI 00122162 The Mother Of Christ Phillips Vassall O.R Burns Oates & Washbouren Ltd, 2015 9781330929957 2nd ed, xxvii, 524 p.: UG Library
242 PLA 00120917 Idarunna Idayan Placheril,Joseph Sophia Books 2014 9789381796924 135p UG Library
242 RAT 00106494 Seek That Which is Above : Ratzinger Joseph Ignatius Press, 2007 9781586171872 2nd ed. 178 p. : UG Library
242 REE 00110222 All Things Give God Glory Rena, Sally. Burns & Oates, 2005 0860124150 xxvi, 269 p. ; UG Library
242 REE 00142092 All Things Give God Glory Rena, Sally. Burns & Oates, 2005 0860124150 xxvi, 269 p. ; UG Library
242 RUP 00137820 Words Of Glory : Rupa Publications. Rupa Publictaions, 2019 9789353333546 201p.; UG Library
242 RUP 05064755 Words Of Glory : Rupa Publications. Rupa Publictaions, 2019 9789353333546 201p.; Knowledge Centre
242 SAV 00100829 Out of His Treasure: Savarimuthu Stanislas. Asian trading corporation; 2010 9798170865857 vii;356 p. UG Library
242 SAV 00102115 Out of His Treasure: Savarimuthu Stanislas. Asian trading corporation; 2010 9798170865857 vii;356 p. UG Library
242 SEK 00123032 Let Us Stand Up For Prayer Sekhar,Vincent Claretian Publications 2016 263p UG Library
242 SEL 00142128 Come,Let Us Celebrate: Selvaraj,S M Asian Trading Corporation 2017 9788170860716 8th edition 325p UG Library
242 VAR 00092965 God With Me Varkey, K V Christava Sahitya Samithi 2009 9788178210957 390p UG Library
242 VEN 00119049 Good news for today / Veneroso, Joseph R. Orbis Books, 2009 9781570758096 (pbk.) | 1570758 128 p. ; UG Library
242 VIN 00105136 Simple Wonders: Vinck ,De ,Christopher. Servant Publications 2003 9781569553817 194p. UG Library
242 WIL 00142220 The truce of God / Williams, Rowan, William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2005 080282790X (pbk.) [Updated ed.]. x, 133 p. ; UG Library
242..74 BIN 00135144 Mysteries of the Rosary Binz,Stephen J St. Pauls 2017 9789350152959 141p UG Library
242.1 DEM 00030172 One Minute Wisdom.Anand De Mello, Antony Sahithya Prakash 1989 228 p UG Library
242.1 DEM 00030173 Prayer of the Frog :Vol 1 and 2 Book of Story Meditations De Mello, Anthony Sahithya Prakash 1989 xxiii 256 p UG Library
242.1 DEM 00030174 Prayer of the Frog :Vol 1 and 2 Book of Story Meditations De Mello, Anthony Sahithya Prakash 1989 xxiii 256 p UG Library
242.1 MAS 00019228 How Your Mind Can Keep You Well Masters,Roy Better Your Self 1976 220 p. UG Library
242.2 FIS 00112877 Quiet Moments for Nurses Fish,Sharon Authentic Publishers 2010 9788173623752 209p UG Library
242.2 FOX 00009114 Chain of Prayer Across the Ages. Fox, Selina Fitzherbert John Murray 1970 330 p UG Library
242.2 HIG 00112837 Awesome God Higgins,John R John R Higgins 2011 372p UG Library
242.2 KOS 00094524 Blessings all Mine With 10,000 Besides Kosin Frederick L Authentic Books 2006 9788173627255 31.7p UG Library
242.2 LAU 00108212 Walking With Jesus : Laurie, Greg. Baker Books, 2007 9780801068157 (pbk.) | 0801068 319 p. ; UG Library
242.2 LAU 00094557 Walking With Jesus : Laurie, Greg. Baker Books, 2007 9780801068157 (pbk.) | 0801068 319 p. ; UG Library
242.2 LAW 00142200 Seasons of devotion : Law,Philip Continuum, 2005 0826480454 (hardback : alk. paper) 378 p. ; UG Library
242.2 MAT 00100827 God's World: Mathew Fr,George.C Vaigarai publishing house; 9789350150191 120 p. UG Library
242.2 PEA 04009660 Have a Great Day / Peale, Norman Vincent Fawcett Columbine, 1985 9780449912072 147p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
242.2 TER 03006172 The Joy in Loving : Teresa, Mother. Penguin Books, 1996 9780140262780 438 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
242.2 THO 00112692 Popular Devotions and Adult Catechesis Thomas,Michael Kristu Jyoti Publications 2000 8187370092 179p UG Library
242.3 BAL 00119302 Light of the word : Balthasar, Hans Urs von, Ignatius Press, 1993 0898704588 382 p. ; UG Library
242.3 MIL 00134058 Surprised by love : Miller, Robert J., Sheed & Ward, 2002 1580511279 (pbk.) xii, 244 p. ; UG Library
242.3 MOS 00092766 Gardening With God : Mossendew, Jane. Burns & Oates, 2002 0826461026 xxiii, 317 p. : UG Library
242.33 BAU 00102097 Advent and christmas With Fulton J.Sheen. Bauer Judy Asian trading corporation; 9798170865895 100.00 UG Library
242.33 MET 00012949 Advent of God Metz, John New Man 1977 58 p UG Library
242.33 MET 00012049 Advent of God. Metz, Johannes Baptist Newman 1970 1 UG Library
242.34 COT 00106682 Things He Carried Cottrell,Stephen Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 2009 9780281060801 xiv,77 p. UG Library
242.34 WAR 00092771 Known to the senses / Warner, Martin. Morehouse ; | Continuum, 0819281093 xi, 115 p. ; UG Library
242.34 WIL 00146423 He set His face to Jerusalem : Wilke, Richard B., Abingdon Press 2013 9781426768934 (pbk./trade pbk. : alk. paper) 122pages UG Library
242.36 GRU 00092941 Taste the Joy of Easter Grun, Anselm St pauls press 2009 9780854396306 175p UG Library
242.4 HAR 00112171 Knowing darkness : Hart, Addison Hodges, William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2009 9780802863447 (pbk. : alk. pap vii, 136 p. ; UG Library
242.4 HUT 00105103 Be Comforted: Hutchinson,Gloria. St. Anthony Messenger Press. 2004 9780867165500 ix,123p. UG Library
242.4 ORO 00092975 Befriending death : O'Rourke, Michelle. Orbis Books, 9781570758409 (pbk.) | 1570758 xvi, 144 p. ; UG Library
242.4 VIS 03003920 Finding Your Strength in Difficult Times; Viscott, David Tata McGraw-Hill, 2004 9780070586284 259p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
242.443 BEL 04012532 Mysticism : Belzen A. Jacob. Overseas Press ; 2008 9788188689606 340 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
242.5 ATC 03006052 Touchpoints for Leader : ATC Publications, 2004 9788170866015 | 8170866014 ix,279 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
242.5 BRA 00122207 The God between us : Brakeman, Lynne. Innisfree Press, 2001 1880913542 157 p.; UG Library
242.5 CAR 00122129 Praying with Paul : Carson, D. A. Baker Academic 2014 9780801097102 (pbk.) Second edition. xv, 215 pages ; UG Library
242.5 KOC 00072644 The Folly of cross Kochappilly, Paulachan P. Dharmaram Publications 2000 8186861289 xxxi; 371 p. UG Library
242.5 LIO 00088007 Vessel Lionel, Joseph S Asian Trading Corporation 2008 ISB8170864852 90p UG Library
242.50835 ATC 00112063 Touchpoints For Students Asian Trading Corporation ACT Publishing 1999 9798170865383 2nd ed. x, 278 p.: UG Library
242.6 DRU 00001109 Greatest Thing in the World Drumond, Henry Mc Millan 1971 1 UG Library
242.6 GUT 00092781 Sharing the Word Through the Liturgical Year / Gutiérrez, Gustavo, Orbis Books, 1997 1570751382 (pbk.) xvi, 288 p. ; UG Library
242.606 BEN 00100828 Light of the World: Benedict Asian trading corporation; 2010 9798170865871 xv;219 p. UG Library
242.62 ATC 00100831 Prayers for Committed Christians. Asian Trading Corporation. Asian trading corporation; 1984 vii;240 p. UG Library
242.644 DES 00133972 Five Lies My Teacher Told Me: Deshmukh, Chandan Westland publication pvt Limited 2017 9789386850607 132 p.; UG Library
242.68 OLE 04009674 The centurion principles : O'leary, Jeff Pearson Education, 2004 9788177581980 viii , 248 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
242.72 MAT 00110922 The Jesus prayer : Mathewes-Green, Frederica. Paraclete Press, 2009 9781557256591 | 1557256594 xvii, 181 p. : UG Library
242.72 MOR 00120665 Lectio Divina and the Practice of Teresian Prayer Morello, Sam Anthony Carmel International Publishing House 2004 8187655410 40p UG Library
242.722 LEW 00112890 The Lord's Prayer Lewis,Peter Authentic Publishers 2012 9789381905395 270p UG Library
242.74 CAL 00141610 10 Wonders of the Rosary Calloway,Donald H St. Pauls 2021 9789350153826 152p UG Library
242.74 DAV 00120896 The Holy Rosary:Meditations on Discipleship David,Grace St. Pauls 2012 9789350151280 70p UG Library
242.74 KUN 00135143 Marian Quotes and Prayers Kundoni,Padre St.Pauls 2017 9789350152935 184p UG Library
242.74 MAT 00117536 A Scriptural Rosary Mathulla,Paul Claretian Publications 2014 8189851861 51p UG Library
242.74 MON 00112727 The Secret of the Rosary Montfort,Louis de I J A Publications 2006 8186778543 125p UG Library
242.74 PAN 00121269 he Rosary Panampara,Abraham Claretian Publications 2008 207p UG Library
242.76 CHI 00072110 Be Mindful of Us Prayers to the Saints [dharmaram Library ] Chiffolo, Anthony F 2000 0764803808 308 UG Library
242.76 KAN 00143902 Befriending St. Joseph : Kandra, Greg, Ave Maria Press 2022 9781646801374 109pages UG Library
242.76 MOR 00112672 Fifteen days with St.Francis de Sales Morel,Claude S F S Publications 1992 8185376433 146p UG Library
242.8 APP 00107910 The Oxford Book of Prayer Appleton,George Oxford University Press, 1985 9780199561230 xii, 397 p. ; UG Library
242.8 GNA 00034911 Prayers for Life`s Journey Gnarackatt, Joseph St.Paul`s Publication 1991 220 p UG Library
242.8 JOL 00022732 I Speak to God Le Joly E, BYB 1980 100 p UG Library
242.8 LOB 00121272 New Prayer Services Lobo, Suesan Pauline Publications 2009 8171762085 148p UG Library
242.8 POD 00068353 How to Pray Always Podimattam, Felix M Claretian Publications 1993 234p UG Library
242.8 VAR 00019223 Prayers for Young Folks Vechoor, Varghese St.Paul 88 p UG Library
242.8 WEA 00072136 Gentle Words in a Raging Storm Prayers for All Occasions [dharmaram Library] Weaver, Gary R 2003 1556732880 181 UG Library
242.802 FOS 00140041 The Catholic Prayerbook: Foster,David Burns and Oates 1999 0860123324 214p UG Library
242.802 IRE 00143948 Stories about Purgatory and what They Reveal Tan Books 2012 9780895557995 182p UG Library
242.89 MAL 00030182 God's Exploding Love. Maloney, A George St.Paul`s Publication 1989 1 UG Library
242CIH 00072064 Consider My Servant Job: [ Dharmaram Library] Ciholas, Paul 1565633725 252p UG Library
243 BUB 00125554 A scriptural theology of eucharistic blessings Bubbers, Susan I. Bloomsbury, 2013 9780567149084 (hardback) | 056 xix, 255 pages ; UG Library
243 HER 00019611 Youth Active Herve, Morissette Holy Cross 1977 1 UG Library
243 HER 00019612 Youth Active Herve, Morissette Holy Cross 1977 1 UG Library
243 HER 00019613 Youth Active Herve, Morissette Holy Cross 1977 1 UG Library
243 MET 00023476 Anthology of Modern Verse Methuen, A Methuen 1926 254 p UG Library
243 MOR 00019614 Youth Awan Morrisette, Herve Holy Cross 1977 1 UG Library
243 MOR 00019616 Youth Awan Morrisette, Herve Holy Cross 1977 1 UG Library
243 RAD 00007319 Hindu View of Life krishnan, S Radha 1989 400 p UG Library
243 VER 00002212 G K Chesterton`s Conversion Verstraelen, E Ranchi 1945 1 UG Library
243.04 ARR 00020824 Justice With Faith Today Arrupe, Perdo Gujarat Sahitya Prakash 1980 320 p.; UG Library
244 W-5 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
244.206 KIZ 00085334 Jeremiah Kizhakkeyil, Sebastian Asian Trading Corporation 2007 8170864062 239 p UG Library
245 VAN 00030181 Broken Body Vanier, Jean St.Paul`s Publication 1987 146 p UG Library
246 H-1 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
246 X-6 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
246 ENG 05065280 Walking on water : L'Engle, Madeleine. Walking on Water, 2001 9780877889182 xv, 240 p. ; Knowledge Centre
246 HAO 00125011 Christian Music Haokip,Paolen Christian World Imprint 2016 9789351481058 111p UG Library
246 JEN 00145118 Visual theology : Liturgical Press, 2009 9780814653999 (pbk.) | 0814653995 (pbk.) xviii, 235 p. : UG Library
246 SMI 00131758 Liturgy as a way of life : Benson, Bruce Ellis, Baker Academic, 2013 9780801031359 (pbk.) 160 p. ; UG Library
246.2 BEA 00112585 Eve's Pilgrimage/ Beattie,Tina Burns and Oates 2002 0860123235 224p UG Library
246.40954 SIN 05031751 First Protestant Missionary to India : Singh, Brijraj Oxford University Press, 1999 194 p Knowledge Centre
246.53 ZEL 00108214 Windows to heaven Zelensky,Elizabeth. Brazos Press, 2005 1587431092 142 p. : UG Library
246.55 CHA 00135075 Inside a Catholic Church Champlin,Joseph M ATC Publications 2009 8170865190 124p UG Library
246.55 DIL 00145107 The symbols of the church / Dilasser, Maurice. Liturgical Press, 1999 081462538X (alk. paper) 167 p. : UG Library
246.55 THA 00107537 Church Sign and Sacrament of Unity Thamarassery Josey Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India: 2009 9788188456321 789 p. UG Library
246.55 THA 00107538 Church Sign and Sacrament of Unity Thamarassery Josey Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India: 2009 9788188456321 789 p. UG Library
246.558 VAZ 00107536 The Biblical and Archaeological Foundations of The Mar Thoma Sliba Vazhuthanapally Joseph Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India: 1998 xvi, 144 p. UG Library
246.7 BAR 00091251 Christianity in Indian Dance Forms Barboza Francis Peter Sri Satguru Publications 1990 81703202498 223p UG Library
246.95 VOS 00145064 God's house is our house : Vosko, Richard S. Liturgical Press, 2006 0814630146 (pbk.) | 9780814630143 xxx, 253 p., [8] p. of plates : UG Library
247 CHA 07002400 It crossed my mind / Chandra, Shailaja. Rupa & Co., 2007 8129109328 xv, 259 p. ; Library - BR Campus
247 SRI 07006467 Bureaucracy in action / Rawat Publication, 2012 9788131605257 x, 221 pages ; Library - BR Campus
248 I-2 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
248 PEA 03003302 Power of Positive Thinking for Young People Peale, Norman Vincen Vermilion 9780091906436 217 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
248 ALI 00135794 Feminine Spirituality Alic,Mini Christava Sahitya Samithi 2014 142p UG Library
248 ALV 00139918 Saint Francis of Assisi: Alves,Mary Emmanuel St. Pauls 2019 9788171095957 88p UG Library
248 AUR 00122348 Aathmadharsanangal Aureoles,Marcus Jeevan Books 2014 9788189458737 171p UG Library
248 BEN 00110788 Spirituality and the awakening self : Benner, David G. Brazos Press, 2012 9781587432965 (pbk.) xv, 240 p. : UG Library
248 BIA 00120899 Echoes from the Word Bianchi,Enzo Pauline 2013 9788171168301 221p UG Library
248 BRI 00112722 The Joy of Spirit filled Living Bright,Bill St. Pauls 2008 9788171098279 141p UG Library
248 BRI 00121246 The Joy of Finding Jesus Bright,Bill St. Pauls 2008 9788171098293 140p UG Library
248 BRI 00112717 The Joy of Active Prayer Bright,Bill St. Pauls 2011 9788171098248 115p UG Library
248 BRI 00121232 The Joy of Sharing Jesus Bright,Bill St. Pauls 2008 9788171098309 140p UG Library
248 BRI 00121233 The Joy of Trusting God Bright,Bill St. Pauls 2008 9788171098255 139p UG Library
248 BRI 00121234 The Joy of Total Forgiveness Bright,Brill St. Pauls 2008 9788171098323 115p UG Library
248 BRI 00112720 The Joy of Finding Jesus Bright,Bill St. Pauls 2008 9788171098293 140p UG Library
248 BRO 00130253 How to Receive Prosperity and Provision Brott,Rich ABC Publishing 2008 9781601850058 271p UG Library
248 BRU 03010651 The Quest of the Overself : Brunton, Paul. Rider , 1937 9781844130412 344 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
248 BUR 00140176 Reflections on Augustine's Search For God Burt,Donald X St. Pauls 2019 9788171097609 144p UG Library
248 CAM 00143566 Like Stars in the Heavens: Cameroni, Pierluigi Kristu Jyoti Publications 2022 9789393227041 456p UG Library
248 CAN 00060413 They Walked With Jesus Cannon,Dolores Gateway Books 2003 212 p. UG Library
248 CEN 00030183 To Live Reconciled: Psychological Aspects Cencini, Amedeo St.Paul`s Publication 1987 184 p UG Library
248 CEN 00030184 You Shall Love the Lord Your God Psychology of Encountering God Cencini, Amedeo St.Paul`s Publication 172 p UG Library
248 CES 00143967 Sanctifying Truth: Cessario, Romanus Magnificat 2021 9781949239829 95p UG Library
248 CHA 00120922 Daivavili Chakkanattu, Raju Don Bosco Publications 2010 112p UG Library
248 CHE 00088050 Discovering the Treasure of Marriage Cherry, Bebbie 2003 9710781439094 204p UG Library
248 COF 00120900 The Best of Being Catholic Coffey,Kathy Pauline 2012 9788171167779 231p UG Library
248 DAU 00139923 St. Dominic Savio: St. Pauls 2019 9788171097333 120p UG Library
248 DEA 00141618 Praise Be Peace Dear,John St. Pauls 2021 9788194749516 211p UG Library
248 DET 00139868 Priestly Spirituality: Detisch,Scott P Pauline Publications 2021 9788194429982 215p UG Library
248 DIA 00092933 May Floers Titles of Our Lady Dias, Clarence St pauls 2009 9788171098330 132p UG Library
248 DOM 00135060 God of the Exercises Dominic,A Paul ATC Publications 2016 9788170867586 231p UG Library
248 DOM 00139883 Trails of Consecrated Life in Pentateuch Dominic Paul A Pauline Publications 2020 9788194281399 156p UG Library
248 DOW 00135759 The Depth of God's Reach: Downey,Michael Theological Publications in India 2019 9789388953023 131p UG Library
248 EST 00142209 The Christian Message: Esteves,Sarto Asian Trading Corporation 1994 8170861764 272p UG Library
248 FAL 00141605 Formation for the Celibate Life: Falkenhain,John Mark Pauline Publications 2019 9788195232604 268p UG Library
248 FER 00139921 St. Anthony of Padua: Fernando,Paschal ATC Publishers 1994 9788170861751 *4p UG Library
248 FER 00125173 My God of Surprise Fernandes,Maria Estefania St. Pauls 2008 9788171098576 181p UG Library
248 FRA 00140180 Sanyasa Jeevitham: Francis,Pope Carmel International Publishing House 2019 9788194252993 189p UG Library
248 FUL 00130246 All for the Love of You Fuller,Joanne L Xulon Press 2014 9781498400657 143p UG Library
248 GAB 00130156 Consecrated Secularity/ Gabriel,Smitha SFS Publications 2017 216p UG Library
248 GAR 00140517 Visions of Vocation Garber,Steven Intervarsity Publications India 2014 9788193061947 255p UG Library
248 GAR 00130342 Visions of Vocation Garber,Steven Intervarsity Publications India 2014 9788193061947 255p UG Library
248 GAU 00143879 Journey of the soul : Gaultiere, William, Revell 2021 9780800740351 | 9780800739027 235 pages : UG Library
248 GOM 00135019 A Hidden Pearl Gomes,Anil Asian Trading Corporation 2009 8170865220 93p UG Library
248 GRE 00130305 On Union with God Great,Albert Continuum 2000 96p UG Library
248 HAU 00072153 In His Spirit a Guide to Today`s Spirituality [dharmaram Library] Hauser, Richard J 1982 0809124211 117 UG Library
248 HAU 00119034 Just Courage Haugen,Gary A St. Pauls 2008 148p UG Library
248 HEI 00122125 Leisure and spirituality : Heintzman, Paul. Backer Academic 2015 9780801048722 (pbk.) xxviii, 324 pages : UG Library
248 HOL 05006469 Christian Spirituality / Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781444337655 xiii,568 p. Knowledge Centre
248 HOU 00129651 The Mentored Life Houston, James M Regent College Publishing 2007 9781573834476 239p UG Library
248 HOW 00117615 Sources of Transformation Howells, Edward Continuum, 2010 9781441125750 | 1441125752 xv, 203 p. ; UG Library
248 HOW 00129330 Sources of transformation : Howells,Edward Continuum, 2010 9781441125750 (pbk.) | 1441125 xv, 203 p. ; UG Library
248 HUM 00101413 Ecstasy and Intimacy : Humphrey, Edith McEwan. W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2006 9780802831477 (pbk. : alk. pap xiii, 295 p. : UG Library
248 INI 00138332 Called to Move Beyond Inigo St. Pauls 2019 9788193730409 284p UG Library
248 INI 00137173 Consecrated life called to move beyond Inigo Pauline Publications 2019 9788171769537 284p UG Library
248 ISR 01015768 Summons to life : Israel, Martin. Hodder and Stoughton, 0340177454 : | 9780826451026 159 p. ; Knowledge Centre
248 ISR 00092782 Summons to Life : Israel, Martin. Hodder and Stoughton, 1974 0340177454 : 159 p. ; UG Library
248 JER 00120901 Keep going keep growing Jerry New Leader Books 2014 9789383141074 63p UG Library
248 JOS 00142214 The love of eternal wisdom according to St. Montfort Joseph,Lawrence Asian Trading Corporation 2017 9789386516015 78p UG Library
248 JOS 00139662 Towards a local tribal church : Jose, V.M. Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth; | Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485148 243 p. ; UG Library
248 KAD 00140187 The Spirituality of the Diocesan Priest Kadaplackal,Abraham St. Pauls 2010 9788171096725 76p UG Library
248 KAI 00140158 Mercy: Kaitholil,George St. Pauls 2016 9789350152584 114p UG Library
248 KAP 00122347 Ingathering Kappen,Sebastian Jeevan Books 2013 252p UG Library
248 KAR 00130166 Passionate for Christ Karickal,Kurian Charis Bhavan 2017 132p UG Library
248 KAT 00140143 Eswarasvadanam Katwar,John St. Pauls 2020 9789386069016 80p UG Library
248 KAV 00104500 The collected works of St. Teresa of Avila Teresa, Institute of Carmelite Studies, 1976 0960087621 : vii 406p; UG Library
248 KAV 00104499 The collected works of St. Teresa of Avila Teresa, Institute of Carmelite Studies, 1976 0960087621 : vii 406p; UG Library
248 KAV 00104498 The collected works of St. Teresa of Avila Teresa, Institute of Carmelite Studies, 1976 0960087621 : vii 406p; UG Library
248 KEM 00018442 The Imitation of Christ Kempis, Thomas A Image 1955 236 p UG Library
248 KEM 00069122 The Imitation of Christ Kempis, Thomas A Image 1955 236 p UG Library
248 KIL 00122360 Visudhiyude Vijayarahashyangal Kiliyananickal,James Sophia Books 2015 9789381796993 399p UG Library
248 KIL 00120916 Murivilninnu Thirumurivilekku Kiliyananickal, James Sophia Books 2011 9788192069920 87p UG Library
248 KOC 00103620 Spirituality Of Human Brokenness Kochalumkal, Peter Dharmaram Publications, 2007 9788189958053 96 p. UG Library
248 KOO 00139955 Trends in Contemporary Spirituality Koottanal,Benny G SFS Publications 2014 208p UG Library
248 KOO 00130179 Trends in Contemporary Spirituality Koottanal,Benny G SFS Publications 2014 208p UG Library
248 KUN 00140173 Puthiya Sbhaykum Puthiya Lokathinum Vendi Kunnumpuram,Kurian St. Pauls 2016 9789386069054 156p UG Library
248 KUT 00140959 Formation Towards Psychosexual and Celibate Integration : Kuttianimattathil, Jose Kristu Jyoti Publications 2021 9788195150434 vols. UG Library
248 KUT 00140960 Formation Towards Psychosexual and Celibate Integration : Kuttianimattathil, Jose Kristu Jyoti Publications 2021 9788195150434 vols. UG Library
248 KUT 00140961 Formation Towards Psychosexual and Celibate Integration : Kuttianimattathil, Jose Kristu Jyoti Publications 2021 9788195150434 vols. UG Library
248 KUT 00140962 Formation Towards Psychosexual and Celibate Integration : Kuttianimattathil, Jose Kristu Jyoti Publications 2021 9788195150434 vols. UG Library
248 KUT 00140963 Formation Towards Psychosexual and Celibate Integration : Kuttianimattathil, Jose Kristu Jyoti Publications 2021 9788195150434 vols. UG Library
248 KUT 00140964 Formation Towards Psychosexual and Celibate Integration : Kuttianimattathil, Jose Kristu Jyoti Publications 2021 9788195150434 vols. UG Library
248 KUT 00140965 Formation Towards Psychosexual and Celibate Integration : Kuttianimattathil, Jose Kristu Jyoti Publications 2021 9788195150434 vols. UG Library
248 KUT 00140966 Formation Towards Psychosexual and Celibate Integration : Kuttianimattathil, Jose Kristu Jyoti Publications 2021 9788195150434 vols. UG Library
248 KUT 00140771 Formation Towards Psychosexual and Celibate Integration : Kuttianimattathil, Jose Kristu Jyoti Publications 2021 9788195150434 vols. UG Library
248 KUT 00140772 Formation Towards Psychosexual and Celibate Integration : Kuttianimattathil, Jose Kristu Jyoti Publications 2021 9788195150434 vols. UG Library
248 KUT 00140773 Formation Towards Psychosexual and Celibate Integration : Kuttianimattathil, Jose Kristu Jyoti Publications 2021 9788195150434 vols. UG Library
248 KUT 00140774 Formation Towards Psychosexual and Celibate Integration : Kuttianimattathil, Jose Kristu Jyoti Publications 2021 9788195150434 vols. UG Library
248 KUT 00119605 Ente Sneha Sammanam Kuttiyanimatathil, Jose Don Bosco Publications 2014 78p UG Library
248 KUZ 00140050 Daivaviliyum Velluvilikalum Kuzhivelil,Justin Claretain Publications 2020 224p UG Library
248 LAM 00134063 A Book of Sparks Lambert,Shaun Instant Apostle 2014 9781909728158 209p UG Library
248 LAM 00121267 Directions for Communications Lambert,Willi Claretian Publications 2001 8186507892 243p UG Library
248 LAW 00142112 Co-pilgrims for a better world Lawrence,Antony ATC Publishers 2021 9789391399160 303p UG Library
248 LIT 00139920 Charles de Foucauld: St. Pauls 2011 9788171092093 159p UG Library
248 LOP 00119038 Radical Witness of Christ Lopez.Melba St. Pauls 2008 103p UG Library
248 MAD 00140054 St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta: Madavath,Annamma Claretian Publications 2019 232p UG Library
248 MAD 00121216 Surprised by Truth Madrid.Patrick Beslica Press 2006 0964261081 270p UG Library
248 MAD 00122338 Daivalayangalkkumappuram Madathikunnel,Biju Jeevan Books 2014 9789383341269 180p UG Library
248 MAN 00130173 Spiritual Direction Manalel,Devasia S F S Publications 2008 366p UG Library
248 MAN 00139901 St. Anthony Mary Claret Anointed and Sent: Mannarath,Noble Claretian Publications 2020 538p UG Library
248 MAN 00140049 A Renewed Vision and Mission for Consecrated Life in the Syro Malabar Church Mannarath,Noble Claretian Publications 2021 524p UG Library
248 MAN 00140053 St. Anthony Mary Claret Anointed and Sent: Mannarath,Noble Claretian Publications 2020 538p UG Library
248 MAR 00112879 Six Secrets to a Powerful Quiet Time MartinCatherine Authentic Publishers 2010 9788173628139 269p UG Library
248 MAX 00112856 Embraced by the Cross Maxwell, L E Authentic Publishers 2002 9788173628726 209p UG Library
248 MEN 00140052 Journeying Through Distraction..The Joy of Coming Home: Mendonca,Christopher Claretian Publications 2021 9788189851521 218p UG Library
248 MEN 00139917 St. Romero: Mendonca,Cliffton Pauline Publications 2018 9788171769469 126p UG Library
248 MEN 00124146 Becoming Mystics and Prophets in Our Time Menamparampil,Thomas Calaretian Publications 2015 9788189851910 95p UG Library
248 MIR 00139899 For the Saint in Your Womb Miranda,Lajan Theo Books 2020 9798553069728 155p UG Library
248 MOO 00139924 Remembering Alphonsa: Moozhayil,Leela Pauline Publications 2016 9788171766499 132p UG Library
248 MUC 00140170 Preparation for Death Muckerman,Norman J St. Pauls 2020 9788171094189 133p UG Library
248 MUR 00139747 Collected Works on Prayer Murrray,Andrew Whitaker House 2013 9781603748339 926 Pages UG Library
248 MUR 00130252 Faith Unto Salvation and Victorious Living Murphy,Larry Author House 2005 1420808613 165p UG Library
248 MUT 00139886 Greatfulness: Muuto,Susan Pauline Publications 2021 9788194429913 184p UG Library
248 NGU 00122314 The Salesian Legacy of Father Philip Rinaldi Nguyen,Martino dai loc Kristu Jyothi Publications 2015 9788187370857 147p UG Library
248 NIR 00122337 Enikkum Ninakkum Madhye Nirmal,Vinayak Jeevan Books 2013 9788189458898 109p UG Library
248 NOU 00135138 Circles of Love Nouwen,Henry J M St. Pauls 1988 9788171092826 88p UG Library
248 ODE 00093008 The Good Works Reader / Oden, Thomas C. W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2007 9780802840318 (pbk. : alk. pap xxx, 360 p. ; UG Library
248 ODO 00073412 Angels Keep Their Ancient Places O`Donoghue, Noel Dermot T & T Clark 2001 0567088138 | 9780567088130 126 p. UG Library
248 OST 03008291 It's Your Time : Osteen, Joel Free Press, 2009 9781439100127 305 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
248 OST 04015551 It's Your Time : Osteen, Joel Free Press, 2009 9781439100127 305 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
248 OST 04015960 It's Your Time : Osteen, Joel Free Press, 2009 9781439100127 305 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
248 PAN 00088070 Man and the Pearl: A Chritological Interpretation of Purusasukta and the Peal of St Ephrem Pandiappallil, Joseph Asian Trading Corporation 2007 8170864151 187p UG Library
248 PAN 00122355 Balaheenatha Balamakumbole Pandisseril,Mathews Irene Books 2015 168p UG Library
248 PAN 00112600 Man and the Pearl: A Chritological Interpretation of Purusasukta and the Peal of St Ephrem Pandiappallil, Joseph Asian Trading Corporation 2007 8170864151 187p UG Library
248 PAT 05073502 Dialogues with Dadaji on life & living / Patel, K. K. HSRC, 2017 429p, ; Knowledge Centre
248 PAU 00130158 Formative Missionary Spirituality for religious/ Paul,Nihita SFS Publications 2016 438p UG Library
248 PAU 00030177 Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Christifideles Paul, Maliakel N 1967 180 p UG Library
248 PAU 00030178 Dignity &vocation of Women Paul, John St Pauls 1978 115 p UG Library
248 PAU 00139905 Fragrance of Holiness in India Paul, M K St. pauls 2009 9788171099887 135p UG Library
248 PAY 00122342 Aatharikasaukhyavum aathmabhishekavum Payyambally,Alex Jeevan Books 2015 978938341405 182p UG Library
248 PEA 00072507 The Power of Positive Thinking for Young People. Peale, Norman Vincent, Prentice-Hall 1955 8171080731 189 p. UG Library
248 PER 00139915 St. Joseph Vaz: Pereira,Denis G Pauline Publications 2016 9788171768332 198p UG Library
248 PET 00110791 Foundations of spiritual formation : Pettit,Paul Kregel Publications, 2008 9780825434693 318 p. ; UG Library
248 PIC 00137179 Reflections on the Greatest Parables Ever Told Pichappilly.John St. Pauls 2019 9789350153529 222p UG Library
248 PIN 00139919 Heart of Cure d'Ars Pinto,Robert St. Pauls 2010 9789350150290 48p UG Library
248 PIN 05065278 Pro-life are you ? : Pinto, Jeanette. Better Yourself Books & Media Pvt Ltd, 2016 9789350152904 240 p. ; Knowledge Centre
248 POA 00139916 St. Maria Goretti Poage,Godfrey Pauline Publications 2018 9788171763375 88p UG Library
248 POS 00142155 Godly Love: Post,Stephen G St. Pauls 2008 9789350150757 148p UG Library
248 PRA 00112696 Reflections on spirituality Prabhakar,Samson Samson Prabhakar 2006 50p UG Library
248 PUC 00139933 St. Camillus De Lellis Pucci,Mario St. Pauls 2011 817109189X 136p UG Library
248 PUD 00135149 Rainbow in Tears Pudussery,Devasia ATC Publications 2019 9789386516787 117p UG Library
248 PUL 00140195 Vilichavante Pinnale Pulickal, Thomas Carmel International Publishing House 2021 9789390096251 228p UG Library
248 PUN 00120920 Pralobhanagale Vida Punnathara,Benny Sophia Books 2015 9789381796979 191p UG Library
248 PUS 00122367 Options and Discernment Pushparaj,Suresh Chitra Foundation 2012 248p UG Library
248 PUT 00142149 Fr. De Nobili, a trendsetter : Asian Trading Corporation; 2007 9798170864164 | 817086416X 76 p. ; UG Library
248 PUT 00139435 Fr. De Nobili, a trendsetter : Asian Trading Corporation; 2007 9798170864164 | 817086416X 76 p. ; UG Library
248 PUT 00143623 Authority and Power: Puthenpurackal, Johnson J Omega Book World, | Vijnananilayam, 2019 9789389069037 183p UG Library
248 PUT 00142161 Ignatian Spiritual Exercises in Dialogue with Hinduism and Buddhism Puthiadam,Ignatius ATC Publications 2006 8170863848 219p UG Library
248 PUT 00122335 Ente Karthave ente Daivame Puthenpurackal,Joseph Jeevan Books 2014 144p UG Library
248 PUT 00122334 Jeevan Samarthamakan Puthenpurackal,Joseph Jeevan Books 2014 176p UG Library
248 RAG 00140132 Brahmachariam: Ragwin,Youves St. Pauls 2020 9799386069541 112p UG Library
248 REB 00130169 Salesian Spirituality Rebello,Noel SFS Publications 2008 90p UG Library
248 REB 00068319 Salesiam Spirituality Rebello, Noel Sfs Publications 2004 8185376646 398p UG Library
248 ROD 00141613 Biblical Heroes and Anti Heroes: Rodrigues,Shailendra St. Pauls 2021 9789350153574 127p UG Library
248 ROS 00130178 Thy Will be Done Rose,Abhaya S F S Publications 2017 265p UG Library
248 RUP 00121220 May I Have This dance Rupp,Joyce Pauline Publications 2013 194p UG Library
248 SAB 00137185 Together Let`s Push Sabu,Dheeraj NCO Publications 2019 147p UG Library
248 SAL 00139927 Introduction to the Devout Life: Sales,Francis De St. Pauls 2013 9788171095742 315p UG Library
248 SAL 00130172 Spiritual Conferences Sales, Francis De S F S Publications 1998 180p UG Library
248 SHE 00142169 Life is worth living Sheen,Fulton J St. Pauls 2017 9789350150252 320p UG Library
248 SHE 00102098 Lift up Your Heart Sheen Fulton.J Asian trading corporation; 1998 9798170865789 280 p. UG Library
248 SKI 00013492 Words of Revolution Skinner, Tom Grand Rapids 1970 1 UG Library
248 SMI 00147186 On the road with Saint Augustine : Smith, James K. A., Brazos Press, 2019 9781587433894 xiv, 240 pages : UG Library
248 SMI 00072217 Soul at Work: Reflections on Spirituality of Working: [dharmaram Library] Smith-Moran, Barbara 2000 0884893960 110p UG Library
248 SOD 00125025 Reliving Christian Life in the Globalized World Today Sodder,Mudita Christian World Imprints 2016 9789351481096 338p UG Library
248 STE 00120689 Living the story : Stevens, R. Paul, Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2003 0802860745 xvi, 222 p. ; UG Library
248 STR 00134773 A Christian Guide to Leading with Love Strauch,Alexander Authentic Books 2008 9788173625771 201p. UG Library
248 STU 00130174 Apostolate According to St. Francis De Sales S F S Publications 1983 144p UG Library
248 TER 00122369 Mother Teresa: Xavier,Francis G Asian Trading Corporation 2012 817086626x 234p UG Library
248 THA 00119019 Three Pillars of Benedictine Spirituality Thattamparamban, James Asian Trading Corporation 2011 72p UG Library
248 THA 00112587 Feminine Spirituality Thampy,Rosy St. Pauls 2011 9789350150825 192p UG Library
248 THE 00140161 Njanille Koode: Theresa,Leena St. Pauls 2018 9789386069245 112p UG Library
248 THE 00140149 Hrudayngalude Inakkam Theresa,Leena St. Pauls 2018 9789386069290 155p UG Library
248 THE 00135064 Holy Water Theiler,Henry ATC Publications 2016 9789386516640 105p UG Library
248 THE 00140196 Visudha Mariyam Thresia Therese,Leena St. Pauls 2019 9799386069527 111p UG Library
248 THO 00122361 Kusavanum Manpathravum Thoolika,J Sophia Books 2015 9789384884031 127p UG Library
248 TOS 00139424 Husband, father, worker : Toschi, Larry. ATC Publishers; 2019 9789386516916 128 p. ; UG Library
248 TRO 00139922 Saint Thomas Aquinas: Trouve,Marianne Lorraine Pauline Publications 2016 9788171768752 144p UG Library
248 VAL 00140178 Samarppanam Sannyasathil Valummel,Augustine Carmel International Publishing House 2020 151p UG Library
248 VAN 00068987 366 Readings from Christinity Van De Weyer, Robert Jaico Publishing House 2005 8179920747 ix 374 p UG Library
248 WAL 00117543 Giving up God to find God Walters,Kerry Theological Publications in India 2013 179p UG Library
248 WAL 00060440 Conversations With God - Book 3 Walsch, Neale Donald Hodder & stoughton 1999 0340836253 | 9780340836255 392 p. UG Library
248 WAL 00060444 Conversations With God (book One) Walsch, Neale Donald Hooder & Stoughton 1997 0340836237 211 p UG Library
248 WAL 00060445 Conversations With God (book Two) Walsch, Neale Donald Hooder & Stoughton 1997 0340836245 263 p UG Library
248 WAL 00117544 Giving up God to find God Walters,Kerry Theological Publications in India 2013 179p UG Library
248 WAR 00112863 God's Power to Change Your Life Warren,Rick Zondervan 2006 9780310285755 236p UG Library
248 WAS 00139959 Feel His Cross Washington,Adolf I J A Publications 2007 8186778586 63p UG Library
248 WAT 00129652 The Modern Day Prophet Wastson, R C Author House 2014 9781477267578 233p UG Library
248 WAT 00142175 Making Friends: Watkinson,Duncan Dincan Watkinson 2013 978161341576 48p UG Library
248 WEN 00143643 Pastoring: Wentz, David Omega Book World, 2019 9789389069273 295p UG Library
248 WHE 00030180 Call to Be : Reflections on Christian Life Formation Whelan, Michael St.Paul`s Publication 1987 189 p UG Library
248 WIL 00142231 When God prayed / Wilton, Don. B & H Pub. Group, 2008 9780805445541 (pbk.) | 0805445544 (pbk.) ix, 244 p. ; UG Library
248 WIS 00088018 Spirtuality and Mysticism Wiseman, James A 2006 ISB1570756562 242p UG Library
248 WOO 00139906 St. Vincent de Paul Woodgate,M V St. Pauls 2019 9788171090952 86p UG Library
248 WOO 00139930 St. Thomas More Woodgate,M V St. Pauls 2013 8171090966 93p UG Library
248 WOO 00139931 Thomas Becket Woodgate,M V St. Pauls 2009 8171090990 96p UG Library
248 YOU 00132288 Spiritual Nourishment Youanis St Shenouda's Monastery 2013 9780987340054 169p UG Library
248.019 HUS 05031752 Horizons of Spiritual Psychology / Husain, Akbar Global Vision Publishing House, 2008 8182202787 371 p Knowledge Centre
248.04 GUM 00064778 Alpha Team Training Manual [ Dharmaram Librery ] Gumbel, Nicky 1999 8173621659 43 p UG Library
248.072 DUR 00072223 Teacher`s Calling a Spirituality for Those Who Teach [dharmaram Library] Durka, Goria Siga 2004 8171085628 94 UG Library
248.0882 KIT 00125032 Women in Church and Society Kithan,Zuberno Sceptre 2014 429p UG Library
248.08827 KHO 00142230 Wesleyan Eucharistic spirituality Khoo,Lorna Lock-Nah ATF Press 2005 1920691316 301p UG Library
248.0902 REU 00106493 Sweet communion : Reuver, A. de, Baker Academic, 2007 9780801031229 (pbk.) | 0801031 303 p. : UG Library
248.0947 WAY 00120676 The way of a pilgrim / Dover Publications, Inc., 2008 9780486455976 | 0486455971 Dover ed. 192 p. UG Library
248.0954 KUN 00088102 Life in Abundance: Indian Chritian Reflections on Spirituality Kunnumpuram, Kurien S J St Pauls 2006 8171097901 256p UG Library
248.0954 MOO 00085332 Introduction to Indian Spirituality Mookenthottam, Antony Iis Publications 2006 8185812365 153 p UG Library
248.0954 THO 00103612 Indian Spirituality Thottakara, Augustine Dharmaram Publications, 9788186861793 383 p. UG Library
248.2 BAS 00092767 Holy Anger : Basset, Lytta. Continuum, 2007 0826480721 (pbk.) | 9780826480 295 p. ; UG Library
248.2 BOR 00018479 Meeting God in Man Boros, Ladislaus Image 1971 156 p UG Library
248.2 FYN 00068698 Mister God this is Anna Fynn The Random House Publishing Group 1986 0345327225 | 07099900650 181 p. UG Library
248.2 GAR 00092865 Into the World You Love Encountering God in Everyday Life Garrett Graeme ATF Press 2007 1920691995 294p UG Library
248.2 KAT 00112605 Jesus/ Kattady,Aloysius St. Pauls 2012 9789350150993 127p UG Library
248.2 KEE 00062882 Stages of the Soul Keenan, Father Paul Tata McGraw -Hill Publishing Company Ltd 2002 0070582769 | 9780070495098 232 p. UG Library
248.2 LAM 00130244 The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Christian Mysticism Lamm, Julia Wiley Blackwell 2017 9781119283508 651p UG Library
248.2 MOT 00018461 The Spiritual Exercieses of St. Ignatius Mottolo, Anthony Image Books 1964 198 p. UG Library
248.2 MOT 00018460 The Spiritual Exercieses of St. Ignatius Mottolo, Anthony Image Books 1964 198 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
248.2 OST 00088905 Become a Better You Osteen, Joel 2008 9781416560586 379p UG Library
248.2 POD 00030175 Struggle for Justice and Responsible Disobedience Podimattam, M Felix Rego & Sons 1989 100 p UG Library
248.2 TER 00018482 Interior Castle Teresa, P Silverio De Santa Image Books 1961 236 p. UG Library
248.2 TER 00018483 Interior Castle Teresa, P Silverio De Santa Image Books 1961 236 p. UG Library
248.2/2/019 KRO 00096876 The Mystic Mind : Kroll, Jerome. Routledge, 2005 0415340519 (pbk.) | 0415340500 p. cm. UG Library
248.22 UND 03001899 Essentials of Mysticism Underhill, Evelyn One World 9781851681952 208 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
248.22 BAX 00143881 An introduction to Christian mysticism : Baxter, Jason M., Baker Academic 2021 9781540961228 | 9781540964397 x, 192 pages ; UG Library
248.22 CAM 00130223 The God of intimacy and action : Campolo, Anthony. Jossey-Bass, 2007 9780787987411 (cloth) | 078798 1st ed. xiv, 229 p.: UG Library
248.22 CAU 00092947 The Joy of Full Surrender Caussade, Jean-Pierre De St pauls 2009 9788171097708 171p UG Library
248.22 JAG 00072212 Search for the Meaning of Life Essays and Reflections on the Mythical Experience [dharmaram Library] Jager, Willigis 2003 0076481107 297 UG Library
248.22 LAN 00103615 In the Service of The Word Of God Canisius 9788189958138 180 p. UG Library
248.22 MAL 00020819 Invaded By God. Maloney, George A DIMENSION 1979 224 P UG Library
248.22 NEL 00112114 Christian mysticism : Nelstrop, Louise. Ashgate Pub. Ltd., 2009 9780754657323 (hardcover : alk x, 277 p. ; UG Library
248.22 NEL 00111729 Christian mysticism : Nelstrop, Louise. Ashgate Pub. Ltd., 2009 9780754657323 (hardcover : alk x, 277 p. ; UG Library
248.22 POD 00020707 Mystical Prayer for All Podimattam, Felix M Asian 1980 204 p UG Library
248.22 RAY 00019218 This Is Your Tomorrow and Today Raymond, St.Paul 1967 1 UG Library
248.22 REY 00139949 Living with the Mind of Christ Reynolds,Stefan Gillow St. Pauls 2019 9789350153475 272p UG Library
248.22 REY 00138338 Living with the Mind of Christ Reynolds,Stefan Gillow St. Pauls 2019 9789350153475 272p UG Library
248.22 TAL 00110276 The Way of the Mystics Talbot, John Michael. Jossey-Bass, 2005 0787975729 (alk. paper) | 9780 1st ed. v, 234 p. ; UG Library
248.22 UKK 00138336 Light from Many Lamps Ukken,Clare Pauline 2019 9788171769612 187p UG Library
248.22 UND 04012630 Mysticism Underhill,Evelyn Oneworld 9781851681969 518P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
248.22 UND 00095205 The Essentials Of Mysticism Underhill Evelyn Oneworld, 9781851681952 208p UG Library
248.22 UND 00095313 Mysticism Underhill,Evelyn Oneworld 9781851681969 518P UG Library
248.22 VAL 00138641 Mystical Worlds Valmiki,Amita Nav Vishnu Publications 2019 9788194130710 221p UG Library
248.22 VIS 05031735 Friendship, Interiority and Mysticism : Visvanathan, Susan Orient Longman Publications, 2008 8125032215 253 p Knowledge Centre
248.22 VIS 05009556 Friendship, Interiority and Mysticism : Visvanathan, Susan Orient Longman Pvt. Ltd., 2007 9788125032215 253 p. Knowledge Centre
248.22082 LAN 00122076 Radical wisdom : Lanzetta, Beverly. Fortress Press, 2005 0800636988 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 262 p. ; UG Library
248.22082 LAN 00123035 Radical wisdom : Lanzetta, Beverly. Fortress Press, 2005 0800636988 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 262 p. ; UG Library
248.2209015 CLE 00139925 The roots of Christian mysticism : Clément, Olivier. New City Press 2013 9781565484856 (paperback : alk. paper) 2nd edition. 404 pages ; UG Library
248.22092 STA 07008722 The book of Margery Kempe, fourteen hundred & thirty-six; Norton Publication, 2001 9780393976397 xi,303p. Library - BR Campus
248.22094 FAN 00106247 The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Mysticism Fanous,Samuel. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521618649 | 0521618649 | 9 xxviii, 309 p. ; UG Library
248.24 KUN 00112589 Force Fraud or Free Choice Kunnumpuram,Kurian St. Pauls 2008 9788171098484 240p UG Library
248.24 WRI 00110938 Lent for everyone Wright,Tom Society foe Promoting Christian Knowledge 2011 9780281062218 x,162p UG Library
248.242 JOH 00130334 Religious Freedom and Conversion in India John,Aruthuckal Varghese SAIACS Press 2017 314p UG Library
248.246450994 SAH 01027917 Pentecostalism and politics of conversion in India / Sahoo, Sarbeswar, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108416122 (hardback : alk. paper) xviii, 205 pages ; Knowledge Centre
248.3 00140182 Seek God everywhere : De Mello, Anthony, Image/Doubleday, 2010 9780385531764 (pbk.) | 0385531761 (pbk.) 1st ed. xix, 199 p. ; UG Library
248.3 ALD 00082760 Praying With Power Aldred, Bishop Joe 2000 0826449840 160p UG Library
248.3 BEN 00138693 Now To Him Bennetts,Neil Monarch Books 2011 9780857210326 224p UG Library
248.3 BLO 00131009 For the glory of God : Block, Daniel Isaac, Baker Academic 2014 9780801026980 (cloth) xix, 410 pages : UG Library
248.3 CHA 00126901 Special Prayer Services Chacko,Alice Kristu Jyoti Publications 2017 215p UG Library
248.3 CHA 00126897 Let us Celebrate Mercy Chacko,Alice Kristu Jyoti Publications 2016 112p UG Library
248.3 COC 00137202 The Incredible Catholic Mass Cochem,Martin Von Tan Books 2012 9780895556080 402p UG Library
248.3 DIV 00022723 Alive to God Divakar, Parmanananda R GSP 1980 100 p UG Library
248.3 EVE 00018494 In His Presence Evely, Louis Image Books 1974 116 p UG Library
248.3 FIT 00109833 Spiritual Exercises Fitzmyer Joseph A. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co 1995 9780802826732 235 p. UG Library
248.3 KUN 00112699 Selected Writings of Samuel Raya S J. Vol 2:In Spirit and Truth Kunnumpuram,Kurien St. Pauls 2012 9789350150136 318p UG Library
248.3 KUN 00112601 Selected Writings of Samuel Raya S J. Vol 2:In Spirit and Truth Kunnumpuram,Kurien St. Pauls 2012 9789350150136 318p UG Library
248.3 LEW 00034981 At Home With God Lewis, Hedwig S.J. Gujarat Sahitya Prakash 1992 360 p. UG Library
248.3 MIC 00117411 Plays for worship Michael G Jyotee Prakashan 2005 246p UG Library
248.3 MIR 00120902 Come Let us Worship Miriam,N Pauline 2010 9788171766970 167p UG Library
248.3 MOO 00142188 Praying God's Word Moore,Beth B and H Publishing Group 2009 9780805464337 344p UG Library
248.3 TRA 00018488 Story of the Trapp Family Singers Trapp, Maria Augusta Image 1954 314 p UG Library
248.32 ANT 00141620 Prayer in the Life of Pope Francis: Antonisamy,F St. Pauls 9789350153970 156p UG Library
248.32 BAN 00112617 The Cloud of unknowing Bangley,Bernard St. Pauls 2010 8171097715 104p UG Library
248.32 BAR 00068294 Discernment in Prayer Paying Attention to God Barry, S J Asian Trading Corporation 1999 8170861853 128p UG Library
248.32 BOD 00105123 Landscape of Prayer Bodo,Murray. St.Anthony Messenger Press 2003 9780867165173 228p. UG Library
248.32 BUR 00110908 The essence of prayer / Burrows, Ruth. HiddenSpring, 2006 1587680394 (alk. paper) viii, 210 p. ; UG Library
248.32 CAS 00068347 Prayer That God Answer Maisa Castro, Regis Castro Claretian Publications 2005 8187804645 64p UG Library
248.32 CHA 00108210 The tree of life Chase,Steven. Baker Academic, 2005 0801027624 299 p. ; UG Library
248.32 COF 00136818 God in the Moment : Coffey, Kathy. Orbis Books, 2005 1570755787 202 p. ; UG Library
248.32 DAL 00117414 Simple Prayer Dalrymple,John St. Pauls 2010 9789350151433 125p UG Library
248.32 DAN 03005574 Take the Plunge Be an Entrepreneur / Danannavar, Mahesh. educampus, 2010 9788184652611 x, 196 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
248.32 DAU 00120885 Prayer Services Daughters of St Paul Pauline 1989 9788171760503 167p UG Library
248.32 GHE 00112570 Adventures in Daily Prayer Ghezzi,Bert St.Pauls 2010 9789350151396 160p UG Library
248.32 GRE 00121221 Weeds among the Wheat Green,Thomas H Pauline Publications 2011 9788171767359 237p UG Library
248.32 HAY 00120898 The Secrets of Intercessary Prayer Hayford,Jack Puline 2009 978-81-71767690 160p UG Library
248.32 JAU 00112854 Discovering Interior Prayer Jausions, Yves Theological Publications in India 2011 9788188821853 187p UG Library
248.32 KEA 00072166 Listening Praying Our Way to Virtue for Truth [dharmaram Library] Keating, James 2002 0764808168 95 UG Library
248.32 KEL 00135131 Lord Teach Us to Pray Keller,David G R SAIACS Press 2015 9788187712572 243p UG Library
248.32 KIS 03007585 Christian Teachings on the Practice of Prayer : New Seeds : | Distributed in the U.S. by Random House, 2006 1590302990 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1st New Seeds ed. xiv, 263 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
248.32 KOC 00068320 Before Him in Adoration Kolencherry, Fr Augustine Sfs Publications 2005 8185376603 253p UG Library
248.32 KOL 00068321 Prayer in Culture Kolenchery, Antony Franze Sales Verlag 2005 3772102530 128p UG Library
248.32 LEO 00134056 Sacred reading : Leonard,Duglas Ave Maria Press 2017 9781594717734 xiv, 396 pages ; UG Library
248.32 LUC 00135139 Come to Me Lucia,Vincent Martin St. Pauls 2017 9788171093175 310p UG Library
248.32 MAG 00120906 20 Prayer Services Magdalene,L Pauline 2014 9788171768004 136p UG Library
248.32 MIL 00112099 A praying life : Miller, Paul E., NavPress, 2009 9781600063008 279 p. : UG Library
248.32 MUR 00120708 With Christ in the school of prayer Murray, Andrew, Bridge-Logos Publishers, 1999 0882707795 (pbk.) xxv, 286 p. UG Library
248.32 NOR 00110906 The prayer God loves to answer / Nori, Don. Destiny Image, 2006 9780768423761 (pbk.) | 0768423 176 p. ; UG Library
248.32 NOU 00122370 With Open Hands Nouwen,Henri J M Asian Trading Corporation 2005 8170865204 125p UG Library
248.32 PRI 00112891 Lost Art of Meditation [dharmaram Library] Pritchard, Sheila SAIACS PRESS 2003 8187712104 132 UG Library
248.32 PRI 00072172 Lost Art of Meditation [dharmaram Library] Pritchard, Sheila SAIACS PRESS 2003 8187712104 132 UG Library
248.32 ROD 00141612 In A Prayerful Moment: Rodrigues,Learoy Pauline Publications 2021 9788195387601 170p UG Library
248.32 RUP 00102105 Prayer; Rupp Joyce Asian trading corporation; 9788170864974 127 p. UG Library
248.32 SEK 00124149 Let Us Stand For Prayer Sekhar,Vincent Claretian Publications 2016 263p UG Library
248.32 TAS 00120883 500 and more prayers Tassi,Filomena Pauline 2004 9788171767915 256p UG Library
248.32 TOR 00120707 Torrey on prayer : Torrey, R. A. Bridge-Logos, 2009 9780882709420 (alk. paper) xiii, 335 p. UG Library
248.32 VAR 00081017 Prayer and Ministry:A Harmonious Spirituality of Contemplation and Action in the Acts of The Apostles Varickasseril, Jose Vendrame Institute & DBCIC Publications 2007 400p UG Library
248.32 WIC 00121219 Prayerfulness Wicks,Robert J Pauline Publications 2011 9788171767205 198p UG Library
248.3208 ROB 00092777 On the Lord's Appearing : Robinson, Jonathan, Catholic University of America Press, 1997 0813208866 (cloth : alk. paper xii, 236 p. ; UG Library
248.3209 WER 00138702 Pray like this : Werline, Rodney Alan, T&T Clark International, 2007 9780567026835 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 0567026833 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9780567026330 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0567026337 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 163 p. ; UG Library
248.34 BOR 00102114 A method of contemplative prayer; Borst Father.J Asian Trading corporation; 9788170865643 52 p. UG Library
248.34 CAR 00082759 Meditations for Tomorrow Caraman, Philip S J 1998 0860122867 159p UG Library
248.34 JOW 00112695 A Daily Meditation Jowett,John Henry SAIACS 2005 366p UG Library
248.34 KAL 00120677 Thirst for the Divine Kalathil,Crispin Carmel International Publishing House 2007 128p UG Library
248.34 KIL 00135150 Psalmic Odes From Apostolic Times Kilroy,Bernard ATC Publications 2018 9789386516541 143p UG Library
248.34 MAI 00092935 Moment of Christ Main, John St pauls press 2009 9788171098040 159p UG Library
248.34 RAM 00135773 Meditation in Christianity Rama,Swami Himalayan Insitute India 1983 9780893893118 128p UG Library
248.34 RAY 00112595 God's Great Blessings Raybon,Patricia St. Pauls 2013 9789350151600 365p UG Library
248.34 SIL 00088033 Companions of Christ: Ignatian Spirituallity for Everyday Living Silf, Margaret Cambridge 2007 115p UG Library
248.34 STE 00112571 Be Fruitful Stephen,George St. Pauls 2003 817109662x 156p UG Library
248.34 YAT 00096355 Meditation and Spiritual Life Yatiswarananda, Swami Ramakrishna Mth 705 p. UG Library
248.4 PEA 00097973 Six Attittudes for Winners Peal, Vincent Norman Jaico Publishing House, 9788179929841 136 p. UG Library
248.4 PEA 04000008 Positive Imaging / Peale, Norman Vincent Orient Paper Backs, 2008 9788122203394 237 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
248.4 SCH 03003301 Tough Times Never Last but Tough People Do! Schuller, Robert H Bantam Books 9780553273328 237 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
248.4 82 MEL 00102447 Praying Naked : Stroud, J. Francis. Image Books/Doubleday, 2005 0385513143 (alk. paper) xviii 235 p. ; UG Library
248.4 ABR 00143003 Marriage Instruction: Abraham, John ATC Publishers 2022 9789391399290 165p UG Library
248.4 AGU 00121279 Responding to the Divine Call Agu,Ambrose C St. Pauls 2009 9788171099818 190p UG Library
248.4 ANC 00134464 Being a Religious Anchukandam,Thomas Kristu Jyoti Publications 2016 9788187370932 188p UG Library
248.4 AND 00111680 God wants you rich: Anderson,Scot Destiny Image Publishers Inc., 2009 9780768427455 186p.; UG Library
248.4 AND 00135084 Light when it comes : Anderson, Chris, William B Erdmans Publishing Company 2016 9780802873996 (pbk. : alk. paper) xv, 165 pages ; UG Library
248.4 AND 00072195 Overcoming Negative Self-Image [dharmaram Library] Anderson, Neil T 2003 0830732535 127 UG Library
248.4 ARI 00022726 God I Don`t Believe in Arias, Juan STP 1973 200 p UG Library
248.4 BAR 00092773 Living Belief : Barton, John, T & T Clark International, 2005 082648851X (pbk. : alk. paper) p. cm. UG Library
248.4 BAT 10004528 Win the day : 7 daily habits to help you stress less & accomplish more / by Mark Batterson. Batterson, Mark [Author] Multnomah, 2020 9780593192788 1st Ed. xx, 228 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
248.4 BEC 00112399 Soul provider : Beck, Edward L., Doubleday, 2007 9780385515528 (alk. paper) | 0 1st ed. 290 p. ; UG Library
248.4 BIF 00022738 Witnesses to Hope Bifet, Juan Esquerda ATP 1980 118 p UG Library
248.4 BOR 00109804 The Naked Christian Borlase Craig Relevant Media Group 2005 9780976035770 xi; 193 p. UG Library
248.4 BRA 00112868 In His Image Brand,Paul Authentic Publishers 2011 9788173622861 291p UG Library
248.4 BRI 00110929 When God says jump : Briggs, J. R., NavPress, 2006 1576838595 159 p. ; UG Library
248.4 BUL 00072184 Many Faces of Deception [dharmaram Library] Bulle, Florence OM BOOKS 2005 8173625999 208 UG Library
248.4 BYN 00109828 Matters Of The Heart: My Spiritual Inheritance Bynum,Juanita Charisma House 2002 1591854121 xxxii: 293 p. UG Library
248.4 CAL 04012093 The gospel of good success : Caldwell, Kirbyjon. Simon & Schuster, 1999 0684836688 | 9780684863078 255 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
248.4 CAN 00068341 Communion and Mission in Consecrated Life Canilang, Samuel H Claretian Publications 2005 8187804815 68p UG Library
248.4 CAR 00112876 Power of Praise Carothers,Merlin Authentic Publishers 2010 9788173620539 174p UG Library
248.4 CHE 00076193 Spitual Writings: Founder of Prado Family [ [dharmaram Library] Chevrier, Anthony Claretian Publications 2006 8189851004 117p UG Library
248.4 CHO 00134469 Family:Mystery and Ministry Choondal,Gilbert Kristu Jyoti Publications 2015 9788187370949 276p UG Library
248.4 CHO 00122320 Wake up the World Choondal,Gilbert Kristu Jyoti Publications 2015 10p UG Library
248.4 CLA 00105107 Charismatic Spirituality Clark, Stephen B. Servant Books, 2004 1569553904 (alk. paper) 136 p. ; UG Library
248.4 CLA 00112897 Tortured wonders : Clapp, Rodney. Brazos Press, 2004 1587431068 278 p. ; UG Library
248.4 CLO 04015741 The Law of Happiness : Cloud, Henry. Howard Books, 2011 9781439176993 | 143917699X 1st Howard Books hardcover ed. xiii, 208 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
248.4 CLO 03007800 The Law of Happiness : Cloud, Henry. Howard Books, 2011 9781439176993 | 143917699X 1st Howard Books hardcover ed. xiii, 208 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
248.4 COH 00130296 Raising the Soul Cohen,Warren Lee Sophia Books 2006 1855841096 148p UG Library
248.4 COP 00108001 God's Master Plan for Your Life : Copeland, Gloria. G.P. Putnam's Sons, 2008 9780399154737 248 p. ; UG Library
248.4 CRO 00143895 Why did Jesus live a perfect life? : Crowe, Brandon D., Baker Academic 2021 9781540962508 | 9781540964526 xiii, 210 pages ; UG Library
248.4 DIA 00094520 A life Designed by God : Diaz, Danny, Whitaker House, 2007 9780883686218 (trade pbk. : al 155 p. ; UG Library
248.4 DOM 00120890 Can Good Still come from Religious life Dominic,Paul A Pauline 2015 9788171768356 150p UG Library
248.4 DRU 00022715 CARING: Dubay, Thomas DIMENSION 1973 276 P UG Library
248.4 DWI 00072138 God Birthing: Towar Sacredness, Personal Meaning and Spiritual Nourishment [dharmaram Library] Dwinell, Michael 2000 0892436409 174p UG Library
248.4 EZH 00068349 Formation to Discipleship Ezhaparampil, Manuel Claretian Publications 2003 8187804424 206p UG Library
248.4 FER 00112611 Life Lessons/ Fernandez,Ignatius St. Pauls 2012 978935015120 223p UG Library
248.4 FOR 00146418 The drama of living : Ford, David, Brazos Press 2014 9781587433245 (pbk.) xviii, 216 pages : UG Library
248.4 GAI 00143878 33 days to Greater Glory Gaitley, Michael E Marian Press 2019 9781596145139 224p UG Library
248.4 GEO 05046734 Keys to Success in Life / Panthaplamthottiyil Jose CMI Chavara Hope Foundation, 2012 9788192457901 335p: Knowledge Centre
248.4 GRA 00131030 Where I am: Graham,Billy W Publishing Group 2015 9780718090562 265p UG Library
248.4 GRE 00122148 Covenant and Commandment : Green, Bradley G., Inter Varsity Press, 2014 9780830826346 185 p ; UG Library
248.4 GRO 10004501 Think ahead : 7 decisions you can make today for the God-honoring life you want tomorrow / by Craig Groeschel. Groeschel, Craig [Author] Zondervan Books, 2024 97803110369103 268 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
248.4 GUI 00135843 Choose Life Guillebaud,Simon Monarch Books 2014 9780857215222 365p UG Library
248.4 GUM 00064777 Alpha Course [ Dharmaram Librery ] Gumble, Nicky 2002 65 p UG Library
248.4 HAR 00124169 The Spirituality of Jesus : Hardin, Leslie T., Kregel Publications, 2009 9780825429057 (pbk.) 207 p. UG Library
248.4 HEN 00135813 The Remaking of Humanity Hensman,C R Christava Sahitya Samithi 2000 318p UG Library
248.4 HOL 00143925 A theology of the Christian life : Holmes, Christopher R. J., Baker Academic 2021 9781540964694 | 9781540964700 xvii, 171 pages ; UG Library
248.4 HOO 00118050 Imitating God in Christ : Hood, Jason B. 9780830827107 (pbk. : alk. pap 232 pages ; UG Library
248.4 INE 00092757 Busy Living : Ineson, Emma. Continuum, 2007 9780826491176 (pbk.) | 0826491 208 p. ; UG Library
248.4 JOH 00110942 Captivating John Thomas Nelson 2005 0785289097 x,238p UG Library
248.4 JON 00022760 Parents Deserve to Know. Jones, G Curtis Abd,Byb 1980 180 p UG Library
248.4 JON 00112869 Jesus, life coach : Jones, Laurie Beth. Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2004 0785261907 (hardcover) xxii, 322 p. ; UG Library
248.4 JOS 05041148 God's Own Office : Joseph James Portfolio, 2014 9780670087747 x,191p.: Knowledge Centre
248.4 KAK 00103813 A Book of Memory: Kakar Sudhir Penguin books; 2011 9780670084111 318 p. UG Library
248.4 KAK 05046669 A Book of Memory: Kakar Sudhir Penguin books; 2011 9780670084111 318 p. Knowledge Centre
248.4 KAL 07015628 Being Christian - Being Missional : Kalliath, Antony. ATC Publishers, 2024 9788119664085 xvi, 358p.; Library - BR Campus
248.4 KAL 05074578 Being Christian - Being Missional : Kalliath, Antony. ATC Publishers, 2024 9788119664085 xvi, 358p.; Knowledge Centre
248.4 KAR 00120921 Suvarna Cintakal Kariyil.Antony Media House 2014 9789384034375 176p UG Library
248.4 KEE 00120664 Keep Watch Congreation for Consecrated Life Carmel International Publishing House 2015 96p UG Library
248.4 KOE 00094555 True Discipleship : Koessler, John, Moody Publishers, 2003 080241642X 280 p. ; UG Library
248.4 LAH 00064805 Act of Marriage: The Beauty of Sexual Love Lahaye, Beverly OM BOOKS 2005 8173620520 302p UG Library
248.4 LAN 00129649 Life on the Level Lands,Jon Gethsemane Press 2013 9780985463342 220p UG Library
248.4 LEH 00137203 The Ways of Mental Prayer Lehodey,Dom Vitalis Tan Books 1982 9780895551788 408p UG Library
248.4 LOR 00022728 The Ideal Parents. Lord, Daniel A STP 1979 200 p UG Library
248.4 MAL 00022714 Inward Stillness Maloney, George A DIMENSION 1976 236 p UG Library
248.4 MAN 00112857 Enoch Manickam, Chandrakumar Authentic Publishers 2011 9789380737744 133p UG Library
248.4 MAN 00107495 Spiritua Guidelines Mankuzhikary Mathew Msgr. Nazareth Publications 2008 414 P. UG Library
248.4 MAX 04016746 The Winning Attitude : Maxwell, John C. Pauline Sisters, 1993 9788171762446 192p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
248.4 MCL 00094538 Opening The Door to Your Future : McLean, Lamont, Whitaker House, 2007 9780883687123 219 p. ; UG Library
248.4 MEL 00112866 Holding Your Family Together Melheim,Rich Authentic Publishers 2013 9789382603917 232p UG Library
248.4 MEY 00105532 Approval Addiction: Meyer,Joyce. Faith Words. 2005 9780446584111 xi,255p. UG Library
248.4 MIS 00095186 World Crisis and the Gandhian Way Mishra Anil Dutta Concept Publishing Company 9788180696008 311p UG Library
248.4 MOR 00022712 Discovering God`s Presence Morneau, A Robert TLP 1973 188 p UG Library
248.4 NER 00103610 Spiritual Insights Of Johannine Literature Dharmaram Publications, 9788186861920 96 p. UG Library
248.4 NEW 00072074 Loving Your Body: [ Dharmaram Library] Nreman, Deborah Christian Living 2000 1589970055 188p UG Library
248.4 NOR 05052009 Norman Vincent Peale's Treasury of joy and enthusiasm / Peale, Norman Vincent, F. H. Revell Co., 1981 0800760808 : ix, 207 p. ; Knowledge Centre
248.4 OCO 00018501 Good Man Is Hard to Find Oconnor, Flannery Image Books 1970 1 UG Library
248.4 OMU 00121241 Chaging Paradigms: Consecrated Religious Life: [dharmaram Library] O`Murchu, Diarmuid Claretian Publications 2006 8187804904 248p UG Library
248.4 OMU 00076192 Chaging Paradigms: Consecrated Religious Life: [dharmaram Library] O`Murchu, Diarmuid Claretian Publications 2006 8187804904 248p UG Library
248.4 PAC 00139879 Blessed broken given : Packiam, Glenn, Multnomah 2019 9780525650751 (pbk.) First Edition. 216 pages : UG Library
248.4 PAN 00120891 Community in Communion Panakezham,Thomas Kristu Jyoti Publications 2006 8187370408 87p UG Library
248.4 PAR 00118036 You're stronger than you think : Parrott, Les. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 2012 9781414348537 (paperback) : | xxv, 189 p. ; UG Library
248.4 PAR 00068337 Religious Community as Aparable of Love Paredes, Josecristoreygarciaparedes Claretian Publications 2005 8187804793 53p UG Library
248.4 PAR 00068338 Foundation Charismatic Roots and Identity Paredes, Josecristoreygarcia Claretian Publications 2005 8187804769 40p UG Library
248.4 PAR 00068339 Conformity With Jesus Spiritual Itinerary of Religious Paredes, Josecristoreygarcia Claretian Publications 2005 8187804823 35p UG Library
248.4 PAR 00068340 Consecrated Men and Women in the Mission of the Church Paredes, Josecristoreygarcia Claretian Publications 2005 8187804807 43p UG Library
248.4 PAR 00068343 Prayer in Religious Life Paredes, Josecristoreyfarcia Claretian Publications 2005 49p UG Library
248.4 PAR 00068344 Obedience for the Kingdom Paredes, Josecristoreygarcia Claretian Publications 2005 8187804785 25p UG Library
248.4 PAR 00068345 Poverty for the Kingdom Paredes, Josecristoreygarcia Claretian Publications 2005 8187804777 42p UG Library
248.4 PAR 00068346 Celibacy Viginity for the Kingdom of God Paredes, Josecristorey Garcia Claretian Publications 2005 8187804750 28p UG Library
248.4 PAR 00124151 The Enchantment of Consecrated Life one Convent Three evangelical Counsels Paredes,Jose Cristo Rey Garcia Claretian Publications 2015 262p UG Library
248.4 PAZ 00120918 Reverse Gear Pazhampallil,Siomon Media House 2015 9789384034429 126p UG Library
248.4 PEA 00084337 Power of Positive Thinking Peale, Norman Vincent 2004 9780091906382 302p UG Library
248.4 PEA 04026238 The power of positive thinking Peale, Norman Vincent. A Fireside Book/Simon & Schuster, 2016 0743234804 (pbk.) | 9780743234 1st Fireside ed. xiii, 218 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
248.4 PEA 00127557 The positive principle today / Peale, Norman Vincent, Simon & Schuster, 2003 0743234898 1st Fireside ed. x, 239 p. ; UG Library
248.4 PEA 00127559 Stay alive all your life: Peale, Norman Vincent, Simon & Schuster, 2003 0743234855 (pbk.) 1st Fireside ed. xvi, 300 p. ; UG Library
248.4 PEA 07001303 The positive principle today / Peale, Norman Vincent, Simon & Schuster, 2003 0743234898 1st Fireside ed. x, 239 p. ; Library - BR Campus
248.4 PEA 00110412 The power of positive thinking Peale, Norman Vincent. A Fireside Book/Simon & Schuster, 2016 0743234804 (pbk.) | 9780743234 1st Fireside ed. xiii, 218 p. ; UG Library
248.4 PEA 00069012 A Guide to Confident Living Stay Alive All Your Life Peale, Norman Vincent 1957 1996 0517146711 | 9780517146712 560 p. UG Library
248.4 PIC 00134048 God's purpose for you : Pickett, Fuchsia T. Charisma House, 2003 0884199673 viii, 119 p. ; UG Library
248.4 PLA 00092976 Callings : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 0802829279 (paper) | 080283048 xvi, 452 p. ; UG Library
248.4 POW 00130230 Loving Jesus Powell, Mark Allan, Fortress Press, 2004 0800636767 (pbk. : alk. paper) viii, 200 p.; UG Library
248.4 RIP 00022705 Called to Ber Friends Ripple, Paula Ave 1966 160 p UG Library
248.4 ROG 00134052 Practising Resurrection Rogers,Cris Authentic 2010 9781780781334 215p UG Library
248.4 RUP 00102112 Open the Door: Rupp Joyce Asian trading corporation; 9798170865260 212 p. UG Library
248.4 SAN 00120696 Spiritual discipleship : Sanders, J. Oswald Moody Publishers, 2007 9780802482518 | 0802482511 201 p. UG Library
248.4 SCA 00125441 Emotionally healthy spirituality : Scazzero, Peter, Integrity, 2006 1591454522 | 9781591454526 227 p. : UG Library
248.4 SCH 03008866 Life's Not Fair, But God is Good / Schuller, Robert Harold. Bantam Books, 1993 0840770987 | 9780553561678 256 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
248.4 SCH 00140495 An essential guide to interpersonal communication : Schultze, Quentin J. Baker Academic 2015 9780801038945 (pbk.) xiii, 145 pages ; UG Library
248.4 SCH 03011247 Tough Times Never Last but Tough People Do! Schuller, Robert H Bantam Books 9780553273328 237 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
248.4 SCH 03008864 Tough Times Never Last but Tough People Do! Schuller, Robert H Bantam Books 9780553273328 237 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
248.4 SEA 00112406 The Gospel according to Jesus / Seay, Chris. Thomas Nelson, 2010 9780849948169 (hardcover) | 08 ix, 211 p. : UG Library
248.4 SMA 00119307 The DNA of relationships Smalley, Gary. Tyndale Audio, 2004 9780842355308 235p UG Library
248.4 SMI 00131005 Called to be Saints Smith T, Gordon IVP Academic 2014 9780830840304 256p UG Library
248.4 STE 00092970 It makes all the difference Strphen, George St paul 9788171098279 144p UG Library
248.4 SVO 00120907 Everyday Epiphanies Svoboda,Melannie Pauline 2013 9788171768257 165p UG Library
248.4 THA 00088082 Family:Home or Call Centre? Thangiah, Paul Asian Trading Corporation 2008 8170864763 203p UG Library
248.4 TRU 00142174 Luther on the christian life: Trueman,Carl R Crossway 2015 9781433525025 214p UG Library
248.4 VAD 00090128 Musing of the Spirit Vadakkedam, Samjy Asian Trading Corporation 2008 0817086495 1 Yeshwanthpur Campus
248.4 VAL 00096364 Musings of the Spirit Vallavanthara, Antony Asian Trading Corporation 9798170864959 47 p. UG Library
248.4 VAL 00110525 Centuries of holiness : Valantasis, Richard, Continuum, 2005 9780826417053 231 p. ; UG Library
248.4 VAL 00096362 Musings of the Spirit Vallavanthara, Antony Asian Trading Corporation 9798170864959 47 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
248.4 VAL 00096363 Musings of the Spirit Vallavanthara, Antony Asian Trading Corporation 9798170864959 47 p. UG Library
248.4 VAL 04009790 Centuries of holiness : Valantasis, Richard, Continuum, 2005 9780826417053 231 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
248.4 VAS 00141327 Spirituality in Daily Life : Vaswani, J.P. Manjul Publishing House; 2012 9788183227926 280 p. ; UG Library
248.4 VER 00072148 Hunger for Reality [dharmaram Library] Verwer, George OM BOOKS 2004 8173621527 126 UG Library
248.4 VOI 00022740 Christian Vocation Voillaiume, Rene STP 1978 122 p UG Library
248.4 WAK 05011148 Spirituality Incorrect : Wakefield Dan Rupa Publications India Pvt.Ltd, 2011 9788129118530 x,167 p. : Knowledge Centre
248.4 WAL 07007811 The sheep thief / Walker, Al 9789380227566 164p. Library - BR Campus
248.4 WAR 00100830 Purpose Driven Life Warren Rick Zondervan; 9780310273295 334 p. UG Library
248.4 WAR 03012626 The Purpose Driven Life : Warren, Rick. Zondervan, 2002 9780310337508 361 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
248.4 WHE 00094536 It only takes one / Whetstone, Gary. Whitaker House, 0883688689 (alk. paper) 269 p. ; UG Library
248.4 WIL 00118652 Jesus brand spirituality : Wilson, Ken, T. Nelson, 2008 9780849920530 (U.S. ed.) | 978 ix, 230 p. ; UG Library
248.4 WRI 00072077 Relational Leadership: A Biblical Model for Leadership Service: [ Dharmaram Library] Wright, C Walter OM BOOKS 2000 8173623554 216p UG Library
248.4 ZIG 03006743 Better than good / Ziglar, Zig. Integrity Publishers, 2006 159145400X (hardcover) 250 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
248.4 ZIG 00104495 Better Than Good Ziglar, Zig. Integrity Publishers, 2006 9788184950595 250 p. ; UG Library
248.402 VIV 04025156 Inspiring Thoughts / Vivekananda, Swami Rajput and Sons, 2014 9788170289265 90p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
248.46 REH 00140947 Tantric Jesus : Reho, James Hughes, Destiny Books; 2017 9781620555613 (pbk.) xvii, 365 pages, [8] pages of plates : UG Library
248.46 REH 00140716 Tantric Jesus : Reho, James Hughes, Destiny Books; 2017 9781620555613 (pbk.) xvii, 365 pages, [8] pages of plates : UG Library
248.47 BEL 00112139 The language of silence : Belisle, Peter-Damian, Orbis Books, 2003 1570754861 (pbk.) 187 p. ; UG Library
248.47 MAC 00127539 Silence: Macculloch,Diarmaid Penguin Books 2013 9780143125815 337p UG Library
248.47 POD 00107494 Christian Asceticism Revisited Podimattam Felix M. Media House 2008 9788174953124 266 P. UG Library
248.4709015 VAA 00107862 Asceticism and the New Testament Vaage Leif E. Routledge, 1999 9780415921961 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 444 p.; UG Library
248.48 2004 00112852 Desperate Dependence Davis,Max Life Journey 2004 0781440645 189p UG Library
248.48 BRL 00064809 Questions Young People Ask Britten, Carol OM BOOKS 2003 8173621667 169 UG Library
248.48 DHI 00112841 Born to fly Dhinakaran,Paul Word of Christ 2012 132p UG Library
248.48 GEO 00112862 God's Man of Influence George,Jim Authentic Publishers 2003 9788173627071 204p UG Library
248.48 LUT 00112871 Making the Best of a Bad Decision Lutzer,Erwin W Authentic Publishers 2011 9789381905821 190p UG Library
248.48 RAB 00112893 The Snare Rabey,Lois Mowday Authentic Publishers 2009 9788173629082 238p UG Library
248.48 RIB 00092952 To Be Like Jesus Ribes, Peter Gujarat Sahitya Prakash 2009 9788189317669 216p UG Library
248.48 SUN 00094543 Spices for the Soul Sundararaj Daniel GLS Publishing 9788178202266 267p UG Library
248.48 TAD 00112870 Joni Tada,Joni Eareckson Authentic Publishers 2001 9788173625916 205p UG Library
248.4818 BRO 00091829 Studies in Syriac Spirituality Brock Sebastian Dharmaram Publication 2008 9788189958176 274p Yeshwanthpur Campus
248.4818 BRO 00103617 Studies in Syriac Spirituality Brock Sebastian Dharmaram Publication 2008 9788189958176 274p UG Library
248.482 FRA 05062182 Happiness In This Life : Francis,Pope. Bluebird Books, 2017 9781509886500 230p.; Knowledge Centre
248.482 FRA 00095684 Journeys to Freedom:Dalit Narratives Franco Fernando Samya 97884185604630 400P UG Library
248.482 GHE 00134054 The heart of Catholicism : Ghezzi, Bert. Ave Maria Press 2014 9781594714405 (Paperback) | 1594714401 (Paperback) xv, 174 pages ; UG Library
248.482 GON 00119045 The spirituality of community / Gonzalez, Adele J. Orbis Books, 2009 9781570757181 (pbk. : alk. pap 124 p. ; UG Library
248.482 KAL 05060092 Ascend To Holiness / Kalayil,Thomas. Dharmaram Publications, 2018 9789384964924 xx,403p.; Knowledge Centre
248.482 LUB 00101051 Essential Writings : Lubich, Chiara, New City Press, 2007 9781565482586 (hardcover : alk xxxii, 432 p. ; UG Library
248.482 MAN 00112682 Millennial Christianity Manning,Joseph F I J A Publications 2002 8186778403 145p UG Library
248.482 MAN 00091825 A Spiritual Visison to Wholeness Maniampra Mathew Dharmaram Publications 2001 159p UG Library
248.482 NOB 00139970 Give us this day, our daily love : Pauline Publishers 2016 9788171768813 | 0819831352 (pbk.) x, 180 pages ; UG Library
248.482 ODR 00112690 Catherine of Siena O'driscoll,mary New City Press 1980 1565482352 144p UG Library
248.482 OMA 00143903 Becoming Eucharistic People O'Malley, Timothy P Ave Maria Press 2022 9781646801565 121p UG Library
248.482 RAD 00112815 What is the point of being a Christian? / Radcliffe, Timothy. Burns & Oates, 2005 0860123693 218 p. : UG Library
248.482 REA 00105144 Wake Up to God's Word: Mary,Reaman. H St.Anyhony Messenger Press 2007 9780867167832 142 p. UG Library
248.482 ROL 00105148 Where Earth Meets Heaven: Rolheiser,Kenneth. St.Anthony Messenger Press 2004 9780867165784 173 p. UG Library
248.482 RUP 00112904 In the fire of the burning bush : Rupnik, Marko Ivan, W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2004 0802828329 13 p. 109 p. ; UG Library
248.482 SHE 00088061 Simple Truths Sheen, Fulton Asian Trading Corporation 1998 8170862353 142p UG Library
248.482 SHE 00142163 In the fullness of time: Sheen,Fulton J Asian Trading Corporation 2011 9788170862482 144p UG Library
248.482 SUL 00072158 Journey to Freedom the Path to Self-Esteem for th Priesthood and Religious Life [dharmaram Library] Sullivan, James E 1987 0809129051 179 UG Library
248.482 THO 00091827 Spirituality of Dialogue: Indian Experiences Thottakara Augustine Dharmaram Publications 1994 256p Yeshwanthpur Campus
248.482 THO 00094652 Spirituality of Dialogue: Indian Experiences Thottakara Augustine Dharmaram Publications 1994 256p UG Library
248.483 BOO 00112752 Your Signature Life Booher,Dianna St. Pauls 2013 9789350151716 283p UG Library
248.483 GER 00072104 Invitation to the Spiritual Journey [dharmaram Libara May, Gerald G 1990 0809131196 128 UG Library
248.483 STO 00106685 Life in Christ: a Guide for Daily Living Stott,John R. W. Monarch Books 2003 9781854246301 127 P. UG Library
248.4861 WHI 00140515 Spiritual disciplines for the Christian life / Whitney, Donald S., NavPress 2014 9781615216178 Revised and Updated. x, 341 pages ; UG Library
248.4866 PRI 00112882 Stop trying to live for Jesus Price,Charles Authentic Publishers 2010 9788173628238 189p UG Library
248.4871 MAX 03007016 Be all You Can Be: Maxwell.john.C Jaico publishing house. 2010 9788179927885 191p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
248.4871 MAX 00104493 Be all You Can Be: Maxwell.john.C Jaico publishing house. 2010 9788179927885 191p. UG Library
248.4DAR.5 00068342 Prograssing in Religious Life Paredes, Josecristoreygarciaparedes Claretan 2005 29p UG Library
248.4SHE 00020813 Three to Get Married Sheen, Fulton Burns and Oates 188 p UG Library
248.5 BIN 00131762 Witnessing : Bingemer Maria,Clara Orbis Books 2014 9781626980877 (pbk.) xiv, 176 pages ; UG Library
248.5 HAL 00143913 The Disciple's Handbook: Hall, David L Wipe and Stock 2020 9781532691386 105p UG Library
248.5 THO 00112847 Concentric circles of concern : Thompson, W. Oscar, Broadman & Holman, 1999 0805419594 (pbk.) viii, 203 p. : UG Library
248.6 DEN 00072049 Team Ministry a Blueprint for Christian Leadership [dharmaram Library] Dennison, Justin OM BOOKS 2004 8173622744 233 UG Library
248.6 POW 00087963 Giving to God Powell, Mark Allan 2006 9780802829269 186p UG Library
248.6 VAL 00101425 The steward living in covenant : Vallet, Ronald E., W.B. Eerdmans Pub. ; | Manlius, N.Y. : | REV/Rose Pub., 0802847277 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvi, 251 p. ; UG Library
248.629 AND 00072192 Overcoming Addictive Behaviour [dharmaram Library] Anderson, Neil T 2003 0830732969 154 UG Library
248.8 CAR 00020151 Bringing Heaven Into Hell Carothers, Merlin R Kingsway 1977 120 p UG Library
248.8 GUM 00064781 Challenging Life [ Dharmaram Library ] Gumble, Nicky 2002 8173624569 255 p UG Library
248.8 GUM 00064798 Searching Issues [ Dharmaram Library ] Gumble, Nicky 2002 8173624585 125 UG Library
248.8 GUM 00064800 Telling Others [ Dharmaram Librery ] Gumble, Nicky 2002 8173624577 218 UG Library
248.8 GUM 00064819 A Life Worth Living [ Dharmaram Library ] Gumble, Nicky 2002 8173624593 126 UG Library
248.8 JOH 00018497 Ascent of Mount Carmel John Of The Cross, Image 1958 480 p UG Library
248.8 MAC 00121210 40 ways to Get Closer to God Macgregor,Jerry Pauline Publications 2013 9788171767793 221p UG Library
248.8 MAR 00020811 Something More Marshall, Catherine Hodder and Stoughton 1978 280 p UG Library
248.8 MAR 00020156 Something More Marshall, Catherine Hodder and Stoughton 1974 317 p UG Library
248.8 SWI 00147168 Finding Jesus in the storm : Swinton, John, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2020 9780802873729 xi, 233 pages ; UG Library
248.8 VAG 00121217 Encountering Jesus Vaghi J,Peter Pauline Publications 2014 988171768226 123p UG Library
248.8 WOM 00112902 You've already got it Wommack,Andrew Andrew Wommack Ministries 2010 9781906241001 207p UG Library
248.8086 BLA 00146119 Lead like Jesus revisited : Blanchard, Kenneth H., W Publishing 2016 9780718077259 | 0718077253 xv, 317 pages : UG Library
248.83 DOD 00072210 Ride of Your Life: [dharmaram Library] Dodds, Bill 2000 1569553173 172p UG Library
248.83 SPE 00109538 Living for Jesus Speck, Greg. Moody Publishers, 2008 9780802447920 234 p. ; UG Library
248.833 KUB 00088105 God Called a Girl Kubiak, Shannon 2005 ISB0764200291 173p UG Library
248.833 SCH 00022727 Woman`s Guide to Better Living Schildler, John A Byb 1979 220 p UG Library
248.834 BOY 00107867 The Witness of the Student Christian Movement Boyd, Robin Oikoumene 2009 9782825415023 212p UG Library
248.834 BOY 00092951 The Witness of the Student Christian Movement Boyd, Robin Oikoumene 2009 9782825415023 212p UG Library
248.834 MIS 00072160 Keeping the Faith Making a Difference [dharmaram Library] Miscamble D S C, Wilson D 2000 0877939330 139 UG Library
248.84 LIF 00142134 The Call: LifeWay Press 2015 9781430039525 96p UG Library
248.84 RAV 00145083 Project Holiness : Ravizza, Bridget Burke. Liturgical Press, 2015 9780814637043 (pbk.) xvi, 168 pages ; UG Library
248.842 KEN 00112646 The resolution for Men Kendrick, Stephen, B&H Pub. Group, 2011 9781433671227 | 1433671220 v, 257 p. ; UG Library
248.842 SCH 00143947 The Meaning and Mystery of Man: Schadt, Devin Tan Books 2020 9781505122510 258p UG Library
248.842 STE 00143914 The Christian man's Guide to Spiritual Self-Defence Stearns, Patrick L Resource Publications 2020 9781532683527 103p UG Library
248.8425 JAC 00110528 Loving Your Wife Jack Navpress Books & Bible Studies 1989 9780891095750 110 p. UG Library
248.843 KIN 00022751 Ideal Wife Kinsella, Leo J BYB 1979 154 p UG Library
248.843 SHI 00112647 The Resolution for Women Shirer, Priscilla Evans. B&H Pub. Group, 2011 9781433674013 | 1433674017 xii, 268 p. ; UG Library
248.843 YAN 00105149 Woman, You Are Free: Yanos,Susan.B St.Anthony Messenger Press 2001 9780867164138 138 p. UG Library
248.8431 KOL 00091839 Suffering and Joy Kochalumkal Perer Dharmaram Publications 2003 8186861556 240p UG Library
248.844 GOR 00142615 Relationship grit: Gordon, Jon John Wiley and sons, 2020 9781119430339 xiv,141p.; UG Library
248.844 MEY 00092792 Help me, I'm Married! / Meyer, Joyce, Harrison House, 2000 157794156X 314 p., [4] p. : UG Library
248.844 SAH 00129463 Marriage and Famil in the Plan of God Sahayaraj,L Christian World Imprint 2017 9789351480242 192p UG Library
248.845 JAC 05006879 SmartHelp for good 'n' angry kids : Jacobelli, Frank. Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 9780470758021 | 0470758023 xv, 205 p. : Knowledge Centre
248.845 JER 00101092 Gifts from God : Jeremiah, David, Chariot Victor Pub., 9781564767660 240 p. ; UG Library
248.845 KIT 00117634 Taking the plunge : Kitch, Anne E. Morehouse Pub., 2006 9780819221858 (pbk.) xxii, 122 p. ; UG Library
248.845 WHE 00117399 Creative correction : Whelchel, Lisa. Tyndale House Publishers, 2005 1589971280 367 p. : UG Library
248.85 KRO 00092774 Living life to the full : Kroll, Una. Continuum , 0826480799 x, 177 p. ; UG Library
248.85 MCD 00092956 What we've learned so far : Life Journey, 0781441315 (pbk.) 247 p. ; UG Library
248.85 MIT 00132283 Aging, death, and the quest for immortality Mitchell, Ben William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2004 0802827845 (pbk. : alk. paper) xii, 198 p. ; UG Library
248.8​6 SCH 03007009 What happens to good people when bad things happen /​ Schuller, Robert A Walker and Co., 1996 9788122204902 231 p. ( School of Business Management (Kengeri)
248.86 AND 00134505 Freedom from addiction : Anderson, Neil T., Regal Books, 1996 0830717579 (hardcover) | 0830718656 (trade paper) 356 p. ; UG Library
248.86 BAS 00146420 Faith and pandemic : Basumatary, Songram Gurukul Lutheran Theological College 2021 9789351486299 | 935148629X | 9789351486305 | 9351486303 xvi, 252 pages ; UG Library
248.86 BOU 00136815 Grace all Around Us : Bouman, Stephen Paul. Augsburg Books, 2007 9780806653259 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0806653256 (pbk. : alk. paper) 127 p. ; UG Library
248.86 CHE 00105117 Help in Time of Need: Chervin,Ronda. Servant Publications 2002 9781569552858 205p. UG Library
248.86 HOL 00105116 Healing Troubled Hearts: Lyn,Holley Doucet. St.Anthony Messenger Press 2005 9780867166125 293p. UG Library
248.86 VUJ 00103491 Life Without Limits : Vujicic, Nick. Doubleday; 2010 9780307888327 238 p.: UG Library
248.86 VUJ 04022845 Unstoppable : Vujicic, Nick. Waterbrook press, 2007 9780307731531 240 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
248.86 VUJ 04022768 Life Without Limits / Vujicic, Nick Watersbrook, 2010 9780307589743 272p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
248.86 VUJ 03003780 Life Without Limits : Vujicic, Nick. Doubleday; 2010 9780307888327 238 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
248.86 VUJ 03010834 Unstoppable : Vujicic, Nick. Waterbrook press, 2007 9780307731531 240 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
248.86 ZAC 00130317 Cries of the heart : Zacharias,Ravi RZIM Educational Trust 2012 0884893359 (pbk) 224p UG Library
248.86 ZIG 04012029 Embrace the Struggle : Ziglar, Zig. Howard Books, 2009 9781439142196 (hardcover : alk xii, 204 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
248.86 ZIG 03005437 Embrace the Struggle : Ziglar, Zig. Howard Books, 2009 9781439142196 (hardcover : alk xii, 204 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
248.86 ZIG 03005295 Embrace the Struggle : Ziglar, Zig. Howard Books, 2009 9781439142196 (hardcover : alk xii, 204 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
248.861 JOH 00143917 Covid, Cancer, and Christ Johnson, Mathew Resource Publications 2021 9781666708202 105p UG Library
248.8625 AND 00072193 Overcoming Depression [dharmaram Library] Neil T 2004 0830733515 182 UG Library
248.8625 EKL 00125548 Jesus wept : Eklund,Rebekah Bloomsbury 2015 1st ed. 207p UG Library
248.86292 WEB 00130300 Steps of transformation : Webber, Meletios. Conciliar Press, 2003 1888212632 206 p.: UG Library
248.866 BRA 00143965 Beautiful and terrible things : Brady, Christian M. M., Westminster John Knox Press 2020 9780664266127 First edition. 167 pages ; UG Library
248.88 EWE 05067274 Faith and work : Information Age Publishing,Inc, 2018 9781641130639 (pbk.) | 9781641130646 (hc) xiii, 271 pages ; Knowledge Centre
248.88 SMI 00135868 Teaching and Christian imagination Smith, David I. William B Eerdmans 2016 9780802873231 (pbk. : alk. paper) viii, 248 pages : UG Library
248.8892 AUG 00122143 Called to Joy : Augustin, George, Paulist Press, 2010 9780809148608 xxii,256 p.: UG Library
248.89 KIE 00022729 Celibacy Prayer & friendship Kiesling, Chrisoper 1978 300 p UG Library
248.89 MEI 00022744 Group Dynamics in the Religions Life Meissner, W W STP 1979 200 p UG Library
248.89 MUT 00022713 Journey Homeward: on the Road of Spiritual Reading: Muto, Susan Annette DIMENSION 1979 250 p UG Library
248.892 CAM 00112903 Beyond the ordinary : Johnson, Ben Campbell. W.B. Eerdmans Pub., 2001 0802847730 (pbk. : alk. paper) viii, 168 p. ; UG Library
248.892 CAN 00143888 Shepherds and fishermen : Cantalamessa, Raniero, Liturgical Press 2020 9780814666418 xvi, 262 pages ; UG Library
248.892 CHA 00112900 Who's Holding Your Lader Chand,Samuel R Authentic Publishers 2003 9788173628696 132p UG Library
248.892 DUE 00112834 Ablaze for God / Duewel, Wesley L. Authentic Publishes 2012 9788173620751 327 p. ; UG Library
248.892 KOC 05057991 Human formation in major Seminaries / Kochuthara, Shaji George Dharmaram Publications 2017 9789384964856 466p. Knowledge Centre
248.892 KOC 00129315 Human formation in major Seminaries / Kochuthara, Shaji George Dharmaram Publications 2017 9789384964856 466p. UG Library
248.892 KOC 00129316 Human formation in major Seminaries / Kochuthara, Shaji George Dharmaram Publications 2017 9789384964856 466p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
248.894 DET 00143889 Being claimed by the Eucharist we celebrate : Detisch, Scott P., Liturgical Press 2022 9780814666975 xviii, 154 pages ; UG Library
248.894 KUT 00103623 Formation Of Religious Priests : Kuthodiputhenpurayil, Saju Dharmaram Publications, 2009 9788189958206 xiii, 394 p. UG Library
248.894 VIL 00118663 Witnesses of the Living God/ Villanueva,Pascual Chavez Kristu Jyoti Publications 2012 9788187370765 323p UG Library
248.89422 UKK 00121240 Come and See Ukken,George Pauline Publications 2011 9788171766697 192p UG Library
248.8943 BRU 00107670 Perspectives Brunton, Paul New Age Books 1984 9788178223384 xv;392 P. UG Library
248.89432 DEN 00119025 Diversity of vocations / Dennis, Marie. Orbis Books, 2008 9781570757167 | 157075716X 142 p. ; UG Library
248.89GAM 00022730 For Me to Live Is the Church Gambari, Elio STP 358 p UG Library
248.99422 MAL 00020818 Listen, Prophets Maloney, George A DIMENSION 1987 186 p UG Library
248GIB 00002366 God`s Frozen People Gibbs, Mark Collins 188 p UG Library
249 PET 00139430 The family moral values in Valmiki Ramayana and in the teachings of the Catholic Church / Peters, Maria Michael. ATC Publishers; 2019 9789388968140 320 p. ; UG Library
249 SAN 00139679 Parenting the christian way : Sangtam,Athriba. Christian World Imprints; 2020 9789351484981 (HB) 101 p. ; UG Library
249 THO 00107505 Family & Devotional Prayers Thornton,Henry National Prayer Forum 2003 818742933 xvi:287 P. UG Library
249.691 CHO 00120892 A Green Church Choondal,Gilbert Kristu Jyoti Publications 2010 9788187370574 148p UG Library
25.00285OSB 01008205 System Analysis for Librarians and Information Professional (law Lib) Larry N Osborne Libraries Unlimited, Inc 9781563086939 261 Knowledge Centre
25.02 SHA 00088153 Library Management Sharma, C K Atlantic 2006 8126905395 255p UG Library
25.02SHA2 00088154 Library Management Vol II Sharma, C K Atlantic 8126905395 252p UG Library
25.05 WIN 00000791 Guide to Reference Books Winchell, Coustance M American 1954 118 p UG Library
25.05 WIN 00000792 Guide to Reference Books Winchell, Coustance M American 1954 118 p UG Library
25.05 WIN 00000793 Guide to Reference Books Winchell, Coustance M American 1954 118 p UG Library
25.1 SHA 00017152 Library Organization Sharma, J S UBSPD 1978 196 p UG Library
25.1 TRE 00012099 Administration and Organisation of College Libraries in India Trehan, G L STERLING 252 p UG Library
25.2 SGA 00017456 Book Selection and Physical Biblography Chandra Kant Sharma, Metropolictan 1982 69 UG Library
25.3 KUM 00017469 Bibliography. Kumar, Girja 1976 0706904311 257p UG Library
25.3 SEN 00008020 Cataloguing Its Theory and Practice. Benoyendra, Sengupta World Press 1970 468 p UG Library
25.4 KUM 00017151 Theory of Cataloguing Girija, Kumar Vikas 1975 260 p UG Library
25.4 RAN 00012101 Descriptive Account of the Classification Raganathan, S R Asihish 1967 300 p UG Library
25.4 SEN 00015701 Library Classification Sengupta, B World Press 1971 207 p UG Library
25.4 UPP 00017458 Practical Procedure of Classification Uppal, O P Madaan 1975 142 UG Library
25.431 DEW 01008197 Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index / Melvil Dewey Online Computer Library Center Inc, 2003 0910608709 4 v.; Knowledge Centre
25.431 DEW 01008198 Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index / Melvil Dewey Online Computer Library Center Inc, 2003 0910608709 4 v.; Knowledge Centre
25.431 DEW 01008199 Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index / Melvil Dewey Online Computer Library Center Inc, 2003 0910608709 4 v.; Knowledge Centre
25.431 DEW 01008200 Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index / Melvil Dewey Online Computer Library Center Inc, 2003 0910608709 4 v.; Knowledge Centre
25.431DEN.1 00075558 Dewey Decimal Classification and Realtive Index DDC 22 [GENERAL] Mitchell, Joan S OCLC ONLINE COMPPUTER LIBRARY CENTER INC 731p UG Library
25.4BAB 01008203 Vision of Future Library and Information Systems (law Lib) Ashok T Babu Viva Books Private Limited 8130908166 265p Knowledge Centre
25.5 NON 00012100 Free Book Service for All an International Survey Raganthan, S R Mysore Library 1967 465 p UG Library
25.52 GUH 00019419 Documentation and Information Guha, B 367 UG Library
25.52 KUM 00044341 Fundamentals of Information Science Kumar, P S G S.Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1998 363p UG Library
25.8 BAD 00019405 Problems of Misplacement, Mutilation and Theft of Books in Libraries Badri Prasad, Goswami 1968 79 UG Library
250 CON 00145114 Towards full presence : Conference of Catholic Bishops of India, 2019 9789391399931 41 p. ; UG Library
250 KAS 00125538 The Catholic Church Kasper,Walter Bloomsbury 2015 463p UG Library
250 KOO 00107571 Communion of Churches Koodapuzha Xavier Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India: 1993 182 p. UG Library
250 KUM 00145104 The pastoral dimension of the matrimonial process / Kumar, Arokiaraj Satis, ATC Publishers, 2023 9789391399818 277 p. ; UG Library
250 MEn 00146828 The Dangers of the Health and Wealth Gospel Mende, David Omega Book world 2020 9789389069457 120p UG Library
250 PAN 00139677 Serving the church and the nation : Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth; | Christian World Imprints; 2020 9789351484967 (PB) 247 p. ; UG Library
250 SAN 00146873 Consecrated life: Sankarathil, John ATC Publishers, 2022 9789391399252 188p UG Library
250 ZDE 00142982 The global house church movement / Zdero, Rad, William Carey Library, 2004 0878083421 xiv, 141 p. : UG Library
251 M-5 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
251 ABR 00135801 Master's Voice Abraham,M V Christava Sahitya Samithi 2015 152p UG Library
251 BRU 00122097 The word militant : Brueggemann, Walter. Fortress Press, 2007 9780800662776 | 0800662776 xi, 212 p. ; UG Library
251 CAN 00092783 Teaching preaching : Cannon, Katie G. Continuum, 2002 0826414419 184 p. ; UG Library
251 DUR 00121277 The Best of Henri Nouwen Durback,Robert Pauline Publications 2011 8171765637 136p UG Library
251 FRI 00084361 Homilies Alive Creating Homilies That Hit Home Fridl, Francis 1999 0896225747 124p UG Library
251 GIB 00142189 Preaching for Special Services Gibson,Scott M Good Shepherd Books 2019 9789382603566 137p UG Library
251 GRE 00121098 Preaching Christ from Genesis : Greidanus, Sidney, William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2007 9780802825865 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii, 518 p. : UG Library
251 HAR 00101416 Preacher, can you hear us listening? / Van Harn, Roger, W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 0802828655 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiii, 146 p. ; UG Library
251 ISA 00135804 Preach the Word Isaiah,G Christava Sahitya Samithi 2015 166p UG Library
251 JAC 00135065 Homiletical theology Jacobsen,David Schnasa SAIACS Press 2015 9781625645654 xiii, 186 pages ; UG Library
251 KAL 00121099 Praching in an age of Distraction Kalas,Ellsworth J Authentic 2014 9789383691647 165p UG Library
251 KIM 00142190 Preaching with cultural intelligence : Kim, Matthew D., Baker Academic 2017 9780801049620 (alk. paper) xvi, 269 pages ; UG Library
251 KOE 00118021 The Moody handbook of preaching. Koessler, John, Moody Publishers, 2008 9780802470645 (alk. paper) | 0 413 p. : UG Library
251 KOL 00088039 How to Preach Without Notes Koller, Charles W OM BOOKS 2007 9788173628153 284p UG Library
251 KYS 00134512 Preaching to postmoderns : Kysar, Robert. Hendrickson Publishers, 2006 1565634004 (alk. paper) | 9781565634008 xxx, 239 p. ; UG Library
251 LIE 00121271 A retreat for Missionary seminarians and priests Liebert,William Claretian Publications 2010 8189851268 126p UG Library
251 LIT 00129655 The Outrageos Grace of God Little,Bill Tate Publishing 2015 9781682375228 182p UG Library
251 LOS 00135042 Confessing Jesus Christ : Lose, David J. W.B. Eerdmans Pub., 2003 0802849830 (pbk. : alk. paper) viii, 264 p. ; UG Library
251 LOV 00129331 Sustaining preachers and preaching : Lovell, George. t & t Clark, 2011 9780567181411 (hbk.) | 0567181 xiv, 248 p. : UG Library
251 LYB 00112905 Preaching on your feet : Lybrand, Fred R. B & H Academic, 2008 9780805446869 (pbk.) | 0805446 ix, 182 p. ; UG Library
251 MAC 00118046 Preaching: MacArthur,John Thomson Nelson Inc. 2005 9781418500047 364p UG Library
251 MAN 00139897 Reflection Capsules: Manjackal,Jijo Jose SFS Publications 2020 9788185812700 840p UG Library
251 MAT 00135791 Echoes of his Word Mathew,K S Christava Sahitya Samithi 2007 144p UG Library
251 MAT 00141142 Omnibus of 1001 Stories You Can Tell Mattam, Joseph Media House | Sahithya Pravarthaka Co-operative Society 2021 9789388989664 1-10 vols UG Library
251 MAT 00141143 Omnibus of 1001 Stories You Can Tell Mattam, Joseph Media House | Sahithya Pravarthaka Co-operative Society 2021 9789388989664 1-10 vols UG Library
251 MAT 00141144 Omnibus of 1001 Stories You Can Tell Mattam, Joseph Media House | Sahithya Pravarthaka Co-operative Society 2021 9789388989664 1-10 vols UG Library
251 MAT 00141145 Omnibus of 1001 Stories You Can Tell Mattam, Joseph Media House | Sahithya Pravarthaka Co-operative Society 2021 9789388989664 1-10 vols UG Library
251 MAT 00141146 Omnibus of 1001 Stories You Can Tell Mattam, Joseph Media House | Sahithya Pravarthaka Co-operative Society 2021 9789388989664 1-10 vols UG Library
251 MAT 00141147 Omnibus of 1001 Stories You Can Tell Mattam, Joseph Media House | Sahithya Pravarthaka Co-operative Society 2021 9789388989664 1-10 vols UG Library
251 MAT 00141148 Omnibus of 1001 Stories You Can Tell Mattam, Joseph Media House | Sahithya Pravarthaka Co-operative Society 2021 9789388989664 1-10 vols UG Library
251 MAT 00141149 Omnibus of 1001 Stories You Can Tell Mattam, Joseph Media House | Sahithya Pravarthaka Co-operative Society 2021 9789388989664 1-10 vols UG Library
251 MAT 00141150 Omnibus of 1001 Stories You Can Tell Mattam, Joseph Media House | Sahithya Pravarthaka Co-operative Society 2021 9789388989664 1-10 vols UG Library
251 MAT 00141151 Omnibus of 1001 Stories You Can Tell Mattam, Joseph Media House | Sahithya Pravarthaka Co-operative Society 2021 9789388989664 1-10 vols UG Library
251 NGU 00139672 Eco-homiletics and the craft of narrative preaching / Ngullie,T.Nzanthung. Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351484479 (HB) 215 p. ; UG Library
251 PHI 00135817 Words of Eternal Life Philip,Abraham Christava Sahitya Samithi 2013 148p UG Library
251 PHI 00135792 Enlightening Words of Truth Philip,Abraham Christava Sahitya Samithi 2017 147p UG Library
251 PIC 00135141 Ignite Your Spirit Pichappilly,John St. Pauls 2016 9789350152652 323p UG Library
251 ROB 00121079 Biblical preaching : Robinson, Haddon W. 9780801049125 (cloth) | 080104 Third edition. xi, 244 pages ; UG Library
251 ROS 00125164 Composing and Delivering a Homily Rosario,George Theological Publications in India 2016 9789383163496 76p UG Library
251 SAG 00108196 Launching pad Sagayanathan. Asian Trading Corp., 2009 8170864992 367 p. ; UG Library
251 Saldanha,Louis 00135066 Homilies for Life Saldanha,Louis LS Publications 2018 424p UG Library
251 SMI 00008452 Tozer Pulpit Smith, Genald B 1967 150 p UG Library
251 WEB 00112401 Preaching for the contemporary service / Webb, Joseph M., Abingdon Press, 2006 0687023351 (pbk. : alk. paper) 134 p. ; UG Library
251.0088282 FOL 00134461 A handbook for Catholic preaching : Foley,Edward Liturgical Press 2016 9780814663165 xxv, 318 pages ; UG Library
251.009 PAS 00108204 Sacred Rhetoric Pasquarello,Michael William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company 2005 0802820281 viii; 143 p. UG Library
251.00915 DUN 00101410 A mirror for the church : Dunn-Wilson, David. W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 0802828663 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvi, 224 p. ; UG Library
251.03 FAS 00072073 Complete Guide to Sermon Delivery [dharmaram Library] Fasol, Al OM BOOKS 2003 8173621780 150 UG Library
251.08 HOM 00122368 Homiletic Directory Asian Trading Corporation 2015 9788170867197 101p UG Library
251.08 MAU 00022757 Ancdotes of the Great Maurua, J BYB 1980 176 p UG Library
251.6 HAR 00118010 The lectionary commentary : Harn,Roger E Van Eerdmans, 2001 080284751X (v. 1 : alk. paper) 623p UG Library
251.6 HAR 00118011 The lectionary commentary : Harn,Roger E Van Eerdmans, 2001 080284751X (v. 1 : alk. paper) 623p UG Library
251.6 HAR 00118012 The lectionary commentary : Harn,Roger E Van Eerdmans, 2001 080284751X (v. 1 : alk. paper) 623p UG Library
251.6 HED 00122075 Proclamation and celebration : Hedahl, Susan K. Fortress Press, 2012 9780800698201 (alk. paper) | 0 viii, 168 p. ; UG Library
251.6 PIC 00121291 The table of the Word:Homilies for Sundays and Solemnities Pichappilly,John St. Pauls 2013 97893501510044 487p UG Library
251.6 SHE 00102120 On Earth as it is in Heaven: Shea John Asian trading corporation; 2004 9798170865505 332 p. UG Library
251.6 SHE 00102106 Eating With the Bridegroom: Shea John Asian trading corporation; 2005 9798170865512 281 p. UG Library
251.6 SHE 00102107 The Relentless Widow; Shea John Asian trading corporation; 2006 9798170865529 330 p. UG Library
251.6 SHE 00102108 Following Love Into Mystery: Shea John Asian trading corporation; 2010 9798170865574 293 p. UG Library
251.6 VER 00121290 Lectio Divina with the Sunday Gospels:The Year of Mark-year B Verteuil,Michael De St. Pauls 2010 9788171098071 295p UG Library
251.6 VER 00121289 Lrctio Divina with the Sunday Gospels:The Year of Luke-Year C Vertieuil De, Michael St. Pauls 2009 9788171098088 311p UG Library
251.6 VER 00121288 Lectio Divina with the Sunday Gospels:The Year of Matthew-Year A Verteuil,Michael De St.Pauls 2010 9788171098064 327p UG Library
251SHA 01004693 Defining Public Administration(law Lib.) Jay M Shafritz RAWAT 8131601420 454p Knowledge Centre
251SHA 07006448 Defining Public Administration(law Lib.) Jay M Shafritz RAWAT 8131601420 454p Library - BR Campus
252 BEN 00101094 God's Revolution: Benedict, Pope Ignatius , 2009 9781586171452 108 p UG Library
252 ARA 00112673 from the upper room to the Altar of the World Arackal,Francis St. Pauls 2010 9789350150078 317p UG Library
252 BEN 00092983 God's Revolution: Benedict, Pope Ignatius , 2009 9781586171452 108 p UG Library
252 BIM 00142204 Sonday Sonrise: Viima,Benjamin A ATC Publishers 2017 9788170866046 495p UG Library
252 BOS 00088104 Hero of the Gentiles Fr Bosco, Sdb Kohima 2008 118p UG Library
252 BUE 00068358 God Still Speaks Listen Buetow, Harold A St Pauls 2002 8171094465 282p UG Library
252 BUE 00068359 God Still Speaks Listen Buetow, Harold A St Pauls 2002 8171094473 272p UG Library
252 BUE 00068360 God Still Speaks Listen Buetow, Harold St Pauls 2002 8171094481 279p UG Library
252 DAS 00112599 His Word is Life Dasan,Vima St. Pauls 2010 817109659X 230p UG Library
252 DUF 00092785 Walking to Emmaus / Duffy, Eamon. Burns & Oates, 0860124231 (pbk.) 163 p. ; UG Library
252 GLE 00126863 The fourth Times book of best sermons Gledhill,Ruth Cassell, 1999 0304704679 xvii, 171 p ; UG Library
252 GUN 00092784 The Theologian as Preacher : Gunton, Colin E. T & T Clark, 2007 9780567031211 (pbk. : alk. pap xxiii, 166 p. ; UG Library
252 JAC 00088055 International Sources of Our Jesuit Charism Jacob, Pierre S J Gujarat Sahuitya Prakash 2003 8187886684 379p UG Library
252 JOH 00068355 Celebrate 2000 Reflections on God the Father John Paul Ii, Pope CLARETIAN 1999 8186507604 167p UG Library
252 KUM 00142146 Fallen Seeds Kumar,Immanuel Asian Trading Corporation 2009 8170865026 173p UG Library
252 LIN 00112667 Illustrated Daily Homilies/ Link,Mark St. Pauls 2010 8171092020 314p UG Library
252 LIN 00112668 Illustrated Daily Homilies/ Link,Mark St. Pauls 2010 8171092012 291p UG Library
252 MAU 00030179 Source Book of Inspiration: Quotation Anecdotes, Humoiur and Proverbs Maurus, J Byb 1987 1 UG Library
252 MCK 00112591 Give us this Day Mckarns, James St. Pauls 1991 817109175x 387p UG Library
252 MIS 00068361 Pray Today`s Gospel Mischike, Bernard C St Pauls 2002 8171090680 336p UG Library
252 MOO 00001106 Way to God Moody, D L Moody 1964 128 p UG Library
252 MOR 00108184 I am the Lord Who Heals you Morris,Scott G. Abingdon Press, 2004 9780687066582 xiii, 105 p. ; UG Library
252 NEW 00139454 Essays : Newman, John Henry. Gracewing; 2019 9780852444573 570 p. ; UG Library
252 NEW 00139455 Sermons preached on various occasions / Newman, John Henry, Burns & Lambert, 1857 9781360034478 xi, 284 p. ; UG Library
252 ROS 00112678 John's Weekdays Homilies. Vol. 2 Rose,John Hail Jesus Publications 2012 306p UG Library
252 RUP 00134475 Sanctified Sacred and Saved Life of Christians Rupwate,Daniel ISPCK 2018 9788184656572 274p UG Library
252 RUT 00109539 Not ashamed of the Gospel : Rutledge, Fleming. William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 9780802827371 (pbk. : alk. pap x, 411 p. ; UG Library
252 SAM 00088058 Love Commandment of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Luke Its Implication in the Indian Context Sam, Arul L R Cambridge 2008 9788184580280 126p UG Library
252 SWO 00139432 Marriage homilies / Asian Trading Corporation; 1995 9788170861089 95 p. ; UG Library
252 SWO 00139437 Funeral homilies / Asian Trading Corporation; 1995 9788170861096 90 p. ; UG Library
252 THA 00068322 In God`s Presence Thannikary, Thomas Sfs Publications 1992 8185376484 187p UG Library
252 TOL 00112625 The Glory of These Forty days Tolhurst,James St Pauls 2008 9788171095491 103p UG Library
252 VAL 00112754 Your Words o Lord are Spirit and They are Life Valladares,James St. Pauls 2011 9789350150481 318p UG Library
252 WIE 00134502 Classic Sermons on Jesus the Shepherd Wiersbe,Warren W Kregel 2002 0825441056 154p UG Library
252 WIE 00134503 Classic sermons on the prodigal son Wiersbe,Warren W Kregel Publications, 1990 0825440394 : 153 p. ; UG Library
252.02 BRU 00107866 To Be Just is to Love Burghardt,Walter J. Jesuit Communications Foundation Inc. 2001 9789710305186 viii, 262 p. : UG Library
252.02 BUR 00088038 To Be Just Is to Love Burghardt, S J, Walter J Jesuit Communication Foundation 2001 9719710305182 262p UG Library
252.02 BUR 00121262 Short sermons for preachers on the run / Burghardt, Walter J. Orbis Books, 2009 9781570758485 (pbk.) | 1570758 127 p. ; UG Library
252.02 FRA 00134498 With the smell of the sheep : Francis, Theological Publications in India 2018 9789383163946 English edition. xxi, 297 pages ; UG Library
252.02 FRA 00134499 With the smell of the sheep : Francis, Theological Publications in India 2018 9789383163946 English edition. xxi, 297 pages ; UG Library
252.02 THO 00088035 Studies in Religious Mysticism Thomas, Santosh Mittal Publications 2005 ISB8170999944 327p UG Library
252.03 CAR 00072149 I Believe I Am Convinced of the Truth of the Christian Faith and of the Need to Proclaim It as Well as We Can. [dharamaram Library] Carey, George 1991 0819215791 207 UG Library
252.03 NEW 00139336 Parochial sermons: Vol.I / Newman,John Henry. J.G.F. & J. Rivington; 1840 4th Ed. 404p. ; UG Library
252.03 NEW 00139337 Parochial and pain sermons: Vol.VI / Newman,John Henry. Longmans, Green, and Co.; 1918 371p. ; UG Library
252.03 NEW 00139338 Parochial and plain sermons: Vol.V / Newman,bJohn Henry. Longmans, Green, and Co.; 1891 New Edition 356p. ; UG Library
252.03 NEW 00139339 Parochial and plain sermons: Vol.VII / Newman, John Henry. Longmans, Green, and Co; 1908 257p. ; UG Library
252.03 NEW 00139340 Sermons, chiefly on the theory of religious belief, preached before the University of Oxford / Newman, John Henry. J. G.F. & J. Rivington; 1843 354p. ; UG Library
252.03 NEW 00139341 The church of the fathers / Newman, John Henry. John Lane; 1840 313p. ; UG Library
252.03 NEW 00139342 The via media of the Anglican Church : Newman, John Henry. Longmans, Green, and Co.; 1891 355p. ; UG Library
252.03 NEW 00139344 Tracts : Newman, John Henry. Longmans, Green, and Co.; 1895 445p. ; UG Library
252.03 NEW 00139345 Two essays on Scripture miracles and on ecclesiastical / Newman, John Henry, Basil Montagu Pickering, 1870 2nd ed. xi, 393p. ; UG Library
252.03 NEW 00139335 Parochial sermons: Vol.IV/ Newman, John Henry. J.G.F. & J. Rivington; 1842 392p. ; UG Library
252.03 WIL 00109573 True To Experience Williams H.A. Continuum 2000 9780826449429 xvii; 267 p. UG Library
252.041 EDA 00103632 God-World-Man : Edanad, Antony Dharmaram Publications, 2010 9788189958381 xi, 175 p. UG Library
252.041 SIT 00136797 The care of the earth / Sittler, Joseph. Fortress Press, 2004 0800636880 (alk. paper) Fortress Press Facets ed. viii, 116 p. ; UG Library
252.041 SIT 00122085 The care of the earth / Sittler, Joseph. Fortress Press, 2004 0800636880 (alk. paper) Fortress Press Facets ed. viii, 116 p. ; UG Library
252.05732 VIN 00126534 Reaching Your potential Peale, Norman Vincent, Jaico Publishing house 2016 0800716485 | 9788184959161 174 p.: UG Library
252.08 DEM 00022721 Song of the Bird De Mello, Anthony Anand 1982 220 p UG Library
252.58 GRA 00010870 Peace With God. Graham, Billy Pocket Books 1966 248 p UG Library
252.59 TRE 00022710 Way of Perfection St.teresa Of Avila, SW 1978 186 p UG Library
252.6 ALL 00092939 Preaching Through the Year of Like Sermons That Work 11 Alling, Roger Morehouse publishing 2009 9780819218179 157p UG Library
252.6 DAY 00134605 Days of the Lord: Theological Publications in India 2016 9789383163359 346p UG Library
252.6 DAY 00134606 Days of the Lord: Theological Publications in India 2016 9789383163359 346p UG Library
252.6 DAY 00134607 Days of the Lord: Theological Publications in India 2016 9789383163359 346p UG Library
252.6 DAY 00134608 Days of the Lord: Theological Publications in India 2016 9789383163359 346p UG Library
252.6 DAY 00134609 Days of the Lord: Theological Publications in India 2016 9789383163359 346p UG Library
252.6 DAY 00134610 Days of the Lord: Theological Publications in India 2016 9789383163359 346p UG Library
252.6 DAY 00134611 Days of the Lord: Theological Publications in India 2016 9789383163359 346p UG Library
252.6 GRA 00001107 Peace With God Graham, Billy UG Library
252.6 JOH 00022716 Pope in Britain. Collected Homilies & Speeches Caatholic Information Services, STP 1972 106 p UG Library
252.6 STR 00001108 Life: That Is Eternal Strombeck, J F Good News 1963 110 p UG Library
252.6 WOO 00072117 Building Stronger Families Sermons That Nurture [dharmaram Library] Wood, Beulah SAIACS PRESS 2005 8187712139 112 UG Library
252.6 WYS 00022720 Piece of Bread Wyazynski, Stefan Cardinal St. Paul Publications 1976 140 p UG Library
252.62 PRA 00096203 Why Jesus? Prabhu Rajendra Asian Trading Corporation, 9798170865420 91 p. UG Library
252.99 SMI 00088036 Jesus, Our Man in Glory Smith, Gerald B GLS PRESS 2008 ISB8178201739 128p UG Library
253 BLA 03000595 Servant Leader Blanchard, Ken Countryman 9780849996597 124 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
253 WIL 03002660 Jesus on Leadership: Discovering the Secrets of Servant Leadership Form the Life Christ Wilks, C Gene Jaico Publishing House 9788179928394 251 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
253 AMA 00142994 Fratelli Tutti: Amaladoss, Michael ATC Publishers | Department of Missiology, St. Peter's Pontifical Institute 2021 9789391399221 370p UG Library
253 AND 00112873 Multicultural Ministry Handbook Anderson,David A Authentic Publishers 2012 9789381905265 178p UG Library
253 AUG 00137178 Called to Joy:Celebrating Priesthood Augustine,George St. Pauls 2019 349p UG Library
253 BRO 00105147 When Ministry Is Messy: Brown,Richard .C St.Anthony Messenger Press 2006 9780867167771 x,116p. UG Library
253 CAL 00088067 Leadership Secrets of Saint Paul Caliguire, Jeff River Oak 2003 1589190041 185p UG Library
253 CAL 00101108 Leadership Secrets of Saint Paul. Caliguire, Jeff. River Oak Pub., 2003 1589190041 (pbk.) 191 p. ; UG Library
253 CAM 00108200 Mentor like Jesus Campbell,Regi. B & H Publishing Group 2009 9780805448115 xviii, 157 p. ; UG Library
253 CHR 00139785 The church leader's answer book : Tyndale House Publishers, 2006 9781414303543 (hc) | 1414303548 (hc) xviii, 676 p. ; UG Library
253 COL 00121280 The Hiidden Enemies of the Priesthood Cole,Basil St.Pauls 2012 978171099214 247p UG Library
253 CON 00139967 Samaritanus Bonus: Carmel International Publishing House 2020 80p UG Library
253 CON 00139428 The pastoral conversion : Conference of Catholic Bishops of India; 2020 9789388968577 129 p. ; UG Library
253 COR 00110720 Equipped for good work : Cothen, Joe Pelican Pub. Co., 2012 9781455616138 | 1455616133 3rd ed. xvi, 336 p. : UG Library
253 COR 00143883 Why priests? : Cordes, Paul Josef. Scepter, 2010 9781594170867 | 159417086X 204 p. ; UG Library
253 CRO 00146829 Serving the people of God's presence : Cross, Terry L., Baker Academic 2020 9781540960580 (paperback) | 9781540963512 xiii, 267 pages : UG Library
253 DIG 00092874 So You Want to do Ministry? / Walsh, John J., Orbis Books, 1993 0883449145 2nd ed. 106 p. ; UG Library
253 DIJ 00022500 Family as Church Dijkstra, Osald CBSI 1983 120 p UG Library
253 FRA 00139964 Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate: Francis,Pope Carmel International Publishing House 2018 9788193714263 112p UG Library
253 FRA 00139965 Querida Amazonia (Post Synodal Apostolic Exhortation) Francis, Pope Carmel International Publishing House 2020 88p UG Library
253 FRA 00139961 Charistus Vivit: Francis,Pope St. Pauls 2019 9789350153444 181p UG Library
253 FRA 00139887 Patris Corde (With a Father's Heart) Francis,Pope St. Pauls 2020 9789350153932 32p UG Library
253 FRA 00139962 Fratelli Tutti (Brothers and Sister All): Francis,Pope St. Pauls 2020 9789350153833 211p UG Library
253 FRA 00139969 Life after the Pandemic Francis,Pope St. Pauls 2020 9789350153802 75p UG Library
253 FRA 00137183 Christus Vivit Francis,Pope Carmel International Publishing House 2019 9788194042723 168p UG Library
253 GIL 00135754 Patterns of ministry among the first Christians / Giles, Kevin, Theological Publications in India 2019 9788194037804 | 9781625644466 (hardcover) Second edition, revised and enlarged. xi, 259 pages ; UG Library
253 HOU 00130313 Christian Leadership Houghton,Graham SAIACS Press 2014 246p UG Library
253 HUE 00134496 The Pastoral Companion: a Canon Law Handbook for Catholic Ministry Huels,John M Theological Publications in India 2016 9788188821815 476p UG Library
253 HUE 00134497 The Pastoral Companion: a Canon Law Handbook for Catholic Ministry Huels,John M Theological Publications in India 2016 9788188821815 476p UG Library
253 HUE 00141619 Promise and Hope: Huebsch,Bill St. Pauls 2021 9788194749509 220p UG Library
253 JEY 00124909 Christian Ministry: Models of Ministry and Training Jeyaraj, Jesudason Basker Theological Book Trust 2002 8174750401 346p UG Library
253 JOS 00125026 Renewed Vision for Consecrated Life Jose,Fabian Christian World Imprints 2016 9789351480976 136p UG Library
253 KAD 00137182 The Priesthood:a Pathe to Holiness Kadankavil Emmanuel,Manuel St. Pauls 2019 9789350153420 238p UG Library
253 KAI 00112725 The People and the Priest Kaitholil,George St. Pauls 2009 9788171099726 166p UG Library
253 KEE 00108185 Intuitive Leadership Keel,Tim, Baker Books, 2007 9780801068133 (pbk.) | 0801068 270 p. ; UG Library
253 KOC 05070951 Let My People Go : Dharmaram Publications, 2020 9788194579847 vii,232p.; Knowledge Centre
253 KOC 05070952 Let My People Go : Dharmaram Publications, 2020 9788194579847 vii,232p.; Knowledge Centre
253 KRI 00107865 21 Tests of Effective Leadership Krider,Larry Destiny Image Publishing Inc 2010 9780768430585 218 P. UG Library
253 MAC 00118029 Pastoral ministry : MacArthur, John, Thomas Nelson, Inc., 2005 1418500062 | 9781418500061 xiv, 363 p. ; UG Library
253 MCA 00020149 Conflict in Community Mcallister, Robert J St.Paul`s Publication 1974 174 p UG Library
253 MIL 00146827 Christian theology in practice : Miller-McLemore, Bonnie J. W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2012 9780802865342 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0802865348 (pbk. : alk. paper) xi, 322 p. ; UG Library
253 MIT 00142182 Our Lives in Wonderful Light Mitterstieler,Elmer ATC Publishers 2016 9788170867449 127p UG Library
253 MOO 00133781 Intercultural discipleship : Moon, W. Jay, Baker Academic 2017 9780801098499 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiii, 299 pages : UG Library
253 MUR 00111126 An introduction to pastoral care and counseling / Murry, Ezamo. Indian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 2009 9788184650167 (pbk.) | 8184650 Rev. ed. vi, 342 p. ; UG Library
253 MUR 04016754 The Leadership Secretes of Jesus / Murdock, Mike Authentic, 1996 9788173623677 221p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
253 OSM 00098983 Practical Theology : Osmer, Richard Robert, William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2008 9780802817655 (pbk. : alk. pap x, 246 p. ; UG Library
253 OSM 00106795 Practical Theology Osmer,Richard Robert Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing 2008 9780802817655 x; 246 P. UG Library
253 PIC 00112109 Theological foundations for collaborative ministry / Pickard, Stephen K. Ashgate Pub. Ltd., 2009 9780754668299 (hardcover) | 07 viii, 256 p. ; UG Library
253 PUN 00122318 The Heart of a Pastor Punnapadam,Thomas Kristu Jyoti Publications 2015 9788187370864 228p UG Library
253 PUN 00122345 The Heart of a Pastor Punnapadam,Thomas Kristu Jyoti Publications 2015 9788187370864 228p UG Library
253 RAH 00145054 Enduring ministry : Rahberg, Samuel D., Liturgical Press, 2017 9780814647110 xx, 124 pages ; UG Library
253 REA 00112108 Reconstructing practical theology : Reader, John, Ashgate, 2008 9780754662242 (hbk. : alk. pap 144 p. ; UG Library
253 ROO 00143920 The pastor in a secular age : Root, Andrew, Baker Academic 2019 9780801098475 xxii, 291 pages ; UG Library
253 ROO 00143918 The Congregation in a secular age : Root, Andrew, Baker Academic 2021 9780801098482 (paperback) | 9781540963949 (casebound) xiv, 268 pages ; UG Library
253 SCH 00111131 Faith as a way of life : Scharen, Christian Batalden. William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2008 9780802862310 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 137 p. ; UG Library
253 SCH 00072107 Art and Vocation of Caring for People in Pain [dharmaram Library] Schultz, Karl A 1993 0809134403 110 UG Library
253 SHE 00112732 Those Mysterious Priests Sheen,Fulton J St. Pauls 2012 9788171097500 370p UG Library
253 STE 00135051 Envisioning the congregation, practicing the gospel : Stewart, John W. William B Erdmans Publishing Company 2015 9780802871640 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 226 pages ; UG Library
253 STR 00146138 Tribal church : Stroope, Steve B & H Publishing Group 2012 9781433673443 205p UG Library
253 VAN 00122138 The pastor as public theologian : Vanhoozer, Kevin J. 9780801097713 (cloth) xi, 221 pages ; UG Library
253 VEL 00130167 Person Oriented and Person Centred Vellakada,Sen S F S Publications 2017 543p UG Library
253 WEB 00112850 Dalit Pastoral Ministry Webster,John C B ISPCK 2013 9788184653366 111p UG Library
253 WIT 00128958 The Word of God at Vatican II Witherup, Ronald D Theological Publications in India 1991 85p UG Library
253.019 MAL 00133779 Developing emotionally mature leaders : Malphurs, Aubrey, Baker Academic 2018 9780801019449 (pbk.) 239 pages ; UG Library
253.03CAR 00111142 The new dictionary of pastoral studies / Carr, Wesley. William B. Eerdmans, 2002 0802823181 xviii, 414 p. ; UG Library
253.09015 THO 00124931 Pastoral ministry according to Paul Thompson, James, Baker Academic, 2006 0801031095 (pbk.) 174 p.; UG Library
253.19 TID 00094542 Skilful Shepherds: Tidball Derek Apollos 9780851114545 368p UG Library
253.2 CRC 00020150 Psychological Realities & Religious Life Candian Religious Conference , St.Paul`s Publication 1975 229 p UG Library
253.2 GIB 00012071 When the Minisdter Is a Woman Gibson Elsie, Holt,Rinehort 1973 174 p UG Library
253.2 GON 00119300 Builders of community : González Faus, José Ignacio. Convivium Press, 2012 9781934996256 (pbk.) | 1934996 165 p. ; UG Library
253.2 HAH 00137195 Many are called : Hahn, Scott. Doubleday, 2010 9780307590770 1st ed. 155 p. ; UG Library
253.2 PAR 00135753 Pastoral identity as social construction : Park, Samuel Theological Publications in India 2019 1498287433 | 9788194037842 | 9781610975070 | 1610975073 xvi, 205 pages : UG Library
253.25 PAR 05049601 Psychosexual integration and celibate maturity : Parappullly SBD, Jose. Salesian Psychological Association, 2016 9789351043270 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
253.25 PAR 05049602 Psychosexual integration and celibate maturity : Parappullly SBD, Jose. Salesian Psychological Association, 2016 9789351043270 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
253.252 SIP 00079863 Celibacy in Crisis a Secret World Revisited Sipe, Richard A W 2003 0415944732 350p UG Library
253.5 AND 00122160 The Kingdom Life Andrews, Alan NavPress, 2010 9781600062803 332 p:. UG Library
253.5 AND 00117402 Discipleship counseling / Anderson, Neil T., Regal, 2003 0830732977 397 p. : UG Library
253.5 BEN 00094544 Strategic Pastoral Counseling : Benner, David G. Baker Academic, 2003 0801026318 (pbk.) 153 p. : UG Library
253.5 CLI 00107520 Basic Types of Pastoral Care & Counseling Clinebell,Howard, Suvartha Bhavan 1984 9788187429968 Rev. and enl. 483 p. UG Library
253.5 CLI 00109789 Competent Christian counseling Clinton,Timothy Dr. WaterBrook Press, 2002 1578565170 | 9781578565177 1st ed. xvii; 813 p. UG Library
253.5 COL 05031738 Christian Counseling Casebook : Collins, Gary R. Thomas Nelson, 2007 9781418516604 (alk. paper) 283 P Knowledge Centre
253.5 COL 00107608 Christian counseling : Collins, Gary R. Thomas Nelson, 2007 1418503290 | 9781418503291 3rd ed. xv, 976 p. UG Library
253.5 CRA 00088078 Effective Biblical Counseling Crabb, Lawrence OM BOOKS 1977 ISB8173624739 191p UG Library
253.5 FAS 00020147 Personal Counselling Faster, J M St.Paul`s Publication 1980 278 p UG Library
253.5 GRE 00111202 Counseling and Christianity : Greggo, Stephen P., IVP Academic, 2012 9780830839780 (pbk. : alk. pap 256 p. : UG Library
253.5 JOS 00112689 Pastoral Leadership style and Emotional Intelligence Joseph, P T St. Pauls 2010 9789350150030 229p UG Library
253.5 KAY 00098987 Pastoral Care and Counselling a Manual Kay, William K OM BOOKS 9788173621628 200p UG Library
253.5 KAY 00107875 Pastoral Care and Counselling a Manual Kay, William K OM BOOKS 9788173621628 200p UG Library
253.5 KAY 00088076 Pastoral Care and Counselling a Manual Kay, William K OM BOOKS 9788173621628 200p UG Library
253.5 KEL 00120685 Gospel-centered counseling : Kellemen, Robert W. 9780310516132 312 pages ; UG Library
253.5 KEL 00120695 Scripture and counseling : Kellemen, Bob 9780310516835 480 pages UG Library
253.5 KIR 00122895 Biblical concepts for Christian counseling : Kirwan, William T. Baker Book House, 1984 0801054540 (pbk.) : 230 p. UG Library
253.5 KRU 00072038 Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling: [ Dharmaram Library] Kruis, G John OM BOOKS 2000 8173622035 208p UG Library
253.5 MAC 00140591 Counseling : MacArthur, John, Thomas Nelson, Inc., 2005 1418500054 (hbk) | 9781418500054 (hbk) xiv, 300 p. ; UG Library
253.5 MAC 00121080 Christ-centered Biblical counseling / Macdonald,James Harvest House Publishers, 2013 9780736951456 480 p. : UG Library
253.5 MAT 00130331 Making of a Christian Counselor Mathew,Alex G S Books 2014 9789383691395 278p UG Library
253.5 MEI 00110782 Introduction to psychology and counseling: Meier,paul d Baker Book House, 1991 0801062756 2nd ed. 367 p. : UG Library
253.5 MIN 00093014 The Minirth Guide for Christian Counselors / Minirth, Frank B. Broadman & Holman, 2003 0805427996 xi, 191 p. ; UG Library
253.5 RAJ 00088099 Pastoral Care of Adolescent and Young Adults Rajan, C Ssr Asian Trading Corporation 2008 ISB8170863171 96p UG Library
253.5 WOR 00122869 Evidence-based practices for Christian counseling and psychotherapy / Worthington,Everett L Inter Varsity Press 2013 9780830840274 (pbk. : alk. pap 351 pages ; UG Library
253.5088 POD 00107484 Pastoral Morality Versus Code Morality Podimattam, Felix M. Media House 2001 8174950958 159 P. UG Library
253.519 MAT 00094523 Beyond Techniques: Mathew Alex Authentic Books 9788173628269 263p UG Library
253.52 CAL 00143957 Theology for psychology and counseling : Callaway, Kutter, Baker Academic 2022 9781540963024 | 9781540965271 vii, 213 pages : UG Library
253.52 JOS 00130157 Clergy Burnout and Engagement/ Joseph,Eugene Newman Theological Publications In India 2017 531p UG Library
253.52 KNI 00090702 Disturbed By Mind and Spirit: Knight, Gavin Mowbray, 2008 9780826427755 149p UG Library
253.52 LYN 00123537 Pastoral Care & Counselling Lynch, Gordon, SAGE Publications, 2002 0761970967 | 9780761970965 viii, 104 p. ; UG Library
253.52 MCM 05031737 Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling / McMinn, Mark R. Tyndale House, 1996 084235252X (alk. paper) xii, 315 p. : Knowledge Centre
253.52 MCM 00094540 Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling / McMinn, Mark R. Tyndale House, 1996 084235252X (alk. paper) xii, 315 p. : UG Library
253.52 MCM 00108155 Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling McMinn, Mark R. Tyndale House, 1996 9780842352529 xii, 315 p. : UG Library
253.52 MCM 00110239 Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling McMinn, Mark R. Tyndale House, 1996 9780842352529 xii, 315 p. : UG Library
253.52 WAT 00135874 Psychology for Christian ministry Watts, Fraser N. Routledge, 2002 0415240360 (hbk) | 0415240379 (pbk.) xv, 320 p. : UG Library
253.53 ACk 00143884 Spiritual direction : Hicks, Boniface, Emmaus Road Publishing 2017 9781945125683 (hardcover) | 9781945125553 (pbk.) xxxiii, 271 pages ; UG Library
253.53 KRE 00110787 Authentic spiritual mentoring : Kreider, Larry. Regal Books, 2007 9780830744138 (trade paper) 223 p. ; UG Library
253.53 ROD 00121273 Spiritual Direction and Supervision How Rodrigues,Savio Gujarat Sahitya Prakash 2009 9789380066080 92p UG Library
253.7 PAT 00020719 Service and Salvation Pathrapankal, Joseph TPI 623 p UG Library
253.7 PAT 00019815 Service and Salvation Pathrapankal, Joseph TPI 623 p UG Library
253.7 WIJ 00108154 The Pastoral Circle Revisited Wijsen,Frans Orbis Books, 2005 1570756201 | 1570756201 xxii, 241 p. ; UG Library
253MIL 00112886 The empowered leader : Miller, Calvin, Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1995 0805411453 : xii, 227 p. : UG Library
254 DIA 00135107 Small Christian Communities to Small Human Communitties Dias,Joseph Coracao De Jesus ATC Publications 2016 9788170867579 318p UG Library
254 KIT 00125020 Introduction to Communication Kithan,Zubeno Sceptre 2014 181p UG Library
254 MAL 00118023 Advanced strategic planning : Malphurs, Aubrey. Baker Books, 2005 0801091810 (pbk.) 2nd ed. 382 p. ; UG Library
254 PON 00135133 The Spirituality of Basic Ecclesial Communities in the Socio Religious Context of Trvandrum /Kerala/India Ponnumuthan,Selvister CIPH 2018 9788193810606 356p UG Library
254.1 MAl 00106801 The Nuts and Bolts of Church Planting: A Guide for Starting Any Kind of Church Malphurs, Aubrey Baker Books 2011 9780201072628 269 P. UG Library
254.1094 PAA 00142247 Church planting in the secular west : Paas, Stefan, William B Eerdmans Publishing Company 2016 9780802873484 (pbk. : alk. paper) xii, 304 pages ; UG Library
254.2 GON 00120889 The Spirituality of Community Gonzalez,Adele Pauline 2009 9788171767007 120p UG Library
254.3 AND 00105135 Screen Saved: Andriacco,Dan. St.Anthony Messenger Press 2000 9780867164183 153p. UG Library
254.8 KHA 04013612 Don't Blame God : Khan, Sanjar Ali Pustak Mahal, 2012 9788122312782 159 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
255 DEV 00146868 Consecrated life: Devadoss, S Claretian Publications, 2022 9788187804793 376p UG Library
255 FIA 00121268 Wrestling with God : Fiand, Barbara. Claretian Publications 2002 0824516206 (pbk.) iii, 208 p. ; UG Library
255 FRA 00139870 Fratelli Tutti : Francis, Pope. Conference of Catholic Bishops of India; 2020 9789388968607 123 p. ; UG Library
255 FRA 00139442 Fratelli Tutti : Francis, Pope. Conference of Catholic Bishops of India; 2020 9789388968607 123 p. ; UG Library
255 GAL 00068431 Benedicting Rule of he Leadership Galbraith, Craig S Viva Books Private Limited 2004 1593370059 179p UG Library
255 GAM 00019605 Global Mystery of Religious Life Gambari, Elio St.Paul`s Publication 1973 304 p UG Library
255 KW 00072173 Lovers of the Place Monasticism Loose in the Church [dharmaram Library] Lkline, Francis 1997 0814624286 134 UG Library
255 MCE 00125184 The new monasticism : McEntee, Rory. Theological Publications in India 2015 9781626981263 (pbk.) xl, 215 pages : UG Library
255 MUT 00146870 Called you by name/ Muthiah, Arul Jesus Robin Claretian Publications, 2022 9788187804765 275p UG Library
255 ORD 00145075 Ordination of Bishops, priests and deacons / Conference of Catholic Bishops of India, 2021 9789391399702 201 p. ; UG Library
255 PAR 00146869 The Spirit widens our tent/ Parcdes, Jose Cristo Rey Gracia Claretian Publications, 2024 9788189851934 223p UG Library
255.0023 CHI 00143966 What are you looking for? : Chittister, Joan, Paulist Press 2019 9780809154746 | 0809154749 64 pages ; UG Library
255.009 KAR 00145079 Pillars of community : Kardong, Terrence. Liturgical Press, 2010 9780814633151 | 9780814639214 (ebook) xvii, 259 p. ; UG Library
255.1 JAM 00141300 Finding Happiness : Jamison, Christopher Weidenfeld & Nicolson; 2008 9781474618762 224 p. UG Library
255.106 BIS 00129338 A way in the wilderness : Bishop, James. Continuum, 2012 9781441151155 (pbk.) | 1441151 xviii, 230 p. ; UG Library
255.106 DER 00145033 A blessed life : Derkse, Wil. Liturgical Press, 2009 9780814618639 (pbk.) | 0814618634 (pbk.) xiv, 95 p. ; UG Library
255.106 SUT 00143900 St. Benedict's rule : Benedict, Liturgical Press 2021 9780814688434 299p UG Library
255.106 WAA 00092772 A life-giving way : De Waal, Esther. Liturgical Press, 0814623581 (pbk.) xv, 208 p. ; UG Library
255.5 ARR 00020158 Justice With Faith Today Arrupe, Pedro Gujarat Sahitya Prakash 1980 320 p UG Library
255.53 BAR 05049107 Contemplatives in action : Barry, William A. Paulist Press, 2002 0809141124 | 9780809141128 v, 84 p. ; Knowledge Centre
255.53 COR 00146790 Communicating the Good News: Correya, Cassius Don Bosco Publications 2020 9789384960216 286p UG Library
255.53 GOU 00146789 A church of passion and hope : Goulding, Gill, Bloomsbury 2016 9780567664662 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9780567664679 (pbk. : alk. paper) ix, 330 pages ; UG Library
255.53 GOU 00125541 A church of passion and hope : Goulding, Gill, Bloomsbury 2016 9780567664662 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9780567664679 (pbk. : alk. paper) ix, 330 pages ; UG Library
255.73 JOC 00020155 Collected Works John of the Cross , ICS 1979 773 p UG Library
255.73 JOH 00022706 Collected Works of St.John of the Cross John, AVP 1980 740 p UG Library
255.79 WRI 00110230 Heart Speaks to Heart Wright, Wendy M. Orbis Books, 2004 157075506X 216 p. ; UG Library
255.8 BON 00107549 Eastern Monasticism and Future of the Church Boniface Archimandrite Oriental institute of Religious Studies India: 1993 8186063501 239 p. UG Library
255.8 BON 00107550 Eastern Monasticism and Future of the Church Boniface Archimandrite Oriental institute of Religious Studies India: 1993 8186063501 239 p. UG Library
255.970092 2006. 04024393 Blessed Teresa of Kolkata / Kumar, Sunita Om Books, 2014 9788187107453 124p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
255.971 MAR 00120662 Carmelite Spirituality in The Teresian Tradition Maria Paul Carmel International Publishing House 1999 8187655062 120p UG Library
255.971 MAR 00120663 Following the path of Divine Love Maravillas Carmel International Publishing House 2011 9789380483320 446p UG Library
255/.8172 LAY 00128492 The Canons of Our Fathers : Layton,Bentley Oxford University Press 2016 9780199582631 | 0199582637 xi, 359 pages ; UG Library
255CUR 01010228 History of Religious Orders(law Lib) Charles Warren Currier Kessinger Publishing`s 0766171574 672p Knowledge Centre
257 S-1 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
257 THA 00107547 The Juridical Sources The Syro- Malabar Church Thazhath Andrews Pontiicium Institutum Oriental : 1987 xlvii, 345 p. UG Library
257.4 KUR 00104120 First Voyage of the Apostle Thomas to India/ Kurikilamkatt James Asia Trading Corporation 2005 8170863597 264 p UG Library
258 P-3 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
258 WIL 00104618 The Cross And the Switch Blade Wiilkerson,David. Authentic 1963 9788173623783 225 p. UG Library
259 F-2 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
259 R-5 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
259 BRI 00088106 What Every Volunteer Youth Worker Should Know Brierley, Danny WEO International 2003 ISB1850785414 181p UG Library
259 GHO 00119598 Instrument of Your Peace Ghosn,Margaret St. Pauls 2014 140p UG Library
259 KAN 00125181 The Future of Christian Mission in India Kanjamala,Augustine Theological Publications in India 2016 9789383163397 399p UG Library
259 KIT 00125024 Pastoral Care and Counselling Kithan,Zubeno Sceptre 2015 336p UG Library
259 MAJ 00140568 Single Parenting Issues Faces by Widows : Majithuibou, N. Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485407 xii, 86 p. 23 cm. UG Library
259 MIL 00110809 Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling Women Miller,Patricia A Authentic Books 2002 9789381905999 208p UG Library
259.0811 STR 00131016 Men Counseling Men Street,John D Harvest House Publishers, 2013 9780736949262 (pbk.) 442 p. ; UG Library
259.0811 STR 00125446 Men Counseling Men Street,John D Harvest House Publishers, 2013 9780736949262 (pbk.) 442 p. ; UG Library
259.082 STR 00133787 The biblical counseling guide for women Street,, John D., Harvest House Publishers 2016 9780736964517 (pbk.) 364 pages ; UG Library
259.08694 MEY 00126907 Through the fire : Meyer, Rick,, Augsburg Books, 2005 0806651326 (pbk. : alk. paper) 159 p : UG Library
259.12 PAA 00130163 Insights of transactional Analysis and Spiritual Factors in Marital Communication Paarrael, Thomas John SFS Publications 2015 416p UG Library
259.12 WEA 05031736 Counseling families across the stages of life : Weaver, Andrew J., Abingdon Press, 2002 0687084156 (alk. paper) 250 p. ; Knowledge Centre
259.14 HAR 00106792 Effective Marriage Counseling Harley, Willard F. Revell, 2010 970800719456 188 p. ; UG Library
259.14 HAR 00108148 Effective Marriage Counseling Harley,Willard F. Revell, 2010 9780800719456 188 p. ; UG Library
259.14 PAU 00121247 Practical Tips to make your marriage Work Paul,Deepu Better Yourself Books 2011 9788171087150 110p UG Library
259.2 CAR 00142139 Eministry : Careaga, Andrew, Kregel Publications, 2001 0825423708 216 p. ; UG Library
259.2 LED 00108171 Extending Your Heritage Ledbetter,J. Otis. Faith Parenting, 2000 1564767833 157 p. : UG Library
259.2 ROO 00143919 Faith formation in a secular age : Root, Andrew, Baker Academic 2017 9780801098468 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxii, 218 pages ; UG Library
259.22 SAN 05055566 Children without Childhood : Sangtam, Athriba. Christian World Imprints , 2016 9789351481430 91p. Knowledge Centre
259.23 BOR 00088052 Youth Ministry Boran, George ST Pauls 2008 9719715049516 138p UG Library
259.23 DUN 00111501 Reaching a generation for Christ : Moody Press, 1997 0802493483 704 p. : UG Library
259.23 FER 00118830 Youth Ministry/ Fernandez, Joe Kristu Jyoti Publications 2014 174p UG Library
259.23 FER 00118664 Youth Ministry/ Fernandez, Joe Kristu Jyoti Publications 2014 174p UG Library
259.23 HIG 00122365 Youth ministry on your knees Higgs, Mike, NavPress, 2004 1576836185 1st ed. 165 p. UG Library
259.23 MCL 00106050 The Student Leadership Training Manual for Youth Workers : McLuen, Dennis, Zondervan Pub. House, 2000 0310227976 230 p. : UG Library
259.23 REI 00135092 Raising the bar : Reid, Alvin L. Kregel Publications, 2004 082543632X (pbk.) 207 p. ; UG Library
259.23 WEN 00039465 Ministering to Youth. Wensing, Michel G Forum Books 1982 120 p UG Library
259.23092 ROO 00134501 Bonhoeffer as youth worker : Root, Andrew, Baker Academic 2014 9780801049057 (pbk.) x, 211 pages ; UG Library
259.24 PUT 00110811 Youth Ministry Puthuva,Joffie Kristu Jyoti Publications 2013 xxv,207p UG Library
259.24088282 BAC 00138701 Pope Francis and campus ministry : Bacik, James J., Paulist Press 2018 9780809153398 (pbk. : alk. paper) xi, 211 pages ; UG Library
259.4 KOE 05037996 Counseling Troubled Older Adults / Koening Harold.G Abingdon Press, 1997 9780687091362 256p.; Knowledge Centre
259.41 SWI 00136173 Hospital chaplaincy in the twenty-first century : Swift, Christopher, Ashgate, 2014 9781472410511 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781472430236 (ebook) | 9781472430243 (epub) 2nd Edition. 201 p. ; UG Library
259.41962414 ARB 00143959 The pandemic and the people of God : Arbuckle, Gerald A., Orbis Books 2021 9781626984417 xxxiii, 230 pages ; UG Library
259.44 FOX 00139705 Disability and the way of Jesus : Fox, Bethany McKinney, Inter Varsity Press Academic; 2019 9780830852390 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiv, 203 pages ; UG Library
259.5 GEO 00051884 Let Prison Walls Fall George, Jemma Ventures 1998 36 p UG Library
259.5 KAR 00051889 Prisoners Our Own Brethren Karippery, Varghese PMI Publications 2001 142 p UG Library
259.5 KOD 00051890 Saga of Divine Providence: History of Jesus Fraternity and Prison Ministry Kodiyan, Francis PMI Publications 2000 8890027312 xi 226 p UG Library
259.5 VEE 00051888 Star of Hope in Dark Cells Veekke P M I Publications 2000 61 p UG Library
26 I-4 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
26 S-5 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
260 AMA 00135076 Intercultural Encounter and the Jesuit Mission in South Asia Amaladass,Anand ATC Publicatinons 2014 9788170866909 396p UG Library
260 AUG 00148042 An Outline History of Churches in Kerala Augustine, C A Carmel International Publishing House 2023 9789390096886 826p UG Library
260 BEN 00139890 From the depths of our hearts : Ignatius Press; 2020 9781621644200 148 p. ; UG Library
260 BEN 00139445 From the depths of our hearts : Ignatius Press; 2020 9781621644200 148 p. ; UG Library
260 CHA 00033516 Lessing`s Theological Writings Chadwick, Henry Stanford 1956 110 p UG Library
260 CIS 00002766 Kurisumala Ashram Cistercian Monk, A St Joseph`s 20 p UG Library
260 DAN 00013438 Lord of Histroy: Reflections of the Inner Meaning of History Danielou, Jean Dorling Kindersley 1958 370 p UG Library
260 DAS 00148038 Jesuit Letters and Mysore History Dass, Mahimai A Kristu Jyoti Publications 2022 9789393227034 450p UG Library
260 DIA 00148155 Jesuit Initiatives in Indian Higher Education/ Dias, Joan Christian World Imprints, 2021 9789351485674 244p UG Library
260 EZU 00148148 Disability and Caregiving/ Ezung, S Ekonthung Christian World Imprints, 2023 9789395457200 260p UG Library
260 HOO 00010684 Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity Hooker, Richard Everyman`s Librasry 1969 554 p UG Library
260 HOO 00010685 Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity Hooker, Richard Everyman`s Librasry 1969 554 p UG Library
260 MAH 00089814 Kurisumala Mahieu, Francis Cisterican Publications Inc 2008 394p. UG Library
260 MAR 00140579 Notes from the Edges : Theological Intonations / Markose, Baiju. Christian World Imprints ; 2021 9789351485322 (HB) | 9789351485339 (PB) xii, 141 p. 23 cm. UG Library
260 PAT 00009738 Metanoia Faith Covenant Pathrapankal, J Dharmaram 1973 300 p UG Library
260.0954 MUN 05031732 Indian Christians : Mundadan, A M Dharmaram, 2005 8186861505 234 p Knowledge Centre
260.0954 MUN 05031731 Indian Christians : Mundadan, A M Dharmaram, 2005 8186861505 234 p Knowledge Centre
260.3 CRO 00098986 Dictionary of the Christian church Hendrickson publishers; 9781598562507 xxxvii;1786 p. UG Library
260.954 ABH 00009737 Towards the Renewal of the Indian Church L, K C M 1970 100 p UG Library
260.PEN 00092869 Overcoming the World Missions Crisis: Penney Russell L Kregel Publications 2001 0825434661 389p UG Library
260CBC 00003699 Christ the Sacrament Organizing Committee All India , UG Library
261 22 00130289 Making the Best of IT Stackhouse, John G Oxford University Press 2008 978019843947 370p UG Library
261 AMA 00088075 Theological Reflections on Inculturation Amlorananda, Swami Anjali Ashram 1989 60p UG Library
261 BEA 00112204 Virtual faith : Beaudoin, Tom, Jossey-Bass, 1998 0787938823 (alk. paper) 1st ed. xxiii, 210 p. ; UG Library
261 BEC 10004944 Things that matter : overcoming distraction to pursue a more meaningful life / by Joshua Becker with Eric Stanford. Becker, Joshua [Author] WaterBrook, 2022 9780593193990 1st Ed. 233 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
261 BEN 00110212 Christianity and the Crisis of Cultures Benedict Ignatius Press , 2006 9781586171421 (alk. paper) | 1 116 p. ; UG Library
261 BRO 00110261 Converging on Culture Brown, Delwin, Oxford University Press, 2001 019514466X (alk. paper) | 0195 xiii, 202 p. ; UG Library
261 CHA 00125012 Christian Response to Multi faith Issues Chacko,Laji Sceptre 2016 238p UG Library
261 COX 05045846 The secular city : Cox, Harvey, Princeton University Press, 2013 9780691158853 (pbk. : alk. pap lx, 339 pages ; Knowledge Centre
261 CRA 00020139 Psychology of Jesus and Mental Health Cramer, Raymond L St.Paul`s Publication 1975 195 p UG Library
261 DRA 00128026 After McDonaldization : Drane, John . Baker Academic, 2008 9780801036118 (pbk.) | 0801036 ix, 166 p. : UG Library
261 EDG 00135124 Whose Homosexuality Which Authority Edgar,Brain ATF Press 2007 216p UG Library
261 GUI 00140513 Renaissance : Guinness, Os. IVP Books 2014 9780830836710 (pbk. : alk. paper) 187 pages ; UG Library
261 IRU 00139429 Theologizing today : Indian Theological Association and ATC Publishers; 2019 9789388968058 xi, 304 pages ; UG Library
261 ISO 00125028 The Cultural Compromise Ison,Warren Christian World Imprints 2016 9789351480990 182p UG Library
261 KRF 00143079 Culture, communication, and Christianity : Kraft, Charles H. William Carey Library, 2001 0878087842 (alk. paper) 504 p. : UG Library
261 KUR 00125029 TThe Philosophical and Theological Aspects of Interreligious Dialogue Kuruvachira,J Christian World Imprints 2016 9789351480822 177p UG Library
261 LON 00125015 Doing Theology From Disability Perspective Longchar,Wati Sceptre 2014 268p UG Library
261 LOV 00085748 Christian Realism and the New Realities. Lovin, Robin W 2008 9780521603003 231 p UG Library
261 MAR 00112131 The future of Christianity : Martin, David, Ashgate, 2011 9781409406587 (hardcover : alk ix, 230 p. ; UG Library
261 NIN 00051508 Selected Speeches on Church & Society Ninan, A George Bombay Urban Ind League for Development 1999 xviii 331 p UG Library
261 PEA 00134768 How now shall we live? Colson, Charles W. Tyndale House Publishers, 1999 0842318089 (hardcover : alk. paper) xiv, 574 p. ; UG Library
261 PER 00112115 The ecclesial canopy : Percy, Martyn. Ashgate, 2012 9781409441199 (hardcover : alk 224 p. : UG Library
261 RAT 00092978 Christianity and the Crisis of Cultures Benedict Ignatius Press , 2006 9781586171421 (alk. paper) | 1 116 p. ; UG Library
261 SMI 00107836 The Devil Reads Derrida : Smith, James K. A., William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2009 9780802864079 (pbk. : alk. pap p. cm. UG Library
261 SMI 00102309 The Devil Reads Derrida : Smith, James K. A., William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2009 9780802864079 (pbk. : alk. pap xxii, 163 p. ; UG Library
261 THI 07006246 Theological Aesthetics/ Thiessen,Gesa Elsbeth. Scm Press, 2004 9780334029472 XV,397 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
261 THO 00103604 Ethical World Thomas, Kadankavil Dharmaram Publications, 345 p. UG Library
261 VIN 00139668 Political theology in transition / Vinayaraj, Y.T. Christian World Imprints; 2020 9789351485001 109 p. ; UG Library
261 WIL 00111127 Asian public theology : Wilfred, Felix. ISPCK, 2010 9788184650846 (pbk.) | 8184650 xxvi, 336 p. ; UG Library
261 WIR 00125051 Food and faith : Wirzba, Norman. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521195508 (hardback) | 052 xix, 244 p.; UG Library
261 WOO 00130324 Families in the Plan of God Wood,Beulah SAIACS Press 2011 254p UG Library
261..83581 MEN 00122340 Dhambhhathya Manasastram Menachery,G Jeevan Books 2011 8189458086 5 240p UG Library
261.03 DEM 00118015 The dictionary of everyday theology and culture / Demarest,Bruce NavPress, 2010 9781600061929 457 p. ; UG Library
261.094 LUX 00110204 Rethinking Christendom Luxmoore, Jonathan Gracewing 2005 0852446470 | 9780852446478 246 p. : UG Library
261.09541 SUB 00097549 Christianity and change in Northeast India / Concept Pub. Co., 9788180694479 | 918069447X xxi, 362 p. ; UG Library
261.09676 MAG 00136817 Anatomy of Inculturation : Magesa, Laurenti, Orbis Books, 2004 1570755299 (pbk.) x, 286 p. ; UG Library
261.0973 MET 00117540 Consuming Jesus : Metzger, Paul Louis. William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2007 9780802830685 (pbk. : alk. pap x, 191 p. ; UG Library
261.1 DUN 00092756 Building a Better World : Duncan, Malcolm. Continuum, 2006 9780826491527 (pbk.) | 0826491 xiv, 164 p. ; UG Library
261.1 FLA 00084385 Sociology in Theology Reflexivity and Belief Flanagan, Kieran 2007 9780230002654 189p UG Library
261.1 VAL 00135810 The Changing Face of The Church and the Society Vallabadoss,John Peter Omega Book World 2018 292p UG Library
261.122 MOF 00094534 If Jesus Were Mayor: Moffitt Bob Monarch Books 2006 9780825461293 369p UG Library
261.2 BAR 05039047 Interreligious learning Barnes, Michael, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107012844 xvi,292p.; Knowledge Centre
261.2 BAR 00119301 Interreligious learning Barnes, Michael, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107012844 xvi,292p.; UG Library
261.2 BEC 00128188 Catholic engagement with world religions : a comprehensive study / Becker,Karl J Theological Publications In India 2011 9781570758287 xl, 605 p. ; UG Library
261.2 BER 00110958 On Heaven and Earth Bergoglio Mario Jorge Bloomsbury, 2010 9781472903815 xvi, 236 p.: UG Library
261.2 CLO 05074173 Comparative theology : Clooney, Francis X. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 9781405179744 xii, 182 p. ; Knowledge Centre
261.2 COW 05031756 Pluralism in the World Religions : Coward, Harold One World Press, 2009 9781851682430 184 p Knowledge Centre
261.2 DAV 00112661 Christianity and the encounter with other religions David,Immanuel,S UTC Publications 1988 107p UG Library
261.2 LAN 00131765 Stepping stones to other religions : Lane, Dermot A., Orbis Books, 2011 9781570759918 (pbk.) 328 p. ; UG Library
261.2 LEF 00117555 True and holy : Lefebure, Leo D., 9781626980532 (pbk.) ix, 274 pages ; UG Library
261.2 NET 00122112 Christianity & religious diversity : Netland, Harold A., Baker Academic 2015 9780801038570 (pbk. : alk. pap xiii, 290 pages ; UG Library
261.2 PAI 00112744 We are Co - Pilgrims Painadath, S ISPCK 2007 8172148976 116p UG Library
261.2 PHA 00145042 Being religious interreligiously : Phan, Peter C., Orbis Books, 2004 1570755655 (pbk.) xxvii, 283 p. ; UG Library
261.2 PON 00126889 Dialogue in Truth and Charity Kristu Jyoti College 2017 58p UG Library
261.2 SER 00127952 The Uniqueness and Universality of Jesus Christ : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2004 0802822126 (pbk. : alk. paper) xi, 163 p. ; UG Library
261.2 SER 00093020 The Uniqueness and Universality of Jesus Christ : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2004 0802822126 (pbk. : alk. paper) xi, 163 p. ; UG Library
261.2 SUM 00093006 The First and the Last : Sumner, George R., William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2004 vi, 219 p. ; UG Library
261.2 VOS 05053685 Comparing faithfully : Fordhan University Press, 2016 9780823274666 (cloth : alk. pa First edition. vi, 326 pages ; Knowledge Centre
261.21 EAG 07012642 Reason,Faith and Revolution / Eagleton Terry Seagull Books, 2012 9788170463474 xii,185p.: Library - BR Campus
261.21 NOV 00112403 No one sees God : Novak, Michael. Doubleday, 2008 9780385526104 1st ed. xxiv, 310 p. ; UG Library
261.22 FER 00064769 Christian`s Attitude Towords World Relogions Fernando, Ajith Gls Publishing 2000 192 p UG Library
261.243 BER 00100597 Christianity and Buddhism Berry, Sterling Asian Educational Services, 256 p. UG Library
261.243 HOO 07009785 The Raft is not the Shore : Jaico Publishing House, 2009 9788184950076 152p.: Library - BR Campus
261.243 KEN 00092876 Zen Gifts to Christians / Kennedy, Robert E., Continuum, 2000 0826412823 xii, 131 p. : UG Library
261.243 KNI 00125169 Jesus and Buddha : Knitter, Paul Theological Publications in India 2016 9789383163472 | 1626981515 xvii, 253 pages ; UG Library
261.243 LUZ 00122058 Encountering Jesus & Buddha : Luz, Ulrich. Fortress Press, 2006 0800635639 (hardcover : alk. p xv, 231 p. : UG Library
261.243 LUZ 00123027 Encountering Jesus & Buddha : Luz, Ulrich. Fortress Press, 2006 0800635639 (hardcover : alk. p xv, 231 p. : UG Library
261.243 NEU 00142985 Suffering : William Carey Library, 2011 9780878080243 xiv, 218 p. ; UG Library
261.243 SMA 00091833 Lights of the World Buddha and Christ Smart Ninian Dharmaram Publications 1997 111p UG Library
261.245 ALA 00085333 Religions for Societaltransformation Alangaram Asian Trading Corporation 2006 8170863864 191 p UG Library
261.245 ARY 05062826 Revisiting the roots of judeo-Christianity : Arya, Ravi Prakash. Indian Foundation for Vedic Science, 2006 9788187710240 | 8187710241 1st ed. 233 p. ; Knowledge Centre
261.245 BOU 00102103 Swami Abhishiktananda : Abhishiktananda, Orbis Books, 9781570756955 (pbk.) | 1570756 205 p. ; UG Library
261.245 CLO 00131407 The future of Hindu-Christian studies : Clooney, Francis X. Routledge, 2017 9781138696167 (hardback) viii, 135 pages ; UG Library
261.245 DHA 04012510 Hindu-Christian dialogue : Overseas press, 2009 9788188689583 xix, 281 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
261.245 HER 00090508 Influences of Ancient Hinduism on Early Christianity Herman, A L MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2008 9788120832954 249p UG Library
261.245 PAN 00145066 Hinduism and Christianity / Panikkar, Raimon, Orbis Books, 2019 9781626983274 xxviii, 435 pages ; UG Library
261.245 SEL 00129462 Kristu Bhakti and Krishna Bhakti Selvanayagam,Israel Christian World Imprint 2017 9789351481980 192p UG Library
261.26 DAV 00147474 Christian engagements with Judaism / Davies, W. D. Trinity Press International, 1999 1563382687 (alk. paper) xxx, 321 p. ; UG Library
261.26 RIT 00117650 Memory offended : Rittner,Carol Praeger, 1991 0275936066 (alk. paper) | 0275 xiv, 289 p. : UG Library
261.26 SAL 00129479 Preaching without contempt : Salmon, Marilyn J., Fortress Press, 2006 0800638212 (alk. paper) xii, 183 p. ; UG Library
261.26 WIL 00124161 Exploring our Hebraic heritage : Wilson, Marvin R., 9780802871459 (pbk. : alk. pap xxviii, 304 pages ; UG Library
261.2603 KES 05002592 Dictionary of Jewish- Christian Relations / Kessler, Edward Cambridge University Press, 2005 9780521730785 507p.: Knowledge Centre
261.2609 TOM 00122074 Presumed guilty : Tomson, Peter J., Fortress Press, 2005 0800637070 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiv, 146 p. ; UG Library
261.2609 TOM 00129480 Presumed guilty : Tomson, Peter J., Fortress Press, 2005 0800637070 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiv, 146 p. ; UG Library
261.2609015 BIB 00137979 Jews and Gentiles in the early Jesus movement : Bibliowicz, Abel Mordechai. Palgrave 2013 9781137281098 (hardcover : alk. paper) First edition. xxvi, 286 pages ; UG Library
261.26092 FRE 00117459 Augustine and the Jews : Fredriksen, Paula. Yale University Press, 2010 9780385502702 | 0385502702 | 9 1st ed. xxiii, 488 p. : UG Library
261.26092 GRI 00111203 Martin Luther's anti-Semitism : Gritsch, Eric W. W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2012 9780802866769 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 158 p. ; UG Library
261.27 CHA 00106791 Cross and Crescent Chapman,Colin Inter-Varsity 2003 9780851114941 354 p. UG Library
261.27 DAR 00105109 Do we Worship the Same God?: Dardess,George. St. Anthony Messenger Press 2006 9780867167313 vii,166p. UG Library
261.27 MOS 05062776 Monotheism and its complexities : Georgetown University Press, 2018 9781626165830 | 9781626165847 xxiv,190p.; Knowledge Centre
261.27 PAR 00143080 Unveiling God : Parsons, Martin. William Carey Library, 2005 0878084541 xxxviii, 356 p. ; UG Library
261.27 VOL 00107884 Allah Volf, Miroslav. HarperOne, 2011 9780061927072 1st edition 326 p. ; UG Library
261.27 VOL 00146109 Allah: Volf, Miroslav Harper Collins 2011 9780061927089 326p UG Library
261.2709 GOD 00144858 A history of Christian-Muslim relations / Goddard, Hugh. University Press, 2020 9781461636212 | 9781474466806 2nd Editions 212 p UG Library
261.2709 JAM 00110209 Faith and Sword Jamieson, A. G. Reaktion, 2006 1861892721 (hard) 256 p. : UG Library
261.270954 PUN 05067475 Interrogating Communalism : Punathil, Salah. Routledge, 2019 9780367247348 xiv, 161p.; Knowledge Centre
261.2945 JAM 00098521 McDonaldisation, Masala McGospel, and om Economics : James, Jonathan D. SAGE Publications, 2010 9788132104735 (hard back) xvii, 232 p. UG Library
261.29514 KIM 00147720 A theology of Dao / Kim, Hŭb-yŏng, Orbis Books 2017 9781626982192 (pbk.) xii, 276 pages ; UG Library
261.2993 SAL 00117539 Christian responses to the New Age Movement : Saliba, John A. G. Chapman, 1999 0225668521 x, 245 p. ; UG Library
261.2995 KIN 00135869 Teilhard de Chardin and Eastern religions : King, Ursula. Paulist Press, 2011 9780809147045 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0809147041 (pbk. : alk. paper) xv, 415 p. : UG Library
261.5 DEC 00108205 Speaking With Bold Assurance Decker,Bert. Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2001 9780805422108 viii, 183 p. ; UG Library
261.5 HOL 00093016 Theology in Dialogue : William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. ; | David Philip Publishers, 2002 0802839169 (pbk. : U.S.) | 086 xxvi, 286 p. ; UG Library
261.5 MIL 00081043 Theology & Social Theory:Beyond Secular Reason Milbank, John 2006 1405136847 448p UG Library
261.5 RYC 01022555 American law from a Catholic perspective : Rowman & Littlefield, 2015 xviii, 307 pages ; Knowledge Centre
261.5 SCI 05068513 Christianity and sociological theory : Scimecca, Joseph A. Routledge, 2019 9781138606425 228p.; Knowledge Centre
261.5092 VAD 05056436 "Aggiornamento" of the CMI Congregtion in the Light of The Spirit of St.Chavara / Vadaketh,Kuriokose Eliah. Dharmaram Publications, 2017 9789384964696 xvii,275p.: Knowledge Centre
261.51 BAR 00088291 God, Chance and Purpose Bartholomew, David J 2008 9780521707084 259p UG Library
261.51 MAN 00109904 Sacredsecular: Contemplative Cultural Critique Mani, Lata Routledge 2008 9780415484480 | 9780415484480 223 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
261.51 MAN 00089260 Sacredsecular: Contemplative Cultural Critique Mani, Lata Routledge 2008 9780415484480 | 9780415484480 223 p. UG Library
261.51 MIL 00137983 Paul's New Moment : Milbank, John. Brazos, 2010 9781587432279 (pbk.) | 1587432277 (pbk.) ix, 244 p. ; UG Library
261.51 MOR 00124163 Philosophical foundations for a Christian worldview / Moreland, James Porter, InterVarsity Press, 2003 0830826947 (cloth : alk. paper xviii, 653 p. : UG Library
261.51 SHA 00146566 Philosophical Foundations of Mixed Methods Research: Shan, Yafeng Routledge, 2024 9781032226118 viii,261p. ; UG Library
261.51 WER 00138697 Philosophy and the Christian worldview : Werther,David Continuum, 2012 9781441108692 | 1441108696 xiii, 274 p. ; UG Library
261.51 ZAC 00142759 The rise of Christian theology and the end of ancient metaphysics : Zachhuber, Johannes, Oxford University Press 2020 0198859953 | 9780198859956 First edition. xi, 357 pages ; UG Library
261.515 GRO 00068350 Spiritual Passages Groeschel, Benedict J Claretian Publications 2004 8187804335 209p UG Library
261.515 JEE 00111133 Human nature at the millennium : Jeeves, Malcolm A., Baker Books ; | APOLLOS, 1997 0851114512 | 0801021049 254 p. ; UG Library
261.515 NET 00147196 Religious experience and the knowledge of God : Netland, Harold A., Baker Academic, 2022 9780801099649 | 9781540965318 ix, 290 pages ; UG Library
261.52 CAM 07010502 Networked theology / Campbell Heidi.A Baker Academic, 2016 9780801049149 175p.: Library - BR Campus
261.52 HOO 00102709 Religion in the Media Age / Hoover, Stewart M. Routledge, 2006 0415314224 (hardback : alk. pa viii, 341 p. UG Library
261.52 PAU 00129467 Social Networking and Cyberspirituality Paul, Jim M R Christian World Imprint 2017 9789351481867 119p UG Library
261.55 SCH 04003744 Science of God: The Convergence of Scientific and Bivlical Wisdom Schroeder, Gerald L Free Press 2009 9781439129586 235 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
261.55 ABR 00091814 The Quest for the Spiritual Neuron Abraham Jacob Dharmaram Publications 2004 8186861750 140p UG Library
261.55 ALB 05033589 Beginning with the end : Carol Rausch Albright Open Court, 1997 0812693256 (cloth : alk. paper xvii, 458 p. : Knowledge Centre
261.55 BUR 00147200 Science and the Bible : Burge, Ted. Templeton Foundation Press, 2005 1932031936 (alk. paper) xii, 193 p. ; UG Library
261.55 FRA 00108176 Science and Religion...and Culture In The Jesuit Tradition:Perspectives From East Asia Francisco,Jose Mario Adelaide 2006 1920691359 161 p. UG Library
261.55 GIL 00109696 Nature, reality, and the sacred Gilkey, Langdon, Fortress Press, 1993 0800627547 (alk. paper) : | 97 xii, 266 p. ; UG Library
261.55 HAU 00088016 Christianity and Science Haught, John F 2007 9781570757402 208p UG Library
261.55 LEN 00110229 God's Undertaker John C. Lennox Lion 2009 9780745953717 | 9780825479120 New Updated ed. 224 p. ; UG Library
261.55 LUS 00090688 Groundwork of Science and Religion Luscombe, Philip Epworth Press, 2008 0716205351 274p UG Library
261.55 PAN 00147089 The historicity of nature : Pannenberg, Wolfhart, Templeton Foundation Press, 2008 9781599471259 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 1599471256 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxiv, 242 p. ; UG Library
261.55 RAT 00146126 Science & its limits : Ratzsch, Delvin Lee, InterVarsity Press, 2000 9780830815807 | 0851114660 (UK) 2nd ed. 191 p. ; UG Library
261.55 ROS 00056368 The fingerprint of God Ross, Hugh Promise Pub. Co., 1991 0939497182 2nd ed., rev. and updated. 233 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
261.55 ROS 00056367 The fingerprint of God Ross, Hugh Promise Pub. Co., 1991 0939497182 2nd ed., rev. and updated. 233 p. : UG Library
261.55 ROS 00056369 The fingerprint of God Ross, Hugh Promise Pub. Co., 1991 0939497182 2nd ed., rev. and updated. 233 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
261.55 RUS 00109691 Cosmology, evolution, and Resurrection hope Russell,Robert John Pandora Press ; | ATF Press, 2006 1894710673 (Pandora Press : pb 118 p. ; UG Library
261.55 RUS 00142131 Cosmology, evolution, and Resurrection hope Russell,Robert John Pandora Press ; | ATF Press, 2006 1894710673 (Pandora Press : pb 118 p. ; UG Library
261.55 STU 00111686 The Blackwell companion to science and Christianity / Stump,J.B Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 9781444335712 (hardcover : alk xix, 644 p. : UG Library
261.55 STU 00127534 Science and Christianity : Stump, J. B., 9781118625279 (cloth) | 978111 xiv, 180 pages : UG Library
261.55 TIP 00110284 The Physics of Christianity Tipler, Frank J. Doubleday, 2007 9780385514248 | 0385514247 1st ed. 319 p. : UG Library
261.55 WAR 00120874 God,Chance and Necessity Ward.Keith One World 1996 9781851681164 212p UG Library
261.55 WAT 00112119 God and the scientist : Watts,Fraser Ashgate, 2012 9781409445708( paper) | 978140 xiv, 284 p. : UG Library
261.55088282 OHE 00133767 Faith and Science Matters Ohearn,Michael Novalis 2013 9782896464074 144p UG Library
261.55088282 OLE 00127533 Roman Catholicism and modern science : O'Leary, Don, Continuum, 2006 0826418686 (hardcover : alk. p xx, 356 p. ; UG Library
261.56 WAT 00112117 From human to posthuman : Waters, Brent. Ashgate Pub., 2006 0754639142 (alk. paper) | 0754 xi, 166 p. ; UG Library
261.56109409031 GRE 05041053 Medicine and the Reformation / Routledge, 1993 9780415869553 vii, 197 p. : Knowledge Centre
261.57 TUR 05065279 Imagine : Turner, Steve. IVP Books , 2017 9780830844630 (pbk. : alk. paper) Revised and Expanded Second edition. 184 p. ; Knowledge Centre
261.57 WEI 00147195 Redeeming vision : Weichbrodt, Elissa Yukiko, Baker Academic, 2023 9781540965974 266 pages : UG Library
261.578 BEC 00088289 Jesusdud:theology, Music and Social Change Beckford, Robert 2008 ISB0415310199 182p UG Library
261.578 IND 00130162 IIS Gananjali Indian Institute of Spirituality IIS Publications 2008 256p UG Library
261.578 KUM 00135802 Modes of Indian Classical Music for the Moods of Christian Worship Kumar,Santhosh S Christava Sahitya Samithi 2012 101p UG Library
261.58 KNI 00110676 An Introduction To Religion and Literature / Knight, Mark, Continuum, 2009 9780826497017 | 0826497012 (hb vi, 166 p. ; UG Library
261.5803 KUR 00104213 The encyclopedia of Christian Literature / Kurian, George Thomas. Scarecrow Press, 2010 9780810869875 (alk. paper) | 9 2 v. (xvi, 711 p.) ; UG Library
261.5803 KUR 05002455 The encyclopedia of Christian Literature / Kurian, George Thomas. Scarecrow Press, 2010 9780810869875 (alk. paper) | 9 2 v. (xvi, 711 p.) ; Knowledge Centre
261.5803 KUR 01016360 The encyclopedia of Christian literature / Scarecrow Press, 2010 9780810869875 (alk. paper) | 9 2 v. (xvi, 711 p.) ; Knowledge Centre
261.5803 KUR 01016361 The encyclopedia of Christian literature / Scarecrow Press, 2010 9780810869875 (alk. paper) | 9 2 v. (xvi, 711 p.) ; Knowledge Centre
261.7 AUS 00111507 Dissing God : Auser, Wallace, Living Ink Books, 2007 9780899571102 (pbk. : alk. pap ix, 147 p. ; UG Library
261.7 BRE 00145048 Christ and the common life : Bretherton, Luke, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2019 9780802881793 (pbk. : alk. paper) viii, 522 pages ; UG Library
261.7 CAV 00111199 An Eerdmans reader in contemporary political theology / Cavanaugh,William T. W.B. Eerdmans Pub., 2012 9780802864406 (pbk. : alk. pap xxiv, 812 p. ; UG Library
261.7 DON 00116767 The Desire of The Nations Donovan Oliver O' Oxford University Press, 1996 9780521665162 xi, 304 .P.: UG Library
261.7 HOV 00124168 The Cambridge companion to political theology / Hovey,Craig Cambridge University Press 2015 9781107052741 (hardback) | 978 305p. UG Library
261.7 LOU 00141140 Fr. Stan Swamy: Louis, Prakash Media House | Sahity Pravarthaka Co-operative Socity Ltd. 2021 9789390608508 379p UG Library
261.7 MCD 00107097 Liberating the Nations Mcdowell Stephen Centre For Contemporary Christianity; 2008 9781887456012 vii, 209 p. UG Library
261.7 NEW 00110214 Christ and Human Rights Newlands, G. M., Ashgate, 2006 0754652017 (hbk.) | 9780754652 ix, 218 p. ; UG Library
261.7 SHA 00130181 Christianity and Freedom Shah,Timothy Samuel Cambridge University Press 2016 9781107561830 413p UG Library
261.7 SHA 00130182 Christianity and Freedom Shah,Timothy Samuel Cambridge University Press 2016 9781107561830 413p UG Library
261.7 SHA 07012513 Christianity and Freedom: Shah,Timothy Samuel. Cambridge University press, 2016 9781107124585 403 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
261.7 SON 00110511 Christianity and liberal society Song, Robert. Oxford University Press, 1997 0198269331 (pbk.) | 0198159331 x, 250 p. ; UG Library
261.7 SWE 00096372 Religion, Science, and Non-Science / Sweet, William. Dharmaram Publications, 2003 8186861602 98 p. ; UG Library
261.7 SWE 00091838 Religion, Science and Non science Sweet William Dharmaram Publications 8186861602 98p UG Library
261.7 VAN 00147190 Politics after Christendom : VanDrunen, David, Zondervan Academic, 2020 9780310108849 400 p. ; UG Library
261.7 WAL 00136803 The Soul of Politics : Wallis, Jim. New Press ; | Orbis Books, 1994 0883449870 (cloth) : | 1565842049 xxiv, 275 p. ; UG Library
261.7 WIT 01017241 Christianity and human rights : Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521194419 (hardback) | 052 xii, 390 p. ; Knowledge Centre
261.7088 COR 00117395 Catholic intellectuals and the challenge of democracy / Corrin, Jay P., University of Notre Dame Press, 2002 0268022712 (alk. paper) x, 571 p. ; UG Library
261.7088282 CHA 00134212 Catholic modern : Chappel, James, Harvard University Press 2018 9780674972100 342 pages ; UG Library
261.709 KAU 00147480 Incorrectly political: Kaufman, Peter Iver. University of Notre Dame Press, 2007 9780268033149 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0268033145 (pbk. : alk. paper) vii, 279 p. ; UG Library
261.7092 HOL 00147093 Pilgrim city : Hollingworth, Miles. T & T Clark, 2010 9780567480101 (pbk.) | 9780567310026 (hbk.) xxi, 230 p. ; UG Library
261.7094 WIT 00090697 The Reformation of Rights: Witte, John Jr Cambridge, 2007 9780521521611 388p UG Library
261.70968 THU 00096349 Christian Commitment to Nation Building Thumma, Anthoniraj Dharmaram Publications, 818686153-X 257 p. UG Library
261.72 LOC 01017198 An essay concerning toleration : Locke, John, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2006 0198237219 (alk. paper) | 9780 xi, 458 p. : Knowledge Centre
261.72 LOC 05031734 An essay concerning toleration : Locke, John, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199575732 (pbk.) | 0199575 xiii, 458 p. : Knowledge Centre
261.72 LOC 00106092 Two Treatises of Government : Locke, John, Yale University Press, 2003 0300100175 | 0300100183 (pbk.) xv, 358 p. ; UG Library
261.72 VER 00099114 Locke on Toleration; Cambridge university press; 2010 9780521139694 xxxix;179 p. UG Library
261.72 VER 07009213 Locke on Toleration; Cambridge university press; 2010 9780521139694 xxxix;179 p. Library - BR Campus
261.720947 MAR 05007771 Religion and the state in Russia and China : Marsh, Christopher, Continuum, 2011 9781441102294 (hardcover : alk x, 273 p. ; Knowledge Centre
261.8 BOU 00147164 Creation care discipleship : Bouma-Prediger, Steven, Baker Academic, 2023 9781540966322 | 9781540966490 213 pages UG Library
261.8 CAS 00135128 Jesus Christ : Casarella,Peter J William B Eerdmans Publishing Company 2015 9780802871138 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 370 pages ; UG Library
261.8 DSO 00142248 Globalisation and response of the churches / D'Souza,Alphonsus North Eastern Social Research Centre 2014 9788192606217 (paperback) | 819260621X (paperback) xxvi, 310 pages ; UG Library
261.8 FLE 00020828 Church and Human Relations in Industry Fleuriot, G De Theological 1981 210 p UG Library
261.8 FRA 00139770 Let us dream : Francis, Pope. Simon & Schuster India; 2020 9781398502208 (HB) 149 p. ; UG Library
261.8 FRA 05071240 Let us dream : Francis, Pope. Simon & Schuster India; 2020 9781398502208 (HB) 149 p. ; Knowledge Centre
261.8 FRA 00139709 Let us dream : Francis, Pope. Simon & Schuster India; 2020 9781398502208 (HB) 149 p. ; UG Library
261.8 GRO 00107863 Globalization, Spirituality, and Justice Groody, Daniel G., Orbis Books, 2007 9781570756962 xxiv, 280 p. : UG Library
261.8 HUS 00088802 Legend of Rumi: The Great Mystic and the Religion of Love Hussain, K Lakshmi 2005 176p UG Library
261.8 KAC 05072156 Fratelli tutti : Kachappilly, Kurian CMI., ed. Christian World Imprints, 2021 9789351485780 xiii, 118p. ; Knowledge Centre
261.8 LIN 00109575 Shailer Mathews's lives of Jesus Lindsey, William D., State University of New York Press, 1997 0791435075 (hardcover : alk. p x, 307 p. ; UG Library
261.8 LON 00119039 Resist! : Long, Michael G Orbis Books, 2008 9781570758003 | 157075800X xxxiii, 180 p. ; UG Library
261.8 MCC 00145110 The word of God, the word of peace / McCarthy, Patricia, Liturgical Press, 2001 0814627897 (alk. paper) xii, 154 p. ; UG Library
261.8 MYE 00140084 Engaging globalization : Myers, Bryant L., Baker Academic; 2017 9780801097980 (pbk.) xxi, 282 pages : UG Library
261.8 OFF 00125889 Advocating for justice : Offutt, Stephen, Baker Academic 2016 9780801097652 (pbk.) viii, 216 pages ; UG Library
261.8 RAU 07012126 Walter Rauschenbusch : Rauschenbusch, Walter, Mercer University Press, 2018 9780881466454 | 088146645X | 9780881466461 | 0881466468 lxxiv,376p.: Library - BR Campus
261.8 REE 00110213 Christian Thinking and Social Order Reeves, Marjorie. Cassell, 1999 0304702471 | 030470248X (pbk.) xvi, 238 p. ; UG Library
261.8 SCH 05043873 Rumi / Schimmel, Annemarie, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198099819 (pbk.) | 0198099 xii, 124 pages ; Knowledge Centre
261.8 STA 00090708 God and Globalization : Stackhouse, Max L T & T Clark, 2000 9780567462466 287p UG Library
261.8 STA 00090709 God and Globalization: Stackhouse, Max L T & T Clark, 2001 9780567007056 243p UG Library
261.8 TAY 00092762 Eat,Drink and Be Merry, for Tomorrow We live: Taylor Michael T & T Clark International 9780567030320 154p UG Library
261.8 TAY 05002460 Eat, Drink and Be Merry for Tomorrow We Life: Studies in Christianity and Development / Taylor, Michael T&T Clark International, 2005 0567030326 154 p.: Knowledge Centre
261.8 TOR 00145111 This economy kills : Tornielli, Andrea, Liturgical Press, 2015 0814647251 | 9780814647257 xiii, 167 pages ; UG Library
261.8 VAL 00125016 Ecological Crisis Readdressed Vallabadoss,John Peter Christian World Imprints 2016 9789351481331 194p UG Library
261.8 WAL 00120870 On God's side : Wallis, Jim. Brazos Press, 2013 9781587433375 (cloth) | 158743 xvi, 303 p. UG Library
261.8 WEA 00110775 Vital Christianity : Weaver-Zercher,David L T & T Clark, 2005 0567025519 (pbk.) viii, 248 p. : UG Library
261.8/3585 MEL 00143908 Building a culture of the family : Melina, Livio. Society of St. Paul, 2011 9780818913303 xxiii, 214 p. ; UG Library
261.808 BRA 00145055 Essential Catholic social thought / Brady, Bernard V. Orbis Books, 2017 9781626982444 (pbk.) Second [edition]. xxi, 378 pages ; UG Library
261.8088 CUL 00092788 Catholic Social Justice : Continuum, 2007 9780567045423 (pbk. : alk. pap xx, 250 p. : UG Library
261.8088 MCC 00122122 The heart of Catholic social teaching : McCarthy, David Matzko. Brazos Press, 2009 9781587432484 (pbk.) | 1587432 213 p. ; UG Library
261.8088282 HOR 00109808 An introduction to Catholic social thought Hornsby-Smith, Michael P. Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521863392 (hbk.) | 9780521863 xiv, 387 p. : UG Library
261.8092 DEL 01022556 Augustine and social justice / Lexington Books, 2015 9781498509176 (cloth : alk. pa xvii, 326 pages ; Knowledge Centre
261.8094 SMI 00092770 Journeying wtih God; Smith Austin Sheed & Ward Ltd 9780722046609 168p UG Library
261.80954 DSO 00106091 Culture as Gift and Task : D'Souza,Keith . Asian Trading Corp., 2008 9788170864844 (pbk.) | 8170864 vi, 437 p. ; UG Library
261.80973 HOR 00146466 God, grades, and graduation : Horwitz, Ilana M Oxford, 2022 9780197534144 xx,240p. ; UG Library
261.8258 GRI 00092776 Making Families Work Grimer Margaret Geoffrey Chapman 1994 97802253667226 121p UG Library
261.83 CIM 00125177 Social analysis for the 21st century : Cimperman, Maria. Theological Publications in India 2016 9789383163434 xvi, 271 pages ; UG Library
261.83 COL 00143876 The Evolution of Catholic Social Ethics Colborn, Frank Wipe and Stock 2020 9781725260832 179p UG Library
261.83 COL 00143875 The Evolution of Catholic Social Ethics Colborn, Frank Wipe and Stock 2020 9781725260832 179p UG Library
261.83 HER 00143912 Christ and the Marginalized: Hernandez, Elizabeth Wipe and Stock 2021 9781666701715 179p UG Library
261.83 HOF 00080070 Christian Social Teaching Hoffner, Joseph Cardinal Ordo Socialis 1983 8071141968 258p UG Library
261.83 HOF 00080071 Christian Social Teaching Hoffner, Joseph Cardinal Ordo Socialis 1983 8071141968 258p UG Library
261.83 HOF 00080072 Christian Social Teaching Hoffner, Joseph Cardinal Ordo Socialis 1983 8071141968 258p UG Library
261.83 KAI 00093265 The Encyclical that Never Was: Kaiser Robert Blair Sheed & Ward Ltd 1985 9780722034057 307p UG Library
261.83 MAN 00094650 Eco-Dynamics Of Religion: Thoughts For The Third Millennium Thottakara Augustine Dharmaram Publications 8186861203 328p UG Library
261.83 PPF 00072048 Serving the Human Family [dharmaram College] Path to Peace Foundation 1997 0965161323 960 UG Library
261.832 ADA 05011601 Violence against women and children : Adams, Carol J Continuum, 1995 0826408303 (pbk. : alk. paper) 515 p. ; Knowledge Centre
261.832 TEN 00110435 The Mary/Martha Principles: Tenney Tommy Fresh Bread 2002 9780768424409 187p UG Library
261.832 TEN 00094549 The Mary/Martha Principles: Tenney Tommy Fresh Bread 2002 9780768424409 187p UG Library
261.83219 RAZ 05073594 COVID-19 Challenging the Church : Razu, John Mohan. TDCC Publications, 2021 9789381662182 xii, 84p.; Knowledge Centre
261.8321969792 CIM 00088049 When God`s People Have HIV/AIDS Cimperman, Maria St Pauls 2005 9718171097588 264p UG Library
261.8321969792 PAT 00134045 Dignity, freedom, and grace : Paterson,Gillian World Council of Churches 2016 9782825416792 | 2825416797 xxvii, 139 pages ; UG Library
261.83228 DEM 00098975 Suicide : Demy, Timothy J. Kregel Publications, 0825423554 (hardcover) 490 p. ; UG Library
261.83228 DEM 00100291 Suicide : Demy, Timothy J. Kregel Publications, 0825423554 (hardcover) 490 p. ; UG Library
261.8324 TAT 00131751 Discovering Trinity in disability : Tataryn, Myroslaw I., Orbis Books 2013 9781626980372 (pbk.) 128 pages ; UG Library
261.8325 MID 00137972 Christianity Versus Fatalistic Religions in the War Against Poverty Middelmann,Udo Paternoster 2007 9781934068281 219p UG Library
261.8325 MYE 00134631 Walking with the poor : Myers, Bryant L. Theological Publications in India 2011 9781570759390 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 1570759391 (pbk. : alk. paper) Rev. and updated ed. xxx, 386 p. : UG Library
261.8325 MYE 00134632 Walking with the poor : Myers, Bryant L. Theological Publications in India 2011 9781570759390 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 1570759391 (pbk. : alk. paper) Rev. and updated ed. xxx, 386 p. : UG Library
261.8325 REC 00122200 Creating a habitat for humanity : Reckford, Jonathan T. M., Fortress Press, 2007 9780800638887 (alk. paper) | 0 viii, 112 p. : UG Library
261.8325096 PAR 00128017 Religion and Poverty/ : Paris, Peter J/ Duke University Press 2009 9780822343783 359p. UG Library
261.832592 NIX 00111711 Stories from the street : Nixon, David. Ashgate, 2013 9781409437451 (hardcover : alk 202p.; UG Library
261.8326 GRA 00119023 Broken bread and broken bodies : Grassi, Joseph A. Orbis Books 2004 1570755302 (pbk.) Rev. ed. xiv, 112 p. ; UG Library
261.8327 ALB 00119027 Family violence : Albrecht, Elizabeth Soto. Orbis Books, 2008 9781570757570 | 1570757577 ix, 182 p. ; UG Library
261.8327 AOA 00129471 Voices Against Domestic Violence : Christian World Imprints, 2016 9789351481355 xxiii, 147p. UG Library
261.8327 AOA 05055563 Voices Against Domestic Violence : Christian World Imprints, 2016 9789351481355 xxiii, 147p. Knowledge Centre
261.8327 CHI 00119046 When values collide : Chinnici, Joseph P. Orbis Books, 2010 9781570758737 (pbk.) 236 p. ; UG Library
261.8327 CHI 00112149 When values collide : Chinnici, Joseph P. Orbis Books, 2010 9781570758737 (pbk.) 236 p. ; UG Library
261.83272 THE 00117548 Living Nirbhaya Theckanath,Varghese Claretian Publications 2014 8189851853 298p UG Library
261.83272 VAR 00112569 Abuse of Women in Indian Christian families Varghese,Thomas ISPCK 2013 9788184652970 195p UG Library
261.83315 NEA 00134603 Crucified people : Neafsey, John. Theological Publications in India 2014 9781626980686 (pbk.) xxi, 153 pages ; UG Library
261.83315 NEA 00134604 Crucified people : Neafsey, John. Theological Publications in India 2014 9781626980686 (pbk.) xxi, 153 pages ; UG Library
261.8336 SOE 00119041 The convict Christ : Söring, Jens, Orbis Books, 2006 1570756481 (pbk.) xiii, 138 p. ; UG Library
261.8336 SOE Claretian Publicatio The convict Christ : Söring, Jens, Orbis Books, 2006 1570756481 (pbk.) xiii, 138 p. ; Knowledge Centre
261.8336 SOE 00119042 The convict Christ : Söring, Jens, Orbis Books, 2006 1570756481 (pbk.) xiii, 138 p. ; UG Library
261.834 FLO 00067073 Gen X Religion Flory, Richard W 2000 0415415921 vii 257 p UG Library
261.834 POL 00109692 Deliver us from evil Poling, James Newton. Fortress Press, 1996 0800629043 (alk. paper) | 9780 xix, 220 p. ; UG Library
261.8342 TRI 00116997 India In Love Trivedi Ira Aleph Book Company, 2014 9789382277620 416 p.: UG Library
261.8344 KAR 00099781 Luther on women : Karant-Nunn, Susan Cambridge University Press, 0521650917 | 0521658843 (pbk.) vii, 246 p. ; UG Library
261.8344 MON 00091821 Concerns of Women: Monteiro Evelyn Dharmaram Publications 2006 8186861807 235p UG Library
261.8344 RAM 00084393 Under the Tree of Life: The Religion of Feminist Christian Ramshaw, Gail 1998 0082641110 149p UG Library
261.8344 ROB 00112896 Through the eyes of a woman : Robins,Wendy S WCC Publications : | World YWCA Publications, 1995 2825411396 Rev. ed. xx, 145 p. : UG Library
261.83442 KUN 00112735 Towards the Full Flowering of the Human Kunnumpuram, Kurien St. Pauls 2011 9789350150900 256p UG Library
261.835 FIE 07013785 Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Christians: Fielder,Bronwyn Bloomsbury Academic, 2019 9781350117075 VII,187 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
261.835 KAN 00120903 The Pastoral Challenges of Marriage and Family Kanniyakonil,Scria OIRIS 2015 9789382762201 296p UG Library
261.835 VAN 00110258 Man and Woman, God Made Them Vanier, Jean, Darton, | Longman & Todd, 2007 0232526982 | 9780232526981 | 9 Fully revised and updated ed. 197 p. ; UG Library
261.835 WES 00112596 Good News about Sex and Marriage West,Christopher St. Pauls 2012 9788171099702 238p UG Library
261.8357 RAD 00135037 Christians and sexuality in the time of AIDS Radcliffe,Timothy Continuum, 2007 9780826499110 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0826499112 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxiv, 122 p. ; UG Library
261.835709015 LOA 00131015 Making sense of sex : Loader, William R. G., William B Eerdmans 2013 9780802870957 (pbk. : alk. pap vii, 168 pages ; UG Library
261.83570903 WIE 00146524 Christianity and sexuality in the early modern world / Wiesner-Hanks, Merry E., Routledge 2020 9780367201807 | 9780367201791 Third edition. 315pages UG Library
261.835766 BRA 00132291 The way forward? : Bradshaw,Timothy W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2004 0802827772 2nd ed. xiv, 242 p. ; UG Library
261.835766 OKO 00112566 A Time to Speak Okonkwo-Alagbu,Bartholomew St. Pauls 2011 9789350150894 199p UG Library
261.835766 WIL 00125732 Coming out in Christianity : Wilcox, Melissa M., Indiana University Press, 2003 0253342783 (alk. paper) | 0253 xii, 219 p. : UG Library
261.8358 BED 00143890 Mercy and the rule of law : Bednar, Gerald J., Liturgical Press 2021 9780814666555 xix, 212 pages ; UG Library
261.8358 MAJ 00092225 Marriage and Modernity Majumdar, Rochona Oxford University Press 2010 9780198063834 343p UG Library
261.83581 ORT 00142176 Marriage and the mystery of the Gospel / Ortlund, Raymond C., Crossway 2016 9781433546877 (tp) 127 pages ; UG Library
261.835843 HAT 00131760 When a Catholic marries a non-Catholic / Hater, Robert J. St. Anthony Messenger Press, 2006 0867166789 | 9780867166781 xv, 143 p. ; UG Library
261.83585 HAH 00140144 First Comes Love: Hahn,Scott Image Books 2002 9780385496629 210p UG Library
261.8358908822 BUC 00110275 What binds marriage? Buckley, Timothy J. Geoffrey Chapman, 1997 0225668459 | 9780225668452 xii, 195 p. ; UG Library
261.836 COR 00134620 Jesus was a migrant Cornell, Deirdre. Theological Publications in India 2014 9781626980402 x, 133 pages : UG Library
261.836 COR 00134621 Jesus was a migrant Cornell, Deirdre. Theological Publications in India 2014 9781626980402 x, 133 pages : UG Library
261.836 SHA 00148145 Forced Migration : Christian World Imprints, 2023 9789395457224 xix, 244p.; UG Library
261.836 SHA 05073596 Forced Migration : Christian World Imprints, 2023 9789395457224 xix, 244p.; Knowledge Centre
261.8362 SAN 00109697 Nature reborn Santmire, H. Paul. Fortress Press, 2000 0800632346 (alk. paper) | 9780 x, 154 p. ; UG Library
261.85 00112100 Business as mission : Baer, Michael R. YWAM Pub., 2006 9781576583883 | 1576583880 157 p. : UG Library
261.85 CAV 00101412 Being Consumed : Cavanaugh, William T., William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2008 9780802845610 (pbk. : alk. pap xii, 103 p. ; UG Library
261.85 LON 00102871 Divine Economy : Long D.Stephen Routledge, 2000 0415226732 (pb) | 0415226724 xii, 321 p. ; UG Library
261.85 PIN 00082753 Commission for Labour: Catholic Bishops Conference of India Pinto, Xavier CBCI Center 2000 106p UG Library
261.85 PIN 00082754 Church in Dialogue With Poor Workers (2) May Day & Other Messages Pinto, Xavier NBCLC 2000 118p UG Library
261.85 REY 07002262 Free trade and faithful globalization : Reynolds, Amy, Cambridge University Pres, 2015 9781107078246 (hardback) xvi, 182 pages ; Library - BR Campus
261.85 REY 05059383 Free Trade And Faithful Globalization; Reynolds,Amy. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107435179 xvi,182p,; Knowledge Centre
261.85 WOO 05046604 The church and the market : Woods, Thomas E. Lexington Books, 2015 9780739187999 (cloth : alk. pa Rev. edition. xiii,258p.: Knowledge Centre
261.873 COC 00147432 The Catholic case against war: Cochran, David Carroll, University of Notre Dame Press 2024 9780268207892 | 0268207895 | 9780268207878 | 0268207879 ix, 182 pages ; UG Library
261.873 DEN 00145047 Choosing peace : Orbis Books, 2018 9781626982703 (pbk.) viii, 256 pages ; UG Library
261.873 NOU 00092997 Peacework Nouwen, Henri Asian trading corporation 9788170865018 127p UG Library
261.88 BRU 00145116 Turning to the Heavens and the Earth : Liturgical Press, 2016 9780814687727 (pbk.) xlvi, 289 pages ; UG Library
261.88 BRU 00120688 Introducing Evangelical Ecotheology : Brunner, Daniel L. 9780801049651 (pbk.) x, 262 pages ; UG Library
261.88 CLO 00145119 Walking God's earth : Cloutier, David M., Liturgical Press, 2014 9780814637098 xviii, 145 pages ; UG Library
261.88 CON 00125540 Christian faith and the earth : Conradie,Ernst M Bloomsbury 2015 9780567567659 (hardback) vi, 261 pages ; UG Library
261.88 GEO 00107111 Ecological Spirituality George Davis Serials Publications 2007 9788183871082 271 p UG Library
261.88 NOT 00145053 Ecological footprints : Nothwehr, Dawn M., Liturgical Press, 2012 9780814633748 (pbk.) | 0814633749 (pbk.) | 9780814639573 (ebook) | 0814639577 (ebook) xxiv, 353 p. : UG Library
261.88 VEE 00098990 Green History of Religion / Veeraraj, Anand. Centre for Contemporary Christianity, 2006 8190229486 1st ed. xii, 295 p. ; UG Library
261.88 VEE 00107095 Green History of Religion / Veeraraj, Anand. Centre for Contemporary Christianity, 2006 8190229486 1st ed. xii, 295 p. ; UG Library
261.88 WAL 00122063 Green Christianity : Wallace, Mark I., Fortress Press, 2010 9780800664619 (alk. paper) | 0 xvii, 181 p. ; UG Library
261.88 WAL 00123029 Green Christianity : Wallace, Mark I., Fortress Press, 2010 9780800664619 (alk. paper) | 0 xvii, 181 p. ; UG Library
261MIL 01001313 Theology and Social Theory: Beyond Secular Reason(law Lib.) John Milbank Blackwell 1405136847 448p. Knowledge Centre
261SMI 00094546 The Devil Reads Derrida : Smith, James K. A., William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2009 9780802864079 (pbk. : alk. pap p. cm. UG Library
262 AMA 00082755 Indian Church in the Struggle for a New Society Amalorpavadass, D S St Paul 1981 1104p UG Library
262 CAL 00120706 The holy catholic church : Calvin, Jean, 9781610360036 (alk. paper) xli, 595 pages UG Library
262 CIL 00002158 Church and the Indian Worker Church And Industrial Labour P, Poncifical 1976 124 p UG Library
262 COL 00122195 The Vatican Collins,Michael Dorling Kindersley Limited 2014 9781409349754 311p UG Library
262 COL 00135017 25 Years Ad Gentes in India Colaco,Cletus Asian Trading Corporation 1991 125p UG Library
262 CON 00145059 For a synodal church : Conference of Catholic Bishops of India, 2021 9789391399993 93 p. ; UG Library
262 DAV 00135787 Christ Caste and Church David, C Stephen Ekklesia Books 2018 9788193662502 142p UG Library
262 DOY 00134612 Ecclesiology and exclusion : Doyle,Dennis M Theological Publications in India 2012 9781570759826 (pbk.) ix, 334 p. ; UG Library
262 DOY 00134613 Ecclesiology and exclusion : Doyle,Dennis M Theological Publications in India 2012 9781570759826 (pbk.) ix, 334 p. ; UG Library
262 DOY 00117541 Ecclesiology and Exclusion Doyle,Dennis M Theological Publications in India 2012 9788188821945 334p UG Library
262 DSO 00120887 The Good Pope Dsouza,Joeyanna Pauline 2014 9788171768080 128p UG Library
262 ELU 00107594 Patriarchal and Major Archiepiscopal Curia in the Eastern Catholic Legislation Based on Cceo Canons 114-125 Eluvathingal Francis Oriental Institiute Religious Studies india: 2009 514 p. UG Library
262 EME 00142775 God's church-community : Emerton, David, T & T Clark ; 2020 9780567693136 186 p. ; UG Library
262 FER 00134622 The Church in the World Fernando,Sahayadas Theological Publications in India 2015 9789383163328 427p UG Library
262 FER 00134623 The Church in the World Fernando,Sahayadas Theological Publications in India 2015 9789383163328 427p UG Library
262 FRA 00145113 totum Amoris Est : Francis, Pope Conference of Catholic Bishops of India, 2023 9789391399733 20 p. ; UG Library
262 HIN 00129674 prophetics Obedience Hinze,Bradford E Theological Publications in India 2017 9789383163618 264p UG Library
262 KAR 00127523 Introduction to ecclesiology : Kärkkäinen, Veli-Matti. InterVarsity Press, 2002 0830826882 (pbk. : alk. paper) 238 p. ; UG Library
262 LUZ 00134055 Rooted in Jesus Christ : Izuzquiza, Daniel. William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2009 9780802862792 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0802862799 (pbk. : alk. paper) xv, 292 p. : UG Library
262 MAC 00110248 The Master's Plan for the Church MacArthur, John, Moody Publishers, 2008 9780802478450 | 080247845X [Rev. ed.]. 358 p. ; UG Library
262 MAT 00146879 Gleanings : Mathias, Gerald John. ATC Publishers, 2023 9789391399726 247 p. ; UG Library
262 MAT 00145062 Gleanings : Mathias, Gerald John. ATC Publishers, 2023 9789391399726 247 p. ; UG Library
262 MAX 00109837 The Maxwell Leadership Bible Maxwell,John C. Thomas Nelson Incorporated 2007 9780718020156 1649 P. UG Library
262 MCK 00010202 Authority in the Church Mckenzie, John L Seed and Ward 1966 184 p UG Library
262 PHI 00094532 Exploring People of the New Testament Phillips John Kregel Publishers 2007 9788173628511 430p UG Library
262 PUT 00140133 Catholic Social Teachings and the Church's Diakonia Ministry Puthenpura,Jolly St. Pauls 2018 9789350153055 152p UG Library
262 RAO 00112582 Ecclesiology/ Rao,Chilkuri Vasantha ISPCK 2012 9788184652505 363p UG Library
262 SAH 00129458 Hindu Nationalism and the Indian Church Sahayadhas,R Christian World Imprints 2017 9788192512167 462p UG Library
262 SAN 00143904 Your Church Wants to Hear from You Sanem, Michael J Liturgical Press 2022 9780814668160 23p UG Library
262 SCH 00135053 Explorations in ecclesiology and ethnography Scharen,Christian B W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2012 9780802868640 (pbk. : alk. paper) viii, 180 p. ; UG Library
262 STO 00111731 A reader in ecclesiology / Stone, Bryan P., Ashgate, 2012 9781409428558 (hardcover : alk xxi, 271 p. ; UG Library
262 TAG 00119026 Easter people : Tagle, Luis Antonio. Orbis Books, 2005 1570755965 125 p. ; UG Library
262 THA 00134477 The Church in the New Testament According to Raymond Brown Thayil,Cyriac Joseph Kristu Jyoti Publications 2018 9788193602904 515p UG Library
262 THO 00120698 The church according to Paul : Thompson, James, 9780801048821 (pbk.) xiii, 289 pages UG Library
262 VAR 00142986 A New Way of Being Church in India: Vara, Nija ATC Publishers 2022 9789391399306 124p UG Library
262 YAN 00107872 The Church:Why Bother? Yancey,Philip Hyderbad 2002 9788173624544 100 P. UG Library
262 ZOL 00125030 Tribal Ecclesiology Zolawma,R Christian World Imprints 2016 9789351481072 306p UG Library
262.001 JAM 00125019 History of Ecumenical Movement Jamir,Watimongla Sceptre 2014 356p UG Library
262.001 JAM 00125027 Revisiting Ecumenical Theological Education In India James,Woba Christian World Imprints 2016 9789351481157 290p UG Library
262.001 SHE 00131752 Covenant, community, and the spirit : Sherman, Robert 9780801049743 (pbk.) xvi, 240 pages ; UG Library
262.0011 CON 00143004 May They All be One: Conference of Catholic Bishops of India 2021 9788195336050 402p UG Library
262.0011 FUR 00092993 Koinonia and the Quest for an Ecumenical Ecclesiology : Fuchs, Lorelei F. William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2008 9780802840233 (pbk. : alk. pap xxxiv, 565 p. ; UG Library
262.0011 JOS 00135803 One in Many Many in One Joseph, M J Christava Sahitya Samithi 2005 301p UG Library
262.0011 MAC 00142232 Why Ecumenism Matters in India Machado,Felix ATC Publishers 2021 9789391399061 100p UG Library
262.0011 RAD 00117405 Hope among the fragments : Radner, Ephraim, Brazos Press, 2004 1587430843 (pbk.) 240 p. ; UG Library
262.0017 MAL 00111197 A new kind of church : Malphurs, Aubrey. Baker Books, 2007 9780801091896 (pbk.) | 0801091 206 p. ; UG Library
262.0017 PAG 00142093 An emergent manifesto of hope / Pagit,Doug Baker Books, 2007 9780801068072 | 080106807X 318 p. ; UG Library
262.005 COR 00138617 Church as Mystery and Mission Correya,Cassius Theological Publications in India 2019 9789388953085 446p UG Library
262.0092 BAL 05007535 The voice of conscience : Baldwin, Lewis V., Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195380309 (pbk.) | 0195380 xiv, 365 p. : Knowledge Centre
262.00954 JEO 05061253 A study of house church in India : Jeong, Hyoshin. Christian World Prints, 2018 9789351482710 | 9351482715 xvi, 238 pages : Knowledge Centre
262.019 VAS 00112101 Eucharist and witness : Vassiliadis, Petros. WCC Publications ; | Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 1998 2825412619 | 1885652216 (USA) viii, 115 p. ; UG Library
262.02 ARL 00107098 Missiological Education: An Indian Exploration Arles Siga Centre Contemporary Christianity; 2006 819022946x xiv, 540 p. UG Library
262.02 HIN 00147482 Prophetic Obedience : Hinze, Bradford E., Theological Publications in India 2019 9781626981676 (pbk.) xxiv, 264 pages ; UG Library
262.02 HIN 00135756 Prophetic Obedience : Hinze, Bradford E., Theological Publications in India 2019 9781626981676 (pbk.) xxiv, 264 pages ; UG Library
262.02 MAR 00143887 A church in crisis : Martin, Ralph, Emmaus Road Publishing 2020 9781645850489 | 9781645850496 xii, 514 pages ; UG Library
262.02 OAK 00122062 Governance, accountability, and the future of the Catholic Church / Oakley Francis Continuum, 2004 0826415776 240 p. ; UG Library
262.1 FAL 00112564 A Priest after my Own Heart Fallon,Michael St. Pauls 2009 8171095038 152p UG Library
262.1 FAL 00119020 A Priest after my Own Heart Fallon,Michael St. Pauls 2009 8171095038 152p UG Library
262.1 GOR 00072067 Master Builders: Developing Life and Leaership in The Body of Christ Today: [dharmaram Library] Gordon, Bob OM BOOKS 2000 0817362528 342p UG Library
262.1 KIL 00122358 Sneham Baliyayppole Kiliyananickal,James Sophia Books 2009 112p UG Library
262.1 KUT 00146137 Towards a Synodal Church Kuthukallunkal, Sebastian Omega Book World 2024 9789389069907 190p UG Library
262.1 REG 00019217 Cardinal Gracias Speaks Rego, St.Paul 1977 920 p UG Library
262.1 SAN 00112880 Spiritual Leadership Sanders,Oswald J Authentic Publishers 2012 9788173621567 189p UG Library
262.1 SEL 00112586 Faithfulness of Christ Faithfulness of Priest Selvam,David Maria Kristu Jyothi Publications 2010 9788187370543 164p UG Library
262.1 SEL 00112671 Faithfulness of Christ Faithfulness of Priest Selvam,David Maria Kristu Jyothi Publications 2010 9788187370543 164p UG Library
262.1 THE 00112563 A Human Being among not above other Human Beings Thenasseril,Joseph St. Pauls 2009 9788171099740 158p UG Library
262.1 ULR 10005005 Spiritual Leadership: A Guide to Focus, Awareness, and Mindfulness/ By Thomas H Ulrich Ulrich, Thomas H [Author] Springer publications, 2020 9783030454319 xiv, 143 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
262.1241 WEN 00122203 Priesthood, pastors, bishops : Wengert, Timothy J. Fortress Press, 2008 9780800663131 (alk. paper) ix, 141 p ; UG Library
262.13 ALA 00120672 Papacy of Benedict XVI Alakkuzhiyil,James Carmel International Publishing House 2014 9789380483504 157p UG Library
262.13 BAK 00110714 The Wisdom of John Paul II Bakalar,Nick Routledge 2002 041528158X 150p UG Library
262.13 FRA 00148057 Graceful Family/ Francis, Pope Carmel International Publishing House 2024 9788197594175 124p UG Library
262.13 FRA 00119590 Witnessess of Joy Francis, Pope Carmel International Publications 2014 32p UG Library
262.13 FRA 00119591 Witnessess of Joy Francis, Pope Carmel International Publications 2014 32p UG Library
262.13 FRA 00136801 The Strength of a Vocation Francis,Pope Claretian Publications 2019 8189851446 102p UG Library
262.13 FRA 00148050 Essential Values for Life/ Francis, Pope Carmel International Publishing House 2024 9789348003836 104p UG Library
262.13 FRA 00148051 The Word of God/ Francis, Pope Carmel International Publishing House 2024 9789348003515 86p UG Library
262.13 FRA 00148052 The Gift of Faith: Francis, Pope Carmel International Publishing House 2024 9789348003591 120p UG Library
262.13 FRA 00148053 The Gift of Love: Francis, Pope Carmel International Publishing House 2024 9789348003966 96p UG Library
262.13 FRA 00148054 Vocation: Francis, Pope Carmel International Publishing House 2024 9789348003805 128p UG Library
262.13 FRA 00148055 Rooted in Prayer Growing in Grace/ Francis, Pope Carmel International Publishing House 2024 9788196954529 144p UG Library
262.13 FRA 00148056 Ten Commandments/ Francis, Pope Carmel International Publishing House 2024 9788197594182 71p UG Library
262.13 KAS 00127943 The Petrine ministry : Kasper,Walter Newman Press, 2006 0809143348 (pbk.) vi, 257 p. ; UG Library
262.13 ORO 00143958 The Pope and the pandemic : Orobator, A. E., Orbis Books 2021 9781626984189 xxx, 154 pages ; UG Library
262.13 PAN 00142187 Pope Francis : Pandikattu,Kuruvilla Jnana=Deepa Vidyapeeth | Christian World Imprints 2017 9789351482772 | 9351482774 xv, 382 pages ; UG Library
262.13 PAU 00120669 Marialis Cultus Paul VI, Pope Carmel International Publishing House 2011 72p UG Library
262.13 POL 00117553 The unknown pope : Pollard, John F. Geoffrey Chapman, 1999 0225668440 xv, 240 p. : UG Library
262.13 STA 00101056 Saint Peter Lives in Rome: Stackpole Robert,STD Marian press; 2004 9781596141650 180 p. UG Library
262.13 THO 00112561 A Compact History of the Popes Thomas, P C St. Pauls 1992 9788171091423 215p UG Library
262.1309 SHA 00143940 Eight popes and the crisis of modernity / Shaw, Russell B., Ignatius Press 2020 9781621643401 | 1621643409 150 pages ; UG Library
262.130902 ULL 00108314 A short History of the Papacy in the Middle Ages Ullmann,Walter, Routledge, 2003 9780415302272 2nd ed. xviii, 393 p. ; UG Library
262.1309021 ULL 05007181 The growth of Papal government in the Middle Ages; Ullmann, Walter, Methuen 1970 0416158900 | 9780415555753 [3d ed.] xxiv, 496 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
262.130903 COR 00130238 The papacy since 1500 : Corkery,James Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521509879 | 9780521729772 x, 275 p. UG Library
262.130922 WAL 00142186 Pocket dictionary of popes / Walsh, Michael J., Burns & Oates, 2006 0860124207 (pbk.) xvi, 168 p. ; UG Library
262.131 BEN 00120674 Sacramentum Caritatis Benedict XVI,Pope Carmel Internationale Publishing House 2013 136p UG Library
262.131 BIR 00120678 The Wisdom of Pope Francis Birch,David Skyhorse Publishing 2015 9781632203519 225p UG Library
262.131 COL 00119028 Francis, Bishop of Rome Collins,Michael Claretian Publications 2013 121p UG Library
262.131 COR 00112688 Papal facts and fun Cornelius,Judson K St. Pauls 2007 9788171098347 115p UG Library
262.131 FRA 00120671 Misericordiae Vultus Francis,Pope Carmel International Publishing House 2015 48p UG Library
262.131 FRA 00120673 Rejoice Francis,Pope Carmel International Publishing House 2014 64p UG Library
262.131 FRA 00119036 Open Mind Faithful Heart Francis,Pope Claretian Publications 2013 297p UG Library
262.131 FRA 00119035 My door is always open : Francis, 1472909763 (pbk.) | 9781472909 vii, 196 pages ; UG Library
262.131 PAG 00109795 What will Dr. Newman do? Page, John R., Liturgical Press, 1994 0814650279 : | 9780814650271 vi, 458 p. ; UG Library
262.132 ULL 05007174 Medieval papalism : Ullmann, Walter, Hyperion Press, 1979 0883559463 : | 9780415555760 xiv, 230 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
262.136 CON 00142148 For a Synodal Church Communion,Participation and Mission: Conference of Catholic Bishops of India 2021 9789391399238 112p UG Library
262.136 FRA 00117427 Encyclical Letter Lumen Fidei Francic Pope Carmel International publishing House 2013 80p UG Library
262.136 FRA 00117408 Encyclical Letter Lumen Fidei Francic Pope Carmel International publishing House 2013 80p UG Library
262.136 THA 00118661 The Vatican diaries : Thavis, John. 9780670026715 321 pages ; UG Library
262.14 MER 00140480 40 questions about elders and deacons / Merkle, Benjamin L., Kregel Publications, 2008 9780825433641 270 p. ; UG Library
262.14 TRO 00092786 Who Said Women Can't Teach? / Trombley, Charles. Bridge Pub., 1985 0882705849 (pbk.) ix, 235 p. ; UG Library
262.142 BER 00143928 Jesus and the Old Testament roots of the priesthood / Bergsma, John Sietze, Emmaus Road Publishing 2021 9781645850731 164 pages ; UG Library
262.142 FER 00088807 Partnership:Women & Men in Ministry Ferder, Fran Ave Maria Press 2008 189p UG Library
262.142 GRE 00110490 Priests Greeley, Andrew M. The University of Chicago Press, 2004 0226306445 (alk. paper) | 9780 ix, 156 p. : UG Library
262.142 WEL 00143962 The priests we need to save the church / Wells, Kevin Sophia Institute Press 2019 9781644130322 vii, 229 pages ; UG Library
262.15 CHO 00112716 The Formation of Lay catechists Choondal,Gilbert Kristu Jyoti Publications 2004 8187370246 648p UG Library
262.152 LAK 00093266 The Liberation of the Laity: Lakeland Paul Continuum International Publishing Group 2004 9780826416360 311p UG Library
262.152 LAK 00142213 The Liberation of the Laity: Lakeland,Paul Continuum 2004 0826414834 311p UG Library
262.1555 OAK 00108190 Called To Awaken The Laity Oak,John H. Authentic 2007 9788173627637 351 p. UG Library
262.24 ALB 00020823 Religions Life in the Light of Vatican II Alberione, St.Paul 1967 478 p UG Library
262.26 VAL 00088003 Community in Mission: Mission Consciousness of Christian Communities a Contextual Missiological Study Valiamangalam, Joseph S J Cambridge 2008 9788184580471 294p UG Library
262.283 KOL 00112881 Standing in the Shadow Kolf, June Cerza Baker Books 2012 0801063957 95p UG Library
262.42 VOI 00020827 Religions Life in Today`s World Voillaume, Rene Theological 1970 302p. UG Library
262.5 MAT 00107526 The Book of Decrees of Mar Mathew Makil Mathew,Moolakkatt Mar Revd Dr George Karukaparambil 2009 xxxii;452 P. UG Library
262.5 PRO 00068291 Suriac Dialogue Pro, Oriente Ferdinand Berger 1998 190p UG Library
262.52 BRI 00143926 Reclaiming Vatican II : Britton, Blake, Ave Maria Press 2021 9781646800292 191pages UG Library
262.52 HOF 00112665 Consecrated Life Hoffman,Dominic St. Pauls 2011 8171097448 464p UG Library
262.52 OMA 00131843 Vatican I : O'Malley, John W., The Belknap Press 2018 9780674979987 307 pages ; UG Library
262.52 RUS 00145108 The vision of Vatican II : Rush, Ormond, Liturgical Press, 2019 9780814680742 xlii, 600 pages ; UG Library
262.52 SCH 00105142 Vatican II: Schreck,Alan. St.Anthony Messenger Press 2005 9780867166095 311 p. UG Library
262.7 BAD 00140043 The house where God lives : Badcock, Gary D. William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2009 9780802845825 (pbk.) | 0802845827 (pbk.) xii, 366 p. ; UG Library
262.7 COM 00112143 People of God / Comblin, José, Orbis Books, 2004 1570755213 (pbk.) ix, 230 ; UG Library
262.7 RAZ 05073595 Discerning and Interpreting Our Present Time : Razu, John Mohan. TDCC Publications, 2021 9789381662519 viii, 214p.; Knowledge Centre
262.72 HAR 00117420 The infallibility of the Church in orthodox theology / Stylianos, ATF Press ; | St. Andrew's Orthodox Press, 2008 9781920691981 (pbk.) xvii, 277 p. ; UG Library
262.73 MAL 00112664 Communion of Saints Maloney,George A I J A Publications 2007 8186778594 192p UG Library
262.77 ROH 00068351 Enneagram: A Christian Perspective Rohr, Richard Claretian Publications 2003 8187804106 292p UG Library
262.8 FRA 00142153 Gaudete et exsultate Francis,Pope Word and Life Publications 2018 9789710180455 271p UG Library
262.8 POD 00107507 Magisterium and the Moral Theologian Podimattam,Felix M. Media House 2008 9788174953179 249 P. UG Library
262.82 KNO 00002362 The Documents of Vatican II Knox James R St Paul Publications 1966 631p UG Library
262.82 PAU 0002362 Documents of Vatican 11 Paul St. Publications St.Paul UG Library
262.9 BAS 00129457 Handbook for the Parish Priests Baskar T, Arokia Christian World Imprints 2017 9789351480594 149p UG Library
262.9 CON 00143001 Liturgical Books: Purdue, Peter Conference of Catholic Bishops of India 2021 9788193080542 43p UG Library
262.9 COR 00148036 An Introduction to Canon Law/ Coriden, James A Theological Publications in India 2024 9789395623438 242p UG Library
262.9 DAL 00148037 Penal Law in Action/ Daly, Brendan Theological Publications in India 2024 9789395623322 211p UG Library
262.9 DIC 00146872 Penal Sections in the Church Dicastery for Legislative Texts Conference of Catholic Bishops of India, 2024 9788119664399 263p UG Library
262.9 DUG 00142090 Advocacy Vademecum Dugan,Patricia M Wilson and Lafleur Ltee 2006 2891277775 207p UG Library
262.9 JOS 00135102 Religious Institutes in Their Relationship with Eparchial Diocesan Bishop According to CCEO and CIC Jose,V J ATC Publications 2017 9789386516213 123p UG Library
262.9 LOU 00141621 Pope Francis and Canon Law: Lourdusamy,Sahayaraj St. Pauls 2020 9789350153956 201p UG Library
262.9 NEL 00135046 Delicta Graviora Neli,Linus ATC Publishers 2018 9789386516527 155p UG Library
262.9 PAL 00141850 An Introduction to Canon Law: Palathingal,Varghese IECL, Paurastya Vidyapitham 2021 9789382762959 110p UG Library
262.9 PUL 00107521 A Dictionary of Canon Law Pulickal,Jose Fr. Biblia Publications 2004 xii;436 P. UG Library
262.909 WIE 00088108 History of Canon Law Wiel, Constant Van De Peeters Press 2008 0906831212 192p UG Library
262.91 PUS 00135114 The Mahatma and Christian Mission Today Pushparajan,A ATC Publications 2018 9789386516459 442p UG Library
262.933 MAI 00081007 Tribunal Reporter. Maida, Adam J Our Sunday Visitor, Inc 1970 564p UG Library
262.933 PET 00108165 Dignitas Connubil St.Peter's Pontifical Institute St.Peter's Pontifical Institute 2005 223 p. UG Library
262.94 NEL 00103605 Catholic Marriage Nullity Process : Neli, Linus Dharmaram Publications, 9788186861998 xviii, 282 p. UG Library
263 CAL 00140137 Consecration to St. Joseph: Calloway,Donald H St. Pauls 2021 9789350153987 405p UG Library
263 GAF 00140160 Never Stop Praying Gafney,Leo St. Pauls 2019 9789350153499 126p UG Library
263 KIZ 00122362 Visudhavalsarangal Kizhakkeyil,Sebastian Sophia Books 2015 112p UG Library
263 SHE 00139436 Lent and Easter wisdom from / Sheen, Fulton J. ATC Publishers; 2011 9798170865659 116 p. ; UG Library
263.0424385 CMI 00101057 The glories of Częstochowa and Jasna Góra : Congregation of marians of the immaculate. Marian Press, 1932773975 | 9781932773972 149 p. ; UG Library
263.0425694 HIL 00082758 Living Stones Pilgrimage With the Christians of the Holy Land Hilliard, Alison 1999 0304704660 124p UG Library
263.0425694 LUT 00122199 Christians and a land called holy : Lutz, Charles P. Fortress Press, 2006 0800637844 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 168 p.: UG Library
263.0425695 MAC 00130295 Pilgrimage in early Christian Jordan : MacDonald, Burton, Oxbow Books ; | David Brown, 2010 9780977409495 | 097740949X xi, 252 p.; UG Library
263.097 HAR 00071518 Carnival and Other Christian Festivals:Folk Theory and Folk Performance: [ Dharmaram Library] Harris, Max 2004 0292701918 280p UG Library
263.1 PAN 00134481 To What end the Sabbath Pandey,Amar ISPCK 2018 978-81-84656701 155p UG Library
263.309 GON 00135135 A brief history of Sunday : González, Justo L., William B Eerdmans 2017 9780802874719 (pbk. : alk. paper) ix, 166 pages ; UG Library
263.9 LOT 00136814 New Proclamation Commentary on Feasts : Lott,David B Fortress Press, 2007 9780800662288 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0800662288 (pbk. : alk. paper) xi, 273 p. : UG Library
263.91 WHT 05002463 Christmas, Ideology and Popular Culture / Whiteley, Sheila Edinburgh University Press, 2008 9780748628094 222 p.: Knowledge Centre
263.98 PFA 00136816 The New Book of Festivals and Commemorations: Pfatteicher, Philip H. Fortress Press, 2008 9780800621285 (alk. paper) | 080062128X (alk. paper) xxix, 687 p. ; UG Library
264 GRA 00002194 Crusade of Thought Prayer and Action Grace The Archbishop Of Madras, Good Pastor 1952 50 p , UG Library
264 BEC 00109839 Touching The Altar Bechtel,Carol M. William B.Eerdmans Publishing Co 2008 9780802828484 xxiii; 211 p. UG Library
264 BER 00145106 The Spirit in worship, worship in the Spirit / Liturgical Press, 2009 9780814662281 | 0814662285 xxv, 306 p. : UG Library
264 CON 00145101 The order of blessing the oil of catechumens and of the sick and of consecrating the chrism / Conference of Catholic Bishops of India, 2017 9789391399788 18 p. ; UG Library
264 KIR 00117652 Dare to dive in! : Kirk-Davidoff, Heather. Abingdon Press, 2006 0687332842 (binding: adhesive, xvi, 143 p. ; UG Library
264 KIR 00117651 Dare to dive in! : Kirk-Davidoff, Heather. Abingdon Press, 2006 0687332842 (binding: adhesive, xvi, 143 p. ; UG Library
264 LIO 00130168 Sacred Time Lionel,Joseph s St. Peters Pontifical Institute 2013 193p UG Library
264 MAR 00135089 Localisation and Re-construction of Catholic Religious Practices Mariadhasan,Jerome ATC Publications 2017 9789386516275 294p UG Library
264 MAT 00111128 Celebration of life Mattam Joseph ISPCK 2012 9788184652673 168p UG Library
264 NEL 00140776 The Liturgical Renewal in India Since Vatican II / Nellikunnel,Moncy John Kristu Jyoti Publications 2020 9788193909522 338p UG Library
264 NEL 00140984 The Liturgical Renewal in India Since Vatican II / Nellikunnel,Moncy John Kristu Jyoti Publications 2020 9788193909522 338p UG Library
264 PEC 00087638 Workship Keith F 2008 0082646856 234p UG Library
264 SHA 00135763 Traditional ritual as Christian worship : Shaw,R. Daniel Theological Publications in India 2019 9781626982628 (pbk.) xxiv, 278 pages : UG Library
264 SPI 00145105 The place of Christ in liturgical prayer : Liturgical Press, 2008 9780814660188 | 0814660185 xiii, 378 p. ; UG Library
264 TAN 00091823 Religious Ceremonies: Tanner R E S Dharmaram Publications 9788189958000 300p UG Library
264 VIS 00135070 I Adoration Vishala,Mary ATC Publications 2016 9788170867524 136p UG Library
264 WOL 00142089 Acting liturgically : Wolterstorff, Nicholas, Oxford University Press 2018 0198805381 | 9780198805380 First edition. ix, 306 pages ; UG Library
264,1 DUB 00022731 Pilgrims Pray Dubay, Thomas St.Paul`s Publication 1981 248 p UG Library
264.001 FER 00135086 Liturgy and Life Fernandes,Ayres ATC Publications 2016 9788170867531 142p UG Library
264.001 JOH 00145067 Human rites : Johnson, Dru, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2019 9780802876003 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiv, 148 pages ; UG Library
264.001 MIC 00135085 Liturgical Renewal in India Michael,Jesudhasan ATC Publications 2004 8170863082 88p UG Library
264.001 SAN 00122205 Ritualizing nature : Santmire, H. Paul. Fortress Press, 2008 9780800662943 (pbk. : alk. pap xvi, 311 p.; UG Library
264.001 WES 00135087 Liturgy as Worship Wesley,Arun Kumar ATC Publications 2002 8170862752 319p UG Library
264.0019 HOT 00087961 Shaping the Christian Life Hotz, Kendra G 2006 9780664229382 184p UG Library
264.00284 HER 05037823 Sound, lighting, and video : Herring, Brad. Amsterdam ; | Focal Press, 2009 9780240811086 | 0240811089 xix, 273 p. : Knowledge Centre
264.0082 WOO 00084387 Introducing a Practical Feminist Theology of Worship Wootton, Janet H Sheffield Academic Press 2007 1841270679 145p UG Library
264.009 SEN 00122210 The people's work : Senn, Frank C. Fortress Press, 2006 0800638271 (alk. paper) v, 375 p.: UG Library
264.009 SEN 00129484 The People's Work Senn,Frank C Fortress Press 2006 9780800697679 375p UG Library
264.009 WAI 00109803 The Oxford history of Christian worship Wainwright,Geoffrey Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195138863 (alk. paper) | 9 xvi, 916 p. : UG Library
264.009015 DEM 00135847 Early Christian ritual life DeMaris,Richard E Routledge 2018 9781138653054 (hardback) | 9781138653061 (pbk.) 1 [edition]. xvi, 218 pages ; UG Library
264.009015 MCG 00120679 Ancient Christian worship : McGowan, Andrew Brian, 9780801031526 (cloth) xiv, 298 pages UG Library
264.009015 URO 05063925 The oxford handbook of early christian ritual / Uro, Risto., ed. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780198747871 (hbk.) | 9780191065064 (epdf) | 9780191065071 (epub) | 9780191810749 (online) 1st edition. xxxii, 713p. Knowledge Centre
264.0094 STR 00092778 On the Perception of Worship Stringer Martin D The University of Birmingham Press 9781902459042 238p UG Library
264.0094 YAT 00112126 Liturgical space : Yates, Nigel. Ashgate, 2008 9780754657958 (hardcover : alk xi, 199 p. : UG Library
264.0094 YAT 00111676 Liturgical space : Yates, Nigel. Ashgate, 2008 9780754657958 (hardcover : alk xi, 199 p. : UG Library
264.015 ALE 00143936 Introduction to Eastern Christian liturgies / Alexopoulos, Stefanos, Liturgical Press Academic 2022 9780814663554 xli, 430 pages ; UG Library
264.015 ARA 00107553 Ecclesial Dimensions of East Syrian Liturgy Arangassery Lonappan Oriental Institute Of Religious Studies india: 1990 xix, 143 p. UG Library
264.015 KAN 00087998 Mission Theology of the Syro- Malabar Chrurch Kannokadan, Pauly LRC 2007 294p UG Library
264.015 KOC 05071719 The Way of life : Kochapilly, Paulachan CMI., ed. Denha Services, 2011 9789381207000 xii, 509p. ; Knowledge Centre
264.015 KOC 05074405 The Way of life : Kochapilly, Paulachan CMI., ed. Denha Services, 2011 9789381207000 xii, 509p. ; Knowledge Centre
264.015 OIR 00107586 Roman Documents on the Syro-Malabar Liturgy Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India 1999 8186063498 302 p. UG Library
264.015 TOV 00107548 Eassays in West Syrian Liturgy Tovey Philip Revd Oriental Institute of Religious Studies india: 1999 218 p. UG Library
264.01501 CUN 00128491 Ritualized Faith : Cuneo, Terence. Oxford University Press 2016 9780198757757 228p UG Library
264.0163036 VAD 00107555 The East Syrian Anaphora of Mar Theodore of Mopsuestia Vadakkel,Jacob. Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India Publications, 1989 li, 282 p. ; UG Library
264.02 BAL 00145086 Reforming the liturgy : Baldovin, John F. Liturgical Press, 2008 9780814662199 (pbk.) xi, 188 p. ; UG Library
264.02 JOH 00145044 Care for the church and its liturgy : Johnston, William H., Liturgical Press, 2013 9780814662694 | 0814662692 (paperback) xiv, 326 pages ; UG Library
264.02 KAD 00091806 Little Traditions and national culture Kadankavil Thomas Dharmaram Publications 8186861211 250p UG Library
264.02 KAN 00104649 The Word in Celebration C.M I Kaniarakath Varghese Denha Service 2011 9788190579995 145 p. UG Library
264.02 KAN 05042107 The Word in Celebration / Kaniarakath George,CMI Denha Services, 2011 9788190579995 147p.: Knowledge Centre
264.02 KUR 00107564 The Fast of the Nativity of Our Lord in the Chraldean and Malabar Liturgical year Kuruthukulangara Peter oriental Institute of Religious Studies India: 1989 KUR xlv, 314 p. UG Library
264.02 MAT 00107556 Inculturation of the Liturgy in the Indian Context Abraham Mattam (Mar) Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India Publications, 1991 146 p. UG Library
264.02 PEC 00092795 Liturgy in a Postmodern World / Continuum, 2003 0826464122 viii, 215 p. ; UG Library
264.02 POO 00107565 Role of the Priest in The Celebration of the Holy Qurbana Poovannikunnel Jose Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India: 1996 8186063226 405 p. UG Library
264.02 VEL 00107566 The Celebration of the Liturgy of the Word in the Syro-Malabar Qurbana Velamparampil Cyrus Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India; 1997 8186063293 xxvii, 348 p, UG Library
264.02 VEL 00107567 The Celebration of the Liturgy of the Word in the Syro-Malabar Qurbana Velamparampil Cyrus Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India; 1997 8186063293 xxvii, 348 p, UG Library
264.02 VIN 00145045 Celebrating divine mystery : Vincie, Catherine, Liturgical Press, 2009 9780814653753 (pbk.) x, 206 p. ; UG Library
264.02001 MOR 00122153 Anamnesis as Dangerous Memory : Morrill, Bruce T. Liturgical Press, 2000 9780814661833 xvi, 224 p. ; UG Library
264.020014 PEC 00072128 Dynamic Equivalence: The Living Language of Christian Worship[dharmaram Library] Pecklers, F Keith 2000 0814661912 340p UG Library
264.0201 CRI 00082764 Christian Celebration: Understanding the Prayer of the Church Crichton, J D 1993 0225666715 165p UG Library
264.0203 LAN 00092763 Ever Directed Towards the Lord : T & T Clark, 2007 0567031330 (hbk. : alk. paper) xv, 119 p. ; UG Library
264.0203 MAR 00088028 Celebrating Good Liturgy: A Guide to the Mysteries of the Mass Martin, James S J Jesuit Communication Foundation 2005 9789710305391 99p UG Library
264.02034 DAN 00105146 When God Speaks: Pilarczyk,Archbishop Daniel. E St.Anthony Messenger Press 2006 9780867166231 ix,500p. UG Library
264.02036 BEC 00130204 Catholicism and Catholicity : Beckwith,Sarah Blackwell, 1999 0631215018 162 p.; UG Library
264.02036 FER 00120884 A New Look at the Eucharsit Fernandez, Earsto J Pauline 2014 9788171768233 304p UG Library
264.02036 MOL 00112687 Our Splendid Eucharist Maloney,Raymond St. Pauls 2011 8171097170 167p UG Library
264.0208 CAL 00122161 Liturgy as Revelation Caldwell, Philip Fortress, 2014 1451480385 | 9781451480382 xvii, 566 p:. UG Library
264.0208 RED 00117419 the essential catholic handbook of the sacraments Asian Trading Corporation 2001 8170865670 284p UG Library
264.020862 STA 00088029 Confessor`s Handbook Stasiak, Kurt O S B Jesuit Communication Foundation 1999 9710305050 153p UG Library
264.020992 SIM 00072142 Holy People Holy Place: Rites for the Church`s House: [dharmaram Library] Simons, G Thomas 2000 1568540957 218p UG Library
264.025 KRI 00110476 General Instruction of the Roman Missal and General Norms for the Liturgical year and the Calendar Kristu Jyoti Publications Kristu Jyoti Publications 2002 273 p. : UG Library
264.025 POO 00107562 The Sacraments Poovathanikunnel,Thomas Dr. Oriental Institute of Religious Studies 1998 8186063374 666 p UG Library
264.0272 BER 00105131 Prayer Services for Parishes Karen, Berry. St.Anthony Messenger Press 2005 9780867165869 97p. UG Library
264.0272 SAC 00121287 Sacred Space St. Pauls 2006 8171097936 343p UG Library
264.03 MAR 00117546 Leaps and boundaries : Marshall,Paul V Morehouse Pub., 1997 0819217182 (paper) x, 210 p. ; UG Library
264.03 PER 00106124 Liturgy Pastoral and Parochial Perham, Michael. SPCK, 1984 0281040923 xviii, 245 ; UG Library
264.03 VEL 00068316 Aradhanakrama Vijnanakosham Vellian, Jacob ORIAI Vadavathoor 2003 990p UG Library
264.04 PAM 00122350 Harmagodonile vyjapravachakanmar Pamplany,Joseph Media House 2014 175.00 UG Library
264.041 SUN 00118028 Worship as repentance : Sundberg, Walter. W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2012 9780802867322 (pbk. : alk. pap xvi, 190 p. ; UG Library
264.041 SUN 00122101 Worship as repentance : Sundberg, Walter. W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2012 9780802867322 (pbk. : alk. pap xvi, 190 p. ; UG Library
264.04100284 WIL 00122061 For the sake of the Gospel : Wilson, Kent V., Augsburg Fortress, 2006 0800623428 (alk. paper) | 9780 xiii, 127 p. : UG Library
264.0994 LIN 00133004 Practicing the faith : Lindhardt, Martin Berghahn Books, 2011 9781845457709 | 1845457706 vi, 344 p. ; UG Library
264.1 BLO 00022750 School for Prayer Bloom, Anthony St.Paul`s Publication 1980 88 p UG Library
264.1 BOR 00034844 Method of Contemplative Prayer Borst, Jim ATC 1992 73 p UG Library
264.1 DEM 00034847 Sadhana a Way to God De Mello, Anthony Gujarat Sahity Prakash 1988 vi 168 p UG Library
264.1 DEM 00104518 Sadhana a Way to God De Mello, Anthony Gujarat Sahity Prakash 1988 vi 168 p UG Library
264.1 DEM 00022722 Sadhana a Way to God De Mello, Anthony Gujarat Sahity Prakash 1988 vi 168 p UG Library
264.1 DSO 00112746 When God Longs for You D'souza,Rudolf V Dhyanavan Publications 2010 9788189144012 76p UG Library
264.1 KEL 00020816 Human Shape of Prayer Kelly, Anthony J Asian 1977 128 p UG Library
264.1 MAN 00118047 Operation World Mandryk,Jason IVP 2010 9780830857241 7 978p UG Library
264.1 VAL 00034848 Praying Together Valles, C G Anand 136 p UG Library
264.13 CHR 00112694 Premi Parampita Christin Kristu Jyoti Publications 2001 8187370130 250p UG Library
264.13 ELW 00020815 Month With Christ Elwood, Murray J Asian Trading Corporation 1980 123 p UG Library
264.13 HOL 00010881 I`Have Got to Talk to Somebody god Holmes, Marjorie Hodder 1968 129 P UG Library
264.13 MEL 00112698 Rooted in God Mello,Anthony De St. Pauls 2007 8171093213 157p UG Library
264.13 PRA 00020820 Rise Early to Meet Your Lord. Pranger, Joyce DIMENSION 1977 122 p UG Library
264.15 AUS 00117480 Psalms in the early modern world / Austern Linda Phyllis Ashgate, 2011 9781409422822 (hardcover) | 14 xxii, 385 p. : UG Library
264.2 AND 00011326 With Joyful Lips Mercier, Jean L St.Catherine 190 p UG Library
264.2 AND 00011327 With Joyful Lips Mercier, Jean L St.Catherine 190 p UG Library
264.2 AND 00011328 With Joyful Lips Mercier, Jean L St.Catherine 190 p UG Library
264.2 FOR 00112835 All the world is singing : Fortunato, Frank. Authentic, 2006 9781932805819 (pbk. : alk. pap xvi, 215 p. ; UG Library
264.2 HER 00142141 Entrances : Herbert, Rembert. Church Pub., 1999 0898693152 xix, 358 p. : UG Library
264.23 ELS 00112844 C S Lewis Elst,Philip[ Van der Continnum 1996 0826484700 114p UG Library
264.25 PIT 00107563 The Celebration of The Holy Mysteries Pittappillil, Francis Dr. oriental Institute of Religious Studies India 2011 9788188456727 xviii; 369 P. UG Library
264.36 DRI 00122371 What Happens at Mass Driscoll,Jeremy Asian Trading Corporation 2011 131p UG Library
264.36 JAS 00145080 Prayers of the Eucharist : Liturgical Press, 2019 9780814660232 Fourth Edition / [edited by] by Paul F. Bradshaw and Maxwell E. Johnson xv, 367 pages ; UG Library
264.36 KUZ 00121781 Eucharist/ Kuzhiyar,Benjamin Das Carmel International Publishing House 2012 9789380483429 176p UG Library
264.36 SCH 00102109 Dominus Est: Schneider Athanasius Asian trading corporation; 2008 8170865557 63 p. UG Library
264.4 ALL 00015534 Chomsky:Selected Readings Allen, J P B Greatbritain 1972 166p UG Library
264.55 BAR 00146127 Science and theology since Copernicus : Barrett, Peter, T & T Clark International, 2004 0567089703 (pbk.) | 056708969X (hardback) 205 p. ; UG Library
264.7 KAI 00034910 Prayer Called Life Kaitholl, George St.Paul 1991 120 p UG Library
265 ALT 00140198 What You Should Know about the Sacraments Altemose,Charlene St. Pauls 2018 9788171096893 100p UG Library
265 ALT 00140197 What You Should Know abot the Mass Altemose,Charlene St. Pauls 2016 9788171096909 87p UG Library
265 BRE 00140500 Martin Luther and the seven sacraments : Brewer, Brian C., Baker Academic 2017 9780801049477 (pbk.) xviii, 253 pages ; UG Library
265 CUS 00002370 Sacrements Seven Channels of Grace Cushing, Richard Cardinal S t Paul Publicaitons 1964 1 UG Library
265 ESS 00139423 The essential Catholic handbook of the sacraments : Asian Trading Corporation; 2010 9798170865673 284 p. ; UG Library
265 LEC 00139448 Lectionary: english standard version catholic edition with the abbey Psalms and Canticles : 3 vol.set Conference of Catholic Bishops of India, Distributed by ATC Publishers; 2019 9789388968225 (Vol.1) | 9789388968232 (Vol.2) | 9789388968249 (Vol.3) 965 p. ; UG Library
265 LEC 00139449 Lectionary: english standard version catholic edition with the abbey Psalms and Canticles : 3 vol.set Conference of Catholic Bishops of India, Distributed by ATC Publishers; 2019 9789388968225 (Vol.1) | 9789388968232 (Vol.2) | 9789388968249 (Vol.3) 965 p. ; UG Library
265 LEC 00139450 Lectionary: english standard version catholic edition with the abbey Psalms and Canticles : 3 vol.set Conference of Catholic Bishops of India, Distributed by ATC Publishers; 2019 9789388968225 (Vol.1) | 9789388968232 (Vol.2) | 9789388968249 (Vol.3) 965 p. ; UG Library
265 ORD 00139446 The order of celebrating marriage : Conference of Catholic Bishops of India; 2018 9789388968270 109 p. ; UG Library
265 ROS 00139444 The Joy of priesthood / Rossetti, Stephen J. Brenda Fernandes for Asian Trading Corporation; 2009 9798170865178 221 p. ; UG Library
265 VAG 00146874 Pathways of prayer/ Vagneux, Yann ATC Publishers, 2024 9788119664610 55p UG Library
265.1 BAB 00112838 Baptism babu,Titus ISPCK 2013 9788184653106 79p UG Library
265.3 VEL 00103624 Eucharist : Vellanickal, Mattjew Dharmaram Publications, 2010 9788189958237 72 p. UG Library
265.5 KEL 00018449 Divorce and Remarriage for Catholics Kelleher, Stephen J Image 1976 160 p UG Library
265.5 MAR 00072238 Worship: Wedding to Marriage [dharmaram Library] Martinez, German 2000 1569290091 177 UG Library
265.6 ROB 00111644 A Treatise on the History of Confession/ Roberts, C.M. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107620322 viii: 124p.; UG Library
265.609 MAN 00135850 The humiliation of sinners : Mansfield, Mary C., Cornell University Press, 1995 0801429390 (alk. paper) x, 343 p., [4] p. of plates : UG Library
265.62 KNI 00112562 A fresh Look at Confession Knight,David M St. Pauls 2013 9789350151631 118p UG Library
265.7 SHL 00022746 To Heal as Jesus Healed Shlemon, Barbara Leahys Servant 1981 108 p UG Library
265.82 MUT 00103625 Occult Practices And Christian Healing Ministry Muthanattu, Sijo Dharmaram Publications, 2009 9788189958312 82 p. UG Library
265.85 ELA 00107559 The Memorial Celebration Elavanal,Thomas Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India Publications 1989 xvi;254 P. UG Library
265.92 POD 00107869 Consecrated Obedience Revisited Podimattam,Felix Media House 2006 9788174952455 240 P. UG Library
265.94 KAY 00112858 Exorcism and Deliverance Kay,William K Authentic Publishers 2012 9789381905852 269p UG Library
265.94 LAM 00143954 Exorcism : Lampert, Vincent, Emmaus Road Publishing 2020 9781645850618 163 pages ; UG Library
265.94092 YOU 05068063 A history of anglican exorcism : Young, Francis I.B. Tauris, 2018 9781788313476 xvi, 252p. ; Knowledge Centre
266 ANT 00137184 Emerging Paradigm of Mission in the New Millenium Antonydoss,M Asian Trading Corporation 2019 9789386516800 266p UG Library
266 AUG 00141622 Mercy: Augustin,George St. Pauls 2021 9789350153642 193p UG Library
266 BAR 05008031 Two thousand years of missions before Carey : Barnes, Lemuel Call. Asian Educational Services, | The Christian Culture Press, 2000 9780837062426 | 083706242X xvii, 504 p. : Knowledge Centre
266 BEV 00139914 Constants in Context: Bevans,Stephen B Claretians Publications 2005 9799710307387 488p UG Library
266 BUS 00107094 Catalysts of World Evangelization Bush keith Luis Centre For contemporary Christianity; 2006 xxvi. 293 p. UG Library
266 CAM 00010203 Church and Colosialism Camara, Dom Helder DIMENSION 1967 182 p UG Library
266 CHI 00081014 Bijnor Mission a Vision Chirayil, Joseph Fr Joseph Chirayil Cmi 2000 128p UG Library
266 DAV 00117424 Urban Christianity and global order : Davey, Andrew. SPCK, 2001 0281053510 xiv, 146 p. : UG Library
266 DOU 00107500 Proclaim Christ Until he Comes Douglas J. D. World Wide Publications, 1990 9780890661901 (pbk.) 463 p. ; UG Library
266 EIT 00142984 Missions in contexts of violence / William Carey Library, 2008 9780878083893 x, 415 p. ; UG Library
266 EKK 00139671 Christian mission and service in Western India : Ekka,Cornelius. Jesuit Conference of India; | Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485100 (HB) 616 p. ; UG Library
266 EKK 00148162 Christian mission and service in Western India : Ekka,Cornelius. Jesuit Conference of India; | Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485100 (HB) 616 p. ; UG Library
266 GAN 00004308 Christian Missions. Gandhi, M K Navjeevan 240 p UG Library
266 GNA 00124910 Education and Mission Gnanakan,Ken Theological Book Trust 2007 219p UG Library
266 GOH 00135864 Reading the Bible missionally Goheen,Michael W William B Eerdmans Publishing Company 2016 9780802872258 xiv, 343 pages ; UG Library
266 GOH 00143933 Becoming a missionary church : Goheen, Michael W., Baker Academic 2022 9780801049279 | 9781540965578 277pages UG Library
266 GRU 00112626 The Gospel of the Rose Grugni,Anthony St. Pauls 2010 9788171098057 128p UG Library
266 GUE 00130323 Exclusion and Inclusion in Changing India Guest,Steven W SAIACS Press 2015 230[ UG Library
266 HAN 00107106 We are the plan Frans Hancke Centre for Contemporary Christianity 2009 9788190869188 xvi;218 P. UG Library
266 HIE 00106797 The Gospel in Human Contexts Hiebert, Paul G., Baker Academic, 2009 9780801036811 (pbk.) | 0801036 217 p. : UG Library
266 HIE 00092862 Anthropological Insights for Missionaries Hiebert, G Paul Baker Accademic, 0801042917 312p UG Library
266 HRA 00130308 Christ Among the Tribals Hrangkhuma,F FOIM 2007 289p UG Library
266 IRV 00145049 Christian mission, contextual theology, prophetic dialogue : Orbis Books, 2018 9781626982994 (pbk.) xxiv, 293 pages ; UG Library
266 JAM 00139670 Folk dance as ecumenical communication : Jamir, A.Temjen. Christian World Imprints; 2020 9789351484721 (HB) | 9789351484738 (PB) 173 p. ; UG Library
266 JEY 00145722 Digital Generation Jeyaraj, Dasan Gujarath Sahitya Prakash, 2017 221p UG Library
266 JEY 00145721 Christian Mission and Contemporary Challenges Jeyaraj, Dasan Gujarath Sahitya Prakash, 2019 9788193822272 307p UG Library
266 JOH 00130315 Christians in the Public Square John,Varughese SAIACS Press 2013 183p UG Library
266 JOS 00134480 The role of Consecrated Women in the Missionary Activity of the Church Joseph, MarySruthi ISPCK 2014 9788184654615 284p UG Library
266 KAR 00020708 Evangelization and Diakonia Karokaran, Anto Dharmaram 1978 285 p UG Library
266 KAR 00119044 The Prophetic Witness of the Religions Karikulam,Ancil Claretian Publications 2012 8189851675 292p UG Library
266 KLA 00112907 The Great Commission Klauber,Martin I B and H Publishers 2008 9780805443004 228p UG Library
266 KRA 00107103 The Christian Message in a Non-Christian World Kraemer,Hendrik. Centre for Contemporary Christianity 2009 9788190869119 xiv;487 P. UG Library
266 LEN 00140597 His Last Command-My First Desire: Lentzsch,Ray Authentic Books 2009 9788173629198 394p UG Library
266 LIF 000142215 The Mission: LifeWay Press 2015 9781430051718 96p UG Library
266 LOH 00143625 Church Growth Amidst Adversity: Lohora, Hruda Ranjan Omega Book World, 2022 9789391694722 175p UG Library
266 MAT 00112861 formation and development of missiology in India Mathew,Samuel Authentic Publishers 2012 9789381905166 310p UG Library
266 MAT 00134472 Mission in Transition: Mathew,V M ISPCK 2018 9788186456589 161p UG Library
266 MEN 00141611 Attempt the Impossible Menamparampil,Thomas St. Pauls 2021 9789350153888 441p UG Library
266 OTT 00131027 The Mission of the Church: Ott,Craig Baker Academic 2016 9780801097409 181p UG Library
266 PAL 00137209 Evangelizing Mission Palakeel, Joseph ATC 2018 480p UG Library
266 PAL 00107497 The Grave Tragedy of the Church of St. Thomas Christians and the Apostolic Mission of Sebastiani / Pallath,Paul. HIRS Publications, 2006 8187576529 (pbk.) | 9788187576 xv, 277 p. ; UG Library
266 PAL 00139434 Evangelizing mission : ATC Publishers and Thomasine Research Centre; 2018 9789386516398 480 p. ; UG Library
266 PAW 00112843 Building a Missional Church Pawar,Indrajeet Authentic Publishers 2009 9788173628740 143p UG Library
266 PES 00109687 The message of mission Peskett, Howard. InterVarsity Press, 2003 0830824073 (USA) | 0851113265 288 p. ; UG Library
266 RAJ 00112675 Heart to Heart Letters to Leaders Rajendran,K India Missions Association 2010 8190790005 270p UG Library
266 RAY 00134479 The Original Fire and New Flames Rayappan,Jesuraj ISPCK 2018 9788184656695 383p UG Library
266 ROD 00145070 Leaves from the pages of time : Rodrigues, Gerald ATC Publishers, 2023 9789391399832 189 p. ; UG Library
266 SIM 00134049 Great Catholic Parishes Simon,William E Ave Maria Press 2016 9781594714177 202p UG Library
266 SKR 00112178 Picturing Christian witness : Skreslet, Stanley H. William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2006 0802829562 (pbk. : alk. paper) xv, 263 p., 8 p. of plates : UG Library
266 STA 00140171 Prospects and Pathways in India: Stanislaus,Lazar T St. Pauls 2019 9789350153383 257p UG Library
266 STA 00145069 Intercultural living : Orbis Books, 2018 9781626982789 (pbk.) xvi, 272 pages ; UG Library
266 SUN 00120704 Understanding Christian mission : Sunquist, Scott, 9780801036156 (cloth) xiv, 448 pages UG Library
266 TAF 00002195 Jottings Poor Missionery Taffarel, J City 1954 68 p UG Library
266 TER 00146818 Developing a strategy for missions : Terry, John Mark, Baker Academic 2013 9780801039539 (pbk.) x, 287 pages : UG Library
266 THO 00112656 An Introduction to Ministries in the Church Thomas,K J St. Peter's Pontifical Institute Publications 2007 208p UG Library
266 TIT 00146863 Missio Dei: Titus, P Joseph Theological Publications in India 2023 9789395623049 372p UG Library
266 VAS 00139669 Faith seeking transformation : Vashum, Yangkahao. Christian World Imprints; 2020 9789351484691 (HB) | 9789351484707 (PB) 240 p. ; UG Library
266 VAY 00124147 Forged By The Word of God Vayaliparampil,George Claretian Publications 2014 9788189851903 125p UG Library
266 WEY 00117425 Writing exceptional missionary newsletters : Weyeneth, Sandy. William Carey Library, 2004 087808455X x, 125 p. : UG Library
266 WIL 00002787 Laity Inrenewal of the Church , PCIC 1968 200 p UG Library
266 WIL 00002788 Laity Inrenewal of the Church , PCIC 1968 200 p UG Library
266 WIL 00002789 Laity Inrenewal of the Church , PCIC 1968 200 p UG Library
266.001 BOS 00107105 Transforming Mission Bosch, David Jacobus. Centre for Contemporary Christanity 2006 8190229494 | 0883447193 (pbk.) xxix, 734 p. ; UG Library
266.001 GUD 00135137 Called to witness : Guder, Darrell L., William B Eerdmans Publishing Company 2015 9780802872227 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvi, 203 pages ; UG Library
266.001 HAS 00101415 Practical Theology and the One Body of Christ : Hastings, Thomas John. William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2007 9780802817600 (pbk. : alk. pap xi, 233 p., [8] p. of plates : UG Library
266.001 MUC 00124160 Christianity encountering world religions : Muck, Terry C., Baker Academic, 2009 9780801026607 (pbk.) 407 p. : UG Library
266.001 OTT 00122114 Encountering theology of mission : Ott, Craig, Baker Academic, 2010 9780801026621 (pbk.) | 0801026 xxx, 383 p. : UG Library
266.0014 MOR 00122040 Effective intercultural communication : Moreau, A. Scott, Baker Academic 2014 9780801026638 (pbk.) vi, 405 pages : UG Library
266.003 BON 00104995 Routledge Encyclopedia of Missions and Missionaries Bonk,Jonathan.J Routledge 2007 9780415880893 xviii,473p. UG Library
266.0082 SMI 00088017 Women in Mission Smith, Susan E 2007 9781570757372 234p UG Library
266.009 TER 00147166 Encountering the history of missions : Terry, John Mark, Baker Academic, 2017 9780801026966 (pbk.) viii, 405 pages ; UG Library
266.00901 MAR 00081011 Light to the Nations:A Study of The Old Testament Conception of Israels Mission to the World Martin-Achard, Robert Oliver and Boyd 1962 84p UG Library
266.00903403 JON 00107099 Missiological Encyclopedia Jongeneel, J. A. B. Peter Lang, 2002 3631381875 (v. 1) | 0820454141 2nd rev. ed. xxxiv, 454 p. UG Library
266.00903403 JON 00107100 Missiological Encyclopedia Jongeneel, J. A. B. Peter Lang, 2006 3631381875 (v. 1) | 0820454141 2nd rev. ed. xxxi, 496 p. UG Library
266.0091724 HAN 00134043 Christian missionaries & the state in the Third World / Hansen, Holger Bernt James Currey ; | Ohio University Press, 2002 0821414259 (alk. paper) | 0821414267 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0852557833 (James Currey : pbk.) | 0852557841 (James currey : cloth) x, 307 p. ; UG Library
266.0092 BUR 00131761 Understanding world Christianity : Burrows,Wiiliam R Orbis Books, 2011 9781570759499 (pbk.) | 1570759499 (pbk.) ix, 294 p. ; UG Library
266.0095 FUL 00107102 Sun Like Thunder Fuller, Harold W. Centre for Contemporaryy Christianity 2010 9789380548005 xiv;652 P. UG Library
266.0095 PIE 00110477 Give Vatican II a Chance Pieris, Aloysius Claretian Publications 2012 8189851721 | 9788189851729 xii, 200 p. : UG Library
266.00954 KOC 00107575 Evangelization in India Kochuparampil,Xavier Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India Publications 1993 xxv:556 P. UG Library
266.00954 ROB 00142249 Mission and ecumenical concerns of the Christian Conference of Asia : Robert, N. B. Gladstone, Christian World Imprints 2016 9789351481027 | 9351481026 xx, 309 pages ; UG Library
266.022 HEA 00076195 Small Christian Communities Today: Capturing the New Moment: [dharmaram Library] Healey, G Joseph Claretian Publications 2005 8189851047 224p UG Library
266.0234 COP 00094122 Religions in Conflict Copley, Antony Oxford press 1999 9780195649109 279p UG Library
266.023469 THO 00103609 The Impact of the Portuguese on Malabar Society in the Sixteenth Century Thottakara, Annette Dharmaram Publications, 2011 9788189958411 ix, 264 p. UG Library
266.023730082 REE 01023223 Competing kingdoms Duke University Press, 2010 9780822346586 (cloth : alk. pa xii,415p.; Knowledge Centre
266.09 MEU 00022745 All Men Became Brothers Meulder, De E 1980 320 p UG Library
266.0954 KAW 00094116 Missionaries and a Hindu State Travancore 1858-1936 Kawashima, Koji Oxford press 2000 9780195655346 252p UG Library
266.1 KUZ 00112655 25 years Visakhapatanam Province Kuzhupil,D S F S Publications 1990 334p UG Library
266.2 CHA 05067111 The empire of apostles : Chakravarti, Ananya, Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199485086 | 0199485089 First edition. xiv, 355 pages : Knowledge Centre
266.2 HAY 00092799 New Religious Movements in the Catholic Church Hayes Michael A Burns & Oates 9780826493576 182p UG Library
266.2 KAN 00093004 The Ecclesial Mission & Pastoral Care of the Migrants of the Syro-Malabar Church Kannookadan, Pauly Syro-malabar liturgical research centre 2009 172p UG Library
266.2 KEE 00092977 Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church Keenan, James Asian Trading Company 2007 9788170865285 326p UG Library
266.2 MAR 00118653 John Paul II and the new evangelization : Martin,Ralph St. Anthony Messenger Press, 2006 0867167483 (pbk. : alk. paper) xx, 324 p. ; UG Library
266.2 SCH 00135764 What is the mission of the church? : Schroeder, Roger, Theological Publications in India 2019 9781570758102 (pbk.) | 1570758107 (pbk.) xiv, 164 p. ; UG Library
266.20792 KOL 04005710 Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light Kolodigjchuk, Brian Currency 2007 9780385520379 404 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
266.2092 CHA 01013842 Mother Teresa / Chawla,Navin Penguin Books, 1992 9780143031789 280p.; Knowledge Centre
266.2092 CHA 05011095 Mother Teresa / Chawla,Navin Penguin Books, 1992 9780143031789 280p.; Knowledge Centre
266.2092 CHA 03006161 Mother Teresa / Chawla,Navin Penguin Books, 1992 9780143031789 280p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
266.2548 ZUP 05035594 Disputed mission : Županov, Ines G. Oxford University Press, 2001 0195658825 xiii, 277 p. : Knowledge Centre
266.273 LOC 05002458 Travels of the Jesuits 1698-1711: Lickman,J Asian Educational Services 8120610601 487 p Knowledge Centre
266.273 LOC 05002459 Travels of the Jesuits 1698-1711: Lickman,J Asian Educational Services 8120610601 487 p Knowledge Centre
266.3092 BIS 05068076 The missionary and the maharajas : Tyndale-Biscoe, Hugh Bloomsbury academic, 2019 9781350137738 xviii, 340p. ; Knowledge Centre
266.354COP 05046673 Religions in Conflict(law Library ) Antony Copley Oxford University Press 0195649109 279p Knowledge Centre
266.354COP 01006802 Religions in Conflict(law Library ) Antony Copley Oxford University Press 0195649109 279p Knowledge Centre
266.4154 LIE 07004462 Cultural Encounters in India : Liebau, Heike. Social science Press, 2013 9788187358725 viii:558p.; Library - BR Campus
266.4154 LIE 00111413 Cultural Encounters in India : Liebau, Heike. Social science Press, 2013 9788187358725 viii:558p.; UG Library
266.54 PAL 00107532 The Catholic Church in India Pallath Paul Oriental Institute Of Religious Studies India: 2010 xiv,284 p. UG Library
266.709591 LEI 05047643 Conflict, politics, and proselytism : Leigh, Michael D. Manchester University Press 2011 9780719085369 | 0719085365 xvi, 239 p. : Knowledge Centre
267 PEN 00010913 Four Modern Verse Plays Penguin, PENGUIN 1969 270 p UG Library
267.182 DEL 00117637 Beyond the Threshold Tapia, Maria del Carmen Continuum Publishing Company 1999 0826410960 364p UG Library
267.182 TAP 00092768 Inside Opus Dei : Tapia, María del Carmen, Continuum, 0826419305 xiv, 364 p. ; UG Library
267.18273 BON 00147477 Empowering the people of God : Bonner, Jeremy Fordham University Press 2014 9780823254002 (cloth : alk. paper) First edition. x, 389 pages ; UG Library
268 BRU 00006126 Song of Life Bruylants, A Xavier 1970 176 p UG Library
268 BRU 00006132 Song of Life Bruylants, A Xavier 1966 126 p UG Library
268 BRU 00006133 Hidden Treasurer Bruylants, A Xavier 1974 124 p UG Library
268 BRU 00006134 Hidden Treasure Brulants, A Xavier 1967 118 p UG Library
268 COL 00112106 Toddling to the Kingdom Collier John Child Theology Movement 2009 9780956099303 256p UG Library
268 EST 00093022 A Theology for Christian Education / Estep, James Riley, B&H Academic, 2008 9780805444575 (hbk.) | 0805444 iv, 316 p. : UG Library
268 GOM 00129482 The Challenges of Catholic Education in India Perspectives Gomes,Janina Claretian Publications 2017 183p UG Library
268 GOP 00135788 Christian Education for Social Change Gopal, S Arun Christava Sahitya Samithi 2015 9788178217048 201p UG Library
268 HOC 00015048 Projected Visual Aids in the Church Hockman, William S The Pilgrim press 1974 210 p UG Library
268 HUL 00020144 Formation of Character Hull, Ernest R St.Paul`s Publication 1984 163 p UG Library
268 JOH 00050270 Vision to Mission: Fifteen Poineer Indian Chritian Educators John, C J CSS 2000 1 UG Library
268 JOH 00140091 Canonical norms on consecrated life (manual for the students) / John, Joseph Vellachal. Claretian Publications; 2020 9788187804789 (PB) 152 p. ; UG Library
268 JOL 00002942 Quest for Excellence Joly, Le E Xavier 1968 1 UG Library
268 JOL 00008832 Quest for Excellence Joly, Le E Xavier 1968 1 UG Library
268 KAN 00140094 Protection of minors : Kannanthanam, James. Claretian Publications; 2021 9788187804833 (PB) 375 p. ; UG Library
268 KAN 00140095 Psychology and consecrated life : Kannanthanam, James. Claretian Publications; 2021 9788187804819 (PB) 351 p. ; UG Library
268 KOK 05070000 Contribution of carmelites of mary immaculate congregation to education in kerala : 1831-2008 / Kokkat CMI, Wilson. Dharmaram Publications, 2016 9789384964436 320p. ; Knowledge Centre
268 LES 00006425 Kindly Light Lesser, R H St.Paul`s Publication 1968 140 p UG Library
268 LES 00006441 Into the World, a Course of Moral Science Lesser, R H St.Paul`s Publication 1972 100 p UG Library
268 LES 00006443 I Wonder! Course of Moral Science Lesser, R H St.Paul`s Publication 1972 96 p UG Library
268 LES 00006225 Tales That Tell. a Course of Moral Science Lesser, R H St.Paul 1968 86 p UG Library
268 MAC 00008312 Moral Science Series Macmillan, The Macmillan Company of India 1967 152 p. UG Library
268 MAC 00008314 Moral Science Series Macmillan, The Macmillan Company of India 1967 152 p. UG Library
268 MAC 00008316 Moral Science Series Macmillan, The Macmillan Company of India 1967 152 p. UG Library
268 MAC 00008317 Moral Science Series Macmillan, The Macmillan Company of India 1967 152 p. UG Library
268 MAC 00008315 Moral Science Series Macmillan, The Macmillan Company of India 1967 152 p. UG Library
268 MAC 00008313 Moral Science Series Macmillan, The Macmillan Company of India 1967 152 p. UG Library
268 MAC 00008311 Moral Science Series Macmillan, The Macmillan Company of India 1967 152 p. UG Library
268 MAC 00008308 Moral Science Series Macmillan, The Macmillan Company of India 1967 152 p. UG Library
268 MAC 00008309 Moral Science Series Macmillan, The Macmillan Company of India 1967 152 p. UG Library
268 MAC 00008310 Moral Science Series Macmillan, The Macmillan Company of India 1967 152 p. UG Library
268 MAC 00008307 Moral Science Series Macmillan, The Macmillan Company of India 1967 152 p. UG Library
268 MOO 00137177 diakonia: The Gospel of Smiles Moojely,Paul St. Pauls 2019 9789350153482 206p UG Library
268 MOR 00020714 Teachers of the Faith Morissette, Herve Holy Cross 1980 350 p UG Library
268 MOR 00020715 Teachers of the Faith Morissette, Herve Holy Cross 1980 350 p UG Library
268 MUR 00107840 Teaching that Transforms Murphy,Debra Dean, Brazos Press, 2004 9781587430671 255 p. ; UG Library
268 PAR 00140092 Consecrated life as a parable of the kingdom (Theology of consecrated life): Vol.1 / Paredes, Jose Cristo Rey Garcia. Claretian Publications; 2020 8187804750 (PB) 159 p. ; UG Library
268 PAR 00140093 Consecrated life as a parable of the kingdom (Theology of consecrated life): Vol.2 / Paredes, Jose Cristo Rey Garcia Claretian Publications; 2020 8187804777 (PB) 206 p. ; UG Library
268 PIE 00020154 Catechism of Vatican. II Pierini, Franco Alba 1979 252 p UG Library
268 SAN 00072190 One Lamp Lights Another [dharmaram Library] Santiao J B OM BOOKS 2004 8173626006 149 UG Library
268 SON 00006438 Course in Moral Law. Sontag, P J St.Paul 1961 194 P UG Library
268 TAY 00112103 Sunday School in HD Taylor Allan B and H Publishing Group 2009 9780805449730 193p UG Library
268 WAL 00130229 Leaning on Jesus Walker,Jonathan Tate Publishing 2015 9781681420905 464p UG Library
268 WER 00102096 Handbook of Theological Education: Werner Dietrich Asian trading corporation; 2010 9798170865604 759 p. UG Library
268 XAV 00006125 When Will They Ever Learn ? Xavier Board Of Higher Education XBSP 1971 212 P UG Library
268.01 DEC 00125165 Conscience and Catholicism Decosse,David E Theological Publications in India 2016 9789383163410 216p UG Library
268.09 REE 00088009 History of Cristian Education Reed, James E 2008 0805418679 386p UG Library
268.20 CLA 00094526 Christian Education : Moody Press, 1991 0802416470 636 p. ; UG Library
268.3 BER 00064793 Leadership Handbook of Management and Administration Berkley, D James OM BOOKS 2004 8173626057 524p UG Library
268.4 MOR 00028240 Teachers of the Faith Herve Morissette, Holy Cross Fathers 1989 1 UG Library
268.432 AMA 00091818 Creative Cathechesis: Amarnad Anto Dharmaram Publications 8186861254 420p UG Library
268.432 DUN 00105130 Practical Catechesis: Judith,Dunlap. St.Anthony Messenger Press 2001 9780867164633 xix,226p. UG Library
268.433 CHO 00110480 New Paradigms for Youth Catechesis Choondal, Gilbert Kristu Jyoti Publications 2012 9788187370673 viii, 170 p. : UG Library
268.433 DAL 00022747 On Becoming a Pilgrim People: Daly, Edwin J EAST ASIAN 1972 200 p UG Library
268.433 JOS 00039457 Towards a National Youth Perspective Joseph, George Arya 1995 XXI 345 p UG Library
268.433 KAL 00039466 Serving Youth Today In India. Kalathuveettil, Thomas KRISTU JHOTHI 1992 520 p UG Library
268.433 MOR 00027747 Youth Awake Morissette, Herve Holy Cross 1981 300 p UG Library
268.433 MOR 00027753 Youth Awake Morissette, Herve Holy Cross 1981 300 p UG Library
268.433 MOR 00027744 Youth Awake Morissette, Herve Holy Cross 1981 300 p UG Library
268.433 MOR 00020712 Youth Awake Morissette, Herve Holy Cross 1981 300 p UG Library
268.433 MOR 00027745 Youth Awake Morissette, Herve Holy Cross 1981 300 p UG Library
268.433 MOR 00027752 Youth Awake Morissette, Herve Holy Cross 1981 300 p UG Library
268.433 MOR 00027750 Youth Awake Morissette, Herve Holy Cross 1981 300 p UG Library
268.433 MOR 00027746 Youth Awake Morissette, Herve Holy Cross 1981 300 p UG Library
268.433 MOR 00027748 Youth Awake Morissette, Herve Holy Cross 1981 300 p UG Library
268.433MOR 00020716 Youth Alive & Youth Aware Morissette, Harve Holy Cross 280 p UG Library
268.433MOR 00020718 Youth Alive & Youth Aware Morissette, Harve Holy Cross 280 p UG Library
268.433MOR 00020717 Youth Alive & Youth Aware Morissette, Harve Holy Cross 280 p UG Library
268.433MOR 00020713 Youth Alive Morissette, Herve Holy Cross 306 p UG Library
268.433MOR 00027751 Youth Alive Morissette, Herve Holy Cross 306 p UG Library
268.433MOR 00027749 Youth Alive Morissette, Herve Holy Cross 306 p UG Library
268.434 KIN 00039475 Vatican II Act II: An Adult Dicsussion Program. Kinast, Robert L National Pastoral 1990 40 p UG Library
268.804 OSM 00135100 Religious education between modernization and globalization : Osmer, Richard Robert, W.B. Eerdmans Pub., 2003 0802812848 (pbk. : alk. paper) xix, 319 p. ; UG Library
268.82 PUT 00107496 Catechesis of an Evangelizing Church Puthiyedath, Jose. St. Thomas Academy for Research ; | Distributed by St. Paul Book Centre, 1994 ix, 185 p. ; UG Library
268.82 SUT 00131767 Handing on the faith Sutton Maththew,Lewis Orbis Books 2014 9781626980792 (paperwork) vii, 210 pages : UG Library
268.8201 GOJ 05068280 Religious education from a critical realist perspective : Go, Johnny C., Routledge, 2019 9781138498242 (hbk) xv, 144 pages ; Knowledge Centre
269 V-4 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
269 BUR 00001049 Billy Graham Burnham, George Fleming 158 p UG Library
269 CON 00020826 In the World God & I Connolly, Finbarr B Theological 1980 198 p UG Library
269.2 AER 00091815 Becoming Disciple: Aerthayil James CMI Dharmaram Publications 374p UG Library
269.2 BAR 00106871 Awakening Giants Feet of Clay : Bardhan, Pranab. Oxford University press, 2010 9780198068327 | 0198068328 172 p. : UG Library
269.2 BAR 05007092 Awakening Giants Feet of Clay : Bardhan, Pranab. Oxford University press, 2010 9780198068327 | 0198068328 172 p. : Knowledge Centre
269.2 BAR 03004486 Awakening Giants Feet of Clay : Bardhan, Pranab. Oxford University press, 2010 9780198068327 | 0198068328 172 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
269.2 CHI 00112648 The study of evangelism : Chilcote,Paul W William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2008 9780802803917 (pbk. : alk. pap xxx, 458 p. ; UG Library
269.2 DOW 00110925 Finding common ground : Downs, Tim. Moody Press, 1999 0802440967 200 p. ; UG Library
269.2 GRE 00147167 Evangelism through the local church : Green, Michael, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2023 9780802882547 xvi, 590 p. : UG Library
269.2 OSM 00145098 The invitation : Osmer, Richard Robert, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2021 9780802876225 xiv, 281 pages ; UG Library
269.209 TUT 00112817 The story of evangelism : Tuttle, Robert G., Abingdon Press, 2006 0687352037 (pbk. : alk. paper) xv, 435 p. ; UG Library
269.2092 GRA 00102427 Just as I am : Graham, Billy, HarperOne ; | Zondervan, 9780061171062 (pbk.) | 0061171 xxv, 801 p. : UG Library
269.6 BEC 00105120 Joan of Arc: Beckwith,Barbara. St.Anthony Messenger Press 2007 9780867165708 94p. UG Library
269.6 BER 00105152 Your Spiritual Garden: Bernecker,Pegge. St.Anthony Messenger Press 2006 9780867167160 143 p. UG Library
269.6 KAN 00110805 Hesed Kaniyantharayil,Dominic Kristu Jyoti Publications 2013 x111,210p UG Library
27 M-1 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
27.4PAS 01004842 Public Library Movement Kerala (law Lib) A Paslithil KALPAZ PUBLICATIONS 8178355795 284p Knowledge Centre
27.66 KOH 00056122 Beyond the Primer: Discussion on the RGF Village Library Programme Kohli, Mamta Books for Change 61p UG Library
270 G-5 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
270 ADA 00125543 The Earliest Christian Meeting Places Adams,Edward Bloomsbury 2016 2 263p UG Library
270 ALZ 05048705 Manual of universal church history / Alzog, John. Christian World Imprints, 2014 9789351480006 4v.; Knowledge Centre
270 ALZ 05048706 Manual of universal church history / Alzog, John. Christian World Imprints, 2014 9789351480006 4v.; Knowledge Centre
270 ALZ 05048707 Manual of universal church history / Alzog, John. Christian World Imprints, 2014 9789351480006 4v.; Knowledge Centre
270 ALZ 05048708 Manual of universal church history / Alzog, John. Christian World Imprints, 2014 9789351480006 4v.; Knowledge Centre
270 ALZ 07008480 Manual of universal church history / Alzog, John. Christian World Imprints, 2014 9789351480006 4v.; Library - BR Campus
270 ALZ 07008481 Manual of universal church history / Alzog, John. Christian World Imprints, 2014 9789351480006 4v.; Library - BR Campus
270 ALZ 07008482 Manual of universal church history / Alzog, John. Christian World Imprints, 2014 9789351480006 4v.; Library - BR Campus
270 ALZ 07008483 Manual of universal church history / Alzog, John. Christian World Imprints, 2014 9789351480006 4v.; Library - BR Campus
270 BAH 03008241 Christianity : Bahr, B. Ann Marie Millennium House ; 2010 9781921209369 511 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
270 BAk 00125888 A summary of Christian history Baker, Robert Andrew. Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2005 0805432884 | 9780805432886 3rd ed. xii, 468 p. : UG Library
270 BAR 00112864 God's young Church. Barclay, William, Saint Andrew P., 1970 0715200615 120 p. UG Library
270 BAR 00109685 The complete guide to Christian quotations by Barbour Publishers Barbour Pub., 2011 9781602607675 | 9781602607675 486 p. ; UG Library
270 BED 00093011 The History of the Church / Bedouelle, Guy. Continuum, 2003 082641480X (hdb) | 0826414818 iii, 307 p., [8] p. of plates : UG Library
270 BET 01016974 Documents of the Christian church / Bettenson, Henry Scowcroft. Oxford University Press, 1947 9780192880710 xvi, 457 p. ; Knowledge Centre
270 BOO 00109567 The church in history Booty, John E. Morehouse Publishing., 2003 0819219231 (pbk.) | 9780819219 vi, 214 p. : UG Library
270 CAI 00135134 Christianity through the centuries : Cairns, Earle Edwin, Suvartha Bhavan 2017 0310208122 (alk. paper) 3rd ed., rev. and expanded. 560 p. : UG Library
270 CHU 00128029 Ethics and Biblical Narrative : Chun, S. Min, Oxford University Press 2014 9780199688968 | 0199688966 1st ed. xii, 274 pages ; UG Library
270 DOW 00134671 Introduction to the history of Christianity / Dowley,Tim Fortress Press, 2006 0800638123 (cover & CD : pbk.) | 9780800638122 (cover & CD : pbk.) | 0800634969 (t.p. verso : pbk.) | 9780800634964 (t.p. verso : pbk.) [Rev. ed.]. 688 p. : UG Library
270 DOW 00106690 The Christians/ Dowley Tim Lion Hudson Plc 2007 9780745952253 176 p. UG Library
270 FER 00118043 Church history : Ferguson, Everett, 9780310516569 (v.1 : hardcover Second edition. volumes ; UG Library
270 FRA 05031785 Church in Context : Francis, Kanichikattil Dharmaram Publications, 1995 320 p Knowledge Centre
270 GIL 00142199 Roots to Fruits Gill,Kenneth Asian Trading Corporation 2001 8170862728 462p UG Library
270 HAN 00072050 70 Great Christians: Story of the Christian Church: [ Dharmaram Library] Hanks, Geoffrey OM BOOKS 2000 8173626650 352p UG Library
270 HAS 00117393 A world history of Christianity / Hasting,Adrian W.B. Eerdmans, 1999 9780802848758 xiv, 594 p. : UG Library
270 HIC 00143964 Through the heart of St. Joseph / Hicks, Boniface, Emmaus Road Publishing 2021 9781645850946 | 1645850943 xii, 209 pages ; UG Library
270 HIL 04009646 Christianity : Hillerbrand, Hans J.. Duncan Baird Publishers ; | Distributed ... by Sterling Pub., 2008 9781844837175 (alk. paper) | 1 256 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
270 HIL 00118024 Christianity : Hillerbrand, Hans J.. Duncan Baird Publishers ; | Distributed ... by Sterling Pub., 2008 9781844837175 (alk. paper) | 1 256 p. : UG Library
270 IRV 00134618 History of the world Christian movement Irvin, Dale T., Theological Publications in India 2012 9781570753961 (v. 1 : pbk) | 9781570759895 (v. 2 : pbk) v. <2 > :503p UG Library
270 IRV 00134619 History of the world Christian movement Irvin, Dale T., Theological Publications in India 2012 9781570753961 (v. 1 : pbk) | 9781570759895 (v. 2 : pbk) v. <2 > :503p UG Library
270 ISB 00122096 The story of Christianity : Isbouts, Jean-Pierre. National Geographic Society 2014 9781426213878 (hardcover : alk First edition. 367 pages : UG Library
270 JAC 00130221 Global gospel : Jacobsen, Douglas G. Baker Academic 2015 9780801049934 (pbk.) xviii, 249 pages. UG Library
270 JOS 00142180 Origin of Christianity in ancient India Jose,M V ATC Publishers 2017 9789386516206 81p UG Library
270 KAL 00121082 Christian Political Witness Kalantzis,George Authentic 2014 9789383691630 239p UG Library
270 KAT 00107582 Nachi-Guru: the Hero of our Age Kattackal,Jacob Dr-Dr Oriental Institute of Religious Studies, 2002 8188456012 206 P. UG Library
270 KIM 00146525 Christianity as a world religion : Kim, Sebastian Bloomsbury 2018 9781472569370 (epub) | 9781472569349 | 9781472569363 (epdf) SECOND EDITION. 344p UG Library
270 LES 00135073 Indian Mosaic Lesser,R H ARC Publications 2014 9788170867012 308p UG Library
270 LYN 05041074 The medieval church : Lynch, Joseph H., Routledge, 2014 9780415736855 | 9780582772984 2nd edition. xxiii, 368 pages ; Knowledge Centre
270 MAR 00110907 The Christian world : Marty, Martin E., Modern Library, 2007 9780679643494 (alk. paper) | 0 1st ed., Modern Library ed. xxi, 262 p. : UG Library
270 MAT 00143007 St Thomas Christians Throgh the Ages: Mathew, K S ATC Publishers 2022 9789391399528 342p UG Library
270 MCM 00068399 Oxford Illustrated History of Christianity Mmanners, John 2001 0192854399 723p UG Library
270 MEN 05073749 The Thomapedia / At St Joseph's Press, 2000 276p.; Knowledge Centre
270 MEN 05073750 Indian Church History Classics The Nazranies / The South Asia Research Asistance Servives, 1998 8187133007 605p.: Knowledge Centre
270 MEN 05042054 Indian Church History Classics The Nazranies / The South Asia Research Asistance Servives, 1998 8187133007 605p.: Knowledge Centre
270 NEU 00101103 The Second one Thousand Years : Neuhaus,Richard Jhon . W.B. Eerdmans, 2001 9780802849052 xii, 126 p. ; UG Library
270 NOL 00110253 Turning Points Noll, Mark A., Baker Books, 2000 080106211X (paper) 2nd ed. 352 p. : UG Library
270 PUT 00117418 The Church in India Puthanangaday Paul Yesu Krist Jayanti 2000 313p UG Library
270 PUT 00139666 Indigenous evangelists contributions towards Zeliang Baptist churches in Nagaland / Putlang, Ideuraibe. Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485056 88 p. ; UG Library
270 REF 00109793 Plagues, priests, and demons Reff, Daniel T., Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521840783 | 0521600502 (pbk.) xii, 290 p. : UG Library
270 SCH 00135146 The Compact History of the Catholic Church Schreck,Alan St. Pauls 2016 9788171090051 191p UG Library
270 SHE 00064813 History of the Christian Church Sheldon, C Henry 2000 0943575001 617p UG Library
270 SHE 00064816 History of the Christian Church Sheldon, C Henry 2000 0943575001 617p UG Library
270 SHE 00064817 History of the Christian Church Sheldon, C Henry 2000 0943575001 617p UG Library
270 SHE 00064814 History of the Christian Church Sheldon, C Henry 2000 0943575001 617p UG Library
270 SHE 00064815 History of the Christian Church Sheldon, C Henry 2000 0943575001 617p UG Library
270 SHE 00120683 Church history in plain language / Shelley, Bruce L. Thomas Nelson, 2013 9781401676315 | 1401676316 Updated 4th ed. xiii, 541 p. : UG Library
270 SHO 07011092 Two Saints : Shourie Arun HarperCollins Publishers India, 2017 9789352645046 ix,481p.: Library - BR Campus
270 STW 00121094 Original Bishops Stewart,Alister C Baker Academic 2014 9780801049217 394p UG Library
270 WAL 00071521 History of the Christian Church: [dharmaram Library] Walker, Williston 2000 0056708616 748p UG Library
270 WOO 00110267 An introduction to Christianity Woodhead, Linda. Cambridge, 2004 052145445X (HB) | 052178655X ( viii, 439 p. : UG Library
270 ZAC 00074115 Syrian Christians of Kerala Zachariah, K. C. Orient Longman Publications 2006 8125030093 | 9788125030096 xvi; 300 p. UG Library
270.0202 PET 00094554 Timeline Charts of the Western Church / Peterson, Susan Lynn, ZondervanPublishingHouse, 1999 0310223539 (sc) 383 p. : UG Library
270.03 CRO 05017366 The Oxford dictionary of the Christian Church / Oxford University Press, 2005 0192802909 (alk. paper) | 9780 3rd ed. rev. / xl, 1800 p. ; Knowledge Centre
270.03 WAC 00064771 Dictionary of Early Christian Biography Wace, Henry 1999 1565634608 1028p UG Library
270.072 BRA 00118049 Church history : Bradley, James E., Eerdmans, 1995 0802808263 (paper) xv, 236 p. ; UG Library
270.082 JOH 00088044 Women in Christianity John, Mini S Mittal Publications 2005 8183240046 343p UG Library
270.082 LAC 00110781 Liberating tradition : LaCelle-Peterson, Kristina, Baker Academic, 2008 9780801031793 (pbk.) | 0801031 253 p. ; UG Library
270.089 HUG 00142983 Ethnic identity from the margins : Hughes, Dewi Arwel. William Carey Library, 2012 9780878084593 xx, 220 p. ; UG Library
270.09 BOO 00064795 Matrin Luther:The Geat Reformer Booth, Edwin P OM BOOKS 2004 8173623090 270p UG Library
270.09 MCG 00064799 Self-Esteem: The Cross and Christian Confidence Mcghrath, Joanna OM BOOKS 2004 8173624852 160p UG Library
270.09 PHI 00064797 Saint Augustine: Early Church Father Philips, M Rachael OM BOOKS 2004 8173625468 202po UG Library
270.09 RIC 00022718 The Church 2001 Richards, Michael St.Paul`s Publication 1981 330 p UG Library
270.09 WEL 00064782 David Livingstone Wellman, Sam OM BOOKS 2003 8173625492 204p UG Library
270.09 WEL 00064783 Billy Graham: The Great Evangelist Wellman, Sam Om Books 2003 817362+185 206p UG Library
270.09 WEL 00064789 Florence Nightingale Wellman, Sam OM BOOKS 2004 0817362245 206p UG Library
270.092 COL 00073830 Life and Letters of St. Francis Xavier ( Dharmaram Library ) Coleridge, Henry James B.R PUBLISHING CORPORATION 2006 8176465348 424p UG Library
270.092 COL 00073831 Life and Letters of St Francis Xavier [dharmaram library] Coleridge, Henry James B.R PUBLISHING CORPORATION 2006 8176465348 579p UG Library
270.092 COL 05007980 The life and letters of St. Francis Xavier / Francis Xavier, Asian Educational Services, 2004 8120612752 (set) | 8120612760 2nd ed. 2 v. ; Knowledge Centre
270.092 COL 05007979 The life and letters of St. Francis Xavier / Francis Xavier, Asian Educational Services, 2004 8120612752 (set) | 8120612760 2nd ed. 2 v. ; Knowledge Centre
270.092 FOL 00076194 Saitn of the Day: Lives, Lessons and Feasts: [dharmaram Library] Foley, Leonard CLARETIAN 2003 8186507639 362p UG Library
270.092 GOP 00068357 Saint Francis of Assisi. Goff, Jacques Le 2004 0000415732 159p UG Library
270.092 KOL 00068325 Prayer and Surrender to God Kolenchery, Antony Sfs Publications 1995 0008185376 303p UG Library
270.092 KOO 00068328 Brother Fire Sister Water Koottiyaniel Fcc, Daria Franciscan Clarist Congregation 2003 124p UG Library
270.092 MOO 00068326 Saint Francis De Sales Mookenthottam, Antony Sfs Publications 2003 8185376662 342p UG Library
270.092 TER 00115446 Everything Starts from Prayer - Mother Teresa`s Meditations on Spiritual Life for People of All Faiths Teresa, Mother Full Circle Publishing 2001 8176210153 145 p UG Library
270.092 TER 00072008 Everything Starts from Prayer - Mother Teresa`s Meditations on Spiritual Life for People of All Faiths Teresa, Mother Full Circle Publishing 2001 8176210153 145 p UG Library
270.092 THO 00092870 Philip and the Revival in Samaria Thomas Geoffrey The banner of truth trust 2001 0851518990 120p UG Library
270.0922 DEA 00131756 You will be my witnesses : Dear, John, Orbis Books, 2006 1570756414 | 9781570756412 xiii, 162 p. : UG Library
270.0922 ELL 00135030 Blessed among us : Ellsberg, Robert, Liturgical Press 2016 9780814647219 xxiii, 765 pages ; UG Library
270.0922 KRI 00111704 Key theological thinkers : Kristiansen, Ståle Johannes, Ashgate, 2013 9781409437628 (hardcover : alk p. cm. UG Library
270.0922 SCH 00093192 God Seekers : Schmidt, Richard H., William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2008 9780802828408 (alk. paper) | 0 xxii, 366 p. : UG Library
270.0922 TUR 00105150 Women in Church History: Turpin,Joanne. St.Anthony Messenger Press 2007 9780867167764 232 p. UG Library
270.095 BOH 00022717 All Have the Same God Buhlmann, Albert St.Paul 1981 222 P UG Library
270.0954 MEN 05031748 Kodungallur : Menachery, George Mar Thoma Pontifical Shrine, 2000 110 p Knowledge Centre
270.0954 MEN 05031750 Kodungallur : Menachery, George Mar Thoma Pontifical Shrine, 2000 110 p Knowledge Centre
270.0954 MEN 05031749 Kodungallur : Menachery, George Mar Thoma Pontifical Shrine, 2000 110 p Knowledge Centre
270.09WEL1 00064796 Mother Teresa Wellman, Sam OM BOOKS 8173625433 206p UG Library
270.1 AIX 00020696 Facts From Acts Aixala, Jerome St Pauls 1978 305 p UG Library
270.1 AIX 00020146 Facts From Acts Aixala, Jerome St Pauls 1978 305 p UG Library
270.1 AND 05038064 Tomb of God : Andrews, Richard. Time warner Books, 2000 9780751538397 xii,513p.; Knowledge Centre
270.1 BAR 00072070 Birth of Christianity: The First 25 Yeas: [dharmaram Library] Barnett, Paul Cambridge University Press, 0802827810 226 p. UG Library
270.1 BAR 00093002 Birth of Christianity: The First 25 Yeas: [dharmaram Library] Barnett, Paul Cambridge University Press, 0802827810 226 p. UG Library
270.1 BLA 00109772 Handbook of early Christianity Blasi,Anthony J. AltaMira Press, 2002 0759100152 (alk. paper) xxvii, 802 p. : UG Library
270.1 BLA 04009787 Handbook of early Christianity : AltaMira Press, 2002 9780759100152 xxvii, 802 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
270.1 BOV 00112816 Studies in early Christianity / Bovon, François. Baker Academic, 2005 080102935X (pbk.) 1st pbk. ed. viii, 336 p. ; UG Library
270.1 CAR 00092961 Eternal Wisdom From Carrigan, Henry L St pauls press 2009 9788171096701 128p UG Library
270.1 ESL 00136170 The early Christian world / Routledge, 2017 9781138200074 (hardback : alk. paper) Second edition. xxx, 1249 pages ; UG Library
270.1 GAL 00107874 The Apostolic Fathers / Galli,Mark Moody Publishers, 2009 9780802456595 317 p. 18 cm. UG Library
270.1 GAL 00094545 The Apostolic Fathers / Galli,Mark Moody Publishers, 2009 9780802456595 317 p. 18 cm. UG Library
270.1 GNA 00112628 Treasure in Heaven and Treasure in Earth Gnanavaram,M I S P C K 2012 9788184580464 488p UG Library
270.1 HAR 05037881 The Oxford handbook of early Christian studies / Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199596522 (pbk.) | 0199596 xxvii, 1020 p. ; Knowledge Centre
270.1 HAR 00140690 Into all the world : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company; 2017 9780802875150 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxii, 403 pages ; UG Library
270.1 HUM 05005039 Early Christianity / Humphries, Mark. Routledge, 2006 0415205387 (hbk. : alk. paper) xii, 276 p. ; Knowledge Centre
270.1 JAC 00122067 Jewish Christianity reconsidered : Jackson-McCabe Matt Fortress Press, 2007 0800638654 (alk. paper) | 9780 x, 389 p. ; UG Library
270.1 JEF 00098984 The Apostolic Fathers and the New Testament / Jefford, Clayton N. Hendrickson Publishers, 156563425X (alk. paper) | 9781 xii, 267 p. ; UG Library
270.1 JEF 00098991 Reading the Apostolic Fathers Jefford, Clayton N. Hendrickson Publishers, 1565631544 (pbk.) xvi, 192 p. : UG Library
270.1 JUD 00110780 Social distinctives of the Christians in the first century : Judge, E. A. Hendrickson Publishers, 2008 9781565638808 (alk. paper) | 1 xx, 227 p. ; UG Library
270.1 LIE 00125550 Neither Jew nor Greek? : Lieu, Judith. T & T Clark, 2002 0567089096 xiii, 263 p. ; UG Library
270.1 LIT 00118026 Getting to know the church fathers : Litfin, Bryan M., Brazos Press, 2007 9781587431968 (pbk.) | 1587431 301 p. : UG Library
270.1 LUD 00118669 Primitive Christianity : Lüdemann, Gerd. T & T Clark, 2003 0567088855 | 0567088103 (pbk.) xii, 218 p. ; UG Library
270.1 MAS 00110265 Early Christian Reader Mason, Steve, Hendrickson Publishers, 2004 1565630432 (alk. paper) vii, 780 p. : UG Library
270.1 MCK 00072060 First Christian Centuries: [ Dharmaram Library] Mckechnie, Paul OM BOOKS 2000 8173626022 268p UG Library
270.1 PAP 00143899 The early Church (33-313) : Papandrea, James L., Ave Maria Press 2019 9781594717710 xxx, 124 pages : UG Library
270.1 RHE 05005040 Early Christian literature : Rhee, Helen. Routledge, 2005 0415354870 (hbk.) | 0415354889 xiii, 266 p. ; Knowledge Centre
270.1 TAL 00143921 Ancient wisdom, living fire : Talbot, John Michael, Ave Maria Press 2020 9781594718335 179 pages : UG Library
270.1 YOU 00112778 God's Presence Young Frances Cambridge Universitypress, 2013 9781107642782 xiv, 474 p.: UG Library
270.10088042 WIT 00117556 Women in the earliest churches / Witherington, Ben, Cambridge University Press, 1991 0521346487 | 0521407893 (pbk.) 1st pbk. ed. xiii, 300 p. ; UG Library
270.105 LLE 00142178 New documents illustrating early Christianity : Llewelyn,S R Ancient History Documentary Research Centre, Macquarie University, 2002 0802845193 136p ; UG Library
270.108 NAS 00122204 Prejudice and Christian beginnings : Nasrallah,Laura Fortress Press, 2009 9780800663407 (alk. paper) | 0 xiv, 319 p : UG Library
270.1082 COR 00122072 Maranatha : Corley, Kathleen E., Fortress Press, 2010 9780800662363 (alk. paper) xvi, 262 p. ; UG Library
270.1082 COR 00126898 Maranatha : Corley, Kathleen E., Fortress Press, 2010 9780800662363 (alk. paper) xvi, 262 p. ; UG Library
270.1082 LEE 00143934 The ministry of women in the New Testament : Lee, Dorothy A., Baker Academic 2021 9781540963086 (paperback) | 9781540964113 (casebound) xiv, 226 pages ; UG Library
270.11 BER 00072065 Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs [dharmaram Library] Bercot, David W 1998 1565638700 703 UG Library
270.118 MAI 00094531 Eusebius: Maier Paul L Kregel Publications 9780825433078 367p UG Library
270.2 AQU 00143892 The Church and the Roman Empire (301-490) : Aquilina, Mike, Ave Maria Press 2019 9781594717895 (pbk.) xxii, 168 pages ; UG Library
270.2 AUG 00107612 On Genesis Augustine Saint New City press; 2002 9781565482012 539 p. UG Library
270.2 AUG 00101054 On Genesis Augustine Saint New City press; 2002 9781565482012 539 p. UG Library
270.2 AUG 00107619 The Trinity Augustine,Saint New City Press 1991 9780911782967 471 P. UG Library
270.2 EUS 00121086 Eusebius' ecclesiastical history Eusebius, Clarendon Press, 1881 2nd ed. liii, 374 p. ; UG Library
270.2 JEN 00146117 Jesus wars : Jenkins, Philip SPCK 2010 9780281063338 328p UG Library
270.2 ROL 05004856 The church in the age of Constantine : Roldanus, J. Routledge, 2006 0415409047 (hardback : alk. pa p. cm. Knowledge Centre
270.2 ROU 00090223 Confessions Rousseau, Jean-Jacques Oxford 9780199540037 676p UG Library
270.2 STE 00146112 Creeds, councils and controversies: documents illustrative of the history of the Church A.D. 337-461; Stevenson, James, S.P.C.K., 1966 9780281043279 xix, 390 p. UG Library
270.2 WIL 00140682 Authorised lives in early Christian biography : Williams, Michael Stuart, University of Cambridge, 2011 9780521894906 (hardback) | 0521894905 (hardback) | 9780521349529 (paperback) xi, 262 p. ; UG Library
270.2092 AUG 04016017 The confessions / Augustine, Vintage Books, 1998 0375700218 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1st ed. xxxix, 358 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
270.2092 DEG 00106788 The Cambridge Companion to Bede Degregorio Scott Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521514958 (hbk.) | 9780521 xx, 272 p. : UG Library
270.2092 HIL 00121076 Basil of Caesarea / Hildebrand, Stephen M., 9780801049071 (pbk.) xx, 204 pages ; UG Library
270.2092 HOL 05038788 Saint Augustine of Hippo : Hollingworth, Miles. Bloomsbury, 2013 9781441173720 xix, 312 pages ; Knowledge Centre
270.2092 MAT 00147088 Gregory of Nazianzus / Matz, Brian J., Baker Academic 2016 9780801049088 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiii, 191 pages ; UG Library
270.2092 VAL 00107492 The Theological Visions Of Mar Ivanios Olic Valiyavilyil Antony Dr. Bethany Vedavijnana Peeth 2004 376 P. UG Library
270.2092 WAR 00126879 The Venerable Bede Ward, Benedicta, Morehouse Pub., 1990 0819214957 (cloth) | 081921494 xii, 148 p.; UG Library
270.2092 WIL 00121154 Saint Augustine's memory / Augustine, Viking, 2002 0670031275 (alk. paper) xii, 228 p. ; UG Library
270.22 MAC 00116961 A History of Christianity : MacCulloch, Diarmaid. Allen Lane, 2009 9780713998696 xvii, 1161 p. : UG Library
270.22 MAC 00094517 A History of Christianity : MacCulloch, Diarmaid. Allen Lane, 2009 9780713998696 xvii, 1161 p. : UG Library
270.30922 HEA 00079837 Medieval Hagiography an Anthology Head, Thomas 2000 0415937531 834p UG Library
270.4 RUN 00056061 History of the Crusades/ Vol.1. Runciman, Steven Cambridge University Press 1951 9780521347709 376p. UG Library
270.5 STU 00143898 The Church and the age of reformations (1350-1650) : Stuart, Joseph T., Ave Maria Press 2019 9781646800339 162pages UG Library
270.6 ISA 00146124 Reformation celebration : Isaac, Gordon L Hendrickson Publishers 2018 9781683071839 xvii, 266 pages : UG Library
270.6 SAT 00068484 Christian Social Reformers Saji, Tina Mittal Publications 2005 8183240089 332p UG Library
270.6 SCH 00129669 Martin Luther Schilling, HeinZ Oxford University Press 2017 9780198722816 608p UG Library
270.6 TER 00137877 Global reformations : Terpstra, Nicholas, Routledge, 2019 9780367025120 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9780367025137 (pbk. : alk. paper) xii,274p.; UG Library
270.6 THO 00112872 Martin Luther and the Reformation Thomas,C T Brian Mendonça 2012 9788184652307 117p UG Library
270.6 WAN 00107982 The Reformation Wandel,Lee Palmer. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521717977 | 0521889499 | 9 ix, 281 p. : UG Library
270.8 THE 05062116 Prophet peace and reconciliation : Thelappilly, Shepherd., ed. CMI St. Paul Province, 204p. Knowledge Centre
270.8092/2 KRU 00133789 They were Christians : Krusen, Cristóbal, Baker Books 2016 9780801016578 214 pages UG Library
270.82 00122043 A short history of global evangelicalism / Hutchinson, Mark, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521769457 (hardback) | 052 xiv, 306 p. : UG Library
270.82 CAR 00112136 Encountering the spirit : Cartledge, Mark J., Orbis Books, 2007 1570756880 | 9781570756887 152 p. : UG Library
270.82 CHA 00112182 Rabindranath Tagore Chakrabarti, Mohit. New Age Books, 2006 9788178222837 xviii: 123p UG Library
270.82 DIA 00068348 Indigenous Peoples in Asia and Challenges of the Future Dias, Mario Saturnino Claretian Publications 2004 8187804548 195p UG Library
270.82 FRE 03005803 Fundamentalism / Frey, Rebecca Joyce. Facts on File, 2010 9788130914190 394 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
270.82 FRE 01013302 Fundamentalism / Frey, Rebecca Joyce. Facts on File, 2010 9788130914190 394 p.: Knowledge Centre
270.82 GAS 05038063 Christianity : Gascoigne, Bamber. Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2003 0786711485 Rev. ed. x, 262 p. : Knowledge Centre
270.82 HOS 00072051 100 Christian Women Who Changed the 20th Century [dharmaram Library] Hosier, Helen Kooiman OM BOOKS 2005 8173626669 379 UG Library
270.82 KAY 00104691 Pentecostalism / Kay, William K., Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199575152 (pbk.) xiv; 145 p. ; UG Library
270.82 KAY 05003872 Pentecostalism / Kay, William K., Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199575152 (pbk.) xiv; 145 p. ; Knowledge Centre
270.82 NOL 00145056 Evangelicals : Noll, Mark A., William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2019 9780802876959 xi, 336 pages ; UG Library
270.82 RAN 00112148 What a friend we have in Jesus : Randall, Ian M. Darton Longman & Todd, 2005 0232525331 (pbk.) 230 p. ; UG Library
270.82 STA 05067457 Christianity In The Twentieth Century : Stanley, Brian. Princeton University Press, 2019 9780691195520 xxi, 477p.; Knowledge Centre
270.82 SUN 00128207 The unexpected Christian century : Sunquist, Scott, Theological Publications in India 2017 9780801097461 (pbk.) xxiv, 213 pages : UG Library
270.82 VAK 00129667 Call to Self Emptying: Vakayil,Prema Theological Publications in India 2017 9789383163779 247p UG Library
270.82 VON 00125065 Pentecostalism Vondey, Wolfgang. Bloomsbury T & T Clark, 2013 9780567154606 (hbk.) | 0567154 x, 205 p; UG Library
270.8203 BUR 00094550 The New International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements. Zondervan Pub. House, 2002 0310224810 (hardcover : alk. p xxxi, 1278 p. : UG Library
270.826 MCL 01017202 The religious crisis of the 1960s McLeod, Hugh. Oxford University Press Inc., 2007 9780199298259 (alk. paper) 290 p. : Knowledge Centre
270.826 MCL 00128018 The Religious Crisis of the 1960s/ Mcleod,Hugh/ Oxford University Press 2013 9780199582020 290p. UG Library
270.83 JAM 05058456 A moving faith : Sage, 2015 9789351500582 (hardback : alk. xvi, 243 pages ; Knowledge Centre
270.83 KAL 00118064 Interpreting contemporary Christianity : Kalu,Ogbu U William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2008 9780802862426 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 365 p. ; UG Library
270.83 PED 00101414 For all people: Pedersen Else Marie Wiberg Cambridge; 9780802860866 242 p. UG Library
271 DAS 00118807 A Short History of the Church In the Ancient Period SDB Dass Mahimai Antony Kristu Jyoti Publication, 2014 INd xi,208 p.: UG Library
271 DAS 00118650 A Short History of the Church in the Ancient Period Dass,Antony Mahimai Kristu Jyoti Publications 2014 208p UG Library
271 EVA 07005272 The I.B. Tauris history of monasticism. Evans, G. R. I B Tauris, 2016 9781848853768 | 1848853769 xviii, 297 pages, 16 unnumbered pages of plates : Library - BR Campus
271 FER 00135021 A Still Small Voice Ferroli,Domenico ATC Publishers 2017 9788170867791 399p UG Library
271 GAU 00143907 Prophet of the People: Gaudiose, Dorothy M St. Pauls 2022 9780818903519 237p UG Library
271 HUM 00121171 Dialogues and natural History of Religion Hume,David Oxford University Press 2008 9780199538324 218p UG Library
271 JOH 00139963 The Journey with Hope: John,Binoy The Fathers of Holy Cross 2017 9789381563922 528p UG Library
271 MAN 00140089 A renewed vision and mission for consecrated life in the Syro Malabar church / Mannarath, Noble. Claretian Publications; 2021 524 p. ; UG Library
271 PET 00146821 The story of monasticism : Peters, Greg, Baker Academic 2015 9780801048913 (pbk.) ix, 278 pages ; UG Library
271 PUT 00140162 Oru Pravachakante koode Puthussery,Joy St. Pauls 2017 9789386069269 170p UG Library
271 SIE 00131897 Early christian monastic literature and the Babylonian talmud / Siegal, Michal Bar-Asher, Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107557109 (paperback) 236 p. ; UG Library
271 WEL 00002375 Waiting on God. Weil, Simone Collins 1968 170 P UG Library
271.00223 LAB 00094547 The Historical Atlas of Eastern and Western Christian Monasticism / Liturgical Press, 2003 0814627781 (alk. paper) p. cm. UG Library
271.00902BRO 01010237 Age of the Cloister(law Lib) Christopher Brook Hidden Spring 5Citeaux and Grandmont 356p Knowledge Centre
271.0092 ANT 00112590 Gift of Pearl Antonoysamy, K S St. Pauls 2013 9789350151624 296p UG Library
271.0092 BOS 00112710 The Autobiography of Saint John Bosco/ Bosco,John Kristu Jyoti Publications 2009 9788187370451 226p UG Library
271.0092 GHE 00112567 A Visionary Gheddo, Piero St. Pauls 2012 9789350151334 304p UG Library
271.0092 JES 00104644 Amen: The Autobiography of a Nun Jesme, Sister Penguin Books 2009 9780143067085 178 p. UG Library
271.0092 JES 00089962 Amen: The Autobiography of a Nun Jesme, Sister Penguin Books 2009 9780143067085 178 p. UG Library
271.0092 OLA 00119030 Henri Nouwen: O`laughlin, Michael Orbis Books 2005 172p UG Library
271.0092 STR 00112607 John Henry Newman/ Strange,Roderick St. Pauls 2012 9789350151389 162p UG Library
271.009202 SIC 00112610 Legacy of the Spirit/ Siccardi,Cristina St. Pauls 2008 9788171099146 144p UG Library
271.092 SHA 00072135 Geetanjali to Bharat Ki Suputri [dharmaram Library] Sagayanathan Asian Trading Corporation 2003 8170862264 96 UG Library
271.12 BRU 00111870 The Cambridge companion to the Cistercian order Bruun, Mette Birkedal. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107001312 (hardback) | 978 xviii: 318p.; UG Library
271.12502 MAH 00096280 Kurisumala: Mahieu Marthe Cistercian Publications Inc. 394 p UG Library
271.12502 MER 00133013 Entering the silence : Merton, Thomas, HarperSanFrancisco, 1996 0060654767 | 0060654775 (pbk.) 1st ed. xvii, 501 p. ; UG Library
271.12502 SHA 00105140 Thomas Merton: Shannon ,William H. St.Anthony Messenger Press 2005 9780867167108 xiv,199 p. UG Library
271.12BER 01010232 Cistercian Evolution: The Invention of a Religious Order in Twelfth Century Europe (law Lib) Constance H Breman University of Pennsylvania Press 0812235347 382p Knowledge Centre
271.180954ZAL 01007232 Syrian Christians of Kerala:Demographic and Socio-Economic Transition in the Twentieth Century(law Lib) K C Zachariah Orient Longman Private Limited 8125030093 300p Knowledge Centre
271.2 COM 00092780 Preaching Justice: Compagnoni Francesco Dominican Publications 9781905604067 512p UG Library
271.3 ARM 00145061 The Franciscan tradition / Armstrong, Regis J. Liturgical Press, 2010 9780814630303 | 0814630308 xxvii, 196 p. ; UG Library
271.3 JOH 00139707 From Francis of Assisi to Pope Francis : John, Arokiam. Media House; 2019 9789388989176 (PB) 424 p. ; UG Library
271.3 JOH 00140006 From Francis of Assisi to Pope Francis : John, Arokiam. Media House; 2019 9789388989176 (PB) 424 p. ; UG Library
271.3 MON 00142150 Francis & his brothers : Monti, Dominic, St. Anthony Messenger Press, 2009 9780867168556 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0867168552 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 166 p. : UG Library
271.302 CHE 04017104 St. Francis of Assisi Chesterton, G. K. Dover Publications, 2008 9780486469232 (pbk.) | 0486469 v, 137 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
271.302 CHE 00106457 St. Francis of Assisi Chesterton, G. K. Dover Publications, 2008 9780486469232 (pbk.) | 0486469 v, 137 p. ; UG Library
271.302 FRA 00128639 The little flowers of Saint Francis / Dover Publications, 2003 048643186X (pbk.) vii, 160 p. ; UG Library
271.302 MAT 00105113 Francis of Assisi: Thaddée,Matura. St.Anthony Messenger Press 2005 9780867166606 xiii,82p. UG Library
271.302 ROB 00108136 The Cambridge Companion to Francis of Assisi Robson Michael J.P. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521757829 | 9780521757829 xvii; 305 p. cm. UG Library
271.302 SWE 00142171 Light in the dark Ages: Sweeney, Jon M., SPCK 2007 9780281059768 | 1557254761 (pbk.) | 9781557254764 (pbk.) xii, 204 p. : UG Library
271.302 SWE 00110270 Light in the dark Ages: Sweeney, Jon M., SPCK 2007 9780281059768 | 1557254761 (pbk.) | 9781557254764 (pbk.) xii, 204 p. : UG Library
271.4 KAU 00015309 Foundation of Counselling and Guidance Surjit Kaur, Dr Sterling 1971 151 p UG Library
271.53 WOR 00084396 Cambridge Companion to the Jesuits Worcester, Thomas 2008 9780521673969 361p UG Library
271.53054 HER 05072731 A Clown For God, A Clown For Others : Heredia, Rudolf C. Speaking Tiger Books, 2022 9789354471889 190p. ; Knowledge Centre
271.53054 LAN 00101070 The jesuit in India Land Rev W.Strick Winsome books India; 9798188043520 153 p. UG Library
271.5305493 PER 05007971 The Jesuits in Ceylon : Perera, S. G. Asian Educational Services, 2004 ii, 171 p. : Knowledge Centre
271.53058 WES 05007946 Early Jesuit travellers in Central Asia, 1603-1721 / Wessels, C. Book Faith India ; | Distributed by Pilgrims Book House, 1997 8173031053 xvi, 344 p. : Knowledge Centre
271.73 KAL 00091846 The Lord of Heaven & Earth: Kalluveettil Paul CMI Dharmaram Publications 342p UG Library
271.73 MAS 00110078 Saint Theresa Mason, Agnes University Press, 1909 9781107655454 1 online resource (282 p.) UG Library
271.73 MAS 05009670 Saint Theresa Mason, Agnes University Press, 1909 9781107655454 1 online resource (282 p.) Knowledge Centre
271.73 THO 00147094 St John of the Cross: Thompson, Colin Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 2008 9780281060078 307p UG Library
271.7650922SHE 05001548 Shift to Modernity: Chirst and the Doctrin of Creation in the Theologies of Shchleiermacher and Barth[religion SECTION] Sheraman, Robert 0567028704 244 p Knowledge Centre
271.79 ELL 00102104 Selected Writings / Carretto, Carlo. Orbis Books, 2007 9781570757259 (pbk.) Abridged version 206 p. ; UG Library
271.7913 BAI 00068784 Holy Blood Holy Grail Baigent, Michael 1983 0440136482 489p UG Library
271.7913003RAL 01010240 Knights Templar Encyclopedia: The Essential Guide to the People, Places, Events & Symbols of the Order of the Temple (law Lib) Karen Ralls New Page Books 9781564149268 301p Knowledge Centre
271.791SEW 01010238 Monks of War (law Lib) Desmond Seward Penguin Books 9780140195019 416p Knowledge Centre
271.9 GHU 00127555 Mother Teresa: Ghuge,Mamta Sharma B Jain Publishers 2012 206p UG Library
271.9 TAL 00090364 Life of Christina of Markyate Talbot, C H Oxford 9780192806772 100p UG Library
271.9002 DUV 00112684 Monsieur Mermier 1790-1862 Duval,Adrien SFS Publications 1982 303p UG Library
271.9002 MIC 00112723 The Life of Faustina Kowalska Michalenko,Sophia St. Pauls 2010 9788171095025 271p UG Library
271.9202 KOW 00107903 Diary Kowalska,Faustina St Maria. St Paul 1987 9788171095940 599 P. UG Library
271.9202 STA 00101055 Pillars of fire in my soul : Andrasz, Joseph. Marian Press, 2003 0944203795 157 p UG Library
271.95 GAR 00092938 Poor in spirit Garrone, Gabriel-Marie Cardinal Darton longman+todd 9780232526349 93p UG Library
271.9502 LEL 00092960 Ernest Lelievre 1826-1889 Lelievre, Ernest Little sisters 2009 83p UG Library
271.97 KOL 03003257 Mother Teresa: Come Be May Light the Private Writing of the Saint of Calcutta Kolodiejcheu, Brian Currency 9780385520379 404 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
271.97 ALP 00110205 Mother Teresa Alpion, Gëzim I., Routledge, 2006 9780415392464 (hardback : alk. xx, 284 p. : UG Library
271.97 CHA 00086042 Mother Teresa Chawla, Navin 2002 0143031783 280 p UG Library
271.97 CHA 00125186 Mother Teresa: The Untold Story Chatterjee,Aroup Fingerprint 2016 9788175993310 399p UG Library
271.97 CHA 00080964 Mother Teresa Chawla, Navin 2002 0143031783 280 p UG Library
271.97 CHI 00112138 The way we were : Chittister, Joan. Orbis Books, 2005 1570755779 (pbk.) 255 p. ; UG Library
271.97 GOL 00116967 Mother Teresa Gold, Maya. DK Pub., 2008 9780756638818 | 075663881X | 9 1st American ed. 128 p. : UG Library
271.97 GOM 07002381 Mother Blessed Mother : Gomez Hubert Robin Rupa.Co, 2004 9788129103147 98p.; Library - BR Campus
271.97 KOL 00102433 Mother Teresa : Teresa, Doubleday, 9780385520379 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 404 p. ; UG Library
271.97 KOL 05031733 Mother Teresa Come Be My Light : Kolodiejchuk, Brian RIDER, 2007 9781846041303 404 p Knowledge Centre
271.97 KOL 00122178 Mother Teresa : Teresa, Doubleday, 9780385520379 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 404 p. ; UG Library
271.97 MUG 00093753 Something Beautiful for God Muggeridge, Malcolm Harper collins 2010 9788172239008 160p UG Library
271.97 SAV 00100833 Women of the Mother Teresa; Savarimuthu,Dr.Fr.A.C Asian trading corporation; 2010 9788170865667 viii;256 p. UG Library
271.97 SAV 00102113 Women of the Mother Teresa; Savarimuthu,Dr.Fr.A.C Asian trading corporation; 2010 9788170865667 viii;256 p. UG Library
271.97 SEB 05031739 Mother Teresa 1910 - 1997 : Sebba, Anne Doubleday, 1997 0385489528 295 p Knowledge Centre
271.97 TER 07015029 100 Inspirational Quotes / Teresa Mother Penguin Random House India, 2016 9780670089215 100p,: Library - BR Campus
271.97 VAL 00091842 Mother Teresa Vallapura Francis Dharmaram Publications 76p UG Library
271.97 VAZ 00105124 Life With Mother Teresa: Vazhakala,Sebastian. St.Anthony Messenger Press 2004 9780867166224 242p. UG Library
271.97 WAL 00093792 Mother Teresa:Faith in the Darkness Watts,Creg Harper collins 2009 9788172238995 192p UG Library
271.973 BOD 00072102 Almond Tree Speaks [dharmaram Library ] Bodo, Murray 1993 0867162376 150 UG Library
271.97302 CLA 00107609 The Lady : Clare, New City Press, 2006 1565482204 (hardcover) | 15654 461 p. UG Library
271.974022 MAH 00072120 Company of Women [dharmaram Library] Mahoney Osu, Irene 1996 0892439238 210 UG Library
272 O-1 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
272 KOT 00112658 Blessed Devasahyam Pillai/ Kottukapally,J St. Pauls 2013 9789350151525 100p UG Library
272.092 DES 00068327 Introduction to the Devout Life Desales, Francis Sfs Publications 2002 0008185376 327p UG Library
272.092246KAG 01010245 Inquisitorial Inquiries(law Lib) Richard L Kagan ANGUS DEATON 0801879248 199p Knowledge Centre
272.0946HOM 01010231 Spanish Inquistion: 1478-1614 (law Lib) Lu Ann Homza Hackett Publishing Co 0872207943 272p Knowledge Centre
272.0951 HAT 00106691 China's Christian Martyrs Hattaway Paul Monarch Books 2007 9780825461279 496 p. UG Library
272.1 LIT 00122113 Early Christian martyr stories : Litfin, Bryan M., Baker Academic 2014 9780801049583 (pbk.) vii, 180 pages : UG Library
272.2 MAR 00131019 Persecuted : Marshall,Paul Thomson Nelson 2013 9781400204410 403p UG Library
272.2GIL 01010303 Women in th Einquisition(law Lib) Mary E Giles ANGUS DEATON 0801859328 402p Knowledge Centre
272.9 BOY 00110508 Faith that endures Boyd-MacMillan, Ronald. Fleming H. Revell, 2006 9780800731199 (pbk.) | 9780800 364 p. : UG Library
272.9 MIT 05048874 Martyrdom : Mitchell, Jolyon. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199585236 1st ed. xiv, 141 p. : Knowledge Centre
272.9 MIT 00112140 Martyrdom : Mitchell, Jolyon. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199585236 1st ed. xiv, 141 p. : UG Library
272.9 SHO 00119280 Christianophobia / Shortt, Rupert. Rider, 2012 9781846042751 (hbk.) | 1846042 xxii, 298 p. : UG Library
273 BEL 00127935 The great heresies. Belloc, Hilaire, Books for Libraries Press 1968 142p UG Library
273 CHA 00071994 Beyond the Da Vinci Code: The Book That Solves the Mustery: [dharmaram Library] Chandelle, Rene 2000 0753713136 158p UG Library
273 DUC 00112407 Beyond the Da Vinci Code Duchane, Sangeet Sterling Publishing 2005 9780760766255 256p UG Library
273 GAR 00072083 Cracking Da Vinci`s Code [dharmaram Library] Garlow, James L OM BOOKS 2004 8173626987 254 UG Library
273 LUN 00072003 Da Vinci Code Decoded [dharmaram Library] Lunn, Martin Sura Books 2004 8174787879 182 UG Library
273.1 BEE 00111715 The unity of Christ Beeley, Christopher A. Yale University Press, 2012 9780300178623 (cloth : alk. pa xii, 391 p. : UG Library
273.1 BEE 00110515 The unity of Christ Beeley, Christopher A. Yale University Press, 2012 9780300178623 (cloth : alk. pa xii, 391 p. : UG Library
273.1 BEE 00125072 The unity of Christ Beeley, Christopher A. Yale University Press, 2012 9780300178623 (cloth : alk. pa xii, 391 p. : UG Library
273.1 MCG 00106687 Heresy: A History of Defending the Truth McGrath ,Alister. Society for Promoting Chistian Knowledge 2009 9780281062157 vi: 282 P. UG Library
273.35 AGA 00006581 Organization & management Agarwal, R.d T M H 1983 708p Yeshwanthpur Campus
273.70942 MOR 00106671 Reason and Religion in the English Revolution : Mortimer, Sarah. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521517041 (hardback) | 978 vii, 264 p. ; UG Library
273.8 BAS 00018456 We Agnostics on the Tightrope to Eternity. Baddest, Bernard Image 1970 118 P UG Library
274 BED 00121774 ecclesiastical history of the English people : Bede, Oxford University Press 2008 9781441123541 | 1441123547 175 p. : UG Library
274 BRO 00109800 The rise of Western Christendom Brown, Peter, Blackwell, 1997 1577180925 | 9781577180920 xi, 368 p. : UG Library
274 SAL 00139938 Salesian Sources: Kristu Jyoti Publications 2017 9788193374573 1515p UG Library
274.04 RUB 05002438 Christianity in Western Europe c. 1100-c. 1500 / Rubin, Miri Cambridge University Press, 9780521811064 (hbk.) | 0521811 xv, 577 p. : Knowledge Centre
274.05 LOU 00139334 Conciliation and confession : University of Notre Dame Press, 2004 0268033625 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 0268033633 (pbk. : alk. paper) vi, 298 p. ; UG Library
274.06 MAR 00093188 The Reformation : Marshall, Peter. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199231317 (pbk.) | 0199231 xii, 153 p. : UG Library
274.06 PET 00108286 The Reformation world Pettegree,Andrew Routledge, 2002 9780415268592 | 0415163579 (hb xvi, 576 p. : UG Library
274.06 RUB 07011690 Reformation europ / Rublack, Ulinka Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107603547 2nd ed.; xiii,248p.; Library - BR Campus
274.07 SOR 00127532 The religious Enlightenment : Sorkin, David Jan. Princeton University Press, 2008 9780691135021 (alk. paper) xv, 339 p. : UG Library
274.08 STE 00092863 Christianity in the Post Secular West. Stenhouse John ATF Press 2007 1920691758 290p UG Library
274.206 CAM 00104903 Godly Reading : Cambers, Andrew, Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521764896 (hardback) | 052 xiii, 304 p. : UG Library
274.223402 BRO 00118821 The Early History of the Church of Canterbury : Brooks, Nicholas. ; | Leicester University Press, 1984 9780718500412 xiv, 402 p. : UG Library
274.531 MAR 05060776 Burned alive giordano bruno galileo and inquisition / Martinez, Alberto A. Reaktion Books, 2018 9781780238968 348p. Knowledge Centre
274.56 RAV 00111452 Celebrating Silence Shankar, Sri Sri Ravi Jaico Publishing House 2005 8179923681 200p UG Library
274.56 RAV 00065542 Celebrating Silence Shankar, Sri Sri Ravi Jaico Publishing House 2005 8179923681 200p UG Library
274.9502 KRU 00136821 Byzantine Christianity Krueger,Derek Fortress Press, 2006 0800634136 (alk. paper) xv, 252 p.: UG Library
274.9502 KRU 00123026 Byzantine Christianity Krueger,Derek Fortress Press, 2006 0800634136 (alk. paper) xv, 252 p.: UG Library
274.9502 KRU 00122050 Byzantine Christianity Krueger Derek Fortress Press 2010 9780800697211 252p. UG Library
275 HAO 00140574 A Guide Book to History of Christianity : Haokip, M. Thongkhosei. Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485605 336 p. 22 cm. UG Library
275 PAT 00140130 Bharathathile Roman Katholikar Pattaparambil,Antony Ayin Publications 2017 96p UG Library
275 PAT 00140190 Udayamperoor Soonahadose: Pattaparambil,Antoney Ayin Publications 2017 192p UG Library
275 PAT 00140163 Pallikkoppam Pallikkoodam: Pattaparambil,Antony Ayin Publications 2017 176p UG Library
275 PHA 00111730 Christianities in Asia / Phan, Peter C., Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781405160896 (hardcover : alk xvii, 271 p. : UG Library
275 PHA 05006372 Christianities in Asia / Phan, Peter C., Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781405160896 (hardcover : alk xvii, 271 p. : Knowledge Centre
275 RAJ 00130318 Dalit Humanization Rajaiah,Jayaraj ISPCK 2017 284p UG Library
275 WEB 00140494 The Dalit Christians: Webster,John C ISPCK 2009 978-81-8465-002-0 Revised Edition 361p UG Library
275.1082 NOU 00088096 Finding My Way Home: Path Ways to Life and the Spirit Noumen, Henri J M St Pauls 2007 8171095690 125p UG Library
275.1082 WIC 00136802 Reconstructing Christianity in China : Wickeri, Philip L. Orbis Books, 2007 9781570757518 | 1570757518 xxv, 516 p. : UG Library
275.1083092 FUB 00131010 God's Double Agent Fu,Bob Baker Books 2013 9780801017063 333p UG Library
275.4 AFO 05028782 Indian Christianity / Afonso A V Published by Centre for Studies in Civilizations for the Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy and Culture : | Distributed by Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 9788187586418 | 8187586419 xxxv, 542 p. : Knowledge Centre
275.4 AFO 00092214 History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization: Indian Christianity Chattopadhyaya D P Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy and culture(PHISPC) 2009 97881875864188 541p UG Library
275.4 AFO 00092213 History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization: Indian Christianity Chattopadhyaya D P Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy and culture(PHISPC) 2009 97881875864188 541p UG Library
275.4 AKK 00124715 Early Christians of 21st Century Akkara,Anto Veritas India Books 2013 9788192817316 271p UG Library
275.4 AKK 00124729 Who Killed Swami Laxmananda Akkara,Anto Veritas India Books 2016 9788192817323 315p UG Library
275.4 BAI 00095972 The Land of the Thamulians and its Missions Baierlein, E. R. Asian Educational Services, 812061006-7 242 p. UG Library
275.4 DUB 00096012 Letters on the State of Christianity in India Dubois Abbe.J.A Asian Educational Service 1995 8120606248 222 P. UG Library
275.4 FRY 00087978 Christianity in India : Frykenberg, Robert Eric. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199575831 (pbk. : alk. pap xxi, 564 p., [8] p. of plates : UG Library
275.4 FRY 05037987 Christianity in India : Frykenberg, Robert Eric. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199575831 (pbk. : alk. pap xxi, 564 p., [8] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
275.4 FRY 00089200 Christianity in India : Frykenberg, Robert Eric. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199575831 (pbk. : alk. pap xxi, 564 p., [8] p. of plates : UG Library
275.4 FRY 00089445 Christianity in India : Frykenberg, Robert Eric. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199575831 (pbk. : alk. pap xxi, 564 p., [8] p. of plates : UG Library
275.4 FRY 05007521 Christianity in India : Frykenberg, Robert Eric. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199575831 (pbk. : alk. pap xxi, 564 p. : Knowledge Centre
275.4 GEE 00104750 Religious Faith Ideology Citizenship Geetha V. Routledge Taylor and Francis group. 2011 9780415677851 vi: 204 P. UG Library
275.4 HED 05055567 Indian Christianity : Hedlund, Roger E. Christian World Imprints , 2016 9789351481218 xxvi, 181p. Knowledge Centre
275.4 HOU 05041665 The History of Christianity in India : Hough James.Rev Christian World Imprints, 2015 9789351480419 xxxi,479p.: Knowledge Centre
275.4 HOU 05041666 The History of Christianity in India : Hough James.Rev Christian World Imprints, 2015 9789351480419 xxxi,479p.: Knowledge Centre
275.4 HOU 05041667 The History of Christianity in India : Hough James.Rev Christian World Imprints, 2015 9789351480419 xxxi,479p.: Knowledge Centre
275.4 HOU 05041668 The History of Christianity in India : Hough James.Rev Christian World Imprints, 2015 9789351480419 xxxi,479p.: Knowledge Centre
275.4 HOU 05041669 The History of Christianity in India : Hough James.Rev Christian World Imprints, 2015 9789351480419 xxxi,479p.: Knowledge Centre
275.4 IBC 05031740 Christianity and Conversion in India / Indian Bibliographic Centre -, Research Wing Rishi Publications, 1999 8185193215 234 p Knowledge Centre
275.4 JOS 00092968 In Search of Christian Identity Joseph M J Christava sahithya samithy 2009 9788178210650 250.00 UG Library
275.4 LAZ 00110483 Syrian Christians and Nation Building Lazer, Joseph K. Institute for Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (IRISH) 2012 9788188432172 xii, 219 p. : UG Library
275.4 MAL 00125644 Christianity in indian history : Pius, Malekandathail Primus Books, 2016 938408266X | 9789384082666 283p. UG Library
275.4 MAL 00125747 Christianity in indian history : Pius, Malekandathail Primus Books, 2016 938408266X | 9789384082666 283p. UG Library
275.4 MEN 05073751 The St.Thomas Christian Encyclopaedia of India / The St.Thomas Christian Encyclopaedia of India, 1982 Volumes Knowledge Centre
275.4 MEN 05073752 The St.Thomas Christian Encyclopaedia of India / The St.Thomas Christian Encyclopaedia of India, 1982 273p. Knowledge Centre
275.4 MEN 05042055 The St.Thomas Christian Encyclopaedia of India / The St.Thomas Christian Encyclopaedia of India, 1982 Volumes Knowledge Centre
275.4 MEN 05042056 The St.Thomas Christian Encyclopaedia of India / The St.Thomas Christian Encyclopaedia of India, 1982 Volumes Knowledge Centre
275.4 MEN 05042057 The St.Thomas Christian Encyclopaedia of India / The St.Thomas Christian Encyclopaedia of India, 1982 Volumes Knowledge Centre
275.4 NAI 05071233 New perspectives in Indian church history : Naidu, B Narasingaraja. Dharmaram Publications, 2020 71p. Knowledge Centre
275.4 ROB 00098520 Margins of faith : Sage publications, 9788132104674 (hard back) viii, 299 p. cm. UG Library
275.4 VIS 00040370 The Cristians of Kerala. Visvanathan, Susan Oxford University 1993 279p UG Library
275.4 WEB 00110438 Historiography Of Christianity In India Webster,John C.B. Oxford University Press 2012 9780198089209 x; 273 p. UG Library
275.4 WEB 07007879 Historiography Of Christianity In India Webster,John C.B. Oxford University Press 2012 9780198089209 x; 273 p. Library - BR Campus
275.4/165083 JOS 00127988 A Matter of Belief : Joshi, Vibha. Berghahn Books, 2012 9780857455956 (hardback : alk. xxviii, 298 p. : UG Library
275.4081 WEB 00087161 Social History of Christianity: North-West India Since 1800. Webster, John C B 2007 9780195690453 410 p UG Library
275.4081 WEB 00088298 Social History of Christianity:north-West India Since 1800 Webster, John C B 2008 9780195690453 410p UG Library
275.4083 BAU 00122073 Pentecostals, proselytization, and anti-Christian violence in contemporary India / Bauman, Chad M. Oxford University Press 2015 9780190202101 (pbk. : alk. pap ix, 208 pages : UG Library
275.41 WEB 00022197 Christian Community And Change in the 19th Century North India Webster, John C. B. Macmillan 1976 xii; 294 P. UG Library
275.422 GEO 00094527 Christianity in India Through the Centuries George K M Authentic Books 2007 9788173627866 363p UG Library
275.45 WEB 05067120 A social history of Christianity : Webster, John C. B., Oxford University Press, 2019 9780199478378 xiv, 410 pages ; Knowledge Centre
275.478 PAL 00107561 The provincial Councils of Goa and the Church of St. Thomas Christians / Pallath, Paul. Oriental Institute of Religious Studies, India, 2005 8188456225 (pbk.) | 8188456225 x, 204 p. ; UG Library
275.484 CAR 00135035 Christians in South Indian villages, 1959-2009 : Carman, John B. William B Erdmans Publishing Company 2014 9780802871633 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvi, 242 pages : UG Library
275.484 HEN 00135036 Christianity in India Reconsidered Henry,Francis Prem ATC Publications 2016 9788170867807 308p UG Library
275.493 TEN 05007938 Christianity in Ceylon : Tennent, James Emerson, Asian Educational Services, 1998 8120613309 xv, 348 p. : Knowledge Centre
276.7082 FER 05000478 The Indefatigable Crusader / Fernandes Royston NationPress, 2014 9789384049553 xvi,296p.: Knowledge Centre
277 SHI 00145201 Terra Vivva: Shiva, Vandana omen Unlimited 2022 9789385606403 250p UG Library
277.3 AHL 00081006 Religious History of the American People Ahlstrom, Sydney E Yale University Press 1973 1158p UG Library
277.3 SAR 00125002 Indigenous People in Search of Identity Sarkar Amitabha Mittal Publications, 2016 9788183245333 xvi, 110 p.: UG Library
277.3/0808996073 ERS 00128036 Plantation Church : Erskine, Noel Leo. Oxford University Press 2014 9780195369137 (pbk. : alk. pap 216 pages ; UG Library
277.307 STE 05044449 Nature's God : Stewart, Matthew, W.W.Norton & Company, 2014 9780393064544 (hardcover) vii, 566 pages ; Knowledge Centre
277.3081SMI 01010888 New Measures: A Theological History of Democratic Practice (law Lib) Ted A Smith Cambridge University Press 9780521871310 340p Knowledge Centre
277.3082 SYN 00093012 The Holiness-Pentecostal tradition : Synan, Vinson. W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1997 0802841031 (pbk. : alk. paper) 2nd ed. xii, 340 p. ; UG Library
277.30825 ROS 00107886 The Surprising Work of God Rosell, Garth M. Baker Academic, 2008 9780801035708 | 0801035708 (pb 268 p. : UG Library
277.3083 MAC 00130206 Christian Mentality Mack,Burton L Acumen 2011 9781844657483 190p UG Library
278 SCH 00013471 Making all Things Human.A Church in East Harlem. Schoonover, Malvin E OLT 1972 188 P UG Library
278.330954 DAW 01005236 India Grants and Scholarships Sudhir Dawra Vishwa Bharathi Publications 0818900039 1681p Yeshwanthpur Campus
278.330954 DAW 01004864 India: Grants and Scholarships (law Lib) Sudhir Dawra VISHVABHARTI PUBLICATIONS 0818900039 814p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
279 DCO 00125172 Migrations and Spread of Christianity in Canara Region (1500-1900 AD) D'Costa,Carmine Theological Publications in India 2016 9789383163458 271p UG Library
279 IGN 00126887 Catholic Shrines and Pilgrim Centres in India Ignacimuthu,S Claretian Publications 2016 9788189851132 292p UG Library
279,54 DIS 00033371 Christian Community &the National Mainal Mainstream D`Silva, Louis 1956 1 UG Library
279.54 CBC 00003698 All India Seminar on the Chruch in India Today C B C I Centre, C.B.C.I. 1969 258 p UG Library
279.54 CRI 00002156 Conference of Religions of India Polenary Aaaemblies. Confernece Of Religions India, C.R.I.P.S 1639 186 p UG Library
279.54 GRA 00089803 History of Christianity in India: Grafe, Hugald Church History Association of India 1990 325p. UG Library
279.54 HAM 00089805 History of Christianity in India:18th Century. Hambye E R, S J Chruch History Association of India 1997 562p. UG Library
279.54 MCA 00017954 Indian Culture and Fullness of Christ Madras Cultural Academy Madras Cultural Academy 1956 viii; 130 p UG Library
279.54 MCA 00002163 Indian Culture and Fullness of Christ Madras Cultural Academy Madras Cultural Academy 1956 viii; 130 p UG Library
279.54 MUN 00029560 History of Christianity in India: Vol I: from the Beginning Up to the Middle of the 16th Century(up to 1542) Mundadan, Mathias A Theological Publication in India 1984 567 p UG Library
279.54 MUN 00029559 History of Christianity in India: Vol I: from the Beginning Up to the Middle of the 16th Century(up to 1542) Mundadan, Mathias A Theological Publication in India 1984 567 p UG Library
279.54 MUN 00089802 History of Christianity in India: Vol I: from the Beginning Up to the Middle of the 16th Century(up to 1542) Mundadan, Mathias A Theological Publication in India 1984 567 p UG Library
279.5478 COS 00093186 Apostolic Christianity in Goa and in the West Coast Costa, Cosme Jose Amrutsthan pilar industry 2010 9788790389807 100p UG Library
279.5478 COS 00093187 Apostolic Christianity in Goa and in the West Coast Costa, Cosme Jose Amrutsthan pilar industry 2010 9788790389807 100p UG Library
279.5482 MUN 00009735 Traditions of St.Thomas Christians Mundadan, A M, Dharmaram 1970 188 p UG Library
279.5482 MUN 00002088 St.Thomas Christians Mundadan, A M Dharmaram 1967 164 p UG Library
279.5482 POT 00006981 Syrian Christians of Kerala Pothan, S G Asia 1975 120 p UG Library
279.5482 ROB 05040651 Malabar : Roberts John Cantwell Bacsa, 2013 9780907799931 xiii,258p.: Knowledge Centre
279.5482 ROB 05040652 Nilgiri Hills : Roberts John Cantwell SIRA, 2014 9789351561095 xx,588p.: Knowledge Centre
279.54THE 00089804 History Od Christianity in India: Volume III; from the Middle of the 16th to the End of the 17th Century Thekkedath, Joseph S D B Church History Association of India 529p. UG Library
280 DAR 00002144 Catholicism D`Arcy, M C Longman 1954 61 p UG Library
280 JAC 00139433 Dangers of the new age : Jacob, Binita. ATC Publishers; 2019 9789388968164 160 p. ; UG Library
280 JON 00092758 The Canon Law of the Roman Church and the Church of England Jones Rhidian T & T Clark 2000 0567087174 158p UG Library
280.042 BAR 00147211 The Reformation as renewal : Barrett, Matthew, Zondervan Academic, 2023 9780310097556 xv, 981 pages : UG Library
280.042 COL 00147199 Roman but not Catholic : Collins, Kenneth J., Baker Academic, 2017 9780801098932 xxiii, 432 pages ; UG Library
280.042 COL 00101428 Your word is truth : Colson, Charles W. W.B. Eerdmans, 0802805086 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 168 p. ; UG Library
280.042 NOL 00110232 Is the Reformation Over? Noll, Mark A., BakerAcademic ; | Paternoster, 2005 0801027977 (cloth) 272 p. ; UG Library
280.042 ZAC 00110206 John Calvin and Roman Catholicism Zachman, Randall C., Baker Academic, 2008 9780801035975 (pbk.) | 0801035 224 p. ; UG Library
280.09548 FAR 05031780 Christian Impact in South Kanara / Farias, Kranti Church History Association of India, 1999 341 p Knowledge Centre
280.1 ITT 00002084 We Are One Ittyavirah, Sadhu Deepika 1970 90 p UG Library
280.1 PAN 00111115 Our Moon has Blood Clots: Pandita, Rahul, Random House India, 2013 9788184000870 258p UG Library
280.4 NOL 05048907 Protestantism : Noll, Mark A., Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199560974 | 0199560978 161 p. : Knowledge Centre
280.40954 GRO 00076239 Halle and the Beginning of Protestant Christianity in India in a Set of 3 Vols: [dharmaram Library] Gross, Andreas Verlag Der Franckeschen 2006 3931479846 522p UG Library
280.40954 GRO 00076241 Halle and the Beginning of Protestant Christianity in India in a Set of 3 Vols: [dharmaram Library] Gross, Andreas Verlag Der Franckeschen 2006 3931479846 522p UG Library
280.40954 GRO 00076240 Halle and the Beginning of Protestant Christianity in India in a Set of 3 Vols: [dharmaram Library] Gross, Andreas Verlag Der Franckeschen 2006 3931479846 522p UG Library
280.40973 NEV 00068287 Believable Futures of American Protestantism John, Richard 1998 0802802079 153p UG Library
280.95483 DEM 05031778 Kerala Christian Sainthood : Dempsey, G Corinne Oxford University Press, 2001 0195653599 213 p Knowledge Centre
281 KOO 00107539 Oriental Churches Theological Dimensions ed by Koodapuzha Xavier Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India: 1988 352 p. UG Library
281 MAT 00107570 The Order of the Third Sanctifcation Matheus Robert Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India: 2000 8186063773 xxx, 330 p. UG Library
281.1 THE 00101078 Patrology Thekkedath Joseph S,D,B Kristu Jyoti publications; 9788187370437 105 p. UG Library
281.4 SEQ 00106081 Discipline of Dialogue : Sequeira, John Francis. Dhyanavana Publications, 2001 819012501X 1st ed. xiv, 349 p. ; UG Library
281.5 ANI 00107599 Ecclesial Response to the Negativity in Human Life Anikuzhikattil, Mathew. Oriental Institute of Religious Studies, India, Dept. of Publications, 1996 8186063218 lxxxiv, 669 p. ; UG Library
281.5 ARA 00107588 The Pastoral Care of the Syro-Malabar Catholic Migrants Arampulickal James Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India: 1994 8186063252 336 p. UG Library
281.5 HAM 00107546 Dimensions of Eastern Christianity Hambye E,R Oriental Institute Of Religious Studies India: 1983 viii, 167 p. UG Library
281.5 IRE 00130165 Mystic Saints and Holy Persons Irenaios,Yakoob S F S Publications 2017 403p UG Library
281.5 KAN 00107557 Ecclesial Identity of the Malankara Catholic Church Kanjiramukalil, Sylvester. Oriental Institute of Religious Studies, India & Bethany Publications, 2002 8186063986 213 p. ; UG Library
281.5 KID 00107584 Family and Priesthood In the Syro-Malabar Church Kidangean,Xavier Oriental Institutte of Religious Studies India Publications 1993 8186063255 xxii; 265 P. UG Library
281.5 MAD 00107534 The Hierarchy of The Churches of Syriac Tradition Madey John Oriental Institute of Religious Studies. India: 1999 iv, 45 p. UG Library
281.5 PAL 00107529 The Eucharistic Liturgy of the St Thomas Christians and the Synod of Diamper Pallath Paul oriental Institute of Religious Studies india: 2008 xiv. 231 p. UG Library
281.5 PAY 00107533 Homage To Mar Cariattil ed by Payngot Charles Oriental Institute Of Religious Studies India: 1992 217 p. UG Library
281.5 PUL 00107569 A Period of Jurisdicational Conflict in the Suriani Church of India(1800-1838) Puliurumpil Abraham James Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India: 1993 818606326x xxxi, 281 p. UG Library
281.5 PUL 00107542 The Early Christian Settlements of Kerala Puliurumpil James Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India: 2008 170 p. UG Library
281.5 PUL 00107543 The Early Christian Settlements of Kerala Puliurumpil James Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India: 2008 170 p. UG Library
281.5 VAR 00107568 The Suriani Church of India Her Quest for Autochonous Bishops(1877-1896) Varicatt Cherian Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India: 1995 8186063129 xxxi.559 p. UG Library
281.503 MCG 05007778 The encyclopedia of Eastern Orthodox Christianity Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781405185394 (hardcover : alk xxiii,408 p. Knowledge Centre
281.503 MCG 05007777 The encyclopedia of Eastern Orthodox Christianity Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781405185394 (hardcover : alk xxiii,408 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5032 PAN 00110767 A Pearl Truly Indian Panthaplackal,Thomas Fr. Fr.James M.Pampara CMI 2005 87 p. UG Library
281.5032 PAN 05030743 A Pearl Truly Indian Panthaplackal,Thomas Fr. Fr.James M.Pampara CMI 2005 87 p. Knowledge Centre
281.509 MAT 00107606 The Church of St. Thomas Christians Missionary Enterprises Before the Sixteenth Century / Mattam, Abraham, Paurastya Vidyapitham (Oriental Institute of Religious Studies, India), 2004 8188456179 | 9788188456178 (pb Rev. 2nd ed. 96 p. : UG Library
281.5092 KAN 00139135 Saint kuriakose chavara a teacher of family theology Kaniarakath,George Dharamram publications, 2019 9789384964993 117p.; UG Library
281.5092 ALP 05042196 Nasrani Sabha Soonagal (Malayalam) : Alponsa Marth Denha Services, 2014 9789381207109 120p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 ANS 00110758 Vazhthappetta Kuriakose Eliasachan/ Anselm Fr. St.Joseph's Press 1959 68 p. UG Library
281.5092 ANS 05030734 Vazhthappetta Kuriakose Eliasachan/ Anselm Fr. St.Joseph's Press 1959 68 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 ANT 00110725 Aakasa Deepangal Saakshi Antony,John Fr.Thomas Panthaplackal 2012 2nd Ed. 145 p. UG Library
281.5092 ANT 05030701 Aakasa Deepangal Saakshi Antony,John Fr.Thomas Panthaplackal 2012 2nd Ed. 145 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 AVI 00110729 Arivinte Vazhiye Thaapasamanassu Avila C.M.S. Beth Rauma 2012 158 p. UG Library
281.5092 AVI 05030705 Arivinte Vazhiye Thaapasamanassu Avila C.M.S. Beth Rauma 2012 158 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 AVI 00110735 Bhoomikanyakamarkku Orunarthupaattu Avila C.M.C. Fr.Thomas Panthaplackal 2012 200.00 UG Library
281.5092 AVI 05030711 Bhoomikanyakamarkku Orunarthupaattu Avila C.M.C. Fr.Thomas Panthaplackal 2012 200.00 Knowledge Centre
281.5092 BEC 00110765 A Short Biography Of Blessed Kuriakose Eliaschavara Beccaro,Leopold Fr. Bl Chavara 2003 19 p. UG Library
281.5092 BEC 05030741 A Short Biography Of Blessed Kuriakose Eliaschavara Beccaro,Leopold Fr. Bl Chavara 2003 19 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 BEE 05041629 Chavarayachan Life Story / Beena M.P The State Institute of Languages, 2014 94p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 CAN 00110749 Bl.Kuriakose Elias Chavara Canisius Fr. The C M I General Department 1994 2nd Ed. 20 p. UG Library
281.5092 CAN 05030725 Bl.Kuriakose Elias Chavara Canisius Fr. The C M I General Department 1994 2nd Ed. 20 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 CAN 00110750 Bl.Kuriakose Elias Chavara Canisius Fr. The C M I General Department 1990 34 p. UG Library
281.5092 CAN 05030726 Bl.Kuriakose Elias Chavara Canisius Fr. The C M I General Department 1990 34 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 CHA 05034703 Igniting Minds to Transform the Society : Chackalackal Saju CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2013 9788189958749 147p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 CHA 00110753 Anastasiyayude Raktha Saktiyam Chavara Blessed Fr. CMI-CMC Publication Committee 2010 160 p. UG Library
281.5092 CHA 05030729 Anastasiyayude Raktha Saktiyam Chavara Blessed Fr. CMI-CMC Publication Committee 2010 160 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 CHA 00110754 Anasthasyayude Rekthasakshyam Chavara, Bl Kurialose Elias Merit Books 2006 1st Ed. 640 p. UG Library
281.5092 CHA 05030730 Anasthasyayude Rekthasakshyam Chavara, Bl Kurialose Elias Merit Books 2006 1st Ed. 640 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 CHA 05041618 Athmanuthapam / The Vice Postulator C.M.I, 364p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 CHA 05041611 Oru Nall Appante Chavarul / Chavara Kuriakose Elias Fr.Vice Postulator, 1964 23p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 CHE 05041614 Chavara Kuriakose Eliascachante Jeevacharithrathile Nazhikakallukal / Cheruparambil John Gallus CMI The Vice Postulator, 2013 32p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 CHE 05065018 Revisiting a treasure trove : Chennattuserry, Joseph Chako., ed. Centre for Publications CHRIST (Deemed to be University) 2018 9788193388730 208 p. ; Knowledge Centre
281.5092 CHI 00110744 Mancheril Ouseph Anthoniyachanum Chavarayachanum Chirayil J. CMI Department Of Research 1989 1st Ed. 104 p. UG Library
281.5092 CHI 05030720 Mancheril Ouseph Anthoniyachanum Chavarayachanum Chirayil J. CMI Department Of Research 1989 1st Ed. 104 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 CMI 00110745 Chavarayachente Sampoorna Kruthikal C.M.I. Prior General C.M.I. Prior General 2000 3rd Ed. 242 p. UG Library
281.5092 CMI 05030721 Chavarayachente Sampoorna Kruthikal C.M.I. Prior General C.M.I. Prior General 2000 3rd Ed. 242 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 CMI 00110761 CMI 175 Years CMI Central Committee CMI Central Committee 2007 259 p. UG Library
281.5092 CMI 05030737 CMI 175 Years CMI Central Committee CMI Central Committee 2007 259 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 DAM 00110773 Oru Nallaappante Chavarul : Hindi Version Damascene Provincial Superior 2004 21 p. UG Library
281.5092 DAM 05031009 Oru Nallaappante Chavarul : Hindi Version Damascene Provincial Superior 2004 21 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 DEV 00110774 Blessed Gather Chavara Kuriakose Elias Dev,Anoop. Atmonnti Prkashan 2009 1st Ed. 151 p. UG Library
281.5092 DEV 05031010 Blessed Gather Chavara Kuriakose Elias Dev,Anoop. Atmonnti Prkashan 2009 1st Ed. 151 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 ERO 05041628 Mystical and Missionary Spirituality of Blessed Kuriakose Elias Chavara / Eroorickal Jose Dharmaram Publications, 2014 9788189958886 312p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 ERO 05041608 Chavarayachan Kadannupoyavazhikal / Fr.Vice Postulator Cause of Blesses Kurikose Elias Chavara, 2011 72p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 ERO 05041609 Mancheril Ouseph Anthoniyachanum Chavarayachnum / Chirayil.J CMI Department of Research & Documention, 2013 104p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 GDS 05030951 Beyond Boundaries : General Department of Social Apostolate, 2013 168p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 GDS 05030952 Beyond Boundaries : General Department of Social Apostolate, 2013 168p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 GSS 05034701 In Search of CMI Charism and Identity / Dharmaram Publications, 2003 491p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 JOS 00110755 Manasil Nirayunna Chavarayachan Joseph Kunjoonjamma Merit Books 2012 5th Ed. 80 p. UG Library
281.5092 JOS 05030731 Manasil Nirayunna Chavarayachan Joseph Kunjoonjamma Merit Books 2012 5th Ed. 80 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 JOS 05041616 Manasil Nirayunna Chavarayachan / Joseph Kunjoonjamma Merit Books, 2012 80p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 JOS 04029608 Thomas C Mathew A Man for All Seasons / Christ, 2019 232p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
281.5092 JOS 05042195 Footprints Impressions that Guide Us/ The Literary Club Publications, 2015 194p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 KAD 05041642 Chavara A Multidimensional Saint / Kadankavil Thomas.Dr.Fr.CMI Deepika Book House, 2014 235p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 KAL 05034702 The Lord of Heaven & Earth / Dharmaram Publications, 2004 818686167x ix,342p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 KAL 00110768 An Unscientific Scientific Work! Kalluveetill, Paul Fr. Chief Editor & Collaborators 2012 172 p. UG Library
281.5092 KAL 05030744 An Unscientific Scientific Work! Kalluveetill, Paul Fr. Chief Editor & Collaborators 2012 172 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 KAN 05034704 The Pastoral Vision of Kuriakos Elias Chavara / Kanjiramattathil Joseph C.M.I Dharmaram Publications, 1986 126p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 KAN 05041613 Vishudhanaya Chavarayachan Maannaanathum Koonammaavilum / Kanjirathungal Varghese Vice Postulator,Chavara Theertha Kendram, 2014 36p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 KAN 05071234 Saint kuriakose chavara a teacher of family theology / Kaniarakath CMI, Fr.George. Chavara Central Secretariat, | Dharmaram Publications, 2019 9789384964993 vii, 117p. ; Knowledge Centre
281.5092 KAR 00110732 Kaalam Namikkunna Karmayogi Karthikeyan G. Fr.Thomas Panthaplackal 2013 147 p. UG Library
281.5092 KAR 05030708 Kaalam Namikkunna Karmayogi Karthikeyan G. Fr.Thomas Panthaplackal 2013 147 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 LEE 00110730 Anasthasyayude Rakthasakshyam Oru Punarvayana Leelavathy M. Fr.Thomas Panthaplackal 2012 213 p. UG Library
281.5092 LEE 05030706 Anasthasyayude Rakthasakshyam Oru Punarvayana Leelavathy M. Fr.Thomas Panthaplackal 2012 213 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 MAM 05041641 Nijan Chavara / Mampra Mathew.Dr Sophia Malaparamba, 2014 9789381796870 142p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 MAN 05073684 The Life and Legacy of Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara / Viva Books, 2015 9788130930183 xi,255p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 MAN 05041710 The Life and Legacy of Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara / Viva Books, 2015 9788130930183 xi,255p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 MAN 07010595 Light on the Burut Horizon : John Mannarathara Viva Books, 2017 9789386243362 439p.: Library - BR Campus
281.5092 MAN 07010596 Light on the Burut Horizon : John Mannarathara Viva Books, 2017 9789386243362 439p.: Library - BR Campus
281.5092 MAN 07010597 Light on the Burut Horizon : John Mannarathara Viva Books, 2017 9789386243362 439p.: Library - BR Campus
281.5092 MAN 07010598 Light on the Burut Horizon : John Mannarathara Viva Books, 2017 9789386243362 439p.: Library - BR Campus
281.5092 MAN 07010599 Light on the Burut Horizon : John Mannarathara Viva Books, 2017 9789386243362 439p.: Library - BR Campus
281.5092 MAN 00127137 Light on the Burut Horizon : John Mannarathara Viva Books, 2017 9789386243362 439p.: UG Library
281.5092 MAN 00127138 Light on the Burut Horizon : John Mannarathara Viva Books, 2017 9789386243362 439p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
281.5092 MAN 00127139 Light on the Burut Horizon : John Mannarathara Viva Books, 2017 9789386243362 439p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
281.5092 MAN 00127140 Light on the Burut Horizon : John Mannarathara Viva Books, 2017 9789386243362 439p.: UG Library
281.5092 MAN 00127141 Light on the Burut Horizon : John Mannarathara Viva Books, 2017 9789386243362 439p.: UG Library
281.5092 MAN 04027459 Light on the Burut Horizon : John Mannarathara Viva Books, 2017 9789386243362 439p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
281.5092 MAN 04027460 Light on the Burut Horizon : John Mannarathara Viva Books, 2017 9789386243362 439p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
281.5092 MAN 04027461 Light on the Burut Horizon : John Mannarathara Viva Books, 2017 9789386243362 439p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
281.5092 MAN 03012278 Light on the Burut Horizon : John Mannarathara Viva Books, 2017 9789386243362 439p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
281.5092 MAN 03012279 Light on the Burut Horizon : John Mannarathara Viva Books, 2017 9789386243362 439p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
281.5092 MAN 05053681 Light on the Burut Horizon : John Mannarathara Viva Books, 2017 9789386243362 439p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 MAN 05053682 Light on the Burut Horizon : John Mannarathara Viva Books, 2017 9789386243362 439p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 MAN 05053683 Light on the Burut Horizon : John Mannarathara Viva Books, 2017 9789386243362 439p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 MAN 07005857 The Life and Legacy of Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara / Viva Books, 2015 9788130930183 xi,255p.: Library - BR Campus
281.5092 MAN 07005858 The Life and Legacy of Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara / Viva Books, 2015 9788130930183 xi,255p.: Library - BR Campus
281.5092 MAN 07005859 The Life and Legacy of Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara / Viva Books, 2015 9788130930183 xi,255p.: Library - BR Campus
281.5092 MAN 07005860 The Life and Legacy of Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara / Viva Books, 2015 9788130930183 xi,255p.: Library - BR Campus
281.5092 MAN 07005861 The Life and Legacy of Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara / Viva Books, 2015 9788130930183 xi,255p.: Library - BR Campus
281.5092 MAN 00119295 The Life and Legacy of Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara / Viva Books, 2015 9788130930183 xi,255p.: UG Library
281.5092 MAR 05041922 Empowered Womanhood / Maria Navya.SR Dharmaram Publications, 2014 9788189958985 473p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 MAR 05041625 Empowered Womanhood . Maria Navya.Sr Dharmaram Publications, 2014 473p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 MAR 00110731 Ente Ohariyum Panapathravum Mareena C.M.R. Fr.Thomas Panthaplackal 2012 132 p. UG Library
281.5092 MAR 05030707 Ente Ohariyum Panapathravum Mareena C.M.R. Fr.Thomas Panthaplackal 2012 132 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 MAR 00110738 Kanal: Jwaliykkuvanum Jwalippiykkuvanum Mary, Regina C.M.C. CMC Generalate 2012 238 p. UG Library
281.5092 MAR 05030714 Kanal: Jwaliykkuvanum Jwalippiykkuvanum Mary, Regina C.M.C. CMC Generalate 2012 238 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 MAT 05041635 Vishuddha Chavarayachan / Mathenkunnel Joby CMI Deeoika Book House, 2014 72p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 MAT 00110726 Sukrutham Smara Mathew,Thomas M. Beth Rauma 2012 2nd Ed. 132 p. UG Library
281.5092 MAT 05030702 Sukrutham Smara Mathew,Thomas M. Beth Rauma 2012 2nd Ed. 132 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 MOO 00110746 Chavarayachente Sampoorna Kruthikal Moozhoor Z.M. Prior General C.M.I. 1981 180 p. UG Library
281.5092 MOO 05030722 Chavarayachente Sampoorna Kruthikal Moozhoor Z.M. Prior General C.M.I. 1981 180 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 MOO 00110747 Chavarayachente Adhyatmika Kruthikai Moozhoor Z.M. The Steering Committe 1986 83 p. UG Library
281.5092 MOO 05030723 Chavarayachente Adhyatmika Kruthikai Moozhoor Z.M. The Steering Committe 1986 83 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 MOO 00110752 Chavara Achante Mariyadarsanavum Maranandaradarsanavum Moozhoor Z.M. CMI-CMC Publications Committee 2010 136 p. UG Library
281.5092 MOO 05030728 Chavara Achante Mariyadarsanavum Maranandaradarsanavum Moozhoor Z.M. CMI-CMC Publications Committee 2010 136 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 MOO 05041605 Chavarayachente Adhyatmika Kruthikai / The Steering Committee for Vice-Postulator, 1986 83p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 MOO 05041636 Chavurulinte Charusangeetham . Mooshoor.Z.M Armam Publications, 2009 528p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 MOO 05041624 Aroopiyude Meloppulla Manushyan : Moozhoor.Fr.Z.M,CMI Carmel International Publishing House, 2012 324p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 MOO 05041620 101 Kirinangal / Moozhoor.Z.M Armam Publications, 119p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 MOO 05041617 Dhyana Salapamkal / Moozhoor.Z.M.C.M.I Armam Publications, 109p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 MOO 00110736 Dhyana Salapamkal Moozhoor Z.M. Aramam Publications 109 p. UG Library
281.5092 MOO 05030712 Dhyana Salapamkal Moozhoor Z.M. Aramam Publications 109 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 MOO 00110737 101 Kirinangal Moozhoor Z.M. Aaramam Publications 119 p. UG Library
281.5092 MOO 05030713 101 Kirinangal Moozhoor Z.M. Aaramam Publications 119 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 NJA 05041644 Azhakullaatmavu Vishuddha Chavarayachan / Njallampuzha Antony.Fr CMI Deepika Book , 2014 194p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 NJA 05041643 Jeevitham Thanne Sandesam / Sanoo M K Alois Graphics, 2014 9789383197507 156p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAI 05041626 Chavrayachan Charithrakarnamar Vismaricha Deerkhadarsi / Paika Jobin Deepika Book House, 2014 56p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAN 00110743 Chavarayachanum Thadheshiya Sanyasa Sabhakalum Panthaplackal, Thomas Fr. Fr.Thomas Panthaplackal 2011 64 p. UG Library
281.5092 PAN 05030719 Chavarayachanum Thadheshiya Sanyasa Sabhakalum Panthaplackal, Thomas Fr. Fr.Thomas Panthaplackal 2011 64 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAN 00110762 Chavara Darsan Panthaplackal,Thomas Fr. Chavara Central Secretariat 2011 1 UG Library
281.5092 PAN 05030738 Chavara Darsan Panthaplackal,Thomas Fr. Chavara Central Secretariat 2011 1 Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAN 00110766 Guidlines For Priests Panthaplackal Thoms Fr. Fr.Thoms Panthaplackal 2010 3rd Ed. 55 p. UG Library
281.5092 PAN 05030742 Guidlines For Priests Panthaplackal Thoms Fr. Fr.Thoms Panthaplackal 2010 3rd Ed. 55 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAN 00110769 Bl. Chavara The Patron Of Families Panthaplackal, Thomas Fr. Chavara Central Secretariat 24 p. UG Library
281.5092 PAN 00110770 Bl. Chavara The Patron Of Families Panthaplackal, Thomas Fr. Chavara Central Secretariat 24 p. UG Library
281.5092 PAN 00110771 Bl. Chavara The Patron Of Families Panthaplackal, Thomas Fr. Chavara Central Secretariat 24 p. UG Library
281.5092 PAN 00110772 Bl. Chavara The Patron Of Families Panthaplackal, Thomas Fr. Chavara Central Secretariat 24 p. UG Library
281.5092 PAN 05030745 Bl. Chavara The Patron Of Families Panthaplackal, Thomas Fr. Chavara Central Secretariat 24 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAN 05030746 Bl. Chavara The Patron Of Families Panthaplackal, Thomas Fr. Chavara Central Secretariat 24 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAN 05030747 Bl. Chavara The Patron Of Families Panthaplackal, Thomas Fr. Chavara Central Secretariat 24 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAN 05031008 Bl. Chavara The Patron Of Families Panthaplackal, Thomas Fr. Chavara Central Secretariat 24 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAN 05041639 Chavara Darsan a Journey of Chavara to the Perfection of the Heavenly Father / Chavara Central Secretariat, 2011 . Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAN 05041637 Aakasa Deepangal Saakshi / Antony John Fr.Thomas Panthaplackal C.M.I, 2012 145p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAN 05041622 Chavarayude Charismayum CMI Chrisavum / Kuriedath Jose CMI.Dr CMI General Department of Education, 2014 107p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAN 05041615 Karmayogi Life Story / Thomas.P.T Prathimasa Grandha, 2014 153p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAN 05041646 A Short Biography of Blessed Kuriakose Eliaschavara / Beccaro Leopold St.Joseph Monastery, 2003 19p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAN 05041631 Nihil Obstat / Gereon.Fr.C.M.I Mathew Kavukatt Archbishop of Changanacherry, 1959 68p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAN 05041645 Bl.Chavara,the Patron of Families / Panthaplackal Thomas.Fr,C M I Chavara piligrim Centre, 2006 24p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAN 05041640 Blessed Kuriakose Elias Chavara / Kochumuttom Thomas.Fr,CMI Saint Paul Society : 2014 9789350152041 372p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAN 05041619 Kuriakose Elias Chavara:Great Soul of India / Panthaplackal Thomas.Fr Chavara Central Secretariat, 2013 68p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAN 05041632 Itha Njan Avidathe Daasan / Panthaplackal Thomas C.M.I Beth Rauma, 2012 168p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAN 05041630 Testament of a Loving Father St.Kuriakose Elias Chavara / Panthaplackal Thomas.Fr Chavara Central Secretariat, 2014 48p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAN 05065015 Blossoms on the hill / Panthaplackal, Thomas CMI. Nirmalgiri Noviate, 2018 xxiv, 243 p. ; Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAN 00110727 Itha Njan Avidathe Daasan Panthaplackal,Thomas C.M.I. Fr. Roby Kannanchira C.M.I. 2012 168 p. UG Library
281.5092 PAN 05030703 Itha Njan Avidathe Daasan Panthaplackal,Thomas C.M.I. Fr. Roby Kannanchira C.M.I. 2012 168 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAN 00110739 Chavarayachante Kathukal Panthaplackal, Fr.Thomas Chavara Central Secretariat 2011 452 p. UG Library
281.5092 PAN 05030715 Chavarayachante Kathukal Panthaplackal, Fr.Thomas Chavara Central Secretariat 2011 452 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAN 00110740 Bharathappuzha Kadanna Panthaplackal,Thomas Fr. Fr.Thomas Panthaplackal 2011 170 p. UG Library
281.5092 PAN 05030716 Bharathappuzha Kadanna Panthaplackal,Thomas Fr. Fr.Thomas Panthaplackal 2011 170 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAN 00110741 Nanmayude Geethakangal Panthaplackal,Thomas Fr. Kristu Jyothi Publications 2007 80 p. UG Library
281.5092 PAN 05030717 Nanmayude Geethakangal Panthaplackal,Thomas Fr. Kristu Jyothi Publications 2007 80 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAN 00110742 Purohitharkkoru Margarekha Panthaplackal, Thaomas Fr. Chavara Central Secretariat 53 p. UG Library
281.5092 PAN 05030718 Purohitharkkoru Margarekha Panthaplackal, Thaomas Fr. Chavara Central Secretariat 53 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAU 05041634 Sukrutham Smara / Beth Rauma, 2012 132p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAU 00110733 Aatmanuthapathinte Anudhyanasruthikal Paul, Babu D. Fr.Thomas Panthaplackal 2012 240 p. UG Library
281.5092 PAU 05030709 Aatmanuthapathinte Anudhyanasruthikal Paul, Babu D. Fr.Thomas Panthaplackal 2012 240 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PAY 05041610 Arumai Thanthaiyin Marana Sasanam Allathu Kirishtava Kutumbachattam / Payyapilly Poly.Fr.CMI St.Maary Printers, 2014 34p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 POO 00110763 Documentations Of CMI Malabar Mission Poonoly, Sebastian Fr. CMI St. Thomas Province 2010 434 p. UG Library
281.5092 POO 05030739 Documentations Of CMI Malabar Mission Poonoly, Sebastian Fr. CMI St. Thomas Province 2010 434 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 POO 00110764 The Re-Union Mevement: Documents Of CMI Mission Poonolly,Sebastian Fr. CMI General Department Of Research 2013 723 p. UG Library
281.5092 POO 05030740 The Re-Union Mevement: Documents Of CMI Mission Poonolly,Sebastian Fr. CMI General Department Of Research 2013 723 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PUL 05041638 Vishuddha Chavarayachan Karmavum Kalavum / Pullikkattil Emil CMI Deepika Book House, 2014 112p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 PUL 05041607 Vazhthappetta Chavarapithav,Ammanuel Prarthana Avanubhavam / Vadaketh Quriaqos Elijah.Dr Denha Services,Vidyanagar Manganam, 2012 40p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 QUE 05041627 Question Bank / Cause of Blessed Kuriakose Elias Chavara, 2011 64p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 RAI 05057573 Saint Teresa of Calcutta : Rai,Raghu. Aleph, 2017 9789382277613 148p.; Knowledge Centre
281.5092 ROS 00110728 Itha Ee Vazhiye Rose, Sophy C.M.C. Fr.Thomas Panthaplackal 1996 122 p. UG Library
281.5092 ROS 05030704 Itha Ee Vazhiye Rose, Sophy C.M.C. Fr.Thomas Panthaplackal 1996 122 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 ROS 00110734 Darsanam Punyadarsanam Rose,Sophy C.M.C. Fr.Thomas Panthaplackal 2013 181 p. UG Library
281.5092 ROS 05030710 Darsanam Punyadarsanam Rose,Sophy C.M.C. Fr.Thomas Panthaplackal 2013 181 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 SEB 05041621 Chavaraaramam / Sebastian James CMI-CMC Publication Committee, 2009 34p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 SSE 00110759 Pathinonnu Sthapakarum Ezhu Vyakulagalum Ssery, Ralfcham Karppa. Mukalel Press 43 p. UG Library
281.5092 SSE 05030735 Pathinonnu Sthapakarum Ezhu Vyakulagalum Ssery, Ralfcham Karppa. Mukalel Press 43 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 THA 00110760 Blessed Kuriakose Elias Chavara Tharaniyil, Biju Fr. Chavara Central Secretariat 2004 1st Ed. 39 p. UG Library
281.5092 THA 05030736 Blessed Kuriakose Elias Chavara Tharaniyil, Biju Fr. Chavara Central Secretariat 2004 1st Ed. 39 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 THA 05041601 Der Selige Kuriakose Elias Chavara / Tharaniyil Biju CMI Herausgeber, 2008 63p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 THA 05041604 Chavarayachente Sampoorna Kruthikal / C.M.I.Prior General, 2000 xxxiv,242p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 THA 05041603 Chavarayachente Sampoorna Kruthikal / C.M.I.Prior General, 2000 xxxiv,242p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 THA 05041606 Vicar General Chavara Hills,Kakkanad / CMI Prior General, 30p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 THA 05041886 Carmelites of Mary Immaculate : CMI Prior General's House, 2014 132p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 THE 05041623 Chavarayachan Enna Mistic / Thevalasser Jerard.Fr,CMI Vice Postulator, 2009 28p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 THE 05041633 Chavaradarsan Oru Punyapurushante Ulkkazhchakal / Thekkumkal.J.S.C.M.I Alois Graphics, 2014 78p.: Knowledge Centre
281.5092 VAD 00110757 Vazhthappetta Chavarapithavu Ammanuel Prarthana Avanubhavam Vadaketh,Quriaqos Elijah Denha Services 2012 40 p. UG Library
281.5092 VAD 05030733 Vazhthappetta Chavarapithavu Ammanuel Prarthana Avanubhavam Vadaketh,Quriaqos Elijah Denha Services 2012 40 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 VAL 00110751 Vachanapalakan Vallappura,Francis Fr. Chavara Communications 1999 136 p. UG Library
281.5092 VAL 05030727 Vachanapalakan Vallappura,Francis Fr. Chavara Communications 1999 136 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 VIC 00110756 Chavarayachen Keralathinte Purohitha Punyam Vice Postulator Fr.Vice Postulator 2009 40 p. UG Library
281.5092 VIC 05030732 Chavarayachen Keralathinte Purohitha Punyam Vice Postulator Fr.Vice Postulator 2009 40 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 VIT 00110748 Chavarayachente Sampoorna Kruthikal Vithuvattickal, Lucas Prior General C.M.I. 2011 3rd Ed. 165 p. UG Library
281.5092 VIT 05030724 Chavarayachente Sampoorna Kruthikal Vithuvattickal, Lucas Prior General C.M.I. 2011 3rd Ed. 165 p. Knowledge Centre
281.5092 VIT 05034051 Perspectives of A Heroic Christian Life / Vithuvattical,Lucas. 135p.; Knowledge Centre
281.50954 NED 00096274 Quest for the Historical Thomas Apostle of India Nedungatt,George,S,J Theological publications in India 2008 9788188821235 428 p UG Library
281.8 ARA 00107572 Orders of Priesthood and Orders of Service Arangassery Lonappan Oriental Institute of Religious Studies india: 2008 9788188456314 xiv, 208 p. UG Library
281.80935 BAU 05002628 The church of the East : Baumer, Christoph. I.B. Tauris, 184511115X | 9781845111151 vii, 328 p. : Knowledge Centre
281.80935 MAT 00107551 A Commentary on the Mass By the Nestorian George Bishop of Mosul and Arbel ed by Matheus Robert Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India: 2000 vi, 150 p. UG Library
281.9 DEM 00135858 Orthodox constructions of the West Demacopoulos,George Fordham University Press 2013 9780823251926 (cloth) | 9780823251933 (paper) First edition. x, 367 pages ; UG Library
281.9 GAL 00129664 Thirsting for God in a land of shallow wells / Gallatin, Matthew. Conciliar Press, 2002 1888212284 189 p. ; UG Library
281.9 KAL 00107544 Ecumenism Eastern Perspectives Kallarangatt Joseph Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India: 2001 268 p. UG Library
281.9 KAL 00107545 Ecumenism Eastern Perspectives Kallarangatt Joseph Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India: 2001 268 p. UG Library
281.9 PAY 00098988 Light From the Christian East; Payton,James,R Authentic; 2007 9788173629044 240 p. UG Library
281.93 KAN 00107607 Emmanuel Nidiry Kanjirakkatt,George. Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India 2011 9788188456666 330 P UG Library
282 ALL 00122167 Roman Catholic Theology and Practice Allison, Gregg R. Crossway, 2014 9781433501166 (tp) 493 p:. UG Library
282 ALL 00120970 The Catholic Church : Allen, John L., Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199975105 | 9780199975112 viii, 298 p. ; UG Library
282 AQU 00018493 On the Truth of the Catholic Faith Aquinas,Thomas Image 1955 300 p. UG Library
282 BUC 05006468 The Blackwell companion to Catholicism / Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781444337327 (pbk) | 14443373 xv, 523 p. ; Knowledge Centre
282 CAT 00092867 Joy Catoir John T St. Pauls, 8171097863 205p UG Library
282 CHE 00119460 Christ Cented Priest Chembakassery, Antony Karunikan, 2009 9788190584470 166 p.: UG Library
282 CON 00145094 The Roman missal / Conference of Catholic Bishops of India, 2023 9788193080573 1211 p. ; UG Library
282 CRE 04017216 The Complete Illustrated Guide to Catholicism : Creighton-Jobe, Ronald Hermes House, 2010 9781846814631 256p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
282 CUN 00110208 An Introduction to Catholicism Cunningham, Lawrence. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521846073 (hbk.) | 0521846 xi, 284 p. : UG Library
282 DAR 00002145 Catholicism D`Arcy, M C Dublin Clonmore & Reynolds Ltd 1927 92 p.: UG Library
282 ELL 00000807 American Catholicism Ellis, John Tracy University of Chicago 1957 207 p.: UG Library
282 FOU 00139907 More Saints for You Foulds,Russell Pauline Publications 2017 9788171766277 128p UG Library
282 HAH 00139892 Signs of life : Hahn, Scott. Doubleday, 2009 9780385519496 1st ed. xi, 276 p. ; UG Library
282 KAL 00140572 Book Detail Page The Trigger Church as a Catalyst of Development : Mar Thoma Church: A Case Study / Kalarikkal' Salomon. Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485476 xxii, 147 p. 22 cm. UG Library
282 KEA 00134599 Catholicism and fundamentalism : Keating, Karl. Theological Publications in India 1988 0898701953 | 0898701775 (pbk.) 360 p. ; UG Library
282 KEA 00134600 Catholicism and fundamentalism : Keating, Karl. Theological Publications in India 1988 0898701953 | 0898701775 (pbk.) 360 p. ; UG Library
282 LEW 00021697 25th Anniversary of the Academy of Catholic Theology in Warsaw Lewek, Antoni Warsaw 1979 198p. UG Library
282 LEW 00021698 25th Anniversary of the Academy of Catholic Theology in Warsaw Lewek, Antoni Warsaw 1979 198p. UG Library
282 LIO 00102100 New Missal Same Mass: Lionel Rev.Fr.S.Joseph Asian trading corpporation; 2010 9798170865918 153 p. UG Library
282 MUR 00143944 Calming the storm: Murray, Gerald E., Emmaus Road Publishing, 2022 9781645851929 | 1645851923 440 pages ; UG Library
282 OBR 00139935 The Cure of Ars: O'Brien,Bartholomew Tan Books 1987 9780895553249 133p UG Library
282 OCO 00101761 Catholicism By O'Collins, Gerald. Oxford University Press, xvii, 142 p. : UG Library
282 PEN 00072241 You Know More Than You Think [dharmaram Library] Penrice, James 2003 0081890948 124 UG Library
282 POL 00018498 This Is the Church in the World Today Pollock, Mary Benziger 1967 140 p UG Library
282 RAT 00092998 Pilgrim Fellowship of Faith Ratzinger, Joseph Cardinal Ignatius Press 2009 381p UG Library
282 RIS 05031755 What Is Truth : Rist, John M Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521889018 330 p Knowledge Centre
282 SAL 00105105 Catholic and loving it : Salzmann, Andrew. St. Anthony Messenger Press, 2007 9780867168075 (pbk. : alk. pap x, 178 p. ; UG Library
282 THO 00108164 Ecumenism A Call To Unity Thomas K.J. St.Peter's 2011 163 p. UG Library
282 UND 00147085 Catherine of Siena Undset, Sigrid Ignatius Press 2009 9781586174088 335p UG Library
282.01 PEG 00068239 Peguy Portal of the Mystey of Hope Peguy, Chales 2005 0826479359 160p UG Library
282.0112 SNY 00138705 Spiritual questions for the twenty-first century : Snyder,Mary Hembrow Orbis Books 2001 1570753695 192 p. ; UG Library
282.02 DER 00045762 Apostle of Peace Dear John Orbis Books 1996 1570750629 | 9781570750625 x: 245 p. UG Library
282.02954 THO 00047503 Saint Thomas Christians of India Thonipara, Francis Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram 1999 xxxv: 286 p. UG Library
282.03 NEW 00117428 New Catholic encyclopedia supplement 2009 / Fastiggi, Robert L Gale/Cengage Learning, 2010 9781414475264 (set) | 14144752 2 v. (xxxiv, 948 p.) : UG Library
282.03 NEW 00117429 New Catholic encyclopedia supplement 2009 / Fastiggi, Robert L Gale/Cengage Learning, 2010 9781414475264 (set) | 14144752 2 v. (xxxiv, 948 p.) : UG Library
282.03 NEW 00117430 New Catholic encyclopedia. Fastiggi,Robert L. Gale, Cengage Learning ; Washington, D.C. : In association with Catholic University of America, 2010 9781414475882 (set) | 14144758 2 v. : UG Library
282.03 NEW 00117431 New Catholic encyclopedia. Fastiggi,Robert L. Gale, Cengage Learning ; Washington, D.C. : In association with Catholic University of America, 2010 9781414475882 (set) | 14144758 2 v. : UG Library
282.03 NEW 00117432 New Catholic encyclopedia supplement 2009 / Fastiggi, Robert L. Gale/Cengage Learning, 2010 9781414475912 (set) | 14144759 2 v. (xxxiv, 948 p.) : UG Library
282.03 NEW 00117433 New Catholic encyclopedia supplement 2009 / Fastiggi, Robert L. Gale/Cengage Learning, 2010 9781414475912 (set) | 14144759 2 v. (xxxiv, 948 p.) : UG Library
282.03 NEW 00111515 New Catholic Encyclopedia Supplement 2012-13: Gale Cengage Learning 2013 9781414480855 410p UG Library
282.03 NEW 00111516 New Catholic Encyclopedia Supplement 2012-13: Gale Cengage Learning 2013 9781414480855 410p UG Library
282.03 NEW 00111517 New Catholic Encyclopedia Supplement 2012-13: Gale Cengage Learning 2013 9781414480855 410p UG Library
282.03 NEW 00111518 New Catholic Encyclopedia Supplement 2012-13: Gale Cengage Learning 2013 9781414480855 410p UG Library
282.04 DEN 00147471 A Realist's Church Denny, Christopher D Orbis Books 2015 9781626981553 282p UG Library
282.086642 MAR 00141409 In the closet of The Vatican : Martel, Frédéric, Bloomsbury 2019 9781472966186 xv, 555 pages : UG Library
282.09 FAG 00145088 Sorting out Catholicism : Faggioli, Massimo. Liturgical Press, 2014 9780814683057 xiii, 229 pages ; UG Library
282.09 HIT 00122157 History of the Catholic Church : Hitchcock, James. Ignatius Press, 2012 9781586176648 | 1586176641 580 p ; UG Library
282.09 KEL 00145095 The Collegeville church history time-line / Kelly, Joseph F. Liturgical Press, 2005 0814628346 (pbk. : alk. paper) 24 p. : UG Library
282.09 MAR 00145074 Only the Gospel is revolutionary : Rodriguez Maradiaga, Oscar Andres, Liturgical Press, 2018 9780814644027 93 pages ; UG Library
282.09 VID 00122144 The Catholic Church Through the Ages : Vidmar, John. Paulist Press, 2014 9780809149049 2nd ed, x, 380 p, : UG Library
282.09 WOO 05053523 How the catholic church built western civilization / Woods, Thomas E. Regnery History, 2005 9781596983281 xvi, 284p. Knowledge Centre
282.09 WOO 05053524 How the catholic church built western civilization / Woods, Thomas E. Regnery History, 2005 9781596983281 xvi, 284p. Knowledge Centre
282.09/4 WAG 00143886 The church and the modern era (1846-2005) : Wagner, David M. Ave Maria Press 2020 9781594717871 163pages UG Library
282.09031 MUL 00111728 The Catholic Reformation / Mullett, Michael A. Routledge, 1999 0415189144 (hb) | 0415189152 ( xi, 258 p. ; UG Library
282.0904 MCC 00068292 Catholic Tradition - Before and After Vatican II Mccarthy, Timothy G 2005 0829408037 427p UG Library
282.09045 LIN 00110909 Global Catholicism : Linden, Ian. Columbia University Press, 2009 9780231154161 (cloth : alk. pa viii, 337 p. ; UG Library
282.09046 CRO 00131764 From Vatican II to Pope Francis : Crowley,Paul Orbis Books 2014 9781626980891 (pbk.) xxv, 190 pages ; UG Library
282.090511 CAR 00134516 Toward a new Catholic Church : Carroll, James, Houghton Mifflin, 2002 0618313370 130 p. ; UG Library
282.090511 COZ 00110241 Sacred Silence Cozzens, Donald B. Liturgical Press, 2002 081462779X | 0814627315 (pbk.) 199 p. ; UG Library
282.092 AGU 03011932 Pope Francis : Aguilar, Mario I. Lutterworth Press, 2014 9780718893422 | 0718893425 189 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
282.092 BEN 00142225 Turning the wheel : Bengtson,Jonathan Orbis Books ; | Novalis, 2007 9781570757273 | 1570757275 | 9782895079590 (Novalis) | 2895079595 (Novalis) xvi, 238 p. : UG Library
282.092 COL 00145060 Francis : Collins, Michael, Liturgical Press, 2015 0814637051 (paperback) | 9780814637050 (paperback) Second edition. v, 146 pages ; UG Library
282.092 CON 00110479 My Journal of the Council Congar, Yves, ATF Theology 2012 9781921817441 | 0814680291 lxi, 979 p. : UG Library
282.092 CRA 00117422 Pope Francis : Craughwell, Thomas J., 9781618901361 175 pages : UG Library
282.092 DAL 00092963 Francis borgia Dalmases, Candido De Gujarat Sahitya Prakash 251p UG Library
282.092 DUL 00090701 John Henry Newman Dulles, Avery Cardinal Sj Continuum 2008 9780826435644 176p UG Library
282.092 EXP 05071585 Pope Francis in Sri Lanka : Express News Paper(Cey) Pvt Ltd, 2015 9789550811113 127 pages : Knowledge Centre
282.092 FER 00134046 The Francis project : Fernández, Víctor M. Paulist Press 2014 9780809149636 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvi, 108 pages ; UG Library
282.092 FRA 00137262 The Path to Change Francis,Pope Bluebird Books for Life 2017 313p UG Library
282.092 FRA 00122100 Witnesses of joy Pope Francis Carmel International publishing house 2014 32p. UG Library
282.092 GAU 00072112 Believe That I Am Here [dharmaram Library] Gausseron, Nicole 2003 0829416218 224 UG Library
282.092 GRA 00072219 Still Called By Name Why I Love Being a Priest [dharmaram Library] Grassi, Dominic 2003 0082941715 189 UG Library
282.092 IVE 00122088 The great reformer:Francis and the making of a radical Pope Ivereigh Austen Allen & Unwin 2014 9781760113292 445p. UG Library
282.092 JOH 07006211 Apologia pro vita sua / Newman, John Henry, Bloomsbury, 1945 9781472578662 xix, 273 p. ; Library - BR Campus
282.092 JOH 05042090 Apologia pro vita sua / Newman, John Henry, Bloomsbury, 1945 9781472578662 xix, 273 p. ; Knowledge Centre
282.092 KAI 00126894 Insidde the Jesuits : Kaiser, Robert Blair. Rowman and Littlefield 2014 9781442229013 (cloth : alk. pa xiii, 224 pages; UG Library
282.092 KEE 00072125 Days of Intense Emotion Praying With Pope John Ii in the Holy Land[dharmaram Library] Keeler, Robert F Resurrection Press[catholic Book Publishing Co] 2000 1878718622 208 UG Library
282.092 KER 00133788 The pope who would be king : Kertzer, David I., Oxford University Press 2018 9780812989915 | 9780198827498 (hardback) First edition. xxx, 474 pages : UG Library
282.092 KOS 00101053 John Paul II, the great mercy pope / Kosicki, George W., John Paul II Institute of Divine Mercy, 0944203604 142 p. ; UG Library
282.092 LAM 00141661 The Outsider: Lamb,Christopher Theological Publications in India 2021 9789388953290 188p UG Library
282.092 LEV 00068994 John Paul II: a Tribute in Words and Pictures Levi, Monsignor Virgilio William Morrow 1999 0688166210 1st Ed. xv 208 p. UG Library
282.092 MEN 00092934 Memoirs of a jesuit brother Mendiburu F Gujarat sahitya prakash 216p UG Library
282.092 MIL 00108198 Light Of The World Miller,Michael J. Asian Trading Corporation 2010 8170865875 xx; 219 p. UG Library
282.092 NEW 00131983 Spiritual writings / Newman, John Henry, Orbis Books, 2012 9781570759543 (pbk.) | 1570759545 (pbk.) xi, 253 p. ; UG Library
282.092 NEW 00128634 Apologia pro vita sua / Newman, John Henry, Dover Publications, 2005 0486442136 (pbk.) xviii, 313 p. ; UG Library
282.092 OCO 00127947 Subdued Firs: O'Connor,Garry The History press 2013 9780752498973 264p UG Library
282.092 OCO 03006384 Universal Father : O'Connor, Garry. Bloomsbury : | Distributed by Holtzbrinck Publishers, 2005 9780747582410 | 0747582416 1st U.S. ed. xii, 436 p., [16] p. of plates : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
282.092 OCO 00090728 Legacy of John Paul II O' Collins, Genald S, J Continuum, 2008 9780860124405 274p UG Library
282.092 OCO 00068751 Universal Father O`Connor, Garry Bloomsbury Publishing 2005 0740747591 | 9780747581994 xii 436 p. UG Library
282.092 PAL 00107527 Pope John Paul II and the Catholic Church in India John Paul Mar Thoma Yogam, St. Thomas Christian Fellowship ; | Centre for Indian Christian Archaeological Research, 1996 v, 246 p. ; UG Library
282.092 PAU 00085316 John Paul II a Light for the World Paul Ii, John Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc 2003 1580511422 255 p UG Library
282.092 PEP 00092769 John Paul II : Burns & Oates, 0860124045 (pbk.) xi, 130 p. ; UG Library
282.092 PEP 00118654 John Paul II : Burns & Oates, 0860124045 (pbk.) xi, 130 p. ; UG Library
282.092 POL 00071484 Unknwon Pope: Benedict XV(1914 - 1922) and the Pursuit of Peace: [dharmaram Library] Pollard, F John 2000 0225668912 240p UG Library
282.092 RAT 00142177 My brother, the Pope / Ratzinger, Georg. Ignatius Press, | ATC Publishers 2011 9781586177041 | 9788170866558 | 1586177044 270 p., [8] p. of plates : UG Library
282.092 SAG 00108170 Blessed John Paul The Great Sagayanathan Brenda Fernandes for Asian Trading Corporation 2011 8170866057 412 p. UG Library
282.092 SHA 00110471 Anselm Shannon, William Henry, Crossroad Pub., 1999 0824525132 (pbk.) | 9780824525 189 p. ; UG Library
282.092 STR 00137986 Thoughts of a blind beggar : Straub, Gerard Thomas, Orbis Books, 2007 9781570757396 xxxii, 189 p. ; UG Library
282.09203 KEL 00071538 Oxford Dictionary of Popes: [dharmaram Library] Kelly, J N D 2005 0198614330 352p UG Library
282.0922 ANN 00105114 God's Call to Women: Mugridge,Christine Anne. Servant Publications 2003 9781569553831 322p. UG Library
282.0922 BER 00072115 Bride Images of the Earth [dharmaram Library] Berrigan, Daniel 2000 1570753059 142 UG Library
282.0922 COL 00101093 God's new man : Collins, Paul, Continuum, 9780826480156 xiii, 233 p. ; UG Library
282.0922 FER 00094541 Saints and Their Symbols : Lanzi, Fernando. Liturgical Press, 2004 0814629709 (alk. paper) 237 p. : UG Library
282.0922 GAM 00105143 Virtuous Healers: Gamboa,Edgar .A St.Anthony Messenger Press 2008 9780867166934 xii,164 p. UG Library
282.0922 HEI 00143953 Seven saints for seven virtues / Heimann, Jean M. Servant Books 2014 9781616368456 (alk. paper) xvii, 125 pages ; UG Library
282.0922 MAR 00118808 Butler's Lives of the Saints : March Burns & Oates 1999 048644399X (pbk.) xvi, 293 p. ; UG Library
282.0922 RAJ 00100834 Saints for the Modern Generation Rajan Antony.P ATC; 2010 9788170865360 124 p. UG Library
282.0922 RIC 00108174 Vicars of Christ Riccards,Michael P. Crossroad, 1998 082451694x xi, 355 p. ; UG Library
282.0922 ROB 00105133 Saints Off the Pedestal: Roberts,Amanda M. St. Anthony Messenger Press 2008 9780867168006 151p. UG Library
282.0922 RUS 00139913 The littlest suffering souls : Ruse, Austin, Tan Books 2017 9781505108392 (hardcover) xix, 132 pages : UG Library
282.0922 STO 00110539 Medieval Saints Stouck Marry-Ann. Readings In Medieval Civilizations And Cultures 2008 9781442601017 xxiii; 637 p. UG Library
282.0922 WAT 00125547 The book of saints : Watkins,Dom Basil Bloomsbury 2016 9780567664143 (HB) | 978056766 Eighth edition, entirely revised and reset. xi, 827 pages : UG Library
282.0922245634 WAL 00072027 Pope John Paul II to Benedict XVI [dharmaram Library] Walsh, Mary Ann Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc 2005 0158051202 212 UG Library
282.0924 GIA 00106498 John Paul II The Pope Who Changed the World Giananti Gianni VMB Publishers : 2005 9788854003606 174, p. : UG Library
282.0924 HEN 07008768 Apologia Pro Vita Sua / Henry John W.W.Norton & Company, 1968 9780393097665 xiv,506p.: Library - BR Campus
282.0945022 GER 00065556 Mother Teresa an East-West Mysticism Her Thought Compared to Hinduism and Gandhi Germani, Gloria New Age Books 2004 8178221675 236p UG Library
282.0954 DES 05031781 Social Teaching of the Church in India / Desrochers, John NBCLC/CSA, 2000 224 p Knowledge Centre
282.0954 PAL 00107560 Important Roman Documents Concerning the Catholic Church in India / Pallath, Paul. Oriental Institute of Religious Studies, 2004 8188456101 x, 279 p. ; UG Library
282.0954 RAI 00068996 Mother Teresa: a Life of Dedication Rai Raghu Harry N Abrams Inc 2000 0810958759 128 p UG Library
282.0954 SUB 00022199 The Catholic Community in India Subramanyam, Ka Naa Macmillan 1970 146 p.: UG Library
282.0954RAI 00124930 Mother Teresa: a Life of Dedication Rai Raghu Harry N Abrams Inc 2000 0810958759 128 p UG Library
282.0974 COG 00018475 Catholic America Cogley, John Image 1974 230 p UG Library
282.20954 JOS 00047499 Bishop Jonas Thaliath of Rajkot a Biography Joseph, K P Deepti 1999 212 p UG Library
282.20954 THA 00047498 The Synod of Diamper Thaliath, Jonas Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram 1999 xix 238 p. UG Library
282.40902 SHI 00110526 Medieval popular religion, 1000-1500 Shinners,John. Broadview Press, 2007 9781551116983 (pbk.) | 9781442 2nd ed. xxii, 556 p. : UG Library
282.415 PRI 00117463 Michael Logue and the Catholic Church in Ireland, 1879-1925 / Privilege, John. Manchester University Press ; | Distributed in the United States exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 9780719077357 (hbk.) | 0719077 xiv, 216 p. ; UG Library
282.420903 MIO 00110266 Early modern Catholicism Miola, Robert S. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199259861 (pbk.) | 0199259 xii, 522 p. : UG Library
282.450902 JAN 05062514 Peace and penance in late medieval Italy / Jansen, Katherine Ludwig, Princeton University Press, 2018 9780691177748 (cloth : alk. paper) xx, 253 pages : Knowledge Centre
282.5 PHA 00136806 The Asian Synod : Phan,Peter C Orbis Books, 2002 1570754292 xiii, 352 p. ; UG Library
282.54 MAD 00107574 CBCI: An Inter-Ecclesial Assembly Madathikandam George Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India: 1995 8186063110 xxiv, 325 p UG Library
282.54 SHO 00111112 Missionaries in India/ Shourie, Arun, Rupa Publications, 2010 9788129105738 xii:302p UG Library
282.54021 URU 00107602 Vocations in India Urumpackal,Alex Paul. Oriental Institute of Religious Studies, India, 1986 viii;340 P. UG Library
282.54799 ROW 05031779 Conversion, Continuity and Change : Robinson, Rowena Sage Publications, 1998 0761992294 236 p Knowledge Centre
282.5483 ALE 05071776 Marthoma Christyanikal : Alenchery. Fr. Bernard Thoma. St. Joseph's Press, 2021 9788193606612 3rd ed. lx, 442p. ; (Vol.I) | 931p. ; (Vol.II) Knowledge Centre
282.5483 ALE 05071777 Marthoma Christyanikal : Alenchery. Fr. Bernard Thoma. St. Joseph's Press, 2021 9788193606612 3rd ed. lx, 442p. ; (Vol.I) | 931p. ; (Vol.II) Knowledge Centre
282.5483 ALE 05071778 Marthoma Christyanikal : Alenchery. Fr. Bernard Thoma. St. Joseph's Press, 2021 9788193606612 3rd ed. lx, 442p. ; (Vol.I) | 931p. ; (Vol.II) Knowledge Centre
282.5483 ALE 05071779 Marthoma Christyanikal : Alenchery. Fr. Bernard Thoma. St. Joseph's Press, 2021 9788193606612 3rd ed. lx, 442p. ; (Vol.I) | 931p. ; (Vol.II) Knowledge Centre
282.5493 STI 05031782 Power and Religiosity in a Post-Colonial Setting : Stirrat, R L Cambridge University Press, 1992 0521415551 231 p Knowledge Centre
282.59909045 CLA 00136805 The Making of a Local Church Claver, Francisco F. Orbis Books, 2008 9781570757860 | 1570757860 ix, 194 p. : UG Library
282.59909045 CLA 00136804 The Making of a Local Church Claver, Francisco F. Orbis Books, 2008 9781570757860 | 1570757860 ix, 194 p. : UG Library
282.6 ORO 00135845 The church we want : Orobator,Agbonkhianmeghe E Orbis Books 2016 9781626982031 (pbk.) xxxi, 272 pages ; UG Library
282.72 MAT 00143012 Theologies of Guadelupe : Matovina, Timothy, Oxford University Press 2019 9780190902766 (updf) | 9780190902773 (epub) 221p UG Library
282.7284092 WRI 00094539 Oscar Romero and the Communion of the Saints : Wright, Scott, Orbis Books, 2009 9781570758393 (pbk.) | 1570758 xiv, 162 p. : UG Library
282.73 OGO 00122156 A History of the Roman Catholic Church in the United States Ogarman Thomas The Christian Leterature Company, 1895 9781330285817 xviii, 515 p.: UG Library
282.73089 KIM 00142088 A world church in our backyard : Kim, Simon C., Liturgical Press 2016 9780814687611 (pbk.) xxiii, 128 pages ; UG Library
282.7308996073 DAV 00136812 Stamped with the Image of God : Davis,Cyprian Orbis Books, 2003 1570753512 (pbk.) | 1570755221 xviii, 156 p. : UG Library
282.7952 PAL 00107558 Origin Of The Southist Vicariate Of Kottayam Paul Pallath Oriental Institute of Religious Studies 9788188456710 308 P. UG Library
282.954 THO 00072091 Sadhu Sunder Singh: [ Dharmaram Library] Thompson, Phyllis OM BOOKS 2000 8173620911 196p UG Library
282.9543 CHA 00032198 Complete Works of Bl. Chavara, Chavara 1987 204 p UG Library
282.9543 CHA 00032199 Complete Works of BL. Chavara Chavara, Chavara 1987 172 p UG Library
282.9543 CHA 00032200 Complete Works of BL. Chavara. Vol.3 Chavara, Chavara 1987 40 p UG Library
282.9543 CHA 00032201 Complete Works of BL.Chavara. Chavara, BL Chavara 1987 Vol. IV 132 p.: UG Library
282.9543 CHA 00096348 The Letters The Commitee for tha Cause of Bl. Chavara Mnnanam, 132 p. UG Library
283 CHA 05048804 Anglicanism : Chapman, Mark D. Oxford University Press, 2006 0192806939 (alk. paper) | 9780 157 p. : Knowledge Centre
283 KAY 00099720 An Introduction to World Anglicanism / Kaye, Bruce Norman, Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521853453 (hbk.) | 0521853 x, 276 p. ; UG Library
283 MCG 00092950 The Renewal of Anglicanism Mcgrath, Alister E Morehouse publishing 2009 9780819216038 170p UG Library
283.03 SMI 00139987 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Christian Antiquities Smith,William Sir Logos Press 2005 9788172681111 9 Vols UG Library
283.03 SMI 00139988 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Christian Antiquities Smith,William Sir Logos Press 2005 9788172681111 9 Vols UG Library
283.03 SMI 00139989 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Christian Antiquities Smith,William Sir Logos Press 2005 9788172681111 9 Vols UG Library
283.03 SMI 00139990 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Christian Antiquities Smith,William Sir Logos Press 2005 9788172681111 9 Vols UG Library
283.03 SMI 00139991 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Christian Antiquities Smith,William Sir Logos Press 2005 9788172681111 9 Vols UG Library
283.03 SMI 00139992 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Christian Antiquities Smith,William Sir Logos Press 2005 9788172681111 9 Vols UG Library
283.03 SMI 00139993 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Christian Antiquities Smith,William Sir Logos Press 2005 9788172681111 9 Vols UG Library
283.03 SMI 00139994 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Christian Antiquities Smith,William Sir Logos Press 2005 9788172681111 9 Vols UG Library
283.03 SMI 00139995 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Christian Antiquities Smith,William Sir Logos Press 2005 9788172681111 9 Vols UG Library
283.42 NEW 00140608 The Via Media of the Angelican Church Newman, John Henry. basil Montagu 1877 9783744717298 355 p UG Library
283.54 COR 00092937 Mother Church In Mother India Correa, Msgr Francis St pauls press 2009 9788171099047 183p UG Library
283KAY 01010281 Introduction to World Aglicanism (law Lib) Bruce Kaye Cambridge University Press 41PART II THE PRACTICES OF 276p Knowledge Centre
284 I-6 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
284 TAW 00050133 Religion and the Rise of Capitalism Tawney, R. H. Penguin Books 1948 xvi; 335 p. UG Library
284 WEB 00056286 Potestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism: Weber, Max Charles Scribner`s Sons 1958 292p UG Library
284.0954 COP 05031784 Religions in Conflict : Copley, Antony Oxford University Press, 2000 0195649109 278 p Knowledge Centre
284.1092 HEN 00102136 Martin Luther : Hendrix, Scott H. Oxford University Press, 9780199574339 (pbk.) | 0199574 xvi, 126 p. ; UG Library
284.1092 MCK 00068410 Martin Luther Mckim, Donald K 2003 0521016738 320p UG Library
284.1092 MET 00111200 Bonhoeffer : Metaxas, Eric. Thomas Nelson, 2010 9781595551382 (hbk.) xiv, 591 p., [16] p. of plates : UG Library
284.1092 WHI 05064444 Martin Luther in context / Cambridge university press, 2018 9781107150881 (hardback) | 9781316606858 (pbk.) xvi, 425 pages : Knowledge Centre
284.13 SYN 00120667 Lineamenta Carmel International Publishing House 2014 64p UG Library
285 T-2 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
285.834 JOH 00117684 Theology and identity Johnson, Daniel L. Pilgrim Press, 1990 9780829808070 xv, 190 p. ; UG Library
285.9 COF 00107859 The Cambridge Companion to Puritanism / Coffey, John, Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521860888 | 0521860881 | 9 xi, 385 p. ; UG Library
285.9 COF 05002488 The Cambridge Companion to Puritanism / Coffey, John, Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521860888 | 0521860881 | 9 xi, 385 p. ; Knowledge Centre
286 F-5 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
286 KAD 00140955 Crowd to Discipleship : Kadankavil, James Mathew Kristu Jyoti Publications; 2020 9788194368779 218 p. ; UG Library
286.1092 SHE 00117476 Prophet of purpose : Sheler, Jeffery L. Doubleday, 2009 9780385523950 1st ed. viii, 325 p., [8] p. of plates : UG Library
286.10924 ROG 00142198 Richard Furman: Roger,James A Mercer University Press 2001 0865547785 335p UG Library
286.6 VER 00072188 No Turning Back [dharmaram Library] Verwer, George OM BOOKS 2004 8173621640 186 UG Library
287 YRI 00117617 T&T Clark Companion to Methodism ed by, Yrigoyen JR, Charles T & T Clark, 2010 9780567032935 x, 602 p. ; UG Library
287.092 TYS 00101411 Assist me to proclaim : Tyson, John R. William B. Eerdmans Pub., 9780802829399 (pbk. : alk. pap xii, 356 p. ; UG Library
287.0941 HEM 05007170 Methodism and politics in British society, 1750-1850 / Hempton, David. Stanford University Press, 1984 0804712697 | 9780415555715 276 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
288 J-1 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
288 S-2 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
289 INC 00002186 Karalathilae Christava Sabhakal Inchakalodi, Deepika Kothary UG Library
289.3 MOR 00065590 Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ Mormon Church of Jesus Christ 779p UG Library
289.3 SHI 00128003 Mormonism/ : Shipps, Jan : University of Illinois Press 1987 0252014170 211p : UG Library
289.3 SHU 05031783 Secrets of the Widows Son / Shugarts, David A Orion Books, 2005 0752879359 339 p Knowledge Centre
289.3082 MCD 00142202 Sister saints : McDannell, Colleen, Oxford University Press 2019 9780190221317 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9780190221331 (epub) xiii, 291 pages ; UG Library
289.3092 LIS 00120666 Letters Lisieux, Therese Carmel International Publishing House 2010 9789380483177 1365p UG Library
289.5 EDD 05033669 Science and Health : Mary Baker Eddy Mary Barker Eddy, 1903 9780879522599 700 p. Knowledge Centre
289.9 ABR 00140582 Missiology and Theology of Indian Pentecostalism / Abraham, Shaibu Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485223 | 9351485226 xii, 379 pages ; UG Library
289.9 CON 00135765 What we have seen and heard : Connors,Michael E Theological Publications in India 2019 9781935174462 | 1935174460 270 pages : UG Library
289.9 HUR 00125551 One God, one Lord : Hurtado, Larry W., Bloomsbury 2015 9780567657718 | 056765771X Third edition. xxxiv, 250 pages ; UG Library
289.9 PLO 00012378 Jesus Movement Plowman, Edward E Hodder &stoughton 1971 128 p UG Library
289.98 TRO 05045124 The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science / Troward Thomas Martino Publishing, 2014 9781614275688 130p.: Knowledge Centre
29.0954 BAR 00019904 Handbook of Thermochemical Data for Compounds and Aqueous Species Barner, Herbert E Wiely 1978 156 p UG Library
29.9332 SUR 00016906 Bank Clerical Examination Surendara Kumar, Sudha 2008 1 UG Library
290 AMM 00019373 Adyatmika Sadhanegalu Ammembal, Edwin D`Souza Karnataka Mahila Hindi Seva Samiti 1978 1 UG Library
290 CHA 00147909 Rethinking Saint Sankaradeva: Chaliha, Anjana Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House 2024 9789359665740 391p UG Library
290 DAV 05074199 Human dignity in world religions : Davis,J.Charles. Christian World Imprints; 2020 9789351484998 (HB) 545 p. ; Knowledge Centre
290 DAV 00139676 Human dignity in world religions : Davis,J.Charles. Christian World Imprints; 2020 9789351484998 (HB) 545 p. ; UG Library
290 DEO 00147906 Decolonizing Hinduism Deore, Shubham G Blue One Ink Pvt Ltd 2024 9789392209925 445p UG Library
290 FER 00116906 The Wisdom of the Myths Ferry Luc Harper Perennial, 2014 9780062215451 404. p.: UG Library
290 GED 00096050 Comparative Religion Geden A.S Asian Educational Services 8120609735 144P UG Library
290 HAC 05002636 Asiatic Mythology: Hackin, J Asian Educational Services 8120609204 460 p. Knowledge Centre
290 HAR 00018454 Religions of the World. Hardon, John A Image Books 1968 312 p UG Library
290 JOS 00038469 Relegious Development in Adolescents Jose, Emmanuel Dharmaram UG Library
290 JOS 00038470 Relegious Development in Adolescents Jose, Emmanuel Dharmaram UG Library
290 KAP 00141304 Gods Must Have Cursed Hindus : Kapur, Subhash OPUS Books; 2021 9788194964049 xiv, 279 pages UG Library
290 LAV 00147815 Echoes of Faith : Lavasa, Novel Rupa 2024 9789361563898 243p UG Library
290 LAV 10005060 Echoes of Faith : Lavasa, Novel Rupa 2024 9789361563898 243p Yeshwanthpur Campus
290 MAN 00107021 Inter Leaves Mani,Lata Yoda Press 2011 9380403186 137 P. UG Library
290 RAJ 00030623 World Famous Religions Doctrines and Sects Rajendra Kumar Rajiv, Pustak Mahal 1969 120 p UG Library
290 SET 00014477 Samayar Kalai Sethu, Ammal 1973 1 UG Library
290 SWA 00019369 Neevu Yesukristhanannu Ballira? Supriya, Supriya Loyala Mandir 1977 1 UG Library
290.30904 CLA 00094775 Socially Engaged Religions Clammer John Books for Change 9788182910935 236p UG Library
290.30904 CLA 00100203 Socially Engaged Religions Clammer John Books for Change 9788182910935 236p UG Library
290.954 CHA 00096172 New Horizons Of Indian Christian Living Chackalackal Saju Vidyavanam Publications 9788190579964 932p UG Library
290.954 CHA 05041030 New Horizons Of Indian Christian Living Chackalackal Saju Vidyavanam Publications 9788190579964 932p Knowledge Centre
290.954 CRE 00107202 The Great Reformers And Religious Teachers Of India Crest Publishing House Crest Publishing House 2002 9788124202456 151 P. UG Library
290.OLI 00064757 Teach Yourself World Faiths Oliver, Paul 2000 0340859784 178p UG Library
291 T-6 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
291 BRE 03002176 Religions of the World : Breuilly, Elizabeth. [] Hodder Children's Books , 1997 9780750024686 | 0750024682 160 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
291 ABE 00020157 Theological Evaluation of Non-Christian Rites Abeyasingha, Nihal Theological 1979 250 p UG Library
291 BAL 05031852 The Heathen in His Blindness : Balagangadhara, S N Manohar Publishers, 2005 8173046085 503 p Knowledge Centre
291 BEC 00089685 World Religions Reader Beckerlegge, Gwilym The open university, 2008 9780415174886 478 p.; UG Library
291 BEC 05007381 World religions reader / Routledge, 2001 9780415247498 | 9780415247498 2nd ed. xxvii, 490 p. ; Knowledge Centre
291 BHA 00095177 Cult, Religion and Society Bhatt G S Rawat Publications 9788131603291 420p UG Library
291 BHA 07006867 Cult, Religion and Society Bhatt G S Rawat Publications 9788131603291 420p Library - BR Campus
291 BON 00072320 Companion to Religious Studies and Theology: [ Dharmaram Library] Bond, K Helen 2004 0748614575 629p UG Library
291 BRA 00112650 Understanding world religions : Braswell, George W. Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1994 0805410686 : Rev. xvi, 206 p. ; UG Library
291 BRU 00025647 Spiritual Crisis of Man. Brunton, Paul B I 1982 223 p UG Library
291 BRU 00025648 A Message from Arunachala Brunton, Paul Mysore 1969 143 p.: UG Library
291 BRU 00107679 Practices for the Quest Relaxed and Retreat Brunton, Paul New Age Books 2010 9788178223681 138 P. UG Library
291 BRU 00107680 The Quest Brunnton,Paul New Age Books 2010 9788178223476 xi;369 P. UG Library
291 CHA 00049779 Dictionary of Mythology Chancellor Press Chancellor Press 1994 1851526137 | 9781851526130 175 p. UG Library
291 CHA 05048032 Spirituality and Human Psyche / Chaube, Nandita. Partridge, 2015 9781482867596 xiv,335p.; Knowledge Centre
291 CHU 00135789 Christian Self Understanding in the Context of Hindu Religion Chunakara,Mathews George Christava Sahitya Samithi 2014 9788178216997 256p UG Library
291 COL 00124523 The Dictionary of Mythology J.A. Coleman Eagle Editions Limited, 2007 9781841934242 1135 p.: UG Library
291 DUB 00005600 Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies Dubois A.J. Oxford at the Clarendon Press 1906 708 p. UG Library
291 ELI 00073902 Shamanism(dharmaram Library) Eliade, Mircea 1964 0140191550 610p UG Library
291 FIS 00064745 Religion in the Twenty-First Century Fisher, Mary Pat 2000 0415211662 128p UG Library
291 FOR 00076149 Inter Religious Dialogue: A Short Introduction: [ Dharmaram Library] Forward, Martin Oneworld Publishers 2007 1851682759 168p UG Library
291 FRA 00121421 Taboo Frazer J G Cosmo Publications 2007 9798130705681 445p. UG Library
291 JOH 00129335 The Still Point Johnston,William Fordham University Press 1982 9780823208616 202p UG Library
291 KAC 05041015 Process Religion and Societ / Kachapilly Kurian CMI Dharmaram Publications, 2009 9788189958428 263p.: Knowledge Centre
291 KEE 00120687 I am/no self : Keenan, John P. Peeters ; | Eerdmans, 2011 9780802867148 (Eerdmans : pbk. xii, 314 p. ; UG Library
291 LOP 00073829 Christ and the Bodhisattva ( Dharmaram Library ) Lopez, Donald S SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS 1992 8170303230 274p UG Library
291 LOS 00146134 The Many Faces of Faith: Losch, Richard R William B Eerdmans Publishing Company 2002 9780802805218 192p UG Library
291 MAT 00126931 World Religions Matthews Warren Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2013 9781111841706 7th ed, xxii, 440 p.: UG Library
291 MUR 00147907 Gita Sankara and J Krishnamurti Murphy, C Srinivasa Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House 2024 9789359665603 425p UG Library
291 NAM 00072200 Pilgarims on the Seashore of Endless Worlds [dharmaram Library] Nambiaparambil C M I, Albert Asian Trading Corporation 2005 8170862736 179 UG Library
291 OLD 05008014 The sun and the serpent : Oldham, C. F. Constable, 1905 207 p. : Knowledge Centre
291 OXT 01017579 World religions : Oxford University Press, 2011 9780195427172 (pbk.) | 0195427 3rd ed. xviii, 462 p. : Knowledge Centre
291 OXT 04009642 World religions : Oxford University Press, 2001 9780195415209 2nd ed. 553 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
291 PAT 00034843 Relegious Pluralism Pathil, Kuncheria ISPSK 1991 349 p UG Library
291 PIE 00032598 Love Meets Wisdom: a Christian Experience of Buddhism. Pieris, Aloysous Claretian 1989 160 p UG Library
291 RCD 00044372 Transcending Boundaries Raipur Churches Development & Relief Committee Raipur Churches Development and Relief Committee 1998 126 p. UG Library
291 SEK 00072032 Practice of Inter Religious Dialogue: [dharmaram Library] Sekhar, Vincent Claretian Publications 2000 8187804963 210p UG Library
291 SMI 04024275 The World's Religions / Smith, Huston Happer Collins, 1985 9780062337375 431p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
291 TIW 00065571 Comparative Religion. Tiwari, Dedar Nath MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2004 8120802942 225p UG Library
291 TRI 00135231 Spirituality and Religion Interface Trivedi Priya Ranjan Jnanda Prakash (P&D), 2018 9788171399659 ix,703p. ; UG Library
291 ZAE 04012002 The Hutchinson encyclopedia of living faiths / Zaehner, R. C. Helicon Publishing Ltd., 1988 9780091735760 456 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
291.03 BOW 00071478 Oxford Dictionary of World Religions: [dharmaram Library] Boekwe, John BCA 2000 1106p UG Library
291.046082 PAL 00065548 Moon Sisters, Krishna Mothers, Rajneesh Lovers: Womens Role in New Religion Palmer, Susan Jean 1994 0815602979 287p UG Library
291.0904 PON 00107523 Christian Contribution to Nation Building Ponnumuthan,Selvister Documentary Committee of CCI-KCBC National Celebration of the Jubilee of St.Thomas and St.Francis Xavier 2004 440 P. UG Library
291.092 HEL 05031841 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi / Helena, Ronald Olson New Age Books, 2003 8178222175 302 p Knowledge Centre
291.092 KOO 00071534 Priests and Society: A Sociological Study of the Prospects and Challenges [ Dharmaram Library] Koonan, Thomas Kristu Jyothi Publications 2005 8187370327 323p UG Library
291.0952 REA 05005012 Japanese Religions PAst & Present / Reader Ian RoutledgeCurzon, 2002 9781873410011 189 p. Knowledge Centre
291.0952 REA 00075128 Religion in Contemporary Japan. Reader, Ian 1995 0824813537 277p UG Library
291.0952 REA 00075130 Religion in Contemporary Japan. Reader, Ian 1995 0824813537 277p UG Library
291.0952 REA 00075129 Religion in Contemporary Japan. Reader, Ian 1995 0824813537 277p UG Library
291.0954 ARL 00109541 Religious Pluralism Arles,Siga Centre for Contemporary Christianity 2006 xviii; 266 p. UG Library
291.0954 BUC 00100620 Faiths, Fairs, and Festivals Of India Buck, C.H Asian Educational Services, | Rupa & Co 1999 8120613198 | 8171676146 ix, 262 p. | 221 p. UG Library
291.0954 BUC 00078641 Faiths, Fairs, and Festivals Of India Buck, C.H Asian Educational Services, | Rupa & Co 1999 8120613198 | 8171676146 ix, 262 p. | 221 p. UG Library
291.0954MAL 01003334 Religious Pluralism in South Asia and Europe (law Lib) Jamal Malik Oxford University Press 0195669754 317p Knowledge Centre
291.1 IMM 00064792 Indian Culture and Christianity Immanuel, G Sundararajan OM BOOKS 2005 8173622876 131p UG Library
291.1 KAC 00068490 Gandhi and Truth Kachappilly, Joy Akansha Publishing House 8187606975 244p UG Library
291.1 LEP 00068470 Buddha and the Christ Lefebure, Leo D SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS 1993 0817030489 239p UG Library
291.1 MER 00129340 Encyclopedia of World Mythology and Legends Mercatante,Anthony S Viva 2015 9788130931739 624p UG Library
291.1 MER 00129341 Encyclopedia of World Mythology and Legends Mercatante,Anthony S Viva 2015 9788130931739 624p UG Library
291.1 REY 00068467 Religious and Practical Research Reynolds, Frank E SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS 2005 0008170308 444p UG Library
291.1 SMA 05041044 The Yogi and the Devotee : Smart Ninian George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1968 9780415684996 174p.: Knowledge Centre
291.13 BAR 07012960 Mythologies/ Barthes,Vintage Vintage Books, 2009 9780099529750 XIX,131 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
291.13 BAR 07012961 Mythologies/ Barthes,Vintage Vintage Books, 2009 9780099529750 XIX,131 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
291.13 BAR 07012962 Mythologies/ Barthes,Vintage Vintage Books, 2009 9780099529750 XIX,131 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
291.13 BAR 07008821 Mythologies/ Barthes,Vintage Vintage Books, 2009 9780099529750 XIX,131 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
291.13 CAM 00125784 The masks of God Campbell, Joseph, Arkana, 1991 0140194436 (v. 1) : 504p UG Library
291.13 CAM 05029037 Historical Atlas of World Mythology Campbhell, Joseph Pl 124p Knowledge Centre
291.13 CAM 05029040 Historical Atlas of World Mythology Vol-11 Campbhell, Joseph Pl 126p Knowledge Centre
291.13 CAM 05029038 Historical Atlas of World Mythology Vol-1 Campbell, Joseph Pl 260p Knowledge Centre
291.13 CAM 05029041 Historical Atlas of World Mythology Vo1:Ii the Way of the Seeded Earth Campbell, Joseph Pl 126 p Knowledge Centre
291.13 CAM 05029039 Historical Atlas of World Mythology. Vol:ii. the Way of the Seeded Earth Campbell, Joseph Pl 138 p Knowledge Centre
291.13 COU 05057506 Greek and Roman Mythology / Couch, Malcom Tiger Books International, 1997 1855019329 | 9781855019324 128p.; Knowledge Centre
291.13 COU 00079129 Myth Coupe, Laurence Routledge 2007 0415134943 219 p. UG Library
291.13 COU 00082332 Myth Coupe, Laurence Routledge 2007 0415134943 219 p. UG Library
291.13 FLA 05029402 Encyclopedia of Mithology [ Gods, Heroes, and Legends of the Greeks and Rom Flaum, Eric Friedman Group Book 1854228846 175p Knowledge Centre
291.13 STO 05037965 Greek Mythology / Stoneman, Richard. Diamond Books, 1995 0261666525 192p.; Knowledge Centre
291.13 WIL 05001414 World Mythology Willis, Roy 0805049134 311p Knowledge Centre
291.13093 LEE 00106096 Jealous gods and chosen people : Leeming, David Adams, Oxford University Press, 2004 0195147898 (alk. paper) | 9780 ix, 150 p. : UG Library
291.13WHI 05001388 Introduction to Oriental Mythology Whittaker, Clio Grange, 1989 1856278204 127p.; Knowledge Centre
291.14 STA 03008265 For the Glory of God : Stark, Rodney. Princeton University Press, 2003 0691114366 (alk. paper) | 9780 x, 488 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
291.14 ZAE 00142997 Hindu and Muslim mysticism. Zaehner, R. C. Bloomsbury 2021 9789354352195 234 p. UG Library
291.144 HAR 05007272 Shamanism : Harvey, Graham Routledge, 2003 9780415253307 (pbk.) xv, 461 p. : Knowledge Centre
291.17 BAN 07010341 Religion and modernity in india / Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199467785 314p. Library - BR Campus
291.17 BAN 05056668 Religion and modernity in india / Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199467785 314p. Knowledge Centre
291.17 VEE 01007385 Imperial encounters : Veer, Peter van der. Permanent Black, 2001 9788178241685 x, 205 p. ; Knowledge Centre
291.17091724 SAH 05031843 Religious Fundamentalism in Developing Countries / Saha, Santosh C Greenwood Press, 2005 0313311552 217 p Knowledge Centre
291.171 WAR 00092882 Religion and Community / Ward, Keith, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 2000 019875258X (hardcover : alk. p 366 p. ; UG Library
291.172 ARB 00022724 Guidelines for a Dialugoe Between Muslims and Christians Arberry, Arthur S K.C.M Prees 1979 182 p.: UG Library
291.172 DRA 00112713 The Dreamer Drago, C I J A Publications 2004 8186778489 225p UG Library
291.172 IRU 00130177 Love And Knowledge Irudayaraj, Maria Antony J S F S Publications 2014 363p UG Library
291.172 KAL 00103606 Pilgrims in Dialogue : Kaliath, Antony Dharmaram Publications, 9788686861238 416 p. UG Library
291.172 LEI 00142999 Interreligious Studies: Leirvik, Oddbjorn Bloomsbury 2021 9789389351729 196p UG Library
291.172 LEI 00143075 Interreligious Studies: Leirvik, Oddbjorn Bloomsbury 2021 9789389351729 196p UG Library
291.172 MAD 00099116 Secularism and Fundamentalism in India : Madan T,N Oxford university press, 1997 9780198065104 2nd. xxiii;374 p. UG Library
291.172 MAD 05031790 Secularism and Fundamentalism in India : Madan T,N Oxford university press, 1997 9780198065104 2nd. xxiii;374 p. Knowledge Centre
291.172 MAD 05071568 Secularism and Fundamentalism in India : Madan T,N Oxford university press, 1997 9780198065104 2nd. xxiii;374 p. Knowledge Centre
291.172 MAD 01017118 Secularism and Fundamentalism in India : Madan T,N Oxford university press, 1997 9780198065104 2nd. xxiii;374 p. Knowledge Centre
291.172 MIT 00144089 Possibility of Interreligious Dialogue / Mitias, Michael. Palgrave macmillan, 2021 9783030705190 144p,; UG Library
291.172 PAR 00112885 The cross and the crescent : Parshall, Phil. Authentic Publishers 2013 9789381905715 224 p. ; UG Library
291.172 PIN 00135078 Interreligious Dialogue Pinto,Simon ATC Publications 2018 9789386516381 183p UG Library
291.172 STA 05031788 Religion, Deviance, & Social Control / Stark, Rodney Routledge, 1996 213 p Knowledge Centre
291.175 COL 05031792 Competing Truths : Coleman, Richard J. Trinity Press International Press, 2001 1563383608 | 9781563383601 322 p. Knowledge Centre
291.175 DIC 00067531 Introducing Spiritual Art Dictor, Atman Tirangapublications 2000 8493110140 87p UG Library
291.175 GOO 05031791 Capitalism And Religion : Goodchild, Philip, Routledge, 2002 0415282233 | 0415282241 (PBK.) xvi, 260 p. ; Knowledge Centre
291.175 GOU 00087719 Rocks of Ages Science and Religion in the Fullness of Life Stephen Jay, Gould 2001 0099284529 241p UG Library
291.175 HUY 05028217 Encyclopedia of science and religion / Macmillan Reference ; | Thomson Gale, 0028657047 (alk. paper) | 0028 2 v. ; Knowledge Centre
291.175 HUY 05028218 Encyclopedia of science and religion / Macmillan Reference ; | Thomson Gale, 0028657047 (alk. paper) | 0028 2 v. ; Knowledge Centre
291.175 RIC 00112819 Faith in Science Richardson, Mark W. Routledge 2001 0415257654 | 9780415257657 207 p. UG Library
291.175 RIC 00052850 Faith in Science Richardson, Mark W. Routledge 2001 0415257654 | 9780415257657 207 p. UG Library
291.175 RIC 00111513 Science and the spiritual quest : Richardson,Mark w Routledge, 2002 0415257662 | 0415257670 (pbk.) xi, 264 p. : UG Library
291.175COL 00109565 Competing Truths : Coleman, Richard J. Trinity Press International Press, 2001 1563383608 | 9781563383601 322 p. UG Library
291.177 GEA 00086358 Human Rights & Religion. Gearon, Liam Susses Academic 2002 1902210956 404 p UG Library
291.177ZUP 01003171 Disputed Mission: Jesuit Experiments and Brahmanical Knowledge in Seventeenth-Centruy India (law Lib) Ines G Zupanov Oxford University Press 0195658825 277p Knowledge Centre
291.178321 KOE 05031794 Healing Power of Faith : Koenig, G Harold Touchstone, 2001 0684852977 332 p Knowledge Centre
291.178321 LEV 00081028 God, Faith, and Health:Exploring the Spirituality-Healing Connection Levin, Jeff 2001 0471218936 256p UG Library
291.17835 DEY 00134483 What Does the Bible Really Teach About Homosexuality Deyoung,Kevin Omega Book World 2015 9788193700860 158p UG Library
291.17873 PAN 05074525 Cultural Disarmament : Panikkar, Raimon Westminster john Knox Press, 1995 9780664255497 142 p. ; Knowledge Centre
291.2 XCOH 03001925 Interfaith Theology: A Reader Cohn-Sherbok, Dan One World 9781851682768 257 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
291.2 COP 05031793 Religion & The One : Copleston, Frederick Contonuum, 2002 0826465722 281 p Knowledge Centre
291.2 GOT 00117537 A spirituality of resistance : Gottlieb, Roger S. Crossroad Pub. Co., 1999 0824515188 (hardcover) x, 195 p. ; UG Library
291.2 HAR 00070596 Walk With Four Spiritual Guides Harvey, Andrew Jaico Publishing House 2005 8179924246 | 9798179924241 xiii, 168 p. UG Library
291.2 LIN 00071517 After Noah: Animals and the Liberation of Therology Linzey, Andrew 1997 0264674502 156p UG Library
291.2 SHE 00108131 Interfaith Theology Sherbok,Dan Cohn Oneworld, 2001 1851682767 ix, 257 p. : UG Library
291.2092 RAH 00071526 Cambridge Companion to Karl Rahmer [ Dharmaram Library] Rahner, Karl 2003 0521540453 317p UG Library
291.211 AUS 07001516 Is anybody out there? : Austin, Mark John Wiley & Sons, 2003 0870611542 : | 0870611542 : xii, 251 p. Library - BR Campus
291.211 FRA 00065678 Gods, Sages and Kings Vedic Secrets of Ancient Civilization Frawley, David MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2003 8120816242 396p UG Library
291.211 IYE 00069095 Dictionary of Hindu Gods and Goddesses Iyengar, T. R. R. D K Print World 2003 8124602336 326 p. UG Library
291.211 KEN 00092964 God's Gentle Rebel Kentenich, Joseph St pauls press 2009 9788171097838 175p UG Library
291.21103BAU 05002484 Comprehensive Dictionary of the Gods / Baumgartner, Anne Wings Books, 1995 9780517123584 201p.: Knowledge Centre
291.21103JOR 01000864 Encyclopaedia of Gods (law Lib) Michael Jordan Kyle Kathie Limited 1856266362 309p Knowledge Centre
291.21109548 CAL 00068926 Gods and Temples in South India. Callewaert, Winand M Manohar Publishers 2005 8178173045 243p UG Library
291.2114 EDW 00117646 The storyteller's goddess : Edwards, Carolyn McVickar. Marlowe, 2000 1569246483 2nd ed., rev. and expanded. xv, 253 p. ; UG Library
291.2114 KIN 00068473 Goddesses Mirror Kinsley, David SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS 1995 8170304512 320p UG Library
291.2114 MCD 00065635 Encountering Kali in the Margins, at the Center, in the West Mcdermott, Rachel Fell MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2005 0812082041 321p UG Library
291.21140954HIL 01003359 Is the Goddess a Feminist? : The Politics of South Asian Goddesses(law Lib) Alf Hiltebeitel Oxford University Press 0195664191 287p Knowledge Centre
291.2118 GAR 00109580 Why are you silent, Lord? Garrison, Roman, Sheffield Academic Press, 2000 1841270695 | 9781841270692 96 p. ; UG Library
291.21203 AND 00068443 Dictionary of Nature Myths Andrews, Tamra 1998 0195136772 283p UG Library
291.2120973 ALB 00117677 Reconsidering nature religion Albanese, Catherine L. Trinity Press International, 2002 1563383764 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 77 p. ; UG Library
291.213 GIE 00130241 Spiritual Titanism : Gier, Nicholas F., State University of New York Press, 2000 0791445275 (hardcover : alk. p xxvi, 302 p; UG Library
291.22 COA 00105177 Religion and the Body Coakley,Sarah. Cambridge University Press, 1997 0521366690 (hardcover) xvii, 312 p. : UG Library
291.22 COW 03005469 Sin and Salvation in the World Religions : Coward, Harold G. Oneworld Publications, 2003 1851683194 | 9781851683192 viii, 197 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
291.22 PAC 00072090 Rediscovering Holiness [dharmaram Library] Packer J I OM BOOKS 2000 8173623074 271 UG Library
291.22 RUN 03005858 The Meaning of Life in the World Religions / Runzo, Joseph. Oneworld, 2000 1851682003 | 1851682007 | 9781 xvi, 330 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
291.22 SIN 00070130 Religious Concept of Sin (Dharmaram) N K Singh Global Vision 2003 8187746041 329p UG Library
291.23 ARM 00135050 The End of he Present World Arminjon,Charles ATC Publishers 2008 9789386516688 308p UG Library
291.23 COW 00068465 Life After Death in World Religions Coward, Harold SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS 1997 0008170305 131p UG Library
291.23 DAV 00141307 Immortality & Reincarnation / David-Neel, Alexandra, Inner Traditions, 1997 0892816198 (alk. paper) ix, 133 p. ; UG Library
291.23 VAN 00081027 Encyclopedia of Heaven Vanscott, Miriam 1999 0312198701 277p UG Library
291.237 BHA 05070373 Coming back : The bhaktivedanta book trust. The Bhaltivedanta Book Trust, 1984 xvii,134p.; Knowledge Centre
291.24 COB 00068472 Emptying God Cobb, John B SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS 1990 8170304903 212p UG Library
291.25 SCH 00143905 The Dogma of Hell Schowppe, F X Tan Books 2012 9780895559005 112p UG Library
291.3 AMI 03012611 Immortal India : Amish. Westland Publications Ltd., 2017 9788193432006 188 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
291.3 APO 00090367 Library of Greek Mythology Apollodorus Oxford 9780199536320 290p UG Library
291.35 AES 05031796 The Great Temples of India, Ceylon and Burma / Asian Educational Services Asian Educational Services, 1999 8120603850 96 p Knowledge Centre
291.35 HOL 00130239 Sacred place Holm,Jean Pinter Publishers ; | Distributed in the U.S. and Canada by St. Martin's Press, 1994 1855671042 (hb) | 1855671050 ( xii, 206 p.: UG Library
291.35 KAR 00065607 Hindu Temple Kramrisch, Stella MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1976 0008120825 546p UG Library
291.35 KRA 00065606 Hindu Temple. Kramrisch, Stella MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1976 8120802225 295p UG Library
291.35 ORT 00065599 Where Every Breath Is a Prayer Ortner, Jon 1996 1556704399 232p UG Library
291.35 PAR 05044272 Sacred Australia : Aditya Prakashan, 2009 9788177420982 xxv,305p.: Knowledge Centre
291.35 RAO 05031842 Temples of Karnataka / Rao, A V Shankaranarayana Vasan Publications, 2001 118 p Knowledge Centre
291.35 SOL 00118052 The Tabernacle, the priesthood and the offerings. Soltau, Henry W., Kregel Publications 1972 0825437032 [Illustrated ed.] xii, 474 p. UG Library
291.35 SRI 05031798 Hindu India : Srierlin, Henri Taschen, 1998 3822876496 234 p Knowledge Centre
291.350954 DEV 05031797 Temples of Khajuraho / Deva, Krishna Archeological Survey of India, 1990 521 p. Knowledge Centre
291.350954 DEV 05031800 Temples of Khajuraho / Deva, Krishna Archeological Survey of India, 1990 521 p. Knowledge Centre
291.350954 SAR 05031795 Temples of India / Sareen, T R Anmol Publications, 1993 8170416388 288 p Knowledge Centre
291.350954 SAR 00058456 Temples of India Sareen, T R Anmol Publications 2000 8170416388 291 UG Library
291.3509548 VAI 05031799 Temples of South India : Vaidyanathan Sunil English Edition, 2003 8187853212 335 p. Knowledge Centre
291.35095482 RAG 00067524 Navagraha Temples of Tamil Nadu Kaveri Delta Raghavan, Padma English Edition Publisher 2005 8189066226 144p UG Library
291.3509548FUL 01003241 Renewal of the Priesthood (law Lib) J Fuller Oxford University Press 0195668944 207p Knowledge Centre
291.36 EBE 00112183 Sacred time and the search for meaning / Eberle, Gary. Shambhala Publications, 2003 1570629625 (alk. paper) 1st ed. xvi, 222 p. ; UG Library
291.37 DSO 00068517 Studies in Religious Imagination and Symbolism Souza, Albert D Mittal Publications 2005 8183240062 321p UG Library
291.37 GOS 00123167 Devadasi : Goswami, Kali Prasad A P H Publishing, 2000 8176481300 98 p UG Library
291.37 GOS 05031832 Devadasi : Goswami, Kali Prasad A P H Publishing, 2000 8176481300 98 p Knowledge Centre
291.38 PUT 00022725 Come, Let Us Celebrate Puthidam, I Asian Trading Corporation 1981 298 p.: UG Library
291.38 SCH 00058529 Primitive Rituals of the Aryan People Schrader, O Global Vision 2002 8187746505 198 p. UG Library
291.4 BLO 03008301 Making Peace with God : Bloomfield, Harold M. D. Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, 2003 1585421596 (alk. paper) | 9781 290 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
291.4 AUR 00125897 Living Words Aurobindo Sri Aurobindo Ashram 2000 198p UG Library
291.4 AUR 00125895 Growing Within Aurobindo Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1992 191p UG Library
291.4 AUR 00125907 The Hidden Forcess of Life Aurobindo Sri Aurobindo Ashram 2012 203p UG Library
291.4 AUR 00125910 Towards Perfect Health Aurobindo Sri Aurobindo Ashram 2006 159p UG Library
291.4 BLO 04017183 Making Peace with God : Bloomfield, Harold M. D. Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, 2003 1585421596 (alk. paper) | 9781 290 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
291.4 DEO 05066898 A Gift of Grace : Deol,Daler Aashna. Niyogi Books, 2019 9789389136166 231p.; Knowledge Centre
291.4 ELK 00112186 Spiritual revolution a wayout Elkins,David N. New age books, 2010 9788178223391 x,310p.; UG Library
291.4 FER 09001108 Revisioning transpersonal theory : Ferrer, Jorge N. State University of New York Press, 2002 0791451674 (alk. paper) | 0791451682 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxvi, 273 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
291.4 KAU 00134764 Brihadaranyaka Kaul,Kadambari Celestial Books 2015 9789381836705 539p UG Library
291.4 KUM 00134772 Know Thyself Kumar,Gian Celestial Books 2015 9789381836873 336p UG Library
291.4 KUM 00134781 Think From The Heart Love From the Mind Kumar,Gian Celestial Books 2015 9789352013739 358p UG Library
291.4 KUM 00134780 The Ultimate Reality Kumar,Gian Celestial Books 2015 9789352013746 318p UG Library
291.4 MAL 00112161 Demystifying Death Malhotra,Vinod New Age Books 2013 9788178224466 153p UG Library
291.4 MAN 00107913 All by Love Maniparampil,Jose Tejas Vidya Peetha 2011 310 P. UG Library
291.4 PRA 00092946 The Gentle art of Blessing Pradervand, Pierre St pauls press 2009 9788171097982 202p UG Library
291.4 RUS 00134514 Spiritual Classics Russell,James M Constable and Robinson Ltd 2009 9781849011266 244p UG Library
291.4 SAD 00134587 Of Mystics and Mistakes Sadguru Jaico 2018 9788184953084 200p UG Library
291.4 SAM 00074234 Symbiosis of Science Spirituality. Singh, Sampooran Kalpaz 2006 8178355094 396p UG Library
291.4 SEG 00112157 Collision with the Infinite: Segal,Suzanne New Age Books 2009 9788178221137 175p UG Library
291.4 SPR 00101420 Spirituality and Theology : Allen, Diogenes. Westminster John Knox Press, 1998 0664257410 (alk. paper) 1st ed. 150 p. ; UG Library
291.4 VAL 00112568 A Winning Loser Valladares,James St.Pauls 2012 9788171099368 142p UG Library
291.4 WOL 00075710 Thinking With Your Soul Wolman, N Richard Harmony Books 2001 0609605488 | 9780609605486 288 p. UG Library
291.403 GAR 00052504 Classical Dictionary of India Garrett, John Rupa & Co 2001 8171671896 693p UG Library
291.42 GRI 00121175 Human and Divine : Griffith-Dickson, Gwen Duckworth, 2000 0715630539 309 p UG Library
291.42 GRI 05031844 Human and Divine : Griffith-Dickson, Gwen Duckworth, 2000 0715630539 309 p Knowledge Centre
291.42 LAM 00117474 Religious conversion : Lamb,Christopher Cassell, 1999 0304338427 | 0304338435 (pbk.) viii, 342 p. ; UG Library
291.42 MER 00110286 Mystics and Zen Masters Merton, Thomas, Farrar, Strauss and Giroux 1967 9780374520014 x, 303 p. UG Library
291.42 STA 00028238 The Significance of Jesus Christ in Asia Staffner, Hans Gujarat Sahitya Prakash 1985 264 p.: UG Library
291.42 SWE 00091836 Religious Belief: The contemporary debate Sweet William Dharmaram Publications 8186861572 168p UG Library
291.42 VIS 00087752 Outside the Fold: Conversion, Modrnity and Belief Viswanathan, Gauri 2001 0195657357 332 p UG Library
291.4201 BOU 00099452 The Religious Within Experience and Existence : Bourgeois, Patrick L. Duquesne University Press, 1990 0820702145 | 0820702153 (pbk.) ix, 132 p. ; UG Library
291.422 ABR 00068462 Comparative Survey of Hindu, Christian and Jewish Mysticism Abraham, E M SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS 1995 0008170307 274p UG Library
291.422 KNA 00068565 Search for Destiny Knapp, Stephen Black and White 2005 8189320122 237p UG Library
291.422 UND 00069869 Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness: Mysticism Underhill, Evelyn Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851681965 519p UG Library
291.422019 KAK 05031815 Analyst and the Mystic : Kakar, Sudhir Penguin Books, 2007 0143101854 92 p Knowledge Centre
291.42KIM 01003363 In Search of Identity(law Library) Sebastian C H Kim Oxford University Press 0195677129 250p Knowledge Centre
291.42ROB 01003331 Religious Conversion in India:modes, Motivations and Meanings (law Library) Rowena Robinson Oxford University Press 0195663292 420p Knowledge Centre
291.42VIS 01006800 Outside the Fold: Conversion, Modernity, an Belief ( Law Lib.) Gauri Viswanathan Oxford University Press 0195657357 332p. Knowledge Centre
291.43 BAR 00115417 Learn to Pray. Braybrooke, Marcus 2001 1903296226 159 UG Library
291.43 EAS 05031853 The Making of a Teacher : Tim Penguin Books, 2002 191 p Knowledge Centre
291.43 HAR 05031854 The Art of Living : Hart, William Embassy Books, 2004 8188452130 171 p Knowledge Centre
291.43 OSH 04023162 Flight of the Alone to the Alone : OSHO Penguine Anand, 2011 9780143068334 420p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
291.432 VAN 05031813 Ultil Today : Vanzant, Iyanla Simon & Schuster, 2000 0684859971 365 p Knowledge Centre
291.435 BEI 05007097 Finding the center within : Bien, Thomas. John Wiley & Sons, 2003 9788126528202 xix, 268 p. ; Knowledge Centre
291.435 CHI 00121278 For Everything A Season Chittister,Joan Pauline Publications 2014 9788171768073 163p UG Library
291.436 CHO 00110943 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga Chopra,Deepak Wiley India 2007 8126506962 207p UG Library
291.44 BRU 05031835 SPIRITUAL RX : Brussat, Ann Hyperion, 2006 0000786808 350 p Knowledge Centre
291.44 DEN 00112669 Diversity of Vocations Dennis,Marie St. Pauls 2011 9789350150535 142p UG Library
291.44 DYE 07000966 Your Sacred Self : Dyer, Wayne W. HarperCollinsPublishers, 1995 0060177861 | 9780062312969 ix, 342 p. : Library - BR Campus
291.44 DYE 03009689 Your Sacred Self : Dyer, Wayne W. HarperCollinsPublishers, 1995 0060177861 | 9780062312969 ix, 342 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
291.44 FOU 00121239 The Foundations of Religious Life Pauline Publications 2015 9788171768400 406p UG Library
291.44 HEL 05041043 The believer's brain : Heilman, Kenneth M., Psychology Press, 2014 9781848725003 (hbk.) | 1848725 xiv, 146 pages : Knowledge Centre
291.44 MAB 00112683 Ministerial Journey mabheka,Innocent St.Pauls 2011 9789350150528 95p UG Library
291.44 SCH 00091870 The Art of Spiritual Warfare : Schnarr, Grant R. Theosophical Pub. House, 2000 9788180460012 1st Quest ed. xiii, 168 p. ; UG Library
291.44 SCH 00117412 Selling All Schneiders Sandra M Pauline Publications 2008 8171765238 471p UG Library
291.44 SCH 00121238 Finding The treasure Schneiders M,Sandra Pauline Publications 2008 8171765181 450p UG Library
291.44 SHA 00134515 Spiritual maturity : Sharp, Joseph, Perigee Books, 2001 039952679X (pbk.) lst ed. xix, 183 p. ; UG Library
291.44 TOL 00140168 The Power of Now Tolle,Eckhart Yogi Impressions 2001 9788190105910 192p UG Library
291.446 CHO 05031814 Sociology of Pilgrims / Choudhary, P K Kalpaz, 2004 8178352729 246 p Knowledge Centre
291.446 DIA 00071925 Freeing the creative spirit : Diaz, Adriana. HarperSanFrancisco, 1992 0062501828 (alk. paper) 1st ed. xvi, 223 p. : UG Library
291.446 FRA 00071404 Rope in the Water Fraser, Sylvia Roli Books 2005 8174362061 334 p. UG Library
291.5 NIE 00068238 Moral Man and Immoral Society Niebuhr 2005 0826477143 186p UG Library
291.5 RUS 00063013 From Science to God Russell, Peter Yogi Impressions Books Pvt. Ltd. 2003 129 p. UG Library
291.5 TWI 00143467 Explorations in global ethics : Twiss, Sumner B. Westview Press, 2000 0813366232 ix, 350 p. ; UG Library
291.5 VOH 07009331 Man,Morals and Self: Vohra,Ashok Viva Books, 2014 9788130927176 X,265 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
291.544 KRI 00102432 Life Ahead; Krishnamurti.J Krishnamurti foundation India; 8187326158 204 p. UG Library
291.5642 MAN 00141204 Surrogate Motherhood: Mangattu, Anil Mathew Media House 2019 9789388989152 533p UG Library
291.5697 JUE 05031855 Terror in the Mind of God : Juergensmeyer, Mark Oxford University Press, 2002 0195657152 316 p Knowledge Centre
291.56BRA 01003240 Production of Hindu -Muslim Violence in Contemporary India(law Library) Paul R Brass Oxford University Press 0195664884 476p Knowledge Centre
291.56BRA 01003740 Production of Hindu -Muslim Violence in Contemporary India(law Library) Paul R Brass Oxford University Press 0195664884 476p Knowledge Centre
291.56BRA 01005384 Production of Hindu -Muslim Violence in Contemporary India(law Library) Paul R Brass Oxford University Press 0195664884 476p Knowledge Centre
291.5BAI 01003343 Civility of Indifference(law Lib) F G Bailey OXFORD 0195640659 184p Knowledge Centre
291.5JUE 01003162 Terror in the Mind of God (law Library) Mark Juergensmeyer Oxford University Press 0195657152 316p Knowledge Centre
291.61 THO 00091840 Religion and politics in Asia Today Thottakara Augustine Dharmaram Publications 320p UG Library
291.62 HAN 00068025 Siva in the Forest of Pines Handelman, Don Oxford University Press 2004 0195665503 | 9780195665505 246 p. UG Library
291.657 LES 00120897 Sparks to set the World on Fire Lesser, R H St. Pauls 2008 9788171098699 187p UG Library
291.7 GOO 00110057 Mission and Conversion Goodman, Martin, Clarendon Press ; | Oxford University Press, 1994 90198263872 (pbk.) | 019814941 xiv, 194 p. ; UG Library
291.7 HIE 00072047 Anthropological Insights for Missionaries Hiebert, G Paul Baker Accademic, 0801042917 312p UG Library
291.70954 KAW 05031856 Missionaires and a Hindu State : Kawashima, Koji Oxford University Press, 2000 0195655346 252 p Knowledge Centre
291.74 ERR 00079842 Reconstructing Religious, Spiritual and Moral Education Erricker, Clive Routledge 2000 210p UG Library
291.7HIE 00112654 Anthropological Insights for Missionaries Hiebert, G Paul Baker Accademic, 0801042917 312p UG Library
291.8 EAS 00070646 God Makes the Rivers Flow Easwaran, Eknath Jaico Publishing House 2006 8179923304 | 9788179923306 332 p. UG Library
291.82 COW 04008443 Scripture in the world religions : Coward, Harold Oneworld, 2007 9781851682447 xvi, 222p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
291.82 GIL 00072235 Wisdom of Memoir [dharmaram Library] Gilmour, Peter 2000 0884894274 184 UG Library
291.82 SMA 00117644 Sacred texts of the world : Smart,Ninian Crossroad, 1982 0824504836 xv, 446 p., [16] p. of plates : UG Library
291.954 ZAC 00040365 Modern Religious & Secular Movements in India Zchariah, Aleyamma Sevasadan Training Institute 1992 314 p.: UG Library
292 THA 05043999 A Prophet of Women's Spirituality : Thattamparampil,Saviomma. Saviomma Thattamparampil, 2015 xxvi,452p.; Knowledge Centre
292 THA 05044000 A Prophet of Women's Spirituality : Thattamparampil,Saviomma. Saviomma Thattamparampil, 2015 xxvi,452p.; Knowledge Centre
292 THA 05044001 A Prophet of Women's Spirituality : Thattamparampil,Saviomma. Saviomma Thattamparampil, 2015 xxvi,452p.; Knowledge Centre
292 THA 00120893 A Prophet of Women's Spirituality : Thattamparampil,Saviomma. Saviomma Thattamparampil, 2015 xxvi,452p.; UG Library
292 GRE 00004436 Greek and Roman Mythology Sabine G, Oswalt Great Britain 1965 313 p. UG Library
292 WIL 00064744 Christianity Wilson, Brian 2000 0415211611 128p UG Library
292.03 HOU 00092883 The Complete Encyclopedia of Greek Mythology Houtzager Guus Rebo International 2006 9789036615013 269p UG Library
292.07 AND 03006385 The Matter of the Gods : Ando, Clifford. University of California Press, 2008 9780520250833 | 0520250834 (cl xxiv, 239 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
292.07 CIC 00090373 Nature of the Gods Cicero Oxford 9780199540068 230p UG Library
292.07 CIC 00121775 The nature of the gods / Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Clarendon Press, 1997 0198150407 (alk. paper) lv, 230 p. ; UG Library
292.08 HAR 00110238 Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion Harrison, Jane Ellen, Princeton University Press, 1991 0691015147 (alk. paper) : xxx, 682 p. : UG Library
292.0809395 BRA 07013613 Greek religion and cults in the Black Sea region : Braund, David, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107182547 (hardback) xv, 314 pages ; Library - BR Campus
292.1/3 SEA 00131911 Mythology 101 : Sears, Kathleen. Adams Media, 2014 9781440573323 (hbk.) | 1440573328 (pbk.) 288 p. ; UG Library
292.13 GRA 00080896 Greek Myths. Graves, Robert 1960 0140010262 370p UG Library
292.13 MAR 05033251 The Penguin book of classical myths / March, Jennifer R. Allen Lane, 2008 9781846141300 (hbk.) | 1846141 xxiii, 590 p., [8] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
292.13 MOR 05048820 Classical mythology Morales, Helen. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780191517006 | 0192804766 (pb 143 p. : Knowledge Centre
292.13 PAT 00140322 Olympus: Pattanaik,Devdutt Penguin Books 2016 9780143428299 265p UG Library
292.13 SEA 05054616 Mythology 101 : Sears, Kathleen. Aadamsmedia, 2010 9781440573323 | 1440573328 (p 288 pages : Knowledge Centre
292.13 SEA 03012621 Mythology 101 : Sears, Kathleen. Aadamsmedia, 2010 9781440573323 | 1440573328 (p 288 pages : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
292.13 STU 07014815 Greek mythology / Stuttard, David Thames and Hudson Publication, 2016 9780500518328 263p.; Library - BR Campus
292.2 HEA 00137248 The Bible, Homer, and the search for meaning in ancient myths : Heath, John, Routledge, 2019 9780429022340 (ebook) | 9780429666469 (web pdf) | 9780429661020 ( mobi/kindle) | 9780429663741 (epub) 1 [edition]. 1 online resource. UG Library
292.21 GAR 05004853 The Medusa reader / Routledge, 2003 0415900980 (alk. paper) | 0415 xvi, 310 p. : Knowledge Centre
292.2113 DOU 05007298 Prometheus / Dougherty, Carol. Routledge, 2006 9780415324069 (pbk. : alk. pap xvi, 155 p. : Knowledge Centre
292.2113 DOW 05005407 Zeus / Dowden, Ken, Routledge, 2006 0415305020 | 9780415305020 | 0 xxv, 164 p. : Knowledge Centre
292.2113 GRA 05005141 Apollo / Graf, Fritz. Routledge, 2009 9780415317108 (hardback : alk. xviii, 190 p. : Knowledge Centre
292.2113 SEA 05004742 Dionysos / Seaford, Richard Routledge : 2006 9780415324885 158 p. : Knowledge Centre
292.2114 DEA 05005326 Athena / Deacy, Susan. Routledge, 2008 9780415300650 (hardback : alk. xviii, 175 p. : Knowledge Centre
292.213 LEE 05064203 Medusa : Leeming, David Adams, Reaktion Books, 2013 9781780230955 123p.; Knowledge Centre
292.213 OGD 05004667 Perseus / Ogden, Daniel. Routledge, 2008 9780415427241 (hardback : alk. xxiv, 194 p. : Knowledge Centre
292.23 GRA 05009321 The Greek Myths / Graves Robert Penguin Books, 1960 9780241952740 782 p. : Knowledge Centre
293 BOS 00100628 Hindu Philosophy : Bose, Ram Chandra Asian Educational services, 420 p. UG Library
293.12 GRA 05070243 The Greek Myths / Graves, Robert. Penguin Books Ltd, 1960 9780140205084 370p. ; Knowledge Centre
293.12 GRA 05070244 The Greek Myths / Graves, Robert. Penguin Books Ltd, 1960 9780140205091 412p. ; Knowledge Centre
293.13 GAI 07014597 Norse Mythology / Gaiman, Neil Bloomsbury Publication, 2018 9781526602060 ix,277p.; Library - BR Campus
293.13 GUE 05045362 Myths of the Norsemen : Guerber, H. A. Dover Publications, 1992 0486273482 xviii, 396 p. : Knowledge Centre
293.13 GUE 00120307 Myths of the Norsemen : Guerber, H. A. Dover Publications, 1992 0486273482 xviii, 396 p. : UG Library
293.13 LIN 05008502 Norse mythology Lindow, John. Oxford University Press, 2001 9780195153828 | 0195153820 xv, 365 p. : Knowledge Centre
293.14 GAI 00131824 Norse Mythology / Gaiman, Neil. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017 9781408890462 xix, 278p. UG Library
293.14 GAI 05057404 Norse Mythology / Gaiman, Neil. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017 9781408890462 xix, 278p. Knowledge Centre
293.3 GIM 00018235 An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English Gimson, A C Edward Arnold 1970 Second Edition 320 p.: UG Library
293.3 SON 00006654 Introduction to the Prounciation of English Gimson, A C Edward Arnold 1970 320p : . UG Library
293.537 KAU 03003525 Kautilya's Arthashastra Kautilya`S, Jaico Publishing House 9788184950298 168 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294 L-2 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
294 ALL 00103397 The Buddha and Dr.Fuhrer: Allen Charles Penguin books; 2010 9780143415749 292 p. UG Library
294 APP 00016214 Brahma Rishi Venkata Ratnam Naidu Appa Row, M R 1966 54p UG Library
294 AQU 07013855 Literary and religious practices in medieval and early modern India / Manohar Publication, 2019 9789350981368 217p.; Library - BR Campus
294 AYK 05031867 Cosmic Consciousness / Aykara, Thomas Dharmaram, 1997 8186861025 304 p Knowledge Centre
294 BAI 00068966 RELIGION IN MODERN INDIA Baird, Robert D Manohar Publishers & Distributors 2005 0817304273 | 9788173042737 4th Ed xiv; 626 p. UG Library
294 BEC 05031839 Colonialism, Modernity, and Religious Identities : Beckerlegge, Gwilym Oxford University Press, 2008 0195692144 274 p Knowledge Centre
294 BER 00007794 Religious of India.Hinduism,Yoga.Budhism Bewrry, Thomas Bruce 1971 226 p UG Library
294 BRO 00147704 Studies in the Sarvadarsanasamgraha Bronkhorst, Johannes Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House 2024 9789359663760 122p UG Library
294 CHA 00089671 Violent Gods:Hindu Nationalism in India`s Present-Narratives from Orissa Chatterji, P Angana 2009 469 p UG Library
294 CHA 00147705 The Philosophy of Visistadvaita Vedanta: Chari, S M Srinivasa Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House 2016 9789390713820 2nd edition 397p UG Library
294 CHE 00009732 Unique And Universal Chethimattam, J. B. Dharmaram College 1971 62 p. UG Library
294 CHE 00002086 Dialouge in Indian Tradition Chethimattam, John B Dharmaram 1969 162 UG Library
294 CHE 00011150 Dialouge in Indian Tradition Chethimattam, John B Dharmaram 1969 162 UG Library
294 CHE 00009523 Unique and Universal Chethimattam J.B. Dharmaram College 1972 229 p. UG Library
294 DAL 00090894 Nine Lives: in Search of the Sacred in Modrn India Dalrymple, William Bloomsbury 9781408800614 284p UG Library
294 DAL 00090217 Oxford India: Hinduism Reader Dalmia, Vasudha Oxford 9780198062462 397p UG Library
294 DHA 00140665 Ramayana : India's immortal tale of adventure, love, and wisdom / Dharma, Krishna. Mandala; 2020 9781683839194 479 p. ; UG Library
294 DIM 00122185 Classical Hindu Mythology Dimmitt,Cornelia Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 2015 9788120839724 373p UG Library
294 DON 00145405 Women, Androgynes and Other Mythical Beasts Doniger, Wendy Speaking Tiger Books LLP 2022 9789354474835 382p UG Library
294 EAS 05031845 Upanishads Easwaran, Eknath 0140191801 311 p Knowledge Centre
294 ELI 05002489 Hinduism and Buddhism: Eliot, Sir Charles Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 9788121510936 civ, 345 p. Knowledge Centre
294 ELI 05002449 Hinduism and Buddhism: Eliot, Sir Charles Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 9788121510936 civ, 345 p. Knowledge Centre
294 ELI 05002450 Hinduism and Buddhism: Eliot, Sir Charles Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 9788121510936 civ, 345 p. Knowledge Centre
294 EMB 00051567 Sources of Indian Tradition Embree, T. Ainslie Penguin Books 2001 0140154612 | 9780140154610 2nd Ed. 545 p. UG Library
294 EME 07005213 Interpretations Emerson,Ralph Waldo. Viva Book Private Limited, 2007 8130906570 Vii,293p.: Library - BR Campus
294 EME 07005214 Interpretation Tolkeien,TRR Viva Books Private Limited, 2007 Vii,181 pages. Library - BR Campus
294 FLO 05031837 An Introduction to Hinduism / Flood, Gavin Foundation Books, 1997 8175960280 320 p Knowledge Centre
294 FLO 05031838 An Introduction to Hinduism / Flood, Gavin Foundation Books, 1997 8175960280 320 p Knowledge Centre
294 FRA 00140556 What is Hinduism: Frawley,David Bloomsbury 2018 9789388038638 254p UG Library
294 FRE 00068998 Spirit of Asia Freeman, Michael Thames & Hudson 2000 0500510237 | 9780500510230 208 p. UG Library
294 GOP 00115418 Vedanta Darshana Gopinath Brilliant 2004 21p UG Library
294 GOY 00124872 Sramanism in Early Indian Religions and Religious Life Goyal, S r Kusumanjali Book World 2007 186p UG Library
294 GUE 00145835 Man & his becoming, according to the Vêdânta Guénon, René. Rider and Co., 1928 9789387496743 xx, 267 p. ; UG Library
294 GUR 00143334 A Cry in the Wilderness: Guru, Narayana Harpercollins 2022 9789356290358 321p UG Library
294 HAR 00088116 Religious Culture of India Hardy, Friedhelm 1994 9780521055949 613p UG Library
294 HAW 05065211 Bhakti and power : Orient BlackSwan, 2019 9789352876211 1st edition. xi,255p.; Knowledge Centre
294 HAW 05065459 Bhakti and power : Washington press, 2019 9780295745503 xi,255p.; Knowledge Centre
294 HAY 00051568 Sources of Indian Tradition Hay,Stephen Penguin 1988 9780140154627 2nd Ed. 433 p. UG Library
294 HEE 01007200 Indian Religions : Heehs, Peter Permanent Black , 2002 8178240793 620p. Knowledge Centre
294 HEE 05031811 Indian Religions : Heehs, Peter Permanent Black, 2002 8178240793 618 p. Knowledge Centre
294 HEE 00070036 Indian Religions. Heehs, Peter Permanent Black 2003 8178240793 620p UG Library
294 HEE 00085775 Indian Religions. Heehs, Peter Permanent Black 2003 8178240793 620p UG Library
294 HEN 05041481 Hindu-Catholic Engagements In Goa : Henn,Alexander. Orient BlackSwan, 2014 9788125055211 xi,214p.; Knowledge Centre
294 HEN 07004449 Hindu-Catholic Engagements In Goa : Henn,Alexander. Orient BlackSwan, 2014 9788125055211 xi,214p.; Library - BR Campus
294 HEW,98I 00018145 Yoga & You a Practical Approach Hewitt, James Longman 1967 160 p UG Library
294 HIN 05017403 The Hindu Speaks On Religious Values / Kasturi & Sons Ltd, 1999 xxi,747 p. : Knowledge Centre
294 ION 03006451 Indian Mythology / Ions, Veronica. P. Bedrick Books, 1984 9780753709481 New rev. ed. 144 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294 KAP 00142159 Hindutva and Indian Religious Traditions Kappen,S Manusham Publications 2000 80p UG Library
294 KOE 00009729 The God That Failed Arthur Koestler, Harper & Row Publishers 1963 275 p. UG Library
294 KRI 00144862 Can the mind be quiet? Aleph Book Company, 2023 9789395853217 252p UG Library
294 KUM 04022305 Swami Vivekananda : The Monk and the Reformer / Kumar, Anu Hachatte, 2014 9789350098257 161 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294 KUS 00141305 Historical Perspective of Ramjanam Bhumi / Kushwaha, Jimmy Singh Avon Publications; 2021 9789388960373 vi, 181 pages UG Library
294 LAL 07007261 Introduction Hinduism/ Lal,Vinay St Ives Plc, 2012 9781848311145 171 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
294 LIN 00052755 The Classical Law of India Lingat, Robert Calcutta 1998 0195645359 | 9780195645354 xvi; 303 p. UG Library
294 MAD 00068563 Religion in India Nadan, T N 2004 0195630920 460p UG Library
294 MAD 00147700 Beauty and the Saint: Madugula, I S Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House 2022 9789393214058 251p UG Library
294 MAN 00116373 Chaithanya mahaprabhu galu yaaru? Prabhupada,A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Bhaktivedanta book trust 1997 812830008 88 p.: UG Library
294 MAS 05031860 The Upanishads / Mascaro, Juan Penguin Books, 1995 0140441638 143 p Knowledge Centre
294 MCG 00140765 The snake and the mongoose : McGovern, Nathan, Oxford University Press 2019 9780190640798 xiv, 313 pages; UG Library
294 MIS 00143483 Gandhi, Ambedkar, Sarvarkar Hindu, Hinduism and Hindutva Mishra, Prem Anand Concept Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd, 2022 9789355945396 156 pages UG Library
294 MIT 00145671 Caste Pride: Mitta, Manoj Contxt 2023 9789357762946 596p UG Library
294 MOH 00141440 The Power of Purity: Mohan Ji Ebury Press 2017 9780143453215 p UG Library
294 MOO 00115419 Vrindvana Chandra Krishna ; Vrindavanadlli Sri Krishnana Lilegalu Munna, Suresh Anthararashtriya Krishnaprajna 2004 148p UG Library
294 NAD 00086598 Hinduism: A Gandhian Perspective Nadkarni, M V Ane Books 2008 8180522873 510 p UG Library
294 NIV 00145600 The Vital Truths of Hinduism Nivedita, Sister Lotus Press 2011 9788183822725 280p UG Library
294 OSH 00145597 Work is Love Made Visible Osho Pan Books 2023 9789395624411 300p UG Library
294 OSH 00145598 I am That: Jaico Publishing Huse 2018 9789391019099 329p UG Library
294 PAN 00147702 Life and Thought of Sankaracarya Pande, Govind Chandra Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House 2004 9788120811041 384p UG Library
294 PAT 00143273 Eden: Pattanaik, Devdutt Penguin 2021 9780670095407 276p UG Library
294 PRA 00145488 Karma: Prashant,Acharya Penguin Books 2021 9780143453314 282p UG Library
294 PRA 00141423 Karma: Prashant,Acharya Penguin Books 2021 9780143453314 282p UG Library
294 PRU 05031861 Religions and Faiths in India / Pruthi, Raj Kumar Mangal Deep Publications, 2004 8175941693 286 p Knowledge Centre
294 RAG 00140674 The Hidu nation : Raghavendra, M K Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd.; 2021 9789390358144 310 p. ; UG Library
294 RAG 00140721 The Hidu nation : Raghavendra, M K Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd.; 2021 9789390358144 310 p. ; UG Library
294 RAJ 00012936 Mahabharatha Rajagopalachari, C Bharat Book 1925 1 UG Library
294 RAM 05046968 Devotion and dissent in Indian history / Foundation Books, 2014 9789382993193 | 9382993193 xviii, 397 pages : Knowledge Centre
294 RAM 00115424 Krishna Anupama Udugore Ramaiah, Anatha Brilliant 2003 90p UG Library
294 RAM 00115423 Krishna Pragnege Arohana Ramaiah, Anantha Brilliant 1998 89p UG Library
294 RAM 07001278 Devotion and dissent in Indian history / Foundation Books, 2014 9789382993193 | 9382993193 xviii, 397 pages : Library - BR Campus
294 RAO 00115801 Harinamava Nenedhare Rao, Sheshagir Brilliant 2004 KA0038 165p UG Library
294 ROO 00147701 Bhamati and Vivarana Schools of Advaita Vedanta: Roodurmun, P S Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House 2010 9788120818903 Revised Edition 297p UG Library
294 SAD 00141402 Emotion: Sadhguru Jaico Publishing House 2021 9789386867506 105p UG Library
294 SAM 00145682 Veda Vihangam: Samarpan Pan Macmillan 2023 9789395624664 358p UG Library
294 SCH 00084348 Indian Thought and Its Development Schweitzer, Albert Wilco 2006 8182521602 225p UG Library
294 SHA 00145836 One Religion Too Many: Sharma, Aravind Dev Publishers and Distributors 2014 9789381406113 164p UG Library
294 SHA 00140532 Hindutva: Sharma,Jyotiramaya Contxt 2015 9789388689427 190p UG Library
294 SHA 00147699 A Socio-Political Study of the Valmiki Ramayana Sharma, Ramashraya Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House 1971 9788120800786 473p UG Library
294 SHA 00088356 Hinduism for Our Times Sharma, Arvind Oxford, 1996 9780195643602 116 p.; UG Library
294 SMI 00073537 The epic of Pabuji Katha, 2005 8187649836 [rev. ed.] 182 p., [1] folded plate : UG Library
294 SON 00147703 Philosophical Anthropology in Saiva Siddhanta: Soni, Jayandra Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House 2018 9788120806320 2nd Revised 240p UG Library
294 SRI 00115425 Sri Isopanishad Prabhu Padha, Bhakti Vedanta Swamy Brilliant 2008 95p UG Library
294 SRI 00115422 Yogadha Paripurnathe Sridhara, B V Brilliant 2004 58p UG Library
294 SRI 00115421 Sri Upadeshamrutha Sridhar, B V Brilliant 1998 89p UG Library
294 SUZ 00129653 Mysticism: Suzuki, D T Eremitical Press 1957 9781926777276 220p UG Library
294 SUZ 00145827 Essays in Zen Buddhism-First Series Suzuki, D T Dev Publishers and Distributors 2021 9789387496620 388p UG Library
294 SUZ 00145829 Essays in Zen Buddhism-Second Series Suzuki, D T Dev Publishers and Distributors 2021 9789387496644 396p UG Library
294 SUZ 00145828 Essays in Zen Buddhism-Third Series Suzuki, D T Dev Publishers and Distributors 2021 9789387496637 367p UG Library
294 THO 00124873 The Cosmology of the Bhagavata Purana Thompson,Richard L Motilal banarsidass Publishers 2016 9788120819191 361p UG Library
294 VAN 00140798 The Complete Life of Krishna : Vanamali, Inner Traditions; 2012 9781594774751 (Pbk) | 9781594776908 (e-book) 457 p. ; UG Library
294 VAR 00140950 The Great Hindu Civilization: Varma,Pavan K Westland Publications 2021 9789390679966 403p UG Library
294 VAR 00058521 The Bhagwat Geeta Varma, R. R. Prakashana 2000 488 p. UG Library
294 VAR 00140719 The Great Hindu Civilization: Varma,Pavan K Westland Publications 2021 9789390679966 403p UG Library
294 VAS 00058291 Daily Inspiration: a Thought for Everyday of the Year Vaswani, J P Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2000 8120721578 365 UG Library
294 VIV 00115420 Vivekananda His Call to the Nation Vivekananda Advaita Ashrama 2000 8175050187 102 p UG Library
294 WAR 00122876 Indian Buddhism Warder, A K Motlal Banarsidass Publishers 2015 601p UG Library
294 WIN 05002445 History Of Indian Literature: Winternitz, Maurice Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 9788121500990 xiv, 634 P. Knowledge Centre
294 WIN 05002446 History Of Indian Literature: Winternitz, Maurice Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 9788121500990 xiv, 634 P. Knowledge Centre
294..5 SAM 00137811 The Hindu Way Samarpan Pan 2019 9789386215819 101p UG Library
294.009 STR 00109822 A Sociological History Of Christian Worship Stringer Martin D. Cambridge University Press 2005 9780521525596 viii; 268 p. UG Library
294.00954 HAB 00095655 Religion In Indian History Habib,Irfan Tulika Books 2007 8189487256 | 9788189487287 291 p. UG Library
294.00954 HAB 00079627 Religion In Indian History Habib,Irfan Tulika Books 2007 8189487256 | 9788189487287 291 p. UG Library
294.03 SHA 00115120 Cultural and Religious Heritage of India in a Set of 8 Volumes Shar, A, Suresh Mittal Publications 2002 8170999553 | 9798170999552 328p Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.03 SHA 00115123 Cultural and Religious Heritage of India in a Set of 8 Volumes Shar, A, Suresh Mittal Publications 2002 8170999553 | 9798170999552 328p Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.03 SHA 00115125 Cultural and Religious Heritage of India in a Set of 8 Volumes Shar, A, Suresh Mittal Publications 2002 8170999553 | 9798170999552 328p Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.03 SHA 00115127 Cultural and Religious Heritage of India in a Set of 8 Volumes Shar, A, Suresh Mittal Publications 2002 8170999553 | 9798170999552 328p Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.03 SHA 00115126 Cultural and Religious Heritage of India in a Set of 8 Volumes Shar, A, Suresh Mittal Publications 2002 8170999553 | 9798170999552 328p Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.03 SHA 00115124 Cultural and Religious Heritage of India in a Set of 8 Volumes Shar, A, Suresh Mittal Publications 2002 8170999553 | 9798170999552 328p Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.03 SHA 00115121 Cultural and Religious Heritage of India in a Set of 8 Volumes Shar, A, Suresh Mittal Publications 2002 8170999553 | 9798170999552 328p Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.03 SHA 00115122 Cultural and Religious Heritage of India in a Set of 8 Volumes Shar, A, Suresh Mittal Publications 2002 8170999553 | 9798170999552 328p Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.03923 LAM 00071988 Freedom in Exile: Autobiography of Dalai Lama [ Dharmaram Library] Lama, Dalai 2000 0349111111 322p UG Library
294.05 MAI 00147345 How the World Was Born: Maitra, Lopamudra Aleph Book Company 2024 9789393852939 328p UG Library
294.05 MAI 10005039 How the World Was Born: Maitra, Lopamudra Aleph Book Company 2024 9789393852939 328p Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.05 MAI 00147261 How the World Was Born: Maitra, Lopamudra Aleph Book Company, 2024 9789393852939 xlviii,328p. ; UG Library
294.0509034 PEN 00071530 Was Hinduism Invented? Britons, Indians and the Colonial Construction of Religion: Pennington, K Brian Oxford University Press. 2004 9780195326000 Vi249 p. UG Library
294.06 JUD 00068562 Religion, Identiry and Nationhood Judge, Paramjit S Rawat Publications 2005 8170339499 276p UG Library
294.09 HAR 05007853 Religion in Indian History / Tulika Books, 2007 9788189487287 xli,291 p. Knowledge Centre
294.09 HAR 05049070 Religion in Indian History / Tulika Books, 2007 9788189487287 xli,291 p. Knowledge Centre
294.09 HEG 00103450 The Jaina Heritage : Hegewald, Julia A. B. Samskriti, 2011 9788187374671 xi, 338 p. : UG Library
294.0901 SAM 00125055 The origins of yoga and tantra : Samuel, Geoffrey. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521873512 (hardback) | 052 x, 422 p : UG Library
294.0901SAM 00089486 Origins of the Yoga and Tantra: Indic Religion to the Thirteenth Century Samuel, Geoffrey 9780521118682 422p UG Library
294.092 BEC 00088374 Swami Vivekananda`s Legacy of Service: A Study of the Ramakrishna Math and Mission Beckerlegee, Gwilym 2006 9780195673883 292p UG Library
294.0954 PAT 00094443 Situating Social History Orissa (1800-1997) Pati Biswamoy Orient Longman Ltd. 9788125020073 182p UG Library
294.095416 CHA 05034284 Forgotten friends : Chatterjee, Indrani. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198089223 (hbk.) | 0198089 xiv, 451 pages ; Knowledge Centre
294.095496 GUT 08000663 Bhaktapur-Nepal : Gutschow, Niels, Dom Publication, 2017 9783869225227 (hd. bd. : volumes 12) 2 Vol., 537 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.095496 GUT 08000664 Bhaktapur-Nepal : Gutschow, Niels, Dom Publication, 2017 9783869225227 (hd. bd. : volumes 12) 2 Vol., 537 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.1 AUR 00013270 Sri Aurobindo on the Tantra Aurobindo, Dipti 1972 48 p UG Library
294.1 AYE 05031862 Hindu Sastras and Samskaras / Ayer, V A K Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1993 63 p. Knowledge Centre
294.1 BAN 00116885 Isha Upanishad ed by Banerjee Sunandini Seagull Books, 2014 9780857421821 00 p.: UG Library
294.1 BAN 07013429 Isha Upanishad ed by Banerjee Sunandini Seagull Books, 2014 9780857421821 00 p.: Library - BR Campus
294.1 BIS 05031866 The Essence of the Vedas and Allied Scriptures / Bisoondoyal, Basdeo Crest Publishing House, 1996 8124200033 150 p Knowledge Centre
294.1 DES 00098746 The Satapatha-Brahmana; Deshpande,Maitreyee New Bharatiya book corporation; 8183150985 cliv;362 p UG Library
294.1 DES 00098747 The Satapatha-Brahmana; Deshpande,Maitreyee New Bharatiya book corporation; 8183150985 cliv;362 p UG Library
294.1 DES 00098748 The Satapatha-Brahmana; Deshpande,Maitreyee New Bharatiya book corporation; 8183150985 cliv;362 p UG Library
294.1 DES 00098749 The Satapatha-Brahmana; Deshpande,Maitreyee New Bharatiya book corporation; 8183150985 cliv;362 p UG Library
294.1 MUL 00093206 India Muller, Max F Rupa & Co 2010 9788171679201 xv; 189 p. UG Library
294.1 MUL 00058528 India Muller, F Max Cosmo Publications 2003 8177557475 xxii; 296 p. UG Library
294.1 MUL 00017560 Vedas Muller, Max Indological Book House 1969 154 p. UG Library
294.1 PAN 00013244 Gems from the Veda Pandit, M P Ganesh 1973 102p : . UG Library
294.1 PAN 00013256 Mystic Approach to the Veda and the Upanishads Pandit, M P Ganesh 1972 126 p UG Library
294.1 PAN 00013260 Studies in the Tantras and the Veda Pandit, M. P. Ganesh & Company 1973 168 p. UG Library
294.1 PAN 00039700 Vedic Experience Mantramanjari Panikkar, Raimundo AITBS 1994 940p UG Library
294.1 PAW 00013250 Key to Vedic Symbolism Pandit, M P Dipti 1973 122 p UG Library
294.1 SAS 00013273 Further Lights on the Veda Sastry, Kapali T V Dipti 1971 150 p UG Library
294.1 SAS 00013279 Lights on the Veda Sastry, Kapali T V Dipti 1969 72 p UG Library
294.12 KUN 00001195 Quintessence of the Rigveda Kunhan Raja, C Taraporevala 1964 154 p UG Library
294.12 NIC 00011212 Four Dimensional Man. Nicolas, Antolio T. de Dharmaram 1971 204 p UG Library
294.15 WHI 00031108 Atharva-Veda-Samhita Whitney, William Dwight New Delhi 1984 1046 p. UG Library
294.15 WHI 00031109 Atharva-Veda-Samhita Whitney, William Dwight New Delhi 1984 1046 p. UG Library
294.2923 BRO 07006038 Tibetan Democrary : Brox Trine I.B.Tauris, 2016 9781784536015 xiii,384p.: Library - BR Campus
294.3 ASM 00125431 The Illustrated Buddha for Beginners Asma,Stephen T Jaico Publishing House 2016 9788184958805 162p UG Library
294.3 BAP 00005840 2500 Years of Buddhism. Bapat, P V Publication Division 1971 446 p UG Library
294.3 BAP 00017434 2500 Years of Buddhism. Bapat, P V Publication Division 1971 446 p UG Library
294.3 BAT 00125437 After Buddhism Batchelor, Stephen Harper Element 2016 9789351777724 381p UG Library
294.3 BES 05060731 Echoes of enlightenment : Bessenger, Suzanne M., Oxford University Press, 2016 9780190225285 (paperback : alk viii, 296p.; Knowledge Centre
294.3 BOI 04016068 The Wisdom of the Buddha / Boisselier, Jean. Thames and Hudson, 1993 9780500300473 | 050030047X 193 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.3 BOI 03003760 The Wisdom of the Buddha / Boisselier, Jean. Thames and Hudson, 1993 9780500300473 | 050030047X 193 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.3 BOI 00045530 Wisdom of the Buddha Boisselier, Jean 1998 0050030047 191p UG Library
294.3 BOI 04007992 The Wisdom of the Buddha / Boisselier, Jean. Thames and Hudson, 1993 9780500300473 | 050030047X 193 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.3 BUD 07009630 Mind overcoming its cankers / Buddharkkita, AcharyaVenerable 294.3 viii, 225p.; Library - BR Campus
294.3 BUD 07009631 Basics of buddhism / Buddharakkhita, Venerable Acharya Buddha vachana trust, 2007 251p.; Library - BR Campus
294.3 BUD 07009632 The buddha and his dhamma / Buddharakkhita, Venerable Acharya Buddha vachana trust, 2011 205p.; Library - BR Campus
294.3 BUR 00147381 Buddhist parables/ Burlingame, Eugene Watson Hilltop Publication, 2024 9789390680726 xxxi,348 p. ; UG Library
294.3 BUR 00134513 The Spirit of Buddhism Burnett,David Monarch Books 2003 1854246224 350p UG Library
294.3 CAR 05031865 The Gospel of Buddha / Carus, Paul Asian Educational Services, 1991 0812060539 310 p Knowledge Centre
294.3 CHA 07007094 Buddhism / Chandra, Lokesh Publications Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India ; | Distributed by South Asia Books, 2005 9798187902170 xxiv, 160 p., [20] p. of plates : Library - BR Campus
294.3 CON 00064746 Buddhist Wisdom Conze, Edward 2002 0375726004 128p UG Library
294.3 COO 00143085 Buddha and the Gospel of Buddhism / Coomaraswamy,Ananda K. Buddhist World Press, 2022 9789391985103 xii,370p.; UG Library
294.3 DAS 00090549 Difficulty of Being Good: on the Subtle Art of Dharma Das, Gurcharan Penguin Books 9780670083497 434p UG Library
294.3 DAS 05063972 The Difficulty of being Good : Das, Gurcharan. Penguin books, 2009 9780670083497 | 9780143418979 434p.; Knowledge Centre
294.3 DAS 01011784 The Difficulty of being Good : Das, Gurcharan. Penguin books, 2009 9780670083497 | 9780143418979 434p.; Knowledge Centre
294.3 DAV 00135767 A Buddhist Manual of Psychological Ethics Davids,Rhys Motilal Banarsidas Publishers Private Limited 2016 9788120840416 364p UG Library
294.3 DAV 05031859 Buddhism : Davids, T W Thys Asian Educational Services, 2000 8120614798 250 p Knowledge Centre
294.3 DAV 00020663 Buddism: Its Doctrinces and Its Methods David-Neel, Alexandra Vikas 1978 300 p UG Library
294.3 DHA 00094123 Monumental legacy: Sanchi Dhavalikar M K Oxford press 9780195663136 121p UG Library
294.3 DHI 00140544 Spiritual Masters:Gurunanak Dhillon,Harish Indus Source Book 2005 9788188569021 223p UG Library
294.3 DUT 00068489 Early of the Spread of Buddhism & the Buddhist Schools Dutt, Nalinaksha Cosmo Publications 2005 8130700921 313p UG Library
294.3 DWI 00139756 Buddha in Gandhara Dwivedi,Sunita Rupa Publications Pvt. Ltd 2020 9789389967432 295 pages UG Library
294.3 EIT 05031857 Buddhism : Eitel, J Ernest Asian Educational Services, 1993 122 p Knowledge Centre
294.3 ERR 00140754 Teach Yourself Buddhism: Erricker,Clive Hodder and Stoughton 2015 9781473609440 314p UG Library
294.3 ERR 04015276 Buddhism : Erricker, Clive Magra hill, 2010 9781444103496 288 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.3 GAR 00109591 Buddhism Gard Richard A. Konecky & Konecky 1961 9781568526744 256 p. UG Library
294.3 HAR 04017291 The complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of Buddhism : Harris, Ian Annes Publishing, 2010 9780857233516 256p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.3 HAR 00142767 Buddhism in the global eye : Bloomsbury Academic ; 2020 9781350140639 219 p. ; UG Library
294.3 HAR 00068418 Introduction to Buddhism. Harvey, Peter Foundation Books 2005 8175961880 373p UG Library
294.3 HAR 00085531 An Introduction to Buddhism : Harvey, Peter. Cambridge University Press , 2005 8175961880 | 9788175961883 374 p.: UG Library
294.3 HAR 00070731 An Introduction to Buddhism : Harvey, Peter. Cambridge University Press , 2005 8175961880 | 9788175961883 374 p.: UG Library
294.3 HAR 03010042 An Introduction to Buddhism : Harvey, Peter. Cambridge University Press , 2005 8175961880 | 9788175961883 374 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.3 HAW 00064742 Buddhism: Religions of the World Hawkins, K Bradley 2000 0041521162 128p UG Library
294.3 HER 00020683 Buddha His Life, His Doctrine, His Order Oldenberg, Hermann Indological Book House 1971 454 p. UG Library
294.3 HOL 00068518 Creed of Buddha Holmes, Edmond Cosmo Publications 2005 0813070093 260p UG Library
294.3 HUA 00065628 Basic Buddhism Exploring Buddhism and Zen Chin, Nan Huai Jaico 2003 8172248091 243p UG Library
294.3 HWU 00095964 The life of Hiuen-Tsiang / Hwui Li Shaman Asian Educational Services, 1998 8120612787 | 9788129120311 xlvii, 218 p. ; UG Library
294.3 KAL 00110717 The Moon and Flowers Kalyanavaca Windhorse Publications 1997 0904766896 285p UG Library
294.3 KEO 01016393 Buddhism : Keown, Damien Oxford University Press, 1996 9780192853868 136 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.3 KEO 05048812 Buddhism : Keown, Damien, Oxford University Press, 2013 0199663831 (pbk.) | 9780199663 Fully updated new edition. xx, 158 pages : Knowledge Centre
294.3 KEO 05031822 Buddhism : Keown, Damien Oxford University Press, 2007 0195678702 136 p Knowledge Centre
294.3 KEO 00085416 Buddhism : Keown, Damien Oxford University Press, 2007 0195678702 136 p UG Library
294.3 KLO 00069867 Short Introduction: Buddhism Klostermaier, Klaus K Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851681868 246p UG Library
294.3 KOZ 05058139 Buddhism 101 : Kozak, Arnold, Simon & Schuster, Inc., 2017 9781507204290 (hardback) | 150 256 pages; Knowledge Centre
294.3 KOZ 00141279 Buddhism 101 : Kozak, Arnold, Adams Media; 2017 9781507204290 256 pages : UG Library
294.3 KOZ 00141232 The Everything Essential Buddhism Book: Kozak, Arnie Adams Media 2015 9781440589829 286p UG Library
294.3 KRI 00047785 Buddha- His Nirvana and Mahaparinirvana Murthy, K. Krishna Sundeep Prakashan 1996 8185067945 148 p. UG Library
294.3 KRI 00143565 See Things as They Are: Krishna, Nandita Aleph Book Company 2022 9789393852359 97p UG Library
294.3 KUL 00133133 Buddhopedia : Kulasrestha,Mahendra. Saurabh Sehgal, | Lotus Press Publishers & Distributors, 2015 9788183823289 320 p. ; UG Library
294.3 KUL 00133134 Buddhopedia : Kulasrestha,Mahendra. Saurabh Sehgal, | Lotus Press Publishers & Distributors, 2015 9788183823289 320 p. ; UG Library
294.3 KUL 00133135 Buddhopedia : Kulasrestha,Mahendra. Saurabh Sehgal, | Lotus Press Publishers & Distributors, 2015 9788183823289 320 p. ; UG Library
294.3 KUL 00133136 Buddhopedia : Kulasrestha,Mahendra. Saurabh Sehgal, | Lotus Press Publishers & Distributors, 2015 9788183823289 320 p. ; UG Library
294.3 KUL 00133137 Buddhopedia : Kulasrestha,Mahendra. Saurabh Sehgal, | Lotus Press Publishers & Distributors, 2015 9788183823289 320 p. ; UG Library
294.3 KUL 00133138 Buddhopedia : Kulasrestha,Mahendra. Saurabh Sehgal, | Lotus Press Publishers & Distributors, 2015 9788183823289 320 p. ; UG Library
294.3 LAM 00140538 Our Only Home: Lama,Dalai Bloomsbury 2020 9781472983923 144p UG Library
294.3 LAM 00140541 Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics Lama,Dalai Simon & Schuster 2018 9789386797209 2 Vols UG Library
294.3 LAM 00140542 Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics Lama,Dalai Simon & Schuster 2018 9789386797209 2 Vols UG Library
294.3 LAM 00140549 The Power of Buddhism Lama,Dalai Pan 2017 9789386215192 195p UG Library
294.3 LAM 00145197 Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics Lama,Dalai Simon & Schuster 2018 9789386797209 2 Vols UG Library
294.3 LIT 00140546 The 12-Step Buddhist: Littlejohn,Darren Atria Paperback 2019 9781582707143 359p UG Library
294.3 LOP 05044927 The Norton Anthology of World Religions : Lopez, Donald S., Allen Lane, 2001 0713994347 xxv, 787 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.3 MCM 05011248 Buddhism in the modern world / McMahan, David L Routledge, 2012 9780415780148 (hardback) xiv, 329 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.3 MIS 00106273 An End to Suffering Mishra Pankaj Oxford 2004 9780330392792 viii 422 p. UG Library
294.3 MIS 00072302 Buddhist Theory of Meaning and Literary Analysis: [ Dharmaram Library] Mishra, Rajnish Kumar D k Print World 2004 8124601186 292p UG Library
294.3 MUL 00090283 Buddhism: Selected Suttas of Both Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhism, With Ashvaghosha`s Buddha-charita, Translated into Easy-To-understand English Muller, Max F Lotus Press 2008 8183821413 247p UG Library
294.3 NAR 05002418 Studies in history Buddhism Buddhist World Press 9788190638890 421 p Knowledge Centre
294.3 NAR 04022644 The Buddha and His Teachings / Narada JAICO, 2014 9788179926178 504p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.3 OMV 00134465 Buddhism in India : Omvedt, Gail Sage, 2003 9788132110286 ix, 314 p. UG Library
294.3 OMV 05037793 Buddhism in India : Omvedt, Gail Sage, 2003 9788132110286 ix, 314 p. Knowledge Centre
294.3 PAN 00022759 Vedic Hinduism Pandit, Motilal BYB 1979 85 p UG Library
294.3 PAN 00145043 Buddhism / Panikkar, Raimon, Orbis Books, 2017 9781626982543 (cloth) xxi, 292 pages ; UG Library
294.3 PUR 00071529 Engaged Buddhism: The Dalai Lama`s Worldview: [dharmaram Library] Puri, Bhrati 2000 0019567331 252p UG Library
294.3 RAN 00106805 Buddhism : Art, Culture and History Rana Ganesh Sonali Publications; 2011 9788184113280 280. p. UG Library
294.3 ROE 00089336 Upanisads: Translation and Introducation Roebuck, Velarie 2000 0140447490 503p UG Library
294.3 ROS 00124193 The Twelfth Imam Joel, C.Rosenberg 9788184954470 viii, 490 p.: UG Library
294.3 SAK 05040081 Buddhism : Sakya Madhusudan Cyber Tech Publications, 2011 9788178847351 264p.: Knowledge Centre
294.3 SHU 00124727 Rethinking the Buddha Shulman,Eviatar Cambridge University Press 2015 9781107525542 206p UG Library
294.3 SIN 00111432 Schools and Traditions of Buddhism/ Singhal, Ranjana Rani. Centrum Press, 2012 9789380921860 1st Ed. viii:296p.; UG Library
294.3 TAN 00091805 Pure Land Buddhism Tanaka Kenneth K Dharmaram Publications 8186861726 294p UG Library
294.3 THA 05042505 The world of Buddhism : Thames and Hudson, 1991 9780500276280 1st pbk. ed. 308 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.3 WAT 00049407 Buddhism Watts, Alan Charles E. Tuttle Company 1996 0804804838 | 780804830560 xii; 99 p. UG Library
294.3 WRI 00140954 Buddhism : Wright, Dale S. Oxford University Press; 2020 9780197534335 222 p. ; UG Library
294.3/920951 MAK 00128023 Transforming Consciousness/ Makeham, John Oxford University Press 2014 9780199358137 (pbk. : alk. pap xiii, 435 pages ; UG Library
294.3019 LEV 05031817 The Positive Psychology of Buddhism and Yoga : Levine, Marvin Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2000 0805838333 226 p Knowledge Centre
294.3019 LEV 05005117 The positive psychology of Buddhism and yoga : Levine, Marvin, Routledge, 2009 9781848728509 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9781848728516 (pbk. : alk. paper) 2nd ed. xxvii, 260 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.303 POW 00069865 Concise Encyclopedia of Buddhism Powers, John Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851682333 278p UG Library
294.307 DAS 00129123 What is Buddhist studies? Das, Sanjib Kumar Buddhist World Press, 2017 9789380852607 viii, 340 p. ; UG Library
294.307 NIT 00070046 Buddhist System of Education ( Dharmaram) Nithiyanandam, V Global Vision 2004 8187746033 168p UG Library
294.307 WIL 05038337 Buddhism / Monier Monier - Williams Cambridge University Press, 2009 9781108007979 xxx, 563 p. Knowledge Centre
294.307HAR 01007269 Introduction to Buddhism: Teachings, History and Practices ( Law Lib) Peter Harvey Foundation Books 8175961880 374p. Knowledge Centre
294.307WAL 01010057 Kalacakratantra: Chapter on the Individual Together With the Vimalaprabha (law Lib) Vesna A Wallace American Institue of Buddhist Studies 0975373412 374p Knowledge Centre
294.30820954 BHA 00131073 The position of women in the Buddhist Jātakas Bhardwaj, Ranjana, Regal publications, 2017 9788184845983 x,221p.; UG Library
294.30820954 MIS 05056017 Women, education, and family structure in India / Mishra,S. Pearl Books, 2013 9789381575895 246p.; Knowledge Centre
294.30820954 TAL 00097552 Life of Women in Buddhist Literature Talim, Meena Buddhist World Press, 93880852010 353 p. UG Library
294.309 ARM 00089831 Great Transformation Armstrong, Karen Atlantic 2008 9781843540564 469p UG Library
294.309 GRU 00075285 Buddha Gruzalski, Bart Thomson Learing 2000 88 p. UG Library
294.30904 HEI 05031863 Buddhism in the Modern World : Heine, Steven Oxford University Press, 2003 0195146980 287 p Knowledge Centre
294.3092 CAR 05043855 Heart of Buddha, heart of China : Carter, James Hugh. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780195398854 (hardcover) | 01 viii, 221 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.3092 CHA 05002413 Xuanzang and the Silk Route / Chandra, Lokesh Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts : | Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 9788121511865 xxii, 292 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.3092 STA 00110926 Heaven and earth are flowers : Stamm, Joan D. Wisdom Publications, 2010 0861715772 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiii, 168 p. : UG Library
294.30922 DAS 00129428 Female Personalities in Buddhism Das, Sanjib Kumar Buddhist World Press, 2018 9789380852805 xxvi, 254 p.: UG Library
294.30922515 DAS 00132668 The eyes of the world: Das, Sanjib Kumar Aayu publications, 2017 9789385161605 xv,125p.; UG Library
294.3092254 DAS 00132667 The torch bearers: Das, Sanjib Kumar Aayu publications, 2017 9789385161612 xvi,443p.; UG Library
294.3092DEV 01005495 Unknown Hsuan- Tsang ( Law Lib.) A Devahuti Oxford University Press 0195683498 184p. Knowledge Centre
294.3095 HEI 05067200 Buddhist Encounters And Identities Across East Asia / Brill, 2018 9789004366008 (hardback : alk. paper) xviii, 435p.; Knowledge Centre
294.3095 LAM 00143088 Buddhism : Lama,G K. Buddhist World Press, 2022 9789391985189 xvi,328p.; UG Library
294.30951 DAS 05035190 Indian pandits in the land of snow / Das, Sarat Chandra. Rupa.Co 2006 xii, 173 p., [2] leaves of plates : Knowledge Centre
294.309510904 KIE 05048691 Recovering Buddhism in modern China / Columbia University Press, 2016 9780231172769 (cloth : alk. pa viii, 383 pages ; Knowledge Centre
294.309515 KAI 03006790 The Tale of Tibet / Kainthala, Anita Viva 2011 9788130917153 214p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.30954 AHI 00068482 Buddhism Declined in Indida: How and Why? Ahir, D C B.R PUBLISHING CORPORATION 2003 8176464473 138p UG Library
294.30954 AHI 00097568 Heritage of Buddhism Ahir D C Buddhist World Press; 9788190638876 319p UG Library
294.30954 HAZ 00097563 Buddhism in India Hazra, Kanai L Buddhist World Press; 9788190638838 477p UG Library
294.30954 HAZ 05031818 The Rise and Decline of Buddhism in India / Hazra, Kanai Lal Munshiram Manoharlal, 1995 8121506514 449 p Knowledge Centre
294.30954 SAR 05045643 The decline of Buddhism in India : Sarao, K. T. S. Munshirm Manoharlal Publishers, 2012 9788121512411 | 8121512417 xiv, 327 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.30954 SHE 05068068 God as political philosopher : Kancha, Ilaiah Shepherd. Sage Publication, 2019 9789353282592 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9789353282608 (epub 2.0 : alk. paper) | 9789353282615 (web pdf) 244p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.30954 SHE 00141856 God as political philosopher : Kancha, Ilaiah Shepherd. Sage Publication, 2019 9789353282592 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9789353282608 (epub 2.0 : alk. paper) | 9789353282615 (web pdf) 244p. ; UG Library
294.30954 SIN 00132178 Dana: Singh,Anand Primus books, 2017 9789384092320 x,248p.; UG Library
294.3095409519 LEE 05061060 Buddhist ideas and rituals in early India and Korea / Lee, Kwangsu. Manohar Publishers & Distributors, 1998 8173042217 196 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.3095409519 LEE 05061210 Buddhist ideas and rituals in early India and Korea / Lee, Kwangsu. Manohar Publishers & Distributors, 1998 8173042217 196 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.3095409519 LEE 05061211 Buddhist ideas and rituals in early India and Korea / Lee, Kwangsu. Manohar Publishers & Distributors, 1998 8173042217 196 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.3095409519 LEE 05061212 Buddhist ideas and rituals in early India and Korea / Lee, Kwangsu. Manohar Publishers & Distributors, 1998 8173042217 196 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.309546 TAN 00132267 Buddhism in Kashmir / Tantray, Mushtaq Ahmad, Buddhist World Press, 2018 9789380852812 | 9380852819 vi, 120 pages : UG Library
294.3095475 PAT 00132649 Buddhist heritage of Gujarat: Patel, Ambika B Ayyu publications, 2017 9789385161629 xiii,141p.; UG Library
294.30973 COL 00068458 New Buddism Coleman, James William (dharmaram) 2000 0195152417 265p UG Library
294.32 KRI 05032372 The Avatars of Bhujangaiah / Sri Krishna Alanahalli Sahitya Akademi, 2010 9788126027859 369p.; Knowledge Centre
294.32 KRI 00105714 The Avatars of Bhujangaiah / Sri Krishna Alanahalli Sahitya Akademi, 2010 9788126027859 369p.; UG Library
294.32 SAM 00090561 Wonder That Is Sanskrit Sampad Mapin 2008 1890206504 210p UG Library
294.33 CAR 05031849 Nirvana : Carus, Paul Asian Educational Services, 1997 8120613015 93 p Knowledge Centre
294.33 DAS 05032304 Myths, Legengs, Concepts and Literary Antiquities of India / Das,Manoj. Sahithya Akademi, 2009 9788126026678 xv,377p.; Knowledge Centre
294.33 MAC 00096253 Myths and Legends of India: an Introduction to the Study of Hinduism Macfie, J M Rupa & Co 2001 8171671314 323p UG Library
294.33 MAC 00055366 Myths and Legends of India: an Introduction to the Study of Hinduism Macfie, J M Rupa & Co 2001 8171671314 323p UG Library
294.33 RAD 00055374 Myths and Legends of India Macfie J M Rupa & Co. 1993 8171671314 323 p UG Library
294.3342 PAG 00097976 Power Of Buddhism in Political Order Pagare G K Cyber Tech Publications; 9788178847153 248p UG Library
294.335 DRE 05007750 Buddhist and Christian? : Drew, Rose. Routledge, 2011 9780415611237 (hardback) | 041 xii, 274 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.336 LUI 03006186 Mind and Life : Luisi, Pier Luigi. Prolibris publishing media, 2009 9788192153582 218 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.33615 COO 05004159 The Zen Impulse and the Psychoanalytic Encounter / Cooper,Paul.C Routledge, 2010 9780415997652 ix,246 p. Knowledge Centre
294.33615 FLA 05008853 The Bodhisattva's brain Flanagan, Owen J. MIT Press, 2011 9780262016049 | 9780262298179 xiv, 264 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.33615 JIA 00101144 Yoga Care buddhism & Modern Psychology; Jiang Tao Motilal Banarsidas publishers private limited; 2006 9788120834224 198 p. UG Library
294.33615 UNN 05011548 Buddhism and psychotherapy across cultures : Unno, Mark Wisdom Publications, 2006 0861715071 (pbk. : alk. paper) viii, 372 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.3365 LAM 04009826 The universe in a single atom : Bstan-ʼdzin-rgya-mtsho, Morgan Road Books, 2005 076792066X (HC) | 978076792081 216 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.3365 SHU 05033038 Self, attitudes, and emotion work : Shupe, Anson D. Transaction Publishers, 2010 9781412813488 (acidfree paper) 193 p. cm. Knowledge Centre
294.3365 WAL 05031819 Contemplative Science : Wallace, B. Alan. Columbia University Press, 2007 0231138342 (cloth : alk. paper 211 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.33657 LUI 00099281 Mind and Life: Discussion With the Dalai Lama on Nature of Reality (law Lib) Pier Luigi Luisi Columbia University Press 9780231145503 218p UG Library
294.33657LUI 01010013 Mind and Life: Discussion With the Dalai Lama on Nature of Reality (law Lib) Pier Luigi Luisi Columbia University Press 9780231145503 218p Knowledge Centre
294.3366109515 GYA 05042331 Being human in a Buddhist world : Gyatso, Janet, 9780231164962 | 9780231538329 1 online resource (538 pages) : Knowledge Centre
294.336709515 DEB 05065466 Faith and Empire : Debreczeny, Karl. Rubin Museum Of ART, 9780692194607 271p.; Knowledge Centre
294.337 HAT 00118031 Peoples of the Buddhisy World Hattaway,Paul Piquant 2004 1903689902 453p UG Library
294.337 NAI 00141278 Buddhism and Peace / Naik, C. D. Aayu Publications ; 2021 9789389381108 xii, 512 p. ; UG Library
294.3370959 KUM 07012015 Ballots,Bullets and Bhikkhs : Kumar Surendra.S.Y Viva Books, 2018 9789387925090 278p.: Library - BR Campus
294.337273 HAN 05031847 Creating True Peace : Hanh, Thich Nhat Free Press, 2000 0743245199 210 p Knowledge Centre
294.337273 TEH 05047956 Reflections on the Global Civilization : Tehranian, Majid I B Tauris & Co. Ltd., 2000 xi, 204 p. Knowledge Centre
294.3375 BEN 00065704 Zen and the Psychology of Transformation Benoit, Hubert 1990 0892812729 248p UG Library
294.3375 GOL 00088686 Destructive Emotions : And How We Can Overcome Them / Goleman, Daniel Blooms Bury ; 2003 0747561826 | 9780747561828 404 p.: UG Library
294.3375 GOL 03008862 Destructive Emotions : And How We Can Overcome Them / Goleman, Daniel Blooms Bury ; 2003 0747561826 | 9780747561828 404 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.3376 MAC 05031848 Mindfulness and Mental Health : Mace, Chris Routledge, 2008 9781583917886 188 p Knowledge Centre
294.3376 NAI 00141277 Buddhism and Dr. Ambedkar / Naik, C. D. Aayu Publications ; 2021 9789389381092 x, 491 p. ; UG Library
294.3378 HOR 00117561 Women under primitive Buddhism Horner, I. B. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1989 xxiv, 391 p. : UG Library
294.3378 KLE 00101129 Meeting the Great Bliss Queen: Klein Anne Carolyn Motilal Banarsidass publishers private limited; 2009 9788120834040 xiii;307 p. UG Library
294.3378321 GOL 05031846 Healing Emotions : Goleman, Daniel South Asia Editions, 1997 1569571244 269 p Knowledge Centre
294.3378362 BAT 00131802 Buddhism and ecology / Batchelor,Martine 2004 0304323756 xiv, 114 p. : UG Library
294.34 AMB 00102802 B.R.Ambedkar : Ambedkar B R Oxford University Press, 9780198068679 xxxi,325p.; UG Library
294.34 BUD 00065650 Dhammapada Budhist Texts Axiom 2003 1864761407 128p UG Library
294.34 DAS 00132325 Buddhavacana Das,Sanjib Kumar Buddhist world press, 2018 9789380852874 xx,252p.; UG Library
294.34 GET 00076157 Buddhist Path to Awakening: [dharmaram Library] Gethin, R M L Oneworld Publishers 2007 1851682856 382p UG Library
294.34 LAM 00140304 Our Human Potential: Lama,Dalai Shambhala 2019 9781569571972 244p UG Library
294.34 LIT 00140668 The 12-step Buddhist : Littlejohn, Darren, Atria Paperback; 2019 9781582707143 | 1582707146 First Beyond Words/ Atria paperback edition. xl, 359 pages : UG Library
294.34 RAH 03012648 What the Buddha Taught / Rahula, Walpola Sri. OneWorld Publications, 1959 9781851681426 151 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.34 RIN 05031850 The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying / Rinpoche, Sogyal Rider, 1992 0712671390 425 p Knowledge Centre
294.34 SAI 00072307 Theravada Buddhist Devotionalism {dharmaram Library] Saibaba, V V S D k Print World 2005 8124603278 88 UG Library
294.34 SMI 05067372 The essence of Buddhism /​ Smith,Jo Durden. Arcturus, 2004 9780572030544 240p.; Knowledge Centre
294.34 YUN 00069055 Wisdom of India Yutang, Lin Jaico 2005 8172240627 | 9788172240622 564 p. UG Library
294.342 WAL 00064752 Buddhist Unconscious Waldron, S William 2003 0415298091 269p UG Library
294.342 WRI 03012653 Why Buddhism is True : Wright, Robert. Simon & Schuster, 2017 9781501192067 321 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.3420423 LAM 00127150 Lighting The Way Dalai Lama The Snow Lion Publications, 2004 1559392282 | 9781559392280 ix, 142 p. ; UG Library
294.3420423 MEH 03009243 All You Ever Wanted To Know about his Holiness the Dalai Lama Happiness, Life and Living / Mehrotra, Rajiv. Hay House, 2008 9781848500259 246 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.342118 NIT 00103105 Buddha's Doctrine of Suffering and Salvation; Nithyanandam.V Global vision publishing house; 2002 8187746246 285 p. UG Library
294.342118 NIT 00103106 Buddha's Doctrine of Suffering and Salvation; Nithyanandam.V Global vision publishing house; 2002 8187746246 285 p. UG Library
294.3422 CHH 00137826 Buddhist Epistemology Logic and Language Chhatre,Lata Dilip New Bharatiya Book Corporation 2015 8183152554 306p UG Library
294.3422 DES 05031825 An Introductionto Buddhist Psychology / De Silva, Padmasiri Rowman, 2000 0033377910 3rd. 166 p Knowledge Centre
294.3422 GYA 05072715 Understanding the mind : Gyatso, Geshe Kelsang Motilal Banarsidass publishers Pvt.Ltd. , 2002 9788120818910 viii, 312p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.3422 RAY 00133985 Touching Enlightenment Ray, Reginald A. Sounds True 2014 9781622033539 xix,395 p.: UG Library
294.3422 RIN 00141376 How Karma Works: Rinchen,Geshe Sonam Shambhala 2006 9781569570319 139p UG Library
294.3423 COL 00106587 Nirvana : Collins, Steven, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521881982 (hbk.) | 0521881 vi, 197 p. ; UG Library
294.3423 CUE 00089518 Travels in the Nehterworld: Buddhist Popular Narratives of Death and the After Life in Tibet Cuevas, Bryan J 2008 9780195341164 199p UG Library
294.3423 DAL 00063031 Many Ways to Nirvana - Discourses on Right Living Lama Dalai Penguin Books 2004 0670049891 181 p UG Library
294.3423 LAM 07007824 Many ways to nirvana / Lama, Dalai Penguin Publication, 2004 9780670049899 xi,141p. Library - BR Campus
294.3423 OST 00130882 The five invitations : Ostaseski, Frank, Blue bird, 2017 9781250074652 (hardcover) | 97 First edition. viii, 290 pages ; UG Library
294.3423 RIN 05017372 The Tibetan Book of Living & Dying Rider; 2002 9781846041051 441p. Knowledge Centre
294.3423 RIN 00082489 Tibetan Book of Living and Dying Rinpoche, Sogyal Rider 2002 441p UG Library
294.3423 TRU 05031840 Transcending Madness : Trungpa, Chongyam Shambhala, 1992 1569571147 341 p Knowledge Centre
294.343 RAY 00134957 Archaeology and Buddhism in South Asia/ Ray, Himanshu Prabha. Routledge, 2018 9780815353058 First South Asian Edition viii,139p. ; UG Library
294.3435 DWI 05032512 Buddhist Heritage Sites of India / Dwivedi Sunita Rupa.Co, 2006 9788129108852 xv,210p.: Knowledge Centre
294.3435 SIN 00143087 Buddhism in Himachal Pradesh / Singh,Lal. Buddhist World Press, 2022 9789391985028 xiii,186p.; UG Library
294.3435095 AHI 00097612 Buddhist World Heritage Monuments in Asia Ahir D C Buddhist World Press; 97890821230 152p UG Library
294.3435095412 ASH 00086380 Monumental Legacy Bodh Gaya Asaher, Frederick M 2008 0195693140 96 p UG Library
294.3435095412 ASH 00132738 Monumental Legacy Bodh Gaya Asaher, Frederick M 2008 0195693140 96 p UG Library
294.3437 ALL 00141335 Wisdom Rising : Allione, Lama Tsultrim Enliven Books; 2018 9781501115035 356p UG Library
294.3437 HUY 00112173 Mandala workbook for inner self-development Huyser, Anneke New Age Books 2007 9788178222875 112p; UG Library
294.3437 RAM 00117656 Buddhism and iconoclasm in East Asia Rambelli, Fabio. Bloomsbury Academic, 2012 9781441145093 (hardcover) | 97 First [edition]. xvi, 247 p. ; UG Library
294.3438 MAR 00129419 Dagger Blessings Marcotty, Thomas Buddhist world Press, 2017 9789380852683 107 p.: UG Library
294.3438 SHI 05042662 Spells, images, and mandalas : Shinohara, Koichi, 9780231166140 | 9780231537391 1 online resource (349 pages) : Knowledge Centre
294.343880959 WIL 00122049 Buddhist funeral cultures of Southeast Asia and China / Williams Paul Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107003880 (hardback) xiv, 296 pages : UG Library
294.344 JIN 03003772 The art of living : Bstan-ʼdzin-rgya-mtsho, Gramercy Books, 2005 0517226308 176 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.344 LAM 04015736 The joy of living and dying in peace / Lama, Dalai Happer , 1997 9780007899074 181 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.344 MET 00061447 What Would Buddha Do at Work? Metcalf, Franz Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd 2001 0070582831 170 p. UG Library
294.344 PIN 00141332 The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma / Pine, Red Macmillan Publishing India ; 2019 9789386215871 xviii, 123 p. ; UG Library
294.3442 HAN 00140450 Fear: Hanh,Thich Nhat Rider 2012 9781846043185 164p UG Library
294.3442 NAI 05005572 Ambedkar's Perspective on Buddhism and Other Religions / Naik, C.D Kalpaz Publications, 2009 8178351226 421 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.3442 SIN 10003616 Life: Singh. Kartar Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2023 9789357024761 viii,128 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.3442BEL 01008875 Mahar, Buddhist and Dalit: Religious Conversion and Socio Political Emancipation (law Lib) Johannes Beltz Manohar 8173046204 309p Knowledge Centre
294.3443 AHI 00068478 Vipassana a Universal Buddhist Meditation Technique Ahir, D C SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS 1999 8170306124 202p UG Library
294.3443 HAN 00093005 The Energy of Prayer Hanh, Thich Nhat Jaico publishing house 2009 9788179928127 155p UG Library
294.3443 HAN 00140307 The Miracle of Mindfulness: Hanh,Thich Nhat Rider 2008 9781846041068 140p UG Library
294.3443 LAM 04017066 The Path to Tranquillity : Lama, Dalai Peguin books, 1998 9780143418023 415p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.3443 LEG 00076140 Samurai Zen: The Warrior Koans: [ Dharmaram Library] Legget, Trevor 2003 0415284651 214p UG Library
294.3443 TUL 00073848 Tibetan Meditation Practical Teachings and Step By Step Exercises on How to Live in Harmony, Peace And Happiness. Tulku, Tarthang Duncan Baird Publishers 2006 1844831779 160p UG Library
294.34432 CON 00145821 Buddhist meditation : Conze, Edward Dev Publishers and Distributors 2017 168 pages UG Library
294.34435 GOE 05041869 The discourse summaries Goenka, S. N., Vipassana Research Publications, 2000 122 p. Knowledge Centre
294.34435 GOL 00133979 Mindfulness: Goldstein, Joseph Sounds true, 2016 9781683643548 xvi,459p.; UG Library
294.34435 GOL 00140942 Mindfulness: Goldstein, Joseph Sounds true, 2016 9781683643548 xvi,459p.; UG Library
294.34435 NAM 00110282 Step by Step Namgyal Wangchen. Wisdom Publications, 2009 0861716000 (pbk. : alk. paper) viii, 240 p. : UG Library
294.34435 SHA 00109809 Introduction to Buddhist meditation Shaw, Sarah, Routledge, 2009 9780415408998 (hardback : alk. xvi, 296 p. : UG Library
294.34435 SHU 00130335 Rethinking the Buddha Shulman,Eviatar Cambridge University Press 2014 9781107522542 206p UG Library
294.34435 SIN 00111429 Meditation Vatrayana and Tantra in Buddhism/ Singhal, Ranjana Rani. Centrum Press, 2012 9789380921846 1st Ed. viii:296p.; UG Library
294.34435 TUL 00092455 Tibetan Meditation : Tarthang Tulku. Dharma Pub., 2006 9781844831777 | 0898003717 (pb 160 p. : UG Library
294.3444 AIT 00065557 Morning Star. Aitken, Robert SHOEMAKER HOARD 2003 1593760019 288p UG Library
294.3444 CHA 00138263 A Handbook of Buddhism Art, Architecture,Literature and Philosophy / Chandra,Rajesh. Peridot Literary Books, 2019 9788194194200 272p.; UG Library
294.3444 CHO 00137526 Comfortable With Uncertainty : Chodron,Pema. Shambala South Asia Editions, 2002 9781569570708 xvii,130p.; UG Library
294.3444 GYA 00112203 Transform your life : a blissful journey Kelsang Gyatso New age books, 2001 9788178220703 408p.; UG Library
294.3444 HAN 05043837 Silence : Hanh,Trich Nhat. Rider, 2015 9781846044342 189p.; Knowledge Centre
294.3444 HAN 00140452 Silence : Hanh,Trich Nhat. Rider, 2015 9781846044342 189p.; UG Library
294.3444 LAM 00145607 The Art of Happiness: Lama, Dalai Yellow Kite 2017 9780340750155 269p UG Library
294.3444 LAM 03007023 The art of happiness in a troubled world / Cutler, Howard C Hodder &​ Stoughton, 2009 9781444700749 xviii, 338 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.3444 MER 03009344 The Path of the Human Being : Merzel, Dennis Genpo. Shambhala, 2003 157062948X | 9781590301739 1st ed. xvi, 236 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.3444 NHA 07007378 The art of communicating / Nhat Hanh, Thich Rider Publication, 2013 9781846044007 147p. Library - BR Campus
294.3444 NHA 05065487 Answers from the heart : Nhá̂t Hạnh, Thích. Aleph Book Company, 2019 9789388292658 xiii,136p.; Knowledge Centre
294.3444 RIC 05031826 Happiness : Richard, Matthieu Little Brown and Company, 2006 9780316167253 284 p Knowledge Centre
294.3444 RIC 00080677 Happiness:A Guide to Developing Life`s Most Important Skill. Ricard, Matthieu 2006 281p UG Library
294.3444 RIC 00080943 Happiness:A Guide to Developing Life`s Most Important Skill. Richard, Matthieu 2007 0316167258 281p UG Library
294.3444 ROS 05002419 Zen and the heart of psychotherapy / Rosenbaum, Robert. Brunner/Mazel, 0876308914 (cloth : alk. paper xiv, 320 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.3444 TRU 00111675 Cutting through spiritual materialism / Trungpa, Chogyam, Shambhala ; | distributed in the U.S. by Random House, 1973 0877730504 (pbk. : alk. paper) 250 p. : UG Library
294.3444 VAS 00085373 Handbook of Buddhism: Art, Architecture, Literature & Philosophy Vashishth, Suraj Cyber Tech Publications 2009 9788178844350 256 p UG Library
294.3444 WHI 00085096 Secrets of Happiness White, Ellen G Seventh Day Advenist Church of Thailand 2007 9789748278476 110p UG Library
294.34442 BOY 04015532 In the face of fear : Boyce, Barry (ed) Shambhala ; | Distributed in the U.S. by Random House, 2009 9781590307571 (pbk. : alk. pap 1st ed. xvi, 280 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.34KAN 01008769 Buddhists in India Today: Descriptions, Pictures, and Documents Detlef Kantowsky Manohar 8173045119 238p. Knowledge Centre
294.34RAD 01000900 Dhammapada: With Introductory Essays, Pali Text, English Translations and Notes (law Lib) S Radhakrishnan Oxford University Press 190195640802 194p Knowledge Centre
294.35 COZ 00131915 The Oxford Handbook of Buddhist Ethics. Cozort, Daniel / Oxford University Press 2018 9780198746140 (hardback) | 9780191063169 (updf) | 9780191063176 (epub) | 9780191808753 (online content) 680 pages ; UG Library
294.35 KEO 01016394 Buddhist ethics : Keown, Damien, Oxford University Press, 2005 019280457X (pbk.) | 9780192804 147 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.35 KEO 00084199 Buddhist Ethics: A Very Short Introduction. Keown, Damien 2007 0195687272 147p UG Library
294.35 KEO 00085472 Buddhist Ethics: A Very Short Introduction. Keown, Damien 2007 0195687272 147p UG Library
294.35 KUM 00129111 Prajnadaṇḍa Kumar Das, Sanjib Buddhist World Press, 2017 9789380852591 (hardback) | 938 xi, 204 p. ; UG Library
294.3562 MAL 00116962 Indra's Net Malhotra, Rajiv HarperCollins Publishers, 2014 9789351362449 xix: 376p. ; UG Library
294.35677 LAM 05046310 Widening the circle of love / Lama Dalai XIV, Rider, 2005 1844135721 xii, 212 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.35691 PAN 00087601 Ecological Perspectives in Buddhism Pandey, K C Readworthy Publications Ltd 2007 9788189973001 298 p UG Library
294.35691 PAN 00088400 Ecological Perspectives in Buddhism Pandey, K C Readworthy Publications Ltd 2007 9788189973001 298 p UG Library
294.35698 NHA 05065501 How to fight /​ Nhat Hanh, Thich. Aleph, 2019 9789388292634 x,113p.; Knowledge Centre
294.36 LAM 00072308 Dalai Lamas: Instition and Its History: [dharmaram Library] Lama, Dalai D k Print World 2004 8124602026 204p UG Library
294.36 MUL 00112176 Mystical Verses of A Dalai Lama Mullin, Glenn H. New Age Books, 2003 9788178221175 xv:270p UG Library
294.361 BEA 03002147 Life of Hiuen-Tsiang Beal, Samuel Low Price Publications 9788175364646 218 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.361 BEA 00100040 The Life of Hiuen - Tsiang Beal, Samuel Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 9788121503327 xiv, 218 p. UG Library
294.363 AMB 01015348 B.R.Ambedkar : Ambedkar B R Oxford University Press, 9780198068679 xxxi,325p.; Knowledge Centre
294.363 BAJ 00145161 History of Sravasti/ Bajpai, Neeraj Swastik Publications, 2023 9788194975748 296p. ; UG Library
294.363 CAR 01016457 Buddha : Carrithers, Michael. Oxford University Press, 1983 9780195671858 108 p.; Knowledge Centre
294.363 CAR 00101943 Buddha : Carrithers, Michael. Oxford University Press, 1983 9780195671858 108 p.; UG Library
294.363 CAR 05048928 The Buddha : Carrithers, Michael. Oxford University Press, 2001 0192854534 | 9780192854537 108 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.363 CAR 00084198 Buddha: A Very Short Introduction. Carrithers, Michael 2007 0195671856 108p UG Library
294.363 CAR 00085436 Buddha: A Very Short Introduction. Carrithers, Michael 2007 0195671856 108p UG Library
294.363 DAS 00143084 Buddha and Pratityasamutpada Das, Sanjib Kumar Buddhist World Press, 2022 9789391985004 117 p.; UG Library
294.363 DHA 00124576 The Budh-Gaya Temple Case Anagarika Dharmapala Buddhist World Press, 2016 9789380852539 different page numbers.: UG Library
294.363 GOE 00078179 Was the Buddha a Pessimist? Goenka, Acharya S. N. Vipassana Research Institute 2006 8174142150 69 p. UG Library
294.363 HAZ 00132318 The Adi- Buddha: Hazra, Kanai Lal, Buddhist World Press, 2018 9789380852867 x,225 p.; UG Library
294.363 ICA 05031824 God as Political Philosopher : Ilaiah, Kancha Stree 2004 8185604770 244 p Knowledge Centre
294.363 KAU 07002371 Gautam Buddha A Noble Life / Kaul Kadambari Rupa.Co, 2003 9788129102072 67p.: Library - BR Campus
294.363 OLD 05031827 Buddha : Oldenberg, Hermann MOTILAL BANARASI DASS, 1997 8120814975 452 p Knowledge Centre
294.363 PEN 00131783 Rediscovering the Buddha : Penner, Hans H., Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195385823 (alk. paper) | 0195385829 (alk. paper) xii, 260 p. : UG Library
294.363 SAD 00110928 Encounters with Enlightenment Saddhaloka Windhorse Publications 2001 1899579370 163p UG Library
294.363 STR 04008425 The Buddha : Strong, John, Oneworld, 2001 9781851682560 xv, 203 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.363 TAK 00111643 A record of the Buddhist religion as practised in India and the Malay Archipelago (A.D. 671-695)/ Takakusu, J. Asian Educational Services, 2005 81-206-1622-7 lxiv: 240p.; UG Library
294.3657095117 BAU 05032760 China's holy mountain : Baumer, Christoph. I.B. Tauris ; | Distributed in the U.S. and Canada exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 9781848857001 (hardback) | 184 xi, 370 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.38 OHN 00110154 Ties That Bind Ohnuma, Reiko. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199915651 (hardcover : alk viii, 262 p. : UG Library
294.380954 BAS 00099846 Buddhist Literary Heritage in India : National Mission for Manuscripts : | Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 2007 8190402986 (series) | 81904029 xxiii, 158 p., [8] p. of plates (some folded) : UG Library
294.382 BUD 00068471 Dhammapada Buddhica, Bibliotheca SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS 1990 8170302218 500p UG Library
294.382 KUM 00119761 Voice of the Buddha : The Dhammapada Kumar, Shiv K. Atlantic Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd, 2009 9788126910496 x:98p.; UG Library
294.382 LEG 05033495 The I Ching : James Legge Dover Publications, Inc., 1963 9780486210629 xiii, 448 p. Knowledge Centre
294.382 MAG 00065647 Dhammapada. Maguire, Jack Jaico Publishing House 2005 8179921581 129p UG Library
294.382 OHN 00101086 Bodily Self-Sacrifice Indian Buddhist Literature :/ Ohnuma,Reiko. Motilal Banasidass Pub , 9788120833609 372 P. UG Library
294.382 SHR 00133538 Agama and Tripitaka: Shri Nagrajji, Acharya D Concept publishing company pvt ltd, 2018 9788180693380 lv,781p.; UG Library
294.3822 PRE 00101116 Buddhist Monastic Discipline: Prebish Charles Motilal banarsidass publishers private limited; 2002 9788120813397 156 p. UG Library
294.3823 EAS 03005407 The Dhammpada : Easwaran, Eknath. Jaico Publishing House, 2010 9788184950731 275 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.3823 GET 00090343 Sayings of the Buddha Gethin, Rupert Oxford 9780192839251 307p UG Library
294.3823 HAN 00140451 Transformation and Healing: Hanh,Thich Nhat Full Grace Publishers 2018 9788121606967 179p UG Library
294.3823 ILA 00095699 God as Political Philosopher Buddha`s Chalenge to Brahminism Ilaiah, Kancha Stree 2008 9788185604770 244p UG Library
294.3823 ILA 00087703 God as Political Philosopher Buddha`s Chalenge to Brahminism Ilaiah, Kancha Stree 2008 9788185604770 244p UG Library
294.3823 KAT 00107583 Dharma-Pada Kattackal,Jacob Dr-Dr. Oriental Institute of Religious Studies 2009 9788188456338 199 P. UG Library
294.3823 ROT 00099126 Thus Have i Seen: Rotman Andy Oxford university press; 2009 9780195366150 323 p. UG Library
294.38232 GUP 00085376 Women in Buddhist Tradition Gupta, Sameer Das Cyber Tech Publications 2009 9788178844336 248 p UG Library
294.38232 SHA 05042078 Poems of the First Buddhist Women / Therigatha Harvard University Press, 2015 9780674504448 xxxvi, 290 pages ; Knowledge Centre
294.382325 TAL 00129440 Sanskrit Jātakas of Ārya Śura and Pāli-Jātakas : Talim, M. V. Buddhist World Press, 2017 9789380852737 | 9380852738 x, 290 p. : UG Library
294.3824 BHI 00129411 Adhidharmakosa of Acarya Vasubandhu Bhikkhu, Lokananda C. Buddhist World Press 2018 9789380852782 156 p. : UG Library
294.385 VAR 00137828 Exploring the Structure of Emptiness Varghese,Mathew Sanctum Books 2012 9788190995016 367p UG Library
294.385GRA 01010056 Cakrasamvara Tantra: The Discourse of Sri Heruka (law Lib) David B Gray Columbia University Press 9780975373460 446 p Knowledge Centre
294.385LOI 01010055 Nagarjuna`s Reason Sixty (law Lib) Joseph John Loizzo American Institue of Buddhist Studies 9780975373422 434 p Knowledge Centre
294.385WED 01009908 Aryadeva`s Lamp That Integrates the Practices Christian K Wedemeyer American Institue of Buddhist Studies 9780975373453 826 p Knowledge Centre
294.391 LEV 00089245 Rebuilding Buddhism Levine, Sarah Social Science Press 2008 9788187358398 377p UG Library
294.392 BOU 00100622 Four Pilgrims Boulting, William Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd., 9788120608054 256 p. UG Library
294.392 HUN 00110535 The emptiness of emptiness Huntington C. W. University of Hawaii Press, 1989 0824811658 (alk. paper) | 9780 xvi, 287 p. ; UG Library
294.392 MAL 00141280 Buddhist Phenomenology, Culture and Society / Malik-Goure, Archana Nav Vishnu Publications 2019 9788193330773 viii, 277 p. ; UG Library
294.392 SEB 00073836 Metaphysics and Mysticism in Mayhayana Buddhism. Sebastian C D SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS 2005 8170308267 323p UG Library
294.392 WAL 00088117 Nagarjuna in Context: Mahayana Buddhism and Early Indian Culture Walser, Joseph MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2008 9788120832602 369p UG Library
294.392 WES 00089510 Nagarjuna`s Madhyamaka: A Philosophical Introduction Westerhoff, Jan 2009 9780195384963 237p UG Library
294.39209 KAD 00068459 Tibetan Assimilation of Buddhism Kasstein, Matthew T 2000 0195152271 316p UG Library
294.3923 AGN 00111428 Tibetan Buddhahood and its Practice/ Agnihotri, Kuldeep Chand. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2012 9788126146581 296p.; UG Library
294.3923 AGN 00111427 History of Tibetan Buddhism/ Agnihotri, Kuldeep Chand. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2012 9788126146543 1st Ed. viii: 296p.; UG Library
294.3923 FAR 07009429 Elements of Tibetan Buddhism / Farkas Richard.E Foundation, 2014 9789382993445 xv,280p.: Library - BR Campus
294.3923 FAR 00126937 Elements of Tibetan Buddhism / Farkas Richard.E Foundation, 2014 9789382993445 xv,280p.: UG Library
294.3923 GOL 00140526 A force for good : Goleman, Daniel, Bloomsbury, 2015 9789385436000 First edition. x, 256 pages ; UG Library
294.3923 GOL 05065284 A force for good : Goleman, Daniel, Bloomsbury, 2015 9789385436000 First edition. x, 256 pages ; Knowledge Centre
294.3923 HOP 07005467 Becoming enlightened / Hopkins,Jeffrey. Random House, 2009 9781846041235 x,256p.; Library - BR Campus
294.3923 JAC 00106104 The Ocean of Wisdom: Jacobs,Alan Books 2005 9781905047079 744 p. UG Library
294.3923 LAM 00111720 Becoming enlightened / Dalai Lama XIV, Atria Books, 2009 1416565833 | 9781416565833 1st Atria Books hardcover ed. x, 256 p. ; UG Library
294.3923 LAM 00076138 How to See Yourself as You Really Are: A Practical Guide to Self-Knowledge: [ Dharmaram Library] Lama, Dalai Rider 2006 9781846040399 274p UG Library
294.3923 LAM 00107291 My Spiritual Autobiography Lama Dalai Rider Boks 2011 9781846042423 xvii:284 P. UG Library
294.3923 LEV 00071989 Dali Lama: A Biography: [dharmaram Library] Levenson, B Claude 2000 0195656504 288p UG Library
294.3923 PAN 00071380 Dalai Lamas Pant, Jitendra ROLI BOOKS PVT LTD 2001 8174361901 | 9788174361905 65 p. UG Library
294.3923 SAN 00112202 Tibetan buddhism : an introduction Sangharakshita New age books, 1986 9788178222714 139p.; UG Library
294.392309 AGN 00111431 Schools of Tibetan Buddhism/ Agnihotri, Kuldeep Chand. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd., 2012 9788126146567 1st Ed. viii: 296p.; UG Library
294.3923092 CHA 03009134 The Wisdom of Compassion : Chan, Victor. Riverhead Books, 2012 9781594487385 | 9780593071823 xiv, 255 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.3923092 CHA 05042792 The wisdom of compassion : Chan,Victor. Random House, 2012 9780552169233 xii,254p.; Knowledge Centre
294.3923092 KHA 05046099 Timeless Legacy : Khanna,Vikas. Bloomsbury, 2015 9789384898809 250p.; Knowledge Centre
294.3923092 MEH 03005357 Understanding the Dalai Lama : Mehrotra, Rajiv. Hay House, 2009 9781848500372 xxv,265 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.3923092 SIN 05037670 Boundless as the Sky : Lama Dalai Penguin Ananda, 2013 9780143421160 215p.: Knowledge Centre
294.3923092 TET 00140421 His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama: Tethong,Tenzin Geyche Roli Books 2021 9788194643371 351p UG Library
294.3923092 THU 03005961 Why the Dalai Lama Matters : Thurman, Robert. Atria Paperback, 2008 9781582702216 231 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.3923092 THU 04012079 Why the Dalai Lama matters : Thurman, Robert A. F. Atria Books ; | Beyond Words Pub., 2008 9781582702209 (hbk.) | 9781607 1st Atria Books/Beyond Words hardcover ed. xxiv, 231 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.3923092DIE 01009972 When a Woman Becomes a Religious Dynasty (law Lib) Hildegard Diemberger Columbia University Press 9780231143202 394 p Knowledge Centre
294.3923BER 01007190 Exile as Challenge the Tibetan Diaspora(law Library) Dagmar Bernstorff Orient Longman Private Limited 8125025553 488p Knowledge Centre
294.3925 BHA 00089232 Tantric Buddhism: Centential Tribute to Dr Benoytosh Bhattacharya Bhattacharyya, N N Manohar Publishers 2005 8173046492 328p UG Library
294.3925 GRA 05048699 Tantric traditions in transmission and translation / Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199763696 (pbk. : alk. pap xi, 375 pages ; Knowledge Centre
294.3925 LAM 00143109 THe Cult of Adamantine Path / Lama,G K. Buddhist World Press, 2022 9789391985080 xxvi,344p.; UG Library
294.3925 LOS 00143105 Sahaja : Loseries, Andrea Buddhist World Press, 2022 9789380852478 viii,168p.; UG Library
294.3925 SIN 00070047 Buddhist Tantricism (Dharmaram) N K Singh Global Vision 2004 8187746033 238p UG Library
294.3927 BLA 00078902 Zen for Beginners Blackstoe, Judith Orient Longman Publications 2001 8125020489 | 9788125020486 165 p. UG Library
294.3927 KIT 05031816 The Complete Book of Zen / Kit, Wong Kiew Tuttle Publishing, 2002 0804834415 320 p Knowledge Centre
294.3927 MAG 00092693 Waking Up: Maguire Jack Indus Source Books 9798188569013 189p UG Library
294.3927 OSH 04016158 Walking In Zen Sitting in Zen : Osho Westland. 2008 9788189975593 374 P. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.3927 PRE 00108729 The Social Organization of Zen Practice Preston,David L. Cambridge University Press, 1988 052135000X | 9780521183987 xviii, 171 p. : UG Library
294.3927 RAJ 00102377 Timeless Spring : Krishnamurthi Krishnamurti Foundation | Krishnamurti Foundation, 2001 8187326093 216 p UG Library
294.3927 SIN 00133535 Zen buddhism SIngh,L.P Concept publishing compnay pvt ltd., 2018 9789351252887 x,165p.; UG Library
294.3927 WRI 00109830 Philosophical Meditations On Zen Buddhism Wright Dales S. Cambridge University Press 1998 9780521590105 xv; 227 p. UG Library
294.3927ADA 01009959 Mystique of Transmission (law Lib) Wendi L Adamek section 2. Buddhism in China(T. 51. 179C4-180A2) The Second Part of the Lidaifa 578 p Knowledge Centre
294.3929 LEV 05031858 The Zen Book / Levin, Daniel Hay House, Inc., 2005 1401907016 242 p Knowledge Centre
294.39292 WHI 00135301 The lives of freda: Whitehead, Andrew Speaking tiger publishing, 2019 9789388070751 xvi,354p.; UG Library
294.39292 WHI 05074411 The lives of freda: Whitehead, Andrew Speaking tiger publishing, 2019 9789388070751 xvi,354p.; Knowledge Centre
294.3DAS 07005482 Difficulty of Being Good: on the Subtle Art of Dharma Das, Gurcharan Penguin Books 9780670083497 434p Library - BR Campus
294.3IEN 01008863 Hinduism and Buddhism (law Lib) Keshavaram N Iengar Manohar 8173042276 87p Knowledge Centre
294.3JON 01000893 Reconstructing the World:B R Ambedkar and Buddhism in India (law Lib) Surendra Jondhale Oxford University Press 0000195295 316p Knowledge Centre
294.3JON 01006930 Reconstructing the World:B R Ambedkar and Buddhism in India (law Lib) Surendra Jondhale Oxford University Press 0000195295 316p Knowledge Centre
294.3KLO 01000857 Short Introduction Buddhism (law Lib) Klaus K Klostermaier Oxford 1851681868 246p Knowledge Centre
294.3LIU 01006933 Silk and Religion: An Exploration of Material Life and the Thought of People ( Law Lib ) Xinru Liu Oxford University Press 0195644522 235p Knowledge Centre
294.3PUR 01005419 Engaged Buddhism:The Dalai Lama`s Worldview Bharati Puri Oxford University Press 0019567331 255p Knowledge Centre
294.3SIN 01006827 The Buddhism omnibus / Oxford University Press, 2004 0195668987 1 v. (various pagings) : Knowledge Centre
294.4 BAL 05002456 Svasti : Balbir, Nalini Muddappa Smaraka Trust, 2010 402 pv. XL. Knowledge Centre
294.4 BAL 00100888 Svasti : Balbir, Nalini Muddappa Smaraka Trust, 2010 402 pv. XL. UG Library
294.4 FLU 00128203 Studies in Jaina History and Culture: Flugel,Peter Motilal Banarsidass 2017 9788120840898 478p UG Library
294.4 GAJ 00073842 Lord Mahavira. Gajrani, Shiv Commonwealth Publications 2006 8131100103 315p UG Library
294.4 JAC 00090284 Jainism: Selected Sutras, With Life of Tirthankara Mahaira, Translated into Easy-To-understand English By the Renowned Scholar Jacobi, Hermann Lotus Press 2008 8183821413 245p UG Library
294.4 JHA 00138286 Jain Religion : Jha,Aniruddh. Edukeen Publishers, 2019 9789389387278 282p.; UG Library
294.4 KAL 00024258 Karnatakadalli Jaina Dharma Kalaghatigi, T G Mysour Printing and Publishing House 1976 1st Ed 108 p. UG Library
294.4 PAN 00110381 Jainism Paniker, Agustin. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2010 9788120834606 viii, 541 p. : UG Library
294.4 RAN 00087605 Jain Path: Ancient Wisdom for an Age of Anxiety Rankin, Aidan Pentagon Press 9788182743342 257 p UG Library
294.4 RAN 00088406 Jain Path: Ancient Wisdom for an Age of Anxiety Rankin, Aidan Pentagon Press 9788182743342 257 p UG Library
294.4 SHA 00060023 Acharya Tulsi Sharma, Ram Sita Mangal Deep Publications 2004 8175941359 vi; 269 p. UG Library
294.4 SIV 00091837 Hindu View of Life: Sivaramkrishna M Dharmaram Publications 184p UG Library
294.4 THG 04028874 Summit of peace : THG Publishing Private Ltd., THG Publishing Private Ltd., 2018 9789387791008 80p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.4 THG 05058953 Summit of peace : THG Publishing Private Ltd., THG Publishing Private Ltd., 2018 9789387791008 80p.; Knowledge Centre
294.4 THG 05058954 Summit of peace : THG Publishing Private Ltd., THG Publishing Private Ltd., 2018 9789387791008 80p.; Knowledge Centre
294.4 THG 00130344 Summit of peace : THG Publishing Private Ltd., THG Publishing Private Ltd., 2018 9789387791008 80p.; UG Library
294.4 THG 07011488 Summit of peace : THG Publishing Private Ltd., THG Publishing Private Ltd., 2018 9789387791008 80p.; Library - BR Campus
294.4082 JOS 00097244 Women in Jainism : Joshi, Mrinal. Rawat Publications, 8131602559 xx, 187 p. ; UG Library
294.40820954 LAL 05062552 Women religion and tradition : Lalitha, Vakulabharanam. Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya ; | Rawat Publications, 2011 9788131603956 xiii, 298 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.4086 JOS 00090490 Women in Jainism: A Case Study of Gujarat Inscriptions Joshi, Mrinal Rawat Publications 2008 8131602559 187p UG Library
294.408622 SID 05040338 Leading from the Heart : Siddiqui, Moid. Sage, 2014 9788132113706 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv,192 p.: Knowledge Centre
294.408622 SID 03011179 Leading from the Heart : Siddiqui, Moid. Sage, 2014 9788132113706 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv,192 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.40954 JAI 00132218 Identity, community, and state : Jain, Shalin, Primus Books, 2018 9789384082925 | 9384082929 | 9789386552495 | 9386552493 xiii, 402 pages, 1 unnumbered page : UG Library
294.40954 QUR 05008548 Sacred Spaces : Quraeshi,Samina Mapin Publishing, 2009 9788189995317 279 p. Knowledge Centre
294.4173 SHA 00134840 Jainism and ethical finance : Shah, Atul K., Routledge, 2017 9781138648869 xiii, 176 p. ; UG Library
294.422 TAT 00092888 The Jaina Doctrine of Karma and the Science of Genetics / Tater, Sohan Raj, Readworthy Publications, 2009 9789380009025 | 938000902X xxxv, 384 p. : UG Library
294.44 FRE 00092971 Journey to God : Frembgen, Jürgen Wasim. Oxford University Press, 9780195476422 (hbk.) | 0195476 viii, 214 p., [16] p. of plates : UG Library
294.444 VID 00134280 The mute clay : Vidyāsāgara, SBW Publishers, 2014 9788185708386 | 818570838X First edition. 227 pages : UG Library
294.4447 SET 05039301 Escaping the world : Sethi, Manisha. Routledge, 2012 9780415500814 | 0415500818 xxvi, 240 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.48 IYE 00096046 Life in Ancient India the age of Mantras Iyengar Sriniva.p.T Asian educational services 1982 8120601475 140P UG Library
294.48 SID 00119840 The Junaydi Sufis of The Deccan : by,Siddiqui. Suleman Mohammed Primus Books, 2014 9789380607528 xxxii, 294 p.: UG Library
294.5 DAS 10004148 Sanatana Dharma : Das, Kripamoya. Penguin, 2024 9780143468349 xii, 217p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.5 DAS 04003751 Difficulty of Being Good: on the Subtle Art of Dharma Das, Gurcharan Penguin 2009 9780670083497 434 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.5 DON 10004165 The Dharma of Unfaithful Wives and Faithful Jackals : Doniger, Wendy. Speaking Tiger, 2024 9789354475412 222p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.5 KLO 03001881 Hinduism Beginners Guides / Klostermaier, Klaus. One World, 2008 9781851685387 216 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.5 AMB 00129675 Riddles in Hinduism Ambedkar, B R Navayana Publishing Pvt. ltd 2016 9788189059774 288p UG Library
294.5 ANA 00068313 Essence of the Hindu Religion Anand, Sudhir Vishwa 2002 8174764011 170p UG Library
294.5 ANU 00131835 The Advaita Vedanta of Siva Samhita Anuradha,S Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 2018 978120841727 211p UG Library
294.5 APP 00112708 Temple Bells Appasamy,A J I J A Publications 2001 8186778357 154p UG Library
294.5 BAN 00116923 Dialogics of self, the Mahabharata and culture Bandlamudi, Lakshmi. Anthem Press, 2010 9781843318354 | 9789380601458 xiii, 301 p. ; UG Library
294.5 BAN 00008217 Discourses on Hindu Spiritual Culture Bannerjee, A K Rama Ashram 1971 Vol - ll 243 p.: UG Library
294.5 BAN 00008226 Discourses on Hindi Spiritual Culture Banerjee, A K Chand & Co. 1967 294 p UG Library
294.5 BER 00105552 Cultural Entrenchment of Hindutva: Berti,Daniela. Routledge. 2011 9780415677998 xii,344 p. UG Library
294.5 BRY 00124869 Krishna Bryant Edwin F Oxford University Press 2007 9788120840263 575p UG Library
294.5 CAM 00101130 Myths and Symbols in Indian art and Civillization: Campbell Joseph Motilal Banarsidass publishers private limited: 1973 8120807510 248 p. UG Library
294.5 CHA 00088048 Hinduism Omnibus Chaudhari, Nirad 2008 0195664116 p v UG Library
294.5 CHA 05000012 Bankim's Hinduism / Chattopadhyay Bankim Chandra Permanent Black, 2011 9788178243238 xii,379p.: Knowledge Centre
294.5 CHA 05038369 Bankim's Hinduism / Chattopadhyay Bankim Chandra Permanent Black, 2011 9788178243238 xii,379p.: Knowledge Centre
294.5 CHI 00081082 Rudra the Idea of Shiva Chitgopekar, Nilima 2007 0143103415 188p UG Library
294.5 CHO 00147052 The five dharma types : Chokoisky, Simon. Destiny Books; 2014 9781620552834 (pbk.) x, 404 pages : UG Library
294.5 CHO 00140669 The five dharma types : Chokoisky, Simon. Destiny Books; 2014 9781620552834 (pbk.) x, 404 pages : UG Library
294.5 COO 00143094 Hinduism and Buddhism / Coomaraswamy,Ananda K. Buddhist World press, 2022 9789391985097 86p.; UG Library
294.5 COO 00081214 Classic Indian Tales:Selections from The Greates Hindu & Buddhist Epics Coomaraswamy Jaico 2007 8172248210 399p UG Library
294.5 COP 05031828 Hinduism in Public and Private : Copley, Antony Oxford University Press, 2003 0195663934 300 p Knowledge Centre
294.5 DAL 00088378 Nationalisation of Hindu Traditions Dalmia, Vasudha 2005 0195648560 490p UG Library
294.5 DAL 05031810 Representing Hinduism : Dalmia, Vasudha Sage Publications, 1993 8170364221 468 p Knowledge Centre
294.5 DAN 05032316 The Mahabharata Revisited / Sahitya Akademi, 1990 9788126028726 306p.; Knowledge Centre
294.5 DAS 05074944 Sanatana Dharma : Das, Kripamoya. Penguin, 2024 9780143468349 xii, 217p.; Knowledge Centre
294.5 DEV 05039330 History and the making of a modern Hindu self / Devare, Aparna. Routledge, 2011 9780415597500 | 0415597501 (hb xiv, 236 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.5 DHA 00076108 Hinduism: An Introduction [ Dharmaram Library] Dharam, Vir Singh RUPA & CO 2003 8129100355 142p UG Library
294.5 DON 05072733 The Dream Narrative : Doniger, Wendy. Speaking Tiger Books, 2021 9789354472152 109p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.5 DON 10002187 The Dream Narrative : Doniger, Wendy. Speaking Tiger Books, 2021 9789354472152 109p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.5 DON 05074963 The Dharma of Unfaithful Wives and Faithful Jackals : Doniger, Wendy. Speaking Tiger, 2024 9789354475412 222p.; Knowledge Centre
294.5 DOW 05002334 Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology & Religion Geography History Literature / Dowson, John Rupa, 1993 412 p Knowledge Centre
294.5 DUB 00121412 Everyman's book of Hindu religion and mythology Dubois Abbe J A Lotus Press publishers & Distributors 2012 9788183822879 318p. UG Library
294.5 DUN 00117557 Hinduism Duneja, Prabha New Age Books 2014 9788178224527 448p UG Library
294.5 EDE 00141254 Hindu Theology and Biology : Edelmann, Jonathan B. Oxford University Press ; 2012 9780198864622 ix, 251 p. ; UG Library
294.5 FAR 05007999 A Primer of Hinsuism / FArquhar, J. N. Asian Educational Services, 1993 222 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.5 FLO 00060069 An Introduction to Hinduism Flood, Gavin Foundation Books 2004 8175960280 xviii; 341 p. UG Library
294.5 FLO 07005264 The Bhagavad gita : W W Norton & Company 2015 9780393912920 | 0393912922 A Norton critical edition. | First edition. xviii, 206 pages ; Library - BR Campus
294.5 FOW 05031829 Hinduism : Fowler, Jeaneane Adarsh Books, 2000 8187401001 162 p Knowledge Centre
294.5 FRI 00133479 Hindu-muslim realtions: Friedrichs,Jorg Routledge, 2019 9780367029104 ix,141p.; UG Library
294.5 GAN 05031821 The Essence of Hinduism / Gandhi, M K Navjivan Publishing, 1987 218 p Knowledge Centre
294.5 GAN 00076179 Hindusim: A Gandhian Perspective: [dharmaram Library] Gandhi, Mahatma Ane Books 2006 8180521109 520p UG Library
294.5 GAU 00055844 Dr.Baba Saheb Ambedkar and Brahmanism Gautama, Q L B.R Publishing Corporation 2002 8176462616 | 788176462617 xiii; 310 p. UG Library
294.5 GOR 00130950 Krishna rajya: Goradia,Prafull Bloomsbury publishing india pvt ltd., 2018 9789387457645 xiii,346p.; UG Library
294.5 GOS 00046802 Srila Prabhupada-Lilamrta Goswami Dasa Bhahtivedanta Book Trust 1993 xv; 427 p. UG Library
294.5 IRO 00100237 Devi : Ironbiter, Suzanne, MapinLit, 9788188204649 (Mapin) | 978189 190 p. ; UG Library
294.5 JAC 00117662 Hinduism today Jacobs, Stephen. Continuum, 2010 9780826430656 | 0826430651 | 9 182 p. : UG Library
294.5 JAG 05031831 Hinduism : Jagannathan, Shakunthala Vakils, Feffer & Simons, 2000 8187111194 84 p Knowledge Centre
294.5 JAS 22001824 Our Republic Post 6 December 1992 a Dialogue Jaswan Singh Rupa & Co 136p Knowledge Centre
294.5 JAS 00082490 Our Republic Post 6 December 1992 a Dialogue Jaswan Singh Rupa & Co 136p UG Library
294.5 JHA 00129826 Dharma Laws and Law Seers of India Jha,Ushakar Motlal Banarsidass 2017 9788120841581 282p UG Library
294.5 JUL 04024722 Rearming Hinduism / Juluri, Vamsee Westland, 2015 9789384030520 229p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.5 KAN 00064755 Teach Yourself Hinduism Kanitkar, V P 2000 0340859679 230p UG Library
294.5 KAN 04015278 Hinduism An Introduction / Kanitkar, V. P Hachette, 2010 9781444105094 303 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.5 KIN 05031805 Intimate Other : King, Anna S Orient Longman Publications, 2005 8125028013 425 p Knowledge Centre
294.5 KLO 04012594 Hinduism Beginners Guides / Klostermaier, Klaus. One World, 2008 9781851685387 216 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.5 KLO 00112166 Hinduism: Klostermaier,Klaus One World 2006 1-851682201 178p UG Library
294.5 KNO 00085418 Hindusism: A Very Short Introduction. Knott, Kim 2007 0195678710 142p UG Library
294.5 KNO 00081790 Hinduism: A Very Short Introduction Knott, Kim 1998 0195678710 142p Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.5 KNO 00105953 Hinduism Knott,Kim Oxford University Press 1998 9780192853875 142 P. UG Library
294.5 KNO 01016425 Hinduism : Knott, Kim. Oxford University Press, 2006 0195678710 | 9780195678710 142 p. Knowledge Centre
294.5 KNO1 05001546 Hindusism: A Very Short Introduction. Knott, Kim 2007 0195678710 142p Knowledge Centre
294.5 KUS 00140908 Hinduism and Indian Culture Kushwaha, Jimmy Singh Lakshita Book Distributors 2020 9789389007572 177p UG Library
294.5 LAK 00133285 Hindu religion and culture Lakshmanacharya,swami Jnanada Prakashan 2017 9788171397969 287p UG Library
294.5 LAL 00027448 Hinduism: Ancient & Modern Lala Brij Nath, Raj Bahadur Golden 1981 140 p UG Library
294.5 LAM 00125061 Hindu-Muslim riots Lambert, Richard D. Oxford University Press 2013 9780199068593 vxii, 285 pages; UG Library
294.5 LIP 00125049 Hindus : Lipner, Julius. Routledge, 2010 9780415456760 (hardback : alk. 2nd ed. x, 426 p.: UG Library
294.5 LON 00076174 Vision for Hinduism: Beyond Hindu Nationalism: [dharmaram Library] Long, D Jeffrey I b Tauris 2007 9781845112738 224p UG Library
294.5 LOR 00081615 Who Invented Hinduism? Essays on Religion in History Lorenzen, David N YODA PRESS 2006 8190227262 284p UG Library
294.5 LUD 01000886 Making India Hindu : Oxford University Press, 2005 0195672488 | 9780195672480 | 0 2nd ed. xxi, 350 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.5 LUD 01007704 Making India Hindu : Oxford University Press, 2005 0195672488 | 9780195672480 | 0 2nd ed. xxi, 350 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.5 LUD 01005448 Making India Hindu : Oxford University Press, 2005 0195672488 | 9780195672480 | 0 2nd ed. xxi, 350 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.5 MAJ 05035132 The Hindu History / Muzumdar,A.K. Rupa Publications, 2008 9788129113122 xvi,621p.; Knowledge Centre
294.5 MAL 05038326 Popular Hinduism, O'Malley, L. S. S. Macmillan; | University Press, 1935 viii, 246 p. Knowledge Centre
294.5 MAL 00140373 Indra`s Net Malhotra, Rajiv Harper Collins 9789351771791 376p UG Library
294.5 MAL 00129829 Indra`s Net Malhotra, Rajiv Harper Collins 9789351771791 376p UG Library
294.5 MAT 00091819 Hindutva: Mattam J Dharmaram Publications 8186861394 329p Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.5 MAT 00094651 Hindutva: Mattam J Dharmaram Publications 8186861394 329p UG Library
294.5 MED 00129838 The Plays of Sankaradeva Medihi,Yashodhara Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 2017 9788120840942 502p UG Library
294.5 MIC 00084874 Hinduism: Past and Present. Michaels, Axel Orient Longman Publications 2004 8125027769 429p UG Library
294.5 MIL 05045678 The Norton anthology of world religions : W.W.Norton, 2015 9780393912579 First edition. xxxii,712p.; Knowledge Centre
294.5 MIL 07005277 The Norton anthology of world religions : W.W.Norton, 2015 9780393912579 First edition. xxxii,712p.; Library - BR Campus
294.5 MIT 05002427 Hindu World / Mittal, Sushil Routledge, 2007 0415772273 657p.: Knowledge Centre
294.5 MIT 00100675 Two Old Faiths : Mitcheel, Murray J Asian Educational Services, 9788120611608 152 P. UG Library
294.5 MIT 05007954 Hinduism past and present : Mitchell, J. Murray. Religious Tract Society, 1885 299 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.5 MUE 00134219 Getting to Know Hinduism Muesse,Mark W Aleph Book Company 2018 9789388292078 213p UG Library
294.5 MUL 05031830 India : Muller, F Max Penguin Books, 2003 0141004371 280 p Knowledge Centre
294.5 MUR 00131844 Vedic Cosmology Murthiyedath,Prameswaran Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 2018 9788120841673 387p UG Library
294.5 NAN 00090551 God Market: Nanda, Meera Random House 2008 9788184000955 240p UG Library
294.5 NAT 00111981 Bridging Souls Nath Arindam Peacock Books 2012 9788124802625 x; 262 p UG Library
294.5 NIK 10004304 Hinduism: Nikhilananda, Swami Finger print classics, 2023 9789358561630 xvii,317 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.5 NIV 00121425 The vital truths of Hinduism Nivedita Sister Lotus Press Publishers 2011 9788183822718 280p. UG Library
294.5 OBI 05046073 Mahabharata / Om Kidz, 2014 9788187108252 318p.; Knowledge Centre
294.5 OLI 00116933 Language, texts, and society Olivelle, Patrick. Firenze University Press ; | Munshiram Manoharlal, 2005 8884533953 : | 9789380601656 419 p. ; UG Library
294.5 PAN 00065671 Hindu Mind: Fundamentals of Hindu Religion and Philosophy for All Ages Pandit, Bansi New Age Books 2004 8178220075 448p UG Library
294.5 PAT 00138619 Hindu Trinity Pattanaik,Devdutt Westland Publications 2019 9789388754712 715p UG Library
294.5 PAT 00137569 Myth=mithya: Pattanaik,Devdutta Penguin random house india pvt ltd., 2017 9780143429678 xviii,227p.; UG Library
294.5 PER 00018459 Hindu Theology: a Reader. Pereira, Jose Image 1976 558 p UG Library
294.5 PRA 05070280 Perfect questions perfect answers : Prabhupada, Swami Bhaktivedanta A.C. The Bhaktivedanta book trust, 1983 x,108p.; Knowledge Centre
294.5 RAD 00035490 Hindu View of Life Radhakrishnan, HAR-ANAND 1993 92 p UG Library
294.5 RAD 00012941 Radhakrishnan Reader Munshi, K M 1969 600 p UG Library
294.5 RAD 04008027 The principal upanisads / Radhakrishnan, R HarperCollins Pub Ltd, 2010 958p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.5 RAD 00020659 Living With a Purpose Radhakrishnan, S Orient Longman 1978 1 UG Library
294.5 RAD 00020660 Search for Truth Radhakrishnan, S Hind 1977 108 p UG Library
294.5 RAD 00020661 Present Crisis of Faith Radhakrishnan, S. Orient Longman 1970 170 p. UG Library
294.5 RAD 00020662 Idealist View of Life Radhakrishan, S Blackie 1979 279 p UG Library
294.5 RAI 01002980 Hindu Rulers, Muslim Subjects : Mridu Rai Permanent Black, 2004 8178240653 335p.; Knowledge Centre
294.5 RAJ 05031812 Essays on Indian Religion / Rajkumar Discovery Publishing House, 2002 8171416934 256 p Knowledge Centre
294.5 RAM 00131796 A History of Hinduism Ramachandran,R Sage 2018 9789352806980 298p UG Library
294.5 RAM 05062021 A History of Hinduism Ramachandran,R Sage 2018 9789352806980 298p Knowledge Centre
294.5 RAM 10005139 A History of Hinduism : Ramachandran, R. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789352806980 | 9352806980 xxxi, 298 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.5 RAM 00133127 A history of hinduism: Ramachandran,R. Sage publications India pvt Ltd, 2018 9789352806980 298 p. ; UG Library
294.5 REN 00012938 Hinduism Renou, Louis Prentice-Hall 1961 256 p UG Library
294.5 REN 00109589 Hinduism Renou Louis Konecky & Konecky 1961 9781568526737 255 p. UG Library
294.5 RIN 05047027 Contemporary Hinduism : Rinehart, Robin ABC-CLIO, 2004 1576079058 (hardcover : alk. p ix, 448 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.5 ROS 05047032 Essential Hinduism / Rosen, Steven, Praeger, 2006 0275990060 (alk. paper) | 9780 xxi, 266 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.5 ROS 00013077 Hinduism ,Buddhism,Zen Ross, Nancy Wilson Faber & Faber 1968 222 p UG Library
294.5 SAH 00123468 Plants and Animals of India Sahay, Sarita Abhijeet Publications, 2015 9789350741818 200 p:. UG Library
294.5 SAR 00107127 Sanatana Dharma Sardesai V S Readworthy Publication (P) Ltd 2009 9789380009049 xi, 142 p. UG Library
294.5 SEA 00134520 The Positive Sciences of the Ancient Hindus Seal,Brajendranath Abhijeet Publications 2018 9788193781425 294p UG Library
294.5 SEN 00116912 The anthropologist and the native Seneviratne, H.L Anthem Press, 2011 9780857284358 | 9789380601670 493 p. : UG Library
294.5 SHA 00109655 Hindutva Sharma,Jyotirmaya Penguin Books 2003 9790143099634 205 p. UG Library
294.5 SHA 00139750 Ayodhya: Sharma,Hemant Rupa Publications Pvt Ltd 2020 9789390356638 300 pages UG Library
294.5 SHA 05035130 The cult of Bhairava in Nepal / Shakya, Milan Ratna, Rupa & Co., 2008 9788129113047 (jacket) xv, 289 p., [8] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
294.5 SHA 00089818 Hinduism & Christianity Shankar, Ravi Vyakti Vikas Kendra 1998 71p. UG Library
294.5 SHA 05031809 Hinduism : Sharma, Sanjay Prakash R B S A Publishers, 2003 8176111929 244 p Knowledge Centre
294.5 SHO 00019831 Hinduism: Essence & Consequence Shourie, Arun Vikas 1979 414 p UG Library
294.5 SIN 00119837 Essays on Hinduism Karan Singh, Primus Books, 2014 9789384082017 3th ed x, 168 p. ; UG Library
294.5 SIN 00112383 Concepts of reason and intuition : Sinha, Ramesh Chandra, D.K. Printworld, 2013 9788124606537 | 8124606536 | 9 2nd rev. ed. xvi, 296 p. ; UG Library
294.5 SMI 05005574 Hinduism and modernity / Smith, David Blackwell Pub., 2003 0631208615 (hardback : alk. pa xi, 250 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.5 SMI 00085046 Hinduism and Modernity. Smith, David 2003 0631208623 250p UG Library
294.5 SMI 00087017 Hinduism and Modernity. Smith, David 2003 0631208623 250p UG Library
294.5 SUB 00065573 How to Become a Hindu: a Guide for Seekers and Born Hindus Subramuniyaswami, Satguru Sivaya MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2002 8120818113 440p UG Library
294.5 SUB 00128190 Dancing With Siva Subramuniswami, Sivya Motilal Banarsidass 2011 9788120832657 938p UG Library
294.5 THA 00137810 The Hindu Way : Tharoor,Shashi. Aleph Book Company, 2019 9789388292856 xviii,305p.; UG Library
294.5 THA 05066992 The Hindu Way : Tharoor,Shashi. Aleph Book Company, 2019 9789388292856 xviii,305p.; Knowledge Centre
294.5 THA 00137275 Why i am a hindu / Tharoor,Shashi Alpha book company, 2018 9789386021106 xvi,302p.; UG Library
294.5 THA 01025635 Why i am a hindu / Tharoor,Shashi Alpha book company, 2018 9789386021106 xvi,302p.; Knowledge Centre
294.5 THA 10004790 The Hindu Way : Tharoor,Shashi. Aleph Book Company, 2019 9789388292856 xviii,305p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.5 THA 10004793 Why i am a hindu / Tharoor,Shashi Alpha book company, 2018 9789386021106 xvi,302p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.5 THA 07011487 Why i am a hindu / Tharoor,Shashi Alpha book company, 2018 9789386021106 xvi,302p.; Library - BR Campus
294.5 THA 00090459 Mathew Arnold and the Bhagavad Gita Tharakan, Anniyil St.Joseph`s Press 2008 300p UG Library
294.5 THA 00140222 The Hindu Way : Tharoor,Shashi. Aleph Book Company, 2019 9789388292856 xviii,305p.; UG Library
294.5 THU 00141267 Hinduism : Thuruthiyil, Scaria Kristu Jyoti Publications; 2019 978-81-951504-5-8 389 p. UG Library
294.5 TRI 00133287 Brahman Trivedi,Priya Ranjan Jnanada Prakashan 2018 9788171398706 500p UG Library
294.5 UND 00096048 The Hindu Religious Year Underhill.M.M Asian educational services 8120605233 194P UG Library
294.5 VAR 07012354 Hinduism: Varma,Ravi S Book enclave, 2018 9788181524409 208p.; Library - BR Campus
294.5 VAR 00131718 Hinduism: Varma,Ravi S Book enclave, 2018 9788181524409 208p.; UG Library
294.5 VAR 05062278 Hinduism: Varma,Ravi S Book enclave, 2018 9788181524409 208p.; Knowledge Centre
294.5 VEL 00139694 An introduction to Hinduism / Vellaringatt, Joseph. Media House; 2019 9789388989121 (PB) 220 p. ; UG Library
294.5 VEL 00139984 An introduction to Hinduism / Vellaringatt, Joseph. Media House; 2019 9789388989121 (PB) 220 p. ; UG Library
294.5 VEN 00030414 Structure and Cognition:Aspects of Hindu Caste and Ritual Das, Veena OUP 1987 171 p UG Library
294.5 VER 00079759 Beyond Hindutva Verma, S L Rawat Publications 2007 0813160053 | 9788131600535 x; 414 p. UG Library
294.5 VER 07006515 Beyond Hindutva Verma, S L Rawat Publications 2007 0813160053 | 9788131600535 x; 414 p. Library - BR Campus
294.5 VIN 00002197 Sampathi-Dan Vinobha, Sarvodaya 1958 48 p UG Library
294.5 VIS 00138749 Amazing Secrets of Hinduism: Viswanathan ED Rupa Publications 2019 9789353335304 180p UG Library
294.5 WIL 00072005 Indian Wisdom or Eamples of the Religious, Philosphical and Ethical Doctrines of the Hindus [dharmaram Library] Williams, Monier Rupa & Co 2003 8171676081 634 UG Library
294.5 WIL 00133838 Hinduism Williams- Monier Abhijeet Publications, 2018 9788193781418 x,238 p.; UG Library
294.5 WIL 00080995 Modern Hinduism:An Account of the Religion and Life of the Hindus in Northern India Wilkins, W J B.R PUBLISHING CORPORATION 8176462268 426 UG Library
294.5 YOG 05064148 God talks with arjuna the bhagavad gita : Yogananda, Paramhansa. Yogada satsanga society of india, 2017 9788189535001 Vol. Knowledge Centre
294.5 YOG 05064149 God talks with arjuna the bhagavad gita : Yogananda, Paramhansa. Yogada satsanga society of india, 2017 9788189535001 Vol. Knowledge Centre
294.5 YOG 05064150 God talks with arjuna the bhagavad gita : Yogananda, Paramhansa. Yogada satsanga society of india, 2017 9788189535001 Vol. Knowledge Centre
294.5 YOG 05064151 God talks with arjuna the bhagavad gita : Yogananda, Paramhansa. Yogada satsanga society of india, 2017 9788189535001 Vol. Knowledge Centre
294.5 ZAE 00007305 Hinduism. Zaehner, R C Oxford University 1966 204 p UG Library
294.5 ZIM 05031806 Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization / Zimmer, Heinrich MOTILAL BANARASI DASS, 1990 8120807510 260 p Knowledge Centre
294.502945 YOG 00065614 Autobiography of a Yogi Yogananda, Paramahansa Yogoda Satsanga Society of India 2005 499p UG Library
294.503 CUS 05002597 Encyclopedia of Hinduism / Cush, Denise Routledge, 2008 9780700712670 1086 p.: Knowledge Centre
294.503 DAL 04023321 Hinduism : An Alphabetical Guide / Dalal, Roshen Penguine Books, 2010 9780143423171 v p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.503 DOW 00029682 Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology and Religion. Dowson, John Rupa 1987 411 p UG Library
294.503 DOW 00099953 A Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology and Religion, Geography, History, and Literature Dowson, John Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 9788121509424 VII, 409 P. UG Library
294.503 KLO 00069864 Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism Klostermaier, Klaus K Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851681752 235p UG Library
294.503 LON 01019015 Historical dictionary of Hinduism / Long, Jeffery D. Scarecrow Press, 2011 9780810867642 (cloth : alk. pa New ed. xxiv, 365 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.503 SAR 00065658 True History and the Religion of India Saraswati, Swami Prakashanand MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2004 8120817893 800p UG Library
294.50321 STU 00099951 A Dictionary of Hinduism: Stutley, James Munshiram manoharlal, 9788121510745 xix, 372 p. UG Library
294.503CUS 01007279 Encyclopedia of Hinduism ( Law Lib.) Denise Cush Routledge 9780700712670 1086p. Knowledge Centre
294.507 KAP 05031804 Science, Religion And Development : Kapur, Promilla Har-Anand Publications, 2001 8124106304 304 p Knowledge Centre
294.507 KAP 05031807 The Hindu Journey / Kapur, Tribhuvan Gyan Publishing House, 2003 8121208351 212 p Knowledge Centre
294.507041 ODD 05031803 Imagined Hindusim : Oddie, Geoffrey A Sage Publications, 2006 0761934871 374 p Knowledge Centre
294.507041ODD 01004055 Imagined Hinduism:Bristish Protestant Missionary Constructions of Hinduism, 1793-1900 (law Library) Geoffrey A Oddie Sage Publications 0761934871 374p Knowledge Centre
294.507041ODD 01006556 Imagined Hinduism:Bristish Protestant Missionary Constructions of Hinduism, 1793-1900 (law Library) Geoffrey A Oddie Sage Publications 0761934871 374p Knowledge Centre
294.5071 FRA 05042142 Bloomsbury companion to Hindu studies / Bloomsbury, 2014 9781472511515 (pbk.) xiii,407p.: Knowledge Centre
294.5071 NAD 05039671 Handbook of Hinduism : Nadkarni M.V Ane Books Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9789382127604 x,348p.: Knowledge Centre
294.5072 PEN 00068506 Methods in Theories in the Study of Relogions Penumala, Pratap Kumar Black and White 2005 8189320017 118p UG Library
294.507CON 01008778 Organizatonal and Institutional Aspects of Indian Religious Movements (law Lib) Joseph T O Connell Indian Institute of Advanced Study Rshtrapati 8185952620 290 p Knowledge Centre
294.508 SEN 00125642 An Idealist in India : P. Sen Amiya Primus Books, 2016 9789384082932 (hardbook) xi, 22p.: ; UG Library
294.5082 APF 00094179 Rhythms of life : Apffel-Marglin, Frédérique. Oxford University Press, 9780195694192 (pbk.) | 0195694 xi, 292 p. ; UG Library
294.5082 BOS 00133514 Women in the Hindu tradition : Bose, Mandakranta, Routledge, 2010 9780415778145 | 9781138895980 xii, 170 p. : UG Library
294.5082 BOS 05007354 Women in the Hindu tradition : Bose, Mandakranta, Routledge, 2010 9780415778145 | 9781138895980 xii, 170 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.5082 HAU 05039409 Promising rituals : Hauser, Beatrix. Routledge, 2012 9780415625852 | 0415625858 xxi, 277 p., [4] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
294.5082 TYA 07010322 Contestation and compliance : Tyagi, Jaya, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199451821 (hbk.) | 0199451 First edition. xv, 283 pages ; Library - BR Campus
294.5082 TYA 05043846 Contestation and compliance : Tyagi, Jaya, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199451821 (hbk.) | 0199451 First edition. xv, 283 pages ; Knowledge Centre
294.5086 ILA 00057923 Why I Am Not a Hindu: A Sudra Critique of Hindutva Philosophy, Culture and Political Economy Ilaiah, Kancha Samya publishers: 2009 8185604827 163 p. UG Library
294.5086 ILA 00092290 Post-Hindu India : Ilaiah, K. SAGE Publications, 2009 9788178299020 (pbk.) 302 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.5086 ILA 00092291 Post-Hindu India : Ilaiah, K. SAGE Publications, 2009 9788178299020 (pbk.) 302 p. UG Library
294.5086 ILA 00090285 Why I Am Not a Hindu: A Sudra Critique of Hindutva Philosophy, Culture and Political Economy Ilaiah, Kancha Samya publishers: 2009 8185604827 163 p. UG Library
294.5086 ILA 00136124 Why I am not a Hindu : LLaiah Shepherd,Kancha Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353282622 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9789353282639 (epub 2.0 : alk. paper) | 9789353282646 (web pdf) xv,163p.; UG Library
294.5086 ILA 05031898 Post-Hindu India : Ilaiah, K. SAGE Publications, 2009 9788178299020 (pbk.) 302 p. Knowledge Centre
294.509 DON 04003765 Hindus : Doniger, Wendy. Penguin Press, 2009 9781594202056 779 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.509 KUM 05033425 Tribal and Indian Society / Kumar,Sunil. ABD Publications, 2011 9788183763394 vi,256p.; Knowledge Centre
294.509 CHI 00060034 The Book of Durga Chitgopekar, Nilima Penguin Books India Private Limited 2003 0067004976 129 p. UG Library
294.509 DON 00124874 The Hindus an alternative history / Doniger Wendy Speaking Tiger, 2015 9789385288661 779p.: UG Library
294.509 DON 00090895 Hindus:An Alternative History Doniger, Wendy Bloomsbury 9780670083541 779p UG Library
294.509 DON 05045692 The Hindus an alternative history / Doniger Wendy Speaking Tiger, 2015 9789385288661 779p.: Knowledge Centre
294.509 DON 03007789 Hindus : Doniger, Wendy. Penguin Press, 2009 9781594202056 779 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.509 DON 07014140 The Hindus an alternative history / Doniger Wendy Speaking Tiger, 2015 9789385288661 779p.: Library - BR Campus
294.509 GHO 00145834 Loss of our religious identity : Ghosh, Suresh Chandra. Dev Publishers & Distributors, 2013 9789381406083 (pbk.) | 9789381406083 | 9381406081 (pbk.) xx, 262 pages ; UG Library
294.509 KAP 05074997 Tripping down the Ganga : Kapila, Siddharth. Speaking Tiger Books LLP, 2024 9789354478901 424 p.; Knowledge Centre
294.509 KAP 10004198 Tripping down the Ganga : Kapila, Siddharth. Speaking Tiger Books LLP, 2024 9789354478901 424 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.509 KRI 00060035 Book of Vishnu Krishna, Nanditha Penguin Books India Private Limited 2001 0670049077 149 p. UG Library
294.509 NIC 00107751 Unifying Hinduism Nicholson, Andrew J. Permanent Black 2010 9788178243283 | 9780231526425 xii, 266 p. ; UG Library
294.509 SAM 05074999 Waiting for Shiva : Sampath, Vikram. Bluone Ink Pvt Ltd, 2024 9788196737597 xxvii, 368 p.; Knowledge Centre
294.509 SAM 10004200 Waiting for Shiva : Sampath, Vikram. Bluone Ink Pvt Ltd, 2024 9788196737597 xxvii, 368 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.509 VER 00137841 The Hindu Diaspora Vertovec,Steven Routledge 2018 9781138493216 190p UG Library
294.50901 BAS 00125791 Origins and Development of Classical Hinduism Basham, Al 1989 0195630858 159p UG Library
294.50901 BAS 00088369 Origins and Development of Classical Hinduism Basham, Al 1989 0195630858 159p UG Library
294.509013 BHA 00068525 Vedic Wisdom Cultural Inheritance and Contemparay Life Bhatt, S R Sundeep Prakashan 2005 0000817574 195p UG Library
294.509034 BLO 05007296 Rethinking religion in India : Bloch, Esther Routledge, 2010 9780415548908 (cloth : alk. pa xv, 192 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.509034 PEN 00104767 Was Hinduism Invented? Britons, Indians and the Colonial Construction of Religion: Pennington, K Brian Oxford University Press. 2004 9780195326000 Vi249 p. UG Library
294.5092 AUR 00140927 Morality, Idealism, Religion and Yoga : Aurobindo, Sri Sri Aurobindo Ashram; 2014 9788170580378 174 p. ; UG Library
294.5092 BAL 00119543 Saint : A Journey to Salvation Bali, K.K. B.R. Publishing Corporation, 2014 9789350501580 296p.; UG Library
294.5092 BIN 01018517 Lives of the law : Bingham, T. H. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199697304 (cloth : alk. pa xiv, 387 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.5092 DAN 00132696 Sri Aurobindo and India's Rebirth: Danino,Michel, Rupa Publications India Pvt.Ltd, 2018 9789353040567 xxii,263 p.; UG Library
294.5092 DAS 00140915 Sri Aurobindo: Das, Patitapaban City Publications 2019 9789389117295 148p UG Library
294.5092 HEE 05002428 The lives of Sri Aurobindo : Heehs, Peter. Columbia University Press, 9780231140980 (cloth : alk. pa xiv, 496 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.5092 JOR 03009210 Gandhi's Religion : Jordens J.T.F Oxford University Press, 1998 9780198084976 xxiii, 310 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.5092 JOR 07004765 Gandhi's Religion : Jordens J.T.F Oxford University Press, 1998 9780198084976 xxiii, 310 p. : Library - BR Campus
294.5092 JOR 05018018 Gandhi's Religion : Jordens J.T.F Oxford University Press, 1998 9780198084976 xxiii, 310 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.5092 JOR 00110227 Gandhi's Religion : Jordens J.T.F Oxford University Press, 1998 9780198084976 xxiii, 310 p. : UG Library
294.5092 KHO 00076118 Shirdi Sai Baba: [ Dharmaram Library] Khokar, Ashish Mohan RUPA & CO 2004 8129105896 105p UG Library
294.5092 KUL 05065332 Mahatma gandhi saint francis pope francis : Kulkarni, Sudheendra. Observer Research Foundation, 2013 24p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.5092 M 41000763 Apprenticed to a Himalayan master : Sri M., Megenta Press, 2010 9788191009606 x, 329 pages, 32 pages of plates : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.5092 M 04022606 Apprenticed to a Himalayan master : Sri M., Megenta Press, 2010 9788191009606 x, 329 pages, 32 pages of plates : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.5092 MIT 05037485 Science and Mankind / Mitra Somenath Sri Sathya Sai Sadhan Trust, 2007 9780989443104 xi,309p.: Knowledge Centre
294.5092 MUL 00076115 Ramakrishna His Life and Sayings: [ Dharmaram Library] Muller, F Max Rupa & Co 2006 8171677738 196p UG Library
294.5092 NAR 00140224 Gurudev : Narasimhan,Bhanumathi Westland Publishers 2018 9789386850577 199p UG Library
294.5092 RAN 05035116 Sharada Mai, a new look / Ranchan, Som P., Rupa & Co., 2008 9788129113931 (cover) xii, 62 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.5092 ROY 05035210 Sister Nivedita : Roy,Sohinee. Rupa.Co : 2007 9788129112002 61 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.5092 SHO 03012642 Two Saints : Shourie, Arun. HarperCollins Publication Ltd., 2017 9789352645046 481 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.5092 SHO 00140361 Two Saints : Shourie, Arun. HarperCollins Publication Ltd., 2017 9789352645046 481 p.: UG Library
294.5092 SHO 00137846 Two Saints : Shourie, Arun. HarperCollins Publication Ltd., 2017 9789352645046 481 p.: UG Library
294.5092 SRI 00139562 Life, Nature and Philosophy of Shirdi Sai Baba / V,Srinivasan. Sri sai nivas 2018 9788190689250 ix,207p.; UG Library
294.5092 SWA 03012609 If Truth Be Told : Swami, Om. HarperCollins Publishers, 2014 9789351368069 253 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.5092 VIV 05073488 Swami Vivekananda on himself / Vivekananda, Advaita Ashrama, 2006 8175052805 2nd enl. ed. viii, 360 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.5092 VRE 00080903 Mother: The Story of Her Life. Vrekhem, `Georges Van RUPA & CO 2007 8129105934 605p UG Library
294.50922 SAR 00100028 Tamil Siddhas: Sarma, S A Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 9788121511739 179 p. UG Library
294.5092HEE 01009919 Lives of Sri Aurobindo (law Lib) Peter Heehs Columbia University Press 9780231140980 496 p Knowledge Centre
294.50934 WIL 00107808 The Archaeology of Hindu Ritual : Willis, Michael Cambridge university, 2009 9780521765459 375 p. UG Library
294.50934 WIL 05002349 The Archaeology of Hindu Ritual : Willis, Michael Cambridge university, 2009 9780521765459 375 p. Knowledge Centre
294.50954 BAI 00129069 Hinduism in India. Bailey Greg Sage 2017 9789351505723 (hardback : alk. 215p. UG Library
294.50954 BAI 00140857 Hinduism in India. Bailey Greg Sage 2017 9789351505723 (hardback : alk. 215p. UG Library
294.50954 BAN 00085595 Logic in a Popular Form Essays on Popular Religion in Bengal Banerjee, Sumanta Seagull 2002 8170461626 233 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.50954 BAN 00087809 Logic in a Popular Form: Essays on Popular Religion in Bengal Banerjee, Sumanta Seagull 2002 8170461626 233p UG Library
294.50954 CHA 05031900 Bengal Divided : Chatterji, Joya Foundation Books, 2002 8185618739 300 p Knowledge Centre
294.50954 DAL 00123304 Hindu pasts : women, religion, histories Dalmia, Vasudha Orient Blackswan Private Limited 2015 9788178243993 366p. UG Library
294.50954 DAL 00134372 Hindu Pasts: Dalmia, Vasudha. Permanent Black: 2015 9788178245263 vii,366p.: UG Library
294.50954 DAL 07004424 Hindu pasts : women, religion, histories Dalmia, Vasudha Orient Blackswan Private Limited 2015 9788178243993 366p. Library - BR Campus
294.50954 ECK 07015580 India : ECK Diana.L United States by Harmony Books, 2012 9780385531924 559p.: Library - BR Campus
294.50954 PRA 00104191 Ethics in Everyday Hindu Life : Prasad Leela Permanent Black ; 2007 9788178241920 291 p. UG Library
294.50954 SAR 00107135 Amartya Sen's Hindu bash / Sardesai, V. S., Readworthy, 2008 8189973088 vii, 102 p. ; UG Library
294.50954 SWE 05056227 Hinduism in India. Sage, 2016 9789351500995 (hardback : alk. xvii, 300 pages ; Knowledge Centre
294.50954 SWE 07011953 Hinduism in India. Sage, 2016 9789351500995 (hardback : alk. xvii, 300 pages ; Library - BR Campus
294.50954 SWE 00133150 Hinduism in India. Sweetman,Will Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2016 9789351500995 (hardback : alk. paper) xvii, 311 p. ; UG Library
294.5095409014 SWE 00131815 Hinduism in India. Sweetman,Will Sage 2016 9789351505723 (hardback : alk. paper) 311p UG Library
294.5095414 MAN 00132324 Brahminization in frontier bengal Manna,Samita B R Publuishing corporation, 2018 9789386223968 xix,148p.; UG Library
294.5095414SEN 01005431 Hindu Revivalism in Bengal (law Lib) Amiya P Sen Oxford University Press 0195655397 456p. Knowledge Centre
294.5095451 MAL 05067109 Tales of justice and rituals of divine embodiment : Malik, Aditya, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780190912017 xxi, 295 pages ; Knowledge Centre
294.509547KAU 01008014 Performative Politics and the Cultures of Hinduism: Public Uses of Relibion in Western India(law Library) Raminder Kaur Permanent Black 8178240475 306p Knowledge Centre
294.509548 FIS 00132217 Hindu Pluralism: Fisher, Elaine M., Primus Books, 2018 9789386552860 ix,285 p.; UG Library
294.5095482 SUB 00100655 The Origin of Saivism And its History in the Tamil Land Subramanian K R Asian Educational Services, 2002 9788120615808 82 p. UG Library
294.5095493 DER 05040750 Ritual and recovery in post-conflict Sri Lanka / Derges, Jane. Routledge, 2013 9780415690652 (hardback) xvi, 213 pages ; Knowledge Centre
294.50968 KUM 00112553 Hinduism and the diaspora : Kumar, P. Pratap, Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131605271 248p.; UG Library
294.50968 KUM 00111899 Hinduism and the diaspora : Kumar, P. Pratap, Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131605271 248p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.50968 KUM 00112308 Hinduism and the diaspora : Kumar, P. Pratap, Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131605271 248p.; UG Library
294.50973 GOL 05011131 American Veda : Goldberg, Philip, Harmony Books, 2010 9780385521345 | 0385521340 1st ed. xv, 398 p., [8] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
294.50973 MAL 00145633 Academic Hinduphobia Malhotra, Rajiv Subbu 2022 9788194868828 426p UG Library
294.509SAR 01007356 Beyong Nationalist Frames: Relocating Postmodernism, Hindutva, History ( Law Library ) Sumit Sarkar Permanent Black 8178240866 256 p. Knowledge Centre
294.51 KIN 00068297 Sword and the Flute `Kinsley, David R MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1995 8120813154 167p UG Library
294.51 MAC 00020685 Hinduism Machawe, Prabhakar Vikas 1979 148 p UG Library
294.51 RAD 05031893 The Hindu View of Life / Radhakrishnan, S Indus Publishers, 1994 105 p Knowledge Centre
294.51 RAD 05031820 The Hindu View of Life / Radhakrishnan, S Indus Publishers, 1994 105 p Knowledge Centre
294.51 SAS 00013317 Prayers Shastry, Kapali Dipti 1974 78 p UG Library
294.511 GOL 00073880 Lord Who Is Half Woman(dharmaram Library) Goldberg, Ellen 2002 0079145326 193p UG Library
294.513 PRA 05032491 Vedic Mythology / Prasad,Abhinav. Abhijieet Publication, 2012 9789381136843 256p.; Knowledge Centre
294.513 ARO 00100020 Motifs In Indian Mythology: Arora U P Munshiram Manoharial Publishers Pvt.Ltd., xix, 248 p. UG Library
294.513 CHA 03012614 Invincible Arjuna : Chatterjee, Debashis. Westland Ltd., 2016 9789385152313 123 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.513 GHO 00088683 Shiva and Shakti: The Indian Mythology Ghosh, Mandira Shubhi 2007 8182900891 179p UG Library
294.513 GOS 05002860 Ravana : Goswami, Indira B.R. Pub. Corp., 2009 9788176466455 | 817646645X xl, 114 p., [112] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
294.513 JAM 05045653 The Ravenous Hyenas and the Wounded Sun : Jamison Stephanie.W Munshiram Manoharlal, 2013 9788121512473 xix,335p.: Knowledge Centre
294.513 KAJ 00112152 The Great Mystery of Life beyond Death Kaji, Harilal l New Age Books 2003 8178221387 137p UG Library
294.513 MAC 00112168 Indian Myth and Legend Mackenzie,Donald A Smriti Books 2000 818796703X 463p UG Library
294.513 MAH 00098267 Hindu Mythology Maharaj, Swami Chidatman Jee Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd.; 9788126136117 viii; 263 p. UG Library
294.513 MAH 00102970 Hindu Mythology Maharaj, Swami Chidatman Jee Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd.; 9788126136117 viii; 263 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.513 MAR 05072503 Demons and Demonesses of Hindu Mythology / Narayanan Priya. Rupa Publication. 2021 9789355200365 xxv,134p ,; Knowledge Centre
294.513 MAZ 00140424 The Hindu History / Mazumdar, A K. Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd. 2008 9788129115768 xvi,621p.; UG Library
294.513 MAZ 05048045 The Hindu History / Mazumdar, A K. Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd. 2008 9788129115768 xvi,621p.; Knowledge Centre
294.513 PAT 05064866 Culture : Pattanaik, Devdutt. Indus Source Books, 2017 9789352644971 (PISBN) Revised and updated edition. 230 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.513 PAT 00140714 Indian mythology: Pattanaik,Devdutt Inner Traditions India 2003 9781594770326 216p UG Library
294.513 VON 00084985 Hindu Myth, Hindu History: Religion, Art, and Politics Von Stietencron, Heinrich Permanent Black 2005 0817824215 327p UG Library
294.513 WIL 00087696 Handbook of Hindu Mythology Williams, George M 9780195332612 372p UG Library
294.513 ZIM 05067513 Myths And Symbols In Indian Art And Civilization / Zimmer, Heinrich. Princeton University Press, 2018 9780691192383 xiii, 248p.; Knowledge Centre
294.513BER 01005483 Divine and Demoniac: Mahisa`s Heroic Struggle With Durga(law Lib) Carmel Berkson Oxford University Press 0195643712 318p Knowledge Centre
294.51446 SRI 05031899 Landscapes of Urban Memory : Srinivas, Smriti Orient Longman Publications, 2000 8125022546 326 p Knowledge Centre
294.516 GLU 00117633 The strides of Vishnu : Glucklich, Ariel. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195314052 (alk. paper) | 0 xiii, 241 p. : UG Library
294.5160954 FRO 05009608 Religious Division and Social Conflict / Froerer, Peggy Esha Beteille, 2007 9788187358510 xv, 295 p. Knowledge Centre
294.517 FRA 00140320 Arise Arjuna: Frawley,David Bloomsbury 2019 9789388134989 210p UG Library
294.517 FRO 05031901 Religious Division and Social Conflict / Froerer Peggy Social Science Press, 2007 9788187358275 295 p Knowledge Centre
294.517 GOR 05068003 Hindu society at crossroads / Gore Ashruji, Pralhad. Yking Books, 2018 9789387945128 244p.; Knowledge Centre
294.517 GOR 00140781 Hindu Society at Crossroads / Gore, Pralhad Ashruji Yking Books; 2018 9789387945128 244 p. ; UG Library
294.517 ZAV 00111550 Public Hinduisms / Zavos, John SAGE Publications, 2012 9788132107408 (hbk.) xv, 507 p., [12] p. of col. plates : UG Library
294.5172 PRA 05037469 'When the Saints Go Marching In' : Pradhan, Rajesh Orient BlackSwan, 2014 9788125052692 vii, 315 p. Knowledge Centre
294.5172 SRI 05042724 Hindu spirituality and virtue politics / Srinivasan, Vasanthi, Sage, 2014 9788132113454 (hardback : alk. xx, 154 pages ; Knowledge Centre
294.51723 SHA 07007682 Hindu narratives on human rights / Sharma, Arvind Praeger Publication, 2009 9780313381614 vii,167p. Library - BR Campus
294.5175 BUR 00101134 Rituals, Mantras, and Science : Burde, Jayant. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2004 8120820533 1st ed. xxi, 262 p. : UG Library
294.5177 PRI 03008429 Vedic Ecology Prime, Ranchor Mandala ; | [Enfield : Airlift, distributor], 2002 9781886069657 Rev. and expanded ed.. 156 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.5177 PRI 00110278 Vedic Ecology Prime, Ranchor Mandala ; | [Enfield : Airlift, distributor], 2002 9781886069657 Rev. and expanded ed.. 156 p. : UG Library
294.5177 SHI 00121345 Dharma and Dandaniti Shivaraju C College Book House 2015 9789381979044 116p UG Library
294.5178 TAN 00096276 The Researching of Religion and Spirituality Tanner Ralph Dharmaram publications 2010 9788189958336 334 p UG Library
294.51780924 KAM 00140376 Ganghi: A Spiritual Journey. Kamath, M V Indus Soure Books 2007 9788188569113 196 p UG Library
294.51780924 KAM 00087079 Ganghi: A Spiritual Journey. Kamath, M V Indus Soure Books 2007 9788188569113 196 p UG Library
294.52 ANA 00145961 Swami Vivekananda: Ananda Sri Atlantic Publishers, 2022 9788126933952 | 9788126933969 | 9788126933976 | 9788126933983 xiv,1624p.; UG Library
294.52 ANA 00145962 Swami Vivekananda: Ananda Sri Atlantic Publishers, 2022 9788126933952 | 9788126933969 | 9788126933976 | 9788126933983 xiv,1624p.; UG Library
294.52 ANA 00145963 Swami Vivekananda: Ananda Sri Atlantic Publishers, 2022 9788126933952 | 9788126933969 | 9788126933976 | 9788126933983 xiv,1624p.; UG Library
294.52 ANA 00145964 Swami Vivekananda: Ananda Sri Atlantic Publishers, 2022 9788126933952 | 9788126933969 | 9788126933976 | 9788126933983 xiv,1624p.; UG Library
294.52 HIL 00119282 Dharma : Hiltebeitel, Alf. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780195394238 (hardcover : alk xvii,747 p. : UG Library
294.52 HIL 05041570 Dharma : Hiltebeitel Alf Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198096252 xxi,747p.: Knowledge Centre
294.52 HIL 05017365 Dharma : Hiltebeitel, Alf. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780195394238 (hardcover : alk xvii,747 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.52 KUM 00087596 Hinduism: Literature and Language Kumar, R Crescent 2008 9788183420891 304 UG Library
294.52 YOG 05064144 The second coming of christ : Yogananda, Paramahansa. Yogada satsanga society of india, 2014 9788189955007 Vol. Knowledge Centre
294.52 YOG 05064145 The second coming of christ : Yogananda, Paramahansa. Yogada satsanga society of india, 2014 9788189955007 Vol. Knowledge Centre
294.52 YOG 05064146 The second coming of christ : Yogananda, Paramahansa. Yogada satsanga society of india, 2014 9788189955007 Vol. Knowledge Centre
294.52 YOG 05064147 The second coming of christ : Yogananda, Paramahansa. Yogada satsanga society of india, 2014 9788189955007 Vol. Knowledge Centre
294.5211 UTT 00097550 TRance, Ritual and Rythm Utter, Hans B. R. Rythms, 9788188827206 130 p. UG Library
294.5211 CHA 00099968 The Rgvedic Deities and Their Iconic Forms Chawla, Jyotsna Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 9788121500826 xv, 226p UG Library
294.5211 CLO 05045650 The Many Faces of Murukan the History and Meaning of a South Indian God / Clothey Fred.W Munshiram Manoharlal, 1978 9788121511438 xvi,252p.: Knowledge Centre
294.5211 DAN 00145637 The myths and gods of India : Daniélou, Alain. Inner Traditions International ; | Distributed to the book trade in the U.S. by American International Distribution Corp., 1991 0892813547 : xxxi, 441 p., 32 p. of plates : UG Library
294.5211 DEB 00104421 The Meaning of Hindu Gods,Goddesses and Myths Debnath.Sailen 2009 9788129114815 xii: 236 p. UG Library
294.5211 ELM 00096015 Dravidian Gods in Modern Hinduism Elmore W.T Asian educational services 1995 812060136X 163P UG Library
294.5211 KAK 00100042 The Gods Within : Kak, Subhash, Munshiram Manoharlal, 2002 8121510635 ix, 206 p. ; UG Library
294.5211 MIS 05002584 Yaksha Cult and Iconography Misra, Ram Nath Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 1979 xiv, 194 p. Knowledge Centre
294.5211 OST 05009632 The play of the gods : Östör, Ákos. University of Chicago Press, 1980 9788180280136 x, 241 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.5211 PAT 05062585 7 secrets of the goddess : Pattanaik, Devdutt. Westland Publications Private Limited, 2014 9789386224033 259p. Knowledge Centre
294.5211 RAV 05058794 Sons Of Sarasvati / Ravishankar, Chinya V Permanent Black 2017 9788178244969 422p. Knowledge Centre
294.5211 RAV 00129024 Sons Of Sarasvati / Ravishankar, Chinya V Permanent Black 2017 9788178244969 422p. UG Library
294.5211 SET 00143097 Little known deities of Western Odisha / Seth, Dhananjaya, B.R. Publishing, 2022 9789391123086 | 9391123082 xxxi, 276 p. : UG Library
294.5211 SMI 00068557 Handbook of Hindu Gods, Goddesses and Saints Smith, H Daniel Sundeep Prakashan 1997 8175741643 307p UG Library
294.5211 UTT 00103226 TRance, Ritual and Rythm Utter, Hans B. R. Rythms, 9788188827206 130 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.5211 WIL 07014528 Hindu Mythology / Wilkins W.J Rupa Publishing Ltd, 2019 9788129129819 xiv,464p.: Library - BR Campus
294.521103 STU 00099956 Hindu Deities : Stutley, Margaret, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 2006 812151164X xix, 187 p. : UG Library
294.5211095482 PON 00112005 The dynamics of folk religion in society Ponniah, James. K Serials Publications 2011 9788183874229 | 8183874223 xvi, 307 p. UG Library
294.52113 PAL 05002634 Ganesh, the benevolent / Marg Publications, 1995 8185026319 xx, 148 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.52113 BAI 00122045 Ancient Indian Tradition & Mythology Bailey Greg Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 2015 9788120836990 366p. UG Library
294.52113 DHE 07009120 The Rise of a Folk God / Dhere Ramchandra Chintaman Permanent Black, 2011 9788178243443 xvii,350p.: Library - BR Campus
294.52113 DHE 05000117 The Rise of a Folk God / Dhere Ramchandra Chintaman Permanent Black, 2011 9788178243443 xvii,350p.: Knowledge Centre
294.52113 PAT 05039506 The life and times of Krishna : Patro,J.B. Wisedom Tree, 2013 9788183283298 xxxi,456p.; Knowledge Centre
294.52113 PAT 00140435 7 Secrets of Shiva Pattanaik,Devdutt Westland 2011 9789386224040 221p UG Library
294.52113 PAT 00140434 7 Secrets of Vishnu Pattanaik,Devdutt Westland 2011 9789386224057 217p UG Library
294.52113 RAJ 05045658 Vishnu : Raj Deepak.S Munshiram Manoharlal, 2015 9788121512664 xxi,254p.: Knowledge Centre
294.52113 RAM 05061349 Tirumala : Ramana Dikshitulu, Acharya, Roli Books, 9789351941095 175p.; Knowledge Centre
294.52113 SAH 00126816 Bhadreshvara : Sahai, Sachchidanand, B.R. Publishing Corporation, 2016 9789350502396 | 9350502399 xvii, 294 p,: UG Library
294.52113 SIN 05072737 Shiva : Singh, Karan. Speaking Tiger Books, 2022 9789354470523 343p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.52113 ZVE 00097391 Tamil Traditions On Subrahmanya - Murugan Zvelebil, Kamil V Institute Of Asian Studies; 125p UG Library
294.52114 HAW 05057569 Devī : Aleph, 2017 9789382277453 xiv,352p.; Knowledge Centre
294.52114 ODI 00129188 Tantric Kali : Odier, Daniel, Inner Traditions, 2016 9781620555590 (paperback) English language edition. vii, 120 p. : UG Library
294.52114 PAN 00146155 Kashmir Shaivism : Pandit, Moti Lal, Dev Publishers & Distributors 2023 9789394852266 | 9394852263 xxxiv, 323 pages ; UG Library
294.52114 STI 05031902 Ganga and Yamuna : Stietencron, Heinrich Von Permanent Black, 2010 9788178242859 xii, 188 p. Knowledge Centre
294.52114 STI 07004430 Ganga and Yamuna : Stietencron, Heinrich Von Permanent Black, 2010 9788178242859 xii, 188 p. Library - BR Campus
294.52114 STI 00099524 Ganga and Yamuna : Stietencron, Heinrich Von Permanent Black, 2010 9788178242859 xii, 188 p. UG Library
294.52114 VIJ 00121114 Dangerous Marginality/ Vijaisri Priyadarshini Primus Books 2015 9789384082222 284p. UG Library
294.5211HAR 01006833 Viraha-Bhakti: The Early History of Krishna Devotion in South India ( Law Lib.0 Friedhelm Hardy Oxford University Press 0195649168 692p. Knowledge Centre
294.5212 FER 05002589 Tree and serpent worship: Fergusson, James, India museum, W.H. Allen and co., publishers to the India office, 8120612361 xvi, 274, (i.e. 276) p. Knowledge Centre
294.522 MIS 05045637 Science of consciousness : Misra, V. N., Munshiram Manoharlal, 2014 9788121512749 | 8121512743 lxxiv, 299 pages ; Knowledge Centre
294.522 MIS 00122375 Science of consciousness : Misra, V. N., Munshiram Manoharlal, 2014 9788121512749 | 8121512743 lxxiv, 299 pages ; UG Library
294.522 SAD 00140286 Death: Sadhguru Penguin Books, 2020 9780143450832 349p. ; UG Library
294.522 SAD 00145529 Karma: A yogi's Guide to Crafting your Destiny Sadhguru, Penguin Books, 2021 9780143452676 523p. ; UG Library
294.522 SAD 00141386 Life and Death in One Breath Sadguru Jaico Publishing House 2020 9788184954425 180p UG Library
294.522 SAD 00145526 Death: Sadhguru Penguin Books, 2020 9780143450832 349p. ; UG Library
294.523 GHO 00099957 Hindu Concept of Life and Death Ghosh, Shyam Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 9788121510561 xi, 275 p. UG Library
294.53 KUM 00087591 Hindu Law Kumar, R Crescent 2008 9788183420853 336 p UG Library
294.53 KUM 00087593 Hindu Saints and Mysticism Kumar, R Crescent 2008 9788183420822 329 p UG Library
294.53 KUM 00087594 Hindu Society Kumar, R Crescent 2008 9788183420877 365 p UG Library
294.53 KUM 00087595 Hinduism-Education and Culture Kumar, R Crescent 2008 9788183420884 279 p UG Library
294.53 KUM 00087597 Hinduism: Religion and Philosophy Kumar, R Crescent 2008 9788183420839 369 p UG Library
294.53 KUM 00137827 Buddhist Ethics Kumar,Suresh New Bharathiya Book Corporation 2018 8183153453 251p UG Library
294.53 RAO 07009517 Essence of Hindu Religion and Philosophy / Rao Jagannatha.D Viva Books, 2012 9788130919874 290 p. Library - BR Campus
294.53 RAO 00108158 Essence of Hindu Religion and Philosophy / Rao Jagannatha.D Viva Books, 2012 9788130919874 290 p. UG Library
294.53 RAO 05008694 Essence of Hindu Religion and Philosophy / Rao Jagannatha.D Viva Books, 2012 9788130919874 290 p. Knowledge Centre
294.53 SHA 00087599 Introduction to Hindu Philosophy of Religion Shaji, U S Cyber Tech Publications 2009 9788178844473 261 p UG Library
294.53 SHA 00088403 Introduction to Hindu Philosophy of Religion Shaji, U S Cyber Tech Publications 2009 9788178844473 261 p UG Library
294.53 VAS 00087600 The Daily Practice of the Hindus Vasu, S C SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS 2008 8170308771 317 p UG Library
294.53 VAS 00088404 The Daily Practice of the Hindus Vasu, S C SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS 2008 8170308771 317 p UG Library
294.53 WHI 00096011 The Village Gods Whitehead Henry Asian educational services 8120604199 175P UG Library
294.535 AES 00100583 Account Of The Temple Of Jagannath : Asian Educational Services Asian Educational Services: 9788120611764 41 p. UG Library
294.535 CHA 08002236 Revitalization of Varanasi Ghats / Metro Books, 2023 9788194720102 183p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.535 ECK 07007092 Banāras, City of Light / Eck, Diana L. Knopf : | Distributed by Random House, 1982 9780140190793 1st ed. xvi, 427 p. : Library - BR Campus
294.535 MAT 08000955 Sacred complex of the Guruvayur Temple / Mathur, P. R. G. Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts : | Aryan Books International, 2009 9788173053672 | 8173053677 xxv, 246 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.535 RAO 00085022 Living Traditions in Contemporary Contexts: The Madhva Matha of Udupi Rao, Vasudeva Orient Longman Publications 2002 0812502297 240p UG Library
294.535 RAY 00093982 Temple in South Asia Ray Himanshu Prabha Oxford University Press 9780198060963 311p UG Library
294.5350951 ANU 04023323 Kailash Mansarovar : Anurag, Swarn Prakash Books, 2009 9788172343132 93p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.535095413 SEN 05035205 Puri, Lord Jagannatha's dhaam / Sen Gupta, Subhadra. Rupa & Co., 2002 8171676073 | 9788171676071 91, [1] p. : Knowledge Centre
294.535095414 MOO 05064006 The Making Of A Modern Temple And A Hindu City : Moodie, Deonnie. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190059125 xv, 217p. : Knowledge Centre
294.53509542 SIN 01026658 Ayodhya : Singh, Valay. Rupa Publication India, 2018 9789388292245 xv,383p.; Knowledge Centre
294.53509542 SIN 05067603 Ayodhya : Singh, Valay. Rupa Publication India, 2018 9789388292245 xv,383p.; Knowledge Centre
294.53509546 JAG 05035106 Reforming Vaishno Devi and a case for reformed, reawakened, and enlightened Hinduism / Jagmohan, Rupa & Co., 2010 9788129116055 | 8129116057 xiv, 305 p., [8] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
294.535095487 NAN 00128838 Ritual Enactment in Temple Tradition Nandagopal, Choodamani B. R. Publishing, 2017 9789386223623 xii,284.: UG Library
294.535095487 NAN 07013466 Ritual Enactment in Temple Tradition Nandagopal, Choodamani B. R. Publishing, 2017 9789386223623 xii,284.: Library - BR Campus
294.536 SAS 00100627 Hindu Feasts Fasts And Ceremonies Sastri, Natesa S M Asian Educational Services, 154 p. UG Library
294.536 SIM 05062855 Nine nights of the goddess : Simmons, Caleb., ed. Aleph Book Company, 2018 9789388292160 xiii, 359p. Knowledge Centre
294.536 SIM 00134485 Nine nights of the goddess : Simmons, Caleb., ed. Aleph Book Company, 2018 9789388292160 xiii, 359p. UG Library
294.536095414 NIC 05031177 Night of the God : Nicholas Ralph.W Orient BlackSwan, 2013 9788192304618 xiii,216p.: Knowledge Centre
294.53609542 MAC 03007510 Pilgrimage and Power Maclean, Kama, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195338942 (alk. paper) 344 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.53609542 MAC 04012075 Pilgrimage and Power Maclean, Kama, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195338942 (alk. paper) 344 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.53609542 MEH 08000316 Kumbh Mela : Niyogi Books, 2015 9789385285073 | 9385285076 449 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.537 ALP 00110399 Understanding mantras Alper,Harvey P. State University of New York Press, 1989 0887065988 | 9788120818965 v, 540 p. : UG Library
294.537 ELG 05002210 Hinduism and the Religous Arts / Elgood, Heather Cassell, 2000 0304707392 246p.: Knowledge Centre
294.537 PRA 00106804 Om Prakash,Meera shipra 2011 8175415207 | 9788175415201 166 P. UG Library
294.537 VID 00107665 English Rendering of Eleven Rahasya Granthas of Sri Vedanta Desika Vidwan,Vedanta Sri Ram Printers: 2009 BK0031055 v, 110 p. UG Library
294.537095 SAH 00142208 The child and the serpent: Sahi,Jyoti Asian Trading Corporation 1994 8170861705 218p UG Library
294.538 ARD 04015232 Awakening into oneness : Ardagh, Arjuna Indus Source Books, 2007 9788188569168 120 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.538 KER 00123182 Nityasumaṅgalī : Kersenboom-Story, Saskia C. Motilal Banarsidass, 2011 8120815270 | 9788120815278 1st ed. xxi, 226 p. : UG Library
294.538 LAL 00100588 Among the Hindus: Lall, Manohar Asian Educational Services, 238 p. UG Library
294.538 MIC 05049251 Homo ritualis : Michaels, Axel, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780190262631 (paperback) | 97 xviii, 372 pages ; Knowledge Centre
294.538 PAT 00134765 Bringing the gods to mind : Patton, Laurie L., University of California Press, 2005 0520240871 (cloth : alk. paper) xv, 289 p. : UG Library
294.538 VEN 00068677 India Known Things Unknown Secrets Venugopalan, R Health Harmony 2005 8180563731 xix; 290 p. UG Library
294.538 VIJ 00123192 Recasting the Devadasi : Vijaisri, Priyadarshini, Kanishka Publishers, Distributors, 2004 9788173916441 xii, 346 p. ; UG Library
294.5380954 COO 05048793 Marriage, a history : Coontz,Stephenie. Penguin, 2005 9780143036678 xi,432p.; Knowledge Centre
294.54 ACH 00107503 Hindu Spirituality Christian Insights Acharuparambil,Daniel Carmel International Publishing House 2010 9789380483207 xx; 242 P. UG Library
294.54 BHA 03007040 The laws of the spirit world / Bhavnagri, Khorshed. jaico Book 2011 9788179929858 342p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.54 LES 00065613 Roles and Rituals for Hindu Women Leslie, Julia MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1991 8120810368 267p UG Library
294.54 PAN 00065626 Hindu Samskaras Pandey, Rajbali MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1969 8120804341 327p UG Library
294.54 YOG 04017206 Man's eternal quest : Yogananda, Paramahansa. Yogoda Satsanga Society of India, 2015 9788189535025 xxv, 494p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.54 YOG 00139565 Man's eternal quest : Yogananda, Paramahansa. Yogoda Satsanga Society of India, 2015 9788189535025 xxv, 494p. UG Library
294.54 YOG 07013327 Man's eternal quest : Yogananda, Paramahansa. Yogoda Satsanga Society of India, 2015 9788189535025 xxv, 494p. Library - BR Campus
294.54 YOG 05064138 Man's eternal quest : Yogananda, Paramahansa. Yogoda Satsanga Society of India, 2015 9788189535025 xxv, 494p. Knowledge Centre
294.54 YOG 05064139 Man's eternal quest : Yogananda, Paramahansa. Yogoda Satsanga Society of India, 2015 9788189535025 xxv, 494p. Knowledge Centre
294.5422 MAH 00102979 Indian Mysticism; Maharaj Swami Chidatman Jee Anmol Publication PVT.LTD: 9788126136261 280 p UG Library
294.5422 SIN 00143485 Tantra, Veda and mysticism / Singh, Lalan Prasad, Concept Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd, 2022 9789354390050 | 9354390056 xii, 276 pages : UG Library
294.54220954 DAS 05032308 Tales Told by Mystics / Das,Manoj. Sahitya Akademi, 2012 9788126011759 xiii,298p.; Knowledge Centre
294.543 GAR 10003562 7 Chakras of management: Garg, Ashutosh Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2024 9789361569555 xviii,269 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.543 GRO 00073850 Kalachakera Meditations. Grover, Ramesh New Age Books 2006 8178222795 363p UG Library
294.543 IYE 00091868 Light on Pranayama Iyengar, B.K.S Harper Collins 2005 8172235410 295 p. UG Library
294.543 IYE 00068685 Light on Pranayama Iyengar, B.K.S Harper Collins 2005 8172235410 295 p. UG Library
294.543 MAH 00107677 The Hymns of Sankara, Mahadevan, T. M. P. Motilal Banarsidass 1980 8120800974 188 p. UG Library
294.543 OSH 00145625 Meditation: Osho Diamond Books 9788171820962 300p UG Library
294.543 PAI 00140268 The Vedas and Upanishads: Pai.Roopa Hachette Book Publishing India 2019 9789351952961 412p UG Library
294.543 PAT 05062586 Shiva to shankar : Pattanaik, Devdutt. Harper Collins, 2006 9789352641956 xiii, 139p. Knowledge Centre
294.543 PRA 00141234 The Yoga of Spiritual Devotion: Prakash, Prem Inner Traditions India 1998 9781620558898 159p UG Library
294.543 RAM 05046736 Love Whispers / Rama Swami The Himalayan Institute Press, 2005 9780893891787 90p.: Knowledge Centre
294.543 SIV 03010855 Yoga Mind and Body / A Dorling Kindersley Book , 2008 9781405315333 168 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.543092 KHO 05071721 Trysts With Karma : Khosla, Prem Kumar. Matrix Publishers, 2021 9789381320365 xxxvi, 302p. l Knowledge Centre
294.543092 YOG 10004233 Autobiography of yogi/ Finger print, 2024 9788172345365 512 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.543092 YOG 04015539 Autobigraphy of Yogi / Yogananda, Paramahansa. Yogoda Satsanga Society of India, 2017 9788190256209 xxv, 501p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.543092 YOG 07011448 Autobiography of a yogi / Yogananda, Paramhansa India Book Publication, 2017 9788193387672 x,370p. Library - BR Campus
294.543092 YOG 05064136 Autobigraphy of Yogi / Yogananda, Paramahansa. Yogoda Satsanga Society of India, 2017 9788190256209 xxv, 501p. Knowledge Centre
294.543092 YOG 05064137 Autobigraphy of Yogi / Yogananda, Paramahansa. Yogoda Satsanga Society of India, 2017 9788190256209 xxv, 501p. Knowledge Centre
294.5432 KIN 05007959 Hymns of the Tamil Saivite saints / Asian Educational Services, 1993 8120602854 | 9788120602854 132 p., [5] leaves of plates : Knowledge Centre
294.5435 CHA 00112196 The science of meditation Chakraburtty, Sneh New Age Books 2009 9788178223223 299p; UG Library
294.5435 PAD 05005171 Tantric mantras : Padoux, André. Routledge, 2011 9780415423861 (hardback) | 978 167 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.5436 ANA 00082405 Ancient Yoga and Modern Science Anantharaman, T R Munshiram Manoharlal 2007 8121507529 103p UG Library
294.5436 ARA 00140407 Paramavidya: Aravinda,K Shreyas Center for Yoga 2016 336+8 pages UG Library
294.5436 BRY 00140319 Bhakti Yoga: Bryant,Edwin F Macmillan 2017 9789386215543 650p UG Library
294.5436 DEB 00140408 The Mahabharata 1 Debroy,Bibek Penguin 2010 9780143425144 495p UG Library
294.5436 SAH 00112164 Evolution of Yoga Sahi,B B New Age Books 2009 9788178223179 186p UG Library
294.5436 WOO 05045646 The Serpent Power : Woodroffe Sir John Munshiram Manoharlal, 2015 9788121512817 xii,500p.: Knowledge Centre
294.5436092 DES 00116882 Health, Healing and Beyond : Desikachar, T. K. V. North Point Press, 2011 9780865477520 | 0865477523 211 p. : UG Library
294.54360922 SIN 00116778 Gurus of Modern Yoga / edited by Mark Singleton Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199938704 | 9780199938728 xii, 386 p: UG Library
294.54360922 SIN 00122189 Gurus of Modern Yoga / edited by Mark Singleton Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199938704 | 9780199938728 xii, 386 p: UG Library
294.543IRV 00086235 Kundalini: A Modern View Irving, Darrel Jaico 8172247583 226 p UG Library
294.544 YOG 04018997 The divine romance : Yogananda, Paramahansa. Yogoda Satsanga Society of Indai, 2015 9788189535049 xxiii, 487p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.544 YOG 07013319 The divine romance : Yogananda, Paramahansa. Yogoda Satsanga Society of Indai, 2015 9788189535049 xxiii, 487p. Library - BR Campus
294.544 YOG 00139566 The divine romance : Yogananda,Paramahansa. Yogoda Satsanga Society of India , 2015 9788189535049 xxiii,487p.; UG Library
294.544 YOG 05064140 The divine romance : Yogananda, Paramahansa. Yogoda Satsanga Society of Indai, 2015 9788189535049 xxiii, 487p. Knowledge Centre
294.544 YOG 05064141 The divine romance : Yogananda, Paramahansa. Yogoda Satsanga Society of Indai, 2015 9788189535049 xxiii, 487p. Knowledge Centre
294.544 BHA 05043865 Narasinha Mehta of Gujarat : Shukla-Bhatt, Neelima, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199976416 | 0199976414 | 9 xxiii, 325 pages : Knowledge Centre
294.544 HIR 00103205 Playing for real : Suthren Hirst, Jacqueline. Oxford University Press, 0195667220 xii, 190 p. : UG Library
294.544 JAI 00141340 Joy 24 x 7 Jain,Jeetendra Jaico Publishing House 2020 97881799291148 133p UG Library
294.544 KAL 03011535 Transcendence : Kalam, A. P. J. Abdul Harper Collins Publishers, 2015 9789351774051 247 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.544 KAS 03009294 Work Enjoyment and Progress : Kashyap, R. L. Sri Aurobindo Kapali Sastri Institute of Vedic Culture , 2003 8179940101 139 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.544 PAN 00098754 Hindu samskaras: Pandey Rajbali Motilal banarsidaa publishers; 8120803965 xxvii.327 p. UG Library
294.544 SAD 00141343 Don't Polish Your Ignorance...It May Shine Sadguru Jaico Publishing House 2020 9788184952001 205p UG Library
294.544 SAD 00141421 Karma: Sadguru Penguin 2021 9780143452676 253p UG Library
294.544 SAD 00141348 Himalayan Lust Sadguru Jaico Publishing House 2018 9788184950762 210p UG Library
294.544 SAD 00141351 Encounter the enlightened: Sadguru Wisdom Tree 2003 9788186685600 2nd Edition 289p UG Library
294.544 SAR 04015264 Spiritual winning formulas : Sarma, A.R.K Sri Sarada Book House, 2011 2nd ed. 176 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.544 SHA 00098755 Manusmrti; Sharma Dr,R,N Chowkhamba vidyabhawan; 8170841318 xv;176 p. UG Library
294.544 YOG 04009732 Journey to self realization : Yogananda, Paramahansa. Yogada Satsanga Society of India, 2015 9788189535063 xxiv, 439p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.544 YOG 07013320 Journey to self realization : Yogananda, Paramahansa. Yogada Satsanga Society of India, 2015 9788189535063 xxiv, 439p. Library - BR Campus
294.544 YOG 00139568 Journey to self realization : Yogananda, Paramahansa. Yogada Satsanga Society of India, 2015 9788189535063 xxiv, 439p. UG Library
294.544 YOG 05064142 Journey to self realization : Yogananda, Paramahansa. Yogada Satsanga Society of India, 2015 9788189535063 xxiv, 439p. Knowledge Centre
294.544 YOG 05064143 Journey to self realization : Yogananda, Paramahansa. Yogada Satsanga Society of India, 2015 9788189535063 xxiv, 439p. Knowledge Centre
294.54409542 BIS 05072993 Banaras : Biswas, Nilosree. Niyogi Books, 2021 9789389136777 | 9389136776 230 p. ; , 9 unnumbered pages : Knowledge Centre
294.5446 MAH 00091593 Tantra Philosophy Maharaj Swami Chidatman Jee Anmol Publications 280p UG Library
294.5446 SUJ 05072498 Bhog naivedya : Rajan, Sujata Shukla, 9788129144584 | 8129144581 First impression. xiv, 273 pages ; Knowledge Centre
294.5447 OLI 00116913 Ascetics and Brahmins Olivelle, Patrick. Anthem Press, 2011 9789380601632 328 p. ; UG Library
294.5447 OLS 05044708 Indian asceticism : Olson, Carl, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780190225315 (hardback) | 978 xiv,280p.: Knowledge Centre
294.5447 OLS 00122174 Indian asceticism : Olson, Carl, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780190225315 (hardback) | 978 xiv,280p.: UG Library
294.54470954 PIN 00085576 Warrior Ascetics and Indian Empires Pinch, William R Foundation Books 2006 8175963670 280 p UG Library
294.54470954PIN 01007339 Warrior Ascetics and Indian Empires(law Lib) Willam R Pinch Foundation Books 8175963670 280p Knowledge Centre
294.5448 DAS 00112184 Silence Speaks Dass, Baba Hari New Age Books, 2005 9788178221724 267p UG Library
294.5448 YOG 07013285 Where there is light : Yogananda, Paramahansa. Yogoda Satsanga Society of India, 2016 9789383203031 xv, 240p. Library - BR Campus
294.5448 YOG 04017174 Where there is light : Yogananda, Paramahansa. Yogoda Satsanga Society of India, 2016 9789383203031 xv, 240p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.5448 YOG 00139564 Where there is light : Yogananda, Paramahansa. Yogoda Satsanga Society of India, 2016 9789383203031 xv, 240p. UG Library
294.5448 YOG 05064134 Where there is light : Yogananda, Paramahansa. Yogoda Satsanga Society of India, 2016 9789383203031 xv, 240p. Knowledge Centre
294.5448 YOG 05064135 Where there is light : Yogananda, Paramahansa. Yogoda Satsanga Society of India, 2016 9789383203031 xv, 240p. Knowledge Centre
294.544PUR 01007459 Hindutva Politics in India: Genesis, Political Strategies and Growth of Bharatiya Janata Party Geeta Puri UBS Publishers` Distributors Pvt.Ltd. 0817476500 516 Knowledge Centre
294.544SAR 01007379 Hindu Wife, Hindu Nation:community, Religion and Cultural Nationalism Tanika Sarkar Permanent Black 0817824067 290p. Knowledge Centre
294.548 BAD 00140241 Dharma: Badrinath,Chaturvedi Penguin Books 2019 9780670092338 193p UG Library
294.548 BIS 00098757 Viduraniti/ Bist ,B,S Chaukhamba sanskrit pratishthan; 8170842400 vii;227 p. UG Library
294.548 CHI 00102981 Hinduism and its Ethics; Chidanandjee Shri Shri Ravindra Brahmachari Anmol Publications PVT.LTD; 2009 9788126137152 296 p. UG Library
294.548 DON 00140433 Beyond Dharma: Doniger,Wendy Speaking Tiger Books 2020 9789389958010 226p UG Library
294.548 KAL 00065617 Hitopadesa. Kale, R M MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2000 8120806026 1 UG Library
294.548 SAS 00067522 Moral Legends from Epics and Puranas Sashital S. Meera English Edition Publisher 2005 8189066293 x; 115 p. UG Library
294.548 VIP 00078173 Dharma Its True Nature Vipassana Research Institute Vipassana Research Institute 2003 8174141243 78 p. UG Library
294.54821 VOH 00072303 Dharma the Categorial Imperative [dharamarma Library] Vohra, Ashok D k Print World 2005 8124602700 466 UG Library
294.5486 JHA 00100202 The Myth of the Holy Cow JHA D.N Navayana Publishing 9788189059163 207p UG Library
294.5486 JHA 00094783 The Myth of the Holy Cow JHA D.N Navayana Publishing 9788189059163 207p UG Library
294.5486 MEH 00112624 The Gandhian Concept of Practical Non-Violence Mehta,Subhash R Better Yourself Books 2009 9788171087235 206p UG Library
294.548691 NAG 00112163 Ecological Spirituality: Naganathan,G New Age Books 2004 8178221829 88p UG Library
294.548697 DUB 05031888 Path of the Parivar : Dubey, Mukul Three Essays, 2004 8188789119 134 p Knowledge Centre
294.548697 KHU 05031883 The Path of the Parivar : Dune, Mukul Three Essays, 2002 8188789119 136 p Knowledge Centre
294.548697 MAW 05031884 Cry, My Beloved Country : Mander, Harsh Rainbow Publishers, 2004 8186962662 142 p Knowledge Centre
294.54JAC 01005498 Vijayanagara Visions:Religious Experience and Cultural Creativity in a South Indian Empire (law Library) William J Jackson Oxford University Press 0019568320 381p. Knowledge Centre
294.54JAC 01005497 Vijayanagara Visions:Religious Experience and Cultural Creativity in a South Indian Empire (law Library) William J Jackson Oxford University Press 0019568320 381p. Knowledge Centre
294.54RAY 01006782 Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay`s Dharmatattva(law Lib) Apratim Ray Oxford University Press 0195656113 253p Knowledge Centre
294.54VER 01005452 Painting the Mughal Experience(law Lib) Som Prakash Verma Oxford University Press 0195667565 185p Knowledge Centre
294.55 GAD 00065700 Stories of Indian Saints Translation of Mahipati's Marathi. Abbott, Justin E MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 1999 8120804694 499p UG Library
294.55 HAW 00068065 Three Bhakti Voices Hawley, John Stratton, Oxford University Press, 2005 019567085X (hbk.) | 9780198085 xxiii, 439 p. : UG Library
294.55 OSH 00112158 Come Come Yet Again Come Osho New Age Books 2003 8178221543 254p UG Library
294.55 SAM 00020652 One Caste, One Religion, One God Samuel, V T STERLING 1977 220 p UG Library
294.55 SEN 00065641 Mind of Swami Vivekananda Sen, Gautam Jaico 2005 8172242123 164p UG Library
294.55 SIN 01018877 Debating Patriarchy: Sinha, Chitra Oxford University Press 2012 0198078943 | 9780198078944 xxvii, 289 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.55 SIN 00110106 Debating Patriarchy: Sinha, Chitra Oxford University Press 2012 0198078943 | 9780198078944 xxvii, 289 p. : UG Library
294.55 SRI 00089539 In the Presence of Sai Baba: Body, City and Memory in a Global Religious Movement Srinivas, Smriti Orient Longman Publications 2008 9788125034810 403p UG Library
294.55 VIR 00064923 Basava and His Teachings Virupakshappa. B Basava Samithi 2002 2nd Ed xiii; 116 p. UG Library
294.55 VRI 00107681 The perennial quest for a psychology with a soul Vrinte,Joseph, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2002 9788120819320 1st ed. xx, 568 p. ; UG Library
294.55 WIL 05002208 Essays And Lectures On The Religion Of The Hindus Wilson H H Asian Educational Services, xii, 398 p. Knowledge Centre
294.55 WIL 05002209 Essays And Lectures On The Religion Of The Hindus Wilson H H Asian Educational Services, xii, 398 p. Knowledge Centre
294.550954 PUN 00141152 RSS: A Primer: Puniyani, Ram Media House 2019 9789388989251 188p UG Library
294.551 HAR 05045657 Viraha Bhakti The Early History of Krsna devotion / Hardy Friedhelm Motilal Banarsidass publishers Private Limited, 2014 9788120838161 xxi,692p.: Knowledge Centre
294.5512 BRO 03008379 The Hare Krishnas in India / Brooks, Charles R., Princeton University Press, 1989 0691031355 (lib. bdg. : alk. p x, 265 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.5512 CHA 00107833 Philosophy and Theistic Mysticism of the Alvars Chari, S. M.S, Motilal Banarsidass, 1997 9788120813427 1st edition xx, 263 p. ; UG Library
294.5512 EAS 00065649 Thousand Names of Vishnu Easwaram, Eknath Jaico 2003 8172245815 326p UG Library
294.5512 GON 00143015 Visnuism and Sivaism: Gonda, Jan Bloomsbury 2021 9789354352256 228p UG Library
294.5512 HAW 00093989 Bhagavata Religion and Beyond Hawley John Stratton Oxfor University Press 9780198062769 289p UG Library
294.5512 JAG 00121105 Approaching the Divine/ Jagannathan Bharati Primus Books 2015 9789384082130 342p. UG Library
294.5512 OPE 00085530 Seeking Bauls of Bengal Openshaw, Jeanne Foundation Books 2004 8175962054 288p UG Library
294.5512 PAR 00087469 Ramanujar: The Life and Ideas of Ramanuja Parthasarathy, Indira 2008 9780195691610 142 p UG Library
294.5512 SEN 00089636 Baulsphere: My Travels With the Wandering Bards of Bengal Sen, Mimlu Random House 2009 9788184000559 287p. UG Library
294.5512 SHY 00065591 Call of the Flute Shyamdas Pratham Peeth Publication 2005 114p UG Library
294.5512 SRI 00065616 Vaisnavism: Its Phillosophy, Theology and Religious Disipline Chari, Srinivasa S M MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2005 8120810988 383p UG Library
294.5512 STE 00101955 The Final Word : Stewart, Tony Oxford University Press, 9780195392722 442 p. UG Library
294.551209 JAI 05045652 The Origin and Development of Vaisnavism : Jaiswal Suvira Munshiram Manoharlal, 2015 9788121501972 xvi,290p.: Knowledge Centre
294.5512092 DUT 07004762 From hagiographies to biographies : Dutta, Ranjeeta, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198092292 | 0198092296 First edition. 246 p. Library - BR Campus
294.5512092 DUT 05043854 From hagiographies to biographies : Dutta, Ranjeeta, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198092292 | 0198092296 First edition. 246 p. Knowledge Centre
294.5512092 GOS 00110096 A Living Theology of Krishna Bhakti Goswami, Tamal Krishna Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199796632 (hardcover : alk viii, 286 p. ; UG Library
294.5512092 GOS 00112132 A Living Theology of Krishna Bhakti Goswami, Tamal Krishna Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199796632 (hardcover : alk viii, 286 p. ; UG Library
294.5512MUK 01008836 History of the Chaitanya Faith in Orissa (law Lib) Prabhat Mukherjee Manohar 126p Knowledge Centre
294.5513 BHA 05002441 Saivism and the Phallic World Bhattacharya B Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 9788121506190 xl, 548 p. Knowledge Centre
294.5513 BHA 05002486 Saivism and the Phallic World Bhattacharya B Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 9788121506190 xl, 548 p. Knowledge Centre
294.5513 CHA 00065638 Concept of Rudra Siva Through the Ages Chakravarti, Mahadev MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2002 8120800532 219p UG Library
294.5513 JAA 00140436 Are Lingayats Hindus? Jaamdar,S M Jagatika Lingayata mahasabha 2020 253p UG Library
294.5513 JAI 00065576 Siva Sutras the Yoga of Supreme Identity Singh, Jaideva MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2003 8120804074 278p UG Library
294.5513 MAL 00079195 Virasaivism and Vacanakaras Malwad S.S. Basaveshwara 1992 58 p. UG Library
294.5513 PAN 05045655 The Transcendental Non-Dualism of Trika Saivism / Pandit Moti Lal Munshiram Manoharlal, 2015 9788121512695 xxi,268p.: Knowledge Centre
294.5513 PAN 00140046 The Philosophical and Prctical Aspects of Kasmira Saivism: Pandit,Moti Lal Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt Ltd 2012 9788121512329 276p UG Library
294.5513 PAU 00132317 Shaivism in ancient Kashmir : Paul, John Mohammad, B.R Publishing Corporation, 2018 9789386223999 | 9386223996 xii, 168 pages : UG Library
294.5513 SCH 05004196 Revolution of the mystics : Schouten,J,P. Motilal banarsidass publishers private limited; 1995 9788120812383 xiii;330 p. Knowledge Centre
294.5513 SCH 00101135 Revolution of the mystics : Schouten,J,P. Motilal banarsidass publishers private limited; 1995 9788120812383 xiii;330 p. UG Library
294.551309546 RAS 05045618 Abhinava : Munshiram Manoharlal, 2013 9788121512251 xcvi,562p.: Knowledge Centre
294.5514 DIK 00107678 The Lalita cult Dikshitar, V. R.Ramachandra. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt 1942 9788120814981 100 p. : UG Library
294.5514 JOR 05045635 Sakti's revolution : Jordan, Donna Munshiram Manoharlal, 2012 9788121511926 | 8121511925 xxxiv, 481 pages, 24 pages of plates : Knowledge Centre
294.5514 KAS 00121439 Tantra/ Kashyap Abhinav Cyber Tech Publications 2012 9788178849782 256p. UG Library
294.5514 KIN 00065569 Tantric Visions of the Divine Feminine Kinsley, David MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2003 8120815238 318p UG Library
294.5514 PAY 00120308 The Saktas : Payne, Ernest A. Dover Publications, 1997 0486298663 (pbk.) | 9780486298 153 p. : UG Library
294.5514 SAR 05039363 Yoga, bhoga, and ardhanariswara : Saran, Prem, Routledge, 2008 9780415480017 | 0415480017 (p. 4 of cover) xv, 242 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.5514 URB 00122271 The power of tantra : Urban, Hugh B. I.B. Tauris ; | Distributed in the USA by Palgrave Macmillan, 2010 1845118731 (hbk.) | 9781845118 x, 250 p., [12] p. of plates : UG Library
294.5514 WHI 00065572 Tantra in Practice White, David Gordon Asian Educational Services 2001 8120617788 640p UG Library
294.5514RAM 01000322 Speaking of Siva (law Lib) A K Ramanujan Penguin Books 0140442707 181p Knowledge Centre
294.555 AND 05036092 Brotherhood in Saffron : Andersen, K Walter Sage Publications, 1999 8170360536 317p.; Knowledge Centre
294.555 JAG 00068318 Sri Ramana Sahasranama Stuti Sastri, Jagadeeswara Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning 1997 299p UG Library
294.555 RAN 00012455 Swami Vivekanda`s Rousing Call to Hindu Nation Ranade, Eknath NCBA 1963 169 p UG Library
294.555 ROL 00065564 Ramakrishna: Christ`s Younger Brother Rolland, Romain Vijay Goel 2005 8188929709 182p UG Library
294.555092 HAR 00145613 Guru to the World: Harris, Ruth The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press 2022 9780674291607 539p UG Library
294.555092 KAN 05064727 Essential Vivekananda / Kanitkar, Mukul. Rupa Publications, 2019 9789353333355 xiii,641p.; Knowledge Centre
294.555092 MAH 05066572 Infinite Paths To Infinite Reality : Maharaj, Ayon. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190053758 xii, 350p.; Knowledge Centre
294.555092 MUL 05066890 Râmakrishna : Müller, F. Max (Friedrich Max). Niyogi Books, 2019 9789386906755 199p.; Knowledge Centre
294.555092 PAD 00087609 Sri Sarada Devi: The Universal Mother Pandya, Dushyanta Readworthy Publications Ltd 2008 9788189973568 230 p UG Library
294.555092 PAD 00088408 Sri Sarada Devi: The Universal Mother Pandya, Dushyanta Readworthy Publications Ltd 2008 9788189973568 230 p UG Library
294.555092 PAN 00107131 Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa Pandya Dushyanta Readworthy Publication (P) Ltd 2008 9788189973599 xiv,182 p. UG Library
294.555092 PAN 00107133 Swami Vivekananda Pandya Dushyanta Readworthy Publications (P) Ltd 2009 9788189973841 x, 254 p. UG Library
294.555092 TRI 00140375 Swami Vivekanda: Tripathi,Rakesh Bloomsbury 2019 9789388038751 185p UG Library
294.556 BAN 00112769 Religion, law and power : Banerjee-Dube, Ishita. Anthem Press, 2007 9789380601533 x, 225 p. : UG Library
294.556 BRI 05044689 Bourgeois Hinduism,or the Faith of the Modern Vedantists : Hatcher Brian.A Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199374991 226p.: Knowledge Centre
294.556 CHA 00072022 Anandamath, or the Sacred Brotherhood [dharmaram Library] Chatterji, Bankimchandra 2000 0195683226 314p UG Library
294.556 SAS 00139561 Sree narayana gurudev the maharshi who made advaita science Sasidharan,G.K Many world publications, 2014 9789351746638 424p.; UG Library
294.556 WIL 07010346 Swaminarayan Hinduism : Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199463749 (hbk.) | 0199463 First edition. xxv, 439 pages : Library - BR Campus
294.556 WIL 05056676 Swaminarayan Hinduism : Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199463749 (hbk.) | 0199463 First edition. xxv, 439 pages : Knowledge Centre
294.5563 CHA 00100145 Violent Gods Chatterji, Angana P Three Essays Collective, 9788188789453 vii, 469 p. UG Library
294.56 AAT 00059772 Mother of Auroville Aurobindo Ashram Trust Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust 1999 105 p. UG Library
294.56 CHA 00068299 Guru Tradition Chandrasejharendra, Pujasri Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 1991 293p UG Library
294.56 CHI 07002196 Sai Baba's Mahavakya On Leadership : Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publications Trust, 2007 209p.: Library - BR Campus
294.56 DES 00067516 Gospel of Shri Sai Baba Desai, Mihir D English Edition 2005 8187853131 110p UG Library
294.56 MOH 00065584 Sri Sathya Sai: River of Bliss Rai, R Mohan Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2001 8120711907 117p UG Library
294.56 NAT 00072006 Bhagwan Ramana Maharshi: The Resplendent Sun: [dharmaram Library] Natarajan, A R Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning 2000 0818826119 89p UG Library
294.56 NAT 00072009 Holistic Meditation: [dharmaram Library] Natarajan, A R Ramana Maharshi Research Centre 2000 8189231022 100p UG Library
294.56 PRA 00135769 Encyclopedia of Indian Saints and Sages Prasad, N K Bennett Coleman and Company Limitted 2012 9789388757270 350p UG Library
294.56 PRA 00135770 Encyclopedia of Indian Saints and Sages Prasad, N K Bennett Coleman and Company Limitted 2012 9789388757270 350p UG Library
294.56 RAH 00065565 Vivekananda: the Warrior Saint Rahbar, Hansraj Farsight Publishers & Distributors 2004 8186265120 280p UG Library
294.56 ROL 00065547 World Religion of Vevvekananda Rolland, Romain Vijay Goel 2000 8189297139 205 UG Library
294.56 ROL 00065563 Colossus Named Vivekananda Whose Mission Awaits Completion Rolland, Romain Vijay Goel 2005 8189297112 198p UG Library
294.56 SAR 00072010 Wonderous Vigilance: [dharmaram Library] Sarada Ramana Maharshi Research Centre 2000 8189231014 118p UG Library
294.56 SIN 00065583 Sri Sathya Sai Baba: Absolute Sole Lord of Life & Death Sinha, Krishna Nandan Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 1996 8120715640 180p UG Library
294.56 VAR 00135768 Adi shankarcharya : Varma, Pavan.K Westland Publication Pvt Ltd. 2018 9788193655610 xii,364p.; UG Library
294.56 WAR 00072033 Hindu Selves in a Modern World [dharmaram Library] Warrier, Maya 2006 0041533988 185 UG Library
294.56095483 BAS 00079200 Vacanas of Womem Saints Yaravintelimath Basava Samithi 2006 vii; 577 p. UG Library
294.56095483 DES 00079196 Basaveswara and His Times Desai, P B Basava Samithi 2006 xx; 458 p. UG Library
294.56095483 KAL 00079197 Fall of Kalyana Kalburgi, M M Basava Samithi 2003 xi; 95 p. UG Library
294.56095483 LAX 00079199 Selected Vachanas of Saranas Laxmichandrasekhar Basava Samithi 2005 xi; 79 p. UG Library
294.56095483 PUR 00079198 The Artists of Inner Life Puranik, Basavaraj Basava Samithi 2006 xx; 121 p. UG Library
294.561 BEC 00076190 Swami Vivekanandas Legacy of Service: A Study of the Ramakrishna Math and Mission [dharmaram Library] Beckerlegge, Qwilym 2006 0195673883 292p UG Library
294.561 FOL 04015826 Wisdom : Follmi, Danielle. H.N. Abrams, 2004 0810956209 | 9780810956209 1 v. (unpaged) : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.561 FUL 00094270 The Renewal of the Priesthood Fuller C J Oxford University Press 9780195668940 207p UG Library
294.561 HAR 05042499 Sadhus : Hartsuiker, Dolf. Thames & Hudson, 2014 9780500291603 176 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.561 MAD 00052858 The Acarya Madugula, I S Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 2001 8120818024 xxiv; 184 p. UG Library
294.561 PAR 05042240 Swami Vivekananda : Routledge, 2015 9781138822061 lii,219p.; Knowledge Centre
294.561 SIN 00110485 The Global Vision of Swami Vivekananda Singh, U.K. Jnanada Prakashan | Confederation of Indian Universities 2012 9788171395217 v, 312 p. : UG Library
294.561 SUB 00022151 Brahmin Priest of Tamil Nadu Subramaniam, K John Wiley 1974 184 p UG Library
294.561 SUN 00064801 Wisdom of the Sadhu: Teachings of Sunder Singh Sunder Singh OM BOOKS 2003 8173623465 206p UG Library
294.561 VIS 00096118 The Children of Nature: The Life and Legacy of Ramana Maharshi Visvanathan, Susan Roli books pvt ltd, 2010 9788174368058 254 p. UG Library
294.561 VIV 05011188 Vivekananda World Teacher : Rupa Publications India Pvt.Ltd / 2007 9788129110930 xvii,247 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.561 VIV 00076129 Vivekananda? : World Teacher: His Teachings on the Spiritual Unity of Humankind: [ Dharmaram Library] Vivekananda, Swami RUPA & CO 2007 8129110938 246p UG Library
294.561 VIV 04024240 Vivekananda World Teacher : Rupa Publications India Pvt.Ltd / 2007 9788129110930 xvii,247 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.561MIL 01008624 Hindu Monastic Life: The Monks and Monastries of Bhubaneswar (law Lib) David M Miller Manohar 8173041563 240p Knowledge Centre
294.561NAD 01006167 Hinduism:A Gandhian Perspective(law Lib.) M V Nadkarni Ane Books 8180521109 510p Knowledge Centre
294.562 RAV 00065575 God Loves Fun Shankar, Ravi Jaico Publishing House 2005 0817992369 104p UG Library
294.563 GOK 00060030 Book of Shiva Gokhale,Namita Viking 2001 0670049069 | 9780670049066 130 p. UG Library
294.563 GRE 00060031 Book of Ganesha Grewal, Royina Penguin Books India Private Limited 2001 0670049085 146 p. UG Library
294.563 SHA 00060032 The Book of Devi Sharma, Bulbul Viking 2001 0670049050 161 p. UG Library
294.563 VAI 00026300 Sri Krishna Vaidyanathan, K. R. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 1982 175 p. UG Library
294.563 VAR 00060037 Book of Krishna Varma, K. Pavan Viking 2001 0670896543 164 p. UG Library
294.564 HED 00101126 Kabir; Hedayetullah Muhammad Motilal Banarsidass publishers private limited; 9788120833739 331 p. UG Library
294.564 PAR 00109334 Swami Vivekananda Reader Paranjape Makarand The Penguin Books 2005 9780143032540 xvi; 309 p. UG Library
294.564 RUP 00132698 The definitive Vivekananda: Rupa Publications , Rupa Publications India Pvt.Ltd, 2018 9789353041403 x,457 p.; UG Library
294.564 SAR 00129520 Inspirations from Swami Vivekanand Sarkar, Shekhar National Book Trust India, 2015 9788123773810 72 p,: UG Library
294.565 VAI 00026302 Temples and Legends of Kerala. Vaidhyanathan, K R BVB 1982 216 p UG Library
294.56570954 HAU 00110898 Wandering With Sadhus Hausner,Sondra L. Indiana University Press ; | In association with the American Institute of Indian Studies, 2007 9788175968929 | 0253349834 (cl xii, 247 p. : UG Library
294.56570954 HAU 00107949 Wandering With Sadhus Hausner,Sondra L. Indiana University Press ; | In association with the American Institute of Indian Studies, 2007 9788175968929 | 0253349834 (cl xii, 247 p. : UG Library
294.568 DON 05031904 The Laws of Manu / Doniger, Wendy Penguin Books, 1991 0140445404 361 p Knowledge Centre
294.585 SET 00030139 Inviting Death: Historical Experiments on Sepulchral Hill Settar, S Institute of Indian Art 1986 372 p UG Library
294.59 BHA 00133624 Exploring agency in the mahabharata: Bhattacharya,Sibesh Chandra Routledge, 2018 97811381071062 xiv,253p.; UG Library
294.59 DUT 00107475 Mahabharata Dutt M.N. Parimal Publications 2008 9788171101962 xii:1022 P. UG Library
294.59 DUT 00107476 Mahabharata Dutt M.N. Parimal Publications 2008 9788171101962 xii:1022 P. UG Library
294.59 DUT 00107477 Mahabharata Dutt M.N. Parimal Publications 2008 9788171101962 xii:1022 P. UG Library
294.59 DUT 00107469 Mahabharata Dutt M.N. Parimal Publications 2008 9788171101962 xii:1022 P. UG Library
294.59 DUT 00107470 Mahabharata Dutt M.N. Parimal Publications 2008 9788171101962 xii:1022 P. UG Library
294.59 DUT 00107471 Mahabharata Dutt M.N. Parimal Publications 2008 9788171101962 xii:1022 P. UG Library
294.59 DUT 00107472 Mahabharata Dutt M.N. Parimal Publications 2008 9788171101962 xii:1022 P. UG Library
294.59 DUT 00107473 Mahabharata Dutt M.N. Parimal Publications 2008 9788171101962 xii:1022 P. UG Library
294.59 DUT 00107474 Mahabharata Dutt M.N. Parimal Publications 2008 9788171101962 xii:1022 P. UG Library
294.59 MAC 05058375 The Undying Self : Maclean, Anthony Duart. Rupa Publications, 2017 9788129149268 xxi,193 p.: Knowledge Centre
294.59 MAC 03012585 The Undying Self : Maclean, Anthony Duart. Rupa Publications, 2017 9788129149268 xxi,193 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.59 SIV 00066376 Hindu Spirituality Sivaraman, Krishna Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited 1989 8120812543 xiv; 447 p. UG Library
294.59 SUN 00066377 Hindu Spirituality Sundararajan, K R Motilal Banarsidass Publication Private Limited 2003 8120819373 | 9788120819375 xxxvii; 583 p. UG Library
294.592 KAT 00107580 Bhagavad-Gita Kattackal,Jacob Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India, 2008 8188456322 (pbk.) | 9788188456 199 p. ; UG Library
294.592 CHA 00091801 Ramayana and the Indian ideal Chackalackal Saju Dharmaram Publications 122p UG Library
294.592 CHI 00002396 Bhagavat Gita Chidnanda, Swami 1959 1 UG Library
294.592 D 00001550 Srimadbaghawatgeethathatwaya Athawa Jeevanadarmayoga D.v.g, Kavyalaya 1966 678 p UG Library
294.592 DHI 00140429 The Yogavasishtha of Valmiki Dhiman,Kuldip K Wisdom Tree 2019 9788183285322 315p UG Library
294.592 DUN 00117559 The Holy Geeta Duneja,Prabha New Age Books 2014 9788178224510 3rd edition 392p UG Library
294.592 GOY 00002790 Bhagavadgita Goyandka, Jayadayal 1961 1 UG Library
294.592 HIG 00096010 The Ramayana : Musæus-Higgins, Marie. Asian Educational Services, 812061495X 60 p. ; UG Library
294.592 HUD 00092223 Bhagavata Religion and Beyond Hudson, Dennis D Oxford University Press 2010 9780198062769 298p UG Library
294.592 JHK 00002143 Bhagavadgita Or the Song Divine , Gita 1961 403 p UG Library
294.592 KAT 00107587 Kathopanisad Kattackkal Jacob Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India 2000 8186063714 149 p. UG Library
294.592 MAH 05028204 The sacred scriptures of India: Maharaj Swami Chidatman Anmol publications; 9788126136308 247 p. Knowledge Centre
294.592 MAH 05028205 The sacred scriptures of India: Maharaj Swami Chidatman Anmol publications; 9788126136308 247 p. Knowledge Centre
294.592 MAH 05028206 The sacred scriptures of India: Maharaj Swami Chidatman Anmol publications; 9788126136308 247 p. Knowledge Centre
294.592 MAH 05028207 The sacred scriptures of India: Maharaj Swami Chidatman Anmol publications; 9788126136308 247 p. Knowledge Centre
294.592 MAH 05028208 The sacred scriptures of India: Maharaj Swami Chidatman Anmol publications; 9788126136308 247 p. Knowledge Centre
294.592 MAH 05028209 The sacred scriptures of India: Maharaj Swami Chidatman Anmol publications; 9788126136308 247 p. Knowledge Centre
294.592 MAH 05028210 The sacred scriptures of India: Maharaj Swami Chidatman Anmol publications; 9788126136308 247 p. Knowledge Centre
294.592 MAH 05028211 The sacred scriptures of India: Maharaj Swami Chidatman Anmol publications; 9788126136308 247 p. Knowledge Centre
294.592 MEN 04022817 The Srimad Bhagavad Gita / Menon, Ramesh. Rupa Publications, 2007 9788129114471 333 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.592 MEN 03010791 The Srimad Bhagavad Gita / Menon, Ramesh. Rupa Publications, 2007 9788129114471 333 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.592 MUL 05036091 India: What Can It Teach Us? / Muller, F Max Penguin Books, 2004 0141004371 xxxvi,283p.; Knowledge Centre
294.592 NAR 05031903 The Indian Epics Retold : Narayan, R K Penguin Books, 2003 0140255648 628 p Knowledge Centre
294.592 NAR 00103980 The Indian Epics Retold: Narayan R.K Penguin books; 2000 9780140255645 632 p. UG Library
294.592 NAR 07007057 The Indian Epics Retold: Narayan R.K Penguin books; 2000 9780140255645 632 p. Library - BR Campus
294.592 NAR 05073952 The indian epics retold : Narayan. R.K. Penguin Random House India, 2023 9780670098194 xiv,632p.; Knowledge Centre
294.592 OMA 00095985 Ramayana And Mahabharat: Oman John Campbell Asian Educational Services 8120609948 229 p UG Library
294.592 PIL 00095984 Ravana The Great King of Lanka Pillai Purnalingam,M,S Asian Educational services 8120605470 84 p UG Library
294.592 PRA 00117630 Light of the bhagawata Prabhupada, Bhaktivedanta Swami Bhakti Vedanta Trust 1984 153p UG Library
294.592 RAD 07012843 The Principal Upanisads/ Radhakrishnan,S Harper Collins Publishers, 2018 9788172231248 953 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
294.592 RAG 05032317 The Ramayana Tradition In Asia / Sahitya Akademi, 2009 9788126027361 727p.; Knowledge Centre
294.592 RAN 00081215 Kautilya the Arthashastra Rangarajan, L N Penguin Books 1992 868p UG Library
294.592 RAN 00085982 Kautilya the Arthashastra Rangarajan, L N Penguin Books 1992 868p UG Library
294.592 RAO 00001548 Vachana Bhagavatha Shamaraya, Tha Shu Smaraka Granthamale 1969 345 p UG Library
294.592 SAS 00001551 Kothamrutha Sasthri, A R Krishna Sarada Mandira 1968 1 UG Library
294.592 SAT 00140428 Maryada: Sattar,Arshia Harper Collins Publishers India 2020 9789353577124 213p UG Library
294.592 SHA 00001547 Vachana Rangayana Ram, T S Sharma Standard Book 1962 1 UG Library
294.592 SHA 00091321 Atharva Veda: Sharma Din Dayal Maxford Books 9788181160645 296p UG Library
294.592 SHA 05032812 Introduction to Hindu Scriptures and Mythological Texts / Shastri,Janardan. Cyber Tech Publications, 2013 9789350531372 viii,264p.; Knowledge Centre
294.592 SOS 00001549 Vachana Bharatha Sasthri, A R Krishna 1966 1 UG Library
294.592 SUB 00066375 Tirukural Subramuniyaswami, Satguru Sivaya Abhinav Publications 2000 8170173906 | 8170173906 xlvii; 570 p. UG Library
294.592 YUT 05031905 Wisdom of India / Yutang, Lin Jaico Publishing, 2005 8172240627 560 p Knowledge Centre
294.592.03 MAN 00039698 Puranic Encyclopaedia Puranic Encyclopaedia Mysore 1980 1 UG Library
294.5921 EKN 04003731 Upanishads Eknath, Jaico Publishing House 2010 9788184950915 382 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.5921 ARY 05062823 Researches Into Vedic And Linguistic Studies / Arya, Ravi Prakash. Grantha Bharati Prakashan, 1991 128p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.5921 AUR 00013249 Guide to the Upanishads Pandit, M P Dipti 1972 134 p UG Library
294.5921 BAL 00082403 Primal Spirituality of the Vedas Its Renewal and Renaissance Balasubramanian, R Munshiram Manoharlal 2005 8121507219 231p UG Library
294.5921 BHA 00089213 Cultural Index to Vedic Literature Bhattacharyya, N N Manohar Publishers 2008 8173047324 277p UG Library
294.5921 DAL 04022299 The Vedas : Dalal, Roshen, Penguin Books Limited, 2014 9780143066385 (pbk.) | 0143066 xiii, 410 pages. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.5921 KAT 00107552 The Isavasyopanisad Kattackal Jacob Oriental Institute Religious India: 1996 8186063188 136 p. UG Library
294.5921 KNA 05031864 Secret Teachings of the Vedas : Knapp, Stephen Jaico Publishing House, 2005 8172240910 312 p Knowledge Centre
294.5921 PAN 00013246 Essence of the Upanishads Pandit, M P Dipti 1973 134 p UG Library
294.5921 PAN 00013247 Gleanings from the Upanishads. Pandit, M P Dipti 1969 210 p UG Library
294.5921 PAN 00065615 Vedic Experience Mantramanjari an Anthology of the Vedas for Modern Man and Contemporary Celebration Panikkar, Raimundo MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2001 8120812808 937p UG Library
294.5921 PIL 00065683 Upanishads for the Modern World Pillai, Dr G K Jaico Publishing House 2005 8179923479 291p UG Library
294.5921 PIP 05031906 Vedic Mind : Piparaiya, K Ram Induvista, 2000 8187682043 192 p Knowledge Centre
294.5921 PRA 00029689 Upanishads.Breath of the Eternal Prabhavananda, Mentor 1986 128 p UG Library
294.5921 RAD 00008451 Principal of Upanishads Radhakriahnan, S. George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1969 956 p. UG Library
294.5921 RAM 00068475 Limits of Scripture Rambachan, Anantanand SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS 1994 8170304687 170p UG Library
294.5921 RAM 00061321 Atmagatividya - Vedic Eschatology Ramanathan A S Rajasthan Patrika Ltd 1997 81863260026 114 p UG Library
294.5921 SAN 00021454 Eight Upanishads: in a Set of 2 Volumes Sankaracharya, Advaita Ashrama 1978 408 p. UG Library
294.5921 SAN 00021455 Eight Upanishads: in a Set of 2 Volumes Sankaracharya, Advaita Ashrama 1978 408 p. UG Library
294.5921 SAS 00013280 Lights on the Upanishads Sastri, Kapali T V Dipti 1971 170 p UG Library
294.5921 SHA 00098268 Encyclopaedia Of Vedic Philosophy Sharma PRP Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd.; 9788126132669 viii; 312 p. UG Library
294.5921 SHI 05031833 A Study of the Important Brahmanas / Shivaganesha, Murthy, R S Mysore University, 1974 270 p Knowledge Centre
294.5921 SHI 05031834 A Study of the Important Brahmanas / Shivaganesha, Murthy, R S Mysore University, 1974 270 p Knowledge Centre
294.5921 SIN 05046729 the Creator : Singh B.N.Dr Reem Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2010 9788183510370 117p.: Knowledge Centre
294.5921 STA 00140431 Discovering the Vedas: Staal,Frits Penguin Books 2008 9780143099864 419p UG Library
294.5921046 GON 00140596 Some Observations on the Relation between Gods and Powers in the Veda Gonda,J Cosmo Publications 2018 9788130717531 184p UG Library
294.59211 HIN 05074647 The English Translation of Candayan / Hines, Naseem A. Manohar Publishers, 2024 9789394262782 327p.; Knowledge Centre
294.59212 FRA 00135944 Awaken Bharata Frawley, David Bloomsbury, 2019 9789388271004 xvi,230 p.; UG Library
294.59212 GRI 00110245 The Hymns of the R̥gveda. Griffith, Ralph T. H. Motilal Banarsidass 1973 812080046X | 9788120800465 [New rev. ed.] x, 707 p. UG Library
294.59212 JAM 00131918 The Rigveda : Jamison,stephanie W / Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199475650 644 p. ; UG Library
294.59212 JAM 00131919 The Rigveda : Jamison,stephanie W / Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199475650 644 p. ; UG Library
294.59212 JAM 00131920 The Rigveda : Jamison,stephanie W / Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199475650 644 p. ; UG Library
294.59212 NAM 00147008 Rigvedam Bhashabhashyam Namboodhirippad, O M C Narayanan DC Books 2021 9788171305254 816p UG Library
294.59212 NAM 00147009 Rigvedam Bhashabhashyam Namboodhirippad, O M C Narayanan DC Books 2021 9788171305254 816p UG Library
294.59212 NAM 00147010 Rigvedam Bhashabhashyam Namboodhirippad, O M C Narayanan DC Books 2021 9788171305254 816p UG Library
294.59212 NAM 00147011 Rigvedam Bhashabhashyam Namboodhirippad, O M C Narayanan DC Books 2021 9788171305254 816p UG Library
294.59212 NAM 00147012 Rigvedam Bhashabhashyam Namboodhirippad, O M C Narayanan DC Books 2021 9788171305254 816p UG Library
294.59212 NAM 00147013 Rigvedam Bhashabhashyam Namboodhirippad, O M C Narayanan DC Books 2021 9788171305254 816p UG Library
294.59212 NAM 00147014 Rigvedam Bhashabhashyam Namboodhirippad, O M C Narayanan DC Books 2021 9788171305254 816p UG Library
294.59212 NAM 00147015 Rigvedam Bhashabhashyam Namboodhirippad, O M C Narayanan DC Books 2021 9788171305254 816p UG Library
294.59212 VEN 05031836 Contributions to the Interpretation of the Rgveda / Venkatasubbaiah, A Mysore University, 1969 298 p Knowledge Centre
294.59212046 NAN 00132227 The R̥gveda in its historical setting / Nandi, Ramendra Nath, Primus Books, 2018 9789384092894 | 9384092894 | 9789384092900 | 9384092908 vi, 143 pages ; UG Library
294.59214 KAS 00098750 Krishna Yajur Veda Taittiriya Samhita Mantras; Kashyap R,L Sri aurobindo kapail sastry institue of vedic culture; 2005 8179940411 xv;579 p. UG Library
294.59214 PUR 00059378 Yajurveda Purushothamma, C G Mysore University 1995 54p UG Library
294.59218 MAX 04005705 Upanishads Max -Muller, F Words Worth Editon 2000 9781840221022 244 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.59218 AIY 00098756 Thirty Minor Upanisads; Aiyar K,Naryana Swami Parimal publication; 2009 8171101372 xi;322 p. UG Library
294.59218 AUR 00140402 The Upanishads-II: Kena and Other Upanishads Aurobindo,Sri Sri Aurobindo Ashram 2019 9788170587484 449p UG Library
294.59218 BED 00065656 Sixty Upanisads of the Vedas (vol 1) Bedekar, V M MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2004 8120814673 544p UG Library
294.59218 BED 00065657 Paul Deussen Sixty Upanisads of the Veda Bededar, V M MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2004 8120814673 995p UG Library
294.59218 DAL 00140432 The 108 Upanishads: Dalal,Roshen Penguin Books 2018 9780143428596 425p UG Library
294.59218 EAS 00141406 The Upanishads Easwaran,Eknath Jaico Publishing House 2020 9788184950915 382p UG Library
294.59218 GED 00065659 Philosophy of the Upanishads. Geden, Rev A S MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2005 0812081620 429p UG Library
294.59218 GRI 05031808 Crisis and Knowledge : Grinshpon, Yohanan Oxford University Press, 2003 0195661192 146 p Knowledge Centre
294.59218 JAC 00112181 The principal Upanishads: Jacobs, Alan New age books, 2003 9788178222387 xx,378p.; UG Library
294.59218 KAD 00074532 The Principal Upanisads Radhakrishanan, S. Harper Collins 2006 8172231245 | 9781722312459 958 p. UG Library
294.59218 MAH 00065684 Upanisads (selection from 108 Upanisads) Mahadevan, T M P MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2000 8120816110 240p UG Library
294.59218 MAS 00068310 Upanishads Mascaro, Juan 1994 0140441638 141p UG Library
294.59218 RAG 00087604 Insights into Exixtence: Essays on the Upanisads Raghunandan Readworthy Publications Ltd 2008 9788189973537 281 p UG Library
294.59218 RAG 00088399 Insights into Exixtence: Essays on the Upanisads Raghunandan Readworthy Publications Ltd 2008 9788189973537 281 p UG Library
294.59218 RAJ 00083254 Upanishads Rajagopalachari C. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1963 in xi, 67 p.: UG Library
294.59218 RAM 00140406 Enlightenment Without God: Rama,Swami Himalayan Institute India 2018 9780893890841 124p UG Library
294.59218 RAO 05007867 Advaita : Rao Srinivasa Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198077336 viii,228 p. Knowledge Centre
294.59218 SAR 05045630 Om : Atmaprajnananda Saraswati, Munshiram Manoharlal, 2013 9788121512596 | 812151259X xviii, 121 pages ; Knowledge Centre
294.59218 SAS 00071516 Taittiriya Upanishad: [dharmaram Library] Sastry, Alladi Mahadeva Bharatiya Kala Prakashan 2000 8180900525 592p UG Library
294.59218 SHA 00135214 Upanishad: Shankar, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi. Sri Sri Publications Trust, 2018 9789387578951 Vol- 1 327p. ; UG Library
294.59218 SHA 00140555 Upanishad: Shankar, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi. Sri Sri Publications Trust, 2018 9789387578951 Vol- 1 327p. ; UG Library
294.5922 BAI 00070116 Adhyatma Ramayana (Dharmaram) Nath, Baij Cosmo Publications 2005 8177558951 402p UG Library
294.5922 BAN 00057796 Prince of Ayodhya Banker, K. Ashok Orbit Book 2003 1841491861 | 9781841491868 531 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.5922 BAN 00058522 Prince of Ayodhya Banker, K. Ashok Orbit Book 2003 1841491861 | 9781841491868 531 p. UG Library
294.5922 BUC 00065677 Ramayana. Buck, Willian MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2000 8120817206 432p UG Library
294.5922 DEB 00104470 The Mahabharata Debroy, Bibek. Penguin 2011 9780143416029 vii: 129 p. UG Library
294.5922 DHA 00140438 Ramayana: Dharma,Krishna Mandala 2020 9781683839194 479p UG Library
294.5922 GOL 00109239 The Ramayana Of Valmiki Goldman Robert P. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt Ltd 1984 9788120831629 xx; 429 p. UG Library
294.5922 GOL 00109240 The Ramayana Of Valmiki Goldman Robert P. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt Ltd 1984 9788120831629 xx; 429 p. UG Library
294.5922 GOL 00109241 The Ramayana Of Valmiki Goldman Robert P. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt Ltd 1984 9788120831629 xx; 429 p. UG Library
294.5922 GOL 00109242 The Ramayana Of Valmiki Goldman Robert P. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt Ltd 1984 9788120831629 xx; 429 p. UG Library
294.5922 GOL 00109243 The Ramayana Of Valmiki Goldman Robert P. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt Ltd 1984 9788120831629 xx; 429 p. UG Library
294.5922 HIL 00007308 Holy Lake of the Acts of Rama Hill Douglas P, OXFORD 1971 538 p UG Library
294.5922 IRA 00134153 Effective communication the kambar way Irai Anbu,V Viva books pvt ltd., 2018 9789387925625 xxvi,246p.; UG Library
294.5922 IYE 00105740 Asian variations in Ramayana Iyerngar,Srinivas K.R. Sahitya Akademi, 1983 xii, 358 p., [6] p. of plates : UG Library
294.5922 KAU 00121365 Ramayana/ Kaul Aarttee Adhyayan Publishers 2013 9788184353792 140p. UG Library
294.5922 KRI 00105649 A Critical Inventory of Ramayana Studies in the World / Krishnamoorthy K. Sahitya Akademi 1991 8172011008 : Ed.II 127 P. UG Library
294.5922 KRI 00105650 A Critical Inventory of Ramayana Studies in the World / Krishnamoorthy K. Sahitya Akademi 1991 8172011008 : Ed.II 127 P. UG Library
294.5922 MEN 03003758 The Ramayana / Menon, Ramesh. HarperCollins Publsihers India, 2010 9788172239886 xvi; 599p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.5922 MIS 00021459 Campu-Ramayanam of Bhojaraja Sarvabhauma Misra, Sri Ramachandra Chowkamba 1979 455 p UG Library
294.5922 NAR 00010666 Ramayana Narayana, R. K. Indian Thought Publication 1973 174 p. UG Library
294.5922 RAJ 00012937 Ramayana. Rajagopalachari, C Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 1977 320 p UG Library
294.5922 RAM 00102482 The Kamba Ramayana Jaganathan N S Penguin Books, 9780143028154 xliii, 418 p. UG Library
294.5922 SAR 00085003 Ramayana in Indonesia Saran, Malini Permanent Black 2004 8175300507 264p UG Library
294.5922 SAT 00104459 Valmiki Ramayana: Sattar.Arshia Penguin 2011 9780143416012 150 p. UG Library
294.5922 SAV 00100676 Valmiki Ramayana And South Indian Sociology Savariroyan, Padit D Asian Educational Society, 9788120617525 99 p. UG Library
294.5922 SRI 00077652 Retelling the Ramayana Nair, C. N. Sreekantan Oxford University Press 2005 0195666232 | 9780195666236 157 p. UG Library
294.5922 SUB 00100605 A Critical Review of the Story of Ramayana: Subramania V P Asian Educational Services, 2004 48 p. UG Library
294.5922 SWA 00133389 Vaalmeeki Raamaayana Swaminathan,L Motilal Banarsidass 2018 9788120842168 559p UG Library
294.5922 VAL 04017282 The Ramayana / VAlmiki Penguine, 1996 9780143418054 696p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.5922 VAL 07007272 The Ramayana / VAlmiki Penguine, 1996 9780143418054 696p. : Library - BR Campus
294.5922046 BUL 05062670 Rāmakathā and other essays / Bulcke, Camille. Vani Prakashan, 2010 9789350001073 | 9350001071 1st ed. xi, 218 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.5922046 BUL 05062671 Rāmakathā and other essays / Bulcke, Camille. Vani Prakashan, 2010 9789350001073 | 9350001071 1st ed. xi, 218 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.5923 BAD 03003552 Mahabharata : Badrinath, Chaturved. Orient Black Swan, 2007 9788125032380 683 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.5923 BAD 05002422 The Mahabharata Badrinath Chaturvedi Orient Longman Pvt.Ltd. 9788125028468 683p Knowledge Centre
294.5923 BRO 05002425 Gender and Narrative in the Mahabharatha / Brodbeck, Simon Routledge, 2007 9780415415408 326p.: Knowledge Centre
294.5923 BUC 00065688 Mahabharata Buck, William MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2004 8120817192 417p UG Library
294.5923 CHA 00100029 Text and Variations of the Mahabharata: Chakravarty, Kalyan Kumar Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 2009 9788190402986 xxiv, 335 p. UG Library
294.5923 CHA 00122377 Ethics in the Mahabharata Chakravarti,Sitansu S Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers 2006 176p UG Library
294.5923 CHA 07013479 Mahabharata / Chandrakant, Kamala Bhuvan Publication, 2018 9788172765958 388p.; Library - BR Campus
294.5923 DAS 04017056 The Difficulty of Being Good : Das, Gucharan Penguine, 2012 9780143418092 434p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.5923 DAS 07007293 The Difficulty of Being Good : Das, Gucharan Penguine, 2012 9780143418092 434p. : Library - BR Campus
294.5923 DAS 03009620 The Difficulty of Being Good : Das, Gucharan Penguine, 2012 9780143418092 434p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.5923 DEB 05002421 The Mahabharata: Debroy Bibek Penguin books; 9780143100140 482 p. Knowledge Centre
294.5923 DEB 05002420 The Mahabharata: Debroy Bibek Penguin books; 9780143100140 482 p. Knowledge Centre
294.5923 DHA 00140437 Mahabharata: Dharma,Krishna Mandala 2020 9781683839200 955p UG Library
294.5923 DON 05073553 After the War : Doniger, Wendy. Speaking Tiger, 2022 9789354471469 xiii, 224p, ; Knowledge Centre
294.5923 GOK 04017096 The Puffin Mahabharata / Gokhale, Namita Puffin Books, 2009 9780143330486 185p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.5923 GRA 05060375 Bhisma Devarata : McGrath, Kevin. Orient BlackSwan, 2018 9789352872015 180p.; Knowledge Centre
294.5923 GRA 04008560 The Great Golden Sacrifice of the Mahabharata Grassi,Maggi Lidchi Random House Publishers India Pvt. Ltd. 2011 9788184001464 xviii;933 P. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.5923 GRA 00106155 The Great Golden Sacrifice of the Mahabharata Grassi,Maggi Lidchi Random House Publishers India Pvt. Ltd. 2011 9788184001464 xviii;933 P. UG Library
294.5923 HIL 00099991 Fate, Predestination and Human Action in the Mahabharata : Hill, Peter Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 2001 9788121508550 xxvi, 398 p. UG Library
294.5923 IYE 00140370 Sri Vishnu Saharanama Iyengar,B R Seshadri Indological Library and Research Center 2019 9788189650698 813p UG Library
294.5923 KAR 05009653 Yuganta Karve,Irawati Orient Blackswan Private Limited 2008 9788125032281 xxi; 200 P. Knowledge Centre
294.5923 KAR 00107756 Yuganta Karve,Irawati Orient Blackswan Private Limited 2008 9788125032281 xxi; 200 P. UG Library
294.5923 MCG 00107733 STRI Feminine Power in The Mahabharata Kevin Mcgrath Orient Blackswan: 2011 9788125042792 viii, 232 p. UG Library
294.5923 MCG 00129018 Raja Yudhisthira / Mcgrath,Kevin Orent BlackSwan 2017 9789386392732 246p. UG Library
294.5923 MCG 05058839 Raja Yudhisthira / Mcgrath,Kevin Orent BlackSwan 2017 9789386392732 246p. Knowledge Centre
294.5923 MCG 05009614 STRI Feminine Power in The Mahabharata Kevin Mcgrath Orient Blackswan: 2011 9788125042792 viii, 232 p. Knowledge Centre
294.5923 MEN 00107034 The Mahabharata Menon,Ramesh Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd 2011 9788129114921 ix;718 P. UG Library
294.5923 MEN 00107033 The Mahabharata Menon,Ramesh Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd 2011 9788129114921 ix;718 P. UG Library
294.5923 MEN 04009791 The Mahabharata : Menon, Ramesh Rupa Publication, 2004 846 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.5923 MEN 04009792 The Mahabharata : Menon, Ramesh Rupa Publication, 2004 846 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.5923 MEN 00107279 The Complete Mahabharata Menon,Ramesh, Rupa Publications India 2011 9788129119018 | 8129115840 (v. x: 784 P. UG Library
294.5923 MEN 00107006 The Complete Mahabharata Adi Parva Menon ,Ramesh 2010 9788129115843 xvi;770 P. UG Library
294.5923 MUR 00145518 The Serpent's Revenge: Murty, Sudha Penguin Books, 2016 9780143427858 xiv,182p. ; UG Library
294.5923 NAR 00026299 Mahabharatha Narayan, R. K. Hind Pocket Books 1978 189 p. UG Library
294.5923 RUK 00099971 The Mahabharata, Where is not Here is Nowhere Else; Rukmani T S Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 2005 8121511308 xxiii, 320 p. ; UG Library
294.5923 SEE 00020555 Srimanmahabharatha Kathamurtham Seetharamayya, Deraje M Seetharamiah 1977 679 p UG Library
294.5923 SHA 00107666 Eassays on the Mahabharata ed by Sharama Arvind Motilal Banarsidass Publishers: 2007 9788120827387 viii,489 p. UG Library
294.5923 SUB 00031107 Mahabharatha Subramaniam, Kamala BVB 1989 730 p. UG Library
294.5923 SUB 00138113 Mahabharata Subramaniam,Kamala Bharatiya vidya bhavan, 2019 9788172764654 21 st ed., xv,870p.; UG Library
294.5923 VAI 00025643 Mahabharatha:A Criticism Vaidhya, C V COSMOS 1983 220 p UG Library
294.5923 WAD 00104138 Damayanti and Nala : Wadley, Susan Snow, Chronicle Books ; | Distributed by Orient Blackswan, 2011 9788180280375 | 8180280373 vi, 341 p. ; UG Library
294.5923046 ARN 07005956 The Mahabharatha/ Arni,Samhita Bologna Prize, 2013 9789380340012 287 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
294.5923046 BRO 00145840 The churning of the epics and Purāṇas : Brodbeck, Simon Dev Publishers and Distributors 2018 9789381406854 | 9381406855 ix, 452 pages : UG Library
294.5923046 CHA 05039297 Mahābhārata now : Routledge, 2014 9780415710558 | 0415710553 xxviii, 292 pages ; Knowledge Centre
294.5923046 MCG 05060326 Arjuna Paṇḍava : McGrath, Kevin, Orient Blackswan, 2016 9788125063094 (hardback) | 812 207 pages ; Knowledge Centre
294.5923046 NAY 00131901 Evil in the Mahābhārata / Nayak, Meena Arora. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199477746 | 0199477744 1st ed. 354 p. ; UG Library
294.5923046 RAG 04022999 Locks, Mahabharata and Mathematics : Raghunathan, V. Happins Collins, 2013 9789350296431 210 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.5923046 RAG 05047911 Locks, Mahabharata and Mathematics : Raghunathan, V. Happins Collins, 2013 9789350296431 210 p.: Knowledge Centre
294.5923046 RAG 03010854 Locks, Mahabharata and Mathematics : Raghunathan, V. Happins Collins, 2013 9789350296431 210 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.5923046 SCH 05007297 Raamopakhyaana : Scharf, Peter M. RoutledgeCurzon, 2003 9780700713912 (PBK.) xi, 945 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.5923048 BAD 05009638 The women of the Mahabharata : Badrinath, Chaturvedi. Orient Longman, 2008 9788125035145 ix, 276 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.5923048 BAD 05049006 Women of the Mahabharata Badrinath, Chaturvedi Orient Longman Publications 2008 8125035141 | 9788125035145 276 p Knowledge Centre
294.5923048 BAD 00086120 Women of the Mahabharata Badrinath, Chaturvedi Orient Longman Publications 2008 8125035141 | 9788125035145 276 p UG Library
294.592309 RUP 00137731 Dharmakshetra : Rupa Publication Rupa Publication, 2019 9789353336202 viii,360p.; UG Library
294.59232 DEV 10005085 Mahabharata : Devy, G N Aleph Book Company, 2022 9789390652907 viii, 142 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
294.5923S RAO 00029890 Mahabharata Shanta Rameshwar Rao, Sagam Books 1980 xii; 219 p. UG Library
294.5924 AUR 00013248 Light from the Gita Ashram, Aurobindo Mysore 1967 234 p. UG Library
294.5924 BET 00055204 Gita and Gandhiji Betai, Dr Ramesh Gyan Publishing House 2002 8121207991 307p UG Library
294.5924 CHA 05045645 The Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita / Chari Srinivasa.S.M Munshiram Manoharlal, 2014 9788121511018 xxvi,294p.: Knowledge Centre
294.5924 DEV 00138185 Ideology of Bhagavad Gita / Devi,Mataji Shelley. Edukeen Publisher, 2019 9789389387216 262p.; UG Library
294.5924 EAS 00132415 The Bhagavad Gita For Daily living: Easwaran, Eknath, Jaico Publishing House, 2015 9788172248185 x,455 p.; UG Library
294.5924 EAS 00069008 Bhagavad Gita Easwaran, Eknath 0140190082 236p UG Library
294.5924 EAS 00069013 The Bhagavad Gita Easwaran, Eknath Jaico Publishing House 2000 8172248180 425 p. UG Library
294.5924 EAS 00069015 The Bhagavad Gita Easwaran, Eknath Jaico Publishing House 2000 8172248180 425 p. UG Library
294.5924 EAS 00069014 The Bhagavad Gita Easwaran, Eknath Jaico Publishing House 2000 8172248180 425 p. UG Library
294.5924 EAS 03009465 Essence of the Bhagavad Gita : Easwaran, Eknath. Jaico Publishing House , 2012 9788184953411 294 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.5924 GAN 00002394 Message of the Gita Gandhi, M. K. Navjeevan Publishing House 1972 44 p. UG Library
294.5924 GAN 00115677 Bhagavad Gita: The Song of God Gandhi, Mahatma Grange Books 2002 127p UG Library
294.5924 GOW 00106245 The Bhagavadgita in the Nationalist Discourse Gowda,Nagappa. Oxford University Press. 2011 9780198072065 x,286 p. UG Library
294.5924 HAW 05031887 Roadmaps to Self Realization : Hawley, Jack Westerners, 2006 1886112207 133 p Knowledge Centre
294.5924 JAC 00112190 The Bhagavad Gita: Jacobs, Alan New Age Books 2005 9788178222417 289p; UG Library
294.5924 JOH 00090350 Bhagavad Gita Johnson, W J Oxford 9780199538126 95p UG Library
294.5924 MAT 00037403 Bhagwad Gita Mathur, Asharani IBH 1994 1 UG Library
294.5924 MIL 00065639 Gitagovinda of Jayadeva Love Song of the Dark Lord Miller, Barbara Stoler 0000 0231040288 225p UG Library
294.5924 MIS 04022686 Art of Life : Mishra, J. S. Rupa Publications, 2013 9788129129284 282p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.5924 MIS 03010675 Art of Life : Mishra, J. S. Rupa Publications, 2013 9788129129284 282p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.5924 MOH 00079215 Warrior and the Charioteer Mohanraj,V.M. Left Word 2005 8187496487 183 p. UG Library
294.5924 PAN 00013243 Gems from the Gita Pandit M. P. Ganesh & Company 1974 128 p UG Library
294.5924 PRA 00040217 Bhgawadgita as It Is Prabhupada, A C B Swami Bhgawadgita Books, 1989 0089213268 1047 p.; UG Library
294.5924 PRA 00139560 Bhagavad-gita as it is / Prabhupada,Bhaktivedanta Swami. The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust , 2014 9789383095452 xiv,1025p.; UG Library
294.5924 RAM 00076232 Bhagavata Purana: [dharmaram Library] Ramesh, Menon RUPA & CO 2007 8129109956 1435[p UG Library
294.5924 RAM 00140539 Perennial Psychology of the Bhagavadgita / Rama, Swami The Himalayan, 1985 0893890901 479 p UG Library
294.5924 RAM 05031886 Perennial Psychology of the Bhagavadgita / Rama, Swami The Himalayan, 1985 0893890901 479 p Knowledge Centre
294.5924 RAM 00040005 Srimad Bhagavadgita: With Sanskrit Text, Translation and English Translation: Ramsukhdas, Swami 1995 920 UG Library
294.5924 RAO 00139557 Geeta Sugeeta : Rao,Usha. Southern Economist Publication , 2017 9789385199059 xii,157p.; UG Library
294.5924 SAN 01020146 The Krishna key / Sanghi, Ashwin Westland, 2012 9789381626689 viii , 475 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.5924 SAN 04016233 The Krishna key / Sanghi, Ashwin Westland, 2012 9789381626689 viii , 475 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.5924 SAN 05024860 The Krishna key / Sanghi, Ashwin Westland, 2012 9789381626689 viii , 475 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.5924 SAS 00013275 Gospel of Gita Sastry, Kapali T V Dipti 90 p UG Library
294.5924 UBE 00069121 Mahabharata Uberoi, Meera 0143033581 472p UG Library
294.592404521 DEB 00139794 The Bhagavad Gita for Millennials/ Debroy,Bibek Rupa Publications Pvt. Ltd 2020 9789390260386 210p UG Library
294.592404521 SUT 00140979 The Bhagavad Gita : Sutton, Nicholas Mandala Publishing; 2019 9781683837336 299 p. ; UG Library
294.5924046 07007153 The Bhagwat Gita : symphony of the spirit / Varma, RR Fingerprint Belief Publication, 2014 9788172344795 393p. Library - BR Campus
294.5924046 BAN 05046625 Three essays on the Mahābhārata : Bandyopādhyāẏa, Śibājī. Orient BlackSwan, 2016 9788125060710 xix,322p.; Knowledge Centre
294.5924046 KAP 00110856 Political thought in action Kapila,Shruti. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107033955 (Hardback) | 978 xv, 205 p. ; UG Library
294.5924046 KOC 03006482 Bhagavad Gita : Kochar, Surrinder. Himalayan Books, 2005 9788170020875 xl , 494 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.5924046 MAI 00131340 Philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita : Maitra, Keya, Bloomsbury publishing plc, 2018 9781350040182 (paperback) | 9781350040199 (HPoD) xii,191p.; UG Library
294.5924046 RAJ 00129116 Srimad Bhagavad Gita / Raju, Yenadi P. B.R. Publishing Corporation, 2017 9789386223227 338 p. : UG Library
294.5924046 SHU 00107130 Bhagavad Gits and Hinduism Shukal Nilesh M Readworthy Publications (P) Ltd 2010 9789380009667 xiv, 218 p. UG Library
294.5924046 TIL 05008009 Srimad Bhagavadgita rahasya, or, Karma-yoga-sastra / Tilak, Lokamany Bal Gangadhar. Asian Educational Services, 2007 9788120620322 (set) | 8120620321 (set) 2 v. ; Knowledge Centre
294.5924046 TIL 05008010 Srimad Bhagavadgita rahasya, or, Karma-yoga-sastra / Tilak, Lokamany Bal Gangadhar. Asian Educational Services, 2007 9788120620322 (set) | 8120620321 (set) 2 v. ; Knowledge Centre
294.5924047 PAL 05039345 Evil and the philosophy of retribution : Palshikar, Sanjay. Routledge, 2014 9780415711142 | 0415711142 ix, 182 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.5924JOH 07006614 Bhagavad Gita Johnson, W J Oxford 9780199538126 95p Library - BR Campus
294.5925 CHA 00122378 The Philosophy of the Upanisads Chari, Srinivas S M Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers 2013 342p UG Library
294.5925 DAS 08002314 Built from the Puranas / Copal Publishing, 2021 9789383419999 | 9383419997 ix, 118 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
294.5925 DEB 00140314 The Markandeya Purana Debroy,Bibek Penguin Books 2019 9780143448259 463p UG Library
294.5925 MEN 00107012 Devi The Devi Bhagavatam Retold Menon,Ramesh Rupa .co 2011 9788129115546 514 P. UG Library
294.5925 SAX 05068018 Women and the puranic tradition in india / Saxena, Monika. Routledge, 2019 9780367200473 xvii,288p.; Knowledge Centre
294.5925 TAN 05032526 Krishnaleela and Other Tales from Shrimadhagavatam / Tandon Rajendra Rupa Publications India Pvt.Ltd, 2012 9788129117762 lxiv,289p.: Knowledge Centre
294.592503 MAN 05028413 Puranic Encyclopaedia a Comprehensive Work With Special Reference to the Epic and Puranic Literatute [ug.Lib.Reference Section] Mani, Vettam MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2006 8120805976 922p Knowledge Centre
294.592503MAN 00145199 Puranic Encyclopaedia a Comprehensive Work With Special Reference to the Epic and Puranic Literatute [ug.Lib.Reference Section] Mani, Vettam MOTILAL BANARASI DASS 2006 8120805976 922p UG Library
294.5926 BAL 07000969 The Bhishma Way : Balasubramanian,N. Random House, 2015 9788184006889 xliii,291p.; Library - BR Campus
294.5926 BAL 07005634 The Bhishma Way : Balasubramanian,N. Random House, 2015 9788184006889 xliii,291p.; Library - BR Campus
294.5926 BAL 00123120 The Bhishma Way : Balasubramanian,N. Random House, 2015 9788184006889 xliii,291p.; UG Library
294.5926 KAN 01004955 History of Dharmasastra(law Lib) P V Kane GHATAGE 704p Knowledge Centre
294.5926 KAN 01004953 History of Dharmasastra(law Lib) P V Kane GHATAGE 704p Knowledge Centre
294.5926 KAN 01004954 History of Dharmasastra(law Lib) P V Kane GHATAGE 704p Knowledge Centre
294.5926 KAN 01004959 History of Dharmasastra(law Lib) P V Kane GHATAGE 704p Knowledge Centre
294.5926 KAN 01004960 History of Dharmasastra(law Lib) P V Kane GHATAGE 704p Knowledge Centre
294.5926 KAN 01004958 History of Dharmasastra(law Lib) P V Kane GHATAGE 704p Knowledge Centre
294.5926 KAN 01004957 History of Dharmasastra(law Lib) P V Kane GHATAGE 704p Knowledge Centre
294.5926 KAN 01004956 History of Dharmasastra(law Lib) P V Kane GHATAGE 704p Knowledge Centre
294.5926 MAN 00102486 The Laws of Manu Manu Penguin Books : 9780140445404 lxxii, 362 p. UG Library
294.5926 MAN 05031874 The Laws of Manu / Manu Penguin Books, 2007 0140445404 362 p Knowledge Centre
294.5926 OLI 00094632 The Dharmasutras : Olivelle Patrick Oxford University Press, 9780199555376 (pbk.) | 0199555 xlvi, 434 p. ; UG Library
294.5926 RED 00074534 Upanisads Roebuck,Valreie Penguin Books 2000 0140447490 | 9780140447491 503 p. UG Library
294.593 HIL 00078635 Draupadi Among Rajputs, Muslims and Dalits Hiltebeitel, Alf Oxford University Press 2001 0019565044 | 9780195655049 560 p. UG Library
294.5930 JOH 00094628 The Sauptikaparvan of the Mahabharata : Johnson W J Oxford University Press, 9780199549764 (pbk.) | 0199549 xlviii, 140 p. ; UG Library
294.5934 SIN 00062928 Gita as It Was Sinha, Phulgenda Rupa & Co. 1999 0812690249 268 p. UG Library
294.594 BUH 00141330 The Manusmriti / Buhler, George Global Vision Publishing House; 2021 9788194402312 290 p. UG Library
294.594 GAN 03002781 Bhagavd Gita / Gandhi, Mahatma. Jaico Publishing House, 2009 9788184950892 388 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.594 OLI 03002780 Manu's Code of Law : Olivelle, Patrick. Oxford University Press , 2009 9780195681482 1131 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.594 GAN 00140439 Bhagavd Gita / Gandhi, Mahatma. Jaico Publishing House, 2009 9788184950892 388 p.: UG Library
294.594 MAN 01003250 Manu's code of law : Manu Oxford University Press, 9780195681482 x, 1131 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.594 MAN 01000393 Manu's code of law : Manu Oxford University Press, 9780195681482 x, 1131 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.594 PAD 00133774 Women in Dharmasastras : Chandrakala Padia. Rawat Publications, 2009 8131602419 x, 245 p. ; UG Library
294.594 PAD 05031851 Women in Dharmasastras : Chandrakala Padia. Rawat Publications, 2009 8131602419 x, 245 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.594 PAD 00088783 Women in Dharmasastras : Chandrakala Padia. Rawat Publications, 2009 8131602419 x, 245 p. ; UG Library
294.594 PAD 00097245 Women in Dharmasastras : Chandrakala Padia. Rawat Publications, 2009 8131602419 x, 245 p. ; UG Library
294.594 PAN 05002439 Encyclopaedia of Dharmashastra [GENERAL SECTION] Pandey, Braj K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126129069 294 p Knowledge Centre
294.594 PAN 05002440 Encyclopaedia of Dharmashastra [GENERAL SECTION] Pandey, Braj K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126129069 294 p Knowledge Centre
294.594 PAN 00098751 Yajnavalkya Smarti; Panshikar, Wasudev Chourkhamba Sanskrit, 8170801176 xix;440;133 p. UG Library
294.595 BOS 00140040 Tantras: Bose,D N Munshi Manoharlal Publishers Pvt Ltd 2004 9788121506526 146p UG Library
294.5BAS 01007202 Khaki Shorist Saffron Flags(law Library) Tapan Basu Sangam Books Limited 0863113834 116p Knowledge Centre
294.5BRO 01006830 Sacred Thread: A Short History of Hinduism (law Lib) J L Brockington Oxford University Press 0195648331 222p Knowledge Centre
294.5CHAA 01005488 Hinduism Omnibus (law Library) Nirad C Chaudhuri Oxford University Press 0195664116 880p Knowledge Centre
294.5CHAA 01003358 Hinduism Omnibus (law Library) Nirad C Chaudhuri Oxford University Press 0195664116 880p Knowledge Centre
294.5CHU 01008770 Who Is a Brahmin? : The Politics of Identity in India ( Law Library ) Gilles Chuyen Manohar 8173046034 294 Knowledge Centre
294.5DAL 01003159 Nationalization of Hindu Tradition(law Library) Vasudha Dalmia Oxford University Press 0195648560 490p Knowledge Centre
294.5DAL 01005492 Oxford India Hinduism Reader(law Library) Vasudha Dalmia Oxford University Press 0195684451 397p. Knowledge Centre
294.5DAL 01005491 Oxford India Hinduism Reader(law Library) Vasudha Dalmia Oxford University Press 0195684451 397p. Knowledge Centre
294.5FLO 01007270 Introduction to Hinduism ( Law Lib ) Gavin Flood Foundation Books 8175960280 341p Knowledge Centre
294.5HIR 01005292 Playing for Real: Hindu Role Models, Religion, and Gender (law Lib) Jacqueline Suthren Hirst Oxford University Press 0195667220 190p Knowledge Centre
294.5HIR 01003277 Playing for Real: Hindu Role Models, Religion, and Gender (law Lib) Jacqueline Suthren Hirst Oxford University Press 0195667220 190p Knowledge Centre
294.5JAF 01005347 Sangh Parivar Christophe Jaffrelot Oxford University Press 0019568365 445p. Knowledge Centre
294.5JAF1 01007378 Hindu Nationnalism a Reader (law Lib) Christophe Jaffrelot Permanent Black 8178241609 391p. Knowledge Centre
294.5KUR 01006529 Hindu Nationalists of Modern India:A Critical Study of the Intellectual Genealogy of Hindutva(law Lib) J Kuruvachira Yrawat 8170339952 283p Knowledge Centre
294.5MAD 01003224 Non-Renunciation:themes and Interpretations fo Hindu Culture(law Library) T N Madan OXFORD 0019563093 184p Knowledge Centre
294.5MIC 01007196 Hinduism:Past and Present(law Lib) Axel Michaels Orient Longman Private Limited 8125027769 429p Knowledge Centre
294.5MIC1 01008862 Pandit: Traditional Scholoarship in India (law Lib) Axel Michaels Manohar 0817304435 265p Knowledge Centre
294.5NOO 01002986 Savarkar and Hindutva:The Godse Connection(law Library) A G Noorani LEFT WORLD 8187496339 168p Knowledge Centre
294.5PRA 01008004 Ethics in Everday Hindu Life: Narration and Tradition in a South Indian Town(law Library) Leela Prasad Permanent Black 8178241927 291p Knowledge Centre
294.5PRA 01007368 Ethics in Everday Hindu Life: Narration and Tradition in a South Indian Town(law Library) Leela Prasad Permanent Black 8178241927 291p Knowledge Centre
294.5RAD 00140456 Search for Truth Radhakrishnan, S Hind 1977 108 p UG Library
294.5RAD 00143363 Search for Truth Radhakrishnan, S Hind 1977 108 p UG Library
294.5REN 01005399 Hindu Education:Early Years of the Banaras Hindu University(law Lib) Leah Renold Oxford University Press 0195674839 237 Knowledge Centre
294.5SCO 00132222 Modern Hinduism: Scott, J. Barton Primus Books, 2018 9789386552693 xi,267 p.; UG Library
294.5SHA 01003254 Hinduism and Human Rights:A Conceptual Approach(law Library) Arvind Sharma Oxford University Press 0195665856 217p Knowledge Centre
294.5SHA 01006910 Hinduism and Human Rights:A Conceptual Approach(law Library) Arvind Sharma Oxford University Press 0195665856 217p Knowledge Centre
294.5SHA 01006909 Hinduism and Human Rights:A Conceptual Approach(law Library) Arvind Sharma Oxford University Press 0195665856 217p Knowledge Centre
294.5SHA 01000197 Hinduism and Human Rights:A Conceptual Approach(law Library) Arvind Sharma Oxford University Press 0195665856 217p Knowledge Centre
294.5SHA1 01005432 Hinduism and Its Sense of History (law Lib) Arvind Sharma Oxford University Press 0195665317 134p Knowledge Centre
294.5SHA1. 01006795 Modern Hindu Thought: An Introduction(law Library) Arvind Sharma Oxford University Press 0195676386 208p Knowledge Centre
294.5SMI 01007288 Hinduism and Modernity(law Library) David Smith Blackwell Publishing 0631208623 250p Knowledge Centre
294.5STE 01007377 Hindu Myth, Hindu History: Religion, Art and Politics(law Lib) Heinrich Von Stietencron Permanent Black 0817824215 327p Knowledge Centre
294.6 NIK 03006787 Sikhism : Singh, Nikky-Guninder Kaur. I.B. Tauris ; | Palgrave Macmillan [U.S. and Canada exclusive distributors], 2011 9781848853201 (hbk.) | 1848853 xvii, 269 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.6 AHJ 00124972 Undrestanding Sikhism Ahuja M.L Global Vision Publishing, 2015 9788182206717 vi, 213 p,: UG Library
294.6 COL 00076230 Teach Yourself Sikhism: [dharmaram Library] Cole, W Owen 2003 0340867590 208p UG Library
294.6 COL 05031892 Sikhism : Cole, W Owen Adarsh Books, 1999 0818740101 232 p Knowledge Centre
294.6 DON 05031889 Encylopedia of Sikh Religion and Culture / Dogra, R Chandu Vikas Publishing, 1995 505 p Knowledge Centre
294.6 GAJ 00073841 Guru Nanak Dev ( Dharmaram Library ) Gajrani, Shiv Commonwealth Publications 2006 8131100162 574p UG Library
294.6 GOP 00030008 A History of the Sikh People Singh,Gopal Dr. World Book Centre 1988 860 p. UG Library
294.6 GRE 00107878 Four Centuries of Sikh Tradition: Grewal J.S Oxford university press; 2011 9780198070740 332 p. UG Library
294.6 GRE 00103776 Four Centuries of Sikh Tradition: Grewal J.S Oxford university press; 2011 9780198070740 332 p. UG Library
294.6 HUM 00076231 Teach Yourself Zen: A Way of Life: [dharmaram Library] Humphreys, Christmas 2003 0340860154 176p UG Library
294.6 KHU 05029488 Sikhs: [UG General Ref] Khuswant Singh ROLI BOOKS PVT LTD 8174361324 144p Knowledge Centre
294.6 MCL 00112557 Sikhism Mcleod,Hew Yoda Press 1997 9788190666879 395p UG Library
294.6 NES 05031897 Sikhism : Nesbitt, Eleanor Oxford University Press, 2007 0195687264 162 p Knowledge Centre
294.6 SAR 00060036 Book of Nanak Sarna,Navtej Viking 2003 0670049786 | 9780670049783 149 p. UG Library
294.6 SIN 05067838 Sikh faith-an epitome of inter-faith of divine realisation / Singh, Iqbal. The Kalgidhar Trust Gurdwara Baru Sahib, 2014 9789353213879 456 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.603 SIK 00102796 Historical Dictionary of Sikhism Sikhism Oxford University Press, 9780195662085 xii, 349 p. UG Library
294.603MCL 01005394 Historical Dictionary of Sikhism(law Lib) W H Mcleod Oxford University Press 0195662083 349p Knowledge Centre
294.60722 BAL 00101372 Between Colonialism and Diaspora: Ballantyne Tony Permanent black; 2006 9788178241838 229 p. UG Library
294.60722 BAL 00104139 Between Colonialism And Diaspora : Ballantyne Tony Permanent Black ; 2006 9788178241838 229 p. UG Library
294.60722BAL 01007354 Between Colonialism and Diaspora:Sikh Cultural Formations in an Imperial World (law Lib) Tony Ballantyne Permanent Black 8178241838 229p. Knowledge Centre
294.6082 JAK 00094120 Relocating Gender in Sikh History Jakobsh, Doris R Oxford press 2003 9780195679199 296p UG Library
294.6082JAK 01006804 Relocating Gender in Sikh History: Tansformation, Meaning and Identity(law Lib) Doris R Jakobsh Oxford University Press 0195679199 296p Knowledge Centre
294.609 CUN 00076110 History of the Sikhs: [ Dharmaram Library] Cunningham, Joseph Davey Rupa & Co 2006 8171677649 472p UG Library
294.609 CUN 05038339 A History of the Sikhs / Cunningham, Joseph Davey Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781108064569 425 p. Knowledge Centre
294.609 MCL 00088299 Essays in Sikh History, Tradition, and Society Mcleod, W H 2008 9780195682748 291p UG Library
294.609 MUR 05033986 The materiality of the past Murphy, Anne, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199916276 (hardcover : alk xiii, 309 pages ; Knowledge Centre
294.609 SIN 05035146 The Sikhs / Singh, Patwant, Rupa, 2002 8171676243 | 9788171676248 Rupa pbk. ed. xvi, 312 p, [8] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
294.609033 MAL 05058114 The eighteenth century in Sikh history : Malhotra, Karamjit K., Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199463541 | 0199463549 First edition. xiv, 341 pages, 2 unnumbered pages of plates : Knowledge Centre
294.609033 MAL 07011061 The eighteenth century in Sikh history : Malhotra, Karamjit K., Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199463541 | 0199463549 First edition. xiv, 341 pages, 2 unnumbered pages of plates : Library - BR Campus
294.6092 BHA 07002420 In search of roots : Bhalla, A. S. Rupa & Co., 2008 9788129113337 (jacket) xix, 336 p., [12] p. of plates : Library - BR Campus
294.6092 LAK 00072928 Sikh Martyrs Lakshman, Singh Bhagat Cosmo Publications 2004 8177559087 257 p. UG Library
294.6092 SIN 00112679 Guru Gobind Singh re - told Singh,Narain All India Pingalwara Charitable Society 2011 304p UG Library
294.60954 JUD 05031890 Religion, Identity and Nationhood / Judge, Paramjit S Rawat Publications, 2005 0008170339 277 p Knowledge Centre
294.60954 SIN 05035117 Sikh heritage : Sikandar Singh, Rupa Publications India, 2012 9788129119834 | 8129119838 xvii, 204 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.61 NIJ 00067523 Nanak an Introduction Nijhaawan, Purushottam Vakils, Feffer & Simons 2003 8187111674 130p UG Library
294.61MAN 01006829 Making of Sikh Scripture ( Law Lib.) Gurinder Singh Mann Oxford University Press 0195668189 193p. Knowledge Centre
294.6350 RAN 00143093 Gurudwara : Rani,Harsha. B R Publishing Corporation, 2022 9789391123512 xxi,145p.; UG Library
294.6350954552 TUL 03012376 Amritsar : Tully, Mark. Rupa.Co, 1985 9788129109170 238 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
294.6350954552 TUL 00128186 Amritsar : Tully, Mark. Rupa.Co, 1985 9788129109170 238 p.: UG Library
294.6350954552 TUL 07002430 Amritsar : Tully, Mark. Rupa.Co, 1985 9788129109170 238 p.: Library - BR Campus
294.635095491 KHA 05073927 Walking with Nanak / Khalid, Haroon, Penguin, 2016 9780143460787 xiv, 291 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : Knowledge Centre
294.638 KHU 05031891 Hymns of Guru Nanak / Khushwant Singh Orient Longman Publications, 1991 8125011617 123 p Knowledge Centre
294.65 McL 00094148 Prem sumārag : Oxford University Press, 9780195671520 | 019567152X 129 p. ; UG Library
294.661FEN 01006794 Martyrdom in the Sikh Tradition - Playing the Game of Love ( Law Lib.) Louis, E Fenech Oxford University Press 0195679016 306p. Knowledge Centre
294.663 LAK 05035170 A short sketch of the life and works of Guru Govind Singh : Lakshman Singh,Bhagat. Rupa Publications India, 2012 9788129120717 (pbk.) | 8129120 134 p. ; Knowledge Centre
294.663 SIN 00109228 Gurunanak Singh Roopinder Rupa.Co 2004 9788129104427 ix; 84 p. UG Library
294.66310954 KAU 05048160 Religion & health / Kaur, Gurinder 2016. vii, 541 p. Knowledge Centre
294.663GRE 01008808 Khalsa: Sikh and Non Sikh Perspectives (law Lib) J S Grewal Manohar 8173045801 220p Knowledge Centre
294.68 SIN 00104479 Zafarnama Singh,Gobind,Guru Penguin Books 2011 9780670085569 xxxii: 113 p. UG Library
294.682 SIN 00094144 Life And Work of Guru Arjan Singh Pashaura Oxford University Press 9780195679212` 317p UG Library
294.682 SIN 07010347 The Granth of guru Gobind Singh : Singh, Kamalroop, Oxford University Press, 2015 0199458979 (hbk.) | 9780199458 First edition. xii, 284 pages : Library - BR Campus
294.682SIN 01006785 Guru Granth Sahib: Canon, Meaning Nad Authority(law Lib) Pashaura Singh Oxford University Press 0195663349 318p Knowledge Centre
294.6850954552 MAL 07011427 Piro and the Gulabdasis : Malhotra, Anshu, Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199468188 (hardback) | 019 First edition. xlviii, 357 pages : Library - BR Campus
294.6850954552 MAL 05053199 Piro and the Gulabdasis : Malhotra, Anshu, Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199468188 (hardback) | 019 First edition. xlviii, 357 pages : Knowledge Centre
294.69 DHA 00118803 When Sparrows Became Hawks : Dhavan, Purnima Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199454693 x:253p.; UG Library
294.6BAL 01005478 Textures of the Sikh Past: New Historical Perspectives(law Lib) Tony Ballantyne Oxford University Press 0195686632 328p Knowledge Centre
294.6DUG 01007478 Akal Takht and Other Seats of Sikh Polity(law Library) K S Duggal UBS 8186112375 163p Knowledge Centre
294.6DUS 01006989 Sikhs at Large;religion Culture and Politics in Global Perspective(law Library) Verne A Dusenbery Oxford University Press 0195685989 337p Knowledge Centre
294.6GRE 01008727 Five Centuries of Sikh Tradition: Ideology, Society, Politics and Culture Reeta Grewal Manohar 8173046530 394p. Knowledge Centre
294.6MCL 01005420 Essays in Sikh History, Tradition and Society(law Lib) W H Mcleod Oxford University Press 0195682742 291p Knowledge Centre
294.6MCL 01005466 Sikhs of the Khalsa:A History of the Khalsa Rahit ( Law Lib.) W H Mcleod Oxford University Press 0195672216 482p. Knowledge Centre
294.6MCL1. 01006932 Sikhs and Sikhism(law Library) W H Mcleod Oxford University Press 0195668928 140p Knowledge Centre
294.6MCL2 01005460 Prem Sumarag:The Testimony of a Sanatan Sikh(law Lib) W H Mcleod Oxford University Press 0019567152 129p Knowledge Centre
294.6MCLE 01006784 Exploring Sikhism; Aspects of Sikh Identity, Culture and Thought (law Library) W H Mcleod Oxford University Press 0195658566 288p Knowledge Centre
294.6NIJ 01005418 Dhadi Darbar: Religion, Violence and the Performance of Sikh History(law Library) Michael Nijhawan Oxford University Press 0195679679 272p Knowledge Centre
294.6OBE 01006923 Construction of Religious Boundaries ( Law Lib.) Harjot Oberoi OXFORD 0195637801 494p. Knowledge Centre
294.6SIN 01006805 Sikhism and History ( Law Lib.) Pashaura Singh Oxford University Press 0195667085 280p. Knowledge Centre
294.6SIN 01006777 History of the Sikhs 1469-2004 (law Lib) Khushwant Singh Oxford University Press 0195673085 407p Knowledge Centre
294.6SIN 01006778 History of the Sikhs 1469-2004 (law Lib) Khushwant Singh Oxford University Press 0195673085 407p Knowledge Centre
294.6SIN 01006779 Bhagats of the Guru Granth Sahib:Sikh Self-Definition and the Bhagat Bani(law Lib) Pashaura Singh Oxford University Press 0195662695 210p Knowledge Centre
294.9218 OCI 00094631 Upanisads Olivelle Patrick Oxford University Press 446p UG Library
294.9218 JAY 00125793 The Upanisads Jayashanmugam, N Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 2016 978120840669 412p UG Library
294.9218 OCI 05011018 The Upanisads / Muller Max.F Dover Publications,Inc, 1884 9780486437842 ci,320 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.9218 OCI 05011019 The Upanisads / Muller Max.F Dover Publications,Inc, 1884 9780486437842 ci,320 p. : Knowledge Centre
294.95 BAN 05040814 Hinduism A Conglomerate / Bandyopadhyay Deepak Rupa Publications India Pvt,Ltd, 2014 9788129131454 xviii,251p.: Knowledge Centre
294.952 AGA 00112198 The Gītā for the twenty-first century Agarwal, Satya P New age books, 2003 9788178221533 168p.; UG Library
29406 JUD 00068514 Religion, Identity and Nationhood Judge, Paramjit S Rawat Publications 2005 8170339499 277p UG Library
294BAI 01008831 Religion in Modern India Robert D Baird Manohar 0817304273 626 p Knowledge Centre
295 O-5 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
295 WIL 07009307 The Zoroastrian flame : I B Tauris Publication, 2016 9781784536336 | 1784536334 xv, 382 pages, 8 unnumbered plates (color) : Library - BR Campus
295.092254 DAD 00106166 Sugar in Milk : Dadabhoy, Bakhtiar, Rupa & Co., 2008 9788129113016 xv, 462 p. : UG Library
295.092254 MIT 05047242 Famous Parsis : Mittal Publications, 2015 9788183246002 488p.; Knowledge Centre
295.385 OST 00133637 Power, wealth and women in Indian Mahāyāna Buddhism : Osto, Douglas, Routledge, 2017 9780415480734 | 9781138744097 | 9780203886571 xv, 177 p. ; UG Library
295.4 SAR 05031868 Hindu Wife, Hindu Nation : Sarkar, Tanika Permanent Black, 2002 0817824067 289 p Knowledge Centre
295.4092 SIM 05064732 Midnights With The Mystic : Simone, Cheryl. Jaico Publishing House, 2018 9788184951660 xxiii,215p.; Knowledge Centre
295.4092 SIM 00141344 Midnights With The Mystic : Simone, Cheryl. Jaico Publishing House, 2018 9788184951660 xxiii,215p.; UG Library
295.594 OLI 00088364 Manu`s Code of Law: A Critical Edition and Translation Olivelle, Patrick 2005 0195681487 1131 p.: UG Library
295.82 GER 00099815 The Avestan Hymn To Mithra : Gershevitch, Ilya Cambridge University Press, 9780521058568 xi, 356 p. UG Library
295.82 NAN 05008522 The Gathas of Zarathushtra : Mapin pub. ; | Grantha Corp., 1999 1890206091 (Grantha : pbk.) | 173 p. : Knowledge Centre
296 BOC 00072061 Enoch and Qumran Origins: [ Dharmaram Library] Boccaccini, Gabriele 2000 0802828787 453p UG Library
296 JAC 00122090 The Jewish experience : Jacobs, Steven L., Fortress Press, 2010 9780800696634 (alk. paper) xii, 228 p. : UG Library
296 JOY 00111132 Hermeneutics Joy,David C I ISPCK 2012 9788184652253 228p UG Library
296 KUN 00108186 Themes and issues in Judaism Kunin,Seth D. Cassell, 1999 0304337587 | 0304337587 (paper viii, 306 p. ; UG Library
296 LAL 00125018 General Introduction to Post Biblical Judaism Lalfakmawia,Joseph H Sceptre 2013 217p UG Library
296 LAN 00109824 An Introduction To Judaism Lange,Nicholas Cambridge University Press 2000 9780521466240 xxii; 247 p. UG Library
296 NEU 00120871 Judaism : Neusner, Jacob, Routledge, 2006 0415401755 (hbk. : alk. paper) xii, 198 p. UG Library
296 NEU 00085324 Balackwell Reader in Judaism Neusner, Jacob 2001 0631207384 452 p UG Library
296 PIL 00064726 Teach Yourself Judaism Pilkington, C M 2000 0340867558 280p UG Library
296 ROB 00138618 Essential Judaism : Robinson, George, Atria Books 2016 9781501117756 | 1501117750 Updated edition. xvii, 680 pages UG Library
296 SOL 05048864 Judaism : Solomon, Norman, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199687350 (pbk.) Second edition. xii, 151 pages : Knowledge Centre
296 TAN 00101909 Nietzsche : Tanner, Michael Oxford University Press, 9780195682700 113 p. UG Library
296..42 MOR 00120692 Preacher's Sourcebook of Creative Sermon Illustrations Morgan,Robert J Thomason Nelson 2007 9781418528034 833p UG Library
296.03 DEL 05003626 The Penguin dictionary of Judaism / De Lange, N. R. M. Penguin Books, 2008 014101847X (pbk.) | 9780141018 xix, 367 p. ; Knowledge Centre
296.03 TER 05005151 Reader's guide to Judaism / Fitzroy Dearborn, 2000 1579581390 xxv, 718 p. ; Knowledge Centre
296.082 DRU 05009053 Women and Judaism / Praeger, 2009 9780275991548 (alk. paper) | 0 xiv, 257 p. ; Knowledge Centre
296.082 UNT 00109559 Judaism Unterman,Alan Konecky & Konecky 1981 9781568526690 xiii; 272 p. UG Library
296.09 BAS 00107813 The Cambridge Guide to Jewish History, Religion, and Culture Baskin,Judith R. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521689748 | 0521869609 (ha xv, 539 p. : UG Library
296.0901 GOL 00127296 The Origins of Judaism : Goldenberg, Robert. Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521844536 | 9780521606288 xi, 299 p. : UG Library
296.0901 HES 00110785 Israelite religions : Hess, Richard S. Baker Academic ; | Apollos, 2007 9780801027178 (cloth) | 080102 432 p. : UG Library
296.09014 DOH 00134673 Jews, Christians, and the Roman Empire : Dohrmann,Natalie B University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013 9780812245332 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1st ed. x, 288 p. ; UG Library
296.09014 FLU 00110235 Judaism of the Second Temple Period Flusser, David, William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. ; | Hebrew University Magnes Press, 2007 9780802824691 (v. 1 : alk. pap v. <1-> ; 356 p. : UG Library
296.09014 TOM 00072068 Judaism Befor Jesus: the Events and Ideas That Shaped the New Testament World [dharamaram Library] Tomasino, Anthony J 1961 0851117872 345 UG Library
296.092 ROS 07012586 Conversations with Jacqueline Rose / Rose Jacqueline Seagull Books, 2018 9780857425928 153p.: Library - BR Campus
296.0954 TIM 05031869 Jews in India / Timberg, A Thomas Vikas Publishing, 1984 370 p Knowledge Centre
296.0973 KAL 00107971 The Cambridge Companion to American Judaism Kaplan,Evan Dana Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521529514 | 0521529514 (pbk.) xxvi, 462 p. ; UG Library
296.1 NEU 00131984 Judaism and the interpretation of scripture : Neusner, Jacob, Hendrickson Publishers, 2004 1565637062 (alk. paper) x, 230 p. ; UG Library
296.1 OCH 00137985 Textual reasonings : Ochs,Peter Eerdmans, 2003 0802839975 x, 310 p. ; UG Library
296.1 SCH 00137239 Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea scrolls / Oxford University Press, 2000 9780195084504 (set) | 9780195137965(vol. 1) | 9780195137972 (vol. 2) 2 v. (xiv, 1132 p.) ; UG Library
296.1 SCH 00137240 Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea scrolls / Oxford University Press, 2000 9780195084504 (set) | 9780195137965(vol. 1) | 9780195137972 (vol. 2) 2 v. (xiv, 1132 p.) ; UG Library
296.1206 FON 00085342 Talmud and Rabbinic Literature Fonrobert, Charlotte Elisheva 2007 9780521605083 412 p UG Library
296.1206 UUS 00142785 Lived wisdom in Jewish antiquity : Uusimaki, Elisa, T & T Clark ; 2021 9780567697950 1. 225 p. ; UG Library
296.12083216 LOR 00142135 Disempowered king : Lorberbaum, Yair. Continuum, 2011 9781441154293 | 9781441140883 xiii, 213 p. ; UG Library
296.12306 NEU 00138688 Judaism as philosophy : Neusner, Jacob, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999 0801861608 (pbk. : alk. paper) Johns Hopkins paperbacks ed. xvi, 301 p. ; UG Library
296.12347 MAR 00147848 Psychoanalysis and wisdom : Marcus, Paul Routledge, 2024 9781032592404 149p. ; UG Library
296.12508115 KAY 05064474 Time in the Babylonian Talmud : Kaye, Lynn, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108423236 (hardback) | 9781108435963 (paperback) xii,192p. Knowledge Centre
296.12746 BEN 05004966 Controversy and dialogue in the jewish tradition / Routledge, 2005 456 p. Knowledge Centre
296.155 CHA 00101101 The Pesharim and Qumran History : Charlesworth, James H. William B. Eerdmans, 2002 9780802839886 xiv, 171 p. : UG Library
296.155 DAV 00108203 Qumran studies Davis, Michael Thomas William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2007 9780802860804 | 080286080X (pb xxvii, 296 p. : UG Library
296.155 FIT 00072066 Dead Sea Scrolls and Christian Origins [dharmaram Library] Fitzmyer S J, Joseph A 2000 0802846505 290 UG Library
296.155 LIM 05031894 Dead Sea Scrolls : Lim, Timothy H Oxford University Press, 2005 0192806599 138 p Knowledge Centre
296.155 LIM 00102148 The Dead Sea Scrolls : Lim, Timothy H. Oxford University Press, 2005 0192806599 (pbk.) 138 p. : UG Library
296.155 THI 00109788 The Dead Sea Scrolls And The Jewish Origins Of Christianity Thiede,Carsten Peter Palgrave 2000 9781403961433 256 p. UG Library
296.2 TOM 00137984 The Provocative Church Tomlin,Graham SPCK 2008 9780281060061 184p UG Library
296.3 KUS 05031873 When Bad Things Happen to Good People / Kushner, Harold S Schocken Books, 2001 202 p Knowledge Centre
296.3 MCG 00109781 Glimpsing the face of God McGrath, Alister E., A Lion Book 2002 0802839800 | 9780745950266 124 p. : UG Library
296.3 MIC 00117448 Everything is God : Michaelson, Jay, Trumpeter, 2009 9781590306710 (pbk. : alk. pap 1st ed. 276 p. : UG Library
296.3 NEU 00133283 Judaism and its social metaphors : Neusner, Jacob, Cambridge University Press, 1989 0521354714 xiv, 258 p. ; UG Library
296.3 WYS 00112111 Abraham's promise : Wyschogrod, Michael, William B. Eerdmans, 2004 0802813550 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiii, 253 p. ; UG Library
296.3/8 BRE 01018466 Public policy and social issues : Praeger, 2003 0275981657 (alk. paper) viii, 281 p. ; Knowledge Centre
296.311 HOL 00110268 The Jewish Experience Holstein, Jay A. Pearson Custom Publishing 2002 9780536681317 4th ed. ix, 339 p. : UG Library
296.3115 SAM 00124469 Revelation and the God of Israel / Samuelson, Norbert Max, Cambridge University Press, 2002 052181202X x, 259 p. ; UG Library
296.3117 ALF 05002447 After the Holocaust Alford, C. Fred. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521766326 (hardback) | 052 xi, 172 p. Knowledge Centre
296.3117 NEU 00112818 God in the world / Neusner, Jacob, Trinity Press International, 1997 1563382024 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvi, 175 p. ; UG Library
296.33 NEU 00110053 Judaisms and their messiahs at the turn of the Christian Era Neusner, Jacob, Cambridge University Press, 1987 0521341469 | 0521349400 (pbk.) xvi, 299 pages. ; UG Library
296.34 SAM 00124536 Judaism and the doctrine of creation / Samuelson, Norbert Max, Cambridge University Press, 1994 0521452147 | 9780521452144 xi, 362 p. : UG Library
296.36 JAC 05017415 Law, reason, and morality in medieval Jewish philosophy : Jacobs, Jonathan A. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199542833 (hbk.) | 0199542 xii, 232 p. ; Knowledge Centre
296.36 JAC 00127997 Judaic Sources and Western Thought : Jacobs, Jonathan A : Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199583157 | 0199583153 ix, 284 p. ; UG Library
296.37509 EFR 05008989 Judaism and science Efron, Noah J. Greenwood Press, 2007 031306038X (electronic bk.) | xx, 348 p. : Knowledge Centre
296.37509 EFR 00109249 Judaism and science Efron, Noah J. Greenwood Press, 2007 031306038X (electronic bk.) | xx, 348 p. : UG Library
296.38 LOA 00121097 Philo, Josephus, and the Testaments on sexuality : Loader, William R. G., W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2011 9780802866417 (pbk. : alk. pap xi, 476 p. ; UG Library
296.383 BRA 03007677 Jewish Wisdom for Business Success : Brackman, Levi. American Management Association, 2008 9780814412749 | 0814412742 | 9 xxi, 232 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
296.396 ECK 00072144 How Firm a Foundatiion [dharmaram Library] Eckstein, Rabbi Yechiel 1997 1557251894 266 UG Library
296.396 KLI 00140199 Why the Jews rejected Jesus : Klinghoffer,David Three Leaves Press 2006 9780385510226 247p UG Library
296.4 DIA 00110279 Living a Jewish life Diamant, Anita. HarperCollins, 2007 9780061173646 | 0061173649 Updated and rev. ed. x, 308 p. ; UG Library
296.4 DIA 00109768 Living a Jewish life Diamant, Anita. HarperCollins, 2007 9780061173646 | 0061173649 Updated and rev. ed. x, 308 p. ; UG Library
296.42 GRE 00135106 Salt to the Earth Greenway,Tim ATC Publications 2014 9788170866664 368p UG Library
296.45 SCH 00110257 Undercurrents of Jewish Prayer Schonfield, Jeremy. The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2006 1904113001 (hbk.) | 9781904113 xx, 394 p. : UG Library
296.47 SAH 00112091 Homilitics Sahayam John S Centre for Contemporary Christianity 2010 9789380548036 205p UG Library
296.47 SEY 00135045 Creating Stories That Connect Seymour,D Bruce ATC Publishers 2007 8170866243 138p UG Library
296.49 ROS 00121100 Rose guide to the Tabernacle. Rose Pub., 2008 1596362766 (hardcover) 115 p. : UG Library
296.495092 REI 00122051 Caiaphas the high priest Reinhartz, Adele Fortress Press 2013 9780800699406 254p. UG Library
296.6 BEC 05046899 The True Book About Joan of ARC / Nolan Jeanette Covert The P.T.I.Book Depot, 1957 149p.: Knowledge Centre
296.61 SHE 00110912 Workers of wonders : Sherwin, Byron L. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2004 0742514927 (hardcover : alk. p xiv, 168 p. ; UG Library
296.65 KAD 00089362 Synagogues Kadish, Sharman 1999 0431051798 24p UG Library
296.6509 RUN 05002442 Ancient Synagogue from Its Origins to 200 C.E: A Source Book Runesson, Anders Brill 9789004161160 327 p Knowledge Centre
296.7 KOL 00084332 Jewish Book of Why Kolatch, Alfred J 2000 0142196193 308p UG Library
296.7 SHE 00110246 The Life Worth Living Sherwin, Byron L. William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2009 9780802862938 (pbk. : alk. pap x, 165 p. ; UG Library
296.7/3 ROS 00128493 The Jewish Dietary Laws in the Ancient World / Rosenblum, Jordan, Cambridge University Press 2016 9781107090347 xiii, 193 pages ; UG Library
296.7/3 ROS 00138788 The Jewish Dietary Laws in the Ancient World / Rosenblum, Jordan, Cambridge University Press 2016 9781107090347 xiii, 193 pages ; UG Library
296.714 HER 00118670 Religious Disarmament/ Heredia C,Rudolf Gyan 2014 9788121212144 336p UG Library
296.730973 HOR 05048687 Kosher USA : Horowitz, Roger, Columbia University Press, 2016 9780231158329 (cloth : alk. pa 303p.; Knowledge Centre
296.742 WER 05002443 Ritual Purity and the Dead Sea Scrolls Weerett, Ian C Brill 9789004156234 349 p Knowledge Centre
296.7KAT 01008873 Kashrut, Caste and Kabbalah: The Religious Life of the Jews of Cochin (law Lib) Nathan Katz Manohar 8173046387 181p Knowledge Centre
296.817 HJE 00111703 The Samaritans and early Judaism : Hjelm, Ingrid. Sheffield Academic Press, 2000 1841270725 318 p. ; UG Library
296.833 OSH 04016208 The Art of Dying: Osho Westland, 2010 9789380658728 297 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
296NEU 01011431 Basics Judaism (law Lib) Jacob Neusner ROUTLEDGE 0415401763 198p Knowledge Centre
297 K-4 Library Property Counter Keys / key Knowledge Centre
297 ASL 07013442 No god but God : Aslan, Reza. Peguin random House, 2011 9780099564324 xxxi, 338p;. Library - BR Campus
297 AHM 00145631 The Golden Book of Islam: Ahmad, Nilofer Lotus Press 2023 8183821995 278p UG Library
297 ALL 05031876 tHE Pillars of Islam : Daa, Im Al-Islam Oxford University Press, 2002 0195655354 558 p Knowledge Centre
297 AND 00110217 Islam Anderson, J. Kerby. Harvest House Publishers, 2008 9780736921176 (pbk.) 127 p. ; UG Library
297 ANS 00124517 Human Spirituality in the Light of the Islamic Tradition Ansari,Shahzad Ahmed Random Publishers 2015 9789351117223 320p UG Library
297 ARM 00140535 Islam: Armstrong,Karen W & N Paperback 2002 9781842125830 192p UG Library
297 ASG 00040381 The Origin and Development of Islam. Asghar Ali Orient Longmans 1980 209p UG Library
297 BRO 00112104 The Nearst in Affection Brown Stuart 2825409707 124p UG Library
297 CHO 00090036 Islam Chopra, C L C.L Chopra 2008 98 p.: UG Library
297 DEN 00146531 An introduction to Islam / Denny, Frederick Mathewson. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2011 013814477X (alk. paper) | 9780138144777 (alk. paper) | 9781138568372 4th ed. xii, 420 p. : UG Library
297 DES 00129327 Rethinking Islamism Desai,Meghnad I B Tauris 2007 1845112679 196p UG Library
297 DON 05031920 Interpretiang Islam / Donnan, Hastings Sage Publications, 2001 8178290766 196 p Knowledge Centre
297 ELI 05002335 Islam / Elias, Jamal J Prentice Hall, 1999 0132662639 128 p Knowledge Centre
297 ELI 00076464 Islam / Elias, Jamal J Prentice Hall, 1999 0132662639 128 p UG Library
297 ELI 00076463 Islam / Elias, Jamal J Prentice Hall, 1999 0132662639 128 p UG Library
297 ELI 00064743 Islam Elias, J Jamal 2000 0415211654 126p UG Library
297 ENG 00103603 A Modern Approach to Islam Asghar Ali Engineer Dharmaram Publications, 9788186861521 152 p. UG Library
297 ENG 00108149 Islam, Misgivings, and History Engineer, Asgharali, Vitasta Pub Pvt.Ltd 2008 8189766783 ix, 228 p. ; UG Library
297 ENG 00101058 Islam, Misgivings, and History Engineer, Asgharali, Vitasta Pub Pvt.Ltd 2008 8189766783 ix, 228 p. ; UG Library
297 ENG 05031882 Origin and Development of Isalm / Asghar Ali Orient Longman, 1987 209 p Knowledge Centre
297 ENG 05031881 Origin and Development of Isalm / Asghar Ali Orient Longman, 1987 209 p Knowledge Centre
297 ENG 05031925 Rethinking Issues in Islam / Enginner, Asghar Ali Orient Longman Publications, 1998 8125014276 150 p Knowledge Centre
297 GEA 00143634 Islam Today Geaves, Ron Bloomsbury 2020 9789389391480 187p UG Library
297 GRI 00093732 Islam:History,Faith,and Politics:The Complete Introduction Grieve,Paul Carrol and graft publishers 2007 9780786718047 433p UG Library
297 GUP 05007120 Reading with Allah : Gupta, Nilanjana. Routledge, 2009 9780415544597 xii, 192 p. : Knowledge Centre
297 HAN 00068548 Approaching Islam Hangloo, Rattanlal Black and White 2005 8189320092 247p UG Library
297 HUN 05058944 Indian musalmans / Hunter, W W. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2002 9788171676903 xviii, 211p. Knowledge Centre
297 JAQ 00092220 Ibn Hajar Jaques, Kevin R Oxford University Press 2010 9780198063001 156p UG Library
297 JEF 00126884 Being Muslim in South Asia Jeffrey,Robin Oxford University Press 2014 0198092067 370p UG Library
297 KUM 00138657 Understanding Islam Kumar,B B Concept Publishing Company 2018 9386682192 435p UG Library
297 KUM 00133388 Understanding Islam Kumar,B B Concept Publishing Company 2018 9386682192 435p UG Library
297 MAC 05041455 Development of Muslim Theology Jurisprudence and Constitutional Theory / Macdonald Duncan.B,M.A.,B.D Cosmo Publications, 2012 9788130712390 xii,386p.: Knowledge Centre
297 MAH 00140976 Syncretic Islam : Maheshwari, Anil Bloomsbury; 2021 9789354350078 | 9354350070 xvi, 255 pages : UG Library
297 MAN 00081077 Trouble With Islam Today Manji, Irshad Imprint One 2007 8188861022 259p UG Library
297 MAN 00068961 Trouble With Islam Today Manji, Irshad Vintage 2005 8188861022 1st Ed. 258 p. UG Library
297 MAQ 00076224 Teach Yourself Islam: [dharmaram Library] Maqsood, Ruqaiyyah Waris 2006 0340928131 324p UG Library
297 MAR 00092227 Tabari Martensson, Ulrika Oxford University Press 2010 9780198063018 177p UG Library
297 MAT 00088250 Islam For Beginners. Matar, N I Orient Longman Publications 2008 ISB8125022333 196p UG Library
297 MAT 00084856 Islam For Beginners. Matar, N I Orient Longman Publications 2008 ISB8125022333 196p Yeshwanthpur Campus
297 MAT 00058754 Islam For Beginners. Matar, N I Orient Longman Publications 2008 ISB8125022333 196p UG Library
297 MET 00094254 Islamic Contestations Metcalf Barbara D Oxford University Press 9780195685138 365p UG Library
297 NAI 00073908 Among the Believers(dharmaram Library) Naipaul, V S 1981 0330413333 495p UG Library
297 NAQ 00134088 Working with muslims: Naqvi,Farah Three essays collective, 2017 9789383968244 xviii,416p.; UG Library
297 NEW 00069857 Concise Encyclopedia of Islam Newby, Gordon D Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851682953 244p UG Library
297 PAT 05011000 Myth=Mithya : Pattanaik Devdutt.DR Penguin Books, 2006 9780143099703 227 p. : Knowledge Centre
297 RAF 00059436 Understanding the Bengal Muslims Rafiuddin Ahmed Oxford University Press 2001 0195655206 | 9780195655209 272 p. UG Library
297 RAM 00127946 Spread of Islam in India/ Ramkumar,N Heritage Publishers 2017 8170263816 333p UG Library
297 RAP 00103795 IBN Taymiyya and His Times / Rapoport, Yossef Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195478341 xiv, 400 p. ; UG Library
297 REH 00147048 Shikwa-e-Hind: Rehman, Mujibur Simon & Schuster 9788194646488 360p UG Library
297 RID 00146116 Islam in context : Riddell, Peter G. Baker Academic, 2003 9780801026270 231 p. : UG Library
297 RIP 00108987 Muslims Rippin,Andrew, Routledge, 2011 9780415489409 | 9780415489409 4th ed. ix, 356 p. : UG Library
297 ROB 05031870 Islam and Muslim History in South Asia / Robinson, Francis Oxford University Press, 2000 0195649672 299 p Knowledge Centre
297 ROD 01016154 The Koran / Bantam Classic, 2004 9780553587524 464 p. : Knowledge Centre
297 ROY 05046578 The Historical Roll of Islam / Roy,M.N. Blind Person's Association, 2015 p.; Knowledge Centre
297 RUT 05017338 Islam : Ruthven, Malise. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199642878 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xiv, 177 p. : Knowledge Centre
297 RUT 05031823 Islam : Ruthven, Malise Oxford University Press, 2006 0195678737 161 p Knowledge Centre
297 RUT 00085420 Islam : Ruthven, Malise Oxford University Press, 2006 0195678737 161 p UG Library
297 RUT 05053271 Islam : Ruthven, Malise. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199642878 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xiv, 177 p. : Knowledge Centre
297 RUT 01016431 Islam : Ruthven, Malise. Oxford University Press, 2000 0192853899 | 9780192853899 157 p. : Knowledge Centre
297 RUT 00073833 Islam: A Very Short Introduction ( Dharmaram Library) Ruthven, Malise 2006 0195678737 161p UG Library
297 RUT 05031896 Islam : Ruthven, Malise Oxford University Press, 2001 0192853899 161 p Knowledge Centre
297 SAL 00125780 Islam and Religious Pluralsim Salroo,Arshad Ahmad Crescent Publishing Corporation 2016 9788183423748 206p UG Library
297 SAR 05031895 The No-Nonsense Guide to Islam / Sardar, Ziauddin Rawat Publications, 2005 0817033943 142 p Knowledge Centre
297 SHA 00133769 Lives of Muslims in India Shaban,Abdul Routledge 2018 9781138598362 283p UG Library
297 SID 00140521 50 Ideas You Realy Need to Know Islam Siddiqui,Mona Quercus 2020 9781784296124 208p UG Library
297 SIN 00138636 Islam: a Religion of Peace Singh,N K Global Vision Publishing House 2019 9789389124101 248p UG Library
297 TUR 07010248 Islam Turner, C. New York : Routledge, 2006 9780415584920 (pbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed. 262p.: Library - BR Campus
297 WAD 05031880 The Muslim Mind / Waddy, Charis Vanguard, 1992 209 p Knowledge Centre
297 WAI 00085532 Introduction to Islam Waines,David Foundation Books 2004 8175961899 2nd Ed. 366 p. UG Library
297 WAI 00070752 Introduction to Islam Waines,David Foundation Books 2004 8175961899 2nd Ed. 366 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
297 WAL 05031875 Foundations of Islam : Walker, Benjamin HarperCollins Publishers, 1998 0720610389 376 p Knowledge Centre
297 WAL 00068420 Introduction to Islam Waines, David Foundation Books 2004 8175961899 365p UG Library
297 ZAF 00145826 Demystifying Islam : Zafar, Harris, Dev Publishers and Distributors 2014 9781442223271 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9789381406502 | 9781442223288 (electronic) xiii, 204 pages ; UG Library
297 ZAR 00117510 Shamanism and Islam Zarcone, Thierry I.B. Tauris & Co Ltd., 2013 9781848856028 XLI: 360p. ; UG Library
297 ZWE 00017421 Mohammedan World of Today Zwemer, S M Church 1976 300 p UG Library
297.01 AFR 00080085 Perception of Islamic Philosophy Afridi, M R K Pentagon Press 2007 8182742323 446p UG Library
297.0285 BUN 00092000 iMuslims : Bunt, Gary R. University of North Carolina Press, 2009 9781850659518 (cloth : alk. pa 358 p. : UG Library
297.03 ESP 01014349 The Oxford dictionary of Islam / Oxford University Press, 0195125584 (alk. paper) | 9780 xviii, 359 p. ; Knowledge Centre
297.03 GEA 00146118 Key words in Islam / Geaves, Ron. Georgetown University Press, 2006 1589011244 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781589011243 (pbk. : alk. paper) viii, 122 p. ; UG Library
297.03 HUG 05029674 A Dictionary Of Islam Hughes, Thomas Patrick Asian Educational Services, 750 p. Knowledge Centre
297.03 SAL 00079812 Dictionary of Muslim Names Salahuddin, Ahmed Hurst and Company 1999 1850653577 351p UG Library
297.03 SIN 00134123 Global encyclopaedia of Islamic mystics and mysticism Singh,N.K Global vision publishing house, 2015 9788182206731 xi,541p.; UG Library
297.054 MET 00099899 Islam In South Asia: Metcalf, Barbara D Permanent Black, 2009 9788178242972 xxv, 474 p. UG Library
297.07 BEN 00124537 The Bloomsbury companion to Islamic studies / Bloomsbury Academic, 2013 9781472586902 xv, 419 p. ; UG Library
297.07 BEN 00143659 The Bloomsbury companion to Islamic studies / Bloomsbury 2018 9781441127884 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9789387863859 | 9781441138125 (ebook pdf : alk. paper) xv, 419 pages ; UG Library
297.082 QUR 07012686 Women and Islam/ Qureshi,Iqbal. Saurabh, 2017 9788189005122 V,237 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
297.082 SAL 00140920 Women in Masjid: Salam.Ziya Us Bloomsbury 2019 9789388912013 190p UG Library
297.082 SHA 05062581 Towards islamic feminism / Shamim, Amna., ed. Aadi Publication, 2016 9789382630807 viii, 156p. Knowledge Centre
297.082 WIL 00109592 Islam Williams John A. Konecky & Konecky 1961 9781568526720 256 p. UG Library
297.09 AND 05057270 The mosaic of Islam : Anderson, Perry, Versobooks, 2016 9781786632128 (paperback) xii, 164 pages ; Knowledge Centre
297.09 AYO 00078595 The Crisis of Muslim History Ayoub,Mohamoud M. Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851683267 | 9781851683260 179 p. UG Library
297.09 BAR 05047241 Cultural History of The Muslims / Bartold,V.V. Mittal Publications, 2015 9788183245371 xxviii,146p.; Knowledge Centre
297.09 BYR 05062512 Islam in a post-secular society : Byrd, Dustin, Brill, 2016 9789004325357 (hardback : alk. paper) xx, 334 pages ; Knowledge Centre
297.09 END 00079815 Islam an Historical Introduction Endress, Gerhard 2002 0748616209 301p UG Library
297.09 END 00065668 Islam an Historical Introduction Endress, Gerhard New Age Books 2004 0817822156 301p UG Library
297.09 KHA 00141308 Islam and Muslim Societies / Khan, Nizamudin Vista International Publishing House; 2019 9789383905553 302p UG Library
297.09 MAH 00069859 Islam Faith and Histroy Mahmoud, M Ayoub Oneworld Publishers 2006 0185168350 242p UG Library
297.09 MAH 05064734 Muslims : Mahmood, Ali. Rupa Publications, 2018 9789353041120 xii,460p.; Knowledge Centre
297.09 MAH 00138771 Muslims : Mahmood, Ali. Rupa Publications, 2018 9789353041120 xii,460p.; UG Library
297.09 PAL 00142242 Islamic Extremism: Palmer,Monte Cambridge University Press 2008 9788175967717 289p UG Library
297.09 SHA 00134777 Shadow Boxing with the Gods Shankar,Vijay N Celestial Books 2014 9789381836804 223p UG Library
297.09 SID 00146154 Islam and Society Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan Concept Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd 2020 9789388937603 252p UG Library
297.09 SIL 00101777 Islamic History : Silverstein, Adam J. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199545728 (pbk.) | 0199545 xviii, 157 p. : UG Library
297.09 WAT 00069858 Short History Islam Watt, William Montgomery Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851682058 157p UG Library
297.09045 EDW 05041812 Islamic fundamentalism since 1945 : Milton-Edwards, Beverley. Routledge, 2013 9780415639897 2nd ed. 176 p.; Knowledge Centre
297.09045MIL 01000881 Islamic Fundamentalism Since 1945 (law Lib) Beverley Milton-Edwards ROUTLEDGE 0410415734 158p Knowledge Centre
297.0905 BEN 00122828 Your fatwa does not apply here : Bennoune Karima W W Norton & Company 2013 9780393350258 (pbk.) Norton paperback edition. x, 431 pages ; UG Library
297.0905 BEN 07005306 Your fatwa does not apply here : Bennoune Karima W W Norton & Company 2013 9780393350258 (pbk.) Norton paperback edition. x, 431 pages ; Library - BR Campus
297.0905 HUN 00092887 Reformist Voices of Islam Hunter, Shireen T Pentagon press 2009 9788182744073 322p UG Library
297.09051 BAK 05057178 One Islam, many Muslim worlds : Baker, Raymond William, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199846474 (cloth : alk. pa xiii, 375 pages ; Knowledge Centre
297.09051 BEN 07009360 Your Fatwa does not apply Here/ Bennoune Karima W W Norton and Company, 2013 9780393081589 377 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
297.09051 BEN 05040162 Your fatwa does not apply here : Bennoune, Karima. W.W.Norton, 2013 9780393081589 (hbk.) | 0393081 First edition. x, 402 pages ; Knowledge Centre
297.09051 ESP 01017213 The future of Islam / Esposito, John L. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195165210 (hc : acidfree p xiv, 234 p. ; Knowledge Centre
297.090511 ISM 05007404 Islam in the eyes of the West : Routledge, 2010 9780415564144 (cloth : alk. pa viii, 290 p. ; Knowledge Centre
297.092 CHI 00132688 Be Present In Every Moment: Chishti, Moinuddin, Aleph Book Company, 2018 9789387561397 ix,67 p.; UG Library
297.092 CHI 00134484 Be Present In Every Moment: Chishti, Moinuddin, Aleph Book Company, 2018 9789387561397 ix,67 p.; UG Library
297.092 POW 05062195 If the oceans were ink : Power, Carla, Holt Paperbacks, 2015 9780805098198 (pbk.) First edition. x, 336p.; Knowledge Centre
297.092095 HAR 05031921 Muslims of British India / Hardy, P Foundation Books, 2002 8175960264 305 p Knowledge Centre
297.09209548 ASS 05031922 At the Confluence fo Two Rivers : Assayag, Jackie Manohar Publishers, 2004 8173045127 313 p Knowledge Centre
297.0927 HAS 10005080 Fault Lines in the Faith : Hasnain, Iqbal S Rupa Publications, 2023 9789357029001 xxxii, 287 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
297.09496 CLA 05061182 Europe's Balkan Muslims : Clayer, Nathalie, Hurst and Company, 2013 9781849046596 | 184904659X xxvi, 285 pages : Knowledge Centre
297.095 AHM 05031907 Lived Islam in South Asia : Ahmad, Imitiaz Social Science Press, 2004 8187358157 308 p Knowledge Centre
297.095 AHM 00085779 Lived Islam in South Asia : Ahmad, Imitiaz Social Science Press, 2004 8187358157 308 p UG Library
297.095 AHM 05009577 Lived Islam in South Asia : Ahmad, Imtiaz Social Science Press, 2004 9788187358473 xxv, 308 p. ; Knowledge Centre
297.09515 RAD 07012410 Tibetan Caravans : Radhu Abdul Wahid Speaking Tiger Publishing Pvt.Ltd, 2017 xli,253p.: Library - BR Campus
297.09515 RAD 05067408 Tibetan caravans : Radhu, Abdul Wahid. Speaking Tiger, 2017 9788193314197 253 p.; Knowledge Centre
297.0954 RAH 00106372 Indian Muslims and Their Economy Rahaman Taimur Abhijeet Publications 2011 9789381136232 xx 216 p. UG Library
297.0954 AHM 10004062 A Brief history of the present: Hilal, Ahmed Penguin Random House India Pvt Ltd, 2024 9780670094356 xxvii, 226p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
297.0954 EAT 05031879 Eassys on Islam and Indian History / Eaton, M Richard Oxford University Press, 2000 0195651146 272 p Knowledge Centre
297.0954 HAS 00089239 Encountering the West:Before and After 1897: Islam in South Asia Vol-2 Hasan, Mushirul Manohar Publishers 2008 0817304743 305p UG Library
297.0954 HAS 01011723 Negotiating Diversities Hasan,Mushirul Manohar Publication 9788173048241 294p.; Knowledge Centre
297.0954 ISM 00133415 Hagiology of Sufi saints and the spread of Islam in South Asia Ismail, Muhammad Jnanada prakashan, 2018 9788171393756 xxi,213p.; UG Library
297.0954 KHU 00135914 Visible Muslim Invisible Citizen : Khurshid,Salman. Rupa Publications, 2019 9789353335281 xii,308p.; UG Library
297.0954 KUM 00138380 Advent of Islam in India / Kumar,Raj. Nation Press, 2018 9789387436015 295p.; UG Library
297.0954 MAL 05032903 Islam in South Asia Malik, Jamal. Brill, 2008 xii, 520 p. : Knowledge Centre
297.0954 MAL 07004475 Islam in South Asia A Short History / Malik Jamal Orient BlackSwan, 2012 9788125046585 xii,520p.: Library - BR Campus
297.0954 MET 00086400 Islamic Contestations: Essays on Muslims in India and Pakistan Metcalf, Barbara D 2006 9780195685138 365 p UG Library
297.0954 MUJ 05031908 Indian Muslims / Mujeeb, M Munshiram, 1985 590 p Knowledge Centre
297.0954 NOO 00079814 Indian Muslims Precepts & Practices Mohammad, Noor Rawat 1999 272p UG Library
297.0954 NOR 05031877 Indian Muslims : Mohammad, Noor Rawat Publications, 1999 272 p Knowledge Centre
297.0954 NOR 05031878 Indian Muslims : Mohammad, Noor Rawat Publications, 1999 272 p Knowledge Centre
297.0954 PEA 00087296 Islamic Reform and Revival in Nineteenth-Century India: The Tariquah-I Muhammadiyah Pearson, Harlan O Foundation Books 2008 0819036345 266 p UG Library
297.0954 RAF 05028781 Development of Islamic Religion and Philosophy in India Rafique, Mohammad CSC Publishers, 9788187586371 xxv, 479 p. Knowledge Centre
297.0954 ROY 00132965 Islam in history and politics: Roy,Asim. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195698367 224 p. ; UG Library
297.0954 ROY 01005437 Islam in History and Politics:Perspectigves from South Asia(law Lib) Asim Roy Oxford University Press 0195680162 224p Knowledge Centre
297.0954 WAH 00147344 Born a Muslim : Wahab, Ghazala, 9789390652167 399 pages ; UG Library
297.0954 WAH 05072500 Born a Muslim : Wahab, Ghazala, 9789390652167 399 pages ; Knowledge Centre
297.095409051 OSE 05046966 Islamic Reform in South Asia Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781139382786 (ebook) | 978110 xxviii,809p.; Knowledge Centre
297.095483 PRA 05063698 Monsoon Islam : Prange, Sebastian R., Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108424387 (hardback : alk. paper) xvi, 344 pages ; Knowledge Centre
297.0954AHM 01007205 Lived Islam in South Asia: Adaptation Accommodation and Conflict(law Library) Imtiaz Ahmad Social Science Press 8187358157 308p Knowledge Centre
297.0954HAS 01008507 Moderate or Militant Images of India`s Muslims ( Law Lib.) Mushirul Hasan Oxford University Press 9780195695311 252p. Knowledge Centre
297.0954NOO 01003931 Muslims of India:A Documentary Record(law Library) A G Noorani Oxford University Press 0195670566 368p Knowledge Centre
297.0954NOO 01005449 Muslims of India:A Documentary Record(law Library) A G Noorani Oxford University Press 0195670566 368p Knowledge Centre
297.0954NOO 01005450 Muslims of India:A Documentary Record(law Library) A G Noorani Oxford University Press 0195670566 368p Knowledge Centre
297.0954NOO 01003167 Muslims of India:A Documentary Record(law Library) A G Noorani Oxford University Press 0195670566 368p Knowledge Centre
297.0954NOO 01005377 Muslims of India:A Documentary Record(law Library) A G Noorani Oxford University Press 0195670566 368p Knowledge Centre
297.0954ROB 01005440 Islam, South Asia and the West(law Lib) Francis Robinson Oxford University Press 9780195683806 308p Knowledge Centre
297.0954ROB 01005439 Islam, South Asia and the West(law Lib) Francis Robinson Oxford University Press 9780195683806 308p Knowledge Centre
297.0959811 KLO 05059590 Becoming better Muslims : Kloos, David, Princeton, 2018 9780691176642 (hardback) | 978 xvii,212p.; Knowledge Centre
297.095ROY 00071542 Islam in History and Politics: Perspectives from South Asia: [ Dharmaram Library] Roy, Asim 0195680162 224p UG Library
297.0973 CUR 05043955 Islam in America / Curiel,Jonathan. I.B.Tauris, 2015 9781848855991 xxii,186p.; Knowledge Centre
297.0973 CUR 05056914 Islam in America / Curiel,Jonathan. I.B.Tauris, 2015 9781848855991 xxii,186p.; Knowledge Centre
297.0973 MAJ 05047618 Islam and America : Majid, Anouar, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2012 9781442214132 xvi, 173 p. ; Knowledge Centre
297.09AYO 01000899 Crisis of Muslim History: Religion and Politics in Early Islam (law Lib) Mahmoud M Ayoub Oxford 191851683267 179p Knowledge Centre
297.1 ATT 05031913 Muslims and the Third World Politics / Attarchand Anmol Publications, 2001 8170416256 208 p Knowledge Centre
297.1 AVE 00076147 Faith and Reason in Islam: Averrpoes Exposition of Religious Arguments: [ Dharmaram Library] Averroes Oneworld Publishers 2007 1851682635 146p UG Library
297.1 ENG 05031912 The Shah Bano Controversy / Engineer, Asghar Ali Orient Longman Ltd., 1998 0861317017 242 p Knowledge Centre
297.1 WAT 00072029 Formative Period of Islamic Thought [dharmaram Library] Montgomery Watt, William Oneworld Publishers 2000 1851681523 424 UG Library
297.10954 HAS 00074116 In a Minority - Essays On Muslim Women In India Hasan, Zoya Oxford University Press 2005 0195665848 396 p UG Library
297.122 CRA 00069861 Event of the Qur`an Islam in Its Scripture Cragg, Kenneth Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851680675 208p UG Library
297.122 ESA 00069860 Quran Liberation & Pluralism Esack, Farid Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851681213 288p UG Library
297.122 KHA 03003711 The Quran / Khan, Maulana Wahiduddin. goodword, 2010 9788178986531 viii;478 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
297.122 PEN 05029680 A Dictionary And Glossary Of The Kor-An : Penrice, John Asian Educational Services, 166 p. Knowledge Centre
297.122 WAT 00107090 Companion to the Quran Watt, W. Montgomery Oneworld Oxford: 2011 9781851680368 355 p.; UG Library
297.1224042 WAR 00107358 Which Koran? Warraq,Ibn Prometheus Books, 2011 9781591024293 (hardcover : alk 631 p. : UG Library
297.1225 HAL 00090382 Qur`an Haleem, M A S Oxford 2008 9780199535958 464p UG Library
297.122521 DAW 05031914 Koran / Dawood, N J 2006 9780140449204 455p.; Knowledge Centre
297.122521 KAS 00146135 The Qur'an with references to the Bible : Bridges of Reconciliation, 2016 9780996592444 | 099659244X xxxv, 488 pages ; UG Library
297.122521 KID 07014026 What is the Quran ? Kidwai Abdur Raheem Viva Books, 2019 9789388653237 xiii,421p.: Library - BR Campus
297.1226 ENG 05071549 The prophet of non violence : Asghar Ali Engineer. Vitasta Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2011 9789380828084 ix,246p.; Knowledge Centre
297.1226 GAL 00142788 Metaphors of death and resurrection in the Qur`an : Galadari, Abdulla Bloomsbury Academic; 2022 9781350244528 259 p. ; UG Library
297.1226 LUL 00101113 A Challenge to Islam for Reformation : Lüling, Günter. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2003 8120819527 1st ed. lxviii, 580 p. ; UG Library
297.1226 MCA 00088994 Camebridge Companion to the Qur`an Mcauliffe, Jane Dammen 2008 9780521539340 332p UG Library
297.1226 SAF 05011377 The Qurʼanic narrative : Ṣāfī, Luʼayy. Praeger, 2008 9780313361999 (alk. paper) | 0 xvi, 212 p. ; Knowledge Centre
297.1226 SAR 00104749 Reading the Qur'an : Sardar, Ziauddin. Hachette India. 2011 9789350092941 xxii: 406 P. UG Library
297.12261 COO 05048867 The Koran, a very short introduction / Cook, Michael, Oxford University Press, 2000 0192853449 162 p. : Knowledge Centre
297.12261 COO 05053277 The Koran : Cook, Michael. Oxford University Press, 2000 0192853449 | 9780192853448 162 p. : Knowledge Centre
297.12261 GAD 00107365 The Qur'an Gade, Anna M. Oneworld, 2011 9781851686940 (hbk.) | 1851687 xiv, 304 p. : UG Library
297.1227 FAH 00131951 Diversity, dissent and dialogue: Fahad,Obaidullah Jnanda prakashan, 2012 9788171394890 xv,246p.; UG Library
297.1228 MCA 05044929 The Norton Anthology of Wrrld Religions : McAuliffe, Jane Dammen. W W Norton & Company, 2015 9780393918984 xxix, 659 p. ; Knowledge Centre
297.12283054 JAR 05041568 Recovering the female voice in Islamic scripture : Jardim, Georgina L. Ashgate Publishing, 2014 9781472426376 (hardcover : alk 256 pages Knowledge Centre
297.122AHA 01009665 Quran:English Traslation of the Message(law Lib) Syed Vickar Ahaned Bookware 9780977300907 378p Knowledge Centre
297.122ESA 01000398 Quran Libaration and Pluralism Farid Esack Oxford 1851681213 288 Knowledge Centre
297.124 HAS 00091406 The way of the Prophet; Hasan Usama Highway Press, 9780860374336 vi, 120 p. UG Library
297.12401 BRO 05036071 Rethinking tradition in modern Islamic thought / Brown, Daniel W., Cambridge University Press, 1996 0521570778 x, 185 p. ; Knowledge Centre
297.14 SHO 05035151 The World of Fatwas or the Shariah In Action / Shourie,Arun. Rupa Publications, 1995 9788171676415 | 9789350293423 viii,685p.; Knowledge Centre
297.18 COR 00112093 More Church Humour Cornelius Judson K St. oauls 2005 8171097456 136p UG Library
297.18 FER 00120894 100 Motivating Anecdotes Fernandez,Percival Insight Books 2008 9788171766505 149p UG Library
297.18 FER 00120895 100 Challenging Anecdotes Fernandez,Percival Insight Books 2008 9788171766437 141p UG Library
297.18 FER 00121205 100 Inspiring Anecdotes Fernandez,Percival Insight Books 2014 8171765408 144p UG Library
297.18 FER 00121206 100 Empowering Anecdotes Fernandez,Percival Insight Books 2013 9788171766758 125p UG Library
297.18 MIH 00122352 The Millennium Stories Mihalic,Frank Alpha Media 2008 8190654012 252p UG Library
297.18 MIH 00121209 Tonic for the Heart in 1000 bottles. Vol. 1 Mihalic,Frank Pauline Publications 2008 8171764169 200p UG Library
297.18 MIH 00121208 Tonic for the Heart in 1000 bottles. Vol. 1 Mihalic,Frank Pauline Publications 2008 8171764169 200p UG Library
297.18 OSB 00122366 52 Bible Characters Dramatized Osbeck,Kenneth W Asian Trading Corporation 1996 8170866235 186p UG Library
297.197 VEL 00107603 Man and Social Problems Vellilamthadam,Thomas, Oriental Institute of Religious Studies, India, St. Thomas Apost. Seminary, 1984 126 p. ; UG Library
297.197095 PAR 05036819 Dialectics of Religion, Politics and Ethics In Gandhi and Taylor : Paramthottu,Joshy V. Dharmaram Publications, 2014 9788189958831 xix,436p.; Knowledge Centre
297.1978344 MUR 00145846 The Tao of Islam : Murata, Sachiko, State University of New York Press, | Dev Publishers and Distributors 1992 0791409139 (alk. paper) | 9789387496040 | 0791409147 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 397 p. ; UG Library
297.198 TAS 00089427 Stranger to History: A Son`s Journey Through Islamic Islands Taseer, Aatish 2009 9780330511155 323p UG Library
297.1EIC 01003344 Muslim Politics(law Lib) Dale F Eikelman Oxford University Press 0195642104 235p Knowledge Centre
297.1WAI 01007271 Introduction to Islam (law Lib) David Waines Foundation Books 8175961899 367p Knowledge Centre
297.2 CHI 00102984 Islamic Beliefs And Resurrection Chidanandjee, Shri Shri Ravindra Brahmachari Anmol, 9788126137145 vii, 295 p. UG Library
297.2 ENG 00091835 A Modern Approach to Islam Engineer Asghar Ali Dharmaram Publications 2003 8186861521 152p UG Library
297.2 HOL 05066712 Anthropomorphism in islam : Holtzman, Livnat. Edinburg University Press, 2019 9781474452649 xi, 434 p. ; Knowledge Centre
297.2 KHA 00101191 Text and Context : Khan, Arif Mohammed, Rupa & Co., 2010 9788129116826 xxvi, 306 p. ; UG Library
297.2 SID 00110880 The good Muslim Siddiqui, Mona. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521518642 (hardback) | 978 vii, 231 p. ; UG Library
297.2/603 KAL 00128007 The Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Science, and Technology in Islam / Kalin,Ibrahim Oxford University Press 2014 9780199358434 | 9780199358441 2 volumes ; UG Library
297.2/72 COO 00127989 Ancient Religions, Modern Politics : Cook, Michael, Princeton University Press 2017 9780691144900 (hbk. : alk. pap xx, 541 pages ; UG Library
297.204 DEL 05002416 Wahhabi Islam from Revival and Reform to Global Jihad Delong-Bas, Natana J I.B. Tauris 0000185043 370p Knowledge Centre
297.2046FRI 01007627 Prophecy Continous: Aspects of Ahmadi Religious Thought and Its Medieval Back Ground ( Law Lib.) Yohanan Friedmann Oxford University Press 0195662520 218p. Knowledge Centre
297.20922 ESP 00068450 Makers of Contemporay Islam. John O Voll, John L Esposito 2001 0195141288 257p UG Library
297.211 RAS 00110696 Iqbal's concept of God Raschid,Salman Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195476941 (hbk.) | 9780195 xxvii, 122 p. ; UG Library
297.2110954CAC 01008700 Gods and Temples (law Lib) Winand M Callewaert Manohar 8173046565 243p. Knowledge Centre
297.2112 SAM 00145843 The repose of the spirits : Samʻānī, Aḥmad ibn Manṣūr, Dev Publishers and Distributors 2023 9781438473338 | 9781438473352 lxxv, 632 pages ; UG Library
297.23 LAN 00126941 Paradise and hell in Islamic traditions Lange, Christian Robert, Cambridge University Press 2017 9780521506373 (hardback) | 978 vii, 365 pages; UG Library
297.2603 KAL 00128006 The Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Science, and Technology in Islam / Kalin,Ibrahim Oxford University Press 2014 9780199358434 | 9780199358441 2 volumes ; UG Library
297.260954REE 01005438 Islam in the Public Sphere:Religious Groups in India 1900-1947(law Lib) Dietrich Reetz Oxford University Press 0195668103 379p Knowledge Centre
297.260954REE 01007626 Islam in the Public Sphere:Religious Groups in India 1900-1947(law Lib) Dietrich Reetz Oxford University Press 0195668103 379p Knowledge Centre
297.261 HUS 00141317 Psychological Perspectives in Islam and Sufism / Husain, Akbar Global Vision Publishing House; 2021 9788194771661 198p UG Library
297.265 MAS 00096108 Science & Islam: Masood Ehsan Icon Books 2009 9781848310810 240 p UG Library
297.267 ELI 05040763 Aisha's cushion Elias, Jamal J. Harvard University Press, 2012 9780674058064 | 9780674067394 x, 404 p. : Knowledge Centre
297.27 AHM 00121420 Social system in Islamic Culture Ahmad, Tanbir Ishika publishing House 2014 9789382629764 303p. UG Library
297.27 ALE 00136183 The dawning of a new dark age : Alexander,Mark . 1stBooks, 2003 1414030215 270 p ; UG Library
297.27 ANS 05032736 Glimpses of Islam and Peace / Ansari,M.A. Cyber Tech Publications, 2013 9789350531365 viii,256p.; Knowledge Centre
297.27 FUN 07012018 Islam and Peacmaking in the Middle East / Funk Nathan.C Viva Books, 2017 9789386385666 x,305p.: Library - BR Campus
297.272 ADI 05065151 Islam in international relations : Routledge, 2019 9781315513577 (eBook) | 9781315513560 (Pdf) | 9781315513553 ( ePub3) | 9781315513546 (Mobipocket) xiv,236p.; Knowledge Centre
297.272 BEG 05033335 Islam : Beg,S.L. Navyug Books International, 2012 9789380731674 v,280p.; Knowledge Centre
297.272 HIR 05046694 Heretic : Hirsi Ali, Ayaan, Harper, 2015 0062333933 | 9780062333933 First edition. x, 272 pages ; Knowledge Centre
297.272 KOL 01021049 Freedom of speech and Islam / Ashgate, 2014 9781472424020 (hardcover : alk xiv,262p.; Knowledge Centre
297.272 MOI 00132201 The Millennial Sovereign: Moin A. Azfar, Primus Books, 2017 9789384092719 xv,343 p.; UG Library
297.272 MOI 01023452 The Millennial Sovereign : Moin, A. Azfar. Columbia University Press, 2012 9780231160360 (cloth : alk. pa 343p.; Knowledge Centre
297.272 OBO 00147053 The fate of Abraham : Oborne, Peter Simon & Schuster, 2022 9781398501027 | 9781398501034 514 p. UG Library
297.272 SAC 05037159 Islam and the challenge of human rights Sachedina, Abdulaziz Abdulhussein, Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195388428 (hardback : alk. xiv,248p.: Knowledge Centre
297.2720954 ALA 07004562 The Languages of Political Islam in India C.1200-1800 / Alam Muzaffar Orient BlackSwan, 2014 9788178242231 244p.: Library - BR Campus
297.2720954 ALA 00085651 The Languages of Political Islam in India C. 1200-1800 / Alam, Muzaffar Permanent Black, 2008 8178242230 244 p UG Library
297.2720954 ALA 05031915 The Languages of Political Islam in India C. 1200-1800 / Alam, Muzaffar Permanent Black, 2008 8178242230 244 p Knowledge Centre
297.2720954 BHA 00119517 Islam & international relations Bhat, Ali Muhammad Dominant Publishers 2013 9789380642604 137p. UG Library
297.2720954482MOR 01007230 Political Evolution of Muslims in Tamilnadu and Madras1930-1947(law Library) J B P More Orient Longman Private Limited 8125011927 272p Knowledge Centre
297.272095492 SAR 05061184 Critical Muslim 23 : Sardar, Ziauddin., ed. Hurst & Company, 2017 9781849048989 260p. Knowledge Centre
297.27AHM 01010852 Islam, Modernity, Violence and Everyday Life (law Lib) Ahmad Atif Ahmad PALGRAVE MACMILLAN 9780230609846 213p Knowledge Centre
297.27MIL 01006619 Islam and Violence in the Modern Era(law Lib) Beverley Milton-Edwards Palgrave Macmillan 1403986185 236p. Knowledge Centre
297.28 SRI 05071566 The future of secularism / Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195698855 viii,327p.; Knowledge Centre
297.283 OMA 00095174 A Muslim View of Christianity Omar Irfan A Logos Press, 9788172681975 264p UG Library
297.283 TRO 00092980 Dialogue and Difference : Troll, Christian W., Orbis Books, 2009 9781570758560 (pbk.) p. cm. UG Library
297.283 TRO 00112135 Dialogue and Difference : Troll, Christian W., Orbis Books, 2009 9781570758560 (pbk.) p. cm. UG Library
297.28SRI 01006966 Future of Secularism(law Lib) T N Srinivasan Oxford University Press 0195683781 327p Knowledge Centre
297.293 AJI 00109553 The hijacking of Christianity Ajijola, Alhaj A.D. Rightway Publication, 2002 8187385367 1st ed. 356 p. ; UG Library
297.2FYZ 01009300 Pillars of Islam (law Lib) Asaf A A Fyzee Oxford University Press 9780195684353 573p Knowledge Centre
297.2FYZ 01009301 Pillars of Islam (law Lib) Asaf A A Fyzee Oxford University Press 9780195684353 573p Knowledge Centre
297.3 HAL 05042004 The Impossible State / Hallaq Wael.B Columbia University Press, 2014 9780231162579 XIV,256p.: Knowledge Centre
297.3 ISL 01021524 History of Islamic economic thought : Islahi, Abdul Azim, Edward Elgar, 2014 1784711373 (cloth) | 978178471 viii, 125 pages : Knowledge Centre
297.35 LEW 08001745 Dargahs, abodes of the saints / Marg Publications, 2004 8185026653 | 9788185026657 152 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
297.350954TRO 01006797 Muslim Shrines in India ( Law Lib.) Christian W Troll Oxford University Press 0195671775 327p. Knowledge Centre
297.351 BLA 00089361 Mosques Bladon, Huda E 1999 0043105181 21p UG Library
297.351 ERK 08001225 The Mosque. : political, architectural and social transformations / NAI Publishers, 2009 9789056626914 192p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
297.352 ALA 00103779 Journey to the Holy Land : A Pilgrim's Diary Amir Ahmad Alawi Oxford University Press 2009 0198063466 271 p UG Library
297.352 MIS 01015313 The Haj from the Indian Subcontinent 1860 - 1920 : Mishra, Saurabh Oxford University Press, 9780198070603 177 p. Knowledge Centre
297.352 MIS 00101956 The Haj from the Indian Subcontinent 1860 - 1920 : Mishra, Saurabh Oxford University Press, 9780198070603 177 p. UG Library
297.352 SAR 00119266 Mecca : Sardar, Ziauddin, 9781408809204 (hbk) : | 140880 xxxviii, 408 pages, 16 unnumbered pages of plates : UG Library
297.352 TAG 00126949 The Hajj Tagliacozzo,Eric Cambridge University Press 2016 9781108403788 343p UG Library
297.352092 SIK 00100201 A Princess's Pilgrimage: Sikandar Begum, Nawab Women Unlimited an associate of Kali for Women / 9788188965383 xi, 180 p. UG Library
297.352409 SLI 10004727 The Hajj and Britain's muslim empire / Slight, John Speaking Tiger Books, 2024 9789354478956 x, 439p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
297.38 FYZ 00087470 Pillars of Islam Fyzee, Asaf A A 2008 9780195684353 636 p UG Library
297.38 FYZ 00087471 Pillars of Islam Fyzee, Asaf A A 2008 9780195684353 636 p UG Library
297.38 TAS 00059427 Muslim Festivals in India and Other Essays. Tassy De, Garcin Oxford University Press 2002 0195643143 | 9780195643145 194 p. UG Library
297.382 SAE 00110187 Muslim Devotional Art in India Saeed,Yousuf. Taylor & Francis Group 2012 9780415678322 | 9780415678384 x: 208 p. UG Library
297.382082 SAD 01021810 The Logic of Law Making in Islam : Sadeghi Behnam Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107051850 xxi,1110p.: Knowledge Centre
297.382082 SAD 00119296 The logic of law-making in Islam : Sadeghi, Behnam, 9781107009097 | 110700909X xiii, 306 pages ; UG Library
297.385HAL 01009980 Muhammad`s Grave (law Lib) Leor Halevi Columbia University Press 9780231511933 400 p Knowledge Centre
297.4 ANS 05008528 Sufism and beyond : Ansari, Ali, Mapin Pub., 1999 9788185822723 (pbk.) | 8185822 148 p. ; Knowledge Centre
297.4 BAU 00134486 The Principles of Sufism Bauniyyah,Aishah al Aleph 2018 9789388292009 124p UG Library
297.4 CHI 00076156 Sufism: A Short Introduction: [ Dharmaram Library] Chittick, C William Oneworld Publishers 2007 1851682112 178p UG Library
297.4 COO 00065670 Three Meditation Practice Cooper, David A Jaico Publishing House 2005 8179924033 207p UG Library
297.4 DEH 00125752 Sufism : Sadia Dehlvi. HarperCollins Publishers India, a joint venture with The India Today Group, 9788172237974 | 8172237979 xxiii, 384 p. : UG Library
297.4 DEH 00093757 Sufism : Sadia Dehlvi. HarperCollins Publishers India, a joint venture with The India Today Group, 9788172237974 | 8172237979 xxiii, 384 p. : UG Library
297.4 ENG 05071544 Sufism and Inter religious understanding / Hope india publications, 2008 9788178711577 224p.; Knowledge Centre
297.4 ERN 00140893 It's not just academic! : Ernst,Carl W. Sage Publication India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789352800087 (hardback : alk. xix,490p.; UG Library
297.4 ERN 05060087 It's not just academic! : Ernst,Carl W. Sage Publication India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789352800087 (hardback : alk. xix,490p.; Knowledge Centre
297.4 FAD 00069009 Essential Sufism : Fadiman,James Catle Books, 1997 0785809066 | 9780785809067 265 p. UG Library
297.4 FAD 05031924 Essential Sufism : Fadiman,James Catle Books, 1997 0785809066 | 9780785809067 265 p. Knowledge Centre
297.4 IDR 00047675 Sufi Thought and Action Shah,Idries The Octagon Press 1993 0863040519 | 9780863040511 272 p. UG Library
297.4 NIZ 07011281 Nizam ad-din Awliya : Niẓāmuddīn Auliyā, Paulist Press, 1992 0809104512 : | 080913280X (pbk x, 404 p. ; Library - BR Campus
297.4 PAN 00107723 Poetics and Politics of Sufism and Bhakti In South Asia Panjabi,Kavita. Orient BlackSwan 2011 9788125042976 305 P. UG Library
297.4 RUM 00145845 The Sufi path of love : Jalāl al-Din Rūmī, State University of New York Press, | Dev Publishers and Distributors 1983 0873957237 | 9789387496026 | 0873957245 (pbk.) ix, 433 p. ; UG Library
297.4 SAF 10004684 In search of the divine : Safvi, Rana, Hachette book publishing india pvt ltd., 2022 9789393701114 xvi, 415 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
297.4 SAI 05031923 Contemporary Relevance of Sufism / Saiyidain, Hameed Syeda Indian Coulcil for Cultural Relations, 1999 8185434050 349 p Knowledge Centre
297.4 SCH 00081207 Mystical Dimensions of Islam Schimmel, Annemarie Foundation Books 1975 8190363492 512p UG Library
297.4 SHA 05072714 The way of the sufi / Shah, Idries., 2007 9788129110497 287p, ; Knowledge Centre
297.4 SHA 00076127 Hundred Tales of Wisdom: [ Dharmaram Library] Shah, Idries RUPA & CO 2007 8129110547 158p UG Library
297.4 SHA 00140254 The Way of the Sufi Shah,Idries Amaryllis 2015 9789381506608 288p UG Library
297.4 SID 00125106 Sufism / Siddiqui, Mohammad Shaheer New Delhi Publishers 2015 9788185503066 382p. UG Library
297.4 THO 00091803 Islamic Spirituality Thottakara Augustine Dharmaram Publications 157p UG Library
297.4/0924 CHI 00145844 The Sufi path of knowledge : Chittick, William C. State University of New York Press, | Dev Publishers and Distributors 1989 0887068847 | 9789387496033 | 0887068855 (pbk.) xxii, 478 p. ; UG Library
297.4019 AVE 05004662 A Psychology of Early Sufi Sama / Avery,Kenneth.S Routledge, 2004 9780415665070 viii,241 p. Knowledge Centre
297.409 BAL 00118446 Mystical Islam : Baldick, Julian. New York University Press, 2012 9781780762319 | 0814711391 (pb 218 p. ; UG Library
297.40902 CUR 05008850 Sufism and society : Curry, John J Routledge, 2011 9780415782234 (hardback) xiii, 281 p. : Knowledge Centre
297.4092 AMI 00123340 Conques and Community Amin, Shahid Orient Blackswan Private Limited, 2015 9788125059677 xii, 327 p:. UG Library
297.4092 TOD 05045117 The Sufi doctrine of man : Todd, Richard, 9789004271234 | 9789004271265 1 online resource (246 pages) : Knowledge Centre
297.4092254 SHA 05045654 The Sufi saints of the Indian subcontinent / Sharib, Zahurul Hassan, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 2006 9788121510523 xii, 416 p. ; Knowledge Centre
297.40924 SMI 00107917 Rabiʻa the Mystic & Her Fellow-Saints in Islam Smith,Margaret, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9781108015912 | 0521318637 (pb xxxv, 219 p. ; UG Library
297.409468 CAS 05062087 The mystics of al-Andalus : Casewit, Yousef. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107184671 xvi, 353 pages ; Knowledge Centre
297.40954 07004784 Making space : Green, Nile. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198077961 | 0198077963 xvii, 339 p. : Library - BR Campus
297.40954 AQV 00100940 Sufism And Society In Medieval India: Aquil,Raziuddin . Oxford University Press , 9780198064442 184 p. UG Library
297.40954 AQU 05044738 Sufism, culture, and politics : Aquil, Raziuddin. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198069157 (pbk.) | 0198069 Oxford India Paperbacks edition. xiii, 268 pages ; Knowledge Centre
297.40954 AQV 00093993 Sufism And Society In Medieval India: Aquil,Raziuddin . Oxford University Press , 9780198064442 184 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
297.40954 ERN 05056013 Refractions of Islam in India : Ernst,Carl W. Sage, 2016 9789351508915 xvii,498p.; Knowledge Centre
297.40954 GRE 05017339 Making space : Green, Nile. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198077961 | 0198077963 xvii, 339 p. : Knowledge Centre
297.41 BAU 00145842 The principles of sufism / Bāʻūnīyah, ʻĀʼishah bint Yūsuf, Dev Publishers and Distributors 2017 9780814745281 (hardback) | 9789381406762 | 0814745288 (hardback) xx, 200 pages ; UG Library
297.435 DHA 05035223 The Sufi Shrine Of Ajmer : Dhaul,Laxmi. Rupa.Co : 2004 9788129104168 127 . ; Knowledge Centre
297.43554 BEL 05000113 The Powerful Ephemeral : Bellamy Carla Permanent Black, 2011 9788178243467 xxi,282p.: Knowledge Centre
297.4380954 KAS 00118286 Ginans : Kassam, Tazim R. Primus Books, 2010 9788190891875 Rev. ed. xxvi, 225 p., [1] leaf of plate : UG Library
297.446 JOH 07006349 The spiritual practices of rumi / Johnson, Will Inner Traditions Publication, 2007 9781594772009 viii,177p. Library - BR Campus
297.4460820954 PEM 05045659 Women Mystics and Sufi Shrine in India / Pemberton Kelly Munshiram Manoharlal, 2015 9788121512855 xxviii,233p.: Knowledge Centre
297.448 MET 00094023 Perfecting Women Metcalf Barbara Daly Oxford University Press 9780195660630 436p UG Library
297.448024MET 01005398 Perfecting Women ( Law Lib.) Barbara Daly Metcalf Oxford University Press 0195660633 436p. Knowledge Centre
297.44ABU 01009963 Muslim Communities of Grace: The Sufi Brotherhoods in Islamic Religious Life (law Lib) Jamil M Abun-Nasr Columbia University Press 9780231143318 280p Knowledge Centre
297.48 GUP 00132340 Naqshbandi sufis: Gupta,R.K B R Publishing corporation, 2018 9789387587144 xiv,396p.; UG Library
297.48 HAI 01008659 Sufis, Sultans Amns Feudal Orders / Mansura Haidar Manohar, 2004 8173045488 xvi,497p.; Knowledge Centre
297.48 NIZ 05055281 Reform and Renewal in South Asian Islam : Nizami,Moin Ahmad. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199469345 xxii,305p.; Knowledge Centre
297.48092 GUP 00132304 Autobiography of a Sufi / Ram Chandra of Fatehgarh, B.R. Pub. Corp., 2018 9788176467445 | 8176467448 xix, 198 p. ; UG Library
297.4ERN 01005421 Eternal Garden: Mysticism, History and Politics at a South Asian Sufi Center(law Lib) Carl W Ernst Oxford University Press 0195668693 381p Knowledge Centre
297.4ERN 01005422 Eternal Garden: Mysticism, History and Politics at a South Asian Sufi Center(law Lib) Carl W Ernst Oxford University Press 0195668693 381p Knowledge Centre
297.5 TRI 05002343 Islam and the Moral Economy the Challenge of Capitalism / Tripp, Charles Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521682444 229 p Knowledge Centre
297.5 ALI 00098674 Readings in Islamic Social System/ Ali Masood Cyber Tech publications; 2011 9788178846941 246 p. UG Library
297.5 HEF 05056801 Shari`a law and modern Muslim ethics / Indiana University Press, 2016 9780253022479 (hbk : alk. pape ix, 299 pages ; Knowledge Centre
297.5 RUB 01008289 Political Islam: Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies (law Library) Barry Rubin ROUTLEDGE 0415404533 570 Knowledge Centre
297.5 RUB 01008290 Political Islam: Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies (law Library) Barry Rubin ROUTLEDGE 0415404533 570 Knowledge Centre
297.5 RUB 01008291 Political Islam: Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies (law Library) Barry Rubin ROUTLEDGE 0415404533 570 Knowledge Centre
297.50954ROB 01008040 Ulama of Farangi Mahall and Islamic Culture in South Asia(law Library) Francis Robinson Permanent Black 8178241196 267p Knowledge Centre
297.566 HAB 00124555 Islam and Homosexuality Praeger, 2010 9780313379000 | 9780313379048 lxii, 503 p, : UG Library
297.566 HAB 00124554 Islam and Homosexuality Praeger, 2010 9780313379000 | 9780313379048 lxii, 503 p, : UG Library
297.57 AHM 05041760 Religious Culture in Islam / Ahmad,Tanbir. ABD Publishers, 2014 9788183764735 viii,272 p.; Knowledge Centre
297.57 MAL 00096956 We are a Muslim, please Malik Zaiba William Heianemann 9780434018475 278p UG Library
297.57 SAR 00135852 Islamic spirituality : Sarıtoprak, Zeki, Bloomsbury 2018 9781472572042 (HB) | 9781472572059 (PB) x, 231 pages ; UG Library
297.57COO 01008012 Muslim Networks: from Medieval Scholars to Modern Feminists(law Library) Miriam Cooke Permanent Black 8178241331 325p Knowledge Centre
297.5IZU 01003021 Ethico-Religious Concepts in the Qur`an(law Library) Toshihko Izutsu Islamic Book Trust 9839154559 332p Knowledge Centre
297.5MAY 01007414 Muslims Delits and the Fabrication of History(law Library) Shail Mayaram Permanent Black 8178242141 322p Knowledge Centre
297.6 BAN 05066720 Modern islamic authority and social change Volume-1 : Edinburg University Press Ltd, 2019 9781474433235 xx, 364 p. ; Knowledge Centre
297.6 BAN 05066721 Modern islamic authority and social change Volume 2 : Edinburg University Press Ltd, 2019 9781474433273 xv, 224 p. ; Knowledge Centre
297.6 MIR 00071541 Iqbal: Makers of Islamic Civilization: [dharmaram Library] Mir, Mustansir 2004 0195676556 156p UG Library
297.61HAS 01008858 Islam and Indian Nationalism: Reflections on Abul Kalam Azad (law Lib) Mushirul Hasan Manohar 8185425701 191 p Knowledge Centre
297.63 BRO 01014364 The Cambridge companion to Muhammad / Cambridge University Press, 9780521886079 (hardback) | 052 xvii, 325 p. : Knowledge Centre
297.63 CON 05073456 People of the Book: Considine, Craig Hurst and Company 2021 9781787384712 191p Knowledge Centre
297.63 CON 00142754 People of the Book: Considine, Craig Hurst and Company 2021 9781787384712 191p UG Library
297.63 GRU 01021051 The image of the Prophet between ideal and ideology : De Gruyter, 2014 9783110312386 (alk. paper) vii,392p.; Knowledge Centre
297.63 HAZ 05059849 The first Muslim : Hazleton, Lesley, Atlantic Books, 2013 9781594487286 | 9781782392323 320 p. : Knowledge Centre
297.63 IBR 00143894 A Concise Guide to the Life of Muhammad: Ibrahim, Ayman S Baker Academic 2022 9781540965073 218p UG Library
297.63 JAF 00060033 Book of Muhammad Jaffer,Mehru Viking Books 2003 0670049778 | 9780670049776 147 p. UG Library
297.63 SAR 00115800 Introducing Muhammad Sardar, Ziauddin Icon Books 2000 9781840460728 175p UG Library
297.63092HAS 01008860 My Life: A Fragment (law Lib) Mushirul Hasan Manohar 8173042861 261p Knowledge Centre
297.63GIB 01010568 Prophet and the Art of Peace Kahlil Gibran Duncan Bird Pulisher 9781844835959 272p Knowledge Centre
297.6KRA 01007130 Speaking for Islam:Religious Authorities in Muslim Societies(law Lib) Gudrun Kramer Koninklijke Brill 0900414949 305p Knowledge Centre
297.6MET 01005350 India`s Muslims: An Omnibus ( Law Library ) Barbara Daly Metcalf Oxford University Press 9780195691986 383p. Knowledge Centre
297.6MET 01005373 India`s Muslims: An Omnibus ( Law Library ) Barbara Daly Metcalf Oxford University Press 9780195691986 383p. Knowledge Centre
297.7/2 BON 00127996 Jihād : Bonney, Richard. Palgrave Macmillan, 2004 1403933723 (cloth) xxvi, 594 p. ; UG Library
297.72 AKB 05031917 Shade of Swords : Akbar, M J Roli Books, 2002 8174362088 352 p Knowledge Centre
297.72 DEV 05031926 Landscapes of the Jihad : Devji, Faisal Foundation Books Pvt.Ltd., 2005 1850657750 184 p Knowledge Centre
297.72 HEG 07014111 Jihadi culture : Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107017955 | 9781107614567 xiii, 273p.; Library - BR Campus
297.72 KEN 07009495 Twenty-first century Jihad : I.B.Tauris, 2016 9781780769165 | 1780769164 xiv, 358 pages ; Library - BR Campus
297.72 KEN 05045932 Twenty-first century Jihad : I.B.Tauris, 2016 9781780769165 | 1780769164 xiv, 358 pages ; Knowledge Centre
297.72 KHA 00093075 Jihad Peace and Inter-Community Relations in Islam Khan, Maulana Wahiduddin Rupa 2010 9788129115850 120p UG Library
297.72 MAL 00092578 From Fatwa to Jihad: Malik,Kenan Atlantic Books 9781843548249 266p.; UG Library
297.7209 AKB 05046086 The Shade of Swords : Akbar,M J. Roli Books Pvt.Ltd., 2002 9788174362919 xxiii,404 p. Knowledge Centre
297.7209 AKB 00100155 The Shade of Swords : Akbar,M J. Roli Books Pvt.Ltd., 2002 9788174362919 xxiii,404 p. UG Library
297.7209 RAH 00138900 Interpretations of Jihad in South Asia : Rahman,Tariq. Orient Blackswan, 2020 9789352878451 xix,315p.; UG Library
297.7209 SPE 00140722 The history of Jihad: Spencer,Robert Bombardier Books 2019 9781642932560 445p UG Library
297.720954 JAL 00104150 Partisans of Allah : Jalal Ayesha Permanent Black ; 2008 9788178242743 373 p. UG Library
297.72RAS 01007396 Iihad: The Rise of Militant Islam in Central Asia ( Law Lib.) Ahmed Rashid Orient Longman Private Limited 8125022287 281p. Knowledge Centre
297.77 HUD 07009042 Education Literature and Islam Huda, Nurul Md, Random Publications, 2015 9789351117254 xii, 296 p:. Library - BR Campus
297.77 HUD 00122993 Education Literature and Islam Huda, Nurul Md, Random Publications, 2015 9789351117254 xii, 296 p:. UG Library
297.77 SAL 10005215 Madrasas in the age of Islamophobia / Salam, Ziya Us, Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2020 9789353289294 First. xvi, 180p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
297.770954 ALA 00109901 Inside a madrasa Alam, Arshad. Routledge, 2011 9780415678070 | 9780415678070 xviii, [3], 249 p. : UG Library
297.770954 HAR 05031909 Islamic Education, Diversity, and National Identity : Hartung, Jan-Peter Sage Publications, 2006 0761934332 331 p. Knowledge Centre
297.7KHA 01008848 Kashmirs Transition to Islam: The Role of Muslim Rishis M Ishaq Khan Manohar 8173041997 302p Knowledge Centre
297.7MAM 01007193 Good Muslim, Bad Muslim: Islam, the Usa, and the Global War Agaist Terror ( Law Lib) Mahmood Mamdani Permanent Black 8178241110 304p Knowledge Centre
297.8 ALI 04005713 Holy Quran Ali, Abdullah Yusuf Words Worth Classics 2009 9781853267826 530 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
297.8 ALI 05024464 Holy Quran Ali, Abdullah Yusuf Words Worth Classics 2009 9781853267826 530 p Knowledge Centre
297.8 ALI 00110439 The Holy Quran Ali,Muhammad Maulana. Islam Lahore Inc 1951 091332101x 1324 p. UG Library
297.8 FAZ 00069870 Study of Islamic Fundamentalism: Revival and Reform in Islam Fazlur, Rahman Oneworld Publishers 2006 0185168204 226p UG Library
297.8 MCH 05063735 A concise history of Sunnis & Shi'is / Mchugo, John. Speaking Tiger Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2017 9789388326247 347p. Knowledge Centre
297.8 MUK 07012518 Ismailism and Islam in modern South Asia : Mukherjee, Soumen Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107154087 (hardback : alk. paper) xiii, 203 pages ; Library - BR Campus
297.8 MUK 05063702 Ismailism and Islam in modern South Asia : Mukherjee, Soumen Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107154087 (hardback : alk. paper) xiii, 203 pages ; Knowledge Centre
297.8092 TUR 00099178 Said Nursi; Turner,Colin Oxford university press; 2009 9780198060321 vi;140 p. UG Library
297.80954 ZAK 05031916 Indian Muslims : Zakaria, Rafiq Popular Prakahsna, 2004 8179912019 564 p Knowledge Centre
297.814 IBR 00134158 Radical origins : Ibrahim, Azeem, pegaus books ltd., 2017 9781681775487 | 1681775484 First Pegasus books edition. xx, 298 pages ; UG Library
297.82 HAI 07009389 Shi Islam / Haider, Najam Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781316607992 xiii,233p. Library - BR Campus
297.82 HYO 05031910 Reliving Karbala Hyder, Syed Akbar. Oxford University Press, 2006 0195189302 | 9780195189308 | 9 xi, 261 p. Knowledge Centre
297.8209045 NAS 00126368 The Shia revival : Nasr, Vali W.W. Norton, 2007 9780393329681 | 9780393353389 310 p. : UG Library
297.820954 JON 00126945 The Shi'a in modern South Asia : Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107108905 (hardback) 212p.: UG Library
297.820954 JON 01022718 The Shi'a in modern South Asia : Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107108905 (hardback) 212p.: Knowledge Centre
297.820954 JON 00110862 Shi's Islam In Colonial India Jones,Justin. Cambridge University Press 2012 9781107026971 xxv; 276 p. UG Library
297.82095491 RIE 05069891 The Shias of Pakistan : Rieck, Andreas, Hurst & Company, 2018 9781787381513 xxv, 540 p. ; Knowledge Centre
297.822 GRO 00099811 The Ismailis in the Colonial Era Grondelle, Marc Van Foundation Books, 9781850659822 ix, 139 p. UG Library
297.82BOS 01000884 Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims (law Lib) Andrew G Bostom Prometheus Books 1591591026 759p Knowledge Centre
297.87 GIB 05061282 New perspectives on the Nation of Islam / Gibson, Dawn-Marie., ed. Routledge, 2017 9781138181885 (hbk : alk. paper) | 9781138850859 (pbk) ix, 252 pages ; Knowledge Centre
297.93 MOM 00112644 The Baha'i Faith/ Momen,Moojan One World 2009 9781851685639 186p UG Library
297AQU 01005474 Sufism: Culture and Politics- Afghans and Islam in Medieval North India(law Lib) Raziuddin Aquil Oxford University Press 0195685121 268p Knowledge Centre
297ARM 01000073 Islam : Armstrong, Karen, Modern Library, 2002 081296618X (pbk.) | 9780812966 Modern Library ed. xxxiv, 230 p. : Knowledge Centre
297AYO 01000880 Islam: Faith and History (law Lib) Mahmoud M Ayoub Oxford 0000185168 242p Knowledge Centre
297BAK 01005210 ISLAM:WITHOUT FEAR(LAW LIBRARY) Raymond William Baker Viva Books Private Limited 8130900181 309p Knowledge Centre
297MAN 01000149 Trouble With Islam Today, a Wake Up Call for Honesty and Change (law Library) Irshad Manji Imprint One 8188861022 258p Knowledge Centre
297MIR 01005435 IQBAL(LAW LIBRARY) Mustansir Mir Lawyers & Judges Publishing Company 157p Knowledge Centre
297MIR 01005436 IQBAL(LAW LIBRARY) Mustansir Mir Lawyers & Judges Publishing Company 157p Knowledge Centre
297SAF 01000892 Progressive Muslims: on Justice, Gender and Pluralism (law Lib) Omid Safi Oxford 0000185168 351p Knowledge Centre
297SMI 01008850 Modern Islam in India: A Social Analysis ( Law Lib) W C Smith Manohar 396p. Knowledge Centre
297TAY 01000879 Islam: A Short Introduction (law Lib) Abdulkhader Tayob Oxford 1851681922 178p Knowledge Centre
299 DAV 05048897 Paganism : Davies, Owen. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199235162 | 0199235163 144 p. Knowledge Centre
299 ESS 00017732 Baha`u`llah and the New Era Esslemont, J. E. Bahai Publishing Trust 1977 340 p. UG Library
299 GOW 00145679 Another India Gowda, Chandan Simon and Schuster 2023 9789392099748 267p UG Library
299 HAR 00103765 Indigenous Religions : Harvey, Graham Cassell, 2000 0304704482 (pbk.) xii, 302 p. ; UG Library
299 HAR 00103764 Readings In Indigenous Religions Harvey, Graham Continuum, 2002 9780826451004 vii, 371 p. UG Library
299 RAO 00145665 The Indian Book of Big Ideas Rao, Mukunda Hachette India 2023 9789357311908 233p UG Library
299 UPA 05046674 Aum The Light of Truth / Vijaykumar Govindram Hasanand, 2012 9788170771135 979p.: Knowledge Centre
299.03 OSH 00071961 Autobiography of a Spiritually Incorrect Mystic [dharmaram Library] Osho 2000 0312280718 302p UG Library
299.0314 OLD 00068453 Taosm Oldstone, Moore 2003 0195219333 112p UG Library
299.11 CRO 00103227 An Introduction to the Popular Religion and Folklore of Northern India Crooke W Low Price Publications, 9788175363126 ii, 420 p. UG Library
299.3103 RED 00087968 Ancient Gods Speak a Guide to Egyptian Religion Redford, Donalad B 2002 ISB0195154010 405p UG Library
299.4 FLO 00068419 Introduction to Hinduism Flood, Gavin Foundation Books 2005 8175960280 341p UG Library
299.43 OSH 00071963 Book of Woman [dharmaram Library] Osho 2000 0143028618 226p UG Library
299.512 REN 04004043 Basic Confucianism: Easy-To-use Guide to Questions Related to History, Symbols, Beliefs and Much ... Renard, John Jaico Publishing House 2005 9788179924549 69 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
299.512 BER 00069868 Confucianism: A Short Introduction Berthrong, Evelyn Nagai Oneworld Publishers 2006 1851682368 209p UG Library
299.512 CON 00065642 Wisdom of Confucius Legge, James Shreemathy Hoowamma Kalappa 2003 127p UG Library
299.512 YUT 00051969 The Wisdom of Confucius Yutang,Lin The Modern Library 1994 0679601236 | 9780679601234 290 p. UG Library
299.512BER 01000861 Confucianism:A Short Introduction (law Lib) John H Oxford 1851682368 209p Knowledge Centre
299.514 BAL 05067373 The essence of Tao / Ball,Pamela. Arcturus, 2004 9780572030537 240 p. ; Knowledge Centre
299.514 HOF 00072002 Tao of Pooh and the Te of Piglet [dharmaram Library] Hoff, Benjamin 2002 0416199259 424 UG Library
299.51403 PRE 05007781 The Routledge Encyclopedia of Taoism / Routledge, 2011 9780415678582 xlv,728 p. Knowledge Centre
299.51403 PRE 05007782 The Routledge Encyclopedia of Taoism / Routledge, 2011 9780415678582 xlv,728 p. Knowledge Centre
299.5148 LAO 00090309 Daodejing Laozi Oxford 9780199208555 187p UG Library
299.5148 LAO 00090463 Daodejing Laozi Oxford 9780199208555 187p UG Library
299.5148 LAO 00084351 Wisdom of Laotse Laotse Wilco 2008 9788182523104 270p UG Library
299.51482 TSU 00050166 Tao Te Ching Tsu Lao Vintage Books 1972 0679724346 | 9780679724346 109 p. UG Library
299.51482 WAL 00096199 The Way and Its Power Waley, Arthur Grove Press, Inc. 262 p. UG Library
299.51482 WAY 05010959 Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life / Dyer Wayne.W Hay House India, 2007 9788189988050 xvi,395 p. : Knowledge Centre
299.51482 WAY 04023172 Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life / Dyer Wayne.W Hay House India, 2007 9788189988050 xvi,395 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
299.5148LAO.1 07006594 Daodejing Laozi Oxford 9780199208555 187p Library - BR Campus
299.54 JAY 00029983 J.Krishnamurti Jayakar,Pupul Penguin 1986 518 p. UG Library
299.54 KRI 05031911 Fire in the Mind : Krishnamurti, J Penguin Books, 2004 0140251669 349 p Knowledge Centre
299.561 STI 00023194 Looking Glass God Stiskin,Nahum Random House 1972 0394736109 155 p. UG Library
299.561350952181 TEE 05068064 A social history of the ise shrines : Teeuwen, Mark Bloomsbury Academic, 2018 9781350081192 ix, 302p. ; Knowledge Centre
299.56135BRE 01009998 Yasukuni, the War Dead and the Struggle for Japan`s Past (law Lib) John Breen Columbia University Press 4. Plumbing the Depths: the 202 p Knowledge Centre
299.6 RAY 00076468 African Religions Symbol, Ritual, and Community [WMU] C Ray, Benamin 1999 0130828424 218p UG Library
299.6 RAY 00076467 African Religions Symbol, Ritual, and Community [WMU] C Ray, Benamin 1999 0130828424 218p Yeshwanthpur Campus
299.6 RAY 00076466 African Religions Symbol, Ritual, and Community [WMU] C Ray, Benamin 1999 0130828424 218p UG Library
299.67 OTT 00110916 Dionysus myth and cult Otto,Walter F Indiana University Press 1965 9780253208910 xxi,243p UG Library
299.676 EDM 05048912 Rastafari : Edmonds, Ennis Barrington. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199584529 (pbk.) | 0199584 1st ed. xiv, 140 p. : Knowledge Centre
299.7 LEE 10002186 Tales of the earth: Leeming, David Reaktion books ltd., 2021 9781789144994 143p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
299.7 THO 05011323 Manitou and God : Thomas, R. Murray Praeger, 2007 9780313347795 (alk. paper) | 0 x, 280 p. : Knowledge Centre
299.82 LEV 00089966 Raw and the Cooked: Introduction to a Science of Mythology Levi-Strauss, Claude 1964 0712660496 387p UG Library
299.9 WAN 05074985 The Scientific Sufi : Wan, Meher. Penguin Random House, 2023 9780670098057 xii, 240 p.; Knowledge Centre
299.913 BOC 00087971 Enoch and Qumran Origins: New Light on a Forgotten Connection Boccaccini, Gabriele 2005 0802828787 454p UG Library
299.924 CRA 05008978 Handbook of Polynesian mythology / Craig, Robert D., ABC-CLIO, 2004 1576078949 (alk. paper) xvi, 353 p. : Knowledge Centre
299.92442 SCR 00141290 Decoding Maori Cosmology : Scranton, Laird Inner Traditions ; 2018 9781620557051 vii, 184 p. ; UG Library
299.93 GUE 03003105 My Life in Orange: Growing Up With the Guru Guest, Tim Harvest Original Harcourt 9780156031066 301 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
299.93 OSH 00135920 Intimacy Osho Martins Graffin, 2001 0312275668 | 9780312275662 172p.; UG Library
299.93 OSH 00135926 Maturity: Osho St.martin's press, 1999 0312205619 | 9780312205614 xxi,184p.; UG Library
299.93 OSH 00135934 Courage Osho St.Martin's Griffin, 1999 0312205171 | 9780312205171 193 p.; UG Library
299.93 AIT 00081209 Sri Sathya Sai Baba a Life Aitken, Bill 2006 0014400061 259p UG Library
299.93 BRA 00135893 The divine matrix : Braden, Gregg. Hay House, 2007 9781401905705 (hardcover) | 9781401905736 (tradepaper) xxv, 225 p. : UG Library
299.93 BRO 00118811 Gnostic Religion in Antiquity / Broek, Den Van RoElof Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107031371 ix, 255 p. ; UG Library
299.93 CAR 00133984 Trust within letting intution lead Carroll,Molly Grand harbor press, 2017 9781503942073 195p.; UG Library
299.93 CHA 00112188 Sri sathya sai baba and golden age Chaudhri M.D,Amla New age books, 2008 9788178223346 277p.; UG Library
299.93 CHR 00146809 The Bloomsbury companion to new religious movements / Bloomsbury 2024 9781441190055 (hardback) | 9789361314247 xxiv, 427 pages ; UG Library
299.93 LIN 00081005 Thus Saith The Lord:Giddyap!metapsychiatric Commentaries on Human Experience and Spiritual Growth Linthorst, Ann Tremaine 1986 0091310518 106p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00135936 Yoga : the science of the soul / Osho, St. Martin's Press, 2002 0312306148 | 9780312306144 1st ed. 202 p. ; UG Library
299.93 OSH 00140372 A Course in Meditation: Osho Harmony Books 2019 9780593138946 213p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00135938 Fame, fortune, and ambition : Osho, St. Martin's Griffin, 2010 9780312595449 | 0312595441 1st ed. 206 p. ; UG Library
299.93 OSH 00135937 Innocence, knowledge, and wonder : Osho, St. Martin's Griffin, 2011 9780312595456 1st ed. xvi, 178 p. ; UG Library
299.93 OSH 00135945 Pharmacy for the soul : Osho, St. Martin's Griffin, 2004 0312320760 1st ed. xiv, 176 p. ; UG Library
299.93 OSH 00135952 Moral, immoral, amoral : Osho, St.Martin's Griffin, 2013 9780312595494 First edition. ix, 190 p. ; UG Library
299.93 OSH 00073923 Fire of Truth (dharmaram Library) Osho STERLING 2006 406p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00135951 Destiny, freedom, and the soul : Osho, St. Martin's Griffin, 2010 9780312595432 | 0312595433 1st ed. 208 p. ; UG Library
299.93 OSH 00135923 Hidden mysteries / Osho, Pan Macmillan publishing india pvt ltd., 2019 8172610084 | 9789386215932 1st ed. 156p.; UG Library
299.93 OSH 00135924 The independent mind: Osho, Pan Macmillan, 2019 9789386215949 viii,149p.; UG Library
299.93 OSH 00135925 Learning to silence the mind : Osho Osho, 2012 9781250006226 (trade pbk.) | 9781250015839 (ebook) | 9781250006226 1st ed. viii, 179 p. ; UG Library
299.93 OSH 00135919 Compassion : Osho, St. Martin's Griffin, 2007 9780312365684 (pbk.) | 0312365683 (pbk.) 1st ed. x, 182 p. ; UG Library
299.93 OSH 00135946 Creativity : Osho, St. Martin's Griffin, 1999 0312205198 1st ed. xi, 194 p. ; UG Library
299.93 OSH 00092663 Intuition : Osho, St. Martin's Press, 0312275676 xii, 194 p. ; UG Library
299.93 OSH 00092657 Intimacy Osho Martins Graffin, 2001 0312275668 | 9780312275662 172p.; UG Library
299.93 OSH 00092656 Awareness Osho Martins Graffin 2001 0312275633 194p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00107882 The Message Beyond Words Osho, Rebel, 1973 817261098X 1st edition x, 510 p. : UG Library
299.93 OSH 07007507 Secrets of Yoga Osho Penguin Books 9780143031154 260p Library - BR Campus
299.93 OSH 07007500 Just like that: Osho Penguin Publication, 2008 9780143063155 IX,240 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
299.93 OSH 07007512 The Book of Man/ Osho Penguin Random House, 2013 9780143420606 IX,264 pages,: Library - BR Campus
299.93 OSH 00092676 Secrets of Yoga Osho Penguin Books 9780143031154 260p UG Library
299.93 OSH 07007502 Learning Happiness: Osho. Penguin Ananda, 2015 9780143424925 Vii,265 Pages.: Library - BR Campus
299.93 OSH 07007493 Enlightenment: Osho Penguin, 2016 9780143426394 VIII,390 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
299.93 OSH 07007489 Dancing in the Breeze/ Osho Penguin group, 2015 9780143424918 VII,301 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
299.93 OSH 07007487 Born with a Question Mark in Your Heart/ Osho osho Media international, 2012 9781938755033 239 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
299.93 OSH 07007494 Finding your own way: Osho Penguin , 2012 9780143424949 IX,249 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
299.93 OSH 07007485 Bliss: Osho Penguin Books. 2016 9780143426271 387 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
299.93 OSH 07004510 The Essence of Yoga Osho Penguine Ananda, 2011 9780143030881 250p. : Library - BR Campus
299.93 OSH 04017077 The Essence of Yoga Osho Penguine Ananda, 2011 9780143030881 250p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
299.93 OSH 07007498 Zen: Osho Penguin 2013 9780143419600 VII,272 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
299.93 OSH 00092695 Book of Man Osho Penguin Books 0143032313 277 UG Library
299.93 OSH 00092684 Life's mysteries : Osho, Penguin Books, 0140246134 xxiv, 250 p. ; UG Library
299.93 OSH 00092688 Freedom: The Courage to Be Yourself Osho St.Martins Graffin 0312320701 163p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00092685 Yoga: Osho Penguin Books 9780144000289 292p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00071953 Creativity Unleashing the Forces Within [dharmaram Library] Osho 1999 0312205198 194 UG Library
299.93 OSH 00071954 Intimacy Trusting One Self and the Other [dharmaram Library] Osho 2006 0312275668 172 UG Library
299.93 OSH 00071955 Joy the Happiness That Comes Form Within [dharmaram Library] Oaho 2000 0312320744 173 UG Library
299.93 OSH 00071956 Intuition Knowing Beyond Logic [dharmaram Library] Osho 2001 0312275676 194 UG Library
299.93 OSH 00071957 Body Mind Balancing: A Guide to Making Friends With Your Body: [dharmaram Library] Osho 2000 0312334443 162p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00071958 Courage the Joy of Living Dangerously [dharmaram Library] Osho 1999 0312205171 193 UG Library
299.93 OSH 00071959 Awareness the Key to Living in Balance [dharamarm Library] Osho 2001 0312275633 194 UG Library
299.93 OSH 00071964 I Teach Religiouness Not Religion: [ Dharmaram Library] Osho Full Circle 2000 8176211621 135p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00071965 TAO: The Golden Gate: [dharmaram Library] Osho Jaico Publishing House 2000 8179925560 248p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00071966 Fire of Truth: Discovering Your Unique Individuality: [dharmaram Library] Osho STERLING 2000 406p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00071967 Mustard Seed the Gnostic Teachings of Jesus the Mystic [dharmaram Libbrary] Osho 2004 0007181175 507 UG Library
299.93 OSH 00060424 Courage Osho St.Martin's Griffin, 1999 0312205171 | 9780312205171 193 p.; UG Library
299.93 OSH 00071968 Sufis: The People of Faith: Glory of Freedom: [dharmaram Library] Osho Diamond Pocket Books 2000 8171821545 210p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00071969 Inner Journey [ Dharmaram Library] Osho 2000 0140290176 268p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00060426 Intuition Osho St.Martin's Griffin 2001 0312275676 | 9780312275679 194 p. UG Library
299.93 OSH 00071970 New Vision of Women`s Liberation: [dharmaram Library] Osho Full Circle 2000 8176211605 142p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00071971 Nirvana: The Last Nightmare [dharmaram Library] Osho Fusion Books 2000 8189182552 392p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00071972 Art of Meditation: [ Dharmaram Library] Osho Diamond Pocket Books 2000 0817182501 197p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00071973 New Dawn: Now and Here: [dharmaram Library] Osho Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 2000 8120723406 164p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00071974 Book of Understanding: [dharmaram Library] Osho 2000 0307346730 275p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00060431 Awareness Osho Martins Graffin 2001 0312275633 194p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00071975 New Freedom: [ Dharmaram Library] Osho Sterling 2000 366p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00133977 Life, love, laughter : Osho, St. Martin's Griffin, 2009 9780312531096 | 0312531095 New and expanded ed. 174 p. ; UG Library
299.93 OSH 00071977 Yoga: The Path to Liberation: [dharmaram Library] Osho 2000 0144000288 292p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00060434 Maturity: Osho St.martin's press, 1999 0312205619 | 9780312205614 xxi,184p.; UG Library
299.93 OSH 00071978 Osho on Zen: [dharmaram Library] Osho Diamond Pocket Books 2000 8171825001 210p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00060435 Intimacy Osho Martins Graffin, 2001 0312275668 | 9780312275662 172p.; UG Library
299.93 OSH 00071979 Psychology of the Esoteric: [dharmaram Library] Osho Book Factory 2000 8128809253 174p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00071980 Freedom: The Courage to Be Yourself Osho St.Martins Graffin 0312320701 163p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00071981 Essence of Yoga: [dharmaram Library] Osho 2000 0143030884 252p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00076137 From Medication to Meditation: ( Dharmaram Library ) Osho 2006 0852072805 337p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00081206 Yoga: The Science of the Soul Osho 2002 0312306148 202p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00081212 White Lotus Osho Jaico 2007 8172249519 359p UG Library
299.93 OSH 00140477 The book of secrets : Osho, St. Martin's Press, 2010 9780312650605 | 0312650604 1st updated and rev. U.S. ed. xiv, 1310 p. ; UG Library
299.93 OSH 00135933 Living on your own terms : Osho, St.Martin press, 2013 9780312595500 (trade pbk.) | 9781250036889 (ebook) First edition. x, 186 pages ; UG Library
299.93 PUN 00142063 Meditation! : Punnapadam, Thomas Kristu Jyoti Publications; 2021 181p UG Library
299.93 PUN 00141269 Meditation! : Punnapadam, Thomas Kristu Jyoti Publications; 2021 181p UG Library
299.93 WIL 05046398 A return to love : Williamson, Marianne, HarperCollins, 1996 0060927488 xxiv, 308 p. ; Knowledge Centre
299.9321 OSH 00071960 Maturity the Responsibility of Being Oneself [dharmaram Library] Osho 1999 0312205619 184 UG Library
299.933 LEE 00110283 Spiritual Energy Lee Simon Stardoxa 2004 9780755210060 | 0755210069 2nd ed 328 p. : UG Library
299.934 BHA 00137736 Nirvana for Gen X : Bhattacharya,Abhirup. Rupa Publications , 2019 9789353336257 xvii,75p.; UG Library
299.934 KRI 00102507 The Transformation of Man : Krishnamurti J Krishnamurti Foundation, 2005 9788187326601 255 p. UG Library
299.934 LEA 00112194 The Inner Life Leadbeater, Charles W. New Age Books, 2008 9788178223162 xxvii:383p UG Library
299.936 HUB 05068416 Dianetics the orginal thesis / Hubbard, L Ron. Birdge Publications Inc, 2007 9741403151032 viii, 291p.; Knowledge Centre
299.94 CLI 05005084 The Paganism reader / Routledge, 2004 0415303524 | 0415303532 (pbk.) xi, 387 p. ; Knowledge Centre